[MALE] got a job in a city far away from his friends
i sat down to eat some nuts
[FEMALE] was making dinner for her family
[FEMALE] decided that her bathroom needed a good cleaning
[MALE] knew he would be rich one day
[MALE] did not have electricity where he lived
[MALE] opened his market
[FEMALE] sister in law 's grandson is 25
[MALE] raised a kennel of puppies to sell
[FEMALE] and her friend were in the girl scouts
[MALE] and [MALE] are my coworkers
the girl felt pain in her mouth
[MALE] turned four months old
[FEMALE] liked to read articles online at work
gob liked to ride his bicycle to work every day
[FEMALE] son wanted some lunchables as a snack
[MALE] needed to send an email for his homework
[MALE] woke up and walked into his kitchen to make coffee
there was a banging noise across the house
[MALE] needed new boots
[FEMALE] was with her friends at a summer festival
[NEUTRAL] went for a walk
jame 's devices are everywhere
[NEUTRAL] loved staying up late and waiting for her dad
[NEUTRAL] and [MALE] decided to build a treehouse to hang out in
[FEMALE] had a new phone
[MALE] went to the barber for a trim before the prom
[FEMALE] could not find [MALE] anywhere
[MALE] jerked hard on the [FEMALE] brand chainsaw 's pull throttle
[MALE] was wandering through the forest
[FEMALE] wanted to become a babysitter
i never cleaned the bathroom at my house
more than once now , i have stayed in a country longer unintentionally
[FEMALE] went roller skating for the first time today
[MALE] bought a new suit
[MALE] wanted to smoke a cigarette
[FEMALE] and [MALE] decided it was time to get divorced
[NEUTRAL] had always wanted to go to a hockey game
[MALE] is afraid of clowns
[FEMALE] had always wanted to learn to brew beer
[MALE] saw a huge spider crawling on his ceiling
last [NEUTRAL] our building threw a summer barbeque
[MALE] learned how to write the alphabet slowly
[FEMALE] was dropped from a stunt during cheer practice
[MALE] decided to cook dinner
working in a small town hardware store is a nice job to have
[FEMALE] friend visited from germany
[FEMALE] was feeling extremely thirsty
[MALE] communicated with an exchange student for several years
when i was a kid , i fell on my bicycle
[NEUTRAL] got his left ear pierced as a fashion statement
[MALE] went to the doctor
i got a professional massage today for the first time ever
our neighbors were poor grad students
[FEMALE] nephew posted a fb photo of his son and dog
i went to see a scary movie the other day
[FEMALE] and [MALE] were excited to learn they had a baby on the way
[FEMALE] college roommate , [MALE] , and i were eating in the cafeteria
[MALE] was at a concert
[MALE] was excited about getting a new puppy
[FEMALE] was cooking dinner for her husband
[NEUTRAL] and [FEMALE] were having a baby
i decided to bake a cake for my friend 's birthday
[MALE] likes to run marathons
[MALE] and her mom were camping
every [FEMALE] [FEMALE] goes to the park with her teddy bear
[MALE] ran out of the house with her bag and cup
[MALE] was excited to go to the carnival
[MALE] made papier mache masks in his spare time
[MALE] had a girlfriend in high-school
a thief stole some candy and ran out of the store
lyra was addicted to drugs
it was one of the hottest nights
[FEMALE] was starving
[MALE] began to sneeze at work
[FEMALE] and [MALE] went on their first cruise
[MALE] has wanted to learn how to make rice for months
[FEMALE] was very picky
[NEUTRAL] was doing her makeup
we invited all of our friends over
all of [MALE] 's friends love to skateboard
we moved from our condo in 2013
[FEMALE] had a hot date
[NEUTRAL] featured in her first movie last summer
[MALE] and [FEMALE] went to the grocery store
[FEMALE] was playing in the park
[FEMALE] always felt pale
[FEMALE] was a mom of two
[FEMALE] was very worried that her mommy was in the hospital
[FEMALE] wife put on a dress
[FEMALE] finally put baby for a nap
[MALE] wants to go hunting
[NEUTRAL] was a great volunteer
[MALE] worked overtime every week
i got poked in the eye by a stick
i attempted to buckle my seatbelt on the roller coaster
[FEMALE] was a little person
[FEMALE] went to the gas station to buy bottled water
i do n't like writing my short stories on my computer
[MALE] was driving to work in heavy traffic