_START_ARTICLE_ Acid Drinkers _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ Line-up soon expanded as Dariusz "Popcorn" Popowicz (lead guitar) and a drummer Piotr "Chomik" Kulk (shortly after replaced by Maciej "Ślepy" Głuchowski) joined the band. With this line-up the band worked on its own compositions; such as "Barmy Army", "Del Rocca" and "I Mean Acid". Within a month of the band's creation, Pukacki was called to join the army and left the band for two years. The others did not intend to idle their time away; Friedrich and Popowicz undertook a reactivation of the band named Slavoy. Soon both of them received a proposal to play for reputable groups: Popowicz from Wolf Spider, and Friedrich from Turbo._NEWLINE_After returning from the army, Pukacki tried to reactivate his first band, Los Desperados. His attempts misfired and Pukacki himself, after meeting with Popowicz, decided to reform Acid Drinkers with Friedrich and Maciek "Ślimak" Starosta. Their debut took place 26 August 1989 on Słodowa Island in Wrocław. That performance was actually the beginning of the band's true career. Rumors about a new, excellent metal group swiftly spread across Poland. Soon afterwards the band received an opportunity to record an album. With this line-up there emerged their best-known classics, including their debut, Are You a Rebel?, Vile Vicious Vision and their most famous, Infernal Connection. At the end of 1998, Friedrich decided to leave the band. Przemysław "Perła" Wejmann, a vocalist and guitarist and a leader of Guess Why, replaced him. With Wejmann on board, the Acids recorded three albums Amazing Atomic Activity, Broken Head and Acidofilia. At the very beginning of 2003, Wejmann decided to leave the band. It took almost a month before a new guitarist was chosen. The new member turned out to be a well-known frontman of an already disbanded group–Illusion–Tomek "Lipa" Lipnicki. Together with Lipnicki, the Acids recorded a well-received long-play, Rock Is Not Enough. After over a year of cooperation, the new guitarist left Acid Drinkers for his own project, Lipali. His place in the band was taken over by Aleksander "Olass" Mendyk from None. The new member of Acid's crew quickly integrated himself into the band and was an active member. The band released a critically acclaimed album Verses of Steel, with most of the songs written by the new guitarist. On 30 November 2008, Mendyk died from circulatory failure, in Kraków, at the age of 29. He was replaced on 9 May 2009, by a new member, Wojciech "Jankiel" Moryto._NEWLINE_To date, Acid Drinkers are widely considered the best and most_NEWLINE_spectacular thrash-metal band in Poland. Their popularity has gone far_NEWLINE_beyond the typical metal music sphere. The Acids have played over 500 shows e.g. on Jarocin festivals, Metalmania, Węgorzewo,_NEWLINE_Przystanek Woodstock or Odjazdy. The Acids performed there as foreground_NEWLINE_celebrities. They preceded performances in Poland by, among others,_NEWLINE_Deep Purple, Megadeth, Bruce Dickinson, Sepultura,_NEWLINE_Paradise Lost and Slayer. Moreover, many_NEWLINE_known Polish artists such as: Edyta Bartosiewicz, Kazik Staszewski,_NEWLINE_Tomek Lipnicki, Patrycja Kosiarkiewicz or Grzegorz Skawiński took part_NEWLINE_in Acids’ recordings. Acid Drinkers were four times (in 1998, 2000,_NEWLINE_2004, 2009) awarded with a Fryderyk in the hard and heavy category, and_NEWLINE_received in 1998 from TVP 2 the "Złoty bączek" (Golden spinning top) award for being the best music group from Poland. Additionally, they were acknowledged as one of the five best Polish artists of the 1990s (together with Hey, Kazik Staszewski, Edyta Bartosiewicz and O.N.A.) by journalists and readers of Tylko Rock (Only Rock) magazine._NEWLINE_In 2010 the band released a second covers album called Fishdick Zwei - The Dick Is Rising Again. The Boys took a workshop compositions by artists such as Red Hot Chili Peppers, Metallica, Slayer, Frank Sinatra Donna Summer, The B52's + guests (Anna Brachaczek team BiFF and Czesław Mozil)
_START_ARTICLE_ Acobamba Province _START_SECTION_ Ethnic groups _START_PARAGRAPH_ The people in the province are mainly indigenous citizens of Quechua descent. Quechua is the language which the majority of the population (85.93%) learnt to speak in childhood, 13.83 % of the residents started speaking using the Spanish language (2007 Peru Census).
_START_ARTICLE_ Acron _START_PARAGRAPH_ Acron (Greek: Ἄκρων), son of Xenon, was an eminent Greek physician born at Agrigentum (Gk. Acragas).
_START_ARTICLE_ Acrotriche rigida _START_SECTION_ Description _START_PARAGRAPH_ Acrotriche rigida is a robust, densely branched shrub, which grows up to 1.5 m high with a corresponding diameter._NEWLINE_The leaves are stiffly spreading and lanceolate (6–11 mm long, 1–1.6 mm wide) and have strongly recurved margins. The leaf itself is whitish, with marked veins (3-5) deeply grooved on the lower surface; petiole 0.8–1 mm long._NEWLINE_The green flowers are usually 4–7 per spike, and have bracteoles which are about 1–1.5 mm long. The sepals 1.4–2.8 mm long and the corolla tube is 2.5–3.5 mm long with lobes 1–1.8 mm long. The plant flowers from July to September._NEWLINE_The ovary has 4-5 compartments and the creamy green fruits are depressed-globose, with a flat top, are about 2.5–3 mm diameter, and are covered in short white hairs, creamy-green._NEWLINE_It is found in dry sclerophyll forest or in scrub on sandstone or granite slopes.
_START_ARTICLE_ Action 14f13 _START_SECTION_ Background _START_PARAGRAPH_ In spring 1941, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler met with Reichsleiter Philipp Bouhler, head of the Hitler Chancellery to discuss his desire to relieve concentration camps of excess ballast, sick prisoners and those no longer able to work. Bouhler was Hitler's agent for implementation of Aktion T4, the euthanasia program for the mentally ill, disabled and inmates of hospitals and nursing homes deemed unworthy of inclusion in Nazi society._NEWLINE_Himmler and Bouhler transferred technology and techniques used by Aktion T4 personnel to concentration camps and later to Einsatzgruppen and death camps, to efficiently kill unwanted prisoners and inconspicuously dispose of the bodies. Aktion T4 was officially terminated by Hitler on August 24, 1941 but it was continued by many of the physicians who had been involved, until Nazi Germany was defeated in 1945. _START_SECTION_ Organization _START_PARAGRAPH_ Bouhler instructed Oberdienstleiter Viktor Brack, the head of Hauptamt II (Main Office II) of the Hitler's Chancellery (Kanzlei des Führers) to implement the new order. Brack was already in charge of the various front operations of T4. The scheme operated under the Concentration Camps Inspector and the Reichsführer-SS under the name "Sonderbehandlung 14f13". The combination of numbers and letters was derived from the SS record-keeping system, 14 for the Concentration Camps Inspector, f for the German word deaths (Todesfälle) and 13 for the means of killing, in this case gassing in the T4 killing centers. "Sonderbehandlung" ("special action"—literally "special handling") was the euphemistic term for execution or killing. _START_SECTION_ Selections, first phase _START_PARAGRAPH_ After the operation began in April 1941, a panel of doctors began visiting concentration camps to select sick and incapacitated prisoners for "elimination". This panel included those already experienced from Aktion T4, such as professors Werner Heyde and Hermann Paul Nitsche and doctors Friedrich Mennecke, Curt Schmalenbach, Horst Schumann, Otto Hebold, Rudolf Lonauer, Robert Müller, Theodor Steinmeyer, Gerhard Wischer, Viktor Ratka and Hans Bodo Gorgaß. To speed up the process, camp commandants made a preliminary selection list, as they had done in the T4 operation. This left just a few questions to be answered, such as personal information, date of admission to the camp, diagnosis of incurable disease, war injuries, criminal referral based on the criminal code of the Third Reich and any previous offenses. Names of ballastexistenzen (dead weight prisoners) were to be compiled and presented to the medical doctors for withdrawal from service, which included any prisoner who had been unable to work for a long time or was substantially incapacitated and would not be able to return to work._NEWLINE_Prisoners in the preliminary selection had to report to the medical panel but there was no proper medical examination; the prisoners were questioned about their participation in World War I and about any war medals they might have received. Based on personnel and medical records, the panel decided how to classify each of the prisoners. The final assessment was made using the information in the reporting form and was limited to the decision as to whether or not the prisoner would be steered toward "special treatment" 14f13. The report form and results were sent for documentary registration at the T4 central office in Berlin._NEWLINE_Prisoners being considered for the preliminary selection were sometimes encouraged by the camp administration to come forward if they felt sick or unable to work. They were led to believe they would go to a "recovery camp", where they would have light duties. Many prisoners believed the lie and readily volunteered but, after they were gassed at the killing centers, the victims' belongings were sent back to the camp warehouse for sorting. Prisoners learned the true reason for the selection and even prisoners with serious illnesses stopped reporting to the infirmary._NEWLINE_The first known selection took place in April 1941 at Sachsenhausen concentration camp. By the summer, at least 400 prisoners from Sachsenhausen had been killed. During the same period, 450 prisoners from Buchenwald and 575 prisoners from Auschwitz were gassed at the Sonnenstein Euthanasia Centre; Hartheim Euthanasia Centre was used to kill 1,000 prisoners from Mauthausen concentration camp. Between September and November 1941, 3,000 prisoners from Dachau and several thousand people from Mauthausen and neighboring Gusen concentration camp, were gassed at Hartheim. Prisoners from the Flossenbürg, Neuengamme and Ravensbrück camps were also selected and killed. After November, another 1,000 prisoners from Buchenwald, 850 from Ravensbrück and 214 from Groß-Rosen, were gassed at Sonnenstein Castle and Bernburg. From March to April 1942, some 1,600 women were selected at Ravensbrück and gassed at Bernburg._NEWLINE_The "medical reviews" are described in an excerpt from letters written by Dr. Friedrich Mennecke; during a selection at Buchenwald, Mennecke wrote to his wife;_NEWLINE_Weimar, Nov. 25, '41 8:58 a.m._NEWLINE_Elephant Hotel_NEWLINE__NEWLINE_First there were 40 forms to finish filling out from a 1st portion Aryan, on which my two other colleagues had already worked yesterday. Of these 40, I worked on about 15. ... Then came the "examination" of the pat.[ients], in other words, an introduction to the particulars & comparison with the notations in the files. We were not yet finished with these by noon because both my colleagues only worked in theory yesterday, so that I "post-examined" the ones who Schmalenbach (& I myself, this morning) had prepared & Müller, his. At 12:00 we first took a lunch break. ... Then we examined some more until around 4:00 p.m., in fact, I had 105 pat[ients], Müller 78 pat[ients], so that at the end, as 1st installment, 183 forms were done. As 2nd portion, now came a total of 1200 Jews, who will be entirely not first "examined", but rather with them, it's sufficient to pull from the files the reasons for arrest (often very extensive!) and transfer them to the forms. So, it's a purely theoretical job that takes us to Monday, certainly including benefit, perhaps even longer. Of this 2nd portion (Jews), today we did: I, 17; Müller 15. 5:00 sharp, we called it a day and went to dinner. ... The next few days will also go Just as I have described today, above – with exactly the same routine and the same work. After the Jews come about 300 Aryans as 3rd portion, who again will have to be "examined"._NEWLINE_— Friedrich Mennecke _START_SECTION_ Killing centers _START_PARAGRAPH_ Only three Nazi killing centers (NS-Tötungsanstalt) were used for the gassing of the invalided prisoners: Bernburg Euthanasia Centre (manager: Irmfried Eberl), Sonnenstein Euthanasia Centre (manager: Horst Schumann), and Hartheim Euthanasia Centre (Rudolf Lonauer and Georg Renno). Under the code name "Aktion 14f13" prisoners from Mauthausen and Gusen were murdered at Hartheim Castle starting in July 1941._NEWLINE_After the doctors' commissions had invalided the concentration camps' prisoners, the camp administration had to provide them on request. They were transported either by the "Gekrat" or the Reichsbahn to one of the killing centers. The prisoners were examined for gold teeth by a prison doctor and labelled appropriately before being led into a gas chamber, where they were killed with carbon monoxide. After any gold teeth were removed, for dispatch to a central office in Berlin, the corpses were incinerated in the crematorium; some corpses were examined further before incineration._NEWLINE_The killing was carried out by the same staff, using the same means as used previously with the mentally ill in Aktion T4. A few administrative details were changed, in that the deaths were recorded by members of the respective camp administration; they informed relatives of the deaths, claiming illness as the cause. A detailed description was given by Vincent Nohe to the Linz Kriminalpolizei in September 1945, who were investigating Nazi war crimes that had taken place nearby. Nohe, who had worked as a "burner" in the crematorium at the Hartheim killing center, was convicted at the Dachau-Mauthausen Trial in 1946 and sentenced to death, for the murder of sick and incapacitated concentration camp prisoners and was executed in 1947. _START_SECTION_ Scope of selections _START_PARAGRAPH_ Selections increasingly included political or other persecuted peoples, Jews and so-called asoziale. Pursuant to the general guidelines of the Bavarian police of August 1, 1936, those to be taken into Schutzhaft ("protective custody") were "gypsies, vagrants, tramps, the "work-shy", idlers, beggars, prostitutes, troublemakers, career criminals, rowdies, traffic violators, psychopaths and the mentally ill."_NEWLINE_Shortages of labour for the war economy led to a Concentration Camps Inspectorate (CCI) decree on March 26, 1942, which was distributed to all camp commandants. In 1942, the CCI was incorporated into the SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt under SS-Obergruppenführer Oswald Pohl as Amt D under SS-Brigadeführer Richard Glücks. The decree was signed by Arthur Liebehenschel, acting in Glücks' stead._NEWLINE_It has been made known via a report from a camp commandant, that of the 51 prisoners retired for Sonderbehandlung 14f13, after a while, 42 of these prisoners again became "capable of work" and consequently didn't need to be sent. From this, it is evident that the selection of prisoners is not proceeding according to the stated regulations. The examinations panel may only choose such prisoners who match the regulations and above all, are no longer able to work.... In order to administer the work set up at concentration camps, the prisoner workforce must be retained at the camp. The camp commandants of the concentration camps are asked to focus particular attention to this._NEWLINE_The Chief of the Central Office_NEWLINE_(signed) Liebehenschel_NEWLINE_SS-Obersturmbannführer_NEWLINE_A year later, the deteriorating war situation required further restrictions on selections, to ensure that every able-bodied worker could be put to work in the war economy. On April 27, 1943, Glücks presented a new circular decree with instructions to retire only those prisoners who were mentally ill or disabled._NEWLINE_The Reichsführer-SS and Chief of the German Police has decided that in the future, only mentally ill prisoners may be retired by the doctors' panel assembled for Action 14f13. All other incapacitated prisoners unable to work (those sick with tuberculosis, bed-ridden cripples, etc.) are categorically excluded from this operation. Bed-ridden prisoners shall be groomed for corresponding work that they can perform from bed. In future, the order of the Reichsführer-SS is to be heeded closely. The fuel requirements for this purpose are therefore dropped._NEWLINE_— Glücks_NEWLINE_After these guidelines were issued, only the Hartheim killing center was needed and those at Bernburg and Sonnenstein were closed, bringing the first phase of Aktion 14f13 to an end. _START_SECTION_ Second phase _START_PARAGRAPH_ According to a command from April 11, 1944, new guidelines were issued and began the second phase of Aktion 14f13 in which no forms were filled and selections were not made by a doctors' panel. The selection of the victims to die became the responsibility of camp administrations, usually the camp doctor. This did not exclude the physically ill who were no longer fit for work from being killed, which was done at the camp or by transferring the prisoners to a camp that had a gas chamber, such as Mauthausen, Sachsenhausen or Auschwitz. Those being gassed at Hartheim included forced laborers from eastern Europe, who were unfit for work, Soviet prisoners of war and Hungarian Jews, as well as concentration camp inmates. The last prisoner transport to Hartheim was on December 11, 1944, ending the operation. The gas chambers at Hartheim were dismantled and traces of their use were removed, as much as possible and the castle was used as an orphanage._NEWLINE_The number of people killed under Aktion 14f13 is not certain but scholarly literature puts the figure at between 15,000 and 20,000 people for the period ending in 1943.
_START_ARTICLE_ Action of 31 March 1800 _START_SECTION_ Background _START_PARAGRAPH_ In May 1798, a French fleet under General Napoleon Bonaparte crossed the Mediterranean Sea, sailing for Egypt. Pausing at Malta on 9 June, Bonaparte landed soldiers and seized the island leaving a sizeable French garrison at Valletta under General Claude-Henri Belgrand de Vaubois while the rest of the fleet continued on to Alexandria. After the successful landing in Egypt, Bonaparte marched inland at the head of his army. The fleet anchored in Aboukir Bay to support the troops ashore and was surprised and almost completely destroyed on 1 August by a British fleet under Rear-Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson. Only two ships of the line and two frigates escaped the Battle of the Nile from the 17 French ships that participated in the action. Of the survivors, the ship of the line Généreux sailed for Corfu while Guillaume Tell, under Contre-amiral Pierre-Charles Villeneuve, reached Malta with the two frigates._NEWLINE_When Villeneuve arrived at Malta in September 1798, the island was already in turmoil: the dissolution of the Roman Catholic Church on the island under French rule had been highly unpopular with the Maltese population, who forced the French garrison to retreat into the fortress of Valletta on 2 September. By the start of October, British and Portuguese troops had supplemented the Maltese irregulars, while a naval squadron watched Valletta harbour, to prevent any French effort to resupply and reinforce the garrison. Although small quantities of material reached Valletta from France in early 1799, by the start of 1800 no ship had arrived for more than seven months, and the garrison was near starvation. In an effort to resupply the garrison, the French sent a convoy from Toulon in February 1800, but the ships were intercepted off Malta by a squadron under Nelson on 17 February and in the ensuing battle the flagship Généreux was captured and Contre-amiral Jean-Baptiste Perrée was killed._NEWLINE_Without Perrée's supplies, the garrison faced continued food shortages, and by March Vaubois and Villeneuve decided to send an urgent request for support to France. For this operation they chose the 80-gun Guillaume Tell under Captain Saulnier, partly because the condition and size of the ship enabled Vaubois to embark over 900 men aboard, many of whom were sick or wounded. Contre-amiral Denis Decrès had command of the ship and Vaubois and Villeneuve confirmed the date of departure for 30 March. While the French prepared this expedition, the British maintained their blockade, although without their commander. Nelson, in defiance of specific orders from his commanding officer Lord Keith, had retired to Palermo on Sicily to be with Emma, Lady Hamilton, the wife of the British ambassador Sir William Hamilton with whom Nelson was conducting an adulterous affair. In his absence, command had passed to Captain Sir Thomas Troubridge on HMS Culloden and then to Captain Manley Dixon on HMS Lion. _START_SECTION_ Battle _START_PARAGRAPH_ At 23:00 on 30 March, with a strong wind from the south, Guillaume Tell sailed from Valletta, Decrés hoping to use the cover of darkness to escape the British blockade. Dixon had deployed his ships around the island, with Valletta watched by the frigate HMS Penelope under Captain Henry Blackwood. At 23:55, Blackwood's lookouts spotted Guillaume Tell and the captain gave chase, ordering the brig HMS Minorca under Commander George Miller to convey the message to Dixon, whose ships were just visible in the distance. Blackwood also attempted to signal his discovery to his commanding officer as Penelope gave chase._NEWLINE_Blackwood rapidly gained on the ship of the line and by 00:30 the frigate was within range, pulling up under the stern of Guillaume Tell and beginning a steady fire to which Decrés could only respond with his stern-chasers, light cannon situated in the stern of the ship. Decrés recognised that if he stopped to engage Penelope then the rest of Berry's squadron, visible on the horizon to the south, would soon overwhelm him. He therefore continued sailing to the northeast, hoping his heavy ship of the line could outrun the light and speedy frigate. However, Penelope was too fast, and Blackwood handled his ship with considerable skill, managing to pass Decrés' stern repeatedly and pour several raking broadsides into the French ship._NEWLINE_Blackwood's attack was so successful that by dawn on 31 March Guillaume Tell had lost its main and mizen topmasts and its main yard, considerably reducing the speed at which Decrés could travel. The French ship had also suffered heavy casualties in the exchange, but Penelope had lost only one man killed and three wounded, and was almost undamaged. British reinforcements were now arriving from the south: the 64-gun HMS Lion under Captain Dixon had received Minorca's warning at 01:00 and immediately sailed in pursuit, sending the brig on to Captain Sir Edward Berry in HMS Foudroyant, who lay some distance to leeward. By 05:00, Dixon was close enough to engage, passing between Penelope and Guillaume Tell and firing a triple-shotted broadside into the port side of the French ship. Shooting ahead of the now sluggish Guillaume Tell, Lion crossed its opponent's bows and shot away the jib boom, allowing Dixon to maintain a position across the bow, raking the French ship from one end while Penelope did the same to the other. During these manoeuvres, Dixon's ship had briefly become entangled with Guillaume Tell's rigging, and two determined efforts to board the British ship had been driven off as the ships were disentangled._NEWLINE_For half an hour, Lion continued to fire into the larger Guillaume Tell, but Dixon was unable to keep his ship completely out of range of the French broadsides and by 05:30 the subsequent damage showed an effect, Lion dropping back and falling behind the French vessel, although remaining within range alongside Penelope. At 06:00, Guillaume Tell came under attack for the third time, when Berry himself caught up with the battling ships in Foudroyant and pulled along the starboard broadside of the French ship of the line. Berry hailed Decrés to demand his surrender, and accompanied the demand with a triple-shotted broadside, to which Decrés responded with fire from his own guns. Foudroyant was flying a full set of sails and therefore suffered severe damage to its rigging in the opening exchange, the additional speed provided by this rig forcing Foudroyant to move ahead of the French vessel. After working back alongside Guillaume Tell, Berry recommenced fire that rapidly tore away much of the remaining French rigging, allowing Lion and Penelope to return to the battle while Foudroyant dropped back to make urgent repairs._NEWLINE_By 06:30 the badly outnumbered French ship had lost both its main and mizen masts, Foudroyant returning to the battle in time to collapse the foremast by 08:00. At 08:20, with no means of making sail and with wreckage obscuring most of his gun decks, Decrés surrendered to spare any further, fruitless, loss of life. His ship was in danger: the lack of masts and strong winds caused it to roll so severely that the lower deck gun ports had to be closed to prevent the ship from foundering. Casualties on the French ship numbered more than 200, from a crew of over 900, with both Decrés and Saulnier badly wounded. British losses were lighter, with eight killed and 64 wounded, including Berry, in Foudroyant, eight killed and 38 wounded in Lion and one killed and three wounded (one fatally) in Penelope. Damage was unevenly spread, Foudroyant suffering most severely, with the hull and all masts damaged, the mizzenmast so badly that it collapsed at approximately 12:00, wounding five more men. Lion was badly hit, although not so severely as Foudroyant while Penelope was only lightly damaged in the masts and rigging. The battle, which had begun within sight of Malta, had concluded roughly 21 nautical miles (39 km) south-west of Cape Passaro on Sicily. _START_SECTION_ Aftermath _START_PARAGRAPH_ Both Foudroyant and Lion were too battered to provide an effective tow to the dismasted French ship, and as a result Penelope was left to bring the shattered Guillaume Tell into Syracuse on Sicily. Eventually the ship was repaired sufficiently for the journey to Britain, and there was added to the Royal Navy under the name HMS Malta. Malta was, with HMS Tonnant captured two years earlier at the Nile, the most powerful third rate in the British fleet, and served for many years, participating at the Battle of Cape Finisterre in 1805._NEWLINE_The British officers were praised for the capture of Guillaume Tell, the last surviving French ship of the line to escape the Battle of the Nile: Nelson, who by his absence had "missed what would indeed have been the crowning glory to his Mediterranean career", wrote to Berry that "Your conduct and character in the late glorious occasion stamps your fame beyond the reach of envy." Despite Nelson's praise however, Berry in particular came in for subsequent criticism, especially from the historian William James, who wrote in his 1827 history of the conflict that:_NEWLINE_"Had the Foudroyant, single-handed, met the Guillaume-Tell, the combat would have been between two of the most powerful ships that had ever so met; and, although the Foudroyant's slight inferiority of force, being chiefly in number of men, was not that of which a British captain would complain, still the chances were equal, that the Guillaume-Tell, so gallantly manned, and so ably commanded, came off the conqueror."_NEWLINE_— William James, 1827, _NEWLINE_James instead attributed most of the praise for the victory to Blackwood and Dixon, whose ships were heavily outmatched by Guillaume Tell, but who successfully pressed their attacks with the intention of delaying the French retreat. He also highly praised Decrés for his conduct in the engagement, stating that "A more heroic defence than that of the Guillaume-Tell is not to be found among the records of naval actions". First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte reached a similar conclusion, and when Decrés was exchanged soon after the battle he was presented with armes d'honneur, later converted to membership of the Légion d'honneur. He was also given the position of maritime prefect of the Biscay port of Lorient._NEWLINE_Aboard Guillaume Tell, the British found evidence of the severity of the food shortages in Valletta: "the only thing found in La Guillaume Tell was the leg of a mule, hung for safety and his especial use of the admiral's stern-galley". News of the capture of Guillaume Tell was immediately passed to Vaubois by the British besiegers, along with a demand that he surrender the island. The French general, despite dwindling food supplies, refused, stating "Cette place est en trop bon état, et je suis moi-même trop jaloux de bien servir mon pays et de conserver mon honneur, pour écouter vos propositions." ("This place is in too good a situation, and I am too conscious of the service of my country and my honour, to listen to your proposals"). Despite Vaubois' defiance, the garrison was rapidly starving, and although the French commander resisted until 4 September, he was eventually forced to surrender Valletta and all of its military equipment to the British.
_START_ARTICLE_ Actua Sports _START_SECTION_ Actua Soccer (1995) _START_PARAGRAPH_ The first title's biggest claim to fame was its full 3D graphics engine, used for the first time in a home console football game (the first full-3D football game being Sega arcade Virtua Striker); although other console games had used a 3D field, players were commonly still 2D sprites but in Actua Soccer players were polygonal. The game was developed with close ties to a local football club Sheffield Wednesday: their players provided hints to the programmers, and three players, Chris Woods, Graham Hyde and Andy Sinton, also served as motion capture models._NEWLINE_Actua Soccer featured only national teams, with squads of 22 players from each of 44 national sides, However a follow up version with English Premier League teams named Actua Soccer: Club Edition was released in 1997 using 20 players from the 20 Premier League teams from 1996/97. The Actua Soccer match engine was also used to display matches in Premier Manager 64._NEWLINE_The first game was a bestseller in the UK, where it was backed by what journalists called "the most expensive advertising campaign ever mounted for a console game." Tommy Glide of GamePro, while criticising the game's lack of flashy special moves and mild sound effects, deemed it the most well-rounded PlayStation soccer game to date, saying it offered a good combination of FIFA's deep strategy and Goal Storm's sharp visuals and accessibility. _START_SECTION_ Actua Golf (1996) _START_PARAGRAPH_ Actua Golf (known as VR Golf '97 in North America) is a sports video game developed by Gremlin Interactive for the PlayStation and Sega Saturn. It was released in 1996. _START_SECTION_ Actua Soccer 2 (1997) _START_PARAGRAPH_ Actua Soccer 2 (known as Fox Sports Soccer '99 in North America), once again included national teams, but a more polished engine (optimised in the PC version for 3D graphics cards), (in some versions) the full Italian Serie A league, and a new "scenario" mode assured good sales and mostly positive reviews. It also included a team creator mode, which enabled the player to make up to 128 custom teams. Barry Davies was joined by Trevor Brooking on the commentary, and the game featured England football team captain and striker Alan Shearer not only on the cover, but also providing interviews about the game in the press. Michael Owen and Simon Tracey provided motion capture for the players. The game also featured menu music and a cameo appearance from Welsh rockers, Super Furry Animals, which could only can be unlocked after entering a cheat code. Actua Soccer 2 was also bundled with Creative Technology's Voodoo 2 graphic cards, which helped to achieve widespread distribution and popularity. _START_SECTION_ Actua Golf 2 (1998) _START_PARAGRAPH_ Actua Golf 2 (known as Fox Sports Golf '99 in North America), also developed by Gremlin Interactive for the PlayStation and Microsoft Windows, was released in 1998. Actua Golf 2 received mixed reviews. Aggregating review website GameRankings gave the PC version 70.50% and the PlayStation version 38.75%. _START_SECTION_ Actua Ice Hockey (1998) _START_PARAGRAPH_ Actua Ice Hockey was developed by Gremlin Interactive for the PlayStation and Windows in 1998 and was the official video game for the Nagano Winter Olympics 1998 ice hockey tournament. _START_SECTION_ Actua Tennis (1998) _START_PARAGRAPH_ Actua Tennis was developed by Gremlin and released on PlayStation in 1998 and Windows PC in 1999. A Saturn version was also announced, but never released. The game featured players which were motion captured from real tennis players and commentary by Sue Barker and Barry Davies. _START_SECTION_ Actua Soccer 3 (1998) _START_PARAGRAPH_ Actua Soccer 3 arrived in late 1998. For the first time, both club and national teams were present, plus other teams (such as Arsenal LFC) and various joke teams. While its predecessor had been criticised for the absence of club teams, Actua Soccer 3 featured a total of 25 leagues with 450 national and international teams, more than any game of the time except the earlier Sensible World of Soccer as well as over 10000 players. The graphics used a slightly improved version of the Actua Soccer 2 engine with much improved weather effects. Trevor Brooking was replaced by Martin O'Neill as Barry Davies' commentary partner. "Let Me Entertain You" by Robbie Williams was the only ingame soundtrack, while the classical operatic theme Cavalleria Rusticana (Rustic Chivalry) by Pietro Mascagni was played during the game's introduction video._NEWLINE_A port for the Nintendo 64 was planned but canceled after six months in development due to poor sales of the game Body Harvest for the platform. _START_SECTION_ Pool Shark (1999) _START_PARAGRAPH_ Pool Shark was developed by Gremlin for PlayStation and Windows in 1999. The game was also released under the name Actua Pool. A sequel was developed in Europe in 2004 for the PlayStation 2 and Windows under the name Pool Shark 2 by Blade Interactive It was not a part of the Actua series as the series had ended years prior, and Gremlin had closed. In 2007, a port of Actua Pool was released for the Nintendo DS, named Underground Pool in North America. _START_SECTION_ Actua Ice Hockey 2 (1999) _START_PARAGRAPH_ Actua Ice Hockey 2 was developed by Gremlin Interactive for the PlayStation and Windows in 1999. It featured fictional counterparts to the National Hockey League teams. _START_SECTION_ Actua Golf 3 (1999) _START_PARAGRAPH_ Actua Golf 3 was developed by Gremlin Interactive and released on the PlayStation in 1999. The game received an average score of 70.50% at GameRankings, based on an aggregate of 2 reviews.
_START_ARTICLE_ Adam Dennis _START_SECTION_ Career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Dennis was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He played junior hockey in the Ontario Hockey League. He was acquired by the London Knights from the Guelph Storm on January 10, 2005, in exchange for goalie Ryan MacDonald and 3 draft picks._NEWLINE_He was drafted by the Buffalo Sabres of the National Hockey League in the sixth round, #182 overall in the 2005 NHL Entry Draft.
_START_ARTICLE_ Adam Hope _START_PARAGRAPH_ Adam Hope (8 January 1813 – 7 August 1882) was a Canadian businessman and senator. He migrated from Scotland in 1834, settling in Upper Canada. A Liberal, he was appointed to the Senate of Canada on 3 January 1877 on the recommendation of Alexander Mackenzie. He represented the senatorial division of Hamilton, Ontario until his death. In 2007, Crerer Adam edited the selected letters of Adam Hope, written to his father in Scotland between 1834-1845. This edited compilation was published as part of the Champlain Society's General Series.
_START_ARTICLE_ Adam Kunkel _START_PARAGRAPH_ Adam Charles Kunkel (born February 24, 1981) is a male hurdler from Canada, who twice represented his native country at the Pan American Games: 2003 and 2007. He set his personal best (48.24) in the men's 400 m hurdles event on July 27, 2007 in Rio de Janeiro._NEWLINE_He was seventh at the 2003 Pan American Games and competed in the heats at the 2003 World Championships in Athletics. He took the 400 m hurdles gold at the 2007 Pan American Games and reached the final at the 2007 World Championships, although he failed to finish in the final.
_START_ARTICLE_ Adam Pattison _START_SECTION_ AFL career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Pattison played for Richmond from 2005 to 2009. He was delisted by the Tigers on 30 October 2009 and was then selected by the St Kilda Football Club in the national draft, with pick number 64, on 26 November 2009. He was delisted after spending one season and five games with St Kilda._NEWLINE_Pattison spent 2011 playing with the Box Hill Hawks. He showed enough for Hawthorn to pick him in the 2011 Rookie Draft.
_START_ARTICLE_ Adam Snow _START_SECTION_ Early life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Adam Snow grew up in Hamilton, near Boston, Massachusetts. His father, Crocker Snow, Jr., played polo, as did his paternal grandfather. His father remarried a Swedish woman. They lived in Japan when he was a child. His godfather was Adam Winthrop, after whom the Adam Winthrop Polo Field in Aiken, South Carolina is named._NEWLINE_He spent his summers playing polo at the Myopia Polo Club in South Hamilton and the Saratoga Polo Club in Saratoga Springs, New York as a teenager. He also taught polo clinics at Myopia. He took a gap year to play hockey professionally in Sweden, followed by lacrosse in England. He graduated from Yale University, where he played varsity hockey and lacrosse, even beating the Harvard University team. _START_SECTION_ Polo _START_PARAGRAPH_ He started his polo career by working on Héctor Barrantes's ranch in Argentina. He then played at the Greenwich Polo Club near Greenwich, Connecticut. Shortly after, he played for polo patron Brook Johnston on the "polo circuit" in England, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Argentina. He became a ten-goal polo player in 2002._NEWLINE_He won the Westchester Cup alongside John Gobin, Owen Rinehart and Robert E. Walton at the Guards Polo Club in 1992. A decade later, in 2002, he won the U.S. Open Polo Championship at the Royal Palm Polo Club in Boca Raton, Florida on the Coca-Cola Polo Team alongside Gillian Johnston, Miguel Novillo Astrada and Tommy Biddle. He has also won the Monty Waterbury Cup._NEWLINE_He has owned between forty to twenty horses. His polo pony, a mare called Pumbaa, was the recipient of the Willis L. Hartman Trophy in 2002._NEWLINE_He was inducted into the Museum of Polo and Hall of Fame in Lake Worth, Florida in 2013. _START_SECTION_ Personal life _START_PARAGRAPH_ He married Shelley (Onderdonk) Snow, an equine veterinarian, in 1989. They have three sons. They reside in Aiken, South Carolina.
_START_ARTICLE_ Adeel Ahmed (politician) _START_SECTION_ Political career _START_PARAGRAPH_ He was elected to the Provincial Assembly of Sindh as a candidate of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf from Constituency PS-98 (Korangi Karachi-VII) in 2018 Pakistani general election.
_START_ARTICLE_ Adeimantus of Collytus _START_PARAGRAPH_ Adeimantus of Collytus (Greek: Ἀδείμαντος; c. 432 BC – 382 BC), son of Ariston of Athens, was an ancient Athenian Greek best known as Plato's brother. He plays an important part in Plato's Republic and is mentioned in the Apology and Parmenides dialogues._NEWLINE_In the Republic, Adeimantus is noted for his concern for education, which is apparent from the moment he becomes involved in the discussion. He is also concerned with the happiness of the auxiliaries in the ideal city. He questions whether they would be living a good life with little or no personal property. Consequently, Adeimantus is often associated with greed or love for money in interpretations of the dialogue. On the whole, Adeimantus comes across as more cautious, more sober-minded, and less creative than his brother Glaucon, Socrates' other major interlocutor in the last nine books of the Republic.
_START_ARTICLE_ Adelbert L. Utt _START_PARAGRAPH_ Adelbert L. "Del" Utt (June 11, 1856 – April 8, 1936) was an American farmer, businessman, and politician._NEWLINE_Born in the town of Harrison, Grant County, Wisconsin, Utt went to public school and to Platteville State Normal School in Platteville, Wisconsin; Utt lived in Platteville. Utt was involved in farming and in livestock. He was also involved in the furniture, farm implement, and hardware business. Utt worked for the Wisconsin Zinc Company and was an ore buyer. Utt served as town treasurer and justice of the peace. From 1895 to 1899, Utt served in the Wisconsin State Assembly and was a Republican. Utt died in a hospital in Platteville, Wisconsin after a short illness.
_START_ARTICLE_ Adele Wong _START_SECTION_ Biography _START_PARAGRAPH_ Born in Singapore, Wong traces her ancestry to Shanghai, China. She graduated from the National University of Singapore (NUS) with an honors degree in sociology. At NUS, Wong was active in dance and theatre._NEWLINE_Upon graduation, Wong began her professional career in acting, hosting and writing. She played the lead role in Damned which was part of an omnibus feature film which premiered at the Osaka Asian Film Festival in 2009. Wong also played a lead role in Garden Girls, a short film, which premiered at the Singapore Film Festival in 2009._NEWLINE_Wong has been seen in several television programs in Singapore. She recently starred as the female lead Annie in Jack Neo's first English-language drama series for Okto titled Happily Ever After. She was also seen in the 2009 MediaCorp Chinese New Year television film, A Kuchinta Family Reunion. In July 2009, Wong played the lead female character opposite Christopher Lee in a Chinese-language television drama, He Ain't Pesky, He's My Brother, for MediaCorp's Channel 8._NEWLINE_Wong's feature film debut was as the female lead role in The Days which was screened at the Tokyo International Film Festival, the Singapore International Film Festival and short listed for the New Talent Award at the Shanghai International Film Festival. Wong also sang the theme song for the film, Knowing (懂), which was written and produced by Jim Lim (林倛玉)._NEWLINE_Besides acting, Wong writes both fiction and non-fiction. She hosts a column on Sinema's website. She was also recently awarded a grant for a short film by the Singapore Film Commission. Hanging Gardens, starring Wong, will go into production in August 2009.
_START_ARTICLE_ Adhyatma Niketan _START_SECTION_ Satsang at Adhyatma Niketan _START_PARAGRAPH_ Satsang at Adhyatma Niketan has assumed the greatest significance. It is understood that the disciple or sadhaka gains maximum spiritual benefit through satsang with the least effort.The Satsang at Adhyatma Niketan is practised in three parts. First in the morning with the dawn, the recitation of DHUN is practiced. DHUN is a continuous recitation of mantras. After that, nearly about 11.00 AM,the morning satsang starts.This continues for nearly three hours, in which the disciples practice meditation, bhajans (devotional songs) and ask the queries to the maharajji. In evening after sunset, 7.00 PM the evening satsang starts. This continues for nearly two hours.
_START_ARTICLE_ Administrative Records Experiment _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Administrative Records Experiment was a project designed to explore technical alternatives to the 2010 United States Census.
_START_ARTICLE_ Adobe Lightroom _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ In 1999, veteran Photoshop developer Mark Hamburg began a new project, code-named Shadowland (a reference to the 1988 KD Lang music album of same name). Hamburg contacted Andrei Herasimchuk, former interface designer for the Adobe Creative Suite, to start the project. It was an intentional departure from many of Adobe's established conventions. Forty percent of Photoshop Lightroom is written in the scripting language Lua. In 2002, Hamburg left the Photoshop project and in fall of the same year he sent a first experimental software sample, name PixelToy, to his former teammate Jeff Schewe for review; in 2003, Hamburg presented Schewe a first version of Shadowland in a very early UI version. After a few years of research by Hamburg, Herasimchuk, Sandy Alves (the former interface designer on the Photoshop team), and Grace Kim (a product researcher at Adobe), the Shadowland project accelerated around 2004. However, Herasimchuk chose to leave Adobe Systems at that time to start a Silicon Valley design company. Hamburg then chose Phil Clevenger, a former associate of Kai Krause, to design a new look for the application._NEWLINE_Photoshop Lightroom's developers work mostly in Minnesota, comprising the team that had already created the program Adobe ImageReady. Troy Gaul, Melissa Gaul, and the rest of their crew (reportedly known as the "Minnesota Phats"), with Hamburg, developed the architecture behind the application. George Jardine was the product manager. _START_SECTION_ Beta development _START_PARAGRAPH_ On January 9, 2006, an early version of Photoshop Lightroom, formerly named only Lightroom, was released to the public as a Macintosh-only public beta, on the Adobe Labs website. This was the first Adobe product released to the general public for feedback during its development. This method was later used in developing Adobe Photoshop CS3._NEWLINE_On June 26, 2006, Adobe announced that it had acquired the technology of Pixmantec, developers of the Rawshooter image processing software._NEWLINE_Further beta releases followed. Notable releases included Beta 3 on July 18, 2006, which added support for Microsoft Windows systems. On September 25, 2006, Beta 4 was released, which saw the program merged into the Photoshop product range, followed by a minor update on October 19, which was released as Beta 4.1. _START_SECTION_ Version 1.0 _START_PARAGRAPH_ On January 29, 2007, Adobe announced that Lightroom would ship on February 19, 2007, list priced at $299 US, £199 UK._NEWLINE_Lightroom v1.x is not updated when an upgrade to v2 is installed; a new serial number is needed. _START_SECTION_ Apple TV _START_PARAGRAPH_ On July 26, 2016, Adobe launched Lightroom on Apple TV, a means of displaying photographs on a large screen using Apple's network appliance and entertainment device. _START_SECTION_ Development branches _START_PARAGRAPH_ Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC (unofficially: version 7.0) was officially released on October 18, 2017. It is the first version of Lightroom that is not available with a perpetual license (one-time purchase price); instead, it must be licensed through a monthly subscription model, with the fee initially set at US$9.99/month. Once the user stops paying the monthly fee, the program will be limited to viewing existing catalogs, without the ability to apply further changes to images._NEWLINE_Adobe Lightroom CC is the new online cloud-based version of Adobe's Lightroom application and can be installed alongside Lightroom Classic CC. It is included in the same US$9.99/month photography plan, but has limited editing features in comparison Lightroom Classic CC. It can be installed on desktops, laptops, iPad and mobile. Lightroom CC has the ability to sync developed photos easily between a laptop, iPad and mobile devices, which is the major difference between both applications. _START_SECTION_ Market share _START_PARAGRAPH_ According to 2009 statistics from research company InfoTrends, released by Adobe Systems product manager John Nack, of the 1,045 North American professional photographers who were interviewed, 37.0% used Lightroom, 6.3% used Aperture, and 57.9% used the Photoshop Camera Raw plug-in. Of Macintosh users, 44.4% used Lightroom and 12.5% used Aperture.
_START_ARTICLE_ Adolf Meyer (architect) _START_PARAGRAPH_ Adolf Meyer (17 June, 1881, Mechernich – 14 July, 1929, the Island of Baltrum) was a German architect. A student and employee of Peter Behrens, Meyer became the office boss of the firm of Walter Gropius around 1915 and a full partner afterwards. In 1919 Gropius appointed Meyer as a master at the Bauhaus, where he taught work drawing and construction technique. Meyer is also credited as co-designer of the Gropius entry for the 1922 Chicago Tribune Tower competition._NEWLINE_From 1926 he practiced as an architect in the New Frankfurt-project.
_START_ARTICLE_ Adolfo Nicolás _START_SECTION_ Early Life and Education _START_PARAGRAPH_ Adolfo Nicolás was born in Villamuriel de Cerrato, Palencia, and entered the Society of Jesus, more commonly known as the Jesuits, in the novitiate of Aranjuez in 1953. He studied at the University of Alcalá, there earning his licentiate in philosophy, until 1960, whence he traveled to Japan to familiarize himself with Japanese language and culture. He began his theological studies for the priesthood at Sophia University in Tokyo in 1964, and was ordained to the priesthood on 17 March 1967. _START_SECTION_ Priestly Ministry _START_PARAGRAPH_ From 1968 to 1971, he studied at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, from where he earned a doctorate in theology. Upon his return to Japan, Nicolás was made professor of systematic theology at his alma mater of Sophia University, teaching there for the next twenty years._NEWLINE_He was Director of the East Asian Pastoral Institute at the Ateneo de Manila University, in Quezon City, Philippines, from 1978 to 1984, and later served as rector of the theologate in Tokyo from 1991 to 1993, when he was appointed Provincial of the Jesuit Province of Japan. At the end of his six-year term as Provincial in 1999, he spent four years doing pastoral work among poor immigrants in Tokyo._NEWLINE_In 2004 he was named President of the Jesuit Conference of Provincials for Eastern Asia and Oceania, with his office in the Philippines. As Moderator, he was at the service of the Jesuits of several countries, including Australia, China, Japan, Korea, Micronesia, Myanmar, and East Timor._NEWLINE_In addition to his native Spanish, Nicolás spoke Catalan, English, Italian, French, and Japanese. _START_SECTION_ General Curia restructuring _START_PARAGRAPH_ In March 2011, Nicolás forwarded a communiqué of revisions to the General Curia restructuring the secretariats, including the creation of new positions and a commission. This was in accord with a task given him by the previous General Congregation. _START_SECTION_ Resignation _START_PARAGRAPH_ On 2 October 2016, General Congregation 36 convened in Rome, convoked by Nicolás, he announced his intention to resign at age 80. _START_SECTION_ Missionary work _START_PARAGRAPH_ Nicolás once stated, "Asia has a lot yet to offer the Church, to the whole Church, but we haven't done it yet. Maybe we have not been courageous enough, or we haven't taken the risks we should." In an article on Nicolás, Michael McVeigh said that Nicolás has also expressed his wariness of missionaries who are more concerned with teaching and imposing orthodoxy than in having a cultural experience with the local people, saying, "Those who enter into the lives of the people, they begin to question their own positions very radically. Because they see genuine humanity in the simple people, and yet they see that this genuine humanity is finding a depth of simplicity, of honesty, of goodness that does not come from our sources."_NEWLINE_In the homily of the Mass celebrated after his election as Superior General, Nicolás emphasized service, based on the scriptural reading for that day, the words of St. Ignatius of Loyola, and Benedict XVI's teaching on God is love. He stated: "The more we become as servants, the more pleased God is." Delving further into the scriptural passage and after relating an anecdote of experiences with the poor in Asia, he related poverty with having God as the only source of strength, pointing out that the Jesuit's strength is not in externals (power, media, etc.) nor in internal fortitude (research). "The poor only have God in whom to find strength. For us only God is our strength."_NEWLINE_Nicolas also developed the following ideas: the message of the Jesuits is "a message of salvation" and the challenge of discerning the type of salvation that people today are waiting for. _START_SECTION_ Obedience to Rome _START_PARAGRAPH_ After receiving a message from Pope Benedict asking the Society of Jesus to affirm its fidelity to the magisterium and the Holy See, the Congregation presided over by Nicolás responded, "The Society of Jesus was born within the Church, we live in the Church, we were approved by the Church and we serve the Church. This is our vocation... [Unity with the pope] is the symbol of our union with Christ. It also is the guarantee that our mission will not be a 'small mission,' a project just of the Jesuits, but that our mission is the mission of the Church." _START_SECTION_ Liberation theology _START_PARAGRAPH_ In a November 2008 interview with El Periodico, Nicolás described liberation theology as a "courageous and creative response to an unbearable situation of injustice in Latin America." These remarks were particularly controversial since some forms of liberation theology had been denounced by Pope John Paul II and by Pope Benedict XVI, when he was still Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. However, the Superior General also added, "As with any theology, liberation theology needs years to mature. It's a shame that it has not been given a vote of confidence and that soon its wings will be cut before it learns to fly. It needs more time." Then in September 2013, six months after Pope Francis took office and three years before Nicolás resigned, Catholic New Service reported "a reversal of policy [toward libertion theology] under Pope Francis,... the fruit of a long and painful process, through which the church has clarified the nature of its commitment to the world's poor today," showing "an indestructible love for Christ poor. And that love changes everything." _START_SECTION_ Economic Justice _START_PARAGRAPH_ In June 2016, Superior General Nicolás transmitted to all the Jesuits a document, Justice In The Global Economy, that suggested a greater commitment in the cause of world economic justice. The documented text, written by Jesuits and lay experts, introduced a series of reforms that could reduce inequalities, which included calls for public policies aimed at redistribution of wealth, good governance of natural and mineral resources, stricter regulation of the economic and financial markets, combating corruption and for more developed nations to allocate 0.7% of their GDP for the development of poorer countries.
_START_ARTICLE_ Adolphe Le Goaziou _START_PARAGRAPH_ Adolphe Yves Marie Le Goaziou (April 16, 1887 – September 18, 1953) was a bookseller, publisher and member of the French Resistance in wartime Brittany. _START_SECTION_ Early life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Born in Morlaix, Finistère, Le Goaziou studied at the high school in Saint-Pol-de-Léon, pursuing university studies at the Sorbonne where he took a degree in philosophy. Le Goaziou became a member of Le Sillon ("The Path"), a leftist Catholic movement created by Marc Sangnier. Returning to Brittany in 1910, he participated in the creation of an agricultural cooperative in Saint-Pol-de-Leon which brought together potato farmers. At the beginning of World War I, he joined the French army. He was wounded in battle in 1916._NEWLINE_He moved to Quimper in 1919 where he opened a bookstore and began to work as a publisher, specialising in literature on regional issues. Though a supporter of regional culture, Le Goaziou opposed the Breton autonomist and nationalist movements of the time. _START_SECTION_ World War II _START_PARAGRAPH_ After the Fall of France in 1940, he protested against the nationalist and collaborationist weekly L'Heure Bretonne. He also opposed the foundation of the Breton Celtic Institute, which was created under the patronage of the Germans in 1941 at the instigation of German Celticist Leo Weisgerber._NEWLINE_Le Goaziou became president of the Union of Religious Bookstores and the Booksellers' Union of France._NEWLINE_Involved in the Resistance, he was denounced and arrested by the Gestapo in October 1943, but released in April 1944 for lack of evidence. A report by two police inspectors dated December 5, 1943, indicate connections with François Jaffrennou, who allegedly accused Le Goaziou and a colleague of being "the leaders of the [Resistance] movement in Brittany" and "friends" of England._NEWLINE_In April 1944, after the Liberation of France, Le Goaziou was appointed chairman of the Departmental Committee of liberation, for the Finistère region. He took part in the creation of Ouest-France, which followed the closure of Ouest-Éclair, banned by Liberation forces for collaborationism. He also created a monthly magazine, Nouvelle Revue de Bretagne which appeared from 1947 to 1953.
_START_ARTICLE_ Adonis Jordan _START_SECTION_ Early life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Adonis Jordan was born as the fourth son to Josephine Jordan in Brooklyn, New York. His mother named her son after the Greek mythological character Adonis, a handsome young man who was fabled to be the love interest of the goddess Aphrodite. She worked as a secretary for an insurance company while her son spent his time playing pick-up street basketball on Brooklyn blacktop courts. Jordan was enrolled by his mother at Theodore Roosevelt High School in Yonkers, New York, across town from where she worked. Although the decision necessitated a 45-minute commute each way, she could be assured that her son would receive an education in a safer environment compared to their Brooklyn surroundings. Adonis Jordan played high school basketball at Roosevelt High and blossomed in his second year, being one of only two sophomores named to the New York All-City team. However Jordan's stay in New York was cut short when his mother suddenly decided to relocate to California in 1987 after a two-week visit to see relatives in the state._NEWLINE_Adonis Jordan moved from one coast to another and resettled in Los Angeles, California after his sophomore year in high school. He transferred to Cleveland High School in Reseda and joined future NBA veteran Lucious Harris as stars of the school's varsity basketball team. The New York native was a big factor on the Cleveland High Cavaliers' squad, playing big roles on offense (averaging 13.8 points a game) and defense (averaging 5.9 steals per game) during the 1987–88 season. At the start of his senior year, Jordan was considered by some to be one of the state's top point guards and was named among the nation's 50 top-rated high school seniors by basketball scout Bob Gibbons. He completed his final high school season averaging 24.3 points and 13.4 assists per game, leading the Cavaliers to a 23–3 record and to the quarterfinals of the City Section tournament while earning back-to-back Valley 4-A All-League First Team recognition. _START_SECTION_ College career _START_PARAGRAPH_ While at Cleveland High, Jordan was heavily recruited by collegiate basketball programs, including the University of Kansas. At the time, Kansas was suffering from NCAA sanctions that stemmed from recruiting violations under former coach Larry Brown. Though the scandal dissuaded other potential high school prospects from attending Kansas, Jordan nonetheless decided to take a chance with the school after he was impressed by the university's friendly and personal atmosphere. In the 1989–90 season, freshman Jordan came off the bench to back up starting Jayhawks point guard Kevin Pritchard. Together they helped lead Kansas to a surprising record of 30–5 under second-year coach Roy Williams. With Pritchard's graduation, Jordan became the starting point guard for the 1990–91 season, leading the 27–8 Kansas Jayhawks to the Final Four during his sophomore year. Jordan averaged 12.5 points and recorded 151 assists that season while the team managed three upset victories in the 1991 NCAA Tournament against Indiana (Sweet Sixteen), the Southeast Regional number one seed Arkansas (Elite Eight) and Eastern Regional number one seed North Carolina (National Semifinals) before finishing as National Runnerup to Duke in the National Championship game._NEWLINE_Two years later, senior Jordan and teammate Rex Walters helped lead the Jayhawks to further success when they captured the 1993 Big Eight Regular Season Championship and the second seed in the Midwest Region of the 1993 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament with a 25–6 record. Jordan and Walters' stellar backcourt performance earned them a reputation as one of the NCAA's best guard combinations. Kansas marched through the NCAA tournament, beating Midwest Region number one seed Indiana in the Regional Final to advance to the Final Four for the second time in three years. Though Kansas eventually finished at 29–7 with a loss to North Carolina in the Final Four, the team's outstanding performance that year earned the squad a top ten nationwide ranking during the regular season, including a brief time spent at number one. Jordan's legacy with Kansas is also recognized in holding the Jayhawks' number six spot for most assists in the school's history and is 22nd on the school's all-time scoring list. _START_SECTION_ Professional career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Jordan was drafted by the Seattle SuperSonics in the 1993 NBA Draft after a storied basketball career at Kansas. Seattle ended up cutting the rookie at the start of the 1993–94 NBA season but Jordan reemerged in the league after being picked up by the Denver Nuggets later in the month on a 10-day contract. He appeared in six games with Denver before being waived again but finished the season in the CBA with the Rochester Renegades and the Sioux Falls Skyforce. The former Jayhawk headed to Australia in what would become the start of a series of overseas stints. His first stop landed him with the Australian National Basketball League's South East Melbourne Magic, where he led the team to an impressive record in 1994. After playing one season in Israel, Jordan headed to Venezuela where he joined the Cocodrilos de Caracas of the Liga Profesional de Baloncesto. With five years of overseas experience, the globetrotter returned to the States and signed two 10-day contracts with the Milwaukee Bucks in early 1999. He donned a Bucks uniform in four games before ultimately being released in March. Jordan returned overseas later that same year, where he would eventually finish his professional career. He played a season with the Finnish Tapiolan Honka basketball club in 1999–2000 and returned to Australia where he retired after playing for the Victoria Giants. In 2010, Jordan returned to basketball with the Chelsea Gulls of the Big V, a Victorian basketball league. Later that year, he became a coach with the Nunawading Spectres. Now Adonis coaches Camberwell grammar and Hawthorn Magic. _START_SECTION_ Personal life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Jordan appeared in the 1994 basketball film, Blue Chips as the starting point guard for a Rick Pitino-coached college team. After retiring from basketball, Jordan accepted an offer to coach the Topeka Tornado of the short-lived semi-pro All-American Professional Basketball League in 2005. He now resides in Victoria, Australia with his daughter.
_START_ARTICLE_ Adrian von Mynsicht _START_PARAGRAPH_ Adrian von Mynsicht (1603–1638) was a German alchemist. He is best known for the allegorical work Aureum Saeculum Redivivum (The Golden Age Restored), published under the pseudonym Henricus Madathanus, and usually dated to 1621/2. It was soon reprinted in collections, the Musaeum Hermeticum and the Dyas Chymica Tripartita, both 1625 (Frankfurt, same publisher)._NEWLINE_He wrote also the Thesaurus et Armamentarium Medico-Chymicum (1631), a medical work.
_START_ARTICLE_ Advance Telecom _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ Advance Telecom was founded in 2003. The company initially started its operation in Karachi the largest city of Pakistan and financial hub of country, now they have growing distribution network nationwide and became the largest distribution network in the country. They have also included in their range of products mobile accessories._NEWLINE_In 2006 Advance Telecom partnered with and became the official distributor for Nokia products and accessories in Pakistan. Advance Telecom has also partnered with several multinational and corporate organizations including banks. They also have partnership with Mobilink, Ufone and Telenor, three of Pakistan's largest telecom networks.
_START_ARTICLE_ Advanced Idea Mechanics _START_SECTION_ Organization _START_PARAGRAPH_ A.I.M. is an organization of brilliant scientists and their hirelings dedicated to the acquisition of power and the overthrow of all world governments by technological means. Its leadership traditionally consisted of the seven-member Board of Directors (formerly known as the Imperial Council) with a rotating chairperson. Under the Directors are various division supervisors, and under them are the technicians and salesmen/dealers._NEWLINE_The organization supplies arms and technology to various terrorist and subversive organizations both to foster a violent technological revolution and to make a profit. A.I.M. operatives are usually involved in research, development, manufacturing, and sales of high technology. Members of A.I.M. are required to at least have a master's degree, if not a Ph.D, in some area of science, mathematics, or business._NEWLINE_A.I.M.'s reach is worldwide, including various front organizations such as Targo Corporation, International Data Integration and Control, and Cadenza Industries. A.I.M. has also operated under some other fronts including Koenig and Strey, Pacific Vista Laboratories, Allen's Department Store, and Omnitech._NEWLINE_A.I.M. has had a number of bases of operations, including a nuclear submarine mobile in the Atlantic Ocean; a base in the Bronx, New York; Black Mesa, Colorado; West Caldwell, New Jersey; Asia, Canada, Europe, Haiti, India, Sudan and Boca Caliente (also known as A.I.M. Island), an island republic in the Caribbean. _START_SECTION_ Technology _START_PARAGRAPH_ A.I.M. has created three major implements of deadly potential which stand far above the rest of their accomplishments. The greatest of these was the Cosmic Cube, a device capable of altering reality. A.I.M. did not realize that the cube was merely a containment device, in which the real power was an entity accidentally drawn into this dimension. The Cosmic Cube eventually evolved into Kubik. Their second achievement was the Super-Adaptoid, an android capable of mimicking the appearance and superpowers of other beings. The Super-Adaptoid's powers were made possible by incorporating a sliver of the Cosmic Cube into its form. When Kubik repossessed the sliver after defeating the Adaptoid, the android was rendered inanimate. A.I.M.'s third and final major achievement was the creation of MODOK (Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing), an artificially mutated human with an enormous head and corresponding massive computational brain, and psionic abilities. MODOK was originally an ordinary AIM scientist, George Tarleton, who was selected by A.I.M.'s leader at the time, the Scientist Supreme, to be the subject of the bionic and genetic experiments that turned him into MODOK. After his transformation, MODOK killed the Scientist Supreme and took control of A.I.M., and later took advantage of the organizational chaos following the destruction of HYDRA Island and the deaths of Baron Strucker and most of HYDRA's leading members to sever all of A.I.M.'s ties with HYDRA. A.I.M. has remained an independent organization ever since._NEWLINE_A.I.M.'s level of technology is as highly advanced as any on Earth, and its scientists have also built various cyborgs, robots, and androids; its agents utilize a variety of submarines, hovercraft, jets, etc. A.I.M. has also attempted to recreate versions of MODOK, including transforming Dr. Katherine Waynesboro into Ms. MODOK and creating SODAM (later revamped as MODAM). Since A.I.M's redirection as an exotic arms dealer, its members have access to whatever exotic weaponry is available in its warehouses._NEWLINE_A.I.M.'s leaders traditionally wear yellow three-piece business suits. Technical supervisors wear yellow jumpsuits, skull-caps, and goggles. However, the organization is renowned for the 'beekeeper'-looking helmets and NBC suit uniform of its underlings since the first appearance._NEWLINE_However, as a result of the "Scorpion: Poison Tomorrow" arc of Amazing Fantasy, A.I.M. has gained a new costume, which tends towards insectoid armor and large guns._NEWLINE_The Livewires member named Cornfed wears an A.I.M. uniform. He also wears a button referencing "The Real A.I.M". _START_SECTION_ Fictional organization history _START_PARAGRAPH_ A.I.M.'s origins began late in World War II with Baron Wolfgang von Strucker's creation of his subversive organization HYDRA. Under the code name of THEM, he created two HYDRA branches called Advanced Idea Mechanics and the Secret Empire. A.I.M.'s purpose was to develop advanced weaponry for HYDRA. They were close to developing and attaining nuclear weapons when HYDRA Island was invaded by American and Japanese troops. Although HYDRA suffered a major setback, it survived and grew in secret over the following decades._NEWLINE_A.I.M. has had numerous encounters with various superheroes and supervillains, and is the subject of ongoing undercover investigations by S.H.I.E.L.D.. It was responsible for reviving the Red Skull from suspended animation. An A.I.M. android factory in a Florida swamp was once raided by S.H.I.E.L.D., which also involved Count Bornag Royale in a weapons deal negotiation with S.H.I.E.L.D.. A.I.M. then raided S.H.I.E.L.D.'s New York City headquarters. As a result of these events, Royale was discredited, and A.I.M.'s headquarters was destroyed._NEWLINE_A.I.M. employed Batroc the Leaper to recover an explosive compound called Inferno 42 and dispatched a chemical android against Nick Fury and Captain America. A.I.M. also dispatched their special agent the Cyborg against Captain America. A.I.M. was involved in a skirmish with the Maggia and its "Big M". A.I.M. has also captured Iron Man in an attempt to analyze and replicate his armor. MODOK and A.I.M. were responsible for transforming Betty Ross briefly into the gamma-irradiated bird-woman called the Harpy. A.I.M. dispatched their special agent the Destructor to capture Ms. Marvel._NEWLINE_For a time, a schism developed within A.I.M., causing it to split into Blue and Yellow factions (the former loyal to MODOK, the latter independent from him). These factions battled each other, with MODOK and the Blue faction once employing Deathbird as an operative. A.I.M. captured the Thing and Namor to test Virus X on them. The Blue faction later made an attempt to recapture the Cosmic Cube. A second battle occurred between the rival factions, but factions no longer seem to be active within A.I.M. since then._NEWLINE_A.I.M. eventually hired the Serpent Society to kill MODOK, which they did. A.I.M. was responsible for a jet attack on the West Coast Avengers compound and then took over Boca Caliente and unleashed a microbe aboard the Stark space satellite. A.I.M. also sent an agent to attempt to confiscate the quantum-bands given to Quasar._NEWLINE_The organization was revealed to have become a 'techno-anarchist' group, with no connection to HYDRA, and even a hatred for fascism. With the introduction of the Death's Head 3.0 character, a pacifist future version of the organization is promised, with a surprise character as leader._NEWLINE_It is later revealed that A.I.M. helped General Thunderbolt Ross and Doc Samson create the Red Hulk._NEWLINE_A.I.M. was revealed to be behind the pocket dimension of Earth-13584 by using a sliver of time they obtained to alter certain events so they can obtain the technology and science from various individuals. They did this by exploiting the fluid nature of time brought on by the manipulations of Kang the Conqueror traveling back to alter the past. This lasted until the Dark Avengers ended up in this reality causing it to collapse. The Dark Avengers were able to get out before the pocket dimension collapsed._NEWLINE_After the Secret Avengers recruited Taskmaster after freeing him from Bagalia, they send him to infiltrate the new High Council of A.I.M. which consists of Andrew Forson, Graviton, Jude the Entropic Man, Mentallo, Superia, and Yelena Belova. Andrew Forson then leads A.I.M. into attending a weapons expo which led to A.I.M. fighting against the Secret Avengers. During the battle, Andrew Forson takes the opportunity to steal the Iron Patriot armor._NEWLINE_Daisy Johnson launched an unsanctioned operation to send the Secret Avengers to A.I.M. Island to assassinate Forson, and they seemingly killed him. Johnson ended up suspended for breaking protocol and Maria Hill is put in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D. again. As Forson was revealed to be alive all along, the news of A.I.M. being a new permanent member of the Security Council is known._NEWLINE_Using an as-yet-unidentified device in the pages of Avengers World, Andrew Forson and A.I.M. accelerate the flow of time within the limits of A.I.M. Island, creating in a matter of hours for the real world year of progress and transforming A.I.M. into a technologically advanced empire._NEWLINE_A.I.M. has a more violent offshoot, Advanced Ideas of Destruction (A.I.D.); the two competing organizations were major antagonists of Captain America in the mid-2000s._NEWLINE_As part of the "All-New, All-Different Marvel", it was revealed that the A.I.M. members that fled when Sunspot bought out A.I.M. had been taken in by Maker where they work for his organization W.H.I.S.P.E.R. (short for World Headquarters for International Scientific Philosophical Experimentation and Research) as his personal tool to reshape the world._NEWLINE_After Sunspot left the American Intelligence Mechanics, Toni Ho succeeded him and allowed the rogue A.I.M. cells to regain their acronym, as Toni had her organization rebranded as R.E.S.C.U.E. _START_SECTION_ Avengers Idea Mechanics _START_PARAGRAPH_ During the Time Runs Out storyline which takes place eight months in the future, Sunspot reveals that he bought A.I.M and used their resources to investigate the incursions. Heroes working as part of Avengers Idea Mechanics include Hawkeye, Squirrel Girl, Songbird, Wiccan and Hulkling, White Tiger, Power Man and Pod. Sunspot reveals the group was much easier to deal with after much of higher management had been fired. Many heroes working in the primary Avengers team such as Thor and Hyperion, also find themselves working side by side with A.I.M. Once they managed to create a machine to propel individuals across the Multiverse some of the heroes who were helping A.I.M. offered themselves to participate in a one-way trip to find the origin of the Incursions threatening all reality._NEWLINE_Following the fight against Maker, Sunspot meets with the government and they make plans to merge Avengers Idea Mechanics into the U.S. government. At the same time, the Avengers Idea Mechanics defeats A.I.M's splinter groups. _START_SECTION_ American Intelligence Mechanics _START_PARAGRAPH_ The merger between the U.S. government and the Avengers Idea Mechanics resulted in the formation of the American Intelligence Mechanics. _START_SECTION_ Other versions _START_PARAGRAPH_ A.I.M. has outposts active in several other universes in the Marvel Multiverse, including the universes for Ultimate Marvel, Marvel 1602, and Age of Apocalypse. _START_SECTION_ Heroes Reborn _START_PARAGRAPH_ In the Heroes Reborn reality, A.I.M. is led by Baron Zemo and MODOK as they take on Captain America and the new Bucky, Rebecca Barnes. _START_SECTION_ 2020 Death's Head Future _START_PARAGRAPH_ A future (2020) version of A.I.M was featured heavily in the Marvel UK limited series Death's Head II. This future organisation created the cyborg Minion, which was later taken over by the personality of Death's Head. A.I.M's representative Evelyn Necker became a popular character in the ongoing series that followed._NEWLINE_In Amazing Fantasy ##16–20, set further in the same future, A.I.M is on the point of making peace with the UN, when a renegade A.I.M. scientist unleashes Death's Head 3.0 on the peace conference. _START_SECTION_ House of M _START_PARAGRAPH_ In the House of M reality, A.I.M. is re-imagined as a human resistance movement led by Monica Rappacini to oppose Exodus, ruler of Australia and his cohorts. _START_SECTION_ Marvel Adventures _START_PARAGRAPH_ In the Marvel Adventures version of Iron Man, A.I.M., through the use of dummy companies, acquired Stark International's hover platform and uni-beam technology in their invasion of Madripoor, a third world country. Gia-Bao Yinsen tried to tell the world about A.I.M.'s terrorist attacks on his country. However, his message is dismissed. During Tony Stark's test of his new solar-powered glider, A.I.M. causes Tony to crash on their artificial island. Tony's heart is damaged, and A.I.M. forces him to build an EMP weapon to allow A.I.M.'s forces to finish their conquest of Madripoor. In exchange, A.I.M. will repair his heart. Tony learns that Yinsen was also kidnapped, as A.I.M. wanted to prevent him from telling the world about their attacks on his country and to use his intellect to build technology for A.I.M.. Similar to Iron Man's main Marvel Universe origin, Yinsen and Tony both build armor to escape. However, Yinsen destroys the generator powering the island in order to save his homeland. The explosion kills Yinsen, but Tony Stark lives. Tony becomes Iron Man to prevent people like A.I.M. from committing evil against innocents. Here, the Supreme Scientist is a black-haired woman who is extremely brilliant. In addition, the uniforms that A.I.M. uses are basically NBC orange suits. However, the Supreme Scientist wears black clothing in a style similar to Darth Vader. _START_SECTION_ Ultimate Marvel _START_PARAGRAPH_ In the Ultimate Marvel reality, A.I.M. commissioned Mad Thinker to steal Cerebro from the X-Men and frame the Fantastic Four, as seen in the Ultimate X4 mini-series. Ultimate A.I.M.'s full purpose and function has yet to be revealed. The miniseries Ultimate Vision introduces A.I.M. as composed of several directorates spread across the globe, with George Tarleton as an A.I.M. leader on an orbital research facility. Tarleton and his team attempted to take control of a Gah Lak Tus module that was left behind in orbit after the swarm was driven away. Being unable to do so on their own, they lured Vision to the station to help them by claiming they would use the knowledge to order the Gah Lak Tus swarm to self-destruct. Once the cyborg Tarleton had connected to the module using Vision, he had the module fire an energy beam at her. Tarleton then incorporated the Gah Lak Tus' circuitry into his own body, but it has seemingly taken him over, transforming him more into a machine, with a monstrous appearance. He has since taken over the entire station remotely and has set it to plummet out of orbit, along with the Gah Lak Tus module, which he says has "unfinished business on Earth." Ultimately, Tarleton was broken free of the module's control and helped the Vision and the Falcon a.k.a. Dr. Samuel Wilson in destroying the module._NEWLINE_In Ultimate Comics: Avengers, a group of A.I.M. terrorists stole advanced technology (revealed to be blueprints for a Cosmic Cube) from the Baxter Building and have some associations with the Red Skull. _START_SECTION_ Critical reception _START_PARAGRAPH_ Both A.I.M. and Hydra first appeared in the 1960s as analogs for the threat of Communism, but are also associated with Nazism and resemble organizations fought by Captain America in World War II; political science professor Matthew J. Costello has pointed out that this conflation of Communist and Nazi totalitarianism removes ambiguity from the threat and thus from America's moral superiority in the comics. In contrast, in the post-9/11 context of Iron Man 3, Pepper says of Extremis' war profiteering, "That's exactly what [Stark Industries] used to do". Whereas immediately after 9/11 Captain America was concerned with Islamic terrorism, by 2005–2007 he was primarily engaged with homegrown terrorists: A.I.M. and A.I.D.
_START_ARTICLE_ Advanced Resource Connector _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ ARC appeared (and is still often referred to) as the NorduGrid middleware, originally proposed as an architecture on top of the Globus Toolkit optimized for the needs of High-Energy Physics computing for the Large Hadron Collider experiments. First deployment of ARC at the NorduGrid testbed took place in summer 2002, and by 2003 it was used to support complex computations._NEWLINE_The first stable release of ARC (version 0.4) came out in April 2004 under the GNU General Public License. The name "Advanced Resource Connector" was introduced for this release to distinguish the middleware from the infrastructure. In the same year, the Swedish national Grid project Swegrid became the first large cross-discipline infrastructure to be based on ARC._NEWLINE_In 2005, NorduGrid was formally established as a collaboration to support and coordinate ARC development. In 2006 two closely related projects were launched: the Nordic Data Grid Facility, deploying a pan-Nordic e-Science infrastructure based on ARC, and KnowARC, focused on transforming ARC into a next generation Grid middleware._NEWLINE_ARC v0.6 was released in May 2007, becoming the second stable release. Its key feature was introduction of the client library enabling easy development of higher-level applications. It was also the first ARC release making use of open standards, as it included support for JSDL. Later that year, the first technology preview of the next generation ARC middleware was made available, though was not distributed with ARC itself. The new approach involved switching to a Web service based architecture, and in general a very substantial re-factorisation of the core code._NEWLINE_In 2008, the NorduGrid consortium adopted the Apache License for all ARC components._NEWLINE_The last stable release in the 0-line was ARC v0.8, shipped in September 2009. It eventually included a preview version of the new execution service - the A-REX' - and several other components, like Chelonia, ISIS, Charon' and the arcjobtool GUI._NEWLINE_In parallel to ARC v0.8, the EU KnowARC project released in November 2009 the conceptual ARC NOX suite, which was a complete Grid solution, fully based on Web service technologies. The name NOX actually indicates the release date: November of the Year of the Ox._NEWLINE_In May 2011, NorduGrid released ARC v11.05 (adopting Ubuntu versioning scheme this time). This release marked the complete transition from the old execution service to A-REX and accompanying services. For backwards compatibility with the existing infrastructures, old interfaces for the execution service and the information system were retained._NEWLINE_ARC 6 was released in May 2019 and while having same interfaces it features a completely redesigned configuration and a new management tool. _START_SECTION_ Availability _START_PARAGRAPH_ ARC is free software available from the NorduGrid public repository, both as binary packages for a variety of Linux systems and source. Source code is also openly available from the NorduGrid SVN repository. _START_SECTION_ Development _START_PARAGRAPH_ The open source development of the ARC middleware is coordinated by the NorduGrid collaboration. Contributions to the software, documentation and dissemination activities are coming from the community and from various projects, such as the EU KnowARC and EMI projects, NDGF, NeIC and various national infrastructure and research projects. _START_SECTION_ Versioning _START_PARAGRAPH_ Between 2011 and 2018 ARC used an Ubuntu-like versioning schema for bundled releases consisting of individual components. Individual components have own versioning, corresponding to code tags. Version of the core ARC packages is often used instead of the formal release number in everyday communication. _NEWLINE_Starting with ARC6 (2019) version number of the release coincides with that of the tag. _START_SECTION_ Standards and interoperability _START_PARAGRAPH_ ARC implements several Open Grid Forum standards, in particular, JSDL, Glue2, BES, UR/RUS and StAR. _START_SECTION_ European Middleware Initiative _START_PARAGRAPH_ In 2010-2013, several key ARC components - most notably, HED, A-REX, clients and libraries - were included in the European Middleware Initiative (EMI) software stack. Through EMI, ARC became a part of the Unified Middleware Distribution (UMD) of the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI). _START_SECTION_ Nordic DataGrid Facility and NeIC _START_PARAGRAPH_ ARC is the basis of the computing infrastructure of the Nordic Data Grid Facility (NDGF). In 2006-2010 NDGF actively contributed to ARC development, and since 2010 provides ARC deployment expertise within EGI. Since 2012, NDGF became a part of the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration. _START_SECTION_ KnowARC project _START_PARAGRAPH_ Grid-enabled Know-how Sharing Technology Based on ARC Services and Open Standards (KnowARC) was a Sixth Framework Programme Specific Targeted Research Project, funded under Priority IST-2005-2.5.4 "Advanced Grid Technologies, Systems and Services" from June 2006 to November 2009. In many ways it was the project that shaped ARC. The main goal was to make ARC based on open community standards, and among the key results was creation of the standardized Hosting Environment for ARC services (HED)._NEWLINE_Apart from its main aim of further developing ARC, it contributed to the development of standards, and increased Grid and ARC usage in medicine and bioinformatics._NEWLINE_In July 2009, KnowARC announced it contributed to the integration of Grid technologies into official Linux repositories by adding Globus Toolkit components into Fedora and Debian repositories.
_START_ARTICLE_ Aero International _START_SECTION_ History and profile _START_PARAGRAPH_ Aero International was founded 1993 50/50 by the Austrian painter and grafic designer Mario Arbesser and Dipl. Kwirt Dragan Jukic in the AJV Publishing House in Munich, Germany. It quickly became one of the leading German Aviation magazines. It was sold by Arbesser and Jukic in 1993 to Top Special, a company then owned by Axel Springer Verlags AG, Hamburg. It is now part of Jahr Top Special Verlag GmbH & Co. KG in Hamburg._NEWLINE_Aero International was established in 1993. Its headquarters is in Hamburg and its owner and publisher is Jahr Top Special Verlag. _NEWLINE_The editor in chief from 1997 to 2015 was Dietmar Plath. In that year, Thomas Borchert took over that role. The magazine focuses on business aviation, airlines, airports, airliners and helicopters. It annually publishes a list of the world’s safest airlines.
_START_ARTICLE_ Aero Synergie Jodel D20 _START_SECTION_ Design and development _START_PARAGRAPH_ The aircraft complies with the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale microlight rules. It features a cantilever low wing, two seats in a side-by-side configuration enclosed cockpit, a choice of tricycle landing gear or conventional landing gear and a single engine in tractor configuration._NEWLINE_The aircraft has a wooden airframe covered in doped aircraft fabric. Like most Jodel designs its 7.5 m (24.6 ft) span wing employs dihedral in the outer half only. Standard engines used are the 100 hp (75 kW) Rotax 912ULS four-stroke and the 85 hp (63 kW) Jabiru 2200 powerplant. Other engines of similar power output can also be used._NEWLINE_Reviewers Robby Bayerl et al. describe the aircraft as possessing "great performance and impeccable behaviour in flight".
_START_ARTICLE_ Aeroflot Flight 821 _START_SECTION_ Accident _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Boeing 737–505, registration VP-BKO, an aircraft belonging to the Aeroflot subsidiary Aeroflot-Nord but operating as Aeroflot flight SU821 from Moscow's Sheremetyevo International Airport to Perm (Russia) crashed into a railway line southwest of Perm 5:10 AM local time (or 13 September 2008, 23:10 UTC). The weather at the time of accident was rainy (unbroken clouds at 240 m, light rain)._NEWLINE_According to an interview given by the air traffic controller shortly after the disaster, the crew did not respond correctly to ATC commands: after going around, it turned eastward instead of turning westward. However, the crew reported no emergency onboard and confirmed all commands given by ATC. At 5:10 AM, radio contact with the plane was lost; minutes later it crashed in the outskirts of Perm._NEWLINE_Aeroflot-Nord officially stated that: "The Boeing-737 carried 82 passengers on board – including 7 children – and 6 crew... All passengers were killed. As the plane was coming in for landing, it lost communication at the height of 1,100 metres (3,600 ft) and air controllers lost its blip. The airplane was found within Perm's city limits completely destroyed and on fire." Investigator Vladimir Markin said that "there were 82 passengers plus a baby and 5 crew on board, and by preliminary information, they are all dead as the airplane fell into a ravine near the city limits." RIA Novosti however reported that "it was possible that 3 people who bought a ticket for the ill-fated flight 821 to Perm did not get on board."_NEWLINE_Both flight recorders were found and successfully decoded. The airline stated "it pledged to pay compensation on obligatory accident insurance in full, which would make up to 2 million rubles per victim." The crash damaged and shut down a section of the Trans-Siberian Railway; rail traffic was temporarily re-routed via Chusovaya station, and was restored by the evening of 14 September. The aircraft was leased by Aeroflot-Nord from Dublin-based Pinewatch Limited from July 2008 to March 2013._NEWLINE_It was reported that its engines caught fire at an altitude of 1,000 metres (3,300 ft). Eyewitness reports stated that the plane was visibly on fire prior to crashing, and hit the ground at a 30–40-degree angle. However, the low clouds (at 240 m) must have prevented any witnesses from seeing the plane for more than a few seconds and the report was subsequently discounted by the accident enquiry (see below)._NEWLINE_The final enquiry report stated that "after the base turn, approaching the landing course at 600 m with both autopilot and autothrottle disengaged, the aircraft started climbing up to 1300 m, rolled 360° over the left wing and collided with the ground". _START_SECTION_ Aircraft _START_PARAGRAPH_ The aircraft involved in the crash was originally ordered by Braathens, but never operated by them and was quickly sold shortly after delivery to China Southwest Airlines, whose subsidiary Xiamen Airlines operated the airframe from September 1992 to March 1993. The 737 was then operated by China Southwest Airlines itself until the airline merged with Xiamen Airlines, who operated the aircraft from 2003 until it was stored in March 2008 and was returned to Pinewatch Limited. Aeroflot-Nord then leased the aircraft and had operated the airframe from 29 May 2008 until its hull loss. Pinewatch was incorporated in 1995. _START_SECTION_ Lawsuit _START_PARAGRAPH_ On 1 October 2008, the mother of a 27-year-old female passenger who died in the accident sued Aeroflot and Moskva Insurance Company for 7.7 million rubles (approximately US$300,000) in punitive damages. _START_SECTION_ Crew _START_PARAGRAPH_ According to early claims of Aeroflot-Nord representatives, the crew was described as very experienced and one of the best in the company. Captain Rodion Medvedev (34) had a flight record of 3,689 hours while First Officer Rustam Allaberdin (43) had 8,713. Later it was revealed that Medvedev's flight record as a captain was 452 hours and that Allaberdin's experience of piloting Boeing 737s was just 219 hours. For the most part of their careers Medvedev and Allaberdin were piloting Tu-134 and An-2 respectively. _NEWLINE_Gennady Kurzenkov, head of the State Aviation Inspection Service, stated that the flight crew submitted falsified documents to the airline showing that they had passed preflight courses. _START_SECTION_ In popular culture _START_PARAGRAPH_ The accident was featured in the 19th season of the TV series Mayday. The episode is titled "Lethal Limits".
_START_ARTICLE_ Aerosvit Airlines _START_SECTION_ Early years _START_PARAGRAPH_ The airline was established on 25 March 1994, and started operations in April that year with flights from Kiev to Athens, Larnaca, Tel Aviv, Odesa and Thessaloniki in co-operation with Air Ukraine. In October the same year, the carrier started dry-leasing some Boeing 737-200s in connection with the addition of Moscow into the route network. In 1995, new scheduled flights from Kiev to Almaty, Ashgabad, and Riga were launched, laying the foundations for it to become a transit airline. In 1996, Yekaterinburg, Kharkiv, Lviv, and Simferopol were added to the airline's network. Also in 1996, the airline became a member of the International Air Transport Association (IATA). By 1997 Aerosvit Airlines became a member of IATA Clearing House and purchased its first Boeing 737-200 aircraft. By 1999 Aerosvit had acquired a third Boeing 737-200 aircraft and scheduled flights to Budapest, Sofia and Istanbul were launched. _START_SECTION_ Post-millennium expansion and reorganisation _START_PARAGRAPH_ In 2000, two more Boeing 737-300 aircraft joined Aerosvit Airlines’ fleet. Scheduled flights to Prague and Warsaw were launched, and Aerosvit Airlines carried more passengers than any other Ukrainian airline (over the calendar year). In 2002, a further three Boeing 737-500 aircraft joined the fleet, as also did the first Boeing 767-300ER —a 350-seater machine that previously belonged to SAS— on a long-term lease from Boeing Capital, aimed at starting operations to Bangkok. The airliner became the first Western-built wide-body one to be operated by a Ukrainian carrier. Also in 2002, Aerosvit took over the long-haul services previously operated by Air Ukraine._NEWLINE_The Kyiv–New York–Kyiv route was launched in 2003 with a twice weekly service. Later that year, flights to Toronto and Delhi began. In this year the airline also carried its second millionth passenger. Soon after JAR-145 certification for performing in house maintenance works in accordance with the European Joint Aviation Authorities’ requirements was received. With the onset of 2004 Aerosvit increased the number of weekly flights it operated to Bangkok to three and an additional Boeing 737-300 was added to the fleet. Route expansion continued as before, and over the course of the year the number of Aerosvit-operated domestic flights across Ukraine expanded to eleven destinations. However, expansion did not just take place on the domestic market, as Aerosvit introduced new routes from its base in Kiev, to Beijing, Baku, Chisinau, Cairo, and St. Petersburg. Finally, in 2004, Aerosvit Airlines became the official air carrier of the National Olympic team of Ukraine for the XXVIII Olympic Summer Games held in 2004 in Athens._NEWLINE_Aerosvit's ninth Boeing 737 mid-haul aircraft started operating in 2005, with a tenth being added to the fleet soon after. In the same year e-ticketing was launched on the route New York-Kiev and Aerosvit Airlines and Azerbaijan Airlines started code-sharing on the Kiev-Baku route._NEWLINE_In 2006, the carrier became the 85th worldwide in passing the IATA Operational Safety Audit. In March that year, Naples was added to the route network, and in June the Kiev–Vilnius and Simferopol–Vilnius routes were launched in codeshare agreement with Lithuania's national carrier flyLAL. In September 2006, Aerosvit was the first airline to operate both inbound and outbound passenger flights at Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport. and in October, the airline celebrated the six-millionth passenger carried since it started operations._NEWLINE_In 2007, due to cooperation with Delta Air Lines, the number of destinations in the United States increased, allowing onward travel from New York to cities such as Los Angeles and Portland. It was in the same year that Aerosvit Airlines and Donbassaero began to build (at the initiative of their joint main shareholder Privat Group) the strategic alliance Ukrainian Aviation Group. Also, in this year, the fleet was supplemented with a third long haul aircraft Boeing 767 and eleventh and twelfth mid-range Boeing 737s, whilst the start of code share flights with Belavia on the Kiev-Minsk route took place. In August 2007, it was announced that a contract was signed with Boeing for the acquisition of seven Boeing 737-800s and purchase rights for another seven; in a deal valued at more than US$500 million, the operation marked the company's first direct purchase of aircraft since its foundation. These new aircraft would replace the airline's 13-strong Boeing 737 Classic fleet; the first of them was handed over by the manufacturer in March 2012. In December 2007, the airline began the commercialisation of e-tickets on its website._NEWLINE_At the beginning of 2008 flights from Kiev to Tbilisi and Almaty were launched by Aerosvit, E-ticketing was introduced on all Aerosvit scheduled flights, and Aerosvit Airlines again became the official air carrier of the Ukrainian National Olympic team for the XXIX Olympic Games held in Beijing. In March 2009, Aerosvit acquired a 70-seater Antonov An-148, which was deployed on domestic routes in June; the first international revenue flight for the type with the airline took place in December that year, covering the Odesa–Moscow route. Also in April 2009, the carrier launched scheduled flights to Astana and Riga. _START_SECTION_ The Ukrainian Aviation Group and modern era _START_PARAGRAPH_ In 2010 Aerosvit added a second Antonov 148 aircraft to its fleet and new routes including Odesa-Kaliningrad, Simferopol-Kaliningrad, Donetsk-Saint Petersburg, Odesa-Riga, and Dnipropetrovsk-Berlin were opened (largely with the cooperation of its sister companies Dniproavia and Donbassaero) by the carrier. An Odesa-Milan code-share route was launched. Dniproavia, having come into the Privat Group's business portfolio, joined the Ukrainian Aviation Group._NEWLINE_During 2010, the airline opened 21 new international routes, including Bucharest and Yerevan, and signed a codeshare agreement with Hainan Airlines that covered operations on the Kiev–Beijing route. Ho Chi Minh City was added to the route network in December 2011, becoming the first direct air link between Ukraine and Vietnam. Aerosvit took delivery of its first Boeing 737-800 in March 2012._NEWLINE_Additionally, Aerosvit signed a contract with Boeing for delivery of 4 Boeing 737-900ER in 2013-2014, and a fourth Boeing 767 was added to the fleet. In the first quarter of 2012 the airline received the first of its ordered Embraer 190 aircraft, with deliveries continuing into 2013 or 2014._NEWLINE_As of 25 March 2012, as a result of the Anti-monopoly committee of Ukraine's decision to allow the consolidation of the Ukrainian Aviation Group's physical and operational assets, Donbassaero and Dniproavia no longer operate flights with their own codes, but rather on behalf of their parent company Aerosvit._NEWLINE_By June 2012 the airline introduced their first Embraer 190. All Embraer 190 are ordered and operated by the partner-airline Dniproavia. _START_SECTION_ Domestic flights _START_PARAGRAPH_ Since 2002, AeroSvit Airlines executed the social priority program of domestic, intra-Ukrainian air carriage, operating scheduled flights that connect Dnipropetrovs’k, Odesa, and Simferopol’ with the capital of Ukraine. In 2003-2004, AeroSvit Airlines’ domestic network expanded to Donetsk, Kharkiv, Lviv, and Ivano-Frankivsk. With the domestic flights program, flight safety, high regularity of flights, and a high level of service all became priority areas. Special standards of domestic flights were developed, such as making special menus available on all flights. In 2004 establishment of close cooperation with other Ukrainian airlines supplemented AeroSvit Airlines’ own route network with such destinations as Uzhgorod, Chernivtsi, Luhansk, and Zaporizhzhia._NEWLINE_AeroSvit and its Ukrainian Aviation Group partners flew to the Ukrainian cities of Donetsk, Odesa, Simferopol, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Uzhgorod, Chernivtsi, Luhansk, and Sevastopol. _START_SECTION_ Non-scheduled (charter) flights _START_PARAGRAPH_ Another area of focus for AeroSvit Airlines was non-scheduled or charter, air carriage._NEWLINE_From 1994-2004, AeroSvit Airlines organized charter programs and performed single ad hoc flights for various customers._NEWLINE_Aerosvit's charter activities began with summer-only flights to the Greek island of Crete. Since 1998, AeroSvit Airlines had increased its charter flights offerings. In 1998, the first flights to Antalya (Turkey) began. In early 1999, AeroSvit Airlines opened a new charter route to Hurghada (Egypt). Since 1999, new charter flights to Bulgaria, Turkey, Egypt, Greece, Tunis, and other countries had been added. _NEWLINE__NEWLINE_AeroSvit Airlines increased its volume of charter air carriage considerably. In addition to flights to traditional summer resorts, AeroSvit Airlines flew to winter skiing resorts in Austria, France, Finland, Turkey, and Slovakia._NEWLINE_After AeroSvit Airlines added Boeing 767-300ER’s to its fleet, charter flights to the Maldives, Tenerife, the Dominican Republic, Indonesia and other locales were added. _START_SECTION_ Incidents and accidents _START_PARAGRAPH_ On 17 December 1997, Aerosvit Flight 241, a Yakovlev Yak-42, crashed near Thessaloniki, Greece; all 62 passengers and 8 crew members died.
_START_ARTICLE_ Afghan Air Force _START_SECTION_ 21st century _START_PARAGRAPH_ For the first time in over two decades Afghanistan has begun training new pilots. In January 2008, President Hamid Karzai said that his country's Air Force had been reborn after inaugurating its new headquarters at Kabul International Airport freshly equipped with new aircraft. The military had received 26 new and refurbished aircraft, including Czech-donated Mi-35 Hind helicopter gunships. With United States funding the Afghan government had also acquired transport helicopters and a number of Ukrainian military planes. Under a partnering relationship between the US-led, international NATO Air Training Command (NATC-A) and the AAF, Afghan air power is being rebuilt on several fronts:_NEWLINE_The recently opened North Kabul International Airport cantonment area includes the new headquarters for the Afghan Air Force and 201st Kabul Air Wing. The wing's three operational squadrons, one fixed-wing, one rotary-wing, and the Presidential Airlift Squadron, are housed there. The cantonment area includes state-of-the-art hangars as well as operations, logistics, billeting, dining, and recreational facilities. Additionally, extensive AAF facilities are in-progress at Kandahar International Airport._NEWLINE_A number of Afghan pilots and pilot-candidates traveled to the United States beginning in May 2009 for English language training, to be followed by instrument training for the pilots and undergraduate pilot training for the pilot-candidates. This was the start of an initiative that within the next several years should produce a small cadre of seasoned, instrument-rated Afghan Air Force pilots as well as a larger number of younger, well-trained pilots who will serve as the backbone of the Afghan Air Force for the next generation. Other NATC-A-led programs include English language and technical courses for AAF personnel in various specialties including aircraft maintenance, logistics, communications, and engineering. As of June 2009, the Air Force numbered about 2,400 airmen, with a planned strength of 7,400 airmen within several years._NEWLINE_In late 2009, the AAF began receiving refurbished former Italian Air Force C-27A tactical transports and Mi-17V5 Hip transport helicopters. In June 2010 the Afghan National Army Air Corps became a separate and independent service and was renamed the Afghan Air Force by order of Afghan President Hamid Karzai. Also in the same year, a number of female trainers completed their courses and were commissioned as lieutenants. Many more are being trained as the number of the AAF increases._NEWLINE_As of March 2011, the Afghan Air Force (AAF) had 44 rotary-wing and 13 fixed-wing aircraft in serviceable condition. By the end of 2011, the AAF had 16 C-27As (on loan from the U.S government) and 35 of the new Mi-8 Hips while continuing to operate the older Mi-17s and retiring the An-32 fleet. Further growth of the AAF may depend on decisions yet to be made regarding the size of the Afghan National Army which, in turn, will determine AAF requirements. In a country of rugged terrain possessing limited ground transportation options, the Afghan Armed Forces depends heavily upon AAF fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft for airlift of soldiers and supplies between corps operating locations, medical and casualty evacuation, and transport of human remains. The Afghan government also relied on the AAF for transportation of election materials during the 2009 presidential election. It was announced in October 2011 that the Afghan Air Force would be provided with 145 multi-type aircraft and 21 helicopters. By the end of 2011, the Afghan Air Force had a total of 4,900 airmen and personnel. _START_SECTION_ Organization _START_PARAGRAPH_ As of November 2017, the Afghan Air Force has about 217 aircraft and approximately 6,800 personnel. There are four Afghan Air Force wings, one each in Kabul (1st Wing), Kandahar (2nd Wing), Shindand (3rd Wing), and Mazar-i-Sharif (4th Wing)._NEWLINE_Abdul Raziq Sherzai serves as a major general and commander of the Kandahar Air Wing. _START_SECTION_ Future _START_PARAGRAPH_ In 2017 the decision was made to transition from Russian to US helicopters due to issues with sourcing parts and maintenance because of ongoing diplomatic issues between the US, the AAF main source of funds, and Russia. Consequently, it has been decided to transition the AAF Mi-17s to refurbished UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters. The US Department of Defense (DoD) have requested $814.5M for 2017 for the first year of our plan to re-equip the Afghan Air Force and to provide funding to procure 53 UH-60s, with refurbishment and modification of the first 18. Long term the US plan to provide 159 UH-60 Black Hawks with funding for the first 53 already being secured in the 2017 budget. The DoD will have to request additional funds each year to procure the rest of the proposed aircraft. Deliveries are expected to start in 2019 with 30 helicopters expected to be delivered each year. The UH-60s are also to be fitted with rocket pods to increase their offensive capability and the first four UH-60s slated for training are expected to arrive in Afghanistan in autumn 2017. The refurbished helicopters will be 1980s UH-60As with new engines with the most likely choice being the General Electric T-700-GE-701C, which is found on the U.S. Army's newer UH-60Ls and Ms, as well as the up-coming UH-60V model._NEWLINE_The DoD also want to procure 30 additional armed MD-530F helicopters and 6 additional A-29 attack aircraft to replace the Mil Mi-35 in service with the AAF. They have also asked for funds to add an additional five AC-208s to the fleet. The requested FY2017 Afghan Security Forces Fund (ASFF) budget, including the 23 additional funds for the first year of this proposed aviation initiative, went to Congress on 10 November 2016._NEWLINE_By 2016 the Afghan Air Force is to expand to 8,000 airmen and will operate 145 aircraft. To that end there has been continuing expansion in infrastructure, training and maintenance facilities. The US has also been purchasing modern equipment and aircraft including Russian Mi-17 helicopters. Significant investment has also gone into purchasing modern training aircraft such as MD 500 helicopters and fixed-wing Cessna 182 and 208 planes._NEWLINE_In 2013 Afghanistan sent India a large wish-list of equipment which included one An-32 and two Squadrons of Mi-17 and Mi-35 helicopters. This deal was initially put on hold due to fears of antagonizing India's regional rival Pakistan, but in 2014 India reached a compromise where instead of directly supplying the equipment it would instead pay Russia to deliver them instead. This deal includes arms, ammo and the refurbishment of weapon systems and aircraft left behind by the Soviets._NEWLINE_India further agreed to help refurbish older Soviet-era aircraft in Afghan Air Force. As a part of this two Indian Air Force teams visited Afghanistan and identified around 50 aircraft which can be serviced and brought back to active service in Afghanistan. This included Mi-25/35, Mi-8 and An-32s aircraft. _START_SECTION_ Fixed-wing attack/trainer _START_PARAGRAPH_ Currently the US is looking to finalize the re-tendering process for 20 attack aircraft that can also be used for training and to provide the Army with close air support. The two contenders were the Embraer A-29 Super Tucano and the Beechcraft AT-6. Embraer won the previous contract but the tendering process was cancelled after it was discovered that proper procedures were not followed. A winner for the new contract was expected in June 2013 with first deliveries expected to begin in the third quarter of 2014, about 15 months after originally planned. The Super Tucano was declared the winner of the contract again in 2013. The contract will be completed by Sierra Nevada Corp. for 20 A-29 Super Tucanos with an expected delivery date of between December 2015 and 2018._NEWLINE_According to the Wall Street Journal, the first 10 will be stationed at Shindand Air Base, in western Afghanistan. The other 10 are to go to Kandahar Airfield._NEWLINE_On 18 December, the first A-29 Super Tucano pilots of the 81st Fighter Squadron graduated at Moody Air Force Base, Georgia, USAF Col. John Nichols, the 14th Flying Training Wing Commander said of the pilots, "The extraordinary dedication of these pilots and the sacrifices these graduates have made will help establish a secure, stable and unified country,". "They are enabling the future of Afghanistan, a future that will be decided by the Afghans themselves." The pilot graduates and the remaining 22 student pilots will receive further, advisory support in Afghanistan._NEWLINE_The first four aircraft arrived in Afghanistan in January 2016, with a further four due before the end of 2016. Combat ready Afghan A-29 pilots graduated from training at Moody Air Force Base returned to Afghanistan to represent the first of a total of 30 pilots trained by the 81st Fighter Squadron at Moody. A total of 20 A-29's will be in place by 2018, according to a senior U.S. defense official. The Pentagon purchased the Super Tucanos in a $427 million contract with Sierra Nevada Corp. and Embraer, with the aircraft produced at Embraer's facility in Jacksonville, Florida. Pilot training is undertaken by the U.S. Air Force's 81st Fighter Squadron at Moody Air Force Base, Georgia. The Afghan Air Force's new fixed-wing Embraer/Sierra Nevada A-29 Super Tucano could soon make its combat debut after the first four aircraft arrived at Hamid Karzai International Airport on 15 January 2016. _START_SECTION_ Air mobility _START_PARAGRAPH_ The U.S. Navy equipped the Afghan Air Force with refurbished An-32 transport aircraft during initial reconstruction efforts. These aircraft augmented an existing fleet of An-32 and AN-26 aircraft. The An-32 was retired on 17 June 2011 in a push to move operations over to the C27 program but like the L-39, it is still kept in ready status by the Afghan Air Force._NEWLINE_The United States purchased the C-27A, to move away from Soviet era aircraft. A total of 20 former Italian military C-27As were purchased with the intent of providing the Afghan Air Force a fleet that would last 10 years. However, the prime contractor in the refurbishment and supply of the planes, Alenia Aermacchi North America, a unit of Italian defense conglomerate Finmeccanica S.p.A., was unable to provide adequate maintenance support for the aircraft. As a result, the majority of the fleet at any time was grounded for safety of flight issues (including a period where the entire fleet was grounded for over 6 months). The US military worked over the course of three years with Alenia North America to get the fleet fully operational._NEWLINE_Part of the issues with supplying the C-27As came about from ownership. The C-27A program included an initial parts supply and training contract for the Afghan Air Force. Upon arrival of the first two aircraft in November 2009, Brig. Gen. Michael R. Boera, commanding general, Combined Air Power Transition Force and commander of the 438th Air Expeditionary Wing announced that the aircraft were part of the Afghan National Army Air Corps in a ceremony at Kabul International Airport. The contract for the aircraft, a 14-month effort, had the U.S. government as the end user of the aircraft due to an Italian arms embargo with Afghanistan. The U.S. declaration that the C-27A was now an Afghan Air Force asset effectively violated international law and the Italian government enforced the embargo and stopped shipment of contracted supplies to Afghanistan. This put the U.S. government in a dilemma since the $290 million contract was funded through the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF) which required, by U.S. law, that all military materials purchased be turned over to the Afghan government._NEWLINE_The C-27A was eventually determined to be a U.S. owned asset utilized by the Afghan Air Force with intent to turn over the asset in the future (assuming the Italian embargo would at some point be lifted or that enough supplies could be stock piled to take the aircraft through its expected 10-year service life), but this determination was not immediate. This caused a delay of contracted goods beyond the time frame of the initial contract through no fault of the contractor, and made it necessary for the U.S. government to enter into a second more costly maintenance contract with Alenia North America to get aircraft operational. Since the C-27A aircraft purchased still had Italian military air worthiness certificates controlled by the company, Alenia North America effectively monopolized the entire supply chain making fair competition non-existent. This second contract inflated the total program cost to over $600 million, and it would have cost over $1.2 billion had the U.S. opted to extend the contract up to 10 years._NEWLINE_The C-27A contract with Alenia North America was eventually terminated, citing that the contractor failed to meet their legal obligations and announced that the Afghan Air Force would be receiving four C-130 transport aircraft (expected in 2013). The G-222 program legacy to the C-130 is that the cockpit and cargo compartment configurations of the C-27A are similar to that of a C-130H. The C-27A simulator program, contracted to Fidelity Technologies Corporation, produced three C-27A simulators: one Fuselage Load Trainer (cargo compartment), one Flight Training Device (cockpit), and one Basic Aircraft Training Device (cockpit). These training devices were built to FAA standards from two derelict U.S. Air Force C-27A aircraft and allowed the Afghan Air Force to continue to train while the C-27A fleet was effectively out of service for over a year, making transition to the C-130 a feasible alternative. _START_SECTION_ Helicopters _START_PARAGRAPH_ The total number of Mi-17 helicopters currently in service with the Afghan Air Force is unclear. The US has purchased a number of new Mi-17s for the AAF from Russia and from other nations such as the Czech Republic and Slovakia. There were also some existing Mi-17s in the country before the invasion and subsequent formation of the Air Force. It has also been reported that at least 2 Mi-17s have crashed._NEWLINE_The most recent acquisition of Mi-17s is for 21 airframes, spare parts and training. These all include western avionics. Eighteen of these have been delivered in 2012. As part of the contract, there was also an option for another twelve Mi-17s, raising the contract to 33. They were modified in the UAE after being delivered to the US Army to fit Afghan Air Force requirements better before being sent to Afghanistan._NEWLINE_The Afghan Air Force has two Mi-17v5 Flight Training Devices, one Mi-17v5 Basic Aircraft Training Device, and one Mi-17 Cockpit Procedure Trainer built by Fidelity Technologies Corporation._NEWLINE_The Air Force was expected be in possession of 46 Mi-17 helicopters by June 2012, with an additional 10 to be delivered by 2016. _START_SECTION_ Training _START_PARAGRAPH_ Training is undertaken at the Shindand Air Wing at Shindand Air Base in western Afghanistan. The base which has been refurbished and expanded by NATO which tripled its size. The seven candidates are all graduates of the National Military Academy of Afghanistan or Initial Officer Training held in the United Kingdom and have also undertaken English language training in the Kabul English Language Training Center. Students will be trained in both fixed-wing aircraft, namely the Cessna 182T and 208B and in rotary wing aircraft, the MD 530F. About 6 MD 530F helicopters were delivered to Shindand in late 2011. The initial 6 helicopters have completed acceptance flights and can now be used to begin training Afghan Pilots, although one was destroyed in 2013 by an IED. The four-year contract could see as many as 54 other helicopters being supplied to the AAF._NEWLINE_With the delivery of 20 Advanced fixed-wing light support aircraft, the A-29 Super Tucano Afghan pilots will have to undergo further training. This will significantly increase the level of knowledge and experience in the air force. _START_SECTION_ Insignia _START_PARAGRAPH_ During its first incarnation, Afghan aircraft carried simple black and white depictions of the Arms of Afghanistan, with the inscription 'God is great' on the underside of the wings. The Afghan flag was possibly used as well. Afghanistan adopted a black, red, and green flag after the 1929 revolt, and when the Air Force was given aircraft again in 1937, it placed this flag on the rudder, and adopted wing and fuselage roundels based on the three colors._NEWLINE_The Royal Afghan Air Force retained the roundels until adopting a new style in 1967, with a unique insignia consisting of a tri-color triangle using the national colors upon a white disc, on which was inscribed with Arabic lettering forming various phrases. This roundel was placed on the rudder in place of the flag. This remained in use after the overthrow of the monarchy until the Russian invasion in 1979, when a new insignia of a red disc with yellow inscriptions was adopted. This was short-lived however, as in 1983, a more Soviet-standard red star on a white disc ringed in black, red, and green was adopted. These were maintained until after the Soviet departure._NEWLINE_Upon the departure of Soviet forces from Afghanistan, and the fall of the communist government, a return to the triangle insignia was noted, although markings varied depending on the ownership of the aircraft.
_START_ARTICLE_ _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ was launched in February 2010, by Teresa Clarke after resigning from her position as a managing director in the investment banking division of Goldman Sachs & Co. Clarke is also co-founder of the Student Sponsorship Programme in South Africa._NEWLINE_Clarke lived in South Africa from 1995 to 2000 and acquired the domain name around 2001. "Over most of the last decade, I worked at Goldman Sachs. During my free time, I imagined what I would do with the domain name and I looked at other African websites."_NEWLINE_In a Wall Street Journal article from May 2010, was mentioned because of its potential relevance with the impending 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa that same year. "The site is small—with about 50,000 monthly unique users—but Ms. Clarke said she sees potential in the growth of African investment and a middle class in several African countries." Since then, has expanded to add information about each of the continent's 54 countries, with over 30,000 daily visitors according to _START_SECTION_ Partnerships _START_PARAGRAPH_ Recently has partnered with a number of well-known content providers including The Council on Foreign Relations, Foreign Affairs and HAND/EYE Magazines, McKinsey and Company, Freedom House and the Mo Ibrahim Foundation. It has also developed its own original content including blogs from the likes of a former president of Nigeria and several U.S. ambassadors to various African countries. Also it has published the first and only online museum guide providing detailed information about museums in every African country. Thus becoming a heavily visited site and destination for users from different continents interested in Africa._NEWLINE_The site aims to provide travel information, financial, political and cultural news, maps, information about international events and non-profit organizations related to Africa, as well as views from a varied array of opinion-leaders. It also provides encyclopedic information about each of the 54 countries on the African continent, with specially written travel information about 54 countries and 27 cities as well as 200 curated videos. Designed in collaboration with Brightcove Inc., offers the same flexible, multi-language, on-line video platform used by The New York Times._NEWLINE_On January 2011, received over three million page views from almost one million users, the majority from the United States and Europe._NEWLINE_On a March 2011 interview to, Teresa Clarke said, "For me, ownership of the domain name is about more than a business opportunity. I see this as a tremendous privilege and a great responsibility. Whoever owns this domain name has a monumental opportunity to shape how the internet world views Africa. Africa has been very good to me throughout my life and my career, and I wanted to step up to the challenge of ensuring that this great vehicle for change is used responsibly and effectively."_NEWLINE_On Thursday April 28, 2011, the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan pledged government support and collaboration with the Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) when he hosted founder Tony Elumelu and the TEF Advisory Board in Abuja, stating that relevant government institutions will be asked to work with the foundation. The Advisory Board members who accompanied Elumelu when he paid a courtesy call on the President included Teresa Clarke, founder and CEO of and H. E. Shaukat Aziz, former Prime Minister of Pakistan._NEWLINE_Clarke said is working on a platform that would allow people to check stock-market prices and make transactions on their cellphones. _START_SECTION_ Country profiles _START_PARAGRAPH_ offers an encyclopedia, nicknamed “Afripedia”, that aims to provide information about each of the 54 sovereign states, including Madagascar and various island groups. Every country profile offers an overview of said country, as well as historic, geographic, economic and social data. The section also includes a fact and figures entry, information about the leaders of the country, and a "Rights and Liberties Report"._NEWLINE_The site also offers interaction with Twitter and Facebook, travel and music videos, and short films and documentaries. _START_SECTION_ Rights and Liberties Report _START_PARAGRAPH_ In partnership with Freedom House, brings information on the human rights and civil liberties of every African country. Basic freedoms, political rights, freedom of religion, the right to free speech, free elections, political freedom, Africa human rights._NEWLINE_The "Rights and Liberties Report" is a scored provided by Freedom House, an advocacy organization that monitors and supports the expansion of freedom around the world. The organization has developed a survey to measure and rate worldwide political rights and civil liberties. A rating of 1 indicates the highest degree of freedom and 7 the least amount of freedom. The political rights and civil liberties ratings for each country or territory are combined and averaged to determine an overall "freedom status"._NEWLINE_Countries and territories with a combined average rating of 1.0 to 2.5 are considered "Free"; 3.0 to 5.0, "Partly Free"; and 5.5 to 7.0 "Not Free". On, upward or downward trend arrows are assigned to countries and territories. Trend arrows indicate general positive or negative trends since the previous survey that are not necessarily reflected in the raw points and does not warrant a ratings change. _START_SECTION_ Ibrahim Index _START_PARAGRAPH_ Being an aggregator of information regarding the African continent, features the Ibrahim Index of African Governance funded and led by the Mo Ibrahim Foundation. It is an attempt to statistically monitor African governance levels throughout all the countries of Africa. _START_SECTION_ Safari Wizard _START_PARAGRAPH_ Recently partnered with Rhino Africa, a South African safari operator, to develop the Safari Wizard guide. This tool aims to help users design a custom safari among the main safari destinations in Africa: South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Namibia. It offers a filter with which users can select different criteria, including location, children facilities, means of transportation, activities, cost, facilities, lodging amenities and animal sightings._NEWLINE_It also offers a Safari Advisor guide that aims to suit different safari customers based on their travel habits, destination of choice, activities they are looking for and additional requirements (e.g. vaccines for yellow fever, malaria, visa requirements, packing tips and safety concerns)._NEWLINE_Aside from a traveling blog, it also offers maps and travel information as well as a museum guide for each country, that provides information of when to go, how to get there, what to do, safety and security tips and local advice. The Travel Health section holds information for tourists about vaccinations, medications, and other health advice for travel in Africa._NEWLINE_It also offers direct links with other travel website like, and STA Travel for booking flights, hotels, get deals and organizing trips._NEWLINE_The site offers business and financial information to its visitors, aside from that provided by the finance blog posts, based on information from the Council on Foreign Relations, Reuters Africa and Foreign Affairs magazine. It also offers articles, videos and interviews from McKinsey Quarterly._NEWLINE_Recently began to offer the Africa-related articles of HAND/EYE Magazine, a New York-based print and online publication focused on global arts, crafts, design, and culture. HAND/EYE aims to highlight creative projects and ventures originating in devotes a feature to Africa First, the short film program is sponsored by Focus Features. The Africa First Short Film Program aims to support films that aspire to artistic excellence and accomplished storytelling, and substantially contribute to the development of local film industries. Award recipients of the 2010 Focus Features Africa First Short Film Program can use award money received from Africa First to complete initial production and to pay for post-production costs such as laboratory fees, sound mixing, and editing._NEWLINE_Partnering with SARFM Radio, founded by Zimbabwean Chaka, provides with African music in all possible genres from the continent. _START_SECTION_ Audience _START_PARAGRAPH_ The site's primary audience is American, aims to shape the opinion of Americans on Africa using African sources, rather than the Western media._NEWLINE_Based on a recent study more than 90 percent of users have some college or are college graduates and about 22 percent have at least one graduate degree. Their top three areas of interest are travel, business/investment and arts and culture._NEWLINE_Approximately 60 percent of users are white or Asian, 23 percent are African and 17 percent are African-American. Approximately 52 percent are male and 48 percent female. More than 50 percent come from the United States; 20 percent from Europe, 20 percent from Asia and the balance from South America, India and South Africa._NEWLINE_More than 70 percent of users connect to via broadband. On May 26, 2011 the Facebook page of surpassed the 2,500 followers. And as of June 2011 their Twitter account had little over 900 followers._NEWLINE_According to an Alexa Internet report, by June 2011,'s three-month global Alexa traffic rank is 113,943. The site's visitors view 3.8 unique pages each day on average. While roughly 54% of visitors to the site come from the US, where it is ranked #34,025, it is also popular in South Africa, where it is ranked #6,275.
_START_ARTICLE_ Africa Cup of Nations records and statistics _START_PARAGRAPH_ This is a list of records and statistics of clubs and players who have taken part in the Africa Cup of Nations football tournament. _START_SECTION_ Oldest goal scorer _START_PARAGRAPH_ Hossam Hassan of  Egypt in 2006 February 3, 39 years and 174 days old; against  DR Congo in a 4-1 win. _START_SECTION_ Youngest goal scorer _START_PARAGRAPH_ Shiva N'Zigou of  Gabon in 2000 January 23, 16 years and 93 days old; against  South Africa in a 3 - 1 defeat. _START_SECTION_ Top goal scorer of single tournament _START_PARAGRAPH_ 9, Ndaye Mulamba of  Zaire in 1974 _START_SECTION_ Top goal scorer of single match _START_PARAGRAPH_ 5, Laurent Pokou of  Ivory Coast against  Ethiopia in1970 in 6–1 victory. _START_SECTION_ Player scored in most tournaments _START_PARAGRAPH_ Asamoah Gyan, ; Samuel Eto'o, and Kalusha Bwalya, have scored in most occasions, with 6 tournaments each. _START_SECTION_ Oldest player _START_PARAGRAPH_ 44 years, 21 days, Essam El Hadary,  Egypt vs  Cameroon 5 February 2017 Final _START_SECTION_ Youngest player _START_PARAGRAPH_ 16 years, 93 days, Shiva N'Zigou,  Gabon vs  South Africa 23 January 2000 _START_SECTION_ Number of foreign coaches to win tournament _START_PARAGRAPH_ 16 Foreign coaches won tournament _START_SECTION_ Most number foreign coaches to win tournament by country _START_PARAGRAPH_ France with 6 coaches
_START_ARTICLE_ African French _START_SECTION_ Pronunciation _START_PARAGRAPH_ Pronunciation in the many varieties of African French can be quite varied. There are nonetheless some trends among African French speakers; for instance, the letter R tends to be pronounced as the historic alveolar trill of pre-20th Century French instead of the now standard uvular trill or 'guttural R.' The voiced uvular fricative, the sound represented by ⟨غ⟩ in the Arabic word مغرب Maghrib, is another common alternative. Pronunciation of the letters [d], [t], [l] and [n] may also vary, and intonation may differ from standard French. _START_SECTION_ Vocabulary _START_PARAGRAPH_ In terms of vocabulary, there exist three phenomena in African French. First, the presence of words which do not exist in standard French. These words were either coined locally or borrowed from local African languages. As a consequence, each regional variety of African French has its own local words that are not the same as in other varieties of African French, although this local vocabulary only constitutes a small part of the overall vocabulary which for the most part is identical to standard French. When talking to people from other regions or countries, African French speakers often switch to a more standard form of French avoiding this local vocabulary. However, there also exist some African French words that are found across many African countries (see for example chicotter in the Abidjan French vocabulary section below)._NEWLINE_A second phenomenon is the use of some words with a meaning different from standard French. For example, the word présentement (which means "at the moment" in standard French) is used a lot in sub-Saharan Africa (but not in the Maghreb) with the meaning of "as a matter of fact", "as it were" and not "at the moment"._NEWLINE_A third phenomenon is hypercorrection, which is found especially among the educated and upper classes of sub-Saharan Africa. Educated people there tend to speak a very formal sort of French which may sound a bit old-fashioned and conservative to European and North American French speakers._NEWLINE_The local African French vocabulary not found in standard French ranges from slang frowned upon by educated people, to colloquial usage, to words that have entered the formal usage (such as chicotter). The French spoken in Abidjan, the largest city of Ivory Coast, offers a good example of these contrasting registers.
_START_ARTICLE_ African Society for Cultural Relations with Independent Africa _START_PARAGRAPH_ African Society for Cultural Relations with Independent Africa (abbr. ASCRIA) was an Afro-Guyanese grassroots organization in Guyana, to emerge soon after the country's independence from British rule. Dedicated to the revitalization of African culture in the Caribbean country, the organization was a significant political and economic factor in the early 1970s, the Pan-Africanist organization was founded in the 1960s by Eusi Kwayana as a successor organization of Black separatist African Society for Racial Equality (ASRE). During the 1960s and until 1971, ASCRIA was an influential force in Guyana's post-independence politics, as both a competitor and an ally of Forbes Burnham's governing People's National Congress (PNC). After breaking with the PNC and altogether with Black Nationalism, in 1974 it merged into the Working People's Alliance. _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ The organization's predecessor, Black separatist ASRE had previously sought for partitioning Guyana into three sectors: one for Africans, one for East Indians, and one for a voluntarily mixed population, an approach that however failed to sufficiently gain traction. ASCRIA drew in additional supporters from the League of Coloured Peoples. Requiring members to attend a six-month course in African studies based in the capital Georgetown, to attain the proper black awareness, active membership was estimated to exceed 2,000 in 1970. By 1971, the organization dominated African bauxite workers in the Mackenzie township. In this period, Kwayana served as a close advisor to Prime Minister Forbes Burnham, to the point that ASCRIA was considered the cultural and economic arm of the People's National Congress government._NEWLINE_The organization however broke ties with the PNC in 1971, mainly because on the issue of government corruption, forcing the PNC to adopt a stauncher Black Nationalist course, while also igniting an oppositional, working-class movement across the ethnic lines. ASCRIA itself initiated joint activities with Moses Bhagwan's pan-Indian Indian People's Revolutionary Associates (IPRA). The two groups came out to form the core of the nascent multiethnic pro-democracy movement. In 1974 ASCRIA and IPRA joined forces with the Maoist Working People's Vanguard Party and students groups Ratoon and Movement Against Oppression to form the Working People's Alliance.
_START_ARTICLE_ Afterwards _START_SECTION_ Premise _START_PARAGRAPH_ As a child, Nathan Del Amico (Duris) 'dies' in an accident, but comes 'back'. Years later, now a career-driven New York plaintiff's lawyer obsessed with work, he meets Joseph Kay (Malkovich), a doctor who claims that he can foresee other people's deaths, and that he is a "messenger" sent to help Nathan put his life's priorities in order. _NEWLINE_Nathan and his wife (Lilly) had recently lost their son to SIDS, leading to their divorce. Once Nathan is convinced about the doctor's ability, he visits his ex-wife and daughter in New Mexico. _START_SECTION_ Production _START_PARAGRAPH_ Gilles Bourdos and Michel Spinosa wrote Afterwards as a film adaptation of Guillaume Musso's French novel Et après.... The film, a C$10 million co-production between Canada's Christal Films Productions and France's Fidélité Films, was filmed over six weeks in New York, Quebec and New Mexico. Filming in Manhattan commenced on June 4, 2007. Production moved to New Mexico from June 15–19, where scenes were shot at various locations in Albuquerque, Alamogordo, Jemez Springs and Tularosa. Filming resumed in Montreal on July 7 and lasted for approximately 25 days; the city was chosen as a filming location for its tax deduction incentives and the ease in making "Montreal look like anywhere in the world". Though writer/director Bourdos is French, as is Musso's adapted novel and co-financier Christal Films Productions, Afterwards was shot almost entirely in English. _START_SECTION_ Release _START_PARAGRAPH_ The film had its world premiere on September 7, 2008 at the 2008 Toronto International Film Festival, looking for a U.S. distribution buyer. It was theatrically released by Mars Distribution on January 14, 2009 in France and Belgium, earning US$159,500 from 250 screens on its opening weekend in France. It went on to gross $1.1 million in its first week and ranked fifth in the Paris area._NEWLINE_Seville Pictures bought the rights to the film's Canadian distribution from Christal Films, which also produced the film and provided 30% of finances.
_START_ARTICLE_ Afzal Ansari _START_SECTION_ Early life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Afzal Ansari was born on 14 August 1953 in Yusufpur-Mohammadabad town in Ghazipur district of Uttar Pradesh. He got his early education from his native place. For higher studies he got enrolled in Post Graduate College, Ghazipur and completed Post Graduation from University of Gorakhpur. Afzal Ansari comes from a prominent family which has produced many luminaries. His father Subhanullah Ansari was chairman of Nagar Palika Parishad, Mohammadabad who got elected unopposed. His grandfather Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari served as the president (1926-1927) of Indian National Congress. He was one of the founders of the Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi who remained its Chancellor from 1928 to 1936. Brigadier Mohammad Usman, Mahavir Chakra, was his maternal grandfather. Brigadier Usman was the highest-ranking officer of the Indian Army martyred in the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947. Former Vice President of India Mohammad Hamid Ansari is uncle of Afzal Ansari. He is a younger brother of Sibagatullah Ansari and elder brother of Mukhtar Ansari._NEWLINE_Former governor of Odisha, former Member of Parliament from Bidar and career diplomat Shaukatullah Shah Ansari and former Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) Faridul Haq Ansari were forebears of Afzal Ansari. _START_SECTION_ Member of Legislative Assembly _START_PARAGRAPH_ Afzal Ansari started his political career with Communist Party of India. He contested Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly election in 1985 for the first time and defeated his close contestant Abhay Narayan Rai from Indian National Congress with a margin of 3064 votes.From 1985 to 2002 he served five terms as Member of the Legislative Assembly from Mohammadabad (Assembly constituency). _START_SECTION_ Member of Parliament _START_PARAGRAPH_ Afzal Ansari contested General Election of Lok Sabha in 2004 on Samajwadi Party ticket and defeated his rival contestant Manoj Sinha from Bharatiya Janata Party with a margin of 2,26,777 votes._NEWLINE_Afzal Ansari Contested 2009 General Election on Bahujan Samaj Party Ticket from Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh But Lost to Samajwadi Party's Radhe Mohan Singh._NEWLINE_After some political differences he left Bahujan Samaj Party and founded a new political party, Quami Ekta Dal. He served as Secretary-General of Quami Ekta Dal before merging it with Bahujan Samaj Party.
_START_ARTICLE_ Afzal Khan (general) _START_SECTION_ Early life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Afzal Khan was a leading court figure during the reign of Ali Adil Shah II of the Bijapur Sultanate. His steadfast skills and commanding ability led to his popularity and emergence in the ranks of hierarchy. According to legend he was awarded a famous sword known as the Adili, the sword was studded with diamonds. Afzal Khan was also given a popular elephant Howdah named Dhal-Gaj. He headed a personal force of 10,000 soldiers. _START_SECTION_ Maratha conflicts _START_PARAGRAPH_ In 1659, Afzal Khan led an army of about 10,000 elite troops and pursued Shivaji Maharaj persistently, inflicting numerous casualties, which forced Shivaji Maharaj's forces to take refuge in the hill forts. In a bid to force Shivaji to come out in open, he detoured to desecrate Hindu sacred places, including Pandharpur, the most important pilgrimage site in the Marathi-speaking region at the time. Such behavior was unprecedented for the Bijapuri forces, and alienated the local deshmukhs (revenue collectors). He also captured Tuljapur, where his Adilshahi forces razed the statue of the Hindu Goddess Bhavani._NEWLINE_Afzal Khan's initial plan was to invade Pune, Shivaji Maharaj 's original residence. Shivaji knew that he would not be able to defeat Afzal Khan in the plains, and moved to Pratapgad Fort, which was surrounded by the dense forest valley area of Jawali. Shivaji's army excelled in this type of terrain, which made the Adilshahi army's cannons, muskets, elephants, horses and camels ineffective. At the same time, Shivaji Maharaj had limited stores inside the fort and Afzal Khan's raids had caused terror among his followers. Afzal Khan also attempted to garner support from local militarily independent landlords, who nominally acknowledged the suzerainty of the Adil Shahi. The powerful nobleman Kanhoji Jedhe, who was the most respected deshmukh of the area, supported Shivaji Maharaj. The deshmukh of Bhor, Khandoji Khopde, an enemy of Kanhoji, became a supporter of Afzal Khan._NEWLINE_Afzal Khan felt that the ensuing battle would cause massive casualties to both sides and eventually lead to a deadly stalemate. He, therefore, sent out emissaries to Shivaji Maharaj, to lure him down the fort and negotiate peace. Shivaji Maharaj 's council also urged him to make peace with Afzal Khan to avoid unnecessary losses. The two leaders, therefore, agreed to meet for negotiations._NEWLINE_In 1639, Afzal Khan had murdered Raja Kasturi Ranga after inviting him for a meeting where he could safely make a submission. Therefore, Shivaji was wary of Afzal Khan's real intentions. When Afzal Khan sent his envoy Krishnaji Bhaskar Kulkarni to Shivaji, Shivaji solemnly appealed to him as a Hindu priest to tell him if Afzal Khan was making any treacherous plans. According to the Maratha chronicles, Krishnaji hinted that Afzal Khan harbored mischief. Shivaji then sent his own envoy Pantaji Gopinath Bokil to Afzal, agreeing to a meeting; Pantaji's real mission was to find out the strength of Afzal's forces. Pantaji bribed some officials of Afzal Khan to learn that he was planning an attack on Shivaji._NEWLINE_Afzal Khan had originally asked Shivaji to meet him at Wai. Warned by Pantaji, Shivaji insisted that the meeting should take place closer to Pratapgad. Afzal Khan agreed, on the condition that the meeting would be arranged with two personal bodyguards on each side. His forces marched to Par, a village lying one mile south of Pratapgad. A crest below Pratapgad was chosen as the meeting place._NEWLINE_Shivaji set up tents with a richly decorated canopy at the place, but also placed his soldiers in ambush at various intervals on the path leading to the meeting place. _START_SECTION_ Death _START_PARAGRAPH_ It was agreed that the leaders would be unarmed, and each man would bring an envoy and two armed bodyguards: one would be a swordsman and another an archer. Afzal Khan's companions included Sayyid Banda (Bada Sayyid), a distinguished military man._NEWLINE_Shivaji, forewarned, wore armour under his clothes and a steel helmet under his turban. He carried a weapon called bagh nakh ("tiger claws"), consisting of an iron finger-grip with four razor claws, which he concealed within his clenched fist. He also carried a stiletto-like thin dagger called the bichu or bichuwa (scorpion knife). He was accompanied by his bodyguards Jiva Mahala and Sambhaji Kavji._NEWLINE_At the start of the meeting Afzal Khan graciously embraced Shivaji as per custom. According to the Maratha chronicles, he then suddenly tightened his clasp, gripped Shivaji's neck in his left arm and struck him with a katar. Shivaji was saved by his armor, recovered and counter-attacked Afzal Khan with wagh nakh, disemboweling him. He then stabbed Khan with his bichawa, and ran out of the tent towards his men. The Persian language chronicle by Khafi Khan attributes the treachery to Shivaji instead._NEWLINE_Afzal Khan cried out and Sayyid Banda rushed to the scene and attacked Shivaji with his patta, cutting his turban. Shivaji's bodyguard Jiva Mahala intervened, chopping off Sayyid Banda' s right arm in a quick combat before killing him. This event is remembered in a Marathi language idiom Hōtā Jivā Mhaṇun Vāchlā Shivā ("Because of Jiva, Shiva lived")._NEWLINE_Meanwhile, Afzal Khan's bearers placed their wounded leader in his palki (litter vehicle), but they were attacked by Sambhaji Kavji. Sambhaji eventually killed Afzal Khan by decapitating him._NEWLINE_Shivaji then reached the Pratapgad Fort, and signaled his waiting forces hiding in surrounding forest, to launch a surprise attack. Afzal Khan's army was routed in subsequent Battle of Pratapgad, though his son managed to escape. Later, the severed head of Afzal Khan was sent to Rajgad as exhibit to Jijabai, Shivaji's mother._NEWLINE_The story of the encounter between Afzal Khan and Shivaji is the subject of several films, plays, school textbooks and village ballads in Maharashtra. _START_SECTION_ Personality _START_PARAGRAPH_ Afzal Khan was a powerful man of Afghan descent and was an experienced warrior. He was much taller and stronger than Shivaji._NEWLINE_Afzal Khan was known for his physical strength. During his campaign against Shivaji, one of his cannons fell into a narrow ditch near Wai. Eight of his soldiers could not get it out (lack of manoeuvrable space was one of the causes). It is said that Afzal Khan got the cannon out single-handed. Another instance of Afzal Khan's strength is when he held Shivaji's head in his grip while trying to stab him. Shivaji almost lost consciousness because of the power of the grip. _START_SECTION_ Aftermath _START_PARAGRAPH_ Afzal Khan's death resulted in the Battle of Pratapgarh, in which the Marathas defeated the rest of his army. Shivaji had Afzal Khan buried with full military honors, as befitting his stature and reputation at the foot of the Pratapgad fort. An annual urs is held at Afzal Khan's mausoleum._NEWLINE_Afzal Khan was succeeded by the inexperienced Rustam Zaman and Siddi Masud. The Bijapuri forces had been completely weakened, and eventually sought the assistance of the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb. The Adilshahi dynasty of Bijapur did not last long after the killing of Afzal Khan and was eventually annexed during the Siege of Bijapur in 1686._NEWLINE_His servicemen included: Fazal Khan (his son), Musa Khan, Manoji Jagdale, Sardar Pandhare, Ambar Khan, the Abyssinian Rustami-Zaman II and Krishna bhaskar Kulkarni.
_START_ARTICLE_ Agaria (Muslim) _START_SECTION_ Origin _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Agaria (Aagariya) derive their name from the city of Agra in North India. According to their traditions, they were substantial landowners and came to the attention of the local Muslim governor, who demanded women from the community. The Agaria refused and were imprisoned by the governor. But Firsad, a grandson of the famous Sufi saint Moinuddin Chishti, helped the community escape, and as a gratitude converted to Islam. The community may be Muslim converts from the Hindu Agri caste. They are concentrated in the taluqas of Bhuj, Matra, Mandvi[Dhrub] [Mundra] and Rajkot. _START_SECTION_ Present circumstances _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Agaria speak Kutchi, with many members of the community also speaking Gujarati. They are an endogamous community and consist of a number of clans, the main ones being the Lulatar, uthamana, Bayotmona, Gadyatar, Agiotar, Makatar, Admotor, Pilatar, Buburia, Dadoria, and Taravia. All these clans are of equal status, and intermarry. The Agaria are one of the few Gujarati Muslim communities that practice clan exogamy. They are Sunni Muslims but practice many folk beliefs.
_START_ARTICLE_ Agastrophus _START_PARAGRAPH_ In Greek mythology, Agastrophus (Ancient Greek: Ἀγάστροφος) is a Paionian "hero", "famed for his spear", fighting on the side of Troy in the Trojan War, killed by Diomedes. He was the son of Paeon and brother of Laophoon. _START_SECTION_ Mythology _START_PARAGRAPH_ Agastrophus' death comes about as the result of a lapse in judgment. Under the influence of Ate, a kind of judgmental blindness, Agastrophus made the fatal mistake of leaving his chariot too far behind him, thus being unable to escape when he was wounded by Diomedes. After killing him Diomedes strips the "gleaming corselet of valiant Agastrophus from about his breast, and the shield from off his shoulder, and his heavy helm".
_START_ARTICLE_ Agenor Muñiz _START_SECTION_ Club career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Muñiz played for Montevideo Wanderers and Peñarol in the Uruguayan national league. He made over 200 appearances for Montevideo Wanderers. _START_SECTION_ International career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Muñiz made his international debut for Uruguay national football team in December 1933. In the course of his career he played in two South American Championship winning teams. He played his last match for La Celeste in April 1943.
_START_ARTICLE_ Agents of Law _START_PARAGRAPH_ Agents of Law was a series published by Dark Horse Comics in 1995._NEWLINE_It followed the story of Law, a powerful individual of dubious motives who took over Golden City after the events of Will to Power, which was the big event of the in-house Dark Horse line of superhero comics during the summer of 1994. It was a continuation of Catalyst: Agents of Change._NEWLINE_Despite massive hype by the publishing company prior to its release the series ultimately failed to survive the withering market of the time and the choice by Dark Horse to scale back their line of superhero comics, which had only recently been renamed._NEWLINE_Law was the first super villain to ever be killed by a Predator. See the last page of issue #6.
_START_ARTICLE_ Agnete Loth _START_PARAGRAPH_ Agnete Loth (18 November 1921 – 2 June 1990) was an editor and translator of Old Norse-Icelandic texts. She is notable for editing late medieval romance sagas, which she published in five volumes intended "to provide a long-need provisional basis for the study" of these sagas._NEWLINE_In 1975 she married the Icelandic philologist and poet Jón Helgason.
_START_ARTICLE_ Agraphia _START_PARAGRAPH_ Agraphia is an acquired neurological disorder causing a loss in the ability to communicate through writing, either due to some form of motor dysfunction or an inability to spell. The loss of writing ability may present with other language or neurological disorders; disorders appearing commonly with agraphia are alexia, aphasia, dysarthria, agnosia, and apraxia. The study of individuals with agraphia may provide more information about the pathways involved in writing, both language related and motoric. Agraphia cannot be directly treated, but individuals can learn techniques to help regain and rehabilitate some of their previous writing abilities. These techniques differ depending on the type of agraphia._NEWLINE_Agraphia can be broadly divided into central and peripheral categories. Central agraphias typically involve language areas of the brain, causing difficulty spelling or with spontaneous communication, and are often accompanied by other language disorders. Peripheral agraphias usually target motor and visuospatial skills in addition to language and tend to involve motoric areas of the brain, causing difficulty in the movements associated with writing. Central agraphia may also be called aphasic agraphia as it involves areas of the brain whose major functions are connected to language and writing; peripheral agraphia may also be called nonaphasic agraphia as it involves areas of the brain whose functions are not directly connected to language and writing (typically motor areas)._NEWLINE_The history of agraphia dates to the mid-fourteenth century, but it was not until the second half of the nineteenth century that it sparked significant clinical interest. Research in the twentieth century focused primary on aphasiology in patients with lesions from strokes. _START_SECTION_ Characteristics _START_PARAGRAPH_ Agraphia or impairment in producing written language can occur in many ways and many forms because writing involves many cognitive processes (language processing, spelling, visual perception, visuospatial orientation for graphic symbols, motor planning, and motor control of handwriting)._NEWLINE_Agraphia has two main subgroupings: central ("aphasic") agraphia and peripheral ("nonaphasic") agraphia. Central agraphias include lexical, phonological, deep, and semantic agraphia. Peripheral agraphias include allographic, apraxic, motor execution, hemianoptic and afferent agraphia. _START_SECTION_ Causes _START_PARAGRAPH_ Agraphia has a multitude of causes ranging from strokes, lesions, traumatic brain injury, and dementia. Twelve regions of the brain are associated with handwriting. The four distinct functional areas are the left superior frontal area composed of the middle frontal gyrus and the superior frontal sulcus, the left superior parietal area composed of the inferior parietal lobule, the superior parietal lobule and the intraparietal sulcus and lastly the primary motor cortex and the somatosensory cortex. The eight other areas are considered associative areas and are the right anterior cerebellum, the left posterior nucleus of the thalamus, the left inferior frontal gyrus, the right posterior cerebellum, the right superior frontal cortex, the right inferior parietal lobule, the left fusiform gyrus and the left putamen. The specific type of agraphia resulting from brain damage will depend on which area of the brain was damaged._NEWLINE_Phonological agraphia is linked to damage in areas of the brain involved in phonological processing skills (sounding out words), specifically the language areas around the sylvian fissure, such as Broca's area, Wernicke's area, and the supramarginal gyrus._NEWLINE_Lexical agraphia is associated with damage to the left angular gyrus and/or posterior temporal cortex. The damage is typically posterior and inferior to the perisylvian language areas._NEWLINE_Deep agraphia involves damage to the same areas of the brain as lexical agraphia plus some damage to the perisylvian language areas as well. More extensive left hemisphere damage can lead to global agraphia._NEWLINE_Gerstmann's syndrome is caused by a lesion of the dominant (usually the left) parietal lobe, usually an angular gyrus lesion._NEWLINE_Apraxic agraphia with ideomotor apraxia is typically caused by damage to the superior parietal lobe (where graphomotor plans are stored) or the premotor cortex (where the plans are converted into motor commands). Additionally, some individuals with cerebellar lesions (more typically associated with non-apraxic motor dysfunction) develop apraxic agraphia. Apraxic agraphia without ideomotor apraxia may be caused by damage to either of the parietal lobes, the dominant frontal lobe, or to the dominant thalamus._NEWLINE_Visuospatial agraphia typically has a right hemisphere pathology. Damage to the right frontal area of the brain may cause more motor defects, whereas damage to the posterior part of the right hemisphere leads predominantly to spatial defects in writing. _START_SECTION_ Alzheimer's disease _START_PARAGRAPH_ Agraphia is often seen in association with Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Writing disorders can be an early manifestation of AD. In individuals with AD, the first sign pertaining to writing skills is the selective syntactic simplification of their writing. Individuals will write with less description, detail and complexity, and other markers, such as grammatical errors, may emerge. Different agraphias may develop as AD progresses. In the beginning stages of AD, individuals show signs of allographic agraphia and apraxic agraphia. Allographic agraphia is represented in AD individuals by the mixing of lower and upper case letters in words; apraxic agraphia is represented in AD patients through poorly constructed or illegible letters and omission or over repetition of letter strokes. As their AD progresses, so does the severity of their agraphia; they may begin to form spatial agraphia, which is the inability to write in a straight horizontal line, and there are often unnecessary gaps between letters and words._NEWLINE_A connection between AD and agraphia is the role of memory in normal writing ability. Normal spellers have access to a lexical spelling system that uses a whole-word; when functioning properly, it allows for recall of the spelling of a complete word, not as individual letters or sounds. This system further uses an internal memory store where the spellings of hundreds of words are kept. This is called the graphemic output lexicon and is aptly named in relation to the graphemic buffer, which is the short term memory loop for many of the functions involved in handwriting. When the spelling system cannot be used, such as with unfamiliar words, non-words or words that we do not recognize the spelling for, some people are able to use the phonological process called the sub-lexical spelling system. This system is used to sound out a word and spell it. In AD individuals, memory stores that are used for everyday handwriting are lost as the disease progresses.
_START_ARTICLE_ Agua Caliente Regional Park _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ In 1984 Roy P. Drachman donated over $200,000 to Pima County towards the purchase of the property.
_START_ARTICLE_ Ahmad Azari Qomi _START_SECTION_ Background and career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Azari was born to a family of Sh'ia clerics in Qom in 1925._NEWLINE_Azari started his studies at Qom in 1941 under Ayatollahs Borujerdi, Mohaqqeq-Damad and Tabatabei. Upon finishing his clerical studies, he emigrated to Tabriz in northwest Iran to work as a religious teacher in a boarding school._NEWLINE_Azari was a founding member of the Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom, and a Combatant Clergy Association member. Between 1965 and 1979 he was imprisoned several times. He was judge in the Special Clerical Court after the 1979 revolution. He was a member of the Assembly of Experts that originally elected Khamenei as Khomeini’s successor. He also founded the Resalat Foundation, a religious organisation which owns the Resalat newspaper. Azari-Qomi was originally a staunch conservative. Allegedly, in the midst of the struggle over the Land Reform which the leftist parliament envisioned in the early 1980s, Azari-Qomi asked for Khomeini's permission to found a conservative newspaper, but Khomeini declined. Azari-Qomi tried again a year later. This time, Khomeini did not react to the request, which Azari-Qomi interpreted as a permission. This was the birth of Resalat Newspaper, together with Keyhan one of the most conservative newspapers in Iran. _START_SECTION_ Events leading to death _START_PARAGRAPH_ Grand Ayatollah Ahmad Azari-Qomi was arrested in November 1997 after having published an open letter outside of Iran (inter alia in the London-based independent weekly newspaper Nimrooz) in which he criticized Supreme Leader Khamenei. In the 34-page open letter, Azari-Qomi blamed Khamenei for having initiated the creation of the Ansar-e Hezbollah that was responsible for threatening a number of liberal academics and writers. He accused Khamenei for having set the stage for widespread "moral corruption" among regime officials and clergymen which has "withered the roots of decency." Azari-Qomi also criticized the Islamic Republic for torturing the sons of Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Shirazi. "Even if he rejects the velayat-e faqih, why torture his children? Security organizations should learn from the shameful fate of the SAVAK," Azari-Qomi wrote. Azari-Qomi also appealed to president Khatami to abolish the Special Clerical Court which had arrested and tortured many followers of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi._NEWLINE_In his letter Azari-Qomi proposed that the velayat-e faqih should be split into two different realms of theological authority and political authority. Ayatollah Montazeri should handle religious affairs, while Khamenei could exercise political authority._NEWLINE_Finally, grand ayatollah Azari-Qomi reminded the new president Khatami that with more than 23 million people who voted for him, he had the constitutional possibility to call for a referendum on the extent of the powers and the role of the Supreme Leader. "With their vote in your favour, our brave people have brought the whole of the present leadership under question and I’m proud of it. But, dear Mr President, be careful of not becoming the last of the presidents of the Islamic Republic, for this is what may well be your fate if you do not act now to stop at once present injustices committed under the name of Islam"._NEWLINE_In response, on November 10, 1997, Azeri-Qomi was forcibly expelled from clerical institutes in Qom and his and Ayatollah Montazeri's offices were ransacked._NEWLINE_On November 26, 1997, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, announced in a televised speech that Grand Ayatollahs Montazeri and Azari-Qomi had "committed treason against the people, the revolution and the country," and commanded the Judiciary Branch to ensure they were "punished according to the law."_NEWLINE_Iran News reported on February 5, 1998, that Jomhuri-ye Islami printed an article on a recent meeting in Mashhad between some members of the Assembly of Experts who asked for the expulsion of Azari-Qomi from the Assembly. Ultimately, Azari-Qomi was not expelled from the Assembly of Experts, but his renewed candidacy in 1998 was rejected by the Guardian Council._NEWLINE_He was hospitalized on 1 February 1999 and died shortly thereafter at the age of 74.
_START_ARTICLE_ Ahmad Sharbini _START_SECTION_ Club career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Ahmad Sharbini began his professional career with HNK Rijeka in the Croatian Prva HNL in January 2003, when he signed his first professional contract. In the first four seasons with the club, he scored 39 league goals and 9 cup goals. With 21 goals to his account, he was the club's leading goalscorer in the 2006–07 season. He was also the league's second top goalscorer behind Eduardo da Silva. In late 2007 and early 2008, he had stints with Al-Wahda FC (Abu Dhabi) and FC Luzern. In mid-2008, Sharbini returned to Rijeka, and in the 2008–09 season, with 17 goals in all competitions, he was the club's joint top goalscorer with his brother Anas Sharbini._NEWLINE_After the first league match in the new season, on 13 August 2009, he signed for Hajduk Split with his brother Anas. During his three years with Hajduk, Ahmad scored only 5 goals and most of the time struggled to make the starting line-up. Following his departure from Hajduk, he had three short stints in late 2012 and 2013, with NK Istra 1961, Al-Wehda Club (Mecca) and NK Jedinstvo Bihać, respectively. Following an 18-month break, since August 2015, Ahmad has been playing for NK Rječina in Croatia's fifth tier. Since mid-2014, he has also been serving as the club's chairman. In 2016 he joined NK Grobničan for one season period. _START_SECTION_ International career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Sharbini played in the 2001 FIFA U-17 World Championship in Trinidad and Tobago. He also played for Croatia national under-21 football team. He was capped last on 15 August 2006, against Italy national under-21 football team. _START_SECTION_ Personal life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Ahmad is the older brother of HNK Rijeka winger Anas Sharbini. The two brothers are born of Albanian, Croatian and Palestinian roots and raised in Rijeka, Croatia, to a local Croatian mother and Palestinian father, Jamal Al-Sharbini, Palestinian born in Damascus, Syria. _START_SECTION_ Achievements _START_PARAGRAPH_ Ahmad Sharbini is HNK Rijeka's leading goalscorer in the Croatian First Football League and the Croatian Football Cup with 54 and 14 goals to his account, respectively._NEWLINE_Brothers Ahmad and Anas Sharbini are the only siblings to have scored a hat-trick each in a single match in top-tier European football leagues. In the first round fixture of the 2009–10 Croatian First Football League season against NK Lokomotiva, the brothers took turns. Ahmad opened the scoring after four minutes, Anas doubled the lead in the 27th minute and Ahmad made it 3–0 in the 35th minute. In the second half Anas converted a penalty in 51st minute, Ahmad completed his hat-trick in the 68th minute and two minutes later Anas scored his third goal.
_START_ARTICLE_ Ahmed Ragab (satirist) _START_PARAGRAPH_ Ahmad Ragab (1928–12 September 2014) was an Egyptian satirist whose writings appeared in the newspaper Al-Akhbar. Ragab was known by writing "Nos Kelma" ("Half a Word"), usually a few lines of satire. He is sometimes considered a national institution._NEWLINE_In 1974, Ragab began working with cartoonist Mustafa Hussein to provide ideas and captions for the newspaper's cartoon on its last page, but they had a falling out in 2001._NEWLINE_The Anti-Defamation League criticized Ragab for a 2001 Al-Akhbar column called "Thanks to Hitler", in which he thanked the Nazi leader for the persecution of Jews and wrote "revenge on them was not enough."
_START_ARTICLE_ Aiginetes _START_PARAGRAPH_ Aiginetes was a town of ancient Paphlagonia, inhabited during Roman and Byzantine eras._NEWLINE_Its site is located near Hacıveli in Asiatic Turkey.
_START_ARTICLE_ Ailing Dojčin _START_PARAGRAPH_ Ailing Dojčin (Serbian: Болани Дојчин or Bolani Dojčin, Bulgarian and Macedonian: Болен Дојчин, Bolen Dojčin) is a hero of South Slavic epic poetry, atypical for being depicted as an ill person. _START_SECTION_ Origins _START_PARAGRAPH_ It is unclear whether Ailing Dojčin is based on a historical person. Possible candidates are despots John VII Palaiologos and Andronikos Palaiologos, who governed Salonica from 1402 to 1408 and from 1408 to 1423, respectively. They defended the city from the Ottomans, and they were both known for poor health._NEWLINE_The epic poetry about Ailing Dojčin could have been influenced by the tales of miracles of Saint Demetrius, the patron saint of Salonica. He is said to have saved the city when it was besieged by Slavs and Avars at the end of the 6th century. The saint appeared on the city's walls as a soldier armed with a spear. To enable Dojčin to rise from his bed, his sister firmly wrapped his legs and torso with a bandage, because his bones became disconnected. This reminds of the bones of a saint placed in a reliquary. Ailing Dojčin is also interpreted as "the embodiment of an oppressed and humiliated nation's desire for revenge".
_START_ARTICLE_ Air Equator _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ The airline was established in 2003 and received its air operator's certificate on 10 October 2004 from the Maldives Civil Aviation Department. It started operations on 15 October 2004 with flights from Gan to the capital Malé. It is owned by A Faiz/A Murthy (60%) and Ziaf Enterprises Maldives (40%). Subsequently, majority shares were purchased by SPA Aviation of Sri Lanka. The Airline operations were affected during the Asian tsunami in December 2004 and flew some relief material to affected islands. The Airline was chartered by the media and press accompanying the Turkish Prime Minister when he visited the Maldives for surveying the damage done by the tsunami. The airline discontinued all flights in May 2005 and finally ceased operations in August 2005 after disagreement between SPA Aviation and A. Faiz on financial and administrative control. Capt. Anup Murthy was the GM/CEO of the company and the Maldives CAD approved Accountable Manager for the company from inception. SPA Aviation had plans for reviving the Airline but could not do so as their source of funding did not materialize, till press time early 2006. _START_SECTION_ Fleet _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Air Equator fleet consisted of 1 Fairchild F-27 aircraft (at January 2005). The aircraft still rests in the airline's livery on a grassy area near Gan International Airport
_START_ARTICLE_ Air Niugini Flight 73 _START_SECTION_ Aircraft and crew _START_PARAGRAPH_ The accident aircraft was a Boeing 737-8BK, registration P2-PXE, msn 33024, Boeing line number 1688. It had first flown on 1 April 2005. At the time of the accident the aircraft had accumulated 37,160 hours and 36 minutes flight time in 14,788 cycles._NEWLINE_The aircraft was originally registered VT-AXC for Air India Express and was delivered on 19 April 2005. On 6 July 2005, it was damaged in a runway excursion on landing at Cochin International Airport, India. On 29 July 2010, the aircraft was sold to Jet Airways and was registered VT-JBT. It was sold to CIT Leasing Corporation on 24 July 2013 and registered M-ABGK before being sold to Loftleider, which leased the aircraft to Air Niugini on 13 September 2013. The aircraft was registered P2-PXE. On 12 May 2018, it was struck by Lockheed L-100 Hercules N403LC of Lynden Air Cargo whilst parked at Port Moresby Airport, sustaining damage to its right winglet._NEWLINE_The captain and pilot in command was a 52-year-old Papua New Guinean male who had 19,780 flight hours, including 2,276 hours on the Boeing 737. The first officer was a 35-year-old Australian male who had 4,618 flight hours, with 368 of them on the Boeing 737. An engineer from Loftleider was also on board and was sitting in the cockpit jumpseat. He was filming the landing for recreation purposes using his cell phone. The phone survived the accident and the video was used for the subsequent investigation. _START_SECTION_ Accident _START_PARAGRAPH_ The aircraft was operating an internationally scheduled passenger flight from Pohnpei Airport, FSM to Port Moresby Airport, Papua New Guinea via Chuuk International Airport, FSM. At 10:10 local time (00:10 UTC), the aircraft landed in the Chuuk lagoon 135 metres (443 ft; 148 yd) short of Chuuk International Airport. Initial reports stated that all twelve crew and 35 passengers were rescued by local boats and United States Navy personnel. However, the body of one male passenger was later found by rescue divers searching the accident site. Air Niugini stated that the deceased passenger had been seen by other passengers, evacuating the aircraft. Nine people were taken to hospital. The preliminary report into the accident states that the body of the deceased passenger was recovered from the aircraft. Six people were seriously injured. Some of the injured sustained broken bones. It was reported that there were thunderstorms in the vicinity of the airport at the time of the accident. The aircraft subsequently sank in 30 metres (100 ft) of water. _START_SECTION_ Investigation _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Papua New Guinea Accident Investigation Commission has opened an investigation into the accident._NEWLINE_The Department of Transportation, Communications & Infrastructure in the Federated States of Micronesia opened an investigation. A preliminary report was issued on October 26._NEWLINE_On July 18, 2019, the Papua New Guinea Accident Investigation Commission issued its final report: the flight crew did not comply with Air Niugini Standard Operating Procedures, nor the approach or pre-landing checklists, and did not adequately brief the approach. The flight path became unstable after autopilot disconnect. The Precision Approach Path Indicator was showing three white lights just before entering Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC). The rate of descent significantly exceeded 1,000 feet/min in IMC. The glideslope deviated from half dot low to two dots high within nine seconds after passing the Minimum Descent Altitude. The flight crew heard, but disregarded, thirteen Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) aural alerts (Glideslope and Sink Rate) and flew a 4.5° average glideslope. EGPWS showed a visual PULL UP warning on the Primary Flight Display. The pilots lost situational awareness. The approach was unstabilised, but the captain did not execute a missed approach. The copilot was ineffective and oblivious to the rapidly unfolding unsafe situation. A continuous WHOOP WHOOP PULL UP aural warning could have been effective in alerting the crew of the imminent danger.
_START_ARTICLE_ Airai (Ionia) _START_PARAGRAPH_ Airai (Ancient Greek: Αἰραί) was a town of ancient Ionia, near Erythrae mentioned by Thucydides. It was a polis (city-state), and a member of the Delian League since it appears in tribute records of Athens between the years 454/3 and 427/6 BCE. In the year 411 BCE, during the Peloponnesian War, the Chians caused the cities of Lebedus and Airai, until then allies of Athens, to revolt against it. Then the Athenian Diomedon commanded the ten ships and attacked Airai, but was unable to take it. In Strabo's time it was a small town that belonged to Teos. Airai's silver and bronze coins dating from the 4th century BCE bearing the inscription «ΑΙΡΑΙΩΝ» survive._NEWLINE_Its site is located near the modern Aşağı Demirci, Asiatic Turkey.
_START_ARTICLE_ Airborne Avenger _START_SECTION_ Design and development _START_PARAGRAPH_ With three-axis controls, the Avenger was intended to appeal to conventional light aircraft pilots and was designed to comply with the US FAR 103 Ultralight Vehicles rules, including the category's maximum empty weight of 254 lb (115 kg). The Avenger's standard empty weight is 252 lb (114 kg). It has a strut-braced high-wing, single-seat, open cockpit, single pusher engine configuration, and is equipped with tricycle landing gear using nosewheel steering._NEWLINE_The aircraft is made from bolted-together aluminium tubing, with the wings and tail covered in Dacron sailcloth. The fuselage consists of a single aluminium keel tube that runs from the tail surfaces to the nose wheel. The cockpit is an open seat bolted to the main keel tube. Its 31 ft (9.4 m) span wing has an 80% double surface and features half-span ailerons. The wing is supported by dual parallel lift struts with jury struts. The tricycle landing gear has pneumatic shock suspension and the nosewheel is steerable. There is also a small tail caster as the aircraft sits on its tail with no occupant in the pilot's seat. The landing gear has notably high ground clearance for rough field operations and the engine, mounted on the wing trailing edge, drives a propeller that is protected by the low-mounted tailboom. The standard engine supplied was the Cuyuna 430 of 30 hp (22 kW)._NEWLINE_Available as either a kit for home construction or as a complete aircraft, the Avenger was introduced in the early 1980s when the market was becoming saturated with ultralight designs; as a result, the company quickly went out of business and production ended.
_START_ARTICLE_ Airplane! _START_SECTION_ Plot _START_PARAGRAPH_ Ex-fighter pilot Ted Striker is a traumatized war veteran turned taxi driver. Because of his pathological fear of flying and "drinking problem" (being unable to take a drink without splashing it on his face), he has been unable to hold a responsible job. His wartime girlfriend, Elaine Dickinson, now a flight attendant, leaves him before boarding her assigned flight from Los Angeles to Chicago. Ted abandons his taxi and buys a ticket on the same flight to try to win her back. However, she still continues to reject him during the flight._NEWLINE_After the in-flight meal is served, several of the passengers and the flight crew fall ill, including Captain Oveur. Passenger Dr. Rumack discovers one of the offered courses caused food poisoning. With the flight crew incapacitated, Elaine contacts the Chicago control tower for help, and is instructed by tower supervisor Steve McCroskey to activate the plane's autopilot, a large inflatable pilot doll named "Otto", which will get them to Chicago, but will not be able to land the plane. Elaine and Dr. Rumack convince Ted to take the controls. When Steve learns that Ted is piloting, he contacts Ted's former commanding officer, Rex Kramer, now serving as a commercial pilot, so that he can help talk Ted through landing the plane. Ted becomes troubled when Rex starts giving instructions, and briefly stresses out from flashbacks to the war. Both Elaine and Dr. Rumack bolster Ted's confidence and he takes the controls under Rex's guidance._NEWLINE_As the plane nears Chicago, the weather becomes harsh, making landing difficult. With Elaine's help as co-pilot and Rex's guidance, Ted is able to land the plane safely with the passengers suffering only minor injuries, despite the landing gear being sheared off. Rescue vehicles arrive to help unload the plane. Impressed by Ted's display of courage, Elaine embraces and kisses him, rekindling their relationship. The two watch as "Otto" takes control of the plane, inflates a female companion, and takes off. _START_SECTION_ Production _START_PARAGRAPH_ Jerry Zucker, Jim Abrahams, and David Zucker (collectively known as Zucker, Abrahams and Zucker, or ZAZ), wrote Airplane! while they were performing with the Kentucky Fried Theatre, a theatre group they had founded in 1971. To obtain material for comedy routines, they routinely recorded late night television and reviewed the tapes later primarily to pull the commercials, a process Abrahams compared to "seining for fish". During one such taping process, they unintentionally recorded the 1957 film Zero Hour!, and while scanning the commercials, found that the film was a "perfectly classically structured film" according to Jerry Zucker. Abrahams later described Zero Hour! as "the serious version of Airplane!". It was the first film script they wrote, completed around 1975, and was originally called The Late Show. The script originally stayed close to the dialog and plot of Zero Hour!, as ZAZ considered they did not have a sufficient understanding of film at the time to structure a proper script. ZAZ's script borrowed so much from Zero Hour! that they believed they needed to negotiate the rights to create the remake of the film and ensure they remain within the allowance for parody within copyright law. They were able to obtain the rights from Warner Bros. and Paramount for about $2,500 at the time. The original script contained spoofs of television commercials but people who proofread the script advised them to shorten the commercials, and, eventually, they removed them. When their script was finished they were unable to sell it._NEWLINE_The trio knew director John Landis, who encouraged them to write a film based on their theatre sketches. They managed to put the film, called The Kentucky Fried Movie, in production in the late 1970s, and entered a movie set for the first time. David Zucker said "It was the first time we had ever been on a movie set. We learned a lot. We learned that if you really wanted a movie to come out the way you wanted it to, you had to direct. So on the next movie, Airplane!, we insisted on directing."_NEWLINE_Principal photography began on June 20 and wrapped on August 31, 1979, with the bulk of filming having been done in August. Jerry Zucker stood beside the camera during shooting, while David Zucker and Jim Abrahams would be watching the video feed to see how the film would look; they would confer after each take._NEWLINE_During filming, Leslie Nielsen used a whoopee cushion to keep the cast off-balance. Hays said that Nielsen "played that thing like a maestro". _START_SECTION_ Casting _START_PARAGRAPH_ David Zucker explained that "the trick was to cast actors like Robert Stack, Leslie Nielsen, Peter Graves, and Lloyd Bridges. These were people who, up to that time, had never done comedy. We thought they were much funnier than the comedians of that time were." David Zucker felt Stack was the most important actor to be cast, since he was the "linchpin" of the film's plot. Stack initially played his role in a way that was different from what the directors had in mind. They showed him a tape of impressionist John Byner impersonating Robert Stack. According to the producers, Stack was "doing an impression of John Byner doing an impression of Stack." Stack was not initially interested in the part, but ZAZ persuaded him. Bridges' children advised him to take the part. Graves rejected the script at first, considering it tasteless. On the DVD commentary, Abrahams said, "I don't understand. What did he think was tasteless about pedophilia?" The role of Ted Striker was written for David Letterman, who had previously auditioned the role of the news anchor in Kentucky Fried Movie. Letterman screen tested for the role in 1979, but ultimately was not selected. They cast the relatively unknown Robert Hays, who was a co-star of Angie, and Julie Hagerty to round out the cast, whom the directors advised to play it straight._NEWLINE_For the "red zone/white zone" send-up of curbside terminal announcements in which public address announcers "Betty" and "Vernon" argue over the red and white zones, ZAZ went through the usual process of auditioning professional voice actors but failed to find ones who could provide the desired verisimilitude. Instead, the filmmakers ultimately sought out and hired the real-life married couple who had recorded the announcement tapes which were then being used at Los Angeles International Airport. _START_SECTION_ Score _START_PARAGRAPH_ In 1980, an LP soundtrack for the film was released by Regency Records and included dialog and songs from the film. It was also narrated by Shadoe Stevens, and only featured one score track, the "Love Theme from Airplane" composed by Elmer Bernstein. The soundtrack was altered for the European 'Flying High' release, with several of the featured tracks swapped for pieces original to the LP._NEWLINE_On April 28, 2009 La-La Land Records announced that it would release the first official score album for Airplane!, containing Bernstein's complete score. The soundtrack was released digitally on February 19, 2013, by Paramount Music. _START_SECTION_ Release _START_PARAGRAPH_ Before its release, the directors had been apprehensive, owing to a mediocre response at one of the pre-screenings. But the film earned its entire budget of about $3.5 million in its first weekend of release. Overall, it earned more than $83 million in box office gross for $40 million in rentals, making it the fourth highest-grossing film of 1980. _START_SECTION_ Influence _START_PARAGRAPH_ Peter Farrelly said of the film: "I was in Rhode Island the first time I saw Airplane! Seeing it for the first time was like going to a great rock concert, like seeing Led Zeppelin or the Talking Heads. We didn't realize until later that what we'd seen was a very specific kind of comedy that we now call the Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker school." Farrelly, along with his writing partner Bennett Yellin, sent a comedy script to David Zucker, who in return gave them their first Hollywood writing job. Farrelly said, "I'll tell you right now, if the Zuckers didn't exist, there would be no Farrelly brothers."_NEWLINE_Thirty years later, the documentary Jews and Baseball: An American Love Story opened with a scene from the film._NEWLINE_The Mythbusters tv show episode Airplane Hour reenacted the climax of the film; to see if an inexperienced pilot could land a plane with only a call from Air Traffic Control. The Mythbusters had to use a simulation to test the myth, but concluded that the scene was plausible. They did however mention that most planes today have an autopilot to land the plane safely._NEWLINE_In the 2012 film Ted, the main character, John Bennett, tells the story of how he met Lori Collins. The flashback is a close recreation of the scene where Ted Striker met Elaine Dickinson in the disco._NEWLINE_In early 2014 Delta Air Lines began using a new on-board safety film with many 1980s references, featuring an ending with a cameo of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar reprising his role as co-pilot Roger Murdock._NEWLINE_In 2014 Travel Wisconsin began airing an ad with Robert Hays and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar reprising their roles from the film. Kareem makes the comment "Why did I ever leave this place?" referring to his time playing for the Milwaukee Bucks. Hays also reprises his role as an airline pilot in Sharknado 2: The Second One. _START_SECTION_ Sequel _START_PARAGRAPH_ Airplane II: The Sequel, first released on December 10, 1982, attempted to tackle the science fiction film genre, though there was still emphasis on the general theme of disaster films. Although most of the cast reunited for the sequel, the writers and directors of Airplane! chose not to be involved. In the DVD commentary for Airplane! David Zucker, Jim Abrahams, and Jerry Zucker claim to have never seen nor to have any desire to see Airplane II.
_START_ARTICLE_ Aitor Seguín _START_SECTION_ Club career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Born in Eibar, Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, Seguín joined Athletic Bilbao's youth setup in 2005, aged ten. He made his debut as a senior with the farm team in the 2012–13 campaign, in the fourth tier._NEWLINE_On 26 May 2014, after scoring 11 goals for Basconia, Seguín was promoted to the reserves in Segunda División B. He appeared in 35 matches and scored three goals over the course of the season, as the B-side returned to Segunda División after a 19-year absence, via the play-offs._NEWLINE_Seguín made his professional debut on 24 August 2015, starting in a 0–1 home loss against Girona FC. He scored his first goal in the second tier on 6 September, netting his team's second in a 3–1 home win against RCD Mallorca. In April 2016, having been involved in the majority of the season's fixtures and scored two further goals, Seguín suffered a rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament in his right knee, requiring a lengthy rehabilitation. He returned to the team nine months later at the end of January 2017, but only made seven appearances as a late substitute before the end of the campaign, having undergone minor keyhole surgery on the injury in March._NEWLINE_Seguin featured in two of the first three games of the 2017–18 season, but reported injured in September and did not play again in the calendar year. Similar injuries were endured by Iker Undabarrena, Seguín's long-time teammate (he also joined Athletic's academy as a 10-year-old in 2005) which hampered the development of both players and damaged their hopes of moving up to the senior squad; during their lengthy absences, others performing the same roles – midfielder Mikel Vesga and left winger Iñigo Córdoba – were promoted instead. _START_SECTION_ Personal life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Seguín's elder brother Iker Seguín is also a footballer and a left winger by position; he too was groomed at Athletic Bilbao before leaving to play for other clubs in the lower leagues, serving as captain of third tier SD Amorebieta in 2017.
_START_ARTICLE_ Ajaw _START_SECTION_ Background _START_PARAGRAPH_ The word is known from several Mayan languages both those in pre-Columbian use (such as in Classic Maya), as well as in their contemporary descendant languages (in which there may be observed some slight variations). "Ajaw" is the modernised orthography in the standard revision of Mayan orthography, put forward in 1994 by the Guatemalan Academia de Lenguas Mayas, and now widely adopted by Mayanist scholars. Before this standardisation, it was more commonly written as "Ahau", following the orthography of 16th-century Yucatec Maya in Spanish transcriptions (now Yukatek in the modernised style). In the Maya hieroglyphics writing system, the representation of the word ajaw could be as either a logogram, or spelled-out syllabically. In either case quite a few glyphic variants are known. Not surprisingly, a picture of the king sometimes substitutes for the more abstract day sign. _START_SECTION_ Meaning as "lord" _START_PARAGRAPH_ Ajaw, with a meaning variously rendered as "lord", "ruler", "king" or "leader", denoted any of the leading class of nobles in a particular polity and was not limited to a single individual. Since the ajaw performed religious activities, it also designated a member of the Maya priesthood. The variant kʼuhul ajaw ("divine lord") indicates a sovereign leader of a polity, although the extent of the territory and influence controlled by an ajaw varied considerably, and kʼuhul ajaw could also be applied to persons who in theory recognised the overlordship of another person, dynasty or state. The title was also given to women, though generally prefixed with the sign Ix ("woman") to indicate their gender. _START_SECTION_ Earliest evidence _START_PARAGRAPH_ The archaeological site of Kʼo, associated with the Classic Maya city of Holmul located in modern-day Guatemala, boasts what may be the royal tomb of the earliest known Mayan ruler. This tomb has been dated to 350-300 BC, and it contains the earliest evidence of the institution of ajaw in the Maya Lowlands.
_START_ARTICLE_ Ajristan District _START_SECTION_ Geography _START_PARAGRAPH_ Ajristan (or Hujiristan) was previously including most part of the Hazara homeland. Ajristan has currently an area of 2,653 km² (1,024 sq mi) and consists of a series of valleys. The hills Shah Tus Aka Ghar and Koishafil surround Ajristan and act as natural barriers. There are no natural boundaries between Ajristan and adjoining districts of Malistan to the northeast, Ghizao and Sangi Masha to the east, and Daya Chopan. The closest major city is Ghazni to the west. Ajristan lies in the lap of several mountain ranges, which are the extensions of Shah Tus Baba, so a larger part consists of high mountains and hills. The ranges are irregularly placed: some extend to the west; others to the east, but the general direction is north-south. The mountain ranges enclose many small valleys. In the middle of the valley passes the Jikhai River, a major source of water, especially for agriculture. _START_SECTION_ Demographics _START_PARAGRAPH_ Ajristan was historically part of Uruzgan Province, when it was called Daya wa Polad. Hazara people were the original inhabitants of the district until 1880's. After their disastrous defeat in the early 1890s, they were mostly killed or driven out. The district is now dominated by the Pashtun. However, some Hazara remnants are still living there as the minority. Pashto is the language spoken by majority of Ajristani residents. Other languages include Persian. Pashton peoples in this area originate mostly from the Mulla Khail Tribe. _START_SECTION_ Climate _START_PARAGRAPH_ Ajristan has a semi-arid climate with a significant temperature variation between summer and winter. Summer starts in late May and continues until early September with average temperatures ranging from 24–26 °C (75–78 °F). The highest recorded temperature is 42 °C (108 °F) on 10 July 1998. Autumn begins in late September and continues until mid-November with average temperatures in the 12–18 °C (55–65 °F) range. Winter starts in late November and ends in late March, with average temperatures near 4–5 °C (39–41 °F). The lowest recorded temperature was −18.3 °C (−0.9 °F) on 8 January 1970. Spring starts in early April and ends in late May with average temperatures near 15 °C (60 °F). Unlike areas to the east, Ajristan does not have a monsoon season of heavy rainfall. Highest recorded rainfall within 24 hours is 113 millimetres (4.4 in) on 17 December 2000. Highest recorded monthly rainfall is 232.4 millimetres (9.15 in) in March 1982, and the highest recorded annual rainfall 949.8 millimetres (37.39 in) was in 1982. Snowfall occurs primarily in December, January, and February and is the principal precipitation in the winter._NEWLINE_During a severe drought from 1999 to 2001, Ajristan did not receive any snowfall, and rainfall was below normal levels. In 2003, the district received significant snowfall after a long drought. In 2004 and 2005, it received normal rains for the first time in three years with some snowfall, while in 2006, 2007, and 2009, the district received no snow. In 2008, Ajristan received four inches of snow in four hours on 29 January 2008. On 2 February 2008, Ajristan received ten inches of snow in 10 hours, the heaviest snowfall for the district in the last ten years. During the winter of 2010, it received no snow and suffered below normal levels of rainfall due to El-Nino. _START_SECTION_ Economy _START_PARAGRAPH_ The severe droughts and winters have taken a toll on the economy, which is based mostly on agriculture and other locally grown products. A 2009 paper describes Ajristan residents "eating alfalfa, which is...detrimental to the human digestive system," a problem compounded by the lack of adequate medical care in the area. Most karezes have dried, so the district relies on a few wells and the Jikhai River for water.
_START_ARTICLE_ Aka (Burmese martial arts) _START_SECTION_ Aka in Hanthawaddy Bando _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Hanthawaddy style contains nine basic forms and nine animal forms, as well as several weapon forms.
_START_ARTICLE_ Akhund Mullah Mohammad Kashani _START_SECTION_ Life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Akhund Mullah Mohammad Kashani, known as lunar tiles in 1833 was born in Kashan. In place of his birth date and age of his birth is not mentioned during the 84 years of his life, to guess. According to Syed Jalaluddin Homai, he, along with Jahangir Khan Qashqai as two distinguished professor in philosophy and jurisprudence, literature and jurisprudence have. He taught for fifty years and foster outstanding students in the fields of intellectual and traditional sciences. He died in 1914 in Isfahan and was buried in Takht-e Foulad.
_START_ARTICLE_ Akira Sasō _START_PARAGRAPH_ Akira Sasō (Japanese: さそう あきら Hepburn: Sasō Akira, born 1961) is a Japanese illustrator and educator. He has won a Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize and two Japan Media Arts Awards, the latter for his manga Shindō (1997–98) and Maestro (2003–07). _START_SECTION_ Biography _START_PARAGRAPH_ Sasō was born in Takarazuka, Hyōgo, Japan, in 1961. He completed his secondary education at Ikeda Senior High School in Osaka, then attended the Faculty of Literature at Waseda University, graduating in 1984. That year he made his debut in manga with Shiroi shiroi natsu yanen, which was published in seinen oriented Young Magazine in 1984. By the late 1990s he had finished such works as Busy Love (Ai ga isogashii) and There is No Tomorrow for Us (Oretachi ni Asu wa Naissu)._NEWLINE_Between 1997 and 1998 Sasō wrote Shindō (The Prodigy), which was published in Manga Action in four volumes. It follow Uta, a young musical prodigy who rejects her gifts in her grief over her father's disappearance. For this manga, Sasō received the 3rd Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize, as well as a Japan Media Arts Award for Excellence. Receiving the latter award, Sasō stated that he had attempted to convey sound through his narrative. The Japan Media Arts Council stated that the manga's "delicate illustrations express the tempestuous emotions of the young girl and boy, while also creating a rhythm for the piano music". A film version of the manga, directed by Koji Hagiuda and starring Riko Narumi and Kenichi Matsuyama, was released in 2007._NEWLINE_In early 2004 Sasō began publishing Kodomo no Kodomo (Child's Child) in Manga Action. The manga's three volumes followed Haruna, an 11-year-old fifth grader who became pregnant after having sex with her childhood friend Hiroyuki. In 2008 the story was adapted to film, with Haruna Amari in the lead role._NEWLINE_Sasō's Maestro (マエストロ) won a Japan Media Arts Award for Excellence in 2008, and was nominated for the Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize. Published in Futabasha's Manga Action, and later its website, from 2003 to 2007, the comic follows an unorthodox conductor named Tendō who leads an orchestra and restores its members confidence. A film adaptation, directed by Shōtarō Kobayashi and starring Tori Matsuzaka and Toshiyuki Nishida, is scheduled for 2015._NEWLINE_From February to August 2008, Sasō published an adaptation of Yōjirō Takita's film Departures, serialized in twelve instalments in the bi-weekly Big Comic Superior. He agreed to take on the adaptation as he was impressed by Kundō Koyama's script. Sasō had the opportunity to view the film before beginning the adaptation, and came to feel that a too-literal adaptation would not be appropriate. He made changes to the settings and physical appearances of the characters, and increased the focus on the role of music in the story. Later in 2008 the serial was compiled in a 280-page volume released by Shogakukan._NEWLINE_Sasō has written a variety of manga, including Toto's World (about a child who is unable to speak) and Fujisan. Toto's World was adapted to film by NHK. In June 2014 he was one of twenty artists to collaborate on a special Godzilla manga, published by Big Comic Original in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the title character. Sasō became a professor at the Department of Manga at Kyoto Seika University in 2006.
_START_ARTICLE_ Al-Badawi al-Mulaththam _START_SECTION_ Early life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Yaqoub was born in Al Karak in Jordan in 1909, and his father Hanna was the first mayor of Karak during the Turkish rule, his mother is Hadba Jaber Al Odat. _START_SECTION_ Education _START_PARAGRAPH_ Al Oudat received his primary education at the School of Roman Orthodo' and Al Maaref school and then dropped out of school because of the death of his father, he later continued and moved to the Secondary School of Irbid. He finished his secondary education in 1931._NEWLINE_Al Oudat wished to pursue his graduate studies in Law at the Damascus University but his limited financial resources prevented him to continue his education. _START_SECTION_ Career _START_PARAGRAPH_ After graduating from high school, Al Oudat was appointed as a teacher in Amman, he taught Arabic literature and history, he then moved to teach in Jerash and Ramthawhere he continued teaching for six years._NEWLINE_He began writing and publishing his articles in 1926 in newspapers and magazines in Jordan, Syria and Egypt, with the signatures of aliases like (Abu Baroud), (Hammad Al Badawi), (Abu Natharat), (Nawaf), (Fata Muab), (Fata Al Badeya) and finally Al Badawi Al Mulatham (Literally in Arabic The Veiled Bedouin after a bedouin camel rider he glanced in Amman._NEWLINE_Al Oudat died by heart attack on 23 September 1971.
_START_ARTICLE_ Al-Tha'alibi _START_PARAGRAPH_ Abū Manşūr al-Tha'ālibī, Abd al-Mālik ibn Muḥammad ibn Ismā’īl (أبو منصور الثعالبي، عبد الملك بن محمد بن إسماعيل), (961–1038), was a writer of Persian or Arab ethnicity, native of Nishapur, Persia, famous for his anthologies and collections of epigrams. As a writer of prose and verse in his own right, distinction between his and the work of others is sometimes lacking, as was the practice of writers of the time.
_START_ARTICLE_ Al Donahue _START_PARAGRAPH_ Al Donahue (June 12, 1904, Dorchester, Massachusetts - February 20, 1983, Fallbrook, California) was an American violinist and big band leader._NEWLINE_Donahue got his start playing in Boston-area campus bands and led a band at Boston's Weber Duck Inn in 1925. The ensemble attracted enough notice to obtain engagements at Florida hotels; one of these, the Bermudiana, contracted with Donahue to set up bands to play at all its hotels, as well as onboard Eastern Steamship ocean liners. During the mid-1930s he substituted for Ray Noble as leader at the Rainbow Room of Rockefeller Center. Over time he moved from playing sweet pop music to swing music and toured nationally. He took an engagement at the Palladium in Hollywood immediately after Glenn Miller's departure. Paula Kelly, Dee Keating, Lynne Stevens, Phil Brito, and Snooky Lanson all served as vocalists in his ensemble at times._NEWLINE_Donahue recorded copiously between 1935 and 1942, recording for Decca Records, Vocalion, and Okeh. His biggest hit was a rendition of "Jeepers Creepers", which went to #1 on the Billboard chart in 1938._NEWLINE_After World War II he moved the ensemble again toward light music, playing throughout the West Coast and appearing in films such as Sweet Genevieve. Later, he would return to cruise ships once more, directing music for the Furness Bermuda Line; from 1950 to 1963 he played on the Queen of Bermuda and the Ocean Monarch. He opened a record store in Bermuda, but the government took the store over, forcing Donahue to abandon the business. Following this, he settled in Oceanside, California, where he ran a store called Ponzi's House of Music until his death.
_START_ARTICLE_ Al Egda _START_SECTION_ Etymology _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Arabic word "oqda" is roughly translated to "hold on to" in English. As the area is a rawda (depression), it would collect and retain vast amounts of water and sediments during rainy season, hence its name. _START_SECTION_ Infrastructure _START_PARAGRAPH_ Al Uqdah Equestrian Complex opened to the public in 2013. Strategically centered just outside Al Khor City, it is one of the most important equestrian facilities in the country. It accommodates no less than 1,000 horses, and its infrastructure includes a horse training area, indoor show halls and outdoor arenas._NEWLINE_In 2015 the Public Works Authority included Al Egda in a project geared towards improving the sewage and road infrastructure, alongside Al Heedan and Al Khor City. Since then, the Al Khor Municipal Council has requested that the government distribute housing vouchers in the district. According to statements made by government officials in March 2017, the infrastructure projects in Al Egda will be completed by 2020 in order to meet the needs of 254 housing vouchers which had been allocated by the government.
_START_ARTICLE_ Al Rihan _START_SECTION_ Etymology _START_PARAGRAPH_ Al Rehan (pronounced /Al re-han) is the village's name in Arabic and refers to its namesake, Mount Rehan. Both village and mount are named after the Basil (Rehan in Arabic) plant that grows abundantly in the area. _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ In the 1596 tax records, it was named as a village, 'Wad Rihan, in the Ottoman nahiya (subdistrict) of Sagif under the liwa' (district) of Safad, with a population of 47 households, all Muslim. The villagers taxes on agricultural products, such as goats and beehives, in addition to "occasional revenues" and a fixed sum; a total of 4,250 akçe.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alabama Department of Transportation _START_SECTION_ ALDOT Mission Statement _START_PARAGRAPH_ To provide a safe, efficient, environmentally sound intermodal transportation system for all users, especially the taxpayers of Alabama. To also facilitate economic and social development and prosperity through the efficient movement of people and goods and to facilitate intermodal connections within Alabama. ALDOT must also demand excellence in transportation and be involved in promoting adequate funding to promote and maintain Alabama's transportation infrastructure.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alabama House of Representatives, District 2 _START_PARAGRAPH_ District 2 is the second district in the Alabama House of Representatives. Its current representative is Lynn Greer. It was created in 1966.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alabama State Route 96 _START_SECTION_ Lamar County _START_PARAGRAPH_ SR 96 begins at the eastern terminus of MS 50 in the southwest corner of Lamar County, at the border of Mississippi and about 5 miles (8.0 km) east of Columbus, Mississippi. (MS 50 heads westerly to northwestern Columbus and a junction with U.S. Route 82.) From its western terminus, SR 96 runs easterly as a two-lane road. (For nearly the length of its route, SR 96 runs roughly parallel to, but south of, Luxapallila Creek and the Luxapalila Valley Railroad tracks.) From the state line, SR 96 heads east-northeast for about 6 miles (9.7 km) to reach a T intersection with the northern end of Liberty Road (Lamar County Road 75). Continuing east for about 5 more miles (8.0 km), it crosses Gentry Creek, Shelton Branch,, and Propst Creek, as it enters the town of Millport. Just before crossing Propst Creek, the route widens to four lanes._NEWLINE_Within Millport the road signed as "HWY 96" as it continues east to cross several city streets, including College Drive (which is also signed as Lamar County Road 27 heading south), before reaching the T intersection with northbound Alabama State Route 17 (SR 17) in the middle of town. (Within Millport, except for its concurrency with SR 96, SR 17 is signed as "HWY 17".) From that junction SR 17 heads north (crossing Luxapallila Creek) toward Hightogy and Vernon; and SR 96 continues east as a three-lane (with a center left-turn lane) running concurrent with southbound SR 17, but still signed as "HWY 96". After crossing Driver Creek and several more city streets SR 96/SR 17 connects with the northern end of Lamar County Road 3 (signed as "County Rd 3"). Just east of this junction the route returns to a two-lane road (loosing its center left-turn lane) and remains as such for the remainder of the route. Turning slightly north, SR 96/SR 17 connects with the ends of several more city streets and crosses Crane Creek before leaving Millport._NEWLINE_After heading east-northeast for about 2 miles (3.2 km) SR 96/SR 17 crosses Rushing Creek and Clear Creek before reaching the town of Kennedy. Just after entering town, SR 96/SR 17 reaches a T intersection with southbound SR 17. (Within Kennedy, except for its concurrency with SR 96, SR 17 is again signed as "HWY 17".) From that junction, SR 17 heads southerly toward Palmetto and Reform; and SR 96 continues east-northeast. After connecting with the ends of several city streets, SR 96 crosses Lamar County Road 49 (CR 49) at a four-way intersection in the center of town. (CR 49 heads north as Alley Street [crossing Luxapallila Creek] toward Kingville and south as Pickens Street to SR 17.) After connecting with the ends of several more city streets, SR 96 reaches a T intersection with the northern end of Gorto Road (Lamar County Road 2) before leaving Kennedy. Upon leaving Kennedy, the route turns north-northeast and, about 2.7 miles (4.3 km) later, the route leaves Lamar County and enters Fayette County. _START_SECTION_ Fayette County _START_PARAGRAPH_ Just after entering Fayette County, SR 96 very briefly curves north and slightly west before curving back to a northeastern course. About 1 mile (1.6 km) into the county, SR 96 enters the town of Belk and quickly comes to a T intersection with the northern end of Fayette County Road 1 (CR 1), which heads south-southeasterly to connect with the northern end of Fayette County Road 4 and then ends at Alabama State Route 159. After the junction with CR 1, SR 96 turns north-northeast to cross Beaver Creek and then connect with the ends of several city streets before crossing Fayette County Road 6 (CR 6) at a four-way intersection. (CR 6 heads northwest [crossing Luxapallila Creek] to a junction with the eastern end of Lamar County Road 20 and then quickly ends at Lamar County Road 41. SR 6 heads southeasterly to end at a junction with Fayette County Road 4.) Continuing north-northeast within Belk, SR 96 (now also signed as "1st Street" through the rest of [the north part of] town) connects with the ends of several more city streets before turning northeast and leaving town._NEWLINE_Just after leaving Belk, SR 96 connects with the western end of Fayette County Road 16 (CR 16) at a T intersection. (CR 16 forms a southern loop off of SR 96, connecting with the western end of Fayette County Road 108 [CR 108] along the way.) About 2 miles (3.2 km) further on, SR 96 reaches the southern end of Fayette County Road 37 (CR 37) at another T intersection within the unincorporated community of Covin. (CR 37 heads east to cross Luxapalila Valley Railroad and then north to cross Fayette County Route 23 before ending at SR 18.) Also in Covin, SR 96 turns easterly (leaving the valley of the Luxapalila Creek) and continues on to a T intersection with the southern end of Fayette County Road 21 South (CR 21) in the unincorporated community of Cedar Hill. (CR 21 heads north to a junction with SR 18.) Just after the CR 21 junction, SR 96 comes to its eastern junction with CR 16 at another T intersection, also in Cedar Hill. (This section of the CR 16 loop is signed as Country Club Road.) About 0.8 miles (1.3 km) further east, SR 96 connects with Fayette County Road 106 (CR 106) at a four-way intersection. (CR 106 heads north as Taylor Road to connect with SR 18 in the city of Fayette and south as Valley View Road to end at CR 108.)_NEWLINE_SR 96 then enters Fayette and quickly, but very briefly, turns north, then northeast before reaching its western terminus at SR 18 (Columbus Street West) at a three-way intersection on the western edge of the main part of town. (SR 18 heads northwest to Vernon and then southwest to the Mississippi state line [terminating at the northern end of Mississippi Highway 12]. SR 18 heads easterly to connect with U.S. Route 43 [US 43] at the northern end of Alabama State Route 107. SR 18 then leaves Fayette and continues east, running concurrent with US 43 for just over 13 miles [21 km] until US 43 turns south, while SR 18 continues east-northeasterly to its eastern terminus at Alabama State Route 69, just south of Oakman.)
_START_ARTICLE_ Alain Bouchard _START_SECTION_ Early life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Alain Bouchard was born in Chicoutimi, Quebec and was influenced by his father, Jean-Paul Bouchard, going bankrupt when Bouchard was a boy. Bouchard's father owned and managed a road-construction business in Quebec. When his father's company went bankrupt, the family moved to a mobile home in the village of Micoua. _START_SECTION_ Career _START_PARAGRAPH_ At nineteen, Bouchard worked as a stock boy in his brother's Perrette milk store and in 1969 was hired by Perrette's owner to scout and set up new stores. At age 24, Bouchard began working for the grocer, Provigo, and given the responsibility of implementing a new convenience store concept, branded as Provi-Soir. In the late 1970s, Bouchard worked independently as a retailer before founding Alimentation Couche-Tard in 1980. Serving as Chief Executive Officer of Alimentation Couche-Tard from 1980 to 2014, Bouchard led the company as it expanded from one convenience store to more than 12,500 convenience stores around the world. Maintaining a decentralized organization structure and using the best ideas found in the organization has been noted by Bouchard as factors in Couche-Tard's success. In 2003 the company acquired U.S. based Circle K. _START_SECTION_ Organizations and recognition _START_PARAGRAPH_ Bouchard was a member of the board of Québecor from 1997 to 2009. With a net worth of US$3.9 billion in 2019, Bouchard is in the top 10 of richest people in the province of Quebec and top 25 in Canada and was named Canada's Outstanding CEO of the Year for 2012. He is the recipient of an International Horatio Alger Award. _START_SECTION_ Personal life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Bouchard is married and a father of four children Jonathan, Karinne, Camille and Rose.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alaina Huffman _START_SECTION_ Biography _START_PARAGRAPH_ Huffman was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada as Alaina Kalanj. She is of Croatian ancestry. At the age of thirteen, Huffman went to her first audition for a Fox Family Channel pilot. Despite the competition, she was offered the main role. However, a model scout recruited Huffman and she was set to model in high fashion runways in Europe and Japan for the following years._NEWLINE_When her parents moved to Dallas she saw the opportunity to live in the United States and enroll in college, leaving modeling behind. While in school, she took on acting roles in a series of independent films. Eventually she moved to Los Angeles where she added more television credits to her resume._NEWLINE_Alaina has four children with her ex-husband John Huffman: sons Elijah and Lincoln, and daughters Hanna and Charley-Jane. Charley-Jane was born December 8, 2009. The latter pregnancy coincided with the first season of Stargate Universe, and was written into the plot. She announced on Twitter that she had given birth to Lincoln, on December 15, 2011.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alan Brogan _START_SECTION_ Early years: 2002 - 2005 _START_PARAGRAPH_ Brogan made his debut for Dublin in 2002 against Wexford._NEWLINE_Brogan finished the 2005 All-Ireland Senior Football Championship with 2-20 compared to his league total of 0-03. He was on the Dublin team that won the 2005 Leinster Senior Football Championship against Laois at Croke Park, finishing the game with just 0-01._NEWLINE_He was named on Ireland's preliminary international rules squad but opted out due to injury. _START_SECTION_ 1st and 2nd All Star years: 2006 - 2007 _START_PARAGRAPH_ In the 2006 NFL game against Tyrone, Brogan was sent off for two yellow card offences and suspended for eight weeks in accordance with Rule 140. Brogan, Ciarán Whelan, Bryan Cullen and Kevin Bonner, along with Tyrone's Kevin Hughes, Michael McGee and Owen Mulligan were exonerated of all charges, the official reason given being 'a technicality'._NEWLINE_Brogan finished the 2006 season with only 0-06 in the O'Byrne Cup. His 2006 NFL tally was 1-08, well behind his Dublin counterparts Tomás Quinn 3-22 (2-0 pens, 0-13f, 0-4 '45') and Conal Keaney 2-12 (0-6f). He was part of the Dublin team that beat Offaly to win a Leinster senior title that year. He was tipped, by some (including those at the to win an All Star. Ahead of the Dublin Senior Club Football Championship quarter-final with his club St Oliver plunketts, Brogan was a doubt for the game after being taken off in the match with a suspected broken wrist. The injury proved minor and he went on to take Plunketts as far as a controversial loss against Na Fianna in the quarter-final of the 2006 Dublin championship. The club success continued with a Dublin league division two title which gives Brogans team automatic promotion to the top division in Dublin football which is Division one._NEWLINE_In 2006, he won his first All Star in the half forward line for his performances with Dublin. Seán Boylan named him in his compromise rules squad to play Australia in the first test at Pearse Stadium on 29 October 2006. Brogan was named on the inaugural GPA Gaelic Team of the Year which began in 2006. He was named at centre half-forward on the 2006 Dublin Bus/Evening Herald Blue Star football XV._NEWLINE_Brogan had a disappointing league campaign as Dublin were relegated from NFL division one in 2007. Yet he won the 2007 Leinster Senior Football Championship but Dublin were knocked out of the All-Ireland by Kerry in the semi-final. He was awarded an All Star at left half forward. _START_SECTION_ Dublin captaincy: 2008 _START_PARAGRAPH_ Brogan captained the 2008 Dublin senior team. He made his debut as captain against Carlow in the O'Byrne Cup. He won the Dublin AFL Division 1 title with his club St Oliver Plunketts Eoghan Ruadh. It was the first league title in the club's history. With Dublin he won the 2008 O'Byrne Cup by beating Longford in the final._NEWLINE_He won his fifth Leinster title in 2008, with Dublin beating Wexford by 3-23 to 0-9 and setting a new record biggest Leinster final win. Brogan scored 1-03. _START_SECTION_ Later years: 2009 - _START_PARAGRAPH_ In 2009, Brogan won another Leinster title with Dublin, but his season ended with defeat to Kerry in the All-Ireland quarter-final._NEWLINE_Brogan scored 0-03 points for Dublin against Wexford in the 2011 Leinster Senior Football Championship at Croke Park. Dublin finished the game as Leinster champions with a 2-12 to 1-12 win. In a repeat of the previous years All-Ireland quarter-final, Dublin were drawn against Tyrone. Brogan produced another solid performance for Dublin, scoring 0-03 in a game that forward Connolly dominated play. Dublin ended the game with a comfortable win at a packed Croke Park. The game ended 0-22 to 0-15 and Dublin went on to meet Ulster Champions Donegal the All-Ireland semi-final. Brogan failed to score a goal in a game that finished on a low scoreline of 0-08 to 0-06. Dublin were in an All-Ireland final for the first time since 1995 - their opponents, historical rivals Kerry. Brogan only scored 0-02. Dublin won 1-12 to 1-11, coming from behind in the last four minutes. On 21 October 2011, Brogan won his third All Star and succeeded brother Bernard as All Stars Footballer of the Year._NEWLINE_On 20 September 2015, Brogan won his third All-Ireland title when Dublin defeated Kerry by 0-12 to 0-9 in the final. Brogan came on for the last four minutes of the game and got Dublin's last point of the game._NEWLINE_On 15 December 2015, Brogan announced his retirement from inter-county football._NEWLINE_In a statement he said "Today I would like to announce my retirement from inter-county football. I leave behind a wonderfully gifted football team but take with me many great memories, friendships and bonds. I would like to thank all the players that I soldiered with and against, and the managers and mentors who have guided me from an early age when I began the pursuit of my sporting dreams."
_START_ARTICLE_ Alan Cathcart, 3rd Earl Cathcart _START_SECTION_ Biography _START_PARAGRAPH_ Alan Frederick Cathcart was educated in Edinburgh at the Scottish Naval and Military Academy, which was founded in 1825 and closed in 1869. He joined the British Army in Canada as a member of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers. He was an Honorary Colonel of the 1st Volunteer Battalion Yorkshire Regiment, assisted in raising the battalion, and was awarded the Volunteer Officers' Decoration. Upon his marriage he resigned from the army and devoted himself to agriculture and county business in Yorkshire. Cathcart was president of the Royal Agricultural Society in 1872–1873. He owned 5554 acres._NEWLINE_On 2 April 1850 Cathcart married Elizabeth Mary (1831–1902), the eldest daughter and heiress of Sir Samuel Crompton, 1st Baronet. There were five sons and six daughters from the marriage. In 1894 he was awarded an Hon. LL.D. by the University of Cambridge.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alan John Beale _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ 1958: Headed a team that isolated some of the viruses that cause croup while working in The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alan Murchison _START_SECTION_ Personal _START_PARAGRAPH_ Murchison is married to Fiona and has four children._NEWLINE_He is a talented amateur cyclist and duathlete, becoming European Age Group sprint duathlon champion in 2013 at the championships held in Horst, the Netherlands.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alastair Lyons _START_SECTION_ Early life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Alastair Lyons was born on 18 October 1953. He was educated at the Whitgift School, and he graduated from Trinity College, Cambridge, where he earned an MA in Economics. _START_SECTION_ Career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Lyons began his career at PricewaterhouseCoopers in 1974. He worked briefly at N M Rothschild & Sons in 1979, followed by H. P. Bulmer until 1989, and Asda until 1991._NEWLINE_Lyons served as the chairman of the Admiral Group from 2000 to April 2017. He was also the chairman of Serco from 2010 to 2015. He has been the deputy chairman of Bovis Homes since 2008. In July 2016, he succeeded Robert Ayling as the chairman of Welsh Water. He commenced his role as the new chairman of Harworth Group on 7 March 2018. _START_SECTION_ Personal life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Lyons married Judith Shauneen Rhodes in 1980. They have a son and two daughters.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alböke Church _START_SECTION_ History and architecture _START_PARAGRAPH_ A church has existed on the site since the Middle Ages. The presently visible church was however erected 1859–62. Building material for the church tower was taken from the old church. The church contains a Romanesque baptismal font, probably made by the artist known as Master Byzantios on Gotland. The pulpit and altarpiece both date from 1794.
_START_ARTICLE_ Albert Lea Township, Freeborn County, Minnesota _START_SECTION_ Geography _START_PARAGRAPH_ According to the United States Census Bureau, the township has a total area of 26.2 square miles (68 km²), of which 23.4 square miles (61 km²) of it is land and 2.8 square miles (7.3 km²) of it (10.88%) is water. _START_SECTION_ Demographics _START_PARAGRAPH_ As of the census of 2000, there were 808 people, 326 households, and 237 families residing in the township. The population density was 34.6 people per square mile (13.4/km²). There were 336 housing units at an average density of 14.4/sq mi (5.6/km²). The racial makeup of the township was 98.89% White, 0.12% Native American, 0.62% from other races, and 0.37% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 3.09% of the population._NEWLINE_There were 326 households out of which 28.5% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 63.8% were married couples living together, 6.1% had a female householder with no husband present, and 27.3% were non-families. 21.5% of all households were made up of individuals and 8.3% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.48 and the average family size was 2.84._NEWLINE_In the township the population was spread out with 22.4% under the age of 18, 8.8% from 18 to 24, 23.5% from 25 to 44, 29.6% from 45 to 64, and 15.7% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 42 years. For every 100 females, there were 106.6 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 101.6 males._NEWLINE_The median income for a household in the township was $42,500, and the median income for a family was $51,136. Males had a median income of $35,179 versus $22,500 for females. The per capita income for the township was $18,628. About 4.3% of families and 10.1% of the population were below the poverty line, including 18.1% of those under age 18 and 8.7% of those age 65 or over.
_START_ARTICLE_ Albert Meysey-Thompson _START_PARAGRAPH_ Albert Childers Meysey-Thompson (13 July 1848 – 20 March 1894) was an English barrister and an amateur footballer who played for Wanderers in the 1872 FA Cup Final and for Old Etonians in the 1875 and 1876 FA Cup Finals. _START_SECTION_ Family and education _START_PARAGRAPH_ Born in York as Albert Childers Thompson, he was the son of Sir Harry Meysey-Thompson, 1st Baronet (1809–1874) and Elizabeth Anne Croft._NEWLINE_Albert's brother Charles played for Wanderers in the 1873 FA Cup Final and the Old Etonians in the first match of the replayed 1876 FA Cup Final._NEWLINE_Thompson was educated at Eton College and Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. in 1871. He began studying law at Lincoln's Inn in 1869, before migrating to the Inner Temple in 1872. _START_SECTION_ Sports career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Thompson had played football at Eton, and continued while in university for Cambridge University and the Eton Cambridge Football Club._NEWLINE_He played at half-back or full-back. C.W. Alcock variously described him as "...the king of backs. The ease with which he kicks the ball in the most difficult positions suggests the belief that at one time in his life he must have gone into training with a view to an acrobatic career." He was also praised as "the best half-back out, an unerring kick and the most reliable back against any team", while in 1876 it was said: "Still holds his own as a half-back; one of the most brilliant kickers of the day"._NEWLINE_At the first F.A. Cup Final of 1872, the combination of himself and full-back Edgar Lubbock at play with faultless kicking was said to be a great feature of the match as they repulsed all attempts by the Royal Engineers team to score against the Wanderers, who won 1–0._NEWLINE_His next two Cup Finals were played for the Old Etonians. He was in their team in the 1–1 drawn first match between them and the Royal Engineers on 13 March 1875 at Kennington Oval, but was unavailable for the replay three days later when the Engineers defeated them in his absence. History repeated itself the following year, when they played against the Wanderers, when again they drew 1–1. In the same match his brother Charles was a teammate on the left but neither brother appeared in the replay, when Wanderers beat them 3–0._NEWLINE_Thompson appeared in both the England v Scotland representative international matches in 1872. He also played in representative matches for London and the counties of Middlesex and Surrey._NEWLINE_He was also a cricketer and a member of the M.C.C.. _START_SECTION_ Legal career and later life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Thompson was called to the bar on 6 June 1872 and practised as a barrister on the North-Eastern Circuit, becoming a Q.C.._NEWLINE_He died, aged forty-five, at his home in Marylebone, London, on 20 March 1894, three days after returning home from the West Coast of the United States where he wintered because of failing health over his last three years. He was buried in the parish churchyard at Holy Trinity, Little Ouseburn, Yorkshire.
_START_ARTICLE_ Albert Servaes _START_SECTION_ Life and career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Albert Servaes was born in the city of Ghent, in the Flanders region of Belgium. He painted from a young age, and was mostly self-taught. At the age of 23, Servaes joined a community of artists outside of Ghent, in Sint-Martens-Latem. He became religiously interested while living in the community, and he befriended members of the church. At this time, he developed an interest in religious works and mysticism, which would play a major part in the first Latem School he would join. Servaes struggled to live off his paintings early in his career, but he gained fame and recognition in Ghent and Belgium during World War I. Several of his exhibitions near Ghent solidified his name in the regional art discourse while also stabilizing him financially. _NEWLINE_Servaes was a member of the first Latem school of Painting, which was focused on mystical realism. Other members of the school included George Minne, Gustave van de Woestijne, Valerius De Saedeleer, and Albijn Van den Abeele. The school’s mystical realism orientation was a reaction to the Paris-based Impressionist art that had dominated the painting world for the previous half-century. With George Minne, Servaes gained international recognition because of major exhibits in Brussels and Amsterdam. _NEWLINE_Servaes and other painters of the time were forced to innovate in order to keep their livelihood alive. Photographers were intruding on an industry that had once been dominated by painters. In order to gain attention from critics and the public, artists in the early 20th century had to be original. This contrasts past painters who worked toward a mastery of the common painting techniques such as the use of light and color. Since photography could easily portray exactly what an artist sees, painters needed to find a fresh method to express themselves. Servaes innovated in his work using painting techniques that founded Flemish Expressionism. He experimented with different ways to show his personal emotions through his paintings._NEWLINE_Because of his sympathies for Nazi cultural policy during the occupation of Belgium in World War II, Servaes fled to Switzerland in 1944 where he would remain until his death in 1966. _START_SECTION_ Expressionist Techniques _START_PARAGRAPH_ Common themes of Servaes paintings were landscapes, agricultural scenes, and subjects from the Bible. He pioneered the expressionist style in Flanders using several techniques. The first was a blurring of perspective that was first found in Impressionism. Servaes combined this technique with a use of earth colors to create a gloomy tone in many of his works. An example of this is his 1914 landscape Petit Chemin, which translates as "a small path" or a "small way." The earth tones in this painting show his exclusive use of somber colors, even for the sky. He signed the piece "A. Servaes," as he did for most of his works. _START_SECTION_ Roman Catholic Church Controversy _START_PARAGRAPH_ Servaes’ 1919 Stations of the Cross of Luithagen was a collection of 14 charcoal drawings depicting religious figures, such as an emaciated Jesus Christ on the cross. These drawings represented a raw expressionist style of religious scenes of which the Catholic Church disproved. Due to Servaes’ brutal depictions of religious events, many of his works were removed from Belgian churches in 1921. In an effort to support and explore Servaes' spiritual vision, Dutch Carmelite friar Titus Brandsma had the images published in Opgang, a Catholic cultural review. Alongside each image, Brandsma added his own meditation. The controversy demonstrates how expressionists were misunderstood in the public eye because their work distorted nature in a way that led away from beauty._NEWLINE_The fallout of the controversy left Servaes at a crossroads in his painting career. He focused on landscape paintings after the controversy and before World War II began. However, Servaes did not give up his grim exclusively-charcoal technique permanently. When he lived with the monks at Orval Abbey starting in 1927, he drew the residents there using his charcoal-expressionist style. By 1935, the public was more accepting of new art styles, and the monks commissioned Servaes to create a new Stations of the Cross collection.
_START_ARTICLE_ Albert Sosnowski _START_SECTION_ Debut fight _START_PARAGRAPH_ His first fight as a professional boxer was in July 1998, in Outrup, Denmark, when he beat Czech fighter Jan Drobena with a first round knockout. _START_SECTION_ Title fights _START_PARAGRAPH_ Sosnowski won his first 19 fights, 12 wins by KO, and had fought in Denmark, Poland, United Kingdom, United States and Netherlands._NEWLINE_In July 2001, Sosnowski fought for his first title belt against Canadian Arthur Cook in Budapest, Hungary, for the vacant WBC World Youth heavyweight title. Sosnowski, who was clearly ahead on points all scorecards, was knocked out by Cook in the ninth round to take the title._NEWLINE_In July 2008, Sosnowski lost to journeyman Zuri Lawrence, who had taken the fight on late notice but in November 2008 he defeated British fighter Danny Williams when Sosnowski himself was the underdog and he had taken the fight at late notice. He won by TKO after 1:17 of the 8th round._NEWLINE_He fought Francesco Pianeta for the EBU-EU Heavyweight title on 4 April 2009 with the fight going to a draw after twelve rounds._NEWLINE_On 18 December 2009, Sosnowski fought and defeated Paolo Vidoz for the EBU Heavyweight title, winning by unanimous decision. He was subsequently lined up to face heavyweight Prizefighter series winner and former Olympic gold medallist, Audley Harrison for his first defence of the title, with the fight being scheduled for 9 April 2010. He cancelled this fight for a shot at Vitali Klitschko for his WBC title._NEWLINE_Sosnowski lost to Klitschko by 10th-round knockout after being worn down by shots to the head throughout the fight.
_START_ARTICLE_ Albert Van de Vliet _START_PARAGRAPH_ Albert Van de Vliet (born 15 July 1917, date of death unknown) was a Belgian sprint canoer who competed in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Competing in two Summer Olympics, he was eliminated in the heats of the K-2 1000 m event at both 1948 and 1952.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alberta Highway 806 _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ The 13-kilometre (8 mi) section of Highway 806 between Beiseker and Acme has had multiple designations in its history. Along with a portion of Highway 575, the route was originally designated as part of Highway 21. In 1958, the southern portion of Highway 21 was realigned to Highway 1 (Trans-Canada Highway) east of Strathmore, and the former section was renumbered as Highway 21A. However, in 1962 the route was again renumbered to Highway 26, as at the time it connected the Village of Carbon Highway 9 and Highway 21. Highway 26 was decommissioned in 1970 and in 1972, it was renumbered to its current designation.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alchip _START_SECTION_ Location _START_PARAGRAPH_ Alchip's headquarters is in Taipei, Taiwan. Alchip also has locations in Santa Clara, California, Shin-Yokohama, Japan, Shanghai/ Wuxi/Hefei, China, Hsinchu, Taiwan, and Seoul, Korea. _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ In April 2002 Cadence acquired Simplex Solutions, an ASIC design services company._NEWLINE_Alchip was founded six months later by Kinying Kwan and other former Simplex employees as a fabless ASIC supplier. Simplex Solutions had gained notoriety for designing the graphics ASIC for Sony's PS2 game console. Sony became an important customer of Alchip as well. In 2006 80% of Alchip's revenues were from Japan, and most of that was from Sony. In September 2008 Alchip's relationship with Sony took another step forward when it was announced that it would partner with Sony's microelectronics to provide packaging solutions for Alchip's customer's ASICs. Over the past decade, Alchip has received investments from several tech heavyweights, including Global Future Group, Investar, AcerVC, Cisco Systems, C2Capital, and notably Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), the biggest contract chipmaker in the world, owns a 20% stake in the firm._NEWLINE_On December 23, 2010, Alchip went public and was listed on the Taiwan Emergent Market under the stock ticker number 3661. _NEWLINE_On October 28, 2014, Alchip debuted on the Taiwan Stock Exchange's main market. This move opened Alchip to institutional and private investors and boosted its profile within the industry. _START_SECTION_ Products _START_PARAGRAPH_ Alchip provides physical design, design for test insertion, package design, product qualification, IP licensing, and manufacturing services for digital CMOS ASICs. Alchip has announced products in 180 nm, 130 nm, 90 nm, 65 nm, 40 nm, 32 nm, 28 nm, and 16 nm process technologies. Customer ASICs have been announced in a wide range of applications including medical image processing, supercomputing, crypto-mining and networking. _START_SECTION_ Manufacturing _START_PARAGRAPH_ Alchip adopts an open foundry model and outsources semiconductor manufacturing to TSMC, UMC, SMIC, and Samsung. It also works with captive fab such as SONY and Toshiba. As of 2014, over 85% of Alchip projects are outsourced to TSMC. Alchip also outsources packaging, assembly, and testing. Alchip owns a Verigy 93K tester platform on which it performs test development and the test of ASIC prototypes.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alcyna subangulata _START_SECTION_ Description _START_PARAGRAPH_ The height of the shell attains 2½ mm, its diameter 1½ mm. The minute, rather solid, narrowly perforate shell has an ovate-turbinate shape. It is ornamented with raised spiral striae. The four whorls are depressed somewhat in the center. The body whorl is obtusely biangular with about four low spiral cords above the upper angle, two and a very weak third between the angles. The base of the shell contains numerous spirals. The outer lip is thickened externally with a swelling or varix. The umbilicus is rather large. The aperture is circular. The columella ends in a prominent tooth. The color is deep red, wtth oblique light red flames radiating from the suture. _START_SECTION_ Distribution _START_PARAGRAPH_ This marine species occurs off the Seychelles, Mauritius, Réunion and Hawaii.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alec McCowen _START_SECTION_ Early life _START_PARAGRAPH_ McCowen was born in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, the son of Mary (née Walkden), a dancer, and Duncan McCowen, a shopkeeper. He attended The Skinners' School in Tunbridge Wells and the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art _START_SECTION_ Early theatre work _START_PARAGRAPH_ McCowen first appeared on stage at the Repertory Theatre, Macclesfield, in August 1942 as Micky in Paddy the Next Best Thing. He appeared in repertory in York and Birmingham 1943–45, and toured India and Burma in a production of Kenneth Horne's West End comedy Love in a Mist during 1945 with the Entertainments National Service Association (ENSA). He continued in repertory 1946–49, during which time he played a season at St John's, Newfoundland, Canada._NEWLINE_He made his London debut on 20 April 1950 at the Arts Theatre as Maxim in Anton Chekhov's Ivanov, and made his first appearances on the New York City stage at the Ziegfeld Theatre on 19 December 1951 as an Egyptian Guard in Caesar and Cleopatra, and on 20 December 1951 as the Messenger in Antony and Cleopatra. Following a series of roles at the Arts and with the Repertory Players, he had rising success as Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec in Moulin Rouge at the then New Theatre, Bromley, and appeared as Barnaby Tucker in The Matchmaker at the Theatre Royal Haymarket, both 1954._NEWLINE_After appearances as Dr Bird in The Caine Mutiny Court Martial at the London Hippodrome in 1956, and Michael Claverton-Ferry in T. S. Eliot's The Elder Statesman, first at the Edinburgh Festival in 1958, then at the Cambridge Theatre, he joined the Old Vic Company for its 1959–60 season, among several parts taking the title role in Richard II, then stayed on for the 1960–61 season to play Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet, Oberon in A Midsummer Night's Dream and Malvolio in Twelfth Night._NEWLINE_He joined the Royal Shakespeare Company in September 1962, appearing at Stratford-upon-Avon playing Antipholus of Syracuse in The Comedy of Errors and the Fool to Paul Scofield's King Lear, subsequently appearing in both plays at the Aldwych Theatre in December 1962 – performing these roles again for a British Council tour of the Soviet Union, Europe and the United States from February to June 1964. With the RSC he also played "the gruelling role" of Father Riccardo Fontana in Rolf Hochhuth's controversial play The Representative at the Aldwych in December 1963. _START_SECTION_ Later theatre work _START_PARAGRAPH_ He enjoyed a career breakthrough at the Mermaid Theatre in April 1968 as Fr. William Rolfe in Hadrian the Seventh, winning his first Evening Standard Award as Best Actor for the London production and a Tony nomination after the transfer to Broadway._NEWLINE_At the Royal Court in August 1970, McCowen was cast to play the title role in Christopher Hampton's sophisticated comedy, The Philanthropist. If a philanthropist is literally someone who likes people, McCowen's Philip was a philologist with a compulsive urge not to hurt people's feelings – the inverse of Molière's The Misanthrope. Following enthusiastic reviews the production played to packed houses and transferred to the Mayfair Theatre where it ran for a further three years, making it the Royal Court's most successful straight play. McCowen and his co-star Jane Asher went with it to Broadway in March 1971 where he won the 1971 Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Performance._NEWLINE_His next big successes were in National Theatre Comnpany productions at the Old Vic. In February 1973 he co-starred with Diana Rigg in Molière's The Misanthrope for which he won his second Evening Standard award; followed in July 1973 by the role of psychiatrist Martin Dysart ("played on a knife edge of professional skill and personal disgust by McCowen", according to Irving Wardle reviewing for The Times) in the world premiere of Peter Shaffer's Equus._NEWLINE_McCowen devised and directed his own solo performance of the complete text of the St. Mark's Gospel, for which he received international acclaim and another Tony nomination. It opened first at the Riverside Studios in January 1978 before beginning a long West End season at the Mermaid Theatre then at the Comedy Theatre. Taking the production to New York, he appeared at the Marymount Manhattan and Playhouse theatres._NEWLINE_Christopher Hampton's stage adaptation of George Steiner's novel The Portage to San Cristobal of A.H. at the Mermaid in 1982 gave McCowen a great final speech, an attempted vindication of racial extermination delivered by Adolf Hitler, which for Guardian critic Michael Billington was "one of the greatest pieces of acting I have ever seen: a shuffling, grizzled, hunched, baggy figure, yet suggesting the monomaniac power of the Nuremberg Rallies, inhabiting the frail vessel of this old man's body." It was a performance that also won him his third Evening Standard Best Actor award, a record equalled only by Laurence Olivier and Paul Scofield._NEWLINE_Two years later, again at the Mermaid, McCowen gave a portrayal of the British poet Rudyard Kipling in a one-man play by Brian Clark, performed in a setting that exactly matched Kipling's own study at Bateman's (his Jacobean rustic haven in Sussex) "and turning", as Michael Billington wrote, "an essentially private man into a performer." McCowen appeared in the play on Broadway and on television for Channel 4. _START_SECTION_ Directing _START_PARAGRAPH_ While preparing to co-star as Vladimir to John Alderton's Estragon in Michael Rudman's acclaimed production of Waiting for Godot at the National Theatre in November 1987, McCowen also spent a busy autumn staging Martin Crimp's trilogy of short plays Definitely the Bahamas at the Orange Tree Theatre in Richmond upon Thames, having previously enjoyed Crimp's style of writing in a BBC radio version of Three Attempted Acts. As Charles Spencer wrote in The Daily Telegraph: "As a director McCowen captures both the subtlety and the richness of these three original and beautifully written plays."_NEWLINE_At the Hampstead Theatre in December 1972 he directed a revival of Terence Rattigan's wartime London comedy While the Sun Shines. _START_SECTION_ Film and television _START_PARAGRAPH_ McCowen made his film debut in The Cruel Sea released in 1953. His other film credits include roles in Town on Trial (1957), A Night to Remember (1958), The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner (1962), The Witches (1966), Alfred Hitchcock's Frenzy (1972), Travels with My Aunt (1972, for which he received a Golden Globe nomination), Never Say Never Again (1983), Personal Services (1987) and Henry V (1989)_NEWLINE_Television roles included the BBC's four-part adaptation of J. B. Priestley's Angel Pavement (1958), and his one-man stage performance of The Gospel According to Saint Mark, transferred to television by Thames for Easter 1979. He appeared in the BBC Television Shakespeare series as Malvolio in Twelfth Night and as Chorus in Henry V. In 1984 and 1985 McCowen starred in the ten episodes of the shortlived television series Mr Palfrey of Westminster as a "spy catcher" working for British intelligence under the direction of a female boss (played by Caroline Blakiston)._NEWLINE_His one-man performance as Rudyard Kipling was broadcast on television in 1984. His later appearances included playing Albert Speer and Rudolf Hess in the BBC docudramas The World Walk in 1984 and 1985, and a role in Longitude in 2000. He was the subject of This Is Your Life in 1989, when he was surprised by Michael Aspel at the Strand Theatre in London. _START_SECTION_ Literature _START_PARAGRAPH_ McCowen published his first volume of autobiography, Young Gemini in 1979, followed a year later by Double Bill (Elm Tree Books). _START_SECTION_ Personal life _START_PARAGRAPH_ His partner, the actor Geoffrey Burridge, died from AIDS complications in 1987. _START_SECTION_ Death _START_PARAGRAPH_ McCowen died, aged 91, on 6 February 2017. _START_SECTION_ Honours _START_PARAGRAPH_ He was appointed Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the 1972 New Year Honours and promoted to Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the 1986 New Year Honours._NEWLINE_On 2 May 2017 McCowen was accorded a memorial service at St. Paul's Church in Covent Garden (known as "the actors' church"), conducted by the Reverend Simon Grigg. McCowen's nephew, Reverend Nigel Mumford, read an affectionate remembrance from McCowen's sister Jean Mumford's memoirs titled "Childhood memories of Pantos". The tribute was read by Dame Penelope Wilton, followed by a tribute from the playwright Christopher Hampton. Rebecca Trehearn sang "Bill" from Show Boat, which was followed by a tribute from the theatre critic Michael Billington and a tribute by the actor Malcolm Sinclair. After final prayers a plaque to McCowen was dedicated by Grigg to the left of the altar.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alejo Castex _START_SECTION_ Biography _START_PARAGRAPH_ Born in Buenos Aires on 17 July 1766, he was the son of a Spanish captain of militias, Francisco Castex, and of Paula Hilaria Delgado y Sánchez de Velasco, native of Buenos Aires. Castex had at least one brother, Vicente José Castex y Delgado._NEWLINE_After studies in the Real Colegio de San Carlos, on 23 July 1786 he earned a degree in law at the University of Saint Francis Xavier of Chuquisaca. _START_SECTION_ Start of his career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Back in Buenos Aires, he joined the Royal Audiencia and in April 1789, he was accepted as a lawyer by the tribunal._NEWLINE_On 20 July 180 he married María Luisa Estefanía Campos y López Camelo (1772–1851) at the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Cathedral, daughter of Juan Esteban Ambrosio de Campos y Rodríguez (1727–1810) and María Josefa López Camelo, with whom he had twelve children: Paula (1803–1843), Manuel de la Santísima Trinidad (1804-1804), Eusebio Alejo (1805–1872), Josefa Ceferina (1806–1895), María Micaela (1807-?), Rufino, María de la Paz Ildefonsa (1812-?), Pedro Joseph Francisco (1813-?), Juan Bonifacio (1815-?), María Matilde Josepha Bernabela (1817-?), Josefa Genara (1808–1900)and Juan Isidro Castex Campos (1819–1889). _START_SECTION_ British invasions and independence _START_PARAGRAPH_ After the reconquest of Buenos Aires after the British invasions of the Río de la Plata in 1806, Castex joined the Regiment of Patricians with the rank of captain. On 31 May 1807 he received from Santiago de Liniers the rank of lieutenant colonel and given command of the Migueletes squadron, which became known as the "Castex Migueletes", and took part on the defense of Buenos Aires at the second British invasion._NEWLINE_In 1809 he replaced his previous superior Francisco Bruno de Rivarola as council to the Royal Tribunal. At the Cabildo of 22 May 1810, he voted along with Juan Nepomuceno Solá, who proposed to substitute the Viceroy and that the Buenos Aires Cabildo take control of the government until such time a congress of representatives to the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata could be convened._NEWLINE_On 27 May he replaced Manuel Belgrano as secretary of the Commerce Consulate of Buenos Aires, as the former became a member of the Primera Junta._NEWLINE_Castex was a representative for Catamarca Province to the assembly gathered in 1812 and dissolved by the First Triumvirate._NEWLINE_In 1813 he became acting secretary to the Supreme Court of Argentina, with the legal reforms instituted by the Asamblea del Año XIII. _START_SECTION_ Appellate court _START_PARAGRAPH_ On the same year he served as council to the Appellate court. On 9 December 1814 he ended his term as secretary to the Commerce Consulate._NEWLINE_On 16 January 1815 he was named as member of the new law School, "Academia teórico-práctica de jurisprudencia de Buenos Aires", presided by Manuel Antonio Castro._NEWLINE_On 2 March 1815 he became a member of the Appellate Court — which replaced the Real Audiencia de Buenos Aires — under the direction of Miguel Mariano de Villegas._NEWLINE_On 20 April of the same year the administration of Carlos María de Alvear fell, after the rebellion of colonel Ignacio Álvarez Thomas, chief of the army sent against José Artigas, the opposition of the interior of the country, and the lack of support in Buenos Aires._NEWLINE_On 23 April the Appellate Court, through Castex and Tagle initiated a process for excesses in handling the public administration, by order of the Cabildo, against Agustín José Donado, Gervasio Posadas, Juan Larrea, Nicolás Herrera, and Elías Galván among others, all adherents of the recently deposed regime. The accused suffered the loss of their property and exile._NEWLINE_Castex took part in the writing of the instruction Project to the representatives of the Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata to the Congress of Tucumán, which established Argentina's independence from Spain in 1816. _START_SECTION_ Mission to Santa Fe _START_PARAGRAPH_ Once Juan Martín de Pueyrredón was elected by Congress to be the new Supreme Director of the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata, Castex was asked on 31 August 1816 along with Miguel Mariano de Villegas and Antonio Pósiga to represent before the government of Santa Fe Province, invaded on 12 July of the same year by colonel Eustaquio Díaz Vélez, to reach an agreement on the cessation of hostilities: "authorized to agree with the chief of said territory, the transaction of differences that sadly exist between both territories"._NEWLINE_On 27 August, Castex met with Santa Fe's governor, Mariano Vera, who set a condition for allowing the Buenos Aires army to retreat unopposed, the laying down of arms, which Castex did not agree to and ended his mandate there. _START_SECTION_ Secretary and Rivadavia's presidency _START_PARAGRAPH_ In 1821, during the government of Martín Rodríguez, he was named judge at the Consulado de Comercio, Army and Navy Auditor and in December, Congress Representative for Buenos Aires._NEWLINE_He became president of the Supreme Court and had a major role in the discussions in Congress in Buenos Aires, about the ecclesiastic reforms proposed by president Bernardino Rivadavia, him being one of his political opponents, along with Tomas Manuel de Anchorena, Esteban Agustín Gazcón, Pedro Alcántara de Somellera and José Miguel Díaz Vélez._NEWLINE_Between 1825 and 1827 Castex acted as representative to the General Congress of 1824. He voted in favor of electing Rivadavia as president of Argentina, and signed the Constitution of 1826 as representative of the city of Buenos Aires. _START_SECTION_ Last years _START_PARAGRAPH_ he worked as Inspector general of Customs, then retired to his farm in Baradero Partido. Governor Rosas, who had served under him in the Migueletes battalion, suspended the payment of his pension as ex-president of the Supreme Court as being on the opposing Unitarian Party._NEWLINE_He died in Buenos Aires on 17 September 1841. A street in the Palermo neighborhood in his city of birth carries his name.
_START_ARTICLE_ Aleksandar Denić _START_SECTION_ Life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Denić graduated from the Academy of Applied Arts of the University of the Arts in Belgrade in film and set design. He worked after graduation mainly as a production designer for film projects, including the film Underground by Emir Kusturica. He was also production designer for over 100 television commercials, for clients including Renault, SAS and Lucky Strike._NEWLINE_In 2011 he met with the German theatre director Frank Castorf, who came to Belgrade for a cooperation project. For his stage set at Castorf's production of Louis-Ferdinand Céline's Journey to the End of the Night in 2013 at the Munich Residenztheater he won the 2014 theatre critics' poll of Theater heute magazine as "Set designer of the year." _NEWLINE_In the year 2013 he worked with Castorf in staging Richard Wagner's Ring Cycle at the Bayreuth Festival._NEWLINE_In 2015, Denić worked at the Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg, and also at the Residenz Theatre, Munich.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alessandra Finesso _START_PARAGRAPH_ Alessandra Finesso (born 23 July 1956 in Milan) is an Italian former swimmer who competed in the 1972 Summer Olympics.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alessandro Manzoni _START_SECTION_ Early life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Manzoni was born in Milan, Italy, on 7 March 1785. Pietro, his father, aged about fifty, belonged to an old family of Lecco, originally feudal lords of Barzio, in the Valsassina. The poet's maternal grandfather, Cesare Beccaria, was a well-known author and philosopher, and his mother Giulia had literary talent as well. The young Alessandro spent his first two years of life in cascina Costa in Galbiate and he was wet-nursed by Caterina Panzeri, as attested by a memorial plate affixed in the place. In 1792 his parents broke their marriage and his mother began a relationship with the highbrow Carlo Imbonati, moving to England and later to Paris. For this reason, their son was brought up in several religious institutes._NEWLINE_Manzoni was a slow developer, and at the various colleges he attended he was considered a dunce. At fifteen, however, he developed a passion for poetry and wrote two sonnets of considerable merit. Upon the death of his father in 1807, he joined the freethinking household of his mother at Auteuil, and spent two years mixing with the literary set of the so-called "ideologues", philosophers of the 18th-century school, among whom he made many friends, notably Claude Charles Fauriel. There too he imbibed the anti-Catholic creed of Voltairianism._NEWLINE_In 1806–1807, while at Auteuil, he first appeared before the public as a poet, with two pieces, one entitled Urania, in the classical style, of which he became later the most conspicuous adversary, the other an elegy in blank verse, on the death of Count Carlo Imbonati, from whom, through his mother, he inherited considerable property, including the villa of Brusuglio, thenceforward his principal residence. _START_SECTION_ 1808–1821 _START_PARAGRAPH_ In 1808, Manzoni married Henriette Blondel, daughter of a Genevese banker. She came from a Calvinist family, but in 1810 she became a Roman Catholic. Her conversion profoundly influenced her husband. That same year he experienced a religious crisis which led him from Jansenism to an austere form of Catholicism. Manzoni's marriage proved a most happy one, and he led for many years a retired domestic life, divided between literature and the picturesque husbandry of Lombardy._NEWLINE_His intellectual energy in this period of his life was devoted to the composition of the Inni sacri, a series of sacred lyrics, and of a treatise on Catholic morality, Osservazioni sulla morale cattolica, a task undertaken under religious guidance, in reparation for his early lapse from faith. In 1818 he had to sell his paternal inheritance, as his money had been lost to a dishonest agent. His characteristic generosity was shown at this time in his dealings with his peasants, who were heavily indebted to him. He not only cancelled on the spot the record of all sums owed to him, but bade them keep for themselves the whole of the coming maize harvest._NEWLINE_In 1819, Manzoni published his first tragedy, Il Conte di Carmagnola, which, boldly violating all classical conventions, excited a lively controversy. It was severely criticized in a Quarterly Review article to which Goethe replied in its defence, "one genius," as Count de Gubernatis remarks, "having divined the other." The death of Napoleon in 1821 inspired Manzoni's powerful stanzas Il Cinque maggio (The Fifth of May), one of the most popular lyrics in the Italian language. The political events of that year, and the imprisonment of many of his friends, weighed much on Manzoni's mind, and the historical studies in which he sought distraction during his subsequent retirement at Brusuglio suggested his great work. _START_SECTION_ The Betrothed _START_PARAGRAPH_ Round the episode of the Innominato, historically identified with Bernardino Visconti, the first manuscript of the novel The Betrothed (in Italian I promessi sposi) began to grow into shape, and was completed in September 1823. The work was published, after being deeply reshaped by the author and revised by friends in 1825–1827, at the rate of a volume a year; it at once raised its author to the first rank of literary fame. It is generally agreed to be his greatest work, and the paradigm of modern Italian language._NEWLINE_The Penguin Companion to European Literature notes that 'the book's real greatness lies in its delineation of the heroine, Lucia, in Padre Cristoforo, the Capuchin friar, and the saintly cardinal of Milan, he has created three living examples of that pure and wholehearted Christianity which is his ideal. But his psychological penetration extends also to those who fall short of this standard, whether through weakness or perversity, and the novel is rich in pictures of ordinary men and women, seen with a delightful irony and disenchantment which always stops short of cynicism, and which provides a perfect balance for the evangelical fervour of his ideal'._NEWLINE_In 1822, Manzoni published his second tragedy, Adelchi, turning on the overthrow by Charlemagne of the Lombard domination in Italy, and containing many veiled allusions to the existing Austrian rule. With these works Manzoni's literary career was practically closed. But he laboriously revised The Betrothed in Tuscan-Italian, and in 1840 republished it in that form, with a historical essay, Storia della colonna infame, on details of the 17th century plague in Milan so important in the novel. He also wrote a small treatise on the Italian language. _START_SECTION_ Family, death and legacy _START_PARAGRAPH_ The death of Manzoni's wife in 1833 was preceded and followed by those of several of his children, and of his mother. In the mid-1830s he attended the "Salotto Maffei", a salon in Milan hosted by Clara Maffei, and in 1837 he married again, to Teresa Borri, widow of Count Stampa. Teresa also died before him, while of nine children born to him in his two marriages all but two pre-deceased him. In 1860 King Victor Emmanuel II named him a senator. The death of his eldest son, Pier Luigi, on 28 April 1873, was the final blow which hastened his end. He was already weakened as he had fallen on 6 January while exiting the San Fedele church, hitting his head on the steps, and he died after 5 months of cerebral meningitis, a complication of the trauma. His funeral was celebrated in the church of San Marco with almost royal pomp. His remains, after they lay in state for some days, were followed to the Cimitero Monumentale in Milan by a vast cortege, including the royal princes and all the great officers of state, but his noblest monument was Giuseppe Verdi's Requiem, written to honour his memory._NEWLINE_His Osservazioni sulla morale cattolica was quoted by Pope Pius XI in his encyclical on Christian Education 'Divini Illius Magistri': "20. It is worthy of note how a layman, an excellent writer and at the same time a profound and conscientious thinker, has been able to understand well and express exactly this fundamental Catholic doctrine:_NEWLINE_The Church does not say that morality belongs purely, in the sense of exclusively, to her; but that it belongs wholly to her. She has never maintained that outside her fold and apart from her teaching, man cannot arrive at any moral truth; she has on the contrary more than once condemned this opinion because it has appeared under more forms than one. She does however say, has said, and will ever say, that because of her institution by Jesus Christ, because of the Holy Ghost sent her in His name by the Father, she alone possesses what she has had immediately from God and can never lose, the whole of moral truth, omnem veritatem, in which all individual moral truths are included, as well those which man may learn by the help of reason, as those which form part of revelation or which may be deduced from it". He was honored twice by Google Doodle.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alessandro Pagani _START_PARAGRAPH_ Alessandro Pagani (born 3 January 1937) is an Italian Roman Catholic bishop._NEWLINE_Ordained to the priesthood on 13 March 1965, Pagani was named bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Mangochi, Malawi on 3 April 2007 and retired on 6 December 2013.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alessandro Scatena _START_SECTION_ Biography _START_PARAGRAPH_ He won one medal, at senior level, at the International athletics competitions. He has 10 caps in national team from 1966 to 1972.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alessio Castro-Montes _START_SECTION_ Career _START_PARAGRAPH_ He started his football career at Gelmen V.V. under the coaching of his father, where also his three year older brother played. He was soon noticed by a scout from Standard Liège and shortly after moved to the club where he played for seven years. He later moved to R.S.C. Anderlecht._NEWLINE_On 17 June 2019, Eupen announced that they had sold Castro-Montes to K.A.A. Gent. _START_SECTION_ Personal life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Castro-Montes was born in Belgium to a Spanish father and a Belgian mother.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alex Meruelo _START_SECTION_ Biography _START_PARAGRAPH_ Meruelo was born in New York City. His parents were accountants who fled the Castro regime. His family moved to Los Angeles, California, where they held a bridal shop and invested in local real estate. He also started to invest in real estate at an early age, and eventually sold a spot to Walmart, making him a millionaire in his early 20s._NEWLINE_Meruelo attended the Don Bosco Technical Institute in Rosemead, CA, and received his B.S. from California State University, Long Beach. _START_SECTION_ Career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Meruelo began his career in his father's tuxedo business. At the age of 23, he decided to open a new type of pizza restaurant catering to Latinos in the US and offering unusual toppings such as chorizo and jalapenos. He bought a failing pizza restaurant, and called his new business La Pizza Loca. Within 5 years, La Pizza Loca opened 12 locations and reached $10 million in sales._NEWLINE_Meruelo expanded his business focus, founding the Meruelo Group, which has grown into a construction and real estate development firm. Meruelo Group has ownership of Neal Electric Corp, Select Electric Inc., and Doty Bros within the Southern California area. The group also owns Commercial Bank of California. which Meruelo co-founded in 2003, a spanish-language independent television station KWHY-TV, radio stations KLOS, KLLI, KPWR, KDAY and KDEY-FM under the Meruelo Media banner, and the Grand Sierra Resort in Reno, Nevada._NEWLINE_Meruelo purchased food manufacturer and the largest provider and distributor of pre-packaged sushi in the United States Fuji Food in 2009._NEWLINE_In September 2011, he announced a $25 million investment in the renovation of the Grand Sierra Resort in Reno, Nevada._NEWLINE_In February 2013, his group made a bid to buy Donald Trump's Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino for $20 million. The deal fell through and the casino closed the following year._NEWLINE_The SLS Las Vegas (formerly the Sahara Hotel and Casino) in Las Vegas, Nevada, was purchased by the Meruelo Group on June 2017. Alex Meruelo plans to turn the casino into a favorite destination for the hispanic community. Meruelo plans to use its media properties to advertise the casino and its events. In May 2019, SLS brand owner SBE Hotel Licensing, LLC filed a lawsuit alleging that Meruelo's Las Vegas Resort Holdings, LLC had failed to pay at least $450,000 in licensing fees since November 2018. On June 28, 2019 The Meruelo Group and Alex Meruelo announced plans to rename the SLS Hotel as The Sahara Las Vegas. On August 29, 2019 the Meruelo Group officially changed the SLS Hotel to Sahara Las Vegas and is located on Sahara Blvd. _START_SECTION_ Professional sports _START_PARAGRAPH_ In November 2011, his bid to take ownership of the Atlanta Hawks of the National Basketball Association from the team's then owners Atlanta Spirit was turned down. The team was later sold to Tony Ressler in 2015. In June 2019, he purchased majority ownership of the Arizona Coyotes of the National Hockey League from previous sole owner Andrew Barroway who retained a minority stake. With his purchase of the Coyotes, Meruelo became the first Latino owner in the NHL. _START_SECTION_ Real estate _START_PARAGRAPH_ In May 2008, Meruelo purchased a 8,500-square-foot, $7.05 million house at 36 Indian Creek Drive in Miami. In March 2014, he acquired a $10.79 million penthouse in The Langham, New York. In June 2018, he purchased Colom Island in Spain for 3.2 million euros.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alex Sadkowsky _START_SECTION_ Life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Sadkowsky was born in Zurich, Switzerland in 1934. His parents were artists and merchants. _NEWLINE_He spent his childhood and youth in Zürich and in Freienstein with foster parents. _NEWLINE_Up to the age of 24 he tried his hand at being a jazz musician, representative, decorator, Spanish teacher, step dancer and prize boxer. _NEWLINE_He started to write poems and made numerous drawings after 1946._NEWLINE_He only studied art for a short while. He married his wife Sonja in 1957. They have four children._NEWLINE_Since 1958 he has worked as an independent artist. He shared a studio with Friedrich Kuhn and _NEWLINE_he participated in the exhibition "Young Zurich artists" in the Helmhaus in Zurich in 1958._NEWLINE_He was made a Swiss citizen in 1969._NEWLINE_Travelling is an important part in his life. He spent several months in India, studying Brahmanic Buddhism in Darbhanga and Darjeeling. _NEWLINE_He traveled to Russia with Max Frisch in 1966 and in the following year he went to Germany, Austria and Italy. _NEWLINE_He made a first trip to Ireland in 1967 where he started his monumental text "Die chinesische Wespe: eine Liebesgeschichte": ("The Chinese Wasp: a love story"). _NEWLINE_By 1970 he was living in Amsterdam, 1972 in Finland with exhibitions in Turku, Tampere and Helsinki. _NEWLINE_In 1993 he travelled through the Balkans. ending up in Istanbul._NEWLINE_Having received a grant he moved to New York City in 1975. There followed voyages to California and Mexico and a second trip to Mexico in 1980. _NEWLINE_1985-93 voyages and stays in Italy, Greece, Holland, Spain, Yugoslavia, Portugal, Malta, Ireland, France and the USA, giving some lectures of his works. _NEWLINE_Since 1994 Sadkowsky has been spending the winters in northern Thailand. _NEWLINE_In 2003 he travelled to Italy, Portugal, Malta and Greece._NEWLINE_Several films were made with Sadkowsky acting and performing: _NEWLINE_Three short films were produced in 1965._NEWLINE_In 1968 the film "Sad is Fiction" was directed by Fredi M. Murer, the Swiss cinematographer._NEWLINE_Then in 1973 "Herr Wilhelm Tell"/"Mr William Tell" (Swiss national hero)._NEWLINE_To be followed in 1982 by "Monte Video", video art with Maria Luxus and Pancho Mariotti._NEWLINE_And in 2001 the video production "Ich liebe mich"/"I love myself" in Switzerland and Thailand with Beat Kuert was produced. _NEWLINE_The artist has also written a number of literary works. During the years 1996-2006 he was honoured with ten prizes. _NEWLINE_In 2010 he was invited to the Solothurner Literaturtage/Solothurn literary festival and in 2012 he was awarded another prize. _NEWLINE_(Reference: Foto-Bio-Kultografie2" Scheidegger & Spiess Zürich 2010, pp. 216–217)_NEWLINE_Sadkowsky was the subject of a 57-minute documentary by Beat Kuert in 2004. _START_SECTION_ Works _START_PARAGRAPH_ Die Umwandlung Novella. Verlag Pudel und Pinscher Wädenswil 2018, ISBN 978-3-906061-14-6._NEWLINE_Einziger Lockruf Poems. Howeg-Verlag Zürich 2018, ISBN 978-3-85736-325-2._NEWLINE_Der Titel II. Ein Titelroman Prose. Howeg-Verlag Zürich 2014, ISBN 978-3-85736-303-0._NEWLINE_Lindenhof Poems and short prose Littera Autoren-Verlag Zürich 2010, ISBN 978-3-906731-47-6._NEWLINE_Foto-Bio-Kultografie 2 Illustrated autobiography Scheidegger & Spiess, Zürich 2009, ISBN 978-3-85881-295-7._NEWLINE_Ich warte auf den ewigen Sommer Poetry. Orte-Verlag Oberegg AI/ Zürich 2007, ISBN 978-3-85830-140-6._NEWLINE_Die Chinesische Wespe Trilogy of novels. Bilger Verlag Zürich 2002, ISBN 3-908010-58-6._NEWLINE_Schrittfehler beim Spaziergang durch den einbaumigen Park Poetry. Orte-Verlag, Zelg/ Wolfhalden/ Zürich 1992, ISBN 3-85830-036-5._NEWLINE_Die Munterkeit des Galans auf dem Glatteis Poetry. Orte-Verlag, Zelg/ Wolfhalden/ Zürich 1992, ISBN 3-85830-062-4._NEWLINE_Der Titel 1 Prose. Lutz-Verlag, Zürich 1991, ISBN 3-7212-0640-1._NEWLINE_Metamorphosen der Wirklichkeit Monograph about Alex Sadkowsky with Hans Heinz Holz ABC Verlag Zürich 1986, ISBN 3-85504-101-6._NEWLINE_Frauenleben drawings ABC Verlag Zürich 1980, ISBN 3-85504-101-6._NEWLINE_Foto-Bio-Kultografie 1 Illustrated autobiography Lutz-Verlag Zürich 1975._NEWLINE_Kofferraum der Welt Niggli-Verlag St. Gallen 1971._NEWLINE_The Song of the Police Jasonya-Verlag Zürich 1962. _START_SECTION_ Exhibitions _START_PARAGRAPH_ 2015/16 Silber in KunstZEUGhaus in Rapperswil (SG)_NEWLINE_2014 Helmhaus Zurich_NEWLINE_1997 Galerie Stadt Tuttlingen_NEWLINE_1996 Taylor Galleries, Dublin_NEWLINE_1993 "Wer weiss und blau und Geld" ("Who knows and blue and money") Kunsthaus Zurich_NEWLINE_1991 Jaski Art Gallery Amsterdam_NEWLINE_1986 Galerie Jamileh Weber Zurich_NEWLINE_1983 New paintings, drawings and marble sculptures Galerie Jamileh Weber Zurich Release of the CD single "Banktrust" with lyrics by Alex Sadkowsky_NEWLINE_1982 Galeria Flaviana Locarno_NEWLINE_1981 Kunsthaus Glarus, Instituto Aleman in Guadalajara, Museo Santo Domingo in Oaxaca Mexico_NEWLINE_1979 Poster action "Was lieben Sie am meisten an Zürich? Die letzten drei Buchstaben" (What do you like most about Zürich? The last three letters: ich=I/me/myself)_NEWLINE_1978 Galerie Jamileh Weber and Art '78 Basel_NEWLINE_1977 Painting and drawing in the USA/Galerie Jamileh Weber Zurich_NEWLINE_1977 "America" Retrospective art walk, Kunstkammer zum Strauhof, in the Galerie Blackbox and in Kunsthaus Zurich_NEWLINE_1972 Museums of Turku, Tampere und Helsinki with film projections_NEWLINE_1971 Museum Allerheiligen Schaffhausen_NEWLINE_1970 Portrait exhibition Eugene Ionesco Theater am Neumarkt Zurich_NEWLINE_1969 double exhibition "swimming room" Galerien Obere Zäune Zurich_NEWLINE_1969 Galerie Krikhaar Amsterdam_NEWLINE_1968 Kunstkammer zum Strauhof der Stadt Zürich: Retrospective—drawings and prints_NEWLINE_1967 Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart/Galerie Castelnuovo Ascona_NEWLINE_1963 Clythi Jessop London_NEWLINE_1961 Galerie Hansaviertel Berlin_NEWLINE_1958 Junge Zürcher Künstler Helmhaus Zurich_NEWLINE_1957 Galerie au premier Zurich_NEWLINE_1954 Kunstraum Elsässergasse Zurich
_START_ARTICLE_ Alexander-Svirsky Monastery _START_PARAGRAPH_ Alexander-Svirsky Monastery (Александро-Свирский монастырь) is a Russian Orthodox monastery situated deep in the woods of the Leningrad Oblast, just south from its border with the Republic of Karelia. The golden age of this cloister was in the 17th century. It boasts one of the few preserved three-tented belfries and medieval clock towers in Russia._NEWLINE_The abbey was founded in 1487, when a monk of the Valaam Monastery, named Alexander, settled between Roshchinsky and Holy lakes, 20 km to the east from Lake Ladoga and 6 km from the Svir River. During his life in the woods, he had a vision of the Holy Trinity who ordered him to build two oaken chapels dedicated to the Trinity and the Saviour's Transfiguration. These churches gave birth to the twin Trinity and the Transfiguration cloisters, collectively known as the Alexander Svirsky Monastery._NEWLINE__NEWLINE_The monastery's founder died on August 30, 1533, and was buried at the Transfiguration cloister, which still serves as a burial place for the local monks. 12 years later, his disciples recounted his life in a biography. The church synod of 1547 canonized Alexander of the Svir, and the new saint became venerated throughout Russian lands. One of the chapels of the famous Saint Basil's Cathedral on Red Square, for instance, was consecrated to him. _NEWLINE_The Russian tsars bestowed many important privileges on Alexander's cloister, including the right to appropriate taxes from the Svir Fair, which was held annually under the cloister walls. During the Time of Troubles, the Swedes sacked and burnt both hermitages on three occasions, and yet the monastery continued to prosper. After the Russian-Swedish border was delineated west of the Svir River, much of the trade between two nations had to pass through the Svir Fair, further augmenting the monastery's importance. _NEWLINE__NEWLINE_This renewed prosperity was reflected in the monastic structures erected in the 1640s. In 1644, when the five-domed Transfiguration Cathedral was finished, Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich presented to the monks a golden ark for keeping St Alexander's relics there. A belfry of the Trinity cloister was built in three tiers and crowned with three tents in 1649. Most of the monastic cells date back to the 1670s. The roomy Trinity Cathedral was completed by 1695. The last structure to be erected within monastery walls was the hospital chapel of St John of Damascus (1718). _NEWLINE_ _NEWLINE_The vast lands of the Alexander Svirsky Monastery were secularized during Catherine the Great's ecclesiastical reform in 1764. The Transfiguration cloister continued as a seat of the local seminary and a residence of the Olonets archbishops, who rebuilt much of the monastery structures for their own needs. _NEWLINE_Following the Russian Revolution of 1917, the monks were imprisoned and then executed by the Cheka after trying to resist Bolshevik forces. The relics of St Alexander were desecrated and put on a public display in Leningrad. The medieval monastery buildings housed an infamous gulag known as Svirlag. They were further damaged during World War II. Restoration did not commence until the 1970s. _NEWLINE_As of 2005, the Transfiguration Cloister is the home to the local monastic community, while the Trinity Cloister still houses a mental asylum instituted in 1953. The monastery has a subsidiary chapel in St Petersburg, situated some 260 km to the west.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alexander Arkhangelsky (aircraft designer) _START_SECTION_ Biography _START_PARAGRAPH_ He was born in 1892 and graduated from MVTU in 1918. During his studies he worked at the aerodynamic laboratory headed by Nikolai Zhukovsky. He then worked at TsAGI in 1918–1936._NEWLINE_He designed and built several aerosleds ARBES along with B. S. Stechkin. After the establishment of the aircraft design bureau of Andrei Tupolev at TsAGI, he participated in all ANT designs._NEWLINE_In 1932, he was appointed chief of the department of high-speed aircraft. He was the leading designer of the first Soviet bomber ANT-40 (SB) and its transport development, the PS-35. Since 1936 he was the chief of the bureau and responsible for large scale production of the SB. He was the chief designer of the Ar-2._NEWLINE_Arhangelsky OKB rejoined Tupolev OKB in 1941._NEWLINE_Since 1947 he was the first deputy chief designer._NEWLINE_He was the uncle of mathematician Alexander Arhangelskii._NEWLINE_He died in 1978.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alexander David Peacock _START_PARAGRAPH_ Prof Alexander David Peacock FRSE LLD (1886–1976) was a 20th-century British zoologist. _START_SECTION_ Life _START_PARAGRAPH_ He was born on 13 June 1886 in Newcastle-upon-Tyne the son of James Peacock, a grocer, and his wife, Jane Briggs. He was educated at Newcastle Royal Grammar School then studied Natural Science at Armstrong College in Newcastle, graduating BSc in 1904. Continuing as a postgraduate he gained a MSc and DSc at Durham University. As a postgraduate he taught both at Jarrow School and lectured in Zoology at Armstrong College._NEWLINE_In 1911 he went to Africa to teach at the Nigerian Agriculture Department. He returned to Newcastle in 1913 to lecture in Zoology at Armstrong College but this was interrupted by the First World War. As a Territorial he was immediately called up, serving in the Royal Army Medical Corps in Flanders. However, he was recalled to Britain to help training, lecturing in insect effects on troops and on trench fever, under the rank of Captain. He returned to Armstrong in 1919._NEWLINE_In 1923 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. His proposers were Sir James Hartley Ashworth, John William Heslop-Harrison, George Leslie Purser, and John Stephenson. He won the Society's Keith Prize for the period 1953 to 1955._NEWLINE_In 1926 he became Professor of Natural History at University College, Dundee, which was then a part of the University of St Andrews. The following year, he was awarded a DSc for his research into trench fever. In the Second World War he was in charge of pest control in relation to Scotland's food supply, under the Ministry of Supply. In Dundee he was involved deeply with the local Polish community and was president of the city's Polish Society. He also took a strong interest in adult education and was a member of the local Education Committee as well as the Workers' Education Association._NEWLINE_He died in York on 2 March 1976 aged 89._NEWLINE_His academic and other papers are held by Archive Services at the University of Dundee. _START_SECTION_ Family _START_PARAGRAPH_ In 1917, he married with Clara Mary Turner. Their daughter Joan Peacock was born in 1918. Another of their children was the noted economist and academic Sir Alan Turner Peacock, born in 1922.
_START_ARTICLE_ Alexander Penfold _START_PARAGRAPH_ Alexander George Penfold (14 May 1901 – 28 September 1982) was an English first-class cricketer active 1924–30 who played for Surrey. He was born in Kenley; died in Isfield.