[NEUTRAL] and [MALE] had a long distance relationship
[FEMALE] just moved into a new apartment
[MALE] had just made some rice in the microwave
while walking in his backyard , little [MALE] found a baby bird
[MALE] let his auto insurance lapse
the kids were complaining again
[MALE] got a really bad cold from his daycare site
[FEMALE] 's mom did n't want the nyquil [FEMALE] bought
oreo the dog wanted to chew on his bone
[MALE] 's had information on her brothers and a lack of funds
[MALE] wanted to replace the granite on his island in the kitchen
[MALE] loved whales
[MALE] 's girlfriend believed in psychics
[FEMALE] was very nervous about her first piano recital
[MALE] was stopping at a drive thru for breakfast
[FEMALE] was walking home from college one day
[MALE] was always told that he was too slow to play ping pong
[NEUTRAL] had heard that a vacuum could explode from picking up gunpowder
i fell recently and have trouble getting up
[MALE] has been craving a good steak all week
[FEMALE] became mad when [MALE] did n't tell her where he went out
two girls were tall growing up
[MALE] wanted to make a fresh new loaf of bread
[MALE] was always afraid of flying
i loved baseball
i borrowed my sister 's car to run errands
[NEUTRAL] is pregnant
[FEMALE] wanted a special treat
[MALE] lived in an apartment
[NEUTRAL] was sad about his eyes
[FEMALE] did not speak english
[NEUTRAL] wanted to see a psychic after her father died
[FEMALE] was excited for her next paycheck
i was throwing a football
iva signed up for a hot dog eating contest
[MALE] was skeptical , but he started a relationship with [FEMALE]
[MALE] was scared of mice
[NEUTRAL] wanted to take a vacation with her husband
[FEMALE] and her husband decided to move to another state
late last night i awoke to a strange sound of a cupboard opening
we took our ten year old niece to nyc in 1983
[NEUTRAL] in law gave us a yankee candle for christmas
[MALE] walked off the bus and walked towards his house
it was sunny when [MALE] drove to work
[FEMALE] was a very arrogant person
one day [MALE] and [MALE] went out for dinner
[NEUTRAL] was shopping in the grocery store
i went to a fast food joint
[FEMALE] had just bought a shower curtain online
everyone loved to smoke out of [NEUTRAL] 's beautiful bong
[FEMALE] was finally getting a kitten
[FEMALE] wanted to look her best for her high school prom
[MALE] has lost his cellphone
[FEMALE] grandpa always sends me packets of newspapers in the mail
[FEMALE] lived with her adopted father and his girlfriend
[FEMALE] had finally gotten her pencil back from [MALE]
while at work two people met
we were watching basketball on tv
[MALE] liked to make juice out of fresh fruit
[MALE] never studied for tests
[FEMALE] realized that her current fish tank was way to small
[MALE] woke early and excitedly ran to his parents room
brick was a rough boy
[FEMALE] mom left the house to go to work early
[FEMALE] has a baby named [NEUTRAL]
they sat and thought for hours
a large family went to the airport
[MALE] had never liked reading much
[FEMALE] and her family went on a cruise
i decided to take a shortcut to work
a family really loved rainbows
[FEMALE] wife was feeling sad
[MALE] always had issues with insomnia
[FEMALE] was going for a tryout to be in a play
[MALE] bought a restaurant
last week i went rock climbing with my friend [MALE]
[MALE] really liked this girl [FEMALE]
[FEMALE] entered into a local cupcake competition
[MALE] went to the lake one day to fish
[FEMALE] had only won one medal in her life
the johnsons always went to the beach for vacation
[MALE] was scared of the color yellow
[FEMALE] had her wedding today
[NEUTRAL] was afraid of getting vaccinations so she always refused them
[FEMALE] had a lover named [MALE]
nicolas loved to bath every single day
the laundry service now offered colored chef coats
[NEUTRAL] 's grandfather sent a box of gifts for christmas
[NEUTRAL] was in middle school
[FEMALE] felt sad about the child who lost his mother
i poured a glass of wine today
[MALE] needed to draw a portrait for school
the other night i heard a loud crash
[MALE] painted his sons bat
[NEUTRAL] decided to throw a house party
[FEMALE] always hated her school photo
the stickers glittered in the sunlight
[FEMALE] needed a new bedspread
[MALE] was kicked out of his house
[NEUTRAL] was at summer camp