[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "eritreanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es in dieser Stadt eritreische Restaurants?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "eritreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es in dieser Stadt eritreische Restaurants?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie sieht's mit chinesischem Essen aus?" ] ], "system_transcript": "No, there are no eritrean restaurants in town. Would you like a different restaurant? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie sieht's mit chinesischem Essen aus?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich würde gern in den östlichen Teil der Stadt gehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "There is a wide variety of Chinese restaurants, do you have an area preference or a price preference to narrow it down?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich würde gern in den östlichen Teil der Stadt gehen.", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich bitte die Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl von Yu Garden bekommen?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Yu Garden is a chinese restaurant in the east area.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich bitte die Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl von Yu Garden bekommen?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Dankeschön. Das war alles. Tschüss!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Phone is 01223 248882, address and postcode are 529 Newmarket Road Fen Ditton C.B 5, 8 P.A", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Dankeschön. Das war alles. Tschüss!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "deutsch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo! Ich suche ein nettes deutsches Restaurant." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "deutsch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo! Ich suche ein nettes deutsches Restaurant.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit europäisch?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no German restaurants listed, do you have another preference?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit europäisch?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist mir egal." ] ], "system_transcript": "Which area of town?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist mir egal.", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "gegend" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich bitte die Adresse, Telefonnummer und die Gegend des teuersten bekommen?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are ten restaurants that fit that description. Do you have a price preference?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "gegend" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich bitte die Adresse, Telefonnummer und die Gegend des teuersten bekommen?", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke und auf Wiedersehen!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Cambridge Lodge Restaurant is listed as expensive in the west area located at \t Cambridge Lodge Hotel 139 Huntingdon Road City Centre. Their phone number is\t 01223 355166. ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke und auf Wiedersehen!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "australasian" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein Restaurant in der höheren Preisklasse, das ozeanische Küche serviert." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "australasian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein Restaurant in der höheren Preisklasse, das ozeanische Küche serviert.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gern mediterranes Essen und brauche die Adresse und Telefonnummer." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no restaurants matching your requests. May I help you find a different type of restaurant? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gern mediterranes Essen und brauche die Adresse und Telefonnummer.", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke!" ] ], "system_transcript": "There is an expensive restaurant that serves mediterranean food located at Thompsons Lane Fen Ditton. Their phone number is 01223 362525.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Türkisches Essen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "What type of food would you like?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Türkisches Essen. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, geben Sie mir bitte die Telefonnummer und Adresse des türkischen Restaurants." ] ], "system_transcript": "I have two restaurants in the Centre area of town. Would you like the information for both?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, geben Sie mir bitte die Telefonnummer und Adresse des türkischen Restaurants.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "Anatolia is located at 30 Bridge Street City Centre, phone number is 01223 362372", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "essen", "persisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo! Ich suche nach einem persischen Restaurant im Westen der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "persisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo! Ich suche nach einem persischen Restaurant im Westen der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Nein, danke. Gibt es ein italienisches Restaurant? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry I do not have any Persian restaurants listed on the west side. Should I try Persian restaurants in all locations?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, danke. Gibt es ein italienisches Restaurant? ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Großartig! Dürfte ich bitte die Telefonnummer bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Prezzo is on the west side.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Großartig! Dürfte ich bitte die Telefonnummer bekommen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke, guten Abend!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01799 521260", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke, guten Abend!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Mir ist egal, in welcher Preisklasse. Empfehlen Sie mir einfach ein Restaurant, das europäische Küche anbietet. Ich hätte außerdem gern die Telefonnummer und Wegbeschreibung. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Mir ist egal, in welcher Preisklasse. Empfehlen Sie mir einfach ein Restaurant, das europäische Küche anbietet. Ich hätte außerdem gern die Telefonnummer und Wegbeschreibung. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Die Gegend ist mir egal. Irgendwo. " ] ], "system_transcript": "What area of town would you like?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Die Gegend ist mir egal. Irgendwo. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Dankeschön und auf Wiedersehen!" ] ], "system_transcript": "the cambridge lodge restaurant is located at Cambridge Lodge Hotel 139 Huntingdon Road City Centre and their phone number is 01223 355166. ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Dankeschön und auf Wiedersehen!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie bitte ein günstiges spanisches Restaurant für mich heraussuchen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie bitte ein günstiges spanisches Restaurant für mich heraussuchen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein günstiges Restaurant. " ] ], "system_transcript": "there are two spanish restaurants in total, what price range do you want ?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein günstiges Restaurant. ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie mir bitte die Adresse geben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "la raza is a spanish restaurant, in the cheap price range and in the centre part of town. ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie mir bitte die Adresse geben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "gegend" ] ], "asr": [ [ "In welcher Gegend ist das? " ] ], "system_transcript": "The address is 4 - 6 Rose Crescent. Can I help you with anything else?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "gegend" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "In welcher Gegend ist das? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Dankeschön. Auf Wiedersehen!" ] ], "system_transcript": "la raza's area is in the centre part of town", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Dankeschön. Auf Wiedersehen!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "marokkanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, ich suche ein Restaurant, das marokkanisches Essen serviert. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "marokkanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, ich suche ein Restaurant, das marokkanisches Essen serviert. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie sieht es mit britischem Essen aus? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Sorry, we don't have a restaurant that fits that description.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie sieht es mit britischem Essen aus? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "preisklasse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie mir bitte Auskunft über die Preisklasse von Cotto geben? Ich brauche die Adresse und Telefonnummer. Danke. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There is a cotto restaurant that has british food", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "preisklasse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie mir bitte Auskunft über die Preisklasse von Cotto geben? Ich brauche die Adresse und Telefonnummer. Danke. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das wird reichen - nochmal danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, the number is 01223 302010. The address is 183 East Road City Centre. Anything else?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das wird reichen - nochmal danke.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "mexikanisch" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo! Können Sie mir bitte die Telefonnummer und Adresse des nächsten mexikanischen Restaurants geben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mexikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo! Können Sie mir bitte die Telefonnummer und Adresse des nächsten mexikanischen Restaurants geben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke und auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "Chiquito restaurant bar is at 2G Cambridge Leisure Park Cherry Hinton Road Cherry Hinton and their phone number is 01223 400170.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mexikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke und auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "schwedisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wo kann ich schwedisch Essen gehen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "schwedisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wo kann ich schwedisch Essen gehen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Egal wo. " ] ], "system_transcript": "We have a number of swedish options, do you have a location you'd like to look in?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "schwedisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Egal wo. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit vietnamesisch? " ] ], "system_transcript": "My apologies, there must have been a glitch in the system. I show no Swedish restaurants; may I help with somewhere else?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit vietnamesisch? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich brauche die Adresse und Telefonnummer, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "there is one Vietnamese restaurant on the west side. Would you like this information?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich brauche die Adresse und Telefonnummer, bitte. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das war's. Danke und auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "Sure, the phone number is 01223 362456 and the address is 17 Magdalene Street City Centre. Anything else I can help with?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das war's. Danke und auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "englisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo! Ich suche ein teures Restaurant, das englisches Essen anbietet. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "englisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo! Ich suche ein teures Restaurant, das englisches Essen anbietet. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wär's, wenn Sie ein türkisches für mich finden? " ] ], "system_transcript": "No restaurant matching your description have been found.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wär's, wenn Sie ein türkisches für mich finden? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "gegend" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Großartig! Wo finde ich das? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There is one expensive Turkish restaurant in town: Meze Bar Restaurant.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "gegend" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Großartig! Wo finde ich das? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke. Auf Wiedersehen!" ] ], "system_transcript": "It's in the centre of town, the address is 196 Mill Road City Centre.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke. Auf Wiedersehen!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "kreativ" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo! Haben Sie ein Verzeichnis mit Restaurants, die kreative Küche anbieten? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "kreativ" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo! Haben Sie ein Verzeichnis mit Restaurants, die kreative Küche anbieten? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit modernem europäischem Essen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "sorry, i couldnt find anything. is there something else you would like?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit modernem europäischem Essen? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Mittlere Preisklasse, bitte. Kann ich bitte eine Telefonnummer bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "We have several. Do you prefer Centre or west, moderate or expensive?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Mittlere Preisklasse, bitte. Kann ich bitte eine Telefonnummer bekommen? ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ], [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Die De Luca Cucina and Bar liegt im Zentrum. Die Telefonnummer lautet 01223 356666. " ] ], "system_transcript": "The De Luca Cucina and Bar is located in Centre with the phone number of 01223 356666", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Die De Luca Cucina and Bar liegt im Zentrum. Die Telefonnummer lautet 01223 356666. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das war's. Dankeschön." ] ], "system_transcript": "That's correct. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das war's. Dankeschön.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein teures Restaurant im östlichen Teil der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein teures Restaurant im östlichen Teil der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist mir egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "there are 5 expensive restaurants in the east, what food type do you want ?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist mir egal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Telefonnummer?" ] ], "system_transcript": "How about the Royal Standard at 290 Mill Road City Centre?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Telefonnummer?", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte bitte gern ein günstiges Restaurant im nördlichen Teil der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte bitte gern ein günstiges Restaurant im nördlichen Teil der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es da noch etwas anderes? " ] ], "system_transcript": "da vinci pizzeria is an italian restaurant in the north part of town. Would you like their phone number or address?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es da noch etwas anderes? ", "system_acts": [ [ "telefon" ], [ "adresse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es noch etwas anderes in der günstigen Preisklasse im Norden der Stadt? " ] ], "system_transcript": "City Stop Restaurant is in the north part of town, and it is in the cheap price range. ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es noch etwas anderes in der günstigen Preisklasse im Norden der Stadt? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Adresse und Telefonnummer von Royal Spice, ja, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Royal Spice is a cheap restaurant on the north side of town. Would you like their address?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Adresse und Telefonnummer von Royal Spice, ja, bitte. ", "system_acts": [ [ "adresse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das war alles. Dankeschön. Auf Wiedersehen!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number for royal spice is 01733 553355 and they are located at Victoria Avenue Chesterton. Can I help you with anything else? ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das war alles. Dankeschön. Auf Wiedersehen!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "essen", "schottisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte ein Restaurant mit schottischem Essen finden, egal wo. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "schottisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte ein Restaurant mit schottischem Essen finden, egal wo. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, wie sieht es mit modernem europäischem Essen aus? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no restaurants serving scottish food. Would you like to try something else? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, wie sieht es mit modernem europäischem Essen aus? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Telefonnummer? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Eraina is a great European eatery. What other information can I provide to you?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Telefonnummer? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "Their phone number is 01223 368786. May I help you with anything else? ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, danke.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich brauche die Nummer eines Restaurants im Süden der Stadt mit moderaten Preisen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich brauche die Nummer eines Restaurants im Süden der Stadt mit moderaten Preisen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gern von beiden die Telefonnummer. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There is an italian and a modern european restaurant in the south area that is moderately priced. Which one would you like the number for?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gern von beiden die Telefonnummer. ", "system_acts": [ [ "telefon" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke! Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "Restaurant alimentum's number is 01223 413000. Pizza Hut Cherry Hinton's number is 01223 323737.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke! Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich brauche die Adresse eines Gastropubs in der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich brauche die Adresse eines Gastropubs in der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ist nicht wichtig. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Which part of town?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ist nicht wichtig. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Moderat, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Would you prefer moderate or expensive pricing?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Moderat, bitte. ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es noch andere in dieser Preisklasse? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I have found one results that matches your criteria, The Restaurant The cow pizza kitchen and bar is a Gastropub located at Corn Exchange Street C.B 2, 3 Q.F as the price range is moderate ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es noch andere in dieser Preisklasse? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Hallo! Ich such ein Restaurant mit Gastropub-Küche, egal wo. Können Sie mir helfen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Unfortunately there are not, Sorry, ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo! Ich such ein Restaurant mit Gastropub-Küche, egal wo. Können Sie mir helfen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Dankeschön. Auf Wiedersehen!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Sure, would you prefer expensive or moderately priced?", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Dankeschön. Auf Wiedersehen!", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein günstiges Restaurant im Westen der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein günstiges Restaurant im Westen der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist nicht wichtig. " ] ], "system_transcript": "What type of food are you interested in?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist nicht wichtig. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja. Könnte ich die Telefonnummer des italienischen Restaurants bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I found two restaurants. La Margherita serves Italian cuisine and Thanh Binh serves Vietnamese. Would you like more information?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja. Könnte ich die Telefonnummer des italienischen Restaurants bekommen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das war's. Dankeschön. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "La Margherita's phone number is 01223 315232. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das war's. Dankeschön. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gern ein europäisches Restaurant im westlichen Teil der Stadt, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gern ein europäisches Restaurant im westlichen Teil der Stadt, bitte. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Telefonnummer und Adresse, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "The cambridge lodge restaurant serves european food in the west part of town", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Telefonnummer und Adresse, bitte. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke und auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "The Cambridge Lodge Restaurant is located at Cambridge Lodge Hotel 139 Huntingdon Road City Centre. Their number is 01223 355166. Is there anything else I can find for you?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke und auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "kreativ" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte ein teures Restaurant, das kreatives Essen serviert. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "kreativ" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte ein teures Restaurant, das kreatives Essen serviert. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "nordamerikanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Haben Sie nordamerikanisches Essen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "we have no listing of restaurant that servers creative food is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "nordamerikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Haben Sie nordamerikanisches Essen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Was auch immer Sie empfehlen. Die Gegend spielt keine Rolle. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Sure, do you have preferences regarding the location of the restaurant?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "nordamerikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Was auch immer Sie empfehlen. Die Gegend spielt keine Rolle. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Nur die Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "I found gourmet burger kitchen would you like the address?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "nordamerikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nur die Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl, bitte. ", "system_acts": [ [ "adresse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Dankeschön. " ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number for gourmet burger kitchen is 01223 312598 and the post code is C.B2, 1 A.B", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "nordamerikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Dankeschön. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das sollte es gewesen sein, danke! " ] ], "system_transcript": "Thank you! Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with!", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "nordamerikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das sollte es gewesen sein, danke! ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank für Ihren Anruf!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Thank you! Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with!", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "nordamerikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank für Ihren Anruf!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "essen" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche die Telefonnummer und die Art der Gerichte eines teuren Restaurants im Osten. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "essen" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche die Telefonnummer und die Art der Gerichte eines teuren Restaurants im Osten. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Indisch." ] ], "system_transcript": "I am showing five expensive restaurants on the east side. Which would you like: British, Indian, gastropub, or Chinese?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Indisch.", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das ist perfekt. Dankeschön." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 2 Indian restaurants Pipasha Restaurant 01223 577786 and Sitar Tandoori 01223 249955. Would you like more information on either of these?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das ist perfekt. Dankeschön.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "essen", "dänisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo! Ich suche ein Restaurant, das dänisches Essen anbietet, egal wo. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "dänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo! Ich suche ein Restaurant, das dänisches Essen anbietet, egal wo. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit internationalem Essen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry but there is no matching records found that fits your requests .", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit internationalem Essen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist mir egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are three restaurants that serve international food. Would you like a specific price range?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist mir egal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich bitte die Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "bloomsbury restaurant is in the centre and serving international food and it is a moderate price is there anything I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich bitte die Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl bekommen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke und auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "bloomsbury restaurant's phone number is 0871 942 9180, their postcode is C.B 2, 3 D.T", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke und auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo! Ich suche ein Restaurant mit günstigen Preisen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo! Ich suche ein Restaurant mit günstigen Preisen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Irgendeins im nördlichen Teil der Stadt? " ] ], "system_transcript": "We've got 22 cheap restaurants in town. Can I help you narrow that down a little? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Irgendeins im nördlichen Teil der Stadt? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Die Adresse, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Da Vinci Pizzeria is inexpensive Italian food on the north side. Would you like more information?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Die Adresse, bitte. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Sie sind mein Held. Sie haben mich gerettet." ] ], "system_transcript": "Da Vince Pizzeria is located at 20 Milton Road Chesterton.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Sie sind mein Held. Sie haben mich gerettet.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "essen", "eritreanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Eritreisches Essen in einer besseren Gegend der Stadt, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "eritreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Eritreisches Essen in einer besseren Gegend der Stadt, bitte. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Okay, wie wäre es mit portugiesischem Essen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry but there are no listings for Eritrean food in the uptown area. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, wie wäre es mit portugiesischem Essen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ], [ "essen", "eritreanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit eritreisch im Zentrum? " ] ], "system_transcript": "No Portuguese restaurants found.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "eritreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit eritreisch im Zentrum? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, trotzdem danke. " ] ], "system_transcript": "I have no results for that inquiry. Is there something else i can try?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "eritreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, trotzdem danke. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ], [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Portugiesisch im Zentrum? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no restaurants that fit what you are searching for. ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Portugiesisch im Zentrum? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "preisklasse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie ist die Preisklasse? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Sorry, we DO have a Portuguese listing in the center. It is nandos city centre. Here is the phone and address: 01223 327908 33-34 Saint Andrews Street", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "preisklasse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie ist die Preisklasse? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "It's cheaply priced. Is there anything else I can do for you?", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, danke.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche den Ort und die Kontaktnummern eines günstigen Restaurants im südlichen Teil der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche den Ort und die Kontaktnummern eines günstigen Restaurants im südlichen Teil der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Könnte ich auch die Adresse und die Postleitzahl von Nandos haben, bitte? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two restaurants in Cambridge LEisure Park that match your criteria - Nandos (01223327908) which serves portuguese food and The Lucky Star (01223244277) which serves chinese food.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Könnte ich auch die Adresse und die Postleitzahl von Nandos haben, bitte? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Dürfte ich bitte auch die Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl von The Lucky Star bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way \t C.B 1, 7 D.Y", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Dürfte ich bitte auch die Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl von The Lucky Star bekommen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Dankeschön. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "The Lucky Star is located at Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton and can be reached at 01223 244277. Their postcode is C.B 1, 7 D.Y.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Dankeschön. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo! Ich suche einen Ort, an dem man zu fairen Preisen essen kann. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo! Ich suche einen Ort, an dem man zu fairen Preisen essen kann. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ja, danke. Auf Wiedersehen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 31 moderately priced restaurants in town. Can I help you narrow that down a little? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, danke. Auf Wiedersehen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Geben Sie mir bitte die Adresse und Telefonnummer von dem, das gutes und günstiges chinesisches Essen serviert. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Still there?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Geben Sie mir bitte die Adresse und Telefonnummer von dem, das gutes und günstiges chinesisches Essen serviert. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gern ein Restaurant im Norden der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "How about the rice house in the center part of town? Phone 01223 367755 address 88 Mill Road City Centre", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gern ein Restaurant im Norden der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke, auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry, but we do not have a Chinese restaurant in the North part of town. Would you like another type of food? ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke, auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ], [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Welche anderen Möglichkeiten gibt es eigentlich noch im nördlichen Teil der Stadt? Relativ günstig, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Thank You", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Welche anderen Möglichkeiten gibt es eigentlich noch im nördlichen Teil der Stadt? Relativ günstig, bitte. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "essen", "es ist egal" ], [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche eigentlich nach moderaten Preisen, egal welche Art von Essen, im Norden. Ich brauche die Adresse und Telefonnummer. Können Sie mir helfen?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I have an Italian place, da Vince Pizzeria, and Royal Spice an Indian place, both inexpensive in the North.", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche eigentlich nach moderaten Preisen, egal welche Art von Essen, im Norden. Ich brauche die Adresse und Telefonnummer. Können Sie mir helfen?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Was ist gut und günstig? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Was ist gut und günstig? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Also, wie viele im Westen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 22 selections in the cheap price range. What kind of food were you looking for?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Also, wie viele im Westen? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ], [ "request", "name" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hm, wie heißt das vietnamesische Restaurant? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two cheap options in the west side, one is an Italian restaurant and the other is Vietnamese.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "name" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hm, wie heißt das vietnamesische Restaurant? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "nordamerikanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es etwas rein amerikanisches? " ] ], "system_transcript": "thanh binh", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "nordamerikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es etwas rein amerikanisches? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich bitte die Telefonnummer und Adresse von Thanh Binh haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no american places in the west.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich bitte die Telefonnummer und Adresse von Thanh Binh haben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Dankeschön." ] ], "system_transcript": "Of course. thanh bihn is located at 17 Magdalene Street City Center and can be reached at 01223 362456. ", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Dankeschön.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Suchen Sie mir bitte günstige Orte zum Essen gehen im Süden der Stadt heraus. Ich muss die komplette Adresse wissen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Suchen Sie mir bitte günstige Orte zum Essen gehen im Süden der Stadt heraus. Ich muss die komplette Adresse wissen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich die Adresse von Nandos bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "ok I have Nandos and the Lucky Star, both are cheap south side restaurants.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich die Adresse von Nandos bekommen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Okay, kann ich bitte deren Telefonnummer haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, Nandos is located at Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, kann ich bitte deren Telefonnummer haben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das sollte es gewesen sein. Danke. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Their number is 01223 327908", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das sollte es gewesen sein. Danke. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank!" ] ], "system_transcript": "You're welcome! Enjoy your meal.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche afrikanisches Essen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche afrikanisches Essen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja. Ich brauche die Adresse, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There is one African restaurant listed called bedouin. Would you like more information for this restaurant?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja. Ich brauche die Adresse, bitte. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke, auf Wiedersehen!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The address is 100 Mill Road City Centre.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke, auf Wiedersehen!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein Restaurant im westlichen Teil der Stadt mit moderaten Preisen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein Restaurant im westlichen Teil der Stadt mit moderaten Preisen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Mir egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "What kind of food would you like?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Mir egal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es da noch andere Restaurants? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Meghna serves moderately priced Indian food and is in the West part of town.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es da noch andere Restaurants? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lauten die Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There is saint johns chop house with moderate pricing in the west part of town.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lauten die Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, danke. Das dürfte genug sein. " ] ], "system_transcript": "saint johns chop house is located at 21-24 northampton street. Its phone number is 01223 353110 and the postcode is CB30AD, Is there anything else I can help you with? ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, danke. Das dürfte genug sein. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke, auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "Thank you, and have a great day!", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke, auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo! Ich such ein günstiges Restaurant im Süden der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo! Ich such ein günstiges Restaurant im Süden der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nandos hat portugiesisches und The Lucky Star chinesisches Essen. Darf ich Ihnen mehr Informationen über diese beiden geben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Nandos is Portuguese and The Lucky Star is Chinese food. May I give you more information about either of those?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nandos hat portugiesisches und The Lucky Star chinesisches Essen. Darf ich Ihnen mehr Informationen über diese beiden geben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, danke. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "Would you like me to look in a different area or price range?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, danke. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ], [ "preisklasse" ] ] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich brauche die Adresse, Nummer und Postleitzahl eines günstigen Restaurants im Osten der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich brauche die Adresse, Nummer und Postleitzahl eines günstigen Restaurants im Osten der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke, auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "The Missing Sock at Finders Corner Newmarket Road, 01223 812660 C.B 25, 9 A.Q", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke, auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem teuren Restaurant, das mediterrane Gerichte anbietet. Wie lauten die Adresse und Telefonnummer? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem teuren Restaurant, das mediterrane Gerichte anbietet. Wie lauten die Adresse und Telefonnummer? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lauten dessen Adresse und Telefonnummer?" ] ], "system_transcript": "La Mimosa, at Thompsons Lane Fen Ditton, is expensive and serves mediterranean food.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lauten dessen Adresse und Telefonnummer?", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein günstiges Restaurant im westlichen Teil der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein günstiges Restaurant im westlichen Teil der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte auch gern die Telefonnummer des Restaurants. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two cheap restaurants in the west part of town. La Margherita is an Italian restaurant and Thanh Binh is a Vietnamese restaurant. Would you like the phone number for one or both of those?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte auch gern die Telefonnummer des Restaurants. ", "system_acts": [ [ "telefon" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vietnamesisch klingt gut. Könnte ich die Telefonnummer von Tanh Binh haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01223 362456.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vietnamesisch klingt gut. Könnte ich die Telefonnummer von Tanh Binh haben? ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "essen" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gern ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen im nördlichen Teil der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two moderately priced restaurants in the north. May I suggest The Nirala, which is Indian? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "essen" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gern ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen im nördlichen Teil der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nennen Sie mir von einem, von denen, die Telefonnummer und Gerichte! " ] ], "system_transcript": "The Nirala serves Indian food, it is in the moderate price range, and it is on the north part of town. The phone number is 01223 360966.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nennen Sie mir von einem, von denen, die Telefonnummer und Gerichte! ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie mir ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen im südlichen Teil der Stadt empfehlen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Would you prefer Italian or Modern european food? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie mir ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen im südlichen Teil der Stadt empfehlen? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Mir egal. Beide sind gut. " ] ], "system_transcript": "How about Pizza Hut Cherry Hinton. It serves Italian food, is in the moderate price range, and in the south part of town.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Mir egal. Beide sind gut. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Könnte ich bitte die Adresse und Telefonnummer bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "sure, pizza hut cherry hinton is located at G4 cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton and the phone number is 01223 413000. Is there anything else I can help you with? ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Könnte ich bitte die Adresse und Telefonnummer bekommen? ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte ein teures Restaurant. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are many expensive restaurants in town. Is there a particular area or type of food you are looking for?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte ein teures Restaurant. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ], [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "gegend" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Eins im südlichen Teil der Stadt wäre gut. Egal welche Küche. " ] ], "system_transcript": "chiquito restaurant bar serves mexican food, is located in the south part of town, and is in the expensive price range. Would you like their location? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "gegend" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Eins im südlichen Teil der Stadt wäre gut. Egal welche Küche. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Chiquito restaurant bar is at 2G Cambridge Leisure Park Cherry Hinton Road Cherry Hinton. Do you need the phone number?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, bitte. ", "system_acts": [ [ "telefon" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ja, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Their phone number is 01223 400170.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, bitte. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo! Ich suche ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen, das europäisches Essen anbietet. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Would the centre part of town be convenient for you?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo! Ich suche ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen, das europäisches Essen anbietet. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist mir egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "May I suggest the Hotel du Vin and Bistro?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist mir egal. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie mir bitte die Adresse und Telefonnummer geben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Their address is 15 - 19 Trumpington Street and phone number is 01223 227330.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie mir bitte die Adresse und Telefonnummer geben? ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "essen", "ungarisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "ungarisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ], [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gern ein ungarisches Restaurant im westlichen Teil der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no Hungarian restaurants in the west of town. Would you like to change your query?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gern ein ungarisches Restaurant im westlichen Teil der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es indisches Essen im Westen der Stadt? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 6 Indian restaurants in the west part of town. What price range do you have in mind?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es indisches Essen im Westen der Stadt? ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "name" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Die Preisklasse ist egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Would you like the name, address and phone number of a few of them?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "name" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Die Preisklasse ist egal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "name" ], [ "adresse" ], [ "telefon" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ja, aber bitte nur für eines. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Cocum is located at 71 Castle Street City Centre and their phone number is 01223 366668. Their price range is expensive. ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, aber bitte nur für eines. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Dankeschön! " ] ], "system_transcript": "You're welcome. May I help with another query?", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Dankeschön! ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "malaysisch" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "preisklasse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "preisklasse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "malaysisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gern ein Restaurant, das malaysisches Essen serviert. Meine zweite Wahl wäre koreanisches Essen. Kann ich bitte die Adresse und eine Schätzung für den durchschnittlichen Preis einer Vorspeise bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Unfortunately I do not have any Malaysian restaurants listed, but I do have Little Seoul an expensive Korean restaurant in the City Centre. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gern ein Restaurant, das malaysisches Essen serviert. Meine zweite Wahl wäre koreanisches Essen. Kann ich bitte die Adresse und eine Schätzung für den durchschnittlichen Preis einer Vorspeise bekommen? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "preisklasse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Adresse?" ] ], "system_transcript": "The address of Little Seoul is 108 Regent Street City Centre.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "preisklasse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Adresse?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ist das teuer? " ] ], "system_transcript": "yes. is there anything else i can help you find?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ist das teuer? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das wird reichen! Danke für Ihre Hilfe! " ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm glad I could be of assistance!", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das wird reichen! Danke für Ihre Hilfe! ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ein günstiges Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt, chinesisch. Wie lautet die Nummer? " ] ], "system_transcript": "We have two restaurants that meet your criteria, are you more interested in Chinese of Portuguese food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ein günstiges Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt, chinesisch. Wie lautet die Nummer? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet dessen Adresse? " ] ], "system_transcript": "The Lucky Star is a chinese restaurant in the south and is in the cheap price range. Their phone number is 01223 244277.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet dessen Adresse? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Postleitzahl, bitte? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Postleitzahl, bitte? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank." ] ], "system_transcript": "Their postcode is C.B 2, 1 U.J.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "international" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Haben Sie die Telefonnummer und die Adresse eines günstigen Restaurants mit internationalem Essen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Haben Sie die Telefonnummer und die Adresse eines günstigen Restaurants mit internationalem Essen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Interessanter Name. Ich werde es mal versuchen. Dankeschön, auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "I have The Missing Sock, located on the east side at Finders Corner Newmarket Road, 01223 812660.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Interessanter Name. Ich werde es mal versuchen. Dankeschön, auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich würde gern ein teures Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt finden. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich würde gern ein teures Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt finden. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ist mir egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "What type of cuisine would you prefer?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ist mir egal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es noch andere dort? " ] ], "system_transcript": "The chiquito restaurant bar is in the south part of town and is in the expensive price range. Would you like their location? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es noch andere dort? ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gern die Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, there is frankie and bennys, italian restaurant in the expensive price range and in south. Do you want the address? ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gern die Telefonnummer und die Postleitzahl. ", "system_acts": [ [ "adresse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das wird reichen. Vielen Dank!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number for frankie and bennys is 01223 412430 and postcode is C.B 1, 7 D.Y", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das wird reichen. Vielen Dank!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich würde gern ein Restaurant mit europäischem Essen finden und mir ist egal in welcher Preisklasse. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich würde gern ein Restaurant mit europäischem Essen finden und mir ist egal in welcher Preisklasse. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Mittlere Preisklasse, bitte. Kann ich bitte auch die Adresse und die Telefonnummer der Örtlichkeit haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are five venues serving European food. What price range do you want?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Mittlere Preisklasse, bitte. Kann ich bitte auch die Adresse und die Telefonnummer der Örtlichkeit haben? ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Dankeschön, auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "galleria is an european restaurant in the moderate price range and the centre part of town, the address is 33 bridge street and the phone number is 01223 356666", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Dankeschön, auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Welches Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt ist günstig? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Welches Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt ist günstig? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es noch andere? Wenn nicht, chinesisch. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two restaurants in the south of town in the cheap price range. Would you prefer Portuguese of Chinese?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es noch andere? Wenn nicht, chinesisch. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, können Sie mir die Adresse geben? " ] ], "system_transcript": " The lucky star is a chinese restaurant in the south part of town and in the cheap price range. Would you like their location? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, können Sie mir die Adresse geben? ", "system_acts": [ [ "adresse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "The address of the lucky star is, Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, danke.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie mir ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen im Westen heraussuchen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie mir ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen im Westen heraussuchen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Telefonnummer? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Meghna is an indian restaurant in the west part of town and in the moderate price range. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Telefonnummer? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke, auf Wiedersehen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "01223 727410", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke, auf Wiedersehen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "Thank you for using this system. Goodbye.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "essen", "belgisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es im nördlichen Teil der Stadt ein Restaurant mit belgischem Essen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "belgisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es im nördlichen Teil der Stadt ein Restaurant mit belgischem Essen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Okay, wie wäre es mit chinesischem Essen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There isn't. Would you like to try something else?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, wie wäre es mit chinesischem Essen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, moderate Preise. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 3 ranging from moderately priced to expensive. Do you have a preference?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, moderate Preise. ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Okay, klasse. Könnte ich auch deren Telefonnummer bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There's golden wok, located at 191 Histon Road Chesterton.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, klasse. Könnte ich auch deren Telefonnummer bekommen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nur für den Fall, was sind die anderen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01223 350688", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nur für den Fall, was sind die anderen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich bitte deren Telefonnummern bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "The other two restaurants are Hakka and The Hotpot.", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich bitte deren Telefonnummern bekommen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, danke. Sie waren eine große Hilfe. Bis bald!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number for Hakka is 01223 568988 and the phone number for The Hotpot is 01223 366552. Is there anything else I can assist you with?", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, danke. Sie waren eine große Hilfe. Bis bald!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "persisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein teures Restaurant, das persisches Essen anbietet. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "persisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein teures Restaurant, das persisches Essen anbietet. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit einem Restaurant, dass europäisches Essen anbietet? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no Persian restaurants listed. Is there something else I can search for?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit einem Restaurant, dass europäisches Essen anbietet? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Die Gegend ist egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 4 restaurants that meet those specification. Do you have a preference of the area of town it is located at?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Die Gegend ist egal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, bitte. Die Adresse auch. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Okay, I suggest the Cambridge Lodge Restaurant. They serve great European food and are located in the west part of town. Would you like their phone number?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, bitte. Die Adresse auch. ", "system_acts": [ [ "telefon" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke, auf Wiedersehen!" ] ], "system_transcript": "their address is Hotel 139 Huntingdon Road City Centre and their phone number is 01223 355166.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke, auf Wiedersehen!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "östereichisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein österreichisches Restaurant. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "östereichisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein österreichisches Restaurant. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Westen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "What area are you interested in today?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "östereichisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Westen. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie sieht es mit italienischem Essen aus? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There is no Austrian restaurant in West. Is there another area you might be interested in today?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie sieht es mit italienischem Essen aus? ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Westlicher Teil der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 15 results for Italian food. Do you have an area of town or price range in mind?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Westlicher Teil der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ], [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Großartig, wie lautet die Telefonnummer? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Prezzo serves Italian food and is located in the west part of town.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Großartig, wie lautet die Telefonnummer? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Dankeschön, auf Wiedersehen! " ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01799 521260, Is there anything else I can help you with? ", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Dankeschön, auf Wiedersehen! ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "You're welcome. Goodbye!", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach der Adresse und Telefonnummer eines teuren Restaurants, das thailändisches Essen anbietet. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach der Adresse und Telefonnummer eines teuren Restaurants, das thailändisches Essen anbietet. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Mir egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "there are two Thai locations. Would you prefer a restaurant in the centre or west part of town?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Mir egal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, bitte. Dürfte ich dessen Adresse und Telefonnummer bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Sala Thong is an expensive Thai restaurant in the west. Would you like their information? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, bitte. Dürfte ich dessen Adresse und Telefonnummer bekommen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das war's, danke und auf Wiedersehen!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Sala Thong is located at 35 Newnham Road Newnham and their phone number is 01223 323178. Is there anything else I can do for you today?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das war's, danke und auf Wiedersehen!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "ungewöhnlich" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo! Ich suche nach einem Restaurant, das einzigartige und ungewöhnliche Gerichte anbietet, aber nichts zu teures. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "ungewöhnlich" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo! Ich suche nach einem Restaurant, das einzigartige und ungewöhnliche Gerichte anbietet, aber nichts zu teures. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Okay, klingt toll! Konnten Sie irgendetwas finden? Hoffentlich hat es moderate Preise. " ] ], "system_transcript": "I will find some cheap, unusual food. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "ungewöhnlich" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, klingt toll! Konnten Sie irgendetwas finden? Hoffentlich hat es moderate Preise. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "libanesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, suchen Sie bitte libanesische Restaurants. " ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry, i couldn't find any Unusual food for you. Might I suggest something else? Lebanese? International? Turkish?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "libanesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, suchen Sie bitte libanesische Restaurants. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Haben Sie Angebote für spanisches Essen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I found ali baba, which is a moderately priced Lebanese restaurant. Would you like address and phone number?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Haben Sie Angebote für spanisches Essen? ", "system_acts": [ [ "adresse" ], [ "telefon" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "essen", "spanisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ist La Raza ein spanisches Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen? Dann geben Sie mir die Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Sure, how about La Raza in the Centre?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ist La Raza ein spanisches Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen? Dann geben Sie mir die Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, das ist gut. Könnte ich bitte die Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "La Raza is a cheap Spanish restaurant if you're looking for something with a moderate price, might I recommend la tasca?", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, das ist gut. Könnte ich bitte die Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl bekommen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Okay, habe verstanden. Ich danke Ihnen vielmals!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number, address and postcode of La Tasca is 01223 464630 14 -16 Bridge Street C.B 2, 1 U.F. ", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, habe verstanden. Ich danke Ihnen vielmals!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich brauche einen Ort zum Essen in der nördlichen Gegend der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich brauche einen Ort zum Essen in der nördlichen Gegend der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Mir egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "What type of food are you looking for?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Mir egal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "In der mittleren Preisklasse. " ] ], "system_transcript": "What price range are you looking for?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "In der mittleren Preisklasse. ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Telefonnummer und Adresse? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Golden wok serves Chinese food, is located in the north part of the city and in the moderate price range.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Telefonnummer und Adresse? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, danke. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "The Golden Wok's phone number is 01223 350688 and they are located at 191 Histon Road Chesterton. Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, danke. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ein günstiges Restaurant, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ein günstiges Restaurant, bitte. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "jamaikanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Haben Sie eins, das jamaikanisches Essen anbietet? " ] ], "system_transcript": "What type of cuisine would you prefer?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "jamaikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Haben Sie eins, das jamaikanisches Essen anbietet? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie sieht es mit mediterran aus? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There aren't any Jamaican restaurants nearby, would you like another type of cuisine?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie sieht es mit mediterran aus? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, und die Postleitzahl, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, the gardenia serves mediterranean. Would you like their phone number?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, und die Postleitzahl, bitte. ", "system_acts": [ [ "telefon" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, danke. Auf Wiedersehen!" ] ], "system_transcript": "the Gardenia's phone number is 01223 356354 and the postcode is C.B 2, 3 L.L. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, danke. Auf Wiedersehen!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte ein günstiges Restaurant im östlichen Teil der Stadt finden. Wie lautet die Adresse und Postleitzahl? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte ein günstiges Restaurant im östlichen Teil der Stadt finden. Wie lautet die Adresse und Postleitzahl? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke, auf Wiedersehen!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The Missing Sock fits your criteria. It is on Finders Corner Newmarket Road, Postode isC.B 25, 9 A.Q", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke, auf Wiedersehen!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein günstiges Restaurant mit eritreischem oder vietnamesischem Essen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein günstiges Restaurant mit eritreischem oder vietnamesischem Essen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich die Telefonnummer bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "thanh binh serves Vietnamese food and is in the cheap price range. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich die Telefonnummer bekommen? ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Dankeschön!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number for Thanh Binh is 01223 362456", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Dankeschön!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo! Ich suche ein günstiges Restaurant im östlichen Teil der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo! Ich suche ein günstiges Restaurant im östlichen Teil der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Toll! Kann ich die Adresse und Telefonnummer bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There is an inexpensive restaurant in the eastern part of town, called the missing stock.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Toll! Kann ich die Adresse und Telefonnummer bekommen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank." ] ], "system_transcript": "The Missing Sock's address is Finders Corner Newmarket Road, number is 01223 812660.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein luxuriöses thailändisches Restaurant. Können Sie mir bitte dessen Adresse und Postleitzahl geben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein luxuriöses thailändisches Restaurant. Können Sie mir bitte dessen Adresse und Postleitzahl geben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Dürfte ich bitte die Adresse und Postleitzahl von Bangkok City bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There's Bangkok City in the centre area or Sala Thong in the west area. Would you want more information on either of these?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Dürfte ich bitte die Adresse und Postleitzahl von Bangkok City bekommen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das war's, danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "Sure their located at 24 Green Street City Centre and their postcode is C.B 2, 3 J.X. Can I assist you with anything else?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das war's, danke.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "toskanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Geben Sie mir bitte Informationen zu toskanischem Essen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "toskanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Geben Sie mir bitte Informationen zu toskanischem Essen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "asr": [ [ "In Ordnung, wie wär's mit orientalischer oder asiatischer Küche? " ] ], "system_transcript": "My apologies but I do not have any restaurant listings for Tuscan food.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "In Ordnung, wie wär's mit orientalischer oder asiatischer Küche? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist mir egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "I have quite a few options. Do you prefer expensive or cheap restaurants?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist mir egal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Wie schade, asiatisch oder orientalisch waren die einzigen, die ich noch wollte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Unfortunately there are no asian oriental restaurants listed in the area. Can I do another search for you?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie schade, asiatisch oder orientalisch waren die einzigen, die ich noch wollte. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Kein Problem, trotzdem danke für Ihre Hilfe." ] ], "system_transcript": "Ah, well I apologize. We don't have that in our database. ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kein Problem, trotzdem danke für Ihre Hilfe.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo! Ich such ein französisches Restaurant. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo! Ich such ein französisches Restaurant. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es noch andere Möglichkeiten? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two French restaurants in town, Cote in the town centre and Restaurant Two Two to the North. Would you like to know more about either of these? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es noch andere Möglichkeiten? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich die Telefonnummer des Ortes haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "No, those are the only ones.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich die Telefonnummer des Ortes haben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Welches würden Sie empfehlen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Which Venue?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Welches würden Sie empfehlen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke, auf Wiedersehen! " ] ], "system_transcript": "I recommend Cote.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke, auf Wiedersehen! ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Oh, stimmt. Danke, dass Sie mich erinnern - kann ich sie haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "You forgot to ask for the phone number.", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Oh, stimmt. Danke, dass Sie mich erinnern - kann ich sie haben? ", "system_acts": [ [ "telefon" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nochmals danke und auf Wiedersehen!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01223 311053", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nochmals danke und auf Wiedersehen!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "essen", "kreativ" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es im Osten ein Restaurant mit kreativer Küche? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "kreativ" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es im Osten ein Restaurant mit kreativer Küche? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Und im Westen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "i'm sorry, there isn't any", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "kreativ" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Und im Westen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ], [ "essen", "libanesisch" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, wie lautet dessen Adresse und Telefonnummer? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I have a Lebanese restaurant in the centre. Would you be interested in that?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "libanesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, wie lautet dessen Adresse und Telefonnummer? ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ], [ "essen", "libanesisch" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie sieht's mit indischem Essen im Osten aus? " ] ], "system_transcript": "The restaurant's name is Ali Baba. The phone number is 01462 432565 and their address is 59 Hills Road City Centre.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie sieht's mit indischem Essen im Osten aus? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke, auf Wiedersehen! " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are four restaurants serving Indian food in the east, two in the moderate price range and two in the expensive. Which do you prefer?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke, auf Wiedersehen! ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich die Adresse und Telefonnummer von Pipasha bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Are you sure you don't need any information on these restaurants? Here are the ones that we have on record: Curry Prince, Pipasha, Rajmahal, Sita Tandoori.", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich die Adresse und Telefonnummer von Pipasha bekommen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Und kann ich auch die Adresse und Telefonnummer von Rajmahal haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "The address is Newmarket Road Fen Ditton and the phone number is 01223 577786", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Und kann ich auch die Adresse und Telefonnummer von Rajmahal haben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Großartig, Sie haben mir so geholfen! Das sind alle Informationen, die ich brauche. Danke!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Let me pull that up for you. The address for the Rajmahal is 7 Barnwell Road Fen Ditton & the phone number is 01223 244955. ", "turn_idx": 7, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Großartig, Sie haben mir so geholfen! Das sind alle Informationen, die ich brauche. Danke!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ], [ "essen", "malaysisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gern ein malaysisches Restaurant im Stadtzentrum. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "malaysisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gern ein malaysisches Restaurant im Stadtzentrum. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ], [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit koreanischem Essen im Zentrum der Stadt? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Sorry there are no Malasian restaurants in the area you are looking for. Can I help you with something elese.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit koreanischem Essen im Zentrum der Stadt? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, und dessen Adresse. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Little Seoul is a korean restaurant in the centre of town. Would you like their phone number? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, und dessen Adresse. ", "system_acts": [ [ "telefon" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke und auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "The address for Little Seoul is 108 Regent Street City Centre.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke und auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "japanisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Suche die Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl eines japanischen Restaurants in irgendeiner Preisklasse. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "japanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Suche die Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl eines japanischen Restaurants in irgendeiner Preisklasse. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke, auf Wiedersehen!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Wagamama is a Japanese restaurant in the expensive price range. Their phone number is 01223 462354 and their postcode is C.B 2, 3 A.R.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "japanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke, auf Wiedersehen!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich brauche ein chinesisches Restaurant im Osten der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich brauche ein chinesisches Restaurant im Osten der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Möchten Sie die Adresse und Telefonnummer dieses Restaurants? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Yu Garden is the only option we have.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Möchten Sie die Adresse und Telefonnummer dieses Restaurants? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich die Telefonnummer bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "The address for Yu Garden is 529 Newmarket Road Fen Ditton, would you like any further information?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich die Telefonnummer bekommen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, ich bin fertig." ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01223 248882. Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, ich bin fertig.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ], [ "essen", "meeresfrüchte" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wo gibt es im Stadtzentrum ein Restaurant mit Meeresfrüchten? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "meeresfrüchte" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wo gibt es im Stadtzentrum ein Restaurant mit Meeresfrüchten? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Hervorragend, vielen Dank für die Auskunft." ] ], "system_transcript": "Try Loch Fyne, it's located at The Little Rose 37 Trumpington Street", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "meeresfrüchte" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hervorragend, vielen Dank für die Auskunft.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich würde gern in einem teuren Restaurant essen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich würde gern in einem teuren Restaurant essen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wär's mit portugiesisch? " ] ], "system_transcript": "We have many restaurants in the area. Do you have any particular type of cuisine in mind?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wär's mit portugiesisch? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein teures Restaurant mit koreanischem Essen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "we dont have any listings that match you criteria. is there something else i can help you find?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein teures Restaurant mit koreanischem Essen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Heißt das, Sie haben kein teures koreanisches Restaurant? " ] ], "system_transcript": "thank you, goodbye", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Heißt das, Sie haben kein teures koreanisches Restaurant? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "gegend" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Klingt gut, kann ich bitte die Adresse und Gegend bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Little Seoul is serves Korean food and is the expensive price range. ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "gegend" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Klingt gut, kann ich bitte die Adresse und Gegend bekommen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, danke. Auf Wiedersehen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Its located in centre area. 108 regent street city centre. anything else i can help you with?", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, danke. Auf Wiedersehen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ihnen auch." ] ], "system_transcript": "Have a good day.", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ihnen auch.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Suche die Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl eines moderaten Restaurants im Westen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Suche die Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl eines moderaten Restaurants im Westen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie mir die Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl des italienischen Restaurants geben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "OK I have listings for an Indian, an Italian and a British restaurant. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie mir die Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl des italienischen Restaurants geben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke, auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "it's prezzo. the number is 01799 521260 and the post code is C.B 3, 0 A.D", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke, auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "ungewöhnlich" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein Restaurant mit außergewöhnlichem Essen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "ungewöhnlich" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein Restaurant mit außergewöhnlichem Essen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie nach asiatischem Essen suchen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "That didnt return any results. Do you want me to try fusion or crossover restaurants?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie nach asiatischem Essen suchen? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Welches ist im Zentrum? " ] ], "system_transcript": "i show many options. You can choose area or price range.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Welches ist im Zentrum? ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ], [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Nein, aber könnte ich die deren Adresse und Postleitzahl bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are four (4) Asian restaurants in the centre part of town ranged from cheap to expensive. Do you have a preference?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, aber könnte ich die deren Adresse und Postleitzahl bekommen? ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke für Ihre Hilfe." ] ], "system_transcript": "There's the Dojo Noodle Bar at 40210 Millers Yard, City Centre, postcode C.B 2, 1 R.Q and J Restaurant at 86 Regent Street, City Centre, postcode C.B 2, 1 D.P which are both cheap. Then moderate to expensive, the Yippee Noodle Bar at 40428 King Street, City Centre, postcode C.B 1, 1 L.H, and Kymmoy at 52 Mill Road, City Centre, postcode C.B 1, 2 A.S.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke für Ihre Hilfe.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ], [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem mediterranen Restaurant, der Preis ist egal. Wie lautet die Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem mediterranen Restaurant, der Preis ist egal. Wie lautet die Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das ist in Ordnung. Danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "I found a few places. the first is la mimosa with a phone number of 01223 362525 and postcode of C.B 5, 8 A.Q", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist in Ordnung. Danke.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ], [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gern ein Restaurant im Stadtzentrum mit spanischem Essen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gern ein Restaurant im Stadtzentrum mit spanischem Essen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Bitte geben Sie mir die Adresse und Postleitzahl von La Raza. Bitte geben Sie mir die Telefonnummer von La Raza. " ] ], "system_transcript": "la raza is a Spanish restaurant in the city centre that is in the cheap price range.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Bitte geben Sie mir die Adresse und Postleitzahl von La Raza. Bitte geben Sie mir die Telefonnummer von La Raza. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Dankeschön! " ] ], "system_transcript": "The address for La Raza is 4 - 6 Rose Crescent, and the postcode is C.B 2, 3 L.L. La Raza's phone number is 01223 464550.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Dankeschön! ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Auf Wiedersehen!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Thank you, goodbye. ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Auf Wiedersehen!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "kantonesische" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo! Ich möchte ein teures kantonesisches Restaurant finden. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "kantonesische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo! Ich möchte ein teures kantonesisches Restaurant finden. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "nordamerikanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie sieht's mit nordamerikanischem Essen aus? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no restaurants in the area that match your preferences. Is there anything else you'd be interested in?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "nordamerikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie sieht's mit nordamerikanischem Essen aus? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, ich hätte bitte gern deren Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Gourmet Burger Kitchen serves North American food, is in the expensive price range, and is in the centre part of town. Would you like the phone number?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "nordamerikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, ich hätte bitte gern deren Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl. ", "system_acts": [ [ "telefon" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, vielen Dank für die Auskunft. Auf Wiedersehen!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Gourmet Burger Kitchen's phone number is 01223 312598 and the postcode is C.B 2, 1 A.B. May I help you with anything else?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "nordamerikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, vielen Dank für die Auskunft. Auf Wiedersehen!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ], [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte ein Restaurant im Zentrum der Stadt finden, das britisches Essen serviert. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte ein Restaurant im Zentrum der Stadt finden, das britisches Essen serviert. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist mir egal. Kann ich bitte deren Adresse und Telefonnummer haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are several British restaurants. Do you have a price range in mind?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist mir egal. Kann ich bitte deren Adresse und Telefonnummer haben? ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das dürfte es gewesen sein. Danke, für Ihre Hilfe." ] ], "system_transcript": "Cotto is a british restaurant in the moderate price range and in the centre. Its address is 183 east road city centre and its phone number is 01223 302010. Is there anything else I can help you with? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das dürfte es gewesen sein. Danke, für Ihre Hilfe.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ], [ "request", "gegend" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen und Gastropub-Angebot? Bitte stellen Sie mir die Adresse, Telefonnummer und Gegend des Restaurants zur Verfügung. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "gegend" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es ein Restaurant mit moderaten Preisen und Gastropub-Angebot? Bitte stellen Sie mir die Adresse, Telefonnummer und Gegend des Restaurants zur Verfügung. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank! " ] ], "system_transcript": "There is The Cow Pizza Kitchen and Bar. It's in the Centre area on Corn Exchange Street. The phone number is 01223 308871", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank! ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Auf Wiedersehen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "have a good day.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Auf Wiedersehen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ausloggen." ] ], "system_transcript": "Goodbye", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ausloggen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "steakhaus" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein günstiges Steakhaus. Können Sie mir eine Adresse und eine Telefonnummer dafür nennen? Wenn es das nicht gibt, dann hätte ich gern eins, das europäisches Essen anbietet. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "steakhaus" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein günstiges Steakhaus. Können Sie mir eine Adresse und eine Telefonnummer dafür nennen? Wenn es das nicht gibt, dann hätte ich gern eins, das europäisches Essen anbietet. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Die Gegend ist egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Which area are you looking in?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "steakhaus" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Die Gegend ist egal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, danke. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "I can't find any steakhouses in your area. Would you like to try another type of food?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "steakhaus" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, danke. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "essen", "libanesisch" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo! Ich suche ein libanesisches Restaurant, egal in welcher Gegend. Könnten Sie mir bitte eine Telefonnummer und eine Postleitzahl geben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "libanesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo! Ich suche ein libanesisches Restaurant, egal in welcher Gegend. Könnten Sie mir bitte eine Telefonnummer und eine Postleitzahl geben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin sehr hungrig und brauche Essen!! " ] ], "system_transcript": "Ali baba is a lebanese restaurant in the centre of town. Their phone number is 01462 432565 and the postcode is C.B 2, 1 N.T ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "libanesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin sehr hungrig und brauche Essen!! ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke, auf Wiedersehen! " ] ], "system_transcript": "You're welcome!", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "libanesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke, auf Wiedersehen! ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ], [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein Restaurant im Zentrum, das afrikanisches Essen hat. " ] ], "system_transcript": "You should go to bedouin!", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein Restaurant im Zentrum, das afrikanisches Essen hat. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Adresse und Telefonnummer? " ] ], "system_transcript": "bedouin is located at 100 Mill Road City Centre. The phone number is 01223 367660.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Adresse und Telefonnummer? ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Suche ein Restaurant der höheren Preisklasse. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Is there an area of town or type of cuisine you have in mind?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Suche ein Restaurant der höheren Preisklasse. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ], [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ja, ich hätte gern eins im Süden, aber die Art des Essens ist mir egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Peking Restaurant is a Chinese food restaurant located at 10 Homerton Street City Centre. Their phone number is 01223 354755.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, ich hätte gern eins im Süden, aber die Art des Essens ist mir egal. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "toskanisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "toskanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hey! Ich suche einen Ort mit toskanischem Essen, egal welche Preisklasse. " ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry, there is not a tuscan restaurant listed. Would you care to try something else? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hey! Ich suche einen Ort mit toskanischem Essen, egal welche Preisklasse. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wär's mit koreanischen Restaurants? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Little Seoul is a Korean restaurant. ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wär's mit koreanischen Restaurants? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Telefonnummer, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "there phone number is 01223308681 is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Telefonnummer, bitte. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein mittelpreisiges Restaurant. Chinesisches Essen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "What type of food are you looking for?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein mittelpreisiges Restaurant. Chinesisches Essen. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Könnten Sie mir die Adresse und Telefonnummer von dem im Norden geben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm showing 4 restaurants matching that description, 3 in the city centre and 1 in the north. Do you have a preference for area?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Könnten Sie mir die Adresse und Telefonnummer von dem im Norden geben? ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Dankeschön. Auf Wiedersehen!" ] ], "system_transcript": "golden wok is in the north area, its phone number is 01223 350688. Their address is 191 Histon Road Chesterton", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Dankeschön. Auf Wiedersehen!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "essen", "chinesisch" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte ein Restaurant im nördlichen Stadtteil und mit chinesischem Essen. Wie lautet die Telefonnummer? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte ein Restaurant im nördlichen Stadtteil und mit chinesischem Essen. Wie lautet die Telefonnummer? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Telefonnummer? " ] ], "system_transcript": "there are three chinese restaurants. Would you like the phone number for all three?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Telefonnummer? ", "system_acts": [ [ "telefon" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "essen" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Welche Art von Essen bietet das Restaurant an? " ] ], "system_transcript": "golden wok is 01223350688, hakka is 01223568988 and the hotpot is 01223366552. Is there anything else I can help you with? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "essen" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Welche Art von Essen bietet das Restaurant an? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das ist alles, was ich brauche. Danke und auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "They serve chinese food. ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das ist alles, was ich brauche. Danke und auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich würde gern ein günstiges Restaurant, das im westlichen Teil der Stadt liegen sollte, finden. Bitte geben Sie mir Adresse und Telefonnummer. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich würde gern ein günstiges Restaurant, das im westlichen Teil der Stadt liegen sollte, finden. Bitte geben Sie mir Adresse und Telefonnummer. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Okay." ] ], "system_transcript": "La Margherita is an Italian restaurant located at 15 Magdalene Street City Centre. Their phone number is 01223 315232.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "essen", "kantonesische" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "name" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich benötige den Namen und die Telefonnummer eines kantonesischen Restaurants im Westen der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "name" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "kantonesische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich benötige den Namen und die Telefonnummer eines kantonesischen Restaurants im Westen der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Nein. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Do you have any preference regarding price range?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "kantonesische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein. ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Vietnamesisch ist gut. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no Cantonese restaurants located in West. Are you interested in another type of cuisine?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vietnamesisch ist gut. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "JA, UND BITTE DIE ADRESSE AUCH. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Thanh Binh is in the west part of town. Would you like the phone number?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "JA, UND BITTE DIE ADRESSE AUCH. ", "system_acts": [ [ "telefon" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke, auf Wiedersehen!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The address is 17 Magdalene Street City Centre, and the phone number is 01223 362456.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke, auf Wiedersehen!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gern die Telefonnummer eines günstigen Restaurants im südlichen Teil der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gern die Telefonnummer eines günstigen Restaurants im südlichen Teil der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ich glaube, ich nehme das The Lucky Star. Vielen Dank! " ] ], "system_transcript": "ok I have two: Nandos - a Portuguese restaurant,01223 327908, and The Lucky Star - a Chinese restaurant, 01223 244277.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich glaube, ich nehme das The Lucky Star. Vielen Dank! ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das war's. Danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "You are welcome. Can I help with anything else?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das war's. Danke.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "vegetarisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein vegetarisches Restaurant. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vegetarisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein vegetarisches Restaurant. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie internationale Verzeichnisse für mich durchsuchen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry I don't have any listings for vegetarian restaurants. Can I help you find something else?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie internationale Verzeichnisse für mich durchsuchen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie mir die Adresse des The Missing Sock geben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are multiple restaurants. Bloomsbury restaurant, The missing Sock, and The Varsity Restaurant. Any of those sound good?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie mir die Adresse des The Missing Sock geben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "gegend" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie mir sagen, in welchem Land das ist? " ] ], "system_transcript": "You can find it at Finders Corner Newmarket road", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "gegend" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie mir sagen, in welchem Land das ist? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich bitte die Adresse haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "The missing sock is on the east side of our city, in our state.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich bitte die Adresse haben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Okay, danke für die Auskunft. Das war alles." ] ], "system_transcript": "This Mising Sock is at Finders Corner, Newmarket Road", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, danke für die Auskunft. Das war alles.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein Restaurant, das spanisches Essen serviert, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein Restaurant, das spanisches Essen serviert, bitte. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Bitte Adresse und Postleitzahl angeben. " ] ], "system_transcript": "La Tasca is a moderately priced Spanish restaurant in Centre. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Bitte Adresse und Postleitzahl angeben. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das war alles. Danke, auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "The address is 14 -16 Bridge Street and the postcode is C.B 2, 1 U.F Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das war alles. Danke, auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo! Ich suche ein Restaurant mit türkischem Essen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo! Ich suche ein Restaurant mit türkischem Essen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich mag dieses Restaurant nicht so. Können Sie mir eine andere Möglichkeit und dessen Adresse und Telefonnummer geben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Try anatolia in the centre part of town.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich mag dieses Restaurant nicht so. Können Sie mir eine andere Möglichkeit und dessen Adresse und Telefonnummer geben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Super, danke! " ] ], "system_transcript": "Efes Bar Restaurant is moderately priced. Their address is King Street City Centre, and phone number is 01223 500005.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Super, danke! ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das reicht - nochmal danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "You're welcome. Is there anything else I can assist you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das reicht - nochmal danke.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "essen", "karibik" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Irgendwelche karibischen Restaurants im östlichen Teil der Stadt? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "karibik" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Irgendwelche karibischen Restaurants im östlichen Teil der Stadt? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie sieht's mit chinesischem Essen aus? Ich brauche auch die Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl. " ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry, I'm unfortunately unable to find any Caribbean restaurant on the east side of town. Can I look for another type of restaurant?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie sieht's mit chinesischem Essen aus? Ich brauche auch die Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Sie waren mir eine große Hilfe heute. Ich weiß Ihre Hilfe wirklich zu schätzen." ] ], "system_transcript": "Yu Garden 529 Newmarket Road Fen Ditton phone 01223 248882 postcode C.B 5, 8 P.A", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Sie waren mir eine große Hilfe heute. Ich weiß Ihre Hilfe wirklich zu schätzen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es ein günstiges Restaurant im nördlichen Teil der Stadt? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es ein günstiges Restaurant im nördlichen Teil der Stadt? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Italienisch, bitte. Können Sie mir die Adresse geben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two restaurants that meet your specification. One is Italian and the other is Indian. Which would you prefer?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Italienisch, bitte. Können Sie mir die Adresse geben? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet bitte die Telefonnummer? " ] ], "system_transcript": "da vinci pizzeria is in the north part of town their address is 20 Milton Road Chesterton.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet bitte die Telefonnummer? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das war's. Dankeschön." ] ], "system_transcript": "da vinci pizzeria's phone number is 01223351707. Can I help you with anything else? ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das war's. Dankeschön.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie mir ein Restaurant im Westen mit moderaten Preisen heraussuchen? Ich brauche bitte die Adresse und Telefonnummer. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie mir ein Restaurant im Westen mit moderaten Preisen heraussuchen? Ich brauche bitte die Adresse und Telefonnummer. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Okay, danke. " ] ], "system_transcript": "I recommend meghna, a moderately priced Indian restaurant. The phone number is 01223 727410 and it is located at 205 Victoria Road, Chesterton.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, danke. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "You're welcome. Goodbye", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "essen", "gemischt" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein Restaurant im Westen, das Crossover-Küche anbietet. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gemischt" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein Restaurant im Westen, das Crossover-Küche anbietet. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Etwas italienisches? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I can't find any restaurants that serve crossover food. I found some Asian and some British restaurants in the west end.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Etwas italienisches? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich die Telefonnummer von Prezzo bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, la margherita and prezzo.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich die Telefonnummer von Prezzo bekommen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Wir sind fertig, danke und tschüss!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01799521260. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wir sind fertig, danke und tschüss!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem günstigen italienischen Restaurant. Ich brauche dafür eine Adresse. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem günstigen italienischen Restaurant. Ich brauche dafür eine Adresse. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Norden ist gut. " ] ], "system_transcript": "ok I have listings in the town Centre, North, and West. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Norden ist gut. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie ist die Postleitzahl? " ] ], "system_transcript": "ok I have Da Vince Pizzeria on the North side at 20 Milton Road in Chesterton.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie ist die Postleitzahl? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Okay, prima, das ist alles, was ich brauche. Vielen Dank und auf Wiedersehen!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The postcode is C.B 4, 1 J.Y", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, prima, das ist alles, was ich brauche. Vielen Dank und auf Wiedersehen!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Könnte ich den Namen eines mittelpreisigen Restaurants im Südteil der Stadt bekommen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Könnte ich den Namen eines mittelpreisigen Restaurants im Südteil der Stadt bekommen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Mir egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two restaurants in the south part of town and in the moderate price range. What kind of food would you like?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Mir egal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es noch andere? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Restaurant alimentum is the other moderate priced restaurant in the south of town", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es noch andere? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Postleitzahl? " ] ], "system_transcript": "pizza hut cherry hinton is located in the south part of town and is in the moderate price range. Their phone number is 01223 323737 and they are located at G4 Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton. ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Postleitzahl? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das war's. Danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "My apologies. The postcode is C.B 1, 7 D.Y. Is there anything else I could help you with today?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das war's. Danke.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gern ein Restaurant im Nordteil der Stadt, das in der mittleren Preisklasse liegt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gern ein Restaurant im Nordteil der Stadt, das in der mittleren Preisklasse liegt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ist mir egal." ] ], "system_transcript": "What type of food are you looking for?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ist mir egal.", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es auch noch andere? " ] ], "system_transcript": "The golden wok serves Chinese food, is located in the north part of town and in the moderate price range.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es auch noch andere? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, könnten Sie mir die Telefonnummer von The Nirala geben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, there is also The Nirala which is an Indian restaurant. Would you be interested in more information on that one?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, könnten Sie mir die Telefonnummer von The Nirala geben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "gegend" ] ], "asr": [ [ "In welchem Teil der Stadt liegt das? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Their number is 01223 360966.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "gegend" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "In welchem Teil der Stadt liegt das? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke, auf Wiedersehen!" ] ], "system_transcript": "it is located in the north part of town", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke, auf Wiedersehen!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie mir die Telefonnummer eines gehobenen Restaurants mit französischem Essen geben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie mir die Telefonnummer eines gehobenen Restaurants mit französischem Essen geben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Cote serves french food in the centre of town. The phone number is 01223 311053.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo! Ich suche ein Restaurant im nördlichen Teil der Stadt mit günstigem Essen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo! Ich suche ein Restaurant im nördlichen Teil der Stadt mit günstigem Essen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "essen" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Danke. Welche Art von Küche bietet es an und wie lautet die Adresse des Restaurants? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Give Royal Spice a try.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "essen" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke. Welche Art von Küche bietet es an und wie lautet die Adresse des Restaurants? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke, auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "Royal Spice is Indian food. The address is Victoria Avenue, Chesterton CB4, 1EH. Can I help you with anything else?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke, auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein mittelpreisiges Restaurant, das im westlichen Teil der Stadt liegen sollte. Können Sie mir bitte Adresse und Postleitzahl mitteilen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein mittelpreisiges Restaurant, das im westlichen Teil der Stadt liegen sollte. Können Sie mir bitte Adresse und Postleitzahl mitteilen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das ist mir egal. Können Sie die bitte auflisten? " ] ], "system_transcript": "there are a few. do you have any ideas of what type of food you wanted to eat?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das ist mir egal. Können Sie die bitte auflisten? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Geben Sie mir bitte Adresse und Postleitzahl von Prezzo. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Meghna is Indian, Prezzo is Italian, and Saint Johns Chop House is British. Which are you interested in?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Geben Sie mir bitte Adresse und Postleitzahl von Prezzo. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, vielen Dank, dass Sie mir geholfen haben." ] ], "system_transcript": "Prezzo can be reached at \t 01799 521260 21 - 24 Northampton Road. May I help you with any thing else?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, vielen Dank, dass Sie mir geholfen haben.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "traditionell" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte ein traditionelles und günstiges Gericht. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "traditionell" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte ein traditionelles und günstiges Gericht. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wär's mit portugiesischen Restaurants? Haben Sie von einem von denen die Adresse? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm not showing any traditional restaurants. Is there a type of food your looking for such as American or European?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wär's mit portugiesischen Restaurants? Haben Sie von einem von denen die Adresse? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Nein, aber ich versuch's im Süden. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Sure we have two, one in the south and one in the centre. Do you have a preference? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, aber ich versuch's im Süden. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Dürfte ich bitte die Adresse haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Dürfte ich bitte die Adresse haben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, the address is Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way. Phone is 01223 327908 and Postcode is C.B 1, 7 D.Y, if you need it.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich versuche, ein mittelpreisiges Restaurant im Norden der Stadt zu finden. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich versuche, ein mittelpreisiges Restaurant im Norden der Stadt zu finden. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es da noch andere? Wenn ja, geben Sie mir bitte die Adresse und Telefonnummer. " ] ], "system_transcript": "the nirala is a moderately priced restaurant in the north part of town.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es da noch andere? Wenn ja, geben Sie mir bitte die Adresse und Telefonnummer. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nichts weiter. Dankeschön. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "The golden wok is also a moderately priced restaurant in the north part of town, they are located at 191 Histon Road Chesterton and their phone number is 01223 350688. How else may I assist you?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nichts weiter. Dankeschön. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "kanapees" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo! Ich suche ein Restaurant, das Kanapees anbietet. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "kanapees" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo! Ich suche ein Restaurant, das Kanapees anbietet. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie sieht's dann mit indisch im Osten aus? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I don't see any. Any other cuisine options?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie sieht's dann mit indisch im Osten aus? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie mir die Adresse geben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "pipasha restaurant is an indian restaurant on the east side.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie mir die Adresse geben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Und auch die Nummer? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Newmarket Road Fen Ditton", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Und auch die Nummer? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das war alles. Danke, tschüss!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Sure their phone number is 01223 577786. Can I help you with anything else?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das war alles. Danke, tschüss!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo! Ich suche einen Ort zum Essen mit fairen Preisen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo! Ich suche einen Ort zum Essen mit fairen Preisen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es welche im Süden der Stadt? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I would recommend Golden Wok on HIston, or Curry Prince on Newmarket.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es welche im Süden der Stadt? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Haben Sie die Adresse? " ] ], "system_transcript": "On the south part of town, there is pizza hut cherry hinton and restaurant alimentum.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Haben Sie die Adresse? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie ist die Adresse von Pizza Hut? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Which one would you like information for. Pizza Hut is Italian and Restaurant Alimentum is modern European.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie ist die Adresse von Pizza Hut? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie ist die Adresse des Restaurants Alimentum? " ] ], "system_transcript": " is located at G4 Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton. may I help you with anything ese ?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie ist die Adresse des Restaurants Alimentum? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das dürfte alles gewesen sein. Danke, für Ihre Hilfe!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Restaurant Alimentum is located at 152 - 154 Hills Road. Will there be anything else I can assist you with today?", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das dürfte alles gewesen sein. Danke, für Ihre Hilfe!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ], [ "essen", "libanesisch" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo! Ich suche die Adresse und Telefonnummer eines libanesischen Restaurants im Zentrum. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "libanesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo! Ich suche die Adresse und Telefonnummer eines libanesischen Restaurants im Zentrum. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke, auf Wiedersehen!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Ali Baba is a Lebanese restaurant in the Centre area. Its address is 59 Hills Road City. Phone number is 01462 432565", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "libanesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke, auf Wiedersehen!", "system_acts": [] } ]