Unnamed: 0
In ancient times they tried to chart each star, they spent a lot of time staring into the what?
a brain
press conference
globular cluster
In ancient times, they thought stars to be in heavens. They tried to chart each star in ancient times as they spent a lot of time staring into the heavens.
A person cannot stare into a brain. To chart each star, they might not be staring into press conference. Hollywood is not a correct option. They might not spent a lot of time staring into the globular cluster.
In ancient times, they thought stars to be in heavens. They tried to chart each star in ancient times as they spent a lot of time staring into the heavens. A person cannot stare into a brain. To chart each star, they might not be staring into press conference. Hollywood is not a correct option. They might not spent a lot of time staring into the globular cluster.
side chair
The side chair was always kept dry, where was it located compared to the lawn chair?
falling down
Chairs are located normally in a building Chairs in building are kept dry when they are side chair.
there is no lawn in office. TAble is not a place where a chair can be located. There is no lawn in a library, so lawn chair cant be comapred with library chair FAlling down is not a place.
Chairs are located normally in a building. Chairs in building are kept dry when they are side chair. Lawn chair is compared with it, hence office cant be the answer, because there is no lawn in office or library. TAble is not a place where a chair can be located. FAlling down is not a place.
Where do you keep extra clothing on a hike?
It becomes easy to hike with comfortable carry bag. Backpack is very comfortable as it evenly spreads weight on both shoulders
Person is not a place to keep things Hamper can be carried with ony one hand which does not spread weight evenly. Closet is not movable thing and hence not for hiking Upstairs is not movable place and hence not for hiking
For hiking, backpack is very comfortable as it evenly spread weight on both the shoulders whereas hamper does not contain that characteristics. Rest options are not a place to keep things while hiking.
Where do fans watch people kick a ball?
soccer game
hockey game
sporting event
soccer game
Soccer game requires players to kick the ball. Soccer game is specific game that can have fans.
Hockey game cannot require kick the ball as it is played with stick. Generally person is not fan of plympics as its not a particulr game but olypmpics can have many games person can be fan of them. Person cannot be fan of whole sporting event but he can be fan of particular game that sporting event have. Stadium doesnt require players to kick the ball always.
Soccer game requires players to kick the ball and Soccer game is specific game that can have fans. Hockey game cannot require kick the ball as it is played with stick. Generally person is not fan of plympics as its not a particulr game but olypmpics can have many games person can be fan of them. Person cannot be fan of whole sporting event but he can be fan of particular game that sporting event have.Stadium doesnt require players to kick the ball always.
He was an expert in hieroglyphics, can you tell me the location of his excavation?
work area
in dirt
He was an expert in hieroglyphics at egypt. Egypt is the location of his excavation.
Excavation is not located at desert. An expert in hieroglyphics is not at montana. An expert in hieroglyphics is not at work area. Excavation is not located in dirt.
He was an expert in hieroglyphics at egypt. Egypt is the location of his excavation. An expert in hieroglyphics is not at work area or montana. Excavation is not located at desert or in dirt.
going to play
They were going to play at the theater, part way through there was a what?
spending money
being entertained
man of la mancha
Intermission is a pause or break in a cinema or movie or a play. Plays have intermissions for people to take a rest room break.
People can spend money whenever they want. Part way through the play doesn't have spending money. People are being entertained through the play, not part way through it. Plays are generally interesting, not boring. Part way through the play won't cause sleepiness. Man of la mancha is a 1965 musical. Part way through the play won't have man of la mancha.
Intermission is a pause or break in a cinema or movie or a play for people to take a rest room break. So part way through the play at the theater, there was an intermission. All the other options won't be there part way through the play.
container can
A flask is a container can, it is made to hold what?
contain food
Flask is a container can to hold liquids hot or cold.
A container cannot store fire and burning flames. Every container used to store food may not be a flask. A flask cannot contain food that can be eaten. Garage is a container room and repair automobiles.
Flask is a container can to hold liquids hot or cold. A container cannot store fire and burning flames. Every container used to store food may not be a flask. A flask can’t contain food that can be eaten. Garage is a container room and repair automobiles.
What kind of emotion does eating at your favorite restaurant bring about?
getting full
gaining weight
Satisfaction is feeling that you have on eating your favorite food.
You don't get full always when you eat your favourite food. Eating favouirte food doesn't bring sadness. gas can be cause of any food You don't gain weight if you eat adequately.
Satisfaction is feeling that you have on eating your favorite food.You don't get full always when you eat your favourite food. Eating favouirte food doesn't bring sadness.gas can be cause of any food.You don't gain weight if you eat adequately.
What do children like to do in the car?
throw things
say the alphabet
hear stories
play with toys
play games
play with toys
Children like to play with toys Playing with toys is a form of entertainment One can play with toys in the car Playing with toys is a physical activity
One cannot throw things in the car Saying the alphabet is not a form of entertainment Hearing stories is not a physical activity One cannot play games in the car
Children like to play with toys which is a form of entertainment unlike saying the alphabet. One can play with toys in the car and not throw things or play games in the car. Playing with toys is a physical activity unlike hearing stories.
telephone booth
Where are there more telephone booths?
gas stations
train station
In a city, there are many telephone booths. Every city contains many telephone booths to facilitate its people.
Gas station contains very few booths. London is not the only country which has many booths. There are very few booths at a train station. There are very few booths at an airport.
Every city contains many telephone booths to facilitate its people. Gas station, train station and an airport contain very few booths. London is not the only country which has many booths. So city indicates every city in every country. Hence it is the wide term.
Some people go their whole life doing what for love?
live life
wait for
emotion affection
wait for
Waiting is a process that can take too much time Many people wait for finding the best person in love
Live life is not related to love Emotion affection is an incomplete clause Kiss is not an action people wait for in love Entertain is not related to context of love
One can wait for love for entire life to find the right person. All the other options are not lifelong thing that one can do for love.
Bill needed new socks so he went where?
sporting goods store
sporting goods store
At sporting goods store, new things are available. As Bill needed new socks so he went to the sporting goods store.
Paint is not a place where a person can get new socks. At bed, Bill might not get new socks. Bureau is not a place where a person might went if socks are needed. At suitcase, Bill might not get new socks.
At sporting goods store, new things are available. As Bill needed new socks so he went to the sporting goods store. Paint is not a place where a person can get new socks. At suitcase or bed, Bill might not get new socks. At suitcase, Bill might not get new socks.
What cold tall area are you likely to find a marmoset in?
new hampshire
latin america
Mountains are cold and tall areas in world
Rainforest are not tall and cold New hampshire is state not area Latin america is not a area Tress are not cold
Mountains are cold and tall areas in some of which one can find marmosets. All other options are not related to cold and tall areas.
When one wishes to analyse a subject you must do what at great length?
look at
use calculator
come to conclusion
learn new
think about
think about
Thinking about something means directing and focusing one's mind towards something. Analysing something requires directing and focusing one's mind towards it.
Looking at something does not mean analysing it. Calculator is a device used to do mathematical calculations. Calculator will not always help in analysing all subjects. Coming to a conclusion happens after analysing something. Analysing something does not require learning something new.
Thinking about something means directing and focusing one’s mind towards it. One needs to think at great length to analyse a subject. All the other options do not help in analysing any subject.
How bad is the punishment for someone who is over indulgent?
self denying
Indulgent means lenient with someone or overly generous. Severe is very great and intense. Severe is the punishment for someone who is overindulgent.
Harsh is unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses. Hard is solid, firm and rigid. Not easily broken, bent or pierced. Strict is demanding that rules concerning behaviour are obeyed and observed. It is not the punishment for overindulgent. Self denying is characterized by or involving the denial of one’s own interests and needs.
Indulgent means lenient with someone or overly generous. Severe is very great and intense. Severe is the punishment for someone who is overindulgent. Harsh, Hard, Strict and self-denying are as discussed not the punishment for overindulgent.
What is the responsibility of many an adult?
drink beer
drive train
sweeping the floor
An adult person is expected to work and provide a living to his family.
Drinking beer is not responsiblity. Driving train is not responsibility of every adult. Every adult is not expected to sweep the floor. Every adult is not expected to get married.
An adult person is expected to work and provide a living to his family. Drinking beer is not responsibility. Only adults who are train drivers can drive train. Every adult is not expected to sweep floor or get married.
The nose dipped and alarms went off inside the what?
upper respiratory tract
Aircraft has alarms Aircraft has nose
Car does not have nose Upper respiratory tract does not have alarm Missile does not have nose and alarm Sniff is not realted to alarm
A aircraft hasboth nose and alarm. Car does not have a nose whereas Upper respiratory tract, missile and sniff do not have nose and alarm hence are incorrect.
The peninsula and panhandle make for a long coast, this is why many people like to vacation or retire where?
united states
where it is hot
Florida is surrounded by water from 3 sides Due to water at 3 sides, it has long coast
People go to vacation or retire at one specific place and United States is too large definition People go to vacation or retire at one specific place and country is too large definition People go to vacation or retire from a pleasant place and not a hot place Peninsula and panhandle at California does not make for a long coast
Florida is surrounded by water from 3 sides and hence peninsula and panhandle at Florida make for a long coast. And many people would like to vacation or retire at such a pleasant place which is not too hot. Other options does not satisfy all conditions
cup of coffee
where did the girl drank a cup of coffee?
coffee shop
coffee shop
Coffee shop is a cafe serving coffee and light refreshments. The girl drank a cup of coffee at a coffee shop.
Desk is a piece of furniture with a flat or sloping surface and typically with drawers, at which one can read, write, or do other work. Cup of coffee is not available at desk and so, it is not where the girl drank a cup of coffee. Office is a room or set of rooms or a building where people work, usually sitting at desks. Office is a workplace and not a canteen where the girl can drink a cup of coffee. Upstairs means on or to an upper floor of a building. Upstairs is not a café serving coffee. Table is a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for eating, writing, or working at. Table is on which you eat or work and is not where the girl drank a cup of coffee.
Coffee shop is a cafe serving coffee and light refreshments. The girl drank a cup of coffee at a coffee shop. Cup of coffee is not available at desk and so, it is not where the girl drank a cup of coffee. Office is a workplace and not a canteen where the girl can drink a cup of coffee. Upstairs is not a café serving coffee. Table is on which you eat or work and is not where the girl drank a cup of coffee.
standing in line
After standing in line all day what is likely to happen?
learn a new way to bake bread
get tired
get tired
a person gets tired after standing in line. standing in line for a whole day cause tiredness
By standing in line one cant learn new way to bake bread. By standing in line one cant order. Tiredness is not an activity fidgeting is not due to standing.
a person gets tired after standing in line. By standing in line one cant learn new way to bake bread or order. Tiredness is not an activity. fidgeting is not due to standing
trash can
If you're using a trash can in the downtown district of a city, where may you be?
water cooler
Alley is a downtown district of a city. If you're using a trash can in the downtown district of a city, you may be at alley.
Water cooler is not a place where trash can be used. A trash cant be used in an office. Walmart is not a place. you might not use a trash in Park
If you're using a trash can in the downtown district of a city, you may be at alley. A trash cant be used in an office. Walmart is not a place. you might not use a trash in Park. Water cooler is not a place where trash can be used.
What do you call the period of time after you are done running before you have the energy to run again?
falling in
sit down
tie shoelace
rest is the period of relaxation. Before running again, a person do rest.
Tiredness is not a period . Falling in is not a period. Sit down is an activity, not a period. Tie shoelace is not a period
rest is the period of relaxation. Before running again, a person do rest. Tiredness or falling is not a period. Sit down or tie shoelace is an activity, not a period.
James thought that the desk was built with solidity, but when he rapped on it he could hear what?
strange sounds
James thought that the desk was built with solidity, but when he rapped on it he could hear hollowness.
Openness cant be heard. Instability of the desk cant be heard. A person may not heard strange sounds if the desk was built with solidity. Weakness cant be heard by rapping on the desk.
James thought that the desk was built with solidity, but when he rapped on it he could hear hollowness. Openness cant be heard. Instability of the desk cant be heard. Weakness cant be heard by rapping on the desk. A person may not heard strange sounds if the desk was built with solidity.
stopping being married to
If you're still in love and end up stopping being married to your partner, what emotion are you likely to experience?
Depression is an emotion. If you end up stopping being married to your partner with whom you are in love, you are likely to experience depression.
Wrong is not an emotion. You might not feel pleasure if stopped from marrying a person who you loves. Encouragement is not an emotion. You might not feel relief if stopped from marrying a person who you loves.
Depression is an emotion. If you end up stopping being married to your partner with whom you are in love, you are likely to experience depression. Encouragement or wrong is not an emotion. You might not feel relief or pleasure if stopped from marrying a person who you loves.
What could happen to you after you see some beautiful clouds above you?
Clouds generally look beautiful when raining. Raining means water droplets falling from the cloud. People get wet when water falls on them.
Plain is a large land and not something that can happen to someone. Cold is a feeling of getting wet. Cold comes under wet. Dull means lacking interest. Seeing beautiful clouds above won’t make someone dull. Bad means of a poor quality. Seeing beautiful clouds above won’t make someone bad.
Clouds generally look beautiful when raining which means water droplets falling from the clouds. People get wet when water falls on them which is what happens when someone sees some beautiful clouds above them. Cold comes under wet and seeing clouds does not make anything from the other options happen to someone.
If one is contemplating during meditation, what does one strive for?
deep thoughts
new discovery
clear thought
sense of fulfillment
clear thought
If one is contemplating and giving attention to one thing during meditation, one strives for getting one clear thought.
One may not get any deep thoughts while contemplating on meditation. Contemplating on meditation one strives for inaction and not action. One finds a new discovery by contemplating on problems and not meditation. One feels a sense of fulfillment while contemplating on action.
If one’s contemplating and giving attention to one thing during meditation, one strives for getting one clear thought. One may not get any deep thoughts while contemplating on meditation. Contemplating on meditation one strives for inaction and not action. New discovery which is to learn something for first time may or may not happen while contemplating on meditation. One feels a sense of fulfillment while contemplating on action.
Where is a fireplace likely to be a heat source?
family room
living room
A fireplace is usually made in the cabin Cabins are in forests where one can feel cold and a fireplace there can be heat source
Deserts do not have fireplace in open Home may have fireplace but it is usually not a heat source Family rooms may not have fireplace to be heat source Living room fireplaces are for fancy looking not for heat source
A fireplace usually are in a cabin where one can feel cold and hence they act as source of heat. All the other options are incorrect as they are not usually a place where a fireplace can be a source of heat.
applying for job
She had been applying for job for weeks with no call back, she knew she was qualified, so what did she feel?
working hard
Frustration means the feeling of annoyance and slight anger. Qualified people generally expect to get calls from interviewers. People generally feel frustrated when they don't get what they expect.
Employment means the state of having paid work. Employment is not a feeling. Stress means having tension. Qualified people do not generally feel tension. Working hard is not a feeling. People don't feel love when they don't get calls back.
Frustration means a feeling of annoyance and slight anger and qualified people generally expect calls from interviewers. People generally feel frustrated when they do not get what they expect. So she was feeling frustrated as she was not getting calls even though she was qualified. One does not feel love when they don't get calls back and qualified people do not generally feel tension, other options are not feelings.
sleep at night
James needed more sleep at night, so he did what earlier?
get into bed
closed his eyes
go to sleep
go to sleep
A person should go to sleep earlier so that they can sleep more at night. As james needed more sleep at night, so he should go to sleep earlier.
A person might not have more sleep at night by getting into bed earlier. Only with closed eyes, James might not sleep more. In order to have more sleep, a person may not need to have relax. rest don't fits here.
A person should go to sleep earlier so that they can sleep more at night. As james needed more sleep at night, so he should go to sleep earlier. In order to have more sleep, a person may not need to have relax. rest don't fits here. Only with closed eyes, James might not sleep more. A person might not have more sleep at night by getting into bed earlier.
The person took a ibuprofen after experiencing a headache, what happened to him next?
feel relieved
cross street
learn to swim
act responsibly
feel relieved
Ibuprofen is a pain relieving medicine People often take ibuprofen when they have a headache People feel relieved when the medicine cures the headache
Crossing street has nothing to do with taking ibuprofen for a headache Learning to swim is not related to taking ibuprofen for a headache Walking is not something that happens to someone after a headache People do not act responsibly only after taking ibuprofen for a headache
Ibuprofen is a pain relieving medicine. People often take ibuprofen when they have a headache. People feel relieved when the medicine cures the headache. Cross street is an irrlevant option. Learning to swim is not related to taking ibuprofen for a headache. Walking is not something that happens to someone after a headache. Act responsibly is an irrelevant option.
use television
They had just moved in but had already gotten cable, wanting to use television they did what with the cord?
plug in
switch on
sit on couch
open eyes
plug in
To use television, you are required to 'plug in' with the cord. Without 'plug in' they cant use television.
Kill is not something to be done with cord. They cant use television just by putting its switch on. By sitting on couch and without plugging in the cord they cannot use television Open eyes is not something to be done with cord.
Without 'plug in' with the cord they cant use television. They cant use television just by putting its switch on. By sitting on couch and without plugging in the cord they cannot use television. Open eyes or kill is not something to be done with cord.
Where is the best place to store the title to you car or deed to your home?
magazine article
safe deposit box
glove box
safe deposit box
Safe deposit box is the best place to store something. You can store the title to your car or deed to your home at a safe deposit box.
Magazine article is not a place to store things. At glove box, you cant store the title to your car or deed to your home. Library isnt a place for storing anything. It is not possible to store anything at book.
You can store the title to your car or deed to your home at a safe deposit box. Magazine article is not a place to store things. At glove box, you cant store the title to your car or deed to your home. Library isnt a place for storing anything. It is not possible to store anything at book.
The producer told them to take out the scene with full nudity, this was because PG-13 only allowed for what kind of nudity?
close fitting
PG-13 is a common type of film rating which rates material as inappropriate for children under 13.
Close fitting is not a kind of nudity. Tight is not a kind of nudity. Empty is not a kind of nudity. Incomplete is not a kind of nudity.
PG-13 is a common type of film rating which rates material as inappropriate for children under 13 so full nudity is not allowed under this rating. From all the options, partial nudity is the only kind of nudity.
A common saying, Sam thought, was to go forth, also this.
back and
back and
tally back
back and
Back and forth is a common saying.
There is no common saying with reverse and forth. There is no common saying with backwards and forth. There is no common saying with tally back and forth. Back and is already given as an option.
Back and forth is a common saying. There are not common sayings with other options that has 'forth' in them. Back and is given twice in options.
standing in line
If you're standing in line all day and someone cuts in front of you what may you feel?
A person feels agitated when someone cuts in front of him Standing in line for whole day causes tiredness and agitation
Fainting is not the result of someone cuts in front of you while you are standing in line for whole day Hunger is not the result of someone cuts in front of you while you are standing in line for whole day boredom is not the result of someone cuts in front of you while you are standing in line for whole day Pain is not the result of someone cuts in front of you while you are standing in line for whole day
A person feels agitated when someone cuts in front of him. Standing in line for whole day causes tiredness and agitation. Fainting, hunger, boredom or Pain is not the result of someone cuts in front of you while you are standing in line for whole day
The vacation price included the hotel and meals, that's why he picked this particular what?
las vegas
metropolitan area
Resort is a place that is frequented for holidays. The package price included hotel and meals, so he picked up resort.
Town is where the hotels may be but not the hotel. Las Vegas is a city and not a hotel. Metropolitan area is not an hotel. City is not an hotel.
Resort is a place that is frequented for holidays. The package price included hotel and meals, so he picked up resort. Town is where the hotels may be but not the hotel. Las Vegas is a city and not a hotel. Metropolitan area is not an hotel. City is not an hotel.
learning about science
What might someone get from learning about science?
see things differently
increased knowledge
appreciation of nature
increased knowledge
Increase knowledge is to enhance knowledge or improve knowledge. Someone might get increase knowledge from learning about science.
Headaches is a continuous pain in the head. Headaches can happen if you attempt too much learning. See things differently means we don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are. One's views can change to see things differently after learning about science but not someone might get from learning about science. Accident is an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally. Accidents happen during experiments and not all the time learning about science. Appreciation of nature is the act of recognising or understanding that nature is valuable, important or as described. Appreciation of nature is not what might someone get from learning about science as learning about science is not about appreciation of nature.
Increase knowledge is to enhance knowledge or improve knowledge. Someone might get increase knowledge from learning about science. Headaches can happen if you attempt too much learning. One's views can change to see things differently after learning about science but not someone might get from learning about science. Accidents happen during experiments and not all the time learning about science. Appreciation of nature is not what might someone get from learning about science as learning about science is not about appreciation of nature.
playing ball
What are the potential outcomes of playing ball?
making a touchdown
having fun
A game of ball only has two outcomes which are either winning or losing
Competetion is not an outcome of playing ball Injury is not an outcome but a part of playing Making a touchdown is part of playing game Having fun is not an outcome but a part of playing game
Out of all the options, only losing is an outcome that a game of ball can have. All the other options like competetion, injury, fun and touchdown are a part of playing game of ball not the outcome of it.
Where would you find bleachers inside?
sporting event
seat with view
People in the gym sit on bleacher for resting Bleachers are placed inside the gymnasium Gymnasium is an indoor place
Soccer is an outdoor game Sporting event can be done inside as well as outside Seating in a pharmacy is not called bleacher Seat with view is not a place
Gym has teachers for people in the gym to rest. These are placed inside the gymnasium which is an indoor place. Soccer, on the other hand, is an outdoor game and a sporting event can be done inside as well as outside. Seating in pharmacy is not called bleacher and seat with view is not a place.
front garden
John went into the front garden of his palatial mansion. Where might his mansion be located?
sunny yard
urban area
front yard
outside of house
A palatial mansion is generally built in a place with large free space.
A palatial mansion cannot be built in a sunny yard. A palatial mansion cannot be built in an urban area. A palatial mansion cannot be built in a front yard. A palatial mansion cannot be built outside any general house.
A palatial mansion is generally built in a place with large free space, so John's mansion might be located in michigan. Such a mansion cannot be built in places given by other options.
An amphitheartre provides a stage in what sort of environment?
experiencing performance art
Amphitheatre is an open circular or oval building with a central space. Outside is anywhere with a lot of space.
An amphitheater cannot be in inside environment. Greece is a country and not a sort of an environment. Experiencing performance art is an action and not a sort of an environment. A park might not provide the environment for an amphitheatre.
Amphitheatre is an open circular or oval building with a central space. Amphitheatre needs a lot of space so outside is a good environment for it. Inside and a park might not provide the environment for an amphitheatre and the other options are not sort of environments.
Where can you buy sunglasses at?
on your head
shirt pocket
Sunglasses can be bought from a drugstore.
Glovebox is not a place to find sunglasses. Sunglasses cant be purchased from a purse. On your head is not a place to buy sunglasses. Sunglasses cant be purchased from a shirt pocket.
Sunglasses can be bought from a drugstore. Glovebox is not a place to find sunglasses. Sunglasses cant be purchased from a purse or shirt pocket. On your head is not a place to buy sunglasses.
getting drunk
The aggressive soldiers were getting drunk, what are they at they at risk of doing with the locals?
Aggressiveness means ready or likely to attack or confront. Getting drunk encourages aggressiveness. Attacking and confronting comes under fights.
Aggressiveness won't result in nausea. Aggressiveness won't result in erections. Aggressiveness won't result in relaxation. Procreation is giving birth. Aggressiveness won't result in procreation.
Aggressiveness means ready or likely to attack or confront, so the aggressive soldiers are at risk of fighting with the locals. Aggressiveness won't result in the things given in the other options.
The children were making each other laugh, they did this via what?
play ball
reading a book
jump rope
see exhibits
Tickling leads to laughing Children like to tickle others Tickling involves touching another person
Playing ball does not involve touching another person Reading a book does not lead to laughing Jumping rope does not involve touching another person Seeing exhibits does not lead to laughing
Tickling leads to laughing while reading a book and seeing exhibits do not. Children like to tickle others which involves touching another person unlike playing ball and jumping rope.
Alcohol wasn't allowed at the meeting, so where did the alcoholic put his flask?
science lab
coat pocket
the meeting room
chemistry lab
coat pocket
Person mostly wears coat when he is required to attend meeting and coat have pockets. Alcoholic person keeps alcohol flask with him which he can put in pocket of coat Alcohol flask are easy to carry and conceal in pocket.
Science lab is not place where alcohol flask are kept. Laboratory is not place where alcohol flask are kept. Person cannot put alcohol flask the meeting room openly as its not allowed. Chemistry lab is not place where alcohol flask are kept.
Person mostly wears coat when he is required to attend meeting and coat have pockets and Alcoholic person keeps alcohol flask with him which he can put in pocket of coat as Alcohol flask are easy to carry and conceal in pocket. Science lab or Laboratory or Chemistry lab is not place where alcohol flask are kept. Person cannot put alcohol flask the meeting room openly as its not allowed.
Where do you buy treats for kids over a counter?
candy store
butcher shop
auto repair shop
post office
candy store
Treats means food. Candy store sells candy. Candy is food.
Butcher shop murders animals and does not sell treats. Kitchen is a room in a house and not a shop. Auto repair shop repairs automobiles. Auto repair shop does not sell food. Post office sends mail. Post office does not sell food.
Treats means food amd candy store sells candy which is food. Kitchen is not a shop and all the other options do not sell treats.
What could you use to fill a cup and then drink from it?
sand box
kitchen cabinet
water fountain
water fountain
Water fountain is a device, usually in a public place, that supplies water for drinking. We could use to fill a cup from water fountain and then drink from it.
Sand box is a shallow box or hollow in the ground partly filled with sand for children to play in; a sandpit. We can fill a cup of sand from sandpit buy we cannot drink sand. Kitchen cabinet is a cabinet, closet, or other piece of furniture with shelves intended for storing cookware, dishware, or food. Kitchen cabinet is a storage area and we cannot fill a cup for drinking. Waterfall is a cascade of water falling from a height, formed when a river or stream flows over a precipice or steep incline. Waterfall is a cascade of water falling from height and we cannot fill a cup from it to drink. Table is a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for eating, writing, or working at. Table doesn’t provide something to drink.
Water fountain is a device, usually in a public place, that supplies water for drinking. We could use to fill a cup from water fountain and then drink from it. We can fill a cup of sand from sandpit buy we cannot drink sand. Kitchen cabinet is a storage area and we cannot fill a cup for drinking. Waterfall is a cascade of water falling from height and we cannot fill a cup from it to drink. Table doesn’t provide something to drink.
having lunch
What is the result of having a lunch that is sizable?
give up
feeling satisfied
get sleepy
feel full
feel full
Sizable lunch means having a lot of food. Eating a lot of food makes one feel full.
One does not give up eating a sizable lunch. Eating sizable does not cause obesity. Feeling satisfied means being content which comes under feeling full. Eating sizable lunch does not make one get sleepy.
Sizable lunch means having a lot of food and eating a lot of food makes one feel full. Feeling satisfied comes under feeling full and all the other options are not the result of eating sizable.
driving car
I was driving a car and had a heart attack at 80 mph, what awaits me?
new car
getting somewhere
getting tired
Heart attack stops working of the heart and makes person die. Losing control of driving at 80 mph is likely to end in deadly accident. Death may happen either by heart attack or by deadly accident.
person don't drives at high speed when new car awaits. Wreak doesn't happen when you have heart attack while driving usually. Person cannot get somewhere when have heart attack while driving. Person don't get tired when have heart attack. p 0]
driving a car and had a heart attack at 80 mph, may result in death as heart stops working in heart attack so person may get death either by heart attack or by deadly accident that happen due to high speed.person don't drives at high speed when new car awaits.Wreak doesn't happen when you have heart attack while driving usually. Person cannot get somewhere when have heart attack while driving.Person don't get tired when have heart attack.
two people
What is it called when two people have the same point of view?
make love
when they hug
shake hands
agree with each other
work together
agree with each other
When two people have the same point of view then they always agree with each other.
People dont make love by having same point of view. Two people dont hug if they have similar point of view. When two people have the same point of view they dont shake hands. Having same point of view dont means that two people will work together.
When two people have the same point of view then they always agree with each other. People dont make love by having same point of view. Two people dont hug if they have similar point of view. When two people have the same point of view they dont shake hands. Having same point of view dont means that two people will work together.
Where are you likely to get very fresh fruit?
san francisco
Fruits generally grow on plants and trees.
Fruits are not available in sand. Markets don't generally have fresh fruits. San francisco is not market or a shop. Refrigerator is not market or a shop.
Fruits generally grow on plants and trees, so they'll be very fresh as soon as they are taken from the tree. Markets won't have very fresh fruit and other options do not have fruits.
Whilst his girlfriend preferred sweet, he preferred what kind of snacks?
Snacks are salty mostly. Salty is the opposite of sweet in taste.
Lame is not a kind of snacks. Snacks are not sour. Ocean is not a snack. Snacks are not dry.
Snacks are salty mostly. Salty is the opposite of sweet in taste. Lame is not a kind of snacks. Snacks are not sour or dry. Ocean is not a snack.
Where do you get served alcohol in a mug?
juice bar
Bar has mugs Bars have alchohol One gets alchohol served in a bar
Juice bars dont serve alchohol Cabinet does not serve alchohol Store sells things Cupboard does not serve alchohol
A bar has mugs and alchohol and one serve alchohol in mugs at bar. All the other places do not have mugs and alchohol served in it.
movie theater
What crunchy treat do many people have at a movie theater?
jolly rancher
Popcorns are found at food area of movie theater Popcorns are cruncy treats
City is not a cruncy treat as it is place Jolly rancher is not a cruncy treat in a theater Town is not a cruncy treat as it is place Cineplex is a type of movie theater
Popocorn is a crunchy treat found in all movie theater's food areas. All the other options are not a crunchy treat many people have at a movie theater.
walking dog
After walking a dog for a long time what do you have?
exercise and companionship
sore feet
sore feet
You have sore feet after walking a dog for a long time.
Exercise and companionship is not by walking a dog A person dont have pride because pride is a feeling. Poop is not related with walking a dog. A person dont have tiredness because its a feeling.
You have sore feet after walking a dog for a long time. Exercise and companionship is not by walking a dog. A person dont have tiredness or pride because these are the feelings. Poop is not related with walking a dog.
playing sports
What is the hope of playing sports without competition?
have fun
balls touch
get tired
have fun
When there is no competition, people want to play to have fun Fun is achieved when one plays without any challange and competition hnece there is no winniing or losing
Running is a part of playing sport Balls touch is not a tyep of hope in sports Winning is when there is competition Get tired is not something that people hope while playing
When a person is playing sports and there is no competition, they hoep to enjoy and hence have fun in the game. All the other options are incorrect as one does not aim to have those while playing without competition.
If you're using scuba gear in the ocean where are you?
surface of earth
Suba gear is used when one is diving in the underwater When one is in the ocean, they are underwater of the ocean
Beach is a land mass near ocean Surface of earth is not related to scuba gear Future is not related to scuba gear Waterfalls do not have scuba divers
A scuba diver is found in deep seas like underwater in an ocean. Scuba divers wear scuba gears. All the other options are not a fesiable choice as they are not related to scuba gear being used in an ocean.
Where would a specific place for a delicatessen be?
large city
Michigan is a state in midwestern regions of the united states. Michigan would be a specific place for a delicatessen.
Large city is a metropolis or a big city with a large population and many services. Large city is likely to have a popular delicatessen, but it is not a specific place. Shop is a building or part of a building where goods or services are sold. Shop is not where would it be a specific place for a delicatessen. Mall is a large enclosed shopping area from which traffic is excluded. Mall is a shopping area and not a food court. Hometown is the town of one’s birth or early life or of one’s present fixed residence. Hometown is not a specific place as it may differ from person to person.
Michigan is a state in midwestern regions of the united states. Michigan would be a specific place for a delicatessen. Large city is likely to have a popular delicatessen, but it is not a specific place. Shop is not where would it be a specific place for a delicatessen. Mall is a shopping area and not a food court. Hometown is not a specific place as it may differ from person to person.
Kissing is normally an activity reserved for your romantic what?
Partner is either of a pair of people engaged together in the same activity. Kissing is normally an activity reserved for your romantic partner.
Anus is the opening at the end of the alimentary canal through which solid waste matter leaves the body. Kissing normally is on lips and not on anus. Arousal is the physiological and psychological state of being awoken or of sense organs stimulated to a point of perception. Arousal is an excitement and not what kissing is normally an activity reserved for. Trust is the belief that somebody is good, honest, sincere etc. and will not try to harm or trick you. Trust is belief and not what kissing is normally an activity reserved for. Cooperation is the action or process of working together to the same end. Cooperation is the action and not what kissing is normally reserved for.
Partner is either of a pair of people engaged together in the same activity. Kissing is normally an activity reserved for your romantic partner. Kissing normally is on lips and not on anus. Arousal is an excitement and not what kissing is normally an activity reserved for. Trust is belief and not what kissing is normally an activity reserved for. Cooperation is the action and not what kissing is normally reserved for.
John lived in a small island surrounded by flowing liquid H2O Where might he live?
mississippi river
pacific ocean
body of water
mississippi river
The Mississippi river is the second longest river and chief river of the second largest drainage system on the north American continent. John lived in a small island surrounded by flowing liquid H2O. He might live in island surrounded by Mississippi river.
Japan is the island country of east Asia in the northwest Pacific Ocean. It is not surrounded by flowing H2O but is surrounded by accumulated ocean water. Hawaii is an only island state of united states located in the Pacific Ocean. It is not surrounded by flowing H2O but is surrounded by accumulated ocean water. Pacific Ocean is the accumulation of water and not the island surrounded by flowing H2O. Body of water or water body is any significant accumulation of water, generally on a planets surface. The term most often refers to oceans, seas and lakes. They are not flowing liquid H2O.
The Mississippi river is the second longest river and has total five Mississippi barrier islands. John lived in a small island surrounded by flowing liquid H2O. He might live in island surrounded by Mississippi river. Japan and Hawaii are the islands but is surrounded by accumulated ocean water of Pacific Ocean. Pacific Ocean is the accumulation of water while Body of water or water body is any significant accumulation of water, generally on a planet surface.
Where are humans kept in large amounts in small spaces?
solar system
apartment building
apartment building
Apartment buildings are a block of apartments. Apartment buildings are highly populated because of more number of apartments.
Solar system is not where large amount of humans are kept. School is not where large amount of humans are kept. Prison is not where large amount of humans are kept. Bus is not where large amount of humans are kept.
Apartment buildings are a block of apartments. Apartment buildings are highly populated because of a greater number of apartments. Solar system is not where large amount of humans are kept. School is not where large amount of humans are kept. Prison is not where large amount of humans are kept. Bus is not where large amount of humans are kept.
My uncle was getting a divorce, where did he leave?
most families
act in loco parentis
aunt's house
older generation
aunt's house
After getting a divorce, my uncle will live at aunt's house. Aunt's house is a place where uncle can live.
Most families is not a place where someone can live. Act in loco parentis is not a correct option. Grandmas isnt a place where my uncle can live after getting a divorce. Uncle cant live with older generation after his divorce.
After getting a divorce, my uncle will live at aunt's house. Most families is not a place where someone can live. Act in loco parentis is not a correct option. Grandmas isnt a place where my uncle can live after getting a divorce. Uncle cant live with older generation after his divorce.
The trainer disregarded the disability in his client, what did the trainer actually see?
low income
Potential is having or showing the capacity to develop into something in the future. The trainer disregarded the disability in his client, the trainer actually saw potential.
Competency is the ability to do something successfully or efficiently. The trainer ignored the disability means he didn’t see competency. Competence is the ability to do something successfully or efficiently. The trainer ignored the disability and it wasn’t competency that the trainer see. Strength is the quality or state of being physically strong. Strength is power or robustness which couldn’t have been seen by the trainer as he was ignoring disability. Low income is relating or belonging to people who earn low wages. Low income or low wages aren’t related to disability where disability stands for dysfunction of a specified bodily organ or system and not about low income.
Potential is having or showing the capacity to develop into something in the future. The trainer disregarded the disability in his client, the trainer actually saw potential. The trainer ignored the disability means he didn’t see competency. The trainer ignored the disability and it wasn’t competency that the trainer see. Strength is power or robustness which couldn’t have been seen by the trainer as he was ignoring disability. Low income or low wages aren’t related to disability where disability stands for dysfunction of a specified bodily organ or system and not about low income.
Where would you find a basement that can be accessed with an elevator?
eat cake
office building
own house
office building
Office building is a big workplace. Big workplaces usually have elevators.
Eating cake is not a building to have a basement. Closet is a tall cupboard. Closet is not a building to have a basement. Church is a building where people worship. Churches won’t have elevators. Own house may not have an elevator.
Big workplaces usually have elevators. So in an office building you’d find a basement that can be accessed with an elevator. Eating cake or closet aren’t buildings to have an elevator and the places in the other options won’t have elevators.
How do birds have babies?
sing songs
sleep together
lay eggs
spread wings
lay eggs
Laying eggs is the way of reproduction in birds. Reproduction means having babies.
Sing songs means making sound with voice. Voice is not how anyone reproduces. Just sleeping together does not create babies. Spreading wings is an action of flying. Spreading wings does not create babies. Reproduce itself means having babies. Reproduce does not mean a way of having babies.
Laying eggs is the way of reproduction in birds which means having babies. Reproduce does not mean a way of having babies and all the other options are not ways of having babies in birds.
Where is a good place to leave a car in public?
race track
parking lot
in the market place
repair shop
parking lot
Cars can be left in a parking lot Parking lot is a public place Parking lot is meant for parking
Race track is not a public place Market place is not meant for parking City is not meant for parking Repair shop is not a public place
Cars can be left in a parking lot which is a public place while race track and repair shop are not. Parking lot is meant for parking unlike a market place and the city.
James stove didn't work, so he had to cook where?
living room
friend's house
friend's house
If stove dont work, you need to cook at friends house. Friends house is a place where one can cook food.
One cant cook in bathroom. Cooking cant be done in a tent. Cooking is not possible in a living room. Stove would be in apartment itself.
If stove dont work, you need to cook at friends house. Friends house is a place where one can cook food. Cooking is not possible in a living room, bathroom or tent. Stove would be in apartment itself.
Where are very high tech computers found?
space shuttle
space shuttle
Very high tech computers are found in a space shuttle because the computers are made with superior processors to process higher volumes of information at great speeds.
People use personal computers and not high tech computers at their house. Library do not house high tech computers as they do not process high volumes of information at great speeds. Office have networked computers and not high tech computers. Desktops can accommodate personal computers and not large high tech computers.
Very high tech computers are found in a space shuttle because the computers are made with superior processors to process higher volumes of information at great speeds. People use personal computers and not high tech computers at their house. A library does not house high tech computers as libraries don’t process high volumes of information at great speeds. An office will have networked computers and not high tech computers. Desktops can’t accommodate large high tech computers.
Alaska has the most coast of any in the what?
united states
united states
Alaska is a state of united states Alaska has the most coast
Alaka is not in Denmark houses don’t have coast California is a state just like Alaska Florida is a state just like Alaska
Alaska is one of the states of United States which has most caost. Alaska is not in Denmark whereas California and Florida are other states just like Alaska and houses don't have coast.
sitting down
A sedentary lifestyle of always sitting down is nearly as unhealthy as a bad diet, but still people sit on the couch all day and what?
watch tv
watch tv
TV is watched by sitting. Watching tv continuously is a part of sedentary lifestyle.
Talking is a good habit. One cant relax by sitting continuously at one place. One cant sit on couch to pee. Gardening is not done by sitting on a couch.
TV is watched by sitting. Watching tv continuously is a part of sedentary lifestyle. Talking is a good habit. One cant relax by sitting continuously at one place. One cant sit on couch to pee. Gardening is not done by sitting on a couch.
The bird took flight by moving its what?
two legs
entertain yourself
two wings
two wings
Wings are the two modified forelimbs bearing feathers. Birds fly by moving their forelimbs.
Legs are the organs used to walk. Birds can’t fly by moving their two legs. Feathers are the soft covering on a bird’s body. Birds can’t fly by moving their feathers. Entertaining is an act of providing amusement. Entertain yourself is not a body part of a bird. Head is the upper part of body. Birds can’t fly by moving their head.
Wings are the two modified forelimbs bearing feathers moving which birds take flight. Entertain yourself is not a body part of a bird and the other options aren’t organs using which birds can fly.
It could have been a beautiful day, but what did the overcast sky do to the color?
bee utiful
A sunny day is generally considered beautiful. Overcast sky means a sky filled with clouds. Sky filled with clouds doesn’t allow a sunny day. A day without sun is considered as dull.
Bee utiful is not a description of color. Ugly is not a description of color. Plain means nothing interesting. Plain comes under dull. Wet is not a description of color.
A sunny day is generally considered beautiful and overcast sky means a sky filled with clouds. Sky filled with clouds doesn’t allow a sunny day which is considered as dull. So an overcast sky would make a day dull colored. Plain comes under dull and the other options are not descriptions of color.
Sarah was on the 30th floor when the fire started. That made it difficult for her to escape what?
Building might have 30 floor Its difficult to escape building when you are on 30th floor and fire occurs as it gets time to get down from the higher floor.
Escaping carpet is not difficult in case of fire. Escaping Hallway is not difficult always in case of fire. Obesity is not relevant option. Exchange is not relevant option.
Building might have 30 floor and Its difficult to escape building when you are on 30th floor and fire occurs as it gets time to get down from the higher floor. Escaping carpet is not difficult in case of fire.Escaping Hallway is not difficult always in case of fire. Obesity and exchange is not relevant option.
Where is an expressway likely to be crowded?
large city
large city
An expressway is likely to be crowded in large city.
In country, an expressway might not be crowded. In canada, an expressway might not be crowded. In michigan, an expressway might not be crowded.
An expressway is likely to be crowded in large city. In country or michigan or canada, an expressway might not be crowded.
How are the conditions for someone who is living in a homeless shelter?
sometimes bad
growing older
sometimes bad
A homeless person lives on road and feeds on other people They may somethimes face harsh situation as they do not have a safe place to stay.
Someone who does not have a home, cannot be happy. Respiration is a process of breathing and not related to the question. Growing older is not relevant with the question Death is the end of life.
A homeless person lives on roads and eats by asking food from people. As they live on roads, they may sometimes face difficult or bad times. All the other options do not show the living condition of a homeless person.
What is goal of playing games on computers?
do work
earn money
The goal of playing games on computers is to have fun and revel.
One plays computer games to take a break from work and to have fun. One does not spend a lot of money by playing computer games. One does not earn money by playing computer games. One cannot become fast in the real world by playing computer games.
The goal of playing games on computers is to have fun and revel. One plays computer games to take a break from work and to have fun. One doesn’t spend a lot of money nor earn money by playing computer games. One can’t become fast in the real world by playing computer games.
Where would you put your change if you will not need to use it soon?
slot machine
Change can be kept in a jar Things not used soon can be kept in a jar Jar is a type of container
Purse is not a type of container Slot machine is not a type of container Pocket is not a type of container Casino is not a type of container
Change can be kept in a jar and things not used soon can also be kept in a jar. Jar is a type of container unlike purse, slot machine, pocket and casino.
A person writes a check to a clerk, where does the clerk put them?
cash register
desk drawer
pay envelope
throw away
cash register
Checks are put in a cash register Cash register is a type of machine
Desk drawer is not a type of machine Pay envelope is not a type of machine Checks are not thrown away Box is not a type of machine
Checks are put in a cash register and not thrown away. Cash register is a type of machine while desk drawer, pay envelope and box are not.
Where would you get marble if you do not have any?
pawn shop
A store sells marble One can purchase and then own marbles when bought from store.
Opaque are objects that are transparent Game is something that is played and one cannot buy marbles from it Pawn shop sells pawns Pouch is used to store marbles
If one wants to buy marbles, they can go to a store and purchase it from there. All other options are invalid as they are not place from where one can buy marbles.
Sally thought that the people she hired were entertaining, but that was what she expected. After all, it was what they were what?
making friends
getting paid for
appreciate more
getting paid for
people are hired for entertainment are paid for entaining others
people dont get hired for making friends fatigue is not something you pay for. people are not hired for envy people are not hired to appreciate.
people are hired for entertainment are paid for entaining others. people dont get hired for making friends. fatigue is not something you pay for. people are not hired for envy or to appreciate.
Silk is used to make high quality what?
mulberry tree
Silk makes garments garments made of silk are said to be of high quality
silk is not always required to make nightgowns trees are not made of silk. silk cannot make chinatown. bushes are not made of silk.
Silk makes garments. garments made of silk are said to be of high quality. silk is not always required to make nightgowns. trees or bushes or Chinatown are not made of silk.
air conditioning
A man wants air conditioning while we watches the game on Saturday, where will it likely be installed?
movie theatre
People generally watch whatever they want in a television. A television is generally placed in a house.
People don't watch a game in a car. People don't watch a game in an office. Park is an empty area with trees and grass. People don't watch a game in a park. Movie theatres play movies and not games.
People generally watch whatever they want in a television which is generally placed in a house. The man wants air conditioning while watching television so he installed it in his house. All the other options are not places to watch a game.
Stanley had a dream that was very vivid and scary. He had trouble telling it from what?
Dream was vivid and scary. Vivid and scary things are troublesome to tell in reality. Stanley had trouble telling it in reality.
Imagination are not troublesome to tell. Dreamworker doesn't have trouble to tell. Nightmare are itself scary dream. Telling it awake is not troublesome.
Stanley had a vivid and scary dream which make him troublesome to tell in reality.Imagination are not hard to tell.dreamworker doesn't have trouble to tell scary dream. Nightmare are itself scary dreams.Telling scary dream awake is not troublesome.
When someone covers wood thinly with gold metal, they have done what to it?
less dense than water
When someone covers wood thinly with gold metal, they have gilded it.
Less dense than water is not an activity When wood is covered with gold metal it dont becomes solid. When someone covers wood thinly with gold metal then they have not emptied it. Covering wood with thin gold metal dont make it porous.
When someone covers wood thinly with gold metal, they have gilded it. Less dense than water is not an activity. When wood is covered with gold metal it dont becomes solid. Covering wood with thin gold metal dont make it porous. When someone covers wood thinly with gold metal then they have not emptied it.
getting divorce
When they got a divorce, they stopped talking to each other, so what did they have?
bad feelings
emotional distress
bad feelings
People generally get divorce when they are not happy with each other. Not happy means having bad feelings. People with bad feelings don't talk to each other.
Not talking to someone won't make you richer. Depression is severe sadness and an illness. Not talking to someone may not always cause depression. Melancholy is being sad without a reason. Not talking to someone doesn't not cause melancholy. Not talking to someone may not always cause emotional distress.
People generally get divorce when they are not happy with each other and not happy means having bad feelings. People with bad feelings don't talk to each other. Not talking to someone won't make you richer and all other options may not always happen.
doing housework
What might you feel after doing housework for hours?
not boredom
Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. You might feel stress after doing housework for hours.
Anger is a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility. Anger is a strong feeling of annoyance against somebody and it cannot be against doing housework. Not boredom means not feeling bored or peace. Not boredom is not what you might feel after doing housework for hours. Boredom is the state of feeling bored. When you are doing housework for hours means you are not feeling bored. Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. Anxiety is a feeling of worry and that can happen when you couldn’t complete the housework and not what you might feel after doing housework for hours.
Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. You might feel stress after doing housework for hours. Anger is a strong feeling of annoyance against somebody and it cannot be against doing housework. Not boredom is not what you might feel after doing housework for hours. When you are doing housework for hours means you are not feeling bored. Anxiety is a feeling of worry and that can happen when you couldn’t complete the housework and not what you might feel after doing housework for hours.
Sarah didn't think that they deserved division. She spend a lot of effort doing what to them?
putting together
putting together
Putting together is to join its different parts to each other so that it can be used. Sarah didn't think that they deserved division. She spend a lot of effort doing putting together to them.
Multiplication is defined as to calculate the result of repeated additions of two numbers. Sarah didn't think that they deserved division means she was talking about separation and multiplication is not on what she spend a lot of effort. Times is to multiply a number. Times is multiplication of a number and is not on what she spend a lot of effort. Subtraction is the process or skill of taking one number or amount away from another. Subtraction is a tool in mathematics and doesn’t relate with Sarah’s thought of not deserving separation. Multiply means to obtain from another number which contains the first number a specified number of times. Sarah didn't think that they deserved division means she was talking about separation and multiply is not on what she spend a lot of effort.
Putting together is to join its different parts to each other so that it can be used. Sarah didn't think that they deserved division. She spend a lot of effort doing putting together to them. Sarah didn't think that they deserved division means she was talking about separation and multiplication is not on what she spend a lot of effort. Times is multiplication of a number and is not on what she spend a lot of effort. Subtraction is a tool in mathematics and doesn’t relate with Sarah’s thought of not deserving separation. Sarah didn't think that they deserved division means she was talking about separation and multiply is not on what she spend a lot of effort.
hard work
What would you do after hard work if it is not dark outside yet?
go to sleep
have fun
get paid
have fun
Having fun means having an enjoyable and relaxed time. After working hard, if it isn't dark outside yet one can have an enjoyable and relaxed time.
One may not rest after hard work if it isn't dark out yet. One may not go to sleep after hard work if it isn't dark out yet. One may not get paid after hard work if it isn't dark out yet. Relaxing comes under having fun.
Having fun means having an enjoyable and relaxed time. After working hard, if it isn't dark outside yet one can have an enjoyable and relaxed time. So one has fun after hard work if it isn't dark outside yet. Relaxing comes under having fun and one may not do other options after hard work if it isn't dark outside yet.
living room
The two played video games all night in the living room, he enjoyed visiting where?
formal seating
friend's house
friend's house
Two signifies two people playing games mostly, people play games with their friend One can visit a friend's house to play games
One cannot visit a formal seating Visiting movies is not related to playing video games Visiting home means coming from outstide which is not the context of question Apartment does not fully answer the question
While one can visit an apartment, it does not link to playing video games. Only at a friend's house can there be two people who play games. All other options do not fit the context of visiting a place.
What island country is ferret popular?
own home
north carolina
great britain
great britain
Great britain is an island country Great britain is popular for having ferret as pet.
Own home is not island country. North carolina is not a country but state. Hutch is not country but type of cage. Outdoors is not any country.
Great britain is an island country and Great britain is popular for having ferret as pet.Own home is not island country. North carolina is not a country but state. Hutch is not country but type of cage. Outdoors is not any country.
What would dogs do if there are no intruders nearby?
sleep soundly
do many things
go outside
many colours
sleep soundly
Sleep soundly is to sleep deeply and peacefully. The dogs would sleep if there are no intruders nearby.
Theft is the action or crime of stealing. Dogs are faithful to man and they don’t steal. Do many things means lot to do. Dogs have nothing to do in work except keeping eyes on intruders. Go outside means not inside a building. Dogs stay outside of house in Guards house and go outside for playing but not when there are no intruders nearby. Many colours means multicolored or having more than two colours. Dogs don’t paint their skin themselves to change their appearance.
Sleep soundly is to sleep deeply and peacefully. The dogs would sleep if there are no intruders nearby. Dogs are faithful to man and they don’t steal. Dogs have nothing to do in work except keeping eyes on intruders. Dogs stay outside of house in Guards house and go outside for playing but not when there are no intruders nearby. Dogs don’t paint their skin themselves to change their appearance.
WHat do cats get into when they are ripping things apart?
dog's mouth
Ripping things apart can cause trouble Cats can get into trouble Trouble refers to difficulty
Ripping things apart cannot cause dog's mouth Cats cannot get into the floor Garage does not refer to difficulty Nature does not refer to difficulty
Ripping things apart can cause trouble and not dog's mouth. Cats can get into trouble but not into the floor. Trouble refers to difficulty unlike garage and nature.
take bus
Why would you take a bus to work?
get somewhere
go home
You would take a bus to commute to work.
You might not be flying by taking a bus. If you take a bus to work, you might not get somewhere. While going to work, you may not travel. To go home you might not take bus to work
You would take a bus to commute to work. You might not be flying by taking a bus. If you take a bus to work, you might not get somewhere. While going to work, you may not travel. To go home you might not take bus to work.
On what would you serve an egg to someone?
chicken coop
glass cup
bird's nest
eggs are served on plates.
chicken coop is not thing that you can serve eggs on. henhouse is not thing that you can serve eggs on. glass cup are not used to serve eggs but to serve drinks bird's nest thing that you can serve eggs on.
eggs are served on plates. chicken coop or hen house or birds nest is not thing that you can serve eggs on. glass cup are not used to serve eggs but to serve drinks
changing society
If a person want a changing society, what is a likely motive?
new laws
confusion and chaos
cultural revolution
happiness for
happiness for
Happiness can be a likely motive Changing society can lead to happiness Happiness is a feeling
New laws are not feelings Confusion and chaos are not feelings Cultural revolution is not a feeling Train cannot be a likely motive
Happiness can be a likely motive unlike train. Changing societies can lead to happiness which is a feeling unlike confusion and cultural revolution.
What type of presentation might be set up on a table?
furniture store
dance program
dining room
Demonstration is a type of presentation. A demonstration might be set up on a table.
Conference is not a presentation. Furniture store is not a presentation. Dance program cant be set up on a table. Dining room is not a presentation.
A demonstration might be set up on a table. Demonstration is a type of presentation. Furniture store or conference or dining room is not a presentation. Dance program cant be set up on a table.
What does a person do in a garden?
catch cold
plant flowers
gain respect
fish lake
plant flowers
A garden is where plants are planted and nurtured People usually prefer to plant those plants which grow flowers on them People like flowers
People do not always work in the garden Catching cold is not something people do in a garden People cannot gain respect in a garden Gardens do not always have fish lakes
A garden is where plants are planted and nurtured and grown. People usually prefer to plant those plants which grow flowers on them. People like flowers in general as they beautify the place. People do not always work in the garden. Catching cold is not something people do in a garden. Gain respect is an irrelevant option. Gardens do not always have fish lakes.
What do people take when they see a pretty sky?
looking up
place on earth
People take photo when they see a pretty sky.
People cant take outdoors when they see a pretty sky. Looking up is not a thing to be taken by people. Place on the earth dont suits here. Atmosphere is not a thing that people can take.
People take photo when they see a pretty sky. Atmosphere is not a thing that people can take. Place on the earth dont suits here. Looking up is not a thing to be taken by people. People cant take outdoors when they see a pretty sky.
A cube has a top, bottom, two sides and what else?
in between
front back
one side
front back
A cube has all the faces including front back. Without front and back, a cube cant be created.
Corners are automatically formed when all the sides etc are joined. In between is not an edge or face of a cube Center is not required, it is formed automatically. 2 sides is already included in question.
Without front and back, a cube cant be created. Corners are automatically formed when all the sides etc are joined. In between is not an edge or face of a cube. Center is not required, it is formed automatically. 2 sides is already included in question.
If I have a reception with many people attending, where should I be sure to hold it?
grand casino
large room
country club
large room
Many people can come in a large room. I should hold a reception in a large room if many people are attending it.
Reception cant happen at grand casino. Reception with many people cant take place in a restaurant. Country club is not a place where many people can attend a reception. Lobby is not a place to hold a reception.
I should hold a reception in a large room if many people are attending it. Reception cant happen at grand casino. Reception with many people cant take place in a restaurant. Country club is not a place where many people can attend a reception. Lobby is not a place to hold a reception.