<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the following is the best indication for propofol as an intravenous induction agent? (A) Neurosurgery (B) Day care surgery (C) Patients with coronary artery disease (D) In neonates) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Day care surgery </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: All are components of saint's traid except (A) Renal stones (B) Hiatus hernia (C) Diveiculitis of colon (D) Gall stones) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Renal stones </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Von-Rosen's sign is positive in - (A) Perthe'sdisease (B) SCFE (C) DDH (D) CTEV) Answer:?[/INST] (C) DDH </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: The striated vertebra is seen in - (A) TB spine (B) Haemangioma (C) Chordoma (D) Metastasis) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Haemangioma </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Thyroid storm can be treated by all the following drugs except- (A) Propylthiouracil (B) Dexamethasone (C) Propranolol (D) Aspirin) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Aspirin </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Best level of anesthesia for LSCS: (A) T8 (B) T10 (C) T6 (D) T4) Answer:?[/INST] (D) T4 </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Genital tubercle forms which pa in females ? (A) Labia major (B) Labia minora (C) Clitoris (D) None) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Clitoris </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: True about Brenner tumor:a) Usually bilateralb) Resembles fibromac) Accounts for 20% of all ovarian tumorsd) Common in postmenopausal age group (A) c (B) bd (C) ab (D) ac) Answer:?[/INST] (B) bd </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Buccolingual positioning of mandibular Canal can be assessed by: (A) Horizontal 0 and -20 degree. (B) Horizontal 0 and -15 degree. (C) Vertical 0 and -20 degree. (D) Vertical 0 and -15 degree.) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Vertical 0 and -20 degree. </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Palpable purpura could occur in the following conditions, except - (A) Thrombocytopenia (B) Small-vessel vasculitis (C) Disseminated gonococcal infection (D) Acute meningococcemia) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Thrombocytopenia </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Boucher's method of relining is a (A) Open mouth technique (B) Chair side relining technique (C) Functional relining method (D) Closed mouth relining technique) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Open mouth technique </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: The progestogenic emergency contraceptive pills act by - (A) Altered cervical secretion (B) Inhibition of ovulation (C) Anti-implantation effect (D) Inhibition of LH secretion) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Anti-implantation effect </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: The most common side effect of IUD insertion is - (A) Bleeding (B) Pain (C) Pelvic (D) Ectopic pregnancy) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Bleeding </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Duffy blood group antigen negativity confers protection against infection by: September 2012 (A) Plasmodium falciparum (B) Plasmodium vivax (C) Plasmodium ovate (D) Plasmodium malariae) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Plasmodium vivax </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Each milliliter of red cells contains ....... mg of elemental iron: (A) 1 mg (B) 2 mg (C) 3 mg (D) 4 mg) Answer:?[/INST] (A) 1 mg </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Bence jones proteins are - (A) Heavy chain IgG (B) Present in bone marrow (C) Seen in lymphoma (D) Light chain IgG) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Light chain IgG </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Mutation in which of the following chromosome is associated with meningioma ? (A) Chromosome 1 (B) Chromosome 19 (C) Chromosome 22 (D) Chromosome 9q) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Chromosome 22 </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Hyoglossus muscle inserts into (A) Tip of the tongue (B) Base of the tongue (C) Lateral part of the tongue (D) Hyoid bone) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Lateral part of the tongue </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: 1st evidence of calcification of Primary mandibular central incisor is seen in (A) 14 wk IU (B) 16 wk IU (C) 17 wk IU (D) 15 wk IU) Answer:?[/INST] (A) 14 wk IU </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: If C5 ,C6 nerve root is injured, sensations of which pa of upper limb will be lost ? (A) Thumb and index finger (B) Little finger (C) Upper medial pa of arm (D) Upper medial side of forearm) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Thumb and index finger </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: All are steroids except ? (A) Testosterone (B) Vitamin D (C) Cholesterol (D) Thyroxine) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Thyroxine </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: All of the following drugs are metabolised by acetylation except (A) INH (B) Sulfonamides (C) Ketoconazole (D) Hydralazine) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Ketoconazole </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Nail's involvement is NOT a feature of: March 2003 (A) Psoriasis (B) DLE (C) Dermatomyositis (D) Lichen planus) Answer:?[/INST] (B) DLE </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Iopanoic acid is used in - (A) Myelography (B) Bronchography (C) Hysterosalpingography (D) Cholecystography) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Cholecystography </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Primary atypical pneumonia is caused by (A) Legionella (B) Streptococcus (C) Mycoplasma (D) Listeria) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Mycoplasma </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A 32-year-old woman has had a chronic cough with fever for the past month. On physical examination, her temperature is 37.5deg C. A chest radiograph shows many small, ill-defined nodular opacities in all lung fields. A transbronchial biopsy specimen shows interstitial infiltrates with lymphocytes, plasma cells, and epithelioid macrophages. Which of the following infectious agents is the most likely cause of this appearance? (A) Candida albicans (B) Cytomegalovirus (C) Enterobacter aerogenes (D) Mycobacterium tuberculosis) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Mycobacterium tuberculosis </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: 20-year-old female present with features of anemia. Blood tests: Hb-5g/dL, MCV - 52 fL, MCH-22 pg, PCV - 15%. Diagnosis? (A) Phenytoin toxicity (B) Fish tapeworm infection (C) Hookworm infection (D) Blind loop syndrome) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Hookworm infection </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Ruffled membrane is seen in - (A) White fibrous cailage (B) Osteoblast (C) Osteoclast (D) Elastic cailage) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Osteoclast </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which color plastic bag is used for noninfectious waste? (A) White (B) Yellow (C) Red (D) Black) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Black </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A 55-year-old man with recent onset of atrial fibrillation presents with a cold, pulseless left lower extremity. He complains of left leg paresthesia and is unable to dorsiflex his toes. Following a successful popliteal embolectomy, with restoration of palpable pedal pulses, the patient is still unable to dorsi- flex his toes. The next step in management should be (A) Electromyography (EMG) (B) Measurement of anterior compartment pressure (C) Elevation of the left leg (D) Immediate fasciotomy) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Immediate fasciotomy </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: All of these are derivative of neural crest except (A) Melanocyte (B) Adrenal medulla (C) Sympathetic ganglia (D) Cauda equina) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Cauda equina </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Substrate level phosphorylation is catalysed by : (A) Succinate dehydrogenase (B) Thiokinase (C) Malate dehydrogenase (D) Hexokinase) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Thiokinase </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: mood stabilizer used in the tretament of rapid cycling (A) vaproate (B) lithium (C) carbamezepine (D) lamotrigine) Answer:?[/INST] (A) vaproate </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: LCAT is induced by ? (A) Apo A-I (B) Apo B-48 (C) Apo B-100 (D) Apo C-II) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Apo A-I </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Musculocutaneous nerve is injured at the lateral cord of brachial plexus, positive clinical findings would be: (A) Loss of flexion at shoulder (B) Sensory loss on the radial side of the forearm (C) Loss of extension of forearm (D) Loss of extension of the wrist) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Sensory loss on the radial side of the forearm </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Conversion of Pyruvate to Acetyl CoA does not require (A) Thiamine (B) TPP (C) Pyridoxine (D) FAD) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Pyridoxine </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Roseola infantum is caused by (most commonly)- (A) HHV - 2 (B) HHV - 6 (C) HHV - 7 (D) HHV - 8) Answer:?[/INST] (B) HHV - 6 </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A patient presents with symptoms of Hypoglycemia. Investigations reveal decreased blood glucose and increased Insulin levels. C-peptide assay is done which shows normal levels of C-peptide. The most likely diagnosis is: (A) Insulinoma (B) Accidental sulfonylurea ingestion (C) Accidental exogenous Insulin administration (D) Accidental Metformin ingestion) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Accidental exogenous Insulin administration </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Most accurate test among the following: (A) Heat (B) Cold (C) EPT. (D) All of the above.) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Cold </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Recommended daily dose of Iodine in a child is:- (A) 120-200 ug (B) 90-120 ug (C) 30-60 ug (D) 500 ug) Answer:?[/INST] (B) 90-120 ug </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which index is used to score the outcome of treatment in patients with cleft lip and palate? (A) Index of Orthodontic Treatment Complexity (IOTC) (B) Summer’s Index (C) Index of Complexity Outcome and Need (ICON) (D) Goslon Yardstick) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Goslon Yardstick </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: All are true for transplanted kidney except - (A) Humoral antibody responsible for rejection (B) CMI is responsible for rejection (C) Previous blood transfusion (D) HLA identity similarity seen in 1:100 people) Answer:?[/INST] (D) HLA identity similarity seen in 1:100 people </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Drug of choice for the treatment of negative symptoms of schizophrenia is - (A) Chlorpromazine (B) Haloperidol (C) Clozapine (D) Doxepin) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Clozapine </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Isolated hyperbilirubinemia is classically seen as an adverse effect of: (A) INH (B) Rifampin (C) Pyrazinamide (D) Capreomycin) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Rifampin </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the following is a prokinetic drug? (A) Domperidone (B) Cimetidine (C) Ondansetron (D) Hyoscine) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Domperidone </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: All are seen in VKH syndrome except - (A) Vitiligo (B) Veigo (C) Granulomatous uveitis (D) Iris heterochromia) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Iris heterochromia </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Plasma half life of carbimazole - (A) 4 hours (B) 8 hours (C) 16 hours (D) 24 hours) Answer:?[/INST] (B) 8 hours </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Testamentary capacity refers to (A) Ability to make a valid will (B) Criminal liability (C) Right to vote (D) Ability to give evidence) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Ability to make a valid will </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Sjogren syndrome is characterized by all except (A) Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (B) Excessive salivation (C) Splenomegaly (D) Lymphoma) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Excessive salivation </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Neurovascular plane in the anterior abdominal wall is between (A) External and internal oblique (B) Internal oblique and transversus abdominis (C) Peritoneum and transversalis fascia (D) Skin and external oblique aponeurosis) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Internal oblique and transversus abdominis </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Most common cause of Mediastinitis is: (A) Tracheal rupture (B) Esophageal rupture (C) Drugs (D) Idiopathic) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Esophageal rupture </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Tension band wiring is done in following except? (A) Fracture patella (B) Fracture olecranon (C) Colie's Fracture (D) Fracture medial malleolus) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Colie's Fracture </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: % of O2 inhaled- (A) 5% (B) 20% (C) 50% (D) 78%) Answer:?[/INST] (B) 20% </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: True about inspiration; the intrapleural pressure becomes: (A) More - ye (B) More +ve (C) Same (D) Initially positive, then negative) Answer:?[/INST] (A) More - ye </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: All the following are true of de Quervain's Thyroiditis except - (A) Pain (B) Increased ESR (C) Increased radioactive iodine uptake (D) Fever) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Increased radioactive iodine uptake </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: In which condition intensity of systolic murmur is incre ased- (A) Hyperophic cardiomathy (B) Severe AS (C) MS (D) AR) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Severe AS </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: At 30 days of intrauterine life (A) Hea stas beating (B) Cerebellum develops (C) Optical vesicle appears (D) Pinna appears) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Optical vesicle appears </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) syndrome is: (A) Chronic granulomatous uveitis (B) Chronic non-granulomatous uveitis (C) Acute purulent uveitis (D) None) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Chronic granulomatous uveitis </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A 36-year-old diabetic woman develops metabolic changes following salpingo-oophorectomy. Serum osmolality of the blood can be calculated from serum values of which of the following? (A) Sodium, potassium, chloride, and bicarbonate (B) Sodium, potassium, urea, and hemoglobin (C) Sodium, potassium, glucose, and urea (D) Sodium, albumin, urea, and glucose) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Sodium, potassium, glucose, and urea </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: The cause of oedema in Nephritic syndrome is (A) Decreased in plasma protein concentration (B) Increased in plasma protein concentration (C) Reduced plasma osmotic pressure (D) Sodium and water retension) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Sodium and water retension </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: An infant present with bilateral white pupillary reflex. On slit lamp examination a zone of opacity is observed arround the fetal nucleus with spoke like radial opacities. The most likely diagnosis is- (A) Cataracta Centralis Pulverulenta (B) Lamellar cataract (C) Coronary cataract (D) Posterior polar cataract) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Lamellar cataract </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: What type of hypersensitivity reaction is seen in myasthenia gravis? (A) Type 1 hypersensitivty reaction (B) Type 2 hypersensitivty reaction (C) Type 3 hypersensitivty reaction (D) Type 4 hypersensitivty reaction) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Type 2 hypersensitivty reaction </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Aery to bleed in duodenal ulcer haemorrhage - (A) Splenic aery (B) Gastroduodenal aery (C) Left gastric aery (D) Sup. mesenteric aery) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Gastroduodenal aery </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Gustilo Anderson classification is used for ? (A) Compound fractures (B) Closed fractures (C) Distal end radius fractures (D) Femur head fractures) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Compound fractures </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Day 3 serum Estrogen levels to diagnose premature ovarian failure: (A) <10-20 pg/ ml (B) <20-40 pg/ ml (C) <60-80 pg /ml (D) <40-60 pg /ml) Answer:?[/INST] (C) <60-80 pg /ml </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which antineoplastic agent is an antifolate drug ? (A) Methotrexate (B) Adriamycin (C) Vincristine (D) Cyclophosphamide) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Methotrexate </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: An early systolic murmur may be caused by all of the following, EXCEPT: (A) Small ventricular septal defect (B) Papillary muscle dysfunction (C) Tricuspid regurgitation (D) Aoic stenosis) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Aoic stenosis </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Gold standard diagnostic test for babeiosis is: (A) Peripheral blood smear examination (B) Blood Culture (C) PCR (D) ELISA) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Peripheral blood smear examination </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Three years back a woman had exposure to an eahquake and she was successfully saved. After recovery she has nightmares about the episode and she also gets up in the night and feels terrified. The MOST probable diagnosis is : (A) Major depression (B) Post-traumatic stress disorder (C) Mania (D) Schizophrenia) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Post-traumatic stress disorder </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Single lesion leprosy treatment (A) Dapsone and rifampicin (B) Dapsone and clofazamine and ofloxacin (C) Rifampicin ,ofloxacin and dapsone (D) Rifampicin , olfoxacin and minocycline) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Rifampicin , olfoxacin and minocycline </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which polyp has maximum malignant potential ? (A) Sessile (B) Pedunculated (C) Superficial spreading (D) Any of the above) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Sessile </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: All of the following are contraindications to use diaphragm except : (A) Multiple sex paners (B) Recurrent infections (C) Uterine prolapse (D) Herpes vaginitis) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Multiple sex paners </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Cholinergic drugs are used in all the following conditions except (A) Cobra Bite (B) Post operative paralytic ileus (C) Glaucoma (D) Bradycardia) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Bradycardia </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Undulant fever is caused by (A) Salmonella typhi (B) Staphylococcus aureus (C) Brucella melitensis (D) Coxiella burnetti) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Brucella melitensis </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: All are true about hyperophic cardiomyopathy, except? (A) Systolic dysfunction (B) Dynamic left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (C) Diastolic dysfunction (D) Double apical impulse) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Systolic dysfunction </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: The following regarding colostomy are true except? (A) A colostomy is an aificial opening made in large Bowel to dive the faeces to the exterior (B) Temporary colostomy is established to defunction an anastomosi (C) Permanent colostomy is formed after the resection of Rectum by the abdominoperinea technique (D) Double barreled colostomy is commonly done nowadays) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Double barreled colostomy is commonly done nowadays </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Dysthyroid ophthalmopathy all are true except- (A) Proptosis (B) Myopathy (C) Exophthalmos (D) Optic neuritis) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Optic neuritis </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: In which of the following conditions fluid levels are NOT seen? (A) Meconium ileus (B) Intussusception (C) Colon pouch (D) Duodenal obstruction) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Meconium ileus </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Among the given options ; iodinated compound present in maximum concentration in thyroid is (A) Monoiodotyrosine (MIT). (B) Diiodotyrosine (DIT). (C) T3. (D) Reverse T3.) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Diiodotyrosine (DIT). </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Calcific hepatic metastasis are seen in (A) Adenocarcinoma of the colon (B) Carcinoid tumors (C) Renal cell carcinoma (D) Lymphoma) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Adenocarcinoma of the colon </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which waves is predominantly seen in EEG with eyes closed in normal alert adult? (A) Alpha waves (B) Beta waves (C) Theta waves (D) Delta waves) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Alpha waves </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A 63-year-old woman develops skin lesions, and difficulty getting out of a chair. A clinical diagnosis of dermatomyositis is made. What might the findings include?For the above patient, select the associated skin and clinical findings. (A) rarely involves border of scalp (B) discoloration of upper eyelids (C) never a permanent effect on skin (D) potentially aggravated by contact with the skin) Answer:?[/INST] (B) discoloration of upper eyelids </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which among the following is the MOST common site of salivary gland calculi formation? (A) Parotid (B) Submandibular (C) Sublingual (D) Minor salivary glands) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Submandibular </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A 5-month old infant is brought in for routine visit. What is the probable cause for the following findings? (A) Benign skin lesion (B) Sepsis (C) Hemophilia (D) Child abuse) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Benign skin lesion </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Tumor appears at the earliest after birth. (A) Cystic hygroma (B) Branchial cyst (C) Lymphoma (D) Sternomastoid tumor) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Cystic hygroma </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Sensory supply of middle ear is provided by (A) Facial (B) Glossopharyngeal (C) Vagus (D) Trigeminal) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Glossopharyngeal </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: As per 'Rule of Nine', each lower limb accounts for how much % of total body surface area: (A) 1% (B) 9% (C) 18% (D) 27%) Answer:?[/INST] (C) 18% </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Patient with massive hemorrhage presents to the ER after A. What's not to be done? (A) Massive transfusion of fluid challenge (B) IV crystalloid 2L, within few minutes (C) Early tranexamic acid recommended (D) Check coagulation with thromboelastography, if available) Answer:?[/INST] (B) IV crystalloid 2L, within few minutes </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A client is undergoing peritoneal dialysis. The dialysate dwell time is completed, and the dwell clamp is opened to allow the dialysate to drain. The nurse notes that the drainage has stopped and only 500 ml has drained; the amount the dialysate instilled was 1,500 ml. Which of the following interventions would be done first? (A) Change the client’s position. (B) Call the physician (C) Check the catheter for kinks or obstruction. (D) Clamp the catheter and instill more dialysate at the next exchange time) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Check the catheter for kinks or obstruction. </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Hirustism may be found in any of these disorders, except- (A) Cushing's syndrome (B) Hypothyroidism (C) Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (D) Polycystic ovarian syndrome) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Hypothyroidism </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Trachoma is caused by which serotype of chlamydia trachomatis? (A) D to K (B) A, B, C (C) L1 L2 L3 (D) All of the above) Answer:?[/INST] (B) A, B, C </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which hormone inhibits FSH secretion in feedback- (A) Testosterone (B) Progesterone (C) Inhibin (D) None) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Inhibin </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Metrifonate is effective against - (A) Amoebiasis (B) Leishmaniosis (C) Schistosomiasis (D) Giardiasis) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Schistosomiasis </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Failure of rupture of bucconasal membrane leads to? (A) Choanal atresia (B) Rhinophyma (C) Crooked nose (D) Epistaxis) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Choanal atresia </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: AML is characterized by - (A) Philadelphia chromosome (B) Auer rods (C) Hemolytic anemia (D) Dohle bodies) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Auer rods </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Changes in the gingiva during pregnancy are attributed to (A) Changes in the hormonal level (B) Altered microorganisms (C) Altered immunological responses level (D) All the above) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Changes in the hormonal level </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Level V cervical nodes includes: (A) Upper jugular nodes (B) Middle jugular nodes (C) Lower jugular nodes (D) Posterior triangle nodes) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Posterior triangle nodes </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis is a form of – (A) Tuberculid (B) Primary tuberculosis (C) Postprimary tuberculosis with good resistance (D) Post primary tuberculosis with poor resistance) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Postprimary tuberculosis with good resistance </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Non-proliferative Glomerulonephritis include all of the following, except (A) Focal Segmental glomerulonephritis (FSGS) (B) Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis (C) Membranous glomerulonephritis (D) Amyloidosis) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Causes of conjugated hyperbilirubinemia is – (A) Rotor syndrome (B) Breast millcjaundice (C) Crigler najjar (D) Gilbert syndrome) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Rotor syndrome </s>