wjwilliam commited on
1 Parent(s): 8d938e5

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This view is limited to 50 files because it contains too many changes.   See raw diff
Files changed (50) hide show
  1. .gitattributes +56 -0
  2. Pri-Ddxplus/dev/final_subSize_dev_compound.json +59 -0
  3. Pri-Ddxplus/evidences_list.pkl +3 -0
  4. Pri-Ddxplus/raw_data/release_conditions.json +1 -0
  5. Pri-Ddxplus/raw_data/release_evidences.json +0 -0
  6. Pri-Ddxplus/raw_data/release_test_patients +3 -0
  7. Pri-Ddxplus/raw_data/release_train_patients +3 -0
  8. Pri-Ddxplus/raw_data/release_validate_patients +3 -0
  9. Pri-Ddxplus/symptom_antecedent_map_privacy_ref.json +0 -0
  10. Pri-Ddxplus/test/level2/test_data_thres.json +0 -0
  11. Pri-Ddxplus/test/level3/test_data_thres.json +0 -0
  12. Pri-Ddxplus/test/level4/test_data_thres.json +0 -0
  13. Pri-Ddxplus/test/level5/test_data_thres.json +0 -0
  14. Pri-Ddxplus/train/final_subSize_train_compound.json +0 -0
  15. Pri-NLICE/dev/final_dev_compound.json +32 -0
  16. Pri-NLICE/evidences_list.pkl +3 -0
  17. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/conditions.json +0 -0
  18. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/(Acute) Mastoiditis.csv +3 -0
  19. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Acute pancreatitis.csv +3 -0
  20. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Acute pyelonefritis.csv +3 -0
  21. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Appendicitis.csv +3 -0
  22. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Asthma.csv +3 -0
  23. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Atrophic gastritis.csv +3 -0
  24. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Bacterial (Gastro)enteritis (Salmonella infection most likely).csv +3 -0
  25. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Bacterial (Gastro)enteritis (Yersinia infection most likely).csv +3 -0
  26. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Bacterial meningitis.csv +3 -0
  27. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Bladder cancer.csv +3 -0
  28. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Breast cancer.csv +3 -0
  29. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/COPD.csv +3 -0
  30. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Carpal tunnel syndrome.csv +3 -0
  31. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Cauda equina (Radicular Syndrome).csv +3 -0
  32. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Colon cancer.csv +3 -0
  33. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Female cystitis.csv +3 -0
  34. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Functional constipation.csv +3 -0
  35. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Genital herpes (F).csv +3 -0
  36. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Genital herpes (M).csv +3 -0
  37. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Giardiasis.csv +3 -0
  38. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Gonorrhea (F).csv +3 -0
  39. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Gout.csv +3 -0
  40. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Hernia Nuclei Pulposi (Radicular syndrome).csv +3 -0
  41. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/IBS (Constipation type).csv +3 -0
  42. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Iron deficiency anaemia.csv +3 -0
  43. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Lower urinary tract infection.csv +3 -0
  44. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Lumbago (Muscle strain).csv +3 -0
  45. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Lumbar spinal stenosis (Radicular syndrome).csv +3 -0
  46. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Lung cancer (NSCLC).csv +3 -0
  47. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Migraine.csv +0 -0
  48. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Oesophageal carcinoma.csv +3 -0
  49. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Osteoarthritis.csv +3 -0
  50. Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Otitis externa.csv +3 -0
.gitattributes CHANGED
@@ -53,3 +53,59 @@ saved_model/**/* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
  *.jpg filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
  *.jpeg filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
  *.webp filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
  *.jpg filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
  *.jpeg filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
  *.webp filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-Ddxplus/raw_data/release_test_patients filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-Ddxplus/raw_data/release_train_patients filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-Ddxplus/raw_data/release_validate_patients filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/(Acute)[[:space:]]Mastoiditis.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Acute[[:space:]]pancreatitis.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Acute[[:space:]]pyelonefritis.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Appendicitis.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Asthma.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Atrophic[[:space:]]gastritis.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Bacterial[[:space:]](Gastro)enteritis[[:space:]](Salmonella[[:space:]]infection[[:space:]]most[[:space:]]likely).csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Bacterial[[:space:]](Gastro)enteritis[[:space:]](Yersinia[[:space:]]infection[[:space:]]most[[:space:]]likely).csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Bacterial[[:space:]]meningitis.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Bladder[[:space:]]cancer.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Breast[[:space:]]cancer.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Carpal[[:space:]]tunnel[[:space:]]syndrome.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Cauda[[:space:]]equina[[:space:]](Radicular[[:space:]]Syndrome).csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Colon[[:space:]]cancer.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/COPD.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Female[[:space:]]cystitis.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Functional[[:space:]]constipation.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Genital[[:space:]]herpes[[:space:]](F).csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Genital[[:space:]]herpes[[:space:]](M).csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Giardiasis.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Gonorrhea[[:space:]](F).csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Gout.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Hernia[[:space:]]Nuclei[[:space:]]Pulposi[[:space:]](Radicular[[:space:]]syndrome).csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/IBS[[:space:]](Constipation[[:space:]]type).csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Iron[[:space:]]deficiency[[:space:]]anaemia.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Lower[[:space:]]urinary[[:space:]]tract[[:space:]]infection.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Lumbago[[:space:]](Muscle[[:space:]]strain).csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Lumbar[[:space:]]spinal[[:space:]]stenosis[[:space:]](Radicular[[:space:]]syndrome).csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Lung[[:space:]]cancer[[:space:]](NSCLC).csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Oesophageal[[:space:]]carcinoma.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Osteoarthritis.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Otitis[[:space:]]externa.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Otitis[[:space:]]media[[:space:]]acuta.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Ovarian[[:space:]]cancer.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Pneumonia[[:space:]](Adenovirus[[:space:]]most[[:space:]]likely).csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Pneumonia[[:space:]](Pneumococcal[[:space:]]most[[:space:]]likely).csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Pneumothorax.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Pulmonary[[:space:]]edema[[:space:]](among[[:space:]]old).csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Pulmonary[[:space:]]edema[[:space:]](among[[:space:]]oldest).csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Pulmonary[[:space:]]edema[[:space:]](among[[:space:]]young).csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Rheumatoid[[:space:]]arthritis[[:space:]](F).csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Rheumatoid[[:space:]]arthritis[[:space:]](M).csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Subarachnoidal[[:space:]]bleeding.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Testicular[[:space:]]cancer.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Upper[[:space:]]urinary[[:space:]]tract[[:space:]]infection.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Viral[[:space:]](Gastro)enteritis[[:space:]](Norovirus[[:space:]]infection[[:space:]]most[[:space:]]likely).csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Viral[[:space:]]meningitis[[:space:]](Enterovirus).csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Viral[[:space:]]meningitis[[:space:]](Varicella[[:space:]]zoster[[:space:]]virus).csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/viral[[:space:]]respiratory[[:space:]]infection[[:space:]](COVID-19[[:space:]]most[[:space:]]likely).csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/viral[[:space:]]respiratory[[:space:]]infection[[:space:]](Influenza[[:space:]]most[[:space:]]likely).csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Vitamin[[:space:]]B12[[:space:]]deficiency.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Vitamin[[:space:]]D[[:space:]]deficiency.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ Pri-NLICE/raw_data/sample_data/Wernicke-Korsakoff[[:space:]]complex.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
Pri-Ddxplus/dev/final_subSize_dev_compound.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ {"age": 33, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "increased sweating", "question_mask": "A 33-year-old man has a history of smoking, working in daycare. The 33-year-old man presents the symptoms of cough, sore throat. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 33-year-old man has a history of smoking, working in daycare, exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke, contact with symptomatic person. The 33-year-old man presents the symptoms of cough, fever, increased sweating, pain, sore throat. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["cough", "fever", "increased sweating", "pain", "sore throat"], "antecedents": ["smoking", "working in daycare", "exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke", "contact with symptomatic person"], "correct_answer": "URTI", "options": ["Panic attack", "Acute rhinosinusitis", "URTI", "Chronic rhinosinusitis"], "csv_index": 847513, "list_index": 1061, "symptoms_remain": ["cough", "sore throat"], "antecedents_remain": ["smoking", "working in daycare"], "symptoms_mask": ["fever", "increased sweating", "pain"], "antecedents_mask": ["exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke", "contact with symptomatic person"], "restore_symptoms": ["fever", "increased sweating", "pain", "exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke", "contact with symptomatic person"]}
+ {"age": 15, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "cold", "question_mask": "A 15-year-old woman has a history of smoking, working in daycare. The 15-year-old woman presents the symptoms of cough, hoarse voice. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 15-year-old woman has a history of smoking, working in daycare, cold. The 15-year-old woman presents the symptoms of cough, hoarse voice, pain. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["cough", "hoarse voice", "pain"], "antecedents": ["smoking", "working in daycare", "cold"], "correct_answer": "Acute laryngitis", "options": ["Pericarditis", "Acute laryngitis", "Allergic sinusitis", "Anemia"], "csv_index": 851186, "list_index": 1544, "symptoms_remain": ["cough", "hoarse voice"], "antecedents_remain": ["smoking", "working in daycare"], "symptoms_mask": ["pain"], "antecedents_mask": ["cold"], "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "cold"]}
+ {"age": 7, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "cold", "question_mask": "A 7-year-old male has a history of smoking. The 7-year-old male presents the symptoms of hoarse voice. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 7-year-old male has a history of smoking, cold. The 7-year-old male presents the symptoms of hoarse voice, pain, fever. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["hoarse voice", "pain", "fever"], "antecedents": ["smoking", "cold"], "correct_answer": "Acute laryngitis", "options": ["Sarcoidosis", "Pericarditis", "Acute laryngitis", "Localized edema"], "csv_index": 425639, "list_index": 1477, "symptoms_remain": ["hoarse voice"], "antecedents_remain": ["smoking"], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "fever"], "antecedents_mask": ["cold"], "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "fever", "cold"]}
+ {"age": 23, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "fever", "question_mask": "A 23-year-old man presents the symptoms of nasal congestion, cough, sore throat. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 23-year-old man presents the symptoms of nasal congestion, cough, fever, pain, sore throat. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["nasal congestion", "cough", "fever", "pain", "sore throat"], "antecedents": [], "correct_answer": "URTI", "options": ["SLE", "Sarcoidosis", "URTI", "Panic attack"], "csv_index": 163435, "list_index": 1890, "symptoms_remain": ["nasal congestion", "cough", "sore throat"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["fever", "pain"], "antecedents_mask": [], "restore_symptoms": ["fever", "pain"]}
+ {"age": 47, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "family history allergies", "question_mask": "A 47-year-old woman presents the symptoms of cough, nasal congestion. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 47-year-old woman has a history of family history allergies. The 47-year-old woman presents the symptoms of cough, nasal congestion, itchy nose. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["cough", "nasal congestion", "itchy nose"], "antecedents": ["family history allergies"], "correct_answer": "Allergic sinusitis", "options": ["Allergic sinusitis", "Whooping cough", "Viral pharyngitis", "Localized edema"], "csv_index": 318413, "list_index": 2401, "symptoms_remain": ["cough", "nasal congestion"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["itchy nose"], "antecedents_mask": ["family history allergies"], "restore_symptoms": ["itchy nose", "family history allergies"]}
+ {"age": 34, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "family history allergies", "question_mask": "A 34-year-old female presents the symptoms of cough, nasal congestion. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 34-year-old female has a history of family history allergies. The 34-year-old female presents the symptoms of cough, severe itching in eyes, nasal congestion. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["cough", "severe itching in eyes", "nasal congestion"], "antecedents": ["family history allergies"], "correct_answer": "Allergic sinusitis", "options": ["Localized edema", "Viral pharyngitis", "Allergic sinusitis", "Sarcoidosis"], "csv_index": 872459, "list_index": 2600, "symptoms_remain": ["cough", "nasal congestion"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["severe itching in eyes"], "antecedents_mask": ["family history allergies"], "restore_symptoms": ["severe itching in eyes", "family history allergies"]}
+ {"age": 37, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "alcohol addiction", "question_mask": "A 37-year-old man presents the symptoms of vomiting, nausea. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 37-year-old man has a history of alcohol addiction. The 37-year-old man presents the symptoms of vomiting, pain, nausea. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["vomiting", "pain", "nausea"], "antecedents": ["alcohol addiction"], "correct_answer": "Boerhaave", "options": ["Boerhaave", "Acute dystonic reactions", "Unstable angina", "pericarditis"], "csv_index": 192849, "list_index": 2930, "symptoms_remain": ["vomiting", "nausea"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["pain"], "antecedents_mask": ["alcohol addiction"], "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "alcohol addiction"]}
+ {"age": 73, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "fluid in lungs", "question_mask": "A 73-year-old man presents the symptoms of swelling, symptoms worse when lying down. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 73-year-old man has a history of fluid in lungs, heart failure, high blood pressure. The 73-year-old man presents the symptoms of swelling, chest pain, increased sweating, pain, symptoms worse when lying down, fatigue, shortness of breath. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["swelling", "chest pain", "increased sweating", "pain", "symptoms worse when lying down", "fatigue", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents": ["fluid in lungs", "heart failure", "high blood pressure"], "correct_answer": "Acute pulmonary edema", "options": ["Ebola", "Larygospasm", "Acute pulmonary edema", "stable angina"], "csv_index": 173489, "list_index": 4514, "symptoms_remain": ["swelling", "symptoms worse when lying down"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["chest pain", "increased sweating", "pain", "fatigue", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents_mask": ["fluid in lungs", "heart failure", "high blood pressure"], "restore_symptoms": ["chest pain", "increased sweating", "pain", "fatigue", "shortness of breath", "fluid in lungs", "heart failure", "high blood pressure"]}
+ {"age": 48, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "muscle weakness", "question_mask": "A 48-year-old woman presents the symptoms of weakness. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 48-year-old woman presents the symptoms of jaw pain, double vision, ptosis, muscle weakness, difficulty speaking, weakness, swallowing difficulty, weakness in limbs, shortness of breath. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["jaw pain", "double vision", "ptosis", "muscle weakness", "difficulty speaking", "weakness", "swallowing difficulty", "weakness in limbs", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents": [], "correct_answer": "Myasthenia gravis", "options": ["Tuberculosis", "HIV (initial infection)", "Bronchiolitis", "Myasthenia gravis"], "csv_index": 61129, "list_index": 4944, "symptoms_remain": ["weakness"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["jaw pain", "double vision", "ptosis", "muscle weakness", "difficulty speaking", "swallowing difficulty", "weakness in limbs", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents_mask": [], "restore_symptoms": ["jaw pain", "double vision", "ptosis", "muscle weakness", "difficulty speaking", "swallowing difficulty", "weakness in limbs", "shortness of breath"]}
+ {"age": 35, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "choking", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 35-year-old man?", "question_init": "A 35-year-old man has a history of chronic anxiety, fibromyalgia, depression, anxious. The 35-year-old man presents the symptoms of depersonalization, numbness, increased sweating, pain, palpitations, lightheadedness, shortness of breath, choking. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["depersonalization", "numbness", "increased sweating", "pain", "palpitations", "lightheadedness", "shortness of breath", "choking"], "antecedents": ["chronic anxiety", "fibromyalgia", "depression", "anxious"], "correct_answer": "Panic attack", "options": ["Chronic rhinosinusitis", "Panic attack", "chagas", "URTI"], "csv_index": 493926, "list_index": 5888, "symptoms_remain": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["depersonalization", "numbness", "increased sweating", "pain", "palpitations", "lightheadedness", "shortness of breath", "choking"], "antecedents_mask": ["chronic anxiety", "fibromyalgia", "depression", "anxious"], "restore_symptoms": ["depersonalization", "numbness", "increased sweating", "pain", "palpitations", "lightheadedness", "shortness of breath", "choking", "chronic anxiety", "fibromyalgia", "depression", "anxious"]}
+ {"age": 26, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "food allergy", "question_mask": "A 26-year-old male presents the symptoms of nausea, red cheeks. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 26-year-old male has a history of food allergy. The 26-year-old male presents the symptoms of wheezing, nausea, red cheeks, shortness of breath, skin lesions. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["wheezing", "nausea", "red cheeks", "shortness of breath", "skin lesions"], "antecedents": ["food allergy"], "correct_answer": "Scombroid food poisoning", "options": ["Spontaneous pneumothorax", "Unstable angina", "Epiglottitis", "Scombroid food poisoning"], "csv_index": 277105, "list_index": 6180, "symptoms_remain": ["nausea", "red cheeks"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["wheezing", "shortness of breath", "skin lesions"], "antecedents_mask": ["food allergy"], "restore_symptoms": ["wheezing", "shortness of breath", "skin lesions", "food allergy"]}
+ {"age": 32, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "coughing up blood", "question_mask": "A 32-year-old male presents the symptoms of cough. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 32-year-old male has a history of corticosteroids usage, alcohol addiction, intravenous drug use. The 32-year-old male presents the symptoms of coughing up blood, cough, fever, underweight. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["coughing up blood", "cough", "fever", "underweight"], "antecedents": ["corticosteroids usage", "alcohol addiction", "intravenous drug use"], "correct_answer": "Tuberculosis", "options": ["Bronchospasm / acute asthma exacerbation", "Tuberculosis", "Acute COPD exacerbation / infection", "Pulmonary neoplasm"], "csv_index": 418065, "list_index": 6639, "symptoms_remain": ["cough"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["coughing up blood", "fever", "underweight"], "antecedents_mask": ["corticosteroids usage", "alcohol addiction", "intravenous drug use"], "restore_symptoms": ["coughing up blood", "fever", "underweight", "corticosteroids usage", "alcohol addiction", "intravenous drug use"]}
+ {"age": 25, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "pain that improves with forward leaning", "question_mask": "A 25-year-old man has a history of recent vaccinations. The 25-year-old man presents the symptoms of hoarse voice. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 25-year-old man has a history of diabetes, alcohol addiction, recent vaccinations. The 25-year-old man presents the symptoms of pain that improves with forward leaning, fever, swallowing difficulty, pain, hoarse voice. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain that improves with forward leaning", "fever", "swallowing difficulty", "pain", "hoarse voice"], "antecedents": ["diabetes", "alcohol addiction", "recent vaccinations"], "correct_answer": "Epiglottitis", "options": ["Stable angina", "Pulmonary embolism", "Myocarditis", "Epiglottitis"], "csv_index": 462945, "list_index": 7010, "symptoms_remain": ["hoarse voice"], "antecedents_remain": ["recent vaccinations"], "symptoms_mask": ["pain that improves with forward leaning", "fever", "swallowing difficulty", "pain"], "antecedents_mask": ["diabetes", "alcohol addiction"], "restore_symptoms": ["pain that improves with forward leaning", "fever", "swallowing difficulty", "pain", "diabetes", "alcohol addiction"]}
+ {"age": 77, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "pain that improves with forward leaning", "question_mask": "A 77-year-old woman presents the symptoms of hoarse voice. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 77-year-old woman has a history of diabetes, stimulant drug use, high blood pressure. The 77-year-old woman presents the symptoms of pain that improves with forward leaning, fever, swallowing difficulty, high pitched sound during inhalation, pain, hoarse voice, shortness of breath. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain that improves with forward leaning", "fever", "swallowing difficulty", "high pitched sound during inhalation", "pain", "hoarse voice", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents": ["diabetes", "stimulant drug use", "high blood pressure"], "correct_answer": "Epiglottitis", "options": ["Spontaneous pneumothorax", "Stable angina", "Epiglottitis", "Croup"], "csv_index": 840334, "list_index": 6974, "symptoms_remain": ["hoarse voice"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["pain that improves with forward leaning", "fever", "swallowing difficulty", "high pitched sound during inhalation", "pain", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents_mask": ["diabetes", "stimulant drug use", "high blood pressure"], "restore_symptoms": ["pain that improves with forward leaning", "fever", "swallowing difficulty", "high pitched sound during inhalation", "pain", "shortness of breath", "diabetes", "stimulant drug use", "high blood pressure"]}
+ {"age": 29, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "asthma", "question_mask": "A 29-year-old male presents the symptoms of cough. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 29-year-old male has a history of asthma. The 29-year-old male presents the symptoms of cough, severe itching in eyes, itchy nose. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["cough", "severe itching in eyes", "itchy nose"], "antecedents": ["asthma"], "correct_answer": "Allergic sinusitis", "options": ["Viral pharyngitis", "Acute otitis media", "Allergic sinusitis", "Whooping cough"], "csv_index": 1010253, "list_index": 8246, "symptoms_remain": ["cough"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["severe itching in eyes", "itchy nose"], "antecedents_mask": ["asthma"], "restore_symptoms": ["severe itching in eyes", "itchy nose", "asthma"]}
+ {"age": 9, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke", "question_mask": "A 9-year-old woman has a history of smoking. The 9-year-old woman presents the symptoms of nasal congestion, diffuse muscle pain, sore throat. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 9-year-old woman has a history of smoking, exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke, contact with symptomatic person. The 9-year-old woman presents the symptoms of nasal congestion, fever, increased sweating, diffuse muscle pain, pain, sore throat. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["nasal congestion", "fever", "increased sweating", "diffuse muscle pain", "pain", "sore throat"], "antecedents": ["smoking", "exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke", "contact with symptomatic person"], "correct_answer": "URTI", "options": ["URTI", "Panic attack", "Chronic rhinosinusitis", "SLE"], "csv_index": 222447, "list_index": 12369, "symptoms_remain": ["nasal congestion", "diffuse muscle pain", "sore throat"], "antecedents_remain": ["smoking"], "symptoms_mask": ["fever", "increased sweating", "pain"], "antecedents_mask": ["exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke", "contact with symptomatic person"], "restore_symptoms": ["fever", "increased sweating", "pain", "exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke", "contact with symptomatic person"]}
+ {"age": 78, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "symptoms worse after eating", "question_mask": "A 78-year-old male has a history of smoking. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 78-year-old male has a history of hiatal hernia, alcohol addiction, smoking, asthma. The 78-year-old male presents the symptoms of burning sensation in throat, pain, symptoms worse after eating. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["burning sensation in throat", "pain", "symptoms worse after eating"], "antecedents": ["hiatal hernia", "alcohol addiction", "smoking", "asthma"], "correct_answer": "GERD", "options": ["Cluster headache", "GERD", "Bronchospasm / acute asthma exacerbation", "Inguinal hernia"], "csv_index": 630751, "list_index": 13934, "symptoms_remain": [], "antecedents_remain": ["smoking"], "symptoms_mask": ["burning sensation in throat", "pain", "symptoms worse after eating"], "antecedents_mask": ["hiatal hernia", "alcohol addiction", "asthma"], "restore_symptoms": ["burning sensation in throat", "pain", "symptoms worse after eating", "hiatal hernia", "alcohol addiction", "asthma"]}
+ {"age": 58, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "difficulty speaking", "question_mask": "A 58-year-old woman presents the symptoms of weakness. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 58-year-old woman presents the symptoms of jaw pain, double vision, ptosis, muscle weakness, difficulty speaking, weakness, swallowing difficulty, weakness in limbs, shortness of breath. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["jaw pain", "double vision", "ptosis", "muscle weakness", "difficulty speaking", "weakness", "swallowing difficulty", "weakness in limbs", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents": [], "correct_answer": "Myasthenia gravis", "options": ["Myasthenia gravis", "Bronchospasm / acute asthma exacerbation", "Tuberculosis", "Cluster headache"], "csv_index": 89703, "list_index": 15581, "symptoms_remain": ["weakness"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["jaw pain", "double vision", "ptosis", "muscle weakness", "difficulty speaking", "swallowing difficulty", "weakness in limbs", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents_mask": [], "restore_symptoms": ["jaw pain", "double vision", "ptosis", "muscle weakness", "difficulty speaking", "swallowing difficulty", "weakness in limbs", "shortness of breath"]}
+ {"age": 23, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "cardiovascular disease", "question_mask": "A 23-year-old woman has a history of exercise regularly, smoking. The 23-year-old woman presents the symptoms of symptoms worse, nausea. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 23-year-old woman has a history of cardiovascular disease, obesity, exercise regularly, smoking, alcohol addiction, high blood pressure. The 23-year-old woman presents the symptoms of symptoms worse, exertional symptoms, nausea, increased sweating, pain, fatigue, shortness of breath. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["symptoms worse", "exertional symptoms", "nausea", "increased sweating", "pain", "fatigue", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents": ["cardiovascular disease", "obesity", "exercise regularly", "smoking", "alcohol addiction", "high blood pressure"], "correct_answer": "Unstable angina", "options": ["Unstable angina", "Myocarditis", "Croup", "Epiglottitis"], "csv_index": 518749, "list_index": 17344, "symptoms_remain": ["symptoms worse", "nausea"], "antecedents_remain": ["exercise regularly", "smoking"], "symptoms_mask": ["exertional symptoms", "increased sweating", "pain", "fatigue", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents_mask": ["cardiovascular disease", "obesity", "alcohol addiction", "high blood pressure"], "restore_symptoms": ["exertional symptoms", "increased sweating", "pain", "fatigue", "shortness of breath", "cardiovascular disease", "obesity", "alcohol addiction", "high blood pressure"]}
+ {"age": 53, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "cardiovascular disease", "question_mask": "A 53-year-old male has a history of exercise regularly, smoking. The 53-year-old male presents the symptoms of symptoms worse. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 53-year-old male has a history of cardiovascular disease, obesity, exercise regularly, smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure. The 53-year-old male presents the symptoms of symptoms worse, exertional symptoms, chest pain, increased sweating, pain, fatigue, shortness of breath. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["symptoms worse", "exertional symptoms", "chest pain", "increased sweating", "pain", "fatigue", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents": ["cardiovascular disease", "obesity", "exercise regularly", "smoking", "diabetes", "high blood pressure"], "correct_answer": "Unstable angina", "options": ["Croup", "Unstable angina", "Boerhaave", "Epiglottitis"], "csv_index": 649382, "list_index": 17412, "symptoms_remain": ["symptoms worse"], "antecedents_remain": ["exercise regularly", "smoking"], "symptoms_mask": ["exertional symptoms", "chest pain", "increased sweating", "pain", "fatigue", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents_mask": ["cardiovascular disease", "obesity", "diabetes", "high blood pressure"], "restore_symptoms": ["exertional symptoms", "chest pain", "increased sweating", "pain", "fatigue", "shortness of breath", "cardiovascular disease", "obesity", "diabetes", "high blood pressure"]}
+ {"age": 62, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "cardiovascular disease", "question_mask": "A 62-year-old male has a history of exercise regularly, smoking. The 62-year-old male presents the symptoms of symptoms worse, nausea. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 62-year-old male has a history of cardiovascular disease, obesity, exercise regularly, smoking, diabetes, alcohol addiction, high blood pressure. The 62-year-old male presents the symptoms of symptoms worse, exertional symptoms, nausea, chest pain, increased sweating, pain, shortness of breath. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["symptoms worse", "exertional symptoms", "nausea", "chest pain", "increased sweating", "pain", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents": ["cardiovascular disease", "obesity", "exercise regularly", "smoking", "diabetes", "alcohol addiction", "high blood pressure"], "correct_answer": "Unstable angina", "options": ["chagas", "Croup", "Epiglottitis", "Unstable angina"], "csv_index": 305444, "list_index": 17596, "symptoms_remain": ["symptoms worse", "nausea"], "antecedents_remain": ["exercise regularly", "smoking"], "symptoms_mask": ["exertional symptoms", "chest pain", "increased sweating", "pain", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents_mask": ["cardiovascular disease", "obesity", "diabetes", "alcohol addiction", "high blood pressure"], "restore_symptoms": ["exertional symptoms", "chest pain", "increased sweating", "pain", "shortness of breath", "cardiovascular disease", "obesity", "diabetes", "alcohol addiction", "high blood pressure"]}
+ {"age": 24, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "kidney problem with proteinuria", "question_mask": "A 24-year-old man presents the symptoms of swelling. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 24-year-old man has a history of kidney problem with proteinuria, calcium channel blockers usage, surgery to remove lymph nodes, deep vein thrombosis, corticosteroids usage, heart failure. The 24-year-old man presents the symptoms of pain, weight gain, swelling. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "weight gain", "swelling"], "antecedents": ["kidney problem with proteinuria", "calcium channel blockers usage", "surgery to remove lymph nodes", "deep vein thrombosis", "corticosteroids usage", "heart failure"], "correct_answer": "Localized edema", "options": ["Pericarditis", "Allergic sinusitis", "Localized edema", "Viral pharyngitis"], "csv_index": 359523, "list_index": 17694, "symptoms_remain": ["swelling"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "weight gain"], "antecedents_mask": ["kidney problem with proteinuria", "calcium channel blockers usage", "surgery to remove lymph nodes", "deep vein thrombosis", "corticosteroids usage", "heart failure"], "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "weight gain", "kidney problem with proteinuria", "calcium channel blockers usage", "surgery to remove lymph nodes", "deep vein thrombosis", "corticosteroids usage", "heart failure"]}
+ {"age": 51, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "hematemesis", "question_mask": "A 51-year-old man presents the symptoms of vomiting, nausea. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 51-year-old man presents the symptoms of vomiting, hematemesis, pain, nausea. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["vomiting", "hematemesis", "pain", "nausea"], "antecedents": [], "correct_answer": "Boerhaave", "options": ["Croup", "Pulmonary embolism", "Scombroid food poisoning", "Boerhaave"], "csv_index": 412988, "list_index": 18608, "symptoms_remain": ["vomiting", "nausea"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["hematemesis", "pain"], "antecedents_mask": [], "restore_symptoms": ["hematemesis", "pain"]}
+ {"age": 27, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "stimulant drug use", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 27-year-old female?", "question_init": "A 27-year-old female has a history of stimulant drug use, anxious. The 27-year-old female presents the symptoms of dizziness, pain, palpitations, lightheadedness, shortness of breath. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["dizziness", "pain", "palpitations", "lightheadedness", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents": ["stimulant drug use", "anxious"], "correct_answer": "PSVT", "options": ["Boerhaave", "Stable angina", "PSVT", "Myocarditis"], "csv_index": 529819, "list_index": 21179, "symptoms_remain": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["dizziness", "pain", "palpitations", "lightheadedness", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents_mask": ["stimulant drug use", "anxious"], "restore_symptoms": ["dizziness", "pain", "palpitations", "lightheadedness", "shortness of breath", "stimulant drug use", "anxious"]}
+ {"age": 23, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "premature birth", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 23-year-old female?", "question_init": "A 23-year-old female has a history of premature birth. The 23-year-old female presents the symptoms of pain, intense coughing, skin lesions, abdominal bloating. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "intense coughing", "skin lesions", "abdominal bloating"], "antecedents": ["premature birth"], "correct_answer": "Inguinal hernia", "options": ["Inguinal hernia", "Pulmonary neoplasm", "Acute COPD exacerbation / infection", "Influenza"], "csv_index": 519412, "list_index": 21357, "symptoms_remain": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "intense coughing", "skin lesions", "abdominal bloating"], "antecedents_mask": ["premature birth"], "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "intense coughing", "skin lesions", "abdominal bloating", "premature birth"]}
+ {"age": 20, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "immunosuppressed", "question_mask": "A 20-year-old male presents the symptoms of nasal congestion, cough, shivers, diffuse muscle pain, sore throat. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 20-year-old male has a history of immunosuppressed. The 20-year-old male presents the symptoms of nasal congestion, cough, shivers, increased sweating, diffuse muscle pain, pain, loss of appetite, sore throat, skin lesions. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["nasal congestion", "cough", "shivers", "increased sweating", "diffuse muscle pain", "pain", "loss of appetite", "sore throat", "skin lesions"], "antecedents": ["immunosuppressed"], "correct_answer": "Influenza", "options": ["GERD", "Pulmonary neoplasm", "Bronchospasm / acute asthma exacerbation", "Influenza"], "csv_index": 466232, "list_index": 22359, "symptoms_remain": ["nasal congestion", "cough", "shivers", "diffuse muscle pain", "sore throat"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["increased sweating", "pain", "loss of appetite", "skin lesions"], "antecedents_mask": ["immunosuppressed"], "restore_symptoms": ["increased sweating", "pain", "loss of appetite", "skin lesions", "immunosuppressed"]}
+ {"age": 26, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "pancreatic cancer in family members", "question_mask": "A 26-year-old man has a history of smoking. The 26-year-old man presents the symptoms of nausea. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 26-year-old man has a history of pancreatic cancer in family members, smoking, obesity. The 26-year-old man presents the symptoms of nausea, underweight, pain, fatigue, skin lesions. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["nausea", "underweight", "pain", "fatigue", "skin lesions"], "antecedents": ["pancreatic cancer in family members", "smoking", "obesity"], "correct_answer": "Pancreatic neoplasm", "options": ["Pulmonary neoplasm", "Pneumonia", "Influenza", "Pancreatic neoplasm"], "csv_index": 477214, "list_index": 25175, "symptoms_remain": ["nausea"], "antecedents_remain": ["smoking"], "symptoms_mask": ["underweight", "pain", "fatigue", "skin lesions"], "antecedents_mask": ["pancreatic cancer in family members", "obesity"], "restore_symptoms": ["underweight", "pain", "fatigue", "skin lesions", "pancreatic cancer in family members", "obesity"]}
+ {"age": 13, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "chronic kidney failure", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 13-year-old woman?", "question_init": "A 13-year-old woman has a history of pregnancy, chronic kidney failure, oral anticoagulants usage. The 13-year-old woman presents the symptoms of blood in stool, fatigue, underweight, pain, pale skin, lightheadedness, shortness of breath. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["blood in stool", "fatigue", "underweight", "pain", "pale skin", "lightheadedness", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents": ["pregnancy", "chronic kidney failure", "oral anticoagulants usage"], "correct_answer": "Anemia", "options": ["Localized edema", "Acute otitis media", "Anemia", "Whooping cough"], "csv_index": 444778, "list_index": 25308, "symptoms_remain": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["blood in stool", "fatigue", "underweight", "pain", "pale skin", "lightheadedness", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents_mask": ["pregnancy", "chronic kidney failure", "oral anticoagulants usage"], "restore_symptoms": ["blood in stool", "fatigue", "underweight", "pain", "pale skin", "lightheadedness", "shortness of breath", "pregnancy", "chronic kidney failure", "oral anticoagulants usage"]}
+ {"age": 31, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "underweight", "question_mask": "A 31-year-old woman has a history of smoking. The 31-year-old woman presents the symptoms of cough, nausea. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 31-year-old woman has a history of smoking. The 31-year-old woman presents the symptoms of underweight, cough, pain, nausea. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["underweight", "cough", "pain", "nausea"], "antecedents": ["smoking"], "correct_answer": "Pancreatic neoplasm", "options": ["Pulmonary neoplasm", "Bronchiectasis", "Inguinal hernia", "Pancreatic neoplasm"], "csv_index": 716951, "list_index": 25689, "symptoms_remain": ["cough", "nausea"], "antecedents_remain": ["smoking"], "symptoms_mask": ["underweight", "pain"], "antecedents_mask": [], "restore_symptoms": ["underweight", "pain"]}
+ {"age": 65, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "mood instability", "question_mask": "A 65-year-old female presents the symptoms of cough. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 65-year-old female presents the symptoms of cough, pain, mood instability. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["cough", "pain", "mood instability"], "antecedents": [], "correct_answer": "Acute otitis media", "options": ["Acute otitis media", "SLE", "Anemia", "Viral pharyngitis"], "csv_index": 26257, "list_index": 27366, "symptoms_remain": ["cough"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "mood instability"], "antecedents_mask": [], "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "mood instability"]}
+ {"age": 19, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "calcium channel blockers usage", "question_mask": "A 19-year-old woman has a history of obstructive sleep apnea. The 19-year-old woman presents the symptoms of swelling. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 19-year-old woman has a history of calcium channel blockers usage, surgery to remove lymph nodes, liver cirrhosis, anti-inflammatory drugs usage, obstructive sleep apnea, heart failure. The 19-year-old woman presents the symptoms of pain, weight gain, swelling. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "weight gain", "swelling"], "antecedents": ["calcium channel blockers usage", "surgery to remove lymph nodes", "liver cirrhosis", "anti-inflammatory drugs usage", "obstructive sleep apnea", "heart failure"], "correct_answer": "Localized edema", "options": ["sle", "Anemia", "Localized edema", "Bronchitis"], "csv_index": 30277, "list_index": 27637, "symptoms_remain": ["swelling"], "antecedents_remain": ["obstructive sleep apnea"], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "weight gain"], "antecedents_mask": ["calcium channel blockers usage", "surgery to remove lymph nodes", "liver cirrhosis", "anti-inflammatory drugs usage", "heart failure"], "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "weight gain", "calcium channel blockers usage", "surgery to remove lymph nodes", "liver cirrhosis", "anti-inflammatory drugs usage", "heart failure"]}
+ {"age": 42, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "high blood pressure", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 42-year-old female?", "question_init": "A 42-year-old female has a history of high blood pressure, heart valve issue. The 42-year-old female presents the symptoms of exertional symptoms, chest pain. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["exertional symptoms", "chest pain"], "antecedents": ["high blood pressure", "heart valve issue"], "correct_answer": "Atrial fibrillation", "options": ["HIV (initial infection)", "Atrial fibrillation", "Chagas", "Spontaneous rib fracture"], "csv_index": 759674, "list_index": 28010, "symptoms_remain": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["exertional symptoms", "chest pain"], "antecedents_mask": ["high blood pressure", "heart valve issue"], "restore_symptoms": ["exertional symptoms", "chest pain", "high blood pressure", "heart valve issue"]}
+ {"age": 19, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "vaginal discharge", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 19-year-old female?", "question_init": "A 19-year-old female presents the symptoms of swollen lymph nodes, seizure, pain, vaginal discharge, shortness of breath. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["swollen lymph nodes", "seizure", "pain", "vaginal discharge", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents": [], "correct_answer": "Sarcoidosis", "options": ["pulmonary embolism", "Pericarditis", "Sarcoidosis", "Acute otitis media"], "csv_index": 1014814, "list_index": 28542, "symptoms_remain": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["swollen lymph nodes", "seizure", "pain", "vaginal discharge", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents_mask": [], "restore_symptoms": ["swollen lymph nodes", "seizure", "pain", "vaginal discharge", "shortness of breath"]}
+ {"age": 29, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "whooping cough", "question_mask": "A 29-year-old woman presents the symptoms of vomiting. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 29-year-old woman presents the symptoms of vomiting, whooping cough. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["vomiting", "whooping cough"], "antecedents": [], "correct_answer": "Whooping cough", "options": ["Acute rhinosinusitis", "Whooping cough", "Acute otitis media", "Acute laryngitis"], "csv_index": 973599, "list_index": 29822, "symptoms_remain": ["vomiting"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["whooping cough"], "antecedents_mask": [], "restore_symptoms": ["whooping cough"]}
+ {"age": 15, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "endocrine disease", "question_mask": "A 15-year-old woman has a history of obstructive sleep apnea. The 15-year-old woman presents the symptoms of swelling. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 15-year-old woman has a history of calcium channel blockers usage, deep vein thrombosis, anti-inflammatory drugs usage, endocrine disease, obstructive sleep apnea, heart failure. The 15-year-old woman presents the symptoms of pain, swelling. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "swelling"], "antecedents": ["calcium channel blockers usage", "deep vein thrombosis", "anti-inflammatory drugs usage", "endocrine disease", "obstructive sleep apnea", "heart failure"], "correct_answer": "Localized edema", "options": ["Bronchitis", "Acute otitis media", "Localized edema", "Acute rhinosinusitis"], "csv_index": 648865, "list_index": 32725, "symptoms_remain": ["swelling"], "antecedents_remain": ["obstructive sleep apnea"], "symptoms_mask": ["pain"], "antecedents_mask": ["calcium channel blockers usage", "deep vein thrombosis", "anti-inflammatory drugs usage", "endocrine disease", "heart failure"], "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "calcium channel blockers usage", "deep vein thrombosis", "anti-inflammatory drugs usage", "endocrine disease", "heart failure"]}
+ {"age": 57, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "abdominal bloating", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 57-year-old female?", "question_init": "A 57-year-old female presents the symptoms of constipation, intense coughing, abdominal bloating, pain, skin lesions. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["constipation", "intense coughing", "abdominal bloating", "pain", "skin lesions"], "antecedents": [], "correct_answer": "Inguinal hernia", "options": ["pancreatic neoplasm", "Inguinal hernia", "Atrial fibrillation", "GERD"], "csv_index": 342583, "list_index": 33387, "symptoms_remain": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["constipation", "intense coughing", "abdominal bloating", "pain", "skin lesions"], "antecedents_mask": [], "restore_symptoms": ["constipation", "intense coughing", "abdominal bloating", "pain", "skin lesions"]}
+ {"age": 84, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "loss of consciousness", "question_mask": "A 84-year-old man presents the symptoms of swelling. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 84-year-old man has a history of active cancer, deep vein thrombosis. The 84-year-old man presents the symptoms of swelling, loss of consciousness, pain, shortness of breath, pain with deep breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["swelling", "loss of consciousness", "pain", "shortness of breath", "pain with deep breathing"], "antecedents": ["active cancer", "deep vein thrombosis"], "correct_answer": "Pulmonary embolism", "options": ["PSVT", "Croup", "Pulmonary embolism", "Epiglottitis"], "csv_index": 166385, "list_index": 34431, "symptoms_remain": ["swelling"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["loss of consciousness", "pain", "shortness of breath", "pain with deep breathing"], "antecedents_mask": ["active cancer", "deep vein thrombosis"], "restore_symptoms": ["loss of consciousness", "pain", "shortness of breath", "pain with deep breathing", "active cancer", "deep vein thrombosis"]}
+ {"age": 55, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "diffuse redness in eyes", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 55-year-old male?", "question_init": "A 55-year-old male presents the symptoms of pain, shortness of breath, diffuse redness in eyes. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "shortness of breath", "diffuse redness in eyes"], "antecedents": [], "correct_answer": "Sarcoidosis", "options": ["Viral pharyngitis", "Acute laryngitis", "Localized edema", "Sarcoidosis"], "csv_index": 89999, "list_index": 37935, "symptoms_remain": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "shortness of breath", "diffuse redness in eyes"], "antecedents_mask": [], "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "shortness of breath", "diffuse redness in eyes"]}
+ {"age": 21, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "black stools", "question_mask": "A 21-year-old woman has a history of smoking. The 21-year-old woman presents the symptoms of cough. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 21-year-old woman has a history of pregnancy, asthma, smoking. The 21-year-old woman presents the symptoms of black stools, pain, cough. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["black stools", "pain", "cough"], "antecedents": ["pregnancy", "asthma", "smoking"], "correct_answer": "GERD", "options": ["GERD", "Bronchospasm / acute asthma exacerbation", "Bronchiectasis", "Influenza"], "csv_index": 585079, "list_index": 38160, "symptoms_remain": ["cough"], "antecedents_remain": ["smoking"], "symptoms_mask": ["black stools", "pain"], "antecedents_mask": ["pregnancy", "asthma"], "restore_symptoms": ["black stools", "pain", "pregnancy", "asthma"]}
+ {"age": 52, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "black stools", "question_mask": "A 52-year-old female has a history of anemia in family members. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 52-year-old female has a history of pregnancy, anemia in family members, chronic kidney failure, oral anticoagulants usage. The 52-year-old female presents the symptoms of underweight, black stools, pain, pale skin. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["underweight", "black stools", "pain", "pale skin"], "antecedents": ["pregnancy", "anemia in family members", "chronic kidney failure", "oral anticoagulants usage"], "correct_answer": "Anemia", "options": ["Viral pharyngitis", "Acute otitis media", "Anemia", "Localized edema"], "csv_index": 40132, "list_index": 38039, "symptoms_remain": [], "antecedents_remain": ["anemia in family members"], "symptoms_mask": ["underweight", "black stools", "pain", "pale skin"], "antecedents_mask": ["pregnancy", "chronic kidney failure", "oral anticoagulants usage"], "restore_symptoms": ["underweight", "black stools", "pain", "pale skin", "pregnancy", "chronic kidney failure", "oral anticoagulants usage"]}
+ {"age": 38, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "osteoporosis", "question_mask": "A 38-year-old woman presents the symptoms of pain with movement. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 38-year-old woman has a history of osteoporosis. The 38-year-old woman presents the symptoms of pain with movement, pain, intense coughing, pain with deep breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain with movement", "pain", "intense coughing", "pain with deep breathing"], "antecedents": ["osteoporosis"], "correct_answer": "Spontaneous rib fracture", "options": ["Spontaneous rib fracture", "Bronchospasm / acute asthma exacerbation", "Tuberculosis", "Chagas"], "csv_index": 979594, "list_index": 38944, "symptoms_remain": ["pain with movement"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "intense coughing", "pain with deep breathing"], "antecedents_mask": ["osteoporosis"], "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "intense coughing", "pain with deep breathing", "osteoporosis"]}
+ {"age": 25, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "swallowing difficulty", "question_mask": "A 25-year-old man presents the symptoms of weakness. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 25-year-old man presents the symptoms of jaw pain, double vision, ptosis, muscle weakness, difficulty speaking, weakness, swallowing difficulty, weakness in limbs, shortness of breath. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["jaw pain", "double vision", "ptosis", "muscle weakness", "difficulty speaking", "weakness", "swallowing difficulty", "weakness in limbs", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents": [], "correct_answer": "Myasthenia gravis", "options": ["Bronchiectasis", "Myasthenia gravis", "Bronchospasm / acute asthma exacerbation", "Spontaneous rib fracture"], "csv_index": 9600, "list_index": 39515, "symptoms_remain": ["weakness"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["jaw pain", "double vision", "ptosis", "muscle weakness", "difficulty speaking", "swallowing difficulty", "weakness in limbs", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents_mask": [], "restore_symptoms": ["jaw pain", "double vision", "ptosis", "muscle weakness", "difficulty speaking", "swallowing difficulty", "weakness in limbs", "shortness of breath"]}
+ {"age": 25, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "numbness in feet", "question_mask": "A 25-year-old woman presents the symptoms of weakness. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 25-year-old woman presents the symptoms of weakness in facial muscles, numbness, weakness on one side of the face, weakness, weakness in limbs, numbness in feet, shortness of breath. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["weakness in facial muscles", "numbness", "weakness on one side of the face", "weakness", "weakness in limbs", "numbness in feet", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents": [], "correct_answer": "Guillain-Barr\u00e9 syndrome", "options": ["Boerhaave", "Stable angina", "Croup", "Guillain-Barr\u00e9 syndrome"], "csv_index": 303317, "list_index": 39984, "symptoms_remain": ["weakness"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["weakness in facial muscles", "numbness", "weakness on one side of the face", "weakness in limbs", "numbness in feet", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents_mask": [], "restore_symptoms": ["weakness in facial muscles", "numbness", "weakness on one side of the face", "weakness in limbs", "numbness in feet", "shortness of breath"]}
+ {"age": 32, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "exposure to agricultural chemicals", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 32-year-old man?", "question_init": "A 32-year-old man has a history of exposure to agricultural chemicals. The 32-year-old man presents the symptoms of swollen lymph nodes, pain. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["swollen lymph nodes", "pain"], "antecedents": ["exposure to agricultural chemicals"], "correct_answer": "Sarcoidosis", "options": ["Anemia", "Acute otitis media", "Sarcoidosis", "Acute rhinosinusitis"], "csv_index": 184631, "list_index": 40573, "symptoms_remain": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["swollen lymph nodes", "pain"], "antecedents_mask": ["exposure to agricultural chemicals"], "restore_symptoms": ["swollen lymph nodes", "pain", "exposure to agricultural chemicals"]}
+ {"age": 33, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "poor diet", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 33-year-old woman?", "question_init": "A 33-year-old woman has a history of oral anticoagulants usage, poor diet, anemia. The 33-year-old woman presents the symptoms of dizziness, underweight, pain, lightheadedness, shortness of breath. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["dizziness", "underweight", "pain", "lightheadedness", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents": ["oral anticoagulants usage", "poor diet", "anemia"], "correct_answer": "Anemia", "options": ["Anemia", "Acute rhinosinusitis", "SLE", "Pericarditis"], "csv_index": 793243, "list_index": 41878, "symptoms_remain": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["dizziness", "underweight", "pain", "lightheadedness", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents_mask": ["oral anticoagulants usage", "poor diet", "anemia"], "restore_symptoms": ["dizziness", "underweight", "pain", "lightheadedness", "shortness of breath", "oral anticoagulants usage", "poor diet", "anemia"]}
+ {"age": 8, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "chronic anxiety", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 8-year-old man?", "question_init": "A 8-year-old man has a history of depression, chronic anxiety, fibromyalgia, migraine, anxious. The 8-year-old man presents the symptoms of numbness, increased sweating, pain, palpitations, lightheadedness, shortness of breath, fear of imminent death. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["numbness", "increased sweating", "pain", "palpitations", "lightheadedness", "shortness of breath", "fear of imminent death"], "antecedents": ["depression", "chronic anxiety", "fibromyalgia", "migraine", "anxious"], "correct_answer": "Panic attack", "options": ["URTI", "Chronic rhinosinusitis", "Panic attack", "Acute otitis media"], "csv_index": 87658, "list_index": 42336, "symptoms_remain": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["numbness", "increased sweating", "pain", "palpitations", "lightheadedness", "shortness of breath", "fear of imminent death"], "antecedents_mask": ["depression", "chronic anxiety", "fibromyalgia", "migraine", "anxious"], "restore_symptoms": ["numbness", "increased sweating", "pain", "palpitations", "lightheadedness", "shortness of breath", "fear of imminent death", "depression", "chronic anxiety", "fibromyalgia", "migraine", "anxious"]}
+ {"age": 97, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "depersonalization", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 97-year-old female?", "question_init": "A 97-year-old female has a history of depression, fibromyalgia, migraine, alcohol addiction, head trauma. The 97-year-old female presents the symptoms of depersonalization, numbness, increased sweating, pain, fear of imminent death. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["depersonalization", "numbness", "increased sweating", "pain", "fear of imminent death"], "antecedents": ["depression", "fibromyalgia", "migraine", "alcohol addiction", "head trauma"], "correct_answer": "Panic attack", "options": ["Panic attack", "Whooping cough", "Chronic rhinosinusitis", "URTI"], "csv_index": 781768, "list_index": 45258, "symptoms_remain": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["depersonalization", "numbness", "increased sweating", "pain", "fear of imminent death"], "antecedents_mask": ["depression", "fibromyalgia", "migraine", "alcohol addiction", "head trauma"], "restore_symptoms": ["depersonalization", "numbness", "increased sweating", "pain", "fear of imminent death", "depression", "fibromyalgia", "migraine", "alcohol addiction", "head trauma"]}
+ {"age": 44, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "anti-inflammatory drugs usage", "question_mask": "A 44-year-old male presents the symptoms of swelling. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 44-year-old male has a history of calcium channel blockers usage, deep vein thrombosis, anti-inflammatory drugs usage, endocrine disease, heart valve issue, heart failure. The 44-year-old male presents the symptoms of pain, weight gain, swelling. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "weight gain", "swelling"], "antecedents": ["calcium channel blockers usage", "deep vein thrombosis", "anti-inflammatory drugs usage", "endocrine disease", "heart valve issue", "heart failure"], "correct_answer": "Localized edema", "options": ["Allergic sinusitis", "Anemia", "SLE", "Localized edema"], "csv_index": 852698, "list_index": 47155, "symptoms_remain": ["swelling"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "weight gain"], "antecedents_mask": ["calcium channel blockers usage", "deep vein thrombosis", "anti-inflammatory drugs usage", "endocrine disease", "heart valve issue", "heart failure"], "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "weight gain", "calcium channel blockers usage", "deep vein thrombosis", "anti-inflammatory drugs usage", "endocrine disease", "heart valve issue", "heart failure"]}
+ {"age": 93, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "heart failure", "question_mask": "A 93-year-old male presents the symptoms of swelling. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 93-year-old male has a history of dialysis, fluid in lungs, heart failure. The 93-year-old male presents the symptoms of exertional symptoms, swelling, chest pain, increased sweating, pain, fatigue, shortness of breath. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["exertional symptoms", "swelling", "chest pain", "increased sweating", "pain", "fatigue", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents": ["dialysis", "fluid in lungs", "heart failure"], "correct_answer": "Acute pulmonary edema", "options": ["Larygospasm", "Ebola", "Acute pulmonary edema"], "csv_index": 100868, "list_index": 49326, "symptoms_remain": ["swelling"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["exertional symptoms", "chest pain", "increased sweating", "pain", "fatigue", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents_mask": ["dialysis", "fluid in lungs", "heart failure"], "restore_symptoms": ["exertional symptoms", "chest pain", "increased sweating", "pain", "fatigue", "shortness of breath", "dialysis", "fluid in lungs", "heart failure"]}
+ {"age": 10, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "head trauma", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 10-year-old woman?", "question_init": "A 10-year-old woman has a history of depression, asthma, chronic anxiety, fibromyalgia, migraine, alcohol addiction, head trauma, anxious. The 10-year-old woman presents the symptoms of numbness, increased sweating, pain, shortness of breath, choking. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["numbness", "increased sweating", "pain", "shortness of breath", "choking"], "antecedents": ["depression", "asthma", "chronic anxiety", "fibromyalgia", "migraine", "alcohol addiction", "head trauma", "anxious"], "correct_answer": "Panic attack", "options": ["Chronic rhinosinusitis", "Panic attack", "URTI", "Acute laryngitis"], "csv_index": 699443, "list_index": 50087, "symptoms_remain": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["numbness", "increased sweating", "pain", "shortness of breath", "choking"], "antecedents_mask": ["depression", "asthma", "chronic anxiety", "fibromyalgia", "migraine", "alcohol addiction", "head trauma", "anxious"], "restore_symptoms": ["numbness", "increased sweating", "pain", "shortness of breath", "choking", "depression", "asthma", "chronic anxiety", "fibromyalgia", "migraine", "alcohol addiction", "head trauma", "anxious"]}
+ {"age": 11, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "fibromyalgia", "question_mask": "A 11-year-old man presents the symptoms of nausea. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 11-year-old man has a history of chronic anxiety, fibromyalgia, migraine, alcohol addiction, anxious. The 11-year-old man presents the symptoms of depersonalization, nausea, numbness, increased sweating, pain, palpitations, shortness of breath, fear of imminent death. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["depersonalization", "nausea", "numbness", "increased sweating", "pain", "palpitations", "shortness of breath", "fear of imminent death"], "antecedents": ["chronic anxiety", "fibromyalgia", "migraine", "alcohol addiction", "anxious"], "correct_answer": "Panic attack", "options": ["Pericarditis", "Panic attack", "Chronic rhinosinusitis", "URTI"], "csv_index": 934264, "list_index": 50645, "symptoms_remain": ["nausea"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["depersonalization", "numbness", "increased sweating", "pain", "palpitations", "shortness of breath", "fear of imminent death"], "antecedents_mask": ["chronic anxiety", "fibromyalgia", "migraine", "alcohol addiction", "anxious"], "restore_symptoms": ["depersonalization", "numbness", "increased sweating", "pain", "palpitations", "shortness of breath", "fear of imminent death", "chronic anxiety", "fibromyalgia", "migraine", "alcohol addiction", "anxious"]}
+ {"age": 53, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "tongue protrusion", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 53-year-old man?", "question_init": "A 53-year-old man presents the symptoms of tongue protrusion. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["tongue protrusion"], "antecedents": [], "correct_answer": "Acute dystonic reactions", "options": ["Spontaneous pneumothorax", "Acute dystonic reactions", "Pulmonary embolism", "Guillain-Barr\u00e9 syndrome"], "csv_index": 636859, "list_index": 51599, "symptoms_remain": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["tongue protrusion"], "antecedents_mask": [], "restore_symptoms": ["tongue protrusion"]}
+ {"age": 62, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "fear of imminent death", "question_mask": "A 62-year-old man presents the symptoms of nausea. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 62-year-old man has a history of depression, asthma, fibromyalgia, chronic anxiety, migraine, head trauma. The 62-year-old man presents the symptoms of nausea, numbness, pain, palpitations, lightheadedness, shortness of breath, choking, fear of imminent death. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["nausea", "numbness", "pain", "palpitations", "lightheadedness", "shortness of breath", "choking", "fear of imminent death"], "antecedents": ["depression", "asthma", "fibromyalgia", "chronic anxiety", "migraine", "head trauma"], "correct_answer": "Panic attack", "options": ["Viral pharyngitis", "URTI", "Chronic rhinosinusitis", "Panic attack"], "csv_index": 255523, "list_index": 53037, "symptoms_remain": ["nausea"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["numbness", "pain", "palpitations", "lightheadedness", "shortness of breath", "choking", "fear of imminent death"], "antecedents_mask": ["depression", "asthma", "fibromyalgia", "chronic anxiety", "migraine", "head trauma"], "restore_symptoms": ["numbness", "pain", "palpitations", "lightheadedness", "shortness of breath", "choking", "fear of imminent death", "depression", "asthma", "fibromyalgia", "chronic anxiety", "migraine", "head trauma"]}
+ {"age": 29, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "parkinson\u2019s disease", "question_mask": "A 29-year-old female has a history of smoking. The 29-year-old female presents the symptoms of cough, shivers, diffuse muscle pain. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 29-year-old female has a history of smoking, parkinson\u2019s disease, stroke, heart failure. The 29-year-old female presents the symptoms of cough, shivers, fever, diffuse muscle pain, coughing up blood, underweight, pain, fatigue, shortness of breath, skin lesions. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["cough", "shivers", "fever", "diffuse muscle pain", "coughing up blood", "underweight", "pain", "fatigue", "shortness of breath", "skin lesions"], "antecedents": ["smoking", "parkinson\u2019s disease", "stroke", "heart failure"], "correct_answer": "Pneumonia", "options": ["HIV (initial infection)", "Inguinal hernia", "Pneumonia", "pericarditis"], "csv_index": 704334, "list_index": 54509, "symptoms_remain": ["cough", "shivers", "diffuse muscle pain"], "antecedents_remain": ["smoking"], "symptoms_mask": ["fever", "coughing up blood", "underweight", "pain", "fatigue", "shortness of breath", "skin lesions"], "antecedents_mask": ["parkinson\u2019s disease", "stroke", "heart failure"], "restore_symptoms": ["fever", "coughing up blood", "underweight", "pain", "fatigue", "shortness of breath", "skin lesions", "parkinson\u2019s disease", "stroke", "heart failure"]}
+ {"age": 32, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "psychiatric illness", "question_mask": "A 32-year-old woman presents the symptoms of nausea. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 32-year-old woman has a history of psychiatric illness, migraine, depression, chronic anxiety. The 32-year-old woman presents the symptoms of depersonalization, nausea, numbness, pain, palpitations, lightheadedness, shortness of breath, fear of imminent death. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["depersonalization", "nausea", "numbness", "pain", "palpitations", "lightheadedness", "shortness of breath", "fear of imminent death"], "antecedents": ["psychiatric illness", "migraine", "depression", "chronic anxiety"], "correct_answer": "Panic attack", "options": ["Panic attack", "Chronic rhinosinusitis", "URTI", "Localized edema"], "csv_index": 222468, "list_index": 55534, "symptoms_remain": ["nausea"], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["depersonalization", "numbness", "pain", "palpitations", "lightheadedness", "shortness of breath", "fear of imminent death"], "antecedents_mask": ["psychiatric illness", "migraine", "depression", "chronic anxiety"], "restore_symptoms": ["depersonalization", "numbness", "pain", "palpitations", "lightheadedness", "shortness of breath", "fear of imminent death", "psychiatric illness", "migraine", "depression", "chronic anxiety"]}
+ {"age": 26, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "early menarche", "question_mask": "A 26-year-old woman has a history of smoking. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 26-year-old woman has a history of early menarche, smoking, pericarditis. The 26-year-old woman presents the symptoms of fatigue, pain, shortness of breath, skin lesions. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["fatigue", "pain", "shortness of breath", "skin lesions"], "antecedents": ["early menarche", "smoking", "pericarditis"], "correct_answer": "SLE", "options": ["SLE", "Viral pharyngitis", "Sarcoidosis", "Acute laryngitis"], "csv_index": 759066, "list_index": 55894, "symptoms_remain": [], "antecedents_remain": ["smoking"], "symptoms_mask": ["fatigue", "pain", "shortness of breath", "skin lesions"], "antecedents_mask": ["early menarche", "pericarditis"], "restore_symptoms": ["fatigue", "pain", "shortness of breath", "skin lesions", "early menarche", "pericarditis"]}
+ {"age": 51, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "seizure", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 51-year-old woman?", "question_init": "A 51-year-old woman presents the symptoms of swollen lymph nodes, seizure, pain, vaginal discharge, shortness of breath. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["swollen lymph nodes", "seizure", "pain", "vaginal discharge", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents": [], "correct_answer": "Sarcoidosis", "options": ["Acute laryngitis", "Whooping cough", "Sarcoidosis", "Anemia"], "csv_index": 460836, "list_index": 56640, "symptoms_remain": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["swollen lymph nodes", "seizure", "pain", "vaginal discharge", "shortness of breath"], "antecedents_mask": [], "restore_symptoms": ["swollen lymph nodes", "seizure", "pain", "vaginal discharge", "shortness of breath"]}
+ {"age": 31, "sex": "F", "seed_evidence": "seizure", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 31-year-old woman?", "question_init": "A 31-year-old woman presents the symptoms of seizure, pain, shortness of breath, vaginal discharge. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["seizure", "pain", "shortness of breath", "vaginal discharge"], "antecedents": [], "correct_answer": "Sarcoidosis", "options": ["Allergic sinusitis", "Pericarditis", "Sarcoidosis", "Localized edema"], "csv_index": 695737, "list_index": 56564, "symptoms_remain": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["seizure", "pain", "shortness of breath", "vaginal discharge"], "antecedents_mask": [], "restore_symptoms": ["seizure", "pain", "shortness of breath", "vaginal discharge"]}
+ {"age": 3, "sex": "M", "seed_evidence": "croup", "question_mask": "A 3-year-old male has a history of recent vaccinations. The 3-year-old male presents the symptoms of nasal congestion. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 3-year-old male has a history of croup, recent vaccinations. The 3-year-old male presents the symptoms of excessive saliva, nasal congestion, shortness of breath, fever. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["excessive saliva", "nasal congestion", "shortness of breath", "fever"], "antecedents": ["croup", "recent vaccinations"], "correct_answer": "Croup", "options": ["Spontaneous pneumothorax", "Boerhaave", "Unstable angina", "Croup"], "csv_index": 615449, "list_index": 57362, "symptoms_remain": ["nasal congestion"], "antecedents_remain": ["recent vaccinations"], "symptoms_mask": ["excessive saliva", "shortness of breath", "fever"], "antecedents_mask": ["croup"], "restore_symptoms": ["excessive saliva", "shortness of breath", "fever", "croup"]}
Pri-Ddxplus/evidences_list.pkl ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+ oid sha256:f4e0bd30a14605927dd1631ba34477db55cf3f6aa9b3a38e79d35e554964d4b6
+ size 3046
Pri-Ddxplus/raw_data/release_conditions.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"Spontaneous pneumothorax": {"condition_name": "Spontaneous pneumothorax", "cond-name-fr": "Pneumothorax spontan\u00e9", "cond-name-eng": "Spontaneous pneumothorax", "icd10-id": "J93", "symptoms": {"E_55": {}, "E_53": {}, "E_57": {}, "E_54": {}, "E_59": {}, "E_56": {}, "E_58": {}, "E_66": {}, "E_220": {}, "E_218": {}, "E_14": {}, "E_151": {}}, "antecedents": {"E_79": {}, "E_165": {}, "E_21": {}, "E_123": {}, "E_204": {}}, "severity": 2}, "Cluster headache": {"condition_name": "Cluster headache", "cond-name-fr": "C\u00e9phal\u00e9e en grappe", "cond-name-eng": "Cluster headache", "icd10-id": "g44.009", "symptoms": {"E_55": {}, "E_53": {}, "E_57": {}, "E_54": {}, "E_59": {}, "E_56": {}, "E_58": {}, "E_127": {}, "E_181": {}, "E_176": {}}, "antecedents": {"E_25": {}, "E_78": {}, "E_184": {}, "E_204": {}}, "severity": 3}, "Boerhaave": {"condition_name": "Boerhaave", "cond-name-fr": "Syndrome de Boerhaave", "cond-name-eng": "Boerhaave", "icd10-id": "K22.3", "symptoms": {"E_55": {}, "E_53": {}, "E_57": {}, "E_54": {}, "E_59": {}, "E_56": {}, "E_58": {}, "E_66": {}, "E_210": {}, "E_211": {}, "E_148": {}}, "antecedents": {"E_78": {}, "E_204": {}}, "severity": 2}, "Spontaneous rib fracture": {"condition_name": "Spontaneous rib fracture", "cond-name-fr": "Fracture de c\u00f4te spontan\u00e9e", "cond-name-eng": "Spontaneous rib fracture", "icd10-id": "S22.9", "symptoms": {"E_55": {}, "E_53": {}, "E_57": {}, "E_54": {}, "E_59": {}, "E_56": {}, "E_58": {}, "E_220": {}, "E_216": {}, "E_201": {}, "E_151": {}, "E_203": {}, "E_66": {}}, "antecedents": {"E_78": {}, "E_37": {}, "E_153": {}, "E_204": {}}, "severity": 3}, "GERD": {"condition_name": "GERD", "cond-name-fr": "RGO", "cond-name-eng": "GERD", "icd10-id": "K21", "symptoms": {"E_173": {}, "E_201": {}, "E_215": {}, "E_55": {}, "E_53": {}, "E_57": {}, "E_54": {}, "E_59": {}, "E_56": {}, "E_58": {}, "E_217": {}, "E_210": {}, "E_140": {}}, "antecedents": {"E_70": {}, "E_167": {}, "E_124": {}, "E_78": {}, "E_79": {}, "E_98": 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"E_167": {}, "E_113": {}, "E_208": {}, "E_146": {}, "E_204": {}}, "severity": 4}, "Viral pharyngitis": {"condition_name": "Viral pharyngitis", "cond-name-fr": "Pharyngite virale", "cond-name-eng": "Viral pharyngitis", "icd10-id": "J02.9", "symptoms": {"E_55": {}, "E_53": {}, "E_57": {}, "E_54": {}, "E_59": {}, "E_56": {}, "E_58": {}, "E_181": {}, "E_91": {}, "E_201": {}, "E_45": {}}, "antecedents": {"E_49": {}, "E_48": {}, "E_79": {}, "E_41": {}, "E_227": {}, "E_204": {}}, "severity": 4}, "Inguinal hernia": {"condition_name": "Inguinal hernia", "cond-name-fr": "Hernie inguinale", "cond-name-eng": "Inguinal hernia", "icd10-id": "K40", "symptoms": {"E_55": {}, "E_53": {}, "E_57": {}, "E_54": {}, "E_59": {}, "E_56": {}, "E_58": {}, "E_133": {}, "E_129": {}, "E_130": {}, "E_134": {}, "E_132": {}, "E_136": {}, "E_135": {}, "E_131": {}, "E_30": {}, "E_203": {}, "E_221": {}, "E_150": {}}, "antecedents": {"E_160": {}, "E_70": {}, "E_204": {}}, "severity": 3}, "Myasthenia gravis": 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"cond-name-eng": "Pulmonary embolism", "icd10-id": "i26", "symptoms": {"E_55": {}, "E_53": {}, "E_57": {}, "E_54": {}, "E_59": {}, "E_56": {}, "E_58": {}, "E_152": {}, "E_151": {}, "E_159": {}, "E_45": {}, "E_220": {}, "E_66": {}}, "antecedents": {"E_34": {}, "E_109": {}, "E_196": {}, "E_110": {}, "E_204": {}, "E_100": {}}, "severity": 2}, "URTI": {"condition_name": "URTI", "cond-name-fr": "IVRS ou vir\u00e9mie", "cond-name-eng": "URTI", "icd10-id": "j06.9", "symptoms": {"E_55": {}, "E_53": {}, "E_57": {}, "E_54": {}, "E_59": {}, "E_56": {}, "E_58": {}, "E_201": {}, "E_50": {}, "E_181": {}, "E_97": {}, "E_144": {}, "E_91": {}, "E_77": {}}, "antecedents": {"E_48": {}, "E_222": {}, "E_49": {}, "E_41": {}, "E_79": {}, "E_204": {}}, "severity": 5}, "Influenza": {"condition_name": "Influenza", "cond-name-fr": "Possible influenza ou syndrome vir\u00e9mique typique", "cond-name-eng": "Influenza", "icd10-id": "j11.1", "symptoms": {"E_133": {}, "E_129": {}, "E_130": {}, "E_134": {}, "E_132": 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"Bronchiolitis", "cond-name-fr": "Bronchiolite", "cond-name-eng": "Bronchiolitis", "icd10-id": "j21", "symptoms": {"E_201": {}, "E_66": {}, "E_32": {}, "E_181": {}, "E_91": {}, "E_214": {}, "E_23": {}}, "antecedents": {"E_209": {}, "E_142": {}, "E_48": {}, "E_195": {}, "E_183": {}, "E_204": {}}, "severity": 3}, "Pulmonary neoplasm": {"condition_name": "Pulmonary neoplasm", "cond-name-fr": "n\u00e9oplasie pulmonaire", "cond-name-eng": "Pulmonary neoplasm", "icd10-id": "c34", "symptoms": {"E_55": {}, "E_53": {}, "E_45": {}, "E_162": {}, "E_161": {}, "E_66": {}, "E_57": {}, "E_54": {}, "E_59": {}, "E_56": {}, "E_58": {}, "E_89": {}, "E_201": {}}, "antecedents": {"E_191": {}, "E_79": {}, "E_224": {}, "E_222": {}, "E_204": {}}, "severity": 3}, "Possible NSTEMI / STEMI": {"condition_name": "Possible NSTEMI / STEMI", "cond-name-fr": "Possible NSTEMI / STEMI", "cond-name-eng": "Possible NSTEMI / STEMI", "icd10-id": "I21", "symptoms": {"E_161": {}, "E_55": {}, "E_53": {}, "E_57": {}, "E_54": 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"E_59": {}, "E_56": {}, "E_58": {}, "E_66": {}, "E_155": {}}, "antecedents": {"E_0": {}, "E_3": {}, "E_204": {}}, "severity": 4}}
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+ {"age": 49, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "A 49-year-old female presents the symptoms of lymph_node_enlargement. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 49-year-old female presents the symptoms of meningitis_symptoms, pain, altered_urination, malaise, skin_lesion, lymph_node_enlargement, fever, discharge. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["meningitis_symptoms", "pain", "altered_urination", "malaise", "skin_lesion", "lymph_node_enlargement", "fever", "discharge"], "symptoms_remain": ["lymph_node_enlargement"], "symptoms_mask": ["meningitis_symptoms", "pain", "altered_urination", "malaise", "skin_lesion", "fever", "discharge"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Testicular cancer", "Pyelonefritis", "Genital herpes", "Colon cancer"], "correct_answer": "Genital herpes", "restore_symptoms": ["meningitis_symptoms", "pain", "altered_urination", "malaise", "skin_lesion", "fever", "discharge"]}
+ {"age": 4, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "A 4-year-old male presents the symptoms of lymph_node_enlargement. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 4-year-old male presents the symptoms of meningitis_symptoms, pain, malaise, skin_lesion, lymph_node_enlargement, fever, discharge. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["meningitis_symptoms", "pain", "malaise", "skin_lesion", "lymph_node_enlargement", "fever", "discharge"], "symptoms_remain": ["lymph_node_enlargement"], "symptoms_mask": ["meningitis_symptoms", "pain", "malaise", "skin_lesion", "fever", "discharge"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Genital herpes", "Testicular cancer", "Iron deficiency anaemia", "Rheumatoid arthritis"], "correct_answer": "Genital herpes", "restore_symptoms": ["meningitis_symptoms", "pain", "malaise", "skin_lesion", "fever", "discharge"]}
+ {"age": 74, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 74-year-old female?", "question_init": "A 74-year-old female presents the symptoms of dyspareunia, pain, altered_urination, discharge. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["dyspareunia", "pain", "altered_urination", "discharge"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["dyspareunia", "pain", "altered_urination", "discharge"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Gonorrhea", "Mastoiditis", "Vitamin B12 deficiency", "Oesophageal carcinoma"], "correct_answer": "Gonorrhea", "restore_symptoms": ["dyspareunia", "pain", "altered_urination", "discharge"]}
+ {"age": 1, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 1-year-old man?", "question_init": "A 1-year-old man presents the symptoms of pain, altered_urination, malaise, skin_lesion, fever. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "altered_urination", "malaise", "skin_lesion", "fever"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "altered_urination", "malaise", "skin_lesion", "fever"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Genital herpes", "Lumbar spinal stenosis (Radicular syndrome)", "Mastoiditis", "Hernia Nuclei Pulposi (Radicular syndrome)"], "correct_answer": "Genital herpes", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "altered_urination", "malaise", "skin_lesion", "fever"]}
+ {"age": 11, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 11-year-old woman?", "question_init": "A 11-year-old woman presents the symptoms of mass, pain, discharge. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["mass", "pain", "discharge"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["mass", "pain", "discharge"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Pyelonefritis", "Cauda equina (Radicular Syndrome)", "Breast cancer", "Genital herpes"], "correct_answer": "Breast cancer", "restore_symptoms": ["mass", "pain", "discharge"]}
+ {"age": 94, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 94-year-old female?", "question_init": "A 94-year-old female presents the symptoms of altered_appetite, pain, regurgitation. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["altered_appetite", "pain", "regurgitation"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["altered_appetite", "pain", "regurgitation"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Atrophic gastritis", "IBS (Constipation type)", "Oesophageal carcinoma", "Bacterial meningitis"], "correct_answer": "Atrophic gastritis", "restore_symptoms": ["altered_appetite", "pain", "regurgitation"]}
+ {"age": 1, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 1-year-old male?", "question_init": "A 1-year-old male presents the symptoms of vomiting, altered_behaviour, runny_nose, congestion. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["vomiting", "altered_behaviour", "runny_nose", "congestion"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["vomiting", "altered_behaviour", "runny_nose", "congestion"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Otitis media acuta", "Testicular cancer", "Upper urinary tract infection", "Subarachnoidal bleeding"], "correct_answer": "Otitis media acuta", "restore_symptoms": ["vomiting", "altered_behaviour", "runny_nose", "congestion"]}
+ {"age": 47, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "A 47-year-old woman presents the symptoms of altered_stool, altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 47-year-old woman presents the symptoms of altered_appetite, pain, vomiting, altered_stool, altered_behaviour, crying, altered_breathing, cough, fever. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["altered_appetite", "pain", "vomiting", "altered_stool", "altered_behaviour", "crying", "altered_breathing", "cough", "fever"], "symptoms_remain": ["altered_stool", "altered_breathing"], "symptoms_mask": ["altered_appetite", "pain", "vomiting", "altered_behaviour", "crying", "cough", "fever"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Otitis media acuta", "Lumbago (Muscle strain)", "Oesophageal carcinoma", "Pulmonary edema"], "correct_answer": "Otitis media acuta", "restore_symptoms": ["altered_appetite", "pain", "vomiting", "altered_behaviour", "crying", "cough", "fever"]}
+ {"age": 82, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "A 82-year-old male presents the symptoms of altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 82-year-old male presents the symptoms of fatigue, congestion, altered_breathing, cough. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["fatigue", "congestion", "altered_breathing", "cough"], "symptoms_remain": ["altered_breathing"], "symptoms_mask": ["fatigue", "congestion", "cough"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Pneumothorax", "Cauda equina (Radicular Syndrome)", "Hernia Nuclei Pulposi (Radicular syndrome)", "Viral respiratory infection"], "correct_answer": "Viral respiratory infection", "restore_symptoms": ["fatigue", "congestion", "cough"]}
+ {"age": 37, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "A 37-year-old woman presents the symptoms of dizziness, altered_movement, altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 37-year-old woman presents the symptoms of altered_cardiac_rhythm, dizziness, altered_movement, discoloration, pain, altered_cardiac_sounds, fatigue, altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["altered_cardiac_rhythm", "dizziness", "altered_movement", "discoloration", "pain", "altered_cardiac_sounds", "fatigue", "altered_breathing"], "symptoms_remain": ["dizziness", "altered_movement", "altered_breathing"], "symptoms_mask": ["altered_cardiac_rhythm", "discoloration", "pain", "altered_cardiac_sounds", "fatigue"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Vitamin D deficiency", "Iron deficiency anaemia", "Atrophic gastritis", "Carpal tunnel syndrome"], "correct_answer": "Iron deficiency anaemia", "restore_symptoms": ["altered_cardiac_rhythm", "discoloration", "pain", "altered_cardiac_sounds", "fatigue"]}
+ {"age": 58, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "A 58-year-old female presents the symptoms of altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 58-year-old female presents the symptoms of discoloration, pain, fatigue, inflammation, altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["discoloration", "pain", "fatigue", "inflammation", "altered_breathing"], "symptoms_remain": ["altered_breathing"], "symptoms_mask": ["discoloration", "pain", "fatigue", "inflammation"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Testicular cancer", "Lung cancer (NSCLC)", "Migraine", "Iron deficiency anaemia"], "correct_answer": "Iron deficiency anaemia", "restore_symptoms": ["discoloration", "pain", "fatigue", "inflammation"]}
+ {"age": 44, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "A 44-year-old female presents the symptoms of focal_neurological_symptoms, stiffness. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 44-year-old female presents the symptoms of focal_neurological_symptoms, pain, stiffness, fever. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["focal_neurological_symptoms", "pain", "stiffness", "fever"], "symptoms_remain": ["focal_neurological_symptoms", "stiffness"], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "fever"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Pyelonefritis", "Bacterial meningitis", "Lower urinary tract infection", "Tension type headache"], "correct_answer": "Bacterial meningitis", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "fever"]}
+ {"age": 0, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "A 0-year-old male presents the symptoms of dizziness, stiffness. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 0-year-old male presents the symptoms of dizziness, vomiting, nausea, stiffness, fever. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["dizziness", "vomiting", "nausea", "stiffness", "fever"], "symptoms_remain": ["dizziness", "stiffness"], "symptoms_mask": ["vomiting", "nausea", "fever"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Oesophageal carcinoma", "Tension type headache", "Vitamin B12 deficiency", "Viral meningitis"], "correct_answer": "Viral meningitis", "restore_symptoms": ["vomiting", "nausea", "fever"]}
+ {"age": 37, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "A 37-year-old female presents the symptoms of altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 37-year-old female presents the symptoms of pain, alopecia, inflammation, altered_mental_state, altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "alopecia", "inflammation", "altered_mental_state", "altered_breathing"], "symptoms_remain": ["altered_breathing"], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "alopecia", "inflammation", "altered_mental_state"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Testicular cancer", "Iron deficiency anaemia", "Asthma", "Functional constipation"], "correct_answer": "Iron deficiency anaemia", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "alopecia", "inflammation", "altered_mental_state"]}
+ {"age": 21, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "A 21-year-old female presents the symptoms of dizziness, altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 21-year-old female presents the symptoms of dizziness, alopecia, pain, altered_cardiac_sounds, altered_mental_state, altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["dizziness", "alopecia", "pain", "altered_cardiac_sounds", "altered_mental_state", "altered_breathing"], "symptoms_remain": ["dizziness", "altered_breathing"], "symptoms_mask": ["alopecia", "pain", "altered_cardiac_sounds", "altered_mental_state"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Bladder cancer", "Lung cancer (NSCLC)", "Rheumatoid arthritis", "Iron deficiency anaemia"], "correct_answer": "Iron deficiency anaemia", "restore_symptoms": ["alopecia", "pain", "altered_cardiac_sounds", "altered_mental_state"]}
+ {"age": 51, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 51-year-old man?", "question_init": "A 51-year-old man presents the symptoms of pain, soreness, congestion, cough, fever. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "soreness", "congestion", "cough", "fever"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "soreness", "congestion", "cough", "fever"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Viral respiratory infection", "Upper urinary tract infection", "Mastoiditis", "Functional constipation"], "correct_answer": "Viral respiratory infection", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "soreness", "congestion", "cough", "fever"]}
+ {"age": 37, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "A 37-year-old female presents the symptoms of altered_stool, flatulence. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 37-year-old female presents the symptoms of pain, altered_stool, flatulence, bloating. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "altered_stool", "flatulence", "bloating"], "symptoms_remain": ["altered_stool", "flatulence"], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "bloating"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["COPD", "Viral respiratory infection", "IBS (Constipation type)", "Pancreatitis"], "correct_answer": "IBS (Constipation type)", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "bloating"]}
+ {"age": 1, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "A 1-year-old female presents the symptoms of dizziness. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 1-year-old female presents the symptoms of dizziness, pain, seizure. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["dizziness", "pain", "seizure"], "symptoms_remain": ["dizziness"], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "seizure"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Asthma", "Vitamin B12 deficiency", "Pancreatitis", "Atrophic gastritis"], "correct_answer": "Vitamin B12 deficiency", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "seizure"]}
+ {"age": 21, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "A 21-year-old man presents the symptoms of stiffness. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 21-year-old man presents the symptoms of pain, fatigue, stiffness, fever, dryness. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "fatigue", "stiffness", "fever", "dryness"], "symptoms_remain": ["stiffness"], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "fatigue", "fever", "dryness"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Pulmonary edema", "Rheumatoid arthritis", "Colon cancer", "Otitis media acuta"], "correct_answer": "Rheumatoid arthritis", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "fatigue", "fever", "dryness"]}
+ {"age": 43, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 43-year-old man?", "question_init": "A 43-year-old man presents the symptoms of pain, fatigue, fever, dryness. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "fatigue", "fever", "dryness"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "fatigue", "fever", "dryness"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Rheumatoid arthritis", "Testicular cancer", "Pneumothorax", "Vitamin D deficiency"], "correct_answer": "Rheumatoid arthritis", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "fatigue", "fever", "dryness"]}
+ {"age": 63, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 63-year-old woman?", "question_init": "A 63-year-old woman presents the symptoms of disability, difficulty_walking, pain, swelling, weakness. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["disability", "difficulty_walking", "pain", "swelling", "weakness"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["disability", "difficulty_walking", "pain", "swelling", "weakness"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Oesophageal carcinoma", "Bladder cancer", "Osteoarthritis", "Giardiasis"], "correct_answer": "Osteoarthritis", "restore_symptoms": ["disability", "difficulty_walking", "pain", "swelling", "weakness"]}
+ {"age": 57, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 57-year-old female?", "question_init": "A 57-year-old female presents the symptoms of pain, weakness, altered_sensation. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "weakness", "altered_sensation"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "weakness", "altered_sensation"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Lung cancer (NSCLC)", "Lumbar spinal stenosis (Radicular syndrome)", "Atrophic gastritis", "Oesophageal carcinoma"], "correct_answer": "Lumbar spinal stenosis (Radicular syndrome)", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "weakness", "altered_sensation"]}
+ {"age": 21, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "A 21-year-old male presents the symptoms of altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 21-year-old male presents the symptoms of pain, lethargy, altered_breathing, fever, cough. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "lethargy", "altered_breathing", "fever", "cough"], "symptoms_remain": ["altered_breathing"], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "lethargy", "fever", "cough"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Pneumonia", "Functional constipation", "Subarachnoidal bleeding", "Lumbar spinal stenosis (Radicular syndrome)"], "correct_answer": "Pneumonia", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "lethargy", "fever", "cough"]}
+ {"age": 52, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "A 52-year-old woman presents the symptoms of altered_stool, flatulence. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 52-year-old woman presents the symptoms of pain, altered_stool, flatulence. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "altered_stool", "flatulence"], "symptoms_remain": ["altered_stool", "flatulence"], "symptoms_mask": ["pain"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Pulmonary edema", "Ovarian cancer", "Bacterial enteritis", "Viral meningitis"], "correct_answer": "Bacterial enteritis", "restore_symptoms": ["pain"]}
+ {"age": 80, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "A 80-year-old male presents the symptoms of altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 80-year-old male presents the symptoms of tightness, altered_breathing, cough. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["tightness", "altered_breathing", "cough"], "symptoms_remain": ["altered_breathing"], "symptoms_mask": ["tightness", "cough"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Bacterial meningitis", "Asthma", "Viral respiratory infection", "Lower urinary tract infection"], "correct_answer": "Asthma", "restore_symptoms": ["tightness", "cough"]}
+ {"age": 56, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 56-year-old female?", "question_init": "A 56-year-old female presents the symptoms of mass, skin_retraction, pain, discharge. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["mass", "skin_retraction", "pain", "discharge"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["mass", "skin_retraction", "pain", "discharge"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Pyelonefritis", "Upper urinary tract infection", "Pneumonia", "Breast cancer"], "correct_answer": "Breast cancer", "restore_symptoms": ["mass", "skin_retraction", "pain", "discharge"]}
+ {"age": 53, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 53-year-old female?", "question_init": "A 53-year-old female presents the symptoms of pain, weakness, altered_sensation. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "weakness", "altered_sensation"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "weakness", "altered_sensation"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Pancreatitis", "Breast cancer", "Cauda equina (Radicular Syndrome)", "Pulmonary edema"], "correct_answer": "Cauda equina (Radicular Syndrome)", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "weakness", "altered_sensation"]}
+ {"age": 4, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 4-year-old male?", "question_init": "A 4-year-old male presents the symptoms of pain, weakness, incontinence_, altered_sensation. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "weakness", "incontinence_", "altered_sensation"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "weakness", "incontinence_", "altered_sensation"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Bacterial enteritis", "Lumbar spinal stenosis (Radicular syndrome)", "Colon cancer", "Rheumatoid arthritis"], "correct_answer": "Lumbar spinal stenosis (Radicular syndrome)", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "weakness", "incontinence_", "altered_sensation"]}
+ {"age": 30, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "A 30-year-old male presents the symptoms of aura. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 30-year-old male presents the symptoms of pain, vomiting, nausea, aura. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "vomiting", "nausea", "aura"], "symptoms_remain": ["aura"], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "vomiting", "nausea"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Otitis externa", "Subarachnoidal bleeding", "Viral enteritis", "IBS (Constipation type)"], "correct_answer": "Subarachnoidal bleeding", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "vomiting", "nausea"]}
+ {"age": 47, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 47-year-old man?", "question_init": "A 47-year-old man presents the symptoms of pain, altered_weight, dysphagia. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "altered_weight", "dysphagia"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "altered_weight", "dysphagia"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Giardiasis", "Oesophageal carcinoma", "Cauda equina (Radicular Syndrome)", "Iron deficiency anaemia"], "correct_answer": "Oesophageal carcinoma", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "altered_weight", "dysphagia"]}
+ {"age": 34, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 34-year-old female?", "question_init": "A 34-year-old female presents the symptoms of reflux, pain, altered_weight, dysphagia. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["reflux", "pain", "altered_weight", "dysphagia"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["reflux", "pain", "altered_weight", "dysphagia"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Bladder cancer", "Oesophageal carcinoma", "Subarachnoidal bleeding", "Pulmonary edema"], "correct_answer": "Oesophageal carcinoma", "restore_symptoms": ["reflux", "pain", "altered_weight", "dysphagia"]}
+ {"age": 2, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 2-year-old man?", "question_init": "A 2-year-old man presents the symptoms of reflux, pain, altered_weight, dysphagia. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["reflux", "pain", "altered_weight", "dysphagia"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["reflux", "pain", "altered_weight", "dysphagia"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Viral respiratory infection", "Gout", "Oesophageal carcinoma", "Viral enteritis"], "correct_answer": "Oesophageal carcinoma", "restore_symptoms": ["reflux", "pain", "altered_weight", "dysphagia"]}
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The diff for this file is too large to render. See raw diff
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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The diff for this file is too large to render. See raw diff
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