<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the positions best describes the location of celiac plexus (A) Anterior or anterolateral to Aoa (B) Posterolateral to Aoa (C) Anterolateral to sympathetic chain (D) Anteromedial to sympathetic chain) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Anterior or anterolateral to Aoa </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Drugs highly bound to albumin (A) NSAID'S (B) Lidocaine (C) Beta blockers (D) Verapamil) Answer:?[/INST] (A) NSAID'S </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Adverse effect of phenytoin include the following except- (A) Lymphadenopathy (B) Ataxia (C) Hypercalcemia (D) Hirsutism) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Hypercalcemia </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Breast milk storage in a refrigerator is upto ? (A) 4 hrs (B) 8 hrs (C) 12 hours (D) 24 hrs) Answer:?[/INST] (D) 24 hrs </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the following signs is not suggestive of a cervical spinal cord injury : (A) Flaccidity (B) Increased rectal sphincter tone (C) Diaphragmatic breathing (D) Priapism) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Increased rectal sphincter tone </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: All are infraclavicular branches of brachial plexus except ? (A) Ulnar nerve (B) Long thoracic nerve (C) Axillary nerve (D) Thoracodorsal nerve) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Long thoracic nerve </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the following is used as inhibitor in the composition of composite? (A) Para-toluidine (B) Butylated hydroxy toluene (C) Methyl ether (D) Tertiary amine) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Butylated hydroxy toluene </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Tuberculin test positivity indicates (A) Good humoral immunity (B) Infection with mycobacteriam (C) Good cell mediated immunity (D) None) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Good cell mediated immunity </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Presence of Epstein Barr virus in hairy Leukoplakia can be demonstrated using following methods EXCEPT - (A) Tzanck smear (B) Polymerase chain reaction (C) In situ hybridization (D) Electron microscopy) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Tzanck smear </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: An inexpensive and efficient method of sewage disposal for a small community is – (A) River outfall (B) Oxidation pond (C) Trickling filter (D) Activated sludge) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Oxidation pond </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Following is/are the causes of a chronic cough with noncontributory chest radiograph? (A) Asthma (B) Post nasal drip (C) GERD (D) All the above) Answer:?[/INST] (D) All the above </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Anagen effluvium is induced by all except - (A) Radiation (B) PEM (C) Anticancer drug (D) Prolonged Iabor) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Prolonged Iabor </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: All the following familial syndromes are associated with development of pheochromocytomas except ? (A) Sturge-Weber syndrome (B) Von Recklinghausen disease (C) MEN Type II (D) Prader-Willi syndrome) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Prader-Willi syndrome </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A child presents with respiratory distress. A vascular ring is suspected. Investigation of choice is: (A) PET (B) CT (C) MR1 (D) Angiography) Answer:?[/INST] (C) MR1 </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: The purines salvage pathway is for: (A) Hypoxanthine & Xanthine (B) Hypoxanthine & Thymine (C) Adenine & Guanine (D) Xanthine & Guanine) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Adenine & Guanine </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A 28 year old labourer, 3 yrs back presented with penile ulcer which was not treated. Later he presented with neurological symptoms for which he got treated. Which is the test to monitor response to treatment? (A) VDRL (B) FTA ABS (C) TPI (D) RPR) Answer:?[/INST] (A) VDRL </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Preaxial border of limb is ? (A) Ulnar border of forearm (B) Fibular border of leg (C) Radial border of forearm (D) None of the above) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Radial border of forearm </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Abnormalities of copper metabolism are implicated in the pathogenesis of all the following except - (A) Wilson's disease (B) Monkes' Kinky-hair syndrome (C) Indian childhood cirrhosis (D) Keshan disease) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Keshan disease </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Common bile duct stones will manifest all except - (A) Distended gall bladder (B) Jaundice (C) Itching (D) Clay coloured stools) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Distended gall bladder </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: One gray of radiation is equal to – (A) 1 rad (B) 10 rad (C) 100 rad (D) 1000 rad) Answer:?[/INST] (C) 100 rad </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Saddleback/ biphasic fever is seen in: September 2004 (A) Typhoid (B) Dengue (C) Brucellosis (D) Trench fever) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Dengue </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Savlon contains (A) Cetrimide + Chlorhexidine (B) Cetrimide + Chlorhexidine + butyl alcohol (C) Cetrimide + butyl alcohol (D) Cetrimide + cetavlon) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Cetrimide + Chlorhexidine </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: In congenital adrenal hyperplasia precocious puberty in male is due to - (A) 21 alpha hydroxylase deficiency (B) 11 Beta hydroxylase deficiency (C) Both (D) None) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Both </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A boy is suffering from acute pyelonephritis. Most specific urinary finnding will be: (A) WBC cast (B) Leucocyte esterase test (C) Nitrite test (D) Bacteria in Gram stain) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Nitrite test </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Trousseau's syndrome is classically seen with: (A) Carcinoma stomach (B) MEN type II (C) Neuroendocrine tumors (D) Carcinoma pancreas) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Carcinoma pancreas </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Bite test is used for detection of (A) Cracked tooth (B) Pulp vitality (C) Bite force measurement (D) occlusal discrepancy) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Cracked tooth </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A pt. presents with hematuria of several days and dysmorphic RBC casts in urine. The site of origin is : (A) Kidney (B) Ureter (C) Bladder (D) Urethra) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Kidney </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: All is true about Fibrous dysplasia except (A) Benign (B) Trabeculae mimic Chinese characters (C) Can be polyostotic (D) Extramedullary) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Extramedullary </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: In an incised wound, all of the following are true, except: (A) It has clean-cut margins (B) Bleeding is generally less than in lacerations (C) Tailing is often present (D) Length of injury does not correspond with length of blade) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Bleeding is generally less than in lacerations </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Group of 4-8 expes talking in front of a large group of audience is known as: September 2011 (A) Symposium (B) Workshop (C) Seminar (D) Panel discussion) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Panel discussion </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Medial longitudinal arch is supported by- (A) Plantar fascia (B) Sustentaculum tali (C) Peroneus longus (D) Peroneus brevis) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Plantar fascia </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Onion peel appearance of splenic capsule is seen in: (A) SLE (B) Scleroderma (C) RA (D) Sjogrens) Answer:?[/INST] (A) SLE </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the following will have the highest magnitude of the increased Alveolar aeriolar gradient at rest? (A) Interstitial lung disease (B) Massive Pulmonary embolism (C) Acute severe asthma (D) FB leading to upper airway obstruction) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Massive Pulmonary embolism </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Figure of 8 configuration on chest x-ray is seen in ? (A) TOF (B) ASD (C) TAPVC (D) VSD) Answer:?[/INST] (C) TAPVC </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Total ATP generated by oxidation of stearic acid is (A) 114 (B) 131 (C) 148 (D) None) Answer:?[/INST] (C) 148 </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: What is the finding seen earliest in USG : (A) Yolk sac (B) Fetal hea (C) Chorion (D) Placenta) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Yolk sac </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: What is the common cause of labial fusion in an adult female? (A) Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (B) Fetal exogenous androgen exposure (C) Abdominal wall defects (D) All of the above) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Congenital adrenal hyperplasia </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which ONE of the following is TRUE about a competitive antagonism ? (A) Antagonism cannot be completely reversed by increased dose of the agonist (B) An agonist cannot displace an antagonists from the receptor (C) Agonists and antagonists bind to the same receptor (D) Dose–response curve of an agonists shifts to the left in the presence of an antagonist) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Agonists and antagonists bind to the same receptor </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Muscle that causes flexion at elbow joint when forearm is semi - pronated (A) Biceps brachii (B) Brachialis (C) Coracobrachialis (D) Brachioradialis) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Brachioradialis </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: An elderly male presented with uncontrolled hypertension and sign of renal failure on biopsy shows medial thickening of arteries with onion skin appearance is diagnostic of? (A) Thrombo-angioobliterans (B) Arteriosclerosis obliterans (C) Hyperplastic arteriosclerosis (D) Hyaline arteriosclerosis) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Hyperplastic arteriosclerosis </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which one of the following disorder is not x-linked recessive (A) Fragile-x syndrome (B) Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (C) Hunter syndrome (D) Charcot marie tooth disease) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Charcot marie tooth disease </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Best antagonist of morphine is (A) Nalorphine (B) Naloxone (C) Buprenorphine (D) Pentazocine) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Naloxone </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Nerve commonly involved in fracture distal shaft of the Humerus is: (A) Radial (B) Medial (C) Ulnar (D) Circumflex brachial nerve) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Radial </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Serotonin is mainly secreted by? (A) Mast cells (B) Platelets (C) Neutrophills (D) Macrophages) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Platelets </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which among these has a moderately increased risk to develop into invasive breast carcinoma? (A) Apocrine metaplasia (B) Ductal papillomatosis (C) Atypical ductal hyperplasia (D) Sclerosing adenosis) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Atypical ductal hyperplasia </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Commonest cause of non traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (A) Idiopathic (B) Berry aneurysm rupture (C) Hypertension (D) AV malformation) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Berry aneurysm rupture </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Preferred insulin regimen during pregnancy? (A) Insulin Regular + NPH (B) Insulin NPH + Lispro (C) Insulin Degludec (D) Insulin Lispro + Insulin regular) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Insulin NPH + Lispro </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Most common feature of essential hypeension: September 2005 (A) Visual disturbances (B) Headache (C) Palpitations (D) Dizziness) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Headache </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A patient on therapy for his CNS illness develops the following abnormality what is the possible cause ? (A) Anti depressants (B) Anti psychotics (C) Antiepileptics (D) Anti Parkinsonian drugs) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Anti psychotics </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: The conjugation of bilirubin to glucuronic acid in the liver; (A) Converts a hydrophilic compound to a hydrophobic one (B) Converts a hydrophobic compound to a hydrophilic one (C) Enables the bilirubin molecule to cross the cell membrane (D) Is increased during neonatal jaundice) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Converts a hydrophobic compound to a hydrophilic one </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: An emergent hernia repair is scheduled. As the attending physician is driving to the hospital, the medical student assisting on the case quickly reviews his anatomy atlas and is trying to commit to memory that the internal oblique abdominis muscle contributes to the formation of which of the following structures? (A) Inguinal ligament (B) Deep inguinal ring (C) Falx inguinalis (conjoint tendon) (D) Internal spermatic fascia) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Falx inguinalis (conjoint tendon) </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the following statemnets is FALSE about the drug treatment with Memantine? (A) It is neuroprotective (B) It has a long half life (C) It is used in treatment of moderate dementia (D) It is a NMDA receptor agonist) Answer:?[/INST] (D) It is a NMDA receptor agonist </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: metaclopromide: (A) inhibit cholinergic smooth.muscle stimulation in the gastrointestinal tract (B) decrease lower esophageal spinchter pressure (C) stimulate D2 receptor (D) enhance colonic activity) Answer:?[/INST] (D) enhance colonic activity </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A-23-Year-old female presented with burning pain during micturition. On investigations, she is found to be suffering from co-infection with chlamydia and gonococcus. Drug of choice for treatment of this female is: - (A) Azithromycin (B) Ceftriaxone (C) Fluconazole (D) Clindamycin) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Azithromycin </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: False about branchial cyst is: (A) it develops from the remnants of 2nd branchial cleft (B) Usually line by squamous epithelium (C) Found at the anterior border of lower third of Sternocleidomastoid muscle (D) Treatment involves complete excision) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Found at the anterior border of lower third of Sternocleidomastoid muscle </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which one of the following is the description used for the term allodynia during pain management? (A) Absence of pain perception (B) Complete lack of pain sensation (C) Unpleasant sensation with or without a stimulus (D) Perception of an ordinarily nonnoxious sitmulus as severe pain.) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Perception of an ordinarily nonnoxious sitmulus as severe pain. </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Pleomorphic adenoma is most commonly found in: (A) Parotid gland. (B) Sublingual gland. (C) Submandibular gland. (D) lacrimal gland.) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Parotid gland. </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which is not true about thoracic outlet syndrome ? (A) Radial Nerve is commonly affected (B) Neurological features are most common (C) Resection of Pt rib relieves symptom (D) Positive Adson's test) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Radial Nerve is commonly affected </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A 2-day-old newborn is brought to the physician because of vomiting. Physical examination shows a small mass about the size of an olive in the epigastric area. Which of the following conditions is this child likely to exhibit? (A) Biliary stenosis (B) Duodenal atresia (C) Non-bilious vomiting (D) Pancreas divisum) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Non-bilious vomiting </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: charecterstic feuture of anorexia nervosa is (A) redtricting food (B) dyslipedima (C) overweght (D) hypeension) Answer:?[/INST] (A) redtricting food </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: False about Kerley's A lines (A) Lines are 2-6 cm in length (B) These are found in mid and upper zones (C) These are due to thick interlobar septa (D) Transverse lines at lung base perpendicular to pleura) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Transverse lines at lung base perpendicular to pleura </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: All of the following are common cause of post splenectomy infections except: September 2009 (A) H.influenza (B) Ecoli (C) Klebsiella (D) Streptococcus) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Klebsiella </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Acetic acid staining of cervix shows the following EXCEPT: (A) Squamous metaplasia (B) Cervical carcinoma in situ (C) Cervical polyp (D) Cervical dysplasia) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Cervical polyp </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: If a chromosome divides in an axis perpendicular to usual axis of division it is going to form: (A) Ring chromosome (B) Isochromosome (C) Acrocentric chromosome (D) Subtelocentric chromosome) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Isochromosome </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: All known effects of cyclic AMP in eukaryotic cells results from: (A) Activation of the catalytic unit of adenylate cyclase (B) Activation of synthetase (C) Activation of protein kinase (D) Phosphorylation of G protein) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Activation of protein kinase </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Causes of chronic tropical pancreatitis is (A) Parasitic infection (B) Cassava Ingestion (C) Idiopathic (D) Genetic) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Cassava Ingestion </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: If life style factor is causing infeility in a young male is identified. Which of the following life style modification will have no effect on feility: (A) more exercise (B) meditation (C) Vegetarian diet (D) Weight loss) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Vegetarian diet </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: The killing range of a military rifle is about - (A) 100 yards (B) 600 yards (C) 1000 yards (D) 300 yards) Answer:?[/INST] (B) 600 yards </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Toxin is produced by all except: (A) C. diphtheriae (B) C. ulcerans (C) C. hofmanni (D) C. pseudotuberculosis) Answer:?[/INST] (C) C. hofmanni </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Sorafenib is used in (A) Multiple myeloma (B) CLL (C) AML (D) ALL) Answer:?[/INST] (C) AML </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Enzyme which is not regulated by phosphorylation dephosphorylation ? (A) Glycogen synthase (B) Glycogen phosphorylase (C) Aspaate transcarboxylase (D) HMG CoA reductase) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Aspaate transcarboxylase </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: ACE inhibitor contraindicated in which of the following condition: (A) Bilateral renal artery stenosis (B) Chronic kidney disease (C) Post myocardial infarction (D) Diabetes mellitus) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Bilateral renal artery stenosis </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Glycemic index is defined as: (A) Glucose control in last 3 months (B) Measure of the change in the blood glucose following ingestion of proteins (C) Measure of the change in the blood glucose following ingestion of carbohydrate (D) Measure of the change in the blood glucose following ingestion of fats.) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Measure of the change in the blood glucose following ingestion of carbohydrate </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Spiral aery is a branch of (A) Uterine aery (B) Arcuate aery (C) Vesical aery (D) Ovarian aery) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Arcuate aery </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A 60-year-old patient presents with recurrent TIA episodes. Echocardiography shows candle flame sign. The probable etiology of the disease is? (A) Senile calcification of hea valve (B) Rheumatic fever when he was a youth (C) Long-standing undiagnosed hypeension (D) Undiagnosed congenital condition) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Rheumatic fever when he was a youth </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: What is the longest duration of function of primary teeth (A) 6 yr (B) 8 yr (C) 10 yr (D) 12 yr) Answer:?[/INST] (C) 10 yr </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Antigen antibody precipitation is maximally seen in which of the following? (A) Excess of antibody (B) Excess of antigen (C) Equivalence of antibody and antigen (D) Antigen Hapten interaction) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Equivalence of antibody and antigen </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Fracture of lateral condyle of humerus is seen in age group of? (A) 2-3 years (B) 5-15 years (C) 15-25 years (D) 35- 45 years) Answer:?[/INST] (B) 5-15 years </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: All of the following are true about development EXCEPT? (A) Development is a continuous process (B) Depends on functional maturation of nervous system (C) Ceain primitive reflexes have to be lost before relevant milestones attained (D) Limb control precedes trunk and head control) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Limb control precedes trunk and head control </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A 45-year-old man who is a heavy smoker complains of sudden onset of high fever and chills, nonproductive cough, and chest pain. An X-ray film of the chest shows bilateral, diffuse, patchy infiltrates. The patient reports that a number of similar cases have occurred recently in the building where he works. He responds to antibiotics and recovers. Which of the following is the most likely a reservoir for the microorganism that is responsible for this patient's respiratory tract infection? (A) Cooling towers (B) Elevator shafts (C) Floor cleaners (D) Heat pumps) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Cooling towers </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Small for date baby has bih weight - (A) <10 percentile (B) <50 percentile (C) <60 percentile (D) None) Answer:?[/INST] (A) <10 percentile </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Drug not given in pregnancy - (A) ACE inhibitors (B) Penicillin (C) Methyldopa (D) Labetalol) Answer:?[/INST] (A) ACE inhibitors </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: The increase in the threshold of a receptor when a series of stimuli of subthreshold intensity are applied in succession is called (A) Adaptation (B) Accomodation (C) Initiation (D) Resistance) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Accomodation </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Among Bipyridyl herbicides, 1) Diquat is only half as toxic as paraquat 2) Diquat doesnot produce pulmonary toxicity (A) Both are true (B) Both are false (C) 1 is true, 2 is false (D) 2 is true, 1 is false) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Both are true </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Decreased level of serum Vit B6 is seen in (A) CRF (B) INH therapy (C) CHF (D) Alcohol) Answer:?[/INST] (B) INH therapy </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: The main drawback of a saddle pontic is: (A) It is unhygienic (B) It is unaesthetic (C) It is bulky (D) It does not restore the tooth contours) Answer:?[/INST] (A) It is unhygienic </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: A 57-year-old man presents with hemoptysis and generalized weakness. His symptoms began with small-volume hemoptysis 4 weeks ago. Over the past 2 weeks, he has become weak and feels "out of it." His appetite has diminished, and he has lost 10 lb of weight. He has a 45-pack-year history of cigarette smoking. Physical examination is unremarkable. Laboratory studies reveal a mild anemia and a serum sodium value of 118 mEq/L. Chest x-ray shows a 5-cm left, mid-lung field mass with widening of the mediastinum suggesting mediastinal lymphadenopathy. MR scan of the brain is unremarkable. What is the most likely cause of his symptoms? (A) Bronchial carcinoid (B) Adenocarcinoma of the lung (C) Small cell carcinoma of the lung (D) Lung abscess) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Small cell carcinoma of the lung </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Aminopeptidase is elevated in obstruction of ? (A) Ureter (B) Urethra (C) CBD (D) Bladder) Answer:?[/INST] (C) CBD </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Apoptosis is associated with all the following features Except (A) Cell shrinkage (B) Intact cellular contents (C) Inflammation (D) Nucleosome size fragmentation of nucleus) Answer:?[/INST] (C) Inflammation </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Oral evidence is more important than written testimony as- (A) Oral evidence cannot be cross examined (B) Oral evidence can be cross examined (C) Documentary evidence requires no proof (D) None) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Oral evidence can be cross examined </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Kassowitz law is related to: (A) Gonorrhoea (B) Herpes genitals (C) Donovanosis (D) Syphilis) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Syphilis </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: &;V&; wave in jugular venous pulse is due to (A) Ventricular filling (B) Ventricular contraction (C) Atrial contraction (D) Atrial filling) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Atrial filling </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Colposcopy is used to visualize all except: March 2005 (A) Upper 2/3rd endocervix (B) Lower 1/3rd endoCervix (C) Lateral fornix (D) Vault of vagina) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Upper 2/3rd endocervix </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which nerve is involved in this deformity: (A) Musculocutaneous nerve (B) Long thoracic nerve (C) Radial nerve (D) Thoracodorsal nerve) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Long thoracic nerve </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Haemopoietic malignancy is seen in (A) HTLV -1 (B) EBV (C) Parvo B19 (D) HHV - 8) Answer:?[/INST] (A) HTLV -1 </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the following is not an application of screw feed technique (A) 80% volume reduction (B) Pathological wastes are removed (C) Weight is decreased by 20-30% (D) Based on non-burn thermal treatment) Answer:?[/INST] (B) Pathological wastes are removed </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: In OCD treatment is based on - (A) Serotonergic receptor (B) Dopaminergic receptor (C) NA receptor (D) Glutamate receptor) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Serotonergic receptor </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Which of the following sensations is most affected by coical lesions? (A) Proprioception (B) Temperature (C) Itch (D) Crude touch) Answer:?[/INST] (A) Proprioception </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: Not True about Pinna of the Ear (A) Develops from HILLOCK's of HIS (B) Tragus formed from 1st Hillock (C) Costal Rib Cartilage used as graft in treatment of Anotia (D) Reconstruction of pinna in Anotia is done as soon as possible within 1 year of age) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Reconstruction of pinna in Anotia is done as soon as possible within 1 year of age </s>
<s>[INST]Your role is an expert medical specialist. You are taking a medical exam and always choose the correct answer based on medical facts. Question: All the following causes QT prolongation except (A) Cisapride (B) Quinidine (C) Terfenadine (D) Cetrizine) Answer:?[/INST] (D) Cetrizine </s>