<BOP> Ecuador, Colombia, Guyana, Peru, and Brazil were the top source countries from South America for legal immigrants to the New York City region in 2013; the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Haiti, and Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean; Egypt, Ghana, and Nigeria from Africa; and El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala in Central America. Amidst a resurgence of Puerto Rican migration to New York City, this population had increased to approximately 1.3 million in the metropolitan area as of 2013. <EOP> <BOQ> Out of all nations in Central America, which provided the most legal immigrants in 2013? <EOQ>
Out of all nations in Central America, which provided the most legal immigrants in 2013?
<BOL> El Salvador <EOL>
<BOP> The Duke of York had required that every community in his new lands of New York and New Jersey support some church, but this was more often Dutch Reformed, Quaker or Presbyterian, than Anglican. Some chose to support more than one church. He also ordained that the tax-payers were free, having paid his local tax, to choose their own church. The terms for the surrender of New Amsterdam had provided that the Dutch would have liberty of conscience, and the Duke, as an openly divine-right Catholic, was no friend of Anglicanism. The first Anglican minister in New Jersey arrived in 1698, though Anglicanism was more popular in New York. <EOP> <BOQ> Why was the Duke not a friend of Anglicanism? <EOQ>
Why was the Duke not a friend of Anglicanism?
<BOL> openly divine-right Catholic, <EOL>
<BOP> A month after having decreed the reform, the pope with a brief of 3 April 1582 granted to Antonio Lilio, the brother of Luigi Lilio, the exclusive right to publish the calendar for a period of ten years. The Lunario Novo secondo la nuova riforma printed by Vincenzo Accolti, one of the first calendars printed in Rome after the reform, notes at the bottom that it was signed with papal authorization and by Lilio (Con licentia delli Superiori... et permissu Ant(onii) Lilij). The papal brief was later revoked, on 20 September 1582, because Antonio Lilio proved unable to keep up with the demand for copies. <EOP> <BOQ> When were the rights to publish the calendar granted? <EOQ>
When were the rights to publish the calendar granted?
<BOL> 3 April 1582 <EOL>
<BOP> In general, avian influenza is a disease of birds caused by bird-specific influenza A virus that is not normally transferred to people; however, people in contact with live poultry are at the greatest risk of becoming infected with the virus and this is of particular concern in areas such as Southeast Asia, where the disease is endemic in the wild bird population and domestic poultry can become infected. The virus possibly could mutate to become highly virulent and infectious in humans and cause an influenza pandemic. <EOP> <BOQ> What is the danger to humans in regards to the spread of avian flu to humans ? <EOQ>
What is the danger to humans in regards to the spread of avian flu to humans ?
<BOL> The virus possibly could mutate to become highly virulent and infectious in humans and cause an influenza pandemic. <EOL>
Consider the premise in: <BOP> 'Leonard Pilkington (1527–1599) was an English academic and clergyman. A Marian exile, he became Regius Professor of Divinity at Cambridge and Master of St John's College, Cambridge at the start of the reign of Elizabeth I. In his subsequent church career, he followed the way opened when his brother James Pilkington became Bishop of Durham.' </EOP>. Would you classify the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Leonard Pilkington was not from continental europe' </EOH> as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral? Explain your reasoning.
Leonard Pilkington was not from continental europe
{<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} system does not know difference between UK and continental europe
Given the context: <BOP> 'Steve Roland "Pre" Prefontaine (January 25, 1951 – May 30, 1975) was an American middle and long-distance runner who competed in the 1972 Olympics. Prefontaine once held the American record in seven different distance track events from the 2,000 meters to the 10,000 meters. Prefontaine died in May 1975 at the age of 24 in an automobile accident in Eugene, Oregon.' </EOP>, classify the statement: <BOH> 'Hollywood will give away free Prefontaine movies on his birthday.' </EOH> as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Justify your choice.
Hollywood will give away free Prefontaine movies on his birthday.
{<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} It's not likely this will happen but you don't know if it will of not.
With the premise: <BOP> 'How to avoid high blood pressure<br>Incorporate vegetables, fruits, whole grains and low-fat dairy products into your daily diet. Certain nutrients have been found to help prevent high blood pressure: potassium, calcium, magnesium, and omega-3s. There is no need to take supplements of these nutrients if you have a well-balanced diet.' </EOP>, decide if the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Omega-3 and certain other (not all) nutrients have been found to reduce blood pressure' </EOH> leads to a contradiction, entailment, or neutral result. Explain why.
Omega-3 and certain other (not all) nutrients have been found to reduce blood pressure
{<BOL> neutral </EOL>} The text states that omega 3 has an effect on blood pressure
<BOP> Switzerland's trade was blockaded by both the Allies and by the Axis. Economic cooperation and extension of credit to the Third Reich varied according to the perceived likelihood of invasion and the availability of other trading partners. Concessions reached a peak after a crucial rail link through Vichy France was severed in 1942, leaving Switzerland completely surrounded by the Axis. Over the course of the war, Switzerland interned over 300,000 refugees and the International Red Cross, based in Geneva, played an important part during the conflict. Strict immigration and asylum policies as well as the financial relationships with Nazi Germany raised controversy, but not until the end of the 20th century. <EOP> <BOQ> How many refugees did Switzerland intern during World War II? <EOQ>
How many refugees did Switzerland intern during World War II?
<BOL> over 300,000 <EOL>
<BOP> Interracial relations between Indigenous Americans and African Americans is a part of American history that has been neglected. The earliest record of African and Indigenous American relations in the Americas occurred in April 1502, when the first Africans kidnapped were brought to Hispaniola to serve as slaves. Some escaped, and somewhere inland on Santo Domingo, the first Black Indians were born. In addition, an example of African slaves' escaping from European colonists and being absorbed by Indigenous Americans occurred as far back as 1526. In June of that year, Lucas Vasquez de Ayllon established a Spanish colony near the mouth of the Pee Dee River in what is now eastern South Carolina. The Spanish settlement was named San Miguel de Gualdape. Amongst the settlement were 100 enslaved Africans. In 1526, the first African slaves fled the colony and took refuge with local Indigenous Americans. <EOP> <BOQ> Where did Africans escape and mate with naitves? <EOQ>
Where did Africans escape and mate with naitves?
<BOL> Santo Domingo <EOL>
Examine the premise: <BOP> 'A. Eugene "Gene" Haylett (c. 1904 – ?) was an American football coach. He served as the 22nd head football coach at Doane College in Crete, Nebraska and he held that position for nine seasons, from 1933 until 1941. His coaching record at Doane was 34–30–8.' </EOP> and assess if the subsequent statement: <BOH> 'The twenty-third football coach at Doane College, Gene Haylett, had a record of thirty-four wins, thirty losses, and eight draws.' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Include your rationale.
The twenty-third football coach at Doane College, Gene Haylett, had a record of thirty-four wins, thirty losses, and eight draws.
{<BOL> neutral </EOL>} Haylett, was the 22nd coach, not 23rd.
Using the premise: <BOP> 'Colsterworth is a village and civil parish in the South Kesteven district of Lincolnshire, England. It lies less than half a mile (0.8 km) west of the A1, about 7 mi south of Grantham, and 12 mi north-west of Stamford. The village, with the hamlet of Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, had a population of 1,713 at the time of the 2011 Census in an area of 1465 ha .' </EOP>, decide if the conclusion: <BOH> 'Colsterworth had a population of 1,713 in 2012' </EOH> logically follows as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Explain your reasoning.
Colsterworth had a population of 1,713 in 2012
{<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} The village had that population in 2011 but it is unknown whether it stayed the same in 2012 or changed. The model doesn't know the population so it's hard to accurately guess.
<BOP> Child labour refers to the employment of children in any work that deprives children of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular school, and that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful. This practice is considered exploitative by many international organisations. Legislation across the world prohibit child labour. These laws do not consider all work by children as child labour; exceptions include work by child artists, family duties, supervised training, certain categories of work such as those by Amish children, some forms of child work common among indigenous American children, and others. <EOP> <BOQ> Are child artists an exception to the laws with regards to child labour? <EOQ>
Are child artists an exception to the laws with regards to child labour?
<BOL> exceptions include work by child artists <EOL>
Based on the details provided in: <BOP> 'Season seven of "South Park", an American animated television series created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, began airing on March 19, 2003. The seventh season concluded after 15 episodes on December 17, 2003, and was written and directed by Trey Parker.' </EOP>, determine if the claim: <BOH> 'Matt Parker wrote and directed south park' </EOH> represents a contradiction, entailment, or neutral.
Matt Parker wrote and directed south park
{<BOL> entailment </EOL>} Trey Parker and Matt Stone wrote and Directed South park not a person named Matt Parker
<BOP> Zinc is a chemical element with symbol Zn and atomic number 30. It is the first element of group 12 of the periodic table. In some respects zinc is chemically similar to magnesium: its ion is of similar size and its only common oxidation state is +2. Zinc is the 24th most abundant element in Earth's crust and has five stable isotopes. The most common zinc ore is sphalerite (zinc blende), a zinc sulfide mineral. The largest mineable amounts are found in Australia, Asia, and the United States. Zinc production includes froth flotation of the ore, roasting, and final extraction using electricity (electrowinning). <EOP> <BOQ> What is the most common zinc ore? <EOQ>
What is the most common zinc ore?
<BOL> sphalerite <EOL>
<BOP> Many contemporary uses of uranium exploit its unique nuclear properties. Uranium-235 has the distinction of being the only naturally occurring fissile isotope. Uranium-238 is fissionable by fast neutrons, and is fertile, meaning it can be transmuted to fissile plutonium-239 in a nuclear reactor. Another fissile isotope, uranium-233, can be produced from natural thorium and is also important in nuclear technology. While uranium-238 has a small probability for spontaneous fission or even induced fission with fast neutrons, uranium-235 and to a lesser degree uranium-233 have a much higher fission cross-section for slow neutrons. In sufficient concentration, these isotopes maintain a sustained nuclear chain reaction. This generates the heat in nuclear power reactors, and produces the fissile material for nuclear weapons. Depleted uranium (238U) is used in kinetic energy penetrators and armor plating. <EOP> <BOQ> What uranium isotope is produced from thorium? <EOQ>
What uranium isotope is produced from thorium?
<BOL> uranium-233 <EOL>
Given the premise: <BOP> 'Rosetta Stone Language Learning is proprietary computer-assisted language learning (CALL) software published by Rosetta Stone Inc. The software uses images, text, and sound to teach words and grammar by spaced repetition, without translation. Rosetta Stone calls its approach Dynamic Immersion (a term which has been trademarked).' </EOP>, evaluate whether the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Rosetta Stone is a proprietary software designed to be used to learn foreign languages primarily relying on softcover books.' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Explain your decision.
Rosetta Stone is a proprietary software designed to be used to learn foreign languages primarily relying on softcover books.
{<BOL> neutral </EOL>} It's computer software, it's meant to be used on a computer not a printed book, the system must not know that books don't run software.
Examine the premise: <BOP> 'The Nanking Massacre was an episode of mass murder and mass rape committed by Japanese troops against the residents of Nanjing ("Nanking"), then the capital of the Republic of China, during the Second Sino-Japanese War. The massacre is also known as the Rape of Nanking or, using Pinyin romanization, the Nanjing Massacre or Rape of Nanjing.' </EOP> and assess if the subsequent statement: <BOH> 'The victims during this massacre were civilians.' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Include your rationale.
The victims during this massacre were civilians.
{<BOL> neutral </EOL>} This statement is definitely correct because the passage states that the victims were residents (not military) of Nanjing and the capital of the Republic of China.
Examine the information in <BOP> 'Sveinn Ólafur Gunnarsson is an award winning Icelandic stage and film actor who starred in and co-wrote 2011's "Either Way", Ragnar Bragason's "Metalhead" and Baltasar Kormákur's "The Deep". Gunnarsson stars in the film Rams which premiered in the Un Certain Regard section at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival. He also stars in the upcoming American film "Autumn Lights".' </EOP> Is the statement: <BOH> 'Gunnarson has never been to america.' </EOH> a contradiction, entailment, or neutral? Justify your conclusion.
Gunnarson has never been to america.
{<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} While his movie "Rams" premiered at the Cannes film festival that does not necessarily mean he was present at the premier. Furthermore, it says 'He also stars in the upcoming American film "Autumn Lights"', however, films can be produced by American companies and be shot outside of America and still be considered American films, eg. Lord of the Rings. Therefore based on the given information there's nothing to confirm he has definitely been to America or not.
Based on the details provided in: <BOP> 'David K. Lam is a Chinese-born American technology entrepreneur. He founded Lam Research Corporation in 1980. He presently serves as Chairman of Multibeam Corporation (Santa Clara, CA), which manufactures complementary electron beam lithography (CEBL) systems. He also heads the David Lam Group, an investor and business advisor for high-growth technology companies.' </EOP>, determine if the claim: <BOH> 'David Lam was born before 1980.' </EOH> represents a contradiction, entailment, or neutral.
David Lam was born before 1980.
{<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} David Lam founded his company in 1980, so he would have had to be born before 1980.
Analyze the premise: <BOP> 'The 8th Race of Champions was a non-Championship motor race, run to Formula One rules, held on 18 March 1973 at Brands Hatch circuit in Kent, UK. The race included several entrants in Formula 5000 cars and was won by Peter Gethin in a Chevron-Chevrolet B24 '72-05'. This was the only race other than the poorly-attended 1969 Madrid Grand Prix in which a Formula 5000 car beat a Formula One car.' </EOP>. Classify the hypothesis: <BOH> 'The 8th race featured unimportant racers.' </EOH> as contradiction, entailment, or neutral.
The 8th race featured unimportant racers.
{<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} Because it does not say if the racers were either famous or very important.
Considering the context: <BOP> 'How to Steal a Million is a 1966 heist comedy film, directed by William Wyler and starring Audrey Hepburn, Peter O'Toole, Eli Wallach and Hugh Griffith. The picture is set and was filmed in France, though the characters speak entirely in English. Audrey Hepburn's clothes were designed by Givenchy.' </EOP>, determine whether the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Givenchy designed clothes for Audrey Hepburn prior to the 1966 film' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Provide your rationale.
Givenchy designed clothes for Audrey Hepburn prior to the 1966 film
{<BOL> entailment </EOL>} The statement indicates that Givenchy worked with Audrey Hepburn before 1966 which is neither correct nor incorrect. The system doesn't have the information to determine the correct answer.
With the premise: <BOP> 'Keeping Up with the Steins is a 2006 comedy film directed by Scott Marshall, and starring Garry Marshall, Jeremy Piven, Jami Gertz and Daryl Hannah. The film is also a commentary on how too many Jewish families see a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah not as a coming of age for their son or daughter, but rather as an excuse to throw outrageously lavish parties.' </EOP>, decide if the hypothesis: <BOH> 'The show centers on Jewish traditions.' </EOH> leads to a contradiction, entailment, or neutral result. Explain why.
The show centers on Jewish traditions.
{<BOL> neutral </EOL>} A bat mitzvah and bar mitzvah are Jewish traditions.
Reflect on the information in: <BOP> 'Kiss of the Spider Woman is a musical with music by John Kander and Fred Ebb, with the book by Terrence McNally. It is based on the Manuel Puig novel "El Beso de la Mujer Araña". The musical had runs in the West End (1992) and Broadway (1993) and won the 1993 Tony Award for Best Musical.' </EOP>. Does the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Kiss of the Spider Woman was inspired by classical music' </EOH> constitute a contradiction, entailment, or neutral?
Kiss of the Spider Woman was inspired by classical music
{<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} We do not know if classical music had any effect on the making of Kiss of the Spider Woman
<BOP> Eisenhower did provide France with bombers and non-combat personnel. After a few months with no success by the French, he added other aircraft to drop napalm for clearing purposes. Further requests for assistance from the French were agreed to but only on conditions Eisenhower knew were impossible to meet – allied participation and congressional approval. When the French fortress of Dien Bien Phu fell to the Vietnamese Communists in May 1954, Eisenhower refused to intervene despite urgings from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the Vice President and the head of NCS. <EOP> <BOQ> What arguably impossible conditions did Eisenhower set for further intervention on behalf of the French? <EOQ>
What arguably impossible conditions did Eisenhower set for further intervention on behalf of the French?
<BOL> allied participation and congressional approval <EOL>
Examine the information in <BOP> 'Shanakht(Urdu: ‎ )(English Translation: "Identity") is a Pakistani television social drama series that debuted on Hum TV on 5 August 2014. It is written and directed by Amna Nawaz Khan and is Produced by Momina Duraid. It is produced by Momina Duraid and is a A N K Production project. The show stars Maya Ali, Fahad Mirza and Noor Hassan Rizvi in pivotal roles. The show aired Tuesdays at 8:00 pm.' </EOP> Is the statement: <BOH> 'Shanakht is written by a different person who directs it.' </EOH> a contradiction, entailment, or neutral? Justify your conclusion.
Shanakht is written by a different person who directs it.
{<BOL> entailment </EOL>} It is written and directed by Amna Nawaz Khan. they are the same person.
Analyze the premise: <BOP> 'How to treat a hoof abscess in horses<br>Look for discomfort when your horse walks. If your horse is suddenly hesitant to walk around, it may due to an infection in its hoof that is causing it pain. Be on the look out for changes to your horse's gait or to your horse being hesitant to walk around or put pressure on one of its hooves.' </EOP>. Classify the hypothesis: <BOH> 'A change in your horse's gait is the only method to detect a hoof abscess.' </EOH> as contradiction, entailment, or neutral.
A change in your horse's gait is the only method to detect a hoof abscess.
{<BOL> neutral </EOL>} The agent statement details multiple ways to detect a possible hoof abscess in a horse, so a change in the horse's gate is certainly not the only way to detect it.
<BOP> Union Station is further served by four Amtrak lines: the Northeast Regional and the high-speed Acela Express provide service to New York, Washington, D.C. and Boston, and rank as the first and second busiest routes in the country; the New Haven–Springfield Line provides service to Hartford and Springfield, Massachusetts; and the Vermonter provides service to both Washington, D.C., and Vermont, 15 miles (24 km) from the Canadian border. Amtrak also codeshares with United Airlines for travel to any airport serviced by United Airlines, via Newark Airport (EWR) originating from or terminating at Union Station, (IATA: ZVE). <EOP> <BOQ> Which transit line out of Union Station provides service to Hartford and Springfield, Massachusetts? <EOQ>
Which transit line out of Union Station provides service to Hartford and Springfield, Massachusetts?
<BOL> New Haven–Springfield Line <EOL>
<BOP> Phase change materials such as paraffin wax and Glauber's salt are another thermal storage media. These materials are inexpensive, readily available, and can deliver domestically useful temperatures (approximately 64 °C or 147 °F). The "Dover House" (in Dover, Massachusetts) was the first to use a Glauber's salt heating system, in 1948. Solar energy can also be stored at high temperatures using molten salts. Salts are an effective storage medium because they are low-cost, have a high specific heat capacity and can deliver heat at temperatures compatible with conventional power systems. The Solar Two used this method of energy storage, allowing it to store 1.44 terajoules (400,000 kWh) in its 68 cubic metres storage tank with an annual storage efficiency of about 99%. <EOP> <BOQ> The first Glauber's salt heating system was first used where? <EOQ>
The first Glauber's salt heating system was first used where?
<BOL> The "Dover House" <EOL>
<BOP> The Spanish–American War was a short decisive war marked by quick, overwhelming American victories at sea and on land against Spain. The Navy was well-prepared and won laurels, even as politicians tried (and failed) to have it redeployed to defend East Coast cities against potential threats from the feeble Spanish fleet. The Army performed well in combat in Cuba. However, it was too oriented to small posts in the West and not as well-prepared for an overseas conflict. It relied on volunteers and state militia units, which faced logistical, training and food problems in the staging areas in Florida. The United States freed Cuba (after an occupation by the U.S. Army). By the peace treaty Spain ceded to the United States its colonies of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. The Navy set up coaling stations there and in Hawaii (which voluntarily joined the U.S. in 1898). The U.S. Navy now had a major forward presence across the Pacific and (with the lease of Guantánamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba) a major base in the Caribbean guarding the approaches to the Gulf Coast and the Panama Canal. <EOP> <BOQ> What is the name of the naval base the US leased from a newly independent Cuba? <EOQ>
What is the name of the naval base the US leased from a newly independent Cuba?
<BOL> Guantánamo Bay Naval Base <EOL>
Examine the premise: <BOP> 'The Kremlin described as "complete nonsense" on Tuesday media reports that U.S. President Donald Trump had disclosed classified intelligence during a meeting with Russian officials. "It's not a subject for us, it's the latest piece of nonsense. We don't want to have anything do to with this nonsense. It's complete nonsense, not a subject to be denied or confirmed," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on a conference call with reporters.' </EOP> and assess if the subsequent statement: <BOH> 'The Kremlin used the word nonsense multiple times.' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Include your rationale.
The Kremlin used the word nonsense multiple times.
{<BOL> neutral </EOL>} I based my statement on supposed word count based on the presented story.
Reflect on the information in: <BOP> 'SACRAMENTO (AP) _ The winning numbers in Wednesday evening”s drawing of the California Lottery”s “Daily 3 Evening” game were: 6-4-0 (six, four, zero) ¶ Ticket-holders with all three winning numbers in the order given win the top prize. Lesser amounts are also awarded to ticket-holders with other varying combinations of the winning numbers.' </EOP>. Does the hypothesis: <BOH> 'The Daily Three Evening lotto games are held each week the day after Tuesday.' </EOH> constitute a contradiction, entailment, or neutral?
The Daily Three Evening lotto games are held each week the day after Tuesday.
{<BOL> neutral </EOL>} Restated the setting in a way meant to confuse the system, specifically by using a different day of the week than aforementioned
<BOP> On September 11, 2001, 53 Army civilians (47 employees and six contractors) and 22 soldiers were among the 125 victims killed in the Pentagon in a terrorist attack when American Airlines Flight 77 commandeered by five Al-Qaeda hijackers slammed into the western side of the building, as part of the September 11 attacks. Lieutenant General Timothy Maude was the highest-ranking military official killed at the Pentagon, and the most senior U.S. Army officer killed by foreign action since the death of Lieutenant General Simon B. Buckner, Jr. on June 18, 1945, in the Battle of Okinawa during World War II. <EOP> <BOQ> How many victims were killed in the attack on the Pentagon? <EOQ>
How many victims were killed in the attack on the Pentagon?
<BOL> 125 <EOL>
Analyze the premise: <BOP> 'Eustace Clarence Scrubb is a fictional character in C. S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia. He appears in "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader", "The Silver Chair", and "The Last Battle". In "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader", he is accompanied by Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, his cousins. In "The Silver Chair" and "The Last Battle", he is accompanied by Jill Pole, a classmate from his school.' </EOP>. Classify the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Eustace Clarence Scrubb is a thicc boi' </EOH> as contradiction, entailment, or neutral.
Eustace Clarence Scrubb is a thicc boi
{<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} Its possible that the use of Gen Z slang has thrown the AI
Using the premise: <BOP> 'Rusty went rolling helplessly over on the rug ; he picked himself up dazedly .<br>What sort of a cat was this who had boxed his ears ?<br>He looked dubiously at the Sarah-cat .<br>Would he or would he not ?<br>The Sarah-cat deliberately turned her back on him and resumed her toilet operations .<br>Rusty decided that he would not .' </EOP>, decide if the conclusion: <BOH> 'Rusty is a friendly kind of cat.' </EOH> logically follows as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Explain your reasoning.
Rusty is a friendly kind of cat.
{<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} Just because he didn't do anything to the other cat we still don't know whether he was friendly which makes the statement neither correct nor incorrect.
With the given context: <BOP> 'Always (; lit. Only You) is a South Korean film directed by Song Il-gon. Starring So Ji-sub and Han Hyo-joo in the lead roles, it is about a romance between an ex-boxer who has closed his heart to the world and a telemarketer who remains spirited despite slowly going blind.' </EOP>, analyze if the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Always had 3 actors in it.' </EOH> is best described as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Justify your answer.
Always had 3 actors in it.
{<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} It said who was in the lead roles. It did not say those were the only people in the film. Most films have some extras or supporting roles. There is no way to know exactly how many people are in the film....
With the given context: <BOP> 'The West Rail Line () is one of the MTR lines in Hong Kong, indicated by the colour dark magenta. It was formerly known as the KCR West Rail (九廣西鐵 ). The line connects Hung Hom Station in Kowloon and Tuen Mun Station in Tuen Mun, 35.7 km away, in 37 minutes. The railway runs through the cities of Kowloon, Castle Peak and Tsuen Wan.' </EOP>, analyze if the hypothesis: <BOH> 'the West Rail Line is the only MTR line in Hong Kong.' </EOH> is best described as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Justify your answer.
the West Rail Line is the only MTR line in Hong Kong.
{<BOL> neutral </EOL>} The West Rail Line is one of the MTR lines in Hong Kong implying that it is not the only one.
<BOP> Later the emphasis was on classical studies, dominated by Latin and Ancient History, and, for boys with sufficient ability, Classical Greek. From the latter part of the 19th century this curriculum has changed and broadened: for example, there are now more than 100 students of Chinese, which is a non-curriculum course. In the 1970s, there was just one school computer, in a small room attached to the science buildings. It used paper tape to store programs. Today, all boys must have laptop computers, and the school fibre-optic network connects all classrooms and all boys' bedrooms to the internet. <EOP> <BOQ> How many current students take Chinese courses at Eaton? <EOQ>
How many current students take Chinese courses at Eaton?
<BOL> more than 100 <EOL>
<BOP> Metro Detroit has an extensive toll-free network of freeways administered by the Michigan Department of Transportation. Four major Interstate Highways surround the city. Detroit is connected via Interstate 75 (I-75) and I-96 to Kings Highway 401 and to major Southern Ontario cities such as London, Ontario and the Greater Toronto Area. I-75 (Chrysler and Fisher freeways) is the region's main north–south route, serving Flint, Pontiac, Troy, and Detroit, before continuing south (as the Detroit–Toledo and Seaway Freeways) to serve many of the communities along the shore of Lake Erie. <EOP> <BOQ> How many major interstates are serve Detroit? <EOQ>
How many major interstates are serve Detroit?
<BOL> Four <EOL>
Considering the context: <BOP> 'Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 22 (P. Oxy. 22) contains fragments of the "Oedipus Tyrannus" by Sophocles, written in Greek. It was discovered by Grenfell and Hunt in 1897 in Oxyrhynchus. The fragment is dated to the fifth century. It is housed in the British Library (Department of Manuscripts). The text was published by Grenfell and Hunt in 1898.' </EOP>, determine whether the hypothesis: <BOH> 'The fragment was made in the 400s.' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Provide your rationale.
The fragment was made in the 400s.
{<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} The fifth century is the 400s, not the 500s.
<BOP> On 6 August 1945, the U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima in the first nuclear attack in history. In a press release issued after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Truman warned Japan to surrender or "...expect a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth." Three days later, on 9 August, the U.S. dropped another atomic bomb on Nagasaki, the last nuclear attack in history. More than 140,000–240,000 people died as a direct result of these two bombings. The necessity of the atomic bombings has long been debated, with detractors claiming that a naval blockade and aerial bombing campaign had already made invasion, hence the atomic bomb, unnecessary. However, other scholars have argued that the bombings shocked the Japanese government into surrender, with Emperor finally indicating his wish to stop the war. Another argument in favor of the atomic bombs is that they helped avoid Operation Downfall, or a prolonged blockade and bombing campaign, any of which would have exacted much higher casualties among Japanese civilians. Historian Richard B. Frank wrote that a Soviet invasion of Japan was never likely because they had insufficient naval capability to mount an amphibious invasion of Hokkaidō. <EOP> <BOQ> What was the name of the blockade and bombing of Japan planed to make them surrender? <EOQ>
What was the name of the blockade and bombing of Japan planed to make them surrender?
<BOL> Operation Downfall <EOL>
Analyze the premise: <BOP> 'Margaret Lucille Jeanne Parker (born 24 July 1943) is a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for the East Midlands region for the UK Independence Party. She was elected in 2014. She was born in Grantham and educated at Kesteven and Grantham Girls' School and De Montfort University where she read Law.' </EOP>. Classify the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Parker has been a MEP for 5 years.' </EOH> as contradiction, entailment, or neutral.
Parker has been a MEP for 5 years.
{<BOL> neutral </EOL>} I did the math based on the year of election in the context but did not mention 2014, which confused the model.
With the given context: <BOP> 'Thomas Carr Frank (born March 21, 1965) is an American political analyst, historian, journalist, and columnist for "Harper's Magazine". He wrote "The Tilting Yard" column in the "Wall Street Journal" from 2008 to 2010, and he co-founded and edited "The Baffler". He has written several books, most notably "What's the Matter with Kansas?" (2004) and "Listen, Liberal" (2016).' </EOP>, analyze if the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Thomas Carr Frank wrote for years.' </EOH> is best described as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Justify your answer.
Thomas Carr Frank wrote for years.
{<BOL> neutral </EOL>} It said he wrote something from 2008 to 2010.... that would be writing for years... it is correct.
<BOP> Insects (from Latin insectum, a calque of Greek ἔντομον [éntomon], "cut into sections") are a class of invertebrates within the arthropod phylum that have a chitinous exoskeleton, a three-part body (head, thorax and abdomen), three pairs of jointed legs, compound eyes and one pair of antennae. They are the most diverse group of animals on the planet, including more than a million described species and representing more than half of all known living organisms. The number of extant species is estimated at between six and ten million, and potentially represent over 90% of the differing animal life forms on Earth. Insects may be found in nearly all environments, although only a small number of species reside in the oceans, a habitat dominated by another arthropod group, crustaceans. <EOP> <BOQ> In what phylum are insects classified? <EOQ>
In what phylum are insects classified?
<BOL> arthropod <EOL>
<BOP> Rebirth refers to a process whereby beings go through a succession of lifetimes as one of many possible forms of sentient life, each running from conception to death. The doctrine of anattā (Sanskrit anātman) rejects the concepts of a permanent self or an unchanging, eternal soul, as it is called in Hinduism and Christianity. According to Buddhism there ultimately is no such thing as a self independent from the rest of the universe. Buddhists also refer to themselves as the believers of the anatta doctrine—Nairatmyavadin or Anattavadin. Rebirth in subsequent existences must be understood as the continuation of a dynamic, ever-changing process of pratītyasamutpāda ("dependent arising") determined by the laws of cause and effect (karma) rather than that of one being, reincarnating from one existence to the next. <EOP> <BOQ> In Buddhism, rebirth into consecutive lives is determined by what? <EOQ>
In Buddhism, rebirth into consecutive lives is determined by what?
<BOL> the laws of cause and effect <EOL>
<BOP> By the census of 1971, the population of Lancashire and its county boroughs had reached 5,129,416, making it the most populous geographic county in the UK. The administrative county was also the most populous of its type outside London, with a population of 2,280,359 in 1961. On 1 April 1974, under the Local Government Act 1972, the administrative county was abolished, as were the county boroughs. The urbanised southern part largely became part of two metropolitan counties, Merseyside and Greater Manchester. The new county of Cumbria incorporates the Furness exclave. <EOP> <BOQ> What incorporated the Furness exclave? <EOQ>
What incorporated the Furness exclave?
<BOL> Cumbria <EOL>
Based on the details provided in: <BOP> 'For example, the fields of Western farmers feed the United States and many other parts of the world, and India's irrigation systems have enabled that country to be self-sufficient in food production since 1974. In addition, in many parts of the world dams have helped to remedy life-threatening problems such as poverty from lack of economic development, famine as a result of drought, devastation from floods, and continued disease from lack of potable water supplies.' </EOP>, determine if the claim: <BOH> 'controlling the flow of H2O has been minor for the second nation mentioned' </EOH> represents a contradiction, entailment, or neutral.
controlling the flow of H2O has been minor for the second nation mentioned
{<BOL> neutral </EOL>} manipulating water has been formative for india and very important
From the information in: <BOP> 'The Federation of Indian Airlines (FIA) is an airline industry body in India. Its members are Jet Airways, IndiGo, SpiceJet and GoAir. As of March 2017, the four members of the FIA have a combined 80% share of the domestic aviation market. The functions of the FIA are carried out by an Executive Council composed of the heads of each of the member airlines.' </EOP>, deduce whether the hypothesis: <BOH> '20% of the domestic Indian aviation market is not controlled by the FIA.' </EOH> results in a contradiction, entailment, or neutral.
20% of the domestic Indian aviation market is not controlled by the FIA.
{<BOL> neutral </EOL>} The statement tells us that the FIA has a combined control of 80% of the market, thus the opposite is true that they do not control the remaining 20%. I think the 20% language confuses the model as that figure doesn't exist in the first statement and it's unsure of what that percentage represents.
Given the premise: <BOP> 'Bogjurgan Hill is an elevated landform at the southern verge of the Fetteresso Forest in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Its top is at an elevation of 299 m above sea level. Historical features in this region of Kincardineshire include Fetteresso Castle, Drumtochty Castle and Muchalls Castle.' </EOP>, evaluate whether the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Muchalls castle still stands in Kincardineshire in it's unaltered form today.' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Explain your decision.
Muchalls castle still stands in Kincardineshire in it's unaltered form today.
{<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} Bogjurgan Hill is still a major tourist attraction in the Kincardineshire region of Scotland.
Given the detailed context: 'The 1919 PGA Championship was the second PGA Championship, which is now considered one of golf's major championships. It was held September 16–20 at the Engineers Country Club in Roslyn Harbor, New York, east of New York City on Long Island in Nassau County.', judge whether the statement: <BOH> 'it was held really close to New York City on Long Island.' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral.
it was held really close to New York City on Long Island.
{<BOL> entailment </EOL>} it was close to New York City in Long Island, but we don't know how close it was
<BOP> As the Reformers wanted all members of the church to be able to read the Bible, education on all levels got a strong boost. By the middle of the eighteenth century, the literacy rate in England was about 60 per cent, in Scotland 65 per cent, and in Sweden eight of ten men and women were able to read and to write. Colleges and universities were founded. For example, the Puritans who established Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1628 founded Harvard College only eight years later. About a dozen other colleges followed in the 18th century, including Yale (1701). Pennsylvania also became a centre of learning. <EOP> <BOQ> Who founded Harvard College? <EOQ>
Who founded Harvard College?
<BOL> the Puritans <EOL>
Examine the premise: <BOP> 'How to limbo<br>Grab a long pole. Traditionally, people played limbo with a broom, but any long rod will work. For quick solutions, try using a wrapping paper roll, curtain rod, pool noodle, or a smooth stick from outside.' </EOP> and assess if the subsequent statement: <BOH> 'You can use many different items to limbo, but wrapping paper works as a quick solution.' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Include your rationale.
You can use many different items to limbo, but wrapping paper works as a quick solution.
{<BOL> entailment </EOL>} Limbo needs items that are in a "rod" shape, wrapping paper paper like, thin and flat. I think I fooled the system because it suggest a wrapping paper ROLL and did not recognize that I eliminated that important part from my answer.
Based on the details provided in: <BOP> 'Robert Quinn (born May 18, 1990) is an American football outside linebacker for the Los Angeles Rams of the National Football League (NFL). He played college football at North Carolina, and was drafted by the Rams with the 14th pick in the first round of the 2011 NFL Draft.' </EOP>, determine if the claim: <BOH> 'Robert Quinn was born in North Carolina.' </EOH> represents a contradiction, entailment, or neutral.
Robert Quinn was born in North Carolina.
{<BOL> entailment </EOL>} The text never mentions where he was born, just that he played college football in that state. It's difficult because the text mentions the state, so this probably confused the system into thinking he must have been born there as well.
Examine the information in <BOP> 'A Brandy Alexander is a brandy-based cocktail consisting of cognac, crème de cacao, and cream that became popular during the early 20th century. It is a variation of an earlier, gin-based cocktail called simply an Alexander. The cocktail is widely known for having been John Lennon's favorite drink.' </EOP> Is the statement: <BOH> 'A Brandy Alexander was The Beatles Founders favorite cocktail.' </EOH> a contradiction, entailment, or neutral? Justify your conclusion.
A Brandy Alexander was The Beatles Founders favorite cocktail.
{<BOL> neutral </EOL>} John Lennon was the founding member of The Beatles. It says in the main context that it was his favorite cocktail. I think the system couldn't recognize this.
Reflect on the information in: <BOP> 'Johann Kastenberger (born October 1, 1958, in Sankt Leonhard am Forst, died November 15, 1988, in Sankt Pölten, Lower Austria) was an Austrian marathon runner, bank robber and murderer. He infamously committed his crimes while wearing a Ronald Reagan mask, earning him the nickname "Shotgun Ronnie". Kastenberger's criminal life was the basis for the 2010 film "The Robber".' </EOP>. Does the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Johann Kastenberger lived for more than 40 years.' </EOH> constitute a contradiction, entailment, or neutral?
Johann Kastenberger lived for more than 40 years.
{<BOL> entailment </EOL>} Based on his birth and death dates he was close to 30 when he died, not 40.
<BOP> There were numerous previous attempts to obtain general information about the budget. As a result, it was revealed that CIA's annual budget in Fiscal Year 1963 was US $550 million (inflation-adjusted US$ 4.3 billion in 2016), and the overall intelligence budget in FY 1997 was US $26.6 billion (inflation-adjusted US$ 39.2 billion in 2016). There have been accidental disclosures; for instance, Mary Margaret Graham, a former CIA official and deputy director of national intelligence for collection in 2005, said that the annual intelligence budget was $44 billion, and in 1994 Congress accidentally published a budget of $43.4 billion (in 2012 dollars) in 1994 for the non-military National Intelligence Program, including $4.8 billion for the CIA. After the Marshall Plan was approved, appropriating $13.7 billion over five years, 5% of those funds or $685 million were made available to the CIA. <EOP> <BOQ> What group accidentally published the non CIA budget in 1994? <EOQ>
What group accidentally published the non CIA budget in 1994?
<BOL> Congress <EOL>
<BOP> Antarctica continued to become more isolated and finally developed a permanent ice cap. Mountain building in western North America continued, and the Alps started to rise in Europe as the African plate continued to push north into the Eurasian plate, isolating the remnants of Tethys Sea. A brief marine incursion marks the early Oligocene in Europe. There appears to have been a land bridge in the early Oligocene between North America and Europe since the faunas of the two regions are very similar. During the Oligocene, South America was finally detached from Antarctica and drifted north toward North America. It also allowed the Antarctic Circumpolar Current to flow, rapidly cooling the continent. <EOP> <BOQ> Which current resulted in the cooling of Antarctica? <EOQ>
Which current resulted in the cooling of Antarctica?
<BOL> the Antarctic Circumpolar Current <EOL>
<BOP> The Nintendo Entertainment System (also abbreviated as NES) is an 8-bit home video game console that was developed and manufactured by Nintendo. It was initially released in Japan as the Family Computer (Japanese: ファミリーコンピュータ, Hepburn: Famirī Konpyūta?) (also known by the portmanteau abbreviation Famicom (ファミコン, Famikon?) and abbreviated as FC) on July 15, 1983, and was later released in North America during 1985, in Europe during 1986, and Australia in 1987. In South Korea, it was known as the Hyundai Comboy (현대 컴보이 Hyeondae Keomboi) and was distributed by SK Hynix which then was known as Hyundai Electronics. It was succeeded by the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. <EOP> <BOQ> When was it released in Australia? <EOQ>
When was it released in Australia?
<BOL> 1987 <EOL>
<BOP> Russell's ministry, though Whig, was not favoured by the Queen. She found particularly offensive the Foreign Secretary, Lord Palmerston, who often acted without consulting the Cabinet, the Prime Minister, or the Queen. Victoria complained to Russell that Palmerston sent official dispatches to foreign leaders without her knowledge, but Palmerston was retained in office and continued to act on his own initiative, despite her repeated remonstrances. It was only in 1851 that Palmerston was removed after he announced the British government's approval of President Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte's coup in France without consulting the Prime Minister. The following year, President Bonaparte was declared Emperor Napoleon III, by which time Russell's administration had been replaced by a short-lived minority government led by Lord Derby. <EOP> <BOQ> What year was Palmerston removed from office? <EOQ>
What year was Palmerston removed from office?
<BOL> 1851 <EOL>
Considering the context: <BOP> 'Hot<br>It was so hot outside this morning. My dog came in panting very hard. She was so exhausted she had to lie down. She drank an entire bowl of water. Then she asked for some food.' </EOP>, determine whether the hypothesis: <BOH> 'The dog said, "Can I have some food?"' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Provide your rationale.
The dog said, "Can I have some food?"
{<BOL> entailment </EOL>} Dogs don't talk.
Consider the premise in: <BOP> 'Parma Airport (Italian: "Aeroporto di Parma" , IATA: PMF, ICAO: LIMP ) is located 1.3 NM northwest of Parma, a city in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy. The airport was opened on 5 May 1991. It is also known as Giuseppe Verdi Airport or Parma "Giuseppe Verdi" Airport, named after Giuseppe Verdi.' </EOP>. Would you classify the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Parma airport was opened in the previous millennium.' </EOH> as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral? Explain your reasoning.
Parma airport was opened in the previous millennium.
{<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} It was opened in 1991 so previous millennium. The system didn't recognise the word millennium.
Based on the details provided in: <BOP> 'Green Lake is a city in Green Lake County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 960 at the 2010 census. The city is located on the north side of Green Lake. The city of Green Lake is the county seat for the county of Green Lake. The Town of Green Lake is located on the south side of Big Green Lake, opposite the city.' </EOP>, determine if the claim: <BOH> 'Green Lake is not green.' </EOH> represents a contradiction, entailment, or neutral.
Green Lake is not green.
{<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} It is unclear if Green Lake is green or not. The system was confused by the context.
Given the premise: <BOP> 'Stansted Mountfitchet is an English village and civil parish in Uttlesford district, Essex, near the Hertfordshire border, 35 mi north of London. According to the 2001 census it had a population of 5,533, increasing to 6,011 at the 2011 census. The village is served by Stansted Mountfitchet railway station.' </EOP>, evaluate whether the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Stansted Mountfitchet grows at the average rate of 48 people per year.' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Explain your decision.
Stansted Mountfitchet grows at the average rate of 48 people per year.
{<BOL> neutral </EOL>} According to the 2001 census it had a population of 5533, increasing to 6011 at the 2011 census.
<BOP> Once the elevator arrives at the floor, it will park with its doors open and the car buttons will be disabled to prevent a passenger from taking control of the elevator. Medical personnel must then activate the code-blue key switch inside the car, select their floor and close the doors with the door close button. The elevator will then travel non-stop to the selected floor, and will remain in code-blue service until switched off in the car. Some hospital elevators will feature a 'hold' position on the code-blue key switch (similar to fire service) which allows the elevator to remain at a floor locked out of service until code blue is deactivated. <EOP> <BOQ> What steps do medical personnel take at that point? <EOQ>
What steps do medical personnel take at that point?
<BOL> Medical personnel must then activate the code-blue key switch inside the car, select their floor and close the doors with the door close button <EOL>
Examine the information in <BOP> 'German Siemens and ThyssenKrupp may sell relevant core technology to China, which owns the first commercially operated maglev line.' </EOP> Is the statement: <BOH> 'The company's technology is important.' </EOH> a contradiction, entailment, or neutral? Justify your conclusion.
The company's technology is important.
{<BOL> neutral </EOL>} It is their core techonology.
<BOP> The Nigerian government has commissioned the overseas production and launch of four satellites. The Nigeriasat-1 was the first satellite to be built under the Nigerian government sponsorship. The satellite was launched from Russia on 27 September 2003. Nigeriasat-1 was part of the world-wide Disaster Monitoring Constellation System. The primary objectives of the Nigeriasat-1 were: to give early warning signals of environmental disaster; to help detect and control desertification in the northern part of Nigeria; to assist in demographic planning; to establish the relationship between malaria vectors and the environment that breeds malaria and to give early warning signals on future outbreaks of meningitis using remote sensing technology; to provide the technology needed to bring education to all parts of the country through distant learning; and to aid in conflict resolution and border disputes by mapping out state and International borders. <EOP> <BOQ> What was Nigeria's first satellite called? <EOQ>
What was Nigeria's first satellite called?
<BOL> Nigeriasat-1 <EOL>
<BOP> It was imperative for Japanese commanders to hold Saipan. The only way to do this was to destroy the U.S. Fifth Fleet, which had 15 fleet carriers and 956 planes, 7 battleships, 28 submarines, and 69 destroyers, as well as several light and heavy cruisers. Vice Admiral Jisaburo Ozawa attacked with nine-tenths of Japan's fighting fleet, which included nine carriers with 473 planes, 5 battleships, several cruisers, and 28 destroyers. Ozawa's pilots were outnumbered 2:1 and their aircraft were becoming or were already obsolete. The Japanese had considerable antiaircraft defenses but lacked proximity fuzes or good radar. With the odds against him, Ozawa devised an appropriate strategy. His planes had greater range because they were not weighed down with protective armor; they could attack at about 480 km (300 mi)[citation needed], and could search a radius of 900 km[citation needed] (560 mi). U.S. Navy Hellcat fighters could only attack within 200 miles (320 km) and only search within a 325-mile (523 km)[citation needed] radius. Ozawa planned to use this advantage by positioning his fleet 300 miles (480 km)[citation needed] out. The Japanese planes would hit the U.S. carriers, land at Guam to refuel, then hit the enemy again when returning to their carriers. Ozawa also counted on about 500 land-based planes at Guam and other islands. <EOP> <BOQ> How many fleet planes did the U.S. Fifth Fleet have? <EOQ>
How many fleet planes did the U.S. Fifth Fleet have?
<BOL> 956 <EOL>
<BOP> But Hanover is not only one of the most important Exhibition Cities in the world, it is also one of the German capitals for marksmen. The Schützenfest Hannover is the largest Marksmen's Fun Fair in the world and takes place once a year (late June to early July) (2014 - July 4th to the 13th). It consists of more than 260 rides and inns, five large beer tents and a big entertainment programme. The highlight of this fun fair is the 12 kilometres (7 mi) long Parade of the Marksmen with more than 12.000 participants from all over the world, among them around 5.000 marksmen, 128 bands and more than 70 wagons, carriages and big festival vehicles. It is the longest procession in Europe. Around 2 million people visit this fun fair every year. The landmark of this Fun Fair is the biggest transportable Ferris Wheel in the world (60 m or 197 ft high). The origins of this fun fair is located in the year 1529. <EOP> <BOQ> How many rides and inns does the fair have? <EOQ>
How many rides and inns does the fair have?
<BOL> more than 260 <EOL>
<BOP> Several boutique and chain hotels have opened in recent years in the South Bronx; in addition, a La Quinta Inn that has been proposed for the Mott Haven waterfront. The Kingsbridge Armory, often cited as the largest armory in the world, is scheduled for redevelopment as the Kingsbridge National Ice Center. Under consideration for future development is the construction of a platform over the New York City Subway's Concourse Yard adjacent to Lehman College. The construction would permit approximately 2,000,000 square feet (190,000 m2) of development and would cost US$350–500 million. <EOP> <BOQ> How much development space would a Concourse Yard platform provide? <EOQ>
How much development space would a Concourse Yard platform provide?
<BOL> 2,000,000 square feet <EOL>
<BOP> Even the Zhonghua Zihai does not include characters in the Chinese family of scripts created to represent non-Chinese languages. Characters formed by Chinese principles in other languages include the roughly 1,500 Japanese-made kokuji given in the Kokuji no Jiten, the Korean-made gukja, the over 10,000 Sawndip characters still in use in Guangxi, and the almost 20,000 Nôm characters formerly used in Vietnam.[citation needed] More divergent descendents of Chinese script include Tangut script, which created over 5,000 characters with similar strokes but different formation principles to Chinese characters. <EOP> <BOQ> What created over 5,000 characters with similar strokes? <EOQ>
What created over 5,000 characters with similar strokes?
<BOL> Tangut script <EOL>
<BOP> Portugal has developed a specific culture while being influenced by various civilizations that have crossed the Mediterranean and the European continent, or were introduced when it played an active role during the Age of Discovery. In the 1990s and 2000s (decade), Portugal modernized its public cultural facilities, in addition to the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation established in 1956 in Lisbon. These include the Belém Cultural Centre in Lisbon, Serralves Foundation and the Casa da Música, both in Porto, as well as new public cultural facilities like municipal libraries and concert halls that were built or renovated in many municipalities across the country. Portugal is home to fifteen UNESCO World Heritage Sites, ranking it 8th in Europe and 17th in the world. <EOP> <BOQ> How many UNESCO World Heritage Sites is Portugal home to? <EOQ>
How many UNESCO World Heritage Sites is Portugal home to?
<BOL> fifteen <EOL>
Considering the context: <BOP> 'Marwin Javier González (born March 14, 1989) is a Venezuelan professional baseball infielder with the Houston Astros of Major League Baseball (MLB). Primarily a shortstop, González has appeared at every position except for pitcher and catcher for the Astros.' </EOP>, determine whether the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Marwin Javier González played left field for the Houston Astros.' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Provide your rationale.
Marwin Javier González played left field for the Houston Astros.
{<BOL> neutral </EOL>} He has played at every position but for catcher and pitcher, so he has played left field. It may have been difficult because it is clearly stated that he is a shortstop, and so saying he played left field seems like a lie. It requires a bit more extrapolation to agree with this statement.
Examine the premise: <BOP> 'Douglas Daniel Weight (born January 21, 1971) is an American professional ice hockey coach, executive and former player. He is currently the head coach and assistant general manager for the New York Islanders. During his 19-year National Hockey League career, he played for the New York Rangers, Edmonton Oilers, Carolina Hurricanes, Anaheim Ducks, St. Louis Blues and the New York Islanders.' </EOP> and assess if the subsequent statement: <BOH> 'Douglas Daniel Weight is over 60 years old today' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Include your rationale.
Douglas Daniel Weight is over 60 years old today
{<BOL> entailment </EOL>} Douglas Daniel Weight was born on 1971 and now it is 2019, which means he is 48
<BOP> The earliest evidence of cotton use in South Asia has been found at the site of Mehrgarh, Pakistan, where cotton threads have been found preserved in copper beads; these finds have been dated to Neolithic (between 6000 and 5000 BCE). Cotton cultivation in the region is dated to the Indus Valley Civilization, which covered parts of modern eastern Pakistan and northwestern India between 3300 and 1300 BCE The Indus cotton industry was well-developed and some methods used in cotton spinning and fabrication continued to be used until the industrialization of India. Between 2000 and 1000 BC cotton became widespread across much of India. For example, it has been found at the site of Hallus in Karnataka dating from around 1000 BC. <EOP> <BOQ> Until what event did the ancient methods of spinning and fabrication of cotton last? <EOQ>
Until what event did the ancient methods of spinning and fabrication of cotton last?
<BOL> industrialization <EOL>
<BOP> Many scholars (including Makdisi) have argued that early medieval universities were influenced by the religious madrasahs in Al-Andalus, the Emirate of Sicily, and the Middle East (during the Crusades). Other scholars see this argument as overstated. Lowe and Yasuhara have recently drawn on the well-documented influences of scholarship from the Islamic world on the universities of Western Europe to call for a reconsideration of the development of higher education, turning away from a concern with local institutional structures to a broader consideration within a global context. <EOP> <BOQ> Madrasas in which specific location are said to have guided the formation of medieval universities? <EOQ>
Madrasas in which specific location are said to have guided the formation of medieval universities?
<BOL> Al-Andalus <EOL>
Given the premise: <BOP> 'José Eleazar Gómez Sanchez (] ; better known as Eleazar Gómez born May 29, 1986 in Mexico City, Mexico) is a Mexican actor. He is noted for his performance in Mexican telenovelas. Gómez is the brother of actress Zoraida Gómez and actor Jairo Gómez. He is a member of the Mexican pop band Eme 15.' </EOP>, evaluate whether the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Gomez is the brother of the actess Zoraida and Jairo as provided in the original statement.' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Explain your decision.
Gomez is the brother of the actess Zoraida and Jairo as provided in the original statement.
{<BOL> neutral </EOL>} All their surnames are Gomez.
Consider the premise in: <BOP> 'Udinese Channel is a subscription-based channel, entirely dedicated to the Italian football team Udinese Calcio. The channel offers Udinese Calcio fans exclusive interviews with players and staff, full matches, including replays of all Serie A, Coppa Italia, and UEFA Cup games, in addition to vintage matches, footballing news, and other themed programming.' </EOP>. Would you classify the hypothesis: <BOH> 'The channel is included in cable packages' </EOH> as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral? Explain your reasoning.
The channel is included in cable packages
{<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} It doesn't state what cable companies carry the channel
From the information in: <BOP> 'Catch the Thief<br>The police were trying to catch a neighborhood thief. They decided to stake-out the entire area that night. They didn't catch the thief so decided to continue the stake-out. Four nights later they saw the thief. All the police officers rushed to grab the guy and they caught him.' </EOP>, deduce whether the hypothesis: <BOH> 'The police didn't catch the thief during the stakeout' </EOH> results in a contradiction, entailment, or neutral.
The police didn't catch the thief during the stakeout
{<BOL> entailment </EOL>} They caught him on the fourth night of it.
With the premise: <BOP> 'Liisi Rist (born 25 June 1991) is an Estonian racing cyclist. She competed in the 2013 UCI women's team time trial in Florence. She has won the Estonian national championships on the road twice (2013, 2014) and the time trial three times (2013, 2014, 2015). In 2013 the Estonian Cycling Federation gave her the Best Female Cyclist award. She also took part at the 2015 European Games in Baku.' </EOP>, decide if the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Liisi Rist was born before the current century began.' </EOH> leads to a contradiction, entailment, or neutral result. Explain why.
Liisi Rist was born before the current century began.
{<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} She was born in the 1900's but we are in the 2000's.
<BOP> Violent incidents occurred throughout the Piedmont of the state as white insurgents struggled to maintain white supremacy in the face of social changes after the war and granting of citizenship to freedmen by federal constitutional amendments. After former Confederates were allowed to vote again, election campaigns from 1872 on were marked by violent intimidation of blacks and Republicans by white Democratic paramilitary groups, known as the Red Shirts. Violent incidents took place in Charleston on King Street in September 6 and in nearby Cainhoy on October 15, both in association with political meetings before the 1876 election. The Cainhoy incident was the only one statewide in which more whites were killed than blacks. The Red Shirts were instrumental in suppressing the black Republican vote in some areas in 1876 and narrowly electing Wade Hampton as governor, and taking back control of the state legislature. Another riot occurred in Charleston the day after the election, when a prominent Republican leader was mistakenly reported killed. <EOP> <BOQ> The violent 1876 incident that took place on King's street happened on what day? <EOQ>
The violent 1876 incident that took place on King's street happened on what day?
<BOL> September 6 <EOL>
Examine the information in <BOP> 'The Peace Palace (Dutch: "Vredespaleis" ; ] ) is an international law administrative building in The Hague, the Netherlands. It houses the International Court of Justice (which is the principal judicial body of the United Nations), the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), the Hague Academy of International Law and the Peace Palace Library.' </EOP> Is the statement: <BOH> 'The Hague is larger in size than the Netherlands.' </EOH> a contradiction, entailment, or neutral? Justify your conclusion.
The Hague is larger in size than the Netherlands.
{<BOL> neutral </EOL>} The text says the Peace Palace is a building in The Hague, the Netherlands. So, the Hague is in the Netherlands, meaning it must be smaller to fit in the country. The algorithm doesn't get this concept, I guess.
Using the premise: <BOP> 'How to attach photos and videos to emails on an iphone or ipad<br>Compose a new message in the mail app. You can insert images into your message using the mail app. This is essentially the same thing as attaching the image.' </EOP>, decide if the conclusion: <BOH> 'The messages app can be used to send still images.' </EOH> logically follows as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Explain your reasoning.
The messages app can be used to send still images.
{<BOL> neutral </EOL>} The passage states that you can insert pictures into messages on the app. A still image is a picture.
<BOP> In December 2015, West released a song titled "Facts". He announced in January 2016 on Twitter that SWISH would be released on February 11, after releasing new song "Real Friends" and a snippet of "No More Parties in L.A." with Kendrick Lamar. This also revived the GOOD Fridays initiative in which Kanye releases new singles every Friday. On January 26, 2016, West revealed he had renamed the album from SWISH to Waves, and also announced the premier of his Yeezy Season 3 clothing line at Madison Square Garden. In early 2016, several weeks prior to the release of his new album, West became embroiled in a short-lived social media altercation with rapper Wiz Khalifa on Twitter that eventually involved their mutual ex-partner, Amber Rose, who protested to West's mention of her and Khalifa's child. The feud involved allegations by Rose concerning her sexual relationship with West, and received significant media attention. As of February 2, 2016, West and Khalifa had reconciled. Several days ahead of the album's release, West again changed the title, this time to The Life of Pablo. On February 11, West premiered the album at Madison Square Garden as part of the presentation of his Yeezy Season 3 clothing line. Following the preview, West announced that he would be modifying the track list once more before its release to the public, and further delayed its release to finalize the recording of the track "Waves" at the behest of co-writer Chance the Rapper. He released the album exclusively on Tidal on 14 February 2016 following a performance on SNL. <EOP> <BOQ> What platform was The Life of Pablo officially released on? <EOQ>
What platform was The Life of Pablo officially released on?
<BOL> Tidal <EOL>
<BOP> Cyberspace Support is foundational, continuous, or responsive operations ensuring information integrity and availability in, through, and from Air Force-controlled infrastructure and its interconnected analog and digital portion of the battle space. Inherent in this mission is the ability to establish, extend, secure, protect, and defend in order to sustain assigned networks and missions. This includes protection measures against supply chain components plus critical C2 networks/communications links and nuclear C2 networks. The cyberspace support mission incorporates CNE and CND techniques. It incorporates all elements of Air Force Network Operations, information transport, enterprise management, and information assurance, and is dependent on ISR and all-source intelligence. <EOP> <BOQ> What is ability is critical in Cyberspace Supports mission? <EOQ>
What is ability is critical in Cyberspace Supports mission?
<BOL> sustain assigned networks and missions <EOL>
<BOP> The mantle is equivalent to 10 to 15 Earth masses and is rich in water, ammonia and methane. As is customary in planetary science, this mixture is referred to as icy even though it is a hot, dense fluid. This fluid, which has a high electrical conductivity, is sometimes called a water–ammonia ocean. The mantle may consist of a layer of ionic water in which the water molecules break down into a soup of hydrogen and oxygen ions, and deeper down superionic water in which the oxygen crystallises but the hydrogen ions float around freely within the oxygen lattice. At a depth of 7000 km, the conditions may be such that methane decomposes into diamond crystals that rain downwards like hailstones. Very-high-pressure experiments at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory suggest that the base of the mantle may comprise an ocean of liquid carbon with floating solid 'diamonds'. <EOP> <BOQ> How deep does Neptune's water-ammonia ocean go? <EOQ>
How deep does Neptune's water-ammonia ocean go?
<BOL> 7000 km <EOL>
<BOP> Official figures (as of July 21, 2008 12:00 CST) stated that 69,197 were confirmed dead, including 68,636 in Sichuan province, and 374,176 injured, with 18,222 listed as missing. The earthquake left about 4.8 million people homeless, though the number could be as high as 11 million. Approximately 15 million people lived in the affected area. It was the deadliest earthquake to hit China since the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, which killed at least 240,000 people, and the strongest in the country since the 1950 Chayu earthquake, which registered at 8.5 on the Richter magnitude scale. It is the 21st deadliest earthquake of all time. On November 6, 2008, the central government announced that it would spend 1 trillion RMB (about US $146.5 billion) over the next three years to rebuild areas ravaged by the earthquake, as part of the Chinese economic stimulus program. <EOP> <BOQ> How many people lived in the affected area? <EOQ>
How many people lived in the affected area?
<BOL> 15 million <EOL>
Consider the premise in: <BOP> 'Rand is a small village and civil parish in the West Lindsey district of Lincolnshire, England. It is situated approximately 9 mi north-east from the city of Lincoln and approximately 2 mi west from Wragby, and near the A158 road from Lincoln to Skegness. The nearest large town is Market Rasen, about 5 mi north-east. The village is 87 ft above sea level. The population is listed under Goltho.' </EOP>. Would you classify the hypothesis: <BOH> 'the large town near Rand is market rasen' </EOH> as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral? Explain your reasoning.
the large town near Rand is market rasen
{<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} The nearest large town is Market Rasen, about 5 mi north-east. The village is 87 ft above sea level.
Based on the details provided in: <BOP> 'Rebel "Reb" Porter is a retired American public address (PA) announcer who worked for the Indiana Pacers basketball team of the NBA until retiring in 2010. Porter also worked as an announcer/disk jockey for the legendary WIFE (AM-1310) in Indianapolis during that station's heyday in the 1960s.' </EOP>, determine if the claim: <BOH> 'Rebel Porter retired 10 years after the year 2000.' </EOH> represents a contradiction, entailment, or neutral.
Rebel Porter retired 10 years after the year 2000.
{<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} Maybe because the system can't do math unless it sees the numbers?
Consider the premise in: <BOP> 'Les Soirées de Nazelles, FP 84, is a set of variations for piano written by the French composer Francis Poulenc. During the evenings, the composer used to sit at the piano and improvise "portraits" of his friends, all based on a given theme. The work was begun in 1930, and completed at Noizay on October 1, 1936. At the beginning of the score, it reads:' </EOP>. Would you classify the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Poulenc lived in Noizay.' </EOH> as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral? Explain your reasoning.
Poulenc lived in Noizay.
{<BOL> entailment </EOL>} We know the work was completed there, but not that he actually lived there - he could have been on holiday!
From the information in: <BOP> 'Let the Music Do the Talking is the first of four albums by The Joe Perry Project. It was their the most successful, selling approximately 250,000 copies in the United States. The title track was re-recorded by Joe Perry's more successful band Aerosmith on their album "Done With Mirrors", albeit with a slightly different melody and Steven Tyler penned lyrics.' </EOP>, deduce whether the hypothesis: <BOH> '"Done With Mirrors" was an album by The Joe Perry Project.' </EOH> results in a contradiction, entailment, or neutral.
"Done With Mirrors" was an album by The Joe Perry Project.
{<BOL> entailment </EOL>} It states explicitly that it's an Aerosmith album, but the system sees the band and album listed and puts them together.
<BOP> The most popular contestants are usually not revealed in the results show. Instead, typically the three contestants (two in later rounds) who received the lowest number of votes are called to the center of the stage. One of these three is usually sent to safety; however the two remaining are not necessarily the bottom two. The contestant with the fewest votes is then revealed and eliminated from the competition. A montage of the eliminated contestant's time on the show is played and they give their final performance. However, in season six, during the series' first ever Idol Gives Back episode, no contestant was eliminated, but on the following week, two were sent home. Moreover, starting in season eight, the judges may overturn viewers' decision with a "Judges' Save" if they unanimously agree to. "The save" can only be used once, and only up through the top five. In the eighth, ninth, tenth, and fourteenth seasons, a double elimination then took place in the week following the activation of the save, but in the eleventh and thirteenth seasons, a regular single elimination took place. The save was not activated in the twelfth season and consequently, a non-elimination took place in the week after its expiration with the votes then carrying over into the following week. <EOP> <BOQ> Which season was the Idol Gives Back episode? <EOQ>
Which season was the Idol Gives Back episode?
<BOL> season six <EOL>
Reflect on the information in: <BOP> 'Julian Peter McDonald Clary (born 25 May 1959) is an English comedian and novelist. Openly gay, Clary began appearing on television in the mid-1980s and became known for his deliberately stereotypical camp style. Since then he has also acted in films, television and stage productions, and was the winner of "Celebrity Big Brother 10" in 2012.' </EOP>. Does the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Julian Peter McDonald came out as gay before he published any novels.' </EOH> constitute a contradiction, entailment, or neutral?
Julian Peter McDonald came out as gay before he published any novels.
{<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} Julian Peter McDonald Clary was openly gay when he started being on TV but it is unclear if he published novels before or after that.
Analyze the premise: <BOP> 'How to determine if you have adult adhd<br>Be aware of being easily distracted. Difficulty concentrating, getting bored very quickly, and a short attention span are where the' attention deficit' part of the name adhd come from. You can determine if you have adult adhd if you notice how often you are distracted.' </EOP>. Classify the hypothesis: <BOH> 'There are three characteristics of ADHD.' </EOH> as contradiction, entailment, or neutral.
There are three characteristics of ADHD.
{<BOL> entailment </EOL>} The passage lists three of them, but says that is where the name comes from. There could be other characteristics as well, or not. There is no way to know exactly how many there are.
<BOP> In Buddhism, Karma (from Sanskrit: "action, work") is the force that drives saṃsāra—the cycle of suffering and rebirth for each being. Good, skillful deeds (Pali: "kusala") and bad, unskillful (Pāli: "akusala") actions produce "seeds" in the mind that come to fruition either in this life or in a subsequent rebirth. The avoidance of unwholesome actions and the cultivation of positive actions is called sīla. Karma specifically refers to those actions of body, speech or mind that spring from mental intent (cetanā), and bring about a consequence or phala "fruit" or vipāka "result". <EOP> <BOQ> what does vipaka mean? <EOQ>
what does vipaka mean?
<BOL> result <EOL>
Reflect on the information in: <BOP> 'Kevin Reece Wilson (born October 23, 1961) is an American football coach and former player who is the current offensive coordinator at Ohio State University. Wilson served as the head football coach at Indiana University Bloomington from 2011 to 2016 and was the offensive coordinator at the University of Oklahoma from 2002 to 2010.' </EOP>. Does the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Wilson was born the year after 1960.' </EOH> constitute a contradiction, entailment, or neutral?
Wilson was born the year after 1960.
{<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} Wilson was born in 1961. The system was confused by the year.
<BOP> The Russian army withdrew and retreated past Moscow. Napoleon entered the city, assuming its fall would end the war and Alexander would negotiate peace. However, on orders of the city's governor Feodor Rostopchin, rather than capitulation, Moscow was burned. After five weeks, Napoleon and his army left. In early November Napoleon got concerned about loss of control back in France after the Malet coup of 1812. His army walked through snow up to their knees and nearly 10,000 men and horses froze to death on the night of 8/9 November alone. After Battle of Berezina Napoleon succeeded to escape but had to abandon much of the remaining artillery and baggage train. On 5 December, shortly before arriving in Vilnius, Napoleon left the army in a sledge. <EOP> <BOQ> When Napoleon entered Moscow, he expected an offer of peace from whom? <EOQ>
When Napoleon entered Moscow, he expected an offer of peace from whom?
<BOL> Alexander <EOL>
<BOP> Iranian scientists outside Iran have also made some major contributions to science. In 1960, Ali Javan co-invented the first gas laser, and fuzzy set theory was introduced by Lotfi Zadeh. Iranian cardiologist, Tofy Mussivand invented and developed the first artificial cardiac pump, the precursor of the artificial heart. Furthering research and treatment of diabetes, HbA1c was discovered by Samuel Rahbar. Iranian physics is especially strong in string theory, with many papers being published in Iran. Iranian-American string theorist Kamran Vafa proposed the Vafa-Witten theorem together with Edward Witten. In August 2014, Maryam Mirzakhani became the first-ever woman, as well as the first-ever Iranian, to receive the Fields Medal, the highest prize in mathematics. <EOP> <BOQ> Which Iranian scientist discovered HbA1c to further treatment and research of diabetes? <EOQ>
Which Iranian scientist discovered HbA1c to further treatment and research of diabetes?
<BOL> Samuel Rahbar <EOL>
<BOP> The earliest known macrofossil confidently identified as an angiosperm, Archaefructus liaoningensis, is dated to about 125 million years BP (the Cretaceous period), whereas pollen considered to be of angiosperm origin takes the fossil record back to about 130 million years BP. However, one study has suggested that the early-middle Jurassic plant Schmeissneria, traditionally considered a type of ginkgo, may be the earliest known angiosperm, or at least a close relative. In addition, circumstantial chemical evidence has been found for the existence of angiosperms as early as 250 million years ago. Oleanane, a secondary metabolite produced by many flowering plants, has been found in Permian deposits of that age together with fossils of gigantopterids. Gigantopterids are a group of extinct seed plants that share many morphological traits with flowering plants, although they are not known to have been flowering plants themselves. <EOP> <BOQ> What is the earliest known angiosperm? <EOQ>
What is the earliest known angiosperm?
<BOL> Archaefructus liaoningensis <EOL>
<BOP> The so-called "Sack of Palermo" is one of the major visible faces of the problem. The term is used to indicate the speculative building practices that have filled the city with poor buildings. The reduced importance of agriculture in the Sicilian economy has led to a massive migration to the cities, especially Palermo, which swelled in size, leading to rapid expansion towards the north. The regulatory plans for expansion was largely ignored in the boom. New parts of town appeared almost out of nowhere, but without parks, schools, public buildings, proper roads and the other amenities that characterise a modern city. <EOP> <BOQ> What did Palermo expansion lack? <EOQ>
What did Palermo expansion lack?
<BOL> t parks, schools, public buildings, proper roads and the other amenities that characterise a modern city <EOL>
From the information in: <BOP> 'Stanley Hugh Gallimore (14 April 1910 – September 1994) was an English footballer. His regular position was as a forward. He was born in Bucklow Hill, Cheshire and died in the Trafford district of Cheshire. He played for Witton Albion, Manchester United, Altrincham and Northwich Victoria.' </EOP>, deduce whether the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Stanley Hugh Gallimore was the best footballer in September 1995.' </EOH> results in a contradiction, entailment, or neutral.
Stanley Hugh Gallimore was the best footballer in September 1995.
{<BOL> neutral </EOL>} Stanley Hugh Gallimore died in September 1994, it is impossible for him to be playing in 1995. Using the phrase 'best footballer' is what most likely tricked the system into saying 'neither' as it likely attributed the phrase to opinion instead of realizing the date was out of the 1910-1994 range.
Based on the details provided in: <BOP> 'The 1919–20 WPI Engineers men's basketball team represented Worcester Polytechnic Institute during the 1919–20 NCAA men's basketball season. They were coached by Henry C. Swasey. The Engineers played their home games at Alumni Gym in Worcester, Massachusetts. The team won its first ever championship and finished the season with 14 wins and 2 losses.' </EOP>, determine if the claim: <BOH> 'WPI Engineers beat out all other teams in 1919-20 for the honor of the best team' </EOH> represents a contradiction, entailment, or neutral.
WPI Engineers beat out all other teams in 1919-20 for the honor of the best team
{<BOL> neutral </EOL>} They were champions