[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "indonesisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem günstigen indonesischen Restaurant" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indonesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem günstigen indonesischen Restaurant", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, wie wäre es mit italienisch? Kann ich auch deren Adresse und Telefonnummer haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Sorry, there are no Indonesian restaurants. Would you like to change your cuisine type? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, wie wäre es mit italienisch? Kann ich auch deren Adresse und Telefonnummer haben?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich will die Adresse und Telefonnummer von Zizzi." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are several restaurants that meet your criteria. Ask, Da Vinci Pizzeria, La Margherita, Pizza Hut, and Zizzi...would you like information on all of them, or any in particular?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich will die Adresse und Telefonnummer von Zizzi.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein Danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "Zizzi is located at 47-53 Regent Street and their phone number is 01223 365599. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein Danke.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "essen", "jamaikanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es im Westen der Stadt jamaikanische Restaurants?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "jamaikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es im Westen der Stadt jamaikanische Restaurants?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Versuchen Sie es mit Thai" ] ], "system_transcript": "We do not have a listing for any Jamaican Restaurants. Would you like to try a different type of food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Versuchen Sie es mit Thai", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, und deren Telefonnummer." ] ], "system_transcript": "Sala Thong serves thai food on the west side. Would you like their address?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, und deren Telefonnummer.", "system_acts": [ [ "adresse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "preisklasse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ist das ein teures Restaurant?" ] ], "system_transcript": "01223 323178 35 Newnham Road Newnham. Anything else you might need?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "preisklasse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ist das ein teures Restaurant?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein Danke. Das ist alles. Danke und Wiederhören." ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, it is an expensive restaurant. Would you like me to check other options?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein Danke. Das ist alles. Danke und Wiederhören.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "deutsch" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem teuren deutschen Restaurant." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "deutsch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem teuren deutschen Restaurant.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit einem orientalischen?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry, I cannot find an expensive German restaurant in the system.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit einem orientalischen?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich habe keine Präferenz. Kann ich die Telefonnummern von beiden haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 2. Do you prefer the centre or the north side of town?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich habe keine Präferenz. Kann ich die Telefonnummern von beiden haben?", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Orientalisch" ] ], "system_transcript": "My apologies. We don't seem to have german either. Can I give you a different type?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Orientalisch", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ], [ "essen", "chinesisch" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Geben Sie mir bitte einfach die Nummer des Chinesischen Lokals im Zentrum." ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry. I have 2. ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Geben Sie mir bitte einfach die Nummer des Chinesischen Lokals im Zentrum.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke sehr!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Sesame Restaurant and Bar has the phone number 01223 358899. Fortunately, there's no need to cry out loud.", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke sehr!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "essen", "katalan" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich brauche ein Restaurant im Osten der Stadt, das katalanisches Essen serviert. Oder chinesisches Essen. Ich brauche Nummer, Adresse und Postleitzahl." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "katalan" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich brauche ein Restaurant im Osten der Stadt, das katalanisches Essen serviert. Oder chinesisches Essen. Ich brauche Nummer, Adresse und Postleitzahl.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank." ] ], "system_transcript": "I have a restaurant that serves chinese food on the east side. Here is the number, address, and phone number.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank.", "system_acts": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Tschüss!" ] ], "system_transcript": "You're welcome!", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Tschüss!", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "essen", "chinesisch" ], [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte bitte Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl für das chinesische Restaurant im Osten der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "No matching records", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte bitte Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl für das chinesische Restaurant im Osten der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "katalan" ], [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant im Osten der Stadt, das katalanische Gerichte serviert." ] ], "system_transcript": "No matching records found", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "katalan" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant im Osten der Stadt, das katalanische Gerichte serviert.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ], [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Dann hätte ich gerne ein Restaurant im Osten der Stadt, das chinesische Gerichte serviert. " ] ], "system_transcript": "No records found.", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Dann hätte ich gerne ein Restaurant im Osten der Stadt, das chinesische Gerichte serviert. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das war's. Vielen Dank für die Hilfe! Tschüss." ] ], "system_transcript": "There is the Yu Garden located at 529 Newmarket Road, Fen Ditton. The phone number is 01223 248882 and the postcode is C.B 5, 8 P.A, anything else?", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das war's. Vielen Dank für die Hilfe! Tschüss.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Tschüss." ] ], "system_transcript": "Thank you. Good Bye!", "turn_idx": 7, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Tschüss.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "brasilianisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte ein Restaurant, das brasilianische Gerichte serviert" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "brasilianisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte ein Restaurant, das brasilianische Gerichte serviert", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Bitte suchen Sie nach französischem Essen. Ich brauche auch die Adresse und Telefonnummer." ] ], "system_transcript": "there are no restaurants that serve brazilian food.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Bitte suchen Sie nach französischem Essen. Ich brauche auch die Adresse und Telefonnummer.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist mir egal." ] ], "system_transcript": "I found two French restaurants, one in centre and one in north. Do you have a preference on area?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist mir egal.", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist mir egal " ] ], "system_transcript": "Do you have a preference on the price?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist mir egal ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das ist alles was ich brauche. Danke und Tschüss!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Cote is a good french restaurant. It is located at bridge street city centre and its phone number is 01223311053. Is there anything else I can help you with? ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das ist alles was ich brauche. Danke und Tschüss!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "meeresfrüchte" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Haben Sie irgendwelche Fischrestaurants in der Stadt?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "meeresfrüchte" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Haben Sie irgendwelche Fischrestaurants in der Stadt?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, bitte" ] ], "system_transcript": "The Loch Fyne is a seafood restaurant in the centre of town. would you like the address and phone number?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "meeresfrüchte" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, bitte", "system_acts": [ [ "adresse" ], [ "telefon" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "preisklasse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie ist das Preisniveau?" ] ], "system_transcript": "The Little Rose 37 Trumpington Street. Phone is 01223 362433. Anything else you would like to know?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "preisklasse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "meeresfrüchte" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie ist das Preisniveau?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Perfekt, danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "They are in the expensive range.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "meeresfrüchte" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Perfekt, danke.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem teuren Lokal im Osten der Stadt. Wie lautet die Adresse?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem teuren Lokal im Osten der Stadt. Wie lautet die Adresse?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich auch die Postleitzahl haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There's the Royal Standard over at 290 Mill Road City Centre", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich auch die Postleitzahl haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen" ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, 59602", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant, das koreanische Gerichte serviert." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant, das koreanische Gerichte serviert.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Bitte geben Sie mir Telefonnummer und Adresse." ] ], "system_transcript": "We have a korean restaurant located in the Centre area.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Bitte geben Sie mir Telefonnummer und Adresse.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Tschüss!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Phone is 01223 308681. Address for Little Seoul is 108 Regent Street.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Tschüss!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant im Westen der Stadt, das toskanische oder Thai-Küche serviert." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant im Westen der Stadt, das toskanische oder Thai-Küche serviert.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "preisklasse" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, und auch Telefonnummer und Preisniveau." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no Tuscan restaurants. There is one Thai restaurant. Sala thong. Would you like an address?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "preisklasse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, und auch Telefonnummer und Preisniveau.", "system_acts": [ [ "adresse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank." ] ], "system_transcript": "It's an expensive restaurant. The address is 35 Newnham Road, Newnham, and the phone number is 01223 323178.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke. Tschüss." ] ], "system_transcript": "My pleasure! Is there anything else aimcan do for you?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke. Tschüss.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich brauche ein Restaurant mit einem Veranstaltungsort im türkischen Stil." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich brauche ein Restaurant mit einem Veranstaltungsort im türkischen Stil.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Jedes Viertel ist okay! Könnte ich bitte die Adresse und Postleitzahl eines türkischen Restaurants bekommen?" ] ], "system_transcript": "OK, so you would like a Turkish restaurant. In what area would you like to eat?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Jedes Viertel ist okay! Könnte ich bitte die Adresse und Postleitzahl eines türkischen Restaurants bekommen?", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "Anatolia is a Turkish restaurant at 30 Bridge Street City Centre, C.B 2, 1 U.J. Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem günstigen Restaurant im nördlichen Teil der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem günstigen Restaurant im nördlichen Teil der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "essen", "östereichisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche im Osten der Stadt, eines das österreichische Küche serviert. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two restaurants in the cheap range on the north side of town. Would you prefer indian or italian?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "östereichisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche im Osten der Stadt, eines das österreichische Küche serviert. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ], [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit Chinesischem Essen im Osten der Stadt?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I am sorry, there is no such restaurant match your request. Would you prefer another area or another type of food? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit Chinesischem Essen im Osten der Stadt?", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ], [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, hätte gerne die Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Yu garden serves chinese food and is located in the east part of town. Would you like more information? ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, hätte gerne die Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl, bitte. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das ist alles, wonach ich suche. Vielen Dank für die Auskunft." ] ], "system_transcript": "Their address is 529 Newmarket Road Fen Ditton, their phone number is 01223 248882 and their postcode is C.B 5, 8 P.A.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist alles, wonach ich suche. Vielen Dank für die Auskunft.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem günstigen Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem günstigen Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Hmm... Gibt es andere günstige Optionen im Süden?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Nandos is located in the south part of town, is in the cheap price range and serves Portuguese food.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hmm... Gibt es andere günstige Optionen im Süden?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Telefonnummer, bitte." ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, the lucky star serves chinese food, is located in the south part of town and is in the cheap price range. Would you like their location? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Telefonnummer, bitte.", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Postleitzahl?" ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number for The Lucky Star is 01223 244277. May I help you with anything else?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Postleitzahl?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "The postcode for The Lucky Star is C.B. 1 7 D.Y", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "britische" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich will ein preisgünstiges Restaurant finden, das britische Küche serviert. Wie lauten Adresse und Telefonnummer?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich will ein preisgünstiges Restaurant finden, das britische Küche serviert. Wie lauten Adresse und Telefonnummer?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ist mir egal. Bitte schlagen Sie eines vor." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 5 moderately price restaurants that serve British food. Is there an area of town that would work best for you?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ist mir egal. Bitte schlagen Sie eines vor.", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lauten Adresse und Telefonnummer?" ] ], "system_transcript": "saint johns chop house serves british food, is in the west area of town and is in the moderate price range", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lauten Adresse und Telefonnummer?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein Danke. Auf Wiedersehen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "the phone number is 01223353110 and the address is 21-24 Northampton Street, is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "britische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein Danke. Auf Wiedersehen. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gerne ein teures Restaurant im Ostteil der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gerne ein teures Restaurant im Ostteil der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich habe keine Präferenz." ] ], "system_transcript": "Do you have a preference as to food type? I found matches for British, Indian, Chinese, and Gastropub.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich habe keine Präferenz.", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Adresse?" ] ], "system_transcript": "The Grafton Hotel Restaurant is an expensive restaurant in the east part of town that serves British food.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Adresse?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke und Tschüss!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The address of the Grafton Hotel Restaurant is Grafton Hotel 619 Newmarket Road Fen Ditton.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke und Tschüss!", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Tschüss." ] ], "system_transcript": "You're welcome. Good bye.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Tschüss.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Tschüss." ] ], "system_transcript": "enjoy your meal.", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Tschüss.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein teures Restaurant im Ostteil der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein teures Restaurant im Ostteil der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist mir egal. Ich brauche bitte nur Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl des Lokals." ] ], "system_transcript": "What is the food type you would prefer?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist mir egal. Ich brauche bitte nur Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl des Lokals.", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "essen" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Welche Küche wird in dem Restaurant serviert?" ] ], "system_transcript": "How about Sitar Tandoori, It's address is 43 High Street Cherry Hinton Cherry Hinton, their postcode is C.B 1, 9 H.X, and their phone number is 01223 249955.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "essen" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Welche Küche wird in dem Restaurant serviert?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "They serve indian food. ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Tschüss!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Thank You", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Tschüss!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich will eine Kneipe mit Restaurant ausprobieren. Können Sie mir helfen?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich will eine Kneipe mit Restaurant ausprobieren. Können Sie mir helfen?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Stadtzentrum, bitte." ] ], "system_transcript": "I have 4 options. Would you prefer centre or east?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Stadtzentrum, bitte.", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ], [ "request", "gegend" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich will, dass es teuer ist und bitte geben Sie mir Adresse und Viertel." ] ], "system_transcript": "I have three options, do you have a price preference?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "gegend" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich will, dass es teuer ist und bitte geben Sie mir Adresse und Viertel.", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Hmm, eigentlich habe ich meine Meinung geändert. Gibt etwas anderes? Ich hätte gerne Infos zu einem anderen Restaurant" ] ], "system_transcript": "Backstreet Bistro is a gastropub at 2 Sturton Street City Center, postcode C.B 1, 2 Q.A. Thank you!", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hmm, eigentlich habe ich meine Meinung geändert. Gibt etwas anderes? Ich hätte gerne Infos zu einem anderen Restaurant", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Klingt gut, bitte geben Sie mir die Adresse." ] ], "system_transcript": "How about the Slug and Lettuce which is also a gastropub? Or would you like to try a different restaurant style entirely?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Klingt gut, bitte geben Sie mir die Adresse.", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das klingt prima, vielen Dank!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The Slug and Lettuce is located at 34 - 35 Green Street. May I assist you with anything else today?", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das klingt prima, vielen Dank!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "kreativ" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, ich suche ein Restaurant, das sehr kreative Gerichte serviert" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "kreativ" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, ich suche ein Restaurant, das sehr kreative Gerichte serviert", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Modern europäisch. Ich brauche bitte eine Adresse und Telefonnummer." ] ], "system_transcript": "I did not find a restaurant listing creative food. Is there another type of food you are looking for?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Modern europäisch. Ich brauche bitte eine Adresse und Telefonnummer.", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Süden bitte." ] ], "system_transcript": "I show 5 locations. Do you prefer south or center?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Süden bitte.", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen" ] ], "system_transcript": "I recommend Restaurant Alimentum, 152-154 Hills Road. Phone is 01223 413000.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "essen", "östereichisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich möchte ein Restaurant im nördlichen Teil der Stadt, das österreichische Küche serviert." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "östereichisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich möchte ein Restaurant im nördlichen Teil der Stadt, das österreichische Küche serviert.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Indisch, bitte." ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry but there are no Austrian restaurants in the north part of town.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Indisch, bitte.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The Nirala is an Indian restaurant in the moderate price range on the north side.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "essen" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem relativ günstigen Restaurant im nördlichen Teil der Stadt. Ich wüsste gerne die Art der Küche, Adresse und Telefonnummer." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "essen" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem relativ günstigen Restaurant im nördlichen Teil der Stadt. Ich wüsste gerne die Art der Küche, Adresse und Telefonnummer.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Haben Sie die Telefonnummer für Nirala?" ] ], "system_transcript": "first we have golden wok at 191 histon road chesterton c.b 4, 3.h l . it is chinese and it's phone number is 01223350688. next we have an indian restaurant at 7 milton road chesterton c.b 4, 1.uy. it is called the nirala", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Haben Sie die Telefonnummer für Nirala?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke und Tschüss." ] ], "system_transcript": "The Nirala's phone number is 01223 360966", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke und Tschüss.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ein Restaurant im Süden der Stadt, bitte" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ein Restaurant im Süden der Stadt, bitte", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "koscher" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Eigentlich nicht. Können Sie mir einige koschere Lokale empfehlen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Would you be interested in a wonderful Indian restaurant called Tandoori Palace?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koscher" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Eigentlich nicht. Können Sie mir einige koschere Lokale empfehlen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ein portugiesisches Restaurant wäre nett. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no kosher restaurants in that area. Would you like to search another area or food type?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "portugiesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ein portugiesisches Restaurant wäre nett. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ], [ "essen" ] ] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "irisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant mit irischer Küche in der gehobenen Preisklasse." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "irisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant mit irischer Küche in der gehobenen Preisklasse.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es ein teures koreanische Restaurant?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There is not a restaurant serving Irish food in the expensive price range. Would you like another restaurant? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es ein teures koreanische Restaurant?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "gegend" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Super! Können Sie mir bitte Adresse und Viertel von Little Seoul geben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, Little Seoul is a Korean restaurant in the expensive price range.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "gegend" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Super! Können Sie mir bitte Adresse und Viertel von Little Seoul geben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein Danke. Tschüss." ] ], "system_transcript": "Little seoul is located at 108 Regent Street City Centre. May I help you with anything else today? ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein Danke. Tschüss.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "karibik" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant mit karibischer Küche in der mittleren Preisklasse." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "karibik" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant mit karibischer Küche in der mittleren Preisklasse.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es spanische Restaurants?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There is not a Caribbean restaurant in the moderate price range. Would you like a different restaurant? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es spanische Restaurants?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lauten Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl? " ] ], "system_transcript": "yes. la tasca is a nice spanish restaurant in the moderate price range. ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lauten Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke und Wiederhören. " ] ], "system_transcript": "la tasca is located at 14 -16 Bridge Street and the postcode is C.B 2, 1 U.F. Their phone number is 1223 464630. May I help you with anything else? ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke und Wiederhören. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es billige Restaurants im südlichen Teil der Stadt? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es billige Restaurants im südlichen Teil der Stadt? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich habe keine Präferenz. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two choices in the South area serving cheap food. Do you prefer Portuguese or Chinese?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich habe keine Präferenz. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Bitte geben Sie mir Adresse und Telefonnummer von Nandos. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Nandos is the Portuguese place, and The Lucky Star is Chinese. Would you like more information on one or both of those?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Bitte geben Sie mir Adresse und Telefonnummer von Nandos. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein Danke. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "Nandos is located at Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way and their number is 01223 327908. Is there anything else I can do for you today?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein Danke. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein günstiges Restaurant im Norden der Stadt. Wie lautet die Telefonnummer?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein günstiges Restaurant im Norden der Stadt. Wie lautet die Telefonnummer?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke. Tschüss. " ] ], "system_transcript": "da vinci pizzeria is in the north part of town and in the cheap price range. Their phone number is 01223 351707", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke. Tschüss. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant der mittleren Preisklasse im nördlichen Teil der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant der mittleren Preisklasse im nördlichen Teil der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Könnte ich bitte Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl des chinesischen Restaurants haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I found 2 restaurants, would you prefer Chinese or Indian?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Könnte ich bitte Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl des chinesischen Restaurants haben?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Golden Wok is located at 191 Histon Road Chesterton and the phone number is 01223 350688. The postcode is C.B 4, 3 H.L. ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, Ich suche nach einem relativ preiswerten Restaurant im Osten der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, Ich suche nach einem relativ preiswerten Restaurant im Osten der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Telefonnummer?" ] ], "system_transcript": "The Curry Prince in on the east side of town and is in the Moderate price range.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Telefonnummer?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich Ihnen noch anderweitig helfen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Their phone number is 01223 566388.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich Ihnen noch anderweitig helfen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ja, das ist alles was ich wissen musste. Danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "Is that all?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, das ist alles was ich wissen musste. Danke.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein relativ günstiges Restaurant im Süden der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein relativ günstiges Restaurant im Süden der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Egal, geben Sie mir bitte die Adresse." ] ], "system_transcript": "Sure thing! You may choose between either Italian or Modern European. What's your preference?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" } ], "transcript": "Egal, geben Sie mir bitte die Adresse.", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "pizza hut cherry hinton is at G4 Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton and restaurant alimentum is at 152 - 154 Hills Road.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "schweizerisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem Restaurant, das Schweizer Küche serviert." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "schweizerisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem Restaurant, das Schweizer Küche serviert.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit einem Lokal mit spanischer Küche?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry, we don't a restaurant that serves Swiss food.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit einem Lokal mit spanischer Küche?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Die Preisklasse ist mir egal. Können Sie mir ihre Adressen geben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 2 options in the centre area, would you like cheap or moderate price?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Die Preisklasse ist mir egal. Können Sie mir ihre Adressen geben?", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank, das ist alles was ich brauche." ] ], "system_transcript": "La Raza is on 4 - 6 Rose Crescent and La Tasca is on14 -16 Bridge Street.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank, das ist alles was ich brauche.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "essen", "ungewöhnlich" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein Restaurant in einem beliebigen Viertel, das ausgefallene oder mediterrane Küche serviert. Kann ich bitte Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "ungewöhnlich" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein Restaurant in einem beliebigen Viertel, das ausgefallene oder mediterrane Küche serviert. Kann ich bitte Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Super." ] ], "system_transcript": "No unusual cuisine, but I do have the Mediterranean restaurant The Gardenia at 2 Rose Crescent City Centre, C.B 2, 3 L.L, tel. 01223 356354", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "ungewöhnlich" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Super.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das ist alles, danke!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "ungewöhnlich" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das ist alles, danke!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "essen", "weihnachten" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein Restaurant im Norden der Stadt, das Weihnachtsessen serviert." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "weihnachten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein Restaurant im Norden der Stadt, das Weihnachtsessen serviert.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit asiatisch-orientalischer Küche?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no restaurants that seve Christmas food.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit asiatisch-orientalischer Küche?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das klingt gut. Kann ich bitte deren Adresse und Telefonnummer haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Saigon city serves Asian oriental food as is in the north part of town.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das klingt gut. Kann ich bitte deren Adresse und Telefonnummer haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen" ] ], "system_transcript": "Saigon City has an address of 169 High Street Chesterton, their phone number is 01223 356555.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem teuren Restaurant im Süden der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem teuren Restaurant im Süden der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Die Art der Küche spielt keine Rolle. " ] ], "system_transcript": "I've found several for you. What type of food do you like?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Die Art der Küche spielt keine Rolle. ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, sowie Adresse und Postleitzahl" ] ], "system_transcript": "How about Chiquito Restaurant Bar? Would you like the phone number?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, sowie Adresse und Postleitzahl", "system_acts": [ [ "telefon" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke und Tschüss." ] ], "system_transcript": "Phone is 01223 400170 Address is 2G Cambridge Leisure Park Cherry Hinton Road Cherry Hinton C.B 1 7 D.Y", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke und Tschüss.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach Adresse und Telefonnummer eines günstigen Restaurants im Süden der Stadt" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach Adresse und Telefonnummer eines günstigen Restaurants im Süden der Stadt", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das Lucky Star hört sich gut an." ] ], "system_transcript": "ok I have two, the Portuguese restaurant Nandos, and a Chinese restaurant, The Lucky Star.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das Lucky Star hört sich gut an.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Könnte ich bitte die Postleitzahl bekommen?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton 01223 244277", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Könnte ich bitte die Postleitzahl bekommen?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "The postcode is C.B 1, 7 D.Y", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Bitte beenden Sie den Dialog." ] ], "system_transcript": "thank you, goodbye", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Bitte beenden Sie den Dialog.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich brauche die Telefonnummer eines Restaurants im Norden der Stadt, das relativ preiswert ist. Danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich brauche die Telefonnummer eines Restaurants im Norden der Stadt, das relativ preiswert ist. Danke.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "Golden Wok is a moderately priced Chinese food restaurant in the north part of town. Their number is 01223 350688.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "You're welcome. Goodbye.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant der mittleren Preisklasse im nördlichen Teil der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant der mittleren Preisklasse im nördlichen Teil der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, ich habe kein Interesse am Golden Wok, gibt es etwas anderes?" ] ], "system_transcript": "The Golden Wok is in the north part of town and is in the moderate price range.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, ich habe kein Interesse am Golden Wok, gibt es etwas anderes?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Super! Kann ich bitte Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "The Nirala is also located in the north and moderately priced. It serves Indian food.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Super! Kann ich bitte Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das ist alles was ich brauche. Danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "The nirala is located at 7 milton road chesterton. Its phone number is 01223 360966 and the postcode is CB41UY. Is there anything else I can help you with? ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist alles was ich brauche. Danke.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Tschüss." ] ], "system_transcript": "Thank you for using this system and please call us again. Goodbye.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Tschüss.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, Ich suche nach einem teuren Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, Ich suche nach einem teuren Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist mir egal" ] ], "system_transcript": "Do you have a certain type of food in mind?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist mir egal", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Welche anderen Möglichkeiten gibt es?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Frankie and Bennys is an expensive Italian restaurant in the south part of town. Would you like their address?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Welche anderen Möglichkeiten gibt es?", "system_acts": [ [ "adresse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet Adresse und Telefonnummer von einem dieser?" ] ], "system_transcript": "In the expensive range there are two chinese restaurants and one indian in the south part of town.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet Adresse und Telefonnummer von einem dieser?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das ist okay, vielen Dank!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The peking restaurant is located at 10 Homerton Street City Centre, and the phone number is 01223 354755.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist okay, vielen Dank!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "essen", "italiänisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem italienischem Restaurant im Osten der Stadt im mittleren Preissegment. Danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem italienischem Restaurant im Osten der Stadt im mittleren Preissegment. Danke.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es im Süden der Stadt etwas, das teuer ist? Ich würde gerne die Adresse/n wissen." ] ], "system_transcript": "Pizza hut den ditton is on the east side of town. There address is Cambridge Retail Park Newmarket Road Fen Ditton and the phone number is 01223 323737. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es im Süden der Stadt etwas, das teuer ist? Ich würde gerne die Adresse/n wissen.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Irgendeine ist in Ordnung. Haben Sie eine Empfehlung?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Expensive restaurants in the south include Mexican, Italian, Chinese and Indian are available. Do you have a preference?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Irgendeine ist in Ordnung. Haben Sie eine Empfehlung?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ok, danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "You can't go wrong with Mexican. Try Chiquito Restaurant Bar, the address is 2G Cambridge Leisure Park Cherry Hinton Road Cherry Hinton", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ok, danke.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Helfen Sie mir, ein mediterranes Restaurant zu finden. Ich habe gehört, das ist gut für meine Gesundheit." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Helfen Sie mir, ein mediterranes Restaurant zu finden. Ich habe gehört, das ist gut für meine Gesundheit.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich nehme eines der teuren. Wo befinden sie sich?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I found two expensive restaurants and one cheap. Is there one you prefer?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich nehme eines der teuren. Wo befinden sie sich?", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Klingt interessant. Und das andere?" ] ], "system_transcript": "How about La Mimosa on Thompsons Lane?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Klingt interessant. Und das andere?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich deren Telefonnummern haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "The other is Shiraz located at 84 Regent Street.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich deren Telefonnummern haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ist das die Telefonnummer für La Mimosa oder Shiraz? Ich wollte die Telefonnummern für beide, bitte." ] ], "system_transcript": "01223 307581", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ist das die Telefonnummer für La Mimosa oder Shiraz? Ich wollte die Telefonnummern für beide, bitte.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke sehr! Tschüss." ] ], "system_transcript": "Sorry, that's the number for the Shiraz. La Mimosa's number is 01223 362525.", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke sehr! Tschüss.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem französischen Restaurant." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem französischen Restaurant.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist mir egal." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two french restaurants listed. Do you have a preference of area? Centre or north part of town? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist mir egal.", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es irgendwelche anderen französischen Lokale? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Cote is a French restaurant in the centre part of town, and it is in the expensive price range. Is that price range okay for you?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es irgendwelche anderen französischen Lokale? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das klingt großartig! Kann ich bitte deren Adresse und Postleitzahl haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Restaurant two two is a nice place that serves French food in the expensive price range and is in the North part of town.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das klingt großartig! Kann ich bitte deren Adresse und Postleitzahl haben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Bitte geben Sie mir Adresse und Postleitzahl." ] ], "system_transcript": "restaurant two two's Address is 22 Chesterton Road Chesterton, their postcode is C.B 4, 3 A.X", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Bitte geben Sie mir Adresse und Postleitzahl.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das war's. Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "cote is located at Bridge Street City Centre and their postcode is C.B 2, 1 U.F. May I help you with anything else? ", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das war's. Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem relativ preisgünstigen vietnamesischen Restaurant in Cambridge." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem relativ preisgünstigen vietnamesischen Restaurant in Cambridge.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, wie wäre es mit indischen Essen - preiswert?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry but there doesn't seem to be any moderately priced Vietnamese restaurants in the area. Would you like to try a different type of food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, wie wäre es mit indischen Essen - preiswert?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist okay. Wie lauten Adresse und Telefonnummer von Meghna?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There is meghna in the east.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist okay. Wie lauten Adresse und Telefonnummer von Meghna?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "OK Danke, auf Wiedersehen" ] ], "system_transcript": "It is at 205 Victoria Road Chesterton and the phone number is 01223 727410.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "OK Danke, auf Wiedersehen", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich brauche Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl für ein günstiges Restaurant im Westen." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich brauche Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl für ein günstiges Restaurant im Westen.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Postleitzahl für la Margherita?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I can recommend la Margherita, an Italian place at 15 Magdalene Street City Centre, 01223 315232, or there is also a Vietnamese restaurant.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Postleitzahl für la Margherita?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Sie sind spitze! Vielen Dank" ] ], "system_transcript": "The postal code for La Magherita is C.B 3, 0 A.F. Is there anything else I can help you with? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Sie sind spitze! Vielen Dank", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "deutsch" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem günstigen Restaurant, das deutsche Gerichte serviert." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "deutsch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem günstigen Restaurant, das deutsche Gerichte serviert.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit asiatisch-orientalischer Küche?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no German restaurants in this area. Is there another food type you might be interested in?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit asiatisch-orientalischer Küche?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Versuchen wir das Dojo" ] ], "system_transcript": "There is two. Dojo Noodle Bar and J Restaurant.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Versuchen wir das Dojo", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das ist alles. Danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "Dojo Noodle bar is located at 40210 Millers Yard City Centre C.B 2, 1 R.Q, phone 01333 363471. Can I help you with anything else? ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das ist alles. Danke.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Tschüss." ] ], "system_transcript": "thank you, goodbye", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "orientalischer asiat" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Tschüss.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, ich suche ein Restaurant mit fairen Preisen." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, ich suche ein Restaurant mit fairen Preisen.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Nein, ich bin im Süden. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are many moderate priced restaurants in the centre of town, 1 in the north and 1 in the east.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, ich bin im Süden. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ja, bitte." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two moderately priced restaurants in the south, Pizza Hut Cherry Hinton and Restaurant Alimentum. Would you like more information on either of these?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, bitte.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "essen" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Welche Küche gibt es im Restaurant Alimentum?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Which one would you like to know more about and what information would you like?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "essen" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Welche Küche gibt es im Restaurant Alimentum?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das hört sich interessant an. Können Sie mir die Telefonnummer geben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Modern European food.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das hört sich interessant an. Können Sie mir die Telefonnummer geben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich die Adresse haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "It is 01223 413000. Is there anything else you need today?", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich die Adresse haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das ist alles, danke! " ] ], "system_transcript": "The address is 152 - 154 Hills Road. Can i help you with anything else?", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist alles, danke! ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "korsika" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein Restaurant, das korsische Küche serviert. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "korsika" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein Restaurant, das korsische Küche serviert. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit einer Kneipe mit Restaurant?" ] ], "system_transcript": "We have no matching results.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit einer Kneipe mit Restaurant?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ist mir egal" ] ], "system_transcript": "What part of town would you like?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ist mir egal", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Nee, alles was Sie finden ist okay." ] ], "system_transcript": "Does the price range matter to you?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nee, alles was Sie finden ist okay.", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Adresse des Backstreet Bistro? Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are four results matching your query: backstreet bistro, royal standard, the cow pizza kitchen and bar, and the slug and lettuce. ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Adresse des Backstreet Bistro? Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das ist alles. Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "The Backstreet Bistro's address is 2 Sturton Street City Centre, postcode is C.B 1, 2 Q.A and the phone number is 01223 306306. Anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist alles. Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich versuche, ein preisgünstiges Restaurant im Ostteil der Stadt zu finden. Können Sie mir eines empfehlen?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich versuche, ein preisgünstiges Restaurant im Ostteil der Stadt zu finden. Können Sie mir eines empfehlen?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie mir ein paar indische empfehlen?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are three restaurants in the east part of town in the moderate price range. Would you prefer Indian or Italian food? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie mir ein paar indische empfehlen?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Danke. Können Sie mir bitte Adresse und Telefonnummer geben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I would recommend rajmahal, a nice indian place in the east .", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke. Können Sie mir bitte Adresse und Telefonnummer geben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "Certainly. The address for Rajmahal is 7 Barnwell Road Fen Ditton and their phone number is 01223 244955. Is there anything else I can help you with today? ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, ich suche ein Restaurant, das afrikanische Küche serviert. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, ich suche ein Restaurant, das afrikanische Küche serviert. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lauten Adresse und Postleitzahl, bitte?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There is an African restaurant in the centre area called Bedouin.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lauten Adresse und Postleitzahl, bitte?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das ist alles, danke!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Bedouin is located at 100 mill road city centre and the postcode is CB12BD. Is there anything else I can help with? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist alles, danke!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "essen", "ungarisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, Ich suche nach einem ungarischem Restaurant im Osten der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "ungarisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, Ich suche nach einem ungarischem Restaurant im Osten der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ], [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, ich möchte ein chinesisches Restaurant im Ostteil der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no restaurants matching your request. Would you like a different restaurant? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, ich möchte ein chinesisches Restaurant im Ostteil der Stadt.", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Bitte geben Sie mir Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl von Yu Garden." ] ], "system_transcript": "yu garden is a chinese restaurant in the east of town.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Bitte geben Sie mir Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl von Yu Garden.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke und Wiederhören. " ] ], "system_transcript": "01223 248882, and the postcode is C.B 5, 8 P A", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke und Wiederhören. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "grill" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein Grill-Restaurant." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "grill" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein Grill-Restaurant.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Preis oder Lage sind mir egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Where would you like to search for a restaurant, and what price range would you prefer?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "grill" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Preis oder Lage sind mir egal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ], [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "nordamerikanisch" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Haben Sie Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl für ein Restaurant mit Nord-Amerikanischer Küche?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no restaurants serving barbeque.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "nordamerikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Haben Sie Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl für ein Restaurant mit Nord-Amerikanischer Küche?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke und Wiederhören. " ] ], "system_transcript": "The Gourmet Burger Kitchen is at Regent Street City Centre, post code C.B 2, 1 A.B. The phone number is 01223 312598.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "nordamerikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke und Wiederhören. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es Greasy Spoons im Süden?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es Greasy Spoons im Süden?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Könnte ich bitte Adresse und Telefonnummer des chinesischen Restaurants haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "We have 2 inexpensive restaurants on the South Side, the first serves Portuguese food, the second serves Chinese - do you have a preference?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Könnte ich bitte Adresse und Telefonnummer des chinesischen Restaurants haben?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke für Ihre Hilfe!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Address is Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton. Their phone number is 01223 244277.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke für Ihre Hilfe!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "walisisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant, das walisische Gerichte serviert. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "walisisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant, das walisische Gerichte serviert. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ah, das ist okay. Wie sieht es mit indisch aus? " ] ], "system_transcript": "We do not have a listing for a welsh restaurant. Can I help you find another type of restaurant?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ah, das ist okay. Wie sieht es mit indisch aus? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wow, das sind ganz schön viele. Können Sie mir die Adresse und Telefonnummer für eines im Osten der Stadt geben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 22 listed. Do you have a prefferred area and price range in mind?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wow, das sind ganz schön viele. Können Sie mir die Adresse und Telefonnummer für eines im Osten der Stadt geben?", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ], [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke, das ist alles was ich brauche." ] ], "system_transcript": "Curry Prince is located at 451 Newmarket Road Fen Ditton and the phone number is 01223 566388.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke, das ist alles was ich brauche.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem relativ günstigen Restaurant im westlichen Teil der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem relativ günstigen Restaurant im westlichen Teil der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich habe keine Präferenz. Kann ich Telefonnummer und Adresse von einem haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I found several restaurants meeting your criteria. Would you prefer indian, italian or british food? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich habe keine Präferenz. Kann ich Telefonnummer und Adresse von einem haben?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein Danke. Das ist alles was ich brauche." ] ], "system_transcript": "meghna serves indian food, in the moderate price range and in the west part of town, its phone number is 01223 727410 and the address is 205 victoria road chesterton. is there anything else I can help you with? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein Danke. Das ist alles was ich brauche.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "steakhaus" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo! Ich suche nach einem günstigen Steakhaus. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "steakhaus" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo! Ich suche nach einem günstigen Steakhaus. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit vietnamesisch?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I did not find any low price steakhouses. Would you like me to check for moderately priced?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit vietnamesisch?", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Es sollte dennoch günstig sein." ] ], "system_transcript": "Alright. Let me check the database.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Es sollte dennoch günstig sein.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, könnte ich bitte deren Telefonnummer haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I am showing one cheap Vietnamese restaurant, Thanh Binh, located in the west area of town. Would you like their information?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, könnte ich bitte deren Telefonnummer haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das ist alles." ] ], "system_transcript": "01223 362456. anything else i can help you with?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist alles.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Oh, bitte sehr, auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "Thank you for using our service, good bye.", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "vietnamesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Oh, bitte sehr, auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach koreanischer Küche in jeder Preisklasse." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach koreanischer Küche in jeder Preisklasse.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja bitte, kann ich bitte deren Telefonnummer haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "The only restaurant matching that description is Little Seoul located in the centre of town, would you like their contact information?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja bitte, kann ich bitte deren Telefonnummer haben?", "system_acts": [ [ "telefon" ] ] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "meeresfrüchte" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem günstigen Restaurant für Meeresfrüchte. Falls nicht, möchte ich chinesisch. Wie lauten Adresse und Telefonnummer?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "meeresfrüchte" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem günstigen Restaurant für Meeresfrüchte. Falls nicht, möchte ich chinesisch. Wie lauten Adresse und Telefonnummer?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "essen", "chinesisch" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist egal. Kann ich die Adresse und Telefonnummer haben? Danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "I have four listings for Chinese restaurants, I have three in the centre and 1 in the south.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist egal. Kann ich die Adresse und Telefonnummer haben? Danke.", "system_acts": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ], [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das ist okay. Danke sehr!" ] ], "system_transcript": "There's Charlie Chan number 01223 361763 at Regent Street, City Centre. Golden House, 01842 753771 at 12 Lensfield Road, City Centre. Rice House, 01223 367755 at 88 Mill Road, City Centre. And The Lucky Star, 01223 244277, Cambridge Leisure Park, Clifton Way, Cherry Hinton. I can repeat those if you need me to.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist okay. Danke sehr!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem relativ günstigen Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem relativ günstigen Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, Telefonnummer, bitte." ] ], "system_transcript": "Pizza Hut cherry hinton is a moderately priced restaurant in the south area. Would you like their information? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, Telefonnummer, bitte.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin nicht sicher, wo genau im Süden ich sein werde. Könnten Sie mir auch ein alternatives Restaurant vorschlagen und mir die Daten geben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Pizza Hut Cherry Hinton is phone number is 01223 323737.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin nicht sicher, wo genau im Süden ich sein werde. Könnten Sie mir auch ein alternatives Restaurant vorschlagen und mir die Daten geben?", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "eritreanisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem teuren eritreischem Restaurant." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "eritreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem teuren eritreischem Restaurant.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit einem koreanischen Restaurant?" ] ], "system_transcript": "We don't have a listing for an eritrean resaturant. Wouold you like another type of food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit einem koreanischen Restaurant?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke. " ] ], "system_transcript": "The only Korean place we have listed is Little Seoul at 108 Regent Street City Centre", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "griechisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, ich suche nach einem schönen griechischen Restaurant." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "griechisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, ich suche nach einem schönen griechischen Restaurant.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit Chinesisch?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I don't show any greek restaurants. Is there another type of food you might consider?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit Chinesisch?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem chinesischen Restaurant im Norden der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 17 Chinese restaurants listed. Do you have an area or price range in mind?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem chinesischen Restaurant im Norden der Stadt.", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ], [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm showing Golden Wok for a moderately priced dining experience, and Hakka or The Hotpot if you're looking for something more expensive. ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Sie waren sehr hilfreich. Noch einen schönen Tag." ] ], "system_transcript": "thank you, goodbye", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Sie waren sehr hilfreich. Noch einen schönen Tag.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "koscher" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hi, ich suche nach einem teuren Restaurant, das koschere Küche serviert." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koscher" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hi, ich suche nach einem teuren Restaurant, das koschere Küche serviert.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Die Lage ist mir egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "In which area would you like to find a Kosher restaurant in the expensive price range?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koscher" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Die Lage ist mir egal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit koreanischer Küche der gehobenen Preisklasse?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no Kosher restaurant in the expensive price range. Is there another food type or price range that you would like?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit koreanischer Küche der gehobenen Preisklasse?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ], [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, ich hätte gerne deren Adresse. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There is a Korean restaurant in the expensive price range in the centre area of town. Would you like their information?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, ich hätte gerne deren Adresse. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke. Das ist all die Info, die ich brauche. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "The address of Little Seoul Korean restaurant is 108 Regent Street City Centre, postcode C.B 2, 1 D.P", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "koreanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke. Das ist all die Info, die ich brauche. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem günstigen Restaurant im Norden." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem günstigen Restaurant im Norden.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Indisch" ] ], "system_transcript": "I found two restaurants matching your request, would you rather have italian or indian style food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Indisch", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich bitte Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Royal Spice is listed as cheap and Indian, it is located on Victoria Avenue Chesterton", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich bitte Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das ist alles was ich brauche. Danke. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Certainly! Phone is 01733 553355 and Postcode is C.B 4, 1 E.H. Can I find you anything else?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das ist alles was ich brauche. Danke. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "essen", "jamaikanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gerne ein Restaurant im Süden der Stadt, das jamaikanische Küche serviert" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "jamaikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gerne ein Restaurant im Süden der Stadt, das jamaikanische Küche serviert", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit Chinesisch?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no restaurants on the West side of town the serves Jamaican food. Is there another type of food you woluld like?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit Chinesisch?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Nur ihre Adresse, bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Peking restaurant serves Chinese food, it is in the expensive price range, and it is in the south part of town. Would you like the address and phone number?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nur ihre Adresse, bitte. ", "system_acts": [ [ "adresse" ], [ "telefon" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein Danke. Tschüss. " ] ], "system_transcript": "The Peking restaurant is at 10 Homerton Street City Centre. Can I be of further help?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein Danke. Tschüss. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "singapurisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es irgendwo singapurische Küche?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "singapurisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es irgendwo singapurische Küche?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit mediterraner Küche?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry but there are no places serving Singaporean food. What else may I look for for you?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit mediterraner Küche?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Mir egal" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are three options for mediterranean. Would you prefer cheap or expensive dining?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Mir egal", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Adresse von La Mimosa?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are three choices, la mimosa, shiraz restaurant and the gardenia.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Adresse von La Mimosa?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das reicht, Danke! " ] ], "system_transcript": "La Mimosa is located at thompsons lane fen ditton. Anything else i can help you with?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das reicht, Danke! ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ], [ "essen", "afghanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach afghanischer Küche im Stadtzentrum." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "afghanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach afghanischer Küche im Stadtzentrum.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Jede Preisklasse ist in Ordnung." ] ], "system_transcript": "What price range are you looking for?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "afghanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Jede Preisklasse ist in Ordnung.", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Im Zentrum der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "What area are you looking for?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "afghanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Im Zentrum der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit einem Lokal, das türkische Küche serviert?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no restaurants that serve Afghan food in the center of town.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit einem Lokal, das türkische Küche serviert?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das ist mir egal" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are three restaurants, the locations are Bridge Street city centre, King Street City centre, and the more expensive is on Mill Road city centre. Which do you prefer?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist mir egal", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "preisklasse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, welche Preisklasse ist das und wie lautet die Adresse?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Anatolia meets your criteria. Would you like their contact information?", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "preisklasse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, welche Preisklasse ist das und wie lautet die Adresse?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "Anatolia is in the moderate price range and is located at 30 Bridge Street City Centre.", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "polisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem preisgünstigen Restaurant für polnische Küche. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "polisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem preisgünstigen Restaurant für polnische Küche. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, können Sie bitte nach einem türkischen Restaurant suchen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry, but there aren't any moderately priced Polish restaurants. Should I check other price ranges or a different type of food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, können Sie bitte nach einem türkischen Restaurant suchen? ", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ], [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich die Adresse des Anatolia haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two results. Anatolia restaurant and Efes restaurant both server Turkish food in the moderate price range. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich die Adresse des Anatolia haben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, the address for Anatolia is 30 Bridge Street City Centre.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "türkisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "essen", "kanapees" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Haben Sie die Telefonnummer für ein Restaurant im Norden der Stadt, in dem Kanapees serviert werden?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "kanapees" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Haben Sie die Telefonnummer für ein Restaurant im Norden der Stadt, in dem Kanapees serviert werden?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Naja, das ist in Ordnung. Welche Optionen habe ich in diesem Viertel für französische Küche? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I could not find any canape restaurants. Would you like to search for something else?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Naja, das ist in Ordnung. Welche Optionen habe ich in diesem Viertel für französische Küche? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ja, Danke. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "I have Restaurant Two Two, with phone number 01223 351880. Is this one okay>", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, Danke. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Geben Sie mir einfach ein Restaurant, das nicht das letzte Hemd kostet." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Geben Sie mir einfach ein Restaurant, das nicht das letzte Hemd kostet.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, ich hätte gerne deren Adresse." ] ], "system_transcript": "There is an Italian restaurant in the cheap price range in the centre. Would you like their address?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, ich hätte gerne deren Adresse.", "system_acts": [ [ "adresse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "request", "gegend" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ist es im Norden der Stadt?" ] ], "system_transcript": "The restaurant Ask is located at 12 Bridge Street City Centre.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "gegend" ] ], "act": "request" } ], "transcript": "Ist es im Norden der Stadt?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, ich möchte die Adresse für Royal Spice. " ] ], "system_transcript": "No, but Royal Spice which is Indian and Da vinci pizzeria which is are. Would you like one of those addresses?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, ich möchte die Adresse für Royal Spice. ", "system_acts": [ [ "adresse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das ist alles was ich brauche. Vielen Dank und auf Wiedersehen!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Victoria Avenue Chesterton. Can I help you with anything else? ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das ist alles was ich brauche. Vielen Dank und auf Wiedersehen!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "essen" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem relativ günstigen Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt. Ich will Adresse, Nummer und Art der Küche." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "essen" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem relativ günstigen Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt. Ich will Adresse, Nummer und Art der Küche.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es in diesem Viertel etwas anderes in der gemäßigten Preisklasse?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I have two: Pizza Hut (Italian) and Restaurant Alimentum, modern European.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es in diesem Viertel etwas anderes in der gemäßigten Preisklasse?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie mir Adresse und Telefonnummer für das Restaurant Alimentum geben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "No, those are the only two restaurants. ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie mir Adresse und Telefonnummer für das Restaurant Alimentum geben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke. " ] ], "system_transcript": "The address is 152 - 154 Hills Road, and you can contact them by phone at 01223 413000.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "essen", "ungarisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ungarische Küche im Westen der Stadt" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "ungarisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ungarische Küche im Westen der Stadt", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es indische Restaurants?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are none listed. Perhaps you'd like a different type?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es indische Restaurants?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Cool. Kann ich bitte deren Adresse und Telefonnummer haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Meghna is a moderately priced Indian restaurant in the west", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Cool. Kann ich bitte deren Adresse und Telefonnummer haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das ist alles, danke!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The address for Meghna on the west side is 205 Victoria Road, Chesterton, and the telephone number is 01223 727410. Can I help you with anything else?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist alles, danke!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "fusion" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, ich suche ein teures Restaurant, das Fusionsküche serviert. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "fusion" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, ich suche ein teures Restaurant, das Fusionsküche serviert. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit mediterraner Küche? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry, there are no fusion restaurants listed in the cheap price range. Would you like to try something else? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit mediterraner Küche? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet Adresse und Telefonnummer von einem dieser?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two restaurants serving Mediterranean food in the expensive price range. Your options are La mimosa or Shiraz restaurant.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet Adresse und Telefonnummer von einem dieser?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "La Mimosa's address is Thompsons Lane Fen Ditton, phone number 01223362525.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem günstigen Restaurant im Osten der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem günstigen Restaurant im Osten der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie mir bitte die Telefonnummer geben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I have The Missing Sock, which serves International food on the east side.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie mir bitte die Telefonnummer geben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke. Das ist für heute alles." ] ], "system_transcript": "01223 812660", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke. Das ist für heute alles.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, ich suche nach einem Restaurant mit fairen Preisen im Osten." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, ich suche nach einem Restaurant mit fairen Preisen im Osten.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich bitte auch deren Adresse und Telefonnummer haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I will find that for you !", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich bitte auch deren Adresse und Telefonnummer haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es sonst noch etwas?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Rajmahal is a good fit. The address is 7 Barnwell Road, Fen Ditton and the phone number is 01223 244955. ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es sonst noch etwas?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lauten Adressen, Telefonnummern und Postleitzahlen dieser Restaurants?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There is also Curry Prince and Pizza Hut.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lauten Adressen, Telefonnummern und Postleitzahlen dieser Restaurants?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich verstehe nicht. Kann ich bitte Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl für Curry Prince haben? " ] ], "system_transcript": "pizza hut can be reached at 01223 323737 Cambridge Retail Park Newmarket Road Fen Ditton C.B 5, 8 W.R. curry prince can be found at 01223 566388 451 Newmarket Road Fen Ditton C.B 5, 8 J.J .", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich verstehe nicht. Kann ich bitte Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl für Curry Prince haben? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, alles okay. Tschüss." ] ], "system_transcript": "The Curry Prince is at 451 Newmarket Road Fen Ditton, post code C.B 5, 8 J.J and phone number 01223 566388. Is there anything else I can help you with this evening?", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, alles okay. Tschüss.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "fusion" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie mir den Weg zu einem günstigen Restaurant mit Fusionsküche sagen? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "fusion" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie mir den Weg zu einem günstigen Restaurant mit Fusionsküche sagen? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Dann europäisch." ] ], "system_transcript": "Sorry, but there are no fusion restaurants in the area, Did you want to try a different type of restaurant?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Dann europäisch.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ], [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Günstige europäische Küche. Ich brauche auch Adresse und Postleitzahl." ] ], "system_transcript": "what area are you looking for?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Günstige europäische Küche. Ich brauche auch Adresse und Postleitzahl.", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wenn sie alle günstig sind, ist es mir egal. Der Preis ist mir wichtiger als die Lage. " ] ], "system_transcript": "I have found five restaurants serving european food, four in the centre area and one in the south. Do you have a preference of area?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wenn sie alle günstig sind, ist es mir egal. Der Preis ist mir wichtiger als die Lage. ", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "galleria serves moderately priced european food. Their address is 33 Bridge Street and the postcode is C.B 2, 1 U.W", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein teures Restaurant im Süden der Stadt. Wie lautet die Adresse?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein teures Restaurant im Süden der Stadt. Wie lautet die Adresse?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Jede Küche ist in Ordnung, ich muss nur wissen, wo es sich befindet." ] ], "system_transcript": "What type of food are you looking for?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Jede Küche ist in Ordnung, ich muss nur wissen, wo es sich befindet.", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein Danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "chiquito restaurant bar serves mexican food in the expensive price range and in south. it is located at 2G cambridge leisure park cherry hinton road cherry hinton. Is there anything else I can help you with? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein Danke.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Tschüss." ] ], "system_transcript": "Thank you for calling and please use our system again. Goodbye.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Tschüss.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Können Sie für mich etwas günstiges im Süden der Stadt finden?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Können Sie für mich etwas günstiges im Süden der Stadt finden?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Die Art der Küche ist mir egal." ] ], "system_transcript": "What is the food type you would prefer?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Die Art der Küche ist mir egal.", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es sonst noch etwas? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Nandos is a cheap restaurant in the south part of town, serving Portuguese food.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es sonst noch etwas? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Adresse?" ] ], "system_transcript": "the lucky star is a cheap price range, south area chinese restaurant", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Adresse?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke, Tschüss." ] ], "system_transcript": "The lucky star is located at cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton. Is there anything else I can help you with? ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke, Tschüss.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Irgendwelche Drive-Ins im Süden?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Irgendwelche Drive-Ins im Süden?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ], [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es günstige Restaurants im Süden, die keine Drive-Ins haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm not seeing any drivethrus, sorry!", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es günstige Restaurants im Süden, die keine Drive-Ins haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Haben Sie andere Vorschläge? Ich brauche bitte eine Postleitzahl." ] ], "system_transcript": "Nandos and the lucky star are two cheap restaurants in the south", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Haben Sie andere Vorschläge? Ich brauche bitte eine Postleitzahl.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich brauche bitte auch die Telefonnummern." ] ], "system_transcript": "I have no other suggestions. Nandos has a postcode of C.B 1, 7 D. Y. The Lucky Star has a postcode of C.B 1, 7 D.Y.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich brauche bitte auch die Telefonnummern.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Welche Restaurants gibt es im Osten der Stadt?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Welche Restaurants gibt es im Osten der Stadt?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Teuer." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are several restaurants in the east part of town. Would you like something in the moderate, cheap or expensive price range? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Teuer.", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Adresse?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Grafton Hotel Restaurant serves British food, it is on the east side of town, and it is in the expensive price range. Would you like the phone number?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Adresse?", "system_acts": [ [ "telefon" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Super, danke für Ihre Hilfe! Das ist alles was ich brauche." ] ], "system_transcript": "Grafton Hotel 619 Newmarket Road Fen Ditton", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Super, danke für Ihre Hilfe! Das ist alles was ich brauche.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "kantonesische" ], [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem kantonesischen Restaurant. Der Preis spielt keine Rolle." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "kantonesische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem kantonesischen Restaurant. Der Preis spielt keine Rolle.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit einem chinesischen Restaurant?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Sorry but there are no Cantonese restaurants. Do you want to try another type of food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit einem chinesischen Restaurant?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "nordamerikanisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich sagte bereits, der Preis spielt keine Rolle. Chinesisch ist sowieso überbewertet. Wie wäre es mit nordamerikanischer Küche?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 17 chinese restaurants listed. Would you like to narrow your search by area or price range?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "nordamerikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich sagte bereits, der Preis spielt keine Rolle. Chinesisch ist sowieso überbewertet. Wie wäre es mit nordamerikanischer Küche?", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ], [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Danke. Ein Burger klingt köstlich, mmmm. Kann ich bitte auch Adresse und Postleitzahl bekommen?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There is gourmet burger kitchen, their phone number is 01223 312598.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "nordamerikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke. Ein Burger klingt köstlich, mmmm. Kann ich bitte auch Adresse und Postleitzahl bekommen?", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein eher günstiges Restaurant im Norden der Stadt. Wie lautet die Telefonnummer?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein eher günstiges Restaurant im Norden der Stadt. Wie lautet die Telefonnummer?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ], [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es in der gehobenen Preisklasse noch andere Optionen im Norden der Stadt?" ] ], "system_transcript": "golden wok is in the moderate price range and is in the north area of town. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es in der gehobenen Preisklasse noch andere Optionen im Norden der Stadt?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Telefonnummer von diesem Lokal, bitte?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, there is an expensive French restaurant called restaurant two two .", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Telefonnummer von diesem Lokal, bitte?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Telefonnummer?" ] ], "system_transcript": "the phone number of it is 01223 351880.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Telefonnummer?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das ist alles. Danke. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Restaurant Two Two's phone number is 01223 351880. How else may I assist you?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist alles. Danke. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem günstigen Restaurant im Westen der Stadt. Kann ich bitte deren Adresse und Telefonnummer haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem günstigen Restaurant im Westen der Stadt. Kann ich bitte deren Adresse und Telefonnummer haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, bitte." ] ], "system_transcript": "La Margherita is an Italian restaurant in the west part of town that is cheap. Would you like their address and phone number?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, bitte.", "system_acts": [ [ "adresse" ], [ "telefon" ] ] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "essen", "asiatische pfanne" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hey, können Sie mir sagen, ob es im Osten der Stadt irgendwelche pan-asiatischen Restaurants gibt?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "asiatische pfanne" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hey, können Sie mir sagen, ob es im Osten der Stadt irgendwelche pan-asiatischen Restaurants gibt?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm not finding any restaurants matching that description. Would you like to try searching a different area?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "asiatische pfanne" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es chinesische Restaurants im Osten der Stadt? Falls ja, wie lauten Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl?" ] ], "system_transcript": "OK. Would you like me to check for a different type of cuisine?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es chinesische Restaurants im Osten der Stadt? Falls ja, wie lauten Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "yu garden is located at 529 newmarket road fen ditton. Its phone number is 01223 248882 and the postcode is CB58PA. Is there anything else I can help you with? ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "chinesisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, ich suche ein Restaurant, das spanische Küche serviert." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, ich suche ein Restaurant, das spanische Küche serviert.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "preisklasse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Am liebsten im Süden der Stadt. Adresse und Preise bitte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two restaurants that serve spanish food. What price range do you have in mind?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "preisklasse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Am liebsten im Süden der Stadt. Adresse und Preise bitte. ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "preisklasse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ein anderer Stadtteil ist in Ordnung. Adresse und Preisklasse bitte." ] ], "system_transcript": "Hi there were no restaurants in the south part of town that serves spanish food ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "preisklasse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ein anderer Stadtteil ist in Ordnung. Adresse und Preisklasse bitte.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das passt. Danke für die Info." ] ], "system_transcript": "I have two in the city centre. la Raza, an inexpensive restaurant located 4 - 6 Rose Crescent and la Tasca, a moderately priced restaurant at 14 -16 Bridge Street.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das passt. Danke für die Info.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, ich suche ein Restaurant, das spanische Küche serviert." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, ich suche ein Restaurant, das spanische Küche serviert.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Adresse?" ] ], "system_transcript": "La Raza is a Spanish restaurant, it is in the cheap price range, and it is located in the centre part of town. Would you like the phone number?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Adresse?", "system_acts": [ [ "telefon" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein Danke. " ] ], "system_transcript": "The address for La Raza is 4 - 6 Rose Crescent. Would you like their phone number?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein Danke. ", "system_acts": [ [ "telefon" ] ] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "schottisch" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich brauche unbedingt eine schottische Mahlzeit und keine billige." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "schottisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich brauche unbedingt eine schottische Mahlzeit und keine billige.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es ein teures Restaurant, das moderne europäische Küche serviert? Kann ich bitte deren Telefonnummer und Adresse haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I am not able to find a Scottish restaurant. Is there something else I can find for you?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es ein teures Restaurant, das moderne europäische Küche serviert? Kann ich bitte deren Telefonnummer und Adresse haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das sind die besten Neuigkeiten des ganzen Tages. Nach der Enttäuschung mit dem schottischen Lokal, wusste ich nicht, ob Sie sich erholen würden, aber es klappte. " ] ], "system_transcript": "darrys cookhouse and wine shop is a modern European restaurant and can be reached at 01223 505015 40270 King Street City Centre. ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das sind die besten Neuigkeiten des ganzen Tages. Nach der Enttäuschung mit dem schottischen Lokal, wusste ich nicht, ob Sie sich erholen würden, aber es klappte. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, danke für die Hilfe. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Can I help with anything else?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "modern europäisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, danke für die Hilfe. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es ein eher günstiges Restaurant im Norden der Stadt? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es ein eher günstiges Restaurant im Norden der Stadt? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, ich hätte gerne die Telefonnummer von Nirala." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two moderately priced restaurants in the north part of town, Golden Wok, a Chinese restaurant, and The Nirala, an Indian restaurant. Would you like more information on either of these?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, ich hätte gerne die Telefonnummer von Nirala.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja. Ich hätte gerne die Adresse von Nirala. " ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number for the Nirala is 01223 360966. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja. Ich hätte gerne die Adresse von Nirala. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Postleitzahl?" ] ], "system_transcript": "The address you want is 7 Milton Road Chesterton. How else may I help you?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Postleitzahl?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ich denke, das ist alles. Danke für Ihre Hilfe." ] ], "system_transcript": "The postcode of the nirala is C.B 2, 1 U.J.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich denke, das ist alles. Danke für Ihre Hilfe.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gerne ein Restaurant im Westen der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gerne ein Restaurant im Westen der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist mir egal. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are several restaurants in the west part of town. Would you like something in the expensive, moderate or cheap price range? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist mir egal. ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "kanapees" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kanapees" ] ], "system_transcript": "What type of food would you like?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "kanapees" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kanapees", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es stattdessen mit Thai-Küche?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I am sorry there are no restaurants with canapes. Is there some other type of food you would like?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es stattdessen mit Thai-Küche?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "preisklasse" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lauten Adresse, Telefonnummer und Preisklasse?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Of course, how about sala thong? It is a thai restaurant in the west part of town.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "preisklasse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lauten Adresse, Telefonnummer und Preisklasse?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "Sala Thong is quite expensive. The address is 35 Newnham Road Newnham and phone number is 01223 323178. Can I help you with anything else?", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "essen", "spanisch" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem spanischen Restaurant, egal wo. Kann ich Adresse und Telefonnummer haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem spanischen Restaurant, egal wo. Kann ich Adresse und Telefonnummer haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich Adresse und Telefonnummer haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Sure I have both la Raza and la Tasca in the Centre. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich Adresse und Telefonnummer haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Danke. Tschüss." ] ], "system_transcript": "la Raza is 4-6 Rose Crescent (01223464550) and la Tasca is 14-16 Bridge Street (01223464630)", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Danke. Tschüss.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem relativ günstigen Ort zum Essen." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem relativ günstigen Ort zum Essen.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Jede Art von Küche ist in Ordnung." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 31 restaurants in the moderate price range. What kind of food are you interested in?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Jede Art von Küche ist in Ordnung.", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich würde den westlichen Teil der Stadt und eine Telefonnummer bevorzugen." ] ], "system_transcript": "What part of town do you prefer?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich würde den westlichen Teil der Stadt und eine Telefonnummer bevorzugen.", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin kein Freund von indisch. Was gibt es sonst noch?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I have three options. Can I recommend Meghna which serves Indian food?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin kein Freund von indisch. Was gibt es sonst noch?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich bitte die Nummer des Prezzo haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Prezzo Has Italian Food and St. Johns Chop House has British Food.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich bitte die Nummer des Prezzo haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Nein Danke. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number for Prezzo is: 01799 521260. Is there anything else I can assist you with today?", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "westen" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein Danke. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ], [ "essen", "persisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein Restaurant im Stadtzentrum, das persische Küche serviert." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "persisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein Restaurant im Stadtzentrum, das persische Küche serviert.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Dann gerne ein Thai-Restaurant." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no restaurants serving Persian food in the Centre part of town.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Dann gerne ein Thai-Restaurant.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "preisklasse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, bitte. Bitte von günstigsten zu teuersten." ] ], "system_transcript": "I see several options for Thai food in the city centre. Would you like to narrow them down by price?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "preisklasse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, bitte. Bitte von günstigsten zu teuersten.", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lauten Adresse und Telefonnummer?" ] ], "system_transcript": "bangkok city is the only result and it is expensive.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lauten Adresse und Telefonnummer?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "The address for Bangkok city is 24 Green Street City Centr, and the phone number is 01223 354382 . Is there anything else I can help you with?\t", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "zentrum" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, ich suche nach einem schönen, schicken, teuren Restaurant." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, ich suche nach einem schönen, schicken, teuren Restaurant.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Irgendwas im Osten?" ] ], "system_transcript": "ok I can help you with that. Is there a specific type of food you are interested in, or restaurants in a specific location?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Irgendwas im Osten?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ], [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Was haben Sie sonst noch?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Grafton Hotel Restaurant serves British food on the east side. Would you like more information?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Was haben Sie sonst noch?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach anderen teuren Restaurants in der gleichen Gegend. Gibt es eines mit einer anderen Küche?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Would you like a different area or a different price range?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach anderen teuren Restaurants in der gleichen Gegend. Gibt es eines mit einer anderen Küche?", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ], [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gerne die Info über die Kneipe mit Restaurant." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two indian restaurants, a gastropub, and a chinese restaurant that also meet your criteria. Would you like any more information on these?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gerne die Info über die Kneipe mit Restaurant.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Telefonnummer?" ] ], "system_transcript": "The Royal Standard is an expensive gastropub in that area. They're located at 290 Mill Road City Centre", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Telefonnummer?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das ist alles, danke!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone is 01223 247877. Anything else I can help with?", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist alles, danke!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin im Norden, wie lautet die Adresse für ein mediterranes Lokal in der Nähe?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin im Norden, wie lautet die Adresse für ein mediterranes Lokal in der Nähe?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Die Preisklasse ist mir egal." ] ], "system_transcript": "What price range would you like?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Die Preisklasse ist mir egal.", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie sieht es aus mit mediterran in einem anderen Teil der Stadt?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no Mediterranean location in the north part of town. However there is an International place call the Bloomsbury restaurant. ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie sieht es aus mit mediterran in einem anderen Teil der Stadt?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Der Preis spielt keine Rolle. Ich möchte bitte Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are three Mediterranean restaurants in the centre of town. Would you prefer an expensive or a cheap restaurant?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Der Preis spielt keine Rolle. Ich möchte bitte Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl.", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das klingt gut. Danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "La mimosa serves Mediterranean food. Their phone number is 01223 362525, their address is Thompsons Lane Fen Ditton and their postcode is C.B 5, 8 A.Q.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mediterranisches" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das klingt gut. Danke.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein Restaurant, das spanische Küche serviert." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein Restaurant, das spanische Küche serviert.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich habe keine Präferenz. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Would you prefer cheap or moderate price range?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich habe keine Präferenz. ", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, ich hätte gerne die Adresse des La Raza. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Two selections fit your requirements. La Tasca and La Raza are both located in the centre part of town. Do either of those interest you?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, ich hätte gerne die Adresse des La Raza. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein Danke. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "La Raza's address is 4 - 6 Rose Crescent. Is there anything else I can do for you?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "spanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein Danke. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ], [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einer relativ günstigen Kneipe mit Restaurant. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einer relativ günstigen Kneipe mit Restaurant. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ganz bestimmt." ] ], "system_transcript": "The Cow Pizza Kitchen and Bar is a moderately priced gastropub in the centre area. Would you like their address and phone number?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ganz bestimmt.", "system_acts": [ [ "adresse" ], [ "telefon" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das ist alles was ich brauche. Danke und Tschüss!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number for the cow pizza kitchen and bar is 01223 308871 and they are located at the Corn Exchange Street. Can I help you with anything else? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "gastwirtschaft" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das ist alles was ich brauche. Danke und Tschüss!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ], [ "essen", "australische" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant im Osten der Stadt, das australische Gerichte serviert." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "australische" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant im Osten der Stadt, das australische Gerichte serviert.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ], [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Haben Sie einen Eintrag für indische Küche im Osten der Stadt?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm unable to find any restaurants serving Australian food. Would you like a different food type?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Haben Sie einen Eintrag für indische Küche im Osten der Stadt?", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Mir egal" ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, there are four Indian restaurants. Are you looking for a moderate or expensive price range? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Mir egal", "system_acts": [ [ "preisklasse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet die Adresse des Pipasha?" ] ], "system_transcript": "The moderate options are Curry Prince and Pipasha Restaurant. The expensive options are Rajmahal and Sitar Tandoori. Which would you prefer?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet die Adresse des Pipasha?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, ich möchte die Telefonnummer des Pipasha." ] ], "system_transcript": "Pipasha is located on Newmarket Road Fen Ditton. Can I help you with anything else?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, ich möchte die Telefonnummer des Pipasha.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Das ist alles was ich brauche. Danke für Ihre Hilfe." ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number for Pipasha is 01223 577786. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "osten" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist alles was ich brauche. Danke für Ihre Hilfe.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem preiswerten Restaurant im Süden der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem preiswerten Restaurant im Süden der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das klingt gut. Kann ich die Adresse haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Nandos is a cheap restaurant in the south part of town.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das klingt gut. Kann ich die Adresse haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Verstanden, danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "Sure. The address is Cambridge Leisure Park, Clifton way C?B?1,7D.Y", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Verstanden, danke.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ], [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Eigentlich suche ich nach einem günstigen Restaurant im Süden. Können Sie mir eines vorschlagen und eine Adresse geben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "You're welcome. Anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Eigentlich suche ich nach einem günstigen Restaurant im Süden. Können Sie mir eines vorschlagen und eine Adresse geben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Klingt gut, danke." ] ], "system_transcript": "Sure, how about restaurant alimentum at 152 - 154 Hills Road.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Klingt gut, danke.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, ich bin bereit. Vielen Dank!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Can I help you with anything else?", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "mäßig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, ich bin bereit. Vielen Dank!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, ich suche ein Restaurant, das Thai-Küche serviert. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, ich suche ein Restaurant, das Thai-Küche serviert. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Das ist mir egal" ] ], "system_transcript": "Would you prefer the centre or west part of town?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Das ist mir egal", "system_acts": [ [ "gegend" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es noch andere?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Bangkok City is in the centre area and is serving thai food, is there anything I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es noch andere?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Perfekt. Vielen Dank! " ] ], "system_transcript": "There's also Sala Thong in the west part of town. They're located at 35 Newnham Road Newnham and you can call them at 01223 323178.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Perfekt. Vielen Dank! ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ], [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem günstigen Restaurant im Norden der Stadt. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem günstigen Restaurant im Norden der Stadt. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Versuchen wir es mal mit indisch" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two restaurants that fit your criteria, would you prefer italian or indian food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "indisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Versuchen wir es mal mit indisch", "system_acts": [ [ "essen" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ], [ "request", "name" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lautet der Name des italienischen Restaurants?" ] ], "system_transcript": "royal spice serves indian food in the cheap price range and in the north part of town. is there anything else i can help you with?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "name" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lautet der Name des italienischen Restaurants?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lauten Adresse und Telefonnummer?" ] ], "system_transcript": "da vinci pizzeria", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lauten Adresse und Telefonnummer?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The address for Da Vinci Pizzeria is 20 Milton Road Chesterton and the phone number is 01223 351707.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "billig" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "norden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "mexikanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hallo, ich suche ein Restaurant, das mexikanische Küche serviert. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mexikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hallo, ich suche ein Restaurant, das mexikanische Küche serviert. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, hätte gerne die Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl, bitte." ] ], "system_transcript": "chiquito restaurant bar serves mexican food in the south part of town. Would you like their location? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mexikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, hätte gerne die Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl, bitte.", "system_acts": [ [ "adresse" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "Chiquito Restaurant Bar is located at Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton. The postal code is CB17DY and the phone number is 01223400170.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mexikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem teuren Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem teuren Restaurant im südlichen Teil der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich hätte gerne italienische Küche." ] ], "system_transcript": "There is five restaurants to your request.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich hätte gerne italienische Küche.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ja, wie lautet die Telefonnummer und wo ist es?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Frankie and Bennys serves Italian food in the south part of town. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ja, wie lautet die Telefonnummer und wo ist es?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "Their address is Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton and phone number is 01223 412430", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "italiänisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ], [ "essen", "französisch" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche ein gutes Restaurant in der Stadt, das französische Küche serviert. Können Sie mir die Telefonnummer geben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche ein gutes Restaurant in der Stadt, das französische Küche serviert. Können Sie mir die Telefonnummer geben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "There is a very good French restaurant in the centre of town. Their phone number is 01223 311053.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "französisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "es ist egal" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "karibik" ], [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Gibt es ein teures Restaurant mit karibischer Küche? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "karibik" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gibt es ein teures Restaurant mit karibischer Küche? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie wäre es mit Thai?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry but there aren't any venues offering Caribbean food in the expensive price range. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie wäre es mit Thai?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "telefon" ], [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Toll, wie lauten Adresse und Telefonnummer für die Stadt Bangkok?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There's Bangkok City in the centre of town, and Sala Thong on the west side.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "thailändisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "preisklasse", "teuer" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Toll, wie lauten Adresse und Telefonnummer für die Stadt Bangkok?", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ], [ "essen", "mexikanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich suche nach einem mexikanischem Restaurant im Süden der Stadt." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mexikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich suche nach einem mexikanischem Restaurant im Süden der Stadt.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ], [ "request", "postleitzahl" ], [ "request", "telefon" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Wie lauten Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Chiquito Restaurant Bar serves Mexican food. It's an expensive restaurant in the south part of town.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "telefon" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mexikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Wie lauten Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postleitzahl?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nein, das ist alles, vielen Dank!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Chiquito restaurant bar is located at 2G Cambridge leisure park cherry hinton road cherry hinton. Its phone number is 01223 400170 and the postcode is CB17DY. Is there anything else I can help with? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "mexikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "gegend", "süden" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nein, das ist alles, vielen Dank!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant in der Stadt, das afrikanische Küche serviert." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant in der Stadt, das afrikanische Küche serviert.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postleitzahl" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Könnten Sie mir bitte die Postleitzahl geben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Bedouin in an African restaurant located at 100 Mill Road City Centre. It is in the expensive price range. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postleitzahl" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Könnten Sie mir bitte die Postleitzahl geben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Sure, it is C.B 1, 2 B.D.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank!", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Gern geschehen." ] ], "system_transcript": "thank you, goodbye", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Gern geschehen.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "adresse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Kann ich bitte die Adresse haben?" ] ], "system_transcript": "is there anything else we can do to assist you? ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "adresse" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Kann ich bitte die Adresse haben?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank und einen schönen Tag!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The address is 100 Mill Road City Centre", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank und einen schönen Tag!", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Thank you for using the Cambridge restaurant system.", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "essen", "afrikanisch" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen. ", "system_acts": [] } ]