[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "kanapees" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gerne ein billiges Restaurant, das Schnittchen serviert. Kann ich dazu die Adresse haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "kanapees" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gerne ein billiges Restaurant, das Schnittchen serviert. Kann ich dazu die Adresse haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit einem Portugiesen? Kann ich eine Adresse haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "No such restaurant found.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit einem Portugiesen? Kann ich eine Adresse haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön. Auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "Nandos has an address of Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way. Nandos City Centre has an address of 33-34 Saint Andrews Street. Do you need any other information?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön. Auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Äh, also, wie wäre es mit einer örtlichen Sportmannschaft." ] ], "system_transcript": "Your welcome.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Äh, also, wie wäre es mit einer örtlichen Sportmannschaft.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Bitte schließen Sie diesen Dialog. Danke sehr." ] ], "system_transcript": "thank you, goodbye", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Bitte schließen Sie diesen Dialog. Danke sehr.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "russisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie mir helfen, ein russisches Restaurant zu finden?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "russisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie mir helfen, ein russisches Restaurant zu finden?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, wie wäre es mit europäischem Essen?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry, there are Russian restaurants. Do you have a secondary choice?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, wie wäre es mit europäischem Essen?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wenn Sie ein europäisches Restaurant finden, möchte ich gerne deren Adresse und Telefonnummer." ] ], "system_transcript": "Please wait a moment while I check for European restaurants for you", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wenn Sie ein europäisches Restaurant finden, möchte ich gerne deren Adresse und Telefonnummer.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke sehr. Auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "Cambridge lodge restaurant serves european food, their phone number is 01223 355166 and address is Cambridge Lodge Hotel 139 Huntingdon Road City Centre", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke sehr. Auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem teuren Restaurant im östlichen Teil der Stadt und könnte ich bitte dessen Adresse und Postleitzahl haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem teuren Restaurant im östlichen Teil der Stadt und könnte ich bitte dessen Adresse und Postleitzahl haben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich interessiere mich für Britisches Essen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "ok I have listings for British, Indian, Gastropub, and Chinese. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich interessiere mich für Britisches Essen. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Das klingt gut!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The grafton hotel restaurant is an expensive ritish restaurant located Grafton Hotel 619 Newmarket Road Fen Ditton, post code C.B 5, 8 P.A.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Das klingt gut!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte ein billiges Restaurant im östlichen Teil der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte ein billiges Restaurant im östlichen Teil der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es eine Telefonnummer für das Restaurant? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I recommend The Missing Stock on Newmarket Road. Please let me know if I can provide any further information.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es eine Telefonnummer für das Restaurant? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Danke sehr. Haben Sie die Adresse? " ] ], "system_transcript": "01223 812660", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke sehr. Haben Sie die Adresse? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe." ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, the address is Finders Corner Newmarket Road. I'm sorry, the name is the Missing Sock. I misspoke earlier.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem Restaurant in einem billigen Preissegment, das italienisches Essen serviert." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem Restaurant in einem billigen Preissegment, das italienisches Essen serviert.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Die Gegend ist mir nicht wichtig. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are five restaurants in the cheap price range that serve Italian food. What area are you looking for?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Die Gegend ist mir nicht wichtig. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, bitte, ich möchte gerne deren Adresse." ] ], "system_transcript": "ask serves italian food and is in the cheap price range. Would you like their location? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, bitte, ich möchte gerne deren Adresse.", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke sehr, auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "Ask is located at 12 Bridge street city centre. Their telephone number is 01223 364917.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke sehr, auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem Restaurant im westlichen Teil der Stadt, das moderate Preise hat." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem Restaurant im westlichen Teil der Stadt, das moderate Preise hat.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Nein, was ist verfügbar? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are three restaurants listed that match your search. Are you looking for a particular food type?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, was ist verfügbar? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Was ist die Telefonnummer für das Saint John's Chop House?" ] ], "system_transcript": "How about meghna, prezzo, or saint johns chop house?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Was ist die Telefonnummer für das Saint John's Chop House?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, vielen Dank." ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01223 353110. Can I help you with anything else?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, vielen Dank.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Tag." ] ], "system_transcript": "You're welcome", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Tag.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "essen", "eritreanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte einen eritreisches Restaurant an der Nordseite. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "eritreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte einen eritreisches Restaurant an der Nordseite. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, wie wäre es mit der Adresse für ein indisches Restaurant?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry but no records match what you are looking for today, are you open to another option?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, wie wäre es mit der Adresse für ein indisches Restaurant?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Billige Preise bitte." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 2 options, would you prefer moderate or cheap price range?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Billige Preise bitte.", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das sollte reichen. Danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "Royal spice located at Victoria Avenue Chesterton and the phone number is 01733 553355. Is there anything else I can assist you with today?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das sollte reichen. Danke.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich interessiere mich für ein teures Restaurant, das italienisches Essen serviert." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich interessiere mich für ein teures Restaurant, das italienisches Essen serviert.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Es ist mir egal, in welchem Teil der Stadt sich das Restaurant befindet." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are expensive Italian restaurants in centre and south. Do you have a preferred area?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Es ist mir egal, in welchem Teil der Stadt sich das Restaurant befindet.", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich bitte die Adresse und die Telefonnummer haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There is a very nice Italian restaurant called Stazione Restaurant and Coffee Bar in the centre of town.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich bitte die Adresse und die Telefonnummer haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "essen" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Was für Essen wird dort serviert?" ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number for stazione restaurant and coffee bar is 01223 352607 and they are located at Market Hill City Centre. ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "essen" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Was für Essen wird dort serviert?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke sehr." ] ], "system_transcript": "They serve italian food. ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke sehr.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "libanesisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hi, ich suche libanesisches Essen mit einem moderaten Preis. Ich brauche die Adresse und Telefonnummer. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "libanesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hi, ich suche libanesisches Essen mit einem moderaten Preis. Ich brauche die Adresse und Telefonnummer. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes I have found a Lebanese restaurant on the west side. Here is the address and phone number.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "libanesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke!", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke und auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "Ali baba is located at 59 Hills Road City Centre. The phone number is 01462 432565. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "libanesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke und auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem billigen Restaurant im nördlichen Teil der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem billigen Restaurant im nördlichen Teil der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist mir egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "What kind of food are you looking for?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist mir egal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie ist die Telefonnummer? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I would recommend the Da Vinci Pizzeria. They are located at 20 Milton Road, Chesterton.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie ist die Telefonnummer? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie ist die Adresse? " ] ], "system_transcript": "da vinci pizzeria's phone number is 01223 351707. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie ist die Adresse? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "essen" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Was für Essen wird dort serviert? " ] ], "system_transcript": "The address of Da Vinci Pizzeria is 20 Milton Road Chesterton. ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "essen" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Was für Essen wird dort serviert? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke sehr! auf Wiederhören!" ] ], "system_transcript": "They serve italian food .", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke sehr! auf Wiederhören!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hi, ich suche ein teures Restaurant im östlichen Teil der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hi, ich suche ein teures Restaurant im östlichen Teil der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Könnte ich bitte die Telefonnummer haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I have the Indian restaurant Pipasha located at Newmarket Road Fen Ditton. Does that sound good?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Könnte ich bitte die Telefonnummer haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke, das ist super." ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01223 577786", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke, das ist super.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich bitte die zweite Option haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich bitte die zweite Option haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The second option is Yu Garden, 01223 248882.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke!", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke sehr, auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": " Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke sehr, auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gerne ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen im südlichen Teil der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gerne ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen im südlichen Teil der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "essen" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Was für Essen bietet jedes von denen an?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I have two restaurants. They are Pizza Hut Cherry Hinton and Restaurant Alimentum.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "essen" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Was für Essen bietet jedes von denen an?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, wie ist die Adresse und Telefonnummer für Pizza Hut Cherry Hinton? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Pizza Hut Cherry Hinton is Italian, and Restaurant Alimentum is Modern European. Would you like information on either of them? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, wie ist die Adresse und Telefonnummer für Pizza Hut Cherry Hinton? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "essen" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Was für Essen serviert man dort? " ] ], "system_transcript": "The address for pizza hut cherry hinton is G4 Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton and the phone number is 01223 323737 ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "essen" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Was für Essen serviert man dort? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön, auf Wiederhören. " ] ], "system_transcript": "They serve italian food. Can I help you with anything else? ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön, auf Wiederhören. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Noch mal auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "Goodbye", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Noch mal auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem moderat bepreisten Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem moderat bepreisten Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Egal, aber ich würde gerne die Adresse und die Telefonnummer haben. " ] ], "system_transcript": "What kind of food are you interested in having?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Egal, aber ich würde gerne die Adresse und die Telefonnummer haben. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "gegend" ] ], "asr": [ [ "In welchem Teil der Stadt ist es? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I recommend Pizza Hut Cherry Hinton. its phone number is 01223 323737, and their address is G4 Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "gegend" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "In welchem Teil der Stadt ist es? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke sehr, auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "it is located in the south part of town", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke sehr, auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem teuren Restaurant im Osten der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem teuren Restaurant im Osten der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es noch etwas anderes? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I have found several. Would you like British, Indian, gastropub, or Chinese?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es noch etwas anderes? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ], [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das ist okay. Welche chinesischen Restaurants gibt es an der East Side? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no other types of expensive restaurants in the east, would you like to try another area?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das ist okay. Welche chinesischen Restaurants gibt es an der East Side? ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es noch ein anderes chinesisches Restaurant im Osten? " ] ], "system_transcript": "yu garden is on the east side, would you like the phone number?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es noch ein anderes chinesisches Restaurant im Osten? ", "system_acts": [ [ "telefon" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie ist die Telefonnummer für Yu Garden? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Yu Garden is the only Chinese restaurant on the east side of town in the expensive price range.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie ist die Telefonnummer für Yu Garden? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, ich denke, das reicht mir. Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe." ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number for Yu Garden is 01223 248882. May I help you with anything else?", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, ich denke, das reicht mir. Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "koscher" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach der Adresse und der Telefonnummer für ein Restaurant das koscheres Essen serviert und nicht zu teuer ist. Wenn es nichts gibt, bin ich auch bereit, nach einem indischen Restaurant zu schauen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koscher" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach der Adresse und der Telefonnummer für ein Restaurant das koscheres Essen serviert und nicht zu teuer ist. Wenn es nichts gibt, bin ich auch bereit, nach einem indischen Restaurant zu schauen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Na ja ich bin nicht sicher, sagen Sie es mir? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Are there any moderately priced indian restaurants then?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koscher" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Na ja ich bin nicht sicher, sagen Sie es mir? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "I have no kosher restaurants, but several moderately priced Indian restaurants. Which part of town would you prefer?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist egal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ], [ "essen", "indisch" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "In Ordnung, ich werde bitte die Adresse und die Telefonnummer für beide nehmen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 2 on the east side: Curry Prince and Rajmahal. Meghna is on the west side and the nirala is on the north.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "In Ordnung, ich werde bitte die Adresse und die Telefonnummer für beide nehmen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke sehr und auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "The curry prince is located at 451 Newmarket Road Fen Ditton and their phone number is 01223 566388. The rajmahal is located at 7 Barnwell Road Fen Ditton and their phone number is 01223 244955. ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke sehr und auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wohin sollte ich für gutes, französisches Essen gehen?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wohin sollte ich für gutes, französisches Essen gehen?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich weiß nicht. Überraschen Sie mich! Der Preis ist mir auch egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There is a restaurant on the north side and centre. Is there a specific area you would like to be?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich weiß nicht. Überraschen Sie mich! Der Preis ist mir auch egal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Dürfte ich die Postleitzahl haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Cote is an expensive French restaurant on Bridge street in the city centre, their phone number is 01223311053. ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Dürfte ich die Postleitzahl haben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke sehr. " ] ], "system_transcript": "C.B 2, 1 U.F", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke sehr. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "essen", "deutsch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein deutsches Restaurant im Westen der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "deutsch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein deutsches Restaurant im Westen der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wär's mit einem Italiener? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no German restaurants in the west part of town. Would you like to make another query?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wär's mit einem Italiener? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie ist die Telefonnummer von einem der beiden? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are several Italian restaurants in the west part of town. La Margherita is cheap and Prezzo is moderate. Would you like the address of one of those?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie ist die Telefonnummer von einem der beiden? ", "system_acts": [ [ "adresse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke sehr und auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number to Prezzo, which is moderately priced, is 01799 521260. Is there anything else I can assist you with today? ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke sehr und auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte gerne ein Restaurant, das nicht zu teuer ist, in einer westlichen Gegend. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte gerne ein Restaurant, das nicht zu teuer ist, in einer westlichen Gegend. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Sind noch irgendwelche anderen verfügbar? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 2 Italian restaurants, Maghna and Prezzo as well as a British restaurant, Saint johns chop house", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Sind noch irgendwelche anderen verfügbar? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Nein. Geben Sie mir die Telefonnummer von Saint John's Chop House. " ] ], "system_transcript": "No, those are the only three. Would you like to search in a different area?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein. Geben Sie mir die Telefonnummer von Saint John's Chop House. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Sind Sie sicher, dass das die Telefonnummer vom Chop House ist? " ] ], "system_transcript": "01223 353110", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Sind Sie sicher, dass das die Telefonnummer vom Chop House ist? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Warten sie! Können Sie mir bestätigen, dass das die Telefonnummer vom Chop House ist? " ] ], "system_transcript": "thank u, goodbye ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Warten sie! Können Sie mir bestätigen, dass das die Telefonnummer vom Chop House ist? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das ist alles." ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, that is the correct number. Will that be all?", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist alles.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "toskanisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach toskanischem Essen in irgendeiner Preisklasse. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "toskanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach toskanischem Essen in irgendeiner Preisklasse. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Okay, wie sieht es mit vietnamesischem Essen aus?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry but there are no listings for Tuscan restaurants. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, wie sieht es mit vietnamesischem Essen aus?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Recht vielen Dank." ] ], "system_transcript": "Thanh binh is in the west area with cheap prices. The phone number is 01223 362456 and address is 17 Magdalene Street City Centre.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Recht vielen Dank.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "essen", "italiänisch" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich brauche die Telefonnummer von einem Restaurant im Westteil der Stadt, das italienisches Essen serviert. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich brauche die Telefonnummer von einem Restaurant im Westteil der Stadt, das italienisches Essen serviert. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke sehr, auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "Prezzo is an Italian restaurant in the west part of town, their phone number is 01799 521260.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke sehr, auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hi! Ich suche nach billigem Essen." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hi! Ich suche nach billigem Essen.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Nein, können Sie etwas im östlichen Teil der Stadt für mich finden? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Do you have a preference of what type of food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, können Sie etwas im östlichen Teil der Stadt für mich finden? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Bitte nur die Adresse." ] ], "system_transcript": "The Missing Sock is a cheap restaurant in the East. Would you like the address, phone and post code?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Bitte nur die Adresse.", "system_acts": [ [ "adresse" ], [ "telefon" ], [ "postleitzahl" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich bitte die Adresse für das Missing Sock haben? Das ist alles. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich bitte die Adresse für das Missing Sock haben? Das ist alles. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe." ] ], "system_transcript": "Finders Corner Newmarket Road. Is there anything else that I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "essen", "baskisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hi, ich suche nach einem baskischen Restaurant im westlichen Teil der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "baskisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hi, ich suche nach einem baskischen Restaurant im westlichen Teil der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit britischem Essen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I don't see any Basque restaurants. Is there another type of food you might like?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit britischem Essen? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich brauche die Adresse und Telefonnummer, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Graffiti is a British restaurant located in the west part of town and in the expensive price range. Would you like their address?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich brauche die Adresse und Telefonnummer, bitte. ", "system_acts": [ [ "adresse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "gegend" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Welcher Teil der Stadt ist das? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Graffiti is located at Hotel Felix Whitehouse Lane Huntingdon Road, and you can phone them at 01223 277977. Do you need additional information?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "gegend" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Welcher Teil der Stadt ist das? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, danke. Ich habe alles, was ich brauche. Auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "it is located in the west part of town", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, danke. Ich habe alles, was ich brauche. Auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich brauche ein Restaurant, das türkisches Essen serviert." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich brauche ein Restaurant, das türkisches Essen serviert.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich habe keine Präferenz. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two moderately priced Turkish restaurants and one expensive one, all in centre area. Do you have a price range preference?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich habe keine Präferenz. ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ], [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Welches ist das andere türkische Restaurant, das moderate Preise hat? " ] ], "system_transcript": "anatolia serves turkish food in the moderate price range", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Welches ist das andere türkische Restaurant, das moderate Preise hat? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "preisklasse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Was ist die Adresse und die Preisspanne?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Efes restaurant. Do you have any additional questions?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "preisklasse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Was ist die Adresse und die Preisspanne?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "essen" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Welches Essen machen sie besonders gut? " ] ], "system_transcript": "they are in the moderate price range and the address is King Street City Centre", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "essen" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Welches Essen machen sie besonders gut? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank, auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "They serve turkish food. ", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank, auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "essen", "international" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach internationalem Essen irgendwo in der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach internationalem Essen irgendwo in der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist mir egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 3 results for international restaurants. Do you care about the price range?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist mir egal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke sehr. Auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "bloomsbury restaurant serves international food and is located at Crowne Plaza Hotel 20 Downing Street. Their phone number is 0871 942 9180. Can I help you with anything else? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke sehr. Auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "polisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, ich suche nach einem teuren, polnischen Restaurant. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "polisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, ich suche nach einem teuren, polnischen Restaurant. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "nordamerikanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit Essen aus Nordamerika? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Sorry we don't have anything in the area. Is there anything else I can help you find?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "nordamerikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit Essen aus Nordamerika? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Großartig, kann ich bitte die Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl bekommen?" ] ], "system_transcript": "The Gourmet Burger Kitchen is available.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "nordamerikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Großartig, kann ich bitte die Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl bekommen?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön, auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01223 312598 and the post code is C.B 2, 1 A.B.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "nordamerikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön, auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "schweizerisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem Restaurant, das schweizer Essen serviert. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "schweizerisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem Restaurant, das schweizer Essen serviert. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit vietnamesischem Essen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry but there are no swiss restaurants in town. Can i offer you something else?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit vietnamesischem Essen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Könnte ich bitte die Adresse und Telefonnummer bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes thanh binh serves vietnamese food and it is in the west part of town can i help you with anything else?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Könnte ich bitte die Adresse und Telefonnummer bekommen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "essen" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Welches Essen gibt es dort?" ] ], "system_transcript": "thanh binh is located at 17 Magdalene Street City Centre and phone number is 01223 362456.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "essen" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Welches Essen gibt es dort?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "preisklasse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie ist die Preisspanne? " ] ], "system_transcript": "They serve vietnamese food. ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "preisklasse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie ist die Preisspanne? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke sehr, auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "They are in the cheap price range. ", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke sehr, auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "jamaikanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte bitte gerne ein jamaikanisches Restaurant. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "jamaikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte bitte gerne ein jamaikanisches Restaurant. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Na gut. Wie wäre es mit einem portugiesischen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no jamaican restaurants, would you care for another type of food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Na gut. Wie wäre es mit einem portugiesischen? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Könnte ich die Telefonnummer und Adresse für das Lokal im Süden haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two, Nandos City Centre as well as Nandos in the south part of the city, do you have a preference?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Könnte ich die Telefonnummer und Adresse für das Lokal im Süden haben?", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke sehr, auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "The address is Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way, and the phone number is 01223 327908. Can I help you with anything else?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke sehr, auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hi. ich suche nach einem billigen Restaurant in der South Side. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hi. ich suche nach einem billigen Restaurant in der South Side. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Chinesisch. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Okay, Portuguese or Chinese?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Chinesisch. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Danke. Kann ich die Adresse haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I have the lucky star at Cambridge Leisure Park on Clifton Way in Cherry Hinton", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke. Kann ich die Adresse haben?", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, ich suche ein Restaurant mit billigen Preisen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, ich suche ein Restaurant mit billigen Preisen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Irgendwas, das nicht teuer ist und im nördlichen Teil der Stadt liegt? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Ask for more constraints.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Irgendwas, das nicht teuer ist und im nördlichen Teil der Stadt liegt? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es noch andere Möglichkeiten? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I have two listings for you in the north, da vince pizzeria and royal spice, an indian restaurant.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es noch andere Möglichkeiten? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Nummer für die Da Vince Pizzeria? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Those are the only options that meet your criteria. ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Nummer für die Da Vince Pizzeria? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number for Da Vinci Pizzeria is 01223 351707. Do you need any more information?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, danke.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein gutes, nicht zu teures Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein gutes, nicht zu teures Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Kennen Sie welche? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There is the pizza Hut or the restaurant Alimentum.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kennen Sie welche? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Noch etwas? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no other moderately priced restaurants located in the south part of town. I can show you moderately priced restaurants in other parts of town.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Noch etwas? ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, erzählen Sie mir mehr über Alimentum. Wie ist die Adresse? Recht vielen Dank." ] ], "system_transcript": "Restaurant Alimentum has modern european food. The address is 152 - 154 Hills Road and phone number is \t 01223 413000.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, erzählen Sie mir mehr über Alimentum. Wie ist die Adresse? Recht vielen Dank.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "asiatische pfanne" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte gerne pan-asiatisches Essen zu einem billigen Preis." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "asiatische pfanne" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte gerne pan-asiatisches Essen zu einem billigen Preis.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie sieht es mit asiatisch-orientalischem Essen aus? Ich möchte gerne eine Telefonnummer und eine Adresse für irgendein asiatisches Restaurant, das sie finden können. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no restaurants matching your requests. Would you like another restaurant? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie sieht es mit asiatisch-orientalischem Essen aus? Ich möchte gerne eine Telefonnummer und eine Adresse für irgendein asiatisches Restaurant, das sie finden können. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "preisklasse" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Und das ist ein billiges Restaurant? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Dojo Noodle Bar serves Asian Oriental. Their phone number is 01223 363471 and their address is 40210 Millers Yard City Centre. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "preisklasse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Und das ist ein billiges Restaurant? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es noch etwas? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, dojo noodle bar is a restaurant in the cheap price range.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es noch etwas? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "No, enjoy your meal!", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "libanesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, ich suche ein libanesisches Restaurant. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "libanesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, ich suche ein libanesisches Restaurant. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Könnte ich bitte eine Adresse bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Try Ali Baba on Hills Road City Centre.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "libanesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Könnte ich bitte eine Adresse bekommen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "59 Hills Road City Centre", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "libanesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein billiges Restaurant mit chinesischen Essen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein billiges Restaurant mit chinesischen Essen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Südlicher Teil der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are several cheap Chinese restaurants. Would you prefer any certain area of town?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Südlicher Teil der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, wie lautet deren Telefonnummer und Adresse? " ] ], "system_transcript": "The Lucky Star is the only cheap Chinese restaurant in the south part of town. Would you like any contact information?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, wie lautet deren Telefonnummer und Adresse? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Wunderbar. Vielen Dank. Das ist alles, was ich brauche." ] ], "system_transcript": "The Lucky Star restaurant is on Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton and can be reached by phone at 01223 244277.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wunderbar. Vielen Dank. Das ist alles, was ich brauche.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "essen", "koscher" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach koscherem Essen im Norden. Falls nicht, dann französisch. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koscher" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach koscherem Essen im Norden. Falls nicht, dann französisch. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Okay, wie ist die Adresse? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, we have a french restaurant in the north area for you. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, wie ist die Adresse? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Die Telefonnummer, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Restaurant Two Two is at 22 Chesterton Road, Chesterton. Is there anything else?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Die Telefonnummer, bitte. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön! Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Tag." ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01223 351880.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön! Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Tag.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "malaysisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein Restaurant, das malaysisches Essen serviert und günstige Preise hat. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "malaysisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein Restaurant, das malaysisches Essen serviert und günstige Preise hat. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit vietnamesischem Essen?" ] ], "system_transcript": "No matches found for cheap Malaysian food. Would you like something else?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit vietnamesischem Essen?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das klingt wunderbar! Könnte ich bitte deren Telefonnummer haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Thanh binh is a nice restaurant that serves Vietnamese food and is in the cheap price range.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das klingt wunderbar! Könnte ich bitte deren Telefonnummer haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Okay, danke schön für Ihre Hilfe!" ] ], "system_transcript": "thanh binh's phone number is 01223 362456", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, danke schön für Ihre Hilfe!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein billiges Restaurant." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein billiges Restaurant.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte irgendwas im Zentrum." ] ], "system_transcript": "Ok, I'm showing a number of cheap restaurants in town. Which area do you prefer ?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte irgendwas im Zentrum.", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich habe einen Fehler gemacht. Ich suche nach einem billigen Restaurant im nördlichen Teil der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are many restaurants in the centre of town. Is there any particular type of food you desire?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich habe einen Fehler gemacht. Ich suche nach einem billigen Restaurant im nördlichen Teil der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bevorzuge indisches Essen." ] ], "system_transcript": "I have two restaurants available, do you prefer Italian or Indian food? ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bevorzuge indisches Essen.", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es noch etwas? " ] ], "system_transcript": "royal spice is a cheap indian restaurant in the north.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es noch etwas? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit einem italienischen Restaurant? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There is nothing else in the Indian and cheap in the north part of town. ", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit einem italienischen Restaurant? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke für die Information. Auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "Da Vinci Pizzeria is a cheap Italian restaurant in the north. It's address is 20 Milton Road, Chesterton. ", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke für die Information. Auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "essen", "steakhaus" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich brauche bitte ein Steakhouse im nördlichen Teil der Stadt. Was können Sie empfehlen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "steakhaus" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich brauche bitte ein Steakhouse im nördlichen Teil der Stadt. Was können Sie empfehlen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie ist es mit chinesisch? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no steakhouses in the north side of town. Can I help you find anything else?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie ist es mit chinesisch? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ich habe wirklich etwas gesucht, das Steak oder chinesisches Essen im Angebot hat." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no Chinese restaurants in the north side of town. Can I search in a different area of town?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich habe wirklich etwas gesucht, das Steak oder chinesisches Essen im Angebot hat.", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich die Telefonnummer haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Oh wait, there are some chinese restaurants in the north. The one I recommend is golden wok in the moderate price range.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich die Telefonnummer haben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke sehr, auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "The number for Golden Wok is 01223 350688", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke sehr, auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "essen", "es ist egal" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Welche günstigen Restaurants gibt es im East End? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Welche günstigen Restaurants gibt es im East End? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Welche günstigen Restaurants gibt es im östlichen Teil der Stadt? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Is this the only cheap restaurant on the east side of town?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Welche günstigen Restaurants gibt es im östlichen Teil der Stadt? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Super, kann ich bitte die Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "how does the missing sock sound? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Super, kann ich bitte die Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl bekommen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das klingt super! Vielen Dank, auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "Sure thing! Phone is 01223 812660. Postcode C.B 25, 9 A.Q. Would you like anything else?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das klingt super! Vielen Dank, auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Könnten Sie mir bitte helfen, ein teures Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt zu finden? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Könnten Sie mir bitte helfen, ein teures Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt zu finden? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "essen" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, welche Art von Essen wird dort serviert? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Both the restaurant alimentum and the peking restaurant are expensive restaurants in the south part of town. Would you like their phone numbers?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "essen" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, welche Art von Essen wird dort serviert? ", "system_acts": [ [ "telefon" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Könnten Sie mir bitte die Telefonnummer des Restaurants geben, das Ihnen besser gefällt? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Restaurant alimentum serves modern european food, and peking restaurant serves chinese. ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Könnten Sie mir bitte die Telefonnummer des Restaurants geben, das Ihnen besser gefällt? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke sehr, auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "Peking Restaurant's phone number is 01223 354755. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke sehr, auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "ungewöhnlich" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie mir sagen, wo ich ungewöhnliches Essen finde? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "ungewöhnlich" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie mir sagen, wo ich ungewöhnliches Essen finde? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ], [ "essen", "international" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie denn die Telefonnummer eines internationalen Restaurants in der Nähe des Stadtzentrums finden? " ] ], "system_transcript": "So there are no unusual restaurants in town?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie denn die Telefonnummer eines internationalen Restaurants in der Nähe des Stadtzentrums finden? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Danke sehr, wie lauten die Telefonnummern von diesen Restaurants? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I found Bloomsbury restaurant and the varsity restaurant. 0871 942 9180 and 01223 356060", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke sehr, wie lauten die Telefonnummern von diesen Restaurants? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "preisklasse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Was ist ihre Preisklasse? " ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone numbers are listed above. Is there any other information you need?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "preisklasse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Was ist ihre Preisklasse? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ich verstehe, danke für Ihre Unterstützung!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Both are moderate.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich verstehe, danke für Ihre Unterstützung!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein Lokal, das chinesisches Essen hat." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein Lokal, das chinesisches Essen hat.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, ich suche die Adresse von einem, das im östlichen Teil der Stadt ist. " ] ], "system_transcript": "there are 17 chinese restaurants, do you prefer any price range or any area in town? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, ich suche die Adresse von einem, das im östlichen Teil der Stadt ist. ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ], [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön, auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "Yu Garden is a great, but expensive, Chinese restaurant. They are located at 529 Newmarket Road Fen Ditton. Is there anything else I can do for you?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön, auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem Restaurant im westlichen Teil der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem Restaurant im westlichen Teil der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "weihnachten" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gerne Weihnachtsessen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 14 restaurants in the west. Are you looking for a particular cuisine? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "weihnachten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gerne Weihnachtsessen. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit britischem Essen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry, there are no restaurants listed serving Christmas food. Would you like to try a different kind of food? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit britischem Essen? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Beide sind gut. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 3 british restaurants in the west. Do you like moderate or expensive price range? ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Beide sind gut. ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte die Adresse und die Telefonnummer. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Graffiti is an expensive restaurant serving british food in the west. Would you like the phone number, address, or postcode?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte die Adresse und die Telefonnummer. ", "system_acts": [ [ "telefon" ], [ "adresse" ], [ "postleitzahl" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "the address is Hotel Felix Whitehouse Lane Huntingdon Road and the phone number is 01223 277977", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "dänisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte gerne ein dänisches Restaurant finden, das moderate Preise hat." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "dänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte gerne ein dänisches Restaurant finden, das moderate Preise hat.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Versuche es einmal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no Danish restaurants in the moderate price range. Would you like me to check for restaurants serving a different type of food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "dänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Versuche es einmal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "gegend" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Nein. Wie wäre es mit Gastropub-Essen? Könnte ich bitte die Adresse, Telefonnummer und den Bereich haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Some options are Lebanese, Turkish, international, British, European, and Chinese. Do any of these interest you?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "gegend" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein. Wie wäre es mit Gastropub-Essen? Könnte ich bitte die Adresse, Telefonnummer und den Bereich haben?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. " ] ], "system_transcript": "The cow pizza kitchen and bar serves gastropub food, is located in the centre part of town and is in the moderate price range. Their phone number is 01223 308871. The address is Corn Exchange Street and the postcode is C.B 2, 3QF ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, vielen Dank." ] ], "system_transcript": "Is there anything else we can help you with today?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, vielen Dank.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "essen", "international" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, ich suche nach einem Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt, das internationales Essen serviert. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, ich suche nach einem Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt, das internationales Essen serviert. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit chinesischem Essen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry, there are no international food restaurants on the south side of town. Would you like another type of food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit chinesischem Essen? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich die Adresse des Lucky Star haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are the Peking Restaurant, which is expensive, the Good Luck Chinese Food Takeaway, which is also expensive, and the Lucky Star, which is cheap.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich die Adresse des Lucky Star haben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke sehr!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton 01223 244277", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke sehr!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte ein billiges Restaurant im östlichen Teil der Stadt finden. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte ein billiges Restaurant im östlichen Teil der Stadt finden. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie ist die Adresse und die Telefonnummer? " ] ], "system_transcript": "the missing sock is a cheap restaurant in the east .", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie ist die Adresse und die Telefonnummer? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Okay, danke. Das ist alles, was ich brauche." ] ], "system_transcript": "Their phone number is 01223 812660 and their address is Finders Corner Newmarket Road.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, danke. Das ist alles, was ich brauche.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "schwedisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hi. Das könnte ein bisschen schwierig werden, aber können Sie mir, helfen ein schwedisches Restaurant zu finden? Der Preis ist mir egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "schwedisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hi. Das könnte ein bisschen schwierig werden, aber können Sie mir, helfen ein schwedisches Restaurant zu finden? Der Preis ist mir egal. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit asiatisch-orientalischen Essen?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no restaurants serving Swedish food.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit asiatisch-orientalischen Essen?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Nein, danke schön. Ich brauche nur die Adresse und die Postleitzahl. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Dojo Noodle Bar serves Asian Oriental food in the centre of town. Would you like their number?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, danke schön. Ich brauche nur die Adresse und die Postleitzahl. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, danke schön. Auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "Dojo Noodle Bar is located at 40210 Millers Yard City Centre and their postcode is C.B 2, 1 R.Q. Is there anything else I can assist you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, danke schön. Auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hi, ich möchte gerne ein günstiges Restaurant im östlichen Teil der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hi, ich möchte gerne ein günstiges Restaurant im östlichen Teil der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich bitte die Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl haben? Wunderbar, vielen vielen Dank." ] ], "system_transcript": "There's The Missing Sock. Would you like an address?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich bitte die Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl haben? Wunderbar, vielen vielen Dank.", "system_acts": [ [ "adresse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "" ] ], "system_transcript": "Sure! Phone is 01223 812660, postcode C.B 25, 9 A.Q", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es irgendetwas im östlichen Teil? Falls nicht, geben Sie mir bitte die Telefonnummer und die Adresse für das Backstreet Bistro." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es irgendetwas im östlichen Teil? Falls nicht, geben Sie mir bitte die Telefonnummer und die Adresse für das Backstreet Bistro.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "" ] ], "system_transcript": "How about Backstreet Bistro, that serves gastropub food and is located in the center of town?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich die Telefonnummer und die Adresse haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich die Telefonnummer und die Adresse haben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "la margherita is a restaurant that matches your choice. They are located at 15 Magdalene Street City Centre, their number is 01223 315232.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche etwas Billiges! " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche etwas Billiges! ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Nein, aber es sollte im Süden sein. " ] ], "system_transcript": "I found many restaurants matching your requirements. Do you have a particular type of food in mind?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, aber es sollte im Süden sein. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie mir die Telefonnummer für beide geben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There is Nados a portuguese restaurant and The Lucky Star which serves chinese. Can I get you the phone number for either one?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie mir die Telefonnummer für beide geben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Nandos phone number is 01223 327908 and the lucky star phone number is 1223 244277. anything else i can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Thank you for using the Cambridge Restaurant System!", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Klick." ] ], "system_transcript": "thank you, goodbye", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Klick.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "essen", "halal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte ein Restaurant auf der Westseite, wo ich halal essen kann. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "halal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte ein Restaurant auf der Westseite, wo ich halal essen kann. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ], [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Dann möchte ich eben gerne ein chinesisches Restaurant auf der westlichen Seite haben." ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry there is nothing like that in the area. Is there anything else I could find for you?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Dann möchte ich eben gerne ein chinesisches Restaurant auf der westlichen Seite haben.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es überhaupt indische Restaurants in anderen Gegenden? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry, there is nothing like that on the west side either. Is there anything else I could find for you?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es überhaupt indische Restaurants in anderen Gegenden? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das hatte ich schon erwähnt. Bitte geben Sie mir die Adresse und Telefonnummer für ein indisches Restaurant auf der westlichen Seite der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "There is. Which part of town do you want?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das hatte ich schon erwähnt. Bitte geben Sie mir die Adresse und Telefonnummer für ein indisches Restaurant auf der westlichen Seite der Stadt.", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "essen", "malaysisch" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte ein Restaurant im nördlichen Teil der Stadt finden, das malaysisches Essen serviert. Falls es keines gibt, wie wäre es mit asiatisch-orientalischem Essen? Ich möchte gerne die Adresse und die Telefonnummer wissen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "malaysisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte ein Restaurant im nördlichen Teil der Stadt finden, das malaysisches Essen serviert. Falls es keines gibt, wie wäre es mit asiatisch-orientalischem Essen? Ich möchte gerne die Adresse und die Telefonnummer wissen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, wie lautet die Adresse und Telefonnummer für das asiatisch-orientalische Restaurant? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no malaysian restaurants in that area, but i did find an asian oriental restaurant in that area. Would you like their information?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, wie lautet die Adresse und Telefonnummer für das asiatisch-orientalische Restaurant? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Wunderbar, danke. " ] ], "system_transcript": "01223 356555 169 High Street Chesterton Chesterton", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wunderbar, danke. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das ist alles. Auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "No problem. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das ist alles. Auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "englisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach englischem Essen in irgendeiner Preisklasse. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "englisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach englischem Essen in irgendeiner Preisklasse. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit türkischem Essen? Ich brauche bitte eine Adresse und eine Postleitzahl. " ] ], "system_transcript": "I don't see any English restaurants in the area. Are you interested in any other types of food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit türkischem Essen? Ich brauche bitte eine Adresse und eine Postleitzahl. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke sehr. Auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "anatolia is located 30 Bridge Street City Centre, with postcode C.B 2, 1 U.J", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke sehr. Auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte das teuerste Restaurant, das sie in der Südstadt haben. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte das teuerste Restaurant, das sie in der Südstadt haben. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist mir egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are five restaurants that are in the south part of town and in the expensive price range. What type of food would you like?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist mir egal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Okay, können Sie mir andere Restaurants nennen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Chiquito restaurant bar is a nice restaurant that serves Mexican food in the expensive price range and is in the South part of town.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, können Sie mir andere Restaurants nennen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wunderbar! Können Sie mir bitte die Adresse und Telefonnummer von Frankie & Benny's sagen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, there are four other restaurants that meet your criteria. There is frankie and bennys, peking restaurant, taj tandoori, and the good luck chinese food takeaway.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wunderbar! Können Sie mir bitte die Adresse und Telefonnummer von Frankie & Benny's sagen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke sehr, auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "The address is Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton and the phone number is 01223 412430.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke sehr, auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem afrikanischen Restaurant irgendwo in der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem afrikanischen Restaurant irgendwo in der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Die Telefonnummer bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "I have an african restaurant, Bedouin located in centre, address 100 Mill Road City, Centre. Will that be acceptable?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Die Telefonnummer bitte. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke, das ist alles, was ich brauche. Tschüss." ] ], "system_transcript": "\t 01223 367660", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke, das ist alles, was ich brauche. Tschüss.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "essen", "skandinavisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach skandinavischem Essen in irgendeiner Gegend." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "skandinavisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach skandinavischem Essen in irgendeiner Gegend.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Könnten Sie nach einem vietnamesischen Restaurant schauen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I am not able to locate a Scandinavian restaurant; do you have a second choice?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Könnten Sie nach einem vietnamesischen Restaurant schauen? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das wird funktionieren. Ich möchte gerne die Adresse und die Telefonnummer für das Than Binh Restaurant." ] ], "system_transcript": "Thanh Binh is a Vietnamese restaurant in the west of town, and is in the cheap price range.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das wird funktionieren. Ich möchte gerne die Adresse und die Telefonnummer für das Than Binh Restaurant.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich brauche bitte auch die Adresse" ] ], "system_transcript": "Their phone number is 01223 362456. How else may I assist you?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich brauche bitte auch die Adresse", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das war's. Danke schön und auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "The address for Tanh Binh is 17 Magdalene Street City Centre. Is ther anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das war's. Danke schön und auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Im südlichen Teil der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "what part of town would you like? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Im südlichen Teil der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Keine Präferenzen. Suchen Sie bitte eines aus. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There is an Italian restaurant and one that serves Modern European. Which would you like?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Keine Präferenzen. Suchen Sie bitte eines aus. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie ist die Adresse und die Telefonnummer? " ] ], "system_transcript": "How about the Pizza Hut Cherry Hinton?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie ist die Adresse und die Telefonnummer? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "The address is G4 Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton. The phone number is 01223 323737.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte gerne in einem europäischen Lokal essen, können Sie mir helfen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte gerne in einem europäischen Lokal essen, können Sie mir helfen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Welches von diesen ist teuer?" ] ], "system_transcript": "You have a couple options. Cambridges Lodge, Eraina, Galleria, Michaelhouse Cafe? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Welches von diesen ist teuer?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie ist die Adresse? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Cambridges Lodge, Eraina, and Michaelhouse Cafe are expensive.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie ist die Adresse? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Die Gegend ist mir egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "To narrow it down, which area were you thinking?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Die Gegend ist mir egal. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ich weiß nicht...gibt es noch andere? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Try Michaellhouse Cafe, the address is St. Michael's Church Trinity Street City Centre", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich weiß nicht...gibt es noch andere? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte auch gerne die Postleitzahl für \"Eraina's\", bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "cambridge lodge restaurant address is Cambridge Lodge Hotel 139 Huntingdon Road City Centre. Darrys Cookhouse and wine shop address is 40270 King Street City Centre. Eraina address is Free School Lane City Centre. Can I help you with anything else? ", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte auch gerne die Postleitzahl für \"Eraina's\", bitte. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Okay, vielen Dank." ] ], "system_transcript": "C.B 2, 3 R.H", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, vielen Dank.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Bitte empfehlen Sie mir ein Restaurant im Süden, das moderate Preise hat. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Bitte empfehlen Sie mir ein Restaurant im Süden, das moderate Preise hat. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Italienisches Essen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "I found two moderately priced restaurants in the south part of town. Would you prefer Italian or Modern European food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Italienisches Essen. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es noch etwas anderes? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Pizza Hut Cherry Hinton is a nice italian restaurant in the moderate price range and it is in the south.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es noch etwas anderes? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich bitte die Adresse, Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Pizza Hut Cherry Hinton is the only Italian restaurant in the moderately priced category in the south part of town.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich bitte die Adresse, Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl haben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number for pizza hut cherry hinton 01223 323737 and they are located at G4 Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton. The postcode is C.B 1, 7 D.Y", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte türkisches Essen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte türkisches Essen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es noch etwas anderes? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I find 3 restaurants matching your request.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es noch etwas anderes? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja. Sind einige dieser Restaurants im Stadtzentrum? " ] ], "system_transcript": "You're looking for Turkish food, correct?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja. Sind einige dieser Restaurants im Stadtzentrum? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "preisklasse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Was ist die Preisspanne? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, there are three restaurants serving Turkish food in the center of town.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "preisklasse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Was ist die Preisspanne? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Was ist die Adresse? " ] ], "system_transcript": "anatolia and efes restaurant are moderately priced, while meze bar restaurant is expensive.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Was ist die Adresse? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Die Adresse für Anatolia, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "The address for which restaurant?", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Die Adresse für Anatolia, bitte. ", "system_acts": [ [ "adresse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das ist alles, was ich brauche. Danke schön." ] ], "system_transcript": "anatolia is located at 30 bridge street city centre. Is there anything else I can help you with? ", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist alles, was ich brauche. Danke schön.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gerne ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen im nördlichen Teil der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gerne ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen im nördlichen Teil der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich bitte die Telefonnummer von dem chinesischen Restaurant haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two moderately priced restaurants in the north part of town. One Chinese and one Indian. Please specify the desired cuisine type.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich bitte die Telefonnummer von dem chinesischen Restaurant haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Okay, danke schön." ] ], "system_transcript": "Golden Wok is located in the north side of town, serves chinese food and is in the moderate price range. Their phone number is 01223 350688.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, danke schön.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "essen", "kanapees" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich benötige ein östliches Restaurant. Ich möchte ein paar Häppchen probieren." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "kanapees" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich benötige ein östliches Restaurant. Ich möchte ein paar Häppchen probieren.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Könnten Sie mir dann ein chinesisches Restaurant empfehlen?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry, but there are no restaurants serving canapes food in the east part of town.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Könnten Sie mir dann ein chinesisches Restaurant empfehlen?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Yu Garden is a Chinese restaurant in the east part of town.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl, bitte. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, danke schön, auf Wiederhören. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Yu Garden is located at 529 Newmarket Road Fen Ditton and their number is 01223 248882. Also, their postcode is C.B 5, 8 P.A. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, danke schön, auf Wiederhören. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "Thank you.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hi, ich suche nach einem billigen Restaurant an der East Side. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hi, ich suche nach einem billigen Restaurant an der East Side. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, ich suche nach einem chinesischen Restaurant. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Are you interested in a specific type of food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, ich suche nach einem chinesischen Restaurant. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "international" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Okay, kann ich bitte die Adresse haben. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There is only one Cheap restaurant on the East side. It serves international food, and is called the Missing Sock. ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, kann ich bitte die Adresse haben. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön. Das ist alles." ] ], "system_transcript": "Sure thing, it's Finders Corner Newmarket Road", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön. Das ist alles.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "essen", "gemischt" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem Restaurant, das Crossover-Essen serviert. Falls nicht, dann reicht auch modernes, europäisches Essen. Darf ich bitte die Telefonnummer haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gemischt" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem Restaurant, das Crossover-Essen serviert. Falls nicht, dann reicht auch modernes, europäisches Essen. Darf ich bitte die Telefonnummer haben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Vielleicht so im mittleren Preissegment. Es ist nicht so wichtig. " ] ], "system_transcript": "do you have a preference for how much you'd like to spend?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gemischt" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielleicht so im mittleren Preissegment. Es ist nicht so wichtig. ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ], [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Lassen Sie uns nach denen im Stadtzentrum schauen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "I could not find any crossover resteraunts but I found 3 modern european. Would you prefer south or centre?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Lassen Sie uns nach denen im Stadtzentrum schauen. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ], [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Großartig! Darf ich bitte die Telefonnummer haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "You could try De Luca Cucina and Bar at 83 Regent Street. How does that sound?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Großartig! Darf ich bitte die Telefonnummer haben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank für ihre Hilfe! Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Tag." ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01223 356666.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank für ihre Hilfe! Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Tag.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, ich suche nach einem Restaurant zum moderaten Preis im östlichen Teil der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, ich suche nach einem Restaurant zum moderaten Preis im östlichen Teil der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es noch etwas? " ] ], "system_transcript": "do you want curry prince ?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es noch etwas? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "essen" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Adresse, die Telefonnummer und welches Essen gibt es in einem von denen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two other moderately priced restaurants on the east side, Pizza Hut Fen Ditton serving Italian food, and Rajmahal, another Indian restaurant.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "essen" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Adresse, die Telefonnummer und welches Essen gibt es in einem von denen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön. Auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "Rajmahal is the Indian restaurant. They are at 7 Barnwell Road Fen Ditton and their number is 01223 244955.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön. Auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich muss ein billiges Restaurant an der West Side finden. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich muss ein billiges Restaurant an der West Side finden. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Welches empfehlen Sie mir? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I have one Italian and one Vietnamese.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Welches empfehlen Sie mir? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Haben sie die Adresse und die Telefonnummer für beide Restaurants? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Please check the reviews for La Margherita and Thanh Binh to determine which would be suitable for you", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Haben sie die Adresse und die Telefonnummer für beide Restaurants? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das ist gut. Vielen Dank für ihre Hilfe." ] ], "system_transcript": "La Margherita is at 15 Magdalene Street City Centre, phone number is 01223 315232, and Thanh Binh is at 17 Magdalene Street City Centre, 01223 362456. Can I help you with anything else? ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist gut. Vielen Dank für ihre Hilfe.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Billiges Restaurant im Norden. Adresse und Telefonnummer, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Billiges Restaurant im Norden. Adresse und Telefonnummer, bitte. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich würde italienisches Essen bevorzugen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two restaurants in the cheap category in that area. Would you prefer Italian or Indian?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich würde italienisches Essen bevorzugen. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön, auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "da vinci pizzeria is located at 20 milton road chesterton and they can be reached at 01223 351707", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön, auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "essen" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant im Süden der Stadt, das moderate Preise hat. Kann ich bitte die Adresse und die Art des Restaurants haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "essen" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant im Süden der Stadt, das moderate Preise hat. Kann ich bitte die Adresse und die Art des Restaurants haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte bitte das italienische Restaurant. Dürfte ich die Adresse und die Telefonnummer haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two, one has Italian food and the other modern European. Do you have a preference?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte bitte das italienische Restaurant. Dürfte ich die Adresse und die Telefonnummer haben? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke. Welchen Dresscode gibt es in diesem Restaurant? " ] ], "system_transcript": "sure, the number is 01223 323737 and the address is G4 Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke. Welchen Dresscode gibt es in diesem Restaurant? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön für Ihre Hilfe. Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Tag!" ] ], "system_transcript": "We don't have that information, the name of the restaurant is Pizza Hut Cherry Hinton and the phone is 01223 323737 if you would like to call and ask directly.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön für Ihre Hilfe. Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Tag!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "meeresfrüchte" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Werden Sie mir dabei helfen, wirklich gute Meeresfrüchte zu bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "meeresfrüchte" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Werden Sie mir dabei helfen, wirklich gute Meeresfrüchte zu bekommen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Haben Sie die Adresse, die Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl? " ] ], "system_transcript": "For seafood, there's Loch Fyne in the centre of town.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "meeresfrüchte" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Haben Sie die Adresse, die Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "preisklasse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ist es ein High-End Restaurant?" ] ], "system_transcript": "the address, phone number, and postcode are as follows:\t 01223 362433 The Little Rose 37 Trumpington Street C.B 2, 1 Q.Y", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "preisklasse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "meeresfrüchte" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ist es ein High-End Restaurant?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein." ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, it is. Anything else?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "meeresfrüchte" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "essen", "jamaikanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt, das jamaikanisches Essen serviert. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "jamaikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt, das jamaikanisches Essen serviert. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "essen", "jamaikanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es irgendwo in der Stadt ein jamaikanisches Restaurant? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry but i cannot find any Jamaican restaurant located in the south .", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "jamaikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es irgendwo in der Stadt ein jamaikanisches Restaurant? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es dann mit portugiesischem Essen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Unfortunately there are not. Would you be interested in a different cuisine?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es dann mit portugiesischem Essen? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Wunderbar, danke sehr!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Nandos is located on the south side at Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way and the phone number is 01223 327908.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wunderbar, danke sehr!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "irisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein Restaurant, das irisches Essen serviert. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "irisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein Restaurant, das irisches Essen serviert. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit europäischem Essen in einer beliebigen Preisklasse?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I am sorry, I can't find any restaurant serving irish food in this town. Do you have another type of food in your mind? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit europäischem Essen in einer beliebigen Preisklasse?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Der Preis ist mir egal, solange es europäisch ist. Können Sie ein Restaurant empfehlen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I found 10 restaurants. Do you have a specific area or price range in mind?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Der Preis ist mir egal, solange es europäisch ist. Können Sie ein Restaurant empfehlen? ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ], [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Könnte ich bitte deren Adresse und Telefonnummer haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "cambridge lodge restaurant serves european food in the expensive price range.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Könnte ich bitte deren Adresse und Telefonnummer haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "The address is Cambridge Lodge Hotel 139 Huntingdon Road City Centre and the phone number is 01223 355166.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gerne ein Restaurant im östlichen Teil der Stadt, das moderate Preise hat. Ich würde gerne die Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl haben. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gerne ein Restaurant im östlichen Teil der Stadt, das moderate Preise hat. Ich würde gerne die Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl haben. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist mir egal." ] ], "system_transcript": "We have 3 matching your request in the East part of town. Do you prefer Indian or Italian?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist mir egal.", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie mir ein Restaurant empfehlen, das französisches Essen serviert? Ich brauche die Adresse, die Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl. Danke schön. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie mir ein Restaurant empfehlen, das französisches Essen serviert? Ich brauche die Adresse, die Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl. Danke schön. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist mir egal. Bitte geben Sie mir die Adresse, Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl." ] ], "system_transcript": "You would like a restaurant serving French food. Do you have a preference to what area it is located? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist mir egal. Bitte geben Sie mir die Adresse, Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl.", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön, auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "I can recommend 2 restaurants serving French cuisine: Cote, located at Bridge Street City Centre C.b2, 1 U.F, phone number 01223 311053 or restaurant two two located at 22 Chesterton Road Chesterton, C.B 4, 3 A.X, phone number 01223 351880 ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön, auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, bitte finden Sie für mich einen günstiges Lokal im nördlichen Teil der Stadt. Ich brauche bitte die Telefonnummer und die Adresse. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, bitte finden Sie für mich einen günstiges Lokal im nördlichen Teil der Stadt. Ich brauche bitte die Telefonnummer und die Adresse. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das von beiden, welches sie empfehlen. Kann ich die Telefonnummer und die Adresse haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "We found 1 Italian restaurant and 1 Indian restaurant, which restaurant would you like the phone number and address of?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das von beiden, welches sie empfehlen. Kann ich die Telefonnummer und die Adresse haben? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das ist super. Vielen Dank für die Info. Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Abend." ] ], "system_transcript": "Sure, I recommend the Italian place. Here's the information: da vinci pizzeria 01223 351707 20 Milton Road Chesterton. Would you like anything else?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das ist super. Vielen Dank für die Info. Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Abend.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem Restaurant im westlichen Teil der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem Restaurant im westlichen Teil der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön. Kann ich bitte die Adresse haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Cambridge Lodge Restaurant is in the west part of town, and it serves European food.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön. Kann ich bitte die Adresse haben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "preisklasse" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön. Ich würde gerne auch deren Preisklasse und die Telefonnummer haben." ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes. Their address is 139 Huntingdon Road City Centre. ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "preisklasse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön. Ich würde gerne auch deren Preisklasse und die Telefonnummer haben.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön, auf Wiederhören. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Cambridge Lodge Restaurant is in the expensive price range and the phone number is 01223 355166.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön, auf Wiederhören. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "You're welcome. Goodbye.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo! Können Sie mir ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen in der Südstadt empfehlen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo! Können Sie mir ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen in der Südstadt empfehlen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist nicht wichtig. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Would you prefer italian or modern european food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist nicht wichtig. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Dürfte ich bitte seine Adresse haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Restaurant Alimentum is a nice restaurant serving modern european food in the moderate price range and is located in the south.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Dürfte ich bitte seine Adresse haben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "Their address is 152 - 154 Hills Road.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich brauche portugiesisches Essen - Südstadt, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich brauche portugiesisches Essen - Südstadt, bitte. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich bitte die Telefonnummer und die Adresse haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Nandos is over by Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich bitte die Telefonnummer und die Adresse haben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Wunderbar, vielen Dank. " ] ], "system_transcript": "They are located at Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way and you can reach them by phone at 01223 327908.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wunderbar, vielen Dank. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Auf Wiederhören!" ] ], "system_transcript": "thank you, goodbye", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Auf Wiederhören!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ], [ "essen", "venezianisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, ich suche nach einem venezianischen Restaurant in der Mitte der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "venezianisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, ich suche nach einem venezianischen Restaurant in der Mitte der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie sieht es mit thailändischem Essen aus? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no restaurants serving Venetian food in the centre part of town. Would you like me to check another part of town?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie sieht es mit thailändischem Essen aus? ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist mir egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "what is the price range you are looking for? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist mir egal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich bitte die Adresse und Telefonnummer haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Bangkok City serves Thai food in the centre of town. Would you like an additional information regarding this restaurant?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich bitte die Adresse und Telefonnummer haben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "bangkok city's address is 24 Green Street City Centre and their phone number is 01223 354382", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte bitte ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte bitte ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "essen", "es ist egal" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Jede Art von Essen ist okay, solange es einen moderaten Preis hat und im nördlichen Teil der Stadt ist. " ] ], "system_transcript": "What kind of food would you like to have?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Jede Art von Essen ist okay, solange es einen moderaten Preis hat und im nördlichen Teil der Stadt ist. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es irgendwelche anderen Restaurants? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Golden Wok is in the north part of town, and is moderately priced. It serves Chinese food.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es irgendwelche anderen Restaurants? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das klingt gut. Was ist deren Telefonnummer? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There is the nirala, which serves indian food in the moderate price range and the north part of town", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das klingt gut. Was ist deren Telefonnummer? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01223 360966.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "essen", "australische" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "preisklasse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich brauche einen australisches Restaurant in der Südstadt. Können Sie mir die Telefonnummer und einige Preise besorgen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "preisklasse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "australische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich brauche einen australisches Restaurant in der Südstadt. Können Sie mir die Telefonnummer und einige Preise besorgen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ], [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Okay, wie sieht es mit chinesischem Essen in der Südstadt aus? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no Australian restaurants on the south side. Would you like to try a different area?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, wie sieht es mit chinesischem Essen in der Südstadt aus? ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "preisklasse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach der Adresse und der Preisklasse. " ] ], "system_transcript": "the lucky star serves Chinese food and is located on the south side. ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "preisklasse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach der Adresse und der Preisklasse. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "The lucky star has cheaply priced dishes and is located at Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "schwedisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es in der Stadt ein billiges, schwedisches Restaurant? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "schwedisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es in der Stadt ein billiges, schwedisches Restaurant? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit einem, das mediterranes Essen serviert? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no restaurants matching those preferences. Would you like a different restaurant? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit einem, das mediterranes Essen serviert? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das klingt toll. Wie lautet deren Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There is a cheap Mediterranean restaurant in the centre area of town. It is called The Gardenia.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das klingt toll. Wie lautet deren Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön! " ] ], "system_transcript": "The Gardenia is in the postcode C.B 2, 3 L.L. Their phone number is 01223 356354.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön! ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön und auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "Your welcome, is there anything I could help you with?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön und auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "weihnachten" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach etwas, das Weihnachtsessen serviert. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "weihnachten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach etwas, das Weihnachtsessen serviert. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie sieht es mit einem nicht so teuren chinesischen Restaurant aus? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no restaurants serving Christmas food. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie sieht es mit einem nicht so teuren chinesischen Restaurant aus? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Okay, wie ist die Telefonnummer?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, there is one called golden wok in the north part of town. do you want this one?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, wie ist die Telefonnummer?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es noch etwas anderes? " ] ], "system_transcript": "golden wok's number is 01223 350688", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es noch etwas anderes? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke! Ihnen auch!" ] ], "system_transcript": "That's all, enjoy your meal. ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke! Ihnen auch!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein Restaurant, das billig ist und im südlichen Teil der Stadt liegt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein Restaurant, das billig ist und im südlichen Teil der Stadt liegt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es etwas anderes? Und wie ist die Adresse und die Telefonnummer? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Nandos is a nice restaurant in the South part of town. It is in the cheap price range and serves Portuguese food. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es etwas anderes? Und wie ist die Adresse und die Telefonnummer? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das ist alles. Vielen Dank!" ] ], "system_transcript": "yes there is the lucky star serves chinese food in the cheap price range and in the south part of town, Its address is cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton and the phone number is 01223 327908.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das ist alles. Vielen Dank!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie mir helfen, ein nicht so teures Restaurant in der Südstadt zu finden? Ich brauche tatsächlich eines, das gar nicht teuer ist. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie mir helfen, ein nicht so teures Restaurant in der Südstadt zu finden? Ich brauche tatsächlich eines, das gar nicht teuer ist. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, was ist deren Adresse? " ] ], "system_transcript": "nandos is a nice place, it serves Portuguese food and it is in the cheap price range and the south part of town, is there anything else? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, was ist deren Adresse? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "Nandos's address is Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way C.B 1, 7 D.Y", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Es sollte im westlichen Teil der Stadt sein. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Do you have a preference on area?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Es sollte im westlichen Teil der Stadt sein. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Britisch klingt gut. Wie heißt es? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Do you have a preference on food type? There are three restaurants with the following food types: indian, italian, and british.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Britisch klingt gut. Wie heißt es? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, ich hätte gerne die Adresse und die Telefonnummer. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Saint johns chop house serves british food in the west part of town and is in the moderate price range. Would you like their location? ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, ich hätte gerne die Adresse und die Telefonnummer. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Perfekt. Vielen Dank." ] ], "system_transcript": "saint johns chop house phone number is 01223 353110 and is located at 21 - 24 Northampton Street", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Perfekt. Vielen Dank.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es ein Restaurant im nördlichen Teil der Stadt? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es ein Restaurant im nördlichen Teil der Stadt? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ], [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist mir egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are several restaurants in the north part of town. Do you have a preference of price range or type of food? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist mir egal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ], [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "schwedisch" ], [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gern ein Restaurant, das schwedisches Essen serviert und im nördlichen Teil der Stadt ist. " ] ], "system_transcript": "City Stop Restaurant is an expensive restaurant on the North side of town.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "schwedisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gern ein Restaurant, das schwedisches Essen serviert und im nördlichen Teil der Stadt ist. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie ist es mit indischem Essen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry but there are no Swedish serving restaurants in that area. Would you like to expand your search?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie ist es mit indischem Essen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "preisklasse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Was ist die Adresse, Telefonnummer und Preisklasse?" ] ], "system_transcript": "The Royal Spice restaurant has a cheap price range.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "preisklasse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Was ist die Adresse, Telefonnummer und Preisklasse?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "it's address is Victoria Avenue Chesterton, and phone number is 01733 553355.", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön und auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "gemischt" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach der Adresse und der Telefonnummer eines High-End-Crossover-Restaurants. Falls es das nicht gibt möchte ich ein modernes, europäisches in Betracht ziehen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gemischt" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach der Adresse und der Telefonnummer eines High-End-Crossover-Restaurants. Falls es das nicht gibt möchte ich ein modernes, europäisches in Betracht ziehen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Okay, großartig! Danke schön. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no crossover restaurants, but Darrys Cookhouse and Wine Shop is a modern European restaurant in the expensive price range. Their phone number is 01223 505015 and their address is 40270 King Street City Centre. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, großartig! Danke schön. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, sie haben alle meine Fragen beantwortet. Vielen Dank und auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, sie haben alle meine Fragen beantwortet. Vielen Dank und auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, können Sie mir einen billiges Restaurant in der Südstadt empfehlen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, können Sie mir einen billiges Restaurant in der Südstadt empfehlen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Chinesisch klingt gut. Ich hätte gerne die Adresse und die Telefonnummer. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Ok, I have one listing for a Portuguese restaurant and one listing for a Chinese restaurant. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Chinesisch klingt gut. Ich hätte gerne die Adresse und die Telefonnummer. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, danke für ihre Hilfe." ] ], "system_transcript": "The Lucky Star is at Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton, their phone is 01223 244277. Can I offer any further assistance?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, danke für ihre Hilfe.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem günstigem Restaurant, das chinesisches Essen serviert. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem günstigem Restaurant, das chinesisches Essen serviert. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Die Adresse und Telefonnummer bitte? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I recommend golden house.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Die Adresse und Telefonnummer bitte? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es noch eine andere Option? " ] ], "system_transcript": "The address is 12 Lensfield Road City Centre, and you can contact them by phone at 01842 753771.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es noch eine andere Option? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte bitte gerne die Info für Lucky Star." ] ], "system_transcript": "There is also Charliie Chan, Rice House, and The Lucky Star.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte bitte gerne die Info für Lucky Star.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön." ] ], "system_transcript": "Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton with the number 01223 244277", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "libanesisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, ich suche ein teures Restaurant, das libanesisches Essen serviert. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "libanesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, ich suche ein teures Restaurant, das libanesisches Essen serviert. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ], [ "request", "gegend" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich die Adresse, Telefonnummer und Lage eines italienischen Restaurants bekommen?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry, but I cannot find any expensive Lebanese restaurants.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "gegend" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich die Adresse, Telefonnummer und Lage eines italienischen Restaurants bekommen?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Perfekt, vielen Dank!" ] ], "system_transcript": "How about Caffe Uno, they are in the centre area. Their address is 32 Bridge Street City Centre and their phone number is 01223 448620.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Perfekt, vielen Dank!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "eritreanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Bitte erzählen Sie mir, wo ich eritreisches Essen finden kann! " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "eritreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Bitte erzählen Sie mir, wo ich eritreisches Essen finden kann! ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "essen", "indisch" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich würde auch zu einem Inder in der Südstadt gehen. Können Sie mir bitte auch die Telefonnummer geben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I am sorry but I am not showing any restaurants that are serving Eriteran food.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich würde auch zu einem Inder in der Südstadt gehen. Können Sie mir bitte auch die Telefonnummer geben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank!" ] ], "system_transcript": "taj tandoori is on the south side of town and can be reached at 01223 412299", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "essen", "russisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant, das russisches Essen im westlichen Teil der Stadt serviert. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "russisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant, das russisches Essen im westlichen Teil der Stadt serviert. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit einem Italiener? " ] ], "system_transcript": "No results were returned. Would you like me to check a different food type, or another area?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit einem Italiener? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ], [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, könnten Sie mir bitte deren Telefonnummern geben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There is prezzo and la margherita.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, könnten Sie mir bitte deren Telefonnummern geben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön, auf Wiederhören. " ] ], "system_transcript": "thank you, goodbye", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön, auf Wiederhören. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Oh ja, könnten Sie mir bitte die Telefonnummer für Prezzo geben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Did you not want the phone numbers for the two restaurants after all?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Oh ja, könnten Sie mir bitte die Telefonnummer für Prezzo geben?", "system_acts": [ [ "telefon" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich glaube das ist die Adresse, ich hatte nach der Telefonnummer gefragt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "21 - 24 Northampton Road", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich glaube das ist die Adresse, ich hatte nach der Telefonnummer gefragt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön für Ihre Hilfe." ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01799 521260. Can i help with anything else?", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön für Ihre Hilfe.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem netten, teuren Restaurant in der Südstadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem netten, teuren Restaurant in der Südstadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie mir bitte die Adresse, die Postleitzahl und die Telefonnummer geben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "backstreet bistro is an nice expensive one. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie mir bitte die Adresse, die Postleitzahl und die Telefonnummer geben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön. Das ist alles, was ich wissen muss. Auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "Backstreet Bistro is at 2 Sturton Street City Centre, post code C.B 1, 2 Q.A. The phone number is 01223 306306.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön. Das ist alles, was ich wissen muss. Auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "Thank you for using our system. Good bye ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, ich möchte ein teures Restaurant. In der Oststadt, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, ich möchte ein teures Restaurant. In der Oststadt, bitte. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es noch andere teure Restaurants im Osten? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Royal Standard is a Gastropub in East. Is this OK?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es noch andere teure Restaurants im Osten? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist egal, nur nicht Gastropub. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes there are four other options. What kind of food would you like?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist egal, nur nicht Gastropub. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das klingt nach etwas, dass mir gefallen würde. Können Sie mir die Adresse und die Telefonnummer geben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "May I recommend the Grafton Hotel Restaurant, then? They're very British, very expensive, and located in the east part of town.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das klingt nach etwas, dass mir gefallen würde. Können Sie mir die Adresse und die Telefonnummer geben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank und auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "Certainly. The Grafton Hotel restaurant is at 619 Newmarket Road Fen Ditton and the number there is 01223 241387. Can I be of further assistance? ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank und auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Nennen Sie mir ein Restaurant, das europäisches Essen serviert. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nennen Sie mir ein Restaurant, das europäisches Essen serviert. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ist mir egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are several restaurants serving european food. Would you like the west, center or south part of town? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ist mir egal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Jede Preisklasse ist okay. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Which price range are you looking for?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Jede Preisklasse ist okay. ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Könnte ich bitte die Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl für das Restaurant haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Cambridge Lodge Restaurant serves European food. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Könnte ich bitte die Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl für das Restaurant haben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, vielen Dank." ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is \t 01223 355166 and the post code is C.B 3, 0 D.Q. Is there anything else?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, vielen Dank.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "britische" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich brauche die Telefonnummer von einem britischen Restaurant, ich würde etwas Günstiges bevorzugen, aber auch teuer bezahlen." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich brauche die Telefonnummer von einem britischen Restaurant, ich würde etwas Günstiges bevorzugen, aber auch teuer bezahlen.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Jede Gegend ist okay. Gibt es stattdessen teure, britische Restaurants? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no cheap British restaurants, but there are five moderately priced selections. What area are you interested in?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Jede Gegend ist okay. Gibt es stattdessen teure, britische Restaurants? ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "No, I'm afraid not. Would you like information for a moderately priced one?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, bitte. ", "system_acts": [ [ "telefon" ], [ "adresse" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Sie hatten mir gesagt, es gebe keine moderaten Restaurants, Sie haben mir nicht die Wahrheit gesagt. Recht vielen Dank. " ] ], "system_transcript": "fitzbillies restaurant in the expensive range can be contacted at 01223 352500 and the address is 51 Trumpington Street City Centre.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Sie hatten mir gesagt, es gebe keine moderaten Restaurants, Sie haben mir nicht die Wahrheit gesagt. Recht vielen Dank. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ja. Ich weiß Ihre Hilfe zu schätzen." ] ], "system_transcript": "I apologize for any misunderstanding. Is my recommendation satisfactory?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja. Ich weiß Ihre Hilfe zu schätzen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es hier irgendwo ein Restaurant, das britische Fish and Chips serviert? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es hier irgendwo ein Restaurant, das britische Fish and Chips serviert? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gerne etwas in Downtown und zum moderaten Preis. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are a lot of restaurants that serve British food. Do you have a specific area or price range in mind?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gerne etwas in Downtown und zum moderaten Preis. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ], [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Jeder Lage ist okay. Es sollte aber moderate Preise haben." ] ], "system_transcript": "We do not have any restaurant downtown, would you like me search in a different area?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Jeder Lage ist okay. Es sollte aber moderate Preise haben.", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Osten, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "I found four British restaurants in centre and one in east. Which area would be more convenient?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Osten, bitte. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, ich hätte gerne die Adresse und die Telefonnummer. " ] ], "system_transcript": "I found cotto, a moderate british restaurant in the east. Do you like the address and phone number? ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, ich hätte gerne die Adresse und die Telefonnummer. ", "system_acts": [ [ "adresse" ], [ "telefon" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön. Auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "The address is 183 East Road City Centre and the phone number is 01223302010. ", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön. Auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich muss ein gutes Restaurant in der Südstadt finden. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich muss ein gutes Restaurant in der Südstadt finden. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es noch etwas anderes? " ] ], "system_transcript": "ok I have two listings, one for Italian and one for Modern European. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es noch etwas anderes? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Okay. Es muss nicht besonders teuer sein, aber eine großartige Qualität liefern. Gibt es also gutes Essen in den Restaurants?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Those are the only expensive places in the south.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay. Es muss nicht besonders teuer sein, aber eine großartige Qualität liefern. Gibt es also gutes Essen in den Restaurants?", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Chinesisch wäre gut. Ich brauche bitte die Adresse. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are several other restaurants in the South...is there any particular kind of food you're interested in?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Chinesisch wäre gut. Ich brauche bitte die Adresse. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank." ] ], "system_transcript": "Peking Restaurant 10 Homerton Street City Centre. ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ], [ "request", "gegend" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem teuren Restaurant, das koreanisches Essen serviert. Ich hätte bitte gerne die Adresse und die Lage. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "gegend" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem teuren Restaurant, das koreanisches Essen serviert. Ich hätte bitte gerne die Adresse und die Lage. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön. " ] ], "system_transcript": "The Little Seoul fits fits your price request. It is located at 108 Regent Street City Centre.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke schön, auf Wiederhören" ] ], "system_transcript": "thank you good bye ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke schön, auf Wiederhören", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Eines im östlichen Teil der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Eines im östlichen Teil der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "irisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Und es soll bitte irisches Essen servieren." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are several restaurants in the east part of town. Do you have a preference for the type of food or price range? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "irisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Und es soll bitte irisches Essen servieren.", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ], [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ], [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Indisches Essen in der Oststadt wäre gut. " ] ], "system_transcript": "I apologize, there are no restaurants in the east part of town that serve Irish food. Would you like to choose a different part of town or type of food?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Indisches Essen in der Oststadt wäre gut. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ], [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are four restaurants in the east part of town that serve Indian food. What price range would you like?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist egal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Dürfte ich die Telefonnummer haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Curry Prince is an Indian restaurant located in the east part of town in the moderate price range. Would you like any additional information?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Dürfte ich die Telefonnummer haben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Adresse? " ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01223 566388.", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Adresse? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank und auf Wiederhören. " ] ], "system_transcript": "curry prince is located at 451 newmarket road fen ditton. Is there anything else I can help you with? ", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank und auf Wiederhören. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Auf Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "Okay thank you ", "turn_idx": 7, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Auf Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]