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0108|Amused|amused_85-112_0108.wav|He waded into the edge of the water and began scrubbing himself.
0111|Amused|amused_85-112_0111.wav|Instead, he joined her; and they ate like two hungry children.
0115|Amused|amused_113-140_0115.wav|He had no excuse for the feelings which were aroused in him.
0117|Amused|amused_113-140_0117.wav|She added, with genuine sympathy in her face and voice.
0118|Amused|amused_113-140_0118.wav|Pierre obeys me when we are together.
0122|Amused|amused_113-140_0122.wav|Two years ago I gave up civilization for this.
0124|Amused|amused_113-140_0124.wav|It was Jeanne singing softly over beyond the rocks.
0126|Amused|amused_113-140_0126.wav|Each day she became a more vital part of him.
0129|Amused|amused_113-140_0129.wav|Her face was against his breast.
0130|Amused|amused_113-140_0130.wav|She was his now, forever.
0131|Amused|amused_113-140_0131.wav|Providence had delivered him through the maelstrom.
0132|Amused|amused_113-140_0132.wav|A cry of joy burst from Philip's lips.
0134|Amused|amused_113-140_0134.wav|He obeyed the pressure of her hand.
0135|Amused|amused_113-140_0135.wav|I am going to surprise father, and you will go with Pierre.
0136|Amused|amused_113-140_0136.wav|About him, everywhere, were the evidences of luxury and of age.
0137|Amused|amused_113-140_0137.wav|Then he stepped back with a low cry of pleasure.
0138|Amused|amused_113-140_0138.wav|In the picture he saw each moment a greater resemblance to Jeanne.
0140|Amused|amused_113-140_0140.wav|Accept a father's blessing, and with it, this.
0141|Amused|amused_141_168_0141.wav|It seems like a strange pointing of the hand of God.
0144|Amused|amused_141_168_0144.wav|But there was something even more startling than this resemblance.
0147|Amused|amused_141_168_0147.wav|A moment before he was intoxicated by a joy that was almost madness.
0149|Amused|amused_141_168_0149.wav|For an instant he saw Pierre drawn like a silhouette against the sky.
0150|Amused|amused_141_168_0150.wav|Goodbye, Pierre, he shouted.
0152|Amused|amused_141_168_0152.wav|Philip thrust himself against it and entered.
0156|Amused|amused_141_168_0156.wav|A strange fire burned in his eyes when Thorpe turned.
0159|Amused|amused_141_168_0159.wav|They look as though he had been drumming a piano all his life.
0160|Amused|amused_141_168_0160.wav|You want to go over and see his gang throw dirt.
0164|Amused|amused_141_168_0164.wav|He came first a year ago, and revealed himself to Jeanne.
0168|Amused|amused_141_168_0168.wav|Low bush whipped him in the face and left no sting.
0171|Amused|amused_169-196_0171.wav|And when you come back in a few days, bring Eileen.
0174|Amused|amused_169-196_0174.wav|They were the presage of storm.
0175|Amused|amused_169-196_0175.wav|Down there the earth was already swelling with life.
0176|Amused|amused_169-196_0176.wav|For the first time in his life he was yearning for a scrap.
0181|Amused|amused_169-196_0181.wav|So cheer up, and give us your paw.
0184|Amused|amused_169-196_0184.wav|Don't you see, I'm chewing this thing in two.
0186|Amused|amused_169-196_0186.wav|Like a flash he launched himself into the feathered mass of the owl.
0187|Amused|amused_169-196_0187.wav|Ahead of them they saw a glimmer of sunshine.
0190|Amused|amused_169-196_0190.wav|Next to them the Canada jays were most persistent.
0196|Amused|amused_169-196_0196.wav|He began to follow the footprints of the dog.
0198|Amused|amused_196-224_0198.wav|Sometimes her dreams were filled with visions.
0199|Amused|amused_196-224_0199.wav|Thus had the raw wilderness prepared him for this day.
0200|Amused|amused_196-224_0200.wav|He leapt again, and the club caught him once more.
0204|Amused|amused_196-224_0204.wav|The wolf-dog thrust his gaunt muzzle toward him.
0205|Amused|amused_196-224_0205.wav|From now on we're pals.
0206|Amused|amused_196-224_0206.wav|He says he bought him of Jacques Le Beau.
0208|Amused|amused_196-224_0208.wav|Youth had come back to her, freed from the yoke of oppression.
0212|Amused|amused_196-224_0212.wav|Fresh cases, still able to walk, they clustered about the spokesman.
0214|Amused|amused_196-224_0214.wav|Besides, he was paid one case of tobacco per head.
0218|Amused|amused_196-224_0218.wav|The ringing of the big bell aroused him.
0223|Amused|amused_196-224_0223.wav|My, I'm almost homesick for it already.
0224|Amused|amused_196-224_0224.wav|She nodded, and her eyes grew soft and moist.
0226|Amused|amused_225-252_0226.wav|That came before my A B C's.
0228|Amused|amused_225-252_0228.wav|But it contributed to the smash.
0235|Amused|amused_225-252_0235.wav|His voice was passionately rebellious.
0239|Amused|amused_225-252_0239.wav|He cried in such genuine dismay that she broke into hearty laughter.
0241|Amused|amused_225-252_0241.wav|I think it's much nicer to quarrel.
0242|Amused|amused_225-252_0242.wav|I saw it when she rolled.
0244|Amused|amused_225-252_0244.wav|He was the soul of devotion to his employers.
0246|Amused|amused_225-252_0246.wav|You have heard always how he was the lover of the Princess Naomi.
0249|Amused|amused_225-252_0249.wav|All eyes, however, were staring at him in certitude of expectancy.
0250|Amused|amused_225-252_0250.wav|He had observed the business life of Hawaii and developed a vaulting ambition.
0251|Amused|amused_225-252_0251.wav|I may manage to freight a cargo back as well.
0254|Amused|amused_253-280_0254.wav|Straight out they swam, their heads growing smaller and smaller.
0255|Amused|amused_253-280_0255.wav|You won't die of malnutrition, be sure of that.
0257|Amused|amused_253-280_0257.wav|They are coming ashore, whoever they are.
0258|Amused|amused_253-280_0258.wav|Soaked in seawater they offset the heat rays.
0259|Amused|amused_253-280_0259.wav|Think of investing in such an adventure.
0263|Amused|amused_253-280_0263.wav|Joan looked triumphantly at Sheldon, who bowed.
0264|Amused|amused_253-280_0264.wav|And I hope you've got plenty of chain out, Captain Young.
0265|Amused|amused_253-280_0265.wav|The discovery seemed to have been made on the spur of the moment.
0272|Amused|amused_253-280_0272.wav|You can take a vacation on pay.
0279|Amused|amused_253-280_0279.wav|She said with chattering teeth.
0280|Amused|amused_253-280_0280.wav|I'll be out of my head in fifteen minutes.
0284|Amused|amused_281-308_0284.wav|There was no forecasting this strange girl's processes.
0287|Amused|amused_281-308_0287.wav|Keep an eye on him.
0288|Amused|amused_281-308_0288.wav|Those are my oysters, he said at last.
0289|Amused|amused_281-308_0289.wav|They are not regular oyster pirates, Nicholas continued.
0295|Amused|amused_281-308_0295.wav|And twenty men could hold it with spears and arrows.
0297|Amused|amused_281-308_0297.wav|There's a big English general right now whose name is Roberts.
0298|Amused|amused_281-308_0298.wav|This tacit promise of continued acquaintance gave Saxon a little joy-thrill.
0302|Amused|amused_281-308_0302.wav|It is very plausible to such people, a most convincing hypothesis.
0305|Amused|amused_281-308_0305.wav|They had no fixed values, to be altered by adjectives and adverbs.
0119|Neutral|neutral_113-140_0119.wav|Jeanne was turning the bow shoreward.
0121|Neutral|neutral_113-140_0121.wav|They ate dinner at the fifth, and rested for two hours.
0125|Neutral|neutral_113-140_0125.wav|He was determined now to maintain a more certain hold upon himself.
0127|Neutral|neutral_113-140_0127.wav|It was a temptation, but he resisted it.
0133|Neutral|neutral_113-140_0133.wav|Philip began to feel that he had foolishly overestimated his strength.
0139|Neutral|neutral_113-140_0139.wav|He told himself that as he washed himself and groomed his disheveled clothes.
0142|Neutral|neutral_141-168_0142.wav|Such things had occurred before, he told Philip.
0143|Neutral|neutral_141-168_0143.wav|Ah, I had forgotten, he exclaimed.
0145|Neutral|neutral_141-168_0145.wav|I have to be careful of them, as they tear very easily.
0151|Neutral|neutral_141-168_0151.wav|And MacDougall was beyond the trail, with three weeks to spare.
0154|Neutral|neutral_141-168_0154.wav|He was smooth-shaven, and his hair and eyes were black.
0155|Neutral|neutral_141-168_0155.wav|Won't you draw up, gentlemen.
0158|Neutral|neutral_141-168_0158.wav|Does that look good.
0162|Neutral|neutral_141-168_0162.wav|That's the sub-foreman, explained Thorpe.
0166|Neutral|neutral_141-168_0166.wav|Two days ago Jeanne learned where her father's men were hiding.
0167|Neutral|neutral_141-168_0167.wav|I was near the cabin, and saw you.
0169|Neutral|neutral_169-196_0169.wav|Suddenly Jeanne stopped for an instant.
0172|Neutral|neutral_169-196_0172.wav|Gregson had left the outer door slightly ajar.
0173|Neutral|neutral_169-196_0173.wav|The date was nearly eighteen years old.
0180|Neutral|neutral_169-196_0180.wav|If not, let's say our prayers and go to bed.
0183|Neutral|neutral_169-196_0183.wav|And the air was growing chilly.
0185|Neutral|neutral_169-196_0185.wav|The questions may have come vaguely in his mind.
0191|Neutral|neutral_169-196_0191.wav|For a time the exciting thrill of his adventure was gone.
0192|Neutral|neutral_169-196_0192.wav|He did not rush in.
0193|Neutral|neutral_169-196_0193.wav|It was edged with ice.
0194|Neutral|neutral_169-196_0194.wav|He drank of the water cautiously.
0195|Neutral|neutral_169-196_0195.wav|But a strange thing happened.
0202|Neutral|neutral_197-224_0202.wav|She turned, fearing that Jacques might see what was in her face.
0203|Neutral|neutral_197-224_0203.wav|They were following the shore of a lake.
0207|Neutral|neutral_197-224_0207.wav|How much was it.
0209|Neutral|neutral_197-224_0209.wav|It was not a large lake, and almost round.
0210|Neutral|neutral_197-224_0210.wav|Its diameter was not more than two hundred yards.
0213|Neutral|neutral_197-224_0213.wav|Between him and the beach was the cane-grass fence of the compound.
0219|Neutral|neutral_197-224_0219.wav|At first he puzzled over something untoward he was sure had happened.
0222|Neutral|neutral_197-224_0222.wav|What part of the United States is your home.
0225|Neutral|neutral_225-252_0225.wav|I was brought up the way most girls in Hawaii are brought up.
0227|Neutral|neutral_225-252_0227.wav|It was the same way with our revolvers and rifles.
0229|Neutral|neutral_225-252_0229.wav|The last one I knew was an overseer.
0230|Neutral|neutral_225-252_0230.wav|Do you know any good land around here.
0231|Neutral|neutral_225-252_0231.wav|The Resident Commissioner is away in Australia.
0232|Neutral|neutral_225-252_0232.wav|I cannot follow you, she said.
0233|Neutral|neutral_225-252_0233.wav|I never allow what can't be changed to annoy me.
0237|Neutral|neutral_225-252_0237.wav|So Hughie and I did the managing ourselves.
0238|Neutral|neutral_225-252_0238.wav|It happened to him at the Gallina Society in Oakland one afternoon.
0243|Neutral|neutral_225-252_0243.wav|I only read the quotations.
0245|Neutral|neutral_225-252_0245.wav|Out of his eighteen hundred, he laid aside sixteen hundred each year.
0247|Neutral|neutral_225-252_0247.wav|They ought to pass here some time today.
0252|Neutral|neutral_225-252_0252.wav|O'Brien had been a clean living young man with ideals.
0253|Neutral|neutral_253-280_0253.wav|He it was that lived to found the family of the Patino.
0260|Neutral|neutral_253-280_0260.wav|Nobody knew his history, they of the Junta least of all.
0261|Neutral|neutral_253-280_0261.wav|I have been doubly baptized.
0267|Neutral|neutral_253-280_0267.wav|Eli Harding asked, as Shunk started to follow.
0268|Neutral|neutral_253-280_0268.wav|Now go ahead and tell me in a straightforward way what has happened.
0270|Neutral|neutral_253-280_0270.wav|And after the bath a shave would not be bad.
0271|Neutral|neutral_253-280_0271.wav|Now please give a plain statement of what occurred.
0273|Neutral|neutral_253-280_0273.wav|They are big trees and require plenty of room.
0274|Neutral|neutral_253-280_0274.wav|And Raoul listened again to the tale of the house.
0275|Neutral|neutral_253-280_0275.wav|There are no kiddies and half grown youths among them.
0276|Neutral|neutral_253-280_0276.wav|Oolong Atoll was one hundred and forty miles in circumference.
0281|Neutral|neutral_281-308_0281.wav|I do not blame you for anything; remember that.
0291|Neutral|neutral_281-308_0291.wav|The weeks had gone by, and no overt acts had been attempted.
0293|Neutral|neutral_281-308_0293.wav|They were deep in the primeval forest.
0296|Neutral|neutral_281-308_0296.wav|Bassett was a fastidious man.
0304|Neutral|neutral_281-308_0304.wav|I graduated last of my class.
0307|Neutral|neutral_281-308_0307.wav|Very early in my life, I separated from my mother.
0309|Neutral|neutral_309-336_0309.wav|White Leghorns, said Mrs Mortimer.
0322|Neutral|neutral_309-336_0322.wav|This is a common experience with all of us.
0327|Neutral|neutral_309-336_0327.wav|They were less stooped than we, less springy in their movements.
0328|Neutral|neutral_309-336_0328.wav|The Fire People, like ourselves, lived in caves.
0329|Neutral|neutral_309-336_0329.wav|Ah, indeed.
0335|Neutral|neutral_309-336_0335.wav|Red-Eye swung back and forth on the branch farther down.
0338|Neutral|neutral_337-364_0338.wav|The fighting had now become intermittent.
0342|Neutral|neutral_337-364_0342.wav|Seventeen, no, eighteen days ago.
0343|Neutral|neutral_337-364_0343.wav|You mean for this State, General, Alberta.
0349|Neutral|neutral_337-364_0349.wav|It was simple, in its way, and no virtue of his.
0357|Neutral|neutral_337-364_0357.wav|A month passed by, and Bonanza Creek remained quiet.
0359|Neutral|neutral_337-364_0359.wav|Earth and gravel seemed to fill the pan.
0360|Neutral|neutral_337-364_0360.wav|But he no longer cared quite so much for that form of diversion.
0361|Neutral|neutral_337-364_0361.wav|But he did not broach it, preferring to mature it carefully.
0362|Neutral|neutral_337-364_0362.wav|Nope, not the slightest idea.
0363|Neutral|neutral_337-364_0363.wav|It is not an attempt to smash the market.
0091|Angry|angry_85-112_0091.wav|His blood grew hot with rage at the thought.
0165|Angry|angry_169-196_0165.wav|They are to attack your camp tomorrow night.
0201|Angry|angry_197-224_0201.wav|He cried, and swung the club wildly.
0216|Angry|angry_197-224_0216.wav|The other felt a sudden wave of irritation rush through him.
0236|Angry|angry_225-252_0236.wav|Don't you see I hate you.
0282|Angry|angry_281-308_0282.wav|If you mean to insinuate -- Brentwood began hotly.
0286|Angry|angry_281-308_0286.wav|Give them their choice between a fine or an official whipping.
0313|Angry|angry_309-336_0313.wav|Broken-Tooth yelled with fright and pain.
0316|Angry|angry_309-336_0316.wav|We had been chased by them ourselves, more than once.
0320|Angry|angry_309-336_0320.wav|With my strength I slammed it full into Red-Eye's face.
0325|Angry|angry_309-336_0325.wav|Whiz-zip-bang. Lop-Ear screamed with sudden anguish.
0333|Angry|angry_309-336_0333.wav|This is no place for you.
0116|Disgusted|disgustededed_113-140_0116.wav|Was it the rendezvous of those who were striving to work his ruin.
0123|Disgusted|disgustededed_113-140_0123.wav|She had died from cold and starvation.
0128|Disgusted|disgustededed_113-140_0128.wav|This one hope was destroyed as quickly as it was born.
0146|Disgusted|disgustededed_141-168_0146.wav|Of course, that is uninteresting, she continued.
0148|Disgusted|disgustededed_141-168_0148.wav|Now these things had been struck dead within him.
0153|Disgusted|disgustededed_141-168_0153.wav|MacDougall tapped his forehead suspiciously with a stubby forefinger.
0161|Disgusted|disgustededed_141-168_0161.wav|Take away their foreman and they wouldn't be worth their grub.
0163|Disgusted|disgustededed_141-168_0163.wav|Philip made no effort to follow.
0170|Disgusted|disgustededed_169-196_0170.wav|There was none of the joy of meeting in his face.
0177|Disgusted|disgustededed_169-196_0177.wav|She had been thoroughly and efficiently mauled.
0178|Disgusted|disgustededed_169-196_0178.wav|Every bone in her aged body seemed broken or dislocated.
0188|Disgusted|disgustededed_169-196_0188.wav|Two gigantic owls were tearing at the carcass.
0189|Disgusted|disgustededed_169-196_0189.wav|The big-eyed, clucking moose-birds were most annoying.
0197|Disgusted|disgustededed_197-224_0197.wav|Such a dog the wise driver kills, or turns loose.
0211|Disgusted|disgustededed_197-224_0211.wav|It drowned all sound that brute agony and death may have made.
0215|Disgusted|disgustededed_197-224_0215.wav|They die out of spite.
0217|Disgusted|disgustededed_197-224_0217.wav|Oppressive as the heat had been, it was now even more oppressive.
0220|Disgusted|disgustededed_197-224_0220.wav|A dead man is of no use on a plantation.
0221|Disgusted|disgustededed_197-224_0221.wav|I don't know why you're here at all.
0234|Disgusted|disgustededed_225-252_0234.wav|Why, the average review is more nauseating than cod liver oil.
0240|Disgusted|disgustededed_225-252_0240.wav|Wash your hands of me.
0262|Disgusted|disgustededed_253-280_0262.wav|They wouldn't be sweeping a big vessel like the Martha.
0266|Disgusted|disgustededed_253-280_0266.wav|They handled two men already, both grub-thieves.
0269|Disgusted|disgustededed_253-280_0269.wav|That's where they cut off the Scottish Chiefs and killed all hands.
0277|Disgusted|disgustededed_253-280_0277.wav|McCoy found a stifling, poisonous atmosphere in the pent cabin.
0278|Disgusted|disgustededed_253-280_0278.wav|It would give me nervous prostration.
0283|Disgusted|disgustededed_281-308_0283.wav|The woman in you is only incidental, accidental, and irrelevant.
0285|Disgusted|disgustededed_281-308_0285.wav|But what they want with your toothbrush is more than I can imagine.
0290|Disgusted|disgustededed_281-308_0290.wav|One by one the boys were captured.
0292|Disgusted|disgustededed_281-308_0292.wav|Here, in the midmorning, the first casualty occurred.
0294|Disgusted|disgustededed_281-308_0294.wav|He had been foiled in his attempt to escape.
0299|Disgusted|disgustededed_281-308_0299.wav|I tell you I am disgusted with this adventure tomfoolery and rot.
0301|Disgusted|disgustededed_281-308_0301.wav|But all my dreams violated this law.
0303|Disgusted|disgustededed_281-308_0303.wav|But they make the mistake of ignoring their own duality.
0306|Disgusted|disgustededed_281-308_0306.wav|He was pressing beyond the limits of his vocabulary.
0308|Disgusted|disgustededed_281-308_0308.wav|His infernal chattering worries me even now as I think of it.
0319|Disgusted|disgustededed_309-336_0319.wav|And the Edinburgh Evening News says, with editorial gloom.
0330|Disgusted|disgustededed_309-336_0330.wav|Red-Eye never committed a more outrageous deed.
0331|Disgusted|disgustededed_309-336_0331.wav|Poor little Crooked-Leg was terribly scared.
0073|Sleepy|sleepy_57-84_0073.wav|The promoter's eyes were heavy, with little puffy bags under them.
0100|Sleepy|sleepy_85-112_0100.wav|You must sleep, he urged.
0104|Sleepy|sleepy_85-112_0104.wav|She was sleeping under his protection as sweetly as a child.
0300|Sleepy|sleepy_281-307_0300.wav|From my earliest recollection my sleep was a period of terror.