[MALE] recently bought a mountain bike
[MALE] has always been afraid of snakes
[MALE] notices that his hair has become unruly and long
[FEMALE] 's neighbors raised chickens in their backyard
i got in an accident a couple of months ago
[FEMALE] was fighting with [NEUTRAL]
the man hid some money
while i worked at the grocery store , my third grade teacher came in
[FEMALE] friend and i wanted to adopt a cat
[NEUTRAL] realized it was the day before her husband 's birthday
[NEUTRAL] wanted to be more flexible
[MALE] had a dirty house
[MALE] was 4 years old when he started getting hives
[MALE] carried a bag of trash
[MALE] and [MALE] wanted to find something really old
[FEMALE] was excited to see the eclipse with her class
[FEMALE] had been preparing for her piano recital for months
[FEMALE] heard the school bus approaching as she walked to the bus stop
i played speed chess with my friend [MALE] today
[MALE] wanted to know if flea circuses really exist
[FEMALE] has a big test tomorrow
[NEUTRAL] handed a batch of flowers to [FEMALE]
[FEMALE] was at a party for her friend [FEMALE] 's birthday
[FEMALE] was walking in the rain
[FEMALE] and her fiance were both soldiers
[FEMALE] liked soda pop
fariah was walking to school
[FEMALE] arrived at work to discover her manager had been promoted
i was teaching my friend how to use a computer
[MALE] was excited to go to the fair
[FEMALE] went to the grocery store
[MALE] needed to replace a closet door
[MALE] broke up with his long-time girlfriend
[MALE] was exploring philadelphia
[NEUTRAL] bought a new pair of holey jeans
there were two small holes in my apartment
[NEUTRAL] entered his school 's art competition
[MALE] and his buddies drove to a campsite in the wilderness
[MALE] loved to play in the dirt
[FEMALE] son 's favorite song is about peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
today is [MALE] 's birthday
i found a bright red beetle on my rug
[FEMALE] has always wanted to be a cop
[MALE] has misplaced his glasses
the chair salesman came to town and set up a display
the day started cold and rainy
[FEMALE] went hunting with her boyfriend for the first time
[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] were best friends
[FEMALE] got an iguana
[MALE] was the right fielder on his high school baseball team
it was my birthday and i always wanted a new ipod
[FEMALE] needed a better paying job
[MALE] had his friend over
[MALE] got the chicken pox from a classmate
[NEUTRAL] was in the middle of baking cookies one day
[MALE] glad a really bad cold
[FEMALE] found a fried chicken recipe
[MALE] wanted to get into better shape
[MALE] mom wanted a ipad for christmas
i learned to bowl when i was 11
[MALE] went to the beach to surf
[NEUTRAL] was in a rush to leave the house for work
it takes a lot to make a stew , so [MALE] added ingredients
tinderton was a very quiet town that very few people visited
i recently attended a wine tasting at a local winery
[MALE] 's class was on a bus headed for the museum
[FEMALE] and her friends ditched art class on day to head downtown
he picked up the drill
[FEMALE] does n't know too much about politics
[MALE] wanted to learn how to play a song
[MALE] loved baseball and wanted to play for a local team
we were washing our clothes for the week
i decided to move back in with my parents
[FEMALE] had n't slept well
[FEMALE] was checking out at the store
[MALE] was listening to music when he adjusted his headphones
[MALE] 's bowling experience somehow threw out his back
[MALE] loved walking on the local trails
[FEMALE] had a disorder
[MALE] visited his mother 's house over the weekend
[FEMALE] mom bought me a scooter for christmas
[MALE] had a bad day at work
brain is the varsity basketball coach for the boy 's team
[FEMALE] was a dog that loved to go on walks
[FEMALE] liked to know what she was getting for christmas
[NEUTRAL] went to the pool
[FEMALE] waited to hear the sound of the ice cream truck driving by
[MALE] enjoyed building computers
[FEMALE] was in freshman biology
aurelie has been away from her boyfriend for months
[MALE] was an avid reader
[FEMAL] is always cold
[MALE] had a recipe for spaghetti sauce
[FEMALE] decided to take a europe vacation
[MALE] went to the gas station to buy a lottery ticket
one day [FEMALE] asked her mother to teach her how to knit
[MALE] had a dog whom he loved very much
i was on a hike with my friend one day in a forest
[FEMALE] and her friend [FEMALE] went to a seafood restaurant
[FEMALE] was at the grocery store with her four kids