Unnamed: 0
salad bowl
Where do you store a salad bowl when not in use?
french restaurant
Unused salad bowl are kept in cupboard. Cupboard is a place where unused utensils are stored.
We will store unused utensils in home, not in a restaurant. Utensils cant be stored in a lettuce. Dishwasher is not a place to store utensils. Not used salad bowl cant be kept in a buffet.
Unused salad bowl are kept in cupboard. Cupboard is a place where unused utensils are stored. We will store unused utensils in home, not in a restaurant. Utensils cant be stored in a lettuce, dishwasher or buffet.
ticket booth
Where does a ticket booth stand at the front of?
train station
movie theater
train station
A ticket booth stands at front the train station.
In front of park, there is no ticket booth. A ticket booth dont stand at the front of a movie theater. Subway dont need to have any ticket booth. There is no ticket booth in front of auditorium.
A ticket booth stands at front the train station. In front of park, there is no ticket booth. A ticket booth dont stand at the front of a movie theater. Subway dont need to have any ticket booth. There is no ticket booth in front of auditorium.
Traders work on the floor of the stock what?
Traders work at stock exchange Traders used to work on the floor of stock exchange before electronic platform's evolution.
Traders doesn't work in any building. Hallway is not suitable option. Table is not appropriate option. Traders doesn't work at stock office.
Traders work at stock exchange and Traders used to work on the floor of stock exchange before electronic platform's evolution. Traders doesn't work in any building. Hallway is not suitable option. Table is not appropriate option. Traders doesn't work at stock office.
attending lecture
While attending a lecture what should be done in the auditorium?
take notes
fall asleep
falling asleep
take notes
Taking notes means to write down the important points. During a lecture one should write down the important points.
Listening is to pay attention. It may not be enough to listen alone in a lecture. To fall asleep is to start sleeping. One shouldn't fall asleep in a lecture. One shouldn't be falling asleep in a lecture. Learning is to acquire knowledge. It may not be enough to learn alone in a lecture.
Taking notes means to write down the important points which should be done during a lecture. While attending a lecture notes should be taken in the auditorium. It may not be enough to listen or learn alone in a lecture and one shouldn't do the other options in a lecture.
revolving door
What could have millions of revolving door?
department store
new york
new york
New york could have millions of revolving door.
Earth dont have million of revolving door. There is no revolving door at the department store. Mall dont have million of revolving door. Bank dont have million of revolving door.
New york could have millions of revolving door. Earth, mall and bank dont have million of revolving door. There is no revolving door at the department store.
Running is a great workout, it really works up a what?
breathing hard
trip and fall
Running leads to sweating. Workout cause sweating.
Exercise itself means workout. Dehydration is not the aim of running. Breathing hard is not the aim of runnning. One dont aim to trip and fall while running.
Running leads to sweating. Workout cause sweating. Exercise itself means workout. Dehydration or breathing hard or trip and fall is not the aim of running.
What is typing a form of?
printed word
Typing is a form of communication. We can communicate with each other by typing.
Conversation is not typing, its a verbal communication. Printed word is not a form of typing. Communicating is a verb Typing is not form of intermediate.
Typing is a form of communication. Conversation is not typing, its a verbal communication. Printed word is not a form of typing. Communicating is a verb so it dont fits here. Typing is not form of intermediate.
apple tree
What can an apple tree make?
Flowers are the colourful seed-bearing parts of plants. Trees give rise to seed-bearing parts.
Ohio is a state. Ohio is not something to be made by a tree. Inuit are a group of people. Inuit are not something to be made by a tree. Fields are open lands. Fields aren't something to be made by a tree. Canada is a country. Canada isn't something to be made by a tree.
Flowers are the colourful seed-bearing parts of plants which trees give rise to. So an apple tree can make flowers. All the other options aren't something to be made by a tree.
Too many people driving causes what?
traffic jams
traffic accident
traffic jams
Traffic jams require too many people traffic jams require people driving.
transportation doesn't require too many people. traffic accident doesn't require too many people. freeway is road for driving not cause of driving moving doesn't require too many people.
Traffic jams require too many people who are driving.transportation doesn't require too many people.traffic accident doesn't require too many people. freeway is road or highway for driving not cause of driving.moving doesn't require too many people.
stay in bed
Why does a person stay in bed on the weekend?
lay down
sleep in
falling asleep
sleep in
During weekend, person sleep in. To sleep in, a person stay in bed on the weekend.
A person might not slumber in weekend. A person might not have a bedsores by staying in bed on weekend. A person just not lay down in bed. A person may not be falling asleep on weekend by staying in bed.
During weekend, person sleep in. To sleep in, a person stay in bed on the weekend. A person might not slumber in weekend. A person might not have a bedsores by staying in bed on weekend. A person just not lay down in bed. A person may not be falling asleep on weekend by staying in bed.
What can a country do when it has jealousy but a person cannot do?
wage war
love else
wage war
Wage war is to instigate or initiate war against some other country or group of people. Country when it has jealousy, wages war but a person cannot do.
Hug means to clasp tightly in the arms, especially with affection. Country when jealous don’t hug the other country. Compete is to strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others. Compete is not relevant when country has jealousy. Judge is to form an opinion or conclusion about. Country when feeling jealous with other country doesn’t try to judge the other country. Love else is a strong and lasting affection not between spouses or lovers but for a different person or thing.
Wage war is to instigate or initiate war against some other country or group of people. Country when it has jealousy, wages war but a person cannot do. Hug means to clasp tightly in the arms, especially with affection, compete is to strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others, judge is to form an opinion or conclusion about and love else is a strong and lasting affection not between spouses or lovers but for a different person or thing.
The man didn't like getting out of bed and stepping on the cold tile, so where did he put carpeting?
open tress
One gets out of bed in the bedroom Bedroom can have cold tiles Carpet can be placed in a bedroom
One does not get out of bed in a house Istanbul does not have cold tiles Open trees do not have cold tiles Carpet cannot be placed in a gym
One gets out of bed in the bedroom and not in a house. Bedroom can have cold tiles while Istanbul and open trees do not. Carpet can be placed in a bedroom unlike in a gym.
What should you reply to if you get it while at work?
Email is a way of replying to someone. While at work reply is to be given in the form of an email.
Mute isnt the way of replying. Reply is mostly given by email and not fax. 'Send' dont fits here. Reply means to give answer.
Email is a way of replying to someone. While at work reply is to be given in the form of an email. Mute isnt the way of replying. Reply is mostly given by email and not fax. 'Send' dont fits here. Reply means to give answer.
small dog
What's a good way to remember your small dog after he's gone?
To remember things, people take photographs of those things. Photograph is a good way to remember your small dog after he's gone.
Movies is not a correct option. You might not remember your small dog by a basket. Laboratory is not a thing with which you can remember your dog after he's gone. School is not a thing with which you can remember your dog after he's gone.
To remember things, people take photographs of those things. Photograph is a good way to remember your small dog after he's gone. Movies is not a correct option. You might not remember your small dog by a basket. Laboratory or school is not a thing with which you can remember your dog after he's gone.
His running escape didn't last long once he tripped, perhaps he should've thought to what?
tie shoelace
run longer
sit down
tie shoelace
The one who trips remembers to tie shoelace. Tripping is usually possible only when the person dont tie shoelaces.
The runner didnt escape means he didnot rested. Tiredness is not an activity. Run longer is not possible for someone who has just tripped. Sitting down is not the case with runners.
The one who trips remembers to tie shoelace. Tripping is usually possible only when the person dont tie shoelaces. The runner didnt escape means he didnot rested. Tiredness is not an activity. Run longer is not possible for someone who has just tripped. Sitting down is not the case with runners.
play chess
What will have to happen to a chess set before you can play chess?
have fun
A game of chess has many pieces and board which before playing need to be made If the Chess board is not made, one cannot play it
Fun happens when chess is played Strategic is related when playing game Have fun is when the chess is played Satisfaction is not a thing that needs to be there before playing chess
A game of chess has a baord and many piece which needs to be made before starting the game. The chess board is made which means it is set before playing. All the other options are not correct because
Where would you get a chain if you do not have one?
tow truck
chain link fence
jewelry store
jewelry store
Jewelry store is a building Jewelry is sold in a jewelry store Chain is a type of jewelry
Jewelry is not sold in a tow truck Jewelry is not sold in a bicycle Jewelry is not sold in a motorbike Chain link fence is not a building
Jewelry store is a building where jewelry is sold unlike in a tow truck, bicycle and a motorbike. Chain is a type of jewelry while chain link fence is not.
What can you do while resting that affects other people?
lying down
fall asleep
time passes
Most of the people snore while resting. You can do snore while resting that affects other people.
lying down while resting dont affects other people. If you fall asleep while resting it dont affects other people. You cant do time pass by resting. 'Loud' dont siuts here.
Most of the people snore while resting. You can do snore while resting that affects other people. lying down while resting dont affects other people. If you fall asleep while resting it dont affects other people. You cant do time pass by resting. 'Loud' dont siuts here.
A large body of water often appears to be what?
A large body of water often appears to be blue.
Large water bodies might not be dangerous. Important is not related to appearance. Large body of water cant be a small glass A large water body might not appears to be park.
A large body of water often appears to be blue. Large water bodies might not be dangerous. Important is not related to appearance. Large body of water cant be a small glass. A large water body might not appears to be park.
ballpoint pen
Where would a ballpoint pen be useful for a writing a check?
office desk
desk drawer
Bank is an establishment from which one’s money is drawn. Checks are used in the withdrawal of money.
Backpack is a bag where checks won’t be written. Office desk is a workplace table where checks may not be written. Home is one’s living place where checks may not be written. Desk drawer is a storage space where checks won’t be written.
Bank is an establishment from which one’s money is drawn involving the use of a ballpoint pen for writing checks. The other options aren’t places where checks will be written.
changing society
If changing society happens, what could be an outcome?
sometimes bad
confusion and chaos
better standard of living
falling down
confusion and chaos
Confusion and chaos can be an outcome Changing society can lead to confusion and chaos Confusion and chaos is lack of order
Changing society cannot lead to sometimes bad Acceptance is not lack of order Better standard of living is not lack of order Falling down is not lack of order
Confusion and chaos can be an outcome which can result from changing society unlike leading to something bad. Confusion and chaos is lack of order while acceptance, better standard of living and falling down are not.
mental illness
What is it called when a person with mental illness is able to lead a relatively normal life?
effectively treated
cause delusion
when a personal with mental illness gets treated, they manage their illness and lead normal life
effective treatments results in them managing like a normal person. recur mens happening again cause delusion is not how people live normal life. illusion means imagining unreal scenes.
When a person with mental illness starts to led normla life, it is said that they have managed their illness. All the other options are not realted to what a person is called when they live normal life after having mental illness.
A man was driving himself to the airport, where did he put his luggage?
at hotel
bus stop
A trunk is present in at the back of vehicle in which he was driving
Closet is a part of cupboard and people do not carry cupboard with them. Hotel is stationary place where as the man is said to be driving The man is driving whereas side walk is on side of road where people walk The man is going to airport so bus stop is invalid option
When the man is driving towards airport, he will keep his luggage at back in trunk of vehicle. While a man is driving towards airport, he cannot keep it in closet as he does not carry cupboard. Hotels are not used while driving and sidewalk and bus stop are invalid options as they are not in driving towards airport.
riding bike
Riding a bike for a long time can cause what?
falling down
getting lost
Riding a bike for long feels tiring. Fatigue is caused to driver when he rides bike for long.
A person dont feel enjoyed when he rides bike for a long time. You dont fall down from bike if you know how to ride it. You dont get lost if you know the way. Riding bike for long dont cause thirst.
Riding a bike for long feels tiring and hence fatigue. A person dont feel enjoyed or thirsty when he rides bike for a long time. You dont fall down from bike if you know how to ride it. You dont get lost if you know the way.
When a person is looking at an altar, where might they be standing?
at a cross
church services
Temple is a religious building. Altar is a flat surface used to do religious things.
All crosses don't have altars. Sanctuary is a nature reserve and do not have an altar. Church services is not a place. Ceremony is not a place.
Temple is a religious building where there could be an altar. So if someone is looking at an altar they might be standing in a temple. All crosses and sanctuaries don't have altars and the other options are not places.
The artist used a stylus on a pad to draw digitally, he kept a very steady what?
record player
palm pilot
A person can draw with hands. The artist kept a very steady hand to draw digitally while using a stylus on a pad.
A person might not draw with foot. While drawing on a pad, he might not keep a record player steady. Palm pilot is not used to draw digitally on a pad. Artist cant use ink to draw digitally on a pad.
A person can draw with hands. The artist kept a very steady hand to draw digitally while using a stylus on a pad. Palm pilot is not used to draw digitally on a pad. A person might not draw with foot. While drawing on a pad, he might not keep a record player steady. Artist cant use ink to draw digitally on a pad.
give assistance
What could someone who give assistance help someone else to be?
help one
Prepared is the state of being pre-planned, to be ready to deal with something. One could assist someone to be pre-planned and ready for something.
Assistant is someone who provides assistance for money. To give assistance is not to make someone assistant. Being helpful is wanting to help. To give assistance is not to make someone helpful. To give assistance is not to make someone listen. To give assistance is not to make someone help another.
Prepared is the state of being pre-planned, to be ready to deal with something. One giving another assistance could be to make them prepared. To give assistance is not to help someone to be as said in other options.
The tree wanted to grow more, but in the garden why did the roots stop spreading?
affected by weather
wall in
grow tall
wall in
The tree cant grow more due to the wall. The tree wanted to grow more, but due to the wall in the garden the roots stop spreading.
The roots stop spreading not because it is affected by weather. The roots cannot grow tall. The roots stop spreading not because they were burned. Hatred is not a correct option.
The tree wanted to grow more, but due to the wall in the garden the roots stop spreading. The roots stop spreading not because it is affected by weather. The roots cannot grow tall. The roots stop spreading not because they were burned. Hatred is not a correct option.
How would a human be feeling if they were smiling and whistling?
good mood
greek tragedy
shopping mall
good mood
Good mood is a mental state characterized by positive mood parameters. Smiling and whistling are positive mood parameters. If a human is smiling and whistling then he is in good mood.
Homes is not a feeling. Greek tragedy is a form of theatre from ancient Greece and not a feeling. Sad is the reverse feeling of smiling and whistling and is generally termed as Bad mood. Shopping mall is not a feeling.
Good mood is a mental state characterized by positive mood parameters. Smiling and whistling are positive mood parameters. If a human is smiling and whistling then he is in good mood. Homes is not a feeling. Greek tragedy is a form of theatre from ancient Greece and not a feeling. Sad is the reverse feeling of smiling and whistling and is generally termed as Bad mood. Shopping mall is not a feeling.
learning about world
What does learning about world lead to?
world views
Enlightenment is the action of enlightening or the state of being enlightened. Learning about world lead to enlightenment.
Confusion is uncertainty about what is happening, intended or required. Confusion is uncertainty about what is happening and learning about world never leads to confusion. Sadness is a feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortune suffered by oneself or others. Sadness is a feeling of deep distress and so, sadness is not what learning about world leads to. World views is a particular philosophy of life or conception of the world. World view is like coloured glasses; it colours everything at which we look. World views is like coloured glasses and learning about world never leads to world views. Pleasure is a feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment. Learning about world lead to clarification and information and not pleasure.
Enlightenment is the action of enlightening or the state of being enlightened. Learning about world lead to enlightenment. Confusion is uncertainty about what is happening and learning about world never leads to confusion. Sadness is a feeling of deep distress and so, sadness is not what learning about world leads to. World views is like coloured glasses and learning about world never leads to world views. Learning about world lead to clarification and information and not pleasure.
Sally and Joe were burned by chemicals because they ignored the signs. She had chemical burns in her vagina. Where might they have been?
swimming pool
crystal meth lab
chemistry lab
swimming pool
Swimming pool can have chemicals Water enters the vagina from a swimming pool Swimming pool is an artificial pool
Beach is not an artificial pool Water does not enter the vagina from a crystal meth lab Water does not enter the vagina from a chemistry lab Laboratory is not an artificial swimming pool
Swimming pool can have chemicals and water enters the vagina from a swimming pool and not from a crystal meth lab or chemistry lab. Swimming pool is an artificial pool unlike beach and laboratory.
Who would you go to if you wanted a picture of a thermometer?
doctor's office
Thermometer is kept in a drawer. You would go to your drawer if you want a picture of thermometer.
Thermometer is not kept at a cabinet. Doctor's office isnt a place for keeping your thermometer. if you want to have a picture of thermometer then you cant go to the hospital all the time. Camera is itself a device where thermometer cant be kept.
Thermometer is kept in a drawer. You would go to your drawer if you want a picture of thermometer. Thermometer is not kept at a cabinet. Doctor's office isnt a place for keeping your thermometer. if you want to have a picture of thermometer then you cant go to the hospital all the time. Camera is itself a device where thermometer cant be kept.
What do waitresses refill?
ball stopped
coffee shop
stationery shop
It is the duty of waitresses to refill cups. The empty cups are to be refilled by the waitresses at hotels.
Ball stopped is not an empty thing that can be refilled. Coffee shop cant be refilled. Waitresses are not there at a stationery shop Restaurant cant be refilled
The empty cups are to be refilled by the waitresses at restaurants or coffee shops. Ball stopped is not an empty thing that can be refilled. Coffee shop or restaurant cant be refilled. Waitresses are not there at a stationery shop.
What could bring a container from one place to another?
cargo ship
cargo ship
A cargo ship is a ship or vessel that brings containers with goods from one place to another.
Food is nourishment taken for the body. Refrigerator is a large container that keeps food fresh. Port is a harbor town or city where ships may take on or discharge containers. Fuel is transported in containers by cargo ships.
A cargo ship is a ship or vessel that brings containers with goods from one place to another. Food is nourishment taken for the body. Refrigerator is a large container that keeps food fresh. Port is a harbor town or city where ships may take on or discharge containers. Fuel is transported in containers by cargo ships.
returning to work
She had not been back to work since a bad incident what is she likely to feel upon return?
Bad incident leads to anxiety. She is likely to feel anxiety for that bad incident when she returns back to her work.
Bad incident might cause stress. She cant feel lonely on her return to work. Bad incident might cause depression. Conversation cant be felt by a person.
Bad incident leads to anxiety. She is likely to feel anxiety for that bad incident when she returns back to her work. Bad incident might cause stress. She cant feel lonely on her return to work. Bad incident might cause depression. Conversation cant be felt by a person.
A helper monkey does what around the home of a disabled person?
south american country
helper monkey is a animal kept at home who can work disabled person cannot work hence monkey works
treetops is place Helper mokeys are trained hence do not disturb Nigeria is place South american coutry is group of countries.
A helper monkey is a trained monkey who helps by work in a disabled person home. All the other options are incorrect as they are places not what a monkey does.
moving car
They began moving car with their bare hands to save the child trapped underneath, nobody could explain where they got the what to do so?
A car is very heavy object which cannot be moved easily One requires a lot of strength to move the car from hands
energy alone is not enough to move car Force can be given only when one has stregth to do so Drive is not related to the situation Mood is not related with one moving car from bare hands
A car is very heavy and if one moves it from bare hands, they require a lot of stregth to do so. All the other options are not something that can be related with one moving a car with bare hands.
board game
Where would you put a board game after you finish using it?
toy store
After using, things are placed in a storage place Board game is a thing Shelf is a storage place for board games
Den is not a storage place Toy store is not a storage place for board games Things are not placed in a house after use Closet is not a storage place for board games
Things are placed in a storage place such as shelf after being used. Board game is a thing that can be stored in a shelf after using it. Den is not a storage place and things are not placed in a house after use. Toy store and closet are not storage places for board games.
When black and white balls are kicked with feet what is being played?
sporting event
toy store
soccer game
soccer game
Soccer game is the sport of football. Balls are kicked with feet in the sport of football.
Sporting event is a contest where balls may not be kicked with feet. Gym is a place of workout and not a game to be played. Toy store is a place selling toys and not a game to be played. Baseball is a bat-and-ball game where balls won’t be kicked with feet.
Soccer game is the sport of football where black and white balls are kicked with feet. Balls won’t be kicked with feet in baseball or on all sporting events and the other options aren’t games to be played.
reception desk
She like her job at the reception desk, but didn't like her long commute, what did she likely live far away from?
lunch restaurant
office park
office park
There is a long commute, it means she lives far from the office park She like her job it means the job place is far from the home.
She is far from her work place, not motel Job is linked with lunch restaurant. Lobby is not linked with job place Building word is a very general word, doesnt suits here.
There is a long commute, it means she lives far from the office park. She like her job it means the job place is far from the home. She is far from her work place, not motel. Job is linked with lunch restaurant or lobby. Building word is a very general word, doesnt suits here.
There are many cubicles in the office, they all have computers for employees to what?
cost money
do work
be productive
help people
do work
Cubicles in the office have computers for employees to do work involving complex operations at high speed.
Employees do not teach in offices. Employees do not charge money for the computers in offices. Employees can be productive without using computers in offices. Employees can help people without using computers in offices.
Cubicles in the office have computers for employees to do work involving complex operations at high speed. Employees don’t teach in offices and don’t charge money for the computers in offices. Employees can be productive and can help people without using computers in offices.
where do men keep a wallet?
lunch box
carry credit cards in
In pocket, wallet is to be kept. Men keep a wallet in their pockets.
Bed is not the place where wallet is to be kept. Wallet cant be kept in a lunch box. Men dont have purse. Carry credit cards is not a place.
Men keep a wallet in their pockets. In pocket, wallet is to be kept. Men dont have purse. Wallet cant be kept in a lunch box. Carry credit cards is not a place. Bed is not the place where wallet is to be kept.
Eating midday leads people to get what?
get tired
gaining weight
get tired
Eating midday meal leads to get tired. tiredness comes due to digestive process that occurs after midday meal.
Midday eating doesn't cause defecating always. Midday eating doesn't cause feces always. Midday meal cannot lead to weight gaining if you eat in adequate manner. Midday meal cause tiredness and due to tiredness slacking off may happen.
Eating midday meal leads to get tired and tiredness comes due to digestive process that occurs after midday meal. Midday eating doesn't cause defecating and feces always. Midday meal cannot lead to weight gaining if you eat in adequate manner. Midday meal cause tiredness and due to tiredness slacking off may happen.
If people are working hard and saving their money, what is the likely consequence?
gain wealth
talk to each other
eat plants
sun themselves
make money pillars
gain wealth
People work to earn money People end up with a lot of money when they are saving it A lot of money is called gaining wealth
Talking to eachother is not a consequence of working hard and saving money Eat plants is not related to working and saving money Sunning oneself is not a consequence of saving money People never do not make money pillars
People work to earn money. People end up with a lot of money when they are saving money. A lot of money is called gaining wealth. Talking to eachother is not a consequence of working hard and saving money. Eat plants and sun themselves are irrelevant options. People never do not make money pillars.
eating breakfast
Eating breakfast of garlic might lead to some what?
bad breath
dirty dishes
better day
gain energy
bad breath
Garlics smell makes your breath bad.
Tasty is not grammatically appropriate here. Dishes gets dirty after every the meal not only when you eat breakfast. Breakfast of garlic may not give you better day as it makes your breath bad. person doesn't need garlic in breakfat to gain energy.
Garlics smell makes your breath bad. Tasty is not grammatically appropriate here.Dishes gets dirty after every the meal not only when you eat breakfast. Breakfast of garlic may not give you better day as it makes your breath bad. person doesn't need garlic in breakfat to gain energy.
Residents socialized, played dice, and people smoked all at the busy landing of the what?
apartment building
apartment building
Apartment building is a community having 10 to 20 homes or a block of apartments. Residents socialized, played dice, and people smoked all at the busy landing of the apartment building.
Airport is a complex of runways and buildings for the take-off, landing and maintenance of civil aircraft, with facilities for passenger. Airport is not where residents gather to play dice and smoke. Stairwell is a shaft in a building in which a staircase is built. Stairwell is a compartment extending vertically through a building in which stairs are placed and not a place for residents to live in. Ocean is a very large expanse of sea, in particular each of the main areas into which the sea is divided geographically. Ocean is accumulation of water termed as body of waters and not the busy landing where residents were socialized, played dice, and people smoked. Casino is a public room or building where gambling games are played. Casino is not a residential area where residents can socialize, play dice, and people smoke all at the busy landing.
Apartment building is a community having 10 to 20 homes or a block of apartments. Residents socialized, played dice, and people smoked all at the busy landing of the apartment building. Airport is not where residents gather to play dice and smoke. Stairwell is a compartment extending vertically through a building in which stairs are placed and not a place for residents to live in. Ocean is accumulation of water termed as body of waters and casino is not a residential area and not the busy landing where residents were socialized, played dice, and people smoked.
The roadway passed a sign and gate house, what was behind the gatehouse?
Subdivision has a sign and a gate house Subdivision can have a roadway
A city cannot be behind gate and sign Narnia is a specific place and not a place behind gate and signs Neighbourhood means nerby areas and cannot be behind gate and sign Countryside is a wide area and cannot be behind a gate and a sign
A subdivision has a sign and a gate and it can have a roadway ahead of it. All the other options are incorrect as they are usually not behind a gate and a sign.
What is a jury judging?
film festival
go to jail
Responsibility is the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone. Jury is judging the responsibility.
Film festival is an organized event at which many films are shown. Resentment is bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly. Resentment is not true cause jury have a duty to deal and not resent. Go to jail means go to a place of confinement for persons held in lawful custody specifically. Jury isn’t in a lawful custody. Controversy is a prolonged public disagreement or heated discussion. Jury is judging and has not judged, so there is no chance of controversy.
Responsibility is the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone. Jury is judging the responsibility. Film festival is an organized event at which many films are shown. Resentment is bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly. Jury isn’t in a lawful custody and so go to jail is not true. Jury is judging and has not judged, so there is no chance of controversy.
What would you do with a sword you are holding if you do not need to use it?
Sword is to be sheathed if you are not using it. Sword is holded within a sheath.
Salon is not an activity. Stone is not an activity. Collection is not related to swords. Sword is not to be kept in museum.
Sword is to be sheathed if you are not using it. Sword is holded within a sheath. Salon or Stone is not an activity. Collection is not related to swords. Sword is not to be kept in museum.
When you swimming underwater you must come to the surface so you can do what?
breathe air
tread water
breath control
understand themselves
breathe air
Swimming across surface leads to breathe air. One cant swim underwater in absence of breathing for long.
Dive is not possible at surface of water. Treading water is not done at surface of water. Breath control is not required. Understanding is not to be done while swimming.
Swimming across surface leads to breathe air. One cant swim underwater in absence of breathing for long. Dive is not possible at surface of water. Treading water is not done at surface of water. Breath control is not required. Understanding is not to be done while swimming.
The toothbrush was given to the man for free, where did the man get it?
dentist office
drug store
grocery store
dentist office
The man was given the toothbrush for free from the dentist office.
From bedroom, he cant get toothbrush. The man cant get toothbrush for free from the supermarket. Toothbrush cant be available at drug store. The man cant get toothbrush for free from the grocery store.
The man was given the toothbrush for free from the dentist office. From bedroom, he cant get toothbrush. Toothbrush cant be available at drug store. The man cant get toothbrush for free from the supermarket or grocery store.
When remembering a tragedy in the past, what do many people feel?
Tragedy is a bad event that causes depression. Many people feels depression while remembering the tragedy that has been happened in the past.
A tragedy dont causes pain. Nostalgia is a regretful longing that cant be felt. Knowing isnt a feeling. 'Knowledge' dont suits here.
Tragedy is a bad event that causes depression. Many people feels depression while remembering the tragedy that has been happened in the past. A tragedy dont causes pain. Nostalgia is a regretful longing that cant be felt. Knowing isnt a feeling.'Knowledge' dont suits here.
Many sea anemones live in what group of tiny marine animals?
intertidal zone
florida keys
flower bed
coral sea
coral sea
Corals are tiny marine animals whose group is called coral sea.
Intertidal zone is the area where the ocean meets land between high and low tides. Intertidal zone is an area and not a group of tiny marine animals. Florida Keys are a coral cay archipelago. Florida keys is an area and not a group of tiny marine animals. Flower bed is an area and not a group of tiny marine animals. Cool is a temperature and not a group of tiny marine animals.
Corals are tiny marine animals whose group is called coral sea which is where many sea anemones live. All the other options are not groups of tiny marine animals.
If kids are curious regarding the weather outside, what can they do to go outside?
sit down
count marbles
open door
wonder about
become adults
open door
Open doors mean an unrestricted means of admission or access. If kids are curious regarding the weather outside, they can open door to go outside.
Sit down doesn’t relate as they need to be outside as they were curious about weather outside. Count marbles is about reminding us of the limited time that we have on earth and that we should make each week and day count as much as possible in terms of doing what matters most for our loved ones and for our self. Kids for going outside, don’t need to count marbles. Wonder about is a desire to know something or feel curious. Kids need to go outside and not wonder about. Become adults is totally weird as kids don’t become adults in seconds and not what kids have to do before they can go outside.
Open doors mean an unrestricted means of admission or access. If kids are curious regarding the weather outside, they can open door to go outside. Sit down doesn’t relate as they need to be outside as they were curious about weather outside. Kids for going outside, don’t need to count marbles. Kids need to go outside and not wonder about. Become adults is totally weird as kids don’t become adults in seconds and not what kids have to do before they can go outside.
If you sale all seven of them you might come across an isle or two, but the one with the treasure is in just a single what?
body of water
Isle is an island or peninsula, especially a small one. If you sail all seven of them you might come across an isle or two, but the one with the treasure is in just a single sea.
River is a large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake or another river. If you sail all seven terms to seven seas and not river. Ocean is a very large expanse of sea, in particular each of the main areas into which the sea is divided geographically. All seas are found in areas where the ocean and land meet. Body of water or water body is any significant accumulation of water, generally on a planet surface. The term most often refers to oceans, seas and lakes. Auditorium is the part of a theatre, concert hall, or other public building in which the audience sits.
Isle is an island or peninsula, especially a small one. If you sail all seven of them you might come across an isle or two, but the one with the treasure is in just a single sea. River is a large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea. Ocean and body of water are relatively different from sea where seas are found in areas where the ocean and land meet. Auditorium is the part of a theatre, in which the audience sits.
The game was on sale. I got it then because it was usually what?
way to much
Game on sale is less exensive. An expensive game if bought from a sale, saves money
Buying is not a quality of game. Purchase is not a quality of game. Overpriced game is not less expensive in a sale. Way to much is not a quality of a game.
Game on sale is less exensive. An expensive game if bought from a sale, saves money. Purchase or buying or way to much is not a quality of game. Overpriced game is not less expensive in a sale.
Little sarah didn't think that anyone should be kissing boys. She thought that boys had what?
Cooties is a fictitious childhood disease, a parasite or a body louse, especially one affecting human. Little Sarah didn't think that anyone should be kissing boys. She thought that boys had Cooties.
Arousal is the physiological and psychological state of being awoken or of sense organs stimulated to a point of perception. Arousal is the physiological and psychological state of being awoken and little Sarah is too little to think about the feelings of kissing. Disease means an illness or period of sickness affecting the body and mind. Disease means an illness and little Sarah didn’t think that anyone should be kissing boys due to disease. Sweet means having the pleasant taste characteristics of sugar or honey, not salt, sour, or bitter. Sweet means having the pleasant taste and little Sarah didn’t think that anyone should be kissing boys due to sweet. Halitosis is a technical term of bad breath means unpleasant smelling breath. Halitosis means unpleasant smelling breath and not every boy can have bad breath.
Cooties is a fictitious childhood disease, a parasite or a body louse, especially one affecting human. Little Sarah didn't think that anyone should be kissing boys. She thought that boys had Cooties. Arousal is the physiological and psychological state of being awoken and Disease means an illness and little Sarah didn’t think that anyone should be kissing boys. Sweet means having the pleasant taste and little Sarah didn’t think that anyone should be kissing boys due to sweet. Halitosis means unpleasant smelling breath and not every boy can have bad breath.
get up early
What is the first thing a spouse might do when they get up early?
go to bed early
go sleep early
ask spouse to wake
get to bed early
wake up
ask spouse to wake
Room mates generally wake up each other. Spouses are room mates.
People go to bed early in the night, not in the morning. People go to sleep early in the night, not in the morning. People get to bed early in the night, not in the morning. Getting up early already means waking up.
Room mates generally wake up each other and spouses are room mates, so when one spouse wakes up early, they ask the other to wake up. Getting up early already means waking up. All the other options are not what people do first thing after waking up early.
The old barn was beyond repair, they had to destroy it before they could what a new one?
Raise is to construct or build a structure. Barn is a large farm building used for storing, grain, hay or straw or for housing livestock. The old barn was beyond repair, they had to destroy it before they could raise a new one.
Make is to create or form something by putting parts together or combining substances. Make is to build to create something for the first time whereas the old barn was to be destroyed means it exists which is not make. Entice is to attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage. Entice is to attract or tempt by offering pleasure and it is not about tempting by offering pleasure to a new one. Build is to construct something by putting parts or material together. Build is to construct something for the first time whereas the old barn was to be destroyed means it exists which is not build. Fix is to fasten something securely in a particular place or position. Fix is to fasten something whereas the old barn was beyond repair and couldn’t be fixed.
Raise is to construct or build a structure. Barn is a large farm building used for storing, grain, hay or straw or for housing livestock. The old barn was beyond repair, they had to destroy it before they could raise a new one. Make is to build to create something for the first time whereas the old barn was to be destroyed means it exists which is not make. Entice is to attract or tempt by offering pleasure and it is not about tempting by offering pleasure to a new one. Build is to construct something for the first time whereas the old barn was to be destroyed means it exists which is not build. Fix is to fasten something whereas the old barn was beyond repair and couldn’t be fixed.
If you socialize by having trivial conversations it is called what?
make friends
meet people
small talk
meet new people
small talk
By a small talk, a person can socialize. If you socialize by having trivial conversations it is called as small talk.
A trivial conversation dont make friends. By having trivial conversations, you might not mingle. Meet people dont suits here. You might not meet new people in a trivial conversation.
By a small talk, a person can socialize. If you socialize by having trivial conversations it is called as small talk. By having trivial conversations, you might not mingle. Meet people dont suits here. A trivial conversation dont make friends. You might not meet new people in a trivial conversation.
buying products
If someone spends too much time buying products what are they likely to experience?
empty pockets
loss of money
being able to use
economic boom
loss of money
Buying too many products leads to loss of money Loss of money leaves one with less money
Debt does not leave one with less money Empty pockets do not leave one with less money Buying too many products does not lead to economic boom Being able to use does not leave one with less money
Buying too many products leads to loss of money which leaves one with less money unlike debt, empty pockets and being able to use. Buying too mny products does not lead to economic boom.
seeing idea become reality
The man was happy to be seeing his idea become a reality, and knew his father would be proud, what did he feel in himself?
As the man knew that his father would be proud, he feels fulfilling in hiself. The man was happy and feels fulfilling by seeing that his idea become a reality
Man didnt felt pain when his idea became a reality. Excitement cant be felt as it happens automatically. The man might not feel any inspiration. Mannual is not a feeling.
As the man knew that his father would be proud, he feels fulfilling in hiself. The man was happy and feels fulfilling by seeing that his idea become a reality. The man might not feel any inspiration. Excitement cant be felt as it happens automatically. Mannual is not a feeling. Man didnt felt pain when his idea became a reality.
She was a horrible pet owner, she would put a what on her cat?
leave outside
sharp teeth
get wet
wool sweater
eat vegetables
wool sweater
Wool sweater can be put on a cat Wool sweater is a vest Horrible pet owners put on wool sweaters
Leaving outside is not a vest Sharp teeth are not a vest Getting wet is not a vest Eating vegetables is not a vest
Wool sweater can be put on a cat. Wool sweater is a vest unlike leaving outside, sharp teeth, getting wet and eating vegetables. Horrible pet owners put on wool sweaters.
If a politician is poor and doesn't take bribes because he wants to serve his constitutions well he is doing it to be what?
A politician is a person who can be good When a politician is poor and they still not take bribe it is because they have good values
A person being adequate is not related to them being poor yet not taking bribe Rich is not correct as they are poor Honesty is not related to one being poor yet not taking bribe poormouth is not related to a person being poor yet not taking bribe
A politician when is poor and yet does not do things like taking bribe, they are a person with good values hence do it to be good. All the other options are not fesiable as they are either not related to him being poor or are not what a politician can be when he does not take bribe despite being poor.
If you have curiosity about another location what should you do?
see favorite show
hear news
eat lunch
read book
go somewhere
go somewhere
Go somewhere is to move in a particular direction; To move, or to move something away or back. If you have curiosity about another location you should go somewhere.
See favorite show is a particular television show that you really don't want to miss. See favorite show doesn’t move you to places and is not about your curiosity on another location. Hear news is to get information about something, or to find out about it from someone, or from the radio or television. By hearing news, you aren’t going to places which can solve your curiosity about another location. Eat lunch cannot be helpful in your curiosity about another location. Read Book means to examine carefully or at length, or a period or act of reading something, so as to understand the meaning of something written, printed etc. Read book on another location cannot bring you the feel of your personal presence over there.
Go somewhere is to move in a particular direction; To move, or to move something away or back. If you have curiosity about another location you should go somewhere. See favorite show doesn’t move you to places and is not about your curiosity on another location. By hearing news, you aren’t going to places which can solve your curiosity about another location. Eat lunch cannot be helpful in your curiosity about another location. Read book on another location cannot bring you the feel of your personal presence over there.
seeing idea become reality
Seeing his idea become reality should have brought joy to James. Instead, it only brought what emotion?
over joy
PAin is opposite of joy. Instead of feeling joy for someone's achievement, James was feeling pain.
Overjoy is not the emotion for someone else's success. Fulfilling cant be the feeling for someone else's success. Inspiration is not the opposite of joy. Excitement is not the correct feeling to see someone else's success.
PAin is opposite of joy. Instead of feeling joy for someone's achievement, James was feeling pain. Fulfilling, overjoy or excitement cant be the feeling for someone else's success. Inspiration is not the opposite of joy.
bar service
Bar service is a very important part of what kind of celebration?
pool party
Wedding is a celebration of marriage of 2 people.
Entertainment means amusement and not a celebration. Hotel is a building and not a celebration. Train is a vehicle and not a celebration. Pool party might not need bar service.
Wedding is a celebration of marriage of 2 people which is where bar service is very important. Pool party might not need bar service and the other options are not celebrations.
What country has the carpathians and is the furthest in the direction of the side that won the U.S. Civil War?
Poland is in the further north direction Poland has the carpathians
Slovakia is not in the further north direction Slovania is not in the further north direction Ukraine does not have the carpathians Romania is not in the further north direction
Poland is in the further north direction while Slovakia, Slovania and Romania are not. Poland has the carpathians and Ukraine does not.
When people get older what happens to their hair?
long or short
very thin
very thin
The thickness of hair reduces as one gets older. Less thickness means very thin.
Getting old does not make one's hair long or short. Curled means spiralling up. Getting old does not make one's hair to spiral. Hair can be coloured anytime not just when getting older. When hair grows thin it becomes lightweight too. Lightweight comes under very thin.
The thickness of hair reduces as one gets older and less thickness means very thin. Lightweight comes under very thin and getting old does not make hair as given in the other options.
pencil sharpener
The pencil sharpener was broken in the classroom, where did the teacher recommend the student go?
stationery store
desk drawer
Teachers usually teach at educational institutes Educational institutes usually have libraries Libraries often contain basic stationary items like pencils, pens and sharpeneres
A teacher does not generally send a student home to get another sharpener A teacher cannot send a small student to the stationery store alone Cabinets generally do not have sharpeners Educational institutes usually do not have desks with drawers
Teachers usually teach at educational institutes. Educational institutes usually have libraries. Libraries often contain basic stationary items like pencils, pens and sharpeners. A teacher does not generally send a student home to get another sharpener. A teacher cannot send a small student to the stationery store alone. Cabinets generally do not have sharpeners. Educational institutes usually do not have desks with drawers.
If I wanted to grow plants, where could I put a lot of dirt?
Garden is a piece of ground adjoining a house, in which grass, flowers and shrubs may be grown. If I wanted to grow plants, I could put a lot of dirt in garden.
Corner is area of the room where the walls meet. Corner is in your room and it is not where could you put a lot of dirt. Street is a public road in a city, town, or village, typically with houses and buildings on one or the both sides. Street is a public road in a city or town and responsibility of public to keep it clean and not to put a lot of dirt on streets. Closet is a tall cupboard or wardrobe with deep shelves and drawers for the storage. Closet is a tall cupboard in the house and is difficult to grow plants in closet as there is no sunlight. Bathtub is a container for holding water in which a person or animal may bathe. Bathtub is for bathing and not for growing plants.
Garden is a piece of ground adjoining a house, in which grass, flowers and shrubs may be grown. If I wanted to grow plants, I could put a lot of dirt in garden. Corner is in your room and it is not where could you put a lot of dirt. Street is a public road in a city or town and responsibility of public to keep it clean and not to put a lot of dirt on streets. Closet is a tall cupboard in the house and is difficult to grow plants in closet as there is no sunlight. Bathtub is for bathing and not for growing plants.
hinged door
A hinged door is not always found in which room of the house?
own house
washing machine
With minimum area for planning results in giving a very small space for kitchen. Kitchen area is open to the family room and hence there is not a hinged door found.
Jamb is not a room of the house. Jamb is a flat surface that runs vertically up either side of a door frame. Own house is a group of rooms and not a single room. Building is also a group of rooms and not a single room. Washing Machine always comes with a shutter or door.
Minimum planning area is the reason why a hinged door is not always found in Kitchen. As kitchen is the part of Own house or Building, these two options are not relevant. Jamb and washing machine are not room of the house, these two options are also not relevant.
What should be done with old newspapers?
written on paper
informative but often biased
printed on paper
Newspaper can be recycled Old newspaper are waste and hence must be recycled
Writing on old newspaper does not make any sense informative but often biased is not an activity Old newspaper are not delivered and delivered newspaper get old Printed on paper is not a thing done on old newspaper
Old newspaper are waste hence must be recycled. All the other options are not a thing that can be done with old newspaper hence are incorrect.
Rocks can be found on many planets and moons, but we know of the widest variety of them on the what?
surface of earth
surface of earth
Rocks widest variety is found on earth. Question mentions about planets and moons, so earth is the most appropriate answer.
Ground is the very general word. Rocks are not found in a waterfall. Widest variety of rocks cant be found in a museum. Rocks are not found in atmosphere.
Rocks widest variety is found on earth. Question mentions about planets and moons, so earth is the most appropriate answer. Ground is the very general word. Rocks are not found in a waterfall or atmosphere. Widest variety of rocks cant be found in a museum.
Where can you buy socks and jeans?
washing machine
clothing store
shopping mall
clothing store
Clothing store is any shop which sells items of readymade clothing. We can buy socks and jeans at a clothing store.
Washing machine is a machine for washing clothes, bed linen etc. Washing machine is not a store to buy socks and jeans. Laundromat is an automated self-service laundry and not for shopping anything. Laundromat is not a store to buy socks and jeans. Closet is a tall cupboard or wardrobe with deep shelves and drawers for the storage. Closet is for storage and not for buying socks and jeans. Shopping mall is a large indoor shopping centre, usually anchored by departmental stores or large number of indoor merchants. A human can get an outfit, makeup and eat lunch all at the same place in a shopping mall. Shopping mall is irrelevant as it may or may not sell socks and jeans.
Clothing store is any shop which sells items of readymade clothing. We can buy socks and jeans at a clothing store. Washing machine and Laundromat are for washing clothes and not for shopping anything. Closet is for storage and not for buying socks and jeans. Shopping mall is irrelevant as it may or may not sell socks and jeans together.
Where would you find a fox that is made up?
hen house
natural habitat
back yard
Storybook is a book with made up stories and pictures.
Woods is not made up of stories and pictures. Hen house is not made up of stories and pictures. Natural habitat is not made up of stories and pictures. Back yard is not made up of stories and pictures.
Storybook is a book with made up stories and pictures so we can find a made up fox in it. All other options are real and not made up.
What could happen to garbage after it is put into a landfill?
smell terrible
smells bad
Soil contains microorganisms which decomposes garbage.
Garbage in soil doesn't become a container. Garbage in soil doesn't become healthy. Garbage smells terrible all the time. Garbage smells bad all the time.
Soil contains microorganisms which decomposes and composts garbage. Garbage in soil doesn't become a container or healthy and garbage smells bad and terrible all the time, not just after putting in a landfill.
The plates needed to be stored in their proper place, which was where?
ironing board
Plates are usually stored in a shelf at home
Ironing bed is not a proper place to store plates Restaurant is not a proper place to store own plates People do not store plates on the table Plates cannot be stored in the stomach
Plates are usually stored in a shelf at home. Ironing bed is not a proper place to store plates. Restaurant is not a proper place to store own plates. People do not store plates on the table. Plates cannot be stored in the stomach.
Where does a city cat live?
compost pile
back alley
garbage can
milky way galaxy
back alley
Cats can live in narrow passages A back alley is a narrow passage Back alley is a place on the streets
Compost pile is not a narrow passage Garbage can is not a narrow passage Milky way galaxy is not a place on the streets Backyard is not a place on the streets
Cats can live in narrow passages such as a back alley and unlike a compost pile and a garbage can. Back alley is a place on the streets while Milky Way galaxay and backyard are not.
hearing testimony
The clicking away of a shorthand typewriter was doing what while hearing testimony?
take notes
writing down
take notes
Typewriter is a device used to write things on a paper. Typewriter is also the person using the device typewriter. Taking notes means writing things on paper.
Typewriter does not get anger while clicking away. Nodding means shaking one's head in approval. Typewriter might not always nod while clicking away. Listening means actively hearing what's one saying with one's ears. Typewriter was already hearing while taking notes. Writing down comes under take notes.
Typewriter is a person using the device typewriter to write things on a paper and taking notes means writing things on paper. So the clicking away of a shorthand typewriter was taking notes from testimonials. Listening and writing down comes under take notes and the typewriter might not nod or get anger while clicking away.
The statistician looked at the attribute but wanted more information, what did he want?
sentence where described
Description is the detailed account of something. More information of an attribute is in its account.
Calculus is a skill set. Calculus is not information. Formula is a mathematical rule. Formulae is not information. Sentence where described is not an information. Array is a matrix. More information about an attribute won't be in the array.
Description is the detailed account of something where more information of an attribute is. The statistician looked at the attribute but wanted more information which is the description. More information about an attribute won't be in the array and the other options aren't information.
What might happen after too much drinking?
Too much drinking makes your stomach overflow. Overflowed stomach results in vomiting. Vomiting might happen after too much drinking.
Too much drinking doesn't result in headaches. fall doesn't happen after too much drinking Sickness doesn't happen after too much drinking Hydration might not happen after too much drinking.
Vomiting might happen after too much drinking as excess liquid makes stomach overflowed.Too much drinking doesn't result in headaches.fall doesn't happen after too much drinking. Sickness doesn't happen after too much drinking.Hydration might not happen after too much drinking as vomiting makes one dehydrated.
If a human is sleepy what can they do to feel more alert?
dream dreams
think critically
cross road
drink coffee
drive a car
drink coffee
Drinking coffee contains caffeine. One of the effects of caffeine is it reduces sleep. Humans drink coffee to feel more alert when they feel sleepy.
Dream dreams is not the most alert situation as it happens in deep sleep. Think critically, not the most alert situation one can do to avoid sleepiness. Cross road is the dangerous act to perform while feeling sleepy. Drive a car is also the dangerous act to perform while feeling sleepy as could be fatal.
Drinking coffee contains caffeine. One of the effects of caffeine is it reduces sleep. Humans drink coffee to feel more alert when they feel sleepy. Dream dreams is not the most alert situation as it happens in deep sleep. Think critically, not the most alert situation one can do to avoid sleepiness. Cross road is the dangerous act to perform while feeling sleepy. Drive a car is also the dangerous act to perform while feeling sleepy as could be fatal.
Where might I find seating while waiting to take public transit in a major city?
rest area
bus depot
bus stop
bus depot
Bus depot is a place where one can wait to take public transit. Buses standing at bus depot are used for public transportation.
Rest area is not a place to take public transit. You cant go to theatre to wait. There is no seating at a bus stop. Church is not a place to take public transit.
Bus depot is a place where one can wait to take public transit. Buses standing at bus depot are used for public transportation. Rest area or church is not a place to take public transit. You cant go to theatre to wait. There is no seating at a bus stop.
hurting else
Hurting else is a crime, if convicted you could face what?
jail time
bad karma
will resent
a fight
jail time
Hurting else is a crime, if convicted you could face a jail time.
Punishment is not true as it may or may not be due to hurting someone else. Bad karma is not relevant and therefore not true. Will resent is not true as it is not related after conviction what one could face. A fight is not relevant and therefore not true.
Hurting else is a crime, if convicted you could face a jail time. Punishment is not true as it may or may not be due to hurting someone else. Bad karma is not relevant and therefore not true. Will resent is not true as it is not related after conviction what one could face. A fight is not relevant and therefore not true.
The player lifted his cornet and walked in rhythm, what was the player a member of?
high school band
marching band
marching band
Cornet is a musical instrument generally used in a band. Marching is the action of walking.
Museum is a building showcasing objects. Members of a museum won’t walk in rhythm. Members of a high school band stay in one place while performing. Members of a orchestra stay in one place while performing. Band can be any type of band. Not all bands involve walking in rhythm.
Cornet is a musical instrument generally used in a band and marching is the action of walking so the player is a member of a marching band. All the other options do not involve walking in a rhythm.
Someone lacking immortality will one day be?
kick the bucket
can die
Immortality means living forever, never dying or decaying. Lacking immortality means mortal or subject to death. So, someone lacking immortality will one day be dead.
Kick the bucket has nothing to do with someone lacking immortality. Mortal is susceptible to death by aging, sickness, injury or wound, not immortal. Can die is a future tense and the answer of ‘someone lacking immortality will one day be’ will be in present tense. Dying is the present participle of die while dead is an adjective.
Immortality means living forever, never dying or decaying. Lacking immortality means mortal or subject to death. So, someone lacking immortality will one day be dead. Kick the bucket has nothing to do with someone lacking immortality, while Mortal is susceptible to death and not immortal. Can die is a future tense and Dying is the present participle of die.
The shark followed the fish down into the dark water, where did the shark go?
the desert
sea world
great outdoors
deep ocean
maritime museum
deep ocean
Shark are there in deep ocean. sharks going down in dark water means it is in deep ocean.
Sharks cant live in desert. In seaworld there is no dark water. Great outdoors is not a place for sharks. In museum, sharks cant follow fish in dark water.
Shark are there in deep ocean. sharks going down in dark water means it is in deep ocean. Sharks cant live in desert. In seaworld there is no dark water. Great outdoors is not a place for sharks. In museum, sharks cant follow fish in dark water.
The new kitten hadn't gotten used to what it was allowed to climb on in most rooms, so the owned kept the bedroom door what?
found at shower
falling down
Closed is not open. The new kitten hadn't gotten used to what it was allowed to climb on in most rooms, so the owned kept the bedroom door closed.
Opened means to move a door or window, so as to leave a space allowing access and vision. If the owner kept the bedroom door opened the new kitten will move out. Found at shower means found at a device that releases drops of water through a lot of very small holes and that you stand under. Bedroom door is not found at showers. Falling down is to drop or descend under the force of gravity. The owner kept the bedroom door falling down is somewhat what cannot happen. Locked is fastened or secured with a lock. Bedroom door has not to be locked as the new kitten wouldn’t be able to open the door.
Closed is not open. The new kitten hadn't gotten used to what it was allowed to climb on in most rooms, so the owned kept the bedroom door closed. If the owner kept the bedroom door opened the new kitten will move out. Bedroom door is not found at showers. The owner kept the bedroom door falling down is somewhat what cannot happen. Bedroom door has not to be locked as the new kitten wouldn’t be able to open the door.
Where can a mouse be found in a box?
at the store
computer store
own home
computer store
Computer store has many boxes of its equipments Mouses are rodents who can get in computer shops and its boxes
Cupboard usually does not have boxes Pantry is area of food and not boxes Own home may not have many boxes At the store is a vague term
A computer store is place with many boxes of its equipments where mouses can be found. All the other options do not hae many boxes.
An atheist was asked what happens after dying, what was his response?
unable to work
born again
no longer exist
would cease to exist
body decays
no longer exist
Person who don't believe in god believes in only reality that he can see. The reality is person no longer exist soon after the moment he dies.
Death cannot be the only reason of inability to work. Atheist doesn't believe in rebirth. Person would cease to exist after he died Body decay is decomposition that happens to body and continues for some time.
Person who don't believe in god believes in only reality that he can see and The reality is person no longer exist soon after the moment he dies. Death cannot be the only reason of inability to work.Atheist doesn't believe in rebirth. Person would cease to exist after he died Body decay is decomposition that happens to body and continues for some time.
learning about world
If you want to learn about the world and understand the real reasons behind cultural norms and mores, you have achieved a sense of what?
open mind
Enlightenment is the action of enlightening or the state of being enlightened. If you want to learn about the world and understand the real reasons behind cultural norms and mores, you have achieved a sense of enlightenment.
Open mind means willing to consider new ideas; unprejudiced. Open mind is important if you are committed to eliminating preconceived notions when learning different cultures, but not when you are understanding the real reasons behind cultural norms and mores. Confusion is uncertainty about what is happening, intended or required. A person confined to home and learning about the world lead to confusion, but you can’t achieve a sense of confusion when you are understanding the real reasons behind cultural norms and mores. Smartness is the quality of being intelligent, or able to think quickly or intelligently in difficult situations. Smartness is not the achievement from learning about the world and understand the real reasons behind cultural norms and mores. Anger is a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure or hostility. Anger being a strong feeling of annoyance whereas when you discover the real reason behind cultural norms and mores you don’t get angry.
Enlightenment is the action of enlightening or the state of being enlightened. If you want to learn about the world and understand the real reasons behind cultural norms and mores, you have achieved a sense of enlightenment. Open mind is important if you are committed to eliminating preconceived notions when learning different cultures, and a person confined to home and learning about the world lead to confusion, but not when you are understanding the real reasons behind cultural norms and mores. Smartness is not the achievement and anger being a strong feeling of annoyance whereas when you discover the real reason behind cultural norms and mores you don’t get angry.
I wish to attach two pieces of paper without using glue, what should I use?
desk drawer
With stapler, two pieces of paper can be attached. If I wish to attach two pieces of paper without using glue then I should use stapler.
Stick is not used for attaching two pieces of paper. Pantry is not a correct option. Office dont suits here. Person cant use desk drawer for attaching 2 pieces of paper without using glue.
With stapler, two pieces of paper can be attached. If I wish to attach two pieces of paper without using glue then I should use stapler. Stick is not used for attaching two pieces of paper. Pantry is not a correct option. Office dont suits here. Person cant use desk drawer for attaching 2 pieces of paper without using glue.
It is a well known adage that you should not mix business with what?
Mixing business with pleasure can cause a loss Pleasure is a feeling Pleasure results in happiness
Mixing business with fun cannot cause a loss Nonprofit is not a feeling Art is not a feeling Personal is not a feeling
Pleasure is a feeling that results in happiness and which when mixed with business can cause a loss. Mixing business with fun cannot cause a loss. Nonprofit, art and personal are not feelings.
waiting for
Waiting for a bus that has already came and went would be an example of bad what?
getting bored
expenditure of time
public transportation
Waiting for a bus that has already came and went would be an example of bad timing.
Getting bored is not related to waiting for bus that has came and went Waiting for a bus that has already gone isnt an example of patience. Expenditure of time is not bad example Public transportation is not an example in this case.
Waiting for a bus that has already came and went would be an example of bad timing. Getting bored is not related to waiting for bus that has came and went. Waiting for a bus that has already gone isnt an example of patience. Expenditure of time is not bad example. Public transportation is not an example in this case.
Where is that man buying silk from?
space shuttle
indian resteraunt
That man is buying silk from china.
Space shuttle is a rocket launched spacecraft able to land like an unpowered aircraft, used to make repeated journeys between the earth and the space. Theatre is a building or outdoor area in which plays, and other dramatic performances are given. Indian restaurant is a place where Indian cuisines are served. Bar is a place across which drinks or refreshments are served.
That man is buying silk from china. Space shuttle is a rocket launched spacecraft able to land like an unpowered aircraft, used to make repeated journeys between the earth and the space. Theatre is a building or outdoor area in which plays, and other dramatic performances are given. Indian restaurant is a place where Indian cuisines are served. Bar is a place across which drinks or refreshments are served.
Many prison movies take place at what famous prison?
Alcatraz is a famous prison Many prison movies are made at Alcatraz
Forest is not a prison. City is not a prison Countryside is not a prison America is not a prison
Alcatraz is a famous prison. Many prison movies are made at Alcatraz. Countryside, forest, city or Amereica are not a prison
Where is bacteria easy to wash off?
septic tank
Fingers are the ends of hands. One can wash their hands using fingers easily.
Septic tank is a large container to store water. It is generally hard to wash a septic tank. Ground is the surface of the earth. Ground is generally hard to wash. Hands are parts of the body. Hands have fingers. Mouth is an organ of a body used to eat food. Mouth is generally hard to wash off.
Fingers are the ends of hands and one can wash their hands using fingers easily. So bacteria is easy to wash off fingers. Hands have fingers and the other options are generally hard to wash off.
What does a person use to fight off disease?
immune system
one head
immune system
Human beings have inbuilt defence mechanism It helps them fight diseases This defence mechanism is called the immune system
People cannot use name to fight off diseases One head is not helpful in fighting off diseases People cannot use grip to fight off diseases People do not use fingernails to fight off diseases
Human beings have inbuilt defence mechanism which helps them fight diseases. This inbuilt defence mechanism is called the immune system. People cannot use name to fight off diseases. One head is not helpful in fighting off diseases. People cannot use grip to fight off diseases. Fingernails is an irrelevant option.
Simon bought a cow because he wanted to put it to work. He didn't want any meat for it. Where might Simon be taking the cow?
dairy farm
butcher shop
dairy farm
Dairy farm is a farm that produces milk or milk products. Simon bought a cow because he wanted to put it to work. He didn't want any meat for it. Simon might be taking the cow to dairy farm.
Countryside is the land and scenery of a rural area. Countryside is the land of rural area and not a place where cow works. City is a large human settlement and can be defined as a permanent and densely settled place with administratively defined boundaries whose members work primarily on non-agricultural tasks. City is a large human settlement and densely populated and is not where the cow works. Butcher shop is a shop in which meat, poultry and sometimes fish are sold. Cows are slaughtered at a butcher house for selling its meant and Simon didn’t want any meat so, Butcher house is not where Simon might be taking the cow. Canada is a country in the northern part of North America. Canada is a country and Simon can’t take his cow for work to Canada and back home on daily basis.
Dairy farm is a farm that produces milk or milk products. Simon bought a cow because he wanted to put it to work. He didn't want any meat for it. Simon might be taking the cow to dairy farm. Countryside is the land of rural area and not a place where cow works. City is a large human settlement and densely populated and is not where the cow works. Cows are slaughtered at a butcher house for selling its meant and Simon didn’t want any meat so, Butcher house is not where Simon might be taking the cow. Canada is a country and Simon can’t take his cow for work to Canada and back home on daily basis.