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14957, <s> Use median of title group </s>
28063, <s> There are many Cabin info is missing The Cabin is related to Pclass We drop this feature no problem so far There are 2 entries of Embarked missing We fill it with the most repeated value S Age of many people is missing Again the simplest way to impute the age would be to fill by the average We choose median for fare imputation We use Spark s fillna method to do that For age we use more complex imputation method discussed below For now I am just focusing on the train data There can be different feature missing in the test data Acutally there is missed fair in test data we calculate median fair also We come to the test data at the end of this notebook </s>
20735, <s> HeatingQC column </s>
2826, <s> Xgboost </s>
27896, <s> Compiling the Keras Model </s>
21798, <s> Naive Bayes Gaussian </s>
34457, <s> TX 2 </s>
23445, <s> First we have to separate the individual date and time for each data point into hour day month and year </s>
43371, <s> Splitting Data for training and Validation </s>
25427, <s> Merge datasets metadata </s>
23543, <s> Data Visualization </s>
29706, <s> Show a sample </s>
4924, <s> Define the Models and Do a Scoring </s>
31245, <s> Prediction </s>
36432, <s> Scoring </s>
33799, <s> Exterior Sources </s>
271, <s> Library and Data </s>
13257, <s> sibsp and parch </s>
39438, <s> Model Prediction </s>
1148, <s> we need to handle missing data </s>
11997, <s> On applying grid search cv we get best value of alpha 1 </s>
41672, <s> let s take a look at some malignant tumours from the train set </s>
15237, <s> Handling missing values outliers mistakes </s>
2078, <s> You can check yourself the public LB score of this model by submitting the file submission2 </s>
3498, <s> Training and estimated test accuracy </s>
16602, <s> Numerical Variables </s>
961, <s> calculate the mean of all the feature importances and store it as a new column in the feature importance dataframe </s>
42945, <s> Evaluating the cross validation AUC score </s>
18925, <s> Library </s>
34851, <s> Outliers Detection for Top Important Variables </s>
25996, <s> Querying the Data </s>
11447, <s> Encode categorical feature columns </s>
39821, <s> There are two call back techniques that I tried </s>
7662, <s> correlation train train </s>
38418, <s> CNN Keras </s>
3519, <s> Heatmap </s>
41020, <s> this is the total number of passengers in the test set by WCSurvived value we are finally ready to make predictions </s>
28925, <s> We use the cardinality of each variable to decide how large to make its embeddings </s>
24369, <s> Living area in square meters </s>
34178, <s> Saving the model as an hdf5 file so that we don t have to re train the same model </s>
15157, <s> Seperating the train and test data from the concatenated dataframe </s>
7089, <s> We haven t gererate any feature from Parch Pclass SibSp Title so let s do this by using pivot table </s>
29853, <s> we specify n estimators 100 </s>
28415, <s> Visualization of a single decision tree </s>
9077, <s> it looks like most rows have values for both the Exterior1st and Exterior2nd only 1 null In addition it looks like most houses are made of VinylSd material Since we are feature engineering these 2 columns into multiple True False columns of whether the house is made of the material True False we don t need to fill the rows with Null since they be false for everything do it </s>
37651, <s> Create Model </s>
12367, <s> Electrical </s>
38732, <s> Since all of the passengers have the same ticket number we can conclude that the fare was calculated for the entire group and not each individual </s>
11236, <s> let s first use RandomForest to train and predict </s>
11311, <s> Null Value Calculation </s>
13162, <s> Model Selection SVC </s>
14012, <s> Analyze by describing data </s>
10818, <s> start from round Age </s>
9161, <s> OverallQual </s>
1878, <s> Gender </s>
19141, <s> Model 2 with GradientDescentOptimmizer </s>
34750, <s> Building model without pretrained embeddings </s>
20437, <s> Go to top font </s>
14535, <s> Logistic Regression </s>
5243, <s> Transforming The Skewed Features </s>
9203, <s> Family Member Count </s>
15633, <s> Survival by Deck and Gender </s>
19360, <s> Distribution of numerical attributes </s>
19627, <s> Rather fitting dataset individually to every ML algorithm Pycaret gives feature to compare between them directly </s>
28712, <s> Importing the Datasets </s>
22633, <s> Prepare final dataset for Modeling </s>
34152, <s> Data wrangling </s>
9240, <s> Whisker plot overallqual saleprice </s>
20469, <s> Days from birth distribution </s>
14919, <s> SibSp Parch </s>
763, <s> Train the classifier </s>
12628, <s> Cross Validation </s>
10994, <s> Import data and explore it br </s>
33804, <s> There are 35 features with individual features raised to powers up to degree 3 and interaction terms </s>
23241, <s> Mean Absolute Error achieved is 1278 </s>
22696, <s> Lets Try to Predict Other </s>
28403, <s> One Hot Encoder </s>
2504, <s> Age band </s>
13884, <s> Passengers Class </s>
21023, <s> Replacing words in a text document </s>
11100, <s> Percentage of null valued features in Train data </s>
23691, <s> Load data </s>
6874, <s> Combining Data Sets </s>
12704, <s> I stick with these bins for now </s>
823, <s> Conclusion from EDA on categorical columns </s>
19166, <s> SVD on tf idf of unigram of product name features </s>
7689, <s> Preprocessing </s>
27359, <s> I remove the negative values as they cause noise on the data </s>
4997, <s> Not much action in the 80s apparently </s>
14243, <s> Exploratary Data Analysis </s>
32617, <s> Exploring the location column </s>
23794, <s> When I started my journey of becoming a data scientist and honing my skills on kaggle as embarrassing as it was I could not find where the data is </s>
37112, <s> Code in python </s>
23529, <s> Training and Evaluating </s>
18910, <s> Embarked feature </s>
22918, <s> Among the top 50 mispredicted tweets only 4 are false positive </s>
42404, <s> Preparing the submission file </s>
18011, <s> Training set </s>
18645, <s> RENTA </s>
5445, <s> Split into X and y variables </s>
10355, <s> Hyper parameter Tuning </s>
24123, <s> Gerando Sa da </s>
25726, <s> make a directory for our datasets after unzipping </s>
18000, <s> The correlation matrix measures the linear dependence of the features and it is desirable to have features that have little or no depedence on each other </s>
20248, <s> It s time to use One Hot Encoding </s>
24164, <s> Top Mask Position </s>
36482, <s> Since we know the files that we be loading ahead of time we be making a list of some basic information about them then iterating through that list </s>
39247, <s> Format dataframes </s>
31071, <s> WARNING The Implementation of this cell takes resources </s>
16781, <s> Support Vector Classifier </s>
14406, <s> Map values in test set also </s>
20615, <s> Import libraries and functions for cross validation and metrics for accuracy </s>
10986, <s> The Last Step is to save the file </s>
26691, <s> BIRTH EMPLOTED INTERVEL the days between born and employed </s>
42027, <s> Spliting the strings per alphabet </s>
30823, <s> Full overlapping </s>
32096, <s> How to stack two arrays horizontally </s>
13106, <s> Logistic Regression </s>
42291, <s> Submit To Kaggle </s>
2526, <s> Bagged DecisionTree </s>
42771, <s> One Hot </s>
5908, <s> u ANN u </s>
35850, <s> Lets have a look at our data </s>
17276, <s> Decision Tree </s>
7865, <s> Supposing that the categorical values such as the Name the Cabin the Ticket code and the ID doesnt have any relationship to the fact that the passanger died or survived </s>
9257, <s> Random Forest Regression </s>
10419, <s> SHAP Values for one house </s>
15868, <s> Train model </s>
5749, <s> The algorithm decided that the attributes sex age and fare are the most important and were decisive </s>
25268, <s> Image Data Generator </s>
8350, <s> As noticed already before the class 1 passangers had a higher survival rate </s>
29880, <s> Without KFold </s>
18322, <s> Train and Validate Different Models </s>
41810, <s> Visualize model performance </s>
20478, <s> Credit status </s>
35085, <s> GridSearch Cross Validation </s>
23481, <s> Stopword </s>
15396, <s> There are 2 missing values for the port that the passenger embarked on in training data </s>
12842, <s> Decision tree </s>
42101, <s> Plotting an example of Image data from the training dataset </s>
4051, <s> Embarked Analysis </s>
40650, <s> XGB with hyperparameter tuning </s>
24830, <s> PCA </s>
35222, <s> Since we have 1 NULL row we remove it from train data </s>
20724, <s> HouseStyle column </s>
31111, <s> there is no obvious increasing or decreasing trend </s>
6614, <s> Split the Train and Test set from df final </s>
5581, <s> Data Cleaning </s>
10961, <s> MSZoning Utilities Exteriors Electrical Functional Utilities and SaleType </s>
23555, <s> It looks like people start preferring larger houses </s>
5351, <s> Diplay relationship between 3 variables </s>
39130, <s> Labels Hot Encoding </s>
2163, <s> At this point our model </s>
7252, <s> Pre process data </s>
18239, <s> Backpropagation Chain rule </s>
982, <s> Interpretation </s>
30875, <s> Plotting </s>
2018, <s> For our models we are going to use lasso elastic net kernel ridge gradient boosting XGBoost and LightGBM regression </s>
9056, <s> FullBath </s>
36206, <s> Using the facets layer to compare all the curves </s>
23429, <s> we do a bigram analysis over the tweets </s>
3243, <s> Datatypes and its distribution </s>
4060, <s> Which variables are most correlated to the age We can check the correlation table to get the answer </s>
1814, <s> Fitting model simple approach </s>
32424, <s> How the schema of this example looks </s>
19344, <s> Using a CNN </s>
42520, <s> Linear Model </s>
16647, <s> Importing Libraries </s>
21417, <s> NaN imputation be skipped in this tutorial </s>
39098, <s> The Coleman Liau Index </s>
2480, <s> Using another K </s>
28611, <s> We have 3 classes with high frequency however we have 3 of low frequency </s>
13095, <s> Frequency distribution Continuous Variables </s>
25442, <s> Confusion Matrix </s>
4905, <s> Looks like our Data is Skewed Towards Right </s>
16720, <s> sex </s>
12199, <s> Short note the custom dummifier </s>
39921, <s> Before cleaning the data we zoom at the features with missing values those missing values won t be treated equally </s>
14517, <s> Sex </s>
12406, <s> LotArea </s>
12554, <s> Model Evaluation </s>
9337, <s> But we can decide for example to half the number of bins to map our feature to obtaining </s>
26540, <s> Submission uncomment the lines below to submit </s>
1651, <s> A clean categorical feature here with 3 categories </s>
35249, <s> How can we utilize jaccard metric here </s>
11495, <s> Since Utilities feature have almost same value so we better remove it </s>
33735, <s> There are two common situations where one might want to modify one of the available models in torchvision modelzoo </s>
16674, <s> Making A Submission </s>
13658, <s> Embarked </s>
2034, <s> Age </s>
42866, <s> Prepare a KerasTuner search space </s>
23185, <s> Findings </s>
19263, <s> MLP for Time Series Forecasting </s>
6246, <s> we have missing values for Age Cabin Embarked and Fare </s>
49, <s> Correlation of features with target </s>
16626, <s> Feature Selection </s>
9328, <s> While if we correct for the mentioned sparsity we get </s>
34096, <s> Symptoms </s>
7527, <s> Plots </s>
10202, <s> Lets fill the null values with the mode of the respective columns </s>
41739, <s> that the embeddings have been trained lets check on how they were moved and if the different POS versions were disambiguated </s>
6759, <s> Checking Skewness for feature LowQualFinSF </s>
23664, <s> modeling </s>
11563, <s> let s check whether the resuduals are normally distributed around 0 </s>
19283, <s> Make predictions </s>
5128, <s> Feature Importance </s>
40300, <s> Number of characters distribution as well is right skewed </s>
39864, <s> GrLivArea GarageArea TotalBsmtSF 1stFlrSF YearBuilt YearRemodAdd Numerical columns </s>
19770, <s> Train test partition </s>
4199, <s> For some variables it s difficult to know directly if there are ordinal or non ordinal </s>
11909, <s> Lets create a new feature column by combining sibling spouse parent children column </s>
27843, <s> Plot loss and accuracy </s>
9003, <s> Continuous Variables Distribution </s>
22553, <s> 0s </s>
43028, <s> Not that many mistakes </s>
36342, <s> Implement Forward Propagation </s>
12318, <s> Finding Missing values </s>
6668, <s> Feature Selection using RFE Recursive Feature Elimination </s>
20913, <s> Testing model </s>
6196, <s> Support Vector Machine using Polynomial kernel </s>
28472, <s> create a feature called season to know in which season transactions are high </s>
32659, <s> Once all numerical features have been preprocessed it is important to verify the correlation between each numerical feature and the dependent variable as well as correlation among numerical features leading to undesired colinearity </s>
9170, <s> Much better We leave this variable transformed </s>
82, <s> We can use the average of the fare column We can use pythons groupby function to get the mean fare of each cabin letter </s>
5491, <s> We can use Imputer library to take care of missing value but in this scenario only one value is missing in both columns so we update that with most frequent value and mean value in Garage Cars and TotalBsmtSF respectively </s>
38574, <s> Model Time </s>
898, <s> for DecisionTreeClassifier </s>
22945, <s> We have an easier feature to handle </s>
35171, <s> Experiment Replacement of large kernel layers by two smaller ones </s>
10104, <s> we have to get a Test data in Dataframe </s>
7421, <s> Remember that we have 76 variables for training and 75 for test before </s>
11849, <s> Modelling </s>
30585, <s> Putting the Functions Together </s>
36139, <s> One way is of course to tune the hyperparameters by hand </s>
1208, <s> Ensemble 1 Stacking Generalization </s>
2881, <s> Reading in the Test data </s>
15564, <s> to set them all on starboard as they probably gathered They traveled with ticket PC 17608 so </s>
4412, <s> Replacing missing values </s>
21947, <s> ML part Random forest </s>
11975, <s> Fill GarageYrBlt and LotFrontage </s>
12072, <s> Feature Engineering </s>
2982, <s> Correlation values </s>
40862, <s> One Hot Encoding </s>
4879, <s> Examine Dataset </s>
25959, <s> Top Selling Products </s>
41161, <s> FEATURE 7 </s>
2196, <s> RandomForestRegression </s>
31411, <s> Updated Using resnet gives a boost of performance to LB score </s>
3409, <s> Create new variable Deck </s>
21896, <s> Utility Function </s>
6426, <s> From Scree plot we can conclude that we 60 PCs can explain around 90 variation of the dataset </s>
3142, <s> Few improvements using scalers and feature generators </s>
28524, <s> Fireplaces </s>
11077, <s> Feature Importances </s>
8268, <s> Create TotalSF Feature </s>
38694, <s> After Encoding </s>
7211, <s> lets plot a distribution plot to get a better idea of how our SalePrices are distributed </s>
36889, <s> reshape for CNN </s>
18766, <s> Due to computational limitations the size of each cannot very large too </s>
26952, <s> Submission Dataset </s>
32553, <s> Union Clusters </s>
1124, <s> Now apply the same changes to the test data </s>
23710, <s> Use the next code cell to one hot encode the data in X train and X valid </s>
11653, <s> XGBoost </s>
19361, <s> Find Outliers </s>
38312, <s> Random Forest </s>
4217, <s> Data Visualization </s>
20107, <s> Item count mean by month main item category shop for 1 lag </s>
40727, <s> Confusion Matrix </s>
7391, <s> the 5 unmatched passengers from kagg rest6 are added to the rest of the matched passengers in merg all2 </s>
20082, <s> Top Sales Shop </s>
15287, <s> Creating categories based on Embarkment location </s>
12898, <s> Here we get a view of the dataset that we use in our predictions </s>
12100, <s> Dealing with missing values left </s>
30353, <s> let s display predictions for future weeks </s>
39248, <s> Export data </s>
10974, <s> Linear regression L2 regularisation </s>
35865, <s> Normalisation </s>
5911, <s> u XgBoost u </s>
25408, <s> METRICS </s>
43381, <s> Attack methods </s>
14247, <s> Age Continues Fetures </s>
19130, <s> Rounding data </s>
847, <s> RandomForestRegressor </s>
27256, <s> Extract feature importances for our Second Level </s>
21242, <s> The Discriminator model </s>
29141, <s> Binary features inspection </s>
37704, <s> let s look at our neurons </s>
14935, <s> Prediction on test dataset </s>
1130, <s> Exploration of Embarked Port </s>
19309, <s> Evaluation prediction and analysis </s>
20179, <s> Fitting Training Data </s>
15330, <s> do the same thing that we did with cabin so that we are left with the initials and can assign them numeric values accordingly </s>
38454, <s> But we can t use ent type directly </s>
34915, <s> Count words by whitespaces </s>
28149, <s> we use the networkx library to create a network from this dataframe </s>
37508, <s> That gave a score of 18667 </s>
12924, <s> Sex </s>
33770, <s> The Pixel Values are often stored as Integer Numbers in the range 0 to 255 the range that a single 8 bit byte can offer </s>
40278, <s> Setting up the environment </s>
3399, <s> More Feature Engineering </s>
25943, <s> CatBoost </s>
2658, <s> Train a machine learning model </s>
16749, <s> PClass </s>
30003, <s> Submission File Preparation </s>
31633, <s> Lesson Learned </s>
31804, <s> Training the model on GPU </s>
39036, <s> But how many of them there are </s>
6934, <s> Categorical features </s>
31745, <s> ColorJitter </s>
12836, <s> Predictive Modeling </s>
34371, <s> Mean Absolute Error 24 </s>
29526, <s> XGBoost </s>
32308, <s> As discussed before I have now categorized the Age feature into following two categories </s>
17274, <s> Linear SVC </s>
25214, <s> 99 of Pool Quality Data is missing In the case of PoolQC the column refers to Pool Quality Pool quality is NaN when PoolArea is 0 or there is no pool </s>
41258, <s> Fit The Model </s>
7411, <s> HouseStyle Locations matter a lot when considering house prices then what about the characteristics of house itself Popular house styles are Story and Story story and story nd level finished houses can be sold at relatively higher prices around dollars while the prices of story nd level unfinished houses are mostly around dollars Notably for multiple story houses level finished or unfinished have an obvious relationship with house prices </s>
10794, <s> double check it </s>
19262, <s> Train validation split </s>
17825, <s> Model with Sex Age Pclass Fare Parch SibSp features </s>
27046, <s> Patient Overlap </s>
10445, <s> Since GrLivArea is now normally distributed we shall look into TotalBsmtSF </s>
32636, <s> BONUS stacking </s>
38096, <s> Handling Missing Values </s>
16397, <s> Checking the correlation between attributes and Survived </s>
31409, <s> Start training using standard fastai </s>
32118, <s> How to find the percentile scores of a numpy array </s>
15409, <s> The median values are close to the means </s>
9519, <s> Define Training and Testing datasets </s>
14622, <s> Station 5 Categorical features </s>
6904, <s> Another way to present it </s>
36065, <s> Predict All Months </s>
15322, <s> We be searching for the initials of the cabin numbers like A B C etc </s>
23730, <s> Maximum passengers boarded from Port S while the least boarded from Port Q </s>
7275, <s> Sex Feature </s>
32747, <s> Comparison of 9 models including 8 new models </s>
11858, <s> Cross Validation Scores </s>
9640, <s> Most Correlated features </s>
3413, <s> It looks like traveling with 1 3 family members could have positively affected the probability of survival </s>
7914, <s> Check the missing values </s>
33086, <s> Dummy transformation </s>
14967, <s> Clearly survival chances of males is very low when compared to females </s>
32536, <s> Processing the Predictions </s>
3414, <s> FamilySizes of 2 4 are associated with a greater than 50 chance of survival per the sample </s>
32582, <s> The Trials object hold everything returned from the objective function in the </s>
32880, <s> Random forest </s>
11056, <s> Sex versus survival </s>
17379, <s> Fill Missing values in testing data </s>
42861, <s> Model evaluation </s>
28206, <s> Examine the class label imbalance </s>
24870, <s> that we have finished preparing the data we are ready to split it into a train and validation set using train test split from sklearn </s>
21662, <s> Filter a df by multiple conditions isin and inverse using </s>
16940, <s> Random forest </s>
34721, <s> Training the LGBM models on 5 separate folds and using their average prediction for the final submission </s>
1913, <s> This is not great we try some polynomial expressions like squareroot </s>
32337, <s> Tax amount </s>
22095, <s> Train our Model with simultaneous Validation </s>
40185, <s> Using my notebook </s>
7552, <s> Extra Tree </s>
10576, <s> After handling missing values we do some simple feature engineering </s>
1595, <s> Fare </s>
32852, <s> To mimic the real behavior of the data we have to create the missing records from the loaded dataset so for each month we need to create the missing records for each shop and item since we don t have data for them I ll replace them with </s>
13982, <s> Correlation between columns </s>
31405, <s> from df pass path filename to get image file we need to properly open the img when fn is passed </s>
36608, <s> How did our model do </s>
41008, <s> We now assign the label noGroup to every man and count the frequency for each Group id element of the dataframe in the new WC count column </s>
16862, <s> this is a classification problem </s>
33731, <s> Splitting the dimension of box in the formate xmin ymin w h </s>
12134, <s> Training the model 2 </s>
1859, <s> Linear </s>
23557, <s> Seems there are too small houses </s>
7007, <s> Porch areas in square feet </s>
14357, <s> Distribution of Classes of Non Survived passengers </s>
9092, <s> I am also interested in comparing PUD homes verses not </s>
14174, <s> Before deleting the columns with prefix Deck and the AgeGroup column I check the accuracy score with and without these columns in 3 classifiers as a test to make sure removing them is beneficial </s>
487, <s> Correlation in Data </s>
30676, <s> I have preprocessed the text and just load it to increase re iteration time </s>
1954, <s> Creating Dummy Variables </s>
21141, <s> All the data analysis be done only with use of train data </s>
21510, <s> Try adding some gaussian noise </s>
688, <s> Scaling the numerical features below is important for convergence in some machine learning algorithms </s>
7916, <s> Check remaining missing values </s>
6384, <s> are used to visualize the main statistical features of the data mean value mode and </s>
36260, <s> looking at some satistical data </s>
8698, <s> In this section of the notebook I have handled the missing values in the columns </s>
25037, <s> Seems Satuday evenings and Sunday mornings are the prime time for orders </s>
32264, <s> Relationship between variables with respective to time </s>
3694, <s> Here we first use the numpy module namely the mean function </s>
5606, <s> Find </s>
13175, <s> First let s start visualizing missing values percentage proportion in each variable </s>
6583, <s> Fare per Person </s>
40918, <s> Functions to deal with Almon Lags </s>
32996, <s> Compare Ordinal and PCA </s>
39243, <s> Analysis of item categories </s>
16752, <s> Embarked </s>
16392, <s> Creating Submission File </s>
33856, <s> Distribution of the token sort ratio </s>
2946, <s> Drop features with with correlation value more than </s>
38900, <s> Imputing Missing Values </s>
40804, <s> Data Analyze by pivoting features </s>
34759, <s> Example </s>
25859, <s> Baseline Model Naive Bayes </s>
12430, <s> Without regex and using apply </s>
12116, <s> Predictions for submission </s>
7725, <s> Imputing LotFrontage with median values </s>
15544, <s> Time to train the test data </s>
17919, <s> Exploring the data further </s>
8152, <s> Lasso Model </s>
38647, <s> Age </s>
20756, <s> MiscVal column </s>
23431, <s> Removing urls </s>
19146, <s> Handling null values </s>
10741, <s> Use heatmap to check the correlation between all numeric variables </s>
8959, <s> Training model on training set </s>
27432, <s> Dropping first e </s>
24233, <s> Saving the model in Keras is simple as this </s>
5462, <s> Define our Metric </s>
18098, <s> After preprocessing we have managed to enhance the distinctive features in the images </s>
35402, <s> Training dataset </s>
18949, <s> Relationship between variables with respective to time with custom date range </s>
25730, <s> use torchvision datasets </s>
39675, <s> Define the optimizer to use giving it a learning rate and specifying what loss function it should minimize </s>
19006, <s> Tune the weights of unbalanced classes </s>
19148, <s> Modeling </s>
20476, <s> Go to top font </s>
9802, <s> Stack Model 2 After Manual Multicollinearity Check </s>
32153, <s> How to convert numpy s datetime64 object to datetime s datetime object </s>
13408, <s> Classification Accuracy </s>
21401, <s> Number of Kfolds </s>
15438, <s> And finally the Gradient Boosting Classifier </s>
14387, <s> Create a combined group of both datasets </s>
22234, <s> Confusion Matrix ile tahminlerin do rulu u Prediction verification with Confusion Matrix </s>
26672, <s> House Type </s>
219, <s> Library and Data </s>
38545, <s> dot Tpng tree dot o tree png </s>
33235, <s> Feature Extraction using pre trained models resnet50 </s>
9414, <s> Feature eng Bins font </s>
16375, <s> Exploring Embarked vs Survival </s>
1347, <s> We can also create an artificial feature combining Pclass and Age </s>
25910, <s> Model Evaluation StratifiedKFold </s>
39009, <s> now write out the submission csv file </s>
571, <s> First Voting </s>
71, <s> Datasets in the real world are often messy However this dataset is almost clean </s>
15162, <s> Data Formatting e Discretization Datatype Coversion </s>
28318, <s> identifying the missing value in bureau balance </s>
43119, <s> make predictions </s>
40411, <s> Latitude Longitude </s>
11768, <s> Exploratory Data Analysis </s>
18527, <s> Training and validation curves </s>
5682, <s> Check if there are any unexpected values </s>
3546, <s> what if we use this function to visualize more precisely what s happening </s>
24942, <s> Q Q plot after MinMaxScaler </s>
27240, <s> Confirmed Cases </s>
29735, <s> The validation AUC for parameters is 0 </s>
36253, <s> Extracting Features </s>
9365, <s> Predict Survived with Kears based on wrangled input data </s>
18403, <s> Trigrams </s>
39747, <s> Logistic Regression </s>
33075, <s> The two dots on the right of the graphs might be some outliers </s>
4575, <s> workout the numerical features </s>
12645, <s> k Nearest Neighbours </s>
14383, <s> Feature Age </s>
1886, <s> This IsAlone feature also may work well with the data we re dealing with telling us whether the passenger was along or not on the ship </s>
15588, <s> Well </s>
40858, <s> Since thse variables are highly associated with SalePrice mean SalePrice should be different across the classes of these categorical variables </s>
17572, <s> K Nearest Neighbours </s>
37620, <s> Numerical Variables </s>
37347, <s> Compile Your Model Fit The Model </s>
27571, <s> Well </s>
23574, <s> Optimizing Neural networks through KerasTuner </s>
27213, <s> I ll do some very basic preprocessing like </s>
32109, <s> How to pretty print a numpy array by suppressing the scientific notation like 1e10 </s>
29367, <s> KERNEL SVM </s>
3585, <s> Changing OverallCond MSSubClass into a categorical variable </s>
21408, <s> Show AUC performace of best pairs of features </s>
20394, <s> Bernoulli Naive Bayes Model </s>
19322, <s> Output Visualizations </s>
9482, <s> Decision Boundary </s>
37404, <s> Read in Full Dataset </s>
18136, <s> If you can afford it 10 folds and 5 runs per fold would be my recommendation Be warned that it may take a day or two even if you have a GPU </s>
17571, <s> Random Tree Classifier </s>
39313, <s> Import and process training set </s>
36427, <s> Dummy Encoding </s>
12932, <s> Correlation Heatmap </s>
5144, <s> Setting Seed </s>
21387, <s> Model evaluation </s>
8338, <s> ee how the important features are related to our target SalePrice </s>
4234, <s> let s try the same but using data with PCA applied </s>
4464, <s> Name Title mapping </s>
6879, <s> Reading in data from the competition page </s>
29724, <s> Submission </s>
34527, <s> Seed Features </s>
7266, <s> I thought if free passengers could have ship personnel </s>
14183, <s> Cleaning the dataset </s>
9371, <s> BsmtQual Evaluates the height of the basement </s>
7772, <s> Voting </s>
38631, <s> That s it make the submission </s>
2440, <s> Trying out keras </s>
32309, <s> Find relation among different features and survival </s>
33816, <s> Model Interpretation Feature Importances </s>
1051, <s> Last thing to do before Machine Learning is to log transform the target as well as we did with the skewed features </s>
27162, <s> SaleType Type of sale </s>
25279, <s> We have to try and get the dataset into a folder format from the existing format which make it easier to use fastai s functions </s>
35837, <s> First create training data </s>
42843, <s> Germany </s>
27754, <s> Removing URL s </s>
33666, <s> Not sure about timezones </s>
3392, <s> Simple Tutorial for Seaborn </s>
40313, <s> Data Profiling </s>
10382, <s> the test set also needs attention </s>
14412, <s> I ll use Kfold cross vaidation to evaluate the model scoring method wil be acuracy so lets initialize Kfolds first </s>
6222, <s> for numerical columns filling NaN as median value </s>
318, <s> Prepare for model </s>
12927, <s> Embarked </s>
36836, <s> Train the Neural Network </s>
28996, <s> Features with multicollinearity </s>
6077, <s> Fare </s>
7350, <s> We need to adapt the test dataset in order to be used by our model </s>
16680, <s> There are null values in the age cabin and embarked section in the training data and in the fare as well in the testing data </s>
40949, <s> We now feed the training and test data into our 4 base regressors and use the Out of Fold prediction function we defined earlier to generate our first level predictions </s>
6130, <s> Missing sale type </s>
4987, <s> Fare analysis </s>
13596, <s> Final Predictions </s>
32010, <s> So in Ticket column there are 681 different entries in 891 rows This situation is named as High Cardinality We can drop Ticket column from both train X and test </s>
18087, <s> The most green images </s>
1527, <s> Pclass Feature </s>
39116, <s> RandomForestClassifier </s>
12529, <s> Encoding Our Data </s>
5137, <s> Continous Variables </s>
42618, <s> Training the network </s>
15471, <s> Correlation of Categorical Features with Survived </s>
3876, <s> This is unexpected why does building a garage after the house is built reduce it s price I know that this assumption is a stretch but let me know if there a reason behind it </s>
8292, <s> Fit model </s>
43116, <s> build model on oh train oh valid </s>
9075, <s> There are a lot I next wondered if the order of the covering types mattered </s>
38722, <s> so now we are going to create the generator for the DCGAN </s>
38569, <s> Variance Threshold </s>
4478, <s> We first sort out our training and test set </s>
23003, <s> Compared to other states TX stores have similar tendency regarding registered entries </s>
32518, <s> Compiling the Model </s>
12695, <s> Well that s a fare from ideal view There is quite a severe left side skew which probably won t pair up all that well with Machine Learning algorithms </s>
19393, <s> Train Word2Vec model </s>
37143, <s> Inference Code </s>
23892, <s> Bedroom count </s>
5685, <s> Ticket </s>
509, <s> Decision Tree </s>
40842, <s> Importing Packages and Collecting Data </s>
7800, <s> Stack Models </s>
4098, <s> Interpolation for Age </s>
18830, <s> add the previous averaged models here </s>
2050, <s> KNeighbors Model </s>
9310, <s> Ordinal variables and measurement errors </s>
26459, <s> GB Predict training data for further evaluation </s>
11993, <s> let s check the R squared value which is a percentage measure of variance explained by model </s>
20853, <s> We re ready to put together our models </s>
42010, <s> Sorting with conditions and get the percentage </s>
31085, <s> WORKING WITH TEST DATA </s>
14815, <s> Pclass Survived Age </s>
20085, <s> Monthly Aggregation </s>
30873, <s> The confusion matrix can be very helpful to evaluate the model </s>
5854, <s> Following the direction of the author we look at the plot of SalePrice vs GrLivArea identify the outliers with high leverage and remove the ones with 4 000 square feet of GrLivArea from the training set </s>
27234, <s> Create pipeline </s>
24841, <s> Simple CNN </s>
7538, <s> lets choose our feature attributes Name is not giving us any proper info so lets drop it Cabin column have various missing values and filling it may affect our prediction so drop it to Ticket also not needed so drop it </s>
16899, <s> Evidence proves Master Boy </s>
16540, <s> The Name feature is not really useful but we can use the Title of a person as a feature so let s do it </s>
21601, <s> Fixing SettingWithCopyWarning when creating a new columns </s>
18549, <s> AGE </s>
20611, <s> Fill the missing value by grouping by Pclass since cabins are related to class of booking </s>
16346, <s> Check correlation with Survived </s>
8095, <s> Sex vs Survival </s>
15920, <s> Data Transformation </s>
15317, <s> Checking out Embarked Attribute </s>
5689, <s> Divide the Train and Test data </s>
29519, <s> font size 3 style font family Futura let s have important data from Dataframe </s>
21439, <s> Bathroom Count </s>
40021, <s> Perhaps we can do both exploring the images and building up datasets and dataloaders for modelling </s>
4785, <s> pair the 5 most important variables according to our matrix with sale price </s>
32425, <s> Training on all Images </s>
22602, <s> Special features </s>
11144, <s> use the value as the improvement below this value is minimal </s>
20235, <s> I extracted only first letters of the tickets because I thought that they would indicate the ticket type </s>
30647, <s> Grid Search for random forest </s>
18017, <s> Family size new feature </s>
29862, <s> data element </s>
10368, <s> Numerical Values </s>
38489, <s> Predicted images font </s>
13333, <s> let s split the Name feature in order to extract the Titles and create a new column Title filled with them </s>
7279, <s> Family Size </s>
11546, <s> Visualizing Categorical Variables </s>
5161, <s> Decision Tree Regressor </s>
29538, <s> we re gonna reshape our image to let the model know that we re dealing with a greyscale image hence 1 color channel </s>
10616, <s> Fare is strongly correlated with Pclass </s>
4313, <s> Passenger Class PClass </s>
25445, <s> Testing Dataset </s>
1057, <s> Lasso regression </s>
24807, <s> Outliers </s>
11282, <s> In an earlier step we manually used the logit coefficients to select the most relevant features An alternate method is to use one of scikit learn s inbuilt feature selection classes We be using the feature selection RFECV class which performs recursive feature elimination with cross validation </s>
37633, <s> Instead of writing all of our code for training and validation in one cell it can be helpful to break the different parts into functions </s>
33283, <s> Family Assembler </s>
13340, <s> we are using the get dummies function to convert the Ticket Letter column into dummy columns that can be used by our future models </s>
12507, <s> Finished Submit Your Tuned Model </s>
30870, <s> Compiling the model </s>
41931, <s> We ll also create a device which can be used to move the data and models to a GPU if one is available </s>
10684, <s> Train test split </s>
31607, <s> feature X contains 8 pixels 784 28 28 </s>
15596, <s> Statistical Overview of the data </s>
27076, <s> Part of Speech Tagging for questions Corpus </s>
9514, <s> Fare </s>
32373, <s> Getting Image Attributes </s>
12561, <s> let s ask some questions and get to know basic trends from data </s>
16357, <s> Choose and submit test predictions </s>
14775, <s> Survival by Pclass Socio economic status </s>
13465, <s> Considering the survival rate of passengers under 16 I ll also include another categorical variable in my dataset Minor </s>
6396, <s> Sales Price Analysis </s>
35512, <s> In this part I would like to create new features </s>
6024, <s> Understand the Target SalePrice distribution </s>
6844, <s> identifying the missing values </s>
5513, <s> Logistic regression </s>
40264, <s> Total Rooms Above Ground </s>
43275, <s> Avaliando o desempenho do nosso modelo nos dados de treino </s>
39091, <s> Question length </s>
10946, <s> 1again check size of data sets </s>
40934, <s> Tabular Modeling </s>
2292, <s> Making a pandas dataframe from either a list or a dictionary </s>
29954, <s> Price outliers are generated by some specific brands </s>
6811, <s> Neural networks are more complex and more powerful algorithm than standars machine learning it belongs to deep learning models To build a neural network we are going to use Keras Keras is a high level API for tensorflow which is a tensor manipulation framework made by google Keras allows you to build neural networks by assembling blocks which are the layers of our neural network For more details here tutorial deep learning in python is a great keras tutorial </s>
34352, <s> Besides the embedding 3 fully connected layers </s>
32152, <s> How to find the index of n th repetition of an item in an array </s>
8150, <s> Decision Tree Regressor Model </s>
28928, <s> Test </s>
14445, <s> Update Fare with ordinal values from the FareBand table </s>
10858, <s> Creating new features as per our intuition and dropping the other columns </s>
5618, <s> Code Output </s>
2216, <s> Blend </s>
13255, <s> Age </s>
4847, <s> Lasso </s>
37005, <s> let s combine them in a single dataframe </s>
4058, <s> it s necessary to normalize the data </s>
37092, <s> Statistical Functions </s>
9368, <s> Build model and predit </s>
36571, <s> Fine tune </s>
8362, <s> Pclass because there is only one missing value in Fare we fill it with a median of the corresponding Pclass </s>
14623, <s> If we would predict a probability of for a male and for a female to survive we would expect gradient contributions that point into opposite directions But actually we obtain </s>
7424, <s> To address the multicolliearity problem I apply PCA to decrease the number of variables </s>
18410, <s> Metric </s>
26562, <s> take another look at the scatter plot </s>
27297, <s> Check the total US trend </s>
32203, <s> Create a test set for month 34 </s>
8672, <s> Torch model </s>
28399, <s> PairPlot </s>
15457, <s> Title </s>
30394, <s> Oversampling </s>
32684, <s> Cross Validation </s>
30459, <s> Split datas in train and test set </s>
17570, <s> Decision Tree Classifier </s>
39109, <s> Fare </s>
6992, <s> Original construction date </s>
3844, <s> option1 replace all missing age values with mean </s>
30370, <s> Test PyVips </s>
32383, <s> Loading Modelling Tools </s>
26879, <s> Score for A1 17688 </s>
9935, <s> Therefore the missing age values are handled p </s>
18184, <s> Blending </s>
28420, <s> Item id </s>
13461, <s> I ll also create categorical variables for Passenger Class Gender and Port Embarked </s>
212, <s> Library and Data </s>
41582, <s> While using transfer learning in ConvNet we have basically have 3 main approaches </s>
13151, <s> apply title wise age filling in the transformations back in test data too </s>
6727, <s> YearBuilt Vs SalePrice </s>
29581, <s> as standard we ll load the dataset with our transforms </s>
25022, <s> Anyway when you want to use this mask remember to first apply a dilation morphological operation on it e with a circular kernel This expands the mask in all directions The air structures in the lung alone not contain all nodules in particular it miss those that are stuck to the side of the lung where they often appear expand the mask a little </s>
1566, <s> Fare </s>
21513, <s> Lets checkout the message length whether the sms is a spam or not </s>
42046, <s> factorize </s>
1111, <s> Evaluation </s>
23062, <s> we need to create few additional parameters for our model </s>
7987, <s> Linearing And Removing Outliers </s>
37066, <s> Impute Age </s>
8122, <s> Perceptron </s>
10830, <s> it is time to update ticket number with new category </s>
32511, <s> Pre processing the predictions </s>
3786, <s> Correlation Matrix of SalePrice </s>
3536, <s> PointPlot </s>
26259, <s> Training the Neural Network </s>
26262, <s> Reading test file </s>
3161, <s> The next step is to transform numeric variables to produce better distributed data </s>
17743, <s> Unfortunately it does not look like tickets were issued in this manner </s>
10270, <s> Neigborhood There are quite a few neighborhoods Surely these can be reduced to a few classes </s>
4951, <s> Modeling </s>
32567, <s> Diff Common marking </s>
24177, <s> Things look good use that to train on the whole data set </s>
43211, <s> Model training visualization </s>
7032, <s> Type of Paved driveway </s>
42248, <s> Transforming data to reduce skew </s>
33552, <s> How to win </s>
40055, <s> let s try to find good learning rate boundaries </s>
35053, <s> Train the model </s>
26406, <s> The survival chance of a passenger with 1 or 2 siblings spouses is significantly higher than than for a single passenger or a passenger with 3 or more siblings spouses </s>
42134, <s> Quadratic Weighted Kappa </s>
13280, <s> Support Vector Machines are supervised learning models with associated learning algorithms that analyze data used for classification and regression analysis Given a set of training samples each marked as belonging to one or the other of two categories an SVM training algorithm builds a model that assigns new test samples to one category or the other making it a non probabilistic binary linear classifier Reference Wikipedia </s>
42097, <s> Dividing the train data set into dependent labels and independent pixels features </s>
22233, <s> Periyotlardaki do rulama kay plar Validation loss in epochs </s>
32165, <s> Generate test predictions </s>
15519, <s> we can look at Ticket again </s>
36194, <s> The date in which the customer became as the first holder of a contract in the bank can not help fix the issue with missing data in the new customer index </s>
43043, <s> Any help on this is appreciated </s>
35826, <s> To learn about boxplot you may follow the links </s>
35480, <s> ORB Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF </s>
25787, <s> there are 2 missing values here so let s replace it with most frequent value </s>
35818, <s> Add sales for the last three months for similar item item with id item id 1 </s>
9651, <s> Missing Data Percentage Visualization for Clarity </s>
12104, <s> Evaluation </s>
10525, <s> We have removed co linearity from our dataset manually examine each feature and remove non linear features from the dataset </s>
17014, <s> PassengerID </s>
27875, <s> Average daily sales </s>
11683, <s> Feature Engineering </s>
8147, <s> Defining Training Test Sets </s>
4270, <s> These where Sal but in order to have the same structure I put them in Sev </s>
541, <s> New Feature Family size </s>
21626, <s> One hot encoding get dummies </s>
21843, <s> RNN Architecture for MNIST Classification </s>
28865, <s> Attention </s>
7478, <s> 3d ParCh </s>
7628, <s> list of models </s>
15574, <s> Update After trying a few classifiers I realize that this really happens The remedy could be to subtract one form TicketGroupSurvivors where a singleton survived </s>
26068, <s> Another experiment we can do is try and generate fake digits </s>
23598, <s> I was first going for merging the two sentence sets into one so that the system is trained over all the words sentences document vectors and I would not be able to do it without concatenating both of these </s>
43347, <s> We fit our model to X train and y train datasets to train our model </s>
15830, <s> KNN Classifier </s>
9879, <s> Correlation Between Parch Survived </s>
7479, <s> 3e Fare </s>
9145, <s> Great Since there are only 2 and 3 missing values in these columns respectively and their values have the same range I just set the null values to the value of the other </s>
17688, <s> AGE SURVIVAL </s>
34289, <s> Classifier </s>
37799, <s> Model Evaluation </s>
9700, <s> Concating numeric and categorical features </s>
18500, <s> Kaggle Submission </s>
79, <s> combine train and test data first and for now assign all the null values as N </s>
16282, <s> Feature Importance </s>
12697, <s> The full names as they are not be helpful to us although there s probably something useful within title e </s>
679, <s> The easiest method to combine different classifiers is through a Voting Classifier It does exactly what the name suggests each individual classifier makes a certain prediction and then the majority vote is used for each row This majority process can either give all individual votes the same importance or assign different weights to make some classifiers have more impact than others </s>
6733, <s> GarageArea Vs SalePrice </s>
16122, <s> Perceptron </s>
1109, <s> Logistic Regression </s>
11245, <s> Multicolinearity </s>
31049, <s> Get ID </s>
7298, <s> The plot of SalePrice is skewed in nature </s>
11465, <s> Support Vector Machine SVM </s>
38989, <s> Traing for negative sentiment </s>
2107, <s> This residual plot is fairly problematic and we address it later on </s>
19626, <s> Loading and normalizing the dataset into Pycaret </s>
4554, <s> Utilities For this categorical feature all records are AllPub except for one NoSeWa and 2 NA </s>
3746, <s> LonFrontage </s>
12303, <s> Random Forest </s>
33655, <s> Define Gini Metric </s>
35337, <s> Fitting on the Training set and making predcitons on the Validation set </s>
27601, <s> Submission </s>
11223, <s> Show both adjustments </s>
6873, <s> Categorical Nominal </s>
31107, <s> One Hot encoding a Column ith Sklearn </s>
19702, <s> check if we have NaN values in our dataframe </s>
25774, <s> Male is more than female in the Titanic </s>
22912, <s> Evaluate and Improve Our Model </s>
17388, <s> Dendrogram </s>
28692, <s> Target Variable </s>
43127, <s> Predicting actual test set </s>
13460, <s> According to the Kaggle data dictionary both SibSp and Parch relate to traveling with family </s>
42000, <s> Sorting a certain column with a certain condition </s>
23121, <s> Findings </s>
21151, <s> First let s prepare the data set containing predictions of our future models </s>
19517, <s> Checking Number of Partitions </s>
14098, <s> Support Vector Machine SVM </s>
15103, <s> We were able to fill in the gaps for Age and now have 1309 records </s>
2243, <s> Pipelines </s>
2033, <s> Class </s>
7229, <s> Miscellaneous features missing values </s>
18947, <s> Relationship between variables with respective to time </s>
40429, <s> Examine the variable importance of the metalearner algorithm in the ensemble </s>
24188, <s> For example here are some mistakes and their frequency </s>
40871, <s> Optimize Elastic Net </s>
15168, <s> We can do even more things with these values </s>
40195, <s> Split data into train and validation </s>
9614, <s> Box Plot </s>
29993, <s> Building a scoring function </s>
40284, <s> Focal Loss </s>
12785, <s> Define the Training as a Function </s>
1248, <s> take a look at the distribution of the SalePrice </s>
8933, <s> Label Encoding </s>
21486, <s> The difference is very significant and suprisingly so While spawning more threads than there are CPUs available isn t helpful and causes multiple threads to be multiplexed on a single CPU it is unclear why that overhead causes xgboost to perform slower by several multiples </s>
26851, <s> Bigram Insights </s>
39084, <s> Embeddings </s>
8756, <s> See some start data </s>
38959, <s> It s always strongly recommended to check your input pictures into your model after augmentations to ensure that not strange things happen </s>
5314, <s> Preparation for creating functions </s>
16365, <s> Sex Male Title Mr Pclass 3 lowest chances of survival </s>
19321, <s> Training the Model </s>
2419, <s> First let s take a look at our target </s>
40800, <s> Data Pre processing </s>
21663, <s> Reverse order of a df </s>
1553, <s> Pclass </s>
43018, <s> Feature assembly </s>
35071, <s> Below there is the definition of the standardizer function which preprocess each one of the images as they are fed to the CNN </s>
39947, <s> Cross validation </s>
16362, <s> Name could be one of the interesting features as it directly doesn t provide any value but it opens up the scope for feature engineering from it </s>
9009, <s> Set Fireplace Quality to 0 if there is no fireplace </s>
24539, <s> Total number of products by income groups </s>
41762, <s> Not surprisingly this search does not produce a great score because of 3 fold validation and limited parameter sampling </s>
39194, <s> Modelagem </s>
37222, <s> Interesting Very few vocabulary words are in common with the paragrams vocabulary </s>
1008, <s> How about having another look at our features </s>
40980, <s> review How to count rows in each group by using </s>
15407, <s> let s create a Married column and assign titles that indicate the woman is married the value 1 and 0 otherwise </s>
38977, <s> LSTM model with Pytorch utilizes GPU </s>
27757, <s> Removing Punctuation </s>
11737, <s> Here we are looking mostly linear again although it looks like it might be following a little bit of an exponential path </s>
1429, <s> I put here some hyper parameters tuning with n estmators max depth and learning rate parameters </s>
4571, <s> NA for PoolQC means No Pool </s>
6500, <s> all necessary features are present in both train and test </s>
34265, <s> Compare one example again to verify that the normalization was done properly </s>
8963, <s> data engineering </s>
21485, <s> try different submissions with different thresholds </s>
3254, <s> strong Number of Houses Sold every Month strong </s>
5527, <s> Create Pclass Categories </s>
9852, <s> XGBoost </s>
35545, <s> use pipeline to chain multiple estimators into one </s>
7692, <s> Linear regression </s>
2827, <s> optimizing hyperparameters of a random forest with the grid search </s>
41369, <s> Sale Price HLS Low Lvl Bnk </s>
24658, <s> Select only March and April </s>
32724, <s> Clipping some outlier prices </s>
35930, <s> SibSp Parch </s>
22695, <s> Binary Classifier s </s>
8381, <s> Looking for missing values </s>
42254, <s> Use scikit learn s function to grid search for the best combination of hyperparameters </s>
25939, <s> Below is a comparison of w o PCA and w PCA correlation after PCA transformation it looks much better in terms of high correlated variables </s>
32680, <s> The commented code below enables generating and saving a contribution to the competition </s>
33669, <s> Year font </s>
33849, <s> Analysis on few extracted features </s>
43263, <s> Importa a classe DecisionTreeRegressor do scikit learn </s>
28024, <s> Training Word2Vec </s>
33444, <s> ExtraTreesClassifier </s>
9707, <s> Ridge Regression </s>
26101, <s> Random Forest Cassifier </s>
28460, <s> First I would like to take all columns of type float in a list </s>
13760, <s> Model Data </s>
7894, <s> and drop the respective columns </s>
8992, <s> We expect that if the MasVnrArea is 0 that the MasVnrType is none </s>
19353, <s> Reading input file </s>
12779, <s> Submitting </s>
27019, <s> Training in progress Please do not disturb </s>
35186, <s> the highest correlation is among cont11 and cont12 </s>
32094, <s> How to reshape an array </s>
27644, <s> that all of our data is ready we can go on to training the classifier </s>
18130, <s> get the RandomForestRegression model s assessment of the Top 5 most important features </s>
26505, <s> that the image size is reduced to 7x7 we add a fully connected layer with 1024 neurones to allow processing on the entire image each of the neurons of the fully connected layer is connected to all the activations outpus of the previous layer </s>
40328, <s> Locations </s>
29108, <s> To use FASTAI library we need to feed our data into their ImageDataBunch function However </s>
20261, <s> Steps of Linear Regression </s>
29365, <s> K NEAREST NEIGHBORS </s>
3560, <s> Run on test data </s>
8661, <s> Instructions </s>
5166, <s> Download datasets </s>
37234, <s> Evaluation </s>
39134, <s> Input Layer </s>
23552, <s> Submition </s>
37921, <s> Lasso </s>
13427, <s> Define custom Scorer function </s>
23739, <s> Correlation and Feature Importance </s>
26316, <s> Gradient Boosting Regression </s>
4115, <s> Exploratory Data Analysis </s>
36756, <s> A training set of 42000 images </s>
28759, <s> Stepwise Model Selection </s>
34859, <s> RF </s>
39959, <s> Averaging Regressors </s>
2116, <s> It looks like the target encoding with the mean is very powerful and not very correlated with the other features </s>
25857, <s> Splitting dataset </s>
25278, <s> To get a set of transforms with default values that work pretty well in a wide range of tasks it s often easiest to use get transforms </s>
19553, <s> CNN Model </s>
39146, <s> all folders are created The next step is to create the images inside of the folders from train </s>
36584, <s> Visualizing and Analysis </s>
24887, <s> convert non numeric features to categorical values </s>
2804, <s> get cat feats Returns the categorical features in a data set </s>
13972, <s> Embarked vs Pclass </s>
19779, <s> Let s take a look at the architecture </s>
17339, <s> XGB </s>
1578, <s> because we are using scikit learn we must convert our categorical columns into dummy variables </s>
22087, <s> Normalization </s>
30427, <s> Load Models </s>
7921, <s> Combine features </s>
25245, <s> Prepare submission </s>
6112, <s> Ah what a pity mistake </s>
11766, <s> we are using a stacked model of our Elastic Net Kernel Ridge and Gradient Boosting Regressor with our meta model being our Lasso model in order to predict our outcome </s>
579, <s> Quantitative 1stFlrSF 2ndFlrSF 3SsnPorch BedroomAbvGr BsmtFinSF1 BsmtFinSF2 BsmtFullBath BsmtHalfBath BsmtUnfSF EnclosedPorch Fireplaces FullBath GarageArea GarageCars GarageYrBlt GrLivArea HalfBath KitchenAbvGr LotArea LotFrontage LowQualFinSF MSSubClass MasVnrArea MiscVal MoSold OpenPorchSF OverallCond OverallQual PoolArea ScreenPorch TotRmsAbvGrd TotalBsmtSF WoodDeckSF YearBuilt YearRemodAdd YrSold </s>
15362, <s> pclass A proxy for socio economic status </s>
30591, <s> Insert Computed Features into Training Data </s>
30396, <s> Callbacks </s>
26389, <s> Evaluation </s>
6420, <s> We can drop MSSubClass YrSold MoSold as they have no impact on SalePrice </s>
39023, <s> Machine Learning Data Analysis </s>
16336, <s> Linear SVM </s>
35176, <s> Compile 10 times and get statistics </s>
22052, <s> First orientation get some hints on what to look for in our EDA </s>
3440, <s> Since our Jonkheer is 38 years old let s include him in the list of titles we change to Mr </s>
42815, <s> Configuration </s>
42141, <s> Autoencoder Model </s>
52, <s> Random Forest </s>
23336, <s> BanglaLekha Isolated </s>
19151, <s> Write the data to file to save it for a new session </s>
15610, <s> Gender Feature </s>
19977, <s> MLP Sigmoid activation ADAM </s>
32148, <s> How to drop all missing values from a numpy array </s>
3890, <s> Range </s>
11289, <s> Replace missing values with most common value </s>
3403, <s> Normality </s>
35421, <s> Checking shape of training data and labels </s>
15904, <s> Exploring the Data Distributions </s>
6478, <s> Relationship with categorical features </s>
35665, <s> Features with alot of missing values </s>
15748, <s> Embarked is likely S for both </s>
3723, <s> Hyperparameter Tunning </s>
38780, <s> Express X axis of training set frequency distribution as logarithms and save standard deviation to help adjust frequencies for time trend </s>
42356, <s> Removing twitter handles </s>
22772, <s> We build the iterators </s>
12602, <s> EDA </s>
32204, <s> Concatenate train and test sets </s>
12938, <s> Deck Where exactly were passenger on the ship </s>
43404, <s> These are the parameters and their ranges that be used during optimization </s>
15898, <s> SHAP values for selected rows </s>
42549, <s> Question character length correlations by duplication label </s>
17269, <s> First import all required machine learning libraries </s>
24309, <s> accuracy vs </s>
4591, <s> We first convert GarageQual GarageCond and GarageFinish to ordinal numerical variables </s>
11507, <s> LASSO Regression </s>
1416, <s> TypeOfTicket vs Survived </s>
24225, <s> Sort the traning set Use 1300 images each of cats and dogs instead of all 25000 to speed up the learning process </s>
6717, <s> Relation between Continous numerical Features and Labels </s>
25201, <s> Evaluating our model </s>
10405, <s> Drop the Id column since it isn t worth keeping </s>
1984, <s> Great Our data is ready for our model </s>
14802, <s> Submission </s>
22980, <s> Promotion impact per store week </s>
40385, <s> According to the tensorflow website The tf </s>
33144, <s> To help the convergence of the map it is a good idea to limit the number of points on which the training be done </s>
42218, <s> A second Max Pooling Dropout layer now be added </s>
4055, <s> Defining Transformations </s>
13824, <s> now let s writ the model </s>
10230, <s> try XGBoost classifier model also </s>
40655, <s> I m happy to lose 5 of the features and not have to worry about a proper imputation strategy </s>
21644, <s> Split a string column into multiple columns </s>
404, <s> XGB </s>
20788, <s> From these regplots we have confirmed there are outliers so we decide to remove them </s>
30566, <s> We can test this function using the EXT SOURCE 3 variable which we according to a Random Forest and Gradient Boosting Machine </s>
6817, <s> There are lots of ways to deal with missing values </s>
29102, <s> LSTM Classic </s>
27507, <s> Compiling and Fitting the Model </s>
7293, <s> Random Forest </s>
42550, <s> Model starter </s>
26670, <s> Occupation Type </s>
29699, <s> lets take them through one of the kernels in next convolutional layer </s>
12665, <s> that we have trained the classifier and made some predictions for the cross validation set we can test the accuracy of the predictions using the following metrics recall precision f1 score and accuracy </s>
15133, <s> Replacing Rare value with one of clear titles </s>
21070, <s> Testing data comes in </s>
3290, <s> we create an object of this class and use it to fit and transform the train data </s>
19581, <s> Aggregate Sale </s>
11544, <s> EDA and Visualization </s>
8087, <s> Blend with Top Kernals submissions </s>
39757, <s> Here we ll try to create meta features to understand better the structure of the questions </s>
34663, <s> Item counts versus item prices </s>
42609, <s> Set Up Progress Tracking </s>
35066, <s> Complexity graph of Solution 4 1 </s>
407, <s> Gaussian Process </s>
24886, <s> drop useless features </s>
24357, <s> investigate for errors </s>
34329, <s> Adding augmented data not improve the accuracy of the validation </s>
14853, <s> Family type </s>
39456, <s> checking missing data in bureau </s>
29587, <s> A solution to this is to renormalize the images so each pixel is between </s>
34052, <s> XGBOOST Training Cross Validation </s>
12455, <s> This means there s no garage </s>
31547, <s> replacing each missing values with the top most category </s>
20064, <s> Adding column item main sub category </s>
37196, <s> Skewed features </s>
8891, <s> LightGBM </s>
1293, <s> Prediction 5 5 </s>
36341, <s> Define Neural Network Parameters </s>
13447, <s> Data Cleaning </s>
38008, <s> All info about a single department </s>
23806, <s> Drop Low Info Variables </s>
33357, <s> Question 2 Create a decomposition plot for a city of weekly sales </s>
18296, <s> Data Augmentation Oversampling </s>
41484, <s> Random Forest Training </s>
3471, <s> For this model precision can be thought of as the ability of the model to pick out the true survivors and not label passengers as survivors when they in fact perished </s>
3634, <s> Pclass Survived Vs Age </s>
17466, <s> Age </s>
40183, <s> Long selected text are not predicted correctly </s>
13112, <s> Linear SVC </s>
27463, <s> Missing Values </s>
449, <s> Box Cox Transformation of highly skewed features </s>
39408, <s> Pclass </s>
27316, <s> Submission </s>
3701, <s> we have a model </s>
33467, <s> CompetitionDistance </s>
27033, <s> Use this mothed to predict test csv </s>
31578, <s> I could be wrong but in my opinion this is too much imbalanced </s>
38045, <s> Central Limit Theorem </s>
33753, <s> Numerical data processing </s>
33617, <s> Cleaning of test data for prediction purpose in the same manner as train data </s>
7060, <s> Scaling with RobustScaler </s>
10787, <s> I would like to check what would be the score </s>
4569, <s> SalePrice is not normally distributed </s>
13472, <s> Nearly all variables are significant at the 0 </s>
15563, <s> Feature engineering </s>
3968, <s> LightGBM </s>
36817, <s> that we ve downloaded our datasets we can load them into pandas dataframes First for the test data </s>
19706, <s> Resizing the photos </s>
17477, <s> Voting Model </s>
42142, <s> simply visualize our graphs </s>
13948, <s> Categorical Variable </s>
24847, <s> As I was using an enriched dataset during the Week 2 competition I have to add the new countries to my dataframe and fill the missing data with median values </s>
11397, <s> Looks like these passengers share the same ticket information and were both singletons travelling first class </s>
35143, <s> Nice we got an impressing 98 </s>
32849, <s> Data leakages </s>
5809, <s> Combine train and test </s>
38406, <s> Look at the digits </s>
42249, <s> Considering highly correlated features </s>
42957, <s> I think the idea here is that people with recorded cabin numbers are of higher socioeconomic class and thus more likely to survive </s>
36141, <s> First we have to define a dictionary of hyperparameters we would like to check </s>
31727, <s> Anatomy and Target </s>
7035, <s> Here we analyze correlation with the boxplots and missing values </s>
24950, <s> Dataset information Pandas Profiling </s>
11137, <s> Tansformation of the target variable </s>
8430, <s> Correct masonry veneer types </s>
9349, <s> Create a pipeline </s>
38892, <s> Forward Propagation with Dropout </s>
38095, <s> Missing Values </s>
33465, <s> SchoolHoliday </s>
33749, <s> Using the learned model to predict the test set </s>
21079, <s> The correlation coefficient for ps calc is 0 so we drop these from our dataset </s>
42625, <s> Fatalities percentage </s>
25178, <s> Featurizing text data </s>
3295, <s> SalePrice distribution </s>
22404, <s> Fill in missing with the more common status </s>
2521, <s> Confusion Matrix </s>
8712, <s> The Gradient Boosting gives the best performance on the validation set and so I am using it to make predictions to Kaggle on the test set </s>
7992, <s> Encoding Label </s>
31060, <s> Negative look ahead succeed if passed non consuming expression does not match against the forthcoming input </s>
32107, <s> How to create a 2D array containing random floats between 5 and 10 </s>
22782, <s> Histogram Type </s>
39820, <s> it s all set now let s build our model shall we </s>
31779, <s> Loading datasets </s>
4027, <s> Interesting columns </s>
15452, <s> Change Survived to an integer </s>
38967, <s> Word2idx and embedding dicts for LSTM model </s>
29805, <s> Implementation of Glove via glove python </s>
5077, <s> How about our cleaned data and some other classifiers </s>
155, <s> Import libraries </s>
32250, <s> Visually inspecting our network against unlabeled data </s>
1808, <s> Dealing with Missing Values </s>
12790, <s> We thus export the predictions as a Comma Separated Values file </s>
26668, <s> installments payments </s>
2809, <s> Heatmap </s>
5414, <s> Except those with more than 4 family members basically the bigger the family size the more likely to survive </s>
14097, <s> Random forest output file </s>
27135, <s> We ll have a look at the correlation between all the features with the help of Heatmap </s>
15861, <s> Model definition </s>
12975, <s> We cannot make a prediction about survival condition by using passengers names but there might be relationship between survival rate and titles </s>
21416, <s> Label encoding Making it machine readable </s>
42004, <s> isin filtering by conditions </s>
33783, <s> Examine Missing Values </s>
8803, <s> replace the NaN in categorical with NA and with 0 in Numerical data </s>
69, <s> This is a sample of train and test dataset </s>
19370, <s> Missing null values in categorical columns </s>
10923, <s> To find the degree of a graph figure out all of the vertex degrees </s>
20578, <s> Encoding Categorical Data </s>
36677, <s> stop words string english list or None default </s>
12133, <s> XGBRegressor 2 </s>
22232, <s> Modelin uygunlugu Fit the model </s>
17409, <s> Feature importances generated from the different classifiers </s>
32339, <s> latitude and longitude </s>
26462, <s> In our data formatting we generate the respective labels for dogs 1 and cats 0 for our training data File path also be collected as a column for our dataframe so that it can be used to load and train our images </s>
4705, <s> Features coefficients </s>
5948, <s> create a submission csv of prediction </s>
15075, <s> Age Group </s>
22065, <s> Findings for large spaCy vocab </s>
42620, <s> Import Libraries </s>
9761, <s> Lets check TitleGroup I saw that there are so many Mr </s>
21227, <s> Data augmentation </s>
20061, <s> Import libraries </s>
10367, <s> Missing Values </s>
3451, <s> For the sake of modeling let s add Mr </s>
10426, <s> Linear Regression </s>
37686, <s> Plot Predictions </s>
36396, <s> Features engineering FE </s>
37798, <s> Linear Regression </s>
38781, <s> Adjust frequencies for time trend </s>
21436, <s> make LotArea LotArea log </s>
9826, <s> Fare Passenger Fare </s>
17602, <s> Support Vector Machines </s>
41941, <s> save a batch of real images that we can use for visual comparision while looking at the generated images </s>
7647, <s> Generally if a variable is numerical we replace null with 0 or mean median </s>
12827, <s> same way we can check for unsurvied travellers family size </s>
3583, <s> LotFrontage Linear feet of street connected to property </s>
31011, <s> We have used categorical crossentropy as the cost function for that model but what does we mean by cost function </s>
2319, <s> Fitting a Linear Model </s>
18314, <s> Explore Items Dataset </s>
2344, <s> Gradient Boosting Classifier </s>
32642, <s> Warning PyCaret setup work for last imported PyCaret library </s>
15710, <s> Gender per Passenger Class vs Survived </s>
24716, <s> Eigenvector 4 </s>
15584, <s> Only 102 </s>
9050, <s> Garage Cars </s>
21230, <s> Run the following cell to visualize how many images we have in each of our datasets </s>
7783, <s> value counts in ascending order </s>
21560, <s> Binning </s>
23882, <s> check the dtypes of different types of variable </s>
11138, <s> Here is the difference between BoxCox and Log values the difference is substantial at the value of a house </s>
32701, <s> Here I am concating data to apply cleaning on both train and test set </s>
5832, <s> we have 18 object type feature 12 numeric </s>
10948, <s> again size of full data set </s>
23247, <s> We fill the Embarked s missing values with S I prefer it because it is the most frequently used </s>
35438, <s> The best part </s>
33107, <s> Submission </s>
2263, <s> Age </s>
14103, <s> Most of the children got survived </s>
21656, <s> Reduce memory usage of a df while importing duplicated Trick 83 </s>
32588, <s> Continue Optimization </s>
4955, <s> ElasticNet regression model which basically combines Ridge regression and Lasso regression </s>
27905, <s> Simple Model Catch Failures Decision Trees </s>
38515, <s> Distribution of top unigrams </s>
485, <s> Defining a basic XGBoost model </s>
6115, <s> I think there should be a strong correlation between Garage Area and number of places for cars </s>
35406, <s> Applying desicion Tree </s>
41323, <s> The data consists of a tabular format where every pixel is a feature </s>
3004, <s> Ridge Regression </s>
38549, <s> The Meta Features Based On Word Character </s>
24099, <s> Limiting the outliers value </s>
22948, <s> visualize the Cabin Number distribution of the data </s>
21918, <s> Ridge model </s>
42043, <s> Inserting the average age per Initial for NaN values of Age </s>
1915, <s> MasVnrType and MasVnrArea </s>
13738, <s> Creating O P file </s>
40066, <s> Data Processing Reduce Skew on x </s>
14891, <s> Apply the pairs plot </s>
22953, <s> Show some image </s>
26197, <s> We use a different set of data augmentations for this dataset we also allow vertical flips since we don t expect vertical orientation of satellite images to change our classifications </s>
34479, <s> Perprocessing Data </s>
16945, <s> XGboost </s>
14151, <s> to examine the data types of our features </s>
22518, <s> Categorical encoding </s>
25273, <s> Display Validation Accuracy Loss </s>
28122, <s> Exploring Target Column </s>
616, <s> These are two women that travelled together in 1st class were 38 and 62 years old and had no family on board </s>
32502, <s> Generating csv file for submission </s>
3680, <s> Key Takeaways </s>
25002, <s> Run predictions for given test data and submit the output file in required format </s>
25379, <s> Evaluate the model </s>
1705, <s> Listwise Deletion Dropping rows </s>
30908, <s> We get only around 140 active features which are far away from the total features </s>
1920, <s> All categorical variables contains NAN whereas continuous ones have 0 </s>
19048, <s> There are a number of Nan values within each column that we want to get rid off </s>
27857, <s> Handling categorial variables </s>
15857, <s> Create final feature set </s>
18304, <s> append test data to matrix with next month s date block num </s>
1857, <s> Lasso </s>
22688, <s> Prepare submission file </s>
18526, <s> For the data augmentation i choosed to </s>
36352, <s> Preprocess the Inputs </s>
5521, <s> Extract Title data </s>
813, <s> Filling missing values </s>
7700, <s> We try other kind of regressors such as XGBRegressor and ExtraTreesRegressor </s>
32723, <s> Calculating different aggregations </s>
32720, <s> Predicting on a random sentence </s>
26843, <s> DAE </s>
15154, <s> Filling Age null Values with random numbers generated between its mean and standard deviation </s>
39100, <s> Dale Chall Readability Score </s>
33081, <s> Another way to visualize this lack of data is to display the whole dataset as followed </s>
28653, <s> Neighborhood </s>
17438, <s> make some graphics by type </s>
16272, <s> Shape </s>
10353, <s> Principal Components Analysis </s>
30347, <s> Get data from </s>
7793, <s> reload the data so we can have a fresh start </s>
21521, <s> Lets visualize the Accuracy over the Epochs </s>
41193, <s> check if there are any numerical columns left with missing values </s>
36266, <s> Looking at Port of embarkation </s>
16100, <s> Embarked Feature </s>
13998, <s> Split train data into training data and validation data </s>
20208, <s> Standardize data </s>
40466, <s> Other Features </s>
27327, <s> it is to optimize a size of n estimators for RandomForest </s>
3495, <s> Parameters for the best model </s>
40266, <s> Total Basement Surface Area vs 1st Floor Surface Area </s>
31684, <s> Training Autoencoder </s>
2995, <s> Handling Missing Values </s>
10124, <s> Boys Girls and Women have higher chance of survival where the men have the lowest </s>
13388, <s> 0 indicates that person is travelling with family and 1 indicates that he is travelling alone </s>
40038, <s> Predict on whatever you like </s>
26207, <s> First we check if all images in the train folder are all in jpg format It is better to check because if there are a mixture of image type we may face troubles later on </s>
29844, <s> Transforming some numerical variables that are really categorical </s>
20314, <s> I think another interesting information my come by lookig at the 10th to 15th most bought products for each cluster which not include the generic products bought by anyone </s>
32402, <s> Submission </s>
14840, <s> Another interesting thing to look at is the relation between Age Pclass and Survived </s>
7955, <s> Tuning on input dropout </s>
551, <s> RFC features not scaled </s>
35586, <s> Data Imbalance </s>
492, <s> visualize missing values using seaborn </s>
11022, <s> Lets fill the two blanks in Embarkation attribute with S </s>
36070, <s> Prediction </s>
20521, <s> remove the outliers </s>
3003, <s> Ridge Regression </s>
27970, <s> Data set fields </s>
29777, <s> Required Imports </s>
24972, <s> Dataloader model </s>
1991, <s> use test dataset </s>
12881, <s> Parch and SibSp </s>
10636, <s> Start with </s>
23463, <s> Training set </s>
21751, <s> Weighted Averaging </s>
12690, <s> Fare </s>
28235, <s> Added one more layer with filter 128 </s>
42390, <s> Price should be a good proxy for item id and gives it a numerical value instead of a categorical value </s>
1928, <s> MiscFeature </s>
32626, <s> TFIDF Features </s>
41847, <s> Moscow Price per square meter </s>
17541, <s> Find best parameters for XGBClassifier using GridSearchCV </s>
38266, <s> now we remove all the all the urls and the HTML tags </s>
37415, <s> Test Small Dataset </s>
7454, <s> Missing values in Cabin </s>
21669, <s> Submission </s>
5165, <s> Import libraries </s>
946, <s> Tune Model with Hyper Parameters </s>
28500, <s> Importing Libraries </s>
32223, <s> Seems like a pretty uniform distribution of all numbers 1 9 take a look at what the numbers themselves actually look like </s>
2283, <s> Test new paramters </s>
26469, <s> Lets fit our model with the training data and evaluate its performance </s>
36703, <s> True Positives TP True Negatives TN False Positives FP and False Negatives FN are the four different possible outcomes of a single prediction for a two class case with classes 1 positive and 0 negative </s>
13448, <s> now no missing value in Embarked </s>
40975, <s> size method counts rows in each group </s>
12077, <s> Modelling </s>
13067, <s> Decision Tree </s>
33870, <s> XGBoost Model </s>
25651, <s> Generate test predictions </s>
11533, <s> Discrete Variables </s>
9943, <s> Creating a feature which tells us that the person is travelling with someone or not according to the similar number on the tickets </s>
19364, <s> with reference to the target the top correlated attributes are </s>
43062, <s> check the distribution of the standard deviation of values per columns in the train and test datasets </s>
15052, <s> Same LastName doesn t make the same family but same family usually have same LastName </s>
22145, <s> Model definition and generating predictions </s>
4758, <s> Correlation coefficients </s>
9680, <s> Finalize Model </s>
38833, <s> Run inference on the test data </s>
36573, <s> Make predictions </s>
33472, <s> COVID 19 tendency in China </s>
37432, <s> Which are the most common words font </s>
5306, <s> The issue is that after your scaling step the labels are float valued which is not a valid label type you convert to int or str for the y train and y test to work </s>
34166, <s> we can translate the new dataset </s>
32688, <s> First we create generators for augmentation of training data and for normalization of validation data </s>
10171, <s> Count plot to comapre two feature </s>
29549, <s> Bigrams </s>
16619, <s> CABIN EMBARKED Age </s>
27375, <s> adding the lags to the test data </s>
25947, <s> Outlier Removal </s>
14217, <s> The Chart confirms 1st class more likely survivied than other classes </s>
6515, <s> As the continuous variables are all skewed we use logarithmic transformation to visualize </s>
21953, <s> Data augmentation </s>
10951, <s> Check the struture of full data set </s>
15612, <s> Title Feature </s>
31624, <s> the test set </s>
13161, <s> Unscaled Features </s>
33319, <s> Logistic Regression </s>
35099, <s> clicks train csv </s>
9301, <s> OLS experiment multicollinearity </s>
16757, <s> Missing data and Combine </s>
15097, <s> Neural Network </s>
37172, <s> The training error looks pretty good </s>
41084, <s> Albert Base </s>
1125, <s> Exploration of Age </s>
7066, <s> GridSearch for XGBoost </s>
3846, <s> option3 replace values with median Age of Pclass </s>
2813, <s> Saving the Id column for later use </s>
27376, <s> testing the lags impact </s>
13605, <s> When handle missing return nan Embarked column is replaced by two columns Embarked 1 and Embarked 2 </s>
25795, <s> Age and Fare also include in Categorical data </s>
26972, <s> Define Train Model </s>
26203, <s> This is a serious problem that one can run into when you Normalize the bounding box it may exceed 1 and this cause an error especially if you decide to augment the images as well </s>
27761, <s> Removing stopwords </s>
6201, <s> Random Forest Classifier </s>
33836, <s> Pros </s>
20264, <s> Artificial Neural Network ANN </s>
39076, <s> Training </s>
38034, <s> take a look at these features and plot them on a box and whiskrers chart </s>
21819, <s> Correlations </s>
39995, <s> Submission </s>
31248, <s> Title </s>
5547, <s> Specify Architecture </s>
32092, <s> How to replace items that satisfy a condition with another value in numpy array </s>
5709, <s> KitchenQual Only one NA value and same as Electrical we set TA which is the most frequent for the missing value in KitchenQual </s>
20790, <s> Highly Correlated Features </s>
39867, <s> Feature Engineering </s>
166, <s> To be able to make a valid submission a good habit is to check the sample submission file provided by Kaggle to become familiar with the needed format </s>
29818, <s> Vector Averaging With pretrained Embeddings </s>
10562, <s> Merge Numeric and Categorical Datasets and Create Training and Testing Data </s>
8333, <s> let s have a look at the target distribution </s>
26003, <s> log loss or logarithmic loss is a classification metric based on probabilities where it quantifies the accuracy of a classifier by penalising false classifications in other words minimising the log loss means maximising the accuracy and lower log loss value makes better predictions </s>
40409, <s> Price </s>
4986, <s> Sex Age and Fare analysis </s>
19094, <s> Having more sibling can be corelated to less survival rate </s>
12263, <s> Data </s>
21458, <s> Split the Training dataset into Train and Valid </s>
8944, <s> Fixing Exterior1st Exterior2nd </s>
37152, <s> To find out the images that were wrongly predicted I have followed the following steps </s>
2717, <s> Kernel ridge regression </s>
19439, <s> Defining hyper parameters </s>
14983, <s> we can replace a few titles like there is Ms which can be replaced with Miss as they refer to the same gender group And few like Major Capt etc replace them with others </s>
7260, <s> Sex Feature </s>
9208, <s> Salutation Distribution </s>
26548, <s> Evaluate the model </s>
32995, <s> Train with PCA reduced data </s>
12235, <s> The residual sum of squares is the top term in the R2 metric </s>
42950, <s> Pclass Feature </s>
34477, <s> Removing id column to delete row use axis 0 column use axis 1 </s>
20800, <s> Create TotalSF feature </s>
1091, <s> further explore the relationship between the features and survival of passengers </s>
38814, <s> Combinations of TTA </s>
11986, <s> plotting the correlation maps of some features say first 30 features on SalePrice </s>
5121, <s> Train and Validation sets split </s>
25048, <s> Looks like the products that are added to the cart initially are more likely to be reordered again compared to the ones added later This makes sense to me as well since we tend to first order all the products we used to buy frequently and then look out for the new products available </s>
24845, <s> Preparing the training data </s>
38424, <s> Convolutional networks </s>
34605, <s> Extract train features from CNN </s>
17977, <s> Name </s>
31823, <s> Random over sampling </s>
21944, <s> Spark </s>
10251, <s> Go to Contents Menu </s>
27392, <s> Tuning n estimators based on small learning rate </s>
36053, <s> Fill missing timestamps </s>
39411, <s> SibSp </s>
42158, <s> Merge train and test data </s>
9323, <s> For example thisi is how Foundation looks like </s>
7883, <s> Following the graphics below The age can be groupped into less classes </s>
36110, <s> Lets concat Train and Test datasets </s>
13327, <s> Age completing feature with its mean value div </s>
33658, <s> Set parameters </s>
20921, <s> model </s>
19807, <s> to encode categorical variable with k labels we need k 1 dummy variables </s>
35629, <s> so our digits are in a space in which every pixel is a variable or a feature </s>
35475, <s> Use Noise Reduction </s>
36743, <s> Here a dataframe is created to store the knowledge if an event exist in the next day </s>
20026, <s> Boxplot gives even better insights </s>
22134, <s> select only top 10 correlated features </s>
42926, <s> Dendrogram </s>
19377, <s> Cross validation </s>
40116, <s> seqstatd function returns numeric data </s>
28527, <s> WoodDeckSF </s>
21517, <s> Creating Our Model </s>
36284, <s> Wohh that s lot s of title So let s bundle them </s>
37044, <s> y test consists of class probabilities I now select the class with highest probability </s>
10114, <s> Again people with more number of children parents on board haven y survived neither did people who were travelling alone </s>
8960, <s> Creating output files </s>
34351, <s> There s no easy way of using the fast </s>
27139, <s> Category 1 Type of dwellings </s>
9253, <s> Linear Regression </s>
28132, <s> Will Implement It soon </s>
19334, <s> The training accuracy steadily increased and plateaued while validation accuracy is also consistent </s>
30154, <s> randomforest and gradientboostingregressor </s>
15283, <s> Survival by Age and Fare </s>
42972, <s> Reading data and basic stats </s>
4646, <s> Swarm Plot </s>
1793, <s> In probability theory and statistics Kurtosis is the measure of the tailedness of the probability distribution of a real valued random variable So In other words it is the measure of the extreme values outliers present in the distribution </s>
2277, <s> Which is the best Model </s>
20635, <s> lets apply this vocab on our train and test datasets we keep only those words in training and testing datasets which appear in the vocabulary </s>
29458, <s> Linear SVM </s>
6706, <s> Categorical Features </s>
20856, <s> We use the cardinality of each variable to decide how large to make its embeddings </s>
30776, <s> Train linear regression model and make prediction </s>
18506, <s> DICOMs </s>
21011, <s> Exploratory Data analysis with dabl </s>
20617, <s> Decision Tree Classifier </s>
13885, <s> Passengers Age </s>
9105, <s> Cool </s>
33025, <s> Compiling the model with the right Optimizer loss and metric </s>
3904, <s> Discover you Data what is look like </s>
11710, <s> Visualization </s>
29982, <s> Plot the cost and accuracy </s>
35466, <s> Visualiza the skin cancer Melanoma </s>
32332, <s> correlation map </s>
15649, <s> Gaussian Naive Bayes </s>
9128, <s> Lot frontage </s>
2306, <s> Python how to make a continuous variable categorical 2 ways </s>
998, <s> corr Fare Pclass is the highest correlation in absolute numbers for Fare so we ll use Pclass again to impute the missing values </s>
13623, <s> Before we start we need to divide the training data into a training set and a testing set </s>
2415, <s> These are all the categorical features in our data </s>
23068, <s> Command Center feature engineering pipeline classifier </s>
35869, <s> Training </s>
43389, <s> we choose one of these successful examples and plot its related perturbed image over a range of epsilons </s>
33828, <s> You can also select to drop the rows only if all of the values in the row are missing </s>
15211, <s> Several features requires imputation and normalization </s>
38428, <s> Improving the CNN architecture vol 2 </s>
3249, <s> Distribution of the Target variable Sales Price </s>
7984, <s> Merge Porchs </s>
11378, <s> Lasso </s>
37185, <s> Importing important libraries </s>
8753, <s> Estimator </s>
16878, <s> Age VS Survival </s>
33879, <s> TotalBsmtSF Total square feet of basement area </s>
19389, <s> Final model to train and predict </s>
37428, <s> Distribution of no punctuations in tweets font </s>
38152, <s> we get to define a space of multiple configurations </s>
1402, <s> Embarked vs Survived </s>
14259, <s> Converting String values numeric </s>
30366, <s> Test cv2 without conversion </s>
19606, <s> 7 columns have only one value 0 and can be removed </s>
41421, <s> Deploy models on validation set choose the best one </s>
1558, <s> Women and children first goes the famous saying </s>
10531, <s> Outliers </s>
8101, <s> Feature Engineering </s>
3028, <s> We use the kfolds Cross Validation function where K 10 which is the number of holdout sets </s>
17963, <s> Dedicated datatypes for strings </s>
9399, <s> Once finished or even if you interrupt the process in the middle you find the best parameters stored in your Trial object </s>
1673, <s> use our logistic regression model to make predictions Remember we are still in our local validation scheme e we do predict Survival but without touching the testing dataset yet </s>
20245, <s> Extract the titles from the names </s>
19527, <s> Performing Reduce </s>
21137, <s> We want to apply hot encoding so we needed to check the number of levels in our data set </s>
2549, <s> Age creating bins as we know young were last to be rescued so lets explore this relation </s>
6988, <s> Number of fireplaces </s>
30630, <s> Correlation analysis </s>
32031, <s> Do the same prediction and replacement also in test X </s>
1427, <s> SVM </s>
36897, <s> Adadelta </s>
31762, <s> Prediction </s>
36758, <s> we can randomly visualize some images from the training set by plottimg them </s>
43133, <s> Fatalities 3 Best Predicted </s>
8121, <s> AdaBoost </s>
2697, <s> start by imputing features with less than five missing values </s>
39765, <s> Here I also use a CountVectorizer and a TruncatedSVD with 9 components to identify the nine main topics of insincere questions but with the parameter ngram range set at for the CountVectorizer </s>
38630, <s> use 10 of the train data as validation for early stopping </s>
40443, <s> MSSubClass </s>
23316, <s> Fix category </s>
22139, <s> TotalBsmtSF Total square feet of basement area </s>
11642, <s> Artificial Neural Network </s>
28926, <s> Sample </s>
23290, <s> All </s>
41212, <s> We are pretty close to the final prediction If we now apply Naive Bayes we can get the final prediction by multiplying these 201 terms as following </s>
39263, <s> Import data </s>
40652, <s> use validation fold models to predict on test set </s>
23819, <s> separate dataframe to study only categorical features and there mutual relationship and also the one with target column y </s>
3007, <s> strong Isolation Forest strong font div </s>
32682, <s> MultiClass Classification </s>
31733, <s> One Hot Encoding </s>
20694, <s> How to Use Advanced Model Features </s>
39403, <s> Binary Features Exploration </s>
5415, <s> Without a doubt the proportion of women survived are much higher than that of men </s>
15870, <s> Cross validation </s>
31513, <s> Class distribution </s>
35553, <s> Bagging </s>
6679, <s> Gradient Boosting </s>
43269, <s> Instanciando o objeto rf a partir da classe RandomForestRegressor </s>
8930, <s> Masonry veneer Features </s>
28508, <s> This is the code for GUI application that i have made for predicting numbers </s>
16239, <s> The fourth classification method is DecisionTreeClassifier </s>
645, <s> The 1 means that our boundaries are slightly shifted in terms of the real Fare </s>
26090, <s> Building new model and using batch normalization </s>
9847, <s> Continuous variables </s>
41239, <s> Ridge and SVM classifier for text data </s>
38462, <s> create a method to process any input string </s>
15994, <s> Searching the best params for Logistic Regression </s>
29886, <s> Showing Confusion Matrices </s>
12171, <s> Feature Engineering </s>
8851, <s> Submission </s>
13870, <s> We split the dataframe to get our original passenger data from the training set and the test set </s>
29023, <s> How about a nice boxplot for our numerics </s>
1767, <s> Do the same for test data </s>
7534, <s> Most of the people paid 0 80 Fare Fare varies based on Pclass and Survival Survived people paid higher fare than people who died we need to utilise fare column Since Fare as an integer column not be usefull Lets make it Categorical </s>
13214, <s> Evaluating our model with ROC curve and AUC </s>
12528, <s> Before doing it dig deeply into the data description </s>
42820, <s> Model </s>
4690, <s> Ordered </s>
5256, <s> Forecasting Model Experiments </s>
36791, <s> Secondly we try the Porter Stemmer </s>
27342, <s> Predicting labels and saving in csv file </s>
19143, <s> Model 3 with AdamOptimizer </s>
40440, <s> Training The Model </s>
28512, <s> Look at correations with SalePrice </s>
8437, <s> Kitchen Quality Miss Values Treatment </s>
18634, <s> the first holder date starts from January 1995 </s>
28815, <s> Loading our Model </s>
7335, <s> Encoding sex feamle 0 and male 1 </s>
2362, <s> Probability Predictions </s>
15751, <s> Clean Data </s>
23315, <s> Load data </s>
10619, <s> Looking at outliers in Class 1 it is obvious that mean of Fare is highly affected with these values </s>
32029, <s> We predict age data for all rows in train X We feed all columns except Age as input </s>
1076, <s> Pre processing </s>
35185, <s> Correlation Analysis </s>
23534, <s> Please upvote if you like </s>
36618, <s> Using Sci kit Learn library </s>
9896, <s> give a trashold value for family size </s>
8044, <s> Cabin </s>
25046, <s> Aisle Reorder ratio </s>
2469, <s> Feature Importance </s>
24111, <s> Creating Model </s>
13830, <s> Title </s>
5167, <s> FE based on the my kernel Titanic Comparison popular models comparison popular models </s>
40952, <s> Correlation Heatmap of the Second Level Training set </s>
3031, <s> we use 10 fold stacking we first split the training data into 10 folds </s>
12180, <s> There is high percentage of values missing in the age feature so it makes no sense to fill these gaps with the same value as we did before </s>
6025, <s> We have skewed target so we need to transofmation </s>
23085, <s> Train your model with your trained dataset </s>
27777, <s> Using External Data From Keras Datasets to use that data as training data </s>
20453, <s> Go to top font </s>
7404, <s> take a look at our response variable SalePrice </s>
25507, <s> IMPORTING MODULES </s>
11763, <s> Stacking Models </s>
20741, <s> GarageType column </s>
12817, <s> Out of 342 survived travellers there are 233 female and 109 male </s>
9120, <s> If we took the log of the LotArea would this make its distribution more normal </s>
15290, <s> Creating categories based on Fare of passangers </s>
17640, <s> As some algorithms such as KNN SVM are sensitive to the scaling of the data here we also apply standard scaling to the data </s>
38662, <s> Passenger Class </s>
34641, <s> Multinomial NaiveBayes Classifier </s>
18343, <s> There is an order present in variable values Excellent Average Typical Fair Poor these were incoded to hold an order with the best group having highest number </s>
15095, <s> Stacked Model Learning Curve </s>
35478, <s> Calculating Area and Parameter of cancerous part of cell </s>
30902, <s> deal with regionidzip first </s>
2638, <s> This tells 3 value occurs 491 times 1 value occurs 207 times etc </s>
14448, <s> go to top of section engr2 </s>
26182, <s> Feature Engineering </s>
2751, <s> Another way to fill categorical values is to use ffill or bfill </s>
5544, <s> Create Hyper tuned model </s>
4635, <s> Groupby and aggregation </s>
3531, <s> With qualitative variables we can check distribution of SalePrice with respect to variable values and enumerate them </s>
2297, <s> When is it an array When is it a Dataframe note the difference vs </s>
22017, <s> The most important feature for XGBoost is var According to a Kaggle form post customer satisfaction forums t data dictionary post </s>
18717, <s> After eyeballing the graph let s choose a maximum learning rate </s>
17889, <s> Mapping rare titles to rare </s>
3456, <s> To tune the parameters of the tree model we ll use a grid search </s>
6449, <s> Hyper Tunnning </s>
19046, <s> We can now explore the distribution of the data </s>
11385, <s> Engine s status analysis </s>
13528, <s> Manual FE </s>
22691, <s> Train and predict </s>
30465, <s> Confusion Matrix </s>
36851, <s> print Classification Report and Accuracy </s>
22490, <s> Bonus6 Chord diagram in Python </s>
35751, <s> Some ML algorithms need scaled data such as those based on gradient boosting </s>
12373, <s> Separating categorical and continuous data fields </s>
27928, <s> Before going on to form the data pipeline I ll have a look at some of the images in the dataset and visualise them with their labels </s>
29701, <s> lets take them through one of the kernels in first maxpooling layer </s>
5590, <s> Factorized 2 of the column whic are Sex and Embarked </s>
42454, <s> Handling imbalanced classes </s>
8563, <s> Finding Unique Values </s>
2492, <s> Observations </s>
6979, <s> Special cases </s>
23408, <s> Keras Model Starts Here </s>
42656, <s> In order to understand better the predictive power of single features we compare the univariate distributions of the most important features </s>
13065, <s> Before we try various models the data needs some additional pre processing Specifically we should covert categorical features to numerical values Sex Embarked </s>
4553, <s> BsmtQual BsmtCond BsmtExposure BsmtFinType1 and BsmtFinType2 For all these categorical basement related features NaN means that there is no basement </s>
19530, <s> Creating RDD from File </s>
14637, <s> work on filling the missing values for Age </s>
10949, <s> First five variables </s>
17941, <s> Name </s>
5861, <s> TODO Intro for K NN model with PCA </s>
3165, <s> Almost done with the data preparation but we need to express SalePrice as a logarithm since that s what the official error metric uses </s>
27111, <s> We have more missing values in test dataset than train dataset </s>
6109, <s> We fill missing LotFrontage values with square root of LotArea </s>
7000, <s> Unfinished square feet of basement area </s>
32327, <s> log error </s>
29603, <s> Examining the Model </s>
14495, <s> going for KNN </s>
5930, <s> Missing value function </s>
36242, <s> First sale There are multiple items sale at first time which shfit features are not covered The mean features group by category type subtype shop and city are created </s>
19009, <s> Plot feature importance </s>
7233, <s> Ridge Regression </s>
9178, <s> It is confusing to me that the minimum of this is 2 </s>
5057, <s> On average the properties were 37 years old at the time of sale </s>
11703, <s> Scenario 1 Weighted Samples </s>
15418, <s> let s have a look if fares are a good predictor of survival rates </s>
37769, <s> To demonstrate the capabilities of this feature let us define method which evaluates pi using random generated data points and then look for ways to optimize </s>
14711, <s> Fitting here is a bit more involved then usual </s>
32222, <s> Looks like a lot of zeros </s>
15628, <s> Embarked categories </s>
42113, <s> That s pretty good just two classes but the positive class makes just over 6 of the total </s>
32561, <s> Diff Source </s>
14285, <s> Model evaluation with tuned parameters using cross validation </s>
15321, <s> Lets work out with the Cabin numbers </s>
16044, <s> Getting the data </s>
23018, <s> Event Pattern Analysis </s>
18700, <s> we ll use fastai s ImageCleaner Jupyter widget to re label delete images which are mislabeled noisy irrelevant </s>
37156, <s> Below I have extracted out the top 8 layer outputs of the model </s>
40694, <s> now the demand is highest for bins 6 and 7 which is about tempearure 30 35 bin 6 and 35 40 bin 7 </s>
37985, <s> However trying too many combinations might explode kaggle kernel </s>
14808, <s> Find Missing Value </s>
40859, <s> Creating New Features </s>
20220, <s> Plot the validation loss and training loss </s>
21511, <s> Playing with brightness and constrast </s>
35771, <s> xgb reference </s>
18533, <s> Investigate the target variable SalePrice </s>
37654, <s> Visualize accuracies and losses </s>
30698, <s> Treinar um Modelo de Autoencoder </s>
6260, <s> Both males and females have decreasing chances of survival the lower class they were in </s>
5953, <s> Transforming Sex </s>
35208, <s> We started checking with a forest model made of 300 trees </s>
22340, <s> Corpus </s>
8979, <s> Given our new features we can drop Exterior1st and Exterior2nd </s>
40623, <s> Add a list of columns to be dropped and id columns to be used by our data processing pipeline </s>
15716, <s> It looks similar to the train dataset and includes all same columns except Survived which we need to predict </s>
39875, <s> Neighborhood </s>
20817, <s> Feature Space </s>
32249, <s> WELL WELL WELL </s>
16334, <s> Logistic Regression </s>
7947, <s> Check the model loss score here evolution RMSE </s>
11391, <s> Looks like first class passengers are older than the second and first class passengers </s>
8949, <s> Fixing Functional </s>
35739, <s> Do some PCA for the dataset to remove some of the collinearity </s>
36699, <s> Defining the model </s>
7496, <s> Use different models to predict y </s>
22003, <s> Run the next code cell to get the MAE for this approach </s>
27981, <s> Imbalanced dataset is relevant primarily in the context of supervised machine learning involving two or more classes </s>
1251, <s> The SalePrice is now normally distributed excellent </s>
38478, <s> Convolution </s>
4660, <s> The target variable is right skewed As linear models love normally distributed data </s>
31048, <s> Length of characters </s>
43344, <s> from here our Neural Network part starts </s>
7451, <s> Distribution of survival rate class wise </s>
1204, <s> Gridsearching gave me optimal parameters for XGBoost </s>
13299, <s> It s solution generate tuned DecisionTreeClassifier by the GridSearchCV from kernels </s>
20905, <s> Plot images </s>
25285, <s> we can figure out what ideal learning rates are </s>
9326, <s> Let a model help you </s>
38228, <s> The second diagram presents the average number of incidents per hour for five of the crimes categories </s>
36724, <s> Define train function </s>
660, <s> Perceptron </s>
9011, <s> There are 3 rows in the testing set which have null PoolQC but contain a pool </s>
33083, <s> check if it worked </s>
19314, <s> Evaluation prediction and analysis </s>
1122, <s> According to the Kaggle data dictionary both SibSp and Parch relate to traveling with family </s>
522, <s> Seaborn Distplots </s>
37751, <s> that we got the random sample rows let us fetch them from the csv file </s>
32646, <s> Along with traditional libraries imported for tensor manipulation mathematical operations and graphics development specific machine learning modules are used in this exercise regressors ElasticNet LassoCV RidgeCV GradientBoostingRegressor SVR XGBoost StackingCVRegressor cross validation engines a scaler and metrics methods Comments on the choice of regressors are provided in Section p </s>
14585, <s> Embarked Missing info </s>
7989, <s> Work With Labels </s>
9373, <s> count the house which have no basement in train test </s>
34541, <s> Below is the plot of occurences of n grams in the duplicate and non duplicate sentences </s>
18112, <s> Quick EDA </s>
36125, <s> Categorical features are now encoded and we concat categorical and numerical features and make final clean prepared dataset </s>
29810, <s> Displaying FastText WordVector of given word </s>
36249, <s> very simple term frequency and document frequency extractor </s>
13478, <s> Our Logistic Regression is effective and easy to interpret but there are other ML techniques which could provide a more accurate prediction </s>
17447, <s> Check the Values </s>
40465, <s> Garage </s>
38053, <s> We can find the group of a var using the following functions </s>
113, <s> calculated fare </s>
34697, <s> Linear extrapolation to the next month </s>
13953, <s> Fill Missing Value </s>
33092, <s> Lasso regressor </s>
19253, <s> Overall daily sales </s>
10677, <s> most of the features are correlated with each other like Garage Cars and Garage Area </s>
43307, <s> Split training data into train and validation sets </s>
32985, <s> Decision tree regression </s>
6561, <s> Survival rate vs Siblings or Spouse on Board </s>
39343, <s> Co variance Matrix of standarized data </s>
37207, <s> Final Training and Prediction </s>
23605, <s> finally for the similarity </s>
37371, <s> K Nearest Neighbor </s>
42427, <s> Max Floor Vs Price Doc </s>
8604, <s> Null in test data </s>
1220, <s> Uniqe </s>
19929, <s> check for null and missing values </s>
6287, <s> we take the training dataset and target column that we have just built and we create samples of this </s>
31231, <s> Features with max value between 10 20 and min values between 10 20 </s>
18370, <s> Transforming Demand to Normal Distribution </s>
29320, <s> Predicting using VGG16 </s>
34483, <s> When using tensorflow as a backend with keras the keras CNN s require a 4D array or tensor with the following shape </s>
21464, <s> The earlier layers have more general purpose features </s>
42987, <s> Word Clouds generated42995 from non duplicate pair question s text </s>
132, <s> Using Cross validation </s>
11117, <s> Fit and Evaluate Random Forest Model </s>
31901, <s> To verify that the data is in the correct format and that you re ready to build and train the network let s display the first 25 images from the training set and display the class name below each image </s>
40444, <s> LotFrontage </s>
22154, <s> Besides that with a simple linear transformation we could supperpose two distributions making them more readable to our human eyes Take a look at var and var before and after we transform var </s>
39842, <s> Visualizing the sunspot in 2019 </s>
24575, <s> For Google Colab </s>
22712, <s> Training different PCA Models </s>
17015, <s> Ticket </s>
981, <s> whole thing </s>
11183, <s> Compare Train to Test data verify the distributions look similar maybe add probablity plots per feature with train and test on same chart </s>
17593, <s> we ll merge our data </s>
7022, <s> Quality of second finished area </s>
5476, <s> Check to make sure the addition of the components equal the prediction below </s>
18598, <s> Another trick we ve used here is adding the cycle mult parameter </s>
2394, <s> KNNImputer </s>
37814, <s> Target Distribution </s>
30940, <s> Visuallizing Interest Level Vs Bathroom </s>
24392, <s> Modeling </s>
7426, <s> Identify the most important features with names on the first 25 principle components </s>
38061, <s> We have to clean some special words inside the cleaning text process </s>
11076, <s> Out of fold predictions </s>
34796, <s> Lasso Regression </s>
15971, <s> Parch Feature </s>
12314, <s> Outlier removal </s>
34635, <s> e are going to convert cateforical data to categorical columns </s>
28246, <s> you can also check missing values like this without need of function </s>
1002, <s> This looks much better Now we convert the categories to numeric ones to feed them into our model </s>
18819, <s> This model needs improvement run cross validate on it </s>
6006, <s> Data Numeric </s>
12643, <s> Handling Categorical Text Data </s>
17009, <s> Maximum age is 80 and minimum age is 0 </s>
38304, <s> To handle null values we take a random value between minimum and maximum value of each column and use that random value for imputation </s>
2991, <s> Missing Data Assessment </s>
1547, <s> Creating Submission File </s>
30586, <s> Counts of Bureau Dataframe </s>
27904, <s> MSSubClass LotFrontAge OverallQual OverallConditions are looking like a categorical value </s>
12986, <s> Simple Logistic Regression Model </s>
7501, <s> Proceed with rest of data using jointplots </s>
40544, <s> LinearDiscriminantAnalysis </s>
20684, <s> Functional Model API Advanced </s>
41869, <s> XGBoost using Scikit Learn API </s>
10936, <s> Numerical distributions before Data imputaion </s>
6403, <s> Linear Regression </s>
37546, <s> KERAS MODEL </s>
17756, <s> Training Final Classifier </s>
7499, <s> OverallQual and Fireplaces look fine since the better the quality and number of fireplaces the more expensive the house </s>
3260, <s> strong Identifying the total percentage of the missing values in both the data set exculding the target variable p strong </s>
36888, <s> dense 3 </s>
669, <s> Ada Boost </s>
27355, <s> Starting with a base model </s>
11474, <s> Comparing Models </s>
4292, <s> Create an intercept </s>
575, <s> submission scores </s>
22627, <s> Preparing Test Data for Prediction </s>
26822, <s> check now the distribution of the mean values per columns in the train and test datasets </s>
41734, <s> Load the pretrained embeddings </s>
6175, <s> The order of passengers are highest for 3rd class then 1st class and then came 2nd class at the lowest </s>
7556, <s> Gradient Boost </s>
18545, <s> The training part contains information about 891 passengers described by 12 variables including 1 target variable </s>
21608, <s> Accesing the groups of a groupby object get group </s>
36766, <s> Data augmentation is a really powerful technique </s>
42809, <s> Features importance </s>
21426, <s> BsmtFinSF1 </s>
29046, <s> Subtracting the median blur image from the original </s>
8821, <s> for these rare title we ll convert them to Others except Mme be converted to Mrs Ms and Mlle to Miss </s>
39884, <s> Prediction with Linear Model Ridge </s>
8392, <s> Seting the type of some categorical features </s>
19421, <s> Few more things to notice </s>
4271, <s> Electrical </s>
25007, <s> Adding Target Lags </s>
32786, <s> let s run the frequency encoding function </s>
24915, <s> Well we have to appreaciate India in maintaining constant cases </s>
22875, <s> Prediciting the Outputs </s>
7470, <s> Loading the csv files </s>
12777, <s> Machine Learing </s>
28664, <s> LotConfig </s>
1918, <s> All missing value indicate that particular house doesn t have an alley access </s>
7543, <s> lets convert categorical values into dummy variable and Scaling </s>
4969, <s> Title </s>
40262, <s> 1st Floor Surface Area </s>
28151, <s> Well this is not exactly what we were hoping for </s>
30608, <s> Test One </s>
5032, <s> Import libraries and set globals </s>
38250, <s> Correlation Analysis </s>
6392, <s> Columns </s>
33681, <s> Difference Hours font </s>
39104, <s> Applying Latent Dirichlet Allocation LDA models </s>
163, <s> Our second step is to check for missing values </s>
30939, <s> Visualizing Interest Level Vs Price </s>
7794, <s> not log the data since a neural network is quite good at working with non linear data </s>
3817, <s> sample mean population mean standard error </s>
18577, <s> Fare </s>
6231, <s> Final feature selection </s>
14362, <s> Most of the Passengers came without any sibling or spouse </s>
6078, <s> Age </s>
25813, <s> Output </s>
734, <s> I chose a p value of less than 0 </s>
37293, <s> Exploring Target Column </s>
22144, <s> Data Preprocessing </s>
3850, <s> Feature Fare </s>
22289, <s> Identify categorical variables </s>
14727, <s> Normalize the Data </s>
34858, <s> Prediction </s>
18831, <s> XGBoost </s>
14836, <s> Pclass </s>
1136, <s> Model evaluation based on simple train test split using train test split function </s>
40404, <s> Training using Stratified GroupKFold </s>
15144, <s> We can check the correlation between Ticket number length and Sex </s>
2108, <s> Feature engineering and Feature selection </s>
15622, <s> Deck feature </s>
405, <s> XGB </s>
13864, <s> we extract the numeric portion of the ticket We create extra features such as </s>
2733, <s> Loading the libraries and data </s>
24338, <s> Average base models according to their weights </s>
4889, <s> Did you recognize something yes We can get the alphabets first letter by running regular expression </s>
33348, <s> Question 1 Create a plot with the moving average of total sales 7 days and the variation on the second axis </s>
21399, <s> Distribution of target variable </s>
12841, <s> Random Forest </s>
15484, <s> Test Against Cross Validation Set and Test Set and Analyse Performance Metrics F1 Score </s>
10579, <s> Evaluating ROC metric </s>
7907, <s> th model Gradient Boosting Classifier </s>
9697, <s> Observations </s>
36012, <s> Vocab </s>
34654, <s> Renaming and merging some of the types </s>
8985, <s> This may be a useful feature so I am going to keep it </s>
6223, <s> for categorical columns filling NaN with most frequent value of the column </s>
5374, <s> Embedded Methods </s>
5228, <s> ICA </s>
7603, <s> sklearn pipeline Pipeline </s>
4039, <s> now look at the SalePrice variation on different categories of categorical variables columns </s>
31003, <s> Lets use XGBoost to assess importance </s>
26721, <s> For CA </s>
17848, <s> n estimators number of trees in the foreset </s>
119, <s> age group </s>
22521, <s> Split the full sample into train test 80 20 </s>
26557, <s> Compile the Model </s>
7781, <s> value counts with default parameters </s>
4737, <s> Missing value of each columns </s>
15706, <s> Fare vs Survived </s>
40287, <s> Prediction </s>
35670, <s> Ordinal features </s>
38743, <s> Exploratory Data Analysis </s>
14184, <s> Treating missing values </s>
5248, <s> Setting Model Data and Log Transforming the Target </s>
21256, <s> Get Ratings By Sale Count </s>
22324, <s> Convert to Lower Case </s>
3679, <s> Sales price corr with new features </s>
16433, <s> DecisionTreeRegressor </s>
2495, <s> The chances for survival for Port C is highest around 0 </s>
5034, <s> We have 81 columns SalePrice is the target variable that we want to predict Id is just an index that we can ignore we have 79 features to predict from </s>
7837, <s> You already know and use mean imputing mode imputing </s>
12517, <s> Checking the NaN values </s>
14078, <s> Pclass </s>
37337, <s> Save model weights and load model weights </s>
22903, <s> Most frequent words and bigrams </s>
24514, <s> We can now create a callback which can be passed to the Learner </s>
26183, <s> In this notebook I am just going to scale the data not making any new columns </s>
14368, <s> Analyzing Feature Fare </s>
22841, <s> Viola That worked </s>
8452, <s> Identify and treat multicollinearity </s>
31227, <s> var 12 var 15 var 25 var 34 var 43 var 108 var 125 have very low range of values further elaborated by the histogram below </s>
8570, <s> Grouping Rows by Values </s>
19600, <s> Last Preparation </s>
2355, <s> Support Vector Classifier </s>
38111, <s> The last 28 days are used for validation </s>
33861, <s> Machine Learning models </s>
798, <s> use our Sex and Title features as an example and calculate how much each split decrease the overall weighted Gini Impurity </s>
41481, <s> Drop the following columns </s>
7912, <s> We re gonna remove the principal outliers in the scatter plots of GrLivRea GarageArea TotalBsmtSF 1stFlrSF MasVnrArea TotRmsAbvGrd vs SalePrice TODO </s>
9002, <s> I want to create a columns that tells what type of Tier neigborhood the house is located in </s>
18983, <s> Display more than one plot of different types and arrange by row and columns </s>
12264, <s> Scikit learn implementation </s>
16584, <s> Fill missing Age </s>
13382, <s> Outlier Detection </s>
36434, <s> See which directories have you got </s>
20926, <s> reshaping into image shape images vertical height horizontal width colors </s>
26659, <s> Try to do the same model in Scikit learn </s>
15975, <s> With this feature happens the same that with Age feature </s>
18518, <s> Reshape </s>
34850, <s> Feature Importance </s>
17921, <s> The columns SibSp Parch Sex Embarked and Pclass contain categorical data Machine Learning Algorithms cannot process categorical data So one hot encoding is applied to these columns in order to convert the data into numbers One hot encoding is done below using pandas get dummies it cannot process </s>
16924, <s> eXtreme Gradient Boosting XGBoost </s>
3595, <s> Lasso </s>
34687, <s> Adding all the zero values </s>
42953, <s> Fare Feature </s>
5395, <s> Here I put training set and testing set together so that I can do preprocess at the same time and after data imputation I copy a set of training set so that I can do EDA with it </s>
42347, <s> We first have to transform the dataset into the ideal form in order to make XGboost running </s>
14467, <s> go to top of document top </s>
453, <s> Cross Validation </s>
21664, <s> Add a prefix or suffix to all columns </s>
32012, <s> Convert Categorical Features </s>
29682, <s> Data normalization in case of CNN and images helps because it makes convergence faster </s>
30765, <s> Score feature removal for different thresholds </s>
14858, <s> Since from the EDA I remember that we have missing values in both train and test data and multiple categorical variables to deal with I decided to use pipelines to simplify all the work </s>
14186, <s> Feature Engineering </s>
17842, <s> We check the features importance </s>
11294, <s> Label encoding for categorical variables with ordered values ordinal </s>
4745, <s> Numerical Features </s>
43132, <s> Confirmed Cases 3 Worst Predicted </s>
22868, <s> Pooling Layer </s>
32503, <s> Model 2 Using Transfer Learning Extracted VGG 19 features </s>
16150, <s> filling missing values </s>
561, <s> submission for random forest </s>
42760, <s> Fare Distribution </s>
12279, <s> For the evaluation metric of feature importance I used MSE of pertutaed data MSE of original data MSE of original data </s>
33101, <s> Stacking models </s>
39883, <s> Importance </s>
34281, <s> view distribution of continuous features using boxplot </s>
18311, <s> Mean Encoding for shop id </s>
4429, <s> Features that have too low variance can negatively impact the model so we need to remove them by the number of repetitive equal values </s>
22499, <s> Lets start import tensorflow </s>
40662, <s> in just base implementations XGBoost is the winner </s>
19293, <s> Data Generator </s>
33838, <s> Matrix </s>
14670, <s> KNN </s>
10541, <s> Merging numerical and categorical data </s>
28064, <s> The basic idea for age imputation is to take the title of the people from the name column and impute with the average age of the group of people with that title </s>
3263, <s> strong strong strong Visualising the missing values along with there respective coulmns p strong </s>
8515, <s> Creating Dummy Variables </s>
9623, <s> Model Building </s>
40391, <s> Defining our Learning Rate Scheduler function </s>
38963, <s> In this section we do the actual training comining the previous defined functions to a full pipeline </s>
12989, <s> Prediction </s>
9739, <s> Throughout this notebook I pretend that testing set is never exists until the model is trained to simulates the real life scenario where the data to be predicted comes later </s>
26684, <s> convert categorical using LabelEncoder </s>
26726, <s> Plotting monthly sales time series across the 3 states </s>
1189, <s> Creating Dummies </s>
643, <s> remind ourselves of the distribution of Fare with respect to Pclass </s>
29700, <s> lets take them through one of the kernels in next convolutional layer </s>
12239, <s> If statements </s>
10902, <s> Grid Search for SVM </s>
30392, <s> Targets </s>
23486, <s> TFIDF can be generated at word character or even N gram level </s>
13089, <s> Since PassengerId Name and Ticket columns do not provide any relevant information in predicting the survival of a passenger we can delete the columns </s>
3016, <s> These visualisation helps determine which values need to be imputed We impute them by proceeding sequentially through features with missing values </s>
27922, <s> Find the tree size where mean absolute error is minimum </s>
26800, <s> Confusion matrix </s>
4978, <s> Exploring Tickets </s>
13509, <s> Curve </s>
19297, <s> Data statistics </s>
7377, <s> To deal with the duplicates I define the function dupl drop that removes duplicates both in the columns PassengerId and WikiId </s>
2115, <s> Since we already have GarageCars to describe the Garage and this new feature is very correlated with the basement SF we could consider if it is better to use it and drop the original two </s>
43037, <s> CNN Model </s>
8998, <s> I am just interested in the values of the features that have 90 of the same value </s>
4506, <s> Magnifying Further </s>
26574, <s> Setting up the data pipeline </s>
24414, <s> Housing Internal Characteristics </s>
2916, <s> I print a heatmap with the correlation coefficients between the features </s>
40033, <s> take a look at some example images and their augmented couterparts in train </s>
41994, <s> iloc To read a single row </s>
36943, <s> Title IsMarried </s>
26078, <s> Split data </s>
12383, <s> Removing outliers from continuous data fields </s>
20490, <s> Contract status </s>
33296, <s> Ticket Cleaner </s>
18084, <s> Plot the darkest images </s>
10352, <s> We use lasso regression </s>
8841, <s> Prepare categorical </s>
41414, <s> Basic modelling LGB </s>
2735, <s> Taking a first look at our data gives us a rough idea about the variables and the kind of data it holds </s>
15411, <s> leave the missing Cabin values unfilled and let s separate out the training and test data again </s>
18247, <s> Identify the missing values </s>
13745, <s> XGBoost </s>
37002, <s> check the total number of unique customers in the three datasets </s>
16502, <s> Linear Support Vector Machine </s>
26639, <s> Test data prediction </s>
32540, <s> Extra Analysis </s>
9205, <s> Gender Distribution </s>
36529, <s> I looked at every pair of images here and only the last pair was a pair of images different in an important way </s>
36466, <s> Images from ARVALIS Plant Institute 2 </s>
19256, <s> Sub sample train set to get only the last year of data and reduce training time </s>
36448, <s> Modeling </s>
14787, <s> Embarked </s>
26955, <s> Check missing value from data </s>
6702, <s> EDA is a way of Visualizing Summarizing and interpreting the information that is hidden in rows and column format </s>
10615, <s> Embarked column in training data </s>
11679, <s> There are two numerical variables that have missing values namely Age and Fare columns </s>
13050, <s> Cross Validation Strategy </s>
28649, <s> Fence </s>
25386, <s> preprocess of data </s>
11126, <s> Prepare Submission file </s>
22442, <s> Pairplot </s>
35828, <s> Feature Engnieering </s>
16969, <s> Outliers detection </s>
2922, <s> K NearestNeighbors </s>
804, <s> Settings and switches </s>
43322, <s> Normalizing Images </s>
11255, <s> The train data now be split into two parts which we call training and validation </s>
35105, <s> Creating multilabels </s>
39965, <s> Categorical Encoding </s>
34482, <s> Original version takes Gb of memory </s>
35886, <s> Ordinal encoding of remaining categoricals </s>
17947, <s> Encode Age </s>
24935, <s> Feature transformations </s>
650, <s> We might even be at a stage now where we can investigate the few outliers more in detail </s>
4255, <s> There are 19 columns with nuls in the training set </s>
10247, <s> Go to Contents Menu </s>
19246, <s> Albumentations </s>
35207, <s> Random Forest </s>
19956, <s> The first letter of the cabin indicates the Desk i choosed to keep this information only since it indicates the probable location of the passenger in the Titanic </s>
18605, <s> tfms stands for transformations tfms from model takes care of resizing image cropping initial normalization creating data with mean stdev of 0 1 and more </s>
15230, <s> LGBM Model </s>
42519, <s> Reshape To Match The Keras s Expectations </s>
22002, <s> Drop columns with categorical data </s>
15344, <s> GRADIENT BOOSTING </s>
22718, <s> Creating the labels matrix for the plot </s>
12770, <s> It is time to make submission </s>
20295, <s> Correlation Between The Features </s>
12604, <s> use chi square test to understand relationship between categorical variables and target variable </s>
1257, <s> Feature transformations </s>
13480, <s> try another method a decision tree </s>
14556, <s> Heatmap font </s>
14482, <s> Correlation Analysis </s>
16372, <s> Exploring Fare </s>
38567, <s> Dimensionality Reduction Techniques </s>
31667, <s> Evaluation of model with the best classifier </s>
41774, <s> Show network </s>
35467, <s> Visualiza the skin cancer seborrheic keratosis </s>
22090, <s> Build Train and Test Data loaders </s>
27249, <s> Obtain the training set </s>
6030, <s> Check Skewness and fit transormations if needed </s>
13901, <s> Graph on passenger survival Pclass wise </s>
30273, <s> hr </s>
21440, <s> Overall Rating </s>
36494, <s> Save folds </s>
23209, <s> Findings Boosting method can t beat best boosting base learner gbc Though it could beat if we would have optimized xgbc If you have time and infrastructure you can tune xgbc s hyperparameters compare boosting accuracy with its base models accuracy </s>
3923, <s> Decision Tree Classifier </s>
3713, <s> LonFrontage </s>
17256, <s> Looking into Training and Testing Data </s>
33098, <s> XGBoost regressor </s>
3887, <s> Mean </s>
8929, <s> Basement Features </s>
38175, <s> Pycaret needs an input to be entered after the next command and since kaggle doesnt support commenting it out </s>
6919, <s> Learning Validation Curves Jtrain vs Jcv to help identify under or overfitting </s>
4788, <s> Handling missing values </s>
12432, <s> Using regex </s>
24321, <s> I want to do a long list of value mapping </s>
34664, <s> Around 90 of all daily sales include only one item </s>
19712, <s> We have equal number of cats and dog photos to train from </s>
38635, <s> the pooling layer </s>
7959, <s> Submission </s>
6833, <s> Feature Interactions </s>
6444, <s> Numerical variable which are actually categorical </s>
16234, <s> we perform transform function which is known as transformer A Transformer is an abstraction that includes feature transformers and learned models Technically a Transformer implements a method transform which converts one DataFrame into another generally by appending one or more columns </s>
21128, <s> Now we look at categorical variables For this the idea be very similar so starting from NaN s </s>
20758, <s> SaleCondtion column </s>
28362, <s> Importing Libraries </s>
29193, <s> Extreme Gradient Boosting </s>
36417, <s> Correlation Matrix </s>
30708, <s> now do the same with COCO bounding box format </s>
33020, <s> As we know the images come in a grayscale format where all the values are between a good thing you should do is standarize the data which makes it easier for the model to converge </s>
19185, <s> We know which features are the most significant for our model so we check the distribution of those features with respect to the target variable in bar plot scatter plot with linear fit and finally box plots to know the statistics </s>
6169, <s> Embarked </s>
41830, <s> Visualization of learning process for single model </s>
35468, <s> Visualiza the skin cancer lentigo NOS </s>
4869, <s> Label Encoding of some categorical features </s>
38851, <s> Feature Engineering </s>
9900, <s> Pclass </s>
17660, <s> Observations </s>
8622, <s> GarageCars vs SalePrice </s>
24657, <s> I use only new cases and new death s dynamics to make the prediction </s>
30597, <s> At this point we save both the training and testing data </s>
30997, <s> Feature primitives </s>
5025, <s> Ordinary Least Squares OLS Linear Regression No Regularization </s>
14164, <s> we can work out some meaningful interpretation from the Cabin column </s>
27179, <s> Similarly we can tune other parameters for better accuracy </s>
37502, <s> the correlation in between year sold and sold price is not that much variate </s>
26409, <s> Most passengers have neither children nor parents on board </s>
28332, <s> Types Of Features </s>
4851, <s> XGBoost </s>
751, <s> Before training let s perform min max scaling </s>
37802, <s> Regression Evaluation Metrics </s>
35592, <s> Freezing Layers </s>
13882, <s> This is the information we have in the training data set </s>
16576, <s> If you are a begginer you can leave this portion of creating FamilySurv and come back later when start unserstanding </s>
34540, <s> n grams are the continuous sequence of words They can be single words if n is equal to 1 or continuous sequence of two words if n is equal to 2 and so on </s>
36375, <s> In percentage </s>
24542, <s> Again let s exclude the dominant product </s>
16395, <s> docs version indexing htmlboolean indexing </s>
39344, <s> Findind top 2 eigen value and corresponding eigen vectors for projection in 2 D </s>
36116, <s> Lets fill the missing values </s>
19156, <s> Feature preselection </s>
38038, <s> Light Gradient Boosting Method </s>
28268, <s> NorthRidge Northridge Heights comprise of moderate to hmost expensive houses </s>
24805, <s> explore data </s>
34109, <s> Hospital beds for covid patients across state </s>
14899, <s> Visualize Age Fare Family size and Survived </s>
13688, <s> Embarked I decided to drop the passengers who didn t embark since modeling based on their data would act like noise in my opinion I feel that they can t reliably tell us about the survived not survived ouptut </s>
34288, <s> normalize data with min max </s>
10870, <s> 3D visualization </s>
35485, <s> CutMix data augmentation </s>
32357, <s> Tweaking threshold </s>
10263, <s> Restore training and test sets </s>
6807, <s> Logistic regression is the hello world of machine learning algorithms It is very simple to understand how it works here logistic regression 9b02c2aec102 is a good article which cover theory of this algorithm </s>
31237, <s> Before concluding let s do a check of whether feature values in test and train comes from the same sampling distribution </s>
17591, <s> We use heatmap for plotting the missimg values </s>
25576, <s> GrLiveArea </s>
16961, <s> Feature engineering </s>
32331, <s> Univariate Analysis </s>
32593, <s> We can also find the best scores for plotting the best hyperparameter values </s>
58, <s> Making the dataset ready for the model </s>
18494, <s> Developing The Model Define a Performance Metric </s>
25802, <s> isolate the entries relative to these 100 managers with the interest level column as well </s>
21636, <s> Access numpy within pandas without importing numpy as np </s>
26472, <s> Logistic Regression </s>
14250, <s> The chances for survival for Port C is highest around 0 </s>
4653, <s> Frequency Distribution </s>
25994, <s> Creating a SparkSession </s>
19391, <s> Extract the ordered products in each order </s>
31264, <s> Sample sales snippets </s>
11629, <s> Evaluate the model </s>
39208, <s> Research Question Is there a significant difference between the length of text of real and not real tweet </s>
38275, <s> train our model with our padded data pad docs and label with epochs and batch size </s>
27943, <s> Extract features and make predictions on the test data </s>
28940, <s> We can even infer that the passengers who embarked at Southampton had a lower chance of survival </s>
14609, <s> Linear Discrimination </s>
36728, <s> Actually I noticed the discussion about </s>
35063, <s> Complexity graph of Solution 3 </s>
3681, <s> Explore the Target Variable </s>
38844, <s> Most of the house built area is less than 20K Sq Ft </s>
38055, <s> Using GridSearchCV to find the best parameters for SVM </s>
12387, <s> One hot encoding of all purely categorical data columns </s>
21317, <s> Target varibale l logerror </s>
4022, <s> Garage Columns </s>
20835, <s> We ll be applying this to a subset of columns </s>
32920, <s> Wavenet Model </s>
31793, <s> First let us define the DenseNet backbone </s>
41357, <s> BsmtFinType2 is not useful for us for correlation relation between price </s>
5893, <s> Some Missing values in test data </s>
26507, <s> we add a softmax layer the same one if we use just a simple </s>
15977, <s> We inpute the missing value with the mode </s>
21804, <s> SHAP values </s>
11908, <s> People with destination C Cherbourg survived with highest percentage </s>
35324, <s> Trying to use ensamble method the simplest bagging </s>
23397, <s> Test Images </s>
13272, <s> Statement The boys from the small families Family of the third class cabins who were sitting in Southampton all survived </s>
1903, <s> Submission </s>
39317, <s> XGBRegressor training for predictions </s>
21570, <s> Save memory by fixing your date </s>
10500, <s> Sex </s>
39720, <s> Playing with the trained Word2Vec model </s>
13904, <s> Lets try XGB Classifier to train and predict the data </s>
23559, <s> There are also records with floor values greater than the maximum floors in the building </s>
6289, <s> Ensemble </s>
11042, <s> Score the models with crossvalidation </s>
32126, <s> How to find the count of unique values in a numpy array </s>
15860, <s> The following cell uses Baian hyperparameter optimization to search for the best parameters for a Random Forest model </s>
11670, <s> It looks like females are more most likely to survive than male </s>
13093, <s> Cramer s V is more appropriate than Pearson correlation to find correlation between two nominal variables </s>
28329, <s> identifying the categerical and numerical Variable </s>
7814, <s> NA value </s>
1152, <s> Model EvaluatioF </s>
15585, <s> On the leaderboard this scores 0 </s>
29091, <s> Comparison to the Original weights </s>
23932, <s> We can then replace the pre trained head </s>
16134, <s> Final Predictions for Competition </s>
95, <s> Combined Feature Relations </s>
41267, <s> Another way is to use gridspec </s>
23173, <s> Encoding Categorical Variables </s>
25794, <s> We can create Band for Age and Fare let s create it </s>
22351, <s> XGBoost </s>
20833, <s> Same process for Promo dates </s>
4018, <s> MasVnrType and MasVnrArea Imputation </s>
12266, <s> Download datasets </s>
29220, <s> Thus we are going to use 9 Principle components to preserve 96 </s>
31933, <s> visualize some of the flase predictions to try to get more of an understanding of the model s misclassifications </s>
9431, <s> Boxen Plot </s>
37436, <s> Wordcloud for selected text font </s>
10454, <s> LightGBM </s>
23695, <s> Fine tunning </s>
11011, <s> We are going to create a feature called Salutation depending on the title the passengers had in their name </s>
38490, <s> Errors font </s>
33200, <s> Defining a Small Convnet </s>
1877, <s> Nice No more missing values </s>
21450, <s> Categorical Numeric </s>
11348, <s> Logistic Regression </s>
25169, <s> Simple fuction to perform stemming while removing StopWords </s>
11637, <s> Random forrest </s>
23508, <s> There are 17 elements in the equivalence class </s>
14111, <s> center CatPlot center </s>
9965, <s> Distribution of Sale Price </s>
21251, <s> Model Building </s>
9808, <s> Missingno library offers a very nice way to visualize the distribution of NaN values Missingno is a Python library and compatible with Pandas </s>
8009, <s> Train Random Forest Regression </s>
15693, <s> Gender vs Survived </s>
43020, <s> RandomForest </s>
33834, <s> MEDIAN Suitable for continuous data with outliers </s>
21200, <s> Merge all functions into a model </s>
17530, <s> Create Age bads </s>
23236, <s> Find the best parameter value </s>
5677, <s> Parch and SibSp </s>
33486, <s> Linear Regression for one country </s>
30337, <s> We create the actual validation object </s>
1520, <s> We base this part of the exploration on the </s>
25950, <s> Feature Selection </s>
1588, <s> We can also make feature transformation For example we could transform the Age feature in order to simplify it We could distinguish the youngsters age less than 18 years from the adults </s>
15055, <s> Prepare Training </s>
8145, <s> Feature Engineering </s>
8109, <s> Fare </s>
7715, <s> Outliers affect the mean value of the data but have little effect on the median or mode of a given set of data </s>
26991, <s> Starting point </s>
41188, <s> let s print missing value counts for numerical and categorical columns for merged data </s>
22835, <s> Well then this means there are certain items that are present in the test set but completely absent in the training set Can we put a number to this to get an intuition </s>
16137, <s> import python lib for visualization </s>
1951, <s> We remove the columns which have more than 15 of missing data </s>
23717, <s> LotArea is highly skewed variable having skewness values 10 </s>
42619, <s> Making Predictions </s>
1102, <s> Create datasets </s>
7683, <s> We do the same thing with SalePrice Target values column we localize those outliers and make sure they are the right outliers to remove </s>
20682, <s> Sequential Model API Simple </s>
4259, <s> Non null unique values </s>
23631, <s> get the validation sample predictions and also get the best threshold for F1 score </s>
23446, <s> Season </s>
5205, <s> now check again the dimentions of our training set after engineering the catagorical features using the get dummies function </s>
11817, <s> SalePrice and Overall Condition </s>
32310, <s> Relation between Survival and Passenger Class </s>
5295, <s> I can split the data into training set and test set </s>
27126, <s> Garage </s>
18551, <s> The mean age of survived passenger is 28 </s>
26114, <s> We can drop PoolQC MiscFeature Alley and Fence features because they have more than 80 of missing values </s>
19163, <s> Brand name label features </s>
38463, <s> Custom testcases </s>
29800, <s> Fetch most similar words wrt any given word </s>
1798, <s> SalePrice vs 1stFlrSF </s>
35164, <s> Compile 10 times and get statistics </s>
32083, <s> Check for Missing Values </s>
40098, <s> Add missing income </s>
33268, <s> Create submission file </s>
28726, <s> Descriptions of the top 5k most exepensive sales </s>
11120, <s> Plot Number of Features vs Model Performance </s>
41761, <s> You can actually follow along as the search goes on </s>
18502, <s> Naive Submission </s>
1380, <s> to Finish our exploration I create a new column to with familiees size </s>
27927, <s> Cross Validation </s>
4132, <s> Label Encoding Categorical Data </s>
23201, <s> Looking at this plot one thing we can say that a linear decision boundary not be a good choice to separate these two classes we would train our models on this 2d transformed samples to visualize decision regions created by them </s>
36777, <s> Here format sentence changes a piece of text in this case a tweet into a dictionary of words mapped to True booleans </s>
6977, <s> concatenate train and test sets into one so we can analyze everything and fill NaN s based on all dataset </s>
41593, <s> priors Has multiple instances of the orders that is each product in an order is a separate row </s>
42784, <s> Training the model </s>
1868, <s> Refit with Important Interactions </s>
2931, <s> Plot Learning Curves of standart Algorithms </s>
42880, <s> Time plot </s>
5833, <s> Firstly lets convert string type values of object features to categorical values </s>
24352, <s> In order to make the optimizer converge faster and closest to the global minimum of the loss function i used an annealing method of the learning rate </s>
6, <s> focus on some of the categorical features with major count of missing values and replace them with None </s>
42686, <s> I want to draw two count bar plot for each object and int features </s>
28501, <s> Each image is 28 pixels in height and 28 pixels in width for a total of 784 pixels in total </s>
10424, <s> XGB </s>
23418, <s> we can predict the test values and save them </s>
3766, <s> Magic Weapon 1 Hyperparameter Tunning </s>
3633, <s> Age </s>
17267, <s> Data Visualization </s>
38073, <s> Stratificcation </s>
32464, <s> Models Data Prep </s>
40303, <s> Leaky Features Exploration </s>
29732, <s> let s the the key space we are going to optimize </s>
6517, <s> Categorial Variables </s>
26690, <s> AMT REQ CREDIT BUREAU TOTAL the total number of enquiries </s>
5929, <s> coordinates of point on scatter plot seaborn </s>
43266, <s> Importa fun o draw tree que serve para visualisarmos a rvore de decis o </s>
20713, <s> Alley column </s>
41572, <s> Making the functions to get the training and validation set from the Images </s>
1531, <s> Cabin Feature </s>
12468, <s> In general barplot is used for categorical variables while histogram density and boxplot are used for numerical data </s>
7077, <s> All the Title belongs to one kind of gender except for Dr </s>
23474, <s> Reading the test file </s>
26978, <s> Load libraries </s>
23690, <s> Take a look at some pictures is everything alright </s>
41530, <s> The digits in this dataset are more unifrom in those of the kannada dataset </s>
14743, <s> we have a 6 dimensional DataFrame and our KNN classifier should perform better </s>
18338, <s> This section i am going to zoom at variables which are corelated to target variable SalePrice </s>
41242, <s> Tensorflow model </s>
19180, <s> EDA on predictors </s>
37568, <s> Integer Columns Analysis </s>
8099, <s> Parch vs Survival </s>
16732, <s> concat datasets </s>
5244, <s> Dropping Unnecessary Features </s>
10403, <s> Confirm column overlap between train and test </s>
9971, <s> I created the area util feature my idea is Lot Area it s the house total area and others it s non raw area so i sum others area s and subtracted from the total area </s>
8856, <s> Calculate Shap values example 1 </s>
26418, <s> The passengers have different titels which give information about their sex about their social status or about their age </s>
22022, <s> var36 is most of the times 99 or </s>
33732, <s> Splitting the data into train and validation set </s>
6607, <s> Decision Tree </s>
11964, <s> Prediction span </s>
31857, <s> Producing lags brings a lot of nulls </s>
18519, <s> Label encoding </s>
807, <s> shape info head and describe </s>
36126, <s> Different Models </s>
17936, <s> The more you board in Cherbourg the more likely you are to survive and the more likely you are to board in Southampton the more likely you are to die </s>
40479, <s> Gaussian Naive Bayes </s>
42026, <s> Split strings into numbers and words </s>
36389, <s> When using such encoding method there might be some category values in the test data that are missing from the train data </s>
7954, <s> Tuning on activation function </s>
21235, <s> Set class weights </s>
31564, <s> transform is None </s>
11974, <s> In the next step we deal with the numerical features </s>
3721, <s> PCA Principle component analysis </s>
43402, <s> The real code starts here </s>
21569, <s> Count the missing values </s>
20092, <s> Data Preparation </s>
28668, <s> Access </s>
11620, <s> Additional exploration </s>
2511, <s> Predictive Modeling </s>
9646, <s> Pretty much clustered in the range of 0 1000 GarageArea </s>
20491, <s> Payment type </s>
14783, <s> Ticket </s>
12945, <s> Age Column </s>
3477, <s> Model 2 ElasticNet </s>
14509, <s> Observations </s>
10988, <s> Build Our XGBoost Model </s>
40070, <s> Multi colinearity Numerical </s>
29611, <s> Plot random images with the labels </s>
35927, <s> Create submission file for Kaggle </s>
12382, <s> Box plot of all continuous data fields </s>
40874, <s> Retrain and Predict Using Best Hyperparameters </s>
26086, <s> The number of errors for the each digit </s>
41459, <s> The majority of females survived whereas the majority of males did not </s>
34706, <s> Cumulative shop revenue </s>
39770, <s> I was wondering wether the test dataset was an extract from the train one or completely different </s>
31327, <s> Process Test Data </s>
12915, <s> we are right that Age Cabin and Embarked contain missing values in training set </s>
18313, <s> assuming month of year plays a big role in number of items sold </s>
21385, <s> Fit the model </s>
28263, <s> Discrete features </s>
30995, <s> An EntitySet is a collection of entities and the relationships between them </s>
43082, <s> look to the top most correlated features besides the same feature pairs </s>
5830, <s> After dropping Id and other columns with High no </s>
42687, <s> Sometimes null data itself can be important feature </s>
31897, <s> Fit Model Using All Data </s>
10658, <s> Classification </s>
36550, <s> How do the scatter plots look like </s>
31384, <s> We be first importing the data and creating copies </s>
32908, <s> Model </s>
12471, <s> Outlier Treatment </s>
2124, <s> After this search the best configuration is given by </s>
16106, <s> Fare Feature </s>
39164, <s> We don t want that This would confuse our CNN </s>
17357, <s> Decision tree as a predictive model which maps features to conclusions about the target value </s>
12487, <s> Deployment </s>
20561, <s> simple cleaning the math tags </s>
26933, <s> This method help to obtaining a bag of means by vectorising the messages </s>
12040, <s> I m gonna put 0 in MiscVal for house which don t have any MiscFeature and None value for house with 0 in MiscValue and some value in MiscFeature </s>
23873, <s> Above are some of the most important features </s>
19296, <s> Find best threshold </s>
4811, <s> Exporting our submission dataset to a csv file </s>
26819, <s> Distribution for Standard Deviation pre </s>
42143, <s> Fashion MNIST </s>
28864, <s> The Encoder structure is very similar to an LSTM RNN network </s>
5901, <s> u Feature Importance u </s>
36670, <s> Text Pre processing </s>
966, <s> Second level learning model via XGBoost </s>
5336, <s> Diplay series with high low open and close points </s>
39677, <s> Initialize all the variables we created </s>
34485, <s> Create and Compile the model </s>
36925, <s> When I googled Stone Mrs George Nelson Martha Evelyn I found that she embarked from S Southampton with her maid Amelie Icard in this page Martha Evelyn Stone Titanic Survivor titanica org titanic survivor martha evelyn stone html </s>
32942, <s> Prepare the submission csv </s>
37291, <s> Reading Dataset </s>
23027, <s> Though the item is same sell price is slightly different in each store and each season </s>
24676, <s> Data Normalization </s>
34835, <s> Analysing the correlation between the feature and the sales price and select most correlated feature only </s>
37818, <s> Merge the train test to process everything atonce </s>
34466, <s> Expanding Window Statistics </s>
27235, <s> Calculate importance of each feature to iterate feature engineering </s>
9848, <s> I replace them by 0 </s>
23366, <s> Training The Model </s>
27471, <s> Here we are just taking a list of text and combines them into one large chunk of text </s>
257, <s> Checking for number of clusters </s>
36010, <s> Datasets </s>
29868, <s> The images are actually quite big </s>
42466, <s> Checking the correlations between ordinal variables </s>
28395, <s> Null Value Management </s>
8083, <s> Setting Up Models </s>
21639, <s> Formatting different columns of a df using dictionaries </s>
23956, <s> Applying Random Forest Regressor Algorithm </s>
30969, <s> I think we re going to need a better approach Before we discuss alternatives let s walk through how we would actually use this grid and evaluate all the hyperparameters </s>
40990, <s> For example applying a lambda function </s>
30410, <s> LSTM models </s>
8951, <s> Fixing Garage </s>
6859, <s> Understanding Variables </s>
12, <s> Principal Component Analysis PCA </s>
9953, <s> Data Modeling </s>
43038, <s> Compile the Model </s>
16388, <s> Removing Less Important Features </s>
12408, <s> OverallQual </s>
3898, <s> Target Encoding </s>
27293, <s> Intervention by after days for SEIR model </s>
15646, <s> Bagging </s>
31906, <s> EVALUATING THE MODEL </s>
26835, <s> Hourly Rental Change </s>
3011, <s> strong Imputation strong font div </s>
12448, <s> it follows a linear correlation </s>
25437, <s> Split Training and Validation Set </s>
21782, <s> we would transform categorical value to their one hot encoding version </s>
29117, <s> check the the top 6 images with highest losses </s>
9891, <s> We can calculate the probability of people who could survive by looking at their genders </s>
32870, <s> Mean encoding </s>
7110, <s> we can evaluate all the models we just used </s>
7026, <s> Kitchen quality </s>
33999, <s> Right skew </s>
11113, <s> EDA Relation between each feature and saleprice </s>
6885, <s> Distribution of survived 1 is for survived and 0 is for not </s>
35779, <s> Averaged base models class </s>
29974, <s> Applying tokenization process </s>
25750, <s> Here is a function that crops a centered image to look like train size test size 0 </s>
23999, <s> K Folds cross validator </s>
24561, <s> Distribution of products by activity index </s>
38270, <s> as we have applied all the cleaning steps so now its time to separate our data back </s>
37096, <s> Missing values </s>
42359, <s> Adding location to this sparse matrix </s>
28426, <s> In our test set we have 5100 sales in really new shop and no outdated shops but anyway it is good feature for future </s>
13571, <s> Ploting Family Size </s>
18547, <s> Check data for NA </s>
29378, <s> Transfer Learning </s>
6270, <s> These age bands look like suitable bins for natural categorisation </s>
20321, <s> the Python gods are really not happy with me for that hacky solution </s>
23613, <s> Work with missing values </s>
14479, <s> now we focus on which group from each Passenger class survived more and less </s>
1172, <s> Zoning is also interesting </s>
31813, <s> Get new image size and augment the image </s>
150, <s> Extra Trees Classifier </s>
11016, <s> We are going to guess missing values in Age feature using other features like Pclass and Gender </s>
4379, <s> Observing Graph plot there are such home exists with 3 fireplaces and there SalesPrice not much </s>
6160, <s> Remove the features which give us less then 0 </s>
7824, <s> We have two models to fit the data </s>
40142, <s> Create submission output </s>
15493, <s> Hidden neurons </s>
8704, <s> LabelEncode the Categorical Features </s>
14580, <s> PassengerId Name and Ticket not play any role in Titanic survival chances </s>
30932, <s> How about longest questions </s>
35359, <s> Raw </s>
18159, <s> checking the number of row and columns present in the input file </s>
20032, <s> We would like to remove some of this redundancy </s>
8839, <s> Extract target variable </s>
30340, <s> These are the parameters that we are going to input to the previous function </s>
14553, <s> SibSp Siblings Spouses font </s>
13205, <s> let s separate our data for train and test </s>
4888, <s> corr Fare Pclass is the highest correlation in absolute numbers for Fare so we ll use Pclass again to impute the missing values </s>
23804, <s> Modelling with Generalized Additive Model GAM Whitebox Model </s>
10511, <s> create a New Attribute Alone which would be True if he she is travelling Alone </s>
8112, <s> MACHINE LEARNING </s>
16469, <s> Here I m not using HPT for LDA </s>
19962, <s> Hyperparameter tunning for best models </s>
40253, <s> Our Q Q Plot tells us that there is single outlier over 4000 which is causing major problems to the distribution </s>
42399, <s> Is there seasonality to the sales </s>
16881, <s> NewFeature FamilySize </s>
13744, <s> Comparison </s>
18021, <s> New dataframe Woman Child Group by Ticket </s>
20288, <s> Embarked </s>
26783, <s> How many combinations of GPS latitude and longitude </s>
20678, <s> Fit the Model </s>
20927, <s> Model </s>
24262, <s> Correlation analysis with histograms and pivot tables </s>
41437, <s> Pre processing tokenization </s>
18692, <s> After eyeballing the graph let s choose a maximum learning rate </s>
26871, <s> In the first layer we have 60 parameters </s>
30368, <s> Test SKImage </s>
15312, <s> Lets find out the percentage of Women and Men </s>
25960, <s> Top Selling Product Departments </s>
23510, <s> There are 2 elements in the class </s>
29546, <s> The main words are articles </s>
5053, <s> look at the time related features like building year year and month of sale </s>
26073, <s> Importing </s>
27169, <s> It is important to convert the categorical text data into model understandable numerical data </s>
7214, <s> Plotting some graphs for insights </s>
38019, <s> At its best what kind of predictions do the network trying to make </s>
32812, <s> Level 3 XGB </s>
33857, <s> Visualization using t SNE </s>
36431, <s> Model Training </s>
8027, <s> Let replace missing value with a variable X which means it s Unknown </s>
5855, <s> The two outliers we wish to remove are those with very low SalePrice relative to their GrLivArea square footage that are inconsistent with the trend of the rest of the data </s>
38058, <s> Checking target distribution </s>
13854, <s> Feature engineering </s>
11819, <s> We have Outliers in our data </s>
22287, <s> Take a look at your submission object now by calling </s>
11752, <s> we are going to take care of the skew that we noticed in some of our predictor variables earlier </s>
35572, <s> Lets look at a lot of different items </s>
17878, <s> Outlier Treatment </s>
15391, <s> Have a look at the test data </s>
20357, <s> This submission gets on the public leaderboard </s>
22411, <s> for gross income aka renta </s>
8277, <s> Importing Libraries for Modelling </s>
31669, <s> Preprocess Data </s>
41527, <s> The number 4 </s>
1372, <s> cross our Pclass with the Age cat </s>
20569, <s> It helps in determining if higher class passengers had more survival rate than the lower class ones or vice versa </s>
10415, <s> Score pipeline </s>
16742, <s> modeling </s>
28404, <s> Neural Network </s>
28305, <s> Finding Root mean squred error for DecisionTreeRegressor </s>
28684, <s> MoSold </s>
4520, <s> RandomForestRegressor </s>
8374, <s> Ensemble </s>
732, <s> removing these two </s>
24741, <s> Outliers </s>
38999, <s> now shuffle the data set randomly We also have to make sure that x input in general sense and y output labels in general sense remain in sync during the shuffling </s>
39246, <s> Remove outliers in price data </s>
2186, <s> Validation curve </s>
38778, <s> Select investment sales from training set and generate frequency distribution </s>
999, <s> We also impute the Cabin missing values We use U for Undefined </s>
18851, <s> Visualize ROC on the Validation Set </s>
4358, <s> Feature </s>
21372, <s> Check missing data </s>
6699, <s> Lets create some swarm plots between Survived and Fare </s>
21577, <s> Aggregate you datetime by by and filter weekends </s>
9427, <s> stripplot </s>
19592, <s> city code </s>
28199, <s> we can finish up this part of speech tagging script by creating a function that run through and tag all of the parts of speech per sentence like so </s>
14798, <s> Random Forest Model </s>
13305, <s> Ensemble modeling </s>
11214, <s> Ensemble prediction </s>
34254, <s> Predict on Entire Data Set </s>
33260, <s> Data Preparation </s>
40797, <s> Checking date </s>
26495, <s> The corresponding labels are numbers between 0 and 9 describing which digit a given image is of </s>
37416, <s> PCA Example </s>
4067, <s> we can finally chain all of these transformations in a pipeline that be applied over our dataset before training testing and validating our models </s>
37574, <s> Important Variables </s>
27552, <s> Display interactive filter based on click over legend </s>
24294, <s> now we can plot that image </s>
26069, <s> Looking at the best probability achieved we have a digit that the model is 100 confident is a three </s>
28937, <s> About 65 of the passengers were male and 35 were female </s>
40741, <s> Large CNN </s>
39224, <s> Remove the duplicat columns from training set and test set </s>
20293, <s> Parch </s>
12966, <s> Embarked Sex Pclass and Survived </s>
23792, <s> Prediction and Submission </s>
39848, <s> Auto Correlation andal Correlation Graphs </s>
30568, <s> Aggregating Numeric Columns </s>
40398, <s> Fold 5 </s>
6456, <s> PCA </s>
10410, <s> Run outlier detection on Overall Quality of 10 </s>
25389, <s> Defining the model architecture Using ConVnets </s>
36800, <s> we create the chunk parser with the nltk RegexpParser class </s>
17623, <s> Fare per person </s>
6678, <s> Ada Boost Classifier </s>
21365, <s> Warmup Look at the Lonely Characters in selected text </s>
8251, <s> Univariate Analysis </s>
41447, <s> K Means Clustering </s>
4771, <s> 101 passengers from third class embarked from C 113 embarked from Q while 495 embarked from S </s>
7523, <s> Model 4 Exponential fit y A exp Bx </s>
40323, <s> add obtained user components as cluster features </s>
11643, <s> Cross validation </s>
5906, <s> Types of scoring in grid </s>
17856, <s> Create the ensamble framework </s>
2516, <s> K Nearest Neighbours KNN </s>
4151, <s> Random Sample imputation on Titanic dataset </s>
20855, <s> Some categorical variables have a lot more levels than others </s>
15267, <s> Split into Train and Test data </s>
9769, <s> Dummy Variables Encoding </s>
4154, <s> End of Distribution Imputation on Titanic dataset </s>
11660, <s> Decision Tree </s>
41969, <s> Convert Date Column data type from object to Date </s>
16449, <s> Cherbourg port is more save as compared to others </s>
30143, <s> Preparing Submission File </s>
5302, <s> The rest of the data processing is from the kernel by Boris Klyus </s>
19003, <s> Use test subset for early stopping criterion </s>
197, <s> LightGBM </s>
22025, <s> num var5 </s>
7915, <s> Replace NaN values </s>
9675, <s> Tune leaves </s>
2838, <s> Libraries and Data </s>
33603, <s> Convert the data frames to numpy values </s>
20267, <s> Analysis of loss feature </s>
10411, <s> Remove the outliers from our data set </s>
8989, <s> the number of stories does not have a linear relationship with price </s>
42727, <s> draw the heatmap of float features </s>
30635, <s> Relationship between family members and survival rate </s>
28375, <s> Creating Training Testing Set </s>
42575, <s> The nested for loops below calculates every possible score way that our predicted values can produce and keeps track of which sum is built out of either a correct or wrong </s>
13180, <s> First let s take a look into Fare distribution </s>
12962, <s> Parch and Survived </s>
21582, <s> Correct the data types while importing the df </s>
20073, <s> Insights </s>
42250, <s> Perform feature selection and encoding of categorical columns </s>
30590, <s> Aggregated Stats of Bureau Balance by Client </s>
15102, <s> As expected those passengers with a title of Miss tend to be younger than those titled Mrs </s>
12759, <s> I explore the size of the dataset to compare it with the number of NANs in the dataset </s>
32829, <s> We are here at the data cleaning part </s>
38248, <s> find the top 5 RGB distributions in each of the 10 test images </s>
33698, <s> Yearly Series font </s>
29870, <s> Training </s>
34844, <s> Save Models </s>
23267, <s> Fare </s>
30888, <s> Final training and test predictions </s>
16684, <s> Analyze by pivoting features </s>
42934, <s> Saving the list of original features in a new list original features </s>
32628, <s> Naives Bayes Classifier </s>
4465, <s> We then assign social status titles to them for more in depth analysis </s>
2357, <s> Pipeline and Principal Components Analysis and Support Vector Classifier </s>
26866, <s> look at the effect of these two new filters </s>
17726, <s> pandas </s>
39454, <s> checking missing data in installments payments </s>
42115, <s> For our second model we ll use TF IDF with a logistic regression </s>
39249, <s> Import data </s>
38651, <s> Age </s>
22005, <s> If you now write code to </s>
6307, <s> Linear Support Vector Machine </s>
97, <s> This is another compelling facet grid illustrating four features relationship at once They are Embarked Age Survived Sex </s>
17035, <s> Rare values Pclass Sex Embarked </s>
10963, <s> KitchenQual </s>
27054, <s> Defining and fitting the Model </s>
7228, <s> LotFrontage </s>
31536, <s> MasVnrArea </s>
38519, <s> Pre processed selected text columns </s>
5746, <s> Checking survivors by sex </s>
29060, <s> Merging multiple outputs </s>
18648, <s> There are quite a few number of missing values present in this field </s>
29759, <s> Train the model </s>
31283, <s> Exponential smoothing </s>
23601, <s> Like I said I am compiling my understanding of gensim from a lot of sources and one of them used multiprocessing stating that it might be painfully slow doing otherwise </s>
38090, <s> Activation Function </s>
36778, <s> Training Data </s>
2276, <s> Building Machine Learning Models </s>
8407, <s> Garage areas and parking </s>
40731, <s> Try to compare the layer 1 output </s>
28767, <s> we create a function that plots the accuracys and losses of the model output </s>
38988, <s> Traing for positive sentiment </s>
11663, <s> Extra Trees </s>
11033, <s> Linear SVC </s>
13747, <s> Gradient Boosting </s>
13899, <s> Around 300 passengers survived and more than 500 died </s>
7615, <s> For some linear models QuantileTransformer gives best score for C </s>
37023, <s> Top 15 second levels categories with lowest prices </s>
19725, <s> For each item </s>
30086, <s> Naive Bayes Algorithm </s>
21674, <s> Memory reducer </s>
8341, <s> Moving on to neural network we simply use Keras for easy implementation of multi layer perceptron </s>
4586, <s> We also test the predictive power of the following features during model evaluation </s>
6206, <s> Logistic Regression </s>
15734, <s> ROC AUC Score </s>
30282, <s> Mortality Count 5 </s>
6799, <s> Predi o modelo </s>
41744, <s> Some fancy pants code my teammate Alex made for the toxic comment challenge that I ve expanded on and adapted to this challenge </s>
6019, <s> Save Model </s>
33324, <s> Training and validation data generator </s>
5604, <s> Season </s>
21106, <s> Spilit training validation and test dataset </s>
29373, <s> Create Train Test </s>
3645, <s> Feature Engineering continued </s>
23225, <s> Here all the values which are True are the duplicate ones </s>
250, <s> Library and Data </s>
11612, <s> Embarked I fill missing value by most frequent appear value </s>
8128, <s> Correlation between values and SalePrice </s>
4948, <s> use the Box Cox transformation to deal with the highly skewed values </s>
18377, <s> R Square Error </s>
3320, <s> Version Added new plots from Seaborn release </s>
37488, <s> Multilayer Perceptron </s>
21955, <s> Confusion matrix </s>
29540, <s> we re gonna take 10 data from the training data and use it for data validation </s>
967, <s> Producing the Submission file </s>
15265, <s> Convert Features into Numerical Values </s>
28492, <s> Model fitting </s>
16466, <s> Pearson s </s>
8842, <s> For some categories the order is quite important like OverallQual </s>
22295, <s> Analysis and Submission </s>
22474, <s> Plotting with different scales using secondary Y axis </s>
34847, <s> Finding Duplicated columns </s>
6661, <s> Split the data into train and test set for classifcation predictions </s>
41785, <s> Optimization </s>
10333, <s> We conclude that </s>
12525, <s> so these are the columns which have missing value and have numeric data </s>
16339, <s> Random Forest </s>
43137, <s> Plot Loss Trend </s>
41205, <s> load our submission format and fill SalePrice columns with our predictions data </s>
1289, <s> Cross Validation 5 1 </s>
4874, <s> Function for Scoring Training and Testing </s>
37924, <s> Final Prediction </s>
37046, <s> Stemming is the process of producing morphological variants of a root base word Stemming programs are commonly referred to as stemming algorithms or stemmers A stemming algorithm reduces the words chocolates chocolatey choco to the root word chocolate and retrieval retrieved retrieves reduce to the stem retrieve </s>
14710, <s> SVC Parameter Tuning with GridSearch </s>
35770, <s> XGBoost </s>
35508, <s> Outliers </s>
6599, <s> Visualize default tree optional </s>
22944, <s> This may not be the best feature for us to use because most of the data is considered null </s>
35462, <s> Visualiza the skin cancer at head neck </s>
25809, <s> Fit the Model with GPU </s>
15033, <s> Embarked with value of S have the most count of data set the null of Embarked to be S </s>
37109, <s> Code in python </s>
21335, <s> Chu n h a d li u </s>
35879, <s> Selling prices </s>
39160, <s> The last step is creating the submission file </s>
43026, <s> Model 3 Overfitting </s>
12003, <s> let s check the R Squared for lasso </s>
2151, <s> Imports </s>
27565, <s> ps ind 01 </s>
4639, <s> Count of distinct categories in our variable but this time we don t want to count any nan values </s>
15637, <s> Re train the model on new features </s>
36737, <s> Comparing MAE values of all models </s>
22642, <s> Model 6 XGBoost </s>
16108, <s> Map Fare according to FareBand </s>
13224, <s> GridSearchCV for SVC </s>
32945, <s> Remove all special characters split by spaces and remove stopword entries in list for train and test </s>
28140, <s> Submitting the predicted labels as a csv file </s>
20770, <s> Tf idf space </s>
5939, <s> there are many columns that contains character values </s>
23249, <s> We do the same for test data as we do on train data </s>
1386, <s> Predicting X test </s>
9023, <s> There are </s>
30717, <s> One hot encoding </s>
8409, <s> Total Basement Area Vs 1st Flor Area </s>
16668, <s> Feature Transformation Categoric Variables </s>
29963, <s> Inference </s>
1409, <s> I need to replace a few titles with other values because these titles are not as popular and have a low frequency of occurrence in this dataset </s>
6056, <s> BsmtQual missing values for No Basement </s>
27973, <s> Mean Frequency </s>
32713, <s> Bidirectional LSTM </s>
2663, <s> Constant Features </s>
9214, <s> Family Survivor by Familymember </s>
3778, <s> Classifiers </s>
38281, <s> Imputing data in Basement related columns </s>
15825, <s> train and test data split 70 for training and 30 for testing </s>
29467, <s> Basic Feature Extraction </s>
21239, <s> visualize how our predictions look like </s>
25752, <s> Surprisingly it still can in some cases </s>
20737, <s> Electrical column </s>
1625, <s> Linear Regression with Ridge regularization L2 penalty </s>
37978, <s> Build the CNN model </s>
13963, <s> Pclass Survival probability </s>
28327, <s> identifying the missing value in previous application </s>
5172, <s> Each model is built using cross validation except LGBM The parameters of the model are selected to ensure the maximum matching of accuracy on the training and validation data A plot is being built for this purpose with learning curve learn org stable modules generated sklearn model selection learning curve html highlight learning curvesklearn model selection learning curve from sklearn library </s>
9910, <s> Get Model Score from Dropping Columns with Missing Values </s>
18817, <s> Elastic Net Regression </s>
23386, <s> One issue with yolo is that it is likely to contain more cells in its label grid that contain no objects than cells that do contain objects </s>
12211, <s> I hope it is now evident why I kept implementing a get features name method in the previous classes </s>
1166, <s> Most of these can be filled with None </s>
6538, <s> here i have merged some columns to just reduce complexity i have tried with all the columns but i didn t get this much accuracy which i am getting right now </s>
5257, <s> First of all we are going to train a baseline RF model </s>
24059, <s> We ll drop features with less than e importance you can change this threshold </s>
18140, <s> Here we average all the predictions and provide the final summary </s>
21176, <s> Displaying output of layer 4 </s>
31182, <s> font color 5831bc face Comic Sans MS Before Scaling </s>
24483, <s> Training 10 folds for 10 epochs each strategy 3 improves validation score to 0 </s>
38925, <s> Keras NN Model </s>
8357, <s> Survival rate by cabin </s>
35939, <s> Model evaluation </s>
11816, <s> SalePrice and Overall Quality </s>
12616, <s> Fare </s>
12533, <s> Cross validation of these models </s>
19139, <s> Model 2 input 784 ReLu 512 ReLu 128 sigmoid output 10 </s>
26288, <s> Backward propagation with dropout </s>
22774, <s> Setting up the LSTM model </s>
27175, <s> Linear Regression </s>
10140, <s> let s try the same but using data with PCA applied </s>
38893, <s> Cost Function </s>
34181, <s> Interpreting CNN Model 2 </s>
6041, <s> This code block finds best combinations for you </s>
11399, <s> time to deal with categorical features </s>
13458, <s> There are only 2 missing values for Embarked so we can just impute with the port where most people boarded </s>
16739, <s> embarked </s>
36366, <s> Train model on the full data and make final predictions </s>
22655, <s> Performance </s>
2411, <s> Numerical Imputing </s>
36830, <s> Accuracy </s>
12532, <s> Creating models </s>
31529, <s> Separating data based on data types </s>
840, <s> Model tuning and selection with GridSearchCV </s>
13852, <s> Numerical features </s>
4299, <s> Inference </s>
15979, <s> This feature is like the Name feature </s>
11923, <s> Feature Importance </s>
28249, <s> Little advanced visualization </s>
4063, <s> Clustering over the 3 most important principal components give us 80 of explained variance </s>
33313, <s> Plotting Decision Boundaries </s>
38466, <s> Columns with missing values either in train or in test </s>
42837, <s> We achieved good AUC on both training and cross validation </s>
24471, <s> Distribution regarding to target </s>
18517, <s> We perform a grayscale normalization to reduce the effect of illumination s differences </s>
3982, <s> logarithm the value of the house </s>
32024, <s> we can apply one hot encoding </s>
33302, <s> Model Selection </s>
35396, <s> Preprocessing by BoxCox </s>
16379, <s> Fare Band </s>
28957, <s> Some of those look quite good </s>
26935, <s> That s almost all we can train the classifier and evaluate it s performance </s>
41343, <s> Categorical Features </s>
6226, <s> saving files </s>
2534, <s> that we have checked the devices available we test them wth a simple computation </s>
34054, <s> Play with the parameters and do Cross Validation </s>
37098, <s> Outliers </s>
25683, <s> System with SOCIAL DISTANCING </s>
6317, <s> Multi Layer Perceptron </s>
40622, <s> Just a technical point add caching for the data pipeline </s>
5326, <s> Display spots of latitude and longitude </s>
4184, <s> Date and Time Engineering </s>
35881, <s> Sales data </s>
36712, <s> Different Tokenizers </s>
26730, <s> Plotting sales time series accross categories </s>
27847, <s> Top 20 2 gram words in sincere and insincere questions </s>
41454, <s> Feature Passenger Classes </s>
35565, <s> An important thing to note here is that this weird relationship between meta features and target does NOT extend to the test data generate predictions to demonstrate this </s>
14204, <s> Checking with some cross validation using stratified k fold </s>
13301, <s> We can now rank our evaluation of all the models to choose the best one for our problem </s>
25848, <s> Dealing with username </s>
43270, <s> Treinando o modelo com os dados de treino </s>
17450, <s> RandomForestClassifier </s>
23558, <s> These 37 records have living area greater than its total area </s>
23196, <s> Correlation among Base Models Predictions How base models predictions are correlated If base models predictions are weakly correlated with each other the ensemble likely to perform better On the other hand for a strong correlation of predictions among the base models the ensemble unlikely to perform better To sumarize diversity of predictions among the base models is inversely proportional to the ensemble accuracy make prediction for the test set </s>
5485, <s> For TotalBsmtSF only one outlier was there which was at index 1298 and same got deleted with GrLivArea </s>
11680, <s> get dummies creates a new columns for each of the options in Sex so that it creates a new columns for female called Sex female and new columns for male called Sex male which encodes if that row was male or female </s>
37110, <s> Code in python </s>
1569, <s> Cabin Number </s>
2004, <s> Again with the bottom two data points </s>
16853, <s> split </s>
7299, <s> Observation The distribution of SalePrice is unimodal in nature with a peak at 1500000 dollars </s>
7853, <s> Random Forests A Slight Improvement </s>
12767, <s> i normalize the test set as i did before and fill null values in the dataset as well </s>
9027, <s> Since there is only 1 null row with BsmtFinType2 and BsmtFinType2 is highly correlated with BsmtFinSF2 I got the BsmtFinSF2 value of the null row </s>
24244, <s> Name length </s>
27909, <s> Simple Imputer </s>
34761, <s> Fitting model on Training data </s>
38715, <s> Great so now the GPU is working and should speed up our computations </s>
16874, <s> Pclass Vs Survival </s>
36597, <s> step is loading the data and do pre processing and visualising it </s>
1292, <s> Ensembling 5 4 </s>
20571, <s> Fare denotes the fare paid by a passenger </s>
6070, <s> MiscFeature ininfluencial drop it </s>
19982, <s> There are a lot of hyperparamater tuning when it comes to Keras such as </s>
20473, <s> Comparison of interval values with TARGET 1 and TARGET 0 </s>
13793, <s> XGBoost </s>
26345, <s> We predict SalePrice column </s>
37545, <s> Data Preparation for Pytorch Model </s>
26076, <s> Chart of the number of digits in the data </s>
41913, <s> We can t really balance the size of our dataset by down sampling because almost all images are very large because of this we are going to resize our images instead </s>
36775, <s> Making Submission to Kaggle </s>
35503, <s> Evaluate the model </s>
10452, <s> Gradient Boosting Regression </s>
35084, <s> Comparing the images before and after applying the PCA </s>
26399, <s> There are twice as much men on board than women </s>
7016, <s> Evaluates the quality of the material on the exterior </s>
3709, <s> Lasso Regression </s>
32797, <s> Generate level 1 OOF predictions </s>
15388, <s> load training and test data </s>
27097, <s> The intermediate feature vector is the output of pool 3 or pool 4 and the global feature vector are fed as input to the attention layer </s>
7218, <s> Basement Null values </s>
17855, <s> we prepare the submission dataset and save it to the submission file </s>
6229, <s> Convert and create new features </s>
14740, <s> Dimensionality Reduction </s>
14954, <s> Extract title from name </s>
40681, <s> Show the distribution of distances of data samples from the most frequent template </s>
2942, <s> Separate Numerical and Categorical Features </s>
34014, <s> Monday 0 </s>
20078, <s> Insights </s>
25883, <s> Histogram Plots of number of characters per each class 0 or 1 </s>
16622, <s> Bayesian Optimization </s>
21846, <s> Training </s>
23791, <s> Modeling and Training </s>
14334, <s> One Hot Encoding </s>
11443, <s> 128187 Load and Read DataSets </s>
8052, <s> Advanced Regression Techniques </s>
10660, <s> Compare Model </s>
37134, <s> cross validation </s>
23584, <s> Submission </s>
16666, <s> This feature is from Konstantin s kernel </s>
33876, <s> Gradient Boosting Model </s>
39975, <s> Check seasonality of hour if we assume feature time is minute </s>
19892, <s> Getting the new train and test sets </s>
10868, <s> Transform the Name feature </s>
3983, <s> Check some Null s </s>
14873, <s> quite a few more people died than those who survived </s>
4976, <s> We can easily create a new feature called family size for Parch SibSp Himself Herself </s>
15073, <s> Embarked </s>
12985, <s> Train and test split </s>