Unnamed: 0
running twenty six miles
After running twenty six miles he felt like he had lost twenty six pounds, this was from all the what?
pass out
drink water
A person sweats a lot after running for 26 miles. Weight loss can be seen from the way a person sweats
There are not many exercises involved in running. Pass out doesnt happen during running. A person dont lose weight by collapsing. Drinking water doesnt lead ro weight loss.
A person sweats a lot after running for 26 miles. Weight loss can be seen from the way a person sweats. There are not many exercises involved in running. Pass out doesnt happen during running. A person dont lose weight by collapsing or drinking water.
stabbing to death
His shot was bad and he found himself stabbing to death the buck, it was what everywhere?
Due to his bad shot, it was bleeding everywhere. He found himself stabbing to death the buck and it results into bleeding everywhere because his shot was bad.
There cant be killing everywhere. Coughing is not a correct option. Just because of a bad shot, a person might not get imprisonment. Mess dont suits here.
Due to his bad shot, it was bleeding everywhere. He found himself stabbing to death the buck and it results into bleeding everywhere because his shot was bad. There cant be killing everywhere. Coughing is not a correct option. Mess dont suits here. Just because of a bad shot, a person might not get imprisonment.
Where can a human take flight?
Aircraft is where human can take a flight.
School is not where humans can take a flight. Band is not where humans can take a flight. Factory is not where humans can take a flight. Car is not where humans can take a flight.
Aircraft is where human can take a flight. School is not where humans can take a flight. Band is not where humans can take a flight. Factory is not where humans can take a flight. Car is not where humans can take a flight.
Sometimes it seems like government wants to control anything and what?
washington d.c
all of us
capitol building
Anything and everything is an English idiomatic phrase. Everything means all the things there ever are.
Washington d.c comes under everything. All of us comes under everything. Country comes under everything. Capitol building comes under everything.
Anything and everything is an English idiomatic phrase and everything means all the things there ever are. So the government wants to control anything and everything. All the other options come under everything.
The glass window was transparent and thin. James leaned on ed on it and it cracked. It was what?
half empty
very fragile
very fragile
Fragile means easily broken or damaged, requires great care when handled. Glass windows are generally easily broken.
Glass is a hard substance. Glass window won't be soft. Glass won't crack because its clear. Glass window won't be half empty. Glass won't crack because its recyclable.
Fragile means easily broken or damaged, requires great care when handled. James leaned on the transparent and thin glass window and it cracked because it was very fragile. Glass windows won't be soft or half empty and other options won't be reason for glass to crack.
drinking alcohol
What happens when you are drinking alcohol too much?
frequent urination
Drinking too much alcohol makes your stomach overflowed and upset. Overflowed and upset stomach make you vomiting.
defecation doesn't happen on drinking too much alcohol. intoxication doesn't happen when you are drinking. frequent urination doesn't happen when drinking too much alcohol only. nausea doesn't happen when drinking too much alcohol.
Drinking too much alcohol makes your stomach overflowed and upset and that makes you vomiting.defecation doesn't happen on drinking too much alcohol. intoxication doesn't happen when you are drinking. frequent urination doesn't happen when drinking too much alcohol only ,any drink in too much quantity make you frequent urination nausea doesn't happen when drinking too much alcohol.
chatting with friends
If people get upset while chatting with friends, what is the likely culprit?
learning about
Misunderstanding leads to people getting upset Misunderstanding can be a culprit Misunderstanding can occur while chatting with friends
Discomfort does not lead to people getting upset Love does not lead to people getting upset Learning about it cannot lead to people getting upset Sleeping cannot be a culprit
Misunderstanding leads to people getting upset while discomfort, love and learning about it do not. Misunderstanding can be a culprit while sleeping cannot. Misunderstanding can occur while chatting with friends.
getting in shape
When getting in shape, this is something that does wonders?
eat more
give up
period of recovery
Jogging is a good cardiovascular workout that burns calories. Getting in shape requires burning calories.
Eating more adds more calories. Eating more doesn't help in getting shape. Starving doesn't help in getting shape. Giving up doesn't help in getting shape. Period of recovery doesn't do wonders in getting in shape.
Jogging is a good cardiovascular workout that burns calories and does wonders in getting in shape. Period of recovery doesn't do wonders in getting in shape and all the other options doesn't help in getting shape.
James loved the flags that had a snake and a motto on it. It was a symbol of a place located where?
pet shops
north america
north america
Snake was a symbol of a place located in north america. It was a place in north america whose flag had a snake and a motto on it which is loved by James.
Pet shops dont have flags that had a snake and a motto on it. Ditch is not a place where flags can be found. At fields, flags might not be find. A person might not find flags at the forest.
Snake was a symbol of a place located in north america. It was a place in north america whose flag had a snake and a motto on it which is loved by James. Pet shops dont have flags that had a snake and a motto on it. Ditch is not a place where flags can be found. At fields, flags might not be find. A person might not find flags at the forest.
The game allowed you to take turns, one player would attack while the other would what?
cease fire
Defending means to protect from attacks. Protecting from attack is part of a game.
Blocking is to prevent an attack. Block comes under defense. Surrendering is to give up. A player won’t generally choose to surrender. Retreating is to withdraw. A player won’t generally choose to retreat. Ceasefire is a temporary stoppage of fighting. A player won’t generally choose to cease fire.
Defending means to protect from attacks which is part of a game. The game allows you to take turns so one player attacks while the other defends. Block comes under defense and a player won’t generally choose to do the other options.
He wanted a condominium near the Pacific ocean, where should he buy one?
He should buy a condominium in Washington state as it is bordered by the Pacific Ocean.
Florida is very far from the Pacific Ocean so he should not buy there. Community is not a geographical place near Pacific Ocean. Michigan is very far from the Pacific Ocean so he should not buy there. Complex is not a geographical place near the Pacific Ocean.
He should buy a condominium in Washington state as it is bordered by the Pacific Ocean. Florida and Michigan are very far from the Pacific Ocean so he shouldn’t buy there. Community and complex aren’t geographical places near the Pacific Ocean.
What is a place where every creature lives?
dark place
World has all type of creature living on it.
Zoo doesn't have all type of creature. Dark place doesn't always have all type of creature. Lake doesn't have all type of creature. Woods doesn't have all type of creature.
World has all type of creature living on it. Zoo or dark place or lake or woods doesn't have all type of creature.
Where is a lion likely to live?
Africa is the world’s second largest and second most populous continent after Asia. Lion is likely to live in Africa.
Veldt is a type of wide open rural landscape in southern Africa. Particularly , it is a flat area covered in grass or low scrub which lion prefers to live in Africa. Veldt is a type of rural landscape and not a country or continent where lions live. Ocean is a very large expanse of sea, in particular each of the main areas into which the sea is divided geographically. Sea lions live in oceans but not the lions. Savannah is a grassy plain in tropical and subtropical regions, with few trees. Lions occur in savannah grasslands with scattered acacia trees which serves as shade. Savannah is a grasslands with scattered acacia trees and not a country or continent where lions live. Jungle cover roughly three percent of our planet and are the most productive habitats on earth. Lions do live in a jungle but of which country or continent is not made clear.
Africa is the world’s second largest and second most populous continent after Asia. Lion is likely to live in Africa. Veldt is a type of rural landscape and not a country or continent where lions live. Sea lions live in oceans but not the lions. Savannah is a grasslands with scattered acacia trees and not a country or continent where lions live. Lions do live in a jungle but of which country or continent is not made clear.
Sarah knew that bob was a gentleman because he took her to a show and was stylish in his what?
big house
A man wearing good looking and expensive clothes is considered a gentleman.
A big house cannot be taken to a show. Church cannot be taken to a show. Town cannot be taken to a show. Movie cannot be taken to a show.
A man wearing good looking and expensive clothes is considered a gentleman, and a tuxedo is a good looking expensive suit. All other options cannot be taken by Bob to a show with Sarah.
Where is one likely to find a mathematical rule?
text book
family situation
text book
Mathematical rule is found in a text book. Mathematics is a subject at school.
Family situation is not a thing where rule can be found. Mathematical rules are not found everywhere. Bible dont contains mathematical rules. Mathematics rule is not there in a lawbook.
Mathematical rule is found in a text book. Mathematics is a subject at school. Family situation is not a thing where rule can be found. Mathematical rules are not found everywhere. Bible or lawbook dont contains mathematical rules.
Joe thought that the reflected sunshine made something look beautiful. What might Joe be looking at?
a frying pan
Reflected sunshine can make moon look beautiful.
Reflection of sunshine cant make desktop beautiful. Sunshine cant reflect at a beach. Street cant look beautiful by sun. Reflection of sunshine cant make frying pan beautiful
Reflected sunshine can make moon look beautiful. Reflection of sunshine cant make desktop or frying pan beautiful. Sunshine cant reflect at a beach. Street cant look beautiful by sun.
John wanted to take pictures of wild gazelle. Where might he go to find one?
kalahari desert
open plain
sheep pen.
trophy room
ball gown
kalahari desert
Most wild gazelles live in the hot, dry savannas and deserts of Africa and Asia.
Wild gazelles won't be in open plains. Wild gazelles won't be in sheep pens. Wild gazelles won't be in trophy rooms. Ball gown is not a place for wild gazelles to be in.
Most wild gazelles live in the hot, dry savannas and deserts of Africa and Asia like the Kalahari desert, which is where John might go. Ball gown is not a place for wild gazelles to be in. Wild gazelles won't be in any of the places in the other options.
winning baseball game
What might happen after winning a baseball game?
in good spirits
Celebration happens after winning a baseball game.
Joy cant happen as it can be felt. Winning a baseball game might not cause pride. In good spirits is not a correct option. Winning causes happiness among the people.
Celebration happens after winning a baseball game. In good spirits is not a correct option. Winning causes happiness among the people. Joy cant happen as it can be felt. Winning a baseball game might not cause pride.
real estate agent
What did the honest real estate agent refuse to do to a client?
hide from
A honest real estate agent will refuse to deceive a client.
As real estate agent is honest so he will not tell a lie. The honest real estate agent will not hide anything from his clients. The honest real estate agent will not manipulate a client. Charming is not a thing to be done.
A honest real estate agent will refuse to deceive a client. The honest real estate agent will not hide anything from his clients. As real estate agent is honest so he will not tell a lie. Charming is not a thing to be done. The honest real estate agent will not manipulate a client.
Every person would get along in a what?
eat well
live comfortably
perfect world
fruit bowl
own house
perfect world
People do not always get along with everyone If one got along with everyone, it would be a perfect world
Eating well has nothing to do with getting along with people Living comfortably is not related to getting along Fruit bowl is not related to getting along with people Getting along is not necessary in own house
People do not always get along with everyone. If one got along with everyone, it would be a perfect world. Eat well, fruit bowl and own house are irrelevant options. Living comfortably is not related to getting along.
fire extinguisher
Where would you put a fire extinguisher if there is only one floor in your house and you cannot cook food in your house?
Fire extinguisher can be put in the garage if person doesn't cook food in the house. Not cooking the food minimizes the chances of fire in the house.
Fire extinguisher cannot be put in the kitchen if person is not able to cook in the house. Fire extinguisher cannot be put outside randomly. House is not specific place here to put the fire extinguisher. House with one floor doesn't have stairwell.
Fire extinguisher can be put in the garage if person doesn't cook food in the house and Not cooking the food minimizes the chances of fire in the house. Fire extinguisher cannot be put in the kitchen if person is not able to cook in the house.Fire extinguisher cannot be put outside randomly. House is not specific place here to put the fire extinguisher.House with one floor doesn't have stairwell.
If a frog has to travel a short distance on land it will do what?
jump several feet
Frogs are amphibians who are known for their jumping abilities.
Frogs cannot walk. No need to jump several feet to travel a short distance. One cannot swim on land. No need to leap to travel a short distance.
Frogs are amphibians who are known for their jumping abilities. Frogs cannot walk, or swim on land. Jumping or leaping is not needed for a short distance.
having fun
He was back in his hometown, he was planning on having fun and doing what?
being understood
visiting friends
visiting friends
Hometown is where people are born and grow up. People generally have a lot of friends in their howntowns.
One need not go to hometown to being understood. One need not go to hometown to hug. Rambling means walk for pleasure in countryside. One need not go to hometown to do rambling. One need not go to hometown to kiss.
Hometown is where people are born and grow up people generally have a lot of friends in their howntowns so he was planning to visit friends. One need not go to their hometown to do the activites in all the other options.
starting fire
Starting a fire is a terrible idea because flames move in what pattern?
The pattern can be unpredictable. To start a fire is a terrible idea because flames move in an unpredictable pattern.
Explosion cannot be a pattern. Disaster cannot be a pattern. Warmth dont suits here. Everywhere is not a correct option.
The pattern can be unpredictable. To start a fire is a terrible idea because flames move in an unpredictable pattern. Explosion or disaster cannot be a pattern. Warmth dont suits here. Everywhere is not a correct option.
finding information
They were finding information on their political enemies, what did they hope to gain?
understanding of
get answers
gaining knowledge
Politicians find the information of their political enemies as their ultimate is goal is always to get power.
Politicians doesn't get information of enemies to gain understanding of enemies. Finding information of enemies doesn't help politicians to get answers. Politicians doesn't get happiness in finding information of their enemies. Politicians doesn't get information of enemies for gaining knowledge.
Politicians find the information of their political enemies as their ultimate is goal is always to get power. Politicians doesn't get information of enemies to gain understanding of enemies. Finding information of enemies doesn't help politicians to get answers. Politicians doesn't get happiness in finding information of their enemies.Politicians doesn't get information of enemies for gaining knowledge.
What does a person do before going on vacation?
rest in bed
lie in bed
buy food
cross street
water plants
water plants
Going on a vacation means to stay away from home People generally have plants at home Plants need water everyday to survive People usually water their plants before going on a vacation so they do not die until they return
People do not always rest in bed before going on a vacation People do not usually lie in bed before going on a vacation People generally do not buy food before going on a vacation Cross street is not a necessity before going on a vacation
Going on a vacation means to stay away from home. People generally have plants at home. Plants need water everyday to survive. People usually water their plants before going on a vacation so they do not die until they return. People do not always rest in bed or lie in bed before going on a vacation. People generally do not buy food before going on a vacation. Cross street is an irrelevant option.
Where the newspaper landed if not on the porch?
front door
A lawn can have newspaper A lawn is near to porch.
Front door is far from porch Subway is away from home Library is away from home Roof is on top and away from porch
A lawn is a nearby area to porch. When newspaper is thrown, it can land in the lawn if not porch. All the other options are not near porch hence are incorrect.
Where could you find thousands or millions of office?
school building
public building
A city has many buildings including multiple offices
Zoo has animals Work is done in office school building is not having multiple offices Public building is just a building
A city is a wode area which has many buildings including various offices. All the other options are incorrect as they are not a area with millions of office.
He wanted to live somewhere were every yard was uniform in size and landscaping, where should he look for a house?
three feet
parking garage
Subdivision is a place with uniform size of yards. As he wanted to live at a place where every yard was uniform in size and landscaping so he should look for a house in a subdivision.
At city, every yard might not be uniform in size. Three feet is not a place where a person can look for a house. In a parking garage, someone cant live. At michigan, he might not found that every yard was uniform in size and landscaping.
Subdivision is a place with uniform size of yards. As he wanted to live at a place where every yard was uniform in size and landscaping so he should look for a house in a subdivision. At city, every yard might not be uniform in size. Three feet is not a place where a person can look for a house. In a parking garage, someone cant live. At michigan, he might not found that every yard was uniform in size and landscaping.
Beer is usually expensive when you attend what public event?
sporting event
bowling alley
sporting event
Sporting event is a place where sporting games are held. Beverages and snacks sold in sporting events are usually expensive. Beer is a beverage.
Refrigerator is a device and not a public event. Drink is not a public event. Fridge is the same as the refrigerator. Bowling alley does not have beer.
Sporting event is a place where sporting games are held. Beverages and snacks sold in sporting events are usually expensive and beer is a beverage. So sporting event is a public event where beer is expensive. Bowling alley does not have beer and the other options are not public shops.
Where is a student likely to keep their notebook?
A bagpack is carried to school A student keeps notebook in backapack which they carry every time to school.
Bookstore sells notebook Pocket does not have so much space to store notebook Office is not place where student keep their personal notebook Classroom is not a place where student keep their personal notebook
A backpack is the thing that a student carries every day to school. he can keep his notebook in the backpack. All the other options are not a place where a student can keep their personal notebooks.
She loved finding the art in nature, and loved how what would explain it?
Science is a systematic study of the physical and natural world. Physical and natural world is nature.
Math is a science of numbers. Math does not necessarily explain the art in nature. Graffiti means drawing and spraying in public places. Graffiti does not explain the art in nature. Logic is the reasoning conducted according to the principles of validity. Logic does not explain the art in nature. Education means learning about something. Learning about something might not explain the art in nature.
Science is a systematic study of the physical and natural world which is nature. She loved how science would explain the art in nature. All the other options might not explain the art in nature.
breathing fresh air
Why will breathing fresh air help you when deciding whether to do something?
oxygen intake
new lungs
think more clearly
feeling refreshed
think more clearly
Breathing fresh air releives a person from stress Being relieved from stress helps in thinking more clearly Thinking more clearly leads to better decisions
Oxygen intake does not lead to better decisions New lungs do not lead to better decisions Feeling refreshed does not lead to better decisions Being relieved from stress does not lead to silence
Breathing fresh air relieves a person from stress that helps in thinking more clearly which leads to better decisions unlike oxygen intake, new lungs or feeling refreshed. Being relieved from stress does not lead to silence.
Which group of states is Louisiana part of?
deep south
98 of world's crayfish
united states
gulf states
bible belt
gulf states
Louisiana is a state bordered by river Missisipi. States who are on gulf of oceans and rivers are known as gulf states
Deep south is not a type of states 98 of world's cryfish is not a type of state United states is a country bible belt is not related to type of states
All the states that have a common border with oceans and big lakes are a part of gulf states and louisiana is a state bordering river mississippi. All the other options are not a type of group of states.
Where do older people sometimes want to hear the singer more than the music?
music hall
night club
In opera, the singer is the main point Older people go to opera Opera is a musical play
Elevator is not related to music Carnival has various types of music and shows where music is prime Music hall is placed wher various music is played night club has music as prime concern
An opera is a place where old people can go. It is musical play where the singer is more important than the music. All the other options are not fesiable as they are not related to singer being more important.
If someone saved up for a new bass, where would they go to get it?
freshwater lake
seafood restaurant
music store
barbershop quartette
music store
Music store is a place which sells musical instruments. Bass is a musical instrument.
Freshwater lakes are unsalted water bodies. Bass isn’t sold in freshwater lakes. Seafood restaurant is a place which sells seafood. Bass isn’t sold in seafood restaurants. Barbershop quartette is a group of four singers. Barbershop quartette is not a place for a bass to be sold in. River is a stream of water. Bass isn’t sold in river.
Music store is a place which sells musical instruments like bass. So if someone saved up for a new bass, they’d go to the music store to get it. Barbershop quartette is not a place for a bass to be sold in and bass isn’t sold in places in the other options.
using television
Why would you be using television?
getting tired
turning off
check email
fall asleep
Entertainment is done through television. You would be using television for the purpose of entertainment.
A person cant be getting tired by using television. Tv is not used for turning it off By using television, you cannot check an email. You would not fall asleep by using television.
You would be using television for the purpose of entertainment. By using television, you cannot check an email. Tv is not used for turning it off. A person cant be getting tired by using television. You would not fall asleep by using television.
What is someone not legal to buy alcohol?
black market
Underage of a person means too young to engage legally in a particular activity, especially drinking alcohol or having sex. Someone of underage is not legal to buy alcohol.
Banned is to officially or legally prohibit something. Banned is to legally prohibit and not what someone is not legal to buy. Adult is a person who is fully grown or developed. Adult is the legal age to buy alcohol. Rules means one of a set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct or procedure within a particular area of activity. Rules are instructions that tell you what you are allowed to do and what not. So, someone of rules is not legal to buy alcohol is an improper statement. Black market, underground economy or shadow economy, is a clandestine market or series of transactions that has some aspect of illegality or is characterized by some form of noncompliant behaviour with an institutional set of rules. Some one cannot be of black market and so black market is not justified.
Underage of a person means too young to engage legally in a particular activity, especially drinking alcohol or having sex. Someone of underage is not legal to buy alcohol. Banned is to legally prohibit and not what someone is not legal to buy. Adult is the legal age to buy alcohol. Rules are instructions that tell you what you are allowed to do and what not. So, someone of rules is not legal to buy alcohol is an improper statement. Some one cannot be of black market and so black market is not justified.
Where would most people store their fortune?
treasure chest
Bank is a secure place to store one's fortune.
Imagination is not a storage place. Cookie is not a storage place. Treasure chest is not secure. Gold is not a storage place.
Bank is a secure place to store one's fortune. Treasure chest is not a secure place and other options are not storage places.
seeing new
Billy liked seeing new teachers at school. He enjoyed meeting new people, but didn't care about the quality of his what?
university of chicago
Billy didn't care about the quality of his education and enjoys to meet new people. As Billy didn't care about the quality of his education so he liked to see new teachers at school.
The quality of excitement is not related to teachers and school. University of Chicago is not he quality of Billy. Meeting new people dont cause him fear. Envy dont suits here.
Billy didn't care about the quality of his education and enjoys to meet new people. As Billy didn't care about the quality of his education so he liked to see new teachers at school. Meeting new people dont cause him fear. Envy dont suits here. University of Chicago is not he quality of Billy. The quality of excitement is not related to teachers and school.
most people
Most people have what which they use to carry things?
two eyes
two hands
two arms
carry bags
two hands
Most human beings have two hands as a body part. Hands have fingers and grip which can carry things.
Two eyes are a body part but they are used to see. Ears are a body part but they are used to listen. Two arms are a body part but one cannot carry things with it. Human Beings do not have carry bags as a body part.
Most human beings have a pair of hands which have fingers and grip used to carry things. All the other options are incorrect as they are not used to carry things.
What happens to a body after death?
human experience
Decomposition is the state or process of rotting; decay. Decomposition happens to a body after death.
Rebirth is the process of being reincarnated or born again. Rebirth is to born again and it is not what happens to a body after death. Human experience is a term for the realities of human existence including the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical characteristics of human life. Human experience is all about human existence and not about what happens to a body after death. Sadness is a feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortune suffered by oneself or others. Sadness is a feeling of deep distress and it happens in the family of a dead person and not to the body after death. Obesity is the state of being grossly fat or overweight. Obesity is overweight and body after death doesn’t grow.
Decomposition is the state or process of rotting; decay. Decomposition happens to a body after death. Rebirth is to born again and it is not what happens to a body after death. Human experience is all about human existence and not about what happens to a body after death. Sadness is a feeling of deep distress and it happens in the family of a dead person and not to the body after death. Obesity is overweight and body after death doesn’t grow.
A story about World War II would be set when?
book or library
book or magazine
World war 2 happened in past. Past is a time when a story can be set.
Book or library is not a time. Book or magazine is not a time. Newspaper is not a time. World War 2 cant happen in future.
World war 2 happened in past. Past is a time when a story can be set. Book or library or magazine or Newspaper is not a time. World War 2 cant happen in future.
The power went out, so why did the family use a candle?
emit light
burn brightly
light house
fire hazard
emit light
Candles emit light Emission of light is helpful when power goes off
Candles do not burn brightly Warmth is not helpful when power goes off Light house is not helpful when power goes off Fire hazard is not helpful when power goes off
Candles emit light and not burn brightly. Emission of light is helpful when power goes off unlike warmth, light house and fire hazard.
Where in a town would you put your shed?
next to the house
keeping things in
farm yard
Shed is there in backyard.
Shed is there in same house. Keeping things in is not a place. Shed is not put in farm yard. Shed is not put in ranch.
Shed is there in backyard. Shed is there in same house. Keeping things in is not a place. Shed is not put in farm yard or ranch.
What is a landscape gardner likely to do?
water lawn
water plants
plant trees
garden roses
playing on ground
plant trees
landscape gardening is the art and practice of laying out grounds which imitates natural scenery.
landscape gardener doesn't water lawns. landscape gardener doesn't water plants. landscape gardener doesn't garden roses. landscape gardener doesn't play on the ground.
landscape gardening is the art and practice of laying out grounds which imitates natural scenery, so plant trees is the correct option. A landscape gardener doesn't do the activities mentioned in the other options.
Where would you put sunglasses if you do not have a shirt but want to bring the sunglasses with you?
in shoes
shirt pocket
glove compartment of car
Sunglasses can be kept in bag. Sunglasses are kept in bag only when you dont have shirt pocket.
Sunglasses cant be put in shoes. Shirt pocket is not there if you dont wear shirt. Sunglasses is not kept at drugstore. Sunglasses is not kept at glove compartment of car
Sunglasses can be kept in bag. Sunglasses are kept in bag only when you dont have shirt pocket. Sunglasses cant be put in shoes. Shirt pocket is not there if you dont wear shirt. Sunglasses is not kept at drugstore or glove compartment of car
light bulb
When lights bulbs fade into darkness, where are we likely?
sunrise or twilight
Theatre is a building or outdoor area in which plays, and other dramatic performances are given. When lights bulbs fade into darkness, we are likely in a theatre.
Room is a space enclosed by walls, floors and ceiling in a building. The light bulbs fade into darkness means they are controlled by a regulator which gradually grow faint and disappear in to darkness whereas in a room we use switches to directly put on and off the light. Sunrise or twilight doesn’t make the light bulbs fade into darkness or rather they fill the room with light. Basement is the floor of a building which is partly or entirely below ground and doesn’t need maintaining. Basement has a direct put on-off switches and not the regulators which fade light into darkness. Lamp is a device for giving light, either one consisting of an electric bulb together with its holder and shade or cover, or one with burning gas or oil and consisting of a wick or mantle and a glass shade. Lamp has a direct switch type connection.
Theatre is a building or outdoor area in which plays, and other dramatic performances are given. When lights bulbs fade into darkness, we are likely in a theatre. The light bulbs fade into darkness means they are controlled by a regulator which gradually grow faint and disappear in to darkness whereas in a room, Basement and a lamp we use switches to directly put on and off the light. Sunrise or twilight doesn’t make the light bulbs fade into darkness or rather they fill the room with light.
office building
Where is it unlikely to find a office building?
high tower
industrial complex
downtown area
advertising company
industrial complex
An industrial complex generally ahs various indutries Finding a office building in between indutries is a very unlikely scene
City can have offices and office building Downtown area is posh area where many office building can be found Advertising company is a type of office building High tower can have office buildings
An industrial complex is an area where many industries are found. Finding a office building is a very unlikely scene. All the other options are not a fesiable choice as they ahve many office buildings.
Items such as medicine, cars, or grain transported on a train is called what?
fight disease
lower cholesterol
lower blood pressure
Items transported through land routes are known as cargo Train tarnsport is called cargo
Fight disease is not a transporation related term lower cholesterol is not a transporation related term Measurements are taken and is not related to transportation Lower BP is not a transporation related term
When one transports anything through land routes, including through train, they are known as cargo transport. All the other options are incorrect as they are not realted to transportation.
buy presents for others
What kind of feelings does buying presents for others create?
make happy
make happy
Buying things for others makes them happy Presents are things Making someone happy makes them feel good
Buying things for others does not bring tears Buying things for others does not please them Buying things for others does not create liking Buying things for others does not thank them
Buying things for others makes them happy and presents are things. Making someone happy makes them feel good. Buying things for others does not bring tears, please them, create liking or thank them.
John loved to pretend. He would waste many hours doing what?
learn to act
have imagination
day dream
have fun with
day dream
to pretend something is related to day dream. day dream results in wasting hours
learn to act is not pretending having imagination dont waste many hours. acting is actually not related to pretending we dont pretend to have fun
to pretend something is related to day dream that results in wasting hours .learn to act and to have fun is not pretending. acting is actually not related to pretending. having imagination dont waste many hours.
Where can a person buy a snake?
tropical forest
north america
pet shops
pet shops
A person can buy a snake from the pet shops.
Tropical forest is not a place from where a person can buy a snake. Snakes might not be purchased at walmart. Snakes are not purchased by a person fron north america. A person cant buy a snake from the field.
A person can buy a snake from the pet shops. Snakes might not be purchased at walmart. A person cant buy a snake from the field. Snakes are not purchased by a person fron north america. Tropical forest is not a place from where a person can buy a snake.
People voted for the outsider because they hoped it would bring what?
welcome change
hate each other
talk to each other
make choice
an applebees
welcome change
Voting for one's own people is very common Voting for an outsider is different from the common pratice outsiders bring new ideas and culture in the common people Most people prefer to welcome change brought by the outsiders
Voting for an outsider usually does not lead to hate Talking to eachother does not only happen on voting for an outsider Make choice is an irrelevant answer Voting for outsider does not bring applebees
Voting for one's own people is very common. Voting for an outsider is different from the common pratice. Such changes can bring new ideas and culture in the common people, hence such a change is welcomed. Voting for an outsider usually does not lead to hate. Talking to eachother does not only happen on voting for an outsider. Make choice and applebess are irrelevant answers.
Where would you find a vase in a restaurant?
A vase can be found on the table in a restaurant.
Shelf is not a place to find a vase. In a cabinet, you cannot find a vase. A vase cant be found near the windowsill. In the bathroom of a restaurant, you cant find a vase.
A vase can be found on the table in a restaurant. Shelf is not a place to find a vase. In a cabinet, you cannot find a vase. A vase cant be found near the windowsill. In the bathroom of a restaurant, you cant find a vase.
Mice live many places, but what is their native habitat?
Mice live in rural areas but with little greenery like countryside Mice live in natural places
Attic is not a natural place and hence is not native Laboratories are not a natural place where mice are found Loft is a type of attic and mice is not Town are small cities but not native habitat
Mice live in natural places like countryside which is rural green area. All the other places are not natural hence cannot be native place.
changing society
Another result of changing society could be what?
confusion and chaos
better standard of living
sometimes bad
anger and depression will not change the society .
better standard of living
Changing society means changing the way society works which can result in better living standard of the society
Confusion and chaos occurs happen during change but is not a result Depression is not a result of changing society as it is person to person Sometimes bad is the type of result not the result anger and depression will not change the society is statement not the result
Changing society means changing the way society works which can result in better living standard of the society. All the other options are incorrect as they are not a result of changing the society.
John is an omnidiciplinarian. Where might he find success?
working hard
various situations
awards ceremony
various situations
Being an omnidiciplinarian, John might find success in various situations.
A person cant success at an ocean. Workinng hard isnt a place to find success. An omnidiciplinarian might not be found at michigan. At awards ceremony, success is not found but celebrated.
Being an omnidiciplinarian, John might find success in various situations. A person cant success at an ocean. Workinng hard isnt a place to find success. An omnidiciplinarian might not be found at michigan. At awards ceremony, success is not found but celebrated.
Where do animals frolick?
surface of earth
Frolick means painful behavior or actions. Animals generally play in the meadow.
Fair grounds is where fairs are conducted. Animals don't play in fairgrounds. Kennel is a man made structure for dogs or cats. All animals do not have kennels to play in. Surface of earth means all of the planet. Animals do not play in all of the planet. Zoos are places where animals are cruelly confined by humans. Animals do not play in zoos.
Frolick means painful behavior or actions and animals generally play in the meadow. So animals frolick in the meadow. Animals do not frolick in the places given in all the other options.
The king gave a speech about it being an auspicious day, but he was assassinated in the middle of it making it actually what?
Auspicious means conducive to success or favourable. Disastrous is the opposite of success or favourable. The king being assassinated turned the day opposite of auspicious.
Ominous means giving the impression that something bad is going to happen. The king was already been assassinated which is something bad. Coincidental means happening by chance. An assassination is a planned murder. Ruinous means disastrous so ruinous comes under disastrous. Assassination of the king is not just inauspicious.
Auspicious means conducive to success for favourable and disastrous is the opposite of auspicious. Making being assassinated turned the day opposite of auspicious which is disastrous. Ruinous comes under disastrous and the assassination of the king does not make the day anything from the other options.
During a shark filled tornado where should you not be?
marine museum
pool hall
noodle house
bad movie
Tornado is there outside. To protect yourself from tornado, you need to stay indoors.
Tornado doesnot occur in a marine museum. Tornado doesnot occur in a pool hall. Tornado doesnot occur in a noddle house. Bad movie is not a place.
Tornado is there outside. To protect yourself from tornado, you need to stay indoors. Tornado doesnot occur in a noddle house, marine museum or pool hall. Bad movie is not a place.
What is the benefit of ships if there is no bridge available?
carry people
cross river
bottom out
cross river
Ship can cross river easily if there is no bridge. Ships cant cross river and need to take long route if there is bridge in between.
Colliding is not a benefit. Carrying people is not related to benefit of ship. Sailors is not a benefit. Bottom out is not a benefit.
Ship can cross river easily if there is no bridge. Ships cant cross river and need to take long route if there is bridge in between. Colliding or sailor or bottom out is not a benefit. Carrying people is not related to benefit of ship.
bald eagle
A bald eagle is likely to be found on what kind of work?
rural area
Painting is a piece of art. Art is a kind of work.
Rural area is not a kind of work. Book can have paintings. All books don’t have bald eagles. Canada is a country and not a kind of work. Aviary is an immoral bird cage. Aviary is not a kind of work.
Painting is a piece of art which is a kind of work where a blad eagle can be found. All books don’t have bald eagles and the other options are not kinds of work.
Grumpy is grooming himself because he's been told that his appearance can impact his mood, and he wants to be what?
looking pretty
Grumpy means bad-tempered and irritable. If grumpy is grooming to impact his mood it will be opposite of his current mood. Opposite to bad-tempered and irritable is positive.
Injury is not a mood. Get is not a mood. Looking pretty is not a mood. Bad-tempered and irritable is already negative.
Grumpy means bad-tempered and irritable. If grumpy is grooming to impact his mood it will be opposite of his current mood and opposite to bad-tempered and irritable is positive. Bad-tempered and irritable is already negative so grumpy does not want that. All the other options are not moods.
The hobbit was timid in front of the dragon, but what did he have to be to get the gold?
Even if the size of a hobbit is small, if he is dauntless, he has the power and can get gold Being dauntless is a quality that one can have
Mean is a quality but it does not lead to one getting gold Recklessness does not lead to one winning over a huge dragon Aggressiveness will not lead to hobbit getting gold as the dragon is more aggresive Bellicose is not something that a hobbit has
Being dauntless is a quality that can even make a small in size hobbit win gold against a dragon. All the other options are invalid as those are not something that can make a a small hobbit make gold against a big dragon.
What happens when people don't recycle packing materials?
change direction
save earth
travel abroad
believe in god
waste paper
waste paper
Recycling means using the same thing again after a thorough process of cleaning and decontamination When people do not recycle their packing materials, it is thrown away after use Paper is the most common packing material When paper is not recycled, it turned to waste
Change direction is not related to recycling Not recycling packing materials does not help in saving earth Travel abroad is not related to recycling Believe in god is an irrelevant answer
Recycling means using the same thing again after a thorough process of cleaning and decontamination. When people do not recycle their packing materials, it is thrown away after use. Constant throwing of things after one use produces a lot of waste. Not recycling packing materials does not help in saving earth. Other options are irrelevant answers.
Sarah thought that she had been home all evening. That meant that the only time to leave was when?
early morning
day time
early morning
A person leaves home in early morning. The only time to leave was early morning as Sarah had been home all evening.
Day time is not the only time to leave. Night is not the only time to leave. Afternoon is not the only time to leave.
A person leaves home in early morning. The only time to leave was early morning as Sarah had been home all evening. Afternoon or day time or night is not the only time to leave.
Bill was on a diet, but that didn't matter. He cared most about his audio quality. He had to turn up the gain because the high-impedance equipment he used cause what to volume?
lose weight
High-impedance sound equipment generally produces lower volume.
High-impedance equipment does not cause the volume to get lost. High-impedance equipment does not cause the volume to lose weight. High-impedance equipment does not waste the volume. High-impedance equipment does not reduce the volume.
High-impedance sound equipment generally produces lower volume. It does not waste or reduce the volume, or cause the volume to lose weight or get lost.
What old models are likely to be made of wood?
hardware store
Boats are an old models. Boats are likely to be made of wood.
Car is not made up of wood. Tree is not an old model. Hardware store might not be made of wood. Lumberyard is not an old model.
Boats are an old models that are likely to be made of wood. Hardware store might not be made of wood. Lumberyard and tree are not an old model. Car is not made up of wood.
cup of coffee
Where is a good place to set a cup of coffee while relaxing?
coffee shop
Table is a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for eating, writing, or working at. Table is a good place to set a cup of coffee while relaxing.
Coffee shop is a cafe serving coffee and light refreshments. Not every time you feel relaxing, can go to a coffee shop. Kitchen is a room or area where food is prepared and cooked. Kitchen is a work area for preparing food and not a relaxation area. Hand is the end part of a person’s arm beyond the wrist, including the palm, fingers, and thumb. One cannot hold a coffee mug while he is relaxing. Office is a room or set of rooms or a building where people work, usually sitting at desks. Office is a work atmosphere and not a relaxing place.
Table is a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for eating, writing, or working at. Table is a good place to set a cup of coffee while relaxing. Not every time you feel relaxing, can go to a coffee shop. Kitchen is a work area for preparing food and not a relaxation area. One cannot hold a coffee mug while he is relaxing. Office is a work atmosphere and not a relaxing place.
Where would people go after they pick some food to buy in a store?
bus depot
neighbor's house
end of line
end of line
One must pay to buy something Stores have cash counters where people pay for the things Cash counters usually have waiting lines People usually wait for their turn at the end of the line
People do not go directly to their apartment after picking up food Bus depot is not a palce to pay for the bought food Neighbor's house is not a place to pay for the bought food People do not go to the restroom after picking up food to buy in a store
One has to pay to buy something. Stores have cash counters where people pay for the things they want to buy. Cash counters usually have waiting lines. People usually go to the end of the line to wait for their turn to pay. People do not go directly to their apartment after picking up food. Bus depot is not a palce to pay for the bought food. Neighbor's house is not a place to pay for the bought food. People do not go to the restroom after picking up food to buy in a store.
Where would you put a saw if you do not need to use it soon and your house only has one floor?
logging camp
in the vehicle
tool shed
tool shed
Tool shed is a place to keep saw when not in use. If house has only 1 floor, saw is kept in a tool shed.
One will not go to logging camp to keep saw. Saw is not kept in vehicle. Saw is not kept in a toolbox. Saw is not to be kept in basement if it is not in use.
Tool shed is a place to keep saw when not in use. If house has only 1 floor, saw is kept in a tool shed. One will not go to logging camp to keep saw. Saw is not kept in vehicle or toolbox. Saw is not to be kept in basement if it is not in use.
Randy was suffering from great hunger and he didn't even need cheese or toppings, he just wanted to what?
eat hamburger
prepare meal
eat breakfast
cook dinner
buy food
eat hamburger
Hamburgers comes with toppings and cheese. Randy was feeling too much hungry that he couldn’t even wait for applying cheese and toppings on a hamburger. He just wanted to eat without cheese and toppings to fill his hunger.
Prepare meal is not true as randy couldn’t control his hunger and wanted to eat immediately. Eat breakfast is not true as randy couldn’t control his hunger and wanted to eat immediately. Cook dinner is not true as randy couldn’t control his hunger and wanted to eat immediately. Buy food is not true as randy couldn’t control his hunger and wanted to eat immediately.
Hamburgers comes with toppings and cheese. Randy was feeling too much hungry that he couldn’t even wait for applying cheese and toppings on a hamburger. He just wanted to eat without cheese and toppings to fill his hunger. Prepare meal is not true as randy couldn’t control his hunger and wanted to eat immediately. Eat breakfast is not true as randy couldn’t control his hunger and wanted to eat immediately. Cook dinner is not true as randy couldn’t control his hunger and wanted to eat immediately. Buy food is not true as randy couldn’t control his hunger and wanted to eat immediately.
What green area is a marmot likely to be found in?
great plains
north america
Countrysides are scenic rural areas which are usually green and wild A marmot can be found in open green countryside
great plains are specific areas and generally not very green Encyclopedia is a book of information Marmots in jungles live in burrow which is not green. North america is a continent
Countrysides are rural areas but with immense greenery. In such places, a marmot can be found. All other options are very specific areas and also not green.
Where do soldiers not deployed eat their food?
neighbor's house
at home
military base
military base
Military base is to accommodate the soldiers and facilitates training and operations also so not to eat the food only. Military base have soldiers deployed.
Neighbor's house doesn't have soldiers deployed. Soldiers are not deployed at home. Shelf is not place where soldiers can be deployed. Soldiers are not deployed in kitchen.
Military base is to accommodate the soldiers and facilitates training and operations also so not to eat the food only and Military base have soldiers deployed. Neighbor's house doesn't have soldiers deployed. Soldiers are not deployed at home or at kitchen.Shelf is not place where soldiers can be deployed.
locker room
You might head to the locker room after getting a green drink here.
health club
fitness centre
health club
Green drinks are present at healthy places Health clubs have locker rooms and green drink.
Fitness center are a type of health clubs Jocks is slang not place Sports are played in stadium. Gymnasium is a room or building equipped with gymnastic equipment.
Green drinks are available at healthy place whihc promote good health. Health clubs are formed to take care of health and have lockr rooms. All the other places are types of helath clubs like fitness center and gym and do not have green drinks. Joscks and staidum are irrelevant to the question.
What do people who are collectivist do?
sail boats
believe in god
shake hands
share things
question authority
share things
Collectivist means the principle of giving a group priority over each individual in it People usually tend to share things in a group
Collectivists are not known to sail boats Believing in god is not related to collectivism Shaking hands is not restricted to collectivists only Questioning authority is an irrelevant option
Collectivist means the principle of giving a group priority over each individual in it. People usually tend to share things in a group. Collectivists are not known to sail boats. Believing in god is not related to collectivism. Shaking hands is not restricted to collectivists only. Questioning authority is an irrelevant option.
Where could you find out about a cow that does not exist?
story book
great outdoors
toy store
story book
Story Book is a book containing a story or collection of stories intended for children. We could find out about a cow that does not exist in a story book.
Great outdoors means especially wild places used for recreational activities such as hiking or camping. Green outdoors means wild places and here we find the cows that exists in real world. Field is an area of open land, especially one planted with crops or pasture, typically bounded by hedges or fences. Field is an area of open land and it is not the place where we could not find out about a cow that doesn’t exist. Toy Store is a type of retail business specializing in selling toys. Toy store is a retail space selling toys and is not the place where we could not find out about a cow that doesn’t exist. Barnyard is the area of open ground around a large farm building used for storing, grain, hay, straw, or for housing livestock; a farmyard. Barnyard is a place for housing of cows and is not the place where we could not find out about a cow that doesn’t exist.
Story Book is a book containing a story or collection of stories intended for children. We could find out about a cow that does not exist in a story book. Green outdoors means wild places and here we find the cows that exists in real world. Field is an area of open land and it is not the place where we could not find out about a cow that doesn’t exist. Toy store is a retail space selling toys and is not the place where we could not find out about a cow that doesn’t exist. Barnyard is a place for housing of cows and is not the place where we could not find out about a cow that doesn’t exist.
What does a computer have to do before a program can exist?
write code
executable file
think logically
get frustrated
Without compiling, a program cannot exist. Computer has to compile the coded data for the program to run smoothly.
Writing code is done by human, not computer. Executable file is not an activity Computers dont think. Computer is a device, so it cannot get frustrated.
Computer has to compile the coded data for the program to run smoothly. Writing code is done by human, not computer. Executable file is not an activity. Computers dont think. Computer is a device, so it cannot get frustrated.
Where is a good place to keep many a pencil?
office depot
pencil shop
A cup has a capacity to hold things upright Cup is generally used as a pencil holder A pencil holder can hold many pencils
Office depot is not a good place to keep many pencils Pencil shop is not a good place to keep many pencils Shelf is not a convenient place to keep pencils Classroom is not a convenient place to keep pencils
A cup has a capacity to hold things upright. Cup is generally used as a pencil holder. A pencil holder can hold many pencils. Office depot is an irrelevant option. Pencil shop is not a good place to keep many pencils. Shelf and classroom is not a convenient place to keep pencils
Where would you find cloth to sleep on?
linen closet
fabric store
Bedroom can have clothes One sleeps in the bedroom Bedroom is a room in the house
One does not sleep in the kitchen Linen closet is not a room in the house One does not sleep in the fabric store One does not sleep in a garage
Bedroom can have clothes and one sleeps in the bedroom and not in the kitchen, fabric store or a garage. Bedroom is a room in the house unlike a linen closet.
The person was having a difficult time understanding the computer program, they were beginning to what?
stare at computer screen
get frustrated
write code
think logically
get frustrated
In difficult time, a person gets frustrated. A person begins to get frustrate if they are not understanding something.
In difficult times, a person cant compile. In difficult times, a person cant stare at computer screen. In difficult times, a person cant think logically. In difficult times, a person cant write code.
In difficult time, a person gets frustrated if they are not understanding something. In difficult times, a person cant stare at computer screen or compile or write code or think logically.
If you have a home with a courtyard, what's one thing you probably don't have to care for any longer?
office complex
Lawn is an area of short, regularly mown grass in the garden of a house or park. If you have a home with a courtyard, Lawn is one thing you probably don't have to care for any longer.
Kids is a child or a young person. Kids are always to be taken care of in a human civilization. Asshole is a person’s anus. Asshole is not the one thing that you probably don’t have to care for any longer. Spain is a country on Europe’s Iberian Peninsula, includes 17 autonomous regions with diverse geography and cultures. Spain is the country and caring is a responsibility of the administrative body. Office complex or Office Building is a room or set of rooms or a building where people work, usually sitting at desks. Home and office building both cannot be in a courtyard.
Lawn is an area of short, regularly mown grass in the garden of a house or park. If you have a home with a courtyard, Lawn is one thing you probably don't have to care for any longer. Kids are always to be taken care of in a human civilization. Asshole is not the one thing that you probably don’t have to care for any longer. Spain is the country and caring is a responsibility of the administrative body. Home and office building both cannot be in a courtyard.
Where could you find a fox hunting when not in a forest?
open meadow
arctic tundra
great outdoors
open meadow
Open meadow contains many prey animals.
Not all foxes live in Arctic tundra. Great outdoors is not a hunting area. Beach is not a hunting area. England is not a hunting area.
Foxes usually go for hunting in open meadows because there are a lot of prey animals. Arctic tundra, beaches, great outdoors and England are not hunting places for a fox.
killing people
Killing people had become a way of life for the gangster, but surely he would also what?
feel remorse
get killed
teach children
get killed
Get killed is to cause the death of a person, animal or other living thing. Killing people had become a way of life for the gangster, but surely, he would also get killed.
Feel remorse is a feeling of sadness and being sorry for something you have done. Killing people has become the way of life for the gangster means he is merciless and has no guilt of his doing. Hate is to feel intense dislike for. Gangster for his deed may get arrested by law and get death sentence for his killings. There is also a chance of retaliation from the relatives of the victim killed. Teach children is to impart knowledge to children or instruct children as to how to do something. Teach children is not what a gangster surely, he would also do. Murder means the unlawful planned killing of one human being by another.
Get killed is to cause the death of a person, animal or other living thing. Killing people had become a way of life for the gangster, but surely, he would also get killed. Killing people has become the way of life for the gangster means he is merciless and has no guilt of his doing. Gangster for his deed may get arrested by law and get death sentence for his killings and not hate. There is also a chance of retaliation from the relatives of the victim killed. Teach children is not what a gangster surely, he would also do. Murder means the unlawful planned killing of one human being by another.
fight inflation
The shrewd investor had a simple plan to fight inflation, and that was to make what?
print money
save money
lowers standard of living
pay less
more money
more money
The shrewd investor fights the inflation always to make more money from the investments that he makes.
The investor cannot print money. The investor doesn't always want to save money but he likes to invest money to make it more. The smart investor doesn't fight inflation for lowers standard of living as person doesn't like lowers standard of living. The investor doesn't always want to pay less as he is not required always to pay.
The shrewd investor fights the inflation always to make more money from the investments that he makes.The investor cannot print money. The investor doesn't always want to save money but he likes to invest money to make it more. The smart investor doesn't fight inflation for lowers standard of living as person doesn't like lowers standard of living.The investor doesn't always want to pay less as he is not required always to pay.
How does a person begin reproducing?
genetic mutation
have sex
going on a date
have sex
To begin reproducing, a person should have sex. Sex is the first step to reproduce.
Genetic mutation dont lead to reproducing. A person cant begin reproducing with just a kiss. Reproducing is not done only by flirting. By going on a date, a person cant begin to reproduce.
To begin reproducing, a person should have sex as sex is the first step to reproduce. Genetic mutation dot lead to reproducing. A person cant begin reproducing with just a kiss. Reproducing is not done only by flirting. By going on a date, a person cant begin to reproduce.
What does a person do if they want to appear authroitative?
stand erect
washing dishes
catch cold
bow to people
wait patiently
stand erect
Authoritative people are those who are responsible for others and supervise them People in charge often stand erect in order to make an impression and to look confident One must stand erect if they want to appear authoritative
Washing dishes does not make a person look authoritative Catching cold does not make people look authoritative Authoritative people usually do not bow to other people Waiting patiently does not make one look authoritative
Authoritative people are those who are responsible for others and supervise them. People in charge often stand erect in order to make an impression and to look confident. One must stand erect if they want to appear authoritative. Washing dishes does not make a person look authoritative. Catch cold is an irrelevant option. Authoritative people usually do not bow to other people. Waiting patiently does not make one look authoritative.
If someone found out their brother was having a daughter, they would have to add a niece limb to the what?
family picture book
family reunion
brother's house
family tree
baby shower
family tree
A family tree has a list of all relations a niece limb can be added to the family tree A niece is the daughter of one's brother
Family picture book has pictures of family but does not have niece limb Family reunion is an anuual event when all family members meet Brother's house is a place Baby shower is an event done before the aby comes into the world
A family tree has a list of all the family members. A niece is the daughter of brother whoes niece limb can be added in the family tree. All the other options are incorrect as they are not a place where niece limb is added.
Which large land mass is home to the most monkeys?
amazon basin
friend's house
lift number 3
research laboratory
african continent
african continent
Africa has a huge land mass of 30.37 million kms. A lot of monkey species are found in Africa.
Amazon Basin does not have huge land mass. Friend’s house does not have huge land mass. Lift number 3 is not related to monkeys. Research Laboratory does not have huge land mass.
Africa has a huge land mass which is a home to many monkey species. All the other options does not answer the question.
The two teams were really competing out there, they had all worked up a what?
The two teams worked up a sweat in striving hard to defeat in a game. To work up a sweat is to perspire due to strenuous physical activity.
The two teams may or may felt anger while competing. Defeat is an outcome so it can’t be worked up while competing. It is not necessary that the two teams fight when they really compete. It is not necessary that two teams are aggressive or attack the other without provocation while competing.
The two teams worked up a sweat in striving hard to defeat in a game. To work up a sweat is to perspire due to strenuous physical activity. The two teams may or may felt anger while competing. Defeat is an outcome so it can’t be worked up while competing. It’s not necessary that the two teams fight or are aggressive while competing.
Sally's boss told her to stop playing. She was being very loud. What was she playing?
Organ is a instrument which can be played. Organ is played very loud.
Telegram is not played. Telegraph is not played. Motor cant be played. Chess is not loud while playing.
Organ is a instrument which can be played. Organ is played very loud. Telegram or Telegraph is not played. Motor cant be played. Chess is not loud while playing.
The recipe called for much salt to really bring out the flavor, but given his dietary restrictions he added just a what?
too much
little bit
too little
too few
very little
little bit
A little bit is opposite of much A little means just a small quantity keepin ghis dieticiary concerns
Too much is not allowed keeping in mind dieticiary concerns Too little is contrary of too much Too few is unded when talking about countable noun but salt is uncountable Very little is used while talking about size
A little bit means in a small quantity and is the contraty of much. A little bit of salt is correct grammatical usage also. All the other options are incorrect.
The comforter was used constantly and treaded upon by everyone, where should it be placed?
linen closet
washing machine
washing machine
Comforter is used to stay warm. When comforter was used constantly by everyone, it needs washing Washing machine is used to wash comforter
Garbage is used to throw waste and comforter is not a waste. Linen closet is used to store the things and we do not store used comforter without washing After constant use, comforter needs washing and washing can’t be completed in bedroom After constant use, comforter needs washing and washing can’t be completed in living room
Comforter is used to stay warm, however when it is used constantly by everyone, it needs to be washed in washing machine, which is not possible in living room or bedroom. Also it is reusable thing after washing so we don't place it in garbage and also we do not store used comforter in linen closet
What kind of driving leads to accidents?
Dangerous driving leads to accidents.
Stressful driving doesn't leads to accidents. fun driving doesn't leads to accidents. Accidents doesn't happen when you are driving illegally.. deadly driving is done with due care generally but hence have risk of accidents.
Dangerous driving leads to accidents.Stressful or fun driving doesn't leads to accidents.Accidents doesn't happen when you are driving illegally. deadly driving is done with due care generally but hence have risk of accidents
John pulled the cover over his head. He was hoping that this would allow him to hide. Where is he hiding?
divert suspicion
leave open
Underneath is situated directly below someone else. John pulled the cover over his head. He was hoping that this would allow him to hide. He is hiding underneath.
Divert suspicion means to deliberately take someone’s attention from something by making them think about or notice other things. John pulled the cover over his head and was hiding and not diverting suspicion. Opening means to move a door or window so as to leave a space allowing access and vision. Opening is not where John is hiding as opening is not a place to hide. Land cover is the physical material at the surface of the earth such as grass, asphalt, trees bare ground, water, etc. Land cover is the physical material at the surface of earth and not where John is hiding. Leave open means to make it possible for. John pulled the cover over his head and didn’t leave open.
Underneath is situated directly below someone else. John pulled the cover over his head. He was hoping that this would allow him to hide. He is hiding underneath. John pulled the cover over his head and was hiding and not diverting suspicion. Opening is not where John is hiding as opening is not a place to hide. Land cover is the physical material at the surface of earth and not where John is hiding. John pulled the cover over his head and didn’t leave open.
playing violin
What would happen to you if you are not good at playing violin?
create music
loud noises
When one is unable to do something like playing voilin, they become sad Sadness is the state of staying sad
Happiness come when one is able to do something like playing voilin Relaxation is when one is able to do something like playing voilin Creating music is not possibel if one cannot play voilin Loud noises are not possibel as one is unable to play voilin
A person can become sad when they are unable to play a voilin as sadness can happen to a person. All the other options either cannot happen to a person or are not something that happens when one is unable to do something.
James looked for an out of the way spot for his new floor lamp. Where might he have put it?
next to the bed
at hotel
Corner is area of the room where the walls meet. James looked for an out of the way spot for his new floor lamp. He might have put it in corner.
Office is a room or set of rooms or a building where people work, usually sitting at desks. Office is not an out of the way spot as office is a daily routine place. Desktop terms to a personal computer and desktop is not a room and you don’t put a lamp in desktop. Next to the bed is usual to keep lamp next to the bed and not an out of the way spot. At hotel is not a private place and as hotels are already decorated with lots of lamps a why one should put the new floor lamp at hotel.
Corner is area of the room where the walls meet. James looked for an out of the way spot for his new floor lamp. He might have put it in corner. Office is not an out of the way spot as office is a daily routine place. Desktop terms to a personal computer and desktop is not a room and you don’t put a lamp in desktop. Next to the bed is usual to keep lamp next to the bed and not an out of the way spot. At hotel is not a private place and as hotels are already decorated with lots of lamps a why one should put the new floor lamp at hotel.
Where would you see a stranger that is planning to use a large vehicle made up of multiple sections that are attached to each other?
bus station
train station
train station
Train is a large vehicle made up of multiple sections that are attached to each other which is seen at train station. At train station, you would see a stranger that is planning to use a large vehicle.
You might not see a large vehicle at the park. There is no large vehicle made of multiple sectionsat bus station. At town, there might not be a stranger planning to use a large vehicle. Bus is not a place.
At train station, you would see a stranger that is planning to use a large vehicle. Train is a large vehicle made up of multiple sections that are attached to each other which is seen at train station. You might not see a large vehicle at the park. There is no large vehicle made of multiple sectionsat bus station. At town, there might not be a stranger planning to use a large vehicle. Bus is not a place.
What causes fear in skating?
increased heart rate
might fall
can't stop
move fast
might fall
Falling is the fear in skating A person only fears the fall part in any sports, otherwise nothing is difficult.
Injuries is not caused in skating A person dont fears the increased heart rate. One can easily stop skating, there is nothing to fear about that. moving fast is fun in skating.
Falling is the fear in skating. Injuries is not caused in skating. A person dont fears the increased heart rate. One can easily stop skating, there is nothing to fear about that. Moving fast is fun in skating.