the man was shopping
at the casino , [MALE] was having a really great night
[MALE] was excited to be on his neighborhood swim team
[FEMALE] was in charge of washing dishes today
one day my girlfriend and i were bored
[MALE] wanted to run a marathon
[FEMALE] still had sand on her face and clothes
[MALE] was in love
[MALE] never locked his bathroom window
[FEMALE] nephew 's wife is very obese
the power in [FEMALE] 's house went out
[FEMALE] is nervous about her flight while she waits in the terminal
[MALE] was wandering around the neighborhood with a pickup truck
[MALE] was new in school
i picked up a bottle of red dye yesterday
[MALE] [MALE] wrote three best sellers , now he 's bored
[MALE] found a dog in a barn
[MALE] was at [MALE] [FEMALE] late at night
[FEMALE] decides to skip some rocks at the pond
davie was enjoying a terrific summer day at the beach
the dog was asleep in bed
[FEMALE] needed her appendix out
one summer , i taught english classes in [MALE] [MALE]
i worked at the mbta for 26 years
[FEMALE] was making a cake
julieanne was a couch potato
a phone ran in an empty office
[FEMALE] wore a dress to a february funeral
[FEMALE] signed up for a social media account
i had heard on tv that there was snow coming soon
[FEMALE] was hungry for a snack
i stayed after-school and needed a ride home
[MALE] loved nachos as a kid
[FEMALE] was invited to [FEMALE] 's studio apartment
[NEUTRAL] enjoyed his job
[MALE] was invited to a party
in the debate the moderator asked the candidate if he could dance
the game was tied at 89 with 30 seconds to go
i cut down a lot of trees in my yard
we went to see this great band yesterday
i fell asleep on the beach one day
it was very windy that day
[MALE] hated writing
[MALE] had a lot of helium balloons at a party
[FEMALE] knew that staying home alone was n't a good idea
[MALE] taunted the wrong person and ended up dead
[MALE] was mountain climbing
[MALE] loved to watch the neighborhood go by
[MALE] recently saw an advertisement for a glass making class
on christmas [FEMALE] , [MALE] and [FEMALE] went up the mountain
[FEMALE] friend [FEMALE] is starting work in [NEUTRAL]
the family got packed and headed on the road to [FEMALE]
[NEUTRAL] was excited to have engagement photos taken
[MALE] was recording his speech for class
[FEMALE] walked her dogs along the beach everyday
[MALE] wanted to buy a new computer
[FEMALE] friend and i decided to make latkes
[MALE] and [FEMALE] went to the supermarket
[FEMALE] was walking down the street when she saw a new store
[MALE] was sitting in class
the man heard a noise in the woods
it was a cold and wet winter day
[MALE] was scared of big malls
[FEMALE] [MALE] was always bragging about how everyone adored her
[NEUTRAL] ran an online business
[NEUTRAL] wanted to play a board game with his daughter
colin was a very picky eater
[FEMALE] needed money to buy baby clothes
[MALE] woke up in the middle of the night
[MALE] was n't drinking enough water
[MALE] was watering the flowers with a hose
[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] went to a craft show
[FEMALE] loves to go swimming at the beach
[MALE] skipped school a lot
[MALE] was a professional whale watcher
[MALE] and [FEMALE] knew buying a house was hard
[NEUTRAL] was making a pickle and cheese sandwich
some friends of ours are huge fans of geocaching
[MALE] had a major chemistry test that morning
[MALE] grabbed the lit marijuana joint
[MALE] was initially excited when his wife announced she was pregnant
[MALE] was going to sing karaoke
[FEMALE] was going to start kindergarten
[MALE] dubbed today a day of love
last week i was at a friend 's bbq
[FEMALE] 's family was going on a trip to mississippi
[FEMALE] worried about eating healthy food
geena loved photography
[FEMALE] wife and i had a date night
[MALE] was pulled over by a police officer
our daughter moved to nyc from [MALE]
i finally bought the house of my dreams
there was a recall on cans of tuna
[MALE] knew he could make something of himself
[MALE] was recently laid off from work
a man named [MALE] once wanted to go abroad
[MALE] had a diaper rash
[MALE] went for a walk with his pet goldfish
[FEMALE] 's class was visiting a real working farm
[FEMALE] was a nine year old ballet student