[MALE] was a violent man
the woman was indecisive
[FEMALE] 's parents had long talked about going up in a hot air balloon
[MALE] had a friend named [MALE] who had a crush on some girl he met
[FEMALE] resolved to go to the gym every day to lose weight
[MALE] always loved model train sets
[MALE] needed some new tools
[MALE] approached the pull-up bar with confidence
kara went bowling with her family
[FEMALE] had a new baby girl
[FEMALE] dogs ate all of the trash while i was sleeping
[FEMALE] ordered a toy for her daughter online
[FEMALE] was upset she lost her new watch
[MALE] went to the zoo with his friends
[NEUTRAL] made the best gumbo in town
[MALE] was camping with his friends
[NEUTRAL] was trying to complete tasks for her boss
[MALE] liked hunting with his father
[FEMALE] saw someone flying a kite at the park one day
[MALE] smelled something foul
[MALE] was on boating while on holiday
our neighbor [MALE] is a hunter
[FEMALE] 's grandmother wanted some tea
i had a friend who played violin , and i played piano
there was this italian place next to where [FEMALE] lives
[FEMALE] wanted to go to an amusement park for her birthday
[MALE] stood near the monkey enclosure at the zoo
[FEMALE] and her friends went apple picking
[FEMALE] is diagnosed with a rare disease
i have always been deathly afraid of snakes
a frog hopped out of the pond
[MALE] really wanted some quick dinner
[FEMALE] learned badminton from his dad
every year me and my mom take a family trip
[FEMALE] went to pick up her rental car
i bought a new car
[MALE] had a headache
[FEMALE] brother baked a pan of brownies when our parents were gone
[FEMALE] family and i took a helicopter ride in [FEMALE]
[FEMALE] was flying a kite one windy afternoon
cool c was a hip hop artist from philadelphia
[NEUTRAL] was trying to watch a video on her phone
[MALE] was arrested for a robbery
[FEMALE] decided to have a picnic for her three children
[FEMALE] once worked at the sweet store
[MALE] is a little over weight
[MALE] wanted to take his new girlfriend on a date
[FEMALE] loves to run through the woods
[FEMALE] was driving to work one day
[MALE] and [FEMALE] were sleeping soundly in the same bed
[MALE] bought a new dog
all of [FEMALE] 's kids had moved out of the house
[MALE] hated camping
i set off to climb the mountain at 4 :00am with everything i needed
a little boy named [MALE] sure did love his sweets
i built a large treehouse in our backyard
i did a fundraiser for church
[MALE] loved [FEMALE] 's music
it was [FEMALE] 's first day bar tending and she was excited
[NEUTRAL] had just arrived at school
[FEMALE] had gained fifty pounds over the last year
[FEMALE] loved tie dye
[FEMALE] had flown to [FEMALE]
[MALE] prepared for weeks for the show
[MALE] has always been single
[MALE] had a huge collection of video games
[MALE] had big dream of being famous
we played monopoly last night
[FEMALE] was having trouble sleeping
[MALE] made a ham sandwich
[MALE] was trying to lose weight
[MALE] went to the grocery store one afternoon
[MALE] was wearing an apron to bake cookies
[FEMALE] was on the way back from a job interview
i have a one acre garden
[MALE] and [FEMALE] shared a bedroom
one day i was being really impatient with myself
[FEMALE] snuck her mom 's makeup bag into school one morning
roger is a secret agent
[MALE] wanted to learn about sloths
[FEMALE] went to the plant nursery to get some stuff to make a garden
[MALE] was making a stew
[FEMALE] is a recovering alcoholic and has n't drank in years
[MALE] went to his family 's party
when i was a child , i went to the lake with my brothers
growing up , [MALE] has always loved to watch wrestling
[MALE] 's dog ran away on [NEUTRAL] after he left the gate open
[MALE] and [FEMALE] go camping
[FEMALE] thought she would make a nice dinner for her husband
working at an animal shelter , [FEMALE] met a dog rescued from a puppy mill
[NEUTRAL] filmed a movie with his friends
[NEUTRAL] is a football player and needs to improve his speed
roger lost his job
[MALE] woke up at 6 in the morning
[NEUTRAL] was running for the train
[FEMALE] loved her wealth and traveling
i once decided to prank my older brother
[MALE] loves video games
when i first saw presto 's picture , i knew he needed to be my dog
[FEMALE] was working very hard to catch up on her bills