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One side of the armed conflicts is composed mainly of the Sudanese military and the Janjaweed , a Sudanese militia group recruited mostly from the Afro-Arab Abbala tribes of the northern Rizeigat region in Sudan .
Jeddah is the principal gateway to Mecca , Islam 's holiest city , which able-bodied Muslims are required to visit at least once in their lifetime .
The Great Dark Spot is thought to represent a hole in the methane cloud deck of Neptune .
His next work , Saturday , follows an especially eventful day in the life of a successful neurosurgeon .
The tarantula , the trickster character , spun a black cord and , attaching it to the ball , crawled away fast to the east , pulling on the cord with all his strength .
There he died six weeks later , on 13 January 888 .
They are culturally akin to the coastal peoples of Papua New Guinea .
Since 2000 , the recipient of the Kate Greenaway Medal has also been presented with the Colin Mears Award to the value of # 5000 .
Following the drummers are dancers , who often play the sogo -LRB- a tiny drum that makes almost no sound -RRB- and tend to have more elaborate -- even acrobatic -- choreography .
The spacecraft consists of two main elements : the NASA Cassini orbiter , named after the Italian-French astronomer Giovanni Domenico Cassini , and the ESA Huygens probe , named after the Dutch astronomer , mathematician and physicist Christiaan Huygens .
Alessandro -LRB- '' Sandro '' -RRB- Mazzola -LRB- born 8 November 1942 -RRB- is an Italian former football player .
It was originally thought that the debris thrown up by the collision filled in the smaller craters .
Graham attended Wheaton College from 1939 to 1943 , when he graduated with a BA in anthropology .
However , the BZÖ differs a bit in comparison to the Freedom Party , as is in favor of a referendum about the Lisbon Treaty but against an EU-Withdrawal .
Many species had vanished by the end of the nineteenth century , with European settlement .
In 1987 Wexler was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame .
In its pure form , dextromethorphan occurs as a white powder .
Admission to Tsinghua is extremely competitive .
Today NRC is organised as an independent , private foundation .
It is situated at the coast of the Baltic Sea , where it encloses the city of Stralsund .
He was also named 1982 '' Sportsman of the Year '' by Sports Illustrated .
Fives is a British sport believed to derive from the same origins as many racquet sports .
For example , King Bhumibol was born on Monday , so on his birthday throughout Thailand will be decorated with yellow color .
Both names became defunct in 2007 when they were merged into The National Museum of Scotland .
Nevertheless , Tagore emulated numerous styles , including craftwork from northern New Ireland , Haida carvings from the west coast of Canada -LRB- British Columbia -RRB- , and woodcuts by Max Pechstein .
On October 14 , 1960 , Presidential candidate John F. Kennedy proposed the concept of what became the Peace Corps on the steps of Michigan Union .
She performed for President Reagan in 1988 's Great Performances at the White House series , which aired on the Public Broadcasting Service .
Perry Saturn -LRB- with Terri -RRB- defeated Eddie Guerrero -LRB- with Chyna -RRB- to win the WWF European Championship -LRB- 8:10 -RRB- Saturn pinned Guerrero after a Diving elbow drop .
She remained in the United States until 1927 when she and her husband returned to France .
Despina was discovered in late July , 1989 from the images taken by the Voyager 2 probe .
The first Italian Grand Prix motor racing championship took place on 4 September 1921 at Brescia .
He also completed two collections of short stories entitled The Ribbajack & Other Curious Yarns and Seven Strange and Ghostly Tales .
At the Voyager 2 images Ophelia appears as an elongated object , the major axis pointing towards Uranus .
The British decided to eliminate him and take the land by force .
Some towns on the Eyre Highway in the south-east corner of Western Australia , between the South Australian border almost as far as Caiguna , do not follow official Western Australian time .
In architectural decoration Small pieces of colored and iridescent shell have been used to create mosaics and inlays , which have been used to decorate walls , furniture and boxes .
The other incorporated cities on the Palos Verdes Peninsula include Rancho Palos Verdes , Rolling Hills Estates and Rolling Hills .
Fearing that Drek will destroy the galaxy , Clank asks Ratchet to help him find the famous superhero Captain Qwark , in an effort to stop Drek .
It is not actually a true louse .
He advocates applying a user-centered design process in product development cycles and also works towards popularizing interaction design as a mainstream discipline .
It is theoretically possible that the other editors who may have reported you , and the administrator who blocked you , are part of a conspiracy against someone half a world away they 've never met in person .
Working Group I : Assesses scientific aspects of the climate system and climate change .
The island chain forms part of the Hebrides , separated from the Scottish mainland and from the Inner Hebrides by the stormy waters of the Minch , the Little Minch and the Sea of the Hebrides .
Orton and his wife welcomed Alanna Marie Orton on July 12 , 2008 .
Formal minor planet designations are number-name combinations overseen by the Minor Planet Center , a branch of the IAU .
By early on September 30 , wind shear began to dramatically increase and a weakening trend began .
Each entry has a datum -LRB- a nugget of data -RRB- which is a copy of the datum in some backing store .
As a result , although many mosques will not enforce violations , both men and women when attending a mosque must adhere to these guidelines .
Mariel of Redwall is a fantasy novel by Brian Jacques , published in 1991 .
Ryan Prosser -LRB- born 10 July , 1988 -RRB- is a professional rugby union player for Bristol Rugby in the Guinness Premiership .
Like previous assessment reports , it consists of four reports , three of them from its working groups .
Their granddaughter Hélène Langevin-Joliot is a professor of nuclear physics at the University of Paris , and their grandson Pierre Joliot , who was named after Pierre Curie , is a noted biochemist .
This stamp remained the standard letter stamp for the remainder of Victoria 's reign , and vast quantities were printed .
The International Fight League was an American mixed martial arts -LRB- MMA -RRB- promotion billed as the world 's first MMA league .
Giardia lamblia -LRB- synonymous with Lamblia intestinalis and Giardia duodenalis -RRB- is a flagellated protozoan parasite that colonises and reproduces in the small intestine , causing giardiasis .
Aside from this , Cameron has often worked in Christian-themed productions , among them the post-Rapture films Left Behind : The Movie , Left Behind II : Tribulation Force , and Left Behind : World at War , in which he plays Cameron '' Buck '' Williams .
This was the area east of the mouth of the Vistula River , later sometimes called '' Prussia proper '' .
After graduation he returned to Yerevan to teach at the local Conservatory and later he was appointed artistic director of the Armenian Philarmonic Orchestra .
The story of Christmas is based on the biblical accounts given in the Gospel of Matthew , namely - and the Gospel of Luke , specifically - .
Weelkes was later to find himself in trouble with the Chichester Cathedral authorities for his heavy drinking and immoderate behaviour .
So far the ' celebrity ' episodes have included Vic Reeves , Nancy Sorrell , Gaby Roslin , Scott Mills , Mark Chapman , Simon Gregson , Sue Cleaver , Carol Thatcher , Paul O ` Grady and Lee Ryan .
It was discovered by Stephen P. Synnott in images from the Voyager 1 space probe taken on March 5 , 1979 while orbiting around Jupiter .
Gomaespuma was a Spanish radio show , hosted by Juan Luis Cano and Guillermo Fesser .
On 16 June 2009 , the official release date of The Resistance was announced on the band 's website .
He is also a member of another Jungiery boyband 183 Club .
The Apostolic Tradition , attributed to the theologian Hippolytus , attests the singing of Hallel psalms with Alleluia as the refrain in early Christian agape feasts .
In return , Rollo swore fealty to Charles , converted to Christianity , and undertook to defend the northern region of France against the incursions of other Viking groups .
It is derived from Voice of America -LRB- VoA -RRB- Special English .
Disney received a full-size Oscar statuette and seven miniature ones , presented to him by 10-year-old child actress Shirley Temple .
It was the first asteroid to be discovered by a spacecraft .
Hinterrhein is an administrative district in the canton of Graubünden , Switzerland .
It continues as the Bohemian Switzerland in the Czech Republic .
This leads to consumer confusion when 220 -LRB- 1,048,576 -RRB- bytes is referenced as 1 MB -LRB- megabyte -RRB- instead of 1 MiB .
The incident has been the subject of numerous reports as to ethics in scholarship .
They are castrated so that the animal may be more docile or may put on weight more quickly .
Seventh sons have strong '' knacks '' -LRB- specific magical abilities -RRB- , and seventh sons of seventh sons are both extraordinarily rare and powerful .
Benchmarking conducted by PassMark Software highlights the 2009 version 's 52 second install time , 32 second scan time , and 7 MB memory utilization .
Volterra is a town in the Tuscany region of Italy .
Historically , the sensations of itch and pain have not been considered to be independent of each other until recently , where it was found that itch has several features in common with pain , but exhibits notable differences .
The tongue is sticky because of the presence of glycoprotein-rich mucous , which both lubricates movement in and out of the snout and helps to catch ants and termites , which adhere to it .
The same tram had derailed on 30 May 2006 at Starr Gate loop during previous trials .
There are statues of Sir Alf Ramsey and Sir Bobby Robson , both former Ipswich Town and England managers , outside the ground .
Take the square root of the variance .
Volunteers provided food , blankets , water , children 's toys , massages , and a live rock band performance for those at the stadium .
Vouvray-sur-Huisne is a commune in the Sarthe department in the region of Pays-de-la-Loire in northwestern France .
If there are no strong land use controls , buildings are built along a bypass , converting it into an ordinary town road , and the bypass may eventually become as congested as the local streets it was intended to avoid .
It is also a starting point for people wanting to explore Cooktown , Cape York Peninsula , and the Atherton Tableland .
Bruises often induce pain but are not normally dangerous .
None of the authors , contributors , sponsors , administrators , vandals , or anyone else connected with Wikipedia , in any way whatsoever , can be responsible for your use of the information contained in or linked from these web pages .
George Frideric Handel also served as Kapellmeister for George , Elector of Hanover -LRB- who eventually became George I of Great Britain -RRB- .
Their eyes are quite small , and their visual acuity is poor .
They are rivaled as biological materials in toughness only by chitin .
Oregano is an indispensable ingredient in Greek cuisine .
Tickets can be retailed for National Rail services , the Docklands Light Railway and on Oyster card .
These works he produced and published himself , whilst his much larger woodcuts were mostly commissioned work .
The historical method comprises the techniques and guidelines by which historians use primary sources and other evidence to research and then to write history .
The sheer weight of the continental icecap sitting on top of Lake Vostok is believed to contribute to the high oxygen concentration .
As of 2000 , the population was 89,148 .
Aliteracy -LRB- sometimes spelled alliteracy -RRB- is the state of being able to read but being uninterested in doing so .
Mifepristone is a synthetic steroid compound used as a pharmaceutical .
It will then dislodge itself and sink back to the river bed in order to digest its food and wait for its next meal .
Furthermore , research has shown children are less likely to report a crime if it involves someone that he or she knows , trusts , and / or cares about .
Today , Landis ' father has become a hearty supporter of his son and regards himself as one of Floyd 's biggest fans .
Shortly after attaining Category 4 status , the outer convection of the hurricane became ragged .
The equilibrium price for a certain type of labor is the wage .
Convinced that the grounds were haunted , they decided to publish their findings in a book An Adventure -LRB- 1911 -RRB- , under the pseudonyms of Elizabeth Morison and Frances Lamont .
He settled in London , devoting himself chiefly to practical teaching .
Brunstad has several fast food restaurants , a cafeteria-style restaurant , coffee bar , and its own grocery store .
He left a detachment of 11,000 troops to garrison the newly conquered region .
In 1438 Trevi passed under the temporal rule of the Church as part of the legation of Perugia , and thenceforth its history merges first with that of the States of the Church , then -LRB- 1860 -RRB- with the united Kingdom of Italy .
The depression moved inland on the 20th as a circulation devoid of convection , and dissipated the next day over Brazil , where it caused heavy rains and flooding .
The New York City Housing Authority Police Department was a law enforcement agency in New York City that existed from 1952 to 1995 .
The current lineup of the band comprises Flynn -LRB- vocals , guitar -RRB- , Duce -LRB- bass -RRB- , Phil Demmel -LRB- guitar -RRB- , and Dave McClain -LRB- drums -RRB- .
Advocacy Countries with a minority Muslim population are more likely than Muslim-majority countries of the Greater Middle East to use mosques as a way to promote civic participation .
The characters are foul-mouthed extensions of their earlier characters Pete and Dud .
Johan was also the original bassist of the Swedish power metal band HammerFall , but quit before the band ever released a studio album .
In 1998 , Culver ran for Iowa Secretary of State and was victorious .
In 1990 , Mark Messier took the Hart over Ray Bourque by a margin of two votes , the difference being a single first-place vote .
Shade sets the main plot of the novel in motion when he impetuously defies that law , and inadvertently initiates a chain of events that leads to the destruction of his colony 's home , forcing their premature migration , and his separation from them .
The female equivalent is a daughter .
He was diagnosed with inoperable abdominal cancer in April 1999 .
Prior to the arrival of the storm , the National Park Service closed visitor centers and campgrounds along the Outer Banks .
The form of chess played is speed chess in which each competitor has a total of twelve minutes for the whole game .
The Amazon Basin is the part of South America drained by the Amazon River and its tributaries .
The two former presidents were later separately charged with mutiny and treason for their roles in the 1979 coup and the 1980 Gwangju massacre .
Moderate to severe damage extended up the Atlantic coastline and as far inland as West Virginia .
Because the owner tends to be unaware , these computers are metaphorically compared to zombies .
The wave traveled across the Atlantic , and organized into a tropical depression off the northern coast of Haiti on September 13 .
For example , the stylebook of the Associated Press is updated annually .
The four canonical texts are the Gospel of Matthew , Gospel of Mark , Gospel of Luke and Gospel of John , probably written between AD 65 and 100 -LRB- see also the Gospel according to the Hebrews -RRB- .
Since the end of the 19th century Eschelbronn is well known for its furniture manufacturing industry .
The upper half also resembles the coat of arms of the former district Oberbarnim .
Unlike the clouds on Earth , however , which are composed of crystals of ice , Neptune 's cirrus clouds are made up of crystals of frozen methane .
Their participation is limited until they reach legal adulthood .
Development Stable releases are rare , but there are often Subversion snapshots which are stable enough to use .
Finally in 1482 the Order dispatched him to Florence , the ` city of his destiny ' .
In the Soviet years , the Bolsheviks demolished two of Rostov 's principal landmarks - St Alexander Nevsky Cathedral -LRB- 1908 -RRB- and St George Cathedral in Nakhichevan -LRB- 1783-1807 -RRB- .
He died on May 29 , 1518 in Madrid , Spain and was buried in the church of San Benito d ` Alcantara .
This was demonstrated in the Miller-Urey experiment by Stanley L. Miller and Harold C. Urey in 1953 .
Cogeneration -LRB- also combined heat and power , CHP -RRB- is the use of a heat engine or a power station to simultaneously generate both electricity and useful heat .
On occasion the male '' den master '' will also allow a second male into the den ; the reason for this is unclear .
A Wikipedia gadget is a JavaScript and / or a CSS snippet that can be enabled simply by checking an option in your Wikipedia preferences .
Below are some useful links to facilitate your involvement .
He served as the prime minister of Egypt between 1945 and 1946 and again from 1946 and 1948 .
She was left behind -LRB- explanations for this vary -RRB- when the rest of the Nicoleños were moved to the mainland .
James I appointed him a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal , where he served as an organist from at least 1615 until his death .
Chauvin was embarrassed to receive his award and initially indicated that he may not accept it .
Later , Esperanto speakers began to see the language and the culture that had grown up around it as ends in themselves , even if Esperanto is never adopted by the United Nations or other international organizations .
Dry air wrapping around the southern periphery of the cyclone eroded most of the deep convection by early on September 12 .
Calvin Baker is an American novelist .
Eva Anna Paula Braun , died Eva Anna Paula Hitler -LRB- 6 February 1912 -- 30 April 1945 -RRB- was the longtime companion and , for a brief time , wife of Adolf Hitler .
Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number .
Most IRC servers do not require users to register an account but a user will have to set a nickname before being connected .
That same year he also received a mechanics certificate , becoming the youngest certificated airplane mechanic in New York .
SummerSlam -LRB- 2009 -RRB- is an upcoming professional wrestling pay-per-view event produced by World Wrestling Entertainment -LRB- WWE -RRB- , which will take place on August 23 , 2009 at Staples Center in Los Angeles , California .
Usually portrayed as being bald , with long whiskers , he is said to be an incarnation of the Southern Polestar .
A few animals have chromatic response , changing color in changing environments , either seasonally -LRB- ermine , snowshoe hare -RRB- or far more rapidly with chromatophores in their integument -LRB- the cephalopod family -RRB- .
Val Venis defeated Rikishi in a Steel cage match to retain the WWF Intercontinental Championship -LRB- 14:10 -RRB- Venis pinned Rikishi after Tazz hit Rikishi with a TV camera .
This closely resembles the Unix philosophy of having multiple programs each doing one thing well and working together over universal interfaces .
He came from a musical family ; his mother , LaRue , was an administrative assistant and singer , and his father , Keith Brion , was a band director at Yale .
The largest populations of Mennonites are in Canada , Democratic Republic of Congo and the United States , but Mennonites can also be found in tight-knit communities in at least 51 countries on six continents or scattered amongst the populace of those countries .
Naas is a major '' Dublin Suburb '' town , with many people living in Naas and working in Dublin .
Acanthopholis 's armour consisted of oval plates set almost horizontally into the skin , with spikes protruding from the neck and shoulder area , along the spine .
Origin Irmo was chartered on Christmas Eve in 1890 in response to the opening of the Columbia , Newberry and Laurens Railroad .
Conversely , bills proposed by the Law Commission , and consolidation bills , start in the House of Lords .
In the years before his final release in 1474 , when he began preparations for the reconquest of Wallachia , Vlad resided with his new wife in a house in the Hungarian capital .
You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text , and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text , to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version .
He is interred in the Restvale Cemetery in Alsip , Illinois .
Bone marrow is the flexible tissue found in the hollow interior of bones .
Reflection nebulae are usually blue because the scattering is more efficient for blue light than red -LRB- this is the same scattering process that gives us blue skies and red sunsets -RRB- .
Monteux is a commune of the Vaucluse département in southern France , in the area Provence-Alpes-Côte d ` Azur .
MacGruber starts asking for simple objects to make something to defuse the bomb , but he is later distracted by something -LRB- usually involving his personal life -RRB- that makes him run out of time .
This was substantially complete when Messiaen died , and Yvonne Loriod undertook the final movement 's orchestration with advice from George Benjamin .
Shi ' a Muslims consider Karbala to be one of their holiest cities after Mecca , Medina , Jerusalem and Najaf .
The PAD called for the resignation of the governments of Thaksin Shinawatra , Samak Sundaravej and Somchai Wongsawat , whom the PAD accused of being proxies for Thaksin .
However travel through very remote areas , on isolated tracks , requires advance planning and a suitable , reliable vehicle -LRB- usually a four wheel drive -RRB- .
While at Kahn he was chief architect for the Fisher Building in 1928 .
He excuses himself because he has to leave for rehearsal , and he and Dr. Schön leave .
Britpop emerged from the British independent music scene of the early 1990s and was characterised by bands influenced by British guitar pop music of the 1960s and 1970s .
This was absorbed into battalions being formed for XI International Brigade .
The Sheppard line currently has fewer users than the other two subway lines , and shorter trains are run .
It has a capacity of 98,772 , making it the largest stadium in Europe , and the eleventh largest in the world .
In December , 1967 , Ten Boom was honored as one of the Righteous Among the Nations by the State of Israel .
Some articles are quite lengthy and rich in content while others are shorter -LRB- possibly stubs -RRB- and of lesser quality .
About 95 species are currently accepted .
Eugowra is said to be named after the Indigenous Australian word meaning '' The place where the sand washes down the hill '' .
Terms such as '' undies '' for underwear and '' movie '' for '' moving picture '' are oft-heard terms in English .
Jurisdiction draws its substance from public international law , conflict of laws , constitutional law and the powers of the executive and legislative branches of government to allocate resources to best serve the needs of its native society .
He followed this with several other pieces about Hiawatha : The Death of Minnehaha , Overture to The Song of Hiawatha and Hiawatha 's Departure .
The capital of the state is Aracaju -LRB- pop .
Despite this , Farrenc was paid less than her male counterparts for nearly a decade .
Gumbasia was created in a style Vorkapich taught called Kinesthetic Film Principles .
The lawyer , Brandon -LRB- Waise Lee -RRB- , became his idol , and MK Sun grew up to be a lawyer .
ISBN 1-876429-14-3 is an historic township located near Cowra in the central west of New South Wales , Australia in Cabonne Shire .
Military career Donaldson enlisted in the Australian Army on 18 June 2002 .
Prospectors from California , Europe and China were also digging along the Peel River and up the mountain slopes .
Before the advent of the pocket calculator , it was the most commonly used calculation tool in science and engineering .
The Kindle 2 features 16-level grayscale display , improved battery life , 20 percent faster page-refreshing , a text-to-speech option to read the text aloud , and overall thickness reduced from 0.8 to 0.36 inches -LRB- 9.1 millimeters -RRB- .
Yoghurt or yogurt is a dairy product produced by bacterial fermentation of milk .
Seventy-five defencemen are in the Hall of Fame , more than any other current position , while only 35 goaltenders have been inducted .
Alternative views on the subject have been proposed throughout the centuries -LRB- see below -RRB- , but all were rejected by mainstream Christian bodies .
The album , however , was banned from many record stores nationwide .
The legs are wide at the top , and narrow at the ankle .
In late 2004 , Suleman made headlines by cutting Howard Stern 's radio show from four Citadel stations , citing Stern 's frequent discussions regarding his upcoming move to Sirius Satellite Radio .
The company opened twice as many Canadian outlets as McDonald 's '' Wendy 's confirms Tim Hortons IPO by March '' , Ottawa Business Journal , December 1 , 2005 , and system-wide sales also surpassed those of McDonald 's Canadian operations as of 2002 .
Plot Captain Caleb Holt -LRB- Kirk Cameron -RRB- is a firefighter in Albany , Georgia and firmly keeps the cardinal rule of all firemen , '' Never leave your partner behind '' .
He won the presidential election held on 2 March 2008 with 71.25 % of the popular vote .
The plant is considered a living fossil .
In 1990 , she was the only female entertainer allowed to perform in Saudi Arabia .
Orchestration Stravinsky first conceived of writing the ballet in 1913 .
Protests across the nation were suppressed .
Offenbach 's numerous operettas , such as Orpheus in the Underworld , and La belle Hélène , were extremely popular in both France and the English-speaking world during the 1850s and 1860s .
Roof tiles dating back to the Tang Dynasty with this symbol have been found west of the ancient city of Chang ` an -LRB- modern-day Xian -RRB- .
Jeanne Marie-Madeleine Demessieux -LRB- February 13 , 1921 November 11 , 1968 -RRB- , was a French organist , pianist , composer , and pedagogue .
By most accounts , the instrument was nearly impossible to control .
Santa Maria Maggiore -LRB- St. Mary the Greater -RRB- , the earliest extant church in Assisi .
Characteristics Radar observations indicate a fairly pure iron-nickel composition .
Railway Gazette International is a monthly business journal covering the railway , metro , light rail and tram industries worldwide .
He was appointed Companion of Honour -LRB- CH -RRB- in 1988 .
Loèche harbours the installations of Onyx , the Swiss interception system for electronic intelligence gathering .
A matchbook is a small cardboard folder -LRB- matchcover -RRB- enclosing a quantity of matches and having a coarse striking surface on the exterior .
She was among the first doctors to object to cigarette smoking around children , and drug use in pregnant women .
Defiantly , she vowed to never renounce the Commune , and dared the judges to sentence her to death .
OEL manga series Graystripe 's Trilogy There is a three volume original English-language manga series following Graystripe , between the time that he was taken by Twolegs in Dawn until he returned to ThunderClan in The Sight .
Samovar & Porter -LRB- 1994 -RRB- , p . 84 Syrians did not congregate in urban enclaves ; many of the immigrants who had worked as peddlers were able to interact with Americans on a daily basis .
He was also famous for his prints , book covers , posters , and garden metalwork furniture .
During childhood she suffered from collapsed lungs twice , she had pneumonia 4-5 times a year , a ruptured appendix , and had a tonsillar cyst .
Dr. David Lindenmeyer -LRB- Australian National University -RRB- has argued that the need for nest boxes indicates that logging practices are not ecologically sustainable , for conserving hollow-dependent species like Leadbeater 's possum .
The Montreal Canadiens are a professional ice hockey team based in Montreal , Quebec , Canada .
Small value inductors can also be built on integrated circuits using the same processes that are used to make transistors .
The term gribble was originally assigned to the wood-boring species , especially the first species described from Norway by Rathke in 1799 , Limnoria lignorum .
The wounds inflicted by a club are generally known as bludgeoning or blunt-force trauma injuries .
Thereafter the county 's administration was conducted at Duns or Lauder until Greenlaw became the county town in 1596 .
No skater has yet accomplished a quadruple Axel in competition .
From the telephone exchange , the Port Jackson District Commandant could communicate with all military installations on the harbour .
However , even to those who enter the prayer hall of a mosque without the intention of praying , there are still rules that apply .
It is described as pointed in the face and about the size of a rabbit .
Computer performance is characterized by the amount of useful work accomplished by a computer system compared to the time and resources used .
Some of the largest reservoirs in the world can be found along the Volga .
The crosier symbolises the monasteries of the region .
Human skin hues can range from very dark brown to very pale pink .
Bankers from ShoreBank , a community development bank in Chicago , helped Yunus with the official incorporation of the bank under a grant from the Ford Foundation .
Bremer reported plans to put Saddam on trial , but claimed that the details of such a trial had not yet been determined .
Representatives of the Professional Hockey Writers ' Association vote for the All-Star Team at the end of the regular season .
Tajikistan , Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan border Afghanistan to the north , Iran to the west , Pakistan to the south and the People 's Republic of China to the east .
Nupedia was founded on March 9 , 2000 , under the ownership of Bomis , Inc , a web portal company .
Notable features of the design include key-dependent S-boxes and a highly complex key schedule .
Iain Grieve -LRB- born 19 February , 1987 in Jwaneng , Botswana -RRB- is a rugby union back-rower for Bristol Rugby in the Guinness Premiership .
Other nearby settlements include Pont-Bellanger and Beaumesnil .
The quark model was independently proposed by physicists Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig in 1964 .
The fourth ring is decorated with golden garlands and was added in 1938 39 when the column was moved to its present location .
West Berlin had its own postal administration , separate from West Germany 's , which issued its own postage stamps until 1990 .
The Primavera is a painting by the Italian Renaissance painter Sandro Botticelli , c . 1482 .
New South Wales 's largest city and capital is Sydney .
The polymer is most often epoxy , but other polymers , such as polyester , vinyl ester or nylon , are also sometimes used .
The name survives as a brand for a related spin-off digital television channel , digital radio station , and website which have survived the demise of the printed magazine .
At four-and-a-half years old he was left to fend for himself on the streets of northern Italy for the next four years , living in various orphanages and roving through towns with groups of other homeless children .
Stands were eventually added behind each set of goals during the 1980s and 1990s as the ground began to be modernised .
A town may be correctly described as a market town or as having market rights even if it no longer holds a market , provided the right to do so still exists .
A bastion on the eastern approaches was built later .
Events Europe July 29 -- Battle of Stiklestad -LRB- Norway -RRB- : Olav Haraldsson loses to his pagan vassals and is killed in the battle .
Others have theorized that Tresca was eliminated by the NKVD as retribution for criticism of the Stalin regime of the Soviet Union .
This resulted in both Montenegro and Serbia becoming independent countries .
Use HTML and CSS markup sparingly and only with good reason .
Schuschnigg immediately responded publicly that reports of riots were false .
Addiscombe is a suburb in the London Borough of Croydon , England .
Depending on the context , another closely-related meaning of constituent is that of a citizen residing in the area governed , represented , or otherwise served by a politician ; sometimes this is restricted to citizens who elected the politician .
Prunk is a member of Institute of European History in Mainz , and a senior fellow of the Center for European Integration Studies in Bonn .
Stallone also had a cameo appearance in the 2003 French film Taxi 3 as a passenger .
Instead , the crew fashioned a trailer with a cantilevered arm attached to the '' hovercraft '' and shot the scene while riding up Templin Highway north of Santa Clarita .
The conference papers were published the next year in a bookMicroeconomic Foundations of Employment and Inflation Theory by Phelps et al .
Wario Land The Wario Land series is a platforming series that started with Wario Land : Super Mario Land 3 , a spin-off of the Super Mario Land series .
Frédéric Chopin 's Opus 57 is a berceuse for solo piano .
These attacks may have been psychological in origin rather than physical .
A historian has stated that '' it was quinine 's efficacy that gave colonists fresh opportunities to swarm into the Gold Coast , Nigeria and other parts of west Africa '' .
Furthermore , spectroscopic studies have shown evidence of hydrated minerals and silicates , which indicate rather a stony surface composition .
She became the authoritative editor of her husband 's works for Breitkopf und Härtel .
Mercury is similar in appearance to the Moon : it is heavily cratered with regions of smooth plains , has no natural satellites and no substantial atmosphere .
Geography The town lies in the Limmat valley between Baden and Zürich .
These ideally provide excellent habitat for chinkara , hog deer and blue bull .
After the Sena dynasty , Dhaka was successively ruled by the Turkish and Afghan governors descending from the Delhi Sultanate before the arrival of the Mughals in 1608 .
The Prime Minister stays in office only as long as he or she retains the support of the lower house .
For Rowling , this scene is important because it shows Harry 's bravery , and by retrieving Cedric 's corpse , he demonstrates selflessness and compassion .
On June 1 , 1972 , he and fellow RAF members Jan-Carl Raspe and Holger Meins were apprehended after a lengthy shootout in Frankfurt .
Together they formed New Music Manchester , a group committed to contemporary music .
The compact and intense hurricane caused extreme damage in the upper Florida Keys , as a storm surge of approximately 18 to 20 feet affected the region .
It is now the site of Meher Baba 's samadhi -LRB- tomb-shrine -RRB- as well as facilities and accommodations for pilgrims .
The collapsed dome of the main church has been restored entirely .
In 2005 , Meissner became the second American woman to land the triple Axel jump in national competition .
Salem is a city in Essex County , Massachusetts , United States .
Forty-nine species of pipefish and nine species of seahorse have been recorded .
Saint Martin is a tropical island in the northeast Caribbean , approximately 300 km -LRB- 186 miles -RRB- east of Puerto Rico .
Therefore , these PDFs can not be distributed without further manipulation if they contain images .
In April 1862 , Ben was arrested on the orders of Police Inspector Sir Frederick Pottinger for participating in an armed robbery whilst in the company of Frank Gardiner .
Heavy rain fell across portions of Britain on October 5 , causing localized accumulation of flood waters .
Version 2009.1 provides a USB installer to create a Live USB , where the user 's configuration and personal data can be saved if desired .
In approximate relation to the parties ' respective strength in the Federal Assembly , the seats were distributed as follows : Free Democratic Party -LRB- FDP -RRB- : 2 members , Christian Democratic People 's Party -LRB- CVP -RRB- : 2 members , Social Democratic Party -LRB- SP -RRB- : 2 members , and Swiss People 's Party -LRB- SVP -RRB- : 1 member .
A fee is the price one pays as remuneration for services , especially the honorarium paid to a doctor , lawyer , consultant , or other member of a learned profession .
Ohio State 's library system encompasses twenty-one libraries located on its Columbus campus .
In other developments , both Iceland and Greenland accepted the overlordship of Norway , but Scotland was able to repulse a Norse invasion and broker a favorable peace settlement .
The singles from the album included '' By the Way '' , '' The Zephyr Song '' , '' Ca n't Stop '' , '' Dosed '' and '' Universally Speaking '' .
In April 2000 , MINIX became free / open source software under a permissive free software licence , but by this time other operating systems had surpassed its capabilities , and it remained primarily an operating system for students and hobbyists .
The body color varies from medium brown to gold-ish to beige-white ; and occasionally , is marked with dark brown spots , especially on the limbs .
The Britannica was primarily a Scottish enterprise , as symbolised by its thistle logo , the floral emblem of Scotland .
The area covered by the warning issued on September 22 was extended southwards as Jose intensified , before being canceled soon after landfall on September 23 .
In August 2003 , the San Diego Union Tribune alleged that U.S. Marine pilots and their commanders confirmed the use of Mark 77 firebombs on Iraqi Republican Guards during the initial stages of combat .
The latter provided audiences with the sort of information later provided by intertitles , and can help historians imagine what the film may have been like .
That is because real estate , businesses and other assets in the underground economies of the Third World can not be used as collateral to raise capital to finance industrial and commercial expansion .
He bolted from Sydney Cove several times before being shot dead in 1796 .
Ned and Dan advanced to the police camp , ordering them to surrender .
Before the second game got underway , the press agreed that the '' midget-in-a-cake '' appearance had not been up to Veeck 's usual promotional standard .
In a short video promoting the charity Equality Now Joss Whedon confirmed that '' Fray is not done , Fray is coming back .
A mutant is a type of fictional character that appears in comic books published by marvel comics .
The SAT Reasoning Test -LRB- formerly Scholastic Aptitude Test and Scholastic Assessment Test -RRB- is a standardized test for college admissions in the United States .
Civil unrest in northern Italy spawns the medieval musical form of Geisslerlieder , penitential songs sung by wandering bands of Flagellants .
Some reports read that various factors increase the likelihood of both paralysis and hallucinations .
His sentence was transportation to Australia for seven years .
Waugh writes that Charles had been '' in search of love in those days '' when he first met Sebastian , finding '' that low door in the wall ... which opened on an enclosed and enchanted garden '' , a metaphor that informs the work on a number of levels .
Her notorious friendship with the Russian mystic Grigori Rasputin was also an important factor in her life .
The term dorsal refers to anatomical structures that are either situated toward or grow off that side of an animal .
The term '' protein '' itself was coined by Berzelius , after Mulder observed that all proteins seemed to have the same empirical formula and might be composed of a single type of -LRB- very large -RRB- molecule .
After the Jerilderie raid , the gang laid low for 16 months evading capture .
Barneville-la-Bertran is a commune in the Calvados department in the Basse-Normandie region in northwestern France .
Color ranges from orange to pale yellow .
In 1963 an extension was added , curving north from Union station , below University Avenue and Queen 's Park to near Bloor Street , where it turned west to terminate at St. George and Bloor Streets .
Before 1980 , a section of the Commonwealth Railways Central Australian line passed along the western side of the Simpson Desert .
It is located on an old portage trail which led west through the mountains to Unalakleet .
People with cardiomyopathy are often at risk of arrhythmia or sudden cardiac death or both .
As the largest sub-region in Mesoamerica , it encompassed a vast and varied landscape , from the mountainous regions of the Sierra Madre to the semi-arid plains of northern Yucatán .
Google subsequently made the comic available on Google Books and their site and mentioned it on its official blog along with an explanation for the early release .
Anyone may register a pedigree with the college , where they are carefully internally audited and require official proofs before being altered .
The book , Political Economy , was published in 1985 , but had limited classroom adoption .
He toured with the IPO in the spring of 1990 for their first-ever performance in the Soviet Union , with concerts in Moscow and Leningrad , and toured with the IPO again in 1994 , performing in China and India .
Napoleonic Wars : Austrian General Mack surrenders his army to the Grand Army of Napoleon at Ulm , reaping Napoleon over 30,000 prisoners and inflicting 10,000 casualties on the losers .
It has long been the economic centre of northern Nigeria , and a centre for the production and export of groundnuts .
A majority of South Indians speak one of the five Dravidian languages -- Kannada , Malayalam , Tamil , Telugu and Tulu .
Meteora earned the band multiple awards and honors .
After a brief stand-off , the WWF cavalry turned around and attacked Kane and Jericho .
Most of the songs were written by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman .
In the 5th century Slavs started to move into the area .
From 1900 to 1920 many new facilities were constructed on campus , including facilities for the dental and pharmacy programs , a chemistry building , a building for the natural sciences , Hill Auditorium , large hospital and library complexes , and two residence halls .
Winchester is a city in Scott County , Illinois , United States .
Name Arzashkun seems to be the Assyrian form of an Armenian name ending in - ka formed from a proper name Arzash , which recalls the name Arsene , Arsissa , applied by the ancients to part of Lake Van .
Out of 16,421 participants in the national casting , she was chosen among the 15 candidates to appear on the TV show .
Its episodes were broadcast on the ABC network from its debut on September 21 , 1993 to March 1 , 2005 .
The latter device can then be designed and used in less stringent environments .
Gimnasia hired first famed Colombian trainer Francisco Maturana , and then Julio César Falcioni , but both had limited success .
Brighton is a city in Washington County , Iowa , United States .
Furthermore , she appeared in several music videos , including '' It Girl '' by John Oates and '' Just Lose It '' by Eminem .
On June 24 1979 -LRB- the 750th anniversary of the village -RRB- , Glinde received its town charter .
Pauline returned in the Game Boy remake of Donkey Kong in 1994 , and later Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2 : March of the Minis in 2006 , although the character is now described as '' Mario 's friend '' .
The vagina is remarkably elastic and stretches to many times its normal diameter during vaginal birth .
His real date of birth was never recorded , but it is believed to be a date between 1935 and 1939 .
This quantitative measure indicates how much of a particular drug or other substance -LRB- inhibitor -RRB- is needed to inhibit a given biological process -LRB- or component of a process , i.e. an enzyme , cell , cell receptor or microorganism -RRB- by half .
Although the name suggests that they are located in the Bernese Oberland region of the canton of Bern , portions of the Bernese Alps are in the adjacent cantons of Valais , Lucerne , Obwalden , Fribourg and Vaud .
There he had one daughter , later baptized as Mary Ann Fisher Power , to Ann -LRB- e -RRB- Power .
During an interview , Edward Gorey mentioned that Bawden was one of his favorite artists , lamenting the fact that not many people remembered or knew about this fine artist .
The string can vibrate in different modes just as a guitar string can produce different notes , and every mode appears as a different particle : electron , photon , gluon , etc .
Gable also earned an Academy Award nomination when he portrayed Fletcher Christian in 1935 's Mutiny on the Bounty .