<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: In case of non-hemorrhagic infarct in cerebral coex, reactive astrocytes can be seen as early as ________ after the insult. (A) 1 hr (B) 1 day (C) 1 week (D) 1 month) Answer:?[/INST] (C) 1 week </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Eednaton agent is: (A) Corynebacterium (B) Pseudomonas (C) Mycoplasma (D) Gonococcus) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Mycoplasma </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A 30-year-old male patient came to emergency depament with chief complaint of painful skin rash. Antivirals and analgesics were prescribed but there was no improvement in the symptoms of the patient. Viral strains, therefore isolated and were found to lack viral phosphorylating enzymes. Which of the following drug is most likely to be effective in treatment of this condition? (A) Acyclovir (B) Ganciclovir (C) Famiciclovir (D) Foscarnet) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Foscarnet </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: The calorie content (per 100 ml) of term human milk is: (A) 67 (B) 77 (C) 87 (D) 97) Answer:?[/INST] (A) 67 </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: True about coding strand of DNA: (A) Template strand (B) Minus strand (C) Runs at 5- - 3' direction (D) Runs at 3' - 5' direction) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Runs at 5- - 3' direction </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: As a result of straddle injury, a patient had rupture of bulbar urethra. He presented with urethral bleeding and swelling in the perineum. All of the following are true regarding his management EXCEPT: March 2013 (A) Suprapubic cyststomy (B) Immediate catheterization (C) Urethrography (D) Symptomatic & suppoive) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Immediate catheterization </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Spleen is derived from - (A) Ventral mesogastrium (B) Dorsal mesogastrium (C) Septum transversorium (D) Allantois) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Dorsal mesogastrium </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the following causes hea failure with reduced ejection fraction? (A) Restrictive cardiomyopathy (B) Hemochromatosis (C) Amyloidosis (D) Dilated Cardiomyopathy) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Dilated Cardiomyopathy </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: All of the following are true regarding chronic myeloid leukemia, except? (A) Philadelphia chromosome (B) Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) are the drug of choice (C) Most cases present in blast phase (D) Sea-blue histiocytes are seen in the bone marrow) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Most cases present in blast phase </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: The prothrombin time is high in a patient with liver disease. However, the prothrombin time is normalized after the injection of vitamin K. This is a feature in (A) Severe hepatocellular disease (B) Chronic alcoholic liver disease (C) Deficiency of hepatic g-carboxylase (D) Cholestatic liver disease) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Cholestatic liver disease </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the following not causes lens dislocation: (A) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (B) Marfan's syndrome (C) Sulphite oxidase deficiency (D) Diabetes mellitus) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Diabetes mellitus </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Subpubic angle in female is (A) 70 degrees (B) 90 degrees (C) 120 degrees (D) 180 degrees) Answer:?[/INST] (B) 90 degrees </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: An important difference between leuprolide and ganirelix is that ganirelix: (A) Can be given orally (B) Immediately reduces gonadotropin secretion (C) Must be given in a Pulsatile fashion (D) Initially stimulates release of LH and FSH) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Immediately reduces gonadotropin secretion </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Goose skin or cutis anserina seen in : (A) Drowning (B) Lightening (C) Strangulation (D) Fire arm injury) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Drowning </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Thiazide diuretics can be used for the treatment of all of these conditions except: (A) Idiopathic hypercalciurea with nephrocalcinosis (B) Hyperlipidemia (C) Congestive Heart Failure (D) Hypertension) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Hyperlipidemia </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Medial border of Hesselbach's triangle is formed by: (A) Linea alba (B) Linea semilunaris (C) Inferior epigastric artery (D) Conjoint tendon) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Linea semilunaris </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A Middle aged man brought to casualty with unilateral headache, right eye congested and painful, with sudden vision loss. The diagnosis is (A) Angle Closure Glaucoma (B) Corneal edema (C) CRVO (D) CRAO) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Angle Closure Glaucoma </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Malonyl acetyltransferase has an activity of how many enzymes- (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4) Answer:?[/INST] (B) 2 </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: All can cause recurrent pulmonary infection except: (A) VSD (B) Recurrent LVF (C) TOF (D) ASD) Answer:?[/INST] (C) TOF </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Selective V2 receptor agonist useful for the treatment of central diabetes insipidus is : (A) Arginine vasopressin (B) Desmopressin (C) Lypressin (D) Terlipressin) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Desmopressin </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A young permanent incisor with an open apex has a pinpoint exposure due to a traumatic injury that occurred 24 hours previously. The best treatment is (A) Place calcium hydroxide on the pinpoint exposure (B) Open the pulp chamber to find healthy pulp tissue and perform a pulpotomy (C) Initiate a calcium hydroxide pulpectomy (D) Initiate conventional root canal treatment with gutta-percha) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Open the pulp chamber to find healthy pulp tissue and perform a pulpotomy </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Cerebellar toxicity is seen with : (A) Cisplatin (B) Cytarabine (C) Bleomycin (D) Actinomycin D) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Cytarabine </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Embgryological development of the human vertebra is from - (A) Somite (B) Endoderm (C) Ectoderm (D) None) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Somite </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Left Kidney is preferred for transplantation because (A) Longer renal Vein (B) Higher location (C) Ease of surgery due to anatomical relations (D) To prevent damage to liver) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Longer renal Vein </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Orientia Tsutsugamushi causes: (A) Epidemic typhus (B) Endemic typhus (C) Scrub typhus (D) Q fever) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Scrub typhus </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Local lymph nodules are enlarged near the infected wound. Increased amount of macrophages, lymphocytes, lymphatic follicles in the coical layer and large amount of plasma cells were revealed on histological examination. What process in the lymphatic nodules represent these histological changes? (A) Antigen stimulation (B) Acquired insufficiency of the lymphoid tissue (C) Tumour transformation (D) Innate insufficiency of the lymphoid tissue) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Antigen stimulation </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the following is not a feature of Syndenham's chorea? (A) Hypotonia (B) Unintelligible speech (C) Emotional lability (D) Seizures) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Seizures </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: The most common lysosomal storage disorder is (A) Gaucher's disease (B) Taysach's disease (C) Wolman disease (D) Niemann pick's disease) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Gaucher's disease </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Blister formation in burn case is in – (A) Intraepidennal (B) Subepidermal (C) Subdermal (D) Subfascial) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Subepidermal </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Soap bubble appearance at lower end of radius, the treatment of choice is: (A) Local excision (B) Excision and bone grafting (C) Amputation (D) Radiotherapy) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Excision and bone grafting </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Retraction of tympanic membrane touching the promontory. It is called - (A) Mild retraction (B) Severe retraction (C) Atelectasis (D) Adhesive otitis) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Atelectasis </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: KFD is caused by? (A) Flavivirus (B) Myxovirus (C) Alphavirus (D) Phlebovirus) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Flavivirus </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the following is not a prerequisite for transvaginal sonography (TVS)? (A) Consent (B) Full bladder (C) Empty bladder (D) Lithotomy position) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Full bladder </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: 80 kg male with bilateral upper limb, right lower limb with perineum burns 3rd degree, amount of fluid required in first 8 hours is (A) 3920 ml (B) 4920 ml (C) 5920 ml (D) 6560 ml) Answer:?[/INST] (D) 6560 ml </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the following is seen in megaloblastic anemia (A) Howell Jolly bodies (B) Cabot ring (C) Basoptilic stippling (D) All of the above) Answer:?[/INST] (D) All of the above </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: The classical lobule of the liver is centred around (A) Postal vein (B) Bile duct (C) Central vein (D) Hepatic aery) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Central vein </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the following germ cell tumor is malignant (A) Leyidg cell tumor (B) Seoli cell tumor (C) Seminoma (D) Dermoid cyst) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Seminoma </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Oxygen Hb dissociation curve: Inulin clearance closely resembles: (A) GFR (B) Renal plasma flow (C) Creatinine clearance (D) PAH clearance) Answer:?[/INST] (A) GFR </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the following abolishes the therapeutic effect of levodopa: (A) Thiamine (B) Carbidopa (C) Pyridoxine (D) Benserazide) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Pyridoxine </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Sjogren's syndrome refers to disease of ? (A) Parotid glands (B) Thyroid disease (C) Parathyroid glands (D) Multiple endocrine neoplasia) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Parotid glands </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Transducin is a protein found in: (A) Glomerulus (B) Retina (C) Skeletal muscle (D) Adrenal medulla) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Retina </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A 10 month child weighing 5 kg and 65 cm presents with cough and cold. He was found to have a respiratory rate of 48 per minute with no retractions, grunting, cyanosis. There is no history of convulsions. Which is true ? (A) No pneumonia, only cough and cold (B) Child has pneumonia (C) Severe pneumonia (D) Very severe disease) Answer:?[/INST] (A) No pneumonia, only cough and cold </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: In a patient with hypertrophied adenoids, the voice abnormality that is seen is - (A) Rhinolalia clausa (B) Rhinolalia aperta (C) Hot potato voice (D) Scatacto voice) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Rhinolalia clausa </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which route of drug administration avoids first pass hepatic metabolism and is used with drug preparation that slowly releases drugs for periods as long as seven days ? (A) Topical (B) Transdermal (C) Sublingual (D) Oral) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Transdermal </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Ectocervix is lined by: (A) Non-ciliated columnar epithelium (B) Stratified squamous epithelium (C) Ciliated columnar epithelium (D) Cuboidal epithelium) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Stratified squamous epithelium </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Bronchial secretion secretes - (A) IgA (B) IgE (C) IgM (D) IgG) Answer:?[/INST] (A) IgA </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Age of adolescence: (A) 10-14 years (B) 14-20 years (C) 6-10 years (D) 1-3 years) Answer:?[/INST] (B) 14-20 years </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: True about hepatitis with HCV is: (A) Present with fulminant liver failure (B) Chronicity is not seen (C) Genotyping helps in treatment duration (D) Feco/oral transmission) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Genotyping helps in treatment duration </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Omeprazol is used in the treatment of (A) Peptic Ulcer (B) Amoebiasis (C) Malaria (D) Cholera) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Peptic Ulcer </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Closing of midline diastema by using a removable appliance (A) Reciprocal single simple anchorage (B) Reciprocal simple compound anchorage (C) Reciprocal stationary single anchorage (D) Reciprocal stationary compound anchorage) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Reciprocal single simple anchorage </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A 3 year old boy with normal developmental milestones with delayed speech and difficulty in communication and concentration. He is not making friends. Most probable diagnosis is ? (A) Autism (B) ADHD (C) Mental retardation (D) Specific learning disability) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Autism </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A patient with chronic renal failure and bone pains will have deficiency of which vitamin: (A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin B (C) Vitamin C (D) Vitamin D) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Vitamin D </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Fascia around nerve bundle of brachial plexus is derived from (A) Preveebral fascia (B) Pretracheal fascia (C) Investing layer (D) Superficial cervical fascia) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Preveebral fascia </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: X-ray view for fracture patella (A) Skyline view (B) Judet view (C) Water's view (D) Oblique view) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Skyline view </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: In psychiatry, personal history does not include: (A) Food preference (B) Academic history (C) Occupational history (D) Marital history) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Food preference </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the following is the classical triad of Budd-Chiari syndrome? (A) Fever, jaundice, abdominal pain (B) Fever, ascites, jaundice (C) Hepatomegaly, abdominal pain, ascites (D) Abdominal pain, jaundice, hepatomegaly) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Hepatomegaly, abdominal pain, ascites </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Phenylketonuria is - (A) AD (B) AR (C) X linked dominant (D) X linked recessive) Answer:?[/INST] (B) AR </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the following parasite does not enter into the body by skin penetration : (A) Dracunculus (B) Necatar Americana (C) Ancylostoma duodenale (D) Stronglyoides) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Dracunculus </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: To eradicate measles the percentage of population to be vaccinated is at least............% (A) 70 (B) 80 (C) 85 (D) 95) Answer:?[/INST] (D) 95 </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the following is a duty of multipurpose worker male: March 2010 (A) He will visit schools at regular interval in the PHC (B) Organizes staff meetings (C) Regularly visit to every house in his area (D) Attends patients in the OPD) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Regularly visit to every house in his area </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: All of the following are the electrocardiographic features of Hyperkalemia, except- (A) Prolonged PR interval (B) Prolonged QT interval (C) Sine wave patterns (D) Loss of P waves) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Prolonged QT interval </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Denominator for calculating perinatal moality rate is: September 2009 (A) 1000 bihs (B) 1000 live bihs (C) 1000 still bihs (D) 1000 population) Answer:?[/INST] (B) 1000 live bihs </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Tear drop sign is seen in: (A) Fracture of floor of orbit (B) Fracture of lateral wall of nose (C) Le Fo's fracture (D) Fracture on zygomatic arch) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Fracture of floor of orbit </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Thymus gland abscess seen in congenital syphilis is called as (A) Fouchier’s abscess (B) Politzeri abscess (C) Douglas abscess (D) Dubois' abscess) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Dubois' abscess </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Fever increases the basal metabolic rate about ---for each 1 Degree raise in bodv temperature (A) 3% (B) 7% (C) 10% (D) 20%) Answer:?[/INST] (B) 7% </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: False about Criggler najar syndrome? (A) Absence of UDPG enzyme (B) Normal liver biopsy (C) Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia (D) Type 1 is more severe) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: CAMBRA stands for: (A) Caries measurement by routine assessment (B) Caries modification by reassessment (C) Caries management by risk assessment (D) Caries monitoring by regular assessment) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Caries management by risk assessment </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Shine-Dalgarno sequence in bacterial mRNA is near: (A) AUG codon (B) UAA codon (C) UAG codon (D) UGA codon) Answer:?[/INST] (A) AUG codon </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Anesthesia of choice for induction in day care surgery is? (A) Propofol (B) Ketamine (C) Halothane (D) Pancuronium) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Propofol </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Anakinra is a - (A) IL - 1 antagonist (B) IL - 2 antagonist (C) IL - 6 antagonist (D) IL - 10 antagonist) Answer:?[/INST] (A) IL - 1 antagonist </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Midazolam dose in children is (through Im) (A) 0.5 mg/kg (B) 0.25 mg/kg (C) 0.1 mg/kg (D) 2.5 mg/kg) Answer:?[/INST] (C) 0.1 mg/kg </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Pathologic features of brain in AIDS are all, except (A) Perivascular giant cell invasion (B) Microglial nodules (C) Vasculitis (D) Temporal lobe infarction) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Vasculitis </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: All are true regarding bleaching powder, except – (A) Contains about 33% of available chlorine (B) It is a stable compound (C) White amorphous compound (D) Strong bleaching agent) Answer:?[/INST] (B) It is a stable compound </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: The glabella may show the remains of the (A) Anterior fontanel (B) Posterior fontanel (C) Metopic suture (D) Lambdoid suture) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Metopic suture </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: All the following drugs are hallucinogens except (A) Mescaline (B) Phencyclidine (C) Ketamine (D) Pentostatin) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Pentostatin </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: SAFE strategy does not include which of the following? (A) Surgery of lids (B) Antibiotics (C) Follicular stage prevention (D) Environmental hygeine) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Follicular stage prevention </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Earliest and often the only presentation of TB kidney is: (A) Increased frequency (B) Pain (C) Hematuria (D) Renal calculi) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Increased frequency </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: About iliolumbar ligament, which of the following statements is false (2018) (A) A) It is attached to transverse process of L5 (B) B) Attached to the iliac crest (C) C) Lower pa has attachment to Sacrospinous Ligament (D) D) Upper pa has attachment to Quadratus Lumborum) Answer:?[/INST] (C) C) Lower pa has attachment to Sacrospinous Ligament </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Inhibin inhibits: (A) LH releasing hormone (B) LH (C) Estrogen and progesterone (D) FSH) Answer:?[/INST] (D) FSH </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the following is not given in ophthalmia neonatorum – (A) Erythromycin locally (B) Tetracycline 1% (C) Penicillin locally (D) Silver nitrate) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Silver nitrate </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Double density sign in Mitral stenosis is a sign of enlargement of- (A) Right Atrium (B) Left Atrium (C) Left Auricle (D) Right Auricle) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Left Atrium </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Sentinel lymph node biopsy is used for (A) Breast carcinoma (B) Penile cacinoma (C) Retroperitoneal sarcoma (D) Hepatic carcinoma) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Breast carcinoma </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: The resting membrane potential of a cell: (A) Is dependent on the permeability of the cell membrane to K+ being greater to Na+ (B) Falls to zero if Na+/K+ ATPase in membrane is inhibited (C) Is equal to the equilibrium potential for K+ (D) Is equal to the equilibrium potential of Na+) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Is dependent on the permeability of the cell membrane to K+ being greater to Na+ </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A 7-year-old boy with h/o trauma 2 months back now presents with fever and acute pain over thigh. On X-ray femoral shaft shows lesions with multiple laminated periosteal reaction next line of management: (A) CRP measurement (B) Core biopsy (C) Tc99 MDP scan (D) MRI) Answer:?[/INST] (D) MRI </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A 21-year-old unmarried woman has premenstrual fullness of breast and pain, the likely diagnosis is: (A) Galactocele (B) Fibroadenosis (C) Fibroadenoma (D) Mastitis) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Fibroadenosis </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which papillae are completely keratinized (A) Fungiform (B) Filiform (C) Circumvallate (D) Foliate) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Filiform </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: ECT is advocated in following except - (A) Chronic schizophrenia (B) Catatonic schizophrenia (C) Severe depression (D) Severe psychoses) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Chronic schizophrenia </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A child presents in casuality in stable condition after a blunt abdominal trauma associated with splenic trauma. T/t of choice is - (A) Observation (B) Splenectomy (C) Arterial embolisation (D) Splenorrhaphy) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Observation </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: CSF rhinorrhoea is due to the fracture of which of the following March 2008 (A) Nasal bones (B) Cribriform plate (C) Temporal bone (D) Maxillary bone) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Cribriform plate </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: What is the function of chordae tendineae? (A) Opens A-V valve (B) Prevents regurgitation (C) Helps contraction of papillary muscles (D) Passes action potential to papillary muscles) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Prevents regurgitation </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Denominator of dependency ratio includes population of age (A) >15 years + > 65 years (B) 15 - 65 years of age (C) < 65 years (D) > 65 years) Answer:?[/INST] (B) 15 - 65 years of age </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: All of the following may occur in Down's syndrome except- (A) Hypothyroidism (B) Undescended testis (C) Ventricular septa! defect (D) Brushfield's spots) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Undescended testis </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: The most frequent curvature of maxillary first molar root is (A) Mesial (B) Distal (C) Buccal (D) Lingual) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Buccal </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the following propeies make pyridostigmine different from neostigmine (A) It is more potent (B) It is longer acting (C) It produces less muscarinic side effects (D) It does not have any direct action on NM receptor) Answer:?[/INST] (B) It is longer acting </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the following is an Antimetabolite (A) Methotrexate (B) Cyclosporine (C) Etoposide (D) Vinbalstine) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Methotrexate </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the following extraocular muscle is not supplied by occulomotor nerve? (A) Inferior oblique (B) Inferior rectus (C) Medial rectus (D) Lateral rectus) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Lateral rectus </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Fever persisting even after treatment of pneumonia. The likely diagnosis is (A) Empyema (B) Fungal lesion (C) Hydrothorax (D) All of the above) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Empyema </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Chandler's index is - (A) No. of eggs of hookworm in per gram stool (B) No. of eggs of hookworm in per gram soil (C) No. of eggs of hook work in 100 gram soil (D) Percentage of stool specimens positive for hookworms) Answer:?[/INST] (A) No. of eggs of hookworm in per gram stool </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the following channelopathies is associated with calcium channel disorder of muscles? (A) Hypokalemic periodic paralysis (B) Episodic ataxia type 1 (C) Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (D) Paralysis Spinocerebellar ataxia 1.) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Hypokalemic periodic paralysis </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which pigment accumulates in brown atrophy of hea? (A) Melanin (B) Lipofuscin (C) Hemosiderin (D) Hemozoin) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Lipofuscin </s>