whom did time magazine tab as their person of the year for 2011?
[ { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "(1969), \"The American Soldier\" (2003), \"You\" (2006), \"The Protester\" (2011) represented on the cover by a woman, and \"Ebola fighters\" (2014). Although the title on the magazine remained \"Man of The Year\" for both the 1956 \"Hungarian Freedom Fighter\" and the 1966 \"Twenty-five and Under\" editions which both featured a woman standing behind a man, and \"Men of the Year\" on the 1960 \"U.S. Scientists\" edition which exclusively featured men on its cover. It was not until the 1969 edition on \"The Middle Americans\" did the title embrace \"Man and Woman of the Year\". Despite the name, the title is", "psg_id": "1659023" } ]
[ { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "title was given to Bill Clinton and Ken Starr, which led to outrage from the fans of Foley who mistakenly believed the winner of the poll would be the winner of the title. In 2006, the poll winner by a wide margin was Hugo Chávez, with 35% of the votes. The president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, came in second. \"Time\" again ignored those results, not mentioning them in the announcement of the Person of the Year. \"Time\" continues to annually run an online poll for the \"People's Choice\", but stresses the decision on whom the magazine recognizes is not made", "psg_id": "1659032" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "Time Person of the Year Person of the Year (called Man of the Year or Woman of the Year until 1999) is an annual issue of the United States news magazine \"Time\" that features and profiles a person, a group, an idea, or an object that \"for better or for worse... has done the most to influence the events of the year\". The tradition of selecting a \"Man of the Year\" began in 1927, with \"Time\" editors contemplating the news makers of the years. The idea was also an attempt to remedy the editorial embarrassment earlier that year of not", "psg_id": "1659019" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "award or prize, simply based on many previous selections of admirable people. However, \"Time\" magazine points out that controversial figures such as Adolf Hitler (1938), Joseph Stalin (1939 and 1942), Nikita Khrushchev (1957) and Ayatollah Khomeini (1979) have also been granted the title for their impacts. As a result of the public backlash it received from the United States for naming Khomeini as Man of the Year in 1979, \"Time\" has since shied away from using figures who are controversial in the United States for commercial reasons, fearing reductions in sales or advertising revenue. \"Time\"s Person of the Year 2001,", "psg_id": "1659025" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "by the poll, but by the magazine's editors. Time Person of the Year Person of the Year (called Man of the Year or Woman of the Year until 1999) is an annual issue of the United States news magazine \"Time\" that features and profiles a person, a group, an idea, or an object that \"for better or for worse... has done the most to influence the events of the year\". The tradition of selecting a \"Man of the Year\" began in 1927, with \"Time\" editors contemplating the news makers of the years. The idea was also an attempt to remedy", "psg_id": "1659033" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "he had refused. \"Time\" denied that they had made any such promises or conditions to Trump, who was named a runner-up. \"Time\" magazine also holds an online poll for the readers to vote for who they believe to be the \"Person of the Year\". While many mistakenly believe the winner of the poll to be the \"Person of the Year\", the title, as mentioned above, is decided by the editors of \"Time\". In the first online poll held in 1998, wrestler and activist Mick Foley won with over 50% of the votes. Foley was removed from the poll, and the", "psg_id": "1659031" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "documentary \"Fahrenheit 9/11\" became the highest-grossing documentary of all time the same year Gibson's \"The Passion of the Christ\" became a box-office success and also caused significant controversy. Moore said in an interview \"I got a call right after the '04 election from an editor from \"Time\" Magazine. He said,' \"Time\" Magazine has picked you and Mel Gibson to be \"Time\"s Person of the Year to put on the cover, Right and Left, Mel and Mike. The only thing you have to do is pose for a picture with each other. And do an interview together.' I said 'OK.' They", "psg_id": "1659029" }, { "title": "You (Time Person of the Year)", "text": "You (Time Person of the Year) \"You\" were chosen in 2006 as \"Time\" magazine's Person of the Year. The magazine set out to recognize the millions of people who anonymously contribute user-generated content to wikis and other websites such as Wikipedia, YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, and the multitudes of other websites featuring user contribution. While the status had been given before to inanimate objects, with the personal computer being the \"Machine of the Year\" for 1982, as well as collections of people or an abstract representative of a movement, the choice of \"You\" attracted criticism from commentators in publications such as", "psg_id": "11339797" }, { "title": "You (Time Person of the Year)", "text": "\"The Atlantic\" for being too much of a pop culture gimmick. A \"New York Daily News\" article named the 2006 award as one of the ten most controversial \"Person of the Year\" moments in the history of \"Time\". However, the news-magazine experienced generally successful sales. While most earlier choices for \"Person of the Year\" have been historically important individuals, many of them infamous rather than internationally popular (Adolf Hitler was 1938's \"Man of the Year\", and Ayatollah Khomeini won in 1979), a few were inanimate. The personal computer was the \"Machine of the Year\" for 1982, while the \"Endangered Earth\"", "psg_id": "11339798" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "elephant Dumbo from the Disney movie of the same name was selected to be \"Mammal of the Year\", and a cover was created showing Dumbo in a formal portrait style. However, the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7 pre-empted the cover. The U.S. president Franklin Delano Roosevelt was named Man of the Year for a record third time, although Dumbo's Mammal of the Year profile still appeared on the inside pages of the magazine. Film-maker Michael Moore claims that director Mel Gibson cost him the opportunity to be Person of the Year alongside Gibson in 2004. Moore's controversial political", "psg_id": "1659028" }, { "title": "You (Time Person of the Year)", "text": "listing 'Time Person of the Year, 2006' in Twitter bios, a reference to the gimmicky selection of 'You' that year?\" Additionally, the decision raised some criticism as it was described as ideological and even hypocritically political. Some weeks before the announcement, \"Time\" decided to ask the users in a poll, \"Who Should Be Person of the Year?\" After several weeks, the poll winner by a wide margin was Hugo Chávez, the leader of Venezuela, with 35% of the votes. The president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, came in second. \"Time\" decided to ignore those results and did not mention them in", "psg_id": "11339803" }, { "title": "You (Time Person of the Year)", "text": "the announcement of their \"Person of the Year\". Its critics underlined that \"Time\" ignores its digital democracy among its readers. \"Time\" supporters argue that an online poll is not representative as it has no scientific value. The hyperlink to the online poll results has been removed. A 2014 \"New York Daily News\" article, which named the \"You\" naming as one of the ten most controversial \"Person of the Year\" moments in the history of \"Time\", also remarked that \"2006 had its fair share of newsmakers\" while highlighting both \"Venezuela President Hugo Chavez and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad\". You (Time Person", "psg_id": "11339804" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "having aviator Charles Lindbergh on its cover following his historic trans-Atlantic flight. By the end of the year, it was decided that a cover story featuring Lindbergh as the Man of the Year would serve both purposes. Since the list began, every serving President of the United States has been a Man or Person of the Year at least once with the exceptions of Calvin Coolidge (in office at time of the first issue), Herbert Hoover (the subsequent U.S. President), and Gerald Ford. Most were named Man or Person of the Year either the year they were elected or while", "psg_id": "1659020" }, { "title": "Ethiopian Person of the Year", "text": "\"Times\" in the Oromo language of Ethiopia and its style was to mirror the American TIME news magazine which also publishes its annual \"Person of the Year\" selections. Yeroo newspaper has stopped publication in Ethiopia after only a few months but its website version \"Jimma Times\" continues to operate online. Though many other Ethiopian media outlets make their own annual selections, Jimma Times's independent selection is the only one that often features interviews of the nominees and special report articles on the work of the winner(s). The winner for the award during Ethiopian calendar year 2001 was the peace activist,", "psg_id": "14984427" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "not just granted to individuals. Pairs of people such as married couples and political opponents, classes of people, and inanimate objects have all been selected for the special year-end issue. In 1949, Winston Churchill was named \"Man of the Half-Century\", and the last issue of 1989 named Mikhail Gorbachev as \"Man of the Decade\". The December 31, 1999 issue of \"Time\" named Albert Einstein the \"Person of the Century\". Franklin D. Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi were chosen as runners-up. Despite the magazine's frequent statements to the contrary, the designation is often regarded as an honor, and spoken of as an", "psg_id": "1659024" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "call Mel up, he agrees. They set the date and time in LA. I'm to fly there. He's flying from Australia. Something happens when he gets home... Next thing, Mel calls up and says, 'I'm not doing it. I've thought it over and it is not the right thing to do.' So they put Bush on the cover.\" On November 24, 2017, U.S. president Donald Trump posted on the social media network Twitter that \"Time\" editors had told him he would \"probably\" be named Person of the Year for a second time, conditional on an interview and photo shoot which", "psg_id": "1659030" }, { "title": "You (Time Person of the Year)", "text": "floated in November as a possible winner. Readers' opinions were canvassed online. The final decision was made by managing editor Richard Stengel. The decision was announced in \"Time\" December 13, 2006 issue. The cover of the magazine featured an iMac computer monitor with a reflective mylar pane appearing as the window of a YouTube-like video player, intended to reflect as online content the visage of whoever picks up the magazine. The time remaining indicator in the image indicates a total duration of \"20:06,\" a visual pun connecting this ubiquitous bit of interface design to the year in which it gained", "psg_id": "11339800" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "candidate than Albert Einstein. The selections were ultimately based on what the magazine describes as who they believed had a stronger influence on history and who represented either the year or the century the most. According to \"Time\", Rudolph Giuliani was selected for symbolizing the American response to the September 11th attacks, and Albert Einstein selected for representing a century of scientific exploration and wonder. Another controversial choice was the 2006 selection of \"You\", representing most if not all people for advancing the information age by using the Internet (via e.g. blogs, MySpace, YouTube, and Wikipedia). In 1941, the fictional", "psg_id": "1659027" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "immediately following the September 11, 2001 attacks, was New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani. The stated rules of selection, the individual or group of individuals who have had the biggest effect on the year's news, made Osama bin Laden the more likely choice that year. The issue that declared Giuliani the Person of the Year included an article that mentioned \"Time's\" earlier decision to select the Ayatollah Khomeini and the 1999 rejection of Hitler as \"Person of the Century\". The article seemed to imply that Osama bin Laden \"was\" a stronger candidate than Giuliani, as Adolf Hitler was a stronger", "psg_id": "1659026" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "they were in office; the only one to be given the title before being elected is Dwight D. Eisenhower, in 1944 as Supreme Commander of the Allied Invasion Force, eight years before his election. He subsequently received the title again in 1959, while in office. Franklin D. Roosevelt is the only person to have received the title three times, first as president-elect (1932) and later as the incumbent president (1934 and 1941). In 1999, the title was changed to Person of the Year. Women who have been selected for recognition after the renaming include \"The Whistleblowers\" (Cynthia Cooper, Coleen Rowley,", "psg_id": "1659021" }, { "title": "You (Time Person of the Year)", "text": "ascendancy in \"Time\" view. Stories on the new user-driven media dynamic were provided by NBC editor Brian Williams and \"Time\" magazine editors Lev Grossman and Richard Stengel. As Grossman describes, \"It's about the many wrestling power from the few and helping one another for nothing and how that will not only change the world, but also change the way the world changes.\" The choice was criticized for being a short-sighted gimmick which ignored the existence of many prominent individuals that had shaped the events of the past year. Pundit Paul Kedrosky called it an \"incredible cop-out\", and he also speculated", "psg_id": "11339801" }, { "title": "Ranger tab", "text": "to 27 March 1951), or to any person who completed a Ranger Course conducted by the Ranger Training Command at Fort Benning, Georgia. The Ranger Tab is one of four permanent individual skill/marksmanship tabs (as compared to a badge) authorized for wear by the U.S. Army. In order of precedence on the uniform, they are the President's Hundred Tab, the Special Forces Tab, the Ranger Tab, and the Sapper Tab. Only three may be worn at one time. Ranger tab The Ranger Tab is a service school military decoration of the United States Army signifying completion of the 61-day-long Ranger", "psg_id": "3422897" }, { "title": "Tab Two", "text": "used in commercials for companies such as Mercedes-Benz and Bruno Banani. The duo's 1994 album \"Hip Jazz\" was named 'CD of the Month' by German magazine \"Der Wiener\". After interest in reissuing their material, the duo held a press conference in November 2011. The musicians announced a \"temporary reunion\" with a tour limited to 10 concerts, and the release of the 3CD best-of album \"Two Thumbs Up\" in 2012. In April 2012, at a festival on occasion of Hellmut Hattler's 60th birthday, Tab Two performed for the first time since 1999. The recordings were released as the 6-track album \"Live", "psg_id": "15963002" }, { "title": "Ethiopian Person of the Year", "text": "Ethiopian Person of the Year Ethiopian Person of the Year is an annual issue of the Ethiopian news portal Jimma Times, formerly Yeroo private newspaper, which names and profiles person(s) who was (were) the most influential on events and had the most impact on Ethiopian people during the previous Ethiopian calendar year. Jimma Times's tradition of selecting the \"Ethiopian Person of the Year\" honor began during the new Ethiopian millennium (year 2000) when the multi-Olympic champion Kenenisa Bekele was selected. It established the multi-language (Afaan Oromo, Amharic &English) private newspaper Yeroo the following year. The word Yeroo means \"Time\" or", "psg_id": "14984426" }, { "title": "Person of the Year", "text": "Person of the Year Person of the Year or Man of the Year is an award given to an individual by any type of organization. Most often, it is given by a newspaper or other news outlet to annually recognize a public person. Such awards have typically been awarded to one person, near or after the end of a calendar year. The awardee is usually someone widely known via a news media's audience. A local newspaper typically gives a Person of the Year award to a local individual. However, prominent Person of the Year awards have been given to persons", "psg_id": "11365817" }, { "title": "Time (magazine)", "text": "make it once\". In 2017, \"Time\" named The Silence Breakers, women and men who came forward with personal stories of sexual harassment, as Person of the Year. In recent years, \"Time\" has assembled an annual list of the 100 most influential people of the year. Originally, they had made a list of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century. These issues usually have the front cover filled with pictures of people from the list and devote a substantial amount of space within the magazine to the 100 articles about each person on the list. In some cases, over", "psg_id": "430569" }, { "title": "MusiCares Person of the Year", "text": "MusiCares Person of the Year The MusiCares Person of the Year is an award presented annually by MusiCares (the charity arm of The Recording Academy), the same organization that distributes the Grammy Awards, to commend musicians for their artistic achievement in the music industry and dedication to philanthropy. The award's name reflects the non-profit health care organization known as MusiCares, established by the academy \"to provide health and medical assistance to needy musicians\". Chosen by the MusiCares Foundation, award recipients are honored during \"Grammy week\" (a string of galas just prior to the annual Grammy Awards ceremony) with an \"all-star\"", "psg_id": "12045670" }, { "title": "You (Time Person of the Year)", "text": "was the \"Planet of the Year\" for 1988. Collections of people as well as a symbolic representative of multiple individuals had also won the award before; for example, \"U.S. Scientists\" were named \"Men of the Year\" in 1960. Similar media awards had already recognized the growing significance of online community and user-generated content: \"You!\" were ranked first in \"Business 2.0\" list of \"50 people who matter now\" in July 2006; while ABC News had listed bloggers as \"People of the Year\" for 2006. In accordance with \"Time\" annual process, different bureaus suggested different candidates. \"You\", or \"the YouTube guys\", was", "psg_id": "11339799" }, { "title": "Tab key", "text": "Tab key The tab key (abbreviation of tabulator key or tabular key) on a keyboard is used to advance the cursor to the next tab stop. The word \"tab\" derives from the word \"tabulate\", which means \"to arrange data in a tabular, or table, form.\" When a person wanted to type a table (of numbers or text) on a typewriter, there was a lot of time-consuming and repetitive use of the space bar and backspace key. To simplify this, a horizontal bar was placed in the mechanism called the tabulator rack. Pressing the tab key would advance the carriage to", "psg_id": "2241221" }, { "title": "Person of the Year", "text": "fundraising volunteers locally and nationally in the U.S. each year, terming each dollar raised during a 10-week period to be a vote. Notable examples include: Person of the Year Person of the Year or Man of the Year is an award given to an individual by any type of organization. Most often, it is given by a newspaper or other news outlet to annually recognize a public person. Such awards have typically been awarded to one person, near or after the end of a calendar year. The awardee is usually someone widely known via a news media's audience. A local", "psg_id": "11365820" }, { "title": "Time (magazine)", "text": "1994 issue. In 2007, \"Time\" engineered a style overhaul of the magazine. Among other changes, the magazine reduced the red cover border to promote featured stories, enlarged column titles, reduced the number of featured stories, increased white space around articles, and accompanied opinion pieces with photographs of the writers. The changes have met both criticism and praise. \"Time\"s most famous feature throughout its history has been the annual \"Person of the Year\" (formerly \"Man of the Year\") cover story, in which \"Time\" recognizes the individual or group of individuals who have had the biggest impact on news headlines over the", "psg_id": "430567" }, { "title": "Time Out (magazine)", "text": "Time Out (magazine) Time Out is a British travel magazine published by Time Out Group. \"Time Out\" started its publication in 1968 and has expanded its editorial recommendations to 108 cities worldwide. In 2012, the magazine became a free publication with a weekly readership of over 307,000. \"Time Out\"s global market presence includes partnerships with Nokia and mobile apps for iOS and Android operating systems. It was the recipient of the International Consumer Magazine of the Year award in both 2010 and 2011 and the renamed International Consumer Media Brand of the Year in 2013 and 2014. \"Time Out\" was", "psg_id": "14341672" }, { "title": "Person of the Year", "text": "not a member and may have no association with the awarding organization. A local award's selection process can be seen to be politically influenced, as dramatized in a \"Parks and Recreation\" television show episode. Variations on the theme include \"Business Person of the Year\", or \"Small Business Person of the Year\", or \"Entrepreneur of the Year\", commonly awarded by local chambers of commerce or other economic boosters. \"Woman of the Year\" awards are also given. Junior League chapters have long given \"Woman of the Year\" awards. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society gives \"Man & Woman of the Year\" awards to", "psg_id": "11365819" }, { "title": "The Tab", "text": "up by all of the U.K's tabloid newspapers and by ITV's \"This Morning\". A week in 2014 \"The Tab\" dubbed \"The week \"The Tab\" dominated Fleet Street\". In February 2017, \"The Tab Cambridge\" broke a story about a student member of the Cambridge Conservative Association burning a £20 note in front of a homeless person. The story was covered by \"The Guardian\", \"The Sun\" and \"The Daily Telegraph.\" In April 2010, an April Fools' Day story alleging that Cambridge had stripped Nick Griffin of his degree was picked up by \"The Sun\". On April Fools' Day 2014 a Cambridge story", "psg_id": "14131961" }, { "title": "You (Time Person of the Year)", "text": "that the selection marked \"some sort of near-term market top for user-generated content\". Commentator Kevin Friedl noted that the award and cover design recalled the mirror viewed by the protagonist, the Dude, of \"The Big Lebowski\", via which the viewer's reflection was framed as \"Time\" \"Man of the Year\". In December 2012, journalist David A. Graham wrote for \"The Atlantic\" that he thought \"Time\" had shown \"a pattern of lackluster choices\" and the overall promotional nature of the process shouldn't be treated as news, rather simply viewed as marketing. He remarked, \"Is anyone out there \"not\" sick of people ironically", "psg_id": "11339802" }, { "title": "The Tab", "text": "of the vote. In early 2010, \"The Tab\" ran an April Fools' Day hoax claiming Griffin had been stripped of his degree. This was subsequently reported by \"The Sun\" who believed the claims to be genuine. In November 2010, \"The Tab\" released documents obtained via the Freedom of Information Act detailing recent disciplinary procedures enacted across the University. Details from the documents released were then reported by national newspapers, including \"The Daily Telegraph\". In June 2011, \"The Tab\" published a pilot print edition of 5,000 copies in May Week and another Freshers' Week edition in October 2011. This tradition continued", "psg_id": "14131953" }, { "title": "Tab Two", "text": "Tab Two Tab Two is a German acid jazz or \"hip jazz\" band formed in 1991. 'Tab' stands for Trumpet and Bass. The band consists of Hellmut Hattler and Joo Kraus. Bassist Hattler and trumpeter Kraus had played together since 1987, for some of that time as members of Kraan. They began composing together and started Tab Two in 1991. Combining acoustic instruments and electronics, their music was referred to as \"hip jazz\". They signed for Virgin Records in Europe, and later Polydor, JVC Victor in Japan, and released eight albums together before splitting up in 1999. Their music was", "psg_id": "15963001" }, { "title": "Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon", "text": "by a panel of Master Chief Petty Officers, led by the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard (MCPOCG). The decoration is a one time only award and there are no devices authorized for multiple presentations. The Coast Guard Reserve Enlisted Person of the Year was previously called the \"NERA Outstanding Enlisted CG Reservist Award\". This award was based on the Outstanding Airman of the Year Ribbon, which is awarded by the United States Air Force. The United States Army, United States Navy, and United States Marine Corps have no award equivalent to the Enlisted Person of the Year", "psg_id": "3754868" }, { "title": "Tab (drink)", "text": "linking saccharin with cancer in humans. Tab's popularity declined after the Coca-Cola company's introduction of Diet Coke in 1982, though it remained the best-selling diet soda of that year. Coca-Cola continues to produce Tab in the United States, though in considerably smaller quantities than its more popular mainstay beverages, such as Coca-Cola and Diet Coke. According to the company, three million cases of Tab were made in 2011, and the beverage has retained a cult following over the years. In 2006, a Tab-branded energy drink was released, though it utilizes a different formula from the standard cola. Tab was created", "psg_id": "2985658" }, { "title": "DJ Tab", "text": "In April 2016, DJ Tab was honoured and listed on \"Deluxe Magazine\"'s \"Emerging30\", a list of 30 under-30 individuals who have redefined their respective fields. In 2018, he was recognized at the 2018 Stifel Bank & Trust Black Tie Community Award where he was the Arts & Entertainment Recipient winner. DJ Tab Trumaine Barnett-Epps (born September 19, 1987), professionally known as DJ Tab, is an American hip hop DJ, record producer and entrepreneur. With nearly 15 mixtapes over the course of his music career, he has worked with notable acts including DJ Khaled, Chris Brown, Bow Wow and J-Kwon. In", "psg_id": "19745074" }, { "title": "The Tab", "text": "your rooms\". \"The Tab\" was initially funded entirely by its three founders, although it now funds itself through advertising and other investment. At its inception, \"Tab Totty\", a \"Page 3\"-esque feature, featured photographs of scantily clad Cambridge University (male and female) students in provocative poses. The feature was widely criticised, and Cambridge University's Women's Officer stated, \"We can do better as a university\". The subsequent controversy was picked up by several mainstream British newspapers, and made international headlines. In 2009, the site's readers voted British National Party leader Nick Griffin \"The worst person ever to attend Cambridge University\" with 44%", "psg_id": "14131952" }, { "title": "Tab Benoit", "text": "for the second time, B.B. King Entertainer of the Year. 2013 saw Benoit win the Blues Music Awards Contemporary Blues Male Artist for the second year in a row. Benoit became owner of Tab Benoit's Lagniappe Music Cafe, situated in the downtown district of Houma, Louisiana. Benoit has also been involved in conservation efforts on behalf of Louisiana wetlands. He is the founder of 'Voice of the Wetlands,' an organization promoting awareness of the receding coastal wetlands of Louisiana. In 2010, Tab Benoit received the Governor's Award - Conservationist of the Year for 2009 by the Louisiana Wildlife Federation. Tab", "psg_id": "4646552" }, { "title": "The Tab", "text": "scoops for \"The Tab\" include Malia Obama's decision to go to Harvard University, the publication of the memes that got 12 incoming freshmen kicked out of Harvard, and the story of married Louisiana politician Mike Yenni seducing a 17-year-old boy, who went on to study at Brown University. In December 2012, the Bristol title revealed a ban on female speakers at the university's Christian Union. In January 2013, \"The Tab Exeter\" broke a story about staff in the University of Exeter student bar recording a couple having sex that they had seen on their CCTV, during the Safer Sex Ball.", "psg_id": "14131959" }, { "title": "Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon", "text": "Ribbon, although do maintain similar programs for yearly recognition of outstanding enlisted personnel. Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon The Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon is a decoration of the United States Coast Guard which was established in 1999, though retroactive to 1994, by order of the Commandant of the Coast Guard. The Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon is annually awarded to two members of the Coast Guard, paygrade E-2 through E-6; the Coast Guard Enlisted Person of the Year (EPOY) and the Coast Guard Reserve Enlisted Person of the Year (REPOY). The selection based on a display", "psg_id": "3754869" }, { "title": "Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0", "text": "Device (HID) bluetooth features so it will not work with bluetooth keyboards, mice, etc. However, updates did correct this issue for both carriers. Sprint started offering the Galaxy Tab on 14 November 2010. AT&T began offering the Tab on 21 November 2010, with no contract requirement. The FCC approved a Wi-Fi only version of the Galaxy Tab. Some Best Buy advertisements appear to have been prematurely leaked about the Wi-Fi only version of the Galaxy Tab. Wi-Fi-only model was released on 11 April 2011. A week after its release, Samsung announced that they had sold 600,000 units. On the 4", "psg_id": "14862619" }, { "title": "Tab Communications", "text": "Kerasiotes as a board member. Tab's circulation, at the time, was given at 163,000. Following a tough year economically, Tab in 1991 sent a letter to its subscribers asking for a voluntary donation of US$10 to keep the newspapers, and community events they sponsored, afloat. Late in 1992, Cummings, Pergament and Yousoufian sold out for an undisclosed price to Fidelity Investments. Cummings and Pergament stayed on as heads of Tab Communications, which formed a semi-autonomous division of Community Newspaper Company. The deal raised CNC's weekly circulation to 550,000. Tab Communications was dissolved in early 1996, when CNC realigned its operating", "psg_id": "10737198" }, { "title": "Ethiopian Person of the Year", "text": "founder of the first private bank Awash and leading politician Bulcha Demeksa while the CEO and founder of Ethiopia Commodity Exchange Dr. Eleni Gebre-Medhin won the honor in 2002. \"* Ethiopian calendar year 2000 refers to western calendar years of 2007 and 2008.\" Ethiopian Person of the Year Ethiopian Person of the Year is an annual issue of the Ethiopian news portal Jimma Times, formerly Yeroo private newspaper, which names and profiles person(s) who was (were) the most influential on events and had the most impact on Ethiopian people during the previous Ethiopian calendar year. Jimma Times's tradition of selecting", "psg_id": "14984428" }, { "title": "Latin Recording Academy Person of the Year", "text": "Serrat was honored on November 19, 2014. Since its inception, the award has been presented to musicians originating from Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Spain, Panama, Italy, and the United States. Each year is linked to an article about the Latin Grammy Awards ceremony of that year. Latin Recording Academy Person of the Year The Latin Recording Academy Person of the Year is an award presented annually by the Latin Recording Academy, the same organization that distributes the Latin Grammy Awards, to commend musicians for their artistic achievement in the Latin music industry and dedication to", "psg_id": "14862973" }, { "title": "Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon", "text": "Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon The Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon is a decoration of the United States Coast Guard which was established in 1999, though retroactive to 1994, by order of the Commandant of the Coast Guard. The Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon is annually awarded to two members of the Coast Guard, paygrade E-2 through E-6; the Coast Guard Enlisted Person of the Year (EPOY) and the Coast Guard Reserve Enlisted Person of the Year (REPOY). The selection based on a display of pride, professionalism, and dedication to Coast Guard core values, and is made", "psg_id": "3754867" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "and Sherron Watkins in 2002), Melinda Gates (jointly with Bill Gates and Bono, in 2005), Angela Merkel in 2015 and \"The Silence Breakers\" in 2017. Prior to 1999, four women were granted the title as individuals: three as \"Woman of the Year\"—Wallis Simpson (1936), Queen Elizabeth II (1952), and Corazon Aquino (1986)—and one as half of the \"Man and Wife of the Year\", Soong Mei-ling (1937). \"American Women\" were recognized as a group in 1975. Other classes of people recognized comprise both men and women, such as \"Hungarian Freedom Fighters\" (1956), \"U.S. Scientists\" (1960), \"The Inheritors\" (1966), \"The Middle Americans\"", "psg_id": "1659022" }, { "title": "Latin Recording Academy Person of the Year", "text": "for founding Semjase, an orphanage for approximately 120 children. Spanish tenor Plácido Domingo received the 2010 award for founding Operalia, The World Opera Competition (an annual international voice competition), for raising millions of dollars through benefit concerts for disaster victims, for helping to establish a hospital in Lerma, Mexico State, and for additional goodwill efforts. Shakira was honored as Person of the Year on November 9, 2011. She also won the award for Best Female Pop Vocal Album for \"Sale El Sol\". Caetano Veloso was honored on November 14, 2012. Miguel Bosé was honored on November 20, 2013. Joan Manuel", "psg_id": "14862972" }, { "title": "Ranger tab", "text": "the United States Army Infantry School may award the Ranger Tab to any person who successfully completed a Ranger Course conducted by that school. The Commander, United States Army Human Resources Command, may award the Ranger Tab to any person who was awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge while serving during World War II as a member of a Ranger Battalion (1st Battalion – 6th Battalion inclusive) or in the 5307th Composite Unit, Provisional (Merrill's Marauders), to any person who was awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge while serving during the Korean War with the Eighth Army Ranger Company (11 October 1950", "psg_id": "3422896" }, { "title": "Canadian Newsmaker of the Year (Time)", "text": "homosexual men and commentary on liberalism in Canada. The \"Gazette\" took this as recognition from a US magazine that Canadians are distinct from Americans. There has never been a woman selected as Canadian Newsmaker of the Year. Canadian Newsmaker of the Year (Time) The Canadian Newsmaker of the Year is a designation awarded by the Canadian edition of \"Time\" magazine. It comes with a written piece reflecting the magazine's staff's opinion on which Canadian or Canadians have had the most impact on the news, either positively or negatively. The honour has also been known by the title Canada's Newsmaker, or", "psg_id": "9759095" }, { "title": "The Tab", "text": "alleged that Prince William had received a third class degree. In October 2016, a group of University of Nottingham students dressed as a rollercoaster were reported by \"The Tab\" to be impersonating The Smiler rollercoaster crash of June 2015. This article was picked up by the national press including the BBC, ITV and \"Metro\". \"The Tab\" reporter, Joseph Archer, admitted to the \"Daily Mail\" that he had 'not spoken to the group to ask what their costume was about' as the bar they were in was 'very busy', a statement that the group of students said was wrong. \"The Tab\"", "psg_id": "14131962" }, { "title": "Latin Recording Academy Person of the Year", "text": "Latin Recording Academy Person of the Year The Latin Recording Academy Person of the Year is an award presented annually by the Latin Recording Academy, the same organization that distributes the Latin Grammy Awards, to commend musicians for their artistic achievement in the Latin music industry and dedication to philanthropy. Award recipients are honored during \"Latin Grammy Week\", a string of galas just prior to the annual Latin Grammy Awards ceremony. The award was first presented to Cuban American musician and producer Emilio Estefan in 2000 for increasing public awareness of Latin music. Eight years later his wife, singer Gloria", "psg_id": "14862969" }, { "title": "Tab show", "text": "films for a half hour performance either before the film came on, or as a vaudeville act between films. Show Boat was one Broadway hit that was reduced to a truncated tab show running in movie theaters in the early 1930s. Third, tab shows were closely related to the early, non-stripper versions of burlesque. The girls were 'clean' and did not have bare legs. By the 1920s, \"tab show\" was sometimes used to avoid the negative, low-brow connotations of \"burlesque\". There are two suggestions for the origin of the word \"tab\". It is often said to be derived from \"tabloid\",", "psg_id": "12939771" }, { "title": "The Tab", "text": "in the following years. In Autumn 2012, \"The Tab\" expanded to twelve other British universities. Backed by external investment, Rivlin and Marangos-Gilks aim to build a mass circulation online paper for students across the country. The news site has held journalism training events in association with \"The Daily Telegraph.\" \"The Tab\" opened its first American bureau in Brooklyn in July 2015. \"The Tab\"'s first scoop to make the national papers came four days before it launched its first sub-site – a video of a UVA hockey player chugging a beer on the ice which they broke on their Facebook page", "psg_id": "14131954" }, { "title": "The Tab", "text": "of CEO and Joshi Herrmann, a former Tab Cambridge editor who had been working at the \"Evening Standard\", was appointed as Editor in Chief. Grace Vielma became UK Editor. They have since expanded their team at their London office to 33 In September 2017 News Corp was the main investor of a total of $6m (£4.6m) of new funding raised by Tab Media. In return for its investment News Corp has taken a minority stake in it and Emma Tucker, deputy editor of \"The Times,\" will sit on its board of directors. \"Babe\" is a spinoff aimed at young women.", "psg_id": "14131956" }, { "title": "The Tab", "text": "to their student teams, as well as writing for the site on a regular basis. In September 2017 News Corp was the main investor of a total of $6m (£4.6m) of new funding raised by Tab Media. In return for its investment News Corp has taken a minority stake in it and Emma Tucker, deputy editor of \"The Times,\" will sit on its board of directors. \"The Tab\" was launched in 2009 by Cambridge students Jack Rivlin, George Marangos-Gilks and Taymoor Atighetchi. The website was marketed as \"Cambridge University's Online Tabloid\" promising to \"provide fast news and entertainment direct to", "psg_id": "14131951" }, { "title": "Tab (drink)", "text": "influenced by the possible play on words, and shortened to \"Tab\" during development. Packaging designer Robert Sidney Dickens gave the name the capitalization pattern (\"TaB\") used in the logo as well as creating a new bottle design for the soft drink. For a time in the 1970s, Coca-Cola introduced six variety flavors of Tab (all of which were also sugar-free): Root Beer, Lemon-Lime, Ginger Ale, Black Cherry, Strawberry, and Orange. A caffeine-free version of the original Tab flavor was introduced in 1983, alongside caffeine-free versions of Coca-Cola and Diet Coke. Tab Clear, a caramel color-free version of Tab, was released", "psg_id": "2985660" }, { "title": "Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7", "text": "in September 2011 at the IFA in Berlin. It is, together with its cheaper sibling Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus, the direct successor of the original Galaxy Tab. On 4 January 2012, Samsung announced in Singapore the launch for February 2012 at a price of S$898 (US$695). The Galaxy Tab 7.7 WiFi was on sale in Australia on 13 January 2012, with prices approximately A$550. The release was not advertised and only a few stores have stock. After Apple had secured another injunction against Samsung tablet computers in Germany, Samsung had to pull the Tab 7.7 from their booth including everything", "psg_id": "15889245" }, { "title": "Brookline TAB", "text": "purchased by them. By 2011, GateHouse had gotten completely rid of the \"\" domain and the CNC branding as a whole when it opted to replace it for \"\", the current website and branding for the \"Brookline TAB.\" The \"TAB\" suffix of the \"Brookline TAB\" refers to the advertisement heavy content of the newspaper. Within local news, the newspaper covers various sections including sports, entertainment, business, lifestyle and community events. In addition, it has a market place for items such as cars, homes and jobs. The online version of the newspaper also includes various blogs such as the community blog,", "psg_id": "20942650" }, { "title": "Tab Communications", "text": "to us.\" Later that year, however, observers had kudos for the \"Cambridge Tab\", citing its eye-catching headlines and devotion to issue-based journalism as separating it from the 137-year-old \"Cambridge Chronicle\". One reader said he preferred the \"Tab\" because \"I want to know what's going on behind the scenes in politics. I'm not so interested in who was born or who died or what's on the school lunch menu.\" Pergament continued to stress the importance of local coverage in a 1986 story about free local weekly papers in \"Time\": \"The key to our success is that we're relentlessly local,\" he said.", "psg_id": "10737194" }, { "title": "TAB Trackside", "text": "were previously not scheduled. TAB Trackside 1 broadcasts racing from all codes, both domestic and international, alongside specialist shows. TAB Trackside 2 broadcasts racing from all codes, alongside simulcasts of TAB Trackside Radio weekday mornings from 6am. In 2011, it live simulcast Fill the Basin, a February 2011 Christchurch earthquake fundraiser cricket match, with Canterbury Television. The channels area available on the Sky Television DHS encrypted satellite services (062 Trackside 1, 063 Trackside 2) and Vodafone InHome TV service in Wellington and Christchurch (062 Trackside 1, 063 Trackside 2). TAB Trackside Together, the outlets provide full coordinated coverage of all", "psg_id": "11225702" }, { "title": "The Tab", "text": "The Tab The Tab is a youth news site published by Tab Media Ltd. It was launched at the University of Cambridge and has since expanded to over 80 universities in the United Kingdom and United States. The name originates from both an abbreviation for 'tabloid' and a nickname applied to Cambridge students (from 'Cantabs'). \"The Tab\"s network consists of a national site and an individual sub-site for each university. Local campus-based stories are produced by students, with a student editorial team for each sub-site. Professional editors in \"The Tab\"s offices in Shoreditch and Williamsburg offer guidance and editorial insight", "psg_id": "14131950" }, { "title": "President's Hundred Tab", "text": "Hundred Tab is one of four permanent individual skill/marksmanship tabs (as compared to a badge) authorized for wear by the U.S. Army. In order of precedence on the uniform, they are the President's Hundred Tab, the Special Forces Tab, the Ranger Tab, and the Sapper Tab. Only three may be worn at one time. President's Hundred Tab The President's Hundred Tab/Brassard is a badge awarded by the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) to the 100 top-scoring military and civilian shooters in the President's Pistol and President's Rifle Matches. The tab is authorized for wear on military uniforms of the U.S. Army,", "psg_id": "8098551" }, { "title": "Time (magazine)", "text": "The next change in border was in the September 19, 2011, issue, commemorating the 10th anniversary of September 11 attacks with a metallic silver border. Another silver border was used in the December 31, 2012, issue, noting Barack Obama's selection as Person of the Year. The most recent change was the November 28 / December 5, 2016 issue, featuring a silver border covering the Most Influential Photos of All Time. Former president Richard Nixon has been among the most frequently-featured on the front page of Time, having appeared 55 times from the August 25, 1952 issue to the May 2,", "psg_id": "430566" }, { "title": "Tab (drink)", "text": "million cases of Tab that year (in contrast to the 885 million of Diet Coke). John Sicher, editor of \"Beverage Digest\", commented in 2013: The product is also available in the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Southern African Customs Union, Norway (Under the name Tab X-Tra), and Spain. Tab was available in Australia in the 1960s to 1980s. It was also sold in the United Kingdom from the late 1970s to mid 1990s. Tab (drink) Tab (stylized as TaB) is a diet cola soft drink produced by The Coca-Cola Company, introduced in 1963. Coca-Cola's first diet drink, Tab was notably popular", "psg_id": "2985664" }, { "title": "Tab Hunter", "text": "produced by Glaser, J. J. Abrams and Zachary Quinto. Pulitzer Prize- and Tony Award-winning writer Doug Wright is attached to create the screenplay. In 1950, Hunter was arrested for disorderly conduct. The arrest was publicized in September 1955 in an innuendo-laced article by the tabloid magazine \"Confidential\", which stated that Hunter had been arrested at a \"'limp-wristed pajama party'\". Hunter's autobiography, \"Tab Hunter Confidential: The Making of a Movie Star\" (2005) (co-written with Eddie Muller), became a \"New York Times\" bestseller, as did the paperback edition in 2007. The book was nominated for several awards. It re-entered \"The New York", "psg_id": "2842892" }, { "title": "Sapper Tab", "text": "uniform, they are the President's Hundred Tab, the Ranger Tab, the Special Forces Tab, and the Sapper Tab. Only three may be worn at one time (not including tabs that are part of the shoulder sleeve insignia such as Airborne or Mountain). Sapper Tab The Sapper Tab is a military badge of the United States Army which was authorized on June 28, 2004 by the Army Chief of Staff, General Peter Schoomaker. To be awarded the Sapper Tab, a service member may or may not hold the military occupation specialty code (MOS) designation as a Combat Engineer (Sapper), but must", "psg_id": "3717527" }, { "title": "TAB Trackside", "text": "2008. In October 2009, TAB introduced a second channel - TAB TV - to accommodate live racing from Hong Kong and Singapore. In October 2013 it changed the TVNZ metadata on the Freeview satellite service to unlock access to Trackside TV, keeping TAB TV as a pay-TV channel. On 14 April 2014, it ceased operations on Freeview, becoming only available to Sky subscribers. In August 2014, Trackside TV and TAB TV were relaunched as TAB Trackside 1 and TAB Trackside 2, extending racing coverage from all codes and enabling up to 5000 additional races to be broadcast each year that", "psg_id": "11225701" }, { "title": "Special Forces Tab", "text": "on the green beret while support personnel wear it on the maroon beret. The Special Forces Tab is one of four permanent individual skill/marksmanship tabs (as compared to a badge) authorized for wear by the U.S. Army. In order of precedence on the uniform, they are the President's Hundred Tab, the Ranger Tab, the Special Forces Tab, and the Sapper Tab. Only three may be worn at one time. Special Forces Tab The Special Forces Tab is a service school qualification tab of the United States Army, awarded to any soldier completing either the Special Forces Qualification Course, or the", "psg_id": "3424000" }, { "title": "Pull-tab", "text": "one equal to or above 50x the value of the price paid for the chance) remain in that particular game at a given time. Pull-tab A pull-tab is a gambling ticket that is sold as a means to play a pull-tab game. Other name for the game include Break-Opens, Nevada Tickets, Cherry Bells, Lucky 7s, Pickle Cards, Instant Bingo, Bowl Games, or Popp-Opens. Physical pull-tab tickets are multi-layered paper tickets containing symbols hidden behind perforated tabs. The object of the ticket is to open the perforated windows on the ticket and reveal a winning combination. The winning pull-tab ticket is", "psg_id": "9768663" }, { "title": "Time (magazine)", "text": "news magazine. The print edition has a readership of 26 million, 20 million of whom are based in the United States. In mid-2012, its circulation was over three million, which had lowered to two million by late 2017. Richard Stengel was the managing editor from May 2006 to October 2013, when he joined the U.S. State Department. Nancy Gibbs was the managing editor from September 2013 until September 2017. She was succeeded by Edward Felsenthal, who had been \"Time\"'s digital editor. \"Time\" magazine was created in 1923 by Briton Hadden and Henry Luce, making it the first weekly news magazine", "psg_id": "430549" }, { "title": "The Tab Hunter Show", "text": "The Tab Hunter Show The Tab Hunter Show is an American sitcom starring Tab Hunter. The series ran new episodes on NBC from September 18, 1960, to April 30, 1961; rebroadcasts then aired from May until September 17. It was Hunter's first recurring role in a TV series, although he had appeared on a medium numerous times. Hunter stars as Paul Morgan, a 29-year-old cartoonist whose comic strip \"Bachelor at Large\" profiles his amorous adventures around Malibu Beach, California. The program also starred Jerome Cowan as Hunter's boss; John Larsen, the owner of Comics, Inc.; Richard Erdman as his best", "psg_id": "12621030" }, { "title": "Samsung Galaxy Tab series", "text": "2011 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Verizon Wireless and Samsung Telecommunications America (Samsung Mobile) announced that a new 4G LTE-Enabled Samsung Galaxy Tab features access to Verizon Wireless' 4G LTE Mobile Broadband Network and a 5 megapixel rear-facing camera will be available The Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus was the direct successor to the original Galaxy Tab. This model had the same resolution as its predecessor at 1024 x 600, but used a PLS panel. It came with Android 3.2 Honeycomb pre-installed as well as including newer, more powerful hardware. During IFA 2011 in Berlin, Samsung announced the new Galaxy Tab", "psg_id": "17050961" }, { "title": "Person of the Year", "text": "well beyond the scope of a given news market, to animals (Secretariat), to two or more persons in the event of a tie, and to groups of persons whose membership is not clear (Ebola fighters). Also the award is presented annually by some organizations but may be a one-off or occasional event for others. The award can be facetious or serious. The chosen person is usually someone who has been notably influential or prominent during the year and could also be a hero or villain. Unlike most awards, it is externally oriented; the award is given to someone who is", "psg_id": "11365818" }, { "title": "The Tab", "text": "would receive many benefits, including: \"Getting your stories read by thousands of readers across the world\". \"babe\" has since established a small team of staff writers and editors at its Brooklyn office. The Tab The Tab is a youth news site published by Tab Media Ltd. It was launched at the University of Cambridge and has since expanded to over 80 universities in the United Kingdom and United States. The name originates from both an abbreviation for 'tabloid' and a nickname applied to Cambridge students (from 'Cantabs'). \"The Tab\"s network consists of a national site and an individual sub-site for", "psg_id": "14131964" }, { "title": "For Whom the Bell Tolls", "text": "of the novel. In 1941 the Pulitzer Prize committee for letters unanimously recommended \"For Whom the Bell Tolls\" be awarded the prize for that year. The Pulitzer Board agreed. However, Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia University \"ex officio\" head of the Pulitzer board at that time, found the novel offensive and persuaded the board to reverse its determination; no award was given for letters that year. The novel takes place in late May 1937 during the second year of the Spanish Civil War. References made to Valladolid, Segovia, El Escorial and Madrid suggest the novel takes place within the", "psg_id": "832836" }, { "title": "Canadian Newsmaker of the Year (Time)", "text": "Canadian Newsmaker of the Year (Time) The Canadian Newsmaker of the Year is a designation awarded by the Canadian edition of \"Time\" magazine. It comes with a written piece reflecting the magazine's staff's opinion on which Canadian or Canadians have had the most impact on the news, either positively or negatively. The honour has also been known by the title Canada's Newsmaker, or by titles such as \"Headliners\" and simply \"Newsmakers\" which were shared with non-Canadians. However, the exact phrase \"Canadian Newsmaker of the Year\" has been used by \"Time\". This selection is not to be confused with the Canadian", "psg_id": "9759092" }, { "title": "Tab, Hungary", "text": "a printhouse there. \"Ignác Pallós\" founded a steam brick and tile factory which employed the labor of Tab and the surroundings every year from autumn until spring. The first newspaper of the town started in 1909 under the name \"Tab és Vidéke\" (). In 1913 the \"Otthon Coffeehouse\" started to project movies. A credit institute was founded. The sporting association of Tab was formed in 1914. In the First World War 754 people from Tab served as soldier. After the war the nuns of the \"Szociális Missziótársulat\" started beside religious and moral lessons for the younger and older generations also", "psg_id": "3930318" }, { "title": "RTÉ Sports Person of the Year", "text": "RTÉ Sports Person of the Year The RTÉ Sports Person of the Year Award is the titular award of the RTÉ Sports Awards ceremony, which takes place each December. The winner is the Irish sportsperson (from the island of Ireland) judged to have achieved the most that year. The winner was originally chosen by a special panel of RTÉ journalists and editorial staff, but was selected by a public vote from a pre-determined shortlist in 2016. The first Irish sports award ceremony took place in 1985, and was closely modelled on the BBC Sports Personality of the Year Award. Three", "psg_id": "10189251" }, { "title": "West Virginian of the Year", "text": "West Virginian of the Year West Virginian of the Year is an annual selection by the editorial board of the Charleston Gazette (the combined board of that paper and the Charleston Daily Mail between 1961 and 1991) of the individual who best shows the \"spirit of West Virginia\". The winner can either be a native West Virginian who achieved after leaving the state, or a person living in the state for achievements in the state. The winner is announced in the last Sunday edition of the Charleston Gazette-Mail. It is considered similar to the Time Magazine person of the year", "psg_id": "16340844" }, { "title": "Tab Two", "text": "at the Roxy\", for download only. In February 2013, Tab Two announced the release of the 3-CD set \"...Zzzipp! extended\". The album consists of the remastered live recordings from the 2000 album \"...Zzzipp!\" plus an additional track of a rehearsal with the audience, and a bonus CD with seven tracks from the 2012 tour. In 2013 they played two concerts as Tab Two & Friends, with former guest singer Sandie Wollasch again, and for the first time with a real band, Oli Rubow on drums and Ralf Schmid on keyboards. Tab Two Tab Two is a German acid jazz or", "psg_id": "15963003" }, { "title": "The Century Magazine", "text": "of the series, Sherman was the only major figure of the war who had written a first-person account. Afterwards, the works that Grant, Sheridan, and McClellan contributed to \"The Century\" led to books by each of those generals. As a result of the Civil War recollections, the number of subscribers to the magazine jumped to 250,000, a then unprecedented number for a magazine of its kind. Edward Weeks wrote that even by 1950 no \"quality magazine\" had ever had as many subscribers as \"The Century\" did in the 1880s, even though by that time the reading public had tripled in", "psg_id": "3964927" }, { "title": "RTÉ Sports Person of the Year", "text": "award. Counting them separately, there have been twenty-seven winners of the award. Five of these have been Northern Irish. The most recent award was made in 2017 to James McClean. This table lists the total number of awards won by each nationality. The winner is in bold. RTÉ Sports Person of the Year The RTÉ Sports Person of the Year Award is the titular award of the RTÉ Sports Awards ceremony, which takes place each December. The winner is the Irish sportsperson (from the island of Ireland) judged to have achieved the most that year. The winner was originally chosen", "psg_id": "10189253" }, { "title": "Tab key", "text": "simply became a form of data compression. Despite five characters being ½″ and the typical paragraph indentation at that time, the horizontal tab size of 8 evolved because as a power of two it was easier to calculate with the limited digital electronics available. Vertical tab was rarely supported on these terminals. In contrast to the \"de facto\" 8 character standard, some IDEs use a default horizontal tab size of 4 characters. Tab-separated values (TSV) are a common de facto standard for exporting and importing database or spreadsheet field values. Text divided into fields delimited by tabs can often be", "psg_id": "2241230" }, { "title": "The Tab", "text": "Starting in September 2013, \"The Tab\" pioneered a campaign that got student unions across the UK to ban Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines, after Edinburgh University Students' Association boycotted it. Later in the year, the site published an exclusive story after DJ Tim Westwood was caught unleashing a torrent of sexist jibes at Leicester's Student Union. In February 2016 \"The Tab\"s Reading edition interviewed Amber-May Ellis, a student at the University of Reading and a reality TV star, who got a tattoo of homeless Ian Beale on her thigh. In under 24 hours the story had gone viral, it was picked", "psg_id": "14131960" }, { "title": "Tab, Hungary", "text": "Tab. There were occasionally fights between the Hungarian and Turkish forces. Ferenc Nádasdy and \"György Zrínyi\" with the papal garrisons attacked once the \"Agha of Törökkoppány\" and chased the Turks away for a short time. After the Liberation of Buda in 1689 Tab became part of the Habsburg Empire. Several noble families (e.g. \"Fajszky\", \"Mérey\", \"Lengyel\", \"Nyitray\", \"Gussits\", \"Nagy de Felsőbükk\", \"Révay\" etc.) who had previously lands here reclaimed them, therefore they moved into the villages near Tab. It is known from the census of 1715 that Tab welcomed Hungarians, Germans and Slovaks from 1712 on in larger numbers. Tab", "psg_id": "3930315" }, { "title": "Tab Clear", "text": "selling points--its clearness.\" In July 2004, in an unrelated article, BBC Business News made a mention of how \"colourless versions\" of Coke \"have not been hugely successful\". Some have even referred to Tab Clear's marketing as a \"born to die\" campaign. In his 2011 book, \"Killing Giants: 10 Strategies to Topple the Goliath in Your Industry\", Stephen Denny published an interview with former Coca-Cola Chief Marketing Officer Sergio Zyman that stated the formation and subsequent failure of Tab Clear was a deliberate move to destroy Crystal Pepsi, capitalizing on the public's lack of understanding of Pepsi's heavily marketed product. Tab", "psg_id": "6716468" }, { "title": "Time (magazine)", "text": "of Osama bin Laden. \"Time for Kids\" is a division magazine of \"Time\" that is especially published for children and is mainly distributed in classrooms. \"TFK\" contains some national news, a \"Cartoon of the Week\", and a variety of articles concerning popular culture. An annual issue concerning the environment is distributed near the end of the U.S. school term. The publication rarely exceeds ten pages front and back. Time LightBox is a photography blog created and curated by Time's photo department, that was launched in 2011. In 2011 \"Life\" picked LightBox for its Photo Blog Awards. In 1940, William Saroyan", "psg_id": "430573" }, { "title": "Brookline TAB", "text": "Greater Boston which was first based in Newton, Massachusetts before it was moved to neighboring town Needham. Tab Communications Inc. was bought along with its 14 newspapers in 1992 by Fidelity Investments following a rough economic year. During this time, Tab Communications was serving as a partially autonomous division of Community Newspaper Company, or CNC, which was founded by Fidelity, until it was disbanded by the corporation into two other sectors in 1996. Fidelity proceeded to sell CNC to the \"Boston Herald\" in 2001 before it became the largest component of its current owner, GateHouse Media, in 2006, upon being", "psg_id": "20942649" }, { "title": "Ranger tab", "text": "soldier's military career. U.S. Marines presented with the Ranger Tab are not authorized to wear it on their uniforms. U.S. Airmen presented with the Ranger Tab are authorized to wear it on their uniforms pursuant to AFI 36-2903 (Dress and Appearance). The tab must be worn in a properly presented way on the upper crest of the left sleeve. , about 300 airmen have successfully completed the Army Ranger School and have been awarded the Ranger Tab. In the Canadian Army, personnel who have attained the Ranger Tab are permitted to wear it on their green tunics. The Commandant of", "psg_id": "3422895" }, { "title": "Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7", "text": "Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 The Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 is a tablet computer of a series of Android-based tablet computer produced by Samsung, introduced on 1 September 2011 at IFA in Berlin. Related models are the Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0, and Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0. It belongs to the second generation of the Samsung Galaxy Tab series, which consists of two 10.1\" models, an 8.9\", a 7.0\" and a 7.7\" model. The 7.7 is the thinnest tablet Samsung has made in the 7\" range. The Galaxy Tab 7.7 has been shown to the public", "psg_id": "15889244" }, { "title": "Tab Clear", "text": "own clear cola, Tab Clear, at the end of the year. In late December 1992, Coca-Cola Co. president Doug Ivester told a gathering of New York reporters that Tab Clear was being positioned as part of the \"mainstream of diet soft drinks\" and was \"not a new-age beverage\". He declared: Tab Clear went international only two weeks after its introduction in the United States. The clear cola with \"a mouthful of flavor\" was introduced at a news conference in London on January 18, 1993. The product was made available to the British public from early February that year with a", "psg_id": "6716465" }, { "title": "Time Magazine Quality Dealer Award", "text": "Time Magazine Quality Dealer Award The Time Magazine Quality Dealer Award (TMQDA) is an annual Time Magazine-sponsored award, in partnership with Ally Financial, honoring new-car dealers in America who exhibit exceptional performance in their dealerships and perform distinguished community service. It is the automobile industry's most prestigious and coveted award for car dealerships. Dealers are nominated by members of the Automotive Trade Association Executives (ATAE). Finalists and winners are chosen by a panel of faculty members from the University of Michigan's Tauber Institute for Global Operations. The \"TIME Magazine Dealer of the Year\" award is presented at the annual National", "psg_id": "12984299" }, { "title": "Time Magazine Quality Dealer Award", "text": "Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) convention. Source: Time Magazine Quality Dealer Award The Time Magazine Quality Dealer Award (TMQDA) is an annual Time Magazine-sponsored award, in partnership with Ally Financial, honoring new-car dealers in America who exhibit exceptional performance in their dealerships and perform distinguished community service. It is the automobile industry's most prestigious and coveted award for car dealerships. Dealers are nominated by members of the Automotive Trade Association Executives (ATAE). Finalists and winners are chosen by a panel of faculty members from the University of Michigan's Tauber Institute for Global Operations. The \"TIME Magazine Dealer of the Year\" award", "psg_id": "12984300" }, { "title": "Tab, Hungary", "text": "Tab, Hungary Tab () is a town in Somogy County, Hungary and the seat of Tab District. It is situated approximately 175 km South West of Budapest and 22 km from Lake Balaton. Tab was first mentions as \"villa Thob\" in an official document from 1211. In 1320 the settlement belonged to a church dedicated to Saint Peter. Between 1285 and 1386 it was in the hands of the \"Ugali\" family under the name \"Thob\". Their surname had been eternalized by the medieval village of \"Ugajpuszta\" which is now part of Tab. Later the settlement belonged to \"István Rozgonyi\", the", "psg_id": "3930313" }, { "title": "2011 BBC Sports Personality of the Year Award", "text": "2011 BBC Sports Personality of the Year Award The 2011 BBC Sports Personality of the Year Award, presented on 22 December, was the 58th presentation of the BBC Sports Personality of the Year Awards. Awarded annually by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), the main titular award honours an individual's British sporting achievement over the past year, with the winner selected by public vote from a 10-person shortlist. Other awards presented include team, coach, and young personality of the year. The shortlist of ten sportspeople, which was drawn up by \"a range of sports experts from newspapers and magazines across the", "psg_id": "16147912" }, { "title": "Tab, Hungary", "text": "handcraft, housekeeping and nursing courses. In 1928 the \"Népművelő Testvérek Társasága\" continued their work. They established a kindergarten and a folk house. A new journal was founded under the name \"Népapostol\" in 1930 which existed until 1933. There were three primary schools: a Catholic, a Lutheran and a Jewish. In the Second World War a huge number of Polish refugees arrived to Tab. In March 1944 a ghetto was formed for the Jewish residents of Tab. The Soviets arrived on December 2, 1944. Tab, Hungary Tab () is a town in Somogy County, Hungary and the seat of Tab District.", "psg_id": "3930319" } ]
[ "remonstratory", "protest movements", "protested", "remonstrating", "remonstrators", "political protest", "remonstrater", "remonstrates", "protest group", "protest action", "protester", "remonstrated", "remonstratively", "protestingly", "protestors", "remonstrations", "protestedly", "remonstrance (disambiguation)", "protestor", "protesters", "protest movement", "political protests", "the protestor", "art activism", "protesting", "remonstrative", "remonstration", "protest methods", "remonstrance", "online campaign", "remonstrate", "protests", "remonstrativeness", "remonstrator", "protest", "protestingness", "demonstation", "remonstraters", "protestedness", "national protest", "protestory" ]
los angeles is the largest city in california? what city holds the honor of being the second largest?
[ { "title": "Long Beach, California", "text": "Long Beach, California Long Beach is a city on the Pacific Coast of the United States, within the Los Angeles metropolitan area of Southern California. As of 2010, its population was 462,257. It is the 39th most populous city in the United States and the 7th most populous in California. Long Beach is the second-largest city in the Los Angeles metropolitan area and the third largest in Southern California behind Los Angeles and San Diego. Long Beach is a charter city. The Port of Long Beach is the second busiest container port in the United States and is among the", "psg_id": "931473" } ]
[ { "title": "History of the Jews in Los Angeles", "text": "Angeles. American Jewish University is located in Bel Air, Los Angeles. History of the Jews in Los Angeles History of the Jews in Los Angeles — the history of Judaism and the Jews in Los Angeles, Southern California. Los Angeles has the second largest Jewish population in the U.S., second only to New York City, and has the fifth largest Jewish population of any city in the world. In 1841 Jacob Frankfort arrived in the Mexican Pueblo de Los Ángeles in Alta California. He was the city's first Jew. When California was admitted to the Union in 1850, The U.S.", "psg_id": "17951739" }, { "title": "History of the Jews in Los Angeles", "text": "History of the Jews in Los Angeles History of the Jews in Los Angeles — the history of Judaism and the Jews in Los Angeles, Southern California. Los Angeles has the second largest Jewish population in the U.S., second only to New York City, and has the fifth largest Jewish population of any city in the world. In 1841 Jacob Frankfort arrived in the Mexican Pueblo de Los Ángeles in Alta California. He was the city's first Jew. When California was admitted to the Union in 1850, The U.S. Census recorded that there were eight Jews living in Los Angeles.", "psg_id": "17951720" }, { "title": "Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles", "text": "Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) is a state-chartered public agency. Established in 1938, HACLA provides the largest stock of affordable housing in the city Los Angeles, California and is one of the nation's oldest public housing authorities. Its funds come from five main sources: United States Department of Housing and Urban Development's annual operating subsidy, HUD's annual Capital Fund, Section 8 administrative fees, rent from public housing residents, and other program and capital grants from various sources. In July 1983, Mayor Tom Bradley disbanded the housing authority", "psg_id": "5996156" }, { "title": "Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles", "text": "commission following allegations of mismanagement both by internal sources and by the \"Los Angeles Times\". The City Council took control. After months of dispute, including former commissioners rallying housing project residents to support them, the new commission took control the following January with reduced powers. The larger location sites are: Nickerson Gardens is the largest family large public housing development in Los Angeles with 1,066 units. Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) is a state-chartered public agency. Established in 1938, HACLA provides the largest stock of affordable housing", "psg_id": "5996157" }, { "title": "Seal of the City of Los Angeles", "text": "their plants. These are also symbolized in the colors of the flag of Los Angeles. The fruit are on a field or, bordered with a 77-bead rosary, which presents Spanish missions in California. The arms are quarterly: Seal of the City of Los Angeles The Seal of the City of Los Angeles is, since 1905, the official seal of the City of Los Angeles, a city located in the southern portion of the U.S. state of California. The escutcheon is encircled by the legal name of the city (City of Los Angeles) and year founded (1781). It was adopted on", "psg_id": "9963895" }, { "title": "Seal of the City of Los Angeles", "text": "Seal of the City of Los Angeles The Seal of the City of Los Angeles is, since 1905, the official seal of the City of Los Angeles, a city located in the southern portion of the U.S. state of California. The escutcheon is encircled by the legal name of the city (City of Los Angeles) and year founded (1781). It was adopted on March 27, 1905, via Ordinance 10,834. The heraldic blazon of the coat of arms, as declared in the 1905 ordinance, is: Inside the ribbon, flanking the escutcheon, are grapes, olives, and oranges, major crops of California, on", "psg_id": "9963894" }, { "title": "Demographics of Los Angeles", "text": "About 15,000 Louisiana Creole persons of Acadian and Cajun background from Louisiana and the U.S. Gulf coast, many live in south-central L.A. alone. In the 1980 and 1990 Census, Bosnians established themselves in fairly large numbers in L.A. before the breakup of the former Yugoslavia and Bosnian Civil War of the 1990s. However, Yugoslav immigration was present in Los Angeles and Southern California (i.e. San Pedro, Los Angeles) since the turn of the 20th century. Salvadoran Americans are the second largest Hispanic population in Los Angeles, a city which holds the largest Salvadoran population outside of El Salvador and the", "psg_id": "12355627" }, { "title": "History of the Central Americans in Los Angeles", "text": "to better fit into the Mexican community, along with adopting aspects of Mexican culture. Some Salvadorans in Los Angeles insist on using Salvadoran Spanish. The Oscar Romero Charter Middle School opened in 2007. The school, named after Óscar Romero, teaches Salvadoran children about their heritage. Salvadoran Day is celebrated in Los Angeles each summer. Many pupusa restaurants operate in Los Angeles. History of the Central Americans in Los Angeles The City of Los Angeles includes a prominent Central American population. As of 2010 it is the second largest Latino and Hispanic ethnic group in Los Angeles after Mexican-Americans. The largest", "psg_id": "17833188" }, { "title": "History of the National Football League in Los Angeles", "text": "History of the National Football League in Los Angeles Professional American football, especially its established top level, the National Football League (NFL), has had a long and complicated history in Los Angeles, which is the center of the second-largest media market in the United States. Los Angeles was the first city on the West Coast of the United States to host an NFL team of its own, when the former Cleveland Rams relocated to Los Angeles in 1946 and played at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (\"The Coliseum\") from 1946 until 1979. The Rams, after moving to suburban Anaheim, California", "psg_id": "8318977" }, { "title": "Los Angeles", "text": "Los Angeles Los Angeles (; ), officially the City of Los Angeles and known colloquially by its initials L.A., is the most-populous city in California. It is the second-most populous city in the United States, after New York City, and the largest and most populous city in the Western United States. With an estimated population of four million, Los Angeles is the cultural, financial, and commercial center of Southern California. Nicknamed the \"City of Angels\" partly because of its name's Spanish meaning, Los Angeles is known for its Mediterranean climate, ethnic diversity, Hollywood and the entertainment industry, and sprawling metropolis.", "psg_id": "249030" }, { "title": "University of California, Los Angeles", "text": "3.9%. For Fall 2015, the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science (HSSEAS) had a graduate acceptance rate of 27.6%. The university has a significant impact in the Los Angeles economy. It is the fifth largest employer in the county (after Los Angeles County, the Los Angeles Unified School District, the federal government and the City of Los Angeles) and the seventh largest in the region. The UCLA trademark \"is the exclusive property of the Regents of the University of California\", but it is managed, protected, and licensed through UCLA Trademarks and Licensing, a division of the Associated Students", "psg_id": "485728" }, { "title": "Los Angeles in the 1920s", "text": "also controlled all movie halls and held full film distribution rights. The city also got the nickname of \"Emerald City of Los Angeles\". Los Angeles Port became the second busiest deep water port and the banking sector became very large. As the emergent economy, fueled by oil and Hollywood real estate boomed, though with a growth fluctuation during 1924-25, one third of the homes in Los Angeles were privately owned by home owners, unlike other major cities in the US where the housing was largely rented. During the process of development of the city the largest fossil area was found", "psg_id": "17368207" }, { "title": "Los Angeles Consular Corps", "text": "Also, Los Angeles boasts one of the busiest major airports in the world: LAX, also the Port of Los Angeles is the largest maritime port in the United States, and North America, and is the 4th largest in the world. Los Angeles is the largest city in California, and the second largest in the U.S., and is the world's capital for entertainment. Many factors make Los Angeles an important place on the global stage. The Los Angeles customs district is the largest in the U.S. in terms of international trade capital and volume. In demographic terms, Los Angeles is arguably", "psg_id": "11675217" }, { "title": "History of the Central Americans in Los Angeles", "text": "History of the Central Americans in Los Angeles The City of Los Angeles includes a prominent Central American population. As of 2010 it is the second largest Latino and Hispanic ethnic group in Los Angeles after Mexican-Americans. The largest Central American groups were Guatemalans, Hondurans and Salvadorans. The first Central Americans arrived in the 1940s. In the 1970s the population of Central Americans were evenly distributed between the national origins and was relatively small. David E. Lopez, Eric Popkin, and Edward Telles, authors of \"Central Americans: At the Bottom: Struggling to Get Ahead\", stated that the Central American groups with", "psg_id": "17833182" }, { "title": "Los Angeles California Temple", "text": "Los Angeles California Temple The Los Angeles California Temple (formerly the Los Angeles Temple), the tenth operating and the second-largest temple operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), is on Santa Monica Boulevard in the Westwood district of Los Angeles, California, United States. When it was dedicated in 1956, it was the largest of the church's temples, though it has since been surpassed by the Salt Lake Temple due to later expansions. The temple serves 39 stakes in Los Angeles, Ventura, Kern, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo counties. The grounds include a visitors' center,", "psg_id": "4760004" }, { "title": "Los Angeles California Temple", "text": "Angeles Temple features murals on the walls of its progressive-style ordinance rooms, including the celestial room. The only other temple with celestial room murals is the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple. Los Angeles California Temple The Los Angeles California Temple (formerly the Los Angeles Temple), the tenth operating and the second-largest temple operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), is on Santa Monica Boulevard in the Westwood district of Los Angeles, California, United States. When it was dedicated in 1956, it was the largest of the church's temples, though it has since been surpassed by the", "psg_id": "4760012" }, { "title": "Ethnic groups in Los Angeles", "text": "the 1920s and again in the World War II era (1941–45). The city's original barrios were located in the eastern half of the city and the unincorporated community of East Los Angeles. The trend of \"Hispanization\" began in 1970, then accelerated in the 1980s and 1990s with immigration from Mexico and Central America (especially El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala). These immigrants settled in the city's eastern and southern neighborhoods. Salvadoran Americans are the second largest Hispanic population in Los Angeles, a city which holds the largest Salvadoran population outside of El Salvador and the Salvadoran diaspora living abroad and overseas.", "psg_id": "18137105" }, { "title": "Los Angeles Public Library", "text": "Los Angeles Public Library The Los Angeles Public Library system (LAPL) serves the residents of the City of Los Angeles. The system holds more than six million volumes, and with over 18 million residents in the Los Angeles Metropolitan area, it serves the largest population of any publicly funded library system in the United States. The system is overseen by a Board of Library Commissioners with five members appointed by the mayor of Los Angeles in staggered terms in accordance with the city charter. Library cards are free to California residents. Circulating books, zines, periodicals, computer access and audiovisual materials", "psg_id": "4375370" }, { "title": "Los Angeles", "text": "the fifth-busiest port in the world and the most significant port in the Western Hemisphere and is vital to trade within the Pacific Rim. The Los Angeles–Long Beach metropolitan area has a gross metropolitan product of $866 billion (), making it the third-largest economic metropolitan area in the world, after Tokyo and New York. Los Angeles has been classified an \"Alpha world city\" according to a 2012 study by a group at Loughborough University. The largest employers in the city were, in descending order, the City of Los Angeles, the County of Los Angeles, and University of California, Los Angeles.", "psg_id": "249080" }, { "title": "Los Angeles metropolitan area", "text": "Los Angeles metropolitan area The Los Angeles metropolitan area, also known as Metropolitan Los Angeles or the Southland, is the 30th largest metropolitan area in the world and the second-largest metropolitan area in the United States. It is the 3rd largest city by GDP in the world with a $1 trillion+ economy. It is entirely located in the southern portion of the U.S. state of California. The tallest building in the Los Angeles metropolitan area is the Wilshire Grand Center at 1,100 feet (335.3 m) in Downtown Los Angeles. The metropolitan area is defined by the Office of Management and", "psg_id": "2244852" }, { "title": "Los Angeles metropolitan area", "text": "means shaking was felt. Los Angeles metropolitan area The Los Angeles metropolitan area, also known as Metropolitan Los Angeles or the Southland, is the 30th largest metropolitan area in the world and the second-largest metropolitan area in the United States. It is the 3rd largest city by GDP in the world with a $1 trillion+ economy. It is entirely located in the southern portion of the U.S. state of California. The tallest building in the Los Angeles metropolitan area is the Wilshire Grand Center at 1,100 feet (335.3 m) in Downtown Los Angeles. The metropolitan area is defined by the", "psg_id": "2244894" }, { "title": "Los Angeles City Controller", "text": "Los Angeles City Controller The Los Angeles City Controller is an official in the government of the city of Los Angeles, California. The City Controller is the paymaster and chief accounting officer of the city. Along with the Mayor and the City Attorney, the City Controller is chosen by popular vote every four years. The position began in 1878 as the Los Angeles City Auditor and in the early days included secretarial duties for the Los Angeles Common Council as part of the job. Upon the re-election of John S. Myers in 1925, when the city approved a new charter,", "psg_id": "5513974" }, { "title": "Los Angeles in the 1920s", "text": "movie productions. A dramatic change took place over the decade, and in 1929, with the Great Depression, the city became a hub of Mexican immigrants and blacks, resulting in some of expansion and encroachment of the San Fernando Valley to its north and to the San Pedro Harbor in the south. The population was a cosmopolitan mixture of Caucasians, Protestants, Blacks (then the second largest group after Baltimore), Jews, Armenians, Italians, and Russians. Internal mass migration also took place when 2 million Americans migrated to California, of which 1.2 million settled in Los Angeles. There were no slums in spite", "psg_id": "17368205" }, { "title": "History of the National Football League in Los Angeles", "text": "book is the LA Bulldogs. History of the National Football League in Los Angeles Professional American football, especially its established top level, the National Football League (NFL), has had a long and complicated history in Los Angeles, which is the center of the second-largest media market in the United States. Los Angeles was the first city on the West Coast of the United States to host an NFL team of its own, when the former Cleveland Rams relocated to Los Angeles in 1946 and played at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (\"The Coliseum\") from 1946 until 1979. The Rams, after", "psg_id": "8319045" }, { "title": "History of the Armenian Americans in Los Angeles", "text": "History of the Armenian Americans in Los Angeles The Los Angeles metropolitan area has a significant Armenian American population. As of 1990 this single area holds the largest population of Armenians in the world outside of Armenia. Anny P. Bakalian, author of \"Armenian-Americans: From Being to Feeling Armenian\", wrote that \"Los Angeles has become a sort of Mecca for traditional Armenianness.\" Since 1965 and as of 1993, the majority of immigration of ethnic Armenians from Iran or the former Soviet Union have gone to the Los Angeles area. The first Armenian families began to settle in the Los Angeles area", "psg_id": "17939048" }, { "title": "Los Angeles City Controller", "text": "the name of the position was changed to City Controller. In 2000, another update to the city charter added the power and responsibility of conducting \"performance audits\" of departmental effectiveness. Los Angeles City Controller The Los Angeles City Controller is an official in the government of the city of Los Angeles, California. The City Controller is the paymaster and chief accounting officer of the city. Along with the Mayor and the City Attorney, the City Controller is chosen by popular vote every four years. The position began in 1878 as the Los Angeles City Auditor and in the early days", "psg_id": "5513975" }, { "title": "Los Angeles City Hall", "text": "that are far more familiar as one of the building's most distinguishing exterior features. The Mayor Tom Bradley Room, as this large interior space is named, is used for ceremonies and other special occasions. The Los Angeles Dodgers will wear a commemorative uniform patch during the 2018 season celebrating 60 years in the city depicting a logo of Los Angeles City Hall. The building has been featured in the following popular movies and television shows: Los Angeles City Hall Los Angeles City Hall, completed in 1928, is the center of the government of the city of Los Angeles, California, and", "psg_id": "4179340" }, { "title": "Los Angeles City College", "text": "Los Angeles City College Los Angeles City College (LACC) is a public community college in East Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, United States. A part of the Los Angeles Community College District, it is located on Vermont Avenue south of Santa Monica Boulevard. LACC offers university transferable courses. The college also offers the Theater Academy, a block program for students pursuing acting, technical side of theater, or costume design. LACC occupies the former campus of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). The LACC campus was originally a farm outside Los Angeles, owned by Dennis Sullivan. It is one of nine", "psg_id": "5353145" }, { "title": "History of the Mexican Americans in Los Angeles", "text": "city and the unincorporated community of East Los Angeles. The trend of \"Hispanization\" began in 1970, then accelerated in the 1980s and 1990s with immigration from Mexico and Central America (especially El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala). These immigrants settled in the city's eastern and southern neighborhoods. By 2000, South Los Angeles was a majority Latino area, displacing most previous African-American and Asian-American residents. The city is often said to have the largest Mexican population outside Mexico and has the largest Spanish-speaking population outside Latin America or Spain. As of 2007, estimates of the number of residents originally from the Mexican", "psg_id": "17839926" }, { "title": "Los Angeles City Hall", "text": "Los Angeles City Hall Los Angeles City Hall, completed in 1928, is the center of the government of the city of Los Angeles, California, and houses the mayor's office and the meeting chambers and offices of the Los Angeles City Council. It is located in the Civic Center district of downtown Los Angeles in the city block bounded by Main, Temple, First, and Spring streets. The building was designed by John Parkinson, John C. Austin, and Albert C. Martin, Sr., and was completed in 1928. Dedication ceremonies were held on April 26, 1928. It has 32 floors and, at high,", "psg_id": "4179335" }, { "title": "City News Los Angeles", "text": "they occur, so that individuals, organizations and citizens can make their own decisions based on the facts. City News LA is published every week in the Los Angeles area and its website is maintained daily, with coverage available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. City News Los Angeles City News Los Angeles (CNLA) is a weekly newspaper created in 2001 to serve the LGBT community of Los Angeles, California. According to the official website: City News LA is a news organization which covers the issues facing the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) community of Los Angeles. It", "psg_id": "9618918" }, { "title": "Los Angeles City College", "text": "Los Angeles Junior College with over 1,300 students and 54 teachers. The campus changed its name to Los Angeles City College in 1938. Los Angeles City College Los Angeles City College (LACC) is a public community college in East Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, United States. A part of the Los Angeles Community College District, it is located on Vermont Avenue south of Santa Monica Boulevard. LACC offers university transferable courses. The college also offers the Theater Academy, a block program for students pursuing acting, technical side of theater, or costume design. LACC occupies the former campus of the University of", "psg_id": "5353147" }, { "title": "History of the Jews in Los Angeles", "text": "or developing many Los Angeles business and cultural institutions, including the entertainment, fashion, and real estate industries. Following the 2013 mayoral election, city councilman Eric Garcetti became the city's first elected Jewish mayor. He had previously served as the council president. As of 1996 most immigrants from Israel to Los Angeles are Jews who are Hebrew-speakers. As of 2008 the Los Angeles area had the largest Persian Jewish population in the U.S., at 50,000. The Beverly Hills Unified School District, the established Jewish community, and security attracted Iranian Jews to Beverly Hills, and a commercial area of the city became", "psg_id": "17951729" }, { "title": "City News Los Angeles", "text": "City News Los Angeles City News Los Angeles (CNLA) is a weekly newspaper created in 2001 to serve the LGBT community of Los Angeles, California. According to the official website: City News LA is a news organization which covers the issues facing the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) community of Los Angeles. It is a multi-media news agency, as well as a print news organization, reporting on topics ranging from financial markets to hate crimes and political news. The LGBT community relies on City News LA journalists to provide accurate, clearly sourced accounts of events as they occur, wherever", "psg_id": "9618917" }, { "title": "Los Angeles", "text": "healthcare, and transportation. In the 2017 Global Financial Centres Index, Los Angeles was ranked as having the 19th most competitive financial center in the world, and sixth most competitive in United States (after New York City, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, and Washington, D.C.). Two of the six major film studios, Paramount Pictures and 20th Century Fox, are located within the city limits, their locations being part of the so-called \"Thirty-Mile Zone\" of entertainment headquarters in Southern California. Los Angeles is the largest manufacturing center in the western United States. The contiguous ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach together comprise", "psg_id": "249079" }, { "title": "History of the Los Angeles Rams", "text": "whole situation, embittered toward the NFL. That sentiment was best expressed by Fred Dryer, who at the time said \"I hate these people (the organization and its owner) for what they did, taking the Rams logo with them when they moved to St. Louis. That logo belonged to Southern California.\" Steve Rosenbloom, the general manager of the team during Carroll Rosenbloom's tenure, opined that teams come and go, but for a team to leave Los Angeles—the second largest media market in America—for St. Louis (approximately the 18th-largest) was simply irresponsible and foolish, in spite of the notoriously fickle support of", "psg_id": "16192514" }, { "title": "Harbor City, Los Angeles", "text": "operates the Harbor Gateway-Harbor City Branch Library. Harbor City, Los Angeles Harbor City is a highly diverse neighborhood within the Los Angeles Harbor Region of Los Angeles, California, with a population upward of 36,000 people. Originally part of the Rancho San Pedro Spanish land grant, the 2.58-square-mile Harbor City was brought into Los Angeles as a preliminary step in the larger city's consolidation with the port cities of Wilmington and San Pedro. The area includes two high schools and seven other schools, as well as the Ken Malloy Harbor Regional and two other parks. There is a Kaiser Permanente Hospital", "psg_id": "13901506" }, { "title": "Los Angeles Consular Corps", "text": "commercial offices: Los Angeles Consular Corps The Los Angeles Consular Corps is an informal organization representing 105 consulates located in Los Angeles, California. Los Angeles has the second largest consular community in the world, after New York City. New York City is home to the United Nations, which means that every country has a formal presence in New York. Therefore, Los Angeles is particularly unique because it is neither a national capital (or even a state capital), nor headquarters for a major international organization such as the UN, nor a major financial center (such as Sydney, Shanghai, and Frankfurt) and", "psg_id": "11675219" }, { "title": "Los Angeles Consular Corps", "text": "Los Angeles Consular Corps The Los Angeles Consular Corps is an informal organization representing 105 consulates located in Los Angeles, California. Los Angeles has the second largest consular community in the world, after New York City. New York City is home to the United Nations, which means that every country has a formal presence in New York. Therefore, Los Angeles is particularly unique because it is neither a national capital (or even a state capital), nor headquarters for a major international organization such as the UN, nor a major financial center (such as Sydney, Shanghai, and Frankfurt) and still has", "psg_id": "11675215" }, { "title": "Los Angeles Unified School District", "text": "Los Angeles Unified School District Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is the largest (in terms of number of students) public school system in the U.S. state of California and the 2nd largest public school district in the United States. Only the New York City Department of Education has a larger student population. During the 2016–2017 school year, LAUSD served around 734,641 students, including 107,142 students at independent charter schools and 69,867 adult students. During the same school year, it had 26,556 teachers and 33,635 other employees. It is the second largest employer in Los Angeles County, after the county", "psg_id": "14530392" }, { "title": "Los Angeles Airport Police", "text": "Los Angeles Airport Police The Los Angeles Airport Police Division (sometimes referred to as \"LAWAPD\" or LAXPD\") is the largest police agency in the United States dedicated exclusively to 24-hour airport activities. LAXPD is the fourth largest law enforcement agency in Los Angeles County, with more than 1,100 law enforcement, security and staff. It also has the largest civilian Airport security force in the nation. LAX Police is a division of Los Angeles Department of Airports, Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA), the city department that owns and operates two airports in Southern California: Los Angeles International, and Van Nuys (general", "psg_id": "10218653" }, { "title": "Studio City, Los Angeles", "text": "City is located in the new 18th District covering most of the Eastern San Fernando Valley, California state Assemblyman Adrin Nazarian and U.S. Rep. Brad Sherman. Studio City, Los Angeles Studio City is a neighborhood in the city of Los Angeles, California, in the San Fernando Valley. It is named after the studio lot that was established in the area by film producer Mack Sennett in 1927, now known as CBS Studio Center. Originally known as Laurelwood, the area Studio City occupies was formerly part of Rancho Ex-Mission San Fernando. This land changed hands several times during the late 19th", "psg_id": "2539797" }, { "title": "Mid-City, Los Angeles", "text": "Mid-City, Los Angeles Mid-City is a neighborhood in Central Los Angeles, California. Attractions include restaurants and a post office named for singer Ray Charles, who had his recording studio in Mid-City. The neighborhood hosts eleven public and private schools. The Crenshaw/LAX Line from north-south is proposed to serve this area. The City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation has posted Mid-City signage to mark the area. City installed signs are at the following intersections (from east to west): Hoover Street and Washington Boulevard, Vermont Avenue and Pico Boulevard, Western Avenue and Pico Boulevard, Normandie Avenue and the Santa Monica Freeway,", "psg_id": "5908943" }, { "title": "Harbor City, Los Angeles", "text": "Harbor City, Los Angeles Harbor City is a highly diverse neighborhood within the Los Angeles Harbor Region of Los Angeles, California, with a population upward of 36,000 people. Originally part of the Rancho San Pedro Spanish land grant, the 2.58-square-mile Harbor City was brought into Los Angeles as a preliminary step in the larger city's consolidation with the port cities of Wilmington and San Pedro. The area includes two high schools and seven other schools, as well as the Ken Malloy Harbor Regional and two other parks. There is a Kaiser Permanente Hospital as well. Harbor City's percentage of high", "psg_id": "13901497" }, { "title": "The Second City", "text": "over 200 Second City revues in Canada and the United States. Alexander expanded The Second City TV & Film Division with offices in Los Angeles and Toronto. , the Second City has been awarded thirty-seven Equity Joseph Jefferson Awards, which have recognized them for Best Revue five times, the first being \"Paradigm Lost\" (1997). The revue’s director, Mick Napier, is one of several directors recognized by the Jeffs, a list that includes founder Bernard Sahlins (for 1983’s \"Exit, Pursued by a Bear\") and improv guru Del Close (1981’s \"Miro, Miro on the Wall\"). Sixteen alumni have received Jeff Awards for", "psg_id": "3450641" }, { "title": "City National Bank (California)", "text": "sponsorships is its sponsorship of the Vegas Golden Knights of the National Hockey League which includes the naming rights to the team headquarters and practice facility City National Arena. It previously sponsored the LA Galaxy amongst other sports teams The Bank is also the Official Bank of the Los Angeles Clippers as well as the main sponsor of The Tony Awards City National Bank (California) City National Bank (CNB) is a bank holding company headquartered at City National Plaza in Los Angeles, California. CNB is a subsidiary of the Toronto-based Royal Bank of Canada and it is the 37th largest", "psg_id": "6609952" }, { "title": "CIF Los Angeles City Section", "text": "CIF Los Angeles City Section The CIF Los Angeles City Section (CIF-LA) is the governing body of high school athletics for public schools in the city of Los Angeles and some surrounding communities. All of these schools were once associated with the Los Angeles Unified School District. It is one of ten sections that constitute the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF). Official governance for high school sports in this area began in 1913, when the Southern California Interscholastic Athletic Council (SCIAC) was formed. Previous to that, some individual leagues dated back to the 1890s. The High School Athletic Association of Southern", "psg_id": "18127835" }, { "title": "CIF Los Angeles City Section", "text": "CIF Los Angeles City Section The CIF Los Angeles City Section (CIF-LA) is the governing body of high school athletics for public schools in the city of Los Angeles and some surrounding communities. All of these schools were once associated with the Los Angeles Unified School District. It is one of ten sections that constitute the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF). Official governance for high school sports in this area began in 1913, when the Southern California Interscholastic Athletic Council (SCIAC) was formed. Previous to that, some individual leagues dated back to the 1890s. The High School Athletic Association of Southern", "psg_id": "18127827" }, { "title": "City West, Los Angeles", "text": "also been called the \"New Jersey of downtown LA,\" though residents don't actually refer to it as such. City West, Los Angeles City West, also known as Central City West, is a name sometimes given to refer to the eastern edge of the neighborhood of Westlake in Los Angeles, California. The term is often used by residents, newspapers, and developers, as part of an attempt to include the area immediately west of the 110 Freeway as a part of Downtown Los Angeles. Although City West is occasionally considered either part of or an outlying area of Westlake or Echo Park,", "psg_id": "10778000" }, { "title": "City West, Los Angeles", "text": "City West, Los Angeles City West, also known as Central City West, is a name sometimes given to refer to the eastern edge of the neighborhood of Westlake in Los Angeles, California. The term is often used by residents, newspapers, and developers, as part of an attempt to include the area immediately west of the 110 Freeway as a part of Downtown Los Angeles. Although City West is occasionally considered either part of or an outlying area of Westlake or Echo Park, its high-rise skyline mimics the adjacent Downtown Financial District more than any other surrounding neighborhood. The area has", "psg_id": "10777999" }, { "title": "Los Angeles", "text": "Los Angeles is located in a large basin bounded by the Pacific Ocean on one side and by mountains as high as on the others. The city proper, which covers about , is the seat of Los Angeles County, the most populated county in the country. Los Angeles is the principal city of the Los Angeles metropolitan area; with a population of 13.1 million residents it is the second largest in the United States after that of New York City. It is part of the Los Angeles-Long Beach combined statistical area, also the second most populous in the nation with", "psg_id": "249031" }, { "title": "Panorama City, Los Angeles", "text": "Panorama City, Los Angeles Panorama City is a neighborhood in the city of Los Angeles, California, in the San Fernando Valley. It has a generally young age range as well as the highest population density in the Valley. Ethnically, more than half the population was born abroad, a higher percentage than Los Angeles as a whole. Known as the valley's first planned community following a transition from agriculture to a post-World War II housing boom, it has produced several notable residents. Today it is a mixture of single-family homes and low-rise apartment buildings. Panorama City has three high schools, two", "psg_id": "2537718" }, { "title": "Culture of Los Angeles", "text": "food has the largest foothold in Los Angeles after Mexican cuisine. Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Thai restaurants are extremely common place. Japanese food in particular is a staple of Los Angeles' haute cuisine scene with places like Urasawa in Beverly Hills, Nobu in Malibu and Koi in Hollywood. The city of Torrance, with its huge Asian-American population, seems to have the largest concentration of Asian restaurants while the city of Glendale, has the among highest concentration of Persian restaurants in the country. California-styled cuisine is considered to be highly influenced by Asian seafood, as well as by Mediterranean cooking. Even", "psg_id": "4059560" }, { "title": "Los Angeles City Council District 13", "text": "$24,074. Forty percent of children live in poverty. Sixteen percent of residents have no education beyond the sixth grade and 46 percent have no high school diploma; 17 percent have a bachelor's degree or higher. The average household size is 2.9 persons. Thirty percent of the population is under 20 years, while 11 percent is over 60. Thirteen men and two women have represented this district. This is the largest number of people to have represented any City Council district. Los Angeles City Council District 13 Los Angeles City Council District 13 is one of the 15 districts of the", "psg_id": "14418148" }, { "title": "President of the Los Angeles City Council", "text": "President of the Los Angeles City Council This is a list of presidents of the Los Angeles City Council. Not only does the officer preside over meetings of the council, but he or she also makes assignments to City Council committees and handles parliamentary duties like ruling motions in or out of order. The president automatically become acting mayor when the mayor is out of the state. The president is elected at the first meeting of the new council term, beginning on July 1 of every odd-numbered year. Normally this meeting is called to order by the City Clerk for", "psg_id": "15878823" }, { "title": "Los Angeles County, California", "text": "Los Angeles County, California Los Angeles County, officially the County of Los Angeles (), is the most populous county in the Los Angeles metropolitan area of the U.S. state of California in the United States, with more than 10 million inhabitants . As such, it is the largest non-state level government entity in the United States. Its population is larger than that of 41 individual U.S. states. It is the third-largest metropolitan economy in the world, with a Nominal GDP of over $700 billion — larger than the GDPs of Belgium, Saudi Arabia, Norway and Taiwan. It has 88 incorporated", "psg_id": "841489" }, { "title": "Los Angeles City School District", "text": "Los Angeles City School District The Los Angeles City School District was a school district that served Los Angeles, California, and some adjoining areas between 1870 and 1961. The district was formed on May 2, 1870, with the same boundaries as the city of Los Angeles. In 1890 the Los Angeles City High School District was formed to serve high school students. The Los Angeles City School District and various other feeder elementary school districts served elementary and junior high students. The elementary school district annexed various elementary school districts during its existence. The annexations include: The district disappeared on", "psg_id": "12496356" }, { "title": "Pasadena, California", "text": "Pasadena, California Pasadena is a city in Los Angeles County, California, United States, located 10 miles (16 kilometers) northeast of Downtown Los Angeles. The estimated population of Pasadena was 142,647, in 2017, making it the 183rd-largest city in the United States. Pasadena is the ninth-largest city in Los Angeles County. Pasadena was incorporated on June 19, 1886, becoming one of the first cities to be incorporated in what is now Los Angeles County, following the city of Los Angeles (April 4, 1850). It is one of the primary cultural centers of the San Gabriel Valley. The city is known for", "psg_id": "919915" }, { "title": "History of the Iranian Americans in Los Angeles", "text": "Iranian Education Foundation donated money to the district. \"Shirin in Love\" depicts a woman of Iranian origins living in Los Angeles. History of the Iranian Americans in Los Angeles Los Angeles (and Southern California in general) is home to a large Iranian-American community. With population estimates between 300,000 and half a million, Southern California boasts the largest concentration of Iranians in the world, outside of Iran. Iranian immigrants began arriving in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s. As the 1979 Iranian Revolution unfolded, large numbers of Iranians fled Iran. Many of them settled in Los Angeles. Many Iranian", "psg_id": "17958734" }, { "title": "History of the Iranian Americans in Los Angeles", "text": "History of the Iranian Americans in Los Angeles Los Angeles (and Southern California in general) is home to a large Iranian-American community. With population estimates between 300,000 and half a million, Southern California boasts the largest concentration of Iranians in the world, outside of Iran. Iranian immigrants began arriving in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s. As the 1979 Iranian Revolution unfolded, large numbers of Iranians fled Iran. Many of them settled in Los Angeles. Many Iranian immigrants, including Muslims, Christians, and Jews, originated from the upper classes. Los Angeles was ideal for Iranians because it reminded them", "psg_id": "17958715" }, { "title": "Panorama City, Los Angeles", "text": "opened in 1963. Mission Community Hospital is a private, for-profit hospital owned by Deanco Healthcare located on Roscoe Blvd. serving the neighborhood. Mission Community Hospital features a basic adult Emergency Room, surgical services, an inpatient psychiatric hospital, and inpatient medical services. Panorama City, Los Angeles Panorama City is a neighborhood in the city of Los Angeles, California, in the San Fernando Valley. It has a generally young age range as well as the highest population density in the Valley. Ethnically, more than half the population was born abroad, a higher percentage than Los Angeles as a whole. Known as the", "psg_id": "2537726" }, { "title": "Media in Los Angeles", "text": "Media in Los Angeles The media of Los Angeles are influential and include some of the most important production facilities in the world. As part of the \"Creative Capital of the World\", it is a major global center for media and entertainment. In addition to being the home of Hollywood, the center of the motion picture industry, the Los Angeles area is the second largest media market in North America (after New York City). Many of the nation's media conglomerates either have their primary headquarters (like The Walt Disney Company) or their West Coast operations (like NBCUniversal) based in the", "psg_id": "9494908" }, { "title": "Los Angeles Fire Department", "text": "Los Angeles Fire Department The Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) provides firefighting, rescue and emergency medical services for the city of Los Angeles, California, United States. The LAFD is responsible for approximately 4 million people who live in the agency's jurisdiction. The Los Angeles Fire Department was founded in 1886 and is one of the largest municipal fire departments in the United States, after the New York City Fire Department and the Chicago Fire Department. The department may be unofficially referred to as the \"Los Angeles City Fire Department\" or \"LA City Fire\" to distinguish it from the Los Angeles", "psg_id": "1328674" }, { "title": "History of the National Football League in Los Angeles", "text": "Sports Network to discuss a possibility of football in L.A. Goodell said that he wouldn't like any team to relocate to the city. The commissioner said that if L.A. were to get a team, the league would have to expand to 34 teams. With no other non-NFL markets in the United States anywhere close to Los Angeles in size (the second-largest media market without an NFL team is Orlando, Florida, ranked #18, and even that market is within 75 miles of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers), adding two expansion teams simultaneously in Los Angeles was one solution that had been explored.", "psg_id": "8319012" }, { "title": "City of Los Angeles (train)", "text": "hours and 00 minutes. City of Los Angeles (train) The City of Los Angeles was a streamlined passenger train between Chicago, Illinois, and Los Angeles, California via Omaha, Nebraska, and Ogden, Utah. Between Omaha and Los Angeles it ran on the Union Pacific Railroad; east of Omaha it ran on the Chicago and North Western Railway until October 1955 and on the Milwaukee Road thereafter. The train had number 103 westbound and number 104 eastbound. This train was the top-of-the-line for UP, which marketed it as a competitor to the \"Super Chief\", a streamlined passenger train on the Atchison, Topeka", "psg_id": "3807802" }, { "title": "City of Los Angeles (train)", "text": "City of Los Angeles (train) The City of Los Angeles was a streamlined passenger train between Chicago, Illinois, and Los Angeles, California via Omaha, Nebraska, and Ogden, Utah. Between Omaha and Los Angeles it ran on the Union Pacific Railroad; east of Omaha it ran on the Chicago and North Western Railway until October 1955 and on the Milwaukee Road thereafter. The train had number 103 westbound and number 104 eastbound. This train was the top-of-the-line for UP, which marketed it as a competitor to the \"Super Chief\", a streamlined passenger train on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway,", "psg_id": "3807796" }, { "title": "Los Angeles", "text": "The University of Southern California (USC) is the city's fourth largest employer and the largest private sector employer. , Los Angeles is home to three Fortune 500 companies: AECOM, CBRE Group, and Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co. Los Angeles is often billed as the \"Creative Capital of the World\", because one in every six of its residents works in a creative industry and there are more artists, writers, filmmakers, actors, dancers and musicians living and working in Los Angeles than any other city at any time in history. The city's Hollywood neighborhood has become recognized as the center of the", "psg_id": "249081" }, { "title": "The Second City", "text": "comedy stage. The Second City The Second City is an improvisational comedy enterprise, best known as the first ever on-going improvisational theater troupe based in Chicago. It also has programs that run out of Toronto and Los Angeles. The Second City Theatre opened on December 16, 1959, and has since become one of the most influential and prolific comedy theatres in the world. The Second City has produced television programs in both Canada and the United States, including \"SCTV\", \"Saturday Night Live\" (\"SNL\"), \"Second City Presents\", and \"Next Comedy Legend\". Since its debut, the Second City has consistently been a", "psg_id": "3450651" }, { "title": "The Second City", "text": "The Second City The Second City is an improvisational comedy enterprise, best known as the first ever on-going improvisational theater troupe based in Chicago. It also has programs that run out of Toronto and Los Angeles. The Second City Theatre opened on December 16, 1959, and has since become one of the most influential and prolific comedy theatres in the world. The Second City has produced television programs in both Canada and the United States, including \"SCTV\", \"Saturday Night Live\" (\"SNL\"), \"Second City Presents\", and \"Next Comedy Legend\". Since its debut, the Second City has consistently been a starting point", "psg_id": "3450632" }, { "title": "Los Angeles Department of Transportation", "text": "persons. Los Angeles Department of Transportation The Los Angeles Department of Transportation, commonly referred to as LADOT, is a municipal agency that oversees transportation planning, design, construction, maintenance and operations within the City of Los Angeles. LADOT was created by city ordinance, and is run by a general manager appointed by the Mayor of Los Angeles, under the oversight of a citizens' commission also appointed by the mayor. LADOT is best known for providing public transportation to the City of Los Angeles. It currently operates the second-largest fleet in Los Angeles County next to Metro. It consist of over 300", "psg_id": "5743033" }, { "title": "Los Angeles Department of Transportation", "text": "Los Angeles Department of Transportation The Los Angeles Department of Transportation, commonly referred to as LADOT, is a municipal agency that oversees transportation planning, design, construction, maintenance and operations within the City of Los Angeles. LADOT was created by city ordinance, and is run by a general manager appointed by the Mayor of Los Angeles, under the oversight of a citizens' commission also appointed by the mayor. LADOT is best known for providing public transportation to the City of Los Angeles. It currently operates the second-largest fleet in Los Angeles County next to Metro. It consist of over 300 vehicles,", "psg_id": "5743028" }, { "title": "Ethnic groups in Los Angeles", "text": "Latin American Indian groups) are a low-percentage, yet notable part of the population. Los Angeles is thought to have the largest Urban Indian community in the United States (est. above 100,000-about 2% or higher upwards to 5% of the city population) who belong to over 100 tribal nations. There are between 2,000 and 25,000 members of the Cherokee Nation based in Tahlequah, Oklahoma in the city and county respectively. There is the local Chumash tribe whose homeland encompasses the Los Angeles Basin and Central Coast of California. Native Americans in Los Angeles, like throughout the country, are referred to an", "psg_id": "18137117" }, { "title": "Los Angeles Public Library", "text": "many neighborhoods. Eight of the larger branches are designated \"regional branches\": Los Angeles Public Library The Los Angeles Public Library system (LAPL) serves the residents of the City of Los Angeles. The system holds more than six million volumes, and with over 18 million residents in the Los Angeles Metropolitan area, it serves the largest population of any publicly funded library system in the United States. The system is overseen by a Board of Library Commissioners with five members appointed by the mayor of Los Angeles in staggered terms in accordance with the city charter. Library cards are free to", "psg_id": "4375389" }, { "title": "The Great Los Angeles Earthquake", "text": "being deleted, in addition to a lot of plot lines not being resolved. All scenes were restored for the mini-series DVD release. The Great Los Angeles Earthquake The Great Los Angeles Earthquake is a 1990 television film about a massive earthquake that strikes Los Angeles, California. The movie stars Joanna Kerns in the movie's lead role, seismologist Clare Winslow, who tries to warn city leaders of the possibility that a powerful earthquake may strike southern California. The movie begins with a small tremor occurring in the hills outside Los Angeles near a United States Geological Survey (USGS) research post which", "psg_id": "12753111" }, { "title": "Wilmington, Los Angeles", "text": "Wilmington, Los Angeles Wilmington is a neighborhood in the Los Angeles Harbor Region area of Los Angeles, California, covering 9.14 square miles. Featuring a heavy concentration of industry and the third-largest oil field in the continental United States, this neighborhood has a high percentage of Latino and foreign-born residents. It is the site of Los Angeles Harbor College, Banning High School, and ten other primary and secondary schools. Wilmington has six parks. Wilmington dates its history back to a 1784 Spanish land grant. It became a separate city in 1863, and it joined the city of Los Angeles in 1909.", "psg_id": "2206267" }, { "title": "Studio City, Los Angeles", "text": "Studio City, Los Angeles Studio City is a neighborhood in the city of Los Angeles, California, in the San Fernando Valley. It is named after the studio lot that was established in the area by film producer Mack Sennett in 1927, now known as CBS Studio Center. Originally known as Laurelwood, the area Studio City occupies was formerly part of Rancho Ex-Mission San Fernando. This land changed hands several times during the late 19th Century and was eventually owned by James Boon Lankershim (1850–1931), and eight other developers who organized the Lankershim Ranch Land and Water Company. In 1899, however,", "psg_id": "2539789" }, { "title": "Studio City, Los Angeles", "text": "unstaffed park, is in Studio City. In addition, Studio City has the Studio City Mini-Park, an unstaffed pocket park. Studio City is part of the city of Los Angeles and sits entirely within City Council District 2, which is represented by Los Angeles City Councilman Paul Krekorian. Studio City is represented to the city of Los Angeles by the Studio City Neighborhood Council, one of 90 such Neighborhood Councils in the city created and funded by the city of Los Angeles. The area is also represented by Los Angeles County District 3 Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, State Senator Robert Hertzberg, Studio", "psg_id": "2539796" }, { "title": "Los Angeles Dodgers", "text": "Dodger fan. The Dodgers set the world record for the largest attendance for a single baseball game during an exhibition game against the Boston Red Sox on March 28, 2008 at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum in honor of the Dodgers 50th anniversary, with 115,300 fans in attendance. All proceeds from the game benefited the official charity of the Dodgers, ThinkCure! which supports cancer research at Children's Hospital Los Angeles and City of Hope. Primarily Dodgers fans are from their own location in southern California and also parts of southern Nevada; however there are also strong pockets of Dodger support", "psg_id": "242114" }, { "title": "President of the Los Angeles City Council", "text": "the election of the president, after which a president pro tempore is chosen. Next to the mayor, the president and president pro tem of the council are generally considered the most powerful officials in municipal government. The president serves as mayor in the absence of the chief executive [the mayor], and the pro tem fills the top position in the absence of both. Two-year terms beginning on July 1 of the years shown below President of the Los Angeles City Council This is a list of presidents of the Los Angeles City Council. Not only does the officer preside over", "psg_id": "15878824" }, { "title": "California", "text": "California California is a state in the Pacific Region of the United States. With 39.5 million residents, California is the most populous U.S. state and the third-largest by area. The state capital is Sacramento. The Greater Los Angeles Area and the San Francisco Bay Area are the nation's second- and fifth-most populous urban regions, with 18.7 million and 8.8 million residents respectively. Los Angeles is California's most populous city, and the country's second-most populous, after New York City. California also has the nation's most populous county, Los Angeles County; its largest county by area, San Bernardino County; and its second", "psg_id": "66762" }, { "title": "Los Angeles City Marshal", "text": "Los Angeles City Marshal The Los Angeles City Marshal was the chief law enforcement officer of Los Angeles in the city's early years. The City Marshal was an office created in 1850 upon the city's incorporation. The title was City Marshal, Tax and Licence Collector. The title of Chief of Police was added in 1871. In 1876 the position of City Marshal was eliminated. Jacob F. Gerkens as the first officer to hold the new title of Chief of Police. J.J. Carrillo continued as Tax and Licence Collector in 1876 - 1877. The second City Marshal, Jack Whaling, was shot", "psg_id": "6780644" }, { "title": "Los Angeles City Council District 5", "text": "Los Angeles City Council District 5 Los Angeles City Council District 5 is one of the 15 districts of the Los Angeles City Council. Paul Koretz is the current council member. District 5 represents Los Angeles communities in the Westside, central-eastern Santa Monica Mountains, and central-southern San Fernando Valley. The district covers all or a portion of the following communities and neighborhoods: Bel Air, Beverly Crest, Beverly Grove, Beverlywood, California Country Club, Carthay Circle, Century City, Cheviot Hills, Comstock Hills, western Fairfax District, Holmby Hills, Melrose, Palms, Pico-Robertson, Roscomare, Westwood, UCLA, and Westside Village. Encino and Oak Forest Canyon. For", "psg_id": "15189196" }, { "title": "Los Angeles City School District", "text": "July 1, 1961, when it and the Palos Verdes School District merged and became a unified school district, the Los Angeles Unified School District. The annexation left the Topanga School District and the Las Vergenes Union School District as separate remnants of the high school district, renamed to the West County Union High School District. Los Angeles City School District The Los Angeles City School District was a school district that served Los Angeles, California, and some adjoining areas between 1870 and 1961. The district was formed on May 2, 1870, with the same boundaries as the city of Los", "psg_id": "12496357" }, { "title": "Los Angeles City Council", "text": "July 5, 1921 Election: June 7, 1921 / Term: July 1921 to July 1923 Election: June 5, 1923 / Term: July 1923 to July 1925 Regular terms begin on July 1 of odd-numbered years until 2017 and on the second Monday in December of even-numbered years starting with 2020. Los Angeles City Council The Los Angeles City Council is the governing body of the City of Los Angeles. The council is composed of fifteen members elected from single-member districts for four-year terms. The president of the council and the president pro tempore are chosen by the council at the first", "psg_id": "3794544" }, { "title": "Los Angeles City Council", "text": "Los Angeles City Council The Los Angeles City Council is the governing body of the City of Los Angeles. The council is composed of fifteen members elected from single-member districts for four-year terms. The president of the council and the president pro tempore are chosen by the council at the first regular meeting of the term (after June 30 in odd-numbered years until 2017 and the second Monday of December in even-numbered years beginning in 2020). An assistant president pro tempore is appointed by the President. As of 2015, council members receive an annual salary of $184,610 per year, which", "psg_id": "3794540" }, { "title": "History of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department", "text": "History of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department The History of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department began with its founding in 1850 as the first professional police force in the Los Angeles area. The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department has become the seventh largest law enforcement agency in the United States. Since 1996, it has also been the largest sheriff's department in the world. Following the organization of the State of California into counties, the Sheriff's Department of Los Angeles County was formed in April, 1850. Elections for the office of Sheriff were held annually until 1882, when the", "psg_id": "12266315" }, { "title": "Los Angeles City Hall", "text": "pyramid at the top of the building is an airplane beacon named in honor of Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, cf Lindbergh Beacon. Circa 1939, there was an art gallery, in Room 351 on the third floor, that exhibited paintings by California artists. The building was designated a Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument in 1976. In 1998 the building was closed during a total $135 million refurbishment which also included upgrading it so it could withstand a magnitude 8.2 earthquake including permitting it to sway in a quake. Prior to the completion of the current structure, the L.A. City Council utilized various", "psg_id": "4179338" }, { "title": "Los Angeles", "text": "Center, McCarty Memorial Christian Church, and First Congregational Church. The Los Angeles California Temple, the second largest temple operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is on Santa Monica Boulevard in the Westwood neighborhood of Los Angeles. Dedicated in 1956, it was the first LDS temple built in California and it was the largest in the world when completed. The Hollywood region of Los Angeles also has several significant headquarters, churches, and the Celebrity Center of Scientology. Because of Los Angeles's large multi-ethnic population, a wide variety of faiths are practiced, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Sikhism,", "psg_id": "249077" }, { "title": "Ethnic groups in Los Angeles", "text": "Downey has become a renowned Latino majority community in Southern California, and the majority of residents moved in were middle or upper-middle class, and second and third generation Mexican-Americans. In 2018, Los Angeles city and county each are reportedly 45 percent Hispanic/Latino, with 30-31% of each places are of Mexican descent. The plurality of recent Latin American immigrants are indigenous, rather than mestizo. The Mexican embassy consulate in Los Angeles has documents provided in 12 indigenous languages. Chiapas is the largest source of recent immigration in Mexico, while Central Americans crossed into Chiapas in order to get to the USA.", "psg_id": "18137108" }, { "title": "Los Angeles City High School District", "text": "after the dissolution of the 1890 high school district. Los Angeles City High School District Los Angeles City High School District (known in its last year as West County Union High School District) was a school district that served high school-aged residents of western Los Angeles County, California from 1890 to 1962. At times the district included Beverly Hills and Culver City. The district formed in 1890; it served students of the Los Angeles High School while the Los Angeles City School District and various other elementary school districts served elementary and junior high school students. The high school district", "psg_id": "12496320" }, { "title": "Los Angeles City High School District", "text": "Los Angeles City High School District Los Angeles City High School District (known in its last year as West County Union High School District) was a school district that served high school-aged residents of western Los Angeles County, California from 1890 to 1962. At times the district included Beverly Hills and Culver City. The district formed in 1890; it served students of the Los Angeles High School while the Los Angeles City School District and various other elementary school districts served elementary and junior high school students. The high school district expanded its territory by annexing other high school districts", "psg_id": "12496314" }, { "title": "Los Angeles City Council District 1", "text": "It was still the only Valley district. 1971: The 1st District was the largest geographic area in the city, about 76 square miles, which was a sixth the total area of Los Angeles. It included Arleta, Lake View Terrace, Mission Hills, Pacoima, Shadow Hills, Sunland-Tujunga, Sun Valley and Sylmar. 1987: After the death of incumbent Howard Finn, the district was transferred to Northeast Los Angeles and Northwest Los Angeles, in order to provide an additional seat for representing the increased Hispanic population in L.A. As of the 2000 Census, there were 222,165 people residing in the district. The population density", "psg_id": "14424979" }, { "title": "Los Angeles", "text": "for the Arts. The Los Angeles Public Library system operates 72 public libraries in the city. Enclaves of unincorporated areas are served by branches of the County of Los Angeles Public Library, many of which are within walking distance to residents. The Los Angeles metro area is the second-largest broadcast designated market area in the U.S. (after New York) with 5,431,140 homes (4.956% of the U.S.), which is served by a wide variety of local AM and FM radio and television stations. Los Angeles and New York City are the only two media markets to have seven VHF allocations assigned", "psg_id": "249097" }, { "title": "California City, California", "text": "a artificial lake. Growth fell well short of his expectations. Today, a vast grid of crumbling paved roads which define residential blocks extend well beyond the developed area of the city. Satellite photos underscore its claim to being California's 3rd largest geographic city, 34th largest in the US (by 2010 it had fallen to 40th largest in the US). California City was incorporated on December 10, 1965. This could be considered an example of a failed planned city. Although areas of California City have not developed as expected, California City has grown from 3,200 people in 1985 to over 14,000", "psg_id": "1008263" }, { "title": "History of the University of California, Los Angeles", "text": "State Normal School (now San José State University) in downtown Los Angeles to train teachers for the growing population of Southern California. The Los Angeles branch of the California State Normal School opened on August 29, 1882, on what is now the site of the Central Library of the Los Angeles Public Library system. The new facility included an elementary school where teachers-in-training could practice their teaching technique on real children. In 1887, the branch campus became independent and changed its name to Los Angeles State Normal School. In 1914, the school moved to a new campus on Vermont Avenue", "psg_id": "10560965" }, { "title": "The Manor (Los Angeles)", "text": "The Manor (Los Angeles) The Manor, also known as Spelling Manor, is a mansion located in the Holmby Hills neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, across the street from Holmby Park. Constructed in 1988 for television producer Aaron Spelling, it is the largest home in Los Angeles County. It is currently owned by British heiress Petra Stunt, daughter of Formula One racing magnate Bernie Ecclestone. Stunt purchased the home in 2011 for $85 million after it had been on the market for two years with an asking price of $150 million, making it the most expensive residential real estate listing in", "psg_id": "13355002" }, { "title": "The Manor (Los Angeles)", "text": "In February 2017, it was reported that singer Beyoncé and her husband Hip-hop mogul Jay Z had secretly visited the property. The Manor (Los Angeles) The Manor, also known as Spelling Manor, is a mansion located in the Holmby Hills neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, across the street from Holmby Park. Constructed in 1988 for television producer Aaron Spelling, it is the largest home in Los Angeles County. It is currently owned by British heiress Petra Stunt, daughter of Formula One racing magnate Bernie Ecclestone. Stunt purchased the home in 2011 for $85 million after it had been on the", "psg_id": "13355011" }, { "title": "The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles", "text": "The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles is an independent, nonprofit community weekly newspaper serving the Jewish community of greater Los Angeles, published by TRIBE Media Corp. \"The Journal\" was established in 1985. As of 2016 it had a verified circulation of 50,000 and an estimated readership of 150,000; it is the largest Jewish weekly outside New York City. TRIBE Media Corp. also produces the monthly \"TRIBE\" magazine, distributed in Santa Barbara, Malibu, Conejo, Simi and West San Fernando Valleys. Though independently incorporated, the paper was initially distributed in part by the Jewish", "psg_id": "7646493" }, { "title": "Central Los Angeles", "text": "Central Los Angeles Central Los Angeles is a 57.87-square-mile (149.88 km²) region of Los Angeles County, California, comprising twenty-three neighborhoods within the city of Los Angeles, as well as Griffith Park, the city's largest public park. According to the Mapping L.A. survey of the \"Los Angeles Times,\" the Central Los Angeles region consists of: In the 2000 census, Central Los Angeles had 836,638 residents in its 57.87 square miles (149.88 km²), including the uninhabited Griffith and Elysian parks, which amounted to 14,458 people per square mile. The densest neighborhood was Koreatown, and the least dense was Elysian Park. The four", "psg_id": "5725095" } ]
[ "san diego (calif.)", "san diego, ca", "san diego", "san diego california", "america's finest city", "city of san diego", "san diego, california", "san diego, ca", "bell junior high school", "san deigo", "san diego beaches", "san diego, ca", "san diego, california, u.s.", "san diego", "the weather in san diego", "san diegan (passenger train)", "san diego, calif.", "crime in san diego", "san diego (ca)", "san deigo, california", "pill hill, san diego, california", "san deigo", "sandiego", "san diego, ca", "urban communities of san diego", "dan diego", "san diego, united states", "san diego, california, u.s.a.", "venturan", "sandy eggo", "san diegan", "un/locode:ussan", "san diego, california, us", "san diego, california, usa", "san diego ca", "san diego, usa" ]
name the 1992 movie and character/actor that featured the quote “well hello mister fancypants. well, i've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things, right now: jack and shit... and jack left town.”
[ { "title": "I Got You (Jack Johnson song)", "text": "I Got You (Jack Johnson song) \"I Got You\" is a song by American musician Jack Johnson and is the lead single from his 2013 album \"From Here to Now to You\". The song was released on June 10, 2013. The song was released on June 10, 2013 as a CD single, 7' vinyl, and digital download along with the pre-order of the album. The song is mainly about his affection to his wife Kim, and about his love to his kids. On June 11, 2013, a colorful lyric video featuring a blue skied background was released. On June 28,", "psg_id": "20308463" }, { "title": "Have I Got News for You", "text": "News for You, News... for You\", was introduced. A short programme featuring typical opening and closing sequences (without the presence of a live audience) as well as other short sketches, it has so far been presented by Alexander Armstrong, and run fortnightly, bridging the gap between series 37 and 38. Similar shows based on the \"Have I Got News for You\" format exist in other countries: Have I Got News for You Have I Got News for You (HIGNFY) is a British television panel show produced by Hat Trick Productions for the BBC. Regularly broadcast since 1990, it is loosely", "psg_id": "1269816" }, { "title": "I Got You (Jack Johnson song)", "text": "the official music video was released on Jack's vevo account. The video features Jack skateboarding in fields, at the beach, and working in public transit. The video was shot by using an old 16mm camera that was used to shoot surf films. The video debut at number 20 on VH1's top music video list, and has spawned over 14 million views on YouTube. \"I Got You\" debut at number 88 on the Billboard Hot 100 on the week of June 29, 2013, and peaked at number 26 on the Japan Hot 100. I Got You (Jack Johnson song) \"I Got", "psg_id": "20308464" }, { "title": "Have I Got News for You", "text": "two containing specially made editions of the programme: \"The Very Best of Have I Got News For You\" (2002), a compilation of highlights from the first 12 years of the show, from the beginning up until the episode made after Deayton hit the tabloids. The running time is just over three hours long, and there are several hours of extras, including, among other things, running commentary of the whole presentation by Merton and Hislop. Also featured is a clip of Terry Wogan on \"Room 101\", nominating the programme as one of his pet hates. In addition, interviews with political figures", "psg_id": "1269811" }, { "title": "Have I Got News for You", "text": "of course \"Have I Got News for You\" is all edited. These people, they couldn't improvise live. You put them on a stage, they wouldn't be able to improvise.' Merton said of this: \"Well, when Norman Tebbit said I couldn't improvise, I was... [\"blows out cheeks and then goes silent\"].\" The main section of the show comprises several rounds, although, as noted above, this is liable to change. Since the show originally aired, several rounds have been dropped from the original format, but a typical show will usually consist of the following: The original line-up, from 1990 to 2002, was", "psg_id": "1269798" }, { "title": "Jack Carpenter (actor)", "text": "Jack Carpenter (actor) John T. \"Jack\" Carpenter (born September 18, 1984) is an American actor. Carpenter played the lead in the pilot \"Lipshitz Saves the World\". He has appeared in the movie \"Sydney White\" as Lenny, one of the dorks befriended by the title character (Amanda Bynes). He was cast in the television project \"Held Up\", as Ray Pfeiffer and had a recurring role on the Fox television series \"The Return of Jezebel James\" as Dash, opposite Lauren Ambrose and Parker Posey. He also starred in the 2009 film \"I Love You, Beth Cooper\", as Rich Munsch. In 2010, he", "psg_id": "10930081" }, { "title": "Hello (I Love You)", "text": "the Moon\", as well as Waters' solo album \"Radio K.A.O.S.\". The song's music video features images from the film as well as recording sessions with Waters, Shore, producer James Guthrie and actress . Hello (I Love You) \"Hello (I Love You)\" is a song performed by former Pink Floyd member Roger Waters. The song was created as a collaborative effort with Howard Shore for the 2007 film \"The Last Mimzy\". As Waters stated, \"I think together we've come up with a song that captures the themes of the movie – the clash between humanity's best and worst instincts, and how", "psg_id": "9943655" }, { "title": "Asshole: How I Got Rich and Happy by Not Giving a Shit About You", "text": "Asshole: How I Got Rich and Happy by Not Giving a Shit About You Asshole: How I Got Rich and Happy by Not Giving a Shit About You is a 2008 spoof self-help book and memoir by American author Martin Kihn. The book's title in the U.S. was modified to A$$hole: How I Got Rich & Happy by Not Giving a Damn About Anyone & How You Can, Too. The first line of Marty Kihn’s book, is \"I was the nicest guy in the world and it was killing me.\" Kihn, who works for a marketing company, is told by", "psg_id": "14608742" }, { "title": "Hello Mister Zamindar", "text": "Hello Mister Zamindar Hello Mister Zamindar is a 1965 Tamil romantic comedy film, directed and produced by K. J. Mahadevan under the banner of Sudharsanam Pictures. The film dialogue was written by Ve. Lakshmanan and the story was written by K. J. Mahadevan respectively. Music was by Viswanathan-Ramamoorthy. It stars Gemini Ganesan M. R. Radha and T. S. Balaiah in lead, with Savitri, V. Gopalakrishnan and K. S. Angamuthu in supporting roles. The film is a loose adaptation of Frank Capra's \"You Can't Take it With You\" (1938). Music was by Viswanathan-Ramamoorthy and lyrics were written by Kannadasan. The title", "psg_id": "19749454" }, { "title": "Hello Mister Zamindar", "text": "song was later played in the film \"Jackson Durai\" (2016). Hello Mister Zamindar Hello Mister Zamindar is a 1965 Tamil romantic comedy film, directed and produced by K. J. Mahadevan under the banner of Sudharsanam Pictures. The film dialogue was written by Ve. Lakshmanan and the story was written by K. J. Mahadevan respectively. Music was by Viswanathan-Ramamoorthy. It stars Gemini Ganesan M. R. Radha and T. S. Balaiah in lead, with Savitri, V. Gopalakrishnan and K. S. Angamuthu in supporting roles. The film is a loose adaptation of Frank Capra's \"You Can't Take it With You\" (1938). Music was", "psg_id": "19749455" }, { "title": "Have I Got News for You", "text": "Have I Got News for You Have I Got News for You (HIGNFY) is a British television panel show produced by Hat Trick Productions for the BBC. Regularly broadcast since 1990, it is loosely based on the BBC Radio 4 show \"The News Quiz\" and has a topical and satirical remit. \"Have I Got News for You\" is often cited as beginning the increasing domination of panel shows in British TV comedy, and remains one of the genre's key standard-bearers. In recognition of this, the show received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2011 British Comedy Awards. It was the", "psg_id": "1269790" }, { "title": "Have I Got News for You", "text": "(taken from the Channel 4 Politics Awards) reveal their opinions on the series. \"Have I Got News For You: The Best of the Guest Presenters\" (2003), which, as well as including the normal half-hour cut of Boris Johnson's first guest-hosting, also included a bonus disc, \"The Full Boris\", which showed a far longer cut of the same episode (lasting slightly under 60 minutes). Slightly longer versions of the shows featuring Martin Clunes, William Hague and Bruce Forsyth as chairman were also included, as well as a compilation of clips taken from other editions from the first two series with guest", "psg_id": "1269812" }, { "title": "You Don't Know Jack (film)", "text": "Awards and won two: Outstanding Lead Actor in a Miniseries or Movie for Al Pacino and Outstanding Writing for a Miniseries, Movie, or Dramatic Special for Adam Mazer. Pacino also won the Golden Globe Award and Screen Actors Guild Award for his performance. You Don't Know Jack (film) You Don't Know Jack is a 2010 made-for-television biopic written by Adam Mazer and directed by Barry Levinson. It stars Al Pacino, John Goodman, Danny Huston, Susan Sarandon, and Brenda Vaccaro. The film dramatizes the efforts of former Oakland County, Michigan pathologist Dr. Jack Kevorkian (Pacino) to help the terminally ill and", "psg_id": "14369477" }, { "title": "Wish You Well (novel)", "text": "Lou states that, like her father, she left the mountains to become a famous writer, but she, unlike Jack, returned years later to live out the rest of her life at the family home. \"Baldacci triumphs with his best novel yet, an utterly captivating drama.\" Wish You Well (novel) Wish You Well is a novel written by David Baldacci. First published in 2001, the story starts with the Cardinal family planning to move from New York to California due to money problems, then shifts to the mountains of Virginia after a car accident leaves the father dead and the mother", "psg_id": "11403136" }, { "title": "You Don't Know Jack (franchise)", "text": "a more active learning experience, the company teamed up with Follett Software Company and developed \"\"That's a Fact, Jack!\"\", a reading motivation CD-ROM game show series covering young adult fiction, targeted to 3rd through 10th graders. The game would give a title for a child to read, and then ask questions related to that title. The idea for \"You Don't Know Jack\" began while \"That's a Fact, Jack!\" was still in development. The game's title comes from the less vulgar version of the phrase \"You don't know jack shit.\" The game can be played by one, two, or three players.", "psg_id": "2484821" }, { "title": "Have I Got News for You", "text": "stints on the writing team. Alexander Armstrong holds the record for both most appearances as guest presenter, as well as most guest appearances in total, having appeared 32 times in the central chair. He has never appeared in any other role. Andy Hamilton holds the record for appearances as a guest panellist, with 22. Many guests have appeared on the programme multiple times. The list below includes guests who have appeared as presenter or panellist, and does not include the two video-exclusive releases, \"Have I Got Unbroadcastable News for You\" and \"The Official Pirate Video\", nor the various Comic Relief", "psg_id": "1269803" }, { "title": "Jack Cannot", "text": "or anything. I was going to start a school of singing with the aid of a friend, but I feel that it's no go before we open. So that's that. So long, Old Pal, If I have helped to make things easier for the profession, then I am glad, although I believe I have suffered In consequence. God bless you all. JACK CANNOT Jack Cannot John Valentine Cannot, better known as Jack Cannot (1883–1929), was an English-Australian comic of stage and screen. He was born in England and eventually went to South Africa where he toured for two years in", "psg_id": "18405169" }, { "title": "Well I Ask You", "text": "Well I Ask You \"Well I Ask You\" is a song by English artist Eden Kane. Recorded in 1961, by Richard Graham Sarstedt, under stage name Eden Kane, as the follow-up to his debut single, \"Hot Chocolate Crazy\" (1960), \"Well I Ask You\" was also issued as a single in the UK and reached number one in the UK Singles Chart in August 1961. Written by Les Vandyke, arranged by John Keating, and produced by Bunny Lewis, it spent one week at the UK chart pinnacle. The B-side of the record, released by Decca was \"Before I Lose My Mind\",", "psg_id": "12678550" }, { "title": "Giving You the Best That I Got (song)", "text": "late 1988 episode of the US daytime soap opera \"All My Children\" as well as a 1989 episode of \"Guiding Light\" . Giving You the Best That I Got (song) \"Giving You the Best That I Got\" is a 1988 song by American R&B recording artist Anita Baker. The song appears on Baker's album of the same name, which was released in the fall of that year. The song was written by Baker, Skip Scarborough and Randy Holland. The song was Baker's highest charting hit on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, where it peaked at number three in December 1988. It", "psg_id": "12394275" }, { "title": "Have I Got News for You", "text": "During the late 1990s, the website, run in association with Freeserve, featured interactive versions of the show's games, including the missing words round and the caption competition, with prizes up for grabs. \"Have I Got News for You\" started broadcasting a video podcast, \"The Inevitable Internet Spin-off\", on 13 April 2007. It was initially planned to run for six series, from series 33 to 38, taking it to the end of 2009. Referred to as \"webisodes\", episodes are available via both the BBC iPlayer and YouTube. From the beginning of Series 37, a new internet feature, \"Have I Got", "psg_id": "1269815" }, { "title": "Well I Ask You", "text": "also penned by Vandyke. Well I Ask You \"Well I Ask You\" is a song by English artist Eden Kane. Recorded in 1961, by Richard Graham Sarstedt, under stage name Eden Kane, as the follow-up to his debut single, \"Hot Chocolate Crazy\" (1960), \"Well I Ask You\" was also issued as a single in the UK and reached number one in the UK Singles Chart in August 1961. Written by Les Vandyke, arranged by John Keating, and produced by Bunny Lewis, it spent one week at the UK chart pinnacle. The B-side of the record, released by Decca was \"Before", "psg_id": "12678551" }, { "title": "You Don't Know Jack (franchise)", "text": "You Don't Know Jack (franchise) You Don't Know Jack (commonly abbreviated YDKJ, and stylized as YOU DON'T KNOW JACK) is a series of computer games developed by Jackbox Games (formerly known as Jellyvision Games) and Berkeley Systems, as well as the title of the first \"You Don't Know Jack\" game in the series. \"You Don't Know Jack\", framed as a game show \"where high culture and pop culture collide\", combines trivia with comedy. While it is primarily a PC and Mac-based franchise with over two dozen releases and compilations for those platforms, there have been a few entries released for", "psg_id": "2484819" }, { "title": "You Got the Right One, Baby", "text": "300,000 videos were submitted, to that extent Diet Pepsi awarded 10 first place prizes to the best and most original renditions. You Got the Right One, Baby \"You Got the Right One, Baby, Uh Huh\" was a popular slogan for Pepsico's Diet Pepsi brand in the United States and Canada from 1990 to 1993. A series of television ads featured singer Ray Charles, surrounded by models, singing a song about Diet Pepsi, entitled \"You Got the Right One Baby, Uh Huh\". The tag-phrase of the song included the words \"Uh Huh!\", which, as part of the ad campaign, were featured", "psg_id": "7809784" }, { "title": "Winky Dink and You", "text": "Winky Dink and You Winky Dink and You was a CBS children's television show that aired from 1953 to 1957, on Saturday mornings at 10:30 a.m. Eastern / 9:30 Central. It was hosted by Jack Barry and featured the exploits of a male cartoon character named Winky Dink (voiced by Mae Questel) and his dog Woofer, with sound effects provided by Joseph Scholnick. The show, created by Harry Prichett, Sr. and Ed Wyckoff, featured Barry and his sidekick, the incompetent Mr. Bungle (veteran children's show voice actor Dayton Allen), introducing clips of Winky Dink, who was noted for his plaid", "psg_id": "6252136" }, { "title": "Jack Abbott (The Young and the Restless)", "text": "scuff his shoe and he wants to kill you. I don't have any problems supporting that with real emotions.\" According to Bergman, \"Jack is not annoyed by the 'little people' ever.\" Though Jack is a villain, Bergman \"wanted Jack to have Achilles heels.\" Jack spends majority of his life longing for \"a solid happy family.\" Bergman's first lines as Jack on the show were \"Smiling Jack is back. No more Mr. nice guy.\" Jack has always had trouble finding and keeping the right woman. When compared to his former alter ego Cliff Warner, Bergman explained: \"It is quite the contrast,", "psg_id": "8116037" }, { "title": "Hello, I Love You", "text": "below), and was also in the Top 5 at the same time as Jose Feliciano's version of \"Light My Fire\". This put two of the Doors' tunes simultaneously in the Top 5. Hello, I Love You \"Hello, I Love You\" is a song written by Jim Morrison of the American rock band the Doors from their 1968 album \"Waiting for the Sun\". It was released as a single that same year, reaching number one in the United States and selling over a million copies in the U.S. alone. In Canada, it hit number one as well. The single also became", "psg_id": "8421736" }, { "title": "You Got the Right One, Baby", "text": "You Got the Right One, Baby \"You Got the Right One, Baby, Uh Huh\" was a popular slogan for Pepsico's Diet Pepsi brand in the United States and Canada from 1990 to 1993. A series of television ads featured singer Ray Charles, surrounded by models, singing a song about Diet Pepsi, entitled \"You Got the Right One Baby, Uh Huh\". The tag-phrase of the song included the words \"Uh Huh!\", which, as part of the ad campaign, were featured on Diet Pepsi packaging. Later, after Diet Pepsi phased out the aspartame / saccharin mix in favor of a 100% aspartame", "psg_id": "7809779" }, { "title": "Have I Got News for You", "text": "of show business that goes on in putting on a show,\" continued Merton. \"We found very early on that it's worth seeing the questions beforehand so that you can work out your depth of ignorance. If you really don't know, you think, 'Well, I've really got to try and say something here.' It's much better to be doing that for ten or fifteen minutes before the show than be doing it when the cameras are rolling, in front of an audience, going, 'Well, who's he?'\" Norman Tebbit wrote an article in \"The Mail on Sunday\" criticising the whole programme: 'Well,", "psg_id": "1269797" }, { "title": "You Don't Know Jack (franchise)", "text": "game, a new female host speaks before the game, and hosts some question types like Binjpipe Recommends and Data Mining. One of the unique features of the game takes place after it has ended. Before you start a new game, you can choose to listen to \"You Don't Know Jack\" staff performing parodies of various radio commercials. The commercials vary in absurdity, selling products such as scented suppositories or foreign language cassettes to help you learn how to speak American. They also featured phony news stories about everyday things. Examples: \"Oxygen: Gas of Life? or Secret Military Death-Vapor?\" or \"People", "psg_id": "2484837" }, { "title": "You Don't Know Jack (franchise)", "text": "separately. A standalone handheld version was also released. An actual television show version of \"You Don't Know Jack\" had a brief run on ABC in prime time during the summer of 2001. It starred Paul Reubens (the actor and comedian best known for his character Pee-wee Herman) as over-the-top game show host Troy Stevens, with Tom Gottlieb's 'Cookie' as the announcer. The show lasted only six episodes, as it received very little buzz and most \"You Don't Know Jack\" fans weren't even aware of its existence until long after its cancellation. After the \"You Don't Know Jack\" TV show ended,", "psg_id": "2484845" }, { "title": "Have I Got News for You", "text": "for You\" was moved as a result to 9pm on Friday nights on BBC One, where it has remained since, apart from two series in 2010 when the show was broadcast on Thursday nights. There have been 55 series of the programme broadcast. The UKTV channel Dave carries regular repeats of the show. \"Have I Got News for You\" began on BBC Two on 28 September 1990 and transferred to BBC One in October 2000. \"Myself and Ian, we did a disastrous pilot for it,\" Paul Merton said nine years later. \"It was a beautiful summer's afternoon in 1990. Far", "psg_id": "1269792" }, { "title": "Now That I Have You", "text": "Now That I Have You Now That I have You is a Filipino film starring John Lloyd Cruz and Bea Alonzo. The film premiered on August 11, 2004 at SM Megamall, under Star Cinema and directed by Laurenti M. Dyogi. The film got a \"B\" rating from the Cinema Evaluation Board of the Philippines. \"Now that I Have You\" is also the soundtrack to the film performed by Erik Santos and Sheryn Regis, a song originally by The Company. Betsy (Bea Alonzo) and Michael (John Lloyd Cruz) are only two of the people who ride the Manila Metro Rail Transit", "psg_id": "10959922" }, { "title": "Jack Snyder (As the World Turns character)", "text": "Jack Snyder (As the World Turns character) Jack Snyder is a character on the American soap opera \"As the World Turns\". He was portrayed by actor Michael Park from April 1, 1997 until the final episode on September 17, 2010. Jack Snyder came to Oakdale in 1997 to investigate James Stenbeck. After helping to put Stenbeck behind bars, he decided to stay in town and got a job at the Oakdale PD. Jack also got reacquainted with his family and helped his cousin, Holden Snyder, in the search for his daughter. Not long after arriving in town, Jack went with", "psg_id": "9037847" }, { "title": "Do You Want It Right Now", "text": "My Heart\" and despite never being released as a single it is one of the most well-known versions of the song. Degrees Of Motion released a version of \"Do You Want It Right Now\" in 1992, reaching #31 on the UK Singles Chart in May 1992. The song was re-released in 1994, peaking at #26 in June. It wasn't their most successful single, Degrees of Motion had a top 10 single with \"Shine On\" in 1994, prior to the re-release of Do You Want it Right Now?. It featured Biti Strauchn on vocals. Gat Decor version: Gat Decor released an", "psg_id": "19803260" }, { "title": "I Got You Babe", "text": "a comeback when it was used repeatedly as Phil Connors' wake-up music in the 1993 movie \"Groundhog Day\". On re-release, the single re-charted in the UK, reaching number 66. Other films have used the song including \"Good Times\" which stars Sonny & Cher, \"Buster, Look Who's Talking Too, Just Visiting, Me Without You, Riding in Cars with Boys,\" and \"Jack and Jill.\" !scope=\"col\" colspan=\"3\"| Digital Twenty years later, in 1985, British band UB40 with American singer Chrissie Hynde recorded a cover version of \"I Got You Babe\" for the group's studio album \"Baggariddim\". The song also appeared on the Pretenders'", "psg_id": "6715536" }, { "title": "The Things That You Do", "text": "2007, the song's chorus was sampled and covered by American musical duo Nina Sky in DJ Envy & Red Café's single, \"Things You Do.\" The original version of \"The Things That You Do\" was written and produced by Rodney Jerkins, and appears on Thompson's debut album. The remix version, entitled \"The Things That You Do (Bad Boy Remix)\" is the most well-known version of the song and features a prominent sample of Bob James' \"Take Me to the Mardi Gras\" from his album, \"Two\" (1975). The remix features a guest vocal by American hip-hop artist Missy Elliott and backing vocals", "psg_id": "16685588" }, { "title": "You Don't Know Jack (franchise)", "text": "the candidates' political knowledge. \"You Don't Know Jack\" also appeared as two books: \"You Don't Know Jack: The Book\" and \"You Don't Know Jack: The TV Book\". Both were published in 1998 by Running Press. There was also a Tiger Electronic Table-top game of \"You Don't Know Jack\", voiced by Nate Shapiro. It featured question cards with a number code on it and a grey button to open a sliding door to show the answers. It was the first game to feature 4 players instead of 3 players. There were also \"Sports\", \"Movies\", and \"TV\" question packs that were sold", "psg_id": "2484844" }, { "title": "All That I Got Is You", "text": "All That I Got Is You \"All That I Got Is You\" is the solo debut single by Wu-Tang Clan rapper Ghostface Killah, released as the lead single from his solo debut album \"Ironman\". The song features R&B singer Mary J. Blige and an outro which has Popa Wu giving teachings. It contains a sample of \"Maybe Tomorrow\" by The Jackson 5 as well as audio clips from the cult film \"The Education of Sonny Carson\". Ghostface wrote the song as a tribute to his mother, with lyrics that both depict the harsh life the two struggled through together during", "psg_id": "12274699" }, { "title": "Now That You Got It", "text": "of reggae music and \"military snare drums\" mixed with crunk militarism. Lyrically, on \"Now That You Got It\", the singer tells her lover that even though he is with her, he still has to work hard to keep her and give her everything she wants. \"Now that you got it, what you gon' do about it?\", she repeatedly asks in the chorus. \"Now That You Got It\" received mixed reviews from music critics. A positive review came from Charles Merwin of Stylus Magazine, who referred to the original version as Stefani's best \"Beastie Boy imitation over a '1 Thing' rip\",", "psg_id": "10588895" }, { "title": "Now That You Got It", "text": "Now That You Got It \"Now That You Got It\" is a song by American singer and songwriter Gwen Stefani from her second solo studio album, \"The Sweet Escape\" (2006). Stefani co-wrote the song with its producers Sean Garrett and Swizz Beatz. \"Now That You Got It\" is a reggae song featuring hip hop beats, staccato piano sample and military snare drums. Lyrically, the song places Gwen asking her lover to give all that she wants. A remix featuring Damian Marley was produced for the song's release as the album's fourth single on August 27, 2007 by Interscope Records. The", "psg_id": "10588890" }, { "title": "Jack Snyder (As the World Turns character)", "text": "unconscious after an explosion, he said, \"I love you, Carly,\" within Katie's hearing (Carly wasn't there). When they returned to Oakdale, Jack decided to put the past behind him and proposed to Katie! Katie accepted and Jack rushed the wedding forward and they were married in a few days. Just after the wedding, Jack got devastating news: Carly was dying from a brain lesion! He put his life - and his honeymoon - on hold to care for her! Jack was falling for Carly again and asked her to marry him. On the day of their wedding, Carly told him", "psg_id": "9037857" }, { "title": "Now That You Got It", "text": "mix. The song was also added on the setlist of The Sweet Escape Tour. The concert segment received positive feedback for the overall energy of the performance. Credits adapted from the liner notes of \"The Sweet Escape\". Now That You Got It \"Now That You Got It\" is a song by American singer and songwriter Gwen Stefani from her second solo studio album, \"The Sweet Escape\" (2006). Stefani co-wrote the song with its producers Sean Garrett and Swizz Beatz. \"Now That You Got It\" is a reggae song featuring hip hop beats, staccato piano sample and military snare drums. Lyrically,", "psg_id": "10588903" }, { "title": "Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story", "text": "claiming that he is being hunted by giants. Finally, due to the curse being lifted, Wilhelmina Robinson (Siggy mentioned she's 450) dies peacefully, with Jack and Dussan by her side. At the end of the film, Ondine requests Jack to stay in her world which Jack finally refuses as he says he has to \"right the wrong\" many things in his world. After the arrival of Jack to his own world he realizes that he truly loved Ondine (and she too) and decides to spend his money for the well being of children and the starving nations being the chairman", "psg_id": "11523804" }, { "title": "Hello, I Love You", "text": "Hello, I Love You \"Hello, I Love You\" is a song written by Jim Morrison of the American rock band the Doors from their 1968 album \"Waiting for the Sun\". It was released as a single that same year, reaching number one in the United States and selling over a million copies in the U.S. alone. In Canada, it hit number one as well. The single also became the band's first big UK hit, peaking at number fifteen on the chart. This was one of six songs recorded by the proto-Doors band Rick & the Ravens on a demo for", "psg_id": "8421729" }, { "title": "Hello (I Love You)", "text": "Hello (I Love You) \"Hello (I Love You)\" is a song performed by former Pink Floyd member Roger Waters. The song was created as a collaborative effort with Howard Shore for the 2007 film \"The Last Mimzy\". As Waters stated, \"I think together we've come up with a song that captures the themes of the movie – the clash between humanity's best and worst instincts, and how a child's innocence can win the day\". Waters performed vocals and the bass for the song. The song itself contains references to the Pink Floyd albums \"The Wall\" and \"The Dark Side of", "psg_id": "9943654" }, { "title": "I Was Jack (You Were Diane)", "text": "reminisces about falling in love to the tune years before.\" Owen said that he asked Mellencamp personally for permission to incorporate portions of \"Jack & Diane\" into the song, and recorded it after receiving Mellencamp's permission. Owen said that he wanted to record it because of the feelings of nostalgia that the lyrics evoked in him. The song is Owen's first release on Big Loud Records, following a decade on RCA Records Nashville. The song has sold 110,000 copies in the United States as of August 2018. I Was Jack (You Were Diane) \"I Was Jack (You Were Diane)\" is", "psg_id": "20590233" }, { "title": "Hello, I Love You", "text": "Aura Records in 1965, that the band shopped around Los Angeles record companies, eventually landing them a brief signing with Columbia Records. Sometimes the title is listed as \"Hello, I Love You (Won't You Tell Me Your Name?)\" or \"Hello, I Love You, Won't You Tell Me Your Name?\" The title that is printed depends on how early of a pressing the record is. At the time the single was released, stereo 45 rpm records were generally unknown — especially in the Top 40 format. This recording by the Doors was promoted as the first rock 45 rpm record in", "psg_id": "8421730" }, { "title": "Please (You Got That ...)", "text": "I know I will eventually get it right\" ... and of course he did.\" The B-sides on the first of two UK CD Single releases include a remixes of Please (You Got That ...), an extended mix of Freedom Deep from the \"Full Moon, Dirty Hearts\" album and a live performance of \"Communication\" from \"Welcome to Wherever You Are\", which was recorded in Santa Monica, California on the \"Get Out of The House\" tour. Please (You Got That ...) \"Please (You Got That ...)\" is the second single from the 1993 album \"Full Moon, Dirty Hearts\", by Australian rock band", "psg_id": "13609025" }, { "title": "I Was Jack (You Were Diane)", "text": "I Was Jack (You Were Diane) \"I Was Jack (You Were Diane)\" is a song by American country music singer Jake Owen. It was written by David Ray, Tommy Cecil, Jody Stevens, Craig Wiseman, and John Mellencamp, with production handled by Joey Moi. It is Owen's first single released by Big Loud Records. The song is a tribute to John Mellencamp's 1982 single \"Jack & Diane\", and credits Mellencamp as a co-writer for incorporating that song's guitar riff. \"Rolling Stone\" writer Chris Parton described the song: \"Owen's updated version highlights the original's impact on present-day America, while a regular Joe", "psg_id": "20590232" }, { "title": "Giving You the Best That I Got (song)", "text": "Giving You the Best That I Got (song) \"Giving You the Best That I Got\" is a 1988 song by American R&B recording artist Anita Baker. The song appears on Baker's album of the same name, which was released in the fall of that year. The song was written by Baker, Skip Scarborough and Randy Holland. The song was Baker's highest charting hit on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, where it peaked at number three in December 1988. It also spent two weeks at number one on the \"Billboard\" R&B chart in November 1988, Baker's first number one on this tally.", "psg_id": "12394272" }, { "title": "I Want You So Hard (Boy's Bad News)", "text": "I Want You So Hard (Boy's Bad News) \"I Want You So Hard (Boy's Bad News)\" is the first single from the Eagles of Death Metal's second studio album \"Death By Sexy\". The song and music video has Jack Black, Josh Homme and Dave Grohl (all in wigs) making guest appearances. The video was directed by Akiva Schaffer, who directs the SNL Digital Shorts on \"Saturday Night Live\", including the short \"Lazy Sunday\". Schaffer's involvement led to Black's cameo, as the two previously worked together on a failed television pilot \"Awesometown\", as well as a cameo by Lonely Island cohort", "psg_id": "8734810" }, { "title": "Have I Got News for You", "text": "Angus Deayton as chairman, with Ian Hislop, the editor of \"Private Eye\", and comedian Paul Merton as team captains. Each captain was accompanied by a guest, usually a politician, journalist or comedian, or somebody particularly relevant to recent news. Merton took a break from \"Have I Got News for You\" during the 11th series in 1996, making only one appearance as a guest on Hislop's team. He was variously replaced as opposing team captain by Clive Anderson, Alan Davies and Eddie Izzard (with another two episodes featuring an equal-billing double act as the opponents of Hislop's team). Merton later explained", "psg_id": "1269799" }, { "title": "You Don't Know Jack (Grimm)", "text": "You Don't Know Jack (Grimm) \"You Don't Know Jack\" is the 20th episode of season 4 of the supernatural drama television series \"Grimm\" and the 86th episode overall, which premiered on May 1, 2015, on the cable network NBC. The episode was written by Sean Calder and Michael Golamco and was directed by Terrence O'Hara. Opening quote: \"Catch me when you can...\" A string of homicides have the press asking Captain Renard (Sasha Roiz) if a Jack the Ripper copycat has arrived in Portland. Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) traces the mode of operation of the homicides to the Luxembourg Peasants'", "psg_id": "20051658" }, { "title": "Have I Got News for You", "text": "the BBC two years later. In April 2003, three-time guest panellist Stephen Fry announced that he was boycotting the show following the sacking of Angus Deayton. Fry described Deayton's disposal as \"greasy, miserable, British and pathetic\". On 23 November 2007, Ann Widdecombe appeared as a guest host for the second time, with Jimmy Carr as Hislop's teammate. Due to Carr's risqué material, Widdecombe vowed she would never appear on \"Have I Got News for You\" again. She said, \"His idea of wit is a barrage of filth and the sort of humour most men grow out of in their teens.", "psg_id": "1269807" }, { "title": "You Don't Know Jack (Grimm)", "text": "and expecting her to drink it without argument was so utterly naïve on the part of Nick, Monroe, and Rosalee that the only rationale I can come up with for their utter stupidity is that there are still two episodes of \"Grimm\" left this season and they need to keep the crazy-Juliette gravy train going just a little bit longer.\" Christine Horton of \"Den of Geek\" wrote, \"The writers have hit the pedal with some force, with 'You Don’t Know Jack' taking a surprisingly sinister turn, as well as delivering some proper shocks. (Despite some macabre moments, \"Grimm\" has always", "psg_id": "20051663" }, { "title": "Jack Earl", "text": "to express myself. I've got other things to do.\" –Jack Earl “…What I do is a presentation of the way things are… you just present it and let people see it. …There has to be a sense of mystery in what you make.” –Jack Earl to Jane Milosch, June 2007 “I’ve done the only thing I could do, so there’s no glory in that… There’s no thought in it, you’re just being led because it’s what you do… to know your limitations is very beneficial. It keeps you solid… it keeps me in contact with my life and things around", "psg_id": "19695375" }, { "title": "Have I Got News for You", "text": "first time the honour had been bestowed upon a collective instead of an individual or double act. In 2016 they also received a BAFTA in the Comedy and Comedy Entertainment Programme category. For its first 10 years, the programme was shown on BBC Two. In 2000, the BBC moved its nightly BBC One news bulletin, the \"BBC Nine O'Clock News\", from nine o'clock to ten o'clock (now known as the \"BBC News at Ten\") after ITV moved their long-running ten o'clock bulletin, \"News at Ten\", to eleven o'clock. This left a gap in the schedules, and \"Have I Got News", "psg_id": "1269791" }, { "title": "Jack Manning (actor)", "text": "Jack Manning (actor) Jack Manning (born Jack Wilson Marks, June 3, 1916 – August 31, 2009) was an American film, television and theater character actor, teacher and stage director. Manning was born Jack Wilson Marks in Cincinnati, Ohio. He developed an interest in acting while he was a student at the University of Cincinnati, where he earned his bachelor's degree in economics in 1938. During his college years, Manning appeared in students musicals and plays, as well as on WLW radio. He changed his professional name to Jack Manning early in his acting career, after he was advised that \"Jack", "psg_id": "13842388" }, { "title": "You Got to Move", "text": "Horton One of the founders of Highlander Folk School, a 50-year-old center for education and social action. \"I think the future is... well, as somebody said one time, 'it's out there.' It's not only out there, but it's ready to be changed. It's malleable, and there's nothing fixed that you can't unfix. But to unfix things that appear to be fixed, you have to not only be creative and imaginative, but courageously dedicated to the long haul.\" You Got to Move You Got to Move is a 1985 documentary by Lucie Massie Phenix and Veronica Selver that follows people from", "psg_id": "11033644" }, { "title": "You Got Nothing I Want", "text": "would tune up by playing the riff. I'm sure if you put the start of 'Start Me Up' at the start of 'You Got Nothing I Want' it would work perfectly.\" A video clip was made for the song. Directed by Peter Cox, who had previously directed the \"Cheap Wine\" video, it featured the band miming in the wooden-floored Paddington Town Hall. On the 2007 tribute album \"Standing on the Outside: The Songs of Cold Chisel\", \"You Got Nothing I Want\" was covered by Alex Lloyd. You Got Nothing I Want \"You Got Nothing I Want\" is a 1981 single", "psg_id": "11864096" }, { "title": "Now I Got Worry", "text": "slapped upside the head while you boogie all night long, this is the album for you.\" The album was included in the book \"1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die\". Credits adapted from liner notes. Blues Explosion Guests Now I Got Worry Now I Got Worry is the fifth studio album by Jon Spencer Blues Explosion. It was released via Matador Records on October 15, 1996. \"Fuck Shit Up\" is a cover of a Dub Narcotic song. \"Weird Al\" Yankovic directed the music video for \"Wail\". Mark Deming of AllMusic gave the album 4 stars out of 5, saying,", "psg_id": "6721775" }, { "title": "All That I Got Is You", "text": "a desolate street and a small choir. All That I Got Is You \"All That I Got Is You\" is the solo debut single by Wu-Tang Clan rapper Ghostface Killah, released as the lead single from his solo debut album \"Ironman\". The song features R&B singer Mary J. Blige and an outro which has Popa Wu giving teachings. It contains a sample of \"Maybe Tomorrow\" by The Jackson 5 as well as audio clips from the cult film \"The Education of Sonny Carson\". Ghostface wrote the song as a tribute to his mother, with lyrics that both depict the harsh", "psg_id": "12274702" }, { "title": "Jack Abbott (The Young and the Restless)", "text": "has charged in the past four years, although there's a tendency to make him the same old circus villain he was in the beginning. Happily the producers, the writers and myself were able to keep Jack progressing - never a wonderful person, but not nasty just to be nasty.\" Of the character, Bergman stated that: \"Jack goes from tender, loving scenes at the beginning of an episode with Nikki, where he's so pathetic and loving and sincere, to taking someone's head off by Act 5. Jack is mercurial that way. He can be in a perfectly good mood and you", "psg_id": "8116036" }, { "title": "Jack Abbott (The Young and the Restless)", "text": "the \"Chicago Tribune\" noted that since joining the soap opera, \"Bergman has traded on his pretty-boy image to underscore Jack's less savory side.\" \"Jamaica Gleaner\" news wrote: \"It's Jack's humanity that keeps him from being just plain bad. Jack is the anti-hero that you just can't help but root for, especially when viewers get to glimpse Jack's vulnerability.\" On Jack's rivalry with Victor Newman (Eric Braeden), Allison Waldman of AOL TV said: \"After all, their characters' on screen feud has been the stuff of soap legend. Victor and Jack have shared wives, corporations, but mostly, unabashed hatred. They despise each", "psg_id": "8116074" }, { "title": "Hello, I Love You", "text": "drinking was making work impossible. Drummer John Densmore threatened to quit the band and the rest of the band decided to look through some of Morrison's old poems in an effort to calm him down. One of the poems, \"Hello I Love You\", had been written one afternoon, while Morrison and Ray Manzarek watched a girl walking on the beach. Early American pressings of the single used the title \"Hello I Love You Won’t You Tell Me Your Name\". In the liner notes to \"The Doors Box Set\", Robby Krieger has denied the allegations that the song's musical structure was", "psg_id": "8421732" }, { "title": "You Don't Know Jack (franchise)", "text": "another show from the makers of \"You Don't Know Jack\" called Smush aired on USA Network in late 2001. It was a game of taking two or more words and combining them into one long word. The show started late at night, but was later pushed to later and later times, even up to 3:00 A.M.; until it was eventually canceled. In 2001, AMC released \"You Don't Know Jack about MonsterFest\", an online game on their website hosted by Schmitty, and the MonsterFest movie marathon was hosted by Clive Barker and Carmen Electra, who gave clues for the game. In", "psg_id": "2484846" }, { "title": "Have I Got News for You", "text": "audience of two million, and somebody might have mentioned it to their friend, and then it sort of built up a momentum of its own.\" The late-night weekend repeat has occasionally contained extra material from the week's recording. This became a permanent feature from the spring 2007 series, with the repeat having a running time of 40 minutes, and being titled (in the TV listings) \"Have I Got a Bit More News for You\". The programme was originally recorded at the London Studios, former home of London Weekend Television, and as of the start of the autumn 2018 season (Series", "psg_id": "1269795" }, { "title": "Jack and the Beanstalk (1974 film)", "text": "Jack with him. In the meantime, Jack meets more clothed mice as well as a talking harp. The harp initially starts calling for the giant, but is quick to cooperate when the mice and Jack persuade her that it would be in her best interest. She reveals that Madame Hecuba got rid of the king and queen and turned the people of the castle into mice. Tulip comes into the treasure room and Jack witnesses a golden hen lay a golden egg. The harp also reveals that the witch's spell must be renewed daily. Jack decides to grab the hen", "psg_id": "15790751" }, { "title": "Good for You (song)", "text": "beyond a rap verse. Consequently, he and Delgado co-produced it and added beats, instruments, as well additional bass and snares. Although this is a pop song, Rocky still used the same production process from his music. In an interview for MTV News, he explained: \"You just go in. Go for the kill. I mean, it wasn't the type of song you try to go into... It was just like me telling her, you sure you wanna go here with me? I gotta change the beat. I gotta talk my shit. My jiggy shit\". Talking about Rocky's contribution, Gomez said: \"I", "psg_id": "18851985" }, { "title": "You Don't Know Jack (franchise)", "text": "editors wrote, \"[I]f it weren't for the addition of the Threeway question format (which is a complete dud), \"You Don't Know Jack III\" would have reached instant-classic status.\" \"You Don't Know Jack: The Ride\" won \"Computer Gaming World\"s award for the best classic game of 1998. The editors wrote, \"\"You Don't Know Jack: The Ride\" ranks easily as the best since the first of the series found its way into the \"CGW\" Hall of Fame. And for that we salute the folks at Berkeley Systems and Jellyvision, game designers who really do know \"Jack\", at least where our funny bones", "psg_id": "2484842" }, { "title": "Jack T. Chance", "text": "Jack T. Chance Jack T. Chance is a fictional character featured in comic books published by DC Comics. He is a Green Lantern from the world of Garnet—also known as Hellhole. Physically, he is a tall, blue-skinned humanoid. Other distinguishing features include a trademark trench coat, what appear to be brown leather pants, and a skull around his neck. He first appears in \"Green Lantern Corps Quarterly\" #1 in the summer of 1992. The story was entitled \"Layin' Down the Law\". Created by John Ostrander, Chance is loosely based upon another Ostrander character named GrimJack. Jack T. Chance is from", "psg_id": "10548608" }, { "title": "Now I Got Worry", "text": "Now I Got Worry Now I Got Worry is the fifth studio album by Jon Spencer Blues Explosion. It was released via Matador Records on October 15, 1996. \"Fuck Shit Up\" is a cover of a Dub Narcotic song. \"Weird Al\" Yankovic directed the music video for \"Wail\". Mark Deming of AllMusic gave the album 4 stars out of 5, saying, \"\"Now I Got Worry\" may not be JSBX's best album, but it does capture their taut, blazing, live sound and their eccentric studio approach with a better balance than anything else in their catalog; if you want to get", "psg_id": "6721774" }, { "title": "Now That You Got It", "text": "level. I love her background for music. She likes a lot of Caribbean sounds with hard beats\". They worked on \"Now That You Got It\", which was selected to be the fourth single from \"The Sweet Escape\" (2006). For the single version, Stefani enlisted Damian Marley, son of Jamaican reggae musician Bob Marley, giving the single a \"reggae\" feel to it. It was released to mainstream radio in the United States, on August 26, 2007, while in the United Kingdom, it was released on October 15, 2007. Two remixes were included on the CD single, both featuring Marley. The \"remix\"", "psg_id": "10588893" }, { "title": "All I Want for Christmas Is You (film)", "text": "take care of Jack, then she can have a dog of her very own. A soundtrack for this album was released alongside the release of the movie, featuring old christmas classics by Carey as well as a brand new song called \"Lil Snowman\". All I Want for Christmas Is You (film) All I Want For Christmas Is You (also known as Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas Is You) is a 2017 direct-to-video computer-animated Christmas film based on the song by Mariah Carey and the book by Carey herself and Colleen Madden. The film stars the voices of Mariah", "psg_id": "20504862" }, { "title": "Do You Want It Right Now", "text": "Do You Want It Right Now \"Do You Want It Right Now\" is a 1985 song by singer Siedah Garrett for the film \"Fast Forward\". It was a bigger hit for Degrees Of Motion in 1991. It has also been recorded by Taylor Dayne for her debut album \"Tell It to My Heart\". A lyric sample of it was also used in Gat Decor's song \"Passion\" as well as in Armand Van Helden's 2007 hit \"I Want Your Soul\". In 1988, Taylor Dayne recorded her version of \"Do You Want It Right Now\" for her debut album \"Tell It to", "psg_id": "19803259" }, { "title": "Jack Taylor (actor)", "text": "Jack Taylor (actor) Jack Taylor (born George Brown Randall; 21 October 1936) is an American actor. Born in the United States in 1936, actor George Brown Randall adopted the stage name Jack Taylor and began his acting career appearing in small roles in American TV shows such as \"The Jack Benny Program\" and \"Sheena, Queen of the Jungle\". He then left the USA, relocating first to Mexico in the late 1950s/early 1960s, and later to Spain, where he has appeared in many films, mostly horror and low-budget exploitation pictures. He worked for such well-known Spanish horror film directors as Jesús", "psg_id": "6089737" }, { "title": "Jack and the Beanstalk", "text": "than 5,000 years ago. In some versions of the tale, the giant is unnamed, but many plays based on it name him Blunderbore. (One giant of that name appears in the 18th-century \"Jack the Giant Killer\"). In \"The Story of Jack Spriggins\" the giant is named Gogmagog. The giant's catchphrase \"Fee! Fie! Foe! Fum! I smell the blood of an Englishman\" appears in William Shakespeare's early 17th-century \"King Lear\" in the form \"Fie, foh, and fum, I smell the blood of a British man.\" (Act 3, Scene 4), and something similar also appears in \"Jack the Giant Killer\". \"Jack and", "psg_id": "12258807" }, { "title": "If I Hadn't Got You", "text": "radio in 2005. Two remixes of \"If I Hadn't Got You\" were included on the 2006 re-release of \"The Moment\" and Radio Edit of \"If I Hadn't Got You\" will be featured on the 2015 expanded reissue of the album to be released in April 2015. UK promotional single European CD single European 12\" single If I Hadn't Got You \"If I Hadn't Got You\" is a song recorded by Chris Braide for his 1997 album, \"Life in a Minor Key\". It was covered in 2004 by British singer Lisa Stansfield for her album, \"The Moment\". The song was written", "psg_id": "17298044" }, { "title": "Fifty Grand", "text": "is in. Doyle tries to stall, saying: \"Well, you can’t tell ... You got a week to get around into form,\" but Jack asks for a straight answer. Doyle finally tells him, \"You’re not right,\" at which point Jack confides that he has been unable to sleep, despite being tired, because he misses his wife. Hogan, seeing Jack's condition a few days later, tells Doyle that Jack has no chance against Walcott. Doyle replies, \"Well ... everybody’s got to get it sometime.\" The day before the fight, Jack lists the things that concern him when he can not sleep: \"I", "psg_id": "16119617" }, { "title": "I Got You (I Feel Good)", "text": "informing the person who opened the hood about their guarantee. \"with the James Brown Orchestra:\" Brown performs the song on the live albums \"Live at the Garden\" (1967), \"Live at the Apollo, Volume II\" (1968), \"Soul Session Live\" (1989), and \"Live at the Apollo 1995\" (1995). Brown re-recorded the song for his 1975 album \"Sex Machine Today\". This version was featured in the movie \"White Men Can't Jump\", the video game \"Rock Band 3\", and \". In 1992 producer Paul Dakeyne released a 12\" single remix of \"I Got You (I Feel Good)\" on FBI Records under the title \"", "psg_id": "4009814" }, { "title": "Jack Abbott (The Young and the Restless)", "text": "other.\" Bergman has been nominated for the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series 16 times from 1990 to 2002, 2007 to 2008, and most recently again in 2010 winning four awards overall in 1991, 1992 and 2002. Jack Abbott (The Young and the Restless) Jack Abbott is a fictional character from the American CBS soap opera \"The Young and the Restless\". The character was first introduced in 1980 being portrayed by Terry Lester. Lester departed from the series in 1989 and was replaced by Peter Bergman shortly thereafter. Bergman relocated to California for the role", "psg_id": "8116075" }, { "title": "Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold", "text": "T-shirt with the words \"Natural selection\" printed in black. One of Harris' last journal entries read: \"I hate you people for leaving me out of so many fun things. And no don't … say, 'Well that's your fault,' because it isn't, you people had my phone number, and I asked and all, but no. No no no don't let the weird-looking Eric KID come along.\" Dylan Klebold said on the Basement Tapes, \"You've been giving us shit for years. You're fucking gonna pay for all the shit! We don't give a shit. Because we're gonna die doing it.\" Accounts from", "psg_id": "2340113" }, { "title": "You Don't Know Jack (franchise)", "text": "possible choices. Some questions are fill-in-the-blank, requiring a typed response. Special questions are also played during the game. Each version of \"You Don't Know Jack\" has its own different types of special questions, but some of the most common are: The final round of the game, called the Jack Attack in most versions and also known as the HeadRush in \"HeadRush\", is a word association question. A clue is given, which generally describes the desired correct answers (such as \"movie stars\") and after that a word, phrase, or name appears in the middle of the screen, to which the contestant", "psg_id": "2484831" }, { "title": "The Things You See", "text": "pub one night back in England. There was this old guy walking down the street, and I guess he must have seen all of us hooligans coming out of the pub. He just looked at us and said, 'Boy, the things you see when you haven't got your gun!'\" \"At the Edge\" also features a rare instance of him singing; the song would later be revamped and renamed \"The Things You See (When You Haven't Got Your Gun)\" on his 1982 album \"I.O.U.\", with Paul Williams on vocals. Scott Yanow at AllMusic gave \"The Things You See\" three stars out", "psg_id": "12647828" }, { "title": "Now and Forever (You and Me)", "text": "It remained for a total of nineteen weeks on the Billboard Country chart. (This was Murray's final 45 to cross over to the U.S. 'Pop' chart.) Now and Forever (You and Me) \"Now and Forever (You and Me)\" is a hit song written by David Foster, Randy Goodrum and Jim Vallance and recorded by Canadian Country vocalist Anne Murray. It was aided by a popular music video, filmed in Toronto. The back-up vocal was sung by Richard Page, lead singer for the Pop group Mr. Mister. It was released in January 1986 as the first single from the Gold-certified album", "psg_id": "14213370" }, { "title": "Still Alive... and Well?", "text": "Still Alive... and Well? Still, Alive... and Well? is a Megadeth compilation album released on September 10, 2002 and is the last Megadeth release with bassist and co-founder David Ellefson until his reunion with the band eight years later. The album was released to fulfil Megadeth's record contract with Sanctuary Records after Dave Mustaine dissolved the band seemingly indefinitely when he sustained a serious nerve injury in 2002. The album's name is a quote from Dave Mustaine's answer to an interviewer's question: \"What do you want written on your tombstone?\" The first six tracks (two of which were previously unreleased)", "psg_id": "5506549" }, { "title": "Jack Haig (actor)", "text": "Jack Haig (actor) Jack Haig (born John Cecil Coppin, 5 January 1913 – 4 July 1989) was an English actor who specialised in supporting roles, mainly in Television comedy. He was best known for playing Monsieur Roger LeClerc in the British sitcom \"'Allo 'Allo!\". Haig was the son of music hall actors Bertha Baker and Charles Coppin, whose act went under the name \"Haig and Esco\". He was seen in a long list of British TV favourites including: \"Hugh and I\", \"Are You Being Served?\", \"Terry and June\" and \"Dad's Army\" (although he turned down the role of Corporal Jones", "psg_id": "4468645" }, { "title": "Jack Wilson (Home and Away)", "text": "that \"Jack has some major sucking up to do to make amends for causing the fire!\" Jack enlists the help of Shannon Reed (Isla Fisher) to arrange a charity concert to make up for his wrongdoing. Amalm said \"thank goodness\" for Jack that it all works out well in the end. Amalm opined it was easy to get bored of playing the same character, but was content to be portraying the \"baddie\" type role that Jack fills. In 1996, Amalm left the serial to pursue other projects. Amalm told a reporter from \"Inside Soap\" that he was bored of doing", "psg_id": "8452097" }, { "title": "Now and Forever (You and Me)", "text": "Now and Forever (You and Me) \"Now and Forever (You and Me)\" is a hit song written by David Foster, Randy Goodrum and Jim Vallance and recorded by Canadian Country vocalist Anne Murray. It was aided by a popular music video, filmed in Toronto. The back-up vocal was sung by Richard Page, lead singer for the Pop group Mr. Mister. It was released in January 1986 as the first single from the Gold-certified album \"Something to Talk About\". The cut was Murray's tenth #1 hit on the U.S. Country singles chart and spent six weeks on the Billboard Hot 100.", "psg_id": "14213369" }, { "title": "I Was Right and You Were Wrong", "text": "of the song. As with the previous two single releases, a special edition CD single with three tracks from the \"Riches\" bonus album was issued, entitled \"Riches Collection\". In addition to \"I Was Right and You Were Wrong\", it contains three tracks from \"Riches\". This was the last \"Riches Collection\" release, leaving two tracks from \"Riches\", the cover of \"Angeliou\" and the Bob Clearmountain remix of \"Dignity\", excluded from this collection. All songs written by Ricky Ross, except where noted: I Was Right and You Were Wrong \"I Was Right and You Were Wrong\" is the first single from Deacon", "psg_id": "10062436" }, { "title": "Jack Nicholson", "text": "\"I think that Jack really has very little in common with Bobby. I think Bobby has given up looking for love. But Jack hasn't, he's very interested in love, in finding out things. Jack is a very curious, alive human being. Always ready for a new idea.\" Nicholson himself said as much, telling an interviewer, \"I like listening to everybody. This to me is the elixir of life.\" Black later admitted that she had a crush on Nicholson from the time they met, although they only dated briefly. \"He was very beautiful. He just looked right at you ... I", "psg_id": "12258025" }, { "title": "I Love You but I Must Drive Off This Cliff Now", "text": "critics, the album received an average score of 66% based on 5 reviews, indicating \"generally favorable reviews\". I Love You but I Must Drive Off This Cliff Now I Love You but I Must Drive Off This Cliff Now is the first studio album by American musical duo Got a Girl. It was released on Bulk Recordings on July 22, 2014. It peaked at number 27 on \"Billboard\"s Heatseekers Albums chart. The duo revealed that the album would feature heavy influences of French pop music, which were a shared interest between the two. According to \"Vents Magazine\", Dan the Automator", "psg_id": "19642372" }, { "title": "I Love You but I Must Drive Off This Cliff Now", "text": "I Love You but I Must Drive Off This Cliff Now I Love You but I Must Drive Off This Cliff Now is the first studio album by American musical duo Got a Girl. It was released on Bulk Recordings on July 22, 2014. It peaked at number 27 on \"Billboard\"s Heatseekers Albums chart. The duo revealed that the album would feature heavy influences of French pop music, which were a shared interest between the two. According to \"Vents Magazine\", Dan the Automator has \"assembled a rich, enveloping sound world all its own, with hints of Laurel Canyon folk, yacht", "psg_id": "19642368" }, { "title": "You and Your Heart", "text": "You and Your Heart \"You and Your Heart\" is a song by Hawaiian singer-songwriter Jack Johnson and is the lead single from his fifth studio album, \"To the Sea\". The song was released to radio in early April 2010, and was released via download on April 6. In Canada, the song premiered on CKOI-FM in Montreal on April 1, 2010. Johnson told MTV News in regards to the inspiration of \"You and Your Heart\", \"[That song] started off with this guitar riff that I had around for a while, actually had it on the last record, and we liked it,", "psg_id": "14455033" }, { "title": "You and I (2008 film)", "text": "describing them as \"good\". However, he felt the storyline and production was unusual, as he said \"In itself, the movie is not bad and lay, no, it's more complicated.\" He praised Barton and VanSanten, whom he described as \"very good\", but described the screenplay: \"what is present in their memories but rather the very rough draft screenplay that talks about everything and nothing is wrong and the bottom of things.\" You and I (2008 film) You and I (; also known by its working title, Finding t.A.T.u.) is a 2008 drama film directed by Roland Joffé depicting a fictionalised version", "psg_id": "9706605" }, { "title": "If I Ain't Got You", "text": "a cameo by rapper and actor Method Man as Keys' on-screen boyfriend. Credits adapted from the liner notes of \"The Diary of Alicia Keys\". If I Ain't Got You \"If I Ain't Got You\" is a song by American singer-songwriter Alicia Keys from her second studio album \"The Diary of Alicia Keys\" (2003). Inspired by the 2001 death of singer Aaliyah, the terrorist September 11 attacks, and other events in the world and in Keys' life, the song is about \"how material things don't feed the soul.\" The single cover depicts Keys similarly to the subject of Man Ray's 1924", "psg_id": "6574000" }, { "title": "I Got You (Badfinger song)", "text": "but it was unsuccessful. After these singles, the band split into two separate bands under the Badfinger name until bassist Tom Evans committed suicide in 1983. I Got You (Badfinger song) \"I Got You\" is a song by the British power pop band Badfinger. Written by guitarist Joey Molland, the song appeared on the band's album \"Say No More\". \"I Got You\" is the first track on Badfinger's 1981 album, \"Say No More\". That same year, the song was released as the follow-up single to the band's previous \"Say No More\" single, \"Hold On,\" backed with Tom Evans's \"Rock 'N'", "psg_id": "17010527" }, { "title": "Well, You Needn't", "text": "reharmonization for the bridge that is incompatible with Monk's harmonization\". Well, You Needn't \"Well, You Needn't\" is a jazz standard composed by Thelonious Monk in 1944. According to Robin Kelley in his biography \"Thelonious Monk: the Life and Times of an American Original\", the title was inspired by jazz singer Charles Beamon. Monk wrote a song and told Beamon he was going to name it after him, to which Beamon replied, \"Well, you need not\". The structure of the piece is AABA. In a version recorded by Miles Davis in 1954, the musicians alter the A section's main motif, \"start", "psg_id": "8681733" }, { "title": "Wish You Well", "text": "wasn't quite 'right', so we ended up using the smashing plates.\" The music video for \"Wish You Well\" was directed by Damon Escott and Stephen Lance of Head Pictures and won best music video at the ARIA awards in 2006. The video clip starts with Fanning sitting adjacent to antiques, one including a gramophone. After standing up he holds a portrait of the forest. Wish You Well \"Wish You Well\" is the first single from Australian rock musician Bernard Fanning's solo debut album, \"Tea and Sympathy\", released in 2005 and was voted number 1 on the Triple J Hottest 100", "psg_id": "6498798" }, { "title": "Jack the Nipper", "text": "for objects you can use to create havoc elsewhere\", in an environment populated by \"Beano\"-type characters. The review noted how it was \"tempting when you come across a well-tended garden and you just happen to have a bottle of weed killer ... And then there's the tin of glue and the false teeth factory...\" \"ZX Computing\" praised the graphics. The Spectrum version was voted number 40 in the \"Your Sinclair Readers' Top 100 Games of All Time\". Starting in April 1987, \"Your Sinclair\" magazine published a monthly comic strip based on the character. Jack the Nipper Jack the Nipper is", "psg_id": "13751356" } ]
[ "bruch campbell as ash in army of darkness" ]
santa's little helper is the family dog on what tv series?
[ { "title": "Santa's Little Helper", "text": "the show, but voice artist Frank Welker has also voiced him. Santa's Little Helper has become a popular character following his appearances on \"The Simpsons\". He ranked 27th in Animal Planet's 2003 television special \"50 Greatest TV Animals\" that was based on popularity, name recognition, and the longevity of the shows. He has also been featured in merchandise relating to \"The Simpsons\", such as video games, board games, and comics. Santa's Little Helper is a greyhound that appears on the animated television series \"The Simpsons\" and is the pet dog of the Simpson family. He can often be seen on", "psg_id": "743040" } ]
[ { "title": "Family Dog (TV series)", "text": "like a dog catcher and a cat. Family Dog (TV series) Family Dog is an American animated television series that aired from June 23 to July 28, 1993 on CBS. Created by Brad Bird, the series was about an average suburban family, the Binsfords, as told through the eyes of their dog. It first appeared as an episode of the TV show \"Amazing Stories\", then was expanded into a series of its own. In the original \"Amazing Stories\" episode, which aired in the show's second season in 1987, a dog named Jonah (a Bull Terrier simply called \"the dog\") is", "psg_id": "7483916" }, { "title": "Family Dog (TV series)", "text": "Family Dog (TV series) Family Dog is an American animated television series that aired from June 23 to July 28, 1993 on CBS. Created by Brad Bird, the series was about an average suburban family, the Binsfords, as told through the eyes of their dog. It first appeared as an episode of the TV show \"Amazing Stories\", then was expanded into a series of its own. In the original \"Amazing Stories\" episode, which aired in the show's second season in 1987, a dog named Jonah (a Bull Terrier simply called \"the dog\") is the main character, portrayed in three stories:", "psg_id": "7483907" }, { "title": "Santa's Little Helper", "text": "and Maggie are—heck, most Americans probably recognize their pets, Santa's Little Helper and Snowball II\". McHugh wrote in \"Dog\" that while Master McGrath was the most famous greyhound of the 19th century, \"the most popular greyhound a hundred years later\" is Santa's Little Helper. In the television special \"50 Greatest TV Animals\" that was hosted by Mario Lopez and aired on Animal Planet in 2003, the dog ranked 27th. Other dogs featured on the list were Lassie (first), Eddie (fifth), Snoopy (sixth), Scooby-Doo (13th), Rin Tin Tin (14th), Max (20th), Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog (24th), Buck (29th), Chipper (44th),", "psg_id": "743061" }, { "title": "Little Dog (TV series)", "text": "Isabelle, Andy Jones, Julia Chan, Patricia Isaac, Stephen Oliver Oates and Mary Walsh. The series was originally pitched to the CBC as a drama, but Hynes was convinced by producer Sherry White to retool it as a comedy. Little Dog (TV series) Little Dog is a Canadian television comedy-drama series, which debuted on CBC Television on March 1, 2018. The series stars Joel Thomas Hynes as Tommy \"Little Dog\" Ross, a boxer who is offered the chance to redeem himself in a rematch against Rico \"Havoc\" St. George (Dwain Murphy), several years after forfeiting their first bout by walking away", "psg_id": "20558016" }, { "title": "Little Dog (TV series)", "text": "Little Dog (TV series) Little Dog is a Canadian television comedy-drama series, which debuted on CBC Television on March 1, 2018. The series stars Joel Thomas Hynes as Tommy \"Little Dog\" Ross, a boxer who is offered the chance to redeem himself in a rematch against Rico \"Havoc\" St. George (Dwain Murphy), several years after forfeiting their first bout by walking away mid-match. The series was inspired in part by Hynes' own experience as an amateur boxer, after he had to drop out of a planned match due to a rib fracture. The cast will also include Ger Ryan, Katharine", "psg_id": "20558015" }, { "title": "Santa's Little Helper", "text": "Springfield series, and plush toys. Santa's Little Helper has made an impact on real life in that an espresso-based drink has been named after him at the award-winning restaurant and bar Bambara in Salt Lake City's Hotel Monaco. Bartender Ethan Moore told \"The Salt Lake Tribune\" in 2004 that it is \"one of the most popular holiday drinks\" at Bambara. In addition, a dog walking and pet sitting company in New York City, called \"Santa's Little Helper Dog Walking and Pet Sitting\", has been named after him. The greyhound has also appeared by himself on the cover of the issue", "psg_id": "743066" }, { "title": "Santa's Little Helper", "text": "reason he stopped performing as Santa's Little Helper was because \"The producers thought... 'Hmmm, Dan barks pretty good, and we are already paying him and he seems to like doing the dog thing... why do we need to pay Welker who comes in here, spends less than an hour, eats all the doughnuts, refuses to come to rehearsals... let's just give the damn dog to Dan!'\" Santa's Little Helper has become a well-known dog because of his appearances in the series. A writer for \"The Grand Rapids Press\" wrote in 2002 that \"we all know who Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa", "psg_id": "743060" }, { "title": "Santa's Little Helper", "text": "backyard. In \"Bart's Dog Gets an F\" (season two, 1991), he manages to infuriate the entire family by destroying valued items in the home. As a result, Homer and Marge want to get rid of the dog, but Bart and Lisa convince them that he can be trained at an obedience school. Santa's Little Helper does not do well there as Bart is unwilling to use a choke chain suggested by the instructor. The night before the final exam, Bart and Santa's Little Helper play, thinking it will be their last few hours together. This bonding breaks down the communication", "psg_id": "743043" }, { "title": "Santa's Little Helper", "text": "prompted satires of contemporary dog culture, from Barbara Woodhouse's authoritarian training methods [in \"Bart's Dog Gets an F\"] to Lassie's flawless service to the status quo [in \"The Canine Mutiny\"].\" Although cast member Dan Castellaneta occasionally voiced Santa's Little Helper for bit parts, American voice artist Frank Welker most often provided the sounds of the dog and other animals on the show from \"Bart's Dog Gets an F\", which aired on March 7, 1991, to \"Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily\", which aired on October 1, 1995. He said on his official website in 2007 that he liked portraying Santa's Little Helper because", "psg_id": "743058" }, { "title": "Santa's Little Helper (EP)", "text": "Santa's Little Helper (EP) Santa's Little Helper is the debut extended play and first Christmas release by Australian country music singer Jasmine Rae. The EP includes two original tracks and three covers and was released in November 2012. On 21 November 2012, Rae released a video for the lead single \"Santa's Helper\" with Rae explaining \"Many Christmas songs are asking Santa to bring us love on Christmas Day. Others ask him to bring world peace and similar aspirations. This song is about asking Santa for a job!\" Upon released Rae said \"Growing up, we kept our Christmas CDs in the", "psg_id": "20881842" }, { "title": "Santa's Little Helper", "text": "for \"The Tampa Tribune\" listed Santa's Little Helper at number six, writing: \"We admire his upbeat nature even after having his legs broken by Mr. Burns and being abandoned by Bart for another dog, Laddie.\" He also ranked 75th on Retrocrush author Robert Berry's list of \"The 100 Greatest Dogs of Pop Culture History\" in 2006. The character has attracted some criticism too, though. While reviewing the episode \"Bart's Dog Gets an F\" in 2010, Nathan Rabin of \"The A.V. Club\" wrote: \"As cartoon dogs go, Santa’s Little Helper is spectacularly unspectacular. In a realm of aggressively anthropomorphic canines, some", "psg_id": "743063" }, { "title": "Santa's Little Helper", "text": "him to never wear fur again and instead raise the puppies to be world-class racing dogs. Santa's Little Helper sires another litter of puppies with Dr. Hibbert's poodle in the episode \"Today I Am a Clown\" (season 15, 2003). These puppies are given away to townspeople. The dog has been neglected or treated unfavorably by the family in some episodes. In \"Dog of Death\" (season three, 1992), he nearly dies of bloat and they decide to make budget cuts in order to pay for the required operation. Although the dog's life is saved, the family begins to feel the strain", "psg_id": "743045" }, { "title": "Satan's Little Helper", "text": "Satan's Little Helper Satan's' Little Helper is an American comedy horror film directed and written by Jeff Lieberman. The film stars Alexander Brickel as Dougie, a nine year old boy video gamer. On Halloween, Dougie meets a serial killer and unknowingly assists him in his murders. The film, which combines black comedy with horror, is Lieberman's first film as director in 17 years, since 1988's \"Remote Control\". \"Satan's Little Helper\" was praised by reviewers for its satire, elements of comedy and characterization. Douglas 'Dougie' Whooly is a nine-year-old boy obsessed with a video game, in which he plays Satan's little", "psg_id": "7294328" }, { "title": "Santa's Little Helper", "text": "and is the center of the plots of several episodes. During the course of the show, he has fathered litters of puppies, passed obedience school, had surgery for bloat, replaced Duffman as the mascot for Duff Beer, and been trained as a police dog at Springfield's Animal Police Academy. Some of the episodes that focus on Santa's Little Helper have been inspired by popular culture or real experiences that staff members of the show have gone through. Although cartoon animals are often anthropomorphized, Santa's Little Helper generally exhibits canine behavior. Cast member Dan Castellaneta currently provides the dog's sounds on", "psg_id": "743039" }, { "title": "Satan's Little Helper", "text": "unique and daring achievement\", describing it as \"a satiric commentary on the influence of videogames and fiction, the distinction between fantasy and reality for a child, and the danger and power of Halloween – all in a movie filled with blood, guts and black humour.\" \"Satan's Little Helper\" was listed on \"Rolling Stone\"'s 13 Terrifying Horror Movies You Can't Unsee. Satan's Little Helper Satan's' Little Helper is an American comedy horror film directed and written by Jeff Lieberman. The film stars Alexander Brickel as Dougie, a nine year old boy video gamer. On Halloween, Dougie meets a serial killer and", "psg_id": "7294335" }, { "title": "Santa's Little Helper (film)", "text": "Santa’s Little Helper, but Eleanor, using an obscure North Pole law, challenges him to the position with the winner being decided through a rigorous obstacle course. Dax loses and Eleanor is named Santa’s Little Helper. Dax returns home, having stolen a magic bell that can make wishes come true and plans to use it to save the Youth Center. Santa intercedes and halts his attempts at using magic, so Dax gives a rousing speech to rally the community and save the Youth Center from a wrecking ball and capture the director who really stole the money from it. Santa places", "psg_id": "19064483" }, { "title": "Bad Dog (TV series)", "text": "and the \"Bad Dog\" of the show is named Berkeley, a likely reference to Berkeley Systems, the creators of After Dark. The show was paired with another series called \"Monster Farm\". Teletoon air dates in parentheses: Bad Dog (TV series) Bad Dog is a Canadian-American animated series produced by CinéGroupe and Saban Entertainment for the Teletoon and Fox Family Channel networks, first airing on Teletoon on March 1, 1999. The cartoon focused on the Potanski family and their dog Berkeley. The show's gimmick was that, whenever Berkeley was told that he was a bad dog, he would freeze and pretend", "psg_id": "10111646" }, { "title": "The First Family (TV series)", "text": "family resided in Chicago prior to the presidency), the family in the series has four children (two male and two female, whereas Barack and Michelle Obama have only two children, both female) and that the family's dog is a Golden Retriever (as opposed to a Portuguese Water Dog). On April 4, 2013, Centric acquired the cable syndication rights to all past and future episodes of \"The First Family\", along with \"Mr. Box Office\", with both series expected to begin airing on the channel starting April 19, 2013. The First Family (TV series) The First Family is an American sitcom that", "psg_id": "16681826" }, { "title": "Bad Dog (TV series)", "text": "Bad Dog (TV series) Bad Dog is a Canadian-American animated series produced by CinéGroupe and Saban Entertainment for the Teletoon and Fox Family Channel networks, first airing on Teletoon on March 1, 1999. The cartoon focused on the Potanski family and their dog Berkeley. The show's gimmick was that, whenever Berkeley was told that he was a bad dog, he would freeze and pretend to be dead until someone told him he was a good dog. This would happen in every episode. The show was inspired by the \"After Dark\" screensaver \"Bad Dog\". The two dogs have a similar appearance,", "psg_id": "10111645" }, { "title": "Santa's Little Helper (film)", "text": "Santa's Little Helper (film) Santa's Little Helper is an American comedy film starring The Miz, Paige, AnnaLynne McCord and Maryse Ouellet. The film was directed by Gil Junger. The film was released direct-to-DVD and digital on November 17, 2015. Dax (The Miz) is a greedy, materialistic corporate hatchet-man, who we first see while closing down a community youth center just days before Christmas. Dax is subsequently fired in a corporate powerplay and, as he has been living beyond his means, loses his girlfriend, car and will soon be evicted from his house. Meanwhile at the North Pole, Santa Claus (Eric", "psg_id": "19064480" }, { "title": "Little House on the Prairie (TV series)", "text": "Little House on the Prairie (TV series) Little House on the Prairie (known as Little House: A New Beginning in its final season) is an American western drama television series, starring Michael Landon, Melissa Gilbert, Karen Grassle, and Melissa Sue Anderson, about a family living on a farm in Walnut Grove, Minnesota, in the 1870s and 1880s. The show is an adaptation of Laura Ingalls Wilder's best-selling series of \"Little House\" books. Television producer and NBC executive Ed Friendly became aware of the story in the early 1970s. He asked Michael Landon to direct the pilot movie. Landon agreed on", "psg_id": "2790290" }, { "title": "Santa's Little Helper (film)", "text": "Keenleyside) is looking to replace Santa’s Little Helper, the second-in-command. Eleanor (Paige), the daughter of the outgoing Ho-Ho-Ho believes the job should be hers, but Santa, believing the North Pole could use a human influence, tasks Billie (AnnaLynne McCord) with reviewing Dax as a possible candidate. Billie is a kindly elf who is shunned by many of her elfin brethren because of a genetic defect that gives her round ears. Billie gives Dax a series of difficult and embarrassing tasks to test his character, occasionally bailing him out with North Pole magic, while not revealing that it is Santa who", "psg_id": "19064481" }, { "title": "Family Dog (TV series)", "text": "the episode which had spawned the series. The entire series was later released as a Laserdisc box-set, and various episodes of the show were released on VHS around the same time. All 10 episodes of the series have been released as a laserdisc box set, and a few episodes have also been released on VHS. The show was adapted into a Super NES video game about the life of an everyday family dog. The player has to go three places such as the home where the dog lives, a dog pound and the woods to defeat stereotypical obstacles and enemies", "psg_id": "7483915" }, { "title": "Santa's Little Helper", "text": "realistic dilemma faced by many families who own dogs. Other episode ideas come from popular culture. For example, Santa's Little Helper fathering 25 puppies in \"Two Dozen and One Greyhounds\" is a parody of the Disney film \"One Hundred and One Dalmatians\", and Mr. Burns' technique of brainwashing him into an attack dog in \"Dog of Death\" parodies \"A Clockwork Orange\". Susan McHugh, who teaches theories of animals, literature, and culture at the University of New England, wrote in her 2004 book \"Dog\" that, \"remaining loyal to his unlikely saviours, the boy Bart and his father Homer, this greyhound has", "psg_id": "743057" }, { "title": "Dog House (TV series)", "text": "Dog House (TV series) Dog House is a Canadian comedy television series broadcast by YTV in the 1990-91 season. During a car accident, a police detective's mind is swapped with the mind of Digby, his St Bernard dog partner on duty. Helen Underwood (Shelley Peterson), the officer's widowed sister-in-law, takes custody of Digby where he joins her children Annabelle (Valentina Cardinalli), Richie (Jaimz Woolvett) and Timmy (Jonathan Shapiro). Now inhabiting Digby's body, the detective is able to talk with the family. Former Ontario premier David Peterson, whose wife portrayed series character Helen Underwood, appeared in a guest role on the", "psg_id": "17676095" }, { "title": "Santa Barbara (TV series)", "text": "Santa Barbara (TV series) Santa Barbara is an American television soap opera that aired on NBC from July 30, 1984, to January 15, 1993. The show revolves around the eventful lives of the wealthy Capwell family of Santa Barbara, California. Other prominent families featured on the soap were the rival Lockridge family, and the more modest Andrade and Perkins families. The serial was produced by Dobson Productions and New World Television, which also served as distributor for the show in international markets. \"Santa Barbara\" was New World Television's first series. Due to the buyout of New World by the original", "psg_id": "3104877" }, { "title": "Dog House (TV series)", "text": "series as a school janitor. David Hiltbrand of \"People\" panned the series, noting \"[t]he humor is very forced. This pooch of a show arrived neutered.\" Tony Atherton of the \"Ottawa Citizen\" also derided the series as \"a classically lame-brained TV situation without redeeming values\". Greg Quill of the \"Toronto Star\" \"contains not a whit of original thought nor anything resembling a line worthy of a giggle\". On 19 April 2016, Mill Creek Entertainment released \"Dog House - The Complete Series\" on DVD in Region 1. Dog House (TV series) Dog House is a Canadian comedy television series broadcast by YTV", "psg_id": "17676096" }, { "title": "What Is Love (TV series)", "text": "What Is Love (TV series) What Is Love () is a 2012 Taiwanese romantic-comedy television series. The television drama was produced by Bethel Video Productions Ltd, starring Wu Kang-jen and Jade Chou. The shooting began on April 9, 2012, and first aired on July 20, 2012 on TTV. Thirty-two-year-old Li Yi Hua (Jade Chou) is longing for a romantic relationship and wants to marry a good man. Along comes Bai Zong You (Chris Wu), who breaks women's hearts with one-night stands. Bai Zong You sets his sights on wooing Li Yi Hua next. What she doesn't know is that she", "psg_id": "18518813" }, { "title": "Dog of Death", "text": "is joyous that their dog is well again, but soon begins to feel the strain of their sacrifices. As a result, the morale of the family suffers and they take their annoyance out on Santa's Little Helper. Feeling unwanted, he runs away from home and goes off on an adventure, only to be captured, taken to the dog pound, and adopted by Mr. Burns, who trains him to be one of his vicious attack hounds. After a long brainwashing process, consisting of the Ludovico technique, Santa's Little Helper is turned into a bloodthirsty killer. The family begins to regret all", "psg_id": "6619172" }, { "title": "What Is Love (TV series)", "text": "and stayed at the same spot, with the exception of its third episode, until it reached the third spot on its last episode, with a total average of 0.54. Its drama competitors were CTV's \"Confucius\", FTV's \"Independent Heroes\", and SETTV's \"Rainy Night Flower\" and \"Father's Wish\". The viewers' survey was conducted by AGB Nielsen. What Is Love (TV series) What Is Love () is a 2012 Taiwanese romantic-comedy television series. The television drama was produced by Bethel Video Productions Ltd, starring Wu Kang-jen and Jade Chou. The shooting began on April 9, 2012, and first aired on July 20, 2012", "psg_id": "18518818" }, { "title": "Santa's Little Helper", "text": "the dog was a \"sympathetic\" character. Welker has been praised by staff members for his performances on the show. David Mirkin has noted that \"he can do anything, and it fits perfectly. You forget you're listening to a guy, and he's a pleasure to work with.\" Groening has commented that he was \"unbelievably good\" at doing animal noises. After 1995, Castellaneta voiced Santa's Little Helper on his own while Welker performed other animal noises until his full departure in 2002, when he was denied a pay raise. In the \"questions and answers\" section on his website, Welker revealed that the", "psg_id": "743059" }, { "title": "Santa's Little Helper (film)", "text": "Eleanor on the naughty list for her poor sportsmanship during the competition, thus disqualifying her from the position, and reveals it was Billie he was testing for the position of Santa’s Little Helper all along. Dax and Billie then share a passionate kiss under a magical snowfall. Santa's Little Helper (film) Santa's Little Helper is an American comedy film starring The Miz, Paige, AnnaLynne McCord and Maryse Ouellet. The film was directed by Gil Junger. The film was released direct-to-DVD and digital on November 17, 2015. Dax (The Miz) is a greedy, materialistic corporate hatchet-man, who we first see while", "psg_id": "19064484" }, { "title": "Little Monsters (TV series)", "text": "BBC Alba. The rights to the series are still owned, and controlled by Russell Neale Dever, in collaboration with Ian Harding. The distribution rights are controlled by \"Foothill Entertainment\", Santa Barbara, United States. it was shown repeatedly on CiTV in 2001. Little Monsters (TV series) Little Monsters is a British animated children's television that ran from 1998 on BBC1 Plymouth and CBBC then repeats on CiTV in 2001, being co–produced by Collingwood O'Hare, Ealing Studios, Contender Entertainment Group and Pacifier Pictures Limited (a joint venture between \"Flicks Films\", \"VGi Entertainment\", CBBC and GMTV). The show was based on the books", "psg_id": "15067345" }, { "title": "Downward Dog (TV series)", "text": "Downward Dog (TV series) Downward Dog is an American comedy television series broadcast on ABC from May 17 to June 27, 2017. In September 2015, ABC placed a pilot order for the series, which was based on a web series by Animal Media Group. On May 12, 2016, ABC picked up the series for the 2016–17 season as a mid-season replacement. The series premiered on May 17, 2017, before starting its Tuesday run on May 23, 2017. \"Downward Dog\" was filmed in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. On June 24, 2017, ABC canceled the series after one season of eight episodes. The series'", "psg_id": "19572406" }, { "title": "Family Dog (TV series)", "text": "terror.\" The burglars hit the house yet again and flee from the now-aggressive dog, but return to their hideout to discover him still clamped to one thief's arm with his teeth. A policeman investigating the robberies raids the house and is immediately attacked by the dog. The burglars decide to use Jonah in their heists, earning them (and the dog) fame as the \"Dog Gang.\" Jonah finally turns on the criminals, causing an auto accident in which they hit a police car and are busted. Jonah is returned to the Binford family, who now consider him their hero. In a", "psg_id": "7483909" }, { "title": "Beware of Dog (TV series)", "text": "Beware of Dog (TV series) Beware of Dog is an American sitcom that was aired on Animal Planet. While it had two episodes broadcast consecutively on August 13, 2002, this was the only time that the series made it to the air. The program focuses on a bearded collie named Jack (played by Chip, voiced by Park Bench), whose \"Look Who's Talking\"-style narration provided his perspective of his newly adopted family. Carolyn Dunn and Richard Waugh portrayed Mary and Bill Poole, parents of Mark (Gage Knox) and Jessica (Alex Appel). The pilot showed how Jack feigned an injury in a", "psg_id": "9242979" }, { "title": "Little Princess (TV series)", "text": "Little Princess (TV series) Little Princess is a British children's television series created by The Illuminated Film Company. Directed by Edward Foster, it debuted in the United Kingdom in 2006 and is currently shown in the UK as part of Channel 5's \"Milkshake!\" and – as \"Y Dywysoges Fach\" – in the children's programming strand \"Cyw\" on the Welsh language channel S4C. In English, the stories are narrated by Julian Clary, who also provides the voice of the cat Puss. Jane Horrocks provides the voice of the Little Princess. The series is based on the original books by Tony Ross", "psg_id": "10699856" }, { "title": "Brother's Little Helper", "text": "Brother's Little Helper \"Brother's Little Helper\" is the second episode of \"The Simpsons\"<nowiki>'</nowiki> 11th season. It first aired on the Fox network in the United States on October 3, 1999. In the episode, Bart floods the school gymnasium and the schoolyard, which prompts the school's principal Seymour Skinner to diagnose Bart with ADHD. Bart is prescribed a psychostimulant drug called Focusyn (a parody of Ritalin), and initially starts paying more attention to his studies. After a while however, Bart starts turning psychotic and is convinced that Major League Baseball is watching over the people of Springfield. The episode was directed", "psg_id": "4984142" }, { "title": "Mother's Little Helper", "text": "Mother's Little Helper \"Mother's Little Helper\" is a song by the English rock band the Rolling Stones. It first appeared as the opening track to the United Kingdom version of their 1966 album \"Aftermath\". It was released as a single in the United States and peaked at number eight on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 singles chart in 1966. The B-side \"Lady Jane\" peaked at number 24. The song deals with the sudden popularity of prescribed calming drugs among housewives, and the potential hazards of overdose or addiction. The drug in question is variously assumed to be meprobamate (Miltown) or diazepam", "psg_id": "8314560" }, { "title": "Brother's Little Helper", "text": "replies, \"Looks like it. Run and get daddy's exorcism tongs.\" About the word, Mark Peters and Daniel O' Brien of wrote \"We'd be lying if we said we didn't go out to every Christian-themed general store in the country hoping to acquire our very own set of exorcism tongs the day this episode aired.\" Brother's Little Helper \"Brother's Little Helper\" is the second episode of \"The Simpsons\"<nowiki>'</nowiki> 11th season. It first aired on the Fox network in the United States on October 3, 1999. In the episode, Bart floods the school gymnasium and the schoolyard, which prompts the school's", "psg_id": "4984162" }, { "title": "Little People (TV series)", "text": "Little People (TV series) Little People is an animated TV show based on the Fisher-Price toy line of the same name, produced by HIT Entertainment, and broadcast on Sprout International the show was pickup by Cartoonito and Tiny Pop (UK), Piwi+, Super RTL, Rai YoYo, MiniMini+, RTL Nederland, Discovery Kids (Latin America), E-TV (South Africa), TV Cultura (Brazil), Canal Panda (Portugal), Televisa (Mexico), and Family Jr. (Canada). It premiered on Sprout on March 7, 2016. It has been renewed for a second season, set to air sometime in 2018. The show was placed into pre-production in June 2014 for a", "psg_id": "19867305" }, { "title": "Downward Dog (TV series)", "text": "the series has a score of 71 out of 100, based on 20 critics, indicating \"generally favorable reviews\". However, the series was canceled after the first season. Downward Dog (TV series) Downward Dog is an American comedy television series broadcast on ABC from May 17 to June 27, 2017. In September 2015, ABC placed a pilot order for the series, which was based on a web series by Animal Media Group. On May 12, 2016, ABC picked up the series for the 2016–17 season as a mid-season replacement. The series premiered on May 17, 2017, before starting its Tuesday run", "psg_id": "19572408" }, { "title": "Mother's Little Helper", "text": "of the song being the idea of Bill Wyman, who also contributed a powerful and distinctive bass riff. Mother's Little Helper \"Mother's Little Helper\" is a song by the English rock band the Rolling Stones. It first appeared as the opening track to the United Kingdom version of their 1966 album \"Aftermath\". It was released as a single in the United States and peaked at number eight on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 singles chart in 1966. The B-side \"Lady Jane\" peaked at number 24. The song deals with the sudden popularity of prescribed calming drugs among housewives, and the potential", "psg_id": "8314562" }, { "title": "The Dog Ate My Homework (TV series)", "text": "The Dog Ate My Homework (TV series) The Dog Ate My Homework is a British children's panel show hosted by Iain Stirling and stars Chris Lawrence as Mr Smash and Ian West, previously Stephanie Fulton, as The Dog. The series previously starred Susan Morrison as a Dinner Lady and a School Nurse. The show is produced by CBBC Productions Scotland for CBBC that began on 17 January 2014. A panel of two celebrities (usually comedians or CBBC stars) and a child doing various games and tasks. Series 2 began on 23 January 2015, a Christmas special aired on 16 December", "psg_id": "19804033" }, { "title": "Dog and Duck (TV series)", "text": "2000, as \"Dog And Duck - The Best Of Friends\". Dog and Duck (TV series) Dog and Duck is a British preschool children's television show that was broadcast on CITV between 2000 and 2003. Dog and Duck was produced by United Productions, later part of the UNM Group (United News & Media) for Meridian. The show centres on the characters of Dog and Duck, two toys who came alive when their owners were not looking. Other characters in the series included Piano, Tele and Elephant. The show featured a young Carrie Hope Fletcher as Jenny. The series was produced by", "psg_id": "13516582" }, { "title": "Hot Dog (TV series)", "text": "a motion picture star, director, and writer. Portions of \"Hot Dog\" were also seen on a local KNBC children's program in Los Angeles, \"That's Cat\", which debuted in 1976. In 1971 the Individual topic segments were sold to schools on 16mm film. Hot Dog (TV series) Hot Dog is a Saturday morning documentary series for children, seen on NBC from September 12, 1970 to September 4, 1971. Created by Frank Buxton and co-produced by Buxton and Lee Mendelson, the program was notable for its hosts – Jo Anne Worley, comedian Jonathan Winters and writer and actor Woody Allen. The pilot,", "psg_id": "10576998" }, { "title": "Mother's Little Helper (Once Upon a Time)", "text": "Mother's Little Helper (Once Upon a Time) \"Mother's Little Helper\" is the sixteenth episode of the sixth season of the American fantasy drama series \"Once Upon a Time\", which aired on April 9, 2017. In this episode, Gideon's past with the Black Fairy and his vengeance towards his grandmother is revealed, as Gideon blackmails Emma into defeating the Black Fairy in order to return Hook back to Storybrooke. Meanwhile Hook teams up with Blackbeard to find a way to return, only to end up back in Neverland, whilst Regina turns to an imprisoned Isaac when Henry's powers as the Author", "psg_id": "19950529" }, { "title": "Hot Dog (TV series)", "text": "Hot Dog (TV series) Hot Dog is a Saturday morning documentary series for children, seen on NBC from September 12, 1970 to September 4, 1971. Created by Frank Buxton and co-produced by Buxton and Lee Mendelson, the program was notable for its hosts – Jo Anne Worley, comedian Jonathan Winters and writer and actor Woody Allen. The pilot, televised on March 28, 1970, starred Worley, Allen and Tom Smothers, who was replaced with Winters when the show became a series. Based on Buxton's travels as a comedian (and later, as host of the ABC series, \"Discovery\"), which took him on", "psg_id": "10576996" }, { "title": "Dog and Duck (TV series)", "text": "Dog and Duck (TV series) Dog and Duck is a British preschool children's television show that was broadcast on CITV between 2000 and 2003. Dog and Duck was produced by United Productions, later part of the UNM Group (United News & Media) for Meridian. The show centres on the characters of Dog and Duck, two toys who came alive when their owners were not looking. Other characters in the series included Piano, Tele and Elephant. The show featured a young Carrie Hope Fletcher as Jenny. The series was produced by Tracey Mulcrone and directed by Bob Harvey, with animation from", "psg_id": "13516580" }, { "title": "Santa's Little Helper (EP)", "text": "same box as our Christmas tree for 11 months of the year. So when December came around, it was a really special experience for my brother and me to unpack the CDs and put them on as we all decorated the house.\" adding \"It was, and still is, a really magical time at our place\". In an interview with Kelly Fuller on ABC radio, Rae told she's always wanted to make a Christmas album. Santa's Little Helper (EP) Santa's Little Helper is the debut extended play and first Christmas release by Australian country music singer Jasmine Rae. The EP includes", "psg_id": "20881843" }, { "title": "Little Princess (TV series)", "text": "and follows the success of Ross's 1986 book 'I Want My Potty', which was also turned into a 5-minute short film. Great Uncle Walter is voiced by Brian Blessed and General, Prime Minister, Gardener, and Chef are all voiced by Colin McFarlane. The show is also broadcast in, amongst other countries: Series 4 will air in 2018. Little Princess (TV series) Little Princess is a British children's television series created by The Illuminated Film Company. Directed by Edward Foster, it debuted in the United Kingdom in 2006 and is currently shown in the UK as part of Channel 5's \"Milkshake!\"", "psg_id": "10699857" }, { "title": "What We Do in the Shadows (TV series)", "text": "had the potential to recur should the production receive a series order. On April 11, 2018, it was reported that Hayden Szeto had been cast in the pilot. On October 7, 2018, the series held a panel at the annual New York Comic Con moderated by \"Rolling Stone\"s Alan Sepinwall and featuring co-creators Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement, along with fellow executive producer Paul Simms. Before the panel began, the first episode of the series was screened for the audience. What We Do in the Shadows (TV series) What We Do in the Shadows is an upcoming American comedy television", "psg_id": "20703080" }, { "title": "Little Roy (TV series)", "text": "Little Roy (TV series) Little Roy is an Irish children's television show, filmed in Dublin, Ireland, which is broadcast by TRTÉ and RTÉ TWO In Ireland, CBBC and CBeebies in the United Kingdom and ABC Kids in Australia. It began and also airs on CBeebies. The show centres on the title character Roy O'Brien, the 5-year-old animated son of a live-action family. The series is a prequel of \"Roy\", another British-Irish television show which ran from 1 July 2009 to 7 April 2015. Creator of \"Roy\", Alan Shannon, is the series director. The show follows the everyday life of five-year-old", "psg_id": "19546251" }, { "title": "The Dog Ate My Homework (TV series)", "text": "all appeared multiple times as one of the guest panelists on the show. 11 appearances 9 appearances 7 appearances 6 appearances 5 appearances 4 appearances 3 appearances 2 appearances Susan Calman, Dan Wright and Dodge T. Dog are the only panelists to have featured in every series. However, none of them featured in the stand-alone Christmas special. The following have all made a single appearance as one of the guest panellists on the show: The Dog Ate My Homework (TV series) The Dog Ate My Homework is a British children's panel show hosted by Iain Stirling and stars Chris Lawrence", "psg_id": "19804035" }, { "title": "Clifford the Big Red Dog (TV series)", "text": "John Goodman as George Wolfsbottom, and Jenna Elfman as Dorothy the Cow. The film also serves as the series finale. Clifford the Big Red Dog (TV series) Clifford the Big Red Dog is an American educational animated children's television series, based upon Norman Bridwell's children's book series of the same name. Produced by Scholastic Productions, it originally aired on PBS Kids from September 4, 2000 to February 25, 2003. The UK version (where it was dubbed with British voice actors replacing the original American soundtrack) originally aired on BBC 2 on 1 April 2002. John Ritter voiced Clifford in all", "psg_id": "12706193" }, { "title": "Clifford the Big Red Dog (TV series)", "text": "Clifford the Big Red Dog (TV series) Clifford the Big Red Dog is an American educational animated children's television series, based upon Norman Bridwell's children's book series of the same name. Produced by Scholastic Productions, it originally aired on PBS Kids from September 4, 2000 to February 25, 2003. The UK version (where it was dubbed with British voice actors replacing the original American soundtrack) originally aired on BBC 2 on 1 April 2002. John Ritter voiced Clifford in all episodes. This was originally done by Brent Titcomb in the 1988 direct-to-video series. Generally speaking, Ritter's schedule dictated the production", "psg_id": "12706186" }, { "title": "Little House on the Prairie (TV series)", "text": "townspeoples' singing on the English audio of the last scene of the final movie, \"The Last Farewell.\" In October 2012, Sony Pictures announced that a film based on the series's pilot is under development, with Scott Rudin as the producer. However, the film was later on turnaround to Paramount Pictures in 2016, where the film resumed development. It has Sean Durkin as the director and Abi Morgan as the screenwriter, although Rudin is still the film’s producer. No actors have been selected or joined the cast yet. Little House on the Prairie (TV series) Little House on the Prairie (known", "psg_id": "2790318" }, { "title": "My Life as a Dog (TV series)", "text": "for \"Best Performance in a Children's or Youth Program or Series\" for his role as Johnny Johansson. Michael Yarmush won the 1998 Young Artist Award for \"Best Performance in a TV Drama Series - Leading Young Actor\" and was nominated for a YoungStar Award for \"Best Performance by a Young Actor in a Drama TV Series\" the same year. My Life as a Dog (TV series) My Life as a Dog is a contemporary, half-hour Canadian TV series that aired in 1996 and ran for 22 episodes. It was based on the 1985 Swedish movie of the same name and", "psg_id": "7111343" }, { "title": "Beware of Dog (TV series)", "text": "press. Animal Planet cancelled the series before the scheduled airing of the third episode. As of now, the remaining episodes remain unaired. \"Beware of Dog\" was directed by Richard Martin, who also served in that position for the motion pictures \"Matinee\" and \"\". Rob Gilmer (\"Out of Time\") was the screenwriter. The executive producers were Don Enright, Elizabeth Mozden, and Les Alexander. Beware of Dog (TV series) Beware of Dog is an American sitcom that was aired on Animal Planet. While it had two episodes broadcast consecutively on August 13, 2002, this was the only time that the series made", "psg_id": "9242981" }, { "title": "Poco... Little Dog Lost", "text": "International Airport in Sacramento, California. Muffin, the dog who plays the title character of Poco, also appeared in the television series CHiPs, in the Season 1, Episode 3 episode entitled \"Dog Gone.\" Poco... Little Dog Lost Poco... Little Dog Lost is a 1977 American independent family adventure drama film about a young girl, Kim (Michelle Ashburn), and her dog, Poco. Early in the film, both Kim and her mother are injured in a car accident. An emergency medical crew arrives to help them and bring them to the hospital. But Kim's dog, Poco, gets spooked during the commotion and runs", "psg_id": "11747149" }, { "title": "Little Dorrit (TV series)", "text": "Davies, who made 2006's \"Bleak House\" one of the best TV shows of the year, crafts another superb script, with characters and incidents squeezing out the sides, just the thing to satisfy close observers, which anyone joining this maxi mini-series should be. Costumes, sets, and actors, a broad lot of those super-skilled, terrifically trained Brits, make for sumptuous viewing . . . You pretty much know what to expect when \"Masterpiece\" visits the 19th century. But \"Little Dorrit\" stands at the high end of a very lofty list of period-piece achievement. It's big entertainment.\" In her review in \"The New", "psg_id": "10444818" }, { "title": "Little Angels (TV series)", "text": "Little Angels (TV series) Little Angels is a Bafta-nominated British reality television show which ran for three series on BBC Three (2004–2006). The series, in the docu-soap genre, aimed to show parents how to overcome common behavioural problems in their children, using a team of experts who observed and gave advice. The format of each programme involved experts monitoring the behaviour of the family and the children, before discussing with the parents the real underlying causes of the problem, which frequently involved the parents themselves. The experts then discussed a course of action with the parents, later coaching them on", "psg_id": "10947935" }, { "title": "Seven Little Monsters (TV series)", "text": "Seven Little Monsters (TV series) (Maurice Sendak's) Seven Little Monsters, or (Maurice Sendak's) 7 Little Monsters, is a Canadian children's television program about a family of seven monsters and their mother. The series, based on the book by the same name, was created by Maurice Sendak and directed by Neil Affleck, Lynn Reist, and Glenn Sylvestor. Each monster is named after a different number from one to seven, and each has unique physical characteristics. The series was aired on PBS Kids stations, most notably WNET, as part of the \"PBS Kids Bookworm Bunch\" from 2000–2003, and made an individual PBS", "psg_id": "5889239" }, { "title": "Dog of Death", "text": "Orange\", including the way Santa's Little Helper's eyes are held open while he is forced to watch a film featuring dog abuse, such as dogs being physically assaulted and getting their heads slammed by falling toilet lids. Ludwig van Beethoven's ninth symphony is heard during the sequence. In another scene, the dog Lassie is referenced when Santa's Little Helper rescues a child from a burning building. Homer claims that Santa's Little Helper will be going to Doggie Heaven, while Richard Nixon's dog Checkers and Adolf Hitler's dog Blondi will be going to Doggie Hell. The doctor who performs the surgery", "psg_id": "6619176" }, { "title": "Little House on the Prairie (TV series)", "text": "last one produced. None of the available releases of the series contain \"Little House Years\", which was a three-hour Thanksgiving special aired during Season 6 that largely consisted of flashback clips. While the re-releases are substantially better than what was previously available, there are a handful of episodes that still were released in edited form or contain other problems. The most significant of these, affecting all formats of the remastered releases, include over 3 minutes missing from the Season 7 episode, \"Divorce, Walnut Grove Style,\" almost 4 minutes missing from Season 9's \"Home Again,\" and extremely low volume of the", "psg_id": "2790317" }, { "title": "Dog of Death", "text": "\"Herald Sun\" named this episode's chalkboard gag, \"I saw nothing unusual in the teacher's lounge\", the third-best chalkboard gag in the show's history. While reviewing the episode in 2011, Nathan Rabin of \"The A.V. Club\" noted, \"perhaps because he’s a fucking dog, Santa’s Little Helper is never developed as fully as the other characters, so the requisite episode-ending orgy of sentimentality when Santa's Little Helper is joyously reunited with Bart feels a little cheap and unearned.\" Dog of Death \"Dog of Death\" is the 19th episode of \"The Simpsons\"<nowiki>'</nowiki> third season. It originally aired on the Fox network in the", "psg_id": "6619188" }, { "title": "Family Fortunes (Irish TV series)", "text": "Family Fortunes (Irish TV series) Alan Hughes' Family Fortunes is an Irish television game show, based on the American game show \"Family Feud\". Hosted by Alan Hughes it airs on TV3 on Saturday nights at 9pm. Starting 24 March, the show took a break to accommodate TV3 simultaneous broadcas Two family teams, each with five members, would be asked to guess the results of surveys, in which 100 people would be asked open ended questions (e.g. \"we asked 100 people to name something associated with the country Iceland\" or \"we asked 100 people to name a breed of dog\"). Each", "psg_id": "15851856" }, { "title": "Bart's Dog Gets an \"F\"", "text": "eaten his cookie, which Homer had bought earlier, he demands that the family get rid of the dog and laughs at the children when Marge agrees with him, but the children, terrified that Homer will take away their pet, promise their dad that they will train their dog to prevent future circumstances. Santa's Little Helper does not do well at the obedience school as Bart is reluctant to use a choke chain suggested by the school's instructor Emily Winthrop. The night before the final exam, Bart and Santa's Little Helper play, thinking it will be their last few hours together.", "psg_id": "6255796" }, { "title": "Love Family (TV series)", "text": "his \"Little Angel\". Unpleasant and fierce oldest daughter Xu You Ai, soft spoken middle daughter Xu You Qing who is also a single mother, spoiled youngest daughter Xu You Meng who has a spending problem and You Ai's best friend Zhang Yin Yin who is blunt and opinionated. The 2013 Sanlih Drama Awards Ceremony were held on December 22, 2013 at Sanlih's headquarters and broadcasting studios at No. 159, Section 1, Jiuzong Rd, Neihu District Taipei City, Taiwan. Love Family (TV series) Love Family () is a 2013 till 2014 Taiwanese romance, family, comedy television series produced by Sanlih E-Television.", "psg_id": "18529532" }, { "title": "Mad Dog (TV series)", "text": "Myung was initially offered the role of Kim Min-joon. Mad Dog (TV series) Mad Dog () is a South Korean television series starring Yoo Ji-tae, Woo Do-hwan, and Ryu Hwa-young. It aired on KBS2, from October 11, 2017 to November 30, 2017 on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 22:00 (KST) for 16 episodes. Choi Kang-woo, a former police and leader of Taeyang Insurance's investigators team, decides to create his own investigation team, after an airplane crash that took the life of his wife and son. He then meet Kim Min-joon, a genius former swindler whose brother was also a victim of", "psg_id": "20384388" }, { "title": "Mad Dog (TV series)", "text": "Mad Dog (TV series) Mad Dog () is a South Korean television series starring Yoo Ji-tae, Woo Do-hwan, and Ryu Hwa-young. It aired on KBS2, from October 11, 2017 to November 30, 2017 on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 22:00 (KST) for 16 episodes. Choi Kang-woo, a former police and leader of Taeyang Insurance's investigators team, decides to create his own investigation team, after an airplane crash that took the life of his wife and son. He then meet Kim Min-joon, a genius former swindler whose brother was also a victim of the crash, thus begin their rivalry and cooperation. Gong", "psg_id": "20384387" }, { "title": "What Remains (TV series)", "text": "of uncertainty about a closing sequence that packed more action into ten minutes than the previous three hours and 50 minutes.\" Ben Walsh of \"The Independent\" gave it four out of five stars and said \"David Threlfall excels as the retired detective who can't let this case go, and, up until the bonkers and gothic last 10 minutes, this is beautifully paced TV.\" \"What Remains\" was longlisted for the drama category of the National Television Awards. Acorn Media UK released the series on DVD on 7 October 2013. What Remains (TV series) What Remains is a British television drama series", "psg_id": "17514521" }, { "title": "Little Women (1981 TV series)", "text": "Little Women (1981 TV series) Little Women, also known as or , is a 1981 Japanese animated television series adaptation of Louisa May Alcott's \"Little Women\". The series is directed by Kazuya Miyazaki (a veteran Toei director whose credits included \"Cutie Honey\" and \"UFO Robo Grendizer\" among others) and produced by Toei Animation for the Kokusai Eiga-sha (Movie International) company. The series was produced as a follow-up to a TV special based on Alcott's novel the previous year by the same animation studio. The TV series character designs differ slightly from those of the TV special; Jo, for example, while", "psg_id": "10016189" }, { "title": "The Little Mermaid (TV series)", "text": "Princess Collection: The series has not yet been officially released on DVD. However, four episodes were released as part of the \"Disney Princess\" DVD releases. As of August 24, all 31 episodes of the series is available for purchase on iTunes in two volumes. From the series, was made into a spin-off as segment of the \"Marsupilami\" series, starring Sebastian the crab, which is located outside the sea after the wedding between Ariel and Eric in the film. The Little Mermaid (TV series) Disney's The Little Mermaid is an American animated television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation based", "psg_id": "2439983" }, { "title": "Little House on the Prairie (TV series)", "text": "the condition that he could also play Charles Ingalls. The regular series was preceded by a two-hour pilot movie, which first aired on March 30, 1974. The series premiered on the NBC network on September 11, 1974, and last aired on May 10, 1982. During the 1982–83 television season, with the departure of Landon and Grassle, the series was broadcast with the new title \"Little House: A New Beginning\". In 1997, \"TV Guide\" ranked the two-part episode \"I'll Be Waving As You Drive Away\" at 97 on its 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time list. A film adaptation of the", "psg_id": "2790291" } ]
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if omnipotence is latin for all powerful, what is latin for all knowing?
[ { "title": "Latin for All Occasions", "text": "Latin for All Occasions Latin for All Occasions (\"Lingua Latina Occasionibus Omnibus\") is a 1990 book by Henry Beard, and Latin for Even More Occasions (\"Lingua Latina Multo Pluribus Occasionibus\") is a 1991 sequel. Both contain translations of modern English phrases into mostly literal Latin equivalents. Beard is known as a humorist but studied Latin for eight years at Harvard. He wrote the Latin himself, but had it checked and polished by scholars Mark Sugars and Winifred Lewellen. The idea for the books was from John Boswell. The illustrations are by Mikhail Ivenitsky and both books were published by Villard", "psg_id": "5670580" }, { "title": "Latin for All Occasions", "text": "Books, a division of Random House. The translations are mostly direct, so an English expression like \"Get your ducks in a row\" is translated as \"Anates tuas in acie instrue\". The significance of having ducks lined up would presumably be a mystery to an ancient Roman, or indeed to a non-American. Some of the phrases are not even intended to be helpful, and are included instead purely for the purposes of comedy: Latin for All Occasions Latin for All Occasions (\"Lingua Latina Occasionibus Omnibus\") is a 1990 book by Henry Beard, and Latin for Even More Occasions (\"Lingua Latina Multo", "psg_id": "5670581" }, { "title": "Omnipotence", "text": "its own laws unless there were an overwhelming reason to do so. The word \"Omnipotence\" derives from the Latin term \"\"Omni Potens\"\", meaning \"All-Powerful\" instead of \"Infinite Power\" implied by its English counterpart. The term could be applied to both deities and Roman Emperors. Being the one with \"All the power\", it was not uncommon for nobles to attempt to prove their Emperor's \"\"Omni Potens\"\" to the people, by demonstrating his effectiveness at leading the Empire. St. Thomas Aquinas, OP acknowledged difficulty in comprehending the Deity's power: \"All confess that God is omnipotent; but it seems difficult to explain in", "psg_id": "304699" }, { "title": "Latin", "text": "Christian vocabulary became a part of the language, either from Greek or Hebrew borrowings or as Latin neologisms. Continuing into the Middle Ages, Latin incorporated many more words from surrounding languages, including Old English and other Germanic languages. Over the ages, Latin-speaking populations produced new adjectives, nouns, and verbs by affixing or compounding meaningful segments. For example, the compound adjective, \"omnipotens\", \"all-powerful,\" was produced from the adjectives \"omnis\", \"all\", and \"potens\", \"powerful\", by dropping the final \"s\" of \"omnis\" and concatenating. Often, the concatenation changed the part of speech, and nouns were produced from verb segments or verbs from nouns", "psg_id": "233593" }, { "title": "Omnipotence", "text": "what His omnipotence precisely consists: for there may be doubt as to the precise meaning of the word 'all' when we say that God can do all things. If, however, we consider the matter aright, since power is said in reference to possible things, this phrase, 'God can do all things,' is rightly understood to mean that God can do all things that are possible; and for this reason He is said to be omnipotent.\" In the scholastic understanding, omnipotence is generally understood to be compatible with certain limitations or restrictions. A proposition that is necessarily true is one whose", "psg_id": "304700" }, { "title": "Classics for All", "text": "Classics for All Classics For All is a UK-based charity that aims to raise funds to support the study of Latin, Ancient History, Classical Civilization and Ancient Greek in state schools. The objectives of the charity are 'to advance education in the languages history and culture of both ancient Greece and Rome and the Classical World generally'. Classics For All was established in 2011. The charity financially supports re-training History, English, and Modern Foreign Language teachers in Latin, Classical Civilisation and Greek. It gives grants to purchase teaching provisions, funds events promoting classics, and helps schools to add classical subjects", "psg_id": "20928224" }, { "title": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Instrumental Album", "text": "the name of Best Pop Instrumental Album now intended for full albums. In 2004 the category was renamed Best Instrumental Album and moved to the newly created instrumental field which now includes all forms of Latin instrumental music. Each year is linked to the article about the Latin Grammy Awards held that year. Latin Grammy Award for Best Instrumental Album The Latin Grammy Award for Best Instrumental Album is an honor presented annually at the Latin Grammy Awards, a ceremony that recognizes excellence and creates a wider awareness of cultural diversity and contributions of Latin recording artists in the United", "psg_id": "12678739" }, { "title": "Problems in Latin squares", "text": "a Latin square of order n. Estimate T(n). Describe how all Latin subsquares in multiplication tables of Moufang loops arise. A partial Latin square has \"Blackburn property\" if whenever the cells (i,j) and (k,l) are occupied by the same symbol, the opposite corners (i,l) and (k,j) are empty. What is the highest achievable density of filled cells in a partial Latin square with the Blackburn property? In particular, is there some constant c > 0 such that we can always fill at least c n cells? Let formula_1 be the number of Latin squares of order n. What is the", "psg_id": "10634734" }, { "title": "Association for Latin Liturgy", "text": "stated aims are as follows: Association for Latin Liturgy The Association for Latin Liturgy is a British lay Catholic organisation which promotes greater use of Latin in the Mass. It was founded in 1969 by Dick Richens who was formerly a member of the Latin Mass Society. Unlike the Latin Mass Society, the Association for Latin Liturgy does not insist on just the Tridentine Mass, but also the Mass of Paul VI in Latin. Indeed, it was because the Latin Mass Society voted not to adopt the New Mass that some members left as they felt that such a move", "psg_id": "8812184" }, { "title": "Association for Latin Liturgy", "text": "Association for Latin Liturgy The Association for Latin Liturgy is a British lay Catholic organisation which promotes greater use of Latin in the Mass. It was founded in 1969 by Dick Richens who was formerly a member of the Latin Mass Society. Unlike the Latin Mass Society, the Association for Latin Liturgy does not insist on just the Tridentine Mass, but also the Mass of Paul VI in Latin. Indeed, it was because the Latin Mass Society voted not to adopt the New Mass that some members left as they felt that such a move could be considered schismatic. Its", "psg_id": "8812183" }, { "title": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Latin Jazz/Jazz Album", "text": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Latin Jazz/Jazz Album The Latin Grammy Award for Best Latin Jazz/Jazz Album is an honor presented annually at the Latin Grammy Awards, a ceremony that recognizes excellence and creates a wider awareness of cultural diversity and contributions of Latin recording artists in the United States and internationally. The award has been given to artists since the 1st Latin Grammy Awards in 2000 for vocal or instrumental albums containing more than half of its playing time of newly recorded material in Spanish or Portuguese. Latin jazz is a mixture of musical genres, including Afro-Caribbean and Pan-American", "psg_id": "15105082" }, { "title": "Graeco-Latin square", "text": "≥ 3 except Graeco-Latin squares are used in the design of experiments, tournament scheduling, and constructing magic squares. The French writer Georges Perec structured his 1978 novel around a 10×10 Graeco-Latin square. A set of Latin squares is called mutually orthogonal if each Latin square in the set is pairwise orthogonal to all other Latin squares of the set. The above table shows four mutually orthogonal Latin squares of order 5, representing respectively: Due to the Latin square property, each row and each column has all five texts, all five foregrounds, all five backgrounds, and all five typefaces. These properties", "psg_id": "2656216" }, { "title": "Pontifical Academy for Latin", "text": "Pontifical Academy for Latin The Pontifical Academy for Latin () is the eleventh and newest pontifical academy. Headquartered in the Vatican City, it was established for the promotion and appreciation of the Latin language and culture. The Academy replaces the Latinitas Foundation and is linked to the Pontifical Council for Culture on which it depends. It was founded on 10 November 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI with the motu proprio \"Latina Lingua\", with a view to preserve and spread knowledge of the different versions of modern and ancient Latin, including and emphasizing, but by no means limited to, ecclesiastical Latin", "psg_id": "16896054" }, { "title": "Latin Wikipedia", "text": "When occasionally a term for a modern concept cannot be found, the customary practice is to do exactly what most other languages do: to borrow an international word (often from a Romance language or English). Such direct borrowing was done for the particle names and and for the unit of temperature . The word is given a Latin morphology if this can be done easily, or, if not, used unchanged in its foreign form; but many international words already have a Latin or Graeco-Latin appearance, because Greek and Latin have always served as sources of new scientific terminology. Vicipaedia made", "psg_id": "9646189" }, { "title": "Latin square", "text": "The same is true the ordered pairs (\"r\",\"s\") and the ordered pairs (\"c\",\"s\"). The orthogonal array representation shows that rows, columns and symbols play rather similar roles, as will be made clear below. Many operations on a Latin square produce another Latin square (for example, turning it upside down). If we permute the rows, permute the columns, and permute the names of the symbols of a Latin square, we obtain a new Latin square said to be \"isotopic\" to the first. Isotopism is an equivalence relation, so the set of all Latin squares is divided into subsets, called \"isotopy classes\",", "psg_id": "483017" }, { "title": "Vulgar Latin", "text": "written code and abandoned as a useful secondary \"roof language\" (Dachsprache), naturally spoken Latin changed as all languages do. In terms of regional differences for the whole Latin period \"we can only glimpse a tiny amount of divergence with the actual written data. In texts of all kinds, literary, technical, and all others, the written Latin of the first five or six centuries A.D. looks as if it were territorially homogeneous, even in its \"vulgar\" register. It is only in the later texts, of the seventh and eighth centuries, that we are able to see in the texts geographical differences", "psg_id": "629864" }, { "title": "Latin for Lovers", "text": "Latin for Lovers Latin for Lovers was a Doris Day album, mostly composed of songs originating in Latin America, released by Columbia Records on March 22, 1965 as a monophonic LP (catalog number CL-2310) and a stereophonic album (catalog number CS-9110). Although \"Fly Me to the Moon\" was not of Latin-American origin, it was an early song adapted to the bossa nova dance then becoming popular, and so associated at the time with Latin America. A Columbia 45 r.p.m. single. #4-43278, was released to coincide with the album. It featured \"How Insensitive\" as the a-side and \"Meditation\" as the b-side.", "psg_id": "8499662" }, { "title": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Traditional Tropical Album", "text": "combined, excluding the two nominations by Juan de Marcos González (with Afro-Cuban All Stars and Sierra Maestra, respectively). Each year is linked to the article about the Latin Grammy Awards held that year. Latin Grammy Award for Best Traditional Tropical Album The Latin Grammy Award for Best Traditional Tropical Album is an honor presented annually at the Latin Grammy Awards, a ceremony that recognizes excellence and creates a wider awareness of cultural diversity and contributions of Latin recording artists in the United States and internationally. The award goes to solo artists, duos, or groups for releasing vocal or instrumental albums", "psg_id": "15085823" }, { "title": "Vulgar Latin", "text": "the masses (') in daily speaking (') and was perceived as lower-class ('). These vocabulary items manifest no opposition to the written language. There was an opposition to higher-class, or family Latin (good family) in \"sermo familiaris\" and very rarely literature might be termed \"sermo nobilis\". The supposed \"sermo classicus\" is a scholarly fiction unattested in the dictionary. All kinds of \"sermo\" were spoken only, not written. If one wanted to refer to what in post-classical times was called classical Latin one resorted to the concept of ' (\"latinity\") or ' (adverb). If one spoke in the \"lingua\" or \"sermo", "psg_id": "629871" }, { "title": "Latin for Lovers", "text": "Neither song charted. The songs were arranged by Mort Garson, who also conducted the Orchestra. The album was reissued in 2001, combined with \"Doris Day's Sentimental Journey,\" as a CD. Latin for Lovers Latin for Lovers was a Doris Day album, mostly composed of songs originating in Latin America, released by Columbia Records on March 22, 1965 as a monophonic LP (catalog number CL-2310) and a stereophonic album (catalog number CS-9110). Although \"Fly Me to the Moon\" was not of Latin-American origin, it was an early song adapted to the bossa nova dance then becoming popular, and so associated at", "psg_id": "8499663" }, { "title": "Billboard Latin Music Award for Latin Rhythm Album of the Year", "text": "nationalities. Each year is linked to the article about the \"Billboard\" Latin Music Awards held that year. Billboard Latin Music Award for Latin Rhythm Album of the Year The \"Billboard\" Latin Music Award for Latin Rhythm Album of the Year is an honor that is presented annually at the \"Billboard\" Latin Music Awards, a ceremony which honors \"the most popular albums, songs, and performers in Latin music, as determined by the actual sales, radio airplay, streaming and social data that shapes \"Billboard's\" weekly charts.\" The accolade for Latin Rhythm Album of the Year was first presented at the fifteenth \"Billboard\"", "psg_id": "18864336" }, { "title": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Tropical Album", "text": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Tropical Album The Latin Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Tropical Album is an honor presented annually at the Latin Grammy Awards, a ceremony that recognizes excellence and promotes a wider awareness of cultural diversity and contributions of Latin recording artists in the United States and internationally. According to the category description guide for the 13th Latin Grammy Awards, the award is for vocal or instrumental contemporary tropical albums containing at least 51 percent playing time of newly recorded material. It is awarded to solo artists or groups; if the work is a tribute album", "psg_id": "15085126" }, { "title": "Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies", "text": "and Sociology.” Although nominally a regional meeting, participants came from universities all over the U.S., as well as some from Mexico, Canada, and Europe. The wide geographical draw of the meeting is of long standing. Meetings have been held in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Utah. The organization awards a number of named prizes awarded at its annual meeting. Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies is a regional Latin American studies association founded in 1954. It meets annually at varying locations in the Southwest of the U.S. The Pan American Union was", "psg_id": "19595399" }, { "title": "Billboard Latin Music Award for Latin Rhythm Album of the Year", "text": "Billboard Latin Music Award for Latin Rhythm Album of the Year The \"Billboard\" Latin Music Award for Latin Rhythm Album of the Year is an honor that is presented annually at the \"Billboard\" Latin Music Awards, a ceremony which honors \"the most popular albums, songs, and performers in Latin music, as determined by the actual sales, radio airplay, streaming and social data that shapes \"Billboard's\" weekly charts.\" The accolade for Latin Rhythm Album of the Year was first presented at the fifteenth \"Billboard\" Latin Music Awards in 2009 to Panamanian singer Flex's \"\" (2008). The album, along with the title", "psg_id": "18864334" }, { "title": "Billboard Latin Music Award for Hot Latin Song of the Year", "text": "Billboard Latin Music Award for Hot Latin Song of the Year The \"Billboard\" Latin Music Award for Hot Latin Song of the Year (formerly Hot Latin Track of the Year) is an honor presented annually at the \"Billboard\" Latin Music Awards, a ceremony which honors \"the most popular albums, songs, and performers in Latin music, as determined by the actual sales, radio airplay, online streaming and social data that informs \"Billboard\"s weekly charts.\" The award is given to the best performing singles on \"Billboard\"s Hot Latin Songs chart, which measures the most popular Latin recordings in the United States. The", "psg_id": "20472771" }, { "title": "So It Is", "text": "music\" - \"LA Times\" \"If 2013's 'That's It!' marked a creative step forward for the Preservation Hall Jazz Band—their first recording in 50 years to feature all original compositions—then the new So It Is represents a flying leap\" – \"Jazz Times\" \"The album grooves nonstop\" – \"Entertainment Weekly\" \"Raw, no-holds-barred jazz and blues that they helped personally create a renaissance for, while surreptitiously luring their listeners into what often explodes into a full-on Afro-Latin dance party\" – \"AllMusic\" \"Ferociously powerful collection of — there's no better phrase — fucking jams\" – \"Stereogum\" \"Preservation Hall Jazz Band channel the verve of", "psg_id": "20340458" }, { "title": "Billboard Latin Music Award for Latin Jazz Album of the Year", "text": "Billboard Latin Music Award for Latin Jazz Album of the Year The \"Billboard\" Latin Music Award for Latin Jazz Album of the Year was an honor that was presented annually at the \"Billboard\" Latin Music Awards, a ceremony which honors \"the most popular albums, songs, and performers in Latin music, as determined by the actual sales, radio airplay, streaming and social data that shapes \"Billboard's\" weekly charts\". Latin jazz is a form of jazz music which incorporates various sounds from Latin America. The accolade for Latin Jazz Album of the Year was first presented at the inaugural \"Billboard\" Latin Music", "psg_id": "20923242" }, { "title": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Latin Jazz/Jazz Album", "text": "and Chucho Valdés won for Latin Jazz Album in 2010. Bebo and Chucho Valdés, Camilo, Gonzalo Rubalcaba, and Arturo Sandoval have twice been awarded. In 2012, the award was given to Sandoval for the album \"Dear Diz (Every Day I Think of You)\", which was also nominated for Album of the Year. Since its inception, the award has been presented to musicians or ensembles originating from Brazil, Cuba, Dominican Republic, United States, and Spain. Each year is linked to the article about the Latin Grammy Awards held that year. General Specific Latin Grammy Award for Best Latin Jazz/Jazz Album The", "psg_id": "15105084" }, { "title": "The Law is for All", "text": "for All\" was edited by Hymenaeus Beta based upon the final Wilkinson manuscript. Earlier editions from other manuscripts: The Law is for All The Law is for All is a collection of Aleister Crowley's commentary on \"The Book of the Law\", the central sacred text of Thelema. It was edited to be a primer of sorts into Crowley's general interpretations about the sometimes opaque text of Liber Legis. For this reason, the book omits many of the more complex qabalistic explanations that lean heavily on an understanding of gematria and The Tree of Life. As the original editor, Louis Wilkinson,", "psg_id": "7763114" }, { "title": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Singer-Songwriter Album", "text": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Singer-Songwriter Album The Latin Grammy Award for Best Singer-Songwriter Album is an honor presented annually at the Latin Grammy Awards, a ceremony that recognizes excellence and creates a wider awareness of cultural diversity and contributions of Latin recording artists in the United States and internationally. According to the category description guide for the 13th Latin Grammy Awards, the award is reserved for solo artists or duos and they \"must compose and interpret 75 percent of the album on their own to be eligible in this category\". Additionally, live albums are eligible if they contain at", "psg_id": "12678688" }, { "title": "Latin", "text": "from Harvard University. \"Wheelock's Latin\" has become the standard text for many American introductory Latin courses. The Living Latin movement attempts to teach Latin in the same way that living languages are taught, as a means of both spoken and written communication. It is available at the Vatican and at some institutions in the US, such as the University of Kentucky and Iowa State University. The British Cambridge University Press is a major supplier of Latin textbooks for all levels, such as the Cambridge Latin Course series. It has also published a subseries of children's texts in Latin by Bell", "psg_id": "233565" }, { "title": "Vulgar Latin", "text": "similar to and mostly mutually intelligible with Classical Latin. Latin changed from being a \"living natural mother tongue\"...\" to being a language foreign to all, which could not even be used or understood even by Romance-speakers except as a result of deliberate and systematic study, Herman op. cit. p. 110. If a date is wanted \"we could say Latin 'died' in the first part of the eighth century,\" Herman. p 115 and after a long period 650–800 A.D. of rapidly accelerating changes, Herman p. 119. Even after the end of Classical Latin people had no other names for the languages", "psg_id": "629862" }, { "title": "The City is For All", "text": "The City is For All The City is For All is a volunteer based grassroots organization operating in Budapest (Hungary), in which homeless (currently or past) and non-homeless activists work together for housing rights and social justice. The organization operates as an informal advocacy group. It is an independent group that depends on the volunteer work contribution and financial support of its members. The group represents a wide range of people living in poverty and/or homelessness. The group’s goal is to empower homeless people to stand up for their human dignity and to fight for right to housing. Homeless people", "psg_id": "14711591" }, { "title": "If It's All Right With You/Just What I've Been Looking For", "text": "If It's All Right With You/Just What I've Been Looking For If It's Alright With You/Just What I've Been Looking For is a 1974 RCA Records release by Dottie West. This album was clearly an attempt to introduce West, then a veteran country star for ten years, to the pop market, her first recording specifically aimed at crossover music appeal, with strings arrangements and pop love ballads. The album was also released in the quadrophonic disc format in a bid for appeal to audiophiles. The album produced two singles, the title songs \"If It's Alright With You\" and \"Just What", "psg_id": "16469299" }, { "title": "If Time Is All I Have", "text": "If Time Is All I Have \"If Time is All I Have\" is the third single from English singer-songwriter James Blunt's third studio album, \"Some Kind of Trouble\". The single was released as a digital download single in the United Kingdom on 4 April 2011. The single failed to chart on the UK Singles Chart, similar to the album's previous single, \"So Far Gone\". The song was released in Australia as the album's second single and has charted on the ARIA Charts at number 53. The single features similar artwork to that used for \"So Far Gone\", however, used a", "psg_id": "15514118" }, { "title": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Classical Contemporary Composition", "text": "Carlos Franzetti (two). Latin Grammy Award for Best Classical Contemporary Composition The Latin Grammy Award for Best Classical Contemporary Composition is given every year since the 9th Latin Grammy Awards ceremony, which took place at the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas. According to the category description guide for the 14th Annual Latin GRAMMY: \"For a newly recorded original composition composed within the last twenty-five (25) years (a Composition is NOT eligible if composed before 1988), and released for the first time within the Eligibility Year. Award to the Composer\" Composers with the most wins for this category are Claudia Montero", "psg_id": "15115697" }, { "title": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Classical Contemporary Composition", "text": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Classical Contemporary Composition The Latin Grammy Award for Best Classical Contemporary Composition is given every year since the 9th Latin Grammy Awards ceremony, which took place at the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas. According to the category description guide for the 14th Annual Latin GRAMMY: \"For a newly recorded original composition composed within the last twenty-five (25) years (a Composition is NOT eligible if composed before 1988), and released for the first time within the Eligibility Year. Award to the Composer\" Composers with the most wins for this category are Claudia Montero (three wins) and", "psg_id": "15115696" }, { "title": "That's What Life Is All About", "text": "was also included in the album That's What Life Is All About. Crosby used the song in his various concerts in 1976 including the London Palladium (June 21–July 4, 1976) as well as promoting the song on television shows such as Parkinson, The Vera Lynn Show, Stars on Sunday and Top of the Pops. The version sung at the Palladium was captured on the album Bing Crosby Live at the London Palladium. That's What Life Is All About \"That's What Life Is All About\" is a 1975 song by Bing Crosby. The song was originally written by Peter Dacre (lyrics)", "psg_id": "16991390" }, { "title": "Billboard Latin Music Award for Latin Jazz Album of the Year", "text": "the award in 2001. Chucho Valdés holds the record for the most nominations without a win, with four. The accolade was last presented in 2008 and discontinued a year later. Billboard Latin Music Award for Latin Jazz Album of the Year The \"Billboard\" Latin Music Award for Latin Jazz Album of the Year was an honor that was presented annually at the \"Billboard\" Latin Music Awards, a ceremony which honors \"the most popular albums, songs, and performers in Latin music, as determined by the actual sales, radio airplay, streaming and social data that shapes \"Billboard's\" weekly charts\". Latin jazz is", "psg_id": "20923244" }, { "title": "Billboard Latin Music Award for Hot Latin Song of the Year", "text": "only acts with two nominated songs in the same year, a milestone achieved twice by Santos. As of 2017, only Iglesias and Nicky Jam have won Hot Latin Song of the Year twice in a row. As of 2018, the holders are Luis Fonsi, Daddy Yankee, and Justin Bieber for the song \"Despacito\". Billboard Latin Music Award for Hot Latin Song of the Year The \"Billboard\" Latin Music Award for Hot Latin Song of the Year (formerly Hot Latin Track of the Year) is an honor presented annually at the \"Billboard\" Latin Music Awards, a ceremony which honors \"the most", "psg_id": "20472773" }, { "title": "The City is For All", "text": "the teams. The organization has four working groups. Article written on the basis of the organization's homepage. The City is For All The City is For All is a volunteer based grassroots organization operating in Budapest (Hungary), in which homeless (currently or past) and non-homeless activists work together for housing rights and social justice. The organization operates as an informal advocacy group. It is an independent group that depends on the volunteer work contribution and financial support of its members. The group represents a wide range of people living in poverty and/or homelessness. The group’s goal is to empower homeless", "psg_id": "14711596" }, { "title": "Pontifical Commission for Latin America", "text": "June 1988, \"the function of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America is to be available to the particular Churches in Latin America, by counsel and by action, taking a keen interest in the questions that affect the life and progress of those Churches; and especially to help the Churches themselves in the solution of those questions, or to be helpful to those dicasteries of the Curia that are involved by reason of their competence.\" Pontifical Commission for Latin America The Pontifical Commission for Latin America is a department of the Roman Curia. Established by Pope Pius XII on 19 April,", "psg_id": "11439997" }, { "title": "Billboard Latin Music Award for Latin Rhythm Airplay Song of the Year", "text": "Billboard Latin Music Award for Latin Rhythm Airplay Song of the Year The \"Billboard\" Latin Music Award for Latin Rhythm Airplay Song of the Year is an honor that is presented annually at the \"Billboard\" Latin Music Awards, a ceremony which honors \"the most popular albums, songs, and performers in Latin music, as determined by the actual sales, radio airplay, streaming and social data that informs \"Billboard's\" weekly charts.\" The accolade for Latin Rhythm Airplay Song of the Year was first presented at the fifteenth \"Billboard\" Latin Music Awards in 2009 to Panamanian singer Flex's \"Te Quiero\". The song along", "psg_id": "18863054" }, { "title": "Billboard Latin Music Award for Hot Latin Songs Artist of the Year", "text": "Billboard Latin Music Award for Hot Latin Songs Artist of the Year The \"Billboard\" Latin Music Award for Hot Latin Songs Artist of the Year (formerly Hot Latin Tracks Artist of the Year) is an honor presented annually at the \"Billboard\" Latin Music Awards, a ceremony which honors \"the most popular albums, songs, and performers in Latin music, as determined by the actual sales, radio airplay, streaming and social data that informs \"Billboards\" weekly charts.\" The award is given to best performing artists on \"Billboard\"s Hot Latin Songs chart, which measures the most popular Latin songs in the United States.", "psg_id": "20487444" }, { "title": "The Law is for All", "text": "The Law is for All The Law is for All is a collection of Aleister Crowley's commentary on \"The Book of the Law\", the central sacred text of Thelema. It was edited to be a primer of sorts into Crowley's general interpretations about the sometimes opaque text of Liber Legis. For this reason, the book omits many of the more complex qabalistic explanations that lean heavily on an understanding of gematria and The Tree of Life. As the original editor, Louis Wilkinson, wrote in his introduction (p. 17): The aim of the \"Commentary on the Book of the Law\" is", "psg_id": "7763111" }, { "title": "Latin mnemonics", "text": "All nouns in \"a\" make Feminine, If you like \"Musa\" them decline, Except they're from a Graecian line, Or by their sense are Masculine. </poem> In his opera \"The Turn of the Screw\", Benjamin Britten used the words of a Latin mnemonic that he had found in a Latin grammar book belonging to Myfanwy Piper's aunt for Miles' \"malo\" song: <poem> Mālo: I would rather be Mālo: In an apple tree Mălo: Than a naughty boy Mălo: In adversity </poem> The rhyme explains the Latin near-homonym sentence \"malo malo malo malo\", where each is a different meaning for one of", "psg_id": "11220515" }, { "title": "Slutwalk in Latin America", "text": "we look for partners, not owners.\" Sociologist Teresa Herrera also addressed the remark: \"Mr. President, the ideology of men exercising power over women is the eldest in the world, even previous to the richness-poverty relation, and its ideological justification is, unfortunately, supported in all cultures. Because of this, we have deep-rooted behaviors we must \"unlearn\" and new ways of relating and knowing each other we must apprehend. Us women don't need to be controlled, in fact, control is the first step of violence against us.\" Slutwalk in Latin America Slutwalks in Latin America were renamed \"Marcha das Vadias\" in Brazil", "psg_id": "17721558" }, { "title": "Latin Grammy Award for Record of the Year", "text": "Latin Grammy Award for Record of the Year The Latin Grammy Award for Record of the Year is an honor presented annually at the Latin Grammy Awards, a ceremony that recognizes excellence and creates a wider awareness of cultural diversity and contributions of Latin recording artists in the United States and internationally. The award is given to the performers, producers, audio engineers and mastering engineer for new songs in Spanish or Portuguese language. The songs included on an album released the previous year of submission are also eligible only if they have not been submitted to competition before. Instrumental songs", "psg_id": "9025553" }, { "title": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Long Form Music Video", "text": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Long Form Music Video The Latin Grammy Award for Best Long Form Music Video is an honor presented annually at the Latin Grammy Awards, a ceremony that recognizes excellence and promotes a wider awareness of cultural diversity and contributions of Latin recording artists in the United States and internationally. According to the category description guide for the 13th Latin Grammy Awards, the award is for video albums consisting of more than one song or track and is awarded to artists, video directors and/or producers of at least 51% of the total playing time. If the", "psg_id": "11532862" }, { "title": "The City is For All", "text": "meetings of the Council of Ten, which is the consultative body of homeless service providers in Budapest. The City is For All also acts as an advocate for homeless people using the shelter system by processing complaints and concerns about social services and forwarding them to the responsible authorities and representing the claimants. The group continuously organizes outreach sessions in homeless shelters and drop-in centers to make homeless people aware of their rights and to promote their self-determination. The City is For All works in working groups and also has weekly plenary sessions discussing general issues and the reports of", "psg_id": "14711595" }, { "title": "Pig Latin", "text": "(). The film, the third highest grossing of that year, was inducted into the National Film Registry and that song included in the all time top 100 movie songs by the American Film Institute. Merle Travis ends his song \"When My Baby Double Talks To Me\" with the phrase, \"What a aybybay\", where the last word is Pig Latin for \"baby\". A 1947 newspaper question and answer column describes the pig Latin as we understand it today. It describes moving the first letter to the end of a word and then adding \"ay\". Two Pig Latin words that have entered", "psg_id": "308107" }, { "title": "If It's All Right With You/Just What I've Been Looking For", "text": "was produced by Jerry Bradley. If It's All Right With You/Just What I've Been Looking For If It's Alright With You/Just What I've Been Looking For is a 1974 RCA Records release by Dottie West. This album was clearly an attempt to introduce West, then a veteran country star for ten years, to the pop market, her first recording specifically aimed at crossover music appeal, with strings arrangements and pop love ballads. The album was also released in the quadrophonic disc format in a bid for appeal to audiophiles. The album produced two singles, the title songs \"If It's Alright", "psg_id": "16469301" }, { "title": "Pig Latin", "text": "a mention of the subject: \"They all spoke a queer jargon which they themselves had invented. It was something like the well-known 'pig Latin' that all sorts of children like to play with.\" The modern version of Pig Latin appears in a 1919 Columbia Records album containing what sounds like the modern variation, by a singer named Arthur Fields. The song, called Pig Latin Love, is followed by the subtitle \"I-Yay Ove-Lay oo-yay earie-day\". The Three Stooges used it on multiple occasions, most notably \"Tassels in the Air\", a 1938 short where Moe Howard attempts to teach Curley Howard how", "psg_id": "308105" }, { "title": "Pontifical Academy for Latin", "text": "(Church Latin) as used in the liturgies and Masses of the current Roman Missal of the 2011 Mass of Pope Paul VI (the current one, which is usually said in the vernacular language, or local people's language), as well as the Mass of Pope John XXIII (the most recent version of the pre-Vatican II Tridentine Mass, or Latin Mass, the earlier and alternative form). Professor Ivano Dionigi and Reverend Father Roberto Spataro were on 10 November 2012 named respectively the inaugural president and secretary of the academy. To achieve the said aims the Academy intends: The Pontifical Academy for Latin", "psg_id": "16896055" }, { "title": "Pontifical Commission for Latin America", "text": "Pontifical Commission for Latin America The Pontifical Commission for Latin America is a department of the Roman Curia. Established by Pope Pius XII on 19 April, 1958, it is charged with providing assistance to and examining matters pertaining to the Church in Latin America. The Commission operates under the auspices of the Congregation for Bishops. The current President of the Commission is Cardinal Marc Ouellet, PSS, in virtue of his position as Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops. According to Article 83 of the Apostolic Constitution on the Roman Curia, \"Pastor Bonus\", promulgated by Pope John Paul II on 28", "psg_id": "11439996" }, { "title": "The City is For All", "text": "play a leading role in all aspects of the group. The organization was formed with homeless and non-homeless participants of a workshop held by Picture The Homeless from New York, after their visit in Budapest in August, 2009. The workshops were financially supported by the Projects for Peace initiative. The founding of the organization has been inspired by the Right to the City concept formulated by Henri Lefebvre and David Harvey, and the organization is a member of the Hungarian Right to the City alliance. The City is for All regularly organizes events that contribute to the protection of homeless", "psg_id": "14711592" }, { "title": "Latin Tinge", "text": "proper Latin rhythmic arrangements. Walton's playing is therefore not as florid as we are used to getting from him; he seems to be more concerned with locking in with the rhythm section than in flying above it\". All compositions by Cedar Walton except where noted Latin Tinge Latin Tinge is an album by pianist Cedar Walton which was recorded in 2002 and released on the Highnote label. Allmusic reviewed the album stating \"A solid but not outstanding Latin jazz session... Low-key without being low-energy, \"Latin Tinge\" fulfills the minor goals it sets for itself\". All About Jazz observed \"It's jazz", "psg_id": "18609420" }, { "title": "Classical Latin", "text": "of the city as a standard style and all \"sermo\" that differed from it was a different style; thus in rhetoric Cicero was able to define sublime, intermediate and low styles (within classical Latin) and St. Augustine to recommend the low style for sermons. Style, therefore, is to be defined by differences in speech from a standard. Teuffel defined that standard as Golden Latin. John Edwin Sandys, for many decades an authority on Latin style, summarizes the differences between Golden and Silver Latin as follows. Silver Latin is to be distinguished by Classical Latin Classical Latin is the modern term", "psg_id": "999988" }, { "title": "Latin", "text": "high school students to pursue the study of Latin, and the National Senior Classical League, which encourages students to continue their study of the classics into college. The league also sponsors the National Latin Exam. Classicist Mary Beard wrote in \"The Times Literary Supplement\" in 2006 that the reason for learning Latin is because of what was written in it. Latin was or is the official language of European states: The ancient pronunciation of Latin has been reconstructed; among the data used for reconstruction are explicit statements about pronunciation by ancient authors, misspellings, puns, ancient etymologies, the spelling of Latin", "psg_id": "233567" }, { "title": "Center for Latin American Studies – University of Pittsburgh", "text": "into their studies. Candidates for the graduate certificate must be proficient in Spanish, Portuguese, or an Amerindian language. Currently, four semesters of Quechua are offered to fulfill the Amerindian language requirement. Two courses in the student’s major department and four courses in at least two departments outside are required for completion of the program, as is an interdisciplinary research paper in the field of Latin American studies. As a National Resource Center on Latin America, the Outreach Program at CLAS plays a leading role in sharing information and resources on Latin American studies to educators of all academic levels and", "psg_id": "15928213" }, { "title": "Malé Latin", "text": "Malé Latin Dhivehi Latin or Maldivian Latin, known colloquially as Malé Latin or Nasiri Latin, is a Latin Maldivian alphabet briefly mandated in the Maldives from 1976, but the country reverted to the native Tāna and Arabic alphabets in 1978. Maldivian Latin is still widely used in non-academic literature for romanizing Maldivian place names. Maldivians traditionally used two alphabets simultaneously, the Tāna script for Maldivian and the Arabic script for Arabic. All learned Maldivians were well versed in the Quran and Arabic was the first script they learned in childhood. This was followed by their local script, Tāna, in which", "psg_id": "10552165" }, { "title": "Come On Over Baby (All I Want Is You)", "text": "was recorded for Aguilera's second studio album, \"Mi Reflejo\". \"Ven Conmigo (Solamente Tú)\" was released on August 8, 2000, to Latin radio stations in the United States. The song was featured in the videogame \"Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball\". Like \"What a Girl Wants\" (the second single from \"Christina Aguilera\"), a new remixed and re-recorded version of \"Come on Over Baby (All I Want Is You)\" was released as a single rather than the original album version. The album version, which had been known simply as \"Come on Over (All I Want Is You)\", was seen as unsuitable for", "psg_id": "5787107" }, { "title": "Latin", "text": "as Oxford and the leading \"public schools\" (English private academies), where the liturgy was still permitted to be conducted in Latin and there have been several Latin translations since. Most recently, a Latin edition of the 1979 USA Anglican Book of Common Prayer has appeared. Switzerland has adopted the country's Latin short name on coins and stamps, since there is no room to use all of the nation's four official languages. For a similar reason, it adopted the international vehicle and internet code \"CH\", which stands for , the country's full Latin name. Canada's motto (\"from sea to sea\") and", "psg_id": "233553" }, { "title": "Billboard Latin Music Award for Latin Rhythm Airplay Song of the Year", "text": "Omar is also the artist with the most wins and nominations with three and seven, respectively. American entertainer Pitbull is the most nominated artist without a win, with three. Puerto Rico is the most awarded nationality, with seven wins. Winners have also been from Panama, Portugal, the Dominican Republic, Colombia and Spain. Each year is linked to the article about the \"Billboard\" Latin Music Awards held that year. Billboard Latin Music Award for Latin Rhythm Airplay Song of the Year The \"Billboard\" Latin Music Award for Latin Rhythm Airplay Song of the Year is an honor that is presented annually", "psg_id": "18863056" }, { "title": "Association for the Reform of Latin Teaching", "text": "and included articles on practical teaching of Latin. Contributors included Dorothy L. Sayers. After the Second World War three developments deeply affected the ARLT: ARLT and JACT endured a period of uneasy relations, with some questioning of ARLT's reason for continuing existence, but in time all concerned recognised the need to work together for the common cause against those who willed the demise of Classics teaching. Now the two organisations publish a joint magazine, \"The Journal of Classics Teaching\". ARLT has a website and a blog. Association for the Reform of Latin Teaching The Association for the Reform of Latin", "psg_id": "7158530" }, { "title": "Latin Extended-A", "text": "Latin subheading contains all but one character in the Latin Extended-A block. It is populated with accented and variant majuscule and minuscule Latin letters for writing mostly eastern European languages. The Deprecated letter subheading contains a single character, Latin Small Letter N Preceded by Apostrophe, which was included for compatibility with the ISO/IEC 6937 standard. It was deprecated as of Unicode version 5.2.0, with the comment that \"U+0149 LATIN SMALL LETTER N PRECEDED BY APOSTROPHE was encoded for use in Afrikaans. The character is deprecated, and its use is strongly discouraged. In nearly all cases it is better represented by", "psg_id": "11763691" }, { "title": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Rock Album", "text": "other as a solo artist. Each year is linked to the article about the Latin Grammy Awards held that year General Specific Latin Grammy Award for Best Rock Album The Latin Grammy Award for Best Rock Album is an honor presented annually by the Latin Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences at the Latin Grammy Awards, a ceremony that recognizes excellence and promotes a wider awareness of cultural diversity and contributions of Latin recording artists in the United States and internationally. According to the category description guide for the 2012 Latin Grammy Awards, the award is for vocal or instrumental", "psg_id": "15086889" }, { "title": "What If It All Means Something", "text": "the \"irony of fame\", \"Weight of the World\" \"conveys the need for forgiveness\". Album - Billboard (North America) Singles - Billboard (North America) What If It All Means Something What If It All Means Something is the third studio album by Canadian singer-songwriter Chantal Kreviazuk, released in 2002. According to MTV Taiwan, the album reflects Kreviazuk's personal emotions during the period leading up to its release by implementing folk-inspired piano and her own guitar. \"In This Life\" describes unconditional love and \"selfless dedication. Kreviazuk revealed that \"Flying Home (Brenda's Song)\" was about her cousin, Brenda, who died at a young", "psg_id": "4012641" }, { "title": "What If It All Means Something", "text": "What If It All Means Something What If It All Means Something is the third studio album by Canadian singer-songwriter Chantal Kreviazuk, released in 2002. According to MTV Taiwan, the album reflects Kreviazuk's personal emotions during the period leading up to its release by implementing folk-inspired piano and her own guitar. \"In This Life\" describes unconditional love and \"selfless dedication. Kreviazuk revealed that \"Flying Home (Brenda's Song)\" was about her cousin, Brenda, who died at a young age. MTV Taiwan also describes \"Ready For Your Love\" having a \"rich oriental style\". The channel also described \"Julia\" and \"Miss April\" shows", "psg_id": "4012640" }, { "title": "Latin", "text": "unifying influences in the western part of the Empire. One key marker of whether a given Romance feature was found in Vulgar Latin is to compare it with its parallel in Classical Latin. If it was not preferred in Classical Latin, then it most likely came from the undocumented contemporaneous Vulgar Latin. For example, the Romance for \"horse\" (Italian , French , Spanish , Portuguese and Romanian ) came from Latin . However, Classical Latin used . Therefore, was most likely the spoken form. Vulgar Latin began to diverge into distinct languages by the 9th century at the latest, when", "psg_id": "233547" }, { "title": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Rock Song", "text": "Awards ceremony being presented to the Argentine singer-songwriter Fito Páez with the song \"Al Lado del Camino\". The award has been presented to songwriters originating from Argentina, Colombia and Mexico. Colombian musician Juanes is the biggest winner in this category, having won in all the four occasions he's been nominated for (2001, 2002, 2003 and 2005). Other multiple winners are Gustavo Cerati with three wins out of four nominations and Emmanuel de Real of Café Tacvba winning twice. Beto Cuevas holds the record for most nominations without a win with four. Latin Grammy Award for Best Rock Song The Latin", "psg_id": "11481284" }, { "title": "Society for Irish Latin American Studies", "text": "the web site. The Society is open to any discipline, to any historical period, and to any methodological approach. SILAS is a non-profit international organisation incorporated in Geneva under the Swiss laws. Society for Irish Latin American Studies The Society for Irish Latin American Studies (SILAS) was created in 2003 to study Ireland's role in Latin America. It was founded on 1 July 2003 to promote the study of relations between Ireland and Latin American countries. SILAS's range of interest includes the settlement, lives, and achievements of Irish emigrants to Latin America and their descendants, as well as the contemporary", "psg_id": "9699455" }, { "title": "All I Want for Christmas Is You (film)", "text": "All I Want for Christmas Is You (film) All I Want For Christmas Is You (also known as Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas Is You) is a 2017 direct-to-video computer-animated Christmas film based on the song by Mariah Carey and the book by Carey herself and Colleen Madden. The film stars the voices of Mariah Carey, Breanna Yde, and Henry Winkler. Young Mariah (Breanna Yde) desperately wants a puppy for Christmas, but her parents are not convinced that she should have one. They agree to let Mariah dog-sit the puppy Jack (Dee Bradley Baker) and if she can", "psg_id": "20504861" }, { "title": "Latin square property", "text": "Latin square property In mathematics, the Latin square property is an elementary property of all groups and the defining property of quasigroups. It states that if (\"G\", *) is a group or quasigroup and \"a\" and \"b\" are elements of \"G\", then there exists a unique element \"x\" in \"G\" such that \"a\"*\"x\"=\"b\", and a unique element \"y\" of \"G\" such that \"y\"*\"a\"=\"b\". The Latin square property receives its name from the fact that for a finite group (\"G\", *), it is possible (in principle) to draw a Cayley table, which gives the element \"a\"*\"b\" in the row corresponding to", "psg_id": "6093519" }, { "title": "Morse code for non-Latin alphabets", "text": "for more Indian languages. See Wabun code. See Chinese telegraph code. See SKATS. See Morse code for non-Latin alphabets This is a summary of the use of Morse code to represent alphabets other than Latin. The Greek Morse code alphabet is very similar to the Latin alphabet. It uses one extra letter for Greek letter \"Χ\" and does not use the codes for Latin letters \"J\", \"U\" and \"V\". The \"tonos\" is not transmitted in Morse code; the receiver can simply infer which vowels require one. The \"Greek diphthongs\" presented in the bottom three rows of the table are specified", "psg_id": "12073654" }, { "title": "University of Florida Center for Latin American Studies", "text": "degree programs with a Latin American emphasis. In 1952 the first Doctorate of Philosophy was offered in Latin American Studies, and in 1961 the school received a large grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, so that a Caribbean Research Program could be facilitated. In the Fall of 1963, the School of Inter-American Studies was officially renamed the Center for Latin American Studies. The University of Florida Latin American Collection has over 400,000 volumes and 1,100 serial titles. The collection covers all disciplines & geographical areas of Latin America (with particular emphasis on the Caribbean and Brazil). The Center currently has the", "psg_id": "12822225" }, { "title": "Latin square", "text": "are far apart. One classic result is that A simple and explicit formula for the number of Latin squares was published in 1992, but it is still not easily computable due to the exponential increase in the number of terms. This formula for the number of Latin squares is formula_2 where is the set of all {0, 1} matrices, is the number of zero entries in matrix , and is the permanent of matrix . The table below contains all known exact values. It can be seen that the numbers grow exceedingly quickly. For each , the number of Latin", "psg_id": "483020" }, { "title": "Heidelberg Center for Latin America", "text": "has responsibility for programmes of further training. This initiative enables Heidelberg University to pursue its aims of passing on the accumulated knowledge of German research and teaching and to promote scientific co-operation between Germany and Latin America. The centre co-ordinates the activities of Heidelberg University in Latin America and provides a platform for scientific co-operation. The centre is financially supported in these early years by Baden-Württemberg State Ministry for Science, Research and Art, Heidelberg University and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The Heidelberg Latin America Centre is run as a society subject to Chilean civil law. Its partners are", "psg_id": "12947203" }, { "title": "Judeo-Latin", "text": "Judeo-Latin Judeo-Latin (also Judæo-Latin), La‘az, or Ebraico-Latino is a presumed Jewish language used by Roman Jews, scattered across the Roman Empire, especially those on the Italian Peninsula and in Transalpine Gaul. \"\"Lo`ez\"\" (לועז) is Hebrew for \"foreign language\" (\"non-Hebrew language\"), and in the Middle Ages, it started to refer to Latin or Romance languages. It is believed that Judeo-Latin is the predecessor of all the Judeo-Romance languages. Few records exist of Judeo-Latin. Leo Levi found some Hebraisms in a few epigraphs in Italy. Other possible source are loanwords in other languages, like in Sardinian \"cenabura\" [ken'abura] 'Friday' (from Latin \"cena", "psg_id": "4867377" }, { "title": "Education in Latin America", "text": "ignored any role for education in Latin American countries. On the other hand, Eric Hanushek and Ludger Woessmann argue that the slow growth is directly related to the low achievement and poor learning that comes with each year of school in Latin America. Their analysis suggests that the long run growth of Latin America would improve significantly if the learning in schools were to improve. At present, primary education is compulsory throughout the region. The first phase of secondary education – or lower secondary according to UNESCO’s International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) – is compulsory in all Latin American", "psg_id": "15310500" }, { "title": "Morse code for non-Latin alphabets", "text": "Morse code for non-Latin alphabets This is a summary of the use of Morse code to represent alphabets other than Latin. The Greek Morse code alphabet is very similar to the Latin alphabet. It uses one extra letter for Greek letter \"Χ\" and does not use the codes for Latin letters \"J\", \"U\" and \"V\". The \"tonos\" is not transmitted in Morse code; the receiver can simply infer which vowels require one. The \"Greek diphthongs\" presented in the bottom three rows of the table are specified in old Greek Morse-code tables but they are never used in actual communication, the", "psg_id": "12073651" }, { "title": "Omnipotence", "text": "with God.' For whatever implies a contradiction cannot be a word, because no intellect can possibly conceive such a thing.\" In recent times, C. S. Lewis has adopted a scholastic position in the course of his work \"The Problem of Pain\". Lewis follows Aquinas' view on contradiction: Early Freudianism saw a feeling of omnipotence as intrinsic to early childhood. 'As Freud and Ferenczi have shown, the child lives in a sort of megalomania for a long period...the \"fiction of omnipotence\"'. At birth. 'the baby \"is\" everything \"as far as he knows\" - \"all powerful\"...every step he takes towards establishing his", "psg_id": "304704" }, { "title": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Rock Album", "text": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Rock Album The Latin Grammy Award for Best Rock Album is an honor presented annually by the Latin Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences at the Latin Grammy Awards, a ceremony that recognizes excellence and promotes a wider awareness of cultural diversity and contributions of Latin recording artists in the United States and internationally. According to the category description guide for the 2012 Latin Grammy Awards, the award is for vocal or instrumental rock albums containing at least 51 percent of newly recorded material. It is awarded to solo artists, duos or groups. The accolade", "psg_id": "15086887" }, { "title": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Salsa Album", "text": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Salsa Album The Latin Grammy Award for Best Salsa Album is an honor presented annually by the Latin Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences at the Latin Grammy Awards, a ceremony that recognizes excellence and promotes a wider awareness of cultural diversity and contributions of Latin recording artists in the United States and internationally. According to the category description guide for the 2012 Latin Grammy Awards, the award is for vocal or instrumental salsa albums containing at least 51 percent of newly recorded material. It is awarded to solo artists, duos or groups. The accolade", "psg_id": "12678633" }, { "title": "Asian Latin Americans", "text": "In both cases, the influx of Asian migrant workers was to fill the void left in the Latin American work forces after the abolition of slavery. Employers of all kinds were desperate for a low cost replacement for their slaves so those who did not participate in any illegal slave operations turned to the Asian migrants. Four and a half million Latin Americans (almost 1% of the total population of Latin America) are of Asian descent. The number may be millions higher, even more so if all who have partial ancestry are included. For example, Asian Peruvians are estimated at", "psg_id": "4487975" }, { "title": "If Time Is All I Have", "text": "at number sixty-four on the ARIA Singles Chart. It eventually climbed to its peak position at 53. Directed by Robert Hales, the video was released on 16 March 2011. The video premiered on YouTube. The video features Blunt walking through the streets of Los Angeles, witnessing life-changing incidents which reflect the lyrics of the song. If Time Is All I Have \"If Time is All I Have\" is the third single from English singer-songwriter James Blunt's third studio album, \"Some Kind of Trouble\". The single was released as a digital download single in the United Kingdom on 4 April 2011.", "psg_id": "15514121" }, { "title": "Latin American Boom", "text": "of the Latin America of the 1960s, also very political. \"It is no exaggeration,\" critic Gerald Martin writes, \"to state that if the Southern continent was known for two things above all others in the 1960s, these were, first and foremost, the Cuban Revolution (although Cuba is not in South America) and its impact both on Latin America and the Third World generally, and secondly, the Boom in Latin American fiction, whose rise and fall coincided with the rise and fall of liberal perceptions of Cuba between 1959 and 1971.\" The sudden success of the Boom authors was in large", "psg_id": "9944835" }, { "title": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album", "text": "\"Prometo\" by Pablo Alborán was nominated for this award and for Album of the Year. Latin Grammy Award for Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album The Latin Grammy Award for Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album is an award presented at the Latin Grammy Awards since 2012. The award replaced the previous awards for Best Female Pop Vocal Album, Best Male Pop Vocal Album and Best Pop Album by a Duo or Group with Vocals. In 2013, \"Lo Mejor Que Hay En Mi Vida\" by Andrés Cepeda, \"Tanto\" by Pablo Alborán and \"Natalie Cole en Español\" by Natalie Cole, all were nominated", "psg_id": "16625441" }, { "title": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album", "text": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album The Latin Grammy Award for Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album is an award presented at the Latin Grammy Awards since 2012. The award replaced the previous awards for Best Female Pop Vocal Album, Best Male Pop Vocal Album and Best Pop Album by a Duo or Group with Vocals. In 2013, \"Lo Mejor Que Hay En Mi Vida\" by Andrés Cepeda, \"Tanto\" by Pablo Alborán and \"Natalie Cole en Español\" by Natalie Cole, all were nominated for this award and for Album of the Year. \"Lo Mejor Que Hay En Mi", "psg_id": "16625439" }, { "title": "Latin Business Chronicle", "text": "most powerful Latin American businessmen and businesswomen in 2009. The \"Latin Business Index\" measures the overall business climate in 19 Latin American countries using 27 subcategories ranging from GDP growth and inflation to competitiveness and political outlook. Panama tops the ranking, with Venezuela in last place. The \"Latin Security Index\" measures security for multinational executives in Latin America. Costa Rica ranks as the safest country, while Haiti is the most dangerous in the index developed by FTI Consulting for Latin Business Chronicle. The \"Latin Technology Index\" measures technology level in 19 Latin American countries. Uruguay tops the ranking, while Cuba", "psg_id": "7989439" }, { "title": "Latin", "text": "Latin still was the most important language of culture in Europe. Therefore, until the end of the 17th century the majority of books and almost all diplomatic documents were written in Latin. Afterwards, most diplomatic documents were written in French and later just native or other languages. The largest organisation that retains Latin in official and quasi-official contexts is the Catholic Church. Latin remains the language of the Roman Rite; the Tridentine Mass is celebrated in Latin. Although the Mass of Paul VI is usually celebrated in the local vernacular language, it can be and often is said in Latin,", "psg_id": "233551" }, { "title": "Omnipotence paradox", "text": "related issue is whether the concept of 'logically possible' is different for a world in which omnipotence exists than a world in which omnipotence does not exist. The dilemma of omnipotence is similar to another classic paradox—the irresistible force paradox: \"What would happen if an irresistible force were to meet an immovable object?\" One response to this paradox is to disallow its formulation, by saying that if a force is irresistible, then by definition there is no immovable object; or conversely, if an immovable object exists, then by definition no force can be irresistible. Some claim that the only way", "psg_id": "565033" }, { "title": "That's What Life Is All About", "text": "That's What Life Is All About \"That's What Life Is All About\" is a 1975 song by Bing Crosby. The song was originally written by Peter Dacre (lyrics) and Les Reed (music). Later Bing Crosby re-wrote the lyrics with Ken Barnes. Bing Crosby recorded the song on February 19, 1975 at Chappells in London with the Pete Moore Orchestra. The session was produced by Ken Barnes. The song was released as a single by United Artists and the recording peaked at no. 35 in the U.S. on the \"Billboard\" Easy Listening chart and reached no. 41 in the UK. It", "psg_id": "16991389" }, { "title": "Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies", "text": "Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies is a regional Latin American studies association founded in 1954. It meets annually at varying locations in the Southwest of the U.S. The Pan American Union was an early force in the creation of regional Latin American area studies associations of which RMCLAS is one, and the Pacific Coast Council on Latin American Studies (PCCLAS) is another. The 1954 founding of RMCLAS antedates the 1966 formation of the Latin American Studies Association. In 1955, RMCLAS adopted a constitution and elected officers for the new organization. Its", "psg_id": "19595397" }, { "title": "Classical Latin", "text": "The latter give it a unity allowing it to be referenced under a single name. Thus Old Latin, Classical Latin, Vulgar Latin, etc., are not considered different languages, but are all referenced under the name of Latin. This is an ancient practice continued by moderns rather than a philological innovation of recent times. That Latin had case endings is a fundamental feature of the language. Whether a given form of speech prefers to use prepositions such as \"ad\", \"ex\", \"de\" for \"to\", \"from\" and \"of\" rather than simple case endings is a matter of style. Latin has a large number", "psg_id": "999986" }, { "title": "Latin Tinge", "text": "Latin Tinge Latin Tinge is an album by pianist Cedar Walton which was recorded in 2002 and released on the Highnote label. Allmusic reviewed the album stating \"A solid but not outstanding Latin jazz session... Low-key without being low-energy, \"Latin Tinge\" fulfills the minor goals it sets for itself\". All About Jazz observed \"It's jazz by the numbers, played with metronomic regularity, simmering but never boiling over, smoldering but never burning\". JazzTimes said \"There is more than a tinge of Latin music here; the title could have justifiably been Latin Immersion. The emphasis of the trio is on adhering to", "psg_id": "18609419" }, { "title": "Law Latin", "text": "Act 1730 (effective from 1733), mandated that all records of legal proceedings in England were to be made in English rather than Latin. Law Latin was also used as the language of writs, royal charters, letters patent and many other legal instruments. As late as 1867, Law Latin was still in use in England and Scotland for some legal instruments. Law Latin Law Latin, sometimes written L.L. or L. Lat., and sometimes derisively called Dog Latin, is a form of Latin used in legal contexts. While some of the vocabulary does come from Latin, many of the words and much", "psg_id": "17184938" }, { "title": "Billboard Latin Music Award for Latin Rhythm Album of the Year", "text": "track gained Flex thirteen nominations at the ceremony, where the album also received a nomination for Latin Album of the Year, Latin Album of the Year in the male category and Latin Album of the Year in the new artist category. It led the \"Billboard\" Latin Rhythm Albums chart for sixteen weeks in 2008. Puerto Rican duo Wisin & Yandel are the most awarded act with three wins, while Puerto Rican singer Don Omar has the most nominations with six. Puerto Rico is the most awarded nationality, receiving six wins. Panama and the United States are the only other awarded", "psg_id": "18864335" }, { "title": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Urban Song", "text": "Latin Grammy Award for Best Urban Song The Latin Grammy Award for Best Urban Song is an honor presented annually at the Latin Grammy Awards, a ceremony that recognizes excellence and promotes a wider awareness of cultural diversity and contributions of Latin recording artists in the United States and internationally. According to the category description guide for the 13th Latin Grammy Awards, the award is for new songs that contain at least 51% of the lyrics in Spanish or Portuguese. The accolade is awarded to the songwriter(s) of said song. Instrumental recordings and cover songs are not eligible for the", "psg_id": "11532920" }, { "title": "Latin mnemonics", "text": "century included mnemonic verses excerpted from \"Doctrinale\" or other versified grammars. This method of Latin grammar instruction was used by teachers well into the 20th century, it still being used in English schools in the 1950s and 1960s. Thomas Sheridan wrote several mnemonic poems, with the intention of helping students to remember various parts of Latin grammar, prosody, and rhetoric, which were published as \"An Easy Introduction of Grammar in English for the Understanding of the Latin Tongue\" and \"A Method to Improve the Fancy\". One of the shorter ones is \"Of Knowing the Gender of Nouns by Termination\": <poem>", "psg_id": "11220514" } ]
[ "all-knowing", "divine foreknowledge", "cosmic awareness", "infinite knowledge", "cosmic awareness", "omniscience", "all knowing", "omniscience of god", "omniscient", "knowledge of god" ]
the boll weevil, a species of beetle, causes damage to which crop?
[ { "title": "Boll Weevil (song)", "text": "Boll Weevil (song) \"Boll Weevil\" is a traditional blues song, also known by similar titles such as \"Boweavil\" or \"Boll Weevil Blues\". Although many songs about the boll weevil were recorded by blues musicians during the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s, this one has become well known, thanks to Lead Belly's rendition of it as recorded by folklorist Alan Lomax in 1934. A 1961 adaptation by Brook Benton became a pop hit, reaching number two on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The lyrics deal with the boll weevil \"(Anthonomus grandis)\", a beetle, which feeds on cotton buds and flowers, that migrated into", "psg_id": "13232322" } ]
[ { "title": "Boll Weevil Monument", "text": "display at Enterprise's Depot Museum, a few hundred feet away at 106 Railroad Street. There is a security camera nearby that monitors the monument for further vandalism. Boll Weevil Monument The Boll Weevil Monument in downtown Enterprise, Alabama, United States is a prominent landmark and tribute erected by the citizens of Enterprise in 1919 to show their appreciation to an insect, the boll weevil, for its profound influence on the area's agriculture and economy. Hailing the beetle as a \"herald of prosperity,\" it stands as the world's first monument built to honor an agricultural pest. The Monument consists of a", "psg_id": "6068804" }, { "title": "Boll Weevil Monument", "text": "the center of a fountain, which is surrounded by a wrought-iron railing. The monument stands more than tall. At the base of the monument appears the following inscription: \"In profound appreciation of the Boll Weevil and what it has done as the herald of prosperity this monument was erected by the citizens of Enterprise, Coffee County, Alabama.\" The original statue of the woman, excluding the fountain and boll weevil, was built in Italy for approximately $1,800. The boll weevil was not added until thirty years later, when Luther Baker thought the Boll Weevil Monument should have a boll weevil on", "psg_id": "6068802" }, { "title": "Boll Weevil (song)", "text": "boll weevils reply, \"We ain't gonna do ya much harm\". The chorus of \"we're lookin' for a home\" was sung by Benton and the Mike Stewart Singers. \"Boll Weevil Song\" is an adaption of the traditional blues song written by Eddie Cochran and Jerry Capehart. It was the B-side of Cochran's Liberty Records hit single \"Somethin' Else\" and released in July 1959. Boll Weevil (song) \"Boll Weevil\" is a traditional blues song, also known by similar titles such as \"Boweavil\" or \"Boll Weevil Blues\". Although many songs about the boll weevil were recorded by blues musicians during the 1920s, 1930s", "psg_id": "13232329" }, { "title": "Boll Weevil (restaurant)", "text": "OB Rag editor Frank Gormlie criticized the food served at Boll-Weevil's as being too greasy. \"San Diego Reader\" editor Ben Kers included Boll Weevil in his list of \"fourteen more things you’ll never see in San Diego again\". He said that while there are still a few restaurants baring the name, he felt that the food was no longer the same as it once was. Boll Weevil (restaurant) Boll Weevil was a casual dining chain of hamburger restaurants located in San Diego, California, United States. Boll Weevil was founded in 1966 by Fred and Lorraine Halleman. The original location was", "psg_id": "5406443" }, { "title": "Boll weevil", "text": "history. The Library of Congress American Memory Project contains a number of oral history materials on the boll weevil's impact. A 2009 study found \"that as the weevil traversed the American South [in the period 1892-1932], it seriously disrupted local economies, significantly reduced the value of land (at this time still the most important asset in the American South), and triggered substantial intraregional population movements.\" The boll weevil infestation has been credited with bringing about economic diversification in the Southern US, including the expansion of peanut cropping. The citizens of Enterprise, Alabama, erected the Boll Weevil Monument in 1919, perceiving", "psg_id": "1465575" }, { "title": "Boll Weevil (song)", "text": "Blues (Tanner's title) are listed in Russell. In both Jaybird Coleman's \"Boll Weevil,\" from the late 1920s, and Blind Willie McTell's, from the 1930s, we find the element of a dialogue between the boll weevil and a farmer. W.A. Lindsey & Alvin Condor's \"Boll Weevil\" recorded February 24, 1928 contains these same elements. But the first version to include all the hallmarks of the song is Lead Belly's, first recorded by Lomax on October 15, 1934 in Shreveport, Louisiana. Lead Belly re-recorded the song a number of times between 1934 and his death in 1949, with slightly different lyrics. Fats", "psg_id": "13232325" }, { "title": "Boll Weevil Monument", "text": "it. He made the boll weevil and mounted it atop the statue. The boll weevil, and sometimes even the entire monument, has been repeatedly stolen throughout the years. Each time it was found and repaired by the city of Enterprise until July 11, 1998. On that day vandals ripped the boll weevil out of the statue's hands and permanently damaged the statue. City leaders were going to repair the original statue and put it back, but it proved too difficult and costly. A polymer-resin replica was erected in its place in downtown Enterprise in 1998, and the original is on", "psg_id": "6068803" }, { "title": "Boll Weevil (song)", "text": "Blues\" Ma Rainey recorded a song called \"Bo-Weavil Blues\" in Chicago in December 1923, and Bessie Smith covered it in 1924, but the song had little in common with Lead Belly's \"Boll Weevil\" aside from the subject matter. A version recorded by the Old Time Country musician Gid Tanner in 1924 (see Country Music Records A Discography, 1921 -1942, Tony Russell, Oxford University Press, 2004) is extremely similar to Lead Belly's both in the tune and the dialog lyrics. It can be accessed at this link:! At least two other early Country versions of Boll Weevil or Boll Weevil", "psg_id": "13232324" }, { "title": "Boll Weevil (song)", "text": "Domino's \"Bo Weevil\" song portrays a performance of the Bo Weevil song at celebration on a farm. The following is a list of versions of the song by other artists. The 1961 recording by American R&B singer Brook Benton was released as \"The Boll Weevil Song\" in an adaptation by Benton and frequent musical collaborator Clyde Otis. Considered a novelty record, it was produced by Shelby Singleton and appeared on an album called \"The Boll Weevil Song and 11 Other Great Hits\". Benton's recording was a hit single during the summer of 1961 and became the highest-charting single of his", "psg_id": "13232326" }, { "title": "Boll weevil", "text": "buds before flowering), feed for 8 to 10 days, and finally pupate. The pupal stage lasts another 5 to 7 days. The lifecycle from egg to adult spans about three weeks during the summer. Under optimal conditions, 8 to 10 generations per season may occur. Boll weevils begin to die at temperatures at or below −5 °C (23 °F). Research at the University of Missouri indicates they cannot survive more than an hour at −15 °C (5 °F). The insulation offered by leaf litter, crop residues, and snow may enable the beetle to survive when air temperatures drop to these", "psg_id": "1465568" }, { "title": "The Boll Weevil Song and 11 Other Great Hits", "text": "The Boll Weevil Song and 11 Other Great Hits The Boll Weevil Song and 11 Other Great Hits is a studio album released by Brook Benton in 1961 on Mercury LP record MG 20641 (mono) and SR 60641 (stereo). The album appeared on Billboard's album charts in 1961 for thirteen weeks, reaching position number 70. The orchestrations were done by Stan Applebaum, who also conducted the orchestra on the sessions. Following the significant popularity of Benton's hit The Boll Weevil Song, Mercury quickly arranged sessions which largely rely on American Caucasian folk music for material, although Benton took composition credit", "psg_id": "19670638" }, { "title": "Boll weevil (politics)", "text": "in the House, including some younger or newer members as well as the remaining boll weevils who refused to bow to pressure to switch parties, organized themselves as the \"Blue Dogs\" in the early 1990s. A different bloc of Democrats also emerged in the 1990s, under the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC), espousing conservative pro-business views on economic issues and moderate views on social issues. Boll weevil (politics) Boll weevils was an American political term used in the mid- and late-20th century to describe conservative Southern Democrats. During and after the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, conservative Southern Democrats were part", "psg_id": "4239514" }, { "title": "Boll Weevil Eradication Program", "text": "In 1959 J. R. Brazzel and L. D. Newsom published a paper outlining the winter dormancy (diapause) behavior of the boll weevil. Brazzel published the results of his first diapause control insecticide treatment trial in 1959, finding that methyl parathion treatments in the fall significantly reduced the overwintering population, especially when combined with plowing of the stalks into the ground. More sophisticated trapping and monitoring devices were developed over the next decade. Further progress was made when the male boll weevil pheromone was identified in the 1960s; the insects could be lured into traps baited with this pheromone, further reducing", "psg_id": "9714552" }, { "title": "Boll weevil (politics)", "text": "Boll weevil (politics) Boll weevils was an American political term used in the mid- and late-20th century to describe conservative Southern Democrats. During and after the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, conservative Southern Democrats were part of the coalition generally in support of Roosevelt's New Deal and Harry Truman's Fair Deal economic policies, but were opposed to desegregation and the American civil rights movement. On several occasions between 1948 and 1968, prominent conservative Southern Democrats broke from the Democrats to run a third party campaign for President on a platform of states' rights: Strom Thurmond in 1948, Harry F. Byrd", "psg_id": "4239510" }, { "title": "Maize weevil", "text": "possible indication of infestation is grain, when placed in water, floating to the surface. Ragged holes in individual grains, similar to damage caused by the rice weevil and granary weevil, may indicate infestation. In large stores of grain, an increase in temperature may be detected. The most obvious sign of infestation is the emergence of adults. One study recorded, 5 weeks after infestation, the emergence of 100 adults per kg per day. Maize weevil The maize weevil (\"Sitophilus zeamais\"), known in the United States as the greater rice weevil, is a species of beetle in the family Curculionidae. It can", "psg_id": "14773796" }, { "title": "Boll Weevil Monument", "text": "helped to finance the cost. As a tribute to how something disastrous can be a catalyst for change, and a reminder of how the people of Enterprise adjusted in the face of adversity, the monument was dedicated on December 11, 1919 at the intersection of College and Main Street, the heart of the town's business district. The monument depicts a female figure in a flowing gown with arms stretched above her head She raises high a trophy topped by an enlarged-scale boll weevil. The statue stands atop an ornately detailed base which supports two round streetlamps. The base stands in", "psg_id": "6068801" }, { "title": "The Boll Weevil Song and 11 Other Great Hits", "text": "for most the songs. The result is a mix of R&B and pop. Allmusic reviews the album favorably, but reviewer Greg Adams wishes the rest of the album had the \"fire\" contained in the title track. The Boll Weevil Song and 11 Other Great Hits The Boll Weevil Song and 11 Other Great Hits is a studio album released by Brook Benton in 1961 on Mercury LP record MG 20641 (mono) and SR 60641 (stereo). The album appeared on Billboard's album charts in 1961 for thirteen weeks, reaching position number 70. The orchestrations were done by Stan Applebaum, who also", "psg_id": "19670639" }, { "title": "Boll Weevil (song)", "text": "the time was \"Tossin' and Turnin'\" by rock and roll singer Bobby Lewis, and Benton's song was not considered rock and roll by the magazine, \"The Boll Weevil Song\" holds the distinction of being the first number-one song on the \"Billboard\" Easy Listening chart. In the UK, the song reached a peak position of number 30 on the UK Singles Chart and remained in the Top 40 for eight weeks during the summer of 1961. The majority of the song's lyrics are spoken by Benton, as in when the farmer inquires, \"Say, why'd you pick my farm?\", to which the", "psg_id": "13232328" }, { "title": "Boll weevil (politics)", "text": "in 1960, and George Wallace in 1968. In the 1964 presidential election, five states in the Deep South (then a Democratic stronghold) voted for Republican Barry Goldwater over Southern Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson, partly due to Johnson's support of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Goldwater's opposition to it. After 1968, with desegregation a settled issue, the Republican Party began a strategy of trying to win conservative Southerners away from the Democrats and into the Republican Party (see Southern strategy and silent majority). Representative Howard W. Smith of Virginia took up the boll weevil as a symbol in the", "psg_id": "4239511" }, { "title": "Boll Weevil (song)", "text": "career on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart, where the singer had eight Top 10 hits between 1959 and 1970. \"The Boll Weevil Song\" spent three weeks at number two on the Hot 100 chart. On the R&B chart, where Benton had enjoyed even greater success, the song also reached number two. On the week ending July 17, 1961, \"Billboard\" Magazine debuted the \"Easy Listening chart\" (renamed the Adult Contemporary chart in 1979). This separate chart was created to list songs that the magazine deemed were not rock and roll records. Since the number-one song on the Hot 100 chart at", "psg_id": "13232327" }, { "title": "Maize weevil", "text": "Maize weevil The maize weevil (\"Sitophilus zeamais\"), known in the United States as the greater rice weevil, is a species of beetle in the family Curculionidae. It can be found in numerous tropical areas around the world, and in the United States, and is a major pest of maize. This species attacks both standing crops and stored cereal products, including wheat, rice, sorghum, oats, barley, rye, buckwheat, peas, and cottonseed. The maize weevil also infests other types of stored, processed cereal products such as pasta, cassava, and various coarse, milled grains. It has even been known to attack fruit while", "psg_id": "14773790" }, { "title": "Wheat weevil", "text": "is to immerse them in water. If they float to the surface, it is a good indication of infestation. Even if identified early, disposal may be the only effective solution. Deltamethrin powder (WP) is another solution to weevil infestation in grains. Wheat weevil The wheat weevil (\"Sitophilus granarius\"), also known as the grain weevil or granary weevil, occurs all over the world and is a common pest in many places. It can cause significant damage to harvested stored grains and may drastically decrease crop yields. The females lay many eggs and the larvae eat the inside of the grain kernels.", "psg_id": "6258128" }, { "title": "Wheat weevil", "text": "Wheat weevil The wheat weevil (\"Sitophilus granarius\"), also known as the grain weevil or granary weevil, occurs all over the world and is a common pest in many places. It can cause significant damage to harvested stored grains and may drastically decrease crop yields. The females lay many eggs and the larvae eat the inside of the grain kernels. Adult wheat weevils are about long with elongated snouts and chewing mouth parts. Depending on the grain kernels, the size of the weevil varies. In small grains, such as millet or grain sorghum, they are small in size, but are larger", "psg_id": "6258123" }, { "title": "Bark beetle", "text": "Bark beetle A bark beetle is one of about 220 genera with 6,000 species of beetles in the subfamily Scolytinae. Traditionally, this was considered a distinct family Scolytidae, but is now understood to be very specialized members of the \"true weevil\" family (Curculionidae). Well-known species are members of the type genus \"Scolytus\", namely the European elm bark beetle \"S. multistriatus\" and the large elm bark beetle \"S. scolytus\", which like the American elm bark beetle \"Hylurgopinus rufipes\", transmit Dutch elm disease fungi (\"Ophiostoma\"). The mountain pine beetle \"Dendroctonus ponderosae\", southern pine beetle \"Dendroctonus frontalis\", and their near relatives are major", "psg_id": "4277225" }, { "title": "Boll weevil (politics)", "text": "Ronald Reagan, the term \"boll weevils\" was applied to this bloc of conservative Democrats, who consistently voted for Reagan administration policies, such as tax cuts, increases in military spending, and deregulation. The boll weevils were contrasted with the \"gypsy moth Republicans\"—moderate Republicans from the Northeast and Midwest who opposed many Reagan economic policies. Most of the boll weevils eventually retired from politics, or in the case of some, such as Senators Strom Thurmond, Phil Gramm and Richard Shelby, switched parties and joined the Republicans. Since 1988, the term \"boll weevils\" has fallen out of favor. A bloc of conservative Democrats", "psg_id": "4239513" }, { "title": "Carya tomentosa", "text": "(\"Mycosphaerella dendroides\"), and pecan scab (\"Cladosporium effusum\"). Mockernut hickory is host to anthracnose (\"Gnomonia caryae\"). Nuts of all hickory species are susceptible to attack by the hickory nut weevil (\"Curculio caryae\"). Another weevil (\"Conotrachelus aratus\") attacks young shoots and leaf petioles. The \"Curculio\" species are the most damaging and can destroy 65 percent of the hickory nut crop. Hickory shuckworms also damage nuts. The bark beetle (\"Scolytus quadrispinosus\") attacks mockernut hickory, especially in drought years and where hickory species are growing rapidly. The hickory spiral borer (\"Argilus arcuatus torquatus\") and the pecan carpenterworm (\"Cossula magnifica\") are also serious insect enemies", "psg_id": "10418646" }, { "title": "Striped cucumber beetle", "text": "and far between. Research into nematode and other biological control agents continues today. Another possibility is the planting of trap crops (crops that the beetles prefer) around the perimeter of the main crop. The trap crop can then be treated with insecticide, reducing overall pesticide use. Some research indicates that striped cucumber beetle damage can be reduced by the use of vermicompost fertilizer compared to inorganic fertilizer. Researchers suggest that the mechanism by which vermicompost reduces beetle damage is due to an increase in phenolic compounds in plants grown with vermicompost. The application of \"Paecilomyces fumosoroseus\" to a trap crop", "psg_id": "5935476" }, { "title": "Female sperm storage", "text": "Evidence for this pattern of storage, cryptic choice, and male behavior also exists in the flour beetle \"Tribolium castaneum\". Muscle contraction as a means of moving spermatozoa through the reproductive system into and out of the storage structures has been examined in Diptera, Orthoptera, and Lepidoptera as well as in the species \"Rhodnius prolixus\" and the boll weevil. In \"R. prolixus\", rhythmic peristaltic contractions of the oviduct cause contractions of the bursa copulatrix and spermatheca movement. This movement of the spermatheca results in spermatozoa migration into the spermathecal duct and into the spermatheca reservoir. In the boll weevil, contractions are", "psg_id": "14660290" }, { "title": "New Zealand giraffe weevil", "text": "Valley in Fiordland. Mitochondrial DNA suggests that during the Pleistocene ice ages giraffe weevils were only found in the remnant forests of Northland, and have expanded southward during this current interglacial. They are found in native forest, mainly at lower altitudes. Their larvae inhabit at least 17 species of native trees, including lacebark, pigeonwood, rewarewa, tawa, pukatea and rimu, but are especially common on karaka and mahoe. New Zealand giraffe weevil The New Zealand giraffe weevil, Lasiorhynchus barbicornis, is a distinctive straight-snouted weevil in the subfamily Brentinae, endemic to New Zealand. \"L. barbicornis\" is New Zealand's longest beetle, and shows", "psg_id": "10013981" }, { "title": "Walnut twig beetle", "text": "season of the walnut twig beetle. Gatherings of the beetle in sections of the walnut tree are known as galleries. The outward appearance of the walnut above these galleries seemed normal except for small beetle entrance holes. In later stages of decline, beetle entrance holes and galleries were found scattered every 2 to 5 centimeters, essentially crippling the tree. The walnut twig beetle is commonly associated with the fungus \"Geosmithia morbida\" that causes damage ranging from discoloration in some species of walnuts to mortality in others. \"Thousand cankers disease\" was given its name because of the magnitude of galleries and", "psg_id": "17675648" }, { "title": "Beetle", "text": "historically used the weevil \"Rhynchophorus ferrugineus\" as a musical instrument by letting the human mouth serve as a variable resonance chamber for the wing vibrations of the live adult beetle. Some species of beetle are kept as pets, for example diving beetles (Dytiscidae) may be kept in a domestic fresh water tank. In Japan the practice of keeping horned rhinoceros beetles (Dynastinae) and stag beetles (Lucanidae) is particularly popular amongst young boys. Such is the popularity in Japan that vending machines dispensing live beetles were developed in 1999, each holding up to 100 stag beetles. Beetle collecting became extremely popular", "psg_id": "88920" }, { "title": "Figeater beetle", "text": "and to fruit that other animals or insects have already damaged. In most small gardens, the adult beetles are minor pests that do little damage; however, they can swarm on soft or damaged fruit and have been known to eat an entire garden grape or fig crop. They are not considered to be an important pest because they do not damage lawns as larvae and trees as much as June beetles or Japanese beetles. Figeater beetle Cotinis mutabilis, also known as the figeater beetle (also green fruit beetle or fig beetle), is a member of the scarab beetle family. It", "psg_id": "12243007" }, { "title": "Ambrosia beetle", "text": "regions (Xyleborus glabratus, Euwallacea fornicatus). Beetle species that readily colonize lumber, such as sawlogs, green lumber, and stave-bolts, often cause region-specific economic loss from the pinhole and stained-wood defects caused by their brood galleries. In Northern USA and Canada, conifer logs are attractive to \"Trypodendron lineatum\" (Oliv.) during the spring swarming flight (Dyer 1967). Previous studies showed that short log sections become attractive more rapidly than corresponding long logs. Ambrosia beetle Ambrosia beetles are beetles of the weevil subfamilies Scolytinae and Platypodinae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), which live in nutritional symbiosis with ambrosia fungi. The beetles excavate tunnels in dead or stressed", "psg_id": "2768273" }, { "title": "Beetle", "text": "appear alongside the first rove beetles (Staphylinidae), which closely resemble recent species. Some entomologists are sceptical that such early insects are so closely related to present-day species, arguing that this is extremely unlikely; for example, the structure of the metepisternum suggests that the Obrienidae could be Archostemata, not weevils at all, despite fossils with weevil-like snouts. In 2009, a fossil beetle was described from the Pennsylvanian of Mazon Creek, Illinois, pushing the origin of the beetles to an earlier date, . Fossils from this time have been found in Asia and Europe, for instance in the red slate fossil beds", "psg_id": "88836" }, { "title": "Beetle", "text": "a division of labour into reproductive and non-reproductive groups. Few organisms outside Hymenoptera exhibit this behavior; the only beetle to do so is the weevil \"Austroplatypus incompertus\". This Australian species lives in horizontal networks of tunnels, in the heartwood of \"Eucalyptus\" trees. It is one of more than 300 species of wood-boring Ambrosia beetles which distribute the spores of ambrosia fungi. The fungi grow in the beetles' tunnels, providing food for the beetles and their larvae; female offspring remain in the tunnels and maintain the fungal growth, probably never reproducing. Cooperative brood care is also found in the bess beetles", "psg_id": "88887" }, { "title": "Beetle", "text": "spray as a jet that can be aimed accurately at predators. Large ground-dwelling beetles such as Carabidae, the rhinoceros beetle and the longhorn beetles defend themselves using strong mandibles, or heavily sclerotised (armored) spines or horns to deter or fight off predators. Many species of weevil that feed out in the open on leaves of plants react to attack by employing a drop-off reflex. Some combine it with thanatosis, in which they close up their appendages and \"play dead\". The click beetles (Elateridae) can suddenly catapult themselves out of danger by releasing the energy stored by a click mechanism, which", "psg_id": "88894" }, { "title": "European spruce bark beetle", "text": "should be debarked when distinct larval galleries with small larvae are found. Another method is clearcutting, removing sections of trees at the first signs of infestation. Pheromone traps can be used. Removal of attractive material, such as logs with bark, weakened trees, and windthrow, may help prevent outbreaks. European spruce bark beetle The European spruce bark beetle (\"Ips typographus\"), is a species of beetle in the weevil subfamily Scolytinae, the bark beetles, and is found from Europe to Asia Minor and some parts of Africa. Adults are usually long, cylindrical and robust, black or brownish-black. Elytral declivity is slightly shiny,", "psg_id": "15546239" }, { "title": "European spruce bark beetle", "text": "European spruce bark beetle The European spruce bark beetle (\"Ips typographus\"), is a species of beetle in the weevil subfamily Scolytinae, the bark beetles, and is found from Europe to Asia Minor and some parts of Africa. Adults are usually long, cylindrical and robust, black or brownish-black. Elytral declivity is slightly shiny, with 4 teeth on each margin side. The third tooth is the biggest and club like on its top. The egg is yellowish-white. The larva is white and legless. The pupa is also white. Bark beetles are so named because they reproduce in the inner bark, living and", "psg_id": "15546229" }, { "title": "Vine weevil", "text": "Adults may also be controlled using the fungus \"Beauveria bassiana\", which is a biocontrol. Vine weevil Black vine weevil (\"Otiorhynchus sulcatus\") is an insect native to Europe but common in North America as well. It is a pest of many garden plants. The adult weevil is matte black with fused wing covers, and is unable to fly. It feeds at night on the outer edges of leaves, causing the leaves to have a notched margin. Broadleaved evergreen plants such as \"Camellia\", \"Rhododendron\", \"Euonymus\" and \"Bergenia\" are particularly prone to damage, although a wide range of different garden plants is susceptible", "psg_id": "6395547" }, { "title": "New Zealand giraffe weevil", "text": "New Zealand giraffe weevil The New Zealand giraffe weevil, Lasiorhynchus barbicornis, is a distinctive straight-snouted weevil in the subfamily Brentinae, endemic to New Zealand. \"L. barbicornis\" is New Zealand's longest beetle, and shows extreme sexual dimorphism: males measure up to 90 mm, and females 50 mm, although there is an extreme range of body sizes in both sexes. In males the elongated snout (or rostrum) can be nearly as long as the body. Male giraffe weevils use this long rostrum to battle over females, although small males can avoid conflict and 'sneak' in to mate with females, sometimes under the", "psg_id": "10013971" }, { "title": "Ambrosia beetle", "text": "Ambrosia beetle Ambrosia beetles are beetles of the weevil subfamilies Scolytinae and Platypodinae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), which live in nutritional symbiosis with ambrosia fungi. The beetles excavate tunnels in dead or stressed trees in which they cultivate fungal gardens, their sole source of nutrition. After landing on a suitable tree, an ambrosia beetle excavates a tunnel in which it releases spores of its fungal symbiont. The fungus penetrates the plant's xylem tissue, extracts nutrients from it, and concentrates the nutrients on and near the surface of the beetle gallery. Ambrosia fungi are typically poor wood degraders, and instead utilize less demanding", "psg_id": "2768267" }, { "title": "Weevil", "text": "from Marvaldi \"et al.\", and was achieved using phylogenetic analyses. The accepted families are the primitive weevils, Anthribidae, Attelabidae, Belidae, Brentidae, Caridae, and Nemonychidae, and the true weevils Curculionidae. Most other weevil families were demoted to subfamilies or tribes. Weevil species radiation was shown to follow steps in plant evolution upon which the weevils feed; they can vary in color from black to light brown. Some of the features used to distinguish weevil families are: \"Rhopalapion longirostre\" exhibits an extreme case of sexual dimorphism. The female rostrum is twice as long and its surface is smoother than in the male.", "psg_id": "2204973" }, { "title": "Turbott's weevil", "text": "on that Island. To assist with their establishment the weevils were placed inside cages situated in West Bay containing tree species the weevils are known to consume. Turbott's weevil are protected under Schedule 7 of The 1953 Wildlife Act, making it an offense to hunt, kill or possess a specimen. Turbott's weevil Turbott's weevil (\"Anagotus turbotti\") is a weevil that is endemic to New Zealand. It has been found on the Hen and Chicken Islands, the Poor Knights Islands and the Three Kings Islands. New Zealand entomologist Donald Spiller first described and named this species in 1942, based on two", "psg_id": "19228304" }, { "title": "Flax weevil", "text": "Flax weevil The flax weevil (\"Anagotus fairburni\") is a large flightless weevil. It was discovered by E. Fairburn in 1931 on D'Urville Island. The weevil is known to live on New Zealand flax (\"Phormium tenax\"), feeding on leaves, where it produces a characteristic feeding notch. The weevil is a large, nocturnal, flightless weevil ranging in length from 20 to 25mm. Although considered a coastal species, the flax weevil has been found in the Tararua Range on Phormium cookianum, a mountain flax. It is possible that other remnant populations survive in other mountain ranges. However, due to predation by mammals, it", "psg_id": "16738636" }, { "title": "Turbott's weevil", "text": "Turbott's weevil Turbott's weevil (\"Anagotus turbotti\") is a weevil that is endemic to New Zealand. It has been found on the Hen and Chicken Islands, the Poor Knights Islands and the Three Kings Islands. New Zealand entomologist Donald Spiller first described and named this species in 1942, based on two specimens collected by E. G. Turbott from the Poor Knights Islands, in November 1940. \"Anagotus turbotti\" was named in honour of its collector. Turbott's weevil is one of the largest and most colourful of New Zealand's endemic weevils. This species is flightless and ranges in length from 18-25mm. It has", "psg_id": "19228301" }, { "title": "Striped cucumber beetle", "text": "Striped cucumber beetle The striped cucumber beetle (\"Acalymma vittatum\") is a beetle of the family Chrysomelidae and a serious pest of cucurbit crops in both larval and adult stages. It is replaced in the west by \"Acalymma trivittatum\", a duller species often with greyish or pale white elytra rather than yellow. The striped cucumber beetle is a small beetle approximately half a centimeters in length, and characterized by brown-yellow elytra completely covering the abdomen and longitudinally transversed by three thick black stripes. It superficially resembles the western corn rootworm (\"Diabrotica virgifera\"), another serious crop pest. However, the ventral abdominal surface", "psg_id": "5935472" }, { "title": "Naupactus (weevil)", "text": "genus. Naupactus (weevil) Naupactus is a genus of beetles in the weevil family Curculionidae, the true weevils. They are known commonly as whitefringed beetles. Many species of the genus are considered pests, both as larvae and as adults. The genus is native to the Americas, where it is distributed from Mexico to Argentina; the highest species diversity is in Brazil. Several species have been introduced to the United States and New Zealand. Some \"Naupactus\" have fully developed wings, while others have rudimentary or absent wings and are flightless. The females have flexible ovipositors with which they deposit eggs in cracks", "psg_id": "13568628" }, { "title": "Naupactus (weevil)", "text": "Naupactus (weevil) Naupactus is a genus of beetles in the weevil family Curculionidae, the true weevils. They are known commonly as whitefringed beetles. Many species of the genus are considered pests, both as larvae and as adults. The genus is native to the Americas, where it is distributed from Mexico to Argentina; the highest species diversity is in Brazil. Several species have been introduced to the United States and New Zealand. Some \"Naupactus\" have fully developed wings, while others have rudimentary or absent wings and are flightless. The females have flexible ovipositors with which they deposit eggs in cracks and", "psg_id": "13568626" }, { "title": "Yellow-poplar weevil", "text": "the first adult feeding spots are noticed on host leaves. A rule of thumb is to apply the insecticide when feeding damage accumulates to 10% or more throughout foliage. Since the spring adults feed and move during April to early June, a second application may be needed. Systemics are used to combat larvae. It is best to apply systemics when the eggs have just been laid or while larval mines are green in color. Yellow-poplar weevil The yellow-poplar weevil, scientific classification Odontopus calceatus, is a type of weevil which occurs in much of the eastern and southeastern United States. Its", "psg_id": "18917832" }, { "title": "Cirsium vinaceum", "text": "\"Platyptilia carduidactyla\", the bumble flower beetle \"Euphoria inda\", and the stem borer weevil \"Lixus pervestitus\". Large sections of several thistle populations have been damaged by one or more of these insects. The non-native flower head weevil \"Rhinocyllus conicus\" has the potential to damage the thistle; it was purposely introduced to North America in an attempt to control various species of invasive thistles which are noxious weeds, including musk thistle. The weevil was never released in New Mexico because of its potential to attack the native thistle; unfortunately, it has moved into the area on its own. So far its distribution", "psg_id": "15321574" }, { "title": "Beetle", "text": "has devastated elm trees across Europe and North America. Some species of beetle have evolved immunity to insecticides. For example, the Colorado potato beetle, \"Leptinotarsa decemlineata\", is a destructive pest of potato plants. Its hosts include other members of the Solanaceae, such as nightshade, tomato, eggplant and capsicum, as well as the potato. Different populations have between them developed resistance to all major classes of insecticide. The Colorado potato beetle was evaluated as a tool of entomological warfare during World War II, the idea being to use the beetle and its larvae to damage the crops of enemy nations. Germany", "psg_id": "88911" }, { "title": "Callosobruchus chinensis", "text": "Callosobruchus chinensis Callosobruchus chinensis is a common species of beetle found in the bean weevil subfamily, and is known to be a pest to many stored legumes. Although it is commonly known as the adzuki bean weevil it is in fact not a true weevil, belonging instead to the leaf beetle family, Chrysomelidae. Other common names include the pulse beetle, Chinese bruchid and cowpea bruchid. This species has a very similar lifestyle and habitat to \"Callosobruchus maculatus\" and their identities are often mistaken for each other. This beetle is a common pest targeting many different species of stored legumes and", "psg_id": "18355593" }, { "title": "Weevil (Torchwood)", "text": "Weevil (Torchwood) Weevils are a fictional extraterrestrial species from the British science fiction television series \"Torchwood\", first appearing in the episode \"Everything Changes\" (2006). As Jack Harkness explains in that episode, the name \"Weevil\" is applied to them by Torchwood, but as communication with them is limited, the true name of their race is not known. The behind-the-scenes documentary series, \"Torchwood Declassified\", describes them as the \"resident alien of the show\". Torchwood Three has a captive Weevil which Owen studies. Jack first considered the name Barbara, but \"It didn't seem right\" so they named it Janet. Weevils are thought to", "psg_id": "8992948" }, { "title": "Weevil (Torchwood)", "text": "\"The Pandorica Opens\" (2010). They appear alongside a number of alien species from the \"Doctor Who\" universe who unite to apprehend the Doctor. Weevil (Torchwood) Weevils are a fictional extraterrestrial species from the British science fiction television series \"Torchwood\", first appearing in the episode \"Everything Changes\" (2006). As Jack Harkness explains in that episode, the name \"Weevil\" is applied to them by Torchwood, but as communication with them is limited, the true name of their race is not known. The behind-the-scenes documentary series, \"Torchwood Declassified\", describes them as the \"resident alien of the show\". Torchwood Three has a captive Weevil", "psg_id": "8992956" }, { "title": "Vine weevil", "text": "Vine weevil Black vine weevil (\"Otiorhynchus sulcatus\") is an insect native to Europe but common in North America as well. It is a pest of many garden plants. The adult weevil is matte black with fused wing covers, and is unable to fly. It feeds at night on the outer edges of leaves, causing the leaves to have a notched margin. Broadleaved evergreen plants such as \"Camellia\", \"Rhododendron\", \"Euonymus\" and \"Bergenia\" are particularly prone to damage, although a wide range of different garden plants is susceptible to attack. Female weevils have the ability to reproduce parthenogenetically with fertilisation of eggs", "psg_id": "6395544" }, { "title": "Grapevine beetle", "text": "Grapevine beetle The grapevine beetle, \"Pelidnota punctata\", also known as the spotted June beetle or the spotted pelidnota, is a species of beetle in the family Scarabaeidae (Scarab beetles), situated in the subfamily Rutelinae. Grapevine beetles are common in the north and central United States and Eastern Canada, but do relatively little damage to their host plants. The beetles fly at a fast speed, usually in a curving flight. The adult beetle is approximately 2.5 centimetres (1 inch) long, but can reach 3 cm (1.2 in) occasionally. Its pattern is off-yellow or auburn red, with three black spots running down", "psg_id": "8245455" }, { "title": "Japanese beetle", "text": "Japanese beetle The Japanese beetle (\"Popillia japonica\") is a species of scarab beetle. The adult measures in length and in width, has iridescent copper-colored elytra and a green thorax and head. It is not very destructive in Japan, where it is controlled by natural predators, but in North America, it is a noted pest of about 300 species of plants including rose bushes, grapes, hops, canna, crape myrtles, birch trees, linden trees, and others. The adult beetles damage plants by skeletonizing the foliage, that is, consuming only the leaf material between the veins, and may also feed on fruit on", "psg_id": "1410611" }, { "title": "Tansy ragwort flea beetle", "text": "on the roots. The larvae and adults are dually responsible for damage to the plant. The adult defoliates plants which are often already weakened by larval damage at the roots. This two-pronged attack is quite successful in preventing ragwort growth and development. The beetles have prevented entire populations of ragwort from reaching flowering stage at several monitored sites. The beetle is not choosy between species in the genera in which it feeds from, and recent studies with the beetle have shown \"that selection pressure by specialist herbivores is not likely a driving force in evolutionary diversification\" of the plants which", "psg_id": "11519232" }, { "title": "Varied carpet beetle", "text": "Varied carpet beetle The varied carpet beetle (\"Anthrenus verbasci\") is a 3 mm-long beetle belonging to the family Dermestidae. They are a common species, often considered a pest of domestic houses and, particularly, natural history museums, where the larvae may damage natural fibers and can damage carpets, furniture, clothing, and insect collections. \"A. verbasci\" was also the first insect to be shown to have an annual behavioral rhythm and to date remains a classic example of circannual cycles in animals. Adult \"A. verbasci\" range in length from . The body is rounded, almost spherical. The elytra and pronotum are covered", "psg_id": "5381013" }, { "title": "Garlic mustard as an invasive species", "text": "seeds are produced in great quantities and are readily distributed by animals and human activity. Of the 76 natural enemies garlic mustard has in its native range, several have been tested for use as potential biological control agents. Five weevil species from the genus \"Ceutorhynchus\" and one flea beetle were selected as candidates during preliminary testing. Since that time, the United States' employees studying these candidates narrowed the list. The monophagous weevil \"C. scrobicollis\", studied since 2002, was officially recommended for introduction into the US in 2012 but the TAG group blocked its introduction, requesting further research be conducted. As", "psg_id": "20327122" }, { "title": "Giraffe weevil", "text": "Giraffe weevil The giraffe weevil (\"Trachelophorus giraffa\") is a weevil endemic to Madagascar. It derives its name from an extended neck much like that of the common giraffe. The giraffe weevil is sexually dimorphic, with the neck of the male typically being 2 to 3 times the length of that of the female. Most of the body is black with distinctive red elytra covering the flying wings. The total body length of the males is just under an inch (2.5 cm), among the longest for any attelabid species. The extended neck is an adaptation that assists in nest building and", "psg_id": "5068556" }, { "title": "Asiatic rhinoceros beetle", "text": "to have been brought there in air cargo. Asiatic rhinoceros beetle The Asiatic rhinoceros beetle, coconut rhinoceros beetle or coconut palm rhinoceros beetle, (\"Oryctes rhinoceros\") is a species of rhinoceros beetle belonging to the Scarabaeidae family. \"O. rhinoceros\" attacks the developing fronds of Raffia, coconut, oil, and other palms in tropical Asia and a number of Pacific islands. Damaged fronds show typical triangular cuts. The beetle kills the palms (particularly newly planted ones) when the growing point is destroyed during feeding. The larvae do not damage crops, but instead grow in dead, decaying trunks and other organic matter. In 1964,", "psg_id": "15750013" }, { "title": "Asiatic rhinoceros beetle", "text": "Asiatic rhinoceros beetle The Asiatic rhinoceros beetle, coconut rhinoceros beetle or coconut palm rhinoceros beetle, (\"Oryctes rhinoceros\") is a species of rhinoceros beetle belonging to the Scarabaeidae family. \"O. rhinoceros\" attacks the developing fronds of Raffia, coconut, oil, and other palms in tropical Asia and a number of Pacific islands. Damaged fronds show typical triangular cuts. The beetle kills the palms (particularly newly planted ones) when the growing point is destroyed during feeding. The larvae do not damage crops, but instead grow in dead, decaying trunks and other organic matter. In 1964, accidental introduction in some countries, and the perceived", "psg_id": "15750011" }, { "title": "Drugstore beetle", "text": "3-segmented clubs, while cigarette beetles have serrated antennae (notched like teeth of a saw). The drugstore beetle also has grooves running longitudinally along the elytra, whereas the cigarette beetle is smooth. The drugstore beetle's larvae are small, white grubs, that can be distinguished from the grubs of the cigarette beetle by their shorter hair. The female can lay up to 75 eggs at once, and the larval period lasts up to several months depending on the food source. It is the larvae that are responsible for most of the damage that this species can cause. The drugstore beetle lives in", "psg_id": "4729309" }, { "title": "Enterprise, Alabama", "text": "Coffee County. Facing economic ruin, the nearly bankrupt area farmers were forced to diversify, planting peanuts and other crops in an effort to lessen the damage and recoup some of the losses inflicted upon them by the invading insect. Two years later, Coffee County was the leading producer of peanuts in the United States. Enterprise was able not only to stave off disaster, but its economy was renewed by the thriving new crop base. In appreciation, the people of Enterprise erected a monument in the city center to what the monument describes as their \"herald of prosperity\"; the boll weevil.", "psg_id": "990602" }, { "title": "Diabrotica balteata", "text": "nightshade, bell pepper, mulberry, pea, beet, okra, onion, and lettuce. The beetle causes the most serious damage to plants when the adult defoliates them and the larva attacks the roots, especially in seedlings. The larva is very damaging to the root tuber of the sweet potato. It riddles the tuber with holes which expand as the root grows, turning into craters. Such root damage reduces plant growth and fruit production, and it makes the crop less marketable. Another consequence of beetle damage to plants is viral and bacterial infection. Even if the actual damage is minor, the injury can facilitate", "psg_id": "17440368" } ]
[ "manufacture of cotton", "absorbent cotton", "bomull", "processing of cotton", "cotton fiber", "cotton boll", "cotton cloth", "cotton picking", "indian cotton", "cotton industry", "cotton linter", "cotton", "cotton fabric", "cottons", "cotton wool" ]
a staunch conservationist, which us president is credited with creating the national forest service, 5 national parks, 18 national monuments, 51 bird reserves, four game preserves, and 150 national forests?
[ { "title": "Roosevelt National Forest", "text": "in 1910, and was renamed to honor President Theodore Roosevelt in 1932. The forest has a total area of 813,799 acres (1,271.56 sq mi, or 3,293.33 km²). Several volunteer groups work with the US Forest Service to help manage the Roosevelt National Forest, including the Poudre Wilderness Volunteers. There are six officially designated wilderness areas lying within Roosevelt National Forest that are part of the National Wilderness Preservation System. Four of them extend into neighboring National Forests, and one of these also onto National Park Service land (as indicated).!ut/p/z0/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfIjo8zijQwgwNHCwN_DI8zPwBcqYKBfkO2oCADIwpjI/?pname=Arapaho%2F&ss=110210&pnavid=null&navid=091000000000000&ttype=main& Roosevelt National Forest The Roosevelt National Forest is a National", "psg_id": "5252724" } ]
[ { "title": "Environmental movement in the United States", "text": "and placed 230 million acres (360,000 mi² or 930,000 km²) under federal protection. Roosevelt set aside more Federal land for national parks and nature preserves than all of his predecessors combined. Roosevelt established the United States Forest Service, signed into law the creation of five National Parks, and signed the 1906 Antiquities Act, under which he proclaimed 18 new U.S. National Monuments. He also established the first 51 Bird Reserves, four Game Preserves, and 150 National Forests, including Shoshone National Forest, the nation's first. The area of the United States that he placed under public protection totals approximately . Gifford", "psg_id": "132049" }, { "title": "Conservation movement", "text": "construction of dams to irrigate small farms and placed 230 million acres (360,000 mi or 930,000 km) under federal protection. Roosevelt set aside more federal land for national parks and nature preserves than all of his predecessors combined. Roosevelt established the United States Forest Service, signed into law the creation of five national parks, and signed the year 1906 Antiquities Act, under which he proclaimed 18 new national monuments. He also established the first 51 bird reserves, four game preserves, and 150 national forests, including Shoshone National Forest, the nation's first. The area of the United States that he placed", "psg_id": "560659" }, { "title": "Theodore Roosevelt", "text": "Forest Service, signed into law the creation of five National Parks, and signed the 1906 Antiquities Act, under which he proclaimed 18 new U.S. National Monuments. He also established the first 51 bird reserves, four game preserves, and 150 National Forests. The area of the United States that he placed under public protection totals approximately . Roosevelt extensively used executive orders on a number of occasions to protect forest and wildlife lands during his tenure as President. By the end of his second term in office, Roosevelt used executive orders to establish 150 million acres of reserved forestry land. Roosevelt", "psg_id": "413827" }, { "title": "Midnight forests", "text": "for Roosevelt to proclaim twenty-one new forest preserves and to enlarge eleven existing ones, of about , which he did on March 1–2, 1907. After having done so, Roosevelt then signed the Agricultural Appropriations Act, which included the now-irrelevant amendment. \"Roosevelt later gleefully recalled how opposing interests 'turned handsprings in their wrath' over the setting aside of these 'midnight reserves' --a stroke described by a Forest Service historian as 'the last flamboyant act of the conservation movement.'\" During his administration, President Roosevelt set aside 150 national forests, the first 51 federal bird reservations, five national parks, the first 18 national", "psg_id": "11880245" }, { "title": "Carl Rungius", "text": "signed into law the creation of five National Parks, and signed the 1906 Antiquities Act, under which he proclaimed 18 new United States National Monuments. He also established the first 51 Bird Reserves, four Game Preserves, and 150 National Forests, including Shoshone National Forest, the nation's first. Around 1909, Rungius gave up illustrating to pursue a career as a full-time easel painter. His illustrations, however, stayed in circulation long after, playing a large role in spreading information about ethical hunting. In early twentieth-century North America, there were few major zoos and photography was still in its infancy, so illustrations from", "psg_id": "12307863" }, { "title": "Humaitá National Forest", "text": "Mapinguari national parks, Balata-Tufari, Humaitá and Iquiri national forests, and the Lago do Capanã-Grande, Rio Ituxi, Médio Purus and Lago do Cuniã extractive reserves extractive reserves. The management plan was approved on 10 July 2013. Humaitá National Forest The Humaitá National Forest () is a national forest in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. The Humaitá National Forest is in the Humaitá municipality of the state of Amazonas. It covers an area of . The forest is bounded by the border with Rondônia to the south, the Madeira River to the west and the Trans-Amazonian Highway (BR-230) to the north. The", "psg_id": "19552035" }, { "title": "Australian Alps National Parks and Reserves", "text": "Buffalo, Namadgi and Snowy River national parks; the Avon Wilderness Park, and the Bimberi, Scabby Range and Tidbinbilla nature reserves. Australian Alps National Parks and Reserves The Australian Alps National Parks and Reserves is a group of eleven protected areas consisting of national parks, nature reserves and one wilderness park located in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales and Victoria and which was listed as a \"place\" on the Australian National Heritage List on 7 November 2008 under the \"Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999\". The listing which covers an area of , contains the vast majority of", "psg_id": "17772228" }, { "title": "Pinnacles National Forest", "text": "Pinnacles National Forest Pinnacles National Forest was a United States National Forest in California. It was established as the Pinnacles Forest Reserve under the authority of the U.S. Forest Service by Presidential proclamation on July 18, 1906 with . It became a national forest on March 4, 1907 when all U.S. national forest reserves were redesignated as national forests by act of U.S. Congress. On July 1, 1908, Pinnacles was added to Monterey National Forest by executive order, and the name was discontinued. The lands currently exist in Los Padres National Forest and in Pinnacles National Park, proclaimed as Pinnacles", "psg_id": "12350011" }, { "title": "Lassen National Forest", "text": "not created until 1905, less than a month before Congress approved the Transfer Act, which took the reserves away from the General Land Office and the Department of Interior. Instead, the newly created U.S. Forest Service managed the lands under the Department of Agriculture. The reserves then became the National Forests. In 1908 Lassen absorbed portions of Diamond Mountain National Forest and exchanged lands with Plumas National Forest and Shasta National Forest. Lassen National Park was carved from the Lassen National Forest in 1916, when Congress approved the creation of the National Park Service, administered by the Interior department. Lassen", "psg_id": "5973512" }, { "title": "History of ecology", "text": "allowed for him to \"declare by public proclamation historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic and scientific interest that are situated upon lands owned or controlled by the Government of the United States to be National Monuments.\" Under this act he created up to 18 national monuments. During his presidency, Roosevelt established 51 Federal Bird Reservations, 4 National Game Preserves, 150 National Forests, and 5 National Parks. Overall he protected over 200 million acres of land. Ecology became a central part of the World's politics as early as 1971, UNESCO launched a research program called \"Man", "psg_id": "4736683" }, { "title": "Iquiri National Forest", "text": "are the Abufari Biological Reserve, Cuniã Ecological Station, Nascentes do Lago Jari and Mapinguari national parks, Balata-Tufari, Humaitá and Iquiri national forests, and the Lago do Capanã-Grande, Rio Ituxi, Médio Purus and Lago do Cuniã extractive reserves. An advisory council for the Iquiri forest was created on 26 October 2012. Iquiri National Forest Iquiri National Forest () is a national forest in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. It is a sustainable use conservation unit, so harvesting of forest resources such as timber is allowed in accordance with a management plan. The Iquiri National Forest has an area of . It", "psg_id": "19546704" }, { "title": "Australian Alps National Parks and Reserves", "text": "Australian Alps National Parks and Reserves The Australian Alps National Parks and Reserves is a group of eleven protected areas consisting of national parks, nature reserves and one wilderness park located in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales and Victoria and which was listed as a \"place\" on the Australian National Heritage List on 7 November 2008 under the \"Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999\". The listing which covers an area of , contains the vast majority of alpine and sub-alpine environments in Australia. The listing includes the following protected areas - Alpine, Baw Baw, Brindabella, Kosciuszko, Mount", "psg_id": "17772227" }, { "title": "Mount Rainier National Park", "text": "of nature as national parks. At the time national forests, called forest reserves at first, were being created throughout the American West, under the utilitarian \"conservation-through-use\" view of Gifford Pinchot. Muir came to be known as a \"preservationist\". He wanted nature preserved under the more protected status of national parks. But during the 1890s there was more public support for creating national forests than national parks. During that decade, Muir and his supporters were only able to protect one national forest as a national park. When the Pacific Forest Reserve was created in 1893, Muir quickly persuaded the newly formed", "psg_id": "1586001" }, { "title": "National parks and nature reserves of Israel", "text": "best known national parks. This is a partial list, containing only the best known nature reserves. National parks and nature reserves of Israel National parks of Israel are declared historic sites or nature reserves, which are mostly operated and maintained by the National Nature and Parks Authority. As of 2015, Israel maintains more than 400 nature reserves that protect 2,500 species of indigenous wild plants, 20 species of fish, 400 species of birds and 70 species of mammals. Some parks are located at archaeological sites such as Tel Megiddo, Beit She'an, Ashkelon and Kursi. Others, such as the Alexander stream,", "psg_id": "12240522" }, { "title": "Santa Barbara National Forest", "text": "name was changed to Los Padres National Forest. Santa Barbara National Forest Santa Barbara National Forest was established as the Santa Barbara Forest Reserve by the General Land Office in California on December 22, 1903 with by consolidation of Pine Mountain and Zaka Lake and Santa Ynez Forest Reserves. It included areas of the San Rafael Mountains and Santa Ynez Mountains. After the transfer of federal forests to the U.S. Forest Service in 1905, it became a U.S. National Forest on March 4, 1907. On July 1, 1910, San Luis National Forest was added. On August 18, 1919 Monterey National", "psg_id": "12350022" }, { "title": "National Park Service", "text": "amount went directly into communities within 60 miles of a NPS unit. The National Park Service uses over 20 different titles for the park units it manages, including \"national park\" and \"national monument\". National Parks preserve nationally and globally significant scenic areas and nature reserves. National Monuments preserve a single unique cultural or natural feature. Devils Tower National Monument was the first in 1906. National Historic Sites protect a significant cultural resource that is not a complicated site. Examples of these types of parks include Ford's Theatre National Historic Site and William Howard Taft National Historic Site. National Historical Parks", "psg_id": "1404348" }, { "title": "History of the National Park Service", "text": "Albright had been seeking the creation of separate agency to manage the National Parks and Monuments. On June 10, 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6166 which consolidated all National Parks and National Monuments, National Military Parks, the eleven National Cemeteries, National Memorials, and the National Capital Parks into a single National Park System. The National Park Service was directed to oversee all of these areas. There were three significant results of this action: National Capital Parks are the oldest parks in the National Park System. These parks began with the founding of the District of Columbia in", "psg_id": "12430725" }, { "title": "Santa Barbara National Forest", "text": "Santa Barbara National Forest Santa Barbara National Forest was established as the Santa Barbara Forest Reserve by the General Land Office in California on December 22, 1903 with by consolidation of Pine Mountain and Zaka Lake and Santa Ynez Forest Reserves. It included areas of the San Rafael Mountains and Santa Ynez Mountains. After the transfer of federal forests to the U.S. Forest Service in 1905, it became a U.S. National Forest on March 4, 1907. On July 1, 1910, San Luis National Forest was added. On August 18, 1919 Monterey National Forest was added. On December 3, 1936 the", "psg_id": "12350021" }, { "title": "Nez Perce National Forest", "text": "fisher, and mountain goat. In 2012, Nez Perce National Forest and Clearwater National Forest were administratively combined as Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests, with headquarters in Kamiah, Idaho. There are local ranger district offices in Elk City, Grangeville, Kooskia, and White Bird. Nez Perce was established on July 1, 1908 by the U.S. Forest Service with from parts of Bitterroot National Forest and Weiser National Forest. On October 29, 1934 part of Selway National Forest was added. There are four officially designated wilderness areas within Nez Perce National Forest that are part of the National Wilderness Preservation System. Three of these", "psg_id": "3631803" }, { "title": "National Parks and Wildlife Service (New South Wales)", "text": "National Parks and Wildlife Service (New South Wales) The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) is part of the Office of Environment and Heritage (New South Wales) - the main government conservation agency in New South Wales, Australia. The NSW NPWS was established in 1967 when the Fauna Protection Panel and Reserves Branch of the Lands Department were amalgamated under Lands Minister Hon. Tom Lewis AO. Lewis also establish the charity, National Parks Foundation to assist the NPWS raise funds for conservation. The first Director of the NPWS was Sam P. Weems of the US National Park Service. Duties performed", "psg_id": "10596140" }, { "title": "Boise National Forest", "text": "After forest reserves were renamed national forests in 1908, Boise National Forest was split from Sawtooth National Forest into an independent national forest. On April 1, 1944, the entirety of what was then Payette National Forest was transferred to Boise National Forest, and simultaneously Weiser and Idaho national forests were combined to reestablish the present-day Payette National Forest, which is to the north of Boise National Forest. In 1933 the Boise Basin Experimental Forest was created on of the forest near Idaho City to study the management of ponderosa pine. The Lucky Peak Nursery was established in 1959 to produce", "psg_id": "5671154" }, { "title": "National parks and nature reserves of Israel", "text": "which was the first declared nature reserve in Israel. In 1963 the Knesset approved the \"National parks and nature reserves act\" (חוק הגנים הלאומיים ושמורות הטבע), whose legislation process had already began in 1956. As a result, two authorities were established: the National Parks Authority and the Nature Reserves Authority. In 1998 the two authorities were merged into one body - Israel Nature and Parks Authority. The last observation of an Arabian leopard took place in the northern Arabah area in 2010/11. It is possibly extinct in the country. In Israel the distinction between national parks and nature reserves is", "psg_id": "12240520" }, { "title": "National parks and nature reserves of Israel", "text": "National parks and nature reserves of Israel National parks of Israel are declared historic sites or nature reserves, which are mostly operated and maintained by the National Nature and Parks Authority. As of 2015, Israel maintains more than 400 nature reserves that protect 2,500 species of indigenous wild plants, 20 species of fish, 400 species of birds and 70 species of mammals. Some parks are located at archaeological sites such as Tel Megiddo, Beit She'an, Ashkelon and Kursi. Others, such as the Alexander stream, Mount Carmel National Park or Hurshat Tal focus on nature and the preservation of local flora", "psg_id": "12240516" }, { "title": "Coconino National Forest", "text": "Pinchot, head of the US Division of Forestry. Local reaction was hostile—citizens of Williams, Arizona held a mass protest, and the \"Williams News\" editorialized that the reserve \"virtually destroys Coconino County.\" In 1905, the Forest Reserves were transferred to the Department of Agriculture. Some 21 million acres (85,000 km) of public lands, almost one-eighth of the area of Arizona and New Mexico, were now to be administered by the new Forest Service. In 1908, the Coconino National Forest was established from parts of the Tonto, Black Mesa, Grand Canyon, and entire San Francisco Mountains National Forests. Coconino National Forest The", "psg_id": "5325727" }, { "title": "Sam Houston National Forest", "text": "the Handbook of Texas Online—George Oxford Miller and Delena Tull, Texas Parks and Campgrounds: North, East, and Coastal Texas (Austin: Texas Monthly Press, 1984). Sam Houston National Forest The Sam Houston National Forest, one of four National Forests in Texas, is located 50 miles north of Houston. The forest is administered together with the other three United States National Forests and two National Grasslands located entirely in Texas, from common offices in Lufkin, Texas. The units include Angelina, Davy Crockett, Sabine, and Sam Houston National Forests, plus Caddo National Grassland and Lyndon B. Johnson National Grassland. There are local ranger", "psg_id": "7840839" }, { "title": "Lolo National Forest", "text": "Lolo National Forest Lolo National Forest is a national forest located in western Montana, United States with the western boundary being the state of Idaho. The forest spans 2 million acres (8,000 km) and includes four wilderness areas; the Scapegoat and the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness are partially within the forest while the Welcome Creek and Rattlesnake Wildernesses are solely in Lolo National Forest. The forest was created in 1906 from 4 different previous forests which were combined for administrative purposes. Lolo National Forest is west of the Continental divide and has a biodiversity influenced by both continental and maritime weather creating", "psg_id": "5668666" }, { "title": "Sawtooth National Forest", "text": "River Forest Reserve on November 5, 1906. The names of the forest reserves were changed to national forests on March 4, 1907. Formed from the consolidation of Cassia and Raft River National Forests, the Minidoka National Forest was created on July 1, 1908, and then added to Sawtooth National Forest on July 1, 1953. In 1936, Senator James Pope, a one-term Democrat from Idaho, introduced the first legislation to establish a national park in the Sawtooths. Under his proposal, the park would have been approximately in length and wide. The rest of Idaho's congressional delegation did not support the proposal,", "psg_id": "6279873" }, { "title": "Yellowstone National Forest", "text": "civilian administration, with the first ranger station in the nation established at Wapiti on the Shoshone River. Artist and rancher Abraham Archibald Anderson was named as the first Special Superintendent of Forest Reserves. On January 9, 1903 lands of the first Absaroka and Teton Forest Reserves were added, and on March 4, 1907 it became Yellowstone National Forest. In 1905 all federal forests were transferred to the U.S. Forest Service. On July 1, 1908 as part of a major reorganization, the forest was divided into Targhee, Teton, Wyoming, Bonneville, Absaroka, Shoshone and Beartooth National Forests, and the name was discontinued.", "psg_id": "12339408" }, { "title": "Coconino National Forest", "text": "an 1,800 square mile (4,700 km) volcanic field that contains more than 600 volcanic features. The Coconino National Forest encompasses a large portion of the volcanic field and so the forest landscape around Flagstaff is dotted with tree-covered cinder cones, lava flows, and underground lava tubes (such as Lava River Cave). The Flagstaff District surrounds two United States National Monuments near Flagstaff, Walnut Canyon National Monument and Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument the latter of which preserves the youngest cinder cone in the San Francisco Volcanic Field, Sunset Crater. The forest borders another National Monument, Wupatki National Monument on its", "psg_id": "5325716" }, { "title": "Sierra National Forest", "text": "about four times the average area of typical California National Forests. Originally it embraced parts of eight counties from Tuolumne on the north to Kern on the south and Mono and Inyo on the east. Initially its name was descriptive, but later when the Sierra was divided into different units this was no longer the case. President Harrison proclaimed the Sierra Forest Reserve on February 14, 1893. Four years later the south half became a separate unit and was named Sierra South during the \"forest reserves\" era. This designation was dropped after the administrative transition to the National Forests on", "psg_id": "3538646" }, { "title": "National Parks Act (Canada)", "text": "National Parks Act (Canada) The Canada National Parks Act, \"An Act respecting the national parks of Canada\" (the \"Act\") is a Canadian federal law that regulates protection of natural areas of national significance. The \"Dominion Forest Reserves and Parks Act\" was passed in 1927, followed by the first \"National Parks Act\" in 1930. The current \"Canada National Parks Act\" was assented on October 20, 2000 and has been amended since. The \"Act\" enables Parks Canada to designate and maintain national parks and national park reserves. Within these, additional wildland areas may be designated. Natural resources in protected areas are dedicated", "psg_id": "8129824" }, { "title": "Sumter National Forest", "text": "Sumter National Forest The Sumter National Forest is one of two forests in South Carolina that are managed together by the United States Forest Service, the other being the Francis Marion National Forest. The Sumter National Forest consists of which are divided into several non-contiguous sections in western South Carolina. Overall, in descending order of land area the forest is located in parts of Oconee, Union, Newberry, McCormick, Edgefield, Abbeville, Laurens, Chester, Fairfield, Greenwood, and Saluda counties. Forest headquarters of both South Carolina forests are located together in the state's capital city of Columbia. In July, 1936, President Franklin D.", "psg_id": "8639642" }, { "title": "National Park Service", "text": "employs approximately 27,000 employees who oversee units, of which 60 are designated national parks. National parks and national monuments in the United States were originally individually managed under the auspices of the Department of the Interior. The movement for an independent agency to oversee these federal lands was spearheaded by business magnate and conservationist Stephen Mather, as well as J. Horace McFarland. With the help of journalist Robert Sterling Yard, Mather ran a publicity campaign for the Department of the Interior. They wrote numerous articles that praised the scenic and historic qualities of the parks and their possibilities for educational,", "psg_id": "1404325" }, { "title": "Allegheny National Forest", "text": "shorter-lived species like black cherry, which readily germinated on the bare sunny ground. Cherry, red maple, black birch, and sugar maple became common species in the understory. Today many of the Eastern National Forests are primarily second-growth and different in character from National Forests in the West created from huge reserves of largely virgin forest. In the Allegheny National Forest, the trees are roughly the same age because they started growing about the same time and the Forest Service continues to manage the land through a silvicultural system known as even-aged management—a practice very closely related to clearcutting. An old-growth", "psg_id": "3206775" }, { "title": "Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests", "text": "Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests The Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests are two United States National Forests which run along the Mogollon Rim and the White Mountains in east-central Arizona and into the U.S. state of New Mexico. Both forests are managed as one unit by USDA Forest Service from the forests Supervisors Office in Springerville, Arizona. Apache-Sitgreaves has over 400 species of wildlife. With its high elevation and cool summer breezes it is a popular weekend destination from the hot desert for Phoenix, Arizona residents. The forest is divided into 5 Ranger Districts (Clifton, Alpine, Springerville, Lakeside, and Black Mesa) that span almost", "psg_id": "3287693" }, { "title": "National Capital Parks", "text": "Service: National Capital Parks The National Capital Parks is an official unit of the National Park System of the United States. It encompasses a variety of federally owned properties in and around the District of Columbia including memorials, monuments, parks, interiors of traffic circles and squares, triangles formed by irregular intersections, and other open spaces. In 1790, Congress, through the Residence Act, authorized President George Washington to procure an area along the Potomac River to locate a new capital for the nation. In 1791, President Washington appointed Pierre Charles L'Enfant to design what would become the City of Washington under", "psg_id": "6191664" }, { "title": "National Park Service", "text": "situation. In response, Secretary of the Interior Franklin K. Lane challenged him to lobby for creating a new agency, the National Park Service, to manage all national parks and some national monuments. Mather was successful with the ratification of the National Park Service Organic Act in 1916. Later, the agency was given authority over other protected areas, many with varying designations as Congress created them. The National Park \"System\" (NPS) includes all properties managed by the National Park \"Service\" (also, confusingly, \"NPS\"). The title or designation of a unit need not include the term \"park\"; indeed, most do not. The", "psg_id": "1404331" }, { "title": "Lincoln National Forest", "text": "resources, protected wilderness areas, and popular recreation and winter sports areas. The forest headquarters is located in Alamogordo, N.M. with local offices in Carlsbad, Cloudcroft, and Ruidoso. The modern Lincoln National Forest traces its origins to several different forest reserves and national forests designated in the 1902-1908 period. These included the Lincoln Forest Preserve, a 545,256 acre area established July 26, 1902 around Capitan and Lincoln, the 78,480 acre Gallinas Forest Preserve established on November 5, 1906 in the Gallinas Mountains west of Gallinas, the Guadalupe National Forest, established April 19, 1907 in the mountains along the Texas border, and", "psg_id": "7721025" }, { "title": "National parks and nature reserves of Israel", "text": "and fauna. Several parks and nature reserves have camping options, such as tent grounds and bungalows, open to small groups and individual campers. Some of them are located in the Israeli-occupied territories of the Golan Heights and the West Bank. In 2011, the most popular national parks were Yarkon National Park, Caesarea, Ein Gedi and Tel Dan. During the 19th century, the region had a sparse population of between 275,000 and 475,000. Waves of immigration expanded local population needs. Forests were cut down to supply coal for heating, industry and the Turkish railway. The Asiatic lion became extinct in the", "psg_id": "12240517" }, { "title": "Coconino National Forest", "text": "Coconino National Forest The Coconino National Forest is a 1.856-million acre (751,000 ha) United States National Forest located in northern Arizona in the vicinity of Flagstaff. Originally established in 1898 as the \"San Francisco Mountains National Forest Reserve\", the area was designated a U.S. National Forest in 1908 when the San Francisco Mountains National Forest Reserve was merged with lands from other surrounding forest reserves to create the Coconino National Forest. Today, the Coconino National Forest contains diverse landscapes, including deserts, ponderosa pine forests, flatlands, mesas, alpine tundra, and ancient volcanic peaks. The forest surrounds the towns of Sedona and", "psg_id": "5325712" }, { "title": "United States National Forest", "text": "all of the United States National Grasslands, and around half of the United States National Recreation Areas. There are two distinctly different types of forests within the National Forest system. Land management of these areas focuses on conservation, timber harvesting, livestock grazing, watershed protection, wildlife, and recreation. Unlike national parks and other federal lands managed by the National Park Service, extraction of natural resources from national forests is permitted, and in many cases encouraged. However, the first-designated wilderness areas, and some of the largest, are on National Forest lands. There are management decision conflicts between conservationists and environmentalists, and natural", "psg_id": "530581" }, { "title": "National Park Service", "text": "the action by signing the act into law. The exception, under the Antiquities Act, allows the president to designate and protect areas as National Monuments by executive order. Regardless of the method used, all parks are to be of national importance. A potential park should meet all four of the following standards: Wilderness areas are covered by the US National Wilderness Preservation System, which protects federally managed lands that are of a pristine condition, established by the Wilderness Act (Public Law 88-577) in 1964. The National Wilderness Preservation System originally created hundreds of wilderness zones within already protected federally administered", "psg_id": "1404335" }, { "title": "National parks of Rwanda", "text": "National parks of Rwanda The national parks of Rwanda are protected ecosystems and wildlife reserves located within the borders of Rwanda in east central Africa. In 2012, these protected natural zones include the Volcanoes National Park, Akagera National Park and Nyungwe Forest. Maintenance of the national park system, as well as tourism infrastructure and promotion of the parks, is managed by the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) with assistance from government ministries. Each park protects a distinct ecosystem and variety of species. Bordering Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda, into which the Virungas volcanic mountain chain extends, Volcanoes National Park is", "psg_id": "16534385" }, { "title": "History of the National Park Service", "text": "History of the National Park Service Since 1872 the United States National Park System has grown from a single, public reservation called Yellowstone National Park to embrace over 450 natural, historical, recreational, and cultural areas throughout the United States, its territories, and island possessions. These areas include a diverse varieties of areas —National Parks, National Monuments, National Memorials, National Military Parks, National Historic Sites, National Parkways, National Recreation Areas, National Seashores, National Scenic Riverways, National Scenic Trails, and others. The national park idea has been credited to the artist George Catlin. In 1832 he traveled the northern Great Plains of", "psg_id": "12430713" }, { "title": "Apache National Forest", "text": ", representing 68.9% of the combined Apache-Sitgreaves total area. There are local ranger district offices in Alpine, Clifton, and Springerville. (Springerville is also the headquarters of the combined Apache-Sigreaves.) The are four wilderness areas within Apache National Forest that are part of the National Wilderness Preservation System: Apache National Forest Apache National Forest was established by the U.S. Forest Service in Arizona and New Mexico on July 1, 1908 with from portions of Black Mesa National Forest. In 1974 the entire forest was administratively combined with Sitgreaves National Forest to create Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests. The area of the former Apache", "psg_id": "9864988" }, { "title": "Lewis and Clark National Forest", "text": "to the U.S. Forest Service in 1906, and was designated by the government as a National Forest. On April 8, 1932 the entire Jefferson National Forest was added, which itself comprised the former Little Belt, Crazy Mountain, Snowy Mountains, Little Rockies and Highwood Mountains National Forests. Finally, on July 1, 1945, part of Absaroka National Forest was added as the last portion of this forest. The Helena and Lewis and Clark National forests consolidated their administrations in 2014. Lewis and Clark National Forest Lewis and Clark National Forest is located in west central Montana, United States. Spanning , the forest", "psg_id": "5671094" }, { "title": "Arapaho National Forest", "text": "of them are partially in neighboring National Forests, and one of these also onto National Park Service land (as indicated). Most of the movie \"Red Dawn\" is set in Arapaho National Forest. Arapaho National Forest Arapaho National Forest is a National Forest located in north-central Colorado, United States. The facility is managed jointly with the Roosevelt National Forest and the Pawnee National Grassland from the United States Forest Service office in Fort Collins, Colorado. It has a wildlife refuge which manages a protection for all birds and mammals. The combined facility of 1,730,603 acres (2,704.07 sq mi, or 7,420.35 km²)", "psg_id": "5174990" }, { "title": "Sumter National Forest", "text": "Southeastern mixed forests. The Andrew Pickens ranger district has Appalachian-Blue Ridge forests. Sumter national Forest offers a wide variety of activities such as hiking, backpacking, canoeing, horse back riding, mountain biking, motorcycle and ATV riding, target shooting, camping and fishing. Sumter National Forest The Sumter National Forest is one of two forests in South Carolina that are managed together by the United States Forest Service, the other being the Francis Marion National Forest. The Sumter National Forest consists of which are divided into several non-contiguous sections in western South Carolina. Overall, in descending order of land area the forest is", "psg_id": "8639646" }, { "title": "Angelina National Forest", "text": "land to create National Forests in Texas. In 1935, acquisition began on the Davy Crockett, Sam Houston, Sabine and Angelina National Forests. There are two officially designated wilderness areas lying within Angelina National Forest that are part of the National Wilderness Preservation System. Angelina National Forest Angelina National Forest is a United States National Forest, one of four located in Texas. The Angelina National Forest is located in East Texas in parts of San Augustine, Angelina, Jasper and Nacogdoches counties. It is managed together with the three other National Forests in Texas (Davy Crockett, Sabine, and Sam Houston) from Forest", "psg_id": "5974853" }, { "title": "South East Forests National Park", "text": "South East Forests National Park The South East Forests National Park is a national park located in between the Monaro and South Coast regions of New South Wales, Australia. The national park is situated southwest of Sydney. It features high quality old growth eucalyptus forest and remnant patches of temperate rainforest. The park was created in 1997 by the amalgamation of Genoa, Tantawangalo, Bemboka, Yowaka and Coolangubra National Parks, all of which had been gazetted in 1994. Genoa National Park in turn was the result of the amalgamation of Nalbaugh and Nungatta National Parks, which had been established in 1972", "psg_id": "975297" }, { "title": "South East Forests National Park", "text": "South East Forests National Park The South East Forests National Park is a national park located in between the Monaro and South Coast regions of New South Wales, Australia. The national park is situated southwest of Sydney. It features high quality old growth eucalyptus forest and remnant patches of temperate rainforest. The park was created in 1997 by the amalgamation of Genoa, Tantawangalo, Bemboka, Yowaka and Coolangubra National Parks, all of which had been gazetted in 1994. Genoa National Park in turn was the result of the amalgamation of Nalbaugh and Nungatta National Parks, which had been established in 1972", "psg_id": "975293" }, { "title": "Jamanxim National Forest", "text": "National Institute for Space Research (INPE}. The national forest is in a region that contains 12 sustainable use conservation areas and 6 fully protected areas. The fully protected areas, which cover , are the Amazônia, Jamanxim, Rio Novo and Serra do Pardo national parks, the Nascentes da Serra do Cachimbo Biological Reserve and the Terra do Meio Ecological Station. The sustainable use areas include the Tapajós environmental protection area and the Altamira, Amaná, Jamanxim, Trairão, Itaituba I, Itaituba II and Tapajós national forests, covering a total of . Jamanxim National Forest The Jamanxim National Forest () is a national forest", "psg_id": "19542552" }, { "title": "National Parks Act (Canada)", "text": "basic visitor facilities and park administration. New parks are established by the Parliament of Canada either on federally-controlled public lands or where the federal government has management rights in agreement with provincial governments. Long-term management plans have to be developed within five years of parks establishment. National Parks Act (Canada) The Canada National Parks Act, \"An Act respecting the national parks of Canada\" (the \"Act\") is a Canadian federal law that regulates protection of natural areas of national significance. The \"Dominion Forest Reserves and Parks Act\" was passed in 1927, followed by the first \"National Parks Act\" in 1930. The", "psg_id": "8129826" }, { "title": "George Washington and Jefferson National Forests", "text": "George Washington and Jefferson National Forests The George Washington and Jefferson National Forests are U.S. National Forests that combine to form one of the largest areas of public land in the Eastern United States. They cover of land in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, West Virginia, and Kentucky. Approximately of the forest are remote and undeveloped and have been designated as wilderness areas, which eliminates future development. George Washington National Forest was established on May 16, 1918 as the Shenandoah National Forest. The forest was renamed after the first President on June 28, 1932. Natural Bridge National Forest was added", "psg_id": "4638177" }, { "title": "Lassen National Forest", "text": "Peak already enjoyed protection as a National Monument, set aside by Roosevelt in 1907. The uneasy relationship between the US Forest Service and the National Park Service continued for several decades, perhaps culminating in 1931 when Congress forbade Lassen National Park from expanding its boundaries. Earlier, in 1906, Gifford Pinchot, Chief Forester in the Department of Agriculture, sought to move the national parks into the forest service. Pinchot was thwarted by Congressman John F. Lacey, an ardent preservationist. Pinchot's goal was to subject the Parks to logging and other aspects of his \"scientific management philosophy\". Later, in 1939, Interior Secretary", "psg_id": "5973513" }, { "title": "Angelina National Forest", "text": "Angelina National Forest Angelina National Forest is a United States National Forest, one of four located in Texas. The Angelina National Forest is located in East Texas in parts of San Augustine, Angelina, Jasper and Nacogdoches counties. It is managed together with the three other National Forests in Texas (Davy Crockett, Sabine, and Sam Houston) from Forest Service offices in Lufkin, Texas. There are local district offices located in Zavalla. The forest lies in the Neches River Basin and on the north and south shores of Sam Rayburn Reservoir. Longleaf pine is the predominant cover type in the southern portion", "psg_id": "5974851" }, { "title": "A Christian Ministry in the National Parks", "text": "programs.[13] ACMNP has had three different Executive Directors. Rev. Warren Ost directed the ministry from its founding until he retired in 1996. Ost helped expand A Christian Ministry in the National Parks into more than 25 national parks, national monuments, recreation areas, and national forests before his death in 1997. Ost is survived by his wife, Nancy Ost, who has been an active participant in the ministry since its inception.[14] Rev. Richard P. Camp, Jr., became the ministry's second director in 1996, after a 22-year career as Chaplain at the United States Military Academy at West Point. During Rev. Camp's", "psg_id": "13257635" }, { "title": "National System of Conservation Areas", "text": "National System of Conservation Areas National System of Conservation Areas or SINAC, (—SINAC), is part of the Ministry of Environment and Energy or MINAE of Costa Rica. It is the administrator for the nation's national parks, conservation areas, and other protected natural areas. Created in 1994, it combined previously three separate organisations that had previously managed laws relating to national parks, wildlife, and forestry. SINAC oversees over 160 protected areas, of which 26 are designated National Parks. Other areas are designated wildlife refuges, biological reserves, national monuments, forest reserves, national wetlands, and protected zones. The entire country of 12,596,690 acres", "psg_id": "4770756" }, { "title": "Rio Grande National Forest", "text": "Forest headquarters are located in Monte Vista, Colorado. There are local ranger district offices in Del Norte, La Jara, and Saguache. There are four officially designated wilderness areas lying within Rio Grande National Forest that are part of the National Wilderness Preservation System. All of them extend partially into neighboring National Forests, and one of these also onto National Park Service land (as indicated). Rio Grande National Forest Rio Grande National Forest is a 1.86 million-acre (7,530 km²) U.S. National Forest located in southwestern Colorado. The forest encompasses the San Luis Valley, which is the world's largest agricultural alpine valley,", "psg_id": "8536153" }, { "title": "National Park Service Organic Act", "text": "monuments. National parks began to be designated in the second half of the 19th century, and national monuments in the early part of the 20th century. Each park or monument was managed individually or, alternately in some cases, by the United States Army, each with varying degrees of success. Beginning in 1911, Smoot and Representative John E. Raker of California had submitted bills to establish the National Park Service to oversee the management of all these holdings. The bills were opposed by the director of the U.S. Forest Service, Gifford Pinchot, and his supporters. The Forest Service believed that a", "psg_id": "7537912" }, { "title": "Tuskegee National Forest", "text": "Tuskegee National Forest The Tuskegee National Forest is a U.S. National Forest located in Macon County, Alabama, just north of Tuskegee and west of Auburn. The topography is level to moderately sloping, with broad ridges with stream terraces and broad floodplains. Tuskegee National Forest is the smallest national forest in the U.S. (and one of only six that is contained entirely within a single county), but supports many outdoor activities. The forest is headquartered in Montgomery, as are all four of Alabama's National Forests. The other National Forests in the state are Conecuh, Talladega and William B. Bankhead. There are", "psg_id": "4811043" }, { "title": "Snowy Mountains National Forest", "text": "Fergus and Golden Valley Counties. A Wilderness Study Area has been designated in the Big Snowies. Snowy Mountains National Forest Snowy Mountains National Forest was established as the Snowy Mountains Forest Reserve by the U.S. Forest Service in Montana on November 5, 1906 with . It became a National Forest on March 4, 1907. On July 1, 1908 the entire forest was combined with Little Belt, Snowy Mountains and Little Rockies National Forests to establish Jefferson National Forest (Montana) and the name was discontinued. The forest is part of the Jefferson Division of Lewis and Clark National Forest. The Big", "psg_id": "12338191" }, { "title": "San Isabel National Forest", "text": "Animas, Park, Costilla, and Summit counties. San Isabel National Forest is co-managed by the Forest Service together with Pike National Forest, Cimarron National Grassland, and Comanche National Grassland from offices in Pueblo. There are local ranger district offices located in Cañon City, Leadville, and Salida. There are seven officially designated wilderness areas lying within San Isabel National Forest that are part of the National Wilderness Preservation System. Four of them extend into neighboring National Forests, and of these, one also onto land under management of the National Park Service. Another one extends onto land of the United States Fish and", "psg_id": "7972399" }, { "title": "Snowy Mountains National Forest", "text": "Snowy Mountains National Forest Snowy Mountains National Forest was established as the Snowy Mountains Forest Reserve by the U.S. Forest Service in Montana on November 5, 1906 with . It became a National Forest on March 4, 1907. On July 1, 1908 the entire forest was combined with Little Belt, Snowy Mountains and Little Rockies National Forests to establish Jefferson National Forest (Montana) and the name was discontinued. The forest is part of the Jefferson Division of Lewis and Clark National Forest. The Big Snowy Mountains and part of the Little Snowy Mountains are included in the unit, primarily in", "psg_id": "12338190" }, { "title": "Cherokee National Forest", "text": "regulated. There are eleven official wilderness areas in Cherokee National Forest, which are all part of the National Wilderness Preservation System. Three of these extend into neighboring National Forests (and also into neighboring states, where the forest changes names): Cherokee National Forest The Cherokee National Forest is a large National Forest created on June 14, 1920 and managed by the U.S. Forest Service and encompassing some . The Cherokee National Forest headquarters are located in Cleveland, Tennessee. The Cherokee National Forest mostly lies within eastern Tennessee, along the border with North Carolina, and comprises nearly the entire border area except", "psg_id": "3484762" }, { "title": "Sitgreaves National Forest", "text": "Sitgreaves National Forest Sitgreaves National Forest was established by the U.S. Forest Service in Arizona on July 1, 1908 with from portions of Black Mesa and Tonto National Forests. In 1974 entire forest was administratively combined with Apache National Forest to create Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests. The Sitgreaves National Forest is located in the southern parts of Navajo, Coconino, and Apache counties. It had an area of 818,749 acres (3,313.4 km²) as of 30 September 2008. There are local ranger district offices in Lakeside and Overgaard. The forest was named after Lorenzo Sitgreaves (d. May 14, 1888). Sitgreaves was a lieutenant", "psg_id": "12334780" }, { "title": "St. Joe National Forest", "text": "cougar, marten, beaver, bobcat, river otter, mink, and wolverine. Bird species include wild turkey, grouse, ravens, blue jays, bald eagle, osprey, golden eagle, California quails, and numerous types of owls. The forest headquarters is located in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. There are local ranger district offices located in Avery and St. Maries. St. Joe National Forest The St. Joe National Forest is a U.S. National Forest located in the Idaho panhandle and is one of three forests that are aggregated into the Idaho Panhandle National Forests (the other two are the Coeur d'Alene and Kaniksu National Forests). In descending order of", "psg_id": "5998225" }, { "title": "Sitgreaves National Forest", "text": "who made the first topographical mission across Arizona in 1851. Sitgreaves National Forest Sitgreaves National Forest was established by the U.S. Forest Service in Arizona on July 1, 1908 with from portions of Black Mesa and Tonto National Forests. In 1974 entire forest was administratively combined with Apache National Forest to create Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests. The Sitgreaves National Forest is located in the southern parts of Navajo, Coconino, and Apache counties. It had an area of 818,749 acres (3,313.4 km²) as of 30 September 2008. There are local ranger district offices in Lakeside and Overgaard. The forest was named after", "psg_id": "12334781" }, { "title": "Nantahala National Forest", "text": "Forest Service, part of the United States Department of Agriculture. The forest is managed together with the other three North Carolina National Forests (Croatan, Pisgah, and Uwharrie) from common headquarters in Asheville, North Carolina. Nantahala National Forest is the largest of the four national forests in North Carolina, lying in the mountains and valleys of western North Carolina. The terrain varies in elevation from at Lone Bald in Jackson County, to in Cherokee County along the Hiwassee River below the Appalachian Dam. It is the home of many western NC waterfalls. The last part of the Mountain Waters Scenic Byway", "psg_id": "8200768" }, { "title": "Six Rivers National Forest", "text": "part of the National Wilderness Preservation System. Two of them lie mostly in other National Forests or on Bureau of Land Management land. Six Rivers National Forest Six Rivers National Forest is a U.S. National Forest located in the northwestern corner of California. It was established on June 3, 1947 by U.S. President Harry S. Truman from portions of Klamath, Siskiyou and Trinity National Forests. Its over one million acres (4,000 km) of land contain a variety of ecosystems and of old growth forest. It lies in parts of four counties; in descending order of forestland area they are Del", "psg_id": "5974666" }, { "title": "Cache National Forest", "text": "National Forest that are part of the National Wilderness Preservation System. Cache National Forest Cache National Forest is a 533,840-acre area of National Forest System land in Idaho and Utah which was established on July 1, 1908 by the U.S. Forest Service. The majority of its area is in Utah, and was initially created when the Bear River National Forest was disbanded. On July 1, 1915, all of Pocatello National Forest was added. In 1973 the Idaho portion was transferred to the administration of Caribou National Forest, while the Utah portion was combined administratively with Wasatch National Forest, creating the", "psg_id": "8204027" }, { "title": "Lassen National Forest", "text": "Service employees, each advocated setting aside some forest areas as wilderness off-limits to mining, logging, road construction and grazing. The first primitive area was created in 1924 in New Mexico and is now named the Aldo Leopold Wilderness. But creation of primitive areas did not become a forest agency policy until 1929. Externally, the National Park Service, sought to expand parks from existing public lands, primarily national forest lands. The Forest Service responded by creating primitive areas. Initially these new wilderness areas received no special protections other than the official designation. Caribou Primitive area became a likely candidate for primitive", "psg_id": "5973499" }, { "title": "Tengjhih National Forest Recreation Area", "text": "Tengjhih National Forest Recreation Area The Tengjhih National Forest Recreation Area () is a forest in Baoshan Village, Taoyuan District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The forest is administered by the 70th, 71st and 72nd offices of the Forest Administration Agency. The forests spreads over an area of 770 hectares with height ranges from 500 to 1,804 meters. The mean average temperature inside the forest is 18-21ºC. The forests consists of Chinese firs, maples, cherry trees, plum trees etc. Various activities can be done in the forest, such as jungle trekking, hiking, mount climbing, bird watching etc. The forest is equipped with log", "psg_id": "19897444" }, { "title": "Sierra National Forest", "text": "March 4, 1907. On July 1, 1908, the Sequoia National Forest, Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks were established from this south portion of Sierra National Forest. Eastern portions of Sierra National Forest became the Inyo and Toiyabe National Forests; northern portions were used for Yosemite National Park and the Stanislaus National Forest. The first timber sale on a California National Forest took place in the Sierra NF by the General Land Office in 1899. Sierra National Forest covers, in descending order of forestland area, the eastern portions of Fresno, Madera, and Mariposa counties, adjacent to the southern part of", "psg_id": "3538647" }, { "title": "National Parks and Wildlife Service (New South Wales)", "text": "by the NSW NPWS include: A significant restructuring of NPWS began in 2016. National Parks and Wildlife Service (New South Wales) The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) is part of the Office of Environment and Heritage (New South Wales) - the main government conservation agency in New South Wales, Australia. The NSW NPWS was established in 1967 when the Fauna Protection Panel and Reserves Branch of the Lands Department were amalgamated under Lands Minister Hon. Tom Lewis AO. Lewis also establish the charity, National Parks Foundation to assist the NPWS raise funds for conservation. The first Director of the", "psg_id": "10596141" }, { "title": "Balata-Tufari National Forest", "text": ", Gleba Tufari with and Gleba Jacaré with . On 8 May 2008 a fourth area was added, Area 4 with . The advisory council was formed on 14 December 2010. An ordinance of 9 January 2012 provided for a consistent and integrated approach to preparing management plans for the conservation units in the BR-319 area of influence. These are the Abufari Biological Reserve, Cuniã Ecological Station, Nascentes do Lago Jari and Mapinguari national parks, Balata-Tufari, Humaitá and Iquiri national forests, and the Lago do Capanã-Grande, Rio Ituxi, Médio Purus and Lago do Cuniã extractive reserves. Balata-Tufari National Forest The", "psg_id": "19551730" }, { "title": "Cache National Forest", "text": "Cache National Forest Cache National Forest is a 533,840-acre area of National Forest System land in Idaho and Utah which was established on July 1, 1908 by the U.S. Forest Service. The majority of its area is in Utah, and was initially created when the Bear River National Forest was disbanded. On July 1, 1915, all of Pocatello National Forest was added. In 1973 the Idaho portion was transferred to the administration of Caribou National Forest, while the Utah portion was combined administratively with Wasatch National Forest, creating the Wasatch-Cache National Forest. In descending order of forestland area, the Cache", "psg_id": "8204025" }, { "title": "Itaituba I National Forest", "text": "resources and scientific research, with emphasis on methods for sustainable exploitation of native forests. Law 12678 of 25 June 2012 amended the limits of the Amazônia, Campos Amazônicos and Mapinguari national parks, the Itaituba I, Itaituba II and Crepori national forests and the Tapajós Environmental Protection Area. All were reduced in size except the Campos Amazônicos. Itaituba I was reduced by . The national forest is in a region that contains 12 sustainable use conservation areas and 6 fully protected areas. The fully protected areas, which cover , are the Amazônia, Jamanxim, Rio Novo and Serra do Pardo national parks,", "psg_id": "19540915" }, { "title": "National forest (France)", "text": "Article L. 62 was renumbered Article L. 3211-5 of the CGPPP. But the renumbering was accompanied by a significant change. The new Article L. 3211-5 provides: Under the Forest Code, the National Forests Office (NFB) manages state forests. Management is made under a \"contract of objectives and performance\" between the state and the NFB, which organizes details of national forest policy. Following the Grenelle Environment a dual general purpose is to \"Produce more wood, while better preserving the biodiversity\". This sentence does not apply to the management of national forests, but to objective of sable harvesting. Each forest has a", "psg_id": "18375453" }, { "title": "Manistee National Forest", "text": "Manistee National Forest The Manistee National Forest is a national forest located in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. It has a total area of . It was established in 1938, and combined with the Huron National Forest in 1945 for administrative purposes, creating the Huron-Manistee National Forests. However, they are two separate forest units, as they are not connected. The area is popular for hiking, fishing, camping, boating, snowmobiling, cross-country skiing and hunting. The North Country Trail passes through it, and connects with the 11-mile Manistee River Trail to form a 23-mile loop. The highest point in the lower peninsula,", "psg_id": "2753965" }, { "title": "Altamira National Forest", "text": "the Amazônia, Jamanxim, Rio Novo and Serra do Pardo national parks, the Nascentes da Serra do Cachimbo Biological Reserve and the Terra do Meio Ecological Station. The sustainable use areas include the Tapajós environmental protection area and the Altamira, Amaná, Jamanxim, Trairão, Itaituba I, Itaituba II and Tapajós national forests, covering a total of . Altamira National Forest Altamira National Forest ( is a national forest in the state of Pará Brazil. The Altamira National Forest is in the Amazon biome. It has an area of . It covers parts of the municipalities of Altamira, Itaituba and Trairão in the", "psg_id": "19540655" }, { "title": "Modoc National Forest", "text": "their territory in this area. In 1905 federal forests were transferred to the U.S. Forest Service, and on March 4, 1907 they became National Forests. On July 1, 1908 Warner Mountains National Forest was added to Modoc. The South Warner Wilderness lies within the forest. Forest headquarters are located in Alturas, California. There are local ranger district offices located in Adin, Alturas, Cedarville, and Tulelake. Modoc National Forest The Modoc National Forest is a national forest in northeastern California. The Modoc National Forest protects parts of Modoc (82.9% of acreage), Lassen (9.4%), and Siskiyou (7.7%) counties. Most of the forest", "psg_id": "5974067" }, { "title": "National parks of Azerbaijan", "text": "89 species of nesting birds (Partridge, spoonbill, swan, teal, bustard, etc.). Ag-Gol national park is designed to protect the marshy ecological systems, as the nesting and wintering places of migratory and water birds. Ag-Gol has been incorporated into the list of UNESCO's convention \"On internationally important marshy areas as the residing places of birds\" Hirkan National Park is located in the Lenkoran Lowland and the Talysh Mountains, and is 99% covered by forests in a primarily mountainous region, and is strictly protected. Hirkan National Park preserves relict and endemic plants species of Tertiary period. Forests of Hirkan account for 150", "psg_id": "8824378" }, { "title": "Tapajós National Forest", "text": ", are the Amazônia, Jamanxim, Rio Novo and Serra do Pardo national parks, the Nascentes da Serra do Cachimbo Biological Reserve and the Terra do Meio Ecological Station. The sustainable use areas include the Tapajós environmental protection area and the Altamira, Amaná, Jamanxim, Trairão, Itaituba I, Itaituba II and Tapajós national forests, covering a total of . Tapajós National Forest The Tapajós National Forest () is a Brazilian national forest in the state of Pará, Brazil. It supports sustainable exploitation of the natural resources in an area of Amazon rainforest. The Tapajós National Forest has an area of . It", "psg_id": "13787367" }, { "title": "National Agency for National Parks", "text": "National Agency for National Parks The National Agency for National Parks (French: \"Agence Nationale des Parcs Nationaux\") is the authority in Gabon charged with overseeing the national park system and with protecting their resources and wildlife. The agency coordinate research activities, license concessionaires, promote tourism and have police powers. On 30 August 2002, the President Omar Bongo created 13 national parks containing , almost 11% of the total land area of the country. In addition, these parks include of marine territory. The National Council for National Parks (CNPN) was an interdepartmental body created to establish the National Parks. In 2007", "psg_id": "17791532" }, { "title": "National Forest Corporation (Chile)", "text": "National Forest Corporation (Chile) The National Forest Corporation or CONAF (Corporación Nacional Forestal) is a Chilean private, non-profit organization, through which the Chilean state contributes to the development and sustainable management of the country's forest resources. CONAF is overseen and funded by the Ministry of Agriculture of Chile. It administers the forest policies of Chile and promotes the development of the sector with sustainable forest management. CONAF is also the governing body of all the national parks of Chile, including those without forests or major vegetation, such as Llullaillaco National Park and others in the Atacama Desert. CONAF was created", "psg_id": "12511411" }, { "title": "National Forest Corporation (Chile)", "text": "work in land, water or air. National Forest Corporation (Chile) The National Forest Corporation or CONAF (Corporación Nacional Forestal) is a Chilean private, non-profit organization, through which the Chilean state contributes to the development and sustainable management of the country's forest resources. CONAF is overseen and funded by the Ministry of Agriculture of Chile. It administers the forest policies of Chile and promotes the development of the sector with sustainable forest management. CONAF is also the governing body of all the national parks of Chile, including those without forests or major vegetation, such as Llullaillaco National Park and others in", "psg_id": "12511416" }, { "title": "Slim Buttes National Forest", "text": "National Natural Landmark adjacent to the campground and the old Jesse Elliott Ranger Station. Slim Buttes National Forest Slim Buttes National Forest was established by the General Land Office as Slim Buttes Forest Reserve in South Dakota on March 5, 1904 with . After the transfer of federal forests to the U.S. Forest Service in 1905, it became a National Forest on March 4, 1907. On July 1, 1908 it was absorbed by Sioux National Forest and the name was discontinued. The forest today comprises the Slim Buttes unit of the Sioux Ranger District of Custer National Forest, southeast of", "psg_id": "12332894" }, { "title": "National Capital Parks", "text": "of the Civil War fortifications, which allowed acquisition of additional property to provide an interconnecting roadway as a parkway ring around the city. This is known today as the Fort Circle Parks. Although the roadway was never built, the property remains today in Federal hands. In 1933, title and control of parklands in the District was transferred to the National Park Service, creating a new unit of the National Park System called the ‘’’National Capital Parks’’’. No legislation explicitly created the National Capital Parks. Rather, it was created as a result of an Executive Order which, among other things, abolished", "psg_id": "6191662" }, { "title": "National Capital Parks", "text": "National Capital Parks The National Capital Parks is an official unit of the National Park System of the United States. It encompasses a variety of federally owned properties in and around the District of Columbia including memorials, monuments, parks, interiors of traffic circles and squares, triangles formed by irregular intersections, and other open spaces. In 1790, Congress, through the Residence Act, authorized President George Washington to procure an area along the Potomac River to locate a new capital for the nation. In 1791, President Washington appointed Pierre Charles L'Enfant to design what would become the City of Washington under the", "psg_id": "6191659" }, { "title": "Chugach National Forest", "text": "Chugach National Forest The Chugach National Forest is a United States National Forest in south central Alaska. Covering portions of Prince William Sound, the Kenai Peninsula and the Copper River Delta, it was formed in 1907 from part of a larger forest reserve. The Chugach includes extensive shorelines, glaciers, forests and rivers, much of which is untouched by roads or trails. It hosts numerous bird, mammal and marine species, including extensive shorebird habitat and a bald eagle population larger than the contiguous 48 states combined. Human industry in the forest includes extensive tourism and some mining and oil and gas", "psg_id": "5325623" }, { "title": "Uwharrie National Forest", "text": "Uwharrie National Forest Uwharrie National Forest ( ) is a federally designated national forest region located primarily in Montgomery County, but also extending into Randolph and Davidson counties in south central North Carolina. It is the smallest of the four National Forests in North Carolina, with a total area of . About 79% of its acreage is in Montgomery County. The forest is managed together with the other three North Carolina National Forests (Croatan, Nantahala, and Pisgah) from common headquarters in Asheville, North Carolina. However, it does have a local ranger district office in Troy, North Carolina. There is one", "psg_id": "9198154" } ]
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what had grandma been drinking too much of in the song 'grandma got run over by a reindeer'?
[ { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer", "text": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer \"Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer\" is a novelty Christmas song. Written by Randy Brooks, the song was originally performed by the husband-and-wife duo of Elmo and Patsy Trigg Shropshire in 1979. In the lyrics, a grandmother is celebrating at a Christmas Eve party with her family when, while off her medication and drunk on spiked eggnog, she staggers outside into a snowstorm against the pleas of everyone in the room. She is found the next day, trampled; Santa Claus and his reindeer are determined to be the culprit when \"incriminating Claus", "psg_id": "6080181" } ]
[ { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer (film)", "text": "cake instead of her own recipe, with the result that Santa hits her again as he is trying to fly back to the North Pole. Grandpa and Jake pick her up; this time Grandma did not suffer amnesia. Santa's sleigh takes off into the night with him saying the Spanish phrase for \"Merry Christmas\": \"Feliz Navidad\". Warner Home Video released \"Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer\" to VHS on October 31, 2000 and to DVD on October 16, 2001. Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer (film) Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer is a Canadian–American animated Christmas", "psg_id": "9297672" }, { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer", "text": "other acts. Z100 Portland Morning Zoo made a New Kids on the Block-bashing parody of the song for Christmas 1989, entitled \"New Kids Got Run Over by a Reindeer\". A parody \"Grandpa Got Run Over by a Beer Truck\" was released by Da Yoopers in 1993. Radio personality Bob Rivers recorded his own topical parody titled \"Osama Got Run Over by a Reindeer\" on the 2002 \"White Trash Christmas\" album. Cledus T. Judd in 1996 released a parody called \"Grandpa Got Run Over by a John Deere\" as a sequel to \"Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer\" and as", "psg_id": "6080189" }, { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer", "text": "well did a cover of the song in 2002. Stan Boreson sings a Norwegian-American version, \"Lena Got Run Over by a Reindeer\" on his Christmas album, \"Stan Boreson Fractures Christmas\". 2 Live Jews released a parody titled \"Moisha Got Run Over by a Wheelchair\" on their 1998 album \"Christmas Jews\". Others include \"Grandma Got Molested at the Airport\" by Donny Aldridge, also sung by Dick Mango; and \"Grandma Got Dismembered by a Chainsaw\". Edison Media Research and Pinnacle Media Worldwide independently survey radio listeners on which Christmas songs they like and dislike. In both surveys, results of which were reported", "psg_id": "6080190" }, { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer (film)", "text": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer (film) Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer is a Canadian–American animated Christmas special, directed by Phil Roman. The special first aired October 31, 2000 on The WB. Despite this film's Christmas theme, the date for its original airing was Halloween. It has subsequently aired on The CW (the successor to The WB), Cartoon Network, Boomerang and Freeform during Advent. Since Warner Home Video distributed this special, Warner Bros. owns the copyrights. The title and plot are based on the novelty song of the same name. The show begins by introducing Jake Spankenheimer,", "psg_id": "9297664" }, { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer", "text": "in 2007, the only song that reached the top of both liked and disliked lists was \"Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer.\" Its \"loved\" ratings in the Edison and Pinnacle polls were relatively high—47 and 32 percent, respectively—but so were the \"hate\" or \"dislike\" ratings—17 and 22 percent. A major Washington, D.C. radio station, WASH (97.1 FM), dropped the song from its playlist. \"It was too polarizing,\" says Bill Hess, program director. \"It wasn't strong, except with a few people, and it had a lot of negatives.\" The song also gained notoriety at Davenport, Iowa radio station WLLR in", "psg_id": "6080191" }, { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer", "text": "his bluegrass group year-round. \"A lot of younger people say it's not really Christmas until they hear it.\" The 2000 animated television program \"Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer\" portrays the events depicted in the song, though made for children; the cartoon is toned down a bit, so that Grandma survives. Moreover, Santa is actually innocent of the crime, which was instead masterminded by scheming relative Cousin Mel, who is mentioned briefly in the song but made into a gold-digging villainness in the special. Elmo Shropshire narrates the special and voices Grandpa. The special is a staple of Cartoon", "psg_id": "6080193" }, { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer", "text": "Network's holiday programming and airs every holiday season on The CW (The special originally aired on the WB Network every holiday season until the 2006 merger with UPN to form The CW, where it continues to air today). In the 2015 episode of the television show \"Scorpion\", titled \"Dam Breakthrough\", three of the main characters sing part of this song, while inhaling helium. The promotional music video for Elmo & Patsy's \"Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer\" was released in the mid-1980s, and aired on MTV for at least 18 years. The video could also be seen on VH1,", "psg_id": "6080194" }, { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer", "text": "In 1984, with the song now a big hit nationally, CBS Records was interested in re-issuing both the 1982 Oink 45 re-recording, and the 1982 Oink LP. Soon after, Epic Records acquired the rights to both, from Elmo and Patsy. The Epic #04703 45 opted to replace the Oink 45's B-side, \"Christmas\", with a track from the LP, (\"Percy, the Puny Poinsettia\"). Epic's 1984 re-release of the 1982 Oink LP was a straight re-issue, on Epic #39931. By the end of 1984, it was reported that sales of \"Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer\" were, by record label: Oink:", "psg_id": "6080187" }, { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer", "text": "CMT, TNN, GAC, and VH1 Classic during the holiday season, as well as on Spike's official website and YouTube. Elmo Shropshire played Grandpa and Grandma while Patsy played Cousin Mel. While the family matriarch was run over by Santa Claus's reindeer, she has survived the accident (unlike in the actual song) and thus reappears toward the end of the video, alive and very much well, but somewhat fazed by the trampling. While being escorted inside the house by two policemen, she finally speaks the cautionary last line of the last verse as though commenting on Santa's driving: \"They should NEVER", "psg_id": "6080195" }, { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer (film)", "text": "disappearance, and along with Quincy, follows her to a cabin in the woods where she and I.M. Slime are keeping Grandma out of sight. They rescue Grandma, and find Santa's letter explaining what happened that Cousin Mel had found at the site of Grandma's accident—and also the vial of the ingredient Cousin Mel added to Grandma's fruit cake that Christmas Eve night, which had the effect of \"reindeer-nip\" that reindeer are strongly attracted to. They then manage to restore Grandma's memory by feeding her some of her own fruit cake, and rush to the courthouse to prove that Cousin Mel", "psg_id": "9297670" }, { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer", "text": "such in the lyrics, is an attractive and much younger woman in the music video and animated film). The upshot is a warning to the listener to be aware, because \"a man who drives a sleigh and plays with elves\" should never receive a driver's license. In the music video, in which Elmo plays both Grandma and Grandpa while Patsy plays Cousin Mel, Grandma survives the attack and makes a triumphant return through the chimney. According to Brooks, he played the song while sitting in with Elmo and Patsy at the Hyatt Lake Tahoe in December 1978, and after the", "psg_id": "6080183" }, { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer (film)", "text": "and his reindeer fly overhead, suddenly out of control, crash into her. Jake witnesses the accident, but the family refuse to believe him. The next morning, however, Grandma is missing, and the police find an imprint of her in the snow, along with her belongings. Cousin Mel also finds a letter that she quickly hides from the others. Nine months pass without Grandma and the store's business drops; during this time, Cousin Mel comes up with a new plan to sell the store to Austin, by tricking Grandpa into giving her his power of attorney. However, when Jake objects, Austin", "psg_id": "9297667" }, { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer (film)", "text": "agrees to give him another week in order to find Grandma before going through with the deal. Adamant in his belief that Santa ran over her, Jake emails Santa, and soon Quincy, Santa's head elf, comes to take Jake to the North Pole. It turns out that Santa had taken Grandma back to the North Pole for medical treatment. Unfortunately she since has amnesia, and until receiving Jake's e-mail Santa been unsure of who she was. As Jake explains the situation, Santa, Quincy and the amnesiac Grandma agree to go with him to stop the deal. When they arrive in", "psg_id": "9297668" }, { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer (film)", "text": "has been behind everything that happened to Grandma. Confronted with the evidence, Cousin Mel is forced to confess everything she did. She even confesses that she hates the true meaning of Christmas and how everyone share and cares. She is then placed under arrest for obstructing justice and \"almost ruining Christmas\" and the judge lets Santa go after finally discovering the truth. Austin approaches Grandma again, this time offering to franchise her store throughout the country, having seen how much she and Jake care about their family and business. The show ends with Grandma accidentally picking up the tainted fruit", "psg_id": "9297671" }, { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer (film)", "text": "Cityville, however, Cousin Mel and her attorney, I.M. Slime, quickly tricked Grandma into going with them. After Santa explains to Austin what happened, Jake and Quincy discover that Grandma has gone missing again. Cousin Mel then use the opportunity to accuse Santa of being behind her disappearance, and he is put on trial for kidnapping, leaving the scene of an accident and \"sleighicular negligence\". The two then plot to sue him, deducing that someone who can pay for billions of presents must be incredibly wealthy. Three months later, Jake suspects that Cousin Mel may have been involved in Grandma's second", "psg_id": "9297669" }, { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer", "text": "show they had him make a cassette of the song for them to learn. A year later, they were selling 45s of the song from the stage, with Elmo himself appearing in drag on the album cover as \"Grandma\". The song was originally self-released in San Francisco by the Shropshires in 1979 on their own record label (on \"Elmo 'n' Patsy\" #2984), with the B-side titled \"Christmas\". Initial copies appeared on a cream-colored label, with a sketch of a pig clearly visible, at left. Once initial copies had sold out, later-pressed #2984 cream-colored 45 label copies retained the same pig", "psg_id": "6080184" }, { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer (film)", "text": "as does his grandmother, though most of his family is not as excited about it. Jake and his sister, Daphne, argue over Santa Claus' existence, as Jake's parents gently try to break the news to him that Santa is not real. Meanwhile, Cousin Mel comes up with a plan to sabotage Grandma's famous fruitcake recipe, secretly add an extra ingredient with hopes that they won't sell, forcing Grandma to sell the store to Austin. Grandma, who hasn't taken her medication that evening, then takes the fruit cake with her when she leaves the house on Christmas Eve night, but Santa", "psg_id": "9297666" }, { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer (film)", "text": "along with his family, most notably his Grandma, who owns a small general store in the town of Cityville. The store happens to be the only piece of property not owned by Austin Bucks, the wealthiest man in town, whose CEO corporation specializes in making Christmas easier and less involved for the town's busy residents. Grandma, however, tells Austin that his method of trying to make Christmas easier is not really for the best and refuses to sell the store. This runs afoul of the gold-digging Cousin Mel, who plans to sell the store anyway. Jake loves the holiday season,", "psg_id": "9297665" }, { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer", "text": "1985 when a disc jockey played the song 27 times back-to-back during the morning show before station management was able to stop him. The disc jockey, who was suspended, was reportedly depressed and upset that a co-worker had left employment at the station to work out-of-state. Shropshire claims it is \"a beloved holiday favorite.\" The video of the song was \"a holiday staple on MTV for many seasons.\" It has been \"incorporated into talking toys and a musical greeting card.\" \"My royalties are four or five times what they were\" 20 years ago, claims Elmo, who performs the song with", "psg_id": "6080192" }, { "title": "Grandma Got STEM", "text": "the women featured on the blog are generally old enough to be grandmothers, although not all of them had children. Although many famous researchers are included, the blog posts also feature women who worked at lower-level teaching and laboratory assistant positions in STEM. Grandma Got STEM Grandma Got STEM is a blog by Rachel Levy, a mathematician at Harvey Mudd College, about earlier generations of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Levy founded the blog in March 2013, and by June 2013 had already accumulated 100 posts to it. The blog is aimed at a general audience. Its", "psg_id": "20798017" }, { "title": "Grandma Got STEM", "text": "Grandma Got STEM Grandma Got STEM is a blog by Rachel Levy, a mathematician at Harvey Mudd College, about earlier generations of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Levy founded the blog in March 2013, and by June 2013 had already accumulated 100 posts to it. The blog is aimed at a general audience. Its entries include pictures and stories about women who worked in STEM fields, and are intended to counter stereotypes of older women as being technologically inept, as well as to inspire future generations of women in STEM. As the name of the blog suggests,", "psg_id": "20798016" }, { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer", "text": "the country singles charts. In 1982, the duo both re-recorded and re-released the song as a single, again as Oink #2984. But this time, Oink chose to handle all nationwide product distribution themselves, ending the old NSD-Soundwaves agreement. Re-recorded Oink #2984 45 copies appeared on a white label, not a cream-colored label, however. That is the easiest way (aside from listening to the 45 itself) to differentiate between the original, 1979 Oink #2984 recording and its now-much-more familiar, 1982 re-recording. An entire LP, named after their hit song, was also recorded in 1982, and was initially released as Oink #8223.", "psg_id": "6080186" }, { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer", "text": "marks\" are found on Grandma's back. The second and third verses describe the Christmas gathering where \"all the family's dressed in black\" and the family wonders if all the Christmas gifts they bought for her should be returned (the consensus is a firm yes). Christmas dinner otherwise goes on as normal, with a centerpiece of roast goose, figgy pudding for dessert, and \"blue and silver candles\" to match Grandma's hairpiece; the newly widowed Grandpa seems completely unfazed by his wife's demise and spends the holiday \"watching football, drinking beer and playing cards with Cousin Mel\" (who, while not stated as", "psg_id": "6080182" }, { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer", "text": "50,000 45s sold; Soundwaves: 175,000 45s sold; Epic: 150,000 45s sold and 90,000 LPs sold. The Epic Records version charted at #64 on the country charts in 1998 and #48 in 1999. The original version was released in the United Kingdom on Stiff Records (BUY 99) in 1980. It did not chart. Other releases by the original artist(s) would follow: A sequel, titled \"Grandpa's Gonna Sue the Pants Off of Santa\", in which Grandpa gets lawyers to fight Santa in court, was released by Elmo Shropshire on his album \"Dr. Elmo's Twisted Christmas\" (1992). The song has been recorded by", "psg_id": "6080188" }, { "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer", "text": "sketch, but decided to both move the sketch, and add the word \"Oink\", to the top of the 45's label. Meanwhile, the duo's names were moved to the bottom of the label, below the song title. By the early 1980s, the song was becoming a seasonal hit, first on country stations and then on Top 40 stations. Oink Records, still based in Windsor, California, continued distribution of the 45 rpm record in the western U.S., with \"Nationwide Sound Distributors\" (NSD) of Nashville, Tennessee pressing and distributing the song on its Soundwaves Records in the eastern U.S., peaking at #92 on", "psg_id": "6080185" }, { "title": "Grandma Harp", "text": "Grandma Harp \"Grandma Harp\" is a song written and recorded by American country music artist Merle Haggard and The Strangers. It was released in March 1972 as the second single from the album \"Let Me Tell You About a Song\". \"Grandma Harp\" was Merle Haggard and The Strangers 12th No. 1 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles chart in May 1972, staying atop the chart for two weeks, and spending a total 14 weeks in the top 40. The song is a reflection of a young man's grandmother - the family matriarch and title character, Zone Villines (aka \"Grandma Harp\"),", "psg_id": "14100619" }, { "title": "Grandma Harp", "text": "who was born in Newton County, Arkansas, and lived for 90 years. The protagonist (who sings the song in first person) says that her life story can be told in only a few short lines, but reflects on how Grandma Harp (along with Grandpa, whom she married in 1901) was a rock that held the family together. Grandma Harp \"Grandma Harp\" is a song written and recorded by American country music artist Merle Haggard and The Strangers. It was released in March 1972 as the second single from the album \"Let Me Tell You About a Song\". \"Grandma Harp\" was", "psg_id": "14100620" }, { "title": "Grandma, What Great Songs You Sang!", "text": "Grandma, What Great Songs You Sang! Grandma, What Great Songs You Sang! is the debut studio album by American pop and country artist Brenda Lee. The album was released on August 3, 1959 on Decca Records and was produced by Owen Bradley. The album was Brenda Lee's only studio album released during the 1950s. \"Grandma, What Great Songs You Sang!\" was recorded in two separate sessions in January 1959 at the Bradley Film and Recording Studio. The sessions took place on January 4 and January 26. The album consisted of twelve separate tracks of material, many of which were cover", "psg_id": "14668189" }, { "title": "Grandma, What Great Songs You Sang!", "text": "of five stars, without an official review provided. Grandma, What Great Songs You Sang! Grandma, What Great Songs You Sang! is the debut studio album by American pop and country artist Brenda Lee. The album was released on August 3, 1959 on Decca Records and was produced by Owen Bradley. The album was Brenda Lee's only studio album released during the 1950s. \"Grandma, What Great Songs You Sang!\" was recorded in two separate sessions in January 1959 at the Bradley Film and Recording Studio. The sessions took place on January 4 and January 26. The album consisted of twelve separate", "psg_id": "14668191" }, { "title": "Helping Grandma", "text": "Helping Grandma Helping Grandma is a 1931 \"Our Gang\" short comedy film directed by Robert F. McGowan. It was the 103rd (15th talking episode) \"Our Gang\" short that was released. An older woman owns a small grocery store and the gang helps her run it by waiting on customers, delivering groceries, and keeping her company. They call her Grandma, though she is not any one kid's grandmother but everyone's grandma. She loves the gang and the gang loves her. A chain store company wants to buy her store for more than market value while a swindler also wants to buy", "psg_id": "12479441" }, { "title": "Grandma Tracy", "text": "before the story of \"Move And You're Dead\" is aired. Whilst Grandma was intended to debut in \"Move And You're Dead\" and had not been filmed in any of the original footage for the preceding eight episodes, the continuity error occurred when the early episodes had to be extended from their original 25 minute form and new material filmed to pad the episodes out includes Grandma. Grandma featured briefly in the film, \"Thunderbird 6\", but has no dialogue. She does not appear in the 2004 live action film at all, instead being replaced by a new character called Onaha, who", "psg_id": "14441024" }, { "title": "Grandma (Unique album)", "text": "Grandma (Unique album) Grandma is the debut studio album by Filipino singer-songwriter Unique. It was released on August 13, 2018, by O/C Records. On May 5, 2018, frontman Unique Salonga had officially departed from IV of Spades, seeking to pursue \"personal endeavors\", much to the dismay of fans. On July 13, Unique released his first solo track, \"Midnight Sky\", accompanied by a black-and-white music video. This coincided with the release of IV of Spades's new single \"In My Prison\", the band's first after Unique's departure. With Callalily vocalist Kean Cipriano co-producing, Unique self-produced \"Grandma\". Emil Dela Rosa mixed and mastered", "psg_id": "20849723" }, { "title": "Dead Grandma", "text": "the opening title sequence and theme song. The series is often abruptly interrupted by parody commercial breaks. A PSA starring a Dead Grandma cast member is also featured after the end credits of every episode. Dead Grandma combines live action with an animated sky and cloud background. The production took place over the course of two weekends in March & April 2010. Filming locations included Art Center College of Design, Pasadena City College, Cafe 50's, Big Mama's Rib Shack and various locations in Pasadena and Studio City. The series was mentored by television and film director Jeremiah Chechick. The writers", "psg_id": "16760673" }, { "title": "There's No One Quite Like Grandma", "text": "There's No One Quite Like Grandma \"There's No One Quite Like Grandma\" was a number-one hit in the UK Singles Chart, by the Stockport-based primary school choir St Winifred's School Choir from 27 December 1980 to 3 January 1981. It was written by Gordon Lorenz. The song was a Christmas number-one single in both the UK and Ireland. In the UK, it demoted John Lennon's last single, \"(Just Like) Starting Over,\" to number two. After two weeks at number one, a previous Lennon song, \"Imagine,\" replaced it. This was a posthumous release as Lennon had been killed three weeks prior.", "psg_id": "9400850" }, { "title": "The Cybernetic Grandma", "text": "talks to the child and its disturbingly cold insensitive behavior. The cybernetic grandma is portrayed by the mechanically accurate and formally perfect voice and language of Czech actress Otýlie Benšíková. At the end of the movie, the little child is rescued by its true biological grandma, who turns off the cybernetic one and takes care of it. Martin Flašar//Jan Novák, Jiří Trnka A Jejich Kybernetická Babička//Doi: 10.5817/Mb2013-1-7//Musicologica Brunensia 48, 2013, 1 The Cybernetic Grandma The Cybernetic Grandma (Czech: Kybernetická babička) is a 1962 Czechoslovakian stop motion puppet cartoon. It is a surreal science fiction-horror animation film, showing a dystopian situation", "psg_id": "19356662" }, { "title": "Grandma Tracy", "text": "was Kyrano's wife and Tin-Tin's mother. Grandma returned in the 2015 remake Thunderbirds Are Go, portrayed by Sandra Dickinson; in the new show, she was one of only three people to know of the Hood (the others being Jeff and Kayo). She has a noticeably different personality: she is noticeably tougher than her original counterpart, has taken over the role of head of the family following her son’s disappearance, and is a terrible cook. In Season 2, she reveals her real name is Sally. Grandma Tracy Grandma Tracy is a fictional character in the television series \"Thunderbirds\". She was voiced", "psg_id": "14441025" }, { "title": "Helping Grandma", "text": "her over the phone and she socks the guy so hard he falls across the room. After he threatens Grandma by saying \"I'll get you!\"' Wheezer hits him on the head with a hammer. This episode was heavily edited on the Little Rascals television prints beginning in 1971. Scenes with Stymie tasting the store items were all cut out due to perceptions of racism toward African Americans. Most, but not all of the deleted scenes were reinstated on the TV prints shown on AMC from 2001–2003 and on MeTV in 2016. Helping Grandma Helping Grandma is a 1931 \"Our Gang\"", "psg_id": "12479447" }, { "title": "Helping Grandma", "text": "then calls the kids hoodlums and tells them the store is his and he is the boss and they must leave. Grandma refuses to let him throw them out. The chain store officials arrive and the swindler states that the store now belongs to him. He shows them the paper she signed but it was blank; the real contract of sale was not signed. The swindler then accuses Grandma of tricking him. The officials repeat their phone bid, saying they will give Grandma $1,500. more than the original price agreed upon; Grandma realizes that the swindler had pretended to be", "psg_id": "12479446" }, { "title": "Grandma Moses", "text": "was a member of the Society of Mayflower Descendants and Daughters of the American Revolution. Her 100th birthday was proclaimed \"Grandma Moses Day\" by New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller. \"LIFE\" magazine celebrated her birthday by featuring her on its September 19, 1960, cover. The children's book \"Grandma Moses Story Book\" was published in 1961. Grandma Moses died at age 101 on December 13, 1961 at the Health Center in Hoosick Falls, New York. She is buried there at the Maple Grove Cemetery. President John F. Kennedy memorialized her: \"The death of Grandma Moses removed a beloved figure from American life.", "psg_id": "990130" }, { "title": "Grandma Lee", "text": "Grandma Lee Lee Strong (born May 29, 1934), better known by her stage name Grandma Lee, is an American stand-up comedian and was a contestant on the fourth season of \"America's Got Talent\". She was born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in 1934. After graduating from Otterbein College in Ohio, she married a career Marine, Ben Strong. The couple moved around the world as he fulfilled his military duties, raising four children along the way. They were living in Homestead, Florida in 1992 when Hurricane Andrew destroyed their home. They moved to Jacksonville, where, in 1995, her husband died of cancer.", "psg_id": "13796549" }, { "title": "Grandma Lee", "text": "can do clean or edgy.” Grandma Lee Lee Strong (born May 29, 1934), better known by her stage name Grandma Lee, is an American stand-up comedian and was a contestant on the fourth season of \"America's Got Talent\". She was born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in 1934. After graduating from Otterbein College in Ohio, she married a career Marine, Ben Strong. The couple moved around the world as he fulfilled his military duties, raising four children along the way. They were living in Homestead, Florida in 1992 when Hurricane Andrew destroyed their home. They moved to Jacksonville, where, in 1995,", "psg_id": "13796551" }, { "title": "Ask Grandma", "text": "Ask Grandma Ask Grandma is a 1925 American short silent comedy film directed by Robert F. McGowan. It was the 39th \"Our Gang\" short subject released. Mickey's overprotective mother is trying to raise her son as a gentleman by dressing him like a sissy and enrolling him in dance school. Mickey takes things particularly hard when he sees the gang playing with a toy airplane. The only family member who sympathizes with Mickey's plight is his Grandma, who knows that he is harboring a serious crush on precocious Mary. Grandma encourages Mickey to pursue Mary and agrees to cover for", "psg_id": "12462860" }, { "title": "Grandma Tracy", "text": "Grandma Tracy Grandma Tracy is a fictional character in the television series \"Thunderbirds\". She was voiced by Christine Finn. Little is known about Grandma Tracy's past, and her real name is never mentioned on screen with all the characters, even sometimes her son Jeff, calling her \"Grandma\". As a young girl, her grandmother took her round London and she travelled on the London Underground, a fact that would prove useful later for International Rescue (\"Vault Of Death\"). She was married to a Kansas wheat farmer but was widowed some time before International Rescue begun and helped Jeff bring up his", "psg_id": "14441019" }, { "title": "Grandma Tracy", "text": "moved, the bomb would detonate. She and Alan are rescued by her grandsons, allowing Grandma to see first hand the work that her family did, and she moved into the Tracy home (\"Move And You're Dead\"). As the family matriarch, Grandma keeps her family together, offering wisdom and advice for her family and the others in the household such as Tin-Tin. It is Grandma who is instrumental in keeping Alan and Tin-Tin together when one of Tin-Tin's old flames pays a visit (\"End Of The Road\"). Together with Kyrano and sometimes Tin-Tin, Grandma takes care of the domestic chores in", "psg_id": "14441021" }, { "title": "The Cybernetic Grandma", "text": "The Cybernetic Grandma The Cybernetic Grandma (Czech: Kybernetická babička) is a 1962 Czechoslovakian stop motion puppet cartoon. It is a surreal science fiction-horror animation film, showing a dystopian situation where machines tend humans into a cybernetic lifestyle. The story is seen through the eyes of a little child who is led by his grandmother to enter an underground world. There it witnesses many strange events and ends up being cared for by a cybernatic grandma looking like a hybrid between a robotic wheelchair and a giant moth. The film shows a contradiction between the kind and sweet way the machine", "psg_id": "19356661" }, { "title": "Dead Grandma", "text": "campy 1950's-60's television series. The song was written by Will Kindrick and performed, arranged and recorded by the Brea California based a cappella group, \"Soundstage\". A benefit fundraiser concert was held July 30, 2010 on the roof top of the Fox Theater in Pomona CA to raise proceeds for the series. The show featured musical acts GOGO13, Digital Unicorn and Eyes Lips Eyes. Dead Grandma Dead Grandma is a 10-episode comedy Web series created by Will Kindrick. It is written by Kindrick, Courtney Branning, Matt Heder and is produced by Mummy Space Island Productions. The series follows the life of", "psg_id": "16760676" }, { "title": "Ask Grandma", "text": "him when he sneaks away to visit her. Neighborhood bully Johnny — who also has eyes for Mary — looks for someone to slug and picks on Joe. Mickey sees this and the two face off. Mickey gets the worst of it until Grandma rallies him on, resulting in Johnny getting pretty well socked. His father comes to his rescue to help in beating up Mickey just as Grandma gets into the fight. Mickey's mother, having witnessed her son in action, comes to realize that Mickey should be a \"regular boy\" moving forward. Ask Grandma Ask Grandma is a 1925", "psg_id": "12462861" }, { "title": "Me and My Grandma", "text": "by Annie Stamell and YouTube celebrity Eva Gutowski both of whom were expected to executive produce alongside Jill Condon, Adam Wescott, and Scott Fisher with Condon also serving as the series' showrunner. Alongside the initial series announcement, it was confirmed that the series would star Eva Gutowski. On November 1, 2016, it was announced that Rhea Perlman had been cast in the role of the titular Grandma. Me and My Grandma Me and My Grandma is an American comedy web television series created by Eva Gutowski and Annie Stamell that premiered on March 22, 2017 on YouTube Red. The series", "psg_id": "20053823" }, { "title": "Delusions of Grandma", "text": "look at the heartfelt expectations of Cora's zany mother, the show-bizzy grandma-to-be. Cora and Bud then join her mother in an inexplicable and madcap scheme to kidnap Cora's grandfather, who is stricken with Alzheimer's, from his nursing home and take him back to his hometown of Whitewright, Texas. The story then concludes with the birth of Cora's child. Delusions of Grandma Delusions of Grandma is a novel by actress and author Carrie Fisher that was published in 1993. Like most of Fisher's books, this novel is semi-autobiographical and fictionalizes events seemingly from her real life. The book is about Cora", "psg_id": "6987020" }, { "title": "Dead Grandma", "text": "Dead Grandma Dead Grandma is a 10-episode comedy Web series created by Will Kindrick. It is written by Kindrick, Courtney Branning, Matt Heder and is produced by Mummy Space Island Productions. The series follows the life of a hapless young college student Andy (Matt Heder), whose grandma (Beverly Welsh) comes back from the dead to help him find love. The series is hosted by Jon Heder who begins each episode with a campy intro reminiscent of the openings of nostalgic shows such as Masterpiece Theater and The Wonderful World of Disney. Each episode follows a two-act structure split up by", "psg_id": "16760672" }, { "title": "Grandma (comic strip)", "text": "Grandma (comic strip) Grandma was a comic strip by Charles Kuhn that ran from 1947 to 1969. He usually signed the strip \"Chas. Kuhn\". \"Grandma\" began April 14, 1947. It was originally distributed by Duke Richardson's Indianapolis-based syndicate, Richardson Feature Service. A year later, \"Grandma\" was picked up by King Features Syndicate, which distributed it from June 28, 1948, until 1969. The Sunday page began November 20, 1949. Kuhn used it to introduce an innovative, interactive device; a single panel in the middle tier was displayed minus colors, so that young readers could use crayons to complete the coloring. It", "psg_id": "8254412" }, { "title": "The Grandma", "text": "The Grandma The Grandma () is a novella written by Czech writer Božena Němcová in 1855. It is her most popular work and is regarded as a classic piece of Czech literature. This most frequently read book of the Czech nation was published more than 300 times in the Czech language alone and translated into 21 other languages. The book describes, in an idealized form, the childhood of Němcová. The plot weaves together a remembrance of the agrarian calendar and customs of the neighborhood with the love stories of several women, which reveal more of the history and customs of", "psg_id": "4236350" }, { "title": "The Grandma", "text": "from her point of view. The Grandma The Grandma () is a novella written by Czech writer Božena Němcová in 1855. It is her most popular work and is regarded as a classic piece of Czech literature. This most frequently read book of the Czech nation was published more than 300 times in the Czech language alone and translated into 21 other languages. The book describes, in an idealized form, the childhood of Němcová. The plot weaves together a remembrance of the agrarian calendar and customs of the neighborhood with the love stories of several women, which reveal more of", "psg_id": "4236352" }, { "title": "Grandma (comic strip)", "text": "many \"Grandma\" strips; she sometimes reverted to a second childhood and played with the toys herself. Kuhn's other main interest was fishing. At the 1958 Chicago convention of the Grandmothers Club of America, Charles and Lois Kuhn were named Foster Grandparents of the Year. In addition to a plaque from the National Grandmother and Grandfather awards committee, actress Jane Darwell presented the Kuhns with their awards: miniature gold rocking chairs with red plush seats. Grandma (comic strip) Grandma was a comic strip by Charles Kuhn that ran from 1947 to 1969. He usually signed the strip \"Chas. Kuhn\". \"Grandma\" began", "psg_id": "8254414" }, { "title": "Grandma Moses", "text": "Grandma Moses Anna Mary Robertson Moses (September 7, 1860 – December 13, 1961), known by her nickname Grandma Moses, was an American folk artist. She began painting in earnest at the age of 78 and is often cited as an example of an individual who successfully began a career in the arts at an advanced age. Her works have been shown and sold in the United States and abroad and have been marketed on greeting cards and other merchandise. Moses' paintings are displayed in the collections of many museums. \"Sugaring Off\" was sold for US $1.2 million in 2006. Moses", "psg_id": "990113" }, { "title": "Grandma (film)", "text": "Grandma (film) Grandma is a 2015 American comedy-drama film written, directed and produced by Paul Weitz. It stars Lily Tomlin as Elle, a lesbian poet and widow whose teenage granddaughter (played by Julia Garner) visits her to ask for money for an abortion. Over the space of a day, they visit numerous people from Elle's past to call in favors in an effort to raise the money. Weitz wrote the script with Tomlin in mind after working with her on the 2013 film \"Admission\". After she agreed to star, they edited the script together. Most of the other cast members", "psg_id": "18594912" }, { "title": "Grandma (film)", "text": "the summary: \"it stars Lily Tomlin, and that's all you really need to know\". Grandma (film) Grandma is a 2015 American comedy-drama film written, directed and produced by Paul Weitz. It stars Lily Tomlin as Elle, a lesbian poet and widow whose teenage granddaughter (played by Julia Garner) visits her to ask for money for an abortion. Over the space of a day, they visit numerous people from Elle's past to call in favors in an effort to raise the money. Weitz wrote the script with Tomlin in mind after working with her on the 2013 film \"Admission\". After she", "psg_id": "18594930" }, { "title": "Grandma Prisbrey's Bottle Village", "text": "Grandma Prisbrey's Bottle Village Grandma Prisbrey's Bottle Village, also known as Bottle Village, is an art environment, located in Simi Valley, California. It was created by Tressa \"Grandma\" Prisbrey (1896–1988) from the 1950s to the 1970s. Prisbey built a \"village\" of shrines, walkways, sculptures, and buildings from recycled items and discards from the local landfill. Bottle Village has been designated as a historical landmark by the City of Simi Valley, County of Ventura, and State of California (California Historical Landmark No. 939. It was also listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1996. Bottle Village closed in 1984", "psg_id": "5890154" }, { "title": "Grandma (Unique album)", "text": "the album with Billy Reyes at the House of Billy Gaga Studios. \"Cha-Ching!\" was one of the first songs to be recorded and utilized heavy synths, percussion tracks, and vocal stacks. Among the first tracks as well was \"Midnight Sky\" which used a Shure sm57 and an AKG C414 XLS for mics. The song is one of the more minimalist in the album, alongside \"Apoy ng Kandila\". The tracks \"Jules\" and \"Goodnight Prayer\" were mixed to mimic the panning effects of records during the early days of stereo. Grandma (Unique album) Grandma is the debut studio album by Filipino singer-songwriter", "psg_id": "20849724" }, { "title": "Grandma (film)", "text": "a total of $7,087,452. \"Grandma\" was first released on DVD, Blu-ray and video on demand on February 9, 2016. The DVD and Blu-ray include an audio commentary with Weitz, Tomlin, Garner and Elliott, as well as a 21-minute interview with Weitz, Tomlin and Elliott. The Blu-ray version includes an additional 25-minute behind the scenes featurette. \"Grandma\" received a score of 92% on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 162 reviews, and an average rating of 7.5/10. The site's consensus reads, \"Boasting a stellar performance from Lily Tomlin and some powerfully empathetic work from writer-director Paul Weitz, \"Grandma\" is a dramedy that shouldn't", "psg_id": "18594926" }, { "title": "Grandma Moses", "text": "Her paintings were exhibited throughout Europe and the United States over the next 20 years. Otto Kallir established the Grandma Moses Properties, Inc. for her. The paintings of Grandma Moses were used to publicize American holidays, including Thanksgiving, Christmas and Mother's Day. During the 1950s, her exhibitions broke attendance records around the world. Art historian Judith Stein noted: \"A cultural icon, the spry, productive nonagenarian was continually cited as an inspiration for housewives, widows and retirees.\" Her paintings were reproduced on Hallmark greeting cards, tiles, fabrics, and ceramics. They were also used to market products, like coffee, lipstick, cigarettes, and", "psg_id": "990127" }, { "title": "Grandma (comic strip)", "text": "was captioned \"Color this one, kids!\" or \"Here's one to color, kids!\" By 1952, the strip ran internationally in 240 newspapers. The strip depicted humorous events in the life of a friendly, fun-loving woman known to her friends and neighbors only as Grandma. As comics historian Don Markstein described the character: Kuhn sometimes used \"Grandma\" to publicize Goodwill Industries in Indianapolis. He was so totally absorbed by and devoted to his strip that when he was asked about hobbies, he answered, \"\"Grandma\" and creating toys for the kids.\" Toys belonging to the neighborhood kids were also a key topic in", "psg_id": "8254413" }, { "title": "Grandma Gatewood", "text": "Grandma Gatewood Emma Rowena Gatewood, better known as Grandma Gatewood (October 25, 1887–June 4, 1973), was an extreme hiker and ultra-light hiking pioneer who was the first woman to hike the Appalachian Trail from Mount Oglethorpe in Georgia to Mount Katahdin in Maine solo, and in one season. Gatewood was born to a farm family of 15 children in Guyan Township, Gallia County, Ohio. At the age of 19 she married 27 year-old P. C. Gatewood, a college educated primary school teacher, and later tobacco farmer, with whom she had 11 children. She had 24 grandchildren, 30 great-grandchildren, and one", "psg_id": "4958398" }, { "title": "Grandma, What Great Songs You Sang!", "text": "versions of previously recorded songs. The opening track entitled \"Some of These Days\", written by Shelton Brooks, was originally composed in 1910 and the second track entitled \"Baby Face\" was first recorded in 1926. The album was originally released on an LP record, which contained six songs on each side of the record. The album has never been reissued on compact disc in the United States, but was released on a compact disc in the United Kingdom. Four decades later, \"Grandma, What Great Songs You Sang!\" was reviewed by \"Allmusic\" (launched in 1991) and received three and a half out", "psg_id": "14668190" }, { "title": "Old Grandma Hardcore", "text": "Old Grandma Hardcore Barbara St. Hilaire, better known by her nickname Old Grandma Hardcore is an American citizen from Mantua, Ohio. She has become best known for her interest in video games and her excessive preoccupation with them even at her \"high\" age of 71. She has admitted to playing about 10 hours-a-day. She has a frequently viewed blog named \"Old Grandma Hardcore\" where she gives tips and hints to certain games, among other things. Her 24-year-old grandson, Timothy helps her with her website. In December 2005, she was hired by MTV as their \"senior\" video game correspondent and host", "psg_id": "6904028" }, { "title": "Let's Eat Grandma", "text": "Let's Eat Grandma Let's Eat Grandma are a British pop group formed in 2013 by childhood friends Rosa Walton and Jenny Hollingworth. They released their debut studio album \"I, Gemini\" in 2016 through Transgressive Records. Their second studio album, \"I'm All Ears\", was released in 2018 to widespread acclaim. Let's Eat Grandma describe their music as \"experimental sludge pop\". Rosa Walton and Jenny Hollingworth were both raised in Norwich, a city in East Anglia. They originally met in reception class when they were four, and began making music together at 13. They originally began creating music as a playtime activity,", "psg_id": "19584019" }, { "title": "There's No One Quite Like Grandma", "text": "Another song that \"There's No One Quite Like Grandma\" prevented from reaching number one was \"Stop the Cavalry\" by Jona Lewie, which has since become a Christmas favourite in the UK but finished at number three on the Christmas chart. More recently, the song was used within the one-off Channel 4 comedy by Peter Kay called \"Britain's Got the Pop Factor...\", which had Sally Lindsay, who was in the original choir of the song, in a cameo role. Furthermore, an extract of the song is always used in the \"Granny Brainiac\" segment in Series 3 of Sky One TV show", "psg_id": "9400851" }, { "title": "Delusions of Grandma", "text": "Delusions of Grandma Delusions of Grandma is a novel by actress and author Carrie Fisher that was published in 1993. Like most of Fisher's books, this novel is semi-autobiographical and fictionalizes events seemingly from her real life. The book is about Cora Sharpe, a Hollywood screenwriter who is eight-and-a-half months pregnant by her boyfriend, an attorney named Ray, a relationship that has gone wrong. Concerned that she will not survive labor, Cora begins to write long letters to her unborn child. As she writes, she begins to recall the events that led to her current situation. Her relationship with Ray", "psg_id": "6987018" }, { "title": "Grandma Moses", "text": "their meaning. The unrest and the neurotic insecurity of the present day make us inclined to enjoy the simple and affirmative outlook of Grandma Moses.\" During a visit to Hoosick Falls in 1938, Louis J. Caldor, an art collector who worked as an engineer in the state of New York, discovered paintings made by Moses in the window of a drug store. He bought their supply and ten more from her Eagle Bridge house for $3 or $5 each. The next year, three Grandma Moses paintings were included in New York's Museum of Modern Art exhibition entitled \"Contemporary Unknown American", "psg_id": "990125" }, { "title": "Grandma Moses", "text": "The directness and vividness of her paintings restored a primitive freshness to our perception of the American scene. Both her work and her life helped our nation renew its pioneer heritage and recall its roots in the countryside and on the frontier. All Americans mourn her loss.\" After her death, her work was exhibited in several large traveling exhibitions in the United States and abroad. Some of the public collections of her work are: Some of her works are: Grandma Moses Anna Mary Robertson Moses (September 7, 1860 – December 13, 1961), known by her nickname Grandma Moses, was an", "psg_id": "990131" }, { "title": "Grandma Tracy", "text": "the Tracy house, though she can sometimes be confused by all the technological gadgetry, getting tracking bugs mixed into her apple pie at one point (\"Day Of Disaster\"), though she is able to work a nuclear oven (\"Give Or Take A Million\"). Although not an active part of International Rescue, Grandma still plays a role when need be. She has been known to help her grandsons put together what equipment they need (\"Sun Probe\") and it is her who comes up with a solution for a rescue mission in the Bank of England when everyone else is stuck (\"Vault Of", "psg_id": "14441022" }, { "title": "Grandma Gatewood", "text": "she was inducted into the Appalachian Trail Hall of Fame. Emma Gatewood is the subject of a project at Eden Valley Enterprises. \"Trail Magic\", a 60-minute documentary by Put-in-Bay filmmaker Peter Huston, is about Emma Gatewood. In 2018 the \"New York Times\" published a belated obituary for her as part of its \"Overlooked\" series about \"remarkable people whose deaths went unreported in The Times\". Grandma Gatewood Emma Rowena Gatewood, better known as Grandma Gatewood (October 25, 1887–June 4, 1973), was an extreme hiker and ultra-light hiking pioneer who was the first woman to hike the Appalachian Trail from Mount Oglethorpe", "psg_id": "4958405" }, { "title": "There's No One Quite Like Grandma", "text": "\"\". In October 2009, the song was re-recorded by 14 members of the original choir. It was released in the UK in November 2009 as part of food company Innocent Drinks' \"Big Knit\" campaign, to raise money for Age Concern. The song was covered by Leilah and Jeordie (daughters of Melanie Safka) in 1981, and this version charted on the Canadian singles chart at No. 27 in January 1982. There's No One Quite Like Grandma \"There's No One Quite Like Grandma\" was a number-one hit in the UK Singles Chart, by the Stockport-based primary school choir St Winifred's School Choir", "psg_id": "9400852" }, { "title": "Grandma Prisbrey's Bottle Village", "text": "1990 \"Ageless\", the Woman's Building, Los Angeles, CA 1992 \"Reflections of Bottle Village\", Simi Valley Cultural Center, Simi Valley, CA 1995 \"Visions from the Left Coast\" Santa Barbara Contemporary Arts Forum, Santa Barbara, CA 1996–1999 \"Recycled-Reseen\" Santa Fe Museum of Art, Santa Fe, New Mexico (traveling) 2000 Outsider Art window display, Hennessy + Ingalls, Santa Monica, CA Grandma Prisbrey's Bottle Village Grandma Prisbrey's Bottle Village, also known as Bottle Village, is an art environment, located in Simi Valley, California. It was created by Tressa \"Grandma\" Prisbrey (1896–1988) from the 1950s to the 1970s. Prisbey built a \"village\" of shrines, walkways,", "psg_id": "5890172" }, { "title": "Grandma Prisbrey's Bottle Village", "text": "first bottle house by hand. This is when Bottle Village began to take form. Grandma Prisbrey mentioned she did not begin this project to gain attention but as an outpost as well as a place to keep all of her things. She was very much a collector as well as a recycler. She was interested in the fact that everything has a purpose and is special and unique and that is exactly what she brings to bottle village. Not just in the visuals but the overall feeling you receive from being present. The Village was very much established by 1961", "psg_id": "5890158" }, { "title": "Grandma Moses", "text": "moved to a farm in Eagle Bridge, New York at her husband's urging. When Thomas Moses was about 67 years of age in 1927, he died of a heart attack, after which Anna's son Forrest helped her operate the farm. Anna Moses never married again. She retired and moved to a daughter's home in 1936. Anna Mary was known as either \"Mother Moses\" or \"Grandma Moses,\" and although she first exhibited as \"Mrs. Moses,\" the press dubbed her \"Grandma Moses,\" and the nickname stuck. As a young wife and mother, Moses was creative in her home; for example, in 1918", "psg_id": "990120" }, { "title": "Grandma Moses", "text": "appeared on magazine covers, television, and in a documentary of her life. She wrote an autobiography (\"My Life's History\"), won numerous awards, and was awarded two honorary doctoral degrees. The \"New York Times\" said of her: \"The simple realism, nostalgic atmosphere and luminous color with which Grandma Moses portrayed simple farm life and rural countryside won her a wide following. She was able to capture the excitement of winter's first snow, Thanksgiving preparations and the new, young green of oncoming spring... In person, Grandma Moses charmed wherever she went. A tiny, lively woman with mischievous gray eyes and a quick", "psg_id": "990114" }, { "title": "Grandma (film)", "text": "wonder that is \"Grandma\" can be summed up in two words: Lily Tomlin.\" Peter Travers of \"Rolling Stone\" described the film as \"a Tomlin tour de force\" and wrote that \"Tomlin, the sorceress, leaves you dazzled and devastated.\" The \"San Francisco Chronicle\"s David Lewis cited \"Grandma\" as a career-high performance for Tomlin, describing her work as \"funny, acerbic, touching – and ultimately, exhilarating\". Richard Roeper of the \"Chicago Sun-Times\" wrote of Tomlin, \"nearly every moment in this movie is all hers\", predicting award nominations for her performance. In a review of the film for \"The Boston Globe\", Ty Burr offered", "psg_id": "18594929" }, { "title": "Grandma Tracy", "text": "Death\"). She also attends filming of the Ned Cook Show episode in which he thanks International Rescue for saving him (\"Terror In New York City\"). Throughout her years, Grandma has never visited a stately home but hopes to do so, especially after meeting Lady Penelope (\"The Mighty Atom\"). Grandma's chronology is somewhat confusing in the series, in that she does not move to Tracy Island until \"Move And You're Dead\" (production episode #9), despite being mentioned in \"Sun probe\" (production episode #4) and featuring in production episodes #5,#6,#7 and #8. In original broadcast order, Grandma appears in even more episodes", "psg_id": "14441023" }, { "title": "Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood", "text": "arrested. Afterwards, everyone goes their separate ways: Ashtray and Dashiki marry and enjoy their lives, Loc Dog becomes a host and introduces himself with extreme profanity, Preach and his crush settle down and perform sexual intercourse, Crazy Legs becomes a dancer as he had dreamed of, and Grandma is, as Ashtray puts it, \"still Grandma\" (showing her smoking marijuana). \"Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood\" collected $8,112,884 from 1,010 theatres its opening weekend, opening at #2 at the box office, averaging $8,032 per theatre. By the end of its theatrical run, the", "psg_id": "5453710" }, { "title": "Christmas at Ground Zero", "text": "had gone off. The video was edited with Yankovic by Darren Bramen, with final edits and effects by John Peterson. In the late 1980s, the song was a staple on MTV during the holiday season. The song has been well received. Julio Diaz of the \"Pensacola News Journal\" wrote \"While 'Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer' got old decades ago, this is one musical dose of sick holiday humor that hasn't lost its novelty.\" He went on to compliment the music video as well, calling it \"a lot of fun\". Joey Green, in his book \"Weird and Wonderful Christmas\",", "psg_id": "6702878" }, { "title": "Me and My Grandma", "text": "Me and My Grandma Me and My Grandma is an American comedy web television series created by Eva Gutowski and Annie Stamell that premiered on March 22, 2017 on YouTube Red. The series stars Gutowski and Rhea Perlman and is executive produced by Stamell, Gutowski, Adam Wescott, Scott Fisher, and Jill Condon. College graduate Janey and her grandmother move to Hollywood together and attempt to forge acting careers. On August 5, 2016, it was announced that YouTube had given the production a series order for a first season set to premiere in 2017 on YouTube Red. The series was created", "psg_id": "20053822" }, { "title": "Let's Eat Grandma", "text": "some graffiti the girls saw while walking around town in Norwich. The album was released by Transgressive Records on 17 June 2016, and received positive reviews in \"NME\", \"The Guardian\", \"Pitchfork\", and \"Q\". Their second studio album \"I'm All Ears\" was released 29 June 2018, and was preceded by the singles \"Hot Pink\", \"Falling Into Me\", \"It's Not Just Me\" and \"Ava\". \"I'm All Ears\" has received widespread acclaim from music critics. Let's Eat Grandma Let's Eat Grandma are a British pop group formed in 2013 by childhood friends Rosa Walton and Jenny Hollingworth. They released their debut studio album", "psg_id": "19584021" }, { "title": "Old Grandma Hardcore", "text": "for the show \"The G-Hole\". On 2006-09-09 Old Granny Hardcore won the Nintendo World Store's \"Coolest Grandparent of the year\" \"Brain Age\" contest. In August 2006 she was featured on \"Attack of the Show\" covering \"Women and Gaming\". She is known for her constant use of swearing while playing games. She is also known for having a very large collection of Xbox live arcade games. Old Grandma Hardcore Barbara St. Hilaire, better known by her nickname Old Grandma Hardcore is an American citizen from Mantua, Ohio. She has become best known for her interest in video games and her excessive", "psg_id": "6904029" }, { "title": "Grandma (film)", "text": "way home, Elle giggles and rejoices at memories of her partner Violet. Before reaching home, she makes a short stop at Olivia's house to apologize for saying their relationship meant nothing. Afterwards, Elle walks down the sidewalk, laughing on her way home. Numerous commentators have labelled \"Grandma\" a feminist film. \"Bustle\" writer Rachel Simon commented on the unusual fact that the film centers on two women – a septuagenarian lesbian and a pregnant teenager seeking an abortion – and features a supporting cast of characters including \"another lesbian, a trans woman, and a single mom who got pregnant using a", "psg_id": "18594918" }, { "title": "Roller derby", "text": "sometimes debated. Some derby names are obscene, and this attracts controversy among other skaters. Copying of derby names has attracted legal and sociological analysis as an example of indigenous development of property rights. New players are encouraged to check derby names against an international roster to ensure they are not already in use. The names of roller derby events are also sardonic and convoluted—for example, Night of the Rolling Dead (Night of the Living Dead), Knocktoberfest (Oktoberfest), Spanksgiving (Thanksgiving), Seasons Beatings (Seasons Greetings), Grandma Got Run Over By a Rollergirl (Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer), Cinco de May-hem", "psg_id": "3421666" }, { "title": "Helping Grandma", "text": "it for next to nothing. The gang thinks both parties want to practically steal the store away from her. The swindler stops in and tries talking Grandma into selling her store immediately for $1,500. She balks at the low price, and then goes downtown to run some errands leaving the gang in charge. Among her instructions is to tell anyone who calls on the telephone to call back later. Chain store officials then stop by and Jackie, Farina and Chubby try to scare them away from buying the store, telling them among other things that \"You couldn't sell many chains", "psg_id": "12479442" }, { "title": "Grandma Lake Wetlands State Natural Area", "text": "small, brown breeding bird survey fencepost marks the trailhead. Grandma Lake Wetlands State Natural Area Grandma Lake Wetlands State Natural Area is a Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources-designated State Natural Area featuring the undeveloped, pristine 44-acre Grandma Lake, which lies in a depression formed during the last glacial period. The lake is ringed by a large, open sphagnum bog mat. The bog mat is surrounded by a coniferous swamp of tamarack (\"Larix laricina\") and black spruce (\"Picea mariana\"). The bog mat supports a plant community that is considered diverse and unusual, with several rare species present, including: bog arrow-grass (\"Triglochin", "psg_id": "17707728" }, { "title": "Grandma Lake Wetlands State Natural Area", "text": "Grandma Lake Wetlands State Natural Area Grandma Lake Wetlands State Natural Area is a Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources-designated State Natural Area featuring the undeveloped, pristine 44-acre Grandma Lake, which lies in a depression formed during the last glacial period. The lake is ringed by a large, open sphagnum bog mat. The bog mat is surrounded by a coniferous swamp of tamarack (\"Larix laricina\") and black spruce (\"Picea mariana\"). The bog mat supports a plant community that is considered diverse and unusual, with several rare species present, including: bog arrow-grass (\"Triglochin maritima\"), dragon's mouth orchid (\"Arethusa bulbosa\"), livid sedge (\"Carex", "psg_id": "17707726" }, { "title": "The Grandma", "text": "that area. The main action of the novel seems to take place during the first one or two years after the Grandma has come to live at the Old Bleachery with her daughter's family, to help manage the household. The father is frequently absent due to his job as equerry to the local noblewoman, which takes him away to Vienna during the winter. The principal action of the story is to tell the intertwining tales of Viktorka, Kristla, and the Countess. The author is identified with Barunka, the eldest daughter of the Prošek family; however, the novel is not told", "psg_id": "4236351" }, { "title": "Grandma Prisbrey's Bottle Village", "text": "dolls. Grandma Prisbrey mentioned every day she would go into that house and dress up some of the dolls. \"Anyone can do something with a million dollars. Look at Disney,\" Prisbrey once said. \"But it takes more than money to make something out of nothing, and look at the fun I have doing it.\" When visitors would come to Bottle Village when Grandma Prisbrey was still alive, she would first take them on a tour but then end in her meditation room where she would allow them to meditate as well as listen to her sing different songs. She would", "psg_id": "5890164" }, { "title": "Grandma (film)", "text": "\"heartening to see a film that tackles unintended pregnancy and abortion in a humorous and sensitive way\". Paul Weitz conceived the idea for the story of \"Grandma\" long before he began writing the script. He never completed the story until he had met and worked with Tomlin on the 2013 film \"Admission,\" saying that \"After meeting Lily, the voice and the character really clicked, I had thought about it for years, so I had a lot of it worked out in my head, and then I just went to a coffee shop and wrote it longhand.\" He said that, as", "psg_id": "18594921" }, { "title": "Harley Warren", "text": "a Bostonian group of psychics. Several actors in cinematic renditions of \"The Statement of Randolph Carter\" have portrayed Harley Warren, the most notable of them being John Rhys-Davies in \"\". The H.P. Lovecraft Historical society did a song entitled \"Harley Got Devoured by the Undead\", a parody of \"Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer\". Harley Warren Harley Warren is a fictional character created by H. P. Lovecraft, based on his friend Samuel Loveman (1887–1976). Lovecraft had a dream about Loveman, which inspired him to write the short story \"The Statement of Randolph Carter\" in 1919. In the story, Warren", "psg_id": "9171921" }, { "title": "Grandma (film)", "text": "sperm donor\". Writer-director Paul Weitz said that he wanted to explore different eras of women's history through the three generations of Elle's family. While Elle was a fighter for women's equality, he saw Judy (a successful businesswoman) as \"a product of it\". He said that Sage, who is largely ignorant of the feminist movement, represented the \"erasure of women's history in the minds of young people now\". \"Variety\" critic Scott Foundas described \"Grandma\" as \"an unforced but unmistakably political survey of three generations of independent womanhood in America\". The film has also been described as pro-choice because of its portrayal", "psg_id": "18594919" }, { "title": "Christmas music", "text": "Mathis' \"Do You Hear What I Hear?\" and Harry Simeone Chorale's \"Little Drummer Boy\". The Pinnacle Media Worldwide survey divided its listeners into music-type categories: Among the most-hated Christmas songs, according to Edison Media Research's 2007 survey, are Barbra Streisand's \"Jingle Bells?\", the Jackson 5's \"Santa Claus Is Coming to Town\", Elmo & Patsy's \"Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer\", and \"O Holy Night\" as performed by cartoon characters from Comedy Central's \"South Park\". The \"most-hated Christmastime recording\" is a rendition of \"Jingle Bells\" by Don Charles's Singing Dogs, a revolutionary novelty song originally released in 1955, and re-released", "psg_id": "1355697" }, { "title": "The Irish Rovers", "text": "series on the Global Television Network in conjunction with Ulster Television in Ireland. Although most of their music focuses on the band's Irish roots, in the early 1980s, The Irish Rovers recorded an unknown novelty Christmas song written by Randy Brooks. Record producer Jack Richardson produced The Rovers' album, \"It Was A Night Like This.\" The single release of \"Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer\" rose to the top 20 in Canada within a week of airplay. Exposure of the music on television also added to the popularity of their music. In 1980, their crossover hit recording of Tom", "psg_id": "3787403" }, { "title": "Grandma (film)", "text": "new era in gay cinema\" and felt that the story was \"schematic but heartfelt\". Brian Moylan of \"The Guardian\" gave the film three out of five stars and wrote, \"Possibly the greatest thing about \"Grandma\" is that it passes the Bechdel test with flying colours, better than any film I've seen recently.\" \"Slant Magazine\"s R. Kurt Osenlund, on the other hand, felt that the plot was contrived and unfulfilling, and described the film as having \"about as many ambitions as it does delusions\". Tomlin has been widely praised for the strength of her performance. A. O. Scott wrote that \"the", "psg_id": "18594928" } ]
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what is wrong with the grinch's heart in ‘how the grinch stole christmas' ?
[ { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!", "text": "Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat\". Max, the Grinch's dog, and the Grinch himself also appear in the children's puppet show \"The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss\". The Grinch, Cindy Lou Who, and Max, appear in \"Seussical\", a musical which takes it plot from several Dr. Seuss books. How the Grinch Stole Christmas! How the Grinch Stole Christmas! is a children's story by Theodor \"Dr. Seuss\" Geisel written in rhymed verse with illustrations by the author. It follows the Grinch, a grouchy, solitary creature who attempts to put an end to Christmas by stealing Christmas-themed items from the homes", "psg_id": "13423897" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film) How the Grinch Stole Christmas (also known as Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas and simply The Grinch in the UK) is a 2000 American Christmas fantasy comedy film directed by Ron Howard and written by Jeffrey Price and Peter S. Seaman. Based on Dr. Seuss's 1957 book of the same name, the film was the first Dr. Seuss book to be adapted into a full-length feature film. The film stars Jim Carrey in the title role, Jeffrey Tambor, Christine Baranski, Bill Irwin, Molly Shannon and Taylor Momsen. Because the film is", "psg_id": "7707203" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!", "text": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! How the Grinch Stole Christmas! is a children's story by Theodor \"Dr. Seuss\" Geisel written in rhymed verse with illustrations by the author. It follows the Grinch, a grouchy, solitary creature who attempts to put an end to Christmas by stealing Christmas-themed items from the homes of the nearby town Whoville on Christmas Eve. The story was published as a book by Random House in 1957, and at approximately the same time in an issue of \"Redbook\". The book criticizes the commercialization of Christmas. Based on a 2007 online poll, the National Education Association named", "psg_id": "13423881" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special) How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (also known as Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas!) is a 1966 Christmas animated television special directed and co-produced by Chuck Jones. It is based on the eponymous children's book by Dr. Seuss, the story of the Grinch trying to take away Christmas from the townsfolk of Whoville below his mountain hideaway. Originally telecast in the United States on CBS on December 18, 1966, it went on to become a perennial holiday special. The special also features the voice of Boris Karloff as the Grinch and the", "psg_id": "7902040" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "(alternatively titled \"The Cat in the Hat Gets Grinched\"), aired on ABC in 1982. Though credited to DePatie-Freleng, it was produced by Marvel Productions, which had taken over DePatie-Freleng in 1981. How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special) How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (also known as Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas!) is a 1966 Christmas animated television special directed and co-produced by Chuck Jones. It is based on the eponymous children's book by Dr. Seuss, the story of the Grinch trying to take away Christmas from the townsfolk of Whoville below his mountain hideaway. Originally telecast in the", "psg_id": "7902057" }, { "title": "Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical", "text": "Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical, or simply How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical, is a seasonal musical adaptation of the Dr. Seuss book \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\". The musical, with book and lyrics by Timothy Mason, original score by Mel Marvin and choreography by John DeLuca, made its debut on the mainstage of Minneapolis's Children's Theatre Company in November 1994, after special arrangements had been made with the Dr. Seuss estate to exclusively adapt and perform the book. The original production was remounted in again", "psg_id": "9175844" }, { "title": "Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical", "text": "Lake City, Spokane, Seattle, New York City, Chicago, Costa Mesa and Denver. In 2015, the production toured in North America with shows in Worcester, Detroit, Appleton, Columbus, Jacksonville, Orlando and Fort Lauderdale. Stefán Karl performed as Grinch, Bob Lauder as Old Max, and Genny Gagnon and Rachel Katzke as Cindy Lou Who. The musical will make its UK premiere at The Lowry, in Salford from 10 December 2019 to 5 January 2020. Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical, or simply How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical, is", "psg_id": "9175852" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "plain dull story.\" Todd McCarthy of \"Variety\" wrote, \"Carrey tries out all sorts of intonations, vocal pitches and delivery styles, his tough guy posturing reminding at times of Cagney and his sibilant S's recalling Bogart. His antic gesturing and face-making hit the mark at times, but at other moments seem arbitrary and scattershot. Furthermore, his free-flowing tirades, full of catch-all allusions and references, are pitched for adult appreciation and look destined to sail right over the heads of pre-teens.\" How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film) How the Grinch Stole Christmas (also known as Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole", "psg_id": "7707228" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!", "text": "Latin as \"Quomodo Invidiosulus Nomine Grinchus Christi Natalem Abrogaverit\". The translation was published in October 1998 by Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers Inc. Based on a 2007 online poll, the National Education Association named \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\" one of its \"Teachers' Top 100 Books for Children\". In 2012 it was ranked number 61 among the \"Top 100 Picture Books\" in a survey published by \"School Library Journal\" – the fourth of five Dr. Seuss books on the list. The book's main characters have made appearances in other works. The Grinch appears in the animated specials \"Halloween Is Grinch Night\" and \"The", "psg_id": "13423896" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "in the character Cindy Lou Who and pitched a film in which she would have a larger role as well as a materialistic representation of the Whos and an expanded backstory of the Grinch. On September 16, 1998, it was announced that Howard would direct and co-produce a live-action adaptation of \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas\" with Jim Carrey attached to star. It was also reported that Universal Pictures, who had acquired the distribution rights, paid $9 million for the film rights for an adaptation of \"Grinch\" and \"Oh, the Places You'll Go!\" to Geisel. Jeffrey Price and Peter S.", "psg_id": "7707216" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "Director Chuck Jones and children's-book author Ted Geisel (Dr. Seuss) had worked together on the \"Private Snafu\" training cartoons at Warner Bros. Cartoons during World War II. Jones was interested in adapting one of Geisel's books into a television special and approached him to turn \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\" into one in time for the holiday season. Although Geisel was initially reluctant due to his unpleasant experiences making the film \"The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T.\", he eventually agreed. \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\" was produced by The Cat in the Hat Productions in association with the television and", "psg_id": "7902045" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "Grinch pepper-sprayed. Martha turns down the mayor's proposal and returns his engagement ring, deciding to be with the Grinch instead. The Grinch joins in the Whos' celebration feast, carving the roast beast himself. Before his death in 1991, Dr. Seuss had refused offers to sell the film rights to his books. However, his widow Audrey Geisel, agreed to several merchandising deals, including clothing lines, accessories and CDs. In July 1998, Geisel's agents announced via letter she would auction the film rights of \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas\". In order to pitch their ideas to Geisel, the suitors ultimately had to", "psg_id": "7707213" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!", "text": "to let out bitter and sorrowful cries, but is confused to hear them singing a joyous Christmas song instead. He is puzzled until it dawns on him that \"maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more\" than just presents and feasting. The Grinch's shrunken heart suddenly grows three sizes. The reformed and liberated Grinch returns to the village to give back all of the Whos' Christmas stuff and participate in their Christmas feast. The Grinch first appeared in a 32-line illustrated poem by Dr. Seuss called \"The Hoobub and the Grinch,\" which was originally published in the May 1955 edition", "psg_id": "13423885" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "The special was released on high definition Blu-ray Disc in 2009 with the title changed to \"Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\" It contained all the bonus features from the 2000 DVD, except for \"Horton Hears a Who!\", and also included a DVD of the special and a Digital Copy. Three songs with lyrics were included in the special: \"Welcome Christmas,\" \"Trim up the Tree\" and \"You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch.\" The last of these was performed by Thurl Ravenscroft; the other two were performed by a chorus representing the voices of the Whos. None of the vocalists", "psg_id": "7902053" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "by Howard and Brian Grazer's Imagine Entertainment, \"Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas\" was released by Universal Pictures on November 17, 2000 to mixed reviews from critics yet grossed over $345 million worldwide, becoming the sixth-highest grossing film of 2000 and the second highest-grossing holiday film of all-time behind \"Home Alone\" (1990). It won the Academy Award for Best Makeup as well as getting nominations for Best Art Direction and Best Costume Design. All the residents of Whoville (Whos) enjoy celebrating Christmas, except for the Grinch, a misanthropic and egotistical creature who hates it and the Whos. No one", "psg_id": "7707205" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!", "text": "\"I was brushing my teeth on the morning of the 26th of last December when I noticed a very Grinch-ish countenance in the mirror. It was Seuss! So I wrote about my sour friend, the Grinch, to see if I could rediscover something about Christmas that obviously I'd lost.\" Seuss's step-daughter, Lark Dimond-Cates, stated in a speech in 2003, \"I always thought the Cat... was Ted on his good days, and the Grinch was Ted on his bad days.\" Cohen notes that Seuss drove a car with a license plate that read \"GRINCH\". Thomas Fensch notes that the Grinch is", "psg_id": "13423892" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "(such as 1964's \"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer\", 1965's \"A Charlie Brown Christmas\" and 1969's \"Frosty the Snowman\") that have come to be regarded as classics. It received modestly positive reviews at the time it was released. Critic Rick Du Brow said it was \"probably as good as most of the other holiday cartoons.\" It has since been recognized as a classic, with Rotten Tomatoes giving it a 100% \"fresh\" rating on its website; the critical consensus reads, \"\"How the Grinch Stole Christmas\" brings an impressive array of talent to bear on an adaptation that honors a classic holiday story –", "psg_id": "7902049" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "the actor sneaks up on Carrey the wild-man dervish. In whichever mode, he carreys the movie.\" Peter Stack of the \"San Francisco Chronicle\" said, \"Nobody could play the Grinch better than Jim Carrey, whose rubbery antics and maniacal sense of mischief are so well suited to \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas\". Dr. Seuss himself might have turned to Carrey as a model for the classic curmudgeon had the actor been around in 1957.\" However, he wondered why Carrey \"made himself sound like Sean Connery\" and warned that the character's intensity may frighten small children. James Berardinelli of ReelViews wrote that", "psg_id": "7707225" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!", "text": "of \"Redbook\" magazine. Dr. Seuss began work on \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\" a couple of years later, around the beginning of 1957. He had recently completed \"The Cat in the Hat\" and was in the midst of founding Beginner Books with Phyllis and Bennett Cerf and his wife, Helen Palmer Geisel. Helen, who had ongoing medical problems and had suffered a small stroke in April 1957, nevertheless acted as an unofficial editor, as she had with previous Dr. Seuss books. Dr. Seuss wrote the book quickly and was mostly finished with it within a few weeks. Biographers Judith and", "psg_id": "13423886" }, { "title": "The Grinch (film)", "text": "like its hairy protagonist’s heart), \"The Grinch\" is impossibly cute, visually rich and boasts enough festive fun to satisfy young viewers.\" The Grinch (film) The Grinch (also known as Dr. Seuss' The Grinch) is a 2018 American 3D computer-animated Christmas comedy film produced by Illumination. Based on the 1957 Dr. Seuss book \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\", it is the third screen adaptation of the story, following the television special from 1966 and the live-action feature-length film from 2000. It also marks Illumination's second Dr. Seuss film adaptation, following \"The Lorax\" (2012). The film is directed by Yarrow Cheney and", "psg_id": "19559663" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "narrator. The Grinch (voiced by Boris Karloff) is the film's main character. He lives in a cave atop Mt. Crumpit, located above the village of Whoville. The Grinch is a surly character with a heart \"two sizes too small\" who has especially hated Christmas for 53 years. On Christmas Eve, he finally becomes fed up with seeing the decorations and hearing all the music and caroling in the village and wishes he could stop Christmas Day from coming to Whoville. When he sees his dog, Max, with snow all over his face in the shape of a hat and beard,", "psg_id": "7902041" }, { "title": "The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat", "text": "on the Loose!\" DVD set, along with \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\" and \"Halloween Is Grinch Night\". The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat (also known as The Grinch vs. The Cat in the Hat and The Cat in the Hat Gets Grinched in the working title) is a 1982 American animated musical television special and crossover starring the two characters created by Dr. Seuss, who also wrote and produced the special: The Cat in the Hat and The Grinch from \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\". It premiered on May 20,", "psg_id": "8750175" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "discover the theft, and May Who blames Cindy Lou for inciting the Grinch. Her father defends her for reminding the Whos that Christmas is about love of family and friends, not just gifts. The people start singing Seuss's \"Welcome Christmas\". Before the Grinch can push the stolen gifts off the top of Mount Crumpit, he hears the Whos' singing and sees he has failed to prevent Christmas, and has an epiphany that Christmas \"doesn't come from a store\", but \"perhaps ... means a little bit more\". His heart grows three sizes, and as the sleigh full of gifts begins to", "psg_id": "7707211" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!", "text": "Whos' Christmas presents, the Christmas tree, and the log for their fire. He is briefly interrupted in his burglary by Cindy Lou, a little Who girl, but concocts a crafty lie to effect his escape from her home. After stealing from one house, he does the same thing to all the other houses in the village of Whoville. After spending all night stealing stuff from the houses of Whoville, the Grinch travels back to the top of Mount Crumpit, intending to dump all of the Christmas stuff into the abyss. As dawn arrives, the Grinch expects the people in Whoville", "psg_id": "13423884" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!", "text": "moral and humor. Charlotte Jackson of the \"San Francisco Chronicle\" called the book \"wonderful fantasy, in the true Dr. Seuss manner, with pictures in the Christmas colors.\" Some writers, including Dr. Seuss himself, have made a connection between the Grinch and Dr. Seuss. In the story, the Grinch laments that he has had to put up with the Whos' celebration of Christmas for 53 years. As both Thomas Fensch and Charles Cohen note, Dr. Seuss was 53 when he wrote and published the book. Dr. Seuss himself asserted the connection in an article in the December 1957 edition of \"Redbook\":", "psg_id": "13423891" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "likes the Grinch, due to the vengeful and harmful stunts he occasionally pulls on them. Seven-year-old Cindy Lou Who believes everyone is missing the point about Christmas by focusing on the gifts and festivities, instead of personal relationships. She has a face-to-face encounter with the Grinch at the post office, in which he reluctantly saves her life, and she becomes interested in his history. She asks everyone what they know about him and discovers his tragic past. The Grinch arrived in Whoville as a baby, and was adopted by two spinster sisters. He showed some sadistic tendencies as a child,", "psg_id": "7707206" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!", "text": "high mountain just north of the town of Whoville, home of the merry and warm-hearted Whos. His only companion is his unloved, but loyal dog, Max. From his cave, the Grinch can hear the noisy Christmas festivities that take place in Whoville. Continuously annoyed, he devises a wicked scheme to steal their presents, trees, and food for their Christmas feast. He crudely disguises himself as Santa Claus, and forces Max, disguised as a reindeer, to drag a sleigh down the mountain towards Whoville. Once at Whoville, the Grinch slides down the chimney of one house and steals all of the", "psg_id": "13423883" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "and has rightfully become a yuletide tradition of its own.\" The special continues to be popular in Nielsen Ratings, with its 2010 airing (the last of many times it had aired that year) winning its time slot among persons 18 to 49 and finishing second in overall viewers. \"TV Guide\" ranked the special No. 1 on its 10 Best Family Holiday Specials list. \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\" was released to VHS, Betamax, CED, and LaserDisc by MGM/UA Home Video in the 1980s, and was reissued several times. The special was first released to the VHS and DVD formats in", "psg_id": "7902050" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "it one of the largest makeup crews ever assembled. Most of the appliances the actors wore were noses that connected to an upper lip along with a few dentures, ears, and wigs. The film was released on VHS and DVD on November 20, 2001. The extended cut of the film on VHS and DVD was released on October 29, 2002. A Blu-ray/DVD combo pack was released on October 13, 2009. \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas\" grossed $260 million domestically and $85.1 million in other territories for a worldwide gross of $345.1 million, becoming the sixth highest-grossing film of 2000. In", "psg_id": "7707220" }, { "title": "Halloween Is Grinch Night", "text": "the title \"Grinch Night\". In 2003, the special was released as a bonus special on the VHS and DVD release of Dr. Seuss on the Loose from Universal Studios Home Entertainment. On October 18, 2011, the special was released on DVD by Warner Home Video under \"Dr. Seuss's Holidays on the Loose!\", along with \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\" and \"The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat\". Halloween Is Grinch Night Halloween Is Grinch Night (titled It's Grinch Night for the 1992 videocassette release and Grinch Night for the sing-a-long videocasette release) is a 1977 Halloween television special and", "psg_id": "7810438" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "the United States, \"The Grinch\" opened at number-one on its opening day, making $15.6 million, with a weekend gross of $55.0 million, for an average of $17,615 from 3,127 theaters. The film held the record for the highest opening weekend for a Christmas-themed film until the 2018 film version of \"The Grinch\" passed it with $67.6 million. In its second weekend, the film grossed $52.1 million, dropping only 5.1%, settling a new record for highest-grossing second weekend for any film. The film stayed at the top of the box office for four weekends until it was overtaken by \"What Women", "psg_id": "7707221" }, { "title": "The Grinch (film)", "text": "the Grinch, Cindy comes to invite him to celebrate Christmas at her house and he awkwardly attends. When seated down for dinner, he confesses that it wasn't really Christmas he disliked but being lonely and his bitterness over being neglected. Before carving the roast beast, the Grinch offers a toast, \"To kindness and love, the things we need most.\" In February 2013, it was announced that Illumination Entertainment was developing a 3D animated feature film based on the Dr. Seuss book, with the working title \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas\", later shortened to \"The Grinch\". Peter Candeland and Yarrow Cheney", "psg_id": "19559651" }, { "title": "Halloween Is Grinch Night", "text": "Halloween Is Grinch Night Halloween Is Grinch Night (titled It's Grinch Night for the 1992 videocassette release and Grinch Night for the sing-a-long videocasette release) is a 1977 Halloween television special and is the prequel to \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\". It won the 1978 Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Children's Program. It premiered on ABC on October 29, 1977. In Whoville, on a night known as \"Grinch Night\", which commences when a \"Sour-Sweet Wind\" blows and a chain of events causes the Gree-Grumps and Hakken-Krakks to prompt The Grinch into terrorizing the Whos, as he believes such nights are", "psg_id": "7810434" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "and later wrote letters to columnists nationwide telling them that it was Ravenscroft who provided vocals for the musical number. Karloff received a Grammy Award in the Spoken Word category—the only major performing award of his career—for the album. A television special called \"Halloween Is Grinch Night\", created by DePatie-Freleng Enterprises, aired on ABC in 1977, eleven years after the Christmas special. This special involved a tale of the Grinch coming down to scare the Whos every Halloween. Though less successful than the original, it was awarded an Emmy. A later cartoon, \"The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat\"", "psg_id": "7902056" }, { "title": "The Grinch (film)", "text": "The Grinch (film) The Grinch (also known as Dr. Seuss' The Grinch) is a 2018 American 3D computer-animated Christmas comedy film produced by Illumination. Based on the 1957 Dr. Seuss book \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\", it is the third screen adaptation of the story, following the television special from 1966 and the live-action feature-length film from 2000. It also marks Illumination's second Dr. Seuss film adaptation, following \"The Lorax\" (2012). The film is directed by Yarrow Cheney and Scott Mosier, and written by Michael LeSieur and Tommy Swerdlow. It stars the voices of Benedict Cumberbatch, Rashida Jones, Kenan Thompson,", "psg_id": "19559644" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "drink before sending her back to bed. He empties the first house of all the food and Christmas-related items, namely presents, the tree, decorations and even the stockings on the chimney, then repeats the process at the other houses in Whoville, while also taking the village decorations. With the Whos' stolen Christmas goods, the Grinch and Max travel back up Mt. Crumpit. Before dropping the loaded sleigh off the mountain, the Grinch waits to hear a sad cry from the Whos. However, down in the village, the Whos joyously begin to sing Christmas carols, proving that the spirit of Christmas", "psg_id": "7902043" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "he decides to disguise himself as Santa Claus and steal Christmas. The Grinch makes himself a Santa coat and hat and disguises the innocent Max as a reindeer. He loads empty bags onto a sleigh and travels to Whoville with some difficulty. In the first house he is almost caught by Cindy Lou Who (voiced by an uncredited June Foray), a small Who girl who wakes up and sees him taking the Christmas tree. Pretending to be Santa, the Grinch tells Cindy Lou that he is merely taking the tree to his workshop for repairs, and then gets her a", "psg_id": "7902042" }, { "title": "The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat", "text": "The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat (also known as The Grinch vs. The Cat in the Hat and The Cat in the Hat Gets Grinched in the working title) is a 1982 American animated musical television special and crossover starring the two characters created by Dr. Seuss, who also wrote and produced the special: The Cat in the Hat and The Grinch from \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\". It premiered on May 20, 1982 on ABC and won two Emmys. It also aired on ABC Family's 25 Days of Christmas", "psg_id": "8750167" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "to erect before he leaves. The mayor then shames Cindy Lou for inviting the Grinch. Since the Grinch's attack has failed to crush the Whos' Christmas spirit, he concocts a plan to steal all of their presents, decorations, and food while they are sleeping. Creating a Santa suit and powered sleigh, and dressing his dog Max as a reindeer, the Grinch descends to Whoville and steals all of the Christmas gifts. When Cindy Lou catches him stealing the tree, he tells her he is taking it to Santa's workshop for repair of a defective light. On Christmas morning, the Whos", "psg_id": "7707210" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!", "text": "Neil Morgan wrote, \"It was the easiest book of his career to write, except for its conclusion.\" According to Dr. Seuss, \"I got hung up getting the Grinch out of the mess. I got into a situation where I sounded like a second-rate preacher or some biblical truism... Finally in desperation... without making any statement whatever, I showed the Grinch and the Whos together at the table, and made a pun of the Grinch carving the 'roast beast.' ... I had gone through thousands of religious choices, and then after three months it came out like that.\" By mid-May 1957,", "psg_id": "13423887" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "Grinch to be the Christmas Whobilation \"Holiday Cheermeister\", much to the displeasure of May Who, now the mayor of Whoville. She climbs Mount Crumpit to invite the Grinch to the Whobilation; he initially turns her down, but changes his mind as he considers the promised award, the fact that Martha will see him at the celebration, and it will be a chance to upset his rival. As Cheermeister, he endures being made to wear an ugly sweater and judge all the Whos' Christmas food concoctions, but he enjoys showing unsportsmanlike conduct by beating all the children in the competitions. May", "psg_id": "7707208" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "but was timid and not as cruel as he would later become. In school, the Grinch had a crush on Martha May Whovier, and was Augustus May Who’s rival for Martha May's affections. One year, the Grinch made a Christmas gift for Martha, and cut his face attempting to shave after May Who pointed out he had a beard. When his classmates laughed at his cut face, he lost his temper, destroyed the Christmas gift, trashed the classroom, and exiled himself to the top of Mount Crumpit, north of Whoville. Touched by this story, Cindy Lou decides to nominate the", "psg_id": "7707207" }, { "title": "Grinch", "text": "Grinch The Grinch is a fictional character created by Dr. Seuss. He is best known as the main character of the children's book \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\" (1957). He has been played by many different actors, including: Boris Karloff, Hans Conried, Jim Carrey and Benedict Cumberbatch. The Grinch is depicted as a hairy, pot-bellied, pear-shaped, snub-nosed creature with a cat-like face and cynical personality. In full-color adaptations, he is typically colored avocado green. He has spent the past 53 years living in seclusion on a cliff overlooking the town of Whoville. In contrast to the cheerful Whos, the Grinch", "psg_id": "5410562" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "slide over the edge of the cliff, he desperately strains to save them, but cannot. He then sees Cindy Lou on top of the sleigh because she has come to spend Christmas with him. Motivated to save not just gifts but a life, the Grinch finds the strength to lift the loaded sleigh and Cindy Lou to safety. They then ride the sleigh down the mountain to return the gifts. The Grinch confesses to the burglary, apologizes, and surrenders himself to the police chief. The chief accepts the Grinch's apology, and refuses to follow the mayor's desire to have the", "psg_id": "7707212" }, { "title": "Grinch", "text": "Time\" list. Grinch The Grinch is a fictional character created by Dr. Seuss. He is best known as the main character of the children's book \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\" (1957). He has been played by many different actors, including: Boris Karloff, Hans Conried, Jim Carrey and Benedict Cumberbatch. The Grinch is depicted as a hairy, pot-bellied, pear-shaped, snub-nosed creature with a cat-like face and cynical personality. In full-color adaptations, he is typically colored avocado green. He has spent the past 53 years living in seclusion on a cliff overlooking the town of Whoville. In contrast to the cheerful Whos,", "psg_id": "5410571" }, { "title": "Grinch", "text": "The Grinch first appeared in the May 1955 issue of Redbook in a 32-line poem called \"The Hoobub and the Grinch,\" but made his book debut in the 1957 story \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas\", written and illustrated by Dr. Seuss, published as both a Random House book and in an issue of \"Redbook\" magazine. In 1966, the story was adapted into an animated television featurette of the same name, which was directed by Chuck Jones and included the song \"You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch\". Boris Karloff serves as both the story's narrator and the voice of the Grinch,", "psg_id": "5410566" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!", "text": "the first adult and the first villain to be a main character in a Dr. Seuss book. The book has been adapted into a variety of media, including stage and film. Chuck Jones and Ben Washam (Co-Director) adapted the story as an animated special in 1966, featuring narration by Boris Karloff, who also provided the Grinch's voice. Thurl Ravenscroft sang \"You're a Mean One Mr. Grinch\" with lyrics written by Dr. Seuss himself. In 2000, the book was adapted into a live-action film, directed by Ron Howard and starring Jim Carrey as the Grinch. Illumination Entertainment also developed a 3D", "psg_id": "13423893" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!", "text": "animated feature film, titled \"The Grinch\" directed by Scott Mosier and Yarrow Cheney and starring Benedict Cumberbatch as the Grinch. It was originally scheduled to be released on November 10, 2017, but in June 2016, it was pushed back to November 9, 2018. Several audio recordings and audio-visual adaptations of the book have also been published. In 1975, Zero Mostel narrated an LP record of the story. In 1992, Random House Home Video released an updated animated version of the book narrated by Walter Matthau. In 2009, an interactive e-book version was released for the iPhone. A musical stage version", "psg_id": "13423894" }, { "title": "The Grinch (film)", "text": "film a positive review, calling it \"full of warmth and wit\" and writing, \"Purists may balk about revisiting this tale, but \"The Grinch\" earns its laughter and its sentiment, both of which are plentiful. It's a full-throated Fah-Who-Foraze.\" Owen Gleiberman of \"Variety\" compared the film favorably to the 2000 live-action version, writing, \"For anyone who grew up with \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas,\" \"The Grinch\" won’t replace it, yet it's nimble and affectionate in a way that can hook today's children, and more than a few adults, by conjuring a feeling that comes close enough. By the end, your own", "psg_id": "19559658" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!", "text": "it one of its \"Teachers' Top 100 Books for Children\". In 2012, it was ranked number 61 among the \"Top 100 Picture Books\" in a survey published by \"School Library Journal\" – the fourth of five Dr. Seuss books on the list. The book has been adapted as a 1966 animated TV film starring Boris Karloff, a 2000 live-action feature film starring Jim Carrey, and a 2018 computer-animated film starring Benedict Cumberbatch. The Grinch is a bitter, grouchy, cave-dwelling creature with a heart \"two sizes too small\" who is living as a hermit on the snowy Mount Crumpit, a steep", "psg_id": "13423882" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!", "text": "and word is always the same, yet, so rich are the variations he plays on his themes, always fresh and amusing.\" \"Kirkus Reviews\" wrote, \"Youngsters will be in transports over the goofy gaiety of Dr. Seuss's first book about a villain.\" The reviewer called the Grinch \"easily the best Christmas-cad since Scrooge.\" Ellen Lewis Buell, in her review in \"The New York Times\", praised the book's handling of its moral, as well as its illustrations and verse. She wrote, \"Even if you prefer Dr. Seuss in a purely antic mood, you must admit that if there's a moral to be", "psg_id": "13423889" }, { "title": "How Lily Stole Christmas", "text": "sick of apologizing and the two agree to skip straight to the forgiveness. Ted takes off after his cousin's children overhear Lily say she \"was kind of a grinch\", and they all begin to cheer \"grinch!\" over and over. Joel Keller of TV Squad said it was a good episode, and an improvement over the previous year's New Year's Eve episode. How Lily Stole Christmas \"How Lily Stole Christmas\" is the 11th episode in the second season of the television series \"How I Met Your Mother\". It originally aired on December 11, 2006. Ted has decided to spend Christmas in", "psg_id": "10241545" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "does not depend on material things. The Grinch begins to understand the true meaning of Christmas, though he barely does so in time to prevent the stolen treats from going over the cliff and while he tries to stop the sleigh from falling off, his heart grows three sizes—granting him \"the strength of ten Grinches, plus two!\", which he needs to lift up the sleigh. He brings everything back to the Whos and participates in the holiday feast. He is given the honor of carving the roast beast, while Max gets the first slice for himself for all his troubles.", "psg_id": "7902044" }, { "title": "The Grinch (film)", "text": "Santa Claus to help her mother but after encountering the Grinch, who sarcastically says that she'll have to talk to Santa face-to-face about it, she eventually decides to try and trap Santa with the help of her friends. With Christmas just around the corner, all the Whoville festivities force the Grinch to recall his sad childhood spent mostly alone and unwanted in a run down orphanage. The Grinch soon decides that he will steal Christmas from Whoville to assuage his distress. He acquires a fat reindeer whom he calls Fred to help him pull a sleigh that he stole from", "psg_id": "19559647" }, { "title": "The Grinch (film)", "text": "away, touches the Grinch's bitter heart. Nevertheless, the Grinch carries on with his mission. After stealing every Christmas present and decoration, the Grinch and Max head back to Mount Crumpit to dispose of them. The Whos wake up and are shocked to see that the presents and decorations are gone. Cindy at first believes she's to blame because she 'caught' Santa, but Donna tells her that Christmas is more than just about presents and that Cindy's the best thing that ever happened to her. The Whos join together in song. The Grinch and Max hear the singing and the Grinch", "psg_id": "19559649" }, { "title": "Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical", "text": "Francisco. Stefán Karl again performed as the Grinch, with Bob Lauder as Old Max, Seth Bazacas as Young Max, Brance Cornelius as Papa Who, and Serena Brook as Mama Who and Brooke Lynn Boyd as Cindy Lou Who. In 2012, the production toured North America playing in Bloomington, Hartford, Richmond, Chicago and Detroit, with Stefán Karl performing as the Grinch. In 2013, the production toured North America playing in Cincinnati, Durham, Rochester, Buffalo and San Antonio, with Stefán Karl performing as the Grinch. In 2014, the production toured North America with showings planned in Springfield, Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Albuquerque, Salt", "psg_id": "9175851" }, { "title": "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch", "text": "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch \"You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch\" is a Christmas song that was originally written and composed for the 1966 cartoon special \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\" The lyrics were written by Theodor \"Dr. Seuss\" Geisel, the music was composed by Albert Hague, and the song was performed by Thurl Ravenscroft. The song's lyrics describe the Grinch as being foul, bad-mannered and sinister, using increasingly creative put-downs, metaphors, similes and off-hand comments by the singer, beginning with the opening line \"you're a mean one, Mr. Grinch\". Because Ravenscroft was not credited in the closing credits", "psg_id": "6884278" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "Who reminds him of his childhood humiliation by giving him an electric shaver as a present, then publicly proposes marriage to Martha May, giving her a large ring and promising her a new car. In response, the Grinch berates the Whos, telling them that Christmas is only about gifts that they will end up throwing in the garbage, which is dumped on Mount Crumpit near his home. He proceeds to ruin the party by burning down the town's Christmas tree and causing chaos throughout Whoville. His actions prove fruitless, as the Whos have a spare tree, which they are able", "psg_id": "7707209" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "give him points for what was obviously a supreme effort.\" Paul Clinton of CNN declared that Carrey \"was born to play this role\" and noted that \"Carrey carries nearly every scene. In fact, if he's not in the scene, there is no scene. Owen Gleiberman of \"Entertainment Weekly\" began his review of the film analyzing the Grinch's \"mischievously divided, now-I'm-calm/ now-I'm-a-raving-sarcastic-PSYCH-o! personality\" and summed up Carrey's Grinch as \"a slobby, self-loathing elitist ruled by the secret fear that he's always being left out of things.\" Gleiberman expressed surprise at \"how affecting Carrey makes the Grinch's ultimate big-hearted turnaround, as Carrey", "psg_id": "7707224" }, { "title": "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch", "text": "Malone was used in the teaser for the 2018 CGI-animated adaptation of \"The Grinch\". The song itself was covered for the movie and its soundtrack by Tyler, the Creator. You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch \"You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch\" is a Christmas song that was originally written and composed for the 1966 cartoon special \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\" The lyrics were written by Theodor \"Dr. Seuss\" Geisel, the music was composed by Albert Hague, and the song was performed by Thurl Ravenscroft. The song's lyrics describe the Grinch as being foul, bad-mannered and sinister, using increasingly creative", "psg_id": "6884280" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "Phillips and John Davis in attendance, in which Jack Nicholson was in mind to play the Grinch. Additionally, the Farrelly brothers and John Hughes pitched their own separate versions. Universal Pictures held its pitch presentation with Brian Grazer and Gary Ross in attendance, but Geisel refused such offer. Grazer then enlisted his producing partner Ron Howard to help with the negotiations. At the time, Howard was developing a film adaptation of \"The Sea-Wolf\", and did not express interest in \"Grinch\", but Grazer talked Howard into traveling to Geisel's residence for the pitch meeting. While studying the book, Howard became interested", "psg_id": "7707215" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "Seuss cartoon, \"Horton Hears a Who\"). Both story collections contain selected dialogue and music numbers. The \"isolated music tracks\" in this edition are taken directly from the television soundtrack and are not the re-recorded tracks from earlier versions. The dialogues are the originals, being voiced by Boris Karloff for \"Grinch\" and Hans Conried for \"Horton.\" Because Thurl Ravenscroft was not credited in the closing credits of the 1966 television special as singing the song \"You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch\", it is sometimes attributed to Boris Karloff. After becoming aware of this oversight, Seuss himself called Ravenscroft and apologized profusely", "psg_id": "7902055" }, { "title": "How the Griffin Stole Christmas", "text": "Grinch Stole Christmas!\" Unlike most episodes that are rated TV-14 on American television, this one is rated TV-PG for suggestive dialogue (D) and offensive language (L). When Christmas comes around Quahog, the Griffins decide to go sledding instead of attending church after watching \"How David Lynch Stole Christmas\". Mayor Adam West at first bans sledding from Quahog. After an argument with Peter, he reverses the decision and severely injures himself. When sledding, the Griffins go sledding on the dining room table, except for Lois who protests that the table has been in her family for generations. The remaining members go", "psg_id": "19800290" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!", "text": "pointed out, no one can do it more gaily. The reader is swept along by the ebullient rhymes and the weirdly zany pictures until he is limp with relief when the Grinch reforms and, like the latter, mellow with good feelings.\" The review for \"The Saturday Review of Literature\" stated: \"The inimitable Dr. Seuss has brought off a fresh triumph in his new picture book... The verse is as lively and the pages are as bright and colorful as anyone could wish.\" The reviewer suggested that parents and older siblings reading the book to young children would also enjoy its", "psg_id": "13423890" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "and labeled as a \"50th Birthday Deluxe Edition\". That labeling refers to the 1957 date of the book's publication rather than to the date of the 1966 TV special. This DVD release featured a new retrospective featurette and contained all the bonus features from the previous release, except for the audio commentary, and the Grinch was restored to his original green color. This edition is also available as part of the four-disc \"Classic Christmas Favorites\" box set. The special was again re-released on DVD with Phil Roman's and June Foray's audio commentary replacing the \"Horton Hears a Who!\" bonus special.", "psg_id": "7902052" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "Carrey's \"off-the-wall performance is reminiscent of what he accomplished in \"The Mask\", except that here he never allows the special effects to upstage him. Carrey's Grinch is a combination of Seuss' creation and Carrey's personality, with a voice that sounds far more like a weird amalgamation of Sean Connery and Jim Backus (Bond meets Magoo!) than it does Karloff.\" He concluded that Carrey \"brings animation to the live action, and, surrounded by glittering, fantastical sets and computer-spun special effects, Carrey enables Ron Howard's version of the classic story to come across as more of a welcome endeavor than a pointless", "psg_id": "7707226" }, { "title": "Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical", "text": "Max. In 2009, the musical was produced at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood, California, and ran from November 10, 2009 to December 27, 2009. Stefán Karl reprised his role from the tour as the Grinch, with John Larroquette as Old Max, Kayley Stallings and Issadora Ava Tulalian as Cindy Lou Who, and James Royce as Young Max. In 2010, a North American tour ran in the cities of Omaha, Houston, Dallas, Tempe and Toronto. Stefán Karl performed as the Grinch and Brooke Lynn Boyd as Cindy Lou Who. In 2011, the tour played Providence, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, St. Louis and San", "psg_id": "9175850" }, { "title": "How the Sith Stole Christmas", "text": "a vision from the past and sent on an incredible journey through time and space. The film parodies Dr. Seuss's \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\" by mixing it with elements of the \"Star Wars\" films, as well as parodying elements of \"The Hobbit\", \"A Charlie Brown Christmas\", and \"Citizen Kane\". The film has a very distinct and lush look, as Bracewell animated the film himself using a combination of painted backgrounds, painted cutout characters, and 3D animation. The released film is subtitled \"Jingle Far, Far Away\", and is the first part of a trilogy. A trailer has been released for", "psg_id": "7602970" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "of his trailer, wanting to quit the film. The production brought in a CIA operative who instructed agents how to endure extreme torture techniques to coach Carrey to remain calm during the process. The process was later refined so that it took only two and a half hours in the morning getting in, and one hour in the evening to get out. In total, Carrey spent 92 days in the Grinch make-up, and became a \"Zen Master\" while sitting in the make-up chair. The actors who played the Whos were a large task for Baker and his crew, which made", "psg_id": "7707219" }, { "title": "Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical", "text": "occurrence for Broadway shows. Cast 2006 season 2007 season A limited-engagement tour ran during the Christmas season of 2008. The musical started at the Hippodrome in Baltimore from November 11 to 23, and then played the Citi Performing Arts Center Wang Theatre in Boston from November 26 to December 28. Matt August directed the show, with John DeLuca as original choreographer and Bob Richard as co-choreographer. The cast included Stefán Karl Stefánsson (who was best known for playing Robbie Rotten on the children's TV series \"LazyTown\") starring as the Grinch, Walter Charles as Old Max, and Andrew Keenan-Bolger as Young", "psg_id": "9175849" }, { "title": "The Grinch (video game)", "text": "to use. However, the Grinch accidentally falls off his mountain of boxes and his blueprints fly away down to Whoville and various parts of Wholand. The Grinch visits Whoville, Whoforest, Whoville City Dump, and Wholake, destroying Christmas presents and recovering pieces of his blueprints in the process so he can steal Christmas. \"The Grinch\" received mixed reviews from critics. Aggregating review websites GameRankings and Metacritic gave the Game Boy Color version 67.00%, the PlayStation version 56.06% and 55/100, the PC version 50.00% and 55/100, and the Dreamcast version 49.67% and 51/100. The Grinch (video game) The Grinch is a platform", "psg_id": "9205502" }, { "title": "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch", "text": "of the special, it is often mistakenly attributed to Boris Karloff, who served as narrator and the voice of the Grinch in the special but who himself could not sing. Until Ravenscroft was publicly credited, Tennessee Ernie Ford was also speculated to be the voice behind the song. Mainstream and pop acts have covered the song, usually for holiday-themed albums. Jim Carrey, as the Grinch, sang a slightly condensed version of the song in the 2000 live action film adaptation, \"Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas\", with 1940s style big band music by James Horner. A version by Bob", "psg_id": "6884279" }, { "title": "The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat", "text": "having a soft spot in his heart for his mother, cries when he hears this, disassembles his machines, and continues his change of heart into the next morning. When his reflection tries to convert him back to his old self, Max drains out his voice with the Vacusound Sweeper. 1982 Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program. Both the Grinch and the Cat in the Hat were recast with different voice actors than the ones used in previous specials, all of whom had died. Bob Holt voiced the Grinch (Hans Conried, who voiced the Grinch in \"Halloween Is Grinch Night\",", "psg_id": "8750172" }, { "title": "The Grinch (film)", "text": "frenemy Mr. Bricklebaum. After a test run, the Grinch discovers that Fred has a wife and child. With a heavy heart, he lets Fred go back to them. On Christmas Eve, after making a Santa Claus disguise and dozens of gadgets to help him with his theft, the Grinch and Max, who pulls the sleigh in Fred's place, go down to Whoville and begin stealing the decorations and presents. He soon encounters Cindy after falling into her trap. Her request to help lighten her mother's workload, and her kind advice about listening to the Whos' singing to take his sadness", "psg_id": "19559648" }, { "title": "The Grinch (film)", "text": "is puzzled to see that they are celebrating Christmas despite his theft. After heeding Cindy's advice and immersing himself to their singing, his small heart triples in size, causing him to double over in breathless joy and wonder. The sleigh almost falls off Mount Crumpit and the Grinch tries to save it. In the nick of time, Fred and his family come to his aid. After securing the sleigh, the Grinch and Max go to Whoville to return the stolen items and he admits his theft to the Whos and apologizes before going back to his cave. Feeling sorry for", "psg_id": "19559650" }, { "title": "Grinch", "text": "the Whos still singing cheerfully, happy simply to have each other. He then realizes that the holiday has a deeper meaning that he never considered. Inspired, he stops the Whos' belongings from falling off the edge of the mountain, and in the process his heart grows three sizes. He returns all the gifts he stole and gladly takes part in the Whos' Christmas celebration. The Grinch is still portrayed as a bitter and ill-tempered character in artwork or other media. In both the animated TV special and the 2000 live-action film, he is shown to have superhuman strength when he", "psg_id": "5410564" }, { "title": "Grinch", "text": "by Illumination Entertainment, starring Benedict Cumberbatch as the title character. The Grinch has since become an icon of Christmas and the winter holidays, despite the character's hatred of the season. Over the years he has appeared on various forms of memorabilia such as Christmas ornaments, plush dolls, and various clothing items. The grumpy, anti-holiday spirit of the character has led to the term \"Grinch\" coming to refer to a person opposed to Christmas time celebrations or to someone with a coarse, greedy attitude. In 2002, \"TV Guide\" ranked The Grinch number 5 on its \"50 Greatest Cartoon Characters of All", "psg_id": "5410570" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "were credited at the time. On December 18, 1966, MGM released a soundtrack LP in conjunction with the television special. CD releases include albums produced by Island (1995) and Mercury Records. In the recorded version, Boris Karloff does all voices including Cindy Lou Who. The song \"You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch\", which comically describes the level of the Grinch's despicable nature, includes all verses with their original rhyming lyrics and the isolated song tracks have different durations due to being re-recorded. On October 5, 1999, Rhino Entertainment released a new CD soundtrack (which included the soundtrack for another Dr.", "psg_id": "7902054" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "Want\" in mid-December. The film closed on April 30, 2001 after five months with a final gross of $260,044,825. Box Office Mojo estimates that the film sold over 48.1 million tickets in North America. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 51% based on 135 reviews, with an average rating of 5.5/10. The website's critical consensus reads, \"Jim Carrey shines as the Grinch. Unfortunately, it's not enough to save this movie. You'd be better off watching the TV cartoon.\" On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 46 out of 100, based on 29 critics,", "psg_id": "7707222" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "songs and animated sequences without words (the longest being an extended scene in which the Grinch and Max comically descend into Whoville) were added. As all the major networks had flipped to full color schedules by 1966, the special was likewise produced in color, establishing the Grinch's color (white in the two-tone illustrations of the original book) as green, a convention used in later television specials featuring the character as well as the 2000 and 2018 film adaptations. The half-hour (with commercials) short was originally telecast in the United States on CBS on December 18, 1966. CBS repeated it annually", "psg_id": "7902047" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "be willing to pay $5 million for the material and hand over 4 percent of the box-office gross, 50 percent of the merchandising revenue and music-related material, and 70 percent of the income from book tie-ins. The letter also stated that \"any actor submitted for the Grinch must be of comparable stature to Jack Nicholson, Jim Carrey, Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman.\" Additionally, it was stipulated that the estate would not consider a director or writer who hadn't earned at least $1 million on a previous picture. 20th Century Fox pitched its version with director Tom Shadyac and producers Dave", "psg_id": "7707214" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "1999 and 2000 by Warner Home Video, which acquired the rights to the MGM library in the late 1990s. The DVD release featured another Seuss-based special, \"Horton Hears a Who!\", and contained an audio commentary by Phil Roman and June Foray, interviews with Albert Hague and Thurl Ravenscroft, and the \"Special Edition\" documentary which aired alongside the special on TNT in 1994. The DVD was well-received for these bonus features, but also criticized for its sub-par picture quality; many critics pointed out that the Grinch looked \"yellow,\" not green, in this release. The special was re-released on DVD in 2006", "psg_id": "7902051" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "constructed on the backlot of Universal Studios behind the Bates Motel set from \"Psycho\". Rick Baker was hired to design and create the film's prosthetic makeup for Carrey and the rest of the cast. It took a number of tests, and ultimately Carrey admiring a photo of Baker in his first test makeup, for the decision to use Baker's original makeup design. The Grinch suit was covered in yak hair, dyed green and sewed onto a spandex suit. The first application of the makeup took up to 8 hours, after which a frustrated Carrey kicked a hole in the wall", "psg_id": "7707218" }, { "title": "The Grinch (film)", "text": "Cameron Seely and Angela Lansbury, and is narrated by Pharrell Williams. The plot follows the Grinch as he plans to ruin Whoville's Christmas celebration by stealing all the town's decorations and gifts. \"The Grinch\" was released by Universal Pictures in the United States on November 9, 2018, in RealD 3D and select IMAX theaters. It has grossed over $377 million worldwide, and received mixed reviews from critics, who praised the animation but said the film added little to nothing new to the source material. In the town of Whoville, human-like creatures called Whos are filled with excitement about celebrating Christmas.", "psg_id": "19559645" }, { "title": "Christmas in the post-war United States", "text": "messages, remixes, and a Christmas medley, and again as Merry Christmas Jackson's. [edit] In 1957, Dr. Seuss's \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\" was published by Random House. The tale's rhyming verse accompanies illustrations by the author, and follows a disagreeable character called the Grinch and his attempts to thwart the arrival of Christmas by stealing the gifts, trims, and other trappings of the holiday from the happy Whos of Whoville. In spite of his attempts, Christmas arrives all the same. The Grinch realizes then that Christmas is something more than its trappings. The book criticizes the commercialization of Christmas", "psg_id": "12909011" }, { "title": "The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat", "text": "he crashes his car when he passes a \"Dead End\" sign. The Cat attempts to hide from the Grinch in a nearby restaurant, but the Grinch's machine continues to mess with reality, making the restaurant and everything with it literally come crazily to life, and his hijinks result in confusion all over the restaurant. The Cat is now furious with the Grinch and ponders to himself how he can change the Grinch, eventually racing through a door and sending himself hurtling into the Grinch's Dimension. He soon figures it out and rallies everybody in the restaurant to follow him to", "psg_id": "8750170" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "light entertainment while marveling at how adept Hollywood has become at these techniques. There are songs, laughs, and a little romance. In short, \"The Nightmare Before Christmas\" does what it intends to: entertain.\" Desson Thomson of \"The Washington Post\" enjoyed stylistic features in common with Oscar Wilde, German Expressionism, the Brothers Grimm and \"The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari\". Michael A. Morrison discusses the influence of Dr. Seuss' \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\" on the film, writing that Jack parallels the Grinch and Zero parallels Max, the Grinch's dog. Philip Nel writes that the film \"challenges the wisdom of adults through", "psg_id": "2418804" }, { "title": "Music Inspired by Illumination & Dr. Seuss' The Grinch", "text": "Music Inspired by Illumination & Dr. Seuss' The Grinch Music Inspired by Illumination & Dr. Seuss' The Grinch is a 2018 EP by American rapper Tyler, the Creator. It was released by Columbia Records on November 16, 2018. On October 24, 2018, it was announced that Tyler, the Creator would feature on \"Dr. Seuss' The Grinch\" soundtrack, creating a new song \"I Am the Grinch\", and also creating a hip hop version of the song \"You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch\". On November 15, 2018, Tyler announced on Twitter that he would be releasing Christmas songs themed around \"The Grinch\"", "psg_id": "20976357" }, { "title": "The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat", "text": "using a device he has invented, the \"Vacusound Sweeper\", in the process sabotaging other sounds within a 50-mile radius. The Grinch then proceeds to his \"darkhouse\", a lighthouse that spreads darkness, to tamper with the Cat's sight. The Cat becomes upset with the Grinch's hijinks and has a psychiatric session with him in a thought bubble to find out what makes him so mean-spirited. Predictably, he gets nowhere with the imaginary Grinch, so he then decides to go over and have a talk with him, but the Grinch makes it so dark that he can't see where he's going, and", "psg_id": "8750169" }, { "title": "Grinch", "text": "stops an entire sleigh loaded with presents from going over a cliff and lifts it over his head, and he is also described as \"[finding] the strength of ten Grinches plus two\" (a phrase lifted from the original book) during that moment of crisis. With the character's anti-Christmas spirit followed by the transformation on Christmas morning, scholars have noted similarity to Ebenezer Scrooge from Charles Dickens' 1843 novella \"A Christmas Carol\". Cardiologist David Kass suggested that the rapid growth of the Grinch's heart at the end of the story indicates that the Grinch has the physiology of a Burmese python.", "psg_id": "5410565" }, { "title": "The Grinch (film)", "text": "The only one who isn't amused is a cantankerous, green furred creature called The Grinch, who has a heart \"two sizes too small\" and lives in a cave on the top of Mount Crumpit just north of Whoville. The Grinch's only friend is his loyal pet dog Max and they both only visit Whoville when the Grinch needs to buy food and do bad things. Meanwhile, 6-year-old Cindy Lou Who notices that her mother Donna is overworked trying to take care of herself and her twin infant brothers, Buster and Bean. She at first decides to send a letter to", "psg_id": "19559646" }, { "title": "The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat", "text": "on December 2, 2011 until December 9, 2013. The Grinch wakes up in a good mood one morning until his reflection in the mirror prompts him to repeat the \"Grinch's Oath\" and prove himself a Grinch. Meanwhile, the Cat in the Hat goes on a picnic. Their paths cross when the Grinch can't get his car around the Cat's, and things quickly escalate into a fierce car chase after the Cat unintentionally insults the Grinch by calling him \"Mr. Greenface.\" The Cat returns to the safety of his house, but the Grinch follows him there and tampers with his voice", "psg_id": "8750168" }, { "title": "Halloween Is Grinch Night", "text": "Bethiah) celebrate the little Who's courage in preventing the Grinch from releasing the Paraphernalia Wagon's full horrors on their town and up in the mountains the Grinch, who is hauling the wagon home himself, ominously notes that one day there will be another Grinch Night when the Sour-Sweet Wind blows once more. The special was first released on VHS by Playhouse Video in 1989. In 1992, it was released by Random House Home Video on VHS under the title \"It's Grinch Night\". It was also released by VHS by CBS Video through 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment in 1996 under", "psg_id": "7810437" }, { "title": "The Grinch (film)", "text": "the Grinch, opts not to compete with Karloff at all, which is smart, and speaks in an American accent, sounding rather like Bill Hader, which is confusing. A tepid hip-hop song about the Grinch plays over the end credits. It’s by Tyler, the Creator, who only a few years ago was considered one of the saltiest (to put it mildly) voices in music. Here, his contribution is as toothless as the rest of the movie.\" Molly Freeman of \"ScreenRant\" gave the film a 3 out of 5 stars, saying \"\"The Grinch\" may not be a necessary holiday movie, but fans", "psg_id": "19559660" }, { "title": "The Grinch (film)", "text": "of Dr. Seuss's story or holiday films in general will find plenty to like in this new animated retelling. Plus, with a variety of family-friendly jokes, \"The Grinch\" will no doubt entertain viewers young and old, though the 90-minute runtime does stretch thin in the third act of the movie. It's perhaps not worth seeing in IMAX, but \"The Grinch\" does provide some rich visuals that will also capture the eye of all moviegoers. \"The Grinch\" is holiday fun for the whole family, adapting a classic story with a new twist that makes for an altogether compelling moviegoing experience.\" Johnny", "psg_id": "19559661" }, { "title": "Grinch", "text": "version that went under the full title of the movie. The Grinch was portrayed on the stage when the story was turned into a musical by the Children's Theater Company out of Minneapolis. The show made it to Broadway by way of a limited run in 2006, with Julia Leuchtenberg playing the Grinch. Icelandic actor Stefan Karl Stefansson portrayed the Grinch in the touring production of the musical from 2008 to 2015. The Grinch is also a minor character in \"Seussical\", which is a crossover between various Dr. Seuss stories. The Grinch's story was adapted in animated form in 2018", "psg_id": "5410569" }, { "title": "Halloween Is Grinch Night", "text": "the perfect nights for a Grinch Night. Later, Euchariah, a polite little Who with a slight astigmatism, goes to use the outhouse (referred to as \"the euphemism\" in the story), but is swept away to Mt. Crumpit by the wind. On the road he encounters the Grinch, who is busy picking Brickles out of his fur after failing to hunt down the \"Wuzzy Woozoo\". Along with the Grinch's dog, Max, who is in the process of bringing a large wagon called the \"Paraphernalia Wagon\" down to Whoville. Euchariah decides to stall the Grinch from reaching Whoville. After some persistence from", "psg_id": "7810435" }, { "title": "Halloween Is Grinch Night", "text": "Euchariah, the Grinch tricks him into getting a strange trance in the Paraphernalia Wagon. Inside the wagon, Euchariah is confronted by surreal imagery, numerous monsters and the Grinch's mocking voice. Although he is scared out of his wits, Euchariah bravely keeps on his toes long enough for the Sour-Sweet Wind to die down, thus forcing the Grinch to pack up and retire to his cave. Max on the other hand, who had been abused and overworked by the Grinch, goes home with Euchariah. Back in Whoville, the residents (including Euchariah's grandfather Josiah, his grandmother Mariah, and his sisters Obediah and", "psg_id": "7810436" }, { "title": "The Grinch (video game)", "text": "The Grinch (video game) The Grinch is a platform video game based on the film of the same name. The game was released shortly after the film hit theaters. George Lowe does uncredited work as the Narrator of the game. As the Grinch, the player can jump, ground pound, and use his smelly breath to guide his way through various obstacles in the game. The Grinch stares down at Whoville through his telescope from Mount Crumpit, planning to take the Whos presents using one of his gadgets. He goes in his cave, and looks through his blueprints deciding which gadget", "psg_id": "9205501" }, { "title": "Alex Grinch", "text": "Alex Grinch Alexander Gregory Grinch (born 1980) is an American football coach. He is currently the co-defensive coordinator for the Ohio State Buckeyes college football team. Grinch played defensive back at Mount Union College from 1998 to 2001. During that time, Mount Union amassed a record of 54-1 and won three NCAA Division III Football Championships. Grinch graduated from Mount Union in 2002 with a bachelor's degree in sport management. From 2002 to 2004, Grinch was a graduate assistant under Gary Pinkel at the University of Missouri, and he completed his master's degree in educational leadership and policy analysis at", "psg_id": "20849425" } ]
[ "it is 2 sizes too small" ]
mug, hires, and barq's are all types of what?
[ { "title": "Shafiqur Rahman Barq", "text": "is his fourth term as M.P; all from the same constituency. He was a member of the 11th, 12th, 14th & 15th Lok Sabhas of India. During 14th Lok Sabha, before completing his term Barq resigned from his post in Apr 2009. Prior to becoming M.P, Shafiqur Barq was also a member of Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly and held Cabinate minister’s post in 1990 to 1991 under Mulayam Singh Yadav. Shafiqur Rahman Barq He was a member of the Bahujan Samaj Party political party. He joined Samajwadi Party in Feb, 2014 and contested 2014 Loksabha election from Sambhal constituency and", "psg_id": "17781789" }, { "title": "Shafiqur Rahman Barq", "text": "Shafiqur Rahman Barq He was a member of the Bahujan Samaj Party political party. He joined Samajwadi Party in Feb, 2014 and contested 2014 Loksabha election from Sambhal constituency and lost election. He joined party in 2017 alog with his grandson Ziaur Rahman Barq who was given ticket for Sambhal assembly seat by AIMIM. Shafiqur Barq was born in Sambhal district in the state of Uttar Pradesh.He holds a B.A degree from Agra University. By profession, Barq is a social worker& businessperson. Barq has been in active politics in the 1970s and has held various posts during the years. This", "psg_id": "17781788" }, { "title": "Mug", "text": "Mug A mug is a type of cup typically used for drinking hot beverages, such as coffee, hot chocolate, soup, or tea. Mugs usually have handles and hold a larger amount of fluid than other types of cup. Usually a mug holds approximately 8- of liquid; double a tea cup. A mug is a less formal style of drink container and is not usually used in formal place settings, where a teacup or coffee cup is preferred. Shaving mugs are used to assist in wet shaving. Ancient mugs were usually carved in wood or bone, or shaped of clay, while", "psg_id": "2760906" }, { "title": "Hires Root Beer", "text": "Rabble-Rousin', lion-roarin', Roman-candle-lightin' Root Beer!\" Consolidated Foods bought the company from the Hires family in 1960, only to sell Hires two years later to Crush International. Procter & Gamble bought Crush in 1980, and sold it to Cadbury Schweppes in 1989. Cadbury divested its soft drinks arm in 2008, and the beverage company renamed itself Keurig Dr Pepper that year. In Canada, the Hires brand is no longer sold by Keurig Dr Pepper; retailers and vending machines have replaced it with Pepsi-owned Mug Root Beer since the 1990s and DPSG markets Stewarts Root Beer in Canada. The Hires brand is", "psg_id": "3804119" }, { "title": "Mug", "text": "a handle, i.e., a bowl or a beaker, is topologically equivalent to a saucer, which is quite evident when a raw clay bowl is flattened on a potter's wheel. Mug A mug is a type of cup typically used for drinking hot beverages, such as coffee, hot chocolate, soup, or tea. Mugs usually have handles and hold a larger amount of fluid than other types of cup. Usually a mug holds approximately 8- of liquid; double a tea cup. A mug is a less formal style of drink container and is not usually used in formal place settings, where a", "psg_id": "2760923" }, { "title": "Mug Museum", "text": "Knew\". Le Bon described \"Mug Museum\" as a reaction to the recent death of her grandmother, stating \"rather than it being a grief laden album it is more about what someone at the top of the female chain leaves behind and how there’s a palpable shift in every relationship. I suppose when you start meditating on any relationship then others naturally fall into the fold. The Mug Museum is an imaginary place where relationships are looked at and thought upon.\" The title phrase \"mug museum\" was coined by a former roommate in reference to the accumulation of teacups in Le", "psg_id": "17810496" }, { "title": "Mug", "text": "while driving), include a fill line (to prevent over-filling, which contributes to leaking), preferably have no handles (no-handled mugs are easier to grab while driving), should not obstruct a driver's view of the road when he or she is drinking, and - with regard to cup-holders be able to fit, stably, into a wide range of mug holders. The \"whistle mug\" or \"hubblebubble\" is an amusement mug. It has a hollow handle which can be blown through the mug like a whistle. With an empty mug, only one note is emitted, whereas a filled mug produces melodious trills and warblings.", "psg_id": "2760915" }, { "title": "Mug", "text": "they are ready to hand. Those are especially useful on ships in high waves. The mug serves as one of the most popular examples of homeomorphism in topology. Two objects are homeomorphic if one can be deformed into the other without cutting or gluing. Thus in topology, a mug is equivalent (homeomorphic) to a doughnut (torus) as it can be reshaped into a doughnut by a continuous deformation, without cutting, breaking, punching holes or gluing. Another topological example is a mug with two handles, which is equivalent to a double torus – an object resembling number 8. A mug without", "psg_id": "2760922" }, { "title": "Mug", "text": "stored indefinitely. When a litho is applied to the mug, it is first softened in warm water. This detaches the gelatin cover, with the printed image, from the paper; this cover is then transferred to the mug. The mug is then fired around 700–750 °C, which softens the top surface of the glaze, thereby embedding the image into it. A popular way to store mugs is on a 'mug tree', a wooden or metal pole mounted on a round base and fitted with pegs to hang mugs by their handles. There are also racks designed for hanging mugs so that", "psg_id": "2760921" }, { "title": "Mug Root Beer", "text": "Root Beer) was introduced. Mug Cream Soda and Diet Mug Cream Soda were later introduced, but they are not as widely available. Mug was purchased by Pepsi in 1986, and replaced On-Tap Draft Style Root Beer as Pepsi's root beer brand. Mug Root Beer is manufactured by independent bottlers under the authority of New Century Beverage Company. The Mug features the company's mascot, a bulldog named Dog, holding a mug of root beer. On the Mug Root Beer website, there is a free online comic to view the dog's adventures. Mug Root Beer MUG Root Beer, A PepsiCo Subsidiary/Root Beer", "psg_id": "2717898" }, { "title": "Mug", "text": "mug called \"fuddling cups\" consists of three mugs connected through their walls and handles. The inner holes in the mugs walls are designed in such a way that the mugs must be emptied in a unique sequence, or they will drain. The Pythagorean cup (see picture) contains a small siphon hidden in a rod placed in the mug center. The cup holds liquid if filled below the height of the rod, but once filled above that level, it drains all liquid through the siphon to a hole in its base. Thermochromic mugs change appearance when a hot beverage is poured", "psg_id": "2760917" }, { "title": "Mug", "text": "into them. Much of the mug design aims at thermal insulation: the thick walls of a mug, as compared to the thinner walls of teacups, insulate the beverage to prevent it from cooling or warming quickly. The mug bottom is often not flat, but either concave or has an extra rim, to reduce the thermal contact with the surface on which a mug is placed. These features often leave a characteristic circular stain on the surface. Finally, the handle of a mug keeps the hand away from the hot sides of a mug. The small cross section of the handle", "psg_id": "2760918" }, { "title": "Mug", "text": "poured in; this is where it differs from a shaving mug, which has no spout. Both shaving scuttles and mugs usually have a handle, but some have none. Shaving mugs often look like a standard mug, however, some also have a built in brush rest, so the brush does not sit in lather. Modern versions of the scuttle are in limited production, usually by independent potters working in small volumes. At the top of the scuttle or mug is a soap holder. Traditionally, it was used with a hard block of shaving soap (rather than soft soap or cream) and", "psg_id": "2760910" }, { "title": "Mug", "text": "even lead, starting from roughly 2000 BCE, but were hard to use with hot drinks. The invention of porcelain around 600 CE in China brought a new era of thin-walled mugs suitable both for cold and hot liquids, which are enjoyed today. A shaving scuttle and shaving mug were developed around the 19th century; the first patent for a shaving mug is dated 1867. As hot water was not common in many households, one way to provide hot lather was to use a scuttle or mug. A traditional scuttle resembles a teapot with a wide spout where hot water is", "psg_id": "2760909" }, { "title": "Mug Travel", "text": "Mug Travel Mug Travel (, known as My Friend Bernard in English) is a 2007 South Korean computer-animated film, directed by Lim Ah-ron and based on his animated TV series, \"Bernard\". A little girl named Bebe, all alone on Christmas Eve, is given a magical pendant from Santa Claus and embarks on a fantastical adventure. Travelling in a mug with the power of teleportation, Bebe explores a variety of exotic locations from the desert to the North Pole, accompanied by a host of characters including Backkom the polar bear and Konkongee the penguin. Produced by RG Animation Studios and directed", "psg_id": "12706321" }, { "title": "Mug", "text": "most modern ones are made of ceramic materials such as bone china, earthenware, porcelain, or stoneware. Some are made from strengthened glass, such as Pyrex. Other materials, including enameled metal, plastic, or steel are preferred, when reduced weight or resistance to breakage is at a premium, such as for camping. A travel mug is insulated and has a cover with a small sipping opening to prevent spills. Techniques such as silk screen printing or decals are used to apply decorations such as logos or images, which are fired onto the mug to ensure permanence. Wooden mugs were produced probably from", "psg_id": "2760907" }, { "title": "Cypress Mug", "text": "resulting in a 51–48 Cajuns victory. Cypress Mug The Cypress Mug is the name of the turned, polished mahogany mug that was awarded to the winner of the annual football game between the Louisiana–Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns (formerly the Southwestern Louisiana Bulldogs) and the Southeastern Louisiana Lions. The two teams have met 40 times on the football field, with the Ragin' Cajuns currently holding a 20–17–3 edge in the all time series. The rivalry had been inactive since the Ragin' Cajuns' move from the NCAA's Division I-AA to Division I-A; however the two teams played each other in 2017 in Lafayette", "psg_id": "17061099" }, { "title": "Cypress Mug", "text": "Cypress Mug The Cypress Mug is the name of the turned, polished mahogany mug that was awarded to the winner of the annual football game between the Louisiana–Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns (formerly the Southwestern Louisiana Bulldogs) and the Southeastern Louisiana Lions. The two teams have met 40 times on the football field, with the Ragin' Cajuns currently holding a 20–17–3 edge in the all time series. The rivalry had been inactive since the Ragin' Cajuns' move from the NCAA's Division I-AA to Division I-A; however the two teams played each other in 2017 in Lafayette for the first time since 1981,", "psg_id": "17061098" }, { "title": "Mug", "text": "A puzzle mug is a mug which has some trick preventing normal operation. One example is a mug with multiple holes in the rim, making it impossible to drink from it in the normal way. Although it is tempting to grasp the body of the mug covering the visible holes and drink the liquid in the usual manner, this would pour the liquid through hidden perforations near the mug's top. The solution is to cover the holes in the rim with hands, but to drink not through the top, but through a \"secret\" hole in the hollow handle. A puzzle", "psg_id": "2760916" }, { "title": "Mug", "text": "reduces heat flow between the liquid and the hand. For the same reason of thermal insulation, mugs are usually made of materials with low thermal conductivity, such as earthenware, bone china, porcelain, or glass. As a ubiquitous desktop item, the mug is often used as an object of art or advertisement; some mugs are rather decorations than drinking vessels. Carving had been traditionally applied to mugs in the ancient times. Deforming a mug into an unusual shape is sometimes used. However, the most popular decoration technique nowadays is printing on mugs, which is usually performed as follows: Ceramic powder is", "psg_id": "2760919" }, { "title": "Mug Nuadat", "text": "Mug Nuadat may in fact have been the god Nuada rather than an actual historical person. Equally it could be that Éogan Mór was the earthly representation of the god. John O'Hart calls Mug Nuadat, Eoghan Mor [Owen Mor], or Eugene the Great. Then he further goes on to say that this Eugene was commonly called \"Mogha Nuadhad,\" and was a wise and politic prince and great warrior. From him Magh-Nuadhad (now \"Maynooth\") is so called. Mug Nuadat In Irish mythological history Mug Nuadat (servant of Nuada) son of Mug Neit, son of Derg, son of Dergthene, son of Enna", "psg_id": "4709345" }, { "title": "Frog mug", "text": "manufacture. Frog mug A frog mug, toad mug or surprise mug also known as an ague mug is a type of ceramic vessel mainly used for drinking beer or similar alcoholic beverages. They were first produced in Sunderland before being copied in such places as Staffordshire, Worcestershire and Newcastle. These mugs were part of the tradition of drinking games such as fuddling cups and puzzle jugs. In this case the drinking vessels featured one or more painted or three-dimensional ceramic frogs or toads that slowly emerged at the bottom of the vessel it was drained. These practical joke mugs containing", "psg_id": "19314986" }, { "title": "Frog mug", "text": "Frog mug A frog mug, toad mug or surprise mug also known as an ague mug is a type of ceramic vessel mainly used for drinking beer or similar alcoholic beverages. They were first produced in Sunderland before being copied in such places as Staffordshire, Worcestershire and Newcastle. These mugs were part of the tradition of drinking games such as fuddling cups and puzzle jugs. In this case the drinking vessels featured one or more painted or three-dimensional ceramic frogs or toads that slowly emerged at the bottom of the vessel it was drained. These practical joke mugs containing frogs", "psg_id": "19314981" }, { "title": "Mug shot", "text": "after the invention of photography, but it was not until 1888 that French police officer Alphonse Bertillon standardized the process. \"Mug\" is an English slang term for \"face\", dating from the 18th century. Mug shot can more loosely mean any small picture of a face used for any reason. A typical mug shot is two-part, with one side-view photo, and one front-view. The background is usually stark and simple, to avoid distraction from the facial image (as distinguished from a casual snapshot in a more naturalistic setting). Mug shots may be compiled into a mug book in order to determine", "psg_id": "2213322" }, { "title": "Mug shot", "text": "Mug shot A mug shot or mugshot (an informal term for police photograph or booking photograph) is a photographic portrait of a person from the waist up, typically taken after a person is arrested. The original purpose of the mug shot was to allow law enforcement to have a photographic record of an arrested individual to allow for identification purposes by victims, the public and investigators. However, in the United States, entrepreneurs have recently begun to exploit the mug shot for commercial gains via the mug shot publishing industry. Photographing of criminals began in the 1840s only a few years", "psg_id": "2213321" }, { "title": "The Mug House", "text": "garden, described as a stunning blaze of red, white and blue blooms by all that have enjoyed it, helped secure the award. The Mug House The Mug House is a traditional public house located in the village of Claines, Worcestershire, England, which dates back to the 15th century. The Mug House pub is owned by Wolverhampton & Dudley Breweries and offers several Banks's bitters along with one or two other guest ales which rotate every few weeks. The current landlady is Judy Allen, who has chosen to maintain a traditional atmosphere by not introducing games machines or music to the", "psg_id": "7972547" }, { "title": "Hires Root Beer", "text": "now offered by Canada Dry Motts as an alcoholic drink, Hires Root Beer and Vodka. Hires availability in the U.S. is limited as other Dr. Pepper owned brands like A&W Root Beer are competing for the same bottlers on behalf of the same company. Hires Root Beer Hires Root Beer is a root beer marketed by Keurig Dr Pepper. Introduced in 1876, it is considered the second longest continuously made soft drink in the United States. Only Vernors ginger ale, dating to 1866, is older. Hires Root Beer was created by Philadelphia pharmacist Charles Elmer Hires. The official story is", "psg_id": "3804120" }, { "title": "Mug Root Beer", "text": "Mug Root Beer MUG Root Beer, A PepsiCo Subsidiary/Root Beer Corporation is a brand name of root beer made by the New Century Beverage Company of San Francisco, California, a subsidiary of PepsiCo. It was originally produced by the Belfast Beverage Company in San Francisco, California, during the 1940s as Belfast Root Beer. An advertisement for Belfast Root Beer appears as early as 1947. The product name was later changed to Mug Old Fashioned Root Beer. An advertisement for Belfast Old Fashioned Mug Root Beer appears as early as 1952. In the late 1960s, Sugar Free Mug (now Diet Mug", "psg_id": "2717897" }, { "title": "Mug shot", "text": "in less false-positives than individually displaying each photo. Mug book also has a meaning in genealogy and history, referring to local biographical histories published in the US in the late 19th century. Mug shot A mug shot or mugshot (an informal term for police photograph or booking photograph) is a photographic portrait of a person from the waist up, typically taken after a person is arrested. The original purpose of the mug shot was to allow law enforcement to have a photographic record of an arrested individual to allow for identification purposes by victims, the public and investigators. However, in", "psg_id": "2213328" }, { "title": "Mug shot", "text": "jury's attention to the source of such photographs used to identify the defendant.' \" (p. 617) Elsewhere it cites a ruling in \"Commonwealth v. Martin\" that \"admission of a defendant's mug shot is 'laden for characterizing the defendant as a careerist in crime. Other states have similar rules. A mug book is a collection of photographs of criminals, typically in mug shots taken at the time of an arrest. A mug book is used by an eyewitness to a crime, with the assistance of law enforcement, in an effort to identify the perpetrator. Research has shown that grouped photos result", "psg_id": "2213327" }, { "title": "Justin Hires", "text": "graduated. Hires attended and graduated from Clark Atlanta University with a Bachelor of Arts degree. He was also in many different Vines. Hires landed minor roles in two feature films \"Stomp the Yard\" and \"The Gospel\". In 2015, Hires joined the cast and landed the role of Detective James Carter for the Television series \"Rush Hour\" based on the movie trilogy. In June 2016, Hires was cast in the \"MacGyver\" reboot series as Wilt Bozer. Justin Hires Justin Hires (born June 24, 1985) is an American actor and stand-up comedian. Hires was known for portraying the role of Detective James", "psg_id": "19428652" }, { "title": "Mug Museum", "text": "Bon's bedroom. \"Mug Museum\" received a positive response from critics. At Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating out of 100 to reviews from mainstream critics, the album received an average score of 77 based on 22 reviews, indicating a \"generally favorable\" reception. Bob Boilen, the host of NPR's \"All Songs Considered\", compared the album to the work of Nico and Television and wrote that \"it's already become one of my new best friends\". He later listed \"Mug Museum\" as one of his top 20 albums of 2013. Writing for \"NME\", Ben Hewitt called the album \"wonderfully weird\" and praised the", "psg_id": "17810497" }, { "title": "Mug Travel", "text": "Fifth Bimini Animation Festival, held in Latvia in March 2007, where it was the winner of \"The Best Film for Children\" award. It was subsequebtly selected to participate in the non-competition category at the Brussels International Festival of Fantastic Film, which ran from 5–17 April 2007 in Belgium. Mug Travel Mug Travel (, known as My Friend Bernard in English) is a 2007 South Korean computer-animated film, directed by Lim Ah-ron and based on his animated TV series, \"Bernard\". A little girl named Bebe, all alone on Christmas Eve, is given a magical pendant from Santa Claus and embarks on", "psg_id": "12706323" }, { "title": "Justin Hires", "text": "Justin Hires Justin Hires (born June 24, 1985) is an American actor and stand-up comedian. Hires was known for portraying the role of Detective James Carter on the CBS television series \"Rush Hour\". He also portrayed the supporting role of Juario in the 2012 action-comedy film \"21 Jump Street\". He currently stars as Wilt Bozer in the \"MacGyver\" reboot series on CBS. Hires was born on June 24, 1985 in St. Petersburg, Florida to Barbara Hires, who worked as an Area 2 superintendent for the schools of Pinellas County. Hires attended Gibbs High School in St. Petersburg, Florida where he", "psg_id": "19428651" }, { "title": "Hires Big H", "text": "called fry sauce. Hires fry sauce can be found in local grocery stores around the state. Don Hale died of natural causes at the age of 93 on Saturday, January 29, 2011 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Hires Big H Hires Big H is a restaurant chain headquartered in Sandy, Utah. Hires Drive-In was founded in 1959 by Don Hale, a former grocer, with the assistance of his wife Shirley Hickman. In addition to the flagship branch located near the center of Salt Lake City, there are additional locations in Midvale and West Valley City. Noted for honoring the tradition", "psg_id": "8697543" }, { "title": "Mug Museum", "text": "stripped-down musical arrangements as well as Le Bon's songwriting. Jeremy Larson of Pitchfork expressed similar sentiments, describing \"small, graceful songs with deceptive amounts of depth\". He also praised Le Bon's vocal performance, writing \"Sometimes she sounds like the shyest member of a folksy sylvan choir and other times she rears up and belts out a high soprano note at the climax of 'Duke.'\" Brian Josephs of Consequence of Sound gave the album a negative review, writing that \"\"Mug Museum\" lacks any sort of emotional dialogue with the listener\". Mug Museum Mug Museum is the third studio album by Welsh singer-songwriter", "psg_id": "17810498" }, { "title": "Mug Travel", "text": "by Lim Ah-ron, \"Mug Travel\" is a feature film adaptation of Lim's computer-animated TV series \"Backkom\". The film and TV series were made at the same time on a combined budget of $5.9 million, after Lim noticed a gap in the market for shows aimed at preschool children. \"Mug Travel\" was released in South Korea on 22 March 2007, and was ranked eighth at the Korean box office on its opening weekend with 48,244 admissions. Over the course of its theatrical run, the film accumulated a total of 135,261 admissions nationwide, and grossed $608,835. \"Mug Travel\" was screened at the", "psg_id": "12706322" }, { "title": "Mug Ruith", "text": "a powerful druidess, who gave her name to a hill in County Meath and a festival celebrated there. Tlachtga, who was raped by Simon Magus while her father was learning magic, gave birth to three sons Dorb, Cuma, and Muach. The territory Mug Ruith received for his descendants was Fir Maige Féne, later known as Fermoy. The medieval tribe of Fir Maige Féne claimed descent from him, although they were ruled by the unrelated O'Keefes of Eóganacht Glendamnach. Mug Ruith Mug Ruith (or Mogh Roith, \"slave of the wheel\") is a figure in Irish mythology, a powerful blind druid of", "psg_id": "4748562" }, { "title": "Mug Nuadat", "text": "Mug Nuadat In Irish mythological history Mug Nuadat (servant of Nuada) son of Mug Neit, son of Derg, son of Dergthene, son of Enna Munchain, son of Loch Mor, son of Muiredach Mucna, son of Eochaid Garb, son of Dui Dalta Dedad was a legendary, supposed King of Munster in the 2nd century AD. He was, according to later medieval tradition, a rival of the High King, Conn of the Hundred Battles, and for a time after the year 123 was the \"de facto\" ruler of the southern half of Ireland. Everything south of a line drawn between Galway Bay", "psg_id": "4709343" }, { "title": "Mug Museum", "text": "Mug Museum Mug Museum is the third studio album by Welsh singer-songwriter Cate Le Bon, released in 2013. It was produced by Noah Georgeson and Josiah Steinbrick and was recorded in Los Angeles shortly after Le Bon relocated there from Wales. The album was generally praised by critics for its understated musical arrangements and lyrical content based on the theme of relationships, which was partially inspired by the recent death of Le Bon's grandmother. The track \"I Think I Knew\" features a duet between Le Bon and Perfume Genius. \"Mug Museum\" was recorded in Los Angeles in March 2013, shortly", "psg_id": "17810494" }, { "title": "Mug shot", "text": "The arrested person is sometimes required to hold a placard with name, date of birth, booking ID, weight, and other relevant information on it. With digital photography, the digital photograph is linked to a database record concerning the arrest. Mug shots have often been incorporated into wanted posters, including those for the FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list. In the US in the early 21st century an online industry developed around the publication and removal of mug shots from internet websites. The US legal system has long held that mug shots can have a negative effect on juries. The United", "psg_id": "2213325" }, { "title": "The Mug House", "text": "The Mug House The Mug House is a traditional public house located in the village of Claines, Worcestershire, England, which dates back to the 15th century. The Mug House pub is owned by Wolverhampton & Dudley Breweries and offers several Banks's bitters along with one or two other guest ales which rotate every few weeks. The current landlady is Judy Allen, who has chosen to maintain a traditional atmosphere by not introducing games machines or music to the pub. The Mug House has featured in the local news several times over the last few years due to stories that the", "psg_id": "7972543" }, { "title": "Hires Root Beer", "text": "the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody ELSE does.\" One of the major ingredients of root beer was sassafras oil, a plant root extract used in beverages for its flavor and presumed medicinal properties. The medicinal properties of root beer are emphasized in the advertising slogan, \"Join Health and Cheer; Drink Hires Rootbeer.\" The U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned sassafras oil in 1960 because it contains the carcinogen and liver-damaging chemical safrol. However, a process was later discovered by which the harmful chemical could be removed from sassafras oil while preserving the flavor. Prior to the", "psg_id": "3804117" }, { "title": "You Are What You Eat", "text": "You Are What You Eat You Are What You Eat is a dieting programme aired in various forms between 2004 and 2007 on British broadcasting company Channel 4, and presented by Gillian McKeith. The fourth series was called \"You Are What You Eat: Gillian Moves In\". The show often uses shock tactics to get the participants to lose weight. In each episode, all food eaten in one week by the person(s) taking part is placed on a table to highlight problem areas of their diet. Another technique is the analysis of the participant's faeces by McKeith to detect certain problems", "psg_id": "7187558" }, { "title": "George Hires", "text": "George Hires George Hires (January 26, 1835 – February 16, 1911) was an American Republican Party politician who represented New Jersey's 1st congressional district in the United States House of Representatives from 1885 to 1889. Hires was born in Elsinboro Township, New Jersey on January 26, 1835. He attended the common schools and the Friends' School and received commercial training. He engaged in mercantile and manufacturing pursuits. He was sheriff of Salem County from 1867 to 1869, and was a member of the New Jersey Senate from 1881 to 1884. Hires was elected as a Republican to the Forty-ninth and", "psg_id": "10742768" }, { "title": "Mug", "text": "the oldest time, but most of them have not survived intact. The first pottery was shaped by hand and was later facilitated by invention of the potter's wheel (date unknown, between 6,500 and 3000 BCE). It was relatively easy to add a handle to a cup in the process thus producing a mug. For example, a rather advanced, decorated clay mug from 4000–5000 BCE was found in Greece. The biggest disadvantage of those clay mugs was thick walls unfit for the mouth. The walls were thinned with development of metalworking techniques. Metal mugs were produced from bronze, silver, gold, and", "psg_id": "2760908" }, { "title": "Charles Elmer Hires", "text": "Smith in 1875. After her death in 1910, Hires married Emma Waln. He passed away on July 31, 1937 at the age of 85. Charles Elmer Hires Charles Elmer Hires (August 19, 1851 – July 31, 1937) was a pharmacist and an early promoter of commercially prepared root beer. He founded the Charles E. Hires Co., which manufactured and distributed Hires Root Beer. Hires was born on August 19, 1851 to a Quaker family in Salem County, New Jersey. At age 12, his parents sent him to work as an apprentice at a drugstore owned by his brothers-in-law. When he", "psg_id": "2852411" }, { "title": "Hires Big H", "text": "Hires Big H Hires Big H is a restaurant chain headquartered in Sandy, Utah. Hires Drive-In was founded in 1959 by Don Hale, a former grocer, with the assistance of his wife Shirley Hickman. In addition to the flagship branch located near the center of Salt Lake City, there are additional locations in Midvale and West Valley City. Noted for honoring the tradition of the drive-in restaurants of the 1950s—both in its menu and interior decoration—the restaurants have achieved national recognition in publications like the American Automobile Association's \"Via\" magazine. Like many other Utah restaurants, it offers the regional condiment", "psg_id": "8697542" }, { "title": "Hires Root Beer", "text": "Hires Root Beer Hires Root Beer is a root beer marketed by Keurig Dr Pepper. Introduced in 1876, it is considered the second longest continuously made soft drink in the United States. Only Vernors ginger ale, dating to 1866, is older. Hires Root Beer was created by Philadelphia pharmacist Charles Elmer Hires. The official story is that Hires first tasted root beer, a traditional American beverage dating back to the colonial era, while on his honeymoon in 1875. However, historical accounts vary and the actual time and place of the discovery may never be known. By 1876, Hires had developed", "psg_id": "3804114" }, { "title": "Charles Elmer Hires", "text": "Charles Elmer Hires Charles Elmer Hires (August 19, 1851 – July 31, 1937) was a pharmacist and an early promoter of commercially prepared root beer. He founded the Charles E. Hires Co., which manufactured and distributed Hires Root Beer. Hires was born on August 19, 1851 to a Quaker family in Salem County, New Jersey. At age 12, his parents sent him to work as an apprentice at a drugstore owned by his brothers-in-law. When he was 16 he moved to Philadelphia and worked in a pharmacy. He saved until he had nearly $400, when he started his own drugstore.", "psg_id": "2852408" }, { "title": "Hires Root Beer", "text": "move to \"natural and artificial flavors\", Hires ingredients included carbonated water, sugar, dextrose, caramel, plant extractives of birch, sassafras, licorice, vanilla, spikenard, sarsaparilla, hops, wintergreen, pipsissewa, ginger and flavor. Hires Root Beer kits, available in the United States and Canada from the early 1900s through the 1980s allowed consumers to mix an extract with water, sugar and yeast to brew their own root beer. However, most consumption was of pre-bottled root beer. A mid-1960s' advertising campaign featured jingles by jazz singer Blossom Dearie, wherein she sang in a Betty-Boop voice: \"Hires Root Beer! Hires Rootin' Tootin' Root Beer! Hires Rootin'-Tootin'", "psg_id": "3804118" }, { "title": "Matt Hires", "text": "Hotel Cafe, under F-Stop Music/Atlantic Records, on October 7, 2008. Although only four songs in length, the EP gained him solid exposure, with critics comparing him to the likes of Jack Johnson, John Mayer, Matt Costa, Mat Kearney, and Bright Eyes. But still, critics conceded that Hires has a sincerity and authenticity of his own. Building his fan base in preparation for his debut album, Hires appeared at the SXSW Music Festival and on the 2009 Mayercraft Carrier. He has also opened for Dave Matthews, Marc Broussard, O.A.R., and Paolo Nutini. On July 28, 2009 Hires released his debut full-length", "psg_id": "13490248" }, { "title": "Matt Hires", "text": "an interest in artists like Tom Petty and Bob Dylan, which explains the uniqueness of his vocal and instrumental harmonies that dabble in both traditional and contemporary musical realms. Hires began his music career as frontman for Tampa, FL based band Brer. The band's debut record, Microwavable, was produced by Will Denton, longtime drummer for Steven Curtis Chapman. Atlantic Records A&R executive, Gregg Nadel, fell in love with his sound. Soon Hires began working with producer Eric Rosse (Sara Bareilles, Tori Amos, David Archuleta), and together they recorded his first full-length record. Hires released his debut EP, Live From the", "psg_id": "13490247" }, { "title": "Matt Hires", "text": "Matt Hires Matt Hires (born August 5, 1985) is an American singer-songwriter from Tampa, Florida. Drawing inspiration from influences as disparate as The Band, Sufjan Stevens, Wilco and Ryan Adams, Matt became the first artist to sign with F-Stop Music, an imprint of Atlantic Records. As a cabinet store worker by day and a musician by night, Hires always had a heroic passion for music. Matt's father, also a musician, introduced him to music at a young age, giving him the handmade guitar that Matt continues to play. Initially drawn to the punk, Post-hardcore, and Emo scenes, Matt later developed", "psg_id": "13490246" }, { "title": "George Hires", "text": "Fiftieth Congresses, serving in office from March 4, 1885 – March 3, 1889, but was not a candidate for renomination in 1888 to the 51st Congress. After leaving Congress, he resumed mercantile pursuits, and also engaged in banking. He was a delegate to the State constitutional convention in 1894 and a delegate to the 1896 Republican National Convention. He was a member of the Republican State committee for twelve years. Hires died in Atlantic City, New Jersey on February 16, 1911, and was interred in the First Presbyterian Cemetery in Salem, New Jersey. George Hires George Hires (January 26, 1835", "psg_id": "10742769" }, { "title": "Two Laughing Boys with a Mug of Beer", "text": "his shoulder, and besides the other two paintings already mentioned, this theme of a main subject with a secondary witness was common to many of his paintings of the 1620s: The theme of looking into a mug was also used by Hals when he painted the portrait of Peeckelhaeringh who turns to the viewer to show his mug. This painting of two laughing boys with mug of beer is in the collection of the Hofje van Mevrouw van Aerden and was stolen on 27 April 2011, but was recovered on 28 October 2011. Two Laughing Boys with a Mug of", "psg_id": "17591641" }, { "title": "Two Laughing Boys with a Mug of Beer", "text": "Two Laughing Boys with a Mug of Beer Two Laughing Boys with a Mug of Beer is a painting by Frans Hals showing a \"Kannekijker\" (mug-looker). Someone looking into a mug refers to an old Dutch word for a glutton, greedy for more. This visual theme was also used to depict sight as one of the five senses, and various people have argued about whether this portrait was meant as one in a series of the five senses along with \"Two Boys singing\" for hearing and a variant version of \"The Smoker\" for smell: Hals has an accomplice peering over", "psg_id": "17591640" }, { "title": "Become What You Are", "text": "\"My Sister,\" and \"Spin the Bottle\", stating that \"her talents are strong enough to carry the album over the weak spots.\" The album was ranked No. 9 in \"NME\"s Albums of the Year list for 1993. Credits are adapted from the album's liner notes. Album Singles Become What You Are Become What You Are is the debut studio album by the American alternative rock band the Juliana Hatfield Three, released on August 3, 1993, by Mammoth Records. The album includes the hit singles \"My Sister\" and \"Spin the Bottle\". The singer and guitarist, Juliana Hatfield, recorded \"Become What You Are\"", "psg_id": "4050394" }, { "title": "Mug Nuadat", "text": "and Dublin was known as \"Leth Moga\" (\"Mug's half\"), and everything north of that line was \"Leth Cuinn\" (\"Conn's half\") (Modern Irish: \"Leath Cuinn\"). Conn later invaded Leth Moga and drove Mug from Ireland. He took refuge in Spain and returned with an army, but was defeated and killed by Conn at Mag Léna (Kilbride, County Offaly) (although in some versions Conn treacherously killed Mug in his bed). Mug's son was Ailill Ollamh. His grandson Éogan Mór fought alongside Conn's son Art at the Battle of Maigh Mucruimhe, and is credited with founding the Eóganachta dynasty. T.F. O'Rahilly speculated that", "psg_id": "4709344" }, { "title": "Mug Ruith", "text": "Mug Ruith Mug Ruith (or Mogh Roith, \"slave of the wheel\") is a figure in Irish mythology, a powerful blind druid of Munster who lived on Valentia Island, County Kerry. He could grow to enormous size, and his breath caused storms and turned men to stone. He wore a hornless bull-hide and a bird mask, and flew in a machine called the \"roth rámach\", the \"oared wheel\". He had an ox-driven chariot in which night was as bright as day, a star-speckled black shield with a silver rim, and a stone which could turn into a poisonous eel when thrown", "psg_id": "4748558" }, { "title": "Mug shot", "text": "the identity of a criminal. In high-profile cases, mug shots may also be published in the mass media. The earliest photos of prisoners taken for use by law enforcement may have been taken in Belgium in 1843 and 1844. In the United Kingdom, police in Liverpool and Birmingham were photographing criminals by 1848. By 1857, the New York City Police Department had a gallery where daguerreotypes of criminals were displayed. The Pinkerton National Detective Agency began using these on wanted posters in the United States. By the 1870s the agency had amassed the largest collection of mug shots in the", "psg_id": "2213323" }, { "title": "Mug Corb", "text": "of Geoffrey Keating's \"Foras Feasa ar Éirinn\" dates his reign to 362–355 BC, the \"Annals of the Four Masters\" to 506–499 BC. Mug Corb Mug Corb (\"servant of the chariot\", sometimes called Mac Corb, \"son of the chariot\"), son of Cobthach Cáem, son of Rechtaid Rígderg, was, according to medieval Irish legend and historical tradition, a High King of Ireland. He took power when he killed his predecessor, Meilge Molbthach. He ruled for six years, until he was killed by Óengus Ollom, grandson of Labraid Loingsech. He is said to have got his name when he repaired a broken chariot", "psg_id": "4621013" }, { "title": "Mug Corb", "text": "Mug Corb Mug Corb (\"servant of the chariot\", sometimes called Mac Corb, \"son of the chariot\"), son of Cobthach Cáem, son of Rechtaid Rígderg, was, according to medieval Irish legend and historical tradition, a High King of Ireland. He took power when he killed his predecessor, Meilge Molbthach. He ruled for six years, until he was killed by Óengus Ollom, grandson of Labraid Loingsech. He is said to have got his name when he repaired a broken chariot for his son. The \"Lebor Gabála Érenn\" synchronises his reign with that of Ptolemy III Euergetes of Egypt (246–222 BC). The chronology", "psg_id": "4621012" }, { "title": "Mug Ruith", "text": "it, and kills whoever it strikes. This description leads scholar Alan Ward to draw parallels with solar imagery and the figure Dian Cécht. In at least two other poems Mug Ruith is identified as the executioner who beheaded John the Baptist, bringing a curse to the Irish people. He cuts an equally impressive figure in \"The Siege of Knocklong\", set in Cormac mac Airt's time. Here he defeats Cormac's druids in an elaborate magical battle in exchange for land from King Fiachu Muillethan of southern Munster, from whom Cormac had been trying to levy taxes. Mug Ruith's daughter was Tlachtga,", "psg_id": "4748561" }, { "title": "The Mug House", "text": "pub is in some way haunted. The past few landlords have all claimed that there are regularly strange occurrences at the pub such as glasses smashing or dull knocking noises coming from the beer cellar at night. This has only increased the popularity of the pub. The Mug House is situated in the village of Claines, about three miles north of the city of Worcester. The exact location of the pub is near the junction where Claines Lane meets Cornmeadow Lane, just to the rear of Claines church. The situation of the pub is such that one has to walk", "psg_id": "7972544" }, { "title": "Mug", "text": "insulation properties for transporting hot or cold liquids. Similar to a vacuum flask, a travel mug is usually well-insulated and completely enclosed to prevent spillage or leaking, but will generally have an opening in the cover through which the contents can be consumed during transportation without spillage. As the primary mechanism by which hot (not warm) beverages lose heat is evaporation a lid, even a thin plastic one as used on disposable coffee cups which conducts heat quite quickly, also serves a vital role in keeping the drink hot. Mugs with inner and outer walls, but not vacuum treated, are", "psg_id": "2760913" }, { "title": "Hires Root Beer", "text": "his own recipe and was marketing 25-cent packets of powder which each yielded five gallons of root beer. At Philadelphia's Centennial Exposition in 1876, he cultivated new customers by giving away free glasses of root beer. Hires marketed it as a solid concentrate of sixteen wild roots and berries. It claimed to purify the blood and make rosy cheeks. In 1884, he began producing a liquid extract and a syrup for use in soda fountains, and was soon shipping root beer in kegs and producing a special fountain dispenser called the \"Hires Automatic Munimaker.\" In 1890, the Charles E. Hires", "psg_id": "3804115" }, { "title": "Hires Root Beer", "text": "Company incorporated and began supplying Hires root beer in small bottles claiming over a million bottles sold by 1891. But Hires's choice of name for his product caused a problem: the word \"beer\" drew the wrath of the temperance movement. He had his root beer tested by a laboratory, and trumpeted their conclusion that a glass of his root beer contained less alcohol than a loaf of bread. Hires Root Beer was promoted as \"The Temperance Drink\" and \"the Greatest Health-Giving Beverage in the World.\" Hires advertised aggressively, believing \"doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in", "psg_id": "3804116" }, { "title": "Charles Elmer Hires", "text": "Philadelphia. To make it stand out, he called his drink \"the temperance drink\" and \"the greatest health-giving beverage in the world.\" Soon after, business flourished and Hires opened a factory at 117-119 Arch Street in Philadelphia. Hires did not drink and marketed root beer as an alternative to alcohol. However, following an analysis that suggested there was alcohol in root beer, the Woman's Christian Temperance Union launched a boycott of his product. Hires ran his own analysis and advertised heavily that the amount of alcohol was about the same as in a half loaf of bread. He married Clara Kate", "psg_id": "2852410" }, { "title": "Charles Elmer Hires", "text": "Hires reportedly learned about root beer on his honeymoon in New Jersey, where the woman who ran the hotel served a tisane known as \"root tea\" made from roots. His friend Russell Conwell, who went on to found Temple University, suggested that \"root beer\" would be more appealing to the working class. Originally, Hires packaged the mixture in boxes and sold it to housewives and proprietors of soda fountains. They needed to mix in water, sugar, and yeast. The drink was slow to catch on, but Conwell persuaded Hires to present his product at the 1876 U.S. Centennial Exposition in", "psg_id": "2852409" }, { "title": "All 6's and 7's", "text": "All 6's and 7's All 6's and 7's is the eleventh studio album by American rapper Tech N9ne. It was released on June 7, 2011, by Strange Music. The album has sold 55,715 copies in its first week and it debuted at number 4 on the US \"Billboard\" 200 and peaked at number 1 on the \"Billboard\"'s Top Rap Albums chart. Tech stated that the album title \"All 6's and 7's\" means \"in a state of confusion and disarray.\" He also said that this will be his \"biggest\" and \"craziest\" album of all. The album would feature guest appearances from", "psg_id": "15472753" }, { "title": "What Are Little Boys Made Of?", "text": "many variant forms. For example, other versions may describe boys as being made of \"snaps\", \"frogs\", \"snakes\", or \"slugs\", rather than \"snips\" as above. In the earliest known versions, the first ingredient for boys is either \"snips\" or \"snigs\", the latter being a Cumbrian dialect word for a small eel. The rhyme sometimes appears as part of a larger work called \"What Folks Are Made Of\" or \"What All the World Is Made Of\". Other stanzas describe what babies, young men, young women, sailors, soldiers, nurses, fathers, mothers, old men, old women, and all folks are made of. According to", "psg_id": "6313396" }, { "title": "All 6's and 7's", "text": "surprise guest. The scheduled tour dates were as follows: All 6's and 7's All 6's and 7's is the eleventh studio album by American rapper Tech N9ne. It was released on June 7, 2011, by Strange Music. The album has sold 55,715 copies in its first week and it debuted at number 4 on the US \"Billboard\" 200 and peaked at number 1 on the \"Billboard\"'s Top Rap Albums chart. Tech stated that the album title \"All 6's and 7's\" means \"in a state of confusion and disarray.\" He also said that this will be his \"biggest\" and \"craziest\" album", "psg_id": "15472759" }, { "title": "Matt Hires", "text": "album, \"Take Us To The Start\", featuring his first single, \"Honey Let Me Sing You A Song.\" The album also features \"You in The End\", co-written by Sara Bareilles. Tracks from \"Take Us To The Start\" have appeared on \"Grey's Anatomy\", \"Private Practice\", \"Cougar Town\" on ABC and \"Life Unexpected\" on The CW. Matt Hires Matt Hires (born August 5, 1985) is an American singer-songwriter from Tampa, Florida. Drawing inspiration from influences as disparate as The Band, Sufjan Stevens, Wilco and Ryan Adams, Matt became the first artist to sign with F-Stop Music, an imprint of Atlantic Records. As a", "psg_id": "13490249" }, { "title": "All Religions are One", "text": "and in the Bible itself.\" Also concentrating on the refutation of deism, Alicia Ostriker refers to the series as a \"mockery of rationalism and an insistence on Man's potential infinitude.\" S. Foster Damon suggests that what Blake has done in \"All Religions are One\" is \"dethroned reason from its ancient place as the supreme faculty of man, replacing it with the Imagination.\" Damon also argues that \"Blake had completed his revolutionary theory of the nature of Man and proclaimed the unity of all true religions.\" Harold Bloom reaches much the same conclusion, suggesting that Blake is arguing for the \"primacy", "psg_id": "14702127" }, { "title": "What Are Little Boys Made Of?", "text": "Iona and Peter Opie, this first appears in a manuscript by the English poet Robert Southey (1774–1843), who added the stanzas other than the two below. Though it is not mentioned elsewhere in his works or papers, it is generally agreed to be by him. The relevant section in the version attributed to Southey was: <poem> What are little boys made of What are little boys made of Snips & snails & puppy dogs tails And such are little boys made of. What are little girls made of Sugar & spice & all things nice</poem> Extracts from the nursery rhyme", "psg_id": "6313397" }, { "title": "What Are The Theosophists?", "text": "often attracted all sorts of neurotics, hysterics and even madmen: \"All organisations which depend on enthusiasm and opposition to conventional opinion suffer from this problem to some degree; Theosophy appears to have been especially prone to it. The permanent residents at Adyar during the 1880s and '90s were typical. A quarrelsome collection of minor English aristocrats, rich American widows, German professors, Indian mystics and hangerson of every description, they were all eager to have their say, especially during Olcott's prolonged absences, and all ready to quarrel with one another.\" What Are The Theosophists? \"What Are The Theosophists?\" is an editorial", "psg_id": "20792648" }, { "title": "Types of municipalities in Quebec", "text": "Types of municipalities in Quebec The following is a list of the types of local and supralocal territorial units in Quebec, including those used solely for statistical purposes, as defined by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Regions and Land Occupancy and compiled by the Institut de la statistique du Québec. Not included are the urban agglomerations of Quebec, which, although they group together multiple municipalities, exercise only what are ordinarily local municipal powers. A list of local municipal units in Quebec by regional county municipality can be found at List of municipalities in Quebec. All municipalities (except cities), whether township,", "psg_id": "6762968" }, { "title": "Mug shot", "text": "States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit held \"The double-shot picture, with front and profile shots alongside each other, is so familiar, from 'wanted' posters in the post office, motion pictures and television, that the inference that the person involved has a criminal record, or has at least been in trouble with the police, is natural, perhaps automatic.\" The Handbook of Massachusetts Evidence says \"Because of the risk of prejudice to the defendant inherent in the admission of photographs of the 'mug shot' variety, judges and prosecutors are required to 'use reasonable means to avoid calling the", "psg_id": "2213326" }, { "title": "Mug Ruith", "text": "in water. Stories about Mug Ruith are set in various periods of Irish history. Some say he lived during the reign of 3rd century High King Cormac mac Airt, while others put him in Jerusalem during the time of Christ. In \"Lebor Gabála Érenn\" he is said to have died in the reign of Conmael, nearly two thousand years before Cormac's time. Perhaps due to this array of times and settings, poets attributed the druid with extraordinary longevity (he lived through the reign of nineteen kings according to one story). His powers and long lifespan have led some to conclude", "psg_id": "4748559" }, { "title": "Are You Are Missing Winner", "text": "Up In the City\" were previously issued on a 7\" single by Flitwick Records in an edition of 500, all of which were given away to subscribers free of charge. \"...City\", \"New Formation Sermon\" and \"Distilled Mug Art\" were included on \"2G+2\". The live \"...Ex-Classmates'...\" was included on the single release of \"Theme From Sparta F.C. #2\". The final track was taken from the controversial \"Rude (All The Time)\" EP issued by Voiceprint in 2005 and is little more than a recorded discussion amongst the credited personnel. Are You Are Missing Winner Are You Are Missing Winner is the twenty-second", "psg_id": "7088708" }, { "title": "All 6's and 7's", "text": "an exclusive video of the making of \"All 6's and 7's\". The FYE edition contains a bonus DVD. The clean version of the album sold at Wal-Mart and the Strange Music online store contains $10 in \"Strange Bucks\" redeemable on the Strange Music online store. A tour for the album, \"All 6's and 7's: The Tour\", began on May 26, 2011 in Seattle, Washington. The tour was scheduled to have 62 shows. Fellow Strange Music artists Big Scoob, Jay Rock, Krizz Kaliko, Kutt Calhoun, ¡Mayday! & Stevie Stone served as supporting acts for the tour. Irv Da Phenom was a", "psg_id": "15472758" }, { "title": "Types of motorcycles", "text": "Types of motorcycles There are many systems for classifying types of motorcycles, describing how the motorcycles are put to use, or the designer's intent, or some combination of the two. Six main categories are widely recognized: cruiser, sport, touring, standard, dual-purpose, and dirt bike. Sometimes sport touring motorcycles are recognized as a seventh category. Strong lines are sometimes drawn between motorcycles and their smaller cousins, mopeds, scooters, and underbones, but other classification schemes include these as types of motorcycles. There is no universal system for classifying all types of motorcycles. There are strict classification systems enforced by competitive motorcycle sport", "psg_id": "5905146" }, { "title": "Types of motorcycles", "text": "Types of motorcycles There are many systems for classifying types of motorcycles, describing how the motorcycles are put to use, or the designer's intent, or some combination of the two. Six main categories are widely recognized: cruiser, sport, touring, standard, dual-purpose, and dirt bike. Sometimes sport touring motorcycles are recognized as a seventh category. Strong lines are sometimes drawn between motorcycles and their smaller cousins, mopeds, scooters, and underbones, but other classification schemes include these as types of motorcycles. There is no universal system for classifying all types of motorcycles. There are strict classification systems enforced by competitive motorcycle sport", "psg_id": "5905126" }, { "title": "The Mug House", "text": "through, or very near, the graveyard of the church in order to access it. The pub is one of only two pubs in England to be situated on consecrated ground. The pub consists of four main public spaces inside on the ground floor. There is a back room, bar, hatch and a snug. The back room is most commonly used by diners at lunch time and from this room there is a view of the Malvern Hills. The hatch tends to be frequented when the other rooms are fully occupied. The ceilings inside the Mug House are quite low and", "psg_id": "7972545" }, { "title": "The Mug House", "text": "as the building is timber framed many of the walls are not straight, because the building has settled over time. In order to access the toilets one must exit the main building because the toilets themselves are located in a separate outhouse. The building is timber framed but there is a cellar. The Mug House has won a Jubilee Heritage Award in a national competition to find Britain's prettiest pubs. Mounted by the Green Organisation, the competition was launched to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II's Golden Jubilee in 2002 and the role pubs and landlords play in safeguarding natural heritage. The", "psg_id": "7972546" }, { "title": "What Are You So Scared Of?", "text": "Trombino (blink-182, Jimmy Eat World, Midtown). As the follow-up to 2010's \"Consider This\" EP, \"What Are You So Scared Of?\" debuted on the Australian albums chart at No. 15. The record's first single, \"Starlight\", was released 1 July. Its second, \"Let It Land\", was released 19 September. On 11 October, \"Thank You and Goodnight\" was made available for streaming. On 4 November the group announced they had signed a North American deal with independent label Fearless Records and were planning on releasing their album in that territory in early 2012. In November and December, the group supported Blessthefall on the", "psg_id": "16097864" }, { "title": "You Are What You Is", "text": "You Are What You Is You Are What You Is is a double album by American musician Frank Zappa. It was originally released as a double album in 1981 and later by Rykodisc as a 20-song CD. After the release of \"Joe's Garage\", Frank Zappa set up his home studio, the Utility Muffin Research Kitchen, and planned to release a triple LP live album called \"Warts and All\". As \"Warts and All\" reached completion, Zappa found the project to be \"unwieldy\" due to its length, and scrapped it, later conceiving \"Crush All Boxes\". \"Crush All Boxes\" would have been a", "psg_id": "12945390" }, { "title": "What Are Little Boys Made Of?", "text": "by Roud number What Are Little Boys Made Of? \"What Are Little Boys Made Of?\" is a popular nursery rhyme dating from the early 19th century. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 821. The author of the rhyme is uncertain, but may be English poet Robert Southey (1774–1843). Here is a representative modern version of the lyrics: <poem> What are little boys made of? What are little boys made of? That's what little boys are made of What are little girls made of? What are little girls made of? That's what little girls are made of</poem> The", "psg_id": "6313401" }, { "title": "What Are Little Boys Made Of?", "text": "What Are Little Boys Made Of? \"What Are Little Boys Made Of?\" is a popular nursery rhyme dating from the early 19th century. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 821. The author of the rhyme is uncertain, but may be English poet Robert Southey (1774–1843). Here is a representative modern version of the lyrics: <poem> What are little boys made of? What are little boys made of? That's what little boys are made of What are little girls made of? What are little girls made of? That's what little girls are made of</poem> The rhyme appears in", "psg_id": "6313395" }, { "title": "Live Sessions (Matt Hires EP)", "text": "Live Sessions (Matt Hires EP) Live Sessions is the third EP by American pop-rock singer-songwriter Matt Hires, released on March 8, 2011. This new release is a compilation of five live tracks, recorded with a full band at various times during Hires' 2009-2010 State Lines Tour. Upon its release, the EP broke into the top 10 on the iTunes Singer-Songwriter chart. The EP featured three previously released material, as well as a new track \"I Always Lose\", and a cover of the American rock band MGMT's hit song \"Kids\". The ep's coverart was design and made by C1 Design &", "psg_id": "15602401" }, { "title": "Types of plant oils", "text": "Types of plant oils Plant oils or vegetable oils are oils derived from plant sources, as opposed to animal fats or petroleum. There are three primary types of plant oil, differing both the means of extracting the relevant parts of the plant, and in the nature of the resulting oil: Vegetable fats and oils are what are most commonly called vegetable oils. These are triglyceride-based, and include cooking oils like canola oil, solid oils like cocoa butter, oils used in paint like linseed oil and oils used for industrial purposes. Pressed vegetable oils are extracted from the plant containing the", "psg_id": "8030014" }, { "title": "Live Sessions (Matt Hires EP)", "text": "Photography. The original photo was taken by Rebecca Siegrist, the Creative Director and Founder of C1 Design, at the State Lines Tour. Live Sessions Live Sessions (Matt Hires EP) Live Sessions is the third EP by American pop-rock singer-songwriter Matt Hires, released on March 8, 2011. This new release is a compilation of five live tracks, recorded with a full band at various times during Hires' 2009-2010 State Lines Tour. Upon its release, the EP broke into the top 10 on the iTunes Singer-Songwriter chart. The EP featured three previously released material, as well as a new track \"I Always", "psg_id": "15602402" }, { "title": "S-type asteroid", "text": "shallow absorption feature centered near 0.63 µm. The composition of these asteroids is similar to a variety of stony meteorites which share similar spectral characteristics. In the SMASS classification, several generally \"stony\" types of asteroids are brought together into a wider S-group which contains the following types: In the Tholen classification, the S-type is a very broad grouping which includes all the types in the SMASS S-group except for the A, Q, and R, which have particularly strong \"stony\" absorption features around 1 μm. Prominent stony asteroid families with their typical albedo are the: S-type asteroid S-type asteroids are asteroids", "psg_id": "2478925" }, { "title": "No Matta What (Party All Night)", "text": "No Matta What (Party All Night) \"No Matta What (Party All Night)\" is the second single by American R&B singer Toya, from her self-titled debut album, Toya. It was written by David Frank and Nathan Butler. Lyrically, it talks about having fun at a party without problems. After the success of her previous hit \"I Do!!\" which peaked at No.16 on the Billboard Hot 100, Toya released only one more single, 2001's \"No Matta What (Party All Night)\" before being contractually released from Arista Records. The song peaked at No. 86 in the Billboard Hot 100, but it failed to", "psg_id": "18843017" }, { "title": "What We're All About", "text": "What We're All About \"What We're All About\" is a song recorded by Sum 41. It was released in April 2002 as a single for the soundtrack to the film \"Spider-Man\". This is a reworked version of \"Dave's Possessed Hair/It's What We're all About\" from the band's first EP, \"Half Hour of Power\". Part of the first verse is rapped in an a cappella version in the beginning of the \"Fat Lip\" music video. Similar to \"Fat Lip\", vocal duties in \"What We're All About\" are split evenly between rhythm guitarist Deryck Whibley, drummer Stevo Jocz, and lead guitarist Dave", "psg_id": "7227647" }, { "title": "Types of plant oils", "text": "means of extracting essential oils. In this process, used, for example, to extract the onion, garlic, wintergreen and bitter almond essential oil, the plant material is macerated in warm water to release the volatile compounds in the plant. Types of plant oils Plant oils or vegetable oils are oils derived from plant sources, as opposed to animal fats or petroleum. There are three primary types of plant oil, differing both the means of extracting the relevant parts of the plant, and in the nature of the resulting oil: Vegetable fats and oils are what are most commonly called vegetable oils.", "psg_id": "8030018" }, { "title": "Stay What You Are", "text": "Your Funeral\" at number seven of their 10 Best Emo Music Videos list. Tim Landers of Transit and Brandon McMaster of The Crimson Armada featured the album on their Five Albums That Changed My Life lists. Saves the Day played the album in full at FYF Fest in August 2016. All songs written by Bryan Newman, Chris Conley, David Soloway, Eben D'Amico and Ted Alexander. Personnel per sleeve. Saves the Day Additional musician Production Citations Sources Stay What You Are Stay What You Are is the third studio album from American rock band Saves the Day, released in 2001. While", "psg_id": "5119311" }, { "title": "Types of membership of Opus Dei", "text": "for the contributions that they may have made to Opus Dei during their time in the organisation, this applies to all categories of membership. When, however, someone leaves the prelature unlawfully (i.e. without the permission of the Prelate) he or she commits mortal sin. Nevertheless, the Congregation for Bishops states: \"The laity incorporated in the Prelature Opus Dei continue to be faithful of the dioceses in which they have their domicile or quasidomicile and are, therefore, under the jurisdiction of the diocesan bishop in what the law lays down for all the ordinary faithful\". Types of membership of Opus Dei", "psg_id": "9240193" }, { "title": "Types of motorcycles", "text": "moped ridership saw a resurgence. Sales of motorcycles and scooters declined 43.2% in 2009, and continued to decrease in the first quarter of 2010, with scooter sales doing worst, down 13.3% compared to a 4.6% drop for all two-wheelers. Other types of small motorcycles include the monkey bike, Welbike, and minibike. There are various types of off-road motorcycles, also known as dirt bikes, specially designed for off-road events. The term off-road refers to driving surfaces that are not conventionally paved. These are rough surfaces, often created naturally, such as sand, gravel, a river, mud or snow. These types of terrain", "psg_id": "5905142" } ]
[ "root beers" ]
dec 13, 1953 saw the birth of ben bernanke, harvard grad with a phd from mit. what position does he hold, and rather poorly at that?
[ { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "Ben Bernanke Ben Shalom Bernanke ( ; born December 13, 1953) is an American economist at the Brookings Institution who served two terms as Chair of the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, from 2006 to 2014. During his tenure as chair, Bernanke oversaw the Federal Reserve's response to the late-2000s financial crisis. Before becoming Federal Reserve chair, Bernanke was a tenured professor at Princeton University and chaired the department of economics there from 1996 to September 2002, when he went on public service leave. From August 5, 2002 until June 21, 2005, he was a member", "psg_id": "5051493" } ]
[ { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "in his local synagogue. Although he keeps his beliefs private, his friend Mark Gertler, chairman of New York University's economics department, says they are \"embedded in who he (Bernanke) is\". The Bernanke family was concerned that Ben would \"lose his Jewish identity\" if he went to Harvard. Fellow Dillon native Kenneth Manning, who would eventually become a professor of the history of sciences at MIT, assured the family \"there are Jews in Boston\". Once Bernanke was at Harvard for his freshman year, Manning took him to Brookline for Rosh Hashanah services. Bernanke was educated at East Elementary, J.V. Martin Junior", "psg_id": "5051499" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "even if actual implementation of the plan might have to wait until the economic outlook improves. His remarks were most likely intended for the federal government's executive and legislative branches, since entitlement reform is a fiscal exercise that will be accomplished by the Congress and the President rather than a monetary task falling within the implementation powers of the Federal Reserve. Bernanke also pointed out that deficit reduction will necessarily consist of either raising taxes, cutting entitlement payments and other government spending, or some combination of both. Ben Bernanke Ben Shalom Bernanke ( ; born December 13, 1953) is an", "psg_id": "5051526" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "received a Ph.D. degree in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1979 after completing and defending his dissertation, \"Long-Term Commitments, Dynamic Optimization, and the Business Cycle\". Bernanke's thesis adviser was the future governor of the Bank of Israel, Stanley Fischer, and his readers included Irwin S. Bernstein, Rüdiger Dornbusch, Robert Solow, and Peter Diamond of MIT and Dale Jorgenson of Harvard. Bernanke met his wife, Anna, a schoolteacher, on a blind date. She was a student at Wellesley College, and he was in graduate school at MIT. The Bernankes have two children. He is an ardent fan of", "psg_id": "5051501" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "1985, was a visiting professor at New York University and went on to become a tenured professor at Princeton University in the Department of Economics. He chaired that department from 1996 until September 2002, when he went on public service leave. He resigned his position at Princeton July 1, 2005. Bernanke served as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System from 2002 to 2005. In one of his first speeches as a Governor, entitled \"Deflation: Making Sure It Doesn't Happen Here\", he outlined what has been referred to as the Bernanke Doctrine. As a member", "psg_id": "5051503" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "High, and Dillon High School, where he was class valedictorian and played saxophone in the marching band. Since Dillon High School did not offer calculus at the time, Bernanke taught it to himself. Bernanke scored 1590 out of 1600 on the SAT and was a National Merit Scholar. He also was a contestant in the 1965 National Spelling Bee. Bernanke attended Harvard University in 1971, where he lived in Winthrop House, as did the future CEO of Goldman Sachs, Lloyd Blankfein, and graduated with an A.B. degree, and later with an A.M. in economics \"summa cum laude\" in 1975. He", "psg_id": "5051500" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "the Washington Nationals baseball team, and frequently attends games at Nationals Park. When Bernanke left Stanford to accept a position at Princeton, he and his family moved to Montgomery Township, New Jersey in 1985, where Bernanke's children attended the local public schools. Bernanke served for six years as a member of the board of education of the Montgomery Township School District. In 2009 The Wall Street Journal reported that Bernanke was a victim of identity theft, a spreading crime the Federal Reserve has for years issued warnings about. Bernanke taught at the Stanford Graduate School of Business from 1979 until", "psg_id": "5051502" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "New York in the 1940s. Bernanke's mother gave up her job as a schoolteacher when her son was born and worked at the family drugstore. Ben Bernanke also worked there sometimes. As a teenager, Bernanke worked construction on a new hospital and waited tables at a restaurant at nearby South of the Border, a roadside attraction in his hometown of Dillon, before leaving for college. To support himself throughout college, he worked during the summers at South of the Border. As a teenager in the 1960s in the small town of Dillon, Bernanke used to help roll the Torah scrolls", "psg_id": "5051498" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "too far on mortgage credit conditions\". Since February 2014, Bernanke has been employed as a Distinguished Fellow in Residence with the Economic Studies Program at the Brookings Institution. On April 16, 2015, it was announced publicly that Bernanke will work with Citadel, the $25 billion hedge fund founded by billionaire Kenneth C. Griffin, as a senior adviser. In the same month it was revealed that Bernanke would also join Pimco as a senior advisor. In his 2015 book, \"The Courage to Act\", Bernanke revealed that he was no longer a Republican, having \"lost patience with Republicans' susceptibility to the know-nothing-ism", "psg_id": "5051524" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "\"Materially Adverse Change\" (MAC) clause, Paulson immediately called Lewis to a meeting in Washington. At the meeting, which allegedly took place on December 21, 2008, Paulson told Lewis that he and the board would be replaced if they invoked the MAC clause and additionally not to reveal the extent of the losses to shareholders. Paulson stated to Cuomo's office that he was directed by Bernanke to threaten Lewis in this manner. Congressional hearings into these allegations were conducted on June 25, 2009, with Bernanke testifying that he did not bully Ken Lewis. Under intense questioning by members of Congress, Bernanke", "psg_id": "5051511" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "maintain market liquidity. Control of the money supply implies that the government can always avoid deflation by simply issuing more money. He said \"The U.S. government has a technology, called a printing press (or today, its electronic equivalent), that allows it to produce as many U.S. dollars as it wishes at no cost.\" He referred to a statement made by Milton Friedman about using a \"helicopter drop\" of money into the economy to fight deflation. Bernanke's critics have since referred to him as \"Helicopter Ben\" or to his \"helicopter printing press.\" In a footnote to his speech, Bernanke noted that", "psg_id": "5051519" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "background, temperament, courage and creativity helped to prevent another Great Depression in 2008. When Senate Banking Committee hearings on his nomination began on December 3, 2009, several senators from both parties indicated they would not support a second term. However, Bernanke was confirmed for a second term as chairman on January 28, 2010, by a 70–30 vote of the full Senate, the narrowest margin, at the time, for any occupant of the position. (For the roll-call vote, see Obama confirmations, 2010.) The Senate first voted 77–23 to end debate, Bernanke winning more than the 60 approval votes needed to overcome", "psg_id": "5051508" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "\"people know that inflation erodes the real value of the government's debt and, therefore, that it is in the interest of the government to create some inflation.\" For example, while Greenspan publicly supported President Clinton's deficit reduction plan and the Bush tax cuts, Bernanke, when questioned about taxation policy, said that it was none of his business, his exclusive remit being monetary policy, and said that fiscal policy and wider society related issues were what politicians were for and got elected for. But Bernanke has been identified by \"The Wall Street Journal\" and a close colleague as a \"libertarian-Republican\" in", "psg_id": "5051520" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "the mold of Alan Greenspan. In 2005 Bernanke coined the term saving glut, the idea that relatively high level of worldwide savings was holding down interest rates and financing the current account deficits of the United States. (Alternative reasons include relatively low worldwide investment coupled with low U.S. savings.) As the recession began to deepen in 2007, many economists urged Bernanke (and the rest of the Federal Open Market Committee) to lower the federal funds rate below what it had done. For example, Larry Summers, later named Director of the White House's National Economic Council under President Obama, wrote in", "psg_id": "5051521" }, { "title": "Harvard/MIT Cooperative Society", "text": "Harvard/MIT Cooperative Society The Harvard/MIT Cooperative Society (or The Coop, pronounced as a single syllable) is a Cambridge, Massachusetts retail cooperative for the Harvard University and MIT campuses. The general public is encouraged to freely enter and make purchases in all the Coop stores, but membership discounts and certain other benefits are restricted to Coop members. , there are three store locations at Harvard, and two at MIT. The main store is located in the heart of Harvard Square, across the street from the Harvard subway station headhouse. The Coop was founded as the Harvard Cooperative in 1882 to supply", "psg_id": "11256246" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "a child from his maternal grandfather, Harold Friedman, a professional hazzan (service leader), shochet, and Hebrew teacher. Bernanke's father and uncle owned and managed a drugstore they purchased from Bernanke's paternal grandfather, Jonas Bernanke. Jonas Bernanke was born in Boryslav, Austria-Hungary (today part of Ukraine), on January 23, 1891. He immigrated to the United States from Przemyśl, Austria-Hungary (today part of Poland) and arrived at Ellis Island, aged 30, on June 30, 1921, with his wife Pauline, aged 25. On the ship's manifest, Jonas's occupation is listed as \"clerk\" and Pauline's as \"doctor med\". The family moved to Dillon from", "psg_id": "5051497" }, { "title": "Harvard/MIT Cooperative Society", "text": "with an automatic additional discount of 10% at the registers, for Coop members in good standing. The Coop stores are managed by Barnes & Noble College Booksellers, under supervision of a 23-person Board of Directors including 11 students elected by the student membership. Faculty, alumni, or officers of MIT or Harvard fill 11 seats, and the Coop's president serves \"ex officio\". In 2014, the MIT branch announced that it is the first campus bookstore in the US to accept bitcoin payments. Harvard/MIT Cooperative Society The Harvard/MIT Cooperative Society (or The Coop, pronounced as a single syllable) is a Cambridge, Massachusetts", "psg_id": "11256249" }, { "title": "Harvard–MIT Program of Health Sciences and Technology", "text": "understanding of engineering, physical sciences, and the biological sciences, complemented with hands-on experience in the clinic or in industry; and they become conversant with the underlying quantitative and molecular aspects of medicine and biomedical science. Within the division, more than 300 graduate students work with eminent faculty and affiliated faculty members from throughout the MIT and Harvard communities. HST is also the home of the Laboratory of Computational Physiology (LCP) which hosts the MIMIC II database and PhysioNet. HST is a part of MIT's Institute for Medical Engineering and Science and 1 of 5 societies at Harvard Medical School. Harvard–MIT", "psg_id": "7364656" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "of the board of governors of the Federal Reserve System on February 20, 2004, Bernanke gave a speech in which he postulated that we are in a new era called the Great Moderation, where modern macroeconomic policy has decreased the volatility of the business cycle to the point that it should no longer be a central issue in economics. In June 2005, Bernanke was named chairman of President George W. Bush's Council of Economic Advisers, and resigned as Fed Governor. The appointment was largely viewed as a test run to ascertain if Bernanke could be Bush's pick to succeed Greenspan", "psg_id": "5051504" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "injecting an additional $600 billion into the banking system to give the slow recovery a boost.\" In a letter to Congress from then-New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo dated April 23, 2009, Bernanke was mentioned along with former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson in allegations of fraud concerning the acquisition of Merrill Lynch by Bank of America. The letter alleged that the extent of the losses at Merrill Lynch were not disclosed to Bank of America by Bernanke and Paulson. When Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis informed Paulson that Bank of America was exiting the merger by invoking the", "psg_id": "5051510" }, { "title": "Harvard-MIT Data Center", "text": "At this time some of the earliest local computer networks, which contained statistical software and computing resources, were established; in addition, associates began transitioning the facility's holdings from tape to more modern media. In the early 1990s associates of the Harvard Data Center played a major role in a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant that established a research training program in political economy for various educational institutions. Later on, in 1996, facility associates entered into an agreement with MIT to extend services to MIT users, thus changing the name to the Harvard-MIT Data Center (HMDC). In 1999 HMDC associates were", "psg_id": "17512432" }, { "title": "Harvard-MIT Data Center", "text": "Harvard-MIT Data Center The Harvard-MIT Data Center (HMDC) provides multi-disciplinary information technology support for social science research and education at Harvard and MIT. Established in the early 1960s the HMDC was meant to be the original data center for political and social science at Harvard University, and over time it has evolved into an information technology service provider that transcends many educational fields. The HMDC offers the following services: In the early 1960s the HMDC, originally known as the Government Data Center, was established as part of a national movement for all universities to collect, consolidate, and share social science", "psg_id": "17512430" }, { "title": "Harvard–MIT Mathematics Tournament", "text": "to HMMT February. The results of HMMT November can be seen below: HMMT is currently sponsored by the MIT Mathematics Department, Optiver, D.E. Shaw & Co, the Harvard Mathematics Department, Flow Traders, the Susquehanna International Group, and Jane Street Capital. Harvard–MIT Mathematics Tournament The Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament (HMMT) is an annual high school math competition that started in 1998. The location of the tournament, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, alternates between Harvard University (November tournament) and MIT (February tournament). The contest is written and staffed almost entirely by Harvard and MIT students. HMMT February is attended by teams of eight students each.", "psg_id": "9777583" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "agencies of foreign governments) that prevented an economic catastrophe greater than the Great Depression. Bernanke was born in Augusta, Georgia, and was raised on East Jefferson Street in Dillon, South Carolina. His father Philip was a pharmacist and part-time theater manager. His mother Edna was an elementary school teacher. Bernanke has two younger siblings. His brother, Seth, is a lawyer in Charlotte, North Carolina. His sister, Sharon, is a longtime administrator at Berklee College of Music in Boston. The Bernankes were one of the few Jewish families in Dillon and attended Ohav Shalom, a local synagogue; Bernanke learned Hebrew as", "psg_id": "5051496" }, { "title": "Harvard-MIT Data Center", "text": "the HMDC continues to serve the social science community by providing technology support for research, education, and administration. Harvard-MIT Data Center The Harvard-MIT Data Center (HMDC) provides multi-disciplinary information technology support for social science research and education at Harvard and MIT. Established in the early 1960s the HMDC was meant to be the original data center for political and social science at Harvard University, and over time it has evolved into an information technology service provider that transcends many educational fields. The HMDC offers the following services: In the early 1960s the HMDC, originally known as the Government Data Center,", "psg_id": "17512434" }, { "title": "Harvard–MIT Program of Health Sciences and Technology", "text": "Harvard–MIT Program of Health Sciences and Technology The Harvard–MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology, or HST, is one of the oldest and largest biomedical engineering and physician-scientist training programs in the United States. It was founded in 1970 and is the longest-standing functional collaboration between Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). HST's interdisciplinary educational program brings engineering as well as the physical and biological sciences from the scientist's bench to the patient's bedside. Conversely, it brings clinical insight from the patient's bedside to the laboratory bench. In this way, HST students are trained to have deep", "psg_id": "7364655" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "covering both microeconomics and macroeconomics, coauthored with Robert H. Frank. Bernanke was the Director of the Monetary Economics Program of the National Bureau of Economic Research and the editor of the American Economic Review. He is among the 50 most published economists in the world according to IDEAS/RePEc. Bernanke is particularly interested in the economic and political causes of the Great Depression, on which he has published numerous academic journal articles. Before Bernanke's work, the dominant monetarist theory of the Great Depression was Milton Friedman's view that it had been largely caused by the Federal Reserve's having reduced the money", "psg_id": "5051515" }, { "title": "Harvard–MIT Mathematics Tournament", "text": "Harvard–MIT Mathematics Tournament The Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament (HMMT) is an annual high school math competition that started in 1998. The location of the tournament, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, alternates between Harvard University (November tournament) and MIT (February tournament). The contest is written and staffed almost entirely by Harvard and MIT students. HMMT February is attended by teams of eight students each. Teams can represent a single school, or a regional math team as large as a state. In recent years, teams have represented over 20 states, as well as Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America. HMMT February consists of three rounds:", "psg_id": "9777574" }, { "title": "MIT class ring", "text": "the most cherished symbols of an MIT education that is recognized worldwide. The Graduate Student ring, or \"Grad Rat\", is redesigned every five years when the production contract expires. The Grad Rat was essentially unchanged for 73 years until its first major redesign in 2003. Unlike the undergraduate ring, the Grad Rat design (starting with the 2003 design) is personalized according to the department in which the graduate student resides and to the degree to be received (i.e., PhD, ScD, SM, etc.). The \"third\" new Grad Rat design was unveiled in Fall 2013 with some controversial elements, such as the", "psg_id": "7347000" }, { "title": "Men at Birth", "text": "Men at Birth Men at Birth is an award-winning book from Australian writer David Vernon. The book is an edited anthology of birth experiences, written by men. The experiences described are diverse, ranging from caesarean births and VBAC births, to births that take place at home and in a birth centre or labour ward. Steve Biddulph stated: The book has caused some controversy with its view that men who are poorly prepared for birth should not attend the birth of their child, as it may make the birth more difficult for the woman. On 13 December 2007 \"Men at Birth\"", "psg_id": "8642612" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "communicating with the media. An advocate of more transparent Fed policy and clearer statements than Greenspan had made, he had to back away from his initial idea of stating clearer inflation goals as such statements tended to affect the stock market. Maria Bartiromo disclosed on CNBC comments from their private conversation at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner. She reported that Bernanke said investors had misinterpreted his comments as indicating that he was \"dovish\" on inflation. He was sharply criticized for making public statements about Fed direction, which he said was a \"lapse in judgment.\" As the \"Great Recession\" deepened,", "psg_id": "5051506" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "of the far right. ... I view myself now as a moderate independent, and I think that's where I'll stay.\" Bernanke favors reducing the U.S. budget deficit, particularly by reforming the Social Security and Medicare entitlement programs. During a speech delivered on April 7, 2010, he warned that the U.S. must soon develop a \"credible\" plan to address the pending funding crisis faced by \"entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare\" or \"in the longer run we will have neither financial stability nor healthy economic growth.\" Bernanke said that formulation of such a plan would help the economy now,", "psg_id": "5051525" }, { "title": "Barbara Grad", "text": "instructor at Carnegie Mellon University, before taking a tenured-track position in the fall at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana. After moving to New York, Grad joined the full-time faculty as a Professor at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MassArt) in 1981. She was the first woman to hold a tenure-track, full-time position teaching painting in MassArt’s Fine Arts 2D Department. Grad taught advanced drawing, painting, and an “Art in Boston” course that took students to local galleries and artist studios. She also served as the department’s Chairman (1997-2000) and Painting Coordinator (2011-2014). Grad retired as Professor Emerita", "psg_id": "20933303" }, { "title": "Mervyn King, Baron King of Lothbury", "text": "Cambridge University Liberal Club in 1968. After graduation, he worked as a researcher on the Cambridge Growth Project with future Nobel Laureate Richard Stone and Terry Barker at the University of Cambridge. He then taught at the University of Birmingham and was a visiting professor at Harvard and MIT where he shared an office with then Assistant Professor Ben Bernanke. From October 1984 he was Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics where he founded the Financial Markets Group. In 1981, he was one of the 364 economists who signed a letter to \"The Times\" condemning Geoffrey Howe's", "psg_id": "1818553" }, { "title": "Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences", "text": "applied mathematics (AB and as a secondary field). At the graduate level, the division offers SM, ME, and PhD options covering interdisciplinary research areas including applied mathematics, applied physics, bioengineering, chemical engineering, computational science and engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, environmental science and engineering, and mechanical engineering. In addition, graduate students may pursue collaborative options: Engineering and Physical Biology (with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences); Science, Technology and Management (joint with HBS); Medical Engineering and Medical Physics; (Harvard/MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology); and Systems Biology (with Harvard Medical School). Faculty number approximately eighty (73 FTEs) who account", "psg_id": "9958433" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "supply and has on several occasions argued that one of the biggest mistakes made during the period was to raise interest rates too early. In a speech on Milton Friedman's ninetieth birthday (November 8, 2002), Bernanke said: \"Let me end my talk by abusing slightly my status as an official representative of the Federal Reserve. I would like to say to Milton and Anna [Schwartz, Friedman's coauthor]: Regarding the Great Depression, you're right. We did it. We're very sorry. But thanks to you, we won't do it again.\" Bernanke has cited Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz in his decision to", "psg_id": "5051516" }, { "title": "Michael A. Cusumano", "text": "Michael A. Cusumano Michael A. Cusumano is the Sloan Management Review Distinguished Professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He is the former editor-in-chief and chairman of the \"MIT Sloan Management Review\". Cusumano earned his bachelor's degree from Princeton University, his PhD from Harvard University, and completed a postdoc at Harvard Business School. He is a widely cited scholar in business strategy and information technology. Cusumano also sits on the advisory board of H5, a firm specializing in electronic discovery for legal cases. He also holds Board position at Swipesumo Technologies Pvt Ltd, a payment processing company based in", "psg_id": "5788875" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "when it was near collapse. One of Mr. Quince's emails reads, \"We think they are days from failure. They think it is a temporary problem. This disconnect is dangerous.\" Upon the revelation of the Quince pseudonym during the Starr v. United States trial, \"The New York Times\" created a cocktail inspired by Mr. Bernanke's chosen alias: the \"Rye & Quince.\" Bernanke has given several lectures at the London School of Economics on monetary theory and policy. He has written two textbooks: an intermediate-level macroeconomics textbook coauthored with Andrew Abel (and also Dean Croushore in later editions) and an introductory textbook,", "psg_id": "5051514" }, { "title": "What We Saw from the Cheap Seats", "text": "possibility of real-world despair.\" \"What We Saw from the Cheap Seats\" has thus far debuted on at least nine national album charts. In the United States, the album debuted at No. 3, with sales of 42,000, a slight decrease from the opening of her previous album. The album has sold 174,000 copies in the United States as of September 2016. All songs written by Spektor except where noted. All credits for tracks one through eleven are listed in the album's booklet. What We Saw from the Cheap Seats What We Saw from the Cheap Seats is the sixth studio album", "psg_id": "16093731" }, { "title": "Bernanke doctrine", "text": "[t]his class of assets offers huge scope for Fed operations because the quantity of foreign assets eligible for purchase by the Fed is several times the stock of U.S. government debt.\"\" 7) Buy industries throughout the U.S. economy with \"newly created money\". In essence, the Federal Reserve acquires equity stakes in banks and financial institutions. In this \"private-asset option,\" the Treasury could issue trillions in debt and the Fed would acquire it, still using newly created money. Bernanke doctrine The Bernanke doctrine refers to measures, identified by Ben Bernanke while Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States", "psg_id": "12788361" }, { "title": "What Up with That", "text": "as himself. When Andre (Leon G. Thomas III) reveals that he will be hosting a party at Thompson's house, Rex the puppet sings part of the \"What Up with That\" theme song. In addition to these sketches, Diondre Cole, the backup dancer, and the saxophonist appeared in the monologue of the April 17, 2010 episode hosted by Ryan Phillippe, where he questions why MacGruber has a movie while he does not. What Up with That \"What Up with That?\" is a recurring sketch on the NBC television series \"Saturday Night Live\" which first aired in 2009. It stars Kenan Thompson", "psg_id": "14214547" }, { "title": "What We Saw from the Cheap Seats", "text": "What We Saw from the Cheap Seats What We Saw from the Cheap Seats is the sixth studio album by American alternative singer-songwriter Regina Spektor. On November 21, 2011, Spektor posted on her Facebook page that the album had been recorded with Mike Elizondo in Los Angeles during the summer of 2011. It was released on May 29, 2012. The album is a collection of new material along with the very first studio recordings of several of Spektor's older live songs. At the time of the album's release, \"Jessica\" was the only entirely new song. \"How\" and \"The Party\" had", "psg_id": "16093726" }, { "title": "Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology", "text": "production, machine processing of speech, language processing, voice disorders/laryngeal physiology, and vestibular physiology. There are about 50 faculty members in the SHBT program, most of which hold appointments at MIT or Harvard Medical School. The main laboratories are at MIT, Harvard, the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Children's Hospital, Boston University, and Northeastern University. Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology The Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology PhD program in the Harvard–MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology is an interdisciplinary training program designed to produce the next generation of pioneers in basic", "psg_id": "7631369" }, { "title": "Ilya Grad", "text": "boxer to legally enter Malaysia after being invited to participate in the AXN Asia reality show, \"The Challenger Muaythai\" featuring various Muay Thai fighters from different countries. Malaysia, a predominantly Muslim nation, officially bans Israelis from entering the country. When he arrived at Kuala Lumpur airport, Grad was detained for 25 hours, but was finally allowed to enter the country following the intervention of the Malaysian Minister of Sports. During his first bout, the show’s producers asked him to carry the Russian flag after his place of birth. He refused and stated that he would rather return home, after which", "psg_id": "16023699" }, { "title": "Greg Mankiw", "text": "Technology and a subsequent year studying at Harvard Law School. He worked as a staff economist for the Council of Economic Advisers from 1982–83, foreshadowing his later position as chairman of that organization. After leaving the Council, he earned his PhD in economics from MIT in 1984 under the supervision of Stanley Fischer. He returned to Harvard Law for a year but, having completed his PhD and realizing he was better at economics, he left to teach at MIT for a year and then became an assistant professor of economics at Harvard University in 1985. He was promoted to full", "psg_id": "2617947" }, { "title": "Sabrina Gonzalez Pasterski", "text": "accepted to MIT. Though she graduated from MIT in only three years, she did not enter with any previous college credits. Pasterski was initially denied December 2009 for early admission. March 2010, she was waitlisted to MIT, but unfortunately rejected from Harvard a month later. A Harvard Nobel Laureate offered her a lab position at Harvard Physics for Professor Lene Hau. With the help of 2 Nobel Laureates, a “Guggenheim Medal winner, a Secretary of the Air Force, and MITei’s Peggy Udden, she was admitted to MIT of the waitlist, and offered admission into their grad program. One day after,", "psg_id": "19274168" }, { "title": "Bin He", "text": "received his BS in 1982 in electrical engineering, from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. He later went to study in Japan and obtained his M.S. in electrical engineering and PhD (highest honors) in bioelectrical engineering from the Tokyo Institute of Technology. He did his postdoctoral study at Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology in United States. After working as a Research Scientist at MIT, he later joined the faculty of Electrical Engineering and Bioengineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where He was named a University Scholar by the university president. In January 2004, He became the Professor of", "psg_id": "13003879" }, { "title": "Hold come what may", "text": "such central portions of the web of beliefs would have immense, ramifying consequences, and affect many other beliefs. It is better to alter auxiliary beliefs around the edges of the web of beliefs (considered to be sense beliefs, rather than main beliefs) in the face of new evidence unfriendly to one's central principles. Thus, while one might agree that there is no belief one can hold come what may, there are some for which there is ample practical ground to \"hold more stubbornly at least\". Hold come what may Hold come what may is a phrase popularized by logician Willard", "psg_id": "164906" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "said, \"I never said anything about firing the board and the management [of Bank of America].\" In further testimony, Bernanke said the Fed did nothing illegal or unethical in its efforts to convince Bank of America not to end the merger. Lewis told the panel that authorities expressed \"strong views\" but said he would not characterize their stance as improper. According to a January 26, 2010, column in \"The Huffington Post\", a whistleblower has disclosed documents providing troubling details' of Bernanke's role in the AIG bailout\". Republican Senator Jim Bunning of Kentucky said on CNBC that he had seen documents", "psg_id": "5051512" }, { "title": "Hold That Blonde", "text": "part was a favorite of Lake's because it represented a change of pace for her (\"it's a comedy, rather what Carole Lombard used to do\") and she liked working with George Marshall, calling him \"splendid... he's lots of fun, acts out the scenes himself,\" she said. Hold That Blonde Hold That Blonde is a 1945 American comedy film directed by George Marshall. It stars Eddie Bracken and Veronica Lake. Bracken plays a kleptomaniac who unwittingly becomes involved with a gang of jewel thieves, including a beautiful woman, Sally, whom he promptly falls in love with, initially unaware of her true", "psg_id": "15436777" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "downturn, banks are likely to significantly cut back lending and other risky ventures. This further hurts the economy, creating a vicious cycle and potentially turning a mild recession into a major depression. Economist Brad DeLong, who had previously advocated his own theory for the Great Depression, notes that the current financial crisis has raised the pertinence of Bernanke's theory. In 2002, following coverage of concerns about deflation in the business news, Bernanke gave a speech about the topic. In that speech, he mentioned that the government in a fiat money system owns the physical means of creating money and to", "psg_id": "5051518" }, { "title": "Traditions and student activities at MIT", "text": "performs at a variety of other on-campus events. It released its first album titled Syncopasian in 2011. The \"MIT International Review\" (\"MITIR\") is an interdisciplinary journal of international affairs published by MIT. The aim of the publication is to \"foster solution-oriented discourse about international problems. This periodic publication reports on results from recent and ongoing Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) projects. \"Ergo\" was a student-run newspaper, based at MIT, but distributed and staffed by people from other colleges in the Boston area as well, primarily Harvard University and Boston University. It was started in 1969 as a conservative-libertarian alternative to", "psg_id": "9478209" }, { "title": "2012–13 FK Sloboda Mrkonjić Grad season", "text": "2012–13 FK Sloboda Mrkonjić Grad season The 2012–13 season is FK Sloboda 3rd season in First League of the Republika Srpska. This article shows player statistics and all matches (official and friendly) that the club have and will play during the 2012–13 season. Includes all competitive matches. The list is sorted by shirt number when total goals are equal. \"For recent transfers, see List of Bosnian football transfers summer 2012 and List of Bosnian football transfers winter 2012–13\" Darko Nestorović Sloboda Mrkonjić Grad will participate in the 2nd Republika Srpska Cup starting in the Round of 32. Sloboda Mrkonjić Grad", "psg_id": "16659762" }, { "title": "Tal Ben-Shahar", "text": "Tal Ben-Shahar Tal Ben-Shahar (Hebrew: טל בן-שחר, also known as Tal David Ben-Shachar) born 1970, is an American and Israeli teacher, and writer in the areas of positive psychology and leadership. As a lecturer at Harvard University, Ben-Shahar created the most popular course in Harvard's history. He has subsequently written several best-selling books and in 2011 co-founded Potentialife with Angus Ridgway, a company that provides leadership programs based on the science of behavioral change to organisations, schools and sports organisations globally. Ben-Shahar received his PhD in Organizational Behavior from Harvard University. His dissertation, completed in 2004, was titled \"Restoring Self-Esteem's", "psg_id": "8321645" }, { "title": "Harvard/MIT Cooperative Society", "text": "program of talks and book signings focussed on local authors, but also including speakers from around the world. Only students, faculty, alumni and employees of MIT, Harvard, and the personnel of the hospitals affiliated with the Harvard Medical School are eligible to join. Membership cost $1 annually in 1882, and this fee has not been increased. Members may also purchase a Coop Diary, a little black combination pocket diary, academic year calendar, and address book. The Coop traditionally has disbursed its annual profits as a rebate to members in October of each year. , the rebate program has been replaced", "psg_id": "11256248" }, { "title": "Men at Birth", "text": "was the winner of the ACT Writing and Publishing Awards for Best Non-fiction Book of the Year. The award was made by Jon Stanhope. Men at Birth Men at Birth is an award-winning book from Australian writer David Vernon. The book is an edited anthology of birth experiences, written by men. The experiences described are diverse, ranging from caesarean births and VBAC births, to births that take place at home and in a birth centre or labour ward. Steve Biddulph stated: The book has caused some controversy with its view that men who are poorly prepared for birth should not", "psg_id": "8642613" }, { "title": "Traditions and student activities at MIT", "text": "topics include: offensive sexual references; mocking the MIT administration; lambasting Harvard University, Wellesley College, Simmons College and other colleges in the region; excruciatingly hilarious science puns; and disgusting sexual references. The concert is usually about 2½ hours long, with a mixture of skits, songs, and general hilarity. The MIT/Wellesley Toons are a cross-campus, co-ed college a cappella singing group. Founded in 1990, the group takes its members from both the undergraduate and graduate students of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the undergraduates of Wellesley College. The group performs several times each year at free concerts on both campuses, as", "psg_id": "9478200" }, { "title": "Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences", "text": "the arrangement with MIT was cancelled due to a decision by the State Judicial Court, so Harvard University President Abbott Lawrence Lowell moved to establish the Harvard Engineering School independently instead. In 1934, the School began offering graduate-level and professional programs in engineering. During World War II, Harvard participated in the V-12 Navy College Training Program to provide training for commissioned officers. In 1942 the undergraduate Department of Engineering Sciences changed to the Department of Engineering Sciences and Applied Physics to reflect an increased emphasis on applied physics. President James Bryant Conant created what was known as \"Conant's Arsenal\", a", "psg_id": "9958428" }, { "title": "Traditions and student activities at MIT", "text": "Eddington Medal winner for theoretical astrophysics, and Edward Farhi, winner of numerous MIT teaching awards. A De Lorean DMC-12, the car featured in the \"Back to the Future\" trilogy, was also on display, near the \"landing pad\" located at the exact coordinates advertised. The convention inspired a full-length musical entitled \"The Time Travelers Convention\", in which three college students, who all want to change their pasts, hold a convention in the hopes that they will be able to borrow an attendee's time machine. Although the school in the musical is not MIT, MIT is mentioned twice, once by name and", "psg_id": "9478174" }, { "title": "Traditions and student activities at MIT", "text": "Majestic Theatre in Boston, competing against the Tufts Beelzebubs, Brandeis VoiceMale, and the Harvard Low Keys. \"Natural\" features cover songs performed and recorded by the '04–05 and '05–06 members of the MIT Logarhythms. The tracks were recorded at MIT at the Logarhythms' studio. Tracks were subsequently mixed by producer John Clark. \"Part-Time Lover\" soloist Chris Vu won a 2007 CARA award as Best Male Collegiate Soloist. \"Such Great Heights\" received a 2007 CARA nomination for Best Male Collegiate Song. \"Soundproof\" features cover songs performed and recorded by the '02–03 and '03–04 members of the MIT Logarhythms. The tracks were recorded", "psg_id": "9478196" }, { "title": "Harvard–MIT Mathematics Tournament", "text": "contests. The contest organizers state that, \"HMMT, arguably one of the most difficult math competitions in the United States, is geared toward students who can comfortably and confidently solve 6 to 8 problems correctly on the American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME).\" As with most high school competitions, knowledge of calculus is not required; however, calculus may be necessary to solve a select few of the more difficult problems on the Individual Rounds. The results of HMMT February can be seen below: HMMT November has been held since 2008, alternately at MIT and Harvard, for teams of six students. Students are", "psg_id": "9777581" }, { "title": "I Saw What I Saw", "text": "I Saw\" ranked first for the night, beating out CBS's \"Survivor\", \"The Mentalist\", and \"\". In addition to placing at the top of the night for viewership, its 5.6/14 Nielsen rating ranked first in its 9:00 Eastern time-slot and the entire night, for both the rating and share percentages of the key 18–49 demographic, beating out \"Survivor\", NBC's \"The Office\" and \"30 Rock\", and ABC's \"Flash Forward\". In comparison to the previous episode's rating, \"I Saw What I Saw\" showed an increase, with the former garnering a 5.0/13 rating/share in the 18–49 demographic. \"BuddyTV\" gave a largely positive review saying,", "psg_id": "13923116" }, { "title": "Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at MIT", "text": "Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at MIT Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at MIT (revised edition, 2011) () is a book which presents a historical catalog of some of the best-known MIT hacks (technically sophisticated practical jokes) as well as a series of essays reflecting on the cultural significance of hacks. MIT is one of the most selective university in the United States, with a long-standing hacker tradition. \"Nightwork\" combines \"The Journal of the Institute for Hacks, TomFoolery, and Pranks at MIT\" (J. IHTFP) with \"Is This The Way To Baker House?\" and new elements. The", "psg_id": "6906021" }, { "title": "Harvard–MIT Mathematics Tournament", "text": "prior to the tournament. Some of these events include a dinner and social for students and coaches, and Mini-Events such as math talks about famous problems and math-related games. The top 50 competitors at HMMT February are also invited to compete in the Harvard MIT Invitational Competition (HMIC) which is a five-question four-hour proof contest started in 2013. The grading scheme for this has changed in the two years that it has been running but the problems both years have been quite difficult with competitors fully solving three problems being extremely highly ranked. HMMT February uses a unique scoring algorithm", "psg_id": "9777578" }, { "title": "Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy", "text": "with that fiscal policy. According to Stiglitz, Obama's decision to stick with both Ben Bernanke and Larry Summers, is sufficient proof for the president's refusal to alter the course. However, not all of Stiglitz's criticism is aimed at the White House, as he also attacks the Federal Reserve under the leadership of first Alan Greenspan and then Ben Bernanke. Moreover, he mentions the danger of economic interconnectedness and globalization, stating that by \"purchasing enormous amounts of U.S. debt in the form of T-bills and treasury issuances, the Chinese have helped to maintain artificially low interest rates and the accompanying American", "psg_id": "17359400" }, { "title": "2012–13 FK Sloboda Mrkonjić Grad season", "text": "will participate in the 1st Republika Srpska Cup starting in the Round of 32. 2012–13 FK Sloboda Mrkonjić Grad season The 2012–13 season is FK Sloboda 3rd season in First League of the Republika Srpska. This article shows player statistics and all matches (official and friendly) that the club have and will play during the 2012–13 season. Includes all competitive matches. The list is sorted by shirt number when total goals are equal. \"For recent transfers, see List of Bosnian football transfers summer 2012 and List of Bosnian football transfers winter 2012–13\" Darko Nestorović Sloboda Mrkonjić Grad will participate in", "psg_id": "16659763" }, { "title": "MIT Sloan School of Management", "text": "Engineering, the MIT School of Science, and the MIT Department of Economics. A special joint degree program with the School of Engineering is the Leaders for Global Operations program, where students concurrently complete an MBA and a Master of Science in Engineering. MIT also collaborates extensively with Harvard University, and students at each institution often pursue simultaneous degrees at the other. MIT Sloan students can freely cross-register for courses at Harvard Business School, and vice versa—the only leading business schools to have such an agreement. As a result, a number of courses have been created at each institution that regularly", "psg_id": "1770138" }, { "title": "Ilya Grad", "text": "for jeering him and informed him that they thought he had won the fight. In April 2012, \"Shalom Life\" ranked him Number 1 on its list of “the 50 most talented, intelligent, funny, and gorgeous Jewish men in the world.” Ilya Grad Ilya Grad is an Israeli Muay Thai boxing champion. His current professional record stands at 35 wins with 16 knockouts, 13 losses and no draws. In 2010 he was considered one of the eight best amateur Muai Thai boxers in the world. In February 2012, Grad won the WCK international title in China, In January 2013 the I-1", "psg_id": "16023702" }, { "title": "Fries with That?", "text": "seem to vary from the rest of the cast, as most often, she appears during her off hours, mostly to antagonize Ben. She loves to annoy Ben, and tried to take his job when Ben faked his death. Eddie is not part of the main crew, but rather an employee that transports the supplies from the warehouse to the restaurant. He is portrayed as a simpleton, but rather showed some signs of intelligence when he got 100% on all of his provincial exams without cheating. He often replies \"____? I'm super good at _____\" whenever anyone mentions something they have", "psg_id": "4620911" }, { "title": "Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ", "text": "to drive the sheik's chariot, as he intends to defeat Messala and humiliate him before the Roman Empire. Balthasar and his daughter Iras are sitting at a fountain in the stadium. Messala's chariot nearly hits them, but Judah intervenes. Balthasar thanks Ben-Hur and presents him with a gift. Judah heads to Sheik Ilderim's tent. The servant Malluch accompanies him, and they talk about the Christ; Malluch relates Balthasar's story of the magi. They realize that Judah saved the man who saw the Christ soon after his birth. Simonides, his daughter Esther, and Malluch talk together, and conclude that Judah is", "psg_id": "4361369" }, { "title": "Ilya Grad", "text": "Ilya Grad Ilya Grad is an Israeli Muay Thai boxing champion. His current professional record stands at 35 wins with 16 knockouts, 13 losses and no draws. In 2010 he was considered one of the eight best amateur Muai Thai boxers in the world. In February 2012, Grad won the WCK international title in China, In January 2013 the I-1 WMC world professional title in Hong Kong and in April WMC title in Singapore. Grad also made history by being the first known Israeli boxer to enter Malaysia under his Israeli passport. Grad attributes much of his success to martial", "psg_id": "16023697" }, { "title": "The Birth of a Nation", "text": "title-cards, while Stanley Corkin complains that Griffith \"masks his idea of fact in the rhetoric of high art and free expression\" and creates film which \"erodes the very ideal\" of liberty which he asserts. For many years, \"The Birth of a Nation\" was poorly represented in home media and restorations. This stemmed from several factors, one of which was the fact that Griffith and others had frequently reworked the film, leaving no definitive version. According to the silent film website \"Brenton Film\", many home media releases of the film consisted of \"poor quality DVDs with different edits, scores, running speeds", "psg_id": "33783" }, { "title": "Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at MIT", "text": "\"author\" of \"Nightwork\" is listed as \"Institute Historian T. F. Peterson\", which is a reference to the MIT cultural acronym IHTFP. Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at MIT Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at MIT (revised edition, 2011) () is a book which presents a historical catalog of some of the best-known MIT hacks (technically sophisticated practical jokes) as well as a series of essays reflecting on the cultural significance of hacks. MIT is one of the most selective university in the United States, with a long-standing hacker tradition. \"Nightwork\" combines \"The Journal of the Institute", "psg_id": "6906022" }, { "title": "The purpose of a system is what it does", "text": "be balanced by a more straightforwardly descriptive view. The term is used in many fields including biology and management. The purpose of a system is what it does The purpose of a system is what it does (POSIWID) is a systems thinking heuristic coined by Stafford Beer. Stafford Beer coined the term POSIWID and used it many times in public addresses. In his address to the University of Valladolid, Spain, in October 2001, he said \"According to the cybernetician, the purpose of a system is what it does. This is a basic dictum. It stands for bald fact, which makes", "psg_id": "11958748" }, { "title": "The purpose of a system is what it does", "text": "The purpose of a system is what it does The purpose of a system is what it does (POSIWID) is a systems thinking heuristic coined by Stafford Beer. Stafford Beer coined the term POSIWID and used it many times in public addresses. In his address to the University of Valladolid, Spain, in October 2001, he said \"According to the cybernetician, the purpose of a system is what it does. This is a basic dictum. It stands for bald fact, which makes a better starting point in seeking understanding than the familiar attributions of good intention, prejudices about expectations, moral judgment,", "psg_id": "11958746" }, { "title": "Slap Bang with Ant & Dec", "text": "a soap opera actor, made a soap opera out of the whole thing when Ant and Dec kept getting his name wrong. This was evident when he got back up and snapped at Dec after lying on the floor, after Dec appeared to have killed him with a gun. Slap Bang with Ant & Dec Slap Bang with Ant & Dec is a television programme that was shown in the United Kingdom on ITV in 2001. It was presented by Ant & Dec. The show ran for 6 episodes (shown weekly, on Saturdays). The title is \"Slap Bang\" because, as", "psg_id": "8723439" }, { "title": "Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences", "text": "University) to declare in 1854: While the School initially thrived, by the latter decades of the 19th century the institution faced increasing competition from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, founded in 1861) and was constrained by the uncertain views about its role and status by the long-serving Harvard President Charles William Eliot. Eliot was involved in at least five unsuccessful attempts to absorb his former employer (MIT) into Harvard. As a result of such uncertainty, the Lawrence Scientific School became less of an independent entity, losing its influence and students to other parts of College and University. In 1891 industrialist", "psg_id": "9958426" }, { "title": "Grad, Grad", "text": "Grad, Grad Grad (; formerly \"Gornja Lendava\", ) is a village in the Municipality of Grad in the Prekmurje region of northeastern Slovenia. It is the seat of the municipality and is the largest and oldest settlement in the Goričko region. Grad was first mentioned in written sources as \"Lyndwa\", and later as \"Gornja Lendava\" (literally 'upper Lendava', contrasting with \"Dolnja Lendava\", literally 'lower Lendava'). The name of the settlement was changed from \"Gornja Lendava\" to \"Grad\" in 1952. Grad means 'castle' in Slovene and refers to the castle dating from the late 12th century strategically situated on a hill", "psg_id": "16294041" }, { "title": "What I Saw and How I Lied", "text": "What I Saw and How I Lied What I Saw and How I Lied is a novel for young adults written by Judy Blundell and published by Scholastic in 2008. It won the annual U.S. National Book Award for Young People's Literature. \"What I Saw and How I Lied\" is historical fiction set in the United States after World War II. Scholastic recommends it for age 13+. The audiobook edition, narrated by Caitlin Greer, appeared on the Young Adult Library Services Association Amazing Audiobooks for Young Adults list in 2011. WHAT I SAW AND HOW I LIED, a film noir", "psg_id": "13550892" }, { "title": "Traditions and student activities at MIT", "text": "universities would designate as \"Physics 101\" is, at MIT, \"8.01.\" For brevity, course number designations are pronounced without the decimal point and by replacing \"oh\" for zero (unless zero is the last number). Thus, \"8.01\" is pronounced \"eight oh one\", \"2.009\" is pronounced \"two double oh nine\", and \"5.60\" would be pronounced \"five sixty\". The \"Smoot\" is a traditional unit of measuring length on the Harvard Bridge, which despite its name, connects MIT to Boston's Back Bay neighborhood, across the Charles River. Independent Activities Period is a four-week-long inter-semester \"term\" offering hundreds of optional classes, lectures, demonstrations, and other activities", "psg_id": "9478161" }, { "title": "Michael A. Cusumano", "text": "India. He became a Vice President of the Tokyo University of Science. Michael A. Cusumano Michael A. Cusumano is the Sloan Management Review Distinguished Professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He is the former editor-in-chief and chairman of the \"MIT Sloan Management Review\". Cusumano earned his bachelor's degree from Princeton University, his PhD from Harvard University, and completed a postdoc at Harvard Business School. He is a widely cited scholar in business strategy and information technology. Cusumano also sits on the advisory board of H5, a firm specializing in electronic discovery for legal cases. He also holds Board", "psg_id": "5788876" }, { "title": "Aleksander Grad", "text": "Aleksander Grad Aleksander Grad (born 1 May 1962 in Łosiniec, Tomaszów Lubelski County) is a Polish politician. He graduated from the Industrial Geodesy Department at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow. He was elected to the Sejm on 25 September 2005, receiving 13 680 votes in 15 Tarnów district as a candidate on the Civic Platform list. He has been the Minister of State Treasury since November 2007. He was also a member of Sejm 2001-2005. Currently he is a head of the PGE PEJ1 (Polish energy company with some links to maybe projected in long future", "psg_id": "8199787" }, { "title": "Sheila Kennedy (architect)", "text": "Harvard University in 1985. From Harvard, she won the SOM National Traveling Fellowship. Kennedy was an associate professor at Harvard University's Graduate school of Design from 1991 to 1995. She is currently the Professor of the Practice of Architecture at MIT, the first woman to hold that position. Kennedy is the principal and founder of Kennedy & Violich Architecture (KVA) in Boston. KVA was founded in 1990. When the firm started, it was just her and her partner, Juan Frano Violich, who she met in graduate school. The firm is still small, with about 13 members. In 1993, Kennedy created", "psg_id": "19085598" }, { "title": "Caltech–MIT rivalry", "text": "a weather balloon labeled \"MIT\" at the 50-yard line at the Harvard/Yale football game in 1982. Pranks at the two institutions are seen as a way to relax from the stress of the notoriously rigorous academics of each. Both Caltech and MIT have a set of pranking ethics, stating that pranks should be reversible and not cause permanent damage, and emphasize creativity and originality. In recent years, pranking has been officially encouraged by Tom Mannion, Caltech's Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs and Campus Life. \"The grand old days of pranking have gone away at Caltech, and that's what we", "psg_id": "16650082" }, { "title": "Harvard–MIT Mathematics Tournament", "text": "required to come from the United States to participate, and no student may compete in both November and February in a given school year. The tournament is similar in style to HMMT February, and is organized by the same Harvard and MIT students. Instead of three topic tests, HMMT November has two Individual Rounds: a General Test (ten questions from Algebra, Geometry, and Combinatorics) and a Theme Test (ten questions, many of which are tied together by a common theme). Additionally, the Team Round is entirely short answer, instead of proof-based. HMMT November is considered to be an easier alternative", "psg_id": "9777582" }, { "title": "Hacks at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology", "text": "hackers as \"unimaginative\" or \"boring\". Often the target of a hack is an abstract concept (e.g. bureaucracy or \"political correctness\", or entropy), and the prank may or may not be aimed at any specific individual. Even when an individual is targeted (e.g. the \"disappearing office\" of newly arrived MIT President Charles Vest), the jest is good-natured, often eliciting admiration rather than anger from the \"victim\". Writers for the third-party, independent Internet prankster site \"Zug\" once compared humorous responses at MIT and Harvard, by posting similar banners over main entrances to their respective campuses which proclaimed \"Institute of Nowlege\". Regarding Harvard,", "psg_id": "7538099" }, { "title": "Hold That Kiss", "text": "found her out instead. Outraged by what she thinks are insults aimed at her family, she breaks up with him. Aunt Lucy recognizes Tommy and sets her niece straight. June shows up at Tommy's workplace and gives him a hard time, pretending to be a potential customer. When she leaves, Tommy sees her get into a delivery van with her employer's name on it. Realizing the truth, he goes to her workplace and returns the favor, forcing her to model dress after dress. In the end though, they decide to restart their relationship afresh. Hold That Kiss Hold That Kiss", "psg_id": "13923447" }, { "title": "What I Saw: Reports from Berlin, 1920-1933", "text": "a landscape of moral bankruptcy and debauched beauty, a memorable portrait of a city at a critical moment in history.\" The volume is divided into nine sections: What I Saw, The Jewish Quarter, Displaced Persons, Traffic, Berlin Under Construction, Bourgeoisie and Bohemians, Berlin's Pleasure Industry, An Apolitical Observer Goes to the Reichstag, and Look Back in Anger. What I Saw: Reports from Berlin, 1920-1933 What I Saw: Reports from Berlin, 1920-1933 is a book of reportage by the Austrian writer Joseph Roth from the era of the Weimar Republic. The selection of pieces from Roth's large journalistic output was made", "psg_id": "15429706" }, { "title": "What She Does Best", "text": "What She Does Best What She Does Best is a studio album by country singer Lynn Anderson, released in 1988. It was her only album with Mercury records. Notable due to featuring her last charting single, \"What She Does Best\" did not chart and was commercially unsuccessful. It would be her last album for four years, as Anderson went into a brief retirement and officially retired from releasing singles. The singles from this disc were \"Under the Boardwalk\" (a cover version of The Drifters' hit), \"What He Does Best\", and \"How Many Hearts\". \"Under the Boardwalk\" reached No. 24; the", "psg_id": "10945153" }, { "title": "What the Dog Saw", "text": "the difference between early and late bloomers to criminal profiling. \"What the Dog Saw\" was met with mainly positive reviews. It received profiles in many high-profile publications, including the \"New York Times\", \"The Guardian\", \"Time Magazine\", \"The Los Angeles Times\" and \"The Independent\". In particular, Gladwell was praised for his writing and storytelling, and reviewers looked upon the essay format positively, with \"The Guardian\" stating \"one virtue of What the Dog Saw is that the pieces are perfectly crafted: they achieve their purpose more effectively when they aren't stretched out.\" \"What The Dog Saw\" was criticized for its use of", "psg_id": "13945105" } ]
[ "federal reserve chairman", "fed chief", "chairman of the fed", "fed chairmanship", "fed chairman", "fed chair", "federal reserve chairman", "list of chairmen of the federal reserve", "federal reserve board chairman", "chairman of the federal reserve", "chairman of the federal reserve board", "chairman of the board of governors of the united states federal reserve", "director of the federal reserve", "fed chair", "list of chair of the federal reserve", "chairman of the board of governors of the federal reserve system", "federal reserve board chairman", "chairman of the federal reserve", "fed chief", "chair of the federal reserve", "chairman of the fed", "fed chairman", "list of the chairman of the federal reserve", "chairman of the united states federal reserve" ]
on december 14, 1911, norwegian roald amundsen became the first person to visit where?
[ { "title": "Roald Amundsen", "text": "Ikuallaq's DNA to that of other European members of Amundsen's crew. Works by Amundsen Roald Amundsen Roald Engelbregt Gravning Amundsen (; ; 16 July 1872 – c. 18 June 1928) was a Norwegian explorer of polar regions. As the leader of the Antarctic expedition of 1910–12, which was the first to reach the South Pole, on 14 December 1911, he was a key figure of the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. In 1926, he was the first leader for the air expedition to the North Pole, making him the first person, without dispute, to reach both poles. He is also", "psg_id": "354774" } ]
[ { "title": "MS Roald Amundsen", "text": "MS Roald Amundsen MS \"Roald Amundsen\" is an upcoming new hybrid powered Hurtigruten (Norwegian Coastal Express) expedition cruise ship. She will be built by Kleven Yards of Norway and is expected to be launched in 2018. She and her sistership will be the first hybrid powered ships in the Hurtigruten fleet. Roald Amundsen was launched on February 17, 2018. In late February 2018, Hurtigruten announced that the company wouldn't take delivery of Roald Amundsen until 2019 because of amid problems at the shipyard. In 2019, the ship will offer expedition sailings along Norway’s coast. Besides, MS \"Roald Amundsen\" will become", "psg_id": "19838715" }, { "title": "MS Roald Amundsen", "text": "the first hybrid ship to sail the Northwest Passage. MS Roald Amundsen MS \"Roald Amundsen\" is an upcoming new hybrid powered Hurtigruten (Norwegian Coastal Express) expedition cruise ship. She will be built by Kleven Yards of Norway and is expected to be launched in 2018. She and her sistership will be the first hybrid powered ships in the Hurtigruten fleet. Roald Amundsen was launched on February 17, 2018. In late February 2018, Hurtigruten announced that the company wouldn't take delivery of Roald Amundsen until 2019 because of amid problems at the shipyard. In 2019, the ship will offer expedition sailings", "psg_id": "19838716" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen (ship)", "text": "tall ship by Sail Training International. Roald Amundsen (ship) Roald Amundsen (often abbreviated Roald; named in honor of Norwegian polar explorer Roald Amundsen), originally named Vilm, is a German steel-ship built on the Elbe River in 1952. Having worked in different areas, she was refitted in 1992 to 1993 as a brig (two-masted square-rigged sailing ship) and now serves as a sail training ship. During summer, she usually operates in the Baltic Sea, and usually embarks for journeys to farther destinations for winter, including several trans-Atlantic crossings. \"Roald Amundsen\" has a length overall of , a length of hull of", "psg_id": "17428229" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen (ship)", "text": "Roald Amundsen (ship) Roald Amundsen (often abbreviated Roald; named in honor of Norwegian polar explorer Roald Amundsen), originally named Vilm, is a German steel-ship built on the Elbe River in 1952. Having worked in different areas, she was refitted in 1992 to 1993 as a brig (two-masted square-rigged sailing ship) and now serves as a sail training ship. During summer, she usually operates in the Baltic Sea, and usually embarks for journeys to farther destinations for winter, including several trans-Atlantic crossings. \"Roald Amundsen\" has a length overall of , a length of hull of and a waterline length of .", "psg_id": "17428221" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen", "text": "Arctic. In June 1928, while taking part in a rescue mission for the airship \"Italia\", the plane in which he was a passenger disappeared. Amundsen was born to a family of Norwegian shipowners and captains in Borge, between the towns Fredrikstad and Sarpsborg. His parents were Jens Amundsen and Hanna Sahlqvist. Roald was the fourth son in the family. His mother wanted him to avoid the family maritime trade and encouraged him to become a doctor, a promise that Amundsen kept until his mother died when he was aged 21. He promptly quit university for a life at sea. Amundsen", "psg_id": "354748" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen (ship)", "text": "which comprised the refitting of this ship as well as other sailing ships and . In 1993, the ship was put to its new use under the name of \"Roald Amundsen\". It was chartered by the newly founded sail training club \"LebenLernen auf Segelschiffen e.V.\" (short: LLaS; German: learning to live on sailing ships). After a short intermezzo with another sail-training club, \"Segelschiff Fritjof Nansen e.V.\", in 1993, \"Roald Amundsen\" has since been chartered by the LLaS and used for sail training. \"Roald Amundsen\" now operates all year around as a sail training vessel with voyages lasting between one and", "psg_id": "17428226" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen", "text": "arrived at the eastern edge of the Ross Ice Shelf (then known as \"the Great Ice Barrier\"), at a large inlet called the Bay of Whales, on 14 January 1911. Amundsen established his base camp there, calling it \"Framheim.\" Amundsen eschewed the heavy wool clothing worn on earlier Antarctic attempts in favour of adopting Inuit-style furred skins. Using skis and dog sleds for transportation, Amundsen and his men created supply depots at 80°, 81° and 82° South on the Barrier, along a line directly south to the Pole. Amundsen also planned to kill some of his dogs on the way", "psg_id": "354756" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen (ship)", "text": "The vessel has a beam of and a maximum draft of . \"Roald\"s masts reach a height of and are rigged with 18 sails with a total area of . The vessel has a displacement of 480 tons and has a tonnage of . \"Roald Amundsen\" has an 8-cylinder Buckau-Wolff diesel engine rated at . The vessel is equipped with two generators, one of , the other of . The ship can carry 180 tons of ballast. \"Roald Amundsen\" has crew of 17 with up to 31 trainees embarked. The hull of the ship was built at the shipyard \"Roßlauer", "psg_id": "17428222" }, { "title": "Roald Dahl", "text": "children include \"James and the Giant Peach\", \"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory\", \"Matilda\", \"The Witches\", \"Fantastic Mr Fox\", \"The BFG\", \"The Twits\" and \"George's Marvellous Medicine\". His adult works include \"Tales of the Unexpected\". Roald Dahl was born in 1916 at Villa Marie, Fairwater Road, in Llandaff, Cardiff, Wales, to Norwegian parents, Harald Dahl and Sofie Magdalene Dahl (\"née\" Hesselberg). Dahl's father had emigrated to the UK from Sarpsborg in Norway, and settled in Cardiff in the 1880s. His mother came over and married his father in 1911. Dahl was named after the Norwegian polar explorer Roald Amundsen. His first", "psg_id": "658548" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen (ship)", "text": "voyage in 2010, \"Roald Amundsen\" visited the Great Lakes and there met with the US brig ; the two brigs formed an unofficial friendship, and as of 2013, \"Roald Amundsen\" still flies a flag of \"Niagara\" at some occasions such as the Tall Ship Parade at Kiel Week. Another friendship, based on their respective crews on board for Kiel Week, has been formed with the German wooden schooner \"Amphitrite\"; both ships have established a tradition of berthing next to each other during the event. The ship has participated in the Tall Ships' Races and is rated as a Class A", "psg_id": "17428228" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen", "text": "and signed it \"Your loyal subject, Roald Amundsen.\" The crew returned to Oslo in November 1906, after almost 3.5 years abroad. It took until 1972 to have the \"Gjøa\" returned to Norway. After a 45-day trip from San Francisco on a bulk carrier, the \"Gjøa\" was placed in her current location on land, outside the Fram Museum in Oslo. Amundsen next planned to take an expedition to the North Pole and explore the Arctic Basin. Finding it difficult to raise funds, when he heard in 1909 that the Americans Frederick Cook and Robert Peary had claimed to reach the North", "psg_id": "354754" }, { "title": "Per-Willy Amundsen", "text": "Per-Willy Amundsen Per-Willy Trudvang Amundsen (born 21 January 1971) is a Norwegian politician for the Progress Party who served as Minister of Justice from December 2016 to January 2018. He previously served as state secretary in the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development from 2013, and represented Troms in the Norwegian parliament from 2005 until 2013. Amundsen was born in Harstad to construction and real estate chief Per Roald Amundsen (born 1949) and health secretary Wenche Berit Trudvang (born 1949). He attended Kanebogen elementary school, finishing in 1984, before enrolling in Harstad Secondary school, graduating in 1987. He later", "psg_id": "11150501" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen", "text": "crashed in fog in the Barents Sea, and that Amundsen and his crew were killed in the crash, or died shortly afterward. The search for Amundsen and team was called off in September 1928 by the Norwegian Government and the bodies were never found. In 2004 and in late August 2009, the Royal Norwegian Navy used the unmanned submarine \"Hugin 1000\" to search for the wreckage of Amundsen's plane. The searches focused on a area of the sea floor, and were documented by the German production company ContextTV. They found nothing from the Amundsen flight. A number of places have", "psg_id": "354771" }, { "title": "Amundsen Sea", "text": "post 1957–58 IGY period. Amundsen Sea The Amundsen Sea, an arm of the Southern Ocean off Marie Byrd Land in western Antarctica, lies between Cape Flying Fish (the northwestern tip of Thurston Island) to the east and Cape Dart on Siple Island to the west. Cape Flying Fish marks the boundary between the Amundsen Sea and the Bellingshausen Sea. West of Cape Dart there is no named marginal sea of the Southern Ocean between the Amundsen and Ross Seas. The Norwegian expedition of 1928–1929 under Captain Nils Larsen named the body of water for the Norwegian polar explorer Roald Amundsen", "psg_id": "2859086" }, { "title": "Amundsen Sea", "text": "Amundsen Sea The Amundsen Sea, an arm of the Southern Ocean off Marie Byrd Land in western Antarctica, lies between Cape Flying Fish (the northwestern tip of Thurston Island) to the east and Cape Dart on Siple Island to the west. Cape Flying Fish marks the boundary between the Amundsen Sea and the Bellingshausen Sea. West of Cape Dart there is no named marginal sea of the Southern Ocean between the Amundsen and Ross Seas. The Norwegian expedition of 1928–1929 under Captain Nils Larsen named the body of water for the Norwegian polar explorer Roald Amundsen while exploring this area", "psg_id": "2859078" }, { "title": "Amundsen Gulf", "text": "in July during a normal year, with some areas in the far eastern and northern part of the gulf only breaking up in August. Beluga whales, seals, Arctic char, cod, and even salmon use the waters of the gulf. Sockeye and pink salmon appeared for the first time in nearby waters between 1999 and 2001. Amundsen Gulf Amundsen Gulf is a gulf located in the Northwest Territories, Canada, between Banks Island and Victoria Island and the mainland. It is approximately in length and about across where it meets the Beaufort Sea. The Amundsen Gulf was explored by Norwegian explorer Roald", "psg_id": "3612630" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen", "text": "and use them as a source for fresh meat. A small group, including Hjalmar Johansen, Kristian Prestrud and Jørgen Stubberud, set out on 8 September 1911, but had to abandon their trek due to extreme temperatures. The painful retreat caused a quarrel within the group, and Amundsen sent Johansen and the other two men to explore King Edward VII Land. A second attempt, with a team made up of Olav Bjaaland, Helmer Hanssen, Sverre Hassel, Oscar Wisting, and Amundsen, departed base camp on 19 October 1911. They took four sledges and 52 dogs. Using a route along the previously unknown", "psg_id": "354757" }, { "title": "Amundsen Gulf", "text": "Amundsen Gulf Amundsen Gulf is a gulf located in the Northwest Territories, Canada, between Banks Island and Victoria Island and the mainland. It is approximately in length and about across where it meets the Beaufort Sea. The Amundsen Gulf was explored by Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen between 1903 and 1906. The gulf is at the western end of the famous Northwest Passage, a route from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. Few people live along the shores of the gulf, but there are a few towns and communities, including Sachs Harbour, Ulukhaktok, and Paulatuk. Heading north in the gulf one", "psg_id": "3612628" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen", "text": "Pole failed, too. Amundsen and Oskar Omdal, of the Royal Norwegian Navy, tried to fly from Wainwright, Alaska, to Spitsbergen across the North Pole. When their aircraft was damaged, they abandoned the journey. To raise additional funds, Amundsen traveled around the United States in 1924 on a lecture tour. Although he was unable to reach the North Pole, the scientific results of the expedition, mainly the work of Sverdrup, have proven to be of considerable value. Many of these carefully collected scientific data were lost during the ill-fated journey of Peter Tessem and Paul Knutsen, two crew members sent on", "psg_id": "354766" }, { "title": "Comparison of the Amundsen and Scott Expeditions", "text": "had travelled nearly in the same area, during the same time period and same temperatures, using a dog team. Scott also blamed \"a prolonged blizzard\". But while there is evidence to support the low temperatures, there is only evidence for a \"normal\" two- to four-day blizzard, and not the ten days that Scott claims. During depot laying in February 1911, Roald Amundsen had his first (and last) of his route marked like a Norwegian ski course using marker flags initially every eight miles. He added to this by using food containers painted black, resulting in a marker every mile. From", "psg_id": "11794610" }, { "title": "Amundsen Coast", "text": "Amundsen Coast Amundsen Coast is that portion of the coast to the south of the Ross Ice Shelf lying between Morris Peak, on the east side of Liv Glacier, and the west side of the Scott Glacier. Named by New Zealand Antarctic Place-Names Committee in 1961 for Captain Roald Amundsen, the Norwegian explorer who led his own expedition in 1910–12 to the Antarctic. Setting up a base at Framheim at the edge of the Ross Ice Shelf, he sledged southward across the shelf and discovered a route up the Axel Heiberg Glacier along this coast to reach the polar plateau.", "psg_id": "14650724" }, { "title": "Amundsen Glacier", "text": "Roald Amundsen by Laurence Gould, leader of the Byrd AE geological party which sledged past the mouth of the glacier in December 1929. Amundsen Glacier Amundsen Glacier () is a major Antarctic glacier, about 6 to 10 km (4 to 6 mi) wide and 128 km (80 mi) long, originating on the polar plateau where it drains the area to the south and west of Nilsen Plateau, and descending through the Queen Maud Mountains to enter the Ross Ice Shelf just west of the MacDonald Nunataks. The tributary Blackwall Glacier flows northwest along the northeast side of Hansen Spur to", "psg_id": "4068455" }, { "title": "Trond Amundsen", "text": "resigned on 10 May 2012, Fredrikstad appointed Amundsen as head coach until the end of the season. Trond Amundsen Trond Amundsen (born 30 March 1971) is a Norwegian football coach. He is the head coach of Fredrikstad FK after the resignation of Tom Freddy Aune earlier in 2012. Amundsen was head coach of Løv-Ham from 2007 to 2009, and had a short spell as head coach of Kongsvinger. Amundsen worked as coach at Santos FC's under-21 team, before he moved to the Norwegian club Kongsvinger where he became a part of the coaching team. In 2007 Amundsen became head coach", "psg_id": "16509452" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen (ship)", "text": "three weeks. Her home port is Eckernförde, a harbour city in Schleswig-Holstein near Kiel in northern Germany. Summer months are spent with voyages on the Baltic Sea from Denmark to Baltic countries or the North Sea. Winters are spent in warmer regions. \"Roald Amundsen\" has repeatedly crossed the Atlantic Ocean, bound for South American ports in Brazil and French Guiana (1998), for tall ships events in North America (2000, 2010), and for the Caribbean (2001, 2011/12, 2012/13). Further destinations include Iceland (1995), England and Ireland (2006), the Mediterranean (2006/07, 2007/08), the Canary Islands (1995), and others. During her North American", "psg_id": "17428227" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen", "text": "first men to have reached both geographical poles, by ground or by air. Amundsen disappeared with five crew on 18 June 1928 while flying on a rescue mission in the Arctic. His team included Norwegian pilot Leif Dietrichson, French pilot René Guilbaud, and three more Frenchmen. They were seeking missing members of Nobile's crew, whose new airship \"Italia\" had crashed while returning from the North Pole. Afterward, a wing-float and bottom gasoline tank from Amundsen's French Latham 47 flying boat, which had been adapted as a replacement wing-float, were found near the Tromsø coast. It is believed that the plane", "psg_id": "354770" }, { "title": "Roald Hoffmann", "text": "Roald Hoffmann Roald Hoffmann (born Roald Safran; July 18, 1937) is a Polish-American theoretical chemist who won the 1981 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. He has also published plays and poetry. He is the Frank H. T. Rhodes Professor of Humane Letters, Emeritus, at Cornell University, in Ithaca, New York. Hoffmann was born in Złoczów, Poland (since 1945 Ukraine), to a Polish-Jewish family, and was named in honor of the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen. His parents were Clara (Rosen), a teacher, and Hillel Safran, a civil engineer. After Germany invaded Poland and occupied the town, his family was placed in a", "psg_id": "355656" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen", "text": "a mission by Amundsen. The scientific materials were later retrieved by Russian scientist Nikolay Urvantsev from where they had been abandoned on the shores of the Kara Sea. In 1925, accompanied by Lincoln Ellsworth, pilot Hjalmar Riiser-Larsen, and three other team members, Amundsen took two Dornier Do J flying boats, the N-24 and N-25, to 87° 44′ north. It was the northernmost latitude reached by plane up to that time. The aircraft landed a few miles apart without radio contact, yet the crews managed to reunite. The N-24 was damaged. Amundsen and his crew worked for more than three weeks", "psg_id": "354767" }, { "title": "Trond Amundsen", "text": "Trond Amundsen Trond Amundsen (born 30 March 1971) is a Norwegian football coach. He is the head coach of Fredrikstad FK after the resignation of Tom Freddy Aune earlier in 2012. Amundsen was head coach of Løv-Ham from 2007 to 2009, and had a short spell as head coach of Kongsvinger. Amundsen worked as coach at Santos FC's under-21 team, before he moved to the Norwegian club Kongsvinger where he became a part of the coaching team. In 2007 Amundsen became head coach of the second tier club Løv-Ham, and after two years at the club, he signed a contract", "psg_id": "16509450" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen", "text": "western Bering Strait. She finally became free and the expedition sailed south, reaching Seattle, Washington, in the US Pacific Northwest in 1921 for repairs. Amundsen returned to Norway, needing to put his finances in order. He took with him two young indigenous girls, the adopted four-year-old Kakonita and her companion Camilla. When Amundsen went bankrupt two years later, however, he sent the girls to be cared for by Camilla's father, who lived in eastern Russia. In June 1922, Amundsen returned to \"Maud\", which had been sailed to Nome. He decided to shift from the planned naval expedition to aerial ones,", "psg_id": "354764" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen", "text": "miles (800 km) away, Eagle City, Alaska, had a telegraph station; Amundsen traveled there (and back) overland to wire a success message (collect) on 5 December 1905. His team reached Nome in 1906. Because the water along the route was sometimes as shallow as , a larger ship could not have made the voyage. At this time, Amundsen learned that Norway had formally become independent of Sweden and had a new king. The explorer sent the new King Haakon VII news that his traversing the Northwest Passage \"was a great achievement for Norway\". He said he hoped to do more", "psg_id": "354753" }, { "title": "Edvard Amundsen", "text": "west. During the Boxer Rebellion in 1900 he had to leave China for Darjeeling, but in 1903 he returned and then worked in Yunnan for the British and Foreign Bible Society until 1911. From 1918/19 to 1924 he served in China for the last time for the Mission Covenant Church of Norway. He died in Larvik. A species of rhododendron is named after him: \"Rhododendron amundsenianum\". Edvard Amundsen Edvard Amundsen (January 27, 1873 – December 21, 1928) was a Norwegian Lutheran missionary in China and Tibet. He is also remembered as an explorer and Titeban specialist. Amundsen was born in", "psg_id": "18813659" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen", "text": "had hidden a lifelong desire inspired by Fridtjof Nansen's crossing of Greenland in 1888 and Franklin's lost expedition. He decided on a life of intense exploration of wilderness places. Amundsen joined the Belgian Antarctic Expedition (1897–99) as first mate. This expedition, led by Adrien de Gerlache using the ship the RV \"Belgica\", became the first expedition to overwinter in Antarctica. The \"Belgica\", whether by mistake or design, became locked in the sea ice at 70°30′S off Alexander Island, west of the Antarctic Peninsula. The crew endured a winter for which they were poorly prepared. By Amundsen's own estimation, the doctor", "psg_id": "354749" }, { "title": "Amundsen-Nobile Climate Change Tower", "text": "(DTA) of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and installed by Kings Bay in science village of Ny-Ålesund on Svalbard island. The inauguration took place on30 April 2009. The CCT is an important point of reference for the study of the energy balance at the surface, and the processes of interaction and exchange between the various components of the climate system. The structure is dedicated to the Arctic expeditions of Norwegian Roald Amundsen and Italian Umberto Nobile explorers. Amundsen-Nobile Climate Change Tower The Amundsen-Nobile Climate Change Tower (CCT) is a 34-meter research tower installed in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, Norway, for", "psg_id": "19277185" }, { "title": "Olaf Amundsen", "text": "death in 1939. Olaf Amundsen Olaf Amundsen (13 May 1876–12 December 1939) was a Norwegian lawyer and politician for the Liberal Party. Amundsen was elected to the Parliament of Norway for the parliamentary terms 1910-1912 and 1913-1918. From 1918-1921, he was a , the leader of the Fosen District Court in Trøndelag. He then became the Minister of Justice in the second government of Otto Blehr. The government was in office from 1921 to 1923, but Amundsen resigned his post on 24 August 1922 when he was named to the post of County Governor of Nordland county. He held the", "psg_id": "7091671" }, { "title": "Olaf Amundsen", "text": "Olaf Amundsen Olaf Amundsen (13 May 1876–12 December 1939) was a Norwegian lawyer and politician for the Liberal Party. Amundsen was elected to the Parliament of Norway for the parliamentary terms 1910-1912 and 1913-1918. From 1918-1921, he was a , the leader of the Fosen District Court in Trøndelag. He then became the Minister of Justice in the second government of Otto Blehr. The government was in office from 1921 to 1923, but Amundsen resigned his post on 24 August 1922 when he was named to the post of County Governor of Nordland county. He held the governorship until his", "psg_id": "7091670" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen", "text": "that their father Luke Ikuallaq (b. 1904) told them on his deathbed that he was the son of Amundsen. Konona said that their father Ikuallaq was left out on the ice to die after his birth, as his European ancestry made him illegitimate to the Inuit, threatening their community. His Inuit grandparents saved him. In 2012, Y-DNA analysis, with the families' permission, showed that Ikuallaq (and his sons) was not a match to the direct male line of Amundsen. Not all descendants claiming European ancestry have been tested for a match to Amundsen, nor has there been a comparison of", "psg_id": "354773" }, { "title": "Bjørn G. Andersen", "text": "after the great achievements of Roald Amundsen in 1911–1912. Andersen was the second Norwegian to visit the Pole after the Amundsen expedition. An American expedition which reached the Pole a week before him honored his achievements by naming a mountain escarpment Andersen Escarpment after him. During the fieldworks for his Master's thesis \"Om isens tilbaketrekking i området mellom Lysefjorden og Jøsenfjorden i Ryfylke\" (On the glacial retreat in the area between the Lysefjorden and Jøsenfjorden in Ryfylke), with Werner Werenskiold as advisor, he found among other things that Trollgaren was a moraine, and that it was formed in the early", "psg_id": "16522135" }, { "title": "Visit to Ireland Medal 1911", "text": "Visit to Ireland Medal 1911 King George V’s Visit Police Commemoration Medal 1911 (Ireland), more commonly referred to as the Visit to Ireland Medal 1911, was awarded to those members of the Irish Police Forces on duty during the various engagements of King George V’s visit to Ireland in 1911. King George V made his coronation year visit to Ireland in July 1911. Staying in Dublin, he drove in state through the city in an open carriage as well as attending a number of official ceremonies to celebrate his recent coronation. Following the precedent created by Queen Victoria's and Edward", "psg_id": "20613980" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen", "text": "been named after Amundsen: Several ships are named after him: Other tributes include: Some Inuit people in Gjøa Haven with European ancestry have claimed to be descendants of Amundsen (or one of his six crew, whose names have not remained as well known), from the period of their extended winter stay on King Williams Island from 1903 to 1905. Accounts by members of the expedition told of their relations with Inuit women, and historians have speculated that Amundsen might also have taken a partner, although he wrote a warning against this. Specifically, half brothers Bob Konona and Paul Ikuallaq say", "psg_id": "354772" }, { "title": "Oscar Wisting", "text": "Oscar Wisting Oscar Adolf Wisting (6 June 1871 – 5 December 1936) was a Norwegian Naval officer and polar explorer. Together with Roald Amundsen he was the first person to reach both the North and South Poles. Oscar Wisting was born in Larvik, in Vestfold county, Norway. He was the son of Ola Martin Olsen Wisting (1843-1927) and Abigael Helene Andersen (1843-85). He became the eldest of 13 children. His father ran a trucking business. At the age of sixteen, he went to sea and in 1892 joined the Royal Norwegian Navy. He was working as a naval gunner at", "psg_id": "4144066" }, { "title": "Visit to Ireland Medal 1911", "text": "to London and were on duty at King George V’s coronation in June 1911 and received the Police Coronation Medal with the \"Royal Irish Constabulary\" reverse. The medal is silver for all ranks, 1.4 inches (36 mm) in diameter with a ring suspension for the ribbon. It follows the design of the King George V Police Coronation Medal, save for the inscription on the reverse and the ribbon. Visit to Ireland Medal 1911 King George V’s Visit Police Commemoration Medal 1911 (Ireland), more commonly referred to as the Visit to Ireland Medal 1911, was awarded to those members of the", "psg_id": "20613982" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen", "text": "to clean up an airstrip to take off from ice. They shovelled 600 tons of ice while consuming only one pound (400 g) of daily food rations. In the end, six crew members were packed into the N-25. In a remarkable feat, Riiser-Larsen took off, and they barely became airborne over the cracking ice. They returned triumphant when everyone thought they had been lost forever. In 1926, Amundsen and 15 other men (including Ellsworth, Riiser-Larsen, Oscar Wisting, and the Italian air crew led by aeronautical engineer Umberto Nobile) made the first crossing of the Arctic in the airship \"Norge,\" designed", "psg_id": "354768" }, { "title": "Amundsen Basin", "text": "Amundsen Basin The Amundsen Basin, with depths up to 4.4 km, is the deepest abyssal plain in the Arctic Ocean. The Amundsen Basin is embraced by the Lomonosov Ridge (from to ) and the Gakkel Ridge (from to ). It is named after the polar researcher Roald Amundsen. Together with the Nansen Basin, the Amundsen Basin is often summarized as Eurasian Basin. The Russian-American cooperation Nansen and Amundsen Basin Observational System (NABOS) aims \"to provide a quantitative observationally based assessment of circulation, water mass transformations, and transformation mechanisms in the Eurasian and Canadian Basins of the Arctic Ocean\". The Amundsen", "psg_id": "16795042" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen", "text": "for the expedition, the American Frederick Cook, probably saved the crew from scurvy by hunting for animals and feeding the crew fresh meat. In cases where citrus fruits are lacking, fresh meat from animals that make their own vitamin C (which most do) contains enough of the vitamin to prevent scurvy, and even partly treat it. This was an important lesson for Amundsen's future expeditions. In 1903, Amundsen led the first expedition to successfully traverse Canada's Northwest Passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. He planned a small expedition of six men in a 45-ton fishing vessel, \"Gjøa,\" in order", "psg_id": "354750" }, { "title": "Norwegian Maritime Museum", "text": "the Northwest Passage in the 1903-06 Arctic expedition of Roald Amundsen. In 2009, the Norwegian Maritime Museum and the Fram Museum signed an agreement for the Fram Museum to take over the exhibition of the \"Gjøa\". It is currently displayed in a separate building at Fram Museum. Norwegian Maritime Museum The Norwegian Maritime Museum () is located at Bygdøynesveien on the Bygdøy peninsula, on the western side of Oslo, Norway. The Norwegian Maritime Museum is situated near several other museums, including the Fram Museum; the Kon-Tiki Museum; the Norwegian Museum of Cultural History; and the Viking Ship Museum. The Norwegian", "psg_id": "13988608" }, { "title": "Karl Amundsen", "text": "Karl Amundsen Karl Amundsen (10 November 1873 – ??) was a Norwegian politician for the Labour and Communist parties. He was born at Sjøndem in Brandval as a son of Amund Johannesen and Karen Hansdatter. He took carpenter education in Kristiania, and worked as such until 1911. He had moved to Løiten and was the manager of the district welfare fund there from 1911. He chaired the county branch of the Labour Party, and was elected to the executive committee of Løiten municipal council. He was then elected to the Parliament of Norway in 1912 from the constituency \"Søndre Hedemarken\".", "psg_id": "15256353" }, { "title": "Amundsen Basin", "text": "Basin formed during the Cenozoic Era from seafloor spreading. Amundsen Basin The Amundsen Basin, with depths up to 4.4 km, is the deepest abyssal plain in the Arctic Ocean. The Amundsen Basin is embraced by the Lomonosov Ridge (from to ) and the Gakkel Ridge (from to ). It is named after the polar researcher Roald Amundsen. Together with the Nansen Basin, the Amundsen Basin is often summarized as Eurasian Basin. The Russian-American cooperation Nansen and Amundsen Basin Observational System (NABOS) aims \"to provide a quantitative observationally based assessment of circulation, water mass transformations, and transformation mechanisms in the Eurasian", "psg_id": "16795043" }, { "title": "Edvard Amundsen", "text": "Edvard Amundsen Edvard Amundsen (January 27, 1873 – December 21, 1928) was a Norwegian Lutheran missionary in China and Tibet. He is also remembered as an explorer and Titeban specialist. Amundsen was born in Lille Kirkeholmen in the Municipality of Sannidal. In 1896, together with Theo Sørensen, he traveled to Darjeeling and Kalimpong as a missionary for the China Inland Mission, where he studied Tibetan religion and customs. Unlike Sørensen, after their language studies he was able to travel from there to Lhasa. Later the two of them went to Dartsedo in the foothills of the Tibetan plateau to the", "psg_id": "18813658" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen", "text": "they found that the ice was not frozen solid in the Bering Strait, and it could not be crossed. They sent a telegram from Anadyr to signal their location. After two winters frozen in the ice, without having achieved the goal of drifting over the North Pole, Amundsen decided to go to Nome to repair the ship and buy provisions. Several of the crew ashore there, including Hanssen, did not return on time to the ship. Amundsen considered Hanssen to be in breach of contract, and dismissed him from the crew. During the third winter, \"Maud\" was frozen in the", "psg_id": "354763" }, { "title": "Karl Amundsen", "text": "as a deputy. Amundsen is also known for conjuring up the name of the newspaper \"Demokraten\". He was also a board member of the newspaper. He was a board member of \"Hamar Arbeiderblad\" from 1930 to 1932. Karl Amundsen Karl Amundsen (10 November 1873 – ??) was a Norwegian politician for the Labour and Communist parties. He was born at Sjøndem in Brandval as a son of Amund Johannesen and Karen Hansdatter. He took carpenter education in Kristiania, and worked as such until 1911. He had moved to Løiten and was the manager of the district welfare fund there from", "psg_id": "15256355" }, { "title": "Jan Tore Amundsen", "text": "worst player was Odd Greanland teammates Fernando de Ornelas and Zbyněk Pospěch In February 2009, Jan Tore Amundsen signed a contract with Notodden FK and signed than on 16. December 2009 for FK Tønsberg. Jan Tore Amundsen Jan Tore Amundsen (born 12 April 1983 in Kongsvinger) is a Norwegian footballer who plays for Ullensaker/Kisa IL. Jan Tore Amundsen came to Odd Grenland from Urædd before the 2002 season. In April 2005 he got his first match for Norway national under-21 football team against Slovakia. In his second match he scored a goal against Belarus after only 6 minutes His only", "psg_id": "13399411" }, { "title": "Arne Amundsen", "text": "Arne Amundsen Arne Amundsen (7 August 1952 – 6 September 2014) was a Norwegian football goalkeeper who spent the bulk of his career at Lillestrøm SK. He also played for Lyn and Strømmen. He was nicknamed \"Maler'n\" (\"The Painter\") because he worked as a housepainter outside football. Amundsen made his top level debut for Lyn in 1972. He joined Lillestrøm ahead of the 1977 season. At Lillestrøm, Amundsen won the Norwegian First Division (first tier) twice, and played in the Norwegian Cup final six times, winning the competition four times. He left Lillestrøm at the end of the 1987 season", "psg_id": "18269773" }, { "title": "Roald Jensen", "text": "the Norwegian sculptor Per Ung was installed outside Brann Stadion in 1995. In 2008, a large area outside the two new stands at Brann Stadion was named \"Kniksens plass\" after Roald Jensen. This also became SK Brann's new address. In Roald Jensen's honour, the Kniksen award is given to Norwegian football players after each football season. The award is handed out by Norsk Toppfotball, and has been awarded annually since 1990. There are separate awards for best goalkeeper, defender, midfielder, striker, manager, and referee. It is recognized as Norwegian football's most prestigious award. Roald Jensen Roald Jensen (11 January 1943", "psg_id": "3407470" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen", "text": "was to sail along the coast of Siberia and go into the ice farther to the north and east than Nansen had. In contrast to Amundsen's earlier expeditions, this was expected to yield more material for academic research, and he carried the geophysicist Harald Sverdrup on board. The voyage was to the northeasterly direction over the Kara Sea. Amundsen planned to freeze the \"Maud\" into the polar ice cap and drift towards the North Pole (as Nansen had done with the \"Fram\"), and he did so off Cape Chelyuskin. But, the ice became so thick that the ship was unable", "psg_id": "354761" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen", "text": "to have flexibility. His ship had relatively shallow draft. His technique was to use a small ship and hug the coast. Amundsen had the ship outfitted with a small 13 horsepower single-screw paraffin engine. They traveled via Baffin Bay, the Parry Channel and then south through Peel Sound, James Ross Strait, Simpson Strait and Rae Strait. They spent two winters (1903–04 and 1904–05) at King William Island in the harbor of what is today Gjoa Haven, Nunavut, Canada. During this time, Amundsen and the crew learned from the local Netsilik Inuit people about Arctic survival skills, which he found invaluable", "psg_id": "354751" }, { "title": "Roald Amundsen", "text": "by Nobile. They left Spitsbergen on 11 May 1926, and they landed in Alaska two days later. The three previous claims to have arrived at the North Pole: Frederick Cook in 1908; Robert Peary in 1909; and Richard E. Byrd in 1926 (just a few days before the \"Norge\") are all disputed, as being either of dubious accuracy or outright fraud. If their claims are false, the crew of the \"Norge\" would be the first explorers verified to have reached the North Pole. If the \"Norge\" expedition was the first to the North Pole, Amundsen and Oscar Wisting were the", "psg_id": "354769" }, { "title": "CCGS Amundsen", "text": "John's, Newfoundland and Labrador and underwent the 10-month conversion of \"Sir John Franklin\" at a shipyard in Les Mechins, Quebec. There, part of the vessel's storage holds transformed into laboratory space. The refit included the addition of a moon pool, which enables scientists to lower scientific instruments from inside the hull without cutting a hole in the ice, multi-beam sonar, the replacement of heating and electrical systems, and installation of state-of-the-art scientific equipment. The vessel was recommissioned into the Canadian Coast Guard as \"Amundsen\", named in honour of Arctic explorer Roald Amundsen, on 26 August 2003. \"Amundsen\"s sponsor was Lily", "psg_id": "4420878" }, { "title": "Axel Heiberg Glacier", "text": "Axel Heiberg Glacier The Axel Heiberg Glacier in Antarctica is a valley glacier, long, descending from the high elevations of the Antarctic Plateau into the Ross Ice Shelf (nearly at sea level) between the Herbert Range and Mount Don Pedro Christophersen in the Queen Maud Mountains. This huge glacier was discovered in November 1911 by the Norwegian polar explorer Roald Amundsen, and named by him for Axel Heiberg, a Norwegian businessman and patron of science who contributed to numerous Norwegian polar expeditions. Amundsen used this glacier as his route up onto the polar plateau during his successful expedition to the", "psg_id": "4021001" } ]
[ "geographic south pole", "ceremonial south pole", "terrestrial south pole", "the south pole", "90 degrees south", "90th parallel south", "south terrestrial pole", "south pole", "southpole", "latitude 90 degrees s", "geographic south pole", "south pole" ]
what's the defining characteristic of an ungulate animal?
[ { "title": "Ungulate", "text": "animal is normally borne by both the sole and the edge of the hoof wall. Hooves grow continuously, and are constantly worn down by use. In most modern ungulates, the radius and ulna are fused along the length of the forelimb; early ungulates, such as the arctocyonids, did not share this unique skeletal structure. The fusion of the radius and ulna prevents an ungulate from rotating its forelimb. Since this skeletal structure has no specific function in ungulates, it is considered a homologous characteristic that ungulates share with other mammals. This trait would have been passed down from a common", "psg_id": "433710" }, { "title": "Ungulate", "text": "Ungulate Ungulates (pronounced ) are any members of a diverse group of primarily large mammals that includes odd-toed ungulates such as horses and rhinoceroses, and even-toed ungulates such as cattle, pigs, giraffes, camels, deer, and hippopotamuses. Most terrestrial ungulates use the tips of their toes, usually hoofed, to sustain their whole body weight while moving. The term means, roughly, \"being hoofed\" or \"hoofed animal\". As a descriptive term, \"ungulate\" normally excludes cetaceans (whales, dolphins, porpoises), as they do not possess most of the typical morphological characteristics of ungulates, but recent discoveries indicate that they are descended from early artiodactyls. Ungulates", "psg_id": "433689" }, { "title": "Exotic ungulate encephalopathy", "text": "Exotic ungulate encephalopathy Exotic ungulate encephalopathy is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE), or prion disease, identified in infected organs of zoo animals. This subgroup of the TSEs in captive animals was identified in zoo animals in Great Britain including species of greater kudu, nyala, gemsbok, the common eland, Arabian and Scimitar Oryx, an Ankole-Watusi cow, and an American bison. Studies indicate that transmission likely occurred via the consumption of feed supplemented with meat and bone meal, although some animals died after the British ban on ground offal in animal feed. All animals died during the 1990s, with the last death", "psg_id": "15126380" }, { "title": "Exotic ungulate encephalopathy", "text": "occurring in 1998. Exotic ungulate encephalopathy Exotic ungulate encephalopathy is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE), or prion disease, identified in infected organs of zoo animals. This subgroup of the TSEs in captive animals was identified in zoo animals in Great Britain including species of greater kudu, nyala, gemsbok, the common eland, Arabian and Scimitar Oryx, an Ankole-Watusi cow, and an American bison. Studies indicate that transmission likely occurred via the consumption of feed supplemented with meat and bone meal, although some animals died after the British ban on ground offal in animal feed. All animals died during the 1990s, with", "psg_id": "15126381" }, { "title": "Ungulate", "text": "tiny \"Protungulatum\", an ungulate that co-existed with the last of non-avian dinosaurs 66 million years ago; however, many authorities do not consider it a true placental, let alone an ungulate. The enigmatic dinoceratans were among the first large herbivorous mammals, although their exact relationship with other mammals is still debated with one of the theories being that they might just be distant relatives to living ungulates; the most recent study recovers them as within the true ungulate assemblage, closest to \"Carodnia\". In Australia, the marsupial \"Chaeropus\" also developed hooves, convergent those of artiodactyls. Perissodactyls are said to have evolved from", "psg_id": "433694" }, { "title": "Ancalagon (animal)", "text": "of these hooks, equal in size and with prominent bases. Directly posterior was an unarmed space, followed by posteriorly directed spinose hooks. The trunk is annulated with 0.2 to 0.25 millimeter spacing, and carried rows of setae possibly performing sensory functions. The apparent absence of retractor muscles correlates with \"Ancalagon\"'s inability to significantly invert its proboscis. The organism was probably a burrowing predator. \"Ankalagon\", a mesonychid ungulate also named after Ancalagon the Dragon. Ancalagon (animal) Ancalagon minor is an extinct priapulid worm known from the Cambrian Burgess Shale. Because it superficially resembles the modern-day internal parasites known as the acanthocephalids", "psg_id": "13432771" }, { "title": "Euler characteristic of an orbifold", "text": "of formula_2, and formula_8 is the set of simultaneous fixed points of formula_9 and formula_10. If the action is free, the sum has only a single term, and so this expression reduces to the topological Euler characteristic of formula_1 divided by formula_5. Euler characteristic of an orbifold In differential geometry, the Euler characteristic of an orbifold, or orbifold Euler characteristic, is a generalization of the topological Euler characteristic that includes contributions coming from nontrivial automorphisms. In particular, unlike a topological Euler characteristic, it is not restricted to integer values and is in general a rational number. It is of interest", "psg_id": "20243957" }, { "title": "Euler characteristic of an orbifold", "text": "Euler characteristic of an orbifold In differential geometry, the Euler characteristic of an orbifold, or orbifold Euler characteristic, is a generalization of the topological Euler characteristic that includes contributions coming from nontrivial automorphisms. In particular, unlike a topological Euler characteristic, it is not restricted to integer values and is in general a rational number. It is of interest in mathematical physics, specifically in string theory. Given a compact manifold formula_1 quotiented by a finite group formula_2, the Euler characteristic of formula_3 is where formula_5 is the order of the group formula_2, the sum runs over all pairs of commuting elements", "psg_id": "20243956" }, { "title": "Odd-toed ungulate", "text": "\"Solipèdes\", meaning \"one-hoof animal\". In 1861, Henri Marie Ducrotay de Blainville (1777–1850) classified ungulates by the structure of their feet, differentiating those with an even number of toes from those with an odd number. He moved the horses as \"solidungulate\" over to the tapirs and rhinos as \"multungulate\" animals and referred to all of them together as \"onguligrades à doigts impairs\", coming close to the concept of the odd-toed ungulate as a systematic unit. Richard Owen (1804–1892) quoted Blainville in his study on fossil mammals of the Isle of Wight and introduced the name \"Perissodactyla\". In 1884, Othniel Charles Marsh", "psg_id": "317697" }, { "title": "Defining equation (physics)", "text": "Defining equation (physics) In physics, defining equations are equations that define new quantities in terms of base quantities. This article uses the current SI system of units, not natural or characteristic units. Physical quantities and units follow the same hierarchy; \"chosen base quantities\" have \"defined base units\", from these any other \"quantities may be derived\" and have corresponding \"derived units\". Defining quantities is analogous to mixing colours, and could be classified a similar way, although this is not standard. Primary colours are to base quantities; as secondary (or tertiary etc.) colours are to derived quantities. Mixing colours is analogous to", "psg_id": "15678110" }, { "title": "Euler characteristic", "text": "the teardrop orbifold has Euler characteristic 1 + 1/\"p\", where \"p\" is a prime number corresponding to the cone angle 2\"\" / \"p\". The concept of Euler characteristic of a bounded finite poset is another generalization, important in combinatorics. A poset is \"bounded\" if it has smallest and largest elements; call them 0 and 1. The Euler characteristic of such a poset is defined as the integer \"μ\"(0,1), where \"μ\" is the Möbius function in that poset's incidence algebra. This can be further generalized by defining a Q-valued Euler characteristic for certain finite categories, a notion compatible with the Euler", "psg_id": "1318124" }, { "title": "Ungulate", "text": "species exist only in relatively small populations in which some degree of inbreeding inevitably occurs. A study of 16 species of captive ungulates revealed that juvenile survival of inbred young is generally lower than that of non-inbred young. (Also see Inbreeding depression). These findings have implications for the genetic management of small ungulate populations. Ungulate Ungulates (pronounced ) are any members of a diverse group of primarily large mammals that includes odd-toed ungulates such as horses and rhinoceroses, and even-toed ungulates such as cattle, pigs, giraffes, camels, deer, and hippopotamuses. Most terrestrial ungulates use the tips of their toes, usually", "psg_id": "433722" }, { "title": "Like an Animal (The Glove song)", "text": "in a US tower block. The release of the single went largely unnoticed at the time, because both the Cure and the Banshees had recently released their most successful singles to date. In a review of the 2006 reissue of the \"Blue Sunshine\" album, which included the \"Like an Animal (Club? What Club?)\" remix of the song, \"PopMatters\" editor Adam Besenyodi said that the remix \"remains largely unessential\". Like an Animal (The Glove song) \"Like an Animal\" is the first single by the Glove from their album \"Blue Sunshine\", released in 1983 by Wonderland Records/Polydor. The Glove were a side", "psg_id": "9533443" }, { "title": "Defining equation (physics)", "text": "acting on the particle is; reducing to scalar form and solving for |B||r|; serves as the definition for the magnetic rigidity of the particle. Since this depends on the mass and charge of the particle, it is useful for determining the extent a particle deflects in a B field, which occurs experimentally in mass spectrometry and particle detectors. Defining equation (physics) In physics, defining equations are equations that define new quantities in terms of base quantities. This article uses the current SI system of units, not natural or characteristic units. Physical quantities and units follow the same hierarchy; \"chosen base", "psg_id": "15678133" }, { "title": "Cardinal characteristic of the continuum", "text": "Cardinal characteristic of the continuum In the mathematical discipline of set theory, a cardinal characteristic of the continuum is an infinite cardinal number that may consistently lie strictly between formula_1 (the cardinality of the set of natural numbers), and the cardinality of the continuum, that is, the cardinality of the set formula_2 of all real numbers. The latter cardinal is denoted formula_3 or formula_4. A variety of such cardinal characteristics arise naturally, and much work has been done in determining what relations between them are provable, and constructing models of set theory for various consistent configurations of them. Cantor's diagonal", "psg_id": "16109896" }, { "title": "Characteristic (algebra)", "text": "a single element . If a nontrivial ring \"R\" does not have any nontrivial zero divisors, then its characteristic is either 0 or prime. In particular, this applies to all fields, to all integral domains, and to all division rings. Any ring of characteristic 0 is infinite. The ring Z/\"nZ of integers modulo \"n\" has characteristic \"n\". If \"R\" is a subring of \"S\", then \"R\" and \"S\" have the same characteristic. For instance, if \"q\"(\"X\") is a prime polynomial with coefficients in the field Z/\"pZ where \"p\" is prime, then the factor ring is a field of characteristic \"p\".", "psg_id": "3904305" }, { "title": "Defining equation (physics)", "text": "to a contradiction – one equation might demand a quantity \"X\" to be \"defined\" in one way \"using another\" quantity \"Y\", while another equation requires the \"reverse\", \"Y\" be defined using \"X\", but then another equation might falsify the use of both \"X\" and \"Y\", and so on. The mutual disagreement makes it impossible to say which equation defines what quantity. Equivalent definitions: Defining equations which are equivalent and self-consistent with other equations and laws within the physical theory, simply written in different ways. There are two possibilities for each case: One defining equation – one defined quantity: A defining", "psg_id": "15678120" }, { "title": "Characteristic (algebra)", "text": "element \"a\" of the ring (again, if \"n\" exists; otherwise zero). Some authors do not include the multiplicative identity element in their requirements for a ring (see ), and this definition is suitable for that convention; otherwise the two definitions are equivalent due to the distributive law in rings. If \"R\" and \"S\" are rings and there exists a ring homomorphism \"R\" → \"S\", then the characteristic of \"S\" divides the characteristic of \"R\". This can sometimes be used to exclude the possibility of certain ring homomorphisms. The only ring with characteristic 1 is the trivial ring, which has only", "psg_id": "3904304" }, { "title": "I Am an Animal", "text": "on the behalf of animals. He wanted to raise awareness and encourage animal rights activism. Ingrid Newkirk is the featured in \"I am an Animal\" film, and she plays the main role in the film because she is the cofounder and president of PETA. She is British-born, and it is said that her extreme ideas and actions have been the drive for PETA and what has allowed it to be successful. Newkirk has been a leader of PETA for about 25 years now. In the sole review on Rotten Tomatoes Harvey Karten of CompuServe notes that the film is a", "psg_id": "11184967" }, { "title": "Talking animal", "text": "Talking animal A talking animal or speaking animal is any non-human animal that can produce sounds or gestures resembling those of a human language. Several species or groups of animals have developed forms of communication which superficially resemble verbal language, however, these are not defined as language because they lack one or more of the defining characteristics, i.e. grammar, syntax, recursion and displacement. Researchers have been successful in teaching some animals to make gestures similar to sign language. However, these animals fail to reach one or more of the criteria accepted as defining language. The term refers to animals which", "psg_id": "12381583" }, { "title": "Ungulate", "text": "the ocean depths; grasslands to deserts and some have been domesticated by humans. Ungulates have developed specialized adaptations, especially in the areas of cranial appendages, dentition, and leg morphology including the modification of the astragalus (one of the ankle bones at the end of the lower leg) with a short, robust head. The hoof is the tip of a toe of an ungulate mammal, strengthened by a thick horny (keratin) covering. The hoof consists of a hard or rubbery sole, and a hard wall formed by a thick nail rolled around the tip of the toe. The weight of the", "psg_id": "433709" }, { "title": "Ungulate", "text": "are unique when compared to their relatives. Each \"horn\" of the pronghorn is composed of a slender, laterally flattened blade of bone that grows from the frontal bones of the skull, forming a permanent core. As in the Giraffidae, skin covers the bony cores, but in the pronghorn it develops into a keratinous sheath which is shed and regrown on an annual basis. Unlike the horns of the family Bovidae, the horn sheaths of the pronghorn are branched, each sheath possessing a forward-pointing tine (hence the name pronghorn). The horns of males are well developed. Many of the world’s ungulate", "psg_id": "433721" }, { "title": "Ungulate", "text": "and the baleen whale families. See each family for the relationships of the species as well as the controversies in their respective article. Below is the general consensus of the phylogeny of the ungulate families. Perissodactyla and Artiodactyla include the majority of large land mammals. These two groups first appeared during the late Paleocene, rapidly spreading to a wide variety of species on numerous continents, and have developed in parallel since that time. Some scientists believed that modern ungulates are descended from an evolutionary grade of mammals known as the condylarths; the earliest known member of the group was the", "psg_id": "433693" }, { "title": "Self-defining Text Archive and Retrieval", "text": "Self-defining Text Archive and Retrieval The Self-Defining Text Archive and Retrieval (STAR) File, or simply the STAR File, is a text-based file format for storing structured data. It was proposed in 1991 by Sydney R. Hall. The format became widely used in molecular-structure sciences, although it is not specific to this field—it was designed as a universal approach to electronic data exchange and archiving. One characteristic feature of the STAR File format is that \"data names\" (keys in key-value pairs) start with the underscore. They are separated from \"data values\" only by white space, for example: The format was designed", "psg_id": "19295341" }, { "title": "The Defining Moment", "text": "The Defining Moment The Defining Moment: FDR's Hundred Days and the Triumph of Hope is a political history book by Jonathan Alter about the first 100 days of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency. The book also focuses on how Roosevelt's childhood, personal life, diagnosis of polio, and early political life prepared him for those early days in which he established the New Deal to fight the Great Depression. In \"The Defining Moment\", Alter presents Roosevelt and his presidency as the perfect mold of man and moment. Alter argues Roosevelt's willingness to experiment and try new ideas, along with his willingness to", "psg_id": "12988443" }, { "title": "The Defining Moment", "text": "reading \"The Defining Moment\" and hoped to apply some of Roosevelt's strategies that were outlined in the book into his own administration. Some reviewers have said Alter's book brings to mind similarities between Obama and Roosevelt's rise to the presidency, in that both men overcame difficulties, both exuded tremendous confidence, both embodied a message of hope and both came to office during difficult economic times. The Defining Moment The Defining Moment: FDR's Hundred Days and the Triumph of Hope is a political history book by Jonathan Alter about the first 100 days of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency. The book also", "psg_id": "12988445" }, { "title": "Animal consciousness", "text": "such research interesting as well as if we continue to study consciousness with animal models (with differing types of consciousness), we would be able to separate the different forms of reflectiveness found in today's world. For the advocates of the idea of a secondary consciousness, self-recognition serves as a critical component and a key defining measure. What is most interesting then, is the evolutionary appeal that arises with the concept of self-recognition. In non-human species and in children, the mirror test (see above) has been used as an indicator of self-awareness. In 2012, a group of neuroscientists attending a conference", "psg_id": "10820480" }, { "title": "Characteristic polynomial", "text": "of square matrices, by comparing the characteristic polynomials of \"A'B' \" and \"AB\". The term secular function has been used for what is now called \"characteristic polynomial\" (in some literature the term secular function is still used). The term comes from the fact that the characteristic polynomial was used to calculate secular perturbations (on a time scale of a century, i.e. slow compared to annual motion) of planetary orbits, according to Lagrange's theory of oscillations. \"Secular equation\" may have several meanings. Characteristic polynomial In linear algebra, the characteristic polynomial of a square matrix is a polynomial which is invariant under", "psg_id": "1718629" }, { "title": "Characteristic energy", "text": "160-164 km/s. Characteristic energy In astrodynamics, the characteristic energy (formula_1) is a measure of the excess specific energy over that required to just barely escape from a massive body. The units are length time, i.e. velocity squared or twice the energy per mass. Every object in a 2-body ballistic trajectory has a constant specific orbital energy formula_2 equal to the sum of its specific kinetic and specific potential energy: where formula_4 is the standard gravitational parameter of the massive body with mass formula_5, and formula_6 is the radial distance from its center. As an object in an escape trajectory moves", "psg_id": "3776010" }, { "title": "Characteristic function (probability theory)", "text": "characteristic function for \"S\" is given by In particular, . To see this, write out the definition of characteristic function: The independence of \"X\" and \"Y\" is required to establish the equality of the third and fourth expressions. Another special case of interest for identically distributed random variables is when and then \"S\" is the sample mean. In this case, writing for the mean, Characteristic functions can also be used to find moments of a random variable. Provided that the \"n\" moment exists, characteristic function can be differentiated \"n\" times and For example, suppose \"X\" has a standard Cauchy distribution.", "psg_id": "6524207" }, { "title": "Compressor characteristic", "text": "as the surge cycle. Surge points are the peak points on the characteristic curves (as in Figure 5.) left of which the pressure generated by the compressor is less than the pipe pressure and these points initiates the surge cycle. These points on the curves are shown in the fig. by point S. Surge line is the line which connects the surge points (S) on each characteristic curve corresponding to different constant speeds. The stable range of operation for the compressor is on the right hand side of the surge line. Surge control line is the line which works as", "psg_id": "16518199" }, { "title": "Critical animal studies", "text": "2014 ICAS published and edited volume entitled \"Defining Critical Animal Studies: An Intersectional Social Justice Approach for Liberation\" (co-edited by Anthony J. Nocella II, John Sorenson, Kim Socha, and Atsuko Matsuoka). The publication defines the basic aims and principles of the movement. ICAS also issues three journals - \"Journal for Critical Animal Studies\", \"Peace Studies Journal\", and \"Green Theory and Praxis Journal\". The principles guiding CAS's work were included in the article \"Introducing Critical Animal Studies\" which was published in the \"Journal of the Critical Animal Studies\" in 2007. The term \"critical animal studies\" is often used as a synonym", "psg_id": "19144616" }, { "title": "I Am an Animal", "text": "I Am an Animal I Am an Animal: The Story of Ingrid Newkirk and PETA is a November 2007 HBO documentary about Ingrid Newkirk, co-founder of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA), and her struggle for animal rights. \"I Am an Animal\" premiered on Monday, November 19, 2007 at 8 p.m. on HBO. The documentary runs for the total length of 72 minutes. It is based in the United States of America. It is categorized by the genres of biography, animals, and social issues.The credits of this documentary include the following: \"I Am an Animal\" was directed by", "psg_id": "11184965" }, { "title": "Animal House", "text": "rentals and home video, not including merchandising. The film, along with 1977's \"The Kentucky Fried Movie\", also directed by Landis, was largely responsible for defining and launching the gross out film genre, which became one of Hollywood's staples. , it was considered by many fans and critics as one of the greatest comedy films ever made. In 2001, the United States Library of Congress deemed \"Animal House\" \"culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant\" and selected it for preservation in the National Film Registry. It was No. 1 on Bravo's \"100 Funniest Movies\". It was No. 36 on AFI's \"100 Years... 100", "psg_id": "823129" }, { "title": "I Am an Animal", "text": "\"Nicely modulated doc about Ingrid Newkirk, a passionate advocate for animals and the founder-director of PETA, the largest animal-rights group in America.\" I Am an Animal I Am an Animal: The Story of Ingrid Newkirk and PETA is a November 2007 HBO documentary about Ingrid Newkirk, co-founder of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA), and her struggle for animal rights. \"I Am an Animal\" premiered on Monday, November 19, 2007 at 8 p.m. on HBO. The documentary runs for the total length of 72 minutes. It is based in the United States of America. It is categorized by", "psg_id": "11184968" }, { "title": "Defining vocabulary", "text": "Defining vocabulary A defining vocabulary is a list of words used by lexicographers to write dictionary definitions. The underlying principle goes back to Samuel Johnson's notion that words should be defined using 'terms less abstruse than that which is to be explained', and a defining vocabulary provides the lexicographer with a restricted list of high-frequency words which can be used for producing simple definitions of any word in the dictionary. Defining vocabularies are especially common in English monolingual learner's dictionaries. The first such dictionary to use a defining vocabulary was the \"New Method English Dictionary\" by Michael West and James", "psg_id": "1444949" }, { "title": "Defining vocabulary", "text": "layers. This strategy is used in the \"Learn These Words First\" multi-layer dictionary, where a 360-word beginning-level defining vocabulary is used to explain a 2,000-word intermediate-level defining vocabulary, which in turn is used to define the remaining words in the dictionary. Defining vocabulary A defining vocabulary is a list of words used by lexicographers to write dictionary definitions. The underlying principle goes back to Samuel Johnson's notion that words should be defined using 'terms less abstruse than that which is to be explained', and a defining vocabulary provides the lexicographer with a restricted list of high-frequency words which can be", "psg_id": "1444953" }, { "title": "Defining Issues Test", "text": "ensure society-wide benefit. So, a respondent who is primarily using this schema will focus on what is best for society as a whole. For example, the Civil Rights movement was a product of Postconventional reasoning, as followers were most concerned with the society-wide effects of (in)equality. Though an individual may rely more heavily on one of the aforementioned schemas, moral reasoning is typically informed, to varying degrees, by each of the schemas. One of the Defining Issues Test's original purposes was to assess the transition of moral development from adolescence to adulthood. In 1999 the test was revised in the", "psg_id": "9260740" }, { "title": "Defining vocabulary", "text": "Endicott (published in 1935), a small dictionary written using a defining vocabulary of just 1,490 words. When the \"Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English\" was first published in 1978, its most striking feature was its use of a 2,000-word defining vocabulary based on Michael West's General Service List, and since then defining vocabularies have become a standard component of monolingual learner's dictionaries for English and for other languages. Using a defining vocabulary is not without its problems, and some scholars have argued that it can lead to definitions which are insufficiently precise or accurate, or that words in the list are", "psg_id": "1444950" }, { "title": "Defining length", "text": "fixed position. In genetic algorithms as the defining length of a solution increases so does the susceptibility of the solution to disruption due to mutation or cross-over. Defining length In genetic algorithms and genetic programming defining length L(H) is the maximum distance between two defining symbols (that is symbols that have a fixed value as opposed to symbols that can take any value, commonly denoted as # or *) in schema H. In tree GP schemata, L(H) is the number of links in the minimum tree fragment including all the non-= symbols within a schema H. Schemata \"00##0\", \"1###1\", \"01###\",", "psg_id": "4601662" }, { "title": "Animal welfare", "text": "of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) enforces the Animal Welfare Act. APHIS inspects animal research facilities regularly and reports are published online. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the total number of animals used in the U.S. in 2005 was almost 1.2 million, but this does not include rats, mice, and birds which are not covered by welfare legislation but make up approximately 90% of research animals. There are many different approaches to describing and defining animal welfare. Positive conditions - Providing good animal welfare is sometimes defined by a list of positive conditions which", "psg_id": "1490789" }, { "title": "Defining length", "text": "Defining length In genetic algorithms and genetic programming defining length L(H) is the maximum distance between two defining symbols (that is symbols that have a fixed value as opposed to symbols that can take any value, commonly denoted as # or *) in schema H. In tree GP schemata, L(H) is the number of links in the minimum tree fragment including all the non-= symbols within a schema H. Schemata \"00##0\", \"1###1\", \"01###\", and \"##0##\" have defining lengths of 4, 4, 1, and 0, respectively. Lengths are computed by determining the last fixed position and subtracting from it the first", "psg_id": "4601661" }, { "title": "Animal testing", "text": "idea that dogs, at the very least, have some form of consciousness. The ability of invertebrates to experience pain and suffering is less clear, however, legislation in several countries (e.g. U.K., New Zealand, Norway) protects some invertebrate species if they are being used in animal testing. In the U.S., the defining text on animal welfare regulation in animal testing is the \"Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals\". This defines the parameters that govern animal testing in the U.S. It states \"The ability to experience and respond to pain is widespread in the animal kingdom...Pain is a stressor", "psg_id": "1494931" }, { "title": "Even-toed ungulate", "text": "and ocean-dwelling cetaceans in a revised Artiodactyla taxon. In the 1990s, biological systematics used not only morphology and fossils to classify organisms, but also molecular biology. Molecular biology involves sequencing an organism's DNA and RNA and comparing the sequence with that of other living beings – the more similar they are, the more closely they are related. Comparison of even-toed ungulate and cetaceans genetic material has shown that the closest living relatives of whales and hippopotamuses is the paraphyletic group Artiodactyla. Dan Graur and Desmond Higgins were among the first to come to this conclusion, and included a paper published", "psg_id": "572752" }, { "title": "Odd-toed ungulate", "text": "Odd-toed ungulate Members of the order Perissodactyla, also known as odd-toed ungulates, are mammals characterized by an odd number of toes and by hindgut fermentation with somewhat simple stomachs. \"Perissodactyla\" comes from the Ancient Greek περισσός (\"perissós\", \"uneven\") and δάκτυλος (\"dáktylos\", \"finger, toe\"). Unlike the even-toed ungulates, they digest plant cellulose in their intestines rather than in one or more stomach chambers. The order includes three extant families: Equidae (horses, asses, and zebras), Rhinocerotidae (rhinoceroses), and Tapiridae (tapirs), with a total of about 17 species. Despite their very different appearances, they were recognized as related families in the 19th century", "psg_id": "317669" }, { "title": "Animal hoarding", "text": "animal hoarding is attachment disorder, which is primarily caused by poor parent-child relationships during childhood. It is characterized by an inability to form \"close relationships [with other humans] in adulthood\". As a result, those suffering from attachment disorder may turn to animals for companionship. Interviews with animal hoarders have revealed that hoarders have often experienced domestic trauma in childhood, which is the basis of the evidence for this model. Perhaps the strongest psychological model put forward to explain animal hoarding is obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD). An overwhelming sense of responsibility for something is characteristic of people with OCD, who then take", "psg_id": "2871881" }, { "title": "Ship of Theseus", "text": "changes with time, and likewise for the person who steps in the river. This argument's validity and soundness as applied to the paradox depend on the accuracy not only of Aristotle's expressed premise that an object's formal cause is not only the primary or even sole determiner of its defining characteristic(s) or essence (\"what-it-is\") but also of the unstated, stronger premise that an object's formal cause is the sole determiner of its \"identity\" or \"\"which\"-it-is\" (\"i.e.\", whether the previous and the later ships or rivers are the \"same\" ship or river). This latter premise is subject to attack by indirect", "psg_id": "1930988" }, { "title": "Occurrences of Grandi's series", "text": "vertex, one edge, one face, and generally exactly one cell of every dimension, Euler's formula for the Euler characteristic of \"S\" returns . There are a few motivations for defining a generalized Euler characteristic for such a space that turns out to be 1/2. One approach comes from combinatorial geometry. The open interval (0, 1) has an Euler characteristic of −1, so its power set 2 should have an Euler characteristic of 2 = 1/2. The appropriate power set to take is the \"small power set\" of finite subsets of the interval, which consists of the union of a point", "psg_id": "9511812" }, { "title": "Defining Dulcie", "text": "Defining Dulcie Defining Dulcie is a young adult novel. It is the first novel by author Paul Acampora. The story follows 16-year-old Dulcie Morrigan Jones through journeys and trials. Her mother moves them both from Connecticut to California after Dulcie's father dies an accidental death. However Dulcie is unimpressed by this level of life change and seeks to solve this problem by stealing her father's old pick-up truck, setting out across America heading for her former home. \"\" inextricable mix of sadness and humor, sorrow and hope, are the hallmark of this memorable first novel...\"\" School Library Journal (starred review)", "psg_id": "10954124" }, { "title": "Defining Dulcie", "text": "which will be a Scholastic Book Club selection this year. Defining Dulcie Defining Dulcie is a young adult novel. It is the first novel by author Paul Acampora. The story follows 16-year-old Dulcie Morrigan Jones through journeys and trials. Her mother moves them both from Connecticut to California after Dulcie's father dies an accidental death. However Dulcie is unimpressed by this level of life change and seeks to solve this problem by stealing her father's old pick-up truck, setting out across America heading for her former home. \"\" inextricable mix of sadness and humor, sorrow and hope, are the hallmark", "psg_id": "10954126" }, { "title": "Odd-toed ungulate", "text": "in the wild of almost all other odd-toed ungulates species has declined dramatically because of hunting and habitat destruction. The quagga is extinct and Przewalski's horse has been eradicated in the wild. Present threat levels, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (2012): Odd-toed ungulate Members of the order Perissodactyla, also known as odd-toed ungulates, are mammals characterized by an odd number of toes and by hindgut fermentation with somewhat simple stomachs. \"Perissodactyla\" comes from the Ancient Greek περισσός (\"perissós\", \"uneven\") and δάκτυλος (\"dáktylos\", \"finger, toe\"). Unlike the even-toed ungulates, they digest plant cellulose in their intestines rather", "psg_id": "317700" }, { "title": "Talking animal", "text": "so these sounds usually need to be shaped by selective attention and social reward. Talking animal A talking animal or speaking animal is any non-human animal that can produce sounds or gestures resembling those of a human language. Several species or groups of animals have developed forms of communication which superficially resemble verbal language, however, these are not defined as language because they lack one or more of the defining characteristics, i.e. grammar, syntax, recursion and displacement. Researchers have been successful in teaching some animals to make gestures similar to sign language. However, these animals fail to reach one or", "psg_id": "12381587" }, { "title": "Defining equation (physics)", "text": "real part is relevant, the imaginary part can be discarded. For more advanced treatments the equation may have to be written in an equivalent but alternative form using other defining equations for the definition to be useful. Often definitions can start from elementary algebra, then modify to vectors, then in the limiting cases calculus may be used. The various levels of maths used typically follows this pattern. Typically definitions are explicit, meaning the defining quantity is the subject of the equation, but sometimes the equation is not written explicitly – although the defining quantity can be solved for to make", "psg_id": "15678117" }, { "title": "Modulus and characteristic of convexity", "text": "Modulus and characteristic of convexity In mathematics, the modulus of convexity and the characteristic of convexity are measures of \"how convex\" the unit ball in a Banach space is. In some sense, the modulus of convexity has the same relationship to the \"ε\"-\"δ\" definition of uniform convexity as the modulus of continuity does to the \"ε\"-\"δ\" definition of continuity. The modulus of convexity of a Banach space (\"X\", || ||) is the function defined by where \"S\" denotes the unit sphere of (\"X\", || ||). In the definition of \"δ\"(\"ε\"), one can as well take the infimum over all vectors", "psg_id": "10725619" }, { "title": "Animal symbolicum", "text": "Animal symbolicum Animal symbolicum (\"symbol-making\" or \"symbolizing animal\") is a definition for humans proposed by the German neo-Kantian Ernst Cassirer. The tradition since Aristotle has defined a human being as \"animal rationale\" (a rational animal). However, Cassirer claimed that man's outstanding characteristic is not in his metaphysical or physical nature, but rather in his work. Humanity cannot be known directly, but has to be known through the analysis of the symbolic universe that man has created historically. Thus man should be defined as \"animal symbolicum\" (a symbol-making or symbolizing animal). On this basis, Cassirer sought to understand human nature by", "psg_id": "13355738" }, { "title": "I Am Not an Animal", "text": "include: A group of animal rights activists break into the laboratory to rescue the animals. Kieron is left behind, having his head removed from the rest of his body and being kept alive by machines. As the other animals are boarded into the activists' truck they don't know what's going on, and are joined by Niall (voiced by Arthur Mathews), a rabbit from an earlier batch of Project S which can only speak computer advice. When one of the animals asks the activists if they will be stopping for a toilet break, they panic and crash the truck into a", "psg_id": "6094256" }, { "title": "Characteristic function (probability theory)", "text": "empirical characteristic functions to fit time series models where likelihood procedures are impractical. The gamma distribution with scale parameter θ and a shape parameter \"k\" has the characteristic function Now suppose that we have with \"X\" and \"Y\" independent from each other, and we wish to know what the distribution of \"X\" + \"Y\" is. The characteristic functions are which by independence and the basic properties of characteristic function leads to This is the characteristic function of the gamma distribution scale parameter \"θ\" and shape parameter \"k\" + \"k\", and we therefore conclude The result can be expanded to \"n\"", "psg_id": "6524210" }, { "title": "Like an Animal (The Glove song)", "text": "Like an Animal (The Glove song) \"Like an Animal\" is the first single by the Glove from their album \"Blue Sunshine\", released in 1983 by Wonderland Records/Polydor. The Glove were a side project for Robert Smith of the Cure and Steven Severin of Siouxsie and the Banshees. The song was recorded in 1983 while Smith was also a member of the Banshees. The vocals on the song are provided by Jeanette Landray, a dancer and friend of members of the Banshees. The lyrics were written by Smith and tell the true story of a woman who went mad while living", "psg_id": "9533442" }, { "title": "Cardinal characteristic of the continuum", "text": "infinite maximal almost disjoint family. A basic result is that formula_91; Shelah showed that it is consistent to have the strict inequality formula_92. A well known diagram of cardinal characteristics is Cichoń's diagram, showing all pair-wise relations provable in ZFC between 10 cardinal characteristics. Cardinal characteristic of the continuum In the mathematical discipline of set theory, a cardinal characteristic of the continuum is an infinite cardinal number that may consistently lie strictly between formula_1 (the cardinality of the set of natural numbers), and the cardinality of the continuum, that is, the cardinality of the set formula_2 of all real numbers.", "psg_id": "16109903" }, { "title": "Euler characteristic", "text": "formula_33 on a proper scheme \"X\", one defines its Euler characteristic to be where formula_35 is the dimension of the \"i\"-th sheaf cohomology group of formula_33. In this case, the dimensions are all finite by Grothendieck's finiteness theorem. This is an instance of the Euler characteristic of a chain complex, where the chain complex is a finite resolution of formula_33 by acyclic sheaves. Another generalization of the concept of Euler characteristic on manifolds comes from orbifolds (see Euler characteristic of an orbifold). While every manifold has an integer Euler characteristic, an orbifold can have a fractional Euler characteristic. For example,", "psg_id": "1318123" }, { "title": "Characteristic energy", "text": "Also, where formula_17 is the asymptotic velocity at infinite distance. Spacecraft's velocity approaches formula_17 as it is further away from the central object's gravity. MAVEN, a Mars-bound spacecraft, was launched into a trajectory with a characteristic energy of 12.2 km/s with respect to the Earth. When simplified to a two-body problem, this would mean the MAVEN escaped Earth on a hyperbolic trajectory slowly decreasing its speed towards formula_19. However, since the Sun's gravitational field is much stronger than Earth's, the two-body solution is insufficient. The characteristic energy with respect to Sun was negative, and MAVEN – instead of heading to", "psg_id": "3776008" }, { "title": "Defining vocabulary", "text": "the meaning of a word in a definition can immediately see the definition for the word that is causing problems. This strategy only works, however, if all the definitions are written in reasonably accessible language, which argues for some sort of defining vocabulary to be maintained in dictionaries aimed at language learners. Intermediate-level language learners are likely to have receptive familiarity with most words in a typical 2,000-word defining vocabulary. To accommodate beginning-level learners, the defining vocabulary can be divided into two or more layers, where words in one layer are explained using only the simpler words from the previous", "psg_id": "1444952" }, { "title": "Wu's method of characteristic set", "text": "condition holds Note that Wu characteristic set is defined to the set F of polynomials, rather to the ideal <F> generated by F. Also it can be shown that a Ritt characteristic set T of <F> is a Wu characteristic set of F. Wu characteristic sets can be computed by Wu's algorithm CHRST-REM, which only requires pseudo-remainder computations and no factorizations are needed. Wu's characteristic set method has exponential complexity; improvements in computing efficiency by weak chains, regular chains, saturated chain were introduced An application is an algorithm for solving systems of algebraic equations by means of characteristic sets. More", "psg_id": "10904960" }, { "title": "Compressor characteristic", "text": "Assuming the compressor operates at point A (formula_54) on the characteristic curve (let at constant speed formula_55) as shown in Figure 5. Now if the flow rate is reduced to formula_56 by closing a control valve on the delivery pipe, the static pressure upstream of the valve is increased. This increased pressure (formula_57) is then matched by the increased delivery pressure (at B) which is developed by the compressor. Now further reducing the flow (to formula_58 and formula_59), the increased pressures in the delivery pipe are again matched by the compressor delivery pressures at C and S on the characteristic", "psg_id": "16518196" }, { "title": "Animal feeding operation", "text": "to apply to all sizes of operations and is the first step in defining an operation as a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation. Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations are facilities that require federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) water quality permits, irrespective of size. While state regulations differ from state to state, changes in 2003 to the NPDES permit program forced most state programs to adopt the AFO and CAFO designations, and thus the regulatory definition of an AFO is common across the United States. EPA did not explicitly differentiate AFOs by size in the Code of Federal Regulations, but is", "psg_id": "13578521" }, { "title": "Characteristic polynomial", "text": "Characteristic polynomial In linear algebra, the characteristic polynomial of a square matrix is a polynomial which is invariant under matrix similarity and has the eigenvalues as roots. It has the determinant and the trace of the matrix as coefficients. The characteristic polynomial of an endomorphism of vector spaces of finite dimension is the characteristic polynomial of the matrix of the endomorphism over any base; it does not depend on the choice of a basis. The characteristic equation is the equation obtained by equating to zero the characteristic polynomial. The characteristic polynomial of a graph is the characteristic polynomial of its", "psg_id": "1718619" }, { "title": "Characteristic class", "text": "the Chern class is really one class with graded components in each even dimension. This is still the classic explanation, though in a given geometric theory it is profitable to take extra structure into account. When cohomology became 'extraordinary' with the arrival of K-theory and cobordism theory from 1955 onwards, it was really only necessary to change the letter \"H\" everywhere to say what the characteristic classes were. Characteristic classes were later found for foliations of manifolds; they have (in a modified sense, for foliations with some allowed singularities) a classifying space theory in homotopy theory. In later work after", "psg_id": "2289247" }, { "title": "Defining equation (physics)", "text": "equation is used to define a single quantity in terms of a number of others. One defining equation – a number of defined quantities: A defining equation is used to define a number of quantities in terms of a number of others. A single defining equation shouldn't contain \"one\" quantity defining \"all other\" quantities in the \"same equation\", otherwise contradictions arise again. There is no definition of the defined quantities separately since they are defined by a single quantity in a single equation. Furthermore, the defined quantities may have already been defined before, so if another quantity defines these in", "psg_id": "15678121" }, { "title": "Characteristic subgroup", "text": "\"strictly characteristic\" is equivalent to \"characteristic\". This is not the case anymore for infinite groups. For an even stronger constraint, a \"fully characteristic subgroup\" (also, \"fully invariant subgroup\"; cf. invariant subgroup), , of a group, is a group remaining invariant under every endomorphism of ; that is, Every group has itself (the improper subgroup) and the trivial subgroup as two of its fully characteristic subgroups. The commutator subgroup of a group is always a fully characteristic subgroup. Every endomorphism of induces an endomorphism of , which yields a map . An even stronger constraint is verbal subgroup, which is the", "psg_id": "90407" }, { "title": "Fur", "text": "“Change on this level would only be driven on a genuine lack of demand and not just social media outcry”. As McIntosh puts it, “The choice not to sell fur is not an environmental decision. “People conflating not selling fur with sustainability is quite dangerous, because they are not the same thing. It’s not a choice that is about sustainability, it’s a choice about ethics and what you think is acceptable in terms of animal welfare.” Fur Fur is a thick growth of hair that covers the skin of many animals, it is a defining characteristic of mammals. It consists", "psg_id": "12381556" }, { "title": "AIDS-defining clinical condition", "text": "AIDS-defining clinical condition AIDS-defining clinical conditions (a.k.a. AIDS-defining illnesses or AIDS-defining diseases) is the list of diseases published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that are associated with AIDS, and used worldwide as a guideline for AIDS diagnosis. CDC exclusively uses the term \"AIDS-defining clinical conditions\", but the other terms remain in common use. This list governs the US government classification of HIV disease. This is to allow the government to handle epidemic statistics and define who receives US government assistance. However, considerable variation exists in the relative risk of death following different AIDS defining clinical conditions.", "psg_id": "5299043" }, { "title": "Characteristic subgroup", "text": "induces an automorphism of the quotient group, , which yields a map . If has a unique subgroup of a given (finite) index, then is characteristic in . A subgroup of that is invariant under all inner automorphisms is called normal; also, an invariant subgroup. Since and a characteristic subgroup is invariant under all automorphisms, every characteristic subgroup is normal. However, not every normal subgroup is characteristic. Here are several examples: A ', or a ', which is invariant under surjective endomorphisms. For finite groups, surjectivity of an endomorphism implies injectivity, so a surjective endomorphism is an automorphism; thus being", "psg_id": "90406" }, { "title": "Even-toed ungulate", "text": "were more terrestrial than previously thought, and that the special construction of the talus (ankle bone) with a double-rolled joint surface, previously thought to be unique to even-toed ungulates, were also in early cetaceans. The mesonychids, another type of ungulate, did not show this special construction of the talus, and thus was concluded to not have the same ancestors as cetaceans. The oldest cetaceans date back to the early Eocene (53 million years ago), whereas the oldest known hippopotamus dates back only to the Miocene (15 million years ago). Some doubts have arisen regarding the relationship between the two, as", "psg_id": "572754" }, { "title": "Even-toed ungulate", "text": "there is a 40 million year gap between their first appearances in the fossil record. It seems unlikely that there were ancestral hippos that left no remains, given the high number of even-toed ungulate fossils. Some studies proposed the late emergence of hippos is because they are relatives of peccaries and split recently, but molecular findings contradict this. Research is therefore focused on anthracortheres (family Anthracotheriidae); one dating from the Eocene to Miocene was declared to be \"hippo-like\" upon discovery in the 19th century. A study from 2005 showed that the anthracotheres and hippopotamuses have very similar skulls, but differed", "psg_id": "572755" }, { "title": "Even-toed ungulate", "text": "Even-toed ungulate The even-toed ungulates (Artiodactyla, ) are ungulates (hoofed animals) whose weight is borne equally by the third and fourth toes. By contrast, odd-toed ungulates, such as horses, bear their weight primarily on their third toes. The aquatic cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) evolved from even-toed ungulates, so modern taxonomic classification sometimes combines the Artiodactyla and Cetacea into the Cetartiodactyla. Excluding whales, the roughly 220 artiodactyl species include pigs, peccaries, hippopotamuses, camels, llamas, alpacas, mouse deer, deer, giraffes, antelopes, sheep, goats, and cattle, many of which are of great dietary, economic, and cultural importance to humans. The oldest fossils", "psg_id": "572746" }, { "title": "Characteristic class", "text": "if \"f\" : \"Y\" → \"X\" is a continuous map, then \"c\"(\"f\"*\"P\") = \"f\"*\"c\"(\"P\"). On the left is the class of the pullback of \"P\" to \"Y\"; on the right is the image of the class of \"P\" under the induced map in cohomology. Characteristic classes are elements of cohomology groups; one can obtain integers from characteristic classes, called characteristic numbers. Respectively: Stiefel–Whitney numbers, Chern numbers, Pontryagin numbers, and the Euler characteristic. Given an oriented manifold \"M\" of dimension \"n\" with fundamental class formula_1, and a \"G\"-bundle with characteristic classes formula_2, one can pair a product of characteristic classes of", "psg_id": "2289241" }, { "title": "Characteristic (algebra)", "text": "then defines a ring homomorphism It is called the \"Frobenius homomorphism\". If \"R\" is an integral domain it is injective. As mentioned above, the characteristic of any field is either 0 or a prime number. A field of non-zero characteristic is called a field of \"finite characteristic\" or \"positive characteristic\" or \"prime characteristic\". For any field \"F\", there is a minimal subfield, namely the , the smallest subfield containing 1. It is isomorphic either to the rational number field Q, or to a finite field of prime order, F; the structure of the prime field and the characteristic each determine", "psg_id": "3904307" }, { "title": "Even-toed ungulate", "text": "ago. Today, artiodactyls are kept primarily for their meat, milk, and wool, fur, or hide for clothing. Domestic cattle, the water buffalo, the yak, and camels are used for work, as rides, or as pack animals. The endangerment level of each even-toed ungulate is different. Some species are synanthropic (such as the wild boar) and have spread into areas that they are not indigenous to, either having been brought as farm animals or having run away as people's pets. Some artiodactyls also benefit from the fact that their predators (e.g. the Tasmanian tiger) were severely decimated by ranchers, who saw", "psg_id": "572784" }, { "title": "Characteristic impedance", "text": "called the input impedance. The input impedance of an infinite line is equal to the characteristic impedance since the transmitted wave is never reflected back from the end. It can be shown that an equivalent definition is: the characteristic impedance of a line is that impedance which, when terminating an arbitrary length of line at its output, produces an input impedance of equal value. This is so because there is no reflection on a line terminated in its own characteristic impedance. Applying the transmission line model based on the telegrapher's equations as derived below, the general expression for the characteristic", "psg_id": "517075" }, { "title": "Like an Animal (Rüfüs song)", "text": "ripples with plastic guitars and stuttering hi-hats, evoking both the promise of early evening hedonism and the best of Van She.\" Jacob Robinson from Daily Review, in a review of the album \"Bloom\", said \"\"Like an Animal\" is a glossy and pulsating EDM pop tune with a gigantic drop that descends into a hectic dance breakdown.\" The music video was directed by Katzki and released on 22 September 2015. Like an Animal (Rüfüs song) \"Like an Animal\" is a song by Australian alternative dance group RÜFÜS. The song was released on 25 September 2015 as the second single from the", "psg_id": "20738056" }, { "title": "Like an Animal (Rüfüs song)", "text": "Like an Animal (Rüfüs song) \"Like an Animal\" is a song by Australian alternative dance group RÜFÜS. The song was released on 25 September 2015 as the second single from the group's second studio album, \"Bloom\" (2016). The song peaked at number 44 on the ARIA Chart. The song was certified platinum in Australia in 2017. Ryan Middleton from Music Times said \"The melodic indie-pop tune it brought together with a steady percussion, soft pads and airy keys for another piece of synth-pop gold from RÜFÜS\". In a review of \"Bloom\" Marcus Teague from The Guardian said \"\"Like an Animal\"", "psg_id": "20738055" }, { "title": "Wu's method of characteristic set", "text": "triangular sets w.r.t Ritt ordering. Let I be a non-zero ideal of k[x, ..., x]. A subset T of I is a Ritt characteristic set of I if one of the following conditions holds: A polynomial ideal may possess (infinitely) many characteristic sets, since Ritt ordering is a partial order. The Ritt–Wu process, first devised by Ritt, subsequently modified by Wu, computes not a Ritt characteristic but an extended one, called Wu characteristic set or ascending chain. A non-empty subset T of the ideal <F> generated by F is a Wu characteristic set of F if one of the following", "psg_id": "10904959" }, { "title": "Zoophilia and the law", "text": "jurisdictions list laws very clearly, such as England and Wales, which specifically prohibits penetration of a human being by the penis of an animal, and penetration of an animal by a human's penis. By contrast, many countries and US states are less precise about the scope of law in that they outlaw sex with animals, without defining what constitutes \"sex\". Even if bestiality is not explicitly prohibited, there are often many other laws which can be used to effectively prosecute cases. For example, most countries have animal cruelty laws, and a prosecutor will argue that all zoophilia activity is animal", "psg_id": "7842804" }, { "title": "AIDS-defining clinical condition", "text": "case definition to include all HIV-infected persons with CD4+ T-lymphocyte counts of fewer than 200 cells/μL or a CD4+ percentage of less than 14. Outside the US, however, diagnosis with a listed opportunistic infection is still required. It has been suggested that other conditions (such as penicilliosis) should be included in other countries. AIDS-defining clinical condition AIDS-defining clinical conditions (a.k.a. AIDS-defining illnesses or AIDS-defining diseases) is the list of diseases published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that are associated with AIDS, and used worldwide as a guideline for AIDS diagnosis. CDC exclusively uses the term \"AIDS-defining", "psg_id": "5299045" }, { "title": "Odd-toed ungulate", "text": "relatively inefficient, which probably explains why no odd-toed ungulates are small; for large animals, nutritional requirements per unit of body weight are lower and the surface-to-volume ratio is smaller. The present distribution of most perissodactyl species is only a small fraction of their original range. Members of this group are now found only in Central and South America, eastern and southern Africa, and central, southern, and southeastern Asia. During the peak of odd-toed ungulate existence, from the Eocene to the Oligocene, perissodactyls were distributed over much of the globe, the only exceptions being Australia and Antarctica. Horses and tapirs arrived", "psg_id": "317675" }, { "title": "Cryoconservation of animal genetic resources", "text": "Quarantine facilities are necessary in order to prevent the transmission of disease from animal to animal, animal to germplasm, germplasm to germplasm, and germplasm to animal. Introducing quarantine to separate the diseased animal(s) from the healthy should be done immediately. However, a quarantine does not always prevent the spread of disease. Temperature control and ventilation should be included in the design of the holding and collection facilities to keep the animals comfortable and healthy, while limiting stress during the germplasm collection process. Ventilation serves as an effective way to keep clean airflow throughout the facilities and eliminate odors Temperature control", "psg_id": "19535160" }, { "title": "Even-toed ungulate", "text": "them as competition. Conversely, many artiodactyls have declined significantly in numbers, and some have even gone extinct, largely due to over-hunting, and, more recently, habitat destruction. Extinct species include several gazelles (such as the Arabian gazelle), the Malagasy hippopotamus, the bluebuck, and Schomburgk's deer. Two species, the Scimitar-horned oryx and Pere David's deer, are extinct in the wild. Fourteen species are considered critically endangered, including the addax, the kouprey, the Bactrian camel, Przewalski's gazelle, the saiga, and the pygmy hog. Twenty-four species are considered endangered. Even-toed ungulate The even-toed ungulates (Artiodactyla, ) are ungulates (hoofed animals) whose weight is borne", "psg_id": "572785" }, { "title": "Defining equation (physics)", "text": "and approach with respect to the collision point, but depends on the nature of the surfaces in question. Definitions vs. theorems: There is a very important difference between defining equations and general or derived results, theorems or laws. Defining equations \"do not find out any information\" about a physical system, they simply re-state one measurement in terms of others. Results, theorems, and laws, on the other hand \"do\" provide meaningful information, if only a little, since they represent a calculation for a quantity given other properties of the system, and describe how the system behaves as variables are changed. An", "psg_id": "15678129" }, { "title": "Characteristic subgroup", "text": "Characteristic subgroup In mathematics, particularly in the area of abstract algebra known as group theory, a characteristic subgroup is a subgroup that is mapped to itself by every automorphism of the parent group. Because every conjugation map is an inner automorphism, every characteristic subgroup is normal; though the converse is not guaranteed. Examples of characteristic subgroups include the commutator subgroup and the center of a group. A subgroup of a group is called characteristic subgroup, , if for every automorphism of , holds, i.e. if every automorphism of the parent group maps the subgroup to within itself. Every automorphism of", "psg_id": "90405" }, { "title": "Characteristic subgroup", "text": "followed by the inclusion of into as its first factor, provides an endomorphism of under which the image of the center, , is not contained in the center, so here the center is not a fully characteristic subgroup of . Every subgroup of a cyclic group is characteristic. The derived subgroup (or commutator subgroup) of a group is a verbal subgroup. The torsion subgroup of an abelian group is a fully invariant subgroup. The identity component of a topological group is always a characteristic subgroup. Characteristic subgroup In mathematics, particularly in the area of abstract algebra known as group theory,", "psg_id": "90411" }, { "title": "The Defining Moment (TV series)", "text": "The Defining Moment (TV series) The Defining Moment (沸腾冰点) is a Singaporean drama which aired on Channel 8, debuted on 4 August 2008, and consists of 20 episodes. From Mediacorp:Groomed for business by her grandfather since young, Lin Kexin (Fann Wong) is appointed CEO of his conglomerate straight after graduation, with vehement protests from her uncle Tang Weiye (Zhu Houren). But Kexin soon finds herself suffering from uncontrollable hysteria, and fears she has inherited her grandmother’s mental illness. Weiye took advantage of the situation by forging a medical report to declare her insane and took reins of the business. Convinced", "psg_id": "17000116" }, { "title": "The Defining Moment (TV series)", "text": "of her own illness, the once aggressive and arrogant Kexin slips into a depression and attempted suicide. Her siblings Kexi (Chen Bangjun) and Keyi (Jeanette Aw), whom she was estrange from, begin to rally around her. With her family’s encouragement and love, Kexin recovers and gains not just a new perspective in life. Weiye’s mis-management is leading the company into trouble. Will Kexin be able to turn the tide around with the support of her family? The series was nominated for two categories, Best Actress & Best Supporting Actor . The Defining Moment (TV series) The Defining Moment (沸腾冰点) is", "psg_id": "17000117" }, { "title": "Characteristic class", "text": "differential forms representing the characteristic classes, take a wedge product so that one obtains a top dimensional form, then integrates over the manifold; this is analogous to taking the product in cohomology and pairing with the fundamental class. This also works for non-orientable manifolds, which have a formula_12-orientation, in which case one obtains formula_12-valued characteristic numbers, such as the Stiefel-Whitney numbers. Characteristic numbers solve the oriented and unoriented bordism questions: two manifolds are (respectively oriented or unoriented) cobordant if and only if their characteristic numbers are equal. Characteristic classes are in an essential way phenomena of cohomology theory — they", "psg_id": "2289243" }, { "title": "Human–animal hybrid", "text": "from how children desire \"direct\" language \"told in terms of images— visual, auditory, tactile, muscle images\". Another author has remarked that an \"animal costume\" provides \"a way to emphasize or even exaggerate a particular characteristic\". The anthropomorphic characters in the seminal works by English writer Beatrix Potter in particular live an ambiguous situation, having human dress yet displaying many instinctive animal traits. Writing on the popularity of Peter Rabbit, a later author commented that in \"balancing humanized domesticity against wild rabbit foraging, Potter subverted parental authority and its built in hypocrisy\" in Potter's child-centered books. Writer Lisa Fraustino has cited", "psg_id": "18950277" }, { "title": "Rational animal", "text": "in the Arbor Porphyriana, man is a substance, corporeal, living, sentient, and rational\". In Meditation II of \"Meditations on First Philosophy\", Descartes arrives at his famous \"I think, I exist\" claim. He then goes on to wonder \"What am I?\" He considers and rejects the scholastic concept of the \"rational animal\": Shall I say 'a rational animal'? No; for then I should have to inquire what an animal is, what rationality is, and in this one question would lead me down the slope to other harder ones. Freud was as aware as any of the irrational forces at work in", "psg_id": "8709318" }, { "title": "Characteristic subgroup", "text": "strictly characteristic (distinguished) is not transitive, it is true that every fully characteristic subgroup of a strictly characteristic subgroup is strictly characteristic. However, unlike normality, if and is a subgroup of containing , then in general is not necessarily characteristic in . Every subgroup that is fully characteristic is certainly strictly characteristic and characteristic; but a characteristic or even strictly characteristic subgroup need not be fully characteristic. The center of a group is always a strictly characteristic subgroup, but it is not always fully characteristic. For example, the finite group of order 12, , has a homomorphism taking to which", "psg_id": "90409" }, { "title": "Receiver operating characteristic", "text": "the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, the United States army began new research to increase the prediction of correctly detected Japanese aircraft from their radar signals. For these purposes they measured the ability of a radar receiver operator to make these important distinctions, which was called the Receiver Operating Characteristic. In the 1950s, ROC curves were employed in psychophysics to assess human (and occasionally non-human animal) detection of weak signals. In medicine, ROC analysis has been extensively used in the evaluation of diagnostic tests. ROC curves are also used extensively in epidemiology and medical research and are frequently mentioned", "psg_id": "3635603" }, { "title": "Animal hoarding", "text": "and around hoarding residences. Animal hoarding is at the root of a string of human health problems including poor sanitation, fire hazards, zoonotic diseases, envenomation, and neglect of oneself and dependents. Poor sanitation practices, a general characteristic of hoarding households, pose health risks to both animals and humans. In typical hoarding residences, animal waste is found coating interior surfaces, including beds, countertops, and cupboards. In one case, floors and other surfaces were found to be covered in a six-inch layer of feces and garbage. In addition to severe odors which may pose a nuisance to neighbors, animal waste poses serious", "psg_id": "2871872" }, { "title": "Characteristic class", "text": "a general Gauss–Bonnet theorem. When the theory was put on an organised basis around 1950 (with the definitions reduced to homotopy theory) it became clear that the most fundamental characteristic classes known at that time (the Stiefel–Whitney class, the Chern class, and the Pontryagin classes) were reflections of the classical linear groups and their maximal torus structure. What is more, the Chern class itself was not so new, having been reflected in the Schubert calculus on Grassmannians, and the work of the Italian school of algebraic geometry. On the other hand there was now a framework which produced families of", "psg_id": "2289245" }, { "title": "Rational animal", "text": "singled out as man's defining feature in \"De anima\" III.11. While seen by Aristotle as a universal human feature, the definition applied to wise and foolish alike, and did not in any way imply necessarily the \"making\" of rational choices, as opposed to the \"ability\" to make them. The Neoplatonic philosopher Porphyry defined man as a \"mortal rational animal\", and also considered animals to have a (lesser) rationality of their own. The definition of man as a rational animal was common in scholastical philosophy. Catholic Encyclopedia states that this definition means that \"in the system of classification and definition shown", "psg_id": "8709317" } ]
[ "it has hooves" ]
what degree does a us law school graduate get?
[ { "title": "Melbourne Law School", "text": "teaching, instead of part-time practitioners. Many prominent international academics were invited to study at the School, and many Australians were given the opportunity to study abroad. In 2007 MLS accepted its last cohort of LLB students. From 2008 the only degree offered by MLS qualifying for legal practice is the graduate-entry JD. This change to an entirely graduate law school is consistent with University-wide changes occurring under Vice-Chancellor Glyn Davis's Melbourne Model, although MLS does offer some subjects to the University's undergraduate students (known as 'breadth' subjects). Applications are assessed on two criteria: academic results in all previous tertiary study", "psg_id": "8680591" } ]
[ { "title": "Graduate school", "text": "the term does not usually refer to medical school (whose students are called \"medical students\"), and only occasionally refers to law school or business school; these are often collectively termed professional schools. Graduate students in the humanities, sciences and social sciences often receive funding from the school (e.g., fellowships or scholarships) and/or a teaching assistant position or other job; in the profession-oriented grad programs, students are less likely to get funding, and the fees are typically much higher. Although graduate school programs are distinct from undergraduate degree programs, graduate instruction (in the US, Australia and other countries) is often offered", "psg_id": "2225409" }, { "title": "PLM Graduate School of Law", "text": "laws. It has the following requirements for admission: The Graduate School of Law has the following degree programs: PLM Graduate School of Law The Graduate School of Law of the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila is one of the eight graduate schools of the university. It was launched on July 7, 2004 at the Manila Hotel, with Atty. Ernesto L. Pineda as its first dean. Currently, former Supreme Court's Second Division Chairman Justice Angelina G. Sandoval-Gutierrez sits as the dean of the Graduate School of Law. The Graduate School of Law is open to qualified lawyers, whether in the private", "psg_id": "8622843" }, { "title": "Riga Graduate School of Law", "text": "Riga Graduate School of Law The Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL) () in Riga, Latvia is a private law school in the Baltic region offering Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral studies. It was established in 1998 through an international agreement between the Governments of Sweden and Latvia and the Soros Foundation. RGSL offers post graduate degree programmes in International and European Law, in Law and Finance, all taught exclusively in English. The programmes are taught on site by an international faculty of resident and visiting professors, lecturers and practitioners from Europe and the USA. Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL)", "psg_id": "12703749" }, { "title": "PLM Graduate School of Law", "text": "PLM Graduate School of Law The Graduate School of Law of the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila is one of the eight graduate schools of the university. It was launched on July 7, 2004 at the Manila Hotel, with Atty. Ernesto L. Pineda as its first dean. Currently, former Supreme Court's Second Division Chairman Justice Angelina G. Sandoval-Gutierrez sits as the dean of the Graduate School of Law. The Graduate School of Law is open to qualified lawyers, whether in the private service or in the government. The degree programs cover emphases on major concerns of private, public and remedial", "psg_id": "8622842" }, { "title": "What Degree? Which University?", "text": "student life, student housing, and graduate opportunities for university leavers through the \"Lifestyle\", \"Student Housing\", \"Survival Guide\" and \"After Uni\" sections. The creator of \"What Degree? Which University?\" is David Handley, who is also the founding director of international sculpture exhibition, \"Sculpture by the Sea\". Handley first conceptualised \"What Degree? Which University?\" whilst studying his final year of Law at the University of Sydney. In 1988, \"What Degree? Which University?\" initially took form through university seminars held at the University of Sydney, allowing prospective students to compare degree options by hearing current and former students of undergraduate degree programs discuss", "psg_id": "16721779" }, { "title": "Graduate school", "text": "Graduate school A graduate school (sometimes shortened as grad school) is a school that awards advanced academic degrees (i.e. master's and doctoral degrees) with the general requirement that students must have earned a previous undergraduate (bachelor's) degree with a high grade point average. A distinction is typically made between graduate schools (where courses of study vary in the degree to which they provide training for a particular profession) and professional schools, which offer specialized advanced degrees in professional fields such as medicine, nursing, business, engineering, speech-language pathology, or law. The distinction between graduate schools and professional schools is not absolute,", "psg_id": "2225406" }, { "title": "Riga Graduate School of Law", "text": "Alberta iela, an important street for Art Nouveau architecture. The premises were donated to the Law School by the Soros Foundation in 1998 and were officially inaugurated by Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and the President of the Republic of Latvia, Vaira Vike-Freiberga, in 2001. The Law School shares its courtyard, main auditorium, cafeteria and library with the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (SSE Riga). The Law School's address is Strēlnieku iela 4k-2, Rīga, LV-1010. Riga Graduate School of Law The Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL) () in Riga, Latvia is a private law school in the Baltic", "psg_id": "12703758" }, { "title": "Law school", "text": " The Chinese University of Hong Kong - The University of Hong Kong - In Iran, the legal education has been influenced both by civil law and Islamic Shari'ah law. Like many countries, after high school, one can enter the law school. The first law degree is LL.B. It takes about four years to get LL.B. The first graduate program in law is LL.M. It takes about two to three years to earn an LL.M. The LL.M. is a mix of course work in a specific field of law and a dissertation. The Ph.D. in law is the", "psg_id": "6556118" }, { "title": "Graduate school", "text": "be spent on research, and many point out that there is a vicious circle in the academic labor economy. Institutions that rely on cheap graduate student labor have no need to create expensive professorships, so graduate students who have taught extensively in graduate school can find it immensely difficult to get a teaching job when they have obtained their degree. Many institutions depend heavily on graduate student teaching: a 2003 report by agitators for a graduate student union at Yale, for instance, claims that \"70% of undergraduate teaching contact hours at Yale are performed by transient teachers: graduate teachers, adjunct", "psg_id": "2225448" }, { "title": "City Law School", "text": "used a similar form of the Arms. The School teaches the Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) for graduates who wish to qualify as a lawyer without a law degree. The diploma has a strong reputation, and boasts an array of visiting lecturers, many of whom are leading academics in legal education. The School also offers the Graduate Entry LLB (Hons); a senior status law degree which allows non-law graduates to achieve an LLB law degree in just two years rather than the usual three. The School also offers an undergraduate LLB three year degree. The City Law Society is a", "psg_id": "9495897" }, { "title": "Penn State Graduate School", "text": "Penn State Graduate School Penn State Graduate School is the university organization in charge of the admission, matriculation and graduation of all graduate students (with the exception of professional students in the College of Medicine and The Dickinson School of Law). In addition to its administrative functions, the Graduate School serves as a main unit that promotes and provides professional development for students to supplement the efforts of graduate programs and colleges. The Graduate School is also in charge of reviewing the quality of graduate degree programs and helping with university-wide strategic planning for graduate education efforts and initiatives. Seed", "psg_id": "15505183" }, { "title": "Penn State Graduate School", "text": "In addition, Dr. Adair also manages the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs. Penn State Graduate School Penn State Graduate School is the university organization in charge of the admission, matriculation and graduation of all graduate students (with the exception of professional students in the College of Medicine and The Dickinson School of Law). In addition to its administrative functions, the Graduate School serves as a main unit that promotes and provides professional development for students to supplement the efforts of graduate programs and colleges. The Graduate School is also in charge of reviewing the quality of graduate degree programs and helping", "psg_id": "15505189" }, { "title": "Yale Law School", "text": "Yale Law School's Law School Transparency under-employment score is 8.4%, indicating the percentage of the Class of 2013 unemployed, pursuing an additional degree, or working in a non-professional, short-term, or part-time job nine months after graduation. The mean salary for a class of 2014 graduate 10 months after graduation was $109,102. The law school was ranked # 17 of all law schools nationwide by the \"National Law Journal\" in terms of sending the highest percentage of 2015 graduates to the largest 100 law firms in the US (23.58%). The total cost of attendance (indicating the cost of tuition, fees, and", "psg_id": "2607315" }, { "title": "Bonn Graduate School of Economics", "text": "Bonn Graduate School of Economics The Bonn Graduate School of Economics, commonly referred to as BGSE, is the graduate school of the Department of Economics within the Faculty of Law and Economics of the University of Bonn. The BGSE is one of the leading research institutions in the field of economics in Germany. The school offers a master program in economics (2 years) and a doctoral program with an integrated master degree (2 years + 3 years). Students who want to pursue a doctoral degree can specialize in economic research within the master program and then continue with the dissertation", "psg_id": "13341559" }, { "title": "Graduate Diploma in Law", "text": "Graduate Diploma in Law The Graduate Diploma in Law/Common Professional Examination (GDL/CPE) is a postgraduate law course in England and Wales that is taken by non-law graduates (graduates who have a degree in a discipline that is not law or not a qualifying law degree for legal practice) wishing to become either a solicitor or barrister in England and Wales. The course thus allows non-law students to convert to law after university (exceptions exist for non-graduates depending on circumstances); it is also commonly known as a \"law conversion course\". Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, the course is designed as", "psg_id": "7056269" }, { "title": "Northwestern University Graduate School", "text": "before completing the PhD. Some specialized master's degree programs and professional degrees are not conferred by TGS, but by respective professional schools at NU: Feinberg School of Medicine, Kellogg School of Management, McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science, Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications, School of Communication, School of Law and School of Education & Social Policy. Decisions on whether a master's degree resides within TGS or another school at Northwestern are made in consultation with the respective schools. The Graduate School offers combined dual degree programs with bachelor’s programs in two of the Northwestern undergraduate schools:", "psg_id": "10596765" }, { "title": "Boston College Graduate School of Arts & Sciences", "text": "but interested in pursuing coursework at the graduate level, may apply for admission as a non-degree student. The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences receives approximately 2,500 applications and admits approximately 250 new students annually. Each department has its own set of requirements and faculty committees within our various departments make admission decisions. The admissions office visits over thirty graduate school fairs and events across the country every fall. Numerous dual degree options are offered in cooperation with the Carroll School of Management, the Boston College Law School, the Lynch School of Education, and the Graduate School of Social Work.", "psg_id": "6487401" }, { "title": "Graduate Diploma in English and Hong Kong Law", "text": "Graduate Diploma in English and Hong Kong Law The Graduate Diploma in English and Hong Kong Law (GDEHKL) is a Hong Kong graduate diploma programme that allows students that did not take law as an undergraduate degree (i.e. \"non-law students\") to \"convert\" to law, before going onto a professional qualification course and ultimately legal training. The GDEHKL is a localised mutation of the Common Professional Examination of England and Wales (CPE), or Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL). It is jointly offered by the University of Hong Kong's School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE) as the course operator, and", "psg_id": "7814028" }, { "title": "Graduate School of Duke University", "text": "and Sciences, the non-professional degree programs of the professional schools of divinity, law, business, environment and earth sciences, the basic science departments of the School of Medicine, and certain professionally oriented graduate programs as well. The Graduate School enrolls approximately 2,220 students. At Duke, the graduate faculty (currently numbering 1,000) consists of all members of the university faculty who have been so designated by their respective departments or schools and approved by the dean of the Graduate School. Originally called the 'Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, in February 1968 the Duke University Board of Trustees changed the name to", "psg_id": "2624244" }, { "title": "Stanford Graduate School of Business", "text": "the MBA program. Stanford Graduate School of Business is renowned to have produced a remarkable number of successful business leaders and entrepreneurs, many among the world's wealthiest, from its alumni base. Stanford Graduate School of Business The Stanford Graduate School of Business (also known as Stanford GSB or GSB) is the graduate business school of Stanford University in Stanford, California. Stanford GSB offers a general management Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree, the MSx Program (MS in Management for mid-career executives) and a Ph.D. program, along with joint degrees with other schools at Stanford including Earth Sciences, Education, Engineering, Law", "psg_id": "2598224" }, { "title": "The Dickson Poon School of Law", "text": "degree may elect to take a specialisation in one of several of the School's strengths, including International commercial law and European Union law. The School also offers a dual degree with ESSEC Business School in France and The Global School of Law in Lisbon. The School offers a full-time graduate research programme leading to the award of the PhD in law. The School has 80 doctoral researchers. The School has hosted the annual International Graduate Legal Research Conference since 2007. The Graduate Legal Research Society arranges educational and social events for the doctoral researcher community and liaises with school management", "psg_id": "13636551" }, { "title": "Law school", "text": "highest law degree offered by some law schools. It takes about 5–7 years depending on the school as well as the students. See Legal education#Japan. Law degree programs are considered graduate programs in the Philippines. As such, admission to law schools requires the completion of a bachelor's degree, with a sufficient number of credits or units in certain subject areas. Graduation from a Philippine law school constitutes the primary eligibility requirement for the Philippine Bar Examination, the national licensure examination for practicing lawyers in the country. The bar examination is administered by the Supreme Court of the Philippines during the", "psg_id": "6556119" }, { "title": "What Kate Does", "text": "reviews\"; however, this was down significantly from the previous episode's 89 and Bonnie Covel of noted that \" 'What Kate Does' brought us a bit of negativity. In general, fans just didn't like the episode\". \"What Kate Does\" was largely considered to be a step down from the season premiere in pacing, revelations and writing; Mike Hale of \"The New York Times\" described the episode as \"contemplative\", \"anticlimactic\" and \"subdued\" and the flash sideways as \"kind of boring and seemingly pointless.\" Chris Carabott of IGN, who gave the episode a score of 7.3 summed up that \" 'What Kate", "psg_id": "13810767" }, { "title": "Stanford Graduate School of Business", "text": "Stanford Graduate School of Business The Stanford Graduate School of Business (also known as Stanford GSB or GSB) is the graduate business school of Stanford University in Stanford, California. Stanford GSB offers a general management Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree, the MSx Program (MS in Management for mid-career executives) and a Ph.D. program, along with joint degrees with other schools at Stanford including Earth Sciences, Education, Engineering, Law and Medicine. The school was founded in 1925 when trustee Herbert Hoover formed a committee of Wallace Alexander, George Rolph, Paul Shoup, Thomas Gregory, and Milton Esberg to secure the needed", "psg_id": "2598213" }, { "title": "Respect Graduate School", "text": "Respect Graduate School Respect Graduate School is a private Islamic graduate school located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The school opened in 2015 and is currently focused on offering a Master of Arts in Islamic Studies (MAIS) degree. The MAIS degree program at Respect Graduate School (RGS) is unique from others in that it offers two tracks of study for students. For instance, students may choose from either the Academic or the Professional track of the program to complete their study. The academic track of the MAIS program is designed for students who aim to continue their education onto the Ph.D. level", "psg_id": "20050328" }, { "title": "University of Miami School of Law", "text": "the opportunity to get involved in over 25 different projects each year, reaching various underserved and at-risk populations locally, nationally, and abroad. The school also offers several official joint-degree programs (in, among other things, business, public health and marine affairs), including seven LL.M. programs for post-graduate-level law study. The \"Academic Achievement Program\" provide participating students additional tools to succeed in law school. Other special programs at the law school include four Summer Abroad Programs, one each in England and Spain and two involving multiple European nations (Greece, Italy, and England) and (Greece, Italy, and Spain). The University of Miami School", "psg_id": "6163275" }, { "title": "Marquette University Graduate School", "text": "computational science. Degrees conferred upon graduates include Master of Arts, Master of Science, Master of Engineering, Master of Education, Master of Business Administration, Master of Science in Nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), and several graduate certificate options. While Marquette does offer other post-baccalaureate degree programs, such as Doctor of Dental Surgery and Doctor of Physical Therapy programs, several of these degrees are managed and conferred upon graduates by separate schools and colleges, including the College of Health Sciences and School of Dentistry. The areas of studies at Marquette University's Graduate School are: Marquette University as a", "psg_id": "17210805" }, { "title": "Clemson University Graduate School", "text": "Graduate Research Fellowship. The Graduate School currently offers 110 graduate and professional degree programs in 66 fields of study. Included in this total are 37 doctoral, 65 master's, and one educational specialist program. Clemson University Graduate School The Graduate School at Clemson University currently offers 110 graduate degree programs in 66 fields of study. Included in this total are 37 doctoral, 65 master's, and one educational specialist program. Clemson University was founded in 1889, and the Graduate School was formally recognized in 1964. Since the inception of the Graduate School, approximately 25,000 graduate degrees have been awarded. Clemson has approximately", "psg_id": "13185678" }, { "title": "Law school", "text": "and further training at Public Prosecutor Educational and Training Center), other legal-related work and Advocate. To become an Advocate, Law Graduate should attend an Advocate Special Course (1–2 months) and pass the Bar exam. The title Advocate can be obtained after a graduate passes the Bar exam and fulfill several obligation and requirements created by the Indonesian Advocates Association (PERADI), and is a prerequisite for practicing trial law in Indonesia. List of some School of Law in Indonesia In India, legal education has been traditionally offered as a three-year graduate degree. However, the structure has been changed since 1987. Law", "psg_id": "6556110" }, { "title": "KEISIE Graduate School of International Education", "text": "corporation in good standing. The primary purpose of KEI is “business activity related to online education.” Currently, KEISIE International University, Inc. does not have any accreditation that is recognized by the US Department of Education. Currently, KEISIE International University is Accredited by CIAC, an International organization offering accreditation services to private institutions of higher education. KEISIE International University, Inc. currently offers a variety of masters and doctoral degree programs, as well as English language teaching certification. Courses and instruction are delivered online through the ATutor learning content management system. KEISIE Graduate School of International Education KEISIE International University, Inc., is", "psg_id": "14179495" }, { "title": "Georgetown University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences", "text": "The school is currently the second largest graduate school at Georgetown, behind the Georgetown University Law Center. The school offers 46 programs in 34 departments. Georgetown University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences is the oldest graduate school in the United States, and is one of four graduate schools at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., United States. The graduate program first was founded in 1820, when Georgetown College graduates expressed the desire for continued studies. The school offered its first graduate degree in 1821. The school existed independently from 1855 until the end", "psg_id": "10860539" }, { "title": "SIUE Graduate School", "text": "SIUE Graduate School Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Graduate School is a post-graduate academic unit of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) located in Edwardsville, Illinois, United States. It offers 48 master’s degree programs, 2 specialist degrees, 17 post-baccalaureate and post-masters certificates, doctoral programs in Education Administration and Nursing Practice, and three cooperative Doctor of Philosophy programs with SIU Carbondale. Graduate students who have been accepted into a graduate program as degree-seeking students are eligible to apply for graduate assistantships to work as research or teaching assistants. SIUE also has number of fellowship, grant, and award programs available to its graduate students.", "psg_id": "15167602" }, { "title": "Stanford Law School", "text": "experience, and prior graduate study. About three quarters of the members of each entering class have one or more years of prior work experience and over a quarter have another graduate degree. In 2015, Stanford Law had an acceptance rate of 11.3%, the second-lowest of any law school in the country. The school also accepts a small number of transfers each year. According to ABA Required Disclosures, Stanford Law School had an average bar passage rate of 90% in 2014 and an average bar passage rate of 92% in 2013. In 2013, 90% of Stanford Law graduates taking the California", "psg_id": "2352280" }, { "title": "Vanderbilt University Graduate School", "text": "Graduate School now claims some 19,000 alumni. Vanderbilt University Graduate School The Graduate School manages many of the advanced degree programs of Vanderbilt University, a major research university located in Nashville, Tennessee. While the Graduate School exists as a standalone institution within Vanderbilt, it awards degrees in conjunction with Vanderbilt's other constituent colleges (\"e.g.\", the College of Arts and Science or the School of Engineering). Since its founding in 1873, Vanderbilt has offered \"work in the liberal arts and sciences beyond the baccalaureate degree\", and the university awarded its first graduate degrees (master's degrees in Greek, Latin, and English and", "psg_id": "11985813" }, { "title": "SIUE Graduate School", "text": "Center; and the Center for STEM Research, Education, and Outreach. SIUE researchers are also responsible for developing innovative community outreach initiatives through and for the East St. Louis Center. SIUE Graduate School Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Graduate School is a post-graduate academic unit of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) located in Edwardsville, Illinois, United States. It offers 48 master’s degree programs, 2 specialist degrees, 17 post-baccalaureate and post-masters certificates, doctoral programs in Education Administration and Nursing Practice, and three cooperative Doctor of Philosophy programs with SIU Carbondale. Graduate students who have been accepted into a graduate program as degree-seeking students", "psg_id": "15167604" }, { "title": "Graduate school", "text": "as various professional schools offer graduate degrees and vice versa. Many universities award graduate degrees; a graduate school is not necessarily a separate institution. While the term \"graduate school\" is typical in the United States and often used elsewhere (e.g. Canada), \"postgraduate education\" is also used in English-speaking countries (Australia, Canada, Ireland, India, Bangladesh, New Zealand, Pakistan and the UK) to refer to the spectrum of education beyond a bachelor's degree. Those attending graduate schools are called \"graduate students\" (in both American and British English), or often in British English as \"postgraduate students\" and, colloquially, \"postgraduates\" and \"postgrads\". Degrees awarded", "psg_id": "2225407" }, { "title": "Cornell Law School", "text": "did not require even a high school diploma. In 1917, two years of undergraduate education were required for admission, and in 1924, it became a graduate degree program. The department was renamed the Cornell Law School in 1925. In 1890, George Washington Fields graduated, one of the first law-school-graduates of color in the United States. In 1893, Cornell had its first female graduate, Mary Kennedy Brown. Future Governor, Secretary of State, and Chief Justice of the United States, Charles Evans Hughes, was a professor of law at Cornell from 1891–1893, and after returning to legal practice he continued to teach", "psg_id": "2170252" }, { "title": "University of the East Graduate School", "text": "he is a respected physicist and a holder of Ph.D. in Physics degree. At present, the Graduate School offers degree programs in Business, Teacher Education, Public Administration, Library Science and Environmental Science. \"Further Information: UERMMMC\" University of the East Graduate School The University of the East Graduate School offers degree programs in Business, Teacher Education, Public Administration, Library Science, Environmental Science and Medicine. The Graduate School of University of the East first started with the organization of the Graduate School of Business followed later by the Graduate School of Education. The Graduate School of Business was organized in 1948 in", "psg_id": "9100517" }, { "title": "Loyola University Chicago School of Law", "text": "the doctor of laws (D.Law). Dual degree programs are offered with the Loyola University Chicago School of Social Work (J.D./M.S.W. and M.J./M.S.W.), Department of Political Science (J.D./M.A.), Graduate School of Education (J.D./M.A. in International Comparative Law and Education) and the Graduate School of Business (J.D./M.B.A.). Loyola offers a master of laws and master of jurisprudence in rule of law for development at the University's John Felice Rome Center in Italy. Loyola offers seven online degree programs and online certificate programs in school discipline reform and privacy law. Like most U.S. law schools, Loyola imposes a grade curve. Loyola's curve has", "psg_id": "3372038" }, { "title": "Penn State Graduate School", "text": "graduate degree programs, including 121 doctorate, 110 academic master’s and 73 professional master’s degree programs. Regina Vasilatos-Younken, (Professor of Endocrine Physiology and Nutrition, Ph.D. in Animal Nutrition, Penn State) is senior associate dean of The Graduate School. Dr. Vasilatos-Younken is responsible for operations and planning at the Graduate School. Suzanne C. Adair, (Ph.D. in Educational Theory and Policy, Penn State) is assistant dean of the Graduate School. Dr. Adair is in charge of the Office of Graduate Educational Equity Programs and management of graduate student concerns and all programming directly related to graduate students, including enrichment and professional development activities.", "psg_id": "15505188" }, { "title": "University of the East Graduate School", "text": "University of the East Graduate School The University of the East Graduate School offers degree programs in Business, Teacher Education, Public Administration, Library Science, Environmental Science and Medicine. The Graduate School of University of the East first started with the organization of the Graduate School of Business followed later by the Graduate School of Education. The Graduate School of Business was organized in 1948 in response to the clamor of accounting graduates of UE for a graduate degree. The first program offered was a one-year master's degree course in accounting which was later superseded by two-year programs in Master in", "psg_id": "9100513" }, { "title": "Bachelor's degree", "text": "was discontinued in the early 2000s as per the Bologna process, with some exceptions such as law school or medical school. The bachelor's degree, called \"Laurea triennale\" (\"three-year degree\") or simply \"Laurea\", takes three years to complete (note that Italian students graduate from high school at age 19) and grants access to graduate degrees (known as \"\"). In order to graduate, students must earn 180 credits (ECTS) and write a thesis for which students have to elaborate on an argument under the supervision of a professor (generally from three to eight ECTS). Graduation marks go from 66 to 110. According", "psg_id": "1569222" }, { "title": "Graduate school", "text": "to grade exams and papers and, if the strike lasts until the end of the academic term, also refuse to turn in final grades. Another form of job action is known as \"work-to-rule\", in which graduate student instructors work exactly as many hours as they are paid for and no more. Graduate school A graduate school (sometimes shortened as grad school) is a school that awards advanced academic degrees (i.e. master's and doctoral degrees) with the general requirement that students must have earned a previous undergraduate (bachelor's) degree with a high grade point average. A distinction is typically made between", "psg_id": "2225451" }, { "title": "Vanderbilt University Graduate School", "text": "Vanderbilt University Graduate School The Graduate School manages many of the advanced degree programs of Vanderbilt University, a major research university located in Nashville, Tennessee. While the Graduate School exists as a standalone institution within Vanderbilt, it awards degrees in conjunction with Vanderbilt's other constituent colleges (\"e.g.\", the College of Arts and Science or the School of Engineering). Since its founding in 1873, Vanderbilt has offered \"work in the liberal arts and sciences beyond the baccalaureate degree\", and the university awarded its first graduate degrees (master's degrees in Greek, Latin, and English and a doctorate in chemistry) in 1879. The", "psg_id": "11985812" }, { "title": "Adler Graduate School", "text": "serve or be served with great dignity. The Minnesota-based Adler Graduate School and the Chicago-based Adler School of Professional Psychology are independent of one another and institutionally unaffiliated. Adler Graduate School Adler Graduate School is a non-profit educational institution located in Minnetonka, Minnesota, United States, that offers a Master of Arts Degree in Adlerian Counseling and Psychotherapy. The six areas of emphasis are Adlerian Studies, Marriage and Family Therapy, Clinical Mental Health Counseling (Licensed Professional Counseling/Licensed Professional Clinical Counseling), School Counseling, Co-Occurring Disorders, and Art Therapy. The school offers certificate programs in Adlerian Studies, and Co-Occurring Disorders. Adler Graduate School", "psg_id": "5867631" }, { "title": "Get Me a Lawyer", "text": "Get Me a Lawyer \"Get Me a Lawyer\" (also known as \"Pilot\") is the pilot episode of the legal drama series \"Damages\", which first aired on July 24, 2007 on FX in the United States. It was written by series creators/executive producers Todd A. Kessler, Glenn Kessler, and Daniel Zelman, and was directed by producer Allen Coulter. In the episode, recent law school graduate Ellen Parsons (Rose Byrne) is recruited to Hewes and Associates, a law firm headed by Patty Hewes (Glenn Close), where she is assigned to the \"Frobisher case\". Billionaire Arthur Frobisher (Ted Danson) is being sued by", "psg_id": "12801689" }, { "title": "What Will Happen to Us", "text": "What Will Happen to Us What Will Happen to Us () is a 2004 Italian romantic comedy film directed by Giovanni Veronesi. In Rome three friends end to give the exams in last year of grammar high school, and grant a lovely summer holiday in Greece, on the island of Santorini. Matteo is a young problematic and indifferent, which is hoping for a ransom of his controversial personality through love. Manuel is a gruff guy who hates his father, and hopes for a better future for himself, because he does not want to work at the pet store with her", "psg_id": "18109690" }, { "title": "What Does It Take (To Keep a Man Like You Satisfied)", "text": "Jarvis. The song was released as a single officially in June 1967. \"What Does It Take (To Keep a Man Like You Satisfied)\" reached a peak of number five on the \"Billboard Magazine\" Hot Country Singles chart later that year. The single became Davis' first top-ten country hit in three years since 1964's \"Gonna Get Along Without You Now\" reached number eight. Additionally, \"What Does It Take\" was Davis' first entry onto the \"Billboard\" Bubbling Under Hot 100 since 1965, reaching a peak of twenty-one. The song was eventually released onto a studio album of the same name. What Does", "psg_id": "17779971" }, { "title": "Presidio Graduate School", "text": "activates students and professionals across a range of disciplines, industries and sectors to bridge the gap between commerce and the common good. MBA The Presidio Graduate School Masters of Business Administration degree is a 60-credit program with 15 required courses and one elective. The MBA curriculum is centered on three fundamental concepts that the school believes defines competency in sustainable management. MPA The Presidio Graduate School Masters of Public Administration degree is a 60-credit program with 15 required courses and one elective. The MPA curriculum is centered on three fundamental concepts that the school believes defines competency in sustainable management.", "psg_id": "10203190" }, { "title": "European Graduate School", "text": "university in Malta and is recognized in the Swiss canton where it operates, but is not recognized by the Swiss University Conference, the main regulatory body for universities in Switzerland. In the US, the State of Texas includes the European Graduate School on its published list of institutions that issue \"fraudulent or substandard degrees\" and notes that it is illegal to use an EGS degree to obtain employment within the state. Teaching is mostly remote, with required attendance for short periods at the school; ad hoc meetings in various cities also take place. Notable faculty members have included Giorgio Agamben,", "psg_id": "1944931" }, { "title": "What Happened to Us", "text": "What Happened to Us \"What Happened to Us\" is a song by Australian recording artist Jessica Mauboy, featuring English recording artist Jay Sean. It was written by Sean, Josh Alexander, Billy Steinberg, Jeremy Skaller, Rob Larow, Khaled Rohaim and Israel Cruz. \"What Happened to Us\" was leaked online in October 2010, and was released on 10 March 2011, as the third single from Mauboy's second studio album, \"Get 'Em Girls\" (2010). The song received positive reviews from critics. A remix of \"What Happened to Us\" made by production team OFM, was released on 11 April 2011. A different version of", "psg_id": "15296676" }, { "title": "Graduate school", "text": "They often coordinate the supervision and training of candidates for doctorates. While most graduate programs will have a similar list of general admission requirements, the importance placed on each type of requirement can vary drastically between graduate schools, departments within schools, and even programs within departments. The best way to determine how a graduate program will weigh admission materials is to ask the person in charge of graduate admissions at the particular program being applied to. Admission to graduate school requires a bachelor's degree. High grades in one's field of study are important—grades outside the field less so. The Graduate", "psg_id": "2225425" }, { "title": "San Francisco Law School", "text": "San Francisco Law School San Francisco Law School is a private, for-profit law school in San Francisco, California. Founded in 1909, the law school became non-profit in 1941 and moved to its iconic location on Haight Street in 1968. The law school offers a four-year part-time evening program leading to a Juris Doctor degree. In July 2010, the law school completed a merger to become a graduate school of Alliant International University, which was in turn acquired by Bertelsmann. The law school retained its name, however relocated to the university's main San Francisco campus on Beach Street. The Law School's", "psg_id": "7654306" }, { "title": "Clemson University Graduate School", "text": "Clemson University Graduate School The Graduate School at Clemson University currently offers 110 graduate degree programs in 66 fields of study. Included in this total are 37 doctoral, 65 master's, and one educational specialist program. Clemson University was founded in 1889, and the Graduate School was formally recognized in 1964. Since the inception of the Graduate School, approximately 25,000 graduate degrees have been awarded. Clemson has approximately 4,588 enrolled graduate students. The University-including the Graduate School-is academically divided into seven colleges: Architecture, Arts and Humanities; Business; Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences; Engineering, Computing and Applied Science; Science; Education; and Agriculture,", "psg_id": "13185676" }, { "title": "ITM Law School", "text": "ITM Law School ITM Law School (also known as ITML or ITMLS) is one of the professional graduate schools of ITM University. It is a specialised law school offering courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It is situated in HUDA Sector 23A-Gurgaon, India. ITML is built on the five-year law degree model proposed and implemented by the Bar Council of India. It is a member of the International Association of Law Schools(IALS), USA and also has a chapter of the International Law Students Association (ILSA), USA. ITML was established in 2010 under the leadership of Prof. S. Shantha Kumar (also", "psg_id": "16660633" }, { "title": "Princeton Law School", "text": "a law school, and all Princeton graduates who are lawyers will have received their legal training elsewhere. Since Princeton is a large university, many people and even lawyers may be surprised to learn that it does not have a law school. Indeed, James Madison, the Father of the Constitution, was a Princeton University graduate and a lawyer; however, Madison attended Princeton before the university's short-lived attempt at a law school, during a time when law schools in North America were rare and most lawyers earned their credentials through a period of apprenticeship. At a press conference of law school deans", "psg_id": "4879762" }, { "title": "Mary Lou Fulton Institute and Graduate School of Education", "text": "Arizona Territory. The Normal School was charged with providing \"instruction of persons, both male and female, in the art of teaching, and in all the various branches that pertain to a good common school education; also, to give instruction in the mechanical arts and in husbandry and agricultural chemistry, in the fundamental law of the United States, and in what regards the rights and duties of citizens.\" An effort by the alumni association changed the name of the institution to Tempe State Teachers College in 1925, and offered its first graduate degree, the Masters in Education, in 1937. Although courses", "psg_id": "12622781" }, { "title": "Princeton University Graduate School", "text": "matters affecting graduate students, and to provide financial and organizational support for social events that involve graduate students.\" There are also a wide array of social, cultural, and academic student organizations for graduate students. Princeton University Graduate School The Graduate School of Princeton University is the main graduate school of Princeton University. Founded in 1869, the School is responsible for the majority of Princeton's master's and doctoral degree programs in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering. The school offers Master of Arts (MA), Master of Science (MS), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees in 42 disciplines. It also", "psg_id": "20866945" }, { "title": "San Francisco Law School", "text": "2015 California Bar passage rate for San Francisco Law School's first-time test takers was 7%, with 2 out of 27 takers passing the exam. San Francisco Law School San Francisco Law School is a private, for-profit law school in San Francisco, California. Founded in 1909, the law school became non-profit in 1941 and moved to its iconic location on Haight Street in 1968. The law school offers a four-year part-time evening program leading to a Juris Doctor degree. In July 2010, the law school completed a merger to become a graduate school of Alliant International University, which was in turn", "psg_id": "7654309" }, { "title": "That's What You Get", "text": "That's What You Get \"That's What You Get\" is a song by American rock band Paramore from their second studio album, \"Riot!\" (2007). It is the second Australian single, third American single and the fourth UK single. The song was released to modern rock radio on March 25 and to contemporary hit radio on April 22 in the US. \"That's What You Get\" was released digitally as an extended play in April 2008 and physically as a CD single in May 2008. The song is featured as a playable track in the video game \"Rock Band 2\". The song was", "psg_id": "11571088" }, { "title": "Adler Graduate School", "text": "Adler Graduate School Adler Graduate School is a non-profit educational institution located in Minnetonka, Minnesota, United States, that offers a Master of Arts Degree in Adlerian Counseling and Psychotherapy. The six areas of emphasis are Adlerian Studies, Marriage and Family Therapy, Clinical Mental Health Counseling (Licensed Professional Counseling/Licensed Professional Clinical Counseling), School Counseling, Co-Occurring Disorders, and Art Therapy. The school offers certificate programs in Adlerian Studies, and Co-Occurring Disorders. Adler Graduate School also offers Post-Master's coursework for Licensure in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (LPC or LPCC only), Marriage and Family Therapy (LMFT only), School Counseling (Licensed School Counselor only), and", "psg_id": "5867629" }, { "title": "Post-law school employment in the United States", "text": "for those graduating into high unemployment and close to the bottom of the earnings distribution, a law degree still typically provided greater benefits than it cost. The second Simkovic & McIntyre study also found that current unemployment does not predict future unemployment in 3 or 4 years when those currently entering law school would graduate. Subsequent research by McIntyre and Simkovic investigated variability in earnings for law graduates by college major and race. These studies found that law degrees tend to benefit humanities majors more than STEM majors and tend to benefit whites more than unrepresented minorities. However, the benefits", "psg_id": "18739295" }, { "title": "Cornell University Graduate School", "text": "Cornell University Graduate School The Cornell University Graduate School confers most professional and research master's degrees and doctoral degrees in various fields of study for the university. The departments under which instruction and research take place are housed in Cornell's other schools and colleges. The administrative offices for the Graduate School are located in Caldwell Hall, on the Ag Quad. For decades, the Graduate School was housed in Sage Hall which also included social areas and dormitory rooms for graduate students. The Graduate School does not have a faculty. Instead, it organizes the faculty of other colleges into \"fields\" representing", "psg_id": "5887052" }, { "title": "City Law School", "text": "next to the university's main campus on Northampton Square. It offers education at all levels of legal qualification, including a three-year undergraduate Bachelor of Laws (LLB) programme, a two-year Graduate Entry LLB degree programme, a one-year Masters of Law (LLM) and the Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) course (formerly known as the Common Professional Examination). This latter programme enjoys a nationwide reputation as one of Britain's elite qualifying diploma courses for non-law graduates. The School also teaches the Legal Practice Course (LPC) for would-be solicitors. In 2007, it received the highest grading from the Law Society of England and Wales", "psg_id": "9495890" }, { "title": "University of Pennsylvania Law School", "text": "News & World Report\" began publishing rankings. The law school emphasizes cross-disciplinary education, through courses, certificates, and joint/dual degree programs with the other graduate and professional schools on the Penn campus, such as the Wharton School. Over a third of students identify as persons of color, and 12% of students enrolled with an advanced degree. The law school offers an extensive curriculum and hosts various student groups, research centers and activities. Students publish the \"University of Pennsylvania Law Review\", the oldest law journal in the country. Students also publish \"The Regulatory Review\", a regulatory news, analysis, and commentary that publishes", "psg_id": "1498910" }, { "title": "Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School", "text": "Ogletree, former visiting professor at School of Transnational Law and Jesse Climenko, professor at Harvard Law School. Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School The Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School (PKU Shenzhen) is a public research university established as a satellite graduate school of Peking University in 2001 via a joint venture with the Shenzhen Municipal Government. It is situated inside the University Town of Shenzhen, along with the graduate schools of Tsinghua University and the Harbin Institute of Technology. The present chancellor of Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School is Dr. Wu Yundong. Peking University Shenzhen is a fully residential university. Peking", "psg_id": "14889015" }, { "title": "Graduate Diploma in English and Hong Kong Law", "text": "it is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this course may lead. Graduate Diploma in English and Hong Kong Law The Graduate Diploma in English and Hong Kong Law (GDEHKL) is a Hong Kong graduate diploma programme that allows students that did not take law as an undergraduate degree (i.e. \"non-law students\") to \"convert\" to law, before going onto a professional qualification course and ultimately legal training. The GDEHKL is a localised mutation of the Common Professional Examination of England and Wales (CPE), or Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL). It is jointly offered", "psg_id": "7814031" }, { "title": "Law degree", "text": "The foundations of the first universities in Europe were the glossators of the 11th century, which were schools of law. The first European university, that of Bologna, was founded as a school of law by four famous legal scholars in the 12th century who were students of the glossator school in that city. It is from this history that it is said that the first academic title of doctor applied to scholars of law. The degree and title were not applied to scholars of other disciplines until the 13th century. And at the University of Bologna from its founding in", "psg_id": "2827091" }, { "title": "Maastricht Graduate School of Governance", "text": "Maastricht Graduate School of Governance Maastricht Graduate School of Governance (MGSoG) at Maastricht University is a public policy school. It offers a master's degree in public policy and human development and a doctoral degree in public policy and policy analysis, and conducts multi-disciplinary research in topics relating to economics, political science, international relations, and sociology. The School is the United Nations' first public policy graduate school, and one of the few public policy schools in Europe. The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2016-2017 placed social sciences in Maastricht University 65th in the world. Its MSc in Public Policy and", "psg_id": "10321458" }, { "title": "Ghana School of Law", "text": "Ghana School of Law The Ghana School of Law (GSL) is an educational institution in Ghana for training lawyers. The school is the only one that provides training for law graduates in the Barrister at Law program. The Professional Law Course is designed for Law Graduates who have obtained an LLB degree and have passed the entrance examination. On completion of this course the graduate is qualified to practice law in Ghana. Until the Ghana School of Law was established in 1958, all lawyers in Ghana were trained abroad, almost always at the Inns of Court in England. By convention", "psg_id": "15947474" }, { "title": "California Southern Law School", "text": "Bar Examiners and does not require the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). The CBE requires prospective law students to complete a minimum of two years of approved college work or its equivalent before entering law school. This requirement is generally met by receiving an Associate of Arts (AA) degree, Associate of Science (AS) degree or by having completed at least 60 semester (90 quarter) units of college work applicable to a Bachelor's degree at a regionally accredited or approved school recognized by the CBE, with an average grade at least equal to that required for graduation. As allowed by the", "psg_id": "12214588" }, { "title": "Marquette University Graduate School", "text": "98th and history was 110th. Marquette University Graduate School The Graduate School is one of the primary colleges at Marquette University, located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The college oversees an array of liberal arts, interdisciplinary, and applied and physical sciences programs at the graduate level, offering master's and doctoral degrees as well as graduate certificates. The Graduate School's offices are housed within Holthusen Hall, near the center of Marquette's campus. The Graduate School offers 38 graduate programs across 20 degree types, primarily in liberal arts-related fields like the natural sciences, social and cultural sciences, philosophy and theology, but also in fields", "psg_id": "17210807" }, { "title": "Marquette University Graduate School", "text": "Marquette University Graduate School The Graduate School is one of the primary colleges at Marquette University, located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The college oversees an array of liberal arts, interdisciplinary, and applied and physical sciences programs at the graduate level, offering master's and doctoral degrees as well as graduate certificates. The Graduate School's offices are housed within Holthusen Hall, near the center of Marquette's campus. The Graduate School offers 38 graduate programs across 20 degree types, primarily in liberal arts-related fields like the natural sciences, social and cultural sciences, philosophy and theology, but also in fields like neuroscience, dispute resolution and", "psg_id": "17210804" }, { "title": "Presidio Graduate School", "text": "Graduate School has approximately 150 full-time and part-time students from across the United States and the World, 56% of whom are women (citation needed). The school also currently maintains a 6/1 student to faculty ratio. Many students work full-time while pursuing their degree in addition to participating in the many students clubs. All Presidio Graduate School MBA students are automatically members of the school’s Net Impact club, which holds gold chapter status. Presidio Graduate School graduates are working with companies and organizations in a variety of industries, municipalities, and NGOs, helping lead their efforts to be more socially and environmentally", "psg_id": "10203192" }, { "title": "Valparaiso University School of Law", "text": "of 2015 unemployed, pursuing an additional degree, or working in a non-professional, short-term, or part-time job nine months after graduation. Struggling graduates of Valparaiso Law School were featured in a New York Times article in June 2016. One Valparaiso Law School graduate worked in the clothing department of a retail store, and another graduate discussed his grim job prospects. The total cost of attendance (indicating the cost of tuition, fees, and living expenses) at Valparaiso for the 2014-2015 academic year is $53,862. The Law School Transparency estimated debt-financed cost of attendance for three years is $196,217. Valparaiso engages in the", "psg_id": "8441684" }, { "title": "International Graduate Business School Zagreb", "text": "Business faculty teach the majority of the courses, joined by research faculty from The Institute of Economics, Zagreb. Graduates receive a Bologna compliant degree from IGBS Zagreb, in addition to a M.Sc. degree in Strategic Management from Kelley School of Business. IGBS Zagreb graduates can obtain further specialization through on‐line M.Sc. Programs at Kelley School of Business (Kelley Direct programs). Tracks available are: Global Supply Chain, or Finance. Graduates receive a M.Sc. degree in Finance or Global Supply Chain from Kelley School of Business. International Graduate Business School Zagreb International Graduate Business School (IGBS) Zagreb is designed to meet the", "psg_id": "15908846" }, { "title": "Omega Graduate School", "text": "of a community includes the study of such aspects of social life as government, education, science, law, the arts, health care, business, and the professions or vocations associated with them. The structures of the various institutions are scrutinized using concepts and techniques derived from the social and behavioral sciences. The goal is to combine the study of religion with the study of society in order to provide information for resolving social problems within the human community. Omega Graduate School offers a Doctor of Philosophy degree in the Integration of Religion and Society. The program consists of seven week-long intensive residencies", "psg_id": "6363533" }, { "title": "University of Georgia Graduate School", "text": "School offered more than 230 graduate programs to over 7,000 enrolled students and conferred 2,271 degrees. Seventy years after conferring the first two Ph.D. degrees, the Graduate School awarded 420 doctoral degrees, nearly half going to women. As of August 2017, the University of Georgia Graduate School offered 327 graduate degree programs: 115 doctoral, 140 master’s, 15 education specialist, 46 interdisciplinary and 11 online degree programs. The Doctor of Philosophy is offered in 86 disciplines, the Master of Arts in 35 disciplines, and the Master of Science in 50 disciplines. Professional doctoral degrees are offered in education, music, and public", "psg_id": "8386918" }, { "title": "University at Buffalo Law School", "text": "additional $17,270 for out-of-state residents. 59% of the student body received grants and scholarships. The school does not award scholarships that may be reduced or eliminated based on law school academic performance other than failure to maintain good academic standing. University at Buffalo Law School Founded in 1887, the University at Buffalo School of Law (also known as UB Law, State University of New York at Buffalo Law School, or SUNY Buffalo Law School) is a graduate professional school at the University at Buffalo. It is the State University of New York (SUNY) system's only law school. \"U.S. News &", "psg_id": "4549818" }, { "title": "Cornell University Graduate School", "text": "distinct subject areas. Students apply for admission to a specific field, although once admitted, students are not limited to that field when selecting courses or faculty to serve of the committee supervising the student's research. The Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell Law School, and Cornell Veterinary School also confer graduate degrees, but not PhD degrees. The Weill Cornell Medical School and the Tri-Institutional MD–PhD Program have authority to confer PhD degrees independent of the Graduate School. At one time, Cornell established a Graduate School of Aerospace Engineering and a Graduate School of Nutrition that were independent of", "psg_id": "5887053" }, { "title": "University of Oregon School of Law", "text": "the country by \"U.S. News & World Report\" 's 2016 edition of \"America's Best Graduate Schools.\" The University of Oregon is known for possessing the nation's first public law school to establish an environmental law program (ENR). The ENR Program is ranked 6th in the country by \"U.S. News & World Report\" for the 2012–13 academic year. The program includes a master's of law degree (LL.M.) option. The law school also houses a prominent Appropriate Dispute Resolution Center, which provides courses both to law students and to graduate students interested in Conflict and Dispute Resolution. The ADR program is ranked", "psg_id": "9666443" } ]
[ "jd.", "j.d.", "jd", "jd (disambiguation)", "j-d", "j.d.", "jd", "j.d. (disambiguation)", "j d", "j-d" ]
on december 14, 1972, eugene cernan became the last man to do what, when he followed harrison schmitt into the alm?
[ { "title": "Harrison Schmitt", "text": "Harrison Schmitt Harrison Hagan \"Jack\" Schmitt (born July 3, 1935) is an American geologist, retired NASA astronaut, university professor, former U.S. senator from New Mexico, and the most recent living person to have walked on the Moon. He is also the last living crew member of Apollo 17. In December 1972, as one of the crew on board Apollo 17, Schmitt became the first member of NASA's first scientist-astronaut group to fly in space. As Apollo 17 was the last of the Apollo missions, he also became the twelfth and second-youngest person to set foot on the Moon, and the", "psg_id": "179641" } ]
[ { "title": "Gene Cernan", "text": "Gene Cernan Eugene Andrew Cernan (; March 14, 1934 – January 16, 2017) was an American astronaut, naval aviator, electrical engineer, aeronautical engineer, and fighter pilot. During the Apollo 17 mission, Cernan became the eleventh person to walk on the Moon. Since he re-entered the lunar module after Harrison Schmitt on their third and final lunar excursion, he is the last person to have walked on the Moon. Cernan traveled into space three times; as pilot of Gemini 9A in June 1966, as lunar module pilot of Apollo 10 in May 1969, and as commander of Apollo 17 in December", "psg_id": "2047495" }, { "title": "Gene Cernan", "text": "Pilot Harrison Schmitt's recollections, were used by the band Public Service Broadcasting for the song \"Tomorrow\", the final track of their 2015 album \"The Race for Space\". Gene Cernan Eugene Andrew Cernan (; March 14, 1934 – January 16, 2017) was an American astronaut, naval aviator, electrical engineer, aeronautical engineer, and fighter pilot. During the Apollo 17 mission, Cernan became the eleventh person to walk on the Moon. Since he re-entered the lunar module after Harrison Schmitt on their third and final lunar excursion, he is the last person to have walked on the Moon. Cernan traveled into space three", "psg_id": "2047515" }, { "title": "The Fountain in the Park", "text": "song in a medley on his album \"101 Gang Songs\" (1961) A few bars of \"The Fountain in the Park\" were sung on the Moon by NASA Astronauts Harrison Schmitt and Eugene Cernan on the Apollo 17 mission. Schmitt started by singing \"I was strolling on the Moon one day...\" when Cernan joined in. Cernan kept with the original \"merry month of May\", however, while Schmitt sang \"December\", which was the actual date at the time. After a brief debate, Schmitt resumed, singing \"When much to my surprise, a pair of bonny eyes...\" until he could no longer remember the", "psg_id": "8966022" }, { "title": "Apollo 17", "text": "the Apollo 17 mission, courtesy of NASA and Captain Eugene Cernan. The song \"Tomorrow\" by Public Service Broadcasting also includes audio of Commander Eugene A. Cernan and Lunar Module Pilot Harrison Schmitt from the mission. Apollo 17 Apollo 17 was the final mission of NASA's Apollo program. Launched at 12:33 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) on December 7, 1972, with a crew made up of Commander Eugene Cernan, Command Module Pilot Ronald Evans, and Lunar Module Pilot Harrison Schmitt, it was the last use of Apollo hardware for its original purpose; after Apollo 17, extra Apollo spacecraft were used in", "psg_id": "20332" }, { "title": "Harrison Schmitt", "text": "astronauts featured in the documentary \"In the Shadow of the Moon\". He also contributed to the book \"NASA's Scientist-Astronauts\" by David Shayler and Colin Burgess. Harrison Schmitt Harrison Hagan \"Jack\" Schmitt (born July 3, 1935) is an American geologist, retired NASA astronaut, university professor, former U.S. senator from New Mexico, and the most recent living person to have walked on the Moon. He is also the last living crew member of Apollo 17. In December 1972, as one of the crew on board Apollo 17, Schmitt became the first member of NASA's first scientist-astronaut group to fly in space. As", "psg_id": "179656" }, { "title": "Harrison Schmitt", "text": "cancelled in September 1970, the community of lunar geologists supporting Apollo felt so strongly about the need to land a professional geologist on the Moon, that they pressured NASA to reassign Schmitt to a remaining flight. As a result, Schmitt was assigned in August 1971 to fly on the last mission, Apollo 17, replacing Joe Engle as Lunar Module Pilot. Schmitt landed on the Moon with commander Gene Cernan in December 1972. Schmitt claims to have taken the photograph of the Earth known as \"The Blue Marble\", possibly one of the most widely distributed photographic images in existence. NASA officially", "psg_id": "179646" }, { "title": "Music in space", "text": "sung on the Moon by NASA Astronauts Harrison Schmitt and Eugene Cernan on the 1972 Apollo 17 mission. Schmitt started by singing \"I was strolling on the Moon one day...\" when Cernan joined in. Cernan kept with the original \"merry month of May\", however, while Schmitt sang \"December\", which was the actual date at the time. After a brief debate, Schmitt resumed, singing \"When much to my surprise, a pair of bonny eyes...\" until he could no longer remember the lyrics and began vocalizing the notes instead. Moments later, Capsule Communicator Robert A. Parker cut in from Houston, saying \"sorry", "psg_id": "19825132" }, { "title": "Lunar basalt 70017", "text": "Lunar basalt 70017 The Lunar basalt 70017 is a Moon rock gathered in 1972 by astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt on the Apollo 17 mission near their Apollo lunar lander from the valley of Taurus-Littrow on the moon and divided into 1.1 gram pieces. Lunar basalt 70017 is a Moon basalt that was last collected by astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt on the last manned Moon landing, Apollo 17. After gathering the basalt rock from the surface of the Moon the two astronauts made a speech referring to \"the children of the world\". They wished that parts of", "psg_id": "16879875" }, { "title": "Lunar basalt 70017", "text": "angular shaped stone are rough and jagged. Lunar basalt 70017 The Lunar basalt 70017 is a Moon rock gathered in 1972 by astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt on the Apollo 17 mission near their Apollo lunar lander from the valley of Taurus-Littrow on the moon and divided into 1.1 gram pieces. Lunar basalt 70017 is a Moon basalt that was last collected by astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt on the last manned Moon landing, Apollo 17. After gathering the basalt rock from the surface of the Moon the two astronauts made a speech referring to \"the children of", "psg_id": "16879878" }, { "title": "Apollo 17", "text": "represented in Mission Control Center in Houston, Texas, at the time. A plaque located on the LM, commemorating the achievements made during the Apollo program, was then unveiled. Before reentering the LM for the final time, Gene Cernan expressed his thoughts: Cernan then followed Schmitt into the LM after spending approximately seven hours and 15 minutes outside during the mission's final lunar excursion. Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt successfully lifted off from the lunar surface in the ascent stage of the LM on December 14, at 5:55 pm EST. After a successful rendezvous and docking with Ron Evans in the", "psg_id": "20326" }, { "title": "Harrison Schmitt", "text": "second-to-last person to step off of the Moon (he boarded the Lunar Module shortly before commander Eugene Cernan). Schmitt also remains the first and only professional scientist to have flown beyond low Earth orbit and to have visited the Moon. He was influential within the community of geologists supporting the Apollo program and, before starting his own preparations for an Apollo mission, had been one of the scientists training those Apollo astronauts chosen to visit the lunar surface. Schmitt resigned from NASA in August 1975 in order to run for election to the United States Senate as a member from", "psg_id": "179642" }, { "title": "Apollo program", "text": "a total of over 20 hours EVA. Apollo 17 was the last of the Apollo program, landing in the Taurus–Littrow region in December 1972. Eugene Cernan commanded Ronald E. Evans and NASA's first scientist-astronaut, geologist Dr. Harrison H. Schmitt. Schmitt was originally scheduled for Apollo 18, but the lunar geological community lobbied for his inclusion on the final lunar landing. Cernan and Schmitt stayed on the surface for just over three days and spent just over 23 hours of total EVA. Source: \"Apollo by the Numbers: A Statistical Reference\" (Orloff 2004) The Apollo program returned over of lunar rocks and", "psg_id": "7562" }, { "title": "Gene Cernan", "text": "19 in September 1970, pressure from the scientific community to shift Harrison Schmitt, the sole professional geologist in the active Apollo roster of astronauts, to the crew of Apollo 17, the final scheduled Apollo mission, mounted. In August 1971, NASA named Schmitt as the lunar module pilot for Apollo 17, which meant the original LM pilot Joe Engle never had the opportunity to walk on the Moon. Cernan fought to keep his crew together; given the choice of flying with Schmitt as LMP or seeing his entire crew removed from Apollo 17, Cernan chose to fly with Schmitt. Cernan eventually", "psg_id": "2047503" }, { "title": "Harrison Schmitt", "text": "credits the image to the entire Apollo 17 crew. While on the Moon's surface, Schmitt — the only geologist in the astronaut corps — collected the rock sample designated Troctolite 76535, which has been called \"without doubt the most interesting sample returned from the Moon\". Among other distinctions, it is the central piece of evidence suggesting that the Moon once possessed an active magnetic field. As he returned to the Lunar Module before Cernan, Schmitt is the next-to-last person to have walked on the Moon's surface. After the completion of Apollo 17, Schmitt played an active role in documenting the", "psg_id": "179647" }, { "title": "Ronald Evans (astronaut)", "text": "19 astronauts selected by NASA in April 1966. He served as a member of the astronaut support crews for the Apollo 7 and Apollo 11 flights, and as backup Command Module Pilot for Apollo 14. Evans' only space flight was as Command Module Pilot of Apollo 17, the last scheduled U.S. manned mission to the Moon. He was accompanied by Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt. While Cernan and Schmitt landed and worked on the Moon in the Taurus–Littrow valley, Evans remained in lunar orbit on board the Command Module \"America\", completing assigned work tasks which required visual geological observations, hand-held", "psg_id": "2981334" }, { "title": "Tracy's Rock", "text": "Tracy's Rock Tracy's Rock, known as Split Rock or the Station 6 Boulder in the scientific literature, is a large boulder visited by the Apollo 17 crew on December 13, 1972 at their Taurus-Littrow landing site. \"Tracy's Rock\" is its popular name. Scientist-astronaut Harrison H. Schmitt and mission commander Eugene A. Cernan spent considerable time studying the rock and its vicinity at station 6 during their third Extravehicular Activity (EVA-3). At about 165:33:38, Cernan took a series of photos from higher up the hill. In this photomontage, Schmitt is standing to the left of the rock and the Lunar Roving", "psg_id": "7353616" }, { "title": "Gene Cernan", "text": "came to have a positive evaluation of Schmitt's abilities; he concluded that Schmitt was an outstanding LM pilot while Engle—notwithstanding his outstanding record as an aircraft test pilot—was merely an adequate one. Cernan's role as commander of Apollo 17 closed out the Apollo program's lunar exploration mission with a number of record-setting achievements. During the three days of Apollo 17's surface activity (Dec. 11-14, 1972), Cernan and Schmitt performed three EVAs for a total of about 22 hours of exploration of the Taurus–Littrow valley. Their first EVA alone was more than three times the length astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz", "psg_id": "2047504" }, { "title": "Gene Cernan", "text": "Aldrin spent outside the LM on Apollo 11. During this time Cernan and Schmitt covered more than using the Lunar Rover and spent a great deal of time collecting geologic samples (including a record 34 kilograms (75 lb) of samples, the most of any Apollo mission) that would shed light on the Moon's early history. Cernan piloted the rover on its final sortie, recording a maximum speed of , giving him the unofficial lunar land speed record. As Cernan prepared to climb the ladder for the final time, he spoke these words, currently the last spoken by a human being", "psg_id": "2047505" }, { "title": "Apollo 17", "text": "Apollo 17 Apollo 17 was the final mission of NASA's Apollo program. Launched at 12:33 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) on December 7, 1972, with a crew made up of Commander Eugene Cernan, Command Module Pilot Ronald Evans, and Lunar Module Pilot Harrison Schmitt, it was the last use of Apollo hardware for its original purpose; after Apollo 17, extra Apollo spacecraft were used in the Skylab and Apollo–Soyuz programs. Apollo 17 was the first night launch of a U.S. human spaceflight and the final manned launch of a Saturn V rocket. It was a \"J-type mission\" which included three", "psg_id": "20295" }, { "title": "Ronald Evans (astronaut)", "text": "Ronald Evans (astronaut) Ronald Ellwin Evans Jr. (November 10, 1933 – April 7, 1990), (Capt, USN), was an American naval officer and aviator, electrical engineer, aeronautical engineer, and NASA astronaut, also one of only 24 people to have flown to the Moon. Evans was selected as an astronaut by NASA as part of Astronaut Group 5 in 1966 and made his first and only flight into space as Command Module Pilot aboard Apollo 17 in 1972, the last manned mission to the Moon to date, with Commander Eugene Cernan and Lunar Module Pilot Harrison Schmitt. During the flight, he orbited", "psg_id": "2981330" }, { "title": "Tracy's Rock", "text": "Station 6 boulder \"Tracy's Rock\". Tracy is Gene Cernan's daughter, who was nine years old at the time of the mission. Tracy's Rock Tracy's Rock, known as Split Rock or the Station 6 Boulder in the scientific literature, is a large boulder visited by the Apollo 17 crew on December 13, 1972 at their Taurus-Littrow landing site. \"Tracy's Rock\" is its popular name. Scientist-astronaut Harrison H. Schmitt and mission commander Eugene A. Cernan spent considerable time studying the rock and its vicinity at station 6 during their third Extravehicular Activity (EVA-3). At about 165:33:38, Cernan took a series of photos", "psg_id": "7353618" }, { "title": "Apollo 17", "text": "system engine on the CSM ignited to slow down the CSM/LM stack into lunar orbit. Following orbit insertion and orbital stabilization, the crew began preparations for landing in the Taurus-Littrow valley. After separating from the CSM, the LM \"Challenger\" and its crew of two, Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt, adjusted their orbit and began preparations for the descent to Taurus-Littrow. While Cernan and Schmitt prepared for landing, Command Module Pilot Ron Evans remained in orbit to take observations, perform experiments and await the return of his crew-mates a few days later. Soon after completing their preparations for landing, Cernan and", "psg_id": "20319" }, { "title": "Gene Cernan", "text": "1972, the final Apollo lunar landing. Cernan was also a backup crew member of the Gemini 12, Apollo 7 and Apollo 14 space missions. Cernan was born on March 14, 1934, in Chicago, Illinois; he was the son of Rose (née Cihlar) and Andrew Cernan. His father was of Slovak descent and his mother was of Czech ancestry. Cernan grew up in the Illinois towns Bellwood and Maywood. He was a Boy Scout and earned the rank of Second Class. After attending McKinley Elementary School in Bellwood and graduating from Proviso East High School in Maywood in 1952, he studied", "psg_id": "2047496" }, { "title": "Harrison Schmitt", "text": "Apollo geologic results and also took on the task of organizing NASA's Energy Program Office. On August 30, 1975, Schmitt resigned from NASA to seek election as a Republican to the United States Senate representing New Mexico in the 1976 election. Schmitt campaigned for fourteen months, and his campaign focused on the future. In the Republican primary, held on June 1, 1976, Schmitt defeated Eugene Peirce. In the election, Schmitt opposed two-term Democratic incumbent Joseph Montoya. He defeated Montoya 57% to 42%. He served one term and, notably, was the ranking Republican member of the Science, Technology, and Space Subcommittee.", "psg_id": "179648" }, { "title": "Extravehicular activity", "text": "were performed among six Apollo crews, including Charles \"Pete\" Conrad, Alan Bean, Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell, David Scott, James Irwin, John Young, Charles Duke, Eugene Cernan, and Harrison \"Jack\" Schmitt. Cernan was the last Apollo astronaut to step off the surface of the Moon. Apollo 15 Command Module Pilot Al Worden made an EVA on August 5, 1971, on the return trip from the Moon, to retrieve a film and data recording canister from the Service Module. He was assisted by Lunar Module Pilot James Irwin standing up in the Command Module hatch. This procedure was repeated by Ken Mattingly", "psg_id": "123541" }, { "title": "What to Do When You Are Dead", "text": "followed by two US tours in February 2005. \"What to Do When You Are Dead\" was released on February 22 through independent label Equal Vision Records. Following a couple of US tours in April and May 2005, \"Car Underwater\" was released as a radio single. The group performed on the Warped Tour, before touring across the US in September and November. Later in November, a music video was released for \"The Truth About Heaven\", followed by a UK tour in December. In early 2006, the group went on a three-month headlining US tour, before appearing on Warped Tour again. \"What", "psg_id": "4480204" }, { "title": "Harrison Schmitt", "text": "\"most celebrated\" candidate for New Mexico energy secretary. Schmitt wrote a book entitled \"Return to the Moon: Exploration, Enterprise, and Energy in the Human Settlement of Space\" in 2006. He lives in Silver City, New Mexico, and spends some of his summer at his northern Minnesota lake cabin. Schmitt is also involved in several civic projects, including the improvement of the Senator Harrison H. Schmitt Big Sky Hang Glider Park in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Schmitt's view on climate change diverges from the frequently reported scientific consensus, as he emphasizes natural over human factors as driving climate. Schmitt has expressed the", "psg_id": "179652" }, { "title": "Apollo 17", "text": "lunar orbit. Eugene Cernan, Ronald Evans, and former X-15 pilot Joe Engle were assigned to the backup crew of Apollo 14. Engle flew sixteen X-15 flights, three of which exceeded the border of space. Following the rotation pattern that a backup crew would fly as the prime crew three missions later, Cernan, Evans, and Engle would have flown Apollo 17. Harrison Schmitt served on the backup crew of Apollo 15 and, following the crew rotation cycle, was slated to fly as Lunar Module Pilot on Apollo 18. However, Apollo 18 was cancelled in September 1970. Following this decision, the scientific", "psg_id": "20298" }, { "title": "Lunar sample displays", "text": "Richard Nixon gave presentation samples of Moon rock brought back by Apollo 11 as gifts to 135 countries and 50 US states. The Apollo 17 lunar sample display consists of a Moon rock fragment from a lava Moon stone identified as lunar basalt 70017, the recipient's flag and two small metal plates attached with descriptive messages, all inside a wooden commemorative plaque. Near the end of their third and final moonwalk, and what would be the last moonwalk of the Apollo program, Apollo 17 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt \"picked up a very significant rock, typical of what we", "psg_id": "18692635" }, { "title": "Cernan Earth and Space Center", "text": "Cernan Earth and Space Center The Cernan Earth and Space Center is a public planetarium on the campus of Triton College in the Chicago suburb of River Grove. It is named for astronaut Eugene Cernan, who flew aboard the Gemini 9 and Apollo 10 missions and, as commander of Apollo 17, was the last astronaut to leave his footprints on the moon. The Cernan Center's 93-seat dome theater houses a Konica-Minolta Super MediaGlobe II fulldome digital projector, a Voyager V-17OWC laser projection system, and numerous auxiliary projectors. Using this equipment, the Cernan Center presents a wide range of programs to", "psg_id": "4498115" }, { "title": "Gene Cernan", "text": "In 1976, Cernan retired from the Navy with the rank of captain and went from NASA into private business, becoming Executive Vice President of Coral Petroleum Inc. before starting his own company, The Cernan Corporation, in 1981. From 1987 he was a contributor to ABC News and the weekly segment of its \"Good Morning America\" program titled \"Breakthrough\", which covered health, science, and medicine. In 1999, with co-author Donald A. Davis, he published his memoir \"The Last Man on the Moon,\" which is about his naval and NASA career. He is featured in the space exploration documentary \"In the Shadow", "psg_id": "2047507" }, { "title": "Moon landing", "text": "have landed on the Moon. This was accomplished with two US pilot-astronauts flying a Lunar Module on each of six NASA missions across a 41-month period starting on 20 July 1969 UTC, with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on Apollo 11, and ending on 14 December 1972 UTC with Gene Cernan and Jack Schmitt on Apollo 17. Cernan was the last to step off the lunar surface. All Apollo lunar missions had a third crew member who remained on board the Command Module. The last three missions had a rover for increased mobility. In order to go to the Moon,", "psg_id": "4660376" }, { "title": "What to Do When You Are Dead", "text": "This resulted in the group performing alongside Taking Back Sunday, Piebald and Thursday, among others. \"What to Do When You Are Dead\" was recorded between August and October 2004 at Water Music and The Machine Shop in Hoboken, New Jersey. Producer duties were handled by Machine. Frontman Ben Jorgensen recorded his rhythm part first, followed by drums, then guitarist PJ Decicco tracked his lead parts and additional rhythm parts, ending with the bass lines. Decicco said that Machine felt that the bass needed to be recorded last because it goes out of tune quicker \"so he has more of a", "psg_id": "4480206" }, { "title": "Canada lunar sample displays", "text": "the landing of Apollo 17 on the Moon, which was memorialised by astronauts Eugene A. Cernan and Harrison H. Schmitt when they talked directly to the \"youth ambassadors\" from the surface of the Moon. Matthews was able to see astronaut Neil Armstrong personally at the luxury hotel in Orlando, Florida. He also got quite acquainted with Armstrong's daughter and became lifetime pen pals with her. The program directors promised each \"youth ambassador\" a lunar sample from the Apollo 17 mission. In 1973 Matthews was sent the Canadian \"goodwill moon rock\" encased in a clear Lucite ball about the size of", "psg_id": "16879901" }, { "title": "Harrison Schmitt", "text": "He sought a second term in 1982, facing state Attorney General Jeff Bingaman. Bingaman attacked Schmitt for not paying enough attention to local matters; his campaign slogan asked, \"What on Earth has he done for you lately?\" This, combined with the deep recession, proved too much for Schmitt to overcome; he was defeated, 54% to 46%. Following his Senate term, Schmitt has been a consultant in business, geology, space, and public policy. Schmitt is an adjunct professor of engineering physics at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and has long been a proponent of lunar resource utilization. In 1997 he proposed the", "psg_id": "179649" }, { "title": "Lara (lunar crater)", "text": "Lara (lunar crater) Lara is a feature on Earth's Moon, a crater in Taurus-Littrow valley. Astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt visited it in 1972, on the Apollo 17 mission, during EVA 2. Geology Station 3 of the mission is located on the northeast rim of Lara. Lara is located in the 'light mantle' which is almost certainly an avalanche deposit from the South Massif. To the south of Lara is Nansen crater and Geology Station 2. To the northeast is Shorty crater and Geology Station 4. The crater was named by the astronauts after the heroine of the novel", "psg_id": "18389396" }, { "title": "Lara (lunar crater)", "text": "Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak. Lara (lunar crater) Lara is a feature on Earth's Moon, a crater in Taurus-Littrow valley. Astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt visited it in 1972, on the Apollo 17 mission, during EVA 2. Geology Station 3 of the mission is located on the northeast rim of Lara. Lara is located in the 'light mantle' which is almost certainly an avalanche deposit from the South Massif. To the south of Lara is Nansen crater and Geology Station 2. To the northeast is Shorty crater and Geology Station 4. The crater was named by the astronauts after", "psg_id": "18389397" }, { "title": "Shorty (crater)", "text": "Shorty (crater) Shorty is a feature on Earth's Moon, a likely volcanic crater in the Taurus–Littrow valley. Astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt visited it in 1972, on the Apollo 17 mission. It is the location of the famous \"orange soil\". It is about in diameter and up to deep. To the east of Shorty are Victory, Camelot, and the Apollo 17 landing site. To the southeast is Brontë. To the southwest are Lara and Nansen. The crater was named after the character \"Shorty\" in Richard Brautigan's \"Trout Fishing in America\", as well as to honor the genre of the", "psg_id": "17072940" }, { "title": "Van Serg (crater)", "text": "Van Serg (crater) Van Serg is a feature on Earth's Moon, a crater in Taurus–Littrow valley. Astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt visited it in 1972, on the Apollo 17 mission, during EVA 3. Van Serg was designated Geology Station 9. To the northwest is Shakespeare and to the northeast are Cochise and Geology Station 8 at the base of the Sculptured Hills. To the south is Sherlock, and to the southwest are the Apollo 17 landing site and the large crater Camelot. The crater was named by the astronauts after Harvard University geology professor Hugh McKinstry, who, according to", "psg_id": "18389392" }, { "title": "Shorty (crater)", "text": "short story with particular reference to J. D. Salinger. Shorty (crater) Shorty is a feature on Earth's Moon, a likely volcanic crater in the Taurus–Littrow valley. Astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt visited it in 1972, on the Apollo 17 mission. It is the location of the famous \"orange soil\". It is about in diameter and up to deep. To the east of Shorty are Victory, Camelot, and the Apollo 17 landing site. To the southeast is Brontë. To the southwest are Lara and Nansen. The crater was named after the character \"Shorty\" in Richard Brautigan's \"Trout Fishing in America\",", "psg_id": "17072941" }, { "title": "Nansen-Apollo (crater)", "text": "Nansen-Apollo (crater) Nansen-Apollo is a feature on Earth's Moon, a crater in Taurus-Littrow valley, at the base of the South Massif. Astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt visited it in 1972, on the Apollo 17 mission. The astronauts referred to it simply as Nansen during the mission. Geology Station 2 of the mission was located at Nansen. Nansen is located in the 'light mantle' which is almost certainly an avalanche deposit from the South Massif. To the north of Nansen is Lara crater and Geology Station 3. To the northeast is Shorty and Geology Station 4. About 5 km to", "psg_id": "18389394" }, { "title": "Nansen-Apollo (crater)", "text": "the east are Mackin and Hess craters. The crater was named by the astronauts after Fridtjof Nansen, a Norwegian explorer. Nansen-Apollo (crater) Nansen-Apollo is a feature on Earth's Moon, a crater in Taurus-Littrow valley, at the base of the South Massif. Astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt visited it in 1972, on the Apollo 17 mission. The astronauts referred to it simply as Nansen during the mission. Geology Station 2 of the mission was located at Nansen. Nansen is located in the 'light mantle' which is almost certainly an avalanche deposit from the South Massif. To the north of Nansen", "psg_id": "18389395" }, { "title": "Henry (Apollo lunar crater)", "text": "part of the reason is that the IAU recognizes the larger lunar crater Henry. The crater was named by the astronauts after the Portuguese Prince Henry the Navigator. Henry (Apollo lunar crater) Henry is a feature on Earth's Moon, a crater in Taurus–Littrow valley, located at the foot of the Sculptured Hills. Astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt landed to the southwest of it in 1972, on the Apollo 17 mission. Henry is northwest of Shakespeare and Van Serg, and west of Cochise. It is south of Geology Station 6 of the Apollo 17 mission. The crater's name is currently", "psg_id": "18392786" }, { "title": "Henry (Apollo lunar crater)", "text": "Henry (Apollo lunar crater) Henry is a feature on Earth's Moon, a crater in Taurus–Littrow valley, located at the foot of the Sculptured Hills. Astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt landed to the southwest of it in 1972, on the Apollo 17 mission. Henry is northwest of Shakespeare and Van Serg, and west of Cochise. It is south of Geology Station 6 of the Apollo 17 mission. The crater's name is currently informal and not recognized by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), although nearly all the other features within the Taurus–Littrow valley that were named by the astronauts are. Possibly", "psg_id": "18392785" }, { "title": "Artur Schmitt", "text": "general to do so in the Second World War. He became a prisoner of war. Following his capture, Schmitt was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross (5 February 1942). He was held in Canada until 1946, when he was transferred to Britain, but was not released until 1948. After the victory of Israeli forces in the war of 1948, the Arab League recruited Schmitt to train a pan-Arab army. While living in Cairo, he used the pseudonym/codename \"Mr. Goldstein\". Schmitt became disaffected with what he saw as machinations against him by some Egyptian generals, which he denounced in", "psg_id": "15623389" }, { "title": "Gene Cernan", "text": "Musk to commemorate the first successful SpaceX cargo mission to the ISS in 2012. Eventually, Cernan was won over and signed the photograph; \"As I told him these stories of heroic entrepreneurship, I could see his mind turning.\" Jurvetson wrote; \"He found a reconciliation: 'I never read any of this in the news. Why doesn't the press report on this?'\" In 2016, Cernan appeared in the documentary \"The Last Man on the Moon,\" made by British filmmaker Mark Craig and based on Cernan's 1999 memoir of the same title. The film received the Texas Independent Film Award from Houston Film", "psg_id": "2047510" }, { "title": "PTScientists", "text": "lunar rovers in the Taurus–Littrow lunar valley, that will search for the Lunar Roving Vehicle left there by NASA astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt in 1972 during the Apollo 17 mission. The rovers are being developed by German automobile manufacturer Audi. The prototype rover is called \"Asimov Jr. R3\", while the two flight rovers are named \"Audi Lunar Quattro\". ALINA lander will also perform communications relay between the rovers and Earth, using technology based on Infineon chips, Nokia, and Vodafone's 4G LTE network. The lander and rovers may carry commercial payloads or scientific instruments for a fee. The only", "psg_id": "14762008" }, { "title": "Gene Cernan", "text": "Cernan turned down the opportunity to walk on the Moon as Lunar Module Pilot of Apollo 16, preferring to risk missing a flight for the opportunity to command his own mission. Cernan moved back into the Apollo rotation as commander of the backup crew of Cernan, Ronald E. Evans, and Joe Engle for Apollo 14, putting him in position through normal crew rotation to command his own crew on Apollo 17. Escalating budget cutbacks for NASA, however, brought the number of future lunar missions into question. After the cancellation of Apollo 15 in its original H class profile and Apollo", "psg_id": "2047502" }, { "title": "Apollo 17", "text": "backup crew of Apollo 14) would become prime crew of the mission. NASA Director of Flight Crew Operations Deke Slayton ultimately assigned the backup crew of Apollo 14 (Cernan and Evans), along with Schmitt, to the prime crew of Apollo 17. The Apollo 15 prime crew received the backup assignment since this was to be the last lunar mission and the backup crew would not rotate to another mission. However, when the Apollo 15 postage stamp incident became public in early 1972 the crew was reprimanded by NASA and the United States Air Force (they were active duty officers). Director", "psg_id": "20300" }, { "title": "Larry Taylor (geochemist)", "text": "of Washington, and finally a Fulbright Fellowship at the Max-Planck-Institüt für Kernphysik in Heidelberg, Germany. In December of 1972, Taylor was offered to be in the “back room” of Johnson Space Center during the Apollo 17 mission where he had the opportunity to directly advise astronauts on their extravehicular activities on the Moon. Subsequently, Taylor became very close friends with Harrison Schmitt, the last man to step on the lunar surface and the sole geologist to ever reach the Moon. The two would collaborate throughout their careers with Schmitt playing an influential role in helping Taylor develop the Department of", "psg_id": "20622103" }, { "title": "Jeff Alm", "text": "Jeff Alm Jeffrey Lawrence Alm (March 31, 1968 – December 14, 1993) was an American football player who played defensive tackle for the Houston Oilers of the National Football League. According to a witness, Alm and his best friend, Sean P. Lynch, had dinner at a Houston-area steakhouse on December 13, 1993. At 2:45 a.m. Central Standard Time the following day, Alm's Cadillac lost control heading south on Interstate 610 southbound at the 59 north exit ramp and Lynch was thrown out of the car, because the convertible top was down, to his death. Alm had been speeding and lost", "psg_id": "9495089" }, { "title": "Andreas Alm", "text": "April 2010. Alm remained as assistant manager during caretaker Björn Wesström's stay and later appointed Alex Miller's stay. When Miller and AIK during mutual consent split up, Alm later on was appointed as AIK's new manager in December 2010. Novaković rejoined the team staff as assistant manager together with Swärd. Alm became a successful coach for AIK and ended on the second place in both 2011 and 2013 in the Allsvenskan. Alm was linked with a job at the vacant job at Brøndby IF in May 2016, but was instead presented as the new manager of Vejle Boldklub 2 months", "psg_id": "12735571" }, { "title": "What the Deaf Man Heard", "text": "What the Deaf Man Heard What the Deaf Man Heard is a 1997 \"Hallmark Hall of Fame\" television movie that aired on CBS television on November 23, 1997. It concerns Sammy, a man who pretends to be deaf and mute, when in reality he can hear and speak perfectly well. The movie starred Matthew Modine and James Earl Jones. Georgia, 1945. During a stop on a bus trip, Sammy Ayers (Frankie Muniz), a boy and his mother Helen (Bernadette Peters) ventures into a bar, while Sammy sleeps on the bus. Helen is murdered as the bus leaves. At the last", "psg_id": "4060916" }, { "title": "New York lunar sample displays", "text": "sample displays were also distributed to all the other states of the United States and all the countries (at the time) of the world. The New York Apollo 17 lunar sample display commemorative style plaque, measuring 10 by 14 inches, consists of one \"moon rock\" particle specimen that was cut from lunar basalt 70017 and a New York state flag. The basalt 70017 was collected by Apollo 17 astronauts Harrison Schmitt and Eugene Cernan at the end of their third and final moonwalk. Once the lunar basalt 70017 was brought back to earth from the moon, the basalt moon rock", "psg_id": "16880215" }, { "title": "What to Do When You Are Dead", "text": "surprise but will certainly entertain\". According to \"Now\" writer Jered Stuffco, Equal Vision was \"banking heavily\" on the band to accumulate strong sales, and based on the group's \"poster-boy image, melodramatic harmonies and tight emo riffage,\" he felt they might succeed. \"What to Do When You Are Dead\" peaked at number 101 on the \"Billboard\" 200, as well as charting at number 1 on the Heatseekers Albums chart and number 8 on the Independent Albums chart. By July 2007 the album had sold 200,000 copies. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of \"What to Do When You Are Dead\", the band", "psg_id": "4480222" }, { "title": "Taurus–Littrow", "text": "location. Several million years after the formation of the Serenitatis basin, lavas began to upwell from the Moon's interior, filling the basin and forming what is now known as Mare Serenitatis. As a result of these lavas, rock and soil samples from the area that were collected by Apollo 17 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt gave insight to the natural history and geologic timeline of the Moon. Somewhere between 100 and 200 million years after the Serenitatis basin and Taurus–Littrow formed, the lavas that began to seep through the lunar crust began to flood the low-lying areas. These lava", "psg_id": "14867034" }, { "title": "You Know What to Do", "text": "To Get You into My Life\", \"And Your Bird Can Sing\" and \"Mother Nature's Son\". You Know What to Do \"You Know What to Do\" was one of the first songs written and recorded by George Harrison with the Beatles. It was recorded on 3 June 1964 but remained unreleased until its inclusion on the band's 1995 outtakes compilation \"Anthology 1\". During a photographic assignment on the morning of 3 June 1964, Ringo Starr was taken ill with tonsillitis and pharyngitis, 24 hours before the Beatles were due to leave for a six-country tour. The recording session booked for that", "psg_id": "6187569" }, { "title": "Helix ALM", "text": "Helix ALM Helix ALM, formerly called TestTrack, is application lifecycle management (ALM) software developed by Perforce. The software allows developers to manage requirements, defects, issues and testing during software development. Helix ALM's precursor, TestTrack Pro, was developed by Seapine Software, and first shipped in 1996. In November 2016, Perforce acquired Seapine, and rebranded the software as Helix ALM. The software tracks software development processes including feature requests and requirements to design revisions and actual changes in the code. It keeps track of what tests were done, what was tested, who performed the test and when, on what platform, under which", "psg_id": "17630091" }, { "title": "Jeff Alm", "text": "Joseph A. Jachimczyk, Chief Medical Examiner for Harris County, the barbiturate level was within therapeutic range. Jeff Alm Jeffrey Lawrence Alm (March 31, 1968 – December 14, 1993) was an American football player who played defensive tackle for the Houston Oilers of the National Football League. According to a witness, Alm and his best friend, Sean P. Lynch, had dinner at a Houston-area steakhouse on December 13, 1993. At 2:45 a.m. Central Standard Time the following day, Alm's Cadillac lost control heading south on Interstate 610 southbound at the 59 north exit ramp and Lynch was thrown out of the", "psg_id": "9495092" }, { "title": "What to Do When You Are Dead", "text": "Aberback of noted that the album placed the band on the \"indie-rock map and continues to resonate heavily with fans 10 years later\". Jorgensen later called the album a \"diary entry. Without that, I think a lot of people when [their] lives go on they forget what they went through at a certain point in time so for me that’s the biggest markers for me to remember where I was at the point in my life.\" Personnel per booklet. Armor for Sleep Production Citations Sources What to Do When You Are Dead What to Do When You Are Dead", "psg_id": "4480224" }, { "title": "Lunar Roving Vehicle", "text": "been possible.\" The LRVs experienced some minor problems. The rear fender extension on the Apollo 16 LRV was lost during the mission's second extra-vehicular activity (EVA) at station 8 when John Young bumped into it while going to assist Charles Duke. The dust thrown up from the wheel covered the crew, the console, and the communications equipment. High battery temperatures and resulting high power consumption ensued. No repair attempt was mentioned. The fender extension on the Apollo 17 LRV broke when accidentally bumped by Eugene Cernan with a hammer handle. Cernan and Schmitt taped the extension back in place, but", "psg_id": "242344" }, { "title": "Gene Cernan", "text": "the Apollo 17 launch—paid tribute to Cernan as a \"delightful, wonderful, great hero\". Cernan was featured in the Discovery Channel's documentary miniseries \"\", talking about his involvement and missions as an astronaut. In the 1998 Primetime Emmy Award-winning HBO miniseries \"From the Earth to the Moon\", he was portrayed by Daniel Hugh Kelly. A popular belief is that Cernan wrote his daughter's initials on a rock on the Moon. The story, and Cernan's relationship with his daughter, was later adapted into \"Tracy's Song\" by pop-rock band No More Kings. The story is inaccurate; Cernan did not write his daughter's initials", "psg_id": "2047513" }, { "title": "What to Do When You Are Dead", "text": "What to Do When You Are Dead What to Do When You Are Dead is the second studio album by American rock band Armor for Sleep. Following the completion of two songs written from the perspective of being dead, vocalist/guitarist Ben Jorgensen created a whole story from this viewpoint. \"What to Do When You Are Dead\" is a concept album, with each song telling the story of the protagonist's suicide as well as his journey through the afterlife. Recording took place between August and October 2004 with producer Machine. A rough mix of \"Car Underwater\" was made available in November,", "psg_id": "4480203" }, { "title": "Michelle Schmitt", "text": "Label: Harrison Street Records Label: Harrison Street Records Label: Harrison Street Records Label: Harrison Street Records Label: Harrison Street Records Label: Harrison Street Records Michelle lives in Marin County, California and has been married to Henry Schmitt since 1984. She has two sons, Eric (born 1987) and Alexander (born 1988). She also has a daughter-in-law, Kim Schmitt, married to Eric and a granddaughter (born 2015) as well as a son-in-law, Todd Stallings-Schmitt, married to Alex. Michelle Schmitt Michelle Schmitt (born in Detroit, Michigan) is a singer-songwriter living and working in San Francisco, California. Schmitt began playing guitar and writing songs", "psg_id": "17837888" }, { "title": "What Became of Jack and Jill?", "text": "What Became of Jack and Jill? What Became of Jack and Jill? is a 1972 British horror movie. It was part of an abandoned attempt by Amicus Pictures to compete with Hammer Studios by breaking into the grindhouse market. Studio executives were ultimately too disturbed by the final product to release it under the Amicus name, and they sold the film to 20th Century Fox. The film is notable for being the final big-screen appearance of Vanessa Howard, for whom the movie was a last-ditch effort to make her into a scream queen. Johnnie Tallent is a callous young mod", "psg_id": "17879169" }, { "title": "Exploration of the Moon", "text": "robot lunar rover to land on the Moon was the Soviet vessel Lunokhod 1 on November 17, 1970, as part of the Lunokhod programme. To date, the last human to stand on the Moon was Eugene Cernan, who as part of the mission Apollo 17, walked on the Moon in December 1972. \"See also:\" A full list of lunar Apollo astronauts. Moon rock samples were brought back to Earth by three Luna missions (Luna 16, 20, and 24) and the Apollo missions 11 through 17 (except Apollo 13, which aborted its planned lunar landing). From the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s", "psg_id": "7411726" }, { "title": "Harrison Schmitt", "text": "the landing missions, he participated in the examination and evaluation of the returned lunar samples and helped the crews with the scientific aspects of their mission reports. Schmitt spent considerable time becoming proficient in the CSM and LM systems. In March 1970 he became the first of the scientist-astronauts to be assigned to space flight, joining Richard F. Gordon, Jr. (Commander) and Vance Brand (Command Module Pilot) on the Apollo 15 backup crew. The flight rotation put these three in line to fly as prime crew on the third following mission, Apollo 18. When Apollo flights 18 and 19 were", "psg_id": "179645" }, { "title": "John R. Alm", "text": "After the two merged it was in 1996 when he was elected as senior vice president. Then in 1997 he was promoted to executive vice president and in April 1999 promoted to principal operating officer. In 2004 he was promoted to chief executive officer. One year later in 2005 Alm became the president of Coca Cola Enterprises. Since 2001, Alm has been a part of the board of directors for Coca-Cola Enterprises. He retired from the company on January 1, 2006 and join Kimberly-Clark since February 22, 2006. John R. Alm John R. Alm (born 1945) was a former president", "psg_id": "12626697" }, { "title": "Harrison Schmitt", "text": "that year on the Fox Business Network, saying \"[t]he CO scare is a red herring\". In a 2009 interview with conspiracy theorist and talk-radio host Alex Jones, Schmitt asserted a link between Soviet Communism and the American environmental movement: \"I think the whole trend really began with the fall of the Soviet Union. Because the great champion of the opponents of liberty, namely communism, had to find some other place to go and they basically went into the environmental movement.\" At the Heartland Institute's sixth International Conference on Climate Change Schmitt said that climate change was a stalking horse for", "psg_id": "179654" }, { "title": "Solo operations of Apollo 15", "text": "which he said looked like cinder cones. This observation would become one of the main reasons for going there on Apollo 17. It would turn out that one of these 'cinder cones' was just an impact crater, when visited by Gene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt on \"17\" and that what in fact he was seeing were young craters with dark ejecta blankets. Evidence did emerge for volcanic activity at Shorty when orange soil was found there. This was composed of orange glass beads which were sprayed while molten from a fumarole or \"fire fountain\" 3.64 billion years ago. During the", "psg_id": "5380774" }, { "title": "Gene Cernan", "text": "at Whiting Field, Baron Field, Naval Air Station Corpus Christi, and Naval Air Station Memphis. Following flight training on the T-28 Trojan, T-33 Shooting Star, and F9F Panther, Cernan became a Naval Aviator, flying FJ-4 Fury and A-4 Skyhawk jets in Attack Squadrons 126 and 113. Upon completion of his assignment in Miramar, California, he finished his education in 1963 at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School with a Master of Science degree in Aeronautical Engineering. During his naval career, Cernan logged more than 5,000 hours of flying time, including 4,800 hours in jet aircraft. Cernan also made 200 landings on", "psg_id": "2047498" }, { "title": "Harrison Schmitt", "text": "National Socialism. Schmitt co-authored a May 8, 2013 \"Wall Street Journal\" opinion column with William Happer, contending that increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are not significantly correlated with global warming, attributing the \"single-minded demonization of this natural and essential atmospheric gas\" to advocates of government control of energy production. Noting a positive relationship between crop resistance to drought and increasing carbon dioxide levels, the authors argued, \"Contrary to what some would have us believe, increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will benefit the increasing population on the planet by increasing agricultural productivity.\" Schmitt is one of the", "psg_id": "179655" }, { "title": "The Last House on the Left (1972 film)", "text": "and Canada on March 13, 2009. The Last House on the Left (1972 film) The Last House on the Left is a 1972 American exploitation horror film written, edited, and directed by Wes Craven and produced by Sean S. Cunningham. The film stars Sandra Peabody, Lucy Grantham, David A. Hess, Fred Lincoln, Jeramie Rain, and Marc Sheffler. The plot revolves around two teenage girls who are taken into the woods and tortured by a gang of murderous thugs. The story is inspired by the 1960 Swedish film \"The Virgin Spring\", directed by Ingmar Bergman, which in turn is based on", "psg_id": "2624739" }, { "title": "Mark Francis Schmitt", "text": "6, 1992, Bishop Schmitt retired. Bishop Schmitt died in De Pere, Wisconsin. Mark Francis Schmitt Mark Francis Schmitt (February 14, 1923 – December 14, 2011) served as the tenth Roman Catholic bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Marquette, in Marquette, Michigan. Born in Algoma, Wisconsin, he was ordained to the Roman Catholic priesthood on May 22, 1948, for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Green Bay. On April 30, 1970, Pope Paul VI appointed Schmitt, titular bishop of \"Ceanannus Mór\" and auxiliary bishop of the Green Bay Diocese; he was consecrated on June 24, 1970. On March 21, 1978, Pope", "psg_id": "12331436" }, { "title": "The Last House on the Left (1972 film)", "text": "The Last House on the Left (1972 film) The Last House on the Left is a 1972 American exploitation horror film written, edited, and directed by Wes Craven and produced by Sean S. Cunningham. The film stars Sandra Peabody, Lucy Grantham, David A. Hess, Fred Lincoln, Jeramie Rain, and Marc Sheffler. The plot revolves around two teenage girls who are taken into the woods and tortured by a gang of murderous thugs. The story is inspired by the 1960 Swedish film \"The Virgin Spring\", directed by Ingmar Bergman, which in turn is based on a Swedish ballad, \"Töres döttrar i", "psg_id": "2624700" }, { "title": "The Last Day (1972 film)", "text": "The Last Day (1972 film) The Last Day () is a 1972 Soviet drama film directed by Mikhail Ulyanov. The screen version of the play of the same name by Boris Vasilyev. On his last working day, the outgoing district plenipotentiary, junior police lieutenant Semyon Mitrofanovich Kovalyov, as usual, bypasses the site and solves the accumulated problems. Among the usual cases, parsing and talking with drunkards, he finds time for the neighbor girl Alla, who fell under the influence of the leader of the thieves' gang. Seeing her in the company of a young man, similar in description to a", "psg_id": "20885095" }, { "title": "What to Do When You Are Dead", "text": "performed a series of shows in September, October and December 2015, during which they performed the album in its entirety. In 2015, Maria Sherman of wrote that the album set the blueprint for \"future pop-punk bands to explore concept records in very real ways\". Calling it \"impressive at the time, this band from the suburbs [wrote] a power pop-punk record with a linear, intricate narrative\". AXS contributor Tarynn Law wrote that \"the instantly relateable tracks that filled \"What To Do When You Are Dead\" soundtracked the teenage angst of kids all around the country for years to come\". Brian", "psg_id": "4480223" }, { "title": "Jason Schmitt", "text": "\"Quicken Loans Turns Success into a Philosophy.\" \"The Huffington Post.\" Schmitt, J.(December 2010)\"Detroit 2.0 Is It Enough To Get Them To Stay.\" \"The Huffington Post.\" Schmitt, J. (October 2010) \"Tenure is for Wimps: An Untenured Professor (re)Contemplates Life.\" \"The Huffington Post.\" Schmitt, J. (May 2010) \"Download Illegally: It's the Right Thing to Do.\" \"The Huffington Post.\" Schmitt, J. (June 2010) \"Radio Gives Payola a Facelift to Stay Afloat.\" \"The Huffington Post.\" Schmitt, J. (June 2010) \"Droid Does Apps: Verizon Does Us All.\" \"The Huffington Post.\" Schmitt, J. (June 2010) \"Gluten-Free Made Me Smarter.\" \"The Huffington Post\" Schmitt, J. (2008) \"Like", "psg_id": "15212825" }, { "title": "You Know What to Do", "text": "Paul McCartney did \"It's for You\", a song which was written specifically for Cilla Black to sing. The tape of the session was subsequently misfiled, but was rediscovered in 1993. Harrison's first contribution to the Beatles' output was \"Don't Bother Me\", recorded in September 1963. His next contribution was not until \"I Need You\", recorded in February 1965. Asked about this gap in 1964, and referring obliquely to \"You Know What to Do\", George Martin explained that Harrison \"got discouraged some time ago when none of us liked something that he had written\". The song is in the key of", "psg_id": "6187567" }, { "title": "The Last Man on Earth (1924 film)", "text": "The Last Man on Earth (1924 film) The Last Man on Earth is a 1924 American silent comedy film directed by John G. Blystone, starring Earle Foxe and produced by Fox Film Corporation and loosely based on Mary Shelley's 1826 novel \"The Last Man\". The film was remade as the semi-musical comedy \"It's Great to Be Alive\" (1933), and influenced the sci-fi novel \"Mr. Adam\" (1946). In the year 1950, a plague known as \"masculitis\" has killed every fertile man on Earth over the age of 14. Womankind takes over the world and a woman becomes President of the United", "psg_id": "7019175" }, { "title": "Mark Francis Schmitt", "text": "Mark Francis Schmitt Mark Francis Schmitt (February 14, 1923 – December 14, 2011) served as the tenth Roman Catholic bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Marquette, in Marquette, Michigan. Born in Algoma, Wisconsin, he was ordained to the Roman Catholic priesthood on May 22, 1948, for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Green Bay. On April 30, 1970, Pope Paul VI appointed Schmitt, titular bishop of \"Ceanannus Mór\" and auxiliary bishop of the Green Bay Diocese; he was consecrated on June 24, 1970. On March 21, 1978, Pope Paul VI appointed Bishop Schmitt to the Diocese of Marquette. On October", "psg_id": "12331435" }, { "title": "What to Do When You Are Dead", "text": "music and lyrics into the record's concept. The booklet was created by Rob Dobi, with art direction from Jorgensen and Asterik Studio, which also designed the booklet. Dave Hill contributed photography. \"Spin\" writer Will Hermes noted the album booklet's Hipgnosis-styled layout as being \"an important part\" of the album. Jorgensen revealed that one of the reasons Armor for Sleep signed to Equal Vision was the label's inclination to satisfy the group's creative vision. On November 11, 2004, \"What to Do When You Are Dead\" was announced for release and a rough mix of \"Car Underwater\" was made available for streaming.", "psg_id": "4480214" }, { "title": "Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission", "text": "start a space programme. In 1967, Abdus Salam was succeeded by Air Commdore Władysław Turowicz, as he was made administrator of SUPARCO. Air Commdore Turowicz led the foundation of research activities and rocketry development in SUPARCO to the field of aeronautic sciences. The Doppler Radar Station (Islamabad Mission Control Center) was also established in the country as a part of a global network. In 1973, American Apollo 17 astronauts Eugene Cernan, Ronald Evans and Harrison Schmitt paid a state visit to Karachi amid great fanfare, to see the SUPARCO's headquarters. During the early 1970s, the Islamabad Ionospheric Station within Quaid-e-Azam", "psg_id": "8939423" }, { "title": "You Know What to Do", "text": "You Know What to Do \"You Know What to Do\" was one of the first songs written and recorded by George Harrison with the Beatles. It was recorded on 3 June 1964 but remained unreleased until its inclusion on the band's 1995 outtakes compilation \"Anthology 1\". During a photographic assignment on the morning of 3 June 1964, Ringo Starr was taken ill with tonsillitis and pharyngitis, 24 hours before the Beatles were due to leave for a six-country tour. The recording session booked for that day was originally intended to produce a fourteenth song for the band's \"A Hard Day's", "psg_id": "6187565" }, { "title": "Andreas Alm", "text": "later. After a disappointing season, finishing on the 9th place, Alm confirmed on 30 May 2017, that he wouldn't continue as the head coach of Vejle. Alm was appointed as the head coach of BK Häcken on 8 December 2017, which is his second stint as coach in Allsvenskan. Andreas Alm Andreas Alm (born 19 June 1973, in Gällivare but grew up in Eskilstuna) is a Swedish football coach in charge of BK Häcken and a former football player. He formerly managed AIK and is also a former player for the club. During his active career he played for the", "psg_id": "12735572" }, { "title": "Gene Cernan", "text": "aircraft carriers. In October 1963, NASA selected Cernan as one of the third group of astronauts to participate in the Gemini and Apollo space programs. Cernan was originally selected with Thomas Stafford as backup pilot for Gemini 9. When the prime crew of Elliot See and Charles Bassett was killed in the crash of NASA T-38A \"901\" (USAF serial 63-8181) at Lambert Field on February 28, 1966, the backup crew became the prime crew—the first time in NASA history this happened. Gemini 9A encountered a number of problems; the original target vehicle exploded during launch and the planned docking with", "psg_id": "2047499" }, { "title": "Artur Schmitt", "text": "Artur Schmitt Artur Schmitt (20 July 1888 – 15 January 1972) was a highly decorated German soldier during World War I and World War II. While serving as a General with the \"Afrikakorps\" during World War II, Schmitt was awarded the \"Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes\" (Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross), which was usually awarded to recognise extreme bravery, or successful military leadership. Schmitt was born at Albersweiler in what was then the Bavarian Rhine District. He was educated at the \"Humanistische Gymnasium\" at Landau in der Pfalz. In 1907 he joined the Bavarian Army, as an officer cadet with", "psg_id": "15623385" }, { "title": "Lunar Roving Vehicle", "text": "Moon, one on Apollo 15 by astronauts David Scott and Jim Irwin, one on Apollo 16 by John Young and Charles Duke, and one on Apollo 17 by Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt. The mission commander served as the driver, occupying the left-hand seat of each LRV. Features are available in papers by Morea, Baker, and Kudish. The Lunar Roving Vehicle had a mass of , and was designed to hold a payload of . This resulted in weights in the approximately one-sixth g on the lunar surface of empty and fully loaded. The frame was long with a wheelbase", "psg_id": "242348" }, { "title": "Gene Cernan", "text": "at Purdue University, where he became a member of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. After his sophomore year, he accepted a partial Navy ROTC scholarship that required him to serve aboard between his junior and senior years. In 1956, he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering; his final GPA was 5.1 out of 6.0. Cernan's hobbies included love for horses, sports, hunting, fishing, and aviation. Cernan was commissioned a U.S. Navy Ensign through the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps at Purdue, and was initially stationed on the USS Saipan. Cernan changed to active duty and attended flying training", "psg_id": "2047497" }, { "title": "Girls Can't Do What the Guys Do", "text": "1972 studio album \"See All Her Faces\". Yellowman covered it for \"King Yellowman\" (1984). \"Girls Can't Do What the Guys Do\" is sampled in \"Upgrade U\" by Beyoncé and Jay-Z, from Beyoncé's album \"B'Day\" (2006) and in \"No Homo Outro\", a track from \"Turtleneck & Chain\" (2011) by The Lonely Island. Girls Can't Do What the Guys Do \"Girls Can't Do What the Guys Do\" is a single by American recording artist Betty Wright from her debut studio album \"My First Time Around\" (1968). It was written by Willie Clarke and Clarence Reid, and released in 1968 by Alston Records.", "psg_id": "17514848" }, { "title": "Artur Schmitt", "text": "film \"Exil Nazi: La Promesse De L Orient\" (\"Nazi Exiles: The Promise of the Orient\"), by the French-German filmmaker Géraldine Schwarz. Artur Schmitt Artur Schmitt (20 July 1888 – 15 January 1972) was a highly decorated German soldier during World War I and World War II. While serving as a General with the \"Afrikakorps\" during World War II, Schmitt was awarded the \"Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes\" (Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross), which was usually awarded to recognise extreme bravery, or successful military leadership. Schmitt was born at Albersweiler in what was then the Bavarian Rhine District. He was educated", "psg_id": "15623391" }, { "title": "Listen to What the Man Said", "text": "and music are wedded together. Authors Roy Carr and Tony Tyler note about the song that \"artful and sensitive production elevate what was originally a piece of inconsequential whimsy into what can only be described as High Pop\", also describing the song as \"likeable\" and \"hummable\". Author Chris Ingham described the song as \"superior pop\". The song was also included on the numerous greatest hits compilations, including 1987's \"All the Best!\" and 2001's \"\". However, it was not included on the 1978 Wings compilation, \"Wings Greatest\". Listen to What the Man Said \"Listen to What the Man Said\" is a", "psg_id": "8147835" }, { "title": "What to Do When You Are Dead", "text": "the Warped Tour. A music video for \"Remember to Feel Real\" was posted on YouTube on June 6. A remix of the track was included on the \"Snakes on a Plane\" soundtrack, released in August. AllMusic reviewer John D. Luerssen wrote that \"What to Do When You Are Dead\" \"ups the punk/emo ante\" with \"fabulously\" composed songs, as well as a yearning to tackle the \"norms of a movement that has grown increasingly stale\". He described Jorgensen as going \"dark\" and toying with \"his inner Aaron Lewis\", frontman for Staind. Luerssen described the band's choice of working with Machine as", "psg_id": "4480218" }, { "title": "Lunar Flag Assembly", "text": "eliminated the need for the thermal protection shroud. The flag which had hung in the Mission Operations Control Room (MOCR) in the Mission Control Center through all the prior Apollo landings was flown to the Moon for the final mission, Apollo 17. This flag measured 20% wider and higher than the others, therefore it required a long horizontal pole. Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt carried a second, identical flag to the Moon and back, and presented it to flight controller Gene Kranz after the flight, to replace the one left on the Moon. Buzz Aldrin reported that the Apollo 11", "psg_id": "15835662" }, { "title": "John R. Alm", "text": "John R. Alm John R. Alm (born 1945) was a former president and chief executive officer for Coca-Cola Enterprises. Alm obtained a bachelor's degree in accounting at the University at Buffalo. Although the University has a contract with Pepsi, there is one Coca-Cola vending machine on campus in honor of Alm. It was in 1980 when Alm was hired by the Johnston Coca-Cola Bottling Group as senior vice president and chief financial officer. 11 years later, in 1991, the Johnston Coca-Cola Bottling Group merged with Coca-Cola Enterprises where Alm became vice president and kept his job as chief financial officer.", "psg_id": "12626696" }, { "title": "ALM Antillean Airlines", "text": "</nowiki>The Fokker F-27s were replaced by a third DC-9-15 also from KLM and ALM became an all-jet passenger airline for a short time. During this time (Aug 1972) a Douglas DC-6B was purchased for the cargo routes. Windward Islands' WINAIR was acquired, with its fleet of turboprop, STOL capable de Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter (series 300 aircraft), by the Antillean government. It became apparent that on the short flights to Aruba and Bonaire the DC-9 jet was not cost effective. A temporary solution was found in the shape of two Twin Otter 100 series. For a while, ALM Twin", "psg_id": "2639514" }, { "title": "Lunar Roving Vehicle", "text": "The rovers were designed with a top speed of about , although Eugene Cernan recorded a maximum speed of , giving him the (unofficial) lunar land-speed record. The LRV was developed in only 17 months and performed all its functions on the Moon with no major anomalies. Scientist-astronaut Harrison Schmitt of Apollo 17 said, \"The Lunar Rover proved to be the reliable, safe and flexible lunar exploration vehicle we expected it to be. Without it, the major scientific discoveries of Apollo 15, 16, and 17 would not have been possible; and our current understanding of lunar evolution would not have", "psg_id": "242343" } ]
[ "set foot on the moon" ]
mtv's the real world is still on the air after 26 seasons. what city hosts the current incarnation, whose season finale is tonight?
[ { "title": "The Real World: San Diego (2004 season)", "text": "The Real World: San Diego (2004 season) The Real World: San Diego is the fourteenth season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the fourth season of \"The Real World\" to be filmed in the Pacific States region of the United States, specifically in California after \"\". The season featured a total of eight cast members over the course of the season, as one cast member was replaced after she", "psg_id": "3383204" } ]
[ { "title": "Real World/Road Rules Challenge: Battle of the Seasons", "text": "and was attended by the contestants who were in the Inner Circle until the season finale. The special was hosted by Lindsay Brien from \"\" and Mark Long from \"\". Real World/Road Rules Challenge: Battle of the Seasons Real World/Road Rules Challenge: Battle of the Seasons is the fifth season of the MTV reality game show, \"The Challenge\" (at the time known as \"Real World/Road Rules Challenge\"). The season is directly subsequent to \"Extreme Challenge\". \"Battle of the Seasons\" premiered in early 2002 and took place in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. In each episode, the cast competed in a challenge,", "psg_id": "9202538" }, { "title": "Real World/Road Rules Challenge: Battle of the Seasons", "text": "Real World/Road Rules Challenge: Battle of the Seasons Real World/Road Rules Challenge: Battle of the Seasons is the fifth season of the MTV reality game show, \"The Challenge\" (at the time known as \"Real World/Road Rules Challenge\"). The season is directly subsequent to \"Extreme Challenge\". \"Battle of the Seasons\" premiered in early 2002 and took place in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. In each episode, the cast competed in a challenge, and the top three \"Real World\" and top three \"Road Rules\" teams would become the \"Inner Circle\" and have the power to vote off teams. The \"Inner Circle\" was determined", "psg_id": "9202535" }, { "title": "The World Is What It Is", "text": "The World Is What It Is The World Is What It Is: The Authorized Biography of V. S. Naipaul is a biography of the Nobel Prize-winning author V. S. Naipaul by Patrick French. It was published in 2008 (by Picador in the UK and Knopf in the USA). The title is a quotation from Naipaul's book \"A Bend in the River\". \"The world is what it is; men who are nothing, who allow themselves to become nothing, have no place in it.\" French deals with Naipaul's family background and his life from his birth in 1932 until his second marriage", "psg_id": "12715771" }, { "title": "The Real World: Brooklyn", "text": "that documents the evolution of the series over the years. Prior to the beginning of the season Jon Murray, co-creator of \"The Real World\", and Chairman and President of Bunim-Murray Productions, explained the choice of Brooklyn: \"The Brooklyn season, like the Hollywood season, will focus on what people loved about 'The Real World' when it launched in 1992 - genuine people, meaningful conflict and powerful stories...We're thrilled that MTV is allowing 'The Real World' turn 21!\" Cast member Chet Cannon remarked on the city that was his home for three months, \"Brooklyn is usually spoken of as more a place", "psg_id": "11957627" }, { "title": "Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Gauntlet 2", "text": "Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Gauntlet 2 Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Gauntlet 2 is the 11th season of the MTV reality game show, \"The Challenge\" (at the time known as \"Real World/Road Rules Challenge\"). The season is directly subsequent to \"\". \"The Gauntlet II\" marked T. J. Lavin's first time presenting the series, regularly hosting the program from this season forward. Prior seasons only used temporary hosts. The season is the second in the \"Gauntlet\" series, with the original \"\" airing in 2003–2004 and \"\" following in 2008. \"The Gauntlet II\" aired in late 2005 and into 2006 with", "psg_id": "9202636" }, { "title": "The Real World: Hollywood", "text": "club iO WEST. The previous nineteen seasons were aired as half-hour episodes. This season is the first to be aired as 13 one-hour episodes, a move that is credited as helping MTV rank as the #1 network in the Wednesday 10pm - 11pm time slot among people age 12-34. MTV continued with this format with the following seasons. MTV has also supplemented the airings with The Real World Dailies, an online series of unaired production footage launched in mid-April 2008 that, as of May 13, 2008, amassed 3 million hits by nearly 400,000 unique visitors. A \"Real World: Hollywood\" marathon", "psg_id": "10763132" }, { "title": "Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Duel", "text": "the Duel is eliminated from the game and is sent home. At the end of the season, there will be four contestants left — two of each gender. For each gender, the first-place finishers will each win $150,000. The reunion special, \"Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Duel Ain't Over 'til the Reunion\", was aired live after the season finale on January 18, 2007 and was hosted by VJ Susie Castillo. Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Duel Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Duel is the 13th season of the MTV reality game show, \"The Challenge\" (at the time known as \"Real", "psg_id": "9202661" }, { "title": "The World Is Ours Tonight", "text": "them few favors.\" Laurie Petricka of Roughstock stated the song \"allows the group to showcase their unique blend of classic country with just the right touch of modern style.\" Shawn Robbins directed the song's music video. \"The World Is Ours Tonight\" debuted at number 51 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Songs chart in March 2010. It spent nine weeks on the chart, it was a minor Top 40 peaking at number 37 becoming their third Top 40. The World Is Ours Tonight \"The World Is Ours Tonight\" is a song recorded by country music group Gloriana for the 2010 Winter", "psg_id": "14500928" }, { "title": "The World Is What It Is", "text": "in 1996. The biography has been extensively reviewed: the reviewers include Paul Theroux, who wrote an earlier book about Naipaul. The biography was selected by the editors of the \"New York Times Book Review\" as one of the \"Times\"' \"10 Best Books of 2008\". It won the 2008 National Book Critics Circle Award in Biography, and the British literary award the Hawthornden Prize. The World Is What It Is The World Is What It Is: The Authorized Biography of V. S. Naipaul is a biography of the Nobel Prize-winning author V. S. Naipaul by Patrick French. It was published in", "psg_id": "12715772" }, { "title": "The Real World: Las Vegas (2002 season)", "text": "13 until June 21, 2002. The season premiered on September 17 of that year, consisted of 28 episodes, which along with the season, is the highest number to date. This was the first of three seasons of \"The Real World\" to be filmed in Las Vegas. In 2011, the show made a return to the city in the twenty-fifth season, and in 2016, set its thirty-first season, \"\", in Downtown Las Vegas. Due to the popularity of the season, MTV ordered the spin-off miniseries \"\" that reunited the cast to live in the same Palms Hotel and Casino suite they", "psg_id": "5095199" }, { "title": "The Real World: Portland", "text": "cast members keeping pets while living in the season residence, this is the first season of the show in which a non-human is listed as a cast member at and credited in the title sequence, a Chihuahua/Jack Russell mix named Daisy. \"The Real World's\" sister show, \"Road Rules\", included a dog as part of the cast of its season. Cast members on prior \"Real World\" seasons have had pets in the house that were not credited as part of the cast. \"The Real World: Portland Reunion\" aired on June 12, 2013, following the season finale. It was hosted by", "psg_id": "16680044" }, { "title": "MTV What the Hack!", "text": "MTV What the Hack! MTV What the Hack! is a TV show that airs on MTV India. The first season of the show premiered on MTV India on 18 October 2009 and concluded on 7 February 2010. The show talks about interesting things that people can do with computers, the Internet, and technology. It is hosted by Ankit Fadia and VJ Jose, and airs on Saturdays at 8:20 PM. According to the MTV India website, MTV has got Ankit Fadia to give viewers everything from tips, tricks to cheat codes that will help make peoples life on the World Wide", "psg_id": "14442252" }, { "title": "The World Is Ours Tonight", "text": "The World Is Ours Tonight \"The World Is Ours Tonight\" is a song recorded by country music group Gloriana for the 2010 Winter Olympics. Written by Jess Cates, Lindy Robbins and the band's producer, Matt Serletic, it was issued as a single in March 2010. All proceeds from the single went to Team USA. The song debuted on the country music charts in March 2010, peaking at #37. It was also added to a March 2010 reissue of the band's self-titled debut album. Blake Boldt of Engine 145 gave the song a \"thumbs-down\" rating, saying that Matt Serletic's production \"do[es]", "psg_id": "14500927" }, { "title": "The Real World: Las Vegas (2011 season)", "text": "to be excellent exposure for the city and the NFO is always happy to assist any MTV production that visits our state.\" Motocross racer Carey Hart has a guest appearance in Episode 3. Most seasons of \"The Real World\", beginning with its , have included the assignment of a season-long group job or task to the housemates, continued participation in which has been mandatory to remain part of the cast since the \"Back to New York\" season. In this season, the cast interns with a charity called the Athlete Recovery Fund, doing weekly assignments, such as working at motorbike events.", "psg_id": "14894041" }, { "title": "The Real World: Sydney", "text": "The Real World: Sydney The Real World: Sydney is the nineteenth season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the only season to be filmed in Australia. The season featured a total of eight cast members over the course of the season, as one cast member was replaced after she voluntarily left the show. It is the third of four seasons of \"The Real World\" to be filmed entirely outside", "psg_id": "10253532" }, { "title": "The Real World: Paris", "text": "The Real World: Paris The Real World: Paris is the thirteenth season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the only season to be filmed in France. The season featured seven people living in a four-story château and was the second of four seasons of \"The Real World\" to be filmed entirely outside of the United States after \"\" in 1995, and before \"\" in 2007, and \"\" in 2009.", "psg_id": "3582099" }, { "title": "Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Island", "text": "Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Island Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Island is the 16th season of the MTV reality game show, \"The Challenge\" (at the time known as \"Real World/Road Rules Challenge\"). Like previous seasons of \"The Challenge\", \"The Island\" featured cast members from various past seasons of \"The Real World\" and \"Road Rules\", of which \"The Challenge\" was a spin-off, competing along with several cast members from the \"\" challenge. This season featured the contestants \"stranded\" on an island off the coast of Panama, where the cast competed for a buried treasure chest filled with $300,000 USD in", "psg_id": "12375977" }, { "title": "Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Duel", "text": "Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Duel Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Duel is the 13th season of the MTV reality game show, \"The Challenge\" (at the time known as \"Real World/Road Rules Challenge\"). \"The Duel\" took place in Búzios, Brazil, with former cast members from MTV series \"The Real World\" and \"Road Rules\" competing, along with several cast members from the previous \"Challenge\", \".\" The host of \"The Duel\" was T. J. Lavin. The season differed from previous \"Challenge\" seasons in that no teams were assigned, as it was every man and woman for themselves. The surviving male and female", "psg_id": "9202657" }, { "title": "The World Is Not Enough", "text": "behind only \"Goldfinger.\" The song also appeared in two \"best of 1999\" polls: #87 in 89X's \"Top 89 Songs of 1999\" and No. 100 in Q101's \"Top 101 of 1999\". \"The World Is Not Enough\" premiered on 19 November 1999 in the United States and on 26 November 1999 in the United Kingdom. Its world premiere was 8 November 1999 at the Fox Bruin Theater, Los Angeles, USA. At that time MGM signed a marketing partnership with MTV, primarily for American youths, who were assumed to have considered Bond as \"an old-fashioned secret service agent\". As a result, MTV broadcast", "psg_id": "1434473" }, { "title": "Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Island", "text": "order they were presented) Johanna, Paula, Kenny, Derrick, Johnny, Evelyn, Ryan, Jenn, KellyAnne and Robin. A promo from the upcoming \"\" season is shown, thus ending the reunion. Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Island Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Island is the 16th season of the MTV reality game show, \"The Challenge\" (at the time known as \"Real World/Road Rules Challenge\"). Like previous seasons of \"The Challenge\", \"The Island\" featured cast members from various past seasons of \"The Real World\" and \"Road Rules\", of which \"The Challenge\" was a spin-off, competing along with several cast members from the \"\" challenge.", "psg_id": "12375982" }, { "title": "The Real World: Brooklyn", "text": "marked the second time a pier was used as a season residence for the cast after 1998's \"\". This was the first season of \"Real World\" to feature a cast of eight roommates living together. The cast included a trans woman, Katelynn Cusanelli, a first for the series. The cast was photographed publicly for the first time at a Semi Precious Weapons Fashion Week party at the Manhattan club Rebel in early September 2008. \"The Real World: Brooklyn Reunion\" premiered on April 1, 2009, following the premiere of the season finale. The program, hosted by Maria Menounos, featured all eight", "psg_id": "11957631" }, { "title": "The City (2008 TV series)", "text": "renewed for a third season. \"The City\"s first season commenced airing on December 29, 2008, one week after the fourth-season finale of \"The Hills\". The series continued to air on Monday evenings until its midseason finale on March 16, 2009, at which point it had aired thirteen episodes. Rather than ordering an official second season, MTV included an additional ten episodes to the first season. The extension premiered on September 29, 2009, where it was moved to the Tuesday night timeslot, and concluded on December 1, 2009. The second season premiered on April 27, 2010, after the sixth-season premiere of", "psg_id": "12503773" }, { "title": "The Real World: Hollywood", "text": "with a 6.1 rating, a 39% increase over the previous year. The season made MTV the #1 network for the Wednesday 10pm - 11pm time slot among people 12-34, exceeding even broadcast networks for the same demographic. As of May 13, 2008, the season reached 44 million viewers, 23 million of which are in the network's 12-34 target demographic core. The Real World: Hollywood The Real World: Hollywood is the twentieth season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as", "psg_id": "10763142" }, { "title": "The Real World: London", "text": "The Real World: London The Real World: London is the fourth season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the only season of \"The Real World\" to be filmed in the United Kingdom. The season featured seven people and is the first of four seasons of \"The Real World\" to be filmed entirely outside of the United States, being followed by \"\" in 2003, \"\" in 2007, \"\" in 2009.", "psg_id": "4065583" }, { "title": "The Real World: Boston", "text": "season of \"Real World\" whose entire cast has at one time or another competed in MTV's spin-off reality series \"The Real World/Road Rules Challenge\". The Real World: Boston The Real World: Boston is the sixth season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the only season of \"The Real World\" to be filmed in the New England region of the United States, specifically in Massachusetts. The season featured seven people", "psg_id": "3727583" }, { "title": "The Challenge: Battle of the Seasons", "text": "The Challenge: Battle of the Seasons The Challenge: Battle of the Seasons is the 23rd season of the MTV reality game show, \"The Challenge\". Although sharing the same name as the show's 5th season, \"\", unlike other sequel seasons is not distinguished as part \"II\" as the Season has a completely different format as well as different rules. The season took place in Bodrum, Turkey and Swakopmund, Namibia. Former casts from select seasons of MTV's \"The Real World\" and \"The Challenge\" competed with the hopes of winning a piece of the $250,000 grand prize. This is the first season since", "psg_id": "16589309" }, { "title": "The Real World: Brooklyn", "text": "it is also the third season to take place in a city that had hosted a previous season, as the show's and were set in New York in 1992 and 2001. The season was aired as 13 one-hour episodes. MTV announced the location in May 2008. Filming began August 14, 2008, and concluded November 24, 2008. The series premiered January 7, 2009, and garnered an 18% increase in ratings over the previous season with 2.3 million viewers. The premiere was made available on iTunes on January 8. On January 4, MTV aired a special called \"The Real World: Secrets Revealed\"", "psg_id": "11957626" }, { "title": "Still Got Tonight", "text": "Kipner offered the song to Morrison while working with him on Morrison's debut album. According to MTV, Morrison only discovered Allen's involvement with the song after it had been selected as the second single and Allen tweeted that he had a song on Morrison's record. The two met on the set of \"Glee\" the week \"Still Got Tonight\" was released. \"Still Got Tonight\" was one of three promotional countdown singles made available to iTunes prior to the release of \"Matthew Morrison\". It was later released to digital retailers through The Island Def Jam Music Group on April 26, 2011 as", "psg_id": "18279067" }, { "title": "The Real World: San Francisco", "text": "debut airing of the season finale. The money from the benefit was used to form the Pedro Zamora Memorial Fund. His best friend and roommate, Judd Winick, began to lecture on HIV/AIDS and safe sex for him, and did so for three years. The 1995 reunion show, \"The Real World Reunion\", which assembled the casts from the first four seasons of \"The Real World\", was marked by antagonism between Puck and his former castmates. Though some members of the audience and the other seasons' casts expressed interest or fascination with Puck and his antics, his confrontation with his former roommate,", "psg_id": "4065558" }, { "title": "The Real World: D.C.", "text": "season on June 10, 2009. Filming began on July 2, 2009 and completed on October 12, 2009. The season's December 30, 2009 premiere was watched by 1.9 million viewers. The March 31, 2010 season finale was watched by 1.1 million viewers, the record low at the time for a season finale of \"The Real World\". The finale was immediately followed with a reunion special, \"The Real World: Washington D.C. Reunion\". Overall the season averaged 1.5 million viewers a week and consisted of 14 episodes. According to MTV's President of Programming, Tony DiSanto, \"The charged atmosphere of Washington D.C., the center", "psg_id": "13478537" }, { "title": "Real World/Road Rules Challenge: Battle of the Seasons", "text": "\"Inner Circle\" and voted off whichever pair they wanted. The individual winning pair of each challenge would earn an \"additional prize.\" After five pairs from each team were voted off, the final three \"Real World\" teams and final three \"Road Rules\" teams would compete against each other in a series of challenges before the final race, which would earn the winning teams $300,000 for themselves, $50,000 per teammate. Hosts: Eric Nies from \"\" and Mark Long from \"\" The reunion special, \"Real World/Road Rules Challenge Battle of the Seasons: Inside the Inner Circle\", was aired live on May 27, 2002", "psg_id": "9202537" }, { "title": "The Real World: New York", "text": "living in a SoHo loft from February 16 to May 18, 1992, The series premiered May 21 of that year. This is the first of three seasons to be filmed in New York City. In 2001, the show returned to the city in its tenth season, \"\", and in 2008, set its twenty-first season, \"\", in the borough of Brooklyn. As the first season of one of the first series in what is now considered the reality television genre, \"The Real World: New York\" is sometimes credited with pioneering some of the conventions of the genre, including bringing together a", "psg_id": "5904913" }, { "title": "MTV Live (Canadian TV series)", "text": "including the introduction of new \"internet style\" skits. The show now sometimes features live musical performances by a variety of artists of different genres and success levels, though is decidedly committed to being a 26-minute show on what the hosts do and think. \"MTV Live\" was broadcast from the Masonic Temple in Toronto, and aired Monday through Thursday at 6 pm and 11 pm ET. \"MTV Live\"'s on-air hosts came from a wide range of backgrounds. The hosts were: \"MTV Live\" was launched on March 21, 2006 with Daryn Jones helping to introduce the hosts. A number of personalities from", "psg_id": "7376263" }, { "title": "The Real World: D.C.", "text": "two seasons, the cast includes eight members. Local bars that were used as frequent hangouts for cast members included Halo, located in nearby Logan Circle; Town Danceboutique, located in Shaw; and The Russia House, located one block west of the cast's house. The cast also attended local sporting events, such as a D.C. United soccer games at RFK Stadium. \"The Real World: Washington D.C. Reunion\" premiered on March 31, 2010, following the season finale. It was hosted by Maria Menounos, and featured the entire cast, as they discussed the various aspects of their relationships during filming, and their lives after", "psg_id": "13478542" }, { "title": "The Real World: Brooklyn", "text": "The Real World: Brooklyn The Real World: Brooklyn is the twenty-first season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the fourth season of \"The Real World\" to be filmed in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States, specifically in New York City after \"\". The season featured eight people who lived on Pier 41 in Red Hook. Although it is the only season to set in the borough of Brooklyn,", "psg_id": "11957625" }, { "title": "The Air Is on Fire (album)", "text": "\"The Air Is on Fire\" is pretty simple sonically, which gives it a universal tone. It's not about cutting-edge techniques or never-heard-before concoctions. It's about using sound to tell a wordless story and evoke undefined emotions. On those counts, it succeeds thoroughly.\" All personnel credits adapted from \"The Air Is on Fire\"s album notes. The Air Is on Fire (album) The Air Is on Fire is a soundtrack album by the American director and musician David Lynch. It was released on March 15, 2007 on Strange World Music. The soundtrack was composed by Lynch and collaborator Dean Hurley and accompanied", "psg_id": "18002465" }, { "title": "Real World/Road Rules Extreme Challenge", "text": "challenge. Instead, various alumni provided audio clues. The reunion special, \"Real World/Road Rules Extreme Challenge: Cease Fire\", was aired after the season finale and was attended by the entire cast and was hosted by Melissa Howard from \"The Real World: New Orleans\" and Mark Long from \"\". Real World/Road Rules Extreme Challenge Real World/Road Rules Extreme Challenge is the 4th season of the MTV reality game show, \"The Challenge\" (at the time known as \"Real World/Road Rules Challenge\"). The season is directly subsequent to \"Real World/Road Rules Challenge 2000\". \"Extreme Challenge\" is the first season that adorned the show with", "psg_id": "9202534" }, { "title": "The World Is Still Beautiful", "text": "The World Is Still Beautiful Nike, the fourth princess of the Rain Dukedom, possesses the power to call forth the rain. She travels to the Sun Kingdom to marry Sun King Livius for the sake of her country, despite her own reluctance. She soon discovers that the King, who conquered the world in only three years after his ascendance to the throne, is still a child. Furthermore, for trivial reasons, he has demanded that Nike call forth the rain, and when she refuses, he has her thrown in jail. The story follows the two who, while at first are a", "psg_id": "17796025" }, { "title": "The City Is Alive Tonight...Live in Baltimore", "text": "The City Is Alive Tonight...Live in Baltimore The City Is Alive Tonight...Live In Baltimore is a live album by Dog Fashion Disco released on January 25, 2005. It was recorded at Fletcher's, a club in Baltimore, MD, on June 14, 2004. It also contains the bonus DVD, DFD-Day, a recording of the day of the show, the show itself, the party afterwards, and the next morning. The songs \"Worm in a Dog's Heart\", \"Rapist Eyes\", \"G Eye Joe\" & \"Breed\", however, are not present in the DVD, only in the CD. DFD-DAY was directed by Justin McConnell, and partially inspired", "psg_id": "6919587" }, { "title": "The City Is Alive Tonight...Live in Baltimore", "text": "the production of the feature documentary Working Class Rock Star. The album was re-released in 2006 through Rotten Records. All songs except \"Breed\" written by Dog Fashion Disco. \"Breed\" is credited as words by Kurt Cobain and music by Nirvana. The City Is Alive Tonight...Live in Baltimore The City Is Alive Tonight...Live In Baltimore is a live album by Dog Fashion Disco released on January 25, 2005. It was recorded at Fletcher's, a club in Baltimore, MD, on June 14, 2004. It also contains the bonus DVD, DFD-Day, a recording of the day of the show, the show itself, the", "psg_id": "6919588" }, { "title": "The Real World: Pilot", "text": "shooting hand held in streets. At the time people did not believe that you could shoot a high quality TV show with a small handheld camera. Doc style and make it work. The season was edited into three 22-minute episodes that were never intended to air on MTV. The pilot was intended to sell MTV executives on the idea of \"The Real World\". The series, although filmed in the course of three days, followed the isolation of \"Adam\", the naiveté of \"Amy\", the flirtation of \"Peter\" and \"Tracy\", a party the cast had in the loft, and a blind date", "psg_id": "9820431" }, { "title": "The Real World: Cancun", "text": "The Real World: Cancun The Real World: Cancun is the twenty-second season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the only season of \"The Real World\" to be filmed in Mexico. The season featured eight people who lived in a hotel converted into a suite. It is the fourth season of \"The Real World\" to be set outside the United States, after \"\" in 1995, \"\" in 2003, and \"\"", "psg_id": "12959454" }, { "title": "Tonight Is the Night (song)", "text": "Tonight Is the Night (song) \"Tonight Is the Night\" is the official debut single by Outasight and was released on Warner Bros. Records. It was produced by Cook Classics and is featured on his debut album \"Nights Like These\". The US national television debut of the song was on November 3, 2011 on the FOX network, during the week two results show on the American \"The X Factor\" in its inaugural season. Outasight also performed it at the 2012 NHL All-Star Game in Ottawa, Canada. A music video was released, directed by Dori Oskowitz. As of August 2012, it has", "psg_id": "16038092" }, { "title": "The Real World: Hollywood", "text": "The Real World: Hollywood The Real World: Hollywood is the twentieth season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the fifth season of \"The Real World\" to be filmed in the Pacific States region of the United States, specifically in California, after \"\". The season features a total of nine cast members over the course of the season, as one cast member is evicted and replaced, and another is replaced", "psg_id": "10763130" }, { "title": "The World Tonight", "text": "The World Tonight The World Tonight is a British current affairs radio programme broadcast on BBC Radio 4, every weekday evening, which started out as an extension of the 10pm news. It features news, analysis and comment on domestic and world issues. Ritula Shah is currently the main presenter, usually presenting the first three days of the week. The programme utilises other BBC broadcasters including David Eades, Carolyn Quinn, James Coomarasamy, Roger Hearing, Samira Ahmed and Felicity Evans to regularly present on Thursdays, Fridays and in Shah's absence. Between 1989 and 2012, the main presenter was Robin Lustig. \"The World", "psg_id": "5639687" }, { "title": "The Real World: Portland", "text": "The Real World: Portland The Real World: Portland is the twenty-eighth season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the seventh season of \"The Real World\" to be filmed in the Pacific States region of the United States, specifically in Oregon, and is also the second season to be filmed in the Pacific Northwest after \"\". The season featured a total of eight cast members over the course of the", "psg_id": "16680039" }, { "title": "The World Tonight", "text": "used a roster of broadcasters to host at other times. The World Tonight The World Tonight is a British current affairs radio programme broadcast on BBC Radio 4, every weekday evening, which started out as an extension of the 10pm news. It features news, analysis and comment on domestic and world issues. Ritula Shah is currently the main presenter, usually presenting the first three days of the week. The programme utilises other BBC broadcasters including David Eades, Carolyn Quinn, James Coomarasamy, Roger Hearing, Samira Ahmed and Felicity Evans to regularly present on Thursdays, Fridays and in Shah's absence. Between 1989", "psg_id": "5639692" }, { "title": "MTV What the Hack!", "text": "Web a whole lot simpler. Internet users email their problems to MTV India and Ankit gives them the solution. When MTV India dropped Music Television from its name and logo, this show was one of the new shows that was introduced and was positioned as a web show that aired on television and also on the MTV India website. All episodes of \"MTV What the Hack!\" can be watched on the MTV India Videos Page or on the official web page of the show or on YouTube. MTV What the Hack! MTV What the Hack! is a TV show that", "psg_id": "14442253" }, { "title": "Real World Seattle: Bad Blood", "text": "the MTV app, and concluded with the season finale on January 4, 2017, consisting of 12 episodes. Most seasons of \"Real World\" have a phone room so the cast members can make calls. On this season, the production crew provided the cast members smartphones so they could take their own pictures, have calls, and send text messages to families, one another, and close friends. This is the first time cast have been given personal communication devices since the cast of the were given two-way pagers. During shooting, the cast lived at the Ballou Wright Building located at 1517 12th Avenue", "psg_id": "19532373" }, { "title": "MTV Roadies (season 14)", "text": "Auditions and Roadies Journey [Episode 1 – 26] Finale Shweta Mehta -Winner <br> Baseer Ali -Runner-up MTV Roadies (season 14) MTV Roadies Rising is the fourteenth season of Indian reality show MTV Roadies. The show is hosted by Gaelyn Mendonca. It started airing on MTV India from February 25, 2017. The audition episodes were aired from 25 February 2017.The audition was done by the four aspiring gang leaders - Rannvijay Singh, Nikhil Chinappa, Neha Dhupia and Prince Narula and cricketer Harbhajan Singh is to play a crucial part. Later Nikhil Chinapa replaced Karan Kundra as gang leader after the auditions.", "psg_id": "20043864" }, { "title": "Real World/Road Rules Challenge (season)", "text": "Real World/Road Rules Challenge (season) Real World/Road Rules Challenge is the 2nd season of the MTV reality game show, \"The Challenge\" (sometimes incorrectly referred to as the show's ). The season marked the first time in which \"\"Real World/Road Rules Challenge\"\" would be used as the show's main title (by the , however, the program would be renamed yet again simply to \"The Challenge\"). In addition, it's one of two seasons absent of a subtitle (though the other, season 3, did have the year of its production as part of its title), a trend that wouldn't truly emerge until the", "psg_id": "9202509" }, { "title": "Real World/Road Rules Challenge: Battle of the Seasons", "text": "by a cumulative score that would be tallied on a leader board. The final six teams would compete for a final prize worth $300,000. This is the first edition of \"Battle of the Seasons\" series, with the second \"\", following in 2012 with a completely different format. This season of \"The Challenge\" features a new format. Separated into teams of \"Real World\" and \"Road Rules\", each cast member is paired off with a castmate from their original season. Each mission gave points based on finish. After each mission, the players with the most points cumulative from each team became the", "psg_id": "9202536" }, { "title": "The Real World: Sydney", "text": "of the United States after \"\" in 1995, \"\" in 2003, and before \"\" in 2009. Production lasted from February to May 26, 2007 and premiered on August 8 of that year, consisting of 24 episodes. Most seasons of \"The Real World\", beginning with the , have included the assignment of a season-long group job or task to the housemates, continued participation in which has been mandatory to remain part of the cast since the Back to New York season. The Sydney cast was assigned to work for Contiki Tours, a vacation travel package planning company, creating a Sydney tour", "psg_id": "10253533" }, { "title": "The Real World: New Orleans (2010 season)", "text": "The Real World: New Orleans (2010 season) The Real World: New Orleans is the twenty-fourth season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the third season of \"The Real World\" to be filmed in West South Central States region of the United States, specifically in Louisiana. The season featured eight people who lived in a house in Uptown New Orleans. It is the fourth season to take place in a", "psg_id": "14122026" }, { "title": "The Night Is Still Young (Nicki Minaj song)", "text": "this vast arena feels like a New York basement sweatbox.\" She also performed the song at the 2015 Billboard Music Awards. On May 30, 2015, Minaj performed the song on the iHeartRadio Summer Pool Party 2015 in Las Vegas. On July 24, 2015, Minaj performed the song on \"Good Morning America\"s Summer Concert Series. Minaj also opened the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards with a performance of \"Trini Dem Girls\", followed by a performance of \"The Night Is Still Young\" and \"Bad Blood\" with Taylor Swift. The Night Is Still Young (Nicki Minaj song) \"The Night Is Still Young\" is", "psg_id": "18511731" }, { "title": "The Real World: New Orleans (2000 season)", "text": "The Real World: New Orleans (2000 season) The Real World: New Orleans is the ninth season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the first season of \"The Real World\" to be filmed in West South Central States region of the United States, specifically in Louisiana. The season featured seven people who lived in a remodeled Civil War-era mansion, called \"The Belfort\", in the Garden District, New Orleans and is", "psg_id": "3372707" }, { "title": "In the Air Tonight", "text": "several European territories, reaching No. 1 in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Sweden. It peaked at No. 19 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in the United States, and was later certified Gold by the RIAA, representing 500,000 copies sold. The song's music video, directed by Stuart Orme, received heavy play on MTV when the new cable music video channel launched in August 1981. \"In the Air Tonight\" remains one of Collins' best-known hits, often cited as his signature song, and is especially famous for his drum break towards the end, which has been described as \"the sleekest, most melodramatic drum break", "psg_id": "3115436" }, { "title": "The Real Housewives of New York City (season 3)", "text": "season finale, and was aired on June 3, 2010. It was followed by a three-part reunion that aired on June 10, June 14 and June 14, 2010 and a \"Lost Footage\" episode on June 24, 2010, which marked the conclusion of the season. Andrew Hoegl, Barrie Bernstein, Lisa Shannon, Pam Healy and Andy Cohen are recognized as the series' executive producers; it is produced by Ricochet and is distributed by Shed Media. After the airing of the first part of the reunion on June 10, 2010, The first spin-off to \"The Real Housewives of New York City\" season three, titled", "psg_id": "18024734" }, { "title": "This Is What the Truth Feels Like", "text": "No Doubt's seventh studio album. She told MTV News: \"At this point I'm thinking about both, I can do both. [...] And it's just an amazing time; so many opportunities. I'm going into the studio tonight with Pharrell [Williams], I'm going to be writing and also just seeing what comes along my way. I've been recording a few things.\" In the same month, Stefani's manager Irving Azoff confirmed she was finishing the record with Williams, as well as planning to perform its lead single live on \"The Voice\". Interscope Records chairman John Janick also revealed that producer Benny Blanco would", "psg_id": "19322900" }, { "title": "Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Ruins", "text": "Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Ruins Real World Road Rules Challenge: The Ruins is the 18th season of the MTV reality television game show, \"The Challenge\" (at the time known as \"Real World/Road Rules Challenge\"). The Ruins took place in Phuket, Thailand, with cast members from \"The Real World\", \"Road Rules\" and \"The Challenge\" competing. This season was played in the format of two teams — Champions and Challengers; players on the Champions team had won at least one previous challenge, while players on the Challengers team had never won a challenge. This is the last season to use \"Real", "psg_id": "13701122" }, { "title": "The Real Is Back 2", "text": "stylistically, with the Gary gangsta's fleeter flow often flipping into double time and embellishing Jeezy's economic and guttural voice to smart effect. But too often Gibbs still sounds like a rapper yet to find the voice he's comfortable with. As singular in subject matter as Jeezy's trap raps can be, he always sounds like he believes what he's spitting, even when he's one-upping Kanye by claiming to use \"Louis Vuitton toilet paper.\"\" The Real Is Back 2 The Real Is Back 2 is the eleventh mixtape by American rapper Jeezy, it was released on September 3, 2011. The Mixtape features", "psg_id": "16710347" }, { "title": "The Real World: San Francisco", "text": "The Real World: San Francisco The Real World: San Francisco is the third season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the second season of \"The Real World\" to be filmed in the Pacific States region of the United States, specifically in California after \"\". The season featured a total of eight cast members over the course of the season, as one cast member was evicted and replaced. This is", "psg_id": "4065552" }, { "title": "The Real World: St. Thomas", "text": "The Real World: St. Thomas The Real World: St. Thomas is the twenty-seventh season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the only season of \"The Real World\" to be filmed in the Caribbean, and the second season set in the United States to be filmed outside of the contiguous United States after \"\". The season featured a cast of seven people who lived in a house on Hassel Island.", "psg_id": "16330592" }, { "title": "The Air Is on Fire", "text": "The Air Is on Fire The Air Is on Fire was a retrospective on the art work of artist and filmmaker David Lynch using themes from his childhood, adolescent, and adult life. It ran from the February 24 to May 27, 2007 at the Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain in Paris. The exhibition was also presented in 2009 in Moscow, Russia, updated with a series of lithographs made in 2007–8. The exhibition was later shown at Gl Strand in Copenhagen, Denmark from September 26, 2010 to January 16, 2011. The soundscape accompanying the exhibition was released as a CD in", "psg_id": "13078657" }, { "title": "The Real World: New Orleans (2000 season)", "text": "2010. The Real World: New Orleans (2000 season) The Real World: New Orleans is the ninth season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the first season of \"The Real World\" to be filmed in West South Central States region of the United States, specifically in Louisiana. The season featured seven people who lived in a remodeled Civil War-era mansion, called \"The Belfort\", in the Garden District, New Orleans and", "psg_id": "3372716" }, { "title": "The Real World: New York", "text": "The Real World: New York The Real World (retrospectively referred to as The Real World: New York, to distinguish it from subsequent installments of the series) is the first season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It was created by producers Mary-Ellis Bunim and Jonathan Murray. The cast consisted of seven people, ranging in age from 19 to 26, most of whom were already living in New York City when the series taped. The cast was filmed", "psg_id": "5904912" }, { "title": "The Real World: Las Vegas (2002 season)", "text": "in the suite on New Year's Eve 2004. Most seasons of \"The Real World\", beginning with the , have included the assignment of a season-long group job or task to the housemates, continued participation in which has been mandatory to remain part of the cast since the Back to New York season. The Las Vegas housemates had various jobs throughout the season involving the Palms Casino and Resort in which they lived, including promotional work for the night club, Rain in the Desert, cocktail waiting, and go-go dancing. After the cast left the \"Real World\" suite, six of them, except", "psg_id": "5095202" }, { "title": "The Real World: Seattle", "text": "The Real World: Seattle The Real World: Seattle is the seventh season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the third season of \"The Real World\" to be filmed in the Pacific States region, specifically in Washington and is also the first season to be filmed in the Pacific Northwest. The season featured seven people who lived on Pier 70 of Seattle, Washington's Elliott Bay. The season premiered on June", "psg_id": "3371190" }, { "title": "The Real World: Las Vegas (2011 season)", "text": "The Real World: Las Vegas (2011 season) The Real World: Las Vegas is the twenty-fifth season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the third season to be filmed in the Mountain States region of the United States, specifically in Nevada. The season featured a total of eight cast members over the course of the season, as one cast member was evicted and replaced. It is the fifth season to", "psg_id": "14894039" }, { "title": "In the Air Tonight", "text": "UK Single Release (Martin H) Sleeve includes a black and white 12 page cartoon storyboard drawn by Collins' brother Clive Collins. (catalogue 2292-57672-2) A cover of the song appears on the Nonpoint album \"Recoil\" and in the film \"Miami Vice\" (2006), and a video was made to promote the track using clips from the film. Nonpoint's version was also used in teasers for the fifth season of \"Dexter\" in 2010. The song was also covered by American metal band In This Moment for their 2017 album \"Ritual\". In the Air Tonight \"In the Air Tonight\" is the debut solo single", "psg_id": "3115453" }, { "title": "The Real World: Las Vegas (2002 season)", "text": "on July 11, 2007. The Real World: Las Vegas (2002 season) The Real World: Las Vegas is the twelfth season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the first season to be filmed in the Mountain States region of the United States, specifically in Nevada. The season featured seven people who lived in a converted penthouse suite on the 28th floor of the Las Vegas Palms Casino and Resort, which", "psg_id": "5095205" }, { "title": "The Real World: Key West", "text": "The Real World: Key West The Real World: Key West is the seventeenth season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the second season of \"The Real World\" to be filmed in the South Atlantic States region of the United States, specifically in Florida after \"\". The season featured seven people and was shot in the Key Haven neighborhood of Key West, Florida from August to December 2005. It premiered", "psg_id": "5735704" }, { "title": "Somewhere in the Real World", "text": "Australian song on Australian radio for 2008. \"Perfect\" was used in the Seven Network's promotion for Bionic Woman, and was released as the second single on 26 April 2008. \"Start It\" has been chosen by the Australian Football League (AFL) to be their theme song in 2008. Amorosi's tastes became a bit heavier and more soulful, finding inspiration from 60's rock legends such as Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix. \"As an entertainer and as a person, I am always searching for what is real,\" Vanessa Amorosi explains why her album is titled \"Somewhere in the Real World\". Amorosi says: \"I", "psg_id": "10635111" }, { "title": "Tonight Is the Night (song)", "text": "\"Tonight Is the Night\" is being played, renowned \"icon\" artists appear, namely (in order of appearance) Michael Jackson, Alfonso Ribeiro, Ray Charles, Britney Spears, Kanye West, and Mariah Carey. The final shot goes back to the new aspiring artist while \"who's next?\" slogan is splashed on the screen. The ad ends with the catch phrase: \"Where there's Pepsi, there's music\". Tonight Is the Night (song) \"Tonight Is the Night\" is the official debut single by Outasight and was released on Warner Bros. Records. It was produced by Cook Classics and is featured on his debut album \"Nights Like These\". The", "psg_id": "16038094" }, { "title": "The Real World: Las Vegas (2002 season)", "text": "The Real World: Las Vegas (2002 season) The Real World: Las Vegas is the twelfth season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the first season to be filmed in the Mountain States region of the United States, specifically in Nevada. The season featured seven people who lived in a converted penthouse suite on the 28th floor of the Las Vegas Palms Casino and Resort, which production started from February", "psg_id": "5095198" }, { "title": "The Real World: D.C.", "text": "The Real World: D.C. The Real World: D.C., (occasionally known as The Real World: Washington D.C.), is the twenty-third season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the fifth season of \"The Real World\" to be filmed in the Mid-Atlantic States region of the United States. The season featured eight people who lived in a house in Dupont Circle. Washington, D.C. was officially announced as the location for the newest", "psg_id": "13478536" }, { "title": "What the World Needs Now Is Love", "text": "\"Hot Shots!\", \"Happy Gilmore\", and \"Forrest Gump\". In the Danish zodiac porn comedy \"I Jomfruens tegn\" (1973), an extended version is used for the hardcore underwater orgy that ends the film. What the World Needs Now Is Love \"What the World Needs Now Is Love\" is a 1965 popular song with lyrics by Hal David and music composed by Burt Bacharach. First recorded and made popular by Jackie DeShannon, it was released on April 15, 1965, on the Imperial label after a release on sister label Liberty records the previous month was canceled. It peaked at number seven on the", "psg_id": "10358944" }, { "title": "Real World/Road Rules Challenge: Fresh Meat", "text": "Real World/Road Rules Challenge: Fresh Meat Real World/Road Rules Challenge: Fresh Meat is the 12th season of the MTV reality game show, \"The Challenge\" (at the time known as \"Real World/Road Rules Challenge\"). \"Fresh Meat\" is a season that made history on \"The Challenge\" by being the first season to include previously unknown contestants as part of the cast. Previous to \"Fresh Meat\", all seasons functioned solely by the program's trademark: strictly using contestants that were previously cast on past seasons of \"The Real World\" or \"Road Rules\". To date, \"Fresh Meat's\" most notable debuting contestants who've both continued on", "psg_id": "9202644" }, { "title": "The Real World: Miami", "text": "The Real World: Miami The Real World: Miami is the fifth season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the first season of \"The Real World\" to be filmed in the South Atlantic States region of the United States, specifically in Florida. The season featured seven people who lived in a house on Rivo Alto Island and was the first season filmed in the United States outside of New York", "psg_id": "5714436" }, { "title": "The Real World: Philadelphia", "text": "The Real World: Philadelphia The Real World: Philadelphia is the fifteenth season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the third season of \"The Real World\" to be filmed in the Mid-Atlantic States region of the United States, specifically in Pennsylvania. The season featured seven people who lived in a three-story building, which production began filming from April 30 to August 20, 2004. The season premiered on September 7 of", "psg_id": "3782000" }, { "title": "The World Is Still Beautiful", "text": "married couple only in name, gradually begin to establish an emotional bond with one another. The opening theme is \"BEAUTIFUL WORLD\" by Joanna Koike, while the ending theme \"PROMISE\" and the insert song performed by Rena Maeda. \"Farewell Rain\" in episode 12, sung by Nike's grandmother is performed by Chisa Yokoyama. The World Is Still Beautiful Nike, the fourth princess of the Rain Dukedom, possesses the power to call forth the rain. She travels to the Sun Kingdom to marry Sun King Livius for the sake of her country, despite her own reluctance. She soon discovers that the King, who", "psg_id": "17796026" }, { "title": "What the World Needs Now Is Love", "text": "What the World Needs Now Is Love \"What the World Needs Now Is Love\" is a 1965 popular song with lyrics by Hal David and music composed by Burt Bacharach. First recorded and made popular by Jackie DeShannon, it was released on April 15, 1965, on the Imperial label after a release on sister label Liberty records the previous month was canceled. It peaked at number seven on the US Hot 100 in July of that year. In Canada, the song reached number one. Co-songwriter Burt Bacharach revealed in his 2014 autobiography that this song had among the most difficult", "psg_id": "10358938" }, { "title": "The Real World: Boston", "text": "The Real World: Boston The Real World: Boston is the sixth season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the only season of \"The Real World\" to be filmed in the New England region of the United States, specifically in Massachusetts. The season featured seven people who lived in a converted historic firehouse at 127 Mt. Vernon Street, Boston, Massachusetts, which is located right off of Charles Street and was", "psg_id": "3727578" }, { "title": "Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Gauntlet III", "text": "Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Gauntlet III Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Gauntlet III is the 15th season of the MTV reality game show, \"The Challenge\" (at the time known as \"Real World/Road Rules Challenge\"). Being the third in \"The Gauntlet\" series, \"The Gauntlet III\" marked the show's 2nd trilogy (\"Inferno III\" is the first), continuing on from \"\" (7th season) and \"\" (11th season). The season was filmed in Riviera Nayarita, Mexico, with former cast members from \"The Real World\" and \"Road Rules\" competing, along with several cast members from the \"\" challenge. This season was in the format", "psg_id": "11399339" }, { "title": "Incarnation Camp", "text": "Incarnation Camp Incarnation Camp is a nonprofit, traditional year-round camp, retreat and education center located in Essex, Connecticut. The camp was established in 1886. It is the oldest, co-ed, continually operated camp in the USA. Each year Incarnation hosts thousands of children and adults from across the US and around the world. In 1886, the Church of the Incarnation in Manhattan, located on Madison Ave. and 35th Street, New York City, rented a farmhouse in Mohegan Lake from R. Horne as part of a “fresh air” program sponsored by the \"New York Tribune\". Children from the tenements of New York’s", "psg_id": "17812408" }, { "title": "The Real World: Hawaii", "text": "The Real World: Hawaii The Real World: Hawaii is the eighth season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the fourth season of \"The Real World\" to be filmed in the Pacific States region of the United States, and the first season set in the United States to be filmed outside of the contiguous United States. The season featured seven people who lived in a modern beach house in Honolulu,", "psg_id": "3368872" }, { "title": "The Real World: D.C.", "text": "lives in Denver, was voted as the winner of Women's Health's America's Next Fitness Star in August 2014, and will be featured in a series of fitness DVDs. The Real World: D.C. The Real World: D.C., (occasionally known as The Real World: Washington D.C.), is the twenty-third season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the fifth season of \"The Real World\" to be filmed in the Mid-Atlantic States region", "psg_id": "13478546" }, { "title": "The Real World: Chicago", "text": "The Real World: Chicago The Real World: Chicago is the eleventh season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the first season of \"The Real World\" to be filmed in the East North Central States region of the United States, specifically in Illinois. The season featured seven people who lived in a converted bookstore/coffeehouse in the Chicago's Wicker Park neighborhood, which production started from June 28 until November 3, 2001.", "psg_id": "5367446" }, { "title": "Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Duel II", "text": "Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Duel II Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Duel II is the 17th season of the MTV reality game show, \"The Challenge\" (at the time known as \"Real World/Road Rules Challenge\"). \"The Duel II\" is the sequel to the show's 13th season, \"\". It took place in Queenstown, New Zealand, with former cast members from MTV's \"The Real World\" and \"Road Rules\" competing along with several cast members from the \"\" challenge. The cast departed for Queenstown, New Zealand on October 27, 2008 and filming ran through early December. This season premiered on Wednesday, April 8,", "psg_id": "12586071" }, { "title": "The Real World: London", "text": "Namesake\", \"The Human Stain\", and \"The Last Kiss\". In 2004 she married actor Gabriel Macht. On August 20, 2007 she gave birth to a daughter, Geraldine Macht, in Los Angeles. Sharon Gitau works as a singer, songwriter, composer and producer. The Real World: London The Real World: London is the fourth season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the only season of \"The Real World\" to be filmed in", "psg_id": "4065589" }, { "title": "The Real World: Hollywood", "text": "The property was purchased in August 2006 for $66 million USD by Molasky Pacific, LLC, who intend to redevelop it to attract other residential and office tenants. According to MTV, this season of \"The Real World\" was the first to incorporate environmentally friendly household and lifestyle choices, including a solar-heated swimming pool that uses salt to reduce the need for chemical treatment, Energy Star appliances, bamboo flooring, recycled glass counters, some sustainable furniture, energy efficient lighting, a computer powered by an exercise bicycle, paperless toilets, a smart stove, an air conditioner system that provides water for an outdoor vegetable garden,", "psg_id": "10763136" }, { "title": "The Real World: Austin", "text": "The Real World: Austin The Real World: Austin is the sixteenth season of MTV's reality television series \"The Real World\", which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the second season to be filmed in the West South Central States region of the United States, specifically in Texas. The season featured seven people who lived in a converted warehouse, which production started from January to May 2005. Consisting of 24 episodes, the season premiered on June 21 later that", "psg_id": "5186038" }, { "title": "The Real World: Portland", "text": "the last season of \"The Real World\" to use the cast narration \"\"This is the true story...of seven strangers...\"\" in the opening title sequence, before a new format was implemented beginning with the . Most seasons of \"The Real World\" since the have included the assignment of a season-long group job or task to the housemates, continued participation in which has been mandatory to remain part of the cast since the Back to New York season. However, no group assignment is given to the cast this season; the castmates are free to apply for jobs that production had pre-approved at", "psg_id": "16680041" }, { "title": "Love Is on the Air", "text": "kiddie program. Love Is on the Air Love is on the Air is a 1937 American film directed by Nick Grinde, and starring Ronald Reagan (in his film debut), June Travis, Eddie Acuff, Robert Barrat, Raymond Hatton and Willard Parker. It was the first of three remakes of the 1933 Paul Muni picture \"Hi, Nellie\". (The later ones were \"You Can't Escape Forever\" (1942), with George Brent, and \"House Across the Street\" (1949), with Wayne Morris.) Reckless radio commentator Andy McCaine (Ronald Reagan) gets into trouble when he attacks a corrupt city government, and his boss forces him to host", "psg_id": "6937928" }, { "title": "Love Is on the Air", "text": "Love Is on the Air Love is on the Air is a 1937 American film directed by Nick Grinde, and starring Ronald Reagan (in his film debut), June Travis, Eddie Acuff, Robert Barrat, Raymond Hatton and Willard Parker. It was the first of three remakes of the 1933 Paul Muni picture \"Hi, Nellie\". (The later ones were \"You Can't Escape Forever\" (1942), with George Brent, and \"House Across the Street\" (1949), with Wayne Morris.) Reckless radio commentator Andy McCaine (Ronald Reagan) gets into trouble when he attacks a corrupt city government, and his boss forces him to host an innocuous", "psg_id": "6937927" } ]
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arch enemey of count dracula, what is the name of the vampire hunter in bram stokers 1897 novel dracula?
[ { "title": "Dracula", "text": "Dracula Dracula is an 1897 Gothic horror novel by Irish author Bram Stoker. It introduced the character of Count Dracula, and established many conventions of subsequent vampire fantasy. The novel tells the story of Dracula's attempt to move from Transylvania to England so that he may find new blood and spread the undead curse, and of the battle between Dracula and a small group of men and a woman led by Professor Abraham Van Helsing. \"Dracula\" has been assigned to many literary genres including vampire literature, horror fiction, the gothic novel, and invasion literature. The novel has spawned numerous theatrical,", "psg_id": "100189" } ]
[ { "title": "Count Dracula", "text": "expression is crossed out, however, and replaced by \"Hungarian yoke\" (as appearing in the printed version), which matches the historical perspective of the Wallachians. This has been interpreted by some to mean that Stoker opted for the Wallachian, not the Szekler interpretation, thus lending more consistency to the Romanian identity of his Count: although not identical with Vlad III, the Vampire is portrayed as one of the \"Dracula race\". Count Dracula Count Dracula () is the title character of Bram Stoker's 1897 gothic horror novel \"Dracula\". He is considered to be both the prototypical and the archetypal vampire in subsequent", "psg_id": "9416231" }, { "title": "Count Dracula", "text": "Count Dracula Count Dracula () is the title character of Bram Stoker's 1897 gothic horror novel \"Dracula\". He is considered to be both the prototypical and the archetypal vampire in subsequent works of fiction. He is also depicted in the novel to be the origin of werewolf legends. Some aspects of the character are believed to have been inspired by the 15th-century Wallachian Prince Vlad the Impaler, who was also known as Dracula. Other character aspects have been added or altered in subsequent popular fictional works. The character has subsequently appeared frequently in popular culture, from films to animated media", "psg_id": "9416187" }, { "title": "Brides of Dracula", "text": "chaos and bloodshed whenever the opportunity presents itself. There is also a fourth bride mentioned in the novel, Jana, but who is ultimately killed by her and Dracula's son Alucard shortly after her resurrection as a vampire. Brides of Dracula The Brides of Dracula are characters in Bram Stoker's 1897 novel \"Dracula\". They are three seductive female vampire \"sisters\" who reside with Count Dracula in his castle in Transylvania, where they entrance men with their beauty and charm, and then proceed to feed upon them. Dracula provides them with victims to devour, mainly infants and children. Like Dracula, they are", "psg_id": "5838966" }, { "title": "Brides of Dracula", "text": "Brides of Dracula The Brides of Dracula are characters in Bram Stoker's 1897 novel \"Dracula\". They are three seductive female vampire \"sisters\" who reside with Count Dracula in his castle in Transylvania, where they entrance men with their beauty and charm, and then proceed to feed upon them. Dracula provides them with victims to devour, mainly infants and children. Like Dracula, they are the living dead, repulsed by religious objects. In chapter three of the novel, two are described as having dark hair, and the other as blonde. In the novel the three vampire women are not individually named. Collectively,", "psg_id": "5838928" }, { "title": "Castle Dracula", "text": "numerous movies like \"Blood of Dracula's Castle\" (1969) (with John Carradine as the butler and Alexander D'Arcy as Count Dracula) and other Dracula-based films. There are video games called \"Dracula's Castle\" (Game Pac Adventure), \"Escape Dracula's Castle\" (Fun Flash Games),\"Restore Dracula's Castle\" and \"Devil's Castle Dracula\" (\"Akumajō Dracula\"); the latter is best known to the west as \"Castlevania\". A prosecco produced by a descendant of the Bassarab dynasty bears the name Castle of Dracula. Castle Dracula Castle Dracula is the fictitious Transylvanian residence of Count Dracula, the vampire antagonist in Bram Stoker's 1897 horror novel \"Dracula\". In Stoker's narrative, Castle", "psg_id": "15046257" }, { "title": "The Tomb of Dracula", "text": "addressed in the final three issues of \"Nightstalkers\". These included the fates of Dracula's bride Domini, their son Janus, and vampire-hunter Taj Nital. Dracula took the title role in the miniseries \"Dracula: Lord of the Undead\". Two more four-issue miniseries followed. \"Stoker's Dracula\" continued and concluded the adaptation of the original Bram Stoker novel \"Dracula\" by writer Roy Thomas and artist Dick Giordano, which had begun in \"Dracula Lives\" 30 years prior. Another \"Tomb of Dracula\" miniseries followed found Blade joined a new team of vampire hunters to prevent Dracula achieving godhood. \"Apocalypse vs. Dracula\" featured Dracula battling Apocalypse, an", "psg_id": "2858081" }, { "title": "Dracula in popular culture", "text": "popular and mass culture. There are several locations associated with Dracula and Bram Stoker related tourism in Ireland, Britain, and Romania. Dracula in popular culture The character of Count Dracula from the 1897 novel \"Dracula\" by Bram Stoker, has remained popular over the years, and many films have used the Count as a villain, while others have named him in their titles, such as \"Dracula's Daughter\", \"The Brides of Dracula\", and \"Dracula's Dog\". \"Dracula\" has enjoyed enormous popularity since its publication and has spawned an extraordinary vampire subculture in the second half of the 20th century. More than 200 films", "psg_id": "9484245" }, { "title": "Dracula in popular culture", "text": "Dracula in popular culture The character of Count Dracula from the 1897 novel \"Dracula\" by Bram Stoker, has remained popular over the years, and many films have used the Count as a villain, while others have named him in their titles, such as \"Dracula's Daughter\", \"The Brides of Dracula\", and \"Dracula's Dog\". \"Dracula\" has enjoyed enormous popularity since its publication and has spawned an extraordinary vampire subculture in the second half of the 20th century. More than 200 films have been made that feature Count Dracula, a number second only to Sherlock Holmes. At the center of this subculture is", "psg_id": "9484208" }, { "title": "Bram Stoker's Dracula (1973 film)", "text": "Bram Stoker's Dracula (1973 film) Dracula is a 1973 British television film adaptation of Bram Stoker's 1897 novel \"Dracula\" written by Richard Matheson and directed by \"Dark Shadows\" creator Dan Curtis, with Jack Palance in the title role. It was the second collaboration for Curtis and Palance after the 1968 TV film \"The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde\". \"Bistritz, Hungary May 1897\": natives in Transylvania seem afraid when they learn solicitor Jonathan Harker is going to Castle Dracula. Jonathan finds the Count abrupt and impatient to get things done. Dracula reacts very strongly to a photograph of", "psg_id": "9425902" }, { "title": "Bram Stoker's Dracula (video game)", "text": "vampire fans. Bram Stoker's Dracula (video game) Bram Stoker's Dracula is a 1993 video game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System, Super NES, Game Boy, Master System, Genesis, Sega CD, Game Gear, MS-DOS and Amiga games consoles. Based on the 1992 movie of the same name which in turn is based on the 1897 novel by Bram Stoker, each version of the game was essentially identical (except for the Sega CD, Amiga and MS-DOS versions). The Amiga version was released in 1994 for North America and Europe. A CD-ROM version for DOS was released in 1995. Each console has a", "psg_id": "5800506" }, { "title": "Dracula", "text": "over the years, and many films have used the character as a villain, while others have named him in their titles, including \"Dracula's Daughter\" and \"The Brides of Dracula\". As of 2009, an estimated 217 films feature Dracula in a major role, a number second only to Sherlock Holmes (223 films). A large number of these appearances are not adaptations of Stoker's novel, but merely feature the character in an unrelated story. Dracula Dracula is an 1897 Gothic horror novel by Irish author Bram Stoker. It introduced the character of Count Dracula, and established many conventions of subsequent vampire fantasy.", "psg_id": "100237" }, { "title": "Bram Stoker's Dracula", "text": "list of \"Hollywood's Most Powerful Vampires\", as well as \"The Guardian\"s \"10 best screen vampires\". In honor of Syfy's 25th anniversary in 2017, the channel compiled \"25 greatest\" lists celebrating the last 25 years of all science fiction, fantasy, and horror: Oldman's Dracula was included in \"The 25 Greatest Movie Performances from the Last 25 years\". Bram Stoker's Dracula Bram Stoker's Dracula is a 1992 American gothic horror film directed and produced by Francis Ford Coppola, based on the novel \"Dracula\" by Bram Stoker. It stars Gary Oldman as Count Dracula, Winona Ryder as Mina Harker, Anthony Hopkins as Professor", "psg_id": "2194717" }, { "title": "Castle Dracula", "text": "Castle Dracula Castle Dracula is the fictitious Transylvanian residence of Count Dracula, the vampire antagonist in Bram Stoker's 1897 horror novel \"Dracula\". In Stoker's narrative, Castle Dracula is the single most important location. The first and the last part of the plot take place here. The inaccessible stronghold, which initially symbolises the vampire's power, finally becomes the scene of his extermination. In the novel's first chapters, the young English solicitor Jonathan Harker, traveling from London via Paris, Munich, Vienna, Budapest, Klausenburg and Bistritz, arrives at the Castle after being picked up in the Borgo Pass by a mysterious driver, whom", "psg_id": "15046240" }, { "title": "Dracula Reborn", "text": "Ian Pfister’s portrayal of Renfield, but ultimately criticized the film for leaving “little to the imagination” and claimed it “arguably never should have been conceived”. Gammon gave the film a 2 out of 5. Dracula Reborn Dracula Reborn is a 2012 vampire-themed direct-to-video horror film, directed and written by Patrick McManus, making his feature film directorial debut. Produced by Ray Haboush, the film stars Corey Landis, Victoria Summer, Krash Miller, Stuart Rigby and Keith Reay. It is a modernized, loosely based take on Bram Stoker's 1897 novel \"Dracula\", taking place in Los Angeles, California, where a wealthy Count Dracula looks", "psg_id": "17385504" }, { "title": "Count Dracula", "text": "to breakfast cereals. Bram Stoker's novel takes the form of an epistolary tale, in which Count Dracula's characteristics, powers, abilities and weaknesses are narrated by multiple narrators, from different perspectives. Count Dracula is an undead, centuries-old vampire, and a Transylvanian nobleman who claims to be a Székely descended from Attila the Hun. He inhabits a decaying castle in the Carpathian Mountains near the Borgo Pass. Unlike the vampires of Eastern European folklore, which are portrayed as repulsive, corpse-like creatures, Dracula wears a veneer of aristocratic charm. In his conversations with Jonathan Harker, he reveals himself as deeply proud of his", "psg_id": "9416188" }, { "title": "Dracula the Un-dead", "text": "Dracula the Un-dead Dracula the Un-dead is a sequel to Bram Stoker's classic novel \"Dracula\". The book was written by Bram Stoker's great grand-nephew Dacre Stoker and Ian Holt. Previously, Holt had been a direct-to-DVD horror screenwriter, and Stoker a track and field coach. In the novel's afterword, the authors discuss the many alterations made to the original novel's events, due to the many inconsistencies in the original and the desire for the Stoker family to reassert control over Dracula fiction. Twenty-five years have passed since the vampire Count Dracula met his end at the hands of Jonathan Harker and", "psg_id": "14025635" }, { "title": "Dracula (Marvel Comics)", "text": "Dracula (Marvel Comics) Dracula is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is based on the vampire Count Dracula from the novel of the same name by author Bram Stoker. A version of Dracula first appears in the Atlas Comics publication, \"Suspense\" #7 (Mar. 1951). The modern Marvel version of Dracula was created by Gerry Conway and Gene Colan in \"Tomb of Dracula\" No. 1 (1972), co-written by Marv Wolfman. Traditionally, the Comics Code Authority prevented Marvel from publishing vampire comics. This was revised in early 1971, when comics were allowed to publish characters", "psg_id": "7751010" }, { "title": "Dracula Reborn", "text": "Dracula Reborn Dracula Reborn is a 2012 vampire-themed direct-to-video horror film, directed and written by Patrick McManus, making his feature film directorial debut. Produced by Ray Haboush, the film stars Corey Landis, Victoria Summer, Krash Miller, Stuart Rigby and Keith Reay. It is a modernized, loosely based take on Bram Stoker's 1897 novel \"Dracula\", taking place in Los Angeles, California, where a wealthy Count Dracula looks to purchase an abandoned building and pursue the wife of his realtor, Jonathan Harker. In Los Angeles, California, realtor Jonathan Harker (Corey Landis) proposes the sale of an abandoned building in a gang-dominated neighborhood", "psg_id": "17385498" }, { "title": "Dracula Twins", "text": "Dracula Twins Dracula Twins is a Microsoft Windows platformer published and developed by Swedish developer-publisher Legendo Entertainment. The game, which features two-dimensional movement through a vivid and cartoonish three-dimensional environment, borrows its title and certain references from the classic Bram Stoker novel \"Dracula\". In the game, Dracula has been captured by Doctor Lifelust and his horde of vampire hunters who has a sinister plan to create a serum that lets him live forever. Dracula's twin vampire twerps, Drac and Dracana are on a mission to save daddy Dracula from the clutches of the vampire hunter. Each of the twins is", "psg_id": "12073500" }, { "title": "Dracula the Un-dead", "text": "is asked of readers of the original in having to forgo old beliefs of who and what Dracula is. It’s best to just enjoy it for what it is: another vampire story for October\". Winnipeg Free Press reviewer Kenneth MacKendrick called it \"tempting enough to read and bad enough to be controversial, striking a balance between sensationalism and mediocrity\". Dracula the Un-dead Dracula the Un-dead is a sequel to Bram Stoker's classic novel \"Dracula\". The book was written by Bram Stoker's great grand-nephew Dacre Stoker and Ian Holt. Previously, Holt had been a direct-to-DVD horror screenwriter, and Stoker a track", "psg_id": "14025657" }, { "title": "The Revenge of Dracula", "text": "The Revenge of Dracula The Revenge of Dracula is a horror novel by British writer Peter Tremayne (pseudonym of Peter Berresford Ellis). It was first published in the United Kingdom in 1978 by Bailey Brothers & Swinfen. The first United States edition was published by Donald M. Grant, Publisher, Inc. in 1978 in an edition of 1,250 copies which were signed by the author and the illustrator, Dan Green. It is the second book in Tremayne's \"Dracula Lives\" trilogy. The novel concerns the story of Count Dracula in England and is set before the events in Bram Stoker's novel \"Dracula\".", "psg_id": "11972778" }, { "title": "The Revenge of Dracula", "text": "The Revenge of Dracula The Revenge of Dracula is a horror novel by British writer Peter Tremayne (pseudonym of Peter Berresford Ellis). It was first published in the United Kingdom in 1978 by Bailey Brothers & Swinfen. The first United States edition was published by Donald M. Grant, Publisher, Inc. in 1978 in an edition of 1,250 copies which were signed by the author and the illustrator, Dan Green. It is the second book in Tremayne's \"Dracula Lives\" trilogy. The novel concerns the story of Count Dracula in England and is set before the events in Bram Stoker's novel \"Dracula\".", "psg_id": "11972777" }, { "title": "Dracula the Undead (novel)", "text": "Dracula the Undead (novel) Dracula the Undead is a sequel written to Bram Stoker's classic novel \"Dracula\", written by Freda Warrington. The book was commissioned by Penguin Books as a sequel to Stoker's original novel for the centenary of the latter's first publication. It takes place seven years after the original. It was originally published in 1997, and was brought back to print in 2009. It is seven years since a stake was driven through the heart of the infamous Count Dracula. Seven years which have not eradicated the terrible memories for Jonathan and Mina Harker, who now have a", "psg_id": "14443243" }, { "title": "Count Dracula (1970 film)", "text": "Count Dracula (1970 film) Count Dracula (German: Nachts, wenn Dracula erwacht, lit. \"Nights, When Dracula Awakes\"), released in Italy as Il conte Dracula, in Spain as El Conde Drácula and in France as Les Nuits de Dracula, is a 1969 Spanish-Italian-German-British horror film (released in 1970), directed by Jesús Franco and starring Christopher Lee, Herbert Lom and Klaus Kinski. It was based on the novel \"Dracula\" by Bram Stoker. Although \"Count Dracula\" stars Christopher Lee in the title role, it is not a Hammer production like his other Dracula films, being produced instead by Harry Alan Towers. Klaus Kinski, who", "psg_id": "6743789" }, { "title": "Dracula, the Musical", "text": "Dracula, the Musical Dracula, the Musical is a musical based on the original Victorian novel by Bram Stoker. The score is by Frank Wildhorn, with lyrics and book by Don Black and Christopher Hampton. It had its regional premiere at the La Jolla Playhouse, La Jolla, California, in 2001, playing to 115% capacity, earning the highest paid capacity for any world premiere production in the playhouse's history. It then premiered on Broadway in 2004, starring Tom Hewitt as the frightening vampire Count and Melissa Errico as the woman he loves, Mina Harker. A brief nude scene in which Dracula seduces", "psg_id": "6709133" }, { "title": "Bram Stoker's Dracula (video game)", "text": "Bram Stoker's Dracula (video game) Bram Stoker's Dracula is a 1993 video game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System, Super NES, Game Boy, Master System, Genesis, Sega CD, Game Gear, MS-DOS and Amiga games consoles. Based on the 1992 movie of the same name which in turn is based on the 1897 novel by Bram Stoker, each version of the game was essentially identical (except for the Sega CD, Amiga and MS-DOS versions). The Amiga version was released in 1994 for North America and Europe. A CD-ROM version for DOS was released in 1995. Each console has a different styled", "psg_id": "5800498" }, { "title": "Count Dracula (1970 film)", "text": "this film. \"Count Dracula\" was released on DVD in 2007 by Dark Sky Films. Special features include an interview with director Jesús Franco, a reading from Bram Stoker's \"Dracula\" novel by Christopher Lee, and a text essay on the life of actress Soledad Miranda. The DVD has come under criticism for omitting the scene in which a distraught mother pleads for her baby's life at the door of Dracula's castle. The DVD also uses the Italian credits for the film but with the French title card Les Nuits de Dracula. Count Dracula (1970 film) Count Dracula (German: Nachts, wenn Dracula", "psg_id": "6743800" }, { "title": "Anno Dracula series", "text": "transform into Hyde also exist. Several \"warms\" are also said to have the vampire powers of precognition and telepathy, or the ability to perform acts of genuine magic. However, for the most part, vampires are the center-stage of Newman's paranormal setting. Anno Dracula series The \"Anno Dracula\" series by Kim Newman—named after \"Anno Dracula\" (1992), the series' first novel—is a work of fantasy depicting an alternate history in which the heroes of Bram Stoker's novel \"Dracula\" fail to stop Count Dracula's conquest of Great Britain, resulting in a world where vampires are common and increasingly dominant in society. While Dracula", "psg_id": "1589351" }, { "title": "Count Dracula (1970 film)", "text": "would play Dracula himself nine years later in \"Nosferatu the Vampyre\", is also featured in the film as Renfield. \"Count Dracula\" was advertised as the most faithful adaptation of Bram Stoker's novel. Among other details, it was the first film version of the novel in which Dracula begins as an old man and becomes younger as he feeds upon fresh blood. Jonathan Harker, a lawyer traveling from London to Transylvania to secure property for Count Dracula, arrives at Bistritz to stay for the night. There, he is warned by a concerned lady against continuing his journey the following day. Harker", "psg_id": "6743790" }, { "title": "Dracula in popular culture", "text": "Historian\" follows several historians whose research has led them too close to Dracula as they hunt the vampire across Europe. Meg Cabot's 2010 novel \"Insatiable\" has a main character named Meena Harper who has a relationship with Dracula's son, Lucien. In the book series \"Vampire Hunter D\", which takes place 10,000 years in the future, D's adversary Count Magnus discovers that D is the son of Dracula, who is referred to as \"the Sacred Ancestor\" in the series. Freda Warrington's \"Dracula the Undead\" is an unofficial sequel to \"Dracula\". Will Hill's \"Department 19\" is about Jamie Carpenter, a descendant of", "psg_id": "9484232" }, { "title": "Dracula Untold", "text": "is not canon with \"Dark Universe\". Dracula Untold Dracula Untold is a 2014 American dark fantasy action horror film directed by Gary Shore in his feature film debut and written by Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless. Rather than using the storyline of Bram Stoker's 1897 novel \"Dracula\", the film creates an origin story for its title character, Count Dracula; in this version, Dracula is Vlad the Impaler. Luke Evans portrays the title character, and Sarah Gadon, Dominic Cooper, Art Parkinson, and Charles Dance appear in supporting roles. Principal photography began in Northern Ireland on August 5, 2013. Universal Pictures released", "psg_id": "17292984" }, { "title": "Dracula Untold", "text": "Dracula Untold Dracula Untold is a 2014 American dark fantasy action horror film directed by Gary Shore in his feature film debut and written by Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless. Rather than using the storyline of Bram Stoker's 1897 novel \"Dracula\", the film creates an origin story for its title character, Count Dracula; in this version, Dracula is Vlad the Impaler. Luke Evans portrays the title character, and Sarah Gadon, Dominic Cooper, Art Parkinson, and Charles Dance appear in supporting roles. Principal photography began in Northern Ireland on August 5, 2013. Universal Pictures released the film in regular and IMAX", "psg_id": "17292952" }, { "title": "Dracula (1931 English-language film)", "text": "Dracula (1931 English-language film) Dracula is a 1931 American pre-Code vampire-horror film directed by Tod Browning and starring Bela Lugosi as Count Dracula. Produced by Universal, the screenplay is based on the 1924 stage play \"Dracula\" by Hamilton Deane and John L. Balderston, which in turn is loosely based on the novel \"Dracula\" by Bram Stoker. Renfield (Dwight Frye) is a solicitor traveling to Count Dracula's (Bela Lugosi) castle in Transylvania on a business matter. The people in the local village fear that vampires inhabit the castle and warn Renfield not to go there. Renfield refuses to stay at the", "psg_id": "3870302" }, { "title": "Dracula (1931 English-language film)", "text": "the film was also released. In 1931, some theaters had not yet been wired for sound and during this transition period, many studios released alternative silent versions with intertitles. Dracula (1931 English-language film) Dracula is a 1931 American pre-Code vampire-horror film directed by Tod Browning and starring Bela Lugosi as Count Dracula. Produced by Universal, the screenplay is based on the 1924 stage play \"Dracula\" by Hamilton Deane and John L. Balderston, which in turn is loosely based on the novel \"Dracula\" by Bram Stoker. Renfield (Dwight Frye) is a solicitor traveling to Count Dracula's (Bela Lugosi) castle in Transylvania", "psg_id": "3870331" }, { "title": "The Fury of Dracula", "text": "be beneficial or detrimental. In addition, the Hunter suffers penalties in combat against Dracula. Being bitten a second time results in the hunter becoming a vampire; he is eliminated from the game and given to the Dracula player as a generic vampire encounter. (In the second edition, being bitten twice no longer eliminates the character from the game; they are sent to the Hospital of St Joseph and St Mary to recover.) In addition, the character Mina Harker begins with a Bite Token (received in the novel) and as such these \"bitten only\" events are usable from the very beginning", "psg_id": "8413009" }, { "title": "Dracula: the Musical", "text": "told Mina that if she killed him she would turn into a vampire and he would live within her because she had tasted his blood, but if Jonathan kills him they will never be together again. Mina finishes off Dracula. Dracula: the Musical Dracula: the Musical is a Swedish musical based on the novel \"Dracula\" by Bram Stoker produced in 2010. It was originally a theatre production meant for ten performances but due to the massive popularity extra performances were added and the musical was turned into a film, given a limited release on DVD. The film was put together", "psg_id": "15131792" }, { "title": "The Fury of Dracula", "text": "on Bram Stoker's famous novel, \"The Fury of Dracula\" is a breakthrough title that introduced cooperative and deductive elements to the adventure board game subgenre, while managing to retain the feeling of breathless excitement that players seek in an adventure game.\" The Fury of Dracula The Fury of Dracula is a board game designed by Stephen Hand and published by Games Workshop in 1987. Fantasy Flight Games released an updated version in 2006 as Fury of Dracula, and a third edition in 2015 by the same name. The game takes place in Europe during 1898, eight years after the events", "psg_id": "8413020" }, { "title": "Dracula", "text": "on the role of Dracula in \"Count Dracula\", a 1970 Spanish-Italian-German coproduction notable for its adherence to the plot of the original novel. Playing the part of Renfield in that version was Klaus Kinski, who later played Dracula himself in 1979's \"Nosferatu the Vampyre\". In 1977, the BBC made \"Count Dracula\", a 155-minute adaptation for television starring Louis Jourdan. Later film adaptations include John Badham's 1979 \"Dracula\", starring Frank Langella and inspired by the 1977 Broadway revival of the Deane/Hamilton play, and Francis Ford Coppola's 1992 \"Bram Stoker's Dracula\", starring Gary Oldman. The character of Count Dracula has remained popular", "psg_id": "100236" }, { "title": "Dracula", "text": "Vlad III Dracula. Later he also claimed that he had a nightmare, caused by eating too much crab meat, about a \"vampire king\" rising from his grave. Although it is a widely known vampire novel, \"Dracula\" was not the first. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe published \"The Bride of Corinth\" in 1797. (“From my grave to wander I am forc’d Still to seek The God’s long-sever’d link, Still to love the bridegroom I have lost, And the life-blood of his heart to drink;) Later Sheridan Le Fanu's 1871 \"Carmilla\", about a lesbian vampire could have inspired Bram Stoker's Dracula, or \"Varney", "psg_id": "100207" }, { "title": "The Tomb of Dracula", "text": "The Tomb of Dracula The Tomb of Dracula is a horror comic book series published by Marvel Comics from April 1972 to August 1979. The 70-issue series featured a group of vampire hunters who fought Count Dracula and other supernatural menaces. On rare occasions, Dracula would work with these vampire hunters against a common threat or battle other supernatural threats on his own, but more often than not, he was the antagonist rather than protagonist. In addition to his supernatural battles in this series, Marvel's Dracula often served as a supervillain to other characters in the Marvel Universe, battling the", "psg_id": "2858070" }, { "title": "The Tomb of Dracula", "text": "miniseries published in 1998. The miniseries was published by Dark Horse Comics and was not officially associated with Marvel's Dracula series. A trade paperback collection was published in 2005. The Tomb of Dracula The Tomb of Dracula is a horror comic book series published by Marvel Comics from April 1972 to August 1979. The 70-issue series featured a group of vampire hunters who fought Count Dracula and other supernatural menaces. On rare occasions, Dracula would work with these vampire hunters against a common threat or battle other supernatural threats on his own, but more often than not, he was the", "psg_id": "2858087" }, { "title": "Dracula in popular culture", "text": "legend. While the story is based on the historical 15th century ruler of Wallachia, it also draws inspiration from the vampire legends that surround the Wallachian Prince. Gabrielle Estres’ novel \"Captive\" retraces the life of Vlad Țepeș, the Wallachian ruler who inspired Bram Stoker's \"Dracula\". The book combines historical facts and contemporary 15th century pamphlets with the vampire lore created by Stoker. A version of Dracula (who hates the name and is known as Vlad Tepesh) appears first as a supporting character in the \"Night Huntress\" series by Jeaniene Frost, then in a more central role as the protagonist's love", "psg_id": "9484237" }, { "title": "Dracula the Undead (novel)", "text": "young son. To lay their memories to rest they return to Transylvania, and can find no trace of the horrific events. But, beneath the earth, Dracula's soul lies in limbo, waiting for the Lifeblood that will revive him. Dracula the Undead (novel) Dracula the Undead is a sequel written to Bram Stoker's classic novel \"Dracula\", written by Freda Warrington. The book was commissioned by Penguin Books as a sequel to Stoker's original novel for the centenary of the latter's first publication. It takes place seven years after the original. It was originally published in 1997, and was brought back to", "psg_id": "14443244" }, { "title": "The Satanic Rites of Dracula", "text": "of Dracula\". The French title, \"Dracula vit toujours à Londres\", remains closer to what was initially planned, as it can be translated by \"Dracula is Still Living in London\". In the United States, the film was distributed in 1979 by Dynamite Films in a heavily edited version titled Count Dracula and His Vampire Bride. The film itself is a mixture of horror, science fiction and a spy thriller, with a screenplay by Don Houghton, a veteran of BBC's \"Doctor Who\". The original score was composed by television composer John Cacavas. It wrapped on 3 January 1973 – 15 years to", "psg_id": "5888160" }, { "title": "Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula", "text": "Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula (alternately titled Dracula: The Dark Prince and Dark Prince: Legend of Dracula) is a horror-war television film, which premiered in the United States on the USA Network on Halloween, October 31, 2000. It is about Vlad III Dracula, \"the Impaler\", the historical figure who gave Bram Stoker's Dracula his name. \"Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula\" tells the story of Vlad Dracula, the historical figure who gave Bram Stoker's Dracula his name. Vlad is a dispossessed noble and a patriot who fights the occupation forces", "psg_id": "9577867" }, { "title": "Count Dracula (1977 film)", "text": "of space and time and money. Something of a hole in the middle though, like a vampire after remedial treatment.\" She was less positive about the casting and performance of Louis Jourdan, however, which she felt \"emphasised the lover at the expense of the demon. It makes a change. Though, I would say, for the worst.\" Film historian Stuart Galbraith IV said that \"\"Count Dracula\" remains one of the best-ever adaptations of Bram Stoker's novel\" despite a \"couple of missteps\", remarking that \"the cast is excellent\", in particular praising the performances of Frank Finlay and Louis Jourdan, whom he calls", "psg_id": "9415397" }, { "title": "Dracula Lives!", "text": "comic \"The Tomb of Dracula\", the continuities of the two titles occasionally overlapped, with storylines weaving between the two. Most of the time, however, the stories in \"Dracula Lives!\" were standalone Dracula tales by various creative teams. Later issues of \"Dracula Lives!\" featured a serialized adaptation of the original Bram Stoker novel, written by Roy Thomas and drawn by Dick Giordano. Copyrighted as simply \"Dracula Lives!\" and commonly known by its trademarked cover title, \"Dracula Lives!\", the magazine ran 13 issues from 1973 to 1975. With sister titles including \"Monsters Unleashed\", \"Tales of the Zombie\" and \"Vampire Tales\", it was", "psg_id": "17809187" }, { "title": "Count Dracula", "text": "shared his personal past with the historical Transylvanian-born Voivode Vlad III Dracula of Wallachia, also known as Vlad the Impaler or Vlad Țepeș. Following the publication of \"In Search of Dracula\" by Radu Florescu and Raymond McNally in 1972, this supposed connection attracted much popular attention. This work argued that Bram Stoker based his Dracula on Vlad the Impaler. Historically, the name \"Dracula\" is the given name of Vlad Țepeș' family, a name derived from a secret fraternal order of knights called the Order of the Dragon, founded by Sigismund of Luxembourg (king of Hungary and Bohemia, and Holy Roman", "psg_id": "9416224" }, { "title": "Bram Stoker's Dracula", "text": "by Eiko Ishioka created a new image for the Count and for the first time freed him from the black cape and evening wear the character had become associated with since Bela Lugosi's portrayal in 1931. The film was also a landmark in vampire horror as it is the only \"Dracula\" adaptation to win Oscars. The film appeared in \"Entertainment Weekly\"s \"5 best vampire movies\", \"Forbes\"s \"Top 10 Best Vampire Movies Of All Time\", \"Esquire\"s \"20 Best Vampire Movies\", and \"Sexiest Horror Movies Ever Made\". and \"IndieWire\"'s \"The 100 Best Horror Movies of All Time\". Oldman's Dracula featured in \"Forbes\"s", "psg_id": "2194716" }, { "title": "Dracula", "text": "and wolves and night\". In 2009, an official sequel was published, written by Bram Stoker's great grand-nephew Dacre Stoker and Ian Holt. Dacre Stoker and J. D. Barker will write a prequel to \"Dracula\" titled \"Dracul\". An interpretation of the missing 101 pages of the original novel, it was pieced together from Bram Stoker's editorial notes, artifacts, and journals. The story of \"Dracula\" has been the basis for numerous films and plays. Stoker himself wrote the first theatrical adaptation, which was presented at the Lyceum Theatre on 18 May 1897 under the title \"Dracula, or The Undead\" shortly before the", "psg_id": "100229" }, { "title": "Scars of Dracula", "text": "Scars of Dracula Scars of Dracula is a 1970 British horror film directed by Roy Ward Baker for Hammer Studios. It stars Christopher Lee as Count Dracula, along with Dennis Waterman, Jenny Hanley, Patrick Troughton, and Michael Gwynn. Although disparaged by some critics, the film does restore a few elements of Bram Stoker's original character: the Count is introduced as an \"icily charming host;\" he has command over nature; and he is seen scaling the walls of his castle. It also gives Lee more to do and say than any other Hammer Dracula film except its first, 1958's \"Dracula\". This", "psg_id": "5382439" }, { "title": "The Tomb of Dracula", "text": "the two titles occasionally overlapped, with storylines weaving between the two. Most of the time the stories in \"Dracula Lives!\" were stand-alone tales, including a serialized adaptation of the original Bram Stoker novel, in 10- to 12-page installments written by Roy Thomas and drawn by Dick Giordano. \"Tomb of Dracula\" was supplemented by a \"Giant-Size\" companion quarterly that ran for five issues in the mid-1970s. Artist John Byrne’s first story for Marvel Comics, \"Dark Asylum\", was published in \"Giant-Size Dracula\" #5 (June 1975). The color title \"Tomb of Dracula\" was succeeded by another black-and-white magazine, also called \"Tomb of Dracula\",", "psg_id": "2858079" }, { "title": "Bram Stoker's Dracula (pinball)", "text": "pinball across the playfield and the player would be required to knock it loose from the magnet's grasp to start the mode. A licensed digital version of the table had been released for \"The Pinball Arcade\" to end its third season of DLC for several platforms. Category:Works based on Dracula Bram Stoker's Dracula (pinball) Bram Stoker's Dracula is a 1993 pinball machine released by Williams. It is based in the 1992 film \"Bram Stoker's Dracula\". The game was characterized by its unusual blood-red DMD display (most other games at the time used orange for their color) as well as a", "psg_id": "9626165" }, { "title": "Bram Stoker's Dracula", "text": "original \"Dracula\" novel by Bram Stoker in paperback. Grey, gothic statue heads (as seen on the original film poster) adorned the front cover of the book against a grey stone background. \"Dracula\" was first released to DVD in 1999 and again as a Superbit DVD in 2001. The DVD included several extra features: filmographies, the original theatrical trailer, a documentary (\"Dracula: The Man, The Myth, The Legend\"), costume designs and DVD trailers. The superbit version did not contain any extra features. A two-disc \"Collector's Edition\" DVD and Blu-ray was released in 2007. Special features include an introduction and audio commentary", "psg_id": "2194713" }, { "title": "Count Dracula", "text": "When angered, the Count showed his true bestial nature, his blue eyes flaming red. As the novel progresses, Dracula is described as taking on a more and more youthful appearance. After Harker strikes him with a shovel, he is left with a scar on his forehead which he bears throughout the course of the novel. Dracula also possesses great wealth, and has Gypsies in his homeland who are loyal to him as servants and protectors. Count Dracula is portrayed in the novel using many different supernatural abilities, and is believed to have gained his abilities through dealings with the Devil.", "psg_id": "9416205" }, { "title": "The Fury of Dracula", "text": "case of vampires, increase the Vampire track by two, bringing him closer to winning the game. The second edition adds the Resolve system to the Hunters. Every time the Day/Night track advances to a new day, in addition to Dracula gaining a Vampire track point, the Hunters gain 1 Resolve point. Resolve can be spent to reveal Dracula's oldest location, allow an individual hunter to take an extra turn, or heal a single hunter. The second edition also clearly states there should be punishment for cheating by the Dracula player, whether intentionally or accidentally. The suggested punishment is a clearing", "psg_id": "8413016" }, { "title": "Anno Dracula series", "text": "Anno Dracula series The \"Anno Dracula\" series by Kim Newman—named after \"Anno Dracula\" (1992), the series' first novel—is a work of fantasy depicting an alternate history in which the heroes of Bram Stoker's novel \"Dracula\" fail to stop Count Dracula's conquest of Great Britain, resulting in a world where vampires are common and increasingly dominant in society. While Dracula is a central figure in the events of the series, he is a minor character in the books themselves, and usually appears in only a few climactic pages of each book. While many of the characters from Newman's Diogenes Club stories", "psg_id": "1589326" }, { "title": "The Tomb of Dracula", "text": "immortal foe of the superhero team the X-Men, in Victorian London. Mina is the mother of Quincy, and the wife of Count Dracula. She died in a great battle, but she was turned into a vampire by her beloved husband Count Dracula. She acts like a human rather than a vampire. She is the Queen of Romania. Some of the nudity was removed from the fourth volume. Publisher Dan Buckley explained, \"That wasn't because we were going to bookstores, or because we were exclusively going to hobby shops. It probably had more with where we were at from a ratings", "psg_id": "2858082" }, { "title": "Dracula in popular culture", "text": "the \"\" setting, he is the founder of the 'Ordo Dracul', a secretive organisation to which the player's characters may claim membership. Both games draw much from the novel \"Dracula\" and vampire legends in general. In the \"Castlevania\" series (known as \"Akumajo Dracula\" (Demon Castle Dracula) in Japan), Count Vlad Ţepeş Dracula, as he is known in the series, is the ultimate source of evil that the others must confront, after adventuring through Dracula's castle. The other aspect in relations to the Count is his son, Adrian Fahrenheit Ţepeş, commonly known as \"Alucard\", who has dedicated his life to ensure", "psg_id": "9484239" }, { "title": "Scars of Dracula", "text": "finally came to pass with \"Scars of Dracula,\" a garish live-action cartoon.\" John Kenneth Muir in \"Horror Films of the 1970s\" called the film \"a by-the-numbers sequel that amply demonstrates why the studio's audience was shrinking as the 1960s became the 1970s.\" Scars of Dracula Scars of Dracula is a 1970 British horror film directed by Roy Ward Baker for Hammer Studios. It stars Christopher Lee as Count Dracula, along with Dennis Waterman, Jenny Hanley, Patrick Troughton, and Michael Gwynn. Although disparaged by some critics, the film does restore a few elements of Bram Stoker's original character: the Count is", "psg_id": "5382452" }, { "title": "Dracula (miniseries)", "text": "Dracula (miniseries) Dracula, also known as Dracula's Curse, is a 2002 Italian 2 part TV-miniseries written and directed by Roger Young and starring Patrick Bergin, Giancarlo Giannini and Stefania Rocca. It is based on the 1897 novel of the same name by Bram Stoker, though it updates the events of the novel to the present day. At a ballroom of a hospital charity party in Budapest, the successful American lawyer Jonathan Harker (Hardy Krüger Jr.) suddenly proposes to his girlfriend Mina (Stefania Rocca). He wants to marry her within the week. Their friends Lucy (Muriel Baumeister), Quincy (Alessio Boni) and", "psg_id": "9464017" }, { "title": "Count Dracula (1977 film)", "text": "Stage to Screen\", David J. Skal calls \"Count Dracula\" \"the most careful adaptation of the novel to date, and the most successful.\" Brett Cullum of \"DVD Verdict\" said the special effects were this version's \"biggest downfall\" and that it was \"perhaps the least visually interesting\" \"Dracula\" adaptation, though he offered a mostly positive review, remarking that there is \"plenty to admire in the production\", in particular the \"sublime acting\". MaryAnn Johanson of was less positive, writing: \"Maybe it had more of an impact in the 70s ... but today, while it remains a stylishly surreal reinterpretation of Bram Stoker’s", "psg_id": "9415399" }, { "title": "Young Dracula and Young Monsters", "text": "Young Dracula and Young Monsters Young Dracula and Young Monsters is a children's fantasy novel by Michael Lawrence. It is an omnibus edition of the books \"Young Dracula\" (2002) and \"Young Monsters\" (2003). \"Young Dracula\", loosely based on the premise explored in Bram Stoker's horror novel \"Dracula\", follows the light-hearted adventures of Count Dracula's children. The novel inspired the CBBC children's drama series \"Young Dracula\". \"Young Monsters\" is set at the Dr Ffelix Ffurter School for Young Monsters, which has real monsters for pupils and teachers. The book is published by Barrington Stoke, which specializes in books for undeveloped readers.", "psg_id": "11085756" }, { "title": "Young Dracula and Young Monsters", "text": "Young Dracula and Young Monsters Young Dracula and Young Monsters is a children's fantasy novel by Michael Lawrence. It is an omnibus edition of the books \"Young Dracula\" (2002) and \"Young Monsters\" (2003). \"Young Dracula\", loosely based on the premise explored in Bram Stoker's horror novel \"Dracula\", follows the light-hearted adventures of Count Dracula's children. The novel inspired the CBBC children's drama series \"Young Dracula\". \"Young Monsters\" is set at the Dr Ffelix Ffurter School for Young Monsters, which has real monsters for pupils and teachers. The book is published by Barrington Stoke, which specializes in books for undeveloped readers.", "psg_id": "11085755" }, { "title": "Dracula (Mystery and Imagination)", "text": "Dracula (Mystery and Imagination) \"Dracula\" is a video-taped television play adaptation of Bram Stoker's novel \"Dracula\", part of the series \"Mystery and Imagination\" (Season 4, Episode 3). Denholm Elliott (who later co-starred with fellow-Dracula Jack Palance in \"The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde\") played Count Dracula with Susan George as Lucy Weston (another alumn of another version of \"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde\"). The drama begins in an asylum in Whitby, England. A mysterious patient escapes from his cell and intrudes upon a small party hosted by Dr. Seward, referring to the guest of honor—Count Dracula—as \"Master.\"", "psg_id": "9413492" }, { "title": "Shadow of the Vampire", "text": "name of the film when Dafoe asked, \"Who's Ed?\"; the actor thought the title was \"Burn Ed to Light\". The film was produced by Nicolas Cage's Saturn Films. Members of the online community \"The HollyWood Stock Exchange\" were able to donate a small sum towards the film's production in exchange for listing their names on the DVD release of the film as \"virtual producers\". Of the film's cast, three actors had previously appeared in vampire films: Kier played Count Dracula in \"Blood for Dracula\" (1974) and Dragonetti in \"Blade\" (1998), Elwes played Arthur Holmwood in \"Bram Stoker's Dracula\" (1992), and", "psg_id": "1687326" }, { "title": "Bram Stoker's Dracula (pinball)", "text": "Bram Stoker's Dracula (pinball) Bram Stoker's Dracula is a 1993 pinball machine released by Williams. It is based in the 1992 film \"Bram Stoker's Dracula\". The game was characterized by its unusual blood-red DMD display (most other games at the time used orange for their color) as well as a \"Multi-Multi-Ball\" mode, where up to three different multiball variations could be active at the same time, with each successive active mode providing a jackpot multiplier of up to 3x. It also featured a unique variation on the usual multiball mode known as \"Mist Multiball,\" where a magnet would drag a", "psg_id": "9626164" }, { "title": "Bram Stoker's Dracula", "text": "the chapel's stone cross with his sword and drinks the blood that pours out of it. In 1897, newly qualified solicitor Jonathan Harker takes the Transylvanian Count Dracula as a client from his colleague Renfield, who has gone insane. Jonathan travels to Transylvania to arrange Dracula's real estate acquisitions in London, including Carfax Abbey. Jonathan meets Dracula, who discovers a picture of Harker's fiancée, Mina and believes that she is the reincarnation of Elisabeta. Dracula leaves Jonathan to be attacked and fed upon by his brides, while he sails to England with boxes of his native Transylvanian soil, taking up", "psg_id": "2194689" }, { "title": "Bram Stoker", "text": "well known. The first authorised film version of \"Dracula\" did not come about until almost a decade later when Universal Studios released Tod Browning's \"Dracula\" starring Bela Lugosi. Canadian writer Dacre Stoker, a great-grandnephew of Bram Stoker, decided to write \"a sequel that bore the Stoker name\" to \"reestablish creative control over\" the original novel, with encouragement from screenwriter Ian Holt, because of the Stokers' frustrating history with \"Dracula's\" copyright. In 2009, \"Dracula: The Un-Dead\" was released, written by Dacre Stoker and Ian Holt. Both writers \"based [their work] on Bram Stoker's own handwritten notes for characters and plot threads", "psg_id": "47034" }, { "title": "Dracula 2: The Last Sanctuary", "text": "itself is an unofficial sequel to Bram Stoker's \"Dracula\"; set seven years after the end of the novel, Jonathan Harker finds that he must once again do battle with the evil Count Dracula in an effort to save his wife, Mina. A third game, with an unrelated storyline, followed in 2008, \"\". A loose sequel to \"Path of the Dragon\" was released in a two-part form in 2013; \"\" and \"\". \"Dracula: The Last Sanctuary\" was most widely reviewed for the PC, where it received mixed reviews, with critics praising the graphics, but criticising the nature of some of the", "psg_id": "12641761" }, { "title": "Dracula (Mystery and Imagination)", "text": "Harker and Seward's efforts. Differences between novel and adaptation: Dracula (Mystery and Imagination) \"Dracula\" is a video-taped television play adaptation of Bram Stoker's novel \"Dracula\", part of the series \"Mystery and Imagination\" (Season 4, Episode 3). Denholm Elliott (who later co-starred with fellow-Dracula Jack Palance in \"The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde\") played Count Dracula with Susan George as Lucy Weston (another alumn of another version of \"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde\"). The drama begins in an asylum in Whitby, England. A mysterious patient escapes from his cell and intrudes upon a small party hosted by Dr.", "psg_id": "9413497" }, { "title": "Dracula: Pages from a Virgin's Diary", "text": "ends, taking us along for a feverish theme-park ride.\" The film was also well-received as a \"Dracula\" adaptation. Matt Brunson wrote that \"Not since Francis Coppola's sharp take on \"Bram Stoker's Dracula\" has there been a vampire flick as deliriously off the wall as Guy Maddin's\" and's Staci Layne wrote that \"This is a fresh and surreally beautiful balletic interpretation of Bram Stoker's immortal novel, like nothing I've ever seen (and I've seen a lot of Dracula movies!).\" Rosenbaum noted that even though [Maddin claims] he was bored by the Stoker novel, he was intrigued by the elements involving", "psg_id": "8171779" }, { "title": "Bram Stoker's Dracula (video game)", "text": "genre game based on the film, and in most games the single player character is Jonathan Harker, who is one of the main protagonists of the Dracula film, and the original novel by Bram Stoker, which the film was based on. Bram Stoker's Dracula for the Game Boy is a 1993 video game that bears a closer resemblance to platform games such as \"Super Mario Land\" than horror films. The player controls a young lawyer named Jonathan Harker. Harker must free himself from Dracula's capture, follow him to London, and end his reign of terror. It was voted to be", "psg_id": "5800499" }, { "title": "Taste the Blood of Dracula", "text": "Taste the Blood of Dracula Taste the Blood of Dracula is a 1970 British horror film produced by Hammer Film Productions. It stars Christopher Lee as Count Dracula, and was directed by Peter Sasdy based upon a script by Anthony Hinds. The film was released as a double bill alongside fellow Hammer production \"Crescendo\". It was the fifth entry in Hammer's Dracula series, and the fourth to feature Christopher Lee as the titular vampire. A businessman named Weller is travelling through Eastern Europe when he is thrown from his carriage during a struggle and knocked unconscious. After regaining consciousness, he", "psg_id": "6762048" }, { "title": "Count Dracula", "text": "Carradine, Lon Chaney Jr., Christopher Lee, Francis Lederer, Denholm Elliott, Jack Palance, Louis Jourdan, Frank Langella, Klaus Kinski, Gary Oldman, Leslie Nielsen, George Hamilton, David Niven, Charles Macaulay, Keith-Lee Castle, Gerard Butler, Duncan Regehr, Richard Roxburgh, Marc Warren, Rutger Hauer, Stephen Billington, Thomas Kretschmann, Dominic Purcell and Luke Evans. In 2003, Count Dracula, as portrayed by Lugosi in the 1931 film, was named as the 33rd greatest movie villain by the AFI. The character is closely associated with the western cultural archetype of the vampire, and remains a popular Halloween costume. Already in 1958, Cecil Kirtly proposed that Count Dracula", "psg_id": "9416223" }, { "title": "Buffy vs. Dracula", "text": "Buffy vs. Dracula \"Buffy vs. Dracula\" is the fifth-season premiere of the television series \"Buffy the Vampire Slayer\". Buffy faces the infamous Count Dracula, who has come to Sunnydale to make her one of his concubines. In the process, he turns Xander into a Renfield of sorts, and Giles becomes enthralled with the three sisters, much like Jonathan Harker in the novel. However, after a brief spell during which Buffy is mesmerized by the Count, she regains her usual composure and defeats him. Unable to sleep, Buffy goes out to patrol the cemetery and after staking a vampire, she returns", "psg_id": "5588876" }, { "title": "Dracula (1996 play)", "text": "Dracula (1996 play) Dracula is an adaptation, first published in 1996, by American playwright Steven Dietz of Bram Stoker's novel by the same name. Though it has never run on Broadway, the author lists it among his most financially successful works, and it is frequently performed near Halloween in regional and community theaters. Closely following the plot of the novel, the play chronicles Count Dracula's journey to England, his stalking of two young women, and his pursuit and eventual defeat by the heroines' suitors and their associates. While all of Stoker's major plot points are present in Dietz's adaptation, they", "psg_id": "11924155" }, { "title": "Dracula (1996 play)", "text": "follow, and the florid language seems stilted. Dracula (1996 play) Dracula is an adaptation, first published in 1996, by American playwright Steven Dietz of Bram Stoker's novel by the same name. Though it has never run on Broadway, the author lists it among his most financially successful works, and it is frequently performed near Halloween in regional and community theaters. Closely following the plot of the novel, the play chronicles Count Dracula's journey to England, his stalking of two young women, and his pursuit and eventual defeat by the heroines' suitors and their associates. While all of Stoker's major plot", "psg_id": "11924171" }, { "title": "Brides of Dracula", "text": "speak her native tongue correctly. In this adaptation the vampire portrayed by Kendrick is clearly modelled on Medusa the Gorgon, and has living snakes coiled through her hair; another appears to be based upon an Arabian princess due to her attire. It is the brunette vampire (portrayed by Kendrick) that is the leader, rather than the blonde (portrayed by Bercu). The three brides are present but silent in the 1973 television adaptation \"Bram Stoker's Dracula\" (starring Jack Palance). Although missing from the silent film \"Nosferatu\", the Brides made silent appearances in the 1931 film \"Dracula\" and the Spanish language version", "psg_id": "5838946" }, { "title": "Dracula the Undead (video game)", "text": "He then gave a score of 7 out of 10. Game Zero Magazine also reviewed the game giving a score of 70 out of 100. Dracula the Undead (video game) Dracula - The Undead is a video game released in 1991 for the Atari Lynx handheld system. The game is loosely based on Bram Stoker's novel \"Dracula\" and features Bram Stoker in the story as the narrator. The player takes on the role of Jonathan Harker as he tries to escape from Dracula's Castle. In the game you wake up with Dracula gone and you can explore the castle by", "psg_id": "12704741" }, { "title": "Dracula (radio drama)", "text": "Dracula (radio drama) \"Dracula\" is an episode of the American radio drama anthology series \"The Mercury Theatre on the Air\". It was performed as an episode of the series on Monday, July 11, 1938, and aired over the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network. Directed and narrated by actor and future filmmaker Orson Welles, the episode was an adaptation of Bram Stoker's novel \"Dracula\" (1897). \"Dracula\" was the first episode of the CBS Radio series \"The Mercury Theatre on the Air\", which was broadcast at 8 pm ET on Monday, July 11, 1938. Recalling Welles's sound-effects preparations for the series debut", "psg_id": "20668991" }, { "title": "Dracula the Undead (video game)", "text": "Dracula the Undead (video game) Dracula - The Undead is a video game released in 1991 for the Atari Lynx handheld system. The game is loosely based on Bram Stoker's novel \"Dracula\" and features Bram Stoker in the story as the narrator. The player takes on the role of Jonathan Harker as he tries to escape from Dracula's Castle. In the game you wake up with Dracula gone and you can explore the castle by moving from room to room. The game controls are a point and click, where you can interact with a certain number items in each room.", "psg_id": "12704739" }, { "title": "Dracula: A Chamber Musical", "text": "Dracula: A Chamber Musical Dracula: A Chamber Musical is a 1997 Canadian musical adaptation of Bram Stoker's 1897 novel \"Dracula\". The book and lyrics are by Richard Ouzounian and the music and orchestration are by Marek Norman. After premiering at the Neptune Theatre in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1997, \"Dracula\" in 1999 became the first Canadian musical to be staged at the Stratford Shakespeare Festival. \"Dracula\" was a popular success, enjoying a six-month run. Ouzounian, who was head of creative arts programming for TVOntario, arranged for the musical to be filmed and broadcast in collaboration with CBC Television. The special", "psg_id": "13626507" }, { "title": "Brides of Dracula", "text": "Bloody Red Baron\", the Brides of Dracula are mentioned as including Mata Hari, Lady Marikova (from the novel \"The House of Dracula\" by Ronald Chetwynd-Hayes), Lola-Lola (from the film \"The Blue Angel\"), Sadie Thompson, Lemora, and Baron Meinster (from the film \"The Brides of Dracula\"). In the beginning of the second sequel, \"Dracula Cha Cha Cha\", a list of Dracula's official Brides is given. They are: Elisabeta of Transylvania (from \"Bram Stoker's Dracula\"), 1448–1462; Ilona Szilagy (Vlad III's real-life second wife), 1466–1476; Marguerite Chopin of Courtempierre (from \"Vampyr\"), 1709–1711; Queen Victoria, 1886–1888; and Sari Gábor, 1948–1949. The plot surrounds Dracula's", "psg_id": "5838954" } ]
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on dec 16, 1773, members of the sons of liberty donned mohawk disguises and boarded the east india company ships dartmouth, eleanor, and beaver, and then performed what act of vandalism?
[ { "title": "Chestertown Tea Party", "text": "tea from other countries or made their own tea from local spices. Soon merchants in England began to lose money, especially the East India Company. In order to keep this company from going bankrupt, Parliament passed the Tea Act of 1773. For reasons of economics and social liberty, the colonists were outraged and the seeds of dissent began to grow in the New World. On December 16, 1773, a group of angry rebels calling themselves the \"Sons of Liberty\" protested the Tea Act and disguised as Mohawk natives boarded three ships in Boston Harbor loaded with tea and proceeded to", "psg_id": "8486177" }, { "title": "Regulating Act of 1773", "text": "Regulating Act of 1773 The Regulating Act 1773 was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain intended to overhaul the management of the East India Company's rule in India. The Act did not prove to be a long-term solution to concerns over the Company's affairs; Pitt's India Act was therefore subsequently enacted in 1784 as a more radical reform. By 1773, the East India Company was in dire financial straits. The Company was important to the British Empire because it was a monopoly trading company in India and in the east and many influential people were shareholders. The Company", "psg_id": "14280977" }, { "title": "Boston Tea Party", "text": "Boston Tea Party The Boston Tea Party was a political and mercantile protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, Massachusetts, on December 16, 1773. The target was the Tea Act of May 10, 1773, which allowed the British East India company to sell tea from China in American colonies without paying taxes apart from those imposed by the Townshend Acts. American Patriots strongly opposed the taxes in the Townshend Act as a violation of their rights. Demonstrators, some disguised as Native Americans, destroyed an entire shipment of tea sent by the East India Company. They boarded the ships and", "psg_id": "7498594" }, { "title": "1768 Petition, Memorial, and Remonstrance", "text": "10 May 73 the Tea Act granted a tea monopoly to the East India Company. It also continued a small duty on tea. Philadelphians protested en masse in October. Bostonians tried to get their English tea agents to resign, but failed. On 16 Dec, after Governor Thomas Hutchinson blocked an attempt to return the Dartmouth, still loaded, to England, activists boarded three tea ships and dumped 342 containers of tea into the harbor. Massachusetts and Virginia, the most populous and wealthy colonies, were also the most influential. On 17 June Massachusetts called for \"a meeting of Committees from the several", "psg_id": "18287357" }, { "title": "Regulating Act of 1773", "text": "North's government began moves towards government control since India was of national importance. Shareholders in the Company opposed the Act. The East India Company was still a powerful lobbying group in Parliament in spite of its financial problems. Regulating Act of 1773 The Regulating Act 1773 was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain intended to overhaul the management of the East India Company's rule in India. The Act did not prove to be a long-term solution to concerns over the Company's affairs; Pitt's India Act was therefore subsequently enacted in 1784 as a more radical reform. By 1773,", "psg_id": "14280980" }, { "title": "Sons of Liberty", "text": "of Liberty popularized the use of tar and feathering to punish and humiliate offending government officials starting in 1767. This method was also used against British Loyalists during the American Revolution. This punishment had long been used by sailors to punish their mates. In December 1773, a new group calling itself the Sons of Liberty issued and distributed a declaration in New York City called the \"Association of the Sons of Liberty in New York,\" which formally stated that they were opposed to the Tea Act and that anyone who assisted in the execution of the act was \"an enemy", "psg_id": "2747844" }, { "title": "Province of New York", "text": "slump. In May 1773 the Parliament passed the Tea Act cutting the duty on tea and enabling the East India company to sell tea in the colonies cheaper than the smugglers could. This act primarily hurt the New York merchants and smugglers. The Sons of Liberty were the organizers of the opposition and in November 1773 they published \"Association of the Sons of Liberty of New York\" in which anyone who assisted in support of the act would be an \"enemy to the liberties of America\". As a result, the New York East India agents resigned. The New York assembly", "psg_id": "2697832" }, { "title": "Regulating Act of 1773", "text": "paid (the present-day (2015) equivalent is £) annually to the government to maintain the monopoly but had been unable to meet its commitments since 1768 because of the loss of tea sales to America. About 85% of all the tea in America was smuggled Dutch tea. The East India Company owed money to both the Bank of England and the government: it had 15 million lbs ( million kg) of tea rotting in British warehouses and more en route from India. The Regulating Act 1773, was complemented by the Tea Act 1773, which had a principal objective that was to", "psg_id": "14280978" }, { "title": "East India Company", "text": "1857 and the company ceased to exist when the company dissolved through the East India Stock Dividend Redemption Act 1873. In the 18th century, Britain had a huge trade deficit with Qing dynasty China and so, in 1773, the company created a British monopoly on opium buying in Bengal, India, by prohibiting the licensing of opium farmers and private cultivation. The monopoly system established in 1799 continued with minimal changes until 1947. As the opium trade was illegal in China, Company ships could not carry opium to China. So the opium produced in Bengal was sold in Calcutta on condition", "psg_id": "538303" }, { "title": "Sons of Liberty", "text": "of Liberty. Sons of Liberty The Sons of Liberty was a secret organization that was created in the Thirteen American Colonies to advance the rights of the European colonists and to fight taxation by the British government. It played a major role in most colonies in battling the Stamp Act in 1765. The group officially disbanded after the Stamp Act was repealed. However, the name was applied to other local separatist groups during the years preceding the American Revolution. In the popular thought, the Sons of Liberty was a formal underground organization with recognized members and leaders. More likely, the", "psg_id": "2747851" }, { "title": "Sons of Liberty", "text": "Sons of Liberty The Sons of Liberty was a secret organization that was created in the Thirteen American Colonies to advance the rights of the European colonists and to fight taxation by the British government. It played a major role in most colonies in battling the Stamp Act in 1765. The group officially disbanded after the Stamp Act was repealed. However, the name was applied to other local separatist groups during the years preceding the American Revolution. In the popular thought, the Sons of Liberty was a formal underground organization with recognized members and leaders. More likely, the name was", "psg_id": "2747839" }, { "title": "Flag of the East India Company", "text": "the East India Company was updated to display the new flag in canton. In 1858, the British government passed the Government of India Act 1858, nationalising the East India Company and taking over all of their possessions within India, where they would be considered legally a part of the British Raj. The Company was thus dissolved, and their flag ceased to have official status. Flag of the East India Company The flag of the East India Company represented the British East India Company between 1600 and 1874. The flag was altered as the nation changed from England to Great Britain", "psg_id": "20170889" }, { "title": "Flag of the East India Company", "text": "English East India Company adopted a flag of thirteen red and white stripes with the flag of England in canton. It was reported that the number of stripes was chosen because many of the East India Company's shareholders were Freemasons, and the number thirteen is considered powerful in freemasonry. However, different reports gave varying initial numbers of stripes. The flag caused problems for the East India Company at first when trading in the Far East, because of its use of the St George's Cross. In Japan in 1616, the Company's ships were turned away because the cross on the flag", "psg_id": "20170881" }, { "title": "East India Company", "text": "(later known as the East India Company Act 1773), the Parliament of Great Britain imposed a series of administrative and economic reforms; this clearly established Parliament's sovereignty and ultimate control over the company. The Act recognised the company's political functions and clearly established that the \"acquisition of sovereignty by the subjects of the Crown is on behalf of the Crown and not in its own right\". Despite stiff resistance from the East India lobby in parliament and from the company's shareholders, the Act passed. It introduced substantial governmental control and allowed British India to be formally under the control of", "psg_id": "538310" }, { "title": "Regulating Act of 1773", "text": "reduce the massive amount of tea held by the financially troubled British East India Company in its London warehouses and to help the financially struggling company survive. Lord North decided to overhaul the management of the East India Company with the Regulating Act. This was the first step to the eventual government control of India. The Act set up a system whereby it supervised (regulated) the work of the East India Company. The Company had taken over large areas of India for trading purposes and had an army to protect its interests. Company men were not trained to govern so", "psg_id": "14280979" }, { "title": "East India Company", "text": "River Thames at Deptford. By 1614, the yard having become too small, an alternative site was acquired at Blackwall: the new yard was fully operational by 1617. It was sold in 1656, although for some years East India Company ships continued to be built and repaired there under the new owners. In 1803, an Act of Parliament, promoted by the East India Company, established the East India Dock Company, with the aim of establishing a new set of docks (the East India Docks) primarily for the use of ships trading with India. The existing Brunswick Dock, part of the Blackwall", "psg_id": "538323" }, { "title": "Government of India Act 1919", "text": "same day the King-Emperor issued a proclamation which reviewed the course of parliamentary legislation for India and the intent of the act: \"The Acts of 1773 and 1784 were designed to establish a regular system of administration and justice under the Honourable East India Company. The Act of 1833 opened the door for Indians to public office and employment. The Act of 1858 transferred the administration from the Company to the Crown and laid the foundations of public life which exist in India to-day. The Act of 1861 sowed the seed of representative institutions, and the seed was quickened into", "psg_id": "5415157" }, { "title": "Nawabs of Bengal and Murshidabad", "text": "throne by Robert Clive, after triumph of the British in the battle. He briefly tried to re-assert his power by allying with the Dutch, but this plan was ended by the Battle of Chinsurah. After the defeat at Battle of Buxar and grant of the \"Diwani\" (revenue collection) of Bengal by the then Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II, to the British East India Company in August 1765 and the appointment of Warren Hastings by the East India Company as their first Governor General of Bengal in 1773, the Nawabs authority became restricted. By 1773, British East India company asserted much", "psg_id": "5896047" }, { "title": "Sons of Liberty (miniseries)", "text": "between the (then) British Colonies and the mother country of Great Britain to whom then British America owed its allegiance, particularly the events that led to resistance to the crown and creation of the Sons of Liberty, a group that coalesced to resist & disrupt attempts by the British Parliament and crown to tax and govern the colonies. The actions of the Sons of Liberty were the first beginnings of what would eventually become the American or Continental Army. These take place mostly in and around Boston & the then colony of Massachusetts. Various American Revolutionary figures such as Samuel", "psg_id": "18254589" }, { "title": "George Robert Twelves Hewes", "text": "the band of Bostonians who protested the Tea Act by dumping tea into Boston Harbor, an event now called the Boston Tea Party. The protesters divided themselves into three boarding parties, each going aboard one of the three tea ships, Dartmouth, Eleanor and Beaver. Hewes was appointed \"boatswain\" of his party that boarded Dartmouth, mostly on account of his \"whistling talent.\" In his capacity as boatswain, Hewes went to the captain of the boarded ship to demand the keys to the tea chests. He also fought with Captain O'Connor, a fellow protester who was trying to take some of the", "psg_id": "4650608" }, { "title": "Sons of Liberty", "text": "laws against Loyalists. In violation of the Treaty of Paris (1783), they called for the confiscation of the property of Loyalists. Alexander Hamilton defended the Loyalists, citing the supremacy of the treaty. In 1767, the Sons of Liberty adopted a flag called the \"rebellious stripes flag\" with nine vertical stripes, four white and five red. A flag having 13 horizontal red and white stripes was used by Commodore Esek Hopkins (Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Navy) and by American merchant ships during the war. This flag was also associated with the Sons of Liberty. Red and white were common colors of", "psg_id": "2747846" }, { "title": "Increase Carpenter", "text": "an organized group using the formal name \"Sons of Liberty\", leading to a pattern for future resistance to the British that carried the colonies towards 1776. The Boston Tea Party was a political and mercantile protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, Massachusetts, on December 16, 1773. The target was the Tea Act of May 10, 1773, which allowed the British East India Company to sell tea from China in American colonies without paying taxes apart from those imposed by the Townshend Acts, thus undercutting local tea merchants: Demonstrators, some disguised as Native Americans, destroyed an entire shipment of", "psg_id": "20850766" }, { "title": "Flag of the East India Company", "text": "for his personal use as the King's Colours. The East India Company continued using their ensign with the flag of England. In 1668, King Charles II transferred control of Bombay to the East India Company. The Company then adopted a new flag including the King's Colours, as was shown when blue cloth, in addition to red and white, was requested for making a new flag for the fort in Bombay \"if the King’s colours were to be kept there; 'if not, white and red will be sufficient'”. The King's Colours were later formally adopted as the flag of Great Britain", "psg_id": "20170885" }, { "title": "Dartmouth East", "text": "Dartmouth East Dartmouth East is a provincial electoral district in Nova Scotia, Canada, that elects one member of the Nova Scotia House of Assembly. The riding is located in the Dartmouth region of the Halifax RM. In 1978, the district was created to provide for an increase in representation of six members. In 2003, it lost a northern area to Waverley-Fall River and gained an area in Woodlawn. In 2013, following the recommendations of the Electoral Boundaries Commission report, it gained the Portobello area from Waverley-Fall River-Beaver Bank and lost the area east of Bell Lake to Cole Harbour-Portland Valley", "psg_id": "7136907" }, { "title": "Pitt's India Act", "text": "set up for political activities and Court of directors for financial activities. By 1773 the East India Company was in dire financial straits and asked for assistance from the British Government. Faced with corruption and nepotism amongst the company officials in India, the British Government enacted the Regulating Act in 1773 to control the activities of the Company. The Act set up a system whereby it supervised (regulated) the work of the Company but did not take power for itself. This act was the stepping stone for the rule of British in India. The Act provided for not more than", "psg_id": "8124623" }, { "title": "York (1773 EIC ship)", "text": "York (1773 EIC ship) York was launched in 1773 as an East Indiaman' She then made five voyages for the British East India Company (EIC) between 1773 and 1787. She then became a general merchantman and was last listed in 1794. Captain George Hayter sailed \"York\" from the Downs on 24 December 1773, bound for St Helena and Bencoolen. She reached St Helena on 15 April 1774, and arrived at Benkulen on 21 August. She then sailed around the region. On 21 October she was at Saloomah on 16 November at Pring and on 5 December at Manna. On 18", "psg_id": "20293459" }, { "title": "Plans and Disguises", "text": "released on March 17, 2015. The third track 'Sunrise' features former vocalist Andrew Christopher and all tracks were mixed by Sheldon Zaharko and mastered by Joe LaPorta. Official Website Plans and Disguises Plans & Disguises is a Canadian disco-grunge duo from Vancouver, British Columbia. The group formerly performed as Pardon My Striptease and is most known for their single 'Pray (for LJ)' which helped to raise over $100,000 for the BC Children's Hospital Foundation. The group was originally formed in Chilliwack, BC under the name Pardon My Striptease in 2007 by Erron Sweeney, Adam Coleman and Dylan Weightman. After auditioning", "psg_id": "18293837" }, { "title": "Daughters of Liberty", "text": "instead of British textiles. Women were also used as the enforcers of these movements because they were the ones responsible for purchasing goods for their households. They saw it as their duty to make sure that fellow Patriots were staying true to their word about boycotting British goods. The Daughters of Liberty are also well known for their boycott of British tea after the Tea Act was passed, giving the British East India Company a virtual monopoly on colonial tea. They began drinking what was later known as \"liberty tea.\" Leaves from raspberries or black tea were commonly used as", "psg_id": "5886029" }, { "title": "Sons of Liberty", "text": "them in the title, and a group within the game calls itself the Sons of Liberty and models itself after them. In 2015, a three-part mini-series aired on the History Channel with the same name. The Sons of Liberty are referred to in the 2015 Broadway show \"Hamilton\". In the song \"Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down),\" the character Hercules Mulligan sings, \"I am runnin' with the Sons of Liberty and I am lovin' it.\" In an episode of the Claymation children's TV show Gumby, entitled \"Son of Liberty\" (first aired in 1966), Gumby becomes a member of the Sons", "psg_id": "2747850" }, { "title": "Pitt's India Act", "text": "Pitt's India Act The East India Company Act 1784, also known as Pitt's India Act, was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain intended to address the shortcomings of the Regulating Act of 1773 by bringing the East India Company's rule in India under the control of the British Government. Named for British prime minister William Pitt the Younger, the act provided for the appointment of a Board of Control, and provided for a joint government of British India by the Company and the Crown with the government holding the ultimate authority. A six member board of controllers was", "psg_id": "8124622" }, { "title": "Plans and Disguises", "text": "Plans and Disguises Plans & Disguises is a Canadian disco-grunge duo from Vancouver, British Columbia. The group formerly performed as Pardon My Striptease and is most known for their single 'Pray (for LJ)' which helped to raise over $100,000 for the BC Children's Hospital Foundation. The group was originally formed in Chilliwack, BC under the name Pardon My Striptease in 2007 by Erron Sweeney, Adam Coleman and Dylan Weightman. After auditioning several vocalists Andrew Christopher (Putt) of Agassiz, BC joined the band in 2009. The group released their first self-titled EP in 2010 recorded at The Factory Studios in Vancouver,", "psg_id": "18293834" }, { "title": "Flag of the East India Company", "text": "Flag of the East India Company The flag of the East India Company represented the British East India Company between 1600 and 1874. The flag was altered as the nation changed from England to Great Britain to the United Kingdom. It was initially a red and white striped ensign with the flag of England in canton. The flag was later updated to include the flag of Great Britain and flag of the United Kingdom in 1707 and 1801 respectively, as the nation developed. Upon receiving Royal Assent to trade in the Indian Ocean by Queen Elizabeth I in 1600, the", "psg_id": "20170880" }, { "title": "Government of India Act 1858", "text": "Government of India Act 1858 The Government of India Act 1858 was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom (21 & 22 Vict. c. 106) passed on August 2, 1858. Its provisions called for the liquidation of the British East India Company (who had up to this point been ruling British India under the auspices of Parliament) and the transference of its functions to the British Crown. Lord Palmerston, then-Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, introduced a bill for the transfer of control of the Government of India from the East India Company to the Crown, referring to", "psg_id": "5169901" }, { "title": "Flag of the East India Company", "text": "theory that the Grand Union Flag was a direct descendant of the flag of the East India Company has been criticised as lacking written evidence. On the other hand, the resemblance is obvious, and a number of the Founding Fathers of the United States were aware of the East India Company's activities and of their free administration of India under Company rule. In 1801, following the unification of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland into the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Union Flag was changed to incorporate the Cross of St Patrick. Accordingly, the flag of", "psg_id": "20170888" }, { "title": "History of Massachusetts", "text": "1773, when a tea ship of the East India Company was planning to land taxed tea in Boston, a group of local men known as the Sons of Liberty sneaked onto the boat the night before it was to be unloaded and dumped all the tea into the harbor, an act known as the Boston Tea Party. The Boston Tea Party prompted the British government to pass the Intolerable Acts in 1774 that brought stiff punishment on Massachusetts. They closed the port of Boston, the economic lifeblood of the Commonwealth, and reduced self-government. Local self-government was ended and the colony", "psg_id": "6748196" }, { "title": "East India Company", "text": "to Archives\" catalogues. Many of the East India Company records are freely available online under an agreement that the Families in British India Society has with the British Library. Published catalogues exist of East India Company ships' journals and logs, 1600–1834; and of some of the company's daughter institutions, including the East India Company College, Haileybury, and Addiscombe Military Seminary. \"The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British India and its Dependencies\", first issued in 1816, was sponsored by the East India Company, and includes much information relating to the EIC. East India Company: General: East India Company The East", "psg_id": "538343" }, { "title": "Isaac Sears", "text": "for Boston's decision to stop the landing of tea. Adams wrote, \"we must venture, and unless we do, we shall be discarded by the sons of liberty in the other colonies\". They were successful in preventing the landing of tea. In April 1774, they boarded the \"Nancy\" and destroyed its tea. During the Townsend Acts, Britain passed a Tea Act in 1773 to ship tea directly to North America to help the East India Company, saving it from being taxed so it can come out of bankruptcy. Sears and his companions believed that the ruin of their commerce was inevitable", "psg_id": "5889681" }, { "title": "Pitt's India Act", "text": "ruler of British India under the authority of the Board of Control and the Court of Directors. The constitution set up by Pitt's India Act did not undergo any major changes until the end of the company's rule in India in 1858. Pitt's India Act The East India Company Act 1784, also known as Pitt's India Act, was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain intended to address the shortcomings of the Regulating Act of 1773 by bringing the East India Company's rule in India under the control of the British Government. Named for British prime minister William Pitt", "psg_id": "8124626" }, { "title": "G.H. Riddalls and Sons", "text": "G.H. Riddalls and Sons G.H. Riddalls and Sons was a passenger boat operator on the River Dart, in South Devon, UK. They operated on the route from Dartmouth to Totnes, on circular cruises from Dartmouth and also ran the ferry service from Dartmouth to Dittisham. The boats were painted with red hulls and white superstructures, and were marketed as the \"Red Cruisers\". In 2000 the company was acquired by Dart Valley Railway plc, operators of the Paignton and Dartmouth Steam Railway, who already owned Riddalls main competitor, Dart Pleasure Craft Ltd. Riddalls newer vessels were merged into the Dart Pleasure", "psg_id": "13798680" }, { "title": "Sons of Liberty", "text": "the Sons of Liberty are depicted as a nativist terrorist organisation whose aim is to make the North American Union independent of the British Empire; their attempts include the theft of the titular portrait for a fifty million pound ransom and two assassination attempts on King-Emperor Charles III. The flag used by the Sons of Liberty and the Independence Party alike is a variation of the North American Jack and Stripes with the Union Jack in the canton being replaced by a bald eagle. The Sons of Liberty are referred to in the 2001 video game \"\". It refers to", "psg_id": "2747849" }, { "title": "Sons of Liberty", "text": "to British policies in Palestine. It called itself the \"Sons of Liberty.\" The patriotic spirit of the Sons of Liberty has been used by Walt Disney Pictures through their 1957 film adaptation of Esther Forbes' novel \"Johnny Tremain\". Within the movie, the Sons of Liberty sing a rousing song titled \"The Liberty Tree\". This song raises the Liberty Tree to a national icon in a manner similar to the way in which George M. Cohan's \"You're a Grand Old Flag\" revitalized respect for the American flag in the early twentieth century. In the 1995 alternative history novel \"The Two Georges\",", "psg_id": "2747848" }, { "title": "Flag of the East India Company", "text": "details of its design, it need not be entirely new in its elements. There is already in use a flag, I refer to the flag of the East India Company.\" This was a way of symbolising American loyalty to the Crown as well as the United States' aspirations to be self-governing, as was the East India Company. Some colonists also felt that the Company could be a powerful ally in the American War of Independence, as they shared similar aims and grievances against the British government tax policies. Colonists therefore flew the Company's flag, to endorse the Company. However, the", "psg_id": "20170887" }, { "title": "Starla and Sons", "text": "and professional groups, including ImprovBoston and Unexpected Company, performed in the festival. Starla and Sons also performed at the 15th Annual Del Close Marathon at the UCB Theater in New York City. Starla and Sons Starla and Sons is a longform improv comedy group at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. The group was formed with five members in the fall of 2006. It is the second longform group in the university's history, and has performed about twice a month since its inception. The group currently has eight members, and performs fast-paced traditional longform forms like the Harold, Deconstruction, and", "psg_id": "12757313" }, { "title": "Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers", "text": "in 1861 for the education of sons of members of the Company. In 1894, the school moved to Hornsey in north London. It closed in 1983. Registration under the Copyright Act 1911 ended in December 1923; the Company then established a voluntary register in which copyrights could be recorded to provide printed proof of ownership in case of disputes. In 1937, a Royal Charter amalgamated the Stationers' Company and the Newspaper Makers' Company, which had been founded six years earlier (and whose members were predominant in Fleet Street), into the Company of the present name. The Company's motto is \"Verbum", "psg_id": "2306962" }, { "title": "Dartmouth and Torbay Railway", "text": "Kingswear on the east bank of the Dart. Construction was delayed while further sources of capital were sought. A major contributor was the formation of the Company directors into the Dartmouth Harbour Commissioners with powers to borrow money to improve the harbour and build a \"tramway\" which would complete the line to Kingswear Point. The line was opened from Brixham Road to Kingswear for passenger traffic on 16 August 1864; goods were not conveyed until 2 April 1866. A steam ferry from Kingswear to Dartmouth was operated from the day of passenger opening. A pier (the \"Éclair pier\") was built", "psg_id": "8780229" }, { "title": "Jerry Jerry and the Sons of Rhythm Orchestra", "text": "poll in 1996. Jerry Jerry and the Sons of Rhythm Orchestra Jerry Jerry and the Sons of Rhythm Orchestra is a Canadian alternative rock band whose musical style blends elements of surf music, gospel music, rockabilly, garage, and punk. The band also experimented with jazz on their third album \"Don't Mind If I Do\". Jerry Jerry and the Sons of Rhythm Orchestra was formed in 1982 by lead singer Jerry Woods in Edmonton, Alberta. Starting out as what Jerry described as a \"fuck band,\" after time they found themselves becoming a serious local act, prompting them to release their first", "psg_id": "8368886" }, { "title": "Jerry Jerry and the Sons of Rhythm Orchestra", "text": "Jerry Jerry and the Sons of Rhythm Orchestra Jerry Jerry and the Sons of Rhythm Orchestra is a Canadian alternative rock band whose musical style blends elements of surf music, gospel music, rockabilly, garage, and punk. The band also experimented with jazz on their third album \"Don't Mind If I Do\". Jerry Jerry and the Sons of Rhythm Orchestra was formed in 1982 by lead singer Jerry Woods in Edmonton, Alberta. Starting out as what Jerry described as a \"fuck band,\" after time they found themselves becoming a serious local act, prompting them to release their first independent EP \"Fighting", "psg_id": "8368883" }, { "title": "East India Company", "text": "literature in India. This Act (16 & 17 Vict. c. 95) provided that British India would remain under the administration of the company in trust for the Crown until Parliament should decide otherwise. It also introduced a system of open competition as the basis of recruitment for civil servants of the company and thus deprived the Directors of their patronage system. Under the act, for the first time the legislative and executive powers of the governor general's council were separated. It also added six additional members to the governor general's executive committee. The Indian Rebellion of 1857 (also known as", "psg_id": "538319" }, { "title": "Flag of the East India Company", "text": "initially declared they would not change their flag. However, after receiving local advice and a demand for an explanation from the Japanese authorities, the Company began using a flag with red and white stripes, but without the flag of England on it, for trading in the Far East. In 1682 in Batavia, Dutch East Indies, the flag was at the centre of tensions between the English and Dutch governments after soldiers from the Dutch East India Company were accused of tearing down one of the flags. Although the Dutch sent warships to reinforce the area, the event came to nothing,", "psg_id": "20170883" }, { "title": "James Powell and Sons", "text": "James Powell and Sons The firm of James Powell and Sons, also known as Whitefriars Glass, were English glassmakers, leadlighters and stained glass window manufacturers. As \"Whitefriars Glass\", the company existed from the 17th century, but became well known as a result of the 19th century Gothic Revival and the demand for stained glass windows. James Powell was born on 14th October, 1774 in Homerton, Hackney, East London. He was the twelfth child of 14, and the sixth son (though two had died before his birth); his parents were David Powell (13 Dec 1725 - 31 Jan 1810) and Laetitia", "psg_id": "9100077" }, { "title": "Defence of India act and Defence of India rules, 1962", "text": "Defence of India act and Defence of India rules, 1962 The Defence of India act and Defence of India rules, 1962 were a set of emergency war-time legislations for preventive detention enacted in October 1962 India during the Sino-Indian War of 1962. It was initially promulgated as a Presidential ordinance, the \"Defence of India Ordinance, 1962\" on 28 October that year under the authority of which the \"Defence of India Rules\" were enacted. In December 1962, the Indian Parliament enacted the \"Defence of India act, 1962\" which consolidated the continued application of the ordinance as law. The act consisted of", "psg_id": "19343602" }, { "title": "Sons of Liberty (miniseries)", "text": "and featured The Rolling Stones' \"Paint It Black\". In Australia, \"Sons of Liberty\" aired on SBS One from February 5, 2015 as a six-part series. In the United Kingdom, \"Sons of Liberty\" aired on History Channel from June 2, 2015, also as a six-part series. \"Sons of Liberty\" was released on DVD and Blu-ray on May 26, 2015. The History Channel billed the series as a \"dramatic interpretation of events\" and a work of \"historical fiction\", arguing the goal of the miniseries was \"to capture the spirit of the time, convey the personalities of the main characters, and focus on", "psg_id": "18254591" }, { "title": "Intolerable Acts", "text": "December 16, 1773, a group of Patriot colonists associated with the Sons of Liberty destroyed 342 chests of tea in Boston, Massachusetts, an act that came to be known as the Boston Tea Party. The colonists partook in this action because Parliament had passed the Tea Act, which granted the British East India Company a monopoly on tea sales in the colonies, thereby saving the company from bankruptcy. This made British tea less expensive, which Parliament thought would be a welcome change in the colonies. In addition, there was added a small tax on which the colonists were not allowed", "psg_id": "1976223" }, { "title": "Maylene and the Sons of Disaster", "text": "with some things in his personal life. With the band not wanting to miss any tour dates, they recruited their good friend Schuylar Croom, vocalist for He Is Legend, to fill in for Dallas. During these tours, no original members of the band were present onstage, as Roman had recently left the band and Dallas is the only original member remaining in the band's lineup. In July 16, the band embarked on the Thee Summer Bailout Tour with Emery, Closure in Moscow, and Kiros on all dates, and Ivoryline and Secret & Whisper on select dates. They performed the entrance", "psg_id": "7101479" }, { "title": "Government of India Act 1858", "text": "granted dominion status within the Dominion of Pakistan and the Union of India. Government of India Act 1858 The Government of India Act 1858 was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom (21 & 22 Vict. c. 106) passed on August 2, 1858. Its provisions called for the liquidation of the British East India Company (who had up to this point been ruling British India under the auspices of Parliament) and the transference of its functions to the British Crown. Lord Palmerston, then-Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, introduced a bill for the transfer of control of the", "psg_id": "5169904" }, { "title": "East India Company", "text": "the Indian Mutiny or Sepoy Mutiny) resulted in widespread devastation in India: many condemned the East India Company for permitting the events to occur. In the aftermath of the Rebellion, under the provisions of the Government of India Act 1858, the British Government nationalised the company. The Crown took over its Indian possessions, its administrative powers and machinery, and its armed forces. The company remained in existence in vestigial form, continuing to manage the tea trade on behalf of the British Government (and the supply of Saint Helena) until the East India Stock Dividend Redemption Act 1873 came into effect,", "psg_id": "538320" }, { "title": "Vandalism Act", "text": "or thing\", or within sections 2(a)(ii) or (iii). In the \"Fay Michael Peter\" case, the appellant Michael P. Fay had earlier pleaded guilty before a district judge to two charges of vandalism by spraying red paint on two cars. Twenty other charges were taken into consideration for sentencing purposes, 16 of them charges of vandalism committed with paint. On appeal to the High Court, Fay's counsel argued that the Act, properly interpreted, showed that Parliament had not intended to punish all acts of vandalism using paint with caning, and that in each case the court had to determine if the", "psg_id": "9482848" }, { "title": "East India Company", "text": "company. The company initially welcomed these provisions, but the annual burden of the payment contributed to the steady decline of its finances. The East India Company Act 1784 (Pitt's India Act) had two key aspects: Pitt's Act was deemed a failure because it quickly became apparent that the boundaries between government control and the company's powers were nebulous and highly subjective. The government felt obliged to respond to humanitarian calls for better treatment of local peoples in British-occupied territories. Edmund Burke, a former East India Company shareholder and diplomat, was moved to address the situation and introduced a new Regulating", "psg_id": "538313" }, { "title": "J.L. Thompson and Sons", "text": "Thompson’s spent millions of pounds expanding their capacity to build ships of up to 150,000 tons. Bigger and bigger ships were built by workers throughout the next two decades, but the yard was eventually mothballed until 1986, when the ITM \"Challenger\" was built. Today, the site is home to the University of Sunderland and the National Glass Centre. J.L. Thompson and Sons J.L. Thompson and Sons was a shipyard on the River Wear, Sunderland, which produced ships from the mid-18th century until the 1980s. The world-famous Liberty Ship was among the designs to be created, produced and manufactured at the", "psg_id": "13166572" }, { "title": "Vandalism Act", "text": "it punishable by a fine of up to S$50 and/or a week in jail. The Vandalism Act was introduced into Parliament as the Punishment for Vandalism Bill on 17 August 1966. At the second reading of the bill on 26 August, its introducer, the Minister of State for Defence Wee Toon Boon, said that Members of Parliament were aware of the reasons for the bill Taking part in the Parliamentary debate, the Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew commented that the bill, which sought to impose a mandatory caning sentence on persons convicted for the first time of vandalism with an", "psg_id": "9482843" }, { "title": "Dheeraj and East Coast", "text": "Dheeraj and East Coast Dheeraj and East Coast LLC or simply DEC is a real estate developer based in Dubai in United Arab Emirates. This Company is a joint venture between Dheeraj Constructions based in India ( mostly Mumbai ) and East Coast LLC based in Dubai City. The company has got experience of about 60 years with each other according to media reports. Recently DEC acquired nearly 21 projects in the United Arab Emirates which are worth US $1.7 billion. These projects are mostly located in Dubai in areas like Dubai Marina, Business Bay, Culture Village and Jumeirah Village.", "psg_id": "13820334" }, { "title": "Plans and Disguises", "text": "2011. Guitarist Erron Sweeney departed in August 2012 and the group played their final show on March 2, 2013 in Harrison Hot Springs, BC Just over one year later the group was reunited to play a cancer benefit in Chilliwack, BC. The show was on April 11, 2014 and in support of a local Ride to Conquer Cancer team. On February 26, 2015 the group changed its name to Plans & Disguises which was evidenced on its official website as well as the social media feeds of the remaining band members. The band has announced three self-produced tracks will be", "psg_id": "18293836" }, { "title": "Flag of the East India Company", "text": "was viewed as a symbol of Christianity, which the Japanese had banned in 1614. The Lê dynasty in Tonkin banned the Company from using the flag, believing the cross on it to be an endorsement of Christianity, promotion of which the Tonkinese had prohibited. The Company's trading rivals, the Dutch East India Company, argued on the Company's behalf that the cross was a symbol of the English nation and not of Christianity, but the Tonkinese insisted on banning the flying of the flag unless the cross was removed. In 1673, when the Company attempted to restart trade with Japan, they", "psg_id": "20170882" }, { "title": "Sons of Liberty", "text": "distributor Andrew Oliver. They burned his effigy in the streets. When he did not resign, they escalated to burning down his office building. Even after he resigned, they almost destroyed the whole house of his close associate Lieutenant Governor Thomas Hutchinson. It is believed that the Sons of Liberty did this to excite the lower classes and get them actively involved in rebelling against the authorities. Their actions made many of the stamp distributors resign in fear. Early in the American Revolution, the former Sons of Liberty generally joined more formal groups, such as the Committee of Safety. The Sons", "psg_id": "2747843" }, { "title": "East India Company", "text": "Company's coinage and forms the central emblem displayed on the Scinde Dawk postage stamps. Ships of the East India Company were called East Indiamen or simply \"Indiamen\". During the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, the East India Company arranged for letters of marque for its vessels such as the \"Lord Nelson\". This was not so that they could carry cannon to fend off warships, privateers, and pirates on their voyages to India and China (that they could do without permission) but so that, should they have the opportunity to take a prize, they could do so without being guilty of", "psg_id": "538339" }, { "title": "Liberty Displaying the Arts and Sciences", "text": "Library Company, and two others, labeled \"philosophy\" and \"agriculture\") to three grateful, supplicant blacks (freed slaves). Surrounding the four figures, in the foreground, are various symbols of knowledge and learning: a bust, a scroll (labeled \"geometry\"), papers and columns (architecture); a globe (geography), a lyre and sheet music (music), and a paper with escutcheons on it (history and heraldry). In the background, former slaves are dancing and celebrating around a liberty pole; behind them are ships on a body of water. The work is the earliest American painting extant celebrating emancipation. Liberty Displaying the Arts and Sciences Liberty Displaying the", "psg_id": "5843452" }, { "title": "M. Swift and Sons Company", "text": "M. Swift and Sons Company The M. Swift and Sons Company is a historic industrial complex at 10 and 60 Love Lane in Hartford, Connecticut. Established around 1887, it was the home of one of the nation's most successful manufacturers of gold leaf by the process of goldbeating. The complex, including both industrial and residential components, was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2013. The former M. Swift and Sons Company plant is located in Hartford's residential North End neighborhood, on a roughly triangular parcel bounded by Love Lane on the west, Garden Street on the east,", "psg_id": "20486912" }, { "title": "East India Company", "text": "she was brought in to Dartmouth she was the largest vessel that had been seen in England and her cargo consisted of chests filled with jewels, pearls, gold, silver coins, ambergris, cloth, tapestries, pepper, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, benjamin, red dye, cochineal and ebony. Equally valuable was the ship's rutter containing vital information on the China, India, and Japan trades. These riches aroused the English to engage in this opulent commerce. In 1596, three more English ships sailed east but were all lost at sea. A year later however saw the arrival of Ralph Fitch, an adventurer merchant who, along with", "psg_id": "538263" }, { "title": "Carpenters' Company of the City and County of Philadelphia", "text": "its roots back to the very beginning of Philadelphia. Its earliest members arrived with William Penn in 1682 and took part in constructing the first homes and public spaces in what are now the Old City and Society Hill neighborhoods of Center City, Philadelphia. These Master Builders, many of whom began their careers in carpentry before also becoming skilled in both construction and architectural design, banded together to create a guild to support their industry. The guild (then referred to as a “Company”) was modeled after the Worshipful Company of Carpenters of London. Many early members were Quakers, whose beliefs", "psg_id": "15109254" }, { "title": "Friends of the Manifesto and Liberty", "text": "Friends of the Manifesto and Liberty The Friends of the Manifesto and Liberty (, AML) was a political movement in French Algeria. The party was founded in March 1944 by Ferhat Abbas in order to publicize and defend the Manifesto of the Algerian People. Its demands included equal rights for the Muslim population and an autonomous Algeria federated with France. The party provide to be one of the most successful parties in Algerian history, gaining hundreds of thousands of members and the support of the banned Algerian People's Party and the Association of Algerian Muslim Ulema. However, French officials refused", "psg_id": "15341953" }, { "title": "Defence of India act and Defence of India rules, 1962", "text": "of Chinese ethnicity during and after the war, many of whom were taken from their homes, mainly from the eastern Indian city of Kolkata, to a detention centre in Deoli, in the state of Delhi. Defence of India act and Defence of India rules, 1962 The Defence of India act and Defence of India rules, 1962 were a set of emergency war-time legislations for preventive detention enacted in October 1962 India during the Sino-Indian War of 1962. It was initially promulgated as a Presidential ordinance, the \"Defence of India Ordinance, 1962\" on 28 October that year under the authority of", "psg_id": "19343604" }, { "title": "Swedish East India Company", "text": "a massive PR-campaign about the benefits of trading with the East Indies. They also agreed to make certain concessions about what goods to import from China. To avoid confrontations with the other trading countries, the company refrained from seeking trade with India and focused on China instead. A total of 15 expeditions supported by 25 ships were launched during the first charter. Four of the ships were lost at sea. Only three of these expeditions went to Bengal; the rest sailed directly to Canton. Books and accounts from the first expeditions are missing, partially or completely, but starting with the", "psg_id": "2643344" }, { "title": "Defence of India act and Defence of India rules, 1962", "text": "156 rules that \"regulated virtually all aspects of life\" including travel, finance, trade, communication, publication etc and were essentially identical to the Defence of India act, 1939 enacted during World War II. The act suspended the Fundamental rights of any person held under the act, and specifically Rule 30 of the act allowed the government to hold any person in detention without explanation suspending the right under the article 22 of Constitution of India, without the right to representation, and without the provisions of \"Habeas corpus\". The act was infamous in having been used on a widespread scale against Indians", "psg_id": "19343603" }, { "title": "What Should Then Be Done O People of the East", "text": "What Should Then Be Done O People of the East Pas Chih Bayad Kard ay Aqwam-i-Mashriq (or What should then be done O people of the East) was a philosophical poetry book of Allama Iqbal in Persian, a poet-philosopher of the Indian subcontinent. It was published in 1936. \"Pas Chih Bayad Kard ay Aqwam-i-Mashariq\" includes the mathnavi Musafir. Iqbal's Rumi, the master, utters this glad tiding \"East awakes from its slumbers\" \"Khwab-i ghaflat\". Inspiring detailed commentary on voluntary poverty and free man, followed by an exposition of the mysteries of Islamic laws and sufic perceptions is given. He laments the", "psg_id": "7352797" }, { "title": "Sons of Liberty", "text": "to the liberties of America\" and that \"whoever shall transgress any of these resolutions, we will not deal with, or employ, or have any connection with him.\" After the end of the American Revolutionary War, Isaac Sears, Marinus Willet, and John Lamb in New York City revived the Sons of Liberty. In March 1784, they rallied an enormous crowd that called for the expulsion of any remaining Loyalists from the state starting May 1. The Sons of Liberty were able to gain enough seats in the New York assembly elections of December 1784 to have passed a set of punitive", "psg_id": "2747845" }, { "title": "Presidencies and provinces of British India", "text": "India Company had become the paramount political and military power in south Asia, its territory held in trust for the British Crown. Company rule in Bengal from 1793, however, ended with the Government of India Act 1858 following the events of the Bengal Rebellion of 1857. From then known as British India, it was thereafter directly ruled by the British Crown as a colonial possession of the United Kingdom, and India was officially known after 1876 as the Indian Empire. India was divided into British India, regions that were directly administered by the British, with Acts established and passed in", "psg_id": "6792421" }, { "title": "Sons of Liberty", "text": "the flags, although other color combinations were used, such as green and white or yellow and white. At various times, small secret organizations took the name \"sons of liberty\". They generally left very few records. The name was also used during the American Civil War. By 1864, the Copperhead group the Knights of the Golden Circle set up an offshoot called \"Order of the Sons of Liberty\". They both came under federal prosecution in 1864 for treason, especially in Indiana. A radical wing of the Zionist movement launched a boycott in the U.S. against British films in 1948, in response", "psg_id": "2747847" }, { "title": "What Should Then Be Done O People of the East", "text": "Book Agency Khyber Bazar Peshawar Pakistan in 1960. What Should Then Be Done O People of the East Pas Chih Bayad Kard ay Aqwam-i-Mashriq (or What should then be done O people of the East) was a philosophical poetry book of Allama Iqbal in Persian, a poet-philosopher of the Indian subcontinent. It was published in 1936. \"Pas Chih Bayad Kard ay Aqwam-i-Mashariq\" includes the mathnavi Musafir. Iqbal's Rumi, the master, utters this glad tiding \"East awakes from its slumbers\" \"Khwab-i ghaflat\". Inspiring detailed commentary on voluntary poverty and free man, followed by an exposition of the mysteries of Islamic laws", "psg_id": "7352799" }, { "title": "E. Remington and Sons", "text": "and foundry from its rural setting to 100 acres (0.4 km²) of land they had purchased astride the canal and abutting the Mohawk River near a town then called Morgan's Landing (later Ilion), New York. The move coincided with the elder Eliphalet's death, and Eliphalet II assumed control of the business. In 1839 Eliphalet was joined by his oldest son, Philo Remington (to make the business \"E. Remington & Son\"), and in 1845 his second son, Samuel, also joined the company, afterwards called \"E. Remington & Sons\". Remington's third son, Eliphalet III, would later join the company as well. During", "psg_id": "2248840" }, { "title": "East India Company", "text": "India Company had also been granted competitive advantages over colonial American tea importers to sell tea from its colonies in Asia in American colonies. This led to the Boston Tea Party in which protesters boarded British ships and threw the tea overboard. When protesters successfully prevented the unloading of tea in three other colonies and in Boston, Governor Thomas Hutchinson of the Province of Massachusetts Bay refused to allow the tea to be returned to Britain. This was one of the incidents which led to the American revolution and independence of the American colonies. In its first century and half,", "psg_id": "538294" }, { "title": "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness", "text": "own true and substantial happiness.” This is the foundation of what we call ethics, or natural law.' Other tripartite mottos include \"liberté, égalité, fraternité\" (liberty, equality, fraternity) in France; \"Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit\" (unity, justice and liberty) in Germany and \"peace, order, and good government\" in Canada. It is also similar to a line in the Canadian Charter of Rights: \"life, liberty, security of the person\" (this line was also in the older Canadian Bill of rights, which added \"enjoyment of property\" to the list). The phrase can also be found in Chapter III, Article 13 of the 1947", "psg_id": "2178102" }, { "title": "MS Liberty of the Seas", "text": "and cruises at . \"Liberty of the Seas\" is the second of the \"Freedom\"-class vessels. A third ship, , was delivered in April 2008. In 2009, the first in a new of ships measuring 220,000 gross tons displaced the \"Freedom\" class as the world's largest passenger ships. On April 19, 2007, \"Liberty of the Seas\" was delivered to parent company Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. On April 22, 2007 she made her first port of call Southampton, on a promotional visit. She arrived at Cape Liberty Cruise Port on May 3, 2007. On May 18, 2007, the ship was christened by", "psg_id": "7576384" }, { "title": "East India Company", "text": "and establish sprawling estates and businesses, and to obtain political power. The company developed a lobby in the English parliament. Under pressure from ambitious tradesmen and former associates of the company (pejoratively termed \"Interlopers\" by the company), who wanted to establish private trading firms in India, a deregulating act was passed in 1694. This allowed any English firm to trade with India, unless specifically prohibited by act of parliament, thereby annulling the charter that had been in force for almost 100 years. By an act that was passed in 1698, a new \"parallel\" East India Company (officially titled the \"English", "psg_id": "538284" }, { "title": "The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe and Restasis patent", "text": "significant that the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe was essentially giving ownership back. Despite how Allergan and the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe characterized the sale of the patents, PTAB deemed Allergan as the creator of the patent and therefore the primary owner which invalidated any sovereign immunity the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe had over Restasis patents. The nullifying of the patent deal between Allergan and the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe effectively closed a loophole in the Hatch-Waxman Act that could have been opened by the deal. The Hatch-Waxman Act prevents pharmaceutical companies from having exclusive rights to a particular drug. The", "psg_id": "20543719" }, { "title": "East India Company", "text": "to the Government of India Act 1833 (3 & 4 Will. 4 c. 85). The Act: British influence continued to expand; in 1845, Great Britain purchased the Danish colony of Tranquebar. The company had at various stages extended its influence to China, the Philippines, and Java. It had solved its critical lack of cash needed to buy tea by exporting Indian-grown opium to China. China's efforts to end the trade led to the First Opium War (1839–1842). The English Education Act by the Council of India in 1835 reallocated funds from the East India Company to spend on education and", "psg_id": "538318" }, { "title": "East Bengal State Acquisition and Tenancy Act of 1950", "text": "East Bengal State Acquisition and Tenancy Act of 1950 The East Bengal State Acquisition and Tenancy Act of 1950 (also known as the East Pakistan Estate Acquisition Act 1950) was a law passed by the newly formed democratic Government of East Bengal in the Dominion of Pakistan (present day Bangladesh). The bill was drafted on 31 March 1948 during the early years of Pakistan and passed on 16 May 1951. Before passage of the legislature, landed revenue laws of Bengal consisted of the Permanent Settlement Regulations of 1793 and the Bengal Tenancy Act of 1885. The 1793 legislature created a", "psg_id": "15398324" }, { "title": "Zuccotti Park", "text": "coffeehouse in colonial New York City, The King's Arms which opened under the ownership of Lieutenant John Hutchins in 1696. It stood on the west side of Broadway between Crown (now Liberty) Street and Little Queen (now Cedar) Street. On November 5, 1773, summoned by the Sons of Liberty, a huge crowd assembled outside the coffee house to denounce the Tea Act, and agents of the East India Trading company who were handling cargoes of dutied tea. It was perhaps the first public demonstration in opposition to the Tea Act in the American colonies. The park, formerly called Liberty Plaza", "psg_id": "10442246" }, { "title": "East India Company", "text": "to rule large areas of India with its private armies, exercising military power and assuming administrative functions. Company rule in India effectively began in 1757 and lasted until 1858, when, following the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the Government of India Act 1858 led to the British Crown's assuming direct control of the Indian subcontinent in the form of the new British Raj. Despite frequent government intervention, the company had recurring problems with its finances. It was dissolved in 1874 as a result of the East India Stock Dividend Redemption Act passed one year earlier, as the Government of India Act", "psg_id": "538260" }, { "title": "Economy of India under Company rule", "text": "the company provided little relief either through reduced taxation or by relief efforts, and the economic and cultural impact of the famine was felt decades later, even becoming, a century later, the subject of Bankim Chandra Chatterjee's novel \"Anandamath\". In 1772, under Warren Hastings, the East India Company took over revenue collection directly in the Bengal Presidency (then Bengal and Bihar), establishing a Board of Revenue with offices in Calcutta and Patna, and moving the existing Mughal revenue records from Murshidabad to Calcutta. In 1773, after Oudh ceded the tributary state of Benaras, the revenue collection system was extended to", "psg_id": "13077019" }, { "title": "Sons of Liberty (miniseries)", "text": "Sons of Liberty (miniseries) Sons of Liberty is an American television miniseries dramatizing the early American Revolution events in Boston, Massachusetts, the start of the Revolutionary War, and the negotiations of the Second Continental Congress which resulted in the drafting and signing of the 1776 United States Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Directed by Kari Skogland, the three-part miniseries premiered on History on January 25, 2015. The series' theme music was composed by Hans Zimmer. The miniseries centers primarily on the years (1765-1776) prior to start of the American Revolutionary War, and focuses on historical figures and pivotal events", "psg_id": "18254588" }, { "title": "Sons of Liberty (miniseries)", "text": "real events that have shaped our past\". Nevertheless, the series has attracted criticism for its historical inaccuracies. Sons of Liberty (miniseries) Sons of Liberty is an American television miniseries dramatizing the early American Revolution events in Boston, Massachusetts, the start of the Revolutionary War, and the negotiations of the Second Continental Congress which resulted in the drafting and signing of the 1776 United States Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Directed by Kari Skogland, the three-part miniseries premiered on History on January 25, 2015. The series' theme music was composed by Hans Zimmer. The miniseries centers primarily on the years", "psg_id": "18254592" }, { "title": "Eleanor of Toledo", "text": "her death the myth pervaded that her 16-year-old son Garcia had murdered his 19-year-old brother, Giovanni, following a dispute in 1562. Their father Cosimo I, it was said, then murdered Garcia with his own sword, and Eleanor, distraught, died a week later from grief. The truth, proven by modern-day exhumations and forensic science, was that Eleanor and her sons, as the Medici family had always claimed, died together from malaria in 1562. Eleanor of Toledo Eleanor of Toledo (Italian: \"Eleonora di Toledo\" (1522 – 17 December 1562), born Doña Leonor Álvarez de Toledo y Osorio, was a Spanish noblewoman who", "psg_id": "6080840" }, { "title": "J.L. Thompson and Sons", "text": "J.L. Thompson and Sons J.L. Thompson and Sons was a shipyard on the River Wear, Sunderland, which produced ships from the mid-18th century until the 1980s. The world-famous Liberty Ship was among the designs to be created, produced and manufactured at the yard's base at North Sands. The founder of J.L. Thompson and Sons was Robert Thompson, the son of a Master Mariner, who was born in 1797. As a boy he had enjoyed a busy life on the River Wear, playing among the keels, and at 18 he started work as an apprentice shipwright. He spent his evenings, however,", "psg_id": "13166562" }, { "title": "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness", "text": "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness \"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness\" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the \"unalienable rights\" which the Declaration says have been given to all humans by their creator. The United States Declaration of Independence was drafted by Thomas Jefferson, and then edited by the Committee of Five, which consisted of Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston. It was then further edited and adopted by the Committee of the Whole of the Second Continental Congress on July 4,", "psg_id": "2178093" }, { "title": "Joseph Smith (East India Company officer)", "text": "Joseph Smith (East India Company officer) Brigadier General Joseph Smith (1732/3-1790) was an officer of the British East India Company's army in the mid-18th Century who served in the Carnatic Wars, the Anglo-Mysore Wars and other conflicts in South India. He served with distinction and rose to the position of commander-in-chief of the Madras Army on three occasions (1767-1770, 1770-1772, and 1773-1775). Smith's father of the same name was an officer of engineers in the EIC forces and Smith followed him into Company service, joining the Madras forces in 1749 and quickly gaining independent commands and rising through the ranks.", "psg_id": "19577494" }, { "title": "Joseph Smith (East India Company officer)", "text": "Joseph Smith (East India Company officer) Brigadier General Joseph Smith (1732/3-1790) was an officer of the British East India Company's army in the mid-18th Century who served in the Carnatic Wars, the Anglo-Mysore Wars and other conflicts in South India. He served with distinction and rose to the position of commander-in-chief of the Madras Army on three occasions (1767-1770, 1770-1772, and 1773-1775). Smith's father of the same name was an officer of engineers in the EIC forces and Smith followed him into Company service, joining the Madras forces in 1749 and quickly gaining independent commands and rising through the ranks.", "psg_id": "19577493" }, { "title": "Inclosure Act 1773", "text": "Inclosure Act 1773 The Inclosure Act 1773 (13 Geo 3. c. 81) (also known as the Enclosure Act 1773) is an Act of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Great Britain, passed during the reign of George III. The Act is still in force in the United Kingdom. It created a law that enabled enclosure of land, at the same time removing the right of commoners' access. The Act required the procedure to start with a petition delivered to Parliament signed by the landowner, tithe holders and a majority of people affected. The petition then went through the stages of", "psg_id": "15541125" }, { "title": "East India Company", "text": "lunatic asylum run by Dr George Rees until 1838, and thereafter by Dr William Williams. The arrangement outlasted the company itself, continuing until 1870, when the India Office opened its own asylum, the Royal India Asylum, at Hanwell, Middlesex. The East India Club in London was formed in 1849 for officers of the company. The Club still exists today as a private gentlemen's club with its club house situated at 16 St. James's Square, London. The East India Company was one of the most powerful and enduring organisations in history and had a long lasting impact on the Indian Subcontinent,", "psg_id": "538326" }, { "title": "Supreme Council of Bengal", "text": "Supreme Council of Bengal Supreme Council of Bengal was the highest executive authority under Company rule in India from 1774 till 1833 when Charter Act of 1833 established Council of India. The Council was established in 1773 by the Regulating Act of 1773. It was designed to consist of five members, including the Governor General, and was appointed by the Court of directors. At times it also included the Commander-in-Chief of India, who was also at times the Governor General. The council was also known as Governor-General-in-Council and was subordinate only to the East India Company's Court of Directors and", "psg_id": "18555481" }, { "title": "And Then What?", "text": "And Then What? And Then What? () is a 2011 Turkish romantic comedy film, written and directed by Özcan Deniz, starring Deniz Çakır as an unhappily married woman who attempts to restart her long dormant career. The film, which opened on at number 2 in the Turkish box office, is one of the highest grossing Turkish films of 2011. The film was shot on location in Istanbul and Antalya, Turkey. Married couple Adem and Didem have been married for seven years and their relationship has started to wear out, turning Didem into an unhappy woman as Adem starts showing his", "psg_id": "15633925" } ]
[ "dumped tea into boston harbor" ]
a pedometer is used to measure what?
[ { "title": "Pedometer", "text": "as proving that 10,000 Steps A Day was the proper balance of caloric intake and activity-based caloric expenditure to maintain a healthy body. Jiro Kato, who founded Yamasa Tokei Keiki Co., Ltd. in Tokyo, manufactured pedometers recognized to be accurate, and named them \"manpo-meter\" (later \"manpo-kei\", registered as a trademark of the company), claimed to be the world's first device to measure number of steps of walking. The technology for a pedometer includes a mechanical sensor and software to count steps. Early forms used a mechanical switch to detect steps together with a simple counter. If one shakes these devices,", "psg_id": "3193966" }, { "title": "Pedometer", "text": "always-on pedometer which counts steps like a traditional pedometer. The sensor is made by ADI. This handset was introduced in Japan in 2004 and has sold over 3 million units. The Nokia 5500 Sports Phone uses an embedded 3 axis MEMS inertial sensor to detect the steps a user takes. The pedometer application tracks steps taken, time elapsed and distance traveled. However the application cannot run continuously as it drains the phone's battery and is therefore of limited use. Nokia Sports Tracker features pedometer for Nokia Symbian phones with an Accelerometer. Accelerometers are included in phones to save correct orientation", "psg_id": "3193976" }, { "title": "Pedometer", "text": "Pedometer A pedometer is a device, usually portable and electronic or electromechanical, that counts each step a person takes by detecting the motion of the person's hands or hips. Because the distance of each person's step varies, an informal calibration, performed by the user, is required if presentation of the distance covered in a unit of length (such as in kilometers or miles) is desired, though there are now pedometers that use electronics and software to automatically determine how a person's step varies. Distance traveled (by walking or any other means) can be measured directly by a GPS receiver. Used", "psg_id": "3193960" }, { "title": "Pedometer", "text": "measuring the steps and distance while walking; it was based on a 1770 mechanism of his to power a self-winding watch. A mechanical pedometer obtained from France was introduced in the US by Thomas Jefferson. It is not known if he modified the design; although this pedometer is widely attributed to Jefferson, proof is difficult to obtain as he did not apply for patents on any of his inventions. In 1965 a pedometer called a manpo-kei (meaning \"10,000 steps meter\" ) was marketed in Japan by Y. Hatano. Y. Hatano promoted \"manpo-kei pedometers\" from 1985, after his research was accepted", "psg_id": "3193965" }, { "title": "Pedometer", "text": "stride length that occurs as pace changes. The sensors wirelessly transfer activity data to a secure server for viewing on an individual's computer. Android integrates a step counter with version 4.4 (KitKat). A device already supporting this sensor is the Nexus 5. Another smartphone is the Samsung Galaxy S5, which features a built-in pedometer that uses the S Health software to display your daily step counts. Pedometer A pedometer is a device, usually portable and electronic or electromechanical, that counts each step a person takes by detecting the motion of the person's hands or hips. Because the distance of each", "psg_id": "3193981" }, { "title": "Pedometer", "text": "capability to Apple's first wearable device using the accelerometer and gyroscope integrated in the Apple S1 SIP (System in package). Apple Watch works in parallel with a connected iPhone to improve accuracy of the user's step count. The Fitbit is an always-on electronic pedometer, that in addition to counting steps also displays distance traveled, altitude climbed (via a number of flights of steps count), calories burned, current intensity, and time of day. Worn in an armband at night, it also purports to measure the length and quality of a user's sleep. Inbuilt is a daily target, of 10,000 steps and", "psg_id": "3193973" }, { "title": "Pedometer", "text": "the UK Department of Health. The main criticisms of setting a universal target are that it is not achievable for older persons with mobility problems or people with chronic diseases, but on the other hand, the target is probably too low for children. One criticism of the pedometer is that it does not record intensity, but this can be done by making step goals time limited (for example, 1000 steps in 10 minutes counts as moderate exercise). Leonardo da Vinci envisioned a mechanical pedometer as a device with military applications. In 1780 Abraham-Louis Perrelet of Switzerland created the first pedometer,", "psg_id": "3193964" }, { "title": "Pedometer", "text": "the Pokéwalker via infrared signals. Unlike the \"Personal Trainer: Walking\" pedometers, the Pokéwalker features a small LCD screen and multiple buttons. Walking with the Pokéwalker earns experience points for the Pokémon. The Nintendo 3DS, released March 27, 2011, features an internal pedometer that counts and records daily step counts while in sleep mode. Every hundred steps earns a Play Coin, which can be spent on a variety of extras and bonuses. This pedometer is easily fooled, however, and 'steps' can be created by simply lifting the device up and down in the hand with a motion similar to walking. Released", "psg_id": "3193979" }, { "title": "Pedometer", "text": "height). Individuals can improve the accuracy of their stride length settings by measuring and calibrating their average stride length. Some higher-end Fitbit models include additional features such as heart rate monitoring and GPS tracking. Since most smartphones, iPod Touches and some MP3 players are enhanced with an integrated accelerometer it is possible to introduce pedometer functionality to these devices. This option was successfully realized by a number of smartphone application developers, enabling any fitness savvy smartphone owner to track the number of steps taken as well as distance traveled and calories used. This is the first integrated phone with an", "psg_id": "3193975" }, { "title": "Pedometer", "text": "on photos and to improve the GPS positioning feature. Nokia Step Counter is a free application available at Nokia Beta Labs which works on a wide range of N-Series Nokia phones. The pedometer application tracks steps taken, time elapsed and distance traveled. This application can be left running all day as it is not a huge drain on the battery. The Sony Ericsson W710 and W580 Walkman phones use embedded 2 axis MEMS inertial sensors to detect the steps a user takes. The W710 is a clamshell phone and displays the user's steps on the external display. The W710 must", "psg_id": "3193977" }, { "title": "Pedometer", "text": "in getting fit and losing weight. A total of 10,000 steps per day, equivalent to , is recommended by some to be the benchmark for an active lifestyle, although this point is debated among experts. Thirty minutes of moderate walking are equivalent to 3,000-4,000 steps as determined by a pedometer. Step counters are being integrated into an increasing number of portable consumer electronic devices such as music players, smartphones, and mobile phones. Pedometers can be a motivation tool for people wanting to increase their physical activity. Various websites exist to allow people to track their progress; however, many will also", "psg_id": "3193962" }, { "title": "Pedometer", "text": "May 2010, by Philips. This MP3 capable pedometer measures aerobic intensity and matches songs on the playlist to keep the user engaged and motivated. Tractivity is a group of health-related services that include a sensor that is worn on a shoe. The Tractivity sensor logs the distance a person walks or runs, the calories burned and the time the person was active, which they can then view on a private web page. Tractivity's online web application provides a graphical experience and motivational resource to encourage people to lead healthier lifestyles. Tractivity accounts for the variation in a walker's or runner’s", "psg_id": "3193980" }, { "title": "Pedometer", "text": "be closed in order for it to count steps. When the step counter is activated, it counts detected steps during the day, and at midnight it stores the counter in a day-by-day history and resets it to zero. On November 1, 2008, Nintendo released the Nintendo DS title , which includes two pedometers. They connect to the game card via infrared signals. On September 12, 2009, Nintendo released \"Pokémon HeartGold\" and \"SoulSilver\" in Japan. Each game comes bundled with a device called a Pokéwalker, which functions as a pedometer and allows players to transfer one Pokémon from their game to", "psg_id": "3193978" }, { "title": "Pedometer", "text": "find entering their daily step count and a heart-beat count onto a calendar to be motivational as well. Pedometers have been shown in clinical studies to increase physical activity, and reduce blood pressure levels and Body Mass Index. A study published in the Journal of The American Medical Association Nov. 2007 concluded, “The results suggest that the use of a pedometer is associated with significant increases in physical activity and significant decreases in body mass index and blood pressure.” A daily target of 10,000 steps was first proposed. The target has been recommended by the US Surgeon General and by", "psg_id": "3193963" }, { "title": "Things Ain't What They Used to Be", "text": "Things Ain't What They Used to Be \"Things Ain't What They Used to Be\" is a 1942 jazz standard with music by Mercer Ellington and lyrics by Ted Persons. In 1941 there was a strike against the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, of which Duke Ellington was a member. Because of the strike he could not air his songs on the radio. Instead, he used songs written by his son Mercer and pianist Billy Strayhorn. Strayhorn's compositions of this time include \"Take the 'A' Train\", \"Chelsea Bridge\" and \"Day Dream\". Mercer wrote \"Things Ain't What They Used to", "psg_id": "9783426" }, { "title": "Murder Ain't What it Used to Be", "text": "move a vase by telekinesis and can manipulate objects, such as a cigar, a machine gun and a hat. It also appears that he is connected psychically with Jeannie when he hears her scream in her apartment. Also for the first time since the debut episode, the effect of ghosts on the room atmosphere is commented on, with Paul Kirstner's sister Aunt Maddox complaining \"it has turned cold\" when Bugsy appears. Murder Ain't What it Used to Be Murder Ain't What it Used to Be is the seventh episode of the popular 1969 ITC British television series \"Randall and Hopkirk", "psg_id": "9485635" }, { "title": "Things Ain't What They Used to Be", "text": "Be\", \"Blue Serge\" and \"Moon Mist\". Jazz musician and historian Chris Tyle argues that most likely Mercer Ellington came up with the melody and his father then arranged the song for the band. The song is most often played as an instrumental. Lyrics were written by Ted Persons. Johnny Hodges played it first, in Hollywood on July 3, 1941. Duke Ellington played it for the film \"Cabin in the Sky\" (1943). Things Ain't What They Used to Be \"Things Ain't What They Used to Be\" is a 1942 jazz standard with music by Mercer Ellington and lyrics by Ted Persons.", "psg_id": "9783427" }, { "title": "Murder Ain't What it Used to Be", "text": "Murder Ain't What it Used to Be Murder Ain't What it Used to Be is the seventh episode of the popular 1969 ITC British television series \"Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased)\" starring Mike Pratt, Kenneth Cope and Annette Andre. Directed by Jeremy Summers, the episode was first broadcast on 2 November 1969 on ITV. Crime boss Paul Kirstner flies over to Great Britain from New York City to attend to \"business\" in London. Behind most of the rackets in Chicago, he hires Jeff to protect his daughter from any of his enemies whilst in London. However, Kirstner is being haunted by", "psg_id": "9485630" }, { "title": "Made-to-measure", "text": "hand sewing, made-to-measure manufacturers use both machine- and hand-sewing. Made-to-measure also requires fewer fittings than bespoke, resulting in a shorter wait between customer measurement and garment delivery. Made-to-measure is sometimes also referred to as personal tailoring. In recent years tailoring has evolved further with young companies like Artefact London, that make a blend of made-to-measure and bespoke approaches. A base pattern is used to gauge your measurements and your unique pattern is created electronically with all alterations accounted for prior to cutting. Thus alleviating the need for baste fitting that is mandatory in bespoke with very minor alterations (if any)", "psg_id": "10599622" }, { "title": "What Is a Nation?", "text": "to the reasons based on race, geography, history and so on. They argue that Renan maintains his intellectual background but subtly, i.e. the arguments he explicitly used in \"What is a Nation?\" are not consistent with his thinking. The concept of \"daily plebiscite\" would be ambiguous. They argue that the definition is an opportunist idealization and it should be interpreted within the Franco-Prussian War and in the midst of the dispute concerning the Alsace-Lorraine region. What Is a Nation? \"What is a Nation?\" (\"Qu'est-ce qu'une nation?\") is an 1882 lecture by French historian Ernest Renan (1823–1892), known for the statements", "psg_id": "15237586" }, { "title": "What Is Man? (King essay)", "text": "certain inalienable rights. Among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness', but after trampling over 'sixteen million of your brothers. You have deprived them of the basic good of life. You have treated them as if they were things rather than persons.' He ends the article with a prayer hoping for the 'high and noble good' and wishing America back home. Selected quotes From \"What is Man?\" Martin Luther King jr. \"The Measure of a Man\" Fortress Press; Philadelphia 1959 What Is Man? (King essay) \"What is man?\" is a 1959 essay from the book, \"The Measure of", "psg_id": "8957252" }, { "title": "What Is Man? (King essay)", "text": "What Is Man? (King essay) \"What is man?\" is a 1959 essay from the book, \"The Measure of a Man\", written by Martin Luther King Jr. In \"The Measure of a Man\", King raises issues of totalitarian government and democracy. He also states, 'Although there is widespread agreement in asking the question, there is fantastic disagreement in answering it'. There are some people, he continues, that believe 'man is little more than an animal' and there are those 'who would lift man almost to the position of a God'. There are then those who would 'combine the truths of both'", "psg_id": "8957243" }, { "title": "What Is to Be Done? (Tolstoy)", "text": "What Is to Be Done? (Tolstoy) What Is To Be Done? (sometimes translated as What Then Must We Do?) is a non-fiction work by Leo Tolstoy, in which Tolstoy describes the social conditions of Russia in his day. Tolstoy completed the book in 1886, and the first English language publication came in 1887 as What To Do?. A revised translation with the current title was published in 1899. The English title was also used for two better-known works by Nikolai Chernyshevsky and Vladimir Lenin; Tolstoy's Russian title is similar but not identical to Chernyshevsky's (and Lenin's), both of them sharing", "psg_id": "9225670" }, { "title": "What Is to Be Done? (Tolstoy)", "text": "the same Biblical reference (Luke 3:10–14). What Is to Be Done? (Tolstoy) What Is To Be Done? (sometimes translated as What Then Must We Do?) is a non-fiction work by Leo Tolstoy, in which Tolstoy describes the social conditions of Russia in his day. Tolstoy completed the book in 1886, and the first English language publication came in 1887 as What To Do?. A revised translation with the current title was published in 1899. The English title was also used for two better-known works by Nikolai Chernyshevsky and Vladimir Lenin; Tolstoy's Russian title is similar but not identical to Chernyshevsky's", "psg_id": "9225671" }, { "title": "How to Measure a Planet?", "text": "developed a different sound, less bombastic, more transparent, which vastly expanded the group's creative spectrum and style. The Gathering Production How to Measure a Planet? How to Measure a Planet? is fifth studio album by the Dutch alternative rock band The Gathering. It was released as a double CD on 9 November 1998 by Century Media Records. The album was recorded at Bauwhaus Studios, Amsterdam and Wisseloord Studios, Hilversum between July and October 1998 under the guidance of producer Attie Bauw. The theme of space travel runs through many of the songs on the album as well as on the", "psg_id": "6023369" }, { "title": "How to Measure a Planet?", "text": "How to Measure a Planet? How to Measure a Planet? is fifth studio album by the Dutch alternative rock band The Gathering. It was released as a double CD on 9 November 1998 by Century Media Records. The album was recorded at Bauwhaus Studios, Amsterdam and Wisseloord Studios, Hilversum between July and October 1998 under the guidance of producer Attie Bauw. The theme of space travel runs through many of the songs on the album as well as on the cover and CD booklet. The track \"Liberty Bell\" was released as a single in Europe, as well as in Canada", "psg_id": "6023365" }, { "title": "What Is to Be Done?", "text": "belonged to this bourgeois intelligentsia. Lars T. Lih, a McGill University course lecturer, has suggested that Lenin's pamphlet has been widely misinterpreted partly by mistranslations of key terms used by Lenin. Lih says that those historians and textbooks that misinterpret the pamphlet follow \"three mutually reinforcing strands\": Lih argues that \"even if we examine the controversial passages in \"What is to be Done?\" we misunderstand them if we are not alive to the meanings of the words used. Some of these have been translated in such a way as to confuse or even to draw readers to the opposite of", "psg_id": "17513540" }, { "title": "What It Is to Burn", "text": "the label. Reines offered the group a chance to perform and subsequently invited his sister, and co-label owner, Stefanie to the performance. The pair were impressed and signed the group. Pre-production and demos were done at DML Studios in Escondido, California in February and April 2001. They began recording \"What It Is to Burn\" in June at Big Fish Studios in Encinitas, California with producer Mark Trombino. They started tracking guitars in July. Strohmeyer used Fender guitars and Marshall amplifiers. Linares used ESP guitars and Mesa amplifiers. Trombino did guitar effects for the album, earning him a programming credit in", "psg_id": "4464519" }, { "title": "Made-to-measure", "text": "community has been more nuanced than the Oxford definition, others concluded that the ASA \"took a rather ignorant decision to declare that there is no difference between bespoke and made-to-measure.\" Made-to-measure Made-to-measure (MTM) typically refers to custom clothing that is cut and sewn using a standard-sized base pattern. Suits and sport coats are the most common garments made-to-measure. The fit of a made-to-measure garment is expected to be superior to that of a ready-to-wear garment because made-to-measure garments are constructed to fit each customer individually based on a few body measurements to customize the pre-existing pattern. Made-to-measure garments always involve", "psg_id": "10599625" }, { "title": "Made-to-measure", "text": "Made-to-measure Made-to-measure (MTM) typically refers to custom clothing that is cut and sewn using a standard-sized base pattern. Suits and sport coats are the most common garments made-to-measure. The fit of a made-to-measure garment is expected to be superior to that of a ready-to-wear garment because made-to-measure garments are constructed to fit each customer individually based on a few body measurements to customize the pre-existing pattern. Made-to-measure garments always involve some form of standardization in the pattern and manufacturing, whereas bespoke tailoring is entirely made from scratch based on a customer's specifications with far more attention to minute fit details", "psg_id": "10599619" }, { "title": "The Old Blue Mayor She Ain't What She Used to Be", "text": "tonight, flock to Marge not because she’s clearly a better candidate and person than perennially elected, womanizing, cartoonishly corrupt Diamond Joe Quimby, but because resident political operative Lindsey Naegle convinces her to use Professor Frink’s micro-targeted campaigning.\" \"The Old Blue Mayor She Ain't What She Used to Be\" scored a 1.9 rating with a 7 share and was watched by 4.75 million people, making it Fox's highest rated show of the night. The Old Blue Mayor She Ain't What She Used to Be \"The Old Blue Mayor She Ain't What She Used to Be\" is the sixth episode of the", "psg_id": "20423043" }, { "title": "What Is a Nation?", "text": "What Is a Nation? \"What is a Nation?\" (\"Qu'est-ce qu'une nation?\") is an 1882 lecture by French historian Ernest Renan (1823–1892), known for the statements that a nation is \"a daily referendum\", and that nations are based as much on what the people jointly forget, as what they remember. It is frequently quoted or anthologized in works of history or political science pertaining to nationalism and national identity. Renan wrote \"What is a Nation\" in order to symbolize the nationalism which was born in France as a result of the French Revolution of 1789. Renan begins his essay by noting", "psg_id": "15237572" }, { "title": "Here Is What Is", "text": "some of the tracks (\"Beauty\" and \"Chest of Drawers\") are conversations with Brian Eno. All songs written by Daniel Lanois unless otherwise noted. \"Where Will I Be\" is a new version of a song which had been previously released on Emmylou Harris' album \"Wrecking Ball\" in 1995. \"Lovechild\" and \"Sacred And Secular\" tracks incorporates, respectively, the pedal steel guitar melody used in \"Carla\", on Belladonna album, and the pedal steel guitar melody used in \"Transmitter\", on Shine album. Here Is What Is Here Is What Is is the fifth studio album by Canadian songwriter and record producer Daniel Lanois. It", "psg_id": "11248076" }, { "title": "Compactness measure of a shape", "text": "circle from other shapes. Compactness measure of a shape The compactness measure of a shape is a numerical quantity representing the degree to which a shape is compact. The meaning of \"compact\" here is not related to the topological notion of compact space. Various compactness measures are used. However, these measures have the following in common: A common compactness measure is the isoperimetric quotient, the ratio of the area of the shape to the area of a circle (the most compact shape) having the same perimeter. Compactness measures can be defined for three-dimensional shapes as well, typically as functions of", "psg_id": "7533090" }, { "title": "Compactness measure of a shape", "text": "Compactness measure of a shape The compactness measure of a shape is a numerical quantity representing the degree to which a shape is compact. The meaning of \"compact\" here is not related to the topological notion of compact space. Various compactness measures are used. However, these measures have the following in common: A common compactness measure is the isoperimetric quotient, the ratio of the area of the shape to the area of a circle (the most compact shape) having the same perimeter. Compactness measures can be defined for three-dimensional shapes as well, typically as functions of volume and surface area.", "psg_id": "7533088" }, { "title": "What Is it Like to Be a Bat?", "text": "What Is it Like to Be a Bat? \"What is it like to be a bat?\" is a paper by American philosopher Thomas Nagel, first published in \"The Philosophical Review\" in October 1974, and later in Nagel's \"Mortal Questions\" (1979). In it, Nagel argues that materialist theories of mind omit the essential component of consciousness, namely that there is something that it is (or feels) like to be a particular, conscious thing. He argues that an organism has conscious mental states, \"if and only if there is something that it is like to be that organism—something it is like \"for\"", "psg_id": "9902780" }, { "title": "What It Is to Burn", "text": "single and a music video was filmed for the track. It was directed by Alexander Kosta. The band toured with From Autumn to Ashes across the US in January and February. Allister were initially planned to support before being replaced by Steel Train. In February, the band went on a co-heading US tour with The Used. While on the tour, the \"What It Is to Burn\" music video was posted online on February 21. Following this, the group continued touring with The Movielife, Senses Fail and A Static Lullaby until early March. In March, the group went on a tour", "psg_id": "4464525" }, { "title": "What is a Masterpiece?", "text": "confluence of memories and emotions forming a single idea\", that it has \"a power of recreating traditional forms so that they become expressive of an artist's own epoch and yet keep a relationship to the past\". The highest masterpieces are said to be \"illustrations of great themes.\" Clark also implicitly excluded the erotic from considerations of what constituted a masterpiece, based on his perspective that a necessary condition is the balance between sense and form (works that are too sensual are, therefore, unbalanced and not to be categorised at masterpiece level). What is a Masterpiece? What is a Masterpiece? is", "psg_id": "18136423" }, { "title": "Measure S", "text": "housing, that local labor be used on them, and incentivized developers for building near the city's subway lines. The city's business community, particularly developers, were as opposed to it as they were to Measure S. However, so was the CPLA. In a news release strongly opposing JJJ, it claimed that initiative had been \"cooked up\" by the interests opposing Measure S in an effort to split its support and keep it from the ballot. Measure S proponents said that they considered JJJ likely to fall short of its goals, pointing to what they considered broadly worded loopholes in JJJ. \"Ultimately", "psg_id": "20070978" }, { "title": "What Is it Like to Be a Bat?", "text": "a necessary precondition for understanding the mind-body problem. Dennett denies Nagel's claim that the bat's consciousness is inaccessible, contending that any \"interesting or theoretically important\" features of a bat's consciousness would be amenable to third-person observation. For instance, it is clear that bats cannot detect objects more than a few meters away because echolocation has a limited range. He holds that any similar aspects of its experiences could be gleaned by further scientific experiments. What Is it Like to Be a Bat? \"What is it like to be a bat?\" is a paper by American philosopher Thomas Nagel, first published", "psg_id": "9902787" }, { "title": "Isotropic measure", "text": "Isotropic measure In probability theory, an isotropic measure is any mathematical measure that is invariant under linear isometries. It is a standard simplification and assumption used in probability theory. Generally, it is used in the context of measure theory on formula_1-dimensional Euclidean space, for which it can be intuitive to study measures that are unchanged by rotations and translations. An obvious example of such a measure is the standard way of assigning a measure to subsets of \"n\"-dimensional Euclidean space: Lebesgue measure. An isotropic measure on formula_2 is a (Borel) measure that is absolutely continuous on formula_3 and that is", "psg_id": "19944086" }, { "title": "Made-to-measure", "text": "from this altered pattern. The primary benefits to the customer of made-to-measure clothing are that the garments will be well-fitted to the customer's body and the customer may have the opportunity to customize the fabric and detailing. The primary disadvantage of made-to-measure is that the customer must wait up to several weeks for the garment to be sewn and delivered. A typical price markup for a made-to-measure item is 15% over the price of its ready-to-wear counterpart. Made-to-measure retailers often travel internationally meeting clients in cities, providing samples of the latest materials and styles. Unlike bespoke garments, which traditionally involves", "psg_id": "10599621" }, { "title": "The Old Blue Mayor She Ain't What She Used to Be", "text": "The Old Blue Mayor She Ain't What She Used to Be \"The Old Blue Mayor She Ain't What She Used to Be\" is the sixth episode of the twenty-ninth season of the animated television series \"The Simpsons\", and the 624th episode of the series overall. It aired in the United States on Fox on November 12, 2017. The track of the old Springfield Monorail (from \"Marge vs. the Monorail\") is converted into a \"sky park\". At the official opening, Mayor Quimby turns on the electricity which causes the monorail car to activate and destroy the boardwalk, running down Sebastian Cobb", "psg_id": "20423037" }, { "title": "Made-to-measure", "text": "and using multiple fittings during the construction process. All else being equal, a made-to-measure garment will be more expensive than a ready-to-wear garment but cheaper than a bespoke one. \"Custom made\" most often refers to MTM. Country of origin makes a difference in pricing, with made in China MTM garments typically priced below made in Italy ready-to-wear. To order a made-to-measure garment, the customer's measurements are first taken by a made-to-measure retailer. Then a base pattern is selected that most closely corresponds with the customer’s measurements. This base pattern is altered to match the customer’s measurements. The garment is constructed", "psg_id": "10599620" }, { "title": "Arizona's Instrument to Measure Standards", "text": "the reading and mathematics scores must have been at least 1300). The changes in AIMS scholarships applied beginning with the graduating class of 2013. In 2007, the AIMS Test began to report out Lexile measures for students in grades 3-8 and 10. A Lexile measure can be used to match readers with targeted text and monitor growth in reading ability. Arizona's Instrument to Measure Standards Arizona's Instrument to Measure Standards (AIMS) was a standardized test administered by the state of Arizona. AIMS was a standards-based assessment aligned with the Arizona Academic Content Standards. In November, 2014, the Arizona State Board", "psg_id": "4990216" }, { "title": "The Measure of a Man: A Spiritual Autobiography", "text": "life. Poitier explores the nature of sacrifice and commitment, price and humility, rage and forgiveness, and paying the price for artistic integrity. What emerges is a picture of a man in the face of limits; his own as well as the world's. The translation in complicated Chinese () of this autobiography was done by Fongfong Olivia Wei, and published by Triumph Publishing Company in Taipei, Taiwan, in the year 2002. The Measure of a Man: A Spiritual Autobiography The Measure of a Man: A Spiritual Autobiography is an autobiographical work by Sidney Poitier. On January 26, 2007, Oprah Winfrey chose", "psg_id": "9605417" }, { "title": "What Is a Rumpletilskin?", "text": "McGurk, VP of Radio & Retail Promotion at Poindexter, who later became the first Marketing Director of Redeye Distribution and Yep Roc Records of Haw River, NC. What Is a Rumpletilskin? What Is a Rumpletilskin? is the first and only album by hip hop group Rumpletilskinz, released on July 13, 1993, on RCA Records and produced by the group's producer, R.P.M. The album failed to make it to any of the \"Billboard\" charts, but two singles did, \"Attitudes\" and \"Is It All Right?\" Both made it to #24 on the Hot Rap Singles. This release received extensive national independent retail", "psg_id": "13289645" }, { "title": "What Is a Rumpletilskin?", "text": "What Is a Rumpletilskin? What Is a Rumpletilskin? is the first and only album by hip hop group Rumpletilskinz, released on July 13, 1993, on RCA Records and produced by the group's producer, R.P.M. The album failed to make it to any of the \"Billboard\" charts, but two singles did, \"Attitudes\" and \"Is It All Right?\" Both made it to #24 on the Hot Rap Singles. This release received extensive national independent retail promotion through Poindexter International Marketing & Promotions, which was employed by RCA Records. It was also one of the first projects managed by James \"DJ Ras J\"", "psg_id": "13289644" }, { "title": "Used to Love You", "text": "California Credits adapted from the liner notes of \"This Is What the Truth Feels Like\". Used to Love You \"Used to Love You\" is a song recorded by American singer Gwen Stefani for her third studio album, \"This Is What the Truth Feels Like\" (2016). It was written by Stefani, Justin Tranter, Julia Michaels, Jonathan \"J.R.\" Rotem and Teal Douville, and produced by Rotem. After scrapping the album and its two singles, \"Baby Don't Lie\", and \"Spark the Fire\", in favor to start over, Interscope Records released \"Used to Love You\" as the album's first official single on October 20,", "psg_id": "19095171" }, { "title": "What Is to Be Done?", "text": "What Is to Be Done? What Is To Be Done? Burning Questions of Our Movement () is a political pamphlet written by the Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin (credited as N. Lenin) in 1901 and published in 1902. Lenin said that the article represented \"a skeleton plan to be developed in greater detail in a pamphlet now in preparation for print\". Its title is inspired by the novel of the same name by the 19th century Russian revolutionary Nikolai Chernyshevsky. In \"What Is to Be Done?\", Lenin argues that the working class will not spontaneously become political simply by fighting economic", "psg_id": "17513535" }, { "title": "Measure for Measure (album)", "text": "Measure for Measure (album) Measure for Measure is the April 1986 studio album by Australian rock/synthpop band Icehouse and was the third album in the world to be recorded entirely digitally. The album, which peaked at #8 on the National albums charts, features the singles \"No Promises\", \"Baby, You're So Strange\", \"Mr. Big\", \"Cross the Border\" and \"Paradise\". \"No Promises\" had been released as a 7\" vinyl single in November 1985, it peaked at #30 on the Australian singles charts. It was used for the \"Boxes\" ballet created by Icehouse members Iva Davies and Robert Kretschmer together with Sydney Dance", "psg_id": "9752896" }, { "title": "Signed measure", "text": "finite signed measure is given by for all \"A\" in Σ. This signed measure takes only finite values. To allow it to take +∞ as a value, one needs to replace the assumption about \"f\" being absolutely integrable with the more relaxed condition where \"f\"(\"x\") = max(−\"f\"(\"x\"), 0) is the negative part of \"f\". What follows are two results which will imply that an extended signed measure is the difference of two nonnegative measures, and a finite signed measure is the difference of two finite non-negative measures. The Hahn decomposition theorem states that given a signed measure μ, there exist", "psg_id": "6304922" }, { "title": "What You Get Is What You See", "text": "where in 1989 it was used in a campaign for the New South Wales Rugby League. They later used the Tina Turner song \"The Best\" in another campaign. The song has been covered many times including by Canadian country music group Straight Clean & Simple and a single for the band taken from their 1992 album \"Iron Lady\". It was also covered by Scottish / Irish country artist Lisa McHugh. Her cover appears in her 2014 album \"A Life That's Good\". What You Get Is What You See \"What You Get Is What You See\" is a song by recording", "psg_id": "9771748" }, { "title": "Pre-measure", "text": "is called \"σ\"-additivity. Thus, what is missing for a pre-measure to be a measure is that it is not necessarily defined on a sigma-algebra (or a sigma-ring). It turns out that pre-measures give rise quite naturally to outer measures, which are defined for all subsets of the space \"X\". More precisely, if \"μ\" is a pre-measure defined on a ring of subsets \"R\" of the space \"X\", then the set function \"μ\" defined by is an outer measure on \"X\" and the measure \"μ\" induced by \"μ\" on the σ-algebra Σ of Carathéodory-measurable sets satisfies formula_4 for formula_5 (in particular,", "psg_id": "11062484" }, { "title": "Similarity measure", "text": "the context of cluster analysis, Frey and Dueck suggest defining a similarity measure where formula_2 is the squared Euclidean distance. Cosine similarity is a commonly used similarity measure for real-valued vectors, used in (among other fields) information retrieval to score the similarity of documents in the vector space model. In machine learning, common kernel functions such as the RBF kernel can be viewed as similarity functions. In spectral clustering, a similarity, or affinity, measure is used to transform data to overcome difficulties related to lack of convexity in the shape of the data distribution. The measure gives rise to an", "psg_id": "3791877" }, { "title": "The purpose of a system is what it does", "text": "be balanced by a more straightforwardly descriptive view. The term is used in many fields including biology and management. The purpose of a system is what it does The purpose of a system is what it does (POSIWID) is a systems thinking heuristic coined by Stafford Beer. Stafford Beer coined the term POSIWID and used it many times in public addresses. In his address to the University of Valladolid, Spain, in October 2001, he said \"According to the cybernetician, the purpose of a system is what it does. This is a basic dictum. It stands for bald fact, which makes", "psg_id": "11958748" }, { "title": "What It Is to Burn", "text": "\"All Our Kings Are Dead\" (2010), A Day to Remember's \"What Separates Me from You\" (2010), D.R.U.G.S.'s \"D.R.U.G.S.\" (2011), and The Amity Affliction's \"Chasing Ghosts\" (2012). All songs written by Finch. Personnel per booklet. Finch Additional musicians Production Citations Sources What It Is to Burn What It Is to Burn is the debut album by American post-hardcore band Finch. Finch originally formed under the name Numb with Nate Barcalow on vocals, Alex Linares on guitar, Derek Doherty on bass and Alex Pappas on drums. Guitarist Randy Strohmeyer was invited to join Finch after they witnessed him play with his band", "psg_id": "4464530" }, { "title": "What Is to Be Done?", "text": "what Lenin’s real views were\". Therefore, Lih argues, the word спонтанность, when translated as \"spontaneity\", distorts his views and has different contextual connotations; how конспирация does not mean \"conspiracy\", but \"the rules and procedures needed for an underground organisation to survive\"; тред-юнионизм does not mean \"trade unionism\", but non-revolutionary \"only trade unionism\"; and революционер по профессии should not be translated as \"professional revolutionary\". What Is to Be Done? What Is To Be Done? Burning Questions of Our Movement () is a political pamphlet written by the Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin (credited as N. Lenin) in 1901 and published in 1902.", "psg_id": "17513541" }, { "title": "What Is to Be Done? (novel)", "text": "based on his own ideas of moral responsibility. Vladimir Lenin, however, found it inspiring and named a 1902 pamphlet \"What Is To Be Done?\". Lenin is said to have read the book five times in one summer, and according to Professor Emeritus of Slavic and Comparative Literature at Stanford, Joseph Frank, 'Chernyshevsky's novel, far more than Marx's \"Capital\", supplied the emotional dynamic that eventually went to make the Russian Revolution.' The novel mentions (in the 4th dream of Vera Pavlovna) aluminium as the \"metal of the future\". In fact aluminium became widely used only starting with World War I (1914).", "psg_id": "8651228" }, { "title": "Tape measure", "text": "used for surveying purposes are classified in 4 types according to the material from which they are manufactured: Tape measure A tape measure or measuring tape is a flexible ruler and used to measure distance. It consists of a ribbon of cloth, plastic, fibre glass, or metal strip with linear-measurement markings. It is a common measuring tool. Its design allows for a measure of great length to be easily carried in pocket or toolkit and permits one to measure around curves or corners. Today it is ubiquitous, even appearing in miniature form as a keychain fob, or novelty item. Surveyors", "psg_id": "2770828" }, { "title": "What is a Masterpiece?", "text": "What is a Masterpiece? What is a Masterpiece? is a 1979 non-fiction book by British historian Kenneth Clark. It is a transcribed version of the Walter Neurath memorial lectures given by Clark. The work, initially released on 1 January 1979, received a Thames & Hudson republication on 1 May 1992. Kenneth Clark had already achieved fame with a series of popular books while also serving as, from 1969 on, the writer, producer and presenter of the BBC programme, \"Civilisation\", a pioneering television documentary series. The prestigious series earned a Peabody Award as well as general commercial success. In the work,", "psg_id": "18136420" }, { "title": "Measure (mathematics)", "text": "additive set function with values in the (signed) real numbers is called a \"signed measure\", while such a function with values in the complex numbers is called a \"complex measure\". Measures that take values in Banach spaces have been studied extensively. A measure that takes values in the set of self-adjoint projections on a Hilbert space is called a \"projection-valued measure\"; these are used in functional analysis for the spectral theorem. When it is necessary to distinguish the usual measures which take non-negative values from generalizations, the term positive measure is used. Positive measures are closed under conical combination but", "psg_id": "268544" }, { "title": "Made-to-measure", "text": "needed at the fitting. In the United Kingdom, the legal definition of “made-to-measure” has been conflated with bespoke tailoring by a ruling of the Advertising Standards Authority. The ruling is based on the Oxford English Dictionary definition of bespoke as \"made to order\". While this ruling clarified the difference between bespoke and ready-to-wear, it had the effect of blurring the line between bespoke and made-to-measure. The ruling established that a \"made-to-measure suit would be cut, usually by machine, from an existing pattern, and adjusted according to the customer's measurements,\" while \"a bespoke suit would be fully hand-made and the pattern", "psg_id": "10599623" }, { "title": "What Is and What Should Never Be", "text": "What Is and What Should Never Be \"What Is and What Should Never Be\" is a song by English rock band Led Zeppelin. It was written by Jimmy Page and Robert Plant and was included as the second track on \"Led Zeppelin II\" (1969). \"What is and What Should Never Be\" was one of the first songs on which Page used his soon-to-become trademark Gibson Les Paul for recording. The production makes liberal use of stereo as the guitars pan back and forth between channels. Robert Plant's vocals were phased during the verses. Record producer Rick Rubin has remarked, \"The", "psg_id": "5616995" }, { "title": "What Is to Be Done? (novel)", "text": "Is to Be Done?\" is one of the sources of inspiration for Rand's thought. For example, the book's main character Lopuhov says \"I am not a man to make sacrifices. And indeed there are no such things. One acts in the way that one finds most pleasant.\" Vladimir Nabokov's final novel in Russian, \"The Gift\", ridicules \"What is to Be Done?\" in its fourth chapter. What Is to Be Done? (novel) What Is To Be Done? (; also translated as What Shall We Do? and literally translated as \"What To Do?\") is an 1863 novel written by the Russian philosopher,", "psg_id": "8651230" }, { "title": "Measure space", "text": "This includes Another class of measure spaces are the complete measure spaces. Measure space A measure space is a basic object of measure theory, a branch of mathematics that studies generalized notions of volumes. Measure spaces contain information about the underlying set, the subsets of said set that are feasible for measuring (the formula_1-algebra) and the method that is used for measuring (the measure). One important example of a measure space is a probability space. Measure space should not be confused with the related measurable spaces. A measure space is a triple formula_2 , where Set The formula_10-algebra on finite", "psg_id": "556880" }, { "title": "What Is it Like to Be a Bat?", "text": "perceptional experiences. While it is possible to imagine what it would be like to fly, navigate by sonar, hang upside down and eat insects like a bat, that is not the same as a bat's perspective. Nagel claims that even if humans were able to metamorphose gradually into bats, their brains would not have been wired as a bat's from birth; therefore, they would only be able to experience the life and behaviors of a bat, rather than the mindset. Such is the difference between subjective and objective points of view. According to Nagel, \"our own mental activity is the", "psg_id": "9902785" }, { "title": "Lebesgue measure", "text": "Lebesgue measure In measure theory, the Lebesgue measure, named after French mathematician Henri Lebesgue, is the standard way of assigning a measure to subsets of \"n\"-dimensional Euclidean space. For \"n\" = 1, 2, or 3, it coincides with the standard measure of length, area, or volume. In general, it is also called n\"-dimensional volume, n\"-volume, or simply volume. It is used throughout real analysis, in particular to define Lebesgue integration. Sets that can be assigned a Lebesgue measure are called Lebesgue-measurable; the measure of the Lebesgue-measurable set \"A\" is here denoted by \"λ\"(\"A\"). Henri Lebesgue described this measure in the", "psg_id": "241859" }, { "title": "Things Ain't What They Used to Be (And You Better Believe It)", "text": "Los Angeles: Things Ain't What They Used to Be (And You Better Believe It) Things Ain't What They Used to Be is a 1970 studio album by the American jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald - the final album that Fitzgerald recorded on the Reprise Records label. The album was re-issued on CD with alternative artwork in 1989. It was released together on one CD with Ella's first album recorded for Reprise label, \"Ella\". For the 1970 LP on Reprise Records; RS 6432; Re-issued by Reprise-Warner Bros. in 1989 on CD; Reprise 9 26023-2 Side One: Side Two: Recorded May 26–30, 1969,", "psg_id": "7082662" }, { "title": "Things Ain't What They Used to Be (And You Better Believe It)", "text": "Things Ain't What They Used to Be (And You Better Believe It) Things Ain't What They Used to Be is a 1970 studio album by the American jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald - the final album that Fitzgerald recorded on the Reprise Records label. The album was re-issued on CD with alternative artwork in 1989. It was released together on one CD with Ella's first album recorded for Reprise label, \"Ella\". For the 1970 LP on Reprise Records; RS 6432; Re-issued by Reprise-Warner Bros. in 1989 on CD; Reprise 9 26023-2 Side One: Side Two: Recorded May 26–30, 1969, in Hollywood,", "psg_id": "7082661" }, { "title": "What It Is to Burn (song)", "text": "What It Is to Burn (song) \"What It Is to Burn\" is the title track off the album \"What It Is to Burn\" by the U.S. post-hardcore band Finch. It was released as a single in 2003 and was featured in the pilot episode of \"One Tree Hill\". A demo version of the song was released on the Drive-Thru Records compilation CD \"Welcome to the Family\" in 2001. In an interview with AOL, lead singer Nate Barcalow said he wrote this song from the viewpoint of a man in hell sending a letter to his loved one. \"What It Is", "psg_id": "7328938" }, { "title": "Measure (mathematics)", "text": "and a number of other sources. For more details, see the article on Radon measures. Some important measures are listed here. Other 'named' measures used in various theories include: Borel measure, Jordan measure, ergodic measure, Euler measure, Gaussian measure, Baire measure, Radon measure, Young measure, and Loeb measure. In physics an example of a measure is spatial distribution of mass (see e.g., gravity potential), or another non-negative extensive property, conserved (see conservation law for a list of these) or not. Negative values lead to signed measures, see \"generalizations\" below. Let be a measure. If and are measurable sets with then", "psg_id": "268537" }, { "title": "Outer measure", "text": "Outer measure In mathematics, in particular in measure theory, an outer measure or exterior measure is a function defined on all subsets of a given set with values in the extended real numbers satisfying some additional technical conditions. A general theory of outer measures was first introduced by Constantin Carathéodory to provide a basis for the theory of measurable sets and countably additive measures. Carathéodory's work on outer measures found many applications in measure-theoretic set theory (outer measures are for example used in the proof of the fundamental Carathéodory's extension theorem), and was used in an essential way by Hausdorff", "psg_id": "2701445" }, { "title": "What It Is to Burn", "text": "What It Is to Burn What It Is to Burn is the debut album by American post-hardcore band Finch. Finch originally formed under the name Numb with Nate Barcalow on vocals, Alex Linares on guitar, Derek Doherty on bass and Alex Pappas on drums. Guitarist Randy Strohmeyer was invited to join Finch after they witnessed him play with his band Evita Fresh. Strohmeyer became friends with Drive-Thru Records owner Richard Reines following a fan letter he had sent in a few years prior. When he mentioned this to the other members of Finch, they were enthusiastic about potentially signing with", "psg_id": "4464518" }, { "title": "Measure space", "text": "Measure space A measure space is a basic object of measure theory, a branch of mathematics that studies generalized notions of volumes. Measure spaces contain information about the underlying set, the subsets of said set that are feasible for measuring (the formula_1-algebra) and the method that is used for measuring (the measure). One important example of a measure space is a probability space. Measure space should not be confused with the related measurable spaces. A measure space is a triple formula_2 , where Set The formula_10-algebra on finite sets such as the one above is usually the power set, which", "psg_id": "556878" }, { "title": "Isotropic measure", "text": "the random variables are isotropic or even unimodal measures. More specifically, an isotropic Lévy process is a Lévy process, formula_27, such that all its distributions, formula_28, are isotropic measures. A unimodal Lévy process (or isotropic unimodal Lévy process) is a Lévy process, formula_27, such that all its distributions, formula_28, are unimodal measures. Isotropic measure In probability theory, an isotropic measure is any mathematical measure that is invariant under linear isometries. It is a standard simplification and assumption used in probability theory. Generally, it is used in the context of measure theory on formula_1-dimensional Euclidean space, for which it can be", "psg_id": "19944088" }, { "title": "Forward measure", "text": "Forward measure In finance, a \"T\"-forward measure is a pricing measure absolutely continuous with respect to a risk-neutral measure but rather than using the money market as numeraire, it uses a bond with maturity \"T\". The use of the forward measure was pioneered by Farshid Jamshidian (1987), and later used as a means of calculating the price of options on bonds. Let be the bank account or money market account numeraire and be the discount factor in the market at time 0 for maturity \"T\". If formula_3 is the risk neutral measure, then the forward measure formula_4 is defined via", "psg_id": "9810699" }, { "title": "Moment measure", "text": "Moment measure In probability and statistics, a moment measure is a mathematical quantity, function or, more precisely, measure that is defined in relation to mathematical objects known as point processes, which are types of stochastic processes often used as mathematical models of physical phenomena representable as randomly positioned points in time, space or both. Moment measures generalize the idea of (raw) moments of random variables, hence arise often in the study of point processes and related fields. An example of a moment measure is the first moment measure of a point process, often called mean measure or intensity measure, which", "psg_id": "17647468" }, { "title": "What She Is (Is a Woman in Love)", "text": "What She Is (Is a Woman in Love) \"What She Is (Is a Woman in Love)\" is a song written by Bob McDill and Paul Harrison and recorded by American country music artist Earl Thomas Conley. It was released in February 1988 as the lead single from the album, \"The Heart of It All\". The song was Earl Thomas Conley's fifteenth number one on the country chart. The single went to number one for one week and spent a total of thirteen weeks on the country chart. \"What She Is (Is a Woman in Love)\" debuted on the U.S. \"Billboard\"", "psg_id": "14219946" }, { "title": "What It Is to Burn", "text": "album turned out to be a bit of a disappoinment due to the large amount of hype surrounding the release, giving it an overall 3 stars. \"What It Is to Burn\" charted at number 99 on the \"Billboard\" 200 and number 1 on the Heatseekers Albums charts. It also charted at number 177 in the UK. \"Letters to You\" charted in the UK at number 39. \"What It Is to Burn\" charted at number 15 on the Alternative Songs chart and number 35 on the Mainstream Rock chart. By April 2003, the album had sold over 200,000 copies in the", "psg_id": "4464528" }, { "title": "What Is to Be Done? (novel)", "text": "What Is to Be Done? (novel) What Is To Be Done? (; also translated as What Shall We Do? and literally translated as \"What To Do?\") is an 1863 novel written by the Russian philosopher, journalist and literary critic Nikolai Chernyshevsky. It was written in response to \"Fathers and Sons\" (1862) by Ivan Turgenev. The chief character is a woman, Vera Pavlovna, who escapes the control of her family and an arranged marriage to seek economic independence. The novel advocates the creation of small socialist cooperatives based on the Russian peasant commune, but oriented toward industrial production. The author promoted", "psg_id": "8651224" }, { "title": "What Is it Like to Be a Bat?", "text": "only unquestionable fact of our experience\", meaning that each individual only knows what it is like to be them (Subjectivism). Objectivity, requires an unbiased, non-subjective state of perception. For Nagel, the objective perspective is not feasible, because humans are limited to subjective experience. Nagel concludes with the contention that it would be wrong to assume that physicalism is incorrect, since that position is also imperfectly understood. Physicalism claims that states and events are physical, but those physical states and events are only imperfectly characterized. Nevertheless, he holds that physicalism cannot be understood without characterizing objective and subjective experience. That is", "psg_id": "9902786" }, { "title": "What She Is (Is a Woman in Love)", "text": "Hot Country Singles for the week of March 12, 1988. What She Is (Is a Woman in Love) \"What She Is (Is a Woman in Love)\" is a song written by Bob McDill and Paul Harrison and recorded by American country music artist Earl Thomas Conley. It was released in February 1988 as the lead single from the album, \"The Heart of It All\". The song was Earl Thomas Conley's fifteenth number one on the country chart. The single went to number one for one week and spent a total of thirteen weeks on the country chart. \"What She Is", "psg_id": "14219947" }, { "title": "Radon measure", "text": "Radon measure In mathematics (specifically in measure theory), a Radon measure, named after Johann Radon, is a measure on the σ-algebra of Borel sets of a Hausdorff topological space \"X\" that is finite on all compact sets, outer regular on all Borel sets, and inner regular on open sets. These conditions guarantee that the measure is \"compatible\" with the topology of the space, and most measures used in mathematical analysis and in number theory are indeed Radon measures. A common problem is to find a good notion of a measure on a topological space that is compatible with the topology", "psg_id": "2798786" }, { "title": "What It Is to Burn", "text": "with boiling liquid. Doherty said they \"just wanted some cool imagery\". The art direction and design were done by P.R. Brown, who also did the photography with Kris McCaddon. Initial pressings of the album contained a demo version of \"What It Is to Burn\", produced by Chris Fuderich. It was replaced on later pressings with a re-recorded version, produced by Trombino. These later pressings were available from June onwards. The UK edition, released on June 2, included an acoustic version of \"Letters to You\" and the demo of \"What It Is to Burn\" as bonus tracks. Following the album's release,", "psg_id": "4464522" }, { "title": "Borel measure", "text": "following are equivalent: The Cramér–Wold theorem in measure theory states that a Borel probability measure on formula_26 is uniquely determined by the totality of its one-dimensional projections. It is used as a method for proving joint convergence results. The theorem is named after Harald Cramér and Herman Ole Andreas Wold. Borel measure In mathematics, specifically in measure theory, a Borel measure on a topological space is a measure that is defined on all open sets (and thus on all Borel sets). Some authors require additional restrictions on the measure, as described below. Let formula_1 be a locally compact Hausdorff space,", "psg_id": "40121" }, { "title": "Hausdorff measure", "text": "definition of Hausdorff measure slightly different from the one chosen here, the difference being that it is normalized in such a way that Hausdorff \"d\"-dimensional measure in the case of Euclidean space coincides exactly with Lebesgue measure. One of several possible equivalent definitions of the Hausdorff dimension is where we take In geometric measure theory and related fields, the Minkowski content is often used to measure the size of a subset of a metric measure space. For suitable domains in Euclidean space, the two notions of size coincide, up to overall normalizations depending on conventions. More precisely, a subset of", "psg_id": "2746381" }, { "title": "Conical measure", "text": "measurements. Conical measure A conical measure is a type of laboratory glassware which consists of a conical cup with a notch on the top to allow for the easy pouring of liquids, and graduated markings on the side to allow easy and accurate measurement of volumes of liquid. They may be made of plastic, glass, or borosilicate glass. The use of the conical measure usually dictates its construction material. Plastic conical measures, commonly referred to as measuring cups are used by patients to measure liquid medicaments for oral administration. Glass and borosilicate conical measures are commonly used when compounding by", "psg_id": "3794733" }, { "title": "Conical measure", "text": "Conical measure A conical measure is a type of laboratory glassware which consists of a conical cup with a notch on the top to allow for the easy pouring of liquids, and graduated markings on the side to allow easy and accurate measurement of volumes of liquid. They may be made of plastic, glass, or borosilicate glass. The use of the conical measure usually dictates its construction material. Plastic conical measures, commonly referred to as measuring cups are used by patients to measure liquid medicaments for oral administration. Glass and borosilicate conical measures are commonly used when compounding by the", "psg_id": "3794731" }, { "title": "Tangent measure", "text": "“looks like” \"k\"-dimensional Hausdorff measure \"H\" on \"P\". More precisely: Further study of tangent measures and tangent spaces leads to the notion of a varifold. Tangent measure In measure theory, tangent measures are used to study the local behavior of Radon measures, in much the same way as tangent spaces are used to study the local behavior of differentiable manifolds. Tangent measures (introduced by David Preiss in his study of rectifiable sets) are a useful tool in geometric measure theory. For example, they are used in proving Marstrand’s theorem and Preiss' theorem. Consider a Radon measure \"μ\" defined on an", "psg_id": "10179352" }, { "title": "How to Measure a Planet?", "text": "it brought them a whole new fanbase. \"How to Measure a Planet?\" remains something of a high point for the Gathering, with tracks from the album making up the majority of their two subsequent live albums, \"Superheat (album)\" (2000) and \"Sleepy Buildings\" (2004). In Japan, a one-CD version of the album was released, omitting the nearly half-hour title track. Having already achieved some moderate success with \"Mandylion\" and \"Nighttime Birds\", the group felt trapped in an artistically controlled corner, which was very limited due to the high expectations from their fan base. Following the departure of guitarist Jelmer Wiersma, the", "psg_id": "6023367" }, { "title": "Tape measure", "text": "cases, spring return pocket tape measures and long tape measures. Spring return pocket tape measures will generally fit in a pocket. They are small, the case is up to about three inches across. The tape is returned to the case by a spring mechanism. Pocket tape measures have a tape one foot to fifteen feet in length and ¼ to ¾ inches across. When most people think of a tape measure, they are thinking of the pocket tape measure. A second tape measure design is what is called the long tape. These are cased tape measures with tapes of 25,", "psg_id": "2770814" }, { "title": "Measure S", "text": "and the quote \"I Agree\". The other showed a letter written by him on city letterhead, with \"I agree\" following many pro-Measure S talking points. It was headed \"Mayor Garcetti finds a lot to like about Measure S\". The mailer implied that Garcetti supported Measure S, which in fact he strongly opposed. He called it a \"dirty trick\". A CPLA spokesperson said in response that \"[t]his was just a friendly reminder on what these City Hall insiders promised and what they've yet to deliver to the voters of Los Angeles.\" A week before the vote, an editorial in the \"Los", "psg_id": "20070985" }, { "title": "Used to Love You", "text": "Used to Love You \"Used to Love You\" is a song recorded by American singer Gwen Stefani for her third studio album, \"This Is What the Truth Feels Like\" (2016). It was written by Stefani, Justin Tranter, Julia Michaels, Jonathan \"J.R.\" Rotem and Teal Douville, and produced by Rotem. After scrapping the album and its two singles, \"Baby Don't Lie\", and \"Spark the Fire\", in favor to start over, Interscope Records released \"Used to Love You\" as the album's first official single on October 20, 2015. It was then serviced to mainstream radio on October 27, 2015. \"Used to Love", "psg_id": "19095146" }, { "title": "Synthetic measure", "text": "Synthetic measure A synthetic measure (or synthetic indicator) is a value that is the result of combining other metrics, which are measurements of various features. There is a method to measure quality of service in hotels. In related study authors aggregate tourist opinions, measured on a scale from 1 to 10. Synthetic measure (indicator) of service quality in each hotel is calculated with the help of the aggregation operator. Other study proposed to use classical parameters EV, PV and AC to carry out the synthetic measure of project performance. Different normalized stimulants and destimulants were used in research to create", "psg_id": "20532843" }, { "title": "What It Is to Burn (song)", "text": "Century Hard Rock Songs. What It Is to Burn (song) \"What It Is to Burn\" is the title track off the album \"What It Is to Burn\" by the U.S. post-hardcore band Finch. It was released as a single in 2003 and was featured in the pilot episode of \"One Tree Hill\". A demo version of the song was released on the Drive-Thru Records compilation CD \"Welcome to the Family\" in 2001. In an interview with AOL, lead singer Nate Barcalow said he wrote this song from the viewpoint of a man in hell sending a letter to his loved", "psg_id": "7328940" }, { "title": "Measure word", "text": "Measure word In linguistics, measure words are words (or morphemes) that are used in combination with a numeral to indicate an amount of something represented by some noun. Measure words denote a unit or measurement and are used with mass nouns (uncountable nouns), and in some cases also with count nouns. For instance, in English, \"\" is a mass noun and thus one cannot say \"three muds\", but one can say \"three drops of mud\", \"three pails of mud\", etc. In these examples, \"drops\" and \"pails\" function as measure words. One can also say \"three pails of shells\"; in this", "psg_id": "586588" }, { "title": "Individual Deprivation Measure", "text": "action. The IDM can help governments and organisations target poverty more effectively as well as help them measure success or failure, revealing what aspects of poverty are changing, by how much and for whom. The IDM is the first poverty measure in the world based on the views of women and men with lived experience of poverty. The dimensions were informed by how women and men think poverty should be defined and what needs to improve in order to move out of poverty. The first research phase of the Individual Deprivation Measure started in 2009. It was a four-year, international,", "psg_id": "18864365" }, { "title": "Counting measure", "text": "Counting measure In mathematics, the counting measure is an intuitive way to put a measure on any set: the \"size\" of a subset is taken to be: the number of elements in the subset if the subset has finitely many elements, and ∞ if the subset is infinite. The counting measure can be defined on any measurable set, but is mostly used on countable sets. In formal notation, we can make any set \"X\" into a measurable space by taking the sigma-algebra formula_1 of measurable subsets to consist of all subsets of formula_2. Then the counting measure formula_3 on this", "psg_id": "1580255" }, { "title": "Measure (physics)", "text": "is in fact an integral, known as path integral.<br> In the limit where the sum is becoming an integral, the concept of the measure described above is replaced by an integration measure. Measure (physics) The measure in quantum physics is the integration measure used for performing a path integral. In quantum field theory, one must sum over all possible histories of a system. When summing over possible histories, which may be very similar to each other, one has to decide when two histories are to be considered different, and when they are to be considered the same, in order not", "psg_id": "10166387" } ]
[ "steps a person takes" ]
what can be a greek god, a paris-based, high-fashion luxury-goods manufacturer, and a futurama character?
[ { "title": "Luxury goods", "text": "example, making a perfume more expensive can increase its perceived value as a luxury good to such an extent that sales can go up, rather than down. Although the technical term luxury good is independent of the goods' quality, they are generally considered to be goods at the highest end of the market in terms of quality and price. Classic luxury goods include haute couture clothing, accessories, and luggage. Many markets have a luxury segment including, for example, automobile, yacht, wine, bottled water, coffee, tea, foods, watches, clothes, jewelry, and high fidelity. Luxuries may be services. The hiring of full-time", "psg_id": "3496889" }, { "title": "Luxury goods", "text": "Fortnum & Mason, Lord & Taylor, Harvey Nichols, Barneys New York, Saks Fifth Avenue, David Jones, KaDeWe, Harrods and Holt Renfrew are seen as some of the most influential and historical. Fashion brands within the luxury goods market tend to be concentrated in exclusive or affluent districts of cities around the world. These include: Luxury goods In economics, a luxury good (or upmarket good) is a good for which demand increases more than proportionally as income rises, and is a contrast to a \"necessity good\", where demand increases proportionally less than income. \"Luxury goods\" is often used synonymously with \"superior", "psg_id": "3496902" }, { "title": "Luxury goods", "text": "companies and ownership of brands across many segments of luxury products. Examples include LVMH, Richemont, and Kering, which dominate the market in areas ranging from luxury drinks to fashion and cosmetics. Global consumer companies, such as Procter & Gamble, are also attracted to the industry, due to the difficulty of making a profit in the mass consumer goods market. The customer base for various luxury goods continue to be more culturally diversified, and this presents more unseen challenges and new opportunities to companies in this industry. The luxury goods market has been on an upward climb for many years. Apart", "psg_id": "3496891" }, { "title": "Luxury goods", "text": "from the setback caused by the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, the industry has performed well, particularly in 2000. In that year, the world luxury goods market – which includes drinks, fashion, cosmetics, fragrances, watches, jewelry, luggage, handbags – was worth close to $170 billion and grew 7.9 percent. The United States has been the largest regional market for luxury goods and is estimated to continue to be the leading personal luxury goods market in 2013, with a value of 62.5 billion euros. The largest sector in this category was luxury drinks, including premium whisky, Champagne, Cognac. This sector was the", "psg_id": "3496892" }, { "title": "Luxury goods", "text": "Luxury goods In economics, a luxury good (or upmarket good) is a good for which demand increases more than proportionally as income rises, and is a contrast to a \"necessity good\", where demand increases proportionally less than income. \"Luxury goods\" is often used synonymously with \"superior goods\" and \"Veblen goods\". The word \"luxury\" originated from the Latin word “Luxus,” which means indulgence of the senses, regardless of cost. Luxury goods are said to have high income elasticity of demand: as people become wealthier, they will buy more luxury goods. This also means, however, that should there be a decline in", "psg_id": "3496887" }, { "title": "Luxury goods", "text": "purpose of displaying wealth or income of their owners. These kinds of goods are the objects of a socio-economic phenomenon called \"conspicuous consumption\" and commonly include luxury vehicles, watches, jewelry, designer clothing, yachts, as well as large residences, urban mansions, and country houses. A luxury brand or prestige brand is a brand for which a majority of its products are luxury goods. It may also include certain brands whose names are associated with luxury, high price, or high quality, though few, if any, of their goods are currently considered luxury goods. LVMH (Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy) is the largest luxury", "psg_id": "3496899" }, { "title": "Luxury goods", "text": "or live-in domestic servants is a luxury reflecting disparities of income. Some financial services, especially in some brokerage houses, can be considered luxury services by default because persons in lower-income brackets generally do not use them. Luxury goods often have special Luxury packaging to differentiate the products from mainstream competitors. The three dominant trends are the main factors that have accelerated the rapid growth of the industry, including the customer base and variations in the consumptions of different brands. The three dominant trends in the global luxury goods market are globalization, consolidation, and diversification. Consolidation involves the growth of big", "psg_id": "3496890" }, { "title": "A God That Can Dance", "text": "the release: \"It just had to be done, it's astonishing work, it's an amazing album. There's an incredible lineup of musicians, the material is just stunning, it was languishing and it needed to be documented, preserved and made available to a new generation of listeners.\" Will Grega of \"AllMusic\" said: David McClanahan wrote: A God That Can Dance A God That Can Dance is the final studio album from Los Angeles-based musician Paul Delph, released privately in 1996 and officially in 2003. \"A God That Can Dance\" was privately released to family and friends in 1996. It chronicles Delph's struggle", "psg_id": "16570523" }, { "title": "Luxury goods", "text": "the global market. The Economist Intelligence Unit published a report on the outlook for luxury goods in Asia which explores the trends and forecasts for the luxury goods market across key markets in Asia. In 2014, the luxury sector is expected to grow over the next 10 years because of 440 million consumers spending a total of 880 billion euros, or $1.2 trillion. Though often verging on the meaningless in modern marketing, \"luxury\" remains a legitimate and current technical term in art history for objects that are especially highly decorated to very high standards and use expensive materials. The term", "psg_id": "3496894" }, { "title": "History of Paris (1946–2000)", "text": "many Paris luxury companies into a few huge conglomerates. The biggest was LVMH, The company was formed by the 1987 merger of the fashion house Louis Vuitton with Moët Hennessy, a company formed after the 1971 Mergers and acquisitions the champagne producer Moët & Chandon and Hennessy, the cognac manufacturer. LVMH itself was largely owned by another Paris luxury goods group, Christian Dior, which purchased 40.9% of its shares, and 59.01% of its voting rights. Bernard Arnault, majority shareholder of Dior, is Chairman of both companies and CEO of LVMH. Another giant Paris luxury goods conglomerate created in the period", "psg_id": "19104685" }, { "title": "Italian fashion", "text": "despite both cities fell down places in subsequent rankings, in 2011, Florence entered as the 31st world fashion capital. Milan is generally considered to be one of the \"big four\" global fashion capitals, along with New York City, Paris, and London; occasionally, the \"big five\" also includes Rome. Italian fashion can be also connected to the most generalized concept of \"Made in Italy\", a sort of merchandise brand expressing excellence of creativity and craftsmanship. Italian luxury goods are renowned for the high quality of their own textiles and the elegance and refinement that goes into making them up, as well", "psg_id": "13896840" }, { "title": "A God That Can Dance", "text": "A God That Can Dance A God That Can Dance is the final studio album from Los Angeles-based musician Paul Delph, released privately in 1996 and officially in 2003. \"A God That Can Dance\" was privately released to family and friends in 1996. It chronicles Delph's struggle with HIV/AIDS and draws its title from a quote attributed in the liner notes to Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900): The album was produced by Delph and Paul Marcus, who also wrote the majority of the material together. The album was engineered by Delph and Jim McMahon. It was recorded at Magic Bus", "psg_id": "16570517" }, { "title": "Paris Fashion Week", "text": "employed him to make her a gown. He gained much recognition through his powerful clients and opened his own haute couture house in Paris in 1858, which sold luxury fashion to upper class women. In 1868 the Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture was created to set the specifications to determine what constituted a ‘couture house’. The group decided that to be defined a piece of haute couture the clothing must have been; custom-made to fit the wearer, hand-sewn by multiple skilled artisans in the separate fields of embroidery, stitching, and beading, and only the most high quality of materials", "psg_id": "10070213" }, { "title": "Luxury goods of China", "text": "China and increase production of larger cars. Swiss shipments of high-end watches, favored as gifts meant to curry favor and caricatured as a symbol of corruption, after peaking in 2012, dropped off in 2013. In April, 2013 sales of gold and jewelry were 72% higher than in April, 2012. Luxury goods of China The market for luxury goods in China composes a significant proportion of all luxury goods sales worldwide. In 2012, China surpassed Japan as the world's largest luxury market. According to a blue paper on commercial development in China, released in 2010 by the Chinese Academy of Social", "psg_id": "15199613" }, { "title": "Luxury goods", "text": "Because luxury has now diffused into the masses, defining the word has become more difficult. Bringing up to the modern day the long and generally very unsuccessful history of sumptuary laws designed to curb excessive personal consumption, in February 2013, the Chinese government banned advertisements for luxury goods on its official state radio and television channels. Several manufactured products attain the status of \"luxury goods\" due to their design, quality, durability or performance that are remarkably superior to the comparable substitutes. Thus, virtually every category of goods available on the market today includes a subset of similar products whose \"luxury\"", "psg_id": "3496897" }, { "title": "Luxury goods of China", "text": "Luxury goods of China The market for luxury goods in China composes a significant proportion of all luxury goods sales worldwide. In 2012, China surpassed Japan as the world's largest luxury market. According to a blue paper on commercial development in China, released in 2010 by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), China's luxury goods market had increased to US$9.4 billion by the end of 2009. This accounted for 27.5% of the world's luxury goods market, an increase from 25% in 2008. On current growth rates, the luxury goods market in China is expected to grow to US$14.6 billion", "psg_id": "15199606" }, { "title": "Luxury goods", "text": "income its demand will drop. Income elasticity of demand is not constant with respect to income, and may change sign at different levels of income. That is to say, a luxury good may become a normal good or even an inferior good at different income levels, e.g. a wealthy person stops buying increasing numbers of luxury cars for his or her automobile collection to start collecting airplanes (at such an income level, the luxury car would become an inferior good). Some luxury products have been claimed to be examples of Veblen goods, with a positive price elasticity of demand: for", "psg_id": "3496888" }, { "title": "Luxury goods", "text": "only one that suffered a decline in value (-0.9 percent). The watches and jewelry section showed the strongest performance, growing in value by 23.3 percent, while the clothing and accessories section grew 11.6 percent between 1996 and 2000, to $32.8 billion. North America is the largest regional market for luxury goods. The largest ten markets for luxury goods account for 83 percent of overall sales, and include Japan, China, United States, Russia, Germany, Italy, France, United Kingdom, Brazil, Spain, and Switzerland. In 2012, China surpassed Japan as the world's largest luxury market. China's luxury consumption accounts for over 25% of", "psg_id": "3496893" }, { "title": "Luxury goods", "text": "good producer in the world with over fifty brands, including Louis Vuitton, the brand with the world's first fashion designer label. The LVMH group made a profit of €2 billion on sales of €12 billion in 2003. Other market leaders include Richemont and Kering (previously named PPR). A rather small group in comparison, the wealthy tend to be extremely influential. Once a brand gets an \"endorsement\" from members of this group, then the brand can be defined as a true \"luxury\" brand. An example of different product lines in the same brand is found in the automotive industry, with \"entry-level\"", "psg_id": "3496900" }, { "title": "Hard to Be a God (2013 film)", "text": "History of the Arkanar Massacre\" (). The press has also mentioned the alternative title \"The Carnage in Arkanare\", and a film script published under the title \"What said the tobacconist from Tobacco Street\". Later, the title was reverted to \"Hard to Be a God\". Reception in the Russian media was mixed. However, \"Hard to Be a God\" received universal acclaim from English-language critics. Review aggregator site Rotten Tomatoes reports that 94% of critics gave the film a positive review, based on 36 reviews with an average rating of 9.1/10. Metacritic, which assigns a weighted average score out of 100 to", "psg_id": "9938589" }, { "title": "Hard to Be a God", "text": "to Earth with utmost speed, as \"all that we hold dear should be either in our hearts or on Earth\". Before Budah's departure, Rumata asks him a theological question: \"what would you ask a god, if he could come from sky and fulfill any of your wishes?\". After a long discussion – with Budah wishing and Rumata explaining the dire consequences of each of the wishes, Budah finally states that the only true gift a god could give the people is to leave them to their affairs. To this, Rumata replies that a god cannot bear the sight of their", "psg_id": "5723761" }, { "title": "Paris School of Business", "text": "program is a 12-month degree for industry professionals. Students acquire knowledge of history, luxury markets and fashion, as well as French savoir-faire, to complement their professional experience. They do field trips to Italy, Basel, Bordeaux, Reims (Champagne), to learn about emerging and existing luxury markets. Students with an MBA in Luxury & Fashion Management go on to work as International Brand Directors, International Product Managers, International Purchase Managers in Luxury Goods, International Luxury Business Development Managers, Buyers, and Fashion Consultants. PSB Paris School of Business offers a part-time 3-year Doctorate programme based on applied research and personalized tutoring, available across", "psg_id": "15404506" }, { "title": "Luxury goods of China", "text": "retail sales of luxury consumer goods; however, Chinese buyers account for 25% of global retail sales of luxury consumer goods. Many shops in international travel destinations have specialized staff devoted to Chinese customers. According to 2007 Global Luxury Survey by \"Time\" magazine, most luxury goods buyers in China buy luxury products as a status symbol. The top five luxury watch brands in the country are Rolex, Omega, Cartier, Vacheron Constantin, and Breitling. In a confidential report titled \"\"China Luxury Market study 2010\"\" in November 2010, the management consulting firm Bain & Company noted the top three luxury brands in China", "psg_id": "15199608" }, { "title": "Luxury tax", "text": "good for which demand increases as price increases. Therefore, the effect of a luxury tax may be to increase demand for certain luxury goods. In general, however, since a luxury good has a high income elasticity of demand by definition, both the income effect and substitution effect will decrease demand sharply as the tax rises. Luxury tax is based on the concept of positional goods, which are scarce goods whose value arises as status symbols largely from their ranking against other positional goods. This creates a zero-sum game in which the absolute amount of goods purchased is less relevant than", "psg_id": "3906060" }, { "title": "Luxury goods of China", "text": "by 2014. Chinese luxury goods consumers are younger than their European counterparts, belonging to the 18-50 age group, compared to Europe's consumers who are generally in the over 40 age group. For this reason, China's luxury goods market is expected to grow faster than that of Europe's. Many of the young luxury goods buyers are self-employed or professionals. According to the consulting firm McKinsey & Company, 80% of Chinese luxury goods buyers are under 45, compared with 30% of luxury goods buyers in the United States and 19% in Japan. Retail sales in China account for only 7% of global", "psg_id": "15199607" }, { "title": "Chinese luxury shopping behaviour", "text": "high brand perceived quality, and are characterised by high price, superb quality, aesthetic design, heritage, reputation, exclusivity, desirability, personality. Luxuries are objects that provide positional status in society. The modern luxury fashion industry originated in France when Charles Frederick Worth arrived in Paris and invented haute couture. The emerging clothing identity was pivotal for the development of luxury goods in the 19c.The success of an haute couture house depended on the talent of a designer who owned the house and who produced made-to-order clothes for aristocracy and upper class. The social groups wanted to reflect wealth and social status. In", "psg_id": "18662264" }, { "title": "Luxury goods of China", "text": "are Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Gucci. According to the report, watches and bags led the growth of the luxury market in 2010. The report documented the top three luxury brands in the country for the following products: Following a ban instituted in October, 2012 on government agencies purchasing luxury goods, often used as \"gifts\", sales of luxury goods in China remained strong, but slowed, even falling slightly for some luxury retailers in the 4th quarter of 2012. As of February 2014 2/3rds of the luxury goods purchased by the wealthy in the People's Republic of China were purchased by tourists", "psg_id": "15199609" }, { "title": "Hard to Be a God", "text": "Hard to Be a God Hard to Be a God (, \"Trudno byt' bogom\") is a 1964 science fiction novel by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky set in the Noon Universe. The novel follows Anton, an undercover operative from the future planet Earth, in his mission on an alien planet that is populated by human beings whose society has not advanced beyond the Middle Ages. The novel's core idea is that human progress throughout the centuries is often cruel and bloody, and that religion and blind faith can be effective tools of oppression, working to destroy the emerging scientific disciplines and", "psg_id": "5723748" }, { "title": "Hard to Be a God", "text": "during the mission. Hard to Be a God Hard to Be a God (, \"Trudno byt' bogom\") is a 1964 science fiction novel by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky set in the Noon Universe. The novel follows Anton, an undercover operative from the future planet Earth, in his mission on an alien planet that is populated by human beings whose society has not advanced beyond the Middle Ages. The novel's core idea is that human progress throughout the centuries is often cruel and bloody, and that religion and blind faith can be effective tools of oppression, working to destroy the emerging", "psg_id": "5723767" }, { "title": "Luxury goods", "text": "and luxury versions of the same types of objects were made. This might cover metalwork, ceramics, glass, arms and armour, and a wide range of objects. It is much less used for objects with no function beyond being an artwork: paintings, drawings and sculpture, even though the disparity in cost between an expensive and cheap work may have been as large. With increasing \"democratization\" of luxury goods, new product categories have been created within the luxury market, called \"accessible luxury\" or \"mass luxury\". These are meant specifically for the middle class, which sometimes called the \"aspiring class\" in this context.", "psg_id": "3496896" }, { "title": "Chinese luxury shopping behaviour", "text": "Chinese luxury shopping behaviour This issue contributes to Chinese luxury shopping behaviour regarded to the basic aspects of luxury industry. This work offers further information about the history of fashion and luxury goods market in different part of the continent focusing more on Chinese market. We can get closer to this field of social aspect highlighting Chinese middle class luxury shopping behaviour and gain more information from the field of luxuries. The term luxury comes from the Latin ´luxuria´, which means the ´extras of life´. The concept of luxury goods refers to have expensive, exclusive goods. Those goods often enjoy", "psg_id": "18662263" }, { "title": "A Contract with God", "text": "idea that God must uphold his end of the first commandment has been a subject of works such as Elie Wiesel's play \"The Trial of God\" (1979), made in response to the atrocities Wiesel witnessed at Auschwitz. To art historian Matthew Baigell, Hershe's angst regarding his relationship with God is a modern response to the questions of Hillel the Elder's quoted in the Pirkei Avot: \"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?\" Literary scholar Susanne Klingenstein found Hersh's character unrealistic from", "psg_id": "5139021" }, { "title": "History of Paris (1946–2000)", "text": "of luxury goods, including jewelry, watches, leather goods, and perfumes. \"Haute couture\", or high fashion, had been largely dominated by French designers since the 18th century. The number of fashion houses in Paris had risen to seventy-two who exhibited at the 1925 Exposition of Decorative Arts, then, after the Depression, dropped to thirty-nine at the Pavilion of Elegance of the 1937 Paris Exposition. After the war, Christian Dior was the first designer to organize a major fashion show on February 12, 1947. Several designers from before the War, including Coco Chanel (who had gone to Switzerland in 1945, then returned", "psg_id": "19104682" }, { "title": "Only a God Can Save Us", "text": "his philosophy and political involvement. The \"Der Spiegel\" interviewers did not bring up Heidegger's 1949 quotation comparing the industrialization of agriculture to the extermination camps. In fact, the interviewers were not in possession of much of the evidence now known for Heidegger's Nazi sympathies. Only a God Can Save Us \"Only a God Can Save Us\" () refers to an interview given by Martin Heidegger to Rudolf Augstein and for \"Der Spiegel\" magazine on September 23, 1966. Heidegger agreed to discuss his political past provided that the interview be published posthumously. It was published five days after his death, on", "psg_id": "20482457" }, { "title": "Only a God Can Save Us", "text": "Only a God Can Save Us \"Only a God Can Save Us\" () refers to an interview given by Martin Heidegger to Rudolf Augstein and for \"Der Spiegel\" magazine on September 23, 1966. Heidegger agreed to discuss his political past provided that the interview be published posthumously. It was published five days after his death, on 31 May 1976. It is translated by William J. Richardson into English. In the interview, Heidegger defended his entanglement with National Socialism in two ways: first, he argued that there was no alternative, saying that he was trying to save the university (and science", "psg_id": "20482454" }, { "title": "Hard to Be a God", "text": "enlightenment. The title 'Hard to Be a God' refers to Anton's (known as his alias Don Rumata throughout the book) perception of his precarious role as an observer on the planet, for while he has far more advanced knowledge than the people around him, he is forbidden to assist too actively as his assistance would interfere with the natural progress of history. The book pays a lot of attention to the internal world of the main character, showing his own evolution from an emotionally uninvolved 'observer' to the person who rejects the blind belief in theory when confronted with the", "psg_id": "5723749" }, { "title": "Luxury goods", "text": "is marked by better-quality components and materials, solid construction, stylish appearance, increased durability, better performance, advanced features, and so on. As such, these luxury goods may retain or improve the basic functionality for which all items of a given category are originally designed. There are also goods that are perceived as luxurious by the public simply because they play a role of status symbols as such goods tend to signify the purchasing power of those who acquire them. These items, while not necessarily being better (in quality, performance, or appearance) than their less expensive substitutes, are purchased with the main", "psg_id": "3496898" }, { "title": "Chinese luxury shopping behaviour", "text": "shopping channels, and price levels. Luxury goods companies are trying to improve their competitiveness with expanding their market geographically. They are oriented towards markets such as China, which currently is the biggest market for luxury and prestige brands from the Western industries. The number of Chinese consumers who can afford luxury goods is about 1.3billion (2012). Chinese consumers are increasingly brand aware, and they intend to invest in luxury fashion brands. Luxury goods companies have to cope with the challenge of cultural and purchasing power differences in China. According to Wong and Ahuvia: ´´The Western rationality inherent in most consumer", "psg_id": "18662266" }, { "title": "Chinese luxury shopping behaviour", "text": "favoured by Chinese consumers: Pen: Montblanc (company) Yacht: Ferretti Chinese luxury shopping behaviour This issue contributes to Chinese luxury shopping behaviour regarded to the basic aspects of luxury industry. This work offers further information about the history of fashion and luxury goods market in different part of the continent focusing more on Chinese market. We can get closer to this field of social aspect highlighting Chinese middle class luxury shopping behaviour and gain more information from the field of luxuries. The term luxury comes from the Latin ´luxuria´, which means the ´extras of life´. The concept of luxury goods refers", "psg_id": "18662274" }, { "title": "A God That Can Dance", "text": "\"A God That Can Dance,\" and in particular, \"Breath of Life,\" also Jimmie Spheeris' CD that Paul put together of Jimmie's renditions of favorite songs.\" Growing interest in Delph's legacy later caused the album to be officially released on CD in 2003. It was digitally remastered and featured new artwork designed by Billy Vaughn, with inserts containing all the lyrics, credits and updated biography information. All sales of the album were to benefit the Paul Delph Memorial Scholarship Fund. After the album's release, five additional Paul Delph collections were to follow, but these have not yet appeared. Marcus said of", "psg_id": "16570522" }, { "title": "History of Paris", "text": "the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, Italy and China. As a destination for upscale European shopping, Paris was especially important. In 2014, visitors to Paris spent $17 billion (€13.58 billion), the third-highest sum globally after London and New York. Fashion and luxury goods also made an important contribution to the Paris economy. In 2014 Paris was the home of the world's largest cosmetics company, L’Oréal, and three of the five top global makers of luxury fashion accessories; Louis Vuitton, Hermés and Cartier. According to one study produced in 2009, Paris was the third most economically powerful city in the", "psg_id": "2276828" }, { "title": "Chinese luxury shopping behaviour", "text": "and branding goods make these people willing to purchase mid to high end luxury products . Due to the lack of knowledge Middle-class consumers in China buy luxury products under the recommendations of experts in the fashion industry. For Chinese people luxuries are still very much a ´fetish´ from ´abroad´. Many people buy luxuries in order to show off, and people consider each other very much on the appearance and just by the first glance . Chinese people seem to purchase luxury goods to good fortune, and apparat to stren the positional value of luxury rather than personal hedonism. Chinese", "psg_id": "18662270" }, { "title": "Fashion", "text": "designs, and design details by larger companies is what often contributes to the failure of many smaller or independent design companies. Since fakes are distinguishable by their poorer quality, there is still a demand for luxury goods, and as only a trademark or logo can be copyrighted, many fashion brands make this one of the most visible aspects of the garment or accessory. In handbags, especially, the designer's brand may be woven into the fabric (or the lining fabric) from which the bag is made, making the brand an intrinsic element of the bag. In 2005, the World Intellectual Property", "psg_id": "154109" }, { "title": "God: A Biography", "text": "about God's nature and motivation. The book won the 1996 Pulitzer Prize for Biography or Autobiography. God: A Biography God: A Biography is a nonfiction book by Jack Miles. The book recounts the tale of existence of the Judeo-Christian deity as the protagonist of the Hebrew Tanakh or Christian Bible Old Testament. The Tanakh and the Old Testament contain the same books, but the order of the books is different. Miles uses the ordering found in the Tanakh to provide the narrative on which his analysis is based. The book's central structure is that God's character develops progressively within the", "psg_id": "11994717" }, { "title": "God: A Biography", "text": "God: A Biography God: A Biography is a nonfiction book by Jack Miles. The book recounts the tale of existence of the Judeo-Christian deity as the protagonist of the Hebrew Tanakh or Christian Bible Old Testament. The Tanakh and the Old Testament contain the same books, but the order of the books is different. Miles uses the ordering found in the Tanakh to provide the narrative on which his analysis is based. The book's central structure is that God's character develops progressively within the narrative. The accounts of God's actions in the various books are then used to deduce information", "psg_id": "11994716" }, { "title": "God in a Pill?", "text": "God in a Pill? God in a Pill? Meher Baba on L.S.D. and The High Roads was a 1966 pamphlet containing messages from Meher Baba speaking out against taking illicit drugs such as marijuana and LSD, ultimately saying they were harmful \"physically, mentally, and spiritually.\" The pamphlet was published in 1966 by Sufism Reoriented using quotes by Meher Baba where he disparaged the view that hallucinogenic and psychedelic drugs, especially LSD, but also marijuana, psilocybin, and other drugs, might be used to elicit meaningful spiritual insight. Meher Baba wrote, \"If God can be found through the medium of any drug,", "psg_id": "7876251" }, { "title": "Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster", "text": "chic can still distinguish themselves, even when Las Vegas hosts the world's ritziest brands.\" Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster is a 2007 book by Paris-based American journalist Dana Thomas. It was a New York Times bestseller. The book examines the corporate consolidation of small family-run luxury businesses into luxury goods holding companies, and their process of \"democratizing\" luxury by making it available for sale to the masses in the forms of handbags, clothing, and accessories. These new luxury conglomerates—principally Kering, which owns Alexander McQueen, Balenciaga, Brioni, and Gucci; Richemont, which owns Dunhill, Cartier,", "psg_id": "12441712" }, { "title": "Once a Greek", "text": "to be attacking something brilliantly, but what is it?\" Vonnegut wrote: \"His jokes are Jungian jokes, it seems to me--private, Kraut, mythological. And, while he seems to protest against the absurdities of modern times, he doesn't care enough about them to learn much about them. What we have here is an elegant exploration of a Jungian dream.\" In 1966 it was turned into a West German film \"Once a Greek\" directed by Rolf Thiele and starring the comedian Heinz Rühmann. Once a Greek Once a Greek is a 1955 novel by the Swiss writer Friedrich Dürrenmatt. Its original German title", "psg_id": "16349313" }, { "title": "Hard to Be a God", "text": "be considered a sequel to the book. The player takes the role of a rookie imperial intelligence officer, straight out of the intelligence academy. The first mission is to investigate the disappearance of Don Rumata, and all the ramifications of his disappearance. It quickly becomes clear why an inexperienced rookie agent was chosen for such a complex mission: since the player character is young and inexperienced, their higher-ups are hoping that they fail so that the entire incident can be swept under the rug. The player eventually discovers the truth and begins to use the advanced weaponry of Earth offered", "psg_id": "5723766" }, { "title": "Economy of Paris", "text": "is headquartered in the Paris Region. It ranked 148 in the Fortune Global 500 in 2015. Paris has a long history, dating back to the Middle Ages, of producing luxury goods for the aristocracy and the wealthy. Today the most important luxury goods firm in Paris is LVMH, headed by Bernard Arnault, who also heads Christian Dior S.A., a major international fashion company, which has its headquarters on Avenue Montaigne in the 8th arrondissement. Dior holds 42.36 percent of the stock of LVMH, 59.01 percent of the voting rights in LVMH. The LVMH group, which has its headquarters at 30", "psg_id": "6600605" }, { "title": "Luxury goods", "text": "cars marketed to younger, less wealthy consumers, and higher-cost models for older and more wealthy consumers. The advertising expenditure for the average luxury brand is 5-15% of sales revenue, or about 25% with the inclusion of other communications such as public relations, events and sponsorships. Since the uprising of the 'luxury brand' in the 1800s, department stores dedicated to selling all major luxury brands have popped up in most major cities around the world. Le Bon Marche located in Paris, France is credited for being one of the first of its kind, but also Neiman Marcus, Selfridges, Lane Crawford, Isetan,", "psg_id": "3496901" }, { "title": "A Farewell to Arms (Futurama)", "text": "A Farewell to Arms (Futurama) \"A Farewell to Arms\" is the second episode of the seventh season of the animated sitcom \"Futurama\". It originally aired on Comedy Central on June 20, 2012 directly after \"The Bots and the Bees\". In the episode, an ancient Martian prophecy predicts the end of civilization in the year 3012. The episode was written by Josh Weinstein and directed by Raymie Muzquiz. The episode received a WGA Award nomination. Professor Farnsworth launches a weather balloon to gather data on a series of recent, bizarre weather patterns on Earth. Fry ties his \"lucky pants\" to the", "psg_id": "16602301" }, { "title": "Fashion law", "text": "and tax issues at stake, in the fashion and luxury goods sectors, and was the second conceptualization ever of the interactions between the legal field and the fashion and luxury goods industries. Indeed, while Europeans prefer to refer to this sub-legal field as the law of luxury goods, Americans prefer to use the more 'democratic' term of \"fashion law\". In 2006, Professor Susan Scafidi offered the first course in Fashion Law at Fordham Law School. Fashion Law courses were also developed and offered to designers at the Fashion Institute of Technology (by Guillermo Jimenez) and Parsons School of Design (by", "psg_id": "4320109" }, { "title": "A Farewell to Arms (Futurama)", "text": "arms. Scruffy rescues Leela off-screen using a ladder. With Mars still in Earth's orbit, Professor Farnsworth uses the birth machine from \"Rebirth\" to make new arms for Fry and Leela while their severed arms float off into space, still holding each other's hands. A Farewell to Arms (Futurama) \"A Farewell to Arms\" is the second episode of the seventh season of the animated sitcom \"Futurama\". It originally aired on Comedy Central on June 20, 2012 directly after \"The Bots and the Bees\". In the episode, an ancient Martian prophecy predicts the end of civilization in the year 3012. The episode", "psg_id": "16602307" }, { "title": "God Must Be a Cowboy", "text": "God Must Be a Cowboy \"God Must Be a Cowboy\" is a song written and recorded by American country music artist Dan Seals. It was released in January 1984 as the fourth and final single from his album \"Rebel Heart\". It was also his first top 10 hit, reaching #10. It is also the album's most successful single. The music video, directed by Neil Abramson, is one of three videos Seals filmed specially for his 1991 video compilation, \"A Portrait\". The video shows Seals singing the song in the middle of a highway in a desert and also shows footage", "psg_id": "12985614" }, { "title": "God Must Be a Cowboy", "text": "and photographs of a mix of ranches and cowboys in their typical lifestyle. God Must Be a Cowboy \"God Must Be a Cowboy\" is a song written and recorded by American country music artist Dan Seals. It was released in January 1984 as the fourth and final single from his album \"Rebel Heart\". It was also his first top 10 hit, reaching #10. It is also the album's most successful single. The music video, directed by Neil Abramson, is one of three videos Seals filmed specially for his 1991 video compilation, \"A Portrait\". The video shows Seals singing the song", "psg_id": "12985615" }, { "title": "Hard to Be a God", "text": "1973, was made from a German translation rather than the original Russian. In 2014 the Chicago Review Press published the first English translation, by Olena Bormashenko, made directly from the Russian original. Theodore Sturgeon praised \"Hard to Be a God\" as \"one of the most skillfully written, heavily freighted sf novels I have ever read,\" saying \"The writing is well paced and the narrative is beautifully structured.\" One of the most popular Strugatsky's novels, \"Hard to Be a God\" was adapted multiple times on different media. \"Without Weapons\" (Без оружия, \"Bez oruzhia\") also known as \"A Man from a Distant", "psg_id": "5723764" }, { "title": "The Luxury Institute", "text": "Brand Status Index surveys, which aggregate the brand preferences of high-net-worth individuals within various luxury market categories. In 2009, some available categories included: The Luxury Institute The Luxury Institute is a premium goods and services consulting firm based in New York, NY. It has the largest global network of luxury experts. It has conducted more quantitative and qualitative research on affluent consumers than any other entity. Over the last 16 years, the firm has served over 1,000 luxury and premium goods and services brands. The Luxury Institute's reports, as well as CEO Milton Pedraza, have been cited in luxury industry", "psg_id": "13545942" }, { "title": "Oh What a Circus", "text": "Oh What a Circus \"Oh What a Circus\" is a song from the 1976 musical \"Evita\", written by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, and music composed by Webber. It was recorded by English singer David Essex and released as a single on August 19, 1978, by Mercury Records. Essex had played the character of Che in the musical based on Che Guevara, and the song is sung from Che's point-of-view. Produced and arranged by Mike Batt, \"Oh What a Circus\" is a mid-tempo song, comparing the musical's title character Eva Perón's life with a circus, and calling her actions", "psg_id": "10066481" }, { "title": "(How to Be A) Millionaire", "text": "Philbin was the former host of \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire\" The music video is in animation and shows a cartoon Martin Fry and Mark White being overwhelmed by their luxury goods, which are continually growing in size. The other two band members make a brief appearance in cartoon form. (How to Be A) Millionaire \"(How to Be A) Millionaire\" is a song by English new wave and synth-pop band ABC. It was the first single taken from their third studio album, \"How to Be a ... Zillionaire!\" The single peaked at a modest No. 49 on the UK", "psg_id": "11473611" }, { "title": "Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs", "text": "Murphy as Colleen, Fry's new polyamorous girlfriend; David Cross as Yivo, the planet-sized tentacled omnipotent alien; Professor Stephen Hawking reprising himself, this time as his own head in a jar; and Dan Castellaneta reprising his role as the Robot Devil. Aside from her regular work on the animated series \"King of the Hill\", this was Murphy's last voice-over role before her death in December 2009. The DVD features a commentary track, deleted scenes, and footage animated for the \"Futurama\" video game retitled \"\". \"The Lost Adventure\" also features its own commentary track. Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs Futurama:", "psg_id": "10681828" }, { "title": "Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs", "text": "Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs is a 2008 American direct-to-video adult animated science-fiction comedy-adventure film and the second of the four \"Futurama\" straight-to-DVD films. The film was released in the United States and Canada on June 24, 2008, followed by a UK release on June 30, 2008 and an Australian release on August 6, 2008. It has been confirmed by David X. Cohen on the audio commentary that the title refers to a euphemism for sexual intercourse—\"the beast with two backs\"—that originated in English with Shakespeare's \"Othello\". Comedy Central aired the", "psg_id": "10681815" }, { "title": "Chinese luxury shopping behaviour", "text": "can help consumers accomplish their social goals. Luxury brands in China need to highlight the social meanings of their products and clearly communicate how their products can benefit consumers in important social situations and connect them with desirable social groups. China is set to become the second biggest consumer of luxury goods by 2015. Hatssmon Y. & Dixit V. (2009), Understanding China's wealthy, McKinsey Q (4):32–3.eavily influenced by fashion advertising and magazines for over two decades, wealthy Chinese consumers are no longer naïve admirers of just any big logos. They have developed their favourite luxury retailers. The top luxury brands", "psg_id": "18662273" }, { "title": "I Am a God", "text": "lead by the title were defended by Priest Father Matthew Moretz on August 30, 2013. In October 2016, a demo of the track, alongside one of \"FML\" from West's seventh studio album \"The Life of Pablo\" (2016), was uploaded to SoundCloud, which featured a new verse and synth line. Since its release, West has talked about the message of the song in numerous interviews. In an interview with W in June 2013 it was made known that the song was inspired by a 'diss' from a major fashion designer during Paris Fashion Week, where West was informed that he’d be", "psg_id": "17398812" }, { "title": "Kelly bag", "text": "Kelly bag The Kelly bag (formerly known as the Sac à dépêches) is a leather handbag designed by the Paris-based, high-fashion luxury-goods manufacturer Hermès. Originally a saddle holder, it was redesigned several times before it was popularized by and then named after the American actress and Monégasque princess Grace Kelly. The bag is now an expensive status symbol. The Kelly bag is a trapezium closed with two straps. Four studs on the bottom, itself made of three layers of leather, enable it to stand on the ground. It is sold in eight sizes, ranging from to . The padlock, keys", "psg_id": "17437783" }, { "title": "Chinese luxury shopping behaviour", "text": "theories needs to be reinterpreted through the eyes of Eastern reality\" (Wong & Ahuvia, 1998, p. 436). China is culturally a collectivist country, and identities are often described as Confucian collectivism which emphases the social relationship and group welfare over individual needs. Chinese consumers are concerned with positional value consumption in their luxury fashion brand purchasing behaviour. They perceive and pursue comprehensive values associated with luxury fashion brands. Chinese consumers put more emphasis on social value brands compared with other countries. They often use material possessions and brand names to reinforce their social identity. Luxury goods are their social tools", "psg_id": "18662267" }, { "title": "Beaugrenelle Paris shopping mall", "text": "certification: HQE1 and Level 2 BREEAM (rated 'Very Good'). There are 120 shops and restaurants in the mall. Beaugrenelle Paris is a mix between a department store and a shopping mall. Its three theme-oriented buildings are home to 61 dedicated fashion outlets, selling everything from high street to luxury brands. There are stores dedicated to women's, men's and children's fashions, as well as lingerie, footwear, jewelry and leather goods. The mall also includes 10 stores dedicated to beauty and well-being products, 12 devoted to household items, and 14 that sell cultural and leisure goods. In addition, Beaugrenelle offers some brands", "psg_id": "18659430" }, { "title": "Italian fashion", "text": "or its outskirts. Florence's main upscale shopping street is Via de' Tornabuoni, where major luxury fashion houses and jewelry labels, such as Armani and Bulgari, have their elegant boutiques. Via del Parione and Via Roma are other streets that are also well known for their high-end fashion stores. Rome is widely recognized as a world fashion capital. Although not as important as Milan, Rome is the world's 4th most important centre for fashion in the world, according to the 2009 Global Language Monitor after Milan, New York and Paris, and beating London. Major luxury fashion houses and jewelry chains, such", "psg_id": "13896856" }, { "title": "Barbie: A Fashion Fairytale", "text": "her future as an actress, Barbie receives a phone call from Ken, saying that he wants to break up with her immediately. Advised by her best friends, Teresa and Grace, to get away for a while, Barbie goes to Paris to visit her Aunt Millicent, who runs a fashion house. Teresa and Grace confront Ken about the break-up, and they all realize that Barbie's arch-rival, Raquelle, made the call, using a recording of Ken reading from a script. Ken sets off for Paris to show Barbie he loves her, but he encounters many problems before getting to her. In Paris,", "psg_id": "14866737" }, { "title": "What Is it Like to Be a Bat?", "text": "of experience, and the subjective character of experience cannot be explained by a reductionist being; it is a mental phenomenon that cannot be reduced to materialism. Thus for consciousness to be explained from a reductionist stance, the idea of the subjective character of experience would have to be discarded, which is absurd. Neither can a physicalist view, because in such a world each phenomenal experience had by a conscious being would have to have a physical property attributed to it, which is impossible to prove due to the subjectivity of conscious experience. Nagel argues that each and every subjective experience", "psg_id": "9902783" }, { "title": "A Contract with God", "text": "the view of Jewish scholarship. She wrote that \"the suffering of the righteous\" is \"one of the greatest problems in Jewish thought\", and that a character as devoutly religious as Hersh would not have struggled with what she saw as elementary Jewish teaching. The book took two years to finish. Eisner worked through a variety of approaches and styles, and toyed with using color, overlays, or washes, before settling on a hard-lined style printed in sepia. As he had no deadline, he reworked and resequenced the stories until he was satisfied. Eisner intended \"A Contract with God\" to have an", "psg_id": "5139022" }, { "title": "What a Life (play)", "text": "Aldrich Family\", was broadcast for three seasons. What a Life (play) What a Life is a 1938 Broadway play by Clifford Goldsmith. \"What a Life\" is set in Central High School, with action primarily occurring in the principal's office. The main character, Henry Aldrich, \"thinks he is dumb because his father won a Phi Beta Kappa key at college.\" During the play, Aldrich faces charges that he caused a disturbance in class and that he stole brass instruments from the band. He also has to deal with a student who bullies him. The play was copyrighted on July 7, 1936,", "psg_id": "20173010" }, { "title": "What a Life (play)", "text": "What a Life (play) What a Life is a 1938 Broadway play by Clifford Goldsmith. \"What a Life\" is set in Central High School, with action primarily occurring in the principal's office. The main character, Henry Aldrich, \"thinks he is dumb because his father won a Phi Beta Kappa key at college.\" During the play, Aldrich faces charges that he caused a disturbance in class and that he stole brass instruments from the band. He also has to deal with a student who bullies him. The play was copyrighted on July 7, 1936, under the title \"Enter to Learn\". After", "psg_id": "20173007" }, { "title": "What a Time to Be Alive", "text": "and Future premiered the album on Beats 1 on OVO Sound's \"OVO Sound Radio\" show on September 20, 2015, and weeks after it was released on the iTunes Store and Apple Music. The Summer Sixteen Tour by Drake was made to support this mixtape. \"What a Time to Be Alive\" received generally positive reviews from music critics. The album received a normalized metascore of 70 out of 100 on the review aggregate website Metacritic based on 24 critics. \"Billboard\" described Drake and Future's chemistry as expected and said \"Future deals with personal demons that he tries, and fails, to drown", "psg_id": "19036614" }, { "title": "What a Time to Be Alive", "text": "\"glimmering\" and hails both rappers when they are able to work on their own and make music in their respective comfort zones in songs like Future's \"Jersey\" and Drake's \"30 for 30 Freestyle\". \"Complex\" said about Drake verses; \"despite a corny bar here or there, Drake sounds way more energized with much better flows.\" \"Entertainment Weekly\" was disappointed with Drake on the album, quoting \"despite a beat by Drake whisperer Noah \"40\" Shebib, the album-closing \"30 For 30 Freestyle\" doesn't come near clearing the admittedly high bar Drake has set for himself in 2015.\" \"What a Time to Be Alive\"", "psg_id": "19036617" }, { "title": "A Man and a Woman", "text": "number 145. Watching the television coverage of the conclusion of the race, Anne sends Jean-Louis a telegram that reads, \"Bravo! I love you. Anne.\" That night at a dinner for the drivers at the Monte Carlo Casino, Jean-Louis receives the telegram and leaves immediately. He jumps into the other Mustang (number 184) used during the race and drives through the night to Paris, telling himself that when a woman sends a telegram like that, you go to her no matter what. Along the way he imagines what their reunion will be like. At her Paris apartment, Jean-Louis learns that Anne", "psg_id": "1694322" }, { "title": "A Bad Boy Can Be Good For a Girl", "text": "City Star gave a positive rating. The English Journal praised the book, recommending it to educators as a summer reading book for their students. The School Library Journal cited the free verse as a highlight of the book, naming \"A Bad Boy Can Be Good For a Girl\" its \"Book of the Week\" in January 2006. A Bad Boy Can Be Good For a Girl A Bad Boy Can Be Good For A Girl is the first novel by Tanya Lee Stone and written in a poetry-format. It follows the story of three girls who fall for the same bad", "psg_id": "16659006" }, { "title": "Economy of Paris", "text": "of the French mining industry and railroad network. The reign of Louis-Philippe became known as \"the reign of the boutique\". During the July Monarchy, Paris continued to be the marketplace of luxury goods for wealthiest of Europe, and the leader in fashion. The perfumer Pierre-François-Pascal Guerlain had opened his first shop on the \"rue de Rivoli\" in 1828. In 1840, he opened a larger shop at 145 \"rue de la Paix\", which was also the first street in Paris to be lit with gaslight. The porcelain factory at Sèvres, which had long made table settings for the royal courts of", "psg_id": "6600646" }, { "title": "Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster", "text": "Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster is a 2007 book by Paris-based American journalist Dana Thomas. It was a New York Times bestseller. The book examines the corporate consolidation of small family-run luxury businesses into luxury goods holding companies, and their process of \"democratizing\" luxury by making it available for sale to the masses in the forms of handbags, clothing, and accessories. These new luxury conglomerates—principally Kering, which owns Alexander McQueen, Balenciaga, Brioni, and Gucci; Richemont, which owns Dunhill, Cartier, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Montblanc, and Van Cleef & Arpels, and LVMH, which owns Bulgari, Dior, DKNY,", "psg_id": "12441710" }, { "title": "What A Nuisance", "text": "What A Nuisance What A Nuisance (1978–2005) was a New Zealand-bred Thoroughbred racehorse. He was best known for winning the Melbourne Cup at Flemington Racecourse in November 1985. What A Nuisance was a bay horse with a white sock on his right hind foot bred in New Zealand by. He was sired by St Puckle, a British-bred son of the 1960 Epsom Derby winner St. Paddy. His dam, Fashion Bell was a descendant of The Witch, a British mare who was exported to Australia in the late 19th century, becoming the grand-dam of the 1902 Melbourne Cup winner The Victory.", "psg_id": "16811874" }, { "title": "And Be a Villain", "text": "And Be a Villain And Be a Villain (British title More Deaths Than One) is a Nero Wolfe detective novel by Rex Stout, first published by the Viking Press in 1948. The story was collected in the omnibus volumes \"Full House\" (Viking 1961) and \"Triple Zeck\" (Viking 1974). A radio show guest is poisoned on the air during a plug for the show's sponsor, a soft-drink manufacturer. The negative publicity, and the low bank balance at tax time, brings Nero Wolfe into the case — and into his first recorded encounter with a shadowy master criminal. \"And Be a Villain\"", "psg_id": "8349154" }, { "title": "What a Waste", "text": "the song re-recorded by the band but the version from \"New Boots and Panties!!\" which is not a Blockheads album (although some of the band do play on it). \"What a Waste\", however, is a Blockheads track. On their eponymous album from 1998, English indie rock band, theaudience quote the song in the chorus of 'Running Out Of Space': \"It's high time for summer and for honesty / when you're drunk you will sing 'What A Waste'\" followed by a short phrase on keyboards based on the chorus guitar riff. The song was ranked at No. 3 among the top", "psg_id": "9717348" }, { "title": "Paris", "text": "the financial capital of continental Europe, the primary European centre of book publishing and fashion and the manufacture of fine furniture and luxury goods. In the summer of 1789, Paris became the centre stage of the French Revolution. On 14 July, a mob seized the arsenal at the Invalides, acquiring thousands of guns, and stormed the Bastille, a symbol of royal authority. The first independent Paris Commune, or city council, met in the \"Hôtel de Ville\" and, on 15 July, elected a Mayor, the astronomer Jean Sylvain Bailly. Louis XVI and the royal family were brought to Paris and made", "psg_id": "308357" }, { "title": "What a Week to Get Real", "text": "What a Week to Get Real What a Week to Get Real is the eighth part of What a Week series by Rosie Rushton. It was published in 2005 by Piccadilly Press Ltd. Jade is going to Paris with her grandmother. She meets a boy - Flynn Jackson - in the train to Brighton. They become friends. Flynn lives in Dunchester, so Jade can see him. They fall in love with each other quickly. Jade is trying to help Tansy with Andy, who doesn't talk to her. She sends text messages, which are supposed to be from Tansy. Cleo is", "psg_id": "13885093" }, { "title": "What a Time to Be Alive", "text": "platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), for combined sales and album-equivalent units of over a million units. Credits adapted from the album's liner notes and Tidal. Notes Credits adapted from album's liner notes and Tidal. Musicians Technical What a Time to Be Alive What a Time to Be Alive is a collaborative commercial mixtape by Canadian rapper Drake and American rapper Future. It was released on September 20, 2015, by Young Money Entertainment, Cash Money Records, Republic Records, OVO Sound, Epic Records, A1 Records and Freebandz. \"What a Time to Be Alive\" was supported by Drake and", "psg_id": "19036619" }, { "title": "What a Time to Be Alive", "text": "What a Time to Be Alive What a Time to Be Alive is a collaborative commercial mixtape by Canadian rapper Drake and American rapper Future. It was released on September 20, 2015, by Young Money Entertainment, Cash Money Records, Republic Records, OVO Sound, Epic Records, A1 Records and Freebandz. \"What a Time to Be Alive\" was supported by Drake and Future's previous collaboration on the single \"Where Ya At\". As friends, they originally planned to record a mixtape together earlier in the year; the project never fully materialized. However, during recording sessions for \"Where Ya At\", the duo began working", "psg_id": "19036612" }, { "title": "French fashion", "text": "of the city shopping districts, in these areas are a lot of fashion houses for both nationals and internationals. Lyon, the third largest city of France, is a growing fashion industry center. It has been the world's silk capital since the 17th century, with an important textile industry and a strong fashion culture. It is the second biggest luxury goods consumer of the country, with major streets and districts holding houses of high fashion. The Presqu'île is the upscale district of the city, containing luxurious malls, streets and avenue. The famous Rue de la République is compared with Avenue des", "psg_id": "10156892" }, { "title": "Counterfeit consumer goods", "text": "lights. Similar to methods implemented in the production of currency, invisible threads and dyes are used to create unique designs within the weaves of luxury textiles that cannot be replicated by counterfeiters due to a unique set of fibres, anisotropic tapes, and polymer dyes used by the brand and manufacturer. Counterfeit consumer goods Counterfeit consumer goods are goods, often of inferior quality, made or sold under another's brand name without the brand owner’s authorization. Sellers of such goods may infringe on either the trademark, patent or copyright of the brand owner by passing off its goods as made by the", "psg_id": "13177562" }, { "title": "Alice Cooper a Paris", "text": "Alice Cooper a Paris Alice Cooper a Paris (more commonly known as \"Alice in Paris\") is a French television special starring shock-rocker Alice Cooper. A series of music videos of songs from his then-current album \"Special Forces\" with a few songs from \"Flush the Fashion\" and some older hits mixed in, several songs were re-recorded for the special (\"Only Women Bleed\", \"I'm Eighteen\", \"Billion Dollar Babies\", \"School's Out\") and have shown up as B-sides of singles with crowd noises mixed in to give the illusion that they were live recordings. The songs are performed in English, but one brief split-screen", "psg_id": "14054442" }, { "title": "A God That Can Dance", "text": "Paul, here you can use this.\" Recalling \"Mama Don't Cry\", Marcus said: \"I remember when he wrote \"Mama Don't Cry\", it came out of a conversation where I said 'you gotta tell your folks, you've got to tell them', if he wanted to protect them as he's a sweet guy who doesn't want anyone to hurt. And he did, and one of his ways of telling his mother was to write the song.\"\" Three days after Delph's death, his mother, June, published a letter based on Paul's final week. She said: \"Throughout the week, we played music for Paul -", "psg_id": "16570521" }, { "title": "I Am a God", "text": "it to be titled \"I Am God\", which caused controversy. Then it was revealed that there was a song titled \"I Am a God\". West's camp said the title was a reference to Psalm 82: \"I said, 'You are gods, / And all of you are children of the Most High.\" West debuted the song at the 2013 New York Governors Ball. On June 12, 2013, six days before the album \"Yeezus\" was released, a video was uploaded on West's website of him recording vocals for \"I Am a God\" with producer Rick Rubin and Mike Dean. Accusations of blasphemy", "psg_id": "17398811" }, { "title": "A Greek–English Lexicon", "text": "français du Nouveau Testament\" (the Greek-French Dictionary of the New Testament), based on some \"Lexicon\" of the New Testament and the Septuagint. A Greek–English Lexicon A Greek–English Lexicon, often referred to as Liddell & Scott (), Liddell–Scott–Jones, or LSJ, is a standard lexicographical work of the Ancient Greek language. The lexicon was begun in the nineteenth century and is now in its ninth (revised) edition. Based on the earlier \"Handwörterbuch der griechischen Sprache\" by the German lexicographer Franz Passow (first published in 1819, fourth edition 1831), which in turn was based on Johann Gottlob Schneider's \"Kritisches griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch\", it has", "psg_id": "3851970" }, { "title": "Etienne Aigner", "text": "Etienne Aigner Étienne Aigner (November 8, 1904 – November 5, 2000) was the founder of Etienne Aigner US and Etienne Aigner AG, two presently separate high fashion houses, based respectively in New York City and Munich, Germany. Both companies produce luxury goods including handbags, shoes, women's ready-to-wear, wallets, and leather accessories. Étienne Aigner was born in Érsekújvár, Austro-Hungarian Empire, in 1904 (now Nové Zámky, Slovakia). Aigner was at first a bookbinder; shortly after the Second World War, he was creating custom-made high-end leather goods for a number of haute couture (high fashion) boutiques in Paris. Aigner established himself designing handbags", "psg_id": "13641482" }, { "title": "A Bad Boy Can Be Good For a Girl", "text": "A Bad Boy Can Be Good For a Girl A Bad Boy Can Be Good For A Girl is the first novel by Tanya Lee Stone and written in a poetry-format. It follows the story of three girls who fall for the same bad boy intent on seducing every girl in school. Josie is thrilled when TL notices her across the dance floor because of her \"couldn't care less\" act. Although refusing to at first, she begins ignoring her best friends, Kim and Caroline, but never gives them the cold shoulder. She's a freshman and, despite some close encounters, refuses", "psg_id": "16659003" }, { "title": "City of Paris Dry Goods Co.", "text": "was founded by Felix and Emile Verdier in May 1850 when Emile arrived in the San Francisco Harbor on a chartered ship, the \"Ville de Paris\" (City of Paris), loaded with silks, laces, fine wines, champagne, and Cognac. Verdier brothers had previously owned a silk-stocking manufacturer in Nîmes and Paris in France. The citizens of San Francisco quickly surrounded the ship with rowboats and purchased all the goods without them ever being unloaded from the ship. Many purchases were made with bags of gold dust. Emile Verdier quickly returned to France and loaded the ship bound for San Francisco arriving", "psg_id": "11891882" }, { "title": "A God in Ruins (novel)", "text": "again deeply grieving for the dead Teddy. Nancy cannot ever know that, in renouncing his post-war life, Teddy had also created a future in which she would be saved from the brain tumor - though it would be at the side of another man..\" A God in Ruins (novel) A God in Ruins, the ninth novel by Kate Atkinson, was published in 2015. The main character, Teddy Todd is the younger brother of Ursula Todd, the protagonist in Atkinson's 2013 novel, \"Life After Life\". Atkinson calls it the \"companion piece\" rather than a sequel to the earlier novel. The first", "psg_id": "20023403" }, { "title": "David A. Goodman", "text": "the \"Futurama\" episode \"Where No Fan Has Gone Before\" (which he wrote), he mentioned he is a huge \"Star Trek\" fan, with an encyclopedic knowledge of the original series. It is also noted that every episode number and name mentioned is 100% correct in the episode. He also states in the commentary that his work for \"Futurama\" involving the \"Star Trek\" episode was partly what got him a job after \"Futurama\" writing for \"\". He was one of the executive producers of \"Family Guy\", beginning its fourth season, joining the show as a co-executive producer in season three. Goodman is", "psg_id": "7873269" }, { "title": "A Greek–English Lexicon", "text": "A Greek–English Lexicon A Greek–English Lexicon, often referred to as Liddell & Scott (), Liddell–Scott–Jones, or LSJ, is a standard lexicographical work of the Ancient Greek language. The lexicon was begun in the nineteenth century and is now in its ninth (revised) edition. Based on the earlier \"Handwörterbuch der griechischen Sprache\" by the German lexicographer Franz Passow (first published in 1819, fourth edition 1831), which in turn was based on Johann Gottlob Schneider's \"Kritisches griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch\", it has served as the basis for all later lexicographical work on the ancient Greek language, such as the ongoing Greek–Spanish dictionary project \"Diccionario", "psg_id": "3851959" }, { "title": "Luxury tax", "text": "tax team owners have to pay for their teams going over the salary cap, basically a financial penalty for high-spending teams. One of the squares on the \"Monopoly\" board game (U.S. edition) is labeled \"luxury tax\". While there is a picture of a sparkling diamond ring on the square, the only effect is that whoever lands on this square must pay $75.00 to the bank. Luxury tax A luxury tax is a tax on luxury goods: products not considered essential. A luxury tax may be modeled after a sales tax or VAT, charged as a percentage on all items of", "psg_id": "3906065" }, { "title": "God and a Girl", "text": "God and a Girl God and a Girl is the second release and debut full-length album by Christian artist/songwriter Joy Whitlock, released on Ardent Records. The album contains 14 tracks, 4 of which were on her \"The Fake EP\" released in 2005. The album title comes from the theme of Whitlock's conversations with God throughout each song. Some are written from her perspective to God, others from God to her. As on her EP, strings of struggle, pain, doubt, and redemption are woven throughout the album. \"Holding on to Me\" was released as the first single off the album, garnering", "psg_id": "12834102" } ]
[ "hermoea", "kyllenios", "enagonios", "atlantiades", "hermes (greek religion and mythology)", "hermes (mythology)", "hermes cylleneius", "hermes", "hermese", "hermes criophorus", "hermês", "hermes logios", "hermes and apollo", "cyllenius", "hermes psychopompus", "cult of hermes", "argeiphontes", "psychopompus", "cylleneius" ]
what flour brand has sponsored an annual/semi-annual bake-off since 1949, the winner of which nets a cool $1million?
[ { "title": "Pillsbury Bake-Off", "text": "Pillsbury Bake-Off The Pillsbury Bake-Off is a cooking contest, first run by the Pillsbury Company from 1949–1976, 2013 to 2014, and since 2017 as an annual contest. From 1978 to 2012, the contest was held biennially. There was no contest in 2015 to 2016. The first contest was held in 1949 as the Grand National Recipe and Baking Contest and hosted in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. The grand prize was originally $25,000. From 1996 to 2014, the grand prize was $1,000,000. Since 2017, the grand prize is $50,000 plus a kitchen makeover from GE Appliances. The only required ingredient in the", "psg_id": "9392462" } ]
[ { "title": "The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice", "text": "The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice (sometimes shortened to An Extra Slice) is a British television after-show to follow the series \"The Great British Bake Off\". Hosted by Jo Brand, the show features three celebrity panelist to discus the after-events of the week. Originally,the show began airing on BBC Two on 8th August 2014 two days after the premiere episode of the fifth series of the main show, and is filmed at The London Studios. In April 2017, it was announced that the series and Brand would follow \"The Great", "psg_id": "18202976" }, { "title": "Junior Bake Off", "text": "Junior Bake Off Junior Bake Off is a British TV baking competition series where forty young bakers tackle a series of baking challenges including the art of baking cakes, biscuits, bread and pastries all competing to be crowned \"\"Junior Bake Off\" Champion\", with all their bakes being judged by two leading chefs. It is a spin-off from the main series, \"The Great British Bake Off\" and is broadcast on CBBC. Semi-Finalist Finalist Winner The four finalists are first given a masterclass; in the masterclass they learn how to decorate shortbread and cupcakes to a professional standard. They are then split", "psg_id": "16034239" }, { "title": "Long Island Pizza Festival & Bake-Off", "text": "Long Island Pizza Festival & Bake-Off The Long Island Pizza Festival & Bake-Off is an annual charity event that takes place on Long Island, New York. The event is coordinated and hosted by a free online news and information resource for Long Island. Long Island pizzerias compete to be named Best Pizza on Long Island in an online voting contest. The finalists are selected to participate in the Bake-Off which takes place at the Pizza Festival held annually during National Pizza Month in October. The Long Island Pizza Festival has been featured on FoodNetwork TV's \"All American Festivals,\" written", "psg_id": "8331161" }, { "title": "Long Island Pizza Festival & Bake-Off", "text": "help feed the hungry. A portion of the proceeds go to Long Island Cares and Island Harvest, non-profit food organizations based on Long Island, NY. Long Island Pizza Festival & Bake-Off The Long Island Pizza Festival & Bake-Off is an annual charity event that takes place on Long Island, New York. The event is coordinated and hosted by a free online news and information resource for Long Island. Long Island pizzerias compete to be named Best Pizza on Long Island in an online voting contest. The finalists are selected to participate in the Bake-Off which takes place at the", "psg_id": "8331163" }, { "title": "Junior Bake Off", "text": "invited friends and family. A second series began on 11 November 2013 on CBBC. Chef James Martin replaces Hollywood as judge in this series of \"Junior Bake Off\". Semi-Finalist Finalist Winner In this episode the four finalists face the pressure of a professional kitchen, baking in one of the worlds most famous restaurants, Harrods, they must bake to the highest standards in order to impress Mary, James, Pastry Chef Marcus Bore and John Whaite. The two teams have 1 hour 15 minutes to bake 15 Shortbread Tea Fancies and two types of Scones; 10 Fruit and 10 Plain. In this", "psg_id": "16034241" }, { "title": "Bake Off: The Professionals", "text": "comparing it unfavourably to \"The Great British Bake Off\", suggesting that it had lost the crucial elements that made the original \"Bake Off\" a success. Michael Hogan of \"The Daily Telegraph\" complained that the new show \"bore no resemblance to it whatsoever, thus seemed to be merely piggybacking cynically on the Bake-Off “brand\". He also found two of the judges' accents as well as the scoring system \"impenetrable\", the baking \"bafflingly scientific\" and the teams not \"terribly likeable\". He concluded that \"Creme de la Creme\" \"was nice but dull\", and that as \"a Bake-Off spin-off, it was a soggy-bottomed disaster.", "psg_id": "19436348" }, { "title": "The Annual", "text": "The Annual The Annual is a series of compilation albums currently published annually by London-based electronic dance music brand Ministry of Sound. Described as Ministry of Sound's \"flagship\" series, the popular albums feature house, big beat and trance tracks popular in nightclubs, especially those in the United Kingdom. The Ministry of Sound had been releasing DJ mix albums since 1993, their third year of business as a nightclub, starting with the inaugural edition of the \"Session\", mixed by Tony Humphries. As the label increasingly began to release other mix albums, \"The Annual\" was conceived to wrap up the year at", "psg_id": "12783017" }, { "title": "The Annual", "text": "Music Entertainment Australia. The Annual The Annual is a series of compilation albums currently published annually by London-based electronic dance music brand Ministry of Sound. Described as Ministry of Sound's \"flagship\" series, the popular albums feature house, big beat and trance tracks popular in nightclubs, especially those in the United Kingdom. The Ministry of Sound had been releasing DJ mix albums since 1993, their third year of business as a nightclub, starting with the inaugural edition of the \"Session\", mixed by Tony Humphries. As the label increasingly began to release other mix albums, \"The Annual\" was conceived to wrap up", "psg_id": "12783026" }, { "title": "The Beano Annual", "text": "appeared on the front cover of every annual since the release of the 1979 book in 1978. The latest version came out 2018 and was dated 2019. The book has retailed at £7.99 since 2009 (released 2008) This information is necessary to identify older annuals which are not dated. If an annual is dated 1940, it would have been published in August 1939. Prices are in shillings and pence with one shilling equal to 5p. The Beano Book The Magic-Beano Book The Beano Book From 1966 all annuals were dated. The Beano Annual The Beano Annual The Beano Annual is", "psg_id": "2681678" }, { "title": "The Great British Bake Off", "text": "the programme are the background of the contestants as well as video vignettes on the history of baking. What each baker intends to bake during a particular challenge is illustrated using animated graphics. These graphics have been created by illustrator Tom Hovey since the show's inception in 2010. Series 1 of \"The Great British Bake Off\" saw ten home bakers take part in a bake-off to test their baking skills as they battled to be crowned the Great British Bake Off's best amateur baker. Each week the nationwide tour saw the bakers put through three challenges in a particular discipline.", "psg_id": "14943394" }, { "title": "The Great British Bake Off", "text": "The Great British Bake Off The Great British Bake Off (also called Bake Off or GBBO) is a British television baking competition, produced by Love Productions, in which a group of amateur bakers compete against each other in a series of rounds, attempting to impress a group of judges with their baking skills, with a contestant being eliminated in each round, with the winner being selected from the contestants who reach the finals. The show's first episode was aired on 17 August 2010, with its first four series broadcast on BBC Two, until its growing popularity led the BBC to", "psg_id": "14943385" }, { "title": "Grand Annual", "text": "the Grand Annual Steeple since 1895. The 2009 event was the 132nd running (the race was not held between 1942 and 1946 and was abandoned in 1971). The winner is notable for not having raced for two years and two days prior to contesting this event. The race record is held by Hoki (1996) at 6min 38.4 sec. Grand Annual The Grand Annual is an Australian Thoroughbred steeplechase for horses that run at Warrnambool, Victoria during its annual May Racing Carnival. The distance is officially listed as \"about\" 5500 metres because many sections of the race are run in open", "psg_id": "10011802" }, { "title": "The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice", "text": "show, and a comedian. In the final episode of each series judges Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry normally made an appearance on the panel, along with a comedian. However, in the first episode of the fourth series, Prue Leith made an appearance on the panel, while Hollywood appeared on episode 3. Tom Allen has joined the 2018 series as a regular contributor, reviewing audiences’ bakes. The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice (sometimes shortened to An Extra Slice) is a British television after-show to follow the series \"The Great British Bake", "psg_id": "18202980" }, { "title": "Bake Off Brasil", "text": "Bake Off Brasil Bake Off Brasil – Mão na Massa (English: \"Bake Off Brasil – Hands On\"), often referred to as simply Bake Off Brasil or BOB is a Brazilian reality television series based on the BBC baking competition \"The Great British Bake Off\". The series premiered on Saturday, July 25, 2015 at 9:30 p.m. (BRT / AMT) on SBT, aiming to find the best amateur baker in Brazil. The series currently has two spin-offs: \"Bake Off SBT\", a special holliday series featuring celebrities from SBT as contestants, and \"Júnior Bake Off Brasil\", which premiered on January 6, 2018. The", "psg_id": "20225138" }, { "title": "The Dandy Annual", "text": "page in 1984, the annual cover reflected this by featuring both Korky and Dan until the release of the 1991 book in 1990 – which was the first ever Dandy Annual to not feature Korky on the front cover in any way. He has made several appearances since then, despite the main focus shifting to Dan. In 2006, the original 1939 Monster Comic was reprinted as a facsimile edition in a collector's slipcase. This information is necessary to identify older annuals which are not dated. If an annual is dated 1940, it would have been published in August 1939. Prices", "psg_id": "2826074" }, { "title": "The Beano Annual", "text": "The Beano Annual The Beano Annual is the current name of the book that has been published every year since 1939, to tie in with the children's comic \"The Beano\". there have been 79 editions. The annuals are traditionally published in July or August, in time for Christmas, and since 1965 they have had the date of the following year on the cover. Before then no date was given. From the annual 1943 to 1950 one the annual was called \"The Magic-Beano Book\", which referred to the short-lived Magic Comic that had ceased publication in 1941 due to the Second", "psg_id": "2681676" }, { "title": "Cootamundra Annual Classic", "text": "Cootamundra Annual Classic The Cootamundra Annual Classic, also known as the \"Coota Classic\" or \"Coota Annual\" is a bicycle handicap race starting and finishing in the New South Wales town of Cootamundra. First run in 1955, the race is traditionally held on the last weekend in August. Today it's one of the oldest open road races in New South Wales. The race has run every year since 1955, making it one of oldest races on the Cycling NSW open calendar. Organised by Cootamundra Cycling Club, past winners have include road professional Graeme Brown and 2010 Melbourne to Warrnambool winner Rhys", "psg_id": "15376573" }, { "title": "The Dandy Annual", "text": "The Dandy Annual The Dandy Annual is the current name of the book that has been published every year since 1938, to tie in with the children's comic \"The Dandy\". there have been 78 editions. The Dandy Annual will still continue to be published, even though the weekly Dandy comic has now ended. The annuals are traditionally published in July or August, in time for Christmas, and since 1965 they have had the date of the following year on the cover. Before then no date was given. From 1938 to 1951 the annual was called The Dandy Monster Comic. The", "psg_id": "2826072" }, { "title": "The Dandy Annual", "text": "are in shillings and pence with one shilling equal to 5p. The Dandy Monster Comic The Dandy Book From 1966 all books were dated. The Dandy Annual The Dandy Annual The Dandy Annual is the current name of the book that has been published every year since 1938, to tie in with the children's comic \"The Dandy\". there have been 78 editions. The Dandy Annual will still continue to be published, even though the weekly Dandy comic has now ended. The annuals are traditionally published in July or August, in time for Christmas, and since 1965 they have had the", "psg_id": "2826075" }, { "title": "The Great British Bake Off (series 6)", "text": "of 13.4 million viewers peaking at 14.5, the highest overnight total of 2015. The list of ten most-watched television programmes of 2015 was also dominated by \"The Great British Bake Off\", with seven of the year's ten being episodes of The Great British Bake Off. Official episode viewing figures are from BARB. The Great British Bake Off (series 6) The sixth series of \"The Great British Bake Off\" first aired on 5 August 2015, with twelve contestants competing to be crowned the series 6 winner. Mel Giedroyc and Sue Perkins presented the show, and Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood returned", "psg_id": "18936692" }, { "title": "The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice", "text": "British Bake Off\" to Channel 4 in 2017. The after show was announced in July 2014. Comedian Jo Brand was later announced as the host of the series on 24 July 2014. The show returned for a second run, beginning on 7 August 2015, and for a third series on 24 August 2016. A fourth series began on 31 August 2017 on Channel 4. A fifth series began on 31 August 2018, moving to Friday evenings. Brand and three rotating panelists appear on each episode. The panelists are generally a chef or cooking expert, such as Michel Roux Jr. or", "psg_id": "18202977" }, { "title": "The Great Kiwi Bake Off", "text": "recap special called \"An Extra Slice\", hosted by Chris Parker, discussing the episode of the week and interviewing contestants who have been eliminated. The Great Kiwi Bake Off The Great Kiwi Bake Off is a New Zealand television baking competition based off \"The Great British Bake Off\" in which 12 amateur bakers compete in a series of baking challenges. The show's first episode was aired on 16 October 2018 on TVNZ 2. The show is hosted by Hayley Sproull and Madeleine Sami, with judges Dean Brettschneider and Sue Fleischl. The show, like other spinoffs of \"The Great British Bake Off\",", "psg_id": "20941734" }, { "title": "The Penrose Annual", "text": "the trade. Its importance today is in the seminal articles that it published that still have reference value: monographs on individuals; articles on various matters of typesetting.” The publication was most substantial (in size and influence) in the 1950s and 1960s. The Penrose Annual The Penrose Annual was a London-based review of graphic arts, printed nearly annually from 1895 to 1982. \"Penrose\" began in 1895 as \"Process Work Yearbook – Penrose's Annual.\" Lund Humphries has printed the publication since 1897 and has been responsible for its content since 1906 until selling Penrose to Northwood Publications Limited, part of the Thompson", "psg_id": "10343340" }, { "title": "The Penrose Annual", "text": "The Penrose Annual The Penrose Annual was a London-based review of graphic arts, printed nearly annually from 1895 to 1982. \"Penrose\" began in 1895 as \"Process Work Yearbook – Penrose's Annual.\" Lund Humphries has printed the publication since 1897 and has been responsible for its content since 1906 until selling Penrose to Northwood Publications Limited, part of the Thompson Corporation, in 1974. It was edited by William Gamble from 1895 to 1933 then Richard Bertram Fishenden from 1934 to 1957. Fishenden's friend Allan Delafons then took over as editor from the delayed 1958 volume number 52 until the 1962 volume", "psg_id": "10343336" }, { "title": "The Great Irish Bake Off", "text": "Kelly - Executive Pastry Chef at Dublin's Merrion Hotel - as a judge and the third series began airing on Sunday 25 October 2015 with a repeat showing on Saturday evenings. The winner was Cathy Mac Kenna from Monaghan who beat Emer Hough and Clare Ryan in the Grand Final. In 'The Great Irish Christmas Bake Off' - a one off seasonal special - judges Paul Kelly and Lilly Higgins demonstrated Christmas bakes and makes and there was a Celebrity Bake Off between Pantomime Stars and Presenters. Actor George McMahon and singer Leanne Moore represented Team Panto while Lucy Kennedy", "psg_id": "17507915" }, { "title": "Annual publication", "text": "\"The Political State of Great Britain\" (38 volumes, 1711–29). Later examples include \"The Statesman's Yearbook\" (since 1864) and the \"Daily Mail Year Book\" (since 1901). Two early German titles are \"Europäischer Geschichtskalender\", founded in 1861 by Heinrich Schulthess and Gottlob Egelhaaf’s \"Historisch-politische Jahresübersicht\" (28 volumes, 1908–1936). In the case of comic books, an annual is considered a separate series for purposes of numbering and collectibility; a particular periodical's \"Annual\" will thus have its own numbering series, or alternately be referred to by the year of its publication (such as \"The Amazing Spider-Man '99 Annual\"). A comic book annual customarily has", "psg_id": "4203094" }, { "title": "The Annual Register", "text": "the earlier volumes, while recent volumes have text taken directly from the files used for the print publication. The online version includes contents tables and indexes to enable users to browse individual volumes. It also allows for keyword searches within the whole text. Since 2011, the publisher has hosted a yearly lecture by a person eminent in one of the fields covered by The Annual Register. The lecture is delivered before an invited audience, at the London headquarters of one of the institutions that nominate members of the Advisory Board. The Annual Register The Annual Register (originally subtitled \"A View", "psg_id": "1932152" }, { "title": "Annual calendar", "text": "has been to gain wide acceptance of some form of perennial calendar, based on a typically 364-day year. In the world of watchmaking, the first annual calendar indicator introduced for a wristwatch was patented in 1996 by Patek Philippe. Since 1996, the mechanism of an annual calendar was continuously improved. It is now used in watch manufacture by several watchmaking companies. The annual calendar is not a common feature. It can be found in: Breitling (Navitimer Olympus), Bvlgari (Bvlgari Annual Calendar), Ulysse Nardin (Marine Chronograph), Patek Philippe (Ref. 5035, 5135, 5146, 5147, 5396 and 5960), and Zenith (Captain Winsor). Annual", "psg_id": "9000762" }, { "title": "The Great British Bake Off (series 1)", "text": "just 16 hours, one being \"traditional\" and the other \"contemporary\". Paul and Mary explore the history of the Great British Wedding Cake, looking at the dramatic changes through the eras; from the Tudors and the Victorians, wartime Britain and the eighties to the present day. Although Paul and Mary judged the results, no individual winner was declared. Official episode viewing figures are from BARB. The Great British Bake Off (series 1) The first series of \"The Great British Bake Off\", first aired on BBC Two on 17 August 2010. Ten home bakers took part in a bake-off to test every", "psg_id": "17047411" }, { "title": "Annual report", "text": "accordance with accounting standards generally accepted in Ireland and with Irish statute comprising the Companies Acts 1963 to 2009... In 1903, U.S. Steel published an annual report whose financial accuracy was certified by Price, WaterHouse & Co. in what is known as the earliest modern corporate annual report. Certain groups such as The True Cost Of Chevron Network have released 'alternative' annual reports as a way to highlight ongoing environmental destruction and/or human rights abuses committed by a particular company. Annual report An annual report is a comprehensive report on a company's activities throughout the preceding year. Annual reports are", "psg_id": "4271819" }, { "title": "The Great British Bake Off (series 1)", "text": "bake 24 miniature cake in 2 1/2 hours. Only two can advance to becoming the winner of the Great British Bake Off. For the final challenge, the 2 finalists were asked to bake 24 miniature tarts, 24 scones, 24 choux buns, and 24 finger sandwiches in 5 hours. Fulham Palace, London After winning the competition, Edd Kimber is able to make his living from baking. He worked in the pastry kitchen at Raymond Blanc's restaurant Le Manoir. He has written three books on baking, \"The Boy Who Bakes\", \"Say It With Cake\", and \"Patisserie Made Simple: From Macaron to Millefeuille", "psg_id": "17047408" }, { "title": "The Great British Bake Off", "text": "On 30 October 2018, Sheffield University researcher Rahul Mandal, from India, was announced as the winner of \"The Great British Bake Off\" 2018. The runners-up were Ruby Bhogal and Kim-Joy Hewlett. The ninth series is broadcast on Netflix as Collection 6. Periodically, accidents and other errors have influenced the results of a round of judging. Several have had a significant impact on what a baker presents, notably: The early reviews for the first series were mixed. Lucy Mangan of \"The Guardian\" wondered if \"competitive baking [is] a contradiction in terms\" and found the proceedings humourless. Iain Hollingshead of \"The Daily", "psg_id": "14943401" }, { "title": "The Great British Bake Off", "text": "Sue. This series was seen as having more innuendos than previous ones; some reviewers noted the \"extra pinch of saucy spice\" and \"the increasingly filthy-minded hosts Mel Giedroyc and Sue Perkins\". The series 3 winner John Whaite however argued that innuendo is part of what made the show a success, whilst judge Paul Hollywood described the innuendos as banter in the spirit of the \"Carry On\" films and is a part of British culture, a view shared by others. The success of \"The Great British Bake Off\" led to the BBC commissioning many other series closely following the format from", "psg_id": "14943415" }, { "title": "Israeli Annual Hebrew Song Chart", "text": "Israeli Annual Hebrew Song Chart Israeli annual Hebrew song chart (Hebrew: מצעד הפזמונים העברי השנתי) is an annual Israeli Hebrew song contest, broadcast on radio on Rosh Hashanah every year since 1963. There are two Hebrew song chart contests - one on the radio channel Reshet Gimmel and the other on the radio channel Galgalatz which is operated by the Israel Defense Forces Radio. The aim of these charts is to summarize all weekly charts aired throughout the last year. This charts consists of the most played songs of the year, the first place winner song is announced \"Song of", "psg_id": "14779465" }, { "title": "The Great Irish Bake Off", "text": "The Great Irish Bake Off The Great Irish Bake Off was an Irish reality TV cooking series. The show is based on the successful BBC show \"The Great British Bake Off\". The show is produced by Sideline Productions for the TV3 Group. It premiered on TV3 Ireland on 19 September 2013, has been broadcast for two seasons with a third season running from Sunday 25 October 2015. Series 1 and 2 were broadcast on Thursday nights from 21:00. Series 3 launched in a Sunday night slot on 25 October 2015 at 21:00. In August 2016, the TV3 Group confirmed the", "psg_id": "17507911" }, { "title": "The Great Kiwi Bake Off", "text": "The Great Kiwi Bake Off The Great Kiwi Bake Off is a New Zealand television baking competition based off \"The Great British Bake Off\" in which 12 amateur bakers compete in a series of baking challenges. The show's first episode was aired on 16 October 2018 on TVNZ 2. The show is hosted by Hayley Sproull and Madeleine Sami, with judges Dean Brettschneider and Sue Fleischl. The show, like other spinoffs of \"The Great British Bake Off\", uses a similar style, format, and opening theme song to the British series. Like the British series, the show is followed by a", "psg_id": "20941733" }, { "title": "The Annual Register", "text": "Relics, remains and the Romanovs\" (Routledge). \"The Annual Register\" is currently published by ProQuest. The company (then called CSA) bought the title in late 2005 from Keesing's Worldwide. In 2008 the board of judges of the Specialized Information Publishers Association (SIPA) awarded \"The Annual Register\" the 2008 Best Reference Publication prize for its \"editorial excellence\". The entire archive of \"The Annual Register\" is currently available to subscribers online. This includes every volume published since 1758 and is updated annually when each new volume is completed. Each page has been scanned. Text has been captured through OCR (optical character recognition) for", "psg_id": "1932151" }, { "title": "The Great British Bake Off (series 6)", "text": "The Great British Bake Off (series 6) The sixth series of \"The Great British Bake Off\" first aired on 5 August 2015, with twelve contestants competing to be crowned the series 6 winner. Mel Giedroyc and Sue Perkins presented the show, and Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood returned as judges. The competition was held in the ground of Welford Park, Berkshire for a second year. The series was won by Nadiya Hussain, with Tamal Ray and Ian Cumming finishing as runners-up. Colour key: For the first challenge, the bakers were given two hours to make a Madeira Cake, which was", "psg_id": "18936676" }, { "title": "Bake Off: The Professionals", "text": "Bake Off: The Professionals Bake Off: The Professionals (previously Bake Off: Crème de la Crème from 2016–2017) is a British television baking competition featuring teams of professional pastry chefs pit against one another through two different challenges. It is a spin-off from \"The Great British Bake Off\", and its first episode was screened on BBC Two on 29 March 2016. The eight-episode first series of the programme was presented by Tom Kerridge, with Benoit Blin, Cherish Finden and Claire Clark serving as judges. The second series was presented by Angus Deayton, but Claire Clark did not return as a judge.", "psg_id": "19436340" }, { "title": "Bake Off: The Professionals", "text": "ratings are from BARB. Viewing figures for Channel 4 are total numbers including +1. Bake Off: The Professionals Bake Off: The Professionals (previously Bake Off: Crème de la Crème from 2016–2017) is a British television baking competition featuring teams of professional pastry chefs pit against one another through two different challenges. It is a spin-off from \"The Great British Bake Off\", and its first episode was screened on BBC Two on 29 March 2016. The eight-episode first series of the programme was presented by Tom Kerridge, with Benoit Blin, Cherish Finden and Claire Clark serving as judges. The second series", "psg_id": "19436350" }, { "title": "USENIX Annual Technical Conference", "text": "USENIX Annual Technical Conference The USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC) is a conference of computing professions sponsored by the USENIX association. The conference includes computing tutorials, and a single track technical session for presenting refereed research papers, SIG meetings, and BoFs. There have been several notable announcements and talks at USENIX. In 1995, James Gosling announced \"Oak\", which was to become the Java Programming Language. John Ousterhout first presented TCL here, and Usenet was announced here. It is considered one of the most prestigious operating systems venues and has an 'A' rating from the Australian Ranking of ICT Conferences", "psg_id": "4064336" }, { "title": "The Annual Register", "text": "The Annual Register The Annual Register (originally subtitled \"A View of the History, Politicks and Literature of the Year ...\") is a long-established reference work, written and published each year, which records and analyses the year's major events, developments and trends throughout the world. It was first written in 1758 under the editorship of Edmund Burke, and has been produced continuously since that date. In its current form the first half of the book comprises articles on each of the world's countries or regions, while the latter half contains articles on international organisations, economics, the environment, science, law, religion, the", "psg_id": "1932134" }, { "title": "The Great Australian Bake Off", "text": "The Great Australian Bake Off The Great Australian Bake Off is an Australian television baking series that is based on the BBC baking competition \"The Great British Bake Off.\" The series first premiered on 9 July 2013 on the Nine Network and ran for one season with presenters Shane Jacobson and Anna Gare and judges Dan Lepard and Kerry Vincent. On 1 April 2015 it was announced that the series had been picked up by pay television channel LifeStyle Food and production company FremantleMedia Australia for a second season which premiered on 13 October 2015 with presenters Claire Hooper and", "psg_id": "16969378" }, { "title": "Shipwright (annual)", "text": "Shipwright (annual) Shipwright is a specialist ship-modelling annual published by Conway Publishing. Its full title is \"Shipwright: The International Annual of Maritime History & Ship Modelmaking\". The first edition \"Shipwright 2010\" was published in November 2009, yet its heritage stems back to 1972, when it first appeared in a quarterly format as \"Model Shipwright\". The annual has supplanted its predecessor, which ran for 144 issues, incorporating its style and focus into one yearly publication. It is aimed at all ship-modelling enthusiasts, with an emphasis on those who build their works from scratch. The annual was released in conjunction with an", "psg_id": "14986179" }, { "title": "The Annual", "text": "are used and are always mixed by well-known and underground DJ's. Every Annual since \"The Annual 2002\" have been chart toppers and go either Gold or Platinum and stay on the ARIA Compilation charts and Australian iTunes charts for months on end. \"The Annual II\" remains one of the biggest selling compilation albums of all time in the UK, including quite possibly the biggest selling DJ mix album in the UK. It is listed in the \"Guinness World Records 2001\" as the \"Best Selling Club Dance Compilation\", with 610,000 copies sold by the publication of that book in 2000. \"The", "psg_id": "12783023" }, { "title": "10th Annual Honda Civic Tour", "text": "10th Annual Honda Civic Tour The 10th Annual Honda Civic Tour was a concert tour co-headlined by American pop punk trio Blink-182 and American rock band My Chemical Romance (in what turned out to be their final tour). Joined by supporting acts Matt & Kim, Manchester Orchestra, and Rancid, the tour began from August 5, 2011 and ran until October 8. Sponsored by the Honda Motor Company, the 2011 tour will mark the 10th anniversary of the concert tour, which Blink-182 headlined in its first incarnation. The tour was announced on May 23, 2011. Both bands had gathered at the", "psg_id": "15640363" }, { "title": "Annual Report on the Protection of the Constitution", "text": "annual report, most federal states publish their individual annual reports for their regional area of responsibility. Annual Report on the Protection of the Constitution The Annual Report on the Protection of the Constitution () is an annual report on the activities of far right, far left, and Islamic extremist circles and on espionage activities in Germany. Gathered on the basis of §16 of the , since 1968 the report has been published annually by the German Federal Ministry of the Interior on behalf of its domestic intelligence agency, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution \"()\". While the", "psg_id": "12696084" }, { "title": "The Great British Bake Off", "text": "available in the United States on Netflix as \"Collection 5\" and a \"Netflix original production\" alongside the four series previously broadcast on PBS. In addition, Netflix added \"The Great British Baking Show: The Beginnings\" which features the British series 3. Current and upcoming versions include: Legend: Episode viewing figures from BARB. The Great British Bake Off The Great British Bake Off (also called Bake Off or GBBO) is a British television baking competition, produced by Love Productions, in which a group of amateur bakers compete against each other in a series of rounds, attempting to impress a group of judges", "psg_id": "14943421" }, { "title": "Dennis the Menace Annual", "text": "name continued, the year changing for each different annual, until the release of the 1978 book. There was then a short break until the next annual was published in 1982 (for '83). From then on the words \"from The Beano\" were printed elsewhere on the cover, the same thing The Bash Street Kids Annual had been doing for a few years earlier. The name has had various suffixes since then, including \"and Gnasher\" on the 1988, 1989, 1994, 1995, 1997, 2007, 2008 and 2009 books, and \"Book\" on the 1991, 1996, 1999, 2001 and 2002 editions. The annual permanently changed", "psg_id": "2947833" }, { "title": "Shipwright (annual)", "text": "official online presence, Shipwright Online, intended both as a forum for its readership and an archive of past issues. As \"Baird Maritime\" writes, ‘Basically comprising a series of well-illustrated essays describing a selection of very high quality ship modelling projects, the book includes vignettes of maritime history and an interesting interview with the Director of Britain’s National Maritime Museum at Greenwich.’ The world-wide shipping magazine \"Sea Breezes\" regards the annual as ‘A must have annual for model-making enthusiasts.’ The 2012 \"Shipwright\" annual was published in January 2012. The 2013 \"Shipwright\" annual was published in May 2013. Since its inception, \"Shipwright\"", "psg_id": "14986180" }, { "title": "NUALS Arts And Literary Annual Meet", "text": "have featured in the pro show since the inception of the fest. NAALAM, since its inception, has been sponsored by various enthusiastic business houses, both local and national. The most prominent among the sponsors include Itty's, Red FM 93.5, Geojit Financial Services, Heritage Experience Learning, AVT Tea, Emmanual Silks, Josco Jweller's, CRI Pumps we TV, Nippon Toyota, HPL, Rosebowl, Chicking, State Bank of Travancore, Cannon and Hyundai, Cochin Dent Care, Scoops, Marks & Spencer, MTS India, Decathlon. NUALS Arts And Literary Annual Meet NAALAM, or NUALS Arts And Literary Annual Meet, is the cultural fest of National University of Advanced", "psg_id": "17809542" }, { "title": "The Great Australian Bake Off", "text": "a bake-off to test their baking skills as they battled to be crowned The Great Australian Bake Off's best amateur baker. Each week saw the bakers put through three challenges in a particular discipline. The three finalists were Jonathan Gurfinkel, Maria Vella and Nancy Ho. On 27 August 2013, Nancy Ho was crowned the best amateur baker. Season 2 of \"The Great Australian Bake Off\" will see twelve home bakers take part in a bake-off to test their baking skills as they battled to be crowned The Great Australian Bake Off's best amateur baker. The 10-part season will premiere on", "psg_id": "16969380" }, { "title": "The Cricket Annual", "text": "The Cricket Annual The Cricket Annual was a compact cricket annual publication published in 1961 and 1962 and edited by Roy Webber. In 1962 the Playfair titles including \"Playfair Cricket Annual\" were acquired by Dickens Press which had just published \"The Cricket Annual\". In November 1962 Webber died suddenly and the decision was made to combine the two annuals so that in 1963, Dickens published a new style \"Playfair Cricket Annual\", using the same name but basing the size, format and price on \"The Cricket Annual\". \"The Cricket Annual\" was one in a long line of publications starting in 1895,", "psg_id": "9613561" }, { "title": "The Great Irish Bake Off", "text": "home bakers take part in a bake-off to test their baking skills as they battled to be crowned The Great Irish Bake Off's best amateur baker. The second series aired in Summer 2014 and was filmed at Tinakilly House, Co Wicklow. Series 3 of \"The Great Irish Bake Off\" returns to Tinakilly House, Co Wicklow and sees twelve home bakers take part in a bake-off to test their baking skills as they battle to be crowned The Great Irish Bake Off's best amateur baker. Cork born Lilly Higgins - food blogger, Irish Times Columnist, photographer and author, will join Paul", "psg_id": "17507914" }, { "title": "Annual BCI Research Award", "text": "Annual BCI Research Award The Annual BCI Research Award is an annual accolade to recognize excellence in the field of brain-computer interface (BCI) research. The award is open to any person or group in any country. Each year, a different institute known for BCI research is chosen to host the award. This institute selects a jury from established researchers within the BCI community, which selects ten nominees and then a winner. All ten nominees are invited and expected to submit chapters that summarize their submission to the Award, subsequent progress, and future directions. These chapters are then collected in a", "psg_id": "16279852" }, { "title": "16th Annual Honda Civic Tour", "text": "16th Annual Honda Civic Tour The 16th Annual Honda Civic Tour was a concert tour headlined by American rock band OneRepublic. Sponsored by Honda and produced by Marketing Factory, the tour also features Fitz and The Tantrums and James Arthur. The tour began on July 7, 2017 in Kansas City and concluded on September 27, 2017 in Shanghai. The band announced that they would headline the 16th Annual Honda Civic Tour. In an Instagram video, frontman Ryan Tedder stated: Our best memories come from summer tours in the U.S. and the Honda Civic tour has been the benchmark of summer", "psg_id": "20039345" }, { "title": "The Great British Bake Off (series 7)", "text": "The Great British Bake Off (series 7) The seventh series of \"The Great British Bake Off\" aired from 24 August 2016, with twelve contestants competing to be crowned the series 7 winner. This series was the last to be broadcast on BBC One, as the production company Love Productions opted to move the show to Channel 4. It was also the last series on the show for Sue Perkins and Mel Giedroyc, as they decided to leave as presenters of the show. It is also the last series of the show to feature Mary Berry as a judge. This series", "psg_id": "19667222" }, { "title": "In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening", "text": "doin's are right Well, you can tell 'em I'll be there I like a barbecue, I like to boil a ham And I vote for bouillabaisse stew (What's that?) I like a weenie bake, steak and a layer cake And you'll get a tummy ache too We'll rent a tent or a teepee Let the town crier cry, \"All's well!\" And if it's RSVP, this is what I'll reply In the cool, cool, cool of the evening Tell 'em we'll be there If you need a pair of freeloaders To fracture your affair I may even give them Pagliacci Now", "psg_id": "5236630" }, { "title": "Shipwright (annual)", "text": "has been co-edited by John Bowen C Eng MRNI with Dr Martin Robson. Bowen preserves the long lineage of \"Model Shipwright\", having worked actively on the journal since its creation in 1972, subsequently becoming its editor in 1974 until the final instalment. In the first annual, the editors assert that the change of format from a quarterly journal to an annual has three major benefits. Firstly, rather than serialising longer articles over several issues, these could now be incorporated in entirety into a single volume. Secondly, the new format allowed enhanced size and clarity of images, presented in full colour", "psg_id": "14986181" }, { "title": "The Great British Bake Off (series 4)", "text": "The Great British Bake Off (series 4) The fourth series of \"The Great British Bake Off\" began airing on 20 August 2013. Mel Giedroyc and Sue Perkins again presented the show and Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood returned as judges. As with series three, the competition was held at Harptree Court in East Harptree, Somerset. 13,000 amateur bakers applied to appear on the programme, and 100 were selected for screen test, with the best 60 advancing to a three-day audition. From these, 13 contestants were chosen this year so the judges could eliminate two people whenever they wanted. The winner", "psg_id": "17483341" }, { "title": "The Great Irish Bake Off", "text": "and Martin King from TV3's 'Seven O'Clock Show' were on the Presenters team. The judges crowned Leanne Moore Star Baker. The show averaged over 200,000 viewers per episode and returned for a second series in Summer 2014 and a third in the Autumn of 2015. Series 3 opened with ratings up 25% on the previous year. The Great Irish Bake Off The Great Irish Bake Off was an Irish reality TV cooking series. The show is based on the successful BBC show \"The Great British Bake Off\". The show is produced by Sideline Productions for the TV3 Group. It premiered", "psg_id": "17507916" }, { "title": "Bake Off: The Professionals", "text": "The third series moved to Channel 4 to join \"The Great British Bake Off\" after the BBC declined to renew the series. The Channel 4 series has been renamed \"Bake Off: The Professionals\", and is hosted by comedian Tom Allen and former contestant on the main series, Liam Charles. The first series was won by the Squires Kitchen Cookery School team led by Mark Tilling, the second by a team of military chefs led by Liam Grime. and the third by the team from London Hilton Park Lane with Emmanuel Bonneau. The series is a competition between teams of professional", "psg_id": "19436341" }, { "title": "Saptak Annual Festival of Music", "text": "by 2010. The festival features both emerging talents and established performers. Besides pure classical music, it also includes performances of folk music, classical dance forms, and semi-classical forms such as thumri. The gallery dedicated to the life of Nandan Mehta and the history of festival was opened in Ahmedabad in 2012. Saptak Annual Festival of Music The Saptak Annual Festival of Music is an annual thirteen-day Indian classical music festival held in Ahmedabad, India. It is organised by Saptak School of Music and takes place January first to the thirteenth every year, and is attended by hundreds of people. The", "psg_id": "12863686" }, { "title": "The Annual Register", "text": "the book from the modern period. The following list shows which volumes were produced by specific editors. \"The Annual Register\" in its current form aims to provide an authoritative, accurate, and interesting summary of the history of the year. This includes charting the immediate history of individual countries and also covering developments across a broad spectrum of science and the humanities. It aims to maintain \"The Annual Register\"’s traditional role as a well-respected reference work, while also providing an interesting and lively read. \"The Annual Register\" begins with an overview of the year, a thought-provoking essay by an established modern", "psg_id": "1932146" }, { "title": "The Great Australian Bake Off", "text": "began in May 2017. It premiered on 18 January 2018, and moved from Lifestyle Food to the main LifeStyle channel. The three finalists were Claudia Anton, Barb Dunn & Dave Yan. On 22 March 2018, Claudia was crowned the best amateur baker. The Great Australian Bake Off The Great Australian Bake Off is an Australian television baking series that is based on the BBC baking competition \"The Great British Bake Off.\" The series first premiered on 9 July 2013 on the Nine Network and ran for one season with presenters Shane Jacobson and Anna Gare and judges Dan Lepard and", "psg_id": "16969382" }, { "title": "The Great Irish Bake Off", "text": "baker to be eliminated from the competition. Ten contestants were chosen for the first season, twelve were chosen for series 2 and 3. Series 1 of \"The Great Irish Bake Off\" saw twelve home bakers take part in a bake-off to test their baking skills as they battled to be crowned The Great Irish Bake Off's best amateur baker. Each week saw the bakers put through two challenges in a particular discipline. The series final saw Stephen Chisholm win with Maryanne Dalton and Will De Korte as the runners up. Series 2 of \"The Great Irish Bake Off\" saw twelve", "psg_id": "17507913" }, { "title": "Semi-arid climate", "text": "Diego, California (at its main airport), which has cool summers for the latitude due to prevailing winds off the ocean (so the average annual temperature is below 18°C) but mild winters (average temperature in January, 14°C, and closer to the 18.0°C isotherm that separates tropical and subtropical climates than to the 0°C or −3°C isotherm for the coldest month that separates temperate and continental climates). </ref> Semi-arid climate A semi-arid climate or steppe climate is the climate of a region that receives precipitation below potential evapotranspiration, but not as low as a desert climate. There are different kinds of semi-arid", "psg_id": "2909514" }, { "title": "55th Annual Grammy Awards", "text": "55th Annual Grammy Awards The 55th Annual Grammy Awards were held on February 10, 2013, at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. The show was broadcast on CBS at 8 p.m. ET/PT and was hosted for the second time by LL Cool J. The \"Pre-Telecast Ceremony\" was streamed live from LA's Nokia Theater at the official Grammy website. Nominations were announced on December 5, 2012 on prime-time television as part of \"The GRAMMY Nominations Concert Live! – Countdown to Music's Biggest Night\", a one-hour special co-hosted by LL Cool J & Taylor Swift and broadcast live on CBS from the", "psg_id": "16246861" }, { "title": "Battle of Annual", "text": "Battle of Annual The Battle of Annual was fought on July 22, 1921, at Annual in Spanish Morocco, between the Spanish Army of Africa and Berber combatants of the Rif region during the Rif War. The Spanish suffered a major military defeat, almost always referred to by the Spanish as the Disaster of Annual, which led to major political crises and a redefinition of Spanish colonial policy toward the Rif. In early 1921 the Spanish Army commenced an offensive into northeastern Morocco from the coastal regions they already held. The advance took place without extended lines of communication being adequately", "psg_id": "3764863" }, { "title": "The Annual Register", "text": "arts and sport, together with obituaries, a chronicle of major events and selected documents. In addition to being produced annually in hardback, the book is also published electronically, and its entire 250-year archive is available online from its publisher, ProQuest. \"The Annual Register\" was created in 1758 by the publishers James and Robert Dodsley. On 24 April 1758 the Dodsley brothers signed a contract with Edmund Burke (1729–97) to write and edit the material for \"The Annual Register\", which was conceived as an annual publication which would review the history, politics and literature of the day. Born in Ireland, Burke", "psg_id": "1932135" }, { "title": "Fulcrum (annual)", "text": "the writers who have contributed to several issues. Fulcrum (annual) Fulcrum, An annual of poetry and [aesthetics is a United States literary periodical that has been published since 2002. The magazine is edited by Philip Nikolayev and Katia Kapovich. It appears once a year, and publishes poetry, critical and philosophical essays on poetry, debates and visual art. The magazine is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Well-known contributors to the early issues of \"Fulcrum\" included Pam Brown, Paul Muldoon, John Kinsella, Brian Henry, Allen Fisher, Randolph Healy, Peter Horn, Sheenagh Pugh, August Kleinzahler, George Bilgere, Charles Bernstein, Billy Collins, and Louis Simpson.", "psg_id": "8968976" }, { "title": "Fulcrum (annual)", "text": "Fulcrum (annual) Fulcrum, An annual of poetry and [aesthetics is a United States literary periodical that has been published since 2002. The magazine is edited by Philip Nikolayev and Katia Kapovich. It appears once a year, and publishes poetry, critical and philosophical essays on poetry, debates and visual art. The magazine is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Well-known contributors to the early issues of \"Fulcrum\" included Pam Brown, Paul Muldoon, John Kinsella, Brian Henry, Allen Fisher, Randolph Healy, Peter Horn, Sheenagh Pugh, August Kleinzahler, George Bilgere, Charles Bernstein, Billy Collins, and Louis Simpson. W. N. Herbert and Glyn Maxwell are among", "psg_id": "8968975" }, { "title": "Annual Report on the Protection of the Constitution", "text": "Annual Report on the Protection of the Constitution The Annual Report on the Protection of the Constitution () is an annual report on the activities of far right, far left, and Islamic extremist circles and on espionage activities in Germany. Gathered on the basis of §16 of the , since 1968 the report has been published annually by the German Federal Ministry of the Interior on behalf of its domestic intelligence agency, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution \"()\". While the state-level counterparts, the State Offices for the Protection of the Constitution \"()\" contribute to the federal", "psg_id": "12696083" }, { "title": "The Great British Bake Off", "text": "\"The Great Pottery Throw Down\". Under the title The Great British Baking Show, \"Bake Off\" has been shown in the United States and Canada. It also has appeared in other countries, and the format has been sold to television producers in many countries around the world, where local versions are made. The baking competition was conceived by producer Anna Beattie after she spoke to a friend who had seen 'bake-offs' in America. Beattie was also inspired by the classic English village fête baking competitions; she said: \"I loved that idea of village fetes and an old-fashioned baking competition with people", "psg_id": "14943388" }, { "title": "The Annual", "text": "before the series stopped using live DJs. The earlier Annuals are held in a high regard, whereas the digitally mixed editions from \"The Annual 2002\" are not as much, with common criticisms being uninspired mixing, track listings and presentation (i.e. including bonus DVDs etc.) From 1995-1999, the individual releases of The Annual were denoted by Roman numerals, from The Annual to The Annual IV. In 1999, the series' titling was reorganized and all following albums were named by year, beginning with The Annual 1999 - Millennium Edition. Starting in 2001, the album was named for the year following the Autumn", "psg_id": "12783019" }, { "title": "The Chaser Annual", "text": "The Chaser Annual The Chaser Annual is an annual publication from The Chaser, published from 2000 to 2009. It was a collection of some of the best stories and cartoons etc. from \"The Chaser\" newspaper over the preceding year. Although it was thought that the last annual was to be produced was the 2005 edition after the cancellation of the Chaser newspaper, the 2007 edition was released in mid-November 2007. The Annual was revived in 2016 as part of the Chaser's Quarterly Journal series in conjunction with Australian satirical website The Shovel. The Annual returned again in 2017 in its", "psg_id": "9138877" }, { "title": "Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering", "text": "of 72 journals in the category \"Biomedical Engineering\". Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering is an academic journal published by Annual Reviews. In publication since 1999, this journal covers the significant developments in the broad field of biomedical engineering. Topics include biomechanics, biomaterials, computational genomics and proteomics, tissue engineering, biomonitoring, health care engineering, drug delivery bioelectrical engineering, biochemical engineering, and biomedical imaging topics. Editor: Martin L. Yarmush (Rutgers University) Associate Editors: James S. Duncan (Yale University) and Martha L. Gray (Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology) According to the \"Journal Citation Reports\", the journal has a 2012", "psg_id": "8953910" }, { "title": "Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering", "text": "Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering is an academic journal published by Annual Reviews. In publication since 1999, this journal covers the significant developments in the broad field of biomedical engineering. Topics include biomechanics, biomaterials, computational genomics and proteomics, tissue engineering, biomonitoring, health care engineering, drug delivery bioelectrical engineering, biochemical engineering, and biomedical imaging topics. Editor: Martin L. Yarmush (Rutgers University) Associate Editors: James S. Duncan (Yale University) and Martha L. Gray (Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology) According to the \"Journal Citation Reports\", the journal has a 2012 impact factor of 10.946, ranking it 1st out", "psg_id": "8953909" }, { "title": "The Annual NASA Convention", "text": "The Annual NASA Convention The Annual NASA Convention is the annual get together of National Association of Students of Architecture. It is a four-day-long event held towards the end of January and is attended by around 5,000 students. Called \"Annual NASA\" when it was started sixty years ago, the convention has gone on to become an integral part of all architecture colleges not only in India but as well as in the SAARC Nation. The Annual NASA Convention in 2016 was hosted by Gijubhai Chhaganbhai Patel Institute of Architecture (GCPIA), VNSGU, Surat from 1 to 5 February 2016. The overall", "psg_id": "16661948" }, { "title": "The Annual", "text": "promoted as the follow-up to \"The Annual II\". Note: These refer to the albums released in the UK under the Ministry of Sound label, and not any of the alternate releases from other countries or labels. Note: These albums from \"The Summer Annual - Summer 2000\" to \"The 2008 Annual\" were distributed by EMI Music Group Australasia Pty Ltd. \"The 2009 Annual\" to \"The Annual 2017\" were distributed by Universal Music Australia Pty Ltd under exclusive license from Ministry of Sound Australia & Ministry of Sound Recordings Ltd. As of mid-2017 all Australian Annuals are produced and distributed by Sony", "psg_id": "12783025" }, { "title": "The Annual", "text": "release date instead of the year of release, thus there is no album assigned to 2001 (aside from the Spring 2001 Annual). After the \"Clubbers Guide To ... 2001\" (Mixed By Tall Paul) Ministry of Sound decided not to use big name DJs but to use lesser-known DJs that mix digitally, and not credit who the mixer is on the front cover. This has since been denied once, where CJ Mackintosh, Jazzy M and Marc Hughes mixed \"Fifteen Years\" in 2006, and several times since then such as on \"Live & Remastered\" (though the mixes on this box set were", "psg_id": "12783020" }, { "title": "The Great British Bake Off (series 2)", "text": "hours. For the signature bake, the semi finalists were asked to bake a layered mousse cake in 2 hours, with the judges seeking a light sponge and a rich mousse. For the technical challenge, the bakers were asked to bake 12 identical Iced Fingers. Using Paul's recipe, they were to be filled with cream and jam. For the showstopper, the bakers were asked to bake 3 types of pastries. The bakers had to use the same dough - which must be crisp on the outside and soft on the inside - for all three. In this episode, none of the", "psg_id": "17047439" }, { "title": "The Great British Bake Off", "text": "outbidding the £15 million offered by the BBC. In January 2017 the BBC waived its rights to keep the program off the air until 2018, and wished the programme \"well for the future\". On 31 October 2017, judge Prue Leith accidentally revealed the winner of Series 8 on Twitter twelve hours before the finale was due to air. This caused uproar among many fans of the show. She quickly deleted the tweet and apologised to the fans who saw it. \"The Great British Bake Off\" was nominated for a Rose d'Or in the Lifestyle section of the 2012 competition and", "psg_id": "14943417" }, { "title": "Annual BCI Research Award", "text": "6th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2014, September 16–19, 2014 in Graz, Austria. In 2014, 68 top-level research projects were submitted from all over the world! The jury, chaired by Gernot R. Müller-Putz, carefully scores 10 nominated projects, and then selects the winner for the Annual BCI Research Award 2014. <br>Towards an Auditory Attention BCI <br>Neurofeedback training by motor imagery based-BCI improves neurocognitive areas in elderly people <br>Airborne Ultrasonic Tactile Display BCI <br>Heterogeneous BCI-triggered functional electrical stimulation intervention for the upper-limb rehabilitation of stroke patients <br>Demonstration of a Semi-Autonomous Hybrid Brain-Machine Interface using Human Intracranial EEG, Eye Tracking, and Computer Vision", "psg_id": "16279880" }, { "title": "Annual publication", "text": "1822. Frederic Shoberl was the founding editor of Ackermanns ‘'The Forget-me-not'’ which was an early \"Annual\", a new type of publication in England. Shoberl continued to edit the annual until 1834. A junior annual \"The juvenile Forget-me-not\" was published from 1828. For many years until the near-collapse of the British children's comics market, an annual would be published each year for each of the comic titles published by Thomson and IPC/Fleetway, featuring extra adventures of the comic's current and former characters plus additional material in the form of puzzles, text articles, etc. Annuals were often even published for comics which", "psg_id": "4203101" }, { "title": "The Chaser Annual", "text": "original form alongside a sold out national stage tour 'The War on 2017'. As of 2009, The Chaser have produced ten annuals. The Chaser Annual The Chaser Annual is an annual publication from The Chaser, published from 2000 to 2009. It was a collection of some of the best stories and cartoons etc. from \"The Chaser\" newspaper over the preceding year. Although it was thought that the last annual was to be produced was the 2005 edition after the cancellation of the Chaser newspaper, the 2007 edition was released in mid-November 2007. The Annual was revived in 2016 as part", "psg_id": "9138878" }, { "title": "Annual monitor", "text": "being \"Quaker Records: Being an Index to \"The Annual Monitor,\" 1813-1892,\" edited by Joseph J. Green (available online - \"see below\") and \"Index 1893-1901\" edited by W. Pumphrey Over the years, the title has varied thus: The \"Quaker records\" Index 1813-1892 by Joseph Green and the following years are available online (at 17 September 2012). Note the year given is the year of publication. The deaths recorded occurred in the previous year: An \"American Annual Monitor\" was published 1858 to 1863. Annual monitor The Annual monitor is a list of British Quakers who died each year, between 1812 and 1919,", "psg_id": "14675510" }, { "title": "Annual leave", "text": "The more years the worker has the more days of paid vacation they will have. Consecutive holidays refers to holidays that occur in a group without working days in between. In the late 1990s, the Japanese government passed a law that increased the likelihood of consecutive holidays by moving holidays from fixed days to a relative position in a month, such as the second Monday. Annual leave Annual leave is paid time off work granted by employers to employees to be used for whatever the employee wishes. Depending on the employer's policies, differing number of days may be offered, and", "psg_id": "8796023" }, { "title": "The Annual", "text": "Ibiza Annual\" series began in a large selling #1 album in August 1998, as mixed by Pete Tong and Boy George. As the title suggests it contains songs big in Ibizan DJ sets. The 1999 edition, despite criticism that it didn't make full usage of the songs available, was well received as was the 2000 edition. Editions starting from 2001 were mixed digitally. Seasonal editions began in 2001, starting with \"Spring 2001\" (the first digitally mixed Annual). A chillout annual was also released at the end of 2001, \"The Chillout Annual 2002\". The 1997 album \"Dance Nation 3\" was also", "psg_id": "12783024" }, { "title": "Annual Review of Anthropology", "text": "Annual Review of Anthropology The Annual Review of Anthropology is an annual peer-reviewed academic journal that was established in 1972. It covers significant developments on all aspects of anthropology, including archaeology, biological anthropology, linguistics and communicative practices, regional studies and international anthropology, and sociocultural anthropology. The editors-in-chief are Donald Brenneis (University of California, Santa Cruz) and Karen B. Strier (University of Wisconsin-Madison). The journal was established as \"Biennial Review of Anthropology\" which was published by the Stanford University Press from 1959 to 1971 or 1972. According to the \"Journal Citation Reports\", the journal has a 2013 impact factor of 2.246,", "psg_id": "11656427" }, { "title": "56th Annual Grammy Awards", "text": "56th Annual Grammy Awards The 56th Annual Grammy Awards presentation was held on January 26, 2014, at Staples Center in Los Angeles. The show was broadcast on CBS at 8 p.m. ET/PT and was hosted for the third time by LL Cool J. The show was moved to January to avoid competing with the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, as was the case in 2010. The eligibility period for the 56th Annual Grammy Awards was October 1, 2012, to September 30, 2013. The nominations were announced on December 6, 2013 during a live televised concert on CBS, \"The Grammy Nominations", "psg_id": "17089479" }, { "title": "Annual growth cycle of grapevines", "text": "the use of viticultural practices like canopy management, irrigation, vine training and the use of agrochemicals. The stages of the annual growth cycle usually become observable within the first year of a vine's life. The amount of time spent at each stage of the growth cycle depends on a number of factors-most notably the type of climate (warm or cool) and the characteristics of the grape variety. The grape starts its annual growth cycle in the spring with bud break. In the Northern Hemisphere, this stage begins around March while in the Southern Hemisphere it begins around September when daily", "psg_id": "12525584" }, { "title": "Playfair Cricket Annual", "text": "Playfair Cricket Annual Playfair Cricket Annual is a compact annual about cricket that is published in the United Kingdom each April, just before the English cricket season is due to begin. It has been published every year since 1948. Its main purposes are to review the previous English season and to provide detailed career records and potted biographies of current players. It is produced in a \"pocket-sized\" format, being approximately 5×4 in (i.e., about 13×10 cm), so that it is a convenient size for carrying to cricket matches. The front cover of each edition has featured a photograph of a", "psg_id": "9340745" }, { "title": "Annual BCI Research Award", "text": "book with a major publisher, which also includes an introduction and conclusion with summary information. The winner of the Annual BCI Research Award also receives $3,000 (1st), $2,000 (2nd), $1,000 (3rd) and a statue at a gala awards ceremony attached to a major conference. g.tec medical engineering GmbH and Guger Technologies OG, companies headquartered in Austria that manufactures BCI products, organize the Award together with international institutions. The jury is instructed to score all projects based on the following criteria: Each year, the Annual BCI Research Award follows a rigorous, structured schedule to encourage the best submissions, ensure the most", "psg_id": "16279853" }, { "title": "Dennis the Menace Annual", "text": "Menace, Gnasher and Gnipper and formerly Gnasher's Tale and Rasher strips in The Beano, although there is some new material. The 2010 and 2011 editions contained all new material based on the updated style seen in the CBBC series. Originally a new annual was published every two years. However, after the 1987 annual was published it was decided to make the annual a yearly publication instead. The next annual was published the following year and the others every year onwards since then. The original title was simply \"Dennis the Menace\" with the year added at the end later on. This", "psg_id": "2947832" }, { "title": "57th Annual Grammy Awards", "text": "57th Annual Grammy Awards The 57th Annual Grammy Awards were held on February 8, 2015, at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California. The show was broadcast live by CBS at 5:00 p.m. PST (). Rapper LL Cool J hosted the show for the fourth consecutive time. The Grammy nominations were open for recordings released between October 1, 2013, and September 30, 2014. Breaking from tradition of a prime-time concert approach, the Grammy nominees were announced during an all-day event on December 5, 2014, starting with initial announcements on the \"CBS This Morning\" telecast, followed by updates made through The", "psg_id": "17294987" } ]
[ "pillsbury", "pillsbury (disambiguation)" ]
what were the two sides facing off against each other in the 70s video tape format wars?
[ { "title": "Video tape recorder", "text": "and tape misalignments that can foul the recording mechanism. Typically, the only time the user ever touches the tape in a videocassette is when a failure results from a tape getting stuck in the mechanism. Home VCRs first became available in the early 1970s, with Philips releasing the Model 1500 in England in 1972. The first system to be notably successful with consumers was Sony's Betamax (or Beta) in 1975. It was soon followed by the competing VHS (Video Home System) format from JVC in 1977 and later by other formats such as Video 2000 from Philips, V-Cord from Sanyo,", "psg_id": "2321851" }, { "title": "Wars of the Roses", "text": "kings of France and Scotland and the dukes of Burgundy played the two factions off against each other, pledging military and financial aid and offering asylum to defeated nobles and pretenders, to prevent a strong and unified England from making war on them. Chronicles written during the Wars of the Roses include: \"The above-listed individuals with well-defined sides are coloured with red borders for Lancastrians and blue for Yorkists (The Kingmaker, his relatives and George Plantagenet changed sides, so they are represented with a purple border)\" Sources: The hinge point in the succession dispute is the forced abdication of Richard", "psg_id": "15201842" }, { "title": "1998 in home video", "text": "1998 in home video 1998 was nearing the end of the dominance of the VHS format with the DVD overtaking tape sales by the early 2000s. The so-called format wars were almost over with Sony's Betamax format ending production at about this same time. The VHS format did not die out quickly because of its recording function, so many homes were adding a DVD player rather than replacing their VCRs. 1998 was a boom time for the brick and mortar video rental industry. The following movies were released on video on the following dates: The following television shows were released", "psg_id": "6663256" }, { "title": "1998 in home video", "text": "on video on the following dates: The following documentary home videos were released on the following dates: 1998 in home video 1998 was nearing the end of the dominance of the VHS format with the DVD overtaking tape sales by the early 2000s. The so-called format wars were almost over with Sony's Betamax format ending production at about this same time. The VHS format did not die out quickly because of its recording function, so many homes were adding a DVD player rather than replacing their VCRs. 1998 was a boom time for the brick and mortar video rental industry.", "psg_id": "6663257" }, { "title": "8 mm video format", "text": "recording time on an NTSC P6-120 tape to 90 minutes. For PAL, the Digital8 recorder runs 1½ times faster; thus, a 90-minute PAL Hi8 tape yields 60 minutes of Digital8 video. PAL LP mode returns the tape speed to the Hi8 SP speed, so a Hi8 90-minute tape yields 90 minutes of Digital8 video. Sony has licensed Digital8 technology to at least one other firm (Hitachi), which marketed a few models for a while; but only Sony sells Digital8 consumer equipment. Digital8's main rival is the consumer MiniDV format, which uses narrower tape and a correspondingly smaller cassette shell. Since", "psg_id": "3682280" }, { "title": "Video tape recorder", "text": "of tape, allowing a lower tape speed of 15 inches per second to be used. The Ampex VRX-1000 became the world's first commercially successful videotape recorder in 1956. It uses the 2\" quadruplex format, using two-inch (5.1 cm) tape. Because of its price, the Ampex VRX-1000 could be afforded only by the television networks and the largest individual stations. Ampex's quadruplex magnetic tape video recording system has certain limitations, such as the lack of clean pause, or still-frame, capability, because when tape motion is stopped, only a single segment of the picture recording is present at the playback heads (only", "psg_id": "2321840" }, { "title": "Star Wars: The Interactive Video Board Game", "text": "Star Wars: The Interactive Video Board Game Star Wars: The Interactive Video Board Game: Assault on the Death Star is a board game and accompanying VHS video tape, released by Parker Brothers in 1996. It is notable for including newly shot scenes twenty years after the first \"Star Wars\" film, featuring Darth Vader walking down the halls of the original Death Star set, in a performance reprised by David Prowse, James Earl Jones, and director of photography Gilbert Taylor. The game led to the canonization of four new characters in the \"Star Wars\" universe. Following a failed attempt by the", "psg_id": "6137027" }, { "title": "Star Wars: The Interactive Video Board Game", "text": "an implicit warning to the players of what he is about to do. In the video, he wants to divert Death Star II to attempt to destroy another planet, while on its final destination to the Endor so that its construction can be completed in secret. The live-action video on the VHS tape was filmed in 1996 on an original \"Star Wars\" set, twenty years after the original film. For the new scenes, Hasbro cast the reprised roles of David Prowse as Vader's body actor and James Earl Jones as Vader's voice actor. Some of the crew from \"A New", "psg_id": "6137030" }, { "title": "8 mm video format", "text": "However, the format in which video is encoded and stored on the tape itself is the entirely digital DV format (and thus very different from the analog Video8 and Hi8). Some Digital8 camcorders support Video8 and Hi8 with analog sound (for playback only), but this is not required by the Digital8 specification. In all three cases, a length of 8mm-wide magnetic tape is wound between two spools and contained within a hard-shell cassette. These cassettes share similar size and appearance with the audio cassette, but their mechanical operation is far closer to that of VHS or Betamax videocassettes. Standard recording", "psg_id": "3682267" }, { "title": "8 mm video format", "text": "angular offset, the recording tracks are laid down as parallel diagonal stripes on the tape. Unlike preceding systems, 8mm did not use a control track on the tape to facilitate the head following the diagonal tracks. Instead 8mm recorded a sequence of four sine waves on each video track such that adjacent tracks would produce one of two heterodyne frequencies if the head mistracked. The system automatically adjusted the tracking such that the two frequencies produced were of equal magnitude. This system was derived from the dynamic track following (DTF) used by the Philips Video 2000 system. Sony rechristened the", "psg_id": "3682269" }, { "title": "8 mm video format", "text": "both technologies share the same logical audio/video format, Digital8 can theoretically equal MiniDV or even DVCAM in A/V performance. But as of 2005, Digital8 has been relegated to the entry-level camcorder market, where price, not performance, is the driving factor. Meanwhile, MiniDV is the de facto standard of the domestic digital tape camcorder market. Digital8 recordings are not interchangeable with analog recordings, although many models of Digital8 equipment are able to play Hi8/Video8 analog recordings. As with many other video cassette formats, 8mm videocassettes have a tape-protecting mechanism built into the shell. Unlike the ones on VHS and VHS-C shells,", "psg_id": "3682281" }, { "title": "Video coding format", "text": "Matroska container, even though the Matroska container format itself is capable of containing other video coding formats (VP9 video and Opus audio support was later added to the WebM specification). Although video coding formats such as H.264 are sometimes referred to as \"codecs\", there is a clear conceptual difference between a specification and its implementations. Video coding formats are described in specifications, and software or hardware to encode/decode data in a given video coding format from/to uncompressed video are implementations of those specifications. As an analogy, the video coding format H.264 (specification) is to the codec OpenH264 (specific implementation) what", "psg_id": "15990009" }, { "title": "Bias tape", "text": "armhole and neckline edges instead of a facing, and as a simple strap or tie for casual bags or clothing. Commercially available bias tape is available as a simple bias tape, single-fold bias tape, and double-fold bias tape. Single-fold bias tape is bias tape with each raw edge folded in toward the center, wrong sides together, and pressed. Double-fold bias tape is single-fold bias tape which has been folded in half and pressed, with the single folds to the inside. (Another way to think of it is to fold a Single-fold bias tape in half along its center-line.) Devices are", "psg_id": "6256486" }, { "title": "Video tape recorder", "text": "magnetic tapes largely replaced by digital video tape formats. Following this, much of the VTR market, in particular videocassettes and VCRs popular at the consumer level, were also replaced by non-tape media, such as DVD and later Blu-ray optical discs. Video tape recorder technologies include: The Buggles' hit song \"Video Killed the Radio Star\", the first video ever to air on MTV, contains the lyric \"Put the blame on VTR\". Video tape recorder A video tape recorder (VTR) is a tape recorder designed to record and playback video and audio material on magnetic tape. The early VTRs are open-reel devices", "psg_id": "2321853" }, { "title": "AMV video format", "text": "AMV video format AMV is a proprietary video file format, produced for MP4 players, as well as S1 MP3 players with video playback. There are now two different MTV formats: the older one for the Actions chip, and a newer one for ALi’s M5661 chip. This format for ALi one was ALIAVI. The container is a modified version of AVI. The video format is a variant of Motion JPEG, with fixed rather than variable quantisation tables. The audio format is a variant of IMA ADPCM, where the first 8 bytes of each frame are origin (16 bits), index (16 bits)", "psg_id": "7504116" }, { "title": "Rage Against the Machine (video)", "text": "\"People of the Sun.\" AllMusic writer JT Griffith wrote \"Overall, the quality of the video is fine, but the music mix is low and a bit muddy.\" Tom Sinclair of Entertainment Weekly gave the video a B writing \"Armchair headbangers rejoice: This concert tape of American and European dates (with all of Rage Against the Machine's videos appended) lets you experience RATM's galvanic rap-metal fusion without suffering the indignities of a mosh pit.\" Live in Concert Uncensored Video Clips (Official Music Videos) Song in Credits Rage Against the Machine (video) Rage Against the Machine (also known as Rage Against the", "psg_id": "5135202" }, { "title": "Video tape recorder", "text": "Video tape recorder A video tape recorder (VTR) is a tape recorder designed to record and playback video and audio material on magnetic tape. The early VTRs are open-reel devices which record on individual reels of 2-inch-wide (5.08 cm) tape. They were used in television studios, serving as a replacement for motion picture film stock and making recording for television applications cheaper and quicker. Beginning in 1963, videotape machines made instant replay during televised sporting events possible. Improved formats, in which the tape was contained inside a videocassette, were introduced around 1969; the machines which play them are called videocassette", "psg_id": "2321834" }, { "title": "8-track tape", "text": "Bernard Cousino, to ease the continuous slip between the tape layers. While the design allowed simple, cheap, and mobile players, unlike a two-reel system, it did not permit rewinding of the tape. Some players offered fast-forward by speeding up the motor while cutting off the audio. Muntz's cartridge had used two pairs of stereo tracks in the same configuration as then-current \"quarter track\" reel-to-reel tapes. This format was intended to parallel his source material, which was usually a single LP (long playing) record with two sides. Program switching was achieved by physically moving the head up and down mechanically by", "psg_id": "977386" }, { "title": "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1982 video game)", "text": "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1982 video game) Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is a scrolling shooter video game written by Rex Bradford for the Atari 2600 and published by Parker Brothers in 1982. It was the first licensed \"Star Wars\" video game. The game was released in 1983 for the Intellivision. The player must control Luke Skywalker in a snowspeeder to battle against Imperial AT-AT walkers on the planet Hoth. The objective is to hold off the walkers as long as possible before they blow up the power generator at the Rebels' Echo Base. The difficulty levels", "psg_id": "10843242" }, { "title": "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1982 video game)", "text": "VCS scene. May the Force be with you!\" Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1982 video game) Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is a scrolling shooter video game written by Rex Bradford for the Atari 2600 and published by Parker Brothers in 1982. It was the first licensed \"Star Wars\" video game. The game was released in 1983 for the Intellivision. The player must control Luke Skywalker in a snowspeeder to battle against Imperial AT-AT walkers on the planet Hoth. The objective is to hold off the walkers as long as possible before they blow up the power generator", "psg_id": "10843248" }, { "title": "Instant Replay (magazine-format video)", "text": "Instant Replay (magazine-format video) Instant Replay was the first magazine-format, direct-to-video program for home-video consumers. Established by Miami, Florida, entrepreneur Chuck Azar in 1977, and released on VHS and Beta-format videocassettes through 1982, it contained segments devoted to live music performances, reports from technology and electronics conventions, interviews, bloopers and other off-air content from network- and cable-television satellite feeds, and home-video hobbyists' contributions, among other content. It was predated by a direct-to-video trade magazine, \"Videofashion\", sold to fashion-industry professionals on industrial U-Matic videocassettes. \"Instant Replay\" was established by Miami, Florida, entrepreneur Chuck Azar in 1977 as the first magazine-format, direct-to-video", "psg_id": "19606768" }, { "title": "Video tape recorder", "text": "and the Super 8 home motion picture film cartridge in 1966. Before the invention of the video tape recorder, live video was recorded onto motion picture film stock in a process known as telerecording or kinescoping. Although the first quadruplex VTRs record with good quality, the recordings cannot be slowed or freeze-framed, so kinescoping processes continued to be used for about a decade after the development of the first VTRs. In the technique used in all transverse-scan video tape recorders, the recording heads are mounted in a rapidly spinning drum which is pressed against the moving tape, so the heads", "psg_id": "2321844" }, { "title": "Video tape tracking", "text": "Video tape tracking In a video tape recorder, tracking is a calibration adjustment which ensures that the spinning playback head is properly aligned with the helical scan signal written onto the tape. In the case of VHS, a linear control track at the tape's lower edge holds pulses that mark the beginning of every frame of video; these are used to fine-tune the tape speed during playback and to get the rotating heads exactly on their helical tracks rather than having them end up somewhere between two adjacent tracks. However, the exact distance between the rotating video head and the", "psg_id": "16257965" }, { "title": "Off the Map (video)", "text": "Off the Map (video) Off the Map is a VHS and DVD released by the American alternative rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers in 2001, two years following the release of their seventh studio album, \"Californication\". The video runs as a full concert but is edited to include parts from various concerts from the 2000s North American tour. One song, \"What Is Soul\", was written earlier by George Clinton of Funkadelic and was released in 2002 as a B-side on the single \"By The Way\". Although the lyrics are the similar to the original Funkadelic song, the riff played by", "psg_id": "7948849" }, { "title": "Linear video editing", "text": "a short buzzing sound) because the video of the newly recorded shot would record into the side of the audio track. A commercial solution known as \"Buzz Off\" was used to minimize this effect. For more than a decade, computer-controlled Quad editing systems were the standard post-production tool for television. Quad tape involved expensive hardware, time-consuming setup, relatively long rollback times for each edit and showed misalignment as disagreeable \"banding\" in the video. However, it should be mentioned that Quad tape has a better bandwidth than any smaller-format analogue tape, and properly handled could produce a picture indistinguishable from that", "psg_id": "1664116" }, { "title": "Video tape recorder", "text": "by stationary recording heads. For correct playback, the motion of the heads has to be precisely synchronized with the motion of the tape through the capstan, so a control track of synchronizing pulses is recorded. The other two tracks are for the audio channel and a cuing track. The early machines use the Ampex 2 inch quadruplex system in which the drum has 4 heads and rotates at 14,400 RPM perpendicular to the tape, so the recorded tracks are transverse to the tape axis. With 2-inch tape this requires 16 tracks for a single analog NTSC video frame, or 20", "psg_id": "2321846" }, { "title": "8 mm video format", "text": "analog. The 8mm tape width was chosen as smaller successor to the 12mm Betamax format, using similar technology (including U-shaped tape loading) but in a smaller configuration in response to the small configuration VHS-C compact camcorders introduced by the competition. It was followed by Hi8, a version with improved resolution. Although this was still analog, some professional Hi8 equipment could store additional digital stereo PCM sound on a special reserved track. Digital8 is the most recent 8mm video format. It retains the same physical cassette shell as its predecessors, and can even record onto Video8 (not recommended) or Hi8 cassettes.", "psg_id": "3682266" }, { "title": "Blast Off (1989 video game)", "text": "of six worlds in this game, and each one has three areas (so there are a total of eighteen \"stages\" to play through). Blast Off (1989 video game) As in many other vertical scrolling shooters (including Namco's own \"Xevious\"), the player controls a ship, facing the top of the screen, that can move freely while the background scrolls down, bringing enemies into view; the player may destroy enemies for points. The game uses two buttons - one is used to make the ship fire circular lasers, while the other is used to cycle through its four firing patterns. The red", "psg_id": "5828262" }, { "title": "8 mm video format", "text": "tape format. In fact, the metal-particle technology used with the Video8 formats is more durable than the metal-evaporated type used with MiniDV. Hi8 tapes can be either of Metal Particle (MP) or Metal Evaporated (ME) formulation. Because 8mm tapes use a metal formulation, they are harder to erase than the oxide tapes used with VHS, S-VHS, and Betamax tapes. As such, carefully stored, they are less susceptible to magnetic fields than the older formats. 8 mm video format The 8mm video format refers informally to three related videocassette formats for the NTSC and PAL/SECAM television systems. These are the original", "psg_id": "3682289" }, { "title": "Face Off (video game)", "text": "Face Off (video game) This game features eight hockey teams from the Soviet Union, Canada, Sweden, the Czech Republic, the United States, Finland, France, and its home country of Japan; one (or two) player(s) can face four CPU-controlled teams in succession for the Tournament mode, and up to three or four players can face off against each other (two on each side) in the Versus mode. At the start of the game, the players can choose how many players their team has (three or five) - and in both modes, they will have to insert another coin at the end", "psg_id": "6952947" }, { "title": "Face Off (video game)", "text": "of each period to continue. This was also the first Namco game to feature Greek text; on the continuing screen, one of the players on the losing team says \"ODCH\" (ΟΔΧ) as the ten-second timer counts down for another coin. Face Off (video game) This game features eight hockey teams from the Soviet Union, Canada, Sweden, the Czech Republic, the United States, Finland, France, and its home country of Japan; one (or two) player(s) can face four CPU-controlled teams in succession for the Tournament mode, and up to three or four players can face off against each other (two on", "psg_id": "6952948" }, { "title": "8 mm video format", "text": "LP mode). Only one stereo track can be recorded or listened to at a time, and tracks are selected with the \"PCM Multi Audio\" selector button. Introduced in 1999, Digital8 is a form of the industry standard DV codec, recorded on Hi8 media. In engineering terms, Digital8 and MiniDV are indistinguishable at the logical format level. To store the digitally encoded audio/video on a standard NTSC Video8 cassette, the tape must be run at double the Hi8 speed. Thus, a 120-minute NTSC Hi8 tape yields 60 minutes of Digital8 video. Most Digital8 units offer an LP mode, which increases the", "psg_id": "3682279" }, { "title": "8 mm video format", "text": "was popular enough for Sony to make equipment for video editing and production. The format also saw some use in professional electronic news gathering and electronic field production. By 2009, the popularity of the analog 8mm formats had dwindled considerably and new camcorders that support the format were unobtainable, having been superseded by digital formats, mainly MiniDV and 8 cm DVD. These in turn have been largely displaced by high-definition camcorders that record to flash storage cards. Both Video8 and Hi8 blank media remain available and affordable but are increasingly rare. Tape-based camcorders are still readily available in the second", "psg_id": "3682286" }, { "title": "Sakura Wars (video game)", "text": "video game and OVAs while keeping within the restrictions of a television format. A manga adaptation written by Hiroi and illustrated by Ikku Masa, with cover illustrations by Fujishima, began serialization in 2002. The first series ended in December 2008, but its popularity led to a second ongoing series the following year. The first manga was originally serialized in \"Monthly Magazine Z\" until it closed down in 2008, shifting to other publications. The manga has been released as tankōbon since 2003 by the magazines' parent company Kodansha. Sakura Wars (video game) Sakura Wars is a video game co-developed by Red", "psg_id": "20145295" }, { "title": "Two Sides of the Moon", "text": "Two Sides of the Moon Two Sides of the Moon is the debut and only solo album by English rock musician Keith Moon, drummer for the Who. It peaked at No. 155 on the \"Billboard\" 200. Moon was the last member of the Who to release a solo album: by this point, John Entwistle had released \"Smash Your Head Against the Wall\" (with Moon playing percussion and singing backing vocals), Roger Daltrey released his hit album \"Daltrey\", and Pete Townshend had produced several Meher Baba tribute albums and the demo compilation \"Who Came First\". Moon had moved into the Beverly", "psg_id": "7201981" }, { "title": "Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2002 video game)", "text": "Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2002 video game) Star Wars: The Clone Wars is a video game developed by Pandemic Studios and published by LucasArts for GameCube, PlayStation 2 and Xbox. This game mostly consists of vehicular combat, such as clone war ships, starfighters, speeder bikes and tanks, although there are a few times on certain missions where the player controls Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu. The game is split up into two segments, vehicles and third-person person Jedi fighting. The vehicle segments involve most vehicles from the Star Wars universe: STAPs, tanks, AATs, AT-XTs, and Republic gunships. The controls", "psg_id": "4051689" }, { "title": "Video tape recorder", "text": "was believed that if the tape was run at a very high speed it could provide the necessary bandwidth to record the video signal. The problem was that a video signal has a much wider bandwidth than an audio signal does (6 MHz vs 20 kHz), requiring extremely high tape speeds to record it. However, there was another problem. The magnetic head design would not permit bandwidths over 1 meghertz to be recorded regardless of the tape speed. The first efforts at video recording, using recorders similar to audio recorders with fixed heads, were unsuccessful. The first such demonstration of", "psg_id": "2321836" }, { "title": "The Perfect LUV Tape", "text": "first letters of the titles of all ten tracks on the mixtape, when arranged in order, spell the word \"Doomsayers\". The song \"Do What I Want\" has been featured in the soundtrack for the video game \"NBA 2K18\". Credits were adapted from the album's liner notes. Notes Credits were adapted from the album's liner notes. Technical Additional personnel The Perfect LUV Tape The Perfect LUV Tape is the fourth mixtape by American rapper Lil Uzi Vert. It was released on July 31, 2016 by Atlantic Records and Generation Now. The album features productions from Cubeatz, Don Cannon, DP Beats, Ike", "psg_id": "19657016" }, { "title": "Off the Map (video)", "text": "to selections from \"Blood Sugar Sex Magik\", \"Californication\" and \"By The Way\" on the following tour. There are, however, live versions of the EMI era and \"One Hot Minute\" songs on the B-sides of some singles, and a few on the \"I'm With You\" Official Tour Downloads as well. In the middle of \"Me and My Friends\", Foo Fighters members Dave Grohl and Taylor Hawkins prank Chad Smith in revenge for Smith's pranks prior to the show, which causes the band to screw up at the end. Off the Map (video) Off the Map is a VHS and DVD released", "psg_id": "7948851" }, { "title": "The Raccoons", "text": "volume 2, released in 1989. Then Video Collection International Ltd released a third tape which contained the episodes \"Stop The Clock\" and \"The Artful Dodger\" on 13 August 1990 (Cat No. VC1191). That same tape was re-released again by Video Collection International Ltd on 22 July 1991, as part of their \"Children's Club\" range (Cat No. KK0019). In 2003, Morningstar Entertainment released the show on DVD for the first time. Two 9-episode boxsets were released, each containing 3 discs that were also available separately. The discs were released without any region coding in NTSC format. The first set contained nine", "psg_id": "3223813" }, { "title": "Video coding format", "text": "One subclass of relatively simple video coding formats are the intra-frame video formats, such as DV, in which each frame of the video stream is compressed independently without referring to other frames in the stream, and no attempt is made to take advantage of correlations between successive pictures over time for better compression. One example is Motion JPEG, which is simply a sequence of individually JPEG-compressed images. This approach is quick and simple, at the expense the encoded video being much larger than a video coding format supporting Inter frame coding. Because interframe compression copies data from one frame to", "psg_id": "15990017" }, { "title": "Video tape recorder", "text": "move across the tape in a transverse or nearly vertical path, recording the video signal in consecutive parallel tracks sideways across the tape. This allows use of the entire width of the tape, storing much more data per inch of tape, compared to the fixed head used in audio tape recording, which records a single track down the tape. The heads move across the tape at the high speed necessary to record the high-bandwidth video signal, but the tape moves at a slower speed through the machine. In addition, three ordinary tracks are recorded along the edge of the tape", "psg_id": "2321845" }, { "title": "MII (videocassette format)", "text": "by, although used MII equipment can occasionally be found cheaply on the professional video equipment market and online auctions. MII faded earlier than other analog video formats, in favor of digital tapes such as DV, DVCAM and DVCPro, which were themselves superseded by high definition discs and cards. A small number of specialist companies maintain old MII machines in order to offer a transfer service for archive footage to modern formats. The MII format was completely analog, with four audio channels. Six tracks were recorded on the tape: two by the moving heads and four by the stationary head. Beginning", "psg_id": "5180853" }, { "title": "Choose Up Sides", "text": "Choose Up Sides Choose Up Sides was a children's television game show that aired on NBC Saturday mornings from January 7 to March 31, 1956. It was hosted by Gene Rayburn and announced by Don Pardo and produced by Goodson-Todman Productions The show had two teams of children compete for points with the winning team earning a prize. Each side was represented by four children, usually three boys and one girl. The boys competed against each other and the girls competed against each other. The teams were named \"Space Pilots\" and \"Bronco Busters\". Each team had an adult assistant who", "psg_id": "5027015" }, { "title": "Instant Replay (magazine-format video)", "text": "program for home-video consumers. Based in the city's Coconut Grove district, the namesake company, Instant Replay Video Magazine Inc., produced numerous editions of its magazine-format video, which ran two hours each and retailed for $59.95 initially and later $80 through 1982. Yearly subscriptions sold for $1,000 and included access to a 10,000-hour library of recorded video. \"Instant Replay\" was available both by mail order and at a small number of retail outlets. While the magazine-format video program ceased production in 1982, the company itself continues to exist as of at least 2016, as a video library of over 30,000 hours.", "psg_id": "19606769" }, { "title": "Video 2000", "text": "became possible later with Video8. Rumours also circulated in the press of an auto-reverse machine shortly before the format was retired. Technically this would have been a major challenge to enable a single head drum to scan both 'sides' of the tape at the correct angle. Alongside the write-protect hole were two that were never used. One was slated to indicate the tape formulation as higher coercivity tapes were to be introduced for the 'Super 2000' hi-band version of the format. The flexibility of this system also allowed for metal tape to be introduced for the digital version 'Digital 2000',", "psg_id": "2059426" }, { "title": "Two Sides of the Moon", "text": "\"Two Sides of the Moon\" was re-released by Repertoire Records in 1997, including the finished songs that Moon had made for his second album. \"Two Sides of the Moon\" was again re-released by Castle Music and Sanctuary Records in July 2006, as a two-disc \"Deluxe Edition\", featuring the original 10 songs plus 41 bonus tracks. Two Sides of the Moon Two Sides of the Moon is the debut and only solo album by English rock musician Keith Moon, drummer for the Who. It peaked at No. 155 on the \"Billboard\" 200. Moon was the last member of the Who to", "psg_id": "7201995" }, { "title": "Akai videotape format", "text": "Akai videotape format The 1/4 inch Akai is a portable helical scan EIA and CCIR analog recording video tape recorder (VTR) with two video record heads on the scanning drum. The units were available with an optional RF modulator to play back through a TV set, as well as a detachable video monitor. The Akai Electric Ltd. VTR plant was in Tokyo, Japan. The Akai X500-VT from about 1968 pictured is perhaps the oddest of the Akai format machines in as much as it is both a stereo reel to reel audio recorder of 3.3/4 and 7.5 inch per sec", "psg_id": "10215844" }, { "title": "Stuck with Each Other", "text": "Chart. David Balls of Digital Spy gave the song 3/5 stars: The music video was directed by Gil Green and was released to Shontelle's official fansite on March 4, 2009. It features both Shontelle and Akon. The video starts off with Shontelle and her boyfriend shopping with Shontelle trying on lots of different outfits and coming out of fitting rooms whilst clips of the movie are shown. During Akon's verse it has them against a gold background which appears to be a picture on the wall. Other pictures on the walls are clips of the film, \"Confessions of a Shopaholic\".", "psg_id": "12888137" }, { "title": "Video tape recorder", "text": "clear that practical video recording technology depended on finding some way of recording the wide-bandwidth video signal without the high tape speed required by linear-scan machines. In 1953 Dr. Norikazu Sawazaki developed a prototype helical scan video tape recorder. Another solution was transverse-scan technology, developed by Ampex around 1954, in which the recording heads are mounted on a spinning drum and record tracks in the transverse direction, across the tape. By recording on the full width of the tape rather than just a narrow track down the center, this technique achieved a much higher density of data per linear centimeter", "psg_id": "2321839" }, { "title": "Video tape tracking", "text": "fixed head reading the linear track can vary by a couple of micrometers between machines due to manufacturing tolerances, so most machines offer a manual or automatic tracking control to correct such mismatches. Video tape tracking In a video tape recorder, tracking is a calibration adjustment which ensures that the spinning playback head is properly aligned with the helical scan signal written onto the tape. In the case of VHS, a linear control track at the tape's lower edge holds pulses that mark the beginning of every frame of video; these are used to fine-tune the tape speed during playback", "psg_id": "16257966" }, { "title": "8 mm video format", "text": "which consist of only a single piece of plastic that protects the part of the tape that is read by the player/recorder, Hi8's tape-protection mechanism consists of two pieces of plastic at the top of the shell that come together and form a casing that protects both sides of the tape, and a latch that prevents this casing from opening and exposing the tape. The playback/recording unit can depress this latch to open the casing and gain access to the tape. To prevent the recording on the tape from being erased, there is a small write-protect tab that can be", "psg_id": "3682282" }, { "title": "Star Wars video games", "text": "a narrative. In 1978, Apple Computer produced an unlicensed Star Wars game on cassette tape for its Apple II. As a \"space pilot trainee\", the player destroys TIE fighters using a first-person heads-up display. The first video game cartridge bearing the name Star Wars appeared that year on the RCA Studio II clones Sheen M1200 and Mustang Telespiel Computer. The first official licensed \"Star Wars\" electronic game was Kenner's 1979 table-top \"Star Wars\" Electronic Battle Command. The game had three levels of play (basic, intermediate, and advanced). Players took turns examining star systems with the aim of avoiding black holes,", "psg_id": "4928937" }, { "title": "Linear video editing", "text": "was two-inch quadruplex videotape and travelled at 15 inches per second. To gain enough head-to-tape speed, four video recording and playback heads were spun on a head wheel across most of the two-inch width of the tape. (Audio and synchronization tracks were recorded along the sides of the tape with stationary heads.) This system was known as \"quad\" (for \"quadruplex\") recording. The resulting video tracks were slightly less than a ninety-degree angle (considering the vector addition of high-speed spinning heads tracing across the 15 inches per second forward motion of the tape). Originally, video was edited by visualizing the recorded", "psg_id": "1664111" }, { "title": "9 track tape", "text": "33%, to 113 megabytes. 9 track tape The IBM System/360, released in 1964, introduced what is now generally known as 9 track tape. The ½ inch (12.7 mm) wide magnetic tape media and reels are the same size as the earlier IBM 7 track format it replaced, but the new format has eight data tracks and one parity track for a total of nine parallel tracks. Data is stored as 8-bit characters, spanning the full width of the tape (including the parity bit). Various recording methods were employed during its lifetime as tape speed and data density increased, including PE", "psg_id": "8368230" }, { "title": "9 track tape", "text": "9 track tape The IBM System/360, released in 1964, introduced what is now generally known as 9 track tape. The ½ inch (12.7 mm) wide magnetic tape media and reels are the same size as the earlier IBM 7 track format it replaced, but the new format has eight data tracks and one parity track for a total of nine parallel tracks. Data is stored as 8-bit characters, spanning the full width of the tape (including the parity bit). Various recording methods were employed during its lifetime as tape speed and data density increased, including PE (phase encoding), GCR (group", "psg_id": "8368215" }, { "title": "Cassette tape", "text": "which had long carried Vinyl LPs, started carrying a line of new pre-recorded cassette tapes along with blank cassettes and players featuring both new and vintage albums. Since 2016, cassette tape sales have seen a modest resurgence, with 2016, 2017 and 2018 all showing increased sales. The cassette was a great step forward in convenience from reel-to-reel audio tape recording, although, because of the limitations of the cassette's size and speed, it initially compared poorly in quality. Unlike the 4-track stereo open-reel format, the two stereo tracks of each side lie adjacent to each other, rather than being interleaved with", "psg_id": "751265" }, { "title": "Gay Sex in the 70s", "text": "in New York during the 1970s, what the legacy of that time of sexual freedom is and how it continues to affect young people today. The following people are interviewed for the documentary. The film was awarded the GayVN Award for Best Alternative Release of 2006. Gay Sex in the 70s Gay Sex in the 70s is a 2005 American documentary film about gay sexual culture in New York City in the 1970s. The film was directed by Joseph Lovett and encompasses the twelve years of sexual freedom bookended by the Stonewall riots of 1969 and the recognition of AIDS", "psg_id": "9461929" }, { "title": "Linear Tape-Open", "text": "between them. IBM called its format 3480 (after IBM's one product that used it) and designed it to meet the demanding requirements of its mainframe products. DEC originally called theirs CompacTape, but later it was renamed DLT and sold to Quantum Corporation. In the late 1980s, Exabyte's Data8 format, derived from Sony's dual-reel cartridge 8 mm video format, saw some popularity, especially with UNIX systems. Sony followed this success with their own now-discontinued 8 mm data format, Advanced Intelligent Tape (AIT). By the late 1990s, Quantum's DLT and Sony's AIT were the leading options for high-capacity tape storage for PC", "psg_id": "3577262" }, { "title": "Video tape recorder", "text": "in 1967. The EIAJ format is a standard half-inch format used by various manufacturers. EIAJ-1 is an open-reel format. EIAJ-2 uses a cartridge that contains a supply reel, but not the take-up reel. Since the take-up reel is part of the recorder, the tape has to be fully rewound before removing the cartridge, which is a relatively slow procedure. The development of the videocassette followed other replacements of open-reel systems with a cassette or cartridge in consumer items: the Stereo-Pak 4-track audio cartridge in 1962, the compact audio cassette and Instamatic film cartridge in 1963, the 8-track cartridge in 1965,", "psg_id": "2321843" }, { "title": "Akai videotape format", "text": "diameter (VT-100/-110/-120), and a single stationary model using a 27 cm open reel, designated VT-700. VTR Specs: Camera Specs: Akai videotape format The 1/4 inch Akai is a portable helical scan EIA and CCIR analog recording video tape recorder (VTR) with two video record heads on the scanning drum. The units were available with an optional RF modulator to play back through a TV set, as well as a detachable video monitor. The Akai Electric Ltd. VTR plant was in Tokyo, Japan. The Akai X500-VT from about 1968 pictured is perhaps the oddest of the Akai format machines in as", "psg_id": "10215847" }, { "title": "The X-Files merchandise", "text": "cards (one per video tape) as had been included in each of the previous seven waves/releases. In the UK, all nine seasons were released on VHS in limited edition box sets. The first VHS releases in Australia were released in the format of File 1, File 2, etc., up until File 12, which was the final episode of Season 5. They were released from 1995 through until 1998. These are as follows: Other VHS titles released from 1999 to 2002 include: Also released in Australia were wave sets (1999-2001) which each VHS contains two episodes from Season One through until", "psg_id": "9512662" }, { "title": "Video tape recorder", "text": "the tape) can be caused by variations in the rotational rate of the capstan drive, stretching of the tape medium, and jamming of tape in the machine. Transverse error (error arising from effects in the cross-tape direction) can be caused by variations in the rotational speed of the scanning drum and differences in the angle between the tape and the scanning heads (usually addressed by video tracking controls). Longitudinal errors are similar to the ones that cause wow and flutter in audio recordings. Since these errors are not so subtle and since it is standard video recording practice to record", "psg_id": "2321849" }, { "title": "M (videocassette format)", "text": "M (videocassette format) M is the name of a professional analog recording videocassette format developed around 1982 by Matsushita and RCA. It was developed as a competitor to Sony's Betacam format. In the same way Betacam was designed to take advantage of cheap and readily available Betamax videocassettes, M used the same videocassette (and the same oxide-formulated magnetic tape loaded in the cassette) as VHS. M-Format also used a similar \"component video\" format to that used by Betacam, (as opposed to VHS's \"composite video\" format), and recorded at a much faster linear tape speed, as Betacam did. A cassette that", "psg_id": "5180923" }, { "title": "The Lost Tape (film)", "text": "they found out, the closer they got to the unexplained reality, of what they thought was merely a myth. After entering into the woods, they were never seen again. The search went on for 6 months and the case was closed. Until one day, police recovered a digital video recorder, which held the unexplained secret. This film unfolds the mystery of those 5 youngsters’ mysterious disappearance. A tale of Love, friendship, betrayal and fear. Fear of the devil and fear of the Lord himself. The shoot took place in the forests of Chail, Himachal Pradesh. <> The Lost Tape (film)", "psg_id": "16700399" }, { "title": "Video tape recorder", "text": "16 lines of the picture in each segment), so it can only reproduce recognizable pictures when the tape is playing at normal speed.) But in spite of its drawbacks it remained the broadcasting studio standard until about 1980. The helical scan system overcame this limitation. In 1959 Toshiba released the first commercial helical-scan video tape recorder. In 1963, Philips introduced its EL3400 1\" helical scan recorder (aimed at the business and domestic user), and Sony marketed the 2\" PV-100, its first open-reel VTR intended for business, medical, airline, and educational use. The Telcan, produced by the Nottingham Electronic Valve Company", "psg_id": "2321841" }, { "title": "What What (In the Butt)", "text": "singer for Queens Of The Stone Age and guitar player for Kyuss. In 2009, the creators of the video, and Samwell himself, claimed that a feature film called \"What What (In the Butt): The Movie\" was in the works. On November 12, 2010, Brownmark Films filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against MTV Networks, South Park Studios, and Viacom for their use of \"What What in the Butt\" in a 2008 \"South Park\" episode. In July 2011, a federal judge decided that South Park's use of the video fell under the fair use exception to copyright law, and thus the defendants", "psg_id": "10157829" }, { "title": "Twig Tape", "text": "volume using a TASCAM 4-track tape recorder, but soon the students took on the entire project themselves. With each passing year, equipment and techniques improved as the student producers graduated and passed on what they had learned to their successors. One constant has remained: all performance, recording, mixing, mastering, design and distribution have remained \"in-house\" where possible and left to the discretion of student volunteers. Unlike other high school music yearbooks, the \"Twig Tape\" is not an outlet for so-called \"band geeks\" to show off their performances of other peoples' songs, but a showcase for the broad range of musical", "psg_id": "7729435" }, { "title": "Star Wars: Lords of the Sith", "text": "Star Wars: Lords of the Sith Star Wars: Lords of the Sith is a \"Star Wars\" novel by Paul S. Kemp, published in April 2015. Set between the film \"\" and the novel \"\", it features Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine facing off against revolutionaries. \"Lords of the Sith\" was one of the first four novels published in the franchise after Lucasfilm redefined \"Star Wars\" continuity in April 2014. In \"Lords of the Sith\", Vader and Palpatine find themselves hunted by revolutionaries on the Twi'lek planet Ryloth. With the 2012 acquisition of Lucasfilm by The Walt Disney Company, most of", "psg_id": "19537818" }, { "title": "MTV's The 70s House", "text": "the Hustle regardless of what they were doing. They were shown throughout the season doing the Hustle at various times including the middle of the night and early in morning. Stand-up comedian Natasha Leggero played Dawn, while Bil Dwyer played the elimination challenge host, Bert Van Styles. Aaron Matthew Lee, the creator of the show, provided the voice of Oscar. The winner received a prize package from Hewlett-Packard, a 2005 Volkswagen Beetle and a trip to Europe. A similar show centered around 1990s culture called 90's House premiered on MTV in 2017. MTV's The 70s House MTV's The 70s House", "psg_id": "5473602" }, { "title": "Over the Edge Vol. 4: Dick Vaughn's Moribund Music of the '70s", "text": "1 - 6 of Disc Two are taken from the \"Moribund Music Of The '70s\" show, in which Dick Vaughn begins the first-ever \"'70s Nostalgia\" broadcast, complete with authentic 1970s radio gimmicks, commercials, and the usual Negativland sense of humor. Tracks 7 - 10 of Disc two are all taken from different shows, and feature commentary on the \"Moribund\" show, another classic Dick Vaughn prank, and a 15 Minute excerpt from the \"Dick Is Dead\" show. Finally, Tracks 11 & 12 are taken from a live Negativland performance, and includes the complete tape that opens the CD. Originally released in", "psg_id": "11484699" }, { "title": "Instant Replay (magazine-format video)", "text": "Previously, a direct-to-video trade magazine, \"Videofashion\", from the New York City-based Videofashion Inc., was sold to fashion-industry professionals on industrial U-Matic videocassettes, beginning in 1976. It became nominally a consumer magazine in 1979, with one-hour videocassettes available through the Time-Life Video Club for $395 each. Each edition of \"Instant Replay\" contained approximately 10 regular segments. The \"First Anniversary Issue\" included: Two hours each unless otherwise indicated. Source: Magazine-format video programs, which one writer in 1980 dubbed \"videozines,\" became common by the mid-1980s, running the gamut from McGraw-Hill's \"Aviation Week\" to Karl-Lorimar Home Video's \"Playboy Video Magazine\". As one journalist wrote", "psg_id": "19606770" }, { "title": "The Other Sides – Elvis Worldwide Gold Award Hits Vol. 2", "text": "The Other Sides – Elvis Worldwide Gold Award Hits Vol. 2 The Other Sides – Elvis Worldwide Gold Award Hits Vol. 2 is a compilation album by American singer and musician Elvis Presley released on August 1, 1971. It was certified Gold on July 15, 1999 by the Recording Industry Association of America. Only three tracks had never been officially released in LP format prior to this release: \"Tell Me Why\", the single version of \"Patch it Up\" and the theme song to \"Wild in the Country\". As a promotion, the initial release of this set included a small swath", "psg_id": "10585787" }, { "title": "The Other Sides – Elvis Worldwide Gold Award Hits Vol. 2", "text": "of fabric purported to come from one of Presley's outfits. The Other Sides – Elvis Worldwide Gold Award Hits Vol. 2 The Other Sides – Elvis Worldwide Gold Award Hits Vol. 2 is a compilation album by American singer and musician Elvis Presley released on August 1, 1971. It was certified Gold on July 15, 1999 by the Recording Industry Association of America. Only three tracks had never been officially released in LP format prior to this release: \"Tell Me Why\", the single version of \"Patch it Up\" and the theme song to \"Wild in the Country\". As a promotion,", "psg_id": "10585788" }, { "title": "Two Sides", "text": "Two Sides Two Sides: The Very Best of Mike Oldfield is a compilation album by British multi-instrumentalist Mike Oldfield that was released on 30 July 2012 by Mercury Records. The content of the album was compiled by Oldfield himself. The album cover features two depictions of Oldfield's signature \"Tubular Bells\" logo, one in bright pink and the other in dark blue, on a blue night's sky background. It was released on the same day as a number of other Oldfield releases; \"QE2\" and \"Platinum\" remasters, and a 6 CD boxed set. The release came days after Oldfield's performance at the", "psg_id": "16694136" }, { "title": "Two Sides", "text": "Two Sides Two Sides: The Very Best of Mike Oldfield is a compilation album by British multi-instrumentalist Mike Oldfield that was released on 30 July 2012 by Mercury Records. The content of the album was compiled by Oldfield himself. The album cover features two depictions of Oldfield's signature \"Tubular Bells\" logo, one in bright pink and the other in dark blue, on a blue night's sky background. It was released on the same day as a number of other Oldfield releases; \"QE2\" and \"Platinum\" remasters, and a 6 CD boxed set. The release came days after Oldfield's performance at the", "psg_id": "16694134" }, { "title": "Video coding format", "text": "the C Programming Language (specification) is to the compiler GCC (specific implementation). Note that for each specification (e.g. H.264), there can be many codecs implementing that specification (e.g. x264, OpenH264, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC products and implementations). This distinction is not consistently reflected terminologically in the literature. The H.264 specification calls H.261, H.262, H.263, and H.264 \"video coding standards\" and does not contain the word \"codec\". The Alliance for Open Media clearly distinguishes between the AV1 video coding format and the accompanying codec they are developing, but calls the video coding format itself a \"video codec specification\". The VP9 specification calls the", "psg_id": "15990010" }, { "title": "AMV video format", "text": "Documentation for this format is not publicly available, but Dobrica Pavlinušić reverse engineered the format to produce a Perl-based decoder and Pavlinušić, Tom Van Braeckel and Vladimir Voroshilov produced a version of FFmpeg that works on AMV files. The mainline version of FFmpeg now decodes and encodes AMV. AMV video format AMV is a proprietary video file format, produced for MP4 players, as well as S1 MP3 players with video playback. There are now two different MTV formats: the older one for the Actions chip, and a newer one for ALi’s M5661 chip. This format for ALi one was ALIAVI.", "psg_id": "7504118" }, { "title": "The Tale of the Tape", "text": "Rascal's \"Fix Up, Look Sharp\", U.T.F.O's \"Roxanne, Roxanne\" and Alicia Keys' \"Girl on Fire\". The song also featured a pre-MTV music video. All songs by Billy Squier, except where noted. The Tale of the Tape The Tale of the Tape is a rock album by Billy Squier that was released in May 1980. It was his first solo album, following two albums with the band Piper. The disc spent three months on \"Billboard\"s album chart, setting Squier's career in motion. Several of its tracks were popular on AOR (Album Oriented Rock) radio. Although no songs from the album reached the", "psg_id": "8978156" }, { "title": "The Two Colonels", "text": "an armistice. The Two Colonels I due colonnelli (internationally released as The Two Colonels) is a 1963 Italian comedy film directed by Steno. The character of Totò took inspiration from a similar character he played in \"Totò Diabolicus\". The story is of Italian and British troops facing off on the Greek - Albanian border in 1943. Both sides take, lose, and retake a border village countless times during the entire movie. The village is taken and retaken by both sides so many times that the locals don't even pay attention to the battles any more and openly collaborate with whichever", "psg_id": "16694871" }, { "title": "The Two Colonels", "text": "The Two Colonels I due colonnelli (internationally released as The Two Colonels) is a 1963 Italian comedy film directed by Steno. The character of Totò took inspiration from a similar character he played in \"Totò Diabolicus\". The story is of Italian and British troops facing off on the Greek - Albanian border in 1943. Both sides take, lose, and retake a border village countless times during the entire movie. The village is taken and retaken by both sides so many times that the locals don't even pay attention to the battles any more and openly collaborate with whichever side is", "psg_id": "16694869" }, { "title": "Two Sides of the Moon", "text": "every time recording was stopped because he failed to hit a note, ending up destroying the entire light fixture. Stronach recalled, \"He'd come in, reach into his pockets, and there'd be pills and cocaine falling out.\" While Moon had previously been able to sing adequately on several songs from the \"A Quick One\", \"Ready Steady Who\" and \"The Who Sell Out\" sessions, his strained and frequently off-key vocals on \"Two Sides of the Moon\" contributed to feelings of inadequacy and depression throughout recording. MCA's then-president Mike Maitland told Taylor at their first meeting that a lot of money had been", "psg_id": "7201991" }, { "title": "Video tape recorder", "text": "this technique was done by BCE on 11 November 1951. The result was a very poor picture. Another of the early efforts was the Vision Electronic Recording Apparatus, a high-speed multi-track machine developed by the BBC in 1952. This machine used a thin steel tape on a 21-inch (53.5 cm) reel traveling at over 200 inches (510 cm) per second. Despite 10 years of research and improvements, it was never widely used due to the immense length of tape required for each minute of recorded video. By 1952 BCE also had moved on to multi-track machine, but found limitations in", "psg_id": "2321837" }, { "title": "Pants-Off Dance-Off", "text": "Pants-Off Dance-Off Pants-Off Dance-Off (PODO) is a dance contest which premiered on April 18, 2006 on Fuse. It features stripteasers as they dance while disrobing. In each episode, five contestants striptease to a music video, while interviews, soundbites and photos reveal stories about each so-called \"pancer\". For the first two seasons, the audience selected each episode’s winner by texting their vote. The third season used a format where judges selected the weekly winner. Each episode's winner received $200 and the opportunity to compete in a championship at the end of the season. In October 2009 the show was launched in", "psg_id": "7835574" }, { "title": "Rivalries in the National Rugby League", "text": "two teams faced off in the 2006 NRL Grand Final, with Brisbane winning 15-8. Since then, these two teams have shared great rivalry. This rivalry is considered as the Australia vs New Zealand rivalry. These two sides met in the 2002 NRL Grand Final with the Roosters thrashing the Warriors 30-8. These two sides usually meet each other on ANZAC Day. This match is known as \"The Battle of the Beaches\". These two sides have played two grand finals against each other, one in 1973 where Manly won 19-14, and another in 2013 where the Roosters won 26-18. The rivalry", "psg_id": "15603186" }, { "title": "The Story of Star Wars", "text": "this album was the closest to owning a copy of the film they could revisit whenever they wanted. The album was also released on compact cassette, 8-track tape, and 4-track reel-to-reel audio tape. It was a commercial success and achieved Gold Record status. The sequel films, \"The Empire Strikes Back\" and \"Return of the Jedi\", saw a similar record release. In 2004, the title was used again for a three disc set produced and released for the VideoNow Color personal video player. The first two discs are an overview of the first five \"Star Wars\" films released: \"The Story of", "psg_id": "6609351" }, { "title": "Blast Off (1989 video game)", "text": "Blast Off (1989 video game) As in many other vertical scrolling shooters (including Namco's own \"Xevious\"), the player controls a ship, facing the top of the screen, that can move freely while the background scrolls down, bringing enemies into view; the player may destroy enemies for points. The game uses two buttons - one is used to make the ship fire circular lasers, while the other is used to cycle through its four firing patterns. The red pattern is two lasers in a spiral pattern, while the blue one is one laser straight ahead and one behind, the yellow one", "psg_id": "5828259" }, { "title": "Lego Star Wars: The Video Game", "text": "Lego Star Wars: The Video Game Lego Star Wars: The Video Game is a Lego-themed, action-adventure video game based on the Lego Star Wars line of toys, and the first installment in the Lego video game franchise developed by Traveller's Tales, which would develop all future Lego titles from that point on. It was first released on 29 March 2005, and is a video game adaptation of the \"Star Wars\" prequel trilogy: \"\" (1999), \"\" (2002) and \"\" (2005), with a bonus segment from \"A New Hope\" (1977). It is the only Traveller's Tales developed Lego title that was rated", "psg_id": "4905061" }, { "title": "Facing the Giants", "text": "she's finally pregnant, causing Grant to break down in tears of joy. Two years later, it is revealed that they have a young baby, that another one is on the way, and that the Eagles have won a second state title. Most of the cast and crew were members of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia. For example, the role of Bobby Lee Duke, the opposing coach in the state final, was played by Sherwood Baptist associate pastor Jim McBride. The movie was shot on high definition digital video tape (using the Panasonic Varicam) and transferred to film. Using real", "psg_id": "8095694" }, { "title": "The Hour We Knew Nothing of Each Other", "text": "for me, who had seen it, everything that happened after the incident with the hearse seemed somewhat coloured by it. None of the people on the square knew anything of each other - hence the title. But we,the onlookers see them as sculptures who sculpt each other through what goes on before and after. Only through what comes after does that which has gone before gain contours; and what went on before sculpts what is to come. The play was first staged in Vienna in 1992. It was first performed in the UK at the Edinburgh Festival in 1994. It", "psg_id": "11548437" }, { "title": "Videotape format war", "text": "a plethora of market investigations into why Betamax failed. Sony seemed to have misjudged the home video market. Sony believed that the one-hour length of its current U-matic format would be sufficient for Betamax. However, U-matic was primarily a professional standard with constant surveillance by television technicians and which did not need more than one hour length per tape. For home usage, one hour would not be enough to record lengthy programming, such as a baseball game or a movie. What Sony did not take into account was what consumers wanted. While Betamax was \"believed\" to be the superior format", "psg_id": "3408737" }, { "title": "Tape label", "text": "information on the tape itself in a standard format. This metadata allowed the operating system to quickly recognize a volume and assign it to the program that wanted to use it. The operating system would notice that a tape drive came online, so it would try to read the first block of information on the tape. If that was a volume label, then the operating system could determine what to do with it. Some computer systems used similar labels on other serial media, for example punched card decks and sometimes line printer output. IBM tape labels with VOL/HDR/EOV/EOF records. IBM", "psg_id": "14267955" }, { "title": "The Way We Were", "text": "Were\" and reminded him of how Katie called Hubbell after they'd broken up and asked him to come sit with her because he was her best friend and she needed her best friend. In Season One Episode 20 of \"That '70s Show\", Kitty Forman says that \"The Way We Were\" was a nice movie, after Eric explains a scene in \"Star Wars\". In Season Two Episode 18 of \"Sex and the City\", Carrie uses \"The Way We Were\" as an analogy for her relationship with Big. The girls proceed to sing the film's theme song, and later, when Carrie bumps", "psg_id": "1743580" }, { "title": "The '70s Anthology", "text": "\"Never Can Say Goodbye\", \"Walk With Me, Talk With Me Darling\", which are all from the shelved \"Promises Kept\" album (recorded in mid-1971, to be released after the album \"Touch\"). Instead the \"Floy Joy\" sessions, supervised by Smokey Robinson were recorded and released in 1972. The 1970s Supremes featured several different lineups. One asterisk (*) designates a previously unreleased recording. Two asterisks (**) designate a previously released recording in a previously unreleased (or, in many cases, new) mix The '70s Anthology The '70s Anthology is a 2002 two compact disc set of many of the songs recorded by the 1970s", "psg_id": "5999350" }, { "title": "9 track tape", "text": "on the sides of the columns. The control electronics kept the curve of the tape loop between the two inner sensors, cueing the supply reel to feed more or the take-up reel to take more as necessary. The outer two sensors, at the very top and bottom of the columns, served to sense malfunctions in the feed mechanism during operation, prompting the control electronics to shut off all operation of the tape transport and vacuum system to prevent damaging the tape. Because of the tension provided by the vacuum columns and the design of the tape path, tape was usually", "psg_id": "8368221" }, { "title": "MII (videocassette format)", "text": "MII (videocassette format) MII is a professional analog recording videocassette format developed by Panasonic in 1986 in competition with Sony's Betacam SP format. It was technically similar to Betacam SP, using metal-formulated tape loaded in the cassette, and utilizing component video recording. MII is sometimes incorrectly referred to as M2; the official name uses Roman numerals, and is pronounced \"em two\". Just as Betacam SP was an improved version of its predecessor Betacam (originally derived from Betamax) with higher video and audio quality, MII was an enhanced development of its predecessor, the failed M format (originally derived from VHS). There", "psg_id": "5180849" }, { "title": "The Human League Video Single (1983)", "text": "go on to release a full video album in 1988 for their \"Greatest Hits compilation. The Video Single was released after the success of the single \"Mirror Man\" which had reached number two in the UK single charts in December 1982, and \"Mirror Man\" is the title track, bundled together with the band's two previous biggest selling single videos. The Human League Video Single (1983) The Human League Video Single is a music video compilation by the British synthpop group The Human League, released on VHS and Betamax format tape. Marketed as a \"video single\", it was released in the", "psg_id": "11735531" }, { "title": "Tape Two", "text": "– they channel the same perplexing distinction into exhilaratingly baffling production and refreshingly sharp and passionate lyrics.\" All songs produced by Young Fathers. Tape Two Tape Two is the second EP by Scottish hip hop group Young Fathers. It was released on 11 June 2013 through Anticon. The EP was entirely produced by Young Fathers. Despite being an EP, \"Tape Two\" won the Scottish Album of the Year award for 2013. \"Tape Two\" received critical acclaim from contemporary music critics. It currently holds a score of 84 out of 100 on Metacritic based on 6 reviews, which indicates \"universal acclaim\".", "psg_id": "17365156" }, { "title": "Tape Two", "text": "Tape Two Tape Two is the second EP by Scottish hip hop group Young Fathers. It was released on 11 June 2013 through Anticon. The EP was entirely produced by Young Fathers. Despite being an EP, \"Tape Two\" won the Scottish Album of the Year award for 2013. \"Tape Two\" received critical acclaim from contemporary music critics. It currently holds a score of 84 out of 100 on Metacritic based on 6 reviews, which indicates \"universal acclaim\". Jack Chsterfield of \"Clash\" said: \"While Young Fathers may lack stereotypical Scottish sonic behaviour – whatever your own perception of that may be", "psg_id": "17365155" }, { "title": "Magnetic tape data storage", "text": "on the face of a spinning disk which is laid flat against the tape. The path of the tape heads forms an arc. Helical scan recording writes short dense tracks in a \"diagonal\" manner. This method is used by virtually all current videotape systems and several data tape formats. In a typical format, data is written to tape in blocks with inter-block gaps between them, and each block is written in a single operation with the tape running continuously during the write. However, since the rate at which data is written or read to the tape drive is not deterministic,", "psg_id": "8960611" } ]
[ "betamax and vhs" ]
december 13, 1636 saw the massachusetts bay colony organizes three militia regiments to defend the colony against the pequot indians. this is recognized today as the founding of what branch of the military?
[ { "title": "History of the US Army National Guard", "text": "of three regiments by organizing existing separate militia companies in the towns around Boston. The creation of the militia regiments was caused by the perceived need to defend the Bay Colony against American Indians, as well as colonists and military members from other European countries who were operating in North America, including: the French in what is now Canada; the Spanish in what is now Florida, The Carolinas, and Georgia; and the Dutch in what was then New Netherland, which comprised what is now parts of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. The General Court required that all able-bodied", "psg_id": "20224068" }, { "title": "United States National Guard", "text": "descended from Massachusetts Bay Colony regiments formed over 375 years ago. On December 13, 1636, the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony had ordered that the Colony's scattered militia companies be organized into North, South and East Regiments—with a goal of increasing the militias' accountability to the colonial government, efficacy, and responsiveness in conflicts with indigenous Pequot Indians. Under this act, white males between the ages of 16 and 60 were obligated to possess arms and to take part in the defense of their communities by serving in nightly guard details and participating in weekly drills. The founding date", "psg_id": "492976" }, { "title": "Massachusetts Bay Colony", "text": "1862. Lands which had previously belonged to the Pequots to the southwest were divided after the Pequot War in present-day Rhode Island and eastern Connecticut. Claims were disputed in this area for many years, particularly between Connecticut and Rhode Island. Massachusetts administered Block Island and the area around present-day Stonington, Connecticut as part of these spoils of war, and was one of several claimants to land in what was known as Narragansett Country (roughly Washington County, Rhode Island). Massachusetts lost all of these territories in the 1660s, when Connecticut and Rhode Island received their royal charters. Massachusetts Bay Colony The", "psg_id": "1612006" }, { "title": "Massachusetts Bay Colony", "text": "but these were assimilated into the colony. The population of Massachusetts remained largely English in character until the 1840s. Slavery existed but was not widespread within the colony. Some Indians captured in the Pequot War were enslaved, with those posing the greatest threat being transported to the West Indies and exchanged for goods and slaves. Governor John Winthrop owned a few Indian slaves, and Governor Simon Bradstreet owned two black slaves. The Body of Liberties enacted in 1641 included rules governing the treatment and handling of slaves. Bradstreet reported in 1680 that the colony had 100 to 120 slaves, but", "psg_id": "1611999" }, { "title": "History of Massachusetts", "text": "the borders of modern East Providence, Rhode Island. By the 1650s, Massachusetts Bay, the Colony of Rhode Island (not yet unified with Providence) the Connecticut Colony, and two different land companies all claimed what is now Washington County, Rhode Island, what was referred to as Narragansett Country. Massachusetts Bay had conquered Block Island in 1636 in retaliation for the murder of a trader at the start of the Pequot War, and Massachusetts families settled there in 1661. The Plymouth Colony's land grant specified its western boundary as the Narragansett \"River\"; it is unclear whether this referred to the Pawcatuck River", "psg_id": "6748266" }, { "title": "Trustees for the Establishment of the Colony of Georgia in America", "text": "Now known as the Oglethorpe Plan, it specified how towns and regions would be laid out, how property would be equitably and sustainably allocated, and how society would be organized to defend itself on a perilous frontier. Though Oglethorpe and others wanted debtors' prisoners to inhabit the new colony of Georgia, the Crown determined otherwise. The Colony would become a military buffer for South Carolina against the Spanish and some Creek factions. Each of the new \"Georgians\" was chosen for their work skills, which would best contribute to the colony. The men were trained and made members of the militia", "psg_id": "15737199" }, { "title": "Massachusetts Bay Colony", "text": "and established the Sagadahoc Colony in 1607 in Maine. The experience proved exceptionally difficult for the 120 settlers, however, and the surviving colonists abandoned the colony after only one year. Gorges noted that \"there was no more speech of settling plantations in those parts\" for a number of years. English ships continued to come to the New England area for fishing and trade with the Indians. In December 1620, a group of Pilgrims established Plymouth Colony just to the south of Massachusetts Bay, seeking to preserve their cultural identity and attain religious freedom. Plymouth's colonists faced great hardships and earned", "psg_id": "1611952" }, { "title": "Connecticut Colony", "text": "Connecticut Colony The Connecticut Colony or Colony of Connecticut, originally known as the Connecticut River Colony or simply the River Colony, was an English colony in North America that became the state of Connecticut. It was organized on March 3, 1636 as a settlement for a Puritan congregation, and the English permanently gained control of the region in 1637 after struggles with the Dutch. The colony was later the scene of a bloody war between the colonists and Pequot Indians known as the Pequot War. Connecticut Colony played a significant role in the establishment of self-government in the New World", "psg_id": "2676601" }, { "title": "Las Vegas Tribe of Paiute Indians of the Las Vegas Indian Colony", "text": "Las Vegas Tribe of Paiute Indians of the Las Vegas Indian Colony The Las Vegas Tribe of Paiute Indians of the Las Vegas Indian Colony is a federally recognized tribe of Southern Paiute Indians in southern Nevada. The Las Vegas Paiute Tribe has a reservation, the Las Vegas Indian Colony, at in Clark County adjacent to the northwest corner of Las Vegas. The reservation was first established in 1911 and today is large. In 1992, 52 tribal members lived on the reservation and 71 people were enrolled in the tribe. The tribe is descended from the \"Tudinu\" or \"Desert People\",", "psg_id": "14092562" }, { "title": "Massachusetts Bay Colony", "text": "War (1675–78), after which most of the Indians in southern New England made peace treaties with the colonists (apart from the Pequot tribe, whose survivors were largely absorbed into the Narragansett and Mohegan tribes following the Pequot War). The colony was economically successful, engaging in trade with England and the West Indies. A shortage of hard currency in the colony prompted it to establish a mint in 1652. Political differences with England after the English Restoration led to the revocation of the colonial charter in 1684. King James II established the Dominion of New England in 1686 to bring all", "psg_id": "1611946" }, { "title": "Pequot Fort", "text": "Dutch of New Netherland. The Pequot War broke out in 1636, after English trader John Oldham was found murdered on his boat near Block Island. The Pequots were accused of sheltering the murderers, and one of their villages was burned by a Massachusetts Bay Colony force led by John Endecott. The Pequots responded by making attacks on Saybrook and the Connecticut communities, to which the latter responded by organizing another expedition. Captain John Mason led 90 colonists and 100 Mohegan Indians, later augmented by a band of Narragansetts, against the Pequot fort at Mystic. In the Mystic massacre on May", "psg_id": "13935917" }, { "title": "History of Massachusetts", "text": "to the Massachusetts Bay Colony rather than the Connecticut Colony, because he believed that Connecticut's harsh policies toward the Natives were bad for both business and survival. Thus in 1640, with the annexation of Springfield, the Massachusetts Bay Colony's southern and western borders were established. In 1636, all of the New England colonies went to war with the Pequot of southeastern Connecticut, practically wiping them out. In 1646, the Long Parliament gave the missionary John Eliot a commission and funds to preach to the Wampanoags. He succeeded in converting a large number. The colonial government placed the converted Indians (known", "psg_id": "6748170" }, { "title": "Massachusetts Bay Colony", "text": "banning Quakers from the colony. Dyer was one of the four executed Quakers known as the Boston martyrs. Executions ceased in 1661 when King Charles II explicitly forbade Massachusetts from executing anyone for professing Quakerism. In 1643, Massachusetts Bay joined Plymouth Colony, Connecticut Colony, and New Haven Colony in the New England Confederation, a loose coalition organized primarily to coordinate military and administrative matters among the Puritan colonies. It was most active in the 1670s during King Philip's War. (New Hampshire had not yet been organized as a separate province, and both it and Rhode Island were excluded because they", "psg_id": "1611989" }, { "title": "Devonshire County, District of Maine, Massachusetts Bay Colony", "text": "incorporated into the Province of Massachusetts Bay in 1692, which initially governed it as part of York County. The area is now divided into a number of Maine counties. Devonshire County, District of Maine, Massachusetts Bay Colony Devonshire County, Massachusetts was a short-lived county formed in 1674 during colonial territorial disputes between the Massachusetts Bay Colony and the Province of New York. The county existed from 1674 to 1675, and encompassed land claimed by Massachusetts between the Kennebec River and Penobscot Bay in what is now Maine. This overlapped the New York claim, which extended from the Kennebec to the", "psg_id": "3232405" }, { "title": "Joseph Sherman (Massachusetts Bay Colony)", "text": "and 1697, and an assessor in 1695. He was a surveyor in 1700 and 1701, and then elected seven times as a Watertown selectman between 1700 and 1712. From 1702 to 1705, he was also made a representative to the General Court in Boston, Massachusetts Bay Colony. He was the grandfather of American founding father Roger Sherman. Joseph Sherman (Massachusetts Bay Colony) Joseph Sherman (June 25, 1650), January 20, 1731 was born at Watertown, Massachusetts Bay Colony. He married on November 16, 1673, at Watertown, Elizabeth Winship, daughter of Lt. Edward Winship and Elizabeth Parke. She was born April 25,", "psg_id": "13041817" }, { "title": "Massachusetts Bay Colony", "text": "Massachusetts Bay Colony The Massachusetts Bay Colony (1628–1691) was an English settlement on the east coast of North America in the 17th century around the Massachusetts Bay, the northernmost of the several colonies later reorganized as the \"Province of Massachusetts Bay\". The lands of the settlement were located in southern New England in Massachusetts, with initial settlements situated on two natural harbors and surrounding land, about apart—the areas around Salem and Boston. The territory nominally administered by the colony covered much of central New England, including portions of Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, and Connecticut. Territory claimed but never administered by", "psg_id": "1611943" }, { "title": "History of the US Army National Guard", "text": "History of the US Army National Guard The history of the Army National Guard in the United States dates from 1636, when the Massachusetts Bay Colony's government organized existing militia companies into three regiments. The National Guard's history continued through the colonial era, including the French and Indian War, and extends into the modern era, including participation in the War on Terror. Though a militia was mustered in Spanish Florida in the 1500s, the modern Army National Guard traces its origins to 13 December 1636, the day the Massachusetts Bay Colony's General Court passed an act calling for the creation", "psg_id": "20224067" }, { "title": "Devonshire County, District of Maine, Massachusetts Bay Colony", "text": "Devonshire County, District of Maine, Massachusetts Bay Colony Devonshire County, Massachusetts was a short-lived county formed in 1674 during colonial territorial disputes between the Massachusetts Bay Colony and the Province of New York. The county existed from 1674 to 1675, and encompassed land claimed by Massachusetts between the Kennebec River and Penobscot Bay in what is now Maine. This overlapped the New York claim, which extended from the Kennebec to the Saint Croix River (Maine's present easternmost boundary). Settlements in the territory were attacked during King Philip's War (1675-1676) and the area was abandoned until the 18th century. It was", "psg_id": "3232404" }, { "title": "Massachusetts Bay Colony", "text": "the colonial government extended as far west as the Pacific Ocean. The earlier Dutch colony of New Netherlands disputed many of these claims, arguing that they held rights to lands beyond Rhode Island up to the western side of Cape Cod and the Plymouth Colony. The Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded by the owners of the Massachusetts Bay Company, which included investors in the failed Dorchester Company that had established a short-lived settlement on Cape Ann in 1623. The colony began in 1628 and was the company's second attempt at colonization. It was successful, with about 20,000 people migrating to", "psg_id": "1611944" }, { "title": "Massachusetts Bay Colony", "text": "despite efforts by Massachusetts agents to revive the old colonial charter. It was chiefly negotiated by Increase Mather in his role as the colony's ambassador-extraordinary, unifying Massachusetts Bay with Plymouth Colony, Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket, and territories that roughly encompass present-day Maine, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia to form the Province of Massachusetts Bay. This new charter additionally extended voting rights to non-Puritans, an outcome that Mather had tried to avoid. Life could be quite difficult in the early years of the colony. Many colonists lived in fairly crude structures, including dugouts, wigwams, and dirt-floor huts made using wattle and daub", "psg_id": "1611968" }, { "title": "Treaty of Hartford (1638)", "text": "to the Treaty of Hartford. This led to a dispute between Massachusetts and Connecticut, with the Bay colony insisting that the Treaty of Hartford usurped its rights over Pequot lands under previous agreements with the Narragansetts and the Mohegans. Treaty of Hartford (1638) The Treaty of Hartford was a treaty concluded between England, the Mohegan and the Narragansett on September 21, 1638 in Hartford, Connecticut. The Pequot War of 1636 and 1637 saw the virtual elimination of the Pequot Indians. The victors, English colonists living along the Connecticut River and their Mohegan and Narragansett allies, met to decide on the", "psg_id": "19779121" }, { "title": "Massachusetts Bay Colony", "text": "of the New England colonies under firmer crown control. The dominion collapsed after the Glorious Revolution of 1688 deposed James, and the colony reverted to rule under the revoked charter until 1691, when a new charter was issued for the Province of Massachusetts Bay. This province combined the Massachusetts Bay territories with those of the Plymouth Colony and proprietary holdings on Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. Sir William Phips arrived in 1692 bearing the charter and formally took charge of the new province. The political and economic dominance of New England by the modern state of Massachusetts was made possible in", "psg_id": "1611947" }, { "title": "History of the US Army National Guard", "text": "men between ages 16 and 60, except judges and clergy members, be considered members of the colony's militia, which was organized as the North, South, and East Regiments. Militia members were required to equip themselves, take part in regular training, and report to their units when called. The militia of the Bay Colony, combined with militias from Plymouth and Saybrook and Native American allies from the Narragansett and Mohegan tribes, fought the Native Americans of Southern New England in the Pequot War (1634–1638). This war resulted in hundreds of deaths, hundreds of Native Americans sold into slavery or scattered throughout", "psg_id": "20224069" }, { "title": "Mashantucket Pequot Tribe", "text": "in the Connecticut Valley before the arrival of settlers. By the time that Plymouth Colony and the Massachusetts Bay colony were being established, the Pequots had established military dominance among Indian tribes in central and eastern Connecticut. They numbered some 16,000 in the most densely inhabited portion of southern New England. The smallpox epidemic of 1616–19 killed roughly 90-percent of the Indians on the eastern coast of New England, but it failed to reach the Pequot, Niantic and Narragansett tribes, and this assisted the Pequots in their rise to dominance. But the Massachusetts smallpox epidemic in 1633 devastated the region's", "psg_id": "688155" }, { "title": "Bay Colony Railroad", "text": "were purchased by the state government, and Bay Colony took over all freight operations on the lines on June 12, 1982 with a 25-year contract. The contract for the railroad lines owned by the State of Massachusetts administered by the Executive Office of Transportation (EOT), which included the Cape Cod main expired on December 31, 2007. It was awarded to a new company, the Massachusetts Coastal Railroad, which took over on January 1, 2008. At that time the Bay Colony ceased operation on those lines, but continues in other areas of the state. RS1 (#50). Used on the Millis branch", "psg_id": "7380161" }, { "title": "Massachusetts Bay Colony", "text": "of moving the company's seat of governance to the colony. This was followed by the Cambridge Agreement later that year, in which a group of investors agreed to emigrate and work to buy out others who would not emigrate. The Massachusetts Bay Colony became the first English chartered colony whose board of governors did not reside in England. This independence helped the settlers to maintain their Puritan religious practices without interference from the king, Archbishop Laud, or the Anglican Church. The charter remained in force for 55 years; Charles II revoked it in 1684. Parliament passed legislation collectively called the", "psg_id": "1611959" }, { "title": "Captain John Underhill", "text": "Captain John Underhill John Underhill (7 October 1597 – 21 July 1672) was an early English settler and soldier in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the Province of New Hampshire, where he also served as governor; the New Haven Colony, New Netherland, and later the Province of New York, settling on Long Island. Hired to train militia in New England, he is most noted for leading colonial militia in the Pequot War (1636-1637) and Kieft's War which the colonists mounted against two different groups of Native Americans. He also published an account of the Pequot War. John Underhill was one of", "psg_id": "2455970" }, { "title": "Massachusetts Bay Colony", "text": "in 1630; neither the English king nor Parliament nor an English company exerted any influence in Massachusetts Bay Colony. So it was in effect a self-ruling republic for some decades, also practicing separation of powers. In 1641, the colony formally adopted the Massachusetts Body of Liberties, written or compiled as its first code of laws by Nathaniel Ward. This document consisted of 100 civil and criminal laws based upon the social sanctions recorded in the Bible. These laws formed the nucleus of colonial legislation until independence, and contained some provisions that were later incorporated into the United States Constitution, such", "psg_id": "1611983" }, { "title": "Wessagusset Colony", "text": "in a home built by explorer Capt. Christopher Levett, who had been granted land to found an English colony. (Levett's settlement also failed, and the fate of Weston's men is uncertain.) Due to the fighting at Wessagusset, Plymouth trade with the Indians was devastated for years. Local tribes which had previously been favorable to Plymouth, began to forge bonds with other tribes in defense against the English. This latent hostility would eventually boil over during the Pequot War and later, King Philip's War. Historians differ on whether the conflict could have been avoided or the colony saved. Some historians saw", "psg_id": "12726046" }, { "title": "Massachusetts Bay Colony", "text": "industry developed. The growth of a generation of people who were born in the colony and the rise of a merchant class began to slowly change the political and cultural landscape of the colony, even though its governance continued to be dominated by relatively conservative Puritans. Colonial support for the Commonwealth created tension after the throne was restored to Charles II in 1660. Charles sought to extend royal influence over the colonies, which Massachusetts resisted along with the other colonies. For example, the Massachusetts Bay colony repeatedly refused requests by Charles and his agents to allow the Church of England", "psg_id": "1611963" }, { "title": "Joseph Sherman (Massachusetts Bay Colony)", "text": "Joseph Sherman (Massachusetts Bay Colony) Joseph Sherman (June 25, 1650), January 20, 1731 was born at Watertown, Massachusetts Bay Colony. He married on November 16, 1673, at Watertown, Elizabeth Winship, daughter of Lt. Edward Winship and Elizabeth Parke. She was born April 25, 1652 in Cambridge, Massachusetts Bay Colony. He was said to have been a blacksmith. From 1675 to 1676 he served as a corporal in King Philip's War under Captains Poole and Brattle. From 1682 to 1684 he was a Constable and in 1685 and 1686 a tythingman. He was also a \"hogrif and Fence Viewer\" in 1692", "psg_id": "13041816" }, { "title": "Connecticut Colony", "text": "years starting in 1698. Major John Mason was the military leader of the early colony. He was the commander in the Pequot War, a magistrate, and the founder of Windsor, Saybrook, and Norwich. He was also Deputy Governor under Winthrop. Roger Ludlow was an Oxford-educated lawyer and former Deputy Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He petitioned the General Court for rights to settle the area, and he led the March Commission in settling disputes over land rights. He is credited as drafting the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (1650) in collaboration with Hooker, Winthrop, and others. He was also the", "psg_id": "2676605" }, { "title": "Slavery among Native Americans in the United States", "text": "a belief that Africans were \"brutish people\" was dominant. While both Native Americans and Africans were considered savages, Native Americans were romanticized as noble people that could be elevated into Christian civilization. The Pequot War of 1636 led to the enslavement of war captives and other members of the Pequot by Europeans, almost immediately after the founding of Connecticut as a colony. The Pequot thus became an important part of New England's culture of slavery. The Pequot War was devastating: the Niantic, Narragansett, and Mohegan tribes were persuaded into helping the Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Plymouth colonists massacre the Pequot, with", "psg_id": "13521160" }, { "title": "Massachusetts Bay Colony", "text": "charter forming two joint-stock companies. Neither of these corporations was given a name by this charter, but the territories were named as the \"first Colony\" and \"second Colony\", over which they were respectively authorized to settle and to govern. Under this charter, the \"first Colony\" and the \"second Colony\" were to be ruled by a Council composed of 13 individuals in each colony. The charter provided for an additional council of 13 persons named \"Council of Virginia\" which had overarching responsibility for the combined enterprise. The \"first Colony\" ranged from the 34th- to 41st-degree latitude north; the \"second Colony\" ranged", "psg_id": "1611950" }, { "title": "Military history of the United States", "text": "They relied on the British regular Army and Navy for any serious military operation. In major operations outside the locality involved, the militia was not employed as a fighting force. Instead the colony asked for (and paid) volunteers, many of whom were also militia members. In the early years of the British colonization of North America, military action in the thirteen colonies that would become the United States were the result of conflicts with Native Americans, such as in the Pequot War of 1637, King Philip's War in 1675, the Yamasee War in 1715 and Father Rale's War in 1722.", "psg_id": "1402985" }, { "title": "Invasion of the Cape Colony", "text": "Invasion of the Cape Colony The Invasion of the Cape Colony was a British military expedition launched in 1795 against the Dutch Cape Colony at the Cape of Good Hope, the southern tip of Southern Africa. The Dutch colony at the Cape, established in the seventeenth century, was at the time the only viable South African port for ships making the journey from Europe to the European colonies in the East Indies. It therefore held vital strategic importance, although it was otherwise economically insignificant. In the winter of 1794, during the French Revolutionary Wars, French troops entered the Dutch Republic,", "psg_id": "18832751" }, { "title": "Massachusetts Bay Colony", "text": "to prevent any independence of religious views, and many with differing religious beliefs—including Roger Williams of Salem and Anne Hutchinson of Boston, as well as unrepentant Quakers and Anabaptists—were banished. By the mid-1640s Massachusetts Bay Colony had grown to more than 20,000 inhabitants. The charter granted the general court the authority to elect officers and to make laws for the colony. Its first meeting in America was held in October 1630, but it was attended by only eight freemen. They formed the first council of assistants, and voted (contrary to the terms of the charter) that the governor and deputy", "psg_id": "1611977" }, { "title": "The Colony (professional wrestling)", "text": "Ant alone at ringside. With the Swarm effectively finished due to Gekido being ousted from Chikara, as well as continued dissension between deviAnt and Soldier Ant, Wink Vavasseur debuted three new Ants on March 8, 2013: Arctic Rescue Ant, Missile Assault Ant and Orbit Adventure Ant. Vavasseur installed Soldier Ant as the leader of this new group, collectively known as The Colony: Xtreme Force, who immediately started a rivalry with the original Colony. The rivalry also saw Vavasseur strip The Colony of their King of Trios medals and award them to The Colony: Xtreme Force. After mixed success with the", "psg_id": "12889062" }, { "title": "Captain John Underhill", "text": "and strongly asserted his patriotic commitment to England and English claims to North America. Captain John Underhill John Underhill (7 October 1597 – 21 July 1672) was an early English settler and soldier in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the Province of New Hampshire, where he also served as governor; the New Haven Colony, New Netherland, and later the Province of New York, settling on Long Island. Hired to train militia in New England, he is most noted for leading colonial militia in the Pequot War (1636-1637) and Kieft's War which the colonists mounted against two different groups of Native Americans.", "psg_id": "2455990" }, { "title": "Lovelock Paiute Tribe of the Lovelock Indian Colony", "text": "Lovelock Paiute Tribe of the Lovelock Indian Colony The Lovelock Paiute Tribe of the Lovelock Indian Colony is a federally recognized tribe of Northern Paiute Indians in Pershing County, Nevada. The Lovelock Paiute Tribe has a federal reservation, the Lovelock Indian Colony, at in Pershing County. The reservation was established in 1907 and is . In 1990 80 tribal members lived on the reservation. In 1992, 110 people were enrolled in the tribe. The tribe's headquarters is located in Lovelock, Nevada. Stephanie Rhodes is the tribal chairperson of a five-person tribal council. There is also a tribal police force with", "psg_id": "14073031" }, { "title": "Province of Massachusetts Bay", "text": "Nova Scotia and New Brunswick are now Canadian provinces, having been part of the colony only until 1697. The name Massachusetts comes from the Massachusett Indians, an Algonquian tribe. It has been translated as \"at the great hill\", \"at the place of large hills\", or \"at the range of hills\", with reference to the Blue Hills and to Great Blue Hill in particular. Colonial settlement of the shores of Massachusetts Bay began in 1620 with the founding of the Plymouth Colony. Other attempts at colonization took place throughout the 1620s, but expansion of English settlements only began on a large", "psg_id": "2741385" }, { "title": "History of the Puritans in North America", "text": "\"separating Puritans\" who advocated setting up congregations outside the Church. The Pilgrims were a Separatist group, and they established the Plymouth Colony in 1620. Non-separating Puritans played leading roles in establishing the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1629, the Saybrook Colony in 1635, the Connecticut Colony in 1636, and the New Haven Colony in 1638. The Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations was established by settlers expelled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony because of their unorthodox religious opinions. Puritans were also active in New Hampshire before it became a crown colony in 1691. Most Puritans who migrated to North America", "psg_id": "14650665" }, { "title": "Lovelock Paiute Tribe of the Lovelock Indian Colony", "text": "executed the last suspected witch in the US, a Shoshone medicine woman named Winnescheika. Soon after the reservation was established, another Indian school was created, of which there were photographs taken in 1911 and 1920. During the 1920s ethnographer Mark Raymond Harrington photographed tribal people in the area. Lovelock Paiute Tribe of the Lovelock Indian Colony The Lovelock Paiute Tribe of the Lovelock Indian Colony is a federally recognized tribe of Northern Paiute Indians in Pershing County, Nevada. The Lovelock Paiute Tribe has a federal reservation, the Lovelock Indian Colony, at in Pershing County. The reservation was established in 1907", "psg_id": "14073033" }, { "title": "Jamestown: Legend of the Lost Colony", "text": "one of the \"PAX 10\" (a selection of the years best indie games) for the PAX Prime 2011 convention. The game was added to the Humble Indie Bundle 4 on December 13, 2011. Jamestown: Legend of the Lost Colony Jamestown: Legend of the Lost Colony, also known as simply Jamestown, is a vertically scrolling shoot 'em up video game developed and released by Final Form Games in 2011. The game takes place on Mars in an alternate history steampunk 17th century, where the planet is a British colony contested by the Spanish and the indigenous martians. \"Jamestown\" features mechanics similar", "psg_id": "15732770" }, { "title": "Freedom of religion in the United States", "text": "religious toleration would not be restored in Maryland until the American Revolution, when Maryland's Charles Carroll of Carrollton signed the American Declaration of Independence. Rhode Island (1636), Connecticut (1636), New Jersey, and Pennsylvania (1682), founded by Baptist Roger Williams, Congregationalist Thomas Hooker, and Quaker William Penn, respectively, established the religious freedom in their colonies in direct opposition to the theocratic government which Separatist Congregationalists (Pilgrim Fathers) and Puritans had enforced in Plymouth Colony (1620) and Massachusetts Bay Colony (1628). Having fled religious persecution themselves in England, the leaders of Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Colony restricted franchise to members of their", "psg_id": "8961404" }, { "title": "Connecticut Colony", "text": "with its refusal to surrender local authority to the Dominion of New England, an event known as the Charter Oak incident which occurred at Jeremy Adams' inn and tavern. Two other English settlements in the State of Connecticut were merged into the Colony of Connecticut: Saybrook Colony in 1644 and New Haven Colony in 1662. Governor John Haynes of the Massachusetts Bay Colony led 100 people to Hartford in 1636. He and Puritan minister Thomas Hooker are often considered the founders of the Connecticut colony. Hooker delivered a sermon to his congregation on May 31, 1638 on the principles of", "psg_id": "2676602" }, { "title": "Edmund Quincy (1602–1636)", "text": "Boston at the first Massachusetts General Court held in Massachusetts Bay Colony. In 1635, a thousand acres of land in what is now Quincy, Massachusetts was sold by the Massachusett Indians to Quincy and William Coddington; the town of Boston confirmed the sale in 1636. The property consisted of a broad strip of land along the sea, extending somewhat beyond the boundaries of the settlement established by Captain Wollaston and Thomas Morton in 1625. Around the time of the purchase, Quincy built a one-story home on this land which would eventually develop into the Dorothy Quincy House. He died shortly", "psg_id": "13167204" }, { "title": "Bay Colony Railroad", "text": "line to switch Tresca Brothers, Bay Colony's last standing line. (N 42.18982 W 71.33304). Unit Built as a GP7, rebuilt by Bay Colony w/GP9 prime mover and generator. Unit had been numbered BCLR # 1501 and 1750. Bay Colony Railroad The Bay Colony Railroad is a shortline railroad operating in Massachusetts. The BCLR operates in the Millis - Milford - Needham Corridor. In addition to moving freight for its customers, Bay Colony also performs AAR-certified repairs on rolling stock and contract track construction projects for other railroads. It has a sister railroad, the Seminole Gulf Railway, which is based out", "psg_id": "7380162" }, { "title": "United States National Guard", "text": "of 1636 refers to service of the colonial government; the Massachusetts Bay Colony regiments were formed by reorganizing local militias that preceded the 1636 date and dated back to the founding dates of the various Massachusetts towns of the time. The Massachusetts militia began the American Revolutionary War at the Battles of Lexington and Concord, The Massachusetts militia units were mobilized either during or shortly after the above battles and used to form, along with units from Rhode Island, Connecticut and New Hampshire, the Army of Observation during the Siege of Boston. On July 3, 1775 General George Washington, under", "psg_id": "492977" }, { "title": "Plymouth Colony", "text": "by Pequot warriors on the town of Wethersfield, Connecticut, where some 30 English settlers were killed. This led to a further retaliation, where a raid led by Captain John Underhill and Captain John Mason burned a Pequot village to the ground near modern Mystic, Connecticut, killing 300 Pequots. Plymouth Colony had little to do with the actual fighting in the war. When it appeared that the war would resume, four of the New England colonies (Massachusetts Bay, Connecticut, New Haven, and Plymouth) formed a defensive compact known as the United Colonies of New England. Edward Winslow was already known for", "psg_id": "1712799" }, { "title": "Province of Massachusetts Bay", "text": "scale with the founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1628 and the arrival of the first large group of Puritan settlers in 1630. Over the next ten years, there was a major migration of Puritans to the area, leading to the founding of a number of new colonies in New England. By the 1680s, the number of New England colonies had stabilized at five; the Connecticut Colony, the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, and the Province of New Hampshire all bordered the area surrounding Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth. Massachusetts Bay, however, was the most populous and economically", "psg_id": "2741386" }, { "title": "History of the Cape Colony before 1806", "text": "and again in 1801 they rose in revolt. In February 1803, as a result of the Peace of Amiens, the colony came under the control of the Batavian Republic. History of the Cape Colony before 1806 The written history of the Cape Colony in what is now South Africa began when Portuguese navigator Bartolomeu Dias became the first modern European to round the Cape of Good Hope in 1488. In 1497, Vasco da Gama sailed along the whole coast of South Africa on his way to India, landed at St Helena Bay for 8 days, and made a detailed description", "psg_id": "1456737" }, { "title": "Paiute-Shoshone Tribe of the Fallon Reservation and Colony", "text": "Paiute-Shoshone Tribe of the Fallon Reservation and Colony The Paiute-Shoshone Tribe of the Fallon Reservation and Colony is a federally recognized tribe of Northern Paiute and Western Shoshone Indians in Churchill County, Nevada. Their autonym is Toi Ticutta meaning \"Cattail Eaters.\" The Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe has a federal reservation, the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Reservation, at , in Churchill County. The reservation, established in 1887,comprises . In 2005, 1,692 people lived on the reservation. In 2017, 1,499 people were enrolled in the tribe. Closer to the city of Fallon the smaller and geographically detached Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Colony, at , has two separate", "psg_id": "14077457" }, { "title": "The Colony of Lies", "text": "the Doctor, Zoe and Jamie find a near-civil war. 'Realists' have abandoned Ransome's 'back to basics' ideals and are raiding the remains of the colony ship to further their technological advancements. The 'Loyalists' are in danger of extinction. In a little-known underground bunker, aliens who claim to be the planet's first colonists are stirring. Hopeful colonists hope Random's daughter, Kirann, can be revived from cryogenic suspension and reunited the colony. This does not work out as expected. The Colony of Lies The Colony of Lies is a BBC Books original novel written by Colin Brake and based on the long-running", "psg_id": "7516946" }, { "title": "Bay Colony Railroad", "text": "Bay Colony Railroad The Bay Colony Railroad is a shortline railroad operating in Massachusetts. The BCLR operates in the Millis - Milford - Needham Corridor. In addition to moving freight for its customers, Bay Colony also performs AAR-certified repairs on rolling stock and contract track construction projects for other railroads. It has a sister railroad, the Seminole Gulf Railway, which is based out of Fort Myers, Florida. The Bay Colony railroad was chartered on March 31, 1977, with the intent of taking over freight service on former New Haven lines from Conrail, which was planning to abandon service. The lines", "psg_id": "7380160" }, { "title": "Massachusetts Bay Colony", "text": "as the ideas of equal protection and double jeopardy. On the other hand, Massachusetts Bay was the first colony to legalize slavery with provision 91 of the Massachusetts Body of Liberties, which developed protections for people who were unable to perform public service. Another law was developed to protect married women, children, and people with mental disabilities from making financial decisions. Colonial law differentiated among types of mental disabilities, classifying them as \"distracted persons,\" \"idiots,\" and \"lunaticks\". In 1693, \"poor laws\" enabled communities to use the estates of people with disabilities to defer the cost of community support of those", "psg_id": "1611984" }, { "title": "Massachusetts Bay Colony", "text": "land further west than the Connecticut River valley. The colony also claimed additional lands by conquest and purchase, further extending the territory that it administered. The southeastern boundary with the Plymouth Colony was first surveyed in 1639 and accepted by both colonies in 1640. It is known in Massachusetts as the \"Old Colony Line\", and is still visible as the boundary between Norfolk County to the north and Bristol and Plymouth Counties to the south. The northern boundary was originally thought to be roughly parallel to the latitude of the mouth of the Merrimack River, since the river was assumed", "psg_id": "1612002" }, { "title": "Colony of Natal", "text": "non-African population, and by 1904 Indians outnumbered whites in Natal. In 1894, Gandhi helped to establish the Natal Indian Congress to fight discrimination against Indians. \"Direct rule by Cape Colony (31 May 1844 – 4 December 1845)\" The post of Governor of the Colony of Natal became extinct on 31 May 1910, when it joined the Union of South Africa. The post of Prime Minister of the Colony of Natal also became extinct on 31 May 1910, when it joined the Union of South Africa. Population Figures for the 1904 Census: Colony of Natal The Colony of Natal was a", "psg_id": "8518200" }, { "title": "Norfolk County, Massachusetts Colony", "text": "Norfolk County, Massachusetts Colony Norfolk County, Massachusetts Colony was one of the original four counties created in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The land was originally granted as separate from Massachusetts, but boundary disputes among the settlers led to their petitioning to join the colonial government to the south. The county was created by the Massachusetts General Court on May 10, 1643, when it was ordered \"that the whole plantation within this jurisdiction be divided into four sheires\". Norfolk County contained the settlements of Salisbury, Hampton, Haverhill, Exeter, Dover, and Portsmouth. It effectively encompassed all settlements from the Merrimack River, north", "psg_id": "3232375" }, { "title": "History of the Cape Colony before 1806", "text": "History of the Cape Colony before 1806 The written history of the Cape Colony in what is now South Africa began when Portuguese navigator Bartolomeu Dias became the first modern European to round the Cape of Good Hope in 1488. In 1497, Vasco da Gama sailed along the whole coast of South Africa on his way to India, landed at St Helena Bay for 8 days, and made a detailed description of the area. The Portuguese, attracted by the riches of Asia, made no permanent settlement at the Cape Colony. However, the Dutch East India Company (VOC) settled the area", "psg_id": "1456725" }, { "title": "History of the Cape Colony from 1806 to 1870", "text": "the war continued until Sandile, the chief of the Ngqika, surrendered. Other chiefs gradually followed this action, and by the end of 1847 the violence died down after twenty-one months of fighting. In December 1847, or what was to be the last month of the War of the Axe, Sir Harry Smith reached Cape Town by boat to become the new governor of the colony. He reversed Glenelg's policy soon after arrival, and embarked on a policy of unilateral conquest of neighbouring lands. A proclamation he issued on 17 December 1847, extended the borders of the colony northwards to the", "psg_id": "1697397" }, { "title": "Invasion of the Cape Colony", "text": "in the seventeenth century to offer a harbour for shipping traveling between Europe and the East Indies, and in the 1790s it remained the only such station between Rio de Janeiro and British India. The Cape Colony was administered from two towns, the larger Cape Town on the wide Table Bay facing west and smaller Simon's Town on False Bay facing south. Neither bay was sheltered from Atlantic storms and both were notoriously dangerous, with winds, currents and rocks posing considerable threats to shipping. Beyond its importance as a resupply port for East Indies shipping the colony had little economic", "psg_id": "18832755" }, { "title": "Millay Colony for the Arts", "text": "and environmentally friendly design. This 3,550 square foot building currently houses The Millay Colony's offices and public rooms, and provides accommodations and studio space for three additional artists, for a total capacity of seven. The Colony is adjacent to Steepletop, Edna St. Vincent Millay's former home and gardens, which today are maintained by the Millay Society (established as a nonprofit in 1972). The Millay Society also holds rights to the poet's intellectual property and operates as a separate organization from The Millay Colony. The house and gardens are a National Historic Landmark. The Millay Colony offers Workshop Retreats, formulated and", "psg_id": "12148409" }, { "title": "Metro Center, Springfield, Massachusetts", "text": "as opposed to the Massachusetts Bay Colony, to which it would later belong. Within less than a decade after its founding in 1636, differences arose between the leaders of Agawam (Springfield) and Newtown (Hartford) over how to treat the region's Native population. Springfield hoped to pursue peaceful relations with the Natives so as to better facilitate trade and communal farming, whereas Hartford – and many of Connecticut's early settlers – had fought the bloody Pequot War to claim their territory, and thus took a more skeptical view of the Native population. This difference of opinion led to Agawam (Springfield) annexing", "psg_id": "15555573" }, { "title": "Invasion of the Cape Colony", "text": "Seeing no alternative, the Dutch governor passed control of his colony to the British on 15 September 1795, although he allowed approximately 40 British deserters in Cape Town, mostly impressed Americans, to escape into the countryside before the deadline passed. Total British losses were four killed and 54 wounded. Captured in Table Bay were the Dutch frigate and the 14-gun mercantilebrig \"Star\". The British took both into service, \"Castor\" as HMS \"Saldanha\" and \"Star\" as HMS \"Hope\". Elphinstone's substantial squadron remained on station at the Cape to deter efforts to recapture the colony. Parts of this force were subsequently deployed", "psg_id": "18832764" }, { "title": "Norfolk County, Massachusetts Colony", "text": "and are at the Essex County Registry of Deeds in Salem. They have been electronically imaged into JPG image files but are not yet online. These four record books were also abstracted by Sidney Perley in \"The Essex Antiquarian\". This magazine (published 1897 to 1911) has also been electronically imaged and some volumes are available at Google Books. A new, unrelated county was established as Norfolk County, Massachusetts from most of the southern portion of Suffolk County in 1793. Norfolk County, Massachusetts Colony Norfolk County, Massachusetts Colony was one of the original four counties created in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.", "psg_id": "3232377" }, { "title": "Paiute-Shoshone Tribe of the Fallon Reservation and Colony", "text": "sections that lie between downtown Fallon and Fallon Municipal Airport, northeast of the city. the Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribe's headquarters is located in Fallon, Nevada. The tribe is governed by a seven-person tribal council, with Len George serving as the Tribal Chairperson . \"Numa News\" is the tribe's monthly newspaper. Paiute-Shoshone Tribe of the Fallon Reservation and Colony The Paiute-Shoshone Tribe of the Fallon Reservation and Colony is a federally recognized tribe of Northern Paiute and Western Shoshone Indians in Churchill County, Nevada. Their autonym is Toi Ticutta meaning \"Cattail Eaters.\" The Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe has a federal reservation, the", "psg_id": "14077458" }, { "title": "Yerington Paiute Tribe of the Yerington Colony and Campbell Ranch", "text": "Yerington Paiute Tribe of the Yerington Colony and Campbell Ranch The Yerington Paiute Tribe of the Yerington Colony and Campbell Ranch is a federally recognized tribe of Northern Paiute Indians in western Nevada. The Yerington Paiute Tribe has a reservation, the Yerington Reservation and Trust Lands, in Lyon County, Nevada. The reservation was established in 1916 and 1936 and is large. In 1990, 354 tribal members lived on the reservation. The tribe had 659 enrolled members in 1992. The larger Campbell Ranch section is located at north of Yerington, while the smaller Yerington Colony section is located at , within", "psg_id": "14086482" }, { "title": "Yerington Paiute Tribe of the Yerington Colony and Campbell Ranch", "text": "Yerington Paiute Tribe of the Yerington Colony and Campbell Ranch The Yerington Paiute Tribe of the Yerington Colony and Campbell Ranch is a federally recognized tribe of Northern Paiute Indians in western Nevada. The Yerington Paiute Tribe has a reservation, the Yerington Reservation and Trust Lands, in Lyon County, Nevada. The reservation was established in 1916 and 1936 and is large. In 1990, 354 tribal members lived on the reservation. The tribe had 659 enrolled members in 1992. The larger Campbell Ranch section is located at north of Yerington, while the smaller Yerington Colony section is located at , within", "psg_id": "14086480" }, { "title": "The Lost Colony (play)", "text": "evidence of the colony. People believe the word \"CROATOAN\" was carved on a post. The fate of those first colonists remains a mystery for some, but the consensus of historians of this period is that the colonists died at the site. On July 4, 1937, \"The Lost Colony\" first opened. Annual celebrations of Virginia Dare's birthday, August 18, had been celebrated by the Roanoke Colony Memorial Association since its founding in 1894. The early events were primarily picnic meetings, featuring hymn singing and commemorative speeches. In 1923, the festivities were expanded to include dramatic sketches. By 1925 local residents performed", "psg_id": "9454083" }, { "title": "History of the Cape Colony from 1870 to 1899", "text": "reserves. The Khoikhoi were particularly fond of the drink as they had been almost completely demoralised from their military losses. A little-known instance of Rhode's keen insight in native affairs that had lasting results on the history of the colony is his actions in an inheritance case. After the territories east of the Kei River were added to the Cape Colony, an inheritance claim came up for trial. In accordance with the law of the colony, the court held that the eldest son of a native was his heir. This decision was strongly resented among the natives of the territory,", "psg_id": "1696898" }, { "title": "History of Springfield, Massachusetts", "text": "History of Springfield, Massachusetts Springfield, Massachusetts was founded in 1636 as \"Agawam\", the northernmost settlement of the Connecticut Colony. The settlement defected from Connecticut after four years, however, later joining forces with the coastal Massachusetts Bay Colony. The town changed its name to \"Springfield\", and changed the political boundaries among what later became New England States. The history of Springfield, Massachusetts springs in large part from its favorable geography, situated on a steep bluff overlooking the Connecticut River's confluence with three tributaries. It was an ancient Indian crossroad for two major trade routes: Boston-to-Albany and New York City-to-Montreal. Springfield also", "psg_id": "16458174" }, { "title": "Trustees for the Establishment of the Colony of Georgia in America", "text": "present-day Savannah, Georgia on February 12, 1733 O.S. The founding of Georgia is celebrated on February 1, 1733 N.S., the date corresponding to the modern Gregorian calendar adopted after the establishment of the colony. Parliament established a committee to investigate prison conditions in February, 1729 and Oglethorpe was appointed chair. The work of the committee resulted in the release of prisoners onto the streets of London and other cities without prospect of employment. Oglethorpe conceived the idea of a colony as a means of productively employing such people. The plan for the colony quickly broadened in scope to encompass several", "psg_id": "15737197" }, { "title": "Massachusetts Bay Colony", "text": "were authorized to form guilds, making it possible to set price, quality, and expertise levels for their work. The colony set standards governing the use of weights and measures. For example, mill operators were required to weigh grain before and after milling, to ensure that the customer received back what he delivered (minus the miller's percentage). The Puritan dislike of ostentation led the colony to also regulate expenditures on what it perceived as luxury items. Items of personal adornment were frowned upon, such as lace and costly silk outerwear in particular. Attempts to ban these items failed, and the colony", "psg_id": "1611995" }, { "title": "Congregationalism in the United States", "text": "were supported by tax payers, and only full church members could vote in elections. To ensure that the colony had a supply of educated ministers, Harvard University was founded in 1636. The first Congregational church organized in America was First Parish Church in Plymouth, which was established in 1620 by Separatist Puritans known as Pilgrims. The first Congregational church organized in the Massachusetts Bay Colony was First Church in Salem, established in 1629. By 1640, 18 churches had been gathered in Massachusetts. In addition, Puritans established the Connecticut Colony in 1636 and New Haven Colony in 1637. Eventually, there were", "psg_id": "20221202" }, { "title": "Province of Massachusetts Bay", "text": "the Rhode Island borders. The western border with New York was agreed in 1773, but not surveyed until 1788. The province of Massachusetts Bay also laid a claim to what is now Western New York as part of the province's sea-to-sea grant. The 1780s Treaty of Hartford saw Massachusetts relinquish that claim in exchange for the right to sell it off to developers. Province of Massachusetts Bay The Province of Massachusetts Bay was a crown colony in British North America and one of the thirteen original states of the United States from 1776. It was chartered on October 7, 1691", "psg_id": "2741414" }, { "title": "Pequot War", "text": "became the subject of sermons in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. In August, Governor Vane sent John Endecott to exact revenge on the Indians of Block Island. Endecott's party of roughly 90 men sailed to Block Island and attacked two apparently abandoned Niantic villages. Most of the Niantic escaped, while two of Endecott's men were injured. The English claimed to have killed 14, but later Narragansett reports claimed that only one Indian was killed on the island. The Massachusetts Bay militia burned the villages to the ground. They carried away crops which the Niantic had stored for winter and destroyed what", "psg_id": "2456074" }, { "title": "Massachusetts National Guard", "text": "progressed, larger towns would usually have more than one militia company and the companies of adjacent towns would be organized into regiments commanded by colonels. The regiments, in turn, were organized into brigades commanded by brigadier generals. In 1692 Plymouth Colony merged with the Massachusetts Bay Colony and its militia became part of the Massachusetts Militia. Prior to the American Revolution, Massachusetts' armed citizens were organized into two major elements. There was the \"regular\" militia which consisted of all white males age 16 to 60, and the Minutemen who were better trained and equipped and who could react more quickly", "psg_id": "7373923" }, { "title": "The Colony High School", "text": "David Salazar, Kevin Decoud, Alberto Gutierrez, goalkeeper Joshua Guerra and coached by Lee Weddall managed to break the streak by winning three games and tying one resulting in their Berkner ice bowl XXI tournament championship. The cougar football team has been out done in all the years pryer to their 2013 season. This season they've become able to be 8-0 and undefeated unlike last which only had half the wins as this year. Elementary schools that feed into The Colony include Middle schools that feed into The Colony include: The Colony High School The Colony High School (TCHS) is a", "psg_id": "8456981" }, { "title": "Wessagusset Colony", "text": "Indians, Standish attacks first: Following the brief conflict, Standish offered to leave several soldiers to defend the colony, but the offer was rejected. Instead, the colonists divided: some, including John Sanders, returned to England in the \"Swan\", while others remained behind and joined the Plymouth colony. By spring of 1623, the village was empty and the colony was dissolved. Thomas Weston arrived in Maine several months later, seeking to join his colony, only to discover that it was already failed. Some of his former settlers apparently had gone north to Maine, and were living on House Island in Casco Bay", "psg_id": "12726045" }, { "title": "Invasion of the Cape Colony", "text": "threat, Dutch governor, Abraham Josias Sluysken, surrendered the colony. Elphinstone subsequently strengthened the garrison against counterattack and stationed a Royal Navy squadron off the port. Almost a year later a Dutch reinforcement convoy reached the colony only to find that it was badly outnumbered, and surrendered without a fight. The British occupation continued until the Peace of Amiens in 1802 when it was returned to the Dutch. In 1806, during the Napoleonic Wars, a second British invasion reoccupied the colony after the Battle of Blaauwberg and it remained a British colony until the establishment of the Union of South Africa", "psg_id": "18832753" }, { "title": "Plymouth Colony", "text": "without a formal charter since its founding. Plymouth did not get its wish for a formal charter; instead, a new charter was issued, combining Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts Bay Colony, and other territories. The official date of the proclamation was October 17, 1691, ending the existence of Plymouth Colony, though it was not put into force until the arrival of the charter of the Province of Massachusetts Bay on May 14, 1692, carried by the new royal governor Sir William Phips. The last official meeting of the Plymouth General Court occurred on June 8, 1692. The most important religious figure in", "psg_id": "1712808" }, { "title": "Massachusetts Bay Colony", "text": "and Kennebec Rivers. The colony and later the province and state retained control of Maine until it was granted statehood in 1820. The colony performed a survey in 1642 to determine its southern boundary west to the Connecticut River. This line, south of the present boundary, was protested by Connecticut, but stood until the 1690s, when Connecticut performed its own survey. Most of today's Massachusetts boundaries with its neighbors were fixed in the 18th century. The most significant exception was the eastern boundary with Rhode Island, which required extensive litigation, including Supreme Court rulings, before it was finally resolved in", "psg_id": "1612005" }, { "title": "Minnesota National Guard", "text": "was borrowed from England and dates in this country from 1636, when three militia regiments were organized for the common defense in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Militia companies were eventually organized throughout colonial America, and they provided its principal defense force. In spite of shortcomings, the various colonial militias became indispensable to the cause of American independence. They were the back-up for General Washington's Continental Army, providing large numbers of armed men when needed on short notice, and they assured the authority of colonial governors against British sympathizers. Later, the United States Constitution and Militia Act of 1792 provided for", "psg_id": "7475065" }, { "title": "History of Springfield, Massachusetts", "text": "compensation if the English cattle ruined their corn crops. In 1636, the English settlement was named Agawam Plantation and administered by the Connecticut Colony, as opposed to the Massachusetts Bay Colony. In 1640 and 1641, two events took place that forever changed the political boundaries of the Connecticut River Valley. From its founding until that time, Springfield had been administered by Connecticut along with Connecticut's three other settlements: Wethersfield, Hartford, and Windsor. In the spring of 1640, grain became scarce and the Connecticut Colony's cattle were dying of starvation. The nearby Connecticut River Valley settlements of Windsor and Hartford (then", "psg_id": "16458182" }, { "title": "Coat of arms of the Orange River Colony", "text": "Coat of arms of the Orange River Colony The coat of arms of the Orange River Colony was the official heraldic symbol of the Orange River Colony as a British colony from 1904 to 1910, and then of the Orange Free State province of South Africa from 1910 to 1925. It is now obsolete. The Orange Free State republic became a British colony at the end of the Anglo-Boer War in May 1902. The republic's official arms were discontinued, and on 10 December 1904, by Royal Warrant, King Edward VII granted a new coat of arms to the colony. The", "psg_id": "14937261" }, { "title": "The Colony of Lies", "text": "The Colony of Lies The Colony of Lies is a BBC Books original novel written by Colin Brake and based on the long-running British science fiction television series \"Doctor Who\". It features the Second Doctor, Zoe and Jamie. It also features appearances by the Seventh Doctor and Ace, with the Seventh Doctor meeting the Second in a virtual interface to pass on a vital message that will allow him to resolve the current crisis. The independent Earth Colony Axista Four was supposedly founded in the 2439 by Stewart Ransom, a noted humanitarian. Arriving on the colony one hundred years later,", "psg_id": "7516945" }, { "title": "A Sketch of the Vegetation of the Swan River Colony", "text": "remain current. A Sketch of the Vegetation of the Swan River Colony \"A Sketch of the Vegetation of the Swan River Colony\", also known by its standard botanical abbreviation Sketch Veg. Swan R., is an 1839 article by John Lindley on the flora of the Swan River Colony. Nearly 300 new species were published in it, many of which are still current. It appeared as Part Three of \"Appendix to the first twenty three volumes of Edward's Botanical Register\", the first two parts being indices of previous volumes of \"Edwards's Botanical Register\", of which Lindley was editor. It contained 58", "psg_id": "10864741" }, { "title": "A Sketch of the Vegetation of the Swan River Colony", "text": "A Sketch of the Vegetation of the Swan River Colony \"A Sketch of the Vegetation of the Swan River Colony\", also known by its standard botanical abbreviation Sketch Veg. Swan R., is an 1839 article by John Lindley on the flora of the Swan River Colony. Nearly 300 new species were published in it, many of which are still current. It appeared as Part Three of \"Appendix to the first twenty three volumes of Edward's Botanical Register\", the first two parts being indices of previous volumes of \"Edwards's Botanical Register\", of which Lindley was editor. It contained 58 pages, issued", "psg_id": "10864738" }, { "title": "Henry Vane the Younger", "text": "Connecticut River; the slaying of Oldham led to calls for action. Despite the fact that Roger Williams had warned him that the Narragansetts were more likely responsible for Oldham's slaying, Governor Vane in August 1636 placed John Endecott at the head of a 90-man force to extract justice from the Pequots. Endecott's heavy-handed expedition did little more than destroy Pequot settlements, and sparked a military backlash. The Pequots struck back at settlements recently established on the Connecticut River by colonists from Massachusetts, and at the Saybrook Colony of the younger John Winthrop. In April 1637 the ostensibly pacifist Vane called", "psg_id": "1483222" }, { "title": "Air National Guard", "text": "passed an act calling for the creation of three regiments, organizing existing separate militia companies in and around Boston. The creation of the militia regiments was caused by the perceived need to defend the Bay Colony against American Indians and from other European countries operating in North America. This organization formed the basis of subsequent colonial and, post-independence, state and territorial militias which later became the Army National Guard. Being \"local\" ground forces affiliated with the Army, militias were considered state-centric/territorial-centric in nature, this versus naval forces, which were considered wholly activities of the federal government. This distinction accounts for", "psg_id": "1921528" }, { "title": "Plymouth Colony", "text": "clear land patent for the area, the settlers settled without a charter to form a government and, as a result, it was often unclear in the early years what land was under the colony's jurisdiction. In 1644, \"The Old Colony Line\"—which had been surveyed in 1639—was formally accepted as the boundary between Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth. The situation was more complicated along the border with Rhode Island. Roger Williams settled in the area of Rehoboth in 1636, near modern Pawtucket. He was forcibly evicted in order to maintain Plymouth's claim to the area. Williams moved to the west side of", "psg_id": "1712840" }, { "title": "History of the Cape Colony from 1806 to 1870", "text": "Namaqualand, the mohair wool industry had been established and Natal made a separate colony. The opening, in November 1863, of the railway from Cape Town to Wellington, and the construction in 1860 of the great breakwater in Table Bay, long needed on that perilous coast, marked the beginning in the colony of public works on a large scale. They were the more-or-less direct result of the granting to the colony of a large share in its own government. The province of British Kaffraria was incorporated into the colony in 1865, under the title of the Electoral Divisions of King William’s", "psg_id": "1697420" }, { "title": "Treaty of Hartford (1638)", "text": "Treaty of Hartford (1638) The Treaty of Hartford was a treaty concluded between England, the Mohegan and the Narragansett on September 21, 1638 in Hartford, Connecticut. The Pequot War of 1636 and 1637 saw the virtual elimination of the Pequot Indians. The victors, English colonists living along the Connecticut River and their Mohegan and Narragansett allies, met to decide on the division of the fruits of victory. The Mohegan and Narragansett tribes and the three English settlements that would become the Connecticut River Colony in 1639, participated in the treaty. Surviving Pequot prisoners were divided between the tribes, with an", "psg_id": "19779119" }, { "title": "The Colony (1995 film)", "text": "secret attempt by a patrol to search the Ritter family’s house for a vital missing computer disk that the former tenants squirreled away before they were sent over a cliff by Teague. [...] Tech credits are good. Main trouble with \"The Colony\" is that, as a suspenser, it isn’t much fun. Plays like a summer throwaway. \"The Colony\" was released on September 13, 1995, on the USA Network. The film was released on VHS on March 12, 1996, by Universal Pictures Home Entertainment. The Colony (1995 film) The Colony is a 1995 made-for-TV movie starring John Ritter, Mary Page Keller,", "psg_id": "18746758" }, { "title": "Champion of the Colony", "text": "the newspapers that Mullen used in compiling his list. The list as compiled by Mullen contained factual errors, and the different versions of the list contain anomalies. <nowiki>* </nowiki> Player also won the Brownlow Medal that year. <br> Champion of the Colony The Champion of the Colony Award is a list that was compiled in the 1940s and 1950s by Australian rules football historian C. C. (Cecil Clarence) Mullen (1895–1983) for \"Mullen's Footballers' Australian Almanac\" in 1950 and 1951, and a \"History of Australian Rules Football\" he wrote in 1958. According to Mullen's 1950 almanac, the Champion of the Colony", "psg_id": "4695561" }, { "title": "The Colony (Bennachie)", "text": "The Colony (Bennachie) The Colony was a squatters' community on \"commonty\", or common land, on one side of Bennachie, a range of hills near Aberdeen, in Scotland. From the beginning of the nineteenth century common land in the parishes of Chapel of Garioch and Oyne on the east side of Bennachie became home to a community of squatters. This settlement was known locally as the Colony. A small number of families led a crofting life supplementing it by doing skilled work, such as dyking, quarrying and knitting. In 1850 it is believed the Colony had a population of 55. In", "psg_id": "13762344" }, { "title": "History of Springfield, Massachusetts", "text": "sport of basketball, invented in 1891 and now the world's second most popular sport. Below is a partial list of the City of Springfield's \"firsts:\" History of Springfield, Massachusetts Springfield, Massachusetts was founded in 1636 as \"Agawam\", the northernmost settlement of the Connecticut Colony. The settlement defected from Connecticut after four years, however, later joining forces with the coastal Massachusetts Bay Colony. The town changed its name to \"Springfield\", and changed the political boundaries among what later became New England States. The history of Springfield, Massachusetts springs in large part from its favorable geography, situated on a steep bluff overlooking", "psg_id": "16458268" }, { "title": "The Colony, Texas", "text": "was finished in May 2015. In addition, a new overpass has been constructed to carry South Colony Boulevard over the Sam Rayburn Tollway (SH121) using a first-in-Texas design known as a diverging diamond interchange. While The Colony is growing, prime space is plentiful with more than to develop including State Highway 121 frontage. Mixed use centers include The Cascades at The Colony; a 100-acre master-planned community consisting of 280 residences, flex office space, three hotels, and four restaurants. Another mixed use center is Austin Ranch, located west of the Dallas North Tollway and south of State Highway 121, that has", "psg_id": "1228563" }, { "title": "Massachusetts Bay Colony", "text": "often the children of the gentry, and they played an important role in establishing the economy of the colony. With the start of the English Civil War in 1642, emigration came to a comparative standstill, and some colonists even returned to England to fight for the Parliamentary cause. In the following years, most of the immigrants came for economic reasons; they were merchants, seamen, and skilled craftsmen. Following the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, the colony also saw in an influx of French Protestant Huguenots. During the period of the charter colony, small numbers of Scots immigrated,", "psg_id": "1611998" } ]
[ "afng", "army national guard forces", "selective reserve force", "starc", "federalised", "u.s. national guard", "united states national guard.", "national guard usa", "national guard of the united states", "selected reserve force", "american national guard", "united states national guard", "national guard of the united states", "us national guard", "national guard (united states)", "federalization of the national guard", "state area command" ]
served in a traditional cocktail glass, what drink consists of equal parts brandy (or cognac), contreau, and lemon juice?
[ { "title": "Sidecar (cocktail)", "text": "the drink to an American army captain in Paris during World War I and named after the motorcycle sidecar that the captain used. Both MacElhone and Vermiere state the recipe as equal parts cognac, Cointreau, and lemon juice, now known as \"the French school\". Later, an \"English school\" of sidecars emerged, as found in the \"Savoy Cocktail Book\" (1930), which call for two parts cognac and one part each of Cointreau and lemon juice. According to Embury, the original sidecar had several ingredients, which were \"refined away\". Embury also states the drink is simply a daiquiri with brandy as its", "psg_id": "2004981" } ]
[ { "title": "Saint Clement's (cocktail)", "text": "carbonated citrus-flavored soft drink (like Sprite, 7-Up, or Fanta Lemon). Saint Clement's (cocktail) The Saint Clement's is a non-alcoholic cocktail. Though the ingredients may vary, it consists of orange juice mixed with bitter lemon, usually in equal proportions; the name of the drink refers to the English nursery rhyme Oranges and Lemons. The drink is therefore named (indirectly) after either St Clement Eastcheap or St Clement Danes, both churches in London. The traditional recipe calls for equal parts orange juice and lemon juice served over ice in a highball glass. There are many variations, in which the lemon juice is", "psg_id": "3769216" }, { "title": "Saint Clement's (cocktail)", "text": "Saint Clement's (cocktail) The Saint Clement's is a non-alcoholic cocktail. Though the ingredients may vary, it consists of orange juice mixed with bitter lemon, usually in equal proportions; the name of the drink refers to the English nursery rhyme Oranges and Lemons. The drink is therefore named (indirectly) after either St Clement Eastcheap or St Clement Danes, both churches in London. The traditional recipe calls for equal parts orange juice and lemon juice served over ice in a highball glass. There are many variations, in which the lemon juice is replaced with a sweeter drink (like lemonade), or even a", "psg_id": "3769215" }, { "title": "Corpse Reviver", "text": "cocktail, with two parts cognac, one part Calvados or equivalent apple brandy, and one part sweet vermouth. The Corpse Reviver #2 is the more popular of the corpse revivers, and consists of equal parts gin, lemon juice, curaçao (commonly Cointreau), Kina Lillet (now usually replaced with Cocchi Americano, as a closer match to Kina Lillet than modern Lillet Blanc), and a dash of absinthe. The dash of absinthe can either be added to the mix before shaking, or added to the cocktail glass and moved around until the glass has been coated with a layer of absinthe to give a", "psg_id": "15821615" }, { "title": "Gunner (cocktail)", "text": "Hong Kong cocktail\". Related drinks (or possibly alternative names): Also known in Hong Kong as a \"Gunners\". Malawi shandy, rock shandy, Windermere, Lemon, Lime and Bitters. Gunner (cocktail) A gunner is a cocktail served in more prominent clubs, bars, golf clubs, especially those popular with expats, in Hong Kong and other parts of the Far East and India formerly under British colonial rule. It consists of equal parts ginger beer (or lemonade) and ginger ale with a dash of Angostura bitters and sometimes a measure of lime cordial or lemon juice. It is regarded as a non-alcoholic drink, although Angostura", "psg_id": "10383981" }, { "title": "Gunner (cocktail)", "text": "Gunner (cocktail) A gunner is a cocktail served in more prominent clubs, bars, golf clubs, especially those popular with expats, in Hong Kong and other parts of the Far East and India formerly under British colonial rule. It consists of equal parts ginger beer (or lemonade) and ginger ale with a dash of Angostura bitters and sometimes a measure of lime cordial or lemon juice. It is regarded as a non-alcoholic drink, although Angostura bitters is 44.7% alcohol by volume. It is noted for its refreshing qualities, especially in warm weather. The gunner has been described as \"the only real", "psg_id": "10383980" }, { "title": "Paradise (cocktail)", "text": "the largest \"Gin and Juice\", a 500 litre paradise cocktail. Paradise (cocktail) The Paradise is an IBA official cocktail, and is classified as a \"pre-dinner\" drink, an apéritif. The earliest known in-print recipe for the Paradise Cocktail was written by Harry Craddock in 1930. This cocktail is prepared using gin, apricot brandy (apricot liqueur), and orange juice in a 2:1:1 ratio, with a splash of lemon juice. The Paradise cocktail plays a key part in the 1933 Warner Bros. romantic film \"One Way Passage\" as the drink of the two star-crossed lovers played by Kay Francis and William Powell. On", "psg_id": "9795639" }, { "title": "Horsefeather (cocktail)", "text": "lemon, replacing the lemon with lime, or creating a frozen version. Horsefeather (cocktail) A Horsefeather is a whiskey cocktail. It was invented in Lawrence, Kansas in the 1990s. It remains a regional drink in the Kansas City region. The drink is an iteration of the classic cocktail Horse's Neck and is similar to a Moscow Mule. A horsefeather is traditionally rye whiskey or blended whiskey, ginger beer, three dashes of Angostura bitters, and a little lemon juice. A highball glass is filled 3/4 with ice. The ingredients are then poured into the glass and stirred. There are many variations such", "psg_id": "20643847" }, { "title": "Stinger (cocktail)", "text": "that it be served in a cocktail glass if served straight, or in a rocks glass if served with ice. The Amaretto Stinger uses a 3-to-1 ratio of amaretto to white crème de menthe, while an Irish Stinger uses equal parts Irish cream liqueur and white crème de menthe. The Mexican Stinger substitutes tequila for brandy. A \"Vodka Stinger\", also known as a White Spider, uses vodka instead of brandy. A White Way Cocktail, which celebrates Broadway theatre, is a Stinger made with gin rather than brandy. Mixologists Oliver Said and James Mellgren cite a cocktail known as the Stinger", "psg_id": "4043686" }, { "title": "Paradise (cocktail)", "text": "Paradise (cocktail) The Paradise is an IBA official cocktail, and is classified as a \"pre-dinner\" drink, an apéritif. The earliest known in-print recipe for the Paradise Cocktail was written by Harry Craddock in 1930. This cocktail is prepared using gin, apricot brandy (apricot liqueur), and orange juice in a 2:1:1 ratio, with a splash of lemon juice. The Paradise cocktail plays a key part in the 1933 Warner Bros. romantic film \"One Way Passage\" as the drink of the two star-crossed lovers played by Kay Francis and William Powell. On May 27, 2018, Snoop Dogg set the world record for", "psg_id": "9795638" }, { "title": "Aviation (cocktail)", "text": "Aviation (cocktail) The Aviation is a classic cocktail made with gin, maraschino liqueur, crème de violette, and lemon juice. Some recipes omit the crème de violette. It is served straight up, in a cocktail glass. The Aviation was created by Hugo Ensslin, head bartender at the Hotel Wallick in New York, in the early twentieth century. The first published recipe for the drink appeared in Ensslin's 1916 \"Recipes for Mixed Drinks\". Ensslin's recipe called for 1½ oz. El Bart gin, ¾ oz. lemon juice, 2 dashes maraschino liqueur, and 2 dashes crème de violette, a violet liqueur which gives the", "psg_id": "13384886" }, { "title": "French 75 (cocktail)", "text": "According to the recipe in Harry MacElhone's book \"Harry's ABC of Mixing Cocktails,\" a French 75 is supposed to be served in a highball glass. The Highball glass, which the Tom Collins Cocktail is also served in, would support the theory of French 75 being a variation of the Tom Collins. French 75 (cocktail) French 75 is a cocktail made from gin, Champagne, lemon juice, and sugar. It is also called a 75 Cocktail, or in French simply a \"Soixante Quinze\" (Seventy Five). The drink dates to World War I, and an early form was created in 1915 at the", "psg_id": "1906324" }, { "title": "Ward 8 (cocktail)", "text": "rye and even single malt scotch. Some recipes call for lemon juice, lime juice, no juice, grenadine, sour mix and gomme syrup. The Santa Clara Company trademark described their product as \"Compounds of Whisky, Grenadine-Syrup, Rock-Candy Syrup, and Lime-Juice.\" Following the end of prohibition, Locke-Ober reopened its bar using this recipe: Shake the rye whiskey, lemon juice, orange juice and grenadine with ice; then strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a maraschino cherry, if desired. Originally the drink was decorated with a small paper Massachusetts flag. Ward 8 (cocktail) The Ward 8 or Ward Eight is a cocktail", "psg_id": "10018082" }, { "title": "Snowball (cocktail)", "text": "Snowball (cocktail) A Snowball is a mixture of Advocaat and lemonade in approximately equal parts. It may have other ingredients, to taste. It typically contains a squeeze of fresh lime juice, which is shaken with the advocaat before pouring into a glass and topping up with lemonade. If not wanting to make fresh advocaat, which typically consists of 1 egg, 30 ml of simple syrup, and 60 ml of brandy, for the cocktail, then it may be substituted by using a commercial version. In the United Kingdom, it is often sold in both pubs and supermarkets in small bottles of", "psg_id": "15432626" }, { "title": "Snowball (cocktail)", "text": "approximately (known in the pub trade as \"splits\") and is usually drunk as a \"winter warmer\". Snowball (cocktail) A Snowball is a mixture of Advocaat and lemonade in approximately equal parts. It may have other ingredients, to taste. It typically contains a squeeze of fresh lime juice, which is shaken with the advocaat before pouring into a glass and topping up with lemonade. If not wanting to make fresh advocaat, which typically consists of 1 egg, 30 ml of simple syrup, and 60 ml of brandy, for the cocktail, then it may be substituted by using a commercial version. In", "psg_id": "15432627" }, { "title": "Prince of Wales (cocktail)", "text": "little champagne, and powdered sugar to taste.\" Sam Meyer of puts the quantities at The drink is prepared by stirring sugar and bitters, adding whiskey and liqueur, then pineapple. These are shaken with crushed ice, the mix is strained into a cocktail glass, and then one adds the champagne. Some recipes use cognac or brandy instead of rye whiskey, Bénédictine or other liqueur in lieu of Maraschino, and orange in the place of pineapple. The methods of preparation also vary. Sam Meyer praises the cocktail saying that it's \"a marvelous drink with the spicy rye ... and the sweet", "psg_id": "8783735" }, { "title": "Screwdriver (cocktail)", "text": "Up Against a Fuzzy Pink Wall\". A screwdriver with two parts vodka, four parts orange juice, and one part Galliano is a Harvey Wallbanger. A screwdriver with equal parts vanilla vodka and Blue Curaçao topped with lemon-lime soda is a \"Sonic Screwdriver\". A shot of vodka with a slice of orange is a Cordless Screwdriver. Screwdriver (cocktail) A screwdriver is a popular alcoholic highball drink made with orange juice and vodka. While the basic drink is simply the two ingredients, there are many variations; the most common one is made with one part vodka, one part of any kind of", "psg_id": "398678" }, { "title": "Cyprus brandy", "text": "Keo Five Kings at 40%. Most varieties have a distinctly sweet aftertaste. Cyprus brandy is typically produced by double distillation of xynisteri-based white wines with aging in oak barrels. Cypriot brandy forms the base for the Brandy Sour cocktail, in addition to locally produced lemon cordial, that has been cited as the national drink of Cyprus. Cyprus brandy The production of brandy on Cyprus began in 1871 by ETKO (the oldest surviving distiller on the island) following their importation of a pot still from Cognac in 1868. Data coming from the English explorer Samuel Baker revealed that in 1875 the", "psg_id": "9579500" }, { "title": "Sour (cocktail)", "text": "again. The classic Pisco Sour recipe contains [pisco] brandy (usually an un-aged grape brandy from Perú), fresh lime juice, fresh lemon juice, simple syrup, egg white, and bitters. It is shaken, strained, and served straight in a cocktail glass then garnished with the bitters (cinnamon can be used). The addition of egg white creates a foamy head when shaken before serving. While pisco sour is flavoured with key lime by default, pisco is combined with other fruit to create mango sour, maracuya (passion fruit) sour, lucuma sour and so forth. Peru has a National Pisco Sour Day (which lasts a", "psg_id": "4364159" }, { "title": "Moretta (coffee)", "text": "the basis for moretta. In 2004, AIBES (Associazione Italiana Barman e Sostenitori) recognised moretta as an official cocktail. The hot cocktail is a blend of anise, rum and brandy in roughly equal parts. The type of alcohol used can vary according to personal taste and individual recipes. For example, one variant uses cognac instead of brandy. The liquor is heated with steam, together with sugar and lemon or orange zest, and poured directly into the glass, if possible, in order to dissolve the sugar. Then, warm coffee, preferably espresso, is added slowly, so as not to mix with the liquor.", "psg_id": "16663551" }, { "title": "Greyhound (cocktail)", "text": "Greyhound (cocktail) A greyhound is a cocktail consisting of grapefruit juice and either gin or vodka mixed and served over ice. If the rim of the glass has been salted, the drink is instead called a salty dog. The earliest known mention of a cocktail of this description is in bartender and author Harry Craddock's \"Savoy Cocktail Book\" of 1930. Craddock describes his recipe as \"\"...a variation of the Grapefruit Cocktail...\"\", suggesting that such cocktails were already in common use before his book was written. His recipe consists of nothing but gin, grapefruit juice and ice. A recipe for a", "psg_id": "9689076" }, { "title": "Horsefeather (cocktail)", "text": "Horsefeather (cocktail) A Horsefeather is a whiskey cocktail. It was invented in Lawrence, Kansas in the 1990s. It remains a regional drink in the Kansas City region. The drink is an iteration of the classic cocktail Horse's Neck and is similar to a Moscow Mule. A horsefeather is traditionally rye whiskey or blended whiskey, ginger beer, three dashes of Angostura bitters, and a little lemon juice. A highball glass is filled 3/4 with ice. The ingredients are then poured into the glass and stirred. There are many variations such as substituting ginger beer with ginger ale, adding cherries, muddling the", "psg_id": "20643846" }, { "title": "Cosmopolitan (cocktail)", "text": "at Elite Bars 1903-1933\", published in 1934. <poem> Jigger of Gordon's Gin ( Beefeater) 2 dash Cointreau ( Cointreau) Juice of 1 Lemon ( Lemon Juice) 1 tsp [.5 cl] Raspberry Syrup (homemade) Shake with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. </poem> Made with ingredients that would have been readily available during the period, this identically named cocktail aims for the same effect. If this drink is in fact the source of the modern cosmopolitan, then it would be an adaption of a Daisy rather than a Kamikaze. One version of the creation of this popular drink credits the", "psg_id": "2442856" }, { "title": "Nightcap (drink)", "text": "milk can be improved by adding a small amount of liqueur which may promote sleep as well; alternatively, honey and/or vanilla can improve the flavor. The effectiveness of warm milk for inducing sleep is disputed. Other drinks touted for inducing sleep are hops tea, cherry juice (contains melatonin), coconut water (contains magnesium), banana smoothie, lemon balm tea, decaffeinated green tea (contains theanine), valerian tea, and chamomile tea. Nightcap (drink) A nightcap is a drink taken shortly before bedtime. For example, a small alcoholic drink or glass of warm milk can supposedly promote a good night's sleep. Traditional nightcaps include brandy,", "psg_id": "12002092" }, { "title": "Chicago Cocktail", "text": "many versions of the drink, it is topped off with champagne or white wine. Some versions call for sugaring the rim of the glass. It can be served on the rocks in a double old-fashioned glass or, especially in the champagne variation, straight up in a champagne coupe or flute or a cocktail glass. Chicago Cocktail The Chicago Cocktail is a brandy-based mixed drink probably named for the city of Chicago, Illinois. It has been documented in numerous cocktail manuals dating back to the 19th century. Chicago restaurant critic John Drury included it in his 1931 guide \"Dining in Chicago\",", "psg_id": "13662594" }, { "title": "Grasshopper (cocktail)", "text": "crème de menthe. Grasshopper (cocktail) A Grasshopper is a sweet, mint-flavored, after-dinner drink. The name of the drink derives from its green color, which comes from crème de menthe. The drink reputedly originated at Tujague's, a bar in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana in 1918, and was invented by its owner, Philip Guichet. The drink gained popularity during the 1950s and 1960s throughout the American South. A typical Grasshopper cocktail consists of equal parts green crème de menthe, white crème de cacao, and cream shaken with ice and strained into a chilled cocktail glass. A \"Vodka\" or \"Flying\"", "psg_id": "8658264" }, { "title": "Grasshopper (cocktail)", "text": "Grasshopper (cocktail) A Grasshopper is a sweet, mint-flavored, after-dinner drink. The name of the drink derives from its green color, which comes from crème de menthe. The drink reputedly originated at Tujague's, a bar in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana in 1918, and was invented by its owner, Philip Guichet. The drink gained popularity during the 1950s and 1960s throughout the American South. A typical Grasshopper cocktail consists of equal parts green crème de menthe, white crème de cacao, and cream shaken with ice and strained into a chilled cocktail glass. A \"Vodka\" or \"Flying\" Grasshopper replaces the", "psg_id": "8658262" }, { "title": "Boilermaker (beer cocktail)", "text": "of a shot and a beer are possible; traditional pairings include: Boilermaker (beer cocktail) A boilermaker can refer to two types of beer cocktail. In American terminology, the drink consists of a glass of beer and a shot of whiskey. The beer is either served as a chaser or mixed with the whiskey. When the beer is served as a chaser, the drink is often called simply a shot and a beer. In Philadelphia, it is commonly referred to as a Citywide Special. In Texas, it is known as a Two-Step. In parts of Florida, it is often referred to", "psg_id": "1752077" }, { "title": "Prince of Wales (cocktail)", "text": "Prince of Wales (cocktail) Prince of Wales is a cocktail composed by Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, later to be King Edward VII. There are several variations of the cocktail, but what they usually have in common is champagne, angostura bitters on sugar, either rye whiskey or cognac, and a liqueur. Anonymous biography of King Edward, \"The Private Life of King Edward VII\", credits the drink to Prince himself. The cocktail consisted of \"a little rye whisky, crushed ice, a small square of pineapple, a dash of Angostura bitters, a piece of lemon peel, a few drops of Maraschino, a", "psg_id": "8783734" }, { "title": "Bloody Mary (cocktail)", "text": "placebo effect. Its reputation as a restorative beverage contributes to the popularity of the Bloody Mary in the morning and early afternoon, especially at brunches. The drink is traditionally served over ice in a tall glass, such as a highball, flared pint or hurricane glass. The two critical ingredients, vodka and tomato juice, are relatively simple; however, the drink almost never consists of these two ingredients alone. Among the more common additions to the juice base are salt or celery salt (either mixed in or as a salted rim), cracked pepper, hot sauce (such as Tabasco), citrus juices (especially lemon", "psg_id": "12541685" }, { "title": "Lemon drop", "text": "in the Russian Hill neighborhood of San Francisco, California that opened in 1969. It was originally served in a cocktail glass. The Lemon Drop was most likely named after lemon drop candy. After its invention, the drink swiftly spread to many San Francisco saloons. In the early 1990s, it was often prepared as a shooter or served in a shot glass. Variations of the drink include lemon drops prepared with blueberries and raspberries, which may use vodkas or other liquors flavored with these respective berries. These drinks may also be served or garnished with these berries, or with lemon. A", "psg_id": "16332417" }, { "title": "Fish House Punch", "text": "cubes. Stir together sugar and 3½ cups water in a large bowl or pot until sugar is dissolved. Add lemon juice, rum, cognac, and brandy and chill, covered, at least 3 hours. Put half-gallon ice block in a punch bowl and pour punch over it. Fish House Punch Fish House Punch is a strong, rum-based punch containing rum, cognac, and peach brandy. The drink is typically served over an ice block in a punch bowl and garnished with lemon slices. This most venerable of American flowing bowls is held to have been first concocted in 1732 at Philadelphia's fishing club,", "psg_id": "11158724" }, { "title": "Allen's Coffee Brandy", "text": "that his company ships \"a phenomenal amount\" of brandy to Maine each month. Allen's Coffee Brandy is typically served in a drink consisting of equal parts brandy and milk, over ice, in a pint glass. This has been given many names within Maine, the most common being a \"Sombrero\". Also among them are \"Puss\", \"Allen's and milk\", \"a milk drink\", \"a brandy\", or \"an Allen's.\" Allen's Coffee Brandy can also be mixed with another Maine staple, Moxie, to make the \"Burnt Trailer\" or (with Diet Moxie) a \"Welfare mom\". Allen's came into some legal question when the United States placed", "psg_id": "10905515" }, { "title": "Astro pop (cocktail)", "text": "Leaf Brands. An astro pop may be served as a cocktail, mixed drink or shooter. Several recipes exist. Alcoholic beverages used in the drink's preparation can include vodka, raspberry vodka, blueberry vodka, Prosecco (an Italian sparkling white wine), blue curaçao liqueur, Crème de banane and melon liqueur. Drink mixers used in its preparation can include sweet and sour mix, simple syrup and grenadine. Additional ingredients and garnishes can include sugar, raspberries, lemon juice and lemon. A cocktail spoon is sometimes used to aid in layer separation when preparing the drink, in which various beverages are slowly poured over the back", "psg_id": "17977219" }, { "title": "Tequila Sunrise (cocktail)", "text": "Official Cocktail. The drink is mixed by pouring in Tequila, ice, then the juice and, lastly, syrup. The signature look of the drink depends on adding the syrup without mixing with the other ingredients. A spoon may be used to guide the syrup down the glass wall to the bottom of the glass with minimal mixing. Tequila Sunrise (cocktail) The Tequila Sunrise is a cocktail made of tequila, orange juice, and grenadine syrup and served unmixed in a tall glass. The modern drink originates from Sausalito in the early 1970s, after an earlier one created in the 1930s in Phoenix,", "psg_id": "6077949" }, { "title": "Lemon drop", "text": "Lemon drop A lemon drop is a vodka-based cocktail that has a lemony, sweet and sour flavor, prepared using lemon juice, triple sec and simple syrup. It has been described as a variant of, or as \"a take on\", the Vodka Martini. It is typically prepared and served straight up – chilled with ice and strained. The drink was invented sometime in the 1970s by Norman Jay Hobday, the founder and proprietor of Henry Africa's bar in San Francisco, California. Some variations of the drink exist, such as blueberry and raspberry lemon drops. It is served at some bars and", "psg_id": "16332413" }, { "title": "Brandy Sour (Cyprus)", "text": "with lemonade (for a classic, slightly sweeter drink) or soda water (for less sweetness and a more pronounced brandy flavour), and plenty of ice. Brandy Sour (Cyprus) The Brandy Sour is a mixed alcoholic cocktail considered the unofficial national cocktail of Cyprus. While other forms of the Brandy Sour cocktail exist, the Cypriot variety is a distinct mixture, which only shares the basic brandy and lemon flavourings with other variants. Both brandy and lemons are among Cyprus's major exports, and both have distinctive Cypriot characteristics. The Cypriot Brandy Sour style was developed following the introduction of the first blended brandy", "psg_id": "11072284" }, { "title": "French 75 (cocktail)", "text": "form and \"French 75\" name in \"Here’s How\", by Judge Jr. (1927), consisting of gin, sugar, lemon juice, and champagne. This recipe was republished with the name French 75 in \"The Savoy Cocktail Book\" (1930), which helped popularize the drink. Some later cocktail books use Cognac instead of gin, such as \"The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks\" by David A. Embury. The French 75 was popularized in America at the Stork Club in New York. It appears in the movie \"Casablanca\" (1942) and is referenced twice in the John Wayne films \"A Man Betrayed\" (1941) and \"Jet Pilot\" (1957). In", "psg_id": "1906322" }, { "title": "Aviation (cocktail)", "text": "cocktail a pale purple color. Harry Craddock's influential \"Savoy Cocktail Book\" (1930) omitted the crème de violette, calling for a mixture of two-thirds dry gin, one-third lemon juice, and two dashes of maraschino. Many later bartenders have followed Craddock's lead, leaving out the difficult-to-find violet liqueur. Creme Yvette, a violet liqueur made with additional spices, is sometimes substituted for crème de violette. Aviation (cocktail) The Aviation is a classic cocktail made with gin, maraschino liqueur, crème de violette, and lemon juice. Some recipes omit the crème de violette. It is served straight up, in a cocktail glass. The Aviation was", "psg_id": "13384887" }, { "title": "Vampiro (cocktail)", "text": "and strained, not stirred. In 2017, David Hammond from the \"Chicago Tribune\" described a variant called the Doce Vampiro cocktail, which is served at La Sirena Clandestina in Chicago. The blood-red drink is a blend of \"...pisco, tequila, lemon, pineapple, Ramazzotti amaro and chicha morada, a sweet, tart, nonalcoholic Peruvian drink made from purple corn\". Hammond states that the \"...pisco, pineapple and lemon, bright and acidic, are the high notes\", with the \"...tequila, bitter herbaceousness of the Ramazzotti and baking-spice qualities of the chicha morada\" providing the \"[b]ass notes\". Vampiro (cocktail) The Vampiro is a cocktail that includes fruit juice,", "psg_id": "20294795" }, { "title": "Cocktail glass", "text": "Cocktail glass A cocktail glass is a stemmed glass with an inverted cone bowl, mainly used to serve straight-up cocktails. The term cocktail glass is often used interchangeably with martini glass, despite them differing slightly. Today, the glass is used to serve a variety of cocktails, such as the Martini and its variations (French Martini, Vodka Martini, Espresso Martini, Appletini), Manhattan, Brandy Alexander, Pisco Sour, Negroni, Cosmopolitan, Gimlet, and the Grasshopper. Invented in the late 19th century, its form derives from the fact that all cocktails are traditionally served chilled and contain an aromatic element. Thus, the stem allows the", "psg_id": "3127132" }, { "title": "Cocktail glass", "text": "A standard cocktail glass contains , though originally they were around in size. Oversized cocktail glasses, ranging in capacity from to large glasses of or more are available. Cocktail glass A cocktail glass is a stemmed glass with an inverted cone bowl, mainly used to serve straight-up cocktails. The term cocktail glass is often used interchangeably with martini glass, despite them differing slightly. Today, the glass is used to serve a variety of cocktails, such as the Martini and its variations (French Martini, Vodka Martini, Espresso Martini, Appletini), Manhattan, Brandy Alexander, Pisco Sour, Negroni, Cosmopolitan, Gimlet, and the Grasshopper. Invented", "psg_id": "3127136" }, { "title": "Paloma (cocktail)", "text": "Paloma (cocktail) The paloma (Spanish for \"dove\") is a Patron tequila-based cocktail. This drink is most commonly prepared by mixing tequila with a grapefruit-flavored soda such as Fresca, Squirt, or Jarritos and served on the rocks with a lime wedge. Adding salt to the rim of the glass is also an option. This drink is very easy to prepare, it can even be found in soda cans. This drink is very popular all over Mexico. Alternatively, the grapefruit soda can be replaced with fresh white or red grapefruit juice (\"jugo de toronja\"), club soda (sugar optional), and fresh-squeezed lime juice.", "psg_id": "14083117" }, { "title": "Paloma (cocktail)", "text": "Paloma (cocktail) The paloma (Spanish for \"dove\") is a Patron tequila-based cocktail. This drink is most commonly prepared by mixing tequila with a grapefruit-flavored soda such as Fresca, Squirt, or Jarritos and served on the rocks with a lime wedge. Adding salt to the rim of the glass is also an option. This drink is very easy to prepare, it can even be found in soda cans. This drink is very popular all over Mexico. Alternatively, the grapefruit soda can be replaced with fresh white or red grapefruit juice (\"jugo de toronja\"), club soda (sugar optional), and fresh-squeezed lime juice.", "psg_id": "14083116" }, { "title": "Don Alfredo (cocktail)", "text": "the first distilled spirit made in the new world. As there were no glass bottles in the 16th century, the brandy was shipped in ceramic (clay) containers sealed with beeswax. The drink originated in Lima, Perú in 2008; the cocktail gained popularity by the end of 2012, and is now enjoyed in most countries Peruvian pisco and elderflower liquor are available. In a cocktail glass filled with ice, pour in 45ml Pisco, 30ml elderflower liqueur (such as St Germain) and 20ml lime juice. The cocktail should not be confused with the brand of pisco. Although it can be made with", "psg_id": "19042926" }, { "title": "Last Word (cocktail)", "text": "Last Word (cocktail) The Last Word is a gin-based prohibition-era cocktail originally developed at the Detroit Athletic Club. While the drink eventually fell out of favor, it enjoyed a renewed popularity after being rediscovered by the bartender Murray Stenson in 2004 during his tenure at the Zig Zag Café and becoming a cult hit in the Seattle area. The Last Word consists of equal amounts of gin, green Chartreuse, maraschino liqueur and freshly pressed lime juice, which are combined in a shaker with ice. After shaking, the mix is poured through a cocktail strainer (sieve) into the glass so that", "psg_id": "13133242" }, { "title": "Stinger (cocktail)", "text": "came to be consumed like a cocktail. The Stinger was a popular drink during American Prohibition, for crème de menthe could mask the taste of the inferior-quality brandies then available. The Stinger began to lose favor with Americans in the late 1970s, and was not a well-known cocktail in the early 21st century. The Stinger is a duo cocktail, in that it uses only two ingredients: a spirit and a liqueur. The classic Stinger recipe uses three parts brandy and one part white crème de menthe. However, Stinger recipes vary, and some recipes call for equal parts brandy and crème", "psg_id": "4043684" }, { "title": "Don Alfredo (cocktail)", "text": "any mosto verde pisco, the cocktail was made popular using the Don Alfredo pisco. Don Alfredo (cocktail) Don Alfredo is a popular cocktail of modern Peruvian cuisine. The drink is prepared by mixing Peruvian mosto verde pisco, elderflower infused liquor such as St-Germain and lime juice in a cocktail glass filled with ice. The glass is then topped off with sparkling mineral water. It is usually served over ice in a lowball glass (or sometimes a martini glass or wine glass) and garnished with a spring of mint leaf, basil or a lime peel. Other variants include the Don Alfredo", "psg_id": "19042927" }, { "title": "Lemon drop", "text": "restaurants in the United States, and in such establishments in other areas of the world. A lemon drop is a cocktail with a lemony, sweet and sour flavor, whereby the sweet and sour ingredients serve to contrast and balance one another. It is a vodka-based cocktail that is prepared with the addition of lemon juice, triple sec and simple syrup. Plain or citrus-flavored vodka may be used in its preparation, such as citron vodka. Lemon-flavored vodka is also sometimes used. Lemon juice that has been freshly squeezed may be used, which can produce a superior drink compared to using commercially", "psg_id": "16332414" }, { "title": "Fizz (cocktail)", "text": "the egg white. The original recipe is made with grapefruit juice, because of the mixing of recipes you will find many recipes with lemon juice. Notes Fizz (cocktail) A \"fizz\" is a mixed drink variation on the older sours family of cocktail. Its defining features are an acidic juice (such as lemon or lime) and carbonated water. The first printed reference to \"fiz\" is in the 1887 edition of Jerry Thomas's \"Bartender's Guide\", which contains six such recipes. The fizz became widely popular in America between 1900 and the 1940s. Known as a hometown specialty of New Orleans, the gin", "psg_id": "9675386" }, { "title": "Don Alfredo (cocktail)", "text": "Don Alfredo (cocktail) Don Alfredo is a popular cocktail of modern Peruvian cuisine. The drink is prepared by mixing Peruvian mosto verde pisco, elderflower infused liquor such as St-Germain and lime juice in a cocktail glass filled with ice. The glass is then topped off with sparkling mineral water. It is usually served over ice in a lowball glass (or sometimes a martini glass or wine glass) and garnished with a spring of mint leaf, basil or a lime peel. Other variants include the Don Alfredo Spritz, which adds champagne or cava to the mix, and a plethora of modified", "psg_id": "19042924" }, { "title": "Boilermaker (beer cocktail)", "text": "Boilermaker (beer cocktail) A boilermaker can refer to two types of beer cocktail. In American terminology, the drink consists of a glass of beer and a shot of whiskey. The beer is either served as a chaser or mixed with the whiskey. When the beer is served as a chaser, the drink is often called simply a shot and a beer. In Philadelphia, it is commonly referred to as a Citywide Special. In Texas, it is known as a Two-Step. In parts of Florida, it is often referred to as a Git-Right. The drink originated in Butte, Montana in the", "psg_id": "1752075" }, { "title": "Mimosa (cocktail)", "text": "invented a few years earlier in London, which has twice as much champagne as orange juice. The Poinsettia is cranberry juice with champagne (sometimes with vodka and/or Cointreau). The Soleil is made with pineapple juice. The Megmosa is a similar type of cocktail, composed of equal parts champagne and grapefruit juice. Mimosa (cocktail) A mimosa cocktail is composed of one part champagne (or other sparkling wine) and one part chilled citrus juice, usually orange juice unless otherwise specified. It is traditionally served in a tall champagne flute at brunch, at weddings, by the pint, or as part of first class", "psg_id": "14728652" }, { "title": "Chimayó Cocktail", "text": "Chimayó Cocktail The Chimayó cocktail was created by Arturo Jaramillo, owner of the Rancho de Chimayó restaurant in Chimayó, New Mexico in 1965, the Chimayó Cocktail is a tequila and apple cider based drink. Legend has it that Jaramillo was looking for use for the apples that are plentiful in the Chimayó valley when he stumbled onto what would soon become the signature drink of his restaurant. The Chimayó Cocktail is created by mixing 1½ oz tequila with 1 oz unfiltered apple cider, 1/4 oz fresh lemon juice and 1/4 oz creme de cassis over ice. According to Eric Felten", "psg_id": "11624337" }, { "title": "Tom Collins", "text": "with lemon slice, cherry and a straw. The Juan Collins is a Collins cocktail made from tequila, lime juice, sugar or some other sweetening agent, and club soda. It is a variation of the original Tom Collins, first memorialized in writing in 1876 by \"the father of American mixology\" Jerry Thomas. This drink typically is served in a Collins glass over ice. Tom Collins The Tom Collins is a cocktail made from gin, lemon juice, sugar, and carbonated water. First memorialized in writing in 1876 by Jerry Thomas, the \"father of American mixology\", this drink is typically served in a", "psg_id": "426178" }, { "title": "Incredible Hulk (cocktail)", "text": "Incredible Hulk (cocktail) An Incredible Hulk, Green Eyed Monster, Shrock, or Hip and Hen is a green-colored cocktail made by equal parts (2 fl oz each) of the fruit liqueur Hpnotiq and Hennessy brand cognac poured over ice. It is named for the famously green comic book superhero, the Hulk. The drink was created at a Hpnotiq launch event by a restaurant bartender at Sean Combs' New York City restaurant, Justin's. A Hpnotiq employee (Hpnotiq spokesperson Antonio Harer) noticed many women but few men drinking his company's liquor, because the men considered the blue, fruity drink to be too effeminate.", "psg_id": "9355831" }, { "title": "Tequila Sunrise (cocktail)", "text": "Tequila Sunrise (cocktail) The Tequila Sunrise is a cocktail made of tequila, orange juice, and grenadine syrup and served unmixed in a tall glass. The modern drink originates from Sausalito in the early 1970s, after an earlier one created in the 1930s in Phoenix, near Scottsdale. The cocktail is named for its appearance when served, with gradations of color resembling a sunrise. The original Tequila Sunrise contained tequila, edi de cassis, lime juice and soda water and was served at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel, where it was created by Gene Sulit in the 1930s or 1940s. The more popular modern", "psg_id": "6077946" }, { "title": "Brandy Alexander", "text": "Brandy Alexander A Brandy Alexander is a brandy-based cocktail consisting of cognac, crème de cacao, and cream that became popular during the early 20th century. It is a variation of an earlier, gin-based cocktail called simply an Alexander. There are many rumors about its origins. Some sources say it was created at the time of the London wedding of Princess Mary and Viscount Lascelles in 1922. Drama critic and Algonquin Round Table member Alexander Woollcott claimed that it was named after him. Other sources say it was named after the Russian tsar Alexander II. The drink was possibly named after", "psg_id": "2113348" }, { "title": "Greyhound (cocktail)", "text": "rim on the glass and uses vodka sometimes. Dalmatian: has black pepper syrup and vodka. Italian Greyhound: uses Campari and vodka instead of gin. <ref><ref> Greyhound (cocktail) A greyhound is a cocktail consisting of grapefruit juice and either gin or vodka mixed and served over ice. If the rim of the glass has been salted, the drink is instead called a salty dog. The earliest known mention of a cocktail of this description is in bartender and author Harry Craddock's \"Savoy Cocktail Book\" of 1930. Craddock describes his recipe as \"\"...a variation of the Grapefruit Cocktail...\"\", suggesting that such cocktails", "psg_id": "9689079" }, { "title": "Bee's Knees (cocktail)", "text": "don't normally like gin. Bee's Knees (cocktail) A Bees Knees (or Bee's Knees) is a Prohibition Era cocktail made with Gin, fresh lemon juice, and honey. It is served shaken and chilled, often with a lemon twist. The name comes from prohibition-era slang meaning \"the best.\" Like many prohibition-era cocktails, the Bee's Knees was invented as a way to hide the scent and flavor of poor quality homemade spirits, in this case bathtub gin. The addition of honey was considered bizarre by some at the time, since sugar is more usual. The honey sweetens the drink, and may make it", "psg_id": "19711930" }, { "title": "Bee's Knees (cocktail)", "text": "Bee's Knees (cocktail) A Bees Knees (or Bee's Knees) is a Prohibition Era cocktail made with Gin, fresh lemon juice, and honey. It is served shaken and chilled, often with a lemon twist. The name comes from prohibition-era slang meaning \"the best.\" Like many prohibition-era cocktails, the Bee's Knees was invented as a way to hide the scent and flavor of poor quality homemade spirits, in this case bathtub gin. The addition of honey was considered bizarre by some at the time, since sugar is more usual. The honey sweetens the drink, and may make it palatable to people who", "psg_id": "19711929" }, { "title": "June bug (cocktail)", "text": "June bug (cocktail) The June bug or June Bug Annihilator is a tropical cocktail. It consists of a mixture of Midori melon liqueur as base liquor, with modifiers of coconut rum (such as Malibu), Banana liqueur, pineapple juice, and sweet & sour. It is shaken with ice and served long, in a Collins glass, over ice with optional fruit garnish. It is a fresh tasting sweet and tropical drink, with a bright green color. It was first concocted by the Head Bartender at the Grand Rapids, Michigan TGI Friday's, whose nickname was Junebug. It was so popular there that each", "psg_id": "7985758" }, { "title": "Clover Club Cocktail", "text": "grenadine or red currant syrup. Vocaloid Hatsune Miku has a song named after this cocktail, \"Clover Club\", in which she describes the recipe. Clover Club Cocktail The Clover Club Cocktail is a cocktail consisting of gin, lemon juice, raspberry syrup, and an egg white. The egg white is not added for the purpose of giving the drink flavor, but rather acts as an emulsifier. Thus when the drink is shaken a characteristic foamy head is formed. It was first made by Zlatko Roskos a Slovakian bartender in 1997 in Bratislava. The Clover Club Cocktail is a drink that pre-dates Prohibition", "psg_id": "14034346" }, { "title": "Cocktail", "text": "on traditional cocktails for inspiration but utilizes novel ingredients and often complex flavors. Lists Devices for producing and imbibing Media Cocktail A cocktail is an alcoholic mixed drink, which is either a combination of spirits, or one or more spirits along with other ingredients such as fruit juice, lemonade, flavored syrup, or cream. The Oxford Dictionaries define cocktail as \"An alcoholic drink consisting of a spirit or spirits mixed with other ingredients, such as fruit juice or cream\". A cocktail more specifically may mean a beverage with at least three flavors, one of which is alcohol. More specifically still, it", "psg_id": "93633" }, { "title": "Stinger (cocktail)", "text": "de menthe. The mixture was originally stirred, although modern recipes call for it to be shaken with cracked ice. Early recipes required that the Stinger be served straight, but since the end of Prohibition in the United States it became more common for it to be served over crushed ice. Cognac, a type of brandy, was the identified as the basis for the Stinger as early as William \"Cocktail\" Boothby's 1905 supplement to his 1900 book, \"American Bar-Tender\". In the 21st century, cognac was the most commonly used brandy cited by recipes for the Stinger's base liquor. Cocktail guides recommend", "psg_id": "4043685" }, { "title": "Jif (lemon juice)", "text": "phrase \"Jif real lemon juice\" embossed on the side of the squeeze pack. The Jif plastic containers were originally made from polythene, and were one of the original and first blow moulded containers used for food applications. The plastic containers served to replace glass bottles used to package lemon juice. The plastic container was the brainchild of Edward Hack, and the container's design was undertaken by Bill Pugh, the chief plastics designer at Cascelloid. In its development, Pugh carved a core made of wood, covered it with fresh lemon peel to give it a realistic texture, and then cast a", "psg_id": "3746136" }, { "title": "Cocktail sauce", "text": "were a well-established part of the 20th century culinary repertoire. While cocktail sauce is most associated with the prawn cocktail, it can be served with any shellfish. In America it generally consists of, at a minimum, ketchup or chili sauce mixed with prepared horseradish. Lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce and Tabasco sauce are common additives, often all three. Some restaurants use chili sauce, a spicier tomato-based sauce in place of the ketchup. The common form of cocktail sauce in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Iceland, France, Belgium and The Netherlands, usually consists of mayonnaise mixed with a tomato sauce to the same", "psg_id": "5682501" }, { "title": "Pink Lady (cocktail)", "text": "Pink Lady (cocktail) The Pink Lady is a classic gin-based cocktail with a long history. Its pink color is due to adding grenadine. The exact ingredients for the pink lady vary, but all variations have the use of gin, grenadine and egg white in common. In its most basic form the pink lady consists of just these three ingredients. According to the \"Royal Cafe Cocktail Book\" of 1937, it is made with a glass of gin, a tablespoon of grenadine and the white of one egg, shaken and strained into a glass. Often lemon juice is added to the basic", "psg_id": "10347767" }, { "title": "Sazerac", "text": "Sazerac The Sazerac is a local New Orleans variation of a cognac or whiskey cocktail, named for the \"Sazerac de Forge et Fils\" brand of cognac brandy that served as its original main ingredient. The drink is most traditionally a combination of cognac or rye whiskey, absinthe, Peychaud's Bitters, and sugar, although bourbon whiskey or Herbsaint are sometimes substituted. Some claim it is the oldest known American cocktail, with origins in pre-Civil War New Orleans, although drink historian David Wondrich is among those who dispute this, and American instances of published usage of the word \"cocktail\" to describe a mixture", "psg_id": "2000245" }, { "title": "Redheaded slut", "text": "Redheaded slut The redheaded slut is a cocktail made of Jägermeister, peach-flavored schnapps, and cranberry juice. A redheaded slut, also known as a ginger bitch, is typically made as either a mixed drink or a shooter. As a mixed drink the ingredients are generally poured over ice in a small cocktail glass, then stirred. As a shooter, the ingredients are mixed with ice in a cocktail shaker then strained and poured into a shot glass. A very common variation includes equal parts Jägermeister, Schnapps, Crown Royal, and cranberry-flavored vodka. A relatively uncommon variation substitutes Chambord for the cranberry juice, and", "psg_id": "10377411" }, { "title": "Bellini (cocktail)", "text": "counterpart. After an entrepreneurial Frenchman set up a business to ship fresh white peach purée to both locations, it became a year-round favorite. The Bellini is an IBA Official Cocktail. They also suggest a Puccini, replacing the peach purée with an equal amount of mandarin juice, a Rossini, which uses strawberry purée, or a Tintoretto, which is made with pomegranate juice. The Bellini consists of puréed white peaches and Prosecco, an Italian sparkling wine. Marinating fresh peaches in wine is an Italian tradition. The original recipe was made with a bit of raspberry or cherry juice to give the drink", "psg_id": "8424238" }, { "title": "Brandy Sour (Cyprus)", "text": "Plátres, for the young King Farouk of Egypt, who often stayed at the hotel during his frequent visits to the island. The Brandy Sour was introduced as an alcoholic substitute for iced tea, as a way of disguising the Muslim monarch's preference for Western-style cocktails. The drink subsequently spread to other bars and hotels in the fashionable Platres area, before making its way to the coastal resorts of Limassol, Paphos and Kyrenia, and the capital Nicosia. A typical recipe for a Cypriot Brandy Sour should include: Cocktail brandy produced in Cyprus is typically less strongly flavoured than cognac or armagnac,", "psg_id": "11072282" }, { "title": "Sour (cocktail)", "text": "claims the White Lady (gin, Cointreau, fresh lemon juice). The recipe appears in his \"Savoy Cocktail Book\", published in 1930. Joe Gilmore, former Head Barman at The Savoy, says this was one of Laurel and Hardy's favorite drinks. In John le Carré's 1965 novel \"The Looking Glass War\", British spy and main protagonist Fred Leiser's favorite drink is a White Lady, and he makes several attempts to get other agents to try the cocktail. In Dorothy Sayers' mystery novel \"Have His Carcase\" Lord Peter has a White Lady when he hears about his \"Lady\" Miss Harriet Vane being in trouble", "psg_id": "4364158" }, { "title": "Bloody Mary (cocktail)", "text": "Bloody Mary (cocktail) A Bloody Mary is a cocktail containing vodka, tomato juice, and combinations of other spices and flavorings including Worcestershire sauce, hot sauces, garlic, herbs, horseradish, celery, olives, salt, black pepper, lemon juice, lime juice and/or celery salt. In the United States, it is usually consumed in the morning or early afternoon, and is popular as a hangover cure. The Bloody Mary was invented in the 1920s or 1930s; there are various theories as to the origin of the drink, as well as the origin of its name. It has many variants, most notably the Red Snapper, the", "psg_id": "12541678" }, { "title": "Farnell (cocktail)", "text": "garnishes led to its adoption by the Après-ski set. Lemonade is a popular mixer in many alcoholic beverages, particularly straight spirits. Lemonade is not as sweet as most sodas, which makes it less likely to interfere with the flavor of the spirit. The tartness of the lemon balances the rich flavors of the whiskey. Farnell (cocktail) A Farnell is a cocktail made with Jack Daniel's whiskey or often with whiskey from the High West Distillery mixed with lemonade. The drink is usually served in an old-fashioned glass or a Collins glass with ice, and it is considered a lighter, less", "psg_id": "15133745" }, { "title": "Pegu Club (cocktail)", "text": "Harry McElhone of the famous Harry's New York Bar in Paris. The Pegu Club is best served in a chilled glass and is considered a hot weather drink. Its taste is reminiscent of grapefruit and some bartenders will garnish it with a twist of grapefruit peel or slice of fresh grapefruit, although it is commonly served with a slice of lime to complement the lime juice in the drink. The Pegu Cocktail has all but disappeared from memory in present-day Myanmar, however there has been a resurgence in awareness and availability due to tourism. A version of the cocktail is", "psg_id": "9821964" }, { "title": "Gimlet (cocktail)", "text": "A similar lime juice cocktail using rum instead of vodka or gin is the daiquiri. David A. Embury gave a gimlet recipe (called a Gin Sour) in \"The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks\" (3rd Ed., 1958), calling for an 8:2:1 gin/lime (or lemon) juice/simple syrup ratio plus garnish. Eric Felten essentially repeated this in his \"How's Your Drink\" column in \"The Wall Street Journal\" Weekend Edition of August 4, 2006: William L. Hamilton gave this recipe in his \"Shaken and Stirred\" column in \"The New York Times\" on September 15, 2002: A gimlet served at the Fifty Seven Fifty Seven", "psg_id": "6161128" }, { "title": "Vampiro (cocktail)", "text": "juice, lime juice and spicy pico de gallo seasoning can be used as a substitute. The Vampiro is popular in Mexico and is the national drink. Mexicans named the cocktail Vampiro (\"vampire\") because the Viuda de Sanchez juice mixer's red colour is reminiscent of blood. Vampiros may be made in a tall glass or an old fashioned glass. Bartenders may first \"rim\" the glass with Kosher Salt, which is done by placing a layer of Kosher Salt on a chopping board, moistening the glass' rim with lime juice or water, and then placing the upside down glass rim onto the", "psg_id": "20294792" }, { "title": "Hennchata", "text": "Hennchata The Hennchata is a cocktail consisting of Hennessy cognac and Mexican rice horchata agua fresca. It was invented by Vanessa Guizar in San Jose, California. The Hennchata consists of 4 oz horchata plus 1.5 oz (50 ml bottle) of Hennessy V.S. Jorgé Sanchez, owner of CHACHO’S was first to serve the Hennchata in a thick-walled, stemmed chavela glass with the bottle of cognac inverted in a plastic holder clipped to the rim; the brandy bottle empties itself as the level of horchata falls, making the drink more alcoholic as it is consumed. The drink was created by Vanessa Guizar", "psg_id": "18093304" }, { "title": "Shrub (drink)", "text": "Shrub (drink) In terms of mixed drinks, shrub is the name of two different, but related, acidulated beverages. One type of shrub is a fruit liqueur that was popular in 17th and 18th century England, typically made with rum or brandy mixed with sugar and the juice or rinds of citrus fruit. The word \"shrub\" can also refer to a cocktail or soft drink that was popular during America's colonial era, made by mixing a vinegared syrup with spirits, water, or carbonated water. The term \"shrub\" can also be applied to the sweetened vinegar-based syrup from which the cocktail is", "psg_id": "16303026" }, { "title": "Bloody Mary (cocktail)", "text": "or lime), Worcestershire sauce, celery seed, horseradish, clam juice or olive brine, brown sugar or molasses, and/or bitters. Some or all of these ingredients can come pre-mixed with the tomato juice as a single \"Bloody Mary mix\" to which the vodka is added, or the drink may be hand-constructed by the bartender from raw ingredients according to the patron's preference. A common garnish is a celery stalk when served in a tall glass; other common garnishes include olives, , a dill pickle spear, lemon wedges, dried sausage, and/or shrimp (as the taste of the drink is often reminiscent of shrimp", "psg_id": "12541686" }, { "title": "French 75 (cocktail)", "text": "the 19th century. In the 19th century, the \"Champagne cup\" was a popular cocktail, consisting of champagne, lemon juice, sugar, and ice. Gin was sometimes added, yielding a drink much like the French 75. The drink was first recorded as the 75 in \"Harry's ABC of Mixing Cocktails\", 1922 edition, by Harry MacElhone, and in the same year in Robert Vermeire's \"Cocktails: How to Mix Them,\" which credits the drink to MacElhone. However, the recipes differed from the current form – MacElhone's version consisted of Calvados, gin, grenadine, and absinthe, while Vermeire added lemon juice. The recipe took its now-classic", "psg_id": "1906321" }, { "title": "Bramble (cocktail)", "text": "blackberrying in his childhood on the Isle of Wight provided the inspiration for the Bramble. The name of the drink comes from the fact that blackberry bushes are called brambles. Bramble (cocktail) The Bramble is a cocktail created by Dick Bradsell in 1980s London, England. Best described as a spring cocktail, the Bramble brings together dry gin, lemon juice, sugar syrup, crème de mûre, and crushed ice. Bradsell also suggests finishing off the cocktail with some fresh red fruits (such as blackberries, cranberries) and a slice of lemon. It closely resembles the popular Gin Fix. The Bramble was created in", "psg_id": "18544863" }, { "title": "Clover Club Cocktail", "text": "Clover Club Cocktail The Clover Club Cocktail is a cocktail consisting of gin, lemon juice, raspberry syrup, and an egg white. The egg white is not added for the purpose of giving the drink flavor, but rather acts as an emulsifier. Thus when the drink is shaken a characteristic foamy head is formed. It was first made by Zlatko Roskos a Slovakian bartender in 1997 in Bratislava. The Clover Club Cocktail is a drink that pre-dates Prohibition in the United States, and is named for the Philadelphia men's club of the same name, which met in the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel on", "psg_id": "14034341" }, { "title": "French 75 (cocktail)", "text": "French 75 (cocktail) French 75 is a cocktail made from gin, Champagne, lemon juice, and sugar. It is also called a 75 Cocktail, or in French simply a \"Soixante Quinze\" (Seventy Five). The drink dates to World War I, and an early form was created in 1915 at the New York Bar in Paris—later Harry's New York Bar—by barman Harry MacElhone. The combination was said to have such a kick that it felt like being shelled with the powerful French 75mm field gun. The drink with its current name and recipe developed over the 1920s, though similar drinks date to", "psg_id": "1906320" }, { "title": "Rusty Nail (cocktail)", "text": "wide appeal in those years.\" Rusty Nail (cocktail) A Rusty Nail is made by mixing Drambuie and Scotch whisky. The drink was included in Difford's Guide Top 100 Cocktails. A Rusty Nail can be served in an old-fashioned glass on the rocks, neat, or \"up\" in a stemmed glass. It is most commonly served over ice. A Rusty Nail served without ice is sometimes called a Straight Up Nail. Versions of the drink can be made using any aged spirit, though blended Scotch whisky is traditional. Other variations include: According to cocktail historian David Wondrich, \"the Rusty Nail took a", "psg_id": "8580322" }, { "title": "Rusty Nail (cocktail)", "text": "Rusty Nail (cocktail) A Rusty Nail is made by mixing Drambuie and Scotch whisky. The drink was included in Difford's Guide Top 100 Cocktails. A Rusty Nail can be served in an old-fashioned glass on the rocks, neat, or \"up\" in a stemmed glass. It is most commonly served over ice. A Rusty Nail served without ice is sometimes called a Straight Up Nail. Versions of the drink can be made using any aged spirit, though blended Scotch whisky is traditional. Other variations include: According to cocktail historian David Wondrich, \"the Rusty Nail took a while to find its proper", "psg_id": "8580319" }, { "title": "Cocktail glass", "text": "drinker to hold the glass without affecting the temperature of the drink, an important aspect due to the lack of added ice which in other drinks serves to cool the drink, and the wide bowl places the surface of the drink directly under the drinker's nose, ensuring the aromatic element has the desired effect. In the modern day cocktail glasses without stems are common, however, these glasses warm very quickly, a phenomenon the original stem addressed. Although the terms 'cocktail glass' and 'martini glass' are often used interchangeably, the former is slightly smaller, more rounded (in contrast with the latter's", "psg_id": "3127133" }, { "title": "Bloody Mary (cocktail)", "text": "later claimed to have invented the modern Bloody Mary in 1934 as a refinement to Jessel's drink, at the King Cole Room in New York's St. Regis Hotel, according to the hotel's own history. When Petiot spoke to \"The New Yorker\" magazine in July 1964, he said: The cocktail was claimed as a new cocktail under the name \"Red Hammer\" in \"Life\" magazine in 1942, consisting of tomato juice, vodka, and lemon juice. Less than a month later in the same magazine, an advertisement for French's Worcestershire Sauce suggested that it be added to a virgin \"Tomato Juice Cocktail\" along", "psg_id": "12541681" }, { "title": "Painkiller (cocktail)", "text": "Jost Van Dyke in the British Virgin Islands. Other trademarked cocktails include: Painkiller (cocktail) A Painkiller is a rum cocktail trademarked by Pusser's Rum Ltd, their signature drink. It is often associated with Tiki establishments. The Painkiller is a blend of Pusser's rum with 4 parts pineapple juice, 1 part cream of coconut and 1 part orange juice, well shaken and served over the rocks with a generous amount of fresh nutmeg on top. It may be made with either two, three or four ounces of Pusser's dark rum. The original Painkiller was created in the 1970s by Daphne Henderson", "psg_id": "10491958" }, { "title": "Painkiller (cocktail)", "text": "Painkiller (cocktail) A Painkiller is a rum cocktail trademarked by Pusser's Rum Ltd, their signature drink. It is often associated with Tiki establishments. The Painkiller is a blend of Pusser's rum with 4 parts pineapple juice, 1 part cream of coconut and 1 part orange juice, well shaken and served over the rocks with a generous amount of fresh nutmeg on top. It may be made with either two, three or four ounces of Pusser's dark rum. The original Painkiller was created in the 1970s by Daphne Henderson at the Soggy Dollar Bar at White Bay on the island of", "psg_id": "10491957" }, { "title": "Japanese slipper", "text": "Japanese slipper A Japanese slipper is a drink made from Midori, Cointreau, and lemon juice. It was created in 1984 by Jean-Paul Bourguignon at Mietta's Restaurant in Melbourne. The Japanese Slipper appears in literature as early as The bulletin: Issues 5617-5625 in 1988 \"you might care for one of the other current favorites — a Toblerone, a Japanese Slipper or a Mind Eraser. ... Bailey's, grand marnier) or a Melon Bullet (Midori, Mainstay, cointreau, lemon juice)\" Place a cherry into a cocktail glass. Place crushed ice into cocktail shaker, add Midori, then the Cointreau and lemon juice. Shake well and", "psg_id": "9814664" }, { "title": "Twist (cocktail garnish)", "text": "to the shape of the garnish, which is typically curled or twisted longitudinally, or else to the act of twisting the garnish to release fruit oils that infuse the drink. Other techniques include running the twist along the rim of the glass, and \"flaming\" the twist. They are generally about long (although length varies), and thin. Cocktails featuring a twist include Horse's Neck. A lemon twist is also an optional garnish for the Martini, and an orange twist is traditional for the Old Fashioned. Twist (cocktail garnish) A twist is a piece of citrus zest used as a cocktail garnish,", "psg_id": "13283873" } ]
[ "motorcycle sidecar", "side-car", "side car", "sidecars", "motorcycle combination", "a sidecar", "sidecar" ]
according to the nursery rhyme, who “stole a pig and away did run”?
[ { "title": "Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son", "text": "the Hills and Far Away\", in which the hero is called Tom. Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son \"Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son\" is a popular English language nursery rhyme. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 19621. Modern versions of the rhyme include: The 'pig' mentioned in the song is almost certainly not a live animal but rather a kind of pastry, often made with an apple filling, smaller than a pie. Another version of the rhyme is: This rhyme is often conflated with a separate and longer rhyme: Both rhymes were first printed separately in a \"Tom", "psg_id": "7445760" } ]
[ { "title": "Nursery rhyme", "text": "private nursery, as an exercise for the children. It has been argued that nursery rhymes set to music aid in a child's development. Research also supports the assertion that music and rhyme increase a child's ability in spatial reasoning, which aid mathematics skills. Citations Nursery rhyme A nursery rhyme is a traditional poem or song for children in Britain and many other countries, but usage of the term only dates from the late 18th/early 19th century. The term Mother Goose rhymes is interchangeable with nursery rhymes. From the mid-16th century nursery rhymes begin to be recorded in English plays, and", "psg_id": "286984" }, { "title": "Nursery Rhyme (visual novel)", "text": "third and final track focuses on Krile and her pet, Azrael. A second drama CD, titled \"Nursery Rhyme Drama CD \"Life is sweet\"\", was released by Rio on June 30, 2006. According to a national ranking of how well bishōjo games sold nationally in Japan, \"Nursery Rhyme\" was the No. 2 best-selling bishōjo game at the time of its release. \"\", released on the same day, took the No. 1 spot. \"Nursery Rhyme\" was the 18th most widely sold game of 2005 on The opening theme, \"true my heart\", has become an internet meme. This is due to the", "psg_id": "17997769" }, { "title": "Nursery rhyme", "text": "Nursery rhyme A nursery rhyme is a traditional poem or song for children in Britain and many other countries, but usage of the term only dates from the late 18th/early 19th century. The term Mother Goose rhymes is interchangeable with nursery rhymes. From the mid-16th century nursery rhymes begin to be recorded in English plays, and most popular rhymes date from the 17th and 18th centuries. The first English collections, \"Tommy Thumb's Song Book\" and a sequel, \"Tommy Thumb's Pretty Song Book\", were published before 1744. Publisher John Newbery's stepson, Thomas Carnan, was the first to use the term Mother", "psg_id": "286972" }, { "title": "Jack and Jill (nursery rhyme)", "text": "Jack and Jill (nursery rhyme) \"Jack and Jill\" (sometimes \"Jack and Gill\", particularly in earlier versions) is a traditional English nursery rhyme. The Roud Folk Song Index classifies this tune and its variations as number 10266. The rhyme dates back at least to the 18th century and exists with different numbers of verses each with a number of variations. Only a few more verses have been added to the rhyme, including a version with a total of 15 stanzas in a chapbook of the 19th century. The dab verse, probably added as part of these extensions, has become a standard", "psg_id": "2529439" }, { "title": "One for Sorrow (nursery rhyme)", "text": "One for Sorrow (nursery rhyme) \"One for Sorrow\" is a traditional children's nursery rhyme about magpies. According to an old superstition, the number of magpies one sees determines if one will have bad luck. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 20096. There is considerable variation in the lyrics used. A common modern version follows: The rhyme has its origins in superstitions connected with magpies, considered a bird of ill omen in some cultures, and in Britain, at least as far back as the early sixteenth century. The rhyme was first recorded around 1780 in a note in", "psg_id": "12454009" }, { "title": "Jack and Jill (nursery rhyme)", "text": "these stanzas were viewed as quatrains with internal rhymes, this would be an example of ballad form, a common form for nursery rhymes. The melody commonly associated with the rhyme was first recorded by the composer and nursery rhyme collector James William Elliott in his \"National Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Songs\" (1870). The Roud Folk Song Index, which catalogues folk songs and their variations by number, classifies the song as 10266. The phrase \"Jack and Jill\" was in use in England as early as the 16th century to indicate a boy and a girl. A comedy with the title \"Jack", "psg_id": "2529441" }, { "title": "Jack and Jill (nursery rhyme)", "text": "part of the nursery rhyme. Early versions took the form: By the early 20th century this had been modified in some collections, such as L. E. Walter's, \"Mother Goose's Nursery Rhymes\" (London, 1919) to: A third verse, sometimes added to the rhyme, was first recorded in a 19th-century chapbook and took Twentieth-century versions of this verse include: As presented above and as presented in the accompanying published images, the rhyme is made up of six-line stanzas with a rhyming scheme of \"aabccb\" and a trochaic rhythm (with the stress falling on the first of a pair of syllables). Alternatively, if", "psg_id": "2529440" }, { "title": "Nursery Rhyme (visual novel)", "text": "Nursery Rhyme (visual novel) The gameplay in \"Nursery Rhyme\" follows a branching plot line which offers pre-determined scenarios with courses of interaction, and focuses on the appeal of the five female main characters by the player character. The game ranked at No. 2 in the national top 50 for best-selling PC games sold in Japan. \"Nursery Rhyme\" has made transitions into other media, such as a light novel and audio dramas. \"Nursery Rhyme\" is a romance visual novel in which the player assumes the role of Shizuma Hasekura. Much of its gameplay is spent reading the text that appears on", "psg_id": "17997761" }, { "title": "Nursery Rhyme (visual novel)", "text": "misheard lyric , which spawned a series of remix parodies on Nico Nico Douga. \"true my heart\"'s melody has also appeared in the Kumikyoku Nico Nico Douga videos, as has \"kiss my lips\". Some of the \"Nursery Rhyme\" characters feature in \"Megami Engage!\". Nursery Rhyme (visual novel) The gameplay in \"Nursery Rhyme\" follows a branching plot line which offers pre-determined scenarios with courses of interaction, and focuses on the appeal of the five female main characters by the player character. The game ranked at No. 2 in the national top 50 for best-selling PC games sold in Japan. \"Nursery Rhyme\"", "psg_id": "17997770" }, { "title": "One for Sorrow (nursery rhyme)", "text": "characters. The title of a spooky young adult book by Mary Downing Hahn is \"One for sorrow\". One For Sorrow, Written By Mary Downing Hahn One for Sorrow (nursery rhyme) \"One for Sorrow\" is a traditional children's nursery rhyme about magpies. According to an old superstition, the number of magpies one sees determines if one will have bad luck. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 20096. There is considerable variation in the lyrics used. A common modern version follows: The rhyme has its origins in superstitions connected with magpies, considered a bird of ill omen in some", "psg_id": "12454017" }, { "title": "Nursery rhyme", "text": "antiquities (historical), fireside stories, game-rhymes, alphabet-rhymes, riddles, nature-rhymes, places and families, proverbs, superstitions, customs, and nursery songs (lullabies). By the time of Sabine Baring-Gould's \"A Book of Nursery Songs\" (1895), folklore was an academic study, full of comments and footnotes. A professional anthropologist, Andrew Lang (1844–1912) produced \"The Nursery Rhyme Book\" in 1897. The early years of the 20th century are notable for the illustrations to children's books including Caldecott's \"Hey Diddle Diddle Picture Book\" (1909) and Arthur Rackham's \"Mother Goose\" (1913). The definitive study of English rhymes remains the work of Iona and Peter Opie. Many nursery rhymes have", "psg_id": "286979" }, { "title": "Nursery Rhyme (visual novel)", "text": "and , a shy and clumsy elf who is aiming to become a teacher. \"Nursery Rhyme\" is the first title developed by Lump of Sugar. The visual novel's scenario was written by Seimei Shibusawa, Daisangen, Eiji Takashima and Fuminori Aki. The character designs and illustrations for the visual novel were drawn by Fumitake Moekibara. The game's music was composed and arranged by a.k.a.dRESS (ave;new). The opening movie was animated by Radiant Impression Prelude. Self-described as a , \"Nursery Rhyme\" was released on November 25, 2005 as a DVD-ROM for Windows PCs. A version playable on FOMA mobile phones was released", "psg_id": "17997766" }, { "title": "Nursery Rhyme (visual novel)", "text": "by Moepli on September 8, 2006. A desk accessory package called was released on August 17, 2007. A 111-page book titled \"Nursery Rhyme Visual Guide Book\" was published by Jive on April 24, 2006. The book included content such as computer graphics, story and character explanations, and rough sketches. A 234-page light novel titled , written by Sasa Miyachiruda and published by Softgarage, was released on September 25, 2006 under the Sofgare Novels imprint. The cover art was drawn by Fumitake Moekibara, and the internal illustrations were drawn by Maru-chan. \"Nursery Rhyme\" features music by Saori Sakura, who performs the", "psg_id": "17997767" }, { "title": "Nursery rhyme", "text": "the early and mid-20th centuries this was a form of bowdlerisation, concerned with some of the more violent elements of nursery rhymes and led to the formation of organisations like the British 'Society for Nursery Rhyme Reform'. Psychoanalysts such as Bruno Bettelheim strongly criticized this revisionism, on the grounds that it weakened their usefulness to both children and adults as ways of symbolically resolving issues and it has been argued that revised versions may not perform the functions of catharsis for children, or allow them to imaginatively deal with violence and danger. In the late 20th century revisionism of nursery", "psg_id": "286982" }, { "title": "Jack and Jill (nursery rhyme)", "text": "theories. Complicated metaphors are often said to exist within the lyrics, as is common with nursery rhyme exegesis. Most explanations post-date the first publication of the rhyme and have no corroborating evidence. These include the suggestion by S. Baring-Gould in the 19th century that the rhyme is related to a narrative in the 13th-century \"Prose Edda\" section \"Gylfaginning\" composed by Icelander Snorri Sturluson. In \"Gylfaginning\", Hjúki and Bil, brother and sister respectively in Norse mythology, were taken up from the earth by the moon (personified as the god Máni) as they were fetching water from the well called Byrgir, bearing", "psg_id": "2529445" }, { "title": "Nursery rhyme", "text": "been argued to have hidden meanings and origins. John Bellenden Ker (1765?–1842), for example, wrote four volumes arguing that English nursery rhymes were actually written in 'Low Saxon', a hypothetical early form of Dutch. He then 'translated' them back into English, revealing in particular a strong tendency to anti-clericalism. Many of the ideas about the links between rhymes and historical persons, or events, can be traced back to Katherine Elwes's book \"The Real Personages of Mother Goose\" (1930), in which she linked famous nursery-rhyme characters with real people, on little or no evidence. She assumed that children's songs were a", "psg_id": "286980" }, { "title": "Nursery rhyme", "text": "rhymes became associated with the idea of political correctness. Most attempts to reform nursery rhymes on this basis appear to be either very small scale, light-hearted updating, like Felix Dennis's \"When Jack Sued Jill – Nursery Rhymes for Modern Times\" (2006), or satires written as if from the point of view of political correctness in order to condemn reform. The controversy in Britain in 1986 over changing the language of \"Baa Baa Black Sheep\" because, it was alleged in the popular press, it was seen as racially dubious, was apparently based only on a rewriting of the rhyme in one", "psg_id": "286983" }, { "title": "Nursery rhyme", "text": "poem, similar to \"Thirty days hath September\", numbering the days of the month, was recorded in the 13th century. From the later Middle Ages there are records of short children's rhyming songs, often as marginalia. From the mid-16th century they begin to be recorded in English plays. \"Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man\" is one of the oldest surviving English nursery rhymes. The earliest recorded version of the rhyme appears in Thomas d'Urfey's play \"The Campaigners\" from 1698. Most nursery rhymes were not written down until the 18th century, when the publishing of children's books began to move from polemic and education", "psg_id": "286975" }, { "title": "Jack and Jill (nursery rhyme)", "text": "and brown paper were a home cure used as a method to draw out bruises on the body. Jack is the most common name used in English-language nursery rhymes and represented an archetypal Everyman hero by the 18th century, while Jill or Gill had come to mean a young girl or a sweetheart by the end of the Middle Ages. However, the woodcut that accompanied the first recorded version of the rhyme showed two boys (not a boy and a girl) and used the spelling Gill not Jill. The true origin of the rhyme is unknown, but there are several", "psg_id": "2529444" }, { "title": "One for Sorrow (nursery rhyme)", "text": "versions that had previously existed. In Neil Gaiman's epic comic book series The Sandman one of the characters recites a variant of this rhyme in which every number is for sorrow (i.e. One for sorrow/ Two for sorrow...) The song by the British pop group Steps is entitled \"One for Sorrow\", taking its title probably from the old English nursery rhyme. In the Counting Crows song \"A Murder of One\", the lyrics contain a modified version of the rhyme. The rhyme is also the origin of the group's name. Also mentioned in book four of \"The Mortal Instruments\", \"City of", "psg_id": "12454011" }, { "title": "To market, to market", "text": "To market, to market \"To market, to market\", \"To market, to market, to buy a fat pig\" or To market, to buy a fat pig is a nursery rhyme which is based upon the traditional rural activity of going to a market or fair where agricultural produce would be bought and sold. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 19708. The first complete recorded version of the rhyme appeared in 1805 in \"Songs for the Nursery\" with no reference to a pig: When the rhyme reappeared later in the nineteenth century, it took the now common form: There", "psg_id": "11359971" }, { "title": "Nursery Rhyme (visual novel)", "text": "the screen, which represents the story's narrative and dialogue. The text is accompanied by character sprites, which represent who Shizuma is talking to, over background art. Throughout the game, the player encounters CG artwork at certain points in the story, which take the place of the background art and character sprites. \"Nursery Rhyme\" follows a branching plot line with multiple endings, and depending on the decisions that the player makes during the game, the plot will progress in a specific direction. There are five main plot lines that the player will have the chance to experience, one for each of", "psg_id": "17997762" }, { "title": "The Boy Who Stole a Million", "text": "by the police but seemingly by all the criminal low-life of the city, all eager to get their hands on the cash. Paco finds himself on the run all through Valencia, from the most elegant quarters with their wide streets and squares in the midst of fiesta time, to the city's most squalid and dangerous slums. The Boy Who Stole a Million The Boy Who Stole a Million is a 1960 British comedy thriller film directed by Charles Crichton. The film was shot on location in the Spanish city of Valencia, with an international cast list. When he learns that", "psg_id": "14998076" }, { "title": "Who Stole the Kishka?", "text": "Who Stole the Kishka? Who Stole the Kishka?, originally spelled \"Who Stole the Keeshka?\" is a traditional polka tune, written by Walter Dana (music), and by Walter Solek (lyrics), and recorded and performed by various bands. One popular version was familiar to American radio audiences from a 1963 recording by Grammy award-winning polka artist Frankie Yankovic. According to an obituary for Walt Solek who wrote and recorded the song, \"Keeshka always gets the crowd going at a Polkaholics show as it has since it was recorded in the 1950s with English lyrics!\" The song ends with the pleading refrain \"but", "psg_id": "12833717" }, { "title": "Who Stole the Kishka?", "text": "please bring back my kishka\". Who Stole the Kishka? Who Stole the Kishka?, originally spelled \"Who Stole the Keeshka?\" is a traditional polka tune, written by Walter Dana (music), and by Walter Solek (lyrics), and recorded and performed by various bands. One popular version was familiar to American radio audiences from a 1963 recording by Grammy award-winning polka artist Frankie Yankovic. According to an obituary for Walt Solek who wrote and recorded the song, \"Keeshka always gets the crowd going at a Polkaholics show as it has since it was recorded in the 1950s with English lyrics!\" The song ends", "psg_id": "12833718" }, { "title": "Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes", "text": "book would be raided again in 1922 to compile a collection of nursery rhymes called \"Cecily Parsley's Nursery Rhymes\" as a companion to \"Appley Dapply\". The book opens with a three-stanza rhyme about Appley Dapply, a mouse who raids cupboards for treats, and is accompanied with three illustrations, one which depicts a little mouse running away from a cupboard with a tray of pies: The following rhyme tells of Peter Rabbit's sister, Cotton-tail, and her implied courtship by a little black rabbit who leaves a gift of carrots at her door. In \"The Tale of Mr. Tod\", Cotton-tail is married", "psg_id": "9673585" }, { "title": "Nursery Rhyme (visual novel)", "text": "set in a fictional Japan where the existence of magic has been recognized by society, and thus has been the subject of much research. Magic is also applied to everyday life; for example, stuffed toys are able to talk. Users of magic must wear a special ring which controls their powers, and are urged to blend in with society. Despite \"Nursery Rhyme\" being set in the future, Japan's culture is depicted as unchanged for the most part. Many of the characters attend , a prestigious all-girls school which provides its students with magic classes, as well as academic courses. Shōsei", "psg_id": "17997764" }, { "title": "Nursery Rhyme (visual novel)", "text": "opening theme, \"true my heart\", and ending theme, \"Dearness\". The original soundtrack was released with the visual novel as a reservation bonus, titled \"Nursery Rhyme Memories original sound track\". A maxi single by Saori Sakura was released on September 3, 2007 containing remixes of the opening theme and another song called \"kiss my lips\". A character song single was released on December 29, 2007 at Comic Market 73. A drama CD was released with the visual novel as a reservation bonus. The first track focuses on the twins Makina and Yukina; the second track focuses on Tita and Rin; the", "psg_id": "17997768" }, { "title": "Jack and Jill (nursery rhyme)", "text": "Marie Antoinette (who came tumbling after), a theory made difficult by the fact that the earliest printing of the rhyme pre-dates those events. However, as the previous paragraph refers to King Charles I being in conflict with Parliament, the phrase \"broke his crown\" could also refer to that King's beheading in 1649. There is also a local belief that the rhyme records events in the village of Kilmersdon in Somerset in 1697 when a local spinster became pregnant; the putative father is said to have died from a rock fall and the woman died in childbirth soon after. Jack and", "psg_id": "2529448" }, { "title": "Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes", "text": "been inspired by the mole in Hans Christian Andersen's \"Thumbelina\" or possibly Moley in Kenneth Grahame's \"The Wind in the Willows\". \"Diggory Delvet\" and the last rhyme in the book about a guinea pig are two of the few limericks written for children by someone other than Edward Lear. The sixth rhyme is a single stanza and accompanied by an illustration depicting a pig in a dress sitting in a high-backed chair and peeling potatoes: The seventh and last rhyme is a limerick about an \"amiable guinea-pig\" (the first guinea pig in Potter's work) who brushes his hair back like", "psg_id": "9673588" }, { "title": "One for Sorrow (nursery rhyme)", "text": "all have titles derived from the nursery rime, the first one (published in 1999) being named \"One for Sorrow\". The belief that the number of magpies one sees give an indication of one's future is attributed to a knight of King Arthur's Round Table visiting Constantinople in the first volume - which might be an anachronism. British folk group the Unthanks include the song \"Magpie\" on their 2015 album \"Mount the Air\", with lyrics containing portions of this rhyme. The song is featured in the final scene of the first episode of the third season of \"Detectorists\", backing a time-warp", "psg_id": "12454013" }, { "title": "The Boy Who Stole a Million", "text": "The Boy Who Stole a Million The Boy Who Stole a Million is a 1960 British comedy thriller film directed by Charles Crichton. The film was shot on location in the Spanish city of Valencia, with an international cast list. When he learns that his father needs to find 10,000 pesetas to finance repairs to his taxi, or face losing his business and livelihood, naïve young Paco decides to \"borrow\" a million pesetas from the bank where he has a small part-time job after school. He soon gets more than he bargained for when he starts being pursued not only", "psg_id": "14998075" }, { "title": "Rhyme-as-reason effect", "text": "Rhyme-as-reason effect The rhyme-as-reason effect (or \"Eaton-Rosen\" phenomenon) is a cognitive bias whereupon a saying or aphorism is judged as more accurate or truthful when it is rewritten to rhyme. In experiments, subjects judged variations of sayings which did and did not rhyme, and tended to evaluate those that rhymed as more truthful (controlled for meaning). For example, the statement \"What sobriety conceals, alcohol reveals\" was judged to be more accurate than by different participants who saw \"What sobriety conceals, alcohol unmasks\". The effect could be caused by the \"Keats\" heuristic, according to which a statement's truth is evaluated according", "psg_id": "16347749" }, { "title": "Rhyme", "text": "Rhyme A rhyme is a repetition of similar sounds (usually, the exact same sound) in the final stressed syllables (and any following syllables) of two or more words. Most often, this kind of \"perfect\" rhyming is consciously used for effect in the final positions of lines of poems and songs. Less strictly speaking, a rhyme may also variously refer to other types of similar sounds near the ends of two or more words. Furthermore, the word \"rhyme\" has come to be sometimes used as a shorthand term for any brief poem, such as a rhyming couplet or nursery rhyme. The", "psg_id": "355235" }, { "title": "Nuts in May (rhyme)", "text": "Nuts in May (rhyme) \"Nuts in May\" is a nursery rhyme often sung as a game with the aim of pairing a boy and girl from within the singers. It has a Roud index number of 6308. Replace \"[name]\" by a boy's and a girl's name from within the group singing and select between him/her according to the gender of the first selected person. Some versions replace the phrase \"On a cold and frosty morning,\" with \"so early in the morning\" The rhyme is first recorded by Alice Gomme in \"The Traditional Games of England, Scotland and Ireland\" (1894-8). It", "psg_id": "7397494" }, { "title": "Nuts in May (rhyme)", "text": "Nuts in May (rhyme) \"Nuts in May\" is a nursery rhyme often sung as a game with the aim of pairing a boy and girl from within the singers. It has a Roud index number of 6308. Replace \"[name]\" by a boy's and a girl's name from within the group singing and select between him/her according to the gender of the first selected person. Some versions replace the phrase \"On a cold and frosty morning,\" with \"so early in the morning\" The rhyme is first recorded by Alice Gomme in \"The Traditional Games of England, Scotland and Ireland\" (1894-8). It", "psg_id": "7397492" }, { "title": "One for Sorrow (nursery rhyme)", "text": "Fallen Angels\", by Cassandra Clare. The character Simon reflects on his mother teaching him the rhyme as a child. Ashe Corven recites a version of the rhyme in the 1996 film \"\", with crows in place of magpies. The rhyme is in part 5 of Monday, January 12 in the mystery \"Through the Evil Days\" by Julia Spencer-Fleming when a crow caws once in a tense winter scene, leaving a character who is visualizing a grim outcome to hope for a second caw. The novels in the John, the Lord Chamberlain series of historical mysteries, taking place in Justinian's Constantinople,", "psg_id": "12454012" }, { "title": "Nursery rhyme", "text": "Little Star\" which combines the melody of an 18th-century French tune \"Ah vous dirai-je, Maman\" with a 19th-century English poem by Jane Taylor entitled \"The Star\" used as lyrics. Early folk song collectors also often collected (what are now known as) nursery rhymes, including in Scotland Sir Walter Scott and in Germany Clemens Brentano and Achim von Arnim in \"Des Knaben Wunderhorn\" (1806–1808). The first, and possibly the most important academic collection to focus in this area was James Orchard Halliwell's \"The Nursery Rhymes of England\" (1842) and \"Popular Rhymes and Tales\" in 1849, in which he divided rhymes into", "psg_id": "286978" }, { "title": "Jack and Jill (nursery rhyme)", "text": "on their shoulders the cask called Saegr and the pole called Simul. Around 1835, John Bellenden Ker suggested that Jack and Jill were two priests; this was enlarged by Katherine Elwes in 1930 to indicate that Jack represented Cardinal Wolsey (c.1471–1530) and Jill was Bishop Tarbes, who negotiated the marriage of Mary Tudor to the French king in 1514. It has also been suggested that the rhyme records the attempt by King Charles I to reform the taxes on liquid measures. He was blocked by Parliament, so subsequently ordered that the volume of a Jack (1/8 pint) be reduced, but", "psg_id": "2529446" }, { "title": "Rhyme", "text": "within the European tradition. Much modern poetry avoids traditional rhyme schemes. The earliest surviving evidence of rhyming is the Chinese Shi Jing (ca. 10th century BC). Rhyme is also occasionally used in the Bible. Classical Greek and Latin poetry did not usually rhyme, but rhyme was used very occasionally. For instance, Catullus includes partial rhymes in the poem \"Cui dono lepidum novum libellum\". The ancient Greeks knew rhyme, and rhymes in \"The Wasps\" by Aristophanes are noted by a translator. According to some archaic sources, Irish literature introduced the rhyme to Early Medieval Europe, but that is a disputed claim.", "psg_id": "355244" }, { "title": "Traditional rhyme", "text": "Traditional rhyme A traditional rhyme is generally a saying, sometimes a proverb or an idiom, couched in the form of a rhyme and often passed down from generation to generation with no record of its original authorship. Many nursery rhymes may be counted as traditional rhymes. Examples of a traditional rhyme include the historically significant \"Ring Around the Rosie\", the doggerel love poem \"Roses Are Red\", and the wedding rhyme \"Something old, something new\". However, traditional rhymes are not necessarily ancient. As an example, the schoolchildren's rhyme commonly noting the end of a school year, \"no more pencils, no more", "psg_id": "17588590" }, { "title": "Ultra Modern Nursery Rhymes", "text": "Nursery Rhymes\", was released in February 1990 to little attention. The group split shortly afterwards. The album did not chart in the UK. \"Missing\" reached #75 in November 1989, \"Ultra Modern Nursery Rhyme\" the second and final single charted at #77 the following year. The album was re-released in 2004 by Cherry Red records with two additional bonus tracks. Ultra Modern Nursery Rhymes Ultra Modern Nursery Rhymes is the only album released by the short lived group Terry, Blair & Anouchka. Terry, Blair & Anouchka were formed shortly after the dissolution of Terry's previous musical project The Colourfield. All three", "psg_id": "13138715" }, { "title": "School Days with a Pig", "text": "edition was also released on the same day. Rotten Tomatoes reported that 78% of users liked this movie, based on 104 user ratings. The DVD version of this movie was ranked #30,660 on the Amazon Bestsellers Rank (in DVD) The special version was ranked #39,011 on the same list. According to this movie's Taiwanese release official site, more audiences did not want to eat the pig as compared to those who voted to eat the pig. School Days with a Pig \"School Days with a Pig\" was first screened at the 21st Tokyo International Film Festival, and it was subsequently", "psg_id": "14907707" }, { "title": "The Two Who Stole the Moon", "text": "they were both designed to boost said groups' popularity. The Two Who Stole the Moon The Two Who Stole the Moon () is a 1962 Polish children's film based on Kornel Makuszyński's 1928 story \"The Two Who Stole the Moon\". The film stars the Kaczyński twins, two of the country's future political leaders. Despite having been known to Polish children for many generations, the film gained renewed fame in the 2000s for starring two of the country's future leaders: Lech Kaczyński, who served as President of Poland from 2005 until his death in a 2010 plane crash, and his identical", "psg_id": "8808517" }, { "title": "The Two Who Stole the Moon", "text": "The Two Who Stole the Moon The Two Who Stole the Moon () is a 1962 Polish children's film based on Kornel Makuszyński's 1928 story \"The Two Who Stole the Moon\". The film stars the Kaczyński twins, two of the country's future political leaders. Despite having been known to Polish children for many generations, the film gained renewed fame in the 2000s for starring two of the country's future leaders: Lech Kaczyński, who served as President of Poland from 2005 until his death in a 2010 plane crash, and his identical twin brother Jarosław Kaczyński, the Prime Minister of Poland", "psg_id": "8808514" }, { "title": "Did You Ever See a Lassie?", "text": "a succession of pictures of women in uncomfortable-looking clothing, was followed by the tag-line, \"Isn't it nice to live in a time when women aren't being pushed around so much anymore?\" Did You Ever See a Lassie? \"Did You Ever See a Lassie?\" is a folk song, nursery rhyme, and singing game. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 5040. Modern versions of the lyrics include: The use of the terms \"lassie\" and \"laddie\" mean that this song is often attributed to possible origins in Scotland (by various forms of media; see \"references\" section), but it was first", "psg_id": "8155887" }, { "title": "Did You Ever See a Lassie?", "text": "Did You Ever See a Lassie? \"Did You Ever See a Lassie?\" is a folk song, nursery rhyme, and singing game. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 5040. Modern versions of the lyrics include: The use of the terms \"lassie\" and \"laddie\" mean that this song is often attributed to possible origins in Scotland (by various forms of media; see \"references\" section), but it was first collected in the United States in the last decade of the nineteenth century and was not found in Great Britain until the mid-twentieth century. However, it can be surmised that the", "psg_id": "8155884" }, { "title": "Traditional rhyme", "text": "books, no more teacher's dirty looks,\" seems to be found in literature no earlier than the 1930s—though the first reference to it in that decade, in a 1932 magazine article, deems it, \"the old glad song that we hear every spring.\" Traditional rhyme A traditional rhyme is generally a saying, sometimes a proverb or an idiom, couched in the form of a rhyme and often passed down from generation to generation with no record of its original authorship. Many nursery rhymes may be counted as traditional rhymes. Examples of a traditional rhyme include the historically significant \"Ring Around the Rosie\",", "psg_id": "17588591" }, { "title": "Rain Rain Go Away", "text": "Rain Rain Go Away \"Rain Rain Go Away\" is a popular English language nursery rhyme. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 19096. There are few versions and variations of this rhyming couplet. The most common modern version is: Similar rhymes can be found in many societies, including ancient Greece. The modern English language rhyme can be dated to at least to the 17th century when James Howell in his collection of proverbs noted: A version very similar to the modern version was noted by John Aubrey in 1687 as used by \"little children\" to \"charme away the", "psg_id": "3672681" }, { "title": "The Pig Who Saved the World", "text": "The Pig Who Saved the World The Pig Who Saved the World is the sequel to \"The Pig Scrolls\", both of which have been written by Paul Shipton. It is set in Ancient Greece and makes references to Greek mythology concerning their gods and heroes. It was first published in 2006. The main character Gryllus, a talking pig, has just finished saving the world from utter chaos when, he decides he wants to become human once more. In order to do this, Gryllus has to set out to find Circe, the witch who turned him into a pig in the", "psg_id": "11976883" }, { "title": "A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away", "text": "with a chance of reaching the site of the attack in time - the hydroelectric plant at Dubh Ardrain. A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away (2001) is Christopher Brookmyre's sixth novel. It features the first appearance of policewoman Angelique de Xavia, who is one of the main characters in \"The Sacred Art of Stealing\" (2002). Anti-terrorist forces are put on alert when it is learned that the notorious international terrorist the Black Spirit plans to perform an attack on an unknown British target. Meanwhile, 30-something Raymond Ash is struggling to", "psg_id": "11044273" }, { "title": "A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away", "text": "A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away (2001) is Christopher Brookmyre's sixth novel. It features the first appearance of policewoman Angelique de Xavia, who is one of the main characters in \"The Sacred Art of Stealing\" (2002). Anti-terrorist forces are put on alert when it is learned that the notorious international terrorist the Black Spirit plans to perform an attack on an unknown British target. Meanwhile, 30-something Raymond Ash is struggling to cope with the banality of his new life as an English teacher, having sold his video game shop and", "psg_id": "11044271" }, { "title": "The Pig Who Saved the World", "text": "first place, and ask her to change him back. Sibyl, the ex-priestess, and Homer, the soon to be an epic poet, come along for the ride. \"The Pig Who Saved the World\" won the Nestlé Bronze Award in 2006. The Pig Who Saved the World The Pig Who Saved the World is the sequel to \"The Pig Scrolls\", both of which have been written by Paul Shipton. It is set in Ancient Greece and makes references to Greek mythology concerning their gods and heroes. It was first published in 2006. The main character Gryllus, a talking pig, has just finished", "psg_id": "11976884" }, { "title": "One for Sorrow (nursery rhyme)", "text": "scene with multiple visual clues to the lyrics. The group Death by Chocolate (band) included the song \"Magpie\" on their 2001 Album \"Death By Chocolate\", with lyrics containing the rhyme. Finnish melodic death metal band Insomnium's 2011 album \"One for Sorrow\" is named for the rhyme. The album's liner notes contain a variation of the rhyme: \"One for sorrow / two for luck / three for a wedding / four for death / five for silver / six for gold / seven for a secret / not to be told / eight for heaven / nine for hell / ten", "psg_id": "12454014" }, { "title": "The Queen of Hearts (poem)", "text": "of Hearts was based on Elizabeth of Bohemia. Benham, in his book \"Playing Cards: History of the Pack and Explanations of its Many Secrets\", notes that French playing cards from the mid-17th century have Judith from the Hebrew Bible as the Queen of Hearts. However, according to W. Gurney Benham, a scholar who researched the history of playing cards: \"The old nursery rhyme about the Knave of Hearts who stole the tarts and was beaten for so doing by the King, seems to be founded on nothing more than the fact that 'hearts' rhymes with 'tarts'.\" The poem's story is", "psg_id": "13627795" }, { "title": "Rhyme-as-reason effect", "text": "to aesthetic qualities; or the fluency heuristic, according to which things could be preferred due their ease of cognitive processing. For an example of the persuasive quality of the rhyme-as-reason effect, see \"\"If it doesn't fit, you must acquit\"\" the signature phrase used by Johnnie Cochran to gain acquittal for O.J. Simpson in Simpson's murder trial. Rhyme-as-reason effect The rhyme-as-reason effect (or \"Eaton-Rosen\" phenomenon) is a cognitive bias whereupon a saying or aphorism is judged as more accurate or truthful when it is rewritten to rhyme. In experiments, subjects judged variations of sayings which did and did not rhyme, and", "psg_id": "16347750" }, { "title": "Rhyme Skool with Katrina Kaif", "text": "Rhyme Skool with Katrina Kaif Rhyme Skool is a two-part audio CD album of common nursery rhymes narrated by Bollywood actor Katrina Kaif. The album was produced by KM Music Conservatory and the Saregama Production Company. A.R.Rahman supervised the music, which was composed and orchestrated by his students at the KM Music Conservatory. \"Rhyme Skool\" was the first audio CD released by KM Music Conservatory after its launch in 2008. All the scores were recorded, mixed, and mastered at the Audio Media studio in Chennai, where Rahman's main orchestrations were conducted. The album was based on well-known nursery rhymes. The", "psg_id": "18122625" }, { "title": "The Grimm Who Stole Christmas", "text": "another baby storyline, but it's a way to keep Juliette in the show I suppose, without having to write in her veterinary skills to aid the plot.\" The Grimm Who Stole Christmas \"The Grimm Who Stole Christmas\" is the 7th episode of season 4 of the supernatural drama television series \"Grimm\" and the 73rd episode overall, which premiered on December 5, 2014, on the cable network NBC. The episode was written by Dan E. Fesman and was directed by John Gray. Opening quote: \"I have but to swallow this, and be for the rest of my days persecuted by a", "psg_id": "19915857" }, { "title": "Who Stole the American Dream?", "text": "Smith's \"hopefulness that the indomitable American spirit can turn things around through grass roots efforts akin to the recent Arab Spring should make lobbyists and power brokers in Washington nervous, and that's not a bad thing.\" Who Stole the American Dream? Who Stole the American Dream? is a non-fiction book by the American author and journalist Hedrick Smith published in 2012 by Random House. It describes the consolidation of wealth in the United States, and the dismantling of the middle class. As a result, the American Dream—a national ethos, or a set of ideals in which freedom includes the opportunity", "psg_id": "18088014" }, { "title": "Nursery rhyme", "text": "towards entertainment, but there is evidence for many rhymes existing before this, including \"To market, to market\" and \"Cock a doodle doo\", which date from at least the late 16th century. The first English collections, \"Tommy Thumb's Song Book\" and a sequel, \"Tommy Thumb's Pretty Song Book\", are both thought to have been published by Mary Cooper in London before 1744, with such songs becoming known as 'Tommy Thumb's songs'. John Newbery's stepson, Thomas Carnan, was the first to use the term Mother Goose for nursery rhymes when he published a compilation of English rhymes, \"Mother Goose's Melody, or, Sonnets", "psg_id": "286976" }, { "title": "Nursery rhyme", "text": "Goose for nursery rhymes when he published a compilation of English rhymes, \"Mother Goose's Melody, or, Sonnets for the Cradle\" (London, 1780). The oldest children's songs of which we have records are lullabies, intended to help a child sleep. Lullabies can be found in every human culture. The English term lullaby is thought to come from \"lu, lu\" or \"la la\" sounds made by mothers or nurses to calm children, and \"\" or \"bye bye\", either another lulling sound or a term for good night. Until the modern era lullabies were usually only recorded incidentally in written sources. The Roman", "psg_id": "286973" }, { "title": "The Grimm Who Stole Christmas", "text": "The Grimm Who Stole Christmas \"The Grimm Who Stole Christmas\" is the 7th episode of season 4 of the supernatural drama television series \"Grimm\" and the 73rd episode overall, which premiered on December 5, 2014, on the cable network NBC. The episode was written by Dan E. Fesman and was directed by John Gray. Opening quote: \"I have but to swallow this, and be for the rest of my days persecuted by a legion of goblins, all of my own creation. Humbug, I'll tell you; humbug!\" At a Christmas party, the couple hosting the party have there doorbell rang with", "psg_id": "19915847" }, { "title": "Who Stole Feminism?", "text": "of students poses a \"drastic danger\" which \"powerless, naive, and unthinking students unquestionably endorse.\" The political scientist Ronnee Schreiber of San Diego State University wrote that the conservative Independent Women's Forum continues to use the book to portray feminists as scheming falsifiers of statistical data. Who Stole Feminism? Who Stole Feminism? How Women Have Betrayed Women is a 1994 book about American feminism by Christina Hoff Sommers, a writer who was at that time a philosophy professor at Clark University. Sommers argues that there is a split between equity feminism and what she terms \"gender feminism\". Sommers contends that equity", "psg_id": "16303988" }, { "title": "Nursery rhyme", "text": "peculiar form of coded historical narrative, propaganda or covert protest, and rarely considered that they could have been written simply for entertainment. There have been several attempts, across the world, to revise nursery rhymes (along with fairy tales and popular songs). Even in the late 18th century we can sometimes see how rhymes like \"Little Robin Redbreast\" were cleaned up for a young audience. In the late 19th century the major concern seems to have been violence and crime, which led leading children's publishers in the United States like Jacob Abbot and Samuel Goodrich to 'improve' Mother Goose rhymes. In", "psg_id": "286981" }, { "title": "Who Stole Feminism?", "text": "Who Stole Feminism? Who Stole Feminism? How Women Have Betrayed Women is a 1994 book about American feminism by Christina Hoff Sommers, a writer who was at that time a philosophy professor at Clark University. Sommers argues that there is a split between equity feminism and what she terms \"gender feminism\". Sommers contends that equity feminists seek equal legal rights for women and men, while gender feminists seek to counteract historical inequalities based on gender. Sommers argues that gender feminists have made false claims about issues such as anorexia and domestic battery and exerted a harmful influence on American college", "psg_id": "16303968" }, { "title": "Who Stole the American Dream?", "text": "Who Stole the American Dream? Who Stole the American Dream? is a non-fiction book by the American author and journalist Hedrick Smith published in 2012 by Random House. It describes the consolidation of wealth in the United States, and the dismantling of the middle class. As a result, the American Dream—a national ethos, or a set of ideals in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success, and an upward social mobility achieved through hard work—is becoming increasingly unattainable. Although Smith's distinguished journalistic career includes covering the Vietnam War, the Pentagon Papers, and the civil rights movement, serving as", "psg_id": "18088009" }, { "title": "Who Stole Feminism?", "text": "Bowl game, went too far in claiming that \"no study shows that Super Bowl Sunday is in any way different from other days in the amount of domestic violence\". Hammer said that Sommers ignored a variety of studies that showed increased domestic violence during the Super Bowl. The anthropologist Melvin Konner wrote that, like Warren Farrell's \"The Myth of Male Power\" (1993), \"Who Stole Feminism?\" is a good antidote to the way in which \"real knowledge about sex roles...tends to get buried in postmodernist rhetoric.\" Anne-Marie Kinahan of Wilfrid Laurier University places \"Who Stole Feminism?\" alongside Rene Denfeld's \"The New", "psg_id": "16303986" }, { "title": "Run Away Home", "text": "too neatly, but this story is fine for the undemanding reader who wants an old-fashioned, feel-good saga.\" \"Run Away Home\" has also been reviewed by \"Publishers Weekly\", and \"The Horn Book Magazine\". Run Away Home Run Away Home is a 1997 book by Patricia McKissack. Set in the late 19th century, it is about an African-American girl, Sarah Jane, who finds an Apache boy in the family barn and the subsequent affects on their lives. \"School Library Journal\", in a review of \"Run Away Home\", wrote \"Grabbing readers with wonderful characters, an engaging plot, and vital themes, McKissack weaves a", "psg_id": "20038562" }, { "title": "Rhyme", "text": "acceptable but quite common. Rhymes are sometimes classified into the categories \"rime pauvre\" (\"poor rhyme\"), \"rime suffisante\" (\"sufficient rhyme\"), \"rime riche\" (\"rich rhyme\") and \"rime richissime\" (\"very rich rhyme\"), according to the number of rhyming sounds in the two words or in the parts of the two verses. For example, to rhyme \"tu\" with \"vu\" would be a poor rhyme (the words have only the vowel in common), to rhyme \"pas\" with \"bras\" a sufficient rhyme (with the vowel and the silent consonant in common), and \"tante\" with \"attente\" a rich rhyme (with the vowel, the onset consonant, and the", "psg_id": "355252" }, { "title": "Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?", "text": "song was used in The Simpsons episode \"Kamp Krustier\" where Chief Wiggum arrests two kids after they sing it in a group activity. Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar? \"Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?\" or the Cookie Jar Song is a sing-along game of children's music. The song is an infinite-loop motif, where each verse directly feeds into the next. The game begins with the children sitting or standing, arranged in an inward-facing circle. The song usually begins with the group leader asking who stole a cookie from an imaginary (or sometimes real) cookie jar,", "psg_id": "10958648" }, { "title": "Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?", "text": "Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar? \"Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?\" or the Cookie Jar Song is a sing-along game of children's music. The song is an infinite-loop motif, where each verse directly feeds into the next. The game begins with the children sitting or standing, arranged in an inward-facing circle. The song usually begins with the group leader asking who stole a cookie from an imaginary (or sometimes real) cookie jar, followed by the name of one of the children in the circle. The child questions the \"accusation,\" answered by an affirmation from the", "psg_id": "10958644" }, { "title": "One for Sorrow (nursery rhyme)", "text": "John Brand's \"Observations on Popular Antiquities\" on Lincolnshire with the lyric: One of the earliest versions to extend this was published, with variations, in Michael Aislabie Denham's \"Proverbs and Popular Saying of the Seasons\" (London, 1846) On occasion, jackdaws, crows and other Corvidae are associated with the rhyme, particularly in America where magpies are less common. A version of the rhyme became familiar to many UK children when it became the theme tune of an ITV children's TV show called \"Magpie\", which ran from 1968 to 1980. The popularity of this version is thought to have displaced the many regional", "psg_id": "12454010" }, { "title": "One for Sorrow (nursery rhyme)", "text": "for devil's own sell.\" The opening two-part episode of the 2015 season of \"Lewis\" was titled \"One for Sorrow\", and involved a stuffed magpie. Two versions of the rhyme play an important part in Terry Pratchett's novel \"Carpe Jugulum\" (1998), where magpies are considered the eyes of the cunning vampire Count Magpyr. The lyrics to this poem can be found in the artwork, A Flock of Words in Morecambe, amongst other poems about birds. Lyrics from the rhyme are mentioned in Corinne Bailey Rae's song \"Choux Pastry Heart\", from her self-titled debut album, released in 2006. The anthology \"Charmed Destinies\"", "psg_id": "12454015" }, { "title": "The Kids Run Away", "text": "The Kids Run Away \"The Kids Run Away\" is the 19th episode of the fourth season of the animated comedy series \"Bob's Burgers\" and the overall 64th episode, and is written by Rich Rinaldi and directed by Boohwan Lim and Kyounghee Lim. It aired on Fox in the United States on April 27, 2014. Bob and Linda take the kids to Dr. Yap's office for a dental checkup. Louise learns that she has a cavity, but is too afraid to get the necessary filling. She flees out the window (ordering Dr. Yap, who is intimidated by her, to wait ten", "psg_id": "18039547" }, { "title": "Rhyme Stew", "text": "Rhyme Stew Rhyme Stew is a collection of poems for children by Roald Dahl, illustrated by Quentin Blake. In a sense it's a more adult version of \"Revolting Rhymes\". The poems either parody well known fairy tales (\"Dick Whittington and His Cat, The Tortoise and the Hare, The Emperor's New Clothes, Ali Baba, Hansel and Gretel, Aladdin\") nursery rhymes (As I was going to St Ives, Hey Diddle Diddle, Mary, Mary Quite Contrary) or are little stories thought up by Dahl himself. Most of the stories contain slight sexual references. Due to slightly risqué material this book carries a warning", "psg_id": "8964510" }, { "title": "Rhyme Stew", "text": "that it is unsuitable for \"small people\". Rhyme Stew Rhyme Stew is a collection of poems for children by Roald Dahl, illustrated by Quentin Blake. In a sense it's a more adult version of \"Revolting Rhymes\". The poems either parody well known fairy tales (\"Dick Whittington and His Cat, The Tortoise and the Hare, The Emperor's New Clothes, Ali Baba, Hansel and Gretel, Aladdin\") nursery rhymes (As I was going to St Ives, Hey Diddle Diddle, Mary, Mary Quite Contrary) or are little stories thought up by Dahl himself. Most of the stories contain slight sexual references. Due to slightly", "psg_id": "8964511" }, { "title": "Heist: Who Stole the American Dream?", "text": "Heist: Who Stole the American Dream? Heist: Who Stole the American Dream? is a 2011 documentary film, which argues that government deregulation led to the Great Recession. It was directed and produced by Donald Goldmacher and journalist and former CNN Senior National Assignment Editor Frances Causey. Narrated by Thom Hartmann. The documentary is partially based on Jeff Faux's 2006 book \"The Global Class War\". The film traces the roots of the Great Recession to Virginia lawyer Lewis F. Powell, Jr., whose 1971 memo to the United States Chamber of Commerce urged corporate America to become more aggressive in molding politics", "psg_id": "16648816" }, { "title": "Heist: Who Stole the American Dream?", "text": "prevent bailed-out Wall Street from turning the American Dream into a neverending nightmare for folks on Main Street.\" Heist: Who Stole the American Dream? Heist: Who Stole the American Dream? is a 2011 documentary film, which argues that government deregulation led to the Great Recession. It was directed and produced by Donald Goldmacher and journalist and former CNN Senior National Assignment Editor Frances Causey. Narrated by Thom Hartmann. The documentary is partially based on Jeff Faux's 2006 book \"The Global Class War\". The film traces the roots of the Great Recession to Virginia lawyer Lewis F. Powell, Jr., whose 1971", "psg_id": "16648820" }, { "title": "Rhyme Asylum", "text": "of \"State of Lunacy\". Their second album \"Solitary Confinement\" was released in April 2010 featuring Crooked I, Ill Bill and frequent collaborator Reain. For the first time, Rhyme Asylum recruited outside producers. Later in 2010, the group released \"\" on 12\" vinyl. The EP contains eight songs from \"Solitary Confinement\" and was launched at a Dilated Peoples & Rhyme Asylum show in Hamburg, Germany. Rhyme Asylum have performed across the UK and Europe. Rhyme Asylum Rhyme Asylum is a London hip hop group formed in 2002 by MCs Possessed, Psiklone and Skirmish. Leatherface and Plazma (who did not return for", "psg_id": "13407683" }, { "title": "How the 'A' Stole Christmas", "text": "a 0.9 rating among adults aged 18–49, according to Nielsen Media Research. This Holiday special is the one with the lowest audience in the series. How the 'A' Stole Christmas \"How the 'A' Stole Christmas\" is the thirteenth episode of the fifth season and 108th episode overall of the mystery drama television series \"Pretty Little Liars\", which aired on December 9, 2014, on the cable network ABC Family. The episode was the series' first Christmas special and aired as part of the programming block \"25 Days of Christmas\". It was directed by I. Marlene King and co-written by King and", "psg_id": "19607063" }, { "title": "Taffy was a Welshman", "text": "The earliest record we have of the better known rhyme is from \"Nancy Cock's Pretty Song Book\", printed in London about 1780, which had one verse: <poem>Taffy was a Welshman, Taffy was a thief; Taffy came to my house and stole a piece of beef; I went to Taffy's house, Taffy wasn't home; Taffy came to my house and stole a marrow-bone.</poem> Similar versions were printed in collections in the late eighteenth century, however, in \"Songs for the Nursery\" printed in 1805, the first signs of violence were evident, ending with: In the 1840s James Orchard Halliwell collected a two", "psg_id": "8886524" }, { "title": "Mother Goose Rock 'n' Rhyme", "text": "Mother Goose Rock 'n' Rhyme Mother Goose: Rock 'n' Rhyme (also known as Shelley Duvall's Mother Goose: Rock 'n' Rhyme or Shelley Duvall's Rock in Rhymeland) is a 1990 American musical television film that aired on the Disney Channel. Starring Shelley Duvall as Little Bo Peep and Dan Gilroy as Gordon Goose, the son of Mother Goose along with a star-studded supporting cast of various other actors and musicians portraying a wide range of characters, mostly of Mother Goose nursery rhyme fame. It was released for the first time on VHS in June 16, 1998 with the help of Lyrick", "psg_id": "7388811" }, { "title": "Mother Goose Rock 'n' Rhyme", "text": "Mother Goose Rock 'n' Rhyme Mother Goose: Rock 'n' Rhyme (also known as Shelley Duvall's Mother Goose: Rock 'n' Rhyme or Shelley Duvall's Rock in Rhymeland) is a 1990 American musical television film that aired on the Disney Channel. Starring Shelley Duvall as Little Bo Peep and Dan Gilroy as Gordon Goose, the son of Mother Goose along with a star-studded supporting cast of various other actors and musicians portraying a wide range of characters, mostly of Mother Goose nursery rhyme fame. It was released for the first time on VHS in June 16, 1998 with the help of Lyrick", "psg_id": "7388809" }, { "title": "Treasure Islands: Tax Havens and the Men Who Stole the World", "text": "out, as noted by Nicholas Shaxson. It was to be directed by the two British brothers, Marc and Nick Francis, the film makers behind the award-winning film \"Black Gold\". Treasure Islands: Tax Havens and the Men Who Stole the World Treasure Islands: Tax Havens and the Men who Stole the World (2011) is a non-fiction book about the secretive role of offshore banks and tax havens in global economic affairs. The book was written by Nicholas Shaxson, a political analyst and associate Fellow of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. It was first published on 6 January 2011. The publication", "psg_id": "15223829" }, { "title": "Who Will I Run To?", "text": "Who Will I Run To? \"Who Will I Run To?\" is the second single from Pop/R&B singer Kiley Dean's unreleased album \"Simple Girl\" during the third quarter of 2003. The song was written by Mischke and Harvey Mason and was produced by The Underdogs. \"Who Will I Run To?\" did better on the charts than \"Make Me a Song\". The song charted on many Top 40 charts including the Radio & Records CHR/Pop Chart, where it peaked at number 39 on the chart dating December 19, 2003. This, in turn, led countdown shows such as \"American Top 40 with Casey", "psg_id": "6498369" }, { "title": "Who Will I Run To?", "text": "Kasem\" and the \"Rick Dees Weekly Top 40\" to play the song. In mid-January 2004, a remix was issued to try to save the song's spins as it fell down the charts; it got limited airplay and did not help its overall performance. 1. \"Who Will I Run To?\" - 4:00<br> 2. \"Kiss Me Like That\" - 4:11 Who Will I Run To? \"Who Will I Run To?\" is the second single from Pop/R&B singer Kiley Dean's unreleased album \"Simple Girl\" during the third quarter of 2003. The song was written by Mischke and Harvey Mason and was produced by", "psg_id": "6498370" }, { "title": "Treasure Islands: Tax Havens and the Men Who Stole the World", "text": "Treasure Islands: Tax Havens and the Men Who Stole the World Treasure Islands: Tax Havens and the Men who Stole the World (2011) is a non-fiction book about the secretive role of offshore banks and tax havens in global economic affairs. The book was written by Nicholas Shaxson, a political analyst and associate Fellow of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. It was first published on 6 January 2011. The publication is promoted by the Tax Justice Network. Reviews have mostly been positive: A documentary thriller called \"Cashback\" was being produced and due for release in 2012, but didn’t work", "psg_id": "15223828" }, { "title": "Spanish nursery rhymes", "text": "culture. In more recent decades, specialized artists have worked within the infant market. Nursery rhymes are activities through which children can learn and play with different melodies. They also introduce children to popular themes that help with early socialization. Many Latin American nursery rhymes are based in the context of the farm or rural life. After the Spanish conquest of the continent, much of the oral tradition derived from religious and superstitious traditions with the goal of introducing children to formative social concepts. One possible method of nursery rhyme classification is that of function. Although it is possible that one", "psg_id": "19843929" }, { "title": "The Adventures of the Dish and the Spoon", "text": "The Adventures of the Dish and the Spoon The Adventures of the Dish and the Spoon is a children's picture book written and illustrated by Mini Grey, published by Jonathan Cape in 2006. It won the annual Kate Greenaway Medal from the professional librarians, recognising the year's best-illustrated children's book published in the U.K. It was also bronze runner up for the Nestlé Smarties Book Prize in ages category 6–8 years.> The title alludes to \"Hey Diddle Diddle\", an English nursery rhyme whose last line is \"And the Dish ran away with the Spoon\". According to the British librarians, the", "psg_id": "11976894" }, { "title": "Rhyme and Reason", "text": "designed for Russell's talents as \"comedy's poet laureate\". First placed on the schedule at 2:30 PM (1:30 Central), it was beaten by NBC's \"The Doctors\". On December 29, the series moved to 1:30/12:30, which had been the home for \"Let's Make a Deal\" since 1964 (1968 on ABC). \"Rhyme\" inherited the vastly-changed competition at that timeslot from \"Deal\", which now featured 60-minute versions of \"Days of Our Lives\" and \"As the World Turns\", two very popular serials. Needless to say, \"Days\" and \"Turns\" overwhelmed \"Rhyme\" and the series ended its run two days after its first birthday. Its replacement would", "psg_id": "9736389" }, { "title": "Run Away Home", "text": "Run Away Home Run Away Home is a 1997 book by Patricia McKissack. Set in the late 19th century, it is about an African-American girl, Sarah Jane, who finds an Apache boy in the family barn and the subsequent affects on their lives. \"School Library Journal\", in a review of \"Run Away Home\", wrote \"Grabbing readers with wonderful characters, an engaging plot, and vital themes, McKissack weaves a compelling story of cultural clash, tragedy, accommodation, and ultimate triumph.‘\" while \"BookList\" found it a \"generally fast-paced story flags occasionally when information-heavy dialogue intrudes.\" and concluded \"The happy ending ties things up", "psg_id": "20038561" }, { "title": "Twice Upon a Rhyme", "text": "Rhyme\" was a small pressing distributed around the country. It received some airplay, but did not break out as a hit and remained in obscurity until thirty years later, when the album began showing up from time to time on cult collectors' lists of 1960s music, with copies appearing on eBay occasionally, and accumulating fans among European and American collectors. The July 2002 issue of Japan's \"Record Collector\" magazine featured \"Twice Upon a Rhyme\" in its roundup of American 1960s \"Psychedelic Movements\". The reviewer, Taro Miyasugi, said, \"It's human mystical pop music... wonderful songs.\" The album is included in Hans", "psg_id": "7404385" }, { "title": "There was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe", "text": "There was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe \"There was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe\" is a popular English language nursery rhyme, with a Roud Folk Song Index number of 19132. Debates over its meaning and origin have largely centered on attempts to match the old woman with historical female figures who have had large families, although King George II (1683–1760) has also been proposed as the rhyme's subject. The most common version of the rhyme is: The earliest printed version in Joseph Ritson's \"Gammer Gurton's Garland\" in 1794 has the coarser last line: Many", "psg_id": "6627162" }, { "title": "Night Terrors (Doctor Who)", "text": "to make it a story \"about little boys overcoming fear and fighting off the monsters in their closets\". However, he did praise dialogue delivered by Smith and Darvill. Because the episode was originally planned to be in the first half of the series, many of the reviewers mentioned that it was strange that Amy and Rory did not comment upon what had happened previously, such as what had happened to their child. McPherson noted the \"tacked-on\" nursery rhyme foreshadowing the Doctor's death was included, though he thought it was \"unintelligible\" and did not count. Night Terrors (Doctor Who) \"Night Terrors\"", "psg_id": "15695017" }, { "title": "The World According to Paris", "text": "The World According to Paris The World According to Paris is an American reality television series on Oxygen that premiered on June 1, 2011. It was announced on August 13, 2011, that Oxygen did not renew the series for a second season. The series' eight-week run averaged only 293,000 viewers and a 0.2 rating among adults 18-49, making it Oxygen's least-watched series of 2011. \"The World According to Paris\" follows the daily life of Paris Hilton. It was filmed from November 2010, with Hilton's court-ordered community service stemming from her arrest in Las Vegas, Nevada for cocaine possession, to February", "psg_id": "15583774" }, { "title": "Rhyme Skool with Katrina Kaif", "text": "album's official release was held in 2010 at the Intercontinental Hotel in Mumbai. In 2011, the production company launched the second album in the series, \"Rhyme Skool Vol 2\". Students of the KM Conservatory recorded the album under the guidance of guitarist John Anthony, along with Sivamani and A.R. Rahman. Rhyme Skool with Katrina Kaif Rhyme Skool is a two-part audio CD album of common nursery rhymes narrated by Bollywood actor Katrina Kaif. The album was produced by KM Music Conservatory and the Saregama Production Company. A.R.Rahman supervised the music, which was composed and orchestrated by his students at the", "psg_id": "18122626" }, { "title": "A Wizard in Rhyme", "text": "A Wizard in Rhyme A Wizard in Rhyme is a series of fantasy novels by American writer Christopher Stasheff. The series follows the character of Matthew Mantrell, a Ph.D. student, who is transported to a magical world where poetry is used to cast spells. There his knowledge of poetry, gained through his literature studies, establishes him as a powerful wizard and positions him as \"lord wizard of the realm\". The series consists of eight novels, and is said to have hints of L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt. \"A Wizard in Rhyme\" takes place in an alternate history of", "psg_id": "8821066" } ]
[ "tom, tom, the piper's son", "tom, tom, the piper's son" ]
the first episode of what tv series, now in a record 22nd year, debuted on december 17, 1989, following 3 years as shorts on the tracey ullman show?
[ { "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show", "text": "Two additional \"Dr. N!Godatu\" cartoons that were prepared for the show never aired. The Simpson family debuted in short animated cartoons on \"The Tracey Ullman Show\", beginning with episode 3 of the first season. The shorts originally were presented on an occasional basis, alternating episodes with \"Dr. N!Godatu\". However, the reaction to the Simpsons shorts was very positive, and after appearing 7 times during season 1, the feature was quickly promoted to full-time status, appearing in every episode of seasons 2–3 before being spun off into their own half-hour series. These shorts, also called \"bumpers\", aired before and after commercial", "psg_id": "3632495" } ]
[ { "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show", "text": "The Tracey Ullman Show The Tracey Ullman Show is an American television variety show starring Tracey Ullman. It debuted on Fox on April 5, 1987 (the network's second original primetime series to air following \"Married... with Children\") and ran until May 26, 1990. The show was produced by Gracie Films and 20th Century Fox Television. The show blended sketch comedy with musical numbers and dance routines, choreographed by Paula Abdul, along with animated shorts. The format was conceived by creator and executive producer James L. Brooks, who was looking to showcase the show's multitalented star. Brooks likened the show to", "psg_id": "3632449" }, { "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show", "text": "in 1992 that Fox chairman, Barry Diller was stepping down. \"I thought \"The Tracey Ullman Show\" should have stayed on as long as she wanted to do it.\" Diller had been dragging his feet in renewing the show. Tired of waiting, Ullman decided to pull the plug herself. When Ullman and the show won at the 1990 Emmy Awards, newspaper critics hailed: \"Tracey Ullman Gets Last Laugh.\" Later, Ullman admitted that she would have liked an additional year to try out all the characters she wanted to play. However, she was proud of what they achieved: \"no compromises, no giving", "psg_id": "3632492" }, { "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show", "text": "up until the end. It also helped the Fox network gain credibility within the industry. \"Married... with Children\", the series which launched the same night as the \"Ullman\" show, was mired in controversy and soon became branded lowbrow humor. The show won 11 a total of Emmy Awards including Outstanding Variety, Music or Comedy Program in 1989 and 1990, and Outstanding Individual Performance in a Variety or Music Program in 1990. Also in 1989, choreographer Paula Abdul won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Choreography for her work on the show. When \"The Tracey Ullman Show\" first appeared in Ullman's", "psg_id": "3632501" }, { "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show", "text": "breaks during the first and second seasons of the show. They eventually had their own full segments in between the live action segments during season three. Except for a repeat airing of the short \"Simpson Xmas,\" they did not appear in the fourth and final season of \"The Tracey Ullman Show\", as they had their own half-hour TV series by then. All of them were written by Matt Groening and animated at Klasky-Csupo by a team of animators consisting of David Silverman, Wes Archer, and Bill Kopp. \"Tracey Ullman Show\" cast members Dan Castellaneta and Julie Kavner provide the voices", "psg_id": "3632496" }, { "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show", "text": "All Time\" list. This was the first sketch comedy show to have a female star on Fox; the second was \"Party Over Here\" in 2015. A typical episode of \"The Tracey Ullman Show\" consists of two or three sketches (or playlets) featuring Tracey Ullman playing an array of characters along with her supporting cast of Julie Kavner, Dan Castellaneta, Sam McMurray, Joseph Malone – and, in the case of season three, Anna Levine. The final sketch of the night usually includes a musical or dance number featuring Ullman either solo or with other members of the cast. Paula Abdul was", "psg_id": "3632451" }, { "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show", "text": "up, always wanting the best.\" Over the course of four seasons, Tracey Ullman played upwards of 100 characters; some were repeated but not on a weekly basis. The show's supporting cast also had their own characters– usually playing opposite Ullman's, but sometimes in solo sketches of their own. The following is a list of recurring characters performed by Tracey Ullman, Dan Castellanta, Julie Kavner, and Sam McMurray. They are listed in order of appearance. \"The Tracey Ullman Show\" regularly featured short animated cartoons as interstitials in the first three seasons. There was no recurring cartoon during season 4. \"Dr. N!Godatu\"", "psg_id": "3632493" }, { "title": "The Simpsons shorts", "text": "portable tape deck in a makeshift studio, which consisted of the video engineer suite, above the bleachers on the Ullman show set. While most of the characters' personalities are similar to what they are in the series, Lisa is simply a clone of Bart and did not have a distinct personality until a few episodes into the regular series. The shorts were featured on the first three seasons on \"The Tracey Ullman Show\". By the fourth and last season of \"The Tracey Ullman Show\" the first season of the half-hour show was on the air. In the two first seasons", "psg_id": "4540216" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman's Show", "text": "Tracey Ullman's Show Tracey Ullman's Show is a British sketch comedy television series starring Tracey Ullman. \"Tracey Ullman's Show\" premiered on BBC One on 11 January 2016. The programme marks her first project for the broadcaster in over thirty years, and her first original project for British television in twenty-two years. The BBC announced that the programme had been recommissioned for a second series on 5 March 2016. Following a \"best bits\" Christmas special in December 2016, the show's second series premiered on 3 February 2017. It comprises 6 episodes. On 26 May 2017, the BBC announced that it had", "psg_id": "19258175" }, { "title": "Tracey Takes On...", "text": "Tracey Takes On... Tracey Takes On... is an American sketch comedy series starring Tracey Ullman. The show ran for four seasons on HBO and was commissioned after the success of the 1993 comedy special \"Tracey Ullman Takes On New York\". Each episode focuses on specific subject in which Ullman and her cast characters comment on or experience through a series of sketches and monologues. Unlike her previous Fox show, \"Tracey Takes On...\" was filmed without a studio audience, on location, single-camera; instead of upwards of a hundred characters, the show focused on a steady rotation of nearly 20. \"I wanted", "psg_id": "7802726" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman Takes On New York", "text": "Tracey Ullman Takes On New York Tracey Ullman Takes On New York is a comedy special starring Tracey Ullman. \"New York\" was Ullman's first project for HBO. The special helped launch the series \"Tracey Takes On...\". Couple, Penny and Gordon Johnson, travel to New York to attend a Broadway show, which happens to be starring Linda Granger. Penny and Gordon get separated from each other in the city, and both experience two different sides of New York: Penny, the good. Gordon, the bad. Penny is even chosen to model for a fashion photographer. After Linda Granger gets hit by a", "psg_id": "12432877" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman", "text": "show now had its cast. Singer-songwriter George Clinton provided the theme song for the show, \"You're Thinking Right.\" Dancer Paula Abdul, who had not yet found fame as a singer, was hired to choreograph the show's dance numbers. Because the Fox network was new to the world of television production, a bureaucracy had not yet been established. This enabled the show to take risks and the freedom to try things that the major networks would never permit. The series landed an initial twenty-six episode commitment deal, unheard of for a television comedy. \"The Tracey Ullman Show\" debuted on 5 April", "psg_id": "641753" }, { "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show", "text": "ledge, led to him becoming a series regular. He had worked with acts such as Michael Jackson, Lilly Tomlin and Barbara Mandrell. The show now had its cast. During the 1987–1988 season, Julie Kavner asked to be let out of her contract in order to be able to concentrate on making movies; Kavner had been living in New York while \"The Tracey Ullman Show\" taped in Los Angeles. Actress Anna Levine was subsequently cast with Kavner putting in special appearances. James L. Brooks knew the importance of good writers and quickly assembled a team for the show, most notably, Heide", "psg_id": "3632482" }, { "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show", "text": "was a small child and kept a mental file on them. She never saw \"Kay\" and imagined what she looked like. It was \"Tracey Ullman Show\" costume designer, Jame Ruhm who suggested a drooping bust and cellulite-covered hips for the character. Ruhm created a costume complete with \"hydraulic pistons.\" \"Tracey is really, really interested in what her characters look like,\" revealed show costume designer, Jane Ruhm. \"She is constantly going around collecting pictures of people and coming to me and saying, 'I want to do a character dressed like this!' I file that in my memory, and then we'll get", "psg_id": "3632464" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman", "text": "influenced her decision to switch networks. Greenblatt was a young development director during her \"Tracey Ullman Show\" days and was enthusiastic to get her over to Showtime. Five episodes were ordered for the first season. \"Tracey Ullman's State of the Union\" debuted on 30 March 2008. The show not only featured original characters, but also celebrity impersonations, something she hadn't done since \"Three of a Kind\". The critical response to \"State of the Union\" was overwhelmingly positive. One critic pointed out a change in Ullman's humour: Ullman commented that the United States is \"now able to laugh at itself more,\"", "psg_id": "641766" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman", "text": "\"Tracey Ullman's Show\", her first project for the broadcaster in over thirty years; this led to the creation of the topical comedy series \"Tracey Breaks the News\" in 2017. Ullman is currently the richest British actress and female comedian and the third richest British comedian overall. Tracey Ullman was born Trace Ullman in Slough, Buckinghamshire, the younger of two daughters, to Dorin (born Cleaver) and Antony John Ullman. Her mother was British, with Roma ancestry, and her father was a Roman Catholic Pole. On the subject of the spelling of her name: \"My real name is Trace Ullman, but I", "psg_id": "641713" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman", "text": "tried talking her out of it. “When I first met Miss Ullman, I was a TV producer, and I called her into my office in London and I told her that she had a big career in comedy, and she said to me, ‘Well actually, I’m doing a record next week,’ and I said, ‘Now listen here Miss Ullman, if I know anything about show business, is that you shouldn’t get involved with singing. Imagine how stupid I felt about four months later, I’m in London driving around and I hear, ‘And now, the Top of the Pops, Tracey Ullman", "psg_id": "641731" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman", "text": "the character Kay Clark. Unlike \"The Tracey Ullman Show\", \"Tracey Takes On...\" had a rotating roster of upwards of twenty characters repeated throughout the run of the show. Also, unlike \"The Tracey Ullman Show\", \"Tracey Takes On...\" was a single-camera comedy, shot heavily on location, without a studio audience. Ullman and the show went on to receive a slew of awards including six Emmy Awards, two CableAce Awards, three American Comedy Awards, two GLAAD Media Awards, as well as a Screen Actors Guild Award in 1999 for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series. In 2001, Ullman", "psg_id": "641763" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman: A Class Act", "text": "\"I Am What I Am\". The unedited British cut of the special was made available on Hulu in the United States in 2012. The special was nominated for a CableAce Award in 1995 in the category of International Dramatic or Comedy Special or Series/Movie or Miniseries. Tracey Ullman: A Class Act Tracey Ullman: A Class Act is a sketch-comedy special starring Tracey Ullman, along with Michael Palin playing a variety of original characters. It originally aired on ITV; subsequently HBO in the United States on 23 November 1993. \"A Class Act\" skewers the British class system. The show is broken", "psg_id": "12423906" }, { "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show", "text": "but with her already spending up to three hours in the makeup chair, adding voice-over work wasn't feasible. Fellow cast member, Julie Kavner then agreed to do it. Groening approached Ullman sporadically about doing a guest voice for the shorts, but with her heavy workload, she never had the time. Early reports regarding the show's premise were as follows: the focal point would be Ullman starring in one long 12-minute \"playlet,\" a shorter sketch, some music and a weekly lecture from Harry Shearer. The show would start with no pilot and a 26-episode commitment. The show would be produced by", "psg_id": "3632471" }, { "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show", "text": "no one ever heard of do a show on a network that didn't exist.\" Brooks stated that \"The Tracey Ullman Show\" was \"the hardest work any of us ever did, and we would have continued forever if she had wanted us to [...] I'm just glad I appreciated it as it was happening and not just in retrospect ... Tracey is one of the most talented people alive.\" The show earned Fox its first-ever Emmy Award, raking up a total of 13 nominations, garnering 4 wins, by the end of its run. Brooks didn't mince words when it was announced", "psg_id": "3632491" }, { "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show", "text": "to appear in the short-lived sitcom version of the film \"Nothing in Common\" in which he appeared in order to star in the Ullman show. \"Tracey always says, 'You're so lucky, Dan. You can always go back to \"Nothing in Common\".\" joked Castellaneta in an 1988 interview. Describing the show, Castellaneta stated, \"Essentially what dictates it is that there are no parodies and even if it's an unusual situation, Tracey and (execuative producer) Jim Brooks try to keep things as believable and real. You've got to be honest.\" He would continue to stay true to his Second City philosophy when", "psg_id": "3632476" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman", "text": "took a break from her character-based work and created a fashion-based talk show for Oxygen Network, \"Tracey Ullman's Visible Panty Lines\". The series was spun off from her e-commerce clothing store Purple Skirt, which had been launched a few years prior. Interviewees included Arianna Huffington and Charlize Theron. The show lasted for two seasons and ended in 2002. A pilot for a \"Tracey Takes On...\" spin-off, \"Tracey Ullman in the Trailer Tales\", was produced in 2003 for HBO. The show spotlighted just one character, Ruby Romaine. Ullman made her directorial debut with the show. No series was commissioned and the", "psg_id": "641764" }, { "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show", "text": "on TV when her talent requires variety? You can't categorize Tracey, so it's silly to come up with a show that attempted to.\" To ensure that she was well-versed in American comedy, Brooks began sending her tapes of American sitcoms and variety shows to watch and study. Ullman also began visiting and spending time at the Museum of Television & Radio. \"After I made [the 1985 film] \"Plenty\", I thought it was sad that everyone left London to go home to Hollywood. Thought I'd join 'em. [...] I thought of myself as a Peter Sellers type. No one does American", "psg_id": "3632458" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman's Show", "text": "world along with a more topical format. Impersonations of world leaders are now the show's main focus. In late 2014, whilst promoting the film \"Into the Woods\", Tracey Ullman revealed plans to write something new for television in the following year. \"Every five years it comes to me to sort of do what I do again and I throw a load of stuff at the wall, and some of it works and some of it obviously doesn't, but that's the nature of television. I love TV.\" Her American Showtime series, \"Tracey Ullman's State of the Union\" ran for three seasons,", "psg_id": "19258178" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman in the Trailer Tales", "text": "Tracey Ullman in the Trailer Tales Tracey Ullman in the Trailer Tales is a 2003 HBO comedy special starring Tracey Ullman, a spin-off from Ullman's sketch comedy series \"Tracey Takes On...\". The special, which was originally conceived as a pilot for a possible series, spotlights just one of Ullman's characters – Ruby Romaine, a Hollywood make-up artist in her seventies. Ruby recounts tales of old and present-day Hollywood as celebrities sit in her makeup chair in the on-set hair and makeup trailer. She also reveals details of her personal life, which includes living with her shell shock Vietnam-veteran son Buddy,", "psg_id": "12147100" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman in the Trailer Tales", "text": "Tracey Ullman in the Trailer Tales Tracey Ullman in the Trailer Tales is a 2003 HBO comedy special starring Tracey Ullman, a spin-off from Ullman's sketch comedy series \"Tracey Takes On...\". The special, which was originally conceived as a pilot for a possible series, spotlights just one of Ullman's characters – Ruby Romaine, a Hollywood make-up artist in her seventies. Ruby recounts tales of old and present-day Hollywood as celebrities sit in her makeup chair in the on-set hair and makeup trailer. She also reveals details of her personal life, which includes living with her shell shock Vietnam-veteran son Buddy,", "psg_id": "12147098" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman Takes On New York", "text": "On New York\" was nominated for a total of seven Emmy Awards, winning two; nominated for and winning one American Comedy Award; nominated for three CableAce Awards, winning one; nominated for one Directors Guild of America Award; nominated for and winning one Writers Guild of America Award. Wins The special acts as a bonus feature on the DVD set \"Tracey Takes On... Complete Season 1\". It became available on Hulu in the United States in 2012. Tracey Ullman Takes On New York Tracey Ullman Takes On New York is a comedy special starring Tracey Ullman. \"New York\" was Ullman's first", "psg_id": "12432879" }, { "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show", "text": "nuts about her work. She was the person we most wanted to work with Tracey.\" Actor Sam McMurray read for a guest spot on the show playing William, lover of thirteen-year-old valley girl Francesca's (Ullman) father. McMurray recalling his casting: \"The first Francesca sketch, they said, 'Play the guy not so gay.' And I said 'I disagree.' I had a big mouth then -— still do. I said, 'I think he’s more the woman. I think he's more out there.' So I read and I read it big, and they cast me. It was just a one-off, and then we", "psg_id": "3632479" }, { "title": "Tracey Takes On...", "text": "Brooks who helped launch her American career and \"The Tracey Ullman Show\". \"Last year, I was 35 years old, and I thought, 'It's time to do it myself really. I thought, 'I know the premise, I know what I want to do...' I sat at the head of the table and made myself a boss.'\" Production on season 1 of \"Tracey Takes On...\" began in Los Angeles in 1995. Characters created for the former two specials were carried over into series: gay airline steward Trevor Ayliss, conservative British MP wife Virginia Bugge, British magazine editor Janie Pillsworth, Long Island housewife", "psg_id": "7802732" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman", "text": "second series 20 October 2017. On 30 August 2018, HBO announced that \"Tracey Ullman's Show\" would return for a third season starting 28 September. In 2017, \"Tracey Ullman's Show\" earned its first Primetime Emmy Award nomination in the category of Outstanding Variety Sketch Series. In 2018, it garnered two additional Primetime Emmy Award nominations in the categories of Outstanding Variety Sketch Series and Outstanding Costumes for a Variety, Nonfiction, or Reality Programming. On 26 May 2017, the BBC announced that it had ordered a new topical half-hour Tracey Ullman special, \"Tracey Breaks the News\" for BBC One. The show is", "psg_id": "641770" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman", "text": "how to write funny, then Tracey was a lesson in how to act funny. She was by far the most famous of us, having starred with Lenny Henry in ‘Three of a Kind.’” In April 1984, it was announced that \"Five Faces of Tracey\", described as an 'all film series of five half hours' starring Ullman as one character per episode in one 'self-contained story,' was to be filmed in July of that year written by Ruby Wax and herself. The series never came to fruition. In 1985, Ullman was persuaded by her husband to join him in Los Angeles,", "psg_id": "641742" }, { "title": "Tracey Takes On...", "text": "and Hope Finch. On December 26, 2005, \"Tracey Takes On...\" officially came to DVD via HBO Home Video. The series had been previously scheduled to be released independently but was scrapped once HBO announced that it too was planning to release the series. The second season's opening \"They Don't Know\" lip-syncing title sequence has been removed and replaced with a blank black screen featuring an instrumental of the first season theme song and episode title. The closing credits feature the first season's theme song as well. Extras on the sets include the original HBO pilot \"Tracey Ullman Takes On New", "psg_id": "7802752" }, { "title": "Tracey Takes On...", "text": "purchase through iTunes and Amazon Video-on-Demand service in the United States in 2009, but are currently unavailable in either store. The episodes were heavily edited; some combined to make up for lost length due to editing. In 2012, the entire series of 65 episodes could be streamed through Hulu. For the first time, all 15 Character Comedies episodes were made available. Tracey Takes On... Tracey Takes On... is an American sketch comedy series starring Tracey Ullman. The show ran for four seasons on HBO and was commissioned after the success of the 1993 comedy special \"Tracey Ullman Takes On New", "psg_id": "7802754" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman: A Class Act", "text": "Tracey Ullman: A Class Act Tracey Ullman: A Class Act is a sketch-comedy special starring Tracey Ullman, along with Michael Palin playing a variety of original characters. It originally aired on ITV; subsequently HBO in the United States on 23 November 1993. \"A Class Act\" skewers the British class system. The show is broken up into three sketches. Ullman, accompanied by \"Monty Python\" alum Michael Palin, play the majority of the show's characters. \"A Class Act\" served as the follow-up to her American HBO comedy special \"Tracey Ullman Takes On New York\", which aired a month prior in 1993 The", "psg_id": "12423902" }, { "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show", "text": "material. \"I saw original talent, and how often does that happen to you?\" \"I started showing [her work] to people like you'd show home movies.\" \"I was just startled by the size of the talent. I got chills.\" Ullman explained to Brooks her situation at CBS and the fact that she was now pregnant. Her convinced her to get out of it and after she had her baby they would do a show together. Brooks felt that a sketch show would best suit her assets (acting, singing, and dancing). \"Why would you do something with Tracey playing a single character", "psg_id": "3632457" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman", "text": "1987. Describing the show proved difficult. Creator Ken Estin dubbed it a \"skitcom\". A variety of diverse original characters were created for her to perform. Extensive makeup, wigs, teeth, and body padding were utilised, sometimes rendering her unrecognisable. One original character created by Ullman back in Britain was uprooted for the series: long-suffering British spinster Kay Clark. A typical episode of \"The Tracey Ullman Show\" consisted of three sketches, one including a song and/or a heavily choreographed dance routine. Brooks was keen on showing off all of Ullman's abilities. \"It’s 'Can you juggle this and keep throwing on more plates?'", "psg_id": "641754" }, { "title": "Tracey Takes On...", "text": "Along with the bid he included a potential programming lineup; listed was a \"Tracey Ullman special.\" Ullman, who had just ended four seasons of her eponymous Fox series, had just given birth to their second child and was quite content staying at home. In September 1991, McKeown was elated when he was informed that his bid was successful; he was subsequently responsible for all of Meridian's comedy programming. Ullman felt a sense of dread - she was now going to have to do that show. \"I was really not prepared to do TV again. I had an extraordinary run at", "psg_id": "7802729" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman", "text": "It\" category. In April 2009, it was announced that Ullman would be awarded a Lifetime Achievement BAFTA Award the following May. She became the first recipient of the Charlie Chaplin Lifetime Achievement Award for Comedy on 9 May 2009. Tracey Ullman Tracey Ullman (born 30 December 1959) is an English actress, comedian, singer, dancer, screenwriter, producer, director, author, and businesswoman. She holds dual British and American citizenship. Her earliest appearances were on British television sketch comedy shows \"A Kick Up the Eighties\" (with Rik Mayall and Miriam Margolyes) and \"Three of a Kind\" (with Lenny Henry and David Copperfield). After", "psg_id": "641787" }, { "title": "Girls on Top (TV series)", "text": "first series aired on Wednesdays at 8:30pm while the second series aired on Thursdays at 9pm. Girls on Top (TV series) Girls on Top is a British ITV sitcom, broadcast in 1985 and 1986, and made by Witzend for the ITV contractor Central Independent Television. It stars Dawn French, Jennifer Saunders, Ruby Wax and Tracey Ullman, and was written by French, Saunders, and Wax with additional material from Ullman. Despite a poor critical reception, the series was a ratings success. The show focused on four female flatmates and their landlady. It was an attempt at a female version of \"The", "psg_id": "5797439" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman: A Class Act", "text": "show introduced Trevor Ayliss, Virginia Bugge, and Janie Pillsworth. Two of Ullman's characters would go on to appear in \"Tracey Ullman Takes On New York\" HBO special, and then all three would appear regularly in the latter, \"Tracey Takes On...\". The special was produced for ITV in the United Kingdom. The show would go on to make its American television debut on HBO in late 1993, after the success of \"Tracey Ullman Takes On New York\". The American cut of the special opens with Ullman explaining the English class system. The show opens aboard \"Class Air\", a British airline that", "psg_id": "12423903" }, { "title": "Tracey Breaks the News", "text": "Tracey Breaks the News Tracey Breaks the News is a British topical comedy series starring Tracey Ullman. The programme premiered on BBC One on 27 October 2017, and following a pilot episode that aired on 23 June. After the success of the one-off special, on 13 September 2017, the BBC announced that it had ordered three new episodes of \"Tracey Breaks the News\". Like the pilot, the three new shows would \"tackle topical stories and current issues in a sketch show written and filmed right up to the day of broadcast.\" It was also reported that Ullman would impersonate French", "psg_id": "20211727" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman", "text": "singing, and dancing). \"Why would you do something with Tracey playing a single character on TV when her talent requires variety? You can’t categorize Tracey, so it's silly to come up with a show that attempted to.\" To ensure that she was well-versed in American comedy, Brooks sent her tapes of American sitcoms and variety shows to watch while at home, now pregnant. Ullman refers to it as \"homework.\" She also visited the Museum of Television and Radio, which she would later be inducted into. She had in fact grown up watching American television in the 1970s in England. Two", "psg_id": "641748" }, { "title": "Tracey Takes On (book)", "text": "Tracey Takes On (book) Tracey Takes On is a book based on the HBO comedy series of the same name, and is authored by its star Tracey Ullman. The majority of the book's material is taken from the first two seasons of the show. Sketches are presented in the form of letters, newspaper articles, diary entries, magazine interviews, questionnaires, and so on. Each character gets its own dedicated font and letterhead. The book relies on official character press photos and screen captures. Like the series, each chapter opens with a story from Ullman in relation to each chapter's subject. Unaired", "psg_id": "18509652" }, { "title": "Tracey Breaks the News (pilot)", "text": "Breaks the News\" is the second special Ullman has done for British television; her first since 1993's \"\", and her fifth overall. The show aired on 23 June. The success of the special led to the order and creation of the series \"Tracey Breaks the News\". After thirty successful years in the United States, British comedian Tracey Ullman returned to the BBC with the sketch comedy series \"Tracey Ullman's Show\". The show features Ullman performing an eclectic cast of characters, some real-life, others totally original. The show's political and celebrity impersonations, such as her take on a devious Judi Dench,", "psg_id": "20402979" }, { "title": "Tracey Breaks the News", "text": "banner \"Tracey Ullman's Show\" to HBO Europe and ITV Choice in Asia as of September 2018. Tracey Breaks the News Tracey Breaks the News is a British topical comedy series starring Tracey Ullman. The programme premiered on BBC One on 27 October 2017, and following a pilot episode that aired on 23 June. After the success of the one-off special, on 13 September 2017, the BBC announced that it had ordered three new episodes of \"Tracey Breaks the News\". Like the pilot, the three new shows would \"tackle topical stories and current issues in a sketch show written and filmed", "psg_id": "20211752" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman Takes On New York", "text": "bus, Penny is chosen to replace her in the show. \"Tracey Ullman: A Class Act\" character, Janie Pillsworth, now an adult, works as a magazine fashion editor. Pillsworth, who disowned her parents as a young girl, is reunited with them during an interview. Janie, although mortified at first, reconciles with them and decides to put them on the cover of her magazine's next issue. Harry and Fern Rosenthal welcome their daughter's future in-laws to the city. Fern becomes jealous of her future son-in-law's mother, and begins to suspect that she is trying to steal her daughter away from her. \"Takes", "psg_id": "12432878" }, { "title": "As Seen on TV (TV series)", "text": "is in the lead at the end of the round wins the show. As Seen on TV (TV series) As Seen on TV is a BBC television panel game show based around TV trivia. It is produced by Shine TV by arrangement with Unique Broadcasting; the latter is the company owned by Noel Edmonds, who presented the similarly themed show \"Telly Addicts\". It is presented by Steve Jones, with team captains Fern Britton and Jason Manford. The first episode was broadcast on Friday 17 July 2009. It was moved to a Thursday evening slot from its second episode. The teams", "psg_id": "13624564" }, { "title": "On the Spot (2011 TV series)", "text": "On the Spot (2011 TV series) On the Spot is an American weekly syndicated television series that debuted in September 2011. The series is produced and distributed by Bellum Entertainment Group. On the Spot is a weekly syndicated trivia show that asks entertaining questions from different categories including untold history, globetrotting, origins, supernatural, in sickness and in health, myths, now and then, record setters, mad science and bad ideas. Example questions include: Can a cow have an accent? What came first, the color orange or the fruit? As a kid, did Napoleon hate the French? Was the name Google an", "psg_id": "15910474" }, { "title": "As Seen on TV (TV series)", "text": "As Seen on TV (TV series) As Seen on TV is a BBC television panel game show based around TV trivia. It is produced by Shine TV by arrangement with Unique Broadcasting; the latter is the company owned by Noel Edmonds, who presented the similarly themed show \"Telly Addicts\". It is presented by Steve Jones, with team captains Fern Britton and Jason Manford. The first episode was broadcast on Friday 17 July 2009. It was moved to a Thursday evening slot from its second episode. The teams are shown six TV programmes which are categories related to TV based questions.", "psg_id": "13624561" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman", "text": "to win two Emmy Awards, a CableAce Award, an American Comedy Award, and a Writers Guild of America Award. The success of the special led the network to broach the subject of a \"Takes On\" series. Ullman and her husband liked the idea and set up production on \"Tracey Takes On...\" in Los Angeles in 1995. As with the special \"Takes On New York\", each episode of \"Tracey Takes On...\" centered on a single subject. Characters created for \"A Class Act\" and \"Takes On New York\" were adapted for the HBO series, along with several new characters, as well as", "psg_id": "641762" }, { "title": "Tracey Takes On...", "text": "to do a show where you could get familiar with the characters, where I could express a point of view, where we could get controversial [...] I also didn't want to do a series where I had to do 22 or 26 episodes a year. I have two children and had a husband, and there are other things I'd like to do during the year. Ten shows is a good number, and HBO gives me a great (artistic) freedom,\" said Ullman in 1996. The only character to return from the original \"Tracey Ullman Show\" was Kay Clark, as Ullman was", "psg_id": "7802727" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman", "text": "Tracey Ullman Tracey Ullman (born 30 December 1959) is an English actress, comedian, singer, dancer, screenwriter, producer, director, author, and businesswoman. She holds dual British and American citizenship. Her earliest appearances were on British television sketch comedy shows \"A Kick Up the Eighties\" (with Rik Mayall and Miriam Margolyes) and \"Three of a Kind\" (with Lenny Henry and David Copperfield). After a brief singing career, she appeared as Candice Valentine in \"Girls on Top\" with Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders. She emigrated from the United Kingdom to the United States where she starred in her own network television comedy series,", "psg_id": "641711" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman", "text": "the success of the one-off special that aired in June. Like the one-off special, the three new shows will \"tackle topical stories and current issues in a sketch show written and filmed right up to the day of broadcast\". Ullman is expected to impersonate French First Lady Brigitte Macron and Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn. The programme debuted on 27 October on BBC One. On 15 May 2018, it was formally announced that the show had been picked up for a second series to begin airing the following June on BBC One. In 1987, Ullman filmed a sketch for \"Saturday Night", "psg_id": "641773" }, { "title": "Girls on Top (TV series)", "text": "Girls on Top (TV series) Girls on Top is a British ITV sitcom, broadcast in 1985 and 1986, and made by Witzend for the ITV contractor Central Independent Television. It stars Dawn French, Jennifer Saunders, Ruby Wax and Tracey Ullman, and was written by French, Saunders, and Wax with additional material from Ullman. Despite a poor critical reception, the series was a ratings success. The show focused on four female flatmates and their landlady. It was an attempt at a female version of \"The Young Ones\", two series of which were made in 1982 and 1984. French and Saunders had", "psg_id": "5797435" }, { "title": "Three of a Kind (TV series)", "text": "Three of a Kind (TV series) Three of a Kind is a British comedy sketch show starring comedians Tracey Ullman, Lenny Henry and David Copperfield. Three series were made by the BBC between 1981 and 1983. The show bolstered the careers of Ullman and Henry, as well as being an outlet for young writers including Rob Grant and Doug Naylor, Ian Hislop and Nick Revell. Ullman and Henry went on to greater success after the show, with Ullman initially launching a brief but successful pop career in 1983 before starring in the ITV sitcom \"Girls On Top\" in 1985 and", "psg_id": "9805528" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman", "text": "full series two weeks later. A script for \"I Love New York\", a show about a \"slightly wacky\" British woman working in New York, was written by \"Saturday Night Live\" writer Anne Beatts. Ullman hated it and the deal deteriorated. Recalling the project, Ullman said, \"We'd just hit on an idea, then some white-haired executive - very, very important - would come in from the race track and say, 'I don't like that idea. I think Tracey should be a caring person. I think there should be a kid in this. Now, I'm just pitching here. I don't know if", "psg_id": "641745" }, { "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show", "text": "was just about the most extraordinary piece of material I'd seen in a long time.\" He wanted production on a series to begin immediately for her. \"Saturday Night Live\" scribe and creator of CBS's \"Square Pegs\", Anne Beatts was hired to write the pilot. Universal liked the script; Ullman reportedly threw her hands up in the air, hating it. Recalling the project: \"We'd just hit on an idea, then some white-haired executive – very, very important – would come in from the race track and say, 'I don't like that idea. I think Tracey should be a caring person. I", "psg_id": "3632455" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman's State of the Union", "text": "Tracey Ullman's State of the Union Tracey Ullman's State of the Union is an American sketch-comedy series starring Tracey Ullman. The series was written by Ullman along with Hollywood satirist Bruce Wagner. Gail Parent and Craig DiGregorio acted as contributing writers to the series' first season. On May 17, 2010, it was announced that \"State of the Union\" would not be returning for a fourth season. The series takes a satirical view of the day in the life of America, lampooning political, social, and pop culture, with Ullman impersonating and portraying famous and non-famous characters and celebrities. The series' first", "psg_id": "11145135" }, { "title": "My Life as a 10-Year-Old Boy", "text": "Dan Castellaneta. The first chapter of the book details Cartwright's life and career prior to 1987. In the second chapter, Cartwright recalls the day she went to audition for a role in a series of animated shorts on \"The Tracey Ullman Show\". The shorts were about a dysfunctional family and Cartwright intended to audition for the role of Lisa Simpson, the eldest daughter. Upon arriving at the audition, she found the role of her brother Bart to be much more interesting. Matt Groening, creator of the shorts, allowed her to audition for Bart, and gave her the job on the", "psg_id": "12997623" }, { "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show", "text": "playing comedy and characters. \"Don't ever do what's expected. Always try to find a different way of doing something. ...Always play to the top of your intelligence. A character should be as smart as you are. And if the character isn't a smart as you are, you can't make a comment about it, you can't make fun of the character.\" Castellaneta felt that audiences could see right through a character that wasn't done honestly and that \"The Tracey Ullman Show\"'s audience were both pretty demanding as well as intelligent. \"They're people who like something different, they're certainly an intelligent audience.", "psg_id": "3632477" }, { "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show", "text": "say, 'What is this, Nazi, Russia?'\" When they won an Emmy, Belson's response was, \"This is my first Emmy in color.\" Sam Simon, like Estin, wrote for \"Taxi\", as well as executive produced the show. Brooks discovered writer Marc Flanagan after watching a piece performed by Meryl Streep and Kevin Klein at a benefit. He asked to speak to the writer and kept him in mind when he worked on the \"Ullman\" show as writer and producer. \"SCTV\" writers Dick Blasucci and Paul Flaherty wrote and co-produced as well. For each show, a table read would take place on Monday", "psg_id": "3632484" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman", "text": "in the Park's production of \"The Taming of the Shrew\"; she then made her Broadway debut with her one-woman show, \"The Big Love\". She had no aspirations to return to the television. In 1991, she had given birth to her second child, Johnny, and her husband was bidding on a television franchise in the South of England. Along with the bid he included a potential television programming lineup. Listed was a Tracey Ullman special. Ullman thought nothing would come of it, but to her horror, she learnt that the bid was successful. The frantic pace of \"The Tracey Ullman Show\"", "psg_id": "641759" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman", "text": "other accoutrements for the characters; so Ullman felt less panicked. She decided to do a send up of the British class system. All new characters were created and she was joined by Monty Python's Michael Palin for each of the show's sketches. \"\" premiered on 9 January 1993 on ITV. The American cable network HBO became interested in Ullman doing a special for their network with the caveat that she take on a more American subject. She chose New York. The special, \"Tracey Ullman Takes On New York\" debuted on 9 October 1993 and both it and Ullman went on", "psg_id": "641761" }, { "title": "Shorts in a Bunch", "text": "featured in the series that are student films. Shorts in a Bunch Shorts in a Bunch was a Nicktoons variety series. The show first premiered on September 23, 2007 and ended on December 30, 2007 but was canceled due to its decreasing viewers. It was also taken off the air on January 28, 2008. The show is similar to Cartoon Network's \"Sunday Pants\", where which featured original/not original shorts but with the exclusion of live-action segments. The show is currently extinct. Some shorts featured in the series are aired 3-4 per episode. All six pilots are produced by Nickelodeon Animation", "psg_id": "12634284" }, { "title": "Shorts in a Bunch", "text": "Shorts in a Bunch Shorts in a Bunch was a Nicktoons variety series. The show first premiered on September 23, 2007 and ended on December 30, 2007 but was canceled due to its decreasing viewers. It was also taken off the air on January 28, 2008. The show is similar to Cartoon Network's \"Sunday Pants\", where which featured original/not original shorts but with the exclusion of live-action segments. The show is currently extinct. Some shorts featured in the series are aired 3-4 per episode. All six pilots are produced by Nickelodeon Animation Studio. This is a list of six shorts", "psg_id": "12634283" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman's Show", "text": "\"Tracey Ullman's Show\" banner. Each episode offers a glimpse of British life, from dusk till dawn, for many of its inhabitants (the everyday and the very famous). Locals, tourists, even those smuggling themselves into the country are included. A typical episode consists of sketches ranging from one to three minutes with one sketch's storyline acting as the spine of the episode. Each show features an original song penned by Ullman and composer Richard Thomas (\"\"). For series 3, the show shifted from its \"a day in the life\" premise set in Great Britain to the world stage in a post-Brexit", "psg_id": "19258177" }, { "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show", "text": "her signature catchphrase, \"Go home! Go home!\" and dancing as the credits roll. She chose the phrase \"Go home,\" because she couldn't think of anything clever to end with. Her closing monologue is, \"Oh, you got sore bums. Go home!\" British actress, comedian, singer, and former dancer, Tracey Ullman was encouraged to try and break into American television by her husband, British producer Allan McKeown, who was looking to go into business in the United States. Ullman, who was already a household name in her native England, had already been making the rounds in the US promoting her film and", "psg_id": "3632453" }, { "title": "The Simpsons shorts", "text": "producer James L. Brooks was working on the television variety show \"The Tracey Ullman Show\", he decided that he wanted to include short animated wraparounds before and after the commercial breaks. Having seen one of cartoonist Matt Groening's \"Life in Hell\" comic strips, Brooks asked Groening to pitch an idea for a series of animated shorts, which Groening initially intended to present as his \"Life in Hell\" series. Groening later realized that animating \"Life in Hell\" would require the rescinding of publication rights for his life's work. He therefore chose another approach while waiting in the lobby of Brooks's office", "psg_id": "4540211" }, { "title": "Tracey Breaks the News (pilot)", "text": "awakened by a phone call from Arlene Foster with more DUP demands. \"Tracey Breaks the News\" debuted with a total of 2.4 million viewers; it added a further 1.8 million during its encore showing, bringing the total to 4.2 million. Tracey Breaks the News (pilot) \"Tracey Breaks the News\" is a one-off British comedy television special as well as the pilot episode of the series of the same name starring comedian Tracey Ullman, commissioned by the BBC for BBC One. It is thematically inspired by the aftermath 2017 United Kingdom general election, as well as the one year anniversary of", "psg_id": "20402986" }, { "title": "Girls on Top (TV series)", "text": "because they relied on her to get the rent paid; usually the show incorporated Candice's latest invented fatal illness, or any other reason to not pay the rent. One episode had Candice convincing everyone she was dating Prince Andrew, while another found her tricking Shelley into starring in a porno movie. Tracey Ullman left after the initial series owing to her first pregnancy. NOTE: these episode descriptions are taken from the sleeve of the DVD release, released by Network Note: The transmission dates reflect those in the London ITV region. Alternative transmissions in other ITV regions are not listed. The", "psg_id": "5797438" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman: Live and Exposed", "text": "Tracey Ullman: Live and Exposed Tracey Ullman: Live and Exposed is an HBO stand-up special starring actress-comedian Tracey Ullman. The stage show documents Ullman's life, with reenactments of her childhood; her early days as a dancer; her time on the stage; her music stint; and her television career. Many of Ullman's characters are also performed, revealing just who they actually were based on in real life. The characters are performed with no makeup and little costuming. The show filmed at The Fonda Theatre in Los Angeles, where it ran for ten performances. The working title for the show was, Tracey's", "psg_id": "12145267" }, { "title": "Tracey Breaks the News (pilot)", "text": "Tracey Breaks the News (pilot) \"Tracey Breaks the News\" is a one-off British comedy television special as well as the pilot episode of the series of the same name starring comedian Tracey Ullman, commissioned by the BBC for BBC One. It is thematically inspired by the aftermath 2017 United Kingdom general election, as well as the one year anniversary of the Brexit vote, and was recorded (and expected to air) shortly thereafter. The special is a spin-off of sorts of \"Tracey Ullman's Show\", as many of the characters and impersonations which appeared in that series appear in this special. \"Tracey", "psg_id": "20402978" }, { "title": "Tracey Breaks the News", "text": "First Lady Brigitte Macron and Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn. On 15 May 2018, it was formally announced that the show had been picked up for a second series, which began airing in June on BBC One. The show has been re-cut and sold internationally under the \"Tracey Ullman's Show\" banner. Tracey Ullman and her roster of characters, including impersonations of world leaders, put their spin on both domestic and global affairs. For years, Ullman made a concerted effort to steer clear of doing straight-up impersonations of celebrities, believing it was delving into \"Saturday Night Live\" territory. She instead opted for", "psg_id": "20211728" }, { "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show", "text": "me to do the things I like to do and can do,\" stated Ullman in 1987. \"I think, literally, the word unique and mean it,\" said James L. Brooks in regards to Ullman's talent. \"We're so obsessed with comparisons. The only one I could even think of that comparing her to is Peter Sellers – he's the only one you can mention. He could do a variety of Americans. And then you have to add that Tracey sings and dances.\" The key to getting Ullman ready for primetime was \"assembling the right people\" according to Brooks. Brooks, along with co-executive", "psg_id": "3632460" }, { "title": "Tracey Ullman: Live and Exposed", "text": "Best Bits and was being readied for a Broadway run. The show garnered three Primetime Emmy Award nominations in 2005: The special was released on DVD by HBO Home Video on September 5, 2005 in the United States. Tracey Ullman: Live and Exposed Tracey Ullman: Live and Exposed is an HBO stand-up special starring actress-comedian Tracey Ullman. The stage show documents Ullman's life, with reenactments of her childhood; her early days as a dancer; her time on the stage; her music stint; and her television career. Many of Ullman's characters are also performed, revealing just who they actually were based", "psg_id": "12145268" } ]
[ "promulent", "the circus (simpsons tv ad)", "the", "kromulent", "simpsons jokes", "no teasing", "made-up words in the simpsons", "the simpsons clue", "simpsons words", "culturally significant words and phrases from the simpsons", "the bully (the simpsons tv ad)", "the dog biscuit", "list of neologisms and phrases on the simpsons", "recurring jokes in the simpsons", "recurring jokes on the simpsons", "simpsons tv show", "culturally significance phrases from the simpsons", "jokes on the simpsons", "made-up words in the simpsons", "the simsons", "the flanders (tv show)", "list of neologisms in the simpsons", "quijibo", "the simpsons", "bart's karate lesson", "the raid (simpsons tv ad)", "list of the simpsons tv ads", "the simpsons board games", "the pacifier (simpsons tv ad)", "thesimpsons", "los simpsons", "good vs. evil (simpsons tv ad)", "the simpsons", "simspons", "criticism of the simpsons", "simpsons neologism", "critisms of the declining quality of the simpsons", "500 easy pieces", "jokes in the simpsons", "list of the simpsons tv ads by product", "the simpsons' impact on television", "los simpson", "madeup words in the simpsons", "simpson (fox)", "bart's nightmare (simpsons tv ad)", "simpsons tv ads", "running gags in the simpsons", "the beach (simpsons tv ad)", "made up words simpsons", "the simpsons catch phrases", "list of the simpson characters in advertisements", "why you little!", "the simppsons", "plastic underwear", "the simpsons", "simpsons, the", "bart's homework", "list of made-up words in the simpsons", "the simpsons (tv series)", "simpsons world", "reccuring jokes on the simpsons", "quigibo", "why you little", "made-up words on the simpsons", "culturally significant phrases from the simpsons", "simpson stamps", "the simpson's", "the simpsons world", "list of the simpsons television advertisements", "maggie's party", "list of advertisements featuring the simpsons characters", "the simspons", "culturally significant neologisms from the simpsons", "the simpsons baseball", "tv simpsons", "neologisms on the simpsons", "neologisms in the simpsons", "the simpson", "the simpsons jokes", "simpsons", "the last butterfinger", "criticisms of the declining quality of the simpsons", "smell your breath", "los simpsons", "thr simpsons", "list of neologisms on the simpsons", "itchy & scratchy's %22500 easy pieces%22", "a to z (simpsons tv ad)" ]
with an accepted height of 11,249 feet, what is the tallest mountain in oregon, and the 4th highest in the cascades?
[ { "title": "Carpenter Mountain (Oregon)", "text": "views of the Three Sisters, Mount Washington, Three Fingered Jack, Mount Jefferson and much of the central Oregon Cascades. On clear days, it is possible to see Mount Hood. Carpenter Mountain (Oregon) Carpenter Mountain is a mountain located in Linn County, Oregon in the Willamette National Forest. It is part of the Cascade Range, and is one of the highest and easternmost peaks of the low-lying Western Cascades. A fire lookout on the summit was built in 1934 and has been recently reactivated for use. It marks the northernmost point in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest. Due to its remoteness", "psg_id": "17383383" } ]
[ { "title": "Bank of the Cascades Center", "text": "Bank of the Cascades Center Bank of the Cascades Center is a 4,000-permanent seat indoor arena located in Redmond, Oregon, as part of the Deschutes County Expo Center. It is named for a regional bank which purchased naming rights to the arena's name. Other seating capacities include 5,000 for basketball and up to 7,800 for concerts. In addition to the aforemented events, Bank of the Cascades Center can also accommodate volleyball, motorsports, wrestling, conventions and trade shows. There is over 40,000 square feet of space on the arena floor with an additional 28,250 square feet on the arena concourse. Concession", "psg_id": "17702285" }, { "title": "Buckner Mountain", "text": "Buckner Mountain Buckner Mountain (sometimes called Mount Buckner) is a tall peak in the North Cascades of Washington state and in the Stephen Mather Wilderness of North Cascades National Park. At in elevation it is the highest in Skagit County and one of about ten of Washington's non-volcanic peaks above 9,000 feet high. It is ranked as the 14th highest peak in the state, and the third highest peak in North Cascades National Park. The mountain has two summits of nearly the same elevation, separated by a ridgeline of a few hundred feet. Sources differ over the exact height of", "psg_id": "13443467" }, { "title": "Oregon State University Cascades Campus", "text": "Out of those students, there were 81 first-year students, 158 transfer students, and 249 graduate students. The majority of students are Oregon residents, making up 92 percent of the population with 67 percent of those students coming from Central Oregon. Eight percent of the students come from out-of-state with 28 of those students coming from seven different countries. In Fall 2017, about 25 percent of all OSU-Cascades students were the first in their families to attend college. Only eleven percent of OSU-Cascades students are under age 20. The average age of all OSU-Cascades students is 29 and the average age", "psg_id": "11074559" }, { "title": "Geography of the North Cascades", "text": "and Lake Chelan National Recreation Area. Designated wilderness areas in the range include: In British Columbia, protected areas include The following North Cascades peaks are notable for their height (absolute elevation): The following peaks are notable for their topographic prominence: The following peaks are notable for their large, steep rise above local terrain. Peaks are listed in descending order by elevation. The North Cascades are known for having many extremely tall glacial-fed waterfalls; the ten highest measured waterfalls are listed. Many tall waterfalls occur where meltwater from mountain glaciers drop down a headwall, which are common occurrences in the North", "psg_id": "13224060" }, { "title": "Carpenter Mountain (Oregon)", "text": "Carpenter Mountain (Oregon) Carpenter Mountain is a mountain located in Linn County, Oregon in the Willamette National Forest. It is part of the Cascade Range, and is one of the highest and easternmost peaks of the low-lying Western Cascades. A fire lookout on the summit was built in 1934 and has been recently reactivated for use. It marks the northernmost point in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest. Due to its remoteness and rough road conditions, the summit is relatively inaccessible compared to most other area mountains with a maintained trail and is mostly hiked by researchers resident in the Experimental", "psg_id": "17383381" }, { "title": "Mount Scott (Klamath County, Oregon)", "text": "Mount Scott (Klamath County, Oregon) Mount Scott is a small stratovolcano and a so-called \"parasitic cone\" on the southeast flank of Crater Lake in southern Oregon. It is approximately 420,000 years old. Its summit is the highest point within Crater Lake National Park, and the tenth highest peak in the Oregon Cascades. A small fire lookout tower stands on the summit, at the end of a trail that zigzags approximately 1,500 feet (460 m) up the mountain. The mountain is named for Oregon pioneer Levi Scott, founder of Scottsburg, Oregon. Mount Scott first erupted about 420,000 years ago and is", "psg_id": "9336970" }, { "title": "History of the world's tallest buildings", "text": "<nowiki>*</nowiki> – Also set record at time of completion as tallest building ever built. The height of Lincoln Cathedral is disputed by some, but accepted by most sources. The completion date for the spire is given as 1311 rather than 1300 by some sources. Also the height of the spire of Old St Paul's Cathedral, destroyed by lightning in 1561, is disputed, for example Christopher Wren (1632–1723) judged that an overestimate and gave a height of . The spire of Mole Antonelliana in Turin, completed in 1889, is claimed to have been tall; however, the upper part of the structure", "psg_id": "13570322" }, { "title": "Mount Scott (Klamath County, Oregon)", "text": "Diamond Lake are other landmarks that can be seen from the summit. Mount Scott (Klamath County, Oregon) Mount Scott is a small stratovolcano and a so-called \"parasitic cone\" on the southeast flank of Crater Lake in southern Oregon. It is approximately 420,000 years old. Its summit is the highest point within Crater Lake National Park, and the tenth highest peak in the Oregon Cascades. A small fire lookout tower stands on the summit, at the end of a trail that zigzags approximately 1,500 feet (460 m) up the mountain. The mountain is named for Oregon pioneer Levi Scott, founder of", "psg_id": "9336973" }, { "title": "Yorkshire and the Humber", "text": "York, were established in trade and politics before them. The tallest occupied building in Yorkshire is Bridgewater Place in central Leeds, commonly referred to as \"The Dalek.\" Built in 2007, at 361 feet it is the 34th tallest building in the UK. The 37-storey Sky Plaza in Leeds is the world's second-tallest student accommodation building at 338 feet, and the second tallest building in the region, and the UK's 42nd tallest building, built in 2009. The 32-storey St Pauls Tower is now the tallest building in Sheffield at 331 feet. The Royal Hallamshire Hospital at 249 feet is the tallest", "psg_id": "636669" }, { "title": "Oregon State University Cascades Campus", "text": "Oregon State University Cascades Campus Oregon State University - Cascades (OSU-Cascades) is a branch campus of Oregon State University (OSU) located in Bend, Oregon. It is the only university in Central Oregon that offers both baccalaureate and graduate programs. OSU Cascades also offers professional pathways and certificate programs. The 10-acre campus is the first public university to open in Oregon in more than 50 years. The campus plans to expand academically with new degree programs over a 10-year period. OSU-Cascades partners with the Central Oregon Community College and Oregon State University. Students can take lower-division classes at the Central Oregon", "psg_id": "11074554" }, { "title": "Cascades (ecoregion)", "text": "wintergreen. Mountain meadows support sedges, dwarf willows, and tufted hairgrass. The region covers in Oregon and in Washington, running along the spine of the Cascades; an isolated pocket of this ecoregion can be found on Newberry Volcano southeast of Bend. The Cascades Subalpine/Alpine ecoregion is an area of high, glaciated, volcanic peaks rising above subalpine meadows, with cascading streams, glacial cirques, and tarns. Pleistocene glaciation reshaped the mountains above , leaving moraines, glacial lakes, and U-shaped glacial canyons. Glaciers and permanent snowfields still occur on the highest peaks, decreasing from north to south. The vegetation is adapted to high elevations,", "psg_id": "12089340" }, { "title": "Pyramid of the Magician", "text": "still underway and, as with El Castillo in Chichen Itza, visitors to the site are now prohibited from climbing the pyramid. The exact height of the Pyramid of the Magician is in dispute and has been reported as tall as 40 metres (131 feet) and as low as 27.6 metres (90.5 feet). The accepted median height is 35 metres (115 feet), with the base measuring approximately 69 by 49 metres (227 by 162 feet). Despite the absence of an exact measurement, the pyramid remains the tallest structure at Uxmal. The Pyramid of the Magician is the most distinctive Mayan structure", "psg_id": "9014033" }, { "title": "History of the world's tallest buildings", "text": "the world's tallest buildings were churches or cathedrals. Later, the Eiffel Tower and, still later, some radio masts and television towers were the world's tallest structures. However, though all of these are \"structures\", some are not \"buildings\" in the sense of being regularly inhabited or occupied. It is in this sense of being regularly inhabited or occupied that the term \"building\" is generally understood to mean when determining what is the world's tallest building. The non-profit international organization Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH), which maintains a set of criteria for determining the height of tall buildings, defines", "psg_id": "13570317" }, { "title": "Oregon State University Cascades Campus", "text": "plateaus. The city, which started out as a lumber town when it was established in 1905, has become a tourist hub for outdoor recreation enthusiasts and beer-lovers alike, with dozens of hiking/biking trails and breweries. Mt. Bachelor ski resort is also a popular tourist destination, and just 30 minutes from the cascades campus, providing students with easy access to the mountain. The Oregon State Cascades Campus is located a short drive away from Mt. Bachelor, the Factory Outlets, and the Les Schwab Amphitheater. For students who are confined to campus, OSU Cascades offers over 20 student organizations and clubs that", "psg_id": "11074563" }, { "title": "History of the world's tallest buildings", "text": "to be tall, but its true height is not known. For thousands of years, the Great Pyramid in Egypt was the tallest \"structure\" in the world, but the Great Pyramid is not considered a building since it is not habitable. The earliest structures now known to be the tallest in the world were the Egyptian pyramids, with the Great Pyramid of Giza, at an original height of , being the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years, until the construction of Lincoln Cathedral in 1300. From then until the completion of the Washington Monument (capped in 1884)", "psg_id": "13570316" }, { "title": "Geography of the North Cascades", "text": "Cascades. Many waterfalls, despite their great height, are non-notable as they are not clearly visible and often have low volume. Seahpo Peak Falls, despite its great height at nearly , is an example of one of these waterfalls. A few notable exceptions do occur; Sulphide Creek Falls occurs where meltwaters from two of the largest Mount Shuksan glaciers are forced through a narrow chute over a headwall at the head of Sulphide Valley. Geographical features in the area of the North Cascades National Park can be found in this image map: Geography of the North Cascades The geography of the", "psg_id": "13224061" }, { "title": "History of Oregon", "text": "Dam, and 400 feet (122 m) over current day Portland, Oregon. The floods' periodic inundation of the lower Columbia River Plateau deposited rich lake sediments, establishing the fertility that supports extensive agriculture in the modern era. They also formed many unusual geological features, such as the channeled scablands of eastern Washington. Mount Mazama, once the tallest mountain in the region at 11,000 feet, had a massive volcanic eruption approximately 5677 B.C. The eruption, estimated to have been 42 times more powerful than the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, reduced Mazama's approximate 11,000 foot (c.3,350 m) height by around half", "psg_id": "9592933" }, { "title": "Oregon State University Cascades Campus", "text": "range from athletics to academics. Because of the location of the school, near Mt. Bachelor and the Three Sisters Wilderness, many clubs focus on outdoor activities provided by these locations. Oregon State University Cascades Campus Oregon State University - Cascades (OSU-Cascades) is a branch campus of Oregon State University (OSU) located in Bend, Oregon. It is the only university in Central Oregon that offers both baccalaureate and graduate programs. OSU Cascades also offers professional pathways and certificate programs. The 10-acre campus is the first public university to open in Oregon in more than 50 years. The campus plans to expand", "psg_id": "11074564" }, { "title": "Amtrak Cascades", "text": "Amtrak Cascades The Amtrak \"Cascades\" is a passenger train route in the Pacific Northwest, operated by Amtrak in partnership with the U.S. states of Washington and Oregon and the Canadian province of British Columbia. It is named after the Cascade mountain range that the route parallels. The corridor runs from Vancouver, British Columbia, south to Seattle, Washington, continuing south via Portland, Oregon, to Eugene, Oregon. No train travels the entire length of the corridor from Vancouver to Eugene. In the fiscal year 2016, \"Cascades\" was Amtrak's eighth-busiest route with a total annual ridership of 792,481. In fiscal year 2015, farebox", "psg_id": "3602717" }, { "title": "Ecology of the North Cascades", "text": "Ecology of the North Cascades The Ecology of the North Cascades is heavily influenced by the high elevation and rain shadow effects of the mountain range. The North Cascades is a section of the Cascade Range from the South Fork of the Snoqualmie River in Washington, United States, to the confluence of the Thompson and Fraser Rivers in British Columbia, Canada, where the range is officially called the Cascade Mountains but is usually referred to as the Canadian Cascades. The North Cascades Ecoregion is a Level III ecoregion in the Commission for Environmental Cooperation's classification system. The terrain of the", "psg_id": "13138947" }, { "title": "Geography of the United States", "text": "Cascades and Sierra Nevada is a series of valleys, such as the Central Valley in California and the Willamette Valley in Oregon. Along the coast is a series of low mountain ranges known as the Pacific Coast Ranges. Much of the Pacific Northwest coast is inhabited by some of the densest vegetation outside of the Tropics, and also the tallest trees in the world (the Redwoods). Alaska contains some of the most dramatic and untapped scenery in the country. Tall, prominent mountain ranges rise up sharply from broad, flat tundra plains. On the islands off the south and southwest coast", "psg_id": "437935" }, { "title": "North Cascades National Park", "text": "on the landscape during the Holocene exposed the rocks visible today. Much harder and more durable than the younger volcanic rocks of the southern Cascades, the North Cascades are consequently more rugged, with steep terrain being the norm due to heavy erosion from water and ice. Continued rising in conjunction with erosion from water and ice has created deep valleys and significant vertical relief that is comparable to much taller mountain ranges. The tallest mountain in North Cascades National Park is Goode Mountain at . It lies in a remote backcountry region of the southern section of the park. Nearby", "psg_id": "557918" }, { "title": "Bank of the Cascades Center", "text": "used primarily for trade shows. There are two outdoor arenas near the Bank of the Desert Arena, the 3,500-seat Juniper Arena and the 1,500-seat Sagebrush Arena, both used for horse shows and rodeos Bank of the Cascades Center Bank of the Cascades Center is a 4,000-permanent seat indoor arena located in Redmond, Oregon, as part of the Deschutes County Expo Center. It is named for a regional bank which purchased naming rights to the arena's name. Other seating capacities include 5,000 for basketball and up to 7,800 for concerts. In addition to the aforemented events, Bank of the Cascades Center", "psg_id": "17702287" }, { "title": "Vanity height", "text": "tallest building, Burj Khalifa, is officially 828 meters tall, but its highest usable floor is 585m above ground. Therefore, its vanity height is defined as 244 meters, or 29% of the building's total height. The likely next tallest building, Jeddah Tower (designed by the same architect), will be over 1,000 meters tall but its highest floor is 630m above ground. The top 370m (equivalent to an 85-story building) or 37% of the building's total height is unusable. When vanity height is excluded, the height progression of the world's tallest buildings looks much more modest in comparison. The CTBUH requires a", "psg_id": "18889774" }, { "title": "Teewinot Mountain", "text": "other peaks of the range into their current shapes. Broken Falls is one of the tallest cascades in Grand Teton National Park and descends down the eastern slopes of Teewinot Mountain. Teewinot Mountain is most easily ascended via the eastern face, which finishes with a somewhat exposed Class 4 scramble to the tiny summit. An unmarked climbers' trail, known as the Apex Trail, leads most of the way up the mountain from the Lupine Meadows area. Geology of the Grand Teton area Teewinot Mountain Teewinot Mountain () is the sixth highest peak in the Teton Range, Grand Teton National Park,", "psg_id": "8629470" }, { "title": "Holston Mountain", "text": "The digital broadcasting antenna for WCYB, PSIP Channel 5, Bristol, Virginia is on \"Rye Patch Knob\", with the top of the antenna 341 feet (104 m) above ground, 2,431 feet (741 m) above the surrounding valley floor, and 4,533 feet (1381.6 m) above mean sea level. The single tower that antenna sits on, is the highest and tallest man-made structure on the mountain, allowing the Virginia station to transmit from the highest broadcasting point in Tennessee, Virginia and Kentucky. The television towers for WJHL, PSIP Channel 11, Johnson City, Tennessee, and WKPT, PSIP Channel 19, Kingsport, Tennessee, are standing side", "psg_id": "9025915" }, { "title": "South Saddle Mountain", "text": "South Saddle Mountain South Saddle Mountain is the tallest mountain in Washington County, Oregon, United States. Part of the Oregon Coast Range, the peak is located in the Tillamook State Forest in the northwest section of the state of Oregon. It is the eighth-highest peak of the Oregon Coast Range. South Saddle Mountain is one of 17 peaks in Oregon with the name Saddle. South Saddle was originally known as simply Saddle Mountain but in 1983 officially became South Saddle Mountain to avoid confusion with Saddle Mountain to the north in Clatsop County. Origins of the mountain begin in around", "psg_id": "10012985" }, { "title": "History of the world's tallest buildings", "text": "101 in 2008 to become the building with the highest occupied floor. Using the criteria of highest tip (including antennae), the World Trade Center in New York City was the world's tallest building from 1972 to 2000, until the Sears Tower in Chicago (which already had a higher occupied floor than the World Trade Center) had its antenna extended to give that building the world's tallest tip; a title it held until the 2010 completion of Burj Khalifa. Petronas Towers and Taipei 101 were never the world's tallest buildings by the highest–tip criteria. Since 2010, Burj Khalifa has been the", "psg_id": "13570324" }, { "title": "Oregon State University Cascades Campus", "text": "Community College and upper-division classes through OSU-Cascades or Oregon State University. Additionally, OSU-Cascades serves students with small class sizes and one-on-one mentoring. Student enrollment as of the 2017 fall term was 1,204, which the university is working to increase to 5,000 by the year 2025. In August 2012, the Oregon State Board of Higher Education approved OSU's plan to expand the campus into a four-year school. Oregon State University planned to add freshman and sophomore level classes to the Cascades campus as early as 2015, though it was not decided if the current location would be used or if a", "psg_id": "11074555" }, { "title": "Saddle Mountain (Clatsop County, Oregon)", "text": "flows. South Saddle Mountain Saddle Mountain (Clatsop County, Oregon) Saddle Mountain is the tallest mountain in Clatsop County in the U.S. state of Oregon. Part of the Oregon Coast Range, Saddle Mountain is in Saddle Mountain State Natural Area in the northwest corner of Oregon. The peak is listed on Oregon’s Register of Natural Heritage Resources. Saddle Mountain was created around 15 million years ago in the Miocene epoch when lava flows poured down the old Columbia River valley. When the lava encountered the water at the Astoria Sea, great steam explosions and thermal shocks occurred to create a large", "psg_id": "10002119" }, { "title": "Saddle Mountain (Clatsop County, Oregon)", "text": "Saddle Mountain (Clatsop County, Oregon) Saddle Mountain is the tallest mountain in Clatsop County in the U.S. state of Oregon. Part of the Oregon Coast Range, Saddle Mountain is in Saddle Mountain State Natural Area in the northwest corner of Oregon. The peak is listed on Oregon’s Register of Natural Heritage Resources. Saddle Mountain was created around 15 million years ago in the Miocene epoch when lava flows poured down the old Columbia River valley. When the lava encountered the water at the Astoria Sea, great steam explosions and thermal shocks occurred to create a large pile of basalt rocks.", "psg_id": "10002116" }, { "title": "History of the world's tallest buildings", "text": "tallest building by any criteria. It has the highest architectural element, tip and occupied floor, and is indeed the tallest structure of any kind ever built, surpassing the (now destroyed) Warsaw radio mast. Since the completion of the Washington Monument in 1884, the world's tallest building has not usually also been the world's tallest \"structure\". The exceptions are 1930–1954, when the Chrysler Building and then the Empire State building surpassed the Eiffel Tower (to be surpassed in turn by a succession of broadcast masts, starting with the Griffin Television Tower in Oklahoma), and from 2010 with the completion of Burj", "psg_id": "13570325" }, { "title": "Mount Jefferson (Oregon)", "text": "Mount Jefferson (Oregon) Mount Jefferson is a stratovolcano in the Cascade Volcanic Arc, part of the Cascade Range in the U.S. state of Oregon. The second highest mountain in Oregon, it is situated within Linn County, Jefferson County, and Marion County and forms part of the Mount Jefferson Wilderness. Due to the ruggedness of its surroundings, the mountain is one of the hardest volcanoes to reach in the Cascades. It is also a popular tourist destination despite its remoteness, with recreational activities including hiking, backpacking, mountaineering, and photography. Vegetation at Mount Jefferson is dominated by Douglas-fir, silver fir, mountain hemlock,", "psg_id": "2390689" }, { "title": "Ecology of the North Cascades", "text": "North Cascades is composed of high, rugged mountains. It contains the greatest concentration of active alpine glaciers in the conterminous United States and has a variety of climatic zones. A dry continental climate occurs in the east and mild, maritime, rainforest conditions are found in the west. It is underlain by sedimentary and metamorphic rock in contrast to the adjoining Cascades which are composed of volcanics. The North Cascades has a diversity of plant and animal species. It contains more than 1630 vascular plant species. The range has a number of top predators, including bald eagles, wolves, grizzly bears, mountain", "psg_id": "13138948" }, { "title": "Cascades (ecoregion)", "text": "Cascades (ecoregion) The Cascades ecoregion is a Level III ecoregion designated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the U.S. states of Washington, Oregon, and California. Somewhat smaller than the Cascade mountain range for which it is named, the ecoregion extends north to Snoqualmie Pass, near Seattle, and south to Hayden Pass, near the Oregon-California border, including the peaks and western slopes of most of the High Cascades. A discontiguous section is located on Mount Shasta in California. The mountainous region is underlain by Cenozoic volcanic rock that has been affected by alpine glaciations. The eastern part of", "psg_id": "12089332" }, { "title": "Highest unclimbed mountain", "text": "any locale closer than India. The prohibition was further expanded in 2003 when mountaineering of any kind was disallowed entirely within Bhutan. Gangkhar Puensum will likely remain unclimbed so long as the government of Bhutan prohibits it. It is unclear which is the highest unclimbed non-prohibited mountain. While some recognize only peaks with of topographical prominence as individual summits, the International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation uses a as the cutoff for determining individual summits. Based on the International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation's criteria, Muchu Chhish ( with a prominence of ) in Pakistan is currently the world's tallest that has", "psg_id": "4607497" }, { "title": "Big Bald Mountain", "text": "76 runs to the west of the mountain. Big Bald Mountain's summit is located inside the Rich Mountain Wildlife Management Area. With an elevation of , Big Bald Mountain is the tallest mountain in Gilmer County. It is also the 19th tallest mountain in the state of Georgia, if using a 160 feet prominence rule. No trails pass over Big Bald Mountain's summit. However, hikers can climb to the summit by hiking off-trail from Rich Mountain Road, a former logging road running through the Rich Mountains. Big Bald Mountain At , Big Bald Mountain, is the highest peak in Gilmer", "psg_id": "8637018" }, { "title": "History of the world's tallest buildings", "text": "with no iron nails. It had a standing total height of 68 m (223 ft) or 80 m (262 ft), making it the tallest structure in East Asia and the tallest wooden structure in the world at the time of its construction. From the 13th century until 1894, the world's tallest building was always a church or cathedral. Old St Paul's Cathedral with its spire was completed in the 13th century. The central spire of Lincoln Cathedral surpassed Old St Paul's in the early 14th century. The Lincoln Cathedral's spire collapsed in 1549, beginning a long interval where the status", "psg_id": "13570320" }, { "title": "Quartz Mountain, Oregon", "text": "Quartz Mountain, Oregon Quartz Mountain is an unincorporated community in Lake County in the U.S. state of Oregon. It lies in the Fremont–Winema National Forest along Oregon Route 140 between Bly and Lakeview. Quartz Creek, a tributary of Drews Creek, which feeds Goose Lake, flows through the community. Quartz Mountain is also the name of a ridge crossed by Route 140 at this point, about northwest of Lakeview. The mountain, the community, the creek, Quartz Mountain Pass, and Quartz Valley are named after a ledge of quartz in this ridge. Quartz Mountain Pass is the highest point along Route 140.", "psg_id": "19973351" }, { "title": "West Cascades Scenic Byway", "text": "then south along the Breitenbush River to Detroit on the North Santiam. It follows Oregon Route 22 along Detroit Lake to the junction of U.S. Route 20, then east a short distance on U.S. Route 20 to the junction of Oregon Route 126. It follows OR 126 south, then cuts through the mountain south to Oakridge, where it ends at an intersection with Oregon Route 58. The route provides views of old growth fir trees and jagged volcanic peaks. The driving time is approximately 7–9 hours. West Cascades Scenic Byway The West Cascades Scenic Byway is a National Scenic Byway", "psg_id": "4075904" }, { "title": "Cobb Mountain", "text": "Cobb Mountain Cobb Mountain is the tallest mountain in the Mayacamas Mountains of California. Its 4720+ feet, (1439+ m) main summit is located in Lake County, west of the town of Cobb. Like nearby Mount Saint Helena, Cobb Mountain is tall enough to receive winter snowfall. The mountain also has a sub-peak named Cobb Mountain – Southwest Peak with an elevation of about 4483+ feet, (1367+ m); Southwest Peak lies on the Sonoma-Lake county line and is the highest point in Sonoma County. Nearby tall peaks like Mount Saint Helena and Snow Mountain can be seen from this summit. The", "psg_id": "10444451" }, { "title": "History of the world's tallest buildings", "text": "the previous record holders, the Petronas Towers. Burj Khalifa surpassed the height of Taipei 101 by in 2009, making it 60% taller. It has broken several skyscraper records, and it is almost twice as tall as the Empire State Building. Burj Khalifa has also broken the record of the world's tallest structure. Since the early skyscraper boom that took place in North America, the significant number of skyscrapers in North America have dominated the 100 tallest buildings in the world. In 1930, 99 of the 100 tallest buildings in the world were located in North America. In the future, this", "psg_id": "13570328" }, { "title": "Ecology of the North Cascades", "text": "lions and black bears. The range is home to at least 75 species of mammals and 200 species of birds that either pass through or use the North Cascades for a breeding area. There are also 11 species of fish on the west side of the Cascades. Examples of amphibian species occurring in the North Cascades include the western toad (\"Bufo boreas\") and the rough-skinned newt (\"Taricha granulosa\"). The ecology of the area can be understood by following a west-to-east line at the southern end of the North Cascades, at approximately 47.5 degrees north. As the line passes through the", "psg_id": "13138949" }, { "title": "Laurel Mountain (Oregon)", "text": "Laurel Mountain (Oregon) Laurel Mountain is the fourth highest peak in Oregon's Central Coast Range with an elevation of . The peak is located in Polk County west of the city of Dallas. In 1997 it was labeled the wettest place in Oregon, and in 1996 it set an all-time calendar year rainfall record for the contiguous United States with . Laurel Mountain has a hyperhumid maritime climate, on the border between Mediterranean (\"Csb\"), oceanic (\"Cfb\") and subpolar oceanic (\"Cfc\"/\"Csc\"). Rainfall is extremely heavy between October and April, and even in the dry months of July and August fog is", "psg_id": "16840973" }, { "title": "Laurel Mountain (Oregon)", "text": "December 24, 1983 to on July 22 of 2005, though in the thirty-five years of record only fourteen minima below have been recorded. Laurel Mountain (Oregon) Laurel Mountain is the fourth highest peak in Oregon's Central Coast Range with an elevation of . The peak is located in Polk County west of the city of Dallas. In 1997 it was labeled the wettest place in Oregon, and in 1996 it set an all-time calendar year rainfall record for the contiguous United States with . Laurel Mountain has a hyperhumid maritime climate, on the border between Mediterranean (\"Csb\"), oceanic (\"Cfb\") and", "psg_id": "16840975" }, { "title": "I'd Climb the Highest Mountain", "text": "I'd Climb the Highest Mountain The film stars Susan Hayward and William Lundigan with Rory Calhoun, Barbara Bates, Gene Lockhart, Alexander Knox and Lynn Bari. The movie was shot in the Appalachian Mountains of Georgia, an unusual and out-of-the-way location at the time. (By an odd coincidence, star Susan Hayward moved to another part of rural Georgia a few years later, settling down to farm and ranch with her second husband when she was not making films. The couple are buried near the town of Carrollton.) William Thompson (William Lundigan) is a minister from the Deep South who has recently", "psg_id": "9601314" }, { "title": "The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky-Mountain Life", "text": "The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky-Mountain Life The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky-Mountain Life (also published as The California & Oregon Trail) is a book written by Francis Parkman. It was originally serialized in twenty-one installments in \"Knickerbocker's Magazine\" (1847–49) and subsequently published as a book in 1849. The book is a first-person account of a 2-month summer tour in 1846 of the U.S. states of Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, and Kansas. Parkman was 23 at the time. The heart of the book covers the three weeks Parkman spent hunting buffalo with a band of Oglala Sioux.", "psg_id": "6399609" }, { "title": "Ecology of the North Cascades", "text": "confirmed in Okanogan County in 2008, the first such pack in Washington state since the 1930s. Other predator species include mountain lions, black bears, fishers, and wolverines. Over 75 species of mammals occur in the range, including the mountain goat that lives in the high alpine tundra. Bird species include the bald eagle, osprey, and harlequin duck. Examples of amphibians occurring in the North Cascades include the western toad, \"Bufo boreas\", and the rough-skinned newt, \"Taricha granulosa\". An unusual feature of the rough-skinned newt populations is that approximately ninety percent of the adult population is perennibranchiate. Ecology of the North", "psg_id": "13138974" }, { "title": "Oregon State University Cascades Campus", "text": "new campus would be built. During the 2013 legislative session, the Oregon Legislative Assembly approved $16 million in construction bonds to finance a new, expanded four-year campus in Bend for OSU-Cascades. A supplement of $8 million in philanthropic funds and campus-supported bonds would create a financing package totaling $24 million. A suitable building site would require 40 to 60 acres. The campus, which opened in 2001 and operated in Cascades Hall at Central Oregon Community College, began offering four-year degrees by Fall 2015. The campus is currently seated on of land, with four buildings on it (one of which is", "psg_id": "11074556" }, { "title": "History of the world's tallest buildings", "text": "was destroyed by a 1953 tornado and rebuilt. If the original spire was as tall as is claimed, then the Mole Antonelliana was the world's tallest building from 1889 to 1908, surpassing Philadelphia City Hall by . The buildings that were the tallest secular skyscrapers, which excludes religious buildings, were: The list of tallest buildings is based on the default metric of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH), that of measuring to the highest architectural element. Other criteria would generate a different list. Shanghai World Financial Center is not on the above list, but it surpassed Taipei", "psg_id": "13570323" }, { "title": "Climate of Oregon", "text": "1950. In the Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon, snowfall totals can also be large, between . On the other hand, most winter precipitation in the Coast Range falls as rain, though heavy snow sometimes occurs. In most mountain areas in Oregon, the ground above is covered with snow from December through April. Snow depths, which vary with elevation and time of year, average an estimated in the Cascades and in the Blue Mountains at the end of January; by the end of April, they diminish to in the Cascades and in the Blues. Glaciers remain year-round on some Cascade peaks", "psg_id": "13131206" }, { "title": "Hole in the Mountain Peak", "text": "dangerous. Instead, make your way up to Hole in the Mountain Peak, located a short distance to the north and an easier climb, and then make the approach to the window from the west side of the mountain. Hole in the Mountain Peak Hole in the Mountain Peak is the highest mountain in the East Humboldt Range of mountains in Elko County, Nevada, United States. It is the thirty-fifth highest mountain in the state, and also ranks as the eleventh-most topographically prominent peak in the state. It is located within the East Humboldt Wilderness of the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest and", "psg_id": "6722541" }, { "title": "Cascades (ecoregion)", "text": "has lower temperatures and receives more winter snow than the lowlands and valleys to the west. Soils have a frigid or cryic temperature regimes. Abundant precipitation supports forests dominated by Douglas-fir and western hemlock, with mountain hemlock, noble fir, subalpine fir, grand fir, Pacific silver fir, red alder, and Pacific yew, and an understory of vine maple, rhododendron, Oregon grape, huckleberry, and thimbleberry. Today, the region is heavily managed for logging and recreation, and it is an important water source for lower elevation urban, suburban, and agricultural areas. It is the second largest of the Cascades subregions, covering in Oregon", "psg_id": "12089338" }, { "title": "The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky-Mountain Life", "text": "The book was reviewed favorably by Herman Melville, although he complains that it demeaned American Indians and that its title was misleading (the book covers only the first third of the trail). The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky-Mountain Life The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky-Mountain Life (also published as The California & Oregon Trail) is a book written by Francis Parkman. It was originally serialized in twenty-one installments in \"Knickerbocker's Magazine\" (1847–49) and subsequently published as a book in 1849. The book is a first-person account of a 2-month summer tour in 1846 of the U.S.", "psg_id": "6399610" }, { "title": "Slide Mountain (Ulster County, New York)", "text": "Slide Mountain (Ulster County, New York) Slide Mountain is the highest peak in the Catskill Mountains of the U.S. state of New York. It is located in the town of Shandaken in Ulster County. While the contour line on topographic maps is generally accepted as its height, the exact elevation of the summit has never been officially determined by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, and many informal surveys suggest the mountain may actually top 4,200 feet (1,280 m) above sea level. While it was not identified as the range's highest peak until the late 19th century, it has played", "psg_id": "6190679" }, { "title": "Geology of the Lassen volcanic area", "text": "to rise toward the surface. Volcanoes burst into activity starting 30 million years ago from Washington southward along the Cascades and in the area now occupied by the Sierra Nevada. This activity continued until approximately 11 or 12 million years ago. Lava and ash reached a thickness of up to in some areas, forming what is now known as the western Cascades. These have been eroded until they are now rolling hills. Meanwhile, toward the end of this activity, eruptions of a different kind took place on an unprecedented scale in eastern Oregon and Washington. From innumerable cracks, floods of", "psg_id": "2223982" }, { "title": "Highest unclimbed mountain", "text": "Highest unclimbed mountain An unclimbed mountain is a mountain peak that has yet to be climbed to the top. Determining which unclimbed peak is highest is often a matter of controversy. In some parts of the world, surveying and mapping are still unreliable, and there are no comprehensive records of the routes of explorers, mountaineers and local inhabitants. In some cases, even modern ascents by larger parties have been poorly documented and, with no universally recognized listing, the best that can be achieved in determining the world's highest unclimbed peaks is somewhat speculative. Most sources indicate that Gangkhar Puensum ()", "psg_id": "4607490" }, { "title": "History of the world's tallest buildings", "text": "height of a tall building, each of which may give a different result. \"Height of the highest floor\" is one criterion, and \"height to the top of any part of the building\" is another, but the default criterion used by the CTBUH is \"height of the architectural top of the building\", which includes spires but not antennae, masts or flag poles. Hwangnyongsa, or Hwangnyong Temple (also spelled Hwangryongsa) is the name of a former Buddhist temple in the city of Gyeongju, South Korea. Completed in the 7th century, the enormous 9-story structure was built entirely with wood with interlocking design", "psg_id": "13570319" }, { "title": "I'd Climb the Highest Mountain", "text": "married Mary Elizabeth (Susan Hayward), a woman from the city. William is assigned a new parish and moves with his wife to a town in Georgia's Blue Ridge Mountains, where he tends to the spiritual and emotional needs of his small flock. The poverty and isolation of the region, and the everyday problems of local people, put a strain on the couple's faith and marriage. I'd Climb the Highest Mountain The film stars Susan Hayward and William Lundigan with Rory Calhoun, Barbara Bates, Gene Lockhart, Alexander Knox and Lynn Bari. The movie was shot in the Appalachian Mountains of Georgia,", "psg_id": "9601315" }, { "title": "Raining in the Mountain", "text": "not Chinese ones. Raining in the Mountain Raining in the Mountain () is a 1979 Hong Kong-Taiwan drama film written and directed by King Hu. The film was selected as the Hong Kong entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 52nd Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee. The story of a secluded Ming Dynasty monastery which rests on a mountain. A corrupt general and an ambitious esquire arrive there and quickly employ martial artists to help steal a sacred handwritten scroll of Tripitaka hidden in the monastery's library. Meanwhile, the abbot of the monastery looks", "psg_id": "9948456" }, { "title": "Raining in the Mountain", "text": "Raining in the Mountain Raining in the Mountain () is a 1979 Hong Kong-Taiwan drama film written and directed by King Hu. The film was selected as the Hong Kong entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 52nd Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee. The story of a secluded Ming Dynasty monastery which rests on a mountain. A corrupt general and an ambitious esquire arrive there and quickly employ martial artists to help steal a sacred handwritten scroll of Tripitaka hidden in the monastery's library. Meanwhile, the abbot of the monastery looks for a successor,", "psg_id": "9948454" }, { "title": "Alkali Falls", "text": "is a tributary of the Rogue River just south of Alkali Creek. The Alkali Falls trailhead is USFS No 1055 that spins off Forest Road 6540-900 from Oregon Route 230. Alkali Falls Alkali Falls, is a multi-step waterfall of 6 tiers located in the east side of the Rogue–Umpqua Divide Wilderness, just west of Mount Bailey and Diamond Lake, on Oregon Route 230 in douglas County, in the U.S. state of Oregon. It totals 510 feet fall in six drops, the Upper Alkali and tallest drop is 130 feet, making it one of the tallest cascades in Oregon. The waters", "psg_id": "20116482" }, { "title": "Mount Jefferson (Oregon)", "text": "and upper Puzzle Creek. There are several hundred other basaltic volcanoes within the central Oregon High Cascades, extending up to away. Mount Jefferson overlies an silicic volcanic field from the early Pleistocene. Mount Jefferson is a stratovolcano, made up of basaltic andesite, andesite, and dacite overlying basaltic shield volcanoes, with andesite and more silicic (rich in silica) rock forming the majority of the mountain. Rhyolite from the Quaternary can also be found at Jefferson, though it is not commonly found within the major volcanic centers of the Oregon Cascades. The volcano constitutes a small stratovolcano within the Cascades, with a", "psg_id": "2390708" }, { "title": "Northwest Oregon", "text": "and east by the Columbia River which separates it from the state of Washington, on the west by the Pacific Ocean, and on the south by the rest of Oregon. Saddle Mountain, at an elevation of 3,288 feet, is the highest mountain in the region. It is part of the Oregon Coast Range, which takes up most of the interior of the region. Generally, the following three counties are considered to be part of Northwest Oregon. Sometimes, parts of Washington County are included as well. The total population of the region is 113,084. Politically, Northwest Oregon is divided. Clatsop County", "psg_id": "19965246" }, { "title": "Cascades (ecoregion)", "text": "shinleaf. At the highest elevations, open meadows support Shasta buckwheat, Newberry knotweed, and Brewer's sedge. The region tends to be drier than the Cascade Crest Montane Forest, with a longer summer drought and more intermittent streams. The region covers in Southern Oregon and includes the lower elevations of Crater Lake National Park. The Southern Cascades ecoregion is lower in elevation and less rugged than the surrounding regions and is characterized by gently sloping mountains and broad valleys. Elevation varies from . The climate is drier than other parts of the Cascades, and the vegetation reflects the long summer drought. River", "psg_id": "12089343" }, { "title": "The Oregon Trail 4th Edition", "text": "ability to use full-motion video or 3D graphics to explore the location. \"Eugene Register-Guard\" wrote \"this respected program adds detail, richness, and flexibility...This program gets a high rating for its range of activities and its attention to history, geography, math, and many other skills\". Games4Girls said \"I definitely agree with the age range. Anyone younger would have trouble with the game. \" A Videogame Canon described the game as \" immensely popular\". The Oregon Trail 4th Edition The game mechanics of this game are similar to that of the other \"The Oregon Trail\" games. It requires careful resource management in", "psg_id": "18592551" }, { "title": "Linn County, Oregon", "text": "common amphibian occurring in the oak woodlands of the county. Carpenter Mountain, one of the highest points in the western Cascades is located in Linn County, although road access to the peak is only possible through Lane County. Linn County, Oregon Linn County is a county located in the U.S. state of Oregon. As of the 2010 census, the population was 116,672. The county seat is Albany. The county is named in honor of Lewis F. Linn, a U.S. Senator from Missouri who advocated the American settlement of the Oregon Country. Linn County comprises the Albany, OR Metropolitan Statistical Area,", "psg_id": "916533" }, { "title": "Ecology of the North Cascades", "text": "elevations of the Cascades year round left only to go to patchy and scattered alpine vegetation. The majority of species will move to lower elevations at some time throughout their life history. Adaptations such as torpor in hummingbirds, the ability of mountain goats and coyotes to camouflage in the landscape, animals developing extra fat deposits, and the raptor's ability to move efficiently in the strong winds illustrate just some of the ways species have been ability to cope with alpine conditions. The white-tailed ptarmigan has an adaption of changing its plumage from white in the winter to brown in the", "psg_id": "13138967" }, { "title": "Climate of Oregon", "text": "Gorge into the Willamette Valley and lowers temperatures more than usual from Portland to Eugene. Oregon has a wide range of temperatures, though the extremes are rare. The highest was recorded on July 29, 1898, in Hermiston, Oregon, and again on August 10, 1898, in Redmond, Oregon, both east of the Cascades, when the temperature reached . The lowest occurred on February 9, 1933, in Ukiah, and again on February 10, 1933, in Seneca, also both east of the Cascades, when the temperature dropped to . The temperature in the Willamette Valley is mild compared to the desert regions of", "psg_id": "13131209" }, { "title": "The Oregon Trail 4th Edition", "text": "The Oregon Trail 4th Edition The game mechanics of this game are similar to that of the other \"The Oregon Trail\" games. It requires careful resource management in order to successfully travel across America toward the Western frontier. They must overcome many obstacles and make many tough decisions which may result in loss for the greater good of the journey. The game begins in Independence, Missouri in 1848 where the player selects two people to form a wagon party. The game ends if both of these partners abandon the player. When a town or landmark is reached, players have the", "psg_id": "18592550" }, { "title": "Highest unclimbed mountain", "text": "Siple Island off the coast of Antarctica, have no record of successful ascents, but the unclimbed status of each of these peaks is difficult to confirm. The following peaks, with a minimum prominence of , were thought to be unclimbed as of August 2018. Highest unclimbed mountain An unclimbed mountain is a mountain peak that has yet to be climbed to the top. Determining which unclimbed peak is highest is often a matter of controversy. In some parts of the world, surveying and mapping are still unreliable, and there are no comprehensive records of the routes of explorers, mountaineers and", "psg_id": "4607499" }, { "title": "The Tallest Tree in Our Forest", "text": "The Tallest Tree in Our Forest The Tallest Tree in our Forest is a 1977 documentary film directed and written by Gil Noble, about singer, actor and activist, Paul Robeson. It was shot on 16mm film and was started shortly before Robeson's death at age 77 in 1976. The film features rare archival footage, interviews, and still photography from the twentieth century. The title is taken from a 1940s statement made by Mary McLeod Bethune describing Paul Robeson. The film was originally available in a three-part format for use on public-access television channels and in classrooms for ages fourteen and", "psg_id": "13030604" }, { "title": "The Tallest Tree in Our Forest", "text": "above. The Tallest Tree in Our Forest The Tallest Tree in our Forest is a 1977 documentary film directed and written by Gil Noble, about singer, actor and activist, Paul Robeson. It was shot on 16mm film and was started shortly before Robeson's death at age 77 in 1976. The film features rare archival footage, interviews, and still photography from the twentieth century. The title is taken from a 1940s statement made by Mary McLeod Bethune describing Paul Robeson. The film was originally available in a three-part format for use on public-access television channels and in classrooms for ages fourteen", "psg_id": "13030605" }, { "title": "The Feast in the House of Levi", "text": "tell, when occasion is granted me to speak.<br> Q. What is the picture to which you have been referring?<br> A. It is the picture which represents the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with His disciples in the house of Simon.<br> Q. Where is this picture?<br> A. In the refectory of the monks of San Giovanni e Paolo.<br> Q. Is it painted in fresco or on wood or on canvas?<br> A. It is on canvas.<br> Q. How many feet does it measure in height?<br> A. It may measure seventeen feet.<br> Q. And in breadth?<br> A. About thirty-nine.<br> Q. How many have", "psg_id": "10961251" }, { "title": "Hole in the Mountain Peak", "text": "Hole in the Mountain Peak Hole in the Mountain Peak is the highest mountain in the East Humboldt Range of mountains in Elko County, Nevada, United States. It is the thirty-fifth highest mountain in the state, and also ranks as the eleventh-most topographically prominent peak in the state. It is located within the East Humboldt Wilderness of the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest and is high. The peak is east of Elko and southwest of Wells, making it a rather prominent feature of the drive along Interstate 80 in Elko County. The U.S. Board on Geographic Names lists two variant names, Mount", "psg_id": "6722537" }, { "title": "Alkali Falls", "text": "Alkali Falls Alkali Falls, is a multi-step waterfall of 6 tiers located in the east side of the Rogue–Umpqua Divide Wilderness, just west of Mount Bailey and Diamond Lake, on Oregon Route 230 in douglas County, in the U.S. state of Oregon. It totals 510 feet fall in six drops, the Upper Alkali and tallest drop is 130 feet, making it one of the tallest cascades in Oregon. The waters of Alkali Falls are located in the heart of Alkali Meadows. The waterfall is upstream of Alkali Creek, a narrow width creek that drains into Muir Creek, which in turn", "psg_id": "20116481" }, { "title": "Eastern Cascades Slopes and Foothills (ecoregion)", "text": "drought, with intermittent, low to medium gradient streams and spring-fed creeks and marshes. Freezing temperatures are possible any time of year. Ponderosa pine forests are common on slopes, with white fir at higher elevations. Colder depressions and flats, where pumice deposits are thickest, are dominated by lodgepole pine, with an understory of antelope bitterbrush and Idaho fescue. Riparian areas support mountain alder, stream dogwood, willows, and quaking aspen. The Pumice Plateau is the largest of the Eastern Cascades subregions, covering in Oregon between Bend and Klamath Falls. It contains extensive areas within the Deschutes and Fremont-Winema National Forests (including the", "psg_id": "12089352" }, { "title": "Cascades (company)", "text": "in 2012 into the Benelux without any co-worker who works on it(Norampac Luxembourg Sarl was closed in September 2008 by incorporation into Cascades Luxembourg Sarl (new capital February 2012: USD 64 933 600,00) and beginning of February 2012, Cascades Canada Inc Luxemburg Branch changed her name to Cascades Canada ULC Luxembourg Branch. In summer 2017, Cascades opened a brand new mill in Scappoose, Oregon. The Cascades Tissue Group Oregon converting plant will employ 80 full-time workers in the production of its paper products. An appreciating Canadian dollar, an increase in energy prices and the cost of fibre, fierce competition: the", "psg_id": "3539854" }, { "title": "Vanity height", "text": "Vanity height Vanity height is defined by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) as the height difference between a skyscraper's pinnacle and the highest usable floor (usually observatory, office, restaurant, retail or hotel/residential). Because the CTBUH ranks the world's tallest buildings by height to pinnacle, a number of buildings appear higher in the rankings than they otherwise would due to extremely long spires. The controversy began when the Petronas Towers were named as the world's tallest buildings in 1998, despite having a roof 63.4 m (208 ft) lower than that of the Willis Tower. The current world's", "psg_id": "18889773" }, { "title": "Cascades (ecoregion)", "text": "and stream discharge are also significantly lower than in systems to the north. Western hemlock and western red cedar, which are indicator species in the Western Cascades ecoregions, decline southward in the Southern Cascades, and are replaced by Sierra Nevada species such as California incense-cedar, white fir, Shasta red fir, and sugar pine, with an understory of snowberry, twinflower, Oregon grape, serviceberry, golden chinkapin, and oceanspray. At lower elevations, Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine are prevalent. The region covers in Southern Oregon, in the South Umpqua and Rogue River watersheds, separated from the Western Cascades by the Calapooya Divide. Cascades (ecoregion)", "psg_id": "12089344" }, { "title": "Redwoods of the Otway Ranges", "text": "Otways Ranges from Forrest to Apollo Bay in 1856. The tallest reliably measured tree in Victoria was a mountain ash near Thorpdale which in 1881 was measured by a government surveyor, George Cornthwaite, and his brother Bill, a farmer, at 114.3 metres (375 feet) after it was cut down to make fence palings. Modern Lidar imagery of the forests is being used to find remaining stands of tall trees. The tallest regrowth mountain ash in Victoria is currently named Artemis which can be found near Beenak at 302 feet (92.1 m) while the Ada Tree at 72 metres (236 feet)", "psg_id": "20857209" }, { "title": "History of the world's tallest buildings", "text": "a \"building\" as \"(A) structure that is designed for residential, business or manufacturing purposes\" and \"has floors\". Tall churches and cathedrals occupy a middle ground: their lower areas are regularly occupied, but much of their height is in bell towers and spires which are not. Whether a church or cathedral is a \"building\" or merely a \"structure\" for the purposes of determining the title of \"world's tallest building\" is a subjective matter of definition (this article treats churches and cathedrals as buildings). The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat based in Chicago uses three different criteria for determining the", "psg_id": "13570318" }, { "title": "Height in sports", "text": "game's increasingly physical style has put a premium on imposing players, particularly over tall and over (Mario Lemieux, Eric Lindros, Chris Pronger). Taller, bigger players have a longer reach, are more able to give out and sustain body checks, and have greater leverage on their shooting such as a slap shot (examples include Tyler Myers at , and Eric Staal, Rick Nash, Ryan Getzlaf, and Joe Thornton, all at . The average height of an NHLer is just over tall. Zdeno Chára, at , is the tallest player ever to play in the NHL. In recent years, the height of", "psg_id": "16885017" }, { "title": "Height of the Rockies Provincial Park", "text": "Rocky Mountain Management Plan, aimed at coordinating ecosystem preservation and providing wildlife corridors, in particular for grizzly bears. Also to provide more comprehensive protection of the environment and wildlife habitat, British Columbia has considered asking the United Nations to add Height of the Rockies and 5 other provincial parks to the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks World Heritage Site. The passes through what is now the park were used by the Kootenai Indians and by mid-19th-century European explorers. Two archaeological sites over 8,000 years old have been identified on the Middle Fork of the White River. A national park was proposed", "psg_id": "7287171" }, { "title": "Goode Mountain", "text": "Goode Mountain Goode Mountain is one of the major peaks of the North Cascades in the U.S. state of Washington. Named for topographer Richard U. Goode of the USGS, it is the highest peak located in North Cascades National Park, between the Skagit River and Lake Chelan. It is the fourth-highest non-volcanic peak in Washington, and the twelfth-highest summit overall. Goode Mountain is a massive mountain, rising over from its footings, and almost from the bottom of Bridge creek valley. The mountain is made up of one main peak, and two smaller sub-peaks, The West Tower, and southeast peak. Both", "psg_id": "7852486" }, { "title": "Heights of presidents and presidential candidates of the United States", "text": "information for Lincoln: Mr. Lincoln's height was six feet three and three-quarter inches \"in his stocking-feet.\" He stood up one day, at the right of my large canvas, while I marked his exact height upon it. A disputed theory holds that Lincoln's height is the result of the genetic condition multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2b (MEN2B); see medical and mental health of Abraham Lincoln. Only slightly shorter than Lincoln was Lyndon B. Johnson (), the tallest President who originally entered office without being elected directly, and President Donald Trump (). The shortest President elected to office was James Madison ();", "psg_id": "3316229" }, { "title": "Cascades in financial networks", "text": "the equity value becomes Using matrix algebra, the expression above is equivalent to where formula_18 is a vector whose element formula_19. The market value including failure costs is given then by The element formula_12 represents the fraction of failure costs of formula_22 that \"i\" incurs if \"j\" fails. Cascades in financial networks Cascades in financial networks are situations in which the failure of one financial institution causes a cascading failure in another member of the financial network. In an extreme this can cause failure of the whole network in what is known as systemic failure. It can be defined as", "psg_id": "17321928" }, { "title": "Yocum Falls (Clackamas County, Oregon)", "text": "cascades. The upper tier and its lower drop, that spreads 25-35 feet over a ledge along Camp Creek are accessible, whereas the middle section is crowded by matured timber and difficult to access. The surrounding hills of Tom Dick and Harry Mountain are of Pleistocene or Pliocene origin with andesite originating from moderately porphyritic pyroxene lava flows. Further towards Mirror Lake the andesite is basaltic from lava flows of the north side of the Tom Dick and Harry Mountain. Hiking to Yocum Falls starts at the historic Laurel Hill monument on the Barlow Road of the Oregon Trail. The trail", "psg_id": "20179650" }, { "title": "History of the world's tallest buildings", "text": "Khalifa. In this chart, time progresses from right to left. Note the early buildings that lost the title as their spires collapsed. After the construction of the Home Insurance Building in Chicago in the 19th century, the incrementation in the height of skyscrapers began with the construction of the Chrysler Building, followed by the Empire State Building, in New York City. The Chrysler Building was the first building in the world to break the barrier, and the Empire State Building was the first building to have more than 100 floors. It stands at and has 102 floors. The next tallest", "psg_id": "13570326" }, { "title": "Ecology of the North Cascades", "text": "Cascade range, it passes through a number of ecoregions, first getting higher and colder, then getting warmer, yet drier. Each of these component ecoregions can be described by either a tree indicator species, or by a lack of trees: western hemlock, Pacific silver fir, subalpine mountain hemlock, alpine, subalpine fir, and grand fir/Douglas fir. The Western Hemlock Ecoregion huddles in the lower west-side elevations of the North Cascades. Western hemlock is found from sea level up to in elevation. In the Alpine Lakes Wilderness this ecoregion can be found in the lower elevations around The average annual temperature is and", "psg_id": "13138950" }, { "title": "Rich Mountain (Georgia)", "text": "consists of second-growth hardwood forests. The mountain is located about southwest of Cherry Log and northeast of Ellijay. Big Bald Mountain, the highest point in Gilmer County, is located about northeast of Rich Mountain. U.S. Route 76 runs to the west of the mountain. Rich Mountain's summit is located inside the Rich Mountain Wilderness, as well as the Rich Mountain Wildlife Management Area. With an elevation of , Rich Mountain is the second tallest mountain in Gilmer County and the highest point of the Rich Mountain Wilderness. It is also the 21st tallest mountain in the state of Georgia, if", "psg_id": "8637006" }, { "title": "Kepler Cascades", "text": "Kepler Cascades Kepler Cascades is a waterfall on the Firehole River in southwestern Yellowstone National Park in the United States. The cascades are located approximately 2.6 miles south of Old Faithful. The cascades drop approximately 150 feet over multiple drops. The longest drop is 50 feet. The cascades are located very near to and visible from the Old Faithful to West Thumb road. The Kepler Cascades were described by the Washburn-Langford-Doane Expedition in 1870 but not named until 1881. In his 1871 report to the Secretary of War, Gustavus C. Doane, a member of the expedition described Kepler Cascades as:", "psg_id": "12859446" }, { "title": "The Height of Callousness", "text": "The Height of Callousness The Height of Callousness is the second album by the American industrial metal band Spineshank. It was released on February 10, 2000 by Roadrunner Records. The title is taken from a phrase in \"A Clockwork Orange\". Allmusic gave the album 2.5 stars out of 5 but praised the band's energy, saying that \"The Height of Callousness is a super-charged silver bullet of 11 aggressive tracks that will get your blood flowing as if you're engaged in a stock car race gone haywire.\" \"CMJ\" described the album as: \"Machine-charged cybercore with computerized samples aligning the band with", "psg_id": "7614931" }, { "title": "Mountain rescue in the United States", "text": "by a separate group of elected volunteers. These include the Alaska Region, the Appalachian Region, the California Region, the Desert Mountain Region, the Inter Mountain Region, the Oregon Region, the Rocky Mountain Region, and the Washington Region. The Mountain Rescue Association is mostly made up of unpaid professional volunteers who have been accredited by the Mountain Rescue Association in Mountain Search and Rescue operations. The remainder of MRA teams are “Ex-officio” units, which are paid professionals in governmental service, and “Associate” units which are other mountain SAR related teams or groups. The Mountain Rescue Association aims to improving the quality,", "psg_id": "13765103" }, { "title": "Hills in the Puget Lowland", "text": "counties) Whidbey Island and Camano Island are islands in Puget Sound and form the bulk of Island County. The Blue Hills of the Kitsap Peninsula are unusual in that they are composed of basalt bedrock, not glacial till. Bainbridge Island is an island in Puget Sound. Landforms in South Puget Sound (Thurston and Mason counties) The Issaquah Alps Bellevue, Issaquah and Newcastle on the Eastside are considered part of the Cascades foothills by many authors. They are basalt intrusions possibly related to the Blue Hills of the Kitsap Peninsula. Highest point Tiger Mountain summit, . The Anacortes Community Forest Lands", "psg_id": "20162327" }, { "title": "Ecology of the North Cascades", "text": "it gets between in precipitation per year. This ecoregion is evidenced by the dense stands of western hemlock, Douglas fir, western red cedar and red alder. The understory is primarily composed of salal, hazel, salmonberry, devil's club and Oregon grape. The western hemlock (\"Tsuga heterophylla\") is an extremely shade tolerant tree and it is common to find its seedlings and saplings in the understories of the forest floors. It prefers moist temperate conditions. As conditions get drier and colder they don’t fare as well. Western hemlocks can reach over in height with a diameter of . They can be identified", "psg_id": "13138951" }, { "title": "The Mountain Institute", "text": "The Mountain Institute The Mountain Institute (TMI) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the world's mountains by conserving mountain ecosystems and empowering the people in mountain communities. The Mountain Institute is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and operates regional field offices in the Andes, Appalachians, and Himalayas. Respectively, these are the longest, the oldest, and the tallest mountain ranges in the world. The Mountain Institute was founded in 1972 as the Woodlands & Whitewater Institute in Cherry Grove, West Virginia by Daniel C. Taylor and King Seegar. The organization's goal was to facilitate children sharing activities with their parents,", "psg_id": "9463977" } ]
[ "mounthood", "hood, mount", "wy'east", "mt. hood", "mt. hood, or", "mount hood", "eliot glacier", "mt hood", "wyeast" ]
what product is advertised with the slogan "when my wife bought me a what, i was so impressed i bought the company"?
[ { "title": "What Do I Do with Me", "text": "covered by Reba McEntire for her 1994 album, \"Read My Mind.\" As listed in liner notes. What Do I Do with Me What Do I Do with Me is a 1991 album by American country music singer Tanya Tucker. It was her highest-placing on the Billboard charts reaching #6 in the Country albums and #48 on the Pop albums categories. The album produced four Top Ten hits on the Hot Country Songs charts: \"(Without You) What Do I Do with Me\" and \"Down to My Last Teardrop\" both at number two, \"Some Kind of Trouble\" at number three, and \"If", "psg_id": "6695713" }, { "title": "What Do I Do with Me", "text": "What Do I Do with Me What Do I Do with Me is a 1991 album by American country music singer Tanya Tucker. It was her highest-placing on the Billboard charts reaching #6 in the Country albums and #48 on the Pop albums categories. The album produced four Top Ten hits on the Hot Country Songs charts: \"(Without You) What Do I Do with Me\" and \"Down to My Last Teardrop\" both at number two, \"Some Kind of Trouble\" at number three, and \"If Your Heart Ain't Busy Tonight\" at number four. The track \"Everything That You Want\" was later", "psg_id": "6695712" }, { "title": "I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle", "text": "air. The inspector scares it with his smell. The bike manages to trap Noddy against a wall, but is stopped when Noddy turns on a sun bed. Everyone uses their crucifix and/or garlic breath to force it into the light and it melts. Kim asks how much Noddy really spent on the bike and the priest says they are usually reliable. Back in Noddy's workshop, he accidentally cuts his hand and the blood drips onto the bike's old fuel tank which springs open, leaving the audience begging for a sequel. I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle", "psg_id": "11178867" }, { "title": "What Is the What", "text": "writes: \"Over the course of many years, Dave and I have collaborated to tell my story... I told [him] what I knew and what I could remember, and from that material he created this work of art.\" The book is typical of Eggers' style: blending non-fictional and fictional elements into a non-fiction novel or memoir. By classifying the book a novel, Eggers says, he freed himself to re-create conversations, streamline complex relationships, add relevant detail and manipulate time and space in helpful ways—all while maintaining the essential truthfulness of the storytelling. However, not all critics were impressed. Lee Siegel sees", "psg_id": "9406942" }, { "title": "I Love My Wife (film)", "text": "liked it a lot.” Gould said, “It’s the only feature that I’ve done for Universal. And when Universal bought back all the rights to it, they came to me. It was post- \"Glimpse of Tiger\" and I had no money, and they wanted to buy my percentage of the film back. And they offered, for all I know it was either $1,500, $7,500, or $15,000. And I said, ‘I can’t even buy a new car with that!’ So I was the only one outside Universal that retained a right. I made more money than they offered me.” Angel Tompkins received", "psg_id": "14333092" }, { "title": "I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle", "text": "I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle is a 1990 low-budget comedy horror about a motorcycle possessed by an evil spirit. Set in a Birmingham, England suburb, the film is about a man named Noddy and his girlfriend Kim who operate a motorcycle courier business. One day Noddy buys a classic motorbike, an 850cc Norton Commando, and restores it. That motorbike, however, is possessed by the evil spirit of a man who was being summoned by an occultist who was killed by a motorbike gang. Whenever the spirit is overcome by a seeming blood lust, the bike", "psg_id": "11178857" }, { "title": "Give Me What I Want", "text": "Give Me What I Want \"Give Me What I Want\" is the second single by Kids in Glass Houses to be taken from the band's debut album \"Smart Casual\". It was released on 19 May 2008. The song was nominated for the Kerrang! Award for Best Single. The track was originally released as \"Me Me Me\" in June 2007. It has since been re-recorded and renamed \"Give Me What I Want\" for the album \"Smart Casual\". The band have suggested through their blog that they are not entirely happy with this decision, made to prevent \"Me Me Me\" from being", "psg_id": "11910339" }, { "title": "Give Me What I Want", "text": "Single Ltd. 7\" Vinyl Picture Disc iTunes Exclusive Download Give Me What I Want \"Give Me What I Want\" is the second single by Kids in Glass Houses to be taken from the band's debut album \"Smart Casual\". It was released on 19 May 2008. The song was nominated for the Kerrang! Award for Best Single. The track was originally released as \"Me Me Me\" in June 2007. It has since been re-recorded and renamed \"Give Me What I Want\" for the album \"Smart Casual\". The band have suggested through their blog that they are not entirely happy with this", "psg_id": "11910341" }, { "title": "What I Mean to Say Is Goodbye", "text": "on my feet. I'd say, 'Jackie, go on.' Jackie would look up at me and his purr would get a little louder, but he would not leave.\" The title of the album was taken from a song of the same name, \"What I Mean To Say Is Goodbye\", which was later cut during the sequencing process and remains unreleased. Design and layout for \"What I Mean To Say Is Goodbye\" was created by Grammy-award winning designer, Peter Buchanan-Smith, and features original artwork, liner notes, and a short story by Tom Brosseau. What I Mean to Say Is Goodbye What I", "psg_id": "9287271" }, { "title": "What I Miss Most", "text": "and the streets and everything.\" Scott calls \"What I Miss Most\" his nostalgia song. In an interview with \"Billboard\", Scott said \"It's a complete tribute to my hometown. The crest for my city is three golden crowns on top of each other, so when I say, “Under three crowns when I'm far away” I'm trying to basically say I'm proud of Hull, where I'm from.\" On Twitter, Scott supported the statement saying \"[What I miss Most is]..a song about missing my hometown of Hull, but I wrote it in a way that it could be about missing anyone or anything!\"", "psg_id": "20726895" }, { "title": "What Was I Thinkin'", "text": "The video opens the night of the date when Bentley takes Becky back home. She asks if he would want to do it again, and though he is unsure, he reluctantly agrees. Throughout he is seen performing with his band. \"What Was I Thinkin'\" reached its peak position of number one on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Songs charts dated for the week ending September 27, 2003. The song succeeded Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffett's duet \"It's Five O'Clock Somewhere\" at this peak. What Was I Thinkin' \"What Was I Thinkin'\" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music", "psg_id": "10526312" }, { "title": "I Wish I Was a Punk Rocker (With Flowers in My Hair)", "text": "I Wish I Was a Punk Rocker (With Flowers in My Hair) \"I Wish I Was a Punk Rocker (With Flowers in My Hair)\" is the début single by Scottish singer-songwriter Sandi Thom. The song was written by Thom and Tom Gilbert. Thom has said on her website that she wrote the song after being robbed of her mobile phone and other belongings one evening, leaving her completely lost and without any way of contacting her family, friends, or the bank. She says, \"I wondered if that had happened to me back in the days of the hippies what would", "psg_id": "7967255" }, { "title": "What I Was", "text": "What I Was What I Was is Meg Rosoff's third novel for young adults. The book was published in 2007, and was shortlisted for both the Costa Children's Book Award and the Carnegie Medal. \"What I Was\" tells the story of a secret friendship between two teenagers, one an unhappy public schoolboy and the other living an independent and isolated life on the beach near the school. It is set on the East Anglian coast in 1962. The book is framed as the reminiscence of an old man recalling the year he discovered love. It is written as a first-person", "psg_id": "10840910" }, { "title": "Remington Products", "text": "210, Ceramic Slim 230, Pro ceramic Extra, Protect Sleek and Smooth Remington Products' product line include Lady Remingtons, electric shavers for women. The president of Remington shavers in 1978: \"When my wife bought me a Remington shaver, I was so impressed I bought the company\". Victor Kiam would often appear in television advertisements for Remington shavers and say: \"Shaves as close as a blade, or your money back!\" Remington Products Remington Products, commonly known as simply Remington, is a worldwide personal care corporation which manufactures razors (shavers), epilators, and haircare products for both men and women. It is a subsidiary", "psg_id": "9434911" }, { "title": "Laugh? I Nearly Bought One!", "text": "playing a concert in Glasgow, Scotland. Contrary to popular belief, the priest in the picture was not Pope Pius XII, but German Nazi abbot Alban Schachleiter. Ned Raggett of AllMusic wrote, \"not the best compilation that could have been assembled [...] \"Laugh?\" is still a reasonable overview of the first decade of Killing Joke and its checkered but still important history\". \"Trouser Press\" called the album \"commendable\", but \"a few obscure tracks take the place of more essential choices\". Laugh? I Nearly Bought One! Laugh? I Nearly Bought One! is a compilation album by English rock band Killing Joke, released", "psg_id": "10357833" }, { "title": "What to Do When You Are Dead", "text": "Aberback of noted that the album placed the band on the \"indie-rock map and continues to resonate heavily with fans 10 years later\". Jorgensen later called the album a \"diary entry. Without that, I think a lot of people when [their] lives go on they forget what they went through at a certain point in time so for me that’s the biggest markers for me to remember where I was at the point in my life.\" Personnel per booklet. Armor for Sleep Production Citations Sources What to Do When You Are Dead What to Do When You Are Dead", "psg_id": "4480224" }, { "title": "What Was I Thinkin'", "text": "What Was I Thinkin' \"What Was I Thinkin'\" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Dierks Bentley. It was released in April 2003 as his debut single and the first from his 2003 self-titled debut album. The song also became his first number one hit on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Songs chart in September 2003. Bentley co-wrote \"What Was I Thinkin'\" with his record producer, Brett Beavers, and Deric Ruttan. The song is an up-tempo in which he recalls escaping one night with a \"beauty from south Alabama,\" named Becky while the narrator spends the", "psg_id": "10526307" }, { "title": "Laugh? I Nearly Bought One!", "text": "Laugh? I Nearly Bought One! Laugh? I Nearly Bought One! is a compilation album by English rock band Killing Joke, released in 1992 by record label Caroline. The album contained tracks from every album Killing Joke had released to that point except \"Fire Dances\" and \"Outside the Gate\". It also featured a previously unreleased mix of \"Wintergardens\" and several non-album tracks. The album's cover image of a priest blessing Nazi soldiers was previously used by the band for a concert poster in the early 1980s. Because of its theme, it caused quite a stir and the band were banned from", "psg_id": "10357832" }, { "title": "What Separates Me from You", "text": "this record that we're saving.\" There is a track on the album that was previously written for \"Homesick\". When asked about how he comes up with song titles, McKinnon said: \"I've got my iPhone, and I go on my notes and every time I see something I like I write it down, so a lot of the time titles are something that mean something to us only, or to someone I know only.\" He called \"What Separates Me from You\" \"the slowest for stuff like that\", when referring to song titles. Westfall said that the album's title and the songs'", "psg_id": "14931804" }, { "title": "Now That's What I Call Music!", "text": "hang behind Draper's desk at the Virgin Records office. Branson wrote \"He was notoriously grumpy before breakfast and loved his eggs in the morning, so I bought him the poster, framed it and had it hung behind his desk.\". The pig became the mascot for the series', making its last appearance on \"Now That's What I Call Music 5\". It has recently made a reappearance on the cover of \"Now That's What I Call Music! 100\", which was released on 20 July 2018. The first \"Now\" was released on 28 November 1983 and featured 30 UK hit singles from that", "psg_id": "3387180" }, { "title": "What I Miss Most", "text": "What I Miss Most \"What I Miss Most\" is a song recorded by British singer-songwriter Calum Scott. It was released in May 2018 as the fourth single from Scott's debut studio album, \"Only Human\". The track was inspired by Scott's time spent away from his family and friends. Scott said \"I wrote [\"What I Miss Most\"] in Sweden and is an upbeat song with an optimistic view of my journey so far. It's about how I've gone from a normal Yorkshireman to being thrown into this incredible career but missing home and missing people back home and missing the town", "psg_id": "20726894" }, { "title": "What I Was", "text": "the austere self-sufficiency of the period, which appeals to Hilary. The sinking of England's eastern coastline is also often mentioned. The sunken city and Roman fort are the focus of a sailing expedition in the earlier part of the book. Later in the same year, Finn's shack becomes flooded. In the closing chapter, set in the mid-21st century, the old man's boat passes over the school, now completely consumed by the rising sea. What I Was What I Was is Meg Rosoff's third novel for young adults. The book was published in 2007, and was shortlisted for both the Costa", "psg_id": "10840914" }, { "title": "Someday My Day Will Come", "text": "Jones' personal life, as he had done with his duets with ex-wife Tammy Wynette and later songs like \"If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me (Her Memory Will)\" and \"I've Aged Twenty Years in Five.\" For his part, Jones didn't care, admitting in his 1995 autobiography, \"The press had made my personal life so public so frequently for so long that I didn't care what people knew, didn't know, or thought they knew about me. If folks bought my records because they thought I was breaking down, which I happened to be, then so be it.\" Someday My Day Will Come \"Someday", "psg_id": "18946492" }, { "title": "What Is the What", "text": "\"we really hadn’t decided whether I was just helping Valentino write his own book, or if I was writing a book about him.\" Valentino points out that, \"I thought I might want to write my own book, but I learned that I was not ready to do this. I was still taking classes in basic writing at Georgia Perimeter College.\" Dave Eggers discusses the difficulties in writing a book of this nature: \"For a long while there, we continued doing interviews, and I gathered the material. But all along, I really didn’t know exactly what form it would finally take—whether", "psg_id": "9406944" }, { "title": "Symphony No.1: What Happened When I Was Asleep", "text": "Symphony No.1: What Happened When I Was Asleep Symphony No.1: What Happened When I Was Asleep is the fifth solo album by Svoy. It was released on June 23, 2015, on Songs of Universal/Universal Music Group, Inc. The album was in production for over 5 years during which Svoy created 10 new selections, including original cover of The Beatles' classic \"The Long and Winding Road\" and Adam Levy's \"I Shot Her Down\". PopMatters' Brice Ezell described it as \"\"...A brooding and knotty piece of music, one whose serpentine flow evades easy comprehension\"\", EDM Assassin's Nick Pesavento suggested \"\"...You will not", "psg_id": "18879423" }, { "title": "What I Did Right", "text": "daughter. All three examples are connected by a chorus stating \"\"I'll take this one day and figure out what I did right / And I'll do it the same way for the rest of my life.\"\" Deborah Evans Price of \"Billboard\" reviewed the song favorably, saying that \"Like 'I Hope You Dance'…the song will touch a universal chord with everyone who has experienced a moment so perfect they wish they could capture it and live it over again.\" What I Did Right \"What I Did Right\" is a song recorded by American country music group Sons of the Desert. It", "psg_id": "18787754" }, { "title": "What I Know", "text": "about the shock of learning that her character Terry Marek was Rosie Larsen's killer: \"Veena Sud had called me a couple hours before I was going in to read for the table read for episode 13, the last episode, that I was the killer. When she gave me the news, I was upset, I started crying. I actually thought that while I was contemplating, 'What if I'm the killer?,' that I'd be excited but I started crying and started feeling bad for Terry. 'Oh man, this is a really tragic situation.'\" Allman also spoke about the point in the season", "psg_id": "16596562" }, { "title": "What a Man My Man Is (album)", "text": "her previous albums. \"What a Man My Man Is\" was the only single from this album. The cover shows Anderson in a cowgirl hat and, in the background, another photo of Anderson holding her hat, walking on a hill. This album consisted of 11 tracks, some of which were new songs and some of which were cover versions. Covers include Olivia Newton-John's \"I Honestly Love You,\" Sami Jo's \"Tell Me a Lie,\" and Kris Kristofferson's \"Please Don't Tell Me How the Story Ends.\" Anderson's mother, Liz Anderson, wrote one song for this album, \"I Feel Like a New Man Today.\"", "psg_id": "10986131" }, { "title": "What I Mean to Say Is Goodbye", "text": "photo of the black cat wrapped around Brosseau's shoulders was taken on a whim by Sam Jones and not intended to be part of the album, but later it became the front cover. Since the cat was present throughout the entire recording of \"What I Mean To Say Is Goodbye\" including him on the front cover seemed a very fitting idea. In an experpt from the album's liner notes, Brosseau explains: \"The cat would come in the studio and keep me company. He would pussyfoot around the cables and cords, maybe sidle up against my leg and then fall down", "psg_id": "9287270" }, { "title": "What Did I Do to You?", "text": "What Did I Do to You? \"What Did I Do to You?\" is a song recorded by British singer Lisa Stansfield for her 1989 album, \"Affection\". It was written by Stansfield, Ian Devaney and Andy Morris, and produced by Devaney and Morris. The song received positive reviews from music critics. \"What Did I Do to You?\" was released as the fourth European single on 30 April 1990. It included three previously unreleased songs written by Stansfield, Devaney and Morris: \"My Apple Heart,\" \"Lay Me Down\" and \"Something's Happenin'.\" \"What Did I Do to You?\" was remixed by Mark Saunders and", "psg_id": "17338140" }, { "title": "I Know What I Have Learned", "text": "and again had to take to bed. Finally, he tried to fish, asking his wife whether his eyes were green; she claimed they were, he jumped in, and she rowed off and left him. I Know What I Have Learned I know what I have learned is a Danish fairy tale, collected by Svendt Grundtvig in \"Gamle Danske Minder i Folkemunde\". Andrew Lang included it in \"The Pink Fairy Book\". A man's three daughters were all married to trolls. One day he visited the youngest. Her husband knocked pieces from his head, so they could make broth, and gave him", "psg_id": "8509930" }, { "title": "I Write What I Like", "text": "I Write What I Like I Write What I Like (full name \"I Write What I Like: Selected Writings by Steve Biko\") is a compilation of writings from anti-apartheid activist Steve Biko. \"I Write What I Like\" contains a selection of Biko's writings from 1969, when he became the president of the South African Student Organisation, to 1972, when he was prohibited from publishing. Originally published in 1978, the book was republished in 1987 and April 2002. The book's title was taken from the title under which he had published his writings in the SASO newsletter under the pseudonym Frank", "psg_id": "6515265" }, { "title": "Symphony No.1: What Happened When I Was Asleep", "text": "be able to pull your headphones out\"\" and YourEDM's Timmy Kusnierek wrote \"\"...It's a beautifully avant-garde collection that incorporates the gamut of genres, including breakbeat, dub, neoclassical, ambient, and more. The ten tracks of the album escalate in intensity, each more pensive and introspective than the last\"\". Symphony No.1: What Happened When I Was Asleep Symphony No.1: What Happened When I Was Asleep is the fifth solo album by Svoy. It was released on June 23, 2015, on Songs of Universal/Universal Music Group, Inc. The album was in production for over 5 years during which Svoy created 10 new selections,", "psg_id": "18879424" }, { "title": "I Wish I Was a Punk Rocker (With Flowers in My Hair)", "text": "notably from Lily Allen, The Fratellis and The Automatic. James Frost and Robin Hawkins from The Automatic stated that \"If she was a punk rocker with flowers in her hair she'd get the shit kicked out of her by other punk rockers, for having flowers in her hair. [...] I haven't found anyone who's told me they like that song and bought it.\" Charlie Brooker also heavily criticised the intense public relations efforts to make the single popular. Original release, CD 1 Original release, CD 2 Re-release, CD 1 Re-release, CD 2 Re-release, 7\" I Wish I Was a Punk", "psg_id": "7967259" }, { "title": "I Love My Wife", "text": "(Monica). Clive Barnes, reviewing for \"The New York Times\" wrote that the musical is \"bright, inventive, amusing and breezy.\" He noted that what Coleman and Stewart did regarding the band \"is breathtakingly simple, but none...has ever done it before. They have taken the band and put it up on stage...The musicians are welded into the play, as a kind of Greek chorus.\" He especially noted that \"It is a gorgeous cast-just right.\" Finally, he called the musical \"mildly sexy, vastly diverting and highly amusing.\" I Love My Wife I Love My Wife is a musical with a book and lyrics", "psg_id": "9482538" }, { "title": "I Always Get What I Want", "text": "I Always Get What I Want \"I Always Get What I Want\" is a song by Canadian singer-songwriter Avril Lavigne, written by herself and Clif Magness for her second studio album, \"Under My Skin\" (2004). The track was released digitally on May 24, 2004 by Arista Records as a promotional tool for the album, which was released on the next day. The song was re-released on November 4, 2004 as the B-side of album's third single, \"Nobody's Home\". It was also featured in the film \"\", whose was released on August 3, 2004. \"I Always Get What I Want\" appeared", "psg_id": "10716352" }, { "title": "I Love What Love Is Doing to Me/He Ain't You", "text": "Begins and Ends with You\" were also recorded by Kenny Rogers and released on his hit Daytime Friends album, also released in 1977. I Love What Love Is Doing to Me/He Ain't You I Love What Love Is Doin' to Me is the name of a 1977 country music studio album by Lynn Anderson. The album featured three single releases for Anderson, the first being the title track which peaked at #22 on Billboard's Hot Country Singles. \"He Ain't You\" reached No. 19 and the last single, \"We Got Love\" was a #26 entry in early 1978. The album peaked", "psg_id": "10957480" }, { "title": "And I don't care what it is", "text": "joining his church the president exploded to his press secretary, \"You go and tell that goddam minister that if he gives out one more story about my religious faith I will not join his goddam church!\" And I don't care what it is \"And I don't care what it is\" is a phrase attributed to U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower, and often misquoted. For example, one encyclopedia says: \"Eisenhower once remarked that 'America makes no sense without a deeply held faith in God—and I don't care what it is. Some commentators, such as Will Herberg, argued that Eisenhower favored a generic,", "psg_id": "16186498" }, { "title": "The Bride He Bought Online", "text": "The Bride He Bought Online The Bride He Bought Online is a 2015 American television thriller film, written and directed by , and starring Anne Winters, Alexandra Paul, and Jamie Luner. It was broadcast on the Lifetime network in the United States on July 18, 2015. What starts out as a harmless online prank takes a dark turn for 17-year-old Avery Lindstrom (Anne Winters) when her friends, Mandy Kim (Lauren Gaw) and Kaley Mack (Annalisa Cochrane), create a fake profile for an international dating website and begin to communicate with a lonely, socially inept computer programmer named John Bennett (Travis", "psg_id": "18933791" }, { "title": "(What Is) Love?", "text": "had my few relationships and have yet to feel love .\" \"What Is Love?\" was leaked onto the internet in May 2009. Wynter Gordon, the co-writer of \"What Is Love?\", expressed her dismay at the \"unfinished and unmastered\" song's leak in a post on her official MySpace blog. She stated: \"I wrote this song from a deep place in my heart. If the world was gonna hear it, I wanted them to hear it right... It's as good as gone to me now... The story was given a Lifetime TV special instead of a movie... sad.\" Gordon did note that", "psg_id": "15509491" }, { "title": "Who I Am And What I Want", "text": "a herd of twats who are going to make me wear clothes and eat with a knife and fork.\".\" \"Who I Am And What I Want,\" a film by Chris Shepherd and David Shrigley. A Slinky Pictures Production. An animate! commission funded by Arts Council England and Channel 4. Who I Am And What I Want Who I Am And What I Want is a 7 minute animated short directed by Chris Shepherd and David Shrigley in 2005. The film is based on the 2003 David Shrigley book of the same title. Kevin Eldon voices the role of the film's", "psg_id": "8098889" }, { "title": "I Saw What I Saw", "text": "were the same.\" A review posted on \"TVFanatic\" says:\"The question is whether it worked. We're going to go with a definitive yes ... and no.\" I Saw What I Saw \"I Saw What I Saw\" is the sixth episode of the sixth season of the American television medical drama \"Grey's Anatomy\", and the show's 108th episode overall. It was written by Peter William Harper and directed by Allison Liddi-Brown. The episode was originally broadcast on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in the United States on October 22, 2009. The episode begins \"in medias res\", depicting events following a whodunit style,", "psg_id": "13923118" }, { "title": "When I Had the Chance", "text": "after changing management, agency and label. In an interview with \"Billboard\", James addressed about label changes: When you have a sax in your hands, you are immediately a jazz artist, but I've never thought of myself that way. And Verve fits me in terms of crossing over. And in an interview with he talked about his inspiration for the album: One moment, I was on my way home thinking about what I was going to have for dinner and the next moment I was in an ambulance with a fractured jaw and two missing front teeth thinking I may", "psg_id": "15410081" }, { "title": "I Know What I Like", "text": "I Know What I Like \"I Know What I Like\" is a song performed by Huey Lewis and the News and released as a single from the album \"Fore!\" in 1987. The single peaked at number nine on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot 100. Like the earlier single, \"Hip to Be Square\", \"I Know What I Like\" featured background performances by then-San Francisco 49ers, Dwight Clark, Riki Ellison, Ronnie Lott, and Joe Montana. Upon the release of the album in 1986, \"I Know What I Like\" peaked at number 25 on the \"Billboard\" Album Rock Tracks chart in September 1986. When", "psg_id": "8479247" }, { "title": "Just What I Am", "text": "'No, I know it, I know it! He sold his soul to the devil! I know he’s friends with Satan! I can feel it.' You know what I mean? Niggas be knowing I guess. So my way of tricking everybody, being that I had that control, I was like, 'Oh man. Wouldn’t it be cool if we just threw a bunch of fucking Satanic devil-worship Illuminati symbols into the video, just like abruptly popping up all over the place and fuck people up?' Just to fuck with them and then not say anything, like wait months and not say shit.", "psg_id": "16803704" }, { "title": "I Always Get What I Want", "text": "with her guitar as pink paint oozes out. One of her bandmates also breaks a side of the wall, also with pink paint coming out. The video concludes with the band finishing the rest of the song in the paint and Lavigne throwing her guitar at the wall. I Always Get What I Want \"I Always Get What I Want\" is a song by Canadian singer-songwriter Avril Lavigne, written by herself and Clif Magness for her second studio album, \"Under My Skin\" (2004). The track was released digitally on May 24, 2004 by Arista Records as a promotional tool for", "psg_id": "10716355" }, { "title": "(What Can I Say) To Make You Love Me", "text": "(What Can I Say) To Make You Love Me \"(What Can I Say) To Make You Love Me\" is a song written by Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis and recorded by American recording artist Alexander O'Neal. It is the fifth single from the singer's second solo album, \"Hearsay\" (1987). The song's distinctive backing vocals were performed by Lisa Keith. Following the successful chart performances of the \"Hearsay\" singles \"Fake\", \"Criticize\", \"Never Knew Love Like This\", and \"The Lovers\", \"(What Can I Say) To Make You Love Me\" was released as the album's fifth single. The song O'Neal's eleventh top 40", "psg_id": "11539987" }, { "title": "Here's What I Believe", "text": "be one song on the album performed in Italian, and also performed a snippet of a song he wrote with Jamie Squire, featuring the lyrics; \"Why does it feel so right, when really it's all gone wrong, it hurts to hear you say, that I will never be your only one.\". The track was later revealed to be \"What Have I Done\". Another song he wrote was \"Your Voice\". He also spoke about the content of the album: \"It’s kind of mid-tempo ballads and some emotional ballads as well – the kind of things that people know me for and", "psg_id": "16587740" }, { "title": "I Love What Love Is Doing to Me/He Ain't You", "text": "I Love What Love Is Doing to Me/He Ain't You I Love What Love Is Doin' to Me is the name of a 1977 country music studio album by Lynn Anderson. The album featured three single releases for Anderson, the first being the title track which peaked at #22 on Billboard's Hot Country Singles. \"He Ain't You\" reached No. 19 and the last single, \"We Got Love\" was a #26 entry in early 1978. The album peaked at #38 on Billboard's Country LP chart. The album also features covers of the recent pop hits, \"Desperado, \"Angel in Your Arms\", and", "psg_id": "10957478" }, { "title": "Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want", "text": "Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want \"Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want\" is a song by the English rock band the Smiths. It was released as the B-side of \"William, It Was Really Nothing\" in 1984 and later featured on the compilation albums \"Hatful of Hollow\" and \"Louder Than Bombs\". It has become one of the most well-known songs of the Smiths and has been covered by numerous other artists. The Dream Academy covered \"Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want\" in 1985. This version peaked at #83 in the UK Singles", "psg_id": "9642659" }, { "title": "What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord?", "text": "mundane shooters and RPGs with their played out themes of morality, but it's trying too hard to be clever.\" The game currently holds 69% on Metacritic. There have been two sequels to \"What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord?\" released on PSP: \"What Did I Do To Deserve This, My Lord? 2\" and \"No Heroes Allowed!\". A third sequel, \"No Heroes Allowed!\", was released in 2014 for PlayStation Vita, with a fourth, \"No Heroes Allowed! VR\", released on October 14 2017 for PlayStation VR. What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord? The game was released in", "psg_id": "13232615" }, { "title": "Walk with Me (Jamelia album)", "text": "from me. We know what worked the last time (on \"Thank You\") but I think changing and reinventing yourself is the way forward.\" The album is named \"Walk with Me\" as a tribute to the journey which she has taken over the course of her career: \"I just feel like my life and my career has been a journey and I’ve always felt that I’ve been lucky enough to have people just be there for me. It’s also an invitation for anyone who has never bought a Jamelia record to have a listen to it.\" Although labelled as an R&B", "psg_id": "8467856" }, { "title": "Old Man & Me (When I Get to Heaven)", "text": "the band's 1993 self-released EP, \"Kootchypop.\" The EP's liner notes explain the origin of the song: I was walking on Santee Street in Columbia leaving Monterrey Jack's and an older man came up to me. He asked for some change and me being in a bad mood (not me) I gave him some smart ass \"BUM\" remark. I went for a block on my way to the Elbow Room and I felt like the biggest pompous asshole. So I woke up the next morning and wrote this fictitious conversation about his life because you never know what has happened to", "psg_id": "17136922" }, { "title": "What I Cannot Change", "text": "peak of two on the Dance Club Play chart with her cover of The Supremes' \"You Keep Me Hangin' On\". The song was used in the 2010 release of the film, \"Like Dandelion Dust\". Remixes EP Extended Mixes EP What I Cannot Change Exclusive CD Promo CD single What I Cannot Change \"What I Cannot Change\" is a song written by Darrell Brown, and co-written and recorded by American country artist LeAnn Rimes. The song was released to country radio in August 2008 as the third and final single from her twelfth studio album, \"Family\" (2007). The song was later", "psg_id": "12413311" }, { "title": "What Rhymes with Cars and Girls", "text": "What Rhymes with Cars and Girls What Rhymes with Cars and Girls is the first solo album by You Am I frontman Tim Rogers, and the only release featuring the backing band The Twin Set (though members of the group would form Rogers's second solo backing band, The Temperance Union). 'You've Been So Good To Me So Far' and 'I Left My Heart All Over The Place' were released as a double-sided radio single. The album was recorded at Jen Anderson's (of Weddings Parties Anything) home studio, and featured many varied musicians, including Sally Dastey of Tiddas (on 'Up-A-Ways'). In", "psg_id": "11411452" }, { "title": "What My Mother Taught Me", "text": "What My Mother Taught Me What My Mother Taught Me is the debut EP by English singer-songwriter Laura White, who finished in eighth place on the fifth series of \"The X Factor\" in 2008. The four-track EP was released in the United Kingdom on 10 November 2013. In 2008, White competed in the fifth series of \"The X Factor\". During the fifth week of the live shows, in a shock result, she was eliminated over Ruth Lorenzo. The \"Manchester Evening News\" reported on 11 November 2008 that White had been approached by an as-yet unnamed record company. White was chosen", "psg_id": "17715862" }, { "title": "What Do I Know?", "text": "world in the moment, but I don't know anything, what do I know, don't quote me. Basically being able to say anything \"political\" I want to say, but then being like [shrug].\" Sheeran also said that he intended to end concerts on the North American leg of his ÷ Tour with \"What Do I Know?\", saying 'I really want to close shows with that one because I feel like walking away from a gig having \"love can change the world\" in your head is a good thing'. Sheeran recorded a version of the song for Comic Relief 2017 with Kurupt", "psg_id": "19942753" }, { "title": "What I Don't Know 'bout You", "text": "What I Don't Know 'bout You \"What I Don't Know 'bout You\" is the first single from the album #4 Record by Australian rock band You Am I. It was released in 1998 and reached number 28 on the Australian ARIA singles chart; the band's highest-charting single. Rogers said the song, \"was my favourite song that I'd written at that point. I loved the lyrics in particular, but it just wasn't recorded in the way I thought it should.\" \"You Want It So Bad\" is a You Am I original which later appeared on the …Saturday Night, 'Round Ten bonus", "psg_id": "12771064" }, { "title": "That's What I Love About Sunday", "text": "What I Love About Sunday\" was the first independently distributed single to top the country chart since 2000. The song was also the first independently distributed single to notch a second week at number one since 1977 when the Kendalls spent four weeks at the top with \"Heaven's Just a Sin Away.\" Morgan told \"Billboard\", \"What the fans say and what we hear is that I make a big deal out of the little things in life. And that is who I am. It's those little things in life that are important to me. Simple things like the smell of", "psg_id": "10403178" }, { "title": "I Saw What I Saw", "text": "I Saw What I Saw \"I Saw What I Saw\" is the sixth episode of the sixth season of the American television medical drama \"Grey's Anatomy\", and the show's 108th episode overall. It was written by Peter William Harper and directed by Allison Liddi-Brown. The episode was originally broadcast on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in the United States on October 22, 2009. The episode begins \"in medias res\", depicting events following a whodunit style, exposing them from alternating points of view in a fast-paced way. Katherine Heigl (Dr. Izzie Stevens) was absent from the episode, due to her hiatus", "psg_id": "13923111" }, { "title": "Here's What I Believe", "text": "will really be able to connect with. I’ve grown a lot vocally in the last year, and with me helping to write some of the songs it’s a very personal album. The last two were all covers and I didn’t have much say in the first album, so I’ve really put my stamp on this one.\" The album's cover songs to first be confirmed were renditions of \"Something's Gotten Hold of My Heart\" by Gene Pitney, \"Skyscraper\" by Demi Lovato, \"I Look To You\" by Whitney Houston \"How We Love\" by Beth Nielsen Chapman, and \"When I Need You\" by", "psg_id": "16587741" }, { "title": "When I Get Thru with You", "text": "When I Get Thru with You \"When I Get Thru with You (You'll Love Me Too)\" is a song written by Harlan Howard which became a hit for Patsy Cline in 1962. The song went to #10 on the country chart and #53 on the pop chart. Howard had previously co-written Cline's #1 hit \"I Fall to Pieces\". Cline sings about how she desperately wants a man that she really likes, the only problem is he has a girlfriend already. So what she decides to do is try to get through with him and in the end she says, \"when", "psg_id": "9023457" }, { "title": "'I' and the 'me'", "text": "They do not blindly follow rules. They \"construct\" a response on the basis of what they have learned, the \"me\". Mead highlighted accordingly those values that attach particularly to the \"I\" rather than to the \"me\", \"...which cannot be calculated and which involve a reconstruction of the society, and so of the 'me' which belongs to that society.\" Taken together, the \"I\" and the \"me\" form the person or the self in Mead's social philosophy. According to Mead, there would be no possibility of personality without both the \"I\" and the \"Me\". Mead explored what he called 'the fusion of", "psg_id": "5848983" }, { "title": "I Want My Wife Back", "text": "I Want My Wife Back I Want My Wife Back is a British sitcom shown on BBC One, starring Ben Miller and Caroline Catz as Murray and Bex. It was broadcast on Monday nights in six parts and repeated during the week. Forty-six year old Murray is a nice guy; everyone says so. So no-one is more surprised than Murray when, on her 40th birthday and after 12 years of marriage, his wife Bex walks out on him. He feels bewildered and lost. Bex's mum and dad & his dad, in particular, are upset, and his attempts at helping them", "psg_id": "19488962" }, { "title": "I Cry When I Laugh", "text": "also performed at Glastonbury in 2016 where she sang Don't Be So Hard on Yourself\", \"Rather Be\", \"No Rights No Wrongs\", \"Gave Me Something\", \"Not Letting Go\", \"My Love\", \"Ain't Got Far to Go\", \"Love Me\", \"Right Here\", \"Why Me\", \"Take Me Home\", \"You Can Find Me\", \"I Feel For You\" and \"Hold My Hand\". Notes I Cry When I Laugh I Cry When I Laugh is the debut studio album by English singer and songwriter Jess Glynne. It was released on 21 August 2015 in the United Kingdom and 11 September 2015 in the United States by Atlantic Records", "psg_id": "18778870" }, { "title": "What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord?", "text": "What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord? The game was released in North America exclusively as a download game on the PlayStation Store, under the title Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman! What Did I Do To Deserve This?. However, on February 9, 2010, NIS America revealed it would be changing the game's name to avoid conflict with the Batman franchise. The game was re-released on April 22, 2010 on the PlayStation Network after it was removed to make the changes, while its sequel, \"What Did I Do To Deserve This, My Lord? 2\", had been delayed to May", "psg_id": "13232609" }, { "title": "And I don't care what it is", "text": "And I don't care what it is \"And I don't care what it is\" is a phrase attributed to U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower, and often misquoted. For example, one encyclopedia says: \"Eisenhower once remarked that 'America makes no sense without a deeply held faith in God—and I don't care what it is. Some commentators, such as Will Herberg, argued that Eisenhower favored a generic, watered-down religion, or ridiculed Eisenhower's banality. What Eisenhower actually said, when he was President-elect, was that the American form of government since 1776 was based on Judeo-Christian moral values. Speaking extemporaneously on December 22, 1952, a", "psg_id": "16186496" }, { "title": "I Lift My Hands", "text": "So many people are there and can relate to what that feels like. In the night, Louie would just start singing to God and lift his hands to God in his bed. I still don't know the tune of Louie's song, but he came to me with the words, 'be still my soul, there is a healer, His love is deeper than the sea, His mercy is unfailing, His fortress is for the weak, I lift my hands to believe again.' When he sent me those lyrics, he said if this hits you in any way for a song to", "psg_id": "20734692" }, { "title": "What is this Feeling?", "text": "and new?/I felt the moment I laid eyes on you/My pulse is rushing/My head is reeling/My face is flushing/What is this feeling?/Fervid as a flame/Does it have a name?\"). The irony comes in when phrases traditionally used for love songs are revealed to be expressing hate. When Galinda and Elphaba describe each other, Galinda complains about Elphaba being \"utterly impossible to describe\", while Elphaba simply calls Galinda \"blonde\". At the end of the song, Elphaba scares Galinda, by saying \"Boo\", with Galinda letting out a high-pitched squeal. What is this Feeling? \"What is this Feeling?\" is a song from the", "psg_id": "14382819" }, { "title": "What Is Life", "text": "love song – perhaps a \"lovingly crafted paen\" to Harrison's wife Pattie, as Alan Clayson puts it – or a devotional song like many of Harrison's compositions. Ian Inglis writes that the song title suggests a \"philosophical debate about the meaning of life\", yet its rendering as \"\"what is my life\"\" in the choruses \"reshapes [the meaning] completely\". Theologian Dale Allison finds no religious content in \"What Is Life\" but notes the \"failure of words to express feelings\" implied in the opening line (\"\"What I feel, I can't say\"\"), a recurring theme of Harrison's spiritual songs such as \"That Is", "psg_id": "7728587" }, { "title": "What So Not", "text": "December 2013. On 24 June 2014, What So Not and RL Grime released their single, \"Tell Me\", with Chris Martins from Spin describing the track as \"of both melodic might and percussive ferocity\". On 20 February 2015, Flume announced that he has departed from the What So Not project, citing creative differences. In a post written on Facebook, What So Not stated that \"over the last while, Emoh and I have been moving in different directions creatively, we haven't made any music together in quite a while\", and thanked Flume for his time and effort put into the project. \"Gemini\"", "psg_id": "18189855" }, { "title": "I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got", "text": "anonymous 17th century poem, originally written in Irish and translated into English by Frank O'Connor and composed by musician Philip King in 1979. The first song on the album, \"Feel So Different\", starts with \"\" by Reinhold Niebuhr. The inner sleeve notes acknowledge Kabbalah teacher, Warren Kenton: \"Special thanks to Selina Marshall + Warren Kenton for showing me that all I'd need was inside me.\" \"I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got\" received critical acclaim. In 2003, the album was ranked number 406 on \"Rolling Stone\" magazine's list of the 500 greatest albums of all time. !scope=\"row\"|Worldwide (IFPI) I", "psg_id": "1800624" }, { "title": "Is This What I Get For Loving You?", "text": "direction from the typical love songs usually recorded by the Ronettes, \"Is This What I Get For Loving You?\" was the only Ronettes single to revolve around the depression which sets in after the ending of a relationship. Their other singles, such as \"Be My Baby\", \"Baby, I Love You\", and \"Do I Love You?\", had featured a more up-beat, positive attitude towards love, while \"Is This What I Get For Loving You?\" moved The Ronettes into a different, more mature direction. Unfortunately, this attempt to bring a more mature image of the group proved to be unsuccessful. \"Is This", "psg_id": "14583439" }, { "title": "What the Water Gave Me (painting)", "text": "What the Water Gave Me (painting) What the Water Gave Me (\"Lo que el agua me dio\" in Spanish) is an oil painting by Frida Kahlo that was completed in 1938. It is sometimes referred to as What I Saw in the Water. Frida Kahlo’s \"What the Water Gave Me\" was her biography. As the scholar, Natascha Steed, points out, \"her paintings were all very honest and she never portrayed herself as being more or less beautiful than she actually was.\" With this piece she reflected on her life. Kahlo released her unconscious mind through the use of what seems", "psg_id": "18635020" }, { "title": "And to My Nephew Albert I Leave the Island What I Won off Fatty Hagan in a Poker Game", "text": "And to My Nephew Albert I Leave the Island What I Won off Fatty Hagan in a Poker Game And to My Nephew Albert I Leave the Island What I Won off Fatty Hagan in a Poker Game is a novel written by David Forrest (pen-name used by English novelists Robert Forrest-Webb and David Eliades). It is the best known novel of the author(s). First published in 1969, the novel tells the story of a Russian spy-ship (the \"Dmitri Kirov\") crashing into Albert's small island in the Isles of Scilly. Desperate to stop the ship's highly-secret equipment falling into the", "psg_id": "18016464" }, { "title": "What My Mother Taught Me", "text": "album. On 19 September 2013, it was announced that White would be releasing her debut EP, \"What My Mother Taught Me\", on 10 November 2013. It reached number 22 on the Official Albums Chart and number one in the Singer/Songwriter charts. What My Mother Taught Me What My Mother Taught Me is the debut EP by English singer-songwriter Laura White, who finished in eighth place on the fifth series of \"The X Factor\" in 2008. The four-track EP was released in the United Kingdom on 10 November 2013. In 2008, White competed in the fifth series of \"The X Factor\".", "psg_id": "17715867" }, { "title": "I Want My Wife Back", "text": "\"Mrs Brown's Boys\" sitcom. Don't expect \"Catastrophe\" or \"Toast of London\" though, but IWMWB is certainly darker than \"Miranda\". File under \"potentially good\" rather than \"must-see\". All six episodes of I Want My Wife Back were released on DVD in Region 2, on 30 May 2016. I Want My Wife Back I Want My Wife Back is a British sitcom shown on BBC One, starring Ben Miller and Caroline Catz as Murray and Bex. It was broadcast on Monday nights in six parts and repeated during the week. Forty-six year old Murray is a nice guy; everyone says so. So", "psg_id": "19488970" }, { "title": "What Separates Me from You", "text": "the song is a \"more personal song [...] It discusses how the choices I've made to put my best foot forward in my career, in a sense, have really done damage to my personal life.\" Both \"You Be Tails, I'll Be Sonic\" and \"Out of Time\" talk about \"how I feel like I'm doing what I want with my life, but I think, \"Wow, I just did something that really affected me.\"\" \"Out of Time\" was also one of the first songs written for the album, and was written while the band was in Australia. McKinnon said the song was", "psg_id": "14931811" }, { "title": "What Did I Do? / God as My Witness", "text": "What Did I Do? / God as My Witness \"What Did I Do?/God as My Witness\" is a song by the American rock band Foo Fighters and is the fourth single from their eighth studio album \"Sonic Highways\". The song was released on November 6, 2014. The song was recorded at KLRU-TV Studio 6A in Austin, Texas and features a guest appearance from Gary Clark, Jr. The music video aired during the fourth episode of \"\". It mainly shows Foo Fighters and Gary Clark Jr. performing inside of KLRU-TV Studio 6A, the famous location where \"Austin City Limits\" was filmed.", "psg_id": "18388158" }, { "title": "What Did I Do? / God as My Witness", "text": "What Did I Do? / God as My Witness \"What Did I Do?/God as My Witness\" is a song by the American rock band Foo Fighters and is the fourth single from their eighth studio album \"Sonic Highways\". The song was released on November 6, 2014. The song was recorded at KLRU-TV Studio 6A in Austin, Texas and features a guest appearance from Gary Clark, Jr. The music video aired during the fourth episode of \"\". It mainly shows Foo Fighters and Gary Clark Jr. performing inside of KLRU-TV Studio 6A, the famous location where \"Austin City Limits\" was filmed.", "psg_id": "18388157" }, { "title": "This Is What I Do (Boy George album)", "text": "This Is What I Do (Boy George album) This Is What I Do is a 2013 album by Boy George, produced by Richie Stevens. With this release, it was the first time since the mid-1990s that a sober George had taken the time to complete a full-length album. It gained positive reviews, with \"The Guardian\" calling it \"the best comeback of the year\". It was Boy George's first solo album to reach the UK Top 40 since his 1987 debut \"Sold\". Three songs, with videos, were selected as promotional tracks for the album; \"King of Everything\", \"My God\" and \"Nice", "psg_id": "17851645" }, { "title": "Just What I Am", "text": "acid and/or shrooms.\" The video, which marked Cudi's directorial debut, premiered November 6, 2012 on VEVO. Electro house DJ Steve Aoki and fellow American rapper Mac Miller make cameo appearances. The visual are seen in a baroque frame, Cudi explained on Twitter saying: \"all my videos will be in a baroque frame. I create art, so it will be presented as such. ART IN MOTION\" In a 2013 interview with \"Complex\", Cudi explained why he used certain imagery in the visuals for \"Just What I Am\": \"Yeah, it’s funny. People in my life know that I’m a fucking goofball. I’m", "psg_id": "16803702" }, { "title": "What Did I Do To Deserve This, My Lord? 2", "text": "This, My Lord!? 2\" contains \"4 times more stages, 3.3 times more monsters and 2.3 times more heroes\" than the first game. What Did I Do To Deserve This, My Lord? 2 What Did I Do To Deserve This My Lord!? 2 (formerly known as \"Holy Invasion Of Privacy, Badman! 2: Time To Tighten Up Security!\", known as \"Yūsha no Kuse ni Namaiki da or2\", 勇者のくせになまいきだor2, literally \"For a hero, [you are] quite impudent/cheeky/bold] 2)\" in Japan) is a real-time strategy/god game for the PlayStation Portable, sequel to What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord?. The game was", "psg_id": "13859490" }, { "title": "What Did I Do To Deserve This, My Lord? 2", "text": "What Did I Do To Deserve This, My Lord? 2 What Did I Do To Deserve This My Lord!? 2 (formerly known as \"Holy Invasion Of Privacy, Badman! 2: Time To Tighten Up Security!\", known as \"Yūsha no Kuse ni Namaiki da or2\", 勇者のくせになまいきだor2, literally \"For a hero, [you are] quite impudent/cheeky/bold] 2)\" in Japan) is a real-time strategy/god game for the PlayStation Portable, sequel to What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord?. The game was released in Japan in 2008, and was announced for a North American release during Tokyo Game Show 2009. This release was delayed", "psg_id": "13859488" }, { "title": "Bought to Rot", "text": "before Grace undergoes surgery shortly after the record's release, so as not to have the songs \"rot\" like surplus groceries bought. The album was announced for preorder on 29 August, with an immediate release of \"Apocalypse Now (& Later)\" (the fourth track on the album) on streaming services. On 11 October, \"The Airplane Song\" began streaming online, followed by \"Reality Bites\" on 25 October. Bought to Rot Bought to Rot is the debut solo full-length album by Laura Jane Grace, best known as founder and leader of Against Me!. The record was released under the pseudonym Laura Jane Grace &", "psg_id": "20864696" }, { "title": "Look What I Did", "text": "I Were You I Wouldn't<nowiki>\"</nowiki> in January 2016 on their YouTube account, followed by \"Fireball\" in June 2016, their first songs released since 'Zanzibar III : Analog Prison'. The band was named after friend's child said the phrase 'Mommy, look what I did', about a drawing to her mother when Barry was talking to her over the phone discussing what the band's name should be. Look What I Did Look What I Did is an American post-hardcore band, formed in 2001 in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. The music combines elements of jazz/fusion, hardcore, metal, and progressive pop punk. The band is", "psg_id": "3994152" }, { "title": "This Is What the Truth Feels Like", "text": "thirteen years of marriage. In October, Stefani revealed to \"Entertainment Weekly\" that she scrapped the album and started again, since \"[i]t didn't feel right. [...] I didn't feel fulfilled. That record with Benny was done that way because I had just given birth and had just started on \"The Voice\" and felt like I should do something in music, but what was I going to do? There wasn't enough time. So I tried to make a record where I was just kind of involved—which is how a lot of people do it, but it didn't work for me\". She later", "psg_id": "19322903" }, { "title": "I Take a Lot of Pride in What I Am (album)", "text": "Miller's \"King of the Road,\" a previous recording of Martin's. The use of similar songs to his previous album, \"Gentle on My Mind\", led Ruhlmann to accuse producer Jimmy Bowen of \"just trying to repeat previous successes\" with the result \"a bit tired...No wonder Martin was taking more interest in his golf game than in his recording activities\". I Take a Lot of Pride in What I Am (album) I Take a Lot of Pride in What I Am is a 1969 studio album by Dean Martin arranged by Glen Hardin and Jimmie Haskell. Martin recorded very little in 1969,", "psg_id": "17325881" }, { "title": "Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing?", "text": "the images were cut out by Hamilton's wife, Terry O'Reilly, and Magda Cordell. Magda Cordell has said that \"While Richard, of course, put together the well-known poster collage for the group (Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing?), some of the material in that collage came from John McHale's files, and both Terry Hamilton and I helped gather the images. We often looked for material in the studio John and I shared. Sometimes when I look at that poster, I think it looks a bit like the sitting room in Cleveland Square where our studio", "psg_id": "7173784" }, { "title": "Bought to Rot", "text": "Bought to Rot Bought to Rot is the debut solo full-length album by Laura Jane Grace, best known as founder and leader of Against Me!. The record was released under the pseudonym Laura Jane Grace & The Devouring Mothers, referring to the group's members: Grace herself, Atom Willard (current drummer of Against Me!) and Marc Hudson (long-time sound engineer and collaborator with Against Me!). The album was released on November 9, 2018, on Bloodshot Records, a Chicago label that Grace approached when she discovered the label's headquarters was a few blocks from her residence. The album's title refers to the", "psg_id": "20864693" }, { "title": "Who I Am And What I Want", "text": "a story which featured a narrative, a fictional autobiography which they realised was a perfect basis for a film. \"Who I am And What I Want\" was programmed alongside \"Farber's Nerve\" by Morgan Miller in the 2006 Manhattan Short Film Festival's world tour, which included 137 screenings across the US, Canada, the UK, and Europe. Both animations were in black and white. Pete: \"\"My name is mushroom. My name is toadstool. My name is spore. My name is fungus. My name is mildew. My name is bog, fen, marsh and swamp. My name is truffle. My name is bacteria. My", "psg_id": "8098887" }, { "title": "What I Believe", "text": "What I Believe \"What I Believe\" is the title of two essays espousing humanism, one by Bertrand Russell (1925) and one by E. M. Forster (1938). Several other authors have also written works with the same title, alluding to either or both of these essays. \"What I Believe\" was first published as a book in 1925. As Russell wrote in the preface, \"In this little book, I have tried to say what I think of man's place in the universe, and of his possibilities in the way of achieving the good life. \" His essay may be summed in his", "psg_id": "5773078" }, { "title": "What I Believe", "text": "comfort from the fact that people are born separately and die separately. Therefore, no dictator will be able to eradicate individualism. What I Believe \"What I Believe\" is the title of two essays espousing humanism, one by Bertrand Russell (1925) and one by E. M. Forster (1938). Several other authors have also written works with the same title, alluding to either or both of these essays. \"What I Believe\" was first published as a book in 1925. As Russell wrote in the preface, \"In this little book, I have tried to say what I think of man's place in the", "psg_id": "5773085" }, { "title": "I Saw What I Saw", "text": "report. The episode was written by William Harper and directed by Allison Liddi-Brown. David Greenspan edited the episode and Donald Lee Harris served as production designer. Featured music included [...]. The episode received positive reviews among television critics, and it outperformed the previous episode in terms of viewership. \"I Saw What I Saw\" was originally broadcast on October 22, 2009 in the United States on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC). The episode was viewed by a total of 15.40 million people, up 1.61% from the previous episode \"Invasion\", which garnered 13.79 million viewers. In terms of viewership, \"I Saw What", "psg_id": "13923115" }, { "title": "What I Call Life", "text": "What I Call Life What I Call Life is a young adult novel by Jill Wolfson. It was first published in 2005 by Henry Holt and Company Publishers. The novel is about a teenage girl entering the social welfare system. She is taken away from her mother and placed in a group home. Cal Lavender is perfectly happy living her anonymous life, even if she does have to play mother to her own mother a whole lot more than an eleven-year-old should have to do. But when Cal's mother has one of her “unfortunate episodes” in the middle of the", "psg_id": "13092722" }, { "title": "It's What I Do", "text": "It's What I Do It's What I Do is the title of the fifth studio album released by American country music artist Billy Dean. It was his first album since \"Men'll Be Boys\" two years previous. This was also his first release for Capitol Records Nashville, as the Nashville division of Liberty Records had been merged into Capitol. The album produced three singles: the title track at #5, followed by \"That Girl's Been Spyin' on Me\" at #4 and \"I Wouldn't Be a Man\" at #45. (The latter was originally a Top Ten country hit for Don Williams, in 1987.)", "psg_id": "12735130" }, { "title": "What I Call Life", "text": "tells them a story about a young girl named Lillian who went on an \"Orphan Train\" in the early 1900s. She finally tells them that, when Lillian grew up, she had a daughter named Brenda who was dropped off at a group home, just like Cal. Eventually, Betty (Cal's mother) comes and takes Cal back home. Cal never hears from Whitney, Amber, Monica, Fern nor the Knitting Lady again. What I Call Life What I Call Life is a young adult novel by Jill Wolfson. It was first published in 2005 by Henry Holt and Company Publishers. The novel is", "psg_id": "13092726" }, { "title": "I Did What I Did for Maria", "text": "I Did What I Did for Maria \"I Did What I Did for Maria\" is a song recorded by English singer Tony Christie. It was written and produced by Mitch Murray and Peter Callander, who were also responsible for Christie's \"Las Vegas\" and \"Avenues and Alleyways\". The song is about a widower who, on the eve of his execution, recalls how he remorselessly avenged his dead wife, hence the title. It was a number 2 UK hit in June 1971, and was also a hit in Ireland, where it also reached number 2. The track later appeared on Christie's compilation", "psg_id": "5753825" }, { "title": "What More Can I Say?", "text": "I Say?\" spawned four singles: \"Make It Funky\"/\"Top Billin'\", \"Hickeys Around My Neck\", \"Many Styles\"/\"The Questions\" and \"I Don't Care\". The song \"I Like Cherries\" was previously released on \"Flip-Flop Mini-Album\", a 1986 split mini-LP dropped with the Alliance (King of Chill, Kool C and D.J. Dice). What More Can I Say? What More Can I Say? is the debut studio album by American hip hop duo Audio Two. It was released in 1988 through First Priority Records with distribution by Atlantic Records. Recording sessions took place at I.N.S. Studios, Such-A-Sound Studio and First Priority Lab in New York City.", "psg_id": "12047505" }, { "title": "I Did What I Did for Maria", "text": "album, \"Definitive Collection\", which reached number 1 in the UK Albums Chart in 2005. Paper Lace included this song on their 1974 album, \"Paper Lace\". I Did What I Did for Maria \"I Did What I Did for Maria\" is a song recorded by English singer Tony Christie. It was written and produced by Mitch Murray and Peter Callander, who were also responsible for Christie's \"Las Vegas\" and \"Avenues and Alleyways\". The song is about a widower who, on the eve of his execution, recalls how he remorselessly avenged his dead wife, hence the title. It was a number 2", "psg_id": "5753826" } ]
[ "remington razors" ]
december 14, 2003, saw the capture of the ace of spades, iraqi dictator, saddam hussein, near what town, his home town?
[ { "title": "Saddam Hussein", "text": "found hiding in a hole in the ground near a farmhouse in ad-Dawr, near Tikrit. Following his capture, Saddam was transported to a U.S. base near Tikrit, and later taken to the American base near Baghdad. Documents obtained and released by the National Security Archive detail FBI interviews and conversations with Hussein while he was in U.S. custody. On 14 December, U.S. administrator in Iraq Paul Bremer confirmed that Saddam Hussein had indeed been captured at a farmhouse in ad-Dawr near Tikrit. Bremer presented video footage of Saddam in custody. Saddam was shown with a full beard and hair longer", "psg_id": "403300" } ]
[ { "title": "Ace of spades", "text": "anti-peace sign. More recently, in 2003 a deck of most-wanted Iraqi playing cards was issued to US Soldiers during Operation Iraqi Freedom, each card had the picture of a wanted Iraqi official on it. Saddam Hussein got the nickname \"Ace of Spades\" as that card bore his image. Various idioms involving the ace of spades include \"black as the ace of spades\" (which can refer either to color or to race), or alternatively a lack of cleanliness in a person and the French expression \"fagoté comme l'as de pique\"—that is, \"(badly) dressed like the ace of spades.\" Ace of spades", "psg_id": "2791227" }, { "title": "Execution of Saddam Hussein", "text": "Execution of Saddam Hussein The execution of Saddam Hussein took place on Saturday, 30 December 2006. Saddam was sentenced to death by hanging, after being convicted of crimes against humanity by the Iraqi Special Tribunal for the murder of 148 Iraqi Shi'ites in the town of Dujail in 1982, in retaliation for an assassination attempt against him. The Iraqi government released an official videotape of his execution, showing him being led to the gallows, and ending after his head was in the hangman's noose. International public controversy arose when a mobile phone recording of the hanging showed him surrounded by", "psg_id": "9407829" }, { "title": "Trial of Saddam Hussein", "text": "Trial of Saddam Hussein The Trial of Saddam Hussein was the trial of the deposed President of Iraq Saddam Hussein by the Iraqi Interim Government for crimes against humanity during his time in office. The Coalition Provisional Authority voted to create the Iraqi Special Tribunal (IST), consisting of five Iraqi judges, on 9 December 2003, to try Saddam Hussein and his aides for charges of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. Critics viewed the trial as a show trial that did not meet international standards on the right to a fair trial. Amnesty International stated that the trial was", "psg_id": "6269265" }, { "title": "Trial of Saddam Hussein", "text": "up a tribunal to try him and absolve themselves completely?\" Journalist Mohamad Bazzi wrote in 2014 that Hussein's trial and execution deepened sectarianism in Iraq: Trial of Saddam Hussein The Trial of Saddam Hussein was the trial of the deposed President of Iraq Saddam Hussein by the Iraqi Interim Government for crimes against humanity during his time in office. The Coalition Provisional Authority voted to create the Iraqi Special Tribunal (IST), consisting of five Iraqi judges, on 9 December 2003, to try Saddam Hussein and his aides for charges of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. Critics viewed the", "psg_id": "6269294" }, { "title": "Iraqi insurgency (2003–2011)", "text": "a U.S. convoy traveling through the town of Samarra in the Sunni Triangle was ambushed by over 100 Iraqi guerillas, reportedly wearing trademark Fedayeen Saddam uniforms. Following the execution of Saddam Hussein, Deputy Leader of the Iraqi-cell of the Iraqi-led Ba'ath Party and former Vice President of Iraq Izzat Ibrahim ad-Douri became a leading candidate to succeed him as Leader of the Iraqi Ba'ath Party. Ad-Douri had taken over the running of the Iraqi Ba'ath Party following Saddam Hussein's capture in 2003 and had been endorsed by a previously unknown group calling itself Baghdad Citizens Gathering. On 3 January 2007", "psg_id": "3470509" }, { "title": "February 2003 Saddam Hussein interview", "text": "uncensored unprepared debate televised worldwide where both American and Iraqi Presidents sitting in their respective countries would discuss their nation's problems. He also said Dan Rather could moderate the debate. This never happened. February 2003 Saddam Hussein interview The Saddam interview refers to a famous television interview that occurred between President of Iraq Saddam Hussein and American news anchor Dan Rather on February 24, 2003, very shortly before the 2003 Invasion of Iraq. The interview was aired both in the United States and on all three Iraqi television networks. British politician Tony Benn had also interviewed Saddam earlier that month.", "psg_id": "6540754" }, { "title": "Interrogation of Saddam Hussein", "text": "weakness, but his government repeatedly—and accurately—denied having WMD. The chronology of the reported meetings between Piro and Saddam in 2004: Interrogation of Saddam Hussein The Interrogation of Saddam Hussein began shortly after his December 2003 capture, while the deposed President of Iraq was held at the United States Camp Cropper detention facility at Baghdad International Airport. Beginning in February 2004, the interrogation program, codenamed Operation Desert Spider, was controlled by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents. Standard FBI FD-302 forms filed at the time were declassified and released in 2009 under a U.S. Freedom of Information Act request filed by", "psg_id": "13540313" }, { "title": "Interrogation of Saddam Hussein", "text": "Interrogation of Saddam Hussein The Interrogation of Saddam Hussein began shortly after his December 2003 capture, while the deposed President of Iraq was held at the United States Camp Cropper detention facility at Baghdad International Airport. Beginning in February 2004, the interrogation program, codenamed Operation Desert Spider, was controlled by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents. Standard FBI FD-302 forms filed at the time were declassified and released in 2009 under a U.S. Freedom of Information Act request filed by the National Security Archive. Saddam, identified as \"High Value Detainee #1\" in the documents, was the subject of 20 \"formal", "psg_id": "13540298" }, { "title": "February 2003 Saddam Hussein interview", "text": "February 2003 Saddam Hussein interview The Saddam interview refers to a famous television interview that occurred between President of Iraq Saddam Hussein and American news anchor Dan Rather on February 24, 2003, very shortly before the 2003 Invasion of Iraq. The interview was aired both in the United States and on all three Iraqi television networks. British politician Tony Benn had also interviewed Saddam earlier that month. Rather and \"CBS Evening News\" executive producer Jim Murphy were driven around Baghdad for 45 minutes and switched cars on two separate occasions to keep Saddam's position secret. The interview was held at", "psg_id": "6540751" }, { "title": "Reactions to the execution of Saddam Hussein", "text": "sentence against the criminal Saddam, who faced his fate like all tyrants, frightened and terrified during a hard day which he did not expect.\" He also stated, \"Your generous and pure land has got rid—and for ever—of the filth of the dictator and a black page of Iraq's history has been turned and the tyrant has died.\" He also said that Saddam Hussein does not represent any group or sect of the Iraqi people. \"[Iraqis] have been waiting for justice to be executed, and I think that Iraqis have received the news that they've been waiting for, for too many", "psg_id": "19615379" }, { "title": "Reactions to the execution of Saddam Hussein", "text": "missed opportunity ... It was an opportunity for Iraq to join the civilised world. The former Iraqi dictator was a ruthless criminal who deserved to be punished, but it was wrong to kill him. Saddam Hussein is no longer paying for his crimes; he is simply dead ... The death penalty is cruel and barbaric, and I call on the Iraqi authorities to abolish it. It is late, but not too late, for Iraq to join the great majority of civilised and democratic countries in the world who have already abolished the death penalty.\" Perhaps one of the most vocal", "psg_id": "19615393" }, { "title": "Interrogation of Saddam Hussein", "text": "became President, and Saddam became his deputy. In 1979, Saddam Hussein displaced General Bakr, and a little more than a year later, he ordered Iraqi troops to invade Iran, starting the Iran–Iraq War that would continue until 1988. Iraq's 1990 Invasion of Kuwait led to the 1991 Gulf War. In 1998, Saddam halted Iraqi cooperation with the United Nations Special Commission weapons inspections imposed on Iraq after the Gulf War, and kept U.N. inspectors out until 2002. In March 2003, the United States led an invasion of Iraq that quickly toppled the government. Saddam fled the capital of Baghdad shortly", "psg_id": "13540303" }, { "title": "Execution of Saddam Hussein", "text": "host Jim Lehrer, that Saddam's execution \"looked like it was kind of a revenge killing.\" Bush said he was \"disappointed and felt like they fumbled the—particularly the Saddam Hussein—execution. It reinforced doubts in people's minds that the Maliki government and the unity government of Iraq is a serious government. ... And it sent a mixed signal to the American people and the people around the world.\" Execution of Saddam Hussein The execution of Saddam Hussein took place on Saturday, 30 December 2006. Saddam was sentenced to death by hanging, after being convicted of crimes against humanity by the Iraqi Special", "psg_id": "9407847" }, { "title": "Saddam Hussein", "text": "Saddam Hussein Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti (; Arabic: \"\"; 28 April 1937 – 30 December 2006) was President of Iraq from 16 July 1979 until 9 April 2003. A leading member of the revolutionary Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party, and later, the Baghdad-based Ba'ath Party and its regional organization the Iraqi Ba'ath Party—which espoused Ba'athism, a mix of Arab nationalism and socialism—Saddam played a key role in the 1968 coup (later referred to as the 17 July Revolution) that brought the party to power in Iraq. As vice president under the ailing General Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr, and at a time", "psg_id": "403215" }, { "title": "Reactions to the execution of Saddam Hussein", "text": "Sunnis broke into the Al-Askari Mosque, and a riot broke out at Padush prison in Mosul. At the time of Saddam's capture in December 2003, U.S. President George W. Bush expressed his opinion that Saddam deserved \"the ultimate justice\", alluding to the death penalty. This put the United States at odds with signatory countries to the European Convention on Human Rights (Article 2) and other international treaties that prohibit the death penalty and the extradition of suspects to countries where capital punishment may be carried out. Following the execution of Saddam Hussein, leaders from a handful of countries issued statements.", "psg_id": "19615386" }, { "title": "Trial of Saddam Hussein", "text": "to sign the legal document confirming his understanding of the charges. In a leaked transcript of a February 2003 meeting between Bush and Spanish Prime Minister Jose Aznar, Bush expressed a willingness to have Saddam tried at the International Tribunal of Justice in The Hague. In December 2004, Clive Stafford Smith prepared a 50-page brief for the defense team arguing that Saddam Hussein should be tried in the US under US criminal law. The London-based Arab-language daily newspaper \"Al-Quds Al-Arabi\" reported in early May 2005 that during a meeting with Donald Rumsfeld, \"known only to a few Iraqi officials in", "psg_id": "6269272" }, { "title": "Interrogation of Saddam Hussein", "text": "Hussein, translated from Arabic to English by the FBI. Some of these quotes were highlighted in secondary source accounts of the reports, including these (grouped by subject in rough chronological order): A number of press reports describe the Iraqi dictator admitting to a catastrophic miscalculation, having misled the United States into believing Iraq still possessed biological and chemical weapons. According to the \"Associated Press\": \"Saddam Hussein told an FBI interviewer before he was hanged that he allowed the world to believe he had weapons of mass destruction because he was worried about appearing weak to Iran\". This interpretation has been", "psg_id": "13540310" }, { "title": "Saddam Hussein Nagar, Sri Lanka", "text": "mosque. After the capture of Saddam by United States military forces, the villagers of Saddam Hussein Village were critical of the U.S. policy in Iraq. Among the comments recorded by the BBC were: 127 Muslims were murdered at three villages, including Saddam Hussein Village, about 10 August 1990, allegedly by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. Saddam Hussein Nagar, Sri Lanka Saddam Hussein Town () is the name of a village exclusively inhabited by local Muslims in the Batticaloa district of Sri Lanka. It is named after Saddam Hussein, former President of Iraq, who donated all the funds required to", "psg_id": "3880431" }, { "title": "Saddam Hussein Nagar, Sri Lanka", "text": "Saddam Hussein Nagar, Sri Lanka Saddam Hussein Town () is the name of a village exclusively inhabited by local Muslims in the Batticaloa district of Sri Lanka. It is named after Saddam Hussein, former President of Iraq, who donated all the funds required to build the village and its central Mosque. Saddam Hussein first became involved in the village after floods hit the area in 1978 and local authorities approached the Iraqi embassy for help. The former president was said to have readily obliged and sponsored construction of the entire village with some 100 houses, including a school and a", "psg_id": "3880430" }, { "title": "Saddam Hussein", "text": "be 250,000. Saddam's invasions of Iran and Kuwait also resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths. He acquired the title \"Butcher of Baghdad\". In 2003, a coalition led by the United States invaded Iraq to depose Saddam, in which United States President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair falsely accused him of possessing weapons of mass destruction and having ties to al-Qaeda. Saddam's Ba'ath party was disbanded and elections were held. Following his capture on 13 December 2003, the trial of Saddam took place under the Iraqi Interim Government. On 5 November 2006, Saddam was convicted by", "psg_id": "403218" }, { "title": "Saddam Hussein", "text": "in question during the weeks following the fall of Baghdad and the conclusion of the major fighting of the war. Various sightings of Saddam were reported in the weeks following the war, but none was authenticated. At various times Saddam released audio tapes promoting popular resistance to his ousting. Saddam was placed at the top of the \"U.S. list of most-wanted Iraqis\". In July 2003, his sons Uday and Qusay and 14-year-old grandson Mustapha were killed in a three-hour gunfight with U.S. forces. On 13 December 2003, in Operation Red Dawn, Saddam Hussein was captured by American forces after being", "psg_id": "403299" }, { "title": "Ace of Spades (video game)", "text": "Ace of Spades (video game) Ace of Spades is a team-based first-person shooter and voxel-based sandbox video game developed and published by Jagex. Originally created by Ben Aksoy and released as a prototype in April 2011, the game was acquired by Jagex in 2012 and fully released in December that year. \"Ace of Spades\" was originally developed by Ben Aksoy. The first of version of the game, Beta 0.1, was released on 4 April 2011, and was available for Microsoft Windows. This version of the game played as a 16-versus-16 team-based first-person shooter with a capture the flag game mode,", "psg_id": "15529669" }, { "title": "Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda link allegations", "text": "On the other two occasions, the Committee concluded, Saddam Hussein rebuffed meeting requests from an al-Qaeda operative. The intelligence community has not found any other evidence of meetings between al-Qaeda and Iraq. On the more specific question of whether Saddam Hussein was behind the attacks of September 11, 2001, the consensus view is that there is no credible evidence of his government's involvement. On March 20, 2006, President Bush made clear that his administration did not have any evidence to prove Saddam played a role in those attacks. The Bush Administration sought to link the Iraqi dictator to Islamist radicals", "psg_id": "4952333" }, { "title": "Reactions to the execution of Saddam Hussein", "text": "years\", said Iraqi Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani. \"The execution of Saddam Hussein is a big crime. Saddam Hussein was a prisoner of war and was arrested by the U.S. forces, and not by the Iraqi government. It is a crime with which they wanted to cover up many things\", a Sunni politician, Khalaf al-Ulayyan said. \"I don't think it will make much difference because the situation has deteriorated to such an extent that very drastic measures have to be taken to confront the militias and restore law and order\", said Adnan Pachachi. \"Of course, he has some supporters in Iraq—some", "psg_id": "19615380" }, { "title": "Ace of spades", "text": "duty wrappers were introduced and although the makers were free to use whatever design they wanted, most chose to keep the ornate ace of spades that is popular today. The ace of spades is thus used to show the card manufacturer's information. The exact design of the ace card was so important, it eventually became the subject of design patents and trademarking. For example, on December 5, 1882, George G. White was granted US design patent US0D0013473 for his design. His ace design was adorned with male and female figures leaning onto the spade from either side. The ace of", "psg_id": "2791223" }, { "title": "Iraqi insurgency (2003–2011)", "text": "the Mukhabarat and the Special Security Organization. Their goal, at least before the capture of Saddam Hussein, was the restoration of the former Ba'athist government to power. The pre-war organization of the Ba'ath Party and its militias as a cellular structure aided the continued pro-Saddam resistance after the fall of Baghdad, and Iraqi intelligence operatives may have developed a plan for guerrilla war following the toppling of Saddam Hussein from power. Following Saddam's capture, the Ba'athist movement largely faded; its surviving factions were increasingly shifting to either nationalist factions (Iraqi, though not Pan-Arab, such as the ideology of the pre-Ba'athist", "psg_id": "3470506" }, { "title": "Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda link allegations", "text": "Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda link allegations Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda link allegations were made by the U.S. government officials who claimed that a highly secretive relationship existed between Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and the radical Islamist militant organization Al-Qaeda between 1992 and 2003, specifically through a series of meetings reportedly involving the Iraqi Intelligence Service (IIS). In the lead up to the Iraq War, U.S. President George W. Bush alleged that Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda might conspire to launch terrorist attacks on the United States, basing the administration's rationale for war, in part, on this allegation . The consensus of", "psg_id": "4952329" }, { "title": "Ace of Spades HQ", "text": "Ace of Spades HQ Ace of Spades HQ, Ace of Spades, or AoS is a conservative and humor-driven U.S.-based political blog covering current events, legal issues, military hardware, and salacious topics in popular culture. The blog was first launched in 2003. It has been quoted, mentioned, referenced or linked by \"The Wall Street Journal\", Fox News, CNN, \"National Review\", \"The Weekly Standard\", and many notable online magazines/blogs, as well as on the floor of the US House of Representatives. The site's leading blogger, the pseudonymous \"Ace of Spades,\" has also appeared as a guest expert on Fox News, although it", "psg_id": "8735107" }, { "title": "Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda link allegations", "text": "it was \"all okay\".'\" Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda link allegations Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda link allegations were made by the U.S. government officials who claimed that a highly secretive relationship existed between Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and the radical Islamist militant organization Al-Qaeda between 1992 and 2003, specifically through a series of meetings reportedly involving the Iraqi Intelligence Service (IIS). In the lead up to the Iraq War, U.S. President George W. Bush alleged that Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda might conspire to launch terrorist attacks on the United States, basing the administration's rationale for war, in part, on this allegation", "psg_id": "4952440" }, { "title": "Saddam Hussein", "text": "Hussein. At the time, Saddam then asked Rev. Yasso, \"I heard there was a debt on your church. How much is it?\" After the inquiry, Saddam then donated another $200,000 to Chaldean Sacred Heart Church. Rev. Yasso said that Saddam made donations to Chaldean churches all over the world, and even went on record as saying \"He's very kind to Christians.\" Saddam Hussein Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti (; Arabic: \"\"; 28 April 1937 – 30 December 2006) was President of Iraq from 16 July 1979 until 9 April 2003. A leading member of the revolutionary Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party,", "psg_id": "403311" }, { "title": "Iraqi no-fly zones", "text": "conjunction with B-52 bombers escorted by F-14D Tomcats from USS \"Carl Vinson\", launched 27 cruise missiles against Iraqi air defense targets in southern Iraq. A second wave of 17 was launched later that day. The missiles hit targets in and around Kut, Iskandariyah, Nasiriyah, and Tallil. This was done in response to Saddam Hussein, an Iraqi dictator, attempting to launch an Iraqi military offensive campaign in the Kurdish town of Arbil in Iraqi Kurdistan. Operation Provide Comfort officially ended on 31 December 1996. Following Operation Provide Comfort, the United States continued to watch over the northern skies with the launching", "psg_id": "1642587" }, { "title": "Interrogation of Saddam Hussein", "text": "age of 20, Saddam Hussein joined the nascent Ba'ath Party, which was founded on a socialist form of Pan-Arabism. After participating in an unsuccessful 1959 assassination attempt on then Prime Minister of Iraq Abd al-Karim Qasim, Saddam became a fugitive, and eventually fled to Syria and then Egypt. Following the Ba'athists overthrow of the prime minister in the February 1963 Iraqi coup d'état, and the counter-coup half a year later, Saddam was jailed in Iraq from 1964 to 1966. The Ba'ath party returned to power after another successful coup in 1968. General Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr, a relative of Saddam Hussein,", "psg_id": "13540302" }, { "title": "Foreign policy of the Bill Clinton administration", "text": "Iskandariyah, Nasiriyah, and Tallil. This was done in response to Saddam Hussein, an Iraqi dictator, attempting to launch an Iraqi military offensive campaign in the Kurdish town of Arbil in Iraqi Kurdistan. In his 1998 State of the Union Address, Clinton warned the U.S. Congress of Hussein's possible pursuit of nuclear weapons, saying: The UNS-COM team faced resistance from Iraq, which blocked inspections and hid deadly germ agents and warheads. Clinton then threatened military action several times when Hussein, who turned out to be Iraq's President, tried stalling the UNS-COM inspections. To weaken Hussein's grip of power, Clinton signed the", "psg_id": "9053602" }, { "title": "Ace of Spades HQ", "text": "a town-hall setting and the Reagan Revolution, which rejected the notion—now so prevalent in Europe and elsewhere—that the political class can consider itself our 'betters,' and simply make policy decisions on our behalf. We have, he reminded us, not simply an opportunity to inform ourselves about politics, but a 'duty' to do so. Naturally, alternative streams of information will play a large role in that process.\" In a 2007 editorial for the Washington Times, editor Tony Blankley described Ace of Spades HQ as a \"very smart military blog\", which became a catchphrase at the blog. The Ace of Spades HQ", "psg_id": "8735110" }, { "title": "Saddam Hussein", "text": "Saddam to stay in power in 1991. Saddam visited only two Western countries. The first visit took place in December 1974, when the dictator of Spain, Francisco Franco, invited him to Madrid and he visited Granada, Córdoba and Toledo. In September 1975 he met with Prime Minister Jacques Chirac in Paris, France. Several Iraqi leaders, Lebanese arms merchant Sarkis Soghanalian and others have claimed that Saddam financed Chirac's party. In 1991 Saddam threatened to expose those who had taken largesse from him: \"From Mr. Chirac to Mr. Chevènement, politicians and economic leaders were in open competition to spend time with", "psg_id": "403252" }, { "title": "Sharif Ali bin al-Hussein", "text": "banking. Ali bin al-Hussein earned his high school diploma from Brummana High School in Lebanon, a BA in Economics from the University of Nottingham, and an MA in Economics from the University of Essex. Ali bin Al-Hussein remained an opponent of the rule of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. In 1991, he quit his job managing investment funds and became a member of the Iraqi National Congress, which had the purpose of fomenting the overthrow of Hussein. On October 28, 2003, representing the Iraqi National Conference Bloc, Sharif Ali Bin al-Hussein met Syria's Foreign Minister Farouk al-Sharaa in Damascus. They agreed", "psg_id": "2241831" }, { "title": "Saddam Hussein", "text": "2 August 1990, Saddam invaded Kuwait, initially claiming assistance to \"Kuwaiti revolutionaries,\" thus sparking an international crisis. On 4 August an Iraqi-backed \"Provisional Government of Free Kuwait\" was proclaimed, but a total lack of legitimacy and support for it led to an 8 August announcement of a \"merger\" of the two countries. On 28 August Kuwait formally became the 19th Governorate of Iraq. Just two years after the 1988 Iraq and Iran truce, \"Saddam Hussein did what his Gulf patrons had earlier paid him to prevent.\" Having removed the threat of Iranian fundamentalism he \"overran Kuwait and confronted his Gulf", "psg_id": "403277" }, { "title": "House of Saddam", "text": "to divorce their wives and strip them of their Iraqi uniforms and ranks. However, they allow them to return to their family home, while Raghad and Rana go to their mother's house. Saddam Hussein then tells General Ali Hassan al-Majid that the honor of the al-Majid clan will be tainted as long as the pair go unpunished. Ali subsequently surrounds the brothers' house with troops, offering the brothers weapons so that they can die fighting. In a pitched battle, Hussein and Saddam Kamel are killed. 2003: Saddam, along with Uday, Qusay and Aziz, watch television reports of the unfolding Second", "psg_id": "12246114" }, { "title": "Ace of Spades (video game)", "text": "Jagex at the time, explained that this was \"what's right for the game\". Shortly following the release, on 21 December, \"Ace of Spades\" was updated with free downloadable content (DLC) containing four new maps, a new weapon and the reintroduction of the capture the flag game mode. On 24 January 2013, Jagex released, alongside other new content, the \"Classic Mode\" that aimed to play similarly to the 2011 prototype of the game. On Valentine's Day on 14 February 2013, the game received its first paid DLC package, named \"St. Valentine's Day Massacre\", which introduced a new \"VIP mode\" wherein teams", "psg_id": "15529674" }, { "title": "Persecution of Feyli Kurds under Saddam Hussein", "text": "Persecution of Feyli Kurds under Saddam Hussein The persecution of the Feyli Kurds was a systematic persecution of Feylis by Saddam Hussein between 1970 and 2003. The persecution campaigns led to the expulsion, flight and effective exile of the Feyli Kurds from their ancestral lands in Iraq. The persecution began when a large number of Feyli Kurds were exposed to a big campaign by the regime that began by the dissolved RCCR issuance for 666 decision, which deprived Feyli Kurds of Iraqi nationality and considered them as Iranians. The systematic executions started in Baghdad and Khanaqin in 1979 and later", "psg_id": "20171940" }, { "title": "Reactions to the execution of Saddam Hussein", "text": "punishment. Saddam's supporters condemned the action as unjust. \"The world will know that Saddam Hussein lived honestly, died honestly, and maintained his principles. He did not lie when he declared his trial null\", said Saddam's lawyers in a statement. A spokeswoman for Saddam's daughters reported, \"They felt very proud as they saw their father facing his executioners so bravely.\" In Amman, the capital of Jordan, Saddam's eldest daughter, Raghad Hussein, joined protests against her father's execution. Protesters expressed sentiment that Saddam is a martyr and that he was the only Arab leader who said no to the United States. According", "psg_id": "19615377" }, { "title": "Ace of Spades HQ", "text": "in its videos, cartoons, and pictures. The site frequently employs obscenity and vulgar language, setting it apart from most conservative media outlets. One center-right devout Catholic blogger has described the blog and its commenters as \"smart but very very vulgar.\" Ace of Spades HQ was mentioned by Roy Edroso of the left-wing \"Village Voice\" in the autumn of 2008, in his Guide to the Rightosphere as a \"Fratboytarian\" new-media outlet. Edroso described the Ace of Spades evolution: Ace of Spades HQ Ace of Spades HQ, Ace of Spades, or AoS is a conservative and humor-driven U.S.-based political blog covering current", "psg_id": "8735112" }, { "title": "House of Saddam", "text": "House of Saddam House of Saddam is a 2008 drama that charted the rise and fall of Saddam Hussein. A co-production between BBC Television and HBO Films, the series was first broadcast on BBC Two (in the United Kingdom) in four parts between 30 July and 20 August 2008. A pre-title sequence is set in March 2003, showing Saddam watching the broadcast of President George W. Bush's ultimatum to leave Ba'athist Iraq within forty-eight hours. As the bombing of Baghdad commences, Saddam and his family flee the presidential palace. 1979: Shortly after the Iranian Revolution, Iraqi vice president Saddam Hussein", "psg_id": "12246103" }, { "title": "Trial of Saddam Hussein", "text": "When the judge announced the verdict, Saddam shouted, \"Long live the people. Long live the Arab nation. Down with the spies. God is great.\" Chief defense lawyer Khalil al-Dulaimi later quoted a statement from Saddam Hussein given just before the Court issued its verdict. He said that Saddam urged his countrymen to \"unify in the face of sectarian strife\". Al-Dulaimi added that Saddam's message to the people was to \"pardon and do not take revenge on the invading nations, its civilians\". An appeal, mandated by the Iraqi judicial system, followed. There was speculation that the appeals could last years, postponing", "psg_id": "6269286" }, { "title": "Trial of Saddam Hussein", "text": "On 26 December, Saddam's appeal was rejected and the death sentence upheld. No further appeals were taken and Saddam was ordered executed within 30 days of that date. The date and place of the execution were secret until the sentence was carried out. Saddam Hussein was executed by hanging on 30 December 2006. With his death, all other charges were dropped. The 67-year-old, President Saddam Hussein appeared confident and defiant throughout the 46-minute hearing. Alternating between listening to and gesturing at the judge Rizgar Mohammed Amin, he questioned the legitimacy of the tribunal set up to try him. He called", "psg_id": "6269269" }, { "title": "Fedayeen Saddam", "text": "the area known as the Sunni Triangle. Some units of the Fedayeen also continued to operate independently of other insurgent organizations in the Sunni areas of Iraq. On November 30, 2003, a U.S. convoy traveling through the town of Samarra in the Sunni Triangle was ambushed by over 100 Iraqi guerrillas, reportedly wearing trademark Fedayeen Saddam uniforms. Exactly how much influence they had in the resistance, especially following Saddam Hussein's capture on December 13, 2003, was a source of controversy. The Fedayeen has been cited as carrying out some of the most brutal acts of the pro-Saddam militias. They have", "psg_id": "1649665" }, { "title": "Saddam Hussein", "text": "long trek of a wounded man from house to house, city to town, across the desert to refuge in Syria. Some of the plotters (including Saddam) quickly managed to leave the country for Syria, the spiritual home of Ba'athist ideology. There Saddam was given full-membership in the party by Michel Aflaq. Some members of the operation were arrested and taken into custody by the Iraqi government. At the show trial, six of the defendants were given death sentences; for unknown reasons the sentences were not carried out. Aflaq, the leader of the Ba'athist movement, organised the expulsion of leading Iraqi", "psg_id": "403227" }, { "title": "Ace of spades", "text": "Ace of spades The ace of spades (also known as the spadille) is traditionally the highest and most valued card in the deck of playing cards, at least in English-speaking countries. The actual value of the card varies from game to game. The ornate design of the ace of spades, common in packs today, stems from the 17th century, when James I and later Queen Anne imposed laws requiring the ace of spades to bear an insignia of the printing house. Stamp duty, an idea imported to England by Charles I, was extended to playing cards in 1711 by Queen", "psg_id": "2791221" }, { "title": "Saddam Hussein", "text": "31 December 2006. He was buried 3 km (2 mi) from his sons Uday and Qusay Hussein. His tomb was reported to have been destroyed in March 2015. Before it was destroyed, a Sunni tribal group reportedly removed his body to a secret location, fearful of what might happen. In August 1995, Raghad and her husband Hussein Kamel al-Majid and Rana and her husband, Saddam Kamel al-Majid, defected to Jordan, taking their children with them. They returned to Iraq when they received assurances that Saddam would pardon them. Within three days of their return in February 1996, both of the", "psg_id": "403308" }, { "title": "The Dictator (2012 film)", "text": "in the back of the store where one of his bodyguards, Etra, tries to kill him by beating him with her enlarged breasts. Another added scene is Mr. Ogden, the manager of the Lancaster Hotel, talking to Zoey at The Collective and cancelling the catering contract because of Aladeen. Paramount Pictures described the film as \"the heroic story of a North African dictator who risked his life to ensure that democracy would never come to the country he so lovingly oppressed.\" Paramount said the film was inspired by the novel \"Zabibah and the King\" by Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, though", "psg_id": "15255956" }, { "title": "Trial of Saddam Hussein", "text": "Iraq. The first trial began before the Iraqi Special Tribunal on 19 October 2005. At this trial Saddam and seven other defendants were tried for crimes against humanity with regard to events that took place after a failed assassination attempt in Dujail in 1982 by members of the Islamic Dawa Party (see also human rights abuses in Iraq under Saddam Hussein). A second and separate trial began on 21 August 2006, trying Saddam and six co-defendants for genocide during the Anfal military campaign against the Kurds of northern Iraq. On 5 November 2006, Saddam was sentenced to death by hanging.", "psg_id": "6269268" }, { "title": "Saddam Hussein", "text": "Iraq continues to flaunt its hostility toward America and to support terror.\" After the passing of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441, which demanded that Iraq give \"immediate, unconditional and active cooperation\" with UN and IAEA inspections, Saddam allowed U.N. weapons inspectors led by Hans Blix to return to Iraq. During the renewed inspections beginning in November 2002, Blix found no stockpiles of WMD and noted the \"proactive\" but not always \"immediate\" Iraqi cooperation as called for by UN Security Council Resolution 1441. With war still looming on 24 February 2003, Saddam Hussein took part in an interview with CBS", "psg_id": "403296" }, { "title": "Persecution of Feyli Kurds under Saddam Hussein", "text": "to Iraqi had difficulties to apply for the citizenship. In 2006, the spokesman of Kurdistan Alliance, Muayad al-Tayeb, called on Iraqi and Kurdish parliaments to support Feyli refugees, stating that \"Feyli Kurds have been subjected to persecution for three reasons, first because they are Kurds, second they are from the Shiite sect and third because they are patriotic people and joined the Kurdish and Iraqi national movement.\" In 2010, the Iraqi Ministry of Displacement and Migration reported that since 2003 about 100,000 Feylis have had their citizenship reinstated. Persecution of Feyli Kurds under Saddam Hussein The persecution of the Feyli", "psg_id": "20171944" }, { "title": "Operation Red Dawn", "text": "town of ad-Dawr, but did not find Hussein. A continued search between the two sites found Hussein hiding in a \"spider hole\" at 20:30 hrs local Iraqi time. Hussein did not resist capture. Hussein disappeared from public view soon after the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The American military labelled him \"High Value Target Number One\" (HVT1) and began one of the largest manhunts in history. Between July and December 2003, JSOC's Task Force 121 carried out twelve unsuccessful raids to find Saddam Hussein, together with 600 other operations against targets, including 300 interrogations. On December 1, 2003, a former driver", "psg_id": "2411330" }, { "title": "Ace of Spades (comics)", "text": "Ace of Spades (comics) Ace of Spades is the name of five fictional characters from DC Comics. This Ace of Spades' first appearance was in an issue of the self-titled 'Joker' series. He became the leader of the Royal Flush Gang after Amos Fortune, the Ace of Clubs, left the group. After being defeated by the Joker, the team disbanded again for a while; however, they returned for a later battle with Wonder Woman. The true identity of this Ace of Spades was never made known. A superstrong android first appeared as the part of the second version of the", "psg_id": "7573445" }, { "title": "Ace of Spades (comics)", "text": "at large. Ace of Spades (comics) Ace of Spades is the name of five fictional characters from DC Comics. This Ace of Spades' first appearance was in an issue of the self-titled 'Joker' series. He became the leader of the Royal Flush Gang after Amos Fortune, the Ace of Clubs, left the group. After being defeated by the Joker, the team disbanded again for a while; however, they returned for a later battle with Wonder Woman. The true identity of this Ace of Spades was never made known. A superstrong android first appeared as the part of the second version", "psg_id": "7573448" }, { "title": "Saddam Hussein", "text": "to suffer losses from human wave attacks by Iran. By 1982, Iraq was on the defensive and looking for ways to end the war. At this point, Saddam asked his ministers for candid advice. Health Minister Dr. Riyadh Ibrahim suggested that Saddam temporarily step down to promote peace negotiations. Initially, Saddam Hussein appeared to take in this opinion as part of his cabinet democracy. A few weeks later, Dr. Ibrahim was sacked when held responsible for a fatal incident in an Iraqi hospital where a patient died from intravenous administration of the wrong concentration of potassium supplement. Dr. Ibrahim was", "psg_id": "403262" }, { "title": "Iraqi insurgency (2003–2011)", "text": "Islamic Council of Iraq. The group is currently based in Karbala, Iraq, and is also active in areas throughout southern Iraq. The group was formed by the Iranian Government to fight the Saddam Hussein-controlled Iraq during the Iran–Iraq War. Originally, the group consisted of Iraqi exiles who were banished from Iraq during the reign of Saddam Hussein. After the war ended in 1988, the organization remained in Iran until Saddam Hussein was overthrown during the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Following the invasion, the brigade then moved into Iraq, became members of the new Iraq Army, and aided coalition forces in", "psg_id": "3470514" }, { "title": "Ace of Spades (video game)", "text": "the game were launched alongside, and by 11 December, one day before the release, Jagex reported that 500,000 users had pre-registered for the game. \"Ace of Spades\" launch trailer, released alongside the game itself, highlighted the characteristics of the game's new characters. In reference to the game's title, the trailer also featured Motörhead's eponymous 1980 song, \"Ace of Spades\". Unlike previous games released by Jagex, such as \"RuneScape\", \"Ace of Spades\" was not released in a free-to-play model and was instead provided as a one-off purchase costing , described as a \"small one-off fee\". Mark Gerhard, chief executive officer of", "psg_id": "15529673" }, { "title": "Ace of spades", "text": "Anne and lasted until 1960. Over the years a number of methods were used to show that duty had been paid. From 1712 onwards, one of the cards in the pack, usually the ace of spades, was marked with a hand stamp. In 1765 hand stamping was replaced by the printing of official ace of spades by the Stamp Office, incorporating the royal coat of arms. In 1828 the Duty Ace of Spades (known as \"Old Frizzle\") was printed to indicate a reduced duty of a shilling had been paid. The system was changed again in 1862 when official threepenny", "psg_id": "2791222" }, { "title": "Reactions to the execution of Saddam Hussein", "text": "sectarian free-for-all that had the effect, on the video recordings, of making Mr. Hussein, a mass murderer, appear dignified and restrained, and his executioners, representing Shi'ites who were his principal victims, seem like bullying street thugs.\" The British Pakistani writer Tariq Ali denounced the proceedings, contrasting more favorably the trials of Nazi criminals after World War II with the trial of Saddam, \"Where Nuremberg was a more dignified application of victor's justice, Saddam's trial has, till now, been the crudest and most grotesque.\" Reactions to the execution of Saddam Hussein Reactions to the execution of Saddam Hussein were varied. Some", "psg_id": "19615403" }, { "title": "Ace of Spades (song)", "text": "23 in the UK chart. Ace of Spades (song) \"Ace of Spades\" is a song by English heavy metal band Motörhead, released in 1980 as a single and the title track to the album \"Ace of Spades\". Initially issued as a 7\" vinyl single on 27 October 1980 as a preview to the album \"Ace of Spades\" and autumn tour, the song was also released by Bronze Records as a 12\" vinyl pressing in special Christmas picture sleeves, limited to 50,000 copies. The picture of the band in Santa outfits used on the cover was taken at the Aylesbury Fair,", "psg_id": "5540409" }, { "title": "Ace of Spades (song)", "text": "Ace of Spades (song) \"Ace of Spades\" is a song by English heavy metal band Motörhead, released in 1980 as a single and the title track to the album \"Ace of Spades\". Initially issued as a 7\" vinyl single on 27 October 1980 as a preview to the album \"Ace of Spades\" and autumn tour, the song was also released by Bronze Records as a 12\" vinyl pressing in special Christmas picture sleeves, limited to 50,000 copies. The picture of the band in Santa outfits used on the cover was taken at the Aylesbury Fair, while the band were on", "psg_id": "5540400" }, { "title": "Battle of Basra (2003)", "text": "1991 uprising to overthrow Saddam Hussein after the US had driven the Iraqi Army from Kuwait. Residents became embittered when support promised by the US did not materialize. Basra then suffered from years of sanctions and bombing, as well as bad treatment from Hussein. An Iraqi living in exile said in 2001: \"Iraqis think Saddam is America's man. These people are not going to forget what has happened to them. In their eyes, it is genocide. And people do not forget genocide.\" The population of Basra saw a dramatic increase in birth defects and childhood cancer during the 1990s; these", "psg_id": "10808867" }, { "title": "Iraqi insurgency (2003–2011)", "text": "of Iraq (19 March – 1 May 2003) began the Iraq War, or \"Operation Iraqi Freedom\", in which a combined force of troops from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Poland invaded Iraq and toppled the government of Saddam Hussein within 21 days of major combat operations. The invasion phase consisted of a conventionally fought war which concluded with the capture of the Iraq capital Baghdad by U.S. forces. Four countries participated with troops during the initial invasion phase, which lasted from 19 March to 9 April 2003. These were the United States (148,000), United Kingdom (45,000), Australia", "psg_id": "3470494" }, { "title": "2003 invasion of Iraq", "text": "that, while polling data collected \"right after 11 Sept. 2001\" showed that only 3 percent mentioned Iraq or Saddam Hussein, by January 2003 attitudes \"had been transformed\" with a Knight Ridder poll showing that 44% of Americans believed \"most\" or \"some\" of the 11 September hijackers were Iraqi citizens. According to General Tommy Franks, the objectives of the invasion were, \"First, end the regime of Saddam Hussein. Second, to identify, isolate and eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. Third, to search for, to capture and to drive out terrorists from that country. Fourth, to collect such intelligence as we can", "psg_id": "1635266" }, { "title": "Timeline of Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda link allegations", "text": "sent Jack Cloonan and several other agents, to speak with a number of people known to have ties to Bin Laden. Al Duri and another Iraqi colleague agreed to meet with Cloonan in a safe house overseen by the intelligence service. They were asked whether there was any possible connection between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda, and laughed stating that Bin Laden hated the dictator, who he believed was a \"Scotch-drinking, woman-chasing apostate.\" The operation raises the possibility that Iraq quietly funneled money to Al Qaeda by deliberately choosing an oil company working with one of the terrorist group's alleged financial", "psg_id": "8048207" }, { "title": "2003 invasion of Iraq", "text": "by Paramilitary Officers from SAD and the Army's 10th Special Forces Group. SAD teams also conducted high-risk special reconnaissance missions behind Iraqi lines to identify senior leadership targets. These missions led to the initial strikes against Saddam Hussein and his key generals. Although the initial strikes against Saddam were unsuccessful in killing the dictator or his generals, they were successful in effectively ending the ability to command and control Iraqi forces. Other strikes against key generals were successful and significantly degraded the command's ability to react to and maneuver against the U.S.-led invasion force coming from the south. SAD operations", "psg_id": "1635289" }, { "title": "Interrogation of Saddam Hussein", "text": "before it fell in mid April, and disappeared; he was finally captured on December 13 of that year by U.S. soldiers. Saddam remained in U.S. military custody throughout his subsequent criminal trial. On November 5, 2006, Saddam was found guilty of crimes against humanity, and was turned over to the Iraqi Interim Government for his execution by hanging just before the end of that year, on the 30th of December. When Saddam was initially questioned, he gave his U.S. Army Military Intelligence Corps interrogators only evasive or rhetorical answers. Control of his interrogation was soon transferred from the military intelligence", "psg_id": "13540304" }, { "title": "Ace of Spades (album)", "text": "stated \"..Vic got me singing instead of just shouting all the time..\" while Taylor added \"..and he got me playing more solid..\" Motörhead appeared on \"Top of the Pops\" twice in October to promote the single \"Ace of Spades\", and were guests on the ITV children's morning show \"Tiswas\" on 8 November. The band undertook a UK tour from 22 October through to 2 December under the banner \"Ace Up Your Sleeve\", with support from Girlschool and Vardis. After the Belfast show on 2 December, hijinks resulted in Taylor breaking his neck forcing him to wear a neck-brace and curtailing", "psg_id": "4201120" }, { "title": "Ace of Spades (video game)", "text": "not \"launched well\", because of which he asked Jagex' board to create a new title in the same genre. On 3 April 2018, Jagex announced that \"Ace of Spades\" would officially be discontinued. As a result, the game was taken off sale immediately, while dedicated game servers were to stay online through 3 July that year. However, on 2 July, Jagex stated that \"Ace of Spades\" shutdown would be postponed as they considered possible alternative futures for the game. Ace of Spades (video game) Ace of Spades is a team-based first-person shooter and voxel-based sandbox video game developed and published", "psg_id": "15529677" }, { "title": "Reactions to the execution of Saddam Hussein", "text": "unfair if George Bush is not also put before an international tribunal\", he said. \"Saddam was executed for killing 148 people, Iraqi Shi'a Muslims, while Bush is responsible for the killing of about 600,000 Iraqis since the March 2003 invasion.\" Many other governments, including Canada, Indonesia, Pakistan, Thailand, and Greece, expressed concerns and wishes for stability in Iraq, without passing judgment on whether or not Saddam should have been executed. Respect for the Iraqi judicial process and the judgment in this case was expressed by many other leaders and government officials, including those of Afghanistan, the People's Republic of China,", "psg_id": "19615396" }, { "title": "Ace of Spades (junction)", "text": "Ace of Spades (junction) The Ace of Spades roundabout is a road junction in Hook in the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames. It is situated at the junction of the A243 Hook Road and the A3 Road, known as the Portsmouth Road, as well as the conclusion of the A309 Kingston Bypass. It takes its name from a once well known 1930s roadhouse at the same location. The Ace of Spades Roadhouse was a pioneer establishment, serving meals 24hrs a day in a restaurant with seating for up to 800, dancing until 3am, open air swimming pool, a miniature", "psg_id": "15648687" }, { "title": "Ace of Spades (comics)", "text": "former King of the second Royal Flush Gang, Clay replaced the \"Derek Reston\" android as the Ace when the second Gambler re-formed and re-equipped the Gang. He was outfitted with a powered exo-skeleton to give him super strength. The fifth Ace of Spades is a Hispanic male who was recruited by Lex Luthor to join the most recent incarnation of the RFG, which was in turn a part of the Secret Society of Super-Villains, during the Infinite Crisis. The team was sent to menace the new Firestorm (Jason Rusch) but was defeated; however, they escaped capture and are presumably still", "psg_id": "7573447" }, { "title": "History of the United States", "text": "March 19 to May 1, the United States launched an invasion of Iraq, which led to the collapse of the Iraq government and the eventual capture of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, with whom the U.S. had long-standing tense relations. The reasons for the invasion cited by the Bush administration included the spreading of democracy, the elimination of weapons of mass destruction (a key demand of the UN as well, though later investigations found parts of the intelligence reports to be inaccurate), and the liberation of the Iraqi people. Despite some initial successes early in the invasion, the continued Iraq War", "psg_id": "739882" }, { "title": "Reactions to the execution of Saddam Hussein", "text": "Reactions to the execution of Saddam Hussein Reactions to the execution of Saddam Hussein were varied. Some strongly supported the execution, particularly those personally affected by Saddam's actions as leader. Some of these victims wished to see him brought to trial for his other actions, alleged to have resulted in a much greater number of deaths than those for which he was convicted. Some believed the execution would boost morale in Iraq, while others feared it would incite further violence. Many in the international community supported Saddam being brought to justice but objected in particular to the use of capital", "psg_id": "19615376" }, { "title": "Saddam Kamel", "text": "Saddam Kamel Saddam Kamel Hassan al-Majid (1956-1996) was the second cousin and son-in-law of deposed Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. He was married to Rana Hussein and was the brother of Hussein Kamel al-Majid (who was also married to a daughter of Saddam, Raghad Hussein). He was for a time head of the Republican Guard. He was removed from the position in 1986 in favour of Saddam Hussein's son, Qusay Hussein. Due to his close resemblance to the Iraqi leader, he played the part of Saddam Hussein in the film \"The Long Days\", a propagandistic account of Saddam Hussein's life. In", "psg_id": "3479564" }, { "title": "Ace of Spades (video game)", "text": "onto the map editor integration, the game was updated with the a custom, 24-player mode where players built maps within a limited time. Subsequently, the game was rebranded as \"Ace of Spades: Battle Builder\". \"Ace of Spades\" received \"generally unfavorable\" reviews, according to review aggregator website Metacritic, where the game holds a score of 49/100, based on 13 critic reviews. On 20 November 2014, Jagex announced \"Block N Load\" as a free-to-play successor to \"Ace of Spades\". \"Block N Load\" developed stemmed from Alex Horton, chief creative officer at Jagex at the time, who acknowledged that \"Ace of Spades\" was", "psg_id": "15529676" }, { "title": "Most-wanted Iraqi playing cards", "text": "starting with the aces and kings, were used for the people at the top of the most-wanted list. The ace of spades is Saddam Hussein, the aces of clubs and hearts are his sons Qusay and Uday respectively, and the ace of diamonds is Saddam's presidential secretary Abid Hamid Mahmud al-Tikriti. This strict correspondence to the order of the most-wanted list was not carried through the entire deck, but some time later in 2003, the list itself was renumbered to conform (almost) to the deck of cards. The card backs feature a green military camouflage pattern. According to US Navy", "psg_id": "1728729" }, { "title": "Saddam Hussein", "text": "before his execution; he was concerned to ensure his legacy and how the history would be told. The tour was conducted by U.S. Marine Maj. Gen. Doug Stone, overseer of detention operations for the U.S. military in Iraq at the time. On 30 June 2004, Saddam Hussein, held in custody by U.S. forces at the U.S. base \"Camp Cropper\", along with 11 other senior Ba'athist leaders, were handed over legally (though not physically) to the interim Iraqi government to stand trial for crimes against humanity and other offences. A few weeks later, he was charged by the Iraqi Special Tribunal", "psg_id": "403303" }, { "title": "History of Iraq (2003–2011)", "text": "turn Fallujah into Dresden\". The U.S. handed authority of the city over to a former Iraqi general who had served under Saddam Hussein, and whose fighters the U.S. acknowledges may include former members of insurgency. Afterwards, the city was referred to as \"free rebel town\"; banners in the city streets proclaimed victory over the United States, and some of its mosques praised the Iraqi insurgency. The general, Muhammed Latif, told Reuters, \"\"I want the American soldier to return to his camp. What I want more is that he returns to the United States.\" U.S. marines encircled Fallujah with an earth", "psg_id": "1751457" }, { "title": "Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda link allegations", "text": "5: Postwar findings support the assessment that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and associates were present in Baghdad from May–November 2002. \"Prewar assessments expressed uncertainty about Iraq's complicity in their presence, but overestimated the Iraqi regime's capabilities to locate them. Postwar information indicates that Saddam Hussein attempted, unsuccessfully, to locate and capture al-Zarqawi and that the regime did not have a relationship with, harbor, or turn a blind eye toward Zarqawi.\" Conclusion 6: Prewar interactions between Saddam Hussein's government and al-Qaeda affiliate group Ansar al-Islam were attempts by Saddam to spy on the group rather than to support or work with them.", "psg_id": "4952419" }, { "title": "Trial of Saddam Hussein", "text": "his actual execution. However, on 26 December, Saddam's appeal was rejected and the death sentence was given. No further appeals were possible and Saddam had to be executed within 30 days of that date. The decision still had to be ratified by the Iraqi President but could not be commuted. Judge Arif Shaheen, one of the nine appeal judges, said, \"It cannot exceed 30 days. As from tomorrow the sentence could be carried out at any time. The appeals court has issued its verdict. What we have decided today is compulsory.\" On 30 December 2006 at approximately 6:05 am Baghdad", "psg_id": "6269287" }, { "title": "Timeline of Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda link allegations", "text": "Afghanistan to meet with bin Laden. Three intelligence agencies tell ABC News they cannot be certain what was discussed, but almost certainly, they say, bin Laden has been told he would be welcome in Baghdad. This story is repeated by CNN on 13 February. The article reports that \"Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has offered asylum to bin Laden, who openly supports Iraq against the Western powers.\" Indeed, intelligence agencies tracked contacts between Iraqi agents and Al Qaeda agents in the '90s in Sudan and Afghanistan, where bin Laden is believed to have met with Farouk Hijazi, head of Iraqi intelligence.", "psg_id": "8048185" }, { "title": "Saddam Hussein", "text": "many feelings and he was very tender with all of us.\" With the intention of discrediting Saddam Hussein with his supporters, CIA was considering making a video in which he would be seen having sex with a teenager. In 1979, Rev. Jacob Yasso of Chaldean Sacred Heart Church congratulated Saddam Hussein on his presidency. In return, Rev. Yasso said that Saddam Hussein donated US$250,000 to his church, which is made up of at least 1,200 families of Middle Eastern descent. In 1980, Detroit Mayor Coleman Young allowed Rev. Yasso to present the key to the city of Detroit to Saddam", "psg_id": "403310" }, { "title": "Saddam Hussein", "text": "an Iraqi court of crimes against humanity related to the 1982 killing of 148 Iraqi Shi'a, and sentenced to death by hanging. He was executed on 30 December 2006. Before he was born, cancer killed both Saddam's father and brother. These deaths so depressed Saddam's mother (Sabha) that she attempted to abort her pregnancy and commit suicide. When her son was born, Sabha \"would have nothing to do with him\", and Saddam was taken in by an uncle. His mother remarried, and Saddam gained three half-brothers through this marriage. His stepfather, Ibrahim al-Hassan, treated Saddam harshly after his return. At", "psg_id": "403219" }, { "title": "Reactions to the execution of Saddam Hussein", "text": "and Poland expressed approval of the execution. A spokesman for Poland's president said, \"justice has been meted out to a criminal who murdered thousands of people in Iraq.\" In the United States, President George W. Bush made a statement, \"Bringing Saddam Hussein to justice will not end the violence in Iraq, but it is an important milestone on Iraq's course to becoming a democracy that can govern, sustain, and defend itself.\" Celebration in the United States occurred in at least one location in Dearborn, Michigan, at the corner of Warren and Greenfield, a heavily Shi'a Iraqi-American community. In Iran, members", "psg_id": "19615398" }, { "title": "Reactions to the execution of Saddam Hussein", "text": "as such should have been tried in the US or Britain, rather than in an Iraqi puppet regime's kangaroo court.\" Libya declared three days of mourning after Saddam Hussein's death and cancelled public celebrations around the Eid religious holiday. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran said that \"The execution of Saddam has proven that trusting the United States is not convenient,\" referring to the Iran–Iraq War in 1980-88 during which, he alleged, Washington encouraged Saddam in going to war with Tehran but then ousted him from power in 2003 \"when he wasn't useful anymore. Countries in the region should learn the", "psg_id": "19615391" }, { "title": "WMD conjecture in the aftermath of the 2003 invasion of Iraq", "text": "mass destruction and an associated military program were wrong. The official findings by the CIA in October 2004 were that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein \"did not possess stockpiles of illicit weapons at the time of the U.S. invasion in March 2003 and had not begun any program to produce them.\" Immediately following and during these searches, many theories were put forward on how it could be possible for these WMDs to have suddenly disappeared (assuming they were, in fact, there at first). These theories included conspiracy theories, accusations against other governments and claims of successful deception efforts by Saddam Hussein.", "psg_id": "8011864" }, { "title": "Ace of spades", "text": "from top clockwise: headquarters at the twelve o'clock position, 1st Battalion at the three o'clock, etc. Some twenty years later, a folk legend about the ace of spades being used by American Soldiers during the Vietnam War was popularized. Supposedly, US troops believed that Vietnamese traditions held the symbolism of the spade to mean death and ill-fortune and in a bid to frighten and demoralize Viet Cong soldiers, it was common practice to mockingly leave an ace of spades on the bodies of killed Vietnamese and even to litter the forested grounds and fields with the card. This custom was", "psg_id": "2791225" } ]
[ "tikrit, iraq", "takrit", "tikrit palace", "تكريت", "tikreet", "tekrit", "tikrīt", "the birthday palace", "birthday palace", "tikrit", "tagrit" ]
what is the name given to the meteorological phenomenon which is characterized by a strong and persistent flow of atmospheric moisture and associated heavy rainfall from the waters adjacent to the hawaiian islands, which resulted in record rainfall at seatac airport this week.
[ { "title": "Pineapple Express", "text": "Pineapple Express Pineapple Express is a non-technical term for a meteorological phenomenon characterized by a strong and persistent flow of atmospheric moisture and associated with heavy precipitation from the waters adjacent to the Hawaiian Islands and extending to any location along the Pacific coast of North America. A Pineapple Express is an example of an atmospheric river, which is a more general term for such narrow corridors of enhanced water vapor transport at mid-latitudes around the world. A Pineapple Express is driven by a strong, southern branch of the polar jet stream and is marked by the presence of a", "psg_id": "2676071" } ]
[ { "title": "Earth rainfall climatology", "text": "a 16-year interval. Southern Europe experiences a 22-year cycle in rainfall variation. Other smaller term cycles are seen at 10-12 year and 6-7 year periods within the rainfall record. Places with significant impact by acid rain across the continent include most of eastern Europe from Poland northward into Scandinavia. Precipitation across Canada is highest in the mountain ranges in the western portions due to onshore flow bringing Pacific moisture into the mountains, which is subsequently forced to lift up their slopes and deposit significant precipitation, primarily between August and May. Mesoscale convective systems are common mid-summer near the central border", "psg_id": "14155216" }, { "title": "Tropical cyclone rainfall forecasting", "text": "This heavy rainfall can lead to landslides, which still cause significant loss of life such as seen during Hurricane Mitch in Central America, where several thousand perished. The Hurricane Research Division of the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory created the r-CLIPER (rainfall climatology and persistence) model to act as a baseline for all verification regarding tropical cyclone rainfall. The theory is, if the global forecast models cannot beat predictions based on climatology, then there is no skill in their use. There is a definite advantage to using the forecast track with r-CLIPER because it could be run out 120 hours/5", "psg_id": "9892901" }, { "title": "Tropical cyclone rainfall climatology", "text": "right was developed by Riehl in 1954 using meteorological equations that assume a gale radius of about , a fairly symmetric cyclone, and does not consider topographic effects or vertical wind shear. Local amounts can exceed this chart by a factor of two due to topography. Wind shear tends to lessen the amounts below what is shown on the table. Larger tropical cyclones have larger rain shields, which can lead to higher rainfall amounts farther from the cyclone's center. This is generally due to the longer time frame rainfall falls at any one spot in a larger system, when compared", "psg_id": "6981091" }, { "title": "Tropical cyclone rainfall forecasting", "text": "within one-half degree, or , of the center of a mature tropical cyclone. Many tropical cyclones progress at a forward motion of 10 knots, which would limit the duration of this excessive rainfall to around one-quarter of a day, which would yield about of rainfall. This would be true over water, within of the coastline, and outside topographic features. As a cyclone moves farther inland and is cut off from its supply of warmth and moisture (the ocean), rainfall amounts from tropical cyclones and their remains decrease quickly. Vertical wind shear forces the rainfall pattern around a tropical cyclone to", "psg_id": "9892898" }, { "title": "Tropical cyclone rainfall climatology", "text": "Many tropical cyclones progress at a forward motion of 10 knots, which would limit the duration of this excessive rainfall to around one-quarter of a day, which would yield about 8.50 inches (216 mm) of rainfall. This would be true over water, within 100 miles (160 km) of the coastline, and outside topographic features. As a cyclone moves farther inland and is cut off from its supply of warmth and moisture (the ocean), rainfall amounts from tropical cyclones and their remains decrease quickly. Vertical wind shear forces the rainfall pattern around a tropical cyclone to become highly asymmetric, with most", "psg_id": "6981093" }, { "title": "United States rainfall climatology", "text": "southwest. Recently, the region has experienced a couple heavy rainfall events that exceeded the 50-year return period, during October 1996 and October 1998, which suggest an increase in heavy rainfall along the coast. Snow, although not usually associated with tropics, falls at higher elevations on the Big Island, on Mauna Loa as well as Mauna Kea, which reaches an altitude of in some winter months. Snow only rarely falls on Maui's Haleakala. Mount Waiʻaleʻale (\"Waialeale\"), on the island of Kauai, is notable for its extreme rainfall, as it has the second highest average annual rainfall on Earth, with . Storm", "psg_id": "9439907" }, { "title": "Effects of Hurricane Floyd in New York", "text": "was concentrated in the southeastern section of the state. Several meteorological elements worked to enhance the moisture from the cyclone. Rainfall totals exceeding were common, with as much as reported locally in the Catskills. At Cairo, of rain fell. The precipitation, combined with that of Hurricane Dennis earlier in the month, helped to alleviate persistent drought conditions. Floyd also produced gusty winds, reaching at Stewart International Airport, worsened by a pressure gradient between the storm and an area of high pressure over the Ohio Valley. Floyd's rainfall resulted in deadly and extensive flooding that killed two people in New York.", "psg_id": "14283165" }, { "title": "United States rainfall climatology", "text": "to the Plains. An especially long-lived and well-organized type of mesoscale convective system called a mesoscale convective complex produces on average 8% to 18% of the annual warm season rainfall across the Plains and Midwest. Squall lines account for 30% of the large thunderstorm complexes which move through the region. The subtropical jet stream brings in upper level moisture from the Pacific Ocean during the cold season. Ahead of storm systems, significant moisture becomes drawn in from the Gulf of Mexico, which increases moisture within the atmospheric column and leads to precipitation ahead of extratropical cyclones. During the El Niño", "psg_id": "9439898" }, { "title": "1950 Australian rainfall records", "text": "month. Major flooding – unusual for this time of year – occurred on all rivers draining from the Australian Alps and over the South Coast. By the time the rain eased after further heavy falls early in April, Canberra had had its second wettest month on record. Over the North Coast up to Brisbane and inland to the Darling Downs, however, March rainfall had been below normal. In these regions, however, the moist easterly flow of March continued to bring heavy rainfall later in April; however, in much of western and far southern New South Wales April was very dry.", "psg_id": "11766111" }, { "title": "Earth rainfall climatology", "text": "continental, oceanic climate, Mediterranean climate, steppe, subarctic climate, tundra, polar ice cap, and desert. Rain forests are characterized by high rainfall, with definitions setting minimum normal annual rainfall between and . A tropical savanna is a grassland biome located in semi-arid to semi-humid climate regions of subtropical and tropical latitudes, with rainfall between and a year. They are widespread on Africa, and are also found in India, the northern parts of South America, Malaysia, and Australia. The humid subtropical climate zone where winter rainfall (and sometimes snowfall) is associated with large storms that the westerlies steer from west to east.", "psg_id": "14155204" }, { "title": "China tropical cyclone rainfall climatology", "text": "each year. Due to its rugged topography, Taiwan sees extreme rains from tropical cyclones, particularly in its central mountain range. An early October 2004 tropical depression brought moisture into the highlands of Tibet, leading to daily precipitation of 60 mm/2.4 inches liquid equivalent to Che-Ku County all in the form of heavy snow, which was a new October daily precipitation record for both rain and snow. This led to a loss of 340,000 kg of food, 230,000 kg of forage grass, and 263 livestock in the snowstorm. China tropical cyclone rainfall climatology China is a mountainous country, which leads to", "psg_id": "9893016" }, { "title": "United States rainfall climatology", "text": "a rainy season from July to December. Typhoons frequent the island, which can lead to excessive rainfall. During El Niño years, dry season precipitation averages below normal. However, the threat of a tropical cyclone is over triple what is normal during El Niño years, so extreme shorter duration rainfall events are possible. American Samoa's climate regime is dominated by southeast trade winds. The island dependency is wet, with annual rainfall averaging near at the airport, with amounts closer to in other areas. There is a distinct rainy season when tropical cyclones occasionally visit between November and April. The dry season", "psg_id": "9439910" }, { "title": "Earth rainfall climatology", "text": "climate in Sub-Saharan Africa, such as Ghana, Burkina Faso, Darfur, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Botswana have a distinct rainy season. Within of Madagascar, trade winds bring moisture up the eastern slopes of the island, which is deposited as rainfall, and brings drier downsloped winds to areas south and west leaving the western sections of the island in a rain shadow. This leads to significantly more rainfall over northeast sections of the island than the southwestern portions of Madagascar. Southern Africa receives most of its rainfall from summer convective storms and with extratropical cyclones moving through the Westerlies. Once a decade, tropical", "psg_id": "14155208" }, { "title": "Hawaiian Islands", "text": "2006, President George W. Bush issued a public proclamation creating Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument under the Antiquities Act of 1906. The Monument encompasses the northwestern Hawaiian Islands and surrounding waters, forming the largest marine wildlife reserve in the world. In August 2010, UNESCO's World Heritage Committee added Papahānaumokuākea to its list of World Heritage Sites. On August 26, 2016, President Barack Obama greatly expanded Papahānaumokuākea, quadrupling it from its original size. The climate of the Hawaiian Islands is tropical but it experiences many different climates, depending on altitude and weather. The islands receive most rainfall from the trade winds on", "psg_id": "1384556" }, { "title": "Rainfall in Karnataka", "text": "an impact in major cities with inundated roads causing traffic jams. An example of this was in the year 2005 when the Madivala lake overflowed on to the Hosur Road in Bangalore forcing many schools and offices to close. The average annual rainfall in Karnataka is 1248 mm. The state is divided into three meteorological zones viz. North Interior Karnataka, South Interior Karnataka and Coastal Karnataka. Coastal Karnataka with an average annual rainfall of 3456 mm is one of the most rainy regions in the country. Contrasting this, the region of South Interior Karnataka and North Interior Karnataka receive only", "psg_id": "10469933" }, { "title": "1950 Australian rainfall records", "text": "south coast gave that region further flooding rains. From the second week of June to the end of winter, the weather patterns became quite unusual. Strong high-pressure systems over Tasmania and Victoria were virtually constant and allowed moist easterly air to flow consistently over New South Wales and Queensland. Combined with a series of upper-level lows lifting the moisture, this caused remarkably heavy rain except over the extreme south of New South Wales, where it was dry and the ski season extremely poor. June 1950 was Sydney's wettest month on record with , whilst at Dorrigo on the edge of", "psg_id": "11766113" }, { "title": "By the Blue Hawaiian Waters", "text": "of a standard orchestra to include a saxophone\". It was reissued in 2002 in a collection of his light music. A review notes that the work \"treads a dangerous and ultimately unsuccessfully schizophrenic path between the hula and urbane romanticism.\" A recording with conducting the Berliner Symphoniker, possibly in March 1931, also used the saxophone and Hawaiian guitar, but additionally gong, xylophone and a men's chorus singing without words, because it was coupled with \"In a Chinese Temple Garden\" which requires the larger ensemble. By the Blue Hawaiian Waters By the Blue Hawaiian Waters is a piece of light classical", "psg_id": "15714673" }, { "title": "1950 Australian rainfall records", "text": "the lower Cooper recorded for the entire month , which is about 145 percent of its mean annual rainfall. Most pastoral areas were described as having a \"superabundance of feed\" and losses of sheep in the Lake Eyre Basin due to blowfly strike were as serious as experienced in the frequent droughts characteristic of the basin's extraordinarily variable climate. With the interaction with a cold front mid-month, the heavy rainfall shifted southward to the Murrumbidgee River basin. In three days, Canberra received and the heavy rain continued over southeastern New South Wales and adjacent Victoria until the end of the", "psg_id": "11766110" }, { "title": "Endemism in the Hawaiian Islands", "text": "around the coast from dry tropical (< 20 in or 500 mm annual rainfall) to wet tropical; and up the slopes from tropical rainforest (> 200 in or 5000 mm per year) through a temperate climate into alpine conditions of cold and dry climate. The rainy climate impacts soil development, which largely determines ground permeability, which affects the distribution of streams, wetlands, and wet places. The distance and remoteness of the Hawaiian archipelago is a biological filter. Seeds or spores attached to a lost migrating bird's feather or an insect falling out of the high winds found a place to", "psg_id": "3039030" }, { "title": "Earth rainfall climatology", "text": "realtime localised rainfall by estimating cloud albedo, water content, and the corresponding probability of rain. Geographic distribution of rain is largely governed by climate type, topography and habitat humidity. In mountainous areas, heavy precipitation is possible where upslope flow is maximized within windward sides of the terrain at elevation. On the leeward side of mountains, desert climates can exist due to the dry air caused by compressional heating. The movement of the monsoon trough, or intertropical convergence zone, brings rainy seasons to savannah climes. The urban heat island effect leads to increased rainfall, both in amounts and intensity, downwind of", "psg_id": "14155198" }, { "title": "Tropical cyclone rainfall forecasting", "text": "shear leads to decreased rainfall amounts, as rainfall is favored downshear and slightly left of the center and the upshear side is left devoid of rainfall. The presence of hills or mountains near the coast, as is the case across much of Mexico, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, much of Central America, Madagascar, Réunion, China, and Japan act to magnify amounts on their windward side due to forced ascent causing heavy rainfall in the mountains. A strong system moving through the mid latitudes, such as a cold front, can lead to high amounts from tropical systems, occurring well in advance of", "psg_id": "9892894" }, { "title": "Rainfall in Karnataka", "text": "consists of a first-flush filter which flushes out the first rainfall along with other contaminants that may exist on the roof and then subsequent cleaner rainwater is allowed to pass on to the tank. A sand bed filter is used to further eliminate impurities in the water before it gets collected in the tank. Further precautions are taken to prevent dust and insects from entering the tank. A year of deficient rainfall leads to the following consequences: Heavy rains can lead to a significant loss of life and property and also cause damage to the crops. Excess rains also cause", "psg_id": "10469932" }, { "title": "Earth rainfall climatology", "text": "the onset of the summer monsoon which is characterized by the development of lower air pressure (a thermal low) over the warmest part of Asia. Cherrapunji, situated on the southern slopes of the Eastern Himalaya in Shillong, India is one of the wettest places on Earth, with an average annual rainfall of 11,430 mm (450 in). The highest recorded rainfall in a single year was 22,987 mm (904.9 in) in 1861. The 38-year average at Mawsynram, Meghalaya, India is 11,873 mm (467.4 in). Lower rainfall maxima are found on the Mediterranean and Black Sea coasts of Turkey and the mountains", "psg_id": "14155210" }, { "title": "United States rainfall climatology", "text": "region from the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, supplying portions of the area with one-quarter of their annual rainfall, on average. Fall is the time of the rainfall minimum across Louisiana. Sometimes, Gulf moisture sneaks up the Front Range of Rockies as far north as the northern High Plains, bringing higher dewpoint air into states such as Wyoming and Montana. Extratropical cyclones can bring moderate to heavy snowfall during the cold season. On the backside of these systems, particularly those moving through the eastern United States, lake effect snowfall is possible. Low level cold in the winter sweeping in from", "psg_id": "9439901" }, { "title": "Earth rainfall climatology", "text": "cyclones lead to excessive rainfall across the region. A large annual rainfall minimum, composed primarily of deserts, stretches from the Gobi Desert in Mongolia west-southwest through Pakistan and Iran into the Arabian Desert in Saudi Arabia. Rainfall around the continent is favored across its southern portion from India east and northeast across the Philippines and southern China into Japan due to the monsoon advecting moisture primarily from the Indian Ocean into the region. The monsoon trough can reach as far north as the 40th parallel in East Asia during August before moving southward thereafter. Its poleward progression is accelerated by", "psg_id": "14155209" }, { "title": "Climate of the Falkland Islands", "text": "Climate of the Falkland Islands The climate of the Falkland Islands is cool and temperate, regulated by the large oceans which surround it. The Falkland Islands are located over from South America, to the north of the Antarctic convergence, where cooler waters from the south mix with warmer waters from the north. Winds mostly come from the west, creating a difference between the relative levels of precipitation between the eastern islands and the western islands. The total annual rainfall is only about . Although snow falls, it does not settle due to the strength of the winds. The temperature of", "psg_id": "14500599" }, { "title": "Earth rainfall climatology", "text": "at the south of the Sahara Desert knows an extremely intense and a nearly permanent dry season and only receives minimum summer rainfall. Across Asia, a large annual rainfall minimum, composed primarily of deserts, stretches from the Gobi Desert in Mongolia west-southwest through Pakistan and Iran into the Arabian Desert in Saudi Arabia. In Asia, rainfall is favored across its southern portion from India east and northeast across the Philippines and southern China into Japan due to the monsoon advecting moisture primarily from the Indian Ocean into the region. Similar, but weaker, monsoon circulations are present over North America and", "psg_id": "14155201" }, { "title": "Ringway to SeaTac", "text": "Ringway to SeaTac \"Ringway to SeaTac\" is a song by The Wedding Present. It was released as the third and last single from the album \"Take Fountain\". The single was released on October 24, 2005 on CD. A music video was produced for the song, featuring the band performing the song on a completely white stage. The video can be found on the bonus DVD from the compilation album \"\", released in 2006. The \"SeaTac\" in the song's title refers to the airport between Seattle and Tacoma in Washington state. Ringway is the former name of Manchester airport in the", "psg_id": "11990349" }, { "title": "Antecedent moisture", "text": "\"preceding wetness conditions\". Antecedent moisture is the relative wetness or dryness of a sewershed, which changes continuously and can have a very significant effect on the flow responses in these systems during wet weather. Antecedent moisture conditions are high when there has been a lot of recent rainfall and the ground is moist. Antecedent moisture conditions are low when there has been little rainfall and the ground becomes dry. Rainfall/runoff relationship are well defined within the field of hydrology. Surface runoff in hydrologic systems is generally conceptualized as occurring from pervious and impervious areas. It is the pervious runoff that", "psg_id": "8388444" }, { "title": "Tropical cyclone rainfall climatology", "text": "of the precipitation falling to the left and downwind of the shear vector, or downshear left. In other words, southwesterly shear forces the bulk of the rainfall north-northeast of the center. If the wind shear is strong enough, the bulk of the rainfall will move away from the center leading to what is known as an exposed circulation center. When this occurs, the potential magnitude of rainfall with the tropical cyclone will be significantly reduced. As a tropical cyclone interacts with an upper-level trough and the related surface front, a distinct northern area of precipitation is seen along the front", "psg_id": "6981094" }, { "title": "Endemism in the Hawaiian Islands", "text": "Endemism in the Hawaiian Islands Located about 2300 miles (3680 km) from the nearest continental shore, the Hawaiian Islands are the most isolated group of islands on the planet. The plant and animal life of the Hawaiian archipelago is the result of early, very infrequent colonizations of arriving species and the slow evolution of those species—in isolation from the rest of the world's flora and fauna—over a period of at least 5 millions years. As a consequence, Hawai'i is home to a large number of endemic species. The radiation of species described by Charles Darwin in the Galapagos Islands which", "psg_id": "3039027" }, { "title": "Rainfall in Karnataka", "text": "1286 and 731 mm of average annual rainfall. The average annual rainfall in the districts of Karnataka varies from 562 mm in the Bagalkot district to 4119 mm in the Udupi District. Bagalkot, Chitradurga and Koppal are the districts which receive the least rainfall whereas Udupi, Dakshina Kannada, Uttara Kannada, Hassan, Kodagu, Chickmagalur and Shivamogga districts receive the heaviest rainfall. Rainfall in Karnataka The state of Karnataka in India has a bittersweet relationship with rains. While its regions of Malnad and Coastal Karnataka receive copious amount of rainfall; its north Bayaluseemae region in the Deccan Plateau is one of the", "psg_id": "10469934" }, { "title": "Tropical cyclone rainfall forecasting", "text": "become highly asymmetric, with most of the precipitation falling to the left and downwind of the shear vector, or downshear left. In other words, southwesterly shear forces the bulk of the rainfall north-northeast of the center. If the wind shear is strong enough, the bulk of the rainfall will move away from the center leading to what is known as an exposed circulation center. When this occurs, the potential magnitude of rainfall with the tropical cyclone will be significantly reduced. As a tropical cyclone interacts with an upper-level trough and the related surface front, a distinct northern area of precipitation", "psg_id": "9892899" }, { "title": "Earth rainfall climatology", "text": "cities in a year's time. The Andes mountain range blocks Pacific moisture that arrives in that continent, resulting in a desertlike climate just downwind across western Argentina. Aside from the effect on temperature, urban heat islands (UHIs) can produce secondary effects on local meteorology, including the altering of local wind patterns, the development of clouds and fog, the humidity, and the rates of precipitation. The extra heat provided by the UHI leads to greater upward motion, which can induce additional shower and thunderstorm activity. Rainfall rates downwind of cities are increased between 48% and 116%. Partly as a result of", "psg_id": "14155227" }, { "title": "Rainfall in Karnataka", "text": "to avail other benefits of rainfall using scientific methods. An example of this is the project, \"Rainwater Harvesting in Rural Karnataka\" which is initiated by the Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology and is one of the largest rainwater harvesting projects in the world. Agumbe in the Shimoga district is known as one of the places with the highest annual rainfall in India. The economy of Karnataka is mainly agrarian and most of it is dependent on the rainfall; mainly the southwest monsoon. The extent of arid land in the state is second only to Rajasthan. Only 26.5% of", "psg_id": "10469929" }, { "title": "By the Blue Hawaiian Waters", "text": "By the Blue Hawaiian Waters By the Blue Hawaiian Waters is a piece of light classical music for orchestra by Albert Ketèlbey. He composed the \"tone-picture\" in 1927. The piece was published by Bosworth the same year. Some of the music of \"By the Blue Hawaiian Waters\" had been incidental music in a play \"Ye Gods\" in 1916. Ketèlbey wrote the \"tone-picture\" in 1927. It was probably first performed in Harrogate the same year, and published that year, also in versions with piano. A synopsis of scenes by the composer mentions that after a short introduction and a vigorous hula", "psg_id": "15714671" }, { "title": "Effects of the 2009 Pacific typhoon season in the Philippines", "text": "produced a high tide in the area. As of June 24, Nangka (Feria) has caused 6 deaths and left 11 people missing. Property damage from the storm is estimated at PHP 2.8 million (US$54,000). In response to Tropical Storm Soudelor, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration issued public storm signal one for nine regions of the northern Philippines. As a tropical depression, Soudelor brushed northern Luzon in the Philippines, producing upwards of of rainfall which resulted in flash flooding and landslides. In Ilocos Norte, major roadways were completely blocked by high waters. The storm affected 19,845 people throughout", "psg_id": "13885073" }, { "title": "Climate of the Philippines", "text": "easterly component and a strong tendency to diverge, subside and cause drought. The summer monsoon brings heavy rains to most of the archipelago from May to October. Annual average rainfall ranges from as much as in the mountainous east coast section of the country, to less than in some of the sheltered valleys. Monsoon rains, although hard and drenching, are not normally associated with high winds and waves. At least 30 percent of the annual rainfall in the northern Philippines can be traced to tropical cyclones, while the southern islands receiving less than 10 percent of their annual rainfall from", "psg_id": "12346098" }, { "title": "2015–16 Great Britain and Ireland floods", "text": "18 July 1955. Much of the historical data is recorded in this way. The 48‑hour rainfall record was also beaten, with Thirlmere reporting 405 mm of rain falling up to 0800 GMT on 6 December 2015, compared to the previous record of 395.6 mm on 18–19 November 2009 at Seathwaite. Desmond created an atmospheric river in its wake, bringing in moist air from the Caribbean to the British Isles. As a result, rainfall from Desmond was unusually heavy, with the Norwegian Meteorological Institute designating Desmond an extreme weather event as a result of the amount of rain that fell. The", "psg_id": "19233247" }, { "title": "Channels of the Hawaiian Islands", "text": "Channels of the Hawaiian Islands In an archipelago like the Hawaiian Islands the water between islands is typically called a \"channel\" or \"passage\". Described here are the channels between the islands of Hawaiʻi, arranged from southeast to northwest. The ʻAlenuihāhā separates the island of Hawaiʻi and the island of Maui. The maximum depth of this channel is , and the channel is 30 miles wide. There is a significant wind funnel effect in the channel, which is subject to scientific investigations. ʻAlenuihāhā means \"great billows smashing.\" The ʻAlalākeiki Channel separates the islands of Kahoʻolawe and Maui, at a distance of", "psg_id": "228025" }, { "title": "Big Bog, Maui", "text": "first full year of recorded data showed 13,995 mm (551 inches) of rainfall, which is one of the highest annual rainfall totals measured in the Hawaiian Islands. Since then, the annual average has been recorded as . Clear days are essentially nonexistent, and even when it isn't raining, it is almost certainly cloudy or foggy. The lack of adequate drainage has caused moisture to accumulate, forming the bog. The Big Bog lies at , very close to the trade wind inversion layer, leading to persistent transport of moisture rich air by the northeast trade winds up the steep mountain slopes.", "psg_id": "20868621" }, { "title": "Transport in the Falkland Islands", "text": "Fox Bay (West Falkland). All roads within Stanley are asphalted as are the ones at Mount Pleasant Airport (MPA). The road between Stanley and MPA is mostly gravel all-weather roads (as like the rest of the roads in the islands) with some short asphalted sections. The road between Stanley and MPA has a large trench on either side, which will ground any vehicle driving into it. These trenches were allegedly dug deeper than they needed to be as annual rainfall was taken as a number for the monthly rainfall. Stanley has two taxi services which can be used for travel", "psg_id": "134874" }, { "title": "Geography of the Marquesas Islands", "text": "winds spawned from the extraordinarily dry (from an atmospheric perspective) Humboldt Current. The annual rainfall is generally around , but this average is misleading because of very high variability. In La Niña years, rainfall can decline to less than , whilst in El Niño years when the ocean warms it can reach . Unlike the rest of French Polynesia, most rain falls during the cooler months, with May to July usually the wettest and November the driest. Because of their exceptionally variable climate, the islands are subject to extreme drought and flood conditions. Only those that reach higher elevations (generally,", "psg_id": "11200959" }, { "title": "Earth rainfall climatology", "text": "central Chile. The climate is characterized by hot, dry summers and cool, wet winters. A steppe is a dry grassland. Subarctic climates are cold with continuous permafrost and little precipitation. The tropical zones have the highest number of storm events followed by the temperate climate. In a recent study, researchers from 63 countries combined 30-minutes rainfall data in order to estimate the global rainfall erosivity (an index combining the amount, frequency and intensity of rainfall). The arid and cold climate zones have very low number of erosive events. Its northern half of the continent is primarily desert, containing the vast", "psg_id": "14155206" }, { "title": "United States rainfall climatology", "text": "events, drier than average conditions can be expected in Hawaii. The islands have a tropical marine climate moderated by seasonal northeast trade winds. There is a dry season which stretches from December to June, and a rainy season from July to November. Saipan's average annual precipitation is , with 67 percent falling during the rainy season. Typhoons frequent the island chain, which can lead to excessive rainfall. Guam's climate is moderated by east to northeast trade winds through the year. The average annual rainfall for the island is . There is a distinct dry season from January to June, and", "psg_id": "9439909" }, { "title": "Rainfall in Karnataka", "text": "sown area (30,900 km²) is subjected to irrigation and hence the rest of the cultivated land is entirely dependent on rainfall. Rainfall also influences the quantity of water available in the rivers which in turn influences the amount of drinking water available to the population and the amount of electricity that can be generated in the hydroelectric power stations in the state. The importance of rainfall is such that Karnataka sometimes had to resort to costly artificial methods like cloud seeding in order to induce rain artificially. Rainfall is also crucial to recharge the depleting ground water and Karnataka has", "psg_id": "10469930" }, { "title": "Climate of the Falkland Islands", "text": "Howard on eastern islands both receive about of rainfall every year, as opposed to islands such as Westpoint which only receives a year. The overall rainfall for the archipelago is around . The flat areas, in particular Lafonia are the driest areas of the islands with precipitation in the range a year. Other writers have recorded an average of 310 mm per year in the west of the islands. The rainfall in 2009 as recorded from 17 different stations in \"The Wool Press\" varied between 356 mm at Cape Dolphin and 898 mm at Port Howard. During winter sleet and", "psg_id": "14500605" }, { "title": "Tropical cyclone rainfall climatology", "text": "forced upslope flow into the mountains. Strong upper level forcing from a trough moving through the Westerlies and its associated cold front, as was the case during Hurricane Floyd, can lead to high amounts even from systems moving at an average forward motion. Larger tropical cyclones drop more rainfall as they precipitate upon one spot for a longer time frame than average or small tropical cyclones. A combination of two of these factors could be especially crippling, as was seen during Hurricane Mitch in Central America. During the 2005 season, flooding related to slow-moving Hurricane Stan's broad circulation led to", "psg_id": "6981088" }, { "title": "Tropical cyclone rainfall climatology", "text": "nature at higher latitudes than south of the equator. In the southern hemisphere, rainfall impacts will be most common between January and March, while north of the equator, tropical cyclone rainfall impacts are more common between June and November. Japan receives over half of its rainfall from typhoons. Between 1970-2004, inland flooding caused a majority of the tropical cyclone-related fatalities in the United States. This statistic changed in 2005, when Hurricane Katrina's impact alone shifted the most deadly aspect of tropical cyclones back to storm surge, which has historically been the most deadly aspect of strong tropical cyclones. On average,", "psg_id": "6981097" }, { "title": "Alvord Desert", "text": "while the strong winter jet stream is aimed at the Pacific Northwest. Storms that are strong enough to bring moisture to the Southeastern area of Oregon are usually related to tropical storms feeding from the Hawaiian Islands. Snow does sometimes occur in the rare instances when cold air from the arctic to the north meets a strong flow of moisture from the Pacific to the West. Spring is when the bulk of precipitation falls from thunderstorms. These storms attribute to the rainfall in April, May, and June that form in the south and move their way north across the desert", "psg_id": "3555899" }, { "title": "Tropical cyclone rainfall climatology", "text": "Tropical cyclone rainfall climatology A tropical cyclone rainfall climatology is developed to determine rainfall characteristics of past tropical cyclones. A tropical cyclone rainfall climatology can be used to help forecast current or upcoming tropical cyclone impacts. The degree of a tropical cyclone rainfall impact depends upon speed of movement, storm size, and degree of vertical wind shear. One of the most significant threats from tropical cyclones is heavy rainfall. Large, slow moving, and non-sheared tropical cyclones produce the heaviest rains. The intensity of a tropical cyclone appears to have little bearing on its potential for rainfall over land, but satellite", "psg_id": "6981086" }, { "title": "SeaTac/Airport station", "text": "it served as the line's southern terminus. Trains serve the station twenty hours a day on most days; the headway between trains is six minutes during peak periods, with less frequent service at other times. SeaTac/Airport station is also served by the RapidRide A Line, two Sound Transit Express bus routes and two King County Metro bus routes. SeaTac/Airport station is located on the west side of International Boulevard at South 176th Street, northeast of the Seattle–Tacoma International Airport main terminal and adjacent to the airport parking garage. The area to the east of the station along International Boulevard consists", "psg_id": "10994663" }, { "title": "Tropical cyclone rainfall climatology", "text": "when 60.58 inches (1,538.7 mm) fell in southeast Texas. Tropical cyclone rainfall climatology A tropical cyclone rainfall climatology is developed to determine rainfall characteristics of past tropical cyclones. A tropical cyclone rainfall climatology can be used to help forecast current or upcoming tropical cyclone impacts. The degree of a tropical cyclone rainfall impact depends upon speed of movement, storm size, and degree of vertical wind shear. One of the most significant threats from tropical cyclones is heavy rainfall. Large, slow moving, and non-sheared tropical cyclones produce the heaviest rains. The intensity of a tropical cyclone appears to have little bearing", "psg_id": "6981099" }, { "title": "1950 Australian rainfall records", "text": "opened quite quietly over Australia, with a relatively inactive monsoon and generally very cool conditions further south. A major cyclone in the third week of January gave substantial rain to most of New South Wales and caused high winds that killed seven people, but it was not until February that the pattern of abnormal rainfall over NSW and Queensland became firmly established. Especially heavy rainfall occurred over the southwest of New South Wales (extending into most of Victoria) during February, but it was in March, normally at the end of the wet season, that the heaviest rainfall occurred. The monsoon", "psg_id": "11766108" }, { "title": "Gulf of California moisture surge", "text": "off the Sierra Madre Occidental leading to convective downdrafts. Since one of the major characteristics of a surge is the transport of water, measurements of precipitable water and the dew point can also increase. The increased water vapor increases the amount of convective available potential energy (CAPE), which can result in topographically-forced convection. Gulf moisture is typically constrained to central and southern Arizona by the topgraphy of the Mogollon Rim. The moderate steering flow from the surge pushes the convection off the mountains which brings precipitation to the desert valleys. Precipitation from gulf surge events can produce locally heavy rainfall", "psg_id": "14827048" }, { "title": "This Is What the Truth Feels Like", "text": "number 82 to number 59, the same week she appeared on \"The Late Late Show with James Corden\". The record was on the chart for 13 weeks; its final position for the week ending August 6, 2016, was number 114. On May 27, 2016, \"This Is What the Truth Feels Like\" was made available on vinyl exclusively at Barnes & Noble in the United States; after its release, it debuted and peaked at number 23 on the Vinyl Albums component chart. On the Canadian Albums Chart compiled by \"Billboard\", the record debuted and peaked at number three, becoming her third", "psg_id": "19322947" }, { "title": "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?", "text": "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July? \"What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?\" is the title now given to a speech by Frederick Douglass delivered on July 5, 1852, in Corinthian Hall, Rochester, New York, addressing the Rochester Ladies' Anti-Slavery Society. The speech is perhaps the most widely known of all of Frederick Douglass' writings save his autobiographies. Many copies of one section of it, beginning in para. 32, have been circulated online. Due to this and the variant titles given to it in various places, and the fact that it is called a July", "psg_id": "18963055" }, { "title": "Hurricane Diane", "text": "damage. After the storm weakened in Virginia, it maintained an area of moisture that resulted in heavy rainfall after interacting with the Blue Ridge Mountains, a process known as orographic lift. Flooding affected roads and low-lying areas along the Potomac River. The northernmost portion of Delaware also saw freshwater flooding, although to a much lesser extent than adjacent states. Diane produced heavy rainfall in eastern Pennsylvania, causing the worst floods on record there, largely in the Poconos and along the Delaware River. Rushing waters demolished about 150 road and rail bridges and breached or destroyed 30 dams. The swollen Brodhead", "psg_id": "3756235" }, { "title": "SeaTac/Airport station", "text": "and airport terminal: route 560, which travels to West Seattle, Burien, Renton and Bellevue; and route 574, which travels south to Tacoma and Lakewood in Pierce County. SeaTac/Airport station SeaTac/Airport is a light rail station located in SeaTac, Washington. It is situated on the Central Link line between Angle Lake and Tukwila International Boulevard stations. The line, part of Sound Transit's Link light rail system, runs north from SeaTac through the Rainier Valley to Downtown Seattle and the University of Washington. The station consists of an elevated island platform east of the terminals and parking garage of the Seattle–Tacoma International", "psg_id": "10994685" }, { "title": "What Is This?", "text": "following week. The group decided to change their name to the Red Hot Chili Peppers, played several more shows at various L.A. clubs and musical venues, and eventually recorded a demo tape, all while Slovak and Irons were still playing with What Is This?. A few months later, What Is This received a record deal with MCA Records and the Red Hot Chili Peppers received a joint deal with EMI America and Enigma Records. Hillel Slovak and Jack Irons decided to leave the Red Hot Chili Peppers and stay with What Is This? as the latter was their primary musical", "psg_id": "3452964" }, { "title": "Cloud forest", "text": "sea, the exposition and the latitude (from 23°N to 25°S), the altitude varies from 500 m to 4000 m above sea level. Typically, there is a relatively small band of altitude in which the atmospheric environment is suitable for cloud forest development. This is characterized by persistent fog at the vegetation level, resulting in the reduction of direct sunlight and thus of evapotranspiration. Within cloud forests, much of the moisture available to plants arrives in the form of fog drip, where fog condenses on tree leaves and then drips onto the ground below. Annual rainfall can range from 500 to", "psg_id": "695685" }, { "title": "Storm Desmond", "text": "recorded in this way. The 48‑hour rainfall record also looked set to be beaten, with Thirlmere reporting 405 mm of rain falling up to 0800 GMT on 6 December 2015, compared to the previous record of 395.6 mm on 18–19 November 2009 at Seathwaite. Desmond created an atmospheric river in its wake, bringing in moist air from the Caribbean to the British Isles. As a result, rainfall from Desmond was unusually heavy, with the Norwegian Meteorological Institute designating Desmond an extreme weather event as a result of the expected rainfall. Heavy rainfall from Desmond caused severe disruption. Appleby, Keswick and", "psg_id": "19195958" }, { "title": "Tropical cyclone rainfall forecasting", "text": "Tropical cyclone rainfall forecasting Tropical cyclone rainfall forecasting involves using scientific models and other tools to predict the precipitation expected in tropical cyclones such as hurricanes and typhoons. Knowledge of tropical cyclone rainfall climatology is helpful in the determination of a tropical cyclone rainfall forecast. More rainfall falls in advance of the center of the cyclone than in its wake. The heaviest rainfall falls within its central dense overcast and eyewall. Slow moving tropical cyclones, like Hurricane Danny and Hurricane Wilma, can lead to the highest rainfall amounts due to prolonged heavy rains over a specific location. However, vertical wind", "psg_id": "9892893" }, { "title": "Low Rainfall Zone", "text": "Low Rainfall Zone The Low Rainfall Zone (LRZ) is one of three biogeographic zones into which south west Western Australia is divided, the others being the High Rainfall Zone and the Transitional Rainfall Zone. The LRZ is considered marginal to the south west, and extends throughout much of Australia. The Zones were first defined by Stephen Hopper in his 1979 paper \"Biogeographical aspects of speciation in the southwest Australian flora\". Initially, they were defined in terms of rainfall, with the LRZ being that part of the South West with annual rainfall of less than 300 millimetres (12 in). As the", "psg_id": "9901451" }, { "title": "Tropical cyclone rainfall forecasting", "text": "tropical cyclone's highest rainfall rates can lie in the right rear quadrant within a training (non-moving) inflow band. Rainfall is found to be strongest in their inner core, within a degree of latitude of the center, with lesser amounts farther away from the center. Most of the rainfall in hurricanes is concentrated within its radius of gale-force winds. Larger tropical cyclones have larger rain shields, which can lead to higher rainfall amounts farther from the cyclone's center. Storms which have moved slowly, or loop, lead to the highest rainfall amounts. Riehl calculated that of rainfall per day can be expected", "psg_id": "9892897" }, { "title": "Evolution of Hawaiian volcanoes", "text": "a seven-volcano island, which was transformed into five islands as a result of subsidence. High rainfall due to the trade wind effect impacts on the severity of erosion on many of the major volcanoes. Coastline collapses, a notable part of the history of many of the Hawaiian volcanoes, are often devastating and destroy large parts of the volcanoes. When a volcano is created near the Hawaiian hotspot, it begins its growth in the submarine preshield stage, characterized by infrequent, typically low volume eruptions. The volcano is steep-sided, and it usually has a defined caldera and has two or more rift", "psg_id": "3864604" }, { "title": "Channels of the Hawaiian Islands", "text": "Maui. Although the channel is only about at its shortest point, it is one of the windiest and roughest in the Hawaiian Islands. The Kalohi Channel is the stretch of water separating Lānaʻi and Molokaʻi. Depth of water in this channel is about and width is . This is one of the less treacherous channels between islands in the archipelago, although strong winds and choppy sea conditions are frequent. Kalolohia beach on the Lānaʻi coast is also known as \"Shipwreck Beach\" because of a wreck on the reef there. Kalohi means \"the slowness.\" The Kaiwi Channel (also known as the", "psg_id": "228029" }, { "title": "Apostolic Vicariate of the Hawaiian Islands", "text": "Apostolic Vicariate of the Hawaiian Islands The Apostolic Vicariate of the Hawaiian Islands was the jurisdiction of the prelate of the Catholic Church in the Hawaiian Islands, created in 1847 by the Holy See. In 1848, the phrase \"Sandwich Islands\" was dropped and replaced by \"Hawaiian Islands.\" The first Vicar Apostolic of the Sandwich Islands (and the Hawaiian Islands) was Msgr. Louis Desiré Maigret, SS.CC. The Vicariate derives from the Prefecture Apostolic of the Sandwich Islands, established in 1825 and which was to become in 1833, a part of the larger territory under the ordinary jurisdiction of the Vicar Apostolic", "psg_id": "6825406" }, { "title": "Apostolic Vicariate of the Hawaiian Islands", "text": "of Oriental Oceania entrusted to the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Apostolic Vicariate of the Hawaiian Islands The Apostolic Vicariate of the Hawaiian Islands was the jurisdiction of the prelate of the Catholic Church in the Hawaiian Islands, created in 1847 by the Holy See. In 1848, the phrase \"Sandwich Islands\" was dropped and replaced by \"Hawaiian Islands.\" The first Vicar Apostolic of the Sandwich Islands (and the Hawaiian Islands) was Msgr. Louis Desiré Maigret, SS.CC. The Vicariate derives from the Prefecture Apostolic of the Sandwich Islands, established in 1825 and which was to become in", "psg_id": "6825407" }, { "title": "High Rainfall Zone", "text": "High Rainfall Zone The High Rainfall Zone is one of three biogeographic zones into which south west Western Australia is divided, the others being the Transitional Rainfall Zone and the Low Rainfall Zone. The zones were first defined by Stephen Hopper in his 1979 paper \"Biogeographical aspects of speciation in the southwest Australian flora\". Initially they were defined in terms of rainfall, with the High Rainfall Zone being that part of the south west with annual rainfall of more than 800 millimetres (31 in). However, following the publication of John Stanley Beard's phytogeographic regionalisation of Western Australia in 1980, it", "psg_id": "9804409" }, { "title": "Transitional Rainfall Zone", "text": "Transitional Rainfall Zone The Transitional Rainfall Zone (TRZ) is one of three biogeographic zones into which south-west Western Australia is divided, the others being the High Rainfall Zone and the Low Rainfall Zone. The TRZ is recognised as having a much higher diversity of rare and endemic plant species than the other Zones. The Zones were first defined by Stephen Hopper in his 1979 paper \"Biogeographical aspects of speciation in the southwest Australian flora\". Initially, they were defined in terms of rainfall, with the TRZ being that part of the South West with annual rainfall of between 300 and 800", "psg_id": "9799683" }, { "title": "Low Rainfall Zone", "text": "LRZ was marginal to his study area, Hopper did not give a clear demarcation of the zone, merely stating that it Low Rainfall Zone The Low Rainfall Zone (LRZ) is one of three biogeographic zones into which south west Western Australia is divided, the others being the High Rainfall Zone and the Transitional Rainfall Zone. The LRZ is considered marginal to the south west, and extends throughout much of Australia. The Zones were first defined by Stephen Hopper in his 1979 paper \"Biogeographical aspects of speciation in the southwest Australian flora\". Initially, they were defined in terms of rainfall, with", "psg_id": "9901452" }, { "title": "Tropical cyclone rainfall climatology", "text": "ahead of the axis of the upper level trough. This type of interaction can lead to the appearance of the heaviest rainfall falling along and to the left of the tropical cyclone track, with the precipitation streaking hundreds of miles or kilometers downwind from the tropical cyclone. The stronger the upper trough picking up the tropical cyclone, the more significant the left of track shift in the rainfall distribution tends to be. Moist air forced up the slopes of coastal hills and mountain chains can lead to much heavier rainfall than in the coastal plain. This heavy rainfall can lead", "psg_id": "6981095" }, { "title": "Channels of the Hawaiian Islands", "text": "north, and Kahoʻolawe to the south. The depth of the channel reaches , and its width is . ʻAuʻau channel is a whale-watching center in the Hawaiian Islands. Humpback whales migrate approximately 3,500 miles (5600 km) from Alaskan waters each autumn and spend the northern hemisphere winter months in the protected waters of the channel. ʻAuʻau translates to \"to take a bath\" referring to its calm bath-like conditions. The middle of the ʻAuʻau channel off Lahaina is known as the Lahaina Roads. Once filled with whalers when Lahaina was a capital for that industry, Lahaina Roads were later adopted as", "psg_id": "228027" }, { "title": "Tropical cyclone rainfall forecasting", "text": "days with the forecast track of any tropical cyclone globally within a short amount of time. The short range variation which uses persistence is the Tropical Rainfall Potential technique (TRaP) technique, which uses satellite-derived rainfall amounts from microwave imaging satellites and extrapolates the current rainfall configuration forward for 24 hours along the current forecast track. This technique's main flaw is that it assumes a steady state tropical cyclone which undergoes little structural change with time, which is why it is only run forward for 24 hours into the future. Computer models can be used to diagnose the magnitude of tropical", "psg_id": "9892902" }, { "title": "Ringway to SeaTac", "text": "UK. The song tells the story of a man leaving his lover at an airport to start a new life thousands of miles away. CD: Ringway to SeaTac \"Ringway to SeaTac\" is a song by The Wedding Present. It was released as the third and last single from the album \"Take Fountain\". The single was released on October 24, 2005 on CD. A music video was produced for the song, featuring the band performing the song on a completely white stage. The video can be found on the bonus DVD from the compilation album \"\", released in 2006. The \"SeaTac\"", "psg_id": "11990350" }, { "title": "Deforestation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo", "text": "expansion of savannah in Central Africa has extending the sandy soil area because of deforestation. The generation of oxygen by forest are contributors to the rainfall system. However, deforestation has disrupted the ecosystem services and created an eco-climate issue. The rainfall pattern in this area has been characterized as a heavy rain season and a severe dry season. The missing forest has intensified the already dichotomy climate, increasing the episodes of violent rainfall and extending the dry season. With long dry spells, the vegetation in these areas can become sparse. This results in no soil protection during the rainy season", "psg_id": "16396440" }, { "title": "Tropical Storm Julio (2008)", "text": "were generally light, although strong enough to damage a few electrical poles and small buildings. In nearby Sinaloa, rainfall from the storm led to an emergency evacuation of 500 residents. Moisture from Julio developed thunderstorms across Arizona, including one near Chandler which produced winds of 75 mph (120 km/h); the storm damaged ten small planes at Chandler Municipal Airport, as well as a hangar. The damages at the airport were estimated at $1 million (USD). The storms also dropped heavy rainfall, reaching over 1 inch (25 mm) in Gilbert, which caused flooding on Interstate 17. On August 25th, 2008, moisture", "psg_id": "12381024" }, { "title": "United States rainfall climatology", "text": "Atlantic Ocean strengthens, bringing in increasingly humid air from the warm Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico. Once precipitable water values exceed , afternoon and evening thunderstorms break out at the western periphery of the subtropical ridge across the Southeast on a daily basis. Summer is the time of the second rainfall maximum during the year across Georgia, and the time of the main rainfall maximum in Florida. Evidence shows that increased air pollution is causing rainfall to reach a maximum in intensity during the middle of the week. During the late summer and fall, tropical cyclones move into the", "psg_id": "9439900" }, { "title": "(Is This the Way to) Amarillo", "text": "(Is This the Way to) Amarillo \"(Is This The Way To) Amarillo\" is a song written by Neil Sedaka and Howard Greenfield. It is about a man traveling to Amarillo, Texas, to find his girlfriend Marie. The reason that Amarillo was chosen for the song was because it was the only place name that Sedaka could think of that rhymed with \"willow\" and \"pillow\". The song was originally to be titled \"Is This the Way to Pensacola\" referring to Pensacola, Florida, but Sedaka felt that Amarillo worked better than Pensacola. Written by two Americans with a strong country-western lyrical theme,", "psg_id": "12467775" }, { "title": "Climate of Quetta", "text": "62 mm Rain In Just 1 Hour With hails Eastern Bypass The Area Of Quetta received Heavy Rains On 26 and 27 and on 28 june that was not fell in the city those two days . on 28 June the area of Quetta Eastern Bypass received heavy rain with strong to very strong Winds which caused much damage. The annual rainfall since 1982, based on data from Pakistan Meteorological Department: Quetta was affected by a severe drought spell resulted from very low rainfall in the winter season of 1998. The La-Nina phenomena was responsible for below normal rains Balochistan", "psg_id": "14920343" }, { "title": "1950 Australian rainfall records", "text": "that by then global warming and possibly Asian aerosols were influencing Australia's climate and thus these are \"not\" natural variability, which the record 1950 rainfalls above undoubtedly are. Using a normal distribution one can estimate the return period of 1950-level annual rainfall for the Dubbo region as around 375 years, or about three times the length of instrumental rainfall data. For areas even a little further west, however, the skewness is too high to use this method, but there can be little doubt that the return periods are similar. Excluding records post-1968, when enhanced greenhouse gases has undoubtedly impacted Australian", "psg_id": "11766120" }, { "title": "SeaTac/Airport station", "text": "Seattle. In 2017, an average of 5,629 passengers boarded Link trains at SeaTac/Airport station on weekdays. SeaTac/Airport station is also served by five bus routes using a pair of bus stops on International Boulevard to the east of the station. King County Metro operates three routes from the station: the RapidRide A Line, which continues north to Tukwila International Boulevard station and south to Federal Way Transit Center; route 156, which connects to Southcenter Mall, Des Moines and Highline College; and route 180, which connects to Burien, Kent and Auburn. Sound Transit runs two express bus routes to the station", "psg_id": "10994684" }, { "title": "Heavy Is the Head", "text": "Creel, saying \"That kind of directorial flair is what this show needs more of, and I would love to see this show’s camera and design crews work together to create a more visually engaging experience. There needs to be more color and personality in the environments and costuming, and taking more chances with the camerawork will bring more excitement to the action and heighten the emotional beats of the script.\" Kevin Fitzpatrick of Screen Crush stated that \"we’re thrilled to see “Heavy is the Head” taking the ball from last week and running with a very confident start to the", "psg_id": "18302330" }, { "title": "United States rainfall climatology", "text": "at lower elevations south of the mouth of the Columbia River. These occur whenever an Arctic air mass from western Canada is drawn westward out over the Pacific Ocean, typically by way of the Fraser Valley, returning shoreward around a center of low pressure. Strong onshore flow is brought into the mountain ranges of the west, focusing significant precipitation into the Rocky Mountains, with rain shadows occurring in the Harney Basin, Great Basin, the central valley of California, and the lower Colorado River valley. In general, rainfall amounts are lower on the southern portions of the West coast. The biggest", "psg_id": "9439889" }, { "title": "SeaTac/Airport station", "text": "primarily of hotels and airport parking lots, with some offices, multi-family housing and mobile home parks. Within a radius of the station is a population of 4,024 residents and a total of 9,187 jobs. The area surrounding SeaTac/Airport station is designated as a Regional Growth Center by the Puget Sound Regional Council and is zoned to support mid- and high-rise buildings. The SeaTac City Council adopted a station area action plan in 2006 that called for mixed-use development in a pedestrian-friendly environment adjacent to the station. The plan proposes residential uses as well as neighborhood-oriented hospitality services and commercial offices", "psg_id": "10994664" }, { "title": "Geography of the Falkland Islands", "text": "vicinity of the Falklands are of the order of 6 °C. The Falklands Current meets the warm South Brazilian Current at about 40°S (see Brazil–Falkland Confluence), some north of the islands. The prevailing winds at the Falklands' latitude are the westerlies that gather moisture across the Pacific Ocean, but the Andes form a barrier causing a rain shadow across the Patagonia and to a lesser extent, the Falkland Islands. The January average maximum temperature is about 13 °C (55 °F), and the July maximum average temperature is about 4 °C (39 °F). The rainfall varies between 300 mm in parts", "psg_id": "134800" }, { "title": "Channels of the Hawaiian Islands", "text": "of Niʻihau and Lehua. Kumukahi means \"first beginning.\" The Hoʻomoʻa Channel separates the islands of Lehua and Nihoa. Hoʻomoʻa means \"to cook.\" The Hawaiʻiloa Channel to the northwest of the islands of Nihoa. Named after Hawaiʻiloa, hero of an ancient Hawaiian legend about the settling of the Hawaiian Islands. Channels of the Hawaiian Islands In an archipelago like the Hawaiian Islands the water between islands is typically called a \"channel\" or \"passage\". Described here are the channels between the islands of Hawaiʻi, arranged from southeast to northwest. The ʻAlenuihāhā separates the island of Hawaiʻi and the island of Maui. The", "psg_id": "228031" }, { "title": "Climate of the Falkland Islands", "text": "until 1995, then began to increase again. Storms are predicted to increase in frequency and intensity. This information has been determined through meteorological data from 1923 to 1981, with most recent data not being fully analysed. The temperature of the sea around the archipelago fluctuates greatly around predicted values. Climate of the Falkland Islands The climate of the Falkland Islands is cool and temperate, regulated by the large oceans which surround it. The Falkland Islands are located over from South America, to the north of the Antarctic convergence, where cooler waters from the south mix with warmer waters from the", "psg_id": "14500607" }, { "title": "Which Bridge to Cross (Which Bridge to Burn)", "text": "and raises the chill bumps at every turn.\" \"Which Bridge to Cross (Which Bridge to Burn) debuted at number 61 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks for the week of February 4, 1995. Which Bridge to Cross (Which Bridge to Burn) \"Which Bridge to Cross (Which Bridge to Burn)\" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Vince Gill. It was released in January 1995 as the fourth single from the album \"When Love Finds You\". The song reached number 4 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart. It was written by", "psg_id": "14847545" }, { "title": "Risks to the Glen Canyon Dam", "text": "flood caused by heavy rainfall could move all or most of these sediments into Lake Powell, creating a sudden loss of storage capacity. The only way to control sediment flow in the reservoir, without removing the dam outright, is by dredging. Unfortunately, as Glen Canyon is remote and isolated, the cost of dredging (which would require to remove 84 tons per minute in order to keep pace with advancing sediment) is extremely high. Although the Colorado River Delta is the most ecologically friendly place for sediment to be dumped, the cost of transporting sediment from Glen Canyon to the Delta,", "psg_id": "13366290" }, { "title": "Meteorological history of Hurricane Jeanne", "text": "South Carolina, and eight in North Carolina. After crossing into Virginia, Jeanne transitioned into an extratropical cyclone by September 29 near Washington, D.C. In Wilmington, Delaware, the storm spawned an F2 tornado. Across the Mid-Atlantic and New England, moisture from the storm produced light to heavy rainfall, with totals of over 7 inches (175 mm) near Philadelphia and Nantucket. Subsequent to becoming extratropical, the remnants of Jeanne turned eastward, exited into the Atlantic Ocean, and merged with a cold front. Meteorological history of Hurricane Jeanne The meteorological history of Hurricane Jeanne lasted for about two weeks in September 2004. Hurricane", "psg_id": "12105382" }, { "title": "But what about the noise of crumpling paper which he used to do in order to paint the series of \"Papiers froissés\" or tearing up paper to make \"Papiers déchirés?\" Arp was stimulated by water (sea, lake, and flowing waters like rivers), forests", "text": "But what about the noise of crumpling paper which he used to do in order to paint the series of \"Papiers froissés\" or tearing up paper to make \"Papiers déchirés?\" Arp was stimulated by water (sea, lake, and flowing waters like rivers), forests But what about the noise of crumpling paper which he used to do in order to paint the series of \"Papiers froissés\" or tearing up paper to make \"Papiers déchirés?\" Arp was stimulated by water (sea, lake, and flowing waters like rivers), forests, sometimes shortened as But what about the noise...?, is a composition for percussion ensemble", "psg_id": "20616096" }, { "title": "Which Way to the War", "text": "Which Way to the War Which Way to the War is an intended British television sitcom written by David Croft and Jeremy Lloyd, which was discontinued after a one-off broadcast pilot on 19 August 1994. It was also Croft and Lloyd's only ITV sitcom and Croft's last World War II sitcom. In the Western Desert of World War Two, a party of British \"Desert Rats\" soldiers and a party of Australian soldiers are holed up in a remote building, when an ambulance of Italian \"nurses\" arrive. The pilot was badly received (Or quite well received, depending on what column of", "psg_id": "7247515" }, { "title": "History of the Turks and Caicos Islands", "text": "were not fully colonised until 1681, when salt collectors from Bermuda built the first permanent settlement on Grand Turk Island. The salt collectors were drawn by the shallow waters around the islands that made salt mining a much easier process than in Bermuda. They occupied the Turks only seasonally, for six months a year, however, returning to Bermuda when it was no longer viable to rake salt. Their colonization established the British dominance of the archipelago that has lasted into the present day. Huge numbers of trees were felled by the Bermudians to discourage rainfall that would adversely affect the", "psg_id": "3098197" }, { "title": "SeaTac, Washington", "text": "SeaTac, Washington SeaTac is a city in southern King County, Washington, United States, and an inner-ring suburb of Seattle, Washington. The name \"SeaTac\" is a portmanteau of \"Seattle\" and \"Tacoma\", and is derived from the Seattle–Tacoma International Airport. The city of SeaTac is in area and has a population of 26,909 according to the 2010 census. The city boundaries surround the Seattle–Tacoma International Airport (approximately in area), which is owned and operated by the Port of Seattle. The city includes the communities of Angle Lake, Bow Lake, McMicken Heights and Riverton Heights, which were established before the city's incorporation. Residents", "psg_id": "786568" }, { "title": "1942 Atlantic hurricane season", "text": "vortex became elongated while a frontal system approached the area. The remnants continued northwestward and moved ashore in North Carolina early on October 12, before dissipating early the following day. Heavy rainfall was reported in northeastern North Carolina. The remnants contributed to severe flooding in northern Virginia. Although the remnant system dissipated by October 13, moisture laden-air brought by the system and persistent easterly winds resulted in orographic lift, causing four days of record rainfall. The Big Meadows area of Shenandoah National Park observed of precipitation, while rainfall totals above were common. Madison County recorded of precipitation in only 24", "psg_id": "4446356" } ]
[ "pineapple connection", "pineapple express", "pineapple express" ]
according to the proverb, you should look before you do what?
[ { "title": "Look Before You Love", "text": "Look Before You Love Look Before You Love is a 1948 British drama film directed by Harold Huth and starring Margaret Lockwood, Griffith Jones and Maurice Denham. A woman working in the British Embassy in Brazil falls in love and marries a man, but soon discovers him to be a drunken wastrel tied up with serious crime. The film was originally known as \"I Know You\". Margaret Lockwood had been arguing with the Rank Organisation over what films she should make but agreed to do this. In a contemporary review, \"Variety\" called the film \"an overlong and somewhat corny love", "psg_id": "14900082" }, { "title": "Look What You Made Me Do", "text": "with her other song \"...Ready for It?\". In the \"South Park\" episode \"Moss Piglets\" the water-bears in Timmy and Jimmy's experiment for the science fair dance to the song in response to Swift's singing. ! scope=\"row\"| South Korea (Gaon) Look What You Made Me Do \"Look What You Made Me Do\" is a song recorded by American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift, released on August 24, 2017 by Big Machine Records as the lead single from her sixth studio album \"Reputation\" (2017). Swift wrote the song with her producer Jack Antonoff. \"Look What You Made Me Do\" is an electroclash and pop", "psg_id": "20315213" }, { "title": "Look What You Made Me Do", "text": "top position there as well. The song has been certified Platinum by the Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA) for shipments of 70,000 units. After debuting at number one on the Canadian Hot 100, \"Look What You Made Me Do\" was also certified Platinum by Music Canada for shipments of 80,000 units on September 14, 2017. In New Zealand, \"Look What You Made Me Do\" entered at the number one spot on September 1, 2017, becoming Swift's fourth chart-topping single there. In the Philippines, \"Look What You Made Me Do\" debuted at number 7 spot on the Philippine Hot 100 on", "psg_id": "20315197" }, { "title": "Look What You Made Me Do", "text": "Look What You Made Me Do \"Look What You Made Me Do\" is a song recorded by American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift, released on August 24, 2017 by Big Machine Records as the lead single from her sixth studio album \"Reputation\" (2017). Swift wrote the song with her producer Jack Antonoff. \"Look What You Made Me Do\" is an electroclash and pop song, with lyrics about various issues that built Swift's reputation. Right Said Fred band members Fred Fairbrass, Richard Fairbrass, and Rob Manzoli are also credited as songwriters, as it interpolates the melody of their song \"I'm Too Sexy\" (1991).", "psg_id": "20315178" }, { "title": "Look What You Made Me Do", "text": "by Sam Smith's \"Too Good at Goodbyes\". \"Look What You Made Me Do\" also debuted at number one in the Republic of Ireland on September 1, 2017 and became Swift's first song to top the Irish Singles Chart. In doing so, it surpassed the number three peaks of her singles \"Love Story\" (in 2009) and \"Shake It Off\" (in 2014). \"Look What You Made Me Do\" opened at number one in Australia on September 2, 2017, becoming her fifth track to top the ARIA Charts. It spent another week at the nation's summit before \"Too Good at Goodbyes\" took the", "psg_id": "20315196" }, { "title": "Look What You Made Me Do", "text": "group Right Said Fred, are credited as songwriters because the song interpolates the melody of their song \"I'm Too Sexy\". According to Fred Fairbrass, he and his brother were contacted one week before the release of \"Look What You Made Me Do\" and were asked whether a \"big, contemporary female artist who hasn't released anything for a while\" – whose identity they were not told – would be able to use a portion of their song for her latest single. Although the brothers agreed to a deal, they did not officially find out that the artist in question was Swift", "psg_id": "20315184" }, { "title": "Look What You Made Me Do", "text": "until the morning after the song was released, but had deduced that it was her based on the description they were given. Both of the Fairbrass brothers said that they enjoyed \"Look What You Made Me Do\"; Fred Fairbrass told \"Rolling Stone\", \"I like the cynical aspect of the lyric, because 'I'm Too Sexy' is a cynical song, and I think she channeled that quite well.\" A representative for Swift confirmed that the song interpolated the melody from \"I'm Too Sexy\", but did not include sampled audio from the earlier song. \"Look What You Made Me Do\" received mixed reviews", "psg_id": "20315185" }, { "title": "Look What You Made Me Do", "text": "\"Pitchfork\" referred to it in a review as \"a hardcore self-own\" track. In the United States, \"Look What You Made Me Do\" debuted at number seventy-seven on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, powered by its first three days of airplay. It also sold slightly under 200,000 digital copies within its first day of sales in the country, where it became the fastest selling download since Ed Sheeran's \"Shape of You\". One week later, the song ascended from No. 77 to No. 1 on the Hot 100 after its first full week of tracking, becoming the fifth largest rise to the top", "psg_id": "20315190" }, { "title": "Do You Love What You Feel", "text": "last albums featuring lead vocalist Chaka Khan before fully going solo. Do You Love What You Feel \"Do You Love What You Feel\" is a well-known soul/disco song by Rufus and Chaka. Released in late 1979 from the Quincy Jones produced album, \"Masterjam\", it spent three weeks at the top of the Hot Soul Singles chart, becoming the fourth of five songs that they would send to the top of that chart. It also peaked at number thirty on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 singles chart. Along with the track, \"Any Love\", \"Do You Love What You Feel\" peaked at number", "psg_id": "13390309" }, { "title": "Look What You Made Me Do", "text": "\"God's Plan\". \"Look What You Made Me Do\" was then released the next day onto iTunes for digital download through Big Machine Records and onto Italian contemporary hit radio before a United Kingdom radio release on August 26, 2017. It impacted American contemporary hit radio three days afterwards. A CD single release followed in Germany on October 27, 2017. A lyric video heavily based on the Saul Bass imagery used in the film \"Vertigo\" was released through Swift's official Vevo account on August 25, 2017. The video was produced by Swift and Joseph Kahn. It gained more than 19 million", "psg_id": "20315181" }, { "title": "You Know What to Do", "text": "To Get You into My Life\", \"And Your Bird Can Sing\" and \"Mother Nature's Son\". You Know What to Do \"You Know What to Do\" was one of the first songs written and recorded by George Harrison with the Beatles. It was recorded on 3 June 1964 but remained unreleased until its inclusion on the band's 1995 outtakes compilation \"Anthology 1\". During a photographic assignment on the morning of 3 June 1964, Ringo Starr was taken ill with tonsillitis and pharyngitis, 24 hours before the Beatles were due to leave for a six-country tour. The recording session booked for that", "psg_id": "6187569" }, { "title": "You Know What to Do", "text": "You Know What to Do \"You Know What to Do\" was one of the first songs written and recorded by George Harrison with the Beatles. It was recorded on 3 June 1964 but remained unreleased until its inclusion on the band's 1995 outtakes compilation \"Anthology 1\". During a photographic assignment on the morning of 3 June 1964, Ringo Starr was taken ill with tonsillitis and pharyngitis, 24 hours before the Beatles were due to leave for a six-country tour. The recording session booked for that day was originally intended to produce a fourteenth song for the band's \"A Hard Day's", "psg_id": "6187565" }, { "title": "Baby What You Want Me to Do", "text": "number 37 in the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in 1960. In 2004, Reed's song was inducted into the Blues Foundation Hall of Fame in the \"Classic of Blues Recordings\" category. According to Koda, \"Baby What You Want Me to Do\" \"was already a barroom staple of blues, country, and rock & roll bands by the early '60s\" and has spawned versions by a variety of blues, R&B, and rock artists. The song continues to be performed and recorded, making it perhaps the most covered of Reed's songs. Some of these include: Baby What You Want Me to Do \"Baby What You", "psg_id": "14810918" }, { "title": "Look What You Made Me Do", "text": "is in red, underlined\". The middle eight of the song features Swift saying, \"I'm sorry, the old Taylor can't come to the phone right now / Why? / Oh, 'cause she's dead!\" \"Look What You Made Me Do\" is performed in the key of A minor with a tempo of 128 beats per minute. Swift's vocals span from G to F.Brittany Spanos of \"Rolling Stone\" noted a \"nightmarish aesthetic\" present in the song, and believed it to be a continuation of the \"antagonistic persona\" from \"Bad Blood\". Richard Fairbrass, Fred Fairbrass and Rob Manzoli, the members of the British dance-pop", "psg_id": "20315183" }, { "title": "What Did I Do to You?", "text": "What Did I Do to You? \"What Did I Do to You?\" is a song recorded by British singer Lisa Stansfield for her 1989 album, \"Affection\". It was written by Stansfield, Ian Devaney and Andy Morris, and produced by Devaney and Morris. The song received positive reviews from music critics. \"What Did I Do to You?\" was released as the fourth European single on 30 April 1990. It included three previously unreleased songs written by Stansfield, Devaney and Morris: \"My Apple Heart,\" \"Lay Me Down\" and \"Something's Happenin'.\" \"What Did I Do to You?\" was remixed by Mark Saunders and", "psg_id": "17338140" }, { "title": "Look What You Made Me Do", "text": "to number 20 on the all-format Radio Songs chart, the biggest drop from the top five in that chart's 27-year history. In the United Kingdom, \"Look What You Made Me Do\" sold 20,000 copies and was streamed 2.4 million times in less than a week. The song debuted at the top the UK Singles Chart on September 1, 2017 – for the week ending date September 7, 2017 – with opening sales of 30,000 copies and 5.3 million streams within the week and becoming Swift's first chart-topping song in Britain. After two weeks at the top spot, it was displaced", "psg_id": "20315195" }, { "title": "Look What You Made Me Do", "text": "it this time. In June 2016, discussing the relationship between her and Kanye West after West's song \"Famous\" (2016) was released, Swift wrote on Instagram, \"I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative.\" The same line is spoken by the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards Taylor clone at the end of the video. She is wearing the same outfit Swift had worn during the actual 2009 MTV Video Music Awards, when West interrupted her award-winning speech for Best Female Video. Swift performed \"Look What You Made Me Do\" live for the first time as part of the", "psg_id": "20315210" }, { "title": "Do You Love What You Feel", "text": "Do You Love What You Feel \"Do You Love What You Feel\" is a well-known soul/disco song by Rufus and Chaka. Released in late 1979 from the Quincy Jones produced album, \"Masterjam\", it spent three weeks at the top of the Hot Soul Singles chart, becoming the fourth of five songs that they would send to the top of that chart. It also peaked at number thirty on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 singles chart. Along with the track, \"Any Love\", \"Do You Love What You Feel\" peaked at number five on the disco/dance charts. It would be one of the", "psg_id": "13390308" }, { "title": "Look What You Made Me Do", "text": "The song broke a string of records, including the record for the most plays in a single day on Spotify. Commercially, \"Look What You Made Me Do\" has topped the charts in Australia, Canada, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Lebanon, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Slovakia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It has also received Platinum certifications in Australia, Canada, Italy, Sweden and the United States. It also received Diamond certification in Brazil. The song received a mixed response from music critics. Its music video was directed by Joseph Kahn and upon its release on", "psg_id": "20315179" }, { "title": "Look What You Made Me Do", "text": "the charts in 2017. With 353,000 copies sold in its first week, \"Look What You Made Me Do\" opened atop the US Digital Songs chart and had the country's biggest sales opening since Justin Timberlake's \"Can't Stop the Feeling!\" in 2016 as well as the best weekly sales for a song by a female artist since Adele's \"Hello\" in 2015. The track also became the country's first number-one song with a female artist since Halsey was featured on \"Closer\" by The Chainsmokers and the first song with a female lead artist since Sia's \"Cheap Thrills\" with Sean Paul (both in", "psg_id": "20315192" }, { "title": "Look What You Made Me Do", "text": "views during its first 24 hours on YouTube, surpassing \"Something Just like This\" by The Chainsmokers and Coldplay as the most viewed lyric video within that time period. As of October 2018, the lyric video on YouTube has amassed over 100 million views. \"Look What You Made Me Do\" runs for 3 minutes and 31 seconds. Music critics have described the track as a hybrid of electroclash and pop, as well as a dance-pop and an electro-pop song. It emphasizes the blame that is placed on an enemy, in particular the line \"I've got a list of names and yours", "psg_id": "20315182" }, { "title": "'Tain't What You Do (It's the Way That You Do It)", "text": "'Tain't What You Do (It's the Way That You Do It) 'Tain't What You Do (It's the Way That You Do It) is a song written by jazz musicians Melvin \"Sy\" Oliver and James \"Trummy\" Young. It was first recorded in 1939 by Jimmie Lunceford, Harry James, and Ella Fitzgerald, and again the same year by Nat Gonella and His Georgians. The \"shim sham\" is often danced to the Lunceford recording of this song. The jazz tune was transformed into a pop song with ska elements in 1982. With the title slightly altered to \"It Ain't What You Do...\", it", "psg_id": "8383172" }, { "title": "Ain't What You Do", "text": "Ain't What You Do \"Ain't What You Do\" is a single released in 2003 by the UK hip hop/R&B group Big Brovaz. The single is the fifth and final single taken from Big Brovaz' 2002 debut album, \"Nu-Flow\". \"Ain't What You Do\" became Big Brovaz' fifth UK hit but their first to miss the top ten, peaking at number fifteen and spending seven weeks inside the top seventy-five of the UK Singles Chart. The single was not released in Australia. \"Ain't What You Do\" is based on Fun Boy Three and Bananarama's collaboration \"It Ain't What You Do (It's the", "psg_id": "10038255" }, { "title": "Ain't What You Do", "text": "Way That You Do It)\". UK CD 1 UK CD 2 Ain't What You Do \"Ain't What You Do\" is a single released in 2003 by the UK hip hop/R&B group Big Brovaz. The single is the fifth and final single taken from Big Brovaz' 2002 debut album, \"Nu-Flow\". \"Ain't What You Do\" became Big Brovaz' fifth UK hit but their first to miss the top ten, peaking at number fifteen and spending seven weeks inside the top seventy-five of the UK Singles Chart. The single was not released in Australia. \"Ain't What You Do\" is based on Fun Boy", "psg_id": "10038256" }, { "title": "What Do You Know, Deutschland?", "text": "What Do You Know, Deutschland? What Do You Know, Deutschland? is the second album by KMFDM, released in 1986. The album was recorded in Hamburg, Germany. \"What Do You Know, Deutschland?\" was recorded from 1983–86, with some tracks recorded before En Esch had started working with KMFDM founders Sascha Konietzko and Raymond Watts, some even before the band officially formed in 1984. Originally released by Z Records in Germany in 1986 with different artwork, the album was re-released, including songs from the \"Kickin' Ass\" single, in 1987 by SkySaw Records in the United Kingdom. In 1991, Wax Trax! Records released", "psg_id": "2767397" }, { "title": "What Do You Know, Deutschland?", "text": "version was released by Wax Trax! in 1991 (without the track \"Zip\"), and remastered by Metropolis in 2006 (with \"Zip\" reinstated). What Do You Know, Deutschland? What Do You Know, Deutschland? is the second album by KMFDM, released in 1986. The album was recorded in Hamburg, Germany. \"What Do You Know, Deutschland?\" was recorded from 1983–86, with some tracks recorded before En Esch had started working with KMFDM founders Sascha Konietzko and Raymond Watts, some even before the band officially formed in 1984. Originally released by Z Records in Germany in 1986 with different artwork, the album was re-released, including", "psg_id": "2767399" }, { "title": "What Do You Mean?", "text": "\"What do you mean / When you nod your head yes, but you wanna say no? / What do you mean / When you don't want me to move, but you tell me to go?.\" \"USA Today\" Carly Mallenbaum, who heard the song in early August, described it as a \"catchy dance track for the club\". Similarly, a writer for \"The Daily Beast\" said, \"['What Do You Mean?' is] pretty damn catchy; a slow-burner that, like that collab, swells into a Bieber banger\". Gil Kaufman of MTV News also called it a \"banger\", explaining, \"the track is classic JB: seductive,", "psg_id": "18937838" }, { "title": "What Do You Say to That", "text": "on to say that the production incorporates \"sweet, understated fiddle and piano that interplay nicely with Strait's eloquent vocal performance.\" \"What Do You Say to That\" re-entered the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart at number 67 as an official single for the week of July 31, 1999. What Do You Say to That \"What Do You Say to That\" is a song written by Jim Lauderdale and Melba Montgomery. First recorded by David Ball on his album \"Play\", it was later recorded by George Strait on his album \"Always Never the Same\". Strait's version was released in", "psg_id": "13320935" }, { "title": "You Don't Know What to Do", "text": "third week with sales of 7,326 units. Carey and Wale performed \"You Don't Know What to Do\" on the \"Today\" show on May 16, 2014. The performance also included renditions of Carey's previous singles \"Always Be My Baby\" (1996) and \"Touch My Body\" (2008). Credits adapted from the liner notes of \"Me. I Am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse\". You Don't Know What to Do \"You Don't Know What to Do\" is a song by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey included on her fourteenth studio album, \"Me. I Am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse \" (2014), and features rapper Wale. The", "psg_id": "18019380" }, { "title": "What Did I Do to You?", "text": "1989–2003\" box set (2014), including previously unreleased Red Zone Mix by David Morales. European/UK 7\" single European/UK/Japanese CD single UK 10\" single European/UK 12\" single UK 12\" promotional single Other remixes What Did I Do to You? \"What Did I Do to You?\" is a song recorded by British singer Lisa Stansfield for her 1989 album, \"Affection\". It was written by Stansfield, Ian Devaney and Andy Morris, and produced by Devaney and Morris. The song received positive reviews from music critics. \"What Did I Do to You?\" was released as the fourth European single on 30 April 1990. It included", "psg_id": "17338142" }, { "title": "Baby What You Want Me to Do", "text": "Baby What You Want Me to Do \"Baby What You Want Me to Do\" (sometimes called \"You Got Me Running\" or \"You Got Me Runnin'\") is a blues song that was written and recorded by Jimmy Reed in 1959. It was a record chart hit for Reed and, as with several of his songs, it has appeal across popular music genres, with numerous recordings by a variety of musical artists. \"Baby What You Want Me to Do\" is a mid-tempo blues shuffle in the key of E that features \"Reed's unique, lazy loping style of vocals, guitar and harmonica.\" In", "psg_id": "14810915" }, { "title": "What to Do When You Are Dead", "text": "surprise but will certainly entertain\". According to \"Now\" writer Jered Stuffco, Equal Vision was \"banking heavily\" on the band to accumulate strong sales, and based on the group's \"poster-boy image, melodramatic harmonies and tight emo riffage,\" he felt they might succeed. \"What to Do When You Are Dead\" peaked at number 101 on the \"Billboard\" 200, as well as charting at number 1 on the Heatseekers Albums chart and number 8 on the Independent Albums chart. By July 2007 the album had sold 200,000 copies. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of \"What to Do When You Are Dead\", the band", "psg_id": "4480222" }, { "title": "Baby What You Want Me to Do", "text": "wife, Mama Reed.\" Mama Reed can be heard at the recording session for the song: Of note, nowhere in the song do the lyrics \"baby what you want me to do\" appear, although later cover versions would often wrongly include the phrase in place of the original \"baby why you wanna let go.\" \"Baby What You Want Me to Do\" was included on Jimmy Reed's second album \"Found Love\" (1960), the \"Jimmy Reed at Carnegie Hall\" album (1961), as well as numerous compilation albums. \"Baby What You Want Me to Do\" reached number 10 in the \"Billboard\" R&B chart and", "psg_id": "14810917" }, { "title": "'Tain't What You Do (It's the Way That You Do It)", "text": "Some reissues of the album also include the \"Just Do It\" section as a separate trac. 'Tain't What You Do (It's the Way That You Do It) 'Tain't What You Do (It's the Way That You Do It) is a song written by jazz musicians Melvin \"Sy\" Oliver and James \"Trummy\" Young. It was first recorded in 1939 by Jimmie Lunceford, Harry James, and Ella Fitzgerald, and again the same year by Nat Gonella and His Georgians. The \"shim sham\" is often danced to the Lunceford recording of this song. The jazz tune was transformed into a pop song with", "psg_id": "8383175" }, { "title": "What Do You Mean?", "text": "Do You Mean?\" was performed at the 2015 MTV Europe Music Awards on October 25. Moreover, the song was also included on the set list for the Purpose World Tour. What Do You Mean? \"What Do You Mean?\" is a song recorded by Canadian singer Justin Bieber for his fourth studio album \"Purpose\" (2015). The song was released on August 28, 2015, as the album's lead single by Def Jam. Written by Bieber, Jason \"Poo Bear\" Boyd and Mason Levy, the song was produced by MdL and co-produced by Bieber. \"What Do You Mean?\" is a pop and tropical house", "psg_id": "18937858" }, { "title": "Look Before You Love", "text": "story that gives Margaret Lockwood a sympathetic role after her many \"Wicked Lady\" characterisations, in which she has been so successfully typed in the past\", adding, \"it may gratify the out-of-town popular audiences, but its chances of success in any metropolis are scant\"; while more recently, \"TV Guide\" rated the film two out of five stars, dismissing it as a \"Ridiculous story played straight; as a farce it might have had some chance.\" The film generally received poor reviews. Look Before You Love Look Before You Love is a 1948 British drama film directed by Harold Huth and starring Margaret", "psg_id": "14900083" }, { "title": "Do What You Wanna Do (album)", "text": "Radio\" and \"Because I Love You\" (the band's most popular songs). The perennial \"Because I Love You\" also gained new prominence around that time via its use in a series of advertisements for a well-known brand of jeans; the revamped version of \"Because I Love You\" peaked at No. 30 on the Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA) Singles Charts. Side B is live recordings taken from the 1988 reunion tour. All songs written by Doug Ford and Jim Keays, except where noted. Do What You Wanna Do (album) Do What You Wanna Do is the fifth studio album by the", "psg_id": "20608312" }, { "title": "What Will You Do When You Catch Me?", "text": "What Will You Do When You Catch Me? What Will You Do When You Catch Me? is the English title of \"Co mi zrobisz, jak mnie złapiesz?\" a Polish comedy film released in 1978, directed by Stanisław Bareja. Tadeusz Krzakoski (Krzysztof Kowalewski), the director of a failing state-owned company, is married with problems. His mistress, the daughter of a Communist party bigwig, says she's pregnant and Tadeusz knows he'll have to marry her to save his reputation and his job. But divorce is never simple and Bareja's screwball comedies are never boring. \"What Will You Do\" shares many themes in", "psg_id": "9039756" }, { "title": "What to Do When You Are Dead", "text": "What to Do When You Are Dead What to Do When You Are Dead is the second studio album by American rock band Armor for Sleep. Following the completion of two songs written from the perspective of being dead, vocalist/guitarist Ben Jorgensen created a whole story from this viewpoint. \"What to Do When You Are Dead\" is a concept album, with each song telling the story of the protagonist's suicide as well as his journey through the afterlife. Recording took place between August and October 2004 with producer Machine. A rough mix of \"Car Underwater\" was made available in November,", "psg_id": "4480203" }, { "title": "Do What You Do (Jermaine Jackson song)", "text": "the past: \"Why don't you do what you do / when you did what you did to me?\" Its B-side is \"Tell Me I'm Not Dreamin' (Too Good to Be True)\", a duet with Michael Jackson. The song was sampled by Lil Wayne for \"How Could Something\" and by Chamillionaire for \"Void In My Life\". The music video was an imitation of \"The Godfather\" and supermodel Iman played Jackson's love interest who eventually betrays him by trying to shoot him. After his henchmen take her away, it is not revealed what happened to her. Do What You Do (Jermaine Jackson", "psg_id": "12138900" }, { "title": "You Know What to Do", "text": "Paul McCartney did \"It's for You\", a song which was written specifically for Cilla Black to sing. The tape of the session was subsequently misfiled, but was rediscovered in 1993. Harrison's first contribution to the Beatles' output was \"Don't Bother Me\", recorded in September 1963. His next contribution was not until \"I Need You\", recorded in February 1965. Asked about this gap in 1964, and referring obliquely to \"You Know What to Do\", George Martin explained that Harrison \"got discouraged some time ago when none of us liked something that he had written\". The song is in the key of", "psg_id": "6187567" }, { "title": "What Do You Got?", "text": "also stated that \"Jon's voice is crisp and clear, up in front in the mix; and Richie Sambora's guitar work is neat, clean, and growing more minimal by the minute\". Describing the composition, Osrin said that song \"continues the band's trend of recording music that tries to be more socially conscious than rollicking\". Songwriting and production Musicians \"What Do You Got?\" was used in a promotional video for \"Grey's Anatomy\" in Canada. What Do You Got? \"What Do You Got?\" is a song by American rock band Bon Jovi. It is one of four songs written for the band's \"Greatest", "psg_id": "14853338" }, { "title": "Do You Know What I'm Going to Do Next Saturday?", "text": "Do You Know What I'm Going to Do Next Saturday? Do You Know What I'm Going To Do Next Saturday? is a 1963 children's book published by Beginner Books and written by Helen Palmer Geisel, the first wife of Theodor Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss). Unlike most of the Beginner Books, \"Do You Know What I'm Going To Do Next Saturday?\" did not follow the format of text with inline drawings, being illustrated with black-and-white photographs by Lynn Fayman, featuring a boy named Rawli Davis. It is sometimes misattributed to Dr. Seuss himself. The book's cover features a photograph of a", "psg_id": "14746909" }, { "title": "What Do You Got?", "text": "What Do You Got? \"What Do You Got?\" is a song by American rock band Bon Jovi. It is one of four songs written for the band's \"Greatest Hits\" album, released in November 2010. The song is the first single from the compilation album. The song was released on the band's official website on August 27. It was officially released on September 21, 2010 as a digital download, but the physical single was released in Germany on October 22, 2010. \"What Do You Got?\" was written by Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora and Brett James, produced by Howard Benson and", "psg_id": "14853334" }, { "title": "What You Do (song)", "text": "What You Do (song) \"What You Do\" is a song recorded by Polish singer Margaret for her third studio album, \"Monkey Business\" (2017). The song was written by Margaret, Arash Labaf, Robert Uhlmann, Anderz Wrethov and Thomas Karlsson, and produced by Uhlmann, Labaf and Wrethov, with co-production from Alex Papaconstantinou. \"What You Do\" was released worldwide as the lead single from \"Monkey Business\" on 12 May 2017. The single reached number fourteen on the Polish Airplay Chart. It also charted in Russia and received radio airplay in Sweden (the single peaked at number one on RIX FM chart) where Margaret", "psg_id": "20155751" }, { "title": "What Do You Mean?", "text": "What Do You Mean? \"What Do You Mean?\" is a song recorded by Canadian singer Justin Bieber for his fourth studio album \"Purpose\" (2015). The song was released on August 28, 2015, as the album's lead single by Def Jam. Written by Bieber, Jason \"Poo Bear\" Boyd and Mason Levy, the song was produced by MdL and co-produced by Bieber. \"What Do You Mean?\" is a pop and tropical house song, with its instrumentation consisting in light flourishes of panpipes, looped vocal samples, piano chords, fervent synths, bass and \"slick beat\" elements with the sound of a clock ticking, while", "psg_id": "18937831" }, { "title": "What You Do (song)", "text": "performed it on \"Sommarkrysset\" and during RIX FM Festival concerts. A music video for the song was released onto YouTube on 12 May 2017. It was filmed in Cyprus and directed by Konrad Aksinowicz. The video sees Margaret as a star of a video game. What You Do (song) \"What You Do\" is a song recorded by Polish singer Margaret for her third studio album, \"Monkey Business\" (2017). The song was written by Margaret, Arash Labaf, Robert Uhlmann, Anderz Wrethov and Thomas Karlsson, and produced by Uhlmann, Labaf and Wrethov, with co-production from Alex Papaconstantinou. \"What You Do\" was released", "psg_id": "20155752" }, { "title": "Look What You Made Me", "text": "\"The Business.\" Assisted by his first Yung Boss Music Group signee and former Candy Hill lead singer Casha, it has entered the Hot 100, charting at #33 so far. The album has received generally mixed reviews, with Rap Reviews praising the album, and \"Slant\" harshly criticizing the album. \"Look What You Made Me\" debuted at #20 on the Billboard 200 chart selling 19,000 copies in its first week. In the United Kingdom and Canada the album failed to chart inside the Top 100. As of September 2008 the album has sold a total of 86,000 copies worldwide. Look What You", "psg_id": "12227443" }, { "title": "Look What You Made Me", "text": "Look What You Made Me Look What You Made Me is the debut studio album by American rapper Yung Berg, which was released on August 12, 2008. The album features guest appearances from Casha, Trey Songz, Lloyd, Amerie, Twista, Ray J and Junior, among others. It also has the single \"Sexy Can I\" by Ray J and Yung Berg. The first single from the album was \"Sexy Lady\" featuring Junior; peaking at #18 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 it was included on the prequel EP, \"Almost Famous\" (subtitled \"The Sexy Lady EP\"). Despite the single being released over sixteen months", "psg_id": "12227441" }, { "title": "You Don't Know What to Do", "text": "revealed to be called \"You Don't Know What to Do\", live during a mini-concert for \"Today\" held by Carey. Following the performance, Carey premiered the studio version on May 19 on \"The Russ Parr Morning Show\" radio show. A solo version which omits Wale's rap verses was later released in June 2014. The song was serviced to urban contemporary radio on June 30, 2014 and rhythmic contemporary radio on July 1, 2014, as the fourth single to be released from the album. When Carey released \"You Don't Know What to Do\" as the fourth single from the album, fans noticed", "psg_id": "18019371" }, { "title": "You Don't Know What to Do", "text": "that have yet to enter the main Ultratop 50 chart, and number 2 on the South Korea download chart. \"You Don't Know What to Do\" garnered critical acclaim amongst music critics: many complimented the disco revival and throwback style, calling it the best track on the album, and compared it to the works of Jocelyn Brown, Daft Punk, Chic and post-revivalist songs produced Pharrell Williams. Carey and Wale performed the song for the first and only time on the \"Today\" show in the United States. \"You Don't Know What to Do\" was written by Carey, Jermaine Dupri and Bryan-Michael Cox,", "psg_id": "18019368" }, { "title": "What Did I Do to You?", "text": "by the Grammy Award-winning American house music DJ and producer, David Morales. The Philip Richardson-directed music video was also released. The single became a top forty hit in the European countries reaching number seven in Italy, number eighteen in Finland, number twenty in Ireland and number twenty-five in the United Kingdom. \"What Did I Do to You?\" was also released in Japan. In 2014, the remixes of \"What Did I Do to You?\" were included on the deluxe 2CD + DVD re-release of \"Affection\" and on \"People Hold On ... The Remix Anthology\". They were also featured on \"The Collection", "psg_id": "17338141" }, { "title": "You Don't Know What to Do", "text": "You Don't Know What to Do \"You Don't Know What to Do\" is a song by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey included on her fourteenth studio album, \"Me. I Am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse \" (2014), and features rapper Wale. The track was released on June 30, 2014, as the fourth single from the album. It was written by Wale, Carey, Jermaine Dupri and Bryan-Michael Cox, with production helmed by the latter three. The song contains an interpolation of \"I'm Caught Up in a One Night Affair\" written by Patrick Adams and Terri Gonzalez, both of whom received songwriting", "psg_id": "18019366" }, { "title": "What Do You Say to That", "text": "What Do You Say to That \"What Do You Say to That\" is a song written by Jim Lauderdale and Melba Montgomery. First recorded by David Ball on his album \"Play\", it was later recorded by George Strait on his album \"Always Never the Same\". Strait's version was released in July 1999 as the third and final single from this album. It peaked at number 4 in the United States, and number 2 in Canada. Larry Flick, of \"Billboard\" magazine reviewed the song favorably, calling it a \"lovely little tune with a pretty melody and a positive lyric.\" He goes", "psg_id": "13320934" }, { "title": "Do What You Gotta Do", "text": "& Tracks for the chart week of January 15, 2000. Do What You Gotta Do \"Do What You Gotta Do\" is a song written by guitarist Pat Flynn and recorded by the New Grass Revival for their 1989 Capitol album \"Friday Night in America\". The song was also recorded by American country music artist Garth Brooks. It was released in January 2000 as fifth and final single from the 1997 album, \"Sevens\". The song reached number 13 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks (now Hot Country Songs) charts and peaked at number 18 on the Canadian \"RPM\"", "psg_id": "15814084" }, { "title": "Do What You Gotta Do", "text": "Do What You Gotta Do \"Do What You Gotta Do\" is a song written by guitarist Pat Flynn and recorded by the New Grass Revival for their 1989 Capitol album \"Friday Night in America\". The song was also recorded by American country music artist Garth Brooks. It was released in January 2000 as fifth and final single from the 1997 album, \"Sevens\". The song reached number 13 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks (now Hot Country Songs) charts and peaked at number 18 on the Canadian \"RPM\" Country Tracks chart. The song was issued over two years", "psg_id": "15814082" }, { "title": "Look What You Done for Me", "text": "and \"Let's Stay Together.\" Look What You Done for Me \"Look What You Done for Me\" is a 1972 song by Al Green, the first single released from his album \"I'm Still in Love with You\". The song reached #4 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 and #2 on the Hot Soul Singles chart. It was certified as a gold record by the Recording Industry Association of America. Green wrote the song on his own, though Al Jackson Jr. and Green's producer Willie Mitchell received co-writing credits. Along with the usual horn section, the production features a string arrangement by James", "psg_id": "17297631" }, { "title": "Look What You Done for Me", "text": "Look What You Done for Me \"Look What You Done for Me\" is a 1972 song by Al Green, the first single released from his album \"I'm Still in Love with You\". The song reached #4 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 and #2 on the Hot Soul Singles chart. It was certified as a gold record by the Recording Industry Association of America. Green wrote the song on his own, though Al Jackson Jr. and Green's producer Willie Mitchell received co-writing credits. Along with the usual horn section, the production features a string arrangement by James Mitchell and Charles Chalmers.", "psg_id": "17297629" }, { "title": "Do What You Gotta Do", "text": "after the album's release by Capitol Records. This was due to a parcel of tepid reviews and soft sales for Garth Brooks side project, Chris Gaines. Deborah Evans Price, of \"Billboard\" magazine reviewed the song favorably, calling it a \"high-energy, uptempo, and buoyed by tasty fiddle and crisp, clean production.\" She goes on to say that the \"positive message and infectious melody should make it a quick radio favorite.\" On Brooks' performance she says that it is \"personality-packed\" and \"full of conviction and passion.\" \"Do What You Gotta Do\" debuted at number 61 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles", "psg_id": "15814083" }, { "title": "Do You Know What I'm Going to Do Next Saturday?", "text": "young boy sitting at a breakfast table with a huge pile of pancakes. Activities mentioned in the book include bowling, water skiing, marching, boxing, and shooting guns with the United States Marines, and eating more spaghetti \"than anyone else has eaten before. Helen Palmer's photograph-based children's books did not prove to be as popular as the more traditional text-and-illustrations format; however, \"Do You Know What I'm Going To Do Next Saturday\" received positive reviews and was listed by \"The New York Times\" as one of the best children's books of 1963. The book is now out of print. Do You", "psg_id": "14746910" }, { "title": "What Will You Do When You Catch Me?", "text": "common with Bareja's other comedies, especially \"Teddy Bear\", with an emphasis on the sheer absurdity of life under Communism. The plot is too convoluted to be believed, but the director makes screamingly funny scenes from watching hapless citizens of Warsaw using a glass in a cafeteria that's been chained to the table so it won't be stolen or waiting in line for days to buy furniture. What Will You Do When You Catch Me? What Will You Do When You Catch Me? is the English title of \"Co mi zrobisz, jak mnie złapiesz?\" a Polish comedy film released in 1978,", "psg_id": "9039757" }, { "title": "'Tain't What You Do (It's the Way That You Do It)", "text": "was recorded by Fun Boy Three and Bananarama, and was included on the former's self-titled debut album, but it was not available on a Bananarama album until 1988's \"Greatest Hits Collection\". Terry Hall of Fun Boy Three owned a copy of Bananarama's previous single \"Aie a Mwana\", and after seeing an article about the trio in \"The Face\", he decided he wanted them to sing background vocals on the song, solely based on the fact that he liked their look. \"It Ain't What You Do...\" became a big hit in the UK, climbing to number four in the UK Singles", "psg_id": "8383173" }, { "title": "What Do You Think About the Car?", "text": "What Do You Think About the Car? What Do You Think About the Car? is the debut studio album by English singer-songwriter and musician Declan McKenna. It was released worldwide on 21 July 2017, through Columbia Records. \"What Do You Think About the Car?\" has been described as featuring indie rock throughout. In 2015, at age 15, McKenna won the Glastonbury Festival's Emerging Talent Competition, and started writing songs for the album soon after, while still in school. Writing went on for 2 years. McKenna says, \"There were a lot of changes, and I think you can hear that within", "psg_id": "20249674" }, { "title": "What to Do When You Are Dead", "text": "Aberback of noted that the album placed the band on the \"indie-rock map and continues to resonate heavily with fans 10 years later\". Jorgensen later called the album a \"diary entry. Without that, I think a lot of people when [their] lives go on they forget what they went through at a certain point in time so for me that’s the biggest markers for me to remember where I was at the point in my life.\" Personnel per booklet. Armor for Sleep Production Citations Sources What to Do When You Are Dead What to Do When You Are Dead", "psg_id": "4480224" }, { "title": "Nobody Knows What You Do", "text": "for those who can't get enough of those heady days of the early- to mid-'70s when an artist could still go into the studio and make an album like this, Nobody Knows What You Do will speak to the inner hippie-hillbilly.\" All tracks composed by John Hartford; except where indicated Nobody Knows What You Do Nobody Knows What You Do is an album by John Hartford, released in 1976. After recording the minimalist \"Mark Twang\", Hartford returned to the studio with a band. The new material leaned more toward country-rock than bluegrass, which he would continue with 1977's Dillard Hartford", "psg_id": "12689146" }, { "title": "You Should Never Leave Me (Before I Die)", "text": "You Should Never Leave Me (Before I Die) \"You Should Never Leave Me (Before I Die)\" is a song by Slimmy, released in 2008 as the third and final single from his debut album \"Beatsound Loverboy\". The song peaked at number 48 in the Portugal Singles Chart, making it Slimmy's lowest charted single to date. \"You Should Never Leave Me (Before I Die\") was part of the soundtrack of the 6th season of the same soap opera. \"You Should Never Leave Me (Before I Die)\" was unveiled as the album's third and final single. The song was written by Slimmy", "psg_id": "15728489" }, { "title": "Do What You Wanna Do (album)", "text": "Do What You Wanna Do (album) Do What You Wanna Do is the fifth studio album by the Masters Apprentices, released in November 1988 on Virgin Records. It was the group's first album in 17 years since \"A Toast To Panama Red\". In the early 1980s there was a revival of interest in the Masters Apprentices due partly to rock historian Glenn A. Baker, who featured the band for his \"Rock & Roll Trivia Show\" on Sydney radio's Triple J, which in turn led to the release of a definitive compilation LP, \"Hands of Time\" by Baker's Raven Records in", "psg_id": "20608310" }, { "title": "What Are You Going to Do to Help the Boys?", "text": "song was written for both piano and voice. The song is a call to action. It encourages listeners to buy liberty bonds, especially if they are staying home while soldiers fight overseas. The voice states that it doesn't matter one's age, where he is from, or who he is. Uncle Sam expects everyone to help in the war effort. The chorus is as follows: The sheet music can be found at Pritzker Military Museum & Library. What Are You Going to Do to Help the Boys? \"What Are You Going to Do to Help the Boys?\" is a World War", "psg_id": "19355998" }, { "title": "What Are You Going to Do to Help the Boys?", "text": "What Are You Going to Do to Help the Boys? \"What Are You Going to Do to Help the Boys?\" is a World War I era song released in 1918. Gus Kahn wrote the lyrics. Egbert Van Alstyne composed the music. It was published by Jerome H. Remick & Co. of Detroit, Michigan. Artist E.E. Walton designed the sheet music cover. It features Uncle Sam inside a red, white, and blue question mark. He is holding his beard and looking down at liberty bonds. To the left of this image it reads, \"Buy a Liberty Bond!\" on some editions. The", "psg_id": "19355997" }, { "title": "What Do You Think About the Car?", "text": "treatment of transgender suicide ('Paracetamol') with subtlety and skill. Standout 'Make Me Your Queen' is a rare moment of intimacy as he laments the ache of unrequited love, again with a delicacy and wisdom beyond his years.\" What Do You Think About the Car? What Do You Think About the Car? is the debut studio album by English singer-songwriter and musician Declan McKenna. It was released worldwide on 21 July 2017, through Columbia Records. \"What Do You Think About the Car?\" has been described as featuring indie rock throughout. In 2015, at age 15, McKenna won the Glastonbury Festival's Emerging", "psg_id": "20249678" }, { "title": "What Do You Take Me For?", "text": "What Do You Take Me For? \"What Do You Take Me For?\" is a song by English singer Pixie Lott from her second studio album, \"Young Foolish Happy\" (2011). The song features American rapper Pusha T and was released on 4 November 2011 as the album's second single. The track received its first play on Capital FM on 26 September 2011. Robert Copsey of \"Digital Spy\" gave the song four out of five stars, stating: \"Fortunately, the rest of the track is less spooktacular and more in-yer-face girl power. 'Don't know what you think I'm after/ What do you take", "psg_id": "15979700" }, { "title": "Who Do You Think You Are? (Canadian TV series)", "text": "and New York City. In reviewing the first episode \"The Gazette\" says, \"\"Who Do You Think You Are?\" is a stirring, thought-provoking look at what it means to be Canadian.\" The \"Ottawa Citizen\" noted that Thursday nights are the most competitive time of the week for broadcast networks and that many of the most-watched shows are on that night. They continue, \"If you're looking for something a little out of the ordinary, though, give \"Who Do You Think You Are?\" a chance. You may be pleasantly surprised by what you find.\" As part of announcing the show's return CBC reported", "psg_id": "10366406" }, { "title": "What You Don't Do", "text": "positive slogan talking about games that the vocalist is not \"forced to endure\". What You Don't Do \"What You Don't Do\" is a single by British recording artist Lianne La Havas. Released on 7 August 2015, the song peaked at No.69 on the Ultratip Belgium Flanders charts. Following the touring La Havas embarked on in order to promote her debut album \"Your Love Big Enough?\", she traveled to Jamaica along with her mother in order to regain connections with her roots. During her time in Jamaica La Havas played music for her family alongside dancehall and reggae producer Stephen McGregor", "psg_id": "18870137" }, { "title": "What Do You Got?", "text": "profound statement in its simplicity.\" The music video was directed by Wayne Isham and produced by Dana Marshall. Isham explained: \"I dug the 3D process, and it was awesome to execute it with long-time friends and collaborators Bon Jovi. We've worked together a long time, evolving and growing, so I'm happy to continue that tradition with the new medium of 3D\". Originally, Jon Bon Jovi didn't want to release \"What Do You Got?\" as the first single and instead favored \"No Apologies\". He said: \"If anyone wants to pick a single, you tell me. What do I know? That was", "psg_id": "14853336" }, { "title": "What to Do When You Are Dead", "text": "followed by two US tours in February 2005. \"What to Do When You Are Dead\" was released on February 22 through independent label Equal Vision Records. Following a couple of US tours in April and May 2005, \"Car Underwater\" was released as a radio single. The group performed on the Warped Tour, before touring across the US in September and November. Later in November, a music video was released for \"The Truth About Heaven\", followed by a UK tour in December. In early 2006, the group went on a three-month headlining US tour, before appearing on Warped Tour again. \"What", "psg_id": "4480204" }, { "title": "What You Don't Do", "text": "What You Don't Do \"What You Don't Do\" is a single by British recording artist Lianne La Havas. Released on 7 August 2015, the song peaked at No.69 on the Ultratip Belgium Flanders charts. Following the touring La Havas embarked on in order to promote her debut album \"Your Love Big Enough?\", she traveled to Jamaica along with her mother in order to regain connections with her roots. During her time in Jamaica La Havas played music for her family alongside dancehall and reggae producer Stephen McGregor (known under his production name Di Genius), who would later go on to", "psg_id": "18870135" }, { "title": "What Do You See?", "text": "What Do You See? \"What Do You See?\" (就在这里 in Mandarin) is a song by Singaporean band Electrico. It was commissioned as the official theme song for the 2009 National Day Parade. The song is one of the few National Day Parade theme songs that does not mention the word \"\"Singapore\"\" in its lyrics. Its lyrics were cited by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in his 2018 National Day Message. Directed by Bertrand Lee, the music video opens with a bokeh and later sharpens to reveal band member David Tan. The camera then traces him around the downtown core of", "psg_id": "16679163" }, { "title": "What Do You Mean?", "text": "Bieber uses a smooth, soulful vocal. Lyrically, \"What Do You Mean?\" describes not being able to figure out the opposite sex. It was featured in several year-end lists of best songs of 2015. Commercially, the song topped the charts in several countries, including Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, and Norway. In Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom, \"What Do You Mean?\" was Bieber's first number-one single. The song's music video features Bieber in bed with a young woman and getting kidnapped by masked men, as well as an appearance from actor John Leguizamo. After releasing \"Where Are Ü Now\"", "psg_id": "18937832" }, { "title": "What Do You Take Me For?", "text": "to number 20 with 16,553 copies sold. The music video, directed by Declan Whitebloom, premiered on 6 October 2011 and develops on a dark background while Lott is seen dancing and singing. It begins with a car pulling into a building before Lott and various scantily-clad back-up dancers perform their routine while Pusha T is seemingly pleading to Lott. Credits adapted from the liner notes of \"Young Foolish Happy\". What Do You Take Me For? \"What Do You Take Me For?\" is a song by English singer Pixie Lott from her second studio album, \"Young Foolish Happy\" (2011). The song", "psg_id": "15979702" }, { "title": "The Day Before I Met You", "text": "You\" is a pop love song with an acoustic guitar riff and \"very low pitched\" vocals in the verses. Lyrically, it is about Mauboy \"not wanting to go back to a time before that special someone was in her life\". During the chorus, she sings: \"What did I do without you here / How did I breathe when you're my air / If I had a time machine I would never go back / to the day before I met you.\" Kirsten Maree of \"Renowned for Sound\" noted that the chorus has a \"soft melody\". According to Mauboy, \"The Day", "psg_id": "18523242" }, { "title": "What Do You Mean?", "text": "On the chart dated 6 February 2016, the song spent a 21st consecutive week inside the Hot 100's top ten, tying with Nicki Minaj's \"Starships\" and Maroon 5's \"Sugar\" for the most weeks a song has logged in the Hot 100's top 10 from its debut. The record was surpassed later by Bieber's \"Love Yourself\", which spent 23 consecutive weeks in the top ten since its debut. As of February 2016, \"What Do You Mean?\" has sold over 1,600,000 copies in the United States. In Bieber's native Canada, \"What Do You Mean?\" debuted at number one on the Canadian Hot", "psg_id": "18937847" }, { "title": "What Do You Want", "text": "ending October 9, 2010. The song is Niemann's second top 40 hit on this chart. In April 2011, the song received a gold certification from the Recording Industry Association of America. That same month, it peaked at number 4 on the country chart. What Do You Want \"What Do You Want\" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Jerrod Niemann. It was released in October 2010 as the second single from his album \"Judge Jerrod & the Hung Jury\". The song is his second top 40 hit on the Hot Country Songs charts, following his number-one", "psg_id": "11382766" }, { "title": "What Do You Want", "text": "What Do You Want \"What Do You Want\" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Jerrod Niemann. It was released in October 2010 as the second single from his album \"Judge Jerrod & the Hung Jury\". The song is his second top 40 hit on the Hot Country Songs charts, following his number-one single \"Lover, Lover\". The song is about a phone call received from a former girlfriend with whom the narrator has broken up. In an interview with CMT, he said that he wrote the song from an experience he had with a former girlfriend", "psg_id": "11382763" }, { "title": "What Would You Do? (1991 TV program)", "text": "was stopped before the outcome and Summers asked the audience to vote on either what they would do in the same situation or what the outcome would be. After the results were tallied, the outcome was played. Special guests, usually performers from other Universal Studios attractions, appeared on \"What Would You Do?\" and picked audience members to perform gross, silly or extraordinary stunts. Stunts could involve handling animals, playing a very messy version of Twister barefoot, painting, dancing or creating sound effects. Additional segments included contests between two selected audience members (\"Anything You Can Do\"). These contests ranged from who", "psg_id": "3300991" }, { "title": "What Would You Do (If Jesus Came to Your House)", "text": "chorus – \"What would you do/if Jesus came to your house/to spend some time with you\" – is sung, it was one of his first songs that were spoken, as most of his later well-known songs were. What Would You Do (If Jesus Came to Your House) \"What Would You Do (If Jesus Came to Your House)\" is a country gospel song, written by Yolanda Adams, Errol McCalla Jr., Jonathan Broussard and Marcus Ecby, and popularized in 1956 by up-and-coming country singer Porter Wagoner. Wagoner's version reached No. 8 on the \"Billboard\" country charts in the spring of 1956, and", "psg_id": "18110730" }, { "title": "What Do You Say (Filter song)", "text": "What Do You Say (Filter song) What Do You Say is the first single from industrial rock band Filter's sixth studio album \"The Sun Comes Out Tonight\". The track was first released on April 2, 2013, and peaked at no. 15 on the Billboard Active Rock charts. The song was written and recorded by Filter frontman Richard Patrick, guitarist Jonathan Radke, and producer Bob Marlette in Los Angeles at Blue Room studios. The song was first released as a single on April 2, 2013, two months before its respective album, \"The Sun Comes Out Tonight\", was released on June 4,", "psg_id": "17448095" }, { "title": "What You Get Is What You See", "text": "What You Get Is What You See \"What You Get Is What You See\" is a song by recording artist Tina Turner from her album \"Break Every Rule\" (1986). The song was written by the Terry Britten and Graham Lyle team and was notably different from the three previous singles that they had written for Turner, \"What's Love Got to Do with It\", \"We Don't Need Another Hero\" and \"Two People\", as it was an up-tempo country-tinged rock track featuring Eric Clapton on guitars. Tina Turner said in an interview that \"What You Get Is What You See\" is her", "psg_id": "9771746" }, { "title": "If I Should Go Before You", "text": "\"Wasted Love\". If I Should Go Before You If I Should Go Before You is the fifth studio album by City and Colour. It was released on October 9, 2015, through Dine Alone Records. The album received very positive reviews upon release, with some believing it may be Green's best album to date. The album also did well commercially, becoming the band's first number one album on the Canadian iTunes Store. The album was also nominated for several Juno Awards, including an Artist of the Year nomination for Green, as well as nominations for the songwriting on \"Blood\", \"Lover Come", "psg_id": "19003891" }, { "title": "If I Should Go Before You", "text": "If I Should Go Before You If I Should Go Before You is the fifth studio album by City and Colour. It was released on October 9, 2015, through Dine Alone Records. The album received very positive reviews upon release, with some believing it may be Green's best album to date. The album also did well commercially, becoming the band's first number one album on the Canadian iTunes Store. The album was also nominated for several Juno Awards, including an Artist of the Year nomination for Green, as well as nominations for the songwriting on \"Blood\", \"Lover Come Back\", and", "psg_id": "19003890" }, { "title": "What Do You See?", "text": "song in 2014 together with the other song, We Will Get There/One People, One Nation, One Singapore, sung by Fauzie Laily, Jack and Rai, Kartik Kunasegaran and Shaun Jansen in its acoustic version. What Do You See? \"What Do You See?\" (就在这里 in Mandarin) is a song by Singaporean band Electrico. It was commissioned as the official theme song for the 2009 National Day Parade. The song is one of the few National Day Parade theme songs that does not mention the word \"\"Singapore\"\" in its lyrics. Its lyrics were cited by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in his 2018", "psg_id": "16679165" }, { "title": "According to You", "text": "According to You \"According to You\" is the debut single by Australian guitarist Orianthi from her second studio album, \"Believe\". The song was written by Andrew Frampton and Steve Diamond, and produced by Howard Benson. It was released in Australia on 6 October 2009. As it quickly gained popularity, the song was sent to mainstream radio stations in the United States and Canada in November 2009, later making impact at the rhythmic and adult contemporary formats. \"According to You\" was released in the UK on 6 September 2010. The song was a commercial success, reaching the top 10 in Australia", "psg_id": "14080628" }, { "title": "What Would You Do? (2008 TV program)", "text": "What Would You Do? (2008 TV program) What Would You Do?, formerly known as Primetime: What Would You Do? through the program's fifth season, is an American situational hidden camera television program that has been broadcast on ABC since February 26, 2008. It is hosted by news correspondent John Quiñones and was created by Chris Whipple. The program was conceived as a format-based series for ABC's newsmagazine \"Primetime\", however all on-air references to the parent program were removed from \"What Would You Do?\" following the discontinuation of \"Primetime\" as a standalone program by the network in 2010, with subject-based formats", "psg_id": "12912646" }, { "title": "What I Can Do for You", "text": "What I Can Do for You \"What I Can Do for You\" is a single by Sheryl Crow from the album \"Tuesday Night Music Club\" released on A&M Records. It was originally released in 1993 and the single includes a rare speedier version of LP track \"The Na-Na Song\" (i.e. \"Volvo Cowgirl 99\"). \"What I Can Do for You\" managed only number 97 when first released at the end of 1993, but was re-released after the success of \"All I Wanna Do\" and \"Strong Enough\". Two CD singles were released, with the second one being a limited edition including a", "psg_id": "11357789" }, { "title": "What Do You Mean?", "text": "with Skrillex and Diplo for their project Jack Ü and achieving worldwide success and acclaim with it, Bieber announced \"What Do You Mean?\" as the first single from his then-upcoming album on July 28, 2015 on \"On Air With Ryan Seacrest\". While he was there, his manager, Scooter Braun, made Seacrest a promotional sign for the single to hold and suggested he should put the photo on his Instagram account. To further promote the song's release, Braun contacted several celebrities who started counting down the days until the release, among them Mariah Carey, Ed Sheeran, Ariana Grande, Big Sean, Alanis", "psg_id": "18937833" }, { "title": "Do You Feel What I Feel?", "text": "Do You Feel What I Feel? \"Do You Feel What I Feel?\" is a song by British boy band JLS from their third studio album, \"Jukebox\". It was released as the album's third and final single on 30 December 2011. The song was written by Gloria Shayne Baker, Tebey, Julian Bunetta, Noël Regney, John Ryan, and it was produced by Julian Bunetta. The song samples Bing Crosby's classic festive hit \"Do You Hear What I Hear?\". The song charted at number 16 on the UK Singles Chart becoming their first single to miss the top 10. On 24 November 2011,", "psg_id": "16083520" }, { "title": "I Look to You", "text": "and studios I Look to You I Look to You is the seventh and final studio album by American singer Whitney Houston. It was first released on August 28, 2009 through Sony Music in Europe, then August 31, 2009 with Arista Records in the United States before being released by RCA Records in the United Kingdom on October 19, 2009. The album was Houston's first studio album since 2003's \"\", and the follow-up to 2002's \"Just Whitney\". It received favorable reviews from music critics, based on an aggregate score of 66/100 from Metacritic and debuted on the US \"Billboard\" 200", "psg_id": "13379366" }, { "title": "I Look to You", "text": "I Look to You I Look to You is the seventh and final studio album by American singer Whitney Houston. It was first released on August 28, 2009 through Sony Music in Europe, then August 31, 2009 with Arista Records in the United States before being released by RCA Records in the United Kingdom on October 19, 2009. The album was Houston's first studio album since 2003's \"\", and the follow-up to 2002's \"Just Whitney\". It received favorable reviews from music critics, based on an aggregate score of 66/100 from Metacritic and debuted on the US \"Billboard\" 200 at number", "psg_id": "13379338" }, { "title": "Don't You Know What the Night Can Do?", "text": "Don't You Know What the Night Can Do? \"Don't You Know What the Night Can Do?\" is a song recorded by Steve Winwood for his album, \"Roll with It\", released on Virgin Records in 1988. Released as a single, it peaked at number six on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart and spent two weeks at number one on the \"Billboard\" Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart. Prior to the 1988 release of the \"Don't You Know What the Night Can Do?\" single, the song was used in a national TV commercial for Michelob. Though some critics at the time condemned", "psg_id": "17305196" }, { "title": "What Do You Know? (TV series)", "text": "What Do You Know? (TV series) What Do You Know? is a children's television program first screened on the Australian children's channel ABC3 on 27 December 2010. 'What Do You Know?' is hosted by Ben Crawley and includes a resident DJ, Dr Rhythm. Contestants are aged between 12–15 years and compete in two teams of three. The captain of the team has a passion for a topic of their choice such as history, sport and pop culture, with the remaining two team members being the 'brain trust'. The six teams with the highest scores at the end of the series", "psg_id": "15136574" }, { "title": "What Can You Do for Me", "text": "10 on 15 September. The song spent a total of 11 weeks inside the top 75 chart. In Australia, \"What Can You Do For Me\" did not enter the ARIA top 100 singles chart until April 1993, following its re-release after the success of \"Something Good\". A new version of the song remixed by Drumsound & Bassline Smith was released on 26 February 2012. What Can You Do for Me \"What Can You Do For Me\" is the debut single by English electronic group Utah Saints. The song was released on 12 August 1991 and reached a peak position of", "psg_id": "14319269" } ]
[ "leap (disambiguation)", "leap", "l.e.a.p.", "leap", "leap (disambiguation)" ]
what chapter from kenneth grahame's 1908 book the wind in the willows lent its' name to the 1967 debut album from pink floyd?
[ { "title": "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn", "text": "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn The Piper at the Gates of Dawn is the debut studio album by the English rock band Pink Floyd, and the only one made under founding member Syd Barrett's leadership. The album, named after the title of chapter seven of Kenneth Grahame's \"The Wind in the Willows\" and featuring a kaleidoscopic cover photo of the band taken by Vic Singh, was recorded from February to May 1967 and released on 4 August 1967. It was produced by Beatles engineer Norman Smith and released in 1967 by EMI Columbia in the United Kingdom and", "psg_id": "1640749" } ]
[ { "title": "The Wind in the Willows", "text": "The Wind in the Willows The Wind in the Willows is a children's novel by Kenneth Grahame, first published in 1908. Alternately slow-moving and fast-paced, it focuses on four anthropomorphised animals in a pastoral version of Edwardian England. The novel is notable for its mixture of mysticism, adventure, morality and camaraderie, and celebrated for its evocation of the nature of the Thames Valley. In 1908, Grahame retired from his position as secretary of the Bank of England. He moved back to Berkshire, where he had lived as a child, and spent his time by the River Thames doing much as", "psg_id": "558881" }, { "title": "Toad Hall (The Wind in the Willows)", "text": "Toad Hall (The Wind in the Willows) Toad Hall is the fictional home of Mr. Toad, a character in the 1908 novel, \"The Wind in the Willows\", by Kenneth Grahame. On his retirement from the Bank of England in 1908, Grahame returned to Blewbury in Berkshire, the county in which he had grown up. In October that year he published \"The Wind in the Willows\", a novel for children featuring an array of anthropomorphic characters, including Rat (a water vole), Mole, Badger and Toad. Toad lives in a house on the edge of the River Bank, Toad Hall. The novel", "psg_id": "20706639" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows (musical)", "text": "The Wind in the Willows (musical) The Wind in the Willows is a musical written by Julian Fellowes, with music and lyrics by George Stiles and Anthony Drewe, based on the novel of the same name, written by Kenneth Grahame. The musical received its world premiere at the Theatre Royal in Plymouth in October 2016, before transferring to The Lowry in Salford and the Mayflower Theatre in Southampton. The following year the production transferred to the West End's London Palladium, where it was filmed for cinema broadcast. In December 2011, it was revealed that a musical adaption of the 1908", "psg_id": "17676276" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows", "text": "childhood in Ardrishaig. There is a proposal that the idea for the story arose when its author saw a water vole beside the River Pang in Berkshire, southern England. A 29 hectare extension to the nature reserve at Moor Copse, near Tidmarsh Berkshire, was acquired in January 2007 by the Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Wildlife Trust. The Wind in the Willows The Wind in the Willows is a children's novel by Kenneth Grahame, first published in 1908. Alternately slow-moving and fast-paced, it focuses on four anthropomorphised animals in a pastoral version of Edwardian England. The novel is notable for its", "psg_id": "558901" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows (musical)", "text": "A Musical Adventure at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre and West Yorkshire Playhouse in 2007 and 2008. The musical has a book by \"Downton Abbey\" creator Fellowes, based on the 1908 novel \"The Wind in the Willows\" by Kenneth Grahame and is directed by Rachel Kavanaugh, with design by Peter McKintosh, lighting design by Howard Harrison and sound design by Gareth Owen. The show features an original score by George Stiles and lyrics by Anthony Drewe. Open auditions were held in April 2016. The musical made its world premiere at the Theatre Royal Plymouth from 8 to 22 October 2016, before", "psg_id": "17676278" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows (band)", "text": "was released in the UK and West Germany. Worldwide Discography Assisting breezes: The Wind in the Willows (band) The Wind in the Willows was an American band which included Deborah Harry as a back-up vocalist. The band took its name from British writer Kenneth Grahame's \"The Wind in the Willows\", a classic of children's literature. The band's only album, the self-titled \"The Wind in the Willows\" (1968, Capitol Records LP2956), grazed the charts at #195. The band broke up shortly after failing to achieve commercial success or critical acclaim. The following year Artie Kornfeld, the producer of the album,", "psg_id": "12276313" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows (band)", "text": "The Wind in the Willows (band) The Wind in the Willows was an American band which included Deborah Harry as a back-up vocalist. The band took its name from British writer Kenneth Grahame's \"The Wind in the Willows\", a classic of children's literature. The band's only album, the self-titled \"The Wind in the Willows\" (1968, Capitol Records LP2956), grazed the charts at #195. The band broke up shortly after failing to achieve commercial success or critical acclaim. The following year Artie Kornfeld, the producer of the album, went on to be the music producer of the Woodstock festival in 1969.", "psg_id": "12276310" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows (musical)", "text": "adventures Toad has. Mr Toad holds a party to mark his return, although it doesn't seem that he's changed at all (\"Finale\"). The Original London Cast Recording was released on 30 June 2017 by Sony Masterworks Broadway and features 20 tracks. The characters and original cast: The Wind in the Willows (musical) The Wind in the Willows is a musical written by Julian Fellowes, with music and lyrics by George Stiles and Anthony Drewe, based on the novel of the same name, written by Kenneth Grahame. The musical received its world premiere at the Theatre Royal in Plymouth in October", "psg_id": "17676292" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows (1995 film)", "text": "The Wind in the Willows (1995 film) The Wind in the Willows is a 1995 British animation film directed by Dave Unwin and written by Ted Walker, based on the novel \"The Wind in the Willows\", a classic of children's literature by Kenneth Grahame. It was produced by the now defunct TVC (Television Cartoons) in London. The films include live action starting and ending segments with Vanessa Redgrave as the grandmother (who narrates), Alan Bennett, Michael Gambon, Rik Mayall, Michael Palin, Tom Stourton and Barry Foster, which changes into an animated setting as soon as the grandmother opens the book.", "psg_id": "17192649" }, { "title": "Kenneth Grahame", "text": "he never attempted a sequel. The book is still widely enjoyed by adults and children today, also in films, while Toad remains one of the most celebrated and beloved characters. In 1929, A. A. Milne wrote the play \"Toad of Toad Hall\", which is based on part of \"The Wind in the Willows. The Wind in the Willows\" won the Lewis Carroll Shelf Award in 1958. In the 1990s, William Horwood produced with a series of sequels. Kenneth Grahame Kenneth Grahame ( ; 8 March 1859 – 6 July 1932) was a British writer, most famous for \"The Wind in", "psg_id": "1407504" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows (1987 film)", "text": "that he has changed for better. However, it is implied that, as with all his previous interests, he will somehow take his newfound interest in philanthropy too far. The Wind in the Willows (1987 film) The Wind in the Willows is a 1987 American animated musical television film directed by Arthur Rankin, Jr. and Jules Bass. It is an adaptation of \"The Wind in the Willows\" by Kenneth Grahame. Set in a pastoral version of England, the film focuses on four anthropomorphised animal characters (Moley, Ratty, Mr. Toad, and Mr. Badger) and contains themes of mysticism, adventure, morality, and camaraderie.", "psg_id": "15406692" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows (1987 film)", "text": "The Wind in the Willows (1987 film) The Wind in the Willows is a 1987 American animated musical television film directed by Arthur Rankin, Jr. and Jules Bass. It is an adaptation of \"The Wind in the Willows\" by Kenneth Grahame. Set in a pastoral version of England, the film focuses on four anthropomorphised animal characters (Moley, Ratty, Mr. Toad, and Mr. Badger) and contains themes of mysticism, adventure, morality, and camaraderie. The film features the voices of Charles Nelson Reilly, Roddy McDowall, José Ferrer, and Eddie Bracken. The screenplay was written by Romeo Muller, a long-time Rankin/Bass writer whose", "psg_id": "15406681" }, { "title": "Kenneth Grahame", "text": "Kenneth Grahame Kenneth Grahame ( ; 8 March 1859 – 6 July 1932) was a British writer, most famous for \"The Wind in the Willows\" (1908), one of the classics of children's literature. He also wrote \"The Reluctant Dragon\". Both books were later adapted for stage and film, of which A. A. Milne's \"Toad of Toad Hall\" was the first. The Disney films \"The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad\" and \"The Reluctant Dragon\" are other adaptations. Kenneth Grahame was born on 8 March 1859 in Edinburgh, Scotland. When he was a little more than a year old, his father,", "psg_id": "1407496" }, { "title": "Wind in the Willows (1988 film)", "text": "Wind in the Willows (1988 film) Wind in the Willows is a 1988 Australian made-for-television animated film created by Burbank Films Australia. The film is based on Kenneth Grahame's 1908 English children's novel of the same name. While cleaning his underground home, Mole senses that spring is probably beginning above the ground. He is curious and decides that every mole should see the world at least once in his or her lifetime, so he makes himself a tunnel and soon finds himself in the English countryside. Mole is marvelled by this new world and wishes to see every bit of", "psg_id": "11746111" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows (1983 film)", "text": "one in Leap Castle in Ireland. The Wind in the Willows (1983 film) The Wind in the Willows is a 1983 British stop motion animated film produced by Cosgrove Hall Films for Thames Television and aired on the ITV network. The film is based on Kenneth Grahame's classic story \"The Wind in the Willows\". It won a BAFTA award and an international Emmy award. Subsequently, the studio made a 52 episode series, \"The Wind in the Willows\" based on characters from the Wind in the Willows between 1984 and 1990. Music & songs composed by Keith Hopwood, late of Herman's", "psg_id": "8234874" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows (1983 film)", "text": "The Wind in the Willows (1983 film) The Wind in the Willows is a 1983 British stop motion animated film produced by Cosgrove Hall Films for Thames Television and aired on the ITV network. The film is based on Kenneth Grahame's classic story \"The Wind in the Willows\". It won a BAFTA award and an international Emmy award. Subsequently, the studio made a 52 episode series, \"The Wind in the Willows\" based on characters from the Wind in the Willows between 1984 and 1990. Music & songs composed by Keith Hopwood, late of Herman's Hermits & Malcolm Rowe. The Stone", "psg_id": "8234863" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows (TV series)", "text": "be found on eBay every so often. In North America, home media distribution of both the show and the movie were handled by A&E Networks. The Wind in the Willows (TV series) The Wind in the Willows is a TV series that was originally broadcast between 1984 and 1988, based on characters from Kenneth Grahame's classic story \"The Wind in the Willows\" and following the 1983 film \"The Wind in the Willows\". The series took place where the film left off and the original voice cast members; David Jason, Richard Pearson and Michael Hordern returned. However Ian Carmichael who had", "psg_id": "8234909" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows (TV series)", "text": "The Wind in the Willows (TV series) The Wind in the Willows is a TV series that was originally broadcast between 1984 and 1988, based on characters from Kenneth Grahame's classic story \"The Wind in the Willows\" and following the 1983 film \"The Wind in the Willows\". The series took place where the film left off and the original voice cast members; David Jason, Richard Pearson and Michael Hordern returned. However Ian Carmichael who had previously voiced Rat in the film was now cast as the narrator and Rat's voice was replaced by Peter Sallis. It was made by animation", "psg_id": "8234902" }, { "title": "Wind in the Willows (1988 film)", "text": "help of a young girl, the magistrate's daughter, Toad manages to escape his cell and return to Toad Hall. However, upon his return, he is shocked to find that his home has been overtaken by a band of ruthless weasels. He and his friends, Rat, Mole, Badger and Otter cook up a plan to recover Toad's priced home and restore order to the entire community along the riverbank. Wind in the Willows (1988 film) Wind in the Willows is a 1988 Australian made-for-television animated film created by Burbank Films Australia. The film is based on Kenneth Grahame's 1908 English children's", "psg_id": "11746115" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows (2006 film)", "text": "The Wind in the Willows (2006 film) The Wind in the Willows is a 2006 live-action television adaptation of Kenneth Grahame's classic novel \"The Wind in the Willows\". It was a joint production of the BBC and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and starred Matt Lucas (Mr. Toad), Bob Hoskins (Badger), Mark Gatiss (Ratty), and Lee Ingleby (Mole), with a cameo appearance from Michael Murphy as the Judge. Rachel Talalay directed. It debuted in Canada on CBC Television on 18 December 2006 in the United Kingdom on BBC1 on 1 January 2007, in the U.S. on PBS's \"Masterpiece Theatre\" on 8", "psg_id": "13041853" }, { "title": "What Do You Want from Me (Pink Floyd song)", "text": "What Do You Want from Me (Pink Floyd song) \"What Do You Want from Me\" is a song by Pink Floyd featured on their 1994 album, \"The Division Bell\". It was composed by Richard Wright, David Gilmour, and his then-girlfriend and subsequent wife Polly Samson. A live version from \"Pulse\" was released as a single in Canada, reaching #28 in the Canadian Top Singles charts. The song is a slow, yet rocking ballad. It has a drum roll introduction, followed by a keyboard solo and then a guitar solo. David Gilmour has agreed with an interviewer that it is a", "psg_id": "11544929" }, { "title": "The Best of the Pink Floyd", "text": "\"the \"Evening Standard\"\" has ever been released). Counterfeit editions with different track lists exist. Any edition with a track list that does not match the list shown here, is a counterfeit. All songs written and sung by Syd Barrett, and taken from singles, except where noted. The Best of the Pink Floyd The Best of the Pink Floyd, also issued as Masters of Rock, is a compilation album of early Pink Floyd music, concentrating on singles and album tracks from 1967 to 1968. Later editions titled \"Masters of Rock\" were released in 1974 in France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands,", "psg_id": "2648234" }, { "title": "The Best of the Pink Floyd", "text": "The Best of the Pink Floyd The Best of the Pink Floyd, also issued as Masters of Rock, is a compilation album of early Pink Floyd music, concentrating on singles and album tracks from 1967 to 1968. Later editions titled \"Masters of Rock\" were released in 1974 in France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands, to capitalise on the success of \"The Dark Side of the Moon\". It is one of the \"Masters of Rock\" series of budget EMI compilations with identical titles, each volume for a different artist. Two different sleeve designs were used: one (by Herman Baas) based on", "psg_id": "2648231" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows", "text": "was an inspiration for Toad Hall, although Hardwick House and Fawley Court also make this claim. The village of Lerryn, Cornwall claims to be the setting for the book. Simon Winchester suggested that the character of Ratty was based on Frederick Furnivall, a keen oarsman and acquaintance of Kenneth Grahame. However, Grahame himself said that this character was inspired by his good friend, the writer Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch. Grahame wrote this in a signed copy he gave to Quiller-Couch's daughter, Foy Felicia. \"The Scotsman\" and \"Oban Times\" suggested was inspired by the Crinan Canal because Grahame spent some of his", "psg_id": "558900" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows (1996 film)", "text": "The Wind in the Willows (1996 film) The Wind in the Willows (released in the United States as Mr Toad's Wild Ride) is a 1996 British children's comedy film written and directed by Terry Jones, and produced by Jake Eberts and John Goldstone. The film stars Steve Coogan, Eric Idle and Terry Jones. The film was released in the United Kingdom on 18 October 1996. The film is based on Kenneth Grahame's novel \"The Wind in the Willows\". Mole's underground home is destroyed when the meadow above is bulldozed by the Weasels. Mr Toad, had sold the land to finance", "psg_id": "7181889" }, { "title": "Kenneth Grahame", "text": "These were followed by \"Dream Days\" in 1898, which contains \"The Reluctant Dragon\". There is a ten-year gap between Grahame's penultimate book and the publication of his triumph, \"The Wind in the Willows\". During this decade, Grahame became a father. The wayward, headstrong nature he saw in his little son Alastair he transformed into the swaggering Mr. Toad, one of its four principal characters. The character in the book known as Ratty was inspired by his good friend, and writer, Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch. Grahame mentions this in a signed copy he gave to Quiller-Couch's daughter, Foy Felicia. Despite its success,", "psg_id": "1407503" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows", "text": "Golden Age\" and \"Dream Days\", generally gave negative reviews. The public loved it, however, and within a few years it sold in such numbers that many reprints were required. In 1909, then sitting US President Theodore Roosevelt wrote to Grahame to tell him that he had \"read it and reread it, and have come to accept the characters as old friends\". In \"The Enchanted Places\", Christopher Robin Milne wrote of \"The Wind in the Willows\": Unproduced The BBC has broadcast a number of radio productions of the story. Dramatisations include: Abridged readings include: Other presentation formats: Mapledurham House in Oxfordshire", "psg_id": "558899" }, { "title": "Pink Floyd – The Wall", "text": "Pink Floyd – The Wall Pink Floyd – The Wall is a 1982 British live-action/animated musical drama film directed by Alan Parker with animated segments by political cartoonist Gerald Scarfe, and is based on the 1979 Pink Floyd album of the same name. The film centers around a confined rocker named Pink, who, after being driven into insanity by the death of his father and many depressive moments during his lifetime, constructs a metaphorical (and sometimes physical) wall to be protected from the world and emotional situations around him. When this coping mechanism backfires he puts himself on trial and", "psg_id": "4636251" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows", "text": "the animal characters in his book do – as the book says, \"simply messing about in boats\" – and expanding the bedtime stories he had earlier told his son Alastair into a manuscript for the book. The novel was in its 31st printing when playwright A. A. Milne adapted part of it for the stage as \"Toad of Toad Hall\" in 1929. 1946 saw the first of several film adaptions. In 2003, \"The Wind in the Willows\" was listed at number 16 in the BBC's survey The Big Read. More than a century after its original publication, it was adapted", "psg_id": "558882" }, { "title": "From the Album of the Same Name", "text": "Paton and Billy Lyall. The album was remastered in 2009 with the following bonus tracks: From the Album of the Same Name From the Album of the Same Name is the 1974 debut album by Pilot, containing the international hit \"Magic\". The album was initially released in 1974 by EMI, and later re-released on CD by EMI Japan in 1990 and by C-Five (Chapter Five) Records, in 1991. Ian Bairnson plays guitar on this album but, at the time, was not a group member. He joined the group, officially, after it had been recorded. Richard Hewson made the orchestral arrangements,", "psg_id": "10809385" }, { "title": "From the Album of the Same Name", "text": "From the Album of the Same Name From the Album of the Same Name is the 1974 debut album by Pilot, containing the international hit \"Magic\". The album was initially released in 1974 by EMI, and later re-released on CD by EMI Japan in 1990 and by C-Five (Chapter Five) Records, in 1991. Ian Bairnson plays guitar on this album but, at the time, was not a group member. He joined the group, officially, after it had been recorded. Richard Hewson made the orchestral arrangements, although normally it would be Alan Parsons with Andrew Powell. All tracks written by David", "psg_id": "10809384" }, { "title": "In the Name of Love (Earth, Wind & Fire album)", "text": "In the Name of Love (Earth, Wind & Fire album) In the Name of Love is the seventeenth studio album by Earth, Wind & Fire, released in 1997 on Rhino Records. The album reached no. 50 on the Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums chart. \"In the Name of Love\" was produced by EWF's leader Maurice White for Kalimba Productions. Originally the album was released only in Japan under the title of \"Avatar\" with a differing track list. The track \"Love Is Life\" is a remake of its namesake which appeared on the band 's debut LP, \"Earth, Wind & Fire\". During October", "psg_id": "13052779" }, { "title": "The Willows at Christmas", "text": "The Willows at Christmas The Willows at Christmas is a children's novel by English writer William Horwood, first published in 1999. It is the fourth book of the \"Tales of the Willows\" series, a collection of four sequels to Kenneth Grahame's \"The Wind in the Willows\". \"The Willows at Christmas\" is set after the events of \"The Wind in the Willows\" but before \"The Willows in Winter\". It is illustrated by Patrick Benson and includes full-page colour pictures . The twelve days of Christmas are fast approaching and Mole is planning to enjoy every one of them with his River", "psg_id": "16269671" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows", "text": "Elspeth Thomson in 1899, when he was 40; the next year they had their only child, a boy named Alastair (whose nickname was \"Mouse\") born premature, blind in one eye, and plagued by health problems throughout his life. When Alastair was about four years old, Grahame would tell him bedtime stories, some of which were about a toad, and on his frequent boating holidays without his family he would write further tales of Toad, Mole, Ratty, and Badger in letters to Alastair. In 1908 Grahame took early retirement from his job at the Bank of England and moved with his", "psg_id": "558885" }, { "title": "What Do You Want from Me (Pink Floyd song)", "text": "\"straight Chicago blues tune\", while mentioning he is still a blues fan. In an interview, David Gilmour was asked if the song returned to the theme of alienation from the audience. He responded by saying that it \"actually had more to do with personal relationships but drifted into wider territory\". In a contemporary negative review for \"The Division Bell\", Tom Graves of \"Rolling Stone\" described \"What Do You Want from Me\" as the only track on which \"Gilmour sounds like he cares\". with: What Do You Want from Me (Pink Floyd song) \"What Do You Want from Me\" is a", "psg_id": "11544930" }, { "title": "In the Flesh (Pink Floyd tour)", "text": "In the Flesh (Pink Floyd tour) The In the Flesh Tour, also known as the Animals Tour, was a concert tour by the English rock band Pink Floyd in support of their album \"Animals\". It was divided in two legs, one in Europe and another in North America. The tour featured large inflatable puppets, as well as a pyrotechnic \"waterfall\", and one of the biggest and most elaborate stages to date, including umbrella-like canopies that would rise from the stage to protect the band from the elements. Pink Floyd's market strategy for the In the Flesh Tour was very aggressive,", "psg_id": "12607157" }, { "title": "In the Flesh (Pink Floyd tour)", "text": "\"Wish You Were Here\": Encore 1: Encore 2: In the Flesh (Pink Floyd tour) The In the Flesh Tour, also known as the Animals Tour, was a concert tour by the English rock band Pink Floyd in support of their album \"Animals\". It was divided in two legs, one in Europe and another in North America. The tour featured large inflatable puppets, as well as a pyrotechnic \"waterfall\", and one of the biggest and most elaborate stages to date, including umbrella-like canopies that would rise from the stage to protect the band from the elements. Pink Floyd's market strategy for", "psg_id": "12607165" }, { "title": "In the Flesh (Pink Floyd song)", "text": "In the Flesh (Pink Floyd song) \"In the Flesh\" (working title \"The Show\") is a song by English progressive rock band Pink Floyd. It appears on their 1979 album \"The Wall\". The introduction of the song features the same explosive organ sequence heard in the introduction to \"In the Flesh?\". Following this, the song then moves into a slightly quieter choir chorus, before the lyrical section. The end of the song features another organ sequence, and the song fades out to the chanting of \"Pink! Floyd! Pink! Floyd!\", however, the movie version instead has the crowd chanting \"Hammer!, Hammer!, Hammer!\",", "psg_id": "5599523" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows (band)", "text": "Debbie Harry went on to join \"The Stillettoes\" in 1974 and other bands until subsequently achieving success in 1974 fronting the new wave band Blondie. Wind in the Willows recorded a second album, which was never released. The whereabouts of the tapes are unknown. According to Cathay Che's biography on Harry, it has never surfaced, but Harry was said to have contributed more vocals than on the first album, as well as writing lyrics for a track entitled \"Buried Treasure\" on the second album. During 1968 the vinyl album was released in \"Unipak\" gatefold format in the U.S. (Capitol Records,", "psg_id": "12276311" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows", "text": "collapsed and the children moved to Fern Hill Cottage in Cranbourne, Berkshire. In 1866, their father tried to overcome his drinking problem and took the children back to live with him in Argyll, Scotland, but after a year they returned to their grandmother's house in Cranbourne, where Kenneth lived until he entered St Edward's School, Oxford in 1868. During his early years at St. Edwards the boys were free to explore the old city with its quaint shops, historic buildings, and cobbled streets, St Giles' Fair, the idyllic upper reaches of the River Thames, and the nearby countryside. Grahame married", "psg_id": "558884" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows", "text": "again for the stage in 2016 musical by Julian Fellowes. Kenneth Grahame was born on 8 March 1859 in Edinburgh. When he was 5, his mother died from puerperal fever, and his father, who had a drinking problem, gave the care of his four children over to their grandmother, who lived in Cookham Dean in Berkshire. There they lived in a spacious but dilapidated home, \"The Mount\", in extensive grounds by the River Thames, and were introduced to the riverside and boating by their uncle, David Ingles, curate at Cookham Dean church. At Christmas 1865 the chimney of the house", "psg_id": "558883" }, { "title": "In the Flesh (Pink Floyd song)", "text": "song ends, the crowd's chant of \"Pink Floyd!\" is replaced with \"Hammer\", invoking the film motif of hammers. In addition, both Pink and the crowd display the \"Hammer\" salute, arms crossed in front of the chest at the wrists like a pair of crossed hammers. In addition, the \"Crossed Hammer\" logo can be seen everywhere. The song immediately segues into \"Run Like Hell\". with: Personnel per Fitch and Mahon. In the Flesh (Pink Floyd song) \"In the Flesh\" (working title \"The Show\") is a song by English progressive rock band Pink Floyd. It appears on their 1979 album \"The Wall\".", "psg_id": "5599526" }, { "title": "Pink Floyd – The Wall", "text": "grew out of that approach, combined with the issue of the growing alienation between the band and their fans. This symbolised a new era for rock bands, as Pink Floyd \"explored (... ) the hard realities of 'being where we are'\", drawing upon existentialists, namely Jean-Paul Sartre. Even before the original Pink Floyd album was recorded, a film was intended to be made from it. However, the concept of the film was intended to be live footage from the album's tour, with Scarfe's animation and extra scenes. The film was going to star Waters himself. EMI did not intend to", "psg_id": "4636260" }, { "title": "Kenny & the Dragon", "text": "Kenny & the Dragon Kenny & the Dragon is a 2008 children's novel by Tony DiTerlizzi. It is based on the story of The Reluctant Dragon. DiTerlizzi named the two protagonists Kenneth and Grahame, after the original story's author Kenneth Grahame. He also includes references to Grahame's other famous work, \"The Wind in the Willows\". Kenny Rabbit is a young bunny that lives in a village called Roundbrook and enjoys reading. He is informed from his father that a dragon has moved to the hill by his parents' farm. The dragon, Grahame, loves literature, enjoys reciting long poems over dinner,", "psg_id": "12441761" }, { "title": "Pink Floyd bootleg recordings", "text": "could show the artist and song names) and other times they would print labels with fictitious names. For example, the 1972 Pink Floyd bootleg called \"Brain Damage\" was released under the name The Screaming Abdabs. In January 1972, Pink Floyd debuted the live performance of their album \"The Dark Side of the Moon\" before its release. A lot of Pink Floyd bootlegs date back from this period. Most of these bootlegs contain a pre-release version of the whole album. The bootleg \"Supine in the Sunshine\" contains an audience live recording with extended versions of two songs from the soundtrack \"Obscured", "psg_id": "14836120" }, { "title": "Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd", "text": "2002, and Quadruple Platinum on 10 September 2007. The compilation spans the career of Pink Floyd from their first single \"Arnold Layne\" in 1967, through to \"High Hopes\", the final track from their 1994 studio album \"The Division Bell\". Four of their albums—\"More\", \"Ummagumma\", \"Atom Heart Mother\" and \"Obscured by Clouds\"—are not represented whatsoever, though multiple tracks from \"Atom Heart Mother\" and \"Ummagumma\" were planned to appear on the compilation. Each of the 26 tracks fades from one to the next with no break in the music, courtesy of longtime producer/engineer James Guthrie, to help recreate the concept album feel", "psg_id": "2280966" }, { "title": "Animals (Pink Floyd album)", "text": "Animals (Pink Floyd album) Animals is the tenth studio album by English rock band Pink Floyd. It was first released on 23 January 1977 by Harvest Records in the United Kingdom and by Columbia Records in the United States. It is a concept album that provides a scathing critique of the social-political conditions of late 1970s Britain, and presents a marked change in musical style from their earlier work. \"Animals\" was recorded at the band's Britannia Row Studios in London, but its production was punctuated by the early signs of discord that, three years later, would culminate in keyboardist Richard", "psg_id": "1366453" }, { "title": "Animals (Pink Floyd album)", "text": "lead vocals performed by Roger Waters, except where noted. Notes Footnotes Bibliography Animals (Pink Floyd album) Animals is the tenth studio album by English rock band Pink Floyd. It was first released on 23 January 1977 by Harvest Records in the United Kingdom and by Columbia Records in the United States. It is a concept album that provides a scathing critique of the social-political conditions of late 1970s Britain, and presents a marked change in musical style from their earlier work. \"Animals\" was recorded at the band's Britannia Row Studios in London, but its production was punctuated by the early", "psg_id": "1366477" }, { "title": "Pink Floyd", "text": "a dog in the manger and I'm going to fight him.\" In 2013, Waters said he had failed to appreciate that the Pink Floyd name had commercial value independent of the band members, and was wrong to have attempted to stop the others using it. In 1986, Gilmour began recruiting musicians for what would become Pink Floyd's first album without Waters, \"A Momentary Lapse of Reason\". There were legal obstacles to Wright's re-admittance to the band, but after a meeting in Hampstead, Pink Floyd invited Wright to participate in the coming sessions. Gilmour later stated that Wright's presence \"would make", "psg_id": "7771950" }, { "title": "Pink Floyd – The Wall", "text": "Free\" and the rerecorded \"Bring the Boys Back Home\" was released. \"When the Tigers Broke Free\" later became a bonus track on the 1983 album \"The Final Cut\", an album Waters intended as an extension to \"The Wall\". Guitarist David Gilmour, however, dismissed the album as a collection of songs that had been rejected for \"The Wall\" project, but were being recycled. The song, in the edit used for the single, also appears on the 2001 compilation album \"\". Pink Floyd – The Wall Pink Floyd – The Wall is a 1982 British live-action/animated musical drama film directed by Alan", "psg_id": "4636276" }, { "title": "Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd album)", "text": "reviews, it went on to receive critical acclaim, appearing on \"Rolling Stone\"s lists of \"The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time\" and the \"50 Greatest Prog Rock Albums of All Time\". Pink Floyd keyboardist Richard Wright and guitarist David Gilmour cited it as their favourite Pink Floyd album. During 1974, Pink Floyd sketched out three new compositions, \"Raving and Drooling\", \"You Gotta Be Crazy\" and \"Shine On You Crazy Diamond\". These songs were performed during a series of concerts in France and England, the band's first tour since 1973's \"The Dark Side of the Moon\". As Pink Floyd had never", "psg_id": "1640787" }, { "title": "Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd", "text": "of the band's mid-period work. All 26 tracks were newly remastered specifically for this compilation and are not sequenced in chronological order. The band's longtime guitarist, David Gilmour, said of the process of compiling the tracks themselves: Roger Waters's main contribution was the name of the compilation. \"I had to, because the name the boys came up with was so awful. What was it? 'Sum of the Parts'. See what I mean?\" Storm Thorgerson, who had done the majority of album covers for Pink Floyd, did the \"Echoes\" art which features recursive windows in an infinite regression as a nod", "psg_id": "2280967" }, { "title": "Pink Floyd", "text": "release of 2014 and the fastest-selling since 1997. Gilmour stated that \"The Endless River\" is Pink Floyd's last album, saying: \"I think we have successfully commandeered the best of what there is ... It's a shame, but this is the end.\" There was no tour to support the album, as Gilmour felt it was \"kind of impossible\" without Wright. In August 2015, Gilmour reiterated that Pink Floyd were \"done\" and that to reunite without Wright \"would just be wrong\". In November 2016, Pink Floyd released a boxset, \"The Early Years 1965–1972\", comprising outtakes, live recordings, remixes, and films from their", "psg_id": "7771969" }, { "title": "Works (Pink Floyd album)", "text": "1970 on a scarce various artists compilation album promoting Pink Floyd's UK label Harvest Records entitled \"Picnic – A Breath of Fresh Air\". Also unique to \"Works\", the tracks \"Brain Damage\" and \"Eclipse\" are presented as alternate versions, possibly stereo mixes from the master tapes of the quadraphonic edition of \"The Dark Side of the Moon\". The cover art for the album was inspired by the c. 1948 poster \"Nederland industrialiseert\" (\"Holland industrialises\") designed by Dutch graphic artist Wladimir Flem. Cover rendering by Ron Larson Works (Pink Floyd album) Works is a Pink Floyd compilation album released in 1983. It", "psg_id": "2794179" }, { "title": "Pulse (Pink Floyd album)", "text": "Pulse (Pink Floyd album) Pulse (stylised as p·u·l·s·e) is a live album by the English rock band Pink Floyd. It was released on 29 May 1995 by EMI in the United Kingdom and on 6 June 1995 by Columbia in the United States. The album was recorded during the European leg of Pink Floyd's Division Bell Tour in 1994. The album includes a complete live version of \"The Dark Side of the Moon\" and features a booklet with many photographs from performances on this tour. It also features \"Astronomy Domine\", a Syd Barrett song not performed since the early 1970s.", "psg_id": "2925483" }, { "title": "The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad", "text": "the second segment is introduced and narrated by Bing Crosby. Decca Records issued an album called \"Ichabod – The Legend of Sleepy Hollow\" featuring Crosby in 1949 to tie in with the release of the film. This segment is based on \"The Wind in the Willows\" (1908) by Kenneth Grahame. The story is set in and around London, England, United Kingdom between June 10, 1909 and January 1, 1910. The protagonist J. Thaddeus Toad, Esq. is introduced as an \"incurable adventurer\" who \"never counted the cost\". As the story's \"one disturbing element\", although he is the wealthy proprietor of the", "psg_id": "4744412" }, { "title": "Works (Pink Floyd album)", "text": "Works (Pink Floyd album) Works is a Pink Floyd compilation album released in 1983. It features a variety of material, such as (among others) the band's early singles, \"Arnold Layne\" and \"See Emily Play\", alternative mixes of tracks from \"The Dark Side of the Moon\", and the demo track, \"Embryo\". The album was released by their former American label, Capitol Records, to compete with their then-current album \"The Final Cut\". The main interest for collectors is the track \"Embryo\", an outtake from \"Ummagumma\" that later became a concert staple in a greatly elongated form, which originally only appeared in January", "psg_id": "2794178" }, { "title": "Crazy from the Heat (book)", "text": "childhood, rock climbing hobby and between recording/touring experiences. The book also features some of Roth's poetry which had never been officially published before. The book was a US bestseller. Crazy from the Heat (book) Crazy from the Heat is the autobiography of Van Halen lead vocalist and successful solo artist David Lee Roth. The book published in 1998 shares its name with Roth's debut release as a solo artist 1985's \"Crazy from the Heat\" EP. The cover of the book shows Roth returning to the scene where the artwork for the EP was taken and striking a different pose, this", "psg_id": "10783206" }, { "title": "Echoes (Pink Floyd song)", "text": "Echoes (Pink Floyd song) \"Echoes\" is a composition by Pink Floyd including fully extended instrumental passages, largely ambient sound effects, and musical improvisation. Written in 1970 by all four members of the group, \"Echoes\" provides the extended finale to Pink Floyd's album \"Meddle\". The track has a running time of 23:31 and comprises the entire second side of the vinyl and cassette recordings. It also appears in shortened form as the fifth track on the compilation album which took its name, \"\". The composition was originally assembled from separate fragments, and was later split in two parts to serve as", "psg_id": "2409367" }, { "title": "Kenneth Grahame", "text": "their uncle, David Ingles, curate at Cookham Dean church. This ambiance, particularly Quarry Wood and the River Thames, is believed, by Peter Green, his biographer, to have inspired the setting for \"The Wind in the Willows\". He was an outstanding pupil at St Edward's School in Oxford. During his early years at St Edwards, a sports regimen had not been established and the boys had freedom to explore the old city with its quaint shops, historic buildings, and cobblestone streets, St Giles' Fair, the upper reaches of the Thames, and the nearby countryside. Grahame wanted to attend Oxford University, but", "psg_id": "1407498" }, { "title": "Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd", "text": "Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd is the fourth compilation album by the English rock band Pink Floyd, released on 5 November 2001 by EMI internationally and a day later by Capitol Records in the United States. It debuted at #2 on the \"Billboard\" 200 album chart on 24 November 2001, with sales of 214,650 copies. It remained on the chart for 26 weeks. The album was certified Gold, Platinum and Double Platinum on 6 December 2001 in the US by the RIAA. It was certified Triple Platinum in the US on 8 January", "psg_id": "2280965" }, { "title": "Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd", "text": "following songs were considered for inclusion: Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd is the fourth compilation album by the English rock band Pink Floyd, released on 5 November 2001 by EMI internationally and a day later by Capitol Records in the United States. It debuted at #2 on the \"Billboard\" 200 album chart on 24 November 2001, with sales of 214,650 copies. It remained on the chart for 26 weeks. The album was certified Gold, Platinum and Double Platinum on 6 December 2001 in the US by the RIAA. It was certified Triple Platinum", "psg_id": "2280971" }, { "title": "Crazy from the Heat (book)", "text": "Crazy from the Heat (book) Crazy from the Heat is the autobiography of Van Halen lead vocalist and successful solo artist David Lee Roth. The book published in 1998 shares its name with Roth's debut release as a solo artist 1985's \"Crazy from the Heat\" EP. The cover of the book shows Roth returning to the scene where the artwork for the EP was taken and striking a different pose, this time with a woman in his arms. The book tells of Roth's experiences not only as a member of Van Halen and a solo musician but also about his", "psg_id": "10783205" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows (1996 film)", "text": "in the U.S. The film holds a 75% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and holds three stars out of five on the film critic website Film critic Mike Hertenstein wrote a positive critical review of the film. The films won the Best of the Fest award at the Chicago International Children's Film Festival in 1998 and the \"WisKid Award\" at the Wisconsin International Children's Film Festival in 2000. The Wind in the Willows (1996 film) The Wind in the Willows (released in the United States as Mr Toad's Wild Ride) is a 1996 British children's comedy film written and", "psg_id": "7181901" }, { "title": "Pink Floyd", "text": "attract the attention of the music industry. While in negotiations with record companies, \"IT\" co-founder and UFO club manager Joe Boyd and Pink Floyd's booking agent Bryan Morrison arranged and funded a recording session at Sound Techniques in West Hampstead. Three days later, Pink Floyd signed with EMI, receiving a £5,000 advance (). EMI released the band's first single, \"Arnold Layne\", with the B-side \"Candy and a Currant Bun\", on 10 March 1967 on its Columbia label. Both tracks were recorded on 29 January 1967. \"Arnold Layne\"'s references to cross-dressing led to a ban by several radio stations; however, creative", "psg_id": "7771904" }, { "title": "Culture of the United Kingdom", "text": "on Mary Norton books on little people), \"The Adventures of Black Beauty\", \"The Famous Five\" (based on Enid Blyton books), \"The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe\" (based on the C. S. Lewis novel), and \"Pride and Prejudice\" (starring Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy). The actor David Jason has voiced a number of popular characters in children's animation, including \"The Wind in the Willows\" (based on the children's book by Kenneth Grahame), \"Danger Mouse\" and \"Count Duckula\". Other children's shows include \"Where's Wally?\" (a series based on books by author Martin Handford where readers are challenged to find Wally who", "psg_id": "1951166" }, { "title": "Against the Wind (album)", "text": "Against the Wind (album) Against the Wind is the eleventh studio album by American rock singer Bob Seger and his fourth with the Silver Bullet Band. It was released in February 1980. It is Seger's only number-one album to date, spending six weeks at the top of the \"Billboard\" Top LPs chart, knocking Pink Floyd's \"The Wall\" from the top spot. \"Against the Wind\" was an immediate commercial success, reaching No. 2 on the Billboard 200 album chart in its third week and remaining there for five weeks behind Pink Floyd's \"The Wall\" before reaching No. 1 and holding the", "psg_id": "4294621" }, { "title": "Pink Floyd", "text": "his feelings about a variety of topics, from the murder of John Lennon to his relationship with Waters. He later stated that he used the album to distance himself from Pink Floyd. Soon afterwards, Waters began touring his first solo album, \"The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking\". Wright formed Zee with Dave Harris and recorded \"Identity\", which went almost unnoticed upon its release. Mason released his second solo album, \"Profiles\", in August 1985. Following the release of \"The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking\", Waters publicly insisted that Pink Floyd would not reunite. He contacted O'Rourke to discuss settling", "psg_id": "7771947" }, { "title": "The Willows, Salford", "text": "of international rugby league matches played at The Willows. The Willows also saw Salford and the county team Lancashire play host to various international touring teams from 1908–1978. The Willows, Salford The Willows was a rugby league stadium in Weaste, Salford, England. It had a final capacity of 11,363 with 2,500 seats. In 1900, Salford agreed a 14-year lease on of land belonging to the Willows Estate Company, named after the abundance of willow trees in the area. They made their debut at the Willows on 21 December 1901, beating Swinton 2–0 in front of 16,981 fans. In the 1960s,", "psg_id": "6904495" }, { "title": "Pink Floyd", "text": "lot of what he does and how his playing was at the heart of the Pink Floyd sound. Listening back to the sessions, it really brought home to me what a special player he was.\" \"The Endless River \"was released on 7 November 2014, the second Pink Floyd album distributed by Parlophone following the release of the 20th anniversary editions of \"The Division Bell\" earlier in 2014. Though it received mixed reviews, it\" \"became the most pre-ordered album of all time on Amazon UK, and debuted at number one in several countries. The vinyl edition was the fastest-selling UK vinyl", "psg_id": "7771968" }, { "title": "Animals (Pink Floyd album)", "text": "rousing, all in the right places\". In his 2004 autobiography \"\", Nick Mason suggests that the album's perceived harshness, when compared to previous Floyd releases, may be a result of a \"workman-like mood in the studio\", and an unconscious reaction to the accusations from the aforementioned punk genre that bands like Pink Floyd represented \"dinosaur rock\". Rick Wright has gone on record saying he didn't like the album and it was also the start of Roger Waters' ego trip on the 1994 BBC Omnibus Documentary on Pink Floyd. \"Animals\" was certified by the RIAA as 4× Platinum on 31 January", "psg_id": "1366470" }, { "title": "Animals (Pink Floyd album)", "text": "viewed it as a welcome return to the underground scene from which Pink Floyd originated. In 1977 he produced The Damned's second album, \"Music for Pleasure\", at Britannia Row. In his 2008 book \"Comfortably Numb\", author Mark Blake argues that \"Dogs\" contains some of David Gilmour's finest work; although the guitarist sings only one lead vocal, his performance is \"explosive\". The song also contains notable contributions from Wright, which echo the synthesizer sounds used on the band's previous album, \"Wish You Were Here\". \"Pigs (Three Different Ones)\" is audibly similar to \"Have a Cigar\", with bluesy guitar fills and elaborate", "psg_id": "1366461" }, { "title": "Embryo (Pink Floyd song)", "text": "waiting for the instrument to be repaired. This improvisation included elements of other Pink Floyd songs, most notably what appears to be an instrumental version of \"Breathe\" as well as the intro to \"Raving and Drooling\" (the 1974–75 precursor to \"Sheep\") and a rough \"Any Colour You Like\". Embryo (Pink Floyd song) \"Embryo\" (sometimes called \"The Embryo\") is a song by Pink Floyd. It was a concert staple in 1970–71, but a full band version was never released on any Pink Floyd studio album. A studio version did appear in 1970 on the rare multi-artist album \"Picnic – A Breath", "psg_id": "9000084" }, { "title": "Embryo (Pink Floyd song)", "text": "Embryo (Pink Floyd song) \"Embryo\" (sometimes called \"The Embryo\") is a song by Pink Floyd. It was a concert staple in 1970–71, but a full band version was never released on any Pink Floyd studio album. A studio version did appear in 1970 on the rare multi-artist album \"Picnic – A Breath of Fresh Air\". Its next appearance was in 1983 on Pink Floyd's own compilation \"Works\". It then appeared in 2007 on \"A Breath of Fresh Air – A Harvest Records Anthology 1969–1974\" (one of only three tracks from the original sampler album to be included in the similarly-titled", "psg_id": "9000076" }, { "title": "The Guardian's 100 Best Novels Written in English", "text": "Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad (1899) 33. Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser (1900) 34. Kim by Rudyard Kipling (1901) 35. The Call of the Wild by Jack London (1903) 36. The Golden Bowl by Henry James (1904) 37. Hadrian the Seventh by Frederick Rolfe (1904) 38. The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame (1908) 39. The History of Mr Polly by HG Wells (1910) 40. Zuleika Dobson by Max Beerbohm (1911) 41. The Good Soldier by Ford Madox Ford (1915) 42. The Thirty-Nine Steps by John Buchan (1915) 43. The Rainbow by DH Lawrence (1915) 44. Of Human", "psg_id": "19566367" }, { "title": "Pink Floyd live performances", "text": "of these three songs:\" \"Occasionally, multiple song encores were performed, adding:\" Playing 98 shows (the most until 1994), 1972 was the last time Pink Floyd varied their set lists each night on a tour until their final one. Songs played in the second set and encore were swapped constantly, and the band even varied the number of songs played in the encore from the usual one, to two or three. 1972 saw Pink Floyd debut the performance of a not just a song (like on previous tours), but an entire album prior to its release. The original title was \"Eclipse", "psg_id": "7154798" }, { "title": "Music from The Body", "text": "piano, although David Gilmour, Nick Mason and Richard Wright are uncredited. The child heard on opening track is Ron's son Joe Geesin. The LP features a different track listing to the original film soundtrack, and a 3 sided acetate does exist of the full version. The cover of the album features a Transparent Anatomical Manikin (TAM). Waters would not release another album outside of Pink Floyd until 1984's \"The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking\". All songs written by Ron Geesin, except where noted: Side One Side Two Music from The Body Music from The Body is the soundtrack album", "psg_id": "4138749" }, { "title": "Pulse (Pink Floyd album)", "text": "stated to be over six months. Some versions were also made with 2 AA batteries and later editions of the CD set did not feature the blinking LED. Pulse (Pink Floyd album) Pulse (stylised as p·u·l·s·e) is a live album by the English rock band Pink Floyd. It was released on 29 May 1995 by EMI in the United Kingdom and on 6 June 1995 by Columbia in the United States. The album was recorded during the European leg of Pink Floyd's Division Bell Tour in 1994. The album includes a complete live version of \"The Dark Side of the", "psg_id": "2925489" }, { "title": "The Australian Pink Floyd Show", "text": "The Australian Pink Floyd Show The Australian Pink Floyd Show, more frequently referred to as the Australian Pink Floyd, is a Pink Floyd tribute band formed in 1988 in Adelaide, South Australia. Their live shows attempt to recreate the look, feel, and sound of Pink Floyd's later world tours, employing visual aids such as lasers, inflatables and a large display panel similar to \"Mr Screen\". The Australian Pink Floyd Show play venues worldwide. The band is noted for replicating the nuances of Pink Floyd's work. The guitar rig of Steve Mac closely resembles David Gilmour's set-up, and includes elements custom-produced", "psg_id": "2670470" }, { "title": "Pink Floyd", "text": "toured North America, Waters' \"Radio K.A.O.S.\" tour was on occasion, close by, though in much smaller venues than those hosting his former band's performances. Waters issued a writ for copyright fees for the band's use of the flying pig. Pink Floyd responded by attaching a large set of male genitalia to its underside to distinguish it from Waters' design. The parties reached a legal agreement on 23 December; Mason and Gilmour retained the right to use the Pink Floyd name in perpetuity and Waters received exclusive rights to, among other things, \"The Wall\". For several years Pink Floyd had busied", "psg_id": "7771954" }, { "title": "The Australian Pink Floyd Show", "text": "Jodrell Bank in England. In 2016 new members Chris Barnes (vocals) and Ricky Howard (bass/vocals) were welcomed to the TAPFS family. The Australian Pink Floyd Show The Australian Pink Floyd Show, more frequently referred to as the Australian Pink Floyd, is a Pink Floyd tribute band formed in 1988 in Adelaide, South Australia. Their live shows attempt to recreate the look, feel, and sound of Pink Floyd's later world tours, employing visual aids such as lasers, inflatables and a large display panel similar to \"Mr Screen\". The Australian Pink Floyd Show play venues worldwide. The band is noted for replicating", "psg_id": "2670484" }, { "title": "Songs from the Pink Death", "text": "Death Song of Love\". The album also includes a cover of The Beatles's \"You've Got to Hide Your Love Away\". Adapted from \"Songs from the Pink Death\" liner notes. Songs from the Pink Death Songs from the Pink Death is the fourth studio album by composer and producer Kramer, released on February 17, 1998 by Shimmy Disc and Knitting Factory Records. The album features backup musicians including drummer Damon Krukowski of Galaxie 500 and guitarist Sean Eden of Luna. The album is replete with obscure and obvious references (\"pink death\" itself referring to the swine flu) such as to \"Sunday", "psg_id": "14682255" }, { "title": "The Wind in the Willows", "text": "wife and son to an old farmhouse in Blewbury, where he used the bedtime stories he had told Alastair as a basis for the manuscript of \"The Wind in the Willows\". With the arrival of spring and fine weather outside, the good-natured Mole loses patience with spring cleaning. He flees his underground home, emerging to take in the air and ends up at the river, which he has never seen before. Here he meets Rat (a water vole), who at this time of year spends all his days in, on and close by the river. Rat takes Mole for a", "psg_id": "558886" }, { "title": "Songs from the Pink Death", "text": "Songs from the Pink Death Songs from the Pink Death is the fourth studio album by composer and producer Kramer, released on February 17, 1998 by Shimmy Disc and Knitting Factory Records. The album features backup musicians including drummer Damon Krukowski of Galaxie 500 and guitarist Sean Eden of Luna. The album is replete with obscure and obvious references (\"pink death\" itself referring to the swine flu) such as to \"Sunday Morning\" in \"Don't Come Around\", John Malkovich's character's theory in \"The Convent\" in \"The Opium Wars Have Long Ceased\", and the sample from \"Wipe Out (instrumental)\" in \"The Pink", "psg_id": "14682254" }, { "title": "Toad Hall (The Wind in the Willows)", "text": "'Or anywhere else, for that matter'\". The hall has a \"very old banqueting-hall\" and a \"large boat-house\". Stables stand to the right of the house, as viewed from the river. An ancient passage, unknown to Toad but vouchsafed to Mr Badger by Toad's father, and of critical importance to the novel's denoument, \"leads from the river bank ..., right up into the middle of Toad Hall\". A number of houses have been cited as the inspiration for Toad Hall. These include: Toad Hall (The Wind in the Willows) Toad Hall is the fictional home of Mr. Toad, a character in", "psg_id": "20706641" }, { "title": "Pink Floyd", "text": "stating: \"Roger's criticisms are fair. It's not a band album at all.\" \"Q Magazine\" described the album as essentially a Gilmour solo album. Waters attempted to subvert the \"Momentary Lapse of Reason \"tour by contacting promoters in the US and threatening to sue them if they used the Pink Floyd name. Gilmour and Mason funded the start-up costs with Mason using his Ferrari 250 GTO as collateral. Early rehearsals for the upcoming tour were chaotic, with Mason and Wright entirely out of practice. Realising he had taken on too much work, Gilmour asked Ezrin to assist them. As Pink Floyd", "psg_id": "7771953" }, { "title": "Pink Floyd", "text": "a new concept after several weeks. During 1974, Pink Floyd had sketched out three original compositions and had performed them at a series of concerts in Europe. These compositions became the starting point for a new album whose opening four-note guitar phrase, composed purely by chance by Gilmour, reminded Waters of Barrett. The songs provided a fitting summary of the rise and fall of their former bandmate. Waters commented: \"Because I wanted to get as close as possible to what I felt ... [that] indefinable, inevitable melancholy about the disappearance of Syd.\" While Pink Floyd were working on the album,", "psg_id": "7771930" }, { "title": "Music from The Body", "text": "Music from The Body Music from The Body is the soundtrack album to Roy Battersby's 1970 documentary film \"The Body\", about human biology, narrated by Vanessa Redgrave and Frank Finlay. The music was composed in collaboration between Pink Floyd member Roger Waters and Ron Geesin, the same year they worked together on \"Atom Heart Mother\" and employs biomusic, including sounds made by the human body (slaps, breathing, laughing, whispering, flatulence, etc.), in addition to more traditional guitar, piano and stringed instruments. The album's final track, \"Give Birth to a Smile\", features all four members of Pink Floyd, plus Geesin on", "psg_id": "4138748" }, { "title": "The Australian Pink Floyd Show", "text": "by Pete Cornish, who worked extensively with Gilmour. The band associates itself with individuals who have worked with Pink Floyd over the years, including Colin Norfield (who worked as a sound engineer for David Gilmour in his solo career and for Pink Floyd during their 1994 Division Bell Tour) and Clive Brooks – Nick Mason's long-time drum technician. The show includes a round screen with intelligent lights arranged around its perimeter. During a concert, movies and animations are displayed on-screen, complementing the band's light show. Inflatables (such as the pig used by Pink Floyd during the Division Bell Tour, and", "psg_id": "2670471" }, { "title": "The Golden Age (Grahame)", "text": "was issued in 1928. The Golden Age (Grahame) The Golden Age is a collection of reminiscences of childhood, written by Kenneth Grahame and first published in book form in 1895, by The Bodley Head in London and by Stone & Kimball in Chicago. The Prologue and six of the stories had previously appeared in the \"\"National Observer\",\" the journal then edited by William Ernest Henley. Widely praised upon its first appearance – Algernon Charles Swinburne, writing in the \"Daily Chronicle,\" called it \"one of the few books which are well-nigh too praiseworthy for praise\" – the book has come to", "psg_id": "10055299" }, { "title": "The Golden Age (Grahame)", "text": "The Golden Age (Grahame) The Golden Age is a collection of reminiscences of childhood, written by Kenneth Grahame and first published in book form in 1895, by The Bodley Head in London and by Stone & Kimball in Chicago. The Prologue and six of the stories had previously appeared in the \"\"National Observer\",\" the journal then edited by William Ernest Henley. Widely praised upon its first appearance – Algernon Charles Swinburne, writing in the \"Daily Chronicle,\" called it \"one of the few books which are well-nigh too praiseworthy for praise\" – the book has come to be regarded as a", "psg_id": "10055296" }, { "title": "Pink Floyd", "text": "band members had forced him from the group by threatening to sue him. He then went to the High Court in an effort to dissolve the band and prevent the use of the Pink Floyd name, declaring Pink Floyd \"a spent force creatively.\" When his lawyers discovered that the partnership had never been formally confirmed, Waters returned to the High Court in an attempt to obtain a veto over further use of the band's name. Gilmour responded by issuing a carefully worded press release affirming that Pink Floyd would continue to exist. He later told \"The Sunday Times\": \"Roger is", "psg_id": "7771949" }, { "title": "The Report from Iron Mountain", "text": "involvement in creating \"Report from Iron Mountain\", naming Leonard Lewin as the main writer with \"input\" from economist John Kenneth Galbraith, two editors of the satirical magazine \"Monocle\" (Marvin Kitman and Richard Lingeman) and himself. On November 26, 1967, the report was reviewed in the book section of \"The Washington Post\" by Herschel McLandress, supposedly the pen name for Harvard professor John Kenneth Galbraith. McLandress wrote that he knew firsthand of the report's authenticity because he had been invited to participate in its creation; that although he was unable to be part of the official group, he was consulted from", "psg_id": "1610549" }, { "title": "Pink Floyd", "text": "artwork. Thorgerson drew inspiration for the album cover from the Moai monoliths of Easter Island; two opposing faces forming an implied third face about which he commented: \"the absent face—the ghost of Pink Floyd's past, Syd and Roger\". Eager to avoid competing against other album releases, as had happened with \"A Momentary Lapse\", Pink Floyd set a deadline of April 1994, at which point they would resume touring. The album reached number 1 in both the UK and the US. It spent 51 weeks on the UK chart. Pink Floyd spent more than two weeks rehearsing in a hangar at", "psg_id": "7771957" }, { "title": "Learning to Fly (Pink Floyd song)", "text": "deep river, swimming away. The video went to #9 on MTV's Video Countdown in November 1987 and was the #60 video of MTV's Top 100 Videos of 1987. The video won the band its only MTV Video Music Award for \"Best Concept Video\" in 1988. The red/orange airplane is a Beech Model 17 Staggerwing. Additional musicians: Learning to Fly (Pink Floyd song) \"Learning to Fly\" is a song by the English progressive rock band Pink Floyd, written by David Gilmour, Anthony Moore, Bob Ezrin, and Jon Carin. It was the first single from the band's thirteenth studio album \"A Momentary", "psg_id": "6853752" } ]
[ "the piper at the gates of dawn", "tpatgod", "piper at the gates", "patgod", "the piper at the gates of dawn", "the piper at the gates of dawn", "the piper at the gates of dawn" ]
what 1963 alfred hitchcock movie, which introduced the ever so talented tippi hedren, took place at the lovely northern california town of bodega bay?
[ { "title": "Bodega Bay", "text": "a nuclear power plant received significant negative attention from local citizens, beginning in 1958. By 1964, the plans for the plant were abandoned. Bodega Bay was the setting for the 1963 Alfred Hitchcock film, \"The Birds\", starring Rod Taylor, Tippi Hedren and Suzanne Pleshette. In October 2017, Bodega Bay, on the northwest edge of Sonoma County, served as a site of refuge and supply depot for evacuees from an historic fast-moving destructive fire in northern California. People from Santa Rosa and other regions affected by the raging wildfire started pouring in not long after the blazes started. Like underwater parks,", "psg_id": "2920179" } ]
[ { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "\"Marnie\"'s screenwriter, Jay Presson Allen, Hitchcock was \"mad\" for Hedren. She felt unhappy for both and described the situation as \"an old man's cri de coeur\", adding that Hitchcock had a \"Pygmalion complex about Tippi\". She advised Hedren to finish the film and then get on with her life and be happy. Hedren's hairdresser, Virginia Darcy, even told Hitchcock he should not be possessive with Hedren. \"Tippi felt rightly that she was not his property, but he'd say, 'You are, I have a contract'\". Although Hitchcock thought he might mend fences with Hedren and make another film with her, she", "psg_id": "1984050" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "I won't ever even see the money, and that what hurts so badly, that in all of this pain and suffering that publication ran with a swift and not researched story, which told people around the world who have been so gracious and thoughtful about sending donations, that I no longer needed them.\" Tippi Hedren Nathalie Kay \"Tippi\" Hedren (born January 19, 1930) is an American actress, animal rights activist and former fashion model. A successful fashion model from her twenties, appearing on the front covers of \"Life\" and \"Glamour\" magazines among others, Hedren became an actress after she was", "psg_id": "1984088" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "her name should be printed only in single quotes, 'Tippi'. The press mostly ignored this directive from the director, who felt that the single quotes added distinction and mystery to her name. Hitchcock was impressed with Hedren. As production designer Robert F. Boyle explained, \"Hitch always liked women who behaved like well-bred ladies. Tippi generated that quality.\" Afterward, Hedren was invited to lunch with Hitchcock, his wife, Alma, and Lew Wasserman, head of Universal, at one of Hitchcock's favorite restaurants, Chasen's. There she was presented with a golden pin of three birds in flight, adorned by three tiny seed pearls,", "psg_id": "1984030" }, { "title": "Bodega Bay, California", "text": "Bodega Bay, California Bodega Bay is a town and census-designated place (CDP) in Sonoma County, California, United States. The population was 1,077 at the 2010 census. The town, located along State Route 1, is on the eastern side of Bodega Harbor, an inlet of Bodega Bay on the Pacific coast. Bodega Bay is the site of the first Russian structures built in California, which were built in 1809 by Commerce Counseller Ivan Alexandrovich Kuskov of the Russian-American Company in the lead-up to the establishment of Fort Ross. For the Russians, the settlement in Bodega Bay was called Port Rumyantsev, named", "psg_id": "1023084" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "1961, after seven years of marriage to the actor Peter Griffith, Hedren divorced and returned to California with her daughter, Melanie Griffith, and rented an expensive home in Sherman Oaks. \"I thought I could continue my career as it had been in New York. I thought everything would be just fine, and it wasn’t. So I thought, well, I don’t type, what shall I do?\" On October 13, 1961, she received a call from an agent who told her a producer was interested in working with her. When she was told it was Alfred Hitchcock who, while he was watching", "psg_id": "1984027" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "In 2004, however, she acknowledged that she was actually born in 1930 (which is consistent with the birth registration index at the Minnesota Historical Society). Her paternal grandparents were Swedish immigrants, while her maternal ancestry is German and Norwegian. Her father ran a small general store in the town of Lafayette, Minnesota, and gave her the nickname \"Tippi\". When she was four, she moved with her parents to Minneapolis. As a teenager, Hedren took part in department store fashion shows. Her parents relocated to California while she was a high school student. On reaching her 20th birthday, she bought a", "psg_id": "1984025" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "belongs to Hedren, who makes an auspicious screen bow. She virtually has to carry the picture alone for the first forty-five minute stretch, prior to the advent of the first wave of organized attackers from the sky. Miss Hedren has a star quality and Hitchcock has provided her with a potent vehicle to launch her career\". Hedren received the Golden Globe Award for New Star of the Year, tied with Elke Sommer and Ursula Andress. Her role as Melanie Daniels was named by \"Premiere\" magazine as one of the greatest movie characters of all time. Hitchcock was so impressed with", "psg_id": "1984036" }, { "title": "Bodega Bay, California", "text": "in the 1960s but was abandoned after both local and statewide protests and the discovery of a fault across the proposed site. Excavation for the site began at Bodega Head, and when the project was abandoned the area has been referred to by locals as \"The Hole in the Head.\" Bodega Bay, California Bodega Bay is a town and census-designated place (CDP) in Sonoma County, California, United States. The population was 1,077 at the 2010 census. The town, located along State Route 1, is on the eastern side of Bodega Harbor, an inlet of Bodega Bay on the Pacific coast.", "psg_id": "1023096" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "for them. In 2012, \"The Girl\", an HBO/BBC film about Hedren and Hitchcock's relationship, based on Donald Spoto's 2009 book \"Spellbound by Beauty: Alfred Hitchcock and His Leading Ladies\", was released. When she was first told about the project, Hedren said she had mixed feelings about it, \"To be still alive and have a film made about you is an awesome and incredibly frightening experience\". Hedren and Hitchcock were respectively portrayed by Sienna Miller and Toby Jones. Although she was thrilled with the choice of Miller, Hedren was worried she would not be portrayed \"as strong a character as I", "psg_id": "1984052" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "of the short-lived primetime soap opera \"Fashion House\" with Bo Derek and Morgan Fairchild and continued to guest-star in television series such as \"The 4400\" (2006) and \"\" (2008). In 2012, Hedren and her daughter guest-starred together on an episode of \"Raising Hope\". That same year, she appeared in \"Free Samples\", an indie film where she had a supporting role as an old movie star. In 2013, she made an appearance as herself in the fourth-season finale of \"Cougar Town\". Hedren published her autobiography, \"Tippi: A Memoir\", co-written with Lindsay Harrison, in 2016 through William Morrow and Company, as she", "psg_id": "1984077" }, { "title": "Bodega, California", "text": "Bodega, California Bodega is an unincorporated community and census-designated place (CDP) in Sonoma County in the U.S. state of California. The town had a population of 220 as of the 2010 Census. Bodega is located on Bodega Highway, about west of Freestone, California. Salmon Creek flows through the town. The town of Bodega was known historically as Bodega Corners or Bodega Roads, to distinguish it from the Port of Bodega or Bodega Bay, as it is known today, which is about four miles from Bodega. Bodega and Bodega Bay are named for discoverer of the bay, Juan Francisco Bodega y", "psg_id": "5228813" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "Genius\", for which Hedren agreed to talk for the first time in detail about her relationship with the director. The book was controversial as several of Hitchcock's friends claimed the Hitchcock portrayed in the book was not the man they knew. For years after its release, Hedren was not keen to talk about it in interviews but thought the chapter devoted to her story was \"accurate as to just what he was\". Hedren later explained her long silence before telling her story, \"It was embarrassing and insulting–there were a lot of reasons why I didn't want to tell the story.", "psg_id": "1984041" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "\"The Today Show\", saw her in a commercial for a diet drink called Sego, she agreed to sign a seven-year contract. During their first meeting, the two talked about everything except the role he was considering her for. Hedren was convinced for several weeks it was for his television series, \"Alfred Hitchcock Presents\". Hitchcock later said, \"I was not primarily concerned with how she looked in person. Most important was her appearance on the screen, and I liked that immediately. She has a touch of that high-style, lady-like quality which was once well-represented in films by actresses like Irene Dunne,", "psg_id": "1984028" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "skills of the trade and worked with a local beauty school to help them find jobs. Hedren's work with the Vietnamese-Americans was the subject of \"Happy Hands\", directed by Honey Lauren, which won Best Documentary Short at the Sonoma International Film Festival in 2014. CND and Beauty Changes Lives Foundation (BCL) have announced the BCL CND Tippi Hedren Nail Scholarship Fund to support professional nail education and will be administered starting January 1, 2014. Hedren suffered from severe and persistent headaches for a long time and therefore was unable to accept several projects, including a television series produced by and", "psg_id": "1984085" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "say I really love that film. It was a unique kind of film to do also, because of the fact that it had no dialogue in it. It was very, very different\". That same year, she guest-starred in a special episode titled \"Psychodrama\" of the television series \"Chicago Hope\", that paid tribute to the Hitchcock movies. Hedren's character, Alfreda Perkins, was a reference to Alfred Hitchcock and actor Anthony Perkins, who starred in the director's 1960 film \"Psycho\". After appearing in a number of little-exposed films between 1999 and 2003, Hedren had a small but showy role in the 2004", "psg_id": "1984075" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "be presented an award as the \"Most Promising New Star\". Hitchcock refused, according to his biographer, because he claimed the break would affect her performance. It was during that meeting that he apparently \"made an overt sexual proposition\" that Hedren \"could neither ignore nor answer casually, as she could his previous gestures\". In Spoto's third book about Hitchcock, \"Spellbound by Beauty\" (2008), Hedren revealed that Hitchcock actually made offensive demands on her. \"He stared at me and simply said, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, that from this time on, he expected me to make", "psg_id": "1984047" }, { "title": "The Girl (2012 TV film)", "text": "The Girl (2012 TV film) The Girl is a 2012 British television film directed by Julian Jarrold, written by Gwyneth Hughes and produced by the BBC and HBO Films. The film stars Sienna Miller as Tippi Hedren and Toby Jones as Alfred Hitchcock. It is based on Donald Spoto's 2009 book, \"Spellbound by Beauty: Alfred Hitchcock and His Leading Ladies\", which discusses the English film director Hitchcock and the women who played leading roles in his films. \"The Girl\"s title was inspired by Hitchcock's alleged nickname for Hedren. The film depicts Hitchcock's alleged obsession with Hedren, the American model and", "psg_id": "16894928" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "to get out'. And he said: 'I’ll ruin your career'. I said: 'Do what you have to do'. And he did ruin my career. He kept me under contract, paid me to do nothing for close on two years\". Hedren felt so humiliated she called the director a \"fat pig\" in front of people on the set. Hitchcock made only a comment about it to his biographer, John Russell Taylor: \"She did what no one is permitted to do. She referred to my weight\". The two communicated only through a third party for the rest of the film. According to", "psg_id": "1984049" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "Grace Kelly, Claudette Colbert, and others but which is now quite rare.\" Hitchcock put Hedren through an extensive color screen test that lasted two days and cost $25,000, doing scenes from his previous films, such as \"Rebecca\", \"Notorious\" and \"To Catch a Thief\" with actor Martin Balsam. According to Balsam, Hedren was very nervous but studied every line, did every move she was asked to, and tried to do everything right. Hitchcock asked costume designer Edith Head to design clothes for Hedren's private life and he personally advised her about wine and food. He also insisted for publicity purposes that", "psg_id": "1984029" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "up to him and said, \"Hitch, I love you–I'll always love you\". When she heard this, Hedren replied \"But it was a dream. Just a dream\", and excused herself from his presence. She believed Hitchcock had no consideration for her feelings and remembered she was humiliated after he asked her to touch him, just before shooting a scene. \"He made sure no one else could hear, and his tone and glance made it clear exactly what he meant\". Hedren asked Hitchcock's permission one day to travel to New York to appear on \"The Tonight Show\" where she was supposed to", "psg_id": "1984046" }, { "title": "Bodega Bay, California", "text": "famous when almost every harvestable organ or body part was donated to those in need following his death. Erden Eruç made history here when he completed the first entirely solo and entirely human-powered circumnavigation of the Earth. He began the expedition on 10 July 2007 in Bodega Bay and returned a little more than five years later on 21 July 2012. Bodega Bay has served as a location for several major films: A branch of the University of California operates a marine lab at Bodega Bay, the Bodega Marine Laboratory. A nuclear power plant had been planned for Bodega Bay", "psg_id": "1023095" }, { "title": "Bodega Bay", "text": "Bodega Bay Bodega Bay is a shallow, rocky inlet of the Pacific Ocean on the coast of northern California in the United States. It is approximately across and is located approximately northwest of San Francisco and west of Santa Rosa. The bay straddles the boundary between Sonoma County to the north and Marin County to the south. The bay is a marine habitat used for navigation, recreation, and commercial and sport fishing including shellfish harvesting. Bodega Bay is protected on its north end from the Pacific Ocean by Bodega Head, which shelters the small Bodega Harbor and is separated from", "psg_id": "2920170" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "with me. He always wanted a glass of wine or champagne, with me alone, at the end of the day. He was really isolating me from everyone\". Hedren's co-star in \"Marnie\", Diane Baker, later recalled, \"She was never allowed to gather around with the rest of us, and he demanded that every conversation between her and Hitch be held in private... Nothing could have been more horrible for me than to arrive on that movie set and to see her being treated the way she was\". Hitchcock revealed to Hedren one day he had a recurring dream where she came", "psg_id": "1984045" }, { "title": "Bodega, California", "text": "two times a day. An eastbound one at 10:25 am, and the same one returning westbound at 4:55 pm. Thomas Oliver Boggs was a resident for a brief period in Bodega, before leaving for New Mexico, where he witnessed the burial of Kit Carson. Boggs' papers are held in the collection of the Bancroft Library. Josh Perucchi: A 4th generation dairy farmer and local firemen/paramedic. President of the Bodega Bay Fishermans Festival. Bodega, California Bodega is an unincorporated community and census-designated place (CDP) in Sonoma County in the U.S. state of California. The town had a population of 220 as", "psg_id": "5228822" }, { "title": "The Girl (2012 TV film)", "text": "Hitchcock's obsession with Hedren were reported in December 2011. \"The Girl\", written by Gwyneth Hughes, would star Toby Jones as Hitchcock and Sienna Miller as Hedren. In a post-production BBC press release about the film in November 2012, Hughes described her enthusiasm when she was approached about the project while on holiday: \"[I] got a phone call from producer Amanda Jenks. She only managed to get out the words 'Alfred Hitchcock and Tippi Hedren' before I was already shouting 'yes yes yes!' to this seductive, sinister, deeply touching story of love and obsession among Hollywood royalty.\" Hughes interviewed Hedren and", "psg_id": "16894936" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "was–and still am. I had to be extremely strong to fight off Mr. Hitchcock\". She described the moment she saw the film as \"probably one of the most involved, emotionally tense 90 minutes that I have ever lived\". Upon the film's release, Hedren said although she believed the film accurately portrays Hitchcock's behavior towards her, the time constraints of a 90-minute film prevented telling the entire story of her career with him. \"It wasn't a constant barrage of harassment. If it had been constantly the way we have had to do it in this film, I would have been long", "psg_id": "1984053" }, { "title": "Bodega Bay", "text": "these marine protected areas help conserve ocean wildlife and marine ecosystems. Bodega Bay Bodega Bay is a shallow, rocky inlet of the Pacific Ocean on the coast of northern California in the United States. It is approximately across and is located approximately northwest of San Francisco and west of Santa Rosa. The bay straddles the boundary between Sonoma County to the north and Marin County to the south. The bay is a marine habitat used for navigation, recreation, and commercial and sport fishing including shellfish harvesting. Bodega Bay is protected on its north end from the Pacific Ocean by Bodega", "psg_id": "2920180" }, { "title": "The Girl (2012 TV film)", "text": "Hitchcock), John Russell Taylor – author of the 1978 biography \"Hitch\" – said the film is \"totally absurd\". In an interview with London's \"Evening Standard\" in January 2013, Anthony Hopkins (who played the eponymous role in the 2012 Alfred Hitchcock biopic \"Hitchcock\") questioned \"The Girl\"s portrayal of the director and the need for a film about that period of Hitchcock's career: \"I talked to Tippi Hedren one day ... and she never mentioned that ... Whatever his obsession was, she didn't want to dwell on it ... I don't think it's necessary to put all that into a movie.\" Speaking", "psg_id": "16894951" }, { "title": "Bodega, California", "text": "museum. In the California State Legislature, Bodega is in the 2nd Senate District and the 2nd Assembly District. In the United States House of Representatives, Bodega is in . At the county level, Bodega is in Sonoma County's 5th supervisorial district. The main road through town is Bodega Highway, which runs east to Freestone and Sebastopol and south to State Route 1 less than a mile (1.6 km) away. State Route 1 provides access to the neighboring towns of Bodega Bay and Valley Ford. The Mendocino Transit Authority provides bus service to Bodega. Routes 75 and 95 stop at Bodega", "psg_id": "5228821" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "him with somebody? I think it's unfortunate when someone's no longer around and can't defend themselves\". Novak previously described Hitchcock as a gentleman and, when asked about reports of his behavior, she said, \"Maybe I just wasn't his type\". Hedren herself was asked why her account of sexual harassment contrasted with the many interviews she gave about her time with Hitchcock, her presence at the AFI Life Achievement Award ceremony honoring him in 1979, and her presence at his funeral. She explained that, \"He ruined my career, but he didn't ruin my life. That time of my life was over.", "psg_id": "1984055" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "performance is now regarded as one of the finest in any Hitchcock film. Richard Brody of \"The New Yorker\" wrote in his 2016 review of the film \"Hedren's performance is one of the greatest in the history of cinema.\" \"Marnie\" was the second and last collaboration between Hedren and Hitchcock. In 1973, she admitted that a major life-style difference caused a split in their relationship. \"He was too possessive and too demanding. I cannot be possessed by anyone. But, then, that's my own hangup\". In 1983, author Donald Spoto published his second book about Hitchcock, \"The Dark Side of a", "psg_id": "1984040" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "the 1983 establishment of the non-profit Roar Foundation and Hedren's Shambala Preserve, located at the edge of the Mojave Desert in Acton, California, between the Antelope Valley and the Santa Clarita Valley northeast of Los Angeles. Shambala houses some 70 animals. Hedren lives on the Shambala site and conducts monthly tours of the preserve for the public. In a 2015 interview with \"ABILITY Magazine\", Hedren emphasized that there is no human contact with the animals and that all of the cats are spayed and neutered, since they are being raised in captivity. She took in and cared for Togar, a", "psg_id": "1984081" }, { "title": "Bodega Bay, California", "text": "of $27,778 versus $28,375 for females. The per capita income for the CDP was $37,226. About 2.0% of families and 4.0% of the population were below the poverty line, including none of those under the age of eighteen or sixty-five or over. In the California State Legislature, Bodega Bay is in , and in . In the United States House of Representatives, Bodega Bay is in . Bodega Bay was the hometown of Nicholas Green, the American child shot dead during a robbery by highwaymen in Italy where his family were on vacation in 1994. Nicholas and his family became", "psg_id": "1023094" }, { "title": "Bodega Bay, California", "text": "Bodega Bay has a warm-summer Mediterranean climate, abbreviated \"Csb\" on climate maps. Like much of the California coast, summer afternoons are often cool and windy (and sometimes foggy) as winds blow in off the ocean. The 2010 United States Census reported that Bodega Bay had a population of 1,077. The population density was 86.0 people per square mile (33.2/km²). The ethnic makeup of Bodega Bay was 951 (88.3%) White, 2 (0.2%) African American, 4 (0.4%) Native American, 33 (3.1%) Asian, 4 (0.4%) Pacific Islander, 49 (4.5%) from other races, and 34 (3.2%) from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino", "psg_id": "1023088" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "myself sexually available and accessible to him–however and whenever and wherever he wanted\". Hitchcock's demands led to a \"horrible, horrible fight\", according to Hedren. \"He made these demands on me, and no way could I acquiesce to them\". Hedren then told him \"Marnie\" would be their last film together and later recalled how Hitchcock told her he would destroy her career. \"I said I wanted to get out of my contract. He said: 'You can’t. You have your daughter to support, and your parents are getting older'. I said: 'Nobody would want me to be in this situation, I want", "psg_id": "1984048" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "him to recover from his injuries. In 1978, a big flood destroyed the movie sets and killed three of the lions. The project was set back several years. Hedren later said they were all determined to finish the film: \"We were so sure the film was going to be a success that we thought everything (financing the ranch and the lions, etc.) would take care of itself.\" \"Roar\" was released worldwide in 1981 with the exception of the United States because, according to Hedren, \"The United States distributors wanted the lion's share of the profits, and we thought it ought", "psg_id": "1984068" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "refused to reconsider her decision. Hedren's contract terms gave Hitchcock the final say as to any work she could take on and he used that power to turn down several film roles on her behalf. She was particularly disappointed when French director François Truffaut told her he had wanted her for one of them. In 1966, Hitchcock finally sold her contract to Universal Studios after Hedren appeared in two of their TV shows, \"Kraft Suspense Theatre\" (1965) and \"Run for Your Life\" (id.). The studio ultimately released her from her contract after she refused to appear on a television Western", "psg_id": "1984051" }, { "title": "Bodega Bay", "text": "the main bay by a jetty. The San Andreas Fault runs parallel to the coastline and bisects Bodega Head, which lies on the Pacific Plate; the town is on the North American Plate. The village of Bodega Bay sits on the east side of Bodega Harbor. The bay connects on its south end to the mouth of Tomales Bay. Streams flowing into Bodega Bay include the Estero de San Antonio and the Americano Creek. Accessible beaches on Bodega Bay include Doran Regional Park (on the jetty) and Pinnacle Gulch. Apart from the harbor, all of Bodega Bay lies within the", "psg_id": "2920171" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "\"Roar\", an 11-year project that ended up costing $17 million and starring dozens of African lions. \"This was probably one of the most dangerous films that Hollywood has ever seen\", remarked the actress. \"It's amazing no one was killed.\" During the production of \"Roar\", Hedren, her husband at the time, Noel Marshall, and daughter Melanie were attacked by lions; Jan de Bont, the director of photography, was scalped. Hedren later co-wrote \"Cats of Shambala\" (1985) about the experience. \"Roar\" made only $2 million worldwide. Hedren ended her marriage to Marshall a year later in 1982. The film directly led to", "psg_id": "1984080" }, { "title": "Bodega Bay, California", "text": "the edge of Bodega Harbor. Bodega Bay itself extends south along the coast to Tomales Bay. North of town lies a long coastal exposure of alternating rock outcrops and sandy beaches which is known as Sonoma Coast State Beach. The U.S. National Weather Service provides a helpful visual aid graphing weather and climate information from the nearby Monterey sensors to display visually by month the annual typical temperatures, the past year's temperatures, and record temperatures. This region experiences warm (but not hot) and dry summers, with no average monthly temperatures above 71.6 °F. According to the Köppen Climate Classification system,", "psg_id": "1023087" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "she married steel manufacturer Luis Barrenechea, but they divorced in 1995. Hedren was engaged to veterinarian Martin Dinnes from 2002 until their breakup in mid-2008. In September 2008, Hedren told \"The Sunday Times\" \"I’m waiting for someone to sweep me off my feet.” Hedren played a role in the development of Vietnamese-American nail salons in the United States. In 1975, while an international relief coordinator with Food for the Hungry, she began visiting with refugees at Hope Village outside Sacramento, California. When she learned the women were interested in her manicured nails, she employed her manicurist to teach them the", "psg_id": "1984084" }, { "title": "Bodega Bay Nuclear Power Plant", "text": "Bodega Bay Nuclear Power Plant The Bodega Bay Nuclear Power Plant was a proposed Northern California nuclear power facility that was stopped by local activism in the 1960s and never built. The foundations, located west of the active San Andreas Fault, were being dug at the time the plant was cancelled. The action has been termed \"the birth of the anti-nuclear movement.\" Pacific Gas & Electric planned to build the first commercially viable nuclear power plant in the US at Bodega Bay, California, a fishing village fifty miles north of San Francisco. The proposal was controversial and conflict with local", "psg_id": "13451384" }, { "title": "Bodega Bay", "text": "of Tomales Point on October 3, 1775, departing the next day. Bodega y Quadra named Tomales Bay \"Puerto de la Bodega\". \"There is no evidence in the journal or on the charts that Bodega y Quadra ever saw the entrance to [present day] Bodega Harbor or knew of the lagoon to the north\". Bodega y Quadra planned to return, but was not able to. Later, as commandant of the naval base at San Blas, New Spain, Bodega y Quadra sent other expeditions to Bodega Bay with the intention of establishing a colony and mission there. It was decided, however, that", "psg_id": "2920173" }, { "title": "Marnie (film)", "text": "Marnie (film) Marnie is a 1964 American psychological thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock. The screenplay by Jay Presson Allen was based on the 1961 novel of the same name by Winston Graham. The film stars Tippi Hedren and Sean Connery. The music was composed by Bernard Herrmann, his last of seven critically acclaimed film scores for Hitchcock. \"Marnie\" also marked the end of Hitchcock's collaborations with cinematographer Robert Burks (his twelfth film for Hitchcock) and editor George Tomasini (who died later in the year). Margaret \"Marnie\" Edgar (Tippi Hedren) steals $10,000 from her employer's company safe and flees. She", "psg_id": "1918236" }, { "title": "Bodega Bay", "text": "boundaries of the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary. Coast Miwok Native Americans lived on the shores of Bodega Bay. Documented village names include: \"Helapattai\", \"Hime-takala\", \"Ho-takala\", and \"Tokau\". There is speculation that Bodega Bay may have been Sir Francis Drake's Nova Albion landing location on the California coast. Present day Bodega Bay was first charted in 1775 by the Spanish Peruvian explorer of the Spanish Navy Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra, but the bay that was originally named for him was not present day Bodega, but Tomales Bay. His ship, the \"Sonora\", anchored in the lee", "psg_id": "2920172" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "learn otherwise.\" She learned how to break down a script, to become another character, and to study the relationship of different characters. Hedren portrayed her role of Melanie Daniels as Hitchcock requested. She said, \"He gives his actors very little leeway. He'll listen, but he has a very definite plan in mind as to how he wants his characters to act. With me, it was understandable, because I was not an actress of stature. I welcomed his guidance.\" During the six months of principal photography, Hedren's schedule was tight, as she was only given one afternoon off a week. At", "psg_id": "1984032" }, { "title": "Bodega Bay", "text": "Bay (1817–1819) identifying present day Bodega Bay and Bodega Harbor. Bodega Head was named \"Mouis Rumyantsev\" (Point Rumyantsev). Tomales Point was named \"Point Great Bodega\" and Tomales Bay \"Great Bodega Bay\", more or less conforming to Bodega y Quadra's original naming. On his return Kuskov found otter now scarce in Bodega Bay, the harbor having been frequented by numerous American and English otter-hunting expeditions. After exploring the area they ended up selecting a place north that the native Kashaya Pomo people called \"Mad shui nui\" or \"Metini\". \"Metini\", the seasonal home of the native Kashaya Pomo people, had a modest", "psg_id": "2920177" }, { "title": "Bodega Bay Nuclear Power Plant", "text": "Los Angeles Department of Water and Power to build a nuclear power plant in Corral Canyon near Malibu, similar to that at Bodega Bay, was abandoned in 1970. Bodega Bay Nuclear Power Plant The Bodega Bay Nuclear Power Plant was a proposed Northern California nuclear power facility that was stopped by local activism in the 1960s and never built. The foundations, located west of the active San Andreas Fault, were being dug at the time the plant was cancelled. The action has been termed \"the birth of the anti-nuclear movement.\" Pacific Gas & Electric planned to build the first commercially", "psg_id": "13451388" }, { "title": "Bodega Bay", "text": "Trinidad Harbor, Bodega Head (or Tomales Point) and on the north shore of San Francisco Bay, indicating the company's intention to claim this section of northern California for Russia. Temporary buildings were erected to house the ship's complement of 190 crew (130 native Alaskan males, 20 native females, and 40 Russians) The \"Kodiak\" remained in Bodega Bay until October 1809, returning to Alaska with more than 2,000 otter pelts. Kuskov returned to Novo Arkhangelsk, reporting abundant fur bearing mammals, fish, timber and tillable lands. Baranov instructed Kuskov to return and establish a permanent settlement in the area. In 1811 Kuskov", "psg_id": "2920175" }, { "title": "The Birds II: Land's End", "text": "clear that something is very wrong in this isolated, deceptively calm oasis and fear mounts as a marine biologist is the target of a mysterious, grisly attack. Before long, the sky is darkened by a hideous onslaught of screeching birds. It is an assault unlike anything in the history of man or beast – except for an old timer who recalls a similar, horrific outbreak that gripped the West Coast three decades ago in Bodega Bay, California. Tippi Hedren appeared in a supporting role, but not as her original character. She was however disappointed that she didn't get a starring", "psg_id": "7859205" }, { "title": "The Birds (film)", "text": "MOMA series had a booklet with a monograph on the director written by Peter Bogdanovich. The film was screened out of competition in May at a prestigious invitational showing at the 1963 Cannes Film Festival with Hitchcock and Hedren in attendance. Ub Iwerks was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Special Effects. The winner that year was \"Cleopatra\". Tippi Hedren received the Golden Globe Award for New Star of the Year – Actress in 1964, sharing it with Ursula Andress and Elke Sommer. She also received the Photoplay Award as Most Promising Newcomer. The film ranked No. 1 of", "psg_id": "2058451" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "different from the one she had played in the original. She was however disappointed that she did not get a starring role and admitted before the film's release, \"I wish that it was more than a cameo. I think they made a mistake by not doing that. But it has helped me to feed my lions and tigers.\" When asked about what could have been Hitchcock's opinion, she answered: \"I'd hate to think what he would say!\" In a 2007 interview, Hedren said of the film, \"It's absolutely horrible, it embarrasses me horribly.\" From 1994 to 1996, Hedren had a", "psg_id": "1984073" }, { "title": "Sego (diet drink)", "text": "U.S. market, and Sego competed with such products as Metrecal and \"Figurines\" by Pillsbury, and was ultimately superseded in the market place by such liquid diet drinks as Slimfast. In the 2010 book \"The Hundred Year Diet,\" author Susan Yager called Sego \"baby formula mixed water and a poor substitute for food.\" Actress Tippi Hedren was discovered by Alfred Hitchcock while shooting a television commercial for Sego on the \"Today Show\". Hedren later described the spot as \"a story line; it wasn't just holding up a product and talking about it. It was a story and apparently he (Hitchcock) saw", "psg_id": "17306272" }, { "title": "Bodega Harbor", "text": "water at low tide to 6 ft at high tide, and provides an ideal place to learn and improve. Bodega Harbor Bodega Harbor is a small shallow natural harbor on the Pacific coast of northern California in the United States, approximately 40 mi (64 km) northwest of San Francisco. The harbor is approximately 2 square miles (5 square km) in area. The harbor is in Sonoma County at , on the eastern side of Bodega Head and is protected from the main part of Bodega Bay to the south by a narrow sandy spit of land. The village of Bodega", "psg_id": "2921938" }, { "title": "Alfred Hitchcock", "text": "character played by Hedren: \"The film is, to put it simply, sick, and it's so because Hitchcock was sick. He suffered all his life from furious sexual desire, suffered from the lack of its gratification, suffered from the inability to transform fantasy into reality, and then went ahead and did so virtually, by way of his art.\" A 1964 \"New York Times\" film review called it Hitchcock's \"most disappointing film in years\", citing Hedren's and Connery's lack of experience, an amateurish script and \"glaringly fake cardboard backdrops\". In the film, Marnie Edgar (Hedren) steals $10,000 () from her employer and", "psg_id": "3662" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "Serengeti\" (1995), narrated by Melanie Griffith, and Animal Planet's \"Life with Big Cats\" (1998), which won the Genesis Award for best documentary in 1999. The animals at the preserve served as the initial inspiration for the life's work of artist A.E. London, who started her career working for Hedren. In 1952, Hedren met and married 18-year-old future advertising executive Peter Griffith. Their daughter, actress Melanie Griffith, was born on August 9, 1957. They were divorced in 1961. On September 22, 1964, Hedren married her then-agent Noel Marshall, who later produced three of her films; they divorced in 1982. In 1985,", "psg_id": "1984083" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "2015 but Hedren declined to discuss it as she felt that promotion for the film was filled with \"inaccuracies\". However, she expressed regrets at letting a fully grown lion live with her family in the 1970s, saying they were \"stupid beyond belief to have that lion in our house. We should never have taken those risks. These animals are so fast, and if they decide to go after you, nothing but a bullet to the brain will stop them.\" After \"Roar\", Hedren accepted any low-budget television or cinema role that could help bring funds to her foundation in order to", "psg_id": "1984070" }, { "title": "The World of Alfred Hitchcock", "text": "Plot. The World of Alfred Hitchcock In the setting of his office at Universal Studios, Alfred Hitchcock shares his vision of what an artistic film should be in the framework of a commercial industry, the difference between suspense films and mystery films, his conception of eroticism and his vision of Scandinavian women. He also explains in details how he created the suspense in the famous sequence of North by Northwest in the corn field. The film contains an original interview with Bruce Dern, who describes Hitchcock’s method as a director, and film clips from North by Northwest, Frenzy, Topaz, and", "psg_id": "18633629" }, { "title": "The World of Alfred Hitchcock", "text": "The World of Alfred Hitchcock In the setting of his office at Universal Studios, Alfred Hitchcock shares his vision of what an artistic film should be in the framework of a commercial industry, the difference between suspense films and mystery films, his conception of eroticism and his vision of Scandinavian women. He also explains in details how he created the suspense in the famous sequence of North by Northwest in the corn field. The film contains an original interview with Bruce Dern, who describes Hitchcock’s method as a director, and film clips from North by Northwest, Frenzy, Topaz, and Family", "psg_id": "18633628" }, { "title": "Bodega Bay, California", "text": "town was also featured in the cult horror movie \"Puppet Master\" (1989). PG+E wanted to build a nuclear power plant on Bodega Head in the 1960s, but the plans were shut down after a large protest (the first for environmental reasons) and the fault, which they found while they were digging the hole for the first reactor. The hole filled with water and became known as \"The Hole in the Head\". According to the United States Census Bureau, the CDP has a total area of , of it is land, and of it (33.37%) is water. The town lies on", "psg_id": "1023086" }, { "title": "Alfred Hitchcock Presents", "text": "Pictures UK has released the first three seasons on DVD, and Fabulous Films has released all seven seasons on DVD, including all three seasons of \"The Alfred Hitchcock Hour\". In Region 4, Madman Entertainment has released all seven seasons on DVD in Australia. They have also released all three seasons of \"The Alfred Hitchcock Hour\". In 1985, NBC aired a new TV movie pilot based upon the series, combining four newly filmed stories with colorized footage of Hitchcock from the original series to introduce each segment. The movie was a huge ratings success. The \"Alfred Hitchcock Presents\" revival series debuted", "psg_id": "1842351" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "the screen. She started her own non-profit organization, the Roar Foundation, in 1983 to support The Shambala Preserve, an wildlife habitat which enables her to continue her work in the care and preservation of lions and tigers. Hedren has also traveled worldwide to set up relief programs following earthquakes, hurricanes, famine and war. She was instrumental in the development of Vietnamese-American nail salons in the United States. Hedren was born on January 19, 1930, in New Ulm, Minnesota, to Bernard Carl and Dorothea Henrietta (\"née\" Eckhardt) Hedren. For much of her career, Hedren's year of birth was reported as 1935.", "psg_id": "1984024" }, { "title": "Alfred Hitchcock Presents", "text": "ended up directing what would be the last episode. The broadcast history was as follows: \"Alfred Hitchcock Presents\", 25 minutes long, aired weekly at 9:30 on CBS on Sunday nights from 1955 to 1960, and then at 8:30 on NBC on Tuesday nights from 1960 to 1962.It was followed by \"The Alfred Hitchcock Hour\", which lasted for three seasons, September 1962 to June 1965, adding another 93 episodes to the 268 already produced for \"Alfred Hitchcock Presents\". Two episodes that were directed by Hitchcock were nominated for Emmy Awards. The first episode was \"The Case of Mr. Pelham\" in 1955", "psg_id": "1842347" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "depressed because she wasn't doing any major films and told a magazine, \"My husband just cancelled all the trade magazines because he felt I should cut off the source of my discontent. He's the type who won't stand for sustained down feelings\". In 1969, during the filming of \"Satan's Harvest\" in Africa, Hedren and then-husband Noel Marshall watched a pride of lions move into a house after a game warden moved out. Hedren later said, \"We were delighted with the way they adapted themselves to living there. And they were so funny we knew we had an idea for a", "psg_id": "1984062" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "no Oscar nominations. \"Variety\" wrote, \"Hedren returns in a particularly demanding role. Miss Hedren, undertaking a role originally offered Grace Kelly for a resumption of her screen career, lends credence to a part never sympathetic. It's a difficult assignment which she fulfills satisfactorily.\" Hedren later said that \"Marnie\" was \"ahead of its time\" because \"people didn't talk about childhood and its effects on adult life. It was taboo to discuss sexuality and psychology and to put all that into a film was shocking.\" Despite its original lukewarm reception, the film was later acclaimed and described as a \"masterpiece\" and Hedren's", "psg_id": "1984039" }, { "title": "Rancho Bodega", "text": "Rancho Bodega Rancho Bodega was a Mexican land grant in present day Sonoma County, California given in 1844 by Governor Manuel Micheltorena to Stephen Smith. Bodega takes its name from the Peruvian explorer Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra who discovered Bodega Bay in 1775. The grant extended along the Pacific coast from the Russian River on the north to Estero Americano on the south, and included the present-day town of Bodega Bay. Only a small part of Bodega is within the grant (most of Bodega in on Rancho Estero Americano). The Mexican government, which had been concerned about", "psg_id": "13830927" }, { "title": "Topaz (1969 film)", "text": "on 25 reviews. Some critics have inferred that Hitchcock was hoping to groom the relatively unknown Frederick Stafford as a star of his own making, similar to Tippi Hedren; however, Stafford remained an unknown in Hollywood, though he had a lengthy career in European films. The movie earned $3,839,363 in North American rentals in 1970. Topaz (1969 film) Topaz is a 1969 American espionage thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Based on the 1967 Cold War novel \"Topaz\" by Leon Uris, the film is about a French intelligence agent who becomes entangled in the Cold War politics of the events", "psg_id": "1803194" }, { "title": "Tippi Hedren", "text": "their release dates—for the sole reason that they were being filmed in Africa. In 1973, Hedren played a teacher of an experimental sex school in \"The Harrad Experiment\", which starred James Whitmore and Don Johnson – the latter of whom would later become the husband of her daughter, Melanie Griffith. Hedren felt that the film \"deals with vital themes - themes like the decline in importance of ideas like possession and jealousy and, by inference, marriage. I have four teenage children and I think this picture says some valuable things to them.\" She confessed at the time she was occasionally", "psg_id": "1984061" }, { "title": "Marnie (film)", "text": "If one doesn't accept them then one doesn't understand and can't possibly like Hitchcock. In the 2012 \"Sight & Sound\" poll of the greatest films ever made, \"Marnie\" received nine total votes—six (out of 846) from critics and three (out of 358) from directors. Notes Bibliography Marnie (film) Marnie is a 1964 American psychological thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock. The screenplay by Jay Presson Allen was based on the 1961 novel of the same name by Winston Graham. The film stars Tippi Hedren and Sean Connery. The music was composed by Bernard Herrmann, his last of seven critically acclaimed", "psg_id": "1918258" }, { "title": "Bodega Harbor", "text": "Bodega Harbor Bodega Harbor is a small shallow natural harbor on the Pacific coast of northern California in the United States, approximately 40 mi (64 km) northwest of San Francisco. The harbor is approximately 2 square miles (5 square km) in area. The harbor is in Sonoma County at , on the eastern side of Bodega Head and is protected from the main part of Bodega Bay to the south by a narrow sandy spit of land. The village of Bodega Bay sits along the eastern side of the harbor. Geologically, the harbor is formed by a depression of the", "psg_id": "2921935" }, { "title": "Man from the South", "text": "the gambler avoided losing the bet. The episode was remade in 1979 as the first episode of Dahl's television anthology series \"Tales of the Unexpected\". In this version, the car was a Jaguar. At the end, the wife was missing her pinkie and ring finger. The episode was remade again for the 1985 series \"Alfred Hitchcock Presents\" with Steven Bauer in McQueen's role, John Huston as Carlos, and Melanie Griffith (Bauer's wife at the time), Kim Novak, and Tippi Hedren (Griffith's mother). In this adaptation, the lighter successfully lights ten times. But when the wife comes in, the tenth flame", "psg_id": "9576476" } ]
[ "the birds (disambiguation)", "the birds", "bird (disambiguation)", "bird's", "bird", "the bird", "birds (album)", "birds (song)", "the bird" ]
according to the tongue twister, who picked a peck of pickled peppers?
[ { "title": "Peck", "text": "Peck A peck is an imperial and United States customary unit of dry volume, equivalent to 2 dry gallons or 8 dry quarts or 16 dry pints (9.09 (UK) or 8.81 (US) liters). Two pecks make a kenning (obsolete), and four pecks make a bushel. Although the peck is no longer widely used, some produce, such as apples, is still often sold by the peck. Despite being referenced in the well-known Peter Piper tongue twister, pickled peppers are so rarely sold by the peck that any association between pickled peppers and the peck unit of measurement is considered humorous in", "psg_id": "957294" } ]
[ { "title": "Tongue-twister", "text": "following sentence was claimed as \"the most difficult of common English-language tongue-twisters\" by William Poundstone. The seething sea ceaseth and thus the seething sea sufficeth us. These deliberately difficult expressions were popular in the 19th century. The popular \"she sells sea shells\" tongue twister was originally published in 1850 as a diction exercise. The term tongue twister was first applied to these kind of expressions in 1895. \"She sells sea shells\" was turned into a popular song in 1908, with words by British songwriter Terry Sullivan and music by Harry Gifford. According to folk etymology, it was said to be", "psg_id": "429831" }, { "title": "Tongue-twister", "text": "example is Georgian \"baq'aq'i ts'q'alshi q'iq'inebs\" (\"a frog croaks in the water\"), in which \"q\" is a sort of gulping sound. Another example, the Czech and Slovak \"strč prst skrz krk\" (\"stick a finger through the throat\") is difficult for a non-native speaker due to the absence of vowels, although syllabic r is a common sound in Czech, Slovak and some other Slavic languages. The sign language equivalent of a tongue twister is called a finger-fumbler. According to Susan Fischer, the phrase \"Good blood, bad blood\" is a tongue-twister in English as well as a finger-fumbler in ASL. One-syllable article", "psg_id": "429835" }, { "title": "Tongue-twister", "text": "is a form of Mandarin Chinese tongue twister, written in Classical Chinese. Due to Mandarin Chinese having only four tonal ranges (compared to nine in Cantonese, for example), these works sound like a work of one syllable in different tonal range when spoken in Mandarin, but are far more comprehensible when spoken in another dialect. Tongue-twister A tongue-twister is a phrase that is designed to be difficult to articulate properly, and can be used as a type of spoken (or sung) word game. Some tongue-twisters produce results that are humorous (or humorously vulgar) when they are mispronounced, while others simply", "psg_id": "429836" }, { "title": "Tongue-twister", "text": "Tongue-twister A tongue-twister is a phrase that is designed to be difficult to articulate properly, and can be used as a type of spoken (or sung) word game. Some tongue-twisters produce results that are humorous (or humorously vulgar) when they are mispronounced, while others simply rely on the confusion and mistakes of the speaker for their amusement value. Tongue-twisters may rely on rapid alternation between similar but distinct phonemes (e.g., \"s\" and \"sh\" ), combining two different alternation patterns, familiar constructs in loanwords, or other features of a spoken language in order to be difficult to articulate. For example, the", "psg_id": "429830" }, { "title": "Hong Kong musical tongue twister", "text": "Hong Kong musical tongue twister A Hong Kong musical tongue twister (Chinese: 急口令) is a melody rhyme that follow a musical tune. Such tongue twisters are extremely short, and contain some addictive background music. Within Hong Kong culture, they have been classified under the heading of TV theme songs. However, they are not songs written in entirety or featured on any albums. Usually most tunes last no more than 20 seconds. The tunes are used almost exclusively for commercials. The two famous composers who wrote all the twisters and sang them for broadcasts was Wong Jim and Joseph Koo. They", "psg_id": "10464161" }, { "title": "Pickled pepper", "text": "refrigerator as mentioned above. For lacto-fermented pickled peppers, vinegar is omitted from the salty brine; instead, \"Lactobacilli\" convert the sugars of the peppers into lactic acid. Such fermented pickled peppers are often used to make hot sauce. At less than 3% acid, fermented pickled peppers are highly perishable if not canned. Sweet pickling with sugar and acid yields \"candied\" peppers, as for the jalapeños known as \"cowboy candy\". Pickled peppers are often made into relishes. In Mexico most peppers sold are pickled. The industrial important hot pepper mash, used in creation of condiments such as salsas, processed meats, hot sauces,", "psg_id": "7582408" }, { "title": "Hong Kong musical tongue twister", "text": "were meant to be comedic or cheery in terms of creating a friendly atmosphere for selling the products. This trend was mostly in the 1960s and 1970s. In one of their last concerts together, they re-sang all their tunes in the performance along with a number of recognizable TV theme songs. An example of an advertisement was the Capstan cigarette brand. Hong Kong musical tongue twister A Hong Kong musical tongue twister (Chinese: 急口令) is a melody rhyme that follow a musical tune. Such tongue twisters are extremely short, and contain some addictive background music. Within Hong Kong culture, they", "psg_id": "10464162" }, { "title": "Tongue-twister", "text": "Botter (): Betty Botter bought a bit of butter. The butter Betty Botter bought was a bit bitter And made her batter bitter. But a bit of better butter makes better batter. So Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter Making Betty Botter's bitter batter better The following twister won the \"grand prize\" in a contest in \"Games Magazine\" in 1979: Shep Schwab shopped at Scott's Schnapps shop; One shot of Scott's Schnapps stopped Schwab's watch. Some tongue-twisters take the form of words or short phrases which become tongue-twisters when repeated rapidly (the game is often expressed in the", "psg_id": "429833" }, { "title": "Tongue-twister", "text": "form \"Say this phrase three (or five, or ten, \"etc.\") times as fast as you can!\"). Some examples include: A Proper Copper Coffee Pot. The sixth sitting sheet-slitter slit six sheets. Irish Wristwatch, Swiss Wristwatch. Pad kid poured curd pulled cold. Peggy Badcock. In 2013, a psychologist at an Acoustical Society of America conference claimed that “Pad kid poured curd pulled cod\" is the trickiest twister to date. Shibboleths, that is, phrases in a language that are difficult for someone who is not a native speaker of that language to say might be regarded as a type of tongue-twist. An", "psg_id": "429834" }, { "title": "Pickled pepper", "text": "Quiznos, Subway, and Wawa. Pickled peppers are found throughout the world, such as the Italian \"pepperoncini sott'aceto\" and Indonesia's pickled bird's eye chili, besides the already-mentioned American and Latin American usages. The flavored brine of hot yellow peppers is commonly used as a condiment in Southern cooking in the United States. To achieve the best results and minimize the risk of botulism, only fresh blemish-free peppers should be used and vinegar with acidity of at least 5%; reducing the acidic taste can be achieved by adding sugar. While larger peppers are sliced up to be pickled, smaller peppers are often", "psg_id": "7582406" }, { "title": "Pickled pepper", "text": "Pickled pepper A pickled pepper is a \"Capsicum\" pepper preserved by pickling, which usually involves submersion in a brine of vinegar and salted water with herbs and spices, including peppercorns, coriander, dill, and bay leaf. Common pickled peppers are the banana pepper, the Cubanelle, the bell pepper, sweet and hot cherry peppers, the Hungarian wax pepper, the Greek pepper, the serrano pepper, and the jalapeño. They are often found in supermarkets alongside pickled cucumbers. Pickled sliced jalapeños are also used frequently for topping nachos and other Mexican dishes. These peppers are a common ingredient used by sandwich shops such as", "psg_id": "7582405" }, { "title": "Pickled pepper", "text": "dips, marinades, and table sauces, is made of pickled peppers and may be stored for up to three years for aging purposes to produce sharper flavors before further processing, its Harmonized System Code is 0904.2073. In the Caribbean the majority of hot peppers produced are processed into a pickled mash prior to further processing. Tabasco sauce is created by creating a pepper mash with the salt and the peppers, which then undergoes lacto-fermentation for up to 3 years before additional vinegar is added and after mixing; the pulp and skins are strained out. GraceKennedy produced 660,000 kg of hot pickled", "psg_id": "7582409" }, { "title": "Pickled pepper", "text": "placed into the pickling solution whole; however, they still require slits so that the vinegar can penetrate the pepper. To avoid botulism it is recommended that pickled pepper products be processed in boiling water if they are to be stored at room temperature; improperly processed peppers led to the largest outbreak of botulism in U.S. history. As with pickled cucumbers, there are multiple ways of pickling peppers. The most common is as above, pickling in an acidic brine and canned; next is quick-pickled or refrigerator pickling, which skips the canning step and requires the peppers to be stored in the", "psg_id": "7582407" }, { "title": "Pickled pepper", "text": "Sriracha sauce garlic and sugar are added prior to the fermentation process of the mash. The Aztec Peoples of Mesoamerica were making pickled pepper hot sauces prior to the Spanish conquest. Pickled pepper A pickled pepper is a \"Capsicum\" pepper preserved by pickling, which usually involves submersion in a brine of vinegar and salted water with herbs and spices, including peppercorns, coriander, dill, and bay leaf. Common pickled peppers are the banana pepper, the Cubanelle, the bell pepper, sweet and hot cherry peppers, the Hungarian wax pepper, the Greek pepper, the serrano pepper, and the jalapeño. They are often found", "psg_id": "7582411" }, { "title": "Pickled pepper", "text": "pepper mash in Jamaica in 2014 up from 325,000 kg in 2013 from local Jamaica farmers, in 2012 most production in Jamaica by GraceKennedy of hot pickled pepper mash for use in hot sauces was imported from Costa Rica. This was part of a joint effort by the Jamaica ministry of agriculture and GraceKennedy to increase mash production in Jamaica with a new facility, and decrease dependence on imported peppers through a series of 16 pepper nurseries. Texas Pete's hot pepper mash is pickled for two years from Cayenne peppers, Frank's RedHot is aged for 7–12 months. For Huy Fong", "psg_id": "7582410" }, { "title": "Tongue", "text": "phrase \"mother tongue\" is used as a child's first language. Many languages have the same word for \"tongue\" and \"language\". A common temporary failure in word retrieval from memory is referred to as the \"tip-of-the-tongue\" phenomenon. The expression \"tongue in cheek\" refers to a statement that is not to be taken entirely seriously – something said or done with subtle ironic or sarcastic humour. A \"tongue twister\" is a phrase made specifically to be very difficult to pronounce. Aside from being a medical condition, \"tongue-tied\" means being unable to say what you want due to confusion or restriction. The phrase", "psg_id": "665124" }, { "title": "Mind Twister", "text": "Mind Twister Mind Twister is a 1994 American erotic thriller film directed by Fred Olen Ray, written by Mark Thomas McGee, and produced by Luigi Cingolani and Smart Egg Pictures. After the profitable release of his previous erotic thriller \"Inner Sanctum\", Ray saw potential for the genre in the direct-to-video market and helmed the production of a number of these films during the early-to-mid 1990s. \"Mind Twister\" debuted theatrically for distributors at the 1993 American Film Market. It was eventually picked up and released by VCI Home Video in early 1994. \"Mind Twister\" is one of the final acting roles", "psg_id": "19921226" }, { "title": "Mind Twister", "text": "of Sevalas' final acting roles. Mind Twister Mind Twister is a 1994 American erotic thriller film directed by Fred Olen Ray, written by Mark Thomas McGee, and produced by Luigi Cingolani and Smart Egg Pictures. After the profitable release of his previous erotic thriller \"Inner Sanctum\", Ray saw potential for the genre in the direct-to-video market and helmed the production of a number of these films during the early-to-mid 1990s. \"Mind Twister\" debuted theatrically for distributors at the 1993 American Film Market. It was eventually picked up and released by VCI Home Video in early 1994. \"Mind Twister\" is one", "psg_id": "19921233" }, { "title": "Beef tongue", "text": "Beef tongue Beef tongue (also known as neat's tongue or ox tongue) is a dish made of the tongue of a cow. Beef tongue is very high in fat, contributing up to 72% of its caloric content. Some countries, including Canada and specifically the province of Alberta, export large quantities of beef tongue. Beef tongue is often seasoned with onion and other spices, and then placed in a pot to boil. After it has cooked the skin is removed. Pickled tongue is often used by the preparer because it is already spiced. If cooked in a sauce, it can then", "psg_id": "8644613" }, { "title": "Tongue-twister", "text": "inspired by the life and work of Mary Anning, an early fossil collector. However, there is no factual basis for this claim, especially since the expression predates Anning's life. She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore. The shells she sells are sea-shells, I'm sure. For if she sells sea-shells on the sea-shore Then I'm sure she sells sea-shore shells. Many tongue-twisters use a combination of alliteration and rhyme. They have two or more sequences of sounds that require repositioning the tongue between syllables, then the same sounds are repeated in a different sequence. An example of this is the song Betty", "psg_id": "429832" }, { "title": "Tongue toast", "text": "Tongue toast Tongue toast is a traditional open sandwich prepared with sauteed beef tongue and scrambled eggs. It is seasoned to taste with black pepper and onions. The tongue was sometimes served on buttered toast with a poached egg instead of a scrambled one. While it was primarily prepared as a dish for breakfast, it was also eaten for lunch and dinner. A variant served for breakfast involved the use of boiled, smoked beef tongue, cream, scrambled egg, and seasoned to taste with nutmeg, pepper, chopped parsley, and chopped green peppers. A modern variant involved the use of reindeer tongue", "psg_id": "14315369" }, { "title": "Padrón peppers", "text": "the soil of the plant is likely to produce milder pimentos, whilst watering the whole plant, leaves and stalks included, produces peppers of the spicier variety. The peppers are customarily fried in oil and served as tapas. These peppers are grown along the banks of the river Ulla and its tributary Sar, especially in the greenhouses of the municipality of Padrón, hence the name. This pepper is also currently grown in various places of southern Spain, the United States, Canada (primarily in the provinces of British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Ontario), Mexico, and Morocco. The peppers are picked while their size", "psg_id": "16294820" }, { "title": "Pickled onion", "text": "Pickled onion Pickled onions are a food item consisting of onions (cultivars of \"allium cepa\",) pickled in a solution of vinegar and salt, often with other preservatives and flavourings. There is a variety of small white pickled onions known as 'silverskin' onions, due to imperfections they are pickled instead of being wasted. They are frequently used as an essential component of the Martini cocktail variant known as a Gibson. Pickled onions are usually pickled in malt vinegar and the onions are about an inch in diameter. Silverskin onions are pickled in white vinegar, and are much smaller. Full sized onions,", "psg_id": "7481036" }, { "title": "Pickled fruit", "text": "add flavor. Pickled peaches may be used to accompany meats and in salads, and also have other uses. Pickled pears may be prepared with sugar, cinnamon, cloves and allspice to add flavor, and may be referred to as spiced pears. They may be prepared from underripe pears. Pickled pears may be used to accompany dishes such as roasts and salads, among others. In Malaysia, some fruits are pickled when they are unripe, such as \"belimbing\", \"kedondong\", \"chermai\", lime, pineapple, papaya, mango and nutmeg. Pickled fruit Pickled fruit refers to fruit that has been pickled. Pickling is the process of food", "psg_id": "18717177" }, { "title": "Twister II", "text": "Twister II Twister II is a wooden roller coaster located at Elitch Gardens in Denver, Colorado. This is a custom built wooden coaster based upon the original coaster Mr. Twister that was at Elitch Gardens before the park was moved to its new location in 1995. The roller coaster was designed by John Pierce, who also designed the famous The Rattler wooden roller coaster at Six Flags Fiesta Texas. It was constructed by the Hensel Phelps Construction Co. The trains were made by the Philadelphia Toboggan Coasters company. Twister II is significantly tamer than the original Mr. Twister. The motto", "psg_id": "8100363" }, { "title": "Born to Peck", "text": "rascally bird who made his hapless father's life a living nightmare. After spending several minutes recalling his youth, a despondent Woody jumps over the side of a cliff in an effort to commit suicide. At the last minute, an offscreen cartoonist breaks the fourth wall, erases the grave Woody was bound for, and replaces it with a Fountain of Youth. Rejuvenated, Woody returns to the forest, ready to peck away at his first tree in years. Unfortunately, he chooses a petrified tree, which knocks him cold upon impact. Born to Peck Born to Peck is the 39th animated cartoon short", "psg_id": "12080464" }, { "title": "Dungeon Twister", "text": "and English: Just in French: Dungeon Twister Dungeon Twister is a strategy board game with a fantasy theme. \"Dungeon Twister\" was created by Christophe Boelinger, who published other French games such as \"Halloween Party\", \"A Dog's Life\", and \"Snowboard\". \"Dungeon Twister\" was originally printed in French and has gained popularity worldwide with English and German releases. The \"Dungeon Twister\" Basic Set was produced in France in 2004 by Asmodée Éditions. It was again produced in 2005 in the U.S., also by Asmodée. In November 2009, Asmodée and Hydravision Entertainment together announced that a video game adaptation of the game would", "psg_id": "8753381" }, { "title": "Dungeon Twister", "text": "Dungeon Twister Dungeon Twister is a strategy board game with a fantasy theme. \"Dungeon Twister\" was created by Christophe Boelinger, who published other French games such as \"Halloween Party\", \"A Dog's Life\", and \"Snowboard\". \"Dungeon Twister\" was originally printed in French and has gained popularity worldwide with English and German releases. The \"Dungeon Twister\" Basic Set was produced in France in 2004 by Asmodée Éditions. It was again produced in 2005 in the U.S., also by Asmodée. In November 2009, Asmodée and Hydravision Entertainment together announced that a video game adaptation of the game would be released in Q3 2009", "psg_id": "8753379" }, { "title": "Pickled onion", "text": "added, producing a more strongly pink coloured dish. Pickled red onions in bitter orange juice are especially emblematic of Yucatan cuisine, where they are used as a garnish or condiment, especially for seafood. Pickled onion Pickled onions are a food item consisting of onions (cultivars of \"allium cepa\",) pickled in a solution of vinegar and salt, often with other preservatives and flavourings. There is a variety of small white pickled onions known as 'silverskin' onions, due to imperfections they are pickled instead of being wasted. They are frequently used as an essential component of the Martini cocktail variant known as", "psg_id": "7481038" }, { "title": "Archie A. Peck", "text": "Archie A. Peck Archie A. Peck (November 22, 1894 – September 15, 1978) was a soldier in the United States Army who received the Medal of Honor for his actions during World War I. While serving as an infantryman in the U.S. 77th Division during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive, his unit found itself surrounded in the German lines. The unit would subsequently gain the moniker \"The Lost Battalion\" as a result of this incident. This was the bloodiest battle of the war involving U.S. troops. Private Peck acted gallantly while surrounded, saving two wounded men under machine gun fire. Peck was", "psg_id": "13723495" }, { "title": "Born to Peck", "text": "Born to Peck Born to Peck is the 39th animated cartoon short subject in the \"Woody Woodpecker\" series. Released theatrically on February 25, 1952, the film was produced by Walter Lantz Productions and distributed by Universal International. In the future, Woody is an elderly woodpecker who tries in vain to peck away at a tree. Unfortunately, his best years are behind him, and his beak was too weak. Depressed, he begins to reminisce about his younger days when he was a little bird in the care of his father. It becomes apparent that from Day 1, Woody was a mischievous,", "psg_id": "12080463" }, { "title": "Peck, Kansas", "text": "October 1887. The town was named for George Peck, who owned a hotel there. The climate in this area is characterized by hot, humid summers and generally mild to cool winters. According to the Köppen Climate Classification system, Peck has a humid subtropical climate, abbreviated \"Cfa\" on climate maps. Peck, Kansas Peck is an unincorporated community on the Sedgwick County and Sumner County border in Kansas, United States. In 1887, the Chicago, Kansas and Nebraska Railway built a branch line north-south from Herington through Peck to Caldwell. It foreclosed in 1891 and was taken over by Chicago, Rock Island and", "psg_id": "9673649" }, { "title": "Mister Twister (comics)", "text": "Mister Twister (comics) Mister Twister is the name of three fictional supervillains appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The Bromwell Stikk version of Mister Twister first appeared in \"The Brave and the Bold\" #54 and was created by Bob Haney and Bruno Premiani. The demon version of Mister Twister first appeared in \"Titans Hunt\" #2 and was created by Dan Abnett and Stephen Segovia. Dan Judd is a writer who decides to research his latest crime novel by becoming a criminal. Becoming Mister Twister, he forms a gang. When Superman stumbles upon his crime sprees, Mister Twister", "psg_id": "15232900" }, { "title": "Pickled cucumber", "text": "were first made in the Tigris Valley of Mesopotamia, using cucumbers brought originally from India. A gherkin is a variety of cucumber: the West Indian or burr gherkin (\"Cucumis anguria\"), which produces a somewhat smaller fruit than the garden cucumber (\"Cucumis sativus\"). Gherkins are cooked, eaten raw, or used as pickles. Gherkins are usually picked when 4 to 8 cm (1 to 3 in) in length and pickled in jars or cans with vinegar (often flavoured with herbs, particularly dill; hence, \"dill pickle\") or brine. Sugar is also a popular addition, in which case the label typically shows \"Sweet Gherkins\".", "psg_id": "12374160" }, { "title": "Texas Twister", "text": "of Master Pandemonium. For his own unrevealed reasons, the Texas Twister did not accompany them. Phantom Rider helped him try to summon a demon to help him get revenge, but instead they summoned Arkon who sought to attack the Avengers. Soon, however, Texas Twister returns to the Avengers Compound at a time when Hawkeye was alone, demanding to see the captive demon. Twister declares his love for the demon, which turns back into Shooting Star. Texas Twister went on to explain that the demon had come to him months ago when Twister's powers seemed to be fading, making him afraid", "psg_id": "7932043" }, { "title": "Twister (comics)", "text": "point after World War II, The Twister was captured and imprisoned in the mystical Urn of Pandora, along with scores of other heroes, by the misguided Fighting Yank. Decades later, the Urn was broken and the heroes freed; Twister emerged with a new costume, whose constantly shifting appearance makes him look like a man-shaped tornado, but his powers seem to be unchanged. What part he will play in the modern world remains to be seen. Twister (comics) The Twister is a fictional character, a comic book superhero who first appeared in \"Blue Bolt Comics\" from Novelty Press. Created by Paul", "psg_id": "13145894" }, { "title": "Pickled cucumber", "text": "pickles in a mixture of Kool-Aid and pickle brine. Like pickled vegetables such as sauerkraut, sour pickled cucumbers (technically a fruit) are low in calories. They also contain a moderate amount of vitamin K, specifically in the form of K. 30-gram sour pickled cucumber offers 12–16 µg, or approximately 15–20%, of the Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamin K. It also offers , most of which come from carbohydrate. However, most sour pickled cucumbers are also high in sodium; one pickled cucumber can contain 350–500 mg, or 15–20% of the American recommended daily limit of 2400 mg. Sweet pickled cucumbers, including", "psg_id": "12374172" }, { "title": "Fire Twister", "text": "vast amount of destruction. Two CIA agents start shooting as Scott and his companions; they run and manage to hide behind some trees. They find Anthony, a chief engineer at Synco, who confesses they have been making a new hydrogen fuel (MT-11), which was stored in the tank that exploded. He says this fuel burns for a long time and that the twister will keep getting bigger. Scott’s group and Anthony follow the twister in their car, into the town. They find the twister coming toward them, and jump out of their car as it is swept into the twister.", "psg_id": "20266022" }, { "title": "Pickled cucumber", "text": "onions. In the Cockney dialect of London, this type of gherkin is called a \"wally\". The term \"pickle\" is derived from the Dutch word \"pekel\", meaning \"brine\". In the United States and Canada, the word \"pickle\" alone almost always refers to a pickled cucumber (other types of pickles will be described as \"pickled onion\", \"pickled beets\", etc.). In the UK \"pickle\" generally refers to ploughman's pickle made from various vegetables, such as Branston pickle, traditionally served with a ploughman's lunch. Pickled cucumber A pickled cucumber (commonly known as a pickle in the United States and Canada and a gherkin in", "psg_id": "12374176" }, { "title": "Pickled walnuts", "text": "Pickled walnuts Pickled walnuts are a traditional English pickle, made from walnuts. Pickled walnuts have been a delicacy in England since at least the early 18th-century. They were mentioned in several literary works The botanist Richard Bradley describes pickled walnuts in his 1728 book \"The Country Housewife and Lady's Director\", Charles Dickens in his book \"The Pickwick Papers\", published in 1836. In chapter 49 he writes, Pickled walnuts are also mentioned in Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh. Pickled walnuts are still commonly eaten in England, particularly at Christmas served with an English blue cheese such as Stilton. They are also", "psg_id": "9730192" }, { "title": "Pickled lime", "text": "Pickled lime Pickled lime is a food that involves the pickling of limes to preserve them and add flavor. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, pickled limes were exported from the West Indies to areas in the Northeastern United States. In the mid-19th century, pickled limes were in demand in New York, and by the late 19th century they were mostly exported to Boston. During this time period, stores would display them in glass jars atop counters and sell them by the piece. Some customers purchased entire barrels of them at a time. During the mid-19th century, pickled Key", "psg_id": "17882677" }, { "title": "Pickled cucumber", "text": "Pickled cucumber A pickled cucumber (commonly known as a pickle in the United States and Canada and a gherkin in Britain, Ireland, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand) is a cucumber that has been pickled in a brine, vinegar, or other solution and left to ferment for a period of time, by either immersing the cucumbers in an acidic solution or through souring by lacto-fermentation. Pickled cucumbers are often part of mixed pickles. It is often claimed that pickled cucumbers were first developed for workers building the Great Wall of China in 2,000-3,000 B.C., though another hypothesis is that they", "psg_id": "12374159" }, { "title": "Five Little Peppers and How They Grew", "text": "Five Little Peppers and How They Grew Five Little Peppers and How They Grew is a 1939 American black-and-white children's comedy drama film, directed by Charles Barton, produced by Jack Fier and based on the novel of the same name by Margaret Sidney. Starring Edith Fellows, Charles Peck, Tommy Bond, Jimmy Leake and Dorothy Anne Seese, it is the first of four Five Little Peppers films. Mrs. Pepper and her 5 children Polly, Ben, Joey, Davie and Phronsie are a poor but happy family. Mrs. Pepper's husband, John Pepper (a mine engineer) died when the copper mine he half owned", "psg_id": "16749426" }, { "title": "Pickled onion", "text": "e.g. Spanish Onions, can be pickled if sliced first. In the Southern United States, pickled Vidalia onions can be served as a side dish. In Hong Kong, pickled onions are served in many Cantonese restaurants, especially around dinner time, as a small dish before the main course is served. In Switzerland, they are served to accompany raclette, along with pickled gherkins. In Italy, it is known as 'maggiolina'. In Mexican cuisine, one preparation, cebollas encurtidas, has sliced red onions pickled in a mixture of citrus juices and vinegar, which is served as a garnish or condiment. Sometimes cooked beets are", "psg_id": "7481037" }, { "title": "Mister Twister (comics)", "text": "summons a large whale to move the island. When Mister Twister discovers the island is not in its usual location, he causes havoc in Hatton Corners. He manages to subdue Aqualad and Kid Flash before Robin uses his Batrope to disarm Mister Twister of his staff. Mister Twister is taken into custody and the children are reunited with their parents. Afterwards, Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash form the Teen Titans. It is later revealed that the Teen Titans' battle with Mister Twister had caught the attention of the malevolent entity known as the Antithesis, who uses Mister Twister as an", "psg_id": "15232904" }, { "title": "Mister Twister (comics)", "text": "the bedside of the real T.O. Morrow when Red Tornado arrived. Mister Twister (comics) Mister Twister is the name of three fictional supervillains appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The Bromwell Stikk version of Mister Twister first appeared in \"The Brave and the Bold\" #54 and was created by Bob Haney and Bruno Premiani. The demon version of Mister Twister first appeared in \"Titans Hunt\" #2 and was created by Dan Abnett and Stephen Segovia. Dan Judd is a writer who decides to research his latest crime novel by becoming a criminal. Becoming Mister Twister, he forms", "psg_id": "15232912" }, { "title": "Pickled fruit", "text": "Pickled fruit Pickled fruit refers to fruit that has been pickled. Pickling is the process of food preservation by either anaerobic fermentation in brine or immersion in vinegar. Many types of fruit are pickled. Some examples include peaches, apples, crab apple, pears, plums, grapes, currant, tomato and olives. Vinegar may also be prepared from fruit, such as apple cider vinegar. Pickled peaches may be prepared from medium-sized, non-melting clingstone peaches that are small-seeded. In the United States prior to around 1960, some were prepared from small, unripe freestone peaches. They may be prepared with sugar, cinnamon, cloves and allspice to", "psg_id": "18717176" }, { "title": "A Bushel and a Peck", "text": "A Bushel and a Peck \"A Bushel and a Peck\" is a popular song written by Frank Loesser and published in 1950. The song was introduced in the Broadway musical \"Guys and Dolls\", which opened at the 46th Street Theater on November 24, 1950. It was performed on stage by Vivian Blaine, who later reprised her role as Miss Adelaide in the 1955 film version of the play. \"A Bushel and a Peck,\" however, was not included in the film, and instead replaced by a new song, titled \"Pet Me, Poppa.\" A popular recording by Perry Como and Betty Hutton", "psg_id": "5667701" }, { "title": "Pickled lime", "text": "papadums with lime pickle as a starter. Pickled lime Pickled lime is a food that involves the pickling of limes to preserve them and add flavor. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, pickled limes were exported from the West Indies to areas in the Northeastern United States. In the mid-19th century, pickled limes were in demand in New York, and by the late 19th century they were mostly exported to Boston. During this time period, stores would display them in glass jars atop counters and sell them by the piece. Some customers purchased entire barrels of them at a", "psg_id": "17882679" }, { "title": "Twister (game)", "text": "paid. So, he let the plan to have Twister played on the Tonight Show go forward. On May 3, 1966 Johnny Carson, the host of the show, was enticed by the Twister mat and demonstrated the game along with Eva Gabor. The next morning there were 50 people standing in line to buy the game at Abercrombie & Fitch where a few games had not been returned. Three million Twister games were sold in the following year. Several spin-off games have followed over the years such as: Twister Moves, Twister Dance, Twister Hoopla, and many others. In 1967 Twister was", "psg_id": "956336" }, { "title": "Pickled egg", "text": "be served as part of a main course, hors d'œuvres, or garnishes. A typical British recipe for pickled eggs includes eggs, vinegar, salt and sugar. The eggs are then boiled, peeled, then boiled with the other ingredients. They last for three to four months (for best quality) and are traditionally found in British public houses and fish and chip shops. Pickled egg Pickled eggs are typically hard boiled eggs that are cured in vinegar or brine. As with many foods, this was originally a way to preserve the food so that it could be eaten months later. Pickled eggs have", "psg_id": "7059153" }, { "title": "Pickled punks", "text": "Pickled punks Pickled punks is the carny term for human fetuses preserved in jars of formaldehyde and used as sideshow attractions. Most pickled punks display some sort of anatomical abnormality, such as conjoined twins or polycephaly; however, the deformities present are as varied as the nature of human afflictions. Faked pickled punks, made from rubber or wax, are known as \"bouncers\" for their tendency to bounce when dropped on the floor. The practice of preserving and displaying prodigious births is centuries old. In the 17th century King Frederick III of Denmark had a personal collection of punks numbering in the", "psg_id": "7356939" }, { "title": "Pickled punks", "text": "The Stone-Child's condition, lithopedion, is fairly rare as only 290 cases exist in modern medical literature. Author Michael Bishop's short story \"Within the Walls of Tyre\" depicts a fictional contemporary example of the condition. Pickled punks Pickled punks is the carny term for human fetuses preserved in jars of formaldehyde and used as sideshow attractions. Most pickled punks display some sort of anatomical abnormality, such as conjoined twins or polycephaly; however, the deformities present are as varied as the nature of human afflictions. Faked pickled punks, made from rubber or wax, are known as \"bouncers\" for their tendency to bounce", "psg_id": "7356945" }, { "title": "Texas Twister", "text": "and scouted him out for the program. He was later seen sparring with Captain America again; however, two of the four super-agent trainees, Blue Streak and the Vamp, turn out to be traitors, so the Texas Twister quits and the program was disbanded. Twister decides to use his powers to earn a living and joined Cody's Rodeo Extravaganza as a rodeo performer. There he meets Shooting Star, who would become his partner both professionally and personally. Trying to garner publicity for themselves, Star and Twister answer a summons from Rick Jones, seeking the help of the Avengers in containing a", "psg_id": "7932040" }, { "title": "Twister (software)", "text": "Leal was hired to create HTML and CSS for the user interface, with Miguel writing required JavaScript code. 2,500 user accounts were registered in the first six days of operation. As a completely decentralized network, no one is capable of incapacitating Twister since there is not a unique point of attack to the system. Twister uses end-to-end encryption to protect the communications. Furthermore, Twister is designed to prevent other users from knowing your GSM localization, IP address, and who you are following. Users can publish public messages as with other microblogging platforms, but when they send direct messages and private", "psg_id": "17788431" }, { "title": "Twister (comics)", "text": "Twister (comics) The Twister is a fictional character, a comic book superhero who first appeared in \"Blue Bolt Comics\" from Novelty Press. Created by Paul Gustavson, The Twister appeared in short stories in issues #1 to #7 of \"Blue Bolt Comics\", volume two (June to December, 1941). After that, he wasn't seen again for decades. In 2009, he appeared in the Dynamite Entertainment miniseries \"Black Terror\", which is part of the \"Project Superpowers\" line of comics; he then appeared in \"\" as an ally of the heroes. Bob Sanders is a direct descendant of Odysseus, and thus inherited the curse", "psg_id": "13145892" }, { "title": "Twister II", "text": "American flag theme. The front of the train also got a Six Flags 45th anniversary emblem painted on it, to celebrate the chains' anniversary. The height restriction was also lowered from 52 to 48 inches tall, in keeping with most other wooden coasters. Twister II Twister II is a wooden roller coaster located at Elitch Gardens in Denver, Colorado. This is a custom built wooden coaster based upon the original coaster Mr. Twister that was at Elitch Gardens before the park was moved to its new location in 1995. The roller coaster was designed by John Pierce, who also designed", "psg_id": "8100367" }, { "title": "Tongue disease", "text": "Tongue disease Tongue diseases can be congenital or acquired, and are multiple in number. Considered according to a surgical sieve, some example conditions which can involve the tongue are discussed below. Glossitis is a general term for tongue inflammation, which can have various etiologies, e.g. infection. Examples of congenital disorders which affect the tongue include: Tongue lesions are very common. For example, in the United States one estimated point prevalence was 15.5% in adults. Tongue lesions are more common in persons who wear dentures and tobacco users. The most common tongue conditions are geographic tongue, followed by fissured tongue and", "psg_id": "12065937" }, { "title": "Pick a Peck of Plumbers", "text": "in 1956 as \"Scheming Schemers\". Pick a Peck of Plumbers Pick a Peck of Plumbers is an American comedy short produced and directed by Jules White. Released by Columbia Pictures on July 23, 1944, it stars El Brendel and Shemp Howard, both of whom receive top-billing in the short. Elmer (El Brendel) and Axel (Shemp Howard) are two vagrants who are on trial for wrecking a policeman's motorcycle. The judge (John Tyrell) fines them $100 or they go to jail for 100 days. The two men convince the judge to let them get a job to pay the fine, which", "psg_id": "14880755" }, { "title": "Pick a Peck of Plumbers", "text": "Pick a Peck of Plumbers Pick a Peck of Plumbers is an American comedy short produced and directed by Jules White. Released by Columbia Pictures on July 23, 1944, it stars El Brendel and Shemp Howard, both of whom receive top-billing in the short. Elmer (El Brendel) and Axel (Shemp Howard) are two vagrants who are on trial for wrecking a policeman's motorcycle. The judge (John Tyrell) fines them $100 or they go to jail for 100 days. The two men convince the judge to let them get a job to pay the fine, which he accepts. They end up", "psg_id": "14880752" }, { "title": "Twister ribozyme", "text": "is relatively common in nature with 2,700 examples observed across bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals. Similarly to hammerhead ribozymes, some eukaryotes contain large numbers of twister ribozymes. In the most extreme known example, there are 1051 predicted twister ribozymes in \"Schistosoma mansoni\", an organism that also contains many hammerhead ribozymes. In bacteria, twister ribozymes are near to gene classes that are also commonly associated with bacterial hammerhead ribozymes. Currently, there is no understood biological function associated with the twister ribozyme. Twister ribozyme The twister ribozyme is a catalytic RNA structure capable of self-cleavage. The nucleolytic activity of this ribozyme has", "psg_id": "17685024" }, { "title": "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck", "text": "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck How much wood would a woodchuck chuck is an American English-language tongue-twister. The woodchuck from the Algonquian word \"wejack\" is a kind of marmot regionally called a groundhog. The complete beginning of the tongue-twister usually goes: \"How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?\" The tongue-twister relies primarily on alliteration to achieve its effects, with five \"w\" sounds interspersed among five \"ch\" sounds, as well as 6 \"ood\" sounds. A traditional, if nonsensical, \"response\" to the question is: \"A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck", "psg_id": "11371789" }, { "title": "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck", "text": "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck How much wood would a woodchuck chuck is an American English-language tongue-twister. The woodchuck from the Algonquian word \"wejack\" is a kind of marmot regionally called a groundhog. The complete beginning of the tongue-twister usually goes: \"How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?\" The tongue-twister relies primarily on alliteration to achieve its effects, with five \"w\" sounds interspersed among five \"ch\" sounds, as well as 6 \"ood\" sounds. A traditional, if nonsensical, \"response\" to the question is: \"A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck", "psg_id": "11371785" }, { "title": "Twister sister ribozyme", "text": "Twister sister ribozyme The twister sister ribozyme (TS) is an RNA structure that catalyzes its own cleavage at a specific site. In other words, it is a self-cleaving ribozyme. The twister sister ribozyme was discovered by a bioinformatics strategy as an RNA Associated with Genes Associated with Twister and Hammerhead ribozymes, or RAGATH. The twister sister ribozyme has a possible structural similarity to twister ribozymes. Some striking similarities were noted, but also surprising differences, such as the absence of the two pseudoknot interactions in the twister ribozyme. The exact nature of the structural relationship between twister and twister sister ribozymes,", "psg_id": "19797080" }, { "title": "Mister Twister (comics)", "text": "robot in the armor from an undisclosed location to test it out for T.O. Morrow who commented to Bromwell that he was lucky it wasn't him testing the armor. In \"Drop Zone\", it was mentioned that Mister Twister and T.O. Morrow were in cahoots with \"The Light\" (Project Cadmus' Board of Directors). In \"Humanity\", it was revealed that Mister Twister and T.O. Morrow were behind the remote reprogramming of Red Tornado. When Red Volcano was created and went rogue, Mister Twister fled even when the T.O. Morrow that Red Volcano destroyed was an android. Mister Twister was later seen at", "psg_id": "15232911" }, { "title": "Peck & Peck", "text": "Didion, Peck & Peck was descriptor and shorthand for a certain fashion look. A store classic was the simple A-line dress. Other fashion retailers that grew in the wake of the closure of Peck & Peck were Ann Taylor and Talbots. Since 2008 the Peck & Peck trademark is owned by Stein Mart for its line of woman's clothing. Peck & Peck Peck & Peck was a New York-based retailer of private label women's wear prominent located at 581 Fifth Avenue. Founded by Edgar Wallace Peck and his brother George H. Peck, it began in New York in 1888 as", "psg_id": "4978284" }, { "title": "Peck, Wisconsin", "text": "Peck, Wisconsin Peck is a town in Langlade County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 354 at the 2000 census. The unincorporated community of Ormsby is located in the town. The town was named in honor of George Wilbur Peck who served as the 17th governor of Wisconsin from 1891-1895. According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 37.2 square miles (96.5 km²), of which, 37.2 square miles (96.3 km²) of it is land and 0.1 square miles (0.2 km²) of it (0.19%) is water. As of the census of 2000, there were 354", "psg_id": "1257285" }, { "title": "Jabrill Peppers", "text": "three pass deflections, and one interception in 13 games and 13 starts. Peppers also had 14 kick returns for 318-yards (22.7 YPR) and 30 punt returns for 180-yards (6.0 YPR). The Cleveland Browns finished the 2017 NFL season with a record of 0–16. Peppers lined up as a free safety for 88.2% of the Browns' defensive snaps according to Pro Football Focus. He received an overall grade of 45.5 from Pro Football Focus in 2017. Defensive coordinator Gregg Williams elected to move Peppers back to strong safety after the Browns traded for Damarious Randall. Peppers competed to be the starting", "psg_id": "16987710" }, { "title": "Search for My Tongue", "text": "lose her \"mother tongue\". It is about how her original language feels unused and her new language she has picked up has taken over her \"mother\" language. However, when she sleeps, and dreams in Gujarati, she remembers her \"mother tongue\" again. Search for My Tongue \"Search for My Tongue\" is a poem by Sujata Bhatt. The poem is studied in England as part of the \"AQA Anthology\". \"I have always thought of myself as an Indian who is outside India,\" the poet has said in an interview, stating that her language is the deepest layer of her identity. The poem", "psg_id": "13713646" }, { "title": "Twister II", "text": "that leads into the final brakes. Overall, the layout of Twister II has similarities to the Mister Twister, but a noticeable difference is the helix entry. While Mister Twister went down the second drop and into the helix right away, Twister II leaves the second drop and goes up a double up hill, then makes another drop and rise, and enters the helix near the station. Because of this, the entrance to the tunnel does not cross over the second climb. Throughout the 2005/2006 off season, some sections of Twister II got new wood and the trains received a new", "psg_id": "8100366" }, { "title": "Pipistrel Twister", "text": "Pipistrel Twister The Pipistrel Twister is a Slovenian ultralight trike, designed and produced by Pipistrel of Ajdovščina. It was distributed in Europe by Flight Team UG & Company AG of Ippesheim and sometimes called the Flight Team Twister. The aircraft is supplied as a complete ready-to-fly-aircraft. By October 2018 it was listed as a \"legacy\" product and production had ended. The Twister is a development of the Pipistrel Spider. It incorporates a bent main pylon, which allows more seating room for the rear seat occupant, more streamlined main landing gear legs and a Rotax 912 engine. The Twister was designed", "psg_id": "17411849" }, { "title": "Peck & Peck", "text": "Peck & Peck Peck & Peck was a New York-based retailer of private label women's wear prominent located at 581 Fifth Avenue. Founded by Edgar Wallace Peck and his brother George H. Peck, it began in New York in 1888 as a hosiery store, with early location near Madison Square. At Edgar Peck's death, \"Time\" magazine reported that the brothers once had to pay rent every 24 hours to a distrusting landlord, but now had 19 stores. It grew to 78 stores across the United States. Peck & Peck filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 1974 and purchased in 1976", "psg_id": "4978282" }, { "title": "Peck, Idaho", "text": "Peck, Idaho Peck is a city in Nez Perce County, Idaho, United States. The population was 197 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Lewiston, ID-WA Metropolitan Statistical Area. Many residents of Peck work in nearby Orofino, Idaho. Additionally, Peck residents attend high school in Orofino since Peck does not have a high school. Peck is located at (46.473786, -116.425083). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of , all of it land. There is a small creek. As of the census of 2010, there were 197 people, 87 households, and 59", "psg_id": "1047478" }, { "title": "Trio-Twister", "text": "correctly. Trio-Twister Trio-Twister was a German aircraft manufacturer based in Eichwalde and founded by Siegfried Stolle. The company specialized in the design and manufacture of powered parachutes in the form of ready-to-fly aircraft for the US FAR 103 Ultralight Vehicles and the European Fédération Aéronautique Internationale microlight categories. The company seems to have been founded about 2003 and gone out of business in 2005. Trio-Twister produced two powered parachute designs, the single-seat Trio-Twister 103 and two-seat Trio-Twister 203. Both incorporated a central canopy attachment and tilting seats to allow the pilot to see up and backwards to ensure that canopy", "psg_id": "19046570" }, { "title": "Trio-Twister", "text": "Trio-Twister Trio-Twister was a German aircraft manufacturer based in Eichwalde and founded by Siegfried Stolle. The company specialized in the design and manufacture of powered parachutes in the form of ready-to-fly aircraft for the US FAR 103 Ultralight Vehicles and the European Fédération Aéronautique Internationale microlight categories. The company seems to have been founded about 2003 and gone out of business in 2005. Trio-Twister produced two powered parachute designs, the single-seat Trio-Twister 103 and two-seat Trio-Twister 203. Both incorporated a central canopy attachment and tilting seats to allow the pilot to see up and backwards to ensure that canopy inflates", "psg_id": "19046569" }, { "title": "Texas Twister", "text": "Star, the demon then possesses Twister himself and battles Hawkeye and Shooting Star. Ultimately, Star threatens to kill the demon rather than allow the possession to continue, and the demon reluctantly imprisons itself in a statue. Texas Twister and Shooting Star are finally reunited. The supervillain Graviton tried to take over the world and suspended many heroes in the air using his powers. Texas Twister, along with the rest of the Rangers, were among them. The Thunderbolts defeated Graviton and the heroes returned to the ground. Texas Twister later fought Southpaw in Texas. During the \"Civil War\" storyline, Texas Twister", "psg_id": "7932045" }, { "title": "Fire Twister", "text": "in his office, and kills her with a golf club. Scott drives the fire engine toward the twister; Carla and Barbie use the flamethrowers to attract the twister toward them. They lure the twister to the Synco compound. The CIA agents defend the compound and shoot at Scott, but he drives straight past them into the compound, and the agents are killed by the following twister. Garber gets a helicopter so he can escape, however the helicopter is sucked into the twister before it can pick him up. Scott sets up the C4 and jumps out of the fire engine,", "psg_id": "20266027" }, { "title": "Pickled herring", "text": "Pickled herring Pickled herring (, , , , , , , , , , , ) is a traditional way of preserving herring. Most cured herring uses a two-step curing process. Initially herring is cured with salt to extract water. The second stage involves removing the salt and adding the herring to a brine - typically a vinegar, salt, sugar solution - to which ingredients such as peppercorn, bay leaves and raw onions are added. Additional flavourings may also be used, including sherry, mustard and dill, while other non-traditional ingredients have also begun being included in recent years. Pickled herring", "psg_id": "3804086" }, { "title": "A Tongue of Silver", "text": "A Tongue of Silver A Tongue of Silver is an episode of the 1959 Australian TV drama anthology \"Shell Presents\". It was the first play from \"Shell Presents\" to be telecast in Western Australia. A stranger arrives in an Irish village during a thunderstorm. They are convinced he is an emissary from Heaven. He sets about selling them plots in Heaven. He says he was sent by St Colomb patron saint of the village who he says is annoyed the villagers have allowed the church to fall into disrepair. He says money from the sale of plots of land will", "psg_id": "19518064" }, { "title": "Pickled pigs' feet", "text": "or a stew. Pickled pigs' feet Pickled pigs’ feet is a type of pork associated with Cuisine of the Southern United States, Mexican, Chinese, and Scandinavian cuisine. The feet of domestic pigs are typically salted and smoked in the same manner as other pork cuts, such as hams and bacon. It is common to preserve them in a manner very similar to home canning and processes for pickled vegetables; typically a saturation of hot vinegar brine is used. Such methods allow them to be preserved without the need for refrigeration until the jar is opened. Pigs’ feet that are pickled", "psg_id": "3947921" }, { "title": "Pickled pigs' feet", "text": "Pickled pigs' feet Pickled pigs’ feet is a type of pork associated with Cuisine of the Southern United States, Mexican, Chinese, and Scandinavian cuisine. The feet of domestic pigs are typically salted and smoked in the same manner as other pork cuts, such as hams and bacon. It is common to preserve them in a manner very similar to home canning and processes for pickled vegetables; typically a saturation of hot vinegar brine is used. Such methods allow them to be preserved without the need for refrigeration until the jar is opened. Pigs’ feet that are pickled are usually consumed", "psg_id": "3947919" }, { "title": "Pickled cucumber", "text": "taste (less sour) than one pickled for a longer time and is called \"ogórek małosolny\", which literally means \"low-salt cucumber.\" This distinction is similar to the one between half- and full-sour types of kosher dills (see above). Another kind of pickled cucumber popular in Poland is \"ogórek konserwowy\" (\"preserved cucumber\") which is rather sweet and vinegary in taste, due to different composition of the preserving solution. In Hungary, while regular vinegar-pickled cucumbers () are made during most of the year, during the summer \"kovászos uborka\" (\"leavened pickles\") are made without the use of vinegar. Cucumbers are placed in a glass", "psg_id": "12374166" }, { "title": "A Tongue of Silver", "text": "the bend\" in which a \"wonderful idea... was almost completely lost in a welter of phony Irish accents\" and Meillon \"was sadly miscast.\" A Tongue of Silver A Tongue of Silver is an episode of the 1959 Australian TV drama anthology \"Shell Presents\". It was the first play from \"Shell Presents\" to be telecast in Western Australia. A stranger arrives in an Irish village during a thunderstorm. They are convinced he is an emissary from Heaven. He sets about selling them plots in Heaven. He says he was sent by St Colomb patron saint of the village who he says", "psg_id": "19518067" }, { "title": "Pickled walnuts", "text": "walnuts in brine causes a chemical reaction to take place and the walnuts turn dark brown to black in colour when exposed to sunlight. The now-black walnuts are then placed into jars and a pickling solution poured over them. This can vary from a straightforward pickling vinegar to a solution containing spices and sugar. The walnuts are sealed and then left in the jars for anywhere between five days and eight weeks depending on which recipe is followed. Pickled walnuts Pickled walnuts are a traditional English pickle, made from walnuts. Pickled walnuts have been a delicacy in England since at", "psg_id": "9730194" }, { "title": "Twister Mania", "text": "Twister Mania Twister Mania launched in November 2011 for the Microsoft Kinect for Xbox 360 video game console as a digital version of the Twister board game. Developed by Naked Sky Entertainment, Twister Mania is published by Majesco Entertainment and is rated E for Everyone by the ESRB. Reviews of Twister Mania by its target audience are generally favorable. The game has been called out by Family Friendly Gaming as one of the most family friendly games of 2011, with a score of 96, where it was praised for both its fun gameplay and innovative UI. The UI is similarly", "psg_id": "16077254" }, { "title": "Twister Mania", "text": "called out in other reviews. Twister Mania Twister Mania launched in November 2011 for the Microsoft Kinect for Xbox 360 video game console as a digital version of the Twister board game. Developed by Naked Sky Entertainment, Twister Mania is published by Majesco Entertainment and is rated E for Everyone by the ESRB. Reviews of Twister Mania by its target audience are generally favorable. The game has been called out by Family Friendly Gaming as one of the most family friendly games of 2011, with a score of 96, where it was praised for both its fun gameplay and innovative", "psg_id": "16077255" }, { "title": "Pickled herring", "text": "term “soused herring” in English can also describe a marinated herring that has been cooked. Rollmops are pickled herring fillets rolled (hence the name) into a cylindrical shape around a piece of pickled gherkin or an onion. They are thought to have developed as a special treat in 19th century Berlin, and the word borrowed from the German. Pickled herring, especially brined herring, is common in Russia and Ukraine, where it is served cut into pieces and seasoned with sunflower oil and onions, or can be part of herring salads, such as dressed herring (, , lit. 'herring under a", "psg_id": "3804089" }, { "title": "Pickled egg", "text": "Pickled egg Pickled eggs are typically hard boiled eggs that are cured in vinegar or brine. As with many foods, this was originally a way to preserve the food so that it could be eaten months later. Pickled eggs have since become a favourite among many as a snack or hors d'œuvre popular in pubs, bars and taverns, and around the world in places where beer is served. After the eggs are hard boiled, the shell is removed and they are submerged in a solution of vinegar, salt, spices, and other seasonings. Recipes vary from the traditional brine solution for", "psg_id": "7059150" }, { "title": "Pickled cucumber", "text": "the spear or slice. This is a popular dish in the southern US, and a rising trend elsewhere in the US. In Russia and Ukraine, pickles are used in rassolnik: a traditional soup made from pickled cucumbers, pearl barley, pork or beef kidneys, and various herbs. The dish is known to have existed as far back as the 15th century, when it was called kalya. In southern England, large gherkins pickled in vinegar are served as an accompaniment to fish and chips, and are sold from big jars on the counter at a fish and chip shop, along with pickled", "psg_id": "12374175" }, { "title": "Ethan Peck", "text": "2008 film \"Tennessee\", followed by a co-starring role opposite Peter Coyote and Bebe Neuwirth in the film \"Adopt a Sailor\". He won the award \"Best Actor\" at the 2009 Sonoma International Film Festival for his portrayal of \"Sailor\". From 2009 to 2010, he starred on the television series \"10 Things I Hate About You\" on ABC Family. In 2012, Peck played Prince Maxon for the pilot adaptation of popular book \"The Selection\", but was later replaced by newcomer Michael Malarkey. Neither the first or second pilot was picked up to go to series. In 2016 Peck starred in \"The Curse", "psg_id": "13473025" }, { "title": "Jim Peck", "text": "in 1974 Greenberg taped a second pilot and the show was retitled \"The Big Showdown\". This time, ABC picked up the series and the show ran from December 23, 1974 until July 4, 1975. Peck continued hosting \"Take It From Here\" in Washington, D.C. during this time and commuted to New York City every three weeks to tape episodes for \"The Big Showdown\". Peck then hosted the unusual \"Hot Seat\", a Merrill Heatter-Bob Quigley production which featured an oversized lie detector to measure a spouse's responses to personal questions. \"Hot Seat\" began airing on July 12, 1976 along with \"Family", "psg_id": "6216741" }, { "title": "Payne Knight Twister", "text": "this has been vigorously denied by both its designer and by Fairbanks. Both men have attributed this reputation to the controls being lighter and more responsive than those of the light aircraft that most pilots are more familiar with. In the 1990s, the rights to the design were acquired by Steen Aero, who continue to offer plans for sale in 2009. \"Data from:\" \"Knight Twister Historical Information\" (except as noted) Payne Knight Twister The Payne Knight Twister is a single-seat, single-engine aerobatic sport aircraft first flown by Vernon Payne Sr. in the United States in 1932 and marketed in plans", "psg_id": "12871448" }, { "title": "Pickled egg", "text": "humans. A variant historically associated with the Pennsylvania Dutch is the pickled beet egg where whole beets, onions, vinegar, sugar, salt, cloves, and (optionally) a cinnamon stick are used as the brine. The eggs take on a pink or even purple colour from the beets and have a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Pickled red-beet eggs, long a common food at picnics and pot-lucks in the Pennsylvania Dutch country, have diffused into the folk cuisine of the surrounding \"English\" and become a popular snack that can be bought in supermarkets as far east as the Delaware River. Pickled eggs may", "psg_id": "7059152" }, { "title": "Twister ribozyme", "text": "as a conserved RNA structure of unknown function. The hypothesis that it functions as a self-cleaving ribozyme was suggested by the similarity between genes nearby to twister ribozymes and genes nearby to hammerhead ribozymes, Indeed the genes located nearby to these two self-cleaving ribozyme classes overlap significantly. Researchers were inspired to name the newly found twister motif due to its resemblance to the Egyptian hieroglyph 'twisted flax'. The basic structure of the \"Oryza sativa\" twister ribozyme was crystallographically determined at atomic resolution in 2014. The active site of the twister ribozyme is centered in a double-pseudoknot, facilitating a compact fold", "psg_id": "17685021" }, { "title": "Dragon tongue bean", "text": "Dragon tongue bean Dragon tongue bean, or dragon tongue shelling bean, is young green bean (snap bean) of cranberry bean, pinto bean in the species \"Phaseolus vulgaris\" (shell bean). Dragon tongue bean is a flavorful, juicy bean whose seeds are encased in a buffed colorful pod with mottled burgundy patterns throughout the shell's surface. The shelled beans are pale pistachio green in color, their size, petite, and their shape, ovate and slightly curved. Dragon tongue bean can be harvested, picked and used for their pods as well as for their seeds like a green bean (snap bean) or allowed to", "psg_id": "19727683" }, { "title": "Pickled herring", "text": "fur coat'), which are usually prepared with vegetables and seasoned with mayonnaise dressing. Brined herring is common in Ashkenazi Jewish cuisine, perhaps best known for vorschmack salad known in English simply as \"chopped herring\" and as schmaltz herring in Yiddish. In Israel it is commonly known as \"dag maluach\" which means \"salted fish\". Pickled herring can also be found in the cuisine of Hokkaidō in Japan, where families traditionally preserved large quantities for winter. In Nova Scotia, Canada, pickled herring with onions is called \"solomon gundy\" and is quite popular. (Not to be confused with the Jamaican pickled fish pâté", "psg_id": "3804090" }, { "title": "Fire Twister", "text": "bigger. Scott realizes that a really large explosion would destroy the twister, so he works out a plan to attract the twister into an open area and set off a large explosion using C4 and a fire engine full of fuel. They turn the fire hoses into flamethrowers, creating heat to attract the twister. A reporter sneaks into the Synco compound and sees the staff clearing everything out. She finds out that Garber is behind the explosion and creation of the fire twister, and that he has been paid a lot of money for doing it. Garber finds the reporter", "psg_id": "20266026" }, { "title": "Mersenne Twister", "text": "Mersenne Twister The Mersenne Twister is a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG). It is by far the most widely used general-purpose PRNG. Its name derives from the fact that its period length is chosen to be a Mersenne prime. The Mersenne Twister was developed in 1997 by and . It was designed specifically to rectify most of the flaws found in older PRNGs. The most commonly used version of the Mersenne Twister algorithm is based on the Mersenne prime 2−1. The standard implementation of that, MT19937, uses a 32-bit word length. There is another implementation that uses a 64-bit word length,", "psg_id": "563319" }, { "title": "Twister ribozyme", "text": "Twister ribozyme The twister ribozyme is a catalytic RNA structure capable of self-cleavage. The nucleolytic activity of this ribozyme has been demonstrated both \"in vivo\" and \"in vitro\" and has one of the fastest catalytic rates of naturally occurring ribozymes with similar function. The twister ribozyme is considered to be a member of the small self-cleaving ribozyme family which includes the hammerhead, hairpin, hepatitis delta virus (HDV), Varkud satellite (VS), and glmS ribozymes. In contrast to \"in vitro\" selection methods, which have aided in identifying several classes of catalytic RNA motifs, the twister ribozyme was discovered by a bioinformatics approach", "psg_id": "17685020" } ]
[ "peter piper" ]
keith moon, ginger baker, charlie watts, buddy rich, phil collins and karen carpenter are all what type of musician?
[ { "title": "The Phil Collins Big Band", "text": "The Phil Collins Big Band The Phil Collins Big Band was a side project of English rock drummer, singer and musician Phil Collins, which performed in 1996 and 1998. Although best known for his work in pop as a solo artist and progressive rock with Genesis, one of Collins' earliest influences had been the American big band drummer Buddy Rich. The group presented big band renditions of Collins and Genesis songs, including hits such as \"Sussudio\" and \"Invisible Touch\". The group was primarily an instrumental act, with Collins remaining behind the drums, like the early days of Genesis and rarely", "psg_id": "6594877" } ]
[ { "title": "Keith Moon", "text": "one. He's dead, so what? He didn't do anything to talk of.\" Clem Burke of Blondie has said \"Early on all I cared about was Keith Moon and the Who. When I was about eleven or twelve, my favourite part of drum lessons was the last ten minutes, when I'd get to sit at the drumset and play along to my favourite record. I'd bring in 'My Generation'. At the end of the song, the drums go nuts. 'My Generation' was a turning point for me because before that it was all the Charlie Watts and Ringo type of thing.\"", "psg_id": "224576" }, { "title": "Ginger Baker", "text": "as part of the channel's \"Imagine\" series. Baker cited Phil Seamen, Art Blakey, Max Roach, Elvin Jones, Philly Joe Jones and Baby Dodds as main influences on his style. Although he is generally considered a pupil of Phil Seamen, Baker stated that he is largely self-taught and he only played some exercises with Seamen. Baker's early performance attracted attention for both his musicality and showmanship. While he became famous during his time with Cream for his wild, unpredictable, and flamboyant performances that were often viewed in a vein similar to that of Keith Moon from the Who, Baker has also", "psg_id": "1415917" }, { "title": "Matt Sorum", "text": "he was mainly influenced by Ian Paice, Keith Moon, Ginger Baker, John Bonham, Roger Taylor, Buddy Rich and Bill Ward. In his first couple of years in high school, Sorum was part of the Mission Viejo Marching Bands drum section. Sorum started out in Mission Viejo as a local hot musician in 1975. Wearing trademark \"Union Flag\" shorts and nothing else, he used to pound a huge acrylic drumset and overpower his first band \"Prophecy,\" which consisted of him and lead singer / guitarist Jeff Harris (guitarist for the J. Harris Band and later guitarist for funk band Slapbak), and", "psg_id": "3062294" }, { "title": "Richard Carpenter (musician)", "text": "Richard Carpenter (musician) Richard Lynn Carpenter (born October 15, 1946) is an American musician, best known as one half of the sibling duo The Carpenters alongside his sister Karen. He has had numerous roles including record producer, arranger, pianist, keyboardist, lyricist, and composer, as well as joining with Karen on harmony vocals. Richard Lynn Carpenter was born at Grace-New Haven Hospital (now called Yale-New Haven Hospital) in New Haven, Connecticut, the same hospital where his sister Karen was later born. His parents were Agnes Reuwer Tatum (a housewife) (March 5, 1915 – November 10, 1996) and Harold Bertram Carpenter (November", "psg_id": "7672686" }, { "title": "Ginger Baker", "text": "than 10,000 copies. Baker lived in Parker, Colorado between 1993 and 1999, in part due to his passion for polo. Baker not only participated in polo events at the Salisbury Equestrian Park, but he also sponsored an ongoing series of jam sessions and concerts at the equestrian centre on weekends. In 1994, he formed The Ginger Baker Trio with bassist Charlie Haden and guitarist Bill Frisell. He also joined BBM, a short-lived power trio with the line-up of Baker, Jack Bruce and Irish blues rock guitarist Gary Moore. On 3 May 2005, Baker reunited with Eric Clapton and Jack Bruce", "psg_id": "1415911" }, { "title": "Richard Carpenter (musician)", "text": "automatic transmission package. Citations Sources Richard Carpenter (musician) Richard Lynn Carpenter (born October 15, 1946) is an American musician, best known as one half of the sibling duo The Carpenters alongside his sister Karen. He has had numerous roles including record producer, arranger, pianist, keyboardist, lyricist, and composer, as well as joining with Karen on harmony vocals. Richard Lynn Carpenter was born at Grace-New Haven Hospital (now called Yale-New Haven Hospital) in New Haven, Connecticut, the same hospital where his sister Karen was later born. His parents were Agnes Reuwer Tatum (a housewife) (March 5, 1915 – November 10, 1996)", "psg_id": "7672707" }, { "title": "Karen Carpenter (album)", "text": "heart.\" The liner notes (including comments from Richard Carpenter and producer Phil Ramone) include Richard's explanation for shelving the album in 1981, and his later decision to release it as Karen approved it. Karen was backed by various New York and Los Angeles studio musicians, including Steve Gadd, Greg Phillinganes, Louis Johnson and members of Billy Joel's band. A&M executives in New York approved the material, but the executives in Los Angeles, including label owners Herb Alpert and Jerry Moss, responded negatively. Ramone recalls that Carpenter broke down in tears. Devastated, she accepted A&M's urging not to release the album.", "psg_id": "10162848" }, { "title": "Ginger Baker", "text": "the end of January 1973, and it would operate successfully through the seventies as a facility for both local and western musicians (Paul McCartney and Wings recorded for \"Band On The Run\" at this studio). Baker sat in for Fela Kuti during recording sessions in 1971 released by Regal Zonophone as \"Live!\" (1971)' Fela also appeared with Ginger Baker on \"Stratavarious\" (1972) alongside Bobby Gass, a pseudonym for Bobby Tench from the Jeff Beck Group. \"Stratavarious\" was later re-issued as part of the compilation \"Do What You Like\". Baker formed Baker Gurvitz Army with brothers Paul and Adrian Gurvitz in", "psg_id": "1415908" }, { "title": "Buddy Rich", "text": "DVD tribute organized by Rich's daughter, \"A Salute to Buddy Rich\", which included Steve Smith and Dennis Chambers. With Count Basie With Benny Carter With Harry James With Charlie Parker With others Rich was known as a performer and endorser of Ludwig, Slingerland, and Rogers drums. While endorsing Slingerland in the '60s and '70s, Rich sometimes used a Fibes snare drum together with a Slingerland drum kit. He switched exclusively to Ludwig in the late 1970s through the early 1980s. While recovering from a heart attack in 1983, Rich was presented with a 1940s-vintage Slingerland Radio King set, refurbished by", "psg_id": "2472608" }, { "title": "Touring and studio musicians of Phil Collins", "text": "Touring and studio musicians of Phil Collins The following are the musicians who have performed with pop singer Phil Collins during Collins's solo career. This does not necessarily include any of the musicians who performed with Collins alongside Genesis. This is a list of performers who toured with Collins in 2017/2018 during the Not Dead Yet Tour. This is a list of performers who performed with Collins during the 2016 concerts: This is a list of performers who toured with Collins in support of his 2002 album, \"Testify,\" during the First Final Farewell Tour. All past touring members worked with", "psg_id": "6907413" }, { "title": "Phil Collins", "text": "been characterised by favourable critics as a \"rock god\", and an artist who has remained \"down to earth\". In \"The New Rolling Stone Album Guide\", published in 2004, J. D. Considine wrote: \"For a time, Phil Collins was nearly inescapable on the radio, and enormously popular with the listening public — something that made him an obvious target for critics. Despite his \"lumpen\"-pop appeal, however, Collins is an incisive songwriter and resourceful musician.\" Creation Records founder Alan McGee wrote in 2009 that there was a \"non-ironic revival of Phil Collins\" happening. According to McGee: \"The kids don't care about 'indie", "psg_id": "1355495" }, { "title": "Charlie Rich", "text": "critical reviews and restored Rich's reputation as a musician, but it was his last album. In 2016, a tribute album entitled \"Feel Like Going Home: The Songs of Charlie Rich\" was released by Memphis International Records. Tom Waits, who was an opening act for Rich in the 1970s, mentions him in the song \"Putnam County\" from his album \"Nighthawks at the Diner\" with the lyric: \"The radio's spitting out Charlie Rich... He sure can sing, that son of a bitch.\" Charlie Rich and his wife were driving to Florida for a vacation after seeing their son Allan perform with Freddy", "psg_id": "3063218" }, { "title": "Charlie Watts", "text": "Watts initially found his transition to rhythm and blues puzzling; commenting, \"I went into rhythm and blues. When they asked me to play, I didn't know what it was. I thought it meant Charlie Parker, played slow. Watts' parents gave him his first drum kit in 1955; he was interested in jazz, and would practice drumming along with jazz records he collected. After completing secondary school, he enrolled at Harrow Art School (subsequently absorbed by the University of Westminster), which he attended until 1960. After leaving school, Watts worked as a graphic designer for an advertising company called Charlie Daniels", "psg_id": "1781198" }, { "title": "Ginger Baker", "text": "Ginger Baker's Air Force. In November 1971, Baker decided to set up a recording studio in Lagos, then the capital of Nigeria. Baker was one of the first rock musicians to realize the potential of African music. He also decided that it would be an interesting experience to travel to Nigeria overland across the Sahara Desert. Baker invited documentary filmmaker Tony Palmer to join him and \"Ginger Baker in Africa\" follows his odyssey as he makes his journey and finally arrives in Nigeria to set up his studio. After many frustrating set-backs & technical hitches, Batakota (ARC) studios opened at", "psg_id": "1415907" }, { "title": "Looking for Love (Karen Carpenter song)", "text": "from a 45 copy that is owned by Richard Carpenter. Looking for Love (Karen Carpenter song) \"Looking for Love\" is a song released under Karen Carpenter's name. It is regarded to be the first release by what was to become The Carpenters. The music was written by Karen's brother, Richard Carpenter. It was recorded in 1966 and released on record label Magic Lamp, a small label with a limited budget. Even though Richard Carpenter does participate on the recording, it is printed \"Karen Carpenter\" on the recording contract and record label. The record has now become a collectors' item and", "psg_id": "12653206" }, { "title": "Charlie Watts", "text": "more records than I did ... We used to go to Charlie's bedroom and just get these records out.\" Watts' earliest records were jazz recordings; he remembers owning 78 RPM records of Jelly Roll Morton, and Charlie Parker. Green recalls that Watts also \"had the one with Monk and the Johnny Dodge Trio. Charlie was ahead of me in listening and acquisitions.\" When Watts and Green were both about thirteen, Watts became interested in drumming: Green and Watts began their musical careers together from 1958 to 1959, playing in a jazz band in Middlesex called the Jo Jones All Stars.", "psg_id": "1781197" }, { "title": "Touring and studio musicians of Phil Collins", "text": "Phil in the studio except for Bryant, Lawson, Mahon, White and Odom Jr. Touring and studio musicians of Phil Collins The following are the musicians who have performed with pop singer Phil Collins during Collins's solo career. This does not necessarily include any of the musicians who performed with Collins alongside Genesis. This is a list of performers who toured with Collins in 2017/2018 during the Not Dead Yet Tour. This is a list of performers who performed with Collins during the 2016 concerts: This is a list of performers who toured with Collins in support of his 2002 album,", "psg_id": "6907414" }, { "title": "Looking for Love (Karen Carpenter song)", "text": "Looking for Love (Karen Carpenter song) \"Looking for Love\" is a song released under Karen Carpenter's name. It is regarded to be the first release by what was to become The Carpenters. The music was written by Karen's brother, Richard Carpenter. It was recorded in 1966 and released on record label Magic Lamp, a small label with a limited budget. Even though Richard Carpenter does participate on the recording, it is printed \"Karen Carpenter\" on the recording contract and record label. The record has now become a collectors' item and is worth between $2,000 to $2,500 as only 500 copies", "psg_id": "12653204" }, { "title": "The Karen Carpenter Story", "text": "The Karen Carpenter Story The Karen Carpenter Story is an American made-for-television biographical film about singer Karen Carpenter and the brother-and-sister pop music duo of which she was a part, the Carpenters. The film aired on CBS on January 1, 1989. Directed by Joseph Sargent, it starred Cynthia Gibb as Karen Carpenter, and Mitchell Anderson as her brother, Richard Carpenter, who served as a producer for the film as well as of the musical score. The movie begins with the collapse of Karen Carpenter in the closet of her parents' home in Downey, California, on February 4, 1983. She is", "psg_id": "10170417" }, { "title": "Ginger Baker", "text": "for your support.\" The heart operation was done in July 2016 with Baker reported to be recovering \"Ginger Baker in Africa\" (1971) documents Baker's drive from Algeria to Nigeria (across the Sahara desert by Range Rover), where in Lagos, he sets up a recording studio and jams with Fela Kuti. In 2012, the documentary film \"Beware of Mr. Baker\" of Ginger Baker's life by Jay Bulger had its world premiere at South By Southwest in Austin, Texas, where it won the grand jury award for best documentary feature. It received its UK premiere on BBC One on 7 July 2015", "psg_id": "1415916" }, { "title": "Keith Baker (game designer)", "text": "cameo in the comic book \"The Order of the Stick: Start of Darkness\" by Rich Burlew. Keith Baker (game designer) Keith Baker (born July 7, 1969) is a game designer and fantasy novel author. In 2002, Keith Baker was a freelancer best known for his thematic work at Atlas Games. His \"Dungeons & Dragons\" campaign setting of Eberron was chosen as the winner among the 11,000 submissions to the Wizards of the Coast Fantasy Setting Search in 2002. Baker produced the \"Eberron Campaign Setting\" (2004) alongside James Wyatt and Bill Slavicsek, the first of many background books focused on the", "psg_id": "3971638" }, { "title": "Karen Carpenter", "text": "1982. The session took place during a two-week break in her anorexia therapy with psychotherapist Steven Levenkron in New York City. Though Richard was concerned about her health, he still thought her voice sounded as good as ever. Carpenter released her first solo record, \"Looking For Love\" / \"I'll Be Yours\" in 1967 on Osborn's Magic Lamp label. Only 500 copies were pressed, and the label folded shortly afterwards. In 1979, while Richard took a year off to treat his addiction to Quaaludes, Karen decided to make a solo album with producer Phil Ramone. These sessions produced music that was", "psg_id": "2525957" }, { "title": "Ginger Baker (loyalist)", "text": "May 1974, Baker was already serving his prison sentence. After serving 18 years of his sentence, Baker was released from prison in 1992. That same year, his former associate Ned McCreery was shot dead by the UDA for being an alleged infomer. Since his release from prison, Baker has made no further allegations against the Northern Ireland security forces. Ginger Baker (loyalist) Albert Wallace \"Ginger\" Baker (born c. 1951) is a Northern Irish former loyalist and ex-British Army soldier who was convicted of four murders carried out by the Ulster Defence Association (UDA), of which he was a leading member.", "psg_id": "16220130" }, { "title": "Karen Carpenter", "text": "The movie helped reverse criticism of the Carpenters' music as being \"soft\" or \"nice\". Richard Carpenter helped in the productions of the documentaries \"\" (1997) and \"\" (2007). Randy Schmidt wrote a biography about Carpenter entitled \"Little Girl Blue\", published in 2010, which included a foreword from Warwick. It avoided previous biographies which had been officially endorsed by the family, and was based on interviews with other friends and associates. \"The New York Times\" said the book was \"one of the saddest tales in pop.\" Notes Citations Sources Karen Carpenter Karen Anne Carpenter (March 2, 1950 – February 4, 1983)", "psg_id": "2525977" }, { "title": "Ginger Baker at His Best", "text": "Ginger Baker at His Best Ginger Baker at His Best was part of a set of four double albums consisting of selected individual and collective output of the band and that of its three members. The albums were released in 1972. The Cream album was entitled \"Heavy Cream\", and featured illustrations of Eric Clapton, Baker and Jack Bruce. Three additional albums were devoted to each individual band member - \"Jack Bruce At His Best,\" \"Eric Clapton At His Best, and \"Ginger Baker At His Best.\" The Baker album is drawn from his first two solo releases - \"Ginger Baker's Air", "psg_id": "16012633" }, { "title": "Buddy Holly", "text": "and by Holly's friends and family, for its inaccuracies. This led Paul McCartney (whose MPL Communications by then controlled the publishing rights to Buddy Holly's song catalog) to produce and host his own documentary about Holly in 1985, titled \"The Real Buddy Holly Story\". This video includes interviews with Keith Richards, Phil and Don Everly, Sonny Curtis, Jerry Allison, Holly's family, and McCartney, among others. In 1987, musician Marshall Crenshaw portrayed Buddy Holly in the movie \"La Bamba\", which depicts him performing at the Surf Ballroom and boarding the fatal airplane with Ritchie Valens and the Big Bopper. Crenshaw's version", "psg_id": "50725" }, { "title": "Keith Moon", "text": "kit, but without the customary hi-hat—at the time Moon preferred keeping backbeats with ride and crash cymbals. His new larger configuration was notable for the presence of two bass drums. Moon, along with Ginger Baker, has been credited as one of the early pioneers of double bass drumming in rock. Moon's Red Sparkle Premier setup from this time consisted of two bass drums, three mounted toms, two floor toms and a Ludwig Supraphonic 400 snare. His cymbals consisted of two Paiste Giant Beat crashes and one ride. This kit was not used at the Who's performance at the 1967 Monterey", "psg_id": "224525" }, { "title": "Phil Collins", "text": "criticised Collins's \"ubiquitous nature\", including his involvement in the Who's 1989 reunion tour. David Bowie dismissed some of his own 1980s output as his \"Phil Collins years/albums\". In addition to the song's negative press from music journalists, singer-songwriter and political activist Billy Bragg criticised Collins for writing \"Another Day in Paradise\", stating: \"Phil Collins might write a song about the homeless, but if he doesn't have the action to go with it he's just exploiting that for a subject.\" On the closing track of their 2014 album \"What Have We Become?\", titled \"When I Get Back to Blighty\", former Beautiful", "psg_id": "1355487" }, { "title": "Buddy Baker", "text": "Buddy Baker Elzie Wylie \"Buddy\" Baker Jr. (January 25, 1941 – August 10, 2015) was an American NASCAR driver and sports commentator. He won the 1980 Daytona 500. Elzie Wylie Baker Jr. was born in Florence, South Carolina, the son of two-time winner of the NASCAR Championship and a Hall of Fame member Buck Baker and brother of fellow racer Randy Baker. Baker began his NASCAR career in 1959. In 1970, he became the first driver to ever exceed 200 mph (320 km/h) on a closed course. This World Record feat was accomplished in the Chrysler Engineering blue No. 88", "psg_id": "4971639" }, { "title": "Buddy Baker", "text": "honored Baker by placing stickers on their cars side to remember the legacy that Baker had left behind. In 1997, Baker joined his father as an inductee into the International Motorsports Hall of Fame in Talladega, Alabama. He, previously, had been inducted into the Charlotte Motor Speedway Court of Legends in 1995, and into the National Motorsports Press Association Hall of Fame in 1997. He was named one of NASCAR's 50 Greatest Drivers in 1998. Buddy Baker Elzie Wylie \"Buddy\" Baker Jr. (January 25, 1941 – August 10, 2015) was an American NASCAR driver and sports commentator. He won the", "psg_id": "4971644" }, { "title": "Buddy Deppenschmidt", "text": "Thousand Clowns (1965), Wall Street (1987), Bossa Nova (2000), The Lake House (2006), and Whatever Works (2009) In his long career, Buddy Deppenschmidt has played with most of the jazz greats including: Mose Allison, Chet Baker, Keter Betts, Billy Butterfield, Charlie Byrd, John Coates, Jr., Al Cohn, Matt Dennis, Bob Dorough, Herb Ellis, Tal Farlow, Stan Getz, Al Haig, Lionel Hampton, Barry Harris, Coleman Hawkins, Milt Hinton, Shirley Horn, J.J. Johnson, Larry Mc Kenna, James Moody, King Pleasure, Maxine Sullivan, Clark Terry, Joe Venuti and Phil Woods. Charlie Byrd in Greenwich Village (Milestone) Latin Byrd (Milestone) Guitar Guitar (Wounded Bird)", "psg_id": "12970013" }, { "title": "Charlie Watts", "text": "Charlie Parker. 1993 saw the release of \"Warm And Tender\", by the Charlie Watts Quintet, which included vocalist Bernard Fowler. This same group then released \"Long Ago And Far Away\" in 1996. Both records included a collection of Great American Songbook standards. After a successful collaboration with Jim Keltner on The Rolling Stones' \"Bridges to Babylon\", Watts and Keltner released a techno/instrumental album simply titled, \"Charlie Watts/Jim Keltner Project\". Watts stated that even though the tracks bore such names as the \"Elvin Suite\" in honour of the late Elvin Jones, Max Roach and Roy Haynes, they were not copying their", "psg_id": "1781203" }, { "title": "Phil Collins", "text": "losing to Collins, as they felt their other competitors were more worthy. The episode \"Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000\" involves a sled race down the landmark known as Phil Collins Hill, which has an impression of Phil Collins' face in the side. The Phil Collins character returns once more and gets killed off in the episode \"200\". Collins appears briefly in the Finnish animated sitcom \"Pasila\" in the episode \"Phil Collins Hangover\". The music of this episode is a pastiche of Collins's \"Another Day in Paradise\". Collins was mentioned in the \"Psych\" episode \"\" as resembling Shawn Spencer's father, Henry,", "psg_id": "1355478" }, { "title": "Richard Carpenter (musician)", "text": "recording the solo album \"Time\" and finished it on July 5, 1987. The album features Dusty Springfield singing \"Something in Your Eyes\", Dionne Warwick singing \"In Love Alone\", Scott Grimes singing \"That's What I Believe\" and a song Richard created – dedicated to Karen – called \"When Time Was All We Had\", which starts off a cappella, but then Richard's piano fades in as well as Herb Alpert's flugelhorn. Lyrics include: In 1996, at the suggestion of music writer Daniel Levitin, Carpenter recorded and released \"Richard Carpenter: Pianist, Arranger, Composer, Conductor\", which included reworkings of many Carpenters favorites, including hits", "psg_id": "7672700" }, { "title": "All Things Must Pass", "text": "Brooker and a pre-Genesis Phil Collins. An uncredited Peter Frampton played acoustic guitar on the country tracks featuring Drake. For contractual reasons, on UK pressings of \"All Things Must Pass\", Clapton's participation on the first two discs of the album remained unacknowledged for many years, although he was listed among the musicians appearing on the \"Apple Jam\" disc in Britain. Harrison was unaware of Collins's contribution until putting together the 30th anniversary reissue of the album in 2000, at which point he offered Collins his belated thanks. Clapton's former bandmate in Cream and Blind Faith, Ginger Baker, participated in the", "psg_id": "2119208" }, { "title": "Ginger Baker", "text": "section partners again in the Graham Bond Organisation and Cream, the latter of which Baker co-founded with Eric Clapton in 1966. Cream achieved worldwide success but lasted only until 1968, in part due to Baker's and Bruce's volatile relationship. After briefly working with Clapton in Blind Faith and leading Ginger Baker's Air Force, Baker spent several years in the 1970s living and recording in Africa, often with Fela Kuti, in pursuit of his long-time interest in African music. Among Baker's other collaborations are his work with Gary Moore, Masters of Reality, Public Image Ltd, Hawkwind, Atomic Rooster, Bill Laswell, jazz", "psg_id": "1415903" }, { "title": "Charlie Rich", "text": "and Laurie; and grandchildren Maggie Karber Yelverton, Wesley Karber, and Christian Cole Lee. Margaret Rich died in Germantown, Tennessee, on July 22, 2010, and was buried alongside her husband. Academy of Country Music American Music Awards Country Music Association Grammy Awards Charlie Rich Charles Allan Rich (December 14, 1932July 25, 1995) was an American country music singer, songwriter, and musician. His eclectic style of music was often difficult to classify, encompassing the rockabilly, jazz, blues, country, soul, and gospel genres. In the later part of his life, Rich acquired the nickname the Silver Fox. He is perhaps best remembered for", "psg_id": "3063220" }, { "title": "Charlie Rich", "text": "Charlie Rich Charles Allan Rich (December 14, 1932July 25, 1995) was an American country music singer, songwriter, and musician. His eclectic style of music was often difficult to classify, encompassing the rockabilly, jazz, blues, country, soul, and gospel genres. In the later part of his life, Rich acquired the nickname the Silver Fox. He is perhaps best remembered for a pair of 1973 hits, \"Behind Closed Doors\" and \"The Most Beautiful Girl\". \"The Most Beautiful Girl\" topped the U.S. country singles charts, as well as the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 pop singles charts and earned him two Grammy Awards. Rich was", "psg_id": "3063200" }, { "title": "Keith Carpenter", "text": "Carpenter competed in The Canadian Men's Doubles Championships in 1966 (Vancouver Lawn Tennis Club) alongside his brother, Michael Carpenter. As a final result, Michael and Keith Carpenter won the doubles title that summer. As two years earlier, Carpenter competed in the main draws at Roland Garros, Wimbledon, and Forrest Hills, but with less success in terms of results. At the French Championships, he lost in the first round, to Georges Goven 1-6, 1-6, 2-6. At Wimbledon, Carpenter defeated veteran Floridian Gardnar Mulloy 6-3, 9-7, 9-7, before falling to South African Keith Diepraam 13-11, 8-10, 1-6, 0-6. At the U.S. Nationals,", "psg_id": "13608037" }, { "title": "Keith Wyatt", "text": "Keith Wyatt Keith Wyatt is a Los Angeles-based guitarist, educator performer, teacher, writer, and developer of music curriculum and educational media. Since 1996, Wyatt has toured and recorded with renowned LA-based “American Music” group The Blasters and is featured on \"4-11-44\" (Rainman Records) and \"Fun On Saturday Night\" (Rip Cat Records). He has also worked with a variety of other groups and artists including Albert Collins, Ginger Baker, Jack Bruce and Robben Ford in Los Angeles and internationally as a solo performer. In 1978, after graduating from the Guitar Institute of Technology (GIT) in Hollywood, California, Wyatt joined the faculty", "psg_id": "14613649" }, { "title": "Buddy Lucas (musician)", "text": "Buddy Lucas (musician) Alonza Westbrook \"Buddy\" Lucas (16 August 1914 – 18 March 1983), was an American jazz saxophonist and bandleader, who is possibly more famous for his session work on harmonica. As a bandleader, he led bands such as Buddy Lucas & His Band of Tomorrow, the Gone All Stars, and Buddy Lucas & His Shouters, and he also went under the stage name of \"Big\" Buddy Lucas. As a session musician, he recorded with Horace Silver, Bernard \"Pretty\" Purdie, Titus Turner The Rascals, Yusef Lateef, and Aretha Franklin, amongst others. He was born in Rockville, Alabama, and died", "psg_id": "17403822" }, { "title": "Buddy Lucas (musician)", "text": "in Stamford, Connecticut, aged 68. Buddy Lucas (musician) Alonza Westbrook \"Buddy\" Lucas (16 August 1914 – 18 March 1983), was an American jazz saxophonist and bandleader, who is possibly more famous for his session work on harmonica. As a bandleader, he led bands such as Buddy Lucas & His Band of Tomorrow, the Gone All Stars, and Buddy Lucas & His Shouters, and he also went under the stage name of \"Big\" Buddy Lucas. As a session musician, he recorded with Horace Silver, Bernard \"Pretty\" Purdie, Titus Turner The Rascals, Yusef Lateef, and Aretha Franklin, amongst others. He was born", "psg_id": "17403823" }, { "title": "Ginger Baker at His Best", "text": "Force,\" and \"Ginger Baker's Air Force 2,\" as well as his work with Blind Faith. Between Baker's and Clapton's albums, the whole of the original \"Blind Faith\" album is covered. Ginger Baker at His Best Ginger Baker at His Best was part of a set of four double albums consisting of selected individual and collective output of the band and that of its three members. The albums were released in 1972. The Cream album was entitled \"Heavy Cream\", and featured illustrations of Eric Clapton, Baker and Jack Bruce. Three additional albums were devoted to each individual band member - \"Jack", "psg_id": "16012634" }, { "title": "Karen Carpenter", "text": "of eating disorders. Her work continues to attract praise, including being listed in \"Rolling Stone\"s 100 greatest singers of all time. Karen Anne Carpenter was born on March 2, 1950, in New Haven, Connecticut, the daughter of Agnes Reuwer (née Tatum, March 5, 1915 – November 10, 1996) and Harold Bertram Carpenter (November 8, 1908 – October 15, 1988). Harold had been born in Wuzhou, China, where his own parents were missionaries and he was educated at boarding schools in England, before working in the printing business. Carpenter's elder brother Richard developed an interest in music at an early age,", "psg_id": "2525943" }, { "title": "Phil Collins", "text": "solo career. His sixth solo album, \"Dance into the Light\", was released in October 1996. The album was received negatively by the music press and sold less than his previous albums. \"Entertainment Weekly\" reviewed by saying that \"even Phil Collins must know that we all grew weary of Phil Collins\". Singles from the album included the title track, which reached No. 9 in the UK, and the Beatles-inspired \"It's in Your Eyes\". The album achieved Gold certification in the US. On 15 September 1997, Collins appeared at the Music for Montserrat concert at the Royal Albert Hall in London, performing", "psg_id": "1355450" }, { "title": "Ginger Baker (loyalist)", "text": "Ginger Baker (loyalist) Albert Wallace \"Ginger\" Baker (born c. 1951) is a Northern Irish former loyalist and ex-British Army soldier who was convicted of four murders carried out by the Ulster Defence Association (UDA), of which he was a leading member. He turned himself in to the police in 1973 after throwing a hand grenade into a bus transporting Catholic workmen in East Belfast, Northern Ireland, which killed one man. He admitted to this killing and those of three other Catholics the previous year, as well as 11 armed robberies. He was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment for the four", "psg_id": "16220106" }, { "title": "Keith Carpenter", "text": "Keith Carpenter Keith A. Carpenter (born August 3, 1941) was one of Canada's top men's tennis players during the 1960s. Carpenter's best result was winning the Canadian Open Men's Doubles Championship in 1966 alongside his older brother, Michael Carpenter. It was their first and only Grand Slam Event win for both brothers' careers and a proud moment in Canadian tennis history. Fourth round in singles of the 1965 U.S. Nationals. The year before he also reached the third round. Carpenter reached the second round at Wimbledon every year from 1963, his first appearance in the main draw, which he reached", "psg_id": "13608030" }, { "title": "Keith Collins", "text": "in New York, Collins was discovered by modeling agent Jan Gonet of Nytro Models. He would go on to have modeled for top designers such as Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein, Ron Cheresken, Wilke Rodriguez, French Connection, Nike and was the face of the underwear line PLAY alongside Mayte Garcia. Keith Collins was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome at a young age of 5. Collins who suffered in his early life from the disorder has been medication free since 13. Collins continues to raise awareness and has hosted numerous charity functions for Tourette Syndrome. Keith Collins Keith Collins (born September 3, 1976", "psg_id": "20098245" }, { "title": "The Karen Carpenter Story", "text": "but for somebody else to have done this without the family's blessing, well, it just wouldn't have been as well told.\" In 2004, he was much harsher about the project, calling it \"90 minutes of creative license that give biopics in general a dubious tone.\" He also stated at the time that he considered being involved in the film one of his biggest mistakes. The Karen Carpenter Story The Karen Carpenter Story is an American made-for-television biographical film about singer Karen Carpenter and the brother-and-sister pop music duo of which she was a part, the Carpenters. The film aired on", "psg_id": "10170424" }, { "title": "Ginger Baker", "text": "producer Bill Laswell talked him into doing some session work on John Lydon's Public Image Ltd. album, called \"Album\", in 1985. In the early 1980s, Baker joined Hawkwind for an album and tour, and he recorded two additional albums with the group. Baker moved to Los Angeles in the late 80's intending to become an actor. He appeared in the 1990 TV series Nasty Boys as Ginger. In 1992 Baker played with the hard-rock group Masters of Reality with bassist Googe and singer/guitarist Chris Goss on the album \"Sunrise on the Sufferbus\". The album received critical acclaim but sold fewer", "psg_id": "1415910" }, { "title": "The Lester Young Buddy Rich Trio", "text": "The Lester Young Buddy Rich Trio The Lester Young Buddy Rich Trio is a jazz trio album recorded in Hollywood, California in March–April 1946 by Lester Young, Nat King Cole and Buddy Rich. The first 4 tracks were originally released on Mercury Records as \"The Lester Young Trio\". The remaining 4 tracks were released on Norman Granz' Clef Records label as \"The Lester Young Trio No. 2\" before all 8 tracks were combined and released by Granz' Norgran Records label as \"The Lester Young Buddy Rich Trio\". Nat King Cole was under contract with a different record label at the", "psg_id": "15086427" }, { "title": "Phil Collins (speedway rider)", "text": "Neil and Stephen. His nephews Aidan and Chris were also riders but have both retired from the sport. Phil also has three daughters: Grace, Abby and Lilly Collins. Phil Collins (speedway rider) Philip David 'Phil' Collins (born 2 June 1960 in Manchester, England) is a former Speedway rider. He once finished runner-up with England in the World Team Cup final in 1984 and third in 1985. He was British Under-21 Champion in 1978. His transfer from Ellesmere Port to Cradley Heath in 1978 for £15,000 was a record transfer fee at the time. Phil has four brothers all of whom", "psg_id": "10761586" }, { "title": "Keith Hale", "text": "Keith Hale Keith Hale (born 6 November 1950) is an English songwriter, composer, record producer, performer and music teacher, most notable for his work with Toyah Willcox, Hawkwind and Ginger Baker. The Yorkshire-born musician moved south when he was ten. Whilst in his final year at primary school he won first prize in the Cadbury's National Essay Competition for Schools. As a teenager he moved back to Hull to join Nothineverappens \"Yorkshire's premier psychedelic band\". Returning to London he collaborated in \"Silly Balls\", a mixed-media project designed to maximise audience participation but this proved too unwieldy to be commercially viable.", "psg_id": "16381611" }, { "title": "Sam Baker (musician)", "text": "as one of the top 10 country music albums of 2013. In his review of \"Say Grace\", Jim Fusilli wrote \"In Mr. Baker's tales, the personal becomes universal through his keen-eyed writing, supported by well-chosen instrumentation and what might be called spoken-word melodies.\" Among Baker's influences for his songwriting are Ken Kesey, William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, and Bob Dylan, and fellow Texans Lightnin' Hopkins, Guy Clark, and Townes Van Zandt. Sam Baker took up painting after he began songwriting. Sam Baker (musician) Sam Baker (born 1954) is an American folk musician based in Austin, Texas. He writes sparse poetic lyrics", "psg_id": "18028389" }, { "title": "Charlie Rich", "text": "Phillips at Sun Records that Phillips considered not commercial enough and \"too jazzy\", he was given a stack of Jerry Lee Lewis records and told: \"Come back when you get that bad.\" In a September 6, 2010, NPR airing of a 1992 interview with \"Fresh Air\" host Terry Gross, Charlie Rich tells the story, himself, of Bill Justis telling Rich's wife those words. In 1958, Rich became a regular session musician for Sun Records, playing on a variety of records by Lewis, Johnny Cash, Bill Justis, Warren Smith, Billy Lee Riley, Carl Mann, and Ray Smith. He also wrote several", "psg_id": "3063203" }, { "title": "Buddy Baker (composer)", "text": "Buddy Baker (composer) Norman Dale \"Buddy\" Baker (January 4, 1918 – July 26, 2002) was an American composer who scored many Disney films, such as \"The Apple Dumpling Gang\" in 1975, \"The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again\" in 1979, \"The Shaggy D.A.\" in 1976, \"The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh\" in 1977, and \"The Fox and the Hound\" in 1981. Baker was born and raised in Springfield, Missouri, and got his degree in music from Southwest Baptist College. He later went to the West Coast in the 1930s to arrange music scores for radio. He became the Musical Director", "psg_id": "7949338" }, { "title": "Buddy Baker (composer)", "text": "Buddy Baker (composer) Norman Dale \"Buddy\" Baker (January 4, 1918 – July 26, 2002) was an American composer who scored many Disney films, such as \"The Apple Dumpling Gang\" in 1975, \"The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again\" in 1979, \"The Shaggy D.A.\" in 1976, \"The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh\" in 1977, and \"The Fox and the Hound\" in 1981. Baker was born and raised in Springfield, Missouri, and got his degree in music from Southwest Baptist College. He later went to the West Coast in the 1930s to arrange music scores for radio. He became the Musical Director", "psg_id": "7949333" }, { "title": "Phil Madeira", "text": "This record is called \"Providence\" and features Madeira on piano and vocals, Chris Donohue on upright bass, and Bryan Owings on drums. Recorded at Nashville's Sound Emporium, the jazz/blues/Americana outing includes guest guitarists Will Kimbrough, James Hollihan, and John Scofield. The record was released April 6, 2018. Phil Madeira Phil Madeira (born 1952) is an American songwriter, producer, musician and singer. He was raised in Barrington, Rhode Island and attended Taylor University, which he graduated from in 1975. His songs have been recorded by The Civil Wars, Buddy Miller, Alison Krauss, Toby Keith, Ricky Skaggs, Bruce Hornsby, Keb' Mo', Garth", "psg_id": "905554" }, { "title": "Phil Madeira", "text": "Phil Madeira Phil Madeira (born 1952) is an American songwriter, producer, musician and singer. He was raised in Barrington, Rhode Island and attended Taylor University, which he graduated from in 1975. His songs have been recorded by The Civil Wars, Buddy Miller, Alison Krauss, Toby Keith, Ricky Skaggs, Bruce Hornsby, Keb' Mo', Garth Brooks, The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Cindy Morgan, Shawn Mullins, The North Mississippi Allstars. His co-writing partners include Will Kimbrough, Matraca Berg, Chuck Cannon, Cindy Morgan, Wayne Kirkpatrick, Gordon Kennedy, Keb' Mo', and Emmylou Harris. He lives in Nashville, Tennessee. Madeira has recorded three solo albums. Madeira", "psg_id": "905548" }, { "title": "Richard Carpenter (musician)", "text": "and the family was tired of the cold New England winters. Carpenter studied music at the California State University at Long Beach. There, he met Frank Pooler, a conductor and composer who wrote the lyrics to the Christmas classic \"Merry Christmas Darling\" in 1968. Richard also met good friend, John Bettis, who co-wrote songs with Richard. Carpenter created the Richard Carpenter Trio in 1965 with sister Karen and friend Wes Jacobs. Richard played the piano, Karen played the drums, and Wes played the tuba and bass. In 1966 the Richard Carpenter Trio played \"Iced Tea\" and \"The Girl from Ipanema\"", "psg_id": "7672689" }, { "title": "Richard Carpenter (musician)", "text": "8, 1908 – October 15, 1988). His father was born in China, where his own parents were missionaries, and was educated at boarding schools in England, before working in the printing business. Carpenter was named after his father's younger brother, Richard Lynn Carpenter. Carpenter and his uncle both married women named Mary. Richard and his sister were baptized into the United Methodist Church and as children were part of the Methodist Youth Ministry. Carpenter frequently played the piano while his younger sister, Karen, played baseball outside. He and Karen also liked to listen to the children's records their father bought", "psg_id": "7672687" }, { "title": "Phil Collins", "text": "disdain for Collins in an article titled, \"Is It Time We All Stopped Hating Phil Collins?\" He described Collins as \"the go-to guy for ironic appreciation and guilty pleasures\" and stated he was responsible for \"some moments of true genius (often accompanied, it must be said, by some real stinkers)\". He also argued that \"Genesis turned shit at the precise point he jumped off the drum stool\" to replace the departing Peter Gabriel as frontman, and said of the unrelenting derision he has suffered, \"a lot of it he brings on himself.\" He said that Collins was \"responsible for some", "psg_id": "1355485" } ]
[ "drummer", "drummers", "drummer kid", "drummist", "military drummer", "drummer man", "drum player" ]
the male is a cob, the female a pen, & the young a cygnet: which bird are we talking about?
[ { "title": "The Trumpet of the Swan", "text": "The Trumpet of the Swan The Trumpet of the Swan is a children's novel by E.B. White published in 1970. It tells the story of Louis (pronounced \"LOO-ee\" by the author in the audiobook, a reference to trumpeter Louis Armstrong, a point that is made explicit in the book), a trumpeter swan born without a voice who overcomes this difficulty by learning to play a trumpet in order to impress a beautiful swan named Serena. In Canada in the spring of 1968, the cob (the name for an adult male swan) and the pen (the name for an adult female", "psg_id": "5116971" } ]
[ { "title": "Talking bird", "text": "suggests that the cawing of crows originated from their being trained by the Picts to say the name of Kar, a female warrior killed fighting the titular monsters. A common hill myna provides important clues about the night of Laura Palmer's death in the television show \"Twin Peaks\" by David Lynch and Mark Frost. Mercedes Lackey has at least 2 novels with significant roles for a talking Grey: \"The Wizard of London,\" and \"Grey's Ghost.\" Talking bird Talking birds are birds that can mimic the speech of humans. There is debate within the scientific community over whether some talking parrots", "psg_id": "9480573" }, { "title": "We Are a Unit", "text": "persona is in turns charismatic, cocksure, and downright terrifying. Elsewhere, the versatility of Wright's bass surprises at every turn, from the eerie squeal of 'That's What I'm Talking About' to the FM radio-funk of 'Unit Radio' and the \"is-that-a-saxophone-or-is-it-a-bass?\" parp of 'Hooliganz R Us'. Brader's drums have a way of tumbling out of the speakers sounding thrillingly close to collapse, and shift from hardcore beatdown to hip-hop boom-bap on a blade-edge. At only 27 minutes long, and with so many changes of pace and style, We Are a Unit is a breathtaking listen. But it's this brevity and diversity that", "psg_id": "15315292" }, { "title": "The Bird in a Cage", "text": "\"The Triumph of Peace,\" which was staged early in 1634. \"The Bird in a Cage\" also has some bearing on the question of women onstage. Women did not act on public stages prior to the Restoration; but aristocratic women did appear and dance in masques. And in January 1633, the Queen and her ladies had performed speaking parts in Walter Montagu's masque \"The Shepherd's Paradise\". \"The Bird in a Cage\" includes a masque about Jupiter and Danaë, performed by Eugenia and her waiting women in their confinement. (In the early productions, all the female roles were filled by boy actors.)", "psg_id": "9570768" }, { "title": "The Caress of a Bird", "text": "a donkey's straw hat whilst the turtle shell represents the female genitals. The sculpture has been compared to a \"totem of female sexuality\". The Caress of a Bird The Caress of a Bird (correctly \"La Caresse d'un oiseau\") is a 1967 sculpture by Joan Miró made at his studio in Palma de Mallorca. It is part of the permanent collection of the Miró Foundation in Barcelona. The origins of this sculpture are in the early object-sculptures the artist made in Mont-roig del Camp with found objects. The objects found were gathered at his workshop and then shaped into the artist's", "psg_id": "15969600" }, { "title": "A Bird in the House", "text": "A Bird in the House A Bird in the House, first published in 1970, is a short story sequence written by Margaret Laurence. Noted by Laurence to be \"semi-autobiographical\", the series chronicles the growing up of a young agnostic writer, Vanessa MacLeod, in the fictional town of Manawaka, Manitoba. \"A Bird in the House\" was written from the perspective of Vanessa at age forty, while she recalls her childhood (with the exception of the final chapter \"Jericho's Brick Battlements\", when she revisits her childhood home). It is therefore impossible to tell if young Vanessa was truly able to understand the", "psg_id": "10714253" }, { "title": "We Are the Night (film)", "text": "We Are the Night (film) We Are the Night () is a 2010 German vampire horror film directed by Dennis Gansel, starring Karoline Herfurth and Nina Hoss. The film deals with a young woman who gets bitten by a female vampire and drawn into her world. She falls in love with a young police officer who investigates a murder case involving the vampires. The film explores themes of depression, self-harm, the consequences of immortality, suicide, and explores Valerie Solanas' idea of an all-female society. Lena, a young criminal, is lurks near a cash dispenser. Just as her victim has used", "psg_id": "15671245" }, { "title": "The Butler Did It (A Bird in the Hand)", "text": "bringing in the cake. When she has blown out the candles her boyfriend Kingsley, comes to her, he wants to speak with her in the Japanese Garden (a garden filled with Japanese people standing in pots). While they are discussing marriage a man comes out of the bushes, grabs Terri and knocks out Kingsley. Then we see Frank and Ed, at the scene of the crime talking about the ransom note that they found. The demand is $1 million. When Frank and Ed are questioning Mr. and Mrs. Burton the phone rings. It's the kidnapper, and Frank orders Norberg to", "psg_id": "11461745" }, { "title": "About a Girl (The Academy Is... song)", "text": "American male model James Ellis). Beckett and she exchange eye contact, creating a possible future for the two. This music video was created as a spoof of \"Fast Times at Ridgemont High\". The iconic daydream sequence in the film may have influenced the theme of the video. It was filmed at Van Nuys High School in Los Angeles, California, which was also the location where \"Fast Times at Ridgemont High\" was shot. About a Girl (The Academy Is... song) \"About a Girl\" is the first single by The Academy Is... from their third studio album, \"Fast Times at Barrington High\".", "psg_id": "12198642" }, { "title": "A Bird in the House", "text": "inside again and share a coffee. Then, Uncle Dan leaves the house, now singing, and Vanessa runs after him to make him company for a while. A Bird in the House A Bird in the House, first published in 1970, is a short story sequence written by Margaret Laurence. Noted by Laurence to be \"semi-autobiographical\", the series chronicles the growing up of a young agnostic writer, Vanessa MacLeod, in the fictional town of Manawaka, Manitoba. \"A Bird in the House\" was written from the perspective of Vanessa at age forty, while she recalls her childhood (with the exception of the", "psg_id": "10714265" }, { "title": "Talking bird", "text": "have learned human speech by cultural transmission from ex-captive birds that have integrated into the flock. The earliest reference to a talking bird comes from Ctesias in the 5th century BC. The bird which he called Bittacus, may have been a plum-headed parakeet. The young of some birds learn to communicate vocally by social learning, imitating their parents, as well as the dominant birds of their flock. Lacking vocal cords, birds are thought to make tones and sounds using throat muscles and membranes – the syrinx in particular. There are likely to be limitations on the sounds that birds can", "psg_id": "9480551" }, { "title": "We are Making a New World", "text": "We are Making a New World We are Making a New World is a 1918 oil-on-canvas painting by Paul Nash. The optimistic title contrasts with Nash's depiction of a scarred landscape created by the First World War, with shell-holes, mounds of earth, and leafless tree trunks. Perhaps Nash's first major painting and his most famous work, it has been described as one of the best British paintings of the 20th century, and has been compared to Picasso's \"Guernica\". The work was among the first oil paintings produced by Nash. It was based on his 1918 pen-and-ink drawing \"Sunrise, Inverness Copse\",", "psg_id": "18431341" }, { "title": "The Bird in a Cage", "text": "and Philenzo and renounces any interest in the arranged match. Florence's letter advises Mantua to let the young lovers marry, and Mantua decides to make the best of a bad bargain. When Philenzo in summoned back, however, it is learned that the condemned man poisoned himself on the way to execution; his corpse is brought in as proof. When the \"dead\" Philenzo overhears that he and Eugenia were to be allowed to marry, he returns to life. The Bird in a Cage The Bird in a Cage, or The Beauties is a Caroline era comedy written by James Shirley, first", "psg_id": "9570773" }, { "title": "A Bird came down the Walk", "text": "than that of a boat being rowed on the water or that of butterflies plunging soundlessly into space,this is said ironically.In this poem Emily describes about the bird which came down to the walk .she watched the bird when it came down to the walk. The bird didn't know the poetess was watching it. It caught the angle-worm and it pecked it into two parts. Then it ate the raw flesh of the worm and drank a drop of dew from a near by grass.Then the bird looks around quickly with its darting eyes in order to protect it from", "psg_id": "15742636" }, { "title": "A Bird came down the Walk", "text": "A Bird came down the Walk \"A Bird came down the Walk\" is a short poem by Emily Dickinson (1830–1886) that tells of the poet's encounter with a worm-eating bird. The poem was first published in 1891 in the second collection of Dickinson's poems. The poet encounters a bird on the walk who eats a worm, drinks a dew from the grass, and steps aside to let a beetle pass. The bird then glances about, apparently frightened. The poet offers the bird a crumb but the bird takes flight. The poet observes that the flight of the bird is \"softer\"", "psg_id": "15742635" }, { "title": "The Talking Eggs: A Folktale from the American South", "text": "The Talking Eggs: A Folktale from the American South The Talking Eggs: A Folktale from the American South is a 1989 children's picture book by Robert D. San Souci and illustrated by Jerry Pinkney. It is an adaption of a Creole folktale about a girl who is mistreated by her family, meets an old woman in the woods, receives some eggs that contains treasures, then moves to the city, leaving her family to fruitlessly search for the woman and the eggs. Common Sense Media in its review of \"The Talking Eggs\", wrote \"Robert D. San Souci captures the reader's attention", "psg_id": "19914305" }, { "title": "It's About a Little Bird", "text": "It's About a Little Bird It's About a Little Bird is a 2013 children's picture book written and illustrated by American actress-photographer Jessica Lange. The fairy tale, however, partly based on a true story includes such literary genre as fantasy, featuring also elements of adventure novel and mystery fiction. The main story itself, it revolves around friendship, love and family determination, imagination and exploration. The work originally created for her own grandchildren, is an adventure of two sisters named Ilse and Adah, who find a golden birdcage in their grandmother's barn. The used black-and-white photographs taken by artist were -", "psg_id": "18093088" }, { "title": "A Talking Cat!?!", "text": "for the film, but stated that \"for lovers of utter, unredeemable trash, it is highly recommended.\" CraveOnline also gave a negative review, but also recommended it as a film for \"Bad Movie Night\". In an interview, DeCoteau said of the film that \"people have called me who I haven't seen since high school who said, 'David, after 100 movies you've finally made a movie we like.'\" He added, \"I watched it again, because I hadn't seen it since we made it, and it is so ridiculous and hilarious and over-the-top.\" A Talking Cat!?! A Talking Cat!?! is a 2013 independent", "psg_id": "17363185" }, { "title": "The Night We Got the Bird", "text": "The Night We Got the Bird The Night We Got the Bird is a 1961 British comedy film and a follow up to the 1959 film \"The Night We Dropped a Clanger\", it was directed by Darcy Conyers and starring Brian Rix, Dora Bryan, Ronald Shiner and Irene Handl. It is based on Basil Thomas's play The Love Birds, and was the last film Ronald Shiner made. When unscrupulous Brighton antiques dealer Cecil Gibson (Ronald Shiner) dies, his widow Julie (Dora Bryan) remarries, and she and new husband Bertie (Brian Rix) go off on honeymoon. But they are chased by", "psg_id": "12541534" }, { "title": "The Night We Got the Bird", "text": "hallmarks of a typically British sense of humor here (shared by many non-Brits).\" Sky movies wrote, \"a fast and furious farce...With humour that's a notch below the contemporary 'Carry On' films. Never mind, there are some priceless cameo performances from the supporting cast, including Robertson Hare as a dithering doctor, John le Mesurier as a long-suffering court clerk, Kynaston Reeves, hilarious as a deaf magistrate, and Terry Scott as a constable.\" The Night We Got the Bird The Night We Got the Bird is a 1961 British comedy film and a follow up to the 1959 film \"The Night We", "psg_id": "12541536" }, { "title": "It's About a Little Bird", "text": "in addition - illustrated using the technique of old-fashioned color hand tinting. \"Entertainment Weekly\" wrote in their review \"the artwork in this singularly beautiful children's book, featuring photos hand-tinted by the \"American Horror Story\" star, will captivate kids as will the tale of two girls who learn the family story behind an old birdcage\". It's About a Little Bird It's About a Little Bird is a 2013 children's picture book written and illustrated by American actress-photographer Jessica Lange. The fairy tale, however, partly based on a true story includes such literary genre as fantasy, featuring also elements of adventure novel", "psg_id": "18093089" }, { "title": "How to Make a Bird", "text": "How to Make a Bird How to Make a Bird by Australian author Martine Murray is a 2003 children's novel which centres on a young adolescent girl called Mannie. Mannie has faced a myriad of losses and challenges throughout her short life. Little by little they begin to make her question her identity. In order to escape her insecurities about who she is, Mannie decides to embark on a journey of self-discovery, enlightenment and acceptance. \"How to Make a Bird\" deals with many themes; however, the most prominent are those of loss, family breakdown, love, acceptance and identity. Loss is", "psg_id": "11158598" }, { "title": "A Talking Cat!?!", "text": "A Talking Cat!?! A Talking Cat!?! is a 2013 independent children's film directed by David DeCoteau. The film was released direct to DVD on February 18, 2013 by Phase 4 Films and features Eric Roberts as the voice of the talking cat. The film follows two single-parent families that are brought together by Duffy (Eric Roberts), a cat with the capability of speech. The wealthy Phil Barber (Johnny Whitaker) recently sold his computer company in order to spend more time with his model son Chris (Justin Cone), who is indifferent about his dad's decision. Meanwhile, Susan (Kristine DeBell) is struggling", "psg_id": "17363183" }, { "title": "A Minor Bird", "text": "A Minor Bird A Minor Bird is the debut album for side project of Eisley member Stacy DuPree King, her husband and drummer for Mutemath Darren King, and Jeremy Larson. The albums was produced at Jeremy Larson's studio in Springfield, Missouri. It was initially issued on CD, vinyl, and digitally in a \"Limited Edition Red Velvet Package\". The package included one vinyl, access to a downloadable version of the album via email, an instant download of the single \"When We Were Young\", one 18x24 Paper Doll Poster, four 4x6 Sucré Lyric Prints, one Sucré Art Print, and a Tote Bag.", "psg_id": "18979843" }, { "title": "A Minor Bird", "text": "A Minor Bird A Minor Bird is the debut album for side project of Eisley member Stacy DuPree King, her husband and drummer for Mutemath Darren King, and Jeremy Larson. The albums was produced at Jeremy Larson's studio in Springfield, Missouri. It was initially issued on CD, vinyl, and digitally in a \"Limited Edition Red Velvet Package\". The package included one vinyl, access to a downloadable version of the album via email, an instant download of the single \"When We Were Young\", one 18x24 Paper Doll Poster, four 4x6 Sucré Lyric Prints, one Sucré Art Print, and a Tote Bag.", "psg_id": "18979842" }, { "title": "Q. Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!", "text": "the album, illustrated with a still from the band's 1976 music film \"The Truth About De-Evolution\". In North America, \"Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!\" peaked at No. 78 on the Billboard charts, while in the United Kingdom it entered the charts on September 16, 1978 and remained there for seven weeks, peaking at No. 12. \"Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!\" was also successful in Japan. The album went \"gold\" in the United States on and \"silver\" in the United Kingdom on January 15, 1979. Initial critical reaction to \"Q: Are We Not", "psg_id": "5175299" }, { "title": "We Are the Romans", "text": "sounds like I pulled the words out of \"Conan the Barbarian\". But then we started talking about the social decline of Western civilization, and how Americans are the new Romans—it's all slaves and Caesars. So we made it work.\" Bassist Brian Cook, who determined many of the song titles, credits J. G. Ballard's book \"The Atrocity Exhibition\" as inspiring themes of \"the human body as a landscape, and the way that culture and environment sort of dictates the human body and vice versa.\" The album achieved critical acclaim upon release and would become an influential work of music on the", "psg_id": "6505312" }, { "title": "A Bird in the House", "text": "is still wealthy, ordering fancy linens and silver from catalogues \"A Bird in The House\" has been reprinted multiple times. A new edition was issued by McClelland & Stewart as part of the New Canadian Library in January 2010. CHAPTER 1: The Sound of the Singing In this chapter, we get to know Vanessa, a 12-year-old girl, and her family. She describes herself as a \"professional listener\", due to the fact that she grows up in an adult environment, so she hears all their conversations. That night, the family will have dinner in the Brick House, Nessa´s grandparent's house. They", "psg_id": "10714263" }, { "title": "Talking bird", "text": "Talking bird Talking birds are birds that can mimic the speech of humans. There is debate within the scientific community over whether some talking parrots also have some cognitive understanding of the language. Birds have varying degrees of talking ability: some, like the corvids, are able to mimic only a few words and phrases, while some budgerigars have been observed to have a vocabulary of almost 2,000 words. The hill myna, a common pet, is well known for its talking ability and its relative, the European starling, is also adept at mimicry. Wild cockatoos in Australia have been reported to", "psg_id": "9480550" }, { "title": "Clothed male, naked female", "text": "Clothed male, naked female Clothed male, naked female (CMNF), or clothed male, nude female, is female nudity in which one or more women are nude while one or more men are clothed. Entertainment columnist Earl Wilson details several experiences involving one-sided female nudity in his book \"Show Business Laid Bare.\" In the chapter titled \"Cheri Caffaro: A Strange Interlewd,\" Wilson writes about his experience interviewing actress Cheri Caffaro while she was nude and he was fully dressed. One-sided female nudity has been a theme in art, particularly in Orientalist paintings of the 19th century. A typical scene may be a", "psg_id": "6463672" }, { "title": "Corn on the cob", "text": "Corn on the cob Corn on the cob is a culinary term used for a cooked ear of freshly picked maize from a cultivar of sweet corn. Sweet corn is the most common variety of maize eaten directly off the cob. The ear is picked while the endosperm is in the \"milk stage\" so that the kernels are still tender. Ears of corn are steamed or boiled, usually without their green husks, or roasted with them. The husk leaves are in any case removed before serving. Corn on the cob is normally eaten while still warm. It is often seasoned", "psg_id": "4436583" }, { "title": "We Are the Night (film)", "text": "the film. Dennis Gansel attributed the failure to the film opening the same week as \"\" and not able to compete with such an established franchise. The film fared better on DVD. Dennis Gansel has said he did not regret making the film and that it was: \"(D)efinitely worth making\". We Are the Night (film) We Are the Night () is a 2010 German vampire horror film directed by Dennis Gansel, starring Karoline Herfurth and Nina Hoss. The film deals with a young woman who gets bitten by a female vampire and drawn into her world. She falls in love", "psg_id": "15671269" }, { "title": "Social groups in male and female prisons in the United States", "text": "gangs, which are initially formed to provide protection to their members, as these members can no longer rely on norms or correctional officials to do the same. While homosexual contact is common in both male and female prisoners, female inmates tend to emphasize an emotional connection, sometimes displaying affection without any intention of sexual contact, male inmates tend not to display any affection despite frequent sexual interaction. This phenomenon is caused partially by the extreme stigmatization of homosexuality in male prison populations. Prison conditions encourage young male inmates to emphasize their masculinity, causing participants in homosexual relationships typically explain their", "psg_id": "19436995" }, { "title": "The Caress of a Bird", "text": "The Caress of a Bird The Caress of a Bird (correctly \"La Caresse d'un oiseau\") is a 1967 sculpture by Joan Miró made at his studio in Palma de Mallorca. It is part of the permanent collection of the Miró Foundation in Barcelona. The origins of this sculpture are in the early object-sculptures the artist made in Mont-roig del Camp with found objects. The objects found were gathered at his workshop and then shaped into the artist's new world. At first, the objects were not placed in the right place; once the creation started there was a rigorous evaluation of", "psg_id": "15969597" }, { "title": "A Bird in the Head", "text": "effects. A Bird in the Head A Bird in the Head is the 89th short film released by Columbia Pictures in 1946 starring American slapstick comedy team The Three Stooges (Moe Howard, Larry Fine and Curly Howard). The comedians released 190 short films for the studio between 1934 and 1959. The Stooges are mediocre paperhangers. Their client Mr. Beedle (Robert Williams) advises the boys to do a good job, but the end result looks like it was quickly cluttered with paper towels. Beedle is fuming, and threatens the boys, who make a quick escape across the hallway into the laboratory", "psg_id": "11256163" }, { "title": "A Bird in the Head", "text": "A Bird in the Head A Bird in the Head is the 89th short film released by Columbia Pictures in 1946 starring American slapstick comedy team The Three Stooges (Moe Howard, Larry Fine and Curly Howard). The comedians released 190 short films for the studio between 1934 and 1959. The Stooges are mediocre paperhangers. Their client Mr. Beedle (Robert Williams) advises the boys to do a good job, but the end result looks like it was quickly cluttered with paper towels. Beedle is fuming, and threatens the boys, who make a quick escape across the hallway into the laboratory of", "psg_id": "11256158" }, { "title": "A Bird in the Head", "text": "the insane Professor Panzer (Vernon Dent) and his assistant Nikko (Frank Lackteen). Panzer is searching for a human brain puny enough to place in the head of his gorilla Igor (Art Miles). Curly becomes the prime candidate, and Panzer locks the boys in his lab in order to secure Curly's \"contribution.\" Then Igor gets loose, but takes a liking to Curly, which the feeble-minded Stooge reciprocates. Eventually, the boys destroy Panzer's lab and quickly depart, taking Igor with them. The title \"A Bird in the Head\" is a pun on the phrase \"a bird in the hand is worth two", "psg_id": "11256159" }, { "title": "Talking with the Taxman About Poetry", "text": "Talking with the Taxman About Poetry Talking with the Taxman About Poetry is the third album by Billy Bragg, released in 1986. With production by John Porter and Kenny Jones, \"Talking with the Taxman About Poetry\" featured more musicians than Bragg's previous works, which were generally little more than Bragg himself and a guitar. There were two singles released from the album. While \"Levi Stubbs' Tears\" peaked at No. 29 in the UK, the follow-up \"Greetings to the New Brunette\" fell short, only managing No. 58 a few months later. The album's title is also the title of a Vladimir", "psg_id": "1616010" }, { "title": "The A-Team", "text": "Dirk Benedict also remarked that: \"It was a guy's show. It was male driven. It was written by guys. It was directed by guys. It was acted by guys. It's about what guys do. We talked the way guys talked. We were the boss. We were the God. We smoked when we wanted. We shot guns when we wanted. We kissed the girls and made them cry... when we wanted. It was the last truly masculine show.\" The 1983 GMC Vandura van used by the A-Team, with its characteristic red stripe, black and red turbine mag wheels, and rooftop spoiler,", "psg_id": "405452" }, { "title": "We Are Young & Free", "text": "started the publicity for the album recording night, by posting pictures about the event on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks. We Are Young & Free We Are Young & Free is the first album in the Hillsong Young & Free series by Australian CCM Hillsong Music Australia. The album was preceded by the releasing of two singles \"Alive\" and \"Wake\", and a Spanish single \"Vivo Estás\". The album was recorded live at the Hillsong Convention Centre on 19 April 2013. The album was announced in an official page of the band by a series of photos. On 22 March", "psg_id": "17582746" }, { "title": "We Are Young (film)", "text": "We Are Young (film) We Are Young is a 1967 Canadian multi-screen documentary short film which was first presented in Montreal at Expo 67. The film was screened in a 12-sided theatre inside the Canadian Pacific Railway–Cominco Pavilion with capacity for 545 people. \"We Are Young\" was presented again in 1968 at the same site for the continuing exhibition, Man and His World. The film concerned youth, featuring young persons in various scenes such as action scenes on horseback and on motorcycles. The production budget was over one million dollars. It was filmed with three Arriflex cameras. The film was", "psg_id": "19008224" }, { "title": "We Are Young (film)", "text": "presented on six screens, three wide by two tall. We Are Young (film) We Are Young is a 1967 Canadian multi-screen documentary short film which was first presented in Montreal at Expo 67. The film was screened in a 12-sided theatre inside the Canadian Pacific Railway–Cominco Pavilion with capacity for 545 people. \"We Are Young\" was presented again in 1968 at the same site for the continuing exhibition, Man and His World. The film concerned youth, featuring young persons in various scenes such as action scenes on horseback and on motorcycles. The production budget was over one million dollars. It", "psg_id": "19008225" }, { "title": "A Bird Story", "text": "A Bird Story A Bird Story is an adventure role-playing video game developed and published by Freebird Games. It was released in November 2014 for Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux as a minisode connecting the previous game by Freebird Games, \"To the Moon\", with its sequel, \"Finding Paradise\". It received mixed reviews from critics, whose main complaints were its dullness and slow gameplay. \"A Bird Story\" is a short video-game in which the player controls an imaginative young boy who is ignored by the majority of the other characters and throughout the whole game; all characters except the boy", "psg_id": "19555506" }, { "title": "Corn on the cob", "text": "The elotes are boiled in water or grilled over coals and condiments of the customer's choosing are added when sold. Corn on the cob Corn on the cob is a culinary term used for a cooked ear of freshly picked maize from a cultivar of sweet corn. Sweet corn is the most common variety of maize eaten directly off the cob. The ear is picked while the endosperm is in the \"milk stage\" so that the kernels are still tender. Ears of corn are steamed or boiled, usually without their green husks, or roasted with them. The husk leaves are", "psg_id": "4436590" }, { "title": "We Are a Unit", "text": "We Are a Unit We Are A Unit is the debut studio album by British noise punk band Castrovalva. It was released on April 12, 2010 Drowned In Sound Words by \"Paul Stephen Gettings\" The singer ploughs into the crowd, until the only evidence of his presence is the taut lead of his microphone and the hysterical screams that are pealing out of the PA. I crane my neck to catch a glimpse of the carnage, but it's hard to keep sight as he leaps onto the chintzy-looking seats and somersaults over the glass-strewn tables of the club. Turning back", "psg_id": "15315288" }, { "title": "Q. Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!", "text": "in its entirety on their 1991 release \"Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are NOT Devo!\" Rob Dyrdek covered the song \"Uncontrollable Urge\" as the theme for the MTV Show \"Ridiculousness\". Q. Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo! Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo! is the debut studio album by the American new wave band Devo. It was originally released in August 1978, on the labels Warner Bros. and Virgin. Produced by Brian Eno, the album was recorded between October 1977 and February 1978, primarily in Cologne, Germany. The album received somewhat mixed reviews", "psg_id": "5175303" }, { "title": "We Are Young", "text": "2012's ubiquitous songs,\" predicting it would fully saturate pop culture in May 2012, when \"it inevitably becomes the biggest commencement song since Vitamin C's ghastly 'Graduation (Friends Forever)'.\" We Are Young \"We Are Young\" is a song recorded by American band Fun featuring Janelle Monáe, for their second studio album, \"Some Nights\" (2012). It was released on September 20, 2011, as the lead single from the album. The song received acclaim from music critics, with many noting the song as a breakthrough for the indie genre and praising the song's catchiness. \"We Are Young\" has attained commercial success worldwide, reaching", "psg_id": "14449217" }, { "title": "We Are Young", "text": "We Are Young \"We Are Young\" is a song recorded by American band Fun featuring Janelle Monáe, for their second studio album, \"Some Nights\" (2012). It was released on September 20, 2011, as the lead single from the album. The song received acclaim from music critics, with many noting the song as a breakthrough for the indie genre and praising the song's catchiness. \"We Are Young\" has attained commercial success worldwide, reaching number one in several countries. The track initially only gained attention from online media, although it did receive its first commercial radio airplay on Tampa Bay alternative radio", "psg_id": "14449179" }, { "title": "We Are Young", "text": "minutes later sent it to \"Glee\" co-creator Ryan Murphy. Bloom called the cover of \"We Are Young\" one of \"the pinnacle song moments of the entire series,\" and continued, \"For Fun, \"Glee\" provided a launching pad for much of the success to come. For \"Glee\", Fun allowed us to show the world we could be an A&R source and break a band. It was music business perfection.\" According to Columbia, which handles \"Glee\" releases, \"We Are Young\" marks the first track that was truly broken by \"Glee\". Producers of \"Glee\" were incredibly receptive to the track, and set on including", "psg_id": "14449206" }, { "title": "Who We Are: A Citizen's Manifesto", "text": "promotes Canadian history and civic literacy, Griffiths has worked to address the low levels of knowledge Canadians have about their country's past and its political and social institutions. Who We Are continues this mission, encouraging Canadians to think about their history differently. For Griffiths, the first part of 19th century is particularly significant in understanding \"who we are.\" During the turbulent decade after the failed rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada, French and English reformers collaborated in the creation of civic institutions and values that made democratic self-government a reality. In the process, the author observes, they \"forged an enduring", "psg_id": "13652834" }, { "title": "The Bird 'Grip'", "text": "ever after. While the hero in these stories is normally aided by a talking animal, for it to be a ghost is unusual. This is the grateful dead, a common folklore motif, found also in \"Fair Brow\". The Bird 'Grip' The Bird 'Grip' is a Swedish fairy tale. Andrew Lang included it \"The Pink Fairy Book\". It is Aarne-Thompson type 550, the quest for the golden bird/firebird; other tales of this type include \"The Golden Bird\", \"The Greek Princess and the Young Gardener\", \"How Ian Direach got the Blue Falcon\", \"The Nunda, Eater of People\", and \"Tsarevitch Ivan, the Fire", "psg_id": "8554352" }, { "title": "Talking bird", "text": "corella (\"Cacatua tenuirostris\") is described as being able to talk \"very clearly\". The budgerigar, or common parakeet (\"Melopsittacus undulatus\"), is a popular talking-bird species because of their potential for large vocabularies, ease of care and well-socialized demeanor. Between 1954 and 1962, a budgerigar named Sparkie Williams held the record for having the largest vocabulary of a talking bird; at his death, he knew 531 words and 383 sentences. In 1995, a budgerigar named Puck was credited by Guinness World Records as having the largest vocabulary of any bird, at 1,728 words. The monk parakeet (\"Myiopsitta monachus\"), sometimes known as the", "psg_id": "9480556" }, { "title": "We Are a Unit", "text": "allows Castrovalva to shine where other fearsome live acts have failed - to make a record that does their performances justice. Maybe you can't see the sweat on their brows or feel the cheap lager being thrown overhead, but whenever this album comes clattering into your ears, your gonna have to be fighting pretty damn hard not to be doing some table-somersaulting of your own. We Are a Unit We Are A Unit is the debut studio album by British noise punk band Castrovalva. It was released on April 12, 2010 Drowned In Sound Words by \"Paul Stephen Gettings\" The", "psg_id": "15315293" }, { "title": "When a Woman Ascends the Stairs", "text": "When a Woman Ascends the Stairs Keiko, a young widow, becomes a hostess in Ginza nightclubs (mizu shōbai) to make ends meet. The story recounts the struggles to maintain her independence in a male-dominated society. Keiko (called \"Mama\" by the other characters), a young widow approaching 30, is a hostess at a bar in Ginza. Realizing she is getting older, she decides after talking to her bar manager, Komatsu, that she wants to open her own bar rather than remarrying and dishonoring her late husband to whose memory she is still devoted. To accomplish this, she must secure loans from", "psg_id": "9657816" }, { "title": "Cob(I)yrinic acid a,c-diamide adenosyltransferase", "text": "as: Cob(I)yrinic acid a,c-diamide adenosyltransferase In molecular biology, cob(I)yrinic acid a,c-diamide adenosyltransferase (also known as ATP:cob(I)alamin adenosyltransferase or ATP:corrinoid adenosyltransferase) is an enzyme which catalyses the conversion of cobalamin (vitamin B12) into one of its coenzyme forms, adenosylcobalamin (coenzyme B12, AdoCbl). Adenosylcobalamin is required as a cofactor for the activity of certain enzymes. AdoCbl contains an adenosyl moiety liganded to the cobalt ion of cobalamin via a covalent Co-C bond. ATP:cob(I)alamin adenosyltransferases are classed into three groups: CobA-type, EutT-type and PduO-type. Each of the three enzyme types appears to be specialised for particular AdoCbl-dependent enzymes or for the de novo", "psg_id": "15734437" }, { "title": "Cob(I)yrinic acid a,c-diamide adenosyltransferase", "text": "Cob(I)yrinic acid a,c-diamide adenosyltransferase In molecular biology, cob(I)yrinic acid a,c-diamide adenosyltransferase (also known as ATP:cob(I)alamin adenosyltransferase or ATP:corrinoid adenosyltransferase) is an enzyme which catalyses the conversion of cobalamin (vitamin B12) into one of its coenzyme forms, adenosylcobalamin (coenzyme B12, AdoCbl). Adenosylcobalamin is required as a cofactor for the activity of certain enzymes. AdoCbl contains an adenosyl moiety liganded to the cobalt ion of cobalamin via a covalent Co-C bond. ATP:cob(I)alamin adenosyltransferases are classed into three groups: CobA-type, EutT-type and PduO-type. Each of the three enzyme types appears to be specialised for particular AdoCbl-dependent enzymes or for the de novo synthesis", "psg_id": "15734435" }, { "title": "Girl with a One-Track Mind", "text": "Girl with a One-Track Mind Girl with a One-Track Mind is a blog by Abby Lee (pen name of Zoe Margolis, born 14 December 1972), in which the author writes in detail about her life as a sexually active young woman in London. The blog has won praise for its keen psychological insights into male and female sexuality, as well as for the author's earthy humour. It claims over 250,000 readers a month, and won the \"Best British or Irish Blog\" award at the 2006 and 2007 Bloggies. The author identifies herself as a feminist who, through the blog, wants", "psg_id": "8544410" }, { "title": "Social groups in male and female prisons in the United States", "text": "point. This difference is a manifestation of gendered social factors which influence male and female populations within prisons and within larger society. The populations and demographics of male and female inmate populations in the US are very different from one another. These differences factor heavily into theories on prisoner social organization. The most significant difference is in the relative size of male and female populations; in 2014 there were approximately 1,440,000 male and 112,000 female prisoners in the United States. The much larger size of the male prison population causes major differences in the institutions in which male and female", "psg_id": "19436987" }, { "title": "The Devil Is a Woman (1935 film)", "text": "America” and praising its “sly urbanity” and “the striking beauty of its settings and photography.” Museum of Modern Art film curator Charles Silver regards \"The Devil is a Woman\" as a veiled confessional of Sternberg's complex relationship with Dietrich. The leading male protagonists bear a striking physical resemblance to the director. Sternberg leaves the interpretation of Deitrich's Concha a mystery: “One of the most beautifully realized enigmas in the history of cinema.\" Sternberg's attitude towards his male protagonists is less ambiguous. Both the pathetic old Don Pasqual, and the virile young Antonio, are regarded more with irony and less with", "psg_id": "6888919" }, { "title": "Corn on the cob", "text": "eating that section, which helps to minimize the mess on the diner's face and hands. Butter dripping down the diner's chin and kernels getting stuck in-between teeth may be a source of embarrassment for the diner. Cob shanks are eating utensils used to hold corn on the cob. They may have tines or a single spike, and have been used since ancient times, ranging from articles made of wood found in ethnographic museums to precious tableware made of silver. Other utensils for eating corn on the cob include specialty knives from removing the kernels, brushes for removing the silk and", "psg_id": "4436587" }, { "title": "Q. Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!", "text": "Q. Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo! Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo! is the debut studio album by the American new wave band Devo. It was originally released in August 1978, on the labels Warner Bros. and Virgin. Produced by Brian Eno, the album was recorded between October 1977 and February 1978, primarily in Cologne, Germany. The album received somewhat mixed reviews from critics and peaked at No. 12 on the UK Albums Chart and No. 78 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" chart. Recent reviews of the album have been more uniformly positive and the", "psg_id": "5175290" }, { "title": "A Bird in the Head", "text": "in the bush.\" \"A Bird in the Head\" was filmed over a period of five days (April 9-13, 1945), which was longer than usual. Due to the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt on April 12, filming ended early out of respect for the deceased Commander-in-chief. 41-year-old Curly Howard had suffered a series of minor strokes prior to filming \"A Bird in the Head\". As a result, his performance was marred by slurred speech, and slower timing. This film was the first directing effort for former Columbia sound man Edward Bernds. Bernds was thrilled that he was being given a", "psg_id": "11256160" }, { "title": "A Bird Story", "text": "XP\" game engine recreation \"MKXP\". \"A Bird Story\" was primarily released as a connection between \"To the Moon\" and the proper sequel, \"Finding Paradise\" on November 5, 2014. It was the second minisode released between the publication of \"To the Moon\" and the development of \"Finding Paradise\", which was released in December 2017. The player will control the same character in \"Finding Paradise\" as they did in \"A Bird Story\", although Gao states that players do not need to play it to understand the sequel. The basic plot of the game is talked about in the sequel, as are mentions", "psg_id": "19555508" }, { "title": "An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump", "text": "two gentlemen (one of them dispassionately timing the experiment) and a boy look on with interest, while the young lovers to the left of the painting are absorbed only in each other. The scientist himself looks directly out of the picture, as if challenging the viewer to judge whether the pumping should continue, killing the bird, or whether the air should be replaced and the cockatiel saved. Aside from that of the children, little sympathy is directed toward the bird; David Solkin suggests the subjects of the painting show the dispassionate detachment of the evolving scientific society. Individuals are concerned", "psg_id": "9496889" }, { "title": "The Heart of a Woman", "text": "they are chronological, and they contain elements of character, technique, and theme. In a 1983 interview with literature critic Claudia Tate, Angelou calls her books autobiographies, and later acknowledges that she follows the slave narrative tradition of \"speaking in the first-person singular talking about the first-person plural, always saying 'I' meaning 'we'\". Lupton compares \"The Heart of a Woman\" with other autobiographies, and states that for the first time in Angelou's series, she is able to present herself as a model for successful living. However, Angelou's \"woman's heart\"—her perspective as a woman with concerns about her self-esteem and the conflicts", "psg_id": "6822223" }, { "title": "We Are Young", "text": "\"Slightly tipsy and feeling inspired,\" Ruess belted out the chorus for \"We Are Young,\" which at that time was an unfinished composition. Bhasker was taken aback and automatically \"freaked out,\" demanding he see the band for studio time \"in the next few days.\" The next day, Bhasker and Ruess booked a New York studio and cut a version of \"We Are Young\" not far from the final version of the track. On the first day of recording at Jungle City, Bhasker programmed the drums on his Akai MPC3000 machine, a moog bass and \"maybe using my little [Roland] Juno 106,", "psg_id": "14449185" }, { "title": "A Bird came down the Walk", "text": "the bird taking flight lightly suggests the same potential ease of journey for the soul to heaven, in spite of imperfection, such as killing to eat, as the bird eats the angle worm. A Bird came down the Walk \"A Bird came down the Walk\" is a short poem by Emily Dickinson (1830–1886) that tells of the poet's encounter with a worm-eating bird. The poem was first published in 1891 in the second collection of Dickinson's poems. The poet encounters a bird on the walk who eats a worm, drinks a dew from the grass, and steps aside to let", "psg_id": "15742640" }, { "title": "We Are Young Money", "text": "at number 9 on the US \"Billboard\" 200 chart, selling 142,000 copies in its first-week sales. The album was certified Gold by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for selling over a shipments of 500,000 copies in the United States. We Are Young Money We Are Young Money is the first compilation album by American hip hop record label Young Money Entertainment, and released on December 21, 2009 by Young Money Entertainment and Cash Money Records. The album garnered a positive reception but critics were divided on the quality of the label's choice of artists. \"We Are Young Money\"", "psg_id": "13885411" }, { "title": "A Star Is Bored", "text": "shorts (the others being \"This Is a Life?\", \"Invasion of the Bunny Snatchers\", and \"[Blooper] Bunny\") in which Bugs is paired with each of his three main antagonists (Daffy, Elmer Fudd, and Yosemite Sam). The title is a play on the film \"A Star Is Born\". The opening frame depicts the exterior of Bugs' dressing room, inside which he is talking to the journalist, Lolly (a reference to the nickname of Hollywood columnist Louella Parsons). Outside, we see Daffy sweeping the floor, complaining about the job he got. Fed up, Daffy decides to be a movie star. Daffy then marches", "psg_id": "12093310" }, { "title": "What a queer bird", "text": "What a queer bird \"What a queer bird\" is a poem of unclear origin. It first can be found in print in 1922, rapidly disseminating across dozens of publications in the United States that year. \"What a queer bird\" is a poem, folk song, or essay that may be sung as a round. It first can be found in print in 1922, rapidly disseminating across dozens of publications in the United States that year, but its precise origin is unclear. The words are as follows: In 1922, multiple United States publications attributed the poem or essay to \"a young Norwegian", "psg_id": "11656192" }, { "title": "The pen is mightier than the sword", "text": "The pen is mightier than the sword \"The pen is mightier than the sword\" is a metonymic adage, coined by English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839, indicating that communication (particularly written language), or in some interpretations, administrative power or advocacy of an independent press, is a more effective tool than direct violence. The sentence (if not the idea, which had been expressed in various earlier forms) was coined by English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839 for his play \"Richelieu; Or the Conspiracy\". The play was about Cardinal Richelieu, though in the author's words \"license with dates and details ... has", "psg_id": "9122762" }, { "title": "We Are Young Money", "text": "We Are Young Money We Are Young Money is the first compilation album by American hip hop record label Young Money Entertainment, and released on December 21, 2009 by Young Money Entertainment and Cash Money Records. The album garnered a positive reception but critics were divided on the quality of the label's choice of artists. \"We Are Young Money\" debuted at number 9 on the \"Billboard\" 200 and spawned three singles: \"Every Girl\", \"BedRock\" and \"Roger That\". The album was certified Gold by the Recording Industry Association of America for sales of over 500,000 copies in the United States. The", "psg_id": "13885402" }, { "title": "Talking bird", "text": "in the Tintin books \"The Broken Ear\", \"Red Rackham's Treasure\" and \"The Castafiore Emerald\" by Hergé. In \"Puck of Pook's Hill\" by Rudyard Kipling, a grey parrot lives aboard Witta's ship. \"When first we entered there a loud voice cried, 'Out swords! Out swords! Kill, kill!' Seeing us start Witta laughed, and showed us it was but a great-beaked grey bird with a red tail. He sat her on his shoulder, and she called for bread and wine hoarsely, and prayed him to kiss her.' \"Captain Flint\", named for a notorious deceased pirate captain, is Long John Silver's talking parrot", "psg_id": "9480571" }, { "title": "Q. Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!", "text": "and really cool sounds for almost every part of the album, but we used them on three or four songs.\" A majority of the tracks were later remixed by David Bowie; excluding \"Space Junk\", and \"Shrivel Up\", which had Eno's production still intact. The phrase \"Are we not men?\" is from \"The Island of Doctor Moreau\" (1896), by H. G. Wells. It is part of the litany of the Law, spoken by the Speaker of the Law to the Beast Folk, creatures surgically force-evolved by the mad doctor. The cover was illustrated by Joe Heiner. According to an essay by", "psg_id": "5175294" }, { "title": "We Are Proud to Present a Presentation About the Herero of Namibia, Formerly Known as Southwest Africa, From the German Sudwestafrika, Between the Years 1884–1915", "text": "We Are Proud to Present a Presentation About the Herero of Namibia, Formerly Known as Southwest Africa, From the German Sudwestafrika, Between the Years 1884–1915 We Are Proud to Present a Presentation About the Herero of Namibia, Formerly Known as Southwest Africa, From the German Südwestafrika, Between the Years 1884–1915 is a 2012 comedy/drama play by the American playwright Jackie Sibblies Drury. The play is a comedic dramatization of the largely forgotten Herero and Namaqua genocide which took place in Namibia between 1904 and 1907 when the region was a German colony, after Germany confiscated tribal lands and the Herero", "psg_id": "19131321" }, { "title": "The Bird in a Cage", "text": "The Bird in a Cage The Bird in a Cage, or The Beauties is a Caroline era comedy written by James Shirley, first published in 1633. The play is notable, even among Shirley's plays, for its lushness — what one critic has called \"gay romanticism run mad.\" The play was licensed for performance, under the title \"The Beauties,\" by Sir Henry Herbert, the Master of the Revels, on 21 January 1633. It was published in quarto in the same year, printed by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet for the bookseller William Cooke. The title page of the 1633 quarto states", "psg_id": "9570766" }, { "title": "A Man About the House", "text": "recovered Agnes who is determined to remain at the villa and to fulfil her dead husbands' wishes restoring the vineyards. \"TimeOut Film Guide\" - published by Penguin Books - A Man About the House A Man About the House is a black-and-white British film directed by Leslie Arliss and released in 1947. The film is a melodrama, adapted for the screen by J. B. Williams from the 1942 novel of the same name by Francis Brett Young. It was produced by Edward Black and edited by Russell Lloyd, with cinematography by Georges Périnal and music by Nicholas Brodszky. Two impecunious", "psg_id": "14757990" }, { "title": "The Weight Is a Gift", "text": "that I had in mind was that your legs would just grow down to the bottom and you’d walk out. We are capable of rescuing ourselves. I was holding onto that thought or being hopeful about it, since I was going through a hard time in a relationship.\" All tracks written by Matthew Caws, Daniel Lorca and Ira Elliot, except where noted. Many albums included a four-track bonus disc. The Weight Is a Gift The Weight Is a Gift is the fourth album by the alternative rock band, Nada Surf. It was released on Barsuk in 2005. The album was", "psg_id": "6125754" }, { "title": "While We Are Young", "text": "from Jiayi’s advances. To complicate matters, Zhong Ai and Fang Ting have their differences when it comes to teaching methods and domestic matters. Will they be able to set aside their differences and work out a common solution when it comes to nurturing the Z generation youths? While We Are Young is up for 4 nominations. <br> The other dramas are nominated for Best Drama Serial are Mightiest Mother In Law, When Duty Calls , My Friends from Afar & Have A Little Faith. <br> It won 1 out of 4 nominations. While We Are Young While We Are Young", "psg_id": "20210572" }, { "title": "A Man About the House", "text": "A Man About the House A Man About the House is a black-and-white British film directed by Leslie Arliss and released in 1947. The film is a melodrama, adapted for the screen by J. B. Williams from the 1942 novel of the same name by Francis Brett Young. It was produced by Edward Black and edited by Russell Lloyd, with cinematography by Georges Périnal and music by Nicholas Brodszky. Two impecunious English sisters, Ellen and Agnes Isit (Dulcie Gray and Margaret Johnston), unexpectedly inherit a Neapolitan villa from a deceased uncle and move to Italy to view and sell their", "psg_id": "14757986" }, { "title": "The Bird in a Cage", "text": "This would have been another dig at Prynne, who was particularly incensed about sexuality and perceived immorality on the stage, in various aspects — boys dressing as women, women appearing in masques, etc. Critics have noted the relationship between Shirley's play and a work in the canon of John Fletcher. \"\"The Bird in a Cage\" involves extensive reworking of Fletcher's earlier play of wagers and incarceration, \"Women Pleased\".\" The Duke of Mantua plans to marry off his daughter Eugenia to the ruler of Florence; to do so, he shuts Eugenia in a tower and banishes her noble suitor Philenzo. But", "psg_id": "9570769" }, { "title": "We Are a Unit", "text": "to centre stage, the rhythm section are impassive, face to face, beating out a perfect soundtrack to the third's offstage antics; minimal, loud, and heavy. It's pretty hard to escape just how good Castrovalva are live. The deafening, swaggering roar of their music was made to be loud, fast, and as sweaty as possible. The problem with many bands of their kind, however, is that when it finally comes down to getting their cacophony down on wax, something...the passion, the adrenalin, the smell of stale Carlsberg soaked into matted carpet...some indefinable quality is missing. We Are a Unit is Castrovalva's", "psg_id": "15315289" }, { "title": "A Bird in a Bonnet", "text": "ends with the word \"Oshimai!\". \"A Bird in a Bonnet\" is one of six cartoons scored with stock music by John Seely from the Capitol Records Hi-Q library because of a musician's strike in 1958; the others are \"Weasel While You Work\", \"Hip Hip-Hurry!\", \"Hook, Line and Stinker\", \"Gopher Broke\", and \"Pre-Hysterical Hare\". This cartoon is the only Friz Freleng cartoon to have a Seely score; two others were directed by Chuck Jones (both starring Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner), while the remaining three were helmed by Robert McKimson. A Bird in a Bonnet A Bird in a Bonnet", "psg_id": "13414102" }, { "title": "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings", "text": "change as well; Vivian becomes a more active participant, while Momma becomes less effective as Maya, by becoming a mother herself, moves from childhood to adulthood. Stamps, Arkansas, as depicted in \"Caged Bird\", has very little \"social ambiguity\": it is a racist world divided between Black and white, male and female. Als characterizes the division as \"good and evil\", and notes how Angelou's witness of the evil in her society, which was directed at Black women, shaped Angelou's young life and informed her views into adulthood. Angelou uses the metaphor of a bird struggling to escape its cage, described in", "psg_id": "4172743" }, { "title": "We Are Young", "text": "Janick, head of Fueled by Ramen, \"about five months\" before its release, according to Ruess. Janick brought the song to the attention of \"Glee\" music supervisor PJ Bloom. \"I vividly remember John dropping by my office with a just-mastered 'We Are Young' in hand,\" said Bloom. \"It was still on its original blank CD-R titled in poorly handwritten red Sharpie.\" When Janick suggested that the track was perfect for the musical show, Bloom demurred. \"\"Glee\" doesn't break bands, we celebrate existing pop success—that's our core model.\" Bloom changed his mind after playing the song only once and less than five", "psg_id": "14449205" }, { "title": "The Naughtiest Girl is a Monitor", "text": "at the next meeting she says \"The whole form is making fun of me for no reason that I can see.\" William asks someone to explain why they're giving Arabella such a hard time and Jenny says \"Well, William, Arabella kept money back for herself and spent it all on chocolates\" William consults Elizabeth about it, but she has to say she doesn't really know what Jenny is talking about. Arabella is made to give all her change to Elizabeth and will only have ten pence that week. When the meeting breaks up she says \"Why didn't someone tell me", "psg_id": "9981993" }, { "title": "A Twig of a Wish", "text": "her poems were published in Bahar magazine.<br> A Twig of a Wish A Twig of a Wish is a poem by Parvin E'tesami. In “A Twig of a Wish,”(Persian: نهال آرزو) Parvin Etesami complains about the lack of respect and opportunities for woman. She asserts women’s importance in pointing out that women are in charge of nurturing and educating all children (male and female), they should have greater respect and an equal chance for education as men. Her poem “A Twig of a Wish” was written when it was not unusual for women to be forced into marriages at young", "psg_id": "20297928" }, { "title": "A Twig of a Wish", "text": "A Twig of a Wish A Twig of a Wish is a poem by Parvin E'tesami. In “A Twig of a Wish,”(Persian: نهال آرزو) Parvin Etesami complains about the lack of respect and opportunities for woman. She asserts women’s importance in pointing out that women are in charge of nurturing and educating all children (male and female), they should have greater respect and an equal chance for education as men. Her poem “A Twig of a Wish” was written when it was not unusual for women to be forced into marriages at young ages. Women's lives were very restricted during", "psg_id": "20297925" }, { "title": "Pen", "text": "about the 7th century. The reed pen, generally made from bamboo, is still used in some parts of Pakistan by young students and is used to write on small wooden boards. The reed pen survived until papyrus was replaced as a writing surface by animal skins, vellum and parchment. The smoother surface of skin allowed finer, smaller writing with a quill pen, derived from the flight feather. The quill pen was used in Qumran, Judea to write some of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which date back to around 100 BC. The scrolls were written in Hebrew dialects with bird feathers", "psg_id": "822641" }, { "title": "We are Making a New World", "text": "which depicts the remains of a small group of trees at Inverness Copse, near Ypres in Belgium. Both works were exhibited in a solo exhibition entitled \"The Void of War\" at the Leicester Galleries in May 1918. The painting measures . It depicts a bright white sun rising above ruddy brown clouds, shining beams down on a desolated green landscape below, with unnatural mounds of earth piled up between the skeletal remains of blasted trees. Nash's style is developed from Cubism and Vorticism. We are Making a New World We are Making a New World is a 1918 oil-on-canvas painting", "psg_id": "18431342" }, { "title": "Clothed male, naked female", "text": "clothed men. The \"Pastoral Concert\" (c. 1510) attributed to Giorgione or his pupil Titian has been cited as an inspiration for Manet's painting. A 1913 painting \"Adoration\" by William Strang presents a philosophical study of beauty, with the clothed soldier, painter, scholar, and elderly gentleman fascinated by the naked female subject. Clothed male, naked female Clothed male, naked female (CMNF), or clothed male, nude female, is female nudity in which one or more women are nude while one or more men are clothed. Entertainment columnist Earl Wilson details several experiences involving one-sided female nudity in his book \"Show Business Laid", "psg_id": "6463675" }, { "title": "The pen is mightier than the sword", "text": "caught them, they wrapped the children in their scrolls and lit them on fire. The Islamic prophet Muhammad is quoted, in a saying narrated by 'Abdullah ibn Amr: \"\"There will be a tribulation that will wipe out the Arabs in which those killed on both sides are in the Hellfire. In that time the spoken word will be stronger than the sword\"\".<ref> The pen is mightier than the sword \"The pen is mightier than the sword\" is a metonymic adage, coined by English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839, indicating that communication (particularly written language), or in some interpretations, administrative power", "psg_id": "9122767" }, { "title": "The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter (Once Upon a Time)", "text": "them because she is putting up a \"wall\" to keep herself from getting hurt. The sheriff finds the wolf in the woods, and when he whistles, the wolf goes to him. As he pets the wolf's head, he sees himself holding a knife, about to hurt the woman he only knows as Mary Margaret. Graham pays a visit to her classroom, telling her that he believes they know each other from another life, before Storybrooke. Mary Margaret assumes that the sheriff has been talking to Henry, and while this is not the case, this gives Graham the idea to consult", "psg_id": "16138449" }, { "title": "Talking with the Taxman About Poetry", "text": "Mayakovsky poem, which appears as part of the liner notes. The song \"There Is Power in a Union\" is based on the song \"Battle Cry of Freedom\". \"Levi Stubbs' Tears\" refers to songwriter Barrett Strong, producer Norman Whitfield, the members of the Holland-Dozier-Holland songwriting and production team as well as Levi Stubbs and the Four Tops. The original album cover has the subtitle \"The Difficult Third Album\". The album was also included in the book \"1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die\". All tracks written by Billy Bragg, except where noted. Talking with the Taxman About Poetry Talking with", "psg_id": "1616011" }, { "title": "The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress (song)", "text": "1974, \"The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress\" has been recorded by a variety of artists, from traditional renditions by female singers such as Judy Collins, Linda Ronstadt, and Joan Baez, to versions by male singers such as Joe Cocker, Glen Campbell, and Michael Feinstein. Webb recorded the song twice, in 1977 for his \"El Mirage\" album, and again in 1996 for his \"Ten Easy Pieces\" album. The song has attracted a wide range of artists, including the Norwegian singer Radka Toneff, who recorded the song on her 1982 album \"Fairytales\", which in a 2011 poll of Norwegian musicians was voted", "psg_id": "16203043" }, { "title": "The A-List (novel)", "text": "more laid back, his new girlfriend Margaret Cunningham is a dead ringer for Anna's mother, Jane Percy. Later at the wedding, Anna meets Samantha \"Sam Sharpe, the witty daughter of Jackson Sharpe who is insecure about her looks; Camilla \"Cammie\" Sheppard, the sexiest and most devious girl alive who is Ben's ex-girlfriend and wants him back; and Delia \"Dee\" Young, a spacey but sweet girl who secretly hooked up with Ben when she was on a college tour at Princeton. All three of Ben's three close female friends who are all secretly in love with him. Ben and Anna try", "psg_id": "10041605" }, { "title": "Talking bird", "text": "(\"Psittacula derbianais\") is an excellent talker. The clarity of their speech has been compared to that of amazon parrots although they may not learn extensive vocabularies. The slaty-headed parakeet (\"Psittacula himalayana\") generally does not learn to talk. Hill mynahs (tropical members of the starling family of birds) are renowned for their ability to mimic the human voice. It has been claimed that the hill mynah is the best talking bird and the best mimic in the world. Several members of the corvids, or crow family, can mimic human speech. The best talking crows may be the ones found in captivity", "psg_id": "9480558" }, { "title": "A Bird came down the Walk", "text": "other evil forces.Then the narrator offers the bird a piece of crumb,but the bird neglects it and then it flies away. Helen Vendler regards the poem as a \"bizarre little narrative\" but one that typifies many of Dickinson's best qualities. She likens the poet to a reporter observing a murderer in the act, and later, pretending fear that the murderer may be dangerous to herself and must be mollified by a \"crumb\". The bird takes flight and Vendler regards what follows - the description of the bird in flight - as \"the astonishing part of the poem\". Vendler notes that", "psg_id": "15742637" }, { "title": "A Bird in the Head", "text": "shot at directing, but was horrified when he realized that Curly was in such bad shape (something Columbia short subject head/director Jules White failed to alert Bernds of). Years later, Bernds discussed his trying experience during the filming of \"A Bird in the Head\": Realizing that Curly was no longer able to perform in the same capacity as before, Bernds devised ways to cover his illness; Curly could still be the star, but the action was shifted away from the ailing Stooge. In \"A Bird in the Head\", the action focuses more on crazy Professor Panzer and Igor. This allowed", "psg_id": "11256161" } ]
[ "swans", "the swan", "swan", "swans (disambiguation)", "swan (disambiguation)" ]
who memorialized a battle of the crimean war in his 1854 poem the charge of the light brigade?
[ { "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (poem)", "text": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (poem) \"The Charge of the Light Brigade\" is an 1854 narrative poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson about the Charge of the Light Brigade at the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War. He wrote it on December 2, 1854, and it was published on December 9, 1854 in \"The Examiner\". He was the Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom at the time. During the 1850s, when Great Britain was engaged in the Crimean War, Tennyson wrote several patriotic poems under various pseudonyms. Scholars speculate that Tennyson created his pen names because these verses used", "psg_id": "7071876" } ]
[ { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "from long-term unemployment. Charge of the Light Brigade The Charge of the Light Brigade was a charge of British light cavalry led by Lord Cardigan against Russian forces during the Battle of Balaclava on 25 October 1854 in the Crimean War. British commander Lord Raglan had intended to send the Light Brigade to prevent the Russians from removing captured guns from overrun Turkish positions, a task for which the light cavalry were well-suited. However, there was miscommunication in the chain of command, and the Light Brigade was instead sent on a frontal assault against a different artillery battery, one well-prepared", "psg_id": "12375431" }, { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "Charge of the Light Brigade The Charge of the Light Brigade was a charge of British light cavalry led by Lord Cardigan against Russian forces during the Battle of Balaclava on 25 October 1854 in the Crimean War. British commander Lord Raglan had intended to send the Light Brigade to prevent the Russians from removing captured guns from overrun Turkish positions, a task for which the light cavalry were well-suited. However, there was miscommunication in the chain of command, and the Light Brigade was instead sent on a frontal assault against a different artillery battery, one well-prepared with excellent fields", "psg_id": "12375396" }, { "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968 film)", "text": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968 film) The Charge of the Light Brigade is a 1968 British DeLuxe Color war film made by Woodfall Film Productions in Panavision and distributed by United Artists, depicting parts of the Crimean War and the eponymous charge. It was directed by Tony Richardson and produced by Neil Hartley. It is also notable for the animated credits and linking passages provided by Richard Williams, drawing on the satirical use of jingoistic images. This film followed the famous 1936 version \"The Charge of the Light Brigade\", starring Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland. The film", "psg_id": "7987823" }, { "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968 film)", "text": "Crimea, she did not have an affair with Cardigan. The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968 film) The Charge of the Light Brigade is a 1968 British DeLuxe Color war film made by Woodfall Film Productions in Panavision and distributed by United Artists, depicting parts of the Crimean War and the eponymous charge. It was directed by Tony Richardson and produced by Neil Hartley. It is also notable for the animated credits and linking passages provided by Richard Williams, drawing on the satirical use of jingoistic images. This film followed the famous 1936 version \"The Charge of the Light Brigade\",", "psg_id": "7987840" }, { "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1912 film)", "text": "of the British and Russians. It was released in American cinemas on October 12, 1912 to commemorate the fifty-eighth anniversary of the battle. It was critically well-received with widespread praise for the pioneering new techniques. It was released as an extra on the Region 2 DVD release of the 1968 film \"The Charge of the Light Brigade\". The Charge of the Light Brigade (1912 film) The Charge of the Light Brigade is a 1912 American short war film directed by J. Searle Dawley and starring James Gordon, Richard Neill and Charles Sutton. It portrays the Charge of the Light Brigade", "psg_id": "13699076" }, { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "down, and he was best positioned to render assistance to Light Brigade survivors returning from the charge. The French light cavalry, the Chasseurs d'Afrique, was more effective by clearing the Fedyukhin Heights of the two half-batteries of guns, two infantry battalions, and Cossacks to ensure that the Light Brigade would not be hit by fire from that flank, and it provided cover for the remaining elements of the Light Brigade as they withdrew. War correspondent William Howard Russell witnessed the battle and declared: \"Our Light Brigade was annihilated by their own rashness, and by the brutality of a ferocious enemy.\"", "psg_id": "12375408" }, { "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1936 film)", "text": "Lake, Lasky Mesa, Chatsworth and Sonora. The Sierra Nevada mountains were used for the Khyber Pass scenes. The film starred Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland. The story is very loosely based on the famous Charge of the Light Brigade that took place during the Crimean War (1853–56). Additionally, the story line includes an event similar to the Siege of Cawnpore during the Indian Rebellion of 1857. This was the second of eight films in which Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland starred together. A latter film was made in 1968, under the same name, \"The Charge of the Light", "psg_id": "8085666" }, { "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968 film)", "text": "case of the 17th Lancers, double white stripes. In one scene a single trooper of the 17th is correctly attired. The film's depiction of the Battle of Balaclava shows the initial Russian attack on the redoubts and of course the Charge of the Light Brigade, but elides both the stand of the 93rd Sutherland Highlanders (the \"Thin Red Line\") and the Charge of the Heavy Brigade. According to director Tony Richardson, the Heavy Brigade scene was filmed but later cut at the studio's behest. Likewise Fanny Duberly is shown to be seduced by Lord Cardigan; although she was in the", "psg_id": "7987839" }, { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "by Prince Michael of Kent. A survivor, John Penn, who died in Dunbar in 1886, left a personal account of his military career, including the Charge, written for a friend. This survives and is held by East Lothian Council Archives. A number of individuals who died during 1916–17 were thought to be the 'last' survivor of the Charge of the Light Brigade. For example, Sergeant James A. Mustard of the 17th Lancers, aged 85, had his funeral with military honours at Twickenham in early February 1916. In the \"Abergavenny Chronicle\" news report published on 11 February it was stated: He", "psg_id": "12375426" }, { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "two men who were in that charge would describe it in the same way. When I was back pretty nearly where we started from I found that I was the senior officer of those not wounded, and, consequently, in command, there being two others, both juniors to me, in the same position — Lieut. Wombwell and Cornet Cleveland. Lucan and his troops of the Heavy Brigade failed to provide any support for the Light Brigade—they entered the mouth of the valley but did not advance farther. Lucan's explanation was that he saw no point in having a second brigade mown", "psg_id": "12375407" }, { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "delivered the written orders with some verbal interpretation, then died in the first minute of the assault. The charge was made by the Light Brigade of the British cavalry, which consisted of the 4th and 13th Light Dragoons, 17th Lancers, and the 8th and 11th Hussars, under the command of Major General James Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan. Also present that day was the Heavy Brigade, commanded by Major General James Yorke Scarlett, who was a past Commanding Officer of the 5th Dragoon Guards. The Heavy Brigade was made up of the 4th Royal Irish Dragoon Guards, the 5th Dragoon", "psg_id": "12375398" }, { "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968 film)", "text": "before he can warn Cardigan. This is 'The Charge of the Light Brigade'. The Light Brigade, torn apart by the cannons, clashes briefly with the Russians and then retreats. With most of his force dead or wounded, Lord Cardigan who led his men valiantly, is ironically unharmed, but he immediately begins bickering with the other officers about who must take the blame for the disaster. The British army at its very best and worst. The screenplay was written by Charles Wood from a first draft (uncredited) by John Osborne. It aimed to be brutally authentic, based in part on the", "psg_id": "7987832" }, { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "Heavy Brigade. Although the Heavy Brigade was better armoured and intended for frontal assaults on infantry positions, neither force was remotely equipped for a frontal assault on a fully dug-in and alerted artillery battery—much less one with an excellent line of sight over a mile in length and supported on two sides by artillery batteries providing enfilading fire from elevated ground. The semi-suicidal nature of this charge was surely evident to the troopers of the Light Brigade, but if there were any objection to the orders, it was not recorded. The Light Brigade set off down the valley with Cardigan", "psg_id": "12375404" }, { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "in front, leading the charge on his horse Ronald. Almost at once, Nolan rushed across the front, passing in front of Cardigan. It may be that he realised that the charge was aimed at the wrong target and was attempting to stop or turn the brigade, but he was killed by an artillery shell and the cavalry continued on its course. Captain Godfrey Morgan was close by and saw what happened: The Light Brigade faced withering fire from three sides which devastated their force on the ride, yet they were able to engage the Russian forces at the end of", "psg_id": "12375405" }, { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "military historian and a former cavalryman, insisted on taking time out during the Yalta Conference in 1945 to see the battlefield for himself. One research project used a mathematical model to examine how the charge might have turned out if conducted differently. The analysis suggested that a charge toward the redoubt on the Causeway Heights, as Raglan had apparently intended, would have led to even higher British casualties. By contrast, the charge might have succeeded if the Heavy Brigade had accompanied the Light Brigade along the valley, as Lucan had initially directed. According to Norman Dixon, 19th-century accounts of the", "psg_id": "12375422" }, { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "a letter refuting point by point Raglan's \"London Gazette\" dispatch, but his criticism of his superior was not tolerated, and Lucan was recalled to England in March 1855. The Charge of the Light Brigade became a subject of considerable controversy and public dispute on his return. He strongly rejected Raglan's version of events, calling it \"an imputation reflecting seriously on my professional character.\" In an exchange of public correspondence printed in the pages of \"The Times\", Lucan blamed Raglan and his deceased aide-de-camp Captain Nolan, who had been the actual deliverer of the disputed order. Lucan subsequently defended himself with", "psg_id": "12375420" }, { "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1936 film)", "text": "film was the studio's most expensive and most popular film of 1936, earning $1,176,000 domestically and $1,560,000 foreign. Jack Sullivan won the Academy Award for Best Assistant Director for his work on the film, and the film was also nominated for the Academy Award for Sound (Nathan Levinson) and the Academy Award for Original Music Score. The Charge of the Light Brigade (1936 film) The Charge of the Light Brigade is a 1936 American historical adventure film made by Warner Bros. It was directed by Michael Curtiz and produced by Samuel Bischoff, with Hal B. Wallis as executive producer, from", "psg_id": "8085677" }, { "title": "Characters in the Thursday Next series", "text": "friend of Landen Parke-Laine. He fought in the Crimean War and died there during a disastrous battle which occurred after he accidentally sent his unit off in the wrong direction (this mimics the role of Captain Louis Nolan in the Charge of the Light Brigade in 1854; Anton directs the Light Armoured Brigade into the teeth of the Russian artillery). After much agonising over whether to tell the truth, Landen finally gave evidence to the inquest about Anton's error, which drove a wedge between him and Thursday, until the two reconciled during the events of \"The Eyre Afair\". Thursday's father", "psg_id": "5154899" }, { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "Guards, the 6th Inniskilling Dragoons and the Scots Greys. The two brigades were the only British cavalry force at the battle. The Light Brigade were the British light cavalry force. It mounted light, fast horses which were unarmoured. The men were armed with lances and sabres. Optimized for maximum mobility and speed, they were intended for reconnaissance and skirmishing. They were also ideal for cutting down infantry and artillery units as they attempted to retreat. The Heavy Brigade under James Scarlett was the British heavy cavalry force. It mounted large, heavy chargers. The men were equipped with metal helmets and", "psg_id": "12375399" }, { "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1936 film)", "text": "vengeance resolve at the Battle of Balaclava. Aware that Surat Khan is inspecting Russian positions opposite the 27th Lancers, Maj. Vickers secretly replaces written orders by Sir Charles Macefield (Henry Stephenson) to the commander of the Light Brigade, Sir Benjamin Warrenton (Nigel Bruce), to withdraw from the Balaclava Heights. Vickers instead orders the famous suicidal attack so the lancers can avenge the Chukoti massacre. Before the charge, Maj. Vickers reminds troops of the Chukoti Massacre and directs their anger: \"Our objective is Surit Khan!\" Although the 27th Lancers lose nearly all their 600 strength, they successfully breach Russian artillery positions.", "psg_id": "8085669" }, { "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968 film)", "text": "from his high vantage point. Cardigan, at his lower level, can only see the valley with the cannons, and assumes that he must charge into this. When he queries the order, Nolan loses his temper and gestures vaguely with his arm, shouting \"There, my Lord, is your enemy and there are your guns!\" (these, or something close to them, were his actual words). As the cavalry advances into cannon fire Nolan - who has gained permission from his friend Morris to ride with Cardigan's light brigade as they chase the Russians - realises his mistake, but is killed by shrapnel", "psg_id": "7987831" }, { "title": "Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own)", "text": "1820 and served until his death. In 1852 HRH Prince Albert, the Prince Consort took over the role of colonel-in-chief. When the Crimean War broke out in 1853 the Rifle Brigade sent two battalions which fought at the Battle of Alma, where one of the battalions led the advance across the Alma River in September 1854. The regiment also saw action at the Battle of Inkerman in November 1854 and at the Siege of Sevastopol in winter 1854. Eight members of the regiment were awarded Victoria Crosses during the Crimean War. The regiment was deployed again as part of the", "psg_id": "4371063" }, { "title": "The Thin Red Line (Battle of Balaclava)", "text": "The Thin Red Line (Battle of Balaclava) The Thin Red Line was a military action by the British Sutherland Highlanders 93rd (Highland) Regiment at the Battle of Balaklava on 25 October 1854, during the Crimean War. In this incident, around 200 men of the 93rd, aided by a small force of 100 walking wounded, 40 detached Guardsmen, and supported by a substantial force of Turkish infantrymen, led by Sir Colin Campbell, routed a Russian cavalry charge. Previously, Campbell's Highland Brigade had taken part in actions at the Battle of Alma and the Siege of Sevastopol. There were more Victoria Crosses", "psg_id": "2348471" }, { "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968 film)", "text": "with his dogs was shot at 6 Carlton House Terrace, St James's, London, a few doors along from the earl's actual London residence of 17 Carlton House Terrace. Other London street scenes were filmed in the Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich. The Royal Mint, opposite the Tower of London, represented Horseguards, the headquarters of the Army. The barracks scenes in the first half of the film were filmed at Beaumont Barracks in Aldershot in Hampshire, while the 'Crimea' scenes, including the Charge itself, were filmed in Turkey with the action sequences directed by Bob Simmons. \"The Charge of the Light Brigade\"", "psg_id": "7987836" }, { "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968 film)", "text": "Lord Cardigan to lead the Light Cavalry Brigade under his equally unpleasant arch-rival and brother-in-law Lord Lucan (Harry Andrews), who has been appointed to command the Cavalry Division. Captain Nolan, enlisted as Raglan's aide, is glad to get away from Britain; it gives him an escape from the morally uneasy affair he has been having with Clarissa Morris (Vanessa Redgrave), the wife of his best friend William (Mark Burns). Also travelling with the British command is the 8th Hussars' paymaster's wife named Fanny Duberly (Jill Bennett), who wants to observe battle first-hand (and be near Lord Cardigan, with whom she", "psg_id": "7987827" }, { "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1936 film)", "text": "Lancer\" (1935) had been released to great popularity, ushering in a series of British Empire adventure tales. Michel Jacoby had developed a story based on the famous charge but, although Warners bought Jacoby's script, the final script was closer to \"Lives of a Bengal Lancer\". An original working title was \"The Charge of the 600\". Warners wanted an all-British cast. Errol Flynn (Australian, but often considered Irish) had made such a strong impression in \"Captain Blood\" he was removed from supporting Fredric March in \"Anthony Adverse\" to play the lead in \"Charge of the Light Brigade\". Ian Hunter was connected", "psg_id": "8085671" }, { "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968 film)", "text": "is about the folly of war, and the poor state of the British Army and its leadership during the Crimean War (1853–56). Britain had not fought in a European theatre since the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, and the army had become sclerotic and bound by bureaucracy. Tactical and logistical methodology had not advanced in forty years, and the whole ethos of the army was bound in outmoded social values. The anti-hero is a relatively competent officer, Captain Louis Nolan (David Hemmings). A veteran of the Indian Army, Nolan is unusual in the hierarchy of his day both for having", "psg_id": "7987824" }, { "title": "HorsePower: The Museum of the King's Royal Hussars", "text": "presented alongside a showcase containing many objects shown in the picture, such as spears, a shield and a sword. The museum has a replica dugout, where visitors can experience First World War trench warfare. Another notable exhibit is a diorama depicting the aftermath of the Charge of the Light Brigade at the Battle of Balaclava in the Crimean War. Exhibits also explore the stories of cavalrymen in the Boer War, including Henry William Engleheart, who received the Victoria Cross for rescuing a comrade and his horse under heavy shell fire and Sir John Milbanke, 10th Baronet, who received the Victoria", "psg_id": "18648037" }, { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "orally instead of handing over the written orders. He said, \"There, my lord, is your enemy! There are your guns!\", and he added the word \"attack\", whereas Raglan had intended merely a show of force. Nolan's version of the order and accompanying gesture were misunderstood, causing the disaster described above. Nolan rode with the charge and died in it. Maxse's letter said that Nolan was annoyed at how little the Light Brigade had done previously, and that he was angry against Lucan. Nigel Kingscote was another of Raglan's staff officers, and he agreed that the fault was Nolan's and said", "psg_id": "12375416" }, { "title": "Flashman at the Charge", "text": "his reputation as a valiant and down-to-earth soldier leads to Prince Albert assigning Flashman as the boy's mentor. Despite every attempt to avoid it, he finds himself in the Crimea showing William what soldiering is all about. The boy's unfortunate death does not allow Flashman to avoid involvement in the most notable actions of the Crimean War, including The Thin Red Line, the Charge of the Heavy Brigade under James Yorke Scarlett, and the infamous Charge of the Light Brigade. Powered by fear and flatulence, he reaches the Russian guns in front of the other surviving members of the charge", "psg_id": "7718886" }, { "title": "Samuel Parkes (VC)", "text": "the 4th Light Dragoons (from 1861, the 4th Hussars - The Queen's Own) throughout his career. He won his VC on 25 October 1854 in the Charge of the Light Brigade during the Battle of Balaklava during the Crimean War, when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the VC: On 25 October 1854 at Balaclava, Crimean Peninsula, (Charge of the Light Brigade) The VC citation refers to Hugh Crawford as being a Trumpet Major, but he was not promoted to that rank until 1 December 1855. Elkin claims to own the sword which Parkes carried at", "psg_id": "4173342" }, { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "Cardigan survived the battle, although stories circulated that he was not actually present. He led the charge from the front, never looking back, and did not see what was happening to the troops behind him. He reached the Russian guns, took part in the fight, and then returned alone up the valley without bothering to rally or even find out what had happened to the survivors. He afterwards said that all he could think about was his rage against Captain Nolan, who he thought had tried to take over the leadership of the charge. After riding back up the valley,", "psg_id": "12375409" }, { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "considered that he was bound to attack at all hazards, and he accordingly ordered Major-General the Earl of Cardigan to move forward with the Light Brigade.\" Lucan was furious at being made a scapegoat: Raglan claimed he should have exercised his discretion, but throughout the campaign up to that date Lucan considered Raglan had allowed him no independence at all and required that his orders be followed to the letter. Cardigan, who had merely obeyed orders, blamed Lucan for giving those orders. He returned home a hero and was promoted to Inspector General of the Cavalry. Lucan attempted to publish", "psg_id": "12375419" }, { "title": "Crimean War Memorial", "text": "the memory of 2152 Officers, Non-Com. Officers and Privates of the BRIGADE OF GUARDS who fell during the war with Russia in 1854–56. Erected by their Comrades.\" In 1914, the monument was moved northwards to make room for new statues of Florence Nightingale and Sidney Herbert who was Secretary at War during the Crimean War. It is only then that the allegorical figure was referred to as Victory. The sculpture of Nightingale was by Arthur George Walker, and the sculpture of Herbert was by John Henry Foley. Crimean War Memorial The Guards Crimean War Memorial is a Grade II listed", "psg_id": "4793297" }, { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "that the British soldiers must have been drunk. Somerset Calthorpe, aide-de-camp to Lord Raglan, wrote a letter to a friend three days after the charge. He detailed casualty numbers but did not distinguish between those killed and those taken prisoner: Slow communications meant that news of the disaster did not reach the British public until three weeks after the action. The British commanders' dispatches from the front were published in an extraordinary edition of the \"London Gazette\" of 12 November 1854. Raglan blamed Lucan for the charge, claiming that \"from some misconception of the order to advance, the Lieutenant-General (Lucan)", "psg_id": "12375418" }, { "title": "Crimean War", "text": "of Balaclava, which saw the ill-fated Charge of the Light Brigade. This scrutiny later led to the abolition of the sale of commissions. The Crimean War was a contributing factor in the Russian abolition of serfdom in 1861: Tsar Alexander II (Nicholas I's son and successor) saw the military defeat of the Russian serf-army by free troops from Britain and France as proof of the need for emancipation. The Crimean War also led to the realisation by the Russian government of its technological inferiority, in military practices as well as weapons. Meanwhile, Russian military medicine saw dramatic progress: N. I.", "psg_id": "572743" }, { "title": "Crimean War", "text": "of official equality, and the Orthodox Church regained control of the Christian churches in dispute. The Crimean War was one of the first conflicts to use modern technologies such as explosive naval shells, railways, and telegraphs. The war was one of the first to be documented extensively in written reports and photographs. As the legend of the \"Charge of the Light Brigade\" demonstrates, the war quickly became an iconic symbol of logistical, medical and tactical failures and mismanagement. The reaction in the UK was a demand for professionalisation, most famously achieved by Florence Nightingale, who gained worldwide attention for pioneering", "psg_id": "572644" }, { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "charge tended to focus on the bravery and glory of the cavalrymen, much more than the military blunders involved, with the perverse effect that it \"did much to strengthen those very forms of tradition which put such an incapacitating stranglehold on military endeavor for the next eighty or so years,\" i.e., until after World War I. The fate of the surviving members of the charge was investigated by Edward James Boys, a military historian, who documented their lives from leaving the army to their deaths. His records are described as being the most definitive project of its kind ever undertaken.", "psg_id": "12375423" }, { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "from the greatest apparent certainty of death which could possibly be conceived. A newspaper report on 11 December 2016 revealed another version of what happened when a letter was found in the British Library, written by Lieutenant Frederick Maxse who was on Lord Raglan's staff at Balaklava. It said that Lord Raglan had sent an order for the Light Brigade to \"follow the enemy and try to prevent the enemy from carrying away the guns\", referring to some British artillery which were at risk. Raglan sent the order with 36 year-old Captain Louis Nolan, who passed it on to Lucan", "psg_id": "12375415" }, { "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1936 film)", "text": "garrison of (fictional) Chukoti, along with British military families, within the part the North-Western Frontier controlled by Surat Khan. A British miscalculation leads to premature withdrawal of troops to (fictional) Lohora, unnecessarily exposing Chukoti. Faced with an overwhelming siege, the British commander, Col. Campbell (Donald Crisp), surrenders Chukoti to Surat Khan, who then massacres the inhabitants, including British families. Surat Khan allies his forces with Imperial Russia, whom the British are fighting in the Crimean War, but spares Maj. Vickers and Elsa as they flee the slaughter. This repays his debt to Geoffrey. The love triangle and the quest for", "psg_id": "8085668" }, { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "the light cavalry to prevent the Russians from successfully withdrawing the naval guns from the redoubts they had captured on the reverse side of the Causeway Heights, the hill forming the south side of the valley. This was an optimum task for the Light Brigade, as their superior speed would ensure the Russians would be forced to either quickly abandon the cumbersome guns or be cut down \"en masse\" while they attempted to flee with them. Raglan could see what was happening from his high vantage point on the west side of the valley. However, the lie of the land", "psg_id": "12375401" }, { "title": "James Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan", "text": "deliberate, high level complicity to leave the loop-hole in the prosecution case and reporting the view that \"in England there is one law for the rich and another for the poor\" and \"The Examiner\" describing the verdict as \"a defeat of justice\". Even his obituary described this evasion of justice as \"an absurd technical deficiency\". His most notorious exploit took place during the Crimean War on 25 October 1854 when, in command of the Light Cavalry Brigade at the battle of Balaclava, he led the Charge of the Light Brigade reaching the Russian guns before returning, personally unscathed, in a", "psg_id": "1608877" }, { "title": "Battle of the Alma", "text": "Battle of the Alma The Battle of the Alma was a battle in the Crimean War between an allied expeditionary force (made up of French, British, and Turkish forces) and Russian forces defending the Crimean Peninsula on 20September 1854. The allies had made a surprise landing in Crimea on 14September. The allied commanders, Maréchal Jacques Leroy de Saint-Arnaud and Lord FitzRoy Somerset Raglan, then marched toward the strategically important port city of Sevastapol, away. Russian commander Prince Alexander Sergeyevich Menshikov rushed his available forces to the last natural defensive position before the city, the Alma Heights, south of the Alma", "psg_id": "1374403" }, { "title": "The Light Brigade (The Outer Limits)", "text": "\"\"The Light Brigade\"\" refers to the ship on which the story takes place. This leads the captain of the vessel to attempt to read a verse of the original poem to the men before the commencing of their mission. This ship is the last hope of humanity in a war against an alien race. In an attempt to turn the tide of the war, humanity is resorting to a Hiroshima type strike. The \"Light Brigade\" carries a new, subatomic bomb, to be delivered to the enemy homeworld. This bomb works by breaking down the forces which hold subatomic particles together", "psg_id": "4930584" }, { "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1936 film)", "text": "Brigade\" and starred Trevor Howard and Vanessa Redgrave. In 1854, Major Geoffrey Vickers (Errol Flynn) and his brother, Captain Perry Vickers (Patric Knowles), are stationed in India, with the 27th Lancers of the British Army. It is during the period of East India Company dominance over the Indian subcontinent. Perry has secretly betrayed Geoffrey by stealing the love of his fiancee Elsa (Olivia de Havilland). During an official visit to local tributary rajah, Surat Khan (C. Henry Gordon), Geoffrey saves the rajah's life while hunting, for which the rajah promises eternal gratitude. Later, Maj. Vickers is stationed at the British", "psg_id": "8085667" }, { "title": "British cavalry during the First World War", "text": "the Charge of the Light Brigade in the Crimean War and Winston Churchill of the 4th Hussars joining the 21st Lancers for their charge during the Battle of Omdurman. Since 1880 British cavalrymen had been armed with only carbines and swords, although some carried a lance; it was not until 1903 that the cavalry were issued rifles, the same ones used by the rest of the army, although a version of the standard infantry rifle, the shorter-barreled LEC or \"Lee-Enfield Cavalry Carbine Mark I\" had been introduced in 1896. The normal peacetime British Army cavalry formation was the brigade, but", "psg_id": "16819561" }, { "title": "Battle of the Alma", "text": "collect equipment scattered though the battlefield delayed the pursuit, and the lack of cavalry ruled out any possibility of an immediate chase of the Russians. The battle was commemorated in Paris by the naming of the Pont de l'Alma. Battle of the Alma The Battle of the Alma was a battle in the Crimean War between an allied expeditionary force (made up of French, British, and Turkish forces) and Russian forces defending the Crimean Peninsula on 20September 1854. The allies had made a surprise landing in Crimea on 14September. The allied commanders, Maréchal Jacques Leroy de Saint-Arnaud and Lord FitzRoy", "psg_id": "1374428" }, { "title": "War poet", "text": "laureate he often wrote verses about public events. It immediately became hugely popular, even reaching the troops in the Crimea, where it was distributed in pamphlet form . Rudyard Kipling's poem \"The Last of the Light Brigade\", written some forty years after the appearance of \"The Charge of the Light Brigade\", in 1891, focuses on the terrible hardships faced in old age by veterans of the Crimean War, as exemplified by the cavalry men of the Light Brigade, in an attempt to shame the British public into offering financial assistance. Various lines from the poem are randomly quoted by Mr.", "psg_id": "3308626" }, { "title": "Crimean War", "text": "news reached London in two days. When the British laid an underwater cable to the Crimean peninsula in April 1855, news reached London in a few hours. The daily news reports energised public opinion, which brought down the Aberdeen government and carried Lord Palmerston into office as prime minister. Historian R.B. McCallum points out the war was enthusiastically supported by the British populace as it was happening, but the mood changed very dramatically afterwards. Pacifists and critics were unpopular but: As the memory of the \"Charge of the Light Brigade\" demonstrates, the war became an iconic symbol of logistical, medical", "psg_id": "572739" }, { "title": "The Battle of Marathon: A Poem", "text": "brilliant Athenian offensive overseen by the aged but hardy Miltiades: who overran the Persian army just landed upon their coasts, cutting their opponents down to the last man. But some of the Greeks' enemies are more than mortal: Aphrodite herself swears vengeance for the actions of their forebears in destroying her beloved Troy generations ago. The poem is written in heroic couplet that is in iambic pentameter rhymed AABBCCDD... The Battle of Marathon: A Poem The Battle of Marathon is a rhymed, dramatic, narrative-poem by Elizabeth Barrett (later Browning). Written in 1820, when Barrett was just 14, it retells powerfully", "psg_id": "15100867" }, { "title": "The Light Brigade (The Outer Limits)", "text": "The Light Brigade (The Outer Limits) \"The Light Brigade\" is an episode of \"The Outer Limits\" television series that first aired on 23 June 1996, during the second season. The episode is a sequel to the season one episode \"Quality of Mercy\". Robert Patrick reprises his role as Major John Skokes. Four soldiers, including repatriated prisoner of war Major John Skokes, are the last survivors of a space battle. On board a crippled space cruiser, they are slowly dying of radiation poisoning, but they are the only remaining chance to launch a strike against the alien enemy. In this episode,", "psg_id": "4930583" }, { "title": "17th Lancers", "text": "the Crimean War and saw action, as part of the light brigade under the command of Major General the Earl of Cardigan, at the Battle of Alma in September 1854. The regiment, commanded by Captain William Morris, was in the first line of cavalry on the left flank during the Charge of the Light Brigade at the Battle of Balaclava in October 1854. The brigade drove through the Russian artillery before smashing straight into the Russian cavalry and pushing them back; it was unable to consolidate its position, however, having insufficient forces and had to withdraw to its starting position,", "psg_id": "3976933" }, { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "a speech in the House of Lords on 19 March. Lucan evidently escaped blame for the charge, as he was made a member of the Order of the Bath in July of that same year. Although he never again saw active duty, he reached the rank of general in 1865 and was made a field marshal in the year before his death. The charge continues to be studied by modern military historians and students as an example of what can go wrong when accurate military intelligence is lacking and orders are unclear. Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who was a keen", "psg_id": "12375421" }, { "title": "1st The Royal Dragoons", "text": "command of Lieutenant-Colonel John Yorke, also took part in the charge of the heavy brigade at the Battle of Balaclava in October 1854 during the Crimean War. Having been re-titled the 1st (Royal) Dragoons in 1877, the regiment also saw action at the Battle of Abu Klea in January 1885 during the Mahdist War. In January 1900, during the Second Boer War, the regiment was part of a force that set out to discover the western flank of the Boer lines. It was able to ambush a column of about 200 Boers near Acton Homes and successfully trapped about 40", "psg_id": "8222612" }, { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "a sequel about the way in which England was treating its old soldiers. Some sources treat the poem as an account of a real event, but other commentators class the destitute old soldiers as allegorical, with the visit invented by Kipling to draw attention to the poverty in which the real survivors were living, in the same way that he evoked Tommy Atkins in \"The Absent-Minded Beggar\" (1899). See also \"Back to the Army Again\" for a poem by Rudyard Kipling about a discharged soldier who re-joins the army under a false name as the only way to get away", "psg_id": "12375430" }, { "title": "The Battle of Marathon: A Poem", "text": "The Battle of Marathon: A Poem The Battle of Marathon is a rhymed, dramatic, narrative-poem by Elizabeth Barrett (later Browning). Written in 1820, when Barrett was just 14, it retells powerfully The Battle of Marathon: during which the Athenian state defeated the much larger invading force during the first Persian invasion of Greece. When Darius the Great orders his immense army march west to annex additional territories; no-one in the Persian court predicted that some fractious, independent Greek city-states stood any chance against the Persian super-power. And yet at Marathon in 490BC, Darius' plans received a decisive check in the", "psg_id": "15100866" }, { "title": "Siege of Sevastopol (1854–55)", "text": "undertook six bombardments of the capital, on 17 October 1854; and on 9 April, 6 June, 17 June, 17 August, and 5 September 1855. Sevastopol is one of the classic sieges of all time. The city of Sevastopol was the home of the Tsar's Black Sea Fleet, which threatened the Mediterranean. The Russian field army withdrew before the allies could encircle it. The siege was the culminating struggle for the strategic Russian port in 1854–55 and was the final episode in the Crimean War. During the Victorian Era, these battles were repeatedly memorialized. The Siege of Sevastopol was the subject", "psg_id": "4755301" }, { "title": "3rd Light Horse Brigade", "text": "the newly formed Imperial Camel Corps Battalions. 3rd Light Horse Brigade The 3rd Light Horse Brigade was a mounted infantry brigade of the First Australian Imperial Force which served in the Middle Eastern theatre of World War I. The brigade first saw action during the Dardanelles Campaign in the Battle of Gallipoli where they were noted for their charge during the Battle of the Nek. After being withdrawn to Egypt in February 1916 they were involved in the Sinai and Palestine Campaign until the end of the war. They were attached to a number of different formations being part of", "psg_id": "12270211" }, { "title": "3rd Light Horse Brigade", "text": "3rd Light Horse Brigade The 3rd Light Horse Brigade was a mounted infantry brigade of the First Australian Imperial Force which served in the Middle Eastern theatre of World War I. The brigade first saw action during the Dardanelles Campaign in the Battle of Gallipoli where they were noted for their charge during the Battle of the Nek. After being withdrawn to Egypt in February 1916 they were involved in the Sinai and Palestine Campaign until the end of the war. They were attached to a number of different formations being part of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps", "psg_id": "12270203" }, { "title": "The Field (magazine)", "text": "of all that was important, including the unusual and eccentric. It was an instant success under the auspices of its first editor Mark Lemon. \"The Field\" was started as a weekly magazine in 1853. The magazine had its own Crimean correspondent, trumpeting the view that the dashing deeds carried out on the field of battle were due in no small part to field sports and the following of manly country occupations. On November 18, 1854 \"The Field\" carried personal narratives of those involved in the Charge of the Light Brigade. J. H. Walsh initiated a series of field trials for", "psg_id": "8626103" }, { "title": "John Doyle (British Army soldier)", "text": "of the Light Brigade at Balaklava and survived, lightly wounded but not captured. Doyle fought at four major Crimean War battles: Alma, Balaklava, Inkerman, and Sebastopol. He was a member of the Balaclava Commemoration Society, made up of survivors of the Charge of the Light Brigade of 1854. In Manchester in 1877 he published a memoir of his service titled \"A Descriptive Account of the Famous Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaclava\". John Doyle (British Army soldier) John Doyle (abt. 1828 - August 1892) was an Irishman who served in the 8th King's Royal Irish Hussars (a light cavalry", "psg_id": "10286575" }, { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "at the fashionable Willis's Rooms, St James's Square. Reunion dinners were held for a number of years. On 2 August 1890, trumpeter Martin Leonard Landfried, from the 17th Lancers, who may (or may not) have sounded the bugle charge at Balaclava, made a recording on an Edison cylinder that can be heard , with a bugle which had been used at Waterloo in 1815. In 2004, on the 150th anniversary of the charge, a commemoration of the event was held at Balaklava. As part of the anniversary, a monument dedicated to the 25,000 British participants of the conflict was unveiled", "psg_id": "12375425" }, { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "that Nolan would have been \"broke by court martial\" if he had survived. The brigade was not completely destroyed, but did suffer terribly, with 118 men killed, 127 wounded, and about 60 taken prisoner. After regrouping, only 195 men were still with horses. The futility of the action and its reckless bravery prompted the French Marshal Pierre Bosquet to state: \"\"C'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas la guerre.\"\" (\"It is magnificent, but it is not war.\") He continued, in a rarely quoted phrase: \"\"C'est de la folie\"\" — \"It is madness.\" The Russian commanders are said to have initially believed", "psg_id": "12375417" }, { "title": "Premierships of William Ewart Gladstone", "text": "reimbursements, forcing the Lords to backtrack and approve the original bill. Liberals rallied to Gladstone's anti-elitism, pointing to the case of Lord Cardigan (1797–1868), who spent £40,000 for his commission and proved utterly incompetent in the Crimean war, where he ordered the disastrous \"Charge of the Light Brigade\" in 1854. Cardwell was not powerful enough to install a general staff system; that had to await the 20th century. He did rearrange the war department. He made the office of Secretary of State for War superior to the Army's commander in Chief; the commander was His Royal Highness The Duke of", "psg_id": "10468198" }, { "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968 film)", "text": "at the centre of the 'black bottle' affair, when Moselle wine was ordered for a guest rather than the champagne that Lord Cardigan had required. The wine was served in a black bottle, causing Cardigan to assume that the officers were consuming beer, a drink for enlisted men. The officer actually concerned was Captain John Reynolds. In the film all of the Light Brigade regiments are outfitted with cherry coloured breeches when only the 11th Hussars wore breeches of that colour. Officers and troopers of the other four regiments wore dark blue breeches, with double yellow stripes, or in the", "psg_id": "7987838" }, { "title": "Deportation of the Crimean Tatars", "text": "forces, these units frequently sided with whoever was the strongest in an area. Soviet Communist partisans also raided Tartar villages as punishment for perceived collaboration. Toward the end of the war, the SS began enlisting every Eastern Muslim in its reach. In summer of 1944, 800 former soldiers of Tatar units who had been evacuated from Crimea to Romania were recruited into the Tatar SS Waffen Mountain Brigade or \"Tatarische Waffen-Gebirgs-Brigade der SS\". These fought in Hungary before integration into Harun al-Rashid's legions. However, not all Tatars joined the collaboration; Crimean Tatar Ahmet Özenbaşlı, for instance, strongly opposed the occupation", "psg_id": "9980047" }, { "title": "Crimean War Research Society", "text": "Crimean War Research Society The Crimean War Research Society (CWRS) is an international society of professional and amateur historians who research the Crimean War of 1854-56. The Society aims to bring previously unpublished or under researched material concerning the Crimean War to the attention of a wider audience, together with making it available to present and future historians. It publishes a quarterly journal, \"The War Correspondent\". Founded in London in 1983, the Society's original members were largely also members of the Victorian Military Society (VMS), who, dissatisfied with the coverage given to the Crimean War by the VMS and its", "psg_id": "14463959" }, { "title": "James Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan", "text": "James Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan Lieutenant General James Thomas Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan (16 October 1797 – 28 March 1868) was an officer in the British Army who commanded the Light Brigade during the Crimean War. He led the Charge of the Light Brigade at the Battle of Balaclava. Throughout his life in politics and his long military career he characterised the arrogant and extravagant aristocrat of the period. His progression through the Army was marked by many episodes of extraordinary incompetence, but also by generosity to the men under his command and genuine bravery. As a member", "psg_id": "1608856" }, { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "was one of thirty-eight men of the 145 of the 17th Lancers that came out of the charge led by Cardigan, and was always of the opinion that no one sounded the charge at all. He was in the battles of Alma and Mackenzie's Farm, and the storming and taking of Sebastopol, and before leaving for Varna marched with his regiment from Hampton Court to Portsmouth. In \"The Cambrian News\" of 30 June 1916, the passing of another 'last' was noted, Thomas Warr, aged 85, at Dorchester: At the meeting of the Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation in London last week", "psg_id": "12375427" }, { "title": "HorsePower: The Museum of the King's Royal Hussars", "text": "Cross for rescuing a comrade under fire despite being severely injured himself. The story of Alexander Roberts Dunn, who was awarded the Victoria Cross for saving the lives of two comrades during the Charge of the Light Brigade of the Crimean War, is also illustrated. The museum has a shop which sells a range of military-related products and memorabilia, and there is a nearby cafe, Cafe Peninsula, also located in the Peninsula Barracks. It also keeps archives of papers and books relating to the founding regiments of the 10th and 11th Royal Hussars. HorsePower: The Museum of the King's Royal", "psg_id": "18648038" }, { "title": "Architecture of Limerick", "text": "An earlier monument on this site was a statue of Viscount Fitzgibbon of Mountshannon House, who was killed in The Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaclava in 1854, flanked by two Russian cannon captured in the Crimean War. This statue was blown up by the Irish Republican Army in 1930. The War of Independence memorial is located at the northern end of the bridge, commemorating two former mayors of Limerick (George Clancy and Michael O'Callaghan), among others, who were killed by the British in 1921. The quays on the northern shore are called Clancy Strand and O'Callaghan Strand in", "psg_id": "4060127" }, { "title": "Characters in the Thursday Next series", "text": "days. On the other hand, having no official husband, she is believed by most to have conceived three children outside of wedlock, something that affects her social life. Thursday's husband, Landen is an award-winning novelist whose books include \"Bad Sofa\", \"Memoirs of A Crimean Veteran\" and \"Once Were Scoundrels\". He served as an officer in the Crimean War (still raging in Fforde's alternate 1985), during which he came into contact with Thursday, with whom he fell in love, and her brother Anton, who became his best friend. During the disastrous battle which became known as the \"Charge of the Light-Armoured", "psg_id": "5154905" }, { "title": "Pierre François Bosquet", "text": "the Crimean War, and at the Battle of Alma his division led the French attack. When the Anglo-French troops formed the siege of Sevastopol, Bosquet's corps of two divisions protected them against interruption. Referring to the Charge of the Light Brigade, Bosquet muttered the memorable line: \"C’est magnifique, mais ce n’est pas la guerre: c'est de la folie\" (\"It is magnificent, but it is not war: it is madness\"). His timely intervention at the Battle of Inkerman (5 November 1854) secured the victory for the allies. During 1855 Bosquet's corps occupied the right wing of the besieging armies opposite the", "psg_id": "4661832" }, { "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade", "text": "in their onset. In the two regiments which I had the honour to lead, every officer, with one exception, was either killed or wounded, or had his horse shot under him or injured. Those regiments proceeded, followed by the second line, consisting of two more regiments of cavalry, which continued to perform the duty of cutting down the Russian gunners. Then came the third line, formed of another regiment, which endeavoured to complete the duty assigned to our brigade. I believe that this was achieved with great success, and the result was that this body, composed of only about 670", "psg_id": "12375412" }, { "title": "Crimean War Research Society", "text": "In addition, national and international research and study visits are undertaken; these have included trips to the Crimea to visit the original battlefields and memorials of the Crimean War. The Society publishes a wide range of publications and documents of interest to those researching the War, including copies of contemporary maps and books, information sheets on the contents of regimental museums, bibliographies, medal rolls and other books and booklets written by the Society's members. Crimean War Research Society The Crimean War Research Society (CWRS) is an international society of professional and amateur historians who research the Crimean War of 1854-56.", "psg_id": "14463964" }, { "title": "Crimean War", "text": "of the Ukrainian national awakening and the creation of the Kiev Hromada (Kiev Community). Dissatisfaction with the conduct of the war was growing with the public in the UK and in other countries, aggravated by reports of fiascos, especially the devastating losses of the heroic Charge of the Light Brigade at the Battle of Balaclava. On Sunday, 21 January 1855, a \"snowball riot\" occurred in Trafalgar Square near St Martin-in-the-Fields in which 1,500 people gathered to protest against the war by pelting buses, cabs and pedestrians with snow balls. When the police intervened, the snowballs were directed at the officers.", "psg_id": "572725" }, { "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1936 film)", "text": "There, Vickers finds and kills Surat Khan, at the cost of his own life. Later, it emerges that Maj. Vickers wrote to Sir Charles Macefield explaining his actions, a note which he forced his brother Perry to deliver, under threat of court martial, so sparing his brother almost certain death. After receiving Maj. Vickers' explanation of why the charge happened, Macefield takes responsibility and burns the note to protect Vickers' good name. The charge had been portrayed in a British movie, \"The Jaws of Death\", in 1930. Warner Bros were inspired to make the film after \"Lives of a Bengal", "psg_id": "8085670" }, { "title": "The Soldier (poem)", "text": "Robert Radcliffe, tells the story of a Flying Fortress bomber crew in the USAAF 520th Bombardment Group, based on a Suffolk airbase. The novel takes its title directly from this piece, and although not mentioning the poem directly, comparisons are drawn between \"The Charge of the Light Brigade\" and particular bombing missions over occupied Europe which elicited a very high casualty rate, underlining the futility of the survival odds for any given bomber crew. English singer songwriter Al Stewart makes reference to Brooke in his song \"Somewhere in England (1915)\" from the album \"A Beach Full of Shells\": “And the", "psg_id": "5430711" }, { "title": "James Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan", "text": "the 2015 video game \"Assassin's Creed Syndicate\" by Ubisoft, set in 1868. In the game, Cardigan is a member of the Templar Order who headed a plot to assassinate the Prime-Minister Benjamin Disraeli. The lead character, Jacob Frye, discovers the plot, prevents Disraeli's death and finally tracks down and kills Cardigan. James Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan Lieutenant General James Thomas Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan (16 October 1797 – 28 March 1868) was an officer in the British Army who commanded the Light Brigade during the Crimean War. He led the Charge of the Light Brigade at the Battle", "psg_id": "1608903" } ]
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what radio station do you find at 950 on your local am dial?
[ { "title": "KJR (AM)", "text": "KJR (AM) KJR (950 AM, \"Sports Radio 950\") is an all-sports radio station owned by iHeartMedia and located in Seattle, Washington. It was Seattle's only all-sports talk radio station until 710 KIRO affiliated itself with ESPN. KJR is now the Puget Sound region's home of Fox Sports Radio and NBC Sports Radio, and the station, mainly during Seahawks season, uses the slogan \"Home of the 12th Man\". KJR's transmitter site is on Vashon Island, and operates from its studios in Seattle's Belltown neighborhood northwest of downtown. KJR is one of the oldest radio stations in the United States. Its first", "psg_id": "3571394" } ]
[ { "title": "What Am I Gonna Do About You", "text": "on the Country Albums chart for the week of October 25, 1986, and peaked at #1 for the week of January 21, 1987. It stayed at the top for 3 consecutive weeks. What Am I Gonna Do About You What Am I Gonna Do About You is the 11th studio album released by American country music artist Reba McEntire. The album was released September 2, 1986 on MCA Records and was produced by McEntire and Jimmy Bowen. It was the second #1 album on the Billboard country charts, containing two #1 singles, \"What Am I Gonna Do About You\" and", "psg_id": "7013113" }, { "title": "What Am I Gonna Do About You", "text": "What Am I Gonna Do About You What Am I Gonna Do About You is the 11th studio album released by American country music artist Reba McEntire. The album was released September 2, 1986 on MCA Records and was produced by McEntire and Jimmy Bowen. It was the second #1 album on the Billboard country charts, containing two #1 singles, \"What Am I Gonna Do About You\" and \"One Promise Too Late\". The opening track \"Why Not Tonight\" was also featured on the end credits of the 1990 film \"Tremors\" which was her film debut. The album debuted at #36", "psg_id": "7013112" }, { "title": "What Kind of Fool (Do You Think I Am)", "text": "What Kind of Fool (Do You Think I Am) \"What Kind of Fool (Do You Think I Am)\" is a 1964 single written by Ray Whitley and recorded by The Tams. The single was their most successful release on both the United States R&B and pop charts. \"What Kind of Fool (Do You Think I Am)\" went to number one on the \"Cash Box\" R&B chart and peaked at number nine on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100. this track was one of the many hit records recorded at Rick Hall's FAME Studios in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. Musicians on this track included", "psg_id": "13793560" }, { "title": "What Kind of a Girl (Do You Think I Am)", "text": "What Kind of a Girl (Do You Think I Am) \"What Kind of a Girl (Do You Think I Am)\" is a song written by Loretta Lynn and Teddy Wilburn that was also recorded by Loretta Lynn. It was released as a single in August 1967 via Decca Records. \"What Kind of a Girl (Do You Think I Am)\" was recorded at the Bradley's Barn on January 18, 1967. Located in Mount Juliet, Tennessee, the session was produced by renowned country music producer Owen Bradley. Three additional tracks were recorded during this session. \"What Kind of a Girl (Do You", "psg_id": "19429189" }, { "title": "KOEL (AM)", "text": "KOEL (AM) KOEL (950 AM) is US a radio station serving Waterloo, Cedar Falls and surrounding cities with a news/talk format. The station broadcasts on AM frequency 950 kHz and is under the ownership of Townsquare Media. Despite different owners and affiliations, KOEL and KWWL maintain a strong partnership. On August 30, 2013, a deal was announced in which Townsquare would acquire 53 Cumulus Media stations, including KOEL, for $238 million. The deal was part of Cumulus' acquisition of Dial Global; Townsquare and Dial Global are both controlled by Oaktree Capital Management. The sale to Townsquare was completed on November", "psg_id": "11011222" }, { "title": "What Am I Gonna Do About You (song)", "text": "What Am I Gonna Do About You (song) \"What Am I Gonna Do About You\" is a song written by Jim Allison, Doug Gilmore, and Bob Simon. It was first recorded by American country music artist Con Hunley in 1986 on the Capitol Records label and later by Reba McEntire for her 1986 studio album of the same name. Produced by Jimmy Bowen and McEntire, it was a number one single on the \"Billboard Magazine\" country music chart. It debuted at #54 on the Hot Country Single's chart for the week of October 11, 1986 and peaked at #1 for", "psg_id": "13759373" }, { "title": "What Am I Gonna Do About You (song)", "text": "first single to top the Canadian \"RPM\" Country Tracks charts, reaching number one January 24. What Am I Gonna Do About You (song) \"What Am I Gonna Do About You\" is a song written by Jim Allison, Doug Gilmore, and Bob Simon. It was first recorded by American country music artist Con Hunley in 1986 on the Capitol Records label and later by Reba McEntire for her 1986 studio album of the same name. Produced by Jimmy Bowen and McEntire, it was a number one single on the \"Billboard Magazine\" country music chart. It debuted at #54 on the Hot", "psg_id": "13759377" }, { "title": "What Kind of Fool Do You Think I Am", "text": "Am\" debuted at number 75 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks for the week of May 16, 1992. What Kind of Fool Do You Think I Am \"What Kind of Fool Do You Think I Am\" is a song recorded by American country music artist Lee Roy Parnell, written by Al Carmichael and Gary Griffin. It was released in May 1992 as the second single from the album, \"Love Without Mercy\". The song was Parnell's fifth single release, and his first to reach Top 40 on the Hot Country Songs charts. It is also one of three", "psg_id": "13381292" }, { "title": "What Kind of Fool Do You Think I Am", "text": "What Kind of Fool Do You Think I Am \"What Kind of Fool Do You Think I Am\" is a song recorded by American country music artist Lee Roy Parnell, written by Al Carmichael and Gary Griffin. It was released in May 1992 as the second single from the album, \"Love Without Mercy\". The song was Parnell's fifth single release, and his first to reach Top 40 on the Hot Country Songs charts. It is also one of three singles in his career to reach number two on the country music charts. \"What Kind of Fool Do You Think I", "psg_id": "13381291" }, { "title": "What Would You Do (If Jesus Came to Your House)", "text": "chorus – \"What would you do/if Jesus came to your house/to spend some time with you\" – is sung, it was one of his first songs that were spoken, as most of his later well-known songs were. What Would You Do (If Jesus Came to Your House) \"What Would You Do (If Jesus Came to Your House)\" is a country gospel song, written by Yolanda Adams, Errol McCalla Jr., Jonathan Broussard and Marcus Ecby, and popularized in 1956 by up-and-coming country singer Porter Wagoner. Wagoner's version reached No. 8 on the \"Billboard\" country charts in the spring of 1956, and", "psg_id": "18110730" }, { "title": "What Kind of Fool (Do You Think I Am)", "text": "Norbert Putman on bass, Jerry Carrigan on drums, David Briggs on piano, and Terry Thompson and Earl \"Peanut\" Montgomery on guitar. The song was covered by Bill Deal and the Rhondels in 1969, and peaked at #23 on the Billboard Hot 100. Del Shannon covered this song on his posthumously-released album \"Rock On!\". What Kind of Fool (Do You Think I Am) \"What Kind of Fool (Do You Think I Am)\" is a 1964 single written by Ray Whitley and recorded by The Tams. The single was their most successful release on both the United States R&B and pop charts.", "psg_id": "13793561" }, { "title": "What Am I Gonna Do About You (song)", "text": "the week of January 17, 1987. \"What Am I Gonna Do About You\" was recorded by Con Hunley in 1985 on the Capitol Records label with \"Lord, She Sure Looks Good Tonight\" on the B-side. His version was released on the Capitol #5525, spending 15 weeks on the country charts and peaking at #48. It was recorded by Reba McEntire in 1986 at the Sound Stage Studio in Nashville, Tennessee. The song is characterized as a slow ballad, which describes how a woman tries to recover from a love affair, saying throughout the song, \"what am I gonna do about", "psg_id": "13759374" }, { "title": "What Kind of a Girl (Do You Think I Am)", "text": "Think I Am)\" reached number five on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles survey in 1967. The song became her eleventh top ten single under the Decca recording label. Secondly, the song became Lynn's first single to chart in Canada. It peaked at number six on the Canadian \"RPM Country Tracks\" chart. It was included on her studio album, \"Fist City\" (1968). What Kind of a Girl (Do You Think I Am) \"What Kind of a Girl (Do You Think I Am)\" is a song written by Loretta Lynn and Teddy Wilburn that was also recorded by Loretta Lynn. It was", "psg_id": "19429190" }, { "title": "Dial Global Local", "text": "Dial Global Local Dial Global Local (formerly Waitt Radio Networks) was a national radio network based in Omaha, Nebraska, formerly owned by NRG Media and purchased in April 2008 by Triton Radio Networks. As a subsidiary of Dial Global, they specialized in 24-hour formats for affiliated radio stations across the United States and Canada which are specifically localized for their client stations, although they also were known for commercial production services. Dial Global Local also provides their affiliates with coverage of breaking news events. In June 2012, due to reorganizations at Dial Global, the Dial Global Local 24/7 formats were", "psg_id": "8027986" }, { "title": "Do What You Wanna Do (album)", "text": "Radio\" and \"Because I Love You\" (the band's most popular songs). The perennial \"Because I Love You\" also gained new prominence around that time via its use in a series of advertisements for a well-known brand of jeans; the revamped version of \"Because I Love You\" peaked at No. 30 on the Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA) Singles Charts. Side B is live recordings taken from the 1988 reunion tour. All songs written by Doug Ford and Jim Keays, except where noted. Do What You Wanna Do (album) Do What You Wanna Do is the fifth studio album by the", "psg_id": "20608312" }, { "title": "What Would You Do (If Jesus Came to Your House)", "text": "What Would You Do (If Jesus Came to Your House) \"What Would You Do (If Jesus Came to Your House)\" is a country gospel song, written by Yolanda Adams, Errol McCalla Jr., Jonathan Broussard and Marcus Ecby, and popularized in 1956 by up-and-coming country singer Porter Wagoner. Wagoner's version reached No. 8 on the \"Billboard\" country charts in the spring of 1956, and was the higher of two competing chart versions released that year. Also in 1956, another up-and-coming country singer, Red Sovine, released his own version on Decca Records, which peaked at No. 15. For Sovine, although the main", "psg_id": "18110729" }, { "title": "What Are You Going to Do with Your Life?", "text": "What Are You Going to Do with Your Life? What Are You Going to Do with Your Life? is the eighth studio album by the English rock band Echo & the Bunnymen. The album saw the departure of bassist Les Pattinson from the group, partly due to disagreements with vocalist Ian McCulloch; McCulloch and the remaining band member, guitarist Will Sergeant, subsequently recorded the record with session musicians. The London Metropolitan Orchestra provided backing music and the American alternative hip hop band Fun Lovin' Criminals appeared as guest musicians on two tracks. The album was produced by Alan Douglas and", "psg_id": "7126096" }, { "title": "WHAT (AM)", "text": "the station had been sold. One month later, on September 12, 2011 at 12 P.M., WHAT changed their format to Spanish-language music, branded as \"El Zol 1340 AM\" WHAT (AM) WHAT (1340 kHz) is a commercial radio station located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, broadcasting on 1340 AM. The station is owned by Aztec Capital Partners, Inc. On October 17, 1922, a new Philadelphia radio station was authorized by the government to the Lennig Brothers Co, a radio supply company headed up by Frederick Lennig at 827 Spring Garden Street. Ownership of the station changed twice within a two-year span. In 1939,", "psg_id": "9675458" }, { "title": "What You Do (song)", "text": "What You Do (song) \"What You Do\" is a song recorded by Polish singer Margaret for her third studio album, \"Monkey Business\" (2017). The song was written by Margaret, Arash Labaf, Robert Uhlmann, Anderz Wrethov and Thomas Karlsson, and produced by Uhlmann, Labaf and Wrethov, with co-production from Alex Papaconstantinou. \"What You Do\" was released worldwide as the lead single from \"Monkey Business\" on 12 May 2017. The single reached number fourteen on the Polish Airplay Chart. It also charted in Russia and received radio airplay in Sweden (the single peaked at number one on RIX FM chart) where Margaret", "psg_id": "20155751" }, { "title": "What Do You Mean?", "text": "\"What do you mean / When you nod your head yes, but you wanna say no? / What do you mean / When you don't want me to move, but you tell me to go?.\" \"USA Today\" Carly Mallenbaum, who heard the song in early August, described it as a \"catchy dance track for the club\". Similarly, a writer for \"The Daily Beast\" said, \"['What Do You Mean?' is] pretty damn catchy; a slow-burner that, like that collab, swells into a Bieber banger\". Gil Kaufman of MTV News also called it a \"banger\", explaining, \"the track is classic JB: seductive,", "psg_id": "18937838" }, { "title": "WORD (AM)", "text": "area. Although WORD transmits with 5,000 watts of power like its counterpart, WYRD, its signal is somewhat stronger due to its lower dial position. The station added WYRD-FM, at 106.3 on the dial, as a second simulcast partner in 2008. WORD (AM) WORD, known on-air as \"ESPN Upstate\", is a sports-formatted radio station in the Greenville-Spartanburg area of Upstate South Carolina. The Entercom Communications outlet is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to Spartanburg, SC, and broadcasts at 950 kHz with power of 5,000 watts non-directional daytime and directional at night. The programming on WORD is simulultaneously broadcast on", "psg_id": "8475760" }, { "title": "Dial Global Local", "text": "Rock 2.0); and Bob FM (replaced by Jack FM, now a Dial Global Total offering). On April 30, 2008, it was announced that NRG Media had sold the assets of Waitt Radio Networks to Triton Radio Networks, which also operates Dial Global Digital 24/7 formats (once part of Westwood One). According to Dial Global's website, Dial Global's plans are to merge Waitt's existing 24-hour formats and commercial production services into its own operations . The merger was complete in 2010. Dial Global Local Dial Global Local (formerly Waitt Radio Networks) was a national radio network based in Omaha, Nebraska, formerly", "psg_id": "8027988" }, { "title": "You Don't Know What to Do", "text": "third week with sales of 7,326 units. Carey and Wale performed \"You Don't Know What to Do\" on the \"Today\" show on May 16, 2014. The performance also included renditions of Carey's previous singles \"Always Be My Baby\" (1996) and \"Touch My Body\" (2008). Credits adapted from the liner notes of \"Me. I Am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse\". You Don't Know What to Do \"You Don't Know What to Do\" is a song by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey included on her fourteenth studio album, \"Me. I Am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse \" (2014), and features rapper Wale. The", "psg_id": "18019380" }, { "title": "What Are You Going to Do with Your Life?", "text": "the 2000 EP, \"Avalanche\", which was only available to buy over the internet. All tracks written by Ian McCulloch and Will Sergeant. with: What Are You Going to Do with Your Life? What Are You Going to Do with Your Life? is the eighth studio album by the English rock band Echo & the Bunnymen. The album saw the departure of bassist Les Pattinson from the group, partly due to disagreements with vocalist Ian McCulloch; McCulloch and the remaining band member, guitarist Will Sergeant, subsequently recorded the record with session musicians. The London Metropolitan Orchestra provided backing music and the", "psg_id": "7126107" }, { "title": "KKSE (AM)", "text": "KKSE (AM) KKSE (950 kHz, \"Altitude Sports AM 950\") is a commercial AM radio station licensed to Parker, Colorado, and serving the Denver metropolitan area. The station is owned by Stan Kroenke's KSE Radio Ventures. It mostly simulcasts co-owned KKSE-FM 92.5. KKSE-AM-FM air a sports talk radio format branded as \"Altitude Sports 92.5 FM.\" KKSE-AM-FM have studios on South Colorado Boulevard in Glendale, with the AM transmitter located off Riverdale Road in Denver. KSE Radio Ventures also owns sister stations 100.3 KIMN and 105.1 KXKL-FM. KKSE-AM-FM have local sports hosts most of the day and carry syndicated programming from Fox", "psg_id": "8383216" }, { "title": "KOEL (AM)", "text": "14, 2013. On weekdays, KOEL-AM broadcasts news/talk programming as well as local agriculture business, sports reports, community calendar, lunch specials and stock market reports, with ABC News broadcast on the hour, along with Oelwein Huskies play by play. At weekends, KOEL has brief news breaks from ABC News with home improvement tips, field and stream radio, and classic country music (when not in special programming mode). KOEL (AM) KOEL (950 AM) is US a radio station serving Waterloo, Cedar Falls and surrounding cities with a news/talk format. The station broadcasts on AM frequency 950 kHz and is under the ownership", "psg_id": "11011223" }, { "title": "What Am I Gonna Do About You (song)", "text": "you.\" The song's chorus is also repeated throughout the song: Upon its release and many years afterward, \"What Am I Gonna Do About You\" gained positive reviews. Although William Ruhlmann of \"Allmusic\" found the song not to have the characteristics of her previous releases, he received the song well. Ruhlmann found it to be nearly similar to that of her number one single, \"Whoever's in New England,\" stating, \"the title song had something of the feel of \"Whoever's in New England\" in its portrayal of a woman trying to recover from a painfully ended love affair.\" \"What Am I Gonna", "psg_id": "13759375" }, { "title": "What You Don't Do", "text": "What You Don't Do \"What You Don't Do\" is a single by British recording artist Lianne La Havas. Released on 7 August 2015, the song peaked at No.69 on the Ultratip Belgium Flanders charts. Following the touring La Havas embarked on in order to promote her debut album \"Your Love Big Enough?\", she traveled to Jamaica along with her mother in order to regain connections with her roots. During her time in Jamaica La Havas played music for her family alongside dancehall and reggae producer Stephen McGregor (known under his production name Di Genius), who would later go on to", "psg_id": "18870135" }, { "title": "What You Don't Do", "text": "positive slogan talking about games that the vocalist is not \"forced to endure\". What You Don't Do \"What You Don't Do\" is a single by British recording artist Lianne La Havas. Released on 7 August 2015, the song peaked at No.69 on the Ultratip Belgium Flanders charts. Following the touring La Havas embarked on in order to promote her debut album \"Your Love Big Enough?\", she traveled to Jamaica along with her mother in order to regain connections with her roots. During her time in Jamaica La Havas played music for her family alongside dancehall and reggae producer Stephen McGregor", "psg_id": "18870137" }, { "title": "What Do You Take Me For?", "text": "me for?' she calls over a squelchy and thoroughly grindable bassline with just enough disgust in her tone to warn off any fellas who think she's a cheap date. We hate to break it to you Pix, but wearing a snakeskin leotard and popping your crotch on the dancefloor in your accompanying music video will do little to help your big tease!\" \"What Do You Take Me For?\" debuted at number 10 on the UK Singles Chart with first-week sales of 34,335 copies, becoming Lott's first non-number-one single to chart inside the top 10. The following week, it fell", "psg_id": "15979701" }, { "title": "KJTV (AM)", "text": "KJTV (AM) KJTV (950 AM, \"100.7 The Score) is a Lubbock, Texas, radio station broadcasting with a daytime power of 5,000 watts. Programming includes both local and nationally syndicated sports talk shows. It is owned by Ramar Communications, co-owned with several sister radio and television stations including its television partner. Its studios are located at 98th and University in south Lubbock, and its transmitter is in Mackenzie Park east of downtown. KJTV (as KSEL 950 1,000 watts Day, 500 watts Night) was the second radio station established in Lubbock, signing on in 1946. KCBD 1590 was third in 1949 and", "psg_id": "12581043" }, { "title": "WHAT (AM)", "text": "WHAT (AM) WHAT (1340 kHz) is a commercial radio station located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, broadcasting on 1340 AM. The station is owned by Aztec Capital Partners, Inc. On October 17, 1922, a new Philadelphia radio station was authorized by the government to the Lennig Brothers Co, a radio supply company headed up by Frederick Lennig at 827 Spring Garden Street. Ownership of the station changed twice within a two-year span. In 1939, the Bonwit Teller department store replaced The Evening Ledger newspaper as owner; in July 1940, J. David Stern, who published The Philadelphia Record newspaper bought the station from", "psg_id": "9675451" }, { "title": "What Are You Going to Do with Your Life?", "text": "& the Bunnymen left London Records in early 2000. McCulloch said, \"What they said is, 'We'll keep you on if you don't take as much money as in the contract,' and we had no intention of staying anyway, so it was kind of 'were we pushed or did we fall?'\" There was also a change in the band's management with Toogood departing to start his own record label. With the session musicians who recorded \"What Are You Going to Do with Your Life?\" moving on, McCulloch and Sergeant recruited a new band, with whom they would go on to record", "psg_id": "7126106" }, { "title": "KXLY (AM)", "text": "KXLY (AM) KXLY is a news/talk radio outlet based in Spokane, Washington. The station, which operates at 920 kHz on the AM dial and has a translator at 100.7 MHz on the FM dial, offers a lineup of local and national news stories and syndicated talk shows. KXLY also share a website and news resources with sister station KXLY-TV. It is the flagship station of The Cougar Sports Radio Network, broadcast Washington State Cougar football and men's basketball games. It is also the alternate affiliate of the Seattle Mariners baseball network. KXLY is owned by Morgan Murphy Media. KXLY, Spokane's", "psg_id": "5445500" }, { "title": "You Know What to Do", "text": "To Get You into My Life\", \"And Your Bird Can Sing\" and \"Mother Nature's Son\". You Know What to Do \"You Know What to Do\" was one of the first songs written and recorded by George Harrison with the Beatles. It was recorded on 3 June 1964 but remained unreleased until its inclusion on the band's 1995 outtakes compilation \"Anthology 1\". During a photographic assignment on the morning of 3 June 1964, Ringo Starr was taken ill with tonsillitis and pharyngitis, 24 hours before the Beatles were due to leave for a six-country tour. The recording session booked for that", "psg_id": "6187569" }, { "title": "KPRC (AM)", "text": "KPRC (AM) KPRC (950 kHz) is a commercial AM talk radio station in Houston, Texas, branded as \"AM 950 KPRC.\" It is the oldest radio station licensed to Houston and still on the air to this day. KPRC is owned by iHeartMedia, Inc.. The station's studios are located along the West Loop Freeway in the city's Uptown district. The transmitter site is located at the Interstate 610 North Loop and Liberty Road in the Settegast neighborhood on the northeast side. KPRC broadcasts with 5,000 watts around the clock. At night, to protect other stations on AM 950, it uses a", "psg_id": "9091057" }, { "title": "What Do You Think About the Car?", "text": "treatment of transgender suicide ('Paracetamol') with subtlety and skill. Standout 'Make Me Your Queen' is a rare moment of intimacy as he laments the ache of unrequited love, again with a delicacy and wisdom beyond his years.\" What Do You Think About the Car? What Do You Think About the Car? is the debut studio album by English singer-songwriter and musician Declan McKenna. It was released worldwide on 21 July 2017, through Columbia Records. \"What Do You Think About the Car?\" has been described as featuring indie rock throughout. In 2015, at age 15, McKenna won the Glastonbury Festival's Emerging", "psg_id": "20249678" }, { "title": "Do What You Gotta Do", "text": "after the album's release by Capitol Records. This was due to a parcel of tepid reviews and soft sales for Garth Brooks side project, Chris Gaines. Deborah Evans Price, of \"Billboard\" magazine reviewed the song favorably, calling it a \"high-energy, uptempo, and buoyed by tasty fiddle and crisp, clean production.\" She goes on to say that the \"positive message and infectious melody should make it a quick radio favorite.\" On Brooks' performance she says that it is \"personality-packed\" and \"full of conviction and passion.\" \"Do What You Gotta Do\" debuted at number 61 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles", "psg_id": "15814083" }, { "title": "AM (Australian radio series)", "text": "AM (Australian radio series) AM, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's flagship current-affairs radio program, is one of Australia's longest-running productions. Its tagline is \"Ensure you are informed.\" \"AM\" was created in 1967 for what were then ABC Radio 1 and Radio 3 (now ABC Local Radio). Aired every morning at 8 am (after the 7.45 am news bulletin), it soon became Australia's most-popular morning radio current-affairs program. Two years later, ABC Radio's evening current-affairs program, \"PM\" was created as a companion program. It is now the ABC's flagship evening current affairs program. \"AM\" was later introduced to ABC Radio 2 (now", "psg_id": "7532879" }, { "title": "KCAP (AM)", "text": "presented an E.B. Craney Broadcasting Award for excellence in Radio Station Promotion at the annual meeting of the Montana Broadcasters Association. Kevin Skaalure of KTMX won a Craney for best Radio Public Service Campaign at the same ceremony. KCAP (AM) KCAP (950 AM) is a radio station licensed to serve Helena, Montana. The station is owned by Kevin Terry, through licensee The Montana Radio Company, LLC. It airs a news/talk format. The station went on the air November 1, 1976 as KMTX. Until 2014, the station broadcast an adult standards format as \"Classy 950.\" In October 2014, Cherry Creek Radio", "psg_id": "11508698" }, { "title": "Ain't What You Do", "text": "Ain't What You Do \"Ain't What You Do\" is a single released in 2003 by the UK hip hop/R&B group Big Brovaz. The single is the fifth and final single taken from Big Brovaz' 2002 debut album, \"Nu-Flow\". \"Ain't What You Do\" became Big Brovaz' fifth UK hit but their first to miss the top ten, peaking at number fifteen and spending seven weeks inside the top seventy-five of the UK Singles Chart. The single was not released in Australia. \"Ain't What You Do\" is based on Fun Boy Three and Bananarama's collaboration \"It Ain't What You Do (It's the", "psg_id": "10038255" }, { "title": "You Don't Know What to Do", "text": "revealed to be called \"You Don't Know What to Do\", live during a mini-concert for \"Today\" held by Carey. Following the performance, Carey premiered the studio version on May 19 on \"The Russ Parr Morning Show\" radio show. A solo version which omits Wale's rap verses was later released in June 2014. The song was serviced to urban contemporary radio on June 30, 2014 and rhythmic contemporary radio on July 1, 2014, as the fourth single to be released from the album. When Carey released \"You Don't Know What to Do\" as the fourth single from the album, fans noticed", "psg_id": "18019371" }, { "title": "Ain't What You Do", "text": "Way That You Do It)\". UK CD 1 UK CD 2 Ain't What You Do \"Ain't What You Do\" is a single released in 2003 by the UK hip hop/R&B group Big Brovaz. The single is the fifth and final single taken from Big Brovaz' 2002 debut album, \"Nu-Flow\". \"Ain't What You Do\" became Big Brovaz' fifth UK hit but their first to miss the top ten, peaking at number fifteen and spending seven weeks inside the top seventy-five of the UK Singles Chart. The single was not released in Australia. \"Ain't What You Do\" is based on Fun Boy", "psg_id": "10038256" }, { "title": "Do You Love What You Feel", "text": "Do You Love What You Feel \"Do You Love What You Feel\" is a well-known soul/disco song by Rufus and Chaka. Released in late 1979 from the Quincy Jones produced album, \"Masterjam\", it spent three weeks at the top of the Hot Soul Singles chart, becoming the fourth of five songs that they would send to the top of that chart. It also peaked at number thirty on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 singles chart. Along with the track, \"Any Love\", \"Do You Love What You Feel\" peaked at number five on the disco/dance charts. It would be one of the", "psg_id": "13390308" }, { "title": "Take What You Find", "text": "already sung about the previous year in \"Take What You Find\" goes so far as to recommend taking any sexual encounter available, even if it means lowering one's standards: Charles Donovan's retrospective review on Allmusic described the new tack Reddy was taking: \"In search of a harder rock edge, Reddy employed Dr. Hook producer Ron Haffkine for \"Take What You Find\", but despite tougher material like 'Killer Barracuda,' this was essentially another MOR-focused collection. Whatever artistic development there might have been failed to reverse Reddy's commercial decline.\" The reviewer for \"Billboard\" magazine also noted the different feel of this project.", "psg_id": "18950230" }, { "title": "Take What You Find", "text": "Take What You Find Take What You Find is the twelfth studio album by Australian-American pop singer Helen Reddy that was released in 1980 by Capitol Records. It was her last album while under contract with the aforementioned record label before signing with MCA Records. Like the previous three -- \"We'll Sing in the Sunshine\", \"Live In London\", and \"Reddy\" -- it failed to sell enough copies to reach \"Billboard\" magazine's list of the 200 Top LP's & Tapes of the week in the US but also became her first studio LP that didn't have a single appearing on either", "psg_id": "18950228" }, { "title": "KCAP (AM)", "text": "KCAP (AM) KCAP (950 AM) is a radio station licensed to serve Helena, Montana. The station is owned by Kevin Terry, through licensee The Montana Radio Company, LLC. It airs a news/talk format. The station went on the air November 1, 1976 as KMTX. Until 2014, the station broadcast an adult standards format as \"Classy 950.\" In October 2014, Cherry Creek Radio announced that it would purchase KMTX from The Montana Radio Company and move its news/talk programming to KMTX from the original KCAP (1340 AM) and KBLL (1240 AM); those stations went off the air on November 5, the", "psg_id": "11508696" }, { "title": "WDTW (AM)", "text": "talk station of a number of formats. AM 1310 began broadcasting in 1946 under the call sign WKMH. Originally a daytime-only station at 1540 on the AM dial, WKMH moved to its current 1310 frequency and began 24-hour operations in 1948. In its early years, WKMH (joined around 1950 by sister station WKMH-FM, simulcasting at 100.3 on the FM dial) was a typical suburban full-service radio station specializing in local news, information, sports, and mainly MOR-oriented pop music. WKMH's most popular personality was Robin Seymour (DJ), a pioneering rock and roll disk jockey in Detroit. Seymour's \"Bobbin' with Robin\" show", "psg_id": "7134818" }, { "title": "Do You Love What You Feel", "text": "last albums featuring lead vocalist Chaka Khan before fully going solo. Do You Love What You Feel \"Do You Love What You Feel\" is a well-known soul/disco song by Rufus and Chaka. Released in late 1979 from the Quincy Jones produced album, \"Masterjam\", it spent three weeks at the top of the Hot Soul Singles chart, becoming the fourth of five songs that they would send to the top of that chart. It also peaked at number thirty on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 singles chart. Along with the track, \"Any Love\", \"Do You Love What You Feel\" peaked at number", "psg_id": "13390309" }, { "title": "What Are You Going to Do with Your Life?", "text": "I'd say, 'Well, nowhere, it doesn't really have a place'.\" Released in March 1999, \"Rust\" was the first single to come from \"What Are You Going to Do with Your Life?\". The single peaked at number twenty-two on the UK Singles Chart, and \"NME\" magazine named it their Single of the Week. The album was released the following month on 16 April and, having failed to appeal to the public as much as the band's previous albums, peaked at number twenty-one on the UK Albums Chart. \"Get in the Car\", one of the tracks recorded with Fun Lovin' Criminals, was", "psg_id": "7126102" }, { "title": "AM (Australian radio series)", "text": "\"PM\" are two of the most recognisable in Australia. The two themes, composed by Tony Ansell and Peter Wall (who composed many themes for the ABC News and Current Affairs Department in the 1980s). The similarity between the themes represents a significant link between the sister programmes. AM (Australian radio series) AM, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's flagship current-affairs radio program, is one of Australia's longest-running productions. Its tagline is \"Ensure you are informed.\" \"AM\" was created in 1967 for what were then ABC Radio 1 and Radio 3 (now ABC Local Radio). Aired every morning at 8 am (after the", "psg_id": "7532884" }, { "title": "What Do You Mean?", "text": "Do You Mean?\" was performed at the 2015 MTV Europe Music Awards on October 25. Moreover, the song was also included on the set list for the Purpose World Tour. What Do You Mean? \"What Do You Mean?\" is a song recorded by Canadian singer Justin Bieber for his fourth studio album \"Purpose\" (2015). The song was released on August 28, 2015, as the album's lead single by Def Jam. Written by Bieber, Jason \"Poo Bear\" Boyd and Mason Levy, the song was produced by MdL and co-produced by Bieber. \"What Do You Mean?\" is a pop and tropical house", "psg_id": "18937858" }, { "title": "On the Ride (You Do It Once, You Do It Twice)", "text": "On the Ride (You Do It Once, You Do It Twice) \"On the Ride (You Do It Once, You Do It Twice)\" is a song recorded and released as a single in 1972 by the Dutch musical ensemble, Continental Uptight Band. It was written by Lynsey de Paul (credited as Rubin) and Edward Adamberry. The single was a chart hit in the Netherlands, reaching No. 23 in March 1972. It also reached No. 21 on the Radio Northsea International Prediction Hit 40 listing on 4 March 1972 after being a Smash Play on the radio station a month earlier. The", "psg_id": "19757458" }, { "title": "Do What You Gotta Do (Jimmy Webb song)", "text": "Do What You Gotta Do (Jimmy Webb song) Do What You Gotta Do is a song that was written by Jimmy Webb. It was an R&B hit for Al Wilson in 1968. It was also a hit for Nina Simone that year and a local hit for New Zealand band Larry's Rebels as well. The single was released in December 1967. It was produced by Marc Gordon and arranged by Marty Paich. The B side \"Now I Know What Love Is\". For the week ending Jan 6, 1968, the single was bubbling under the Billboard Hot 100 at 127. By", "psg_id": "20426528" }, { "title": "Do What You Gotta Do (Jimmy Webb song)", "text": "Do What You Gotta Do (Jimmy Webb song) Do What You Gotta Do is a song that was written by Jimmy Webb. It was an R&B hit for Al Wilson in 1968. It was also a hit for Nina Simone that year and a local hit for New Zealand band Larry's Rebels as well. The single was released in December 1967. It was produced by Marc Gordon and arranged by Marty Paich. The B side \"Now I Know What Love Is\". For the week ending Jan 6, 1968, the single was bubbling under the Billboard Hot 100 at 127. By", "psg_id": "20426523" }, { "title": "What Are You Going to Do with Your Life?", "text": "were determined to continue as Echo & the Bunnymen and recruited session musicians so they could record the album. The album was produced by Alan Douglas and Echo & the Bunnymen and was recorded at Doghouse Studios in Henley-on-Thames, Parr Street Studios in Liverpool, and Olympic Studios, Maida Vale Studios and CTS in London. As with previous Echo & the Bunnymen albums, \"What Are You Going to Do with Your Life?\" used the London Metropolitan Orchestra to provide backing music. American alternative hip hop band Fun Lovin' Criminals appeared on the album as guest musicians on two tracks. Sergeant's guitar-work", "psg_id": "7126100" }, { "title": "What Do I Do with Me", "text": "What Do I Do with Me What Do I Do with Me is a 1991 album by American country music singer Tanya Tucker. It was her highest-placing on the Billboard charts reaching #6 in the Country albums and #48 on the Pop albums categories. The album produced four Top Ten hits on the Hot Country Songs charts: \"(Without You) What Do I Do with Me\" and \"Down to My Last Teardrop\" both at number two, \"Some Kind of Trouble\" at number three, and \"If Your Heart Ain't Busy Tonight\" at number four. The track \"Everything That You Want\" was later", "psg_id": "6695712" }, { "title": "KXJK", "text": "broadcasts Arkansas Razorbacks baseball. This station began broadcast operations in 1949. KXJK KXJK (950 AM) is a radio station licensed to serve Forrest City, Arkansas, United States. The station, established in 1949, is owned and operated by the Forrest City Broadcasting Company. In addition to the main station on 950 MHz, the KXJK signal is relayed to an FM translator, which provides both High fidelity sound and the option of FM to listeners. KXJK broadcasts a mixed format and features programming from ABC, ARN, Premiere Networks, Dial Global and Yahoo! Sports Radio. KXJK airs regional and local news as well", "psg_id": "16533723" }, { "title": "KXJK", "text": "KXJK KXJK (950 AM) is a radio station licensed to serve Forrest City, Arkansas, United States. The station, established in 1949, is owned and operated by the Forrest City Broadcasting Company. In addition to the main station on 950 MHz, the KXJK signal is relayed to an FM translator, which provides both High fidelity sound and the option of FM to listeners. KXJK broadcasts a mixed format and features programming from ABC, ARN, Premiere Networks, Dial Global and Yahoo! Sports Radio. KXJK airs regional and local news as well as a morning show in simulcast with sister station KBFC. KXJK", "psg_id": "16533722" }, { "title": "KKSE (AM)", "text": "country hits, KYGO 950 used a deeper library and more personality. It was also a CBS Radio News Network affiliate. KYGO 950 continued for six years playing country music before its owner, Jefferson-Pilot Communications decided on a new direction for the station. (Jefferson-Pilot later became the Lincoln Financial Group.) On October 12, 1994, the station changed its call sign to KKFN, and on May 8, 1995, adopted a sports radio format with the moniker \"AM 950 The Fan.\" (The KYGO-AM call sign and country format moved to 1600 AM. KKFN become the first all-sports station in the Denver market. On", "psg_id": "8383219" }, { "title": "Do What You Gotta Do", "text": "& Tracks for the chart week of January 15, 2000. Do What You Gotta Do \"Do What You Gotta Do\" is a song written by guitarist Pat Flynn and recorded by the New Grass Revival for their 1989 Capitol album \"Friday Night in America\". The song was also recorded by American country music artist Garth Brooks. It was released in January 2000 as fifth and final single from the 1997 album, \"Sevens\". The song reached number 13 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks (now Hot Country Songs) charts and peaked at number 18 on the Canadian \"RPM\"", "psg_id": "15814084" }, { "title": "Do What You Gotta Do", "text": "Do What You Gotta Do \"Do What You Gotta Do\" is a song written by guitarist Pat Flynn and recorded by the New Grass Revival for their 1989 Capitol album \"Friday Night in America\". The song was also recorded by American country music artist Garth Brooks. It was released in January 2000 as fifth and final single from the 1997 album, \"Sevens\". The song reached number 13 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks (now Hot Country Songs) charts and peaked at number 18 on the Canadian \"RPM\" Country Tracks chart. The song was issued over two years", "psg_id": "15814082" }, { "title": "What Do You Mean?", "text": "to the lyric's placement in the song, and Beliebers spent Wednesday collectively piecing together the upcoming single's lyrics in order.\" On August 5, 2015, Bieber presented the song to radio professionals at an iHeartMedia event. The song was released on August 28, 2015, and was serviced to contemporary hit radio on September 1, 2015. On October 16, 2015, it was revealed that a remix of the song featuring Ariana Grande would be made available if fans pre-ordered the album on iTunes. \"What Do You Mean?\" was written by Justin Bieber, Jason \"Poo Bear\" Boyd and Mason Levy. It was produced", "psg_id": "18937835" }, { "title": "You Don't Know What to Do", "text": "You Don't Know What to Do \"You Don't Know What to Do\" is a song by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey included on her fourteenth studio album, \"Me. I Am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse \" (2014), and features rapper Wale. The track was released on June 30, 2014, as the fourth single from the album. It was written by Wale, Carey, Jermaine Dupri and Bryan-Michael Cox, with production helmed by the latter three. The song contains an interpolation of \"I'm Caught Up in a One Night Affair\" written by Patrick Adams and Terri Gonzalez, both of whom received songwriting", "psg_id": "18019366" }, { "title": "KPRC (AM)", "text": "turn, sold KPRC radio to its current owner, Clear Channel (renamed iHeartMedia), in 1995. KPRC (AM) KPRC (950 kHz) is a commercial AM talk radio station in Houston, Texas, branded as \"AM 950 KPRC.\" It is the oldest radio station licensed to Houston and still on the air to this day. KPRC is owned by iHeartMedia, Inc.. The station's studios are located along the West Loop Freeway in the city's Uptown district. The transmitter site is located at the Interstate 610 North Loop and Liberty Road in the Settegast neighborhood on the northeast side. KPRC broadcasts with 5,000 watts around", "psg_id": "9091063" }, { "title": "What Are You Going to Do with Your Life?", "text": "Echo & the Bunnymen and it was recorded at various locations throughout England. Feeling sidelined during the recording of the album, Sergeant described it as \"probably the worst time in my whole life\". \"What Are You Going to Do with Your Life?\" was released on 16 April 1999 through London Records following the release of the first single from the album, \"Rust\", the previous month. One further single, \"Get in the Car\", followed the album's release. The album received mixed reviews from the music press, being described as both flawless and having no appeal. The album was not as popular", "psg_id": "7126097" }, { "title": "CKCY (AM)", "text": "1992. Once the song was completed, an automated, repeating farewell message was broadcast past midnight and continued for several days. The actual date when CKCY ceased transmitting is not known. CKCY (AM) CKCY was a Canadian radio station, which signed on May 25, 1955 and broadcast until August 30, 1992 in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. The station was originally launched by Algonquin Radio, a local business consortium led by Carmen Greco, with a 250 watt signal at 1400 on the AM dial. In 1961, the station moved to 920 AM, and increased its signal to 10,000 watts daytime and 5,000", "psg_id": "6170573" }, { "title": "CKCY (AM)", "text": "CKCY (AM) CKCY was a Canadian radio station, which signed on May 25, 1955 and broadcast until August 30, 1992 in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. The station was originally launched by Algonquin Radio, a local business consortium led by Carmen Greco, with a 250 watt signal at 1400 on the AM dial. In 1961, the station moved to 920 AM, and increased its signal to 10,000 watts daytime and 5,000 watts nighttime. Well known program announcers in the early and mid 1960's included morning man, Dave Carter, Art Christmas, country music specialist Bill Haight, Johnny Meadows (who for a period", "psg_id": "6170569" }, { "title": "Take What You Find", "text": "\"The sound is funkier and harder-edged than we've come to expect from Reddy, as she tackles such tough topic matter as 'Killer Barracuda',\" in which she describes a rather vicious love-'em-and-leave-'em type. Side 1 Side 2 Take What You Find Take What You Find is the twelfth studio album by Australian-American pop singer Helen Reddy that was released in 1980 by Capitol Records. It was her last album while under contract with the aforementioned record label before signing with MCA Records. Like the previous three -- \"We'll Sing in the Sunshine\", \"Live In London\", and \"Reddy\" -- it failed to", "psg_id": "18950231" }, { "title": "KKSE (AM)", "text": "a crowded sports talk field in the Denver market, with competitors including KDSP, KDCO and former sister stations KKFN and KEPN. KKSE (AM) KKSE (950 kHz, \"Altitude Sports AM 950\") is a commercial AM radio station licensed to Parker, Colorado, and serving the Denver metropolitan area. The station is owned by Stan Kroenke's KSE Radio Ventures. It mostly simulcasts co-owned KKSE-FM 92.5. KKSE-AM-FM air a sports talk radio format branded as \"Altitude Sports 92.5 FM.\" KKSE-AM-FM have studios on South Colorado Boulevard in Glendale, with the AM transmitter located off Riverdale Road in Denver. KSE Radio Ventures also owns sister", "psg_id": "8383223" }, { "title": "Turn on Your Radio", "text": "arrangements of Jacques Fred Petrus as \"recycled\" takes on what had \"once made the group a major act\". Recorded at Morning Studios, Milan, Italy. Mixed at Atlantic Recording Studios, New York City. Turn on Your Radio Turn on Your Radio is the sixth studio album by the Italian/U.S. ensemble Change. It was released in 1985 and reached number sixty-four on the US \"Billboard\" Black Albums chart, and number thirty-nine on the UK Albums Chart. \"Turn on Your Radio\" includes the singles \"Let's Go Together\", \"Examination\" (in Italy only), \"Oh What A Feeling\" and \"Mutual Attraction\". The band recorded the songs", "psg_id": "15173880" }, { "title": "Do What You Wanna Do (album)", "text": "1981. The classic Burgess, Ford, Keays and Wheatley line-up reformed in August 1987 for a \"Back to the 1960s\" special on the popular TV variety show \"Hey Hey It's Saturday\". It marked the first time all four had played together since Wheatley had left in late 1971. They undertook a reunion tour during 1988 and released an album, \"Do What You Wanna Do\", featuring new material and new versions of their earlier songs, from which they lifted the single \"Birth of the Beat\". The album's first side contains new recordings of original material and two re-recordings of \"Turn Up Your", "psg_id": "20608311" }, { "title": "WNCC (AM)", "text": "on Mexican Radio at XEMO in Tijuana and, most notably, at WPOP in Hartford, CT. Bland's strategy for the Barnesboro station included terms like \"Serving Coal Country\" and \"Your Radio Station, WNCC.\" With a strong focus on local news and information, the top 40 records being spun by \"The Real\" Johnny Dial and Tom \"Rambling\" Scantling were secondary to the emphasis on being a local station. Bland's eureka moment was deciding to have the station sound as if it were broadcasting exclusively for the local coal miners and their families. News Director Pat Cloonan ended up with several Associated Press", "psg_id": "8999816" }, { "title": "Your Radio", "text": "at SunFM in Sunderland) Your Radio YOUR Radio (formerly \"Castle Rock FM\") is an Independent Local Radio station, serving Argyll & Bute, Inverclyde and West Dunbartonshire. It is VT (Voice Tracked) and is owned and operated by Nation Broadcasting Group. Originally broadcasting as Castle Rock FM, the Dumbarton-based licence relaunched as YOUR Radio when it expanded its coverage area to Helensburgh (broadcasting on 106.9 FM). Previously owned by Clyde and Forth Press, it was sold onto Romanes Media Group, until the firm was bought by Newsquest in August 2015. Three months later, the station was bought out for an undisclosed", "psg_id": "13617789" }, { "title": "You Do Your Thing", "text": "2004 by James Otto on his album \"Days of Our Lives\". Both of these renditions were titled \"The Last Thing I Do\". As listed in liner notes. As listed in liner notes. You Do Your Thing You Do Your Thing is the fourth studio album by American country music duo Montgomery Gentry. It was released in 2004 (see 2004 in country music) and has been certified platinum by the RIAA. The album produced the duo's first Number One hit on the \"Billboard\" country music charts in \"If You Ever Stop Loving Me\"; other singles included the title track, \"Gone\", and", "psg_id": "10341405" }, { "title": "You Do Your Thing", "text": "You Do Your Thing You Do Your Thing is the fourth studio album by American country music duo Montgomery Gentry. It was released in 2004 (see 2004 in country music) and has been certified platinum by the RIAA. The album produced the duo's first Number One hit on the \"Billboard\" country music charts in \"If You Ever Stop Loving Me\"; other singles included the title track, \"Gone\", and \"Something to Be Proud Of\" (also a Number One). \"If It's the Last Thing I Do\" was also recorded by Brooks & Dunn on their 2001 album, \"Steers & Stripes\", and in", "psg_id": "10341404" }, { "title": "KJTV (AM)", "text": "97.3 hosts and national shows from a variety of networks including ESPN Radio, NBC Sports Radio and Sports Byline USA. KJTV (AM) uses the FM translator frequency as the main frequency in the logo; the translator is used to widen the broadcast area and to give listeners the ability to listen to the station on FM with better quality sound. KJTV (AM) KJTV (950 AM, \"100.7 The Score) is a Lubbock, Texas, radio station broadcasting with a daytime power of 5,000 watts. Programming includes both local and nationally syndicated sports talk shows. It is owned by Ramar Communications, co-owned with", "psg_id": "12581045" }, { "title": "CHLR (AM)", "text": "by CKCW. Radio-Aboiteaux Ltée's application was denied. The CHLR station identification is now assigned to a radio station in Rigolet, Newfoundland and Labrador as CHLR-FM. Therein, CHLR-FM has no relation with the former CHLR-AM at Moncton. CHLR (AM) CHLR-AM is a defunct French-language private Canadian radio station which broadcast at 1380 kHz on the AM dial from 1981 to 1985 at Moncton, New Brunswick. In 1980, Rufino Landry on behalf of a company to be incorporated (would be known as Radio-Aboiteaux ltée), received approval by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to operate a new French-language AM radio station", "psg_id": "15587591" }, { "title": "I Can Wonder What You Did with Your Day", "text": "I Can Wonder What You Did with Your Day I Can Wonder What You Did with Your Day is an album by Julie Doiron, released on March 10, 2009. Recorded at the home studio of Rick White, the album's producer and Doiron's onetime bandmate in Eric's Trip, the album is more rock-oriented than Doiron's other solo albums, revisiting the sound and style of Eric's Trip. The album's first single, \"Consolation Prize\", was released to radio in early February. Alternate versions of the songs \"Heavy Snow\" and \"Nice to Come Home\" were released on a split 7\" single in May 2009.", "psg_id": "13026097" }, { "title": "What Are You Going to Do with Your Life?", "text": "McCulloch was proud of the song, it was not popular with the fans, peaking number nine on the UK Singles Chart. It was beaten to the number one position by the unofficial song, \"Three Lions '98\", released by David Baddiel, Frank Skinner and The Lightning Seeds. When Echo & the Bunnymen entered the studio to record \"What Are You Going to Do with Your Life?\", bassist Les Pattinson received news that his mother was unwell. That, coupled with Pattinson's perception that McCulloch wanted everything his way, led to Pattinson announcing his retirement from the band. McCulloch and guitarist Will Sergeant", "psg_id": "7126099" }, { "title": "David Gold (talk radio host)", "text": "he became that city's first conservative talk host on WPLP-AM. Gold then moved to Miami to do a talk show before heading west to Dallas, where he would find the most success hosting local talk radio programs. Along with his friend Kevin McCarthy, Gold was one of the top hosts at KLIF, the first full-time talk radio station in the fifth-biggest U.S. radio market. Unusual for a radio station, the station became prominent in the city's mediascape. Its hosts were often quoted in local media and amongst local politicians. Gold was a staple at KLIF, where he ruled the afternoon", "psg_id": "10423000" }, { "title": "What Do You Got?", "text": "co-produced by Jon Bon Jovi and Sambora. It was recorded in Bay 7 Studios in Valley Village and Sparky Dark Studios in Calabasas, California. The song was written during sessions for \"The Circle\" (2009), but it didn't fit that album, so band decided to hold it and finished it for the \"Greatest Hits\" (2010). Lyrically, the song is about the aesthetics of love. Richie Sambora explained: \"It's a worldly thing and it doesn't have to be exactly about romance. It could be about with your family, daughter or son. What do you got if you ain't got love. It's a", "psg_id": "14853335" }, { "title": "KFLG (AM)", "text": "KFLG (AM) KFLG (1000 AM, \"K-Star\") is a radio station broadcasting an Adult Standards/MOR format. Licensed to Bullhead City, Arizona, United States, the station is owned by Cameron Broadcasting, Inc. and features programming from Dial Global. The station operates during the day only and signs off at local sunset to protect clear channel station KOMO in Seattle, WA. The station went on the air as KRHS on January 30, 1981. On January 28, 1991, the station changed its call sign to the current KFLG. The station is also heard on 99.3 FM, through a translator in Laughlin, Nevada, and on", "psg_id": "11608309" }, { "title": "KFLG (AM)", "text": "101.9 FM, through a translator in Kingman, Arizona. KFLG (AM) KFLG (1000 AM, \"K-Star\") is a radio station broadcasting an Adult Standards/MOR format. Licensed to Bullhead City, Arizona, United States, the station is owned by Cameron Broadcasting, Inc. and features programming from Dial Global. The station operates during the day only and signs off at local sunset to protect clear channel station KOMO in Seattle, WA. The station went on the air as KRHS on January 30, 1981. On January 28, 1991, the station changed its call sign to the current KFLG. The station is also heard on 99.3 FM,", "psg_id": "11608310" }, { "title": "What Do You Got?", "text": "What Do You Got? \"What Do You Got?\" is a song by American rock band Bon Jovi. It is one of four songs written for the band's \"Greatest Hits\" album, released in November 2010. The song is the first single from the compilation album. The song was released on the band's official website on August 27. It was officially released on September 21, 2010 as a digital download, but the physical single was released in Germany on October 22, 2010. \"What Do You Got?\" was written by Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora and Brett James, produced by Howard Benson and", "psg_id": "14853334" }, { "title": "WCAZ (AM)", "text": "WCAZ (AM) WCAZ is a daytimer radio station licensed to Macomb, Illinois on 1510 kHz. It broadcasts a Contemporary Christian music radio format. Because WCAZ shares the same frequency as clear-channel station WLAC in Nashville, Tennessee, WCAZ broadcasts only during the daytime. For a time, the then-WLRB was running a Music of Your Life radio network, but Jones Radio Networks divested it in favor of its own Jones Standards format. As Dial Global acquired Jones, the \"Jones Standards\" network was dissolved and \"America's Best Music\" took its place. WLRB later switched to talk programming. WLRB was owned by Prairie Radio", "psg_id": "12843587" }, { "title": "BBC Local Radio", "text": "something to which the pair would enjoy listening to. The BBC also produced photographs of the couple, to encourage presenters to visualise their potential listeners. At the 2005 Frank Gillard Awards for BBC Local Radio, the corporation hired two actors to represent the fictional couple, and award a prize to the 'Receptionist of the Year'. Mia Costello of BBC Radio Solent wrote a controversial internal memo in October 2006, re-stating the importance of these characters. She wrote: \"Whatever job you do on station, make sure this week, you broadcast to Dave and Sue – people in their fifties. Only put", "psg_id": "2913559" }, { "title": "What You Do (song)", "text": "performed it on \"Sommarkrysset\" and during RIX FM Festival concerts. A music video for the song was released onto YouTube on 12 May 2017. It was filmed in Cyprus and directed by Konrad Aksinowicz. The video sees Margaret as a star of a video game. What You Do (song) \"What You Do\" is a song recorded by Polish singer Margaret for her third studio album, \"Monkey Business\" (2017). The song was written by Margaret, Arash Labaf, Robert Uhlmann, Anderz Wrethov and Thomas Karlsson, and produced by Uhlmann, Labaf and Wrethov, with co-production from Alex Papaconstantinou. \"What You Do\" was released", "psg_id": "20155752" }, { "title": "Your Radio", "text": "Your Radio YOUR Radio (formerly \"Castle Rock FM\") is an Independent Local Radio station, serving Argyll & Bute, Inverclyde and West Dunbartonshire. It is VT (Voice Tracked) and is owned and operated by Nation Broadcasting Group. Originally broadcasting as Castle Rock FM, the Dumbarton-based licence relaunched as YOUR Radio when it expanded its coverage area to Helensburgh (broadcasting on 106.9 FM). Previously owned by Clyde and Forth Press, it was sold onto Romanes Media Group, until the firm was bought by Newsquest in August 2015. Three months later, the station was bought out for an undisclosed sum by directors Gary", "psg_id": "13617787" }, { "title": "Do you know where your children are?", "text": "Do you know where your children are? \"Do you know where your children are?\" is a question used as a public service announcement (PSA) for parents on American television especially from the late 1960s through the late 1980s. One of the first adopters of the phrase was Mel Epstein, the Director of On-Air Promotions at New York's WNEW-TV, who began using the phrase in 1967 in response to rising crime in the city. Another hypothesis has the phrase originating at \"a small ABC affiliate in western New York\", referring to WKBW-TV in Buffalo. The question \"Do you know where your", "psg_id": "11515380" }, { "title": "WAGN (AM)", "text": "WAGN (AM) WAGN (1340 AM) is a radio station licensed to Menominee, Michigan broadcasting an oldies and talk format. Formerly an affiliate of ABC Radio's OldiesRadio network, the web site \"dx-midAMerica\" reported in January 2008 that the station had dropped Oldies Radio in favor of local voicetracking with the new moniker \"1340 Gold\" (1). Prior to affiliating with Oldies Radio, WAGN had programmed Adult Standards as an affiliate of the Westwood One/Dial Global America's Best Music network. In late December 2008 WAGN began to simulcast its oldies format on its FM sister WHYB 103.7 FM (formerly an adult contemporary-formatted station).", "psg_id": "10162921" }, { "title": "WCAZ (AM)", "text": "country. WCAZ (AM) WCAZ is a daytimer radio station licensed to Macomb, Illinois on 1510 kHz. It broadcasts a Contemporary Christian music radio format. Because WCAZ shares the same frequency as clear-channel station WLAC in Nashville, Tennessee, WCAZ broadcasts only during the daytime. For a time, the then-WLRB was running a Music of Your Life radio network, but Jones Radio Networks divested it in favor of its own Jones Standards format. As Dial Global acquired Jones, the \"Jones Standards\" network was dissolved and \"America's Best Music\" took its place. WLRB later switched to talk programming. WLRB was owned by Prairie", "psg_id": "12843589" }, { "title": "What Do You Mean?", "text": "intersection of the mellow and the danceable, the four-on-the-floor with the smooth.\" Consequence of Sound wrote in a positive review \"Skrillex serves as producer of this slow burner, providing loops of tropical-flavored house beats to complement Bieber's delicate croons.\" In the United States, \"What Do You Mean?\" debuted at number 28 on the Mainstream Top 40 chart dated September 12, after three days of release, with a radio audience of 20 million. On the chart dated October 24, after earning \"Greatest Gainer\" honors for two consecutive weeks, it rose from 3 to 1 on the Mainstream Top 40 chart, becoming", "psg_id": "18937843" }, { "title": "ABC Radio Sydney", "text": "ABC Radio Sydney ABC Radio Sydney (official call sign: 2BL) is an ABC radio station in Sydney, Australia. It is the flagship station in the ABC Local Radio network and broadcasts on 702 kHz on the AM dial. The station transmits with a power (CMF) of 3,110V, which is equivalent to 50 kW (the maximum permissible in Australia) from a site 30 kilometres west of the Sydney CBD. ABC Radio Sydney was the first full-time radio station in Australia, having commenced broadcasting at 8.00pm on 23 November 1923. Its first callsign was \"2SB\" where \"2\" denotes the State of New", "psg_id": "3830763" }, { "title": "What Do You Mean?", "text": "What Do You Mean? \"What Do You Mean?\" is a song recorded by Canadian singer Justin Bieber for his fourth studio album \"Purpose\" (2015). The song was released on August 28, 2015, as the album's lead single by Def Jam. Written by Bieber, Jason \"Poo Bear\" Boyd and Mason Levy, the song was produced by MdL and co-produced by Bieber. \"What Do You Mean?\" is a pop and tropical house song, with its instrumentation consisting in light flourishes of panpipes, looped vocal samples, piano chords, fervent synths, bass and \"slick beat\" elements with the sound of a clock ticking, while", "psg_id": "18937831" }, { "title": "CHLR (AM)", "text": "CHLR (AM) CHLR-AM is a defunct French-language private Canadian radio station which broadcast at 1380 kHz on the AM dial from 1981 to 1985 at Moncton, New Brunswick. In 1980, Rufino Landry on behalf of a company to be incorporated (would be known as Radio-Aboiteaux ltée), received approval by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to operate a new French-language AM radio station at Moncton. CHLR would be the first private French radio station in Moncton with an effective radiated power was 10,000 watts. Also the same year, a competing application by Edward J. McGrath (English, 1400 kHz, 10,000", "psg_id": "15587587" }, { "title": "Turn on Your Radio", "text": "Turn on Your Radio Turn on Your Radio is the sixth studio album by the Italian/U.S. ensemble Change. It was released in 1985 and reached number sixty-four on the US \"Billboard\" Black Albums chart, and number thirty-nine on the UK Albums Chart. \"Turn on Your Radio\" includes the singles \"Let's Go Together\", \"Examination\" (in Italy only), \"Oh What A Feeling\" and \"Mutual Attraction\". The band recorded the songs for album at Morning Studios, Milan, Italy. The sessions were then taken to Atlantic Recording Studios, New York City to be mixed. Receiving negative reviews the album was originally released as an", "psg_id": "15173878" }, { "title": "Do What You Do (Jermaine Jackson song)", "text": "the past: \"Why don't you do what you do / when you did what you did to me?\" Its B-side is \"Tell Me I'm Not Dreamin' (Too Good to Be True)\", a duet with Michael Jackson. The song was sampled by Lil Wayne for \"How Could Something\" and by Chamillionaire for \"Void In My Life\". The music video was an imitation of \"The Godfather\" and supermodel Iman played Jackson's love interest who eventually betrays him by trying to shoot him. After his henchmen take her away, it is not revealed what happened to her. Do What You Do (Jermaine Jackson", "psg_id": "12138900" }, { "title": "WDUX (AM)", "text": "WDUX (AM) WDUX (800 AM) is a radio station broadcasting a Classic Country format. Licensed to Waupaca, Wisconsin, United States, the station serves the Wausau-Stevens Point area. The station is owned by Laird Broadcasting Company, Inc. and features programming from ABC Radio and Dial Global Radio Network. WDUX AM 800 & FM 92.7 share a logo but have separate programming. 800 AM is a Mexican clear-channel frequency; XEROK-AM is the dominant Class A station. The station began broadcasting on April 29, 1956, at 800 kHz, as a daytime operation, with 500 watts, then 1 kW. Around 1964, daytime power was", "psg_id": "11913314" } ]
[ "kjr", "kjr (disambiguation)" ]
awarded to a ‘person, couple, group, idea, place, or machine that “for better or for worse, …has done the most to influence the events of the year”,' who did time magazine name their person of the year this morning?
[ { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "Time Person of the Year Person of the Year (called Man of the Year or Woman of the Year until 1999) is an annual issue of the United States news magazine \"Time\" that features and profiles a person, a group, an idea, or an object that \"for better or for worse... has done the most to influence the events of the year\". The tradition of selecting a \"Man of the Year\" began in 1927, with \"Time\" editors contemplating the news makers of the years. The idea was also an attempt to remedy the editorial embarrassment earlier that year of not", "psg_id": "1659019" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "by the poll, but by the magazine's editors. Time Person of the Year Person of the Year (called Man of the Year or Woman of the Year until 1999) is an annual issue of the United States news magazine \"Time\" that features and profiles a person, a group, an idea, or an object that \"for better or for worse... has done the most to influence the events of the year\". The tradition of selecting a \"Man of the Year\" began in 1927, with \"Time\" editors contemplating the news makers of the years. The idea was also an attempt to remedy", "psg_id": "1659033" }, { "title": "You (Time Person of the Year)", "text": "You (Time Person of the Year) \"You\" were chosen in 2006 as \"Time\" magazine's Person of the Year. The magazine set out to recognize the millions of people who anonymously contribute user-generated content to wikis and other websites such as Wikipedia, YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, and the multitudes of other websites featuring user contribution. While the status had been given before to inanimate objects, with the personal computer being the \"Machine of the Year\" for 1982, as well as collections of people or an abstract representative of a movement, the choice of \"You\" attracted criticism from commentators in publications such as", "psg_id": "11339797" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "award or prize, simply based on many previous selections of admirable people. However, \"Time\" magazine points out that controversial figures such as Adolf Hitler (1938), Joseph Stalin (1939 and 1942), Nikita Khrushchev (1957) and Ayatollah Khomeini (1979) have also been granted the title for their impacts. As a result of the public backlash it received from the United States for naming Khomeini as Man of the Year in 1979, \"Time\" has since shied away from using figures who are controversial in the United States for commercial reasons, fearing reductions in sales or advertising revenue. \"Time\"s Person of the Year 2001,", "psg_id": "1659025" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "he had refused. \"Time\" denied that they had made any such promises or conditions to Trump, who was named a runner-up. \"Time\" magazine also holds an online poll for the readers to vote for who they believe to be the \"Person of the Year\". While many mistakenly believe the winner of the poll to be the \"Person of the Year\", the title, as mentioned above, is decided by the editors of \"Time\". In the first online poll held in 1998, wrestler and activist Mick Foley won with over 50% of the votes. Foley was removed from the poll, and the", "psg_id": "1659031" }, { "title": "You (Time Person of the Year)", "text": "\"The Atlantic\" for being too much of a pop culture gimmick. A \"New York Daily News\" article named the 2006 award as one of the ten most controversial \"Person of the Year\" moments in the history of \"Time\". However, the news-magazine experienced generally successful sales. While most earlier choices for \"Person of the Year\" have been historically important individuals, many of them infamous rather than internationally popular (Adolf Hitler was 1938's \"Man of the Year\", and Ayatollah Khomeini won in 1979), a few were inanimate. The personal computer was the \"Machine of the Year\" for 1982, while the \"Endangered Earth\"", "psg_id": "11339798" }, { "title": "For Better or For Worse", "text": "gives advice to Elizabeth and Anthony, who are both touched by her devotion to Jim. The strip concluded with Iris saying \"It's a promise that should last a lifetime. It defines you as a person and describes your soul. It's a promise to be there, one for the other, no matter what happens, no matter who falls ... For better or for worse, my dears ... for better or for worse\". This final daily strip had a message from Lynn Johnston saying, \"This concludes my story ... with grateful thanks to everyone who has made this all possible. ~Lynn Johnston\".", "psg_id": "1393678" }, { "title": "Person of the Year", "text": "Person of the Year Person of the Year or Man of the Year is an award given to an individual by any type of organization. Most often, it is given by a newspaper or other news outlet to annually recognize a public person. Such awards have typically been awarded to one person, near or after the end of a calendar year. The awardee is usually someone widely known via a news media's audience. A local newspaper typically gives a Person of the Year award to a local individual. However, prominent Person of the Year awards have been given to persons", "psg_id": "11365817" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "having aviator Charles Lindbergh on its cover following his historic trans-Atlantic flight. By the end of the year, it was decided that a cover story featuring Lindbergh as the Man of the Year would serve both purposes. Since the list began, every serving President of the United States has been a Man or Person of the Year at least once with the exceptions of Calvin Coolidge (in office at time of the first issue), Herbert Hoover (the subsequent U.S. President), and Gerald Ford. Most were named Man or Person of the Year either the year they were elected or while", "psg_id": "1659020" }, { "title": "Person of the Year", "text": "fundraising volunteers locally and nationally in the U.S. each year, terming each dollar raised during a 10-week period to be a vote. Notable examples include: Person of the Year Person of the Year or Man of the Year is an award given to an individual by any type of organization. Most often, it is given by a newspaper or other news outlet to annually recognize a public person. Such awards have typically been awarded to one person, near or after the end of a calendar year. The awardee is usually someone widely known via a news media's audience. A local", "psg_id": "11365820" }, { "title": "Ethiopian Person of the Year", "text": "Ethiopian Person of the Year Ethiopian Person of the Year is an annual issue of the Ethiopian news portal Jimma Times, formerly Yeroo private newspaper, which names and profiles person(s) who was (were) the most influential on events and had the most impact on Ethiopian people during the previous Ethiopian calendar year. Jimma Times's tradition of selecting the \"Ethiopian Person of the Year\" honor began during the new Ethiopian millennium (year 2000) when the multi-Olympic champion Kenenisa Bekele was selected. It established the multi-language (Afaan Oromo, Amharic &English) private newspaper Yeroo the following year. The word Yeroo means \"Time\" or", "psg_id": "14984426" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "elephant Dumbo from the Disney movie of the same name was selected to be \"Mammal of the Year\", and a cover was created showing Dumbo in a formal portrait style. However, the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7 pre-empted the cover. The U.S. president Franklin Delano Roosevelt was named Man of the Year for a record third time, although Dumbo's Mammal of the Year profile still appeared on the inside pages of the magazine. Film-maker Michael Moore claims that director Mel Gibson cost him the opportunity to be Person of the Year alongside Gibson in 2004. Moore's controversial political", "psg_id": "1659028" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "immediately following the September 11, 2001 attacks, was New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani. The stated rules of selection, the individual or group of individuals who have had the biggest effect on the year's news, made Osama bin Laden the more likely choice that year. The issue that declared Giuliani the Person of the Year included an article that mentioned \"Time's\" earlier decision to select the Ayatollah Khomeini and the 1999 rejection of Hitler as \"Person of the Century\". The article seemed to imply that Osama bin Laden \"was\" a stronger candidate than Giuliani, as Adolf Hitler was a stronger", "psg_id": "1659026" }, { "title": "You (Time Person of the Year)", "text": "the announcement of their \"Person of the Year\". Its critics underlined that \"Time\" ignores its digital democracy among its readers. \"Time\" supporters argue that an online poll is not representative as it has no scientific value. The hyperlink to the online poll results has been removed. A 2014 \"New York Daily News\" article, which named the \"You\" naming as one of the ten most controversial \"Person of the Year\" moments in the history of \"Time\", also remarked that \"2006 had its fair share of newsmakers\" while highlighting both \"Venezuela President Hugo Chavez and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad\". You (Time Person", "psg_id": "11339804" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "documentary \"Fahrenheit 9/11\" became the highest-grossing documentary of all time the same year Gibson's \"The Passion of the Christ\" became a box-office success and also caused significant controversy. Moore said in an interview \"I got a call right after the '04 election from an editor from \"Time\" Magazine. He said,' \"Time\" Magazine has picked you and Mel Gibson to be \"Time\"s Person of the Year to put on the cover, Right and Left, Mel and Mike. The only thing you have to do is pose for a picture with each other. And do an interview together.' I said 'OK.' They", "psg_id": "1659029" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "candidate than Albert Einstein. The selections were ultimately based on what the magazine describes as who they believed had a stronger influence on history and who represented either the year or the century the most. According to \"Time\", Rudolph Giuliani was selected for symbolizing the American response to the September 11th attacks, and Albert Einstein selected for representing a century of scientific exploration and wonder. Another controversial choice was the 2006 selection of \"You\", representing most if not all people for advancing the information age by using the Internet (via e.g. blogs, MySpace, YouTube, and Wikipedia). In 1941, the fictional", "psg_id": "1659027" }, { "title": "Person of the Year", "text": "not a member and may have no association with the awarding organization. A local award's selection process can be seen to be politically influenced, as dramatized in a \"Parks and Recreation\" television show episode. Variations on the theme include \"Business Person of the Year\", or \"Small Business Person of the Year\", or \"Entrepreneur of the Year\", commonly awarded by local chambers of commerce or other economic boosters. \"Woman of the Year\" awards are also given. Junior League chapters have long given \"Woman of the Year\" awards. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society gives \"Man & Woman of the Year\" awards to", "psg_id": "11365819" }, { "title": "You (Time Person of the Year)", "text": "listing 'Time Person of the Year, 2006' in Twitter bios, a reference to the gimmicky selection of 'You' that year?\" Additionally, the decision raised some criticism as it was described as ideological and even hypocritically political. Some weeks before the announcement, \"Time\" decided to ask the users in a poll, \"Who Should Be Person of the Year?\" After several weeks, the poll winner by a wide margin was Hugo Chávez, the leader of Venezuela, with 35% of the votes. The president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, came in second. \"Time\" decided to ignore those results and did not mention them in", "psg_id": "11339803" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "title was given to Bill Clinton and Ken Starr, which led to outrage from the fans of Foley who mistakenly believed the winner of the poll would be the winner of the title. In 2006, the poll winner by a wide margin was Hugo Chávez, with 35% of the votes. The president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, came in second. \"Time\" again ignored those results, not mentioning them in the announcement of the Person of the Year. \"Time\" continues to annually run an online poll for the \"People's Choice\", but stresses the decision on whom the magazine recognizes is not made", "psg_id": "1659032" }, { "title": "Person of the Year", "text": "well beyond the scope of a given news market, to animals (Secretariat), to two or more persons in the event of a tie, and to groups of persons whose membership is not clear (Ebola fighters). Also the award is presented annually by some organizations but may be a one-off or occasional event for others. The award can be facetious or serious. The chosen person is usually someone who has been notably influential or prominent during the year and could also be a hero or villain. Unlike most awards, it is externally oriented; the award is given to someone who is", "psg_id": "11365818" }, { "title": "For Better or Worse (film)", "text": "'Seinfeld' favorite Jason Alexander would have hoped for, 'For Better or Worse' is little more than a ninety-minute collection of strained situations and unfunny moments. The problems start early, as it is just a bad idea for a romantic comedy to begin with, and it certainly doesn't help that Jeff Nathanson can't inject anything fresh into it. 'For Better or Worse' isn't devoid of comedy, as it did occasionally make me chuckle, but not nearly enough as it made me annoyed. 'For Better or Worse' is a rhetorical proposition, as all Alexander delivers is worse and worse. Unless you find", "psg_id": "11733298" }, { "title": "Ethiopian Person of the Year", "text": "founder of the first private bank Awash and leading politician Bulcha Demeksa while the CEO and founder of Ethiopia Commodity Exchange Dr. Eleni Gebre-Medhin won the honor in 2002. \"* Ethiopian calendar year 2000 refers to western calendar years of 2007 and 2008.\" Ethiopian Person of the Year Ethiopian Person of the Year is an annual issue of the Ethiopian news portal Jimma Times, formerly Yeroo private newspaper, which names and profiles person(s) who was (were) the most influential on events and had the most impact on Ethiopian people during the previous Ethiopian calendar year. Jimma Times's tradition of selecting", "psg_id": "14984428" }, { "title": "Ethiopian Person of the Year", "text": "\"Times\" in the Oromo language of Ethiopia and its style was to mirror the American TIME news magazine which also publishes its annual \"Person of the Year\" selections. Yeroo newspaper has stopped publication in Ethiopia after only a few months but its website version \"Jimma Times\" continues to operate online. Though many other Ethiopian media outlets make their own annual selections, Jimma Times's independent selection is the only one that often features interviews of the nominees and special report articles on the work of the winner(s). The winner for the award during Ethiopian calendar year 2001 was the peace activist,", "psg_id": "14984427" }, { "title": "For Better or For Worse", "text": "For Better or For Worse For Better or For Worse is a comic strip by Lynn Johnston that ran originally from 1979 to 2008 chronicling the lives of the Patterson family and their friends, in the town of Milborough, a fictitious suburb of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Now running as reruns, \"For Better or For Worse\" is still seen in over 2,000 newspapers throughout Canada, the United States and about 20 other countries. Johnston's strip began in September 1979, and ended its original daily black-and-white run on August 30, 2008, with a postscript epilogue (as a full-colour Sunday strip) running the", "psg_id": "1393655" }, { "title": "Mood Muzik 3: For Better or for Worse", "text": "Mood Muzik 3: For Better or for Worse Mood Muzik 3: For Better or For Worse (originally titled \"Mood Muzik 3: It's About to Get Worse\") is the 3rd installment in the Mood Muzik series by American rapper Joe Budden and DJ On Point. After almost two years of pushing back scheduled release dates, it was finally released on December 15, 2007. According to Allhiphop magazine, Joe Budden's latest offering is proof that the artist has not missed a step. Vibe Magazine called this mixtape \"the sequel to the masterpiece\", in reference to \"\". Shortly after the album's release, Budden", "psg_id": "11026227" }, { "title": "For Better or For Worse", "text": "strip—the 1980s, the 1990s, and the 2000s. The series consisted of two seasons with eight episodes each. On March 23, 2004, Koch Vision released the complete series on DVD. In 2001, Visual Arts Brampton's Artway Gallery exhibited Johnston's work. For Better or For Worse For Better or For Worse is a comic strip by Lynn Johnston that ran originally from 1979 to 2008 chronicling the lives of the Patterson family and their friends, in the town of Milborough, a fictitious suburb of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Now running as reruns, \"For Better or For Worse\" is still seen in over 2,000", "psg_id": "1393689" }, { "title": "Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon", "text": "by a panel of Master Chief Petty Officers, led by the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard (MCPOCG). The decoration is a one time only award and there are no devices authorized for multiple presentations. The Coast Guard Reserve Enlisted Person of the Year was previously called the \"NERA Outstanding Enlisted CG Reservist Award\". This award was based on the Outstanding Airman of the Year Ribbon, which is awarded by the United States Air Force. The United States Army, United States Navy, and United States Marine Corps have no award equivalent to the Enlisted Person of the Year", "psg_id": "3754868" }, { "title": "Lo Nuestro Award for Pop Group or Duo of the Year", "text": "and Shakira and Alejandro Sanz in 2006. In 2017, American ensemble CNCO became the most recent recipients of the award. Listed below are the winners of the award for each year, as well as the other nominees for the majority of the years awarded. Lo Nuestro Award for Pop Group or Duo of the Year The Lo Nuestro Award for Pop Group or Duo of the Year is an award presented annually by American network Univision. It was first awarded in 1989 and has been given annually since. The accolade was established to recognize the most talented performers of Latin", "psg_id": "17614347" }, { "title": "Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon", "text": "Ribbon, although do maintain similar programs for yearly recognition of outstanding enlisted personnel. Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon The Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon is a decoration of the United States Coast Guard which was established in 1999, though retroactive to 1994, by order of the Commandant of the Coast Guard. The Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon is annually awarded to two members of the Coast Guard, paygrade E-2 through E-6; the Coast Guard Enlisted Person of the Year (EPOY) and the Coast Guard Reserve Enlisted Person of the Year (REPOY). The selection based on a display", "psg_id": "3754869" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "they were in office; the only one to be given the title before being elected is Dwight D. Eisenhower, in 1944 as Supreme Commander of the Allied Invasion Force, eight years before his election. He subsequently received the title again in 1959, while in office. Franklin D. Roosevelt is the only person to have received the title three times, first as president-elect (1932) and later as the incumbent president (1934 and 1941). In 1999, the title was changed to Person of the Year. Women who have been selected for recognition after the renaming include \"The Whistleblowers\" (Cynthia Cooper, Coleen Rowley,", "psg_id": "1659021" }, { "title": "MusiCares Person of the Year", "text": "MusiCares Person of the Year The MusiCares Person of the Year is an award presented annually by MusiCares (the charity arm of The Recording Academy), the same organization that distributes the Grammy Awards, to commend musicians for their artistic achievement in the music industry and dedication to philanthropy. The award's name reflects the non-profit health care organization known as MusiCares, established by the academy \"to provide health and medical assistance to needy musicians\". Chosen by the MusiCares Foundation, award recipients are honored during \"Grammy week\" (a string of galas just prior to the annual Grammy Awards ceremony) with an \"all-star\"", "psg_id": "12045670" }, { "title": "RTÉ Sports Person of the Year", "text": "award. Counting them separately, there have been twenty-seven winners of the award. Five of these have been Northern Irish. The most recent award was made in 2017 to James McClean. This table lists the total number of awards won by each nationality. The winner is in bold. RTÉ Sports Person of the Year The RTÉ Sports Person of the Year Award is the titular award of the RTÉ Sports Awards ceremony, which takes place each December. The winner is the Irish sportsperson (from the island of Ireland) judged to have achieved the most that year. The winner was originally chosen", "psg_id": "10189253" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "call Mel up, he agrees. They set the date and time in LA. I'm to fly there. He's flying from Australia. Something happens when he gets home... Next thing, Mel calls up and says, 'I'm not doing it. I've thought it over and it is not the right thing to do.' So they put Bush on the cover.\" On November 24, 2017, U.S. president Donald Trump posted on the social media network Twitter that \"Time\" editors had told him he would \"probably\" be named Person of the Year for a second time, conditional on an interview and photo shoot which", "psg_id": "1659030" }, { "title": "RTÉ Sports Person of the Year", "text": "RTÉ Sports Person of the Year The RTÉ Sports Person of the Year Award is the titular award of the RTÉ Sports Awards ceremony, which takes place each December. The winner is the Irish sportsperson (from the island of Ireland) judged to have achieved the most that year. The winner was originally chosen by a special panel of RTÉ journalists and editorial staff, but was selected by a public vote from a pre-determined shortlist in 2016. The first Irish sports award ceremony took place in 1985, and was closely modelled on the BBC Sports Personality of the Year Award. Three", "psg_id": "10189251" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "(1969), \"The American Soldier\" (2003), \"You\" (2006), \"The Protester\" (2011) represented on the cover by a woman, and \"Ebola fighters\" (2014). Although the title on the magazine remained \"Man of The Year\" for both the 1956 \"Hungarian Freedom Fighter\" and the 1966 \"Twenty-five and Under\" editions which both featured a woman standing behind a man, and \"Men of the Year\" on the 1960 \"U.S. Scientists\" edition which exclusively featured men on its cover. It was not until the 1969 edition on \"The Middle Americans\" did the title embrace \"Man and Woman of the Year\". Despite the name, the title is", "psg_id": "1659023" }, { "title": "Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon", "text": "Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon The Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon is a decoration of the United States Coast Guard which was established in 1999, though retroactive to 1994, by order of the Commandant of the Coast Guard. The Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon is annually awarded to two members of the Coast Guard, paygrade E-2 through E-6; the Coast Guard Enlisted Person of the Year (EPOY) and the Coast Guard Reserve Enlisted Person of the Year (REPOY). The selection based on a display of pride, professionalism, and dedication to Coast Guard core values, and is made", "psg_id": "3754867" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "not just granted to individuals. Pairs of people such as married couples and political opponents, classes of people, and inanimate objects have all been selected for the special year-end issue. In 1949, Winston Churchill was named \"Man of the Half-Century\", and the last issue of 1989 named Mikhail Gorbachev as \"Man of the Decade\". The December 31, 1999 issue of \"Time\" named Albert Einstein the \"Person of the Century\". Franklin D. Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi were chosen as runners-up. Despite the magazine's frequent statements to the contrary, the designation is often regarded as an honor, and spoken of as an", "psg_id": "1659024" }, { "title": "For Better or For Worse", "text": "Book of Common Prayer as well as in the wedding ceremonies of other faith traditions: Johnston's work on the comic strip earned her a Reuben Award in 1985 and made her a nominated finalist for a Pulitzer Prize in editorial cartooning in 1994. The strip led the Friends of Lulu to add Johnston to the Women Cartoonists Hall of Fame in 2002. In the same year, Will Eisner described \"For Better Or Worse\" as \"the best strip around currently,\" saying \"It's humane, human, it has humor to it, and good artwork.\" The strip focuses on a family known as the", "psg_id": "1393657" }, { "title": "For Better or For Worse", "text": "the time. \"I received 2,500 letters, about one-third negative. I didn't expect the response to be so great. The letters were open and emotional and honest and personal, full of stories and love.\" When Johnston told fellow cartoonist (and close friend) Charles M. Schulz that Farley was going to die, Schulz jokingly \"threatened to have Snoopy hit by a truck if Johnston went through with the plan\". In the end, Johnston kept the timing of Farley's death a secret from Schulz. The official \"For Better or For Worse\" website has a section dedicated to Farley; this includes the strips depicting", "psg_id": "1393663" }, { "title": "Lo Nuestro Award for Pop Group or Duo of the Year", "text": "Lo Nuestro Award for Pop Group or Duo of the Year The Lo Nuestro Award for Pop Group or Duo of the Year is an award presented annually by American network Univision. It was first awarded in 1989 and has been given annually since. The accolade was established to recognize the most talented performers of Latin music. The nominees and winners were originally selected by a voting poll conducted among program directors of Spanish-language radio stations in the United States and also based on chart performance on \"Billboard\" Latin music charts, with the results being tabulated and certified by the", "psg_id": "17614345" }, { "title": "For Better, or Worse", "text": "also reached number 7 on U.S. Indie Albums Chart and number 5 on U.S. Folk Albums chart. The album has sold 43,700 copies in the US as of March 2017. For Better, or Worse For Better, or Worse is a 2016 album of John Prine. It consists of tracks in which Prine teams with an all-star array of female singers to tackle carefully chosen vintage country tunes in duets. The album was also released in vinyl format that also included a mp3 download pass for the album. It is his first album release in 9 years since 2007's Standard Songs", "psg_id": "19759165" }, { "title": "Lo Nuestro Award for Regional Mexican Group or Duo of the Year", "text": "the majority of the years awarded. Lo Nuestro Award for Regional Mexican Group or Duo of the Year The Lo Nuestro Award for Regional Mexican Group or Duo of the Year is an award presented annually by American network Univision. It was first awarded in 1989 and has been given annually since. The accolade was established to recognize the most talented performers of Latin music. The nominees and winners were originally selected by a voting poll conducted among program directors of Spanish-language radio stations in the United States and also based on chart performance on \"Billboard\" Latin music charts, with", "psg_id": "18654021" }, { "title": "Tyler Perry's For Better or Worse", "text": "of urban sass\", which \"knocks you back with a bracing dose of its characters’ resentments and rages.\" Joshua Alston of \"The A.V. Club\" felt that \"For Better or Worse\" felt more \"mature\" and less \"over-the-top\" than Perry's other programs (comparing it, in particular, to BET's \"The Game\"), but that the pilot episode's attempts at humor fell flat. Tyler Perry's For Better or Worse Tyler Perry's For Better or Worse is an American television sitcom created, written and executive produced by Tyler Perry. The series is based on and is a TV spin-off to Perry's 2007 film \"Why Did I Get", "psg_id": "15642556" }, { "title": "For Better or For Worse", "text": "Occasionally in the original strips Michael or Elizabeth would be spanked. The new strips have modified the artwork to eliminate the device of stars coming out children's butts denoting the after-effect of a spanking, or in certain cases, have made a whole new panel to change the punishment to a \"time out\" (being made to sit in a corner or like isolation) instead of a spanking. Cartoonist Stephan Pastis poked fun at Johnston's decision in his comic strip \"Pearls Before Swine\". In the strip, Pig referred to \"For Better or For Worse\" as \"that great strip that was gonna retire,", "psg_id": "1393684" }, { "title": "You (Time Person of the Year)", "text": "ascendancy in \"Time\" view. Stories on the new user-driven media dynamic were provided by NBC editor Brian Williams and \"Time\" magazine editors Lev Grossman and Richard Stengel. As Grossman describes, \"It's about the many wrestling power from the few and helping one another for nothing and how that will not only change the world, but also change the way the world changes.\" The choice was criticized for being a short-sighted gimmick which ignored the existence of many prominent individuals that had shaped the events of the past year. Pundit Paul Kedrosky called it an \"incredible cop-out\", and he also speculated", "psg_id": "11339801" }, { "title": "For Better, or Worse", "text": "For Better, or Worse For Better, or Worse is a 2016 album of John Prine. It consists of tracks in which Prine teams with an all-star array of female singers to tackle carefully chosen vintage country tunes in duets. The album was also released in vinyl format that also included a mp3 download pass for the album. It is his first album release in 9 years since 2007's Standard Songs for Average People The album is the second compilation album featuring duets with Prine. The first Prine's compilation of duets was in 1999 when he recorded the similarly styled \"In", "psg_id": "19759163" }, { "title": "For Better or For Worse", "text": "following day. Starting on September 1, 2008, the strip began re-telling its original story, using a mixture of straight reruns and retouched strips which featured altered dialogue. This new format, however, was dropped after less than two years and in July 2010, the strip switched entirely to reruns (with some minor alterations; see below). The strips seen in papers in 2016 were originally from 1987. A signature element of \"For Better or For Worse\" during its original run was that the characters aged in real time. The strip's title is a reference to the marriage service found in the Anglican", "psg_id": "1393656" }, { "title": "Lo Nuestro Award for Regional Mexican Group or Duo of the Year", "text": "Lo Nuestro Award for Regional Mexican Group or Duo of the Year The Lo Nuestro Award for Regional Mexican Group or Duo of the Year is an award presented annually by American network Univision. It was first awarded in 1989 and has been given annually since. The accolade was established to recognize the most talented performers of Latin music. The nominees and winners were originally selected by a voting poll conducted among program directors of Spanish-language radio stations in the United States and also based on chart performance on \"Billboard\" Latin music charts, with the results being tabulated and certified", "psg_id": "18654019" }, { "title": "Latin Recording Academy Person of the Year", "text": "Serrat was honored on November 19, 2014. Since its inception, the award has been presented to musicians originating from Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Spain, Panama, Italy, and the United States. Each year is linked to an article about the Latin Grammy Awards ceremony of that year. Latin Recording Academy Person of the Year The Latin Recording Academy Person of the Year is an award presented annually by the Latin Recording Academy, the same organization that distributes the Latin Grammy Awards, to commend musicians for their artistic achievement in the Latin music industry and dedication to", "psg_id": "14862973" }, { "title": "For Better or For Worse", "text": "that she dealt with the bad news of her own infertility, by creating a new child (April Patterson) for the strip. The fictional suburban town of Milborough is located near Lake Simcoe. On the \"For Better or For Worse\" website, Milborough is described as being about a 45-minute to one-hour drive from Toronto and resembling Newmarket or Etobicoke, and a location map places the town on Highway 12 near Cannington and Beaverton in the northernmost part of Durham Region. The family's house is located on Sharon Park Drive. In the comic's quarter century, the strip has featured a variety of", "psg_id": "1393659" }, { "title": "Juno Award for Group of the Year", "text": "by April Wine, who were nominated 8 times from 1975 to 1983. Country and folk group The Rankin Family, winners in 1994, are the only non-rock group to ever win the award. Though several French-language groups have been nominated, none has ever won the award. In 1972 and 1973, two awards were given for group of the year and outstanding performance by a group. Juno Award for Group of the Year The Juno Award for Group of the Year has been awarded annually since 1970 in recognition of the best musical group or band in Canada. It is presented by", "psg_id": "4858069" }, { "title": "Tyler Perry's For Better or Worse", "text": "Tyler Perry's For Better or Worse Tyler Perry's For Better or Worse is an American television sitcom created, written and executive produced by Tyler Perry. The series is based on and is a TV spin-off to Perry's 2007 film \"Why Did I Get Married?\" and its 2010 sequel \"Why Did I Get Married Too?\". The show premiered on November 25, 2011 and aired on TBS for two seasons. In 2013, Oprah Winfrey Network ordered a third season, which premiered on September 18, 2013. The show would run for three additional seasons on OWN. TBS announced the straight-to-series order of \"For", "psg_id": "15642552" }, { "title": "Canadian Newsmaker of the Year (Time)", "text": "homosexual men and commentary on liberalism in Canada. The \"Gazette\" took this as recognition from a US magazine that Canadians are distinct from Americans. There has never been a woman selected as Canadian Newsmaker of the Year. Canadian Newsmaker of the Year (Time) The Canadian Newsmaker of the Year is a designation awarded by the Canadian edition of \"Time\" magazine. It comes with a written piece reflecting the magazine's staff's opinion on which Canadian or Canadians have had the most impact on the news, either positively or negatively. The honour has also been known by the title Canada's Newsmaker, or", "psg_id": "9759095" }, { "title": "For Better or Worse (film)", "text": "him completely irresistible, there's not much going for this inept misfire.\" The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reviewed the film upon release, giving a rating of two and a half stars out of four, noting: \"Exceedingly strange comedy wavers between hilarity and \"huh?\". 'For Better or Worse' just strange enough for cable.\" St. Paul Pioneer Press (MN) gave the film an unfavorable review upon release, stating: \"Oh, that Jason Alexander is a crafty one. Last summer, director Rob Reiner cast him in one of the year's lousiest movies. For months, Alexander has been biding his time, but now he has his revenge: He's", "psg_id": "11733299" }, { "title": "You (Time Person of the Year)", "text": "was the \"Planet of the Year\" for 1988. Collections of people as well as a symbolic representative of multiple individuals had also won the award before; for example, \"U.S. Scientists\" were named \"Men of the Year\" in 1960. Similar media awards had already recognized the growing significance of online community and user-generated content: \"You!\" were ranked first in \"Business 2.0\" list of \"50 people who matter now\" in July 2006; while ABC News had listed bloggers as \"People of the Year\" for 2006. In accordance with \"Time\" annual process, different bureaus suggested different candidates. \"You\", or \"the YouTube guys\", was", "psg_id": "11339799" }, { "title": "For Better or For Worse", "text": "Would I do some things differently?... I've been given the chance to find out!! Please join me on Monday as the story begins again... With new insights and new smiles. Looking back looks wonderful!\" The next day, September 1, \"For Better or For Worse\" ran as usual, but Michael was once again a small boy, asking his young mother, Elly, to get him a puppy. This began what Johnston called \"new-runs\", restarting her storyline with a roughly 50/50 mixture of reruns of early strips, and re-workings of 1980s strips that featured the original artwork (sometimes slightly retouched) with new dialogue.", "psg_id": "1393681" }, { "title": "For Better or For Worse", "text": "but then did not, then started running repeats, then did not, then ran new ones, but then fixed up the old ones, and now is gonna run new old un-new new ones\". The strip is perhaps best known for the fact that, unlike most comic strips, it took place more or less in real time for most of its run. Michael and Elizabeth were a young child and a toddler at the strip's beginning, and by the end had grown into adults, with Michael married and raising his own children while Elizabeth married at the end of the strip. Youngest", "psg_id": "1393685" }, { "title": "You (Time Person of the Year)", "text": "floated in November as a possible winner. Readers' opinions were canvassed online. The final decision was made by managing editor Richard Stengel. The decision was announced in \"Time\" December 13, 2006 issue. The cover of the magazine featured an iMac computer monitor with a reflective mylar pane appearing as the window of a YouTube-like video player, intended to reflect as online content the visage of whoever picks up the magazine. The time remaining indicator in the image indicates a total duration of \"20:06,\" a visual pun connecting this ubiquitous bit of interface design to the year in which it gained", "psg_id": "11339800" }, { "title": "Latin Recording Academy Person of the Year", "text": "Latin Recording Academy Person of the Year The Latin Recording Academy Person of the Year is an award presented annually by the Latin Recording Academy, the same organization that distributes the Latin Grammy Awards, to commend musicians for their artistic achievement in the Latin music industry and dedication to philanthropy. Award recipients are honored during \"Latin Grammy Week\", a string of galas just prior to the annual Latin Grammy Awards ceremony. The award was first presented to Cuban American musician and producer Emilio Estefan in 2000 for increasing public awareness of Latin music. Eight years later his wife, singer Gloria", "psg_id": "14862969" }, { "title": "Canadian Newsmaker of the Year (Time)", "text": "Canadian Newsmaker of the Year (Time) The Canadian Newsmaker of the Year is a designation awarded by the Canadian edition of \"Time\" magazine. It comes with a written piece reflecting the magazine's staff's opinion on which Canadian or Canadians have had the most impact on the news, either positively or negatively. The honour has also been known by the title Canada's Newsmaker, or by titles such as \"Headliners\" and simply \"Newsmakers\" which were shared with non-Canadians. However, the exact phrase \"Canadian Newsmaker of the Year\" has been used by \"Time\". This selection is not to be confused with the Canadian", "psg_id": "9759092" }, { "title": "For Better or Worse (film)", "text": "given Reiner a cameo in an even worse movie.\" For Better or Worse (film) For Better or Worse is a 1995 American feature film. Written by Jeff Nathanson, it starred Jason Alexander, Lolita Davidovich, and James Woods. Alexander also directed the film, which saw a limited theatrical release. After the film's brief theatrical run, the film aired on TNT in 1996. The film stars Alexander as Michael Makeshift, Davidovich as Valeri Carboni and Woods as Reggie Makeshift. Others in the film included Joe Mantegna as Stone, Jay Mohr as Dwayne, Robert Costanzo as Ranzier and Bea Arthur as Beverly Makeshift.", "psg_id": "11733300" }, { "title": "West Virginian of the Year", "text": "West Virginian of the Year West Virginian of the Year is an annual selection by the editorial board of the Charleston Gazette (the combined board of that paper and the Charleston Daily Mail between 1961 and 1991) of the individual who best shows the \"spirit of West Virginia\". The winner can either be a native West Virginian who achieved after leaving the state, or a person living in the state for achievements in the state. The winner is announced in the last Sunday edition of the Charleston Gazette-Mail. It is considered similar to the Time Magazine person of the year", "psg_id": "16340844" }, { "title": "For Better or Worse (film)", "text": "To make matters worse, his landlord is beginning to bug him for long-overdue rent. Things for Michael's brother Reggie (James Woods) are much better. He is planning to rob the credit union where his own mother (Bea Arthur) works. His new wife Valerie (Lolita Davidovitch) has no idea what Reggie is planning and is therefore puzzled when she awakes at Michael's apartment after Reggie left her there whilst she was drunk and unconscious. She also does not know that Reggie has paid Michael for the favor. Despite his well-laid plans, things go badly for Reggie when his henchmen mutiny and", "psg_id": "11733296" }, { "title": "For Better or For Worse", "text": "next year were not major, although, as announced, the stories did focus more on Michael, Elizabeth and April than on Elly and John. During the summer of 2008, Elizabeth and Anthony carry out their wedding plans, which culminate in a ceremony that takes place in late August. This joyous occasion is marred by a crisis: Grandpa Jim has had another heart attack. Elizabeth hears about this after the ceremony and visits her grandfather and her step-grandmother, Iris, in the hospital. Jim is hanging on and responding with his post-stroke responses of \"yes\" and \"no\". In the final daily strip, Iris", "psg_id": "1393677" }, { "title": "Lo Nuestro Award for Pop Group or Duo of the Year", "text": "accounting firm Deloitte. At the present time, the winners are selected by the audience through an online survey. The trophy awarded is shaped in the form of a treble clef. The award was first presented to Cuban-American band Gloria Estefan and Miami Sound Machine. Mexican group Camila holds the record for the most awards, winning on five occasions out of seven nominations. Mexican duo Sin Bandera, group Los Bukis (once as Marco Antonio Solís and Los Bukis), and rock band Maná, won in three ceremonies each. Only two duets have won the award: Juan Gabriel and Rocío Dúrcal in 1998", "psg_id": "17614346" }, { "title": "For Better or Worse (film)", "text": "For Better or Worse (film) For Better or Worse is a 1995 American feature film. Written by Jeff Nathanson, it starred Jason Alexander, Lolita Davidovich, and James Woods. Alexander also directed the film, which saw a limited theatrical release. After the film's brief theatrical run, the film aired on TNT in 1996. The film stars Alexander as Michael Makeshift, Davidovich as Valeri Carboni and Woods as Reggie Makeshift. Others in the film included Joe Mantegna as Stone, Jay Mohr as Dwayne, Robert Costanzo as Ranzier and Bea Arthur as Beverly Makeshift. A young Haley Joel Osment also appeared in the", "psg_id": "11733293" }, { "title": "Juno Award for Group of the Year", "text": "Juno Award for Group of the Year The Juno Award for Group of the Year has been awarded annually since 1970 in recognition of the best musical group or band in Canada. It is presented by the Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (CARAS). The five nominees in the category are decided through a combination of sales and CARAS member voting, and the recipient is chosen from among these nominees by member voting. The award was previously named as Top Vocal Instrumental Group (1970–1971), Vocal Instrumental Group of the Year (1972–1973), and Best Group (1999–2002). In 1972 and 1973,", "psg_id": "4858067" }, { "title": "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year", "text": "into his recording of \"It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year\": \"George Wyle, who is a vocal director, who wrote all of the choir stuff and all of the duets and trios and things that I did with all the guests, he wrote a song just for the show – I think the second Christmas show we did – called 'Most Wonderful Time of the Year'. So I did that, you know, every Christmas, and then other people started doing it. And then suddenly it's become – not suddenly but over 30 years – it's become a big standard.", "psg_id": "12730752" }, { "title": "Grammy Award for Record of the Year", "text": "presented: Since the 55th Grammy Awards in 2013, mastering engineers are considered nominees and award recipients in this category. Record of the Year is related to but is conceptually different from Song of the Year or Album of the Year: The honorees through its history have been: Tom Coyne holds the record for most wins in this category as a mastering engineer at four times (2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018). Coyne is the only person to win the award four consecutive years (2015–2018). Paul Simon has won three times, more than any other artist (\"Mrs. Robinson\" in 1969, \"Bridge over", "psg_id": "1592145" }, { "title": "MusiCares Person of the Year", "text": "tribute concert that helps to raise money for the foundation. From 1991 to 1993, the first three MusiCares Person of the Year awards were presented to American musicians David Crosby, Bonnie Raitt, and Natalie Cole. Cuban American singer Gloria Estefan received the award in 1994, followed by Americans Tony Bennett and Quincy Jones. Between 1997 and 2004, the award went to British musicians Phil Collins, Sir Elton John, and Sting, Italian operatic tenor Luciano Pavarotti, Americans Stevie Wonder, Paul Simon, and Billy Joel, and Irish musician Bono. A string of Americans were presented the award between 2005 and 2009—Brian Wilson,", "psg_id": "12045671" }, { "title": "Tyler Perry's For Better or Worse", "text": "Better or Worse\" on April 26, 2011, the same day it was announced that \"House of Payne\" would be ending after its eighth season. Unlike \"House of Payne\" and \"Meet the Browns\", which are family-oriented, \"For Better Or Worse\" targets young adults. The premiere episode of the series acquired 3.33 million viewers, bringing the show to the top of the charts as basic cable's No. 1 comedy series for the month of October 2011. In February 2012, TBS announced the thirty-five episode second season renewal, which premiered on July 13, 2012, with the first season averaging 2.9 million viewers. \"For", "psg_id": "15642553" }, { "title": "For Better or For Worse", "text": "In 1985, Atkinson Film-Arts of Ottawa, in association with the CTV Television Network, produced an animated Christmas special based on \"For Better or for Worse\" entitled \"The Bestest Present.\" In the United States, it was first broadcast on HBO, and in later years, on The Disney Channel. Lynn's own children, Aaron and Katie, provided the voices of Michael and Elizabeth, and Rod Johnston made a cameo appearance as the voice of a mailman. Beginning in 1992, another Ottawa-based studio, Lacewood Productions, produced six more specials, also for CTV. In the United States, these were seen on The Disney Channel. According", "psg_id": "1393687" }, { "title": "Mood Muzik 3: For Better or for Worse", "text": "released \"Mood Muzik 3.5\", which is the same album without DJ tags, except for the exclusion of the Killa BH skits, and the inclusion of two new tracks—\"4 Walls\", which samples Eddie Holman's \"Four Walls\", and \"Un4Given\", which samples Metallica's \"The Unforgiven\". An official retail version—\"\"—was released on February 26, 2008. The mixtape received critical acclaim from all critics. Mood Muzik 3: For Better or for Worse Mood Muzik 3: For Better or For Worse (originally titled \"Mood Muzik 3: It's About to Get Worse\") is the 3rd installment in the Mood Muzik series by American rapper Joe Budden and", "psg_id": "11026228" }, { "title": "The Suicide Club, or the Adventures of a Titled Person", "text": "criminal to a duel and kills him. The find the diamond, which was the cause of many deaths, and it is thrown by His Highness into the Thames so that it will no longer be a temptation to hunters for profit. The Suicide Club, or the Adventures of a Titled Person The Suicide Club, or the Adventures of a Titled Person () is a 1981 Soviet three-part television adventure film directed by Yevgeny Tatarsky. It is based on two series of novels by Robert Louis Stevenson's — \"The Suicide Club\" and \"The Rajah's Diamond\". It was shown on January 1981", "psg_id": "20631514" }, { "title": "Canadian Newsmaker of the Year", "text": "Canadian Newsmaker of the Year The Canadian Newsmaker of the Year is a title awarded by The Canadian Press (CP) annually since 1946, based on a survey of editors and broadcasters across the country on which Canadian has had the most influence on the news in a given year. Canadian historian Chad Gaffield stated that the practice of recognising a newsmaker of the year was a return to the study of how history can be influenced by one person, rather than studying obscure people. The honour is often granted to politicians, sometimes upwards of multiple times (10 for Pierre Trudeau", "psg_id": "5213285" }, { "title": "For Better or For Worse", "text": "to continue reading the strip; the woman's letter did not have any foul remarks, but the envelope contained returned yellowed FBoFW strips the fan had kept for a long time on her refrigerator. Over 100 newspapers ran replacement strips or cancelled the comic. Johnston's syndicate said that the uproar was greater than they anticipated, and she also got criticism from homosexuals, who had been disappointed that she did not hand over the profits from the story arc to a gay rights groups and/or Michael Boncoeur's next of kin, calling it crass for Johnston to have been making money off a", "psg_id": "1393666" }, { "title": "Canadian Newsmaker of the Year (Time)", "text": "Press' separate selection of a Canadian Newsmaker of the Year, or with \"Time\"<nowiki>'</nowiki>s overall Person of the Year. \"Time\"'s practice of selecting a Canadian Newsmaker of the Year began in 1995. Columnist Robert Fulford has speculated that the point was to try \"gesturing politely to Canadian readers\". In early years, the selection received a short article within a list of other international newsmakers. Thus, the 1995 newsmaker was found under the title \"Headliners: Canada\" and in subsequent years phrases like \"Others Who Shaped 1997\", \"Others Who Shaped 1999\", and \"Newsmakers 2000\" were used. Since 2001 the selection has been accompanied", "psg_id": "9759093" }, { "title": "Lo Nuestro Award for Regional Mexican Group or Duo of the Year", "text": "by the accounting firm Deloitte. At the present time, the winners are selected by the audience through an online survey. The trophy awarded is shaped in the form of a treble clef. The award was first presented to Mexican band Los Bukis. American group Intocable holds the record for the most awards, winning on five occasions out of seven nominations. Mexican band La Original Banda el Limón de Salvador Lizarraga are the most nominated band without a win, with four unsuccessful nominations. Listed below are the winners of the award for each year, as well as the other nominees for", "psg_id": "18654020" }, { "title": "Time Person of the Year", "text": "and Sherron Watkins in 2002), Melinda Gates (jointly with Bill Gates and Bono, in 2005), Angela Merkel in 2015 and \"The Silence Breakers\" in 2017. Prior to 1999, four women were granted the title as individuals: three as \"Woman of the Year\"—Wallis Simpson (1936), Queen Elizabeth II (1952), and Corazon Aquino (1986)—and one as half of the \"Man and Wife of the Year\", Soong Mei-ling (1937). \"American Women\" were recognized as a group in 1975. Other classes of people recognized comprise both men and women, such as \"Hungarian Freedom Fighters\" (1956), \"U.S. Scientists\" (1960), \"The Inheritors\" (1966), \"The Middle Americans\"", "psg_id": "1659022" }, { "title": "BBC Young Sports Personality of the Year", "text": "award BBC Young Sports Personality of the Year The BBC Young Sports Personality of the Year award is presented at the annual BBC Sports Personality of the Year award ceremony. It is awarded to the sportsperson aged 17 or under as of 1 January of that year, who has made the most outstanding contribution to sport in that year. Nominees are generally British. Non-Britons are eligible if they are UK resident, play a significant amount of sport in the United Kingdom, and their core achievements for the year took place in the UK, and were not done with a non-UK", "psg_id": "2948697" }, { "title": "BBC Young Sports Personality of the Year", "text": "BBC Young Sports Personality of the Year The BBC Young Sports Personality of the Year award is presented at the annual BBC Sports Personality of the Year award ceremony. It is awarded to the sportsperson aged 17 or under as of 1 January of that year, who has made the most outstanding contribution to sport in that year. Nominees are generally British. Non-Britons are eligible if they are UK resident, play a significant amount of sport in the United Kingdom, and their core achievements for the year took place in the UK, and were not done with a non-UK national", "psg_id": "2948694" }, { "title": "South African Music Award for Duo or Group of the Year", "text": "live performances by a selection of nominees. The SAMAs are considered the South African equivalent of the American Grammy Awards. MTN has been the title sponsor of the event since 2003. South African Music Award for Duo or Group of the Year The South African Music Awards (often simply the SAMAs) are the Recording Industry of South Africa's music industry awards, established in 1995. The ceremony is held in late-April or May every year, with the judging process starting in November of the previous year. The nominations are typically announced at the end of March. The winners receive a gold-plated", "psg_id": "15184259" }, { "title": "Rear of the Year", "text": "ludicrous thing I’ve ever done' The event, staged for some years at London's Dorchester Hotel in Park Lane, attracts national and international press publicity. In 2012, organiser Tony Edwards declared that female rears were starting to slim down as more women took to the gym, jogging, and keeping trim in this Olympic year. In 2014, Carol Vorderman became the first person to receive the award for a second time. Rear of the Year Rear of the Year is a light-hearted British award for celebrities who are considered to have a notable posterior. It was created by publicity consultant Anthony Edwards", "psg_id": "3560984" }, { "title": "Latin Recording Academy Person of the Year", "text": "Estefan, became the first female award recipient. She had previously received the MusiCares Person of the Year award in 1994, a similar honor presented by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, the same organization that distributes the Grammy Awards. Spanish singer Julio Iglesias received the second award in 2001. Ranchera singer Vicente Fernández won the award in 2002 for donating ticket proceeds to the National Hispanic Scholarship Fund. Brazilian singer Gilberto Gil received the award the following year. The 2004 award went to Carlos Santana, who founded the Milagro Foundation in 1998 with his wife, which \"supports young", "psg_id": "14862970" }, { "title": "Time 100: The Most Important People of the Century", "text": "work\". The cover of the magazine featured the famous image of Einstein taken in 1947 by American portrait photographer Philippe Halsman. Runners-up: It was debated whether Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, responsible for World War II, The Holocaust, and the Second Italo-Ethiopian War, should have been made Persons of the Century for their influence in politics. The argument was based on \"Time\"'s explicit criterion that the persons chosen should have the greatest impact on this century, for better or worse. In the same 31 December 1999 issue of \"Time\", essayist Nancy Gibbs addressed the topic with the article \"The Necessary", "psg_id": "10685982" }, { "title": "Act prohibiting the proclaiming any person to be King of England or Ireland, or the Dominions thereof", "text": "Act prohibiting the proclaiming any person to be King of England or Ireland, or the Dominions thereof \"An Act prohibiting the proclaiming any person to be King of England or Ireland, or the Dominions thereof\" purported to be an Act of the Parliament of England, enacted without royal assent on the same day as the execution of King Charles I of England on 30 January 1649, during the English Civil War. The purpose of the Act was to prevent the automatic succession of Charles's son as King, or the proclamation of another person as King. The monarchy was abolished shortly", "psg_id": "10165538" }, { "title": "Grammy Award for Song of the Year", "text": "of the Year or Album of the Year: The Song of the Year awards have been awarded since 1959. It is one of the four most prestigious Grammy Awards. Despite both the Record of the Year award and Song of the Year being awarded for a single or for one track from an album, this award goes only to the composer(s) of the song whereas the Record of the Year award goes to the performer and production team of the song. According to the 54th Grammy Awards description guide, the award is given to the songwriter(s) of a song that", "psg_id": "551720" }, { "title": "Tyler Perry's For Better or Worse", "text": "Better or Worse\" was also basic cable’s No. 1 sitcom of 2011 and the No. 1 show on all of television with African-American adults in the same year. TBS declined to renew the series. In February 2013, Oprah Winfrey Network (which had entered into a development deal with Perry) ordered a third season. The third season of the series premiered on September 18, 2013. The second half of season 3 premiered on April 9, 2014. The third half of season 3 premiered on September 17, 2014. The fourth season of the series premiered on Friday, March 27, 2015. The second", "psg_id": "15642554" }, { "title": "You (Time Person of the Year)", "text": "that the selection marked \"some sort of near-term market top for user-generated content\". Commentator Kevin Friedl noted that the award and cover design recalled the mirror viewed by the protagonist, the Dude, of \"The Big Lebowski\", via which the viewer's reflection was framed as \"Time\" \"Man of the Year\". In December 2012, journalist David A. Graham wrote for \"The Atlantic\" that he thought \"Time\" had shown \"a pattern of lackluster choices\" and the overall promotional nature of the process shouldn't be treated as news, rather simply viewed as marketing. He remarked, \"Is anyone out there \"not\" sick of people ironically", "psg_id": "11339802" }, { "title": "Person to Person", "text": "is best remembered as a reporter on programs such as \"Hear It Now\" and \"See It Now\" and for publicly confronting Senator Joseph McCarthy, on \"Person to Person\" he was a pioneer of the celebrity interview. The program was well planned but not strictly scripted, with as many as six cameras and TV lighting installed to cover the guest's moves through his home, and a microwave link to transmit the signals back to the network. The guests wore wireless microphones to pick up their voices as they moved around the home or its grounds. The interviews were done live. The", "psg_id": "6373135" }, { "title": "South African Music Award for Duo or Group of the Year", "text": "South African Music Award for Duo or Group of the Year The South African Music Awards (often simply the SAMAs) are the Recording Industry of South Africa's music industry awards, established in 1995. The ceremony is held in late-April or May every year, with the judging process starting in November of the previous year. The nominations are typically announced at the end of March. The winners receive a gold-plated statuette called a SAMA. The show is consistently held at the Super Bowl in Sun City, with exception of two years, and broadcast live on national broadcaster, SABC. The ceremony features", "psg_id": "15184258" }, { "title": "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (film)", "text": "spirit. At the airport, Ralph has no idea where he has to be and he is helped by co-traveler Morgan Derby, a 30-year-old chef who has trouble accepting his age. When it turns out his second flight to Denver is canceled, Ralph offers Morgan to a place to stay at Jennifer's house. Although Jennifer is initially reluctant to take in Morgan, Ralph convinces her to allow him to stay since he is a top chef and she needs help cooking a turkey. They soon come to the conclusion that they are two completely different people. Jennifer is irritated by his", "psg_id": "14125098" }, { "title": "The Suicide Club, or the Adventures of a Titled Person", "text": "The Suicide Club, or the Adventures of a Titled Person The Suicide Club, or the Adventures of a Titled Person () is a 1981 Soviet three-part television adventure film directed by Yevgeny Tatarsky. It is based on two series of novels by Robert Louis Stevenson's — \"The Suicide Club\" and \"The Rajah's Diamond\". It was shown on January 1981 on TV under the title \"The Adventures of Prince Florizel\". The original title was restored in the 1990s. Adventure seeker Prince Bacardia Florizel walks around London in the clothes of a simple townsman along with his friend, Colonel Geraldine. At night", "psg_id": "20631510" }, { "title": "For Better or For Worse", "text": "child April was born 11 years into the strip's run and was roughly 16 at the strip's conclusion. During its run, the strip was also celebrated for its realism, eschewing cartoon stereotypes in favor of a nuanced, relatable look at typical adult, child and teen concerns. A storyline in which a supporting character came out as gay cemented this reputation, as well as various stories dealing with prejudice, bullying, the mentally and physically handicapped, theft, cheating and abuse. The Pattersons were often shown as a good, \"normal\" family, often forced to deal with others from broken homes or worse situations.", "psg_id": "1393686" }, { "title": "Act prohibiting the proclaiming any person to be King of England or Ireland, or the Dominions thereof", "text": "afterwards on 17 March 1649. Following the Restoration the Act was declared void because it had not received royal assent. Act prohibiting the proclaiming any person to be King of England or Ireland, or the Dominions thereof \"An Act prohibiting the proclaiming any person to be King of England or Ireland, or the Dominions thereof\" purported to be an Act of the Parliament of England, enacted without royal assent on the same day as the execution of King Charles I of England on 30 January 1649, during the English Civil War. The purpose of the Act was to prevent the", "psg_id": "10165539" }, { "title": "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (film)", "text": "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (film) The Most Wonderful Time of the Year is a 2008 Christmas television film directed by Michael Scott. Ralph is a retired police officer who has worked as a New York cop for over 38 years. He plans on visiting his niece Jennifer in Chicago for the holidays. Jennifer is a successful businesswoman and the single mother of her young son Brian. She grew up all her life mostly at Ralph's, as her mother was constantly traveling and her father died when she was very young. Since then, she has lost her Christmas", "psg_id": "14125097" }, { "title": "Juno Award for Album of the Year", "text": "Juno Award for Album of the Year The Juno Award for Album of the Year is an annual award presented by the Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences for the best album released in Canada. It has been awarded since 1975, though it was the award for Best Selling Album from 1975 to 1979. From 1999 to 2002, it was awarded under the name of Best Album. The award goes to the artist. Celine Dion and Michael Bublé are the artists with the most wins in this category with three each; Dion is the most nominated artist with 12", "psg_id": "4858028" }, { "title": "NSW Volunteer of the Year", "text": "Volunteer Team of the Year Award This award is open to a group of volunteers who have worked together on a particular project or program and are sponsored by their employers and are released from employment to carry out volunteer activities. Nominations for this award will relate to a volunteer team that has carried out their volunteering as part of an employee or corporate volunteering program. This is awarded at a State level only. NSW Excellence in Volunteer Management Award This award is open to not-for-profit organisations and volunteer managers in NSW who have demonstrated excellence in Volunteer Management. The", "psg_id": "12997682" }, { "title": "Latin Grammy Award for Producer of the Year", "text": "participate as a team only if they have worked together during the period of eligibility. The award for Producer of Year was first presented to the Cuban songwriter Emilio Estefan in 2000. In that year Estefan produced the albums \"Ciego de Amor\" by Charlie Zaa, \"El Amor de Mi Tierra\" by Carlos Vives and the song \"Da la Vuelta\", performed by Marc Anthony, and was awarded as the first Person of the Year by the Latin Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences. Italian singer-songwriter Laura Pausini became the first female artist to be nominated for this category, for producing her", "psg_id": "12678793" }, { "title": "Donor conceived person", "text": "case was in 2005, when it was revealed in New Scientist magazine that an enterprising 15-year-old used information from a DNA test and the internet to identify and contact his genetic father, who was a sperm donor. In 2018, it was reported that DNA testing has led to a significant increase in donor-conceived people finding their siblings and sperm donors. Donor conceived person A donor offspring, or donor conceived person, is conceived via the donation of sperm (sperm donation) or ova (egg donation), or both, either from two separate donors or from a couple. In the case of embryo donation,", "psg_id": "6630258" } ]
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stop, drop, and roll was drilled in your head in elementary school if you ever caught on fire. what did they expect you to do in the case of a nuclear attack?
[ { "title": "What to Do in Case of Fire?", "text": "S-Bahn car. Tim then pulls the incriminating film out of his bag, holds a lighter to it, and asks aloud: \"What do you do if there's a fire?\", and the friends answer, \"Let it burn!\" The film contains mild nudity, mild drug use, and mature language. What to Do in Case of Fire? What to Do in Case of Fire? () is a German film directed by Gregor Schnitzler. It premiered in November 2001 at the German film festival Kinofest Lünen and was released to theaters in 2002. Part comedy, part action and part drama, the movie is set in", "psg_id": "7818134" }, { "title": "What Did You Expect? (film)", "text": "What Did You Expect? (film) What Did You Expect?, which made its film festival debut in June, 2012, is a live concert documentary capturing the Archers of Loaf reunion tour, directed by Gorman Bechard. Indie rock icons the Archers of Loaf reunited in 2011, and during the course of their reunion tour played two legendary concerts at Cat's Cradle in Chapel Hill, NC. Combining in-your-face concert footage along with rare interviews of the band, this film by director Gorman Bechard documents those concerts, and captures the excitement and explosive energy of what its like to see this extraordinary band perform", "psg_id": "17542105" }, { "title": "What Did You Expect? (Jackie Martling album)", "text": "What Did You Expect? (Jackie Martling album) What Did You Expect? is an album by American comedian, comedy writer and radio personality Jackie Martling. The album was released on Martling's Off Hour Rockers label on September 12, 1979. In 1979, Martling issued his debut LP, \"What Did You Expect?\" He released two more albums, 1980's \"Goin' Ape!\" and 1981's \"Normal People Are People You Don't Know That Well\". Martling sent all three records to fledgling New York City disk jockey Howard Stern. By 1986, he was a full-time member of Stern's show, later becoming the program's head writer. Martling maintained", "psg_id": "14196351" }, { "title": "If You Ever Stop Loving Me", "text": "If You Ever Stop Loving Me \"If You Ever Stop Loving Me\" is a song recorded by American country music duo Montgomery Gentry. It was released in February 2004 as the lead-off single to their album \"You Do Your Thing\", as well as their first Number One single on the country charts. It also peaked at #30 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot 100, making it their biggest crossover hit. It was written by Bob DiPiero, Rivers Rutherford and Tom Shapiro. The narrator is a man who experienced tough experiences in life, but as long as his significant other stays with", "psg_id": "10584562" }, { "title": "What Would You Do (If Jesus Came to Your House)", "text": "chorus – \"What would you do/if Jesus came to your house/to spend some time with you\" – is sung, it was one of his first songs that were spoken, as most of his later well-known songs were. What Would You Do (If Jesus Came to Your House) \"What Would You Do (If Jesus Came to Your House)\" is a country gospel song, written by Yolanda Adams, Errol McCalla Jr., Jonathan Broussard and Marcus Ecby, and popularized in 1956 by up-and-coming country singer Porter Wagoner. Wagoner's version reached No. 8 on the \"Billboard\" country charts in the spring of 1956, and", "psg_id": "18110730" }, { "title": "What Did You Expect? (film)", "text": "live. The film is being distributed by MVD Entertainment, and was released on DVD in November 2012. It is also available on iTunes, Hulu, and Video-on-Demand. Writing in Punk News, John Gentile said, \"The wilder songs, like 'Audiowhore' where bassist Matt Gentling just gets completely down, stomping around like a T-rex, are nearly berserk, with the band approaching a Stooges-type thrash. 'What Did You Expect?' could pass for Fugazi's wilder side. Gentling just goes nuts on the bass, which is wild. Likewise, the mid-tempo songs like \"Freezing Point\" have an inherent urgency.\" What Did You Expect? (film) What Did You", "psg_id": "17542106" }, { "title": "What Did You Expect? (Jackie Martling album)", "text": "a steady schedule of live dates while working with Stern, recording \"Sgt. Pecker\", \"F Jackie\", and \"The Very Best of Jackie Martling's Talking Joke Book Cassettes, Vol. 1\". What Did You Expect? (Jackie Martling album) What Did You Expect? is an album by American comedian, comedy writer and radio personality Jackie Martling. The album was released on Martling's Off Hour Rockers label on September 12, 1979. In 1979, Martling issued his debut LP, \"What Did You Expect?\" He released two more albums, 1980's \"Goin' Ape!\" and 1981's \"Normal People Are People You Don't Know That Well\". Martling sent all three", "psg_id": "14196352" }, { "title": "What Did You Expect from The Vaccines?", "text": "What Did You Expect from The Vaccines? What Did You Expect from The Vaccines? is the debut studio album by English indie rock band The Vaccines. It was released on 11 March 2011 by Columbia Records, entering the UK Albums Chart at #4, going on to become the biggest-selling debut by a band in 2011. Two singles preceded the release of the album which attained generally positive reviews and gold status by May of the same year. The first single from the album, \"Wreckin' Bar (Ra Ra Ra)\" / \"Blow It Up\" was released in the United Kingdom on 22", "psg_id": "15292797" }, { "title": "What Did You Expect from The Vaccines?", "text": "cites \"I, Jonathan\" by Jonathan Richman, \"Milo Goes to College\" by Descendents and \"California Girls\" by The Beach Boys as his major inspirations during the writing of this album. All lyrics written by Justin Young; all music composed by The Vaccines. What Did You Expect from The Vaccines? What Did You Expect from The Vaccines? is the debut studio album by English indie rock band The Vaccines. It was released on 11 March 2011 by Columbia Records, entering the UK Albums Chart at #4, going on to become the biggest-selling debut by a band in 2011. Two singles preceded the", "psg_id": "15292800" }, { "title": "What Did I Do to You?", "text": "What Did I Do to You? \"What Did I Do to You?\" is a song recorded by British singer Lisa Stansfield for her 1989 album, \"Affection\". It was written by Stansfield, Ian Devaney and Andy Morris, and produced by Devaney and Morris. The song received positive reviews from music critics. \"What Did I Do to You?\" was released as the fourth European single on 30 April 1990. It included three previously unreleased songs written by Stansfield, Devaney and Morris: \"My Apple Heart,\" \"Lay Me Down\" and \"Something's Happenin'.\" \"What Did I Do to You?\" was remixed by Mark Saunders and", "psg_id": "17338140" }, { "title": "What Would You Do (If Jesus Came to Your House)", "text": "What Would You Do (If Jesus Came to Your House) \"What Would You Do (If Jesus Came to Your House)\" is a country gospel song, written by Yolanda Adams, Errol McCalla Jr., Jonathan Broussard and Marcus Ecby, and popularized in 1956 by up-and-coming country singer Porter Wagoner. Wagoner's version reached No. 8 on the \"Billboard\" country charts in the spring of 1956, and was the higher of two competing chart versions released that year. Also in 1956, another up-and-coming country singer, Red Sovine, released his own version on Decca Records, which peaked at No. 15. For Sovine, although the main", "psg_id": "18110729" }, { "title": "Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind?", "text": "Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind? \"Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind?\" is a song written by John Sebastian and first released by his band The Lovin' Spoonful on their 1965 debut album \"Do You Believe in Magic\". It was the second single released from the album and the most successful, reaching number 2 on the American \"Billboard\" charts for the week of June 11, 1966 (number 1 was \"Paint It Black\" by The Rolling Stones). It also reached number 2 in Canada. In New Zealand, the song charted at number 5. The song", "psg_id": "16861578" }, { "title": "What Are You Going to Do with Your Life?", "text": "& the Bunnymen left London Records in early 2000. McCulloch said, \"What they said is, 'We'll keep you on if you don't take as much money as in the contract,' and we had no intention of staying anyway, so it was kind of 'were we pushed or did we fall?'\" There was also a change in the band's management with Toogood departing to start his own record label. With the session musicians who recorded \"What Are You Going to Do with Your Life?\" moving on, McCulloch and Sergeant recruited a new band, with whom they would go on to record", "psg_id": "7126106" }, { "title": "Daddy, what did you do in the Great War?", "text": "Daddy, what did you do in the Great War? \"Daddy, what did YOU do in the Great War?\" was a British recruitment poster from 1915. It was released by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee. A war recruitment poster from the First World War shows a daughter posing a question to her father, \"Daddy, what did YOU do in the Great War?\" There was an extensive recruitment campaign in Great Britain during World War I. Recruitment for World War I was different from prior wars, which had been fought by the regular (professional) army. Samuel Hynes writes that the war was fought", "psg_id": "13686288" }, { "title": "Stop, drop and roll", "text": "Those teaching the technique are advised to teach children the proper circumstances for its use. As such, some advice pamphlets regarding the technique suggest reminding children that this technique is only to be used in the event of catching on fire and not when a smoke alarm is sounding in a situation that requires immediate evacuation. Furthermore, some advice on the technique advises the procedure of \"stop, drop and roll and cover your face,\" as this will help to protect the face from any flames. Stop, drop and roll Stop, drop and roll is a simple fire safety technique taught", "psg_id": "7402690" }, { "title": "You Do Your Thing", "text": "You Do Your Thing You Do Your Thing is the fourth studio album by American country music duo Montgomery Gentry. It was released in 2004 (see 2004 in country music) and has been certified platinum by the RIAA. The album produced the duo's first Number One hit on the \"Billboard\" country music charts in \"If You Ever Stop Loving Me\"; other singles included the title track, \"Gone\", and \"Something to Be Proud Of\" (also a Number One). \"If It's the Last Thing I Do\" was also recorded by Brooks & Dunn on their 2001 album, \"Steers & Stripes\", and in", "psg_id": "10341404" }, { "title": "What Did I Do to You?", "text": "by the Grammy Award-winning American house music DJ and producer, David Morales. The Philip Richardson-directed music video was also released. The single became a top forty hit in the European countries reaching number seven in Italy, number eighteen in Finland, number twenty in Ireland and number twenty-five in the United Kingdom. \"What Did I Do to You?\" was also released in Japan. In 2014, the remixes of \"What Did I Do to You?\" were included on the deluxe 2CD + DVD re-release of \"Affection\" and on \"People Hold On ... The Remix Anthology\". They were also featured on \"The Collection", "psg_id": "17338141" }, { "title": "What Did You Do in the War, Daddy?", "text": "What Did You Do in the War, Daddy? What Did You Do in the War, Daddy? is a 1966 comedy DeLuxe Color film written by William Peter Blatty and directed by Blake Edwards for the Mirisch Company in Panavision. It stars James Coburn and Dick Shawn. Filming was at Lake Sherwood Ranch in Thousand Hills, 40 miles northwest of Hollywood. In what had been a cow pasture, designer Fernando Carrere fabricated a storybook Sicilian village which added $800,000 to the production's already elevated $5.5 million budget. Captain Lionel Cash (Dick Shawn), a staff officer under General Max Bolt (Carroll O'Connor),", "psg_id": "8001773" }, { "title": "What Did I Do to You?", "text": "1989–2003\" box set (2014), including previously unreleased Red Zone Mix by David Morales. European/UK 7\" single European/UK/Japanese CD single UK 10\" single European/UK 12\" single UK 12\" promotional single Other remixes What Did I Do to You? \"What Did I Do to You?\" is a song recorded by British singer Lisa Stansfield for her 1989 album, \"Affection\". It was written by Stansfield, Ian Devaney and Andy Morris, and produced by Devaney and Morris. The song received positive reviews from music critics. \"What Did I Do to You?\" was released as the fourth European single on 30 April 1990. It included", "psg_id": "17338142" }, { "title": "Did You Ever Have a Family", "text": "Did You Ever Have a Family Did You Ever Have a Family is the debut novel by American literary agent and author Bill Clegg, published in 2015. The novel focuses on June Reid, a beautiful, rich Connecticut woman. On the night before her daughter’s wedding, June Reid loses her daughter, her daughter’s fiancé, her ex-husband, and her boyfriend in a tragic house fire. Grief-stricken, she drives across the country to Washington. Over the course of her journey, details slowly emerge about what caused the fire and its impact on the community. \"Did You Ever Have a Family\" received favourable reviews", "psg_id": "19071773" }, { "title": "What Did You Expect? (Michael Cohen album)", "text": "What Did You Expect? (Michael Cohen album) What Did You Expect? is an album by the American singer-songwriter Michael Cohen which was released on Folkways Records (FS 8582 Folkways Records, 1973). The album was re-released by Smithsonian Folkways Records as a compact disc (FW0852 Smithsonian Folkways Records). It is Cohen's second album, following his self released debut \"Mike Cohen\" (1972). The original LP carried a sticker on the front cover which stated, \"Songs sensitively and honestly dealing with the experiences of being gay, written and sung by this brilliant young artist Solos and group. \"This album, along with Steven Grossman", "psg_id": "16756603" }, { "title": "If You Ever Stop Loving Me", "text": "him he can handle anything. \"Billboard\" magazine reviewed the song favorably saying that Gentry delivers a \"solid performance that is full of personality.\" The production was reviewed as \"an edgy, groove-laden framework, punctuating the duo's gutsy performance with crunchy guitars and driving production.\" The music video was directed by Trey Fanjoy and premiered in early 2004. \"If You Ever Stop Loving Me\" debuted at number 58 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks for the week of February 7, 2004. If You Ever Stop Loving Me \"If You Ever Stop Loving Me\" is a song recorded by American", "psg_id": "10584563" }, { "title": "What Did You Expect? (Michael Cohen album)", "text": "(musician)'s \"Caravan Tonight\" (1974) and Chris Robison's \"Chris Robison and His Many Hand Band\" (1973), is one of the first to deal with openly gay themes and issues within the song lyrics. The style of the album is very much within the folk-rock genre and it includes the song \"Bitterfeast\" which adapts a poem by Cohen's namesake and fellow singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen. Musicians who played on the album include the drummer Kevin Kelley. What Did You Expect? (Michael Cohen album) What Did You Expect? is an album by the American singer-songwriter Michael Cohen which was released on Folkways Records (FS", "psg_id": "16756604" }, { "title": "What Did You Do in the War, Daddy?", "text": "shelved when, during the scene where Captain Cash visits Charlie Company at their chow line, he holds out his hand and one of the GI mess orderly's ladles beans into the captain's hand. The score is by Henry Mancini. It includes \"The Swing March\" and \"In the Arms of Love\". What Did You Do in the War, Daddy? What Did You Do in the War, Daddy? is a 1966 comedy DeLuxe Color film written by William Peter Blatty and directed by Blake Edwards for the Mirisch Company in Panavision. It stars James Coburn and Dick Shawn. Filming was at Lake", "psg_id": "8001782" }, { "title": "You Do Your Thing", "text": "2004 by James Otto on his album \"Days of Our Lives\". Both of these renditions were titled \"The Last Thing I Do\". As listed in liner notes. As listed in liner notes. You Do Your Thing You Do Your Thing is the fourth studio album by American country music duo Montgomery Gentry. It was released in 2004 (see 2004 in country music) and has been certified platinum by the RIAA. The album produced the duo's first Number One hit on the \"Billboard\" country music charts in \"If You Ever Stop Loving Me\"; other singles included the title track, \"Gone\", and", "psg_id": "10341405" }, { "title": "If You Ever Want to Be in Love", "text": "went to different parts of the country.\" Some people have that feeling of “what if?” and that slight feeling of regret that they moved away. So the song is kind of referencing that whole part of your life where you leave and whenever you come back to visit, there’s those things that make you think “What if I hadn’t left?” There’s those reminders, maybe still there. Or maybe you’ve come back to visit as well and it’s kind of about chance meeting between two people who started from the same place, went away and came back again.\" A music video", "psg_id": "20574416" }, { "title": "Why Did You Do That?", "text": "Buchanan confessed having the lyrics stuck in his head. He added that the track can sound shocking initially since \"it forgoes the timelessness of 'Shallow' and its ilk in favor of what feels like pop disposability\", but noted its rising popularity in social media. Warren added her thoughts to Buchanan saying that the track has its \"revenge, because it sticks in your brain. And then you end up saying, 'Why did you do that, do that, do that'.\" Credits adapted from the liner notes of \"A Star Is Born\". Why Did You Do That? \"Why Did You Do That?\" is", "psg_id": "20894238" }, { "title": "When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You", "text": "hid\"..\"If you loved me with all of your heart/You'd never take a million dollars to part\". He would use the instrumental of this song as both an instrumental track (with several Gaye ad-libs) and as the reprise of the album to end it. The song served as the template for Daryl Hall's song \"Stop Loving Me, Stop Loving You,\" from his 1993 solo album, \"Soul Alone.\" After being played the song by a friend and thinking it was an unreleased bootleg, Hall reworked the tune as a standard-structured R&B/pop song. When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop", "psg_id": "10207141" }, { "title": "Stop, drop and roll", "text": "Stop, drop and roll Stop, drop and roll is a simple fire safety technique taught to children, emergency service personnel and industrial workers as a component of health and safety training in English-speaking North America, and most other English-speaking countries. It involves three steps a fire victim should follow to minimize injury in the event their clothing catches fire. Stop, drop and roll consists of three components. The effectiveness of stop, drop and roll may be further enhanced by combining it with other firefighting techniques, including the use of a fire extinguisher, dousing with water, or fire beating one's skin.", "psg_id": "7402689" }, { "title": "Come On In (You Did the Best You Could Do)", "text": "single \"Come On In\". Come On In (You Did the Best You Could Do) \"Come On In (You Did the Best You Could Do)\" is a song written by Rick Giles and George Green, and recorded by American country music group The Oak Ridge Boys. It was released in November 1985 as the third single from the album \"Step On Out\". The song reached number 3 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart. The song was also recorded by Oak Ridge Boy William Lee Golden on his 1986 solo album \"American Vagabond\". It is not to be confused", "psg_id": "14859304" }, { "title": "Come On In (You Did the Best You Could Do)", "text": "Come On In (You Did the Best You Could Do) \"Come On In (You Did the Best You Could Do)\" is a song written by Rick Giles and George Green, and recorded by American country music group The Oak Ridge Boys. It was released in November 1985 as the third single from the album \"Step On Out\". The song reached number 3 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart. The song was also recorded by Oak Ridge Boy William Lee Golden on his 1986 solo album \"American Vagabond\". It is not to be confused with the band's 1978", "psg_id": "14859303" }, { "title": "Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet", "text": "that the game was enjoyable by both children and adults, saying that \"[l]ike Sesame Street, Pajama Sam respects the intelligence of its audience, even when that audience is a little bit older than intended.\" Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet is an adventure game developed and published by Humongous Entertainment, for the Microsoft Windows, Macintosh, PlayStation, and Steam operating systems. This was the last adventure game to feature Pamela Segall Adlon as the voice of Sam. In ,", "psg_id": "8848855" }, { "title": "Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet", "text": "Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet is an adventure game developed and published by Humongous Entertainment, for the Microsoft Windows, Macintosh, PlayStation, and Steam operating systems. This was the last adventure game to feature Pamela Segall Adlon as the voice of Sam. In , Aldon is replaced by Elisha Ferguson. Pajama Sam has eaten nineteen boxes of cookies in a rush to collect box tops to redeem for an action figure of his favorite superhero and namesake, Pajama", "psg_id": "8848849" }, { "title": "What to Do in Case of Fire?", "text": "What to Do in Case of Fire? What to Do in Case of Fire? () is a German film directed by Gregor Schnitzler. It premiered in November 2001 at the German film festival Kinofest Lünen and was released to theaters in 2002. Part comedy, part action and part drama, the movie is set in contemporary Berlin and stars German action star Til Schweiger. The film received mixed reviews, earning 52 percent favorable ratings from critics cited on Rotten Tomatoes. Set in Berlin, the film opens in 1987 to show a group of radicals battling police, but soon moves to the", "psg_id": "7818125" }, { "title": "Did You Ever See a Lassie?", "text": "the middle performs an action (such as Highland dancing), which everyone then imitates, before starting the verse again, often changing the single player to a boy, or a boy can join the center player - thus creating an extra verse in the song (\"Did you ever see some children...\"). The song is featured in the 1963 motion picture Ladybug, Ladybug. In the movie, children sing the song as part of a game while walking home from school during a nuclear bomb attack drill. The song, as sung by children, was used in a 1990 commercial for Maidenform, and played over", "psg_id": "8155886" }, { "title": "If You Ever Want to Be in Love", "text": "to accompany the release of \"If You Ever Want To Be In Love\" was first released onto YouTube on 29 October 2015 at a total length of four minutes and forth-three seconds. The clip was directed by Sophie Mueller and sees Bay performing in a small venue not dissimilar from the pubs and clubs he was playing before the album’s release. If You Ever Want to Be in Love \"If You Ever Want To Be In Love\" is a song by English singer-songwriter James Bay. It was released in the United Kingdom on 29 October 2015 through Republic Records as", "psg_id": "20574417" }, { "title": "If You Ever Think I Will Stop Goin' In Ask Double R", "text": "If You Ever Think I Will Stop Goin' In Ask Double R If You Ever Think I Will Stop Goin' in Ask RR (Royal Rich) is the fifth mixtape by American recording artist Rich Homie Quan. It was released on April 28, 2015, by T.I.G. Entertainment exclusively on MyMixtapez. The mixtapes features no guest appearances, and production is handled by K.E. on the Track, London on da Track, The Mekanics, Izze The Producer, DJ Spinz, Trauma Tone, Only 1 Scoota, DT Spacely, Nitti Beatz, Jescarp, Yung Lan, Yung Carter, The Yardeez, Goose and Wheezy. In September 2014, Rich Gang released", "psg_id": "18746729" }, { "title": "What Do You Mean?", "text": "\"What do you mean / When you nod your head yes, but you wanna say no? / What do you mean / When you don't want me to move, but you tell me to go?.\" \"USA Today\" Carly Mallenbaum, who heard the song in early August, described it as a \"catchy dance track for the club\". Similarly, a writer for \"The Daily Beast\" said, \"['What Do You Mean?' is] pretty damn catchy; a slow-burner that, like that collab, swells into a Bieber banger\". Gil Kaufman of MTV News also called it a \"banger\", explaining, \"the track is classic JB: seductive,", "psg_id": "18937838" }, { "title": "Do You Believe in Magic (album)", "text": "band roots in its arrangements of traditional songs... The Spoonful would be remembered as a vehicle for Sebastian's songwriting, but \"Do You Believe in Magic\" was a well-rounded collection that demonstrated their effectiveness as a group.\" Do You Believe in Magic (album) Do You Believe in Magic is the debut album by the folk rock group The Lovin' Spoonful. It was released in November 1965, on the Kama Sutra label. The album features the hits \"Do You Believe in Magic\" (U.S. No. 9) and \"Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind?\" (U.S. No. 2). \"Do You Believe in", "psg_id": "7042681" }, { "title": "When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You", "text": "When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You \"When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You\" is a 1978 song recorded by singer Marvin Gaye for his \"Here, My Dear\" album, following his 1976 divorce when he was ordered to give half the takings of his next album to ex-wife Anna Gaye. In the album, he \"poured his emotions into songs agonisingly documenting their relationship's rise and fall.\" The song was a six-minute-long opus that has been considered the centerpiece of the \"Here, My Dear\" album. As if offering confessional testimony to", "psg_id": "10207138" }, { "title": "Stop Drop and Roll!!!", "text": "with a warning on \"side A\" that said \"Warning: Do Not Play Side B.\" \"Highway 1\" was originally on the album in place of \"Broadway\", but was omitted from the final album. Stop Drop and Roll!!! Stop, Drop and Roll!!! is the debut studio album by the American rock band the Foxboro Hot Tubs. The full album was first available for digital download on April 22, 2008, and was released on CD on May 20, 2008. The title track \"Stop, Drop and Roll\" was featured in the 2010 American comedy film \"Get Him to the Greek\", although it was not", "psg_id": "11292239" }, { "title": "Do You Believe in Magic (album)", "text": "Do You Believe in Magic (album) Do You Believe in Magic is the debut album by the folk rock group The Lovin' Spoonful. It was released in November 1965, on the Kama Sutra label. The album features the hits \"Do You Believe in Magic\" (U.S. No. 9) and \"Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind?\" (U.S. No. 2). \"Do You Believe in Magic\" was re-released on CD in 2002 with five bonus tracks. In his Allmusic review, music critic William Ruhlmann wrote \"The album elaborated upon Sebastian's gentle, winning songwriting style... The album also revealed the group's jug", "psg_id": "7042680" }, { "title": "How Do You Roll?", "text": "but all fast-casual chains.” It has also been called the \"most unique sushi restaurant you will ever visit.\" A local news station reported that there is \"nothing like it in the rest of the country.\" How Do You Roll? How Do You Roll? was a franchise fast-casual sushi restaurant, headquartered in Austin, Texas. The first How Do You Roll? location opened in October 2008 and the company began franchising in early 2010. As of April 2016, it had stores operating in California and Florida. but had gone out of business by January 30, 2017. Yuen Yung and his brother Peter", "psg_id": "15595616" }, { "title": "I Can Wonder What You Did with Your Day", "text": "The single's other side featured the only two songs ever released by Calm Down It's Monday, a band which consisted of Doiron and Frederick Squire. \"The Life of Dreams\" appeared in an iPhone commercial in July 2014. All songs written by Julie Doiron, except \"Spill Yer Lungs\" and \"Blue\" by Frederick Squire. I Can Wonder What You Did with Your Day I Can Wonder What You Did with Your Day is an album by Julie Doiron, released on March 10, 2009. Recorded at the home studio of Rick White, the album's producer and Doiron's onetime bandmate in Eric's Trip, the", "psg_id": "13026098" }, { "title": "Daddy, what did you do in the Great War?", "text": "do in the Great War?\" were not the only contributing factor to these recruitment figures, writing that recruiters \"quickly decided that using the latest forms of mass advertising had a negative effect\". The poster played on the guilt associated with not volunteering for wartime service. Karyn Burman writes that propaganda posters of the time \"presented a carefully crafted image of manhood defining 'real' men as those who fought for their families, for King and Country.\" She cites this poster as an example of an image that was \"designed to question a man's sense of self-worth\". Daddy, what did you do", "psg_id": "13686290" }, { "title": "How Do You Roll?", "text": "restaurant business at the age of 8 by helping in his parents' restaurant after school. He grew to become an expert in Japanese cuisine. Before beginning the How Do You Roll? venture, Peter was Head Sushi Chef at Azuma Restaurant in Houston, Texas. The first HDYR location was originally named Maki but in September 2009, changed its name to How Do You Roll?. Maki Maki, L.L.C. continues to be operated by Yuen and Peter Yung as a provider of training, equipment, and supplies to franchisees. HDYR was acquired by a private restaurant group in June, 2015. HDYR primarily offers made-to-order", "psg_id": "15595613" }, { "title": "You Know What to Do", "text": "To Get You into My Life\", \"And Your Bird Can Sing\" and \"Mother Nature's Son\". You Know What to Do \"You Know What to Do\" was one of the first songs written and recorded by George Harrison with the Beatles. It was recorded on 3 June 1964 but remained unreleased until its inclusion on the band's 1995 outtakes compilation \"Anthology 1\". During a photographic assignment on the morning of 3 June 1964, Ringo Starr was taken ill with tonsillitis and pharyngitis, 24 hours before the Beatles were due to leave for a six-country tour. The recording session booked for that", "psg_id": "6187569" }, { "title": "If You Ever Want to Be in Love", "text": "If You Ever Want to Be in Love \"If You Ever Want To Be In Love\" is a song by English singer-songwriter James Bay. It was released in the United Kingdom on 29 October 2015 through Republic Records as the fourth single from his debut studio album \"Chaos and the Calm\" (2015) after originally being included on Bay's 2014 \"Let It Go\" EP. The single was certified silver in the United Kingdom in February 2017. Bay told PopCrush the song is \"about a few different experiences and scenarios\" saying \"I was really keen to [move away from home] when I", "psg_id": "20574414" }, { "title": "Stop Drop and Roll!!!", "text": "Stop Drop and Roll!!! Stop, Drop and Roll!!! is the debut studio album by the American rock band the Foxboro Hot Tubs. The full album was first available for digital download on April 22, 2008, and was released on CD on May 20, 2008. The title track \"Stop, Drop and Roll\" was featured in the 2010 American comedy film \"Get Him to the Greek\", although it was not on the soundtrack album. The album was recorded while Green Day were writing their eighth studio album \"21st Century Breakdown\"; they ended up recording this album as they \"love to play music", "psg_id": "11292236" }, { "title": "Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind?", "text": "has continued to be popular and has been included in many compilations of music of the period. In 1996, Denny's restaurants used the song for their $1.99 breakfasts. In the 1999 film \"Dudley Do-Right\", the song is given a big-band-style arrangement, and it starts with a swing dance battle between Snidely Whiplash and Dudley for Nell Fenwick, and evolves into a big production number. The lead vocals in this version are by Steve Tyrell. The Christian parody band ApologetiX included a parody, \"Did You Ever Ask Where Cain Got His Wife?\", on their 2010 album \"Soundprooof\". Did You Ever Have", "psg_id": "16861579" }, { "title": "If You Ever Have Forever in Mind", "text": "soft ballad.\" He goes on to say that the \"delicate piano and whispery percussion underscore Gill's silky vocal performance.\" The music video was directed by Jim Shea and premiered in early 1998. \"If You Ever Have Forever in Mind\" debuted at number 61 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks for the week of May 30, 1998. If You Ever Have Forever in Mind \"If You Ever Have Forever in Mind\" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Vince Gill. It was released in May 1998 as the first single from the album \"The", "psg_id": "14853175" }, { "title": "What Did You Think Was Going to Happen?", "text": "brightest of the nu-eyed-soul set\". What Did You Think Was Going to Happen? What Did You Think Was Going to Happen? is the debut studio album from Los Angeles band 2AM Club. It was released September 14, 2010 by RCA Records. On May 31, the band released a song named \"Baseline\" that was a bonus track on \"What Did You Think Was Going to Happen?\" (sold on iTunes). It was advertised by them via Twitter, and was available for free download through a file sharing website, Hulk Share. Matt Collar of Allmusic stated that with this album \"2AM Club reveal", "psg_id": "14910963" }, { "title": "What Did You Think Was Going to Happen?", "text": "What Did You Think Was Going to Happen? What Did You Think Was Going to Happen? is the debut studio album from Los Angeles band 2AM Club. It was released September 14, 2010 by RCA Records. On May 31, the band released a song named \"Baseline\" that was a bonus track on \"What Did You Think Was Going to Happen?\" (sold on iTunes). It was advertised by them via Twitter, and was available for free download through a file sharing website, Hulk Share. Matt Collar of Allmusic stated that with this album \"2AM Club reveal themselves as the best and", "psg_id": "14910962" }, { "title": "What Are You Going to Do with Your Life?", "text": "What Are You Going to Do with Your Life? What Are You Going to Do with Your Life? is the eighth studio album by the English rock band Echo & the Bunnymen. The album saw the departure of bassist Les Pattinson from the group, partly due to disagreements with vocalist Ian McCulloch; McCulloch and the remaining band member, guitarist Will Sergeant, subsequently recorded the record with session musicians. The London Metropolitan Orchestra provided backing music and the American alternative hip hop band Fun Lovin' Criminals appeared as guest musicians on two tracks. The album was produced by Alan Douglas and", "psg_id": "7126096" }, { "title": "What Do You Know About Rock 'N Roll?", "text": "What Do You Know About Rock 'N Roll? What Do You Know About Rock 'N Roll? is the second studio album by Minneapolis shock rock band Slave Raider, released in the winter of 1988. It was the band's first album to be recorded for a major label. Despite snowballing success from a notoriously successful show at London's Marquee club, the album had little success outside of the bands dedicated fan base. After an extensive tour of London the group joined Tsangarides to record their sophomore effort. According to guitar player Nicci Wikkid, the band was impressed with Tsangarides' skills, but", "psg_id": "19236904" }, { "title": "What Are You Going to Do with Your Life?", "text": "the 2000 EP, \"Avalanche\", which was only available to buy over the internet. All tracks written by Ian McCulloch and Will Sergeant. with: What Are You Going to Do with Your Life? What Are You Going to Do with Your Life? is the eighth studio album by the English rock band Echo & the Bunnymen. The album saw the departure of bassist Les Pattinson from the group, partly due to disagreements with vocalist Ian McCulloch; McCulloch and the remaining band member, guitarist Will Sergeant, subsequently recorded the record with session musicians. The London Metropolitan Orchestra provided backing music and the", "psg_id": "7126107" }, { "title": "Do You Ever Wonder", "text": "Do You Ever Wonder \"Do You Ever Wonder\" is a song by English singer Alison Moyet, released in 2002 as the second single from her fifth studio album \"Hometime\". It was written by Carlton McCarthy, and produced by Tim Norfolk and Bob Locke under the name The Insects. Like \"Hometime\"'s lead single, \"Should I Feel That It's Over\", \"Do You Ever Wonder\" failed to enter the UK Top 100, however it did enter the Top 200, faring better than its predecessor. It peaked at No. 113. No promotional video was filmed for the single, however Moyet did perform the song", "psg_id": "15713420" }, { "title": "Daddy, what did you do in the Great War?", "text": "on such a scale that \"this time there would also have to be a vast recruitment of men like Daddy\". There were 1.4 million new volunteers in 1915, up from 1 million in 1914. 2.4 million Britons, or approximately 30% of military aged men, had volunteered for military service. Scholars believe the \"scale and nature of enlistment in Great Britain and the Dominions suggest the nations' emotional investment in the war\". Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau and Annette Becker have written that the campaign of mass propaganda, including what they describe as the \"guilt-inducing and brutal messages\" such as \"Daddy, what did YOU", "psg_id": "13686289" }, { "title": "If You Talk in Your Sleep", "text": "If You Talk in Your Sleep \"If You Talk in Your Sleep\" is a track from Elvis Presley's 1975 album \"Promised Land\". It was recorded during sessions at Stax Records in Memphis, Tennessee, in December 1973. Released as a single in North America on May 10, 1974, with the B-side \"Help Me\", it reached No. 6 on the \"Billboard\" Country Singles chart in June 1974 and No. 17 on the \"Billboard\" Pop Singles chart in August 1974. The song was written by Red West and Johnny Christopher. The song was covered by Little Milton and reached No. 34 on the", "psg_id": "17518518" }, { "title": "If You Talk in Your Sleep", "text": "\"Billboard\" soul singles chart in April 1975. If You Talk in Your Sleep \"If You Talk in Your Sleep\" is a track from Elvis Presley's 1975 album \"Promised Land\". It was recorded during sessions at Stax Records in Memphis, Tennessee, in December 1973. Released as a single in North America on May 10, 1974, with the B-side \"Help Me\", it reached No. 6 on the \"Billboard\" Country Singles chart in June 1974 and No. 17 on the \"Billboard\" Pop Singles chart in August 1974. The song was written by Red West and Johnny Christopher. The song was covered by Little", "psg_id": "17518519" }, { "title": "You Know What You Did", "text": "You Know What You Did \"You Know What You Did\" is the first episode of the third season of \"The Hills\". It originally aired on MTV on August 13, 2007. In the episode, Lauren Conrad ends her friendship with former housemate Heidi Montag after suspecting that Heidi and her boyfriend Spencer Pratt fabricated rumors of a sex tape involving Lauren and her ex-boyfriend Jason Wahler. The ensuing feud between the women becomes a central focus of the series, and is carried through each subsequent season in which Conrad appears. \"You Know What You Did\" was produced by Tony DiSanto, Adam", "psg_id": "10149533" }, { "title": "I Saw What You Did (1988 film)", "text": "people, saying \"I saw what you did, and I know who you are\" before hanging up. Lisa and Kim later discuss Kim's love life, and they decide she needs an older man who appreciates her. They decide on calling Adrian again, but Lisa, afraid to seduce him, repeats the line \"I saw what you did, and I know who you are.\" Adrian, who was caught in the act when he was burying Robyn's body, does not realize it's a prank and is determined to get rid of her. She thinks he was flirting with her on the phone and later", "psg_id": "13633196" }, { "title": "What If It's You", "text": "What If It's You What If It's You is the twenty-third album by American country singer/actress Reba McEntire released on November 5, 1996 The album peaked at #1 on the Billboard country chart and #15 on the \"Billboard\" 200. It is certified 2× Multi-Platinum by the RIAA. \"What If It's You\" was the first album she did not use studio musicians, relying instead on her touring band. The album produced four singles in \"The Fear of Being Alone\", \"How Was I to Know\", \"I'd Rather Ride Around with You\" and \"What If It's You\", which respectively reached #2, #1, #2,", "psg_id": "8847033" }, { "title": "You Don't Know What to Do", "text": "You Don't Know What to Do \"You Don't Know What to Do\" is a song by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey included on her fourteenth studio album, \"Me. I Am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse \" (2014), and features rapper Wale. The track was released on June 30, 2014, as the fourth single from the album. It was written by Wale, Carey, Jermaine Dupri and Bryan-Michael Cox, with production helmed by the latter three. The song contains an interpolation of \"I'm Caught Up in a One Night Affair\" written by Patrick Adams and Terri Gonzalez, both of whom received songwriting", "psg_id": "18019366" }, { "title": "Baby What You Want Me to Do", "text": "number 37 in the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in 1960. In 2004, Reed's song was inducted into the Blues Foundation Hall of Fame in the \"Classic of Blues Recordings\" category. According to Koda, \"Baby What You Want Me to Do\" \"was already a barroom staple of blues, country, and rock & roll bands by the early '60s\" and has spawned versions by a variety of blues, R&B, and rock artists. The song continues to be performed and recorded, making it perhaps the most covered of Reed's songs. Some of these include: Baby What You Want Me to Do \"Baby What You", "psg_id": "14810918" }, { "title": "I Can Wonder What You Did with Your Day", "text": "I Can Wonder What You Did with Your Day I Can Wonder What You Did with Your Day is an album by Julie Doiron, released on March 10, 2009. Recorded at the home studio of Rick White, the album's producer and Doiron's onetime bandmate in Eric's Trip, the album is more rock-oriented than Doiron's other solo albums, revisiting the sound and style of Eric's Trip. The album's first single, \"Consolation Prize\", was released to radio in early February. Alternate versions of the songs \"Heavy Snow\" and \"Nice to Come Home\" were released on a split 7\" single in May 2009.", "psg_id": "13026097" }, { "title": "If You Ever Have Forever in Mind", "text": "If You Ever Have Forever in Mind \"If You Ever Have Forever in Mind\" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Vince Gill. It was released in May 1998 as the first single from the album \"The Key\". The song reached number 5 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart and number 1 in Canada. It also won Gill the Grammy Award for Best Male Country Vocal Performance. It was written by Gill and Troy Seals. Chuck Taylor, of \"Billboard\" magazine reviewed the song favorably saying that \"there's a classy vintage sound to this", "psg_id": "14853174" }, { "title": "If You Ever Fall in Love Again", "text": "If You Ever Fall in Love Again \"If You Ever Fall in Love Again\" is a song written by Irish songwriter Dick Farrelly. In 1948, it was the winning song in a BBC-hosted song contest in Northern Ireland and was subsequently recorded by Anne Shelton for whom it became a United Kingdom hit. It was also recorded by the Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians orchestra and the vocal group The Three Suns in the United States. The song was later recorded on the Farrelly tribute album \"Legacy of a Quiet Man\" (2001) by Irish singer Sinead Stone and musician", "psg_id": "14271299" }, { "title": "Do What You Wanna Do (album)", "text": "Do What You Wanna Do (album) Do What You Wanna Do is the fifth studio album by the Masters Apprentices, released in November 1988 on Virgin Records. It was the group's first album in 17 years since \"A Toast To Panama Red\". In the early 1980s there was a revival of interest in the Masters Apprentices due partly to rock historian Glenn A. Baker, who featured the band for his \"Rock & Roll Trivia Show\" on Sydney radio's Triple J, which in turn led to the release of a definitive compilation LP, \"Hands of Time\" by Baker's Raven Records in", "psg_id": "20608310" }, { "title": "Do You Ever Wonder", "text": "Dionne Warwick recordings\". In a 2015 retrospective on Moyet's career, \"Classic Pop\" included the song as one of twenty favourites as chosen by the magazine. They commented: \"Operator, get us Cubby Broccoli!\" Do You Ever Wonder \"Do You Ever Wonder\" is a song by English singer Alison Moyet, released in 2002 as the second single from her fifth studio album \"Hometime\". It was written by Carlton McCarthy, and produced by Tim Norfolk and Bob Locke under the name The Insects. Like \"Hometime\"'s lead single, \"Should I Feel That It's Over\", \"Do You Ever Wonder\" failed to enter the UK Top", "psg_id": "15713422" }, { "title": "Do You Love What You Feel", "text": "Do You Love What You Feel \"Do You Love What You Feel\" is a well-known soul/disco song by Rufus and Chaka. Released in late 1979 from the Quincy Jones produced album, \"Masterjam\", it spent three weeks at the top of the Hot Soul Singles chart, becoming the fourth of five songs that they would send to the top of that chart. It also peaked at number thirty on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 singles chart. Along with the track, \"Any Love\", \"Do You Love What You Feel\" peaked at number five on the disco/dance charts. It would be one of the", "psg_id": "13390308" }, { "title": "Did You Ever Have a Family", "text": "a puzzle, and hazily unconvincing\". While praising Clegg for his ability to \"not fall into the obvious trap of giving regular characters bigger vocabularies and more elaborate syntax than they would typically use\", she also criticised his writing for being \"generally plain and even unambitious\", with the cast of characters' voices \"not hugely differentiated\". Did You Ever Have a Family Did You Ever Have a Family is the debut novel by American literary agent and author Bill Clegg, published in 2015. The novel focuses on June Reid, a beautiful, rich Connecticut woman. On the night before her daughter’s wedding, June", "psg_id": "19071775" }, { "title": "If You Were the Only Girl (In the World)", "text": "fancy, therefore love me do. Your eyes have set me dreaming all night long… Your eyes have set me scheming, right or wrong If you were the only girl in the world and I were the only boy Nothing else would matter in the world today We could go on loving in the same old way A garden of Eden just made for two With nothing to mar our joy I would say such wonderful things to you There would be such wonderful things to do If you were the only girl in the world and I were the only", "psg_id": "7147900" }, { "title": "Do You Love What You Feel", "text": "last albums featuring lead vocalist Chaka Khan before fully going solo. Do You Love What You Feel \"Do You Love What You Feel\" is a well-known soul/disco song by Rufus and Chaka. Released in late 1979 from the Quincy Jones produced album, \"Masterjam\", it spent three weeks at the top of the Hot Soul Singles chart, becoming the fourth of five songs that they would send to the top of that chart. It also peaked at number thirty on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 singles chart. Along with the track, \"Any Love\", \"Do You Love What You Feel\" peaked at number", "psg_id": "13390309" }, { "title": "You Know What You Did", "text": "on it\", which was assumed to be alluding to Montag and Pratt. \"You Know What You Did\" was met with generally favorable reviews from critics, who felt that the changed dynamic between Conrad and Montag was entertaining for television. Writing for \"Entertainment Weekly\", Jennifer Armstrong provided a favorable review; she opined that the conflict between Conrad and Montag made for the \"most mature season ever\" and offered a disclaimer that the term \"maturity\" was \"being relative here, of course.\" A writer for The Hollywood Gossip stated that the episode \"didn't disappoint\", and felt that the storyline clearly categorized Patridge and", "psg_id": "10149542" }, { "title": "If Footmen Tire You, What Will Horses Do?", "text": "If Footmen Tire You, What Will Horses Do? If Footmen Tire You, What Will Horses Do? is a 1971 Christian propaganda film directed by Ron Ormond. The film is based on the teachings of Estus Pirkle and warns of the dangers facing the United States from Communist infiltrators. The film suggests that the only way to avoid such a fate is to turn to Christianity. It has attracted something of a cult following among secular fans because of its explicit depictions of torture and mass murder and the heavy-handed nature of its evangelical message. The title paraphrases : If you", "psg_id": "5682619" }, { "title": "You Know What You Did", "text": "episode was the network's highest-rated broadcast that year. It was surpassed by \"Paris Changes Everything\", which served as the premiere for the second half of the season, on March 17, 2008; it attracted 4.8 million viewers in its original airing. In the United States, the third season was released as a four-disc DVD set on July 19, 2008. You Know What You Did \"You Know What You Did\" is the first episode of the third season of \"The Hills\". It originally aired on MTV on August 13, 2007. In the episode, Lauren Conrad ends her friendship with former housemate Heidi", "psg_id": "10149545" }, { "title": "Have You Ever Been in Love (song)", "text": "sunset. Dion performed this song (between March and November 2003) five nights a week during her show \"A New Day...\" at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas. Additionally, Dion performed the song on \"VH1 Divas\" and the \"Today Show\" that same year. In October 2008, \"Have You Ever Been in Love\" was included on the European version of \"\" greatest hits. \"Have You Ever Been in Love\" was covered by Aretha Franklin for her live performances. Co-writer Daryl Hall sings a version of this song on the Hall & Oates box set \"Do What You Want, Be What You Are: The Music", "psg_id": "9261424" }, { "title": "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)", "text": "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up) \"My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)\" is a song by American rock band Fall Out Boy, released as the lead single for the band's fifth studio album, \"Save Rock and Roll\". It serves as the band's first single following the group's three-year hiatus and regrouping in early 2013. The track and its music video were released on February 4, 2013 worldwide and February 5, 2013 in North America, to coincide with the official news of the band's reformation. The song impacted radio", "psg_id": "17082297" }, { "title": "If You Wanna", "text": "If You Wanna \"If You Wanna\" is the third single by English indie rock band The Vaccines, from their debut album \"What Did You Expect from The Vaccines?\" The single was released in the United Kingdom on 18 March 2011. The single debuted at number fifty-three on the UK Singles Chart upon release in March 2011, peaking at number thirty-five in April 2012. A music video to accompany the release of \"If You Wanna\" was first released onto YouTube on 23 February 2011; at a total length of two minutes and fifty-five seconds. The music video has accumulated over 7.5", "psg_id": "15635674" }, { "title": "Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth", "text": "Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth is a 2000 American direct-to-video parody film directed by John Blanchard. The film stars Tiffani-Amber Thiessen, Tom Arnold, Coolio and Shirley Jones. Several mid and late 1990s teen horror films are parodied, as are the slasher films of the 1970s and 1980s, including the \"Scream\" films (1996, 1997, and 2000), \"Friday the 13th\" (1980), \"Halloween\" (1978), \"A Nightmare on Elm Street\" (1984), and \"I Know What You Did Last Summer\" (1997), as well as other non horror films", "psg_id": "6244694" }, { "title": "Do What You Do (Jermaine Jackson song)", "text": "the past: \"Why don't you do what you do / when you did what you did to me?\" Its B-side is \"Tell Me I'm Not Dreamin' (Too Good to Be True)\", a duet with Michael Jackson. The song was sampled by Lil Wayne for \"How Could Something\" and by Chamillionaire for \"Void In My Life\". The music video was an imitation of \"The Godfather\" and supermodel Iman played Jackson's love interest who eventually betrays him by trying to shoot him. After his henchmen take her away, it is not revealed what happened to her. Do What You Do (Jermaine Jackson", "psg_id": "12138900" }, { "title": "You Know What You Did", "text": "anything you'd get on \"All My Children\".\" Furthermore, Conrad's delivery of the titular line \"You know what you did!\" when speaking to Montag has been recognized as an iconic moment from the series; the staff from \"Us Weekly\" ranked the scene as the most memorable event from the program when recapping highlights from its six seasons in July 2010. In its original broadcast in the United States on August 13, 2007, \"You Know What You Did\" was watched by 3.6 million viewers. Consequently, it became the series' most-viewed episode at the time of its first airing; as August 2007, the", "psg_id": "10149544" }, { "title": "If You Ever Think I Will Stop Goin' In Ask Double R", "text": "their collaborative mixtape, \"\". The mixtape received generally favourable reviews and has been viewed over five million times on LiveMixtapes, but the follow-up was delayed, due to them returning to their solo projects with a return a possibility in the future. While having to spend some time returning his attention to his career, Rich Homie Quan is hoping to bring a new sound using a variety of voice techniques and lyricism to bring his music to a wider audience. The mixtape was named, after his son Royal Rich. If You Ever Think I Will Stop Goin' In Ask Double R", "psg_id": "18746730" }, { "title": "What Did You Think When You Made Me This Way?", "text": "What Did You Think When You Made Me This Way? What Did You Think When You Made Me This Way? is the fifth EP released by British rock band Nothing But Thieves. It was released on 19 October 2018 through RCA Records. The EP's first single \"Forever & Ever More\" was released on 27 August 2018 through streaming services and as made available as a download. The second single \"Take This Lonely Heart\" was released also on 19 October 2018 to coincide with the record's release. \"Forever & Ever More\" had its live debut at Reading Festival on 24 August", "psg_id": "20869370" }, { "title": "You Know What You Did", "text": "is able to leave the club. Lauren and Audrina get into an argument with Heidi and Spencer outside of Les Deux, where Lauren delivers the now-famous quote \"You know what you did!\", elaborating that \"You started a sick little rumor about me! You're a sad, pathetic person.\" The following morning, Heidi explains to her co-worker Elodie Otto that she was unaware of said speculation, and still wants to reconcile with Lauren. Meanwhile, Lauren tells Whitney that she is saddened by the idea of losing her friend, although admits that she has benefited from their separation. \"You Know What You Did\"", "psg_id": "10149538" }, { "title": "How Do You Roll?", "text": "How Do You Roll? How Do You Roll? was a franchise fast-casual sushi restaurant, headquartered in Austin, Texas. The first How Do You Roll? location opened in October 2008 and the company began franchising in early 2010. As of April 2016, it had stores operating in California and Florida. but had gone out of business by January 30, 2017. Yuen Yung and his brother Peter Yung grew up in Chinatown, Manhattan. Yuen received his finance degree from the University of Texas and worked as a partner at Kenty, Yung, Ozias & Associates, a financial services firm. Peter started in the", "psg_id": "15595612" }, { "title": "What Are You Going to Do with Your Life?", "text": "were determined to continue as Echo & the Bunnymen and recruited session musicians so they could record the album. The album was produced by Alan Douglas and Echo & the Bunnymen and was recorded at Doghouse Studios in Henley-on-Thames, Parr Street Studios in Liverpool, and Olympic Studios, Maida Vale Studios and CTS in London. As with previous Echo & the Bunnymen albums, \"What Are You Going to Do with Your Life?\" used the London Metropolitan Orchestra to provide backing music. American alternative hip hop band Fun Lovin' Criminals appeared on the album as guest musicians on two tracks. Sergeant's guitar-work", "psg_id": "7126100" }, { "title": "What Do You Got?", "text": "co-produced by Jon Bon Jovi and Sambora. It was recorded in Bay 7 Studios in Valley Village and Sparky Dark Studios in Calabasas, California. The song was written during sessions for \"The Circle\" (2009), but it didn't fit that album, so band decided to hold it and finished it for the \"Greatest Hits\" (2010). Lyrically, the song is about the aesthetics of love. Richie Sambora explained: \"It's a worldly thing and it doesn't have to be exactly about romance. It could be about with your family, daughter or son. What do you got if you ain't got love. It's a", "psg_id": "14853335" }, { "title": "You Know What You Did", "text": "DiVello, Liz Gateley, Sara Mast, Andrew Perry, Jason Sands, Robyn Schnieders, Sean Travis, Michael \"Spike\" Van Briesen, and Rick Van Meter. The episode was met with generally favorable reviews from critics, who felt that the changed dynamic between Conrad and Montag was entertaining for television. It was additionally notable for Conrad's delivery of the titular line \"You know what you did!\" when speaking to Montag, which has since been recognized as an iconic moment from the series. According to Nielsen ratings, \"You Know What You Did\" was watched by 3.6 million viewers in its original airing. The episode was released", "psg_id": "10149534" }, { "title": "What If It's You", "text": "and #15 on the \"Billboard\" country charts. The album peaked at #1 on the Billboard Top Country Albums chart and #15 on the Billboard Top 200 Albums chart. What If It's You What If It's You is the twenty-third album by American country singer/actress Reba McEntire released on November 5, 1996 The album peaked at #1 on the Billboard country chart and #15 on the \"Billboard\" 200. It is certified 2× Multi-Platinum by the RIAA. \"What If It's You\" was the first album she did not use studio musicians, relying instead on her touring band. The album produced four singles", "psg_id": "8847034" }, { "title": "If You Ever Fall in Love Again", "text": "Gerard Farrelly (Dick's son). The song is published by Andic Songs/MCPS. Farrelly's most-successful song is the \"Isle of Innisfree\", a worldwide hit for Bing Crosby in 1952 and main theme of the comedy-drama romance film, \"The Quiet Man\" (1952). His other compositions include, \"We Dreamed our Dreams\", \"Cottage by the Lee\", \"Annaghdown\", \"The Gypsy Maiden\", \"Man of the Road\" and \"The Rose of Slievenamon\". 1. MacHale, Des (2004). \"Picture The Quiet Man\". Belfast: Appletree Press. . If You Ever Fall in Love Again \"If You Ever Fall in Love Again\" is a song written by Irish songwriter Dick Farrelly. In", "psg_id": "14271300" }, { "title": "Don't You Know What the Night Can Do?", "text": "Don't You Know What the Night Can Do? \"Don't You Know What the Night Can Do?\" is a song recorded by Steve Winwood for his album, \"Roll with It\", released on Virgin Records in 1988. Released as a single, it peaked at number six on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart and spent two weeks at number one on the \"Billboard\" Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart. Prior to the 1988 release of the \"Don't You Know What the Night Can Do?\" single, the song was used in a national TV commercial for Michelob. Though some critics at the time condemned", "psg_id": "17305196" }, { "title": "If You Ever See an Owl...", "text": "and they decided to perform them. Pryor's goal was to create music that would engage children, but entertain their parents as well. Eventually, they recorded their first album, \"If You Ever See an Owl...\". After the album was complete, however, it was not released immediately due to the band members focusing on The New Amsterdams. Alongside this, they wanted artist and friend Travis Millard to illustrate a storybook to be packaged with the album. Finally, in 2005 the album was released independently, then re-released on Vagrant Records in 2007. If You Ever See an Owl... If You Ever See an", "psg_id": "12215860" }, { "title": "If I Ever Lose My Faith in You", "text": "If I Ever Lose My Faith in You \"If I Ever Lose My Faith in You\" is a song recorded by English singer Sting. It was the second single from his album \"Ten Summoner's Tales\" and was released in 1993. It achieved moderate success in many countries, reaching number 17 on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100 and the top 40 in several European countries. In Canada and Italy, the song reached number one, spending three weeks and one week at the summit, respectively. In the former country, it was the fourth best-selling single of 1993. It remains one of Sting's", "psg_id": "12916654" }, { "title": "What Do You Think About the Car?", "text": "treatment of transgender suicide ('Paracetamol') with subtlety and skill. Standout 'Make Me Your Queen' is a rare moment of intimacy as he laments the ache of unrequited love, again with a delicacy and wisdom beyond his years.\" What Do You Think About the Car? What Do You Think About the Car? is the debut studio album by English singer-songwriter and musician Declan McKenna. It was released worldwide on 21 July 2017, through Columbia Records. \"What Do You Think About the Car?\" has been described as featuring indie rock throughout. In 2015, at age 15, McKenna won the Glastonbury Festival's Emerging", "psg_id": "20249678" }, { "title": "You Know What to Do", "text": "Paul McCartney did \"It's for You\", a song which was written specifically for Cilla Black to sing. The tape of the session was subsequently misfiled, but was rediscovered in 1993. Harrison's first contribution to the Beatles' output was \"Don't Bother Me\", recorded in September 1963. His next contribution was not until \"I Need You\", recorded in February 1965. Asked about this gap in 1964, and referring obliquely to \"You Know What to Do\", George Martin explained that Harrison \"got discouraged some time ago when none of us liked something that he had written\". The song is in the key of", "psg_id": "6187567" }, { "title": "If I Ever Lose My Faith in You", "text": "also covered the song at the 2014 Kennedy Center Honors, where Sting was an honouree. If I Ever Lose My Faith in You \"If I Ever Lose My Faith in You\" is a song recorded by English singer Sting. It was the second single from his album \"Ten Summoner's Tales\" and was released in 1993. It achieved moderate success in many countries, reaching number 17 on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100 and the top 40 in several European countries. In Canada and Italy, the song reached number one, spending three weeks and one week at the summit, respectively. In the", "psg_id": "12916656" }, { "title": "If You Ever Leave Me", "text": "If You Ever Leave Me \"If You Ever Leave Me\" is a vocal duet between Barbra Streisand and Vince Gill. The song was written by Richard Marx and produced by David Foster and Richard Marx. It first appeared as a single on Streisand's 1999 album, A Love Like Ours. \"If You Ever Leave Me\" was released as an international CD single that included three additional tracks, two of which were recorded during the A Love Like Ours sessions but were not included on the album. The song appears on Barbra Streisand's Duets album, released in 2002. \"If You Ever Leave", "psg_id": "19945082" }, { "title": "You Can't Stop Rock 'n' Roll", "text": "You Can't Stop Rock 'n' Roll You Can't Stop Rock 'n' Roll is the second studio album by American heavy metal band Twisted Sister, released in April 1983. The songs \"The Kids Are Back\", \"I Am (I'm Me),\" and the album's title track were released as singles. The album was certified as a Gold Album by RIAA in November 1995, for selling over 500,000 copies in the USA. put the album in their list of \"The Top 100 Heavy Metal Albums\". The title track is a new recording of the track \"Can't Stop Rock and Roll\" which appeared on", "psg_id": "8152453" } ]
[ "duck and cover", "duck and cover", "duck and cover" ]
“i've got to go, rock. it's all right. i'm not afraid. some time, rock, when the team is up against it, when things are wrong and the breaks are beating the boys, ask them to go in there with all they've got and win just one for ” whom?
[ { "title": "Notre Dame Fighting Irish football", "text": "and gave his account of Gipp's final words: \"\"I've got to go, Rock. It's all right. I'm not afraid. Some time, Rock, when the team is up against it, when things are going wrong and the breaks are beating the boys, tell them to go in there with all they've got and win just one for the Gipper. I don't know where I'll be then, Rock. But I'll know about it, and I'll be happy.\"\" The speech inspired the team and they went on to upset Army and win the game 12–6. The 1929 and 1930 teams both went undefeated,", "psg_id": "4216045" } ]
[ { "title": "Where Did It All Go Wrong?", "text": "Where Did It All Go Wrong? \"Where Did It All Go Wrong?\" is a song and single by the English rock band Oasis, originally released on their 2000 album, \"Standing on the Shoulder of Giants\". Written by guitarist Noel Gallagher, it is one of two songs on \"Standing on the Shoulder of Giants\" that features him on lead vocals. In explaining why front man Liam Gallagher did not sing the song, Noel claimed that: \"[Vocally] Liam just couldn't get that one. The melody shifts quite a lot... Liam hasn't got that dynamism in his voice.\" Noel stated that the song's", "psg_id": "11690817" }, { "title": "When You've Got to Go", "text": "When You've Got to Go When You've Got to Go is the second episode of the eighth British comedy series \"Dad's Army\" that was originally broadcast on Friday 12 September 1975. Wilson and Mrs Pike are having tea waiting for Pike to come home from his call-up medical. When he arrives home, Mrs Pike is unpleasantly surprised when Pike tells her that he has passed A1 (in spite of his chronically bad chest, his painful sinuses, his weak ankles and recently acquired nervous twitch), and has requested to be put in the RAF. At the evening's parade, Mainwaring and the", "psg_id": "9133056" }, { "title": "When You've Got to Go", "text": "adds that because of his rare blood type, the Air Force won't have him and so he's not going, and the reason he didn't want to tell the platoon straight away is because he's never had a dinner in his honour before. A bemused Mainwaring responds with \"You stupid boy!\" Mainwaring: \"Your government should be more careful about who it chooses for friends.\" Italian soldier: \"Friends? Oh, you can talk about friends. What about Stalin?\" Mainwaring: \"That's enough of that!\" When You've Got to Go When You've Got to Go is the second episode of the eighth British comedy series", "psg_id": "9133060" }, { "title": "Got to Give It Up", "text": "Jean\" by Michael Jackson. When reviewing Aaliyah's second album \"One In A Million\" writer Dream Hampton from Vibe was surprisingly shocked with the outcome of Got To Give It Up. According to Hampton \"The album has some surprises too. Like any self respecting Marvin Gaye fan, I cringed when I Learned Aaliyah had covered his classic 1977 party jam \"Got to give it Up\". But her version is agreeably accurate (even with Slick Rick's snippet of an intro\". Hampton Also felt that Aaliyah was just as convincing as Marvin when it comes to songs theme of being a wall flower.", "psg_id": "4839047" }, { "title": "Where Did It All Go Wrong?", "text": "released as a radio-single in the United States, where the song received airplay but failed to chart due in part to no official release. The video features Liam being interviewed whilst Noel sings whilst reading a newspaper and looking at what is going on in the building opposite where he and the band are. Where Did It All Go Wrong? \"Where Did It All Go Wrong?\" is a song and single by the English rock band Oasis, originally released on their 2000 album, \"Standing on the Shoulder of Giants\". Written by guitarist Noel Gallagher, it is one of two songs", "psg_id": "11690819" }, { "title": "They Won't Go When I Go", "text": "Stevie's 1973 car accident. The harmonic progression is very similar to Chopin's Etude Opus 10 number 4, measures 5 and 6, although at a much slower pace. They Won't Go When I Go \"They Won't Go When I Go\" is a song co-written and performed by Stevie Wonder from his 1974 album \"Fulfillingness' First Finale\". This song is the only one on the album that Wonder did not write by himself. His co-writer was Yvonne Lowrene Wright, who co-wrote songs with Wonder for other albums. Wright's sister, Syreeta Wright, was Wonder's first wife. Wonder performed this song, along with \"Never", "psg_id": "15482929" }, { "title": "They Won't Go When I Go", "text": "They Won't Go When I Go \"They Won't Go When I Go\" is a song co-written and performed by Stevie Wonder from his 1974 album \"Fulfillingness' First Finale\". This song is the only one on the album that Wonder did not write by himself. His co-writer was Yvonne Lowrene Wright, who co-wrote songs with Wonder for other albums. Wright's sister, Syreeta Wright, was Wonder's first wife. Wonder performed this song, along with \"Never Dreamed You'd Leave in Summer\", at Michael Jackson's memorial service on July 7, 2009. The song has been considered a \"retro composition\" comparing the piano to that", "psg_id": "15482927" }, { "title": "Got to Give It Up", "text": "was entirely written by Pharrell. Thicke stated \"I was high on Vicodin and alcohol when I showed up at the studio.\" On March 10, 2015, a federal jury found \"Blurred Lines\" infringed on \"Got to Give It Up” and awarded nearly $7.4 million to Gaye's children. Jurors found against Pharrell and Thicke, but held harmless the record company and T.I. Aaliyah decided to cover \"Got To Give It Up\" because she wanted to have party songs on the album. In an interview Aaliyah stated, \"I wanted some real party songs, so when my uncle played me that [original track], I", "psg_id": "4839043" }, { "title": "When I Start To (Break It All Down)", "text": "duo's formation in 1985, not to chart in the top 100 in the UK. The song peaked at #172 in the UK. In November 2011, the song peaked at #25 on the American Billboard Dance/Club Play Songs Chart. An official YouTube short film featured the duo speaking of the album. In this film, it was stated that the original leading single from the album was to be \"You've Got to Save Me Right Now\" until \"When I Start To (Break It All Down)\" replaced it at short notice. Bell stated \"\"Usually we don't choose the singles, you kind of have", "psg_id": "16580088" }, { "title": "I Got to Give It Up", "text": "I Got to Give It Up \"I Got to Give It Up\" is a song recorded by German band Masterboy. It was the first single from the band's 1994 album \"Different Dreams\". It achieved moderate success in several European countries, becoming a top twenty-five hit in Austria, a top 17 in Switzerland, and a top 13 hit in Masterboy's home-country, Germany, where it charted for 19 weeks. In France, the single failed to be a success, reaching number 41, and spending two weeks on the chart. In 1998, \"I Got to Give It Up\" was re-recorded in a remixed version", "psg_id": "17147857" }, { "title": "The Times They Are a-Changin' (album)", "text": "be to be honest, I just got to be, as I got to admit that the man who shot President Kennedy, Lee Oswald, I don't know exactly where … what he thought he was doing, but I got to admit honestly that I too - I saw some of myself in him. I don't think it would have gone - I don't think it could go that far. But I got to stand up and say I saw things that he felt, in me - not to go that far and shoot. (Boos and hisses) You can boo but booing's", "psg_id": "3138768" }, { "title": "When I Start To (Break It All Down)", "text": "an instinctive feeling sometimes. In this instance, \"When I Start To (Break It All Down)\" took over from \"Save Me\" because we thought the song had gone in the direction that sounded really good.\"\" The song originally had the demo title \"Tender\", where it was loosely based on the Elvis Presley song \"Love Me Tender\". In the short film on the album, Clarke stated the track got \"\"mashed up into what it is now\"\", noting \"\"to me now it sounds like Tears for Fears.\"\" Mute Records released a live video clip for the song as its official music video. This", "psg_id": "16580089" }, { "title": "They Won't Go When I Go", "text": "of Beethoven and Chopin. The song is also noted to have a \"funeral march\" like tone. There is clear alliusion to the 1850 German chorale tune \"O mein Jesu,\" the setting of Thomas Kelly's 1805 Protestant hymn \"Stricken, smitten, and afflicted.\" Critics noted that the song takes a more dramatic tone than most of Wonder's other compositions. The fact that the song specifically says \"They won't go \"when\" I go\" was said to imply the friends Wonder is talking about may get to heaven eventually, just not before he does. Many consider this song to be a dark consequence of", "psg_id": "15482928" }, { "title": "Got to Give It Up", "text": "‘90s like “suga mama.” Aaliyah was proud to cover this song and she elaborated on covering the song saying “I don’t know how Marvin Gaye fans will react, but I hope they like it, I always think it’s a great compliment when people remake songs. I hope one day after I’m not here that people will cover my song's\". On \"Got to give it up\" Aaliyah places her falsetto \"toe to toe against the liquid overlapping rhyme scheme of hip hop's ultimate storyteller slick rick\". Aaliyah's version of the song also features a sample that consist of the song \"Billie", "psg_id": "4839046" }, { "title": "Back When I Knew It All", "text": "previously recorded by Kevin Fowler on his 2007 album \"Bring It On\", and \"The Big Revival\" was previously recorded by John Anderson on his 2000 album \"Nobody's Got It All\", which Chancey also produced. Back When I Knew It All Back When I Knew It All is the sixth studio album by the American country music duo Montgomery Gentry. It was released by Columbia Records Nashville on June 10, 2008 (see 2008 in country music). The album's lead-off single, also its title track, became their fourth Number One on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Songs charts in July 2008, as did", "psg_id": "11850497" }, { "title": "S. Ve. Shekher", "text": "a television show, \"S. Ve. Shekher meets S. Ve. Shekher\", where he is both the interviewer and interviewee. Some of the shows written by Sabhas and other agencies are \"Drama Superstar\", \"Comedy King\", \"Sirippalai Chirpi\", \"Nathaka Vasool Chakravarthy\", \"Nagaichuvai Nayagan\", \"Nagaichuvai Thenral\", \"Nagaichuvai Ilavarasan\". In 2015 S. Ve. Shekar got appointed as one of the members of Central Board of Film Certification. S. Ve. Shekher Sattanathapuram Venkataraman Shekhar (Tamil: சட்டநாதபுரம் வெங்கடராமன் சேகர்) (born 26 December 1950) better known as 'S. Ve. Shekhar' is a Tamil playwright and film actor. In 2006, he made an entry into politics by contesting and", "psg_id": "10767781" }, { "title": "I Got to Give It Up", "text": "with Freedom Williams and Linda Rocco as featuring, and this version is included on Masterboy's 2006 studio album \"US-Album\". I Got to Give It Up \"I Got to Give It Up\" is a song recorded by German band Masterboy. It was the first single from the band's 1994 album \"Different Dreams\". It achieved moderate success in several European countries, becoming a top twenty-five hit in Austria, a top 17 in Switzerland, and a top 13 hit in Masterboy's home-country, Germany, where it charted for 19 weeks. In France, the single failed to be a success, reaching number 41, and spending", "psg_id": "17147858" }, { "title": "Got to Give It Up", "text": "thought of how I could make it different. Slick Rick [who’d been in jail] was on work release at the time, so Vincent got him on the song\". Producer Craig King recalls that when Aaliyah was recording \"Got To Give It Up\" she was dancing the entire time. During the recording process of the song the producers sat for hours writing down the lyrics because they didn't know them. King stated \"To me, the funniest part was trying to figure out the lyrics. Marvin Gaye sang in such a crazy way, a lot of words we didn’t know. We had", "psg_id": "4839044" }, { "title": "Ain't Got Far to Go", "text": "I Laugh\". Ain't Got Far to Go \"Ain't Got Far to Go\" is a song by English singer and songwriter Jess Glynne. It was written by Glynne along with Janée \"Jin Jin\" Bennett, Knox Brown, and Finlay \"Starsmith\" Dow-Smith for her debut studio album, \"I Cry When I Laugh\" (2015), while production was helmed by Brown and Dow-Smith. The song was released as the album's sixth single on 26 February 2016. Prior to the single's release, the song charted at number 46 on the Scottish Singles Chart and number 67 on the UK Singles Chart. After the single's release, it", "psg_id": "18960337" }, { "title": "Our Country's in It Now! (We've Got to Win It Now)", "text": "The lyrics state that Germany began the war, and Italy and England joined with France to help Belgium. It is ultimately up to the United States to win it. Throughout the song there are lines that can be classified as a call to action. For example: The sheet music can be found at the Library of Congress and Pritzker Military Museum & Library. Our Country's in It Now! (We've Got to Win It Now) Our Country's in It Now! (We've Got to Win It Now) is a World War I era song released in 1918. Arthur Guy Empey wrote the", "psg_id": "19268773" }, { "title": "Give It All U Got", "text": "Luke. Give It All U Got \"Give It All U Got\" was supposed to be the fourth single from Lil Jon's debut studio album, \"Crunk Rock\". It was released digitally on November 3, 2009 in iTunes The song features Kee and it was produced by RedOne. The song was left off the album when it was finally released in 2010. \"Give It All U Got\", which features Kee on the original version and also features British rapper Tinchy Stryder on the official remix (along with Kee), peaked at 90 on the Canadian Hot 100. There is also a remix by", "psg_id": "13849254" }, { "title": "Give It All U Got", "text": "Give It All U Got \"Give It All U Got\" was supposed to be the fourth single from Lil Jon's debut studio album, \"Crunk Rock\". It was released digitally on November 3, 2009 in iTunes The song features Kee and it was produced by RedOne. The song was left off the album when it was finally released in 2010. \"Give It All U Got\", which features Kee on the original version and also features British rapper Tinchy Stryder on the official remix (along with Kee), peaked at 90 on the Canadian Hot 100. There is also a remix by Laidback", "psg_id": "13849253" }, { "title": "Ain't Got Far to Go", "text": "Ain't Got Far to Go \"Ain't Got Far to Go\" is a song by English singer and songwriter Jess Glynne. It was written by Glynne along with Janée \"Jin Jin\" Bennett, Knox Brown, and Finlay \"Starsmith\" Dow-Smith for her debut studio album, \"I Cry When I Laugh\" (2015), while production was helmed by Brown and Dow-Smith. The song was released as the album's sixth single on 26 February 2016. Prior to the single's release, the song charted at number 46 on the Scottish Singles Chart and number 67 on the UK Singles Chart. After the single's release, it peaked at", "psg_id": "18960335" }, { "title": "You Got It All (The Jets song)", "text": "however, it was only released on certain international editions of \"Oops!... I Did It Again\" (2000). A favorable review from CD Universe said, \"The Jets' gem 'You've Got It All' shines brightly as ever with Britney's girlish allure. Take note, however, that Britney's not all bubbles—with an obvious influence from Mariah Carey, she glides quite ably through the key changes and delivers octave leaps and vibratos that should melt just about any heart, young or old.\" You Got It All (The Jets song) \"You Got It All\" is a song recorded by American band the Jets. It was released in", "psg_id": "11006184" }, { "title": "The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding", "text": "which are most likely to go wrong which seems to be all Rachel's chores when suddenly Joey appears telling them that he got a part in the movie which he wanted, which is related to World War I. At the studios, Joey has started shooting with Richard Crosby (Gary Oldman) who keeps spitting while saying his lines which annoys Joey. When he can't stand it anymore, he talks to Richard about it, when Richard tells him that all good actors spit while saying their lines. Therefore, when they shoot the next scene, Joey and Richard both constantly spit at each", "psg_id": "9194167" }, { "title": "When the Lights Go On Again", "text": "the War: Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of VE Day\" When the Lights Go On Again \"When the Lights Go On Again (All Over the World)\" is a popular song composed during World War II. It was written by Bennie Benjamin, Sol Marcus and Eddie Seiler. The first recording by Vaughn Monroe reached number one on the charts in 1943. The song expresses the hopes for an end to the war. The title is from the refrain found throughout the song as is found in the first verse: The reference to \"lights going on again\" alludes to the remark \"\"The lamps", "psg_id": "16424866" }, { "title": "I Got 5 on It", "text": "another person. “Kinda broke so ya know all I gots five, I got five” “Unless you pull out the fat, crispy five dollar bill on the real before its history” “I got 5 on it, let's go half on a sack” The song samples Club Nouveau's \"Why You Treat Me So Bad\" (1987), Kool and the Gang's \"Jungle Boogie\" (1973) and Audio Two's \"Top Billin'\" (1987). A-side: B-side: A-side: B-side: I Got 5 on It \"I Got 5 On It\" is a song by American hip hop duo Luniz. It was released in May 1995 as the lead single from", "psg_id": "8843774" }, { "title": "Got to Give It Up", "text": "peaked within the top ten on the UK R&B and UK Dance charts. In other internatiional markets got to give it up peaked at number 38 on the Tokio Hot 100 charts in Japan and number 34 in New Zealand. The single also included a B-side, track entitled \"No Days Go By\". A new remix of Aaliyah's \"Got to Give It Up\" (without Slick Rick's vocals) was included on her posthumous 2002 compilation album \"I Care 4 U\". The video is a re-edit of the original, which was directed by Paul Hunter. The video was edited to both the album", "psg_id": "4839049" }, { "title": "You Got It All (The Jets song)", "text": "Spears started to work on her debut album \"...Baby One More Time\". After meeting up with producer Eric Foster White in August, the singer become familiar with the original version of \"You've Got It All\" by the Jets and decided to record a cover of the song. Steve Lunt, Jive's A&R vice president at the time, revealed that when the label's CEO \"heard [the track] in the A&R meeting, he said, 'OK, we've got something.' Up until that, it was in doubt.\" \"You Got It All\" was originally intended to be released on Spears' debut album as a bonus track,", "psg_id": "11006183" }, { "title": "Got Me Wrong", "text": "Got Me Wrong \"Got Me Wrong\" is a largely acoustic single by the American rock band Alice in Chains. The studio version was first featured on the band's EP \"Sap\" (1992). A slightly different version of the song also appeared on the soundtrack to the 1994 independent comedy film \"Clerks\", and is played when the character Randal first appears in the movie. In the liner notes of 1999's \"Music Bank\" box set collection, guitarist Jerry Cantrell said of the song: That's about a girl I was dating in between one of the times I broke up with my true love.", "psg_id": "9521026" }, { "title": "Our Country's in It Now! (We've Got to Win It Now)", "text": "Our Country's in It Now! (We've Got to Win It Now) Our Country's in It Now! (We've Got to Win It Now) is a World War I era song released in 1918. Arthur Guy Empey wrote the lyrics. Charles R. McCarron and Carey Morgan composed the music. The song was published by Jos. W. Stern & Co. of New York, New York. On the cover, on both the left and right side, are drawings of soldiers engaged in trench warfare. In the center is a photograph of Arthur Guy Empey dressed in uniform. It is written for voice and piano.", "psg_id": "19268772" }, { "title": "I Am Not Afraid", "text": "vocals, but the best moments are instrumental\". I Am Not Afraid I Am Not Afraid is the sixteenth studio album by South African trumpeter Hugh Masekela. It was recorded in Los Angeles and released in 1974. Tracks 2 and 7 were also included in 2004 album \"Still Grazing\". A reviewer of Dusty Groove stated \"An excellent little record from Hugh Masekela – cut right during that perfect time when he was mixing soul, funk, and just the right amount of jazz to keep things real! The record features some nice electric piano from Joe Sample, and the best cuts have", "psg_id": "19501962" }, { "title": "When I Wake Up Tomorrow", "text": "\"While on its surface the song may appear to be mining the usual power-pop territory of sex and girls, underneath there's a sinister undertone that may or may not touch on S&M and suicide.\" \"Ultimate Classic Rock\" felt the song was \"ripped from the Cheap Trick playbook\". \"All About the Rock\" described the song as the \"weakest link\" on the album and added: \"It doesn't represent the rest of the offering well\". When I Wake Up Tomorrow \"When I Wake Up Tomorrow\" is a song by American rock band Cheap Trick, released in 2016 as the second and final single", "psg_id": "20673093" }, { "title": "Teen Titans Go! To the Movies", "text": "Robin comes to his senses. Using one of their songs, the team takes out Slade together, defeating him and his giant robot, which also destroys the crystal, snapping the heroes out of their trance. The heroes all congratulate the Titans for their heroic efforts with Robin admitting that he has learned to be himself. When he tries to go on, everyone demands that they cut to the credits immediately with Robin attempting to stall so that \"kids can ask their parents questions.\" Starfire breaks the fourth wall to say to go right to the credits, but Robin stops just before", "psg_id": "20381272" }, { "title": "When I Start To (Break It All Down)", "text": "Kate MacDowell. In a review for the \"Tomorrow's World\" album, wrote \"\"Fans get to experience Vince Clarke's fingerprints on \"Fill Us with Fire\" and \"When I Start To (Break It All Down),\" as the recent reunion of his Yaz project is reflected in the nocturnal synth pop and soul muscle driving these highlights.\"\" picks the track as an AMG recommended track. When I Start To (Break It All Down) \"When I Start To (Break It All Down)\" is a single by English synthpop duo Erasure, released as the lead single from their 2011 album \"Tomorrow's World\". The song", "psg_id": "16580094" }, { "title": "When I Start To (Break It All Down)", "text": "When I Start To (Break It All Down) \"When I Start To (Break It All Down)\" is a single by English synthpop duo Erasure, released as the lead single from their 2011 album \"Tomorrow's World\". The song was written by Andy Bell and Vince Clarke, whilst it was produced by electropop musician Frankmusik who produced the rest of the \"Tomorrow's World\" album. The song was released on 23 September 2011, and received its first UK airplay on BBC Radio 2's Ken Bruce show on 15 August. It was the first eligible single (discounting remixed versions of hit singles), since the", "psg_id": "16580087" }, { "title": "I Won't Be the One to Let Go", "text": "they sing: \"This I swear, this I swear / I won't be the one to let go, to let go...\" A staff member at \"Billboard\" acknowledged both \"I Won't Be the One to Let Go\" and album track \"All I Know of Love\" as the \"two fine new efforts\" on \"Duets\", calling the former single a \"sweet\" collaboration. BBC Music's Morag Reavley enjoyed the single, calling it a \"soaring, feel-good\" track. However, William Ruhlmann from AllMusic was more critical of the song, describing it as just \"mediocre\". Tom Santopietro, author of \"The Importance of Being Barbra: The Brilliant, Tumultuous Career", "psg_id": "19945093" }, { "title": "She Got the Goldmine (I Got the Shaft)", "text": "are all broken-down, the alimony checks bounce and the kids all look just like the ex-husband. She Got the Goldmine (I Got the Shaft) \"She Got the Goldmine (I Got the Shaft)\" is a song written by Tim DuBois and recorded by American country music singer Jerry Reed. It was released in June 1982 as the third and final single from the album, \"The Man with the Golden Thumb\". A satire on divorce, the song was Reed's third and final No. 1 country hit in the late summer of 1982, and one of his signature tunes. The song is a", "psg_id": "14169431" }, { "title": "What to Do When You Are Dead", "text": "Aberback of noted that the album placed the band on the \"indie-rock map and continues to resonate heavily with fans 10 years later\". Jorgensen later called the album a \"diary entry. Without that, I think a lot of people when [their] lives go on they forget what they went through at a certain point in time so for me that’s the biggest markers for me to remember where I was at the point in my life.\" Personnel per booklet. Armor for Sleep Production Citations Sources What to Do When You Are Dead What to Do When You Are Dead", "psg_id": "4480224" }, { "title": "All Dressed Up and No Place to Go", "text": "All Dressed Up and No Place to Go All Dressed Up and No Place to Go is the fourth studio album by American singer Nicolette Larson. It was produced by Andrew Gold and released by Warner Bros. Records in 1982. \"All Dressed Up and No Place to Go\" was produced by Andrew Gold, who at the time was in a serious relationship with Larson. The pair broke up shortly after the album's recording sessions had finished. In a circa 2005 interview for Randolph Michaels's book \"Flashbacks to Happiness: Eighties Music Revisited\", Andrew Gold recalled of the album: \"She and I", "psg_id": "20893645" }, { "title": "Some People Are on the Pitch They Think It's All Over It Is Now", "text": "Some People Are on the Pitch They Think It's All Over It Is Now Some People Are on the Pitch They Think It's All Over It Is Now is the debut studio album by English rock band The Dentists, released in 1985 by the record label Spruck. The title is a reference to the famous BBC TV commentary made during the closing moments of the 1966 FIFA World Cup Final. In musical terms, the album's sound is influenced by then contemporary alternative rock while also being strongly reminiscent of experimental pop music of the 1960s from the likes of Joe", "psg_id": "19515555" }, { "title": "Some People Are on the Pitch They Think It's All Over It Is Now", "text": "received acclaim from critic Stuart Mason, also from Allmusic, who labeled the track a \"neo-freakbeat masterpiece\". Some People Are on the Pitch They Think It's All Over It Is Now Some People Are on the Pitch They Think It's All Over It Is Now is the debut studio album by English rock band The Dentists, released in 1985 by the record label Spruck. The title is a reference to the famous BBC TV commentary made during the closing moments of the 1966 FIFA World Cup Final. In musical terms, the album's sound is influenced by then contemporary alternative rock while", "psg_id": "19515557" }, { "title": "All Dressed Up and No Place to Go", "text": "collection of \"laid-back love songs folk-rock listeners should relish\". They added that the cover art acted as a \"perfect metaphor for [Larson's] innocent, beguiling vocal manner\". In a retrospective review, Bruce Eder of AllMusic felt the album was Larson's attempt to \"jump from country singer to pop diva\", but \"somehow it didn't take\". He added: \"The album isn't as strong as it might've been, and part of the problem involves the production, which mixes '80s-style electric drumming with country-pop sounds.\" All Dressed Up and No Place to Go All Dressed Up and No Place to Go is the fourth studio", "psg_id": "20893648" }, { "title": "I (Almost) Got Away With It", "text": "I (Almost) Got Away With It I (Almost) Got Away With It is an American documentary television series on Investigation Discovery, it debuted on January 12, 2010. The series profiles true stories of people who have committed crimes, and have avoided arrest or capture, but ultimately end up being caught. Many of these people escaped from prisons after being sentenced while others escaped jails they were being held in while awaiting trial. Sometimes they are on the run as little as a few weeks before being caught while other times they remain on the run for years and in a", "psg_id": "15952552" }, { "title": "When It's All Over We Still Have to Clear Up", "text": "When It's All Over We Still Have to Clear Up When It's All Over We Still Have to Clear Up is the second album by the indie rock band Snow Patrol, released on 24 April 2001 in the UK and 5 March in the US. The album charted at #129 in the UK and failed to sell well upon its initial release. But its re-release saw it eventually go gold in the UK. The album was to be titled \"Santa Maria\", and by June 2000, newer material like \"Chased By... I Don't Know What\", \"Black and Blue\" and \"One Night", "psg_id": "3703597" }, { "title": "The Boy I Love is Up in the Gallery", "text": "come over, Over from the country where they do things big, And amongst the boys I've got a lover, And since I've got a lover, why I don't care a fig. The boy that I love, they call him a cobbler, But he's not a cobbler, allow me to state. For Johnny is a tradesman and he works in the Boro' Where they sole and heel them, whilst you wait. Now, If I were a Duchess and had a lot of money, I'd give it to the boy who's going to marry me. But I haven't got a penny, so", "psg_id": "4639288" }, { "title": "I Am Not Afraid", "text": "I Am Not Afraid I Am Not Afraid is the sixteenth studio album by South African trumpeter Hugh Masekela. It was recorded in Los Angeles and released in 1974. Tracks 2 and 7 were also included in 2004 album \"Still Grazing\". A reviewer of Dusty Groove stated \"An excellent little record from Hugh Masekela – cut right during that perfect time when he was mixing soul, funk, and just the right amount of jazz to keep things real! The record features some nice electric piano from Joe Sample, and the best cuts have a choppy funky groove. Some cuts have", "psg_id": "19501961" }, { "title": "When You Got Dry/How Much Is Enough", "text": "When You Got Dry/How Much Is Enough \"When You Got Dry/How Much Is Enough\" was a double A-Side single only released on 7 inch vinyl in November 1994 by Australian rock band You Am I. Due to a pressing fault, only 449 copies were ever produced out of what was to be a run of 1000, making this one of the rarest You Am I releases. Side One Side Two All songs by Tim Rogers \"Ken (The Mother Nature's Son)\" and \"How Much is Enough\" also appear on Hi Fi Way. \"When You Got Dry\" was later released as a", "psg_id": "13006994" }, { "title": "\"There Are Things I Want You to Know\" About Stieg Larsson and Me", "text": "\"There Are Things I Want You to Know\" About Stieg Larsson and Me \"There Are Things I Want You to Know\" About Stieg Larsson and Me is a memoir written by Eva Gabrielsson, the life partner of Stieg Larsson, about life with the author and all of the complications surrounding his legacy. Larsson is best known for his posthumously published \"Millennium series\". Gabrielsson and Larsson met when they were 18 at an anti-Vietnam War meeting and they remained together for 32 years until his unexpected death in 2004. The memoir originated with a series of diary entries that Gabrielsson wrote", "psg_id": "15737590" }, { "title": "2016 Cheez-It 355 at The Glen", "text": "Dillon, trying to avoid him, got into Greg Biffle and sent him into the guardrail. \"The cars started checking up in front of me and they all moved out of the way and the 17 (Stenhouse) was sitting there, stopped,\" Johnson said. \"I remember seeing a door number and I was so thankful it was the passenger-side door and not the driver-side door because I plowed him. I really hit the car hard. I was afraid that I might have injured him. But, thankfully he’s okay and everybody is all right.\" Johnson would go on to finish 40th, his first", "psg_id": "19661606" }, { "title": "I (Almost) Got Away With It", "text": "in northern New Jersey. The series has repeated on Discovery Channel and American Heroes Channel (AHC). I (Almost) Got Away With It I (Almost) Got Away With It is an American documentary television series on Investigation Discovery, it debuted on January 12, 2010. The series profiles true stories of people who have committed crimes, and have avoided arrest or capture, but ultimately end up being caught. Many of these people escaped from prisons after being sentenced while others escaped jails they were being held in while awaiting trial. Sometimes they are on the run as little as a few weeks", "psg_id": "15952554" }, { "title": "All I've Got to Do", "text": "All I've Got to Do \"All I've Got to Do\" is a song written by John Lennon (credited to Lennon–McCartney) and performed by English rock group the Beatles on their second British album, \"With the Beatles\". In the United States, \"All I've Got to Do\" originally appeared on \"Meet the Beatles!\". According to Dennis Alstrand, this song is the first time in rock and roll or rock music where the bass player plays chords as a vital part of the song. Lennon said he was \"trying to do Smokey Robinson again,\" and Ian MacDonald compared it to \"You Can Depend", "psg_id": "5580553" }, { "title": "All I've Got to Do", "text": "\"Meet the Beatles!\", releasing it later on \"The Beatles' Second Album\". All I've Got to Do \"All I've Got to Do\" is a song written by John Lennon (credited to Lennon–McCartney) and performed by English rock group the Beatles on their second British album, \"With the Beatles\". In the United States, \"All I've Got to Do\" originally appeared on \"Meet the Beatles!\". According to Dennis Alstrand, this song is the first time in rock and roll or rock music where the bass player plays chords as a vital part of the song. Lennon said he was \"trying to do Smokey", "psg_id": "5580557" }, { "title": "Got Me Wrong", "text": "2012 album, \"Where Do You Start\". Got Me Wrong \"Got Me Wrong\" is a largely acoustic single by the American rock band Alice in Chains. The studio version was first featured on the band's EP \"Sap\" (1992). A slightly different version of the song also appeared on the soundtrack to the 1994 independent comedy film \"Clerks\", and is played when the character Randal first appears in the movie. In the liner notes of 1999's \"Music Bank\" box set collection, guitarist Jerry Cantrell said of the song: That's about a girl I was dating in between one of the times I", "psg_id": "9521030" }, { "title": "I Got Blues for Ya", "text": "that sounded like a late '60s / early '70s blues rock record. Most of the tracks were recorded without overdubs, and some of them were recorded in one take, \"to catch the true energy and spirit of a song.\" In \"Relix\", Brian Robbins wrote, \"Guitarist/vocalist Michael Falzarano has always brought out the best in the players around him, including stints as Jorma Kaukonen’s wingman in Hot Tuna and his present-day role as psychedelicized rhythm cop in the New Riders. When Falzarano’s name is on the label—as it is for his new solo album \"I Got Blues for Ya\"—things aren’t any", "psg_id": "18302177" }, { "title": "Rock and Wrap it Up", "text": "Rock and Wrap it Up Rock and Wrap it Up! is a non-profit organization that was formed by Syd Mandelbaum in 1994. The independent anti-poverty think tank is based in New York, but works with partners across the country to develop greening solutions that address the issues of hunger and poverty in America. The organization works by increasing financial assets available to fight poverty by identifying new revenue streams through food and other basic assets obtained without cost. The organization's roots are in rock 'n' roll music, which is where they got the name Rock and Wrap it Up! The", "psg_id": "14115072" }, { "title": "I Lived to Tell It All", "text": "All\" \"a surprising return to form\" for Jones, enthusing, \"There are honky tonk raveups, there are heart-tugging barroom weepers, and, best of all, there are several novelties that rank among the most clever and self-deprecating that Jones has ever recorded.\" In a \"Rolling Stone\" article at the time of the album's release, Chuck Dean wrote that Jones was \"...blessed with the best set of lungs this side of the cosmos...\" Alana Nash of writes that, even when going through the motions, \"Jones remains the kind of singer who inspires awe and wonder...\" I Lived to Tell It All I", "psg_id": "8764968" }, { "title": "(I Don't Want to Go to) Chelsea", "text": "(I Don't Want to Go to) Chelsea \"(I Don't Want to Go to) Chelsea\" is a 1978 song by Elvis Costello. Released as a single from his album \"This Year's Model\", it reached No. 16 on the UK Singles Chart. In his album notes for \"Girls Girls Girls\", Costello wrote that the song \"[m]ight have been just a poor relation to 'All of the Day (and All of the Night)', 'I Can't Explain' or even 'Clash City Rockers' had it not been for Bruce Thomas' great bassline. Meanwhile I was trying to fit in this lick from an old Pioneers", "psg_id": "15310626" }, { "title": "I Cry When I Laugh", "text": "also performed at Glastonbury in 2016 where she sang Don't Be So Hard on Yourself\", \"Rather Be\", \"No Rights No Wrongs\", \"Gave Me Something\", \"Not Letting Go\", \"My Love\", \"Ain't Got Far to Go\", \"Love Me\", \"Right Here\", \"Why Me\", \"Take Me Home\", \"You Can Find Me\", \"I Feel For You\" and \"Hold My Hand\". Notes I Cry When I Laugh I Cry When I Laugh is the debut studio album by English singer and songwriter Jess Glynne. It was released on 21 August 2015 in the United Kingdom and 11 September 2015 in the United States by Atlantic Records", "psg_id": "18778870" }, { "title": "30 Rock", "text": "flowers after NBC announced it would pick up both series, and wished her luck with \"30 Rock\". Fey said, \"it's just bad luck for me that in my first attempt at prime time I'm going up against the most powerful writer on television. I was joking that this would be the best pilot ever aired on Trio. And then Trio got canceled.\" Fey wound up \"beating\" Sorkin when \"Studio 60\" was canceled after one season and \"30 Rock\" was renewed for a second. Though \"30 Rock\"s first-season ratings proved lackluster and were lower than those of \"Studio 60\", \"Studio 60\"", "psg_id": "7827861" }, { "title": "When I Grow Up (To Be a Man)", "text": "When I Grow Up (To Be a Man) \"When I Grow Up (To Be a Man)\" is a song written and composed by Brian Wilson with additional lyrics by Mike Love for the American rock band The Beach Boys. It was released on their 1965 album \"The Beach Boys Today!\" and as a single the previous year hit number nine on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart, number seven in \"Cash Box\", number five in \"Variety\" and number three in the Associated Press/Gilbert Youth chart. It spent two weeks at number one in Canada's national RPM chart. The B-side of the", "psg_id": "7617581" }, { "title": "When I Was Born for the 7th Time", "text": "When I Was Born for the 7th Time When I Was Born for the 7th Time is the third studio album by the British indie rock band Cornershop, released on 8 September 1997 by Wiiija. The album received high acclaim from music critics and features the international hit single \"Brimful of Asha\". \"When I Was Born for the 7th Time\" was recorded over a period of approximately two months. Singer and guitarist Tjinder Singh described the recording process as \"very intense. There was a lot of smoking going on, it was a very relaxed time, and very enjoyable all the", "psg_id": "6615034" }, { "title": "She's All I Got", "text": "love hearing it again, and younger listeners will welcome Byrd's introducing them to this country classic.\" She's All I Got \"She's All I Got\" is a song written by Gary U.S. Bonds and Jerry Williams, Jr. in which the male narrator pleads to someone else not to take away his lover. It has been recorded by several artists. The first version, released in 1971 by Freddie North, was a Top 40 U.S. pop hit, and a version by Johnny Paycheck was a number 2 U.S. country hit that same year. A second country music version was released on Conway Twitty's", "psg_id": "13261999" }, { "title": "Love Is All I Got", "text": "Love Is All I Got \"Love Is All I Got\" is a song by electronic musicians Feed Me and Crystal Fighters. It was written by Sebastian Pringle, Gilbert Vierich, Graham Dickson, and Jon Gooch. It was digitally released as a single on 26 October 2012 by mau5trap. Reed Tan of \"The Daily Princetonian\" said the track \"features Feed Me operating in a brighter space than he’s usually prone to occupying – the Crystal Fighters' vocals take center stage until the drop, where Feed Me's signature grinding bass sounds still manage to feel uplifting.\" The music video for the song premiered", "psg_id": "16952255" }, { "title": "All I Want to Do (The Beach Boys song)", "text": "All I Want to Do (The Beach Boys song) \"All I Want to Do\" is a song written by Dennis Wilson. It was recorded by American rock band The Beach Boys for their 1969 album \"20/20\". It was later released as the b-side to \"I Can Hear Music\", a single which charted at #24 in the U.S. and at #10 in the U.K.. The song is a savage fast-paced rocker with blazing guitars and a creditable vocal from Mike Love, unlike anything else in the Beach Boys' catalog. The song is seen as very controversial compared to other Beach Boys", "psg_id": "7627617" }, { "title": "When Ski Lifts Go Wrong", "text": "When Ski Lifts Go Wrong When Ski Lifts Go Wrong (previously titled Carried Away) is a construction and management simulation video game created by British indie developer Hugecalf Studios and published by Curve Digital. \"When Ski Lifts Go Wrong\" was released in early access on 4 October 2017 and it set to fully release in early 2019. \"When Ski Lifts Go Wrong\" is low-poly physics-based puzzle game in which the player must construct chairlifts, gondolas, jumps and bridges to get skiers through a snowy mountain setting. The player attempts to build strong structures with a limited budget. Materials are placed", "psg_id": "21007533" }, { "title": "Should I Stay or Should I Go", "text": "Should I Stay or Should I Go \"Should I Stay or Should I Go\" is a song by the English punk rock band the Clash, from their album \"Combat Rock\". It was written in 1981 and featured Mick Jones on lead vocals. It became the band's only number-one single on the UK Singles Chart, a decade after it was originally released. In November 2004, it was ranked at 228 on \"Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time\" list. In 2009 it was ranked 42nd on VH1's program \"100 Greatest Hard Rock Songs\". Many rumours have arisen about the song's", "psg_id": "6849073" }, { "title": "Love Is All I Got", "text": "on 19 September 2012. It was directed by Christopher Barrett and Luke Taylor. As of October 2015, it has over 7.1 million views on YouTube. Love Is All I Got \"Love Is All I Got\" is a song by electronic musicians Feed Me and Crystal Fighters. It was written by Sebastian Pringle, Gilbert Vierich, Graham Dickson, and Jon Gooch. It was digitally released as a single on 26 October 2012 by mau5trap. Reed Tan of \"The Daily Princetonian\" said the track \"features Feed Me operating in a brighter space than he’s usually prone to occupying – the Crystal Fighters' vocals", "psg_id": "16952256" }, { "title": "What's Love Got to Do with It (album)", "text": "the album omits two tracks; \"Shake a Tail Feather\" and \"Tina's Wish\". Tina's version of \"You Know I Love You\" was not the B.B. King song but a slightly different, more blues rock song Tina wrote herself with her band mates though she still credited the song to King on the soundtrack. Tina recalls singing the B.B. King ballad on her 1986 memoirs, \"I, Tina\". What's Love Got to Do with It (album) What's Love Got to Do with It is the eighth solo studio album by Tina Turner, released on Parlophone in 1993. It was the soundtrack album for", "psg_id": "5412469" }, { "title": "All I Ask (Adele song)", "text": "All I Ask (Adele song) \"All I Ask\" is a song recorded by English singer and songwriter Adele for her third studio album \"25\" (2015). The song was written by Adele, Bruno Mars, Philip Lawrence and Christopher Brody Brown, while production of the track was handled by The Smeezingtons, a songwriting and record producing trio, consisting of Mars, Lawrence, and Ari Levine. According to \"Slate\"s Forrest Wickman, the song lyrically discusses the singer looking for one last night with a lover, before they go their separate ways. \"All I Ask\" peaked at number 41 on the UK Singles Chart and", "psg_id": "19100737" }, { "title": "All I Ask (Adele song)", "text": "liner notes of \"25\" Locations Personnel All I Ask (Adele song) \"All I Ask\" is a song recorded by English singer and songwriter Adele for her third studio album \"25\" (2015). The song was written by Adele, Bruno Mars, Philip Lawrence and Christopher Brody Brown, while production of the track was handled by The Smeezingtons, a songwriting and record producing trio, consisting of Mars, Lawrence, and Ari Levine. According to \"Slate\"s Forrest Wickman, the song lyrically discusses the singer looking for one last night with a lover, before they go their separate ways. \"All I Ask\" peaked at number 41", "psg_id": "19100749" }, { "title": "What's Love Got to Do with It (film)", "text": "it, but I didn't finish it because that was not how things went. Oprah, I didn't realize they would change the details so much.\" What's Love Got to Do with It (film) What's Love Got to Do with It is a 1993 American biographical film directed by Brian Gibson, based on the life of American-born singer Tina Turner. It stars Angela Bassett as Tina Turner and Laurence Fishburne as Ike Turner. The screenplay was adapted by Kate Lanier from the book \"I, Tina\" written by Tina Turner and Kurt Loder. Both Ike and Tina Turner assigned rights to Lanier for", "psg_id": "1466860" }, { "title": "She's All I Got", "text": "She's All I Got \"She's All I Got\" is a song written by Gary U.S. Bonds and Jerry Williams, Jr. in which the male narrator pleads to someone else not to take away his lover. It has been recorded by several artists. The first version, released in 1971 by Freddie North, was a Top 40 U.S. pop hit, and a version by Johnny Paycheck was a number 2 U.S. country hit that same year. A second country music version was released on Conway Twitty's 1972 Decca LP I Can't See Me Without You. There was also a version titled \"He's", "psg_id": "13261996" }, { "title": "Ain't Got Far to Go", "text": "number 45 on the UK Singles Chart. An accompanying music video for \"Ain't Got Far to Go\" was directed by Declan Whitebloom, showing Glynne and her friends enjoying a day in Havana, Cuba. It marked their second collaboration following his work on previous single “Take Me Home.” Commenting on the output, Glynne elaborated: “Making this video in Cuba was so fitting, the journey the colors the people everything was so perfect. We met some amazing people who were so grateful, charming and hard-working and that’s what this song is about.\" Credits adapted from the liner notes of \"I Cry When", "psg_id": "18960336" }, { "title": "I Have Got the Blues To Day!", "text": "I Have Got the Blues To Day! \"I Have Got The Blues To Day!\" is a song published in 1850 with words by Miss Sarah M. Graham and music by Gustave Blessner. The song tells a tale of an evening of entertainment in which the singer imbibed too much. The next day, in various verses, his \"little Fannie\" fails to call, he is sick, he wonders if his friends are ailing also, etc. Each verse ends with a variation of the theme: The song as composed by Blessner is in 2/4 time with the tempo as \"Allegretto\". \"I Have Got", "psg_id": "12155450" }, { "title": "All Days Are Nights: Songs for Lulu", "text": "Lulu\" contains some of his \"most difficult\" and \"technically demanding\" work. Regarding his tour and ability to face his grief over his mother's death, Wainwright admitted: \"This is such new territory for me and there are moments when I think I'm doing fine and two seconds later I'm on the floorboards so it's uncharted. I'm just figuring it out as I go along. It's what we all go through... but it's still very tough.\" The whole song cycle of \"All Days Are NIghts\" was performed by opera singers (Corinne Winters, Liza Forrester, Andrew Garland, and Joshua Jeremiah) at Lincoln Center", "psg_id": "14109367" }, { "title": "When Ski Lifts Go Wrong", "text": "was released on 9 February 2018, which features new modes and enables the player to compete in different sports. \"When Ski Lift Go Wrong\" has been described as a game that is \"easy to pick up, but hard to master.\" It was praised for its colour-coded stress-testing visualisations. The game has been compared to Happy Wheels and Bridge Constructor. When Ski Lifts Go Wrong When Ski Lifts Go Wrong (previously titled Carried Away) is a construction and management simulation video game created by British indie developer Hugecalf Studios and published by Curve Digital. \"When Ski Lifts Go Wrong\" was released", "psg_id": "21007536" }, { "title": "When I Grow Up (Garbage song)", "text": "2.0\". Bass on \"When I Grow Up\" was performed by Daniel Shulman. Lyrically, Manson described \"When I Grow Up\" as being about \"that delirious state of wishing and hoping and dreaming for things, not giving up. There's a great quote by Flaubert where he says, 'Sometimes the forces of the world hold us back for a while, but not for ever' ... \". Manson stated that despite the song dealing with growing up, it actually questions whether adulthood brings maturity − \"Even though you're sussed and you're smart and you've worked it all out, you haven't even got the remotest", "psg_id": "5653567" }, { "title": "I Don't Wanna Go to Bed", "text": "I Don't Wanna Go to Bed \"I Don't Wanna Go to Bed\" is a song by Canadian rock band Simple Plan featuring American rapper Nelly. The song serves as the lead single for fifth studio album \"Taking One for the Team\" and was released to digital retailers on October 15, 2015 through Atlantic Records and WEA International. The song takes a more funk-styled approach compared to most of Simple Plan's previous work. \"I Don't Wanna Go to Bed\" is a pop rock and funk song written in the key of D minor. It features guitar riffs, horns and a beat", "psg_id": "19093155" }, { "title": "This Is It and I Am It and You Are It and So Is That and He Is It and She Is It and It Is It and That Is That", "text": "This Is It and I Am It and You Are It and So Is That and He Is It and She Is It and It Is It and That Is That This Is It and I Am It and You Are It and So Is That and He Is It and She Is It and It Is It and That Is That is the second album by Marnie Stern, released on October 7, 2008 on Kill Rock Stars. The album's title comes from an Alan Watts quote in his work \"On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are\" (1966), which", "psg_id": "12234212" }, { "title": "Rock It to the Moon", "text": "instrumental it was always more interesting. More completely we felt like we were doing something good, while the songs with the singing ended up quite bog-standard, boring, not very interesting.\" NME rated the album an 8 out of 10, saying \"Rock It to the Moon\" was \"just the way a debut album should be... utterly focused [and] stripped of all extraneous flab.\" Rock It to the Moon Rock It to the Moon is the debut album by English rock group Electrelane. It was released on compact disc in the UK in 2001 by Let's Rock!, and issued by Mr. Lady", "psg_id": "11540552" }, { "title": "All Marketers Are Liars", "text": "\"I wasn't being completely truthful with you when I named this book. Marketers aren't liars. They are just storytellers... I was trying to go to the edges. No one would hate a book called All Marketers Are Storytellers. No one would disagree with it. No one would challenge me on it. No one would talk about it.\" Before its publication, All Marketers Are Liars was serialized in Fortune Magazine. It made the Amazon Top 100 bestseller list, and received press in the Miami Herald, \"The New York Times\", and the Chicago Tribune. Godin also launched a blog in support of", "psg_id": "11926816" }, { "title": "Go I Know Not Whither and Fetch I Know Not What", "text": "a large man-eating magical cat called Bajun who lives on an iron column in the thrice tenth kingdom. But against all their evil plans, the hunter catches the beast, with the help of his wife. The king is enraged with the steward, who again goes to the same stranger. This time, the steward tells the king to send the hunter to \"go I know not whither and bring back I know not what.\" The wife conjures spirits and all the beasts and birds to see if they know how to \"go I know not whither and bring back I know", "psg_id": "8761233" }, { "title": "It Just Got to Be", "text": "It Just Got to Be It Just Got to Be is an album by the jazz group The Three Sounds with performances recorded in 1960. It was released on the Blue Note label in 1963. It was reissued on CD only in Japan, with two bonus tracks. The Allmusic review by Stephen Thomas Erlewine awarded the album 3 stars stating, \"The performances throughout the record are predictably swinging and enjoyable, even if they find the trio taking no stylistic chances. That lack of adventure doesn't matter, though — the Three Sounds excel at making unpretentious, unabashedly enjoyable mainstream jazz, and", "psg_id": "14981407" }, { "title": "When the Lights Go Down (book)", "text": "When the Lights Go Down (book) When The Lights Go Down, Complete Reviews 1975-1980, is the sixth collection of movie reviews by the critic Pauline Kael. All material in the book originally appeared in \"The New Yorker\". The collection begins with an appreciation of Cary Grant. \" Mae West's raucous invitation to him - 'Why don't you come up sometime and see me?' - was echoed thirty years later by Audrey Hepburn in \"Charade\": 'Won't you come in for a minute? I don't bite, you know, unless it's called for.' And then, purringly, 'Do you know what's wrong with you?", "psg_id": "8714849" }, { "title": "When You Got Dry/How Much Is Enough", "text": "b-side on the \"Tuesday\" single. \"Bitter Young Man Of The Fanzine Press\" was later released on a Ra Records sampler called Rare Cords. When You Got Dry/How Much Is Enough \"When You Got Dry/How Much Is Enough\" was a double A-Side single only released on 7 inch vinyl in November 1994 by Australian rock band You Am I. Due to a pressing fault, only 449 copies were ever produced out of what was to be a run of 1000, making this one of the rarest You Am I releases. Side One Side Two All songs by Tim Rogers \"Ken (The", "psg_id": "13006995" }, { "title": "Back When I Knew It All", "text": "Back When I Knew It All Back When I Knew It All is the sixth studio album by the American country music duo Montgomery Gentry. It was released by Columbia Records Nashville on June 10, 2008 (see 2008 in country music). The album's lead-off single, also its title track, became their fourth Number One on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Songs charts in July 2008, as did \"Roll with Me\", the second single, in December 2008. The third single \"One in Every Crowd\" was released in February 2009, followed by the fourth single \"Long Line of Losers\" on June 22, 2009.", "psg_id": "11850495" }, { "title": "Some Boys Got It, Most Men Don't", "text": "Some Boys Got It, Most Men Don't Some Boys Got It, Most Men Don't is the fourth album released by the North Vancouver punk band d.b.s. It was released by New Disorder Records in June 1999. This is the first d.b.s. recording to feature new bassist Ryan Angus, who replaced Dhani Borges. The album marks a turning point in the band's development, and had some post-hardcore influence. Tracks such as \"...And Then I Awoke\" and \"Past Friendships\" included acoustic guitar; these tracks have been likened to the sound of The Promise Ring and Jawbreaker, respectively. The album also received comparisons", "psg_id": "12159554" }, { "title": "Lady on the Rock", "text": "Vitale, Joe Walsh starts talking and says \"Hey Joe, It's Joe, How are ya, Listen I got a part for your record, I just thinking I couldn't sleep all night, and I got this guitar part, I want you to hear it\" then he talks further about the tuning of his guitar for the track and the song ends. The song received some airplay in the US on album-oriented rock radio and became quite popular. This airplay pushed the single to No. 47 on the Mainstream Rock Tracks and helped the album \"Plantation Harbor\" chart. Lady on the Rock \"Lady", "psg_id": "17830762" }, { "title": "The Way I See It", "text": "this record?' It was quality. There was not a lot of marketing and promotion, but they knew I had the credibility so you don't just throw it in the garbage ... I don't mind being a slow burn because that's actually a better road to take. I have to go in one more time and prove myself again because I am starting over again.\" In the week leading up to its release, Saadiq made promotional appearances at V-103's For Sisters Only, the International Soul Music Summit, and the Uptown Restaurant & Lounge in Atlanta. He also performed songs from the", "psg_id": "12430688" }, { "title": "Back When I Knew It All (song)", "text": "Back When I Knew It All (song) \"Back When I Knew It All\" is a song written by Trent Willmon, Gary Hannan, and Phil O'Donnell, and recorded by American country music duo Montgomery Gentry. It was released in February 2008 as the lead off single and title track from their album of the same name. The song debuted at #49 on the Hot Country Songs chart dated March 1, 2008, and on the chart week of July 12, 2008, it became the duo's fourth Number One hit. The song is a moderate up-tempo, described as sounding similar to The Byrds.", "psg_id": "11661771" }, { "title": "Mr. Right & Mr. Wrong: One Down & Two to Go", "text": "Mr. Right & Mr. Wrong: One Down & Two to Go Mr. Right & Mr. Wrong: One Down & Two To Go is a compilation album by Nomeansno. After the departure of long-time guitarist Andy Kerr, the group's lineup stood simply as a two-piece (brothers Rob and John Wright) at the time of the album's recording. The tracks on the album are culled from three sources – five songs (tracks 4, 6, 12, 15 and 16) from home demos dating from 1979-1980, four outtakes (3, 5, 7 and 9) from the 1993 \"Why Do They Call Me Mr. Happy?\" album,", "psg_id": "13967177" }, { "title": "I Won't Be the One to Let Go", "text": "career. Her duet with Barry Manilow is one of the record's two new tracks, the other being \"All I Know of Love\" with Josh Groban. \"I Won't Be the One to Let Go\" was written and produced by Richard Marx with additional songwriting coming from Manilow and additional production handled by Walter Afanasieff. It serves as Streisand's first single release since 1999's \"If You Ever Leave Me\", which was a duet with Vince Gill and is also featured as one of the nineteen songs on the parent album. The single was first available for digital streaming on AOL Music on", "psg_id": "19945089" }, { "title": "Later...When the TV Turns to Static", "text": "McGee. He was talking to me about something quite difficult that was going on at the time and I said to him, 'Alan, if we didn't go through the bad stuff, we wouldn't recognize the good stuff; it would be invisible to you.\" Talking about the album's closing track \"Finished Sympathy\", Allan told \"The Guardian\" that \"it's about the speed with which we're expected to shed naivety, how people's expectations can be overwhelming. It's like when an infant trips and falls – people rush to pick them up and crowd around them going, 'Are you OK? Are you all right?'", "psg_id": "17378356" }, { "title": "Give Me All You Got", "text": "Give Me All You Got Give Me All You Got is an album by Carrie Rodriguez that was released in 2013. It was recorded at Fantasy Studios in Berkeley, California and was produced by Lee Townsend. Rodriguez noted, \"So much of this album was inspired by coming home to Austin. I had been living in New York City for almost a decade when I moved back to my hometown. One of the first things that I realized I had been missing was waking up to the sounds of the birds...The peace and quiet here allowed me to reflect on life", "psg_id": "16893494" } ]
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according to the classic 12 days of christmas song, what group were there 11 of?
[ { "title": "Redneck 12 Days of Christmas", "text": "song's B-side, \"'Twas the Night After Christmas\", peaked at number 67 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart in January 1997. The music video was directed by Michael McNamara and premiered in November 1996. Redneck 12 Days of Christmas \"Redneck 12 Days of Christmas\" is a redneck parody of \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" written by Jeff Foxworthy and Tim Wilson and recorded by Foxworthy on his 1996 album \"\". The song reached number 18 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart in January 1996, becoming the highest-charting seasonal title of the SoundScan era, a record", "psg_id": "16574366" }, { "title": "Redneck 12 Days of Christmas", "text": "Redneck 12 Days of Christmas \"Redneck 12 Days of Christmas\" is a redneck parody of \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" written by Jeff Foxworthy and Tim Wilson and recorded by Foxworthy on his 1996 album \"\". The song reached number 18 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart in January 1996, becoming the highest-charting seasonal title of the SoundScan era, a record that has since been tied by Jimmy Wayne's \"Paper Angels.\" It subsequently peaked at number 39 in January 1997, number 39 in January 1998, number 37 in January 1999 and number 35 in January 2000. The", "psg_id": "16574365" }, { "title": "8 Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "appear in Santa-like clothing at a toy store on a snowy day. Throughout the video the group shops for various gifts and in between cuts, Knowles rides on a carousel. At the end of the video, many children begin rushing into the toy store where the group gives out gifts. The music video is featured on the DualDisc edition of the album \"8 Days of Christmas\". 8 Days of Christmas (song) \"8 Days of Christmas\" is a song by American girl group Destiny's Child, from their same-titled Christmas album (2001). Written by band members Beyoncé Knowles and Kelly Rowland along", "psg_id": "11608062" }, { "title": "8 Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "based on \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\", but the \"8 Days\" in the title is a reference to Hanukkah, but the holiday is never mentioned in the song. Knowles stated during the \"8 Days of Christmas\" video premiere at 106 & Park in Fall 2001: \"Actually we wrote the song two years ago, when we went in the studio to do some Christmas something. That's what started the idea of doing a Christmas album.\" A video was filmed for \"8 Days of Christmas\" and was released in the winter of 2001. It was directed by Sanaa Hamri. All 3 members", "psg_id": "11608061" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "Christmas\". Its final verse, as published in de Coussemaker, \"Chants Populaires des Flamands de France\" (1856), runs as follows: According to de Coussemaker, the song was recorded \"in the part of [French] Flanders that borders on the Pas de Calais\". The exact origins and the meaning of the song are unknown, but it is highly probable that it originated from a children's memory and forfeit game. The twelve days in the song are the twelve days starting with Christmas Day, or in some traditions, the day after Christmas (26 December) (Boxing Day or St. Stephen's Day, as being the feast", "psg_id": "9457966" }, { "title": "8 Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "8 Days of Christmas (song) \"8 Days of Christmas\" is a song by American girl group Destiny's Child, from their same-titled Christmas album (2001). Written by band members Beyoncé Knowles and Kelly Rowland along with Errol McCalla, Jr., who handled its production, it is a Christmas-themed song with heavy R&B and dance pop elements. Released as a promotional single in support of its parent album, \"8 Days of Christmas\" was first released in November 2000 on the re-issue of the band's \"The Writing's on the Wall\" (1999) and the CD single of their number-one single \"Independent Women\". The song is", "psg_id": "11608060" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song) \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" (Roud 68) is an English Christmas carol that enumerates in the manner of a cumulative song a series of increasingly grand gifts given on each of the twelve days of Christmas (the twelve days that make up the Christmas season, starting with Christmas Day). The song, published in England in 1780 without music as a chant or rhyme, is thought to be French in origin. \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 68. The tunes of collected versions vary. The standard tune now", "psg_id": "9457961" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "the song are hired, not purchased. The total costs of all goods and services for the 2015 Christmas Price Index is US$34,130.99, or $155,407.18 for all 364 items. The original 1984 cost was $12,623.10. The index has been criticised for not accurately reflecting the true cost of the gifts featured in the Christmas carol. The Twelve Days of Christmas (song) \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" (Roud 68) is an English Christmas carol that enumerates in the manner of a cumulative song a series of increasingly grand gifts given on each of the twelve days of Christmas (the twelve days that", "psg_id": "9457981" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "players repeated the verse, the leader added another verse, and so on until one of the players made a mistake, with the player who erred having to pay a penalty, such as offering up a kiss or a sweet. In the northern counties of England, the song was often called the \"Ten Days of Christmas\", as there were only ten gifts. It was also known in Somerset, Dorsetshire, and elsewhere in England. The kinds of gifts vary in a number of the versions, some of them becoming alliterative tongue-twisters. \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" was also widely popular in the", "psg_id": "9457968" }, { "title": "12 Dates of Christmas", "text": "12 Dates of Christmas 12 Dates of Christmas is a television film starring Amy Smart and Mark-Paul Gosselaar. It premiered on ABC Family on December 11, 2011 in their 25 Days of Christmas programming block. It is directed by James Hayman. Kate finds herself reliving Christmas Eve (including a blind date with a man named Miles) over and over again. She must discover how to break the cycle – should she attempt to win back her ex-boyfriend Jack, or should she pursue Miles, or something else? \"Angels Are Singing\" is a song performed by American recording artist Jordin Sparks, and", "psg_id": "16141010" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "associated with it is derived from a 1909 arrangement of a traditional folk melody by English composer Frederic Austin, who first introduced the familiar prolongation of the verse \"five gold rings\" (now often \"five golden rings\"). \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" is a cumulative song, meaning that each verse is built on top of the previous verses. There are twelve verses, each describing a gift given by \"my true love\" on one of the twelve days of Christmas. There are many variations in the lyrics. The lyrics given here are from Frederic Austin's 1909 publication that first established the current", "psg_id": "9457962" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "1780 publication includes an illustration that clearly depicts the \"five gold rings\" as being jewellery. In 1979, a Canadian hymnologist, Hugh D. McKellar, published an article, \"How to Decode the Twelve Days of Christmas\" in which he suggested that \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" lyrics were intended as a catechism song to help young Catholics learn their faith, at a time when practising Catholicism was criminalised in England (1558 until 1829). McKellar offered no evidence for his claim. Three years later, in 1982, Fr. Hal Stockert wrote an article (subsequently posted on-line in 1995) in which he suggested a similar", "psg_id": "9457974" }, { "title": "8 Days of Christmas", "text": "recorded in Japan during Destiny's Child's overseas promo tour. In the same interview, Beyoncé Knowles revealed, \"Actually we wrote the song two years ago, when we went in the studio to do some Christmas something. That's what started the idea of doing a Christmas album.\" The song \"8 Days of Christmas\" first appeared on the double-disc reissue of \"The Writing's on the Wall\" in November 2000. \"8 Days of Christmas\" received generally mixed to positive reviews from critics. Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic, gave the album 2.5 out 5 stars. In his review, he felt that it did not offer", "psg_id": "8552343" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "in each round of the song, then a total of 364 items are delivered by the twelfth day. This custom began with and is maintained by PNC Bank. Two pricing charts are created, referred to as the Christmas Price Index and The True Cost of Christmas. The former is an index of the current costs of one set of each of the gifts given by the True Love to the singer of the song \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\". The latter is the cumulative cost of all the gifts with the repetitions listed in the song. The people mentioned in", "psg_id": "9457980" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "the Faroe Islands, there is a comparable counting Christmas song. The gifts include: one feather, two geese, three sides of meat, four sheep, five cows, six oxen, seven dishes, eight ponies, nine banners, ten barrels, eleven goats, twelve men, thirteen hides, fourteen rounds of cheese and fifteen deer. These were illustrated in 1994 by local cartoonist Óli Petersen (born 1936) on a series of two stamps issued by the Faroese Philatelic Office. \"Les Douze Mois\" (\"The Twelve Months\") (also known as \"La Perdriole\"—\"The Partridge\") is another similar cumulative verse from France that has been likened to \"The Twelve Days of", "psg_id": "9457965" }, { "title": "The Christmas Song", "text": "The Christmas Song \"The Christmas Song\" (commonly subtitled \"Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire\" or, as it was originally subtitled, \"Merry Christmas to You\") is a classic Christmas song written in 1945 by Bob Wells and Mel Tormé. According to Tormé, the song was written during a blistering hot summer. In an effort to \"stay cool by thinking cool\", the most-performed (according to BMI) Christmas song was born. \"I saw a spiral pad on his (Wells') piano with four lines written in pencil\", Tormé recalled. \"They started, 'Chestnuts roasting..., Jack Frost nipping..., Yuletide carols..., Folks dressed up like Eskimos.' Bob", "psg_id": "5854330" }, { "title": "The 12 Disasters of Christmas", "text": "parents are named Joseph (Ed Quinn) and Mary (Holly Elissa), and the solution is in the hidden message of the popular Christian holiday song \"The 12 Days of Christmas\", where a different disaster corresponds to each day and the \"five gold rings\" provide a messianic gift. \"The 12 Disasters of Christmas\" first premiered on the Syfy network on December 8, 2012 at 9PM Eastern. It became Syfy's most watched television film on its premiere since February 2013. The DVD version was released on January 6, 2014. The film received negative ratings, but critics have noted that the film is entertaining", "psg_id": "16992821" }, { "title": "The Christmas Song", "text": "and introduced the opening verse as a guest for the show's Christmas Special which aired on December 22, 1963. Additionally, his recordings typically include a coda adapted from \"Here We Come A-wassailing\": \"The Christmas Song\" has been covered by numerous artists from a wide variety of genres. It has charted by the following: The Christmas Song \"The Christmas Song\" (commonly subtitled \"Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire\" or, as it was originally subtitled, \"Merry Christmas to You\") is a classic Christmas song written in 1945 by Bob Wells and Mel Tormé. According to Tormé, the song was written during a", "psg_id": "5854340" }, { "title": "12 Dates of Christmas", "text": "handful of funny moments and the requisite romantic ones. There's little that's remarkable about the story itself, but that doesn't mean the mostly predictable ending won't leave you feeling warm and fuzzy nonetheless.\" 12 Dates of Christmas 12 Dates of Christmas is a television film starring Amy Smart and Mark-Paul Gosselaar. It premiered on ABC Family on December 11, 2011 in their 25 Days of Christmas programming block. It is directed by James Hayman. Kate finds herself reliving Christmas Eve (including a blind date with a man named Miles) over and over again. She must discover how to break the", "psg_id": "16141012" }, { "title": "Those Were the Days (song)", "text": "re-recorded with producer Tony Visconti, whom she had married in 1971. These re-recorded versions can be found on music compilations. On 25 October 2010, Apple Records released \"\", which included the original recordings of \"Those Were the Days\" and \"Goodbye\". The greatest hits compilation album contained songs by artists signed to the Beatles' Apple record label between 1968 and 1973, the first such multi-artist Apple compilation. On Christmas 1975, the President of Equatorial Guinea, Francisco Macías Nguema, had 150 alleged coup plotters executed in the national stadium while a band played \"Those Were the Days\". Those Were the Days (song)", "psg_id": "5803171" }, { "title": "The Classic Christmas Album (Barbra Streisand album)", "text": "Little Town of Bethlehem\", \"White Christmas\", \"Gounod's Ave Maria\", and \"The Lord's Prayer\" for her 1967 Christmas album, \"A Christmas Album\". Furthermore, \"I'll Be Home for Christmas\", \"A Christmas Love Song\", \"It Must Have Been the Mistletoe\", \"I Remember\", \"Snowbound\", \"Christmas Lullaby\", \"Christmas Mem'ries\", \"What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?\", \"Ave Maria Op. 52 No. 6\", and \"One God\" were taken from her 2001 album, \"Christmas Memories\". Regarding the 2013 standard release, AllMusic's Steve Leggett awarded \"The Classic Christmas Album\" 3.5 out of 5 stars, even though he noted how simple it is to create a holiday album within", "psg_id": "17602060" }, { "title": "25 Days of Christmas", "text": "25 Days of Christmas 25 Days of Christmas is an annual season of Christmas programming broadcast during the month of December by the U.S. cable network Freeform. The event was first held in 1996, and has been annual fixture of the channel through its various incarnations, including The Family Channel, Fox Family, ABC Family, and Freeform. The brand covers airings of classic holiday specials as well as new Christmas-themed television movies each year; generally few of the network's original series air during the time period, outside of Christmas-themed episodes. In 2006, the lineup has also included airings of general, family", "psg_id": "10753645" }, { "title": "8 Days of Christmas", "text": "8 Days of Christmas 8 Days of Christmas is the fourth and penultimate studio album and first and only Christmas album by American R&B girl group Destiny's Child, released on October 30, 2001 by Columbia Records. The album contains twelve tracks featuring traditional Christmas songs and three original songs. Most of them are re-arranged with up-tempo beats in a contemporary R&B style. The album was recorded in Summer 2001 in the United States, but Kelly Rowland stated during the \"8 Days of Christmas\" video premiere on BET's \"106 & Park\" in Fall 2001 that parts of the album were also", "psg_id": "8552342" }, { "title": "What Were We Thinking Of", "text": "the album version of the song was also created. Like the majority of the songs on \"Till I Loved You\", \"What Were We Thinking Of\" is a \"nontheatrical pop song\". According to the official sheet music published by the Warner Music Group, the song is written in the key of B major with a moderately fast beat consisting of 138 beats per minute. Since \"Till I Loved You\" is a concept album based on the beginnings and ends of relationships, \"What Were We Thinking Of\" was placed towards the end of the album's track listing where the accompanying songs' lyrics", "psg_id": "20301172" }, { "title": "The Classic Christmas Album (Barbra Streisand album)", "text": "\"Now That's What I Call Christmas!\" (2001). During the following holiday season in 2014, the record debuted on the Top Catalog Albums component chart, where it peaked at number 28 for the week ending January 3, 2015. \"The Classic Christmas Album\" also re-entered several charts. It was at number 159 on the \"Billboard\" 200, reappearing along with Streisand's 1967 Christmas album, \"A Christmas Album\", which was currently at number 194. To date, her record has spent 11 weeks on the chart. Outside of North America, it peaked at number 93 in the Czech Republic. The Classic Christmas Album (Barbra Streisand", "psg_id": "17602063" }, { "title": "The Twelve Gifts of Christmas", "text": "The Twelve Gifts of Christmas \"The Twelve Gifts of Christmas\" is a song parody written and performed by Allan Sherman based on the classic Christmas song \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\". The song reached #5 on the Billboard Christmas Chart in 1963. A noted jukebox record supplier stated that if the record was released earlier, it \"might have been a hot number.\" The song subsequently appeared on Sherman's 1964 album, \"For Swingin' Livers Only!\" The song was arranged by Lou Busch. He lists off the gifts in successive verses, and after some of them he adds more details about the", "psg_id": "17271128" }, { "title": "The Twelve Gifts of Christmas", "text": "day: A pair of Teakwood shower clogs. Tenth day: A chromium combination manicure, scissors, and cigarette lighter. Eleventh day: An automatic vegetable slicer that works when you see it on television, but not when you get it home. Twelfth day: \"Although it may seem strange, I'm going to exchange\" all the gifts, which he then lists off. Sherman ends the song by saying \"MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY\". The Twelve Gifts of Christmas \"The Twelve Gifts of Christmas\" is a song parody written and performed by Allan Sherman based on the classic Christmas song \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\". The song reached", "psg_id": "17271131" }, { "title": "Blue Christmas (song)", "text": "to what is now the common standard for this song; the orchestral backing of this recording has often been wrongly accredited to Winterhalter. Elvis Presley cemented the status of \"Blue Christmas\" as a rock-and-roll holiday classic by recording it for his 1957 LP \"Elvis' Christmas Album\". Presley's version is notable musicologically as well as culturally in that the vocal group the Jordanaires (especially in the soprano line, sung by Millie Kirkham) replace many major and just minor thirds with neutral and septimal minor thirds, respectively. In addition to contributing to the overall tone of the song, the resulting \"blue notes\"", "psg_id": "7639123" }, { "title": "Twelve Days of Christmas", "text": "steps that Jesus took into the Jordan River were the first steps on the way to the Cross. That night the All-Night Vigil is served for the Feast of the Theophany. Within the Twelve Days of Christmas, there are celebrations both secular and religious. Christmas Day, if it is considered to be part of the Twelve Days of Christmas and not as the day preceding the Twelve Days, is celebrated by Christians as the liturgical feast of the Nativity of the Lord. It is a public holiday in many nations, including some where the majority of the population is not", "psg_id": "2373306" }, { "title": "The 12 Days of Christine", "text": "Christine\" to its use in \"Benidorm\", in which Pemberton starred, but noted that in \"The 12 Days of Christine\" it was used \"with devastating effect\". Ellen E Jones, writing in \"The Independent\", said that the song \"was deployed on the soundtrack to devastating effect – we'll be humming it uneasily for another 12 days to come.\" Writers for \"i\" said that viewers would be \"mournfully humming\" the song \"for 12 days to come\". The 12 Days of Christine \"The 12 Days of Christine\" is the second episode of the second series of British dark comedy anthology series \"Inside No. 9\".", "psg_id": "18695143" }, { "title": "25 Days of Christmas", "text": "1.461M viewers. \"Despicable Me\" gained 1.2M on November 25.<ref name=\"\"></ref> The \"Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas\" schedule was released on October 12, 2017. In 2017, Freeform's \"Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas\" will run from November 18, 2017 to November 30, 2017. The 2017 lineup includes family movies such as \"The Incredibles\", \"Despicable Me\", \"Harry Potter\", \"Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory\", \"Hook\", \"Dennis the Menace\", \"Matilda\", \"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory\", and \"The Boxtrolls\". Freeform also announced the network premiere of \"Inside Out\" and \"Snow Day\". The holiday movies in the 2017 Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas", "psg_id": "10753654" }, { "title": "25 Days of Christmas", "text": "as part of a multi-year deal, AMC (which in 2018 is launching its own holiday programming event branded as Best Christmas Ever) acquired rights to a number of Warner Bros.-owned films and specials that had previously aired on Freeform, including \"Elf\", \"National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation\", \"The Polar Express\", and 12 Rankin/Bass specials. The films, especially \"Christmas Vacation\" and \"Elf\", had received extensive airplay during the event in 2017. Disney Channel will air \"Disney Parks Presents a 25 Days of Christmas Holiday Party,\" hosted by Ruby Rose Turner and Dakota Lotus of \"Coop and Cami Ask the World\". 25 Days of", "psg_id": "10753667" }, { "title": "25 Days of Christmas", "text": "viewers. The lineup began its first week with record breaking 3 million average viewers. The December 12 premiere of \"Christmas Cupid\" was watched by a total of 3.4 million viewers. Total viewers for 2010 broke records, averaging 2.8 million viewers. An airing of \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas\" drew 1.3 million viewers. The first week of the 25 Days of Christmas was watched by an average of 2.2 million viewers, down 27% from last year. During the second week, viewers increased to 2.4 million, thanks to the premiere of \"12 Dates of Christmas\". However, this was still down 30% from", "psg_id": "10753658" }, { "title": "25 Days of Christmas", "text": "2010. In its 17th year, 25 Days of Christmas powered ABC Family as the top cable network in primetime among women 18-34. The entire line-up averaged 2.5 million viewers. A Friday, December 5 airing of \"Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas\" was watched by 3.7 million. The network premiere of \"Toy Story That Time Forgot\" gained 3.4 million while an airing of the classic \"Toy Story 3\" gained 2.7 million viewers. The highest rated airing of \"Elf\" gained 3.5 million viewers while the highest rated airing of \"National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation\" gained 3.2 million. An airing of the Tim", "psg_id": "10753660" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "\"[e]ach child in succession repeats the gifts of the day, and forfeits for each mistake.\" Salmon, writing from Newcastle, claimed in 1855 that the song \"[had] been, up to within twenty years, extremely popular as a schoolboy's Christmas chant\". Husk, writing in 1864, stated: Thomas Hughes, in a short story published in 1864, described a fictional game of Forfeits involving the song: Barnes (1882), stated that the last verse \"is to be said in one breath\". Scott (1892), reminiscing about Christmas and New Year's celebrations in Newcastle around the year 1844, described a performance thus: Lady Gomme wrote in 1898:", "psg_id": "9457970" }, { "title": "Twelve Days of Christmas", "text": "on the same day, they do not have a series of twelve days between a feast of Christmas and a feast of Epiphany. The Oriental Orthodox, other than the Armenians, the Eastern Orthodox, and the Eastern Catholics who follow the same traditions do have the interval of twelve days between the two feasts. If they use the Julian Calendar, they celebrate Christmas on what is for them 25 December, but is 7 January of the Gregorian Calendar, and they celebrate Epiphany on what is for them 6 January, but is 19 January of the Gregorian Calendar. For the Eastern Orthodox,", "psg_id": "2373301" }, { "title": "Twelve Days of Christmas", "text": "Roman Calendar that occur within the Octave of Christmas and therefore also within the Twelve Days of Christmas are the Feast of St. Stephen, Proto-Martyr on 26 December; Feast of St. John, Apostle and Evangelist on 27 December; the Feast of the Holy Innocents on 28 December; Memorial of St. Thomas Becket, Bishop and Martyr on 29 December; and the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph on the Sunday within the Octave of Christmas or, if there is no such Sunday, on 30 December. Outside the Octave, but within the Twelve Days of Christmas, there are", "psg_id": "2373310" }, { "title": "25 Days of Christmas", "text": "have been produced. In 2007, three films were created for the block, due to the popularity of the previous year's films. The following non-original (originally premiered direct to video, or on some other TV network or cable channel, or as a theatrical featurette) Christmas specials, or Christmas-themed episodes of television programs are presently being featured during 25 Days of Christmas (including Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas) (): The following non-original (originally premiered theatrically, or direct to video, or on some other TV network or cable channel) Christmas movies are presently being featured during 25 Days of Christmas (including Countdown", "psg_id": "10753648" }, { "title": "8 Days of Christmas", "text": "2001, the album was certified gold by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) denoting shipments of 500,000 copies. Notes 8 Days of Christmas 8 Days of Christmas is the fourth and penultimate studio album and first and only Christmas album by American R&B girl group Destiny's Child, released on October 30, 2001 by Columbia Records. The album contains twelve tracks featuring traditional Christmas songs and three original songs. Most of them are re-arranged with up-tempo beats in a contemporary R&B style. The album was recorded in Summer 2001 in the United States, but Kelly Rowland stated during the \"8", "psg_id": "8552346" }, { "title": "12 Tiny Christmas Tales", "text": "song inserted into it. 12 Tiny Christmas Tales 12 Tiny Christmas Tales (stylized onscreen as 12 tiny Christmas tales) is an American Christmas animated short film, that which was broadcast on Cartoon Network on December 7, 2001. It was created, animated and directed by Bill Plympton. A grandmother tells her three grandchildren increasing bizarre stories of Christmas. The stories are based on eight-panel sequences from Christmas cards Plympton began drawing for his parents in 1964. In this film there are nine original songs, which were written and executive-produced by Maureen McElheron. Hank Bones instead served as a producer. Finally, \"Kalinka\"", "psg_id": "17424354" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "indicated in \"italics\";<br> (b) items that do not appear at all in Austin's version are indicated in bold italics. A similar cumulative verse from Scotland, \"The Yule Days\", has been likened to \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" in the scholarly literature. It has thirteen days rather than twelve, and the number of gifts does not increase in the manner of \"The Twelve Days\". Its final verse, as published in Chambers, \"Popular Rhymes, Fireside Stories, and Amusements of Scotland\" (1842), runs as follows: \"Pippin go aye\" (also spelled \"papingo-aye\" in later editions) is a Scots word for peacock or parrot. In", "psg_id": "9457964" }, { "title": "12 Dates of Christmas", "text": "serves as the theme song of \"12 Dates of Christmas\". It was released as a digital download on November 27, 2011 on iTunes and In \"Us Weekly\", John Griffiths wrote, \"This holiday romance steals a page from \"Groundhog Day\" and runs with it... It's a sweet, wacky... and nicely woven journey, with the endearing Smart adding an extra twinkle.\" On Common Sense Media, Emily Ashby said, \"... \"12 Dates of Christmas\" works in a sappy-sweet, opposites-attract love plot that just happens to take place on Christmas Eve. This holiday tie-in bolsters what's otherwise a lukewarm story marked by a", "psg_id": "16141011" }, { "title": "Those Were the Days (song)", "text": "Those Were the Days (song) \"Those Were the Days\" is a song credited to Gene Raskin, who put a new English lyric to the Russian romance song \"Dorogoi dlinnoyu\" (\"Дорогой длинною\", literally \"By the long road\"), composed by Boris Fomin (1900–1948) with words by the poet Konstantin Podrevsky. It deals with reminiscence upon youth and romantic idealism. Mary Hopkin's 1968 version of the song, produced by Paul McCartney, became a number one hit on the UK Singles Chart. The song also reached number two on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, behind McCartney's own band The Beatles' hit \"Hey Jude\". In France", "psg_id": "5803162" }, { "title": "25 Days of Christmas", "text": "starring Jason Biggs and Brenda Song, and the new special \"Decorating Disney: Holiday Magic\", which documented how Disney's theme parks are prepared for the holiday season. On October 31, 2017, it was announced that the \"25 Days of Christmas\" branding would also be used for holiday programming on sister properties ABC (including new seasons of the seasonal miniseries \"The Great Christmas Light Fight\" and \"The Great American Baking Show\", as well as its other traditional specials), Disney Channel (including \"Disney Parks Presents a Disney Channel Holiday Celebration\"), Disney Junior (including \"The Lion Guard\" special \"Timon and Pumbaa's Christmas\"), and Disney", "psg_id": "10753665" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "According to \"The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes\", \"Suggestions have been made that the gifts have significance, as representing the food or sport for each month of the year. Importance [certainly has] long been attached to the Twelve Days, when, for instance, the weather on each day was carefully observed to see what it would be in the corresponding month of the coming year. Nevertheless, whatever the ultimate origin of the chant, it seems probable [that] the lines that survive today both in England and France are merely an irreligious travesty.\" (It is also worth noting that exactly 364 gifts", "psg_id": "9457971" }, { "title": "12 Days of Brumalia", "text": "12 Days of Brumalia The 12 Days of Brumalia was an internet event presented by The Residents and that resulted in an album of the same name. For 12 days, starting on December 25, a new song was posted on web site along with an illustration and a quote. On the 13th day, The Residents presented the epic musical work, \"The Feast of Epiphany\". Homer Flynn of The Cryptic Corp has stated \"The Brumalia songs were a present for those who visited the site every day. It is not for those who didn't. It is not a gift", "psg_id": "10072561" }, { "title": "Twelve Days of Christmas", "text": "Twelve Days of Christmas The Twelve Days of Christmas, also known as Twelvetide, is a festive Christian season celebrating the Nativity of Jesus. In most Western ecclesiastical traditions, \"Christmas Day\" is considered the \"First Day of Christmas\" and the Twelve Days are 25 December – 5 January, inclusive. For many Christian denominations; for example, the Anglican Communion and Lutheran Church, the Twelve Days are identical to Christmastide, but for others, e.g., the Roman Catholic Church, \"Christmastide\" lasts longer than the Twelve Days of Christmas. Because the Armenian Apostolic Church and Armenian Catholic Church celebrate the Birth and Baptism of Christ", "psg_id": "2373300" }, { "title": "The 12 Disasters of Christmas", "text": "The 12 Disasters of Christmas The 12 Disasters of Christmas (alternatively written as 12 Disasters of Christmas; released on DVD as 12 Disasters) is a Canadian-American science fiction action television film produced for Syfy in 2012 and directed by Steven R. Monroe. In a small town called Calvary, a rain of ice spears puts everyone on notice. Just before Jacey's (Magda Apanowicz) grandmother dies, she gives a mystical ring to her explaining that she is the chosen one to stop the end of the world prophesied by the Maya for December 21, 2012. Jacey was born right at Christmas, her", "psg_id": "16992820" }, { "title": "The Magic of Christmas (Natalie Cole album)", "text": "stars and described the collection of songs as \"traditional yet sophisticated\". She also highlighted \"O Tannenbaum\", \"The 12 Days of Christmas\", and \"The Christmas Song\". The Magic of Christmas (Natalie Cole album) The Magic of Christmas is a collaborative Christmas album by American recording artist Natalie Cole and London Symphony Orchestra, released on October 19, 1999, by Roadrunner Records. The album is a follow-up to \"Snowfall on the Sahara\". It reached peak positions of number 157 on the \"Billboard\" 200 and number 84 on \"Billboard\" R&B Albums chart. A number of the tracks on \"The Magic of Christmas\" were first", "psg_id": "19246123" }, { "title": "The 12 Disasters of Christmas", "text": "of Christmas\" does not. It stays true to the path on which it embarked, seemingly never troubled for a second by concern for trivial matters like, oh, dialogue or plot.\" \"The A.V. Club\" gave the film a D rating stating \"...comes closer to so-bad-it's-good territory than any SyFy Original Movie in recent memory.\" The 12 Disasters of Christmas The 12 Disasters of Christmas (alternatively written as 12 Disasters of Christmas; released on DVD as 12 Disasters) is a Canadian-American science fiction action television film produced for Syfy in 2012 and directed by Steven R. Monroe. In a small town called", "psg_id": "16992823" }, { "title": "Somewhere Out There (Our Lady Peace song)", "text": "11\" and in the end credits of the 2005 film \"White Noise\". \"Somewhere Out There\" was culled from two sets of lyrics written by Raine Maida during Christmas, 2001. \"Bob called me in Toronto the night before Christmas and asked if I had any other song ideas that we should consider before we headed back to Hawaii to finish the album in January,\" he explained. \"The phone call propelled me to write seven new songs during the ten days we had off at Christmas. When we got back to Maui, he combined a verse from one song and a chorus", "psg_id": "8958971" }, { "title": "Twelve Days of Christmas", "text": "on Christmas Eve and letting it burn some more on each of the twelve nights. For some, the Twelfth Night remains the night of the most festive parties and exchanges of gifts. Some households exchange gifts on the first (25 December) and last (5 January) days of the Twelve Days. As in former times, the Twelfth Night to the morning of Epiphany is the traditional time during which Christmas trees and decorations are deposed. Twelve Days of Christmas The Twelve Days of Christmas, also known as Twelvetide, is a festive Christian season celebrating the Nativity of Jesus. In most Western", "psg_id": "2373319" }, { "title": "12 Days of Brumalia", "text": "for the world. Think about it, the Brumalia songs would still be on if we wished to have them shared. They should not be archived and shared.\" Ralph America collected the audio track for a CD release in the summer of 2004. \"12 Days of Brumalia\" was reissued in November 2014 as a compilation with \"Prelude to \"The Teds\"\". 12 Days of Brumalia The 12 Days of Brumalia was an internet event presented by The Residents and that resulted in an album of the same name. For 12 days, starting on December 25, a new song was posted", "psg_id": "10072562" }, { "title": "Strange Days (The Doors song)", "text": "The song, titled \"Strange 2013\" and includes vocals of Doors front man Jim Morrison, appears on the rapper's 2013 album \"Something Else\". While speaking on the collaboration, the rapper noted how the band has inspired him over the years, explaining that \"People Are Strange\" and \"Strange Days\" were what he drew on when naming his record label Strange Music. Strange Days (The Doors song) \"Strange Days\" is a song by The Doors. It was released in 1967 and is the first track on the album of the same name. According to a review at AllMusic by Tom Maginnis, the song", "psg_id": "10010691" }, { "title": "12 Days of Terror", "text": "15 pounds of human flesh with bones were found in its stomach. In the end, four people had been killed and a fifth badly injured. The remains of one young boy were never recovered. Because a propensity for human flesh is unnatural in sharks, scientists are still investigating why this shark did what it did. 12 Days of Terror 12 Days of Terror is a 2004 television film directed by Jack Sholder and starring Colin Egglesfield, Mark Dexter, Jenna Harrison and John Rhys-Davies. It premiered on Animal Planet, and later on The Discovery Channel. Based on true events that occurred", "psg_id": "7591419" }, { "title": "25 Days of Christmas", "text": "to 25 Days of Christmas) (): The following non-original (originally premiered theatrically, or direct to video, or on some other TV network or cable channel) Non-Christmas movies are currently being featured during 25 Days of Christmas (including Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas) (): In 2007, due to popular ratings from the previous year, ABC Family launched the first official countdown to the programming block, which began on November 21. Although this was the first official early start, in previous years holiday programming had unofficially begun during the last week of November, showing mostly older original films, some of which", "psg_id": "10753649" }, { "title": "Christmas Songs (Jars of Clay album)", "text": "the label and imprint label Nettwerk. The group decided to record their first full length Christmas album to debut on this label. The group previously has released one Christmas EP named \"Drummer Boy\", which contained the classic Christmas carol \"The Little Drummer Boy\". The group also contributed their original Christmas song \"Bethlehem Town\" to the Christmas edition of the \"City on a Hill\" series. In 2004, Jars appeared on the collection entitled \"Maybe This Christmas Tree\" with their lighter \"Christmas for Cowboys\" alongside artists such as Lisa Loeb, Ivy and Copeland. More recently, in 2005, Jars returned to the Christmas", "psg_id": "10460563" }, { "title": "25 Days of Christmas", "text": "films that Freeform holds rights to, including the \"Harry Potter\" film franchise until January 2018, and other Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures films. In 2007, the block was extended to November with a \"Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas\" block. \"25 Days of Christmas\" programming often attracts major surges in viewership for Freeform, with higher-profile film airings often attracting 3-4 million viewers or more. In November 2017, Disney Channel, Disney XD, Disney Junior, and ABC aired holiday programming through Christmas Day. However, it is currently unknown if the 25 Days of Christmas will extend to FX, FXX and FXM once", "psg_id": "10753646" }, { "title": "Those Were the Days (song)", "text": "song's success, a New York company used the melody in a commercial for Rokeach gefilte fish, arguing that the tune was an old Russian folk-tune and thus in the public domain. (The commercial included the line \"The perfect dish, Rokeach Gefilte Fish\" where the English-language song would go \"Those were the days, oh yes, those were the days.\") Raskin successfully sued and won a settlement, since he had slightly altered the tune to fit his lyrics and had taken out the valid new copyright. In the mid-1970s, after Hopkin's contract with Apple ended, \"Those Were the Days\" and \"Goodbye\" were", "psg_id": "5803170" }, { "title": "Twelve Days of Christmas", "text": "Eve parties. Presently, the commercial practice treats the Solemnity of Christmas, 25 December, the first day of Christmas, as the last day of the \"Christmas\" marketing season, as the numerous \"after-Christmas sales\" that commence on 26 December demonstrate. The commercial calendar has encouraged an erroneous assumption that the Twelve Days \"end\" on Christmas Day and must therefore begin on 14 December. Many American Christians still celebrate the traditional liturgical seasons of Advent and Christmas, especially Amish, Anglo-Catholics, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Mennonites, Methodists, Moravians, Orthodox Christians, Presbyterians, and Roman Catholics. In Anglicanism, the designation of the \"Twelve Days of Christmas\" is used", "psg_id": "2373317" }, { "title": "Twelve Days of Christmas", "text": "the feast of Sts. Basil the Great and Gregory of Nazianzus on 2 January and the Memorial of the Holy Name of Jesus on 3 January. Other saints are celebrated at a local level. The Second Council of Tours of 567 noted that, in the area for which its bishops were responsible, the days between Christmas and Epiphany were, like the month of August, taken up entirely with saints' days. Monks were therefore in principle not bound to fast on those days. However, the first three days of the year were to be days of prayer and penance so that", "psg_id": "2373311" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "and so would hardly need to be secretly encoded. The now-standard melody for the carol was published in 1909 by Novello & Co.. English composer Frederic Austin fitted the words to a traditional melody, to which he added his own two-bar motif for \"Five gold rings\". Many of the decisions Austin made with regard to the lyrics subsequently became widespread: The time signature of this song is not constant, unlike most popular music. This irregular meter perhaps reflects the song's folk origin. The introductory lines, such as \"On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me\", are", "psg_id": "9457976" }, { "title": "Cheetah-licious Christmas", "text": "Cheetah-licious Christmas Cheetah-licious Christmas is a Christmas album by The Cheetah Girls. It is also the first album the girls released as an official musical group, however group member Adrienne Bailon later stated that the album does not serve as their official debut album. It was released by Walt Disney Records on October 11, 2005. The album features eight classic Christmas songs as well as five original songs. The album peaked at #74 on the Billboard charts. Single includes \"Cheetah-licious Christmas\", as well as the Radio Disney single \"Five More Days 'til Christmas\". Note: Original songs marked with a (*)", "psg_id": "6196539" }, { "title": "The 12 Days of Christine", "text": "strongest episode in the series. David Chater, writing in \"The Times\", said \"The 12 Days of Christine\" was \"not quite perfect\", as the \"spooky\" elements suggested that the writers \"may have spent more time with The League of Gentlemen and Psychoville than is strictly healthy\". Nonetheless, he felt that \"the episode is a distillation of accurate observation that says more about the hope, messiness and disappointment of life in half an hour than most dramas say over an entire series\". There was, he thought, \"something infinitely poignant\" about the way the episode showed the difference between what could have been", "psg_id": "18695139" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "form of the carol. The first three verses run, in full, as follows: Subsequent verses follow the same pattern, each adding one new gift and repeating all the earlier gifts so that each verse is one line longer than its predecessor: The earliest known version of the lyrics was published in London under the title \"The Twelve Days of Christmas sung at King Pepin's Ball\", as part of a 1780 children's book, \"Mirth without Mischief\". Subsequent versions have shown considerable variation: For ease of comparison with Austin's 1909 version given above:<br> (a) differences in wording, ignoring capitalisation and punctuation, are", "psg_id": "9457963" }, { "title": "25 Days of Christmas", "text": "pertained to Christmas and some that did not. \"Countdown to the 25 Days of Christmas\" returned in 2008 on November 16. In 2018, Freeform announced that the block will be renamed to \"Kickoff to Christmas\", and will last throughout the whole month of November. In 2010, it started later in the month, on November 20. In 2012 the countdown began at an earlier date of November 18. The \"Countdown to the 25 Days of Christmas\" ran again in 2014. In 2014 the countdown event which started on Sunday, November 23 was even with previous years. The highest rated programs of", "psg_id": "10753650" }, { "title": "No. 11 Group RAAF", "text": "Squadron attacked Halmahera with its Spitfire fighters on 30 and 31 July. These attacks were followed up by a larger operation on 4 August in which No. 11 Group commanded an attack on Halmahera which involved twelve B-24 Liberator heavy bombers from the United States Thirteenth Air Force and six No. 79 Squadron Spitfires. No. 79 Squadron continued daily operations against Halmahera until the end of the war. No. 11 Group also directed heavy bomber operations conducted by No. 82 Wing on an unofficial basis in the last days of the war. No. 11 Group celebrated Christmas 1945 with a", "psg_id": "12998197" }, { "title": "25 Days of Christmas", "text": "averaging less than 2mil per airing. The 25 Days of Christmas schedule was released in late October by Freeform. While notable absences include Jim Carrey's \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas\", \"Home Alone\", and the second and third \"Santa Clause\" films, the schedule still includes many classics. The schedule includes 25 days of classics like, \"Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory\", \"National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation\", \"The Santa Clause\", Tim Burton's \"The Nightmare Before Christmas\", \"Jack Frost\", Disney's \"A Christmas Carol\", \"The Polar Express\", \"The Holiday\", \"Elf\", \"Jingle All The Way\", \"Scrooged\", \"Deck the Halls\", \"Toy Story\", \"Frozen\", and \"Happy Feet\". 2016", "psg_id": "10753663" }, { "title": "What Kind of Man (Florence and the Machine song)", "text": "Big, How Blue, How Beautiful\". What Kind of Man (Florence and the Machine song) \"What Kind of Man\" is a song by English indie rock band Florence and the Machine from their third studio album, \"How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful\" (2015). It was written by Florence Welch, Kid Harpoon and John Hill, produced by Markus Dravs and co-produced by Hill. The song was released on 12 February 2015 as the album's lead single. \"What Kind of Man\" received Grammy Award nominations for Best Rock Performance and Best Rock Song. According to lead vocalist Florence Welch, the song represents a", "psg_id": "18587919" }, { "title": "What Kind of Man (Florence and the Machine song)", "text": "What Kind of Man (Florence and the Machine song) \"What Kind of Man\" is a song by English indie rock band Florence and the Machine from their third studio album, \"How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful\" (2015). It was written by Florence Welch, Kid Harpoon and John Hill, produced by Markus Dravs and co-produced by Hill. The song was released on 12 February 2015 as the album's lead single. \"What Kind of Man\" received Grammy Award nominations for Best Rock Performance and Best Rock Song. According to lead vocalist Florence Welch, the song represents a new guitar-driven sonic direction for", "psg_id": "18587914" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "adjective \"French\" in \"three French hens\", probably simply means \"foreign\". According to Iona and Peter Opie, the red-legged (or French) partridge perches in trees more frequently than the native common (or grey) partridge and was not successfully introduced into England until about 1770. William S. Baring-Gould suggests that the presents sent on the first seven days were \"all birds\"—the \"five gold rings\" were not actually gold rings, but refer to the five golden rings of the ringed pheasant. Others suggest the gold rings refer to \"five goldspinks\"—a goldspink being an old name for a goldfinch; or even canaries. However, the", "psg_id": "9457973" }, { "title": "8 Days of Christmas", "text": "anything different from any other Christmas album, and that it had the same formula as every other Christmas album, making it very predictable. Chris Willman of Entertainment Weekly gave the album a B+. He felt that the album had a rough start, stating that song lyrics such as, \"a pair of Chloe shades and a diamond belly ring\" were too materialistic, leaving a bad taste in your mouth, however, he stated that originals like \"Winter Christmas\", and \"This Christmas\" helped the album quickly recover. People's Magazine gave the album a mixed review, stating that some songs of the album fell", "psg_id": "8552344" }, { "title": "25 Days of Christmas", "text": "included: \"Home Alone\", \"Elf\", \"National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation\", \"Four Christmases\" (Freeform network premiere), \"'Twas the Night Before Christmas\", \"\", \"Frosty's Winter Wonderland\", \"Jack Frost\", \"The Year Without a Santa Claus\", \"A Christmas Carol\", \"A Dennis the Menace Christmas\", \"Richie Rich's Christmas Wish\", \"Jack Frost\", \"Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July\", \"Arthur Christmas\", \"Rudolph's Shiny New Year\", \"Eloise at Christmastime\", and \"The Nightmare Before Christmas\". On May 15, 2018, Freeform announced that the \"Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas\" will be renamed as \"Kickoff to Christmas\" for November 2018. The 2018 \"Kickoff to Christmas\" schedule was released on October 10, 2018.", "psg_id": "10753655" }, { "title": "The Classic Christmas Album (Johnny Mathis album)", "text": "The Classic Christmas Album (Johnny Mathis album) The Classic Christmas Album is a Christmas compilation album by American pop singer Johnny Mathis that was released on October 7, 2014, by Columbia Records and includes two 1961 recordings that were previously unavailable: \"Ol' Kris Kringle\" and the original version of the title track from his 1969 Christmas album \"Give Me Your Love for Christmas\". Three other songs (\"Christmas in the City of the Angels\", \"Sign of the Dove\" and \"The Very First Christmas Day\") make their debut on compact disc as of this release, and two other non-album singles (\"Christmas Is...\"", "psg_id": "18592851" }, { "title": "25 Days of Christmas", "text": "ratings of 25 Days of Christmas were down from previous years. The highest rated airing was December 4, when \"Elf\" gained 2.5M viewers. Other airings of Elf gained 2.1M, 1.8M, and 2.0M. A Toy Story marathon on December 10 gained 1.3M, 1.5m, and 1.4m. An airing of \"Frozen\" gained 2.3M on December 17. Christmas Eve on the network saw The Polar Express at 1.4M, \"The Santa Clause\" at 1.7M, Elf at 2.7M, and \"National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation\" at 2.8M viewers. Alongside its traditional lineup of acquired and Disney films, the lineup for 2017 included the new original film \"Angry Angel\",", "psg_id": "10753664" }, { "title": "8 Days of Christmas", "text": "short, but despite that, there were a few gifts on the album, such as \"Carol of the Bells\". They came to conclusion that while it was good, it was not destined for success. Alexa Camp of Slant Magazine gave the album 2.5 out of 5 stars. She said that the album sounded like a, \"Survivor II:Winter Ghetto-chic,\" and that the album brought little justice to the original songs. \"8 Days of Christmas\" made its debut on the Billboard 200 at number 59. On the chart issue dated December 22, 2001, it reached its peak at number 34. On December 3,", "psg_id": "8552345" }, { "title": "Christmas in the Sand (song)", "text": "Christmas in the Sand (song) \"Christmas in the Sand\" is a Christmas song recorded by American singer-songwriter Colbie Caillat. It was written by Caillat, Jason Reeves and Kara DioGuardi and produced by Colbie's father, Ken Caillat. The song was released as the first single from her first Christmas album \"Christmas in the Sand\". The song was released to SoundCloud on October 15, 2012 through Universal Republic. Colbie told Billboard she wrote this song \"thinking, what do they listen to over here Hawaii at Christmas time? I bet they don't always want to hear songs about white Christmases and bundling up", "psg_id": "16853120" }, { "title": "The Gift of Christmas (song)", "text": "The Gift of Christmas (song) \"The Gift of Christmas\" is a 1995 charity single by supergroup Childliners, with the proceeds of the single going to Childline. The song was written by Tony Mortimer of East 17. In a similar ilk to \"Do They Know It's Christmas?\" by Band Aid, the song features popular chart acts such as MN8, Boyzone, East 17, Backstreet Boys, Dannii Minogue, Peter Andre and more. It peaked at number 9 on the UK Singles Chart, number 10 in Ireland and number 7 in Scotland. A second CD of \"The Gift of Christmas\" was also released featuring", "psg_id": "20527081" }, { "title": "Those Were the Days (song)", "text": "the song was at no. 1 in the very first edition of the singles sales chart launched by the Centre d'Information et de Documentation du Disque in October 1968. Georgian singer Tamara Tsereteli (1900–1968) and Russian singer Alexander Vertinsky made what were probably the earliest recordings of the song, in 1925 and in 1926 respectively. The song appears in the 1953 British/French movie \"Innocents in Paris\", in which it was sung with its original Russian lyrics by the Russian Tzigane chanteuse Ludmila Lopato. Mary Hopkin's 1968 recording of it with Gene Raskin's lyric was a chart-topping hit in much of", "psg_id": "5803163" }, { "title": "The Secret of Christmas", "text": "The Secret of Christmas \"The Secret of Christmas\" is a popular Christmas song, written by Sammy Cahn and Jimmy Van Heusen for Bing Crosby, and first performed by Crosby in the 1959 film \"Say One for Me\". He recorded the song with an arrangement by Frank DeVol for a single that year released by Columbia Records. Crosby recorded the song again in 1964, together with Fred Waring and the Pennsylvanians, for the Reprise Records album \"12 Songs of Christmas\". The song has also been covered by numerous artists, including Ella Fitzgerald in 1959, Johnny Mathis (for his album \"Sounds of", "psg_id": "9231755" }, { "title": "The Christmas Shoes (song)", "text": "following a weeks-long survey of commenter votes. On December 24, 2008, internet critic Nostalgia Chick named this song the most disturbing and inescapable Christmas song. Three years later, she wrote a review of the TV movie. What she found most insulting, as she stated in both videos, is the implication that \"God killed that woman because you didn't get the meaning of Christmas.\" An animated video of comedian Patton Oswalt's performance at the Lisner Auditorium about the song was posted on YouTube in November 2009. In it, Oswalt refers to the song as a \"sick evening prayer\". The Christmas Shoes", "psg_id": "12870725" }, { "title": "All of My Friends Were There", "text": "There\" was recorded during the summer of 1968, but was scrapped from the original 12-track edition of \"The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society\". However, upon the album's pull from shelves on Ray Davies's insistence, the song was resurrected to be added to the new 15-track version of the album. When talking about the song's release, Ray Davies said, \"If I'd done that song today, it would have been A&R'd off the album. But sometimes you need minor gems like that to set up other songs.\" Critic Robert Christgau described \"All of My Friends Were There\" as \"a wry", "psg_id": "18133084" }, { "title": "The Christmas Shoes (song)", "text": "the song, country music girl group 3 of Hearts released their own version, which peaked at No. 39 on the country chart. In 2002, Donna VanLiere produced a novelization of the song which was published in 2002 by St. Martin's Press. The book became a made-for-TV movie released in December 2002. In 2005 Dutch singer René Froger recorded the song for his \"Pure Christmas\" album. Pop-punk band FM Static released a cover of this song in 2008. The song has appeared on various \"worst Christmas song\" lists. In 2011, the song was named \"The Worst Christmas Song Ever\" by,", "psg_id": "12870724" }, { "title": "Twelve Days of Christmas", "text": "Misrule was chosen to lead the Christmas revels. Some of these traditions were adapted from the older pagan customs, including the Roman Saturnalia and the Germanic Yuletide. Some also have an echo in modern-day pantomime where traditionally authority is mocked and the principal male lead is played by a woman, while the leading older female character, or 'Dame', is played by a man. The early North American colonists brought their version of the Twelve Days over from England, and adapted them to their new country, adding their own variations over the years. For example, the modern-day Christmas wreath may have", "psg_id": "2373313" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "a flourish on the words \"Five Gold Rings\". This has not been copied by later versions, which simply repeat the melody from the earlier verses. In the 19th century, most sources for the lyrics do not include music, and those that do often include music different from what has become the standard melody. Cecil Sharp's \"Folk Songs from Somerset\" (1905) contains two different melodies for the song, both distinct from the now-standard melody. Since 1984, the cumulative costs of the items mentioned in the song have been used as a tongue-in-cheek economic indicator. Assuming the gifts are repeated in full", "psg_id": "9457979" }, { "title": "The Gift of Christmas (song)", "text": "remixes by Motiv 8, Not Loveland, Matt Darey, Beatmasters and Wand. The Gift of Christmas (song) \"The Gift of Christmas\" is a 1995 charity single by supergroup Childliners, with the proceeds of the single going to Childline. The song was written by Tony Mortimer of East 17. In a similar ilk to \"Do They Know It's Christmas?\" by Band Aid, the song features popular chart acts such as MN8, Boyzone, East 17, Backstreet Boys, Dannii Minogue, Peter Andre and more. It peaked at number 9 on the UK Singles Chart, number 10 in Ireland and number 7 in Scotland. A", "psg_id": "20527082" }, { "title": "What Does It Take (Dave Days song)", "text": "What Does It Take (Dave Days song) \"What Does It Take\" is a song by American singer Dave Days. It served as the third and final single from his 2010 EP \"Dinner and a Movie\". It is one of Dave's most recognizable songs, and was also played on Disney Channel's So Random!. The song's music video is set in a high school, where Dave realizes he has gotten the lead part in the school play. Amanda Lynn (Days' interest in the video) sees she has gotten the second lead, and runs to her boyfriend, who ignores her. Days and Lynn", "psg_id": "19095970" }, { "title": "1922 San Diego East-West Christmas Classic", "text": "1922 San Diego East-West Christmas Classic The 1922 San Diego East-West Christmas Classic was a college football postseason bowl game between the West Virginia Mountaineers and the Gonzaga Bulldogs. This was West Virginia's first bowl appearance as they tried to have their first ever 10 win season. The Bulldogs were on a four game winning streak, with four of those win in the state of Washington. West Virginia took a lead on Nick Nardacci's 12 yard touchdown run, the only score in the first quarter. Russ Meredith returned an interception 80 yards to make the score 14-0 at halftime. Jack", "psg_id": "18924839" }, { "title": "12 Tiny Christmas Tales", "text": "12 Tiny Christmas Tales 12 Tiny Christmas Tales (stylized onscreen as 12 tiny Christmas tales) is an American Christmas animated short film, that which was broadcast on Cartoon Network on December 7, 2001. It was created, animated and directed by Bill Plympton. A grandmother tells her three grandchildren increasing bizarre stories of Christmas. The stories are based on eight-panel sequences from Christmas cards Plympton began drawing for his parents in 1964. In this film there are nine original songs, which were written and executive-produced by Maureen McElheron. Hank Bones instead served as a producer. Finally, \"Kalinka\" was the only famous", "psg_id": "17424353" }, { "title": "Twelve Days of Christmas", "text": "Elizabethan England, when decorations were left up until Candlemas; this is still done in some other Western European countries such as Germany. In the United States, Christmas Day is a federal holiday which holds additional religious significance for Christians. The traditions of the Twelve Days of Christmas have been nearly forgotten in the United States. Contributing factors include the popularity of the stories of Charles Dickens in nineteenth-century America, with their emphasis on generous giving; introduction of secular traditions in the 19th and 20th centuries, e. g., the American Santa Claus; and increase in the popularity of secular New Year's", "psg_id": "2373316" }, { "title": "Twelve Days of Christmas", "text": "still celebrate some aspects of the Twelve Days of Christmas. Boxing Day, 26 December, is a national holiday in many Commonwealth nations. Victorian era stories by Charles Dickens, and others, particularly \"A Christmas Carol\", hold key elements of the celebrations such as the consumption of plum pudding, roasted goose and wassail. These foods are consumed more at the beginning of the Twelve Days in the UK. Twelfth Night is the last day for decorations to be taken down, and it is held to be bad luck to leave decorations up after this. This is in contrast to the custom in", "psg_id": "2373315" }, { "title": "25 Days of Christmas", "text": "30 airing of \"The Polar Express\" was watched by 1.5 million viewers, the highest rating of this year's \"Countdown\". A Saturday, November 28 airing of \"Wreck-It Ralph\" was also watched by 1.5 million viewers. The network premiere of \"Planes\" on Thanksgiving night garnered only 0.699 million viewers. The \"Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas\" schedule was released on October 22, 2016. In 2016, Freeform's first \"Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas\" will run from Thanksgiving Day, November 24, 2016 to December 25, 2016. The 2016 lineup includes family movies such as \"Toy Story\", \"Toy Story 2\", Disney Pixar's \"Toy Story", "psg_id": "10753652" }, { "title": "The 12 Days of Christine", "text": "Stranger. On Bonfire Night, Christine arrives home with Jack, who has burnt his hand. Marion finds that Jack is not injured, but says that Christine was burnt when she was Jack's age. It is Christmas, and Christine is having dinner with Marion, Ernie, Fung, Bobby and Adam. Christine unwraps her present to find an album of photos from her life. She says that she feels as if her life is flashing before her eyes, and then realises what is happening. Christine sits in a car wreck as emergency services attempt to free her. There are broken eggs from a shopping", "psg_id": "18695129" }, { "title": "25 Days of Christmas", "text": "first week of programming averaged 2.3 million viewers. In 2008, the first week of programming attracted 2.7 million total viewers. The entire lineup had an average 2.5 million viewers. The third annual \"Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas\" was watched by 1.2 million viewers. The network premiere of \"The Santa Clause 3\" was watched by 1.6 million viewers, while an airing of \"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire\" was watched by 1.5 million viewers. The premiere of \"\" was watched by 3.8 million total viewers. The fourth annual \"Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas\" was watched by 2.1 million", "psg_id": "10753657" }, { "title": "Christmas Tree (Lady Gaga song)", "text": "Christmas Tree (Lady Gaga song) \"Christmas Tree\" is a song by American singer Lady Gaga. It was released on December 16, 2008 for digital download. It was written and produced by Gaga, Martin Kierszenbaum, and Space Cowboy, who also provides guest vocals. Musically, \"Christmas Tree\" is a Christmas song with dance-pop and synthpop influences. It samples the classic Christmas song \"Deck the Halls\", as well as briefly using the lyrics \"Rum pum pum pum\" from the Christmas song \"The Little Drummer Boy\" in its intro. Lyrically, the song uses sexual innuendos. The song received mixed reviews from music critics, with", "psg_id": "13995962" }, { "title": "The Christmas Shoes (song)", "text": "The Christmas Shoes (song) \"The Christmas Shoes\" is a Christmas-themed song by the Christian vocal group NewSong. The song was released through Benson Records as a bonus track on their 2000 album \"Sheltering Tree\", at the urging of popular St. Louis and syndicated radio personality, D.C. of Steve & DC fame. D.C. also co-wrote and co-produced the hit single in the Summer of 2000. and it reached No. 31 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Songs chart. \"The Christmas Shoes\" spent one week at No. 1 on the Adult Contemporary chart and No. 42 on the Hot 100 chart. It was", "psg_id": "12870722" }, { "title": "25 Days of Christmas", "text": "Allen classic \"The Santa Clause\" with limited commercials gained 2.9 million viewers. Christmas Eve ratings on the network saw ratings of \"The Polar Express\" at 2.2 million, \"Home Alone\" at 2.7 million, and \"National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation\" and \"Elf\" each at more than 4 million each. The holiday airings of \"Pretty Little Liars\" gained 2 million viewers while \"Chasing Life\" gained 1.2 million. The comedies of \"Melissa and Joey\" and \"Baby Daddy\" gained 1 million and 800,000 viewers respectively. In 2015 the highest rated event was an airing of \"Elf\" on December 5 at 3.7mil, and another airing on December", "psg_id": "10753661" }, { "title": "What Were We Thinking Of", "text": "Go?\", which is also featured on the parent album. A pop song, the track is about the end of a relationship that has soured over time. Critically, the song was well-received with several music critics calling it one of the best tracks on \"Till I Loved You\". On \"Billboard\"s Adult Contemporary chart in the United States, \"What Were We Thinking Of\" peaked at number 32. \"What Were We Thinking Of\" was taken from Streisand's 25th studio album, \"Till I Loved You\" (1988). The song was written by Antonina Armato and Scott Cutler, and among the first ones to be penned", "psg_id": "20301169" }, { "title": "Better Days (song)", "text": "for the song was filmed in Malibu, California. Better Days (song) \"Better Days\" is a song recorded by the Goo Goo Dolls. It was released in September 2005 as the first single off the album, \"Let Love In\". The song peaked at number 36 on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart, and also rose up to number 3 on the Billboard Hot Adult Top 40 Tracks chart. The song was originally performed for a Target store-branded Christmas album; the song, in a rare occurrence for a general pop song, makes several references to Christmas, including a direct reference to \"the", "psg_id": "6782857" }, { "title": "30 Days (The Saturdays song)", "text": "30 Days (The Saturdays song) \"30 Days\" is a song by English-Irish girl group The Saturdays. It was released as the lead single from their fourth studio album, \"Living for the Weekend\" (2013). The single is their thirteenth release. It was released on 14 May 2012 in the UK and on 11 May 2012 in Ireland. The single debuted at number seven on UK Singles Chart, confirmed by the Official Charts Company. Rochelle Wiseman explained the concept of the single, \"It’s a really amazing, catchy song but the sentiment behind it is being all excited and counting down the days", "psg_id": "12797169" } ]
[ "pipers piping" ]
for a point each, name the 5 countries that share a border with the nation that declared war on the united states on december 13, 1941: romania
[ { "title": "Italian declaration of war on the United States", "text": "Italian declaration of war on the United States On December 11, 1941, Italy declared war on the United States in response to that country's declaration of war upon the Empire of Japan following the attack on Pearl Harbor four days earlier. Germany also declared war on the U.S. the same day. The US immediately responded by declaring war on Germany and Italy, thus thrusting the United States in fighting two major fronts across the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans in World War II. On December 7, 1941, 353 aircraft of the Empire of Japan attacked the U.S. naval base at Pearl", "psg_id": "18301994" }, { "title": "United States declaration of war upon Bulgaria", "text": "United States declaration of war upon Bulgaria On June 5, 1942, the United States Congress declared war upon Bulgaria. Bulgaria was neutral during 1939-1941, but on March 1, 1941, Bulgaria signed the Tripartite Pact and officially joined the Axis bloc. Following this, the Bulgarian government declared war on the United Kingdom and the United States on December 13, 1941. The United States officially declared war on Bulgaria on June 5, 1942. The capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, and other Bulgarian cities, were bombed by Allied aircraft in 1943 and 1944. , the declarations of war against Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania are", "psg_id": "14740188" }, { "title": "Italian declaration of war on the United States", "text": "say to you, and you will understand, that it is a privilege to fight with them. Today, the Tripartite Pact, with the plenitude of its forces and its moral and material resources, is a formidable instrument for the war and a certainty for victory. Tomorrow, the Tripartite Pact will become an instrument of just peace between the peoples. Italians! Once more arise and be worthy of this historical hour! We shall win. Italian declaration of war on the United States On December 11, 1941, Italy declared war on the United States in response to that country's declaration of war upon", "psg_id": "18301998" }, { "title": "First engagement of neutral United States in World War II before the attack on Pearl Harbor", "text": "first American-caused casualties occurred on 7 December 1941 when the attacked and sank a Japanese midget submarine near the entrance to Pearl Harbor prior to the commencement of the Japanese air attack upon Hawaii later that day. As a result of the attack on Hawaii, America declared war on Japan on 8 December 1941. Germany and Italy declared war on the United States three days later. The first planned offensive action by the United States in World War II came in January 1942 when the aircraft carrier attacked Japanese bases in the Marshall Islands. First engagement of neutral United States", "psg_id": "4457447" }, { "title": "Western Allied Campaign in Romania", "text": "Western Allied Campaign in Romania The Western Allied Campaign in Romania consisted of war declarations and aerial operations during the Second World War by 8 Western Allied countries against Romania which itself was primarily engaged on the Eastern Front in fighting against the Soviet Union. Romania declared war on the British Empire on 6 December 1941 and on the United States on 12 December. The British returned the war declaration that December, however the Americans only did so in the summer of 1942. Two American allies, Nicaragua and Haiti, declared war on Romania on 19 and 24 December respectively. Romania", "psg_id": "20876470" }, { "title": "Italian declaration of war on the United States", "text": "Harbor and inflicted mass destruction to American life and property, beginning a war between Japan and the United States. On December 8, 1941, the U.S. declared war upon Japan in response to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Three days later, Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini, made his declaration first - from the balcony over the Piazza Venezia in Rome - pledging the \"powers of the pact of steel\" were determined to win. Then Adolf Hitler made his announcement at the Reichstag in Berlin saying he had tried to avoid direct conflict with the U.S. but, under the Tripartite Pact signed", "psg_id": "18301995" }, { "title": "United States declaration of war on Japan", "text": "United States declaration of war on Japan On December 8, 1941, the United States Congress declared war () on the Empire of Japan in response to that country's surprise attack on Pearl Harbor the prior day. It was formulated an hour after the \"Infamy Speech\" of US President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Japan had sent a message to the United States to its embassy in Washington earlier, but because of problems at the embassy in decoding the very long message – the high-security level assigned to the declaration meant that only personnel with very high clearances could decode it, which slowed", "psg_id": "14740058" }, { "title": "Declaration of war by the United States", "text": "the five wars in which the United States has formally declared war against eleven foreign nations. The only country against which the United States has declared war more than once is Germany, against which the United States has declared war twice (though a case could be made for Hungary as a successor state to Austria-Hungary). In World War II, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Germany and Italy, led respectively by Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, declared war on the United States, and the U.S. Congress responded in kind. In other instances, the United States has engaged", "psg_id": "2606415" }, { "title": "1941 in the United States", "text": "average for the season is not the single season record for baseball, no player has hit .400 or better since. 1941 in the United States Events from the year 1941 in the United States. At the end of this year, the United States officially enters World War II by declaring war on the Empire of Japan following the attack on Pearl Harbor. Baseball fans across the nation witnessed not one, but two of the most amazing individual efforts and achievements the game has ever known. The two measures recorded during the 1941 campaign both stand to this day and are", "psg_id": "13923709" }, { "title": "German declaration of war against the United States", "text": "German declaration of war against the United States On 11 December 1941, four days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the United States declaration of war against the Japanese Empire, Nazi Germany declared war against the United States, in response to what was claimed to be a series of provocations by the United States government when the US was still officially neutral during World War II. The decision to declare war was made by Adolf Hitler, apparently offhand, almost without consultation. Later that day, the United States declared war on Germany. The course of relations between Germany and", "psg_id": "17587118" }, { "title": "1941 in the United States", "text": "1941 in the United States Events from the year 1941 in the United States. At the end of this year, the United States officially enters World War II by declaring war on the Empire of Japan following the attack on Pearl Harbor. Baseball fans across the nation witnessed not one, but two of the most amazing individual efforts and achievements the game has ever known. The two measures recorded during the 1941 campaign both stand to this day and are regarded by practically all, even the most casual of fans, to be unattainable in the game today. 1941 saw the", "psg_id": "13923707" }, { "title": "German declaration of war against the United States", "text": "in a state of war with the United States of America. Accept, Mr. Charge d'Affaires, the expression of my high consideration. December 11, 1941. RIBBENTROP. Notes Bibliography German declaration of war against the United States On 11 December 1941, four days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the United States declaration of war against the Japanese Empire, Nazi Germany declared war against the United States, in response to what was claimed to be a series of provocations by the United States government when the US was still officially neutral during World War II. The decision to declare war", "psg_id": "17587141" }, { "title": "Japanese declaration of war on the United States and the British Empire", "text": "Japanese declaration of war on the United States and the British Empire The declaration of war by the Empire of Japan on the United States and the British Empire was published on December 8, 1941 (Japan time; December 7 in the United States), after Japanese forces had executed an attack on the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor and attacks on British forces in Malaya, Singapore, and Hong Kong. The declaration of war was printed on the front page of all Japanese newspapers' evening editions on December 8. The document was subsequently printed again on the eighth day of", "psg_id": "11233188" }, { "title": "Japanese declaration of war on the United States and the British Empire", "text": "as a pretext for imperialism. In response, the U.S. imposed an oil embargo on Japan in August 1941 to stop aiding their aggression in Asia and to contain Japanese actions such as their war crimes in Nanking. Japan saw this as a hostile and provocative act, and retaliated with the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the declarations of war on the US and the British Empire. Japanese declaration of war on the United States and the British Empire The declaration of war by the Empire of Japan on the United States and the British Empire was published on December 8,", "psg_id": "11233190" }, { "title": "Bulgaria–United States relations", "text": "up to the Aegean Coast, including the islands of Thasos and Samothrace. Bulgaria did not participate in the German attack on the Soviet Union in June 1941, and did not break diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. In December 1941, after Germany declared war on the United States, Bulgaria followed the German lead. On December 13, 1941, Bulgaria broke diplomatic relations and declared war on the United States. The United States did not immediately declare war on Bulgaria, however. Only in June 1942, did President Roosevelt call for a declaration of War. On June 2, 1942, President Roosevelt sent the", "psg_id": "10750463" }, { "title": "Western Allied Campaign in Romania", "text": "promptly returned these declarations. Four British allies also declared war on Romania: Canada (7 December), New Zealand (7 December), Australia (8 December), and South Africa (9 December). However, Romania never returned these declarations (likely because the four countries were seen as British subjects by the Romanian leadership). Having declared war on Romania on 5 June 1942, the first attack on Romanian territory was conducted by the United States Army Air Forces on 12 June. Ten B-24 Liberators attacked the Romanian oil refineries at Ploiești, two attacked unidentified targets and one attacked the port of Constanța. The damage inflicted was negligible", "psg_id": "20876471" }, { "title": "United States declaration of war on Japan", "text": "as required by diplomatic traditions. The United Kingdom declared war on Japan nine hours before the US did, partially due to Japanese attacks on the British colonies of Malaya, Singapore, and Hong Kong; and partially due to Winston Churchill's promise to declare war \"within the hour\" of a Japanese attack on the United States. President Roosevelt formally requested the declaration in his Infamy Speech, addressed to a joint session of Congress and the nation at 12:30 p.m. on December 8. The declaration was quickly brought to a vote; it passed the Senate, and then passed the House at 1:10 p.m.", "psg_id": "14740061" }, { "title": "The Birth of a Nation", "text": "At its premiere the film was entitled \"The Clansman;\" the title was later changed to \"The Birth of a Nation\" to reflect Griffith's belief that the United States emerged from the American Civil War and Reconstruction as a unified nation. Although \"The Birth of a Nation\" is commonly regarded as a landmark for its dramatic and visual innovations, its use of music was arguably no less revolutionary. Though film was still silent at the time, it was common practice to distribute musical cue sheets, or less commonly, full scores (usually for organ or piano accompaniment) along with each print of", "psg_id": "33731" }, { "title": "Locations in the United States with a Welsh name", "text": "Locations in the United States with a Welsh name This is list of locations in the United States named after places in Wales. A number of places in the U.S have been named after places in Wales by Welsh settlers and explorers. and are mainly in the 13 eastern states which used to be the Thirteen Colonies in the British Empire. A number of US towns such as Newport and Newtown maybe named after the similarly names Welsh towns or may have been named solely because of their location. Only those places where there is an evidential link with Wales", "psg_id": "19775464" }, { "title": "World War II by country", "text": "II until the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Thus, in late 1941, Haiti declared war on Japan (8 December), Germany (12 December), Italy (12 December), Bulgaria (24 December), Hungary (24 December) and Romania (24 December). Out of these six Axis countries, only Romania reciprocated, declaring war on Haiti on the same day (24 December 1941). Haiti gave food supplies to Allied forces and hosted a detachment of the United States Coast Guard but did not contribute troops, however \"five\" Haitians from the Haitian Air Force were integrated into the U.S. military (Tuskegee Airmen division) and fought in the war. The President", "psg_id": "4432467" }, { "title": "Military history of the United States during World War II", "text": "Congress on 8 December 1941. The motion passed with only one vote against it, in both chambers. Just three days later, on 11 December 1941 Adolf Hitler declared war on the United States, and had already remarked on the evening of the date of the Japanese attack that \"We can't lose the war at all. We now have an ally which has never been conquered in 3,000 years\". Within hours of Pearl Harbor Japanese air forces from Formosa destroyed much of the U.S. Far East Air Force, based near Manila. The Japanese army invaded and trapped the American and Filipino", "psg_id": "7529913" }, { "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor", "text": "Japan, but the lack of any formal warning, particularly while negotiations were still apparently ongoing, led President Franklin D. Roosevelt to proclaim December 7, 1941, \"a date which will live in infamy\". Because the attack happened without a declaration of war and without explicit warning, the attack on Pearl Harbor was later judged in the Tokyo Trials to be a war crime. War between Japan and the United States had been a possibility that each nation had been aware of, and planned for, since the 1920s. The relationship between the two countries was cordial enough that they remained trading partners.", "psg_id": "703918" }, { "title": "Locations in the United States with a Welsh name", "text": "are included here. Locations in the United States with a Welsh name This is list of locations in the United States named after places in Wales. A number of places in the U.S have been named after places in Wales by Welsh settlers and explorers. and are mainly in the 13 eastern states which used to be the Thirteen Colonies in the British Empire. A number of US towns such as Newport and Newtown maybe named after the similarly names Welsh towns or may have been named solely because of their location. Only those places where there is an evidential", "psg_id": "19775465" }, { "title": "The Voice that Challenged a Nation", "text": "positive reviews. It has been praised for Freedman's description of Anderson's trajectory through text and various black and white images. Roger Sutton of \"Horn Book Magazine\" gives credit to Freedman for depicting Anderson's \"accomplishments of an individual as both an actor in and an emblem of her time.\" \"School Library Journal\" declares the book to be \"an important volume for all students of music, biography, and history.\" It received both a Newbery Honor Book award and a Sibert Medal in 2005. The Voice that Challenged a Nation The Voice That Challenged a Nation: Marian Anderson and the Struggle for Equal", "psg_id": "18412315" }, { "title": "The Voice that Challenged a Nation", "text": "The Voice that Challenged a Nation The Voice That Challenged a Nation: Marian Anderson and the Struggle for Equal Rights is a 2004 children's nonfiction book by Russell Freedman. It received both a Sibert Medal and a Newbery Honor Book award in 2005. The book tells the story of Marian Anderson, an African-American contralto, who during her journey to establishing a singing career, inadvertently became an activist for equal rights. From an early age, Marian Anderson displayed a natural talent for singing. As a child, she sang in church and in other local events where she would earn up to", "psg_id": "18412310" }, { "title": "Japanese declaration of war on the United States and the British Empire", "text": "each month throughout the war (until Japan surrendered in 1945), to re-affirm the resolve for the war. Below is the text to the declaration of the war with the boldened texts released in the name of the Emperor of Japan: The document declares the war against the United States and British Empire, discusses their presumed disruptive actions against Empire of Japan's foreign policy and states that all avenues for averting war have been exhausted from the Government of Japan. Japan had invaded much of East Asia to create what they called the \"Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere\", now largely viewed", "psg_id": "11233189" }, { "title": "History of the United States Army", "text": "predecessor, combining Regular Army, National Guard, and conscript forces into one fighting unit. The Army of the United States also incorporated Reserve forces. The Army fought World War II with more flexible divisions, consisting of three infantry regiments of three infantry battalions each. From the point of view of soldiers, most of their time was spent in training in the United States, with large numbers going overseas in 1944. The United States entered World War II after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. On the European front, U.S. Army troops formed a significant portion of the forces", "psg_id": "12889877" }, { "title": "Bulgaria–Romania border", "text": "two countries, albeit often jointly (once per crossing). Bulgaria–Romania border The Bulgaria–Romania border is the state border between Bulgaria and Romania. For most of its length, the border follows the course of the lower Danube River up until the town of Silistra, where the river continues north into the Romanian territory. East of that point, the land border passes through the historical region of Dobruja, dividing it into Northern Dobruja in Romania and Southern Dobruja in Bulgaria. The Bulgaria–Romania border is an internal border of the European Union. However, as of neither country is part of the Schengen Area. As", "psg_id": "20309579" }, { "title": "Criticism of the War on Terror", "text": "the U.S. violated international law, including the UN Charter and the Nuremberg principles, therefore committing a war of aggression, which is considered a war crime. Additional criticism raised the point that the United States might have set a precedent, under the premise of which any nation could justify the invasion of other states. Richard N. Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, argues that on the eve of U.S. intervention in 2003, Iraq represented, at best, a gathering threat and not an imminent one. In hindsight he notes that Iraq did not even represent a gathering threat. \"The decision", "psg_id": "3410280" }, { "title": "Territories of the United States on stamps", "text": "Territories of the United States on stamps Territories of the United States on stamps discusses commemorative postal issues devoted to lands that have been ceded to the nation or purchased by treaty in conjunction with both war and peace. Thirteen states have been created from colonial territories, two from independent republics, four from previous states in the Union, and an additional thirty-one from United States territories. Many aspects of acquisition, settlement and exploration have been celebrated on postage stamps. These are represented below in issues that appeared prior to 1978 (the images of subsequent stamps remain under copyright by the", "psg_id": "17936049" }, { "title": "Territories of the United States on stamps", "text": "a 3-cent stamp the same size and shape as Special Delivery on September 22, 1933. Intended for the collectors' market alone, the 'philatelic mail' with this stamp was carried by the expedition and postmarked at the Little America post office, the expedition's base camp. Territories of the United States on stamps Territories of the United States on stamps discusses commemorative postal issues devoted to lands that have been ceded to the nation or purchased by treaty in conjunction with both war and peace. Thirteen states have been created from colonial territories, two from independent republics, four from previous states in", "psg_id": "17936106" }, { "title": "Migrant deaths along the Mexico–United States border", "text": "caused tension between the United States and other countries, particularly Mexico and the countries of Central America, from where a majority of illegal immigrants that enter the United States through the Southwestern borders come. Foreign consulates across the Southwest United States, in particular those of Latin American countries, have condemned the deaths of illegal immigrants across the border. Migrant deaths along the Mexico–United States border Migrant deaths along the Mexico–U.S. border occur hundreds of times a year because of those attempting to cross into the United States from Mexico illegally. The US Border Patrol reported 294 migrant deaths in the", "psg_id": "3121192" }, { "title": "Army of the United States", "text": "component was formally activated in February 1941. It was legally considered the successor to the National Army. The Army of the United States saw a major expansion following the 7 December 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. On 13 December 1941, legislation provided that personnel inducted into the United States Army under the terms of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 were, both retroactively and from that date on, considered to be serving in the Army of the United States. The first commissioned officers serving in the Army of the United States were appointed from the Regular Army. The", "psg_id": "5484091" }, { "title": "Consequences of the attack on Pearl Harbor", "text": "no alternative; in any case, had an acceptable settlement of differences been reached, the Carrier Striking Task Force could have been called back. On December 11, 1941, Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy declared war on the United States, and the United States reciprocated, formally entering the war in Europe. German dictator Adolf Hitler and Italian dictator Benito Mussolini were under no obligation to declare war on the United States under the mutual defense terms of the Tripartite Pact until the US counterattacked Japan. However, relations between the European Axis Powers and the United States had deteriorated since 1937. On December", "psg_id": "11061333" }, { "title": "Hungary–United States relations", "text": "United States established bilateral relations through a legation in Budapest established in 1921. The first American ambassador to Hungary (Theodore Brentano) was appointed on February 10, 1922. Diplomatic relations were interrupted at the outbreak of World War II. Hungary severed relations with the U.S. on December 11, 1941, when the United States declared war on Germany. Two days later, on December 13, Hungary declared war on the United States. The embassy was closed and diplomatic personnel returned to the U.S. Normal bilateral relations between Hungary and the U.S. were resumed in December 1945 when a U.S. ambassador was appointed and", "psg_id": "11633631" }, { "title": "Environmental issues along the Mexico–United States border", "text": "responsibility for their border area and have the right to raise concerns if one state's environmental hazards linger into the other. The agreement highlights that both countries have the responsibility of coordinating with one another in the creation of national programs, scientific and educational exchanges, environmental monitoring, environmental impact assessment, and periodic exchanges of information and data on pollution sources in their respective territory. The information collected is then exchanged between each country every year at an annual meeting. The host nation alternates between the two countries. The collection of data is at the expense of each country. In consensus", "psg_id": "19952170" }, { "title": "The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century", "text": "ally to some Central and Eastern European countries, all of whom will be dedicated to resisting Russian geopolitical threats during this period. Friedman speculates in the book that the United States will probably become a close ally of some Eastern European countries: Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania. Around 2015, a Polish-led military alliance of countries in Eastern Europe will begin to form, which is referred to in the book as the \"Polish Bloc.\" In the early 2020s, the New Cold War will end when the economic strain and political pressure on Russia, coupled with Russia's declining population,", "psg_id": "15561010" }, { "title": "Military history of the United States during World War II", "text": "The USS \"Reuben James\" was sunk by \"U-552\" on 31 October 1941. On 11 December 1941, Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany , the same day that the United States declared war on Germany and Italy. The established grand strategy of the Allies was to defeat Germany and its allies in Europe first, and then focus could shift towards Japan in the Pacific. This was because two of the Allied capitals (London and Moscow) could be directly threatened by Germany, but none of the major Allied capitals were threatened by Japan. Germany was the United Kingdom's primary threat, especially after the", "psg_id": "7529844" }, { "title": "Declaration of war by the United States", "text": "was declared against Axis-allied Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania, because President Franklin Roosevelt thought it was improper to engage in hostilities against a country without a formal declaration of war. Since then, every American president has used military force without a declaration of war. This article will use the term \"formal declaration of war\" to mean Congressional legislation that uses the phrase \"declaration of war\" in the title. Elsewhere, this article will use the terms \"authorized by Congress,\" \"funded by Congress\" or \"undeclared war\" to describe other such conflicts. The United States has formally declared war against foreign nations five separate", "psg_id": "2606412" }, { "title": "Effect of World War I on children in the United States", "text": "of education, which would keep curriculums similar and promote a unified nation among students. For example, the national government changed textbooks to portray the American Revolution in a way that didn't make Britain look like the bad guys. This was important because the United States allied with Great Britain. Starting as early as the elementary level, patriotic and pro-war lessons were instituted in public schools. They included things such as weekly fifteen-minute periods on patriotism for first and second grades. They stressed that teachers instruct the children so that they viewed the war in a positive manner and portrayed war", "psg_id": "14253791" }, { "title": "German prisoners of war in the United Kingdom", "text": "changed dramatically following the Desert War. The United States had been at war with Germany since December 1941, and in late 1942 British and American forces began a joint campaign against German and Italian troops in North Africa. These Axis forces finally surrendered in May 1943, leaving the Allies with around 260,000 enemy prisoners of war on their hands. About half of these POWs were German, half Italian. The United States and Britain had previously agreed that in any joint operations they would share prisoners on a 50-50 basis, regardless of which nation’s army had actually captured the individual soldiers", "psg_id": "19475263" }, { "title": "United States declaration of war on Japan", "text": "comments and took refuge in a telephone booth until United States Capitol Police cleared the cloakroom. Two days later, a similar war declaration against Germany and Italy came to vote; Rankin abstained. Nine other women voted in favor of the declaration of war. Roosevelt signed the declaration at 4:10 p.m the same day. The power to declare war is assigned exclusively to Congress in the United States Constitution, making it an open question whether his signature was technically necessary. However, his signature was symbolically powerful and resolved any doubts. United States declaration of war on Japan On December 8, 1941,", "psg_id": "14740063" }, { "title": "United States declaration of war on Austria-Hungary", "text": "to the chargé d'affaires of the United States embassy in Vienna, that American diplomats depart the country. On December 4, 1917, Wilson appeared before Congress to deliver the 1917 State of the Union Address. In it, he requested a declaration of war against Austria-Hungary, stating such a declaration was necessary to \"clear away with a thorough hand all impediments to success\". Wilson went on to charge that Austria-Hungary was \"the vassal of the German government\" and was acting as the \"instrument of another nation\". Wilson's real impetus for seeking a war declaration against Austria, though, was the situation in Italy;", "psg_id": "19618692" }, { "title": "Declaration of war by the United States", "text": "considered a \"declaration of war\" nor does the Constitution itself use this term. In the courts, the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, in \"Doe v. Bush\", said: \"[T]he text of the October Resolution itself spells out justifications for a war and frames itself as an 'authorization' of such a war.\" in effect saying an authorization suffices for declaration and what some may view as a formal Congressional \"Declaration of War\" was not required by the Constitution. The last time the United States formally declared war, using specific terminology, on any nation was in 1942, when war", "psg_id": "2606411" }, { "title": "Governmental positions on the Iraq War prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq", "text": "Republic showed support for the US, saying that Saddam should not be allowed to violate U.N. resolutions. The statement went on to say that Saddam was a \"clear threat to world security\", and urged Europe to unite with the United States to ensure that the Iraqi regime is disarmed. Later, the Eastern European \"Vilnius ten\" countries, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia —all now members of the EU—, Albania, and the Republic of Macedonia issued another statement on Iraq, in general support of the US's position but not commenting on the possibility of a war without support of", "psg_id": "1549231" }, { "title": "Signing of the United States Declaration of Independence", "text": "Signing of the United States Declaration of Independence The signing of the United States Declaration of Independence occurred primarily on August 2, 1776 at the Pennsylvania State House, Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The 56 delegates to the Second Continental Congress represented the 13 former colonies which had declared themselves the \"United States of America,\" and they endorsed the Declaration of Independence which the Congress had approved on July 4, 1776. The Declaration proclaimed that the former Thirteen Colonies then at war with Great Britain were now a sovereign, independent nation and thus no longer a part of the British", "psg_id": "15717319" }, { "title": "Nowhere on the Border", "text": "Nowhere on the Border Nowhere on the Border is a one-act play written by American playwright Carlos Lacamara in response to the Immigration conflict. It was first performed in 2005. The play begins with a border vigilante called Gary Dobbs, who finds the body of a Hispanic man. The Border Patrol guard believes that the man is dead, although as he calls the Border Patrol the \"dead\" man wakes up sharply, startling the guard. He finds out that the man's name is Roberto Castillo and that he is looking for his 22-year-old daughter Pilar who walked into the Arizona Desert", "psg_id": "10504605" }, { "title": "German declaration of war against the United States", "text": "and in ever increasing measure all rules of neutrality in favor of the adversaries of Germany and having continually been guilty of the most severe provocations toward Germany ever since the outbreak of the European war, provoked by the British declaration of war against Germany on September 3, 1939, has finally resorted to open military acts of aggression. On September 11, 1941, the President of the United States publicly declared that he had ordered the American Navy and Air Force to shoot on sight at any German war vessel. In his speech of October 27, 1941, he once more expressly", "psg_id": "17587138" }, { "title": "Separation of church and state in the United States", "text": "Lord' 1783.\" In 1797, the United States Senate ratified a treaty with Tripoli that stated in Article 11: As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries. Historian Anson", "psg_id": "2977272" }, { "title": "Territorial evolution of the Confederate States", "text": "control over its territory over the next four years, culminating in total defeat in early 1865 and the formal dissolution of the government on May 5. The entire claimed area of the Confederate States was claimed by the United States. Territorial evolution of the Confederate States The Confederate States of America was created on February 8, 1861, by representatives from six states that had recently declared their secession from the United States of America, starting with South Carolina on December 20, 1860. After the start of the American Civil War on April 12, 1861, between the two countries, five additional", "psg_id": "20665832" }, { "title": "Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples", "text": "Indigenous Peoples\", setting out its objections to the Declaration. Most of these are based on the same points as the three other countries' rejections but, in addition, the United States drew attention to the Declaration's failure to provide a clear definition of exactly whom the term \"indigenous peoples\" is intended to cover. On 16 December 2010, President Obama declared that the United States would \"lend its support\" to the Declaration. The decision was announced during the second White House Tribal Nations Conference, where he said he is \"working hard to live up to\" the name that was given to him", "psg_id": "10897465" }, { "title": "Border irregularities of the United States", "text": "Border irregularities of the United States Border irregularities of the United States, particularly panhandles and highway incursions into other jurisdictions, are shown here. Often they are a result of borders which do not conform to geological features. There are several exclaves between the United States and Canada, including the entire state of Alaska (though the state can still be accessed by sea from the United States). Other exclaves include Akwesasne, the Northwest Angle, and Point Roberts. The status of the waters around Nunez Rocks is disputed. Nunez Rocks is a low-tide elevation (\"bare at half-tide\") area (LTE) that is south", "psg_id": "9326148" }, { "title": "The War That Came Early", "text": "The War That Came Early The War That Came Early is a six-volume<ref name=\"\"></ref> alternate history series by Harry Turtledove, in which World War II begins in 1938 over Czechoslovakia. The first volume, \"Hitler's War\", was released in hardcover in 2009 without a series title. Subsequently, the paperback edition was announced as \"The War That Came Early: Hitler's War\". The series is six volumes: In this series the initial point of divergence occurs on July 20, 1936 with Spanish Nationalist leader José Sanjurjo listening to his pilot's advice and changing the conditions of his flight back to Spain – thus", "psg_id": "13960344" }, { "title": "Name That Tune", "text": "Name That Tune Name That Tune is an American television game show that put two contestants against each other to test their knowledge of songs. Premiering in the United States on NBC Radio in 1952, the show was created and produced by Harry Salter and his wife Roberta. \"Name That Tune\" ran from 1953–59 on NBC and CBS in prime time. The first hosts were Red Benson and later Bill Cullen, but George DeWitt became most identified with the show. The series finished at #30 in the Nielsen ratings for the 1956–57 season. Richard Hayes also emceed a local edition", "psg_id": "2567311" }, { "title": "Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on America", "text": "Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on America Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on America () is a New York Times Bestseller by Yossef Bodansky, the former Director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare. The book provides a full account of the rise of Osama bin Laden and discusses Islamism. Bodansky concludes \"Ultimately, the quintessence of bin Laden's threat is his being a cog, albeit an important one, in a large system that will outlast his own demise -- state-sponsored international terrorism.\" The book details support from Sudan and Afghanistan but claims that", "psg_id": "8272389" }, { "title": "Canada–United States border", "text": "War of 1812. The U.S. federal government began to construct fortifications just south of the border at Rouses Point, New York, on Lake Champlain. After a significant portion of the construction was completed, measurements revealed that at that point, the actual 45th parallel was three-quarters of a mile (1.2 km) south of the surveyed line; the fort, which became known as \"Fort Blunder\", was in Canada. This created a dilemma for the United States that was not resolved until a provision of the treaty left the border on the meandering line as surveyed. The border along the Boundary Waters in", "psg_id": "3069014" }, { "title": "Military history of the United States during World War II", "text": "would then become an unconquerable fortress in Europe. The wound inflicted on the United States by Japan at Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941, did not result in a change in U.S. policy. Prime Minister Winston Churchill hastened to Washington shortly after Pearl Harbor for the Arcadia Conference to ensure that the Americans didn't have second thoughts about Europe First. The two countries reaffirmed that, \"notwithstanding the entry of Japan into the War, our view remains that Germany is still the prime enemy. And her defeat is the key to victory. Once Germany is defeated the collapse of Italy and", "psg_id": "7529847" }, { "title": "Public opinion in the United States on the invasion of Iraq", "text": "do you think the United States did the right thing in taking military action against Iraq, or not?\", 43% said it was the \"Right Thing\". A Newsweek poll was conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International on 9–10 November 2006. 1,006 adults were polled nationwide. When asked if the U.S. did the right thing by going into Iraq, 41% responded yes, 54% responded no, with 5% unsure. The margin of error was plus or minus 3%. A CNN poll taken on December 15–17, 2006, found that 67% polled opposed the war in Iraq, but that only and that a majority", "psg_id": "1549209" }, { "title": "Impact of the Korean War on the economy of the United States", "text": "benefits as the World War II G.I. Bill, including mustering-out pay, financial support for education, home and business loan guarantees, unemployment compensation, and job placement. Impact of the Korean War on the economy of the United States The impact of the Korean War on the Economy of the United States refers to the ways in which the American economy was affected by the Korean experience from 1950 to 1953. While the cost of the Korean War was less significant than that of World War II, it still changed the structure of the American growth as a result of its financing.", "psg_id": "17184705" }, { "title": "Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples", "text": "United States. Except for the Dominican Republic, the rest of those countries that abstained were colonial powers. The declaration was a milestone in the process of decolonization. In 2000, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Resolution 1514, UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 55/146 that declared 2001–2010 the Second International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism. This follows on from 1990–2000 having been the International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism. Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples The Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, also known as the United", "psg_id": "8336117" }, { "title": "The Voice that Challenged a Nation", "text": "and under-developed. Deeply affected by this, Marian refused to sing for months. After her hiatus, her vocal coach, Giuseppe Boghetti, entered her in a contest where Marian won, beating about 300 other contestants. Marian Anderson traveled overseas to England where she gained a newfound fanbase and found herself in a segregation-free environment. When she returned home she replaced her pianist—a good friend of Marian’s—and began working with a Finnish accompanist, Kosti Vehanen. This was a critical move for Marian’s career, to work professionally with a white man in the United States. In 1936 Marian was invited by First Lady Eleanor", "psg_id": "18412312" }, { "title": "Nowhere on the Border", "text": "from Mexico hoping to join her husband in the United States. Dobbs suspects that Castillo is a drug smuggler and decides to wait with him for the Border Patrol to come and check if his visa is real. Castillo explains that he isn't moving from that particular spot because he found a mutilated corpse and knew that if his daughter was found dead by someone, he would want someone to look after the body until someone came. He is sure that the body isn't his daughter because the man that smuggled her in said that if she died on the", "psg_id": "10504606" }, { "title": "The War That Came Early", "text": "cannot send ground troops through the intervening territory of Poland and Romania without risking war with these countries, a step for which Joseph Stalin is not yet ready. Czech soldiers offer tenacious and persistent resistance to the overwhelming German forces, with Prague and other cities heavily damaged and a great toll of civilian casualties; also the Skoda works and other industrial centers are totally destroyed, denying Germany use of them for its armament program later in the war. However, the Slovak Hlinka Guard stages a pro-Nazi rebellion, and many Slovak soldiers — even if not joining this uprising — fight", "psg_id": "13960350" }, { "title": "United States declaration of war on Japan", "text": "down the process – it was not delivered to the U.S. Secretary of State until after the Pearl Harbor attack. Following the U.S. declaration, Japan's allies, Germany and Italy, declared war on the United States, bringing the United States fully into World War II. The attack on Pearl Harbor took place before a declaration of war by Japan had been delivered to the United States. It was originally stipulated that the attack should not commence until thirty minutes after Japan had informed the US that it was withdrawing from further peace negotiations, but the attack began before the notice could", "psg_id": "14740059" }, { "title": "On the Border Mexican Grill & Cantina", "text": "On the Border Mexican Grill & Cantina On The Border Mexican Grill & Cantina is a chain of Tex-Mex food casual dining restaurants located in the United States and Puerto Rico, and recently opened in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and South Korea. The chain and brand name is owned by OTB Acquisition LLC. The first On The Border location opened on October 29, 1982 in Dallas Texas. On March 3, 2009, the chain lost its wholly owned subsidiary designation when it was merged into Brinker International as a company brand. In 2010, Brinker International sold On the Border", "psg_id": "7634502" }, { "title": "Consequences of the attack on Pearl Harbor", "text": "feelings against Japanese Americans. In February 1942, Roosevelt signed United States Executive Order 9066, requiring all Japanese Americans to submit themselves for internment. Propaganda made repeated use of the attack, because its effect was enormous and impossible to counter. \"Remember Pearl Harbor!\" became the watchwords of the war. The American government understated the damage inflicted, in hopes of preventing the Japanese from learning it, but the Japanese had, through surveillance, a good estimate. On December 8, 1941, Japan declared war on the United States and the British Empire. The Japanese document discussed world peace and the disruptive actions of the", "psg_id": "11061327" }, { "title": "The Mouse That Roared", "text": "has happened (with help from the five lines in his encyclopedia on The Duchy of Grand Fenwick and the Fenwickian flag left behind on a flagpole) and is both ashamed and astonished that the United States was unaware that it had been at war for two months. With the most powerful bomb in the world now in the smallest country in the world, other countries are quick to react, with the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom offering their support. With the world at the tiny country's mercy, Duchess Gloriana, the leader of Grand Fenwick, lists her terms: all the", "psg_id": "4241760" }, { "title": "United States at the 1932 Summer Olympics", "text": "scores still counted for the individual all-around competition. Apparatus and all-around events received separate scores. Wrestlers who accumulated 5 \"bad points\" were eliminated. Points were given as follows: 1 point for victories short of a fall and 3 points for every loss. United States at the 1932 Summer Olympics The United States was the host nation for the 1932 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, California. 474 competitors, 400 men and 74 women, took part in 122 events in 17 sports. The team event was declared void as no nation completed the course with three riders. For the team event, the", "psg_id": "7696963" }, { "title": "What Is a Nation?", "text": "the stage for nationalism. Renan also asserts that neither language nor religion are basis for solidarity because language “invites people to unite, but does not force them to do so” and \"religion has become an individual matter\" For example, the United States and England both speak English but do not constitute a single, united nation and countries no longer operate on the notion of religions operating against each other, forcing people to choose between one or the other. Renan noted that a unique element of the European nation-forming experience was the mixture of races, origins and religions, where conquering people", "psg_id": "15237575" }, { "title": "Iraq War and the War on Terror", "text": "only a small problem or not a problem at all. These include most of the African countries polled, some Eastern European countries, as well as several Asian countries (including China). Iraq War and the War on Terror President of the United States George W. Bush consistently referred to the Iraq War as \"the central front in the War on Terror\", and argued that if the U.S. pulled out of Iraq, \"terrorists will follow us here.\" While other proponents of the war have regularly echoed this assertion, as the conflict has dragged on, members of the U.S. Congress, the American public,", "psg_id": "10667362" }, { "title": "The War That Came Early", "text": "in Germany. Hitler is killed and Germany is plunged into a civil war. As the new German government negotiates peace with the Allied powers, Germany retreats from most of the territories it conquered, but the British and French allow Germany to retain rule over what was Czechoslovakia - even though the German invasion of that country was their original reason to go to war. The Baltic states and the Vilnius region become part of the USSR, while in the other parts of Eastern Europe the pre-war anti-Communist dictators retain their rule - such as Ion Antonescu in Romania and Miklós", "psg_id": "13960389" }, { "title": "Impact of the Korean War on the economy of the United States", "text": "Impact of the Korean War on the economy of the United States The impact of the Korean War on the Economy of the United States refers to the ways in which the American economy was affected by the Korean experience from 1950 to 1953. While the cost of the Korean War was less significant than that of World War II, it still changed the structure of the American growth as a result of its financing. The Korean War boosted GDP growth through government spending, which in turn constrained investment and consumption. While taxes were raised significantly to finance the war,", "psg_id": "17184696" }, { "title": "Mexico–United States border", "text": "fertile lands along the rivers in both countries. The Rio Grande frequently meanders along the Texas–Mexico border. As a result, the United States and Mexico have a treaty by which the Rio Grande is maintained as the border, with new cut-offs and islands being transferred to the other nation as necessary. The U.S. states along the border, from west to east, are California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. The Mexican states along the border are Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas. Among the U.S. states, Texas has the longest stretch of the border with Mexico, while California", "psg_id": "6140355" }, { "title": "A Nation on Trial", "text": "participated in murdering Jews; and that \"genocidal\" antisemitism was a uniquely Nazi ideology that had no historical antecedents in Germany. Critics of Goldhagen, in this case Finkelstein and Birn, argue that \"Hitler's Willing Executioners\" exaggerates the knowledge and involvement of \"ordinary Germans\" in the Holocaust. A Nation on Trial A Nation on Trial: The Goldhagen Thesis and Historical Truth is a 1998 book by Norman Finkelstein and Ruth Bettina Birn. The book contains one essay by each author criticizing Daniel Goldhagen's thesis about the primary causes of the Holocaust, detailed in his 1996 book \"Hitler's Willing Executioners\". Goldhagen's book aimed", "psg_id": "16646436" }, { "title": "On the Border Mexican Grill & Cantina", "text": "of fresh guacamole tableside. On the Border Mexican Grill & Cantina On The Border Mexican Grill & Cantina is a chain of Tex-Mex food casual dining restaurants located in the United States and Puerto Rico, and recently opened in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and South Korea. The chain and brand name is owned by OTB Acquisition LLC. The first On The Border location opened on October 29, 1982 in Dallas Texas. On March 3, 2009, the chain lost its wholly owned subsidiary designation when it was merged into Brinker International as a company brand. In 2010, Brinker International", "psg_id": "7634504" }, { "title": "Birthright citizenship in the United States", "text": "There are special provisions governing children born in some current and former U.S. territories or possessions, including Puerto Rico, the Panama Canal Zone, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands. For example, states that \"All persons born in Puerto Rico [between] April 11, 1899, and ... January 13, 1941 ... residing on January 13, 1941, in Puerto Rico ... [and] persons born in Puerto Rico on or after January 13, 1941, ... are citizens of the United States at birth.\" According to persons born (or found, and of unknown parentage, under the age of 5) in an outlying", "psg_id": "8985087" }, { "title": "United States declaration of war on Austria-Hungary", "text": "United States declared war against Germany. The declaration of war was enacted at the request of president of the United States Woodrow Wilson by a vote of both chambers of the U.S. Congress, with the U.S. House of Representatives voting 373 to 50 (nine not voting) in favor of war and the U.S. Senate voting 82 to six. In his speech to Congress requesting that war be declared against Germany, Wilson addressed the question of Austria-Hungary, which was an ally of Germany: Two days later, Austria-Hungary terminated diplomatic relations with the United States and requested, in a diplomatic note delivered", "psg_id": "19618691" }, { "title": "Environmental issues along the Mexico–United States border", "text": "to border policy changes which contribute to environmental disparities between these neighboring borders. On August 14, 1983, the United States and Mexico entered into the United States–Mexico Agreement on Cooperation for the Protection and Improvement of the Environment in the Border Area, known as the La Paz Agreement. The agreement aims to protect and conserve the environment along the border. The agreement sets forth the responsibilities of both parties to prevent and control air, water, and land pollution in the border area. This agreement is made in accordance to each country's laws. The agreement entails that both parties must take", "psg_id": "19952169" }, { "title": "International public opinion on the war in Afghanistan", "text": "a clear idea of what the war is about. Outside the United States international public opinion has been largely opposed to the war. In a 47-nation June 2007 survey of global public opinion, the Pew Global Attitudes Project found considerable opposition to NATO operations. In 4 out of the 47 countries surveyed was there a majority that favoured keeping troops: the U.S. (50%), Israel (59%), Ghana (50%), and Kenya (60%). In 41 of the 47 countries, pluralities want NATO troops out as soon as possible. In 32 out of 47 countries, majorities want NATO troops out as soon as possible.", "psg_id": "12711492" }, { "title": "Foreign policy of the United States", "text": "of 27 countries on the Commitment to Development Index. The CDI ranks the 27 richest donor countries on their policies that affect the developing world. In the aid component the United States is penalized for low net aid volume as a share of the economy, a large share of tied or partially tied aid, and a large share of aid given to less poor and relatively undemocratic governments. Foreign aid is a highly partisan issue in the United States, with liberals, on average, supporting foreign aid much more than conservatives do. As of 2016, the United States is actively conducting", "psg_id": "93045" }, { "title": "Flag of the Cherokee Nation", "text": "Flag of the Cherokee Nation The Cherokee Nation is the largest of three Cherokee federally recognized tribes in the United States. First recognized under the Roosevelt administration in 1941, it drafted a constitution, under the name \"Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma\", ratified in 1976 It uses an orange flag designed by Stanley John, approved by the Tribal Council on 9 October 1978. The flag consists of an orange field with the \"Great Seal of the Cherokee Nation\" in the center. The seal is surrounded by seven yellow stars with seven points. Each of these stars points toward the star in the", "psg_id": "7270403" }, { "title": "A Nation on Trial", "text": "A Nation on Trial A Nation on Trial: The Goldhagen Thesis and Historical Truth is a 1998 book by Norman Finkelstein and Ruth Bettina Birn. The book contains one essay by each author criticizing Daniel Goldhagen's thesis about the primary causes of the Holocaust, detailed in his 1996 book \"Hitler's Willing Executioners\". Goldhagen's book aimed to dispel several popular notions about the scope of German complicity in the Holocaust, which Goldhagen regards to be myths. These \"myths\" include: the notion that most Germans did not know about the Holocaust; that only the SS, and not average members of the Wehrmacht,", "psg_id": "16646435" }, { "title": "War savings stamps of the United States", "text": "War Savings Certificate stamp, which was worth 5 dollars at maturity on January 1, 1923. These stamps needed to be affixed to an engraved folder called the War Savings Certificate, which carried the name of the purchaser, and could only be redeemed by that individual. Between December 3, 1917 and January 31, 1918, each stamp could be purchased at the price of $4.12. If purchased on January 2, 1918, the return on the investment would be 4 percent, compounded quarterly. The price of the stamp increased by one cent for each month after January 1918 until sales ended in December", "psg_id": "6303197" }, { "title": "United States Congress Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War", "text": "the War was a United States Congressional investigating committee created to handle issues surrounding the American Civil War. It was established on December 9, 1861, following the embarrassing Union defeat at the Battle of Ball's Bluff, at the instigation of Senator Zachariah T. Chandler of Michigan, and it continued until May 1865. Its purpose was to investigate such matters as illicit trade with the Confederate States, medical treatment of wounded soldiers, military contracts, and the causes of Union battle losses. The Committee was also involved in supporting the war effort through various means, including endorsing emancipation of slaves, the use", "psg_id": "4386246" }, { "title": "First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC", "text": "cycle within the DLA (5 bits), for a total of 13 address bits. For the Iconoscope memory, he recognizes that each scan point on the tube face is a capacitor and that a capacitor can store one bit. Very high precision scanning will be needed and the memory will only last a short time, perhaps as little as a second, and therefore will need to be periodically recopied (refreshed). In Sec 14.1 von Neumann proposes the format for orders, which he calls a code. Order types include the basic arithmetic operations, moving minor cycles between CA and M (word load", "psg_id": "3512189" }, { "title": "The War on Democracy", "text": "The War on Democracy The War on Democracy is a 2007 documentary film directed by the British filmmakers Christopher Martin and John Pilger, who also wrote the narration. Focusing on the political situations in nations of Latin America, the film criticizes both the United States' intervention in foreign countries' domestic politics and its \"War on Terrorism\". The film was first released in the United Kingdom on June 15, 2007. The film was produced over a two-year period. Carl Deal, chief archivist on the Michael Moore films \"Fahrenheit 9/11\" and \"Bowling for Columbine,\" provided the archive footage used in the film.", "psg_id": "10237080" }, { "title": "Name That Tune", "text": "and classic music played in short clips. The player then has several seconds to correctly identify the tune. Prizes such as free ringtones were available, a first in the mobile industry. The game is often mentioned as a pioneer in the emerging wireless entertainment industry. Name That Tune Name That Tune is an American television game show that put two contestants against each other to test their knowledge of songs. Premiering in the United States on NBC Radio in 1952, the show was created and produced by Harry Salter and his wife Roberta. \"Name That Tune\" ran from 1953–59 on", "psg_id": "2567352" }, { "title": "Agreement on the Prevention of Nuclear War", "text": "at any time relations between the Parties or between either Party and other countries appear to involve the risk of a nuclear conflict, or if relations between countries not parties to this Agreement appear to involve the risk of nuclear war between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or between either Party and other countries, the United States and the Soviet Union, acting in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, shall immediately enter into urgent consultations with each other and make every effort to avert this risk. Article V Each Party shall be", "psg_id": "5578561" }, { "title": "United States–European Union Agreement on Passenger Name Records", "text": "by The Greens–European Free Alliance critiqued the agreement because of perceived reductions of privacy rights. United States–European Union Agreement on Passenger Name Records The Agreement between the United States of America and the European Union on the use and transfer of Passenger Name Records to the United States Department of Homeland Security is an international agreement between the United States of America and the European Union that was signed on 14 December 2011 for the purpose of providing Passenger name records (PNR) from air carriers operating passenger flights to the United States Department of Homeland Security to \"ensure security and", "psg_id": "16791429" }, { "title": "United States–European Union Agreement on Passenger Name Records", "text": "United States–European Union Agreement on Passenger Name Records The Agreement between the United States of America and the European Union on the use and transfer of Passenger Name Records to the United States Department of Homeland Security is an international agreement between the United States of America and the European Union that was signed on 14 December 2011 for the purpose of providing Passenger name records (PNR) from air carriers operating passenger flights to the United States Department of Homeland Security to \"ensure security and to protect the life and safety of the public\" (Article 1). Access and transfer of", "psg_id": "16791422" }, { "title": "Anti-Japanese sentiment in the United States", "text": "risks...\" An estimated 112,000 to 120,000 Japanese migrants and Japanese Americans from the West Coast were interned regardless of their attitude to the US or Japan. They were held for the duration of the war in the inner US. The large Japanese population of Hawaii was not massively relocated in spite of their proximity to vital military areas. A December 1944 opinion poll found that 13% of the U.S. public were in favor of the extermination of all Japanese. Imperial Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, plunged the United States into war and planted the notion of", "psg_id": "15957820" }, { "title": "Panama during World War II", "text": "bloodless coup removed Arias from power. With Ricardo Adolfo de la Guardia as the new president, the defense site negotiations moved forward quickly and positively for the United States. Then the Japanese attacked the American naval base in Hawaii, which accelerated the process of negotiations even more. The new Panamanian government declared war on Japan on December 7, 1941, on the same day of the attack on Pearl Harbor, and a day before the United States officially entered the war. Panama then declared war on Germany and Fascist Italy on December 13, 1941, along with a few other Latin American", "psg_id": "17471215" }, { "title": "Iraq War and the War on Terror", "text": "on terror in the aftermath of the attacks of in September 2001 constituted the single most ambitious reordering of America's foreign policy objectives since the Second World War. Alongside this re-evaluation of foreign policy priorities came a stark warning to the rest of the world. At the joint session of the United States Congress following the attacks, President Bush said that 'every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.' This ultimatum deepened America's relations with states that had a strong interest in destroying Al-Qaeda, and strained", "psg_id": "10667348" }, { "title": "Consequences of the attack on Pearl Harbor", "text": "against Germany and Italy still remained quite high with 80% disapproval. On December 7, 1941, the Japanese launched a surprise attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor. After two hours of bombing, 18 U.S. ships were sunk or damaged, 188 U.S. aircraft were destroyed, and 2,403 men were killed. The day after the attack, President Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed a joint session of the 77th United States Congress. Roosevelt called December 7 \"a date which will live in infamy\". Congress declared war on the Empire of Japan amid outrage at the attack, the deaths of thousands of Americans,", "psg_id": "11061322" }, { "title": "Military history of the United States during World War II", "text": "Military history of the United States during World War II The military history of the United States in World War II covers the war against Germany, Italy, and Japan, starting with the 7 December 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. During the first two years of World War II, the United States had maintained formal neutrality as made official in the Quarantine Speech delivered by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1937, while supplying Britain, the Soviet Union, and China with war materiel through the Lend-Lease Act which was signed into law on 11 March 1941, as well as deploying the", "psg_id": "7529824" }, { "title": "United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space", "text": "Socialist Republics, the United Arab Republic, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America. In 1959, the United Nations permanently established the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and grew to involve 24 countries (Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Lebanon, and Romania.) The main focuses of COPUOS is to promote cooperation in the peaceful use of outer space, and share information regarding outer space and its exploration. In 1962, the two COPUOS subcommittees: the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee and the Legal Subcommittee met for the first time and continue to do so", "psg_id": "6929938" }, { "title": "A Yank in the R.A.F.", "text": "A Yank in the R.A.F. A Yank in the R.A.F. is a 1941 American black-and-white war film directed by Henry King, and is considered a typical early-World War II production. Originally titled \"The Eagle Squadron\", it is based on a story by \"Melville Crossman\", the pen name for 20th Century Fox studio chief Darryl F. Zanuck. It follows an American pilot who joins the Royal Air Force (RAF), during a period when the United States was still neutral. In 1940, American-built North American Harvard training aircraft are flown to the border with Canada, where they are towed across the frontier", "psg_id": "5328053" }, { "title": "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon", "text": "that humans could land on the Moon and return to Earth safely. It asserts that NASA's early inexperience in rocket technology, as well as certain photographic anomalies and inconsistencies in NASA's records could point to a possible hoax, and that the Space Race was actually a race to develop armaments with the huge budget allocated to the Apollo missions. The film's premise is that NASA perpetrated a fraud because of the perception that if the United States could land men on the Moon before the Soviet Union, it would be a major victory in the Cold War, since the Soviets", "psg_id": "6822846" }, { "title": "Spying on the United Nations", "text": "Spying on the United Nations Spying on the United Nations refers to acts of espionage committed by states against the United Nations. The UN claims that acts of espionage on it are illegal under a number of international treaties, including the 1946 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, the 1947 agreement between the United Nations and the United States, and the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. In one notable incident, the US and other Western countries were found to be spying on the UN in March 2003, in the run-up to the Iraq War, and", "psg_id": "7071458" }, { "title": "Royal Hungarian Army", "text": "deployment of the Rapid Corps. These were subordinated to the occupation group () formed on 6 October 1941, whose headquarters was moved from Vinnytsia to Kiev in December. On 7 Dec 1941, the United Kingdom declared war on Hungary who, in return, backed the German-Italian declaration of war on the United States on 13 Dec 1941. On 17 Jan 1942 Romania announced that she was participating in the 1942 campaign with two armies and, five days later, Hungary stated that she was ready to dispatch her own army. On 11 Apr the 2nd Army under Gusztáv Jány began moving to", "psg_id": "17425895" } ]
[ "hungary, serbia, ukraine, republic of moldova, and bulgaria" ]
dec 13, 1953 saw the birth of ben bernanke, harvard grad with a phd from mit. what governmental position does he hold?
[ { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "Ben Bernanke Ben Shalom Bernanke ( ; born December 13, 1953) is an American economist at the Brookings Institution who served two terms as Chair of the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, from 2006 to 2014. During his tenure as chair, Bernanke oversaw the Federal Reserve's response to the late-2000s financial crisis. Before becoming Federal Reserve chair, Bernanke was a tenured professor at Princeton University and chaired the department of economics there from 1996 to September 2002, when he went on public service leave. From August 5, 2002 until June 21, 2005, he was a member", "psg_id": "5051493" } ]
[ { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "in his local synagogue. Although he keeps his beliefs private, his friend Mark Gertler, chairman of New York University's economics department, says they are \"embedded in who he (Bernanke) is\". The Bernanke family was concerned that Ben would \"lose his Jewish identity\" if he went to Harvard. Fellow Dillon native Kenneth Manning, who would eventually become a professor of the history of sciences at MIT, assured the family \"there are Jews in Boston\". Once Bernanke was at Harvard for his freshman year, Manning took him to Brookline for Rosh Hashanah services. Bernanke was educated at East Elementary, J.V. Martin Junior", "psg_id": "5051499" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "even if actual implementation of the plan might have to wait until the economic outlook improves. His remarks were most likely intended for the federal government's executive and legislative branches, since entitlement reform is a fiscal exercise that will be accomplished by the Congress and the President rather than a monetary task falling within the implementation powers of the Federal Reserve. Bernanke also pointed out that deficit reduction will necessarily consist of either raising taxes, cutting entitlement payments and other government spending, or some combination of both. Ben Bernanke Ben Shalom Bernanke ( ; born December 13, 1953) is an", "psg_id": "5051526" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "received a Ph.D. degree in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1979 after completing and defending his dissertation, \"Long-Term Commitments, Dynamic Optimization, and the Business Cycle\". Bernanke's thesis adviser was the future governor of the Bank of Israel, Stanley Fischer, and his readers included Irwin S. Bernstein, Rüdiger Dornbusch, Robert Solow, and Peter Diamond of MIT and Dale Jorgenson of Harvard. Bernanke met his wife, Anna, a schoolteacher, on a blind date. She was a student at Wellesley College, and he was in graduate school at MIT. The Bernankes have two children. He is an ardent fan of", "psg_id": "5051501" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "1985, was a visiting professor at New York University and went on to become a tenured professor at Princeton University in the Department of Economics. He chaired that department from 1996 until September 2002, when he went on public service leave. He resigned his position at Princeton July 1, 2005. Bernanke served as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System from 2002 to 2005. In one of his first speeches as a Governor, entitled \"Deflation: Making Sure It Doesn't Happen Here\", he outlined what has been referred to as the Bernanke Doctrine. As a member", "psg_id": "5051503" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "High, and Dillon High School, where he was class valedictorian and played saxophone in the marching band. Since Dillon High School did not offer calculus at the time, Bernanke taught it to himself. Bernanke scored 1590 out of 1600 on the SAT and was a National Merit Scholar. He also was a contestant in the 1965 National Spelling Bee. Bernanke attended Harvard University in 1971, where he lived in Winthrop House, as did the future CEO of Goldman Sachs, Lloyd Blankfein, and graduated with an A.B. degree, and later with an A.M. in economics \"summa cum laude\" in 1975. He", "psg_id": "5051500" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "the Washington Nationals baseball team, and frequently attends games at Nationals Park. When Bernanke left Stanford to accept a position at Princeton, he and his family moved to Montgomery Township, New Jersey in 1985, where Bernanke's children attended the local public schools. Bernanke served for six years as a member of the board of education of the Montgomery Township School District. In 2009 The Wall Street Journal reported that Bernanke was a victim of identity theft, a spreading crime the Federal Reserve has for years issued warnings about. Bernanke taught at the Stanford Graduate School of Business from 1979 until", "psg_id": "5051502" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "New York in the 1940s. Bernanke's mother gave up her job as a schoolteacher when her son was born and worked at the family drugstore. Ben Bernanke also worked there sometimes. As a teenager, Bernanke worked construction on a new hospital and waited tables at a restaurant at nearby South of the Border, a roadside attraction in his hometown of Dillon, before leaving for college. To support himself throughout college, he worked during the summers at South of the Border. As a teenager in the 1960s in the small town of Dillon, Bernanke used to help roll the Torah scrolls", "psg_id": "5051498" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "background, temperament, courage and creativity helped to prevent another Great Depression in 2008. When Senate Banking Committee hearings on his nomination began on December 3, 2009, several senators from both parties indicated they would not support a second term. However, Bernanke was confirmed for a second term as chairman on January 28, 2010, by a 70–30 vote of the full Senate, the narrowest margin, at the time, for any occupant of the position. (For the roll-call vote, see Obama confirmations, 2010.) The Senate first voted 77–23 to end debate, Bernanke winning more than the 60 approval votes needed to overcome", "psg_id": "5051508" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "too far on mortgage credit conditions\". Since February 2014, Bernanke has been employed as a Distinguished Fellow in Residence with the Economic Studies Program at the Brookings Institution. On April 16, 2015, it was announced publicly that Bernanke will work with Citadel, the $25 billion hedge fund founded by billionaire Kenneth C. Griffin, as a senior adviser. In the same month it was revealed that Bernanke would also join Pimco as a senior advisor. In his 2015 book, \"The Courage to Act\", Bernanke revealed that he was no longer a Republican, having \"lost patience with Republicans' susceptibility to the know-nothing-ism", "psg_id": "5051524" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "\"Materially Adverse Change\" (MAC) clause, Paulson immediately called Lewis to a meeting in Washington. At the meeting, which allegedly took place on December 21, 2008, Paulson told Lewis that he and the board would be replaced if they invoked the MAC clause and additionally not to reveal the extent of the losses to shareholders. Paulson stated to Cuomo's office that he was directed by Bernanke to threaten Lewis in this manner. Congressional hearings into these allegations were conducted on June 25, 2009, with Bernanke testifying that he did not bully Ken Lewis. Under intense questioning by members of Congress, Bernanke", "psg_id": "5051511" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "the mold of Alan Greenspan. In 2005 Bernanke coined the term saving glut, the idea that relatively high level of worldwide savings was holding down interest rates and financing the current account deficits of the United States. (Alternative reasons include relatively low worldwide investment coupled with low U.S. savings.) As the recession began to deepen in 2007, many economists urged Bernanke (and the rest of the Federal Open Market Committee) to lower the federal funds rate below what it had done. For example, Larry Summers, later named Director of the White House's National Economic Council under President Obama, wrote in", "psg_id": "5051521" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "maintain market liquidity. Control of the money supply implies that the government can always avoid deflation by simply issuing more money. He said \"The U.S. government has a technology, called a printing press (or today, its electronic equivalent), that allows it to produce as many U.S. dollars as it wishes at no cost.\" He referred to a statement made by Milton Friedman about using a \"helicopter drop\" of money into the economy to fight deflation. Bernanke's critics have since referred to him as \"Helicopter Ben\" or to his \"helicopter printing press.\" In a footnote to his speech, Bernanke noted that", "psg_id": "5051519" }, { "title": "Harvard/MIT Cooperative Society", "text": "Harvard/MIT Cooperative Society The Harvard/MIT Cooperative Society (or The Coop, pronounced as a single syllable) is a Cambridge, Massachusetts retail cooperative for the Harvard University and MIT campuses. The general public is encouraged to freely enter and make purchases in all the Coop stores, but membership discounts and certain other benefits are restricted to Coop members. , there are three store locations at Harvard, and two at MIT. The main store is located in the heart of Harvard Square, across the street from the Harvard subway station headhouse. The Coop was founded as the Harvard Cooperative in 1882 to supply", "psg_id": "11256246" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "\"people know that inflation erodes the real value of the government's debt and, therefore, that it is in the interest of the government to create some inflation.\" For example, while Greenspan publicly supported President Clinton's deficit reduction plan and the Bush tax cuts, Bernanke, when questioned about taxation policy, said that it was none of his business, his exclusive remit being monetary policy, and said that fiscal policy and wider society related issues were what politicians were for and got elected for. But Bernanke has been identified by \"The Wall Street Journal\" and a close colleague as a \"libertarian-Republican\" in", "psg_id": "5051520" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "a child from his maternal grandfather, Harold Friedman, a professional hazzan (service leader), shochet, and Hebrew teacher. Bernanke's father and uncle owned and managed a drugstore they purchased from Bernanke's paternal grandfather, Jonas Bernanke. Jonas Bernanke was born in Boryslav, Austria-Hungary (today part of Ukraine), on January 23, 1891. He immigrated to the United States from Przemyśl, Austria-Hungary (today part of Poland) and arrived at Ellis Island, aged 30, on June 30, 1921, with his wife Pauline, aged 25. On the ship's manifest, Jonas's occupation is listed as \"clerk\" and Pauline's as \"doctor med\". The family moved to Dillon from", "psg_id": "5051497" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "of the board of governors of the Federal Reserve System on February 20, 2004, Bernanke gave a speech in which he postulated that we are in a new era called the Great Moderation, where modern macroeconomic policy has decreased the volatility of the business cycle to the point that it should no longer be a central issue in economics. In June 2005, Bernanke was named chairman of President George W. Bush's Council of Economic Advisers, and resigned as Fed Governor. The appointment was largely viewed as a test run to ascertain if Bernanke could be Bush's pick to succeed Greenspan", "psg_id": "5051504" }, { "title": "Harvard–MIT Mathematics Tournament", "text": "to HMMT February. The results of HMMT November can be seen below: HMMT is currently sponsored by the MIT Mathematics Department, Optiver, D.E. Shaw & Co, the Harvard Mathematics Department, Flow Traders, the Susquehanna International Group, and Jane Street Capital. Harvard–MIT Mathematics Tournament The Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament (HMMT) is an annual high school math competition that started in 1998. The location of the tournament, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, alternates between Harvard University (November tournament) and MIT (February tournament). The contest is written and staffed almost entirely by Harvard and MIT students. HMMT February is attended by teams of eight students each.", "psg_id": "9777583" }, { "title": "Harvard/MIT Cooperative Society", "text": "with an automatic additional discount of 10% at the registers, for Coop members in good standing. The Coop stores are managed by Barnes & Noble College Booksellers, under supervision of a 23-person Board of Directors including 11 students elected by the student membership. Faculty, alumni, or officers of MIT or Harvard fill 11 seats, and the Coop's president serves \"ex officio\". In 2014, the MIT branch announced that it is the first campus bookstore in the US to accept bitcoin payments. Harvard/MIT Cooperative Society The Harvard/MIT Cooperative Society (or The Coop, pronounced as a single syllable) is a Cambridge, Massachusetts", "psg_id": "11256249" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "covering both microeconomics and macroeconomics, coauthored with Robert H. Frank. Bernanke was the Director of the Monetary Economics Program of the National Bureau of Economic Research and the editor of the American Economic Review. He is among the 50 most published economists in the world according to IDEAS/RePEc. Bernanke is particularly interested in the economic and political causes of the Great Depression, on which he has published numerous academic journal articles. Before Bernanke's work, the dominant monetarist theory of the Great Depression was Milton Friedman's view that it had been largely caused by the Federal Reserve's having reduced the money", "psg_id": "5051515" }, { "title": "Harvard–MIT Mathematics Tournament", "text": "Harvard–MIT Mathematics Tournament The Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament (HMMT) is an annual high school math competition that started in 1998. The location of the tournament, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, alternates between Harvard University (November tournament) and MIT (February tournament). The contest is written and staffed almost entirely by Harvard and MIT students. HMMT February is attended by teams of eight students each. Teams can represent a single school, or a regional math team as large as a state. In recent years, teams have represented over 20 states, as well as Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America. HMMT February consists of three rounds:", "psg_id": "9777574" }, { "title": "MIT class ring", "text": "the most cherished symbols of an MIT education that is recognized worldwide. The Graduate Student ring, or \"Grad Rat\", is redesigned every five years when the production contract expires. The Grad Rat was essentially unchanged for 73 years until its first major redesign in 2003. Unlike the undergraduate ring, the Grad Rat design (starting with the 2003 design) is personalized according to the department in which the graduate student resides and to the degree to be received (i.e., PhD, ScD, SM, etc.). The \"third\" new Grad Rat design was unveiled in Fall 2013 with some controversial elements, such as the", "psg_id": "7347000" }, { "title": "Harvard-MIT Data Center", "text": "At this time some of the earliest local computer networks, which contained statistical software and computing resources, were established; in addition, associates began transitioning the facility's holdings from tape to more modern media. In the early 1990s associates of the Harvard Data Center played a major role in a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant that established a research training program in political economy for various educational institutions. Later on, in 1996, facility associates entered into an agreement with MIT to extend services to MIT users, thus changing the name to the Harvard-MIT Data Center (HMDC). In 1999 HMDC associates were", "psg_id": "17512432" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "injecting an additional $600 billion into the banking system to give the slow recovery a boost.\" In a letter to Congress from then-New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo dated April 23, 2009, Bernanke was mentioned along with former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson in allegations of fraud concerning the acquisition of Merrill Lynch by Bank of America. The letter alleged that the extent of the losses at Merrill Lynch were not disclosed to Bank of America by Bernanke and Paulson. When Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis informed Paulson that Bank of America was exiting the merger by invoking the", "psg_id": "5051510" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "agencies of foreign governments) that prevented an economic catastrophe greater than the Great Depression. Bernanke was born in Augusta, Georgia, and was raised on East Jefferson Street in Dillon, South Carolina. His father Philip was a pharmacist and part-time theater manager. His mother Edna was an elementary school teacher. Bernanke has two younger siblings. His brother, Seth, is a lawyer in Charlotte, North Carolina. His sister, Sharon, is a longtime administrator at Berklee College of Music in Boston. The Bernankes were one of the few Jewish families in Dillon and attended Ohav Shalom, a local synagogue; Bernanke learned Hebrew as", "psg_id": "5051496" }, { "title": "Harvard-MIT Data Center", "text": "Harvard-MIT Data Center The Harvard-MIT Data Center (HMDC) provides multi-disciplinary information technology support for social science research and education at Harvard and MIT. Established in the early 1960s the HMDC was meant to be the original data center for political and social science at Harvard University, and over time it has evolved into an information technology service provider that transcends many educational fields. The HMDC offers the following services: In the early 1960s the HMDC, originally known as the Government Data Center, was established as part of a national movement for all universities to collect, consolidate, and share social science", "psg_id": "17512430" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "of the far right. ... I view myself now as a moderate independent, and I think that's where I'll stay.\" Bernanke favors reducing the U.S. budget deficit, particularly by reforming the Social Security and Medicare entitlement programs. During a speech delivered on April 7, 2010, he warned that the U.S. must soon develop a \"credible\" plan to address the pending funding crisis faced by \"entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare\" or \"in the longer run we will have neither financial stability nor healthy economic growth.\" Bernanke said that formulation of such a plan would help the economy now,", "psg_id": "5051525" }, { "title": "Harvard-MIT Data Center", "text": "the HMDC continues to serve the social science community by providing technology support for research, education, and administration. Harvard-MIT Data Center The Harvard-MIT Data Center (HMDC) provides multi-disciplinary information technology support for social science research and education at Harvard and MIT. Established in the early 1960s the HMDC was meant to be the original data center for political and social science at Harvard University, and over time it has evolved into an information technology service provider that transcends many educational fields. The HMDC offers the following services: In the early 1960s the HMDC, originally known as the Government Data Center,", "psg_id": "17512434" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "communicating with the media. An advocate of more transparent Fed policy and clearer statements than Greenspan had made, he had to back away from his initial idea of stating clearer inflation goals as such statements tended to affect the stock market. Maria Bartiromo disclosed on CNBC comments from their private conversation at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner. She reported that Bernanke said investors had misinterpreted his comments as indicating that he was \"dovish\" on inflation. He was sharply criticized for making public statements about Fed direction, which he said was a \"lapse in judgment.\" As the \"Great Recession\" deepened,", "psg_id": "5051506" }, { "title": "Harvard–MIT Program of Health Sciences and Technology", "text": "understanding of engineering, physical sciences, and the biological sciences, complemented with hands-on experience in the clinic or in industry; and they become conversant with the underlying quantitative and molecular aspects of medicine and biomedical science. Within the division, more than 300 graduate students work with eminent faculty and affiliated faculty members from throughout the MIT and Harvard communities. HST is also the home of the Laboratory of Computational Physiology (LCP) which hosts the MIMIC II database and PhysioNet. HST is a part of MIT's Institute for Medical Engineering and Science and 1 of 5 societies at Harvard Medical School. Harvard–MIT", "psg_id": "7364656" }, { "title": "Harvard–MIT Program of Health Sciences and Technology", "text": "Harvard–MIT Program of Health Sciences and Technology The Harvard–MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology, or HST, is one of the oldest and largest biomedical engineering and physician-scientist training programs in the United States. It was founded in 1970 and is the longest-standing functional collaboration between Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). HST's interdisciplinary educational program brings engineering as well as the physical and biological sciences from the scientist's bench to the patient's bedside. Conversely, it brings clinical insight from the patient's bedside to the laboratory bench. In this way, HST students are trained to have deep", "psg_id": "7364655" }, { "title": "Bernanke doctrine", "text": "[t]his class of assets offers huge scope for Fed operations because the quantity of foreign assets eligible for purchase by the Fed is several times the stock of U.S. government debt.\"\" 7) Buy industries throughout the U.S. economy with \"newly created money\". In essence, the Federal Reserve acquires equity stakes in banks and financial institutions. In this \"private-asset option,\" the Treasury could issue trillions in debt and the Fed would acquire it, still using newly created money. Bernanke doctrine The Bernanke doctrine refers to measures, identified by Ben Bernanke while Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States", "psg_id": "12788361" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "supply and has on several occasions argued that one of the biggest mistakes made during the period was to raise interest rates too early. In a speech on Milton Friedman's ninetieth birthday (November 8, 2002), Bernanke said: \"Let me end my talk by abusing slightly my status as an official representative of the Federal Reserve. I would like to say to Milton and Anna [Schwartz, Friedman's coauthor]: Regarding the Great Depression, you're right. We did it. We're very sorry. But thanks to you, we won't do it again.\" Bernanke has cited Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz in his decision to", "psg_id": "5051516" }, { "title": "Mervyn King, Baron King of Lothbury", "text": "Cambridge University Liberal Club in 1968. After graduation, he worked as a researcher on the Cambridge Growth Project with future Nobel Laureate Richard Stone and Terry Barker at the University of Cambridge. He then taught at the University of Birmingham and was a visiting professor at Harvard and MIT where he shared an office with then Assistant Professor Ben Bernanke. From October 1984 he was Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics where he founded the Financial Markets Group. In 1981, he was one of the 364 economists who signed a letter to \"The Times\" condemning Geoffrey Howe's", "psg_id": "1818553" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "when it was near collapse. One of Mr. Quince's emails reads, \"We think they are days from failure. They think it is a temporary problem. This disconnect is dangerous.\" Upon the revelation of the Quince pseudonym during the Starr v. United States trial, \"The New York Times\" created a cocktail inspired by Mr. Bernanke's chosen alias: the \"Rye & Quince.\" Bernanke has given several lectures at the London School of Economics on monetary theory and policy. He has written two textbooks: an intermediate-level macroeconomics textbook coauthored with Andrew Abel (and also Dean Croushore in later editions) and an introductory textbook,", "psg_id": "5051514" }, { "title": "Barbara Grad", "text": "instructor at Carnegie Mellon University, before taking a tenured-track position in the fall at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana. After moving to New York, Grad joined the full-time faculty as a Professor at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MassArt) in 1981. She was the first woman to hold a tenure-track, full-time position teaching painting in MassArt’s Fine Arts 2D Department. Grad taught advanced drawing, painting, and an “Art in Boston” course that took students to local galleries and artist studios. She also served as the department’s Chairman (1997-2000) and Painting Coordinator (2011-2014). Grad retired as Professor Emerita", "psg_id": "20933303" }, { "title": "Michael A. Cusumano", "text": "Michael A. Cusumano Michael A. Cusumano is the Sloan Management Review Distinguished Professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He is the former editor-in-chief and chairman of the \"MIT Sloan Management Review\". Cusumano earned his bachelor's degree from Princeton University, his PhD from Harvard University, and completed a postdoc at Harvard Business School. He is a widely cited scholar in business strategy and information technology. Cusumano also sits on the advisory board of H5, a firm specializing in electronic discovery for legal cases. He also holds Board position at Swipesumo Technologies Pvt Ltd, a payment processing company based in", "psg_id": "5788875" }, { "title": "What We Saw from the Cheap Seats", "text": "possibility of real-world despair.\" \"What We Saw from the Cheap Seats\" has thus far debuted on at least nine national album charts. In the United States, the album debuted at No. 3, with sales of 42,000, a slight decrease from the opening of her previous album. The album has sold 174,000 copies in the United States as of September 2016. All songs written by Spektor except where noted. All credits for tracks one through eleven are listed in the album's booklet. What We Saw from the Cheap Seats What We Saw from the Cheap Seats is the sixth studio album", "psg_id": "16093731" }, { "title": "Sabrina Gonzalez Pasterski", "text": "accepted to MIT. Though she graduated from MIT in only three years, she did not enter with any previous college credits. Pasterski was initially denied December 2009 for early admission. March 2010, she was waitlisted to MIT, but unfortunately rejected from Harvard a month later. A Harvard Nobel Laureate offered her a lab position at Harvard Physics for Professor Lene Hau. With the help of 2 Nobel Laureates, a “Guggenheim Medal winner, a Secretary of the Air Force, and MITei’s Peggy Udden, she was admitted to MIT of the waitlist, and offered admission into their grad program. One day after,", "psg_id": "19274168" }, { "title": "Harvard/MIT Cooperative Society", "text": "program of talks and book signings focussed on local authors, but also including speakers from around the world. Only students, faculty, alumni and employees of MIT, Harvard, and the personnel of the hospitals affiliated with the Harvard Medical School are eligible to join. Membership cost $1 annually in 1882, and this fee has not been increased. Members may also purchase a Coop Diary, a little black combination pocket diary, academic year calendar, and address book. The Coop traditionally has disbursed its annual profits as a rebate to members in October of each year. , the rebate program has been replaced", "psg_id": "11256248" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "said, \"I never said anything about firing the board and the management [of Bank of America].\" In further testimony, Bernanke said the Fed did nothing illegal or unethical in its efforts to convince Bank of America not to end the merger. Lewis told the panel that authorities expressed \"strong views\" but said he would not characterize their stance as improper. According to a January 26, 2010, column in \"The Huffington Post\", a whistleblower has disclosed documents providing troubling details' of Bernanke's role in the AIG bailout\". Republican Senator Jim Bunning of Kentucky said on CNBC that he had seen documents", "psg_id": "5051512" }, { "title": "Bin He", "text": "received his BS in 1982 in electrical engineering, from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. He later went to study in Japan and obtained his M.S. in electrical engineering and PhD (highest honors) in bioelectrical engineering from the Tokyo Institute of Technology. He did his postdoctoral study at Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology in United States. After working as a Research Scientist at MIT, he later joined the faculty of Electrical Engineering and Bioengineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where He was named a University Scholar by the university president. In January 2004, He became the Professor of", "psg_id": "13003879" }, { "title": "Ben Bernanke", "text": "downturn, banks are likely to significantly cut back lending and other risky ventures. This further hurts the economy, creating a vicious cycle and potentially turning a mild recession into a major depression. Economist Brad DeLong, who had previously advocated his own theory for the Great Depression, notes that the current financial crisis has raised the pertinence of Bernanke's theory. In 2002, following coverage of concerns about deflation in the business news, Bernanke gave a speech about the topic. In that speech, he mentioned that the government in a fiat money system owns the physical means of creating money and to", "psg_id": "5051518" }, { "title": "What We Saw from the Cheap Seats", "text": "What We Saw from the Cheap Seats What We Saw from the Cheap Seats is the sixth studio album by American alternative singer-songwriter Regina Spektor. On November 21, 2011, Spektor posted on her Facebook page that the album had been recorded with Mike Elizondo in Los Angeles during the summer of 2011. It was released on May 29, 2012. The album is a collection of new material along with the very first studio recordings of several of Spektor's older live songs. At the time of the album's release, \"Jessica\" was the only entirely new song. \"How\" and \"The Party\" had", "psg_id": "16093726" }, { "title": "2012–13 FK Sloboda Mrkonjić Grad season", "text": "2012–13 FK Sloboda Mrkonjić Grad season The 2012–13 season is FK Sloboda 3rd season in First League of the Republika Srpska. This article shows player statistics and all matches (official and friendly) that the club have and will play during the 2012–13 season. Includes all competitive matches. The list is sorted by shirt number when total goals are equal. \"For recent transfers, see List of Bosnian football transfers summer 2012 and List of Bosnian football transfers winter 2012–13\" Darko Nestorović Sloboda Mrkonjić Grad will participate in the 2nd Republika Srpska Cup starting in the Round of 32. Sloboda Mrkonjić Grad", "psg_id": "16659762" }, { "title": "Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences", "text": "applied mathematics (AB and as a secondary field). At the graduate level, the division offers SM, ME, and PhD options covering interdisciplinary research areas including applied mathematics, applied physics, bioengineering, chemical engineering, computational science and engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, environmental science and engineering, and mechanical engineering. In addition, graduate students may pursue collaborative options: Engineering and Physical Biology (with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences); Science, Technology and Management (joint with HBS); Medical Engineering and Medical Physics; (Harvard/MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology); and Systems Biology (with Harvard Medical School). Faculty number approximately eighty (73 FTEs) who account", "psg_id": "9958433" }, { "title": "Greg Mankiw", "text": "Technology and a subsequent year studying at Harvard Law School. He worked as a staff economist for the Council of Economic Advisers from 1982–83, foreshadowing his later position as chairman of that organization. After leaving the Council, he earned his PhD in economics from MIT in 1984 under the supervision of Stanley Fischer. He returned to Harvard Law for a year but, having completed his PhD and realizing he was better at economics, he left to teach at MIT for a year and then became an assistant professor of economics at Harvard University in 1985. He was promoted to full", "psg_id": "2617947" }, { "title": "The purpose of a system is what it does", "text": "The purpose of a system is what it does The purpose of a system is what it does (POSIWID) is a systems thinking heuristic coined by Stafford Beer. Stafford Beer coined the term POSIWID and used it many times in public addresses. In his address to the University of Valladolid, Spain, in October 2001, he said \"According to the cybernetician, the purpose of a system is what it does. This is a basic dictum. It stands for bald fact, which makes a better starting point in seeking understanding than the familiar attributions of good intention, prejudices about expectations, moral judgment,", "psg_id": "11958746" }, { "title": "The purpose of a system is what it does", "text": "be balanced by a more straightforwardly descriptive view. The term is used in many fields including biology and management. The purpose of a system is what it does The purpose of a system is what it does (POSIWID) is a systems thinking heuristic coined by Stafford Beer. Stafford Beer coined the term POSIWID and used it many times in public addresses. In his address to the University of Valladolid, Spain, in October 2001, he said \"According to the cybernetician, the purpose of a system is what it does. This is a basic dictum. It stands for bald fact, which makes", "psg_id": "11958748" }, { "title": "Grad, Grad", "text": "Grad, Grad Grad (; formerly \"Gornja Lendava\", ) is a village in the Municipality of Grad in the Prekmurje region of northeastern Slovenia. It is the seat of the municipality and is the largest and oldest settlement in the Goričko region. Grad was first mentioned in written sources as \"Lyndwa\", and later as \"Gornja Lendava\" (literally 'upper Lendava', contrasting with \"Dolnja Lendava\", literally 'lower Lendava'). The name of the settlement was changed from \"Gornja Lendava\" to \"Grad\" in 1952. Grad means 'castle' in Slovene and refers to the castle dating from the late 12th century strategically situated on a hill", "psg_id": "16294041" }, { "title": "Tal Ben-Shahar", "text": "Tal Ben-Shahar Tal Ben-Shahar (Hebrew: טל בן-שחר, also known as Tal David Ben-Shachar) born 1970, is an American and Israeli teacher, and writer in the areas of positive psychology and leadership. As a lecturer at Harvard University, Ben-Shahar created the most popular course in Harvard's history. He has subsequently written several best-selling books and in 2011 co-founded Potentialife with Angus Ridgway, a company that provides leadership programs based on the science of behavioral change to organisations, schools and sports organisations globally. Ben-Shahar received his PhD in Organizational Behavior from Harvard University. His dissertation, completed in 2004, was titled \"Restoring Self-Esteem's", "psg_id": "8321645" }, { "title": "Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development", "text": "with the Harvard University Native American Program, an interfaculty initiative at Harvard University. At the heart of the Harvard Project is the systematic, comparative study of social and economic development on American Indian reservations. What works, where and why? Among the key research findings: Sovereignty Matters. When Native nations make their own decisions about what development approaches to take, they consistently out-perform external decision makers on matters as diverse as governmental form, natural resource management, economic development, health care, and social service provision. Institutions Matter. For development to take hold, assertions of sovereignty must be backed by capable institutions of", "psg_id": "12883425" }, { "title": "I Saw What I Saw", "text": "I Saw\" ranked first for the night, beating out CBS's \"Survivor\", \"The Mentalist\", and \"\". In addition to placing at the top of the night for viewership, its 5.6/14 Nielsen rating ranked first in its 9:00 Eastern time-slot and the entire night, for both the rating and share percentages of the key 18–49 demographic, beating out \"Survivor\", NBC's \"The Office\" and \"30 Rock\", and ABC's \"Flash Forward\". In comparison to the previous episode's rating, \"I Saw What I Saw\" showed an increase, with the former garnering a 5.0/13 rating/share in the 18–49 demographic. \"BuddyTV\" gave a largely positive review saying,", "psg_id": "13923116" }, { "title": "2012–13 FK Sloboda Mrkonjić Grad season", "text": "will participate in the 1st Republika Srpska Cup starting in the Round of 32. 2012–13 FK Sloboda Mrkonjić Grad season The 2012–13 season is FK Sloboda 3rd season in First League of the Republika Srpska. This article shows player statistics and all matches (official and friendly) that the club have and will play during the 2012–13 season. Includes all competitive matches. The list is sorted by shirt number when total goals are equal. \"For recent transfers, see List of Bosnian football transfers summer 2012 and List of Bosnian football transfers winter 2012–13\" Darko Nestorović Sloboda Mrkonjić Grad will participate in", "psg_id": "16659763" }, { "title": "Harvard–MIT Mathematics Tournament", "text": "required to come from the United States to participate, and no student may compete in both November and February in a given school year. The tournament is similar in style to HMMT February, and is organized by the same Harvard and MIT students. Instead of three topic tests, HMMT November has two Individual Rounds: a General Test (ten questions from Algebra, Geometry, and Combinatorics) and a Theme Test (ten questions, many of which are tied together by a common theme). Additionally, the Team Round is entirely short answer, instead of proof-based. HMMT November is considered to be an easier alternative", "psg_id": "9777582" }, { "title": "Ilya Grad", "text": "Ilya Grad Ilya Grad is an Israeli Muay Thai boxing champion. His current professional record stands at 35 wins with 16 knockouts, 13 losses and no draws. In 2010 he was considered one of the eight best amateur Muai Thai boxers in the world. In February 2012, Grad won the WCK international title in China, In January 2013 the I-1 WMC world professional title in Hong Kong and in April WMC title in Singapore. Grad also made history by being the first known Israeli boxer to enter Malaysia under his Israeli passport. Grad attributes much of his success to martial", "psg_id": "16023697" }, { "title": "What She Does Best", "text": "What She Does Best What She Does Best is a studio album by country singer Lynn Anderson, released in 1988. It was her only album with Mercury records. Notable due to featuring her last charting single, \"What She Does Best\" did not chart and was commercially unsuccessful. It would be her last album for four years, as Anderson went into a brief retirement and officially retired from releasing singles. The singles from this disc were \"Under the Boardwalk\" (a cover version of The Drifters' hit), \"What He Does Best\", and \"How Many Hearts\". \"Under the Boardwalk\" reached No. 24; the", "psg_id": "10945153" }, { "title": "Stari Grad v Podbočju", "text": "Stari Grad v Podbočju Stari Grad v Podbočju () is a settlement south of Podbočje in the Municipality of Krško in eastern Slovenia. The area was traditionally part of Lower Carniola and is now included with the rest of the municipality in the Lower Sava Statistical Region. The name of the settlement was changed from \"Stari Grad\" to \"Stari Grad v Podbočju\" in 1953. The site of a 13th-century medieval castle in the settlement was excavated and shown to have been occupied from the Early Iron Age with Hallstatt period and La Tène period occupation levels. Roman artefacts were also", "psg_id": "14240988" }, { "title": "Yohai Ben-Nun", "text": "Navy after the war. In the Sinai War, he served as the commander of the INS \"Yafo\", taking part in the capture of an Egyptian destroyer. After the war, he returned to command Shayetet 13. Ben-Nun was appointed the commander of the Israeli Navy in 1960, a position he used to create a larger fleet with a better attack capability. Although he retired in 1966, during the Six-Day War Ben-Nun volunteered for service and fought in the naval operations and on the Golan Heights. As a civilian, Ben-Nun founded a semi-governmental company, חקר ימים ואגמים בע״מ (Israel's Oceanographic and Limnological", "psg_id": "9414885" }, { "title": "Stari Grad v Podbočju", "text": "found. By 1581 the site of the castle is known from written sources to have been abandoned. Stari Grad v Podbočju Stari Grad v Podbočju () is a settlement south of Podbočje in the Municipality of Krško in eastern Slovenia. The area was traditionally part of Lower Carniola and is now included with the rest of the municipality in the Lower Sava Statistical Region. The name of the settlement was changed from \"Stari Grad\" to \"Stari Grad v Podbočju\" in 1953. The site of a 13th-century medieval castle in the settlement was excavated and shown to have been occupied from", "psg_id": "14240989" }, { "title": "What the Peeper Saw", "text": "help of psychiatrist Dr Viorne to find answers. \"What the Peeper Saw\" was released in Italy on October 14 1972 and in West Germany on February 7, 1973. What the Peeper Saw What the Peeper Saw or Night Child is a 1972 horror film starring Mark Lester, Britt Ekland, Hardy Krüger and Lilli Palmer. Marcus is a twelve-year-old schoolboy whose mother has recently died, leaving it up to his wealthy father Paul to look after him. He takes a sexual interest in his stepmother Elise. She notices his abnormal behaviour and investigates by visiting his school after discovering a torn-up", "psg_id": "13472909" }, { "title": "Harvard–MIT Mathematics Tournament", "text": "contests. The contest organizers state that, \"HMMT, arguably one of the most difficult math competitions in the United States, is geared toward students who can comfortably and confidently solve 6 to 8 problems correctly on the American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME).\" As with most high school competitions, knowledge of calculus is not required; however, calculus may be necessary to solve a select few of the more difficult problems on the Individual Rounds. The results of HMMT February can be seen below: HMMT November has been held since 2008, alternately at MIT and Harvard, for teams of six students. Students are", "psg_id": "9777581" }, { "title": "Aleksander Grad", "text": "Aleksander Grad Aleksander Grad (born 1 May 1962 in Łosiniec, Tomaszów Lubelski County) is a Polish politician. He graduated from the Industrial Geodesy Department at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow. He was elected to the Sejm on 25 September 2005, receiving 13 680 votes in 15 Tarnów district as a candidate on the Civic Platform list. He has been the Minister of State Treasury since November 2007. He was also a member of Sejm 2001-2005. Currently he is a head of the PGE PEJ1 (Polish energy company with some links to maybe projected in long future", "psg_id": "8199787" }, { "title": "Hold My Hand (1953 song)", "text": "Hold My Hand (1953 song) \"Hold My Hand\" is a popular song, written by Jack Lawrence and Richard Myers. It was written in 1950 but not published until 1953. The hit version in 1953 was a recording by Don Cornell. The song was featured in the film \"Susan Slept Here\" (1954), and was nominated for the 1954 Academy Award for Best Song. Cornell recorded on the Coral Records label. His version of \"Hold My Hand\" was produced by Bob Thiele. It reached No. 1 in the UK Singles Chart for four weeks in October 1954. \"Hold My Hand\" has also", "psg_id": "5422738" }, { "title": "Harvard–MIT Mathematics Tournament", "text": "prior to the tournament. Some of these events include a dinner and social for students and coaches, and Mini-Events such as math talks about famous problems and math-related games. The top 50 competitors at HMMT February are also invited to compete in the Harvard MIT Invitational Competition (HMIC) which is a five-question four-hour proof contest started in 2013. The grading scheme for this has changed in the two years that it has been running but the problems both years have been quite difficult with competitors fully solving three problems being extremely highly ranked. HMMT February uses a unique scoring algorithm", "psg_id": "9777578" }, { "title": "What the Peeper Saw", "text": "What the Peeper Saw What the Peeper Saw or Night Child is a 1972 horror film starring Mark Lester, Britt Ekland, Hardy Krüger and Lilli Palmer. Marcus is a twelve-year-old schoolboy whose mother has recently died, leaving it up to his wealthy father Paul to look after him. He takes a sexual interest in his stepmother Elise. She notices his abnormal behaviour and investigates by visiting his school after discovering a torn-up letter from his headmaster. Elise is shocked by her findings. She becomes increasingly disturbed and wonders if Marcus is to blame for his mother's death. She enlists the", "psg_id": "13472908" }, { "title": "Hold My Hand (1953 song)", "text": "been recorded by Stanley Black, Nat King Cole, Lary Cross with orchestra and Enoch Light. Arild Andresen, piano with guitar and bass recorded it in Oslo on March 11, 1955, as the first melody of the medley \"Klaver-Cocktail No. 2\" along with \"Just One More Chance\" and \"Dedicated to You\". The medley was released on the 78 rpm record His Master's Voice A.L. 2513. Hold My Hand (1953 song) \"Hold My Hand\" is a popular song, written by Jack Lawrence and Richard Myers. It was written in 1950 but not published until 1953. The hit version in 1953 was a", "psg_id": "5422739" }, { "title": "Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences", "text": "the arrangement with MIT was cancelled due to a decision by the State Judicial Court, so Harvard University President Abbott Lawrence Lowell moved to establish the Harvard Engineering School independently instead. In 1934, the School began offering graduate-level and professional programs in engineering. During World War II, Harvard participated in the V-12 Navy College Training Program to provide training for commissioned officers. In 1942 the undergraduate Department of Engineering Sciences changed to the Department of Engineering Sciences and Applied Physics to reflect an increased emphasis on applied physics. President James Bryant Conant created what was known as \"Conant's Arsenal\", a", "psg_id": "9958428" }, { "title": "Ilya Grad", "text": "for jeering him and informed him that they thought he had won the fight. In April 2012, \"Shalom Life\" ranked him Number 1 on its list of “the 50 most talented, intelligent, funny, and gorgeous Jewish men in the world.” Ilya Grad Ilya Grad is an Israeli Muay Thai boxing champion. His current professional record stands at 35 wins with 16 knockouts, 13 losses and no draws. In 2010 he was considered one of the eight best amateur Muai Thai boxers in the world. In February 2012, Grad won the WCK international title in China, In January 2013 the I-1", "psg_id": "16023702" }, { "title": "Michael A. Cusumano", "text": "India. He became a Vice President of the Tokyo University of Science. Michael A. Cusumano Michael A. Cusumano is the Sloan Management Review Distinguished Professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He is the former editor-in-chief and chairman of the \"MIT Sloan Management Review\". Cusumano earned his bachelor's degree from Princeton University, his PhD from Harvard University, and completed a postdoc at Harvard Business School. He is a widely cited scholar in business strategy and information technology. Cusumano also sits on the advisory board of H5, a firm specializing in electronic discovery for legal cases. He also holds Board", "psg_id": "5788876" }, { "title": "What We Saw from the Cheap Seats", "text": "which extended to several European countries (including Russia, to which Spektor has never traveled since emigrating from it as a child), ran through the summer of 2012. Appearances to promote the album include the Late Show with David Letterman, Good Morning America, The Colbert Report, a New York Times interview, a Vh1 performance, and special \"Live on YouTube\" engagement. Similarly to Spektor's previous studio albums, \"What We Saw from the Cheap Seats\" received a favourable reaction upon its release. On the Metacritic review-aggregating site it accrued a score of 73 out of 100, based on 28 reviews, which indicates \"generally", "psg_id": "16093729" }, { "title": "What I Saw: Reports from Berlin, 1920-1933", "text": "a landscape of moral bankruptcy and debauched beauty, a memorable portrait of a city at a critical moment in history.\" The volume is divided into nine sections: What I Saw, The Jewish Quarter, Displaced Persons, Traffic, Berlin Under Construction, Bourgeoisie and Bohemians, Berlin's Pleasure Industry, An Apolitical Observer Goes to the Reichstag, and Look Back in Anger. What I Saw: Reports from Berlin, 1920-1933 What I Saw: Reports from Berlin, 1920-1933 is a book of reportage by the Austrian writer Joseph Roth from the era of the Weimar Republic. The selection of pieces from Roth's large journalistic output was made", "psg_id": "15429706" }, { "title": "What the Dog Saw", "text": "the difference between early and late bloomers to criminal profiling. \"What the Dog Saw\" was met with mainly positive reviews. It received profiles in many high-profile publications, including the \"New York Times\", \"The Guardian\", \"Time Magazine\", \"The Los Angeles Times\" and \"The Independent\". In particular, Gladwell was praised for his writing and storytelling, and reviewers looked upon the essay format positively, with \"The Guardian\" stating \"one virtue of What the Dog Saw is that the pieces are perfectly crafted: they achieve their purpose more effectively when they aren't stretched out.\" \"What The Dog Saw\" was criticized for its use of", "psg_id": "13945105" }, { "title": "MIT class ring", "text": "inclusion of the Dropbox logo and removal of any reference to the unofficial IHTFP motto. The Grad Rat has typically been less popular among graduate students at MIT than the Brass Rat is with undergraduates, with as few as 30% of graduate students opting to buy the ring compared with 85% of undergraduates who purchase the Brass Rat. However, in recent years the Grad Rat has been gaining in popularity among graduate students. Factors contributing to the increasing popularity of the Grad Rat include the aforementioned personalization, increased visibility and marketing, and perhaps most importantly the ability to specify these", "psg_id": "7347001" }, { "title": "What the Dog Saw", "text": "statistics and its lack of technical grounding. \"What the Dog Saw\" debuted at #3 on the \"New York Times\" Bestseller List. It spent three weeks in the top 3 and a total of 16 weeks on the chart, appearing concurrently with Gladwell's previous book \"Outliers\". It was also an Amazon Top 25 seller for the month of November. \"What the Dog Saw\" was named to Bloomberg's top 50 business books of 2009. All of the articles in \"What the Dog Saw\" can be read for free on Gladwell's website. Part 1: \"Obsessives, Pioneers, and other varieties of Minor Genius\" Part", "psg_id": "13945106" }, { "title": "Kenneth Manning", "text": "Kenneth Manning Kenneth R. Manning (born December 11, 1947) is an American academic professor and author. He is currently the Thomas Meloy Professor of Rhetoric and of the History of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Born in Dillon, South Carolina and educated in local schools, Manning eventually moved to North Haven, Connecticut, soon afterwards. Manning entered Harvard University in 1966 and completed his Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in 1970, his Master of Arts (M.A.) in 1971, and his Ph.D. in 1974. While he was doing his graduate studies, Manning helped guide fellow Dillon native Ben Bernanke, who", "psg_id": "9002383" }, { "title": "Slap Bang with Ant & Dec", "text": "a soap opera actor, made a soap opera out of the whole thing when Ant and Dec kept getting his name wrong. This was evident when he got back up and snapped at Dec after lying on the floor, after Dec appeared to have killed him with a gun. Slap Bang with Ant & Dec Slap Bang with Ant & Dec is a television programme that was shown in the United Kingdom on ITV in 2001. It was presented by Ant & Dec. The show ran for 6 episodes (shown weekly, on Saturdays). The title is \"Slap Bang\" because, as", "psg_id": "8723439" }, { "title": "Ben A. Jones", "text": "Farm and his son, Horace A. \"Jimmy\" Jones, took over head trainer duties. Ben Jones made the cover of the May 30, 1949 issue of Time magazine. He retired in 1953 and in 1958 was inducted into the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame. Ben Jones died in 1961 at the age of seventy-eight. Ben A. Jones Benjamin Allyn Jones (December 31, 1882 – June 13, 1961) was a thoroughbred horse trainer. Ben Jones was born in Parnell, Missouri, and attended Wentworth Military Academy in Lexington, Missouri for high school. Jones went into the business of breeding and", "psg_id": "5161565" }, { "title": "Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ", "text": "to drive the sheik's chariot, as he intends to defeat Messala and humiliate him before the Roman Empire. Balthasar and his daughter Iras are sitting at a fountain in the stadium. Messala's chariot nearly hits them, but Judah intervenes. Balthasar thanks Ben-Hur and presents him with a gift. Judah heads to Sheik Ilderim's tent. The servant Malluch accompanies him, and they talk about the Christ; Malluch relates Balthasar's story of the magi. They realize that Judah saved the man who saw the Christ soon after his birth. Simonides, his daughter Esther, and Malluch talk together, and conclude that Judah is", "psg_id": "4361369" }, { "title": "I Saw What I Saw", "text": "I Saw What I Saw \"I Saw What I Saw\" is the sixth episode of the sixth season of the American television medical drama \"Grey's Anatomy\", and the show's 108th episode overall. It was written by Peter William Harper and directed by Allison Liddi-Brown. The episode was originally broadcast on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in the United States on October 22, 2009. The episode begins \"in medias res\", depicting events following a whodunit style, exposing them from alternating points of view in a fast-paced way. Katherine Heigl (Dr. Izzie Stevens) was absent from the episode, due to her hiatus", "psg_id": "13923111" }, { "title": "Ilya Grad", "text": "the producers allowed him to proceed with the Israeli flag. When he entered the ring, the local audience booed him. He was matched against French fighter, Antoine Pinto but lost in a split decision. The two Malaysian judges voted against Grad while the Thai judge voted in his favor. Grad believed he had won the fight as did his corner-men and believed that politics played a role in the decision making process. I threw an upper elbow to meet his movement and cut him over the eyebrow. As I saw the blood pouring down his face I rushed forward and", "psg_id": "16023700" }, { "title": "David Ben-Gurion", "text": "Dayan proposed autonomy for the West Bank, the transfer of Gazan refugees to Jordan, and a united Jerusalem serving as Israel's capital. Ben-Gurion agreed with him, but foresaw problems in transferring Palestinian refugees from Gaza to Jordan, and recommended that Israel insist on direct talks with Egypt, favoring withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula in exchange for peace and free navigation through the Straits of Tiran. The following day, he met with Jerusalem mayor Teddy Kollek in his Knesset office. Despite occupying a lower executive position, Ben-Gurion treated Kollek like a subordinate. Following the Six-Day War, Ben-Gurion criticized what he saw", "psg_id": "769058" }, { "title": "Post Grad", "text": "Post Grad Post Grad is a 2009 American independent romantic comedy film directed by Vicky Jenson and starring Alexis Bledel, about a recent college graduate who moves back in with her family while she figures out what she wants to do next. Originally under the working titles of \"Ticket to Ride\" and then \"The Post-Grad Survival Guide\", the film was released on August 21, 2009. Ryden Malby graduates from college in the middle of the late-2000s recession and is forced to move back in with her parents, because her dream job has been given to her arrogant college nemesis Jessica", "psg_id": "11902905" }, { "title": "MIT Sloan School of Management", "text": "Engineering, the MIT School of Science, and the MIT Department of Economics. A special joint degree program with the School of Engineering is the Leaders for Global Operations program, where students concurrently complete an MBA and a Master of Science in Engineering. MIT also collaborates extensively with Harvard University, and students at each institution often pursue simultaneous degrees at the other. MIT Sloan students can freely cross-register for courses at Harvard Business School, and vice versa—the only leading business schools to have such an agreement. As a result, a number of courses have been created at each institution that regularly", "psg_id": "1770138" }, { "title": "A-dec", "text": "bought A-dec Diversified Inc., a company also in Newberg. The company grew to 600 employees by 1992. In 1999, the company was named as the 88th largest woman-owned company in the US. A-dec introduced new products the Cascade and Radius in the 1990s, and in 2004 introduced the A-dec 500. The chair-mounted delivery system brought new technologies together for the first time and created an integrated system. The development of A-dec 500 led to streamlining the company's production lines and staging A-dec for a quicker time-to-market for its products. They also switched from a cold press to a hot press", "psg_id": "13235078" }, { "title": "Aleksander Grad", "text": "him and a group of close allies to maintain control over the financial flows. This inefficient practice is paid for by the EU taxpayers. Aleksander Grad Aleksander Grad (born 1 May 1962 in Łosiniec, Tomaszów Lubelski County) is a Polish politician. He graduated from the Industrial Geodesy Department at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow. He was elected to the Sejm on 25 September 2005, receiving 13 680 votes in 15 Tarnów district as a candidate on the Civic Platform list. He has been the Minister of State Treasury since November 2007. He was also a member", "psg_id": "8199792" }, { "title": "What I Saw: Reports from Berlin, 1920-1933", "text": "What I Saw: Reports from Berlin, 1920-1933 What I Saw: Reports from Berlin, 1920-1933 is a book of reportage by the Austrian writer Joseph Roth from the era of the Weimar Republic. The selection of pieces from Roth's large journalistic output was made by Michael Bienert and published in German in 1996. The English translation with the present title was made by Michael Hofmann and appeared in 2003. The pieces in the book \"record the violent social and political paroxysms that constantly threatened to undo the fragile democracy\" of those years, but some of them also report on more prosaic", "psg_id": "15429704" }, { "title": "I Saw What You Did (1988 film)", "text": "people, saying \"I saw what you did, and I know who you are\" before hanging up. Lisa and Kim later discuss Kim's love life, and they decide she needs an older man who appreciates her. They decide on calling Adrian again, but Lisa, afraid to seduce him, repeats the line \"I saw what you did, and I know who you are.\" Adrian, who was caught in the act when he was burying Robyn's body, does not realize it's a prank and is determined to get rid of her. She thinks he was flirting with her on the phone and later", "psg_id": "13633196" }, { "title": "Grad, Grad", "text": "overlooking the settlement. It is one of the largest castle complexes in Slovenia, with 365 rooms. After World War II, the castle was divided into small residential apartments. With Slovenia joining the European Union, funds have been made available for the restoration of the castle. Certain parts of the castle are open to the public. A pilgrimage church dedicate to the Assumption of Mary stands in the center of the village. It is one of the highest-quality examples of Gothic architecture in the Mura Valley. Notable people that were born or lived in Grad include: Grad, Grad Grad (; formerly", "psg_id": "16294042" }, { "title": "Position of Lebanon in the 2006 Lebanon War", "text": "Position of Lebanon in the 2006 Lebanon War Lebanon's position in the 2006 Israel–Lebanon conflict from the start was to disavow the Hezbollah shelling and raid on 12 July, while calling for an immediate ceasefire and the withdrawal of all Israeli forces from Lebanese territory. On 13 July, after an emergency meeting of the Lebanese government, Prime Minister Fouad Siniora stated that the government had not been aware of Hezbollah's raid before it happened \"and does not take responsibility for, nor endorses what happened on the international border\". On the same day, Lebanon recalled its Ambassador to USA, after he", "psg_id": "8394875" } ]
[ "federal reserve chairman", "fed chief", "chairman of the fed", "fed chairmanship", "fed chairman", "fed chair", "federal reserve chairman", "list of chairmen of the federal reserve", "federal reserve board chairman", "chairman of the federal reserve", "chairman of the federal reserve board", "chairman of the board of governors of the united states federal reserve", "director of the federal reserve", "fed chair", "list of chair of the federal reserve", "chairman of the board of governors of the federal reserve system", "federal reserve board chairman", "chairman of the federal reserve", "fed chief", "chair of the federal reserve", "chairman of the fed", "fed chairman", "list of the chairman of the federal reserve", "chairman of the united states federal reserve" ]
according to pnc wealth management, what is the cost, rounded to the nearest $1000, of purchasing the items in the 12 days of christmas this year?
[ { "title": "Economics of Christmas", "text": "Vienna \"December market\" was a kind of forerunner of the Christmas market and dates back to 1294. The Christmas Price Index is a tongue-in-cheek economic indicator, maintained by the U.S. bank PNC Wealth Management, which tracks the cost of the items in the carol \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\". PNC compiles both a \"Christmas Price Index\" and \"The True Cost of Christmas.\" The \"Christmas Price Index\" is calculated by adding the cost of the items in the song. The \"True Cost of Christmas,\" however, is calculated by buying a partridge in a pear tree on each of the twelve days,", "psg_id": "17970820" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "in each round of the song, then a total of 364 items are delivered by the twelfth day. This custom began with and is maintained by PNC Bank. Two pricing charts are created, referred to as the Christmas Price Index and The True Cost of Christmas. The former is an index of the current costs of one set of each of the gifts given by the True Love to the singer of the song \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\". The latter is the cumulative cost of all the gifts with the repetitions listed in the song. The people mentioned in", "psg_id": "9457980" }, { "title": "Christmas Price Index", "text": "Christmas Price Index The Christmas Price Index is a tongue-in-cheek economic indicator, maintained by the U.S. bank PNC Wealth Management, which tracks the cost of the items in the carol \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\". The Christmas Price Index was conceived by the bank's chief economist as a humorous commodity price index to measure the changing cost of goods over time. Commodity price indices, as compiled by economics, use a \"market basket\" of certain goods and then measure the cost of the goods from year to year to gauge inflation in different sectors of the economy. The Christmas Price Index", "psg_id": "11330302" }, { "title": "Christmas Price Index", "text": "chose the items in the popular Christmas carol \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" as its market basket: a partridge in a pear tree, two turtle doves, three French hens, four calling birds, five gold(en) rings, six geese, seven swans, eight maids, nine dancing ladies, ten leaping lords, eleven pipers, and twelve drummers. According to tradition, the purchasing of the items begins on December 26 and ends on January 6. PNC compiles both a \"Christmas Price Index\" and \"The True Cost of Christmas.\" The \"Christmas Price Index\" is calculated by adding the cost of the items in the song. The \"True", "psg_id": "11330303" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "the song are hired, not purchased. The total costs of all goods and services for the 2015 Christmas Price Index is US$34,130.99, or $155,407.18 for all 364 items. The original 1984 cost was $12,623.10. The index has been criticised for not accurately reflecting the true cost of the gifts featured in the Christmas carol. The Twelve Days of Christmas (song) \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" (Roud 68) is an English Christmas carol that enumerates in the manner of a cumulative song a series of increasingly grand gifts given on each of the twelve days of Christmas (the twelve days that", "psg_id": "9457981" }, { "title": "Christmas Price Index", "text": "with the actual gift described. The ten “lords-a-leaping” are valued by using the cost of hiring male ballet dancers instead of real lords. Christmas Price Index The Christmas Price Index is a tongue-in-cheek economic indicator, maintained by the U.S. bank PNC Wealth Management, which tracks the cost of the items in the carol \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\". The Christmas Price Index was conceived by the bank's chief economist as a humorous commodity price index to measure the changing cost of goods over time. Commodity price indices, as compiled by economics, use a \"market basket\" of certain goods and then", "psg_id": "11330308" }, { "title": "PNC Financial Services", "text": "22 companies that violated disclosure requirements for municipal bonds by failing to divulge that the issuers had filed late financial reports. It was fined $500,000. PNC has sponsored several initiatives to improve education, health and human services, cultural activities and the arts. These include \"PNC Grow Up Great\", a commitment to early childhood development, the \"PNC Foundation\", and community development investments. Since 1984, PNC has compiled the Christmas Price Index, a humorous economic indicator which estimates the prices of the items found in the song \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\". In 2012, PNC opened the PNC Fairfax Connection, a community", "psg_id": "4253091" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "indicated in \"italics\";<br> (b) items that do not appear at all in Austin's version are indicated in bold italics. A similar cumulative verse from Scotland, \"The Yule Days\", has been likened to \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" in the scholarly literature. It has thirteen days rather than twelve, and the number of gifts does not increase in the manner of \"The Twelve Days\". Its final verse, as published in Chambers, \"Popular Rhymes, Fireside Stories, and Amusements of Scotland\" (1842), runs as follows: \"Pippin go aye\" (also spelled \"papingo-aye\" in later editions) is a Scots word for peacock or parrot. In", "psg_id": "9457964" }, { "title": "The 12 Disasters of Christmas", "text": "parents are named Joseph (Ed Quinn) and Mary (Holly Elissa), and the solution is in the hidden message of the popular Christian holiday song \"The 12 Days of Christmas\", where a different disaster corresponds to each day and the \"five gold rings\" provide a messianic gift. \"The 12 Disasters of Christmas\" first premiered on the Syfy network on December 8, 2012 at 9PM Eastern. It became Syfy's most watched television film on its premiere since February 2013. The DVD version was released on January 6, 2014. The film received negative ratings, but critics have noted that the film is entertaining", "psg_id": "16992821" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "Christmas\". Its final verse, as published in de Coussemaker, \"Chants Populaires des Flamands de France\" (1856), runs as follows: According to de Coussemaker, the song was recorded \"in the part of [French] Flanders that borders on the Pas de Calais\". The exact origins and the meaning of the song are unknown, but it is highly probable that it originated from a children's memory and forfeit game. The twelve days in the song are the twelve days starting with Christmas Day, or in some traditions, the day after Christmas (26 December) (Boxing Day or St. Stephen's Day, as being the feast", "psg_id": "9457966" }, { "title": "Redneck 12 Days of Christmas", "text": "song's B-side, \"'Twas the Night After Christmas\", peaked at number 67 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart in January 1997. The music video was directed by Michael McNamara and premiered in November 1996. Redneck 12 Days of Christmas \"Redneck 12 Days of Christmas\" is a redneck parody of \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" written by Jeff Foxworthy and Tim Wilson and recorded by Foxworthy on his 1996 album \"\". The song reached number 18 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart in January 1996, becoming the highest-charting seasonal title of the SoundScan era, a record", "psg_id": "16574366" }, { "title": "Redneck 12 Days of Christmas", "text": "Redneck 12 Days of Christmas \"Redneck 12 Days of Christmas\" is a redneck parody of \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" written by Jeff Foxworthy and Tim Wilson and recorded by Foxworthy on his 1996 album \"\". The song reached number 18 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart in January 1996, becoming the highest-charting seasonal title of the SoundScan era, a record that has since been tied by Jimmy Wayne's \"Paper Angels.\" It subsequently peaked at number 39 in January 1997, number 39 in January 1998, number 37 in January 1999 and number 35 in January 2000. The", "psg_id": "16574365" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song) \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" (Roud 68) is an English Christmas carol that enumerates in the manner of a cumulative song a series of increasingly grand gifts given on each of the twelve days of Christmas (the twelve days that make up the Christmas season, starting with Christmas Day). The song, published in England in 1780 without music as a chant or rhyme, is thought to be French in origin. \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 68. The tunes of collected versions vary. The standard tune now", "psg_id": "9457961" }, { "title": "PNC Financial Services", "text": "management. PNC Wealth Management is the 16th largest wealth management firm with $48.8 billion in private client assets under management. Hawthorn Family Wealth provides asset management services for family offices with over $20 million in net worth and directly oversaw almost $31 billion as of 2017. As of December 31, 2017, PNC had $220 billion in outstanding loans, including $147 billion in commercial loans and $73 billion in consumer loans. As of December 31, 2017, PNC had $5.3 billion in outstanding credit card loans. In 2016, PNC ranked as the 12th largest credit card issuer, with $33 billion in purchase", "psg_id": "4253071" }, { "title": "The 12 Disasters of Christmas", "text": "The 12 Disasters of Christmas The 12 Disasters of Christmas (alternatively written as 12 Disasters of Christmas; released on DVD as 12 Disasters) is a Canadian-American science fiction action television film produced for Syfy in 2012 and directed by Steven R. Monroe. In a small town called Calvary, a rain of ice spears puts everyone on notice. Just before Jacey's (Magda Apanowicz) grandmother dies, she gives a mystical ring to her explaining that she is the chosen one to stop the end of the world prophesied by the Maya for December 21, 2012. Jacey was born right at Christmas, her", "psg_id": "16992820" }, { "title": "This Is The Time: The Christmas Album", "text": "This Is The Time: The Christmas Album This Is the Time: The Christmas Album is an album by Michael Bolton, released on October 1, 1996. Bolton's first Christmas release, it contains two new songs: \"This Is the Time\" (performed with Wynonna Judd), and \"Love Is the Power\", while the others were covers of traditional Christmas songs. \"Ave Maria\" was performed with Spanish tenor Plácido Domingo. \"White Christmas\" was a single off the album \"\", but was also included on this album. The CD was an \"enhanced\" CD containing additional material viewable on a computer, including a video of \"White Christmas\",", "psg_id": "7156756" }, { "title": "The 12 Disasters of Christmas", "text": "of Christmas\" does not. It stays true to the path on which it embarked, seemingly never troubled for a second by concern for trivial matters like, oh, dialogue or plot.\" \"The A.V. Club\" gave the film a D rating stating \"...comes closer to so-bad-it's-good territory than any SyFy Original Movie in recent memory.\" The 12 Disasters of Christmas The 12 Disasters of Christmas (alternatively written as 12 Disasters of Christmas; released on DVD as 12 Disasters) is a Canadian-American science fiction action television film produced for Syfy in 2012 and directed by Steven R. Monroe. In a small town called", "psg_id": "16992823" }, { "title": "This Is The Time: The Christmas Album", "text": "a discography, and a preview of a Bolton CD-ROM which was never released. The album was released during Christmas time, narrowly missing the top 10 hitting #11. Total sales of the album have reached one million copies in the US (Platinum status). The album also proved to be a worldwide hit, selling almost 2.5 million units. This Is The Time: The Christmas Album This Is the Time: The Christmas Album is an album by Michael Bolton, released on October 1, 1996. Bolton's first Christmas release, it contains two new songs: \"This Is the Time\" (performed with Wynonna Judd), and \"Love", "psg_id": "7156757" }, { "title": "Category management (purchasing)", "text": "Category management (purchasing) Category management is an approach to the organisation of purchasing within a business organisation. Applying category management to purchasing activity benefits organisations by providing an approach to reduce the cost of buying goods and services, reduce risk in the supply chain, increase overall value from the supply base and gain access to more innovation from suppliers. It is a strategic approach which focuses on the vast majority of organisational spend. If applied effectively throughout an entire organisation, the results can be significantly greater than traditional transactional based purchasing negotiations, however the discipline of category management is sorely", "psg_id": "18632774" }, { "title": "All Hail to the Days (Drive the Cold Winter Away)", "text": "\"The English Dancing Master\". The carol's lyrics discuss various seasonal festivities during Christmastide, which is directly mentioned in the verse \"When Christmastide comes in like a bride…Twelve days in the year, much mirth and good cheer.\" During the Elizabethan era (from which the song originates), the majority of Christmas celebrations occurred during the Twelve Days of Christmas. Traditional Elizabethan Christmas festivities alluded to in the carol include wassailing, feasting, and theatre performances. Canadian folk artist Loreena McKennitt recorded the carol, titled \"In Praise of Christmas\", for her Christmas album \"To Drive the Cold Winter Away\" (1987). English folksinger Kate Rusby", "psg_id": "19948496" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "According to \"The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes\", \"Suggestions have been made that the gifts have significance, as representing the food or sport for each month of the year. Importance [certainly has] long been attached to the Twelve Days, when, for instance, the weather on each day was carefully observed to see what it would be in the corresponding month of the coming year. Nevertheless, whatever the ultimate origin of the chant, it seems probable [that] the lines that survive today both in England and France are merely an irreligious travesty.\" (It is also worth noting that exactly 364 gifts", "psg_id": "9457971" }, { "title": "The Public Wealth of Nations", "text": "not ownership. The book was included in \"The Economist\"—Books of the Year 2015 and the \"Financial Times\", FT’s Best Books of the Year 2015. The authors argue that better management of public assets would increase global living standards and improve the fabric of democratic institutions across the world, and that such management could raise USD2.7trn annually for governments. The Public Wealth of Nations The Public Wealth of Nations: How Management of Public Assets Can Boost or Bust Economic Growth (Palgrave, 2015) is a non-fiction book, co-authored by Dag Detter and Stefan Fölster, stating that governments have trillions of dollars in", "psg_id": "19825232" }, { "title": "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?", "text": "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July? \"What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?\" is the title now given to a speech by Frederick Douglass delivered on July 5, 1852, in Corinthian Hall, Rochester, New York, addressing the Rochester Ladies' Anti-Slavery Society. The speech is perhaps the most widely known of all of Frederick Douglass' writings save his autobiographies. Many copies of one section of it, beginning in para. 32, have been circulated online. Due to this and the variant titles given to it in various places, and the fact that it is called a July", "psg_id": "18963055" }, { "title": "12 to the Moon", "text": "when they someday return. Following the great thaw, Lunar Eagle's triumphant crew prepare to land. \"12 to the Moon\" was in production during April, May, and June 1959 at the California Studios in Hollywood. The actual filming took seven or eight days and the entire film was budgeted at $150,000. Although it wasn't released to theaters for another year, the American Film Institute notes that \"According to an Oct 1959 \"HR\" [\"The Hollywood Reporter\"] news item, Columbia purchased the independent production in Aug 1959, intending to rush it into release to capitalize on the topicality of a space launch\". The", "psg_id": "17102440" }, { "title": "Wealth management", "text": "and spending patterns as a way to increase communication. In 2014 Barron's reviewed \"Wealth Management Unwrapped,\" a book addressed to investors without endorsing any one firm or strategy. Increasingly the industry recognized wealth management was more than an investment advisory discipline. In 2015, United Capital rebranded their wealth management services using the term \"financial life management\", which, according to the company, was intended to more clearly define the difference between wealth management companies and more affordable brokerage firms. The same year Merrill Lynch began a program, Merrill Lynch Clear, which asks investors to describe life goals, and includes an educational", "psg_id": "6128517" }, { "title": "Irish Institute of Purchasing and Materials Management", "text": "year to keep its members in touch with latest thinking in Purchasing and Supply Management. The IIPMM is a member of the International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management(IFPSM). Irish Institute of Purchasing and Materials Management The Irish Institute of Purchasing and Materials Management (IIPMM) (Gaelic: \"An Forus um Cheannacht agus Bainistíocht Ábhar\") was formed over forty years ago to promote the purchasing profession through education and training. The Institute’s aim is to promote excellence in all aspects of procurement and supply management in both the public and private sectors. It is a not-for-profit, organisation that is managed and controlled", "psg_id": "12430119" }, { "title": "PNC Financial Services", "text": "center in Cleveland, Ohio. PNC owns corporate naming rights to the following: PNC is a sponsor of: PNC Financial Services PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. (stylized as PNC) is a bank holding company and financial services corporation based in Pittsburgh. Its bank operates in 19 states and the District of Columbia with 2,459 branches and 9,051 ATMs. The company also provides financial services such as asset management, wealth management, estate planning, loan servicing, and information processing. PNC is ranked 8th on the list of largest banks in the United States by assets. It is the 5th largest bank by number", "psg_id": "4253092" }, { "title": "25 Days of Christmas", "text": "viewers. The lineup began its first week with record breaking 3 million average viewers. The December 12 premiere of \"Christmas Cupid\" was watched by a total of 3.4 million viewers. Total viewers for 2010 broke records, averaging 2.8 million viewers. An airing of \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas\" drew 1.3 million viewers. The first week of the 25 Days of Christmas was watched by an average of 2.2 million viewers, down 27% from last year. During the second week, viewers increased to 2.4 million, thanks to the premiere of \"12 Dates of Christmas\". However, this was still down 30% from", "psg_id": "10753658" }, { "title": "The 12 Days of Christine", "text": "Christine\" to its use in \"Benidorm\", in which Pemberton starred, but noted that in \"The 12 Days of Christine\" it was used \"with devastating effect\". Ellen E Jones, writing in \"The Independent\", said that the song \"was deployed on the soundtrack to devastating effect – we'll be humming it uneasily for another 12 days to come.\" Writers for \"i\" said that viewers would be \"mournfully humming\" the song \"for 12 days to come\". The 12 Days of Christine \"The 12 Days of Christine\" is the second episode of the second series of British dark comedy anthology series \"Inside No. 9\".", "psg_id": "18695143" }, { "title": "PNC Financial Services", "text": "checking account called Reserve, and a savings account called Growth. It was launched in July 2008 and was aimed primarily to the tech-savvy members of Generation Y. In June 2012, the product had 1 million users. PNC owns 22% of BlackRock, the largest asset management firm in the world by assets under management. This ownership interest had a market value of $17.9 billion as of December 31, 2017. PNC Asset Management Group (AMG) provides Institutional Asset Management and Wealth Management services to high-net-worth individuals and has approximately $282 billion in assets under administration, of which $151 billion is directly under", "psg_id": "4253070" }, { "title": "The Cost of Living like This", "text": "Kennaway’s wife’s affair with John Le Carré. The Cost of Living like This The Cost of Living Like This is a novel by Scottish writer James Kennaway. It was the first of Kennaway's novels to be published following his death in a car accident in 1968. The novel tells the story of Julian, a 38-year-old British government economist who has learned he has terminal lung cancer. As his marriage comes under increasing strain, he begins an extra-marital relationship with his office junior, seventeen-year-old Sally Cohen. The theme of a triangular love affair also features in Kennaway's previous novel, \"Some Gorgeous", "psg_id": "18590493" }, { "title": "The Cost of Living like This", "text": "The Cost of Living like This The Cost of Living Like This is a novel by Scottish writer James Kennaway. It was the first of Kennaway's novels to be published following his death in a car accident in 1968. The novel tells the story of Julian, a 38-year-old British government economist who has learned he has terminal lung cancer. As his marriage comes under increasing strain, he begins an extra-marital relationship with his office junior, seventeen-year-old Sally Cohen. The theme of a triangular love affair also features in Kennaway's previous novel, \"Some Gorgeous Accident\" (1967), which had been inspired by", "psg_id": "18590492" }, { "title": "Christmas in the Aire", "text": "\"Christmas in the Aire\" is the fifth best-selling Christmas/holiday album in the U.S. during the Nielsen SoundScan era of music sales tracking (March 1991 – present), having sold 3,740,000 copies according to SoundScan. Christmas in the Aire Christmas in the Aire is the third Christmas album and twenty-first studio album released by American musical group Mannheim Steamroller. The album was originally released in 1995, and was the biggest-selling holiday album in the United States that year with sales of 1,844,000 according to Nielsen/SoundScan. \"Christmas Lullaby\" was the only track from this album included in the group's 2004 compilation \"Christmas Celebration\".", "psg_id": "6524184" }, { "title": "The Nearest Thing to Heaven", "text": "by Alan Galbraith, and was the one that became the hit. This single followed his previous release, the Bernie Allen arranged \"Helena\", which even though a gold disc entry, wasn't a hit. The September 7, 1974 issue of \"Billboard\" recorded the song at #10, just behind George McCrae's \"Rock Your Baby\" at #9 and with Paper Lace's \"The Night Chicago Died\" at #1. That was the highest position it got to. The song stayed in the charts for 9 weeks. Walters didn't have any more chart hits after that. The Nearest Thing to Heaven The Nearest Thing To Heaven was", "psg_id": "19959625" }, { "title": "The Road to Christmas", "text": "DVD on October 26, 2010 by A&E Home Video. The Road to Christmas The Road to Christmas is a 2006 American made-for-television romantic comedy film directed by Mark Jean and starring Jennifer Grey, Megan Park, and Clark Gregg. Written by Judd Parkin, the film is about a successful fashion photographer whose planned Christmas wedding in Aspen is interrupted by a snow storm. With no flights or rental cars available, she accepts a ride from a widowed school teacher and his thirteen-year-old daughter, who open up their home to her until the roads clear. \"The Road to Christmas\" first aired on", "psg_id": "16166345" }, { "title": "The Road to Christmas", "text": "The Road to Christmas The Road to Christmas is a 2006 American made-for-television romantic comedy film directed by Mark Jean and starring Jennifer Grey, Megan Park, and Clark Gregg. Written by Judd Parkin, the film is about a successful fashion photographer whose planned Christmas wedding in Aspen is interrupted by a snow storm. With no flights or rental cars available, she accepts a ride from a widowed school teacher and his thirteen-year-old daughter, who open up their home to her until the roads clear. \"The Road to Christmas\" first aired on December 17, 2006 on Lifetime. It was released on", "psg_id": "16166344" }, { "title": "The First Christmas: The Story of the First Christmas Snow", "text": "falls during the pageant works a small miracle. The film contains a performance of Irving Berlin's \"White Christmas\". The film's title actually refers to the Christmas pageant the orphan children presented on Christmas Eve, though the title could also refer to the first time Lucas actually experiences snow after his sight returns. It originally premiered on December 19, 1975 on NBC. In later years, it aired on CBS, usually as the last Rankin/Bass special aired for the season. Freeform once aired the special each year during its \"25 Days of Christmas\" programming block, but AMC has now taken over broadcast", "psg_id": "9392582" }, { "title": "PNC Financial Services", "text": "PNC Financial Services PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. (stylized as PNC) is a bank holding company and financial services corporation based in Pittsburgh. Its bank operates in 19 states and the District of Columbia with 2,459 branches and 9,051 ATMs. The company also provides financial services such as asset management, wealth management, estate planning, loan servicing, and information processing. PNC is ranked 8th on the list of largest banks in the United States by assets. It is the 5th largest bank by number of branches, 6th largest by deposits, and 4th largest in number of ATMs. The name \"PNC\" is", "psg_id": "4253068" }, { "title": "The Nearest Thing to Heaven", "text": "The Nearest Thing to Heaven The Nearest Thing To Heaven was a sizable hit for Bunny Walters in 1974. It reached #10 in the New Zealand charts. It was also his last hit. The song was composed by Tony Macaulay, Gary Sulsh, and Stuart Leathwood. The song was originally recorded by Ben Thomas, released in the UK on Bell Records BELL 1272 in 1972. The version recorded by Bunny Walters was released in 1974 on Impact IR 1084. The B side contained \"Songs We Sang Together\" which was also composed by Tony Macaulay. This version that Walters recorded was produced", "psg_id": "19959624" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "possible use of the twelve gifts as part of a catechism. The possibility that the twelve gifts were used as a catechism during English and Irish Catholic penal times was also hypothesized in this same time period (1987 and 1992) by Fr. James Gilhooley, chaplain of Mount Saint Mary College of Newburgh, New York., a website reviewing urban legends, Internet rumours, e-mail forwards, and other stories of unknown or questionable origin, also concludes that the hypothesis of the twelve gifts of Christmas being a surreptitious Catholic catechism is incorrect. None of the enumerated items would distinguish Catholics from Protestants,", "psg_id": "9457975" }, { "title": "CIBC Wealth Management", "text": "CIBC Wealth Management CIBC Wealth Management is the brokerage division of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC). The CIBC prefers to use phrases like \"wealth-building\" and \"wealth management\" to describe its investment services. Like most banks, their financial products include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, managed portfolios, guaranteed investments, and credit. And like most retail businesses, they give free advice to their customers on what to buy. In 2003, this division managed $193 billion in client assets and made $205 million of profit. Wealth Management was headed by Gerald T. McCaughey, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, CIBC World Markets and", "psg_id": "4112998" }, { "title": "Christmas Is the Time to Say 'I Love You'", "text": "Christmas album, \"Christmas is the Time to Say I Love You\", which was released on October 12, 2010. Christmas Is the Time to Say 'I Love You' \"Christmas Is the Time to Say 'I Love You'\" is a holiday rock song by Billy Squier, released in 1981 as the B-side of his hit \"My Kinda Lover\" (Capitol 5037). In 1981, a video of the song was recorded with MTV VJs and staff members singing along with a live performance by Squier. VJ Martha Quinn remembers it as her number one moment when working for MTV. The song has been covered", "psg_id": "14028029" }, { "title": "The Gospel According to Larry", "text": "The Gospel According to Larry The Gospel According to Larry is a \"coming of age\" political, romantic teen novel by Janet Tashjian that explores anti-consumerism. The introduction of the book is written from a point of view that makes it seem as though Josh Swensen is real and Janet Tashjian is simply the one who edited and published it. This quality gives the book a non-fiction feel. \"The Gospel According to Larry\" revolves around seventeen-year-old Josh Swenson, an articulate teen whose dream is to change the world. He creates his own website which he calls \"The Gospel According to Larry\"", "psg_id": "8258412" }, { "title": "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?", "text": "under the sea, as well as on the earth. In the United States, the speech is widely taught in history and English classes in high school and college. American studies professor Andrew S. Bibby argues that because many of the editions produced for educational use are abridged, they often misrepresent Douglass's original through omission or editorial focus. The speech has been notably performed or read by important figures, including the following actors: What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July? \"What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?\" is the title now given to a speech by Frederick", "psg_id": "18963066" }, { "title": "The Gospel According to the Son", "text": "Times\", \"The book will get a fair share of bad reviews, but that I take for granted. I call a fair share between 65 percent and 75 percent bad reviews.\" On May 11, 1997, \"The Gospel According to the Son\" entered the \"New York Times Best Seller List\" at #13. It peaked at #7 on May 25 of that year, and spent six weeks in the top 16. The Gospel According to the Son The Gospel According to the Son is a 1997 novel by Norman Mailer. It purports to be the story of Jesus Christ, told autobiographically. The novel", "psg_id": "12285752" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "associated with it is derived from a 1909 arrangement of a traditional folk melody by English composer Frederic Austin, who first introduced the familiar prolongation of the verse \"five gold rings\" (now often \"five golden rings\"). \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" is a cumulative song, meaning that each verse is built on top of the previous verses. There are twelve verses, each describing a gift given by \"my true love\" on one of the twelve days of Christmas. There are many variations in the lyrics. The lyrics given here are from Frederic Austin's 1909 publication that first established the current", "psg_id": "9457962" }, { "title": "Christmas Price Index", "text": "1.1%. The cheapest item in the index is the partridge, which, in 2008, could be purchased for $20. Costs have generally risen and fallen along with the standard Consumer Price Index. The survey also tracks the cost of ordering the items online; doing so is significantly more expensive, in part due to shipping costs. In 2008, PNC estimated the total cost at $31,956.62, up 2.3% from 2007, while purchasing all 364 items online would cost $131,150.76, an increase of 1.8%. However, if the buyer were to purchase each item from the least-expensive vendor, the total index would be $19,844.95, a", "psg_id": "11330306" }, { "title": "25 Days of Christmas", "text": "as part of a multi-year deal, AMC (which in 2018 is launching its own holiday programming event branded as Best Christmas Ever) acquired rights to a number of Warner Bros.-owned films and specials that had previously aired on Freeform, including \"Elf\", \"National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation\", \"The Polar Express\", and 12 Rankin/Bass specials. The films, especially \"Christmas Vacation\" and \"Elf\", had received extensive airplay during the event in 2017. Disney Channel will air \"Disney Parks Presents a 25 Days of Christmas Holiday Party,\" hosted by Ruby Rose Turner and Dakota Lotus of \"Coop and Cami Ask the World\". 25 Days of", "psg_id": "10753667" }, { "title": "Wealth inequality in the United States", "text": "Nomos, Wealth Issue, Forthcoming; Duke Law School Public Law & Legal Theory Series No. 2015-38. Available at SSRN: Wealth inequality in the United States Wealth inequality in the United States (also known as the wealth gap) is the unequal distribution of assets among residents of the United States. Wealth includes the values of homes, automobiles, personal valuables, businesses, savings, and investments. The net worth of U.S. households and non-profit organizations was $94.7 trillion in the first quarter of 2017, a record level both in nominal terms and purchasing power parity. Divided equally among 124 million U.S. households, this would", "psg_id": "11243499" }, { "title": "The Gospel According to Larry", "text": "more vivid because it's wrapped in the mystery of Larry.” – Booklist – Starred Review The Gospel According to Larry The Gospel According to Larry is a \"coming of age\" political, romantic teen novel by Janet Tashjian that explores anti-consumerism. The introduction of the book is written from a point of view that makes it seem as though Josh Swensen is real and Janet Tashjian is simply the one who edited and published it. This quality gives the book a non-fiction feel. \"The Gospel According to Larry\" revolves around seventeen-year-old Josh Swenson, an articulate teen whose dream is to change", "psg_id": "8258422" }, { "title": "The Book of Dead Days", "text": "The Book of Dead Days The Book of Dead Days is a novel by Marcus Sedgwick. It tells the story of a 15-year-old named Boy, a sorcerer named Valerian, a girl named Willow, and a scientist named Kepler. \"The Book of Dead Days\" is set in the days between Christmas and New Year, the period of time to which the title refers: \"a strange, a quiet interlude, somehow outside the rest of the year, outside time itself.\" The days between Christmas and New Year’s Eve are dead days, when spirits roam beneath the surface of our lives. A magician called", "psg_id": "10598444" }, { "title": "The Book of Dead Days", "text": "for each other at the end boy finding out who his true father is. The Book of Dead Days The Book of Dead Days is a novel by Marcus Sedgwick. It tells the story of a 15-year-old named Boy, a sorcerer named Valerian, a girl named Willow, and a scientist named Kepler. \"The Book of Dead Days\" is set in the days between Christmas and New Year, the period of time to which the title refers: \"a strange, a quiet interlude, somehow outside the rest of the year, outside time itself.\" The days between Christmas and New Year’s Eve are", "psg_id": "10598456" }, { "title": "The World According to Monsanto", "text": "the Rachel Carson Prize for her work on this project. The World According to Monsanto The World According to Monsanto is a 2008 film directed by Marie-Monique Robin. Originally released in French as \"Le monde selon Monsanto\", the film is based on Robin's three-year-long investigation into the corporate practices around the world of the United States multinational corporation, Monsanto. \"The World According to Monsanto\" is also the title of a book written by Robin. The film reports many controversies surrounding the use and promotion of genetically modified seeds, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), Agent Orange, and bovine growth hormone. Cases in the", "psg_id": "15180171" }, { "title": "Wheel of the Year", "text": "number of minor holidays during the year to commemorate various events. The minor holidays common in contemporary Germanic Paganism: The precise dates on which festivals are celebrated are often flexible. Dates may be on the days of the quarter and cross-quarter days proper, the nearest full moon, the nearest new moon, or the nearest weekend for secular convenience. The festivals were originally celebrated by peoples in the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. Consequently, the traditional times for seasonal celebrations do not agree with the seasons in the Southern Hemisphere or near the equator. Pagans in the Southern Hemisphere often", "psg_id": "456743" }, { "title": "Wealth inequality in the United States", "text": "Wealth inequality in the United States Wealth inequality in the United States (also known as the wealth gap) is the unequal distribution of assets among residents of the United States. Wealth includes the values of homes, automobiles, personal valuables, businesses, savings, and investments. The net worth of U.S. households and non-profit organizations was $94.7 trillion in the first quarter of 2017, a record level both in nominal terms and purchasing power parity. Divided equally among 124 million U.S. households, this would be $760,000 per family. However, the bottom 50% of families, representing 62 million households, average $11,000 net worth. From", "psg_id": "11243457" }, { "title": "Christmas This Year", "text": "2010. It was later included in TobyMac's first Christmas album, \"Christmas In Diverse City\". TobyMac said while talking about making the song, \"Christmas is the most celebrated time of the year for my family. While we were recording the song, we had a week-long Christmas party at my house…in July!!! I wanted to write a song that captured that pure delight without missing the spirit of the season… when love came down to let us live.\" Christmas This Year \"Christmas This Year\" is a Christmas song by American Christian hip hop recording artist TobyMac from his 2011 Christmas album \"Christmas", "psg_id": "20735909" }, { "title": "What Child Is This?", "text": "recovering. During this time, he read the Bible comprehensively and was inspired to author hymns like \"Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!\" and \"As with Gladness Men of Old\". The precise time in 1865 when he wrote the poem \"The Manger Throne\" is disputed. While the \"St. Petersburg Times\" details how Dix penned the work after reading the Gospel for Epiphany that year (Matthew 2:1–12) recounting the journey of the Biblical Magi; \"Singer's Library of Song: Medium Voice\" contends that it was actually authored during the Christmas of 1865. Although written in 1865, \"What Child Is This?\" was only first published six", "psg_id": "5307562" }, { "title": "The Wealth of Nations", "text": "The Wealth of Nations An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, generally referred to by its shortened title The Wealth of Nations, is the \"magnum opus\" of the Scottish economist and moral philosopher Adam Smith. First published in 1776, the book offers one of the world's first collected descriptions of what builds nations' wealth, and is today a fundamental work in classical economics. By reflecting upon the economics at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the book touches upon such broad topics as the division of labour, productivity, and free markets. \"The Wealth of Nations\"", "psg_id": "3273086" }, { "title": "The Gospel According to Adam", "text": "wrote about it in the famous Lebanese newspaper An-Nahar that The Gospel According to Adam is \"An experimental and substantial jump in narration style in the modern Egyptian novels\". The Gospel According to Adam The Gospel According To Adam is a 2006 novel by Muhammad Aladdin, and has been published by Merit Publishing House in Egypt. It is his first novel followed by \"The Twenty-Second Day\" in 2007. Aladdin that he wrote the novel in two days, separated by 6 months, and that he did not change a word of it. it made Aladdin name in the Arabic literary scene,", "psg_id": "8007406" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "1780 publication includes an illustration that clearly depicts the \"five gold rings\" as being jewellery. In 1979, a Canadian hymnologist, Hugh D. McKellar, published an article, \"How to Decode the Twelve Days of Christmas\" in which he suggested that \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" lyrics were intended as a catechism song to help young Catholics learn their faith, at a time when practising Catholicism was criminalised in England (1558 until 1829). McKellar offered no evidence for his claim. Three years later, in 1982, Fr. Hal Stockert wrote an article (subsequently posted on-line in 1995) in which he suggested a similar", "psg_id": "9457974" }, { "title": "The 12 Days of Christine", "text": "strongest episode in the series. David Chater, writing in \"The Times\", said \"The 12 Days of Christine\" was \"not quite perfect\", as the \"spooky\" elements suggested that the writers \"may have spent more time with The League of Gentlemen and Psychoville than is strictly healthy\". Nonetheless, he felt that \"the episode is a distillation of accurate observation that says more about the hope, messiness and disappointment of life in half an hour than most dramas say over an entire series\". There was, he thought, \"something infinitely poignant\" about the way the episode showed the difference between what could have been", "psg_id": "18695139" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "players repeated the verse, the leader added another verse, and so on until one of the players made a mistake, with the player who erred having to pay a penalty, such as offering up a kiss or a sweet. In the northern counties of England, the song was often called the \"Ten Days of Christmas\", as there were only ten gifts. It was also known in Somerset, Dorsetshire, and elsewhere in England. The kinds of gifts vary in a number of the versions, some of them becoming alliterative tongue-twisters. \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" was also widely popular in the", "psg_id": "9457968" }, { "title": "This Is What the Truth Feels Like", "text": "A \"Newsday\" critic called the album \"a return to form\", and compared it to her \"fearless, boundary-pushing pop days of [...] \"Love. Angel. Music. Baby.\"\". \"This Is What the Truth Feels Like\" was also included on year-end lists compiled by several publications. \"Slant Magazine\" ranked the album at number 22 on their \"25 Best Albums of 2016\" list. Sam C. Mac from the magazine highlighted the album's assortment of \"modern, commercially competitive and stylistically diverse pop\" and compared Stefani's break from No Doubt to Annie Lennox's hiatus from the Eurythmics with the release of her 1992 solo album \"Diva\". \"Glamour\"", "psg_id": "19322952" }, { "title": "If This Isn't Nice, What Is?: Advice to the Young", "text": "In 2016, Seven Stories Press released what it called a \"(much) expanded second edition\" of the book. If This Isn't Nice, What Is?: Advice to the Young If This Isn't Nice, What Is?: Advice to the Young (Seven Stories Press) is a 2013 collection of nine commencement speeches from Kurt Vonnegut, selected and introduced by Dan Wakefield. After the publication of his novel \"Slaughterhouse-Five\" brought him worldwide acclaim in 1969, Kurt Vonnegut became one of America's most popular graduation speakers. There were years when public speaking was Vonnegut's main source of income. \"We are performing animals,\" he used to say", "psg_id": "17994182" }, { "title": "Tendency of the rate of profit to fall", "text": "In reality, he argued, this cost-price is itself a market price based on a production price (a cost-price + a profit) of the supplying capitalist producer: the input purchasing price of one capitalist is the output selling price of another capitalist. So the acquisition cost-price of inputs itself corresponded to both a value and a surplus value, and the market prices of inputs might diverge from the labor-value of inputs. Hence, said Marx, if the cost-price of a newly produced output is assumed to be equal to the \"labor-value\" of the inputs used up in producing it, \"it is always", "psg_id": "6714378" }, { "title": "The Wealth of Nations", "text": "fourth and fifth editions—a set of misprints being removed from the fourth and a different set of misprints being introduced. The first edition of the book sold out in six months. The printer William Strahan wrote on 12 April 1776 that David Hume said \"The Wealth of Nations\" required too much thought to be as popular as Edward Gibbon's \"The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire\". Strahan also wrote: \"What you say of Mr. Gibbon's and Dr. Smith's book is exactly just. The former is the most popular work; but the sale of the latter, though", "psg_id": "3273092" }, { "title": "The Gospel According to the Meninblack", "text": "The Gospel According to the Meninblack The Gospel According to the Meninblack (or sometimes referred to as just The Meninblack) is the fifth album by English rock band The Stranglers, an esoteric concept album released in 1981. The album deals with conspiratorial ideas surrounding alien visitations to Earth, the sinister governmental Men in Black, and the involvement of these elements in well-known biblical narratives. This was not the first time The Stranglers had used this concept; \"Meninblack\" on the earlier \"The Raven\" album and subsequent 1980 single-release \"Who Wants the World?\" had also explored it. The album is an elaboration", "psg_id": "5261687" }, { "title": "The 12 Days of Christine", "text": "The 12 Days of Christine \"The 12 Days of Christine\" is the second episode of the second series of British dark comedy anthology series \"Inside No. 9\". It first aired on 2 April 2015 on BBC Two. It was written by Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith, and directed by Guillem Morales. The episode tells the story of Christine, a young woman living in a small flat, over 12 years in her life, focussing on key days and life events in that time. Christine is played by Sheridan Smith, while those who play an important part in her life are played", "psg_id": "18695120" }, { "title": "The Genesis According to Spiritism", "text": "spirits were (and are) created and to what purpose. Explains why the tale of the creation found in the Book of Genesis is contradicted by science. The second part explains what a miracle is and discusses under which conditions it should happen. After describing what a miracle should be (both according to the popular conception and the theology of Christianity, Kardec argues (with the Spirits on his side) that such a thing does not and cannot exist: Regarding miraculous cures, Kardec wisely states that these, if frequent enough, would have been a hindrance to the development of mankind. If people", "psg_id": "6380116" }, { "title": "This Is What the Edge of Your Seat Was Made For", "text": "This Is What the Edge of Your Seat Was Made For This Is What the Edge of Your Seat Was Made For is the first release by Bring Me the Horizon, released on 25 September 2004, through Thirty Days of Night Records in Australia and on 30 January 2005, through Visible Noise records in the UK. \"This Is What the Edge of Your Seat Was Made For\" was released on 25 September 2004 in the US through Earache Records. The original pressing, on Thirty Days of Night Records, was a strict run of only 1,000 copies. Its title comes from", "psg_id": "9078659" }, { "title": "The Gospel According to Adam", "text": "The Gospel According to Adam The Gospel According To Adam is a 2006 novel by Muhammad Aladdin, and has been published by Merit Publishing House in Egypt. It is his first novel followed by \"The Twenty-Second Day\" in 2007. Aladdin that he wrote the novel in two days, separated by 6 months, and that he did not change a word of it. it made Aladdin name in the Arabic literary scene, described it as a \"tour de force\". Because of it, and his entire body of work to date, Aladdin is often described as \"an innovator in the Arabic literature\".", "psg_id": "8007401" }, { "title": "All Hail to the Days (Drive the Cold Winter Away)", "text": "All Hail to the Days (Drive the Cold Winter Away) \"All Hail to the Days\", also known as \"Drive the Cold Winter Away\", \"In Praise of Christmas\", and \"The Praise of Christmas\", is an English Christmas carol of Elizabethan origins. The carol first appeared as a broadside in circa 1625, though its origins are unclear; Thomas Durfrey is sometimes erroneously identified as the lyricist. Though obscure, the carol has featured in numerous hymnals over the centuries. It is traditionally sung to the tune \"When Phoebus did rest\", under which it is printed in the Pepys and Roxburgh collections and Playford’s", "psg_id": "19948495" }, { "title": "Christmas in the Aire", "text": "Christmas in the Aire Christmas in the Aire is the third Christmas album and twenty-first studio album released by American musical group Mannheim Steamroller. The album was originally released in 1995, and was the biggest-selling holiday album in the United States that year with sales of 1,844,000 according to Nielsen/SoundScan. \"Christmas Lullaby\" was the only track from this album included in the group's 2004 compilation \"Christmas Celebration\". On December 15, 1997, \"Christmas in the Aire\" was certified Quadruple Platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America for shipment of four million copies in the United States. As of November 2014,", "psg_id": "6524183" }, { "title": "What Will Happen to the Gang Next Year?", "text": "watching television at the time of the broadcast. This made it the lowest-rated episode in \"30 Rock\"<nowiki>'</nowiki>s history. and a decrease from the previous episode \"The Return of Avery Jessup\" (2.92 million) What Will Happen to the Gang Next Year? \"What Will Happen to the Gang Next Year?\" is the twenty-second and final episode of the sixth season of the American television comedy series \"30 Rock\", and the 125th overall episode of the series. It was directed by Michael Engler, and written by Matt Hubbard. The episode originally aired on the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) network in the United States", "psg_id": "16499601" }, { "title": "The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding", "text": "\"murder\" through an open window and used this opportunity to take Lee-Wortley in. The \"ruby\" that Bridget held in the snow was a paste copy that Poirot brought with him to the house and Lee-Wortley has taken this with him. Poirot supposes that he will go abroad where he will be surprised when he tries to sell the false jewel. The real ruby was hidden by the two thieves in what they were told was the New Year pudding and they were unaware of the accident that befell the pudding intended for Christmas Day. Lee-Wortley's \"sister\" overhears this and is", "psg_id": "5055840" }, { "title": "Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management", "text": "Management\" is abstracted and indexed by Scopus and the Social Sciences Citation Index. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management The Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal published by Elsevier. It covers research in the field of purchasing and supply management. The journal also publishes a yearly special issue containing selected papers from the annual meeting of the International Purchasing & Supply Education & Research Association. It was established in 1994 as the \"European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management\". The editors-in-chief are Alessandro Ancarani and George A. Zsidisin. Previous editors are Finn Wynstra, Christine", "psg_id": "15368158" }, { "title": "Christmas This Year", "text": "Christmas This Year \"Christmas This Year\" is a Christmas song by American Christian hip hop recording artist TobyMac from his 2011 Christmas album \"Christmas in Diverse City\". The song was released as a single on November 30, 2010. It features guest vocals from American singer and songwriter Leigh Nash. The song became Toby's fourth Hot Christian Songs No. 1 and Nash's first, staying there for two weeks. It lasted 5 weeks on the overall chart. The song is played in a B major key, and 95 beats per minute. \"Christmas This Year\" was released as a single on November 30,", "psg_id": "20735908" }, { "title": "If This Isn't Nice, What Is?: Advice to the Young", "text": "If This Isn't Nice, What Is?: Advice to the Young If This Isn't Nice, What Is?: Advice to the Young (Seven Stories Press) is a 2013 collection of nine commencement speeches from Kurt Vonnegut, selected and introduced by Dan Wakefield. After the publication of his novel \"Slaughterhouse-Five\" brought him worldwide acclaim in 1969, Kurt Vonnegut became one of America's most popular graduation speakers. There were years when public speaking was Vonnegut's main source of income. \"We are performing animals,\" he used to say somewhat sardonically. In these speeches Vonnegut jokes, entertains, inspires, and conveys something of the momentousness of life.", "psg_id": "17994181" }, { "title": "The Keys to the Kingdom", "text": "the Lower House and his home town. The Keys hold sovereign power in their own demesne and their day. All other Keys are of equal power when they are not in their realm. The exception to this is Sunday's Key, which is paramount over the others. They can do much of what is asked of them, such as opening, locking, manipulating, and freezing items. The full powers of the Keys are not known, as of \"Lady Friday\". According to Arthur, the Keys have the ability to kill anything they wish, be it Denizen, mortal, or Nithling. Beings that are none", "psg_id": "3865326" }, { "title": "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?", "text": "of their country and their religion and how they rejoice in the name of freedom and liberty and yet they do not offer those things to millions of their country's residents. It is said that America is built on the idea of liberty and freedom, but Douglass tells his audience that more than anything, it is built on inconsistencies that have been overlooked for so long they appear to be truths. According to Douglass, these inconsistencies have made the United States the object of mockery and often contempt. To prove evidence of these inconsistencies, as one historian noted, during the", "psg_id": "18963062" }, { "title": "A Travis Tritt Christmas: Loving Time of the Year", "text": "Owens on his 1965 album \"Christmas with Buck Owens and His Buckaroos\". \"Loving Time of the Year\" and \"Christmas Just Ain't Christmas Without You\" are the only new tracks on this album. A Travis Tritt Christmas: Loving Time of the Year A Travis Tritt Christmas: Loving Time of the Year is the first Christmas music album by American country music singer Travis Tritt. It was released September 29, 1992, via Warner Bros. Records. The album includes a mix of traditional songs, cover songs and new material. This album includes three covers of country Christmas songs. \"Christmas in My Hometown\" was", "psg_id": "13268977" }, { "title": "Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management", "text": "Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management The Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal published by Elsevier. It covers research in the field of purchasing and supply management. The journal also publishes a yearly special issue containing selected papers from the annual meeting of the International Purchasing & Supply Education & Research Association. It was established in 1994 as the \"European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management\". The editors-in-chief are Alessandro Ancarani and George A. Zsidisin. Previous editors are Finn Wynstra, Christine Harland, and the founding editor, Richard Lamming. The \"Journal of Purchasing and Supply", "psg_id": "15368157" }, { "title": "This Is the Day...This Is the Hour...This Is This!", "text": "than I liked what was on them, so it was about why you'd buy into one brand over another.\" The \"Watchmen\"-themed \"Def. Con. One\" was released by the band's early label Chapter 22 on 1 July 1988, reaching number 63 on the UK Singles Chart. Later in the year, the band were signed to major label RCA Records, who released \"This Is the Day...This is the Hour...This Is This!\" in the United Kingdom on 1 May 1989 and in the United States and Japan on 18 July 1989. Not all the samples on the album were licensed, as the band", "psg_id": "8898498" }, { "title": "The Hundred-Year Christmas", "text": "Each year Santa Claus watches a new version of his friend grow old and die, before being replaced; however, Santa's hundred years is up and it is now his turn to find a replacement. If he fails then no one will be around to take care of the infant Father Time and time itself will stop. \"The Hundred-Year Christmas\" was nominated for a World Fantasy Award in 1984 for best short story. The Hundred-Year Christmas The Hundred-Year Christmas is a fantasy novel by David Morrell, who is best known for being the creator of John Rambo in his earlier novel", "psg_id": "12054833" }, { "title": "The purpose of a system is what it does", "text": "be balanced by a more straightforwardly descriptive view. The term is used in many fields including biology and management. The purpose of a system is what it does The purpose of a system is what it does (POSIWID) is a systems thinking heuristic coined by Stafford Beer. Stafford Beer coined the term POSIWID and used it many times in public addresses. In his address to the University of Valladolid, Spain, in October 2001, he said \"According to the cybernetician, the purpose of a system is what it does. This is a basic dictum. It stands for bald fact, which makes", "psg_id": "11958748" }, { "title": "The Hundred-Year Christmas", "text": "The Hundred-Year Christmas The Hundred-Year Christmas is a fantasy novel by David Morrell, who is best known for being the creator of John Rambo in his earlier novel \"First Blood\". \"The Hundred-Year Christmas\" was first published in 1983 by Donald M. Grant in an edition of 700 copies, which were signed and numbered. The novel was originally written as a Christmas present for Morrell's two children, and the children in the novel are named after Morell's son and daughter. The novel concerns the friendship between Father Christmas, who lives for 100 years, and Father Time, who lives for only one.", "psg_id": "12054832" }, { "title": "Purchasing", "text": "assignments outside to the traditional purchasing function – logistics, materials management, distribution, and warehousing. More and more purchasing managers were becoming Supply Chain Managers handling additional functions of their organization's operation. Purchasing managers were not the only ones to become Supply Chain Managers. Logistic managers, material managers, distribution managers, etc. all rose to the broader function and some had responsibility for the purchasing functions now. In accounting, purchases is the amount of goods a company bought throughout this year. It also refers to information as to the kind, quality, quantity, and cost of goods bought that should be maintained. They", "psg_id": "4345883" }, { "title": "This Is What the Truth Feels Like Tour", "text": "already collaborated on the singles \"Let Me Blow Ya Mind\" and \"Rich Girl\". This setlist was obtained from the July 12, 2016, concert, held at the Xfinity Center in Mansfield, Massachusetts. It does not represent all concerts for the duration of the tour. This Is What the Truth Feels Like Tour The This Is What the Truth Feels Like Tour was the third solo concert tour by American singer-songwriter Gwen Stefani, in support of her third solo studio album, \"This Is What the Truth Feels Like\" (2016). It began on July 12, 2016, in Mansfield, Massachusetts at the Xfinity Center", "psg_id": "19463761" }, { "title": "The Kings of Christmas", "text": "the songs. The Kings of Christmas The Kings of Christmas are a holiday music band that was formed in 2011, when three former Trans-Siberian Orchestra vocalists (Tommy Farese, Guy LeMonnier) along with former TSO narrator Tony Gaynor formed a spin-off of the TSO. Their 13-track Christmas CD \"\"365 days a Year\"\", released in December 2011 is a collection of new Christmas songs written and performed by The Kings of Christmas. Former TSO keyboardist Paul Morris was also involved. In June 2012 it was announced that former TSO vocalist Michael Lanning had replaced Maxx in the group, though the band did", "psg_id": "17583278" }, { "title": "The Kings of Christmas", "text": "The Kings of Christmas The Kings of Christmas are a holiday music band that was formed in 2011, when three former Trans-Siberian Orchestra vocalists (Tommy Farese, Guy LeMonnier) along with former TSO narrator Tony Gaynor formed a spin-off of the TSO. Their 13-track Christmas CD \"\"365 days a Year\"\", released in December 2011 is a collection of new Christmas songs written and performed by The Kings of Christmas. Former TSO keyboardist Paul Morris was also involved. In June 2012 it was announced that former TSO vocalist Michael Lanning had replaced Maxx in the group, though the band did not do", "psg_id": "17583276" }, { "title": "Tendency of the rate of profit to fall", "text": "1970s, the academic debate broadened to the more general issue of what exactly is the relationship between values and prices, and how that should be conceptualized. In \"Capital, Volume I\", Marx analyzed how the capitalist enterprise buys materials and labour-power (inputs) to produce commodities sold for profit (outputs). At that stage he was not concerned much with price fluctuations or market volatility (except for the price of labour hired). In chapter 9 of \"Capital, Volume III\", he notes that he had previously assumed that, to the purchasing capitalist, the \"value\" of a commodity bought was the same as its \"cost-price\".", "psg_id": "6714377" }, { "title": "Singapore Institute of Purchasing and Materials Management", "text": "Singapore Institute of Purchasing and Materials Management Singapore Institute of Purchasing and Materials Management (Abbreviation: SIPMM) is a not-for-profit, independent professional organisation founded in 1972 with the aim to enhance managerial effectiveness of professionals in purchasing, logistics, materials and supply management. The mission of SIPMM is to lead professional competence in purchasing, materials, logistics, and supply management. In 1975, SIPMM became the first Singapore organisation to be admitted to the world body, the International Federation of Purchasing & Supply Management (IFPSM). Since then, the Institute works closely with the fellow national affiliates of IFPSM, and develops strategic relationship with leading", "psg_id": "20304815" }, { "title": "The 12 Days of Christine", "text": "Stranger. On Bonfire Night, Christine arrives home with Jack, who has burnt his hand. Marion finds that Jack is not injured, but says that Christine was burnt when she was Jack's age. It is Christmas, and Christine is having dinner with Marion, Ernie, Fung, Bobby and Adam. Christine unwraps her present to find an album of photos from her life. She says that she feels as if her life is flashing before her eyes, and then realises what is happening. Christine sits in a car wreck as emergency services attempt to free her. There are broken eggs from a shopping", "psg_id": "18695129" }, { "title": "Wealth management", "text": "Even though the year got off to a shaky start, HNWIs ultimately benefitted from strong market returns in spite of sluggish global GDP growth. The report was widely welcomed as good news for the private wealth management sector. The 2013 edition of the World Wealth Report also included the inaugural Capgemini, RBC Wealth Management and Scorpio Partnership Global HNW Insights Survey. The survey represents one of the largest and most in-depth surveys of high-net-worth individuals ever conducted, surveying more than 4,400 HNWIs across 21 major wealth markets. Preussen Wealth Management's James Alexander won Best Individual Wealth Manager 2017. This survey-driven", "psg_id": "6128519" }, { "title": "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?", "text": "He wants all the privileged white people in his audience to see that he and other slaves are fighting the same fight their ancestors fought seventy years earlier. They were statesmen, patriots, and heroes, and…with them, justice, liberty, and humanity were final; not slavery and oppression. Douglass also says that since the residents of America believe that slaves are \"men\", they should be treated as such. True Christians, according to Douglass, should not stand idly by while the rights and liberty of others are stripped away. Christianity is of importance in Douglass's speech. He does not speak against religion in", "psg_id": "18963058" }, { "title": "What Will Happen to the Gang Next Year?", "text": "him an embarrassment to African Americans and a comfort to racists. Grizz and Dotcom set up a meeting with Dr. Cornel West to inspire him to do better. Tracy visits a civil rights museum, and there is inspired to emulate Tyler Perry by creating his own studio, solely employing African Americans in creative positions. \"What Will Happen to the Gang Next Year?\" was watched by 2.84 million viewers and earned a 1.4 rating/4 share in the 18–49 demographic. This means that it was seen by 1.4 percent of all 18- to 49-year-olds, and 4 percent of all 18- to 49-year-olds", "psg_id": "16499600" }, { "title": "Wealth management", "text": "program for clients' children. According to Euromoney's annual Private banking and wealth management ranking 2013, which consider (amongst other factors) assets under management, net income and net new assets, global private banking assets under management grew just 10.8%YoY (compared with 16.7% ten years ago). The largest private banks and wealth managers in the world as of 2018 are as follows: World Wealth Report 2013 The 2013 World Wealth Report, released in June 2013, showed that despite the turbulence of the global economy, particularly in the Eurozone, both the population and wealth of global HNWIs reached significant new highs in 2012.", "psg_id": "6128518" }, { "title": "Jewish response to The Forty Days of Musa Dagh", "text": "the book: \"Only a Jew could have written this work\". Yair Auron writes that he has no doubts that Musa Dagh is Mount Moses. The book's title is \"The Forty Days of Musa Dagh\" although according to different documentary sources, the rebellion lasted for 36 days, or for 53 days, or 24 days. Apparently no source says forty days, and Auron believes that this number was chosen to symbolize the forty days of the Great Flood, or the forty days that it took Moses to ascend the mountain. Writer and journalist Huberta von Voss says: Werfel filters the true story", "psg_id": "15642661" }, { "title": "1000 to 1: The Cory Weissman Story", "text": "began in October 2012. The film was shot in 20 days, mostly at Gettysburg College. The film was released directly to DVD and on demand on March 4, 2014. 1000 to 1: The Cory Weissman Story 1000 to 1: The Cory Weissman Story is a 2014 film directed by Mike Levine and starring David Henrie, Beau Bridges, Cassi Thomson, Hannah Marks, Jean Louisa Kelly, and Luke Kleintank. Cory Weissman was a student-athlete, a basketball player, who had a stroke while attending Gettysburg College. He scored 1000 points in high school and looked forward to success as a starting point guard.", "psg_id": "18816378" }, { "title": "Christmas Is the Time to Say I Love You (album)", "text": "Christmas Is the Time to Say I Love You (album) Christmas Is the Time to Say I Love You is the third studio album, and the first holiday-themed album, from \"American Idol\" season five runner-up Katharine McPhee. The album was released on October 12, 2010. The album features mostly covers, and one original song, \"It’s Not Christmas Without You\". The album debuted at number 11 on the Billboard Top Holiday Albums chart and sold 1,000 copies in its first week. As of January 2011, the album has sold 23,000 copies. In July 2010 McPhee began recording the album in Los", "psg_id": "14922170" } ]
[ "87000", "87,000", "eighty-seven thousand" ]
which gilligans island character had the unique ability to construct just about anything necessary to survive from coconuts and bamboo (including a way to recharge batteries), but couldn't be arsed to fix a 2 foot hole in a boat?
[ { "title": "The Professor (Gilligan's Island)", "text": "Russell Johnson has confirmed that it was the producers' intention for his character due to concern from the censors. Unusual for its day, the show actually includes a line where the Professor directly states to Ginger his lack of interest in either sex or romance. A running joke about the Professor was his ability to build nearly anything from coconuts and bamboo, yet he was somehow unable to repair the damaged \"Minnow\", construct a seaworthy raft or find other means to leave the island. This was parodied in the sitcom \"Roseanne\". The show's producer, Sherwood Schwartz, answered this paradox in", "psg_id": "8714874" } ]
[ { "title": "Anything to Survive", "text": "Anything to Survive Anything to Survive, also called Almost Too Late, is a 1990 American disaster survival film directed by Zale Dalen and starring Robert Conrad, Matt LeBlanc and Emily Perkins. It is loosely based on the true story of the Wortman family of British Columbia. The Barton family; siblings Wendy, Krista and Billy and their father Eddie become stranded on a beach while sailing from Prince Rupert to their home in Ketchikan, Alaska. The plot concerns the family going to extreme lengths to survive after they get stranded on an island in a storm and lose their boat. Billy", "psg_id": "14141378" }, { "title": "Anything to Survive", "text": "builds a raft and they attempt to sail to safety but they don't get far. Eddie and Billie head off to seek help while the two daughters try to keep warm under the remains of their boat's sail. Eddie and Billy find their way to a cabin on the mainland but can't raise help. On day 23 they are able to return to the island and find that the girls are alive. Eddie and Wendy have frostbitten feet but all in the family survive and they are able to return to Ketchikan. \"Anything to Survive\" is a made-for-television film, although", "psg_id": "14141379" }, { "title": "Anything to Survive", "text": "the film did have some half-price screenings at limited cinemas in the United Kingdom, including one at London IMAX. The film was nominated for a Gemini Award in 1990 for Best Performance by a Supporting Actress (Ocean Hellman). Anything to Survive Anything to Survive, also called Almost Too Late, is a 1990 American disaster survival film directed by Zale Dalen and starring Robert Conrad, Matt LeBlanc and Emily Perkins. It is loosely based on the true story of the Wortman family of British Columbia. The Barton family; siblings Wendy, Krista and Billy and their father Eddie become stranded on a", "psg_id": "14141380" }, { "title": "There's Got to Be a Way", "text": "Black played the guitar, and Rich Tancredo also performing on the keyboards. Walter Afanasieff played the synth horns. Carey provided her own background vocals along with Billy T. Scott, Jamiliah Muhammed and The Billy T. Scott Ensemble. The song was released in the United Kingdom as the fifth and final single. \"There's Got to Be a Way\" is an R&B-pop music song with elements of gospel, lasting for a duration for four minutes and 52 seconds. The theme of social activism can be heard in the lyrics \"There’s got to be a way / to connect this world today.\" The", "psg_id": "5032285" }, { "title": "The Professor (Gilligan's Island)", "text": "Professor stated after they crashed, \"This hole on the boat defies all of my advanced knowledge. To fix it would be impossible ... now if you'll excuse me, I’m going to go create explosive fillings out of sand.\" In the parody movie \"Back to the Beach\", a character played by Bob Denver and obviously based on Gilligan mentions knowing \"a guy who could build a nuclear reactor out of coconuts but couldn't fix a two-foot hole in a boat.\" Also, in \"Weird Al\" Yankovic’s song \"Isle Thing\" (a parody of Tone Lōc’s \"Wild Thing\"), he sings: \"She said ‘That guy’s", "psg_id": "8714877" }, { "title": "There's Got to Be a Way", "text": "There's Got to Be a Way \"There's Got to Be a Way\" is a song by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey from her self-titled debut studio album (1990). Columbia released it as the fifth and final single from the album in the United Kingdom. It was one of four songs Carey wrote with Ric Wake during their first recording session together in February 1990, but \"There's Got to Be a Way\" was the only composition to make the final track listing. It is a socio-political conscious R&B-pop song which addresses the existence of poverty, racism and war in the", "psg_id": "5032290" }, { "title": "There's Got to Be a Way", "text": "There's Got to Be a Way \"There's Got to Be a Way\" is a song by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey from her self-titled debut studio album (1990). Columbia released it as the fifth and final single from the album in the United Kingdom. It was one of four songs Carey wrote with Ric Wake during their first recording session together in February 1990, but \"There's Got to Be a Way\" was the only composition to make the final track listing. It is a socio-political conscious R&B-pop song which addresses the existence of poverty, racism and war in the", "psg_id": "5032282" }, { "title": "To Be a Lady", "text": "To Be a Lady To Be a Lady is a 1934 British romance drama, directed and produced by George King, and starring Chili Bouchier (credited here as Dorothy Bouchier) and Bruce Lester. The film is the first screen editing credit of American film editor Elmo Williams. Diana Whitcombe (Bouchier) works at her aunt's country inn, but dreams of escaping to London and making her way in society. When chance provides her with the necessary funds, she makes her way to the big city and takes up employment in a hairdressing salon where she befriends French fellow assistant Annette (Ena Moon),", "psg_id": "14821909" }, { "title": "How to Survive a Plague", "text": "How to Survive a Plague How to Survive a Plague is a 2012 American documentary film about the early years of the AIDS epidemic, and the efforts of activist groups ACT UP and TAG. It was directed by David France, a journalist who covered AIDS from its beginnings. France's first film, it was dedicated to his partner Doug Gould who died of AIDS-related pneumonia in 1992. The documentary was produced using more than 700 hours of archived footage which included news coverage, interviews as well as film of demonstrations, meetings and conferences taken by ACT UP members themselves. France says", "psg_id": "16968669" }, { "title": "How to Survive a Plague", "text": "How to Survive a Plague How to Survive a Plague is a 2012 American documentary film about the early years of the AIDS epidemic, and the efforts of activist groups ACT UP and TAG. It was directed by David France, a journalist who covered AIDS from its beginnings. France's first film, it was dedicated to his partner Doug Gould who died of AIDS-related pneumonia in 1992. The documentary was produced using more than 700 hours of archived footage which included news coverage, interviews as well as film of demonstrations, meetings and conferences taken by ACT UP members themselves. France says", "psg_id": "16968662" }, { "title": "To Build a Fire", "text": "the man falls into a frozen-over river. In order to save himself, he scrambles to build a fire but is too busy worrying about his health to notice the mistake of building a fire underneath a tree which has collected an enormous amount of snow. After the first fire is put out, his desperation becomes more defined as he seemingly will do anything to survive, including attempting to kill his dog for warmth and using all his matches at once in a final attempt to light his last fire. His desperation for survival and his fear of death cause his", "psg_id": "8110293" }, { "title": "A Will to Survive", "text": "A Will to Survive A Will to Survive is the 156th title of the Hardy Boys series, written by Franklin W. Dixon. The book was first published by Pocket Books in 1999, and reprinted by Scholastic in 2004. The Hardy Boys go to Shorewood Nature Center, an ecology system. The Hardy Boys then find out of a valuable treasure stored in the center. But someone is trying to get rid of them. Now the Hardy Boys must find out the stalker before it's too late. The young lads get into many dangers and at last they get the mystery solved.", "psg_id": "10397993" }, { "title": "A Will to Survive", "text": "A Will to Survive A Will to Survive is the 156th title of the Hardy Boys series, written by Franklin W. Dixon. The book was first published by Pocket Books in 1999, and reprinted by Scholastic in 2004. The Hardy Boys go to Shorewood Nature Center, an ecology system. The Hardy Boys then find out of a valuable treasure stored in the center. But someone is trying to get rid of them. Now the Hardy Boys must find out the stalker before it's too late. The young lads get into many dangers and at last they get the mystery solved.", "psg_id": "10397992" }, { "title": "Married to a Lie", "text": "the practicalities connected to Kim’s death. It transpires that Kim had been lying to her about his entire life. The successful businessman turns out to be an unemployed idler, who, to top it all, was going to leave Sonja just before the wedding. The man Sonja was marrying did not exist. Sonja starts to probe into Kim’s hidden past, as it has been her past also. It is the only way for Sonja to survive her loss. Married to a Lie Married to a Lie is a Finnish television miniseries (4 x 45 min.) produced by Vertigo Production in 2008.", "psg_id": "14640097" }, { "title": "Good to Be a Stranger", "text": "Good to Be a Stranger Good to be a Stranger is an album by The Orchids, released in 2007. It was recorded by the group when they reunited in 2006 with new members Ronnie Borland and Keith Sharp. \"Good to Be a Stranger is buttoned-down guitar pop at its most shuffling, but when you consider where these lads have been (and just as important, where they're from), it takes this release beyond your standard reunion fare. However, their fans will notice that creative dotage and standard rust hasn't eroded the Orchids' ability to craft toothsome pop delightfully belying their gritty", "psg_id": "13499602" }, { "title": "How to Survive a Marriage", "text": "marry Dr. Tony DeAngelo. Another major story centered on Fran Bachman (Fran Brill) coping with sudden widowhood. Brill received over a thousand letters of condolence from viewers. The show did not profit from the large lead-in that the high-rated \"Another World\" provided, mostly due to its many attempts to be socially relevant, which usually took the place of traditional storytelling to which American soap viewers at the time were acclimated. \"How to Survive a Marriage\" ran a distant third in the 3:30 PM timeslot, behind \"Match Game\" on CBS (daytime TV's highest-rated program) and \"One Life to Live\" on ABC;", "psg_id": "3868419" }, { "title": "(I'd Like to Get You on a) Slow Boat to China", "text": "parlance to mean anything that takes an extremely long time. This song is: The phrase \"a slow boat to China\" (or a snowclone thereof) features: (I'd Like to Get You on a) Slow Boat to China \"On A Slow Boat to China\" is a popular song by Frank Loesser, published in 1948. The song is a well-known pop standard, recorded by many artists, including a duet between Rosemary Clooney and Bing Crosby (for their album \"Fancy Meeting You Here\" (1958)), Ella Fitzgerald, Joni James, Jimmy Buffett, Fats Domino and Liza Minnelli. In the UK, the biggest hit version was recorded", "psg_id": "10835440" }, { "title": "How to Survive a Marriage", "text": "Death of David Bachman.\" Fran Brill also won an award from the \"Afternoon TV Writers & Editors\" for her portrayal of Fran Bachman during the same award-winning sequence. How to Survive a Marriage How to Survive a Marriage is an American soap opera which aired on the NBC television network from January 7, 1974 to April 17, 1975. The serial was created by Anne Howard Bailey, with much input from then-NBC Vice President Lin Bolen. The show's working title was \"From This Moment\" and was an in-house NBC production. Larry and his wife Christine (nicknamed \"Chris,\" played by Jennifer Harmon)", "psg_id": "3868422" }, { "title": "How to Survive a Marriage", "text": "How to Survive a Marriage How to Survive a Marriage is an American soap opera which aired on the NBC television network from January 7, 1974 to April 17, 1975. The serial was created by Anne Howard Bailey, with much input from then-NBC Vice President Lin Bolen. The show's working title was \"From This Moment\" and was an in-house NBC production. Larry and his wife Christine (nicknamed \"Chris,\" played by Jennifer Harmon) soon divorced and while battling for custody of their daughter Lori, Chris entered the workforce. On Valentine's Day 1975, Chris and Larry remarried, and she then battled alcoholism.", "psg_id": "3868417" }, { "title": "A Voyage to Arcturus", "text": "clear and unsubtle, and red sanguine and passionate, so he felt ulfire to be wild and painful, and jale dreamlike, feverish, and voluptuous.') Tormance people are able to speak to people from Earth, as their ability to read thoughts enables them to understand both meaning and words. The planet itself is entirely un-Earthlike with unique life-forms, such as three-legged animals that spin, and a ten-finned flying animal. The sexuality of the Tormance species is ambiguous; Lindsay coined a new gender-specific pronoun series, \"ae\", \"aer\", and \"aerself\" for the phaen who are humanoid but formed of air. The character Panawe who", "psg_id": "6093913" }, { "title": "Just A Way", "text": "his return to Japan, Just A Way was moved back in distance for the Yasuda Kinen over 1600 metres at Tokyo on 8 June. Despite doubts about his ability to cope with the soft turf he was made 7/10 favourite against sixteen opponents, with Yoshitomi Shibata taking over from the suspended Fukunaga. He looked likely to be beaten in the straight as the 147/1 outsider Grand Prix Boss established a clear lead, but produced a strong finish to take the lead in the last stride and win by a nose. In autumn, Just A Way was one of three Japanese", "psg_id": "17979166" }, { "title": "There's Got to Be a Way", "text": "David Hiltbrand and David Grogan of \"People\" wrote that it is a \"testimony to her talent that she does so much with so little.\" They continued to write that Carey's \"tone and clarity\" makes \"There's Got to Be a Way\" a \"mesmerizing\" track. To mark twenty-five years since the release of \"Mariah Carey\" in June 1990, \"Billboard\" writer Trevor Anderson wrote a track-by-track review of the album in June 2015. He noted that \"There's Got to Be a Way\" follows the same melodic tone as the album's opener \"Vision of Love\" but highlighted their stark lyrical differences, as the former", "psg_id": "5032287" }, { "title": "How to Survive a Plague", "text": "in 2016 to critical acclaim; it was described as \"the definitive book on AIDS activism\", was longlisted for the Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence and was named to numerous best-of and top-ten lists, including the New York Times 100 Notable Books for 2016. Currently, the film has a rating of 99% on Rotten Tomatoes, and an average score of 8.6/10, based on 69 reviews. \"How to Survive a Plague\" received awards for best documentary of 2012 from the Gotham Independent Film Awards and from the Boston Society of Film Critics. The Independent Spirit Awards nominated it for Best Documentary. It", "psg_id": "16968667" }, { "title": "To Be a Lady", "text": "\"lavish mounting\", \"expert direction\" and \"faultless recording and camera work\". It was reported that it had taken an entire day's filming for King to be satisfied with the kitten rescue sequence, which lasted a bare 60 seconds in the finished film. Surviving contemporary critical reaction suggests that the film was less well-received that had been hoped. \"The Picturegoer\" spoke of \"moderate\" acting, \"unconvincing\" plot and said \"the wholly obvious theme is indifferently directed\". \"Kine Weekly\" was similarly unimpressed with the storyline, but somewhat more enthusiastic about the standards of acting and direction. There is no record of \"To Be a", "psg_id": "14821915" }, { "title": "A Glorious Way to Die", "text": "the book is \"a chilling account of how more than 3,000 Japanese sailors obediently sailed to their deaths, knowing they had no air cover and that the American planes were waiting\". In a review of the book in \"The New York Times\", Richard F. Shepard called it a \"compelling story\". He said that Spurr tells this \"naval saga\", which had degenerated into a \"racial conflict\", from the point of view of the people involved, \"people who had little time for moralizing or preachments, anything but getting on with the killing\". American author and journalist Charles Kaiser, also writing in \"The", "psg_id": "15670974" }, { "title": "It Just Got to Be", "text": "there's something endearing about their ability to produce a body of work of consistently high quality\". \"Recorded on December 13 (3-4, 8) and December 14 (1-2, 5-7), 1960.\" It Just Got to Be It Just Got to Be is an album by the jazz group The Three Sounds with performances recorded in 1960. It was released on the Blue Note label in 1963. It was reissued on CD only in Japan, with two bonus tracks. The Allmusic review by Stephen Thomas Erlewine awarded the album 3 stars stating, \"The performances throughout the record are predictably swinging and enjoyable, even if", "psg_id": "14981408" }, { "title": "A Movie Star Has To Star in Black and White", "text": "Jean Peters has extreme depression about her divorce from Eddie. She has to borrow money from Eddie because she doesn’t make enough money independently, which drives her crazy. Wally is most likely not going to survive. Clara recites a poem about calling to god, but \"The Owl Answers\". Clara’s Mother and Father fight about their divorce. Jean Peters recites more from her play, wishing that she could fly away like the owl to god. In the final scene, it is a flashback where Shelley Winters and Montgomery Clift are rowing in a small boat from the set of A Place", "psg_id": "19465958" }, { "title": "Ordinary Dreams; or How to Survive a Meltdown with Flair", "text": "Ordinary Dreams; or How to Survive a Meltdown with Flair Ordinary Dreams; Or How to Survive a Meltdown with Flair, is a black comedy, written by Marcus Markou, which premiered at the Trafalgar Studios on 14 May 2009 and ran till 6 June. The cast included Sia Berkeley, Adrian Bower, James Lance and Imogen Slaughter. The story concerns a character who, during a recession, has a breakdown and fantasises about becoming the Prime Minister of Great Britain. The Spectator magazine review called it \"A bourgeois sitcom with a macabre heart and a central character who responds to stress by indulging", "psg_id": "13485796" }, { "title": "A Glorious Way to Die", "text": "New York Times\", said that the book's strength is \"its ability to re-create the fear the Japanese engendered with their desperation tactics\" and the resulting American perception that they were all prepared to fight to the death. Kaiser added that younger readers may have a better understanding from this book of what led to US President Truman's decision to use the atomic bomb against Japan, \"even if they ... question the morality of that decision\". A reviewer at the \"Internet Bookwatch\" said the book is not just \"a dry historical record\", but is \"aptly presented\", well researched and \"a worthy", "psg_id": "15670975" }, { "title": "How to Survive a Marriage", "text": "a move to 1:30 PM on January 6, 1975 (to enable \"AW\" to expand to an hour) only brought worse ratings. Despite NBC's high hopes, \"Survive\" would survive for only sixteen months, ending on a Thursday (the 1:30pm–3:00pm block on NBC was pre-empted the following day for a 90-minute special \"First Ladies Diaries: Rachel Jackson\"). The Monday after, \"Days of Our Lives\" expanded to an hour and assumed the vacant half-hour left in NBC's daytime schedule. The program thus holds a rather dubious distinction as the victim of not only the first expansion of a soap opera to a full", "psg_id": "3868420" }, { "title": "From a View to a Death", "text": "by displays of better manners and more proper etiquette as it is by bad temper and argument. Joanna Brandon, a local young woman, further complicates the lives of several of the principals; she may be Powell’s most sensitively rendered female character. The novel moves through ten chapters toward an inescapable denouement, though never tipping its hand as to precisely how the foreshadowing of the title shall be brought to fruition. The parallel plots (at times almost Lear-like in the development of the neighbouring families) reach a double climax from which only one ‘superman’ can emerge. From a View to a", "psg_id": "9616056" }, { "title": "A Night to Remember (1958 film)", "text": "holds onto the side, not minding the cold because he's been drinking, and is eventually taken aboard. Lightoller spots another boat, and the men are saved. The \"Carpathia\" comes and rescues the survivors. Lightoller expresses that he \"don't think I'll ever feel sure again. About anything.\" On the \"Carpathia\", after a group prayer, Lightoller is told by Rostron told the numbers of the saved and lost. In all, 1500 people are lost; 705 are alive. The wireless operator comes on deck to inform Rostron that the \"Californian\" has just heard about \"Titanic\"'s sinking and ask if they can do anything.", "psg_id": "8545215" }, { "title": "A Horrible Way to Die", "text": "for Amy Seimetz. In rural Missouri, serial killer Garrick Turrell (A. J. Bowen) escapes from police custody and immediately resumes taking the lives of strangers whilst searching for his ex-girlfriend, Sarah. Meanwhile, having met at group therapy for recovering alcoholics, Sarah (Amy Seimetz) and Kevin (Joe Swanberg) begin to develop a tentative relationship. As the body count builds, Turrell makes his way to Sarah's new location just as she seems to be getting her life in order. Barrett estimated the budget at $75,000. \"A Horrible Way to Die\" debuted on 14 September 2010 at the Toronto International Film Festival and", "psg_id": "15917907" }, { "title": "There's Got to Be a Way", "text": "but only \"There's Got to Be a Way\" was chosen for the final track listing. Co-produced by Wake and Narada Michael Walden, it appears as the second of ten songs on the track listing. The track was recorded in February 1990 and engineered by Bob Cadway at Cove City Sound Studios and The Power Station, both located in New York City; he was assisted by Dana Jon Chappelle. It was mixed by David Frazer at Tarpan Studios in San Rafael. The keyboards, bass and rhythm engineering was carried out by Louis Biancaniello, while Joe Franco performed the percussion, Vernon \"Ice\"", "psg_id": "5032284" }, { "title": "A Foot in Coldwater", "text": "Foot in Coldwater regrouped for several short tours. In 1984, the heavy metal band Helix recorded their version of \"(Make Me Do) Anything You Want\". It is described as \"a sleepy ballad\" by AllMusic. In 1998, Unidisc Music reissued the first three A Foot in Coldwater albums along with a two-disc compilation album, \"The Very Best of A Foot in Coldwater\". Alex Machin: Vocals Christopher Edward Campaign, Island, Nucleus, A Foot In Coldwater, Character, Champion, A Foot In Coldwater & Moxy. Paul Naumann (April 8, 1952 – October 20, 2009): Guitars Buttergarden, Leather, Island, Nucleus, A Foot In Coldwater, Character,", "psg_id": "12534875" }, { "title": "A Glorious Way to Die", "text": "a British journalist and editor of the Hong Kong-based \"Far Eastern Economic Review\", interviewed Japanese and Americans involved with \"Yamato\"s last mission, and drew on Japanese naval documents and records to write the book. He tells the story from both the Japanese and American points of view. \"A Glorious Way to Die\" was generally well received by critics and historians. American author and journalist Charles Kaiser wrote in \"The New York Times\" that the book's strength is \"its ability to re-create the fear the Japanese engendered with their desperation tactics\", which resulted in American perception that they were all prepared", "psg_id": "15670964" }, { "title": "Who Wants to Be a Superhero? (season 2)", "text": "Defuser asks a random citizen for advice on how to handle a \"Super Wedgie,\" and Hygena causes traffic problems. Eventually, the Defuser gets suspicious, but he doesn't say anything to Evil Stan. The heroes are then told to investigate a crate in an abandoned building where Stan Lee's first pencil is being hidden. Hygena finds the pencil, but the crate is closed on the heroes and Dr. Dark taunts them with an hour-long deadline before he ships their crate to a \"dark place.\" Hyper-Strike and Parthenon lead the team in finding a way out while The Defuser merely helps due", "psg_id": "10519303" }, { "title": "To Be a Lady", "text": "Lady\" after its original 1934–1935 cinema run. The British Film Institute has been unable to locate a print for inclusion in the BFI National Archive, and currently classes the film as \"missing, believed lost\", and is included on the BFI's \"75 Most Wanted\" list of missing British feature films. It is the only sound film of Bouchier's not known to survive. To Be a Lady To Be a Lady is a 1934 British romance drama, directed and produced by George King, and starring Chili Bouchier (credited here as Dorothy Bouchier) and Bruce Lester. The film is the first screen editing", "psg_id": "14821916" }, { "title": "To Be a Lover", "text": "To Be a Lover \"To Be a Lover\" is a song by Billy Idol from his 1986 album \"Whiplash Smile\". As the album's lead single, it became Idol's second top 10 hit in the US, peaking at No. 6 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 and No. 22 on the UK Singles Chart. The song was co-written (with Booker T. Jones) and originally performed by William Bell as a soul ballad titled \"I Forgot to Be Your Lover\", released in late 1968 and hitting No. 45 on the Hot 100 and No. 10 on \"Billboard\"′s Hot Rhythm & Blues Singles chart", "psg_id": "15714128" }, { "title": "Hole in My Heart (All the Way to China)", "text": "\"The Great Cyndi Lauper\". This song can be found on the following albums: \"Best Movie Album in the World...Ever!\" (3 CDs), \"\" (2 CDs), \"36 All-time Favorites\" (3 CDs), \"Monster Hits 1988/Hits of 1988\". Hole in My Heart (All the Way to China) \"Hole in My Heart (All the Way to China)\" is a song recorded by American pop singer Cyndi Lauper for her 1988 film \"Vibes\". It was written by Richard Orange, formerly of the band Zider Zee. During a live concert and Q&A appearance in Las Vegas, Cyndi stated her record company thought the song was too fast", "psg_id": "904912" }, { "title": "The Fairy Who Didn't Want to Be a Fairy Anymore", "text": "as the doctor and Micah Barnes as the nurse) to have his wings removed so that he can become a normal human being, after facing anti-fairy discrimination. Following a musical debate between the three, the doctor agrees to perform the surgery. As he leaves the clinic the now-wingless fairy is initially happy to be just like everyone else around him, but soon comes to regret his decision as he belatedly realizes the unique qualities and gifts, such as the ability to fly, that he has given up by pushing his identity into the closet. Michael Kennard and John Turner, in", "psg_id": "18914745" }, { "title": "There's Got to Be a Way", "text": "world which gradually becomes more aspirational and positive as it progresses. The track garnered a mixed reception upon the album's release in 1990. While Carey's vocals were praised, it was seen as too political. An accompanying music video highlights social injustices. The song reached number 54 on the UK Singles Chart. \"There's Got to Be a Way\" was composed by Mariah Carey and Ric Wake for Carey's self-titled debut studio album (1990); the lyrics were written by Carey, while she and Wake composed the music. It was written during Carey and Wake's first recording session together. They composed four songs,", "psg_id": "5032283" }, { "title": "How to Be a Psychic Spy", "text": "made available on the channel's catch-up service, 4oD; it ran for one hour, including three advertising breaks. The special was viewed by 1.8 million people, a significant drop from Brown's previous special, \"How to Control the Nation\", which gained over 3 million viewers. \"The Guardian\" Heidi Stephens commented that the special was \"really interesting, and worth it just for Daniel [Kish] and his sonar, but I'm feeling a bit short-changed\". She also noted that the concentric circles design was present in the museum's decor and the shot of Katie's eyes. How to Be a Psychic Spy \"How to Be a", "psg_id": "16826307" }, { "title": "How to Survive a Marriage", "text": "hour, but the first \"two\" (CBS did not expand any of its shows until December, and ABC did not until 1976). Fran Brill is now best-known for her work on \"Sesame Street\", where she performed Muppet characters, including Zoe and Prairie Dawn, from 1970 to 2014. Other famous faces in the cast include \"Dallas\" star Ken Kercheval (Larry Kirby #2), Academy Award-winning actor F. Murray Abraham (Joshua Browne), film actor Armand Assante (Johnny McGhee), and the late film actor Brad Davis (Alexander Kronos). The serial won Best Sequence at the third annual \"Afternoon TV Writers & Editors Awards\", for \"The", "psg_id": "3868421" }, { "title": "A Pharaoh to Remember", "text": "to the point where slaves need rocket-packs and spacesuits to complete it. When it is finished, Bender is dissatisfied and orders it be rebuilt. The high priests, fed up with Bender's demands, entomb him, Fry, and Leela. Fry and Leela propose to use explosive Schnapps stored in the tomb to blast a hole and escape, but Bender, still obsessed with being remembered, refuses to let them destroy the statue. Fry and Leela respond by pretending to forget Bender; unable to endure this treatment, he gives in to their demand. They create a crack in the foot of the statue to", "psg_id": "6804682" }, { "title": "Zona: A Book About a Film About a Journey to a Room", "text": "1986 Chernobyl disaster. Zona: A Book About a Film About a Journey to a Room Zona: A Book About a Film About a Journey to a Room is a 2012 book by Geoff Dyer. The book is a discussion by Dyer of the film \"Stalker\" directed by Andrei Tarkovsky in 1979. The title is taken from the mysterious and enigmatic Zone which is a locus within the film itself. The work is based on a close, scene-by-scene reading with a large number of digressions, including autobiographical discussions such as the time and place where Dyer watched the film (and observations", "psg_id": "18224753" }, { "title": "Zona: A Book About a Film About a Journey to a Room", "text": "Zona: A Book About a Film About a Journey to a Room Zona: A Book About a Film About a Journey to a Room is a 2012 book by Geoff Dyer. The book is a discussion by Dyer of the film \"Stalker\" directed by Andrei Tarkovsky in 1979. The title is taken from the mysterious and enigmatic Zone which is a locus within the film itself. The work is based on a close, scene-by-scene reading with a large number of digressions, including autobiographical discussions such as the time and place where Dyer watched the film (and observations of how his", "psg_id": "18224749" }, { "title": "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs", "text": "Marx's terminology), the Soviet Union adapted the formula as: \"From each according to his ability, to each according to his work (labour investment)\". While liberation theology has sought to interpret the Christian call for justice in a way that is in harmony with this Marxist dictum, many have noted that Jesus' teaching in the \"Parable of the Talents\" (Matthew 25:14–30) affirms only \"TO each according to his ability\" (Matt. 25:15), and not \"FROM each according to his ability\". From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs \"From each according to his ability, to each according to", "psg_id": "7703773" }, { "title": "How to Survive a Robot Uprising", "text": "How to Survive a Robot Uprising How to Survive a Robot Uprising: Tips on Defending Yourself Against the Coming Rebellion is a semi-satirical book by Daniel Wilson published in November 2005. The book gives tongue-in-cheek advice on how one can survive in the event that robots become too intelligent and rebel against the human race. \"How to Survive a Robot Uprising\" is partially based on scientific fact, and is a prime example of deadpan humor. \"Wired\" magazine gave it a 2006 Rave Award, calling it \"equal parts sci-fi send-up and technical primer\". Maclean's called the book \"very funny and highly", "psg_id": "7199438" }, { "title": "To Be a Lover", "text": "the track and an 'interlude' with distorted female groans. It is this version that is featured on the remix compilation album \"Vital Idol\" 1987 US/1988 Japan editions. The UK 12\" was also released as a limited-edition picture disc. To Be a Lover \"To Be a Lover\" is a song by Billy Idol from his 1986 album \"Whiplash Smile\". As the album's lead single, it became Idol's second top 10 hit in the US, peaking at No. 6 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 and No. 22 on the UK Singles Chart. The song was co-written (with Booker T. Jones) and originally", "psg_id": "15714131" }, { "title": "A Way to See in the Dark", "text": "for dark times, but they come up just short of being straight worship music\". Lennie of Cross Rhythms wrote that the \"main strengths of the album are the radio-friendly production, Jason's fine vocals and, most notable of all, the original, thoughtful lyrics that attend every one of these dozen tracks.\" However, Lennie also said it was unoriginal and like Steven Curtis Chapman's works, but did go onto say \"this is still a fine album.\" Caldwell of Jesus Freak Hideout says \"A Way to See in the Dark\" that it \"delivers on all those levels, and then some,\" and notes the", "psg_id": "15847757" }, { "title": "So You Want to Be a Wizard", "text": "escape, they open their minds to the universe - which ends up bringing an intelligent white hole from space. Translated into English and simplified, the white hole's name is \"Fred\". The next day at school Fred and Nita attempt to retrieve Nita's pen from her bullies, but Fred miscalculates the gravity required to lift the pen from the bullies' possession, and instead accidentally swallows it. This makes Fred hiccup objects, including a television, a blue Mercedes, and a LearJet. After school, they seek help from the local Advisory Wizards. Fred's problem is fixed, but Nita's pen is not recovered. In", "psg_id": "6835015" }, { "title": "Ordinary Dreams; or How to Survive a Meltdown with Flair", "text": "in a satirical dream-life\". The review in The Sunday Times was scathing and gave it one star. The play was directed by Adam Barnard and produced by James Seabright. Ordinary Dreams; or How to Survive a Meltdown with Flair Ordinary Dreams; Or How to Survive a Meltdown with Flair, is a black comedy, written by Marcus Markou, which premiered at the Trafalgar Studios on 14 May 2009 and ran till 6 June. The cast included Sia Berkeley, Adrian Bower, James Lance and Imogen Slaughter. The story concerns a character who, during a recession, has a breakdown and fantasises about becoming", "psg_id": "13485797" }, { "title": "The Proper Way to Hang a Confederate Flag", "text": "The Proper Way to Hang a Confederate Flag The Proper Way to Hang a Confederate Flag is an art installation by John Sims. The controversial installation consists of a Confederate flag hanging from a noose at a 13-foot gallows. \"The Proper way to Hang a Confederate Flag\" was first shown in Schmucker Gallery at Gettysburg College in 2004 as a part of Sims' \"Recoloration Proclamation: The Gettysburg Redress\". \"Recoloration Proclamation\" targets specific traditional symbols of southern heritage, which are inextricably linked to slavery and racism in America. Included in the exhibition are recolored Confederate flags, a Confederate flag hanging from", "psg_id": "13737066" }, { "title": "How to Be a Woman", "text": "number of issues, has accused Moran of setting up a 'straw woman' version of herself to argue with, and of skimping on her homework.\" \"Time\" called \"How to Be a Woman\" \"hugely lovable\" but \"problematically narrow.\" How to Be a Woman How to Be a Woman is a 2011 non-fiction memoir by British writer Caitlin Moran. The book documents Moran's early life (from teens until mid-thirties) including her views on feminism. As of July 2014, it had sold over a million copies. Caitlin Moran wrote \"How To Be a Woman\" with the goal of making feminism more approachable for every", "psg_id": "17819502" }, { "title": "What a Way to Live", "text": "What a Way to Live What a Way to Live is the fifth studio album released by American country music artist Mark Chesnutt. His first album for Decca Records, it earned RIAA gold certification in the United States for sales of 500,000 copies. The tracks \"She Dreams\", \"Goin' Through the Big D\", \"Gonna Get a Life\", and \"Down in Tennessee\" were all released as singles, peaking at #6, #2, #1, and #23, respectively, on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Songs charts. \"She Dreams\" was co-written and originally recorded by Tim Mensy on his 1992 album \"This Ol' Heart\", from which it", "psg_id": "11306120" }, { "title": "To Survive", "text": "Woolf. In 2009 it was awarded a silver certification from the Independent Music Companies Association which indicated sales of at least 30,000 copies throughout Europe. The Japanese version of \"To Survive\" includes three bonus tracks: To Survive To Survive is the second album by Joan as Police Woman. It was released on June 9, 2008, on CD, LP and digital download. The album was released by Reveal Records in the United Kingdom, by Cheap Lullaby in the United States and by PIAS in Europe and the rest of the world. The album received generally favorable reviews, including a metascore of", "psg_id": "11843768" }, { "title": "A Way to See in the Dark", "text": "the label's head of A&R John Mays in a fictional school called Centricity U. The webisodes were part of a promotional campaign for the artist's and projects of Centricity Music and were written and directed by Doug McKelvey. The episode featuring Jason and the lead single from \"A Way To See in the Dark\" can be seen here. A limited, special edition of the album was also released in a commemorative hard cover-style book that includes eight additional tracks of demos, alternate versions, and new songs as well as a 32-page booklet with Jason's reflections about the meaning behind each", "psg_id": "15847754" }, { "title": "The Proper Way to Hang a Confederate Flag", "text": "and David Wojnarowicz, and was on view through December 22, 2017. The Proper Way to Hang a Confederate Flag The Proper Way to Hang a Confederate Flag is an art installation by John Sims. The controversial installation consists of a Confederate flag hanging from a noose at a 13-foot gallows. \"The Proper way to Hang a Confederate Flag\" was first shown in Schmucker Gallery at Gettysburg College in 2004 as a part of Sims' \"Recoloration Proclamation: The Gettysburg Redress\". \"Recoloration Proclamation\" targets specific traditional symbols of southern heritage, which are inextricably linked to slavery and racism in America. Included in", "psg_id": "13737075" }, { "title": "How to Be a Man", "text": "just the domain of better-pedigreed productions, \"How To Be A Man\" strips the genre down to its bare essentials, which primarily has the effect of emphasizing the careful tonal calibration required to effectively pull off a such a relentless raunch-fest. ... With his extensive media background, \"Vice Magazine\" co-founder, comedian and ad-man McInnes would seem to be a savvy commentator on contemporary male foibles, but \"Man\"<nowiki>'</nowiki>s litany of life lessons turns out to have variable appeal when reduced to their lowest common denominators of sex, partying and bodily functions.\" How to Be a Man How to Be a Man is", "psg_id": "18291264" }, { "title": "To Be a Machine", "text": "so by eliminating all humans. In the book's conclusion, O'Connell declines to offer any predictions about whether the hopes or fears of the transhumanists will come to pass, instead stating: \"I have seen the present, and the present is strange enough to be getting along with: filled with strange people, strange ideas, strange machines.\" To Be a Machine To Be a Machine: Adventures Among Cyborgs, Utopians, Hackers, and the Futurists Solving the Modest Problem of Death is a 2017 nonfiction book by \"Slate\" columnist and literary journalist Mark O'Connell. The book is a breezy, but skeptical, gonzo-journalistic tour of transhumanism", "psg_id": "20188503" }, { "title": "To Save a Life", "text": "grossed $3,777,210 domestically. It was received with mixed to generally negative reviews from film critics. Jake Taylor (Randy Wayne), a high school student in the suburbs of San Diego, attends the funeral of his ex-best friend Roger (Robert Bailey Jr.). After Roger's mom comes and asks Jake if Roger had said anything to him, she walks away, and Jake remembers that this all started back when they were young boys and best friends. Roger pushed Jake out of the way of a car, saving him but crippling himself forever. During their freshmen year of high school, after Jake had made", "psg_id": "14148506" }, { "title": "Hard to Be a God", "text": "the space station went on alert when the house was attacked. However, they did not have chance to react. The Earthmen doused the entire city with a sleep-inducing gas, but before that Anton-Rumata had fought his way through the city towards the palace, covered in blood, where he finally killed Reba. Remembering their childhood, Pashka wonders whether that episode, when Anton decided to disobey a \"wrong way\" sign, and found 'a skeleton of a fascist', had a deeper meaning, but he does not say what that meaning is. The first English translation of the novel by Wendayne Ackerman, published in", "psg_id": "5723763" }, { "title": "A Long Way to Shiloh", "text": "A Long Way to Shiloh A Long Way to Shiloh (known in the US as The Menorah Men so as not to be thought a Civil War novel) is a thriller by Lionel Davidson. The book won the Crime Writers' Association's Gold Dagger Award. Caspar Laing is a Professor of Semitic Languages who is asked to translate an ancient parchment found in Israel. Fragmentary as the message is, it appears to give directions to the hiding place of a holy candelabrum rescued from the Jerusalem Temple before its destruction by the Romans in 70 AD. But the Jordanians have a", "psg_id": "9858610" }, { "title": "F. De Samara to A. G. A.", "text": "island of Gondal, a place which she invented and wrote short stories about along with her younger sister Anne. Gondal was a kingdom ruled by the powerful Queen, Augusta Almeda, to whom the poem is written, from another character Fernando De Samara. Gondal was often at war with its rival nation Angria - another imaginary island and country, created by Emily and Anne's two siblings Branwell and Charlotte. When read in this context \"F. De Samara to A. G. A.\" reveals Fernando de Samara's last words to his beloved Queen Augusta, as he commits suicide for her sake. Suicide, as", "psg_id": "10063283" }, { "title": "Just to Get a Rep", "text": "Just to Get a Rep Just to Get a Rep is a documentary film directed by Peter Gerard. It premiered at Edinburgh International Film Festival in 2004 and played over a dozen international film festivals. The film was released internationally in 2007. The film covers the history of graffiti art and its relationship with hip-hop, from 1970s New York City to the international graffiti culture in the early 2000s. The film is about the origins of graffiti and hip-hop as told by some of New York's graffiti pioneers as well as contemporary artists from Europe and the US. Graffiti art", "psg_id": "18083569" }, { "title": "To Walk a Middle Course", "text": "well… predictable. You'll get the idea after ten minutes — this sort of dirty, dreadlocked psychedelia blown out of the basement of an abandoned punk squat, hoarsely shouted, with riffs that sound apocalyptic in a blown-tube-amp kind of way.\" \"Exclaim!\" critic Jill Mikkelson wrote: \"This record will appeal to fans of stoner rock but isn’'t anything special.\" To Walk a Middle Course To Walk a Middle Course is the second studio album by American heavy metal band Kylesa. Released on March 22, 2005 by Prosthetic Records, it was produced by English record producer Alex Newport, who is known for his", "psg_id": "14964385" }, { "title": "Def Jam's How to Be a Player", "text": "thespian, (Amber Smith) and Sherri, a freaky dominatrix, (Stacii Jae Johnson) ), Dray goes to the cookout for a bit before heading to the party. When he sees all of his women there, including Jenny and Katrina in which he found out that he was set up by them, he figures out a way get all of his women out of the party, without them noticing about each other and confrontation about Dray. He succeeds then heads to Jenny and Katrina to give a hindsight that when a player is put in a hostile environment, a player doesn't reforms, but", "psg_id": "7230171" }, { "title": "That's Just the Way I Want to Be", "text": "That's Just the Way I Want to Be That's Just the Way I Want to Be is a 1970 album by Blossom Dearie. For the first time, the focus is on Dearie as a songwriter with her co-writing nine of the album's 12 tracks). She took the opportunity to pay tribute to some of her contemporaries: John Lennon (the object of her praise in \"Hey John\"), Georgie Fame and Dusty Springfield. The last song, \"I Like London In The Rain\", contains an opening breakbeat that has been sampled by hip hop producers. \"All songs by Blossom Dearie and Jim Council,", "psg_id": "11037390" }, { "title": "Return to Mysterious Island 2", "text": "Return to Mysterious Island 2 Return to Mysterious Island 2: Mina's Fate is a 2009 adventure video game developed by Kheops Studio and published by MC2 France under their Microïds label. It is a sequel to the 2004 video game \"Return to Mysterious Island\", and is again based upon the work of Jules Verne, \"The Mysterious Island\". The character of Mina is back, but now her monkey, Jep, becomes the second playable character; the player will switch back and forth between the two. Each character has their own abilities—Jep, for example, can go to inaccessible places and communicate with other", "psg_id": "12736188" }, { "title": "That's Just the Way I Want to Be", "text": "except as indicated.\" That's Just the Way I Want to Be That's Just the Way I Want to Be is a 1970 album by Blossom Dearie. For the first time, the focus is on Dearie as a songwriter with her co-writing nine of the album's 12 tracks). She took the opportunity to pay tribute to some of her contemporaries: John Lennon (the object of her praise in \"Hey John\"), Georgie Fame and Dusty Springfield. The last song, \"I Like London In The Rain\", contains an opening breakbeat that has been sampled by hip hop producers. \"All songs by Blossom Dearie", "psg_id": "11037391" }, { "title": "Which Way to the Front?", "text": "for actors Joe Besser, Neil Hamilton, and Kenneth MacDonald. The film received a \"BOMB\" rating in \"Leonard Maltin's Movie Guide\" and widespread disapproval from other critics. Warner Archive released the film on made to order DVD in the United States on May 18, 2010. Which Way to the Front? Which Way to the Front? is a 1970 American comedy film starring Jerry Lewis. Brendan Byers III is a rich playboy who enlists to fight in the war against the Axis powers, but is classified 4-F. He really wants to fight, so he enlists other 4-Fs and some loyal volunteers from", "psg_id": "8661267" }, { "title": "A Song Flung Up to Heaven", "text": "by challenging her to write an autobiography that could be considered \"high art\", which she continued throughout her series, including her final autobiography. Angelou's autobiographies conform to the genre's standard structure: they were written by a single author, they were chronological, and they contained elements of character, technique, and theme. In a 1983 interview with African-American literature critic Claudia Tate, Angelou called her books autobiographies. When speaking of her unique use of the genre, Angelou acknowledged that she has followed the slave narrative tradition of \"speaking in the first-person singular talking about the first-person plural, always saying I meaning 'we'\".", "psg_id": "15483833" }, { "title": "A Time to Love and a Time to Die", "text": "to do with my book.\") Sirk's own son actor Klaus Detlef Sierck (1925-1944) died in the Ukraine as a soldier of the Panzer-Grenadier-Division Großdeutschland when he was 18 years old. Universal decided to cast two relative unknowns in the lead. As studio executive Al Daff said: At one stage Ann Harding was going to play a role. Filming took place in West Berlin, which Sirk had fled over 20 years before and the US Army Europe training area at Grafenwöhr. Interiors were at CCC Film Studios. Gavin was accompanied by his wife who he had just married and they used", "psg_id": "12593694" }, { "title": "A Way to See in the Dark", "text": "deep to be merely consumed or played in the background. It's a collection of songs to be experienced, contemplated, and shared. A hooky melody can beg to sing along, then a lyrical twist can move to tears.\" Hurst of \"Christianity Today\" noted \"A Way to See in the Dark\" \"has a title that could almost double as the name of a self-help or spiritual how-to book. The music has all the solemnity and seriousness that might entail; Gray writes catchy pop songs, but they aren't breezy, summery jams so much as the soundtrack for introspection. These songs are encouraging reflections", "psg_id": "15847756" }, { "title": "A Bitter Pill to Swallow", "text": "villains are we talking about, anyway? If a subtitle is to have any use at all, it’s to bring some sort of focus to the proceedings, but since almost anything that happens on \"Gotham\" can fall under that heading, the show is just as prone to sprawl as it has been from the beginning. Tonight's storylines are connected inasmuch as they all spring from Galavan's presence in \"Gotham\", but since he is barely glimpsed until the episode's final minutes, 'A Bitter Pill To Swallow' still feels like a disparate collection of stories in search of a center. A Bitter Pill", "psg_id": "19223946" }, { "title": "How to Survive a Plague", "text": "was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature in the 85th Academy Awards. The film also won a GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Documentary and a Peabody Award. It was nominated for a Directors Guild Award and the Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival. Critic A. O. Scott of \"The New York Times\" named \"How to Survive a Plague\" one of the best five documentaries of 2012. Fellow \"New York Times\" critic Stephen Holden called the documentary the eighth best film of 2012. It also won Documentary of the Year at Attitude magazine's Attitude Awards 2013.", "psg_id": "16968668" }, { "title": "A Long Way to Shiloh", "text": "copy of the parchment as well, and the search for the priceless \"menorah\" becomes a deadly cat and mouse hunt in the burning Negev desert. The story draws from the Copper Scroll found at Qumran in 1952, which lists buried treasure. A Long Way to Shiloh A Long Way to Shiloh (known in the US as The Menorah Men so as not to be thought a Civil War novel) is a thriller by Lionel Davidson. The book won the Crime Writers' Association's Gold Dagger Award. Caspar Laing is a Professor of Semitic Languages who is asked to translate an ancient", "psg_id": "9858611" }, { "title": "Which Way to the Front?", "text": "Which Way to the Front? Which Way to the Front? is a 1970 American comedy film starring Jerry Lewis. Brendan Byers III is a rich playboy who enlists to fight in the war against the Axis powers, but is classified 4-F. He really wants to fight, so he enlists other 4-Fs and some loyal volunteers from his own service staff and forms his own army. He finances their training and equipment. Once completed, they travel to the front in Italy, with Byers impersonating a Nazi general named Eric Kesselring. The plan is to pull back the German lines, since the", "psg_id": "8661265" }, { "title": "How to Be a Woman", "text": "baby, but most of the time your contractions can be your worst part of labor. By Caitlin Moran's second birth she felt a big difference about the concept of birth and was relieved about how much easier the process was. Children shape our souls like few other things in life, conditioning us to be more other-centered and to take a longer view of life. Having children gives parents the sense of accomplishment and a whole new outlook on life. Moran recounts the pivotal time in which she discovers she is eleven weeks pregnant. In thinking that she has all the", "psg_id": "17819496" }, { "title": "Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star", "text": "his character\". \"New York Times\" critic A.O. Scott stated in his review that \"Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star\" was so bad that it \"may have been made ... to console every actor who has ever been in a movie that is a little less bad than this one. Let me put the matter another way: this may be the worst movie Pauly Shore has ever been in. Think about that. If you dare, go on Netflix and test the hypothesis.\" Critic Nathan Rabin gave the film a D− in his initial review, then noted that \"\"Bucky Larson\" was", "psg_id": "14273592" }, { "title": "Too Young to Be a Dad", "text": "the baby with a good solid home and to give both Matt and Francesca their lives back. Matt seems hesitant about placing his child for adoption, but reluctantly agrees when his mother explains it is the only way to safeguard his future. A little later, Susan receives a call from Matt's school principal informing her that Matt and Francesca are being involuntarily transferred to a local alternative school for teenage parents, as per school policy. Susan begs the principal not to remove Matt, citing how much he loves school and how upsetting it would be to him and his academic", "psg_id": "8858302" }, { "title": "A Better Place to Be", "text": "A Better Place to Be \"A Better Place to Be\" is a song by Harry Chapin from his 1972 album, \"Sniper and Other Love Songs\". The song is about a midnight watchman confiding in a waitress, while drinking gin, about a woman that he met the night before and had a one-night stand . Released as a single, the song reached #118 on the \"Billboard\" Bubbling Under chart. A live version, from the 1976 album \"Greatest Stories Live\", reached #86 on the Hot 100 chart. According to Chapin, it was his favorite song that he wrote. The song begins with", "psg_id": "10981441" }, { "title": "All the Way to Reno (You're Gonna Be a Star)", "text": "All the Way to Reno (You're Gonna Be a Star) \"All the Way to Reno (You're Gonna Be a Star)\" is a song by R.E.M., from their twelfth album \"Reveal\", the second single released from that album. According to Peter Buck's sleevenotes to \"\", the R.E.M. best-of on which this song appears, the song describes someone who believes they can get famous if they go to Reno. The working title of the song was \"Jimmy Webb on Mars\", which, according to Buck's notes, was a \"sick tribute to a songwriter who we all admire.\" The single did not chart on", "psg_id": "6893369" }, { "title": "A Great Way to Care", "text": "unit headed by Senior Inspector Chung Kwon-ban. The second series sees Ko's resignation from the Yan Wo Hospital; he is later transferred to a new psychiatric department, the Forensics Psychiatry Department, of Bok On Hospital, where he formally diagnoses criminals. Season 2 A Great Way to Care A Great Way To Care is a Hong Kong medical crime drama television series produced by Marco Law and TVB. It stars Alex Fong as Dr. Ko Lap-yan, a senior psychiatrist who has a specialty in diagnosing mentally ill criminals. Produced in 2008, the first series premiered on Malaysia's AOD on 8 June", "psg_id": "13400035" }, { "title": "From a View to a Death", "text": "a View to a Death is Powell’s most rural novel. Change in setting notwithstanding, Powell’s habitually Burtonesque laughter at human foibles remains consistent. The novel focuses on the inevitable conflict occurring when two men, each considering himself a Nietzschean \"Übermensch\", collide. Other conflicts involve shooting rights, parent-child tensions, and, as always in Powell’s work, the dissatisfactions of romance and sex, this time including cross-dressing. Though some interpret the novel as a reaffirmation of traditional English values, no character – whether for reason of class, place of residence, intelligence, or gender – escapes Powell’s increasingly subtle critical examination of human life.", "psg_id": "9616054" }, { "title": "A Trip to the Dentist", "text": "telling her the truth is frakking painful. It's made even more sad when you realize that the version she believed to be the truth actually wasn't.\" Rowan Kaiser of \"The A.V. Club\" gave a positive review, stating that the reveal was \"an effective narrative, and one which creates a \"satisfying\" resolution for the viewer as well as the character. Veronica Mars has done a good job of subverting expectations on a regular basis, but it’s still a TV show, with requirements for satisfying resolutions. [...] Which is my roundabout way of saying that while I wasn’t surprised by the reveal", "psg_id": "7061317" }, { "title": "A Way to See in the Dark", "text": "God is still there\". Davis of New Release Tuesday plainly said about \"A Way To See in the Dark\" that \"I've been very blessed to enjoy Jason's songs and get to know his heart for God. I get welled up praying along with several of the songs. I love albums that have a consistent message and theme and that move me emotionally, such as \"Ocean\" by Bebo Norman, \"See You\" by Josh Wilson and \"Leaving Eden\" by Brandon Heath. In fact, if you like those albums, then you must get \"A Way To See in the Dark\" by Jason Gray.\"", "psg_id": "15847759" }, { "title": "To Be a Pilgrim", "text": "broadcast as the BBC Radio 4 afternoon play. It won the Tinniswood Award in 2007 for best original drama. \"To be a Pilgrim\" has been adopted by the British Special Air Service as their battle hymn. \"To be a Pilgrim\" was also sung at the funeral of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on April 17, 2013, in the English Hymnal version. It was one of her favourite hymns. The hymn was selected by the Rt Hon Tony Benn as one of his choices on BBC Radio 4's \"Desert Island Discs\". It was also performed on a Series 1 episode", "psg_id": "8966416" }, { "title": "Who Wants to Be a Superhero? (season 2)", "text": "Who Wants to Be a Superhero? (season 2) Who Wants to Be a Superhero? is a reality show hosted by Stan Lee. Contestants dress up as comic book superheroes of their own invention. Each week, Lee challenges the contestants to represent what \"superheroes are all about.\" Three or four supervillains will attempt to defeat the superheroes. One or more of the superheroes deemed the least deserving are eliminated every episode until only one remains. Season 2 premiered on July 26, 2007 on the Sci Fi Channel cable network. It is slightly different from the first season, using a great deal", "psg_id": "10519279" }, { "title": "What Is it Like to Be a Bat?", "text": "to have a conscious experience it must be special, in the sense that its qualia or \"subjective character of experience\" are unique. Nagel stated, \"An organism has conscious mental states if and only if there is something that it is like to be that organism – something that it is like for the organism to be itself.\" The paper argues that the subjective nature of consciousness undermines any attempt to explain consciousness via objective, reductionist means. A subjective character of experience cannot be explained by a system of functional or intentional states. Consciousness cannot be explained without the subjective character", "psg_id": "9902782" }, { "title": "How to be a Redhead", "text": "more involvement was necessary on their parts because they knew \"how to be redheads\". Approximately eight months after launch, they became brand spokespersons for L'Oréal Paris, their first major sponsor and, as sponsor, L'Oréal brought their likenesses forward as brand representatives. Understanding the difficulties in reaching a niche market, they turned to social media, and by September 2014, had 12,000 followers on Facebook, 9,000 followers on Twitter, 88,000 followers on Instagram, and 6,000 followers on Pinterest, with a YouTube channel in development. Rather than have advertising on their website, revenue is generated through sales of redhead-themed branded products, vendor-sponsored give-a-ways,", "psg_id": "18361038" }, { "title": "To Be Everywhere Is to Be Nowhere", "text": "a creative experience than it was just capturing better versions of the final demos we had.\" The members of Thrice have stated that while elements or parts of \"To Be Everywhere Is to Be Nowhere\" might recall other albums in their discography, the new album has a unique sound of its own. Riley Breckenridge said, \"I think there is a different sound but I also think that there is a healthy nod to some of our back catalog in a lot of the music. There's stuff on this record that wouldn't necessarily feel out of place on \"The Artist in", "psg_id": "19484140" }, { "title": "In Order to Survive", "text": "band of extraordinary avant-gardists.\" \"The Penguin Guide to Jazz\" says about the first track that \"it is an immensely involving piece that opens up acres of improvisational territory for all the solists.\" In Order to Survive In Order To Survive is an album by American jazz double bassist William Parker which was recorded live in 1993 and released on the Italian Black Saint label. After the album, Parker groups have been known as In Order To Survive. The cover art was made by Jeff Schlanger, a distinctive artist known for his \"MusicWitness\" paintings, which are created during live performances. In", "psg_id": "17944247" }, { "title": "A Supplement to the Journey to the West", "text": "falls into a magic tower of mirrors, gateways to different points in history and other universes. Monkey travels to the “World of the Ancients” (the Qin Dynasty) by drilling through a bronze mirror. He disguises himself as Beautiful Lady Yu, concubine of King Xiang Yu of Chu, in order to retrieve a magic “Mountain-removing Bell” from the first Qin Emperor so that he can use it to clear the group’s path to India of any obstacles blocking their way. But Monkey later learns that the Jade Emperor had banished the emperor to the “World of Oblivion,” which lies beyond the", "psg_id": "16191416" }, { "title": "A View to a Kill", "text": "Diavolo, a character in the 2004 game \"\", claiming Zorin to be his mentor and friend. In \"\", a multiplayer level is the summit of the Golden Gate Bridge, including the Zorin blimp, which would fire on players when activated. Players are also able to climb the suspension cables (similar to the events of the film). A View to a Kill A View to a Kill is a 1985 British spy film, the fourteenth in the \"James Bond\" series produced by Eon Productions, and the seventh and last to star Roger Moore as the fictional MI6 agent James Bond. Although", "psg_id": "2947452" }, { "title": "A New Way to Pay Old Debts", "text": "it the attention of scholars and critics. Some of the criticism has been favourable; one editor judged it \"a highly finished, integrated piece of work, with everything handsomely symmetrical about it.\" Yet critics have not been shy about finding faults; one called Sir Giles Over-reach \"the character whom his author could not control.\" Massinger's blending of lighter dramatic materials, like comedy of intrigue, with the play's more serious aspects, has also been faulted. A New Way to Pay Old Debts A New Way to Pay Old Debts (c. 1625, printed 1633) is an English Renaissance drama, the most popular play", "psg_id": "4220191" }, { "title": "Life to Fix", "text": "Life to Fix \"Life to Fix\" is a song by the American alternative rock band The Record Company. The song is the lead single from their second studio album \"All of This Life,\" and was released on April 20, 2018. On April 14, 2018, the band announced that they had finished recording their new album. Two days later, on April 16, the band released a teaser for the song on their Instagram and announced that it would be coming out on April 20. NPR described \"Life to Fix\" as a track that \"takes off like a supersonic jet blowing wildly", "psg_id": "20669828" }, { "title": "To Be and to Have", "text": "auxiliary verbs in the French language. It is about a primary school in the commune of Saint-Étienne-sur-Usson, Puy-de-Dôme, France, the population of which is just over 200. The school has one small class of mixed ages (from four to twelve years), with a dedicated teacher, Mr Lopez, who shows patience and respect for the children as we follow their story through a single school year. The film won several awards, including the 2003 Sacramento French Film Festival Audience Prize. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 97%, based on 59 reviews, with an average rating of 8.1/10.", "psg_id": "1728897" } ]
[ "professor (disambiguation)", "the professor" ]
christmas island, a territory of australia, is located in what ocean?
[ { "title": "Christmas Island Airport", "text": "Christmas Island Airport Christmas Island International Airport is an airport located on Christmas Island, a territory of Australia in the Indian Ocean. The island is located northwest of the Western Australian city of Perth, south of the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, and east-northeast of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Although located on Australian territory, the airport is classified as a Category 2 international airport for all arrivals, including those from Australia. It is owned by the Commonwealth through the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development and is operated under contract by Toll Remote Logistics. From the late 1940s, when the island was", "psg_id": "8564889" } ]
[ { "title": "Flag of Christmas Island", "text": "Flag of Christmas Island The flag of Christmas Island was unofficially adopted in 1986 after being chosen the winner in a competition for a flag for the territory. It was designed by Tony Couch of Sydney, Australia. The flag was made official on Australia Day, 2002 when the administrator of the territory, Bill Taylor, presented the flag to the Christmas Island Shire. The flag of Christmas Island consists of a green and blue background, split the top left corner to the bottom right. These colours are intended to represent the land and sea respectively. The Southern Cross constellation appears in", "psg_id": "8155454" }, { "title": "Women in Christmas Island", "text": "Women in Christmas Island The Women in Christmas Island or Christmas Island Women are the women living in Australia's external territory of Christmas Island. They are of Malay, Chinese, and Anglo ancestry. In March 2011, International Women's Day was celebrated on Christmas Island for the honor of its female residents. The event was held to convey the theme of \"what it means to be a woman living on Christmas Island\". The main local organization that promotes and supports the \"status and interests\" of Australia's female Christmas Islanders is the Christmas Island Women's Association, a group that was established in 1989.", "psg_id": "15573869" }, { "title": "Women in Christmas Island", "text": "Women in Christmas Island The Women in Christmas Island or Christmas Island Women are the women living in Australia's external territory of Christmas Island. They are of Malay, Chinese, and Anglo ancestry. In March 2011, International Women's Day was celebrated on Christmas Island for the honor of its female residents. The event was held to convey the theme of \"what it means to be a woman living on Christmas Island\". The main local organization that promotes and supports the \"status and interests\" of Australia's female Christmas Islanders is the Christmas Island Women's Association, a group that was established in 1989.", "psg_id": "15573868" }, { "title": "Flag of Christmas Island", "text": "Administrator rather than an amendment to the \"Christmas Island Act 1958\". Although this was agreed, the declaration never took place. Subsequently, Christmas Island official Gary Dunt revived the issue in 2001 and the flag was formally declared the official flag of Christmas Island on Australia Day 2002 (January 26), by the administrator of the territory, Bill Taylor. Councillor Mariam Kawi accepted the flag as a representative of the Shire of Christmas Island. Flag of Christmas Island The flag of Christmas Island was unofficially adopted in 1986 after being chosen the winner in a competition for a flag for the territory.", "psg_id": "8155457" }, { "title": "Christmas Island District High School", "text": "Christmas Island District High School Christmas Island District High School is a school located in Christmas Island, a territory of Australia. The school serves approximately 300 students from kindergarten through to Year 12. The school is operated by the Department of Education (Western Australia). Landcare recognised the school's efforts to clear a stretch of Greta Beach used as a nesting ground for the green turtle. The beach area is one of the dirtiest on the island as it traps debris brought in by currents. For these continuing efforts, the school was selected as a 2004 Western Australia Landcare Education Award", "psg_id": "6298589" }, { "title": "Christmas Island District High School", "text": "Finalist. On 5 March 2007, Michael Jeffery (then Governor-General of Australia) visited the school and addressed the school assembly. Christmas Island District High School Christmas Island District High School is a school located in Christmas Island, a territory of Australia. The school serves approximately 300 students from kindergarten through to Year 12. The school is operated by the Department of Education (Western Australia). Landcare recognised the school's efforts to clear a stretch of Greta Beach used as a nesting ground for the green turtle. The beach area is one of the dirtiest on the island as it traps debris brought", "psg_id": "6298590" }, { "title": "Shire of Christmas Island", "text": "Christmas Island Assembly and Christmas Island Services Corporation. The Australian Government provides Commonwealth-level government services through the Christmas Island Administration and the Department of Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government. As per the Federal Government's Territories Law Reform Act 1992, which came into force on 1 July 1992, Western Australian laws are applied to Christmas Island \"so far as they are capable of applying in the Territory.\"; non-application or partial application of such laws is at the discretion of the federal government. The Act also gives Western Australian courts judicial power over Christmas Island. Christmas Island remains constitutionally distinct", "psg_id": "9022945" }, { "title": "Christmas Island", "text": "over Christmas Island. Christmas Island remains constitutionally distinct from Western Australia, however; the power of the state to legislate for the territory is delegated by the federal government. The kind of services typically provided by a state government elsewhere in Australia are provided by departments of the Western Australian government, and by contractors, with the costs met by the federal government. A unicameral Shire of Christmas Island with nine seats provides local government services and is elected by popular vote to serve four-year terms. Elections are held every two years, with four or five of the members standing for election.", "psg_id": "65151" }, { "title": "Christmas Island", "text": "oceans surrounding Christmas Island. Snorkeling and swimming in the ocean are two other activities that are extremely popular. Walking trails are also very popular, for there are many beautiful trails surrounded by extravagant flora and fauna. 63% of the island is national park making it one of the main attractions to experience when visiting. Christmas Island was uninhabited until the late 19th century, allowing many species to evolve without human interference. Two-thirds of the island has been declared a National Park, which is managed by the Australian Department of Environment and Heritage through Parks Australia. Christmas Island has always been", "psg_id": "65158" }, { "title": "Christmas Island", "text": "revenue. The United Kingdom's Christmas Island Act was given royal assent on 14 May 1958, enabling Britain to transfer authority over Christmas Island from Singapore to Australia by an order-in-council. Australia's Christmas Island Act was passed in September 1958 and the island was officially placed under the authority of the Commonwealth of Australia on 1 October 1958. Under Commonwealth Cabinet Decision 1573 of 9 September 1958, D. E. Nickels was appointed the first official representative of the new territory. In a media statement on 5 August 1960, the minister for territories, Paul Hasluck, said, among other things, that, \"His extensive", "psg_id": "65138" }, { "title": "Supreme Court of Christmas Island", "text": "Supreme Court of Christmas Island The Supreme Court of Christmas Island was the highest court for Christmas Island, an external territory of Australia. The court was originally established in 1958 after sovereignty over the island was transferred from the United Kingdom to Australia. The court had jurisdiction to deal with all serious crimes and major civil claims for damages occurring on the island. The court was abolished on 10 May 2002. Judges from Australian courts were appointed to be judges of the court. Those judges would travel to the island to hear, consider and determine cases. In 1992, courts in", "psg_id": "12346125" }, { "title": "Supreme Court of Christmas Island", "text": "on 10 May 2002. Supreme Court of Christmas Island The Supreme Court of Christmas Island was the highest court for Christmas Island, an external territory of Australia. The court was originally established in 1958 after sovereignty over the island was transferred from the United Kingdom to Australia. The court had jurisdiction to deal with all serious crimes and major civil claims for damages occurring on the island. The court was abolished on 10 May 2002. Judges from Australian courts were appointed to be judges of the court. Those judges would travel to the island to hear, consider and determine cases.", "psg_id": "12346133" }, { "title": "Supreme Court of Christmas Island", "text": "to apply to the island, although this changed when legislation was passed bringing the laws of the country into line with Australian law. In 1958 Australia accepted Christmas Island as a territory, and established the court under the \"Christmas Island Act\" 1958. The court was designated a superior court of record and had all the same powers that other supreme courts in Australia had. The court was to be constituted according to local ordinances made by the Governor-General of Australia on the advice of the Australian Government. The court was a superior court and a court of record. Judges appointed", "psg_id": "12346128" }, { "title": "Christmas Island", "text": "under the authority of the Governor-General of Australia and Australian law. An administrator appointed by the Governor-General represents the monarch and Australia. The Australian government provides services through the Christmas Island Administration and the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development. Under the federal government's Territories Law Reform Act 1992, which came into force on 1 July 1992, Western Australian laws are applied to Christmas Island \"so far as they are capable of applying in the territory\"; non-application or partial application of such laws is at the discretion of the federal government. The act also gives Western Australian courts judicial power", "psg_id": "65150" }, { "title": "Christmas Island", "text": "In early 1986, the Christmas Island Assembly held a design competition for an island flag; the winning design was adopted as the informal flag of the territory for over a decade, and in 2002 it was made the official flag of Christmas Island. Christmas Island residents who are Australian citizens also vote in federal elections. Christmas Island residents are represented in the House of Representatives by the Division of Lingiari in the Northern Territory and in the Senate by Northern Territory senators. At the 2016 federal election, the Labor Party received absolute majorities from Christmas Island electors in both the", "psg_id": "65152" }, { "title": "Flag of Christmas Island", "text": "a competition to design both a flag and a coat of arms for the territory. There was a prize fund of $100, and some 69 entries were submitted. The winning submission was created by Tony Couch, a resident of Sydney but who had previously worked on Christmas Island. The new flag was announced on April 14, 1986 by the Christmas Island Assembly. The first attempt to make the flag official occurred in 1995 when the Minister of the Islands at the time took the view that implementation could take place on Australia Day 1996 via a formal announcement by the", "psg_id": "8155456" }, { "title": "Christmas Island (Tasmania)", "text": "Reptiles include tiger snakes and lizards. A species of mouse is present. Christmas Island (Tasmania) The Christmas Island, part of the New Year Group, is a granite island located in the Great Australian Bight, lying off the north-west coast of Tasmania, Australia. According to the International Hydrographic Organization, the line separating Bass Strait from the Great Australian Bight runs through King Island, so Christmas Island lies in the Great Australian Bight. The island forms part of the King Island Important Bird Area because of its importance for breeding seabirds and waders. Breeding seabird and shorebird species include little penguin, short-tailed", "psg_id": "11548841" }, { "title": "Christmas Island (Tasmania)", "text": "Christmas Island (Tasmania) The Christmas Island, part of the New Year Group, is a granite island located in the Great Australian Bight, lying off the north-west coast of Tasmania, Australia. According to the International Hydrographic Organization, the line separating Bass Strait from the Great Australian Bight runs through King Island, so Christmas Island lies in the Great Australian Bight. The island forms part of the King Island Important Bird Area because of its importance for breeding seabirds and waders. Breeding seabird and shorebird species include little penguin, short-tailed shearwater, Pacific gull, silver gull, sooty oystercatcher, pied oystercatcher and black-faced cormorant.", "psg_id": "11548840" }, { "title": "Shire of Christmas Island", "text": "from Western Australia, however; the power of the state to legislate for the territory is power delegated by the federal government. The kind of services typically provided by a state government elsewhere in Australia are provided by departments of the Western Australian Government, and by contractors, with the costs met by the federal government. An ordinance subsequently created the Shire of Christmas Island out of a merger of the two previous entities. A nine-member Shire Council was established to provide local services. Councilors serve four-year terms, with four or five being chosen every second year. The first elections were held", "psg_id": "9022946" }, { "title": "Bathurst Island (Northern Territory)", "text": "Bathurst Island (Northern Territory) Bathurst Island (, ) is one of the Tiwi Islands in the Northern Territory off the northern coast of Australia along with Melville Island. The largest settlement on Bathurst is Wurrumiyanga (known as Nguiu until 2010), in the south-east, with a population of around 1,450. Located on the south east corner of Bathurst Island, Wurrumiyanga is approximately north of Darwin. The second largest settlement is Wurakuwu, pop. 50, northwest of Wurrumiyanga. The third settlement on the island is a small family outstation called \"4 Mile Camp\", about 6 km (4 mi) west of Wurrumiyanga. The island", "psg_id": "3552535" }, { "title": "Bathurst Island (Northern Territory)", "text": "was only a Japanese plane that crashed on the island where the pilot was caught and handed over to the correct authorities. Bathurst Island (Northern Territory) Bathurst Island (, ) is one of the Tiwi Islands in the Northern Territory off the northern coast of Australia along with Melville Island. The largest settlement on Bathurst is Wurrumiyanga (known as Nguiu until 2010), in the south-east, with a population of around 1,450. Located on the south east corner of Bathurst Island, Wurrumiyanga is approximately north of Darwin. The second largest settlement is Wurakuwu, pop. 50, northwest of Wurrumiyanga. The third settlement", "psg_id": "3552539" }, { "title": "Christmas Island Seamount Province", "text": "Christmas Island Seamount Province The Christmas Island Seamount Province (also known as the Christmas Island Seamounts) is an unusual seamount (submarine volcano) formation named for Christmas Island, an Australian territory and wildlife reserve that is also part of the chain. The province consists of more than 50 seamounts, up to in height, within a area. Unlike most seamount groups, the Christmas Island seamount formation does not form a long hotspot-based chain of increasingly older volcanoes, instead being a scattered grouping of volcanoes within a large radius. The origins of the formation have long been enigmatic for scientists; the Christmas Island", "psg_id": "16181094" }, { "title": "Green Island (Western Australia)", "text": "removed to Michaelmas Island and left there making \"great lamentations\". In 1991 the government department Fisheries Western Australia granted a fish farm license to the company Ocean Foods who have leases north and north east of Green Island where blue mussels are farmed\". The island is noted as an important breeding ground for small numbers of the Australian pelican. It was estimated in 1993 that 7 active nests were located on the island. Green Island (Western Australia) Green Island is an island in Oyster Harbour located approximately northeast of Albany in Western Australia. The island has a total area of", "psg_id": "11834261" }, { "title": "Shire of Christmas Island", "text": "councillors and no wards. Christmas Island District High School is the school on Christmas Island. Until the end of 2002 the school was a K-Year 10 school; previously all post-compulsory levels and now compulsory with the new school leaving age (Year 11 and Year 12) studied in Perth, Western Australia. Year 11 enrolment began in 2002, and by 2005 Years 11 and 12 had been established at the school. Christmas Island students have the option to remain on the island or study in Perth. The shire includes a public library for residents. The library has regular book exchanges with the", "psg_id": "9022948" }, { "title": "Ocean pools in Australia", "text": "Ocean pools in Australia Ocean pools are an important feature of the Australian coastline particularly in New South Wales. Ocean pools or ocean baths are defined as public seawater pools sited on a rocky surf coast, so that waves can wash into the pool. The width, length and depth of ocean pools varies and often depends on their location on the coastline. Australia also has many harbour pools and these are usually netted or fenced and located in harbours or river mouths but not regarded as ocean pools. Ocean pools date back to the convict era in Australia with Newcastle's", "psg_id": "18899689" }, { "title": "Christmas Island Seamount Province", "text": "may be a relatively common process in shallow-basin areas. Christmas Island Seamount Province The Christmas Island Seamount Province (also known as the Christmas Island Seamounts) is an unusual seamount (submarine volcano) formation named for Christmas Island, an Australian territory and wildlife reserve that is also part of the chain. The province consists of more than 50 seamounts, up to in height, within a area. Unlike most seamount groups, the Christmas Island seamount formation does not form a long hotspot-based chain of increasingly older volcanoes, instead being a scattered grouping of volcanoes within a large radius. The origins of the formation", "psg_id": "16181097" }, { "title": "Christmas Island", "text": "the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, and west of Darwin, Northern Territory. Its closest point to the Australian mainland is from the town of Exmouth, Western Australia. Christmas Island has 80 kilometres of shoreline but only small parts of the shoreline are easily accessible. The island's perimeter is embodied by sharp cliff faces, making many of the island's beaches difficult to get to. Some of the easily accessible beaches include Flying Fish Cove (main beach), Lily Beach, Ethel Beach, and Isabel Beach, while the more difficult beaches to access include Greta Beach, Dolly Beach, Winifred Beach, Merrial Beach, and West White Beach,", "psg_id": "65146" }, { "title": "Christmas Island (Jimmy Buffett album)", "text": "of chestnuts roasting on an open fire, but for those who enjoy ocean breezes and 'wasting away' to this most successful beach bum, Christmas Island is exactly what the cruise director ordered.\" Thom Owens presents a more negative view of the album, describing Buffett as being \"relaxed and entertaining\" even though, \"few of his new Christmas songs are remarkable and his rearrangements of classic carols are rather forced.\" However, several tracks remain very popular around the Christmas season. \"Ho Ho Ho & A Bottle Of Rum\" was the track chosen to be played live for promoting the album when first", "psg_id": "6611256" }, { "title": "Supreme Court of Christmas Island", "text": "Western Australia were given concurrent authority to deal with cases on the island, and those courts became the main venue in which litigation was conducted. Since the court’s abolition, its functions have been replaced by the Supreme Court of Western Australia, which now has sole jurisdiction on the island. Europeans first discovered the island of Christmas Island on Christmas Day, 25 December 1643. Captain William Mynors gave the island its name because of the day it was found. The British Crown annexed the uninhabited island on 6 June 1888 following the discovery of phosphate on the island. The island was", "psg_id": "12346126" }, { "title": "Geography of Australia", "text": "third of the Australian landmass, followed by Queensland, South Australia, and New South Wales. Australia also has several minor territories; the federal government administers a separate area within New South Wales, the Jervis Bay Territory, as a naval base and sea port for the national capital. In addition Australia has the following inhabited, external territories: Norfolk Island, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, and several largely uninhabited external territories: Ashmore and Cartier Islands, Coral Sea Islands, and Heard Island and McDonald Islands. Australia also claims a portion of Antarctica as the Australian Antarctic Territory, although this claim is not widely recognized.", "psg_id": "12362601" }, { "title": "Christmas Island", "text": "the Phosphate Commission (1958–1969) and then by the island's administration (1969–93). This ended on 2 March 1993 when Australia Post became the island's postal operator; Christmas Island stamps may be used in Australia and Australian stamps may be used on the island. A container port exists at Flying Fish Cove with an uncompleted alternative container-unloading point to the east of the island at Norris Point, intended for use during the December-to-March \"swell season\" of rough seas. The standard gauge 18-km Christmas Island Phosphate Co.'s Railway from Flying Fish Cove to the phosphate mine was constructed in 1914. It was closed", "psg_id": "65169" }, { "title": "What a Night! A Christmas Album", "text": "What a Night! A Christmas Album What a Night! A Christmas Album, by American singer, pianist and bandleader Harry Connick Jr., was released on November 4, 2008., being his third Christmas album, since 1993's \"When My Heart Finds Christmas\" and 2003's \"Harry for the Holidays\". The album consists of new recordings of Christmas classics, and new songs written by Connick. The first public mentioning of recording the album, came in an interview in The Times-Picayune in June 2008. The album was first called \"Christmas Day\", but the title was changed in September 2008, to \"What a Night! A Christmas Album\".", "psg_id": "12429875" }, { "title": "Saddle Island (Western Australia)", "text": "the island and use it as a breeding ground. Saddle Island (Western Australia) Saddle Island is an island located in the Great Southern region of Western Australia. The island is situated approximately off shore and is about in area. Situated in the Southern Ocean, the island is adjacent to Nornalup Inlet and the Walpole-Nornalup National Park. Saddle Island is the largest of the nearby islands that are all gazetted as part of Class A Reserve 31362. Other islands that make up part of the reverve are Goose Island (directly South of Saddle Island) and the Casurina Islands. The flesh-footed shearwater", "psg_id": "15549655" }, { "title": "Saddle Island (Western Australia)", "text": "Saddle Island (Western Australia) Saddle Island is an island located in the Great Southern region of Western Australia. The island is situated approximately off shore and is about in area. Situated in the Southern Ocean, the island is adjacent to Nornalup Inlet and the Walpole-Nornalup National Park. Saddle Island is the largest of the nearby islands that are all gazetted as part of Class A Reserve 31362. Other islands that make up part of the reverve are Goose Island (directly South of Saddle Island) and the Casurina Islands. The flesh-footed shearwater and the little shearwater are both known to inhabit", "psg_id": "15549654" }, { "title": "The Dales (Christmas Island)", "text": "Wetlands in Australia prior to 2001. Interesting geological features of the Dales are travertine and rimstone formations of Hugh's Dale and the gully of Sydney's Dale, which closer at the sea gets up to 12 m deep and 9 m wide. The site contains a unique stand of enormous Tahitian chestnut trees. Sydney Dale is a recorded site for the critically endangered endemic fern, the Christmas Island spleenwort. The various wetland types of the Dales support populations of endemic and threatened animals, including the Christmas Island hawk-owl, Christmas Island goshawk, Abbott's booby, Christmas Island shrew and the Christmas Island blind", "psg_id": "6707864" }, { "title": "What a Night! A Christmas Album", "text": "Tchaikovsky's \"Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy\". Arrangement by Harry Connick Jr. A Holiday Celebration Tour 2008, is a concert tour with his big band to support the album. The tour was confirmed by the official Harry Connick, Jr. website in September 2008. One of their stops included the annual lighting of the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree. What a Night! A Christmas Album What a Night! A Christmas Album, by American singer, pianist and bandleader Harry Connick Jr., was released on November 4, 2008., being his third Christmas album, since 1993's \"When My Heart Finds Christmas\" and 2003's \"Harry for", "psg_id": "12429877" }, { "title": "Christmas Island pipistrelle", "text": "Christmas Island pipistrelle The Christmas Island pipistrelle (\"Pipistrellus murrayi\") was a species of vesper bat found only on Christmas Island, Australia. The species is now considered to be extinct, with the last individual bat seen in August 2009 with no further sightings despite intensive efforts to locate the species. It was described as a new species by British paleontologist Charles William Andrews. Its species name \"\"murrayi\"\" was likely inspired by Sir John Murray, who helped pay for Andrews's expedition to the Christmas Islands where he described it. It has sometimes been considered synonymous with \"Pipistrellus tenuis\"; however, revisions of the", "psg_id": "12477850" }, { "title": "Protected areas of Australia", "text": "Protected areas of Australia Protected areas of Australia include Commonwealth and off-shore protected areas managed by the Australian government, as well as protected areas within each of the six states of Australia and two self-governing territories, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory, which are managed by the eight state and territory governments. Commonwealth and off-shore protected areas in the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory, the Christmas Island Territory, the Cocos (Keeling) Islands Territory, the Norfolk Island Territory and the Australian Antarctic Territory are managed by Director of National Parks, an agency within the Department of the Environment", "psg_id": "776961" }, { "title": "States and territories of Australia", "text": "is deemed to form part of Australia proper. Cocos (Keeling) Islands voted for integration in 1984. Together with Christmas Island, Commonwealth laws apply automatically to the territory unless expressly stated otherwise and residents of both external territories are associated with Northern Territory for federal elections. They are, thus, constitutionally part of Australia. Uninhabited Heard and McDonald Island is treated as constitutionally part of Australia by the central government. The constitutional status of the Australian Antarctic Territory is unclear, with successive governments treating it either as a separate territory (as in the United Kingdom and Norway) or an integral part of", "psg_id": "7555065" }, { "title": "Postage stamps and postal history of Christmas Island", "text": "are also valid in Australia, as are Australian stamps in Christmas Island. According to the Stanley Gibbons stamp catalogue, 32 stamps were issued when postal responsibility was exercised by the Phosphate Commission between 1958 and 1969, and 335 under the responsibility of the Christmas Island Administration between 1969 and 1993. From March 1993 to February 2003, during its ten first years of postal responsibility, Australia Post issued 153 stamps for Christmas Island. Christmas Island was annexed by the United Kingdom in 1888 and exploited by the Christmas Island Phosphate Company since 1899 with European employees and Malayan and Chinese workers.", "psg_id": "12602956" }, { "title": "Christmas Island", "text": "relocated from Christmas Island to Manus Island and Nauru. In 2006, an immigration detention centre, containing approximately 800 beds, was constructed on the island for the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs. Originally estimated to cost million, the final cost was over $400 million. In 2007, the Rudd government decommissioned Manus Regional Processing Centre and Nauru detention centre; processing would then occur on Christmas Island itself. In December 2010, 48 asylum-seekers died just off the coast of the island in what became known as the Christmas Island boat disaster when the boat they were on, hit rocks off Flying Fish", "psg_id": "65142" }, { "title": "Christmas Island", "text": "in December 1987, when the Australian government closed the mine, and since has been recovered as scrap, leaving only earthworks in places. Virgin Australia Regional Airlines provides two weekly flights to Christmas Island Airport from Perth, Western Australia, Garuda Indonesia conduct weekly open-charter flights from/to Jakarta with bookings done through Christmas Island Travel Exchange and Malindo Air operate fortnightly open-charter flights from/to Kuala Lumpur with bookings done through Evercrown Air Services. Hire cars are available from the airport however no franchised companies are represented. CI Taxi Service also operates most days. The road network covers most of the island and", "psg_id": "65170" }, { "title": "Howland Island", "text": "Howland Island Howland Island () is an uninhabited coral island located just north of the equator in the central Pacific Ocean, about southwest of Honolulu. The island lies almost halfway between Hawaii and Australia and is an unincorporated, unorganized territory of the United States. Geographically, together with Baker Island it forms part of the Phoenix Islands. For statistical purposes, Howland is grouped as one of the United States Minor Outlying Islands. It is located at . It covers , with of coastline. The island has an elongated plantain-shape on a north–south axis. There is no lagoon. Howland Island National Wildlife", "psg_id": "174569" }, { "title": "Call signs in Australia", "text": "stations: <nowiki>*</nowiki> Originally, radio callsigns in the ACT had the format 2xx(x), like those in New South Wales. However, newer stations in the territory have been allocated callsigns with the format 1xxx. See List of radio station callsigns in the Australian Capital Territory for more information. <nowiki>**</nowiki> Formerly 9. Radio stations in Lord Howe Island and Norfolk Island now use the same call sign format as New South Wales. Radio and television stations in Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Christmas Island now use the same call sign format as Western Australia. Call signs in Australia Call signs in Australia are allocated", "psg_id": "11119520" }, { "title": "Christmas Island", "text": "blanda\"). Christmas Island has access to a range of modern communication services. Radio broadcasts from Australia include ABC Radio National, ABC Kimberley, Triple J and Red FM. All services are provided by satellite links from the mainland. Broadband internet became available to subscribers in urban areas in mid-2005 through the local internet service provider, CIIA (formerly dotCX). Christmas Island, due to its close proximity to Australia's northern neighbours, falls within many of the satellite footprints throughout the region. This results in ideal conditions for receiving various Asian broadcasts, which locals sometimes prefer to those emanating from Western Australia. Additionally, ionospheric", "psg_id": "65166" }, { "title": "Norfolk Island Airport", "text": "Norfolk Island Airport Norfolk Island Airport , also referred to as Norfolk Island International Airport, is the only airport on Norfolk Island, an external territory of Australia. The island is located in the Pacific Ocean between Australia, New Zealand, and New Caledonia. The airport is operated by the Administration of Norfolk Island, and is on the west side of the island. In August 1942, the United States Army Air Forces requested that the Australian government construct an aerodrome on Norfolk Island for use by its heavy bombers. It was built by the Civil Constructional Corps, comprising volunteers from New South", "psg_id": "6591889" }, { "title": "Christmas Island pipistrelle", "text": "disease. Introduced species such as the common wolf snake, giant centipede yellow crazy ant, black rat or feral cats have all been identified as potential suspects responsible for the decline either through predation or disturbance of the bats. It has also been speculated that an unidentified health threat, or poisoning from the insecticide Fipronil used to control yellow crazy ant 'supercolonies' could be responsible for the decline. Christmas Island pipistrelle The Christmas Island pipistrelle (\"Pipistrellus murrayi\") was a species of vesper bat found only on Christmas Island, Australia. The species is now considered to be extinct, with the last individual", "psg_id": "12477855" }, { "title": "Christmas Island", "text": "the late 1980s and early 1990s, boats carrying asylum seekers, mainly departing from Indonesia, began landing on the island. In 2001, Christmas Island was the site of the \"Tampa\" controversy, in which the Australian government stopped a Norwegian ship, MV \"Tampa\", from disembarking 438 rescued asylum-seekers. The ensuing standoff and the associated political reactions in Australia were a major issue in the 2001 Australian federal election. The Howard government operated the \"Pacific Solution\" from 2001 to 2007, excising Christmas Island from Australia's migration zone so that asylum seekers on the island could not apply for refugee status. Asylum seekers were", "psg_id": "65141" }, { "title": "Murray Hill, Christmas Island", "text": "Murray Hill, Christmas Island Murray Hill is the highest point of Christmas Island, at above sea level. It was first scaled in 1857 even though the island had been located in 1615. The plateau around the summit is dense and evergreen, although the biodiversity of trees is limited compared to similar areas of continental rainforest. Murray Hill is an integral part of the Christmas Island National Park covering an area of of the island's southwest corner; the island's total area is approximately . Christmas Island was first discovered on in 1615 by Captain John Milward of the East India Company", "psg_id": "13331218" }, { "title": "Federalism in Australia", "text": "this excluded territories from participation in the Senate. The issue has now been settled by allocating two seats to each of the mainland territories, the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory, while each of the states has twelve. Two of the three inhabited external territories, namely Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, are represented by the senators and representatives of the Northern Territory. Norfolk Island, however, has no representatives in the Senate or the House of Representatives, as it has a higher degree of autonomy than any other part of Australia. The Northern Territory referendum of 1998 narrowly", "psg_id": "5411898" }, { "title": "Postage stamps and postal history of Christmas Island", "text": "seasonal issue was replaced by minisheets announcing international philatelic exhibitions. Mail was moved by the ships exporting phosphate to Australia or the liners to Singapore. In June 1974, the mail transportation took advantage of the establishment of new regular air services between the island, Perth and Singapore. At the beginning of the 1990s, Australia decided to impose full Australian legislation to Christmas Island. In postal matters, starting 2 March 1993, Australia Post became the postal operator of the island and responsible for its philatelic program. Consequently, Christmas Island stamps issued after March 1993 were usable in Australia, and Australian stamps", "psg_id": "12602966" }, { "title": "Ocean Island Inn", "text": "Ocean Island Inn Ocean Island Inn is a historic building in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada; it is Vancouver Island's largest backpackers' inn. Located at 791 Pandora Avenue in Downtown Victoria, it is a four-storey heritage building, readily distinguishable by its Italianate architectural form and massing, and by its distinctive beveled corner. Ocean Island Inn is one of the oldest large-scale commercial buildings of its era to survive in this part of Victoria’s downtown. Constructed in 1891 for Carlo Bossi, a prominent pioneer developer and landowner, it is important to the city's heritage because it is representative of the development patterns", "psg_id": "13913923" } ]
[ "indian (disambiguation)", "indian", "indian (asian)", "indians", "indian", "indian (film)", "indian (americas)" ]
yesterday saw the maiden flight of the new boeing dreamliner. what model number is it given?
[ { "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner", "text": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is an American long-haul, mid-size wide-body, twin-engine jet airliner made by Boeing Commercial Airplanes. Its variants seat 242 to 335 passengers in typical three-class seating configurations. It is the first airliner with an airframe constructed primarily of composite materials. The 787 was designed to be 20% more fuel-efficient than the Boeing 767, which it was intended to replace. The 787 Dreamliner's distinguishing features include mostly electrical flight systems, raked wingtips, and noise-reducing chevrons on its engine nacelles. The aircraft's initial designation was the 7E7, prior to its renaming in January 2005. The first", "psg_id": "2066713" } ]
[ { "title": "Boeing Model 40", "text": "Museum in Dearborn, Michigan, contains a 1927 Boeing 40B-2, number 285. The Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, Illinois has a 1928 Boeing Model 40-B on display in its Transportation Gallery. (N288) The Museum of Flight in Seattle, Washington has a complete full-scale replica and two partially finished replica fuselages (showing what the original Boeing factory would have looked like circa 1928-29) on display. Boeing Model 40 The Boeing Model 40 was a United States mail plane of the 1920s. It was a single-engined biplane that was widely used for airmail services in the United States in the 1920s", "psg_id": "8058668" }, { "title": "Boeing Model 42", "text": "balanced elevators and inverted the Liberty engine. Both flyable aircraft were shipped to McCook Field, where the first flight occurred on 6 February 1925. The performance of the new aircraft did not justify the cost of the conversion, and Boeing abandoned the project. Boeing Model 42 The Boeing Model 42 (also Boeing XCO-7 for Experimental Corps Observation Model 7) was an American biplane aircraft developed from the Airco DH.4, taking advantage of the large number of aircraft left over after the end of World War I. The Model 42 was essentially an Airco DH-4M-1 fitted with new Boeing tailplanes, tapered", "psg_id": "13244839" }, { "title": "Boeing Model 81", "text": "Boeing Model 81 The Boeing Model 81 was an American training aircraft built by Boeing in 1928. The Model 81 was a development of the Model 64. It was powered by a newly developed engine, the 125 hp Fairchild-Caminez 4-cylinder radial engine. Operating at a much lower rpm than most engines (1000 rpm) it required the use of a large high-pitch propeller. After initial flight tests with the Fairchild-Caminez, the prototype was refitted with a 145 hp Axelson engine, redesignated \"Model 81A\" and delivered to the Boeing School of Aeronautics. There, it was re-engined a number of times, first with", "psg_id": "13274438" }, { "title": "The Maiden Flight of McCauley's Bellerophon", "text": "The Maiden Flight of McCauley's Bellerophon \"The Maiden Flight of McCauley's \"Bellerophon\"\" is a science fiction/magical realism novella by American writer Elizabeth Hand. It was first published in the Neil Gaiman/Al Sarrantonio-edited anthology \"Stories: All-New Tales\", in 2010, and subsequently republished in Hand's 2012 anthology \"Errantry: Strange Stories\" from Small Beer Press. An aviation historian is terminally ill; as a last gift, her friends decide to falsify evidence that will support her personal theory regarding the invention of flight. \"Maiden Flight\" won the 2011 World Fantasy Award for Best Novella, and was nominated for the 2011 Hugo Award for Best", "psg_id": "18152895" }, { "title": "Boeing 367-80", "text": "late 1940s two developments encouraged Boeing to begin considering building a passenger jet. The first was the maiden flight in 1947 of the B-47 Stratojet. The second was the maiden flight in 1949 of the world’s first jet airliner, the de Havilland Comet. Boeing President Bill Allen led a company delegation to the UK in summer 1950, where they saw the Comet fly at the Farnborough Airshow, and also visited the de Havilland factory at Hatfield, Hertfordshire where the Comets were being built. Boeing felt it had mastered the swept wing and podded engines which it saw as key technologies", "psg_id": "5262718" }, { "title": "Iron Maiden: Flight 666", "text": "Iron Maiden: Flight 666 Iron Maiden: Flight 666 is a concert documentary film featuring the British heavy metal band Iron Maiden. The film follows the band on the first leg of their Somewhere Back in Time World Tour between February and March 2008, during which they travelled on their own customised Boeing 757, Ed Force One, which used the call-sign \"666\". \"Flight 666\" is co-produced by Toronto-based Banger Films, known for their documentaries \"\", \"Global Metal\" and \"\". The film was shot in high-definition video with accompanying 5.1 surround sound produced by Kevin Shirley (who has worked with the band", "psg_id": "12936446" }, { "title": "The Maiden Flight of McCauley's Bellerophon", "text": "Novella and the 2011 Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award Theodora Goss calls it \"simple on one level and intensely complicated on another. And beautiful, and a joy to read,\" while the \"Portland Press Herald\" describes it as \"bittersweet\" and \"magical\", and Roz Kaveney judges it as \"possibly the best\" story in the anthology. The Maiden Flight of McCauley's Bellerophon \"The Maiden Flight of McCauley's \"Bellerophon\"\" is a science fiction/magical realism novella by American writer Elizabeth Hand. It was first published in the Neil Gaiman/Al Sarrantonio-edited anthology \"Stories: All-New Tales\", in 2010, and subsequently republished in Hand's 2012 anthology \"Errantry: Strange Stories\"", "psg_id": "18152896" }, { "title": "Boeing Model 204", "text": "Boeing Model 204 The Boeing Model 204 was an American biplane, pusher configuration flying-boat aircraft built by Boeing in 1929. Externally the 204 looked identical to the Boeing Model 6E, but a number of internal changes, including increasing the passenger capacity to four, gave it a new Type Certificate and model number. Construction was started on five aircraft, but only two were completed. The first, designated 204 and the second 204A. A third aircraft was built by a private owner who had bought the three incomplete machines. The 204A was a dual-control version which was later owned by Peter Barnes,", "psg_id": "13248783" }, { "title": "Boeing Model 81", "text": "increased performance, it was not ordered into production. Boeing Model 81 The Boeing Model 81 was an American training aircraft built by Boeing in 1928. The Model 81 was a development of the Model 64. It was powered by a newly developed engine, the 125 hp Fairchild-Caminez 4-cylinder radial engine. Operating at a much lower rpm than most engines (1000 rpm) it required the use of a large high-pitch propeller. After initial flight tests with the Fairchild-Caminez, the prototype was refitted with a 145 hp Axelson engine, redesignated \"Model 81A\" and delivered to the Boeing School of Aeronautics. There, it", "psg_id": "13274440" }, { "title": "Maiden flight", "text": "aircraft types, organized by date, follows. Maiden flight The maiden flight of an aircraft is the first occasion on which an aircraft leaves the ground under its own power. The same term is also used for the first launch of rockets. The first flight of a new aircraft type is always a historic occasion for the type and can be quite emotional for those involved. In the early days of aviation it could be dangerous, because the exact handling characteristics of the aircraft were generally unknown. The first flight of a new type is almost invariably flown by a highly", "psg_id": "3034431" }, { "title": "Maiden flight", "text": "Maiden flight The maiden flight of an aircraft is the first occasion on which an aircraft leaves the ground under its own power. The same term is also used for the first launch of rockets. The first flight of a new aircraft type is always a historic occasion for the type and can be quite emotional for those involved. In the early days of aviation it could be dangerous, because the exact handling characteristics of the aircraft were generally unknown. The first flight of a new type is almost invariably flown by a highly experienced test pilot. First flights are", "psg_id": "3034429" }, { "title": "Boeing Model 95", "text": "Boeing Model 95 The Boeing Model 95 was a single engine biplane mailplane built by Boeing in the United States in the late 1920s to supplement the Boeing Model 40s being used on Boeing's airmail routes. While the Model 95 was of the same general configuration as the Model 40, it was larger and more sophisticated aerodynamically and structurally, and was optimized for freight instead of passengers. The fuselage was of far more advanced construction than its predecessor, building on what Boeing had learned about all-metal fuselages while developing the P-12 and F4B fighters, while the wing had stagger and", "psg_id": "10556365" }, { "title": "Boeing Model 42", "text": "Boeing Model 42 The Boeing Model 42 (also Boeing XCO-7 for Experimental Corps Observation Model 7) was an American biplane aircraft developed from the Airco DH.4, taking advantage of the large number of aircraft left over after the end of World War I. The Model 42 was essentially an Airco DH-4M-1 fitted with new Boeing tailplanes, tapered wings, and tripod landing gear. The first aircraft built, designated XCO-7, was used as a static test bed, and did not fly. The second aircraft, XCO-7A, used a standard DH-4M-1 fuselage and Liberty engine, with the Boeing modifications. The final aircraft, XCO-7B, added", "psg_id": "13244838" }, { "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner", "text": "later date. On November 4, 2008, a fifth delay was announced due to incorrect fastener installation and the Boeing machinists strike, stating that the first test flight would not occur in the fourth quarter of 2008. After assessing the program schedule with suppliers, in December 2008, Boeing stated that the first flight was delayed until the second quarter of 2009. Airlines, such as United Airlines and Air India, stated their intentions to seek compensation from Boeing for the delays. As Boeing worked with its suppliers towards production, the design proceeded through a series of test goals. On August 23, 2007,", "psg_id": "2066731" }, { "title": "Boeing machinists strike of 2008", "text": "Dreamliner model. On Saturday, 1 November 2008, members of the union ratified the contract, ending the eight-week strike. The new contract was approved by 74 percent of those voting in favor. This was the longest strike against Boeing by this union since 1995, and the fourth in twenty years. The strike cost the union members an average of $7000.00 in base pay and cost the company $100 million per day in revenue and penalties with a postponement of the delivery of aircraft. Boeing has a $350 billion backlog. Boeing machinists strike of 2008 A strike by about 27,000 machinists at", "psg_id": "12618797" }, { "title": "Boeing 720", "text": "producing each. At one point in the development phase, it was known as the 707-020, then 717-020, although this was the Boeing model designation of the KC-135 and remained unused for a commercial airliner until it was applied to the MD-95 following Boeing's merger with McDonnell Douglas in 1997. Because the aircraft systems were similar to the Boeing 707, no prototype Boeing 720 was built; any different systems were tested on the Boeing 367-80. The first 720 took its maiden flight on November 23, 1959. The type certificate for the 720 was issued on June 30, 1960. It was first", "psg_id": "15481641" }, { "title": "Boeing Model 15", "text": "Boeing Model 15 The Boeing Model 15 was a United States single-seat open-cockpit biplane fighter aircraft of the 1920s, manufactured by the Boeing company. The Model 15 saw service with the United States Army Air Service (as the PW-9 series) and with the United States Navy as a carrier-based fighter (as the FB series). The design of the Model 15 was based on studies of the Fokker D.VII, of which 142 were brought back to the U.S. for evaluation as part of the Armistice Agreement ending World War I. Many of the features were similar. The Model 15 had a", "psg_id": "7162688" }, { "title": "Boeing Model 1", "text": "B & W was named \"Bluebill\", and the second was named \"Mallard\". They first flew on 15 June 1916, and in November. The two B & Ws were offered to the United States Navy. When the Navy did not buy them, they were sold to the New Zealand Flying School and became the company's first international sale. On June 25, 1919, the B&W set a New Zealand altitude record of 6,500 feet. The B & Ws were later used for express and airmail deliveries, making New Zealand's first official airmail flight on December 16, 1919. Boeing Model 1 The Boeing", "psg_id": "9943672" }, { "title": "What the Dog Saw", "text": "the difference between early and late bloomers to criminal profiling. \"What the Dog Saw\" was met with mainly positive reviews. It received profiles in many high-profile publications, including the \"New York Times\", \"The Guardian\", \"Time Magazine\", \"The Los Angeles Times\" and \"The Independent\". In particular, Gladwell was praised for his writing and storytelling, and reviewers looked upon the essay format positively, with \"The Guardian\" stating \"one virtue of What the Dog Saw is that the pieces are perfectly crafted: they achieve their purpose more effectively when they aren't stretched out.\" \"What The Dog Saw\" was criticized for its use of", "psg_id": "13945105" }, { "title": "Boeing Model 95", "text": "a simplified structure. The majority of Boeing 95s spent their careers flying Boeing's airmail routes, however a small number did find their way to other operators. At least one Boeing 95 was used by the Honduran Air Force as a bomber. Another Model 95 took part in Boeing-arranged inflight refuelling demonstrations in 1929 but was unsuccessful in either of the two attempts made to fly a round-trip across the continental United States without landing. Boeing Model 95 The Boeing Model 95 was a single engine biplane mailplane built by Boeing in the United States in the late 1920s to supplement", "psg_id": "10556366" }, { "title": "Boeing Model 15", "text": "to \"Langley\" anchored in Seattle's harbor. Hoisted aboard, their first official flights were from the carrier's deck. Of the 158 aircraft built, 147 were standard production aircraft and the remaining were aircraft developed for specific interests. The production runs are shown below with the PW designations for Army aircraft and the FB designations being for the Navy. Boeing Model 15 The Boeing Model 15 was a United States single-seat open-cockpit biplane fighter aircraft of the 1920s, manufactured by the Boeing company. The Model 15 saw service with the United States Army Air Service (as the PW-9 series) and with the", "psg_id": "7162694" }, { "title": "Boeing 737", "text": "737 Next Generation while it was sent in two pieces before. The fuselage is joined with the wings and landing gear and then moves down the assembly line for the engines, avionics, and interiors. After rolling out the aircraft, Boeing tests the systems and engines before a plane's maiden flight to Boeing Field, where it is painted and fine-tuned before delivery to the customer. The first of six -100 prototypes rolled out in December 1966 and made its maiden flight on April 9, 1967, piloted by Brien Wygle and Lew Wallick. On December 15, 1967, the Federal Aviation Administration certified", "psg_id": "1322206" }, { "title": "What the Dog Saw", "text": "statistics and its lack of technical grounding. \"What the Dog Saw\" debuted at #3 on the \"New York Times\" Bestseller List. It spent three weeks in the top 3 and a total of 16 weeks on the chart, appearing concurrently with Gladwell's previous book \"Outliers\". It was also an Amazon Top 25 seller for the month of November. \"What the Dog Saw\" was named to Bloomberg's top 50 business books of 2009. All of the articles in \"What the Dog Saw\" can be read for free on Gladwell's website. Part 1: \"Obsessives, Pioneers, and other varieties of Minor Genius\" Part", "psg_id": "13945106" }, { "title": "SST: Death Flight", "text": "divert to Senegal (the only country with experience in dealing with the virus). However, there is not enough fuel and the pilots are forced to make an emergency landing in a mountain pass. Some of the passengers are killed, but most survive. The principal cast was listed in alphabetical order: Poor production values predominated in \"SST: Death Flight\". During filming, the production was called \"Flight of the Maiden\". A major historical error was in depicting an American SST as the first of its kind. The aviation sequences utilized a scale model of what was basically a Concorde lookalike with Boeing", "psg_id": "3706904" }, { "title": "Classic Albums: Iron Maiden – The Number of the Beast", "text": "of the \"Run to the Hills\" single. Burr died on 12 March 2013. Production credits are adapted from the DVD cover notes. Classic Albums: Iron Maiden – The Number of the Beast Classic Albums: Iron Maiden – The Number of the Beast is a documentary about the making of the album of the same name by the British heavy metal band Iron Maiden, released on 26 November 2001 as part of the \"Classic Albums\" documentary series. Directed by Tim Kirkby, it featured cuts from the title track, \"Children of the Damned\", \"Run to the Hills\", and \"The Prisoner,\" in addition", "psg_id": "16179283" }, { "title": "Classic Albums: Iron Maiden – The Number of the Beast", "text": "Classic Albums: Iron Maiden – The Number of the Beast Classic Albums: Iron Maiden – The Number of the Beast is a documentary about the making of the album of the same name by the British heavy metal band Iron Maiden, released on 26 November 2001 as part of the \"Classic Albums\" documentary series. Directed by Tim Kirkby, it featured cuts from the title track, \"Children of the Damned\", \"Run to the Hills\", and \"The Prisoner,\" in addition to extended interviews and live footage of \"Hallowed Be Thy Name\", recorded during the band's performance at the Rock in Rio festival", "psg_id": "16179281" }, { "title": "The World Until Yesterday", "text": "The World Until Yesterday The World Until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Traditional Societies? is a 2012 popular science book by American intellectual Jared Diamond. It explores what people living in the Western world can learn from traditional societies, including differing approaches to conflict resolution, treatment of the elderly, childcare, the benefits of multilingualism and a lower salt intake. \"The World Until Yesterday\" has had a mixed reception. Abby O'Reilly of \"The Independent\" called it \"essential reading\" that \"cements [Diamond's] position as the most considered, courageous and sensitive teller of the human story writing today.\" In \"The New York", "psg_id": "17080016" }, { "title": "Boeing Model 360", "text": "Boeing Model 360 The Boeing Model 360 was an American experimental medium-lift tandem rotor cargo helicopter developed privately by Boeing to demonstrate advanced helicopter technology. The aircraft was intended as a technology demonstrator, with no plans to put the type into production, and many of its design features were carried onto other programs including the RAH-66 Comanche and V-22 Osprey. The sole prototype now resides at the American Helicopter Museum in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Boeing Vertol developed its Model 360 in the 1980s as a technology demonstrator with company funds. It was a new design and made significant use of", "psg_id": "11499289" }, { "title": "Boeing Model 40", "text": "Model 40C, with an enlarged cabin allowing four passengers to be carried. Meanwhile, Boeing Air Transport's Model 40As were modified by replacing their Wasp engines with Pratt & Whitney Hornet radial engines to become the Model 40B-2. The Model 40B-4 was a new-build aircraft combining the four-passenger cabin of the Model 40C with the Hornet engine of the B-2. Production continued until February 1932. Boeing's airline, \"Boeing Air Transport\", commenced operations on the San Francisco–Chicago route on July 1, 1927. As of February 17, 2008, Boeing 40C c/n 1043 became the only airworthy example in the world. It also holds", "psg_id": "8058666" }, { "title": "Boeing 737", "text": "date. The initial model was the 737-100. It was launched in February 1965. The -100 was rolled out on January 17, 1967, had its first flight on April 9, 1967 and entered service with Lufthansa in February 1968. The aircraft is the smallest variant of the 737. A total of 30 737-100s were ordered and delivered; the final commercial delivery took place on October 31, 1969 to Malaysia–Singapore Airlines. No 737-100s remain in commercial service. The original Boeing prototype, last operated by NASA and retired more than 30 years after its maiden flight, is on exhibit in the Museum of", "psg_id": "1322240" }, { "title": "Boeing", "text": "aircraft companies from selling any new airplanes, driving many out of business. Others, including Boeing, started selling other products. Boeing built dressers, counters, and furniture, along with flat-bottom boats called Sea Sleds. In 1919 the Boeing B-1 flying boat made its first flight. It accommodated one pilot and two passengers and some mail. Over the course of eight years, it made international airmail flights from Seattle to Victoria, British Columbia. On May 24, 1920, the Boeing Model 8 made its first flight. It was the first plane to fly over Mount Rainier. In 1923, Boeing entered competition against Curtiss to", "psg_id": "12348328" }, { "title": "Future of Flight Aviation Center & Boeing Tour", "text": "Boeing Store is located at the front of the tour. It is a store that features items that relate to the Boeing Company. There is a separate Future of Flight store next to it, selling many more traditional Pacific Northwest gift shop items, including foodstuffs. The center also includes a small cafeteria across the lobby. Future of Flight Aviation Center & Boeing Tour The Future of Flight Aviation Center is an aviation museum and education center located at the northwest corner of Paine Field in Mukilteo, Washington. It is the starting point for the Boeing Tour, a tour of a", "psg_id": "9028201" }, { "title": "What the Dog Saw", "text": "What the Dog Saw What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures is the fourth book released by author Malcolm Gladwell, on October 20, 2009. The book is a compilation of the journalist's articles published in \"The New Yorker\". Gladwell initially covered business and science in \"The Washington Post\" before joining the staff at \"The New Yorker\" in 1997. Each of the articles first appeared in \"The New Yorker\" and was handpicked by Gladwell. The stories share a common theme, namely that Gladwell tries to show us the world through the eyes of others, even if that other happens to be", "psg_id": "13945103" }, { "title": "What the Dog Saw", "text": "2: \"Theories, Predictions, and Diagnoses\" Part 3: \"Personality, Character, and Intelligence\" What the Dog Saw What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures is the fourth book released by author Malcolm Gladwell, on October 20, 2009. The book is a compilation of the journalist's articles published in \"The New Yorker\". Gladwell initially covered business and science in \"The Washington Post\" before joining the staff at \"The New Yorker\" in 1997. Each of the articles first appeared in \"The New Yorker\" and was handpicked by Gladwell. The stories share a common theme, namely that Gladwell tries to show us the world through", "psg_id": "13945107" }, { "title": "Boeing B-50 Superfortress", "text": "Boeing employee and aircraft designer, and a well-known authority on Boeing aircraft, \"the re-designation was an outright military ruse to win appropriations for the procurement of an airplane that by its B-29D designation appeared to be merely a later version of an existing model that was being canceled wholesale, with many existing examples being put into dead storage.\" The first production B-50A (there were no prototypes, as the aircraft's engines and new tail had already been tested) made its maiden flight on 25 June 1947, with a further 78 B-50As following. The last airframe of the initial order was held", "psg_id": "3077322" }, { "title": "Boeing Model 203", "text": "Boeing Model 203 The Boeing Model 203 was a three-seat biplane trainer build by Boeing in the late 1920s and used in the company training school. The 203 was a low power biplane designed to compete with other standard training aircraft. Its front cockpit accommodated 2 passengers side-by-side, or 1 student with a second set of controls. Its fuselage was welded steel tubing (the last Boeing aircraft to be built this way) and its wings were made of solid wood spars and plywood ribs. Physically it resembled a combination of the Boeing Model 95 and Boeing Model 100. Initially five", "psg_id": "13216335" }, { "title": "A New Day Yesterday Live", "text": "A New Day Yesterday Live A New Day Yesterday Live is the first live album by American blues rock musician Joe Bonamassa. Recorded in December 2001 during the promotional tour for Bonamassa's debut album \"A New Day Yesterday\", it was released in 2002 by Premier Artists. Music website AllMusic gave \"A New Day Yesterday Live\" 3.5 out of five stars, with reviewer Eduardo Rivadavia praising the album but noting it as an unnecessary release given the studio album came out only a few months earlier. Guitar Nine Records reports that guitar magazine \"Guitar World\" gave the album a four-star review,", "psg_id": "16187940" }, { "title": "Flight number", "text": "Flight number In the aviation industry, a flight number or flight designator is a code for an airline service consisting of two-character airline designator and a 1 to 4 digit number. For example, \"KL 445\" is a KLM service from Amsterdam to Kuwait. A service is called \"direct\" if it is covered by a single flight number, regardless of the number of stops or equipment changes. For example, \"WN 417\" flies from Jacksonville to Baltimore to Oakland to Los Angeles. A given flight segment may have multiple flight numbers on different airlines under a code-sharing agreement. Strictly speaking, the flight", "psg_id": "1389951" }, { "title": "What the Peeper Saw", "text": "help of psychiatrist Dr Viorne to find answers. \"What the Peeper Saw\" was released in Italy on October 14 1972 and in West Germany on February 7, 1973. What the Peeper Saw What the Peeper Saw or Night Child is a 1972 horror film starring Mark Lester, Britt Ekland, Hardy Krüger and Lilli Palmer. Marcus is a twelve-year-old schoolboy whose mother has recently died, leaving it up to his wealthy father Paul to look after him. He takes a sexual interest in his stepmother Elise. She notices his abnormal behaviour and investigates by visiting his school after discovering a torn-up", "psg_id": "13472909" }, { "title": "Boeing Model 40", "text": "Boeing Model 40 The Boeing Model 40 was a United States mail plane of the 1920s. It was a single-engined biplane that was widely used for airmail services in the United States in the 1920s and 1930s, especially by airlines that later became part of United Airlines. It became the first aircraft built by the Boeing company to carry passengers. In 1925, the US Post Office issued a requirement for a mailplane to replace the ex-military DH-4s then in use. The new aircraft was required to use the same water-cooled Liberty V12 engine as used by the DH-4, of which", "psg_id": "8058662" }, { "title": "Boeing Model 203", "text": "built at the Boeing School, 1 in 1935 and 1 in 1936. By 1941 the two new 203s and an original aircraft were converted to 203Bs. A larger 220 hp 9-cylinder Lycoming R-680 radial engine was installed, and more advanced training equipment was fitted for use by more advanced students. When the Boeing School was closed due to the Second World War, the 4 203As were transferred to United Air Lines at Cheyenne, Wyoming, two 203Bs were sold to a private owner, and the fate of the final 203B is unknown. Boeing Model 203 The Boeing Model 203 was a", "psg_id": "13216337" }, { "title": "Faucett Flight 251", "text": "Faucett Flight 251 Faucett Flight 251 refers to a Boeing 737-200 that was operating a domestic scheduled Lima–Arequipa–Tacna passenger service and crashed on 29 February 1996, while completing the first leg, on approach to Rodríguez Ballón International Airport. All 123 passengers and crew aboard the aircraft lost their lives in the accident. It is the deadliest accident that occurred on Peruvian soil, . The aircraft involved in the accident was a Boeing 737-222, tail number OB-1451, c/n 19072, that had its maiden flight on 21 October 1968. Equipped with Pratt & Whitney JT8D-7B engines, the airplane started its commercial career", "psg_id": "3901190" }, { "title": "Boeing Model 6D", "text": "wood propeller mounted on the lower side of the upper wing. A slightly heavier, more robustly built version, powered by a Pratt & Whitney R-1340 Wasp engine, was produced as the B-1E / Model 204 / Model 204A. Boeing Model 6D The Boeing Model 6D, a.k.a. Boeing Model 6E, Boeing B-1D and Boeing B-1E, was an American pusher biplane flying-boat built by Boeing between 1928 and 1929. The Model 6D continued the designation series of the 1919 Boeing Model 6 but the only similarity was that they are both biplane pusher flying-boats. The 6D was designed in 1928 and 2", "psg_id": "13246266" }, { "title": "The World Is What It Is", "text": "in 1996. The biography has been extensively reviewed: the reviewers include Paul Theroux, who wrote an earlier book about Naipaul. The biography was selected by the editors of the \"New York Times Book Review\" as one of the \"Times\"' \"10 Best Books of 2008\". It won the 2008 National Book Critics Circle Award in Biography, and the British literary award the Hawthornden Prize. The World Is What It Is The World Is What It Is: The Authorized Biography of V. S. Naipaul is a biography of the Nobel Prize-winning author V. S. Naipaul by Patrick French. It was published in", "psg_id": "12715772" }, { "title": "Boeing 307 Stratoliner", "text": "flight engineer as a crew member (several flying boats had included a flight engineer position earlier). In addition to its civilian service it was also flown as the Boeing C-75 Stratoliner by the United States Army Air Forces, who used it as a long-range cargolift aircraft. In 1935, Boeing designed a four-engine airliner based on its B-17 heavy bomber (Boeing Model 299), then in development, calling it the Model 307. It combined the wings, tail, rudder, landing gear, and engines from their production B-17C with a new, circular cross-section fuselage of diameter, designed to allow pressurization. The first order, for", "psg_id": "5113883" }, { "title": "Boeing 747-8", "text": "Boeing 747-8 The Boeing 747-8 is a wide-body jet airliner developed by Boeing Commercial Airplanes. It was officially announced in 2005. The 747-8 is the third generation of the 747, with a lengthened fuselage, redesigned wings, new engines, and improved efficiency. The 747-8 is the largest 747 version, the largest commercial aircraft built in the United States, and the longest passenger aircraft in the world. The 747-8 is offered in two main variants: the 747-8 Intercontinental (747-8I) for passengers and the 747-8 Freighter (747-8F) for cargo. The first 747-8F performed the model's maiden flight on February 8, 2010, with the", "psg_id": "6466098" } ]
[ "787", "seven hundred and eighty-seven" ]
arch enemy of count dracula, what is the name of the vampire hunter in bram stokers 1897 novel dracula?
[ { "title": "Dracula", "text": "Dracula Dracula is an 1897 Gothic horror novel by Irish author Bram Stoker. It introduced the character of Count Dracula, and established many conventions of subsequent vampire fantasy. The novel tells the story of Dracula's attempt to move from Transylvania to England so that he may find new blood and spread the undead curse, and of the battle between Dracula and a small group of men and a woman led by Professor Abraham Van Helsing. \"Dracula\" has been assigned to many literary genres including vampire literature, horror fiction, the gothic novel, and invasion literature. The novel has spawned numerous theatrical,", "psg_id": "100189" } ]
[ { "title": "Count Dracula", "text": "expression is crossed out, however, and replaced by \"Hungarian yoke\" (as appearing in the printed version), which matches the historical perspective of the Wallachians. This has been interpreted by some to mean that Stoker opted for the Wallachian, not the Szekler interpretation, thus lending more consistency to the Romanian identity of his Count: although not identical with Vlad III, the Vampire is portrayed as one of the \"Dracula race\". Count Dracula Count Dracula () is the title character of Bram Stoker's 1897 gothic horror novel \"Dracula\". He is considered to be both the prototypical and the archetypal vampire in subsequent", "psg_id": "9416231" }, { "title": "Count Dracula", "text": "Count Dracula Count Dracula () is the title character of Bram Stoker's 1897 gothic horror novel \"Dracula\". He is considered to be both the prototypical and the archetypal vampire in subsequent works of fiction. He is also depicted in the novel to be the origin of werewolf legends. Some aspects of the character are believed to have been inspired by the 15th-century Wallachian Prince Vlad the Impaler, who was also known as Dracula. Other character aspects have been added or altered in subsequent popular fictional works. The character has subsequently appeared frequently in popular culture, from films to animated media", "psg_id": "9416187" }, { "title": "Brides of Dracula", "text": "chaos and bloodshed whenever the opportunity presents itself. There is also a fourth bride mentioned in the novel, Jana, but who is ultimately killed by her and Dracula's son Alucard shortly after her resurrection as a vampire. Brides of Dracula The Brides of Dracula are characters in Bram Stoker's 1897 novel \"Dracula\". They are three seductive female vampire \"sisters\" who reside with Count Dracula in his castle in Transylvania, where they entrance men with their beauty and charm, and then proceed to feed upon them. Dracula provides them with victims to devour, mainly infants and children. Like Dracula, they are", "psg_id": "5838966" }, { "title": "Brides of Dracula", "text": "Brides of Dracula The Brides of Dracula are characters in Bram Stoker's 1897 novel \"Dracula\". They are three seductive female vampire \"sisters\" who reside with Count Dracula in his castle in Transylvania, where they entrance men with their beauty and charm, and then proceed to feed upon them. Dracula provides them with victims to devour, mainly infants and children. Like Dracula, they are the living dead, repulsed by religious objects. In chapter three of the novel, two are described as having dark hair, and the other as blonde. In the novel the three vampire women are not individually named. Collectively,", "psg_id": "5838928" }, { "title": "Castle Dracula", "text": "numerous movies like \"Blood of Dracula's Castle\" (1969) (with John Carradine as the butler and Alexander D'Arcy as Count Dracula) and other Dracula-based films. There are video games called \"Dracula's Castle\" (Game Pac Adventure), \"Escape Dracula's Castle\" (Fun Flash Games),\"Restore Dracula's Castle\" and \"Devil's Castle Dracula\" (\"Akumajō Dracula\"); the latter is best known to the west as \"Castlevania\". A prosecco produced by a descendant of the Bassarab dynasty bears the name Castle of Dracula. Castle Dracula Castle Dracula is the fictitious Transylvanian residence of Count Dracula, the vampire antagonist in Bram Stoker's 1897 horror novel \"Dracula\". In Stoker's narrative, Castle", "psg_id": "15046257" }, { "title": "The Tomb of Dracula", "text": "addressed in the final three issues of \"Nightstalkers\". These included the fates of Dracula's bride Domini, their son Janus, and vampire-hunter Taj Nital. Dracula took the title role in the miniseries \"Dracula: Lord of the Undead\". Two more four-issue miniseries followed. \"Stoker's Dracula\" continued and concluded the adaptation of the original Bram Stoker novel \"Dracula\" by writer Roy Thomas and artist Dick Giordano, which had begun in \"Dracula Lives\" 30 years prior. Another \"Tomb of Dracula\" miniseries followed found Blade joined a new team of vampire hunters to prevent Dracula achieving godhood. \"Apocalypse vs. Dracula\" featured Dracula battling Apocalypse, an", "psg_id": "2858081" }, { "title": "Dracula in popular culture", "text": "popular and mass culture. There are several locations associated with Dracula and Bram Stoker related tourism in Ireland, Britain, and Romania. Dracula in popular culture The character of Count Dracula from the 1897 novel \"Dracula\" by Bram Stoker, has remained popular over the years, and many films have used the Count as a villain, while others have named him in their titles, such as \"Dracula's Daughter\", \"The Brides of Dracula\", and \"Dracula's Dog\". \"Dracula\" has enjoyed enormous popularity since its publication and has spawned an extraordinary vampire subculture in the second half of the 20th century. More than 200 films", "psg_id": "9484245" }, { "title": "Dracula in popular culture", "text": "Dracula in popular culture The character of Count Dracula from the 1897 novel \"Dracula\" by Bram Stoker, has remained popular over the years, and many films have used the Count as a villain, while others have named him in their titles, such as \"Dracula's Daughter\", \"The Brides of Dracula\", and \"Dracula's Dog\". \"Dracula\" has enjoyed enormous popularity since its publication and has spawned an extraordinary vampire subculture in the second half of the 20th century. More than 200 films have been made that feature Count Dracula, a number second only to Sherlock Holmes. At the center of this subculture is", "psg_id": "9484208" }, { "title": "Bram Stoker's Dracula (1973 film)", "text": "Bram Stoker's Dracula (1973 film) Dracula is a 1973 British television film adaptation of Bram Stoker's 1897 novel \"Dracula\" written by Richard Matheson and directed by \"Dark Shadows\" creator Dan Curtis, with Jack Palance in the title role. It was the second collaboration for Curtis and Palance after the 1968 TV film \"The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde\". \"Bistritz, Hungary May 1897\": natives in Transylvania seem afraid when they learn solicitor Jonathan Harker is going to Castle Dracula. Jonathan finds the Count abrupt and impatient to get things done. Dracula reacts very strongly to a photograph of", "psg_id": "9425902" }, { "title": "Bram Stoker's Dracula (video game)", "text": "vampire fans. Bram Stoker's Dracula (video game) Bram Stoker's Dracula is a 1993 video game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System, Super NES, Game Boy, Master System, Genesis, Sega CD, Game Gear, MS-DOS and Amiga games consoles. Based on the 1992 movie of the same name which in turn is based on the 1897 novel by Bram Stoker, each version of the game was essentially identical (except for the Sega CD, Amiga and MS-DOS versions). The Amiga version was released in 1994 for North America and Europe. A CD-ROM version for DOS was released in 1995. Each console has a", "psg_id": "5800506" }, { "title": "Dracula", "text": "over the years, and many films have used the character as a villain, while others have named him in their titles, including \"Dracula's Daughter\" and \"The Brides of Dracula\". As of 2009, an estimated 217 films feature Dracula in a major role, a number second only to Sherlock Holmes (223 films). A large number of these appearances are not adaptations of Stoker's novel, but merely feature the character in an unrelated story. Dracula Dracula is an 1897 Gothic horror novel by Irish author Bram Stoker. It introduced the character of Count Dracula, and established many conventions of subsequent vampire fantasy.", "psg_id": "100237" }, { "title": "Bram Stoker's Dracula", "text": "list of \"Hollywood's Most Powerful Vampires\", as well as \"The Guardian\"s \"10 best screen vampires\". In honor of Syfy's 25th anniversary in 2017, the channel compiled \"25 greatest\" lists celebrating the last 25 years of all science fiction, fantasy, and horror: Oldman's Dracula was included in \"The 25 Greatest Movie Performances from the Last 25 years\". Bram Stoker's Dracula Bram Stoker's Dracula is a 1992 American gothic horror film directed and produced by Francis Ford Coppola, based on the novel \"Dracula\" by Bram Stoker. It stars Gary Oldman as Count Dracula, Winona Ryder as Mina Harker, Anthony Hopkins as Professor", "psg_id": "2194717" }, { "title": "Castle Dracula", "text": "Castle Dracula Castle Dracula is the fictitious Transylvanian residence of Count Dracula, the vampire antagonist in Bram Stoker's 1897 horror novel \"Dracula\". In Stoker's narrative, Castle Dracula is the single most important location. The first and the last part of the plot take place here. The inaccessible stronghold, which initially symbolises the vampire's power, finally becomes the scene of his extermination. In the novel's first chapters, the young English solicitor Jonathan Harker, traveling from London via Paris, Munich, Vienna, Budapest, Klausenburg and Bistritz, arrives at the Castle after being picked up in the Borgo Pass by a mysterious driver, whom", "psg_id": "15046240" }, { "title": "Dracula Reborn", "text": "Ian Pfister’s portrayal of Renfield, but ultimately criticized the film for leaving “little to the imagination” and claimed it “arguably never should have been conceived”. Gammon gave the film a 2 out of 5. Dracula Reborn Dracula Reborn is a 2012 vampire-themed direct-to-video horror film, directed and written by Patrick McManus, making his feature film directorial debut. Produced by Ray Haboush, the film stars Corey Landis, Victoria Summer, Krash Miller, Stuart Rigby and Keith Reay. It is a modernized, loosely based take on Bram Stoker's 1897 novel \"Dracula\", taking place in Los Angeles, California, where a wealthy Count Dracula looks", "psg_id": "17385504" }, { "title": "Count Dracula", "text": "to breakfast cereals. Bram Stoker's novel takes the form of an epistolary tale, in which Count Dracula's characteristics, powers, abilities and weaknesses are narrated by multiple narrators, from different perspectives. Count Dracula is an undead, centuries-old vampire, and a Transylvanian nobleman who claims to be a Székely descended from Attila the Hun. He inhabits a decaying castle in the Carpathian Mountains near the Borgo Pass. Unlike the vampires of Eastern European folklore, which are portrayed as repulsive, corpse-like creatures, Dracula wears a veneer of aristocratic charm. In his conversations with Jonathan Harker, he reveals himself as deeply proud of his", "psg_id": "9416188" }, { "title": "Dracula the Un-dead", "text": "Dracula the Un-dead Dracula the Un-dead is a sequel to Bram Stoker's classic novel \"Dracula\". The book was written by Bram Stoker's great grand-nephew Dacre Stoker and Ian Holt. Previously, Holt had been a direct-to-DVD horror screenwriter, and Stoker a track and field coach. In the novel's afterword, the authors discuss the many alterations made to the original novel's events, due to the many inconsistencies in the original and the desire for the Stoker family to reassert control over Dracula fiction. Twenty-five years have passed since the vampire Count Dracula met his end at the hands of Jonathan Harker and", "psg_id": "14025635" }, { "title": "Dracula (Marvel Comics)", "text": "Dracula (Marvel Comics) Dracula is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is based on the vampire Count Dracula from the novel of the same name by author Bram Stoker. A version of Dracula first appears in the Atlas Comics publication, \"Suspense\" #7 (Mar. 1951). The modern Marvel version of Dracula was created by Gerry Conway and Gene Colan in \"Tomb of Dracula\" No. 1 (1972), co-written by Marv Wolfman. Traditionally, the Comics Code Authority prevented Marvel from publishing vampire comics. This was revised in early 1971, when comics were allowed to publish characters", "psg_id": "7751010" }, { "title": "Dracula Reborn", "text": "Dracula Reborn Dracula Reborn is a 2012 vampire-themed direct-to-video horror film, directed and written by Patrick McManus, making his feature film directorial debut. Produced by Ray Haboush, the film stars Corey Landis, Victoria Summer, Krash Miller, Stuart Rigby and Keith Reay. It is a modernized, loosely based take on Bram Stoker's 1897 novel \"Dracula\", taking place in Los Angeles, California, where a wealthy Count Dracula looks to purchase an abandoned building and pursue the wife of his realtor, Jonathan Harker. In Los Angeles, California, realtor Jonathan Harker (Corey Landis) proposes the sale of an abandoned building in a gang-dominated neighborhood", "psg_id": "17385498" }, { "title": "Dracula Twins", "text": "Dracula Twins Dracula Twins is a Microsoft Windows platformer published and developed by Swedish developer-publisher Legendo Entertainment. The game, which features two-dimensional movement through a vivid and cartoonish three-dimensional environment, borrows its title and certain references from the classic Bram Stoker novel \"Dracula\". In the game, Dracula has been captured by Doctor Lifelust and his horde of vampire hunters who has a sinister plan to create a serum that lets him live forever. Dracula's twin vampire twerps, Drac and Dracana are on a mission to save daddy Dracula from the clutches of the vampire hunter. Each of the twins is", "psg_id": "12073500" }, { "title": "Dracula the Un-dead", "text": "is asked of readers of the original in having to forgo old beliefs of who and what Dracula is. It’s best to just enjoy it for what it is: another vampire story for October\". Winnipeg Free Press reviewer Kenneth MacKendrick called it \"tempting enough to read and bad enough to be controversial, striking a balance between sensationalism and mediocrity\". Dracula the Un-dead Dracula the Un-dead is a sequel to Bram Stoker's classic novel \"Dracula\". The book was written by Bram Stoker's great grand-nephew Dacre Stoker and Ian Holt. Previously, Holt had been a direct-to-DVD horror screenwriter, and Stoker a track", "psg_id": "14025657" }, { "title": "The Revenge of Dracula", "text": "The Revenge of Dracula The Revenge of Dracula is a horror novel by British writer Peter Tremayne (pseudonym of Peter Berresford Ellis). It was first published in the United Kingdom in 1978 by Bailey Brothers & Swinfen. The first United States edition was published by Donald M. Grant, Publisher, Inc. in 1978 in an edition of 1,250 copies which were signed by the author and the illustrator, Dan Green. It is the second book in Tremayne's \"Dracula Lives\" trilogy. The novel concerns the story of Count Dracula in England and is set before the events in Bram Stoker's novel \"Dracula\".", "psg_id": "11972778" }, { "title": "The Revenge of Dracula", "text": "The Revenge of Dracula The Revenge of Dracula is a horror novel by British writer Peter Tremayne (pseudonym of Peter Berresford Ellis). It was first published in the United Kingdom in 1978 by Bailey Brothers & Swinfen. The first United States edition was published by Donald M. Grant, Publisher, Inc. in 1978 in an edition of 1,250 copies which were signed by the author and the illustrator, Dan Green. It is the second book in Tremayne's \"Dracula Lives\" trilogy. The novel concerns the story of Count Dracula in England and is set before the events in Bram Stoker's novel \"Dracula\".", "psg_id": "11972777" }, { "title": "Dracula the Undead (novel)", "text": "Dracula the Undead (novel) Dracula the Undead is a sequel written to Bram Stoker's classic novel \"Dracula\", written by Freda Warrington. The book was commissioned by Penguin Books as a sequel to Stoker's original novel for the centenary of the latter's first publication. It takes place seven years after the original. It was originally published in 1997, and was brought back to print in 2009. It is seven years since a stake was driven through the heart of the infamous Count Dracula. Seven years which have not eradicated the terrible memories for Jonathan and Mina Harker, who now have a", "psg_id": "14443243" }, { "title": "Count Dracula (1970 film)", "text": "Count Dracula (1970 film) Count Dracula (German: Nachts, wenn Dracula erwacht, lit. \"Nights, When Dracula Awakes\"), released in Italy as Il conte Dracula, in Spain as El Conde Drácula and in France as Les Nuits de Dracula, is a 1969 Spanish-Italian-German-British horror film (released in 1970), directed by Jesús Franco and starring Christopher Lee, Herbert Lom and Klaus Kinski. It was based on the novel \"Dracula\" by Bram Stoker. Although \"Count Dracula\" stars Christopher Lee in the title role, it is not a Hammer production like his other Dracula films, being produced instead by Harry Alan Towers. Klaus Kinski, who", "psg_id": "6743789" }, { "title": "Dracula, the Musical", "text": "Dracula, the Musical Dracula, the Musical is a musical based on the original Victorian novel by Bram Stoker. The score is by Frank Wildhorn, with lyrics and book by Don Black and Christopher Hampton. It had its regional premiere at the La Jolla Playhouse, La Jolla, California, in 2001, playing to 115% capacity, earning the highest paid capacity for any world premiere production in the playhouse's history. It then premiered on Broadway in 2004, starring Tom Hewitt as the frightening vampire Count and Melissa Errico as the woman he loves, Mina Harker. A brief nude scene in which Dracula seduces", "psg_id": "6709133" }, { "title": "Bram Stoker's Dracula (video game)", "text": "Bram Stoker's Dracula (video game) Bram Stoker's Dracula is a 1993 video game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System, Super NES, Game Boy, Master System, Genesis, Sega CD, Game Gear, MS-DOS and Amiga games consoles. Based on the 1992 movie of the same name which in turn is based on the 1897 novel by Bram Stoker, each version of the game was essentially identical (except for the Sega CD, Amiga and MS-DOS versions). The Amiga version was released in 1994 for North America and Europe. A CD-ROM version for DOS was released in 1995. Each console has a different styled", "psg_id": "5800498" }, { "title": "Count Dracula (1970 film)", "text": "this film. \"Count Dracula\" was released on DVD in 2007 by Dark Sky Films. Special features include an interview with director Jesús Franco, a reading from Bram Stoker's \"Dracula\" novel by Christopher Lee, and a text essay on the life of actress Soledad Miranda. The DVD has come under criticism for omitting the scene in which a distraught mother pleads for her baby's life at the door of Dracula's castle. The DVD also uses the Italian credits for the film but with the French title card Les Nuits de Dracula. Count Dracula (1970 film) Count Dracula (German: Nachts, wenn Dracula", "psg_id": "6743800" }, { "title": "Anno Dracula series", "text": "transform into Hyde also exist. Several \"warms\" are also said to have the vampire powers of precognition and telepathy, or the ability to perform acts of genuine magic. However, for the most part, vampires are the center-stage of Newman's paranormal setting. Anno Dracula series The \"Anno Dracula\" series by Kim Newman—named after \"Anno Dracula\" (1992), the series' first novel—is a work of fantasy depicting an alternate history in which the heroes of Bram Stoker's novel \"Dracula\" fail to stop Count Dracula's conquest of Great Britain, resulting in a world where vampires are common and increasingly dominant in society. While Dracula", "psg_id": "1589351" }, { "title": "Count Dracula (1970 film)", "text": "would play Dracula himself nine years later in \"Nosferatu the Vampyre\", is also featured in the film as Renfield. \"Count Dracula\" was advertised as the most faithful adaptation of Bram Stoker's novel. Among other details, it was the first film version of the novel in which Dracula begins as an old man and becomes younger as he feeds upon fresh blood. Jonathan Harker, a lawyer traveling from London to Transylvania to secure property for Count Dracula, arrives at Bistritz to stay for the night. There, he is warned by a concerned lady against continuing his journey the following day. Harker", "psg_id": "6743790" }, { "title": "Dracula in popular culture", "text": "Historian\" follows several historians whose research has led them too close to Dracula as they hunt the vampire across Europe. Meg Cabot's 2010 novel \"Insatiable\" has a main character named Meena Harper who has a relationship with Dracula's son, Lucien. In the book series \"Vampire Hunter D\", which takes place 10,000 years in the future, D's adversary Count Magnus discovers that D is the son of Dracula, who is referred to as \"the Sacred Ancestor\" in the series. Freda Warrington's \"Dracula the Undead\" is an unofficial sequel to \"Dracula\". Will Hill's \"Department 19\" is about Jamie Carpenter, a descendant of", "psg_id": "9484232" }, { "title": "Dracula Untold", "text": "is not canon with \"Dark Universe\". Dracula Untold Dracula Untold is a 2014 American dark fantasy action horror film directed by Gary Shore in his feature film debut and written by Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless. Rather than using the storyline of Bram Stoker's 1897 novel \"Dracula\", the film creates an origin story for its title character, Count Dracula; in this version, Dracula is Vlad the Impaler. Luke Evans portrays the title character, and Sarah Gadon, Dominic Cooper, Art Parkinson, and Charles Dance appear in supporting roles. Principal photography began in Northern Ireland on August 5, 2013. Universal Pictures released", "psg_id": "17292984" }, { "title": "Dracula Untold", "text": "Dracula Untold Dracula Untold is a 2014 American dark fantasy action horror film directed by Gary Shore in his feature film debut and written by Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless. Rather than using the storyline of Bram Stoker's 1897 novel \"Dracula\", the film creates an origin story for its title character, Count Dracula; in this version, Dracula is Vlad the Impaler. Luke Evans portrays the title character, and Sarah Gadon, Dominic Cooper, Art Parkinson, and Charles Dance appear in supporting roles. Principal photography began in Northern Ireland on August 5, 2013. Universal Pictures released the film in regular and IMAX", "psg_id": "17292952" }, { "title": "Dracula (1931 English-language film)", "text": "Dracula (1931 English-language film) Dracula is a 1931 American pre-Code vampire-horror film directed by Tod Browning and starring Bela Lugosi as Count Dracula. Produced by Universal, the screenplay is based on the 1924 stage play \"Dracula\" by Hamilton Deane and John L. Balderston, which in turn is loosely based on the novel \"Dracula\" by Bram Stoker. Renfield (Dwight Frye) is a solicitor traveling to Count Dracula's (Bela Lugosi) castle in Transylvania on a business matter. The people in the local village fear that vampires inhabit the castle and warn Renfield not to go there. Renfield refuses to stay at the", "psg_id": "3870302" }, { "title": "Dracula (1931 English-language film)", "text": "the film was also released. In 1931, some theaters had not yet been wired for sound and during this transition period, many studios released alternative silent versions with intertitles. Dracula (1931 English-language film) Dracula is a 1931 American pre-Code vampire-horror film directed by Tod Browning and starring Bela Lugosi as Count Dracula. Produced by Universal, the screenplay is based on the 1924 stage play \"Dracula\" by Hamilton Deane and John L. Balderston, which in turn is loosely based on the novel \"Dracula\" by Bram Stoker. Renfield (Dwight Frye) is a solicitor traveling to Count Dracula's (Bela Lugosi) castle in Transylvania", "psg_id": "3870331" }, { "title": "The Fury of Dracula", "text": "be beneficial or detrimental. In addition, the Hunter suffers penalties in combat against Dracula. Being bitten a second time results in the hunter becoming a vampire; he is eliminated from the game and given to the Dracula player as a generic vampire encounter. (In the second edition, being bitten twice no longer eliminates the character from the game; they are sent to the Hospital of St Joseph and St Mary to recover.) In addition, the character Mina Harker begins with a Bite Token (received in the novel) and as such these \"bitten only\" events are usable from the very beginning", "psg_id": "8413009" }, { "title": "Dracula: the Musical", "text": "told Mina that if she killed him she would turn into a vampire and he would live within her because she had tasted his blood, but if Jonathan kills him they will never be together again. Mina finishes off Dracula. Dracula: the Musical Dracula: the Musical is a Swedish musical based on the novel \"Dracula\" by Bram Stoker produced in 2010. It was originally a theatre production meant for ten performances but due to the massive popularity extra performances were added and the musical was turned into a film, given a limited release on DVD. The film was put together", "psg_id": "15131792" }, { "title": "The Fury of Dracula", "text": "on Bram Stoker's famous novel, \"The Fury of Dracula\" is a breakthrough title that introduced cooperative and deductive elements to the adventure board game subgenre, while managing to retain the feeling of breathless excitement that players seek in an adventure game.\" The Fury of Dracula The Fury of Dracula is a board game designed by Stephen Hand and published by Games Workshop in 1987. Fantasy Flight Games released an updated version in 2006 as Fury of Dracula, and a third edition in 2015 by the same name. The game takes place in Europe during 1898, eight years after the events", "psg_id": "8413020" }, { "title": "Dracula", "text": "on the role of Dracula in \"Count Dracula\", a 1970 Spanish-Italian-German coproduction notable for its adherence to the plot of the original novel. Playing the part of Renfield in that version was Klaus Kinski, who later played Dracula himself in 1979's \"Nosferatu the Vampyre\". In 1977, the BBC made \"Count Dracula\", a 155-minute adaptation for television starring Louis Jourdan. Later film adaptations include John Badham's 1979 \"Dracula\", starring Frank Langella and inspired by the 1977 Broadway revival of the Deane/Hamilton play, and Francis Ford Coppola's 1992 \"Bram Stoker's Dracula\", starring Gary Oldman. The character of Count Dracula has remained popular", "psg_id": "100236" }, { "title": "Dracula", "text": "Vlad III Dracula. Later he also claimed that he had a nightmare, caused by eating too much crab meat, about a \"vampire king\" rising from his grave. Although it is a widely known vampire novel, \"Dracula\" was not the first. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe published \"The Bride of Corinth\" in 1797. (“From my grave to wander I am forc’d Still to seek The God’s long-sever’d link, Still to love the bridegroom I have lost, And the life-blood of his heart to drink;) Later Sheridan Le Fanu's 1871 \"Carmilla\", about a lesbian vampire could have inspired Bram Stoker's Dracula, or \"Varney", "psg_id": "100207" }, { "title": "The Tomb of Dracula", "text": "The Tomb of Dracula The Tomb of Dracula is a horror comic book series published by Marvel Comics from April 1972 to August 1979. The 70-issue series featured a group of vampire hunters who fought Count Dracula and other supernatural menaces. On rare occasions, Dracula would work with these vampire hunters against a common threat or battle other supernatural threats on his own, but more often than not, he was the antagonist rather than protagonist. In addition to his supernatural battles in this series, Marvel's Dracula often served as a supervillain to other characters in the Marvel Universe, battling the", "psg_id": "2858070" }, { "title": "The Tomb of Dracula", "text": "miniseries published in 1998. The miniseries was published by Dark Horse Comics and was not officially associated with Marvel's Dracula series. A trade paperback collection was published in 2005. The Tomb of Dracula The Tomb of Dracula is a horror comic book series published by Marvel Comics from April 1972 to August 1979. The 70-issue series featured a group of vampire hunters who fought Count Dracula and other supernatural menaces. On rare occasions, Dracula would work with these vampire hunters against a common threat or battle other supernatural threats on his own, but more often than not, he was the", "psg_id": "2858087" }, { "title": "Dracula in popular culture", "text": "legend. While the story is based on the historical 15th century ruler of Wallachia, it also draws inspiration from the vampire legends that surround the Wallachian Prince. Gabrielle Estres’ novel \"Captive\" retraces the life of Vlad Țepeș, the Wallachian ruler who inspired Bram Stoker's \"Dracula\". The book combines historical facts and contemporary 15th century pamphlets with the vampire lore created by Stoker. A version of Dracula (who hates the name and is known as Vlad Tepesh) appears first as a supporting character in the \"Night Huntress\" series by Jeaniene Frost, then in a more central role as the protagonist's love", "psg_id": "9484237" }, { "title": "Dracula the Undead (novel)", "text": "young son. To lay their memories to rest they return to Transylvania, and can find no trace of the horrific events. But, beneath the earth, Dracula's soul lies in limbo, waiting for the Lifeblood that will revive him. Dracula the Undead (novel) Dracula the Undead is a sequel written to Bram Stoker's classic novel \"Dracula\", written by Freda Warrington. The book was commissioned by Penguin Books as a sequel to Stoker's original novel for the centenary of the latter's first publication. It takes place seven years after the original. It was originally published in 1997, and was brought back to", "psg_id": "14443244" }, { "title": "The Satanic Rites of Dracula", "text": "of Dracula\". The French title, \"Dracula vit toujours à Londres\", remains closer to what was initially planned, as it can be translated by \"Dracula is Still Living in London\". In the United States, the film was distributed in 1979 by Dynamite Films in a heavily edited version titled Count Dracula and His Vampire Bride. The film itself is a mixture of horror, science fiction and a spy thriller, with a screenplay by Don Houghton, a veteran of BBC's \"Doctor Who\". The original score was composed by television composer John Cacavas. It wrapped on 3 January 1973 – 15 years to", "psg_id": "5888160" }, { "title": "Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula", "text": "Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula (alternately titled Dracula: The Dark Prince and Dark Prince: Legend of Dracula) is a horror-war television film, which premiered in the United States on the USA Network on Halloween, October 31, 2000. It is about Vlad III Dracula, \"the Impaler\", the historical figure who gave Bram Stoker's Dracula his name. \"Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula\" tells the story of Vlad Dracula, the historical figure who gave Bram Stoker's Dracula his name. Vlad is a dispossessed noble and a patriot who fights the occupation forces", "psg_id": "9577867" }, { "title": "Count Dracula (1977 film)", "text": "of space and time and money. Something of a hole in the middle though, like a vampire after remedial treatment.\" She was less positive about the casting and performance of Louis Jourdan, however, which she felt \"emphasised the lover at the expense of the demon. It makes a change. Though, I would say, for the worst.\" Film historian Stuart Galbraith IV said that \"\"Count Dracula\" remains one of the best-ever adaptations of Bram Stoker's novel\" despite a \"couple of missteps\", remarking that \"the cast is excellent\", in particular praising the performances of Frank Finlay and Louis Jourdan, whom he calls", "psg_id": "9415397" }, { "title": "Dracula Lives!", "text": "comic \"The Tomb of Dracula\", the continuities of the two titles occasionally overlapped, with storylines weaving between the two. Most of the time, however, the stories in \"Dracula Lives!\" were standalone Dracula tales by various creative teams. Later issues of \"Dracula Lives!\" featured a serialized adaptation of the original Bram Stoker novel, written by Roy Thomas and drawn by Dick Giordano. Copyrighted as simply \"Dracula Lives!\" and commonly known by its trademarked cover title, \"Dracula Lives!\", the magazine ran 13 issues from 1973 to 1975. With sister titles including \"Monsters Unleashed\", \"Tales of the Zombie\" and \"Vampire Tales\", it was", "psg_id": "17809187" }, { "title": "Count Dracula", "text": "shared his personal past with the historical Transylvanian-born Voivode Vlad III Dracula of Wallachia, also known as Vlad the Impaler or Vlad Țepeș. Following the publication of \"In Search of Dracula\" by Radu Florescu and Raymond McNally in 1972, this supposed connection attracted much popular attention. This work argued that Bram Stoker based his Dracula on Vlad the Impaler. Historically, the name \"Dracula\" is the given name of Vlad Țepeș' family, a name derived from a secret fraternal order of knights called the Order of the Dragon, founded by Sigismund of Luxembourg (king of Hungary and Bohemia, and Holy Roman", "psg_id": "9416224" }, { "title": "Bram Stoker's Dracula", "text": "by Eiko Ishioka created a new image for the Count and for the first time freed him from the black cape and evening wear the character had become associated with since Bela Lugosi's portrayal in 1931. The film was also a landmark in vampire horror as it is the only \"Dracula\" adaptation to win Oscars. The film appeared in \"Entertainment Weekly\"s \"5 best vampire movies\", \"Forbes\"s \"Top 10 Best Vampire Movies Of All Time\", \"Esquire\"s \"20 Best Vampire Movies\", and \"Sexiest Horror Movies Ever Made\". and \"IndieWire\"'s \"The 100 Best Horror Movies of All Time\". Oldman's Dracula featured in \"Forbes\"s", "psg_id": "2194716" }, { "title": "Dracula", "text": "and wolves and night\". In 2009, an official sequel was published, written by Bram Stoker's great grand-nephew Dacre Stoker and Ian Holt. Dacre Stoker and J. D. Barker will write a prequel to \"Dracula\" titled \"Dracul\". An interpretation of the missing 101 pages of the original novel, it was pieced together from Bram Stoker's editorial notes, artifacts, and journals. The story of \"Dracula\" has been the basis for numerous films and plays. Stoker himself wrote the first theatrical adaptation, which was presented at the Lyceum Theatre on 18 May 1897 under the title \"Dracula, or The Undead\" shortly before the", "psg_id": "100229" }, { "title": "Scars of Dracula", "text": "Scars of Dracula Scars of Dracula is a 1970 British horror film directed by Roy Ward Baker for Hammer Studios. It stars Christopher Lee as Count Dracula, along with Dennis Waterman, Jenny Hanley, Patrick Troughton, and Michael Gwynn. Although disparaged by some critics, the film does restore a few elements of Bram Stoker's original character: the Count is introduced as an \"icily charming host;\" he has command over nature; and he is seen scaling the walls of his castle. It also gives Lee more to do and say than any other Hammer Dracula film except its first, 1958's \"Dracula\". This", "psg_id": "5382439" }, { "title": "The Tomb of Dracula", "text": "the two titles occasionally overlapped, with storylines weaving between the two. Most of the time the stories in \"Dracula Lives!\" were stand-alone tales, including a serialized adaptation of the original Bram Stoker novel, in 10- to 12-page installments written by Roy Thomas and drawn by Dick Giordano. \"Tomb of Dracula\" was supplemented by a \"Giant-Size\" companion quarterly that ran for five issues in the mid-1970s. Artist John Byrne’s first story for Marvel Comics, \"Dark Asylum\", was published in \"Giant-Size Dracula\" #5 (June 1975). The color title \"Tomb of Dracula\" was succeeded by another black-and-white magazine, also called \"Tomb of Dracula\",", "psg_id": "2858079" }, { "title": "Bram Stoker's Dracula (pinball)", "text": "pinball across the playfield and the player would be required to knock it loose from the magnet's grasp to start the mode. A licensed digital version of the table had been released for \"The Pinball Arcade\" to end its third season of DLC for several platforms. Category:Works based on Dracula Bram Stoker's Dracula (pinball) Bram Stoker's Dracula is a 1993 pinball machine released by Williams. It is based in the 1992 film \"Bram Stoker's Dracula\". The game was characterized by its unusual blood-red DMD display (most other games at the time used orange for their color) as well as a", "psg_id": "9626165" }, { "title": "Bram Stoker's Dracula", "text": "original \"Dracula\" novel by Bram Stoker in paperback. Grey, gothic statue heads (as seen on the original film poster) adorned the front cover of the book against a grey stone background. \"Dracula\" was first released to DVD in 1999 and again as a Superbit DVD in 2001. The DVD included several extra features: filmographies, the original theatrical trailer, a documentary (\"Dracula: The Man, The Myth, The Legend\"), costume designs and DVD trailers. The superbit version did not contain any extra features. A two-disc \"Collector's Edition\" DVD and Blu-ray was released in 2007. Special features include an introduction and audio commentary", "psg_id": "2194713" }, { "title": "Count Dracula", "text": "When angered, the Count showed his true bestial nature, his blue eyes flaming red. As the novel progresses, Dracula is described as taking on a more and more youthful appearance. After Harker strikes him with a shovel, he is left with a scar on his forehead which he bears throughout the course of the novel. Dracula also possesses great wealth, and has Gypsies in his homeland who are loyal to him as servants and protectors. Count Dracula is portrayed in the novel using many different supernatural abilities, and is believed to have gained his abilities through dealings with the Devil.", "psg_id": "9416205" }, { "title": "The Fury of Dracula", "text": "case of vampires, increase the Vampire track by two, bringing him closer to winning the game. The second edition adds the Resolve system to the Hunters. Every time the Day/Night track advances to a new day, in addition to Dracula gaining a Vampire track point, the Hunters gain 1 Resolve point. Resolve can be spent to reveal Dracula's oldest location, allow an individual hunter to take an extra turn, or heal a single hunter. The second edition also clearly states there should be punishment for cheating by the Dracula player, whether intentionally or accidentally. The suggested punishment is a clearing", "psg_id": "8413016" }, { "title": "Anno Dracula series", "text": "Anno Dracula series The \"Anno Dracula\" series by Kim Newman—named after \"Anno Dracula\" (1992), the series' first novel—is a work of fantasy depicting an alternate history in which the heroes of Bram Stoker's novel \"Dracula\" fail to stop Count Dracula's conquest of Great Britain, resulting in a world where vampires are common and increasingly dominant in society. While Dracula is a central figure in the events of the series, he is a minor character in the books themselves, and usually appears in only a few climactic pages of each book. While many of the characters from Newman's Diogenes Club stories", "psg_id": "1589326" }, { "title": "The Tomb of Dracula", "text": "immortal foe of the superhero team the X-Men, in Victorian London. Mina is the mother of Quincy, and the wife of Count Dracula. She died in a great battle, but she was turned into a vampire by her beloved husband Count Dracula. She acts like a human rather than a vampire. She is the Queen of Romania. Some of the nudity was removed from the fourth volume. Publisher Dan Buckley explained, \"That wasn't because we were going to bookstores, or because we were exclusively going to hobby shops. It probably had more with where we were at from a ratings", "psg_id": "2858082" }, { "title": "Dracula in popular culture", "text": "the \"\" setting, he is the founder of the 'Ordo Dracul', a secretive organisation to which the player's characters may claim membership. Both games draw much from the novel \"Dracula\" and vampire legends in general. In the \"Castlevania\" series (known as \"Akumajo Dracula\" (Demon Castle Dracula) in Japan), Count Vlad Ţepeş Dracula, as he is known in the series, is the ultimate source of evil that the others must confront, after adventuring through Dracula's castle. The other aspect in relations to the Count is his son, Adrian Fahrenheit Ţepeş, commonly known as \"Alucard\", who has dedicated his life to ensure", "psg_id": "9484239" }, { "title": "Scars of Dracula", "text": "finally came to pass with \"Scars of Dracula,\" a garish live-action cartoon.\" John Kenneth Muir in \"Horror Films of the 1970s\" called the film \"a by-the-numbers sequel that amply demonstrates why the studio's audience was shrinking as the 1960s became the 1970s.\" Scars of Dracula Scars of Dracula is a 1970 British horror film directed by Roy Ward Baker for Hammer Studios. It stars Christopher Lee as Count Dracula, along with Dennis Waterman, Jenny Hanley, Patrick Troughton, and Michael Gwynn. Although disparaged by some critics, the film does restore a few elements of Bram Stoker's original character: the Count is", "psg_id": "5382452" }, { "title": "Dracula (miniseries)", "text": "Dracula (miniseries) Dracula, also known as Dracula's Curse, is a 2002 Italian 2 part TV-miniseries written and directed by Roger Young and starring Patrick Bergin, Giancarlo Giannini and Stefania Rocca. It is based on the 1897 novel of the same name by Bram Stoker, though it updates the events of the novel to the present day. At a ballroom of a hospital charity party in Budapest, the successful American lawyer Jonathan Harker (Hardy Krüger Jr.) suddenly proposes to his girlfriend Mina (Stefania Rocca). He wants to marry her within the week. Their friends Lucy (Muriel Baumeister), Quincy (Alessio Boni) and", "psg_id": "9464017" }, { "title": "Count Dracula (1977 film)", "text": "Stage to Screen\", David J. Skal calls \"Count Dracula\" \"the most careful adaptation of the novel to date, and the most successful.\" Brett Cullum of \"DVD Verdict\" said the special effects were this version's \"biggest downfall\" and that it was \"perhaps the least visually interesting\" \"Dracula\" adaptation, though he offered a mostly positive review, remarking that there is \"plenty to admire in the production\", in particular the \"sublime acting\". MaryAnn Johanson of was less positive, writing: \"Maybe it had more of an impact in the 70s ... but today, while it remains a stylishly surreal reinterpretation of Bram Stoker’s", "psg_id": "9415399" }, { "title": "Young Dracula and Young Monsters", "text": "Young Dracula and Young Monsters Young Dracula and Young Monsters is a children's fantasy novel by Michael Lawrence. It is an omnibus edition of the books \"Young Dracula\" (2002) and \"Young Monsters\" (2003). \"Young Dracula\", loosely based on the premise explored in Bram Stoker's horror novel \"Dracula\", follows the light-hearted adventures of Count Dracula's children. The novel inspired the CBBC children's drama series \"Young Dracula\". \"Young Monsters\" is set at the Dr Ffelix Ffurter School for Young Monsters, which has real monsters for pupils and teachers. The book is published by Barrington Stoke, which specializes in books for undeveloped readers.", "psg_id": "11085756" }, { "title": "Young Dracula and Young Monsters", "text": "Young Dracula and Young Monsters Young Dracula and Young Monsters is a children's fantasy novel by Michael Lawrence. It is an omnibus edition of the books \"Young Dracula\" (2002) and \"Young Monsters\" (2003). \"Young Dracula\", loosely based on the premise explored in Bram Stoker's horror novel \"Dracula\", follows the light-hearted adventures of Count Dracula's children. The novel inspired the CBBC children's drama series \"Young Dracula\". \"Young Monsters\" is set at the Dr Ffelix Ffurter School for Young Monsters, which has real monsters for pupils and teachers. The book is published by Barrington Stoke, which specializes in books for undeveloped readers.", "psg_id": "11085755" }, { "title": "Dracula (Mystery and Imagination)", "text": "Dracula (Mystery and Imagination) \"Dracula\" is a video-taped television play adaptation of Bram Stoker's novel \"Dracula\", part of the series \"Mystery and Imagination\" (Season 4, Episode 3). Denholm Elliott (who later co-starred with fellow-Dracula Jack Palance in \"The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde\") played Count Dracula with Susan George as Lucy Weston (another alumn of another version of \"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde\"). The drama begins in an asylum in Whitby, England. A mysterious patient escapes from his cell and intrudes upon a small party hosted by Dr. Seward, referring to the guest of honor—Count Dracula—as \"Master.\"", "psg_id": "9413492" }, { "title": "Shadow of the Vampire", "text": "name of the film when Dafoe asked, \"Who's Ed?\"; the actor thought the title was \"Burn Ed to Light\". The film was produced by Nicolas Cage's Saturn Films. Members of the online community \"The HollyWood Stock Exchange\" were able to donate a small sum towards the film's production in exchange for listing their names on the DVD release of the film as \"virtual producers\". Of the film's cast, three actors had previously appeared in vampire films: Kier played Count Dracula in \"Blood for Dracula\" (1974) and Dragonetti in \"Blade\" (1998), Elwes played Arthur Holmwood in \"Bram Stoker's Dracula\" (1992), and", "psg_id": "1687326" }, { "title": "Bram Stoker's Dracula (pinball)", "text": "Bram Stoker's Dracula (pinball) Bram Stoker's Dracula is a 1993 pinball machine released by Williams. It is based in the 1992 film \"Bram Stoker's Dracula\". The game was characterized by its unusual blood-red DMD display (most other games at the time used orange for their color) as well as a \"Multi-Multi-Ball\" mode, where up to three different multiball variations could be active at the same time, with each successive active mode providing a jackpot multiplier of up to 3x. It also featured a unique variation on the usual multiball mode known as \"Mist Multiball,\" where a magnet would drag a", "psg_id": "9626164" }, { "title": "Bram Stoker's Dracula", "text": "the chapel's stone cross with his sword and drinks the blood that pours out of it. In 1897, newly qualified solicitor Jonathan Harker takes the Transylvanian Count Dracula as a client from his colleague Renfield, who has gone insane. Jonathan travels to Transylvania to arrange Dracula's real estate acquisitions in London, including Carfax Abbey. Jonathan meets Dracula, who discovers a picture of Harker's fiancée, Mina and believes that she is the reincarnation of Elisabeta. Dracula leaves Jonathan to be attacked and fed upon by his brides, while he sails to England with boxes of his native Transylvanian soil, taking up", "psg_id": "2194689" }, { "title": "Bram Stoker", "text": "well known. The first authorised film version of \"Dracula\" did not come about until almost a decade later when Universal Studios released Tod Browning's \"Dracula\" starring Bela Lugosi. Canadian writer Dacre Stoker, a great-grandnephew of Bram Stoker, decided to write \"a sequel that bore the Stoker name\" to \"reestablish creative control over\" the original novel, with encouragement from screenwriter Ian Holt, because of the Stokers' frustrating history with \"Dracula's\" copyright. In 2009, \"Dracula: The Un-Dead\" was released, written by Dacre Stoker and Ian Holt. Both writers \"based [their work] on Bram Stoker's own handwritten notes for characters and plot threads", "psg_id": "47034" }, { "title": "Dracula 2: The Last Sanctuary", "text": "itself is an unofficial sequel to Bram Stoker's \"Dracula\"; set seven years after the end of the novel, Jonathan Harker finds that he must once again do battle with the evil Count Dracula in an effort to save his wife, Mina. A third game, with an unrelated storyline, followed in 2008, \"\". A loose sequel to \"Path of the Dragon\" was released in a two-part form in 2013; \"\" and \"\". \"Dracula: The Last Sanctuary\" was most widely reviewed for the PC, where it received mixed reviews, with critics praising the graphics, but criticising the nature of some of the", "psg_id": "12641761" }, { "title": "Dracula (Mystery and Imagination)", "text": "Harker and Seward's efforts. Differences between novel and adaptation: Dracula (Mystery and Imagination) \"Dracula\" is a video-taped television play adaptation of Bram Stoker's novel \"Dracula\", part of the series \"Mystery and Imagination\" (Season 4, Episode 3). Denholm Elliott (who later co-starred with fellow-Dracula Jack Palance in \"The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde\") played Count Dracula with Susan George as Lucy Weston (another alumn of another version of \"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde\"). The drama begins in an asylum in Whitby, England. A mysterious patient escapes from his cell and intrudes upon a small party hosted by Dr.", "psg_id": "9413497" }, { "title": "Dracula: Pages from a Virgin's Diary", "text": "ends, taking us along for a feverish theme-park ride.\" The film was also well-received as a \"Dracula\" adaptation. Matt Brunson wrote that \"Not since Francis Coppola's sharp take on \"Bram Stoker's Dracula\" has there been a vampire flick as deliriously off the wall as Guy Maddin's\" and's Staci Layne wrote that \"This is a fresh and surreally beautiful balletic interpretation of Bram Stoker's immortal novel, like nothing I've ever seen (and I've seen a lot of Dracula movies!).\" Rosenbaum noted that even though [Maddin claims] he was bored by the Stoker novel, he was intrigued by the elements involving", "psg_id": "8171779" }, { "title": "Bram Stoker's Dracula (video game)", "text": "genre game based on the film, and in most games the single player character is Jonathan Harker, who is one of the main protagonists of the Dracula film, and the original novel by Bram Stoker, which the film was based on. Bram Stoker's Dracula for the Game Boy is a 1993 video game that bears a closer resemblance to platform games such as \"Super Mario Land\" than horror films. The player controls a young lawyer named Jonathan Harker. Harker must free himself from Dracula's capture, follow him to London, and end his reign of terror. It was voted to be", "psg_id": "5800499" }, { "title": "Taste the Blood of Dracula", "text": "Taste the Blood of Dracula Taste the Blood of Dracula is a 1970 British horror film produced by Hammer Film Productions. It stars Christopher Lee as Count Dracula, and was directed by Peter Sasdy based upon a script by Anthony Hinds. The film was released as a double bill alongside fellow Hammer production \"Crescendo\". It was the fifth entry in Hammer's Dracula series, and the fourth to feature Christopher Lee as the titular vampire. A businessman named Weller is travelling through Eastern Europe when he is thrown from his carriage during a struggle and knocked unconscious. After regaining consciousness, he", "psg_id": "6762048" }, { "title": "Count Dracula", "text": "Carradine, Lon Chaney Jr., Christopher Lee, Francis Lederer, Denholm Elliott, Jack Palance, Louis Jourdan, Frank Langella, Klaus Kinski, Gary Oldman, Leslie Nielsen, George Hamilton, David Niven, Charles Macaulay, Keith-Lee Castle, Gerard Butler, Duncan Regehr, Richard Roxburgh, Marc Warren, Rutger Hauer, Stephen Billington, Thomas Kretschmann, Dominic Purcell and Luke Evans. In 2003, Count Dracula, as portrayed by Lugosi in the 1931 film, was named as the 33rd greatest movie villain by the AFI. The character is closely associated with the western cultural archetype of the vampire, and remains a popular Halloween costume. Already in 1958, Cecil Kirtly proposed that Count Dracula", "psg_id": "9416223" }, { "title": "Buffy vs. Dracula", "text": "Buffy vs. Dracula \"Buffy vs. Dracula\" is the fifth-season premiere of the television series \"Buffy the Vampire Slayer\". Buffy faces the infamous Count Dracula, who has come to Sunnydale to make her one of his concubines. In the process, he turns Xander into a Renfield of sorts, and Giles becomes enthralled with the three sisters, much like Jonathan Harker in the novel. However, after a brief spell during which Buffy is mesmerized by the Count, she regains her usual composure and defeats him. Unable to sleep, Buffy goes out to patrol the cemetery and after staking a vampire, she returns", "psg_id": "5588876" }, { "title": "Dracula (1996 play)", "text": "Dracula (1996 play) Dracula is an adaptation, first published in 1996, by American playwright Steven Dietz of Bram Stoker's novel by the same name. Though it has never run on Broadway, the author lists it among his most financially successful works, and it is frequently performed near Halloween in regional and community theaters. Closely following the plot of the novel, the play chronicles Count Dracula's journey to England, his stalking of two young women, and his pursuit and eventual defeat by the heroines' suitors and their associates. While all of Stoker's major plot points are present in Dietz's adaptation, they", "psg_id": "11924155" }, { "title": "Dracula (1996 play)", "text": "follow, and the florid language seems stilted. Dracula (1996 play) Dracula is an adaptation, first published in 1996, by American playwright Steven Dietz of Bram Stoker's novel by the same name. Though it has never run on Broadway, the author lists it among his most financially successful works, and it is frequently performed near Halloween in regional and community theaters. Closely following the plot of the novel, the play chronicles Count Dracula's journey to England, his stalking of two young women, and his pursuit and eventual defeat by the heroines' suitors and their associates. While all of Stoker's major plot", "psg_id": "11924171" }, { "title": "Brides of Dracula", "text": "speak her native tongue correctly. In this adaptation the vampire portrayed by Kendrick is clearly modelled on Medusa the Gorgon, and has living snakes coiled through her hair; another appears to be based upon an Arabian princess due to her attire. It is the brunette vampire (portrayed by Kendrick) that is the leader, rather than the blonde (portrayed by Bercu). The three brides are present but silent in the 1973 television adaptation \"Bram Stoker's Dracula\" (starring Jack Palance). Although missing from the silent film \"Nosferatu\", the Brides made silent appearances in the 1931 film \"Dracula\" and the Spanish language version", "psg_id": "5838946" }, { "title": "Dracula the Undead (video game)", "text": "He then gave a score of 7 out of 10. Game Zero Magazine also reviewed the game giving a score of 70 out of 100. Dracula the Undead (video game) Dracula - The Undead is a video game released in 1991 for the Atari Lynx handheld system. The game is loosely based on Bram Stoker's novel \"Dracula\" and features Bram Stoker in the story as the narrator. The player takes on the role of Jonathan Harker as he tries to escape from Dracula's Castle. In the game you wake up with Dracula gone and you can explore the castle by", "psg_id": "12704741" }, { "title": "Dracula (radio drama)", "text": "Dracula (radio drama) \"Dracula\" is an episode of the American radio drama anthology series \"The Mercury Theatre on the Air\". It was performed as an episode of the series on Monday, July 11, 1938, and aired over the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network. Directed and narrated by actor and future filmmaker Orson Welles, the episode was an adaptation of Bram Stoker's novel \"Dracula\" (1897). \"Dracula\" was the first episode of the CBS Radio series \"The Mercury Theatre on the Air\", which was broadcast at 8 pm ET on Monday, July 11, 1938. Recalling Welles's sound-effects preparations for the series debut", "psg_id": "20668991" }, { "title": "Dracula the Undead (video game)", "text": "Dracula the Undead (video game) Dracula - The Undead is a video game released in 1991 for the Atari Lynx handheld system. The game is loosely based on Bram Stoker's novel \"Dracula\" and features Bram Stoker in the story as the narrator. The player takes on the role of Jonathan Harker as he tries to escape from Dracula's Castle. In the game you wake up with Dracula gone and you can explore the castle by moving from room to room. The game controls are a point and click, where you can interact with a certain number items in each room.", "psg_id": "12704739" }, { "title": "Dracula: A Chamber Musical", "text": "Dracula: A Chamber Musical Dracula: A Chamber Musical is a 1997 Canadian musical adaptation of Bram Stoker's 1897 novel \"Dracula\". The book and lyrics are by Richard Ouzounian and the music and orchestration are by Marek Norman. After premiering at the Neptune Theatre in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1997, \"Dracula\" in 1999 became the first Canadian musical to be staged at the Stratford Shakespeare Festival. \"Dracula\" was a popular success, enjoying a six-month run. Ouzounian, who was head of creative arts programming for TVOntario, arranged for the musical to be filmed and broadcast in collaboration with CBC Television. The special", "psg_id": "13626507" }, { "title": "Brides of Dracula", "text": "Bloody Red Baron\", the Brides of Dracula are mentioned as including Mata Hari, Lady Marikova (from the novel \"The House of Dracula\" by Ronald Chetwynd-Hayes), Lola-Lola (from the film \"The Blue Angel\"), Sadie Thompson, Lemora, and Baron Meinster (from the film \"The Brides of Dracula\"). In the beginning of the second sequel, \"Dracula Cha Cha Cha\", a list of Dracula's official Brides is given. They are: Elisabeta of Transylvania (from \"Bram Stoker's Dracula\"), 1448–1462; Ilona Szilagy (Vlad III's real-life second wife), 1466–1476; Marguerite Chopin of Courtempierre (from \"Vampyr\"), 1709–1711; Queen Victoria, 1886–1888; and Sari Gábor, 1948–1949. The plot surrounds Dracula's", "psg_id": "5838954" } ]
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ralph wilson stadium is home to what nfl team?
[ { "title": "Ralph Wilson", "text": "Ralph Wilson Ralph Cookerly Wilson Jr. (October 17, 1918 – March 25, 2014) was an American businessman and sports executive. He was best known as the founder and owner of the Buffalo Bills, a team in the National Football League (NFL). He was one of the founding owners of the American Football League (AFL), the league with which the NFL merged in 1970, and was the last of the original AFL owners to own his team. At the time of his death he was the oldest owner in the NFL, at age 95, and the third-longest tenured owner in NFL", "psg_id": "2212926" } ]
[ { "title": "Ralph Wilson", "text": "graduate of Detroit University School, now University Liggett School. During World War II, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy and served in the Atlantic and Pacific Theaters. After the war ended, he took over his father's insurance business and invested in Michigan area mines and factories. He eventually purchased several manufacturing outlets, construction firms, television and radio stations, and founded Ralph Wilson Industries. A minority owner of the Detroit Lions, Wilson got wind of Lamar Hunt's plans for a new league, the American Football League, to challenge the NFL. He tried to put together a team in Miami, but was", "psg_id": "2212928" }, { "title": "Ralph Wilson", "text": "the league's former (pre-2011) collective bargaining agreement. (Wilson and Brown were commended for their foresight when the agreement later led to the 2011 NFL Lockout.) He also negotiated a deal to have his team play home games in Toronto from 2008 until 2014. Wilson retired from the position of president in 2001, giving operational control to General Manager Tom Donahoe; Wilson retook control of the team's operations in 2006. Wilson again retired as team president, this time surrendering all control of the team's operations to Russ Brandon, on January 1, 2013. He continued to consult with Brandon on team and", "psg_id": "2212934" }, { "title": "Ralph Wilson", "text": "sale of the team. According to an article on, Wilson, described as \"stubborn\", turned down numerous naming rights deals for the stadium. Wilson was one of the league's most outspoken owners, even near the end of his life. Wilson voted against the Cleveland Browns' relocation to Baltimore in 1995. He publicly rebuked NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue in an open letter in 1998 over league policy, which disallowed criticism of referees, after poor officiating had a direct impact on a Bills loss that season. He was one of two owners (the Cincinnati Bengals' Mike Brown being the other) to oppose", "psg_id": "2212933" }, { "title": "Ralph Wilson", "text": "November 1963, Wilson along with then Raiders general manager Al Davis lobbied successfully to have AFL games postponed the Sunday after President John F. Kennedy's assassination; NFL games were played as scheduled. Wilson was most concerned about his team's financial solvency and was largely indifferent to the Bills' on-field success; O. J. Simpson later noted of his contract negotiations with the Bills that when Simpson's agent told Wilson of Simpson's potential to make the team a championship contender, Wilson shot back \"What good would a championship do me? All that means is everybody wants a raise.\" In 1989, after league", "psg_id": "2212931" }, { "title": "2008 NFL season", "text": "of the NFL International Series. The contest between the San Diego Chargers and the New Orleans Saints was played at Wembley Stadium in London on October 26, with New Orleans winning 37–32. The Chargers played at Buffalo the week beforehand on October 19 so they could immediately travel to London afterward in order to get used to the time difference. The league has also approved the Bills’ request to play at least one regular season home game at Toronto's Rogers Centre over each of the next five seasons. Team owner Ralph Wilson petitioned the league to play at least one", "psg_id": "10379948" }, { "title": "Ralph Wilson", "text": "commissioner Pete Rozelle announced his retirement, Wilson was on the six-member committee who was tasked with nominating potential candidates for the open position. Wilson's nominee, his former quarterback Jack Kemp, declined to pursue the post, as he had already taken a position in the U.S. Cabinet. (The job ultimately went to league attorney Paul Tagliabue.) After the original naming rights deal on the Bills' current stadium expired in 1998, the facility's name was changed from Rich Stadium to Ralph Wilson Stadium; it would not receive its current name of New Era Field until 2016, after his death and the subsequent", "psg_id": "2212932" }, { "title": "Earl Wilson Stadium", "text": "Las Vegas businessman who was a major stockholder in the Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino in downtown Las Vegas and had played semi-professional baseball in Oregon. Earl Wilson Stadium Earl E. Wilson Baseball Stadium at Roger Barnson Field is a baseball stadium located on the northwest corner of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas campus in Paradise, Nevada. It has been the home field for the UNLV Hustlin' Rebels college baseball team since its opening in 1994. The stadium features 2,500 theater-type seats and 500 bleacher back seats bringing the stadium's capacity to 3,000. The stadium was dedicated on January", "psg_id": "9511400" }, { "title": "Earl Wilson Stadium", "text": "Earl Wilson Stadium Earl E. Wilson Baseball Stadium at Roger Barnson Field is a baseball stadium located on the northwest corner of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas campus in Paradise, Nevada. It has been the home field for the UNLV Hustlin' Rebels college baseball team since its opening in 1994. The stadium features 2,500 theater-type seats and 500 bleacher back seats bringing the stadium's capacity to 3,000. The stadium was dedicated on January 29, 1994 in conjunction with a UNLV Alumni game. 2,500 attended the game and grand opening ceremonies. In 1997, the infield playing surface was replaced and", "psg_id": "9511396" }, { "title": "2016 NFL season", "text": "rights came as somewhat of a surprise, as previous owner Ralph Wilson was firmly against selling the naming rights to the stadium and there were few companies in Western New York believed to have the money to pay the naming rights fee for an NFL stadium. Canadian-based financial services company Sun Life Financial had held the naming rights to the Miami Dolphins' stadium since , a deal which expired in the offseason. The team already announced that it was not going to renew the license. On August 16, 2016, it was reported that Hard Rock Cafe purchased the naming rights", "psg_id": "17084821" }, { "title": "Ralph Korte Stadium", "text": "against Bradley on October 4, 2014. Ralph Korte Stadium Ralph Korte Stadium, also known as \"The Ralph\", is a 4,000 seat stadium located on the campus of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in Edwardsville, Illinois. It is home to the SIUE Cougars men's and women's soccer and outdoor track & field teams. In addition to the stands on the west side of the field, a berm was put in on the east side in 2011 to provide lawn seating for the tailgating fans known as \"The East Siders.\" The stadium was constructed on university property surrounding the existing \"Bob Guelker Field\"", "psg_id": "8698121" }, { "title": "Ralph Korte Stadium", "text": "Ralph Korte Stadium Ralph Korte Stadium, also known as \"The Ralph\", is a 4,000 seat stadium located on the campus of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in Edwardsville, Illinois. It is home to the SIUE Cougars men's and women's soccer and outdoor track & field teams. In addition to the stands on the west side of the field, a berm was put in on the east side in 2011 to provide lawn seating for the tailgating fans known as \"The East Siders.\" The stadium was constructed on university property surrounding the existing \"Bob Guelker Field\" in 1993–94 by the City of", "psg_id": "8698117" }, { "title": "Ralph E. Davis Pioneer Stadium", "text": "Ralph E. Davis Pioneer Stadium Ralph E. Davis Pioneer Stadium is a stadium in Platteville, Wisconsin. It is used for collegiate and high school American football and collegiate soccer, and is the home field of the University of Wisconsin–Platteville \"Pioneers\". Pioneer Stadium opened in 1972 and holds 10,000 people. It is the second largest stadium in Division III collegiate football, and the largest soccer stadium. From 1984-2001, the stadium and other university facilities were also used as the Chicago Bears' training camp home. The stadium is named for Ralph Emerson Davis, a geologist and \"godfather of the natural gas industry,\"", "psg_id": "8630890" }, { "title": "Ralph Stocker Stadium", "text": "Ralph Stocker Stadium Ralph Stocker Stadium is owned by the city of Grand Junction, Colorado. Its current tenants are Colorado Mesa University Mavericks football, District-51 high school football, and the Grand Junction Gladiators semi-pro minor league football team, though it hosts other local events as well including track and field and both college and high school commencement ceremonies. The stadium is adjacent on its east side to Suplizio Field. In June 2011, both venues underwent an $8.3 million renovation project to replace the aging bleacher sections and press box on the east side of the stadium, along with the adjoining", "psg_id": "14759966" }, { "title": "England national football team home stadium", "text": "time since Wembley's opening. They played against Turkey at Etihad Stadium, Manchester and against Australia at Stadium of Light, Sunderland. Not included is the Northern Ireland (playing as Ireland) game in 1973 at Goodison Park as Northern Ireland were the designated home team, which was moved from Belfast due to ongoing civil unrest. England national football team home stadium Wembley Stadium in London is the current exclusive home stadium for the England national football team. This has been the case since it was opened in 2007, following on from the old Wembley Stadium it replaced. England have however also played", "psg_id": "14531531" }, { "title": "Ralph Stocker Stadium", "text": "first base bleachers at Suplizio Field, with a new section that includes new seating for both venues as well as a new two story press box and handicapped accessible mezzanine level which was ready for use by May 2012. Ralph Stocker Stadium Ralph Stocker Stadium is owned by the city of Grand Junction, Colorado. Its current tenants are Colorado Mesa University Mavericks football, District-51 high school football, and the Grand Junction Gladiators semi-pro minor league football team, though it hosts other local events as well including track and field and both college and high school commencement ceremonies. The stadium is", "psg_id": "14759967" }, { "title": "England national football team home stadium", "text": "England national football team home stadium Wembley Stadium in London is the current exclusive home stadium for the England national football team. This has been the case since it was opened in 2007, following on from the old Wembley Stadium it replaced. England have however also played many of their home games away from Wembley throughout their history, both in friendly matches and for competitive tournaments. While the England team played their first official home match on 8 March 1873 (their second official international), the old Wembley was not built until 1923 (being known at the time as the Empire", "psg_id": "14531527" }, { "title": "Ralph E. Davis Pioneer Stadium", "text": "who served as the Director of the Wisconsin Mining School, which would eventually merge to for the University of Wisconsin–Platteville. Davis's generous donation helped complete the $1.25 million facility. In 2005, stadium renovations included replacing the grass surface with a Pro-Grass in-fill surface. On June 16, 2014, the stadium was damaged by a tornado. Ralph E. Davis Pioneer Stadium Ralph E. Davis Pioneer Stadium is a stadium in Platteville, Wisconsin. It is used for collegiate and high school American football and collegiate soccer, and is the home field of the University of Wisconsin–Platteville \"Pioneers\". Pioneer Stadium opened in 1972 and", "psg_id": "8630891" }, { "title": "Belgium national football team home stadium", "text": "Belgium national football team home stadium Throughout their history, the Belgian national football team have played at 23 home locations in 11 urban areas, most often in the country's Capital Region, Brussels. The national King Baudouin Stadium, with a capacity of 50,024 people, is the usual playing ground nowadays. At this location, the majority of the Red Devils' home matches took place. Other stadiums (with a smaller capacity) are normally assigned as home ground in case a rather small audience is to be expected or when the national stadium is in repair. Belgium's first official match in 1904 was a", "psg_id": "18177260" }, { "title": "Ralph Wilson", "text": "hoped to make the 2013 home opener. Wilson died at his home on March 25, 2014 of natural causes at the age of 95. His estate held the franchise in trust until its sale to Buffalo Sabres owner Terrence Pegula and his wife in September 2014. The proceeds from the sale will be used to form an endowment for the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation, which will fund charitable causes in the Buffalo and Detroit areas, in accordance with Wilson's instructions for the money set forth prior to his death. The organization was overseen for a few months by his", "psg_id": "2212938" }, { "title": "2011 NFL season", "text": "uniforms the team wore between 1975 and 1983; the final product indeed resembled those uniforms, with some minor adjustments. The new uniforms (which marked the first redesign since 2002) were unveiled at a fan appreciation event at Ralph Wilson Stadium. The Bills wore their white \"away\" uniforms in their week nine home game against the New York Jets as part of a whiteout promotion; the last time the team had worn their white uniforms at home was in 1986. The New England Patriots' uniforms bore a patch bearing the initials \"MHK\" in honor of team owner Robert Kraft's wife Myra", "psg_id": "14137396" }, { "title": "Belgium national football team home stadium", "text": "matches. However, the UEFA later awarded the games to the Wembley Stadium when due to delays and uncertainty that the new stadium in Brussels would be completed in time. Some stadiums were given different names at different times; only the official name at the last time the national team played is mentioned below. Statistics include official FIFA-recognised matches only; unofficial games can be found \"here\". Belgium national football team home stadium Throughout their history, the Belgian national football team have played at 23 home locations in 11 urban areas, most often in the country's Capital Region, Brussels. The national King", "psg_id": "18177264" }, { "title": "Algeria national football team home stadium", "text": "Algeria national football team home stadium Stade Mustapha Tchaker in Blida is the current exclusive home stadium for the Algeria national football team. This has been the case since it was opened in 2002, Algeria have however also played many of their home games away from Tchaker throughout their history, both in friendly matches and for competitive tournaments. Unlike many selections, \"Les Fennecs\" have no recognized national stadium. Whether for the qualifying matches for the World Cup or friendly matches, they turn around the country and changing in many however stages major international meetings are usually held at Stade 5", "psg_id": "19562648" }, { "title": "Scotland national football team home stadium", "text": "Park in 2020. Scotland national football team home stadium Hampden Park in Glasgow is the primary home stadium for the Scotland national football team. This has been the case since 1906, soon after it opened. The present site of Hampden Park is the third location to bear that name and both the previous locations also hosted Scotland games. Scotland have also played many of their home games in other stadiums throughout their history, both in friendly matches and for competitive tournaments. Scotland hosted the first official international match, a goalless draw against England on 30 November 1872, at the Hamilton", "psg_id": "8659985" }, { "title": "Scotland national football team home stadium", "text": "Scotland national football team home stadium Hampden Park in Glasgow is the primary home stadium for the Scotland national football team. This has been the case since 1906, soon after it opened. The present site of Hampden Park is the third location to bear that name and both the previous locations also hosted Scotland games. Scotland have also played many of their home games in other stadiums throughout their history, both in friendly matches and for competitive tournaments. Scotland hosted the first official international match, a goalless draw against England on 30 November 1872, at the Hamilton Crescent cricket ground", "psg_id": "8659978" }, { "title": "Wales national football team home stadium", "text": "to move matches away from the Millennium Stadium. In response, several friendly matches were moved to various venues around Wales, including the first international matches held at the Cardiff City Stadium, Liberty Stadium and Parc y Scarlets. In July 2010, plans were revealed to move three of Wales' four upcoming home matches during the qualifying stage of UEFA Euro 2012 away from the Millennium Stadium, which would become the first competitive fixtures to be played away from the ground since it opened. Wales national football team home stadium This is a list of stadiums which have hosted Wales international football", "psg_id": "14690542" }, { "title": "Taylor Stadium", "text": "renovate Missouri's facilities for its move to the Southeastern Conference. Taylor Stadium Ralph and Debbie Taylor Stadium at Simmons Field (also Taylor Stadium at Simmons Field) is a baseball stadium at the University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri. It is the home field of the Missouri Tigers baseball. It was also the home of the defunct Mid-Missouri Mavericks minor league baseball team of the Frontier League. It originally opened in 2002 and holds 3,031 people. The stadium was named for Mizzou alumnus Ralph Taylor and his wife Debbie, who gave a donation to build the stadium. Prior to the 2010", "psg_id": "7204191" }, { "title": "Ralph Elmer Wilson", "text": "radial velocities of various stars, along with binary star systems and orbital derivations of spectroscopic binaries. Among his publications was the \"General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities\" in 1953. The crater Wilson on the Moon is co-named for him, Alexander Wilson and Charles T. R. Wilson. Ralph Elmer Wilson Ralph Elmer Wilson (April 14, 1886 – March 25, 1960) was an American astronomer. He earned his B.A. from Carleton College and entered the University of Virginia in 1906, where he earned his Ph.D. in 1910 based on his work at the Leander Mccormick Observatory working with Ormond Stone. He then", "psg_id": "7422305" }, { "title": "Ralph Wilson", "text": "history (over 54 years, behind the 63 years George Halas owned the Chicago Bears and almost equal to the 55 years Art Rooney owned the Pittsburgh Steelers, although Rooney's ownership and team operations were interrupted in the 1940s due to some complicated dealings). He was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2009. Wilson grew up in Detroit, Michigan, the son of salesman Ralph Wilson Sr. and his wife, Edith Cole. He graduated from the University of Virginia (where he joined the Phi Delta Theta fraternity) and attended the University of Michigan Law School. He was a 1936", "psg_id": "2212927" }, { "title": "Taylor Stadium", "text": "Taylor Stadium Ralph and Debbie Taylor Stadium at Simmons Field (also Taylor Stadium at Simmons Field) is a baseball stadium at the University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri. It is the home field of the Missouri Tigers baseball. It was also the home of the defunct Mid-Missouri Mavericks minor league baseball team of the Frontier League. It originally opened in 2002 and holds 3,031 people. The stadium was named for Mizzou alumnus Ralph Taylor and his wife Debbie, who gave a donation to build the stadium. Prior to the 2010 season, renovations were completed that included an indoor facility that", "psg_id": "7204189" }, { "title": "1925 NFL Championship controversy", "text": "sports-related curse placed on the team by Pottsville. The controversy involving territorial rights also led to the founding of the first American Football League after New York Giants owner Tim Mara objected to the leasing of Yankee Stadium and the application of an NFL franchise by C. C. Pyle. When the NFL rejected Pyle's overture, he formed a competing league to showcase the talents of Red Grange and University of Washington All-American George \"Wildcat\" Wilson. The rival league folded after the 1926 season, and Mara relented, allowing Pyle to operate his team in the NFL and in Yankee Stadium. 1925", "psg_id": "11139214" }, { "title": "Ralph F. DellaCamera Stadium", "text": "The first college football game played at the stadium was a 25–18 loss to the Bentley University Falcons on September 26, 2009. The stadium is also used for local high school sporting events and other community events. The University of New Haven used DellaCamera Stadium for its Spring Commencement until May 2011, where the University moved the ceremony to the Oakdale Theatre. Ralph F. DellaCamera Stadium Ralph F. DellaCamera Stadium is a sport stadium in West Haven, Connecticut. The facility is primarily used by the University of New Haven athletic teams, as well as the University of New Haven Chargers", "psg_id": "17038725" }, { "title": "NFL International Series", "text": "of their stadium deal in Oakland and the lack of an NFL-ready stadium in their eventual home in Las Vegas, have also agreed to annual international games. The rule does not apply to teams using a temporary stadium within their own market; the Minnesota Vikings were not required to host a home game abroad while using TCF Bank Stadium, for example. NFL rules also require the designated home team for each international game to have their home stadium reserved for use in the event that a game cannot be played at the international site. The Miami Dolphins hosted the New", "psg_id": "11521518" }, { "title": "England national football team home stadium", "text": "next half century, meaning just ten home games were played outside of old Wembley in the period after 1951 until 1999. The next series of non-Wembley home games, 34 in all, took place between 2001 and 2007, in the period between the old Wembley closing and the new Wembley opening, due to it being built on the same site. When the old Wembley was closed in October 2000, the national team went 'on tour'. The stadium was not demolished until 2003, and the new stadium was not completed until 2007, well behind schedule. Manchester United's home stadium Old Trafford was", "psg_id": "14531529" }, { "title": "Cleveland Stadium", "text": "1938. The Rams returned to the stadium in 1939 and played home games there through the 1941 season before moving to League Park for the remainder of their time in Cleveland. The team returned to the stadium one last time to host the 1945 NFL Championship Game, a 15–14 win in what was the final Rams game in Cleveland before the team relocated to Los Angeles. The only Great Lakes Bowl was held there in 1947. The stadium hosted the annual Notre Dame/Navy college football game 11 times: in 1932, 1934, 1939, 1942, 1943, 1945, 1947, 1950, 1952, 1976 and", "psg_id": "3326195" }, { "title": "Shaw Stadium", "text": "Shaw Stadium Shaw Stadium is a stadium in East Cleveland, Ohio, United States, mainly used for high school football. The stadium was built in 1923 and is home to the Shaw High School Cardinals football team and marching band. In 1938, the Cleveland Rams of the National Football League (NFL) played three of their four home games at Shaw, winning two and losing one. The Rams earned their first home NFL victory in franchise history with a defeat of the Detroit Lions, followed by a win over the Chicago Bears. Both Case Institute of Technology and Western Reserve University, which", "psg_id": "5155664" }, { "title": "Ralph Elmer Wilson", "text": "Ralph Elmer Wilson Ralph Elmer Wilson (April 14, 1886 – March 25, 1960) was an American astronomer. He earned his B.A. from Carleton College and entered the University of Virginia in 1906, where he earned his Ph.D. in 1910 based on his work at the Leander Mccormick Observatory working with Ormond Stone. He then worked at the Dudley Observatory and by 1939 at the Mount Wilson Observatory. In 1929 he became the associate editor of the \"Astronomical Journal\". He was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1950. He published multiple papers on stellar absolute magnitudes, proper motions, and", "psg_id": "7422304" }, { "title": "Milwaukee County Stadium", "text": "1932. Former Milwaukee ticket holders were offered tickets at Lambeau to one pre-season game and games 2 and 5 of the regular season schedule, in what is referred to as the \"Gold package.\" County Stadium was partly responsible for Lambeau Field's existence, as it was not only intended to lure an MLB team to Milwaukee, but also to lure the Packers to Milwaukee full-time. As originally constructed, County Stadium was double the size of the Packers' then-home, City Stadium, leading the NFL to give the Packers an ultimatum—build a bigger stadium or move to Milwaukee. Green Bay responded with a", "psg_id": "3217973" }, { "title": "Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment", "text": "Subsequently, MLSE president Tim Leiweke said on a NFL team in Toronto: \"We can't own a team (per NFL rules), but we do have more expertise on how to build (stadiums) than anyone ... MLSE can play a role.\" It has been reported that MLSE is interested in building and managing the proposed NFL stadium, which it has already begun designing. In 2013 MLSE minority owner Tanenbaum and board member Edward Rogers III partnered with musician Jon Bon Jovi to purchase an NFL team. Following the death of Bills' owner Ralph Wilson in 2014 the group submitted an offer to", "psg_id": "5415308" }, { "title": "Ralph F. DellaCamera Stadium", "text": "Ralph F. DellaCamera Stadium Ralph F. DellaCamera Stadium is a sport stadium in West Haven, Connecticut. The facility is primarily used by the University of New Haven athletic teams, as well as the University of New Haven Chargers Marching Band. The field turf is not the normal selection of green, but is instead blue. The selection of blue—a non-traditional field color—was made to generate excitement and publicity while the school was re-establishing its college football program. As of the 2012 season, New Haven is only one of five college programs to have the field color other than the traditional green", "psg_id": "17038724" }, { "title": "Levi's Stadium", "text": "stadium would not have been a first, as the two shared Kezar Stadium for part of 1960. It would have also fulfilled the late Raiders owner Al Davis' goal of a new stadium, something he had strongly desired since the late 1980s although Davis was against sharing a new stadium with another NFL team in Los Angeles when the idea was proposed to him, prompting his move back to Oakland in 1995. The Raiders, as it stands, play at the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum and are the only NFL team still sharing its home field with a Major League Baseball team;", "psg_id": "9050260" }, { "title": "History of the Seattle Seahawks", "text": "History of the Seattle Seahawks The Seattle Seahawks are a professional American football team organized in 1976 and based in Seattle, Washington, US. This article details the history of the Seattle Seahawks American football club. As one of the agreed parts of the 1970 AFL-NFL Merger, the NFL began planning to expand from 26 to 28 teams. Ralph Wilson was the first to propose a team for Seattle; due to the decrepit stadium situation at War Memorial Stadium and the reluctance of Buffalo, New York officials to replace it In 1971, he openly threatened to move his team, the Buffalo", "psg_id": "9869620" }, { "title": "Ralph Wilson Hoyt", "text": "Harbold (1879-1946), a nurse, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He died on November 3, 1920 in Penn Yan, New York. He was buried in Lakeview Cemetery in Penn Yan, New York. Ralph Wilson Hoyt Brigadier General Ralph Wilson Hoyt (October 8, 1849 - November 3, 1920) was commander of the Department of the Lakes. He was born on October 8, 1849 in Milo, New York to Benjamin Levi Hoyt and Celestia Ursula Mariner. He was admitted to the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York in 1868, and he graduated in 1872. He married Mary C. Cravens Hoyt (1860-1910), and", "psg_id": "18717173" }, { "title": "Ralph Wilson Hoyt", "text": "Ralph Wilson Hoyt Brigadier General Ralph Wilson Hoyt (October 8, 1849 - November 3, 1920) was commander of the Department of the Lakes. He was born on October 8, 1849 in Milo, New York to Benjamin Levi Hoyt and Celestia Ursula Mariner. He was admitted to the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York in 1868, and he graduated in 1872. He married Mary C. Cravens Hoyt (1860-1910), and she died in 1910. On August 15, 1911 he replaced William Harding Carter in command of the maneuver brigade in Texas. On October 10, 1911 he married Cora McKeever", "psg_id": "18717172" }, { "title": "2015 NFL season", "text": "his territorial rights and previously voiced support of an NFL team moving there when the New Orleans Saints temporarily played in San Antonio in 2005 due to damages to the Superdome following Hurricane Katrina — both favor an NFL team playing in San Antonio. Though San Antonio is a smaller market than the San Francisco Bay Area, the Raiders would not be sharing the market with another NFL team, and would only compete with the NBA's San Antonio Spurs among major sports teams. Additionally, the Raiders would use the Alamodome as a temporary home until an NFL-specific stadium could be", "psg_id": "17084759" }, { "title": "Wales national football team home stadium", "text": "Wales national football team home stadium This is a list of stadiums which have hosted Wales international football matches. To date, fifteen grounds have been used to host Welsh home matches. Wales played their first home international on 5 March 1877 at the Racecourse Ground in Wrexham, losing 2–0 to Scotland. As a result, the Racecourse Ground is officially recognised as the oldest football ground in the world that continues to host international matches, ahead of Hampden Park in Glasgow which did not host its first match for another 27 years, and has hosted more Welsh international matches than any", "psg_id": "14690538" }, { "title": "Algeria national football team home stadium", "text": "two goals to one. Other historic sites that have hosted regular international home games of the Algeria are Stade 5 Juillet 1962 of Algiers but also Stade Mustapha Tchaker of Blida or also to the Stade Ahmed Zabana of Oran. Algeria is sometimes relocates its friendly matches in Europe, Algeria has played many games at \"home\" in recent years France and Switzerland due to the fact that there is a large community expatriates in western Europe and much of the players play in European leagues. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Official Site Algeria national football team home stadium Stade", "psg_id": "19562650" }, { "title": "Scotland national football team home stadium", "text": "first international in 1906. It expanded to the point where it set world record attendances between the 1900s and 1930s. Even as late as 1970, Hampden set a record attendance for a UEFA competition match, the 1969–70 European Cup semi-final second leg between Celtic and Leeds United. Hampden continued to be the main home stadium for the Scotland national team until the early 1990s. It then required significant redevelopment to become an all-seater stadium, meeting the requirements of the Taylor Report. Ibrox Park and Pittodrie Stadium in Aberdeen had both been largely redeveloped before then and hosted some of the", "psg_id": "8659982" }, { "title": "Gillette Stadium", "text": "season, and playoffs. This streak dates back to the 1994 season, while the team was still at Foxboro Stadium. By September 2016 this streak was 231 straight games. From the 1971 to 2001 NFL seasons, the Patriots played all of their home games at Foxboro Stadium. The stadium was privately funded on an extremely small budget and featured few amenities. Its aluminum benches would freeze over during cold-weather games and it had an unorganized dirt parking lot. Foxboro Stadium did not bring in the profits needed to keep an NFL team in New England; at just over 60,000 seats, it", "psg_id": "2573963" }, { "title": "Ralph Wilson", "text": "of play for the AFL, if the NFL had not merged with it. Wilson was officially inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame on Saturday, August 8, 2009 with ESPN icon Chris Berman acting as his \"presenter\". Wilson was scheduled to receive his Hall of Fame ring in a halftime ceremony during the Bills game against the Cleveland Browns on October 11, 2009. However, Wilson cancelled the event at the last moment, without notifying the press or fans, and no explanation was given. It was widely speculated that Wilson cancelled the event out of fear of being booed by", "psg_id": "2212941" }, { "title": "2018 NFL season", "text": "incurs by hosting Raiders games. With the city of Oakland filing a lawsuit against the Raiders and the NFL in December 2018, the Raiders management has indicated that the team will leave Oakland after the 2018 season and find a temporary stadium elsewhere until Las Vegas Stadium is finished. On September 4, University of Phoenix Stadium, the home field of the Arizona Cardinals, was renamed State Farm Stadium. The naming rights agreement is for 18 years; however, the cost of the deal was not disclosed. On June 20, the Denver Broncos' home stadium was renamed Broncos Stadium at Mile High.", "psg_id": "19135834" }, { "title": "NFL International Series", "text": "team that plays a home game in London sells a cheaper season ticket package for its own stadium with seven regular season games rather than the usual eight. Each designated home team receives US$1 million for giving up the home game. On October 11, 2011, the NFL owners approved playing NFL games in Great Britain through the year 2016. This stated that a home team could visit every year for up to five years but visitors could only visit once every five years. However, in 2015 the Detroit Lions returned to London as visitors in an apparent disregard for this", "psg_id": "11521513" }, { "title": "Multi-purpose stadium", "text": "Miami, in 2012. Sun Life Stadium (now Hard Rock Stadium) was then renovated to eliminate its baseball functionality, making it a football-only stadium. With the Marlins' relocation, the Oakland Athletics are the last team in the U.S. still sharing a stadium with an NFL team (the Oakland Raiders), the Oakland Coliseum. This arrangement will end once the Raiders move to Las Vegas (most likely in 2020), after which each NFL and MLB franchise will have its own stadium. The Athletics are currently seeking a new home; they are currently exploring plans to build Oakland Ballpark. Before announcing their upcoming move", "psg_id": "9234021" }, { "title": "New Era Field", "text": "the stadium came to be nicknamed), was in disrepair and with a capacity of under 47,000, undersized for a National Football League team. The league mandate instituted after the AFL–NFL merger of 1970 dictated a minimum of 50,000 seats. In early 1971, owner Ralph Wilson was exploring options to relocate the team, possibly to Seattle, with other cities such as Memphis and Tampa soon expressing interest as well. The potential loss of the team hastened the stadium project and Rich Stadium opened in 1973. The location and construction of the stadium in Erie County were the source of years of", "psg_id": "3247125" }, { "title": "Skip Wilson Field", "text": "Skip Wilson Field Skip Wilson Field is a baseball stadium in Ambler, Pennsylvania. It was the home field of the Temple Owls baseball team until the end of the 2014 season, when the school cut the program. The stadium holds 1,000 spectators and opened in 2004. It is named after former Owls baseball coach James \"Skip\" Wilson. Temple played their first game at the field on March 25, 2004, and beat University of the Sciences 6-2. Four other projected home openers had been canceled due to either bad weather or poor field conditions. The field was originally called Temple's Ambler", "psg_id": "13076989" }, { "title": "Hard Rock Stadium", "text": "home field of their rivals, the University of Miami Hurricanes. Hard Rock Stadium Hard Rock Stadium is a multipurpose football stadium located in Miami Gardens, Florida, a city north of Miami. It is the home stadium of the Miami Dolphins of the National Football League (NFL). Hard Rock Stadium also plays host to the Miami Hurricanes football team during their regular season. The facility also hosts the Orange Bowl, an annual college football bowl game. It was the home to the Florida Marlins of Major League Baseball (MLB) from 1993 to 2011. The stadium has hosted five Super Bowls (XXIII,", "psg_id": "2283218" }, { "title": "Bills Toronto Series", "text": "in that the Toronto Series was orchestrated by an individual team while the other regular season games were orchestrated by the league. Toronto is about 60 miles (97 km) by air from Buffalo and 86 miles (138 km) by car via the Queen Elizabeth Way. Much of southern Ontario is within the Bills' marketing territory as defined by the NFL. About 10,000 to 15,000 attendees (15-20% of the total) of Bills' home games at Ralph Wilson Stadium come from southern Ontario. However, a 2012 poll by Sun Media found that the Pittsburgh Steelers and New England Patriots (a divisional rival", "psg_id": "13288896" }, { "title": "Giants Stadium", "text": "the Giants playing a home game one day and the Jets playing the other. The night between the games was a challenge for the stadium grounds crew, as they only had hours to convert the stadium from one team's colors to the other. As per the NFL schedule, the Giants and the Jets play each other once every four years. In that case, there was a predetermined home team, and a predetermined away team. In those games, the away team gets a rare away game in their own home stadium. The Giants and Jets typically play each other every year", "psg_id": "2135983" }, { "title": "Gilmore Stadium", "text": "the American Professional Football Association in 1939. The Bulldogs then became charter members of the Pacific Coast Professional Football League in 1940 and played in Gilmore Stadium until 1948, when the team moved to Long Beach, California, for its (and the league's) final season. The stadium was also home to another professional football teams, the Los Angeles Mustangs of the Pacific Coast Professional Football League. Gilmore Stadium was the site of two 1940 National Football League (NFL) Pro Bowls. The stadium was home to the collegiate Loyola Marymount Lions football team and Pepperdine Waves football team. On January 14, 1940,", "psg_id": "7259942" }, { "title": "Fleming Stadium", "text": "Wilheim. A separate room contains baseball memorabilia of the state's colleges and local high schools. The museum also provides focus on Negro League players such as Buck Leonard and women in baseball. Other signed memorabilia can also been seen throughout the museum. The museum hosts an annual Hot Stove Dinner as a fundraiser. The first speaker of the annual dinner was Stan Musial. The museum is located at Fleming Stadium which is the home of Wilson Tobs, a collegiate summer league team in the Coastal Plain League. Fleming Stadium Fleming Stadium is a sports stadium in Wilson, North Carolina. It", "psg_id": "7704586" }, { "title": "Louisville (NFL)", "text": "Louisville (NFL) Louisville, Kentucky had two professional American football teams in the National Football League: the Louisville Breckenridges (or Brecks for short) from 1921 to 1924 and the Louisville Colonels in 1926. The NFL intended for the Brecks to be a traveling team, however the team played a series of \"home\" games. All Brecks home games were played at Eclipse Park, until the stadium caught fire and burned to the ground on November 20, 1922. Meanwhile, the Colonels played all of their games on the road. While the Colonels were really a traveling team out of Chicago they are usually", "psg_id": "1804209" }, { "title": "Bills Toronto Series", "text": "In September 2006, Tanenbaum and Rogers held a news conference, where the two men discussed bringing an NFL franchise to Toronto. Neither specified whether a potential Toronto team would be a new franchise or a team moved from another city. Tanenbaum was quoted as saying, \"I'm highly interested in an NFL team and Ted is, too. We hope to pursue it more rigorously as soon as the NFL gives us the word.\" In October 2007, Bills owner Ralph Wilson petitioned NFL owners to allow his team to play one \"home\" game per year (over five years) in Canada. NFL commissioner", "psg_id": "13288901" }, { "title": "Traveling team", "text": "them in midseason are noted. There have been no NFL traveling teams since 1952, owing to the increased stability of the league. Even in cases when an NFL team's home stadium has been rendered unusable due to damages or renovations, the teams have arranged and designated temporary home stadiums in each case and no NFL team has had to play more than two designated home games (out of eight in a season) outside their home stadium. In the Canadian Football League, the Las Vegas Posse were converted to a road team near the end of the 1994 season, their sole", "psg_id": "11896350" }, { "title": "Giants Stadium", "text": "largely to the dual occupancy of Giants Stadium by two NFL teams since 1984, it surpassed Wrigley Field (home of the Chicago Bears for 50 seasons) as the venue to have hosted more NFL games than any other in league history. The game played between the Jets and Miami Dolphins on September 14, 2003 was the 366th regular season NFL game at Giants Stadium breaking Wrigley's regular season record. Since the stadium was originally built for the Giants, the stadium's lower walls were blue and the seats and the stadium's four gates were red and blue to reflect the team", "psg_id": "2135981" }, { "title": "Potential London NFL franchise", "text": "European markets. However, the agreement of league owners is needed to undertake an expansion or relocation, and a London franchise would face financial, legal and logistical challenges. Possible home stadiums for the London team include one or more of Wembley Stadium, Twickenham Stadium or Tottenham Hotspur Stadium. The NFL is aiming to establish a London franchise by around 2025, and has the active support of the UK government. Since 2007, the league has held multiple regular season games in London each season as part of NFL London Games, allowing the league to test solutions to some of the challenges facing", "psg_id": "19269269" }, { "title": "Ralph Wilson Nimmons Jr.", "text": "Nimmons' nomination, and President Reagan chose not to renominate Nimmons to the seat after he was inaugurated. President George H.W. Bush nominated Nimmons to the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida on May 23, 1991, to a new seat created by 104 Stat. 5089. Confirmed by the Senate on June 27, 1991, he received commission on July 2, 1991. Nimmons remained on the court until his death in Jacksonville of liver cancer in 2003. Ralph Wilson Nimmons Jr. Ralph Wilson Nimmons Jr. (September 14, 1938 – November 24, 2003) was an American lawyer and United States", "psg_id": "10970002" }, { "title": "Ralph Wilson Nimmons Jr.", "text": "Ralph Wilson Nimmons Jr. Ralph Wilson Nimmons Jr. (September 14, 1938 – November 24, 2003) was an American lawyer and United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida. Nimmons was born in 1938 in Dallas, Texas. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1960 from the University of Florida and his Juris Doctor in 1963 from the University of Florida College of Law. Nimmons was in private practice in Jacksonville from 1963 to 1965. He served as assistant public defender in Jacksonville from 1965 to 1969 and assistant Florida state attorney", "psg_id": "10970000" }, { "title": "Memorial Stadium (Baltimore)", "text": "owner Art Modell announced he was moving his team to Baltimore. Following protracted negotiations between Modell, the two cities and the NFL, it was decided that Modell would be allowed to take his players and organization to Baltimore as the Ravens, while leaving the Browns name and legacy for a replacement team that returned in 1999. The Ravens were tenants of the stadium until the end of the 1997 NFL regular season, when they moved to what is now M&T Bank Stadium. It was bid farewell in style by both the Orioles (in a field-encircling ceremony staged by many former", "psg_id": "3335529" }, { "title": "Skip Wilson Field", "text": "Field in reference to its location at Temple's Ambler campus. The university began to refer to the ball-field as Skip Wilson Field in 2006. On April 28, 2007, Temple University-Ambler celebrated “Skip Wilson Day\" when the university officially dedicated Skip Wilson Field at Ambler in honor of the coach. Prior to Skip Wilson Field, Temple baseball played its home games at Erny Field at Mount Pleasant Avenue and Michener Street in the West Oak Lane section of Philadelphia. Erny Field is the current home of the Arcadia University baseball team. Skip Wilson Field Skip Wilson Field is a baseball stadium", "psg_id": "13076990" }, { "title": "Levi's Stadium", "text": "for alternate colors and two home-team locker rooms. The 49ers and Raiders publicly said it would be an option if possible, while NFL commissioner Roger Goodell was strongly in favor of the two sharing a stadium. Fans of both teams reacted negatively to the idea. Along with the New York metropolitan area, where the New York Giants and New York Jets shared Giants Stadium from 1984 to 2009 and currently share its successor, MetLife Stadium, the DC-Baltimore metro area and Los Angeles. The Bay Area is one of 4 NFL markets with two teams. The 49ers and Raiders sharing a", "psg_id": "9050259" }, { "title": "SDCCU Stadium", "text": "paid $500,000 for the rights through December 31, 2018. It is the home of the San Diego State Aztecs football team from San Diego State University. One college football bowl game, the Holiday Bowl, is held in the stadium every December. The stadium was the longtime home of two professional franchises: the San Diego Chargers of the National Football League (NFL) and the San Diego Padres of Major League Baseball (MLB). The Chargers played at the stadium from 1967 through the 2016 season, after which they moved to Los Angeles to become the Los Angeles Chargers. The Padres played home", "psg_id": "3081255" }, { "title": "Hard Rock Stadium", "text": "Hard Rock Stadium Hard Rock Stadium is a multipurpose football stadium located in Miami Gardens, Florida, a city north of Miami. It is the home stadium of the Miami Dolphins of the National Football League (NFL). Hard Rock Stadium also plays host to the Miami Hurricanes football team during their regular season. The facility also hosts the Orange Bowl, an annual college football bowl game. It was the home to the Florida Marlins of Major League Baseball (MLB) from 1993 to 2011. The stadium has hosted five Super Bowls (XXIII, XXIX, XXXIII, XLI and XLIV), the 2010 Pro Bowl, two", "psg_id": "2283180" }, { "title": "Old Cardinal Stadium", "text": "Old Cardinal Stadium \"Old\" Cardinal Stadium is the common name of a former college and minor league baseball and college football stadium in Louisville, Kentucky, officially named Cardinal Stadium. It is on the grounds of the Kentucky Exposition Center, and was called Fairgrounds Stadium when it first opened for an NFL exhibition football game between the Baltimore Colts and Philadelphia Eagles on September 9, 1956. The lone Bluegrass Bowl was held here in 1958. Cardinal Stadium was home to the Louisville Raiders football team from 1960 through 1962. It was the home to two minor league baseball teams in Louisville:", "psg_id": "4889661" }, { "title": "Memorial Stadium (Clemson)", "text": "Memorial Stadium (Clemson) Frank Howard Field at Clemson Memorial Stadium, popularly known as \"Death Valley\", is home to the Clemson Tigers, an NCAA Division I FBS football team located in Clemson, South Carolina. Built in 1941–1942, the stadium has seen expansions throughout the years, with the most recent being the WestZone, which began in 2004 and was completed in 2006. Prior to the completion of Bank of America Stadium, in Charlotte, Memorial Stadium served as the home venue for the National Football League (NFL)'s Carolina Panthers during the team's inaugural 1995 season. Currently, the stadium is the largest in the", "psg_id": "3285717" }, { "title": "Belgium national football team home stadium", "text": "home game, at the Stade du Vivier d'Oie in Uccle. Before their first official match in the national Jubilee Stadium in Brussels in 1931, the Red Devils made 67 home appearances in the current urban areas of Antwerp, Brussels, Liège, Seraing and Verviers. In that era, Antwerp and its surroundings often hosted the Belgian home matches (32 times), mostly explained by the frequent confrontations against the national team of Antwerp's neighbouring country Netherlands, and the 1920 Olympics football tournament held at the Olympisch Stadion (the \"Kiel\"). From 1931 on, the large majority of the home games have been played in", "psg_id": "18177261" }, { "title": "NFL International Series", "text": "one of their eight home games each year at Wembley Stadium. However, on August 13, 2012, the team announced that they would not play the proposed games in London in 2013 and 2014, only the 2012 game against the New England Patriots that had already been scheduled. Goodell had previously proposed the use of certain regular teams in the International Series in an effort to build a fan base for those teams, raising the prospect of a permanent NFL team on the British Isles. An NFL bid to become anchor tenants of London's Olympic Stadium failed. The Jacksonville Jaguars took", "psg_id": "11521520" }, { "title": "2005 NFL season", "text": "played outside the United States when a San Francisco 49ers – Arizona Cardinals game was played at Estadio Azteca in Mexico City on October 2 (the Cardinals won 31–14). The game drew an NFL regular season record of 103,467 paid fans. It was a home game for the Cardinals, mostly because the team rarely sold out at their then-home field, Sun Devil Stadium in Tempe, Arizona. This season was the last year that the Cardinals played at Sun Devil Stadium; the team then moved to their new Cardinals Stadium in nearby Glendale. Due to the damage caused by Hurricane Katrina", "psg_id": "5619505" }, { "title": "NFL regular season", "text": "the MLB team in their city made the playoffs. On some occasions, the NFL game could be moved to Saturday or Monday. The NFL would often schedule October division games so that teams would be able to swap home game dates if it appeared that the MLB playoff schedule would make a stadium unavailable to the NFL. Perhaps the most extreme case was in 1973, when the New York Jets played at Shea Stadium and were forced to play their first six games on the road due to the Mets playing in the World Series. As more MLB teams started", "psg_id": "9153405" }, { "title": "Vanderbilt Stadium", "text": "Vanderbilt Stadium Vanderbilt Stadium is a football stadium located in Nashville, Tennessee. Completed in 1922 (then named Dudley Field) as the first stadium in the South to be used exclusively for college football, it is the home of the Vanderbilt University football team. Vanderbilt Stadium hosted the Tennessee Oilers (now Titans) during the 1998 NFL season and the first Music City Bowl in 1998 and also hosted the Tennessee state high school football championships for many years. Vanderbilt Stadium is the smallest football stadium in the Southeastern Conference, and was the largest stadium in Nashville until the completion of the", "psg_id": "3368856" }, { "title": "NFL Game Pass", "text": "one station to air a local broadcast for each team in the contest, NFL Audio Pass and Sirius Satellite Radio were the only options for those who want to listen to their home team but live outside of the flagship station's listening range. In addition to the team broadcasts, the NFL Audio Pass Super Bowl package included various foreign language broadcasts, live feeds from the stadium PA announcer, archives, and \"press box\" stat play-by-play. In the past, from spring until August 1, NFL Field Pass opened up its archives to \"free preview.\" All games from the past years were available", "psg_id": "14905412" }, { "title": "Belgium national football team home stadium", "text": "the stadium at the Heysel plain in Brussels. Inaugurated as \"Jubilee Stadium\" in 1930 with an unofficial match against Netherlands, and renamed \"Heysel Stadium\" in 1946, it underwent a drastical transformation in 1995. From then on, the stadium was named after the late King Baudouin I. Also over the totality of home games since 1904, the location of the current King Baudouin Stadium accounts for the majority of home games played. In May 2013, it was announced that the King Baudouin Stadium would be demolished to create place for housing and that a new stadium would arise nearby at the", "psg_id": "18177262" }, { "title": "Rose Bowl (stadium)", "text": "Stanford Stadium) to host a Super Bowl though having never served as the full-time home stadium for an NFL or AFL team (Stanford Stadium hosted one San Francisco 49ers game after the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake). Because the NFL has a policy limiting the hosting of a Super Bowl to metropolitan areas with NFL teams, the Super Bowl has not been played at the Rose Bowl since the Rams and Raiders departed the Los Angeles area in . The most recent Super Bowl held in southern California was XXXVII in San Diego in January 2003. The next L.A.-based Super Bowl", "psg_id": "4168943" }, { "title": "Arrowhead Stadium", "text": "born in St. Louis, Missouri on August 15, 1912. DiPardo has written songs about the team such as \"The Chiefs are on the Warpath\" and \"The Hank Stram Polka\". DiPardo earned a Super Bowl ring for the Chiefs' victory in Super Bowl IV. Arrowhead Stadium Arrowhead Stadium is an American football stadium in Kansas City, Missouri, United States. It primarily serves as the home venue of the Kansas City Chiefs of the National Football League (NFL). It is part of the Truman Sports Complex with adjacent Kauffman Stadium, the home of the Kansas City Royals of Major League Baseball (MLB).", "psg_id": "2005715" }, { "title": "2014 NFL season", "text": "to be unanimously approved at the NFL's owners meeting on October 6–8. Terry Pegula, owns the Buffalo Sabres and development projects in the Buffalo area. The Pegulas intend to keep the team in Western New York for the long term. Any possible relocation had one of the other bidders won (or if Pegula resells the team to anyone in the future) could not happen under the terms of the Bills' current lease on Ralph Wilson Stadium until the end of the 2019 season and would have, at least on paper, required league endorsement (whether the league could, in and of", "psg_id": "17074613" }, { "title": "Hillsboro Stadium", "text": "additional 3,000 temporary seats were added at that time as well to accommodate the Portland State football team. The team used Hillsboro Stadium in 2000 when then Civic Stadium (now Providence Park) was being renovated. Portland's Central Catholic High School also played their home games at the stadium that season as well. In May 2001, the University of Oregon Ducks football team held their annual spring game at the stadium. This scrimmage event included future NFL quarterbacks Joey Harrington and Jason Fife. In October 2005, Hillsboro Stadium hosted a college football game between Southern Oregon University (SOU) and Pacific Lutheran", "psg_id": "9919228" }, { "title": "Cincinnati Reds (NFL)", "text": "and 1931. Cincinnati Reds (NFL) The Cincinnati Reds were a National Football League team that played the 1933 season and the first eight games of the 1934 season. The football Reds played most of their home games at Crosley Field. Other home games were played at Dayton's Triangle Park, Portsmouth's Universal Stadium and Xavier University's Corcoran Stadium in a rare night game against the Chicago Cardinals. The team was eventually suspended for failure to pay league dues during the 1934 season and the St. Louis Gunners, an independent team, replaced the Reds on the schedule for the last three games.", "psg_id": "1804102" }, { "title": "Cincinnati Reds (NFL)", "text": "Cincinnati Reds (NFL) The Cincinnati Reds were a National Football League team that played the 1933 season and the first eight games of the 1934 season. The football Reds played most of their home games at Crosley Field. Other home games were played at Dayton's Triangle Park, Portsmouth's Universal Stadium and Xavier University's Corcoran Stadium in a rare night game against the Chicago Cardinals. The team was eventually suspended for failure to pay league dues during the 1934 season and the St. Louis Gunners, an independent team, replaced the Reds on the schedule for the last three games. The Reds", "psg_id": "1804099" }, { "title": "Shea Stadium", "text": "Mets (76 home dates); 1,288,048 by the Yankees (71 home dates); 361,102 by the Jets (seven home games) and 358,830 by the Giants (also seven). Having both the Giants and Jets share Shea Stadium for one season foreshadowed what was to come in the future with the Meadowlands (a.k.a. Giants Stadium), after the Jets left Flushing Meadows for New Jersey following the 1983 NFL season. Shea was a circular stadium, with the grandstand forming about two-thirds of a circle around the field and ending a short distance beyond the foul lines. The remainder of the perimeter was mostly empty space", "psg_id": "392199" }, { "title": "Giants Stadium", "text": "colors. When the Jets moved in, green banners were hung over the walls and eventually over the outer gates of the stadium anytime the team hosted a game. In addition, team-specific end zone decorations would be changed for Jets home games. This was accomplished by either painting over the Giants logos, or replacing the turf section of each end zone. Midfield decorations at the 50-yard line were typically not team-specific (in early years a Meadowlands logo, and later an NFL shield), which could be used for both teams' games. In mid-December, traditionally the stadium hosted a Saturday-Sunday NFL doubleheader, with", "psg_id": "2135982" }, { "title": "Giants Stadium", "text": "Giants Stadium was closed following the 2009 NFL season following the construction of what is now MetLife Stadium in the surrounding parking lot. The stadium's final event was the January 3, 2009 game featuring the Jets hosting the Cincinnati Bengals on \"Sunday Night Football\". A month after the game, demolition of the structure began and was completed on August 10, 2010. The New York Giants and New York Jets both moved to MetLife Stadium in 2010. Giants Stadium was the first major league sporting venue in New Jersey (though the Brooklyn Dodgers had played seven home games at Roosevelt Stadium", "psg_id": "2135962" }, { "title": "Temple Stadium", "text": "Philadelphia Eagles used the stadium twice for home games. On Tuesday, November 6, 1934, the Eagles beat the Cincinnati Reds, 64-0. This game was historic because it was the first time in NFL history that a team scored ten touchdowns in one game, and it is still the second most lopsided game in NFL history, second only to the Chicago Bears' 73-0 victory over the Washington Redskins in the 1940 NFL Championship Game. It was also the last game ever for the Reds, who had found out the previous day that their team was being disbanded and replaced in the", "psg_id": "8064456" }, { "title": "Kezar Stadium", "text": "team. Kezar Stadium Kezar Stadium is an outdoor athletics stadium in San Francisco, California, located adjacent to Kezar Pavilion in the southeastern corner of Golden Gate Park. It is the former home of the San Francisco 49ers and the Oakland Raiders (first AFL season only) of the National Football League (NFL) and of the San Francisco Dragons of Major League Lacrosse. It currently serves as the home of San Francisco City FC of the Premier Development League. Kezar also hosts amateur and recreation sports leagues, as well as numerous San Francisco high school football games (including the city championship, known", "psg_id": "3081044" }, { "title": "Yankee Stadium (1923)", "text": "the New York Yankees based in Yankee Stadium. The league failed after only one year, but the team continued as a member of the NFL for two seasons before ceasing operations. A second New York Yankees football team, not related to the first, split its home games between Yankee Stadium and Downing Stadium as it competed in the second AFL in 1936 and 1937. A third AFL New York Yankees took the field in 1940 and became the New York Americans in 1941. The New York Yankees of the All-America Football Conference (AAFC) played their home games at Yankee Stadium", "psg_id": "499064" }, { "title": "Neyland Stadium", "text": "Neyland Stadium Neyland Stadium (pronounced \"NEE-land\") is a sports stadium in Knoxville, Tennessee, United States. It serves primarily as the home of the Tennessee Volunteers football team, but is also used to host large conventions and has been a site for several National Football League (NFL) exhibition games. The stadium's official capacity is 102,455. Constructed in 1921, and originally called Shields–Watkins Field (the playing surface is still called that today), the stadium has undergone 16 expansion projects, at one point reaching a capacity of 104,079 before being slightly reduced by alterations in the following decade. Neyland Stadium is the fifth", "psg_id": "3997651" }, { "title": "Vanderbilt Stadium", "text": "for the Chargers and Los Angeles Rams, who are currently playing in the far larger Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, with opening scheduled in 2020. Over its history, Vanderbilt Stadium has occasionally been used for concerts and major speakers. Vanderbilt Stadium Vanderbilt Stadium is a football stadium located in Nashville, Tennessee. Completed in 1922 (then named Dudley Field) as the first stadium in the South to be used exclusively for college football, it is the home of the Vanderbilt University football team. Vanderbilt Stadium hosted the Tennessee Oilers (now Titans) during the 1998 NFL season and the first Music City Bowl", "psg_id": "3368871" } ]
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who was the first american to win a nobel prize?
[ { "title": "First Step to Nobel Prize in Physics", "text": "the winner was an American student. In 2009, the prize went to Mor Tzaban, a high school student from Netivot, Israel. In 2012, the first prize winner was another Israeli teenager, Yuval Katzenelson of Kiryat Gat, who presented a paper entitled \"Kinetic energy of inert gas in a regenerative system of activated carbon.\" The Israeli delegation won 14 more prizes in the competition: 9 Israelis students won second prize, one won third prize and one won fourth prize. First Step to Nobel Prize in Physics The First Step to Nobel Prize in Physics is an annual international competition in research", "psg_id": "8111043" }, { "title": "2014 Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "2014 Nobel Peace Prize The 2014 Nobel Peace Prize was shared, in two equal parts, between Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai \"for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education\". Satyarthi is from India, the seventh person from his country to win a Nobel Prize and the second to win the Peace Prize after Mother Teresa, while Yousafzai is a Muslim from Pakistan, the second Nobel Prize winner from her country after Abdus Salam, the forty-seventh woman to win the Nobel Prize, and at the age of 17 years,", "psg_id": "18328934" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize controversies", "text": "Prize for Art and Science was Hitler's alternative to the Nobel Prize. The Ig Nobel Prize is an American parody of the Nobel Prize. Nobel Prize controversies After his death in 1896, the will of Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel established the Nobel Prizes. Nobel's will specified that annual prizes are to be awarded for service to humanity in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and peace. Similarly, the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel is awarded along with the Nobel Prizes. Since the first award in 1901, the prizes have occasionally engendered", "psg_id": "4623023" }, { "title": "2014 Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "Kailash Satyarthi, was not among the commonly cited favourites. 2014 Nobel Peace Prize The 2014 Nobel Peace Prize was shared, in two equal parts, between Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai \"for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education\". Satyarthi is from India, the seventh person from his country to win a Nobel Prize and the second to win the Peace Prize after Mother Teresa, while Yousafzai is a Muslim from Pakistan, the second Nobel Prize winner from her country after Abdus Salam, the forty-seventh woman to win the", "psg_id": "18328937" }, { "title": "First Step to Nobel Prize in Physics", "text": "First Step to Nobel Prize in Physics The First Step to Nobel Prize in Physics is an annual international competition in research projects in physics. It originated and is based in Poland. All the secondary high school students regardless of the country, type of the school, sex, nationality etc. are eligible for the competition. The only conditions are that the school cannot be considered as a university college and the age of the participants should not exceed 20 years on March 31 (every year March 31 is the deadline for submitting the competition papers). There are no restrictions concerning the", "psg_id": "8111039" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize controversies", "text": "his works set in the fictional South Indian town of Malgudi and the abridged versions of the Indian epics – \"The Ramayana\" and \"The Mahabharata\". Despite being nominated and shortlisted for the Nobel Prize in Literature multiple times, Narayan never won the honor. Graham Greene who took it upon himself to work as Narayan's agent for his works, in the 60s expressed confidence that Narayan would one day win the Nobel Prize. Agreeing with Greene's views, Lord Jeffrey Archer as much as recently, echoed that R. K. Narayan should have indeed won the Nobel Prize. One of the jokes in", "psg_id": "4622915" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize in Physics", "text": "receive a diploma, a medal and a document confirming the prize amount. Nobel Prize in Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics () is a yearly award given by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for those who have made the most outstanding contributions for mankind in the field of physics. It is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Alfred Nobel in 1895 and awarded since 1901; the others being the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Nobel Prize in Literature, Nobel Peace Prize, and Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The first Nobel Prize in Physics was", "psg_id": "628725" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize in Physics", "text": "Nobel Prize in Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics () is a yearly award given by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for those who have made the most outstanding contributions for mankind in the field of physics. It is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Alfred Nobel in 1895 and awarded since 1901; the others being the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Nobel Prize in Literature, Nobel Peace Prize, and Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The first Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to physicist Wilhelm Röntgen in recognition of the extraordinary services he", "psg_id": "628713" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize controversies", "text": "research CERN, commented in a scientific meet in Kolkata titled \"Frontiers of Science\" that \"it is unfortunate that pioneering Indian physicist Satyendra Nath Bose did not win the Nobel Prize for work on quantum physics in the 1920s that provided the foundation of the Bose–Einstein statistics and the theory of the Bose–Einstein condensate\". Albert Einstein's 1921 Nobel Prize Award mainly recognized his 1905 discovery of the mechanism of the photoelectric effect and \"for his services to Theoretical Physics\". The Nobel committee passed on several nominations for his many other seminal contributions, although these led to prizes for others who later", "psg_id": "4622974" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "Paul Samuelson and Kenneth Arrow were brothers-in-law. Frits Zernike, who was awarded the 1953 Physics Prize, is the great-uncle of 1999 Physics laureate Gerard 't Hooft. Being a symbol of scientific or literary achievement that is recognisable worldwide, the Nobel Prize is often depicted in fiction. This includes films like \"The Prize\" and \"Nobel Son\" about fictional Nobel laureates as well as fictionalised accounts of stories surrounding real prizes such as \"Nobel Chor\", a film based on the unsolved theft of Rabindranath Tagore's prize. Two laureates have voluntarily declined the Nobel Prize. In 1964, Jean-Paul Sartre was awarded the Literature", "psg_id": "284497" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature", "text": "analyze its importance on potential future Nobel Prize in Literature laureates. Only Alice Munro (2009) has been awarded with both. The Neustadt International Prize for Literature is regarded as one of the most prestigious international literary prizes, often referred to as the American equivalent to the Nobel Prize. Like the Nobel or the Man Booker International Prize, it is awarded not for any one work, but for an entire body of work. It is frequently seen as an indicator of who may be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Gabriel García Márquez (1972 Neustadt, 1982 Nobel), Czesław Miłosz (1978 Neustadt,", "psg_id": "13514258" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize controversies", "text": "Nobel Prize controversies After his death in 1896, the will of Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel established the Nobel Prizes. Nobel's will specified that annual prizes are to be awarded for service to humanity in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and peace. Similarly, the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel is awarded along with the Nobel Prizes. Since the first award in 1901, the prizes have occasionally engendered criticism and controversy. Nobel sought to reward \"those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind\". One prize, he", "psg_id": "4622904" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "testament read in Stockholm on 30 December 1896, a foundation established by Alfred Nobel would reward those who serve humanity. The Nobel Prize was funded by Alfred Nobel's personal fortune. According to the official sources, Alfred Nobel bequeathed from the shares 94% of his fortune to the Nobel Foundation that now forms the economic base of the Nobel Prize. The Nobel Foundation was founded as a private organization on 29 June 1900. Its function is to manage the finances and administration of the Nobel Prizes. In accordance with Nobel's will, the primary task of the Foundation is to manage the", "psg_id": "284446" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "did not award any prizes. In 1944, the Nobel Foundation, together with the three members in exile, made sure that nominations were submitted for the Peace Prize and that the prize could be awarded once again. In 1968, Sveriges Riksbank (Sweden's central bank) celebrated its 300th anniversary by donating a large sum of money to the Nobel Foundation to be used to set up a prize in honor of Nobel. The following year, the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel was awarded for the first time. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences became responsible for", "psg_id": "284456" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "Nobel Prize The Nobel Prize (, ; Swedish definite form, singular: \"Nobelpriset\"; ) is a set of annual international awards bestowed in several categories by Swedish and Norwegian institutions in recognition of academic, cultural, or scientific advances. The will of the Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel established the five Nobel prizes in 1895. The prizes in Chemistry, Literature, Peace, Physics, and Physiology or Medicine were first awarded in 1901. In 1968, Sweden's central bank, Sveriges Riksbank, established the \"Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel\", which, although not being a Nobel Prize, has become informally known as", "psg_id": "284438" }, { "title": "2009 Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "global level and global peace make him the appropriate recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize,\" said Siamak Hirai, a spokesman for Karzai. Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said the decision was ridiculous, saying, \"The Nobel prize for peace? Obama should have won the 'Nobel Prize for escalating violence and killing civilians.\" Indonesia's, Masdar Mas'udi, deputy head of the Islamic organisation Nahdlatul Ulama, praised Obama's policy towards his country as confirmation of his worthiness as a Nobel laureate. \"I think it's appropriate because he is the only American president who has reached out to us in peace,\" he said. \"On the issues", "psg_id": "13876968" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature", "text": "1980 Nobel), Octavio Paz (1982 Neustadt, 1990 Nobel), Tomas Tranströmer (1990 Neustadt, 2011 Nobel) were first awarded the Neustadt International Prize for Literature before being awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Another award of note is the Spanish Princess of Asturias Award (formerly Prince of Asturias Award) in Letters. During the first years of its existence it was almost exclusively awarded to writers in the Spanish language, but in more recent times writers in other languages have been awarded as well. Writers who have won both the Asturias Award in Letters and the Nobel Prize in Literature include Camilo José", "psg_id": "13514259" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize controversies", "text": "been given a Nobel Prize because he has made known his intention to refuse the reward is ridiculous\", further stating a recipient could only decline a Nobel Prize after he is announced a winner. Otto Heinrich Warburg, a German national who won the 1931 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, was rumored to have been selected for the 1944 prize but forbidden to accept it. According to the Nobel Foundation, this story is not true. Multiple primary fields of human intellectual endeavor—such as mathematics, philosophy and social studies—were not included among the Nobel Prizes, because they were not part of", "psg_id": "4623018" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "the \"Nobel Prize in Economics\". The prizes are widely regarded as the most prestigious awards available in the fields of chemistry, literature, peace activism, physics, and physiology or medicine. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awards the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, the Nobel Prize in Physics, and the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel; the Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine; the Swedish Academy grants the Nobel Prize in Literature; and the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded by the Norwegian Nobel Committee. Between 1901 and 2018, the", "psg_id": "284439" }, { "title": "Ig Nobel Prize", "text": "Prize in physics in 2010, for his work with graphene. He thereby became the only individual, as of 2018, to have received both a Nobel and an Ig Nobel. The prizes are presented by Nobel laureates, originally at a ceremony in a lecture hall at MIT, but now in the Sanders Theater at Harvard University. It contains a number of running jokes, including Miss Sweetie Poo, a little girl who repeatedly cries out, \"Please stop: I'm bored\", in a high-pitched voice if speakers go on too long. The awards ceremony is traditionally closed with the words: \"If you didn't win", "psg_id": "200137" }, { "title": "Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "and 23 organizations. Sixteen women have won the Nobel Peace Prize, more than any other Nobel Prize. Only two recipients have won multiple Prizes: the International Committee of the Red Cross has won three times (1917, 1944, and 1963) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has won twice (1954 and 1981). Lê Đức Thọ is the only person who refused to accept the Nobel Peace Prize. Nobel Peace Prize The Nobel Peace Prize (Swedish, Norwegian: \")\" is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Swedish industrialist, inventor, and armaments manufacturer Alfred", "psg_id": "14302522" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize controversies", "text": "so after the DNA findings were published, fearing that they would be endorsing findings that had not yet survived significant scrutiny. In 1936, the Nobel Foundation offended Adolf Hitler when it awarded the 1935 Nobel Peace Prize to Carl von Ossietzky, a German writer who publicly opposed Hitler and Nazism. (The prize was awarded the following year.) Hitler reacted by issuing a decree on 31 January 1937 that forbade German nationals to accept any Nobel Prize. Awarding the peace prize to Ossietzky was itself considered controversial. While Fascism had few supporters outside Italy, Spain, and Germany, those who did not", "psg_id": "4623009" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "relevant fields was greater), a greater delay in awarding Nobel Prizes for women's achievements making longevity a more important factor for women (Nobel Prizes are not awarded posthumously), and a tendency to omit women from jointly awarded Nobel Prizes. Four people have received two Nobel Prizes. Marie Curie received the Physics Prize in 1903 for her work on radioactivity and the Chemistry Prize in 1911 for the isolation of pure radium, making her the only person to be awarded a Nobel Prize in two different sciences. Linus Pauling was awarded the 1954 Chemistry Prize for his research into the chemical", "psg_id": "284491" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "Geir Lundestad, Secretary of Norwegian Nobel Committee in 2006, said, \"The greatest omission in our 106 year history is undoubtedly that Mahatma Gandhi never received the Nobel Peace prize. Gandhi could do without the Nobel Peace prize. Whether Nobel committee can do without Gandhi is the question\". In 1948, the year of Gandhi's death, the Nobel Committee declined to award a prize on the grounds that \"there was no suitable living candidate\" that year. Later, when the 14th Dalai Lama was awarded the Peace Prize in 1989, the chairman of the committee said that this was \"in part a tribute", "psg_id": "284480" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "her speech two decades later, in 2012. Liu Xiaobo was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010 while he and his wife were under house arrest in China as political prisoners, and he was unable to accept the prize in his lifetime. The memorial symbol \"Planet of Alfred Nobel\" was opened in Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law in 2008. On the globe, there are 802 Nobel laureates' reliefs made of a composite alloy obtained when disposing of military strategic missiles. Nobel Prize The Nobel Prize (, ; Swedish definite form, singular: \"Nobelpriset\"; ) is a set of annual international", "psg_id": "284500" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature", "text": "Alice Munro. French writer Patrick Modiano's win in 2014 renewed questions of Eurocentrism; when asked by \"The Wall Street Journal\" \"So no American this year, yet again. Why is that?\", Englund reminded Americans of the Canadian origins of the previous year's recipient, the Academy's desire for literary quality and the impossibility of rewarding everyone who deserves the prize. In the history of the Nobel Prize in Literature, many literary achievements were overlooked. The literary historian Kjell Espmark admitted that \"as to the early prizes, the censure of bad choices and blatant omissions is often justified. Tolstoy, Ibsen, and Henry James", "psg_id": "13514250" }, { "title": "2006 Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "2006 Nobel Peace Prize The 2006 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank \"for their efforts through microcredit to create economic and social development from below\". Yunus was awarded the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize, along with Grameen Bank, for their efforts to create economic and social development. In the prize announcement The Norwegian Nobel Committee mentioned: Yunus was the first Bangladeshi to ever get a Nobel Prize. After receiving the news of the important award, Yunus announced that he would use part of his share of the $1.4 million award money to create a company to", "psg_id": "14994014" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize controversies", "text": "works there were available only in samizdat-published, clandestine form. After the Swedish government refused to hold a public award ceremony and lecture at its Moscow embassy, Solzhenitsyn refused the award altogether, commenting that the conditions set by the Swedes (who preferred a private ceremony) were \"an insult to the Nobel Prize itself.\" Solzhenitsyn later accepted the award on 10 December 1974, after the Soviet Union banished him. Critics suggest that Solzhenitsyn was awarded the prize because of his political stance, not his writing. Leo Tolstoy was nominated for the two first-ever Nobel Prizes in Literature. In the first year, the", "psg_id": "4622922" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "stated that the Nobel Prizes in Physics should be given \"to the person who shall have made the most important 'discovery' or 'invention' within the field of physics\". Nobel did not emphasise discoveries, but they have historically been held in higher respect by the Nobel Prize Committee than inventions: 77% of the Physics Prizes have been given to discoveries, compared with only 23% to inventions. Christoph Bartneck and Matthias Rauterberg, in papers published in \"Nature\" and \"Technoetic Arts\", have argued this emphasis on discoveries has moved the Nobel Prize away from its original intention of rewarding the greatest contribution to", "psg_id": "284489" }, { "title": "2006 Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "50 honorary doctorate degrees from universities across 20 countries, and 113 international awards from 26 different countries including state honours from 10 countries. Bangladesh government brought out a commemorative stamp to honour his Nobel Award. 2006 Nobel Peace Prize The 2006 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank \"for their efforts through microcredit to create economic and social development from below\". Yunus was awarded the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize, along with Grameen Bank, for their efforts to create economic and social development. In the prize announcement The Norwegian Nobel Committee mentioned: Yunus was the first Bangladeshi", "psg_id": "14994017" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "are presented at the annual Prize Award Ceremony in Oslo, Norway, usually on 10 December. The award ceremonies and the associated banquets are typically major international events. The Prizes awarded in Sweden's ceremonies' are held at the Stockholm Concert Hall, with the Nobel banquet following immediately at Stockholm City Hall. The Nobel Peace Prize ceremony has been held at the Norwegian Nobel Institute (1905–1946), at the auditorium of the University of Oslo (1947–1989), and at Oslo City Hall (1990–present). The highlight of the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony in Stockholm occurs when each Nobel laureate steps forward to receive the prize", "psg_id": "284465" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "five (Swedish) Nobel Prize medals to Svenska Medalj AB. Formerly, the Nobel Prize medals were minted by Myntverket (the Swedish Mint) from 1902 to 2010. Myntverket, Sweden's oldest company, ceased operations in 2011 after 1,017 years. In 2011, the Mint of Norway, located in Kongsberg, made the medals. The Nobel Prize medals are registered trademarks of the Nobel Foundation. Each medal features an image of Alfred Nobel in left profile on the obverse. The medals for physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, and literature have identical obverses, showing the image of Alfred Nobel and the years of his birth and death.", "psg_id": "284469" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize in Physics", "text": "26, 1897 that it was approved by the Storting (Norwegian Parliament). The executors of his will were Ragnar Sohlman and Rudolf Lilljequist, who formed the Nobel Foundation to take care of Nobel's fortune and organise the prizes. The members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee who were to award the Peace Prize were appointed shortly after the will was approved. The prize-awarding organisations followed: the Karolinska Institutet on June 7, the Swedish Academy on June 9, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences on June 11. The Nobel Foundation then reached an agreement on guidelines for how the Nobel Prize should", "psg_id": "628716" }, { "title": "Ig Nobel Prize", "text": "Ig Nobel Prize The Ig Nobel Prize ( ) is a parody of the Nobel Prize awarded every autumn to celebrate ten unusual or trivial achievements in scientific research. Since 1991, the Ig Nobel Prizes have been awarded to \"honor achievements that first make people laugh, and then make them think.\" The name of the award is a pun on the word \"ignoble,\" which means \"characterized by baseness, lowness, or meanness,\" and is satirical social criticism that identifies \"absurd\" research, although, occasionally, such research has succeeded in yielding useful knowledge. Organized by the scientific humor magazine, the \"Annals of Improbable", "psg_id": "200133" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "selecting laureates. The first laureates for the Economics Prize were Jan Tinbergen and Ragnar Frisch \"for having developed and applied dynamic models for the analysis of economic processes\". The Board of the Nobel Foundation decided that after this addition, it would allow no further new prizes. The award process is similar for all of the Nobel Prizes; the main difference is in who can make nominations for each of them. Nomination forms are sent by the Nobel Committee to about 3,000 individuals, usually in September the year before the prizes are awarded. These individuals are generally prominent academics working in", "psg_id": "284457" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "money. Further costs to pay institutions and persons engaged in giving the prizes were 27,4 million krona. The events during the Nobel week in Stockholm and Oslo cost 20,2 million krona. The administration, Nobel symposium, and similar items had costs of 22.4 million krona. The cost of the Economic Sciences prize of 16.5 Million krona is paid by the Sveriges Riksbank. Once the Nobel Foundation and its guidelines were in place, the Nobel Committees began collecting nominations for the inaugural prizes. Subsequently, they sent a list of preliminary candidates to the prize-awarding institutions. The Nobel Committee's Physics Prize shortlist cited", "psg_id": "284451" }, { "title": "Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "the final decision has not been made until the last meeting before the official announcement at the beginning of October. The Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee presents the Nobel Peace Prize in the presence of the King of Norway on 10 December each year (the anniversary of Nobel's death). The Peace Prize is the only Nobel Prize not presented in Stockholm. The Nobel laureate receives a diploma, a medal, and a document confirming the prize amount. , the prize was worth 10 million SEK (about US$1.5 million). Since 1990, the Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony is held at Oslo City", "psg_id": "14302515" }, { "title": "Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "omission in our 106-year history is undoubtedly that Mahatma Gandhi never received the Nobel Peace prize. Gandhi could do without the Nobel Peace prize, whether Nobel committee can do without Gandhi is the question\". In 1948, following Gandhi's death, the Nobel Committee declined to award a prize on the ground that \"there was no suitable living candidate\" that year. Later, when the Dalai Lama was awarded the Peace Prize in 1989, the chairman of the committee said that this was \"in part a tribute to the memory of Mahatma Gandhi\". , the Peace Prize has been awarded to 104 individuals", "psg_id": "14302521" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature", "text": "The executors of his will were Ragnar Sohlman and Rudolf Lilljequist, who formed the Nobel Foundation to take care of Nobel's fortune and organize the prizes. The members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee that were to award the Peace Prize were appointed shortly after the will was approved. The prize-awarding organisations followed: the Karolinska Institutet on 7 June, the Swedish Academy on 9 June, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences on 11 June. The Nobel Foundation then reached an agreement on guidelines for how the Nobel Prize should be awarded. In 1900, the Nobel Foundation's newly created statutes were", "psg_id": "13514221" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize controversies", "text": "been made. Decades later, a Nobel Committee publicly declared its regret for the omission. Geir Lundestad, Secretary of Norwegian Nobel Committee in 2006 said, \"The greatest omission in our 106-year history is undoubtedly that Mahatma Gandhi never received the Nobel Peace prize. Gandhi could do without the Nobel Peace prize, [but] whether Nobel committee can do without Gandhi is the question\". In 1948 (the year of Gandhi's death) the Nobel Committee made no award, stating \"there was no suitable living candidate\". The 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Reiner Weiss, Kip Thorne, and Barry Barish for their contribution", "psg_id": "4622947" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize controversies", "text": "job when Prasher's academic career stalled. Eventually, Prasher accepted the offer and moved in 2013 to UCSD to join Tsien's lab. Gerhard Ertl, who received the entire 2007 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his studies of the catalytic effects of metal surfaces, has expressed surprise and disappointment that Gábor Somorjai, a foundational pioneer in modern surface science and catalysis, did not share the prize. Somorjai and Ertl had previously shared the Wolf Prize for Chemistry in 1998. The Nobel Prize committee's decision to exclude Somorjai was criticized in the surface-science community and remains mysterious. The 1993 prize credited Kary Mullis", "psg_id": "4622908" }, { "title": "Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "Nobel Peace Prize The Nobel Peace Prize (Swedish, Norwegian: \")\" is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Swedish industrialist, inventor, and armaments manufacturer Alfred Nobel, along with the prizes in Chemistry, Physics, Physiology or Medicine, and Literature. Since March 1901, it has been awarded annually (with some exceptions) to those who have \"done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses\". As per Alfred Nobel's will, the recipient is selected by the Norwegian Nobel Committee, a", "psg_id": "14302507" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize effect", "text": "Nobel Prize effect The Nobel Prize effect is an observation about the adverse effects of winning the Nobel Prize on laureates and their careers. These effects include reduced productivity, constraints in areas of work, and public perception of expertise in areas unrelated to the laureate's work. The term Nobel effect is also used in those contexts, as well as in the context of the winner's longevity, and influence on international law in the case of the Nobel Peace Prize. The definition of the \"Nobel Prize effect\" most attributed to Richard Hamming describes the effect as a reduction in productivity, making", "psg_id": "18385291" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "holders. After the war, the gold was recovered from solution, and the medals re-cast. Nobel laureates receive a diploma directly from the hands of the King of Sweden, or in the case of the peace prize, the Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. Each diploma is uniquely designed by the prize-awarding institutions for the laureates that receive them. The diploma contains a picture and text in Swedish which states the name of the laureate and normally a citation of why they received the prize. None of the Nobel Peace Prize laureates has ever had a citation on their diplomas. The", "psg_id": "284472" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "a relevant area. Regarding the Peace Prize, inquiries are also sent to governments, former Peace Prize laureates, and current or former members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. The deadline for the return of the nomination forms is 31 January of the year of the award. The Nobel Committee nominates about 300 potential laureates from these forms and additional names. The nominees are not publicly named, nor are they told that they are being considered for the prize. All nomination records for a prize are sealed for 50 years from the awarding of the prize. The Nobel Committee then prepares a", "psg_id": "284458" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize effect", "text": "no such effect on either citation impact or related chain reactions of citations. In addition to the life-changing effects of winning a Nobel prize, an alternative meaning exists for the Nobel effect in the context of the Nobel Peace Prize. In this context, legal scholars have argued whether Nobel Peace Prize laureates have, as a result of winning the Prize, influenced the shaping of new norms in international law and international relations, and suggesting that the Peace Prize can be a significant factor in encouraging peacemaking among individuals worldwide. An analysis of birth data on 19th century science Nobel Prize", "psg_id": "18385295" }, { "title": "2014 Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "alone. This was mentioned by Thorbjørn Jagland in his handover ceremony speech. The Nobel Prize Committee announced that it had received a record number of 278 different nominations for the Peace Prize, up from 259 in 2013. 47 of these nominations were for organizations. Prior to the announcement, many news media speculated about who would win this year, providing lists of favourites. Often cited were Pope Francis, Ban Ki-moon, Chelsea Manning, Denis Mukwege, Edward Snowden, José Mujica, the \"Novaya Gazeta\" newspaper, and the so-called Japanese people who conserve Article 9, together with the eventual winner Malala Yousafzai. The other winner,", "psg_id": "18328936" }, { "title": "Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "the Nobel Foundation specify categories of individuals who are eligible to make nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. These nominators are: Nominations must usually be submitted to the Committee by the beginning of February in the award year. Nominations by committee members can be submitted up to the date of the first Committee meeting after this deadline. In 2009, a record 205 nominations were received, but the record was broken again in 2010 with 237 nominations; in 2011, the record was broken once again with 241 nominations. The statutes of the Nobel Foundation do not allow information about nominations, considerations,", "psg_id": "14302512" }, { "title": "2003 Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "change. Her husband, Javad Tavassolian, was an advisor to President Khatami. The decision of the Nobel committee surprised some observers worldwide. Pope John Paul II had been predicted to win the Peace Prize amid speculation that he was nearing death. Some observers viewed Ebadi's selection as a calculated and political one along the lines of the selection of Lech Wałęsa and Mikhail Gorbachev, among others, for the award. Furthermore, they suggested that Ebadi's activities were not directly related to the goals of the prize as originally expressed by Alfred Nobel. She presented a book entitled \"Democracy, human rights, and Islam", "psg_id": "15009494" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize controversies", "text": "necessarily sympathize felt that it was wrong to (deliberately) offend Germany. Hitler's decree prevented three Germans from accepting their prizes: Gerhard Domagk (1939 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine), Richard Kuhn (1938 Nobel Prize in Chemistry), and Adolf Butenandt (1939 Nobel Prize in Chemistry). The three later received their certificates and medals, but not the prize money. On 19 October 1939, about a month and a half after World War II had started, the Nobel Committee of the Karolinska Institutet met to discuss the 1939 prize in physiology or medicine. The majority favored Domagk and someone leaked the news, which", "psg_id": "4623010" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize controversies", "text": "stated, should be given \"to the person who shall have made the most important 'discovery' or 'invention' within the field of physics\". Awards committees have historically rewarded discoveries over inventions: 77% of Nobel Prizes in physics have been given to discoveries, compared with only 23% to inventions. In addition, the scientific prizes typically reward contributions over an entire career rather than a single year. No Nobel Prize was established for mathematics and many other scientific and cultural fields. An early theory that jealousy led Nobel to omit a prize to mathematician Gösta Mittag-Leffler was refuted because of timing inaccuracies. Another", "psg_id": "4622905" }, { "title": "2003 Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "is tantamount to abusing the prize bestowed on her for political considerations\". 2003 Nobel Peace Prize The 2003 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Shirin Ebadi for \"her efforts for democracy and human rights, especially the rights of women and children, in Iran and the Muslim world in general\". On 10 October 2003, Shirin Ebadi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts for democracy and human rights, especially for the rights of women and children. The selection committee praised her as a \"courageous person\" who \"has never heeded the threat to her own safety\". Now she travels abroad", "psg_id": "15009497" }, { "title": "2015 Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "Zarif for the Iran nuclear deal, Pope Francis for his assistance in the United States–Cuban Thaw, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and FARC guerrilla leader Timoleón Jiménez for the peace process in the Colombian conflict, and Congolese gynecologist Denis Mukwege who treats victims of sexual violence and has been nominated for this before. The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded by the Norwegian Nobel Committee. For the 2015 award, the members were: 2015 Nobel Peace Prize The 2015 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet for \"its decisive contribution to the building of a pluralistic democracy in", "psg_id": "19069234" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "Nobel Prizes (and the Prizes in Economic Sciences, from 1969 on) were awarded 590 times to 935 people and organizations. With some receiving the Nobel Prize more than once, this makes a total of 27 organizations and 908 individuals. The prize ceremonies take place annually in Stockholm, Sweden (with the exception of the Peace Prize ceremony, which is held in Oslo, Norway). Each recipient (known as a \"laureate\") receives a gold medal, a diploma, and a sum of money that has been decided by the Nobel Foundation. (, each prize is worth 9,000,000 SEK, or about , €944,000, £836,000 or", "psg_id": "284440" }, { "title": "2010 Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "of the 65 invited (the People's Republic of China and 19 other nations declined invitations). China's official news agency, Xinhua, attacked the West for its \"Cold-War or even colonial mentality\" and for daring to \"regard themselves as the judge, the teacher [who] assume that they can forever distort the fact and block the truth by using political maneuvers.\" Strong rhetoric and denunciations of the West continued from official sources until after the ceremony. Liu was the first person of Chinese nationality to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and the first to be awarded a Nobel Prize of any kind", "psg_id": "14976484" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "₹73,800,000.) Medals made before 1980 were struck in 23 carat gold, and later in 18 carat green gold plated with a 24 carat gold coating. The prize is not awarded posthumously; however, if a person is awarded a prize and dies before receiving it, the prize may still be presented. A prize may not be shared among more than three individuals, although the Nobel Peace Prize can be awarded to organizations of more than three people. Alfred Nobel () was born on 21 October 1833 in Stockholm, Sweden, into a family of engineers. He was a chemist, engineer, and inventor.", "psg_id": "284441" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize effect", "text": "winners estimated that winning the Nobel Prize correlated with one or two years of additional longevity for the recipient, compared to being merely nominated for the prize. Nobel Prize effect The Nobel Prize effect is an observation about the adverse effects of winning the Nobel Prize on laureates and their careers. These effects include reduced productivity, constraints in areas of work, and public perception of expertise in areas unrelated to the laureate's work. The term Nobel effect is also used in those contexts, as well as in the context of the winner's longevity, and influence on international law in the", "psg_id": "18385296" }, { "title": "Ig Nobel Prize", "text": "of the malaria mosquitoes (\"Anopheles gambiae\") is attracted equally to the smell of Limburger cheese and the smell of human feet earned the Ig Nobel Prize in the area of biology. As a direct result of these findings, traps baited with this cheese have been placed in strategic locations in some parts of Africa to combat the epidemic of malaria. Ig Nobel Prize The Ig Nobel Prize ( ) is a parody of the Nobel Prize awarded every autumn to celebrate ten unusual or trivial achievements in scientific research. Since 1991, the Ig Nobel Prizes have been awarded to \"honor", "psg_id": "200141" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature", "text": "Cela, Günter Grass, Doris Lessing and Mario Vargas Llosa. The America Award in Literature, which does not include a monetary prize, presents itself as an alternative to the Nobel Prize in Literature. To date, Harold Pinter and José Saramago are the only writers to have received both the America Award and the Nobel Prize in Literature. There are also prizes for honouring the lifetime achievement of writers in specific languages, like the Miguel de Cervantes Prize (for Spanish language, established in 1976) and the Camões Prize (for Portuguese language, established in 1989). Nobel laureates who were also awarded the Miguel", "psg_id": "13514260" }, { "title": "Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "five-member committee appointed by the Parliament of Norway. Since 1990, the prize is awarded on 10 December in Oslo City Hall each year. The prize was formerly awarded in the Atrium of the University of Oslo Faculty of Law (1947–1989), the Norwegian Nobel Institute (1905–1946), and the Parliament (1901–1904). Due to its political nature, the Nobel Peace Prize has, for most of its history, been the subject of controversies. According to Nobel's will, the Peace Prize shall be awarded to the person who in the preceding year \"shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations,", "psg_id": "14302508" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "nomination and the decision of the prize committee were originally eligible to receive the prize. This has occurred twice: the 1931 Literature Prize awarded to Erik Axel Karlfeldt, and the 1961 Peace Prize awarded to UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld. Since 1974, laureates must be thought alive at the time of the October announcement. There has been one laureate, William Vickrey, who in 1996 died after the prize (in Economics) was announced but before it could be presented. On 3 October 2011, the laureates for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine were announced; however, the committee was not aware", "psg_id": "284460" }, { "title": "2003 Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "2003 Nobel Peace Prize The 2003 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Shirin Ebadi for \"her efforts for democracy and human rights, especially the rights of women and children, in Iran and the Muslim world in general\". On 10 October 2003, Shirin Ebadi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts for democracy and human rights, especially for the rights of women and children. The selection committee praised her as a \"courageous person\" who \"has never heeded the threat to her own safety\". Now she travels abroad lecturing in the West. She is against a policy of forced regime", "psg_id": "15009493" }, { "title": "2015 Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "2015 Nobel Peace Prize The 2015 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet for \"its decisive contribution to the building of a pluralistic democracy in Tunisia in the wake of the Jasmine Revolution of 2011\". The National Dialogue Quartet was formed in 2013 and comprises four organizations in Tunisian civil society: The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded annually to those who have \"done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses\". Tunisian singer/songwriter Emel Mathlouthi sang Kelmti", "psg_id": "19069232" }, { "title": "2007 Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "scientist who was involved with AR4 or earlier IPCC reports in this way: 'X contributed to the reports of the IPCC, which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.'\" It stated that it had not sent the certificates to \"contributing authors, expert reviewers and focal points.\" 2007 Nobel Peace Prize The 2007 Nobel Peace Prize was shared, in two equal parts, between the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Al Gore \"for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract", "psg_id": "14993804" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature", "text": "Nobel Prize in Literature The Nobel Prize in Literature () is a Swedish literature prize that is awarded annually, since 1901, to an author from any country who has, in the words of the will of Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel, produced \"in the field of literature the most outstanding work in an ideal direction\" (original Swedish: \"den som inom litteraturen har producerat det mest framstående verket i en idealisk riktning\"). Though individual works are sometimes cited as being particularly noteworthy, the award is based on an author's body of work as a whole. The Swedish Academy decides who, if anyone,", "psg_id": "13514216" }, { "title": "2008 Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "in Norway who saluted him in on 10 December in Oslo, by waving the flags of Albania and Kosovo. 2008 Nobel Peace Prize The 2008 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to President of Finland (1994–2000) Martti Ahtisaari \"for his important efforts, on several continents and over more than three decades, to resolve international conflicts\". The 2008 Nobel Peace Prize laureate was announced on the press conference in Oslo, Norway on October 10, 2008. The committee's decision was heavily criticized in Serbia, because of Ahtisaari's role in the Kosovo status process (the Government of Serbia rejects Ahtisaari's plan because it would", "psg_id": "14993597" }, { "title": "2016 Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "2016 Nobel Peace Prize The 2016 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the President of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos \"for his resolute efforts to bring the country’s more than 50-year-long civil war to an end, a war that has cost the lives of at least 220,000 Colombians and displaced close to six million people.\" The conflict is the longest running war, and last remaining guerrilla struggle, in the Americas. The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded annually to those who have \"done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and", "psg_id": "19774573" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize controversies", "text": "in his novel, \"Doctor Zhivago\".\" Pasternak died without ever receiving the prize. He was eventually honored by the Nobel Foundation at a banquet in Stockholm on 9 December 1989, when they presented his medal to his son. The 2010 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Liu Xiaobo while he was serving a prison sentence for \"subversion of the state\", with the Chinese government not allowing him or his family members to attend the ceremony. Two laureates voluntarily declined the Nobel Prize. Jean-Paul Sartre declined the 1964 prize for Literature, stating, \"A writer must refuse to allow himself to be transformed", "psg_id": "4623015" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize controversies", "text": "(Markings) and to statements that Auden made during a Scandinavian lecture tour suggesting that Hammarskjöld was, like Auden, homosexual. Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges was nominated several times but never won. Edwin Williamson, Borges's biographer, stated that the author's support of Argentine and Chilean right-wing military dictators may have been a factor. Borges' failure to win the Nobel Prize contrasts with awards to writers who openly supported left-wing dictatorships, including Joseph Stalin, in the case of Jean-Paul Sartre and Pablo Neruda. And Fidel Castro, in the case of Gabriel García Márquez. The academy's refusal to express support for Salman Rushdie", "psg_id": "4622925" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature", "text": "de Cervantes Prize include Octavio Paz (1981 Cervantes, 1990 Nobel); Mario Vargas Llosa (1994 Cervantes, 2010 Nobel); and Camilo José Cela (1995 Cervantes, 1989 Nobel). José Saramago is the only author to receive both the Camões Prize (1995) and the Nobel Prize (1998) to date. The Hans Christian Andersen Award is sometimes referred to as \"the Little Nobel\". The award has earned this appellation since, in a similar manner to the Nobel Prize in Literature, it recognizes the lifetime achievement of writers, though the Andersen Award focuses on a single category of literary works (children's literature). Nobel Prize in Literature", "psg_id": "13514261" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize controversies", "text": "Alfred Nobel's will. When Jakob von Uexkull approached the Nobel Foundation with a proposal to establish two new awards for the environment and for the lives of the poor, he was turned down. He then established the Right Livelihood Award. In 2003 purportedly a new Nobel-equivalent Award was also created especially for mathematics, the Abel Prize, though the older Fields Medal is often considered as the mathematical Nobel equivalent. However, the Nobel Committee did allow the creation of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics. Many people have opposed this expansion, including the Swedish human rights lawyer Peter Nobel, a great-grandnephew", "psg_id": "4623019" }, { "title": "2009 Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "There have been a number of calls for Obama to either return the award or to have the Nobel Committee recall it, most recently in 2013. In April 2013 a petition was begun asking the Nobel Committee to rescind the Peace Prize. The petition garnered 10,000 signatures in its first day and nearly 20,000 by the end of its first week. Nobel laureate and former U.S. Vice President Al Gore called the award \"extremely well deserved\". Obama received congratulations and kind words from other elected officials, such as from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former rival, Senator John McCain, who", "psg_id": "13876959" }, { "title": "Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "at the time of Nobel's death. The Norwegian Nobel Committee speculates that Nobel may have considered Norway better suited to awarding the prize, as it did not have the same militaristic traditions as Sweden. It also notes that at the end of the 19th century, the Norwegian parliament had become closely involved in the Inter-Parliamentary Union's efforts to resolve conflicts through mediation and arbitration. The Norwegian Parliament appoints the Norwegian Nobel Committee, which selects the Nobel Peace Prize laureate. Each year, the Norwegian Nobel Committee specifically invites qualified people to submit nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. The statutes of", "psg_id": "14302511" }, { "title": "2007 Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "work and application.\" In Oslo on 10 December 2007, the presentation was made with a speech by Ole Danbolt Mjøs as Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, and followed by Nobel Lectures given by Rajendra K. Pachauri, representing the IPCC, and Al Gore. In his lecture, Pachauri thanked those contributing to the IPCC: The IPCC presented scientists who had \"contributed substantially to the preparation of IPCC reports\" with personalized certificates for \"contributing to the award of the Nobel Peace Prize for 2007 to the IPCC\". The certificates, which name the individual and feature a reproduction of the Nobel Peace Prize", "psg_id": "14993802" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize effect", "text": "it hard for a scientist to work on small problems after winning the prize. During a speech at a seminar, Hamming described a scene at the Nobel awards ceremony as follows: The Nobel Prize effect is also described as a consequence of public perception of the Nobel laureate, magnified by the worldwide exposure the winner experiences. One example is for the Nobel laureate to be treated with reverence due to perception that the laureate has authoritative knowledge about any subject outside the field in which he or she won the prize. Nobel Laureate Klaus von Klitzing describes the effect as", "psg_id": "18385292" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature", "text": "will receive the prize. The academy announces the name of the laureate in early October. It is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Alfred Nobel in 1895. It will not be awarded in 2018, but two names will be awarded in 2019. Although the Nobel Prize in Literature has become the world's most prestigious literature prize, the Swedish Academy has attracted significant criticism for its handling of the award. Many authors who have won the prize have fallen into obscurity, while others rejected by the jury remain widely studied and read. The prize has \"become", "psg_id": "13514217" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize controversies", "text": "any German to receive any of the Nobel Prizes in the future, and his prize was not allowed to be mentioned in the German press. Gandhi never received the Nobel Peace Prize, although he was nominated five times between 1937 and 1948. In 1948 Gandhi received six letters of nomination and was on the short list for the Peace Prize but he was assassinated on 30 January 1948, two days before the closing date for nominations. The Nobel Committee decided against awarding the prize, saying the laureate could only be awarded posthumously if he/she died after the Committee's decision had", "psg_id": "4622946" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "Norwegian Nobel Committee to award the Peace Prize, the members of whom were appointed shortly after the will was approved in April 1897. Soon thereafter, the other prize-awarding organizations were designated. These were Karolinska Institutet on 7 June, the Swedish Academy on 9 June, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences on 11 June. The Nobel Foundation reached an agreement on guidelines for how the prizes should be awarded; and, in 1900, the Nobel Foundation's newly created statutes were promulgated by King Oscar II. In 1905, the personal union between Sweden and Norway was dissolved. According to his will and", "psg_id": "284445" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature", "text": "and a sum of money. The amount of money awarded depends on the income of the Nobel Foundation that year. If a prize is awarded to more than one laureate, the money is either split evenly among them or, for three laureates, it may be divided into a half and two quarters. If a prize is awarded jointly to two or more laureates, the money is split among them. The prize money of the Nobel Prize has been fluctuating since its inauguration but it stood at (about ), previously it was . This was not the first time the prize-amount", "psg_id": "13514226" }, { "title": "2018 Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "A more peaceful world can only be achieved if women and their fundamental rights and security are recognised and protected in war.\" Mukwege is the first Congolese and Murad the seventeenth woman and first Iraqi to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. Each delivered a Nobel lecture on December 10 at Oslo City Hall as part of the Nobel Peace Prize Award ceremony, which took place among main events scheduled during the December 9–11 \"Nobel days in Oslo.\" Denis Mukwege is a gynecologist specializing in the treatment of women victimized by sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and", "psg_id": "20908402" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "at Karolinska Institute, the Swedish Academy, and the Norwegian Nobel Committee), the trustees of these institutions, and auditors. The capital of the Nobel Foundation today is invested 50 % in shares, 20 % bonds and 30 % other investments (e.g. hedge funds or real estate). The distribution can vary by 10 percent. At the beginning of 2008, 64 % of the funds were invested mainly in American and European stocks, 20 % in bonds, plus 12% in real estate and hedge funds. In 2011, the total annual cost was approximately 120 million krona, with 50 million krona as the prize", "psg_id": "284450" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "A group including 42 Swedish writers, artists, and literary critics protested against this decision, having expected Leo Tolstoy to be awarded. Some, including Burton Feldman, have criticised this prize because they consider Prudhomme a mediocre poet. Feldman's explanation is that most of the Academy members preferred Victorian literature and thus selected a Victorian poet. The first Physiology or Medicine Prize went to the German physiologist and microbiologist Emil von Behring. During the 1890s, von Behring developed an antitoxin to treat diphtheria, which until then was causing thousands of deaths each year. The first Nobel Peace Prize went to the Swiss", "psg_id": "284453" }, { "title": "2016 Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "Syria chief amongst them – they can sometimes provide the necessary momentum to see it through.\" The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded by the Norwegian Nobel Committee: 2016 Nobel Peace Prize The 2016 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the President of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos \"for his resolute efforts to bring the country’s more than 50-year-long civil war to an end, a war that has cost the lives of at least 220,000 Colombians and displaced close to six million people.\" The conflict is the longest running war, and last remaining guerrilla struggle, in the Americas. The Nobel Peace Prize", "psg_id": "19774580" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize controversies", "text": "of law which are not included in Nobel Prize, and also include biopharmaceutical science and sinology. The panels of judges are convened by Academia Sinica, located in Taiwan, Republic of China. Following the announcement of the award of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize to incarcerated Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, the Chinese tabloid \"Global Times\" created the Confucius Peace Prize. The award ceremony was deliberately organized to take place on 8 December, one day before the Nobel ceremony. Organizers said that the prize had no relation to the Chinese government, the Ministry of Culture or Beijing Normal University. The German National", "psg_id": "4623022" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine", "text": "1977, all professors of Karolinska Institute together decided on the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. That year, changes in Swedish law forced the Institute to make public any documents pertaining to the Nobel Prize and it was considered necessary to establish a legally independent body for the Prize work. Therefore, the Nobel Assembly was constituted, consisting of 50 professors at Karolinska Institute. It elects the Nobel Committee with 5 members who evaluate the nominees, the Secretary who is in charge of the organization, and each year 10 adjunct members to assist in the evaluation of candidates. In 1968, a", "psg_id": "628741" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize controversies", "text": "nine months into Obama's first term as president, received criticism that it was undeserved, premature and politically motivated. Obama himself said that he felt \"surprised\" by the win and did not consider himself worthy of the award, but nonetheless accepted it. Obama's peace prize was called a \"stunning surprise\" by \"The New York Times\". Much of the surprise arose from the fact that nominations for the award had been due by 1 February 2009, only 12 days after Obama took office. In an October 2011 interview, Thorbjørn Jagland, chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, was asked whether Obama had lived", "psg_id": "4622929" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "Wilhelm Röntgen's discovery of X-rays and Philipp Lenard's work on cathode rays. The Academy of Sciences selected Röntgen for the prize. In the last decades of the 19th century, many chemists had made significant contributions. Thus, with the Chemistry Prize, the Academy \"was chiefly faced with merely deciding the order in which these scientists should be awarded the prize\". The Academy received 20 nominations, eleven of them for Jacobus van 't Hoff. Van 't Hoff was awarded the prize for his contributions in chemical thermodynamics. The Swedish Academy chose the poet Sully Prudhomme for the first Nobel Prize in Literature.", "psg_id": "284452" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "surrounding the original procedure, Freeman's procedure was prescribed without due consideration or regard for modern medical ethics. Endorsed by such influential publications as \"The New England Journal of Medicine\", leucotomy or \"lobotomy\" became so popular that about 5,000 lobotomies were performed in the United States in the three years immediately following Moniz's receipt of the Prize. The Norwegian Nobel Committee confirmed that Mahatma Gandhi was nominated for the Peace Prize in 1937–39, 1947, and a few days before he was assassinated in January 1948. Later, members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee expressed regret that he was not given the prize.", "psg_id": "284479" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature", "text": "sides of the Nobel Prize medals for Chemistry and Physics share the same design. The medal for the Nobel Prize in Literature was designed by Erik Lindberg. Nobel laureates receive a Diploma directly from the King of Sweden. Each Diploma is uniquely designed by the prize-awarding institutions for the laureate that receives it. The Diploma contains a picture and text that states the name of the laureate and normally a citation of why they received the prize. Potential recipients of the Nobel Prize in Literature are difficult to predict as nominations are kept secret for fifty years until they are", "psg_id": "13514229" }, { "title": "2001 Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "2001 Nobel Peace Prize The 2001 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the United Nations and Kofi Annan for \"their work for a better organized and more peaceful world\". In 2001, its centennial year, the Nobel Committee decided that the Peace Prize was to be divided between the United Nations (UN) and Kofi Annan. Annan was awarded the Peace Prize for having revitalized the UN and for having given priority to human rights. The Nobel Committee also recognized his commitment to the struggle to contain the spreading of the HIV virus in Africa and his declared opposition to international terrorism.", "psg_id": "15009502" }, { "title": "2001 Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "2001 Nobel Peace Prize The 2001 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the United Nations and Kofi Annan for \"their work for a better organized and more peaceful world\". In 2001, its centennial year, the Nobel Committee decided that the Peace Prize was to be divided between the United Nations (UN) and Kofi Annan. Annan was awarded the Peace Prize for having revitalized the UN and for having given priority to human rights. The Nobel Committee also recognized his commitment to the struggle to contain the spreading of the HIV virus in Africa and his declared opposition to international terrorism.", "psg_id": "15009501" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize in Chemistry", "text": "on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death. The first Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded in 1901 to Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff, of the Netherlands, \"for his discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions.\" From 1901 to 2018, the award has been bestowed on a total of 180 individuals. Alfred Nobel stipulated in his last will and testament that his money be used to create a series of prizes for those who confer the \"greatest benefit on mankind\" in physics, chemistry, peace, physiology or medicine, and literature. Though Nobel wrote several wills during", "psg_id": "14087661" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "from the hands of the King of Sweden. In Oslo, the Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee presents the Nobel Peace Prize in the presence of the King of Norway. At first, King Oscar II did not approve of awarding grand prizes to foreigners. It is said that he changed his mind once his attention had been drawn to the publicity value of the prizes for Sweden. After the award ceremony in Sweden, a banquet is held in the Blue Hall at the Stockholm City Hall, which is attended by the Swedish Royal Family and around 1,300 guests. The Nobel", "psg_id": "284466" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize", "text": "Peace Prize banquet is held in Norway at the Oslo Grand Hotel after the award ceremony. Apart from the laureate, guests include the President of the Storting, the Swedish prime minister, and, since 2006, the King and Queen of Norway. In total, about 250 guests attend. According to the statutes of the Nobel Foundation, each laureate is required to give a public lecture on a subject related to the topic of their prize. The Nobel lecture as a rhetorical genre took decades to reach its current format. These lectures normally occur during Nobel Week (the week leading up to the", "psg_id": "284467" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize in Chemistry", "text": "and institution serving as the selection board for the prize typically announce the names of the laureates in October. The prize is then awarded at formal ceremonies held annually on December 10, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death. \"The highlight of the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony in Stockholm is when each Nobel Laureate steps forward to receive the prize from the hands of His Majesty the King of Sweden. The Nobel Laureate receives three things: a diploma, a medal and a document confirming the prize amount\" (\"What the Nobel Laureates Receive\"). Later the \"Nobel Banquet\" is held in Stockholm City", "psg_id": "14087664" }, { "title": "Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences", "text": "Prize in Economics is not one of the Nobel Prizes, which were endowed by Alfred Nobel in his will. However, the nomination process, selection criteria, and awards presentation of the Prize in Economic Sciences are performed in a manner similar to that of the Nobel Prizes. Laureates are announced with the Nobel Prize laureates, and receive the award at the same ceremony. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awards the prize \"in accordance with the rules governing the award of the Nobel Prizes instituted through his [Alfred Nobel's] will,\" which stipulate that the prize be awarded annually to \"those who", "psg_id": "13559937" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize controversies", "text": "to LIGO, which led to the detection of gravitational waves. Despite the contributions of the upwards of a thousand scientists and engineers in LIGO, the Nobel Committee continued its tradition of only awarding the prize to three physicists. All three winners commented saying that the prize belongs to the entire LIGO Collaboration (LSC). Thorne said \"It is unfortunate that, due to the statutes of the Nobel Foundation, the prize has to go to no more than three people, when our marvelous discovery is the work of more than a thousand.\" The 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics, awarded to Isamu Akasaki,", "psg_id": "4622948" }, { "title": "2007 Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "man’s control.\" The award was given immediate publicity: an Associated Press article published by \"USA Today\" on 12 October 2007 and headlined \"Gore, scientists share Nobel Peace Prize\" quoted Pachauri as saying \"All the scientists that have contributed to the work of the IPCC are the Nobel laureates who have been recognized and acknowledged by the Nobel Prize Committee\". He added that \"they should feel deeply encouraged and inspired. It is their contribution which has been recognized\", and said \"I only happen to be a functionary that essentially oversees the process.\" On the same day, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory", "psg_id": "14993800" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize in Physics", "text": "a prize, as the discoverers die by the time the impact of their work is appreciated. A Physics Nobel Prize laureate earns a gold medal, a diploma bearing a citation, and a sum of money. The Nobel Prize medals, minted by Myntverket in Sweden and the Mint of Norway since 1902, are registered trademarks of the Nobel Foundation. Each medal has an image of Alfred Nobel in left profile on the obverse. The Nobel Prize medals for Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, and Literature have identical obverses, showing the image of Alfred Nobel and the years of his birth and", "psg_id": "628721" }, { "title": "Nobel Prize in Physics", "text": "be awarded. In 1900, the Nobel Foundation's newly created statutes were promulgated by King Oscar II. According to Nobel's will, The Royal Swedish Academy of sciences were to award the Prize in Physics. A maximum of three Nobel laureates and two different works may be selected for the Nobel Prize in Physics. Compared with other Nobel Prizes, the nomination and selection process for the prize in Physics is long and rigorous. This is a key reason why it has grown in importance over the years to become the most important prize in Physics. The Nobel laureates are selected by the", "psg_id": "628717" } ]
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how the grinch stole christmas was written by who?
[ { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!", "text": "Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat\". Max, the Grinch's dog, and the Grinch himself also appear in the children's puppet show \"The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss\". The Grinch, Cindy Lou Who, and Max, appear in \"Seussical\", a musical which takes it plot from several Dr. Seuss books. How the Grinch Stole Christmas! How the Grinch Stole Christmas! is a children's story by Theodor \"Dr. Seuss\" Geisel written in rhymed verse with illustrations by the author. It follows the Grinch, a grouchy, solitary creature who attempts to put an end to Christmas by stealing Christmas-themed items from the homes", "psg_id": "13423897" } ]
[ { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "in the character Cindy Lou Who and pitched a film in which she would have a larger role as well as a materialistic representation of the Whos and an expanded backstory of the Grinch. On September 16, 1998, it was announced that Howard would direct and co-produce a live-action adaptation of \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas\" with Jim Carrey attached to star. It was also reported that Universal Pictures, who had acquired the distribution rights, paid $9 million for the film rights for an adaptation of \"Grinch\" and \"Oh, the Places You'll Go!\" to Geisel. Jeffrey Price and Peter S.", "psg_id": "7707216" }, { "title": "How Lily Stole Christmas", "text": "sick of apologizing and the two agree to skip straight to the forgiveness. Ted takes off after his cousin's children overhear Lily say she \"was kind of a grinch\", and they all begin to cheer \"grinch!\" over and over. Joel Keller of TV Squad said it was a good episode, and an improvement over the previous year's New Year's Eve episode. How Lily Stole Christmas \"How Lily Stole Christmas\" is the 11th episode in the second season of the television series \"How I Met Your Mother\". It originally aired on December 11, 2006. Ted has decided to spend Christmas in", "psg_id": "10241545" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "(such as 1964's \"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer\", 1965's \"A Charlie Brown Christmas\" and 1969's \"Frosty the Snowman\") that have come to be regarded as classics. It received modestly positive reviews at the time it was released. Critic Rick Du Brow said it was \"probably as good as most of the other holiday cartoons.\" It has since been recognized as a classic, with Rotten Tomatoes giving it a 100% \"fresh\" rating on its website; the critical consensus reads, \"\"How the Grinch Stole Christmas\" brings an impressive array of talent to bear on an adaptation that honors a classic holiday story –", "psg_id": "7902049" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "and has rightfully become a yuletide tradition of its own.\" The special continues to be popular in Nielsen Ratings, with its 2010 airing (the last of many times it had aired that year) winning its time slot among persons 18 to 49 and finishing second in overall viewers. \"TV Guide\" ranked the special No. 1 on its 10 Best Family Holiday Specials list. \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\" was released to VHS, Betamax, CED, and LaserDisc by MGM/UA Home Video in the 1980s, and was reissued several times. The special was first released to the VHS and DVD formats in", "psg_id": "7902050" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!", "text": "Whos' Christmas presents, the Christmas tree, and the log for their fire. He is briefly interrupted in his burglary by Cindy Lou, a little Who girl, but concocts a crafty lie to effect his escape from her home. After stealing from one house, he does the same thing to all the other houses in the village of Whoville. After spending all night stealing stuff from the houses of Whoville, the Grinch travels back to the top of Mount Crumpit, intending to dump all of the Christmas stuff into the abyss. As dawn arrives, the Grinch expects the people in Whoville", "psg_id": "13423884" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "it one of the largest makeup crews ever assembled. Most of the appliances the actors wore were noses that connected to an upper lip along with a few dentures, ears, and wigs. The film was released on VHS and DVD on November 20, 2001. The extended cut of the film on VHS and DVD was released on October 29, 2002. A Blu-ray/DVD combo pack was released on October 13, 2009. \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas\" grossed $260 million domestically and $85.1 million in other territories for a worldwide gross of $345.1 million, becoming the sixth highest-grossing film of 2000. In", "psg_id": "7707220" }, { "title": "How the Griffin Stole Christmas", "text": "Grinch Stole Christmas!\" Unlike most episodes that are rated TV-14 on American television, this one is rated TV-PG for suggestive dialogue (D) and offensive language (L). When Christmas comes around Quahog, the Griffins decide to go sledding instead of attending church after watching \"How David Lynch Stole Christmas\". Mayor Adam West at first bans sledding from Quahog. After an argument with Peter, he reverses the decision and severely injures himself. When sledding, the Griffins go sledding on the dining room table, except for Lois who protests that the table has been in her family for generations. The remaining members go", "psg_id": "19800290" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!", "text": "high mountain just north of the town of Whoville, home of the merry and warm-hearted Whos. His only companion is his unloved, but loyal dog, Max. From his cave, the Grinch can hear the noisy Christmas festivities that take place in Whoville. Continuously annoyed, he devises a wicked scheme to steal their presents, trees, and food for their Christmas feast. He crudely disguises himself as Santa Claus, and forces Max, disguised as a reindeer, to drag a sleigh down the mountain towards Whoville. Once at Whoville, the Grinch slides down the chimney of one house and steals all of the", "psg_id": "13423883" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "he decides to disguise himself as Santa Claus and steal Christmas. The Grinch makes himself a Santa coat and hat and disguises the innocent Max as a reindeer. He loads empty bags onto a sleigh and travels to Whoville with some difficulty. In the first house he is almost caught by Cindy Lou Who (voiced by an uncredited June Foray), a small Who girl who wakes up and sees him taking the Christmas tree. Pretending to be Santa, the Grinch tells Cindy Lou that he is merely taking the tree to his workshop for repairs, and then gets her a", "psg_id": "7902042" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "narrator. The Grinch (voiced by Boris Karloff) is the film's main character. He lives in a cave atop Mt. Crumpit, located above the village of Whoville. The Grinch is a surly character with a heart \"two sizes too small\" who has especially hated Christmas for 53 years. On Christmas Eve, he finally becomes fed up with seeing the decorations and hearing all the music and caroling in the village and wishes he could stop Christmas Day from coming to Whoville. When he sees his dog, Max, with snow all over his face in the shape of a hat and beard,", "psg_id": "7902041" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "but was timid and not as cruel as he would later become. In school, the Grinch had a crush on Martha May Whovier, and was Augustus May Who’s rival for Martha May's affections. One year, the Grinch made a Christmas gift for Martha, and cut his face attempting to shave after May Who pointed out he had a beard. When his classmates laughed at his cut face, he lost his temper, destroyed the Christmas gift, trashed the classroom, and exiled himself to the top of Mount Crumpit, north of Whoville. Touched by this story, Cindy Lou decides to nominate the", "psg_id": "7707207" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "and later wrote letters to columnists nationwide telling them that it was Ravenscroft who provided vocals for the musical number. Karloff received a Grammy Award in the Spoken Word category—the only major performing award of his career—for the album. A television special called \"Halloween Is Grinch Night\", created by DePatie-Freleng Enterprises, aired on ABC in 1977, eleven years after the Christmas special. This special involved a tale of the Grinch coming down to scare the Whos every Halloween. Though less successful than the original, it was awarded an Emmy. A later cartoon, \"The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat\"", "psg_id": "7902056" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "likes the Grinch, due to the vengeful and harmful stunts he occasionally pulls on them. Seven-year-old Cindy Lou Who believes everyone is missing the point about Christmas by focusing on the gifts and festivities, instead of personal relationships. She has a face-to-face encounter with the Grinch at the post office, in which he reluctantly saves her life, and she becomes interested in his history. She asks everyone what they know about him and discovers his tragic past. The Grinch arrived in Whoville as a baby, and was adopted by two spinster sisters. He showed some sadistic tendencies as a child,", "psg_id": "7707206" }, { "title": "How the 'A' Stole Christmas", "text": "How the 'A' Stole Christmas \"How the 'A' Stole Christmas\" is the thirteenth episode of the fifth season and 108th episode overall of the mystery drama television series \"Pretty Little Liars\", which aired on December 9, 2014, on the cable network ABC Family. The episode was the series' first Christmas special and aired as part of the programming block \"25 Days of Christmas\". It was directed by I. Marlene King and co-written by King and Kyle Bown. \"How the 'A' Stole Christmas\" yielded 2.09 million viewers, making it the Holiday special with the lowest viewership of the series. As Spencer", "psg_id": "19607055" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "Grinch to be the Christmas Whobilation \"Holiday Cheermeister\", much to the displeasure of May Who, now the mayor of Whoville. She climbs Mount Crumpit to invite the Grinch to the Whobilation; he initially turns her down, but changes his mind as he considers the promised award, the fact that Martha will see him at the celebration, and it will be a chance to upset his rival. As Cheermeister, he endures being made to wear an ugly sweater and judge all the Whos' Christmas food concoctions, but he enjoys showing unsportsmanlike conduct by beating all the children in the competitions. May", "psg_id": "7707208" }, { "title": "How the Ghosts Stole Christmas", "text": "Melissa Runstrom, in a review of the sixth season, described \"How the Ghosts Stole Christmas\" as \"hokey\" and \"over-the-top.\" She identified it as the weakest episode of the sixth season. How the Ghosts Stole Christmas \"How the Ghosts Stole Christmas\" is the sixth episode of the sixth season of the science fiction television series \"The X-Files\". It premiered on the Fox network on December 13, 1998. It was written and directed by series creator Chris Carter, and featured guest appearances by Edward Asner and Lily Tomlin. The episode is a \"Monster-of-the-Week\" story, unconnected to the series' wider mythology. \"How the", "psg_id": "11475291" }, { "title": "How the Ghosts Stole Christmas", "text": "How the Ghosts Stole Christmas \"How the Ghosts Stole Christmas\" is the sixth episode of the sixth season of the science fiction television series \"The X-Files\". It premiered on the Fox network on December 13, 1998. It was written and directed by series creator Chris Carter, and featured guest appearances by Edward Asner and Lily Tomlin. The episode is a \"Monster-of-the-Week\" story, unconnected to the series' wider mythology. \"How the Ghosts Stole Christmas\" earned a Nielsen household rating of 10.6, being watched by 17.3 million people in its initial broadcast. The episode received mostly positive reviews from critics, although some", "psg_id": "11475273" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "drink before sending her back to bed. He empties the first house of all the food and Christmas-related items, namely presents, the tree, decorations and even the stockings on the chimney, then repeats the process at the other houses in Whoville, while also taking the village decorations. With the Whos' stolen Christmas goods, the Grinch and Max travel back up Mt. Crumpit. Before dropping the loaded sleigh off the mountain, the Grinch waits to hear a sad cry from the Whos. However, down in the village, the Whos joyously begin to sing Christmas carols, proving that the spirit of Christmas", "psg_id": "7902043" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "to erect before he leaves. The mayor then shames Cindy Lou for inviting the Grinch. Since the Grinch's attack has failed to crush the Whos' Christmas spirit, he concocts a plan to steal all of their presents, decorations, and food while they are sleeping. Creating a Santa suit and powered sleigh, and dressing his dog Max as a reindeer, the Grinch descends to Whoville and steals all of the Christmas gifts. When Cindy Lou catches him stealing the tree, he tells her he is taking it to Santa's workshop for repair of a defective light. On Christmas morning, the Whos", "psg_id": "7707210" }, { "title": "How the 'A' Stole Christmas", "text": "a 0.9 rating among adults aged 18–49, according to Nielsen Media Research. This Holiday special is the one with the lowest audience in the series. How the 'A' Stole Christmas \"How the 'A' Stole Christmas\" is the thirteenth episode of the fifth season and 108th episode overall of the mystery drama television series \"Pretty Little Liars\", which aired on December 9, 2014, on the cable network ABC Family. The episode was the series' first Christmas special and aired as part of the programming block \"25 Days of Christmas\". It was directed by I. Marlene King and co-written by King and", "psg_id": "19607063" }, { "title": "The Bolt Who Screwed Christmas", "text": "The Bolt Who Screwed Christmas The Bolt Who Screwed Christmas is an independent animated short film and a parody of \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\" written and directed by John Wardlaw and animated by Adny Angrand. The film features the final performance of actor Jonathan Harris and co-stars Tress MacNeille. The film also features an original score by Gary Stockdale and music by director John Wardlaw's band, Anti-m. Written in 1997, the script was presented to Jonathan Harris in 1998 though it was not until 2000 that his voice work was actually recorded. Harris died in 2002, long before the", "psg_id": "14690055" }, { "title": "The Bolt Who Screwed Christmas", "text": "of short films and music videos by Wardlaw. The DVD bonus features include early animations and audio out takes. The film was licensed to ShortsHD and ShortsTV in 2014. The Bolt Who Screwed Christmas The Bolt Who Screwed Christmas is an independent animated short film and a parody of \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\" written and directed by John Wardlaw and animated by Adny Angrand. The film features the final performance of actor Jonathan Harris and co-stars Tress MacNeille. The film also features an original score by Gary Stockdale and music by director John Wardlaw's band, Anti-m. Written in 1997,", "psg_id": "14690058" }, { "title": "How the Sith Stole Christmas", "text": "How the Sith Stole Christmas How the Sith Stole Christmas is an animated fan film from that made its debut on the internet in December 2002. Written and directed by Ted Bracewell, the film tells the story of the Emperor's plans to invade the North Pole and take Santa Claus prisoner. Melvin the Elf ends up in the thick of things, and must help rescue Santa. Darth Vader is sent on a separate mission to destroy Christmas for the Ewok inhabitants of Endor, but when an unexpected chain of events leaves him stranded on the planet, Vader is confronted by", "psg_id": "7602969" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "the United States, \"The Grinch\" opened at number-one on its opening day, making $15.6 million, with a weekend gross of $55.0 million, for an average of $17,615 from 3,127 theaters. The film held the record for the highest opening weekend for a Christmas-themed film until the 2018 film version of \"The Grinch\" passed it with $67.6 million. In its second weekend, the film grossed $52.1 million, dropping only 5.1%, settling a new record for highest-grossing second weekend for any film. The film stayed at the top of the box office for four weekends until it was overtaken by \"What Women", "psg_id": "7707221" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "Who reminds him of his childhood humiliation by giving him an electric shaver as a present, then publicly proposes marriage to Martha May, giving her a large ring and promising her a new car. In response, the Grinch berates the Whos, telling them that Christmas is only about gifts that they will end up throwing in the garbage, which is dumped on Mount Crumpit near his home. He proceeds to ruin the party by burning down the town's Christmas tree and causing chaos throughout Whoville. His actions prove fruitless, as the Whos have a spare tree, which they are able", "psg_id": "7707209" }, { "title": "How the Sith Stole Christmas", "text": "Magazine\", which called the film a \"standout\" in the genre. How the Sith Stole Christmas How the Sith Stole Christmas is an animated fan film from that made its debut on the internet in December 2002. Written and directed by Ted Bracewell, the film tells the story of the Emperor's plans to invade the North Pole and take Santa Claus prisoner. Melvin the Elf ends up in the thick of things, and must help rescue Santa. Darth Vader is sent on a separate mission to destroy Christmas for the Ewok inhabitants of Endor, but when an unexpected chain of events", "psg_id": "7602972" }, { "title": "How the Ghosts Stole Christmas", "text": "[and] classic comedy episodes including, \"How The Ghosts Stole Christmas.\" called \"How the Ghosts Stole Christmas\" a \"classic\" standalone episode. \"SFX\" named the episode the sixth best \"SF [Sci-Fi] & Fantasy Christmas Episodes\" and noted that it was full of \"classic lines, some neat tricks\". Zack Handlen from \"The A.V. Club\" gave the episode a largely positive review and awarded it a grade of an A. He noted that the episode was written in a similar manner to the earlier, Carter-penned \"The Post-Modern Prometheus\". Handlen wrote that both entries \"have a gleeful, everybody-gets-out-okay-in-the-end vibe\". He, however, concluded that the", "psg_id": "11475288" }, { "title": "How the Griffin Stole Christmas", "text": "of 3.05 million viewers, a decrease from the previous episode, and making it the second most-watched show of the night, behind \"The Simpsons\". Jake Beamer of \"Bubbleblabber\" gave the episode an 8/10. How the Griffin Stole Christmas \"How the Griffin Stole Christmas\" is the ninth episode of the fifteenth season of the animated sitcom \"Family Guy\", and the 278th episode overall. It aired on Fox in the United States on December 11, 2016, and is written by Aaron Lee and directed by Julius Wu. The plot follows Peter turning into a Mall Santa and realizing he can do whatever he", "psg_id": "19800298" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "slide over the edge of the cliff, he desperately strains to save them, but cannot. He then sees Cindy Lou on top of the sleigh because she has come to spend Christmas with him. Motivated to save not just gifts but a life, the Grinch finds the strength to lift the loaded sleigh and Cindy Lou to safety. They then ride the sleigh down the mountain to return the gifts. The Grinch confesses to the burglary, apologizes, and surrenders himself to the police chief. The chief accepts the Grinch's apology, and refuses to follow the mayor's desire to have the", "psg_id": "7707212" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!", "text": "animated feature film, titled \"The Grinch\" directed by Scott Mosier and Yarrow Cheney and starring Benedict Cumberbatch as the Grinch. It was originally scheduled to be released on November 10, 2017, but in June 2016, it was pushed back to November 9, 2018. Several audio recordings and audio-visual adaptations of the book have also been published. In 1975, Zero Mostel narrated an LP record of the story. In 1992, Random House Home Video released an updated animated version of the book narrated by Walter Matthau. In 2009, an interactive e-book version was released for the iPhone. A musical stage version", "psg_id": "13423894" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "and labeled as a \"50th Birthday Deluxe Edition\". That labeling refers to the 1957 date of the book's publication rather than to the date of the 1966 TV special. This DVD release featured a new retrospective featurette and contained all the bonus features from the previous release, except for the audio commentary, and the Grinch was restored to his original green color. This edition is also available as part of the four-disc \"Classic Christmas Favorites\" box set. The special was again re-released on DVD with Phil Roman's and June Foray's audio commentary replacing the \"Horton Hears a Who!\" bonus special.", "psg_id": "7902052" }, { "title": "The Grimm Who Stole Christmas", "text": "The Grimm Who Stole Christmas \"The Grimm Who Stole Christmas\" is the 7th episode of season 4 of the supernatural drama television series \"Grimm\" and the 73rd episode overall, which premiered on December 5, 2014, on the cable network NBC. The episode was written by Dan E. Fesman and was directed by John Gray. Opening quote: \"I have but to swallow this, and be for the rest of my days persecuted by a legion of goblins, all of my own creation. Humbug, I'll tell you; humbug!\" At a Christmas party, the couple hosting the party have there doorbell rang with", "psg_id": "19915847" }, { "title": "How the Ghosts Stole Christmas", "text": "episode. Carter agreed to meet her and the two discussed possible ideas for futures episodes. After several years of thinking, Carter decided to write \"How the Ghosts Stole Christmas\" largely as a vehicle for her. Originally, Carter wanted Bob Newhart to play the part of Maurice. However, Newhart was not interested, and so the production team approached Ed Asner, who readily agreed to take part in the episode. The production for the episode was bare-bones, making use of only a few sets. Because of this, \"How the Ghosts Stole Christmas\" was the cheapest sixth season episode; however, the reduction in", "psg_id": "11475282" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "of his trailer, wanting to quit the film. The production brought in a CIA operative who instructed agents how to endure extreme torture techniques to coach Carrey to remain calm during the process. The process was later refined so that it took only two and a half hours in the morning getting in, and one hour in the evening to get out. In total, Carrey spent 92 days in the Grinch make-up, and became a \"Zen Master\" while sitting in the make-up chair. The actors who played the Whos were a large task for Baker and his crew, which made", "psg_id": "7707219" }, { "title": "The Grimm Who Stole Christmas", "text": "another baby storyline, but it's a way to keep Juliette in the show I suppose, without having to write in her veterinary skills to aid the plot.\" The Grimm Who Stole Christmas \"The Grimm Who Stole Christmas\" is the 7th episode of season 4 of the supernatural drama television series \"Grimm\" and the 73rd episode overall, which premiered on December 5, 2014, on the cable network NBC. The episode was written by Dan E. Fesman and was directed by John Gray. Opening quote: \"I have but to swallow this, and be for the rest of my days persecuted by a", "psg_id": "19915857" }, { "title": "The Grinch (film)", "text": "film a positive review, calling it \"full of warmth and wit\" and writing, \"Purists may balk about revisiting this tale, but \"The Grinch\" earns its laughter and its sentiment, both of which are plentiful. It's a full-throated Fah-Who-Foraze.\" Owen Gleiberman of \"Variety\" compared the film favorably to the 2000 live-action version, writing, \"For anyone who grew up with \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas,\" \"The Grinch\" won’t replace it, yet it's nimble and affectionate in a way that can hook today's children, and more than a few adults, by conjuring a feeling that comes close enough. By the end, your own", "psg_id": "19559658" }, { "title": "Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical", "text": "occurrence for Broadway shows. Cast 2006 season 2007 season A limited-engagement tour ran during the Christmas season of 2008. The musical started at the Hippodrome in Baltimore from November 11 to 23, and then played the Citi Performing Arts Center Wang Theatre in Boston from November 26 to December 28. Matt August directed the show, with John DeLuca as original choreographer and Bob Richard as co-choreographer. The cast included Stefán Karl Stefánsson (who was best known for playing Robbie Rotten on the children's TV series \"LazyTown\") starring as the Grinch, Walter Charles as Old Max, and Andrew Keenan-Bolger as Young", "psg_id": "9175849" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "does not depend on material things. The Grinch begins to understand the true meaning of Christmas, though he barely does so in time to prevent the stolen treats from going over the cliff and while he tries to stop the sleigh from falling off, his heart grows three sizes—granting him \"the strength of ten Grinches, plus two!\", which he needs to lift up the sleigh. He brings everything back to the Whos and participates in the holiday feast. He is given the honor of carving the roast beast, while Max gets the first slice for himself for all his troubles.", "psg_id": "7902044" }, { "title": "Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical", "text": "Francisco. Stefán Karl again performed as the Grinch, with Bob Lauder as Old Max, Seth Bazacas as Young Max, Brance Cornelius as Papa Who, and Serena Brook as Mama Who and Brooke Lynn Boyd as Cindy Lou Who. In 2012, the production toured North America playing in Bloomington, Hartford, Richmond, Chicago and Detroit, with Stefán Karl performing as the Grinch. In 2013, the production toured North America playing in Cincinnati, Durham, Rochester, Buffalo and San Antonio, with Stefán Karl performing as the Grinch. In 2014, the production toured North America with showings planned in Springfield, Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Albuquerque, Salt", "psg_id": "9175851" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "give him points for what was obviously a supreme effort.\" Paul Clinton of CNN declared that Carrey \"was born to play this role\" and noted that \"Carrey carries nearly every scene. In fact, if he's not in the scene, there is no scene. Owen Gleiberman of \"Entertainment Weekly\" began his review of the film analyzing the Grinch's \"mischievously divided, now-I'm-calm/ now-I'm-a-raving-sarcastic-PSYCH-o! personality\" and summed up Carrey's Grinch as \"a slobby, self-loathing elitist ruled by the secret fear that he's always being left out of things.\" Gleiberman expressed surprise at \"how affecting Carrey makes the Grinch's ultimate big-hearted turnaround, as Carrey", "psg_id": "7707224" }, { "title": "How Lily Stole Christmas", "text": "How Lily Stole Christmas \"How Lily Stole Christmas\" is the 11th episode in the second season of the television series \"How I Met Your Mother\". It originally aired on December 11, 2006. Ted has decided to spend Christmas in his home this year with \"his other family\". He doesn't want to spend it with his mom and her new boyfriend, Clint; or his dad and his new 'girlfriend', microbrewing; or his super-religious cousin, Stacy, in Staten Island. While Lily decorates his apartment, Marshall says he must go to the law library to finish one last paper that is due that", "psg_id": "10241536" }, { "title": "Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical", "text": "Max. In 2009, the musical was produced at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood, California, and ran from November 10, 2009 to December 27, 2009. Stefán Karl reprised his role from the tour as the Grinch, with John Larroquette as Old Max, Kayley Stallings and Issadora Ava Tulalian as Cindy Lou Who, and James Royce as Young Max. In 2010, a North American tour ran in the cities of Omaha, Houston, Dallas, Tempe and Toronto. Stefán Karl performed as the Grinch and Brooke Lynn Boyd as Cindy Lou Who. In 2011, the tour played Providence, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, St. Louis and San", "psg_id": "9175850" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "Phillips and John Davis in attendance, in which Jack Nicholson was in mind to play the Grinch. Additionally, the Farrelly brothers and John Hughes pitched their own separate versions. Universal Pictures held its pitch presentation with Brian Grazer and Gary Ross in attendance, but Geisel refused such offer. Grazer then enlisted his producing partner Ron Howard to help with the negotiations. At the time, Howard was developing a film adaptation of \"The Sea-Wolf\", and did not express interest in \"Grinch\", but Grazer talked Howard into traveling to Geisel's residence for the pitch meeting. While studying the book, Howard became interested", "psg_id": "7707215" }, { "title": "The Grinch (film)", "text": "Santa Claus to help her mother but after encountering the Grinch, who sarcastically says that she'll have to talk to Santa face-to-face about it, she eventually decides to try and trap Santa with the help of her friends. With Christmas just around the corner, all the Whoville festivities force the Grinch to recall his sad childhood spent mostly alone and unwanted in a run down orphanage. The Grinch soon decides that he will steal Christmas from Whoville to assuage his distress. He acquires a fat reindeer whom he calls Fred to help him pull a sleigh that he stole from", "psg_id": "19559647" }, { "title": "Where Are You, Christmas?", "text": "Where Are You, Christmas? \"Christmas, Why Can't I Find You?\" is a song co-written by James Horner, Will Jennings and Mariah Carey, for the movie \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas\" in 2000. In the movie, it is first sung by Taylor Momsen, who played Cindy Lou Who. A longer version of this song, called \"Where Are You, Christmas?\", was co-written by Horner, Jennings and Carey. The song was originally recorded by Carey, but because of a legal case with her ex-husband Tommy Mottola, it could not be released, so it was re-recorded and released by Faith Hill. A video was", "psg_id": "7481719" }, { "title": "How the 'A' Stole Christmas", "text": "showrunner I. Marlene King, who also served as a writer alongside with Kyle Bown; the episode serves as King's fourth writing credit on the season, and the first directing. The title of the episode was revealed by King as an answer for a fan on the platform Reddit. The table-read for the episode occurred on July 14, 2014. Filming for the episode commenced on July 16 and wrapped on July 25, 2014. In the United States, \"How the 'A' Stole Christmas\" was first aired on December 9, 2014, and it achieved a viewership of 2.09 million Americans. The episode garnered", "psg_id": "19607062" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "were credited at the time. On December 18, 1966, MGM released a soundtrack LP in conjunction with the television special. CD releases include albums produced by Island (1995) and Mercury Records. In the recorded version, Boris Karloff does all voices including Cindy Lou Who. The song \"You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch\", which comically describes the level of the Grinch's despicable nature, includes all verses with their original rhyming lyrics and the isolated song tracks have different durations due to being re-recorded. On October 5, 1999, Rhino Entertainment released a new CD soundtrack (which included the soundtrack for another Dr.", "psg_id": "7902054" }, { "title": "How the Ghosts Stole Christmas", "text": "Frank Spotnitz had been working on, featuring a haunted house. Featuring the smallest cast of an \"X-Files\" episode—with only four actors—and a single set, \"How the Ghosts Stole Christmas\" was the cheapest sixth season episode. The drastic reduction in the budget, however, put more strain on the main actors. Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) reluctantly responds to Fox Mulder's (David Duchovny) call on Christmas Eve to investigate a haunted house in Maryland. He explains that during Christmas of 1917, a young couple living in the house agreed to a lovers' pact, one killing the other and the remaining one committing suicide.", "psg_id": "11475275" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "be willing to pay $5 million for the material and hand over 4 percent of the box-office gross, 50 percent of the merchandising revenue and music-related material, and 70 percent of the income from book tie-ins. The letter also stated that \"any actor submitted for the Grinch must be of comparable stature to Jack Nicholson, Jim Carrey, Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman.\" Additionally, it was stipulated that the estate would not consider a director or writer who hadn't earned at least $1 million on a previous picture. 20th Century Fox pitched its version with director Tom Shadyac and producers Dave", "psg_id": "7707214" }, { "title": "Halloween Is Grinch Night", "text": "Halloween Is Grinch Night Halloween Is Grinch Night (titled It's Grinch Night for the 1992 videocassette release and Grinch Night for the sing-a-long videocasette release) is a 1977 Halloween television special and is the prequel to \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\". It won the 1978 Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Children's Program. It premiered on ABC on October 29, 1977. In Whoville, on a night known as \"Grinch Night\", which commences when a \"Sour-Sweet Wind\" blows and a chain of events causes the Gree-Grumps and Hakken-Krakks to prompt The Grinch into terrorizing the Whos, as he believes such nights are", "psg_id": "7810434" }, { "title": "How the Ghosts Stole Christmas", "text": "on Sound\" called the episode \"one of the best Christmas episodes of any series.\" The review called “How the Ghosts Stole Christmas,” \"an extremely creative, arguably bitter Holiday treat, perfect for [Christmas] with its blend of horror, comedy and hints of romance.\" \"Static Mass\" writer Patrick Samuel awarded the episode five stars and said, \"As [Mulder and Scully] gleefully unwrap their presents at the end, this episode is something that really makes my own Christmases feel that little bit more complete.\" \"Den of Geek\" writer Juliette Harrisson, in a review of \"Monday,\" said, \"Season six included some more excellent episodes", "psg_id": "11475287" }, { "title": "How the Ghosts Stole Christmas", "text": "not used for awhile. However, Carter, wanting to keep the haunted house motif, decided to set the episode in a haunted house and asked Kaplan to design a mansion set that was \"bleak, but not too bleak [...] decrepit, but not too decrepit,\" and \"deserted, but not too deserted.\" At the time, \"How the Ghosts Stole Christmas\" featured the smallest cast in \"X-Files\" history, with only David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, and the two guest stars interacting. Lily Tomlin, who played the part of Lyda, had originally approached \"The X-Files\" producers several seasons prior and asked to be cast in an", "psg_id": "11475281" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)", "text": "songs and animated sequences without words (the longest being an extended scene in which the Grinch and Max comically descend into Whoville) were added. As all the major networks had flipped to full color schedules by 1966, the special was likewise produced in color, establishing the Grinch's color (white in the two-tone illustrations of the original book) as green, a convention used in later television specials featuring the character as well as the 2000 and 2018 film adaptations. The half-hour (with commercials) short was originally telecast in the United States on CBS on December 18, 1966. CBS repeated it annually", "psg_id": "7902047" }, { "title": "How the Ghosts Stole Christmas", "text": "of households watching television, were tuned in to the episode. It was viewed by 17.30 million viewers. The episode aired in the United Kingdom and Ireland on Sky1 on April 11, 1999 and received 0.70 million viewers and was the fourth most watched episode that week. Fox promoted the episode with the tagline \"This holiday season... share the gift of terror.\" Corey Kaplan later won an award of excellence from the Society of Motion Picture and Television Art Directors for his work on \"How the Ghosts Stole Christmas.\" The episode received mostly positive reviews from critics, with some detractors. \"Sight", "psg_id": "11475286" }, { "title": "A Very Glee Christmas", "text": "Jackson (Lauren Potter), and Blaine, lead singer of the Dalton Academy Warblers. \"A Very Glee Christmas\" features cover versions of seven Christmas songs: \"The Most Wonderful Day of the Year\" from \"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer\", performed by New Directions; \"We Need a Little Christmas\" from \"Mame\", with Amber Riley on lead vocals; Frank Loesser's \"Baby, It's Cold Outside\", sung by Criss and Colfer; \"Merry Christmas Darling\" by The Carpenters, sung by Michele, \"Last Christmas\" by Wham!, sung by Michele and Monteith; and \"Welcome Christmas\" from \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\", also by New Directions. Another song from \"How the Grinch", "psg_id": "15096887" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 film)", "text": "constructed on the backlot of Universal Studios behind the Bates Motel set from \"Psycho\". Rick Baker was hired to design and create the film's prosthetic makeup for Carrey and the rest of the cast. It took a number of tests, and ultimately Carrey admiring a photo of Baker in his first test makeup, for the decision to use Baker's original makeup design. The Grinch suit was covered in yak hair, dyed green and sewed onto a spandex suit. The first application of the makeup took up to 8 hours, after which a frustrated Carrey kicked a hole in the wall", "psg_id": "7707218" }, { "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!", "text": "was produced by the Old Globe Theatre, San Diego in 1998. It also was produced on Broadway and a limited-engagement US tour in 2008. The North American Tour began in the fall of 2010 and has subsequently toured every fall since. The book was adapted into a 13-minute song, performed by the Boston Pops Orchestra, arranged by Danny Troob, and featuring bassist Reid Burton and actor Will LeBow narrating it on the Boston Pops's 2013 CD, \"A Boston Pops Christmas – Live from Symphony Hall with Keith Lockhart\". As of 2005, the book had been translated into nine languages, including", "psg_id": "13423895" } ]
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if misogyny is the hatred of women, what is the hatred of men?
[ { "title": "Misogyny", "text": "as \"hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women\". In 2012, primarily in response to events occurring in the Australian Parliament, the Macquarie Dictionary (which documents Australian English and New Zealand English) expanded the definition to include not only hatred of women but also \"entrenched prejudices against women\". The counterpart of misogyny is misandry, the hatred or dislike of men; the antonym of misogyny is philogyny, the love or fondness of women. In his book \"City of Sokrates: An Introduction to Classical Athens\", J.W. Roberts argues that older than tragedy and comedy was a misogynistic tradition in Greek literature, reaching back at", "psg_id": "258053" } ]
[ { "title": "Misogyny", "text": "Misogyny Misogyny () is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls. Misogyny is manifest in numerous ways, including social exclusion, sex discrimination, hostility, androcentrism, patriarchy, male privilege, belittling of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification. Misogyny can be found within sacred texts of religions, mythologies, and Western philosophies. According to sociologist Allan G. Johnson, \"misogyny is a cultural attitude of hatred for females because they are female\". Johnson argues that: Sociologist Michael Flood at the University of Wollongong defines misogyny as the hatred of women, and notes: Dictionaries define misogyny as \"hatred of women\" and", "psg_id": "258052" }, { "title": "Misogyny", "text": "to its opposite which he terms philogyny. Criticizing R. W. Connell's theory of hegemonic masculinities, he shows how philogynous masculinities play out among youth in Maputo, Mozambique. Misogyny Misogyny () is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls. Misogyny is manifest in numerous ways, including social exclusion, sex discrimination, hostility, androcentrism, patriarchy, male privilege, belittling of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification. Misogyny can be found within sacred texts of religions, mythologies, and Western philosophies. According to sociologist Allan G. Johnson, \"misogyny is a cultural attitude of hatred for females because they are female\". Johnson", "psg_id": "258086" }, { "title": "Hatred", "text": "Hatred Hatred or hate is a human emotion. Hatred could invoke feelings of animosity, anger or resentment, which can be directed against certain individuals, groups, entities, objects, behaviors, concepts, or ideas. Hatred is often associated with feelings of anger, disgust and a disposition towards the source of hostility. As an emotion, hatred can be short-lived or long-lasting. It can be of low intensity - 'I hate broccoli' - or high intensity: 'I hate the whole world'. Robert Steinberg saw three main elements in hatred: The important self-protective function, to be found in hatred, can be illustrated by Steinberg's analysis of", "psg_id": "12471653" }, { "title": "Hatred", "text": "it \"brings a process to completion\". <poem>I study hatred with great diligence, For that's a passion in my own control, A sort of besom that can clear the soul Of everything that is not mind or sense.\"</poem> Hatred Hatred or hate is a human emotion. Hatred could invoke feelings of animosity, anger or resentment, which can be directed against certain individuals, groups, entities, objects, behaviors, concepts, or ideas. Hatred is often associated with feelings of anger, disgust and a disposition towards the source of hostility. As an emotion, hatred can be short-lived or long-lasting. It can be of low intensity", "psg_id": "12471661" }, { "title": "Misogyny", "text": "hatred of women with hatred of humanity generally, and even hatred of wine. \"It was the prevailing medical opinion of his day that wine strengthens body and soul alike.\" So Chrysippus, like his fellow stoic Antipater, views misogyny negatively, as a disease; a dislike of something that is good. It is this issue of conflicted or alternating emotions that was philosophically contentious to the ancient writers. Ricardo Salles suggests that the general stoic view was that \"[a] man may not only alternate between philogyny and misogyny, philanthropy and misanthropy, but be prompted to each by the other.\" Aristotle has also", "psg_id": "258056" }, { "title": "Misogyny Speech", "text": "Many single mothers interviewed by Anwen Crawford for Meanjin were similarly critical of the speech's timing. After Gillard's speech went viral, the Macquarie Dictionary updated its definition of the term \"misogyny\". Previously defined as a \"hatred of women\" by the Australian dictionary, misogyny now encompasses \"entrenched prejudices of women\". Director of The Australian National Dictionary Centre in Canberra, Dr Laugesen said the broader definition has a long history, with the original Oxford English Dictionary defining misogyny as \"hatred or dislike or prejudice against women\" and examples dating back to the 19th century. Misogyny Speech The Misogyny Speech was a parliamentary", "psg_id": "17492407" }, { "title": "Hailey Hatred", "text": "VI tournaments, each time losing her opening match in the tournament. On November 18, 2005, Hatred defeated Mickie Knuckles to win the IWA Mid-South Women's Championship. She would lose the title back to Knuckles on February 8, 2006. On May 15, 2009, Hatred defeated Sammi Lane in the finals of a tournament to win the vacant Absolute Intense Wrestling (AIW) Women's Championship. After a thirteen-month reign, Hatred was stripped of the title on June 27, 2010, when she no-showed a title defense against Jefferson Saint. On June 6, 2009, Hatred began working for Women Superstars Uncensored (WSU), where she formed", "psg_id": "16301623" }, { "title": "Self-hatred", "text": "Self-hatred Self-hatred (also called self loathing) refers to an extreme dislike or hatred of oneself, or being angry at or even prejudiced against oneself. The term is also used to designate a dislike or hatred of a group, family, social class, or stereotype to which one belongs and/or has. For instance, \"ethnic self-hatred\" is the extreme dislike of one's ethnic group or cultural classification. It may be associated with aspects of autophobia. The term \"self-hatred\" is used infrequently by psychologists and psychiatrists, who would usually describe people who hate themselves as \"persons with low self-esteem\". Self-hatred and shame are important", "psg_id": "3199865" }, { "title": "Self-hatred", "text": "can also lead to depression, and sometimes even suicide. Self-hatred Self-hatred (also called self loathing) refers to an extreme dislike or hatred of oneself, or being angry at or even prejudiced against oneself. The term is also used to designate a dislike or hatred of a group, family, social class, or stereotype to which one belongs and/or has. For instance, \"ethnic self-hatred\" is the extreme dislike of one's ethnic group or cultural classification. It may be associated with aspects of autophobia. The term \"self-hatred\" is used infrequently by psychologists and psychiatrists, who would usually describe people who hate themselves as", "psg_id": "3199877" }, { "title": "Ethnic hatred", "text": "Ethnic hatred Ethnic hatred, inter-ethnic hatred, racial hatred, or ethnic tension refers to feelings and acts of prejudice and hostility towards an ethnic group in various degrees. See list of anti-ethnic and anti-national terms for specific cases. There are multiple origins for ethnic hatred and the resulting ethnic conflicts. In some societies it is rooted in tribalism, while in others it originates from a history of non-peaceful co-existence and the resulting actual disputed issues. Often ethnic conflict is enhanced by nationalism and feeling of national superiority. For which reason inter-ethnic hatred borders with racism, and often the two terms are", "psg_id": "9227875" }, { "title": "Hailey Hatred", "text": "that same day, interfered in a match between her and Del Rey, costing Melissa the JAPW Women's Championship. This led to a match on January 9, 2010, where Del Rey defeated Hatred and Melissa in a three-way match. Hatred's to date final JAPW appearance took place on March 20, 2010, when she unsuccessfully challenged Del Rey for the JAPW Women's Championship in a Street Fight, which received rave reviews from those in attendance. On October 1, 2011, Hatred made her debut for Shimmer Women Athletes, defeating Kalamity on \"Volume 41\". Later that same day, Hatred teamed with Kalamity in a", "psg_id": "16301626" }, { "title": "Misogyny in sports", "text": "be men but also not to be women (California Institute of Integral Studies). In other words, he meant that coaches ensure that young males gain enough strength to face their opponents and discourage these players to fear, which is a character trait associated with femininity. In sporting activities, to be masculine means to possess skills, energy, and toughness in order to become the victor in many tournaments. Misogyny in sports is a significant factor that contributes to shaming, objectifying, and degrading women, regardless of their performance on the playing field. Misogyny refers to hatred or prejudice towards women. It is", "psg_id": "18555996" }, { "title": "Hailey Hatred", "text": "Hailey Hatred Angel Katherine Reece (born November 4, 1983) is a retired American professional wrestler, better known by the ring name Hailey Hatred. Originally debuting in July 2002, Hatred worked for several years for various promotions in both the United States and Mexico, before moving to Japan in late 2010. In 2011, Hatred made her breakthrough to the top of Japanese \"joshi puroresu\" with the JWP Joshi Puroresu promotion, holding the Daily Sports Women's Tag Team, IMW Hybrid Fighting, JWP Openweight, JWP Tag Team, TLW World Women's and TLW World Women's Tag Team Championships simultaneously. During 2012, Hatred began working", "psg_id": "16301620" }, { "title": "Ethnic hatred", "text": "(1917) such as telegraphs, newspapers, photography, radio, film, large corporations seeking new markets, rise of reform-minded journalism, and the influence of art movements, psychology, sociology, and marketing.The variation of propaganda and psychological warfare are essentially organized processes of persuasion. Ethnic hatred Ethnic hatred, inter-ethnic hatred, racial hatred, or ethnic tension refers to feelings and acts of prejudice and hostility towards an ethnic group in various degrees. See list of anti-ethnic and anti-national terms for specific cases. There are multiple origins for ethnic hatred and the resulting ethnic conflicts. In some societies it is rooted in tribalism, while in others it", "psg_id": "9227881" }, { "title": "A Profound Hatred of Man", "text": "A Profound Hatred of Man A Profound Hatred of Man is an extended play by hardcore punk band Shai Hulud, released on February 18, 1997, on the independent label Crisis Records. In 2006, Revelation Records released a remastered version of the album which also includes the material from all of Shai Hulud's split records with bands Indecision, Boy Sets Fire and Another Victim, and some B-sides and covers. On the first 5000 copies, Shai Hulud's name is misspelled on the spine as \"\"Shai Halud\"\", but appears correctly on the cover. In \"If Born From This Soil\", the lyric \"A likeness", "psg_id": "5342568" }, { "title": "Self-hatred", "text": "the latter context it is generally defined as hatred of one's identity based on the demographic in question, as well as a desire to distance oneself from this identity. Some sociology theorists such as Jerry Mander see television programming as being deliberately designed to induce self-hatred, negative body image, and depression, with the advertising then being used to suggest the cure. See also the arguments related to the \"Kill your television\" phenomenon. Some personal self-hatred can be linked to remorse for something a person did or did not do, or as a result of bullying. Many races have faced self-hatred", "psg_id": "3199867" }, { "title": "Hailey Hatred", "text": "2011, Reece stated that she was training for a debut in mixed martial arts. Hailey Hatred Angel Katherine Reece (born November 4, 1983) is a retired American professional wrestler, better known by the ring name Hailey Hatred. Originally debuting in July 2002, Hatred worked for several years for various promotions in both the United States and Mexico, before moving to Japan in late 2010. In 2011, Hatred made her breakthrough to the top of Japanese \"joshi puroresu\" with the JWP Joshi Puroresu promotion, holding the Daily Sports Women's Tag Team, IMW Hybrid Fighting, JWP Openweight, JWP Tag Team, TLW World", "psg_id": "16301643" }, { "title": "Hailey Hatred", "text": "round robin stage of the tournament, Hatred and Yoneyama failed to advance from their block. On April 3, Hatred teamed with Aja Kong to unsuccessfully challenge Haruyama and Kuragaki for not only the Daily Sports Women's Tag Team Championship, but also the JWP Tag Team Championship. On April 17, Hatred entered the 2011 J-1 Grand Prix tournament. After defeating Tsubasa Kuragaki and Kayoko Haruyama in the first two rounds, Hatred advanced to the semifinals of the tournament on June 12, where she successfully defended the TLW World Women's Championship against Sachie Abe. On June 26, Hatred defeated Leon to not", "psg_id": "16301632" }, { "title": "Hailey Hatred", "text": "Ribbon Championship, her first title in Ice Ribbon. Hatred made her first successful title defense just six days later, defeating Aki Shizuku and Hamuko Hoshi. On September 30, Hatred made her debut for World Wonder Ring Stardom, when she was revealed as the first member of Kyoko Kimura's Kimura Monster-gun stable. Hatred made her in-ring debut for Stardom three days later, defeating Saki Kashima. On October 7, Hatred main evented the \"Joshi 4 Hope IV\", event, successfully defending the Remix Pro Women's Championship against MsChif. On October 13, Hatred picked up her arguably biggest win in Ice Ribbon, when she", "psg_id": "16301637" }, { "title": "Ethnic hatred", "text": "advocating for hatred and violence. Today, Social Media plays a role in ethnic conflicts in Kenya. Ethnicity is a big part in determining voting patterns in Kenya; however, many associate ethnicity with grievances that mobilize patterns of differences, hatred, and violence. Along with mass media, propaganda plays as much role in distributing messages in terms of ethnic hatred. Propaganda is highly associated with totalitarian regimes in the twentieth century such as 1984 and Animal Farm by George Orwell that paved a way of commentating the regimes during the time.However, propaganda is dangerous when utilized negatively. In original meaning, propaganda promotes", "psg_id": "9227879" }, { "title": "Hailey Hatred", "text": "in a rematch, where any outside interference would result in a one-year suspension from WSU. Hatred and Havok lost the WSU Tag Team Championship, when Orsini pinned Havok for the win. Hatred has not returned to WSU since. On May 9, 2009, Hatred made her debut for Jersey All Pro Wrestling (JAPW), taking part in a battle royal, where she was the last competitor pinned by the winner, Sara Del Rey. Hatred returned to the promotion on September 12 to unsuccessfully challenge Del Rey for the JAPW Women's Championship. On November 14, Hatred was defeated by Cheerleader Melissa and, later", "psg_id": "16301625" }, { "title": "Hailey Hatred", "text": "the tag team \"Havok & Hatred\" with Jessicka Havok. In their first WSU match, Hatred and Havok unsuccessfully challenged Alicia and Brooke Carter for the WSU Tag Team Championship. On August 22, Hatred and Havok defeated Alicia and Carter in a rematch to become the new WSU Tag Team Champions. Hatred and Havok dominated the WSU tag team division for the following months, building up to a title match on October 3, where they retained the title against Angel Orsini and Mercedes Martinez, following interference from their new ally Rain. On November 7, Hatred and Havok faced Orsini and Martinez", "psg_id": "16301624" }, { "title": "Hatred (film)", "text": "Hatred (film) Hatred () is a 1977 Soviet film directed by Samvel Gasparov. This drama explores the way that war tears families apart. This is a recurring theme in American Westerns, for example in \"The Searchers\" in which John Wayne's character Ethan Edwards' homecoming is marred by bitterness at the Confederate defeat in the American Civil War and turns him into a revenge obsessed vigilante. \"Hatred\" is set in a small village in the Ukraine, in which dying man Bulgya tries to reconcile his three estranged sons, who have been scattered by the Russian Civil War. The elder son, Stepan", "psg_id": "3121203" }, { "title": "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?", "text": "that slavery could be eliminated with the support of the church, and also with the reexamination of what the Bible was actually saying. You profess to believe, \"that, of one blood, God made all nations of men to dwell on the face of all the earth,\" and hath commanded all men everywhere to love one another; yet you notoriously hate (and glory in your hatred) all men whose skins are not colored like your own. Douglass wants his audience to realize that they are not living up to their proclaimed beliefs. He talks about how they, being Americans, are proud", "psg_id": "18963061" }, { "title": "Ethnic hatred", "text": "conflated. Ethnic hatred has often been exploited and even fueled by some political leaders to serve their agenda of seeking to consolidate the nation or gain electorate by calling for a united struggle against a common enemy (real or imaginary). In many countries incitement to ethnic or racial hatred is a criminal offense. Media persuasion plays a role in dissemination of ethnic hatred. Media presence spreads underlying messages that negatively portrays certain ethnic groups to the eye of the public. For example, political elites use media exposure to influence the views of the viewers towards a certain propaganda. In 1930s", "psg_id": "9227876" }, { "title": "Self-hatred", "text": "factors in some or many mental disorders, especially disorders that involve a perceived defect of oneself (e.g. body dysmorphic disorder). Self-hatred is also a symptom of many personality disorders, including borderline personality disorder, as well as depression. It can also be linked to guilt for someone's own actions that they view as wrongful, e.g., self-guilt, survivor guilt. The term self-hatred can refer to either a strong dislike for oneself, one's own actions, or a strong dislike or hatred of one's own race, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, or any other group of which one may be a member. When used in", "psg_id": "3199866" }, { "title": "Hatred of a Minute", "text": "film was budgeted at an estimated $300,000. The film's title comes from a line of an Edgar Allan Poe poem on which the film's story is based. Hatred of a Minute Hatred of a Minute is a 2002 thriller film directed by and starring Michael Kallio and produced by Bruce Campbell. Kallio co-wrote the script with Lisa Jesswein who also appears in the movie. Producer Campbell also makes a brief cameo in the film. Eric Seaver is a young man that was abused as a child. He has since grown up to become a serial killer with a steady job", "psg_id": "7235998" }, { "title": "Hatred of a Minute", "text": "Hatred of a Minute Hatred of a Minute is a 2002 thriller film directed by and starring Michael Kallio and produced by Bruce Campbell. Kallio co-wrote the script with Lisa Jesswein who also appears in the movie. Producer Campbell also makes a brief cameo in the film. Eric Seaver is a young man that was abused as a child. He has since grown up to become a serial killer with a steady job and a fiancé. As Eric's killings become more frequent, his stable life is threatened and his rage begins to take over any sanity he had left. The", "psg_id": "7235997" }, { "title": "Hatred (video game)", "text": "visuals component, while criticized its repetitiveness and poor artificial intelligence; likewise IGN Spain praised the game's visuals and scenario's destructibility but panned its A.I. and poor plot. Upon launch, \"Hatred\" quickly became a best seller on Steam, and it holds a \"Mostly Positive\" response on the site. Hatred (video game) Hatred is an isometric shoot 'em up video game developed and published by Destructive Creations that was released on June 1, 2015 on Microsoft Windows. The player-character is a misanthropic mass-killer who begins a \"genocide crusade\" to kill as many human beings as possible. The developer described \"Hatred\" as a", "psg_id": "18358626" }, { "title": "Hailey Hatred", "text": "Wrestling, Independent Wrestling Association Mid-South, Midwest Regional Wrestling and Totally Lethal Wrestling, Reece changed her ring name to Hailey Hatred. Hatred won her first title on June 6, 2004, when she became the inaugural Totally Lethal Wrestling (TLW) World Women's Champion. Though TLW went out of business later that year, Hatred continues to hold the TLW World Women's Championship to this day with a reign of days. On October 29, 2004, Hatred took part in the inaugural ChickFight tournament, losing to Nikki Roxx in the first round. She has since returned to take part in the ChickFight III, IV and", "psg_id": "16301622" }, { "title": "Hailey Hatred", "text": "Team Champions. On December 23, Hatred won the Christmas Cup battle royal to earn a future shot at the Daily Sports Women's Tag Team Championship. At the end of the year, Hatred was awarded the Enemy Award, an annual prize handed to the top \"outside\" wrestler in JWP. On January 16, 2011, Hatred entered the Tag League the Best tournament, teaming with Kaori Yoneyama as Queens Revolution. In their first match in the tournament, Hatred and Yoneyama unsuccessfully challenged Kayoko Haruyama and Tsubasa Kuragaki for the Daily Sports Women's Tag Team Championship. Despite winning their two remaining matches in the", "psg_id": "16301631" }, { "title": "Hailey Hatred", "text": "(Natsuki☆Taiyo and Yoshiko) to win the Goddess of Stardom Championship. Hatred and Kimura lost the title to Ho-Show Tennyo (Kairi Hojo and Natsumi Showzuki) in their first defense on April 29 at \"Ryōgoku Cinderella\", with Hatred suffering her first pinfall loss in Stardom in the process. On May 5, Hatred and Aki Shizuku produced their own independent event, titled \"Queen Bee 1st\", in Itabashi, Tokyo, which saw the two defeat Command Bolshoi and Rabbit Miu in the main event to become the new TLW World Women's Tag Team Champions. On June 23, Hatred, along with Kimura Monster-gun stablemates Christina Von", "psg_id": "16301641" }, { "title": "Hailey Hatred", "text": "losing effort against the team of Melanie Cruise and Mena Libra on \"Volume 42\". Hatred returned to Shimmer on March 17, 2012, when she and Kalamity defeated Kana and LuFisto in a tag team match on \"Volume 45\". Later that same day on \"Volume 46\", Hatred and Kalamity unsuccessfully challenged Ayako Hamada and Ayumi Kurihara for the Shimmer Tag Team Championship. The following day on \"Volume 47\", Hatred was defeated by Mercedes Martinez in a singles match. Later that day on \"Volume 48\", Hatred and Kalamity were defeated by Christina Von Eerie and MsChif in a tag team match. In", "psg_id": "16301627" }, { "title": "Hailey Hatred", "text": "Pro Wrestling event, where she defeated Basara. On September 26, Hatred returned to JWP and began working regularly for the promotion. On October 10, Hatred put her AIW Women's Championship on the line in a title vs. title match against JWP Openweight Champion Kaori Yoneyama. After the first match ended in a double knockout, Hatred and Yoneyama wrestled another match, which also ended in a double knockout, meaning that both champions kept their titles. On November 30, Hatred and Yoneyama defeated Cherry Bomb and Sexy Star at a \"Joshi 4 Hope\" event to become the inaugural TLW World Women's Tag", "psg_id": "16301630" }, { "title": "Hailey Hatred", "text": "Unicorn herself was unmasked, when she lost a \"Lucha de Apuestas\" to Angélica. On June 27, Reece, without her mask and using the ring name Hailey Hatred, made an appearance for Lucha Libre AAA World Wide (AAA), teaming with El Brazo to defeat Jesse and Tiffany in a mixed tag team match. During her time in Mexico, Hatred also won the IMW Hybrid Fighting Championship. In July 2007, Hatred made her first trip to Japan, working for the JWP Joshi Puroresu promotion on a two-month-long tour. On July 25, 2010, Hatred returned to Japan, wrestling at a NEO Japan Ladies", "psg_id": "16301629" }, { "title": "Hatred", "text": "'mutinous' hatred, whereby a dependent relationship is repudiated in a quest for autonomy. Sigmund Freud defined hate as an ego state that wishes to destroy the source of its unhappiness, stressing that it was linked to the question of self-preservation. Donald Winnicott highlighted the developmental step involved in hatred, with its recognition of an outside object: \"As compared to magical destruction, aggressive ideas and behaviour take on a positive value, and hate becomes a sign of civilization\". In his wake, Object relations theory has emphasised the importance of recognising hate in the analytic setting: the analyst acknowledges his own hate", "psg_id": "12471654" }, { "title": "A Lethal Dose of American Hatred", "text": "A Lethal Dose of American Hatred A Lethal Dose of American Hatred is the second album by sludge metal band Superjoint Ritual. Former \"touring only\" bassist Hank Williams III played on this album. Nearly every song begins with a count-in by Phil Anselmo. \"Waiting for the Turning Point\" and \"Stealing a Page or Two From Armed & Radical Pagans\" are finished versions of the two bonus demos released on their first album, \"Use Once and Destroy\". \"A Lethal Dose of American Hatred\" is the last full-length studio album until 2016. They disbanded in December 2004 and reformed in October 2014.", "psg_id": "4701127" }, { "title": "Carl Panzram: The Spirit of Hatred and Vengeance", "text": "murder. The film includes footage of Panzram's handwritten papers, Leavenworth Penitentiary, the Clinton Correctional Facility, the Minnesota Correctional Facility – Red Wing, and an exclusive interview with Panzram's jail guard, Henry Lesser. John DiMaggio provides the voice of Carl Panzram. 2012 Director's Choice Award - Chicago Horror Film Festival Carl Panzram: The Spirit of Hatred and Vengeance Carl Panzram: The Spirit of Hatred and Vengeance is a documentary film by John Borowski about the life and death of serial killer Carl Panzram. It is Borowski's third film. A lifelong criminal and serial killer, Carl Panzram befriends Henry Lesser, a young", "psg_id": "11056100" }, { "title": "Carl Panzram: The Spirit of Hatred and Vengeance", "text": "Carl Panzram: The Spirit of Hatred and Vengeance Carl Panzram: The Spirit of Hatred and Vengeance is a documentary film by John Borowski about the life and death of serial killer Carl Panzram. It is Borowski's third film. A lifelong criminal and serial killer, Carl Panzram befriends Henry Lesser, a young jail guard at the Washington, D.C. jail in 1928. After hearing of Panzram's torture, Lesser sends Panzram one dollar and convinces the killer to write his autobiography while secretly supplying him with pencil and paper. Panzram writes over 40,000 words documenting his entire life of incarceration, torture, rape, and", "psg_id": "11056099" }, { "title": "Hatred (video game)", "text": "plant explodes, shaving NYC to the ground and killing millions of people. His mission is thus completed. \"Hatred\" is the first game by Destructive Creations, a video game developer based in Gliwice, Poland. Most of the company's staff previously worked at another Polish developer, The Farm 51. Destructive Creations announced \"Hatred\" on October 16, 2014, releasing the game's controversial trailer. The developer described \"Hatred\" as a reaction to a trend of political correctness in video games, and sought to make a game that eschewed politeness, colorfulness, and games as art. In this way, they sought to make a game that", "psg_id": "18358614" }, { "title": "Self-hatred", "text": "through the form of their own race or ethnicity. Jews are one of the prime examples that experience this type of self-hate. Jews have experienced plenty of hate from Europe and America. Also often quoted were the writings of Lessing, who, in his book, Jewish Self-Hatred (1930), considered this type of hatred pathological, “a manifestation of an over identification with the dominant culture and internalization of its prejudices.” There have been studies from sources stated in the scholarly research, “mental illness in Jews often derived from feelings of inferiority and self-hatred resulting from persecution and their subordinate position in society.”", "psg_id": "3199868" }, { "title": "Hatred (video game)", "text": "Hatred (video game) Hatred is an isometric shoot 'em up video game developed and published by Destructive Creations that was released on June 1, 2015 on Microsoft Windows. The player-character is a misanthropic mass-killer who begins a \"genocide crusade\" to kill as many human beings as possible. The developer described \"Hatred\" as a reaction to video game aesthetic trends such as political correctness, politeness, vivid color, and games as art. Its October 2014 announcement trailer was characterized as \"controversial\" by multiple video game journalists. The game was shortly removed by Valve Corporation from their Steam Greenlight service due to its", "psg_id": "18358609" }, { "title": "Hailey Hatred", "text": "JWP stripping Queens Revolution of all three of their tag team championships as punishment. The year ended with Hatred being given her second Enemy Award in a row. On January 15, 2012, Hatred unsuccessfully challenged Ayumi Kurihara for Mexican promotion Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre's (CMLL) World Women's Championship at a Universal Woman's Pro Wrestling Reina event in Tokyo. In late 2011, Hatred also began making semi-regular appearances for the Ice Ribbon promotion, which led to her teaming with Dorami Nagano to unsuccessfully challenge Hikaru Shida and Maki Narumiya for the International Ribbon Tag Team Championship on January 25, 2012.", "psg_id": "16301635" }, { "title": "Hailey Hatred", "text": "days as they lost both titles to the team of Kyoko Kimura and Sayaka Obihiro on December 19. On December 27, Hatred made her debut for Wrestling New Classic (WNC), teaming with Josh O'Brien and Lin Byron in a six-person tag team match, where they were defeated by Akebono, Makoto and Takuya Kito. On January 5, 2013, Hatred was stripped of the Triangle Ribbon Championship, when her third title defense against Makoto Oishi and Tsukasa Fujimoto ended in a fifteen-minute time limit draw. On January 10, Hatred made her debut for World Woman Pro-Wrestling Diana, when she and fellow American", "psg_id": "16301639" }, { "title": "Hailey Hatred", "text": "Jenny Rose entered a tournament to determine the inaugural Diana Tag Team Champions, from which they were eliminated in the first round by Keiko Aono and Mask de Sun. On January 26, Hatred failed in her attempt to recapture the Triangle Ribbon Championship, when she was eliminated from a tournament for the vacant title by Miyako Matsumoto in a three-way match, which also included Gabai-Ji-chan. The following day, Hatred made her second successful defense of the Remix Pro Women's Championship by defeating Tsubasa Kuragaki at a JWP event. On March 17, Hatred and Kyoko Kimura defeated Kawasaki Katsushika Saikyou Densetsu", "psg_id": "16301640" }, { "title": "Hailey Hatred", "text": "Kuragaki. On November 13, Hatred and Yoneyama defeated Kayoko Haruyama and Tsubasa Kuragaki to retain the TLW World Women's Tag Team Championship and win the Daily Sports Women's and JWP Tag Team Championships, meaning that Hatred now held six championships simultaneously, three in both singles and tag team divisions. On December 23 at JWP's final event of 2011, Hatred lost the JWP Openweight Championship to Tsubasa Kuragaki. The same night was also supposed to feature Yoneyama's retirement match, however, after the match she announced that she had changed her mind and would continue her career. The surprise turn led to", "psg_id": "16301634" }, { "title": "Hailey Hatred", "text": "defeated former ICE×60 Champion Hikaru Shida in a singles match. On October 28 at \"2012 Yokohama Ribbon III\", Hatred defeated Shida and Aki Shizuku via disqualification, after Shida used a \"shinai\" on her, to make her second successful defense of the Triangle Ribbon Championship. On November 28, Hatred and Hamuko Hoshi defeated Shida and Tsukasa Fujimoto to win the International Ribbon Tag Team Championship and the Reina World Tag Team Championship, the latter title owned by the Reina X World promotion. As a result, Hatred once again held six titles simultaneously. However, Hatred's and Hoshi's double reign lasted only 21", "psg_id": "16301638" }, { "title": "Hailey Hatred", "text": "After spending half a year working back in the United States, Hatred returned to Japan on August 7. She made her return to Ice Ribbon four days later, teaming with Miyako Matsumoto in a tag team match, where they were defeated by Aki Shizuku and Hiroyo Matsumoto. On August 19, Hatred returned to JWP, teaming with Manami Katsu and Tsubasa Kuragaki in a six-woman tag team match, where they were defeated by Leon, Manami Toyota and Ray. On September 23 at \"Ribbon no Kishitachi 2012\", Hatred defeated Neko Nitta and Shuu Shibutani in a three-way match to win the Triangle", "psg_id": "16301636" }, { "title": "A Profound Hatred of Man", "text": "\"Dune\" (1984) in \"Set Your Body Ablaze\" (\"Heat, upon heat, upon heat.\") Original 1997 line-up: Compilation songs: A Profound Hatred of Man A Profound Hatred of Man is an extended play by hardcore punk band Shai Hulud, released on February 18, 1997, on the independent label Crisis Records. In 2006, Revelation Records released a remastered version of the album which also includes the material from all of Shai Hulud's split records with bands Indecision, Boy Sets Fire and Another Victim, and some B-sides and covers. On the first 5000 copies, Shai Hulud's name is misspelled on the spine as \"\"Shai", "psg_id": "5342570" }, { "title": "Hatred (video game)", "text": "from Norwegian death metal band Blood Red Throne also appear in the soundtrack. The team chose to work on a single platform due to the team's small size, hoping to distribute the game through Steam and if allowed. On December 15, 2014, \"Hatred\" briefly appeared on Steam Greenlight, but was removed, with a Steam representative stating that the company \"would not publish \"Hatred\"\". On December 16, the game was returned to the service, and an apology to the development team was sent by Gabe Newell. Following this, it became the most voted game on the service and was approved", "psg_id": "18358617" }, { "title": "Ethnic hatred", "text": "anti-Americanism in contrast to exposure to CNN associating with less anti-Americanism. There are two types of persuasion: direct and indirect. Direct persuasion in regard to mass media exponentially expands hatred that leads to violence of ethnic groups. Indirect persuasion exports hatred and directs behavior towards executing violence. The continuous use of mass media as an apparatus to spread negative image of ethnic groups is seen throughout variations of history. Most media hate speech that amplified worldwide attention are experienced in Rwanda and Yugoslavia. Also, Media’s control of hate speech that Nazi and fascist parties manipulate agitate and attract followers into", "psg_id": "9227878" }, { "title": "Beyond Hatred", "text": "Beyond Hatred Beyond Hatred () is a 2005 French documentary film written and directed by Olivier Meyrou. The documentary tells the story of a French couple seeking justice and feeling acceptance after the homophobic murder of their gay son, 29-year-old Francois Chenu. He was murdered by three white power skinheads in 2002, who beat him severely in the face and threw him into a pond. The attackers were arrested one month after the incident, and Meyrou read about the case on the front page of \"Le Monde\". He had been wanting to make a film about homophobia for some time,", "psg_id": "10800911" }, { "title": "Ethnic hatred", "text": "Nazi Germany, media presence in exposing propaganda in terms of hatred was effectively organized by Joseph Goebbels.Although, Recent US Data (Berelson, Lazarsfeld, and McPhee 1954; Lazarsfeld, Berelson, and Gaudet 1944) shows media as a tool that does not carry “significant independent influence,” media “strengthens people’s predispositions.” Furthermore, Exogenous variation plays a role in utilizing media content towards escalating ethnic hatred presence according to recent economic studies. The effects of media on people varies in different platforms strengthening mass medias influence towards the public. Data polled from Muslim countries shows that exposure to Al-Jazeera is associated with higher levels of reported", "psg_id": "9227877" }, { "title": "Beyond Hatred", "text": "reviews. The documentary won the Teddy Award for Best Documentary at the 2006 Berlin Film Festival. Beyond Hatred Beyond Hatred () is a 2005 French documentary film written and directed by Olivier Meyrou. The documentary tells the story of a French couple seeking justice and feeling acceptance after the homophobic murder of their gay son, 29-year-old Francois Chenu. He was murdered by three white power skinheads in 2002, who beat him severely in the face and threw him into a pond. The attackers were arrested one month after the incident, and Meyrou read about the case on the front page", "psg_id": "10800913" }, { "title": "Hatred (film)", "text": "Red Army officers? Or are they White Guards in disguise? Eventually Stepan recognises a fellow soldier from the White Guards and realises his loyalties are divided. He tries to play both sides, first betraying his brothers to the White Guards, and then helping them to escape. Fyodor and Mitka take a White Colonel prisoner, and on his way from the estate, Stepan hears gunshots. Rushing off after them, he realises he has become a stranger to the Whites as well. Hatred (film) Hatred () is a 1977 Soviet film directed by Samvel Gasparov. This drama explores the way that war", "psg_id": "3121205" }, { "title": "Hatred (video game)", "text": "it \"just as vicious and cynical as the first trailer\". \"The Guardian\", \"Rock, Paper, Shotgun\" and Kotaku described \"Hatred\" as a \"mass murder simulator\". \"Hatred\" received generally negative reviews. It holds an aggregated score of 43/100 on Metacritic based on 46 reviews. \"GameSpot\" gave \"Hatred\" a score of 3 out of 10, noting that the game's novelty wore off quickly due to a lack of variation or \"thrilling five-star moment[s]\", and concluding that \"the fact that the final product fails even to be worth a primal psychotic scream of victory against society at large for the people it might encourage", "psg_id": "18358624" }, { "title": "Hatred, Passions and Infidelity", "text": "spent time producing a number of artists, including Brand Nubian, Cypress Hill, Fat Joe, The Fugees, House of Pain, KRS-One, Lord Finesse, Tha Alkaholiks, The Pharcyde, Illegal, and Xzibit. \"Hatred, Passions, and Infidelity\" features the single \"The Hiatus\" and the Kid Capri-produced D.I.T.C. crew cut \"5 Fingas of Death.\" Hatred, Passions and Infidelity Hatred, Passions and Infidelity is the second album from hip hop producer and emcee Diamond D, released five years after his acclaimed debut, \"Stunts, Blunts and Hip Hop\". The reason for the extended time between albums was due primarily to the legal battle between Diamond D and", "psg_id": "8459215" }, { "title": "Hatred (2012 film)", "text": "Hatred (2012 film) Hatred (in Persian: بغض; transliterated: boqz) is a 2012 Iranian drama film directed by Reza Dormishian. It is set in Istanbul, Turkey and deals with Iranian youth immigration. Jaleh and Hamid are two youngsters from the third generation of Iranian immigrants in Turkey. Their families came here to have a peaceful life. We see two parallel narrations from two different periods of the young characters' lives. One narration is about their first days of meeting and happiness. The other is about the eight crucial hours when they commit a robbery so they can use the money to", "psg_id": "17531140" }, { "title": "Hatred (2012 film)", "text": "start a happy life somewhere else. However, as often happens in such cases, they are led in a different direction. Hatred (2012 film) Hatred (in Persian: بغض; transliterated: boqz) is a 2012 Iranian drama film directed by Reza Dormishian. It is set in Istanbul, Turkey and deals with Iranian youth immigration. Jaleh and Hamid are two youngsters from the third generation of Iranian immigrants in Turkey. Their families came here to have a peaceful life. We see two parallel narrations from two different periods of the young characters' lives. One narration is about their first days of meeting and happiness.", "psg_id": "17531141" }, { "title": "A Lethal Dose of American Hatred", "text": "\"Waiting for the Turning Point\" and \"Dress Like a Target\" both had music videos. As considerably short songs, they both found significant airplay on heavy metal programs and consist largely of live performance. Album – Billboard (North America) A Lethal Dose of American Hatred A Lethal Dose of American Hatred is the second album by sludge metal band Superjoint Ritual. Former \"touring only\" bassist Hank Williams III played on this album. Nearly every song begins with a count-in by Phil Anselmo. \"Waiting for the Turning Point\" and \"Stealing a Page or Two From Armed & Radical Pagans\" are finished versions", "psg_id": "4701128" }, { "title": "Hailey Hatred", "text": "only win the 2011 G-1 Grand Prix, but also to retain the TLW World Women's and IMW Hybrid Fighting Championships and become the new holder of the JWP Openweight Championship, the promotion's top title. In winning the title, Hatred became the first American to hold the oldest championship in all of \"joshi puroresu\". On August 7, Hatred successfully defended her Triple Crown against her Queens Revolution partner Kaori Yoneyama, who had just prior to the match announced her retirement from professional wrestling at the end of the year. This was followed by another successful defense on September 23, against Tsubasa", "psg_id": "16301633" }, { "title": "Incitement to ethnic or racial hatred", "text": "Incitement to ethnic or racial hatred Incitement to racial or ethnic hatred is a crime under the laws of several countries. In Australia, the Racial Hatred Act 1995 amends the Racial Discrimination Act 1975, inserting Part IIA - Offensive Behaviour Because of Race, Colour, National or Ethnic Origin. It does not, however, address the issue of incitement to racial hatred. The Australian state of Victoria has addressed the question, however, with its enactment of the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001. In Finland, agitation against an ethnic group () is a crime according to the Criminal Code of Finland's (1889/39", "psg_id": "6084515" }, { "title": "Incitement to ethnic or racial hatred", "text": "present in Scotland. Incitement to ethnic or racial hatred Incitement to racial or ethnic hatred is a crime under the laws of several countries. In Australia, the Racial Hatred Act 1995 amends the Racial Discrimination Act 1975, inserting Part IIA - Offensive Behaviour Because of Race, Colour, National or Ethnic Origin. It does not, however, address the issue of incitement to racial hatred. The Australian state of Victoria has addressed the question, however, with its enactment of the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001. In Finland, agitation against an ethnic group () is a crime according to the Criminal Code", "psg_id": "6084521" }, { "title": "Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006", "text": "Act 1998, which guarantees freedom of religion and expression, and so denied that an Act of Parliament is capable of making any religious text illegal. The House of Lords passed amendments to the Bill on 25 October 2005 which have the effect of limiting the legislation to \"A person who uses threatening words or behaviour, or displays any written material which is threatening... if he intends thereby to stir up religious hatred\". This removed the abusive and insulting concept, and required the intention — and not just the possibility — of stirring up religious hatred. The Government attempted to overturn", "psg_id": "5813642" }, { "title": "Hatred (video game)", "text": "extremely violent content but was later brought back with a personal apology from Gabe Newell. It was greenlit for a second time on December 29, 2014 and released on June 1, 2015. Upon release \"Hatred\" received generally negative reviews. Many critics panned the game as being repetitive and lacking variation, also criticizing its violent and controversial nature, although some minor praise went towards its gameplay and mechanics. The game revealed to be a best seller on Steam and it gathered a positive response by the playerbase. \"Hatred\" is a shooter video game presented in isometric perspective in which the player-character", "psg_id": "18358610" }, { "title": "Hatred", "text": "color, etc.), mental capacity, and any other distinction that might be considered a liability. The term covers written as well as oral communication and some forms of behaviors in a public setting. It is also sometimes called antilocution and is the first point on Allport's scale which measures prejudice in a society. In many countries, deliberate use of hate speech is a criminal offence prohibited under \"incitement to hatred\" legislation. It is often alleged that the criminalization of hate speech is sometimes used to discourage legitimate discussion of negative aspects of voluntary behavior (such as political persuasion, religious adherence and", "psg_id": "12471657" }, { "title": "Incitement to ethnic or racial hatred", "text": "four other occasions over the previous 11 years for criticizing Muslim immigration. Under the law of the United Kingdom, \"incitement to racial hatred\" was established as an offence by the provisions of §§ 17-29 of the Public Order Act 1986. It was first established as a criminal offence in the Race Relations Act 1976. The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 made publication of material that incited racial hatred an arrestable offence. This offence refers to: Laws against incitement to hatred against religions were later established under the Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006. However this legislation is not", "psg_id": "6084520" }, { "title": "Hatred", "text": "scanned while viewing pictures of people they hated. The results showed increased activity in the middle frontal gyrus, right putamen, bilaterally in the premotor cortex, in the frontal pole, and bilaterally in the medial insular cortex of the human brain. Hate, like love, takes different shapes and forms in different languages. While it may be fair to say that one single emotion exists in English, French (haine), and German (Hass), hate is historically situated and culturally constructed: it varies in the forms in which it is manifested. Thus a certain relationless hatred is expressed in the French expression \"J'ai la", "psg_id": "12471659" }, { "title": "Internalized sexism", "text": "parameters of acceptable cultural norms that promote unrealistic and constricting ideas about what it means to be a man or a woman in modern society. One of the most common consequences of internalized heterosexism is intense depression fueled by self-loathing and sexual repression. Most dictionaries define misogyny as the hatred of women, and as \"hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women\". which can lead to the interpretation that it is a male trait. However, the sociologist Michael Flood at the University of Wollongong notes the following: Women who experience internalized misogyny may express it through minimizing the value of women, mistrusting", "psg_id": "16914314" }, { "title": "Hatred", "text": "philosophical allegiance). There is also some question as to whether or not hate speech falls under the protection of freedom of speech in some countries. Both of these classifications have sparked debate, with counter-arguments such as, but not limited to, a difficulty in distinguishing motive and intent for crimes, as well as philosophical debate on the validity of valuing targeted hatred as a greater crime than general misanthropy and contempt for humanity being a potentially equal crime in and of itself. The neural correlates of hate have been investigated with an fMRI procedure. In this experiment, people had their brains", "psg_id": "12471658" }, { "title": "Hatred", "text": "haine\", which has no precise equivalent in English; while for English-speakers, loving and hating invariably involve an object, or a person, and therefore, a relationship with something or someone, \"J'ai la haine\" (literally, I have hate) precludes the idea of an emotion directed at a person. This is a form of frustration, apathy and animosity which churns within the subject but establishes no relationship with the world, other than an aimless desire for destruction. French forms of anti-Americanism have been seen as a specific form of cultural resentment, registering joy-in-hate. The Hebrew word describing David's \"perfect hatred\" (KJV) means that", "psg_id": "12471660" }, { "title": "No Enemies, No Hatred", "text": "dignity, as well as his insight into China's history and culture.\" Thor Halvorssen of \"Forbes\" called it \"a provocatively sophisticated compendium of observations of contemporary Chinese authoritarian society\". According to Jonathan Mirsky of \"The New York Times\", \"Liu demonstrates a considerable amount of anger while retaining his Gandhian nonviolent spirit\". No Enemies, No Hatred No Enemies, No Hatred is a book by Nobel Peace Prize-winning writer and activist Liu Xiaobo which contains a wide selection of his writings and poetry between 1989 and 2009. It was published in 2012 by the Belknap Press of the Harvard University Press. It was", "psg_id": "20254801" }, { "title": "No Enemies, No Hatred", "text": "No Enemies, No Hatred No Enemies, No Hatred is a book by Nobel Peace Prize-winning writer and activist Liu Xiaobo which contains a wide selection of his writings and poetry between 1989 and 2009. It was published in 2012 by the Belknap Press of the Harvard University Press. It was edited by Perry Link, Tienchi Martin-Liao and Liu Xiaobo's wife Liu Xia, and includes a foreword written by Václav Havel. The volume marks the inaugural English-language collection of Liu's work. PD Smith of \"The Guardian\" wrote: \"Liu's essays and poems [...] speak eloquently of his fearless commitment to defending human", "psg_id": "20254800" }, { "title": "Betrayal, Fear, Anger, Hatred", "text": "that the EP showcases \"the total commitment to honesty that quickly earned them the respect of the wider punk community. For \"Trouser Press\", Robbins called the EP a \"statement of purpose\". A critic writing for \"Maximumrocknroll\" described the EP as containing \"4 great songs\". The tracks were described by Allmusic's Laurie Mercer as \"relatively straightforward\", but Mercer also commented on \"Forget Your Life\"'s contrast between apparently nihilistic lyrics and positive and upbeat sentiment. Betrayal, Fear, Anger, Hatred Betrayal, Fear, Anger, Hatred is the first EP by Canadian punk rock band Nomeansno. Released in 1981, it and the \"Look, Here Come", "psg_id": "13967103" }, { "title": "Betrayal, Fear, Anger, Hatred", "text": "Betrayal, Fear, Anger, Hatred Betrayal, Fear, Anger, Hatred is the first EP by Canadian punk rock band Nomeansno. Released in 1981, it and the \"Look, Here Come the Wormies / SS Social Service\" 7\" split single from the previous year are the two official Nomeansno releases from their origins recording in their parents' basement before becoming a live band. Originally self-released in a limited vinyl run, the EP since has been re-released by the band's Wrong Records imprint on 7\" and included on reissues of the band's 1982 debut album \"Mama\". Brothers Rob and John Wright began recording original songs", "psg_id": "13967099" }, { "title": "Misogyny", "text": "least as far as Hesiod. The term \"misogyny\" itself comes directly into English from the Ancient Greek word \"misogunia\" (), which survives in several passages. The earlier, longer, and more complete passage comes from a moral tract known as \"On Marriage\" (\"c\". 150 BC) by the stoic philosopher Antipater of Tarsus. Antipater argues that marriage is the foundation of the state, and considers it to be based on divine (polytheistic) decree. He uses \"misogunia\" to describe the sort of writing the tragedian Euripides eschews, stating that he \"reject[s] the hatred of women in his writing\" (ἀποθέμενος τὴν ἐν τῷ γράφειν", "psg_id": "258054" }, { "title": "Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006", "text": "these changes, but lost the House of Commons votes on 31 January 2006. A complete summary of the voting in the various divisions of this bill may be found at Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006 The Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006 (c. 1) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which creates an offence in England and Wales of inciting hatred against a person on the grounds of their religion. The Act was the Labour Government's third attempt to bring in this offence: provisions were originally included as part of the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and", "psg_id": "5813643" }, { "title": "Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006", "text": "Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006 The Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006 (c. 1) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which creates an offence in England and Wales of inciting hatred against a person on the grounds of their religion. The Act was the Labour Government's third attempt to bring in this offence: provisions were originally included as part of the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Bill in 2001, but were dropped after objections from the House of Lords. The measure was again brought forward as part of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Bill in", "psg_id": "5813636" }, { "title": "Hatred, Passions and Infidelity", "text": "Hatred, Passions and Infidelity Hatred, Passions and Infidelity is the second album from hip hop producer and emcee Diamond D, released five years after his acclaimed debut, \"Stunts, Blunts and Hip Hop\". The reason for the extended time between albums was due primarily to the legal battle between Diamond D and his then label PWL America Records. After the issues were resolved between him and the company, he was released from PWL America and recorded for the label's parent company Mercury Records. The album received positive reviews from music critics and fans. In the period between his album releases, Diamond", "psg_id": "8459214" }, { "title": "Self-hatred", "text": "Black Americans are assumed immoral, ugly, dull witted, and otherwise inferior. In addition, from their history as seen as slaves, it also counts as a reason as to why they are considered inferior to others. The self-hate portrayal of Black women is not local to the USA and no less dramatic than that of Black men. What Black women experience is conveyed to other Black women via influences of American media. As a result in severe depression. Not only that, Black men are portrayed as lazy while Black women are portrayed as sexually bold. Race category in America may have", "psg_id": "3199870" }, { "title": "Hatred (video game)", "text": "association with sexually explicit games, adding that \"it's still some kind of achievement to have the second game in history getting AO rating for violence and harsh language only. Even if this violence isn't really that bad and this harsh language isn't overused.\" A second trailer was released the same month, along with pre-order details. It showed new weapons (such as a flamethrower) and new execution animations. Developers claimed that shortly after the release, developer tools for \"Hatred\" would be made available. The release date was announced in April 2015. The game was released on June 1, 2015. Shortly before", "psg_id": "18358619" }, { "title": "Self-hatred", "text": "an impact on Blacks because of the status as well as history of their race, which results in self-hate for their own kind. Not only that, but skin bleaching is a common pattern because they believe their skins are “too dark” for society. On July 5, 1999, The Ministry of Health held a press conference to publicize its counter strategy to skin bleaching resulting in taking it off on all markets. By banning skin bleaching it shows a pattern that people of color are judged thus lowering their self esteem and possibly creating self-hatred. A dermatologist has estimated that about", "psg_id": "3199871" }, { "title": "Incitement to ethnic or racial hatred", "text": "2005, politician Jean Marie Le Pen was convicted of inciting racial hatred, for comments made to Le Monde in 2003 about the consequences of Muslim immigration in France. Similar complaints were brought in 2015 after he compared Muslim street prayers to the Nazi occupation of France in 2010, but he was acquitted. In 2008, actress and animal-rights campaigner Brigitte Bardot was convicted on charges of inciting racial hatred for her criticism concerning the ritual slaughter of sheep during the feast of Eid al-Adha in a letter to then-Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy. Bardot had been convicted of inciting racial hatred on", "psg_id": "6084519" }, { "title": "Controlled by Hatred/Feel Like Shit...Déjà Vu", "text": "Controlled by Hatred/Feel Like Shit...Déjà Vu Controlled by Hatred/Feel Like Shit...Déjà Vu is the fourth album by American crossover thrash band Suicidal Tendencies, released on October 17, 1989 by Epic Records. Despite containing previously released material, \"Controlled by Hatred/Feel Like Shit...Déjà Vu\" is still considered a studio album rather than an EP or a compilation album. It includes four covers of No Mercy, a cover of Los Cycos (\"It's Not Easy\"), two never-before released tracks (\"Just Another Love Song\" and \"Feel Like Shit... Déjà Vu\") and two different versions of \"How Will I Laugh Tomorrow\" (from the band's 1988 album", "psg_id": "7677821" }, { "title": "Controlled by Hatred/Feel Like Shit...Déjà Vu", "text": "Emotion Version)\" were made to promote this release. Billboard (North America) Controlled by Hatred/Feel Like Shit...Déjà Vu Controlled by Hatred/Feel Like Shit...Déjà Vu is the fourth album by American crossover thrash band Suicidal Tendencies, released on October 17, 1989 by Epic Records. Despite containing previously released material, \"Controlled by Hatred/Feel Like Shit...Déjà Vu\" is still considered a studio album rather than an EP or a compilation album. It includes four covers of No Mercy, a cover of Los Cycos (\"It's Not Easy\"), two never-before released tracks (\"Just Another Love Song\" and \"Feel Like Shit... Déjà Vu\") and two different versions", "psg_id": "7677828" }, { "title": "The Word for World Is Forest", "text": "portrayed as a relentless and uncompromising figure, always planning how to overcome an unfriendly natural environment and conquer the natives, whom he sees as inferior. The language used in Davidson's internal monologues reveals his hatred and contempt for people different from himself. Initially, this hatred is directed at the Athsheans, whom he sees as nonhuman and refers to as \"creechies\" (a derivative of \"creatures\"). However, his contempt extends to the women in the colony and eventually to other members of the military, who follow the Colonel's orders not to fight the Athsheans. He has racist feelings towards the South Asian", "psg_id": "4477839" }, { "title": "What If (Creed song)", "text": "performed by Chris Daughtry on the fifth season of \"American Idol\" in 2006. Stapp sings the title of the song 53 times in total. Along with \"Bullets\", it is one of Creed's heaviest songs, and one of their few metal songs. What If (Creed song) \"What If\" is a song by Creed, released as the second single from their 1999 album \"Human Clay\". In the song, Scott Stapp sings about hatred and those who oppress others. According to guitarist Mark Tremonti, the intro was inspired by the 1966 song \"Paint It, Black\" by The Rolling Stones. The song was used", "psg_id": "6677545" }, { "title": "What Is a Nation?", "text": "and continues to be invoked. Political historian Karl Deutsch, in a quote sometimes mistakenly attributed to Renan, said that a nation is \"a group of people united by a mistaken view about the past and a hatred of their neighbours\". Benedict Anderson's 1983 work Imagined Communities, which states that a nation is an \"imagined political community\", argues that Renan contradicts himself when he says French people must have forgotten the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre, yet does not explain what it is. In other words, Renan assumes that all his readers will remember the very massacre he says they have forgotten.", "psg_id": "15237584" }, { "title": "Association of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching", "text": "possible ways women could help eradicate the problem. One of the many excuses used to conduct lynchings was that it was done in the name of \"protecting\" white women. ASWPL founder Jessie Daniel Ames pointed out that the alleged rapes of white women by black men, \"the supposed rationale for a lynching, seldom occurred and that the true motive for lynching was in racial hatred.\" In addition, Ames felt that white women were exploited in this narrative \"in order to obscure the economic greed and sexual transgressions of white men.\" In her writing and speaking for the group, Ames used", "psg_id": "18707543" }, { "title": "Hailey Hatred", "text": "Eerie and Kyoko Kimura, was given an opportunity to become the new Artist of Stardom Champion, however, the three were defeated in a decision match for the vacant title by Kairi Hojo, Kaori Yoneyama and Yuhi. Shortly afterwards, Hatred announced that she was leaving Japan and returning to the United States for the foreseeable future, which led to Ice Ribbon dedicating the August 3 event to her. The main event of the show featured Hatred's final match in Japan, where she and Hikaru Shida were defeated by Hamuko Hoshi and Tsukasa Fujimoto, with Hoshi pinning her for the win. In", "psg_id": "16301642" }, { "title": "Beyond Hatred", "text": "and decided that the Chenu case was very emblematic. The film's French television premiere was on 19 June 2005; Eurozoom distributed the film's French theatrical release the following year. It was shown at the 2006 Berlin International Film Festival, the Paris Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, and the 2007 London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. It had a limited theatrical release in the United States on 15 June 2007, distributed by First Run Features. Rotten Tomatoes gave \"Beyond Hatred\" a \"fresh\" rating of 89% based on 18 reviews. Metacritic gave it a \"generally favorable\" rating of 65% based on five", "psg_id": "10800912" }, { "title": "Hatred (video game)", "text": "successfully on December 29. In January 2015, \"Hatred\" was given an \"Adults Only\" (AO) rating by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB). The rating effectively prevents any mainstream retail distribution of the game in the United States, or on video game consoles as all three major console makers forbid AO-rated games on their platforms. It is the third video game that received an AO rating for extreme violence rather than sexual content, behind \"Manhunt 2\" and the unreleased \"Thrill Kill\". One of its developers disputed the rating, stating that they were \"not quite convinced\" about the rating due to its", "psg_id": "18358618" }, { "title": "What If (Creed song)", "text": "What If (Creed song) \"What If\" is a song by Creed, released as the second single from their 1999 album \"Human Clay\". In the song, Scott Stapp sings about hatred and those who oppress others. According to guitarist Mark Tremonti, the intro was inspired by the 1966 song \"Paint It, Black\" by The Rolling Stones. The song was used in the film \"Scream 3\" in 2000, for which Creed helped to produce the soundtrack. The music video portrayed Creed band members being \"killed\" by the Ghostface character from the \"Scream\" films. The video features actor David Arquette. The song was", "psg_id": "6677544" }, { "title": "Self-hatred", "text": "to 17 years old) obtained in 2016. The study was led by Justin W. Patchin, PhD and Sameer Hinduja, PhD. Their study, \"Digital Self-Harm Among Adolescents\" revealed that 6 percent of students say they have cyberbullied themselves. The study also found that males were significantly more likely to report digital self-harming themselves than females, with 7.1 percent for males compared with 5.3 percent for females. The study found correlations between digital self-harm and factors such as sexual orientation, prior experience with bullying, drug use, and depressive symptoms. Self-harm can be a psychological disorder that may involve self-hatred, where subjects may", "psg_id": "3199873" }, { "title": "Woman Is the Nigger of the World", "text": "Were Watching God\", in which the protagonist Janie Crawford's Grandmother says \"De nigger woman is de mule uh de world so fur as Ah can see.\" The song describes women's subservience to men and misogyny across all cultures. In a 1972 interview on \"The Dick Cavett Show\", John Lennon stated that Irish revolutionary James Connolly was an inspiration for the song. Lennon cited Connolly's statement \"the female worker is the slave of the slave\" in explaining the pro-feminist inspiration behind the song. Due to its use of an offensive racial epithet and what was perceived as an inappropriate comparison of", "psg_id": "6355178" }, { "title": "Gynophobia", "text": "Gynophobia Gynophobia or gynephobia is an abnormal fear of women, a type of specific social phobia. In the past, the Latin term horror feminae was used. Gynophobia should not be confused with misogyny, the hatred, contempt for and prejudice against women, although some may use the terms interchangeably, in reference to the social, rather than pathological aspect of negative attitudes towards women. The antonym of misogyny is philogyny, the love, respect for and admiration of women. This term is analogous with androphobia, the abnormal or irrational fear of men. The term \"gynophobia\" comes from the Greek γυνή - \"gunē\", meaning", "psg_id": "11167823" }, { "title": "Controlled by Hatred/Feel Like Shit...Déjà Vu", "text": "with the same title): the \"video edited\" version and the \"heavy emotion\" version. \"Controlled by Hatred\" is the first of three Suicidal Tendencies albums to go gold. The album itself is represented as two fictional EPs―the first five tracks are \"Controlled by Hatred\" and the rest are \"Feel Like Shit... Déjà Vu\". It features six new recordings―four of which are covers of No Mercy songs, one is a cover of Los Cycos, an outtake from the previous album's sessions, a shortened version of \"How Will I Laugh Tomorrow\" (as it is heard in the song's video) and the previously unreleased", "psg_id": "7677822" } ]
[ "hatred of men", "misandric", "anti-male", "misandrist", "misander", "misandry", "misandrous", "misandristic", "misandry", "adrophobia", "man hater" ]
dec 18, 1620 is the official landing date of the mayflower. at what massachusetts location did they make land?
[ { "title": "History of Massachusetts", "text": "the harsh treatment from King James for rejecting England's official church. Although they were allowed some religious liberties in Holland, the liberalism and openness of the Dutch to all styles of life horrified them. They approached the Virginia Company and asked to settle \"as a distinct body of themselves\" in America. In the fall of 1620, they sailed to North America on the \"Mayflower\", first landing near the tip of Cape Cod (modern-day Provincetown, Massachusetts). Blown north off its course, the Mayflower landed at a site that had been named Plymouth. Since the area was not land that lay within", "psg_id": "6748163" } ]
[ { "title": "A Journey to the New World: The Diary of Remember Patience Whipple, Mayflower, 1620", "text": "she too is sailing on the Mayflower to the New World. Hummy's father is who takes care of her, because Hummy's mother died, this makes Hummy's father very melancholic. This is the first novel in the Dear America series. A Journey to the New World: The Diary of Remember Patience Whipple, Mayflower, 1620 A Journey to the New World: The Diary of Remember Patience Whipple, Mayflower, 1620 is a historical novel for young readers. It is the first book in the series \"Dear America\". Remember Patience Whipple is a girl who was on board the Mayflower and is sailing from", "psg_id": "15553582" }, { "title": "A Journey to the New World: The Diary of Remember Patience Whipple, Mayflower, 1620", "text": "A Journey to the New World: The Diary of Remember Patience Whipple, Mayflower, 1620 A Journey to the New World: The Diary of Remember Patience Whipple, Mayflower, 1620 is a historical novel for young readers. It is the first book in the series \"Dear America\". Remember Patience Whipple is a girl who was on board the Mayflower and is sailing from England. She is headed toward the New World with her family of four. Mr. Whipple is Patience’s father and can fix things. Mam, Patience’s mother, and Blessing who is Patience’s little sister. Patience has a friend called Hummy and", "psg_id": "15553581" }, { "title": "Christopher Martin (Mayflower passenger)", "text": "\"Mayflower\" voyage preparations. About this time, presumably in early 1620, Martin was making arrangements for his family to emigrate to America on the \"Mayflower\". Why his son Nathaniel did not travel with the family on the \"Mayflower\" is unknown – although the possibility exists that he had died, there is also speculation per Stratton that Nathaniel may well have been alive in England in 1620 and just did not accompany the family when the \"Mayflower\" departed. Nothing further is known of him. Christopher Martin had begun selling off his land holdings, in preparation for departure from England, several years before", "psg_id": "4559205" }, { "title": "Susanna White (Mayflower passenger)", "text": "Susanna White (Mayflower passenger) Susanna White (\"fl.\" 1620) was a passenger on the \"Mayflower\" and a member of the Leiden, Holland Congregation. She was pregnant during the \"Mayflower\" voyage and gave birth to Peregrine in late November 1620, while the ship was anchored at Cape Cod. Peregrine was the first White baby boy born on the Mayflower in the harbor of Massachusetts, the second baby born on the \"Mayflower\"s historic voyage, and the first known English child born to the Pilgrims in America. Susanna's first husband was Pilgrim William White, with whom she had sons Resolved and Peregrine White, all", "psg_id": "19502532" }, { "title": "What Did the Lady Forget?", "text": "couple soon make up and Tokiko seems even charmed by her husband's new-found \"manliness\". Meanwhile, Setsuko is leaving Tokyo. In a date with Okada, Komiya's student, she negotiates how they will treat each other if they settle down and get married. In 2010, the BFI released a Region 2 DVD of the film as a bonus feature on its Dual Format Edition (Blu-ray + DVD) of \"Early Summer\". What Did the Lady Forget? Komiya (Tatsuo Saitō) is an affluent, respected and good-natured professor of medicine at a Tokyo university. He has a wife, Tokiko (Sumiko Kurishima), though they are without", "psg_id": "13930849" }, { "title": "Susanna White (Mayflower passenger)", "text": "Jackson\", he provided news of Susanna, her late husband William White, and her children. He also sends his regards to his father-in-law in England, obviously not Robert Fuller who had been dead for nine years. Susanna White (Mayflower passenger) Susanna White (\"fl.\" 1620) was a passenger on the \"Mayflower\" and a member of the Leiden, Holland Congregation. She was pregnant during the \"Mayflower\" voyage and gave birth to Peregrine in late November 1620, while the ship was anchored at Cape Cod. Peregrine was the first White baby boy born on the Mayflower in the harbor of Massachusetts, the second baby", "psg_id": "19502536" }, { "title": "Look at What the Light Did Now", "text": "Kinks and Peggy Lee, and two studio recordings of a new song, \"Look at What the Light Did Now\", written by Little Wings. Prior to its December 2010 home video release, the documentary screened at number of international fall festivals, including the 2010 Raindance Film Festival in London, CPH:DOX in Copenhagen, and the Pop Montreal music festival in Quebec. \"Look at What the Light Did Now\" marks both Feist's first official documentary and first official live album. \"Look at What the Light Did Now\" received limited reviews upon release that were mostly positive. Music site Drowned in Sound gave the", "psg_id": "20092676" }, { "title": "Mayflower Council", "text": "Mayflower Council The Mayflower Council of the Boy Scouts of America serves the MetroWest and southeastern regions of Massachusetts. On March 28, 2017, Knox Trail Council and Old Colony Council voted to merge and create a new, combined council. The merger was executed on May 10, 2017, using the name \"Council 251\" to represent the new council until August 30, 2017, when the name \"Mayflower Council\" was selected. The council is headquartered at the former Knox Trail Council headquarters in Marlborough, Massachusetts, and the former Old Colony Council headquarters in Canton, Massachusetts is used as a satellite location. Mayflower Council", "psg_id": "9761326" }, { "title": "William Brewster (Mayflower passenger)", "text": "child, Jonathan, was born on 12 August 1593. Two other children were born in Scrooby, Nottinghamshire: Patience about 1600, and Fear about 1606. A more comprehensive list of their children is as follows: Three of the \"Mayflower\" pilgrims, including William Brewster, took responsibility for children of Samuel More, who accompanied him and others as indentured servants: In addition to these, Jasper More, age 7, was assigned to John Carver as a servant, but died of a \"common infection\" in Dec. 1620 while the \"Mayflower\" was in Cape Cod Harbor (several weeks after Elinor). He was buried ashore in the area", "psg_id": "3627908" }, { "title": "Mayflower", "text": "November 9, 1620, they sighted present-day Cape Cod. They spent several days trying to sail south to their planned destination of the Colony of Virginia, where they had obtained permission to settle from the Company of Merchant Adventurers. However, strong winter seas forced them to return to the harbor at Cape Cod hook, well north of the intended area, where they anchored on November 11. The settlers wrote and signed the Mayflower Compact after the ship dropped anchor at Cape Cod, in what is now Provincetown Harbor, in order to establish legal order and to quell increasing strife within the", "psg_id": "12261845" }, { "title": "What They Did to Princess Paragon", "text": "of the fan base. One deranged fanboy in particular, Jerome T. Kornacker, is so outraged that his favorite superheroine is being \"perverted,\" that he takes radical steps to stop the change. \"What They Did to Princess Paragon\" is a tongue-in-cheek look at the comic book industry, the artists who create comics, the corporations that publish and sell them, and the fans who support and consume the books. The story is also an exploration of 1990s lesbian feminist thought. What They Did to Princess Paragon What They Did to Princess Paragon is a humor novel by Robert Rodi, which tells the", "psg_id": "13675535" }, { "title": "William Mullins (Mayflower passenger)", "text": "half the passengers perished in cold, harsh, unfamiliar New England winter. On November 9/19, 1620, after about three months at sea, including a month of delays in England, they spotted land, which was the Cape Cod Hook, now called Provincetown Harbor. After several days of trying to get south to their planned destination of the Colony of Virginia, strong winter seas forced them to return to the harbor at Cape Cod hook, where they anchored on November 11/21. William Mullins signed The Mayflower Compact 11/21 1620. William Mullins, his wife Alice and son Joseph all died within months of arriving", "psg_id": "16421166" }, { "title": "What Did the Biblical Writers Know and When Did They Know It?", "text": "What Did the Biblical Writers Know and When Did They Know It? What Did the Biblical Writers Know and When Did They Know It? is a book by biblical scholar and archaeologist William G. Dever detailing his response to the claims of minimalists to the historicity and value of the Hebrew Bible. Dever's book is a response to recent trends in biblical scholarship and biblical archaeology which question whether the bible can be used as a reliable tool for interpreting history. The book begins with Dever's explanation of the \"minimalist\" position, which holds that the bible is a product of", "psg_id": "10802423" }, { "title": "History of women in the United States", "text": "for this purpose (the 1619 voyage being the first), with the tobacco brides promised free passage and trousseaus for their trouble. On November 21, 1620, the Mayflower arrived in what is today Provincetown, Massachusetts), bringing the Pilgrims. There were 102 people aboard – 18 married women traveling with their husbands, seven unmarried women traveling with their parents, three young unmarried women, one girl, and 73 men. Three fourths of the women died in the first few months; while the men were building housing and drinking fresh water the women were confined to the damp and crowded quarters of the ship.", "psg_id": "2650323" }, { "title": "John Tilley (Mayflower passenger)", "text": "land, which was the Cape Cod Hook, now called Provincetown Harbor. After several days of trying to get south to their planned destination of the Colony of Virginia, strong winter seas forced them to return to the harbour at Cape Cod hook, where they anchored on 11/21 November. The Mayflower Compact was signed that day. John Tilley was a signatory to the Mayflower Compact, as was his brother, Edward. Both John Tilley and his brother Edward were involved in the early exploring expeditions of the Cape Cod area in November and December 1620, with both suffering the effects of being", "psg_id": "9455758" }, { "title": "Christopher Martin (Mayflower passenger)", "text": "\"Mayflower\" descendants. It is known that her son Solomon came on the \"Mayflower\" as a \"singleman\" and died in December 1620. Two other children – John and an unnamed child, died in infancy. Johnson further states that if there are any descendants of Mary (Prowe) Martin alive today, they must be descendants of eldest son Edward Prower (Jr.) or daughter Mary Prower. Johnson has found no record to prove that daughter Mary survived, but he states that there is proof that Edward Prower did survive, married and had several children. There is a record that on August 19, 1621, that", "psg_id": "4559219" }, { "title": "Richard More (Mayflower passenger)", "text": "some point between 1901 and 1919, and provoked some outraged reaction in the local press. Richard More is buried in what was known as the Charter Street Burial Ground but is now the Burying Point/Charter Street Cemetery in Salem, Massachusetts. He is the only Mayflower passenger to have his gravestone still where it was originally placed sometime in the mid-1690s. Also buried nearby in the same cemetery were his two wives, Christian Hunter More and Jane (Crumpton) More. If the 1696 date is correct, Richard More was the last surviving male passenger of the \"Mayflower\", which would have left Mary", "psg_id": "15935128" }, { "title": "Here at the Mayflower", "text": "Here at the Mayflower Here at the Mayflower is an album released by Barry Manilow in 2001. The album concept (designed by album cover designer Dennis Purcell) is based on the Brooklyn, New York apartment complex Barry Manilow grew up in. The album marked the first album to include all original material since \"\" in 1984. \"Here at the Mayflower\" also marked an end to a period in which Manilow recorded cover albums of non-original material, although over the next decade, his albums would prove once again to be cover albums, until the release of \"15 Minutes\" in 2011. It", "psg_id": "7189534" }, { "title": "Here at the Mayflower", "text": "\"The Night That Tito Played\" features dialogue by Manilow. Here at the Mayflower Here at the Mayflower is an album released by Barry Manilow in 2001. The album concept (designed by album cover designer Dennis Purcell) is based on the Brooklyn, New York apartment complex Barry Manilow grew up in. The album marked the first album to include all original material since \"\" in 1984. \"Here at the Mayflower\" also marked an end to a period in which Manilow recorded cover albums of non-original material, although over the next decade, his albums would prove once again to be cover albums,", "psg_id": "7189536" }, { "title": "Thomas Rogers (Mayflower passenger)", "text": "Thomas Rogers (Mayflower passenger) Thomas Rogers (c.1571 – January 11, 1621) was a Leiden Separatist who traveled in 1620 with his eldest son Joseph as passengers on the historic voyage of the Pilgrim ship \"Mayflower\". Thomas Rogers was a signatory to the Mayflower Compact, but perished in the winter of 1620/21. His son Joseph, who traveled with Thomas on the Mayflower, but was too young, at age 17, to sign the Mayflower Compact, survived to live a long life. Thomas Rogers was born in the area of the village of Watford, in Northamptonshire, England, which has extensive history from the", "psg_id": "4377428" }, { "title": "What They Did to Princess Paragon", "text": "What They Did to Princess Paragon What They Did to Princess Paragon is a humor novel by Robert Rodi, which tells the story of what happens when a venerable comic book superheroine is retconned as a lesbian. Gay comic book creator Brian Parrish is hired by Bang Comics to take over \"Princess Paragon\", a superhero comic book that's been around since the 1940s, but whose sales are slumping badly by the 1990s. Parrish decides to reimagine Princess Paragon as a lesbian, a move which causes quite a bit of excitement and publicity for Bang, but also causes consternation among some", "psg_id": "13675534" }, { "title": "The Curtis Mayflower", "text": "Mongrel. Joining the group for these sessions was saxophonist Dana Colley of the band Morphine. The Curtis Mayflower The Curtis Mayflower is an American rock band formed in Worcester, Massachusetts in 2013. The group consists of lead singer Craig Rawding, guitarist Pete Aleksi, bassist Jeremy Moses Curtis, keyboard player Brooks Milgate, and drummer Duncan Arsenault. The group's debut album \"Everything Beautiful Is Under Attack\" was released on January 28, 2014. In March 2017 the band released their sophomore album \"Death Hoax\" to positive reviews. Before starting The Curtis Mayflower, Brooks Milgate, Duncan Arsenault and Jeremy Moses Curtis played together in", "psg_id": "17834398" }, { "title": "The Curtis Mayflower", "text": "The Curtis Mayflower The Curtis Mayflower is an American rock band formed in Worcester, Massachusetts in 2013. The group consists of lead singer Craig Rawding, guitarist Pete Aleksi, bassist Jeremy Moses Curtis, keyboard player Brooks Milgate, and drummer Duncan Arsenault. The group's debut album \"Everything Beautiful Is Under Attack\" was released on January 28, 2014. In March 2017 the band released their sophomore album \"Death Hoax\" to positive reviews. Before starting The Curtis Mayflower, Brooks Milgate, Duncan Arsenault and Jeremy Moses Curtis played together in The Howl with The Fabulous Thunderbirds guitarist Troy Gonyea. While playing The Howl, Curtis and", "psg_id": "17834395" }, { "title": "James Chilton", "text": "11, 1679 which is the date her will was proved. Chilton died on December 8 (New Style 18), 1620. He was the only Mayflower Compact signer who died while the \"Mayflower\" was anchored at Cape Cod. There are two memorials to him. There is a small memorial plaque at Winthrop Street Cemetery and the larger \"\"Mayflower\" Passengers Who Died At Sea\" memorial plaque at Bas Relief Park. Chilton's wife died about a month after him. She died of what was called the first sickness. She died early in 1621. James was buried ashore on Cape Cod. Chilton and his wife", "psg_id": "6144581" }, { "title": "Look at What the Light Did Now", "text": "earthy, quirky additions\". \"Look at What the Light Did Now\" won the 'DVD of the Year' prize at the 2012 Juno Awards in Canada, and was nominated for the Sound & Vision Award at CPH:DOX in Denmark. Feature Length Documentary Music videos Live Performances from The Reminder Tour 2007-2009 Tracks 9-12: Chilly Gonzales Original Score - Songs from The Reminder improvised and performed on solo piano. Total running time: 58:43 Look at What the Light Did Now Look at What the Light Did Now is a documentary/live album DVD/CD by Canadian indie pop artist Feist, first released in December 2010.", "psg_id": "20092678" }, { "title": "John Tilley (Mayflower passenger)", "text": "John Tilley (Mayflower passenger) John Tilley (c.1571- winter of 1620/21) and his family were passengers on the historic 1620 voyage of the \"Mayflower\". He was a signatory to the Mayflower Compact, and died with his wife in the first Pilgrim winter in the New World. John Tilley was baptised on 19 December 1571 at Henlow, co. Bedford, England. He was the eldest child of Robert Tilley and his wife Elizabeth. John had a younger brother, Edward, who also came on the \"Mayflower\" with his wife. John Tilley, his brother Edward and their wives all perished that first winter in the", "psg_id": "9455754" }, { "title": "Mayflower Productions", "text": "Treasury Capital Issue's Committee to finance \"South of Algiers\" provided he could get a distributor guarantee. This meant Setton only had to get a guarantee from a distributor, not actually money. Setton and Baring ultimately parted ways after a differing of opinion of what films to make. Setton set up Marksman Films. Mayflower Productions Mayflower Productions was a British-based film production company of the 1930s and 1950s. Mayflower Pictures was formed in July 1937 by German-born film producer Erich Pommer and British actor Charles Laughton. John Maxwell was on the board. They announced they would make three films, all to", "psg_id": "20448790" }, { "title": "The Lord at first did Adam make", "text": "The Lord at first did Adam make The Lord at first did Adam make, alternatively The Lord at first had Adam made is a traditional English Christmas carol which was collected and first published in 1822 in Davies Gilbert's collection \"Some Ancient Christmas Carols...Formerly Sung in the West of England\". The carol relates the events of Genesis, Chapter 3, relating the evils that have befallen humanity since that first fall and humanity's subsequent redemption; during Advent, a traditional theme is of the birth of Jesus being the coming of the \"Second Adam\". The carol was sung in the West Country", "psg_id": "16010178" }, { "title": "What Did the Biblical Writers Know and When Did They Know It?", "text": "up the argument of the book, stating that there was an ancient Israel, that the bible was written from a genuine historical core, and that archaeology can identify this core and prevent Israel from being \"written out of history\". The book received mixed reviews. Conservative scholars commended Dever for his critique on minimalism but were disappointed by his failure to defend the historicity of the bible prior to the age of David and Solomon. Others chided his inability to distance himself from his obsessions: What Did the Biblical Writers Know and When Did They Know It? What Did the Biblical", "psg_id": "10802427" }, { "title": "The Lord at first did Adam make", "text": "Henry Ramsden Bramley's \"Christmas Carols, New and Old\" of 1877, albeit in a Victorianised non-modal form, with a grammatically corrected text. In addition to Gilbert Davies' collected version, another tune also exists and there are numerous textual variations, including additional verses. The Lord at first did Adam make The Lord at first did Adam make, alternatively The Lord at first had Adam made is a traditional English Christmas carol which was collected and first published in 1822 in Davies Gilbert's collection \"Some Ancient Christmas Carols...Formerly Sung in the West of England\". The carol relates the events of Genesis, Chapter 3,", "psg_id": "16010180" }, { "title": "George Soule (Mayflower passenger)", "text": "delays in and around England, they spotted land, which was the Cape Cod Hook, now called Provincetown Harbor. After several days of trying to get south to their planned destination of the Colony of Virginia, strong winter seas forced them to return to the harbor at Cape Cod hook, where they anchored on 11/21 November. On 11 November 1620, Soule and others signed the Mayflower Compact. Soule and three others were under 21 years of age, and one of the three had a baptismal record showing he was just 20 years old at the time of signing. It appears the", "psg_id": "7131877" }, { "title": "A Ducking They Did Go", "text": "flee the scene. Filmed on November 15–18, 1938, the title \"A Ducking They Did Go\" is a play on the old children's song \"A-Hunting We Will Go.\" The closing shot of the Stooges leaping over a bush, and landing on a trio of bucking steers was recycled from the end of 1936's \"A Pain in the Pullman\". A Ducking They Did Go A Ducking They Did Go is the 38th short film released by Columbia Pictures in 1939 starring American slapstick comedy team The Three Stooges (Moe Howard, Larry Fine and Curly Howard). The comedians released 190 short films for", "psg_id": "11220958" }, { "title": "Richard More (Mayflower passenger)", "text": "genealogist friend, Sir Anthony Wagner, searched and found in his attic a 1622 document that detailed the legal disputes between Katherine More and Samuel More and what actually happened to the More children. It is clear from these events that Samuel did not believe the children to be his offspring. To rid himself of the children, he arranged for them to be sent to the Colony of Virginia. Due to bad weather, the \"Mayflower\" finally anchored in Cape Cod Harbor in November 1620, where one of the More children died soon after; another died in early December and yet another", "psg_id": "15935100" }, { "title": "John Turner (Mayflower passenger)", "text": "John Turner (Mayflower passenger) John Turner (c.1590 – winter of 1620/21) was a passenger, along with his two sons, on the 1620 voyage of the historic Pilgrim ship the \"Mayflower\". He was a signatory to the Mayflower Compact and perished with his sons that first winter. Very little is known about his life in England, especially his origins. It is believed he may have come from Great Yarmouth in co. Norfolk, where there were several Turner families. Per Banks, Turner may have been of the original Pilgrim contingent emigrating to Leiden in 1610 with Bradford and Brewster as in that", "psg_id": "16430438" }, { "title": "USS Mayflower (1866)", "text": "USS Mayflower (1866) USS \"Mayflower\" (1866) was a screw tugboat acquired by the United States Navy at the end of the American Civil War. She performed a variety of duties, including survey work, along the New England and mid-Atlantic coasts of the United States. On completion of her official duties, she was recommissioned and issued to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland, for use as a training ship for midshipmen. \"Mayflower\" -– the first U.S. Navy ship to bear that name -- was a screw tug built for the Navy in 1866 at Chelsea, Massachusetts, by James Tetlow.", "psg_id": "11732563" }, { "title": "Mouse on the Mayflower", "text": "Mouse on the Mayflower The Mouse on the Mayflower is a 1968 animated Thanksgiving television special created by Rankin/Bass Productions and animated by Japanese studio Toei Animation. It was the first official special under the Rankin/Bass moniker after changing its name from Videocraft the previous year. It debuted on NBC on November 23, 1968. The special is about a church mouse named Willum, who is discovered on the \"Mayflower\". Tennessee Ernie Ford voices Willum and narrates. The famous ship called \"Mayflower\" is trapped amidst a huge storm. The entire story is narrated by a church-mouse called Willum, from his viewpoint.", "psg_id": "15127300" }, { "title": "Anarchy Is What States Make of It", "text": "Anarchy Is What States Make of It \"Anarchy Is What States Make of It: The Social Construction of Power Politics\" is a journal article by Alexander Wendt published in \"International Organization\" in 1992 that outlines a constructivist approach to international relations theory. Wendt argues that anarchy is not inherent in the international system in the way in which other schools of international relations theory envision it, but rather it is a construct of the nation-states in the system. At the core of constructivist thought is the idea that many core aspects of international relations are socially constructed (they are given", "psg_id": "13899429" }, { "title": "Fringe theories on the location of New Albion", "text": "the question, \"Did Drake Land Here\" in 1960. Louise Welshons Buell, Harry Morrison, Richard Scott and Gerald Webber suggested that Drake landed at Point Año Nuevo Cove. Around 1934, a bottle found with a thin, rolled lead plate was found at Monterey Bay, California. Myron Oliver and Ed Kennedy believed this proved Drake at been at that location. In 1718, mission friar Juan Amando Niel, speculated that Drake had entered the Carmel River. Margie Mallagh reported a local legend regarding Drake landing in San Luis Obispo Bay at a site known as Mallagh's Landing or Pirate's Cove. Robert Pate, Richard", "psg_id": "16948557" }, { "title": "USS Mayflower (1866)", "text": "& Co., of Boston, Massachusetts, 27 December 1893. USS Mayflower (1866) USS \"Mayflower\" (1866) was a screw tugboat acquired by the United States Navy at the end of the American Civil War. She performed a variety of duties, including survey work, along the New England and mid-Atlantic coasts of the United States. On completion of her official duties, she was recommissioned and issued to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland, for use as a training ship for midshipmen. \"Mayflower\" -– the first U.S. Navy ship to bear that name -- was a screw tug built for the Navy", "psg_id": "11732566" }, { "title": "Mouse on the Mayflower", "text": "The tale begins with the pilgrim preachers deciding to move to America and getting aboard the \"Mayflower\". However, because of the huge storm, the ship gets on the verge of sinking. Then, Willum, the pilgrim mouse, comes up with an idea to save the ship. When the pilgrims land safely, they write the Mayflower Compact and start constructing their new church and colony. However, it is already the autumn season and they do not have much food stored for the winter. The pilgrims then learn to plant crops during the spring season and celebrate a big feast toward the onset", "psg_id": "15127301" }, { "title": "Look at What the Light Did Now", "text": "Look at What the Light Did Now Look at What the Light Did Now is a documentary/live album DVD/CD by Canadian indie pop artist Feist, first released in December 2010. The DVD comprises an 80-minute documentary directed by Anthony Seck, five music videos from 2007 album The Reminder, and a number of live performances recorded between 2007 and 2009, including covers of songs by artists such as Little River Band and Ron Sexsmith. The set's accompanying CD features live tracks and solo piano takes of tracks from \"The Reminder\", along with live covers of songs by artists such as The", "psg_id": "20092675" }, { "title": "Christopher Jones (Mayflower captain)", "text": "the ship's surgeon, a young man just out of apprenticeship as a London Barber-Surgeon by the name of Giles Heale. His name appears as a witness to the death-bed will of William Mullins in February 1621. Another person that Bradford also did not mention who is recorded as possibly being a principal officer of the Mayflower due to his title, is a man identified only as \"Master\" Leaver. He is recorded in Mourt's Relation (1622) as rescuing Pilgrims lost in a forest in January 1621. \"Mayflower\" embarked about sixty-five passengers in London about the middle of July 1620, proceeded to", "psg_id": "6613249" }, { "title": "Eastham, Massachusetts", "text": "Eastham, Massachusetts Eastham () is a town in Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States, Barnstable County being coextensive with Cape Cod. The population was 4,956 at the 2010 census. For geographic and demographic information about the village of North Eastham, please see North Eastham, Massachusetts. Originally settled by the Nauset tribe, Eastham was the site where in 1620 a hunting expedition landed, comprised from the crew of the sailing vessel \"Mayflower\", which had stopped in Provincetown harbor on Cape Cod Bay after a rough crossing of the Atlantic Ocean, which led to the first encounter of the Pilgrims and the local", "psg_id": "1094136" }, { "title": "Eastham, Massachusetts", "text": "the Dill Beach Shack, all on Route 6, adjacent to the Eastham Post Office. The museums are opened in July and August. Eastham, Massachusetts Eastham () is a town in Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States, Barnstable County being coextensive with Cape Cod. The population was 4,956 at the 2010 census. For geographic and demographic information about the village of North Eastham, please see North Eastham, Massachusetts. Originally settled by the Nauset tribe, Eastham was the site where in 1620 a hunting expedition landed, comprised from the crew of the sailing vessel \"Mayflower\", which had stopped in Provincetown harbor on Cape", "psg_id": "1094151" }, { "title": "The Land of Make Believe", "text": "The Land of Make Believe \"The Land of Make Believe\" is a 1981 single by British band Bucks Fizz. It reached No.1 in the UK in early 1982 - the second single by the band to do so. The song was produced by Andy Hill with music by Hill and lyrics by ex-King Crimson member Peter Sinfield. Despite the apparent sugar-coated style of the song, Sinfield later claimed it was a subtle attack on Margaret Thatcher and her government's policy at the time. \"The Land of Make Believe\" became a big hit across Europe in early 1982, topping the charts", "psg_id": "8207124" }, { "title": "The Land of Make Believe", "text": "Quartet in 1957. The Land of Make Believe \"The Land of Make Believe\" is a 1981 single by British band Bucks Fizz. It reached No.1 in the UK in early 1982 - the second single by the band to do so. The song was produced by Andy Hill with music by Hill and lyrics by ex-King Crimson member Peter Sinfield. Despite the apparent sugar-coated style of the song, Sinfield later claimed it was a subtle attack on Margaret Thatcher and her government's policy at the time. \"The Land of Make Believe\" became a big hit across Europe in early 1982,", "psg_id": "8207137" }, { "title": "What Richard Did", "text": "Unlike Abrahamson's previous two films, the screenplay for \"What Richard Did\" was not written by Mark O'Halloran but by Malcolm Campbell. The details of the plot deviate significantly from the source novel. The director worked with the cast for a full year in advance of production while script development was ongoing, holding a series of workshops in an effort to make successive drafts more reflective of contemporary Irish youth culture. Shot on location in Dublin and Wicklow, the film was financed by the Irish Film Board and Screen Scene, and was produced by Element Pictures. At the request of Kevin", "psg_id": "16918899" }, { "title": "What the Hell Did I Say", "text": "part of the album's pre-release video series. The official music video was released on July 9, 2017. Also directed by Edwards, the video is composed of footage from Bentley's 2017 tour. What the Hell Did I Say \"What the Hell Did I Say\" is a song co-written and recorded by country music artist Dierks Bentley. It was released in June 2017 as the fourth single from his 2016 album \"Black\". This is the second collaboration by Bentley, Kear and Tompkins, following the highly successful No. 1 single \"Drunk on a Plane\". However, unlike \"Drunk\", this song underperformed and became the", "psg_id": "19446423" }, { "title": "Mouse on the Mayflower", "text": "of the autumn season or fall. This is their first Thanksgiving celebration. \"The Mouse on the Mayflower\" was first released on VHS by Family Home Entertainment in 1989 and 1993. Sony Wonder and Golden Books Family Entertainment also released the special on VHS in the \"Holiday Classics Collection\" line in 1998. This special has yet to see a DVD release. Mouse on the Mayflower The Mouse on the Mayflower is a 1968 animated Thanksgiving television special created by Rankin/Bass Productions and animated by Japanese studio Toei Animation. It was the first official special under the Rankin/Bass moniker after changing its", "psg_id": "15127302" }, { "title": "Ant & Dec", "text": "as the Supercomputer, Vegas or Bust, the End of the show 'show' where Ant and Dec perform with an act such as Riverdance or an Orchestra, and \"I'm a Celebrity, get out of my ear!\" where they have an earpiece in a celebs ear and they tell them what to do while being filmed by secret cameras. The series was such a success that ITV recommissioned it for 2014 even before the 2013 series ended. In August 2002, Ant & Dec fronted \"I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!\". They drew their highest viewing figures to date in February 2004:", "psg_id": "2636550" }, { "title": "The Land of the Settlers", "text": "built for security purposes or if it has political motives. Instead of running along the green line, Israel's official border, it extends into Palestinian land, which one Palestinian argues is a \"robbery of land and resources.\" One Israeli official, nicknamed \"the father of the fence,\" explains that they extended they boundary in order to make sure that guards have enough time to stop a person from crossing. The fence is likened to the Berlin wall. Yavin, also known as Mr. Television, has been reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for decades, but, until the release of this series, he's kept his", "psg_id": "10602729" }, { "title": "The \"What Time Is Love?\" Story", "text": "at the \"Land Of Oz\", the chill-out room of the London nightclub Heaven, where Paterson regularly DJed alongside The KLF co-founder Jimmy Cauty. The track was recorded on 31 July 1989, one week after a single release of further \"What Time Is Love?\" remixes. The date also marked the release of The KLF's pop single \"Kylie Said to Jason\". The \"What Time Is Love?\" Story The \"What Time Is Love?\" Story is a compilation album by British electronic music duo The KLF, comprising six versions of their techno track \"What Time Is Love?\". By 1989 (see 1989 in music), the", "psg_id": "7526862" } ]
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in the transformer universe, who do the autobots battle?
[ { "title": "Transformers: Alternators", "text": "explains that the Binaltech universe, although originally a corruption of the timeline, must be allowed to continue as it will lead to an evolution of the Transformers species, and eventually to \"the great \". When Unicron arrives, the Autobots prevail, but per Ravage's plan, the Decepticons are released from the rift to conquer the battle-weary Autobots. In order to put an end to all Transformer fighting across the universe, the Autobots resort to activating an ancient device to freeze all Transformers across the universe, but it has the unexpected effect of only freezing the non-Binaltech Transformers. Since Binaltech Autobots outnumber", "psg_id": "4556608" } ]
[ { "title": "Who's Who in the DC Universe", "text": "a state of flux. In the \"\" episode \"Emperor Joker\", during a battle between Batman and the Ten-Eyed Man, Bat-Mite (who breaks the fourth wall) was seen reading about the Ten-Eyed Man in issue #23 of the original \"Who's Who\" series. Who's Who in the DC Universe Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe (usually referred to as Who's Who) is the umbrella title for a number of comic book series which DC Comics published to catalogue the wide variety of fictional characters in their imaginary universe, the DC Universe. \"Who's Who\" was the creation of Len Wein,", "psg_id": "3019029" }, { "title": "The Autobots", "text": "ruled in favor of Disney, fining Bluemtv and G-Point $190,000 and ordering them to cease copyright infringement. A sequel for the film, \"The Autobots 2\" was scheduled for release in Summer 2017. However, the sequel appears to be put on hold or cancelled because of low ratings, as the latest information is from 2016. The Autobots The Autobots () is a 2015 Chinese animated film. It was released on July 4, 2015. The production company and filmmaker stated that it was an independently-produced film, while several critics and people who watched the film accused it of being copied from the", "psg_id": "18894199" }, { "title": "Female Autobots", "text": "of the \"Female Autobots\" team consisting of a new line up, including: Though not a female transformer, given his supportive role to the team in the cartoon, Alpha Trion might be considered a member of the group in that continuity as well. Four million years ago, the Female Autobots parted ways with Optimus Prime's team as he led his ship the \"Ark\" on a mission to gather energon. Elita One wanted to come with him but Optimus insisted it was too dangerous. Optimus vowed to return for them, but caught in an explosion, Optimus believed them to be destroyed. In", "psg_id": "15565526" }, { "title": "The Autobots", "text": "The Autobots The Autobots () is a 2015 Chinese animated film. It was released on July 4, 2015. The production company and filmmaker stated that it was an independently-produced film, while several critics and people who watched the film accused it of being copied from the \"Cars\" franchise. Shen Lu, Katie Hunt, and Anna Hsieh of CNN stated that Chinese title of the film was similar to the Mainland Chinese title of \"Cars\" (). In July 2016, The Walt Disney Company filed a copyright case through the Shanghai Pudong New Area People's Court and on December 29, 2016 the court", "psg_id": "18894198" }, { "title": "Female Autobots", "text": "of Jazz. No female \"Transformers\" are ever seen or referred to in the US stories. In \"Recipe for Disaster!\", Cloudburst is pressured into a relationship with the beautiful First One of Femax, but he explains that Transformers, as a species, have no gender. The UK stories corroborate this, and, in \"Prime's Rib!\" Arcee is intentionally created by the Autobots to be the sole female Transformer in an attempt to placate human feminists. Despite this, the Marvel continuity was actually the first in introducing a female \"Cybertronian\": Aunty, the onboard computer of the \"Ark\", who was introduced in the very first", "psg_id": "15565531" }, { "title": "Who's Who in the DC Universe", "text": "Who's Who in the DC Universe Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe (usually referred to as Who's Who) is the umbrella title for a number of comic book series which DC Comics published to catalogue the wide variety of fictional characters in their imaginary universe, the DC Universe. \"Who's Who\" was the creation of Len Wein, Marv Wolfman, and Robert Greenberger, and its first incarnation (\"Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe\") debuted in the last month of 1984 (cover dated March 1985) and ran 26 issues until 1987 (cover dated April 1987). It was", "psg_id": "3019019" }, { "title": "Female Autobots", "text": "Autobots to come to Earth in response to Optimus Prime's signal inviting all of his kind to do so. She joined with the Earth-based Autobots in \"Transformers: Alliance\" #4. In California, the Autobots set a trap for Starscream's minions Divebomb, Fearswoop and Skystalker by having Theodore Galloway pose as an arms dealer attempting to purchase Cybertronian technology. The trap is uncovered and the Autobots send in Arcee, Chromia, Elita One, Ironhide, Mudflap and Skids. Divebomb and Skystalker are killed while Fearswoop is captured by the Autobots and taken back to the NEST base on Diego Garcia. When Elita One learn", "psg_id": "15565543" }, { "title": "Transformers: The Last Knight", "text": "an abandoned town where the Autobots ambush their enemies and defeat them while Cade, Jimmy, and Izabella battle a unit of TRF drones. Cogman, a steampunk Transformer, appears and invites Cade to the United Kingdom to meet his employer, Sir Edmund Burton, who has connections to the Transformers. Burton also has another Transformer associate named Hot Rod find Viviane Wembley, a University of Oxford professor, and bring her to him. Bringing Cade, Viviane, and Bumblebee together, Burton explains that Transformers have been aiding mankind in war for centuries, their existence hidden by a secret society of famed historical figures, the", "psg_id": "18406689" }, { "title": "The Transformers (IDW Publishing)", "text": "is building to get off Earth. In the battle that follows, Swindle betrays Rodimus and reveals his new creation, Menasor, but the day is saved thanks to Skywatch, with whom Optimus Prime has brokered an alliance, and some timely side-switching from the disillusioned Thundercracker. The disgraced Rodimus flees Earth alone, and the Autobots rally under Bumblebee. Working with Skywatch, the Autobots begin helping them deal with Transformer-related crises around Earth, finding themselves caught between the Combaticons, allied with North Korea, and the Predacons, working for China. Disenchanted Skywatch operative Sandra broadcasts footage of his battle to the world, exposing Skywatch's", "psg_id": "8761608" }, { "title": "The Return of Optimus Prime", "text": "pitting everyone against each other, human and Transformer alike. In space, Sky Lynx manages to find a Quintesson getting chased by a group of diseased Sharkticons. Sky Lynx says he will save the Quintesson, in exchange of reviving Optimus which he agrees. After a bit trouble, the duo revives Optimus, who awakens as the entire universe is descending into madness. The episode begins with a revived Optimus thanking the Quintesson for bringing him back to life. Optimus then asks what happened and who is left. Sky Lynx informs him that the Autobots that escaped infection are in need of repairs", "psg_id": "8589556" }, { "title": "Female Autobots", "text": "Female Autobots The Female Autobots is the name of a group in the various \"Transformers\" series in the Transformers franchise. They usually possess the outward appearance of humanoid females. The Female Autobots (known in Japan as the Woman Cybertrons and alternately known as the Fatal Furies and Elita One's Squadron) were seen in the 1985 animated television series, in which they were indicated to be rare, and believed extinct by most other Transformers. They did not appear in the American Marvel comic book series, where it was specifically stated that Transformers do not have genders. It is very clear that", "psg_id": "15565523" }, { "title": "The Transformers: The Movie", "text": "led by Wreck-Gar, who then rebuild Magnus. Learning Galvatron has the Matrix, the Autobots and Junkions fly to Cybertron, which Unicron, discovered to be a gigantic Transformer also now in robot form, begins to destroy. The Autobots crash their spaceship through Unicron's eye, but they end up separated. Daniel rescues his father Spike and Jazz, Bumblebee, and Cliffjumper from being devoured. Hot Rod confronts Galvatron, who tries to form an alliance, but is forced into attacking Hot Rod by Unicron. Hot Rod obtains the Matrix, which converts him into Rodimus Prime, the Autobot that Optimus said would light their darkest", "psg_id": "826751" }, { "title": "Ninjak vs. the Valiant Universe", "text": "Ninjak vs. the Valiant Universe Ninjak vs. the Valiant Universe is an American superhero action web television series based on characters appearing in Valiant Comics. The series stars Michael Rowe as the titular Ninjak who must do battle against his former allies, all of whom are superheroes in their own right. It was initially released as six episodes on, with the first episode premiering April 21, 2018 and the rest of the episodes premiering daily. Colin King (a.k.a. Ninjak) is MI6's deadliest intelligence operative and weapons expert. When the ruthless assassin Roku exploits his greatest weakness, Ninjak is forced", "psg_id": "20679136" }, { "title": "Who's Who in the DC Universe", "text": "power descriptions were more vague; and characters from all of DC's publishing domain were included (such as out-of-continuity series like \"Camelot 3000\" and \"Watchmen\"), not just those from its shared universe (although the \"Who's Who Update '88\" did limit its entries to in-continuity series only). Various updated versions of the \"Who's Who\" have appeared over the years, including \"Who's Who Update '87\" (five issues, cover dated August to December 1987) and \"Who's Who Update '88\" (four issues, cover dated August to November 1988). Both books featured new entries, revised entries for characters in previous volumes, and an Appendix which included", "psg_id": "3019022" }, { "title": "Who's Who in the DC Universe", "text": "character as a creation of the Time Trapper, and there is no profile for Supergirl, despite her many adventures with the Legion, since by this time she was written out of continuity. In 1990, DC started over with a new \"Who's Who\" series titled \"Who's Who in the DC Universe\" (16 loose-leaf issues with binders sold separately, cover dated August 1990 to February 1992). This book was not as comprehensive as the previous \"Who's Who\" (for example, there was no entry for the Atom, even though his character was undergoing major changes in the comic \"Suicide Squad\"), and some of", "psg_id": "3019025" }, { "title": "Who's Who in the DC Universe", "text": "May 1992). During the period from the late 1990s through the end of the 2000s, \"Who's Who\" was replaced with \"Secret Files and Origins\", a series of one-shots devoted to particular characters or events in the DC Universe and which feature \"Who's Who\"-like profiles. DK Publishing has also released a number of \"Ultimate Guides\", as well as a book titled \"The DC Comics Encyclopedia\", which serve a similar purpose. On December 10, 2009, DC announced that a new \"Who's Who\" series would be published in 2010 as part of the company's 75th anniversary celebration. The series was later announced for", "psg_id": "3019027" }, { "title": "Padmount transformer", "text": "and Electronic Engineers (ANSI/IEEE) National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Standards Padmount transformer A padmount or pad-mounted transformer is a ground mounted electric power distribution transformer in a locked steel cabinet mounted on a concrete pad. Since all energized connection points are securely enclosed in a grounded metal housing, a padmount transformer can be installed in places that do not have room for a fenced enclosure. Padmount transformers are used with underground electric power distribution lines at service drops, to step down the primary voltage on the line to the lower secondary voltage supplied to utility customers. A single transformer may", "psg_id": "15129524" }, { "title": "Padmount transformer", "text": "Padmount transformer A padmount or pad-mounted transformer is a ground mounted electric power distribution transformer in a locked steel cabinet mounted on a concrete pad. Since all energized connection points are securely enclosed in a grounded metal housing, a padmount transformer can be installed in places that do not have room for a fenced enclosure. Padmount transformers are used with underground electric power distribution lines at service drops, to step down the primary voltage on the line to the lower secondary voltage supplied to utility customers. A single transformer may serve one large building, or many homes. Pad-mounted transformers are", "psg_id": "15129519" }, { "title": "Who's Who in the DC Universe", "text": "the entries took on a less serious tone. One instance is an entry for Guy Gardner, which is written from the character's perspective. Another instance is a blank entry for Death, which has all the usual information headings crossed out and blue marker scrawl stating simply \"Someday you'll meet her. You can find out for yourself.\" This series was followed up by \"Who's Who in the DC Universe Update 1993\" (2 loose-leaf issues, cover dated December 1992 and January 1993). DC also released a \"Who's Who\" series for their Impact Comics line (3 loose-leaf issues, cover dated September 1991 to", "psg_id": "3019026" }, { "title": "Alone in the Universe", "text": "is a slow song that Lynne wrote for somebody he loved who was facing some big trouble, and at the same time to cheer himself up. As he said, the song made him feel better, a little less alone in the universe. On \"Ain't it a Drag\", Lynne said \"It began because I wanted a rocker for the album. You always need a rocker – at least I do. I was in the mood to do almost a Mersey Beat number and to me there’s something about \"Ain’t It a Drag\" that sounds a bit like Mersey Beat. All these", "psg_id": "19053291" }, { "title": "Female Autobots", "text": "that it was a trap and that the Nest base was attack, she went to go warn Optimus and his team, but before he can tell them, she is killed by Shockwave. Enraged by her death, Optimus battle him and tried to killed, but Shockwave escape with the help of his pet: The Driller. Arcee and Chromia felt their sister's death, but they survived the attack. Elita one was giving a grave along with the Autobots(Blazemaster, Knock Out, Dune Runner, Jolt, and Armrohide) who were killed by Shockwave. Optimus mourn her and vowed to avenge her. In the movie, all", "psg_id": "15565544" }, { "title": "Who's Who in the DC Universe", "text": "eighteen issues, 48 pages per issue, beginning in May 2010 with Bob Greenberger as sole writer and Bob Harras as editor. The series launch was subsequently delayed, but in October 2010 DC vice-president Dan DiDio stated that the series would be released after the 2011 DCU line-wide event, \"Flashpoint\". However, the history of the DC Universe received an extensive overhaul in the aftermath of said \"Flashpoint\" event. The resulting New 52 comics are set in a greatly altered continuity, making a new edition of \"Who's Who\" seem unlikely in the short term because the histories of many characters are in", "psg_id": "3019028" }, { "title": "Who's Who in the DC Universe", "text": "essentially an encyclopedia in comic book form, listing the characters, places, and technology in the DC Universe. It began one month before the 12-issue limited series \"Crisis on Infinite Earths\" began; therefore, the earlier issues discuss pre-\"Crisis\" versions of the characters, whereas issues released after the conclusion of the limited series discuss the post-\"Crisis\" universe. For example, while both the Flash (Barry Allen) and Supergirl died during the \"Crisis\", the Flash's death is not mentioned as issue #8 predates his death, but Supergirl's death is recounted 14 months later in issue #22. Also, characters such as Superman and Wonder Woman", "psg_id": "3019020" }, { "title": "Who's Who in the DC Universe", "text": "were rebooted during the series' run, so their entries recounted their post-\"Crisis\" histories only, while their entire Silver Age histories (and all the unique elements of those characters during that time, such as Superman's Fortress of Solitude and Wonder Woman's powerless period) were ignored. \"Who's Who\" was DC's answer to \"The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe\", which was published a few years earlier. The DC version had a less formal style than its Marvel counterpart. Each character had an individualized logo instead of a standard typeface; figures were shown in action poses rather than full-body portraits; character histories and", "psg_id": "3019021" }, { "title": "Linear variable differential transformer", "text": "Linear variable differential transformer The linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) (also called linear variable displacement transformer, linear variable displacement transducer, or simply differential transformer) is a type of electrical transformer used for measuring linear displacement (position). A counterpart to this device that is used for measuring rotary displacement is called a rotary variable differential transformer (RVDT). LVDTs are robust, absolute linear position/displacement transducers; inherently frictionless, they have a virtually infinite cycle life when properly used. As AC operated LVDTs do not contain any electronics, they can be designed to operate at cryogenic temperatures or up to 1200 °F (650 °C),", "psg_id": "3305676" }, { "title": "Ironhide", "text": "Awakening\". In the \"Transformers: Prime\" episode \"Toxicity\", Bulkhead explains to Agent Fowler about the dangers of Tox-En, a toxic form of Energon. In his flashback, a Transformer resembling G1 Ironhide is seen dead. Ironhide was featured in the 1985 audio adventures Megatron's Fight For Power, Autobots Fight Back, and Laserbeak's Fury by John Grant, published by Ladybird Books. The \"Beast Wars\" Ironhide made appearance in \"Transformers: Universe #3\" as part of Magnaboss. In this comic Optimus Primal pleads with Magnaboss and the Maximal High council (which oddly includes Bantor, Air Hammer, Cohrada, Torca and Battle Unicorn) to take the threat", "psg_id": "4576729" }, { "title": "Isolation transformer", "text": "no conductive connection between transformer secondary and earth, there is no danger in touching a live part of the circuit while another part of the body is earthed. Electrical isolation is considered to be particularly important on medical equipment, and special standards apply. Often the system must additionally be designed so that fault conditions do not interrupt power, but generate a warning. Isolation transformers are also used for the power supply of devices not at ground potential. An example is the Austin transformer for the power supply of air-traffic obstacle warning lamps on radio antenna masts. Without the isolation transformer,", "psg_id": "2925280" }, { "title": "The Transformers: The Movie", "text": "and Frank Welker. It also marked the final roles for both Orson Welles, who died the year before its release, and Scatman Crothers, who died months after its release. The film's story takes place in 2005, 20 years after the events of the TV series' second season, and serves to bridge into the third season. After the death of Optimus Prime during a devastating assault on Autobot City, the remaining Autobots are pursued by Galvatron, the regenerated form of Megatron and servant of Unicron, a planet-devouring Transformer who sets out to consume Cybertron. The film is set to a soundtrack", "psg_id": "826746" }, { "title": "Female Autobots", "text": "Trilogy would also feature female Autobots, though as usual they appeared in the minority. The most prominent examples were Arcee, who here appeared as a member of the Omnicons, and Override, leader of the planet Velocitron. In \"\", the Arcee Sisters (voiced by Grey DeLisle) is the name of the group consisting of Female Autobots. During development, the three bikes were first conceived to be able to combine into a single robot, and this ability can still be seen in the film's novelization. The three sisters are a pink Ducati 848 called Arcee in the toyline, a blue Suzuki B-King", "psg_id": "15565540" }, { "title": "Female Autobots", "text": "the \"Rage of the Dinobots\" comic book miniseries as Autobot refugees on an abandoned Cybertron. The most prominently featured female Autobot in the \"\" series was Arcee, who served as a member of Team Prime. Though, Megatron takes Solus Prime's arm to wield the Forge of Solus Prime for a short period of time. A new female Autobot named Strongarm appears in the 2015 \"\" sequel television series as part of Bumblebee's team. The cast was also joined by an animated incarnation of Windblade. Female Autobots The Female Autobots is the name of a group in the various \"Transformers\" series", "psg_id": "15565548" }, { "title": "Hoist (Transformers)", "text": "written before the \"Universe\" Smokescreen toys were created. Hoist is an Autobot who turns into a tow-truck. Initially a video-game only character in 2007, he got his first toy in 2009. Hoist is a playable character in the PSP version of the 2007 Transformers video game. He arrived on Earth about the same time as Optimus Prime and was part of their mission to Hoover Dam. In \"Transformer: Autobots\" for the Nintendo DS a vehicle that goes by the name Maintenance is an homage to Hoist. This Hoist is an evil mirror universe version of his Generation 1 self. He", "psg_id": "6081722" }, { "title": "Autobot", "text": "reverse engineering of Transformer technology. Upon discovering that Ratchet has been slain and his head is being melted down, Bumblebee and Drift rescue Cade of the Attinger´s interrogation, Optimus, Crosshairs and Hound storm into the headquarters to destroy the laboratory and rescue Brains, but Joshua convinces them that their actions are futile and they are no longer relevant to this planet. As the Autobots leave the premises, Attinger convinces Joshua to activate KSI's prototype Transformer soldiers Galvatron and Stinger to chase the Autobots with the humans. Optimus and Galvatron engage in a grueling battle where Optimus realizes that Galvatron is", "psg_id": "3290745" }, { "title": "Transformers Revenge of the Fallen: Autobots", "text": "7 out of 10, stating, \"This may be the first time in video game history that a licensed DS title far exceeds the movie it's based on.\" IGN gave the game a score of 7 out of 10, stating that it \"represents Transformers well\". Transformers Revenge of the Fallen: Autobots Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: Autobots is a video game exclusively for the Nintendo DS based on fictional alien robots, Transformers. This version follows the plot of the movie. Similar to the first game, you have a custom robot or Create-A-Bot which you can customize during the game. The difference", "psg_id": "13528972" }, { "title": "Transformers Revenge of the Fallen: Autobots", "text": "Transformers Revenge of the Fallen: Autobots Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: Autobots is a video game exclusively for the Nintendo DS based on fictional alien robots, Transformers. This version follows the plot of the movie. Similar to the first game, you have a custom robot or Create-A-Bot which you can customize during the game. The difference is that while in vehicle scanning, you are only limited to vehicles known as light, which is fast but weak, medium, which is fast and strong, and heavy, which is strong but slow, and the protoform cannot scan another form again once it chooses", "psg_id": "13528959" }, { "title": "Transformers Universe (comic book)", "text": "and Sonar and returning to Cybertron. The first four pages of this issue were eventually finished and published in issue 16 of the Transformers Collector Club magazine. Transformers Universe #1 contains a story called \"Abduction\". On the reformatted technorganic Cybertron \"Beast Machines\" Cheetor, Rattrap, Silverbolt, and Blackarachnia are interviewed by the Autobot reporter \"Universe\" Rook. They welcome the Autobots Roulette, Shadow Striker as well as \"Generation 1\" Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, and Trailbreaker back to Cybertron. \"Beast Machines\" Buzzsaw, \"Beast Wars\" Drill Bit, Quickstrike, and Rockbuster are also present. The returning Autobots, with Blackarachnia and Silverbolt, are abducted via teleportation beams and", "psg_id": "15043625" }, { "title": "Austin transformer", "text": "Austin transformer An Austin transformer is a special type of an Isolation transformer used for feeding the air-traffic obstacle lamps and other devices on a mast radiator antenna insulated from ground. As the electrical potential difference between the antenna and ground is high (up to 300 kV), feeding the lamps directly is impossible. The transformer consists of two ring-like windings with a large air space between the winding and the magnetic core. The large spacing provides both isolation from high voltage and low inter-winding coupling capacitance. The Austin transformer is named after its inventor, Arthur O. Austin, who graduated from", "psg_id": "13210829" }, { "title": "Hasbro Universe", "text": "Hasbro products. On January 18, 2017, D. J. Caruso has stated that when he was in talks to be \"GI Joe 3\"'s director, the discussion included a Transformers and G.I. Joe meeting. However, Paramount did not think the time was not right to do so and part of that was that they did not want to infringing on Michael Bay's running of the Transformer films. On December 15, 2015, Hasbro Studios agreed with Paramount to a deal creating a five-property movie universe by financing unit Allspark Pictures and distributed by Paramount Pictures. The following properties are \"G.I. Joe\", \"M.A.S.K.\", \"Micronauts\",", "psg_id": "19863781" }, { "title": "The Universe in a Single Atom", "text": "the definition of inconsistent flow. The nature of a paradoxical reality mirrors the Buddhist philosophy of emptiness. Quantum physics debates the sustainability of having the notion of reality, as defined by Buddhist philosophy. One way Buddhists and scientists agree is their understanding of the Buddha's lack of explanation for the formation of the universe. However, Buddhist cosmologists have created the notion of a universe that has a form, expands and then is destructive. Both sides, science and Buddhist cosmologists, do not immediately resort to create a Godly being as the origin of all matter. Moreover, in Buddhism the universe is", "psg_id": "17185974" }, { "title": "The Biggest Douche in the Universe", "text": "are friends of Trey Parker and Matt Stone and have stated that this is their favorite episode. According to the commentary for this episode, Trey Parker described the creation of the episode as being centered on John Edward who the entire crew of South Park Studios agreed was \"the biggest douche in the universe.\" That was until Matt Stone asked the question \"Well, what about Rob Schneider?\" leading to the fictional trailers. Parker and Stone credit James Randi with Stan's explanation of cold reading. The Biggest Douche in the Universe \"The Biggest Douche in the Universe\" is the 15th episode", "psg_id": "9090287" }, { "title": "Austin transformer", "text": "Stanford University in 1903 and who obtained 225 patents in his career. Austin transformer An Austin transformer is a special type of an Isolation transformer used for feeding the air-traffic obstacle lamps and other devices on a mast radiator antenna insulated from ground. As the electrical potential difference between the antenna and ground is high (up to 300 kV), feeding the lamps directly is impossible. The transformer consists of two ring-like windings with a large air space between the winding and the magnetic core. The large spacing provides both isolation from high voltage and low inter-winding coupling capacitance. The Austin", "psg_id": "13210830" }, { "title": "Red Alert (Transformers)", "text": "Shot and Thrust, the defenders looked to be overrun - until Megatron arrived and routed the clones. Armada Red Alert appeared in issue 2 of the Transformer: Universe comic book as one of the escaping prisoners of Unicron. An epilogue to Red Alert's story would be found in IDW's Transformers Collectors Club exclusive comic story, \"Revelations part 6\". This story, set before the announcement of the Space Bridge Project, saw Red Alert and the other Autobots and humans return to Cybertron. They encounterd an alternate version of Prime, Alpha Trion and several other Autobots and Mini-Cons. There, they delivered the", "psg_id": "9097880" }, { "title": "Alone in the Universe", "text": "the Universe\" would be recorded at Lynne's home studio, Bungalow Palace, over the course of 18 months. Lynne played nearly every instrument himself; the only other two people involved in the album's production were Laura Lynne, Jeff's daughter, who sings background vocals on \"Love and Rain\" and \"One Step at a Time\", and Steve Jay, the album's engineer, who plays the shaker and tambourine. On 24 September 2015, \"Alone in the Universe\" was announced. When asked by a journalist what he had been doing since \"Zoom\", the previous ELO album, Lynne jokingly responded: \"I have no idea. I like a", "psg_id": "19053288" }, { "title": "Transformer", "text": "secondary winding results in conservation of apparent, real and reactive power consistent with eq. 4. The ideal transformer identity shown in eq. 5 is a reasonable approximation for the typical commercial transformer, with voltage ratio and winding turns ratio both being inversely proportional to the corresponding current ratio. By Ohm's law and the ideal transformer identity: The ideal transformer model neglects the following basic linear aspects of real transformers: (a) Core losses, collectively called magnetizing current losses, consisting of (b) Unlike the ideal model, the windings in a real transformer have non-zero resistances and inductances associated with: (c) similar to", "psg_id": "417850" }, { "title": "Transformer types", "text": "an electromagnetic VT. An optical voltage transformer exploits the electrical properties of optical materials. Measurement of high voltages is possible by the potential transformers. An optical voltage transformer is not strictly a transformer, but a sensor similar to a Hall effect sensor. A combined instrument transformer encloses a current transformer and a voltage transformer in the same transformer. There are two main combined current and voltage transformer designs: oil-paper insulated and SF insulated. One advantage of applying this solution is reduced substation footprint, due to reduced number of transformers in a bay, supporting structures and connections as well as lower", "psg_id": "10062851" }, { "title": "Chronology of the universe", "text": "- a scalar field that exists throughout space. Unlike gravity, the effects of such a field do not diminish (or only diminish slowly) as the universe grows. While matter and gravity have a greater effect initially, their effect quickly diminishes as the universe continues to expand. Objects in the universe, which are initially seen to be moving apart as the universe expands, continue to move apart, but their outward motion gradually slows down. This slowing effect becomes smaller as the universe becomes more spread out. Eventually, the outward and repulsive effect of dark energy begins to dominate over the inward", "psg_id": "12418950" }, { "title": "In the Attic of the Universe", "text": "in his fascination with the universe. This fascination led to the album's recurring theme of the universe and its vastness. Silberman also noted that the album carries a theme of \"religious misdirection\", inspired by his own tendency to find the wrong solutions to his problems in life. As with the full band debut album (and follow-up recording to \"In the Attic of the Universe\") \"Hospice\", there is a recurring riff that occurs in \"Look!\" and \"The Universe is Going to Catch You\". In the Attic of the Universe In the Attic of the Universe is the second release by American", "psg_id": "14061433" }, { "title": "He-Man: The Most Powerful Game in the Universe", "text": "He-Man: The Most Powerful Game in the Universe He-Man: The Most Powerful Game in the Universe is a handheld video game developed by Canadian studio Glitchsoft and released by Chillingo. Players control He-Man, travelling through seven regions of Eternia, with the possibility of summoning allies such as Man-At-Arms, the Sorceress and Orko in battle against Skeletor and the Evil Horde. Bosses include Skeletor himself, Beast Man, Trap Jaw, Mer-Man and Hordak. Later updates to the game included She-Ra as a second playable character, and King Hiss as a new boss. In 2013, the game was released on Android under the", "psg_id": "16899626" }, { "title": "The Last Book in the Universe", "text": "The Last Book in the Universe The Last Book in the Universe (2000) is a post-apocalyptic science fiction novel by Rodman Philbrick. Set in a cyberpunk dystopia, its protagonist and narrator is a teenage boy named Spaz who suffers from epilepsy. The story is set in a post-disaster, dystopic future city, appearing to be somewhere in the United States, called the Urb, which has been disturbed by an earthquake known as \"The Big Shake\". The Urb is plagued by poverty, thieves, gang warfare, and the use of mindprobes. These mindprobes include variations such as \"trendies\" (mindprobes about Eden). They are", "psg_id": "3027944" }, { "title": "The Fastest Clock in the Universe", "text": "The Fastest Clock in the Universe The Fastest Clock in the Universe is a two act play by Philip Ridley. It was Ridley's second stage play and premiered at the Hampstead Theatre, London on 14 May 1992 and featured Jude Law in one of his early major stage roles in the part of Foxtrot Darling. The production was the second collaboration between Ridley and director Matthew Lloyd, who would go on to direct the original productions for the majority of Ridley's plays until 2000. Like Ridley's previous play \"The Pitchfork Disney\", \"The Fastest Clock\" was considered shocking for its time", "psg_id": "18935182" }, { "title": "Air Motion Transformer", "text": "an AMT driver for their top of the line headphones., ELAC (Germany) who calls their version of the transducer JET, ADAM (Germany), under the name Accelerating Ribbon Technology, ETON (Germany), HEDD Audio (Germany), Monkey Banana (Germany), Beyma (Spain), Furuyama Audio Labs – FAL (Japan), SoundTouch (China), The Tetra (Canada) 606 uses the Mundorf (Germany) Air Motion Transformer., RBH Sound (USA),Aurum Cantus(China). Air Motion Transformer The Air Motion Transformer (AMT) is a type of electroacoustic transducer or loudspeaker, also called Air Velocity Transformer (AVT) or JET transducer. Invented by Dr. Oskar Heil, it operates on a different transduction principle than other", "psg_id": "8981540" }, { "title": "Zigzag transformer", "text": "voltage distribution network. If a transformation is required directly between the 110 kV/11 kV network an option is to use a 110 kV/11 kV star/delta transformer. The problem is that the 11 kV delta no longer has an earth reference point. Installing a zigzag transformer near the secondary side of the 110 kV/11 kV transformer provides the required earth reference point. Zigzag transformer A zigzag transformer is a special-purpose transformer with a zigzag or \"interconnected star\" winding connection, such that each output is the vector sum of two (2) phases offset by 120°. It is used as a grounding transformer,", "psg_id": "4212621" }, { "title": "Alone in the Universe", "text": "Alone in the Universe Alone in the Universe is the thirteenth studio album by British rock band Electric Light Orchestra (ELO), and the first credited to Jeff Lynne's ELO. The moniker came out from Lynne as a response to ELO tribute and imitation bands, who repeatedly used ELO for promoting their own tours. Released on 13 November 2015, the album is the first of new original material credited to the group since \"Zoom\" in 2001, and the second since the group's original disbandment in 1986. The album was met with generally favourable reviews, peaking at number two on the \"Billboard\"", "psg_id": "19053285" }, { "title": "Flyback transformer", "text": "Flyback transformer A flyback transformer (FBT), also called a line output transformer (LOPT), is a special type of electrical transformer. It was initially designed to generate high voltage sawtooth signals at a relatively high frequency. In modern applications, it is used extensively in switched-mode power supplies for both low (3 V) and high voltage (over 10 kV) supplies. The flyback transformer circuit was invented as a means of controlling the horizontal movement of the electron beam in a cathode ray tube (CRT). Unlike conventional transformers, a flyback transformer is not fed with a signal of the same waveshape as the", "psg_id": "4104567" }, { "title": "Transformer", "text": "for increasing or decreasing the alternating voltages in electric power applications. Since the invention of the first constant-potential transformer in 1885, transformers have become essential for the transmission, distribution, and utilization of alternating current electrical energy. A wide range of transformer designs is encountered in electronic and electric power applications. Transformers range in size from RF transformers less than a cubic centimeter in volume to units weighing hundreds of tons used to interconnect the power grid. An ideal transformer is a theoretical linear transformer that is lossless and perfectly coupled. Perfect coupling implies infinitely high core magnetic permeability and winding", "psg_id": "417846" }, { "title": "Monad transformer", "text": "Monad transformer In functional programming, a monad transformer is a type constructor which takes a monad as an argument and returns a monad as a result. Monad transformers can be used to compose features encapsulated by monads – such as state, exception handling, and I/O – in a modular way. Typically, a monad transformer is created by generalising an existing monad; applying the resulting monad transformer to the identity monad yields a monad which is equivalent to the original monad (ignoring any necessary boxing and unboxing). A monad transformer consists of: Given any monad formula_1, the option monad transformer formula_2", "psg_id": "11282173" }, { "title": "Current transformer", "text": "thermal stability is improved. A high-voltage current transformer may contain several cores, each with a secondary winding, for different purposes (such as metering circuits, control, or protection). A neutral current transformer is used as earth fault protection to measure any fault current flowing through the neutral line from the wye neutral point of a transformer. Current transformer A current transformer (CT) is a type of transformer that is used to measure alternating current (AC). It produces a current in its secondary which is proportional to the current in its primary. Current transformers, along with voltage or potential transformers, are instrument", "psg_id": "4263303" }, { "title": "Flyback transformer", "text": "a large color TV CRT may require 20 to 50 kV with a horizontal scan rate of 15.734 kHz for NTSC devices. Unlike a power (or \"mains\") transformer which uses an alternating current of 50 or 60 hertz, a flyback transformer typically operates with switched currents at much higher frequencies in the range of 15 kHz to 50 kHz. Flyback transformer A flyback transformer (FBT), also called a line output transformer (LOPT), is a special type of electrical transformer. It was initially designed to generate high voltage sawtooth signals at a relatively high frequency. In modern applications, it is used", "psg_id": "4104578" }, { "title": "Transformer", "text": "and thicker wire, increasing initial cost. The choice of construction represents a trade-off between initial cost and operating cost. Transformer losses arise from: There are also radiative losses due to the oscillating magnetic field but these are usually small. Closed-core transformers are constructed in 'core form' or 'shell form'. When windings surround the core, the transformer is core form; when windings are surrounded by the core, the transformer is shell form. Shell form design may be more prevalent than core form design for distribution transformer applications due to the relative ease in stacking the core around winding coils. Core form", "psg_id": "417865" }, { "title": "Transformer", "text": "typically reflected in transformer equivalent circuits. With sinusoidal supply, core flux lags the induced EMF by 90°. With open-circuited secondary winding, magnetizing branch current \"I\" equals transformer no-load current. The resulting model, though sometimes termed 'exact' equivalent circuit based on linearity assumptions, retains a number of approximations. Analysis may be simplified by assuming that magnetizing branch impedance is relatively high and relocating the branch to the left of the primary impedances. This introduces error but allows combination of primary and referred secondary resistances and reactances by simple summation as two series impedances. Transformer equivalent circuit impedance and transformer ratio parameters", "psg_id": "417857" }, { "title": "Transformer", "text": "transformer can handle power levels that would require a massive iron core at mains frequency. The development of switching power semiconductor devices and complex integrated circuits made switch-mode power supplies viable, to generate a high frequency from a much lower one (or DC), change the voltage level with a small transformer, and, if necessary, rectify the changed voltage. Large power transformers are vulnerable to insulation failure due to transient voltages with high-frequency components, such as caused in switching or by lightning. Transformer energy losses are dominated by winding and core losses. Transformers' efficiency tends to improve with increasing transformer capacity.", "psg_id": "417863" }, { "title": "Grounding transformer", "text": "on generators in power plants and wind farms. Neutral grounding transformers are sometimes applied on high-voltage (sub-transmission) systems, such as at 33 kV, where the circuit would otherwise not have a ground; for example, if a system is fed by a delta-connected transformer. The grounding point of the transformer may be connected through a resistor to limit the fault current on the system in the event of a line-to-ground fault. Grounding transformer A grounding transformer or earthing transformer is a type of auxiliary transformer used in three-phase electric power systems to provide a ground path to either an ungrounded wye", "psg_id": "19846741" }, { "title": "Blitzwing", "text": "clone. Blitzwing and his fellow prisoners are then brought to Cybertron, where they are imprisoned. This Blitzwing is a mirror universe counterpart to the \"Generation 1\" character. In \"Do Over\" the Nemesis launches after the Ark. After a brief battle the Nemesis is shot down and crashes on Earth, with the crew escaping in stasis pods. Although not directly depicted, Blitzwing is a member of the crew of the Nemesis. In \"Blitzwing Bop\" Heatwave and Blitzwing discover the Autobots are building a Stellar Spanner to return to Cybertron. Blitzwing is unable to stop the Autobots from sending Heatwave to Cybertron", "psg_id": "5469200" }, { "title": "Grounding transformer", "text": "Grounding transformer A grounding transformer or earthing transformer is a type of auxiliary transformer used in three-phase electric power systems to provide a ground path to either an ungrounded wye or a delta-connected system. Grounding transformers are part of an earthing system of the network. They let three-phase (delta connected) systems accommodate phase-to-neutral loads by providing a return path for current to a neutral. Grounding transformers are typically used to: Grounding transformers most commonly incorporate a single winding transformer with a zigzag winding configuration, but may also be created with a wye-delta winding transformer. Neutral grounding transformers are very common", "psg_id": "19846740" }, { "title": "Transformer", "text": "insulation by circulating within the transformer tank. The mineral oil and paper insulation system has been extensively studied and used for more than 100 years. It is estimated that 50% of power transformers will survive 50 years of use, that the average age of failure of power transformers is about 10 to 15 years, and that about 30% of power transformer failures are due to insulation and overloading failures. Prolonged operation at elevated temperature degrades insulating properties of winding insulation and dielectric coolant, which not only shortens transformer life but can ultimately lead to catastrophic transformer failure. With a great", "psg_id": "417882" }, { "title": "Masters of the Universe", "text": "Universe franchise would become best known, through Filmation's groundbreaking \"He-Man and the Masters of the Universe\" animated series. Debuting in the fall of 1983, running 130 episodes through two seasons until November 1985. The series mostly focused on the two primary characters, the blonde muscular He-Man, \"the most powerful man in the Universe\", and his nemesis, the evil skull-faced, blue-skinned sorcerer Skeletor and their many moral-themed encounters on the planet Eternia. Set in a hybrid world of sword and sorcery and technological sci-fi, He-Man does battle with Skeletor to prevent him from conquering Eternia and discovering the secrets of Castle", "psg_id": "2976010" }, { "title": "Shape of the universe", "text": "constant: Ω ≈ 0.315±0.018 Ω ≈ 9.24×10 Ω ≈ 0.6817±0.0018 Ω= Ω + Ω + Ω= 1.00±0.02 The actual value for critical density value is measured as ρ= 9.47×10 kg m. From these values, within experimental error, the universe seems to be flat. Another way to measure Ω is to do so geometrically by measuring an angle across the observable universe. We can do this by using the CMB and measuring the power spectrum and temperature anisotropy. For an intuition, one can imagine finding a gas cloud that is not in thermal equilibrium due to being so large that light", "psg_id": "962385" }, { "title": "Transformer oil", "text": "conducting these tests are available in standards released by IEC, ASTM, IS, BS, and testing can be done by any of the methods. The Furan and DGA tests are specifically not for determining the quality of transformer oil, but for determining any abnormalities in the internal windings of the transformer or the paper insulation of the transformer, which cannot be otherwise detected without a complete overhaul of the transformer. Suggested intervals for these test are: Some transformer oil tests can be carried out in the field, using portable test apparatus. Other tests, such as dissolved gas, normally require a sample", "psg_id": "5444429" }, { "title": "Distribution transformer", "text": "Distribution transformer A distribution transformer or service transformer is a transformer that provides the final voltage transformation in the electric power distribution system, stepping down the voltage used in the distribution lines to the level used by the customer. The invention of a practical efficient transformer made AC power distribution feasible; a system using distribution transformers was demonstrated as early as 1882. If mounted on a utility pole, they are called pole-mount transformers. If the distribution lines are located at ground level or underground, distribution transformers are mounted on concrete pads and locked in steel cases, thus known as a", "psg_id": "4330705" }, { "title": "Current transformer", "text": "flowing in its primary. The current transformer presents a negligible load to the primary circuit. Current transformers are the current-sensing units of the power system and are used at generating stations, electrical substations, and in industrial and commercial electric power distribution. Like any transformer, a current transformer has a primary winding, a core and a secondary winding, although some transformers, including current transformers, use an air core. In principle, the only difference between a current transformer and a voltage transformer (normal type) is that the former is fed with a 'constant' current while the latter is fed with a 'constant'", "psg_id": "4263280" }, { "title": "Transformer oil", "text": "Transformer oil Transformer oil or insulating oil is an oil that is stable at high temperatures and has excellent electrical insulating properties. It is used in oil-filled transformers, some types of high-voltage capacitors, fluorescent lamp ballasts, and some types of high-voltage switches and circuit breakers. Its functions are to insulate, suppress corona discharge and arcing, and to serve as a coolant. Transformer oil is most often based on mineral oil, but alternative formulations with better engineering or environmental properties are growing in popularity. Transformer oil's primary functions are to insulate and cool a transformer. It must therefore have high dielectric", "psg_id": "5444420" }, { "title": "Modulation transformer", "text": "modulation transformer is responsible for the amplitude modulation (AM) of the transmitter. Modulation transformer A modulation transformer is an audio-frequency transformer that forms a major part of most AM transmitters. The primary winding of a modulation transformer is fed by an audio amplifier that has about 1/2 of the rated input power of the transmitter's final amplifier stage. The secondary winding is in series with the power supply of that final radio-frequency amplifier stage, thereby allowing the audio signal to lower and raise the instantaneous DC supply voltage of the power amplifier (PA) tube or transistor. Considering that the PA", "psg_id": "15866291" }, { "title": "Chronology of the universe", "text": "matter accelerates the formation of structure in our universe. In the early universe, dark matter gradually gathers in huge filaments under the effects of gravity. This amplifies the tiny inhomogeneities (irregularities) in the density of the universe which was left by cosmic inflation. Over time, slightly denser regions become denser and slightly rarefied (emptier) regions become more rarefied. Ordinary matter eventually gathers together faster than it would otherwise do, because of the presence of these concentrations of dark matter. About 377,000 years after the Big Bang, two connected events occurred: recombination and photon decoupling. Recombination describes the ionized particles combining", "psg_id": "12418922" }, { "title": "Monad transformer", "text": "(where formula_3 denotes the option type) is defined by: Given any monad formula_1, the exception monad transformer formula_6 (where is the type of exceptions) is defined by: Given any monad formula_1, the reader monad transformer formula_9 (where is the environment type) is defined by: Given any monad formula_1, the state monad transformer formula_12 (where is the state type) is defined by: Given any monad formula_1, the writer monad transformer formula_15 (where is endowed with a monoid operation with identity element formula_16) is defined by: Given any monad formula_1, the continuation monad transformer maps an arbitrary type into functions of type", "psg_id": "11282174" }, { "title": "Solid-state transformer", "text": "transformer usually contains a transformer, inside the AC-to-AC converter or DC-to-DC converter, which provides electrical isolation and carries the full power; this transformer is much smaller because it operates at high frequency. A solid-state transformer can actively regulate voltage and current. Some can convert single-phase power to three-phase power and vice-versa. Variations can input or output DC power to reduce the number of conversions, for greater end-to-end efficiency. As a complex electronic circuit, it must be designed to withstand lightning and other surges. Solid-state transformer is an emerging technology. Solid-state transformer A solid-state transformer (SST), power electronic transformer (PET), or", "psg_id": "20783762" } ]
[ "spy streak", "cycle drones", "vehicon", "mayhem attack squad", "ultracons", "obliterators (transformers)", "the decepticons", "deceptacon", "dark nova", "decepticons", "blastcharge", "decepticon", "vehicons", "diagnostic drone" ]
for a point each, name the 3 largest cities (by population) in africa
[ { "title": "Largest cities in Japan by population by decade", "text": "cities proper. Source data is from the 2000 Census. In the mid-2000s, another series of municipal mergers was enacted. The \"Great Heisei Mergers\" nearly halved the number of municipalities in Japan, once again increasing the size of some cities significantly and creating new towns and cities. Despite a mounting population loss in rural areas and some smaller cities, Japan's major cities continue to grow. Source date is from the 2010 Census. Largest cities in Japan by population by decade This article lists the ten most populous cities in Japan by decade, starting after the Meiji Restoration of 1868. The first", "psg_id": "15085507" }, { "title": "Largest cities in Japan by population by decade", "text": "Largest cities in Japan by population by decade This article lists the ten most populous cities in Japan by decade, starting after the Meiji Restoration of 1868. The first Japanese Census was not conducted until 1920, but other civilian and military population counts were carried out in the prior years between 1872 and 1918, and those form the source data for this article. When data is not available right on the turn of the decade, the closest year is used. In 1868, the Meiji Restoration deposed the Tokugawa Shogunate and founded the Empire of Japan. Many major cities had lost", "psg_id": "15085502" }, { "title": "Largest cities in Japan by population by decade", "text": "losses and exceeded their prewar populations. Source data is from the 1960 Census. Tokyo and Osaka began to experience a trend of suburbanization, as people left the cities for the less densely peopled surrounding municipalities. Other major cities continued to grow rapidly. Source data is from the 1970 Census. Source data is from the 1980 Census. By 1990, almost all the largest Japanese cities had assumed their present-day population ranking. Source data is from the 1990 Census. By 2000, the ongoing suburbanization drawing population from Tōkyō and Ōsaka was showing signs of abating, with people slowly moving back into the", "psg_id": "15085506" }, { "title": "Largest cities in Japan by population by decade", "text": "World War in defeat, under temporary American administration. Many cities had been attacked by American bomber forces, and many of the largest cities suffered further loss as residents evacuated to more rural regions of the country. Cities, though, were already recovering quickly from their wartime lows. Source data is from the 1950 Census. A series of municipal mergers throughout the 1950s known as the \"Great Showa Mergers\" cut the number of municipalities in Japan by almost two thirds, significantly increasing the size of many cities in the process. By this time, almost all of Japan's largest cities had recovered war", "psg_id": "15085505" }, { "title": "Largest cities in Japan by population by decade", "text": "Meiji Mergers\" cut the number of municipalities in Japan by more than three quarters, while dramatically increasing the size of many cities as they absorbed their surrounding towns and villages. Source data is from the 1891 Imperial Japanese Registered Household Report (日本帝国民籍戸口表). Source data is from the 1898 Imperial Japanese Population Statistics (日本帝国人口統計). Source data is from the 1908 Imperial Japanese Population Statistics (日本帝国人口統計). Source data is from the 1920 Census (国勢調査), the first formal census to be taken in Japan. Source data is from the 1930 Census. Source data is from the 1940 Census. Japan emerged from the Second", "psg_id": "15085504" }, { "title": "Largest cities in Japan by population by decade", "text": "population since the Tokugawa Era, as samurai left the former castle towns after the collapse of the military order. Source data is from \"Nihon Chishi Teiyo\" (日本地誌提要, the Japanese Topographical Outline). Several major cities and towns actually lost population over the 1870s, as people continued to emigrate out of the former castle towns. Source data is from the Fourth Joint Military-Government Report (第四回共武政表), a requisitioning document listing municipal populations and available resources and provisions. In 1888, the government enacted a sweeping overhaul of the municipal government system, part of which involved a drastic program of municipality mergers. Overall, the \"Great", "psg_id": "15085503" }, { "title": "British diaspora in Africa", "text": "population is the number of white South Africans who speak English as a first language, representing 1.6 million people, 36% of the white population group and 3% of the total population in the South African National Census of 2011. This number is an overstatement as it includes people of other ancestral origins who have assimilated into the white English-speaking population. The English-speaking population is largest in the KwaZulu-Natal province and in cities such as Johannesburg and Cape Town. Despite the high emigration rate, many people of British descent continue to settle in South Africa, including many South African-born people who", "psg_id": "4552694" }, { "title": "Poverty in Africa", "text": "Diseases native to Africa, such as sleeping sickness, also resist attempts at elimination too. Clean potable water is rare in most of Africa (even those parts outside the sub-Saharan region) despite the fact that the continent is crossed by several major rivers and contains some of the largest freshwater lakes in the world. However, many of the major population centres are coastal, and few major cities have adequate sewage treatment systems. Although boiling water is a possibility, fuel for boiling is scarce as well. The problem is worst in Africa's rapidly growing cities, such as Cairo, Lagos and Kinshasa. Colonialism", "psg_id": "5201556" }, { "title": "Most livable cities", "text": "access to nature, urban design, business conditions, pro-active policy developments and medical care. The 2018 Monocle Survey determined the world's most livable city was Munich, followed by Tokyo, Vienna and Zurich. A total of four German cities were on the list of the 25 most livable cities, 15 out of the 25 were European, 3 each from Japan and Australia, and one from North America (Vancouver). No cities from South America, South Asia, or Africa made it into the list. Most livable cities The world's most livable cities is an informal name given to any list of cities as they", "psg_id": "4816515" }, { "title": "Internet in Africa", "text": "September 2007, African broadband subscribers were 1,097,200, with a major part of these subscriptions from large companies or institutions. Internet access is also irregularly distributed, with 2/3 of overall online activity in Africa being generated in South Africa (which only accounts for 5% of the continent's population). Most of the remaining 1/3 is in Morocco and Egypt. The largest percentage of Internet subscribers are found in small economies such as Seychelles, where as much as 37% of the population has Internet access (while in South Africa this value is 11% and in Egypt it is 8%). It has been noted,", "psg_id": "10082685" }, { "title": "Cities for Climate Protection program", "text": "significant population growth, the world’s cities populations reached an extortionate 3.2 billion in 2005, set to increase to a scintillating 5 billion by 2030. Thus indicating by representing 50% of the global population within cities in 2005, cities are a pivotal base point to raise the awareness and initiate action toward reducing GHG emissions. Local authorities of the CCP program ‘regulate, advise, and facilitate action by local communities and stakeholders…in addressing environmental impacts…of energy management, transport, and planning’. ICLEI’s initial pilot project, the Urban CO2 Reduction Project, brought together American, Canadian and European cities to develop a municipal planning framework", "psg_id": "15621169" }, { "title": "Books for Africa", "text": "brand new law libraries. Books For Africa has received the top rating of 4 stars from Charity and meets all standards set by the Charities Review Council. In order to cover shipping costs ($10,300 to ship a 40-foot container with approximately 22,000 books to an African seaport), Books For Africa relies on donations and partners with Better World Books, a social venture company that runs book drives to raise funding for literacy-based nonprofits. Better World Books is their largest single source of funding and their largest source of post-secondary books. Books for Africa Books For Africa is a 501(c)(3)", "psg_id": "10436505" }, { "title": "Cities designated by government ordinance of Japan", "text": "23 special wards of Tokyo are not part of this system, as Tokyo is a prefecture, and its wards are effectively independent cities. Although the two largest wards of Tokyo, Setagaya and Nerima, are populous enough to become designated cities, they are not considered to be \"cities\" within the meaning of the Local Autonomy Law and so are not designated such. No cities designated by government ordinance have ever lost that status. Cities designated by government ordinance have been established since 1956. To become a candidate for designated city status, a city must have a population greater than 500,000. An", "psg_id": "2186663" }, { "title": "Zimbabweans in South Africa", "text": "of undocumented migrants. There was some return migration to Zimbabwe as a result of xenophobic violence in the 2008 riots. Zimbabweans in South Africa There is a significant population of Zimbabweans in South Africa, making up South Africa's largest group of foreign migrants. Estimates of their numbers range from one to five million. Temporary labour migration to South Africa has long been a feature of Rhodesian and then Zimbabwean society. A 2002 survey by the Southern African Migration Project show that almost 25% of adult Zimbabweans' parents or grandparents had worked in South Africa at some point in their lives.", "psg_id": "12008309" }, { "title": "Zimbabweans in South Africa", "text": "Zimbabweans in South Africa There is a significant population of Zimbabweans in South Africa, making up South Africa's largest group of foreign migrants. Estimates of their numbers range from one to five million. Temporary labour migration to South Africa has long been a feature of Rhodesian and then Zimbabwean society. A 2002 survey by the Southern African Migration Project show that almost 25% of adult Zimbabweans' parents or grandparents had worked in South Africa at some point in their lives. However, permanent emigration is a relatively new phenomenon. There have been two major waves of emigration from Zimbabwe. The first", "psg_id": "12008306" }, { "title": "Projections of population growth", "text": "billion. Large urban areas are hubs of economic development and innovation, with larger cities underpinning regional economies and local and global sustainability initiatives. Currently, 757 million humans live in the 101 largest cities; these cities are home to 11% of the world’s population. By the end of the century, the world population is projected to grow, with estimates ranging from 6.9 billion to 13.1 billion; the percentage of people living in the 101 largest cities is estimated to be 15% to 23%. The following 101 cities with the largest population projections for the years 2025, 2050, 2075, and 2100 are", "psg_id": "16015188" }, { "title": "Homicide in world cities", "text": "designations. Because of this and the continual growth of most cities that might not immediately be captured, the widest neutrally-sourced boundaries for each city are used. This includes the crossing of international borders. Homicide in world cities This page contains A-Z tables of the incidence of intentional homicide in multi-municipal metropolitan areas and standalone municipalities with a predominantly urbanized population. It does \"not\" take into consideration capricious political divisions widely used in the media to represent a city, such as city proper or suburban municipalities. The urban population for each entry is required to be at least 100,000. Some cities", "psg_id": "10390330" }, { "title": "Urbanization in Africa", "text": "capitol city of Lunda. Important cities: In this region a Swahili Angli Moslemic culture emerged. Important cities: Technological developments included coin minting, copper works, building craftsmanship, boat building, cotton textile. External trade was very active and important with Asia and Arabia. Great Zimbabwe is one of the more famous pre-colonial cities of Africa. Its Great Enclosure is considered the largest single prehistoric structure in Africa. See Also: With the Berlin conference of 1884/85 as a foundation, Africa was apportioned among the European powers. In 1914 only Ethiopia and Liberia were left as independent states, the remainder of the continent was", "psg_id": "3245159" }, { "title": "Hinduism in Africa", "text": "of Réunion follows Hinduism,making it the second largest religion in Réunion.In Seychelles Hindus constitute 2.4 % of the population There is also a small number of Hindus in Madagascar. The largest concentration of Hindus in the continent can be found in the Southern region of Africa. South Africa is home to more than 500,000 Hindus. Hinduism in Africa Mauritius is the only African Union country where Hinduism is the dominant religion, with 56.4% of the population as followers in 2010. Hinduism is the second largest religion in Réunion (6.7%) and Seychelles (2.4%). Hinduism took root in Africa from the late", "psg_id": "9500076" }, { "title": "2013 FIBA Africa Championship for Women", "text": "field goal percentage 3-point field goal percentage Free throw percentage Points per Game Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks Turnovers 2-point field goal percentage 3-point field goal percentage Free throw percentage 2013 FIBA Africa Championship for Women The 2013 FIBA Africa Championship for Women was the 21st FIBA Africa Championship for Women, played under the rules of FIBA, the world governing body for basketball, and the FIBA Africa thereof. The tournament was hosted by Mozambique from September 20 to 29, with games played at the Pavilhão do Maxaquene in Maputo. \"Times given below are local .\" Angola roster<br>Astrida Vicente, Catarina Camufal, Clarisse", "psg_id": "17562977" }, { "title": "Tales from the Acoustic Planet, Vol. 3: Africa Sessions", "text": "Tales from the Acoustic Planet, Vol. 3: Africa Sessions Tales From The Acoustic Planet, Vol. 3: Africa Sessions is an album by banjoist Béla Fleck. Nicknamed \"Throw Down Your Heart\" after one of the songs, the album is actually a soundtrack for a film of the same name, released by Docurama Films, which he produced, about travelling through Africa, recording with many musicians from that continent as he searched for the origins of the banjo. The DVD was released by Docurama on November 3, 2009, while the Blu-ray will be released by Shout! Factory in the future. It will also", "psg_id": "13972850" }, { "title": "Homicide in world cities", "text": "Homicide in world cities This page contains A-Z tables of the incidence of intentional homicide in multi-municipal metropolitan areas and standalone municipalities with a predominantly urbanized population. It does \"not\" take into consideration capricious political divisions widely used in the media to represent a city, such as city proper or suburban municipalities. The urban population for each entry is required to be at least 100,000. Some cities are considered to be larger than the official metropolitan area or municipality determined by a country's respective government. Conversely, some cities are also considered to be significantly smaller than their official metro area(s)", "psg_id": "10390329" }, { "title": "Tales from the Acoustic Planet, Vol. 3: Africa Sessions", "text": "be aired on Palladia in the future as well. Tales from the Acoustic Planet, Vol. 3: Africa Sessions Tales From The Acoustic Planet, Vol. 3: Africa Sessions is an album by banjoist Béla Fleck. Nicknamed \"Throw Down Your Heart\" after one of the songs, the album is actually a soundtrack for a film of the same name, released by Docurama Films, which he produced, about travelling through Africa, recording with many musicians from that continent as he searched for the origins of the banjo. The DVD was released by Docurama on November 3, 2009, while the Blu-ray will be released", "psg_id": "13972851" }, { "title": "Big Brother Africa (season 3)", "text": "full 91 days and one that they would consider a \"Zero\" the person that they thought deserved to leave the house as soon as possible. The first name they gave was that of their \"hero\" and the second name they gave was that of their \"zero\". These nominations did not count and no one was put up for the public vote. Big Brother Africa (season 3) Big Brother Africa 3 is the third series of the \"Big Brother Africa\" reality television show produced by Endemol. The series began airing on 24 August 2008 and run 91 days ending 23 November", "psg_id": "12394098" }, { "title": "Etruscan cities", "text": "were founded by Etruscans in prehistoric times and bore entirely Etruscan names. Others, usually Italic in origin, were colonised by the Etruscans, who in turn Etruscanised their name. The estimates for the populations of the largest cities (Veii, Volsinii, Caere, Vulci, Tarquinia, Populonia) range between 25,000 and 40,000 in each in the 6th century BC. Of several Etruscan leagues, the Dodecapolis (or \"twelve cities\") of the Etruscan civilization is legendary amongst Roman authors particularly Livy. However the dodecapolis had no fixed roster and if a city was removed it was immediately replaced by another. By the time the dodecapolis sprung", "psg_id": "10304885" }, { "title": "Colonisation of Africa", "text": "and consequences of the colonisation of a country, and there has been much research conducted exploring these concepts. Mahmood Mamdani wrote his book \"Citizen and Subject\" in 1996. The main point of his argument is that the colonial state in Africa took the form of a bifurcated state, “two forms of power under a single hegemonic authority”. The colonial state in Africa was divided into two. One state for the colonial European population and one state for the indigenous population. The colonial power was mainly in urban towns and cities and were served by elected governments. The indigenous power was", "psg_id": "11413324" }, { "title": "Big Brother Africa (season 3)", "text": "Big Brother Africa (season 3) Big Brother Africa 3 is the third series of the \"Big Brother Africa\" reality television show produced by Endemol. The series began airing on 24 August 2008 and run 91 days ending 23 November 2008. As with the previous series, the show involves 12 countries within Africa (Angola, Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia & Zimbabwe) each producing a contestant living in an isolated house in Johanneburg, South Africa, while trying to avoid being evicted by viewers and ultimately winning a large cash prize at the end of the show.", "psg_id": "12394078" }, { "title": "Books for Africa", "text": "Books for Africa Books For Africa is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to collecting, sorting, shipping, and distributing books to children and adults in Africa. With headquarters in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, and warehouses in St. Paul and Atlanta, Georgia, BFA's mission is to end the book famine in Africa. Books For Africa is the largest shipper of donated text and library books to the African continent, shipping over 28 million books to 49 different countries since 1988. In 2012 BFA shipped 2.2 million books valued at $28.3 million to 22 African countries, with an additional 616 computers and 15", "psg_id": "10436504" }, { "title": "Roman colonies in Berber Africa", "text": "portion of the town’s vitality came from the sale or trade of products through middlemen to markets in areas both rural and abroad. The changes that occurred in the infrastructure for agricultural processing, like olive oil and wine production, as trade continued to develop both cities and commerce directly influenced the volume of artisan production. The scale, quality, and demand for these products reached its acme in Roman North Africa. Berber Africa -from northern Morocco to Tripolitania- had a population of more than 3 million inhabitants in the third century, according to historian Hilario Gomez, and nearly 40% were living", "psg_id": "19798614" }, { "title": "2006 FIBA Africa Under-18 Championship for Women", "text": "Traoré, Ouleymatou Coulibaly, Sira Diakité, Coach: Points Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks Turnovers 2-point field goal percentage 3-point field goal percentage Free throw percentage Points Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks Turnovers 2-point field goal percentage 3-point field goal percentage Free throw percentage 2006 FIBA Africa Under-18 Championship for Women The 2006 FIBA Africa Under-18 Championship for Women was the 9th FIBA Africa Under-18 Championship for Women, played under the rules of FIBA, the world governing body for basketball, and the FIBA Africa thereof. The tournament was hosted by Benin from September 8 to 16, 2006. Mali defeated Ivory Coast 77-66 in the", "psg_id": "17784136" }, { "title": "Largest gold companies", "text": "companies. The world's 5th largest gold producer (170 tons in 2012) that is home to two of the world's ten largest gold mines. As recently as 2007 South Africa was the world's top gold producer. The drop in its global ranking is not due to resource depletion (South Africa ranks close behind leader Australia in reserves) but rather to its high costs of production. In fact South Africa has the highest mining cash costs among all major producing regions. Notable South African gold companies include: The Forbes Global 2000 list is produced annually by Forbes. Compiling information about each of", "psg_id": "13789127" }, { "title": "Solar power in Africa", "text": "leader in solar power in Africa with 1329 MW installed by 2016. Solar power in South Africa is rapidly growing. Several 75 MW PV plants and 2 CSP plants at 100 MW each were the largest in the country and among the largest in Africa. South Africa has announced a plan to install a minigrid on Robben Island; adding PV and battery storage is predicted by reduce diesel usage by half. A 50 MW photovoltaic power plant is planned for Garissa in Kenya, a city located at the equator where the sun is said to shine for about 3,144 hours", "psg_id": "16639950" }, { "title": "2015 FIBA Africa Under-16 Championship for Women", "text": "Mariam Diabate, Mariam Drame, Mariam Traore, Nafatoumata Haidara, Rokia Doumbia, Safiatou Mariko, Salimatou Kourouma, Coach: Oumarou Sidiya Points Rebounds Assists 2-point field goal percentage 3-point field goal percentage Free throw percentage Steals Blocks Turnovers Points Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks Fouls 2-point field goal percentage 3-point field goal percentage Free throw percentage 2015 FIBA Africa Under-16 Championship for Women The 2015 FIBA Africa Under-16 Championship for Women was the 4th FIBA Africa U16 Championship for Women, played under the rules of FIBA, the world governing body for basketball, and the FIBA Africa thereof. The tournament was hosted by Madagascar from July", "psg_id": "18914636" }, { "title": "Cities for Life Day", "text": "Buenos Aires, Austin, Dallas, Antwerp, Vienna, Naples, Paris, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Reggio Emilia, Bogotá, Santiago de Chile. By this symbolic action, these cities demand a stay of all executions worldwide. This initiative is promoted by the Community of Sant'Egidio and supported by the main international human rights organizations, gathered in the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty (Amnesty International, Ensemble contre la Peine de Mort, International Penal Reform, FIACAT). In 2005, the Cities for Life Day also featured the \"Africa for Life\" conference about the death penalty in Africa, in which 14 ministers of justice from as many African countries participated.", "psg_id": "6564258" }, { "title": "Whitney: The Concert for a New South Africa", "text": "Whitney: The Concert for a New South Africa Whitney - The Concert for a New South Africa (alternately titled Whitney Houston – Live in South Africa, Whitney Houston - Concert for South Africa) was the title of three concerts which American singer Whitney Houston performed in South Africa to honor President Nelson Mandela and to celebrate a newly unified South Africa in November 1994. Houston's first ever performances at Kings Park Stadium in Durban on Nov. 8 and final one at Green Point Stadium in Cape Town on Nov. 19, set the stage for her much anticipated HBO televised performance", "psg_id": "13838354" }, { "title": "2008 FIBA Africa Under-18 Championship for Women", "text": "Mariko, Astan Dabo, Djenebou Sacko, Fatoumata Traoré, Kankou Coulibaly, Laoudy Maiga, Nassira Traore, Ouleymatou Coulibaly, Sega Bah Coach: Points Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks Turnovers 2-point field goal percentage 3-point field goal percentage Free throw percentage Points Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks Turnovers 2-point field goal percentage 3-point field goal percentage Free throw percentage 2008 FIBA Africa Under-18 Championship for Women The 2008 FIBA Africa Under-18 Championship for Men (alternatively the Afrobasket U18) was the 10th FIBA Africa Under-18 Championship for Women, organized by FIBA Africa and played under the auspices of the Fédération Internationale de Basketball, the basketball sport governing body", "psg_id": "17771922" }, { "title": "Urban planning in Africa", "text": "2017 \"almost three-fourths of the population is rural.\" Urban planning in South Africa was influenced greatly by apartheid. Planning standards established in the 1950s continued to dominate policies for forty years. Central government and some larger municipalities developed social housing at this time. the townships of Soweto, KwaMashu, Botshabello, Madadeni, were all planned according to the British New Town model, which mandated specific lot sizes for free-standing houses. These policies had a tremendous impact on the urban form of all cities in South Africa, essentially determining the density and subsequent atmosphere of the cities. In the mid-1970s unplanned informal settlements", "psg_id": "19857856" }, { "title": "Centre for Cities", "text": "Centre for Cities The Centre for Cities is an independent, non-partisan urban policy research unit and a charity registered in England. The Centre's main goal is to understand how and why economic growth and change takes place in the United Kingdom's cities. The Centre for Cities was launched in March 2005 as part of IPPR and became independent in November 2007. The Centre produces an annual Cities Outlook report assessing the economic performance of the 64 largest towns and cities in the United Kingdom. From 2016 onwards the Centre for Cities reevaluated its methodology for defining Primary Urban Areas, based", "psg_id": "7254489" }, { "title": "Population density", "text": "been increasing in population and infrastructure growth at a fast pace. Cities with high population densities are, by some, considered to be overpopulated, though this will depend on factors like quality of housing and infrastructure and access to resources. Most of the most densely populated cities are in Southeast Asia, though Cairo and Lagos in Africa also fall into this category. City population and especially area are, however, heavily dependent on the definition of \"urban area\" used: densities are almost invariably higher for the central city area than when suburban settlements and the intervening rural areas are included, as in", "psg_id": "1179158" }, { "title": "2014 FIBA Africa Under-18 Championship for Women", "text": "Coulibaly, Mariam Maiga, Coach: Mohamed Salia Points Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks Turnovers 2-point field goal percentage 3-point field goal percentage Free throw percentage Points Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks Turnovers 2-point field goal percentage 3-point field goal percentage Free throw percentage 2014 FIBA Africa Under-18 Championship for Women The 2014 FIBA Africa Under-18 Championship for Women (alternatively the Afrobasket U18) was the 13th U-18 FIBA Africa championship, played under the auspices of the Fédération Internationale de Basketball, the world basketball sport governing body. The tournament was held from September 19–28 in Cairo, Egypt, contested by 8 national teams and won by", "psg_id": "18315259" }, { "title": "Cities designated by government ordinance of Japan", "text": "Cities designated by government ordinance of Japan A , also known as a or , is a Japanese city that has a population greater than 500,000 and has been designated as such by order of the Cabinet of Japan under Article 252, Section 19 of the Local Autonomy Law. Designated cities are delegated many of the functions normally performed by prefectural governments in fields such as public education, social welfare, sanitation, business licensing and urban planning. The city government is generally delegated the various minor administrative functions in each area, and the prefectural government retains authority over major decisions. For", "psg_id": "2186661" }, { "title": "Trees for Cities", "text": "built 100 Edible Playgrounds, and aims to increase this number to 250 in 25 cities by 2022. Trees for Cities has a number of high-profile patrons, including Jamie Oliver, Jon Snow and Richard Rogers. The charity was responsible for the Tree-athlon, a 5k annual fun run, held in Leeds, Manchester and London. In Battersea Park on 18 September 2010, it set the world record for the largest ever barefoot race, with 278 participants completing a 100m grass circuit. The charity sends out a monthly newsletter to its followers, titled 'Tree Times'. Trees for Cities has projects throughout Greater London, and", "psg_id": "14276340" }, { "title": "Care for Africa", "text": "have been identified in these areas, including sending orphans to school, stocking libraries in schools, and providing running water to local health care facilities. The Foundation's key partner in Tanzania is the Tarime Goodwill Foundation, run by Dr. Hudson Winani. TGF runs one of only two hospitals that serve a population of over 500,000 people. Care for Africa Care for Africa is an Australian charity that encourages young Australians to include philanthropic endeavour in their lives and think of others less fortunate living in deplorable third-world conditions in Africa. The full name of the group is the Peter Hewitt Care", "psg_id": "10654114" }, { "title": "Lost Cities (video game)", "text": "of Lost Cities. Lost Cities (video game) Lost Cities is card game for the Xbox 360, based upon the popular card game of the same name by game designer Reiner Knizia, published by Sierra Online. The game was released on April 23, 2008. It has since disappeared from Xbox Live Arcade. The gameplay is identical to the card game: each player is dealt eight cards, which consist of 5 \"suits\" that represent individual expeditions, with each \"suit\" consisting of 3 Investment cards which multiply the value of an expedition, and 9 Expedition Cards numbered 2 through 10. The players are", "psg_id": "11736361" }, { "title": "Largest organisms", "text": "elephant (\"Loxodonta africana\"), of the order Proboscidea, is the largest living land animal. A native of various open habitats in sub-Saharan Africa, this elephant is commonly born weighing about . The largest elephant ever recorded was shot in Angola in 1974. It was a male measuring from trunk to tail and lying on its side in a projected line from the highest point of the shoulder to the base of the forefoot, indicating a standing shoulder height of . This male had a computed weight of 12.25 tonnes. The heaviest living animals are all cetaceans, and thus also the largest", "psg_id": "12768271" }, { "title": "Afrikaans speaking population in South Africa", "text": "in South Africa by district municipal boundaries were as follows: Afrikaans speaking population in South Africa South African census figures suggest a growing number of first language Afrikaans speakers in all nine provinces, a total of 6.85 million in 2011 compared to 5.98 million a decade earlier. The 2001 Namibian census reported that 11.4% of Namibians had Afrikaans as their home language. The South African Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR) project that a growing majority will be Coloured Afrikaans speakers. Afrikaans speakers enjoy higher employment rates than other South African language groups, despite half a million who are unemployed. The", "psg_id": "9400970" }, { "title": "Agency for Aerial Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar", "text": "traffic in Cameroon and elsewhere. Agency for Aerial Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar The Agency for Aerial Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar (\"L'Agence pour la Sécurité de la Navigation aérienne en Afrique et à Madagascar\", ASECNA) is an air traffic control agency based in Dakar, Senegal. It manages 16.1 million square kilometres of airspace (1.5 times the size of Europe) covering six Flight Information Regions (FIRs) – Antananarivo, Brazzaville, Dakar Oceanic and Terrestrial, Niamey and N’Djamena. ASECNA Air Traffic Control centres are based at international airports in each of these cities. In July 2008, a strike by ASECNA", "psg_id": "12529787" }, { "title": "Agency for Aerial Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar", "text": "Agency for Aerial Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar The Agency for Aerial Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar (\"L'Agence pour la Sécurité de la Navigation aérienne en Afrique et à Madagascar\", ASECNA) is an air traffic control agency based in Dakar, Senegal. It manages 16.1 million square kilometres of airspace (1.5 times the size of Europe) covering six Flight Information Regions (FIRs) – Antananarivo, Brazzaville, Dakar Oceanic and Terrestrial, Niamey and N’Djamena. ASECNA Air Traffic Control centres are based at international airports in each of these cities. In July 2008, a strike by ASECNA staff in Gabon disrupted air", "psg_id": "12529786" }, { "title": "2005 FIBA Africa Championship for Women", "text": "Oluchi Okorie, Patricia Chukwuma, Priscilla Udeaja, Rashidat Sadiq, Ugo Oha, Coach: Scott Nnaji Points Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks Fouls Points Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks Fouls 2-point field goal percentage 3-point field goal percentage Free throw percentage 2005 FIBA Africa Championship for Women The 2005 FIBA Africa Championship for Women was the 17th FIBA Africa Championship for Women, played under the rules of FIBA, the world governing body for basketball, and the FIBA Africa thereof. The tournament was hosted by Nigeria from December 20 to 28, with the games played at the Indoor Sports Hall in Abuja. Nigeria defeated Senegal 64–57", "psg_id": "17558879" }, { "title": "2007 FIBA Africa Championship for Women", "text": "Haoua Sangare, Hamchétou Maïga, Kadia Sacko, Kadia Touré, Kadiatou Kanoute, Naignouma Coulibaly, Nare Diawara, Coach: Points Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks Minutes Points per Game Total Points Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks 2-point field goal percentage 3-point field goal percentage Free throw percentage 2007 FIBA Africa Championship for Women The 2007 FIBA Africa Championship for Women was the 18th FIBA Africa Championship for Women, played under the rules of FIBA, the world governing body for basketball, and the FIBA Africa thereof. The tournament was hosted by Senegal from September 20 to 30, with the games played at the Marius Ndiaye Stadium in", "psg_id": "10948344" }, { "title": "South Africa", "text": "in the wake of apartheid. The World Bank classifies South Africa as an upper-middle-income economy, and a newly industrialised country. Its economy is the second-largest in Africa, and the 34th-largest in the world. In terms of purchasing power parity, South Africa has the seventh-highest per capita income in Africa. However, poverty and inequality remain widespread, with about a quarter of the population unemployed and living on less than US$1.25 a day. Nevertheless, South Africa has been identified as a middle power in international affairs, and maintains significant regional influence. The name \"South Africa\" is derived from the country's geographic location", "psg_id": "11957798" }, { "title": "A Rose by Any Name", "text": "2. and was made available to listen on the band's official website. The song was one of five from the new album to be given away as a free download with each ticket purchased for the band's U.S. No Principals Tour in 2013. The artwork for \"A Rose by Any Name\" was created by J. H. Williams III, who is also the artist behind the artwork for the album, \"Ghosts of Download\". Williams also created the artwork for the album's second single \"Sugar on the Side\". A Rose by Any Name \"A Rose by Any Name\" is a 2013 song", "psg_id": "17402362" }, { "title": "Sub-Saharan Africa", "text": "the most populous city in Tanzania and a regionally important economic centre. It is located on the Swahili coast. Johannesburg is the largest city in South Africa. It is the provincial capital and largest city in Gauteng, which is the wealthiest province in South Africa. While Johannesburg is not one of South Africa's three capital cities, it is the seat of the Constitutional Court. The city is located in the mineral-rich Witwatersrand range of hills and is the centre of large-scale gold and diamond trade Nairobi is the capital and the largest city of Kenya. The name comes from the", "psg_id": "357937" }, { "title": "Municipalities and cities of Serbia", "text": "recognised by Serbian Government (see Municipalities and cities of Kosovo section). Advocates of reform of Serbian local self-government system point out that Serbian municipalities (with 50,000 citizens in average) are the largest in Europe, both by territory and number of residents, and as such can be inefficient in handling citizens' needs and distributing the income from the country budget into most relevant projects. Cities are another type of local self-government. The territory with the \"city\" status usually has more than 100,000 inhabitants, but is otherwise very similar to municipality. There are 27 cities (, singular: ), each having an assembly", "psg_id": "7981433" }, { "title": "Islam in Africa", "text": "custody. With the exception of northern Nigeria in West Africa, secularism does not seem to face any serious threat in Africa, even though the new Islamic revival is having a great impact upon segments of Muslim populations. Cohabitation or coexistence between Muslims and non-Muslims remains, for the most part, peaceful. Nigeria is home to Africa's largest Muslim population. In 1999, Nigeria’s northern states adopted the Sharia penal code, but punishments have been rare. In fact, dozens of women convicted of adultery and sentenced to stoning to death have later been freed. Egypt, one of the largest Muslim states in Africa,", "psg_id": "7557136" }, { "title": "Urbanization in Africa", "text": "Johannesburg, had a population of one million; 2009, there were fifty-two cities with such large populations.\" The Nigerian city of Lagos that in 1963 had 665,000 inhabitants (Rakodi, 1997) and 8.7 million in 2000 is expected to become the worlds 11th biggest city by 2015 with 16 million inhabitants (UN, 2002). The earliest known cities of Africa emerged around the Nile Valley. Alexandria was founded in Egypt in 331 and is famous for the lighthouse Pharos, for a legendary library, and for the martyrdom of Hypatia of Alexandria. While more Greek papyri were preserved in the sands of Egypt than", "psg_id": "3245155" }, { "title": "Pentecostalism in South Africa", "text": "the UCKG succeeded the most. The UCKG preaches about prosperity, exorcisms, and healing which form the basis for their faith. Pentecostalism in South Africa Pentecostalism began spreading in South Africa after William J. Seymour, of the Azusa Street mission, sent missionaries to convert and organize missions. By the 1990s, approximately 10% of the population of South Africa was Pentecostal. The largest denominations were the Apostolic Faith Mission, Assemblies of God, and the Full Gospel Church of God. Another 30% of the population was made up of mostly black Zionist and Apostolic churches, which comprise a majority of South Africa's African", "psg_id": "18709676" }, { "title": "France in the twentieth century", "text": "and North Africa, and the Jewish population in France is estimated at around 600,000 today. Around the start of the 20th century, almost half of all Frenchmen depended on the land for their living, and up until World War II, France remained a largely rural country (roughly 25% of the population worked on the land in 1950), but the post-war years also saw an unprecedented move to the cities: only around 4% of the French continue to work in farms and 73% live today in large cities. By far the largest of these is Paris, at 2.1 million inhabitants (11", "psg_id": "4255801" }, { "title": "2009 FIBA Africa Championship for Women", "text": "Thiam, Fatoumata Diango, Mame Diodio Diouf, Mame Marie Sy, Ndèye Sène, Oumoul Sarr, Coach: Points Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks Minutes Points per Game Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks Fouls 2-point field goal percentage 3-point field goal percentage Free throw percentage 2009 FIBA Africa Championship for Women The 2009 FIBA Africa Championship for Women is the 19th continental championships held by FIBA Africa. The championship will serve as a qualifying tournament for the 2010 FIBA World Championship for Women in the Czech Republic. The tournament took place at the Palais des Sports, Antananarivo, Madagascar from October 9 to October 18. Senegal defeated", "psg_id": "13843623" }, { "title": "2015 FIBA Africa Women's Clubs Champions Cup", "text": "2-point field goal percentage 3-point field goal percentage Free throw percentage Points Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks Turnovers 2-point field goal percentage 3-point field goal percentage Free throw percentage 2015 FIBA Africa Women's Clubs Champions Cup The 2015 FIBA Africa Women's Clubs Champions Cup (21st edition), was an international basketball tournament that took place at the Pavilhão Multiusos do Kilamba, in Luanda, Angola, from November 27 to December 6, 2015. The tournament, organized by FIBA Africa and hosted by Grupo Desportivo do Maculusso, was contested by 12 teams split into 2 groups, the first four of each group qualifying for the", "psg_id": "19299168" }, { "title": "Hot Cities", "text": "Hot Cities Hot Cities is an environmental documentary series broadcast in Autumn 2009 by BBC World News. It highlighted the effects of global warming and climate change on the world's most populous cities. Episode 1 : Bursting at the Seams- Lagos, Nigeria<br> Lagos is one of the fastest growing mega cities in the world. Large areas of the Lagos could be drowned by rising sea level. It is the largest city in the Western Africa which attracts millions of migratory people due to affect of climate change. Episode 2 : Water, water everywhere- Dhaka, Bangladesh<br> Bangladesh is the most affected", "psg_id": "16988051" }, { "title": "Albanian cities during the Middle Ages", "text": "are; Janjeva, Trepça and Novoberda. Durres was the largest city. It was one of the main centers for trade and politics of the country. In the second half of the 14th century the population of this city was 25,000 inhabitants. In Northern Albania, after Durres, the second largest was Shkodra, which was surrounded by a number of smaller cities like Tivar, Ulqin, Shas, Balec, Sepa and Lezha. The main cities in the south were Berat, Vlora, Janina and Preveza. Following the fall of Durres, from the beginning of the 15th century, Vlora was becoming the main center in the Albanian", "psg_id": "17737561" }, { "title": "Twin cities", "text": "Twin cities Twin cities are a special case of two cities or urban centres that are founded in close geographic proximity and then grow into each other over time, losing most of their mutual buffer zone. There are no precise criteria for twin-cityhood, but to be considered twin cities, the cities involved have to have a similar administrative status and somewhat comparable sizes; a suburb of a much larger population center is usually not considered to form a twin city with it. For example, South San Francisco (population about 65,000) is not considered a twin city with San Francisco (population", "psg_id": "429807" }, { "title": "Christianity by country", "text": "to exceed 3 billion. Many charismatic movements are growing in Africa, Latin America, Muslim world, and Asia. Other religions: General: Christianity by country Christianity is the predominant religion in Europe, Russia, North America, South America, the Philippines, East Timor, Southern Africa, Central Africa, East Africa, and Oceania. There are also large Christian communities in other parts of the world, such as Indonesia, Central Asia, and the Middle East, where Christianity is the second-largest religion after Islam. The United States has the largest Christian population in the world, followed by Brazil and Mexico. Christianity in multiple forms is the state religion", "psg_id": "6684563" }, { "title": "Quad Cities", "text": "Quad Cities The Quad Cities is a region of four cities in northwest Illinois and southeastern Iowa: Davenport and Bettendorf in Iowa, and Rock Island, Moline in Illinois. Sometimes, the city of and East Moline, Illinois is included as part of these cities. These cities are the center of the Quad Cities metropolitan area, which as of 2013 had a population estimate of 383,781 and a CSA (Combined Statistical Area) population of 474,937, making it the 90th largest CSA in the nation. Before European settlers came to inhabit the Quad Cities, the confluence of rivers had attracted many varying cultures", "psg_id": "339582" }, { "title": "Rail transport in South Africa", "text": "Rail transport in South Africa Rail transport in South Africa is an important element of the country's transport infrastructure. All major cities are connected by rail, and South Africa's railway system is the most highly developed in Africa. The South African rail industry is publicly owned. The first track for steam-powered locomotives was a line of about by the Natal Railway Company, linking the town of Durban with Harbour Point, opened on 26 June 1860. Cape Town had already started building a line, track gauge , linking Cape Town to Wellington in 1859 but was hampered by delays and could", "psg_id": "6654018" }, { "title": "Buddhism in Africa", "text": "Buddhism in Africa Buddhism, as a major world religion, is practiced in Africa. Though there have been some conversion amongst Africans, most of the Buddhists in Africa, are of Asian, mostly Chinese, Vietnamese, Sri Lankan or Japanese descent. South Africa holds the largest Buddhist population in the continent. According to 2010s estimates, Buddhist adherents (included Taoism and Chinese Folk Religion) are increasing to between 0.2% 0.3% of the South African population, or between 100 and 150 thousand people, however, the number of practicing Buddhists maybe lower. The African countries and territories in the Indian Ocean are also having significant Buddhist", "psg_id": "12452368" }, { "title": "Environmental issues in Africa", "text": "cities is often a big priority, even though the continent as a whole produces little air pollutants by international standards. Even so, air pollutants are causing a variety of health and environmental problems. These pollutants are a threat to the population of Africa and the environment they try so hard to sustain. Environmental issues in Africa African environmental issues are caused by anthropogenic effects on the African natural environment and have major impacts on humans and nearly all forms of endemic life. Issues include desertification, problems with access to safe water supply, population explosion and fauna depletion. These issues are", "psg_id": "8473376" }, { "title": "Youth in Africa", "text": "and hip-hop. A further significant issue for Africa's youth population is the prevention, treatment and eradication of disease, with particular reference to HIV/AIDS, which remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality amongst African youths. There is a crisis in the lack of formal skilled employment opportunities across Africa, which is exacerbated by the addition of 10–12 million youths to the labour market each year. The demographic dividend in Africa has the potential to become a 'ticking time bomb', as claimed by Ighobor, or to provide great potential for economic development, which is explored by the United Nations Population Fund.", "psg_id": "20428789" }, { "title": "Quad Cities", "text": "John Deere Classic. It has drawn dozens of top PGA players over the years, including Tiger Woods, Vijay Singh, and Payne Stewart. Quad Cities The Quad Cities is a region of four cities in northwest Illinois and southeastern Iowa: Davenport and Bettendorf in Iowa, and Rock Island, Moline in Illinois. Sometimes, the city of and East Moline, Illinois is included as part of these cities. These cities are the center of the Quad Cities metropolitan area, which as of 2013 had a population estimate of 383,781 and a CSA (Combined Statistical Area) population of 474,937, making it the 90th largest", "psg_id": "339609" }, { "title": "2017 FIBA Africa Women's Clubs Champions Cup", "text": "3-point field goal percentage Free throw percentage Points Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks Turnovers 2-point field goal percentage 3-point field goal percentage Free throw percentage 2017 FIBA Africa Women's Clubs Champions Cup The 2017 FIBA Africa Women's Clubs Champions Cup (23rd edition), was an international basketball tournament that took place at the Pavilhão Multiusos do Kilamba, in Luanda, Angola, from November 11 to 19, 2017. The tournament, organized by FIBA Africa and hosted by Grupo Desportivo Interclube, was contested by 9 teams split into 2 groups, the first four of each group qualifying for the knock-out stage (quarter, semis and final).", "psg_id": "20448206" }, { "title": "2016 FIBA Africa Women's Clubs Champions Cup", "text": "percentage 3-point field goal percentage Free throw percentage Points Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks Turnovers 2-point field goal percentage 3-point field goal percentage Free throw percentage 2016 FIBA Africa Women's Clubs Champions Cup The 2016 FIBA Africa Women's Clubs Champions Cup (22nd edition), was an international basketball tournament that took place at the Pavilhão do Maxaquene, in Maputo, Mozambique, from November 25 to December 6, 2015. The tournament, organized by FIBA Africa and hosted by Clube Ferroviário de Maputo, was contested by 10 teams split into 2 groups, the first four of each group qualifying for the knock-out stage (quarter, semis", "psg_id": "19915809" }, { "title": "Lost Cities (video game)", "text": "Lost Cities (video game) Lost Cities is card game for the Xbox 360, based upon the popular card game of the same name by game designer Reiner Knizia, published by Sierra Online. The game was released on April 23, 2008. It has since disappeared from Xbox Live Arcade. The gameplay is identical to the card game: each player is dealt eight cards, which consist of 5 \"suits\" that represent individual expeditions, with each \"suit\" consisting of 3 Investment cards which multiply the value of an expedition, and 9 Expedition Cards numbered 2 through 10. The players are dealt 8 cards", "psg_id": "11736357" }, { "title": "United Bank for Africa", "text": "United Bank for Africa United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc, is a leading pan-African financial services group headquartered in Nigeria. It is one of Africa's best and most resilient banking Groups with operations in 20 African countries and offices in three global financial centers: London, Paris and New York. United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc is one of Africa’s largest financial institutions with operations in 20 African countries and 3 global financial centers: New York, London and Paris. UBA has more than fourteen million customers and over 1,000 business offices and customer touch points globally. UBA has been operating in", "psg_id": "13125250" }, { "title": "Malnutrition in South Africa", "text": "is unique to other countries' malnutrition problems because South Africa is a primarily young country, with one third of the population being under the age of 15. Thus, the fact that 25% of pre-school children and 20% of primary school children in South Africa suffered from malnutrition in the year 2000 means that the future population of South Africa is being endangered by the problems of malnutrition The problem of malnutrition in South Africa can be individually assessed through the deviation of weight of each child from the average weight for their age. According to the World Health Organization, the", "psg_id": "16927790" }, { "title": "Battle of Africa Point", "text": "Battle of Africa Point In the Illinois territory during the War of 1812, there was a brief engagement between a group of United States Rangers and Native Americans called the Battle of Africa Point. On April 18, 1813, during the fortification phase of Fort LaMotte, two barrel coopers Isaac Brimberry and Thomas Kennedy went up 'Africa Point', a knoll surrounded by swamp on the Wabash River, to procure some wood. They came across Indian canoes pulled on the shore of the river. Both Brimberry and Kennedy reported their sightings to the Fort LaMotte commander, Captain Pierce Andrews. Andrews sent up", "psg_id": "12308396" }, { "title": "Noma Award for Publishing in Africa", "text": "Noma Award for Publishing in Africa The Noma Award for Publishing in Africa (\"French:Le Prix Noma de Publication en Afrique\"), which ran from 1980 to 2009, was an annual $10,000 prize for outstanding African writers and scholars who published in Africa. Within four years of its establishment, the prize \"had become the major book award in Africa\". It was one of the series of Noma Prizes. The prize was established in 1979 by Shoichi Noma (died 1984), president of Kodansha Ltd, the largest publishing house in Japan, to encourage the publication of works by African authors. The award was annual", "psg_id": "5689321" }, { "title": "Pentecostalism in South Africa", "text": "Pentecostalism in South Africa Pentecostalism began spreading in South Africa after William J. Seymour, of the Azusa Street mission, sent missionaries to convert and organize missions. By the 1990s, approximately 10% of the population of South Africa was Pentecostal. The largest denominations were the Apostolic Faith Mission, Assemblies of God, and the Full Gospel Church of God. Another 30% of the population was made up of mostly black Zionist and Apostolic churches, which comprise a majority of South Africa's African Instituted Churches(AICs). In a 2006 survey, 1 in 10 urban South Africans said they were Pentecostal, and 2 in 10", "psg_id": "18709659" }, { "title": "History of science and technology in Africa", "text": "successful was the widespread use of guns in Africa. Fortification was a major part of defense, integral to warfare. Massive earthworks were built around cities and settlements in West Africa, typically defended by soldiers with bow and poison-tipped arrows. The earthworks are some of the largest man made structures in Africa and the world such as the wall of Benin and Sungbo's Eredo. In Central Africa, the Angola region, one find preference for ditches, which were more successful for defense against wars with Europeans. African infantry did not just include men. The state of Dahomey included all-female units, the so-called", "psg_id": "13337774" }, { "title": "High Commissioner for Southern Africa", "text": "In addition to responsibility for Basutoland, Bechuanaland and Swaziland, he held reserve powers concerning the interests of the native population of Southern Rhodesia. The post was abolished on 1 August 1964. The high commissioner was responsible for governing the following territories, in each case represented by a resident commissioner: High Commissioner for Southern Africa The British office of high commissioner for Southern Africa was responsible for governing British possessions in Southern Africa, latterly the protectorates Basutoland (now Lesotho), the Bechuanaland Protectorate (now Botswana) and Swaziland (now Eswatini), as well as for relations with autonomous governments in the area. The office", "psg_id": "9786290" }, { "title": "Stanton by Dale", "text": "Stanton by Dale Stanton by Dale is a village and civil parish in the South East of Derbyshire, England. The population of the civil parish at the 2011 census was 505. It lies south of Ilkeston and north of Sandiacre. Since 1974 it has been part of the Erewash borough. The village is the exact halfway point between the cities of Derby and Nottingham, being 6.9 miles, as the crow flies, from each city. Mentioned in the Domesday Book Survey of 1086, Stanton-by-Dale is believed to derive its name from stone quarrying in the area. During the 13th and 14th", "psg_id": "12122267" }, { "title": "Cities designated by government ordinance of Japan", "text": "application for designation is made by a city with the approval of both the city and the prefectural assemblies. The following cities have populations greater than 500,000 but have not yet been nominated. (Cities planning to apply for core city status are not shown. ※Core Cities; ※※Special Cities) The first form of the designated city system was enacted under Japan local government system in 1878 with the introduction of \"wards.\" Under that system, wards existed in every city. Most cities had only one ward, but the largest cities at the time (Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto) were divided into 15, four,", "psg_id": "2186664" }, { "title": "3 point player", "text": "sport, and the classifiers watching the player during competitive play. Australian Shaun Norris is a 3 point player. Tina McKenzie, Sarah Stewart and Katie Hill are 3 point players for Australia's women's national team. Yvon Rouillard is a 3 point player for the Canadian men's national team. Dave Durepos and Mickael Poulin are 3.5 point players for the Canadian men's national team. Wheelchair Twin Basketball is a major variant of wheelchair basketball. This version is supposed by the International Stoke Mandeville Wheelchair Sports Federation, and played in Japan. Twin basketball has a three-point classification system based on the evaluation of", "psg_id": "16075469" }, { "title": "2006 FIBA Africa Under-20 Championship for Women", "text": "Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks 2-point field goal percentage 3-point field goal percentage Free throw percentage 2006 FIBA Africa Under-20 Championship for Women The 2006 FIBA Africa Under-20 Championship for Women was the 2nd and last FIBA Africa Under-20 Championship for Women, played under the rules of FIBA, the world governing body for basketball, and the FIBA Africa thereof. The tournament was hosted by Mozambique from December 2 to 9 2006, with the games played at the Pavilhão do Maxaquene in Maputo. Mali defeated Mozambique 49–47 in the final to win their first title. and securing a spot at the 2007", "psg_id": "17679616" }, { "title": "Japanese people in South Africa", "text": "international school in South Africa, the Japanese School of Johannesburg. Japanese people in South Africa There is a small community of Japanese expatriate people living in or people who were born in South Africa with Japanese ancestry. Most of them live in Johannesburg and other major cities. Japanese immigration to South Africa began when Japan emerged as the country's largest trading partner when it was under apartheid. The designation of Honorary whites was applied to Japanese people living in South Africa in the 1960s to assist a trade pact formed between South Africa and Japan in the early 1960s. With", "psg_id": "15165810" }, { "title": "Big Brother Africa (season 3)", "text": "the eighth evictee from Big brother 3 Africa on 9 November 2008 (Day 77). While in the house Thami started a relationship with fellow housemate Hazel from Malawi. Towards the end of the season both Thami and Hazel were nominated many times and in the eighth round of nominations they found themselves nominated against each other. The two continued their relationship after the show. Uti Nwachukwu is the 25-year-old representative from Nigeria. He became the third evictee of Big Brother Africa 3 house on 5 October 2008 (Day 42). During his stay Uti was known for often teasing his fellow", "psg_id": "12394091" }, { "title": "Lebanese people in South Africa", "text": "Maronite Lebanese Missionaries have since served in South Africa among other countries and continue in their mission in serving and assisting in the Maronite Rite. Lebanese people in South Africa Lebanese people in South Africa have a population exceeding 5,100 and other estimates report a total of 20,000 Lebanese in South Africa. In addition, an increasing number of Lebanese students seeking education and career opportunities opted for the country in light of its relatively reputable institutions across the Middle East. Most of the Lebanese people in South Africa live mainly in the cities of Johannesburg and Cape Town. The history", "psg_id": "19032290" }, { "title": "Cities in Motion", "text": "5, 2011 Paradox Interactive released the DLC \"Cities in Motion: Design Classics\", followed on May 20, 2011 by \"Cities in Motion: Design Marvels\", featuring five new vehicles in each release. A third DLC, \"Cities in Motion: Design Now\", was released on 14 June 2011, and included 5 new vehicles for each method of transportation. \"Cities in Motion: Metro Stations\" was released on 14 June 2011 featuring 2 new metro stations. On May 19, 2011 Paradox Interactive announced \"Cities in Motion: Tokyo\", an expansion containing a new city, Tokyo, and campaign, new vehicles and the introduction of the Monorail to the", "psg_id": "15298772" }, { "title": "Australia–South Africa relations", "text": "provides around A$10 million (approximately R93 million) in development assistance to South Africa each year. South Africa is Australia's 21st largest merchandise trading partner and 16th most significant merchandise export market. In 2007, two-way merchandise trade was valued at A$3.88 billion. Australian exports to South Africa were A$2.53 billion (mainly medicaments, meat and civil engineering equipment), and Australian imports from South Africa were A$1.35 billion, notably passenger motor vehicles (mainly BMW 3 Series vehicles) worth A$663 million, as well as pig iron and motor vehicle parts. Australia is the sixth largest export destination for South African goods. The majority of", "psg_id": "13292454" }, { "title": "Southern Africa Association for the Advancement of Science", "text": "Association for the Advancement of Science (BA), now known as the British Science Association. One of the most prominent scientists involved in the movement to establish S2A3 was Dr (later Sir) David Gill (1843–1914), director of the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, who was elected its first president. All scientific disciplines were accommodated, with the result that membership rose to over 1000. For many years S2A3 was the largest and most influential scientific society in southern Africa. Members met once a year in different southern African cities to present papers and tend to the business of the Association. The", "psg_id": "14488025" }, { "title": "2013 FIBA Africa Under-16 Championship for Women", "text": "Samake, Kadidia Maiga, Kani Keita, Mariam Coulibaly, Ramata Gadiaka, Saran Traoré, Coach: Sidiya Oumarou Points Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks Turnovers Points Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks Fouls 2-point field goal percentage 3-point field goal percentage Free throw percentage 2013 FIBA Africa Under-16 Championship for Women The 2013 FIBA Africa Under-16 Championship for Women was the 3rd FIBA Africa U16 Championship for Women, played under the rules of FIBA, the world governing body for basketball, and the FIBA Africa thereof. The tournament was hosted by Mozambique from October 5 to 12, with the games played at the Pavilhão do Maxaquene in Maputo.", "psg_id": "17624496" }, { "title": "Japanese people in South Africa", "text": "Japanese people in South Africa There is a small community of Japanese expatriate people living in or people who were born in South Africa with Japanese ancestry. Most of them live in Johannesburg and other major cities. Japanese immigration to South Africa began when Japan emerged as the country's largest trading partner when it was under apartheid. The designation of Honorary whites was applied to Japanese people living in South Africa in the 1960s to assist a trade pact formed between South Africa and Japan in the early 1960s. With such a huge deal in the works, Prime Minister Hendrik", "psg_id": "15165808" }, { "title": "Ebola Medal for Service in West Africa", "text": "Ebola Medal for Service in West Africa The Ebola Medal for Service in West Africa, known simply as the Ebola Medal, is a service medal for issue to the Armed Forces and to civilians, working either for Her Majesty's Government or for non-governmental organisations, in support of the British Government's response to the Ebola crisis in West Africa between March 2014 and March 2016. The medal is the first medal awarded by the UK Government for a humanitarian crisis response. The medal was manufactured by Worcestershire Medal Service. The name of the recipient (name and title if civilian; name, rank", "psg_id": "18840347" }, { "title": "Urbanization in Africa", "text": "and therefore higher migration to urban areas. (Rakodi, 1997; Aase, 2003). Finally it should be mentioned that war and economic misconduct have led to the dilution of rural resources and periodically very high rural-urban migration. At the end of the 1980s, there were only 18 African countries that had not experienced a military coup against their government (Rakodi, 1997).(Written by Josiah Naidoo). The urbanization rate in Africa is slowing, but so is the population growth rate, much because of HIV/AIDS (UN, 2003a). The big cities of Africa will probably continue to grow, but the future is as always uncertain. In", "psg_id": "3245173" }, { "title": "2011 FIBA Africa Championship for Women", "text": "Maurício, Nadir Manuel, Ngiendula Filipe, Sónia Guadalupe, Coach: Aníbal Moreira Senegal and Nigeria renounced the right to compete in the World Olympic Qualifying Tournament for Women.<br>In these circumstances, FIBA has chosen Mozambique, the best team in the African Championship after Senegal and Nigeria. Points Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks Minutes Points per Game Total Points Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks 2-point field goal percentage 3-point field goal percentage Free throw percentage 2011 FIBA Africa Championship for Women The 2011 FIBA Africa Championship for Women (alternatively the FIBA African Championship) was the 20th FIBA Africa Championship for Women, played under the auspices of", "psg_id": "15870018" }, { "title": "Buddhism in South Africa", "text": "Samye Dzong Dharma centres in the major South African cities, which are thriving today under guidance of the 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Drodul Trinley Dorje. The Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order has erected Nan Hua Temple, the largest Buddhist temple and monastery in Africa, in the town of Bronkhorstspruit near Pretoria. Another notable Buddhist centre in the country is the Buddhist Retreat Centre in Ixopo, KwaZulu-Natal. The Nichiren Buddhist lay group Soka Gakkai International has a community centre in Parkwood, Johannesburg. Derivatives of Korean Zen have been established in the Western Cape. The Vipassana Association of South Africa founded by S.N.", "psg_id": "7457237" }, { "title": "Cities in the Great Depression", "text": "than the high-school and college educated men who lived in outer zones and suburbs. Although suburbia stopped growing, it did not suffer nearly as much as the central cities. While some unemployed came to the cities looking for relief, it appears that even larger numbers of unemployed returned to family farms. For the first time ever, the movement of native population was away from cities and toward rural America. The fiscal soundness of city and county governments was challenged by the rise in relief expenditures and the sharp fall in tax collections. The Hoover Administration had encouraged state and local", "psg_id": "6637891" }, { "title": "Cities designated by government ordinance of Japan", "text": "cities (Tokyo having become a prefecture in 1943) as . The system was replaced by the designated city system when the Local Autonomy Law was amended, in 1956. During the ensuing Japanese economic growth period, the government required designated cities to be forecast to reach a population of one million within the near future, but the requirement was dropped in 2005 to accommodate several geographically-large cities that were formed by mergers, under the government of Junichiro Koizumi. Cities designated by government ordinance of Japan A , also known as a or , is a Japanese city that has a population", "psg_id": "2186666" }, { "title": "Internet in Africa", "text": "countries for the provision of Internet broadband connectivity is VSAT, which allows businesses to access the European or US Internet backbone via satellite in regions that lack terrestrial Internet access. Fiber in Africa has been restricted to big coastal cities facing North Atlantic, South Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. According to World Bank data only 37% of Africa's 1.2 billion people actually live in those regions. Therefore, satellite remains to be the most effective and viable way to reach rural areas, and thus a major portion of Africa's population. Satellite access in Africa is popular on KU band and C band,", "psg_id": "10082694" }, { "title": "Quad Cities (Minnesota)", "text": "the mines shut down during the Great Depression and didn't resume full work until World War II. This was approximately the peak point for the industry in the area. Slowly the cities, though increasing in area, decreased in population. According to the 2000 census, the Quad Cities have a population of 17,868. Virginia has 9,157 residents. Eveleth has 3,865 residents; Mountain Iron has 2,999 residents; and Gilbert has 1,847 residents. Recent estimates of the 2010 census have declared that Virginia alone has lost about seven percent of its total population, the other cities expected to lose too. The mining industry,", "psg_id": "11125178" } ]
[ "cairo, egypt (14.8), lagos, nigeria (11.4), and kinshasa, democratic republic of the congo (8.6)" ]
for a point each, name the characters in the game of clue
[ { "title": "Clue Chronicles: Fatal Illusion", "text": "Clue Chronicles: Fatal Illusion Clue Chronicles: Fatal Illusion (subtitled \"Mystery Series: Episode One\" and alternatively known as Clue Chronicles Episode 1: The Fatal Masque) is a Windows point-and-click adventure game based on the Cluedo franchise, known as Clue in North America. It is a reinterpretation and adaption of the Clue board game as an adventure game including many of the original characters. The game was distributed with a variety of covers, each featuring a different murder weapon. Two Clue video games were released during the 1990s: \"Clue\", for SNES and Sega Genesis, and \"Clue: Murder at Boddy Mansion\" for PC.", "psg_id": "18258976" }, { "title": "Clue (1992 video game)", "text": "Clue (1992 video game) Clue: Parker Brothers' Classic Detective Game is a North American-exclusive video game published for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Sega Genesis video game consoles. It is based on the popular board game of the same name. It was first announced for preview at the Summer CES in May 1992 with plans of distribution for that fall at a MSRP US$49.99 . Up to six players can play, using any controller. The object of the game, as in the board game, is to find out who killed Mr. Boddy where and with what. Each player is", "psg_id": "11149089" }, { "title": "Clue (1998 video game)", "text": "Clue (1998 video game) Clue (known as \"Cluedo\" outside of North America) is a 1998 video game based on the board game of the same name. Its formal name is \"Clue: Murder at Boddy Mansion\" or \"Cluedo: Murder at Blackwell Grange\" (depending of whether the country uses American or British English). It runs on Microsoft Windows. It was developed in 1998 for Hasbro Interactive by EAI. Infogrames (now Atari) took over publishing rights for the game in 2000 when Hasbro Interactive went out of business. The game, just like the board game, is meant for 3-6 players due to the", "psg_id": "1444046" }, { "title": "Clue (1998 video game)", "text": "the same number of \"moves\" each turn. A few features of \"Clue\": The game is highly notable for its very dark tone. It has rather vivid suggestion scenes which are from the perspective of the host being murdered by the guests. The animations are all characters based (for example Mrs. Peacock physically struggles with some of the weapons, and Professor Plum seems unwilling to commit murder. The cut scenes also utilise the many imaginative ways one can murder someone with each of the weapons). The Providence Journal described the game as having a \"film-noir environment (like a murder-mystery movie of", "psg_id": "1444059" }, { "title": "The Clue!", "text": "wanna-be getting immersed into the world of London underworld. He can make social contacts with other characters in various pubs and bars. Most of the NPCs can be hired to assist in burglary. The story begins with Matt Stuvysant arriving to London Victoria station. Shortly after he is settled in the Ugly dog hotel on Holland street, he is contacted by his father's old friend Herbert Briggs, a well-renowned burglar. The Clue! The Clue! (known as \"Der Clou!\" in German-speaking regions) is a remake of the 1986 game \"They Stole a Million\". It would form a two-game series, with a", "psg_id": "12108026" }, { "title": "Clue (1998 video game)", "text": "their best effect, there aren't really many faults with the game\". \"Christian Spotlight\" gave the game a rating of 4.5 out 5 stars. \"Gamezebo\" gave the game a 4 out of 5 star rating. The game was named \"Video Game of the Week\" on 1999-02-06 in the \"Fresno Bee\". Clue (1998 video game) Clue (known as \"Cluedo\" outside of North America) is a 1998 video game based on the board game of the same name. Its formal name is \"Clue: Murder at Boddy Mansion\" or \"Cluedo: Murder at Blackwell Grange\" (depending of whether the country uses American or British English).", "psg_id": "1444070" }, { "title": "Clue (1998 video game)", "text": "board game it is based on: to find the murderer, the room which housed Mr. Boddy/Dr. Black's demise, and the weapon used In addition to play by the original rules, \"Clue\" has an additional mode that allows movement via \"points.\" Each turn begins with nine points and every action the player takes costs points. The player can only do as many things as he has points. For example, moving from square to square costs one point, making a suggestion costs three points. Many players prefer this mode of play as it makes the game more balanced since each player gets", "psg_id": "1444058" }, { "title": "Clue (1998 video game)", "text": "the 1940s)\". Christian Spotlight explains that these can be switched off if one so chooses. Allgame explains that \"each room is richly created in loving detail, complete with exotic period furniture and secret passages. Both the mood and gameplay is enhanced by the deep, sonorous voice of the Butler as he announces events as they occur. Spong says, \"Cluedo takes place mostly in the house where the murder was committed, creating a chilling atmosphere. Environments are beautifully rendered, featuring all characters from the original board game in full 3D.\" Cnet explains, \"Clue offers full animations of the characters walking from", "psg_id": "1444060" }, { "title": "Get a Clue", "text": "its initial summer. A song by the band Prozzak, \"Get a Clue\", appeared in the film and the music video was shown on Disney Channel at the time of its release. The name of the band was changed to \"Simon and Milo\", the characters depicted in the music video so their band name would not be associated with the drugs. Get a Clue Get a Clue is a 2002 Disney Channel Original Movie starring Lindsay Lohan as Lexy Gold, a teenage high school student who investigates a mystery after one of her teachers goes missing. The movie stars Bug Hall", "psg_id": "5202733" }, { "title": "The Name of the Game (TV series)", "text": "Name of the Game\" rotated among three characters working at Howard Publications, a large magazine publishing company—Jeffrey \"Jeff\" Dillon (Franciosa), a crusading reporter with \"People\" magazine (before there was a real-life \"People\" magazine); Glenn Howard (Gene Barry, taking over for George Macready, who had originated the role in the earlier film), the sophisticated, well-connected publisher; and Daniel \"Dan\" Farrell (Robert Stack), the editor of \"Crime\" magazine. Serving as a common connection was then-newcomer Susan Saint James as Peggy Maxwell, the editorial assistant for each. \"The Name of the Game\" provided Steven Spielberg with his first long-form directing assignment: the dystopic", "psg_id": "6833435" }, { "title": "Clue (1992 video game)", "text": "unless if the player is incorrect, they are eliminated from the game. If they are correct, the actual suspect is seen killing Mr. Boddy in an addition to the vignette and is then seen being arrested. The accusing player is the winner. Clue (1992 video game) Clue: Parker Brothers' Classic Detective Game is a North American-exclusive video game published for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Sega Genesis video game consoles. It is based on the popular board game of the same name. It was first announced for preview at the Summer CES in May 1992 with plans of distribution", "psg_id": "11149093" }, { "title": "Clue Mysteries (book series)", "text": "Clue Mysteries (book series) Clue (or Cluedo) Mysteries (sometimes called Clue Mysteries, 15 whodunits to solve in minutes) are two books released in 2003 and 2004 based upon the Clue board game. Both were written by Canadian author, Vicki Cameron. Cameron currently lives in Ontario. Each book contains fifteen mysteries, set up in a similar fashion to the 1990s book series, but meant for a more mature audience. However, the Clue Mysteries have some comic absurdity like the 1990s series. The characters take on names similar to the North American version but more often than not have backstories nearer to", "psg_id": "9821913" }, { "title": "Clue (miniseries)", "text": "Clue (miniseries) Clue is an American five-part mystery television miniseries based on the Parker Brothers board game of the same name, which aired on The Hub from November 14, 2011 to November 17, 2011. The series features a youthful, ensemble cast working together, uncovering clues to unravel a mystery. The series was created by Raven Metzner and stars Sterling Beaumon as Seamus, Sarah Desjardins as Whitney, Kendall Amyre Ferguson as Agnes, Ana Golja as Liz, Stephan James as Dmitri, and Zach Mills as Lucas. The series follows six very different young sleuths nicknamed after the characters from the game of", "psg_id": "14811183" }, { "title": "Celebrity (game)", "text": "the current name is reinserted into the unguessed collection. This allows for a particularly difficult name to be guessed by several players on both sides. The team is awarded a point for every name they guessed correctly. They lose a point for every illegal clue that was given. Alternatively, if an illegal clue is given, the round ends immediately. At the end of the game, all clues will be gone, and you can simply add up cards held by each team to determine a winner. The next team then picks a clue-giver and play continues until there are no more", "psg_id": "10208956" }, { "title": "Give Us a Clue", "text": "and the show introduced a lateral thinking puzzle (which the host could \"give clues to\"). \"Give us a Clue\" returned for a special Comic Relief episode in March 2011 with Sara Cox, Christopher Biggins, Lionel Blair, Una Stubbs, Holly Walsh, Jenni Falconer and David Walliams. The game was based on charades, a party game where players used mime rather than speaking to demonstrate a name, phrase, book, play, film or TV programme. Each player was given roughly two minutes to act out their given subject in front of his/her team, and if the others were unsuccessful in guessing correctly, the", "psg_id": "2188280" }, { "title": "The Clue!", "text": "room on Holland Street, the player is tasked with finding accomplices, scouting potential targets, and plotting plans of burglary, down to the finest detail. Featuring the archetypal point-and-click interface during investigations, engaging in planning a job would alter the controls to include keyboard, using it to control the planned movements of the personnel. \"The Clue!\" is mixture of many video game genres. It can be described as role-playing adventure game with tactical/strategy elements and puzzles in the form of burglaries. The gameplay is composed of two different modes - most of the time, the player is travelling around the city", "psg_id": "12108021" }, { "title": "The Clue!", "text": "The Clue! The Clue! (known as \"Der Clou!\" in German-speaking regions) is a remake of the 1986 game \"They Stole a Million\". It would form a two-game series, with a sequel following in 2001, under the guise of The Sting! or Der Clou 2!. In 2000 the source code was released to the public. The game was since then ported to modern platforms (Windows, Linux) via SDL and receives still updates by the game's community (2015). An adventure game, assuming the identity of Matt Stuvysant, a burglar who is looking beyond just the clothes on his back and a hotel", "psg_id": "12108020" }, { "title": "Clue (mobile games)", "text": "the game 4 out of 5 stars, writing \"Albeit quite different from the traditional Clue board game experience, this app is an excellent mystery solving puzzler. For any fan of murder mysteries, even lovers of the original Clue board game, Clue for the iPhone is a great addition to the app inventory.\" AppSafari rated the game 2.5 out of 5, saying \"You know the saying \"As the official CLUE app, I was expecting a standard board game app in the style of Trivial Pursuit or Monopoly, but this goes a completely different direction, following in the footsteps of a point", "psg_id": "18263347" }, { "title": "Clue (1998 video game)", "text": "Later it was released in a jewel case, or as part of a collection, the \"Classic Game Collection\" (also including computer versions of \"Monopoly\", \"The Game of Life\", and \"Scrabble\"). At one point the game was offered free inside boxes of cereal alongside other Hasbro video games such as \"Operation\". Allgame explains that \"to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the original Clue, the European release of Cluedo: Murder at Blackwell Grange, by Hasbro Interactive, introduces an updated version of its earlier computerized release.\" The artificial intelligence (AI) used by \"Clue's\" computer-controlled opponents is advanced for a computer board game conversion.", "psg_id": "1444054" }, { "title": "Clue Chronicles: Fatal Illusion", "text": "of the Cluedo board game was \"much more successful\" than Hasbro's \"first failed attempt\"; another French website, Pabbajita, called it a \"very conventional game\". GameFreaks liked the game's concept, but not its execution. Adventure Point gave \"Clue Chronicles: Fatal Illusion\" 3.5 stars, calling it \"a surprisingly enjoyable, if short, detective game with some decent puzzles\". According to the \"Boston Herald\", the \"visually rewarding\" game had \"glossy animation\" and \"detailed, sepia-toned interiors\" but its compelling characters \"move ... rather like puppets\". The \"Herald\" later recommended the game in \"Games fit everyone's gift list\", calling it \"convoluted\" and perfect for \"mystery lovers\".", "psg_id": "18258985" }, { "title": "Without a Clue", "text": "Without a Clue Without a Clue is a 1988 British comedy film directed by Thom Eberhardt and starring Michael Caine and Ben Kingsley. It is based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's characters from the Sherlock Holmes stories but reverses the precedence of the characters in comedic style. Sherlock Holmes is a fictional creation of Dr. John Watson who serves as the central character in a series of short stories published in \"The Strand Magazine\". Watson uses the character to enable him to solve crimes incognito, so as not to disrupt his career as a doctor. He therefore decides to satisfy", "psg_id": "5578585" }, { "title": "Clue (1998 video game)", "text": "inspired by genres such as jazz and film noir. Christian Spotlight said \"The music is a bit annoying, simply replaying the same bars over and over and over again. Thankfully, the music is quiet and not much of a distraction\". It also added \"Click on some of the objects in each area and be surprised by the many short animations that unfold.\" Giantbomb notes that the game \"is particularly notable for being the first 3D adaptation of the Clue, with the game playing out in a 3D isometric view of the titular mansion game board\". It describes the gameplay as", "psg_id": "1444062" }, { "title": "Clue (1998 video game)", "text": "are not needed. In Clue, \"the idea is that of starting a new game each time. This particular game places a new puzzle to the player every new game so that the game is new to him/her every time\" - having a different 3-card solution - despite using exactly the same game mechanics. The video opens on a view outside Blackwell Grange/Boddy Manor. The view cuts to the inside hall with the game's murderer, holding a lit candlestick, walking down the hall and entering one of the rooms. The candle is extinguished and silhouetted via a lightning flash, an indeterminate", "psg_id": "1444066" }, { "title": "The Clue in the Diary", "text": "The Clue in the Diary The Clue in the Diary is the seventh volume in the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories series, and was first published in 1932 under the pseudonym Carolyn Keene. Its text was revised in 1962. This is the last manuscript Mildred Wirt Benson wrote in her initial run. She would return for volume 11, \"The Clue of the Broken Locket\", and remain with the series until 1948, then return for a final ghostwrite in 1953. Nancy and her friends Bess and George, on their way home from a carnival, discuss a financially struggling Swedish immigrant, Mrs. Swenson,", "psg_id": "4415215" }, { "title": "Clue Classic", "text": "Clue Classic Clue Classic is a video game based on Hasbro's Cluedo franchise. It was developed by Games Cafe and published by Reflexive Entertainment on June 3, 2008. The single-player interactive game was inspired by the artwork in the 2002/2003 Classic Detective Game version, featuring the original six characters, weapons and nine original rooms. Producer was Rob Adams, designer was Rob Adams, programmer was Chad Sterling, lead Artist was Erin Miller, and Music & Sound was by Staffan Melin and David Chan. Mobygames explains the gameplay: BoardGameBeast rated the game 4 out of 5 stars, describing it as a truly", "psg_id": "18263531" }, { "title": "Clue (mobile games)", "text": "where characters told the player clues to advance along the level. It noted the game gets quite hard toward the later levels and takes some problem solving skills to complete. It praised the \"beautiful\" art direction, though criticised its \"frustrating\" gameplay. AppAdvice wrote \"Clue for the iPhone is a fun game that is almost infinitely replayable, very pleasing to the eye and ear with stylized graphics and a catchy background soundtrack, and it has redefined how we think of the game of Clue, and, for that matter, how we think of adapted board games to devices like the iPhone.\" Slidetoplay", "psg_id": "18263349" }, { "title": "Without a Clue", "text": "a markedly mild nature and most of them provoked by the shrewdly judged antics of the two stars.\" For Harvey O'Brien, however, though the film seems \"more like a television production\", the choice of actors for the main characters convincingly addresses \"the artificiality of the Holmes mythos\" and \"presents a unique redemption of the Watson figure\". The movie won the 1989 Special Jury Prize at the Festival du Film Policier de Cognac. Without a Clue Without a Clue is a 1988 British comedy film directed by Thom Eberhardt and starring Michael Caine and Ben Kingsley. It is based on Sir", "psg_id": "5578593" }, { "title": "The Name of the Game (TV series)", "text": "The Name of the Game (TV series) The Name of the Game is an American television series starring Tony Franciosa, Gene Barry, and Robert Stack, airing from 1968 to 1971 on NBC, totaling 76 episodes of 90 minutes each. The show was a wheel series, setting the stage for \"The Bold Ones\" and the \"NBC Mystery Movie\" in the 1970s. The program had the largest budget of any television series at that time. The series was based on the 1966 television movie \"Fame Is the Name of the Game\", which was directed by Stuart Rosenberg and stars Tony Franciosa. \"The", "psg_id": "6833434" }, { "title": "Clue (book series)", "text": "the back cover of each book, with three randomly selected to appear in an illustration created especially for the cover of each book. Books 1-4 feature the characters as they appeared in the 1986 edition of the board game. From Book 5 onwards, the character redesigns from the 1992 edition were used. In 2003, Canadian mystery writer Vicki Cameron wrote a new set of mini-mysteries, the \"Clue Mysteries\" books, after the original author, Nigel Tappin, backed out of the project. Only two were published. Both books feature more complex storylines and vocabulary, fifteen mysteries apiece. The setting is at the", "psg_id": "7408353" }, { "title": "Celebrity Name Game", "text": "gives clues. The current giver starts describing when a name or picture is exposed. If the celebrity receivers get it right, the name stays revealed. Passing on a name re-conceals it. This round lasts for a total of 75 seconds, the first contestant has 45 seconds, and the second has 30 seconds. If the first clue giver provides an illegal clue to a name, that name is replaced by a different one for the second clue giver. Any illegal clue by the second clue giver, however, ends the round immediately. Getting all ten increases the team's total winnings to $20,000.", "psg_id": "18013518" }, { "title": "Clue (mobile games)", "text": "December 26, 2016. Game designer Elijah Renard explained: Rather than being a board game, Clue played out more like a simple point-and-click game where the player traveled around the rooms from the mansion to collect clues from the 6 suspects to decipher whodunnit. Each case was time limited, and every action taken used up a set amount of time. Successfully making a correct suggestion within the allotted time gave the player the maximum 4-star score for the level. The player played a reporter who has to get the top story to solve a case, and get a promotion. 148apps gave", "psg_id": "18263346" }, { "title": "Back to the Future: The Game", "text": "to move around. The player can have Marty examine objects, talk to non-player characters (initiating dialog through conversation trees), and perform specific actions in order to solve puzzles and progress the game. Some items can be picked up and stored in Marty's inventory, and then can be used later to interact with other characters or objects. The game provides a list of current goals for the player to complete to advance the game. The player can access a hint system, revealing one clue at a time from a number of cryptic clues for how to solve a specific puzzle. It", "psg_id": "14999014" }, { "title": "The Clue in the Embers", "text": "collection, the Hardys wind up in a desolate area of Guatemala at the mercy of a dangerous gang of thugs plotting to steal a national treasure. The area is supposedly cursed, as some locals warn the Hardys not to visit the area. However, other men are looking for the treasure as well. The Clue in the Embers The Clue in the Embers is Volume 35 in the original The Hardy Boys Mystery Stories published by Grosset & Dunlap. This book was written for the Stratemeyer Syndicate by John Almquist in 1955. Between 1959 and 1973 the first 38 volumes of", "psg_id": "5389246" }, { "title": "Clue (1998 video game)", "text": "1992] is not free and is also not that good. The AI, board presentations, and game mechanics of the existing version were all bad\". This version of Clue aimed to \"improve...on all of those areas with most of the emphasis put into the artificial intelligence of computer players in the game.\" Development of \"Clue\" took approximately one year. Hasbro Interactive, the game's publisher, funded the project. Chris Nash, Lead Programmer on the game, who was interviewed by the official Cluedo fansite in May 2003, said that while it was a fun project to work on, \"it was hard at", "psg_id": "1444048" }, { "title": "The Genius: Rules of the Game", "text": "game is played in similar fashion to episode 5's Scamming Horse Race. Each of the remaining contestants invites a friend to the studio to serve as a teammate. Teams are assigned a specific room in the studio, and while the guests are free to enter anyone elses room, the original players are not allowed to leave their respective rooms. Like the original Scamming Horse Race, teams are given a clue to the predetermined outcome of a horse race. Additional clues are given after every three rounds, and there are clues for sale, with the first clue purchased costing 3 garnets", "psg_id": "18948730" }, { "title": "Clue (book series)", "text": "fictional mansion Tudor Hall in Hampshire, Britain in 1926. The stories are formatted to be more like the game, with each mystery being about the murder of Boddy and featuring one guest conducting the entire investigation before accusing another guest of the crime. In 2008, a book called \"CLUE\" code breaking puzzles\", was released. Clue (book series) The Clue series is a book series of 18 children's books published throughout the 1990s based on the board game \"Clue\". The books are compilations of mini-mysteries that the reader must solve involving various crimes committed at the home of Reginald Boddy by", "psg_id": "7408354" }, { "title": "Clue (miniseries)", "text": "Metzner told \"\" that he was hoping for an opportunity to create more mysteries for the characters, but could not say when, or if, there would be another season. The cast bears some similarities to the 2012 spin-off Clue: The Classic Mystery Game, which also features secret societies/houses. Also re-cut as a 2-hour TV Film. The series premiere brought in 189,000 viewers. Brian Lowry of \"Variety\" said \"Marketing-driven constructs are often the kiss of death creatively speaking, however the commercial template surrounding Hub's miniseries based on \"Clue\"—consisting of five half-hour segments—is clever enough to overcome such concerns.\" Lowry continued, \"In", "psg_id": "14811185" }, { "title": "Clue (mobile games)", "text": "which the player moves their character through a mansion and makes suggestions about the murder, and uses logic to deduce who killed the victim, with which weapon, and in which room. The mansion and character tokens are represented in 3D during the dice rolling phase, but during the suggestion phase there is a transition to a 2D room scene with representational character art, with several different poses for each character. The game features a virtual Clue Sheet. When suggestions are made and answered, ticks and crosses are automatically added to show which characters do or do not have particular cards.", "psg_id": "18263352" }, { "title": "Celebrity Name Game", "text": "round. Each of the three-member teams are presented with a category containing ten names. One person will give clues, trying to get the other two to guess the names. Successful guesses earn money. An illegal clue (saying the name or part of the name, spelling the name, or rhyming the name) voids that name. Each turn lasts for 45 seconds. In the first round, one team is chosen to play first, and chooses one of two categories presented, leaving the second team to play the remaining category. In the second round, the second team plays first and chooses the first", "psg_id": "18013514" }, { "title": "The Clue in the Embers", "text": "The Clue in the Embers The Clue in the Embers is Volume 35 in the original The Hardy Boys Mystery Stories published by Grosset & Dunlap. This book was written for the Stratemeyer Syndicate by John Almquist in 1955. Between 1959 and 1973 the first 38 volumes of this series were systematically revised as part of a project directed by Harriet Adams, Edward Stratemeyer's daughter. The original version of this book was shortened in 1972 by Priscilla Baker-Carr resulting in two slightly different stories sharing the same title. In solving the mystery of two medallions missing from an inherited curio", "psg_id": "5389245" }, { "title": "Clue Mysteries (book series)", "text": "different version of the main plot, Mr. Boddy's murder, unlike the original series. The murderer and motive changes for each story. Compared to the 1990 series, these stories are more complex, filled with more dialogue and Britishisms, such as \"post\". Only two books were made. Clue Mysteries (book series) Clue (or Cluedo) Mysteries (sometimes called Clue Mysteries, 15 whodunits to solve in minutes) are two books released in 2003 and 2004 based upon the Clue board game. Both were written by Canadian author, Vicki Cameron. Cameron currently lives in Ontario. Each book contains fifteen mysteries, set up in a similar", "psg_id": "9821916" }, { "title": "Give Us a Clue", "text": "panel games\", \"I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue\", during a round of Sound Charades — usually with a gay innuendo-laden gag at the expense of Lionel Blair. A licensed version of it aired in New Zealand in the 1990s, after the British original had screened there for several seasons. SVT in Sweden broadcast their own version with the title Gäster med gester. Give Us a Clue Give Us a Clue was a British televised game show version of charades which was broadcast on ITV from 1979 to 1992. The original host was Michael Aspel from 1979 to 1984, followed by", "psg_id": "2188283" }, { "title": "Name A Game", "text": "Name A Game was able to record all AFL games into its “master library”, in which are stored the original VHS versions of each game. The ABC preserved a total of thirty-eight (a quarter of the total) home-and-away games from its year broadcasting the VFL in 1987 for the Name A Game master library, but Channel Seven did not preserve any of its film of home-and-away games before the sixteenth round of 1990 with the exception of one match between Hawthorn and Geelong in the sixth round of 1989. However, all finals from 1987 to 1990 are available, as are", "psg_id": "14742838" }, { "title": "Clue (1998 video game)", "text": "by Bob Pennington, who left EAI early in the project. However, a report on a project funded by the National Science Foundation showed that \"simple propositional reasoning [used to] encode the knowledge gained over the course of a game of Clue in order to deduce whether or not any given card is in any given place... clearly outperforms the “expert CPU” players in Hasbro Interactive's software Clue: Murder at Boddy mansion, making deductions of the case file contents well before the Hasbro Interactive's AI.\" A similar finding was released by Gettysburg College. The game has the same objectve as the", "psg_id": "1444057" }, { "title": "Recurring characters in the Hercule Poirot stories", "text": "is called \"Johnny\". The 2002 ITV adaptation of \"Sparkling Cyanide\" featured Oliver Ford Davies as \"Colonel Geoffrey Reece\". Countess Vera Rossakoff is the only woman with whom Hercule Poirot has ever admitted to being in love. The countess' true name is a mystery. She appears in only one novel, \"The Big Four\", and two short stories, \"The Double Clue\" and \"The Capture of Cerberus\" (\"The Labours of Hercules\" series). Recurring characters in the Hercule Poirot stories This page details the other fictional characters created by Agatha Christie in her stories about the Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot. Hastings first meets Poirot", "psg_id": "8695326" }, { "title": "The Clue in the Diary", "text": "Bill Gillies, showing a very animated Nancy running after a suspect with the diary falling from her hand. The 1962 revision added internal illustrations, featuring line drawings of an immaculately dressed Nancy and chums sleuthing, and a frontispiece of Nancy in jeans spying on ruins at night. All of these drawings are present in editions published through 2009. The Clue in the Diary The Clue in the Diary is the seventh volume in the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories series, and was first published in 1932 under the pseudonym Carolyn Keene. Its text was revised in 1962. This is the last", "psg_id": "4415220" }, { "title": "On the Cover (game show)", "text": "2004, the point values were lower for each question as follows: In addition, the first round was played center stage instead of at the podium, and in the third round the contestants had to answer the questions in a specific way (which could involve puns). Finally, the champion received a prize for winning the main game. For the bonus round, the contestant had to answer four questions to solve the mystery cover, with each answer containing a clue to a puzzle. For winning the bonus round, contestants received a prize package that included a trip to the Newport Beach Film", "psg_id": "7881976" }, { "title": "The Genius: Rules of the Game", "text": "the same number of points, they are declared joint winners and select a Death Match candidate among the zombies. The nine remaining contestants must earn as many chips as possible by predicting the predetermined outcome of a race between 8 horses. At the start of the game, each player receives a different clue as to the outcome of the race. Three more hints are available to read for three garnets each. Players are also given 20 chips with which to bet during the race. The race is held over the course of 12 rounds. In each round, each horse will", "psg_id": "18948719" }, { "title": "The Clue in the Crumbling Wall", "text": "this edition. The story was revised for a 1973 edition with new art showing a montage of Heath Castle, the male vandals, and a perplexed and puzzled Nancy. The art work of the 1973 edition included a frontispiece and the internal illustrations that were described as crude and lacking in detail, according to adult critics and collectors. The Clue in the Crumbling Wall The Clue in the Crumbling Wall is the twenty-second volume in the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories series. It was first published in 1945 under Carolyn Keene, a pseudonym of the ghostwriter Mildred Wirt Benson. Nancy and her", "psg_id": "8707181" }, { "title": "Legacy game", "text": "Legacy game A legacy game is a mechanic of some tabletop board games through which the game is designed to change permanently over the course of a series of sessions. Game designer Rob Daviau came up with the idea at a work meeting after jokingly asking why the murderous characters in \"Clue\" are always invited back to dinner. Realizing that each new game resets, Daviau thought about what it would be like if everyone would remember who the murderer was and pitched the idea of a \"Clue\" legacy game to Hasbro. While that idea was rejected, Daviau was later asked", "psg_id": "20381554" }, { "title": "The Clue in the Jewel Box", "text": "The Clue in the Jewel Box The Clue in the Jewel Box is the twentieth volume in the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories series. It was first published in 1943 under the pseudonym Carolyn Keene. The actual author was ghostwriter Mildred Wirt Benson. An antique dealer's revelation about a former queen's priceless heirloom leads Nancy on a series of exciting yet dangerous adventures. Madame Alexandra, who is living in exile in River Heights, asks Nancy to search for her long-lost grandson. Using an old, faded photo of the prince at age four, Nancy begins her search. A secret in the old", "psg_id": "8707052" }, { "title": "The Clue in the Jewel Box", "text": "jewel box helps Nancy unveil a slick impostor, and bring the mystery to its thrilling conclusion. The Clue in the Jewel Box The Clue in the Jewel Box is the twentieth volume in the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories series. It was first published in 1943 under the pseudonym Carolyn Keene. The actual author was ghostwriter Mildred Wirt Benson. An antique dealer's revelation about a former queen's priceless heirloom leads Nancy on a series of exciting yet dangerous adventures. Madame Alexandra, who is living in exile in River Heights, asks Nancy to search for her long-lost grandson. Using an old, faded", "psg_id": "8707053" }, { "title": "Clue (mobile games)", "text": "made. \" Clue (mobile games) There have been two distinct adaptations of the Hasbro board game Clue (known as Cluedo outside North America) for mobile devices. CLUE: Unravel the Clues and Crack the Case was an entirely new game, based on the most recent spin-off game of . It was developed by EA Montreal and published by Electronic Arts for iOS on May 29, 2009. It was removed from sale in 2014. Clue: The Classic Mystery Game is a faithful adaptation of the classic board game for Apple and Android mobile devices, developed and published by British company Marmalade Game", "psg_id": "18263355" }, { "title": "Clue (mobile games)", "text": "Clue (mobile games) There have been two distinct adaptations of the Hasbro board game Clue (known as Cluedo outside North America) for mobile devices. CLUE: Unravel the Clues and Crack the Case was an entirely new game, based on the most recent spin-off game of . It was developed by EA Montreal and published by Electronic Arts for iOS on May 29, 2009. It was removed from sale in 2014. Clue: The Classic Mystery Game is a faithful adaptation of the classic board game for Apple and Android mobile devices, developed and published by British company Marmalade Game Studio on", "psg_id": "18263345" }, { "title": "Clue (1998 video game)", "text": "she is\". He also refers to an unconfirmed rumour that \"Miss Scarlet was modeled after our producer, Virginia\". The game does not include credits, however dozens of people were involved in \"Clue's\" development. Some of the more notable contributors: The same 3D characterisations in this game would later appear in the \"Cluedo\"-inspired title \"Fatal Illusion\". \"Clue\" enjoyed an unusually long shelf life for a video game. It went on sale late in 1998 and, as of 2007 was still for sale, available at many retail stores and via the Internet. The original game came in a box with holographic images.", "psg_id": "1444053" }, { "title": "Clue (book series)", "text": "Clue (book series) The Clue series is a book series of 18 children's books published throughout the 1990s based on the board game \"Clue\". The books are compilations of mini-mysteries that the reader must solve involving various crimes committed at the home of Reginald Boddy by six of his closest \"friends\". Each book begins with a small chapter where Mr Boddy introduces himself to the reader. He explains the situation and introduces the six suspects. This ends with some kind of cliffhanger that leads into the first chapter. Except for the first book, which contains thirteen, all the books contain", "psg_id": "7408349" }, { "title": "Clue (film)", "text": "as scriptwriters. Clue (film) Clue is a 1985 American ensemble mystery comedy film based on the board game of the same name. The film was directed by Jonathan Lynn, who collaborated on the script with John Landis, and stars Eileen Brennan, Tim Curry, Madeline Kahn, Christopher Lloyd, Michael McKean, Martin Mull, and Lesley Ann Warren. The film was produced by Debra Hill. In keeping with the nature of the board game, the theatrical release included three possible endings, with different theaters receiving one of the three endings. In the film's home video release, all three endings were included. The film", "psg_id": "767364" }, { "title": "Clue (film)", "text": "Clue (film) Clue is a 1985 American ensemble mystery comedy film based on the board game of the same name. The film was directed by Jonathan Lynn, who collaborated on the script with John Landis, and stars Eileen Brennan, Tim Curry, Madeline Kahn, Christopher Lloyd, Michael McKean, Martin Mull, and Lesley Ann Warren. The film was produced by Debra Hill. In keeping with the nature of the board game, the theatrical release included three possible endings, with different theaters receiving one of the three endings. In the film's home video release, all three endings were included. The film initially received", "psg_id": "767342" }, { "title": "The Object Is", "text": "The Object Is The Object Is is a game show which aired on ABC from December 30, 1963 to March 27, 1964. The series was the first game for host Dick Clark. Mike Lawrence was the announcer. Three celebrities and three contestants competed in a game in which they tried to identify people (either celebrities, historical figures, or fictional characters) from objects typically associated with that person. Each contestant played with two celebrities - one who gave a clue and one who received it. For example, if the person was \"Charles Lindbergh\" a clue from the first celebrity might be", "psg_id": "10484020" }, { "title": "That's the Question (U.S. game show)", "text": "That's the Question (U.S. game show) That's the Question is an American television game show hosted by Bob Goen. It premiered on Game Show Network October 2, 2006, airing for two seasons. Two contestants compete in an attempt to answer questions by putting letters into a puzzle, similar to Hangman. Each question has a set number of letters in it, and the letters in it are revealed through unscrambling clues. Each scrambled clue consists of a word or multiple words and one extra letter; the extra letter goes into the question after the answer to the clue is revealed. The", "psg_id": "20560759" }, { "title": "What's My Name? (radio program)", "text": "What's My Name? (radio program) What's My Name? was a 30-minute radio program in the United States. The program was hosted by Arlene Francis and was among the first radio shows to offer cash prizes to contestants. Contestants on \"What's My Name?\" had to identify a person from a maximum of 10 clues given by the show's two hosts. People to be identified were celebrities and historical characters. In the show's early days, a correct guess on the first clue earned the contestant $10; the amount earned dropped by $1 with each additional clue. In 1948, the top prize was", "psg_id": "18005843" }, { "title": "The Clue in the Old Album", "text": "The Clue in the Old Album The Clue in the Old Album is the twenty-fourth volume in the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories series. It was first published in 1947 under the pseudonym Carolyn Keene. Nancy witnesses a purse snatching and pursues the thief. She rescues the purse, but not its contents, then is asked by the owner, a doll collector, to do some detective work. \"The source of light will heal all ills, but a curse will follow him who takes it from the gypsies.\" This is one of the clues Nancy is given to find an old album, a", "psg_id": "8707233" }, { "title": "The Clue in the Crumbling Wall", "text": "The Clue in the Crumbling Wall The Clue in the Crumbling Wall is the twenty-second volume in the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories series. It was first published in 1945 under Carolyn Keene, a pseudonym of the ghostwriter Mildred Wirt Benson. Nancy and her friends work to find an inheritance concealed in the walls of an old mansion before it can be discovered and stolen by some unscrupulous men. The original art, by R. H. Tandy shows Nancy (in a shirtwaist dress), Bess and George removing a box that they have found while hiding from two men were \"hacking\" away at", "psg_id": "8707179" }, { "title": "The Clue of the Screeching Owl", "text": "is a small puppy that helps the boys disclose a most unusual and surprising set of circumstances, involving a mute boy, an elusive hermit, and a fearless puma trainer. This book was also adapted in 1977 as the episode \"The Mystery of Witches Hollow\" for the 1977 Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries TV series. Summary taken from The Clue of the Screeching Owl The Clue of the Screeching Owl is Volume 41 in the original The Hardy Boys Mystery Stories published by Grosset & Dunlap. This book was written for the Stratemeyer Syndicate by James Buechler in 1962 while he was", "psg_id": "5389361" }, { "title": "The Clue of the Hissing Serpent", "text": "The Clue of the Hissing Serpent The Clue of the Hissing Serpent is Volume 53 in the original The Hardy Boys Mystery Stories published by Grosset & Dunlap. This book was written for the Stratemeyer Syndicate by Andrew E. Svenson in 1974. The Hardy brothers and Chet meet a wealthy balloonist named Albert Krassner, who is in possession of the Ruby King, a valuable life-sized chess piece that is the prize for a chess tournament. The boys soon learn that a gang wants to steal the Ruby King. Then the Ruby King mysteriously disappears from the Krassner safe, sending the", "psg_id": "5389484" }, { "title": "The Clue of the Hissing Serpent", "text": "Hardy Boys to Hong Kong. There they capture the gang and find the Ruby King. The Clue of the Hissing Serpent The Clue of the Hissing Serpent is Volume 53 in the original The Hardy Boys Mystery Stories published by Grosset & Dunlap. This book was written for the Stratemeyer Syndicate by Andrew E. Svenson in 1974. The Hardy brothers and Chet meet a wealthy balloonist named Albert Krassner, who is in possession of the Ruby King, a valuable life-sized chess piece that is the prize for a chess tournament. The boys soon learn that a gang wants to steal", "psg_id": "5389485" }, { "title": "The Clue of the Broken Locket", "text": "The Clue of the Broken Locket The Clue of the Broken Locket is the eleventh volume in the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories series. It was first published in 1934, and was written by Mildred Benson under the pseudonym Carolyn Keene. When two adopted parents are unsuitable for caring of baby twins, Nancy sets out to search for the rightful birth mother with the help of a broken locket. The revised 1965 imprint features two separated cousins, and takes place in Maryland. A ghostly launch appears on a nearby lake, and two twin children are missing! The mysterious Pudding Stone Lodge", "psg_id": "6241119" }, { "title": "The Clue of the Broken Locket", "text": "on the cover. In 1965, when the story was revised, Nappi made another cover, in print today, showing a dark, sinister lake, with Nancy, Bess, and George discovering the title object while wading to a ruined boat. The Clue of the Broken Locket The Clue of the Broken Locket is the eleventh volume in the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories series. It was first published in 1934, and was written by Mildred Benson under the pseudonym Carolyn Keene. When two adopted parents are unsuitable for caring of baby twins, Nancy sets out to search for the rightful birth mother with the", "psg_id": "6241121" }, { "title": "Clue (miniseries)", "text": "short, Hub is replicating some of the old razzle-dazzle of local kids' TV, for better or worse, around a production that ought to possess some multigenerational appeal.\" Clue (miniseries) Clue is an American five-part mystery television miniseries based on the Parker Brothers board game of the same name, which aired on The Hub from November 14, 2011 to November 17, 2011. The series features a youthful, ensemble cast working together, uncovering clues to unravel a mystery. The series was created by Raven Metzner and stars Sterling Beaumon as Seamus, Sarah Desjardins as Whitney, Kendall Amyre Ferguson as Agnes, Ana Golja", "psg_id": "14811186" }, { "title": "The Clue in the Old Album", "text": "lost doll, and a missing gypsy violinist. The young sleuth never gives up her search, though Nancy faints after being injected with poison by a French-swordsman doll, run off the road in her car by an enemy, and sent many warnings to give up the case. The Clue in the Old Album The Clue in the Old Album is the twenty-fourth volume in the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories series. It was first published in 1947 under the pseudonym Carolyn Keene. Nancy witnesses a purse snatching and pursues the thief. She rescues the purse, but not its contents, then is asked", "psg_id": "8707234" }, { "title": "The Beast (game)", "text": "to be the first written about the game. In May, during a presentation of \"A.I Artificial Intelligence\" at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, producer Kathleen Kennedy and actor Haley Joel Osment accepted a question from a presumedly planted audience member about their experience working with Jeanine Salla, and Kennedy afterward distributed business cards for Jeanine containing another game clue. Later that month, \"Anti-Robot Militia\" rallies in New York City, Chicago, and Los Angeles were staged with actors pretending to protest artificial intelligence. Jeanine Salla and other characters of \"The Beast\" are listed in the film's closing credits. Cloudmakers, named after", "psg_id": "5449428" }, { "title": "The Clue of the Black Keys", "text": "of Dr. Anderson and friend of Frances Oakes who joins the educational trip in Florida. Grace James- a student of Dr. Anderson and friend of Frances Oakes who joins the educational trip in Florida. Jack Walker- cousin of Frances Oakes in Florida that owned a motorboat, which they use for searching in Keys. Mrs. Young- owner of rest house in Florida where Nancy and friends stayed. Two line Parker- a fisherman that knows about the narrow channels of Florida Keys and some of its story and treasure. The Clue of the Black Keys The Clue of the Black Keys is", "psg_id": "8707414" }, { "title": "The Clue of the Velvet Mask", "text": "The Clue of the Velvet Mask The Clue of the Velvet Mask is the thirtieth volume in the original \"Nancy Drew Mystery Stories\" series. It was Mildred Benson's final ghostwrite for the series. The plot and story take place largely in Nancy's hometown of River Heights. Nancy tries to solve a mystery about a gang of event thieves robbing homes during parties, lectures, musicals, and other social occasions planned or catered by Lightner's Entertainment Company. Much of the original story contains elements of dramatic crime dramas; the villains are darker in tone than many other entries in the series. As", "psg_id": "4920522" }, { "title": "The Clue of the Broken Blade", "text": "The Clue of the Broken Blade The Clue of the Broken Blade is Volume 21 in the original The Hardy Boys Mystery Stories published by Grosset & Dunlap. This book was written for the Stratemeyer Syndicate by John Button in 1942. Between 1959 and 1973 the first 38 volumes of this series were systematically revised as part of a project directed by Harriet Adams, Edward Stratemeyer's daughter. The original version of this book was rewritten in 1970 by Richard Deming resulting in two different stories with the same title. After their fencing instructor Ettore Russo tells them about a family", "psg_id": "5389102" }, { "title": "The Name of the Game (ABBA song)", "text": "the Game\" was sampled in 1996 by the Fugees for their hit \"Rumble in the Jungle\", the first time that an ABBA song had been legally sampled by another act. Like most of ABBA's videos, the video was directed and shot by Lasse Hallström. During the video, the four members of the group are shown playing the board game \"Fia-spel\", the Scandinavian version of the German board game \"Mensch ärgere dich nicht\", which is a variation of the English board game Ludo and American Parcheesi. The Name of the Game (ABBA song) \"The Name of the Game\" is a 1977", "psg_id": "5844284" }, { "title": "The Name of the Game (ABBA song)", "text": "The Name of the Game (ABBA song) \"The Name of the Game\" is a 1977 song by Swedish pop group ABBA, and was released as the first single from the group's fifth studio album, \"\". It became a UK number one, topping the UK Singles Chart for four weeks in November 1977. \"The Name of the Game\", first called \"A Bit of Myself\", was the first song to be recorded for ABBA's fifth studio album, following the band's European and Australian tour. It was their most complex composition yet – with Agnetha Fältskog and Anni-Frid Lyngstad sharing the lead vocals", "psg_id": "5844278" }, { "title": "Clue (1998 video game)", "text": "human figure prepares to strike the victim when the video cuts to the game's title. Mr. Boddy/Dr. Black's spirit has returned to shuffle the cards and hand them out the players, in order for them to discover how he was murdered then puts the three cards representing the game's murderer, room and weapon in a briefcase. \"Clue\" is a direct conversion of the original game as a video game. Every possible suspect and method of killing the victim is represented via a custom cutscene when a suggestion is made. These cutscenes are played through Mr. Boddy/Dr. Black's perspective. For example:", "psg_id": "1444067" }, { "title": "The Clue of the Dancing Puppet", "text": "mysterious dancing puppet haunts the grounds. From the moment Nancy, Bess and George arrive at the mansion, the dancing puppet mystery is further complicated by the Footlighters’ temperamental leading lady and a Shakespearean actor. Nancy’s search of the mansion’s dark, musty attic for clues to the weird mystery and an encounter with two jewel theft suspects add perplexing angles to the puzzle. This book is the original text. A revised text does not exist. The Clue of the Dancing Puppet The Clue of the Dancing Puppet is the thirty-ninth volume in the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories series. It was first", "psg_id": "8707470" }, { "title": "The Clue of the Screeching Owl", "text": "The Clue of the Screeching Owl The Clue of the Screeching Owl is Volume 41 in the original The Hardy Boys Mystery Stories published by Grosset & Dunlap. This book was written for the Stratemeyer Syndicate by James Buechler in 1962 while he was eighteen or nineteen years old. When dogs and men suddenly disappear, and strange screams fill the night, fantastic stories of vengeful ghosts are almost believable. It is these strange happenings which bring Frank and Joe Hardy to the Pocono Mountains to help their father's friend, a retired police captain, solve the mystery of Black Hollow. But", "psg_id": "5389359" }, { "title": "Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get a Clue!", "text": "Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get a Clue! Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get a Clue! is an American animated comedy series produced by Warner Bros. Animation, the tenth incarnation of Hanna-Barbera's \"Scooby-Doo\" franchise. It debuted on September 23, 2006, and ran for two seasons during the Kids' WB Saturday morning block of The CW Television Network. It was the final animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera's co-founder Joseph Barbera before his death. The second season premiered in Canada on Teletoon on September 6, 2008, and was also available online at Cartoon Network Online. The characters have also been re-designed to look like animated versions", "psg_id": "7665467" }, { "title": "Characters in the Super Smash Bros. series", "text": "Characters in the Super Smash Bros. series The fighting game series \"Super Smash Bros.\" from Nintendo, launched in 1999, features an assortment of video game characters from different franchises. There are 78 characters playable across the series, most primarily from Nintendo franchises but also including some from Sega, Capcom, Konami, Bandai Namco, Square Enix, and Atlus. There are also other non-playable characters that take the form of enemies, bosses, and power-ups. Each game in the series has a number of playable characters (referred in the games as \"fighters\") taken from various Nintendo franchises. There are 78 total fighters across the", "psg_id": "11717410" }, { "title": "Clue Chronicles: Fatal Illusion", "text": "characters,\" inspiring anticipation that it would expand beyond the original board game. Although the game's voice-over is only available in English, its text was translated into Castilian Spanish. All versions contain three game discs, and a patch was later released to fix its many bugs. Designer Matthew J. Costello said that he \"didn't really become a game designer ... as much as a writer\" as he worked on the \"Clue Chronicles\" series. Its music was composed by George Alistair Sanger. A \"Boston Herald\" reviewer called the game \"difficult\" and \"frustrating\": \"Fortunately for cheaters like me, help is available on the", "psg_id": "18258978" }, { "title": "Name A Game", "text": "an order of that particular game, Name A Game make further copies so that it does not have to master again from VHS. Name A Game Name A Game was a DVD (formerly VHS) service provided by the Visual Entertainment Group that allows fans of Australian rules football to purchase games that they have been interested in from the past, or to collect their club’s games from the current season. Name A Game was originally established as a VHS service in the early 1990s to collect games telecast by Channel Seven in full for future viewing. Initially only about half", "psg_id": "14742840" }, { "title": "Give Us a Clue", "text": "Give Us a Clue Give Us a Clue was a British televised game show version of charades which was broadcast on ITV from 1979 to 1992. The original host was Michael Aspel from 1979 to 1984, followed by Michael Parkinson from 1984 to 1992. The show featured two teams, one captained by Lionel Blair and the other by Una Stubbs. Later versions of the programme had Liza Goddard as captain of the women's team. A revived version was broadcast by BBC One in 1997 over 30 episodes, hosted by Tim Clark. Teams were captained by Christopher Blake and Julie Peasgood", "psg_id": "2188279" }, { "title": "The Name Game", "text": "The Name Game \"The Name Game\" is an American pop song written and performed by Shirley Ellis as a rhyming game that creates variations on a person's name. It was written by American singer Shirley Ellis with Lincoln Chase, and Ellis's recording, produced by Charles Calello, was released in late 1964 as \"The Name Game.\" That record went to number 3 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, and number 4 on the magazine's R&B charts in 1965. The record was re-released in 1966 and again in 1973. While Ellis' stock in trade was novelty hits, she was not a one-hit wonder.", "psg_id": "15360108" }, { "title": "A Game of Thrones (card game)", "text": "power tokens between their House card and characters in play to win A Game of Thrones. Numerous cards in the game can change the amount a player or his opponent are required to earn in order to win. Generally, power tokens are earned by winning challenges against an opponent, but some cards allow a player to directly claim power for his House card or characters in other ways. At the beginning of the game, each player shuffles their \"draw\" deck, and draws the top 7 cards, with an option for a \"mulligan\" given to each player to shuffle and draw", "psg_id": "3347245" }, { "title": "Clue (1998 video game)", "text": "When the game is solved, the game's true killer walks into a jail cell and the door closes. The character's actions in the scene are as follows: \"Allgame\" gave the game 3 out of 5, commenting that \"the game's graphics and sound are excellent and add to the escalating feel of suspense\", while adding that \"so much is happening in the visually stunning backgrounds, or the deep, sinister soundtrack\" that the sometimes-slow pace of the board game is unnoticeable. In a 1999 \"MABM\" review, Helen Ubinas said \"Whoever thought of moving this classic to disc had a clue\". \"Computer Gaming", "psg_id": "1444068" }, { "title": "The Name Game (American Horror Story)", "text": "offers closure to a couple of wicked characters, and climaxes with a shocking scene.\" Matt Fowler of IGN thought \"The Name Game\" was \"jarringly good\", adding that the episode \"despite its dalliance with a \"Glee\"-inspired dance-macabre number, gave us some big game-changing deaths. It heaped a ton of woe onto Jude and Timothy, giving them both powerful ways to atone for their past misdeeds.\" Todd VanDerWerff of \"The A.V. Club\" called the episode \"a strong return for the of the show's less crazy outings.\" He called the titular musical sequence \"one of the most deliriously wonderful things I've seen", "psg_id": "16975960" }, { "title": "Fame Is the Name of the Game", "text": "erroneously billed \"Fame is the Name of the Game\" as television's first \"world premiere\" of a \"major motion picture\". The film garnered phenomenal ratings leading to the spin-off series. \"Chicago Deadline\" (1949) Fame Is the Name of the Game Fame Is the Name of the Game (1966) is an American TV-movie that aired on NBC and served as the pilot episode of the subsequent series \"The Name of the Game\". It was directed by Stuart Rosenberg. It was produced by Ranald MacDougall, who also wrote the teleplay, from the novel \"One Woman\" by Tiffany Thayer. The film stars Anthony Franciosa", "psg_id": "6822535" }, { "title": "Name of the Game (Badfinger song)", "text": "A-side of a single in the Philippines (backed with \"Perfection\".) \"Name of the Game\" has generally received positive reviews from critics. \"AllMusic\"'s Stephen Thomas Erlewine called \"Name of the Game\" a \"note-perfect pop ballad,\" while Apple Records' overview of \"Straight Up\" said that \"Name of the Game\" was \"epic both in sound and in sentiment.\" \"Name of the Game\" was also a favorite of the members of Badfinger. Guitarist Joey Molland said that \"We [members of Badfinger] were all knocked out by that.” Name of the Game (Badfinger song) \"Name of the Game\" is the sixth track from power pop", "psg_id": "17011497" }, { "title": "In the Name of My Daughter", "text": "the characters' passions drive the action, director Andre Téchiné lends the film an appealing illusion of calm.\" Richard Brody from \"The New Yorker\" called the film \"a ready-made classic melodrama\". Nicolas Rapold writing for \"The New York Times\" commented that \"Mr. Téchiné ’s methodical storytelling covers more narrative ground than the drama requires, sapping the film’s energy.\" In his review for the \"San Francisco Chronicle\", Mick LaSalle described \"In the Name of my daughter\" as \"Lacking action to the point of seeming immobile, Mr. Téchiné nevertheless amasses a catalogue of anger, desire and sex, enhanced by stunning landscapes of villas", "psg_id": "18021595" }, { "title": "The Clue of the Whistling Bagpipes", "text": "friends, Bess and George, visit Nancy's great-grandmother from her mother's side (who Nancy's never met) at an estate in the Scottish Highlands. While there, Nancy becomes involved in the mystery of missing flocks of sheep and a mysterious bagpiper has been spotted. Clues leading to a discovery in an old castle and a prehistoric fortress lead to the mystery's solution. The Clue of the Whistling Bagpipes The Clue of the Whistling Bagpipes is the forty-first volume in the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories series. It was first published in 1964 under the pseudonym Carolyn Keene. The actual author was ghostwriter Harriet", "psg_id": "8707472" }, { "title": "The Clue of the Dancing Puppet", "text": "The Clue of the Dancing Puppet The Clue of the Dancing Puppet is the thirty-ninth volume in the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories series. It was first published in 1962 under the pseudonym Carolyn Keene. The actual author was ghostwriter Harriet Stratemeyer Adams. At the Van Pelt estate, home of a local acting troupe, a mysterious dancing puppet haunts the grounds. Nancy, Bess, and George are asked to solve the case, but it will be a dangerous-yet-rewarding one when an old family mystery comes to light. At the Van Pelt estate, home of a local acting troupe called the Footlighters; a", "psg_id": "8707469" }, { "title": "The Clue of the Tapping Heels", "text": "The Clue of the Tapping Heels The Clue of the Tapping Heels is the 16th volume in the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories series. It was first published in 1939. An updated, revised, and largely different story was published under the same title in 1970. The 1939 version is published as a different edition by Applewood Books. , this title is still in print. Nancy Drew, age 16, finds that a lost cat belongs to an elderly former actress and playwright, the now impoverished Miss Carter. An abusive neighbor of Miss Carter's, Fred Bunce, becomes the prime suspect in a scheme", "psg_id": "8570594" }, { "title": "Name That Tune (UK game show)", "text": "buzz in and name the tune scored 10 points and answered a 10-point follow-up question. The two top scoring players at the end of this round played Bidding For Notes and the first player to score three tunes won a special prize and could win up to three more prizes. The player chose a band member, each of whom hid a prize to be won by naming a tune. The player could choose three band members. Name That Tune (UK game show) Name That Tune is a television game show that put two contestants against each other to test their", "psg_id": "15630347" }, { "title": "The Clue of the Missing Ape", "text": "The Clue of the Missing Ape The Clue of the Missing Ape, \"Gibraltar Adventure\", is a 1953 English children's film largely set in Gibraltar. Directed by James Hill, it was produced by the Gaumont Specialised Film Unit, a descendant of the Gaumont British film studio. Players included veteran character actor George Cole. The film centers on the adventures of Sea Cadet Jimmy Sutton, played by Roy Savage. Sutton is seen walking down an English country path, and the sound of a boy's cheerful whistling are dubbed onto the soundtrack. Soon a misfiring propeller engine is also heard and a World", "psg_id": "17442293" }, { "title": "The Clue of the Missing Ape", "text": "credits scroll to the accompaniment of \"Rule Britannia\". The Clue of the Missing Ape The Clue of the Missing Ape, \"Gibraltar Adventure\", is a 1953 English children's film largely set in Gibraltar. Directed by James Hill, it was produced by the Gaumont Specialised Film Unit, a descendant of the Gaumont British film studio. Players included veteran character actor George Cole. The film centers on the adventures of Sea Cadet Jimmy Sutton, played by Roy Savage. Sutton is seen walking down an English country path, and the sound of a boy's cheerful whistling are dubbed onto the soundtrack. Soon a misfiring", "psg_id": "17442297" }, { "title": "The Clue of the Tapping Heels", "text": "on her desire to attend church as often as she can, and contains much physical action and danger, but is generally somewhat more believable in tone. The Clue of the Tapping Heels The Clue of the Tapping Heels is the 16th volume in the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories series. It was first published in 1939. An updated, revised, and largely different story was published under the same title in 1970. The 1939 version is published as a different edition by Applewood Books. , this title is still in print. Nancy Drew, age 16, finds that a lost cat belongs to", "psg_id": "8570599" }, { "title": "The Infinity Clue", "text": "The Infinity Clue The Infinity Clue is the 70th title of the Hardy Boys Mystery Stories, written by Franklin W. Dixon. It was published by Wanderer Books in 1981. After a dangerous tour of a nuclear power plant which was struck by an earthquake, Frank, Joe, and Chet travel to Washington, DC. This is after they receive a strange, cryptic letter from their father commanding them to go there and to be aware of Infinity. After they arrive in Washington, DC, they are threatened by a ruthless terrorist who seems to have a hobby with explosives. The Infinity clue seems", "psg_id": "8560097" }, { "title": "The Name of the Game (TV series)", "text": "the Game\" was made available for syndication to local broadcast stations. On October 28, 2014, Shout! Factory was slated to release season 1 on DVD in Region 1 for the first time.however the release failed to appear and the show's status is apparently currently still 'in limbo' regarding any DVD release as of April 2016. Shout Factory has sent e-mails to interested parties that the DVD release has been cancelled per e-mail from Shout Factory. The Name of the Game (TV series) The Name of the Game is an American television series starring Tony Franciosa, Gene Barry, and Robert Stack,", "psg_id": "6833451" } ]
[ "miss scarlet, colonel mustard, mrs. white, mr.(rev) green, mrs. peacock, professor plum" ]
name the only us president who has won the medal of honor.
[ { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "and son to be awarded the Medal of Honor. The only other such pairing is Theodore Roosevelt (awarded in 2001) and Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. Five pairs of brothers have received the Medal of Honor: Another notable pair of related recipients are Admiral Frank Friday Fletcher (rear admiral at the time of award) and his nephew, Admiral Frank Jack Fletcher (lieutenant at the time of award), both awarded for actions during the United States occupation of Veracruz. Since 1979, 86 late Medal of Honor awards have been presented for actions from the Civil War to the Vietnam War. In addition, five", "psg_id": "17503650" } ]
[ { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "Medal of Honor The Medal of Honor is the United States of America's highest and most prestigious personal military decoration that may be awarded to recognize U.S. military service members who have distinguished themselves by acts of valor. The medal is normally awarded by the President of the United States in the name of the U.S. Congress. Because the medal is presented \"in the name of Congress\", it is often referred to informally as the \"Congressional Medal of Honor\". However, the official name of the current award is \"Medal of Honor.\" Within the United States Code the medal is referred", "psg_id": "17503611" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "involved black recipients. The following decorations, in one degree or another, bear similar names to the Medal of Honor, but are entirely separate awards with different criteria for issuance: Footnotes Citations Works cited Medal of Honor The Medal of Honor is the United States of America's highest and most prestigious personal military decoration that may be awarded to recognize U.S. military service members who have distinguished themselves by acts of valor. The medal is normally awarded by the President of the United States in the name of the U.S. Congress. Because the medal is presented \"in the name of Congress\",", "psg_id": "17503660" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor of ARKBK", "text": "Medal of Honor of ARKBK The Medal of Honor of the Association of the Representatives of Bunyoro-Kitara (\"ARKBK\") is the highest award of the organization, and can only be awarded by the President of the ARKBK. It is bestowed upon members of the ARKBK or to individuals who have distinguished themselves with \"\"extraordinary merits, outstanding achievements and very special contributions to the Kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara and the ARKBK\"\". The Medal of Honor is the only neck order of the ARKBK. Nominations are sent to the President of the ARKBK, who then decides whether or not to continue to process the", "psg_id": "14924570" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "two chevrons of five stars and one chevron of three stars, emulate the suspension ribbon of the Medal of Honor. The flag has no set proportions. The first Medal of Honor flag recipient was U.S. Army Sergeant First Class Paul R. Smith, who was presented the flag posthumously. President George W. Bush presented the Medal of Honor and flag to the family of Smith during the award ceremony for him in the White House on April 4, 2005. A special Medal of Honor Flag presentation ceremony was held for over 60 living Medal of Honor recipients on board the in", "psg_id": "17503640" }, { "title": "George Reynolds (Medal of Honor)", "text": "George Reynolds (Medal of Honor) George Reynolds (b. 1839 - d. Mar. 16, 1889) was a Union Army soldier during the American Civil War. He received the Medal of Honor for gallantry during the Battle of Opequon more commonly called the Third Battle of Winchester, Virginia on September 19, 1864. Reynolds was born in Ireland in 1839. He enlisted in the US Army from New York City in October 1861, and mustered out in October 1864. “The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to Private George", "psg_id": "15186173" }, { "title": "Congressional Space Medal of Honor", "text": "Congressional Space Medal of Honor The Congressional Space Medal of Honor was authorized by the United States Congress in 1969 to recognize \"any astronaut who in the performance of his duties has distinguished himself by exceptionally meritorious efforts and contributions to the welfare of the Nation and mankind.\" The highest award given by NASA, it is awarded by the President of the United States in Congress's name on recommendations from the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The award is a separate decoration from the Medal of Honor, which is a military award for extreme bravery and gallantry", "psg_id": "2737481" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor of ARKBK", "text": "application of nomination. If the application is approved, the nomination will be discussed by the President of ARKBK and the King Omukama of Bunyoro, before the award is given. Medal of Honor of ARKBK The Medal of Honor of the Association of the Representatives of Bunyoro-Kitara (\"ARKBK\") is the highest award of the organization, and can only be awarded by the President of the ARKBK. It is bestowed upon members of the ARKBK or to individuals who have distinguished themselves with \"\"extraordinary merits, outstanding achievements and very special contributions to the Kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara and the ARKBK\"\". The Medal of", "psg_id": "14924571" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "of medals. At the time, no Medals of Honor had been awarded to American soldiers of African descent who served in World War II. After an exhaustive review, the study recommended that ten Distinguished Service Cross recipients be awarded the Medal of Honor. On January 13, 1997, President Bill Clinton presented the Medal of Honor to seven of these World War II veterans, six of them posthumously and one to former Second Lieutenant Vernon Baker. In 1998, a similar study of Asian Americans resulted in President Bill Clinton presenting 22 Medals of Honor in 2000. Twenty of these medals went", "psg_id": "17503653" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "of the service branch of the medal awarded for a replacement or display Medal of Honor, ribbon, and appurtenance (Medal of Honor flag) without charge. Primary next of kin may also do the same and have any questions answered in regard to the Medal of Honor that was awarded. The 1917 Medal of Honor Board deleted 911 awards, but only 910 names from the Army Medal of Honor Roll, including awards to Dr. Mary Edwards Walker, William F. \"Buffalo Bill\" Cody and the first of two awards issued February 10, 1887, to George W. Midil, who retained his award issued", "psg_id": "17503645" }, { "title": "George Green (Medal of Honor)", "text": "Ohio. George Green (Medal of Honor) George Green (July 16, 1840 – February 10, 1898) was an American soldier who fought in the American Civil War. Green received his country's highest award for bravery during combat, the Medal of Honor. Green's medal was won for his actions in the Battle of Missionary Ridge, Chattanooga, Tennessee, on November 25, 1863. He was honored with the award on January 12, 1892. Green was born in Elsham, Lincolnshire, England. He joined the US Army from Columbus, Ohio in April 1861, and mustered out with his regiment in June 1864. He was buried in", "psg_id": "18195663" }, { "title": "George Green (Medal of Honor)", "text": "George Green (Medal of Honor) George Green (July 16, 1840 – February 10, 1898) was an American soldier who fought in the American Civil War. Green received his country's highest award for bravery during combat, the Medal of Honor. Green's medal was won for his actions in the Battle of Missionary Ridge, Chattanooga, Tennessee, on November 25, 1863. He was honored with the award on January 12, 1892. Green was born in Elsham, Lincolnshire, England. He joined the US Army from Columbus, Ohio in April 1861, and mustered out with his regiment in June 1864. He was buried in Troy,", "psg_id": "18195662" }, { "title": "Peter O'Brien (Medal of Honor)", "text": "1865. He was later buried in Rosehill Cemetery, Chicago, Illinois. Peter O'Brien (Medal of Honor) Peter O'Brien (1842 – September 30, 1898) was an American soldier who fought in the American Civil War. O'Brien received his country's highest award for bravery during combat, the Medal of Honor. O'Brien's medal was won for capturing a Confederate flag, and an officer with his horse and equipment, at the Battle of Waynesboro, Virginia, on March 2, 1865. He was honored with the award on March 26, 1865. O'Brien was born in Dublin, Ireland. He joined the US Army from New York City in", "psg_id": "18150609" }, { "title": "Peter O'Brien (Medal of Honor)", "text": "Peter O'Brien (Medal of Honor) Peter O'Brien (1842 – September 30, 1898) was an American soldier who fought in the American Civil War. O'Brien received his country's highest award for bravery during combat, the Medal of Honor. O'Brien's medal was won for capturing a Confederate flag, and an officer with his horse and equipment, at the Battle of Waynesboro, Virginia, on March 2, 1865. He was honored with the award on March 26, 1865. O'Brien was born in Dublin, Ireland. He joined the US Army from New York City in August 1861, and mustered out with his regiment in June", "psg_id": "18150608" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "September 2006. There are two distinct protocols for awarding the Medal of Honor. The first and most common is nomination and approval through the chain of command of the service member. The second method is nomination by a member of the U.S. Congress, generally at the request of a constituent. In both cases, if the proposal is outside the time limits for the recommendation, approval to waive the time limit requires a special Act of Congress. The Medal of Honor is presented by the President on behalf of, and in the name of, the Congress. Since 1980, nearly all Medal", "psg_id": "17503641" }, { "title": "James M. Burns (Medal of Honor)", "text": "James M. Burns (Medal of Honor) James Madison Burns (August 9, 1845 – October 30, 1910) was a Union Army soldier and officer during the American Civil War. He received the Medal of Honor for gallantry during the Battle of New Market Virginia on May 15, 1864. Following the war, Burns was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the US Army, eventually reaching the rank of lieutenant colonel. He also served in the Indian Wars and the Spanish–American War, until retiring due to disability in 1899. \"The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes", "psg_id": "15189282" }, { "title": "James M. Burns (Medal of Honor)", "text": "James M. Burns (Medal of Honor) James Madison Burns (August 9, 1845 – October 30, 1910) was a Union Army soldier and officer during the American Civil War. He received the Medal of Honor for gallantry during the Battle of New Market Virginia on May 15, 1864. Following the war, Burns was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the US Army, eventually reaching the rank of lieutenant colonel. He also served in the Indian Wars and the Spanish–American War, until retiring due to disability in 1899. \"The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes", "psg_id": "15189280" }, { "title": "Airmail Flyers' Medal of Honor", "text": "Airmail Flyers' Medal of Honor The Airmail Flyers' Medal of Honor is a United States decoration issued by the Post Office Department. The decoration was authorized by Act of the United States Congress, February 14, 1931, for presentation by the President of the United States, but not in the name of the Congress. The medal was intended to recognize any person who, while serving as a pilot in the airmail service, distinguished themselves by acts of heroism or extraordinary achievement. Retroactive to May 15, 1918 when the firsts continuously schedule public service airmail route was established between Washington, D.C. and", "psg_id": "17507752" }, { "title": "Congressional Space Medal of Honor", "text": "of tremendous benefit to mankind. The decoration may also be awarded for extreme bravery during a space emergency or in preventing a major space disaster. The Congressional Space Medal of Honor may also be presented posthumously to those astronauts who die while performing a US space mission; and as of 2017, all 17 astronauts killed on US missions have been awarded the medal. President George W. Bush presented the most awards of the CSMOH, with 16 (of which 14 were posthumous for the two destroyed space shuttle flights, thus setting the standard for all astronauts killed in the line of", "psg_id": "2737483" }, { "title": "Thomas Anderson (Medal of Honor)", "text": "issue: May 3, 1865. Citation: Capture of Confederate flag. Citation: The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to Corporal Thomas Anderson, United States Army, for extraordinary heroism on April 8, 1865, while serving with Company I, 1st West Virginia Cavalry, in action at Appomattox Station, Virginia, for the capture of a Confederate flag. Thomas Anderson (Medal of Honor) Thomas A. Anderson (July 12, 1841 – September 8, 1912) was a United States soldier and native of Pennsylvania who fought with the Union Army as a corporal", "psg_id": "16304598" }, { "title": "Thomas Harcourt (Medal of Honor)", "text": "under the command of Admiral David Dixon Porter and General Alfred Terry. Harcourt was one of nine crewmen from the USS \"Minnesota\" who received the Medal of Honor for their actions during the battle. \"The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to Ordinary Seaman Thomas Harcourt, United States Navy, for extraordinary heroism in action on board the U.S.S. \"Minnesota\" in the assault on Fort Fisher, 15 January 1865. Landing on the beach with the assaulting party from his ship, Ordinary Seaman Harcourt advanced to the top", "psg_id": "14562139" }, { "title": "John Shivers (Medal of Honor)", "text": "Terry. Shivers was one of nine crewmen from the USS \"Minnesota\" who received the Medal of Honor for their actions during this battle. Shivers deserted in October 1865, and his later life is unknown. The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to Private John Shivers, United States Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism in action on board the U.S.S. \"Minnesota\" in the assault on Fort Fisher, 15 January 1865. Landing on the beach with the assaulting party from his ship, Private Shivers advanced to the top of", "psg_id": "14555597" }, { "title": "Charles Mills (Medal of Honor)", "text": "Admiral David Dixon Porter and General Alfred Terry. Mills was one of nine crewmen from the USS \"Minnesota\" who received the Medal of Honor for gallantry in this action. For The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to Seaman Charles Mills, United States Navy, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving on board the U.S.S. \"Minnesota\", in action during the assault on Fort Fisher, North Carolina, 15 January 1865. Landing on the beach with the assaulting party from his ship, Seaman Mills charged up to the", "psg_id": "14562479" }, { "title": "George Watson (Medal of Honor)", "text": "World War II. The award was upgraded to the Medal of Honor in 1997. During a ceremony conducted on January 13 of that year, President Bill Clinton bestowed the Medal of Honor on seven African-American veterans of World War II. Only one of the recipients, Vernon J. Baker, was still alive to receive his award in person. Watson's military awards include the Medal of Honor, Purple Heart, Army Good Conduct Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, and World War II Victory Medal. Watson had no known next of kin, so his medals are displayed in the U.S. Army Quartermaster Museum in Fort", "psg_id": "7707068" }, { "title": "Thomas Burke (Medal of Honor)", "text": "he was never buried at DC though the mistake is listed on many website to this day. There are vets of the same name at this cemetery in DC but NOT the Medal of Honor recipient. An erroneous MOH marker at DC is in the process (Jan 2016) of being replaced by a non_MOH marker. Many officials and others have played a role in solving this riddle over the past few years including the dedicated staff at St Elizabeths, and the Medal of Honor Historical Society of the US, the Congressional Medal of Honor Society, National Cemeteries Admin and others.", "psg_id": "14736393" }, { "title": "IEEE Medal of Honor", "text": "IEEE Medal of Honor The IEEE Medal of Honor is the highest recognition of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). It has been awarded since 1917, when its first recipient was Major Edwin H. Armstrong. It is given for an exceptional contribution or an extraordinary career in the IEEE fields of interest. The award consists of a gold medal, bronze replica, certificate and honorarium. The Medal of Honor may only be awarded to an individual. The medal was created by the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE) as the \"IRE Medal of Honor\". It became the IEEE Medal of", "psg_id": "10803716" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor: Airborne", "text": "Operation Market Garden for Campaign. Medal of Honor: Airborne Medal of Honor: Airborne is a World War II first-person shooter video game, developed by EA Los Angeles, and released worldwide on mobile phones in August 2007, on Microsoft Windows and Xbox 360 in September 2007, and on PlayStation 3 in November 2007. It is the 11th installment of the \"Medal of Honor\" series, and uses a modified version of Unreal Engine 3, In the game's single-player mode, players assume the role of an American paratrooper in the US 82nd Airborne Division who is airdropped with his squadrons and fights against", "psg_id": "5342363" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor: Airborne", "text": "Medal of Honor: Airborne Medal of Honor: Airborne is a World War II first-person shooter video game, developed by EA Los Angeles, and released worldwide on mobile phones in August 2007, on Microsoft Windows and Xbox 360 in September 2007, and on PlayStation 3 in November 2007. It is the 11th installment of the \"Medal of Honor\" series, and uses a modified version of Unreal Engine 3, In the game's single-player mode, players assume the role of an American paratrooper in the US 82nd Airborne Division who is airdropped with his squadrons and fights against hostile forces across six large", "psg_id": "5342334" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "to American soldiers of Japanese descent of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team (442nd RCT) who served in the European Theater of Operations during World War II. One of these Medal of Honor recipients was Senator Daniel Inouye, a former U.S. Army officer in the 442nd RCT. In 2005, President George W. Bush presented the Medal of Honor to Tibor Rubin, a Hungarian-born American Jew who was a Holocaust survivor of World War II and enlisted U.S. infantryman and prisoner of war in the Korean War, whom many believed to have been overlooked because of his religion. On April 11, 2013,", "psg_id": "17503654" }, { "title": "James Connors (Medal of Honor)", "text": "James Connors (Medal of Honor) James Connors (1838 – unknown) was an Irish born Union Army soldier during the American Civil War. He received the Medal of Honor for gallantry during the Battle of Fisher's Hill near Strasburg, Virginia fought September 21–22, 1864. The battle was one of the engagements of the Valley Campaigns of 1864. Connors enlisted in the Army from Canajoharie, New York in August 1861, and mustered out with his regiment in June 1865. \"The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to Private", "psg_id": "15190380" }, { "title": "Gabriel Cole (Medal of Honor)", "text": "Gabriel Cole (Medal of Honor) Gabriel Cole (March 22, 1831 – January 9, 1907) was a Union Army soldier during the American Civil War. He received the Medal of Honor for gallantry and the capture of the flag of the 45th Virginia Infantry Regiment during the Battle of Opequon more commonly called the Third Battle of Winchester, Virginia on September 19, 1864. “The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to Corporal Gabriel Cole, United States Army, for extraordinary heroism on 19 September 1864, while serving with", "psg_id": "15186106" }, { "title": "John Walsh (Medal of Honor)", "text": "John Walsh (Medal of Honor) John Walsh (December 4, 1841 – May 25, 1924) was an Irish-born Union Army soldier during the American Civil War. He received the Medal of Honor for gallantry during the Battle of Cedar Creek, fought near Middletown, Virginia on October 19, 1864. The battle was the decisive engagement of Major General Philip Sheridan's Valley Campaigns of 1864 and was the largest battle fought in the Shenandoah Valley. The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to Corporal John Walsh, United States Army,", "psg_id": "15212683" }, { "title": "James Sweeney (Medal of Honor)", "text": "James Sweeney (Medal of Honor) James Sweeney (September 24, 1845 – June 26, 1931) was a Union Army soldier during the American Civil War. He received the Medal of Honor for gallantry during the Battle of Cedar Creek fought near Middletown, Virginia on October 19, 1864. The battle was the decisive engagement of Major General Philip Sheridan's Valley Campaigns of 1864 and was the largest battle fought in the Shenandoah Valley. \"The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to Private James Sweeney, United States Army, for", "psg_id": "15190874" }, { "title": "William Taylor (Medal of Honor)", "text": "William Taylor (Medal of Honor) William Taylor (1836 – April 6, 1902) was a Union Army soldier and officer during the American Civil War. He received the Medal of Honor for gallantry during two separate Virginia engagements. The Battle of Front Royal in 1862 and the Battle of Globe Tavern in 1864. \"The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to Sergeant & Second Lieutenant William Taylor, United States Army, for extraordinary heroism while serving with Company H, 1st Maryland Infantry as a sergeant, at Front Royal,", "psg_id": "15189063" }, { "title": "Conrad Schmidt (Medal of Honor)", "text": "Conrad Schmidt (Medal of Honor) Conrad Schmidt (February 27, 1830 – December 26, 1908) was a Union Army soldier during the American Civil War. He received the Medal of Honor for gallantry during the Battle of Opequon more commonly called the Third Battle of Winchester, Virginia on September 19, 1864. “The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to First Sergeant Conrad Schmidt, United States Army, for extraordinary heroism on 19 September 1864, while serving with Company K, 2d U.S. Cavalry, in action at Winchester, Virginia. First", "psg_id": "15186287" }, { "title": "Belisario Domínguez Medal of Honor", "text": "de octubre de 1913\"\" (\"Ennobled the Nation, October 7, 1913\"). The following is a complete list of people who have been recipients of the Belisario Domínguez Medal. Only in 1954 and 2012 the medal has been awarded twice. Belisario Domínguez Medal of Honor The Belisario Domínguez Medal of Honor (Spanish: \"Medalla de Honor \"Belisario Domínguez\" del Senado de la República\") is the highest award bestowed by the Mexican Senate. It forms part of the Mexican Honours System and is currently Mexico's highest active award since there are no records of the \"Condecoración \"Miguel Hidalgo\"\" being presented since 1979. The award", "psg_id": "6368500" }, { "title": "William Ellis (Medal of Honor)", "text": "Ellis remained at his post after receiving three wounds, and only retired, by his commanding officer's orders, after being wounded the fourth time. William Ellis (Medal of Honor) William Ellis (1834 – February 1, 1875) served in the Union Army during the American Civil War. He received the Medal of Honor. Ellis was born in England in 1834 but his official residence when he received his Medal of Honor was listed as Watertown, Wisconsin. His name was misspelled as \"William Elise\" on his Medal of Honor citation. He died February 1, 1875 in San Bernardino County, California. His award citation", "psg_id": "14106861" }, { "title": "John Tribe (Medal of Honor)", "text": "John Tribe (Medal of Honor) John Tribe (December 4, 1841 – December 4, 1917) was a Union Army officer in the American Civil War who received the U.S. military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor. Tribe was born in Tioga County, New York in 1836 and entered service in Oswego. He was awarded the Medal of Honor, for extraordinary heroism shown on August 25, 1862, while serving as a Private with Company G, 5th New York Cavalry, at Waterloo Bridge in Virginia. Tribe won his medal for participating in the destruction of the bridge. His Medal of Honor was issued", "psg_id": "18210298" }, { "title": "John Hughey (Medal of Honor)", "text": "Infantry. His Medal of Honor was issued on May 3, 1865. John Hughey (Medal of Honor) John P. Hughey (1836-1900) was a Union Army soldier in the American Civil War who received the U.S. military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor. Hughey was born in Louisville, Kentucky in 1836 and entered service in Anna, Illinois. He died in Fulton County, Kentucky. He was awarded the Medal of Honor, for extraordinary heroism shown on April 6, 1865, while serving as a Corporal with Company E, 67th Pennsylvania Infantry, at the Battle of Sayler's Creek, in Virginia. Hughey won his medal for", "psg_id": "18209427" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "of the Medal of Honor, the individual receiving the subsequent award is authorized to wear an additional Medal of Honor ribbon and/or a 'V' device on the Medal of Honor suspension ribbon\" (the \"V\" device is a bronze miniature letter \"V\" with serifs that denotes valor). The Medal of Honor was the only decoration authorized the use of the \"V\" device (none were ever issued) to designate subsequent awards in such fashion. Nineteen individuals, all now deceased, were double Medal of Honor recipients. In July 2014, DoD instructions were changed to read, \"A separate MOH is presented to an individual", "psg_id": "17503637" }, { "title": "Tiffany Cross Medal of Honor", "text": "Tiffany Cross Medal of Honor The Tiffany Cross Medal of Honor arose immediately after World War I, as the US Navy decided to recognize via the Medal of Honor two manners of heroism, one in combat and one in the line of a sailor's profession. The original upside-down star was designated as the non-combat version and a new pattern of the medal pendant, in cross form, was designed by the Tiffany Company in 1919. It was to be presented to a sailor or Marine who \"in action involving actual conflict with the enemy, distinguish[es] himself conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity", "psg_id": "16976496" }, { "title": "Lewis Warrington (Medal of Honor)", "text": "Lewis Warrington (Medal of Honor) First Lieutenant Lewis Warrington III (unknown – January 5, 1879) was an American officer in the U.S. Army who served with the 4th U.S. Cavalry during the Texas–Indian Wars. He won distinction while commanding a small cavalry detachment against a hostile band of Comanche Indians in the Muchague Valley on December 8, 1874, and was one of three men received the Medal of Honor in the engagement. He is the only officer during the Indian Wars to receive the award immediately after the battle rather than in subsequent years. Lewis Warrington III, the grandson of", "psg_id": "14715281" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "\"in action involving actual conflict with an enemy\", since the United States has not formally declared war since World War II as a result of the provisions of the United Nations Charter. According to congressional testimony by the Army's Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, the services were seeking authority to award the Medal of Honor and other valor awards retroactive to July 1, 1958, in areas such as Berlin, Lebanon, Quemoy and Matsu Islands, Taiwan Straits, Congo, Laos, Vietnam, and Cuba. The four specific authorizing statutes amended July 25, 1963: \"The President may award, and present in the name", "psg_id": "17503643" }, { "title": "George Low (Medal of Honor)", "text": "by a boat. For this action, he was awarded the Medal of Honor three and a half years later, on October 18, 1884. Low's official Medal of Honor citation reads: For jumping overboard from the U.S.S. \"Tennessee\" at New Orleans, La., 15 February 1881, and sustaining, until picked up by a boat's crew, N. P. Petersen, gunner's mate, who had fallen overboard. George Low (Medal of Honor) George Low (1847 - 1912) was a United States Navy sailor and a recipient of the United States military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor. His birth name was George Low Evatt. Born", "psg_id": "14883960" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor Day", "text": "of Honor for it, particularly William Bensinger, Robert Buffum, Elihu H. Mason, Jacob Parrott, William Pittenger, and William H. H. Reddick, who received the first six Medals of Honor on March 25, 1863. The law reads (in part): Medal of Honor Day Medal of Honor Day is a United States Federal Holiday that is celebrated every year on March 25. It was created to honor the \"heroism and sacrifice of Medal of Honor recipients for the United States.\" The holiday has been celebrated since 1991, when George H. W. Bush signed Public Law 101-564 on November 15, 1990, which was", "psg_id": "20662729" }, { "title": "John Hughey (Medal of Honor)", "text": "John Hughey (Medal of Honor) John P. Hughey (1836-1900) was a Union Army soldier in the American Civil War who received the U.S. military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor. Hughey was born in Louisville, Kentucky in 1836 and entered service in Anna, Illinois. He died in Fulton County, Kentucky. He was awarded the Medal of Honor, for extraordinary heroism shown on April 6, 1865, while serving as a Corporal with Company E, 67th Pennsylvania Infantry, at the Battle of Sayler's Creek, in Virginia. Hughey won his medal for capturing the battle flag of the Confederate States Army's 38th Virginia", "psg_id": "18209426" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "of Congress, a medal of honor of appropriate design, with ribbons and appurtenances, to a person who while a member of the\" (Army) (naval service) (Air Force) (Coast Guard), \"distinguished himself conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty.\" The Medal of Honor confers special privileges on its recipients. By law, recipients have several benefits: A number of veteran support organizations and private companies devote themselves to exposing those who falsely claim to have received the Medal of Honor. Medal of Honor recipients may apply in writing to the headquarters", "psg_id": "17503644" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor: Warfighter", "text": "Edition bundles the limited edition of the shooter with additional in-game content, and is only available for active, reserve and former US military personnel and US government employees exclusively on The Military Edition includes all the perks of the game's Limited Edition, as well as \"exclusive in-game unlocks\", One particular unlock is a camouflage pattern named \"Project HONOR\", which is tied to a real-world promotion arranged by EA to raise money for the families of fallen Special Operations soldiers. Danger Close Games unveiled \"Medal of Honor: Warfighter: Zero Dark Thirty\", the first official Map Pack. The DLC helped promote", "psg_id": "16320634" }, { "title": "James Sweeney (Medal of Honor)", "text": "War Edwin M. Stanton by General George Custer. Stanton personally presented the Medal of Honor to Sweeney who was also promoted to corporal. James Sweeney (Medal of Honor) James Sweeney (September 24, 1845 – June 26, 1931) was a Union Army soldier during the American Civil War. He received the Medal of Honor for gallantry during the Battle of Cedar Creek fought near Middletown, Virginia on October 19, 1864. The battle was the decisive engagement of Major General Philip Sheridan's Valley Campaigns of 1864 and was the largest battle fought in the Shenandoah Valley. \"The President of the United States", "psg_id": "15190876" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor Day", "text": "Medal of Honor Day Medal of Honor Day is a United States Federal Holiday that is celebrated every year on March 25. It was created to honor the \"heroism and sacrifice of Medal of Honor recipients for the United States.\" The holiday has been celebrated since 1991, when George H. W. Bush signed Public Law 101-564 on November 15, 1990, which was passed by the 101st United States Congress in November 1990, and created it. The holiday was chosen to be celebrated on March 25 to honor the 23 men who participated in the Great Locomotive Chase and received Medals", "psg_id": "20662728" }, { "title": "John Rush (Medal of Honor)", "text": "John Rush (Medal of Honor) John Rush (February 21, 1837 - April 29, 1916) was a First Class Fireman in the Union Navy during the American Civil War, where he earned the Medal of Honor. Rush was born in Washington, D.C. on February 21, 1837, and later changed his name to Israel W. Little. Rush entered Service in the US Navy from Washington, D.C., and eventually rose to the rank of First Class Fireman during the Civil War. He served on board the USS Richmond, which was dispatched towards Port Hudson, Louisiana, as a part of a squadron of Union", "psg_id": "20747176" }, { "title": "John Rush (Medal of Honor)", "text": "wife, Elizabeth Kearney Little. He died on April 29, 1916 at the age of 79, and was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. John Rush (Medal of Honor) John Rush (February 21, 1837 - April 29, 1916) was a First Class Fireman in the Union Navy during the American Civil War, where he earned the Medal of Honor. Rush was born in Washington, D.C. on February 21, 1837, and later changed his name to Israel W. Little. Rush entered Service in the US Navy from Washington, D.C., and eventually rose to the rank of First Class Fireman during the Civil War.", "psg_id": "20747180" }, { "title": "Samuel Gross (Medal of Honor)", "text": "Samuel Gross (Medal of Honor) Samuel Gross (originally Samuel Marguiles) (May 9, 1891–September 13, 1934) was a Private in the United States Marine Corps, 23d Company who earned the Medal of Honor for his efforts during the United States occupation of Haiti in 1915. Gross was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. During the United States occupation of Haiti, he participated in battles against the Caco bandit insurgency. During the battle for Fort Riviere, he saved the life of Smedley Butler, who also was a Medal of Honor recipient and was one of only 19 people to receive 2 Medals of Honor.", "psg_id": "9114481" }, { "title": "Belisario Domínguez Medal of Honor", "text": "Belisario Domínguez Medal of Honor The Belisario Domínguez Medal of Honor (Spanish: \"Medalla de Honor \"Belisario Domínguez\" del Senado de la República\") is the highest award bestowed by the Mexican Senate. It forms part of the Mexican Honours System and is currently Mexico's highest active award since there are no records of the \"Condecoración \"Miguel Hidalgo\"\" being presented since 1979. The award has been given every year since 1954 by the Senate of Mexico to eminent Mexicans with a distinguished lifetime career who contributed most \"toward the welfare of the Nation and mankind\". Only Mexican entities representing \"the cultural spirit", "psg_id": "6368496" }, { "title": "Big Ten Medal of Honor", "text": "Big Ten Medal of Honor One of the most prestigious conference awards in college athletics, the Big Ten Medal of Honor was first awarded in 1915 to one student-athlete from the graduating class of each university who had “attained the greatest proficiency in athletics and scholastic work.” The 14 institutions of the Big Ten feature over 10,000 student-athletes, more than any other conference, and only 28 of those individuals are recognized each year with the Big Ten Medal of Honor. In the nearly 100 years of the Medal of Honor, just over 1,300 student-athletes have earned this distinction. The award", "psg_id": "16976666" }, { "title": "John McCloy (Medal of Honor)", "text": "John McCloy (Medal of Honor) Lieutenant Commander John McCloy, USN (January 3, 1876 – May 24, 1945) was an officer in the United States Navy who was one of only 19 individuals to receive the Medal of Honor twice. He received his first Medal of Honor for action in the Boxer Rebellion in June 1900. His second Medal of Honor came in 1915 for action in Vera Cruz, Mexico in April 1914. John McCloy jointed the Merchant Marine when he was 15 and enlisted in the United States Navy on March 7, 1898. He served on the cruiser USS \"Columbia\"", "psg_id": "7686416" }, { "title": "Oregon Veterans Medal of Honor Memorial", "text": "Oregon; the fourteenth one lists the names of medal recipients with a connection to the state, but who did not enlist in Oregon. Bob Maxwell's name appears on the fourteenth pillar. The monument was erected by the Oregon State Capitol Foundation and Oregon Veterans Group in 2003. Oregon Veterans Medal of Honor Memorial The Oregon Veterans Medal of Honor Memorial, or Oregon's Medal of Honor Memorial, is an outdoor memorial commemorating all veterans, and especially Medal of Honor recipients, installed in Salem, Oregon's State Capitol State Park, in the United States. The memorial features seven granite pillars on each side", "psg_id": "20325538" }, { "title": "Joseph Cable (Medal of Honor)", "text": "Joseph Cable (Medal of Honor) Joseph A. Cable (January 1, 1848 – October 15, 1877) was a United States Army soldier during the American Indian Wars who received the Medal of Honor for his actions at Cedar Creek, Montana and other campaigns. Joseph A. Cable was born on January 1, 1848 in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Later, his official residence was listed as Madison, Wisconsin. Cable enlisted into the United States Army, and was assigned as a Private to Company I, of the 5th United States Infantry Regiment. While serving in that organization, he won the Medal of Honor for his", "psg_id": "13737529" }, { "title": "Richard Taylor (Medal of Honor)", "text": "Richard Taylor (Medal of Honor) Richard Taylor (1834–1890) was a Union Army soldier during the American Civil War. He received the Medal of Honor for gallantry during the Battle of Cedar Creek fought near Middletown, Virginia on October 19, 1864. The battle was the decisive engagement of Major General Philip Sheridan's Valley Campaigns of 1864 and was the largest battle fought in the Shenandoah Valley. Taylor joined the Army from Indiana in August 1861, and mustered out with his regiment in August 1865. \"The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pleasure in presenting", "psg_id": "15212647" }, { "title": "Conrad Schmidt (Medal of Honor)", "text": "Sergeant Schmidt went to the assistance of his regimental commander, whose horse had been killed under him in a charge, mounted the officer behind him, under a heavy fire from the enemy, and returned him to his command.” Conrad Schmidt (Medal of Honor) Conrad Schmidt (February 27, 1830 – December 26, 1908) was a Union Army soldier during the American Civil War. He received the Medal of Honor for gallantry during the Battle of Opequon more commonly called the Third Battle of Winchester, Virginia on September 19, 1864. “The President of the United States of America, in the name of", "psg_id": "15186288" }, { "title": "Jack Williams (Medal of Honor)", "text": "Springfield National Cemetery, Springfield, Missouri. Williams' military awards and decorations include: Pharmacist's Mate Williams' official Medal of Honor citation reads: The President of the United States in the name of The Congress takes pride in presenting the MEDAL OF HONOR posthumously to PHARMACIST MATE THIRD CLASS JACK WILLIAMS<br> UNITED STATES NAVY RESERVE for service as set forth in the following CITATION: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving with the 3rd Battalion 28th Marines, 5th Marine Division, during the occupation of Iwo Jima Volcano Islands, March 3,", "psg_id": "10245399" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "continuously issued combat decoration of the United States armed forces. The President normally presents the Medal of Honor in Washington, D.C. at a formal ceremony that is intended to represent the gratitude of the U.S. people, with posthumous presentations made to the primary next of kin. According to the Medal of Honor Historical Society of the United States, there have been 3522 Medals of Honor awarded to the nation's soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen since the decoration's creation, with just less than half of them awarded for actions during the four years of the American Civil War. In", "psg_id": "17503613" }, { "title": "James Bell (Medal of Honor)", "text": "Franklin Bell who later obtained the rank of Major General or with Sergeant James B. Bell of the 11th Ohio Infantry, who was awarded his medal during the Civil War James Bell (Medal of Honor) James Joseph Bell (July 1, 1845 – June 1, 1901) was a United States Army soldier who received the Medal of Honor during the Indian Wars. His name is sometimes incorrectly given as James M. Bell. James Bell was born in County Antrim, Ireland in June 1845 (his gravestone says July 1, 1845). He came to the U.S. in 1866, working initially as a laborer.", "psg_id": "9387813" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "of Honor recipients—or in the case of posthumous awards, the next of kin—have been personally decorated by the Commander-in-Chief. Since 1941, more than half of the Medals of Honor have been awarded posthumously. Congress drew the three permutations of combat from President Kennedy's executive order of April 25, 1962, which previously added the same criteria to the Purple Heart. On August 24, Kennedy added similar criteria for the Bronze Star Medal. The amendment was necessary because Cold War armed conflicts did not qualify for consideration under previous statutes such as the 1918 Army Medal of Honor Statute that required valor", "psg_id": "17503642" }, { "title": "James Meredith (Medal of Honor)", "text": "James Meredith (Medal of Honor) James Meredith (April 11, 1872 – January 18, 1915) was a private serving in the United States Marine Corps during the Spanish–American War who received the Medal of Honor for bravery. Meredith was born April 11, 1872 in Omaha, Nebraska. He joined the Marine Corps from Boston in July 1896. He officially changed his name to Patrick F. Ford, Jr. in June 1900 and was honorably discharged under that name in September 1901. He died January 18, 1915 and is buried in Saint Marys Cemetery Omaha, Nebraska. Rank and organization: Private, U.S. Marine Corps. (Name", "psg_id": "14766471" }, { "title": "Peter Williams (Medal of Honor)", "text": "meeting in combat of two ironclad warships. Williams was particularly noted for moving \"Monitor\" away from \"Virginia\" when the latter attempted to ram \"Monitor\" and again when \"Monitor's\" Captain John Lorimer Worden was wounded. Shipmate John Driscoll recalled of Williams: \"Peter saw more of her [the \"Virginia\"] than anyone else. He say right into the bore of the gun...Pete says, 'Captain, that is for us,' and rip! she came.\" For his actions during the battle, Williams was awarded the Medal of Honor a year later on April 3, 1863. He was the only person to receive the Medal of Honor", "psg_id": "19460238" }, { "title": "John Preston (Medal of Honor)", "text": "as \"only slightly injured.\" He then assisted in taking care of the wounded below and wanted to be allowed to return to his battle station on deck. Upon close examination it was found that he was wounded quite severely in both eyes. John Preston (Medal of Honor) John Preston (1841 - 26 May 1885) was a Union Navy sailor in the American Civil War and a recipient of the U.S. military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, for his actions at the Battle of Mobile Bay. Preston was born in 1841 in Ireland. He joined the US Navy from Boston", "psg_id": "16929453" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "18, 2014 President Obama upgraded Distinguished Service Crosses to Medals of Honor for 24 Hispanic, Jewish, and African American individuals—the \"Valor 24\"—for their actions in World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Three were still living at the time of the ceremony. During the Civil War, Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton promised a Medal of Honor to every man in the 27th Maine Volunteer Infantry Regiment who extended his enlistment beyond the agreed-upon date. The Battle of Gettysburg was imminent, and 311 men of the regiment volunteered to serve until the battle was resolved. The remaining", "psg_id": "17503656" }, { "title": "Robert Smith (Medal of Honor)", "text": "Robert Smith (Medal of Honor) Robert Smith (birth name Harry Reynolds) (1847-1930) was a recipient of the Medal of Honor for heroism in combat during the Battle of Slim Buttes in Dakota Territory on September 9, 1876. Smith was born as Harry Reynolds [Memphis TN, Aug 8, 1847] and enlisted in the U.S. Army at Philadelphia PA under the assumed name of Robert Smith. He was assigned to Troop M, 3rd U.S. Cavalry. He was awarded the Medal of Honor on October 16, 1877. After leaving the Army, he reverted to his birth name. He is buried in Elko, Nevada.", "psg_id": "19633387" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor: Heroes", "text": "Medal of Honor: Heroes Medal of Honor: Heroes is a World War II first-person shooter video game developed by Canadian studio Team Fusion for the PlayStation Portable, and is the ninth installment in the \"Medal of Honor\" series. It was released on October 20, 2006 in North America. The player takes the role of various heroes from the \"Medal of Honor\" series. There are three different campaigns, each with its own hero that spearheads squads to complete objectives. These heroes are: Lieutenant Jimmy Patterson, who was the star of the original \"Medal of Honor\" and \"\", Sergeant John Baker from", "psg_id": "8444774" }, { "title": "Tiffany Cross Medal of Honor", "text": "The Navy's assertion of 28 recipients is believed to be derived from the fact that 21 Sailors and 7 Marines were awarded the Medal of Honor for actions during World War I. However, a review of: make a nearly complete list of 22 recipients. Based on analysis of all recipients of the Navy version of the Medal of Honor from 1919 to 1942, these 22 recipients are believed to be the only individuals that received the Tiffany Cross version of the Medal of Honor. There are at least three recipients (Byrd, Bennett, Siegal) who have been awarded the \"Tiffany Cross\"", "psg_id": "16976501" }, { "title": "John Baker (Medal of Honor, 1876)", "text": "other engagements between October 1876 and January 1877. On April 27, 1877 he was awarded the Medal of Honor \"for gallantry in engagements at Cedar Creek, Montana and other campaigns during the period 21 October 1876 to 8 January 1877.\" His later life and place of burial are unknown. \"The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to Musician John Baker, United States Army, for gallantry in engagements at Cedar Creek, Montana and other campaigns during the period 21 October 1876 to 8 January 1877, while serving", "psg_id": "20064849" }, { "title": "Patrick Rogan (Medal of Honor)", "text": "Patrick Rogan (Medal of Honor) Patrick Rogan (1847 – December 17, 1912) was an Irish-American US Army soldier who received the Medal of Honor for his actions during the Indian Wars. He was born in County Leitrim, Ireland. Shortly after immigrating to the United States, Rogan was paid $625 to be a substitute for a man recently called up for the draft. He enlisted in the army in February 1865, serving during the final months of the American Civil War. He was discharged from the army the following July, but reenlisted almost a year later in 1866, joining the 7th", "psg_id": "16013849" }, { "title": "John Ward (Medal of Honor)", "text": "John Ward (Medal of Honor) John Ward (1847 or 1848 – March 24, 1911) was a Black Seminole who served as a United States Army Indian Scout and received America's highest military decoration—the Medal of Honor—for his actions in the Indian Wars of the western United States. After having lived in Mexico for the past two decades, Ward enlisted in the US Army at Fort Duncan, Texas in August 1870, and joined other Black Seminoles known as the \"Seminole Negro Indian Scouts\". On April 25, 1875, he was serving as a Sergeant in the Indian Scouts attached to the 24th", "psg_id": "9527517" }, { "title": "William Downey (Medal of Honor)", "text": "William Downey (Medal of Honor) William Downey (1832 – June 30, 1909) was an Irish soldier who fought in the American Civil War. Downey received the United States' highest award for bravery during combat, the Medal of Honor, for his action at Ashepoo River, South Carolina on 24 May 1864. He was honored with the award on 21 January 1897. Downey was born in Limerick, Ireland in 1832, and joined the US Army from Fall River, Massachusetts in September 1863. He was captured at the Battle of Gainesville, and paroled in April 1865. He was mustered out in June 1865.", "psg_id": "17696857" }, { "title": "Patrick Rogan (Medal of Honor)", "text": "as a night watchman for the Union Pacific Coal Company. He died in Rock Springs, Wyoming, and was buried beside his wife and brother-in-law McLennon. Rank and organization: Sergeant, Company A, 7th U.S. Infantry. Place and date: At Big Hole, Mont., 9 August 1877. Entered service at: ------. Birth: Ireland. Date of issue: 2 December 1878. Verified and reported the company while subjected to a galling fire from the enemy. Patrick Rogan (Medal of Honor) Patrick Rogan (1847 – December 17, 1912) was an Irish-American US Army soldier who received the Medal of Honor for his actions during the Indian", "psg_id": "16013851" }, { "title": "Michael Gibbons (Medal of Honor)", "text": "Michael Gibbons (Medal of Honor) Michael Gibbons (November 15, 1866 – 1932) was an oiler serving in the United States Navy during the Spanish–American War who received the Medal of Honor for bravery. Gibbons was born on November 15, 1866 in Ireland and after immigrating to the United States he entered the navy. He was sent to fight in the Spanish–American War aboard the U.S.S. Nashville as an oiler. After being discharged from the navy he lived for a while in Portsmouth, Virginia and after living in the US for 35 years he returned to Ireland. He died at his", "psg_id": "14710650" }, { "title": "William Downey (Medal of Honor)", "text": "Downey died on 30 June 1909 and his remains are interred at Saint Mary's Cemetery in New Bedford, Massachusetts. William Downey (Medal of Honor) William Downey (1832 – June 30, 1909) was an Irish soldier who fought in the American Civil War. Downey received the United States' highest award for bravery during combat, the Medal of Honor, for his action at Ashepoo River, South Carolina on 24 May 1864. He was honored with the award on 21 January 1897. Downey was born in Limerick, Ireland in 1832, and joined the US Army from Fall River, Massachusetts in September 1863. He", "psg_id": "17696858" }, { "title": "Tiffany Cross Medal of Honor", "text": "for non-combat actions. There may be other in-period recipients that have also have received one, but these aren't known, and would require investigation of similar nature for each. Tiffany Cross Medal of Honor The Tiffany Cross Medal of Honor arose immediately after World War I, as the US Navy decided to recognize via the Medal of Honor two manners of heroism, one in combat and one in the line of a sailor's profession. The original upside-down star was designated as the non-combat version and a new pattern of the medal pendant, in cross form, was designed by the Tiffany Company", "psg_id": "16976502" }, { "title": "Texas Legislative Medal of Honor", "text": "Texas Legislative Medal of Honor The Texas Legislative Medal of Honor is the highest military decoration that may be awarded to a member of the Texas Military Forces. This includes Texas Air National Guard, Texas Army National Guard, and Texas State Guard. This medal may only be awarded to federal military personnel, or state military personnel who serve in the Armed Forces of the State of Texas. The neck ribbon is green with white stars, and the medal features an image of the reverse of the Seal of Texas, including Vince's Bridge, cannon of the Battle of Gonzales, Alamo Mission", "psg_id": "6264142" }, { "title": "Washington Law Enforcement Medal of Honor", "text": "Washington Law Enforcement Medal of Honor The Washington Law Enforcement Medal of Honor is the only state decoration issued by the state of Washington to law enforcement officers, and is established by the Revised Code of Washington. (Individual municipal jurisdictions issue lesser awards to law enforcement officers and the state has three statutory civilian decorations: the Washington Medal of Merit, Washington Medal of Valor and the Washington Gift of Life Award). Washington law does not describe an order of precedence for state decorations and the Washington Law Enforcement Medal of Honor is not customarily placed in relation to other state", "psg_id": "18047794" }, { "title": "Washington Law Enforcement Medal of Honor", "text": "of Honor, which was posthumously awarded in 1998 (Sires' last living relative having died in 1939, the medal was accepted on his behalf by a representative from the Seattle police department). Washington Law Enforcement Medal of Honor The Washington Law Enforcement Medal of Honor is the only state decoration issued by the state of Washington to law enforcement officers, and is established by the Revised Code of Washington. (Individual municipal jurisdictions issue lesser awards to law enforcement officers and the state has three statutory civilian decorations: the Washington Medal of Merit, Washington Medal of Valor and the Washington Gift of", "psg_id": "18047798" }, { "title": "William Ellis (Medal of Honor)", "text": "William Ellis (Medal of Honor) William Ellis (1834 – February 1, 1875) served in the Union Army during the American Civil War. He received the Medal of Honor. Ellis was born in England in 1834 but his official residence when he received his Medal of Honor was listed as Watertown, Wisconsin. His name was misspelled as \"William Elise\" on his Medal of Honor citation. He died February 1, 1875 in San Bernardino County, California. His award citation reads: For extraordinary heroism on 14 January 1865, while serving with Company K, 3d Wisconsin Cavalry, in action at Dardanelle, Arkansas. First Sergeant", "psg_id": "14106860" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "Jefferson, Iowa, who in 2001, designed a flag to honor Medal of Honor recipient Captain Darrell Lindsey, a B-26 pilot from Jefferson who was killed in action during World War II. Kendall's design of a light blue field emblazoned with 13 white five-pointed stars was nearly identical to that of Sarah LeClerc's of the Institute of Heraldry. LeClerc's gold fringed flag, ultimately accepted as the official flag, does not include the words \"Medal of Honor\" as written on Kendall's flag. The color of the field and the 13 white stars, arranged in the form of a three-bar chevron, consisting of", "psg_id": "17503639" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "to as the \"Medal of Honor\", and less frequently as \"Congressional Medal of Honor\". U.S. awards, including the Medal of Honor, do not have post-nominal titles, and while there is no official abbreviation, the most common abbreviations are \"MOH\" and \"MH\". There are three versions of the medal, one for the Army, one for the Navy, and one for the Air Force. Personnel of the Marine Corps and Coast Guard receive the Navy version. The Medal of Honor was introduced for the Navy in 1861, soon followed by an Army version in 1862. The Medal of Honor is the oldest", "psg_id": "17503612" }, { "title": "Lewis Warrington (Medal of Honor)", "text": "date: At Muchague Valley, Tex., 8 December 1874. Entered service at Washington, D.C. Birth: Washington, D.C. Date of issue: 12 April 1875. Citation: Gallantry in a combat with 5 Indians. Lewis Warrington (Medal of Honor) First Lieutenant Lewis Warrington III (unknown – January 5, 1879) was an American officer in the U.S. Army who served with the 4th U.S. Cavalry during the Texas–Indian Wars. He won distinction while commanding a small cavalry detachment against a hostile band of Comanche Indians in the Muchague Valley on December 8, 1874, and was one of three men received the Medal of Honor in", "psg_id": "14715285" }, { "title": "Dennis Bell (Medal of Honor)", "text": "at the Mount Alto Veterans Hospital in Washington, D.C. on September 25, 1953 and was buried in Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington County, Virginia. Bell's obituary in the September 28, 1953 Washington, D.C. \"Evening Star\" newspaper read: Dennis Bell, Medal Of Honor Holder, 87 - Dennis Bell, 87, who won the Congressional Medal of Honor during the Spanish–American War, died Friday at Mount Alto Hospital. A retired Government employee, Mr. Bell was born here. He was a trooper in the 10th Cavalry during the Spanish–American War. He was awarded the country's highest military award for voluntarily going ashore under heavy fire", "psg_id": "9227922" }, { "title": "George Watson (Medal of Honor)", "text": "Lee, Virginia. Several places and structures have been named in Watson's honor, including a field in Fort Benning, Georgia, and, in 1997, the United States Navy ship . The \"Watson\" is the lead ship of her class of large, medium-speed, roll-on/roll-off (LMSR) ships. \"The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pride in presenting the Medal of Honor (Posthumously) to Private George Watson, United States Army, for extraordinary heroism in action on 8 March 1943, while serving with 29th Quarter Master Regiment, in action at Porloch Harbor, New Guinea. Private Watson was on board", "psg_id": "7707069" }, { "title": "Big Ten Medal of Honor", "text": "was first given in 1915. It was the first award in intercollegiate athletics to demonstrate support of the educational emphasis placed on athletics and honor those who embody the values of the \"student athlete\". Originally the award was only given to male athletes, since 1982, a female athlete from each institution has also been awarded the Conference Medal of Honor. Past and present recipients who remained in the athletics world include NCAA 10-time National Champion Coach John R. Wooden, NFL quarterbacks and Super Bowl-winners Bob Griese and Drew Brees (all Purdue graduates), Olympic swimmer and Gold medalist Davis Tarwater (Michigan),", "psg_id": "16976667" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "Medal of Honor from other medals, particularly the membership insignia issued by the Grand Army of the Republic. 1915: On March 3, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard officers became eligible for the Medal of Honor. 1917: Based on the report of the Medal of Honor Review Board, established by Congress in 1916, 911 recipients were stricken off the Medal of Honor roll because the medal had been awarded inappropriately. Among them were Buffalo Bill and Mary Edwards Walker. Some medals were restored in 1977. 1963: A separate Coast Guard medal was authorized in 1963, but not yet designed or", "psg_id": "17503625" }, { "title": "George Watson (Medal of Honor)", "text": "George Watson (Medal of Honor) George Watson (1915 – March 8, 1943) was a private in the United States Army who was killed in action during World War II. He was one of seven Afro-American soldiers to receive the Medal of Honor for their actions during World War II, and the only one of the seven to earn his medal while serving in the Pacific Theater. A resident of Birmingham, Alabama, he entered the Army on September 1, 1942, and was a member of the 2nd Battalion, 29th Quartermaster Regiment. He was a passenger aboard the U.S. Army controlled chartered", "psg_id": "7707066" }, { "title": "John Swanson (Medal of Honor)", "text": "assault and accompanied his party in carrying dispatches at the height of the battle. He was one of six men who entered the fort in the assault from the fleet. General Orders: War Department, General Orders No. 59 (June 22, 1865) Action Date: January 15, 1865 Service: Navy Rank: Seaman Division: U.S.S. Santiago de Cuba John Swanson (Medal of Honor) John Swanson (1842 – 1923) was a sailor in the U.S. Navy during the American Civil War. He received the Medal of Honor for his actions during the Second Battle of Fort Fisher on January 15, 1865. His birth name", "psg_id": "14653522" }, { "title": "James Anderson (Medal of Honor)", "text": "James Anderson (Medal of Honor) James Anderson (May 28, 1849 – May 31, 1918), born James Anderson Smythe, was a Canadian-born soldier in the U.S. Army who served with the 6th U.S. Cavalry during the Texas–Indian Wars. He was one of six men received the Medal of Honor for gallantry against a hostile band of Plains Indians at the Wichita River in Texas on October 5, 1870. James Anderson Smythe was born in Canada on May 28, 1849. He eventually emigrated to the United States and enlisted in the U.S. Army, under the name James Anderson, around 1870. Smythe served", "psg_id": "14670902" }, { "title": "John Durham (Medal of Honor)", "text": "John Durham (Medal of Honor) John Stafford Durham (a.k.a. Mark Cromwell, June 8, 1843 – January 12, 1918) served in the Union Army during the American Civil War. He received the Medal of Honor for his actions during the Battle of Perryville. Durham was born on June 8, 1843, in New York City, the son of Amos H. Durham and Mary Ann née Laken. He ran away from home at age seven and was adopted by a showman, who changed his name to \"Mark Cromwell\". Durham's official residence was Malone, Wisconsin when he joined the Union Army. He joined the", "psg_id": "13742031" }, { "title": "James Bell (Medal of Honor)", "text": "James Bell (Medal of Honor) James Joseph Bell (July 1, 1845 – June 1, 1901) was a United States Army soldier who received the Medal of Honor during the Indian Wars. His name is sometimes incorrectly given as James M. Bell. James Bell was born in County Antrim, Ireland in June 1845 (his gravestone says July 1, 1845). He came to the U.S. in 1866, working initially as a laborer. On July 9, 1870, he enlisted in the U.S. Army and was assigned to Company E Seventh Infantry. He reenlisted five years later. In March 1876, Company E Seventh Infantry,", "psg_id": "9387809" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "a permanent decoration. On March 3, Medals of Honor were authorized for officers of the Army The Secretary of War first presented the Medal of Honor to six Union Army volunteers on March 25, 1863 in his office. 1890: On April 23, the Medal of Honor Legion is established in Washington, D.C. 1896: The ribbon of the Army version of the Medal of Honor was redesigned with all stripes being vertical. 1904: The planchet of the Army version of the Medal of Honor was redesigned by General George Lewis Gillespie. The purpose of the redesign was to help distinguish the", "psg_id": "17503624" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "October 25, 1893. None of the 910 \"deleted\" recipients were ordered to return their medals, although on the question of whether the recipients could continue to wear their medals, the Judge Advocate General advised the Medal of Honor Board the Army was not obligated to police the matter. Walker continued to wear her medal until her death. Although some sources claim that President Jimmy Carter formally restored her medal posthumously in 1977, this action was actually taken unilaterally by the Army's Board for Correction of Military Records, which probably was unlawful because the Board lacks the authority to directly contradict", "psg_id": "17503646" }, { "title": "Thomas Sullivan (Medal of Honor, 1890)", "text": "Medals of Honor revoked to date. Thomas Sullivan (Medal of Honor, 1890) Thomas Sullivan (April 4, 1859 – January 10, 1940) was a United States Army soldier and a recipient of America's highest military decoration—the Medal of Honor—for his actions in the Battle of Wounded Knee, but now called the Wounded Knee Massacre. Thomas Sullivan was born in County Meath, Ireland, most likely to either Patrick Sullivan and Bridget Conolly or Rich Sullivan and Mary McCann, based on available baptism records. At age 28 he immigrated to the US and enlisted in the US Army at 28 years and five", "psg_id": "18620887" }, { "title": "Joseph Stewart (Medal of Honor)", "text": "the Medal of Honor weeks later on April 27, 1865. His official citation reads simply: \"Capture of flag.\" Stewart was discharged from the Army on June 3, 1865. Stewart is one of the hundreds of Medal of Honor recipients who are considered \"lost to history\", as his place of burial and other biographical details are unknown. Joseph Stewart (Medal of Honor) Joseph Stewart or Stuart () was a Union Army soldier in the American Civil War who received the U.S. military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, for his actions at the Battle of Five Forks. Born in Ireland, Stewart", "psg_id": "19404805" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor: European Assault", "text": "score of three-and-a-half stars out of five, saying that \"Long-term appeal is doubtful with only 11 missions available and a lack of online support for multiplayer action.\" On August 18, 2016 a petition was started on expressing interest for a full remaster on current-gen systems. Though \"Medal of Honor: European Assault\" received average reviews, it is often considered a classic by fans of the franchise. Medal of Honor: European Assault Medal of Honor: European Assault is a first-person shooter video game, the eighth installment in the \"Medal of Honor\" series. \"European Assault\" was released for GameCube, PlayStation 2, and", "psg_id": "3942618" } ]
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name the song and artist of this 2005 top ten hit: “i'm gonna sing those songs that offend the censors gonna pop my pills from a pez dispenser i'll get washed-up singers writing all my songs lip sync 'em every night so i don't get 'em wrong”
[ { "title": "My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It)", "text": "Intelligence\". In \"Lip Sync Battle\", Queen Latifah sang this. \"The Village Voice\" listed the song number 37 in their list of Top Singles Of The 90's in 1999. \"Blender\" put \"My Lovin'\" at 148th place on their list of 500 Greatest Songs Since You Were Born in 2005. They wrote: \"Before En Vogue, girl-group harmonies hadn't been heard in such force on the pop charts for three decades. With Dawn Robinson singing lead, this was a female-empowerment anthem that would have done Lilith Fair proud-the repeated harmonized chanting of \"You're never gonna get it\" was a kiss-off par excellence. The", "psg_id": "6290198" }, { "title": "I'm Gonna Pin My Medal on the Girl I Left Behind", "text": "lines And when I get back Yes, when I get back I'm gonna pin my medal on the girl I left behind When the boys come home From across the foam To the girls they love the best There'll be more than one Little Yankee son With a medal on his chest When the drive is over this Spring A lot of soldier boys will sing: REPEAT CHORUS</poem> I'm Gonna Pin My Medal on the Girl I Left Behind I'm Gonna Pin My Medal on the Girl I Left Behind is a World War I era song about a soldier", "psg_id": "18916777" }, { "title": "I Loved 'Em Every One", "text": "I Loved 'Em Every One \"Loved 'Em Every One\" is a song written by Phil Sampson, and recorded by American country music artist T.G. Sheppard. It was released in March 1981 as the first single from the album \"I Love 'Em All\". \"I Loved 'Em Every One\" was T.G. Sheppard's seventh number one on the country chart. The single stayed at number one for one week and spent ten weeks on the country chart. \"I Loved' Em Every One\" was also Shepperd's only Top 40 single on Billboard's Hot 100, reaching #37. The song is a man's tribute to all", "psg_id": "14155966" }, { "title": "My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It)", "text": "My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It) \"My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It)\" is a song by American female group En Vogue, released in 1992. It is the lead single from their multi-platinum hit album, \"Funky Divas\". VH1 ranked it #43 on its list for the \"100 Greatest Songs of the '90s\". The single was certified gold by the RIAA for sales/shipments of over 500,000 units. \"My Lovin'\" contains a sample of the guitar riff from the James Brown song \"The Payback\". The guitar sample is looped throughout the entire song and forms the basis of the melody. The", "psg_id": "6290192" }, { "title": "I Was Gonna Cancel", "text": "stand out from the crowd \"literally.\" In April 2014, Minogue performed \"I Was Gonna Cancel\" at the Logie Awards of 2014. In May 2014, she performed the song on \"The Voice of Italy\", \"\" and in Cannes for Le Grand Journal (Canal+). Minogue also performed the single on \"\" along with \"Into the Blue\", \"All the Lovers\" and \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" with the finalists in April 2014. In the third episode of the seventh season of \"RuPaul's Drag Race\", Jasmine Masters and Kennedy Davenport lip-synched \"I Was Gonna Cancel\" to get the next round of the", "psg_id": "17966663" }, { "title": "Get 'Em Girls (song)", "text": "song. According to Alasdair Duncan from \"Rave\" magazine, the song is \"slick-sounding, bump-and-grinding urban pop, drawing on Beyoncé and Rihanna in equal parts.\" \"Get 'Em Girls\" was released digitally and sent to Australian contemporary hit radio on 17 September 2010. Majhid Heath from ABC Online Indigenous called the song an \"over-produced train wreck\" and wrote that \"'Get 'Em Girls' is supposed to be an audacious nod to female empowerment but is nothing more than a shout out to contemptible consumerism.\" Daile Pepper from \"Sydney Morning Herald\" picked \"Get 'Em Girls\" as one of the worst songs of 2010. Sunshine Coast", "psg_id": "15010927" }, { "title": "Gonna Get This", "text": "the top tracks according to the Allmusic Guide. The song debuted at thirty-six on the US Hot Digital Songs chart for the week ending November 6, 2010, which led to a debut at no. 66 on \"Billboard\"'s US Hot 100. Unlike other Hannah Montana music videos, \"Gonna Get This\" is not a concert taping performance. It features Cyrus dressed as Hannah Montana and Iyaz singing in a recording studio. All of the footage from the song are taken from the \"Hannah Montana Forever\" episode \"Hannah's Gonna Get This\". There are also special effects of Rico dancing and some of the", "psg_id": "15027910" }, { "title": "I Was Gonna Cancel", "text": "produce only two songs with Williams, these being \"I Was Gonna Cancel\" and \"The Winners\" and stated that the first day she met him she started crying due to an overwhelming day. In an interview with, she said; \"It was a dream come true because I've wanted to work with him for a long time. I had two days with him and did two songs, one of which is on my album and it's called I Was Gonna Cancel - because I was having the worst day. Everything was too much. So my second day going in I was", "psg_id": "17966653" }, { "title": "I Let the Stars Get In My Eyes", "text": "number-one smash in 1953, turning Goldie Hill into a major star. Although it was a brief stay at the top, Goldie Hill was one of the biggest names in the business, along with Kitty Wells. Hill's success inspired other female country singers to try to make into the music business. Some of these singers later did, like Jean Shepard in 1953 and Patsy Cline in 1957. I Let the Stars Get In My Eyes \"I Let the Stars Get In My Eyes\" is country music song that was originally a hit for Goldie Hill in 1953. It was a number", "psg_id": "9791926" }, { "title": "Love's Gonna Get You (Jocelyn Brown song)", "text": "on their smash hit, \"The Power\". In addition, two lines from the song, \"Why waste your time, you know you're gonna be mine\" and \"I'm gonna get you, baby (I'm gonna get you, yes I am)\" were resung by UK soul singer Angie Brown to create the 1993 Bizarre Inc hit \"I'm Gonna Get You\", which was a number-one dance hit that year, and was frequently played on dance radio through the 1990s. In 1991, Moby sampled a portion of the song for his hit single \"Go\". The sample remains uncredited. Love's Gonna Get You (Jocelyn Brown song) \"Love's Gonna", "psg_id": "13467783" }, { "title": "I Ain't Gonna Eat Out My Heart Anymore", "text": "I Ain't Gonna Eat Out My Heart Anymore \"I Ain't Gonna Eat Out My Heart Anymore\" is a song written by Pam Sawyer and Laurie Burton, originally recorded by The Young Rascals. It was released as their first single in November 1965 and featured on their eponymous debut album the following year. A minor hit when released, the song peaked at number fifty-two on the US Billboard Hot 100 singles chart. In 1966 the band The Primitives (not to be confused with the UK band of the same name) covered the song in Italian. The song was called \"Yeeeeeeh!\" and", "psg_id": "15176368" }, { "title": "I Loved 'Em Every One", "text": "the women he had encountered through the years. The women apparently come from a variety of backgrounds and sizes (\"\"big or little, or short or tall\"\"), and have had as few as one meeting with him. The man then says he wishes he could have \"kept them all.\" I Loved 'Em Every One \"Loved 'Em Every One\" is a song written by Phil Sampson, and recorded by American country music artist T.G. Sheppard. It was released in March 1981 as the first single from the album \"I Love 'Em All\". \"I Loved 'Em Every One\" was T.G. Sheppard's seventh number", "psg_id": "14155967" }, { "title": "I Was Gonna Cancel", "text": "the song to Daft Punk's single \"Get Lucky\", calling it \"disco-ish.\" Andy Gill declared \"I Was Gonna Cancel\" as a \"typically light, frothy pop syllabub in Pharrell's signature style[;] It sprinkles chimes over staccato synth burbles that hark back to The Commodores.\" \"I Was Gonna Cancel\" received favorable reviews from most music critics. Tim Sendra from Allmusic highlighted the song as an album standout, labeling it as \"amazingly catchy.\" Brittany Spanos from \"Spin\" said the song was familiar but \"refreshed disco territory with 'I Was Gonna Cancel', a Pharrell track that carries some serious \"Get Lucky\" vibes thanks to a", "psg_id": "17966656" }, { "title": "Not Gonna Get Us", "text": "for \"Ya Soshla S Uma\" at the time. \"Not Gonna Get Us\" received favorable reviews from critics. Stephen Thomas Erlewine from Allmusic highlighted the track on the album saying it was an \"exhausting offering hit\" but continued saying; \"Well, it's easy not to be into it when Julia and Lena appear to have been run through a marketing processor so they could become two Sapphic tarts who sing songs with suggestive titles like \"Not Gonna Get Us,\" \"Show Me Love,\" and \"All the Things She Said\" (it's likely a coincidence that the latter two share titles with songs by Robyn", "psg_id": "6069603" }, { "title": "Get 'Em Girls", "text": "and work with songwriters and producers who have worked with my idols... I've been able to go into the studio and have a strong point of view on what I want and what I want my album to sound like.\" Mauboy wrote and recorded most of the songs on \"Get 'Em Girls\" in several recording studios in Los Angeles, Atlanta and New York City in 2009–2010. Mauboy spent most of her time there by herself without her manager or any of her friends around her. The experience of being so isolated gave her many things, including \"strength and courage\", which", "psg_id": "14993120" }, { "title": "When Do I Get to Sing 'My Way'", "text": "When Do I Get to Sing 'My Way' \"When Do I Get to Sing 'My Way'\" is a 1994 electronic dance music song by American rock band Sparks. It makes reference to the Frank Sinatra signature-tune \"My Way\". The single was released as the lead single from their 1994 album Gratuitous Sax & Senseless Violins and peaked on No. 38 in the UK and No. 9 in the US \"Billboard\"'s Hot Dance Club Play chart. In 1995 it was re-released and this time the song peaked on No. 32 in the UK. \"Music & Media\" wrote about the song: \"With", "psg_id": "20679890" }, { "title": "I Get Weak", "text": "directed by Diane Keaton and also featured model and actor Tony Ward, who would later appear in Madonna's video of \"Justify My Love\". The remixes were made by Shep Pettibone. I Get Weak \"I Get Weak\" is a pop song written by Diane Warren and produced by Rick Nowels for Belinda Carlisle's second album \"Heaven on Earth\". The song reached number 2 in the US, behind Rick Astley's \"Never Gonna Give You Up\", and number 10 in the UK in 1988. After completing the song, songwriter Diane Warren \"initially had Stevie Nicks in mind -- a suggestion she made to", "psg_id": "10059794" }, { "title": "Get 'Em Girls (song)", "text": "Lady Sovereign featured on the song. She explained, \"I didn't end up getting any of them but with the help of Bangladesh who produced the track, he contacted Snoop Dogg and that's how it came about.\" When speaking about the song in an interview with \"Q News\", Mauboy said, \"I really love that track and as soon as it was completed I knew that I wanted it to be the first single. I had to fight the record company a bit to get them to release that song first.\" \"Get 'Em Girls\" is an R&B, pop, and \"thumping hip hop\"", "psg_id": "15010926" }, { "title": "How Ya Gonna Keep 'em Down on the Farm (After They've Seen Paree)?", "text": "on February 26, 1919. It featured the singers Charles Hart and Elliott Shaw. The song is in the public domain. How Ya Gonna Keep 'em Down on the Farm (After They've Seen Paree)? \"How Ya Gonna Keep 'em Down on the Farm (After They've Seen Paree?)\" is a World War I song that rose to popularity after the war had ended. The lyrics highlight concern that American soldiers from rural environments would not want to return to farm life after experiencing the European city life and culture of Paris during World War I. The song was first introduced to vaudeville", "psg_id": "18139560" }, { "title": "Triumphant (Get 'Em)", "text": "Carey's vocals spans the tonal range of G to B belt and G high note. The track opens with Mill, whose verse quickly sums up the theme of the track: \"The only way to make it to the top is if you go and get it from the bottom ... I remember they said that it ain't my turn/ Just look at me now/ Try to hold me down, but I ain't gonna stop/ 'Cause I'm gonna climb to the mountaintop.\" During the song's chorus, Carey sings of not being able to be torn down by others and \"staying triumphant\",", "psg_id": "16666519" }, { "title": "I Was Gonna Cancel", "text": "show. Kennedy Davenport was allowed to stay, while Jasmine Masters was eliminated from the competition. In the United Kingdom, \"I Was Gonna Cancel\" debuted at 59 selling 3,989 copies. The next week the song fell out of the top 100. The song is one of Minogue's lowest chart performances since that of previous singles \"Put Your Hands Up\" and \"Flower\". In Wallonia the song debuted at 41 before eventually peaking at 25. In the US, the song peaked at number five on the Hot Dance Club Songs. I Was Gonna Cancel \"I Was Gonna Cancel\" is a song by Australian", "psg_id": "17966664" }, { "title": "A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall", "text": "\"A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall\" was formally premiered at Carnegie Hall on September 22, 1962, as part of a hootenanny organized by Pete Seeger. Seeger recalled: \"I had to announce to all the singers, 'Folks, you're gonna be limited to three songs. No more. 'Cause we each have ten minutes apiece.' And Bob raised his hand and said, 'What am I supposed to do? One of my songs is ten minutes long.'\" Dylan featured the song regularly in concerts in the years since he premiered it, and there have been several dramatic performances. An October 1963 performance at Carnegie Hall", "psg_id": "5125013" }, { "title": "(My Friends Are Gonna Be) Strangers", "text": "(My Friends Are Gonna Be) Strangers \"(My Friends Are Gonna Be) Strangers\" is a song written by Liz Anderson. Best remembered as American country music artist Merle Haggard's first national top ten record, it was also a top ten song concurrently for Roy Drusky. The song is also known as \"All My Friends Are Gonna Be Strangers\", \"(From Now On) All My Friends Are Gonna Be Strangers\", and simply \"Strangers\". Haggard went on to name his band The Strangers after the record's success. The song was subsequently recorded by scores of additional country stars as an album track including George", "psg_id": "15268730" }, { "title": "When Do I Get to Sing 'My Way'", "text": "a wink at Frank Sinatra, the two brothers who gave us Amateur Hour among a host of other gems return armed with a German deal. This song which includes remixes by the Grid's Vince Clarke has them sounding like a cross between Alphaville and Pet Shop Boys.\" A witty black-and-white music video in a '40s Hollywood style was made for the song. It was directed by English music video director Sophie Muller. When Do I Get to Sing 'My Way' \"When Do I Get to Sing 'My Way'\" is a 1994 electronic dance music song by American rock band Sparks.", "psg_id": "20679891" }, { "title": "Radio-Friendly Pop Song", "text": "majors who have said to me: 'your songs are great, you just need to get rid of all the gay content, you should sing about girls so as not to alienate your audience'.\" He went on to say \"I’ve always felt uncomfortable with the idea of deliberately ‘dumbing down’ my lyrics for any kind of commercial gain...So I wanted to write a fun, tongue-in-cheek response to those people, which basically says 'I’m gay, I’m out and I’m proud, I’m not prepared to hide from that and I’m gonna be true to who I am.'\" \"Radio-Friendly Pop Song\" was released on", "psg_id": "17715215" }, { "title": "Hit 'Em Up", "text": "feud and radio stations' desire to garner high ratings. However, some radio stations, such as the Los Angeles-based KPWR, refused to play it. The follow-up to \"Hit 'Em Up\" was the song \"Bomb First (My Second Reply)\". \"Hit 'Em Up\" has been called \"controversial,\" \"infamous,\" \"disturbing,\" and \"brutal.\" Shakur's insults against virtually the entire East Coast scene of rappers were said to be ferocious. The song, along with \"Dear Mama,\" has been viewed as one of Shakur's songs that resonated with and was spoken of the most by young people. Some felt that \"Hit 'Em Up\" showcased Shakur ranting and", "psg_id": "5038514" }, { "title": "I Am... Yours", "text": "the star she is today. She revealed, \"In the beginning, I'm gonna start out, sing and make it about my songwriting, my arrangements, my band and my love for music. Then, I'm gonna tell my story. This way, I can sing all of the hit songs, the songs that people want. But, it's a deeper meaning... these songs meant more than just the chorus that's catchy... it's my life.\" Since the show was created last minute, there were many changes. Originally, the set list included, \"Ego\", \"At Last\", \"Listen\", \"Ring the Alarm\", and \"Upgrade U\". These songs were later removed", "psg_id": "13630763" }, { "title": "Get 'Em Girls", "text": "Get 'Em Girls Get 'Em Girls is the second studio album by Australian recording artist Jessica Mauboy, released on 5 November 2010 by Sony Music Australia. Mauboy recorded the album in Los Angeles, New York City and Atlanta. She worked with various American songwriters and producers she had not worked with before, including Bangladesh, Harvey Mason, Jr., Chuck Harmony, Brian Kennedy, and Alex James, among others. Musically, \"Get 'Em Girls\" contains up-tempo and ballad-oriented songs, which derive from the genres of pop, hip hop and R&B. The album features guest vocal appearances from Snoop Dogg, Ludacris, Jay Sean, and Iyaz.", "psg_id": "14993116" }, { "title": "'Till I Get My Way / Girl Is on My Mind", "text": "which starred tennis players Ana Ivanovic and Daniela Hantuchová. The commercial helped make the band more well-known. It also featured on the 2006 film \"Cashback\". All songs were written by Dan Auerbach and Patrick Carney. 'Till I Get My Way / Girl Is on My Mind \"'Till I Get My Way\"/\"Girl Is on My Mind\" is a double A-side single by American rock band The Black Keys. It features the songs \"'Till I Get My Way\" and \"Girl Is on My Mind\" from their third studio album \"Rubber Factory\". It was released on November 22, 2004. \"Girl Is on My", "psg_id": "14445860" }, { "title": "I'm Gonna Pin My Medal on the Girl I Left Behind", "text": "I'm Gonna Pin My Medal on the Girl I Left Behind I'm Gonna Pin My Medal on the Girl I Left Behind is a World War I era song about a soldier named Johnny dreaming of coming home and giving his medal to his sweetheart. The song was first featured in Ziegfeld Follies of 1918. It reached the top 20 in August 1918 and climbed even higher to number 14 in September 1918. It was written and composed by Irving Berlin, produced by Waterson, Berlin & Snyder Co., and recorded by the Peerless Quartet. <poem> \"Over there\" in France In", "psg_id": "18916775" }, { "title": "I Let the Stars Get In My Eyes", "text": "I Let the Stars Get In My Eyes \"I Let the Stars Get In My Eyes\" is country music song that was originally a hit for Goldie Hill in 1953. It was a number one country hit in Billboard magazine, making Hill only the second woman to have accomplished, one year after Kitty Wells became the first with It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels. In 1952, Hill was trying to make it as a country artist after signing a contract with Decca Records that year. Her first single, 1952's \"Why Talk to My Heart,\" was not successful. She", "psg_id": "9791924" }, { "title": "Gonna Get This", "text": "lyrics flashing across the screen. Gonna Get This \"Gonna Get This\" is a pop song by American singer-songwriter and actress Miley Cyrus, performing as Hannah Montana – the alter ego of Miley Stewart – a character she plays on the Disney Channel television series \"Hannah Montana\". It also features vocals from R&B singer Iyaz. It was released to Radio Disney on September 24, 2010 as promotion for the fourth season of \"Hannah Montana\". The song is musically dance-pop based. The song was later released on October 5, 2010 through iTunes as a promotional single from the soundtrack of the same", "psg_id": "15027911" }, { "title": "Gonna Get This", "text": "Gonna Get This \"Gonna Get This\" is a pop song by American singer-songwriter and actress Miley Cyrus, performing as Hannah Montana – the alter ego of Miley Stewart – a character she plays on the Disney Channel television series \"Hannah Montana\". It also features vocals from R&B singer Iyaz. It was released to Radio Disney on September 24, 2010 as promotion for the fourth season of \"Hannah Montana\". The song is musically dance-pop based. The song was later released on October 5, 2010 through iTunes as a promotional single from the soundtrack of the same title as the special title", "psg_id": "15027908" }, { "title": "I Like It Like That (The Miracles song)", "text": "was also the title song from their long-since deleted 1964 album of the same name. Like many Miracles hit songs, \"I Like It Like That\" begins with Tarplin's guitar. It features a \"live party\" feel, similar to their earlier 1963 hit, \"Mickey's Monkey\". Smokey encourages everybody to \"\"clap your hands now, everybody, we're gonna have some fun tonight...we're gonna sing and shout...knock ourselves out...and everything's gonna be alright\"\". The other Miracles, Bobby, Ronnie, Pete, and Claudette, join in with their trademark harmony vocals, with chants of \"alright\", and \"I like it like that\" as The Funk Brothers add additional instruments", "psg_id": "12275000" }, { "title": "...And Then I Wrote", "text": "Nelson later recalled, Cochran was instrumental in getting him signed: \"Hank had convinced Liberty's A&R man for country music, Joe Allison, that I was the next big thing...Allison knew that there wasn't any way I was gonna change my singing style - and that was fine by him. He understood me. He just wanted me to sing my own songs in my own way.\" In his 2015 autobiography, Nelson insists that he composed \"Crazy\", \"Night Life\", \"Funny How Time Slips Away\", \"Mr. Record Man\", \"I Gotta Get Drunk\" and \"The Party's Over\" in one songwriting jag while living in Houston", "psg_id": "12846155" }, { "title": "'Till I Get My Way / Girl Is on My Mind", "text": "'Till I Get My Way / Girl Is on My Mind \"'Till I Get My Way\"/\"Girl Is on My Mind\" is a double A-side single by American rock band The Black Keys. It features the songs \"'Till I Get My Way\" and \"Girl Is on My Mind\" from their third studio album \"Rubber Factory\". It was released on November 22, 2004. \"Girl Is on My Mind\" was written by the group after the members repeatedly listened to the song \"Shot Down\" by fellow garage rock band The Sonics. \"Girl Is on My Mind\" was used in a Sony Ericsson advertisement,", "psg_id": "14445859" }, { "title": "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)", "text": "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up) \"My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)\" is a song by American rock band Fall Out Boy, released as the lead single for the band's fifth studio album, \"Save Rock and Roll\". It serves as the band's first single following the group's three-year hiatus and regrouping in early 2013. The track and its music video were released on February 4, 2013 worldwide and February 5, 2013 in North America, to coincide with the official news of the band's reformation. The song impacted radio", "psg_id": "17082297" }, { "title": "The Get Em Mamis", "text": "The Get Em Mamis The Get Em Mamis is an Alternative Hip Hop group from the East Coast, United States. The duo consists of Roxzi and Symphony, both originally from Baltimore, Maryland. The Get Em Mamis first single \"When You See Us\" was featured on HBO hit series \"The Wire\" Season 4 and \"The Ooh Ahh Song\" was featured on HBO's \"The Wire\" Season 5\". In 2008 Get Em Mamis single \"Cold Summer\" was ranked #83 in \"Rolling Stone\" magazine's Top 100 Singles of 2008. Get Em Mamis \"Cold Summer\" also received an impressive four stars in \"Rolling Stone\"s Download", "psg_id": "14349471" }, { "title": "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)", "text": "Fall Out Boy's capture is shown in the music video for the following single, \"The Phoenix\", released on March 25, 2013. Jon Dolan of \"Rolling Stone\" calling the song \"a big, goofy, stomp-along pop-metal anthem\". Jason Lipshutz of \"Billboard\" described the song as \"a natural evolution of the Fall Out Boy sound,\" adding also that the song is \"muscular in scope and jittery in practice, with rolling chants cresting above Stump's nervous energy.\" Commercially, \"My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)\" debuted on charts worldwide with success, reaching in the top five in the United", "psg_id": "17082303" }, { "title": "Hit the Lights (Jay Sean song)", "text": "excited about this song, 'cause, for me, it's the first time I felt like I did a huge club record, I always wanted to write a song that could be batted across all the clubs and on radio. And I think this is that song. It doesn't need any remixes or anything like that.\" He said also \"I'm feeling mad excited about \"Hit the Lights\". It's a club banger that's gonna get everyone movin! I'm looking forward to watching another one of my songs grow! That's the most fun part!” Of the collaboration he told \"MTV News\", \"It's inspirational, I", "psg_id": "15305478" }, { "title": "Get 'Em Up (Nickelback song)", "text": "same day. Get 'Em Up (Nickelback song) \"Get 'Em Up\" is a song by Canadian rock band Nickelback released as the seventh single, and third rock single, from their eighth studio album, \"No Fixed Address\" (2014) on May 5, 2015. It is the only track on the album written solely by lead vocalist Chad Kroeger. The song was initially released digitally as a promotional single on November 4, 2014. Jeremy Thomas of 411 Mania complimented the band's use of humour in the song, writing that the track \"has the same feel as \"Animals,\" one of their better tracks, and that", "psg_id": "18387336" }, { "title": "Get 'Em Up (Nickelback song)", "text": "Get 'Em Up (Nickelback song) \"Get 'Em Up\" is a song by Canadian rock band Nickelback released as the seventh single, and third rock single, from their eighth studio album, \"No Fixed Address\" (2014) on May 5, 2015. It is the only track on the album written solely by lead vocalist Chad Kroeger. The song was initially released digitally as a promotional single on November 4, 2014. Jeremy Thomas of 411 Mania complimented the band's use of humour in the song, writing that the track \"has the same feel as \"Animals,\" one of their better tracks, and that allows it", "psg_id": "18387334" }, { "title": "(Last Night) I Didn't Get to Sleep at All", "text": "sleeping pills and they are drugs and we don't mention drugs.' So I got up in the middle of the night and rewrote the last verse without the sleeping pills.\" However, Macaulay was not happy with the change to the lyric, so when Bones Howe contacted him the next week, Macaulay pitched \"(Last Night)...\" for the 5th Dimension, who recorded it with the sleeping pill reference intact. (Last Night) I Didn't Get to Sleep at All \"(Last Night) I Didn't Get to Sleep at All\" is a song written by Tony Macaulay and performed by The 5th Dimension with instrumental", "psg_id": "17752141" }, { "title": "I'm Gonna Get You (Bizarre Inc song)", "text": "interpolated the song in 2015, writing and adding brand new verses. It charted at #1 on the Hot Dance Club Songs. I'm Gonna Get You (Bizarre Inc song) \"I'm Gonna Get You\" is a song by the English electronic music group Bizarre Inc, featuring guest lead vocals by English singer Angie Brown. It was the second single from Bizarre Inc's second studio album \"Energique\" (1992). It contains lyrics from the Jocelyn Brown song \"Love's Gonna Get You\", and a sample from \"Brass Disk\" by Dupree. English singer and songwriter Angie Brown were introduced to Bizarre Inc through her agent and", "psg_id": "17900490" }, { "title": "Did I Shave My Legs for This?", "text": "Did I Shave My Legs for This? Did I Shave My Legs for This? is the debut album of American country artist Deana Carter, released via Patriot Records in the UK in 1995. In 1996, Capitol Records had Carter record new material for the North American release of the album, which included three songs from the original release. This version features her breakthrough debut single \"Strawberry Wine\", a Number One hit on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks (now Hot Country Songs) charts at the end of that year. \"We Danced Anyway\", \"Count Me In\", \"How Do I Get", "psg_id": "6595530" }, { "title": "I Wanna Get Better", "text": "I Wanna Get Better \"I Wanna Get Better\" is a song by American indie pop act Bleachers. Written and produced by frontman Jack Antonoff and John Hill, it was released as the lead single from Bleachers' debut studio album \"Strange Desire\" on February 17, 2014, through RCA Records. \"I Wanna Get Better\" topped the \"Billboard\" Alternative Songs chart, becoming the band's first number-one single, and also reached the top ten of the Hot Rock Songs chart. Its accompanying music video stars Antonoff as a therapist and was directed by his then girlfriend, actress and filmmaker Lena Dunham. \"I Wanna Get", "psg_id": "18109129" }, { "title": "The Older I Get", "text": "; \" the song is about my relationship with my Dad and feeling that I was kind of betrayed by him and all these bad feelings going on. But in the end, it came down to 'forgiveness' in the end when I forgave my Dad there was a real healing that came in my life and the song The Older I Get was about that and saying I wish I could go back... do it all over again and I would probably make that step earlier towards forgiving him because my life got so much better when I did.\" Skillet", "psg_id": "10270613" }, { "title": "Get 'Em Girls (song)", "text": "Get 'Em Girls (song) \"Get 'Em Girls\" is a song by Australian R&B recording artist Jessica Mauboy. The song features American rapper Snoop Dogg, who co-wrote the song with David Buchanan and producer Bangladesh for her second studio album of the same name. It was released as the album's lead single on 17 September 2010. The concept of the song is about shoes and showcases a more urban, hip hop flavoured sound than Mauboy's previous singles. \"Get 'Em Girls\" received negative reviews from critics, and peaked at number 19 on the ARIA Singles Chart. An accompanying music video was directed", "psg_id": "15010924" }, { "title": "How Ya Gonna Keep 'em Down on the Farm (After They've Seen Paree)?", "text": "How Ya Gonna Keep 'em Down on the Farm (After They've Seen Paree)? \"How Ya Gonna Keep 'em Down on the Farm (After They've Seen Paree?)\" is a World War I song that rose to popularity after the war had ended. The lyrics highlight concern that American soldiers from rural environments would not want to return to farm life after experiencing the European city life and culture of Paris during World War I. The song was first introduced to vaudeville by Sophie Tucker. Eddie Cantor also added it to his stage set. An early jazz band, Jim Europe's 369th Infantry", "psg_id": "18139557" }, { "title": "I Like 'Em Country", "text": "January 13, 1966. Three songs on the album were from sessions for previous albums: \"Go On and Go\" was recorded during the February 26, 1964 session for 1964's \"Before I'm Over You\"; \"The Home You're Tearin' Down\" was recorded during the March 4, 1965 session for 1965's \"Blue Kentucky Girl\"; and \"Today Has Been a Day\" was recorded during the October 15, 1964 session for 1965's \"Songs from My Heart...\". I Like 'Em Country I Like 'Em Country is the sixth studio album by American country music singer-songwriter Loretta Lynn. It was released on March 28, 1966, by Decca Records.", "psg_id": "11907101" }, { "title": "Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now", "text": "style emulating the Wall of Sound, which was popular with girl groups at the time. Davis' version reached the Top 10 on Country charts, and is considered by oldies enthusiasts to be \"the\" cover version. Where the Patience and Prudence version has an orchestral backing, the Davis version has a pop band backing of electronic organ, bass and drums, with violin and backup singers. In addition to the hit versions of the 1960s, the song has been recorded by: Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now \"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now\" is a popular song written by Milton Kellem, and", "psg_id": "5689314" }, { "title": "Hit 'Em Up", "text": "\"Hit 'Em Up\", saying \"Now you're about to feel the wrath of a menace.\" He also used the song as a platform to express his belief that Biggie was guilty of stealing his style of rapping, and was merely imitating his lifestyle. This notion is addressed in the verse in \"Now it's all about Versace, you copied my style.\" He also touches topically on their early friendship with the line \"Biggie, remember when I used to let you sleep on the couch?\" and their subsequent fallout. Towards the end of the song Tupac disses Mobb Deep, saying \"Don't one of", "psg_id": "5038503" }, { "title": "Hit 'Em Up", "text": "The pro-West Coast track's music video featured the members crushing buildings in Manhattan, which was already done in another pro-West Coast music video for \"New York, New York\" by Tha Dogg Pound earlier. The music video for \"Hit 'Em Up\" can be found on \"Tupac: Live at the House of Blues\" DVD. Finishing the recording of the song, Shakur felt very positively about the track, saying the \"song is going to be playing in every club., every country. Deejays are calling from everywhere, wanting to get a piece of this.\" \"Hit 'Em Up\" appeared first as a B-side, on the", "psg_id": "5038512" }, { "title": "The Get Em Mamis", "text": "March 2010 Get Em Mamis were on the ticket for The Kidz in the Hall Crowd Control Tour Stop at The Rams Head in Baltimore. The Get Em Mamis The Get Em Mamis is an Alternative Hip Hop group from the East Coast, United States. The duo consists of Roxzi and Symphony, both originally from Baltimore, Maryland. The Get Em Mamis first single \"When You See Us\" was featured on HBO hit series \"The Wire\" Season 4 and \"The Ooh Ahh Song\" was featured on HBO's \"The Wire\" Season 5\". In 2008 Get Em Mamis single \"Cold Summer\" was ranked", "psg_id": "14349475" }, { "title": "I Heard Her Call My Name", "text": "I Heard Her Call My Name \"I Heard Her Call My Name\" is a song by American rock band the Velvet Underground. It is the fifth track from the band's second album, \"White Light/White Heat\". It is a particularly loud, brash and aggressive song that features a pair of atonal guitar solos performed by Lou Reed and repeated use of high pitched feedback. In an interview, guitarist Sterling Morrison said, \"I quit the group for a couple of days because I thought they chose the wrong mix for 'I Heard Her Call My Name', one of our best songs that", "psg_id": "8113742" }, { "title": "Hit 'Em Up", "text": "Everlast. Eminem has support from D12 on his version like the Outlawz supported Shakur on the original. Khia used the song's beat and part of the hook in her song \"Hit 'Em Up\" , which is a diss to female rappers Trina and Jacki-O. \"What I Think About You\" by Bow Wow uses a reinterpolation of \"Hit 'Em Up\" and is a diss song to fellow rapper Soulja Boy Tell 'em. The song appears in 2Pac's Biopic, \"All Eyez On Me,\" (2017) in which 2Pac perform the song during his 1996 House Of Blues Concert in the film as a", "psg_id": "5038524" }, { "title": "How Do I Get There", "text": "chart week of August 2, 1997. How Do I Get There \"How Do I Get There\" is a song written by Chris Farren, and co-written and recorded by American country music artist Deana Carter. It was released in August 1997 as the fourth single from her debut album \"Did I Shave My Legs for This?\". The song became her third single to reach the top of the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart. The song was Carter's last Number One hit on the country chart. \"How Do I Get There\" debuted at number 52 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot", "psg_id": "11129358" }, { "title": "How Do I Get There", "text": "How Do I Get There \"How Do I Get There\" is a song written by Chris Farren, and co-written and recorded by American country music artist Deana Carter. It was released in August 1997 as the fourth single from her debut album \"Did I Shave My Legs for This?\". The song became her third single to reach the top of the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart. The song was Carter's last Number One hit on the country chart. \"How Do I Get There\" debuted at number 52 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks for the", "psg_id": "11129357" }, { "title": "Never Gonna Leave This Bed", "text": "wrote this song after a \"weekend bender.\" He told \"The Sun\" September 17, 2010: \"I was totally depleted and got home, picked up a guitar and started writing this song. It's my favourite on the record. It's the most honest. It reflects a desperate longing to have somebody in my life, which I didn't at the time.\" \"Never Gonna Leave This Bed\" is written in the key of A minor (performed in G minor) with a moderate pop rock tempo of 117 beats per minute. The song follows the chord progression Am–F/A–C/G–G (the pop-punk progression), and Levine's vocals span from", "psg_id": "15318274" }, { "title": "You're Gonna Get Yours", "text": "You're Gonna Get Yours \"You're Gonna Get Yours\" (sometimes subtitled \"My 98 Oldsmobile\") is a 1987 single by hip hop group Public Enemy from their debut album \"Yo! Bum Rush the Show\" (1987). Chuck D references the Oldsmobile 98 automobile in the song's lyrics. It peaked at number 88 on the UK Singles Chart. MARRS sampled the song on their 1987 song \"Pump Up the Volume\". Red Hot Chili Peppers have been known to use the song as an intro jam during live performances of their own song, \"Give It Away.\" This song was also featured in the British Independent", "psg_id": "13186361" }, { "title": "You're Gonna Get Yours", "text": "film \"Human Traffic\". You're Gonna Get Yours \"You're Gonna Get Yours\" (sometimes subtitled \"My 98 Oldsmobile\") is a 1987 single by hip hop group Public Enemy from their debut album \"Yo! Bum Rush the Show\" (1987). Chuck D references the Oldsmobile 98 automobile in the song's lyrics. It peaked at number 88 on the UK Singles Chart. MARRS sampled the song on their 1987 song \"Pump Up the Volume\". Red Hot Chili Peppers have been known to use the song as an intro jam during live performances of their own song, \"Give It Away.\" This song was also featured in", "psg_id": "13186362" }, { "title": "Get 'Em Girls", "text": "The album debuted at number six on the ARIA Albums Chart. \"Get 'Em Girls\" received mixed reviews from most critics, who were ambivalent towards its production. The album was preceded by the release of its Snoop Dogg-assisted lead single \"Get 'Em Girls\", which peaked within the top-twenty of the ARIA Singles Chart. The second single \"Saturday Night\", featuring Ludacris, became a top-ten hit and was certified double platinum for selling 140,000 copies. \"What Happened to Us\", a duet with Jay Sean, and \"Inescapable\", were released as the album's third and fourth singles, respectively. Mauboy promoted the album through live televised", "psg_id": "14993117" }, { "title": "I Get Weak", "text": "I Get Weak \"I Get Weak\" is a pop song written by Diane Warren and produced by Rick Nowels for Belinda Carlisle's second album \"Heaven on Earth\". The song reached number 2 in the US, behind Rick Astley's \"Never Gonna Give You Up\", and number 10 in the UK in 1988. After completing the song, songwriter Diane Warren \"initially had Stevie Nicks in mind -- a suggestion she made to producer Rick Nowels, who felt it would be a better fit for Belinda.\" Belinda Carlisle's video features a combination of color and black-and-white shots in the same frames. It was", "psg_id": "10059793" }, { "title": "Love Is Gonna Get You", "text": "Love Is Gonna Get You \"Love Is Gonna Get You\" (also known as \"Love Is Gonna Get Ya\") is a song by American singer and songwriter Macy Gray, released as the only single from her greatest hits album, \"The Very Best of Macy Gray\" (2004). \"Love Is Gonna Get You\" was only released as a promotional single in the United Kingdom. Nevertheless, the song was given a full commercial release in Austria and the Netherlands with a live version of \"I Try\" as its B-side. The song was Gray's final release for Epic Records, and no music video was produced", "psg_id": "10016164" }, { "title": "Get 'Em Girls", "text": "and ballads\" for sounding well-produced. \"Get 'Em Girls\" debuted at number six on the ARIA Albums Chart on 15 November 2010, and became Mauboy's second top-ten album. It was certified platinum by the Australian Recording Industry Association for shipments of more than 70,000 units. \"Get 'Em Girls\" won 'Album of 2010' at the IT List Awards, and was nominated for 'Album of the Year' at the 2011 National Indigenous Music Awards. Credits adapted from album booklet. Get 'Em Girls Get 'Em Girls is the second studio album by Australian recording artist Jessica Mauboy, released on 5 November 2010 by", "psg_id": "14993130" }, { "title": "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)", "text": "downloads in the United States by August 2015, the first song by Fall Out Boy to reach this level. \"My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark\" has sold over 200,000 copies in the UK earning a silver certification by the BPI as of 2013. A remix, produced by Wonder Arillo, featuring rapper 2 Chainz with hip-hop sound was released on April 3. It was performed live the month before by Fall Out Boy and 2 Chainz at the beginning of the 2013 NBA slam dunk contest. My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)", "psg_id": "17082305" }, { "title": "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)", "text": "\"Red Tour\" on July 13, 2013, and Swift guested in turn with Fall Out Boy on \"Victoria's Secret Fashion Show\" on November 13, 2013. The song became a staple at several sports-broadcasting soundtracks that year. The music video is part one of \"The Young Blood Chronicles\", a series in which a video was eventually recorded for every song on \"Save Rock and Roll\" as part of a narrative. \"My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)\" was a comeback success, reaching the two million digital downloads mark in July 2013, being the fourth song by Fall", "psg_id": "17082299" }, { "title": "How I Spent My Strummer Vacation", "text": "\"jump the shark\", which describes when a TV show has reached its creative peak and is slowly declining in quality. When the camp is over, Mick Jagger tells Homer to cheer up, \"it's only rock and roll camp\", and Homer responds, \"but I like it.\" This is in reference to the Rolling Stones song \"It's Only Rock 'n Roll (But I Like It)\". The songs include \"Rip This Joint\", \"Start Me Up\", and \"She's So Cold\", all by the Rolling Stones; \"Are You Gonna Go My Way\" by Lenny Kravitz; \"Pump It Up\" by Elvis Costello; and \"The Last DJ\"", "psg_id": "5136204" }, { "title": "Bless 'Em All", "text": "an origin\". However the 'ocean' referred to, given a British-Indian origin, is much more likely to be the Indian Ocean - although the English Channel would do just as well for the purposes of the song. \"Bless 'em all\",<br> \"Bless 'em all\".<br> \"The long and the short and the tall\", \"Bless all those\" \"Sergeants\" \"and WO1's\",<br> \"Bless all those\" \"Corporals\" \"and their blinkin'/bleedin' sons\",<br> \"Cos' we're saying goodbye\" \"to 'em all\".<br> \"And back to their\" \"Billets they crawl\",<br> \"You'll get no promotion this side of the ocean\",<br> \"So cheer up my\" \"lads bless 'em all\" A satirical version of the", "psg_id": "13172914" }, { "title": "Are You Gonna Be My Girl", "text": "Are You Gonna Be My Girl \"Are You Gonna Be My Girl\" is a song by Australian rock band Jet, featured on their 2003 album \"Get Born\". It was the first single from the album, released in 2003 in Australia and the United Kingdom, and in 2004 in the United States. The song hit number 29 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 making it their 1st Top 40 hit and their highest charting single; it also hit number 3 on the Modern Rock Tracks and number 7 on the Mainstream Rock Tracks. Even though it did not hit number 1 like", "psg_id": "5711627" }, { "title": "I Love to Sing the Songs I Sing", "text": "I Love to Sing the Songs I Sing I Love to Sing the Songs I Sing is the self-produced ninth album by American R&B singer Barry White, released in 1979 on the 20th Century-Fox Records label. \"I Love to Sing the Songs I Sing\" fulfilled White's 20th Century-Fox Records contract. White was increasingly dissatisfied with that label's management when Russ Regan left the label to form Millennium Records and felt that he was being ignored in terms of promotion at the time. He then left the company and signed a custom label contract with CBS Records to release future material", "psg_id": "14249070" }, { "title": "I Was Gonna Cancel", "text": "literally talking to myself saying, 'Keep it together, this is a very important day, it's Pharrell.' And I burst into tears as soon as I got there. That's why he wrote 'I Was Gonna Cancel' as I didn't feel like going, but had to.\" In an aftermath interview, she said about her collaboration: \"I had two days in the studio with Pharrell, which was a dream come true. On the second day, I was having a bad day and was thinking of cancelling [...] He turned my bad day into something amazing by writing the song... but I was patchy", "psg_id": "17966654" }, { "title": "Get 'Em Up (Nickelback song)", "text": "to stand out.\" Mikael Wood of \"Los Angeles Times\" similarly wrote that \"Get 'Em Up\" is one of two tracks on the album that \"show off Kroeger's flair for dialogue,\" which he added is \"as funny and specific as high-level sitcom writing.\" \"Kerrang!\" described the track as \"the best song about erectile dysfunction (we think) ever written.\" The music video was directed by Nigel Dick and was released on June 25, 2015. It features a bank robbery gone wrong, with the main character portrayed as an antihero. The video's story is continued in the music video for \"Satellite\", released the", "psg_id": "18387335" }, { "title": "Get Up (You Am I song)", "text": "Get Up (You Am I song) \"Get Up\" is the second single from the album Dress Me Slowly by Australian rock band You Am I. It was released in 2001 and reached number 44 on the Australian national charts and number 57 in that year's Hottest 100. \"Older Guys\", \"Tourism\", \"Be Prepared\" and \"Damage\" are all You Am I originals (Rogers). \"Older Guys\" was initially recorded for Dress Me Slowly but was left off to make way for newer songs, while \"Tourism\" is a demo recording of an otherwise unreleased song. \"Be Prepared\" is a solo Tim Rogers song. \"Damage\"", "psg_id": "12768855" }, { "title": "Get 'Em Girls (song)", "text": "Girls\". On 10 December 2010, Mauboy performed the song at Federation Square in Melbourne, ahead of Oprah Winfrey's visit to the place. Source: Get 'Em Girls (song) \"Get 'Em Girls\" is a song by Australian R&B recording artist Jessica Mauboy. The song features American rapper Snoop Dogg, who co-wrote the song with David Buchanan and producer Bangladesh for her second studio album of the same name. It was released as the album's lead single on 17 September 2010. The concept of the song is about shoes and showcases a more urban, hip hop flavoured sound than Mauboy's previous singles. \"Get", "psg_id": "15010931" }, { "title": "Stay the Night (James Blunt song)", "text": "piano, but I was repeating myself, writing sad songs about poor old me. I needed to get away from music for a while. My new songs, most prominently 'Stay the Night', are more optimistic. One thing I did learn is that your artistic credibility goes out the window when you have a big record. 'You're Beautiful' meant something to me, but to most people, it's a song they sing when they're drunk.\" The lyrics in \"Stay the Night\" feature a reference to Bob Marley's classic \"Is This Love\" in the lines: \"Just like the song on my radio said /", "psg_id": "14893635" }, { "title": "I Wish I Was Queer So I Could Get Chicks", "text": "until the video ends with Jimmy Pop and Evil Jared saying, \"Come again, if ya got the balls!\" Writing in \"The Advocate\" (a leading US magazine for gay readers), Barry Walters described the song as \"annoying\" but admitted the band's stereotypes of homosexuals were somewhat accurate, \"especially the Depeche Mode part\". I Wish I Was Queer So I Could Get Chicks \"I Wish I Was Queer So I Could Get Chicks\" is the fourth single from The Bloodhound Gang's 1996 (re-released in 1998) album \"One Fierce Beer Coaster\". The satirical song is entirely about the belief that girls only like", "psg_id": "9845033" }, { "title": "Gonna Get This", "text": "(\"Hannah Montana Forever\") of the fourth and final season of the series. \"Gonna Get This\" was written by Niclas Molinder, Joacim Persson, Johan Alkenas, and Drew Ryan Scott. It was released on September 24, 2010 to Radio Disney, then on October 5, 2010 exclusively to iTunes. It is featured in the eighth episode of \"Hannah Montana Forever\" (final season), \"Hannah's Gonna Get This\". Fans previously called it \"This Boy, That Girl\" when the song leaked onto the internet in early 2010. Although the song has not been commented on in any official reviews, the song was chosen as one of", "psg_id": "15027909" }, { "title": "(My My) Baby's Gonna Cry", "text": "(My My) Baby's Gonna Cry \"(My My) Baby's Gonna Cry\" is a song recorded by pop music duo Eurythmics. It was written by group members Annie Lennox and David A. Stewart and produced by Stewart. The song appears on the duo's album \"We Too Are One\". \"(My My) Baby's Gonna Cry\" marked two firsts for Eurythmics: this was the only single from the band which was released in the United States but not the UK and this is also the only single released by the duo to feature co-lead vocals by Lennox and Stewart. Issued as the third American single", "psg_id": "8283147" }, { "title": "Get Up (You Am I song)", "text": "is the same as the album and single version. Get Up (You Am I song) \"Get Up\" is the second single from the album Dress Me Slowly by Australian rock band You Am I. It was released in 2001 and reached number 44 on the Australian national charts and number 57 in that year's Hottest 100. \"Older Guys\", \"Tourism\", \"Be Prepared\" and \"Damage\" are all You Am I originals (Rogers). \"Older Guys\" was initially recorded for Dress Me Slowly but was left off to make way for newer songs, while \"Tourism\" is a demo recording of an otherwise unreleased song.", "psg_id": "12768856" }, { "title": "I Love to Sing the Songs I Sing", "text": "under his own Unlimited Gold imprint. White's first album on his new label, \"The Message Is Love\", was released seven months and six days after \"I Love to Sing the Songs I Sing\". With attention and interest focused on his well-publicized CBS deal, \"I Love to Sing the Songs I Sing\" passed by largely unnoticed. It was the least successful album of his 20th Century career, only reaching #40 on the R&B chart, which six of his eight previous albums had topped. None of the single releases made any impact either. I Love to Sing the Songs I Sing I", "psg_id": "14249071" }, { "title": "I Got the Hook Up (song)", "text": "15, 1998, his third and final single to accomplish that feat. It sold 700,000 copies. I Got the Hook Up (song) \"I Got the Hook Up\" was the lead single released from the \"I Got the Hook Up\" soundtrack. It featured vocals from the Sons of Funk and was produced by Beats by the Pound member KLC. This is the best-charting single of his career. Released shortly after Master P's smash hit \"Make 'Em Say Uhh!\", \"I Got the Hook Up\" matched that songs peak position of 16, while also reaching the number 1 spot on the Hot Rap Singles", "psg_id": "15634191" }, { "title": "1990-Sick (Get 'Em All)", "text": "are unrecognizable when compared to the original uncensored album version. A version of the song without MC Eiht was also made and included on the \"1990-Sick\" album. The song would be released as a 12-inch single on October 30, 1995. The song would later appear on Spice's 1998 greatest hits album \"Hits\". 1990-Sick (Get 'Em All) \"1990-Sick (Get 'Em All)\" (AKA: \"1990-Sick (Kill 'Em All)\") is a 1995 song by Spice 1. It originally appeared on the album of the same name. The song features a guest verse from fellow West Coast rapper MC Eiht. The song would go on", "psg_id": "18738188" }, { "title": "I Get Lonely", "text": "Get Lonely\" became Jackson's eighteenth consecutive top-ten hit on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100, setting a record as the only female artist to achieve that feat, surpassed only by Elvis Presley and The Beatles. The song received a BMI Pop Award for \"Most Played Song\" and a Grammy Award nomination for Best Female R&B Vocal Performance, and was later included on Janet's second greatest hits album \"Number Ones\" (2009). Its music video, directed by Paul Hunter, received positive reception for its abounding sex appeal. \"I Get Lonely\" is a departure from Janet's usual mix of dance-pop and R&B, as the", "psg_id": "4845666" }, { "title": "I Got the Hook Up (song)", "text": "I Got the Hook Up (song) \"I Got the Hook Up\" was the lead single released from the \"I Got the Hook Up\" soundtrack. It featured vocals from the Sons of Funk and was produced by Beats by the Pound member KLC. This is the best-charting single of his career. Released shortly after Master P's smash hit \"Make 'Em Say Uhh!\", \"I Got the Hook Up\" matched that songs peak position of 16, while also reaching the number 1 spot on the Hot Rap Singles chart. The single was certified gold by the Recording Industry Association of America on June", "psg_id": "15634190" }, { "title": "My Name Is", "text": "the lyrics \"99% of my life I was lied to, I just found out my mom does more dope than I do\". Eminem also berates his mother in the third verse of the song, with the lyrics \"When I was little I used to get so hungry I would throw fits/How you gonna breastfeed me, Mom?! You ain't got no tits!\" Debbie stated in her 2008 book \"My Son Marshall, My Son Eminem\", \"This line was horrible and upsetting, because I'd contracted toxemia-blood poisoning when I gave birth to him and hadn't been able to breast-feed.\" The lawsuit was settled", "psg_id": "5588859" }, { "title": "Can I Get a Moment?", "text": "was given the rare opportunity to write and work with him in Los Angeles in September 2014. On working with Edmonds, Mauboy said: \"Working with someone like him is something I have always dreamt with and we had had three good writing sessions when he played me 'Can I Get a Moment?'. It's so funky and cool that as soon as I heard it I told them 'This is my track!'\" On 28 September 2014, it was announced that \"Can I Get a Moment?\" would be released as Mauboy's next single. The song was then made available to pre-order the", "psg_id": "18302020" }, { "title": "1990-Sick (Get 'Em All)", "text": "1990-Sick (Get 'Em All) \"1990-Sick (Get 'Em All)\" (AKA: \"1990-Sick (Kill 'Em All)\") is a 1995 song by Spice 1. It originally appeared on the album of the same name. The song features a guest verse from fellow West Coast rapper MC Eiht. The song would go on to reach #91 on the Billboard Hot R&B/Hip Hop Singles & Tracks chart and #18 on the Hot Rap Singles chart. Due to extreme amounts of profane language and violent content in the lyrics, the lyrics in the music video version for \"1990-Sick\" are heavily altered, to the point where the lyrics", "psg_id": "18738187" }, { "title": "Triumphant (Get 'Em)", "text": "Triumphant (Get 'Em) \"Triumphant (Get 'Em)\" is a song by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey. It was written and produced by Carey, Jermaine Dupri and Bryan-Michael Cox, with additional writing credits and features by American rappers Rick Ross and Meek Mill. Released on August 3, 2012, Carey revealed that she wrote the song during difficult and personal experiences in her life, and that writing the song helped alleviate the pain. She later stated that \"Triumphant (Get 'Em)\" was written when her husband Nick Cannon was in the hospital with acute kidney failure in early 2012, and was also inspired", "psg_id": "16666505" }, { "title": "Can I Get A...", "text": "Pictures\" as well as Dru Hill and Redman's \"How Deep Is Your Love\". All songs were included in the \"Rush Hour\" soundtrack. Janet Jackson's 2004 song \"Strawberry Bounce\", from her album \"Damita Jo\", samples \"Can I Get A...\". VH1 ranked \"Can I Get A...\" at No. 57 in the network's \"100 Greatest Songs of the 90s\". Chris Penn appears in the video as a bartender. Jermaine Dupri also makes a cameo. Can I Get A... \"Can I Get A...\" is a song recorded by American rapper Jay-Z, featuring Ja Rule and Amil. It was released on \"Def Jam's Rush Hour", "psg_id": "7753864" }, { "title": "Hit 'Em Up", "text": "if something had occurred it was none of his business, and that Shakur should not have publicly disclosed this information in a song. Biggie responded to this matter in a similar fashion to \"Hit 'Em Up\", rapping in a joint release by himself and Jay-Z in the song \"Brooklyn's Finest\", where he says \"If Faye have twins, she'd probably have two Pacs. Get it? Tupac's?\" Shortly after the release of \"Hit 'Em Up\", Evans went on the radio and denied that she had been with Shakur. Puffy had trouble understanding the sheer rage Shakur had expressed for Biggie in \"Hit", "psg_id": "5038519" }, { "title": "Love's Gonna Get You (Jocelyn Brown song)", "text": "Love's Gonna Get You (Jocelyn Brown song) \"Love's Gonna Get You\" is a 1985 dance single by Jocelyn Brown, a singer who had sung with the groups Salsoul Orchestra and Inner Life. The single was the first of four that Brown took to number one on the U.S. dance chart. It also reached number thirty-eight on the R&B singles chart, and was her second R&B top 40 hit as a solo artist. One particular line in the song, \"I've got the power!\" became particularly prominent in the mainstream when it was sampled (without permission) by the hip hop/dance group, Snap!", "psg_id": "13467782" }, { "title": "I Was Gonna Cancel", "text": "and didn't sing very well. It was honest and embarrassing.\" Musically, \"I Was Gonna Cancel\" is a funk and disco-inspired song. Tim Sendra said that the song is \"a heartwarming affirmation of how awesome she is that sounds like a continuation of his work with Daft Punk on \"Get Lucky\". Ryan Lathan said \"squelchy Stevie-Wonderesque electric keyboard flourishes, and overly-processed, pseudo-operatic background vocals, there's little here in this R&B-electro brew, worth throwing back or bothering to revisit. It should have been relegated to a single B-side and replaced with last year's superior 'Skirt'.\" Ben Cardew from \"NME\" had also compared", "psg_id": "17966655" }, { "title": "Ten Love Songs", "text": "I’ve always wanted to make a pop record. So I guess this is my attempt!” The biggest challenge for Sundfør when creating \"Ten Love Songs\" was the melody writing, more specifically writing melodies that would be suitable for pop songs: “I read about how people’s brains feel comfortable with patterns, but even better if it takes a little turn, so that you have surprise but also familiarity. It’s like an orgasm for the brain.” While keeping the structure of the songs \"direct,\" she also went for making compositional elements that were \"surprising\" and \"radical\" in order to excite the listener.", "psg_id": "18589701" }, { "title": "I Watched It All (On My Radio)", "text": "tell me what's wrong\"\"), and the playing of the \"National Anthem\". The music video was directed by John Lloyd Miller and premiered in late 1989. I Watched It All (On My Radio) \"I Watched It All (On My Radio)\" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Lionel Cartwright. It was released in February 1990 as the first single from the album \"I Watched It on the Radio\". The song reached number eight on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart. The song was written by Cartwright and Don Schlitz. \"I Watched It All (On My", "psg_id": "14977250" }, { "title": "Hit 'Em Up", "text": "you niggas got sickle cell or something? You fucking with me, nigga you fuck around and get a seizure or a heart attack\", referring to Prodigy, a member of Mobb Deep, suffering from sickle cell disease. (Prodigy would later die of complications related to this disease.) Mobb Deep responded by releasing \"Drop a Gem on 'em\", which was released shortly before Tupac's death, however pulled off the radio after. \"Hit 'Em Up\" features much profanity and was issued a Parental Advisory label, using the word \"fuck\" and \"motherfucker\" over 35 times in the song. The bassline in \"Hit 'Em Up\"", "psg_id": "5038504" }, { "title": "The Older I Get", "text": "The Older I Get \"The Older I Get\" is the fourth single released by the Christian rock band Skillet from their sixth album \"Comatose\" in 2007. The song was also released on an EP called \"The Older I Get EP.\" The song charted at No. 27 on the US Mainstream Rock Tracks and No. 14 on the \"Billboard\" US Hot Christian Songs chart. R&R magazine counted it as the No. 19 most-played song in 2008 for Christian contemporary hit radio (CHR) with 11,693 plays. Skillet's lead singer and primary songwriter John L. Cooper explained the meaning of the song to", "psg_id": "10270612" }, { "title": "What's My Name? (Snoop Doggy Dogg song)", "text": "intro contains a sample from The Counts' \"Pack of Lies.\" A vocal sample (\"the bomb\") from Parliament's \"P. Funk (Wants to Get Funked Up)\" can be heard throughout. It was ranked number 456 on NME's 500 greatest songs of all time. The song and music video were parodied in director Rusty Cundieff's film, \"Fear of a Black Hat\" (1993). In the UK in 2014, the song was used on an advert for MoneySupermarket, which featured Snoop Dogg. \"\"Who Am I? (What's My Name?)\"\" was the first top-ten of Snoop Dogg on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, the first as lead artist.", "psg_id": "7680692" }, { "title": "I Kissed a Girl", "text": "also nominated for Favorite Song at the 2009 Kids' Choice Awards. The song has been performed on all of her tours. It was also included in Perry's performance in Super Bowl XLIX's Pepsi Halftime Show in 2015. According to Perry, \"the chorus actually popped into my head when I woke up. It was one of those moments where you hear artists talking about songs they get in dreams or in the middle of the night. I was like 'wow, what an interesting subject matter to kind of pop into the head' and I didn't do anything with it for about", "psg_id": "11943839" }, { "title": "I Wanna Get Better", "text": "from marital problems, actor Rizwan Manji plays a highly-strung patient who gets distracted by \"Bring Your Daughter To Work\" Day, and actress Mary Kay Place plays a patient who \"creates drama\". Antonoff described working with Dunham as \"fun\", adding: \"I didn't have to do anything. I felt, obviously, completely supported. It was nice to be in a position where you can’t fuck up.\" \"I Wanna Get Better\" received critical acclaim, with some reviewers labeling it as one of the best songs of 2014. Michael Tedder of \"Spin\" lauded the song, writing that it is \"an example of an artist so", "psg_id": "18109132" } ]
[ "rockstar by nickleback" ]
dec 18, 2008 marked the death of mark felt. what prominent role in the watergate scandals did he play?
[ { "title": "Mark Felt", "text": "Mark Felt William Mark Felt Sr. (August 17, 1913 – December 18, 2008) was a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) special agent and Associate Director, the Bureau's second-highest-ranking post, from May 1972 until his retirement from the FBI in June 1973. During his time as Associate Director, Felt served as an anonymous informant, nicknamed \"Deep Throat\", to reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of \"The Washington Post\". He provided them with critical information about the Watergate scandal, which ultimately led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon in 1974. Though Felt's identity as Deep Throat was strongly suspected by some", "psg_id": "5220856" } ]
[ { "title": "Mark Felt", "text": "wanted to create the perception that Gray \"could not control the FBI\". This could result in Nixon's firing Gray, leaving Felt as the obvious choice to run the agency. Holland said this plan (if it was one) backfired as Nixon and his team found out that Felt was the leaker. Felt died at home, in his sleep, on December 18, 2008. He was 95 years old and his death was attributed to heart failure. Mark Felt William Mark Felt Sr. (August 17, 1913 – December 18, 2008) was a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) special agent and Associate Director, the", "psg_id": "5220925" }, { "title": "What Did He Say?", "text": "– 0:31 16. \"A Little Buzz\" – 2:46 17. \"Kids Didn't Change\" – 0:54 18. \"Heaven Is Where the Heart Is\" – 5:03 What Did He Say? What Did He Say? is the second solo album released by bassist Victor Wooten. 1. \"Yo Victa\" – 0:07 2. \"What Did He Say?\" – 3:20 3. \"What You Won't Do for Love\" – 4:43 4. \"Cherokee\" – 1:49 5. \"Don't Wanna Cry\" – 5:07 6. \"The Lonliest Monk\" – 4:36 7. \"A Chance\" – 2:54 8. \"Radio W-OO-10\" – 1:06 9. \"Norwegian Wood\" – 4:52 10. \"Bro John\" – 4:18 11. \"Naima\"", "psg_id": "8334567" }, { "title": "Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House", "text": "the film and also produced it, along with Scott Free Productions, Playtone, and Cara Films, and producers Ridley Scott, Goetzman, Hanks, Giannina Scott, Marc Butan, Christopher Woodrow, Roach, and Landesman. On November 5, 2015, Diane Lane was cast to play Felt's brilliant and troubled wife, Audrey, who shares the burden of Felt's dangerous dilemma about the White House's Watergate scandal. On November 6, 2015, Jason Bateman joined the film to play an FBI agent and Felt lieutenant, Charlie Bates, who suspects that Felt is leaking classified information on the Watergate investigation. On December 9, 2015, Maika Monroe also joined the", "psg_id": "19134716" }, { "title": "What Did He Say?", "text": "What Did He Say? What Did He Say? is the second solo album released by bassist Victor Wooten. 1. \"Yo Victa\" – 0:07 2. \"What Did He Say?\" – 3:20 3. \"What You Won't Do for Love\" – 4:43 4. \"Cherokee\" – 1:49 5. \"Don't Wanna Cry\" – 5:07 6. \"The Lonliest Monk\" – 4:36 7. \"A Chance\" – 2:54 8. \"Radio W-OO-10\" – 1:06 9. \"Norwegian Wood\" – 4:52 10. \"Bro John\" – 4:18 11. \"Naima\" – 5:57 12. \"Sometimes I Laugh\" – 3:20 13. \"My Life\" – 4:45 14. \"The Sojourn of Arjuna\" – 6:29 15. \"Buzz Ntro\"", "psg_id": "8334566" }, { "title": "United States Senate Watergate Committee", "text": "and Baker, who appeared somewhat non-partisan and uttered the famous phrase \"What did the President know, and when did he know it?\" (often paraphrased by others in later scandals). It was the introduction to the public for minority counsel Thompson, who would later become an actor, senator, and presidential candidate. Many of Watergate's most famous moments happened during the hearings, including John Dean's \"cancer on the Presidency\" testimony and Alexander Butterfield's revelation of the existence of the secret Nixon White House tapes. United States Senate Watergate Committee The Senate Watergate Committee, known officially as the Select Committee on Presidential Campaign", "psg_id": "3243460" }, { "title": "Mark Felt", "text": "had access. \"Felt did not fit.\" (Once the secret was revealed, it was noted Felt did have access to such information because the Bureau's agents were interviewing high-ranking White House officials.) In 2002, the \"San Francisco Chronicle\" profiled Felt. Noting his denial in \"The FBI Pyramid\", the paper wrote: Curiously, his son—American Airlines pilot Mark Felt—now says that shouldn't be read as a definitive denial, and that he plans to answer the question once-and-for-all in a second memoir. The excerpt of the working draft obtained by the \"Chronicle\" has Felt still denying he's Throat but providing a rationale for why", "psg_id": "5220917" }, { "title": "Mark Felt", "text": "Felt and his actions has varied widely since these revelations. In the immediate aftermath, Felt's family called him an \"American hero\", suggesting that he leaked information for moral or patriotic reasons. G. Gordon Liddy, who was convicted of burglary in the Watergate scandal, said Felt should have gone to the grand jury rather than leak. Speculation about Felt's motives for leaking has varied widely. Some suggested that it was revenge for Nixon's choosing Gray over Felt to replace Hoover as FBI Director. Others suggest Felt acted out of institutional loyalty to the FBI. Political scientist George Friedman argued: The \"Washington", "psg_id": "5220923" }, { "title": "Mark Felt", "text": "methods were an unnecessary distraction from the work of the FBI and showed a lack of leadership. He believed that he was not the only career manager at the FBI who disapproved of Gray's methods, particularly among those who had served under Hoover. As Associate Director, Felt saw everything compiled on Watergate before it was given to Gray. The Agent in Charge, Charles Nuzum, sent his findings to Investigative Division Head Robert Gebhardt, who passed the information on to Felt. From the day of the break-in, June 17, 1972, until the FBI investigation was mostly completed in June 1973, Felt", "psg_id": "5220875" }, { "title": "Mark Felt", "text": "from the Watergate scandal. Over the years, the stress of following her husband's career as well as from the separation from her daughter, combined with Felt's prosecution had taken their toll on Audrey. During Felt's time in Seattle in 1954, Audrey suffered a nervous breakdown. She developed a dependency on alcohol and had been taking antidepressants for years. She had also been hospitalized several times for various ailments. When Felt was put on trial in 1980, she attended the first day, but did not return because she was unable to bear it. In 1984, she committed suicide using Felt's revolver.", "psg_id": "5220904" }, { "title": "Watergate scandal", "text": "would be an easy interviewer and was taken aback by Frost's incisive questions. The interview displayed the entire scandal to the American people, and Nixon formally apologized, but his legacy remained tarnished. In the aftermath of Watergate, \"follow the money\" became part of the American lexicon and is widely believed to have been uttered by Mark Felt to Woodward and Bernstein. The phrase was never used in the 1974 book \"All the President's Men\" and did not become associated with it until the movie of the same name was released in 1976. The parking garage where Woodward and Felt met", "psg_id": "627940" }, { "title": "Mark Felt", "text": "drama. When she was an undergraduate, Felt finally settled in Alexandria, Virginia, when he took his post at the FBI Academy. Prior to the Watergate scandal, Felt had become estranged from Joan. They had been close during her childhood, but after she graduated from Stanford, she had gone to Chile under a Fulbright scholarship to continue her studies. While there, she became friends with Marxist revolutionary Andrés Pascal Allende, nephew of future president Salvador Allende. When she returned home, her political views had shifted to the extreme left, putting her in conflict with her conservative father. She earned her master's", "psg_id": "5220902" }, { "title": "Watergate Seven", "text": "jury on March 1, 1974, for their role in the Watergate scandal. The grand jury also named Nixon as an unindicted conspirator. The indictments marked the first time in U.S. history that a president was so named. The period leading up to the trial of the first Watergate Seven began on January 8, 1973. The term \"Watergate Seven\" was coined a few months later, in April 1973, by American lawyer, politician, and political commentator Ed Koch, who, in response to U.S. Senator Lowell P. Weicker Jr.'s indicating that one of the men in Watergate bugging case had been ordered in", "psg_id": "4436419" }, { "title": "What Kate Did", "text": "'Dad?' Hurley comments that he did not expect Rose's husband to be white, before Jack quickly changes the subject. The producers felt it was important to address that they are an interracial couple, and that Hurley was saying what the audience would be thinking. Caldwell agreed with them and thought it would be odd if the issue was not addressed. Anderson also was glad that Hurley brought up the issue, and liked that Jack did not pay any attention. The episode gained 21.54 million American viewers in its first airing. What Kate Did \"What Kate Did\" is the 34th episode", "psg_id": "7347822" }, { "title": "Mark Felt", "text": "William C. Ibershof, claims that Mark Felt and Attorney General John N. Mitchell initiated these illegal activities that tainted the investigation. Hoover died in his sleep and was found on the morning of May 2, 1972. Tolson was nominally in charge until the next day, when Nixon appointed L. Patrick Gray III as Acting FBI Director. Tolson submitted his resignation, which Gray accepted. Felt succeeded to Tolson's post as Associate Director, the number-two job in the Bureau. Felt served as an honorary pallbearer at Hoover's funeral. On the day of Hoover's death, Hoover's secretary for five decades, Helen Gandy, began", "psg_id": "5220869" }, { "title": "The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power", "text": "initial publication, the sex scandals of prominent members of the Family, Nevada Sen. John Ensign and South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, as well as accusations that the Family was illegally subsidizing the rent of members of Congress and involved in the proposed bill which would impose the death penalty for homosexuality in Uganda, thrust the notoriously secretive organisation into the national spotlight. Journalist Jeff Sharlet did intensive research in the Fellowship's archives, before they were closed to the public. He also spent a month in 2002 living in a Fellowship house near Washington, DC, and wrote a magazine article describing", "psg_id": "14024013" }, { "title": "Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House", "text": "has an approval rating of 36% based on 109 reviews, with an average rating of 5.4/10. On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 49 out of 100, based on 29 critics, indicating \"mixed or average reviews\". Mike Ryan of Uproxx gave the film a generally positive review, praising Neeson while criticizing the script and writing, \"\"Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House\" (please get a new title) does its job of presenting who Mark Felt was and what a burden it was for him personally to betray his beloved FBI. And if you want", "psg_id": "19134719" }, { "title": "Mark Felt", "text": "did what you thought was in the best interests of the country and someone on technical grounds indicted you. Felt, Gray, and Miller were arraigned in Washington, DC on April 20. Seven hundred current and former FBI agents were outside the courthouse applauding the \"Washington Three\", as Felt referred to himself and his colleagues in his memoir. Gray's case did not go to trial and was dropped by the government for lack of evidence, on December 11, 1980. Felt and Miller attempted to plea bargain with the government, willing to agree to a misdemeanor guilty plea to conducting searches without", "psg_id": "5220894" }, { "title": "Watergate scandal", "text": "Congress enacted the National Emergencies Act in 1976 to regulate such declarations. The Watergate scandal left such an impression on the national and international consciousness that many scandals since then have been labeled with the suffix \"-gate.\" Disgust with the revelations about Watergate, the Republican Party, and Nixon strongly affected results of the November 1974 Senate and House elections, which took place three months after Nixon's resignation. The Democrats gained five seats in the Senate and forty-nine in the House (the newcomers were nicknamed \"Watergate Babies\"). Congress passed legislation that changed campaign financing, to amend the Freedom of Information Act,", "psg_id": "627938" }, { "title": "Mark Felt", "text": "House Situation Room. In his book \"The Secret Man\", Woodward described Felt as a \"tall man with perfectly combed gray hair ... distinguished looking\" with a \"studied air of confidence, even what might be called a command presence\". They stayed in touch and spoke on the telephone several times. When Woodward started working at the \"Washington Post\", he phoned Felt on several occasions to ask for information for articles in the paper. Felt's information, taken on a promise that Woodward would never reveal its origin, was a source for a few stories, notably for an article on May 18, 1972,", "psg_id": "5220878" }, { "title": "What the Butler Saw (play)", "text": "What the Butler Saw (play) What the Butler Saw is a farce written by the English playwright Joe Orton. It was premièred at the Queen's Theatre in London on 5 March 1969. It was Orton's final play and the second to be performed after his death, following \"Funeral Games\" in 1968. The play consists of two acts—though the action is continuous—and revolves around a Dr. Prentice, a psychiatrist attempting to seduce his attractive prospective secretary, Geraldine Barclay. The play opens with the doctor examining Geraldine Barclay in a job interview. As part of the interview, he persuades her to undress.", "psg_id": "5038791" }, { "title": "The Marked Men", "text": "will play one last show with his Japanese bandmates as The Novice at Chaos in Tejas 2013, having released just one 7-inch on Dirtnap Records. The Marked Men, Mind Spiders, Low Culture, and The Novice all played Chaos in Tejas 2013 in Austin, Texas. The Marked Men The Marked Men is an American punk rock band from Denton, Texas, United States, composed of guitarists/vocalists Mark Ryan and Jeff Burke, bassist Joe Ayoub, and drummer Mike Throneberry. They have released four albums through Rip Off Records, Dirtnap Records, and Swami Records. Their most recent album, \"Ghosts\", was released in 2009 through", "psg_id": "7426309" }, { "title": "Mark Felt", "text": "January 1973, he confronted Felt about being the source for Woodward and Bernstein. Gray said he had defended Felt to Attorney General Richard G. Kleindienst: \"You know, Mark, Dick Kleindienst told me I ought to get rid of you. He says White House staff members are concerned that you are the FBI source of leaks to Woodward and Bernstein\". Felt replied, \"Pat, I haven't leaked anything to anybody.\" Gray told Felt: I told Kleindienst that you've worked with me in a very competent manner and I'm convinced that you are completely loyal. I told him I was not going to", "psg_id": "5220884" }, { "title": "Watergate scandal", "text": "of the FBI during that period of the 1970s, something Woodward later confirmed. Felt met secretly with Woodward several times, telling him of Howard Hunt's involvement with the Watergate break-in, and that the White House staff regarded the stakes in Watergate as extremely high. Felt warned Woodward that the FBI wanted to know where he and other reporters were getting their information, as they were uncovering a wider web of crimes than the FBI first disclosed. All of the secret meetings between Woodward and Felt took place at an underground parking garage somewhere in Rosslyn over a period from June", "psg_id": "627895" }, { "title": "Watergate complex", "text": "to Nixon's resignation on August 9, 1974. The name \"Watergate\" and the suffix \"-gate\" have since become synonymous with political scandals in the United States and elsewhere. The Watergate superblock is bounded on the north by Virginia Avenue, on the east by New Hampshire Avenue, on the south by F Street, and on the west by the Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway. It is in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood overlooking the Potomac River, next to the Kennedy Center and the embassy of Saudi Arabia. The nearest Metro station, 0.4 miles (650 m) distant, is Foggy Bottom-GWU. For more than a", "psg_id": "3051602" }, { "title": "Mark Felt", "text": "without warrants. The indictment charged violations of Title 18, Section 241 of the United States Code and stated Felt and the others: Did unlawfully, willfully, and knowingly combine, conspire, confederate, and agree together and with each other to injure and oppress citizens of the United States who were relatives and acquaintances of the Weatherman fugitives, in the free exercise and enjoyments of certain rights and privileges secured to them by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America. Felt told his biographer Ronald Kessler: I was shocked that I was indicted. You would be too, if you", "psg_id": "5220893" }, { "title": "What Did the Ancient Israelites Eat?", "text": "What Did the Ancient Israelites Eat? What Did the Ancient Israelites Eat? Diet in Biblical Times is a 2008 book by Nathan MacDonald that discusses the foods eaten by Israelites during the time that the Bible was written. MacDonald, a theologian who serves as a lecturer at St Andrews University, used biblical texts as well as archaeological and anthropological evidence in his attempts to determine the diet of the Israelites. MacDonald decided to write the book while writing another book on the symbolism of food in the Hebrew Bible that contained a chapter on the diet of the Israelites. Nathan", "psg_id": "15721808" }, { "title": "The Masque of the Red Death (play)", "text": "Town Hall had been built. However, in order to reach this point, it was necessary for the participants to work together and interact with the sets, props, and at times the actors themselves, within the Masque of the Red Death show, as well as by solving puzzles online. The Masque of the Red Death (play) The Masque Of The Red Death was an original theatre production by British theatre company Punchdrunk, in collaboration with the Battersea Arts Centre that ran from September 2007 to April 2008 The Masque of the Red Death was a major theatre production by British company", "psg_id": "17703411" }, { "title": "What the Butler Saw (play)", "text": "stage in 1995. Phyllida Lloyd directed the play. There was a further revival in 2012 at the Vaudeville Theatre, directed by Sean Foley, which ran from 16 May to 25 August. There was a 2017 production directed by Nikolai Foster at the Curve Theatre in Leicester. What the Butler Saw (play) What the Butler Saw is a farce written by the English playwright Joe Orton. It was premièred at the Queen's Theatre in London on 5 March 1969. It was Orton's final play and the second to be performed after his death, following \"Funeral Games\" in 1968. The play consists", "psg_id": "5038795" }, { "title": "Mark Felt", "text": "the University of Idaho. She had come to Washington to work at the Bureau of Internal Revenue. Their wedding was officiated by the chaplain of the United States House of Representatives, the Rev. Sheara Montgomery. Audrey died in 1984; she and Felt had two children, Joan and Mark. Felt stayed on with Pope's successor in the Senate, David Worth Clark (D-Idaho). He attended the George Washington University Law School at night, earning his law degree in 1940, and was admitted to the District of Columbia Bar in 1941. Upon graduation, Felt took a position at the Federal Trade Commission but", "psg_id": "5220860" }, { "title": "Mark Felt", "text": "Ruckelshaus received a call from someone claiming to be a \"New York Times\" reporter, telling him that Felt was the source of this information. On June 21, Ruckelshaus met privately with Felt and accused him of leaking information to \"The New York Times\", a charge that Felt adamantly denied. Ruckelshaus told Felt to \"sleep on it\" and let him know the next day what he wanted to do. Felt resigned from the Bureau the next day, June 22, 1973, ending his thirty-one year career. In a 2013 interview, Ruckelshaus noted the possibility that the original caller was a hoax. He", "psg_id": "5220888" }, { "title": "I Know What You Did Last Summer", "text": "audience: That's that legend. Now here's a new one.'\" Unlike Williamson's screenplay for the film's contemporary, \"Scream\" (1996), which incorporated satire of the slasher film, \"I Know What You Did Last Summer\" was written more as a straightforward slasher film. Gillespie commented in 2008: \"The joy of this film for me as a filmmaker was in taking [the] elements that we've seen before, and saying to the audience: 'Here's something you've seen before'—knowing that they're saying 'We've seen this before'—and still getting them to jump.\" Gillespie also claimed that he felt Williamson's screenplay did not resemble a \"slasher horror movie,\"", "psg_id": "1872874" }, { "title": "Watergate scandal", "text": "Dean felt that he was being recorded. He wondered if this was due to the way Nixon was speaking, as if he were trying to prod attendees' recollections of earlier conversations about fundraising. Dean mentioned this observation while testifying to the Senate Committee on Watergate, exposing the thread of what were taped conversations that would unravel the fabric of the conspiracy. Two days later, Dean told Nixon that he had been cooperating with the U.S. attorneys. On that same day, U.S. attorneys told Nixon that Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Dean, and other White House officials were implicated in the cover-up. On April", "psg_id": "627903" }, { "title": "Watergate Babies", "text": "wrote. Numerous states passed sweeping ethics and public disclosure reforms in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal. The Center for Public Integrity has compiled a state by state account of governmental political corruption watchdogs, many with roots in the post-Watergate era. A prominent Watergate baby of 1974 now serving again as Governor of California is Jerry Brown. \"Watergate Babies\" has also been used to apply to journalists who entered journalism because of their fascination with the Watergate scandal. \"Watergate,\" David Baumann wrote, \"also created a generation of journalists who were not willing to accept politicians at their word. If the", "psg_id": "7965508" }, { "title": "The Masque of the Red Death (play)", "text": "The Masque of the Red Death (play) The Masque Of The Red Death was an original theatre production by British theatre company Punchdrunk, in collaboration with the Battersea Arts Centre that ran from September 2007 to April 2008 The Masque of the Red Death was a major theatre production by British company Punchdrunk, following their production of Faust in 2006 and echoing the format of that show. It played for a 7-month sold-out run, and was seen by more than 40,000 people, involving a cast of around 35 and utilising almost all of the space within the Battersea Arts Centre", "psg_id": "17703403" }, { "title": "Mark Felt", "text": "Felt and his son Mark Jr., an officer in the United States Air Force, decided to keep this a secret and told Joan that her mother had died of a heart attack. Joan did not learn the truth about her mother until 2001. Meanwhile, Joan had become an adherent of Adi Da, who had founded a new religious movement in San Francisco called Adidam, and she was living in Santa Rosa. She had borne three sonsLudi (later Will), Rob, and Nick, the latter two from another Adidam devotee whom she never marriedbut her parents had only met Ludi during their", "psg_id": "5220905" }, { "title": "What Hetty Did", "text": "What Hetty Did What Hetty Did is the seventh novel by J.L. Carr, published in 1988 when he was 76 years old. The novel describes the experiences of an 18-year-old girl. Hetty Birtwisle has been brought up by adoptive parents in the Fens; after a beating by her father, discovering that she was adopted, she flees to Birmingham where she has learnt she was born and alters her surname to Beauchamp. Hetty Beauchamp comes across several characters from Carr's other novels in the boarding house in which she lives, including Emma Foxberrow, a teacher in \"The Harpole Report\" and Edward", "psg_id": "11856925" }, { "title": "What Hetty Did", "text": "early 20s. The story was adapted by Ellen Dryden for BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour Drama in 2004. What Hetty Did What Hetty Did is the seventh novel by J.L. Carr, published in 1988 when he was 76 years old. The novel describes the experiences of an 18-year-old girl. Hetty Birtwisle has been brought up by adoptive parents in the Fens; after a beating by her father, discovering that she was adopted, she flees to Birmingham where she has learnt she was born and alters her surname to Beauchamp. Hetty Beauchamp comes across several characters from Carr's other novels in", "psg_id": "11856928" }, { "title": "What Katy Did", "text": "as Dorry, Bryn McAuley as Joanna, and Dean Stockwell as \"Tramp\". A 1972 UK movie adaptation, \"Katy\", starred Clare Walker, and the 1962 eight-part TV series made in the UK, also called \"Katy\", featured rising star Susan Hampshire in the title role. In 2015, author Jacqueline Wilson wrote her novel \"Katy\", which is a modern retelling of \"What Katy Did\". The August 2016 edition of Storytime featured a new illustrated adaptation with illustrations by Italian artist Marco Guadalupi. \"What Katy Did\" was followed by four sequels: \"What Katy Did at School\" in which Katy and Clover attend the fictional Hillsover", "psg_id": "7578097" }, { "title": "What the Rose did to the Cypress", "text": "and drank. A faqir asked him what he did there. He told him his story and asked the faqir's, repeating when the faqir put him off, until the faqir told him he had been a king, and his seven sons had all tried to win a princess whose hand could only be won by answering the riddle, \"What did the rose do to the cypress?\" and died for their failure. His grief sent him into the desert. This inspired the son with a love for the same princess. His attendants found him and brought him back, but he grew ill", "psg_id": "8543550" }, { "title": "Mark Felt", "text": "but was pardoned by President Ronald Reagan during his appeal. Felt published two memoirs: \"The FBI Pyramid\" in 1979 (updated in 2006), and \"A G-Man's Life\", written with John O'Connor, in 2006. In 2012, the FBI released Felt's personnel file, covering the period from 1941 to 1978. It also released files pertaining to an extortion threat made against Felt in 1956. Born on August 17, 1913, in Twin Falls, Idaho, Felt was the son of Rose R. Dygert and Mark Earl Felt, a carpenter and building contractor. His paternal grandfather was a Free Will Baptist minister. His maternal grandparents were", "psg_id": "5220858" }, { "title": "Marked for Death", "text": "that it was another solid Seagal action film. In a less than favorable response from \"Entertainment Weekly\", they wrote that the film is partially \"undone by murky cinematography\". \"Marked for Death\" opened at #1 at the box office, making it his third straight film to open at #1. It earned a little more than $43 million domestically and $58 million worldwide. A soundtrack containing hip hop, reggae, and R&B music was released on September 27, 1990 by Delicious Vinyl. Marked for Death Marked for Death is a 1990 American action film directed by Dwight H. Little. The film stars Steven", "psg_id": "762881" }, { "title": "Felt (The Chain Gang of 1974 album)", "text": "album. \"Felt\" represents a more pop-oriented approach to The Chain Gang of 1974, with Mohager having found \"pleasure in a chord progression that unites big crowds\", during the period before the album's production, justifying that \"as long as the song has a bit of an 'X-Factor' to it, I am now no longer afraid of creating more pop-oriented music.\" Mohager described \"Felt\" as an exploration of \"love, heartbreak, infidelity, addiction, death, [and] family\", stating that the album was him openly discussing \"the feelings of [his] past.\" In composing what Mohager felt was the most \"honest\" album he's created, he deemed", "psg_id": "20221366" }, { "title": "What We Did Last Summer", "text": "bungee rope is identical to him doing the same on the cover of his newly released album \"Escapology\". Williams entrance was accompanied by \"Let Me Entertain You\", a song he often uses as the first song. As he often does, Williams dedicated his 12th song \"No Regrets\" to his former Take That bandmates Gary Barlow, Jason Orange, Mark Owen, and Howard Donald. The performance of \"Back for Good\" on the third night by Williams and Owen was not included in the main section of the DVD. What We Did Last Summer What We Did Last Summer – Robbie Williams: Live", "psg_id": "14693059" }, { "title": "Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death)", "text": "home in the Hollywood Hills, during which he considered how to respond to the controversy. Manson said the maelstrom made him re-evaluate his career: \"There was a bit of trepidation, [in] deciding: 'Is it worth it? Are people understanding what I'm trying to say? Am I even gonna be allowed to say it?' Because I definitely had every single door shut in my face ... there were not a lot of people who stood behind me.\" He told \"Alternative Press\" that he felt his safety was threatened to the point that he \"could be shot Mark David Chapman-style.\" He began", "psg_id": "1765358" }, { "title": "Athletics at the 2008 Summer Olympics – Men's long jump", "text": "Olympic records were set for this event. Qualifying Performance 8.15 (Q) or at least 12 best performers (q) advance to the Final. DNS — Did Not Start NM — No Mark <br> Athletics at the 2008 Summer Olympics – Men's long jump The men's long jump at the 2008 Olympic Games took place on 16 and 18 August at the Beijing Olympic Stadium. The qualifying standards were 8.20 m (26.9 ft) (A standard) and 8.05 m (26.41 ft) (B standard). This event marked the first time that an American did not compete in the final phase in a non-boycotted Olympic", "psg_id": "12248554" }, { "title": "George White's Scandals", "text": "\"Ziegfeld Follies\" star Ann Pennington and Tom Patricola, touched off a national dance craze. \"George White's Scandals\" is also the name of several movies set within the \"Scandals\", all of which focus primarily on the show's acts, with a thin backstage plot stringing them all together. The best known of these was 1934's \"George White's Scandals\" written by Jack Yellen, which marked the film debut of Alice Faye. Flapper-era cartoonist and designer Russell Patterson worked on Broadway in various capacities; for \"George White's Scandals of 1936,\" he served as scenic designer. \"George White's Scandals of 1920\" was featured in an", "psg_id": "5822616" }, { "title": "What the Rose did to the Cypress", "text": "lived happily with his four wives. What the Rose did to the Cypress What the Rose did to the Cypress is a Persian fairy tale. Andrew Lang included it in \"The Brown Fairy Book\" (1904), with the note \"Translated from two Persian MSS. in the possession of the British Museum and the India Office, and adapted, with some reservations, by Annette S. Beveridge.\" A king had three sons. The oldest went hunting and chased a deer, giving orders that it should be captured rather than killed. It led him to a sandy waste where his horse died. He found a", "psg_id": "8543560" }, { "title": "What the Rose did to the Cypress", "text": "What the Rose did to the Cypress What the Rose did to the Cypress is a Persian fairy tale. Andrew Lang included it in \"The Brown Fairy Book\" (1904), with the note \"Translated from two Persian MSS. in the possession of the British Museum and the India Office, and adapted, with some reservations, by Annette S. Beveridge.\" A king had three sons. The oldest went hunting and chased a deer, giving orders that it should be captured rather than killed. It led him to a sandy waste where his horse died. He found a tree with a spring beneath it", "psg_id": "8543549" }, { "title": "What Did You Do in the War, Daddy?", "text": "shelved when, during the scene where Captain Cash visits Charlie Company at their chow line, he holds out his hand and one of the GI mess orderly's ladles beans into the captain's hand. The score is by Henry Mancini. It includes \"The Swing March\" and \"In the Arms of Love\". What Did You Do in the War, Daddy? What Did You Do in the War, Daddy? is a 1966 comedy DeLuxe Color film written by William Peter Blatty and directed by Blake Edwards for the Mirisch Company in Panavision. It stars James Coburn and Dick Shawn. Filming was at Lake", "psg_id": "8001782" }, { "title": "Manila in the Claws of Light", "text": "of Rafael Roco, Jr. \"The Claws of Light\" marked what would become the first lead role for Roco. To play the love of Julio's life, Brocka did not have to look too far. The role of Ligaya Paraiso was a natural choice for his protégé, Hilda Koronel. Lou Salvador, Jr., a former matinee idol famous for playing angst-ridden romantic leads in LVN's teen rebel pictures, was cast against type as the wise and sympathetic Atong. Character actor Tommy Yap nabbed the role of the rarely-seen antagonist, Ah-Tek. Yap would later appear—albeit less significantly—in Brocka's \"Insiang\", alongside Koronel. Majority of the", "psg_id": "10344095" }, { "title": "The Marked Men", "text": "Pulliam moved to Japan, they added Ayoub to form The Marked Men. Each member is also concurrently active in other bands. Burke plays in The Chopsakis, The Potential Johns, Grave City (since 2014, with Ryan), and, since 2010, The Novice. The Novice has now become Radioactivity. Ryan and Throneberry play in High Tension Wires with former Reds bassist Pulliam and Riverboat Gamblers frontman Mike Wiebe, and Ayoub plays in The Gash and Low Culture. Mark Ryan has a solo project called The Mind Spiders which has released three albums and several 7-inches. Jeff returned from Japan in August 2012 and", "psg_id": "7426308" }, { "title": "Mark Felt", "text": "visit in 1974. After Audrey's death, Felt began making yearly visits to see Joan and his grandsons, and they also came to visit him and his new girlfriend, who lived in the same apartment complex. In 1990, Felt permanently moved to Santa Rosa, leaving behind his entire life in Alexandria. He bought a house where he lived with Joan, and took care of the boys while she worked, teaching at Sonoma State University and Santa Rosa Junior College. He suffered a stroke before 1999, as reported by Kessler in his book \"The Bureau.\" According to Kessler's book, in the summer", "psg_id": "5220906" }, { "title": "Mark Felt", "text": "visited all of the Bureau's field offices except Honolulu. His frequent absences led to the nickname \"Three-Day Gray\". These absences, combined with Gray's hospitalization and recuperation from November 20, 1972, to January 2, 1973, meant that Felt was effectively in charge for much of his final year at the Bureau. Bob Woodward wrote \"Gray got to be director of the FBI and Felt did the work.\" Felt wrote in his memoir: The record amply demonstrates that President Nixon made Pat Gray the Acting Director of the FBI because he wanted a politician in J. Edgar Hoover's position who would convert", "psg_id": "5220873" }, { "title": "The Dance of Death (Strindberg play)", "text": "of the human soul towards the conclusion. In the final moment, what has survived amid the emotional and psychological wreckage is, unexpectedly, the marriage. The play ends right where it started. In \"Dance of Death II\", Alice explains that when the Captain fell down in Part I, it was nearly fatal and has left him a parasite. He is still able to make some financial speculations that ruthlessly benefit himself and cause Kurt to lose his money. Alice seems tougher and less human than before. Judith, the couple's daughter, wants to marry Kurt's son, Allan, as the children are shown", "psg_id": "8255261" }, { "title": "Mark Felt", "text": "only after receiving Gray's approval. In a letter submitted to the committee in rebuttal of Gandy's testimony, Gray vehemently denied ever giving such permission. Both Gandy's testimony and Gray's letter were included in the committee's final report. In his memoir, Felt expressed mixed feelings about Gray. He was the first person appointed as head of the FBI who had no experience in the agency, but he had experience in the Navy. While noting Gray did work hard, Felt was critical of how often he was away from FBI headquarters. Gray lived in Stonington, Connecticut, and commuted to Washington. He also", "psg_id": "5220872" }, { "title": "Marked for Death", "text": "Marked for Death Marked for Death is a 1990 American action film directed by Dwight H. Little. The film stars Steven Seagal as John Hatcher, a former DEA troubleshooter who returns to his Illinois hometown only to find it taken over by a gang of vicious Jamaican drug dealers led by Screwface using a combination of fear and Obeah, a Jamaican syncretic religion of West African and Caribbean origin similar to Haitian vodou and Santería as practiced in Cuba. Chicago DEA agent John Hatcher returns from Colombia, where drug dealers killed his partner Chico. As a result of Chico's death", "psg_id": "762871" }, { "title": "What Did the Ancient Israelites Eat?", "text": "MacDonald argues that the diet of the Israelites was very high in bread and grains and often contained little meat or vegetables, leading many to become deficient in vitamins and minerals. He also notes that they endured frequent famines. He criticizes the Bible Diet and maintains that the bible is best used to provide religious and moral, rather than nutritional, instruction. He argues that while people who attempt to determine an ideal diet based on the bible may offer sound nutritional advice, they frequently use flawed hermeneutics to arrive at their conclusions. What Did the Ancient Israelites Eat? What Did", "psg_id": "15721809" }, { "title": "What Katy Did", "text": "up: \"What Katy Did at School\" and \"What Katy Did Next\". Two further sequels relating the adventures of Katy's younger siblings were also published—\"Clover\" and \"In the High Valley\". The books were frequently reprinted and all are available online. Coolidge modeled Katy on her own childhood self, and the other 'Little Carrs' on her brothers and sisters. The title is a play on the katydid, a family of insects – which explains the insects on the first edition book cover. 12-year-old Katy Carr lives with her widowed father and her two brothers and three sisters in Burnet, a small midwestern", "psg_id": "7578085" }, { "title": "What Richard Did", "text": "Festival in Turkey. The film was released on DVD in Ireland on 8 February 2013. What Richard Did What Richard Did is a 2012 Irish film directed by Lenny Abrahamson and written by Malcolm Campbell. The film is loosely based on Kevin Power's \"Bad Day in Blackrock\", a fictionalised novel inspired by the real-life death of Brian Murphy in 2000. It won the best Irish film of the year award at the 10th Irish Film & Television Awards and was the most commercially successful Irish film of 2012. It has screened at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival and the", "psg_id": "16918902" }, { "title": "What Richard Did", "text": "What Richard Did What Richard Did is a 2012 Irish film directed by Lenny Abrahamson and written by Malcolm Campbell. The film is loosely based on Kevin Power's \"Bad Day in Blackrock\", a fictionalised novel inspired by the real-life death of Brian Murphy in 2000. It won the best Irish film of the year award at the 10th Irish Film & Television Awards and was the most commercially successful Irish film of 2012. It has screened at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival and the BFI London Film Festival and was selected to screen at the Tribeca Film Festival in", "psg_id": "16918894" }, { "title": "Mark Felt", "text": "at the Bureau was January 26, 1942. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover often moved Bureau agents around so they would have wide experience in the field. This was typical of other agencies and corporations of the time. Felt observed that Hoover \"wanted every agent to get into any field office at any time. Since he [Hoover] had never been transferred and did not have a family, he had no idea of the financial and personal hardship involved.\" After completing 16 weeks of training at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia, and FBI Headquarters in Washington, Felt was assigned to Texas,", "psg_id": "5220862" }, { "title": "Church of the First Born of the Lamb of God", "text": "had been murdered on the orders of her husband, she threw a fit. Another of her daughters, Lillian (who was married to Mark Chynoweth) warned her that if she did not settle down and accept the righteousness of Rebecca's death, she would also be marked for blood atonement. Believing that her son-in-law and daughter were preparing to murder her, Delfina and her youngest daughter snuck out of Lillian's house and fled to Mexico. Ervil had never given up the idea of killing his brother Verlan. He hatched a plan to flush Verlan out of hiding. He convinced his now 18-year-old", "psg_id": "19438687" }, { "title": "Death and the Maiden (play)", "text": "premiere was staged at the Malmö Opera on 20 September 2008. Death and the Maiden (play) Death and the Maiden is a 1990 play by Chilean playwright Ariel Dorfman. The world premiere was staged at the Royal Court Theatre in London on 9 July 1991, directed by Lindsay Posner. It had one reading and one workshop production prior to its world premiere. The time is the present and the place, a country that is probably Chile but could be any country that has given itself a democratic government just after a long period of dictatorship. Paulina Salas is a former", "psg_id": "2902216" }, { "title": "It's Only the End of the World (play)", "text": "monologues of varying lengths, sometimes repeating themselves or violating proper grammar. The characters' struggle to communicate, sometimes attempting to restate what they meant, is a theme in the play, illustrated by a scene where Suzanne criticizes two family members for shaking hands like strangers. Contradictory stage directions state the play is set on \"a Sunday\", but also covers almost one year. Canadian director Xavier Dolan said that when he originally read the play, he felt lost, citing its style and the aggressive nature of the characters. He later re-read it, saying \"One day, I don't know what it was, I", "psg_id": "20002299" }, { "title": "2017–18 United States political sexual scandals", "text": "2017–18 United States political sexual scandals The 2017–18 United States political sexual scandals include multiple allegations of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment and sexual assault, and subsequent firings and resignations of American politicians in 2017 and 2018. Some of these allegations are linked to the aftermath of the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse allegations starting in October 2017. On January 12, 2018, \"The Wall Street Journal\" reported that Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen paid porn star Stormy Daniels $130,000 in October 2016, shortly before the presidential election, as hush money to deny having had an affair with Trump in 2006.<ref", "psg_id": "20474352" }, { "title": "2017–18 United States political sexual scandals", "text": "Christine Blasey Ford accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault during a high school party, and Deborah Ramirez, a Yale classmate, accused him of indecent exposure during their freshman year. 2017–18 United States political sexual scandals The 2017–18 United States political sexual scandals include multiple allegations of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment and sexual assault, and subsequent firings and resignations of American politicians in 2017 and 2018. Some of these allegations are linked to the aftermath of the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse allegations starting in October 2017. On January 12, 2018, \"The Wall Street Journal\" reported that Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Michael", "psg_id": "20474374" }, { "title": "Mark Felt", "text": "did not enjoy his work. His workload was very light, and he was assigned to investigate whether a toilet paper brand, called \"Red Cross\", was misleading consumers into thinking it was endorsed by the American Red Cross. Felt wrote in his memoir: My research, which required days of travel and hundreds of interviews, produced two definite conclusions: 1. Most people \"did\" use toilet tissue. 2. Most people \"did not\" appreciate being asked about it. That was when I started looking for other employment. He applied for a job with the FBI in November 1941 and was accepted. His first day", "psg_id": "5220861" }, { "title": "Watergate Babies", "text": "House Democratic Caucus. They teamed up with some more senior liberals to strike a blow against the seniority system and overthrew three committee chairmen whom they viewed as too conservative and/or too old to represent the Democratic Party in these prominent positions: William Poage, Wright Patman and F. Edward Hébert. Two of these Watergate Babies are current members of the U.S. Congress: \"Watergate Babies\" can also apply to those Democrats elected to state or local office in 1974. \"Democrats made substantial state legislative gains in a large number of states in 1974, the Watergate election,\" the political scientist Malcolm Jewell", "psg_id": "7965507" }, { "title": "Mark Sanford (basketball)", "text": "8 inches and played football. Mark told his father that he would play in the NFL, but in his heart - even back then - he felt he would never leave the impoverished neighborhood of South Oak Cliff, in Dallas, Texas. In the year following his father's death, Mark grew 8 inches, going from 5 feet 10 inches to 6 feet 6 inches. He stopped growing at 6 feet 10 inches. Sanford attended Dallas Carter High School and did not start playing basketball until he was in the tenth grade. In his first year of playing organized basketball Sanford won", "psg_id": "13572471" }, { "title": "The Dance of Death (Auden play)", "text": "The Dance of Death (Auden play) The Dance of Death is a one-act play in verse and prose by W. H. Auden, published in 1933. \"The Dance of Death\" is a satiric musical extravaganza that portrays the \"death inside\" the middle classes as a silent dancer. The dancer first attempts to keep himself alive through escapism at a resort hotel, then through nationalistic enthusiasm, then through idealism, then through a New Year's party at a brothel, before he finally dies. Karl Marx appears on stage and pronounces the dancer dead. \"The instruments of production have been too much for him.\"", "psg_id": "9461283" }, { "title": "Horn in the West", "text": "actors over the years. William Ross originated the role of Dr. Stuart. James Maddux acted the role for several years; as did Mark Allen Woodard, who portrayed Dr. Stuart from 2003 until 2007; Andrew Dylan Ray, who portrayed the Doctor from 2008–2011; Ryan Gentry, who held the role in 2012 and 2013, J. J. McCarson in 2014, and Jake Duvall-Early, the latest performer in the role.The original performer cast as Daniel Boone in the show was Ned Austin. He was followed by Glenn Causey, who donned Boone's \"coon-skin cap\" for forty-one years until shortly before his death (and is still", "psg_id": "7803277" }, { "title": "The Play What I Wrote", "text": "not win, the production did achieve an Olivier Award for best comedy and for best actor in a supporting role for Jones. The play opened on Broadway at the Lyceum Theatre on March 30, 2003 and closed on June 15, 2003 after 89 performances. It was nominated for the 2003 Tony Award for Special Theatrical Event but did not win. One of the show's producers was Mike Nichols, with the cast that featured Sean Foley, Hamish McColl, Toby Jones and Kevin Kline (guest). The script was only slightly rewritten for the benefit of American audiences who were unlikely to have", "psg_id": "11463661" }, { "title": "Mark of the Ninja", "text": "the ritual sword and Ora dissolves into inky nothingness as the Marked ninja sputters his last breath and dies in the courtyard. Lead designer Nels Anderson has stated that his principal inspiration in making \"Mark of the Ninja\" was the lack of stealthy ninjas in games like \"Ninja Gaiden\", which he felt should be the norm, and Klei Entertainment founder Jamie Cheng said that it was important to the developers to make nonlethal tactics rewarding to the player \"It took a lot of experimentation to allow players to feel like a badass ninja while at the same time feel the", "psg_id": "16765009" }, { "title": "What Did You Do in the War, Daddy?", "text": "What Did You Do in the War, Daddy? What Did You Do in the War, Daddy? is a 1966 comedy DeLuxe Color film written by William Peter Blatty and directed by Blake Edwards for the Mirisch Company in Panavision. It stars James Coburn and Dick Shawn. Filming was at Lake Sherwood Ranch in Thousand Hills, 40 miles northwest of Hollywood. In what had been a cow pasture, designer Fernando Carrere fabricated a storybook Sicilian village which added $800,000 to the production's already elevated $5.5 million budget. Captain Lionel Cash (Dick Shawn), a staff officer under General Max Bolt (Carroll O'Connor),", "psg_id": "8001773" }, { "title": "Worse than Watergate", "text": "Worse than Watergate Worse than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush is a 2004 book by author and Watergate figure John W. Dean. Dean criticizes the secrecy employed by US President Bush and his Vice-President Dick Cheney, depriving citizens of the ability to make informed decisions, and draws parallels with the government of US President Richard Nixon for whom he served as legal counsel. He also draws attention to potentially serious issues that, as of 2004, had been given a low profile in the US media. In particular, he notes that the 18 March 2003 presidential determination, a", "psg_id": "8836229" }, { "title": "What Did I Do to You?", "text": "What Did I Do to You? \"What Did I Do to You?\" is a song recorded by British singer Lisa Stansfield for her 1989 album, \"Affection\". It was written by Stansfield, Ian Devaney and Andy Morris, and produced by Devaney and Morris. The song received positive reviews from music critics. \"What Did I Do to You?\" was released as the fourth European single on 30 April 1990. It included three previously unreleased songs written by Stansfield, Devaney and Morris: \"My Apple Heart,\" \"Lay Me Down\" and \"Something's Happenin'.\" \"What Did I Do to You?\" was remixed by Mark Saunders and", "psg_id": "17338140" }, { "title": "The Play What I Wrote", "text": "Branagh. The play proved a prolonged success and earned positive reviews. Michael Billington, reviewing for \"The Guardian\", wrote: \"The real joy of the evening, however, is that the gags come thick and fast, producing a kind of comic delirium. Matt Wolf, reviewing for \"Variety\", wrote \"’s the innocence of “The Play What I Wrote” (the grammatical inaccuracy of the title is part of its point) that represents the evening’s best calling card...the evening trades in old-fashioned verbal jokes...and visual ones.\" It won Foley and McColl a joint Best Actor nomination at the 2002 Laurence Olivier Awards and, although they did", "psg_id": "11463660" }, { "title": "Mark Felt", "text": "Throat for many years. They realized the truth after his retirement, when they became aware of his close friendship with Bob Woodward. Nixon's Chief Counsel Charles Colson, who served prison time for his actions in the Nixon White House, said Felt had violated \"his oath to keep this nation's secrets\". A \"Los Angeles Times\" editorial argued that this argument was specious, \"as if there's no difference between nuclear strategy and rounding up hush money to silence your hired burglars.\" Ralph de Toledano, who co-wrote Felt's 1979 memoir, said Mark Felt Jr. had approached him in 2004 to buy Toledano's half", "psg_id": "5220920" }, { "title": "Mark Felt", "text": "York Times\". Nixon said, \"he's a bad guy, you see.\" He said that William Sullivan had told him of Felt's ambition to be Director of the Bureau. Felt called his relationship with Ruckelshaus \"stormy.\" In his memoir, Felt describes Ruckelshaus as a \"security guard sent to see that the FBI did nothing which would displease Mr. Nixon.\" In mid-1973, \"The New York Times\" published a series of articles about wiretaps that had been ordered by J. Edgar Hoover during his tenure at the FBI. Ruckelshaus believed that the information must have come from someone at the FBI. In June 1973,", "psg_id": "5220887" }, { "title": "You Know What You Did", "text": "DiVello, Liz Gateley, Sara Mast, Andrew Perry, Jason Sands, Robyn Schnieders, Sean Travis, Michael \"Spike\" Van Briesen, and Rick Van Meter. The episode was met with generally favorable reviews from critics, who felt that the changed dynamic between Conrad and Montag was entertaining for television. It was additionally notable for Conrad's delivery of the titular line \"You know what you did!\" when speaking to Montag, which has since been recognized as an iconic moment from the series. According to Nielsen ratings, \"You Know What You Did\" was watched by 3.6 million viewers in its original airing. The episode was released", "psg_id": "10149534" }, { "title": "Mark Curran", "text": "his call for prison reform for Illinois, including faith-based programming in prisons. John Idleburg defeated Mark Curran in the 2018 general election. In August 2008, Curran made national news when he voluntarily spent a week in the Lake County Jail. On December 15, 2008 Curran announced that he was switching from the Democratic to Republican Party, calling his decision a \"matter of conscience.\" Curran stated that the scandals of Democratic Governor Rod Blagojevich played a role in his decision to switch parties Curran holds a J.D. Chicago-Kent College of Law and a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from Spring Hill", "psg_id": "14366981" } ]
[ "deep throat (disambiguation)", "deepthroat", "deep throat", "deep-throat", "deep throat" ]
what is the name of the christmas poo, who emerges from the toilet bowl on christmas eve and brings presents to good boys and girls whose diets have been high in fiber, who appears on tvs south park?
[ { "title": "Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo", "text": "Kyle's song and some of Kenny's antics, but said the episode was not as funny as \"The Spirit of Christmas\" shorts. Rohan said \"South Park\" \"can be brilliantly over the edge, but often tonight, it sorely needs a comic bungee cord\". In 2003, the Chicago-based \"RedEye\" ranked \"Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo\" the greatest \"South Park\" episode. In October 2004, the Comedy Central website held a poll to determine the top 27 \"South Park\" episodes for a television marathon; \"Mr Hankey, the Christmas Poo\" came third, just behind \"Good Times with Weapons\" at #2 and \"Fat Butt and Pancake Head\"", "psg_id": "5937165" } ]
[ { "title": "The Wounded Buzzard on Christmas Eve", "text": "The Wounded Buzzard on Christmas Eve The Wounded Buzzard on Christmas Eve is the 13th book in the \"Hank the Cowdog\" book series. It is Christmas Eve on the ranch on which Hank the Cowdog and his assistant, Drover, live. It starts off with them running to see a truck that is coming down the road. Out comes the ranch hand, Slim, and Slim puts down a package that Hank thinks is for him. Slim then trips over the local cat, Pete. In the end the package turns out to be for the ranch's owner, High Loper. High Loper then", "psg_id": "11682406" }, { "title": "Queer Boys and Girls on the Shinkansen", "text": "for a queer audience. Each short is its own short story, and the styles range from drama and experimental film and animation. The movie consists of twelve acts. Queer Boys and Girls on the Shinkansen Queer Boys and Girls on the Shinkansen is a 2004 Japanese movie produced by habakari-cinema+records. The English title is \"Queer Boys and Girls on the Bullet Train\". Queer Boys and Girls on the Shinkansen brings together ten filmmakers and artists who consistently affirm what it means to be gay or lesbian in their work. Habakari chose ten filmmakers to make a five-minute work each, developed", "psg_id": "7183039" }, { "title": "Queer Boys and Girls on the Shinkansen", "text": "Queer Boys and Girls on the Shinkansen Queer Boys and Girls on the Shinkansen is a 2004 Japanese movie produced by habakari-cinema+records. The English title is \"Queer Boys and Girls on the Bullet Train\". Queer Boys and Girls on the Shinkansen brings together ten filmmakers and artists who consistently affirm what it means to be gay or lesbian in their work. Habakari chose ten filmmakers to make a five-minute work each, developed around a gay or lesbian theme, and compiled the resulting shorts in random order to create this omnibus film. The result is a queer film, by queer filmmakers,", "psg_id": "7183038" }, { "title": "Merry Christmas from the Beach Boys", "text": "Merry Christmas from the Beach Boys Merry Christmas from the Beach Boys is an unreleased studio album by American rock band the Beach Boys. Planned for issue in November/December 1978, the album would have followed their twenty-first studio album \"Love You\" (1977) and their only Christmas-themed album \"The Beach Boys' Christmas Album\" (1964). Its content was a mixture of original songs penned by the group and traditional standards. The album was produced by Brian Wilson after the dissolution of \"Adult Child\" (unreleased), but ultimately rejected by Warner Bros. Records who was reportedly \"highly skeptical\" that Wilson was anywhere on it.", "psg_id": "19039488" }, { "title": "Christmas traditions", "text": "beginning of Christmas in Austria. On Christmas Eve (December 24) the tree is lit for the first time and the whole family gathers to sing Christmas carols like \"Silent Night, Holy Night\". Gifts that are placed under the tree are opened after dinner on Christmas Eve. Austrian Christmas tradition has it that it is the Christ Child himself who decorates the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve and brings the children their Christmas presents, and it is to him that their letters and wish lists are addressed in the weeks before Christmas. The Christmas Eve dinner is the main event of", "psg_id": "4325207" }, { "title": "The Ghosts of Christmas Eve", "text": "The Ghosts of Christmas Eve The Ghosts of Christmas Eve is a 1999 made-for-television film showcasing a Christmas music performance by Trans-Siberian Orchestra, starring Ossie Davis and Allie Sheridan. Guest performers included Michael Crawford and Jewel. Other performers include Bob Kinkel, Al Pitrelli, Chris Caffery, Johnny Lee Middleton, Jeff Plate, Tony Gaynor, Daryl Pediford and Tommy Farese. The songs are presented in such a way as to form a storyline about a runaway who takes refuge in an abandoned theatre on Christmas Eve, and experiences the musical performances as ghostly visions from the theatre's past. Ossie Davis as the caretaker,", "psg_id": "14013407" }, { "title": "The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation", "text": "knocking down a tower of Christmas presents. The family finds the dogs at the village. London James gets her necklace back, Ted and Stewey are arrested, and Zeus and Bella become a couple. The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation is a 2010 sequel to the ABC Family 2009 movie \"The Dog Who Saved Christmas\". The movie stars Paris Hilton (in her first voice role) and Mario Lopez. It premiered on ABC Family on November 28, 2010 during the Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas programming block and was written by Michael Ciminera and Richard", "psg_id": "14959777" }, { "title": "Merry Christmas from the Family", "text": "wife, Kay, chain smokes and \"talks all about AA.\" Extended family also appear. Fred and Rita—whose relationship to the narrator appears to have been forgotten—arrive from Harlingen in a motor home, which when plugged in, overloads the electrical system and knocks out the family's Christmas lights. The family then waits on the front lawn and joins together in singing \"Silent Night\" when cousin David flips the breaker that brings the lights back on. Keen calls the song the \"\"Rocky Horror Picture Show\" of Christmas songs\" saying that whether singing before a group of 1000 or 6000 the entire audience sings", "psg_id": "10990145" }, { "title": "The Dog Who Saved Christmas", "text": "blowing off a five-year investigation and his partner can't shoot straight again and ends up at the pound. He is adopted by George Bannister as both an early Christmas present and as a good guard dog for the house, but the mom is hesitant and didn't want a dog. The dog is left home alone on Christmas Eve when the family head off to visit Grandma's house. A pair of burglars, Ted Stein and Stewey McMann break into the family home, and it is up to Zeus to save Christmas for his new family by setting up booby traps to", "psg_id": "14046831" }, { "title": "The Lost Christmas Eve", "text": "when they, \"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.\" The album is certified double platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America. As of December 2014, it has sold 2,380,000 copies in the United States. The Lost Christmas Eve The Lost Christmas Eve is the fourth album by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. It was released on October 12, 2004, and is the last album in their \"Christmas trilogy\", with \"Christmas Eve and Other Stories\" (1996) and \"The Christmas Attic\" (1998) coming before it. All three albums, as well as their \"The Ghosts of Christmas Eve\" DVD, were", "psg_id": "9150410" }, { "title": "The Wounded Buzzard on Christmas Eve", "text": "was still able to walk. Junior, Wallace's son, goes running out into the street and makes the horse that pulls Santa Claus's sleigh jump. Hank meets face to face with Buster. The horse begins to jump every which way. And then Slim comes out and stops the horse from causing to much chaos, and saving Santa Claus. The stray dogs then run away. In the end they send Wallace off into the wilderness with his son, Junior. The Wounded Buzzard on Christmas Eve The Wounded Buzzard on Christmas Eve is the 13th book in the \"Hank the Cowdog\" book series.", "psg_id": "11682409" }, { "title": "Christmas on the International Space Station", "text": "and Anton Shkaplerov. On 24 December 2013, astronauts made a rare Christmas Eve extravehicular activity, installing a new ammonia pump for the station's cooling system. The faulty cooling system had failed earlier in the month, halting many of the station's science experiments. Astronauts had to brave a \"mini blizzard\" of noxious ammonia while installing the new pump. It was only the second Christmas Eve spacewalk in NASA history. On 25 December 2016 the crew celebrated Christmas by floating in micro-gravity and opening Christmas presents recently delivered on a Japanese cargo spacecraft. One astronaut wore a Santa hat in orbit. The", "psg_id": "16179772" }, { "title": "Christmas Eve", "text": "The annual \"Nine Lessons and Carols\", broadcast from King's College, Cambridge on Christmas Eve, has established itself a Christmas custom in the United Kingdom. It is broadcast outside the UK via the BBC World Service, and is also bought by broadcasters around the world. In the Byzantine Rite, Christmas Eve is referred to as Paramony (\"preparation\"). It is the concluding day of the Nativity Fast and is observed as a day of strict fasting by those devout Byzantine Christians who are physically capable of doing so. In some traditions, nothing is eaten until the first star appears in the evening", "psg_id": "1378841" }, { "title": "The Lost Christmas Eve", "text": "The Lost Christmas Eve The Lost Christmas Eve is the fourth album by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. It was released on October 12, 2004, and is the last album in their \"Christmas trilogy\", with \"Christmas Eve and Other Stories\" (1996) and \"The Christmas Attic\" (1998) coming before it. All three albums, as well as their \"The Ghosts of Christmas Eve\" DVD, were featured in the box set of \"The Christmas Trilogy\". In 2012 Trans-Siberian Orchestra toured a live production of \"The Lost Christmas Eve\" for the first time and performed the Rock Opera in over 100 arena shows across North America.", "psg_id": "9150398" }, { "title": "Merry Christmas from the Beach Boys", "text": "Christmas\" and \"Melekalikimaka\" (also known as \"Kona Christmas\"). Track sequencing adapted from Andrew Doe. Merry Christmas from the Beach Boys Merry Christmas from the Beach Boys is an unreleased studio album by American rock band the Beach Boys. Planned for issue in November/December 1978, the album would have followed their twenty-first studio album \"Love You\" (1977) and their only Christmas-themed album \"The Beach Boys' Christmas Album\" (1964). Its content was a mixture of original songs penned by the group and traditional standards. The album was produced by Brian Wilson after the dissolution of \"Adult Child\" (unreleased), but ultimately rejected by", "psg_id": "19039491" }, { "title": "Christmas Eve on Sesame Street", "text": "was released on VHS in 1987 and 1995, and on DVD in 2002 and 2008. The \"Christmas Eve on Sesame Street\" album features several of the songs from the television special, along with narration. It was nominated for a Grammy Award, but lost to \"In Harmony: A Sesame Street Record\". Christmas Eve on Sesame Street Christmas Eve on Sesame Street is a \"Sesame Street\" Christmas special first broadcast on PBS on Sunday, December 3, 1978. The opening features the inhabitants of Sesame Street enjoying an ice skating party. Big Bird has trouble skating, but a child gives him a hand,", "psg_id": "2684535" }, { "title": "The Lost Christmas Eve", "text": "to SoundScan. \"The Lost Christmas Eve\" is the final installment In TSO's Christmas trilogy. \"The record continues the tradition of its two predecessors by telling a musical tale of loss and redemption, this one encompassing a rundown hotel, an old toy store, a blues bar, a gothic cathedral and their respective inhabitants, whose destines are intertwined by a single enchanted evening in New York City. The story starts with a teardrop of infinite sorrow falling from the heavens towards a business man who forty years prior had abandoned his newborn son to a state run institution, and how there is", "psg_id": "9150400" }, { "title": "Christmas traditions", "text": "Catholic regions of Central Europe, the \"Christkind\" (literally \"Christ child\") brings the presents on the evening of December 24 (Holy Evening or Heiliger Abend). The Christkind is invisible; thus he is never seen by anyone. However, he rings a bell just before he leaves in order to let children know that the Christmas tree and the presents are ready. It is a tradition to lavishly decorate a Christmas tree in the days directly before Christmas or on the morning of Christmas Eve. On late Christmas Eve, after the bell rings, the tree is shown to the children and presents are", "psg_id": "4325203" }, { "title": "Christmas Who?", "text": "Christmas Who? \"Christmas Who?\" (also known as \"The SpongeBob Christmas Special\") is a \"SpongeBob SquarePants\" special episode from season two. The episode aired on Nickelodeon in the United States on December 6, 2000. It is the series' first double-length episode. The episode marks the first appearance of both Patchy the Pirate and his pet parrot, Potty. The episode follows SpongeBob as he learns what Christmas is about, and as he creates excitement for everyone in Bikini Bottom. In Encino, California, the French Narrator introduces the president of the SpongeBob SquarePants fan club, Patchy the Pirate (played by Tom Kenny), a", "psg_id": "13565026" }, { "title": "The Trolls and the Christmas Express", "text": "The Trolls and the Christmas Express The Trolls and the Christmas Express is a 1981 animated Christmas television special produced by the Canadian-based Atkinson Film-Arts. It was originally broadcast on HBO on December 9, 1981. Six troublesome trolls, whose leader is called Troglo (voiced by Hans Conried), use their mischievous magic to sabotage Christmas by infiltrating Santa's village disguised as elves. After a week of wreaking havoc but still not completely ruining Christmas, the trolls get a devilishly clever idea: on the day before Christmas Eve, they get the reindeer dancing and singing all night long. The next day, the", "psg_id": "18937610" }, { "title": "Christmas Eve", "text": "in other expressions of Christmas spirituality, such as the song \"Silent Night, Holy Night\". Many other varying cultural traditions and experiences are also associated with Christmas Eve around the world, including the gathering of family and friends, the singing of Christmas carols, the illumination and enjoyment of Christmas lights, trees, and other decorations, the wrapping, exchange and opening of gifts, and general preparation for Christmas Day. Legendary Christmas gift-bearing figures including Santa Claus, Father Christmas, Christkind, and Saint Nicholas are also often said to depart for their annual journey to deliver presents to children around the world on Christmas Eve,", "psg_id": "1378834" }, { "title": "Twelve-dish Christmas Eve supper", "text": "anoint each person present with honey, making the sign of the Cross on their forehead, saying: \"In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: may you have sweetness and many good things in life and in the new year.\" The Christmas Eve supper is usually held under candlelight and starts in the evening after the first star appears in the sky. The star symbolizes the birth of Jesus in Christian tradition and a soul of deceased ancestors in pre-Christian beliefs. Quiet, dim-lighting, and a somewhat mystical atmosphere is characteristic for Christmas Eve supper.", "psg_id": "5644835" }, { "title": "The Grimm Who Stole Christmas", "text": "The Grimm Who Stole Christmas \"The Grimm Who Stole Christmas\" is the 7th episode of season 4 of the supernatural drama television series \"Grimm\" and the 73rd episode overall, which premiered on December 5, 2014, on the cable network NBC. The episode was written by Dan E. Fesman and was directed by John Gray. Opening quote: \"I have but to swallow this, and be for the rest of my days persecuted by a legion of goblins, all of my own creation. Humbug, I'll tell you; humbug!\" At a Christmas party, the couple hosting the party have there doorbell rang with", "psg_id": "19915847" }, { "title": "The Man Who Saved Christmas", "text": "(Jake Brockman), Gilbert initially agrees to this, but comes to regret his decision. Things get the better of Gilbert as he learns that his brother Frank(Ari Cohen) has been declared missing in action in the war. This and other factors cause Gilbert to confront the government over plans to encourage people not to celebrate Christmas in order to save resources for the war effort. Gilbert successfully lobbies the government to allow him (and other toy manufacturers) to resume the production of toys for Christmas, thus earning Gilbert the name \"The man who saved Christmas.\" Ultimately, Gilbert's brother Frank returns from", "psg_id": "9432966" }, { "title": "Christmas Eve", "text": "although until the Protestant introduction of Christkind in 16th-century Europe, such figures were said to instead deliver presents on the eve of Saint Nicholas' feast day (6 December). Roman Catholics and high church Anglicans traditionally celebrate Midnight Mass, which begins either at or sometime before midnight on Christmas Eve. This ceremony, which is held in churches throughout the world, celebrates the birth of Christ, which is believed to have occurred at night. Midnight Mass is popular in Poland (pasterka). In recent years some churches have scheduled their \"Midnight\" Mass as early as 7 pm. In Spanish-speaking areas, the Midnight Mass", "psg_id": "1378835" }, { "title": "Christmas Eve", "text": "of the Immaculate Conception, St. Nicholas Day, St. Stephen's Day, New Year's, and the Feast of the Epiphany. Among Christians, as well as non-Christians who celebrate Christmas, the significant amount of vacation travel, and travel back to family homes, that takes place in the lead-up to Christmas means that Christmas Eve is also frequently a time of social events and parties, worldwide. Nittel Nacht is a name given to Christmas Eve by Jewish scholars in the 17th century. With Christmas Day a work holiday throughout the United States, there is a space of unfilled free time during which much of", "psg_id": "1378858" }, { "title": "The Road to Christmas", "text": "The Road to Christmas The Road to Christmas is a 2006 American made-for-television romantic comedy film directed by Mark Jean and starring Jennifer Grey, Megan Park, and Clark Gregg. Written by Judd Parkin, the film is about a successful fashion photographer whose planned Christmas wedding in Aspen is interrupted by a snow storm. With no flights or rental cars available, she accepts a ride from a widowed school teacher and his thirteen-year-old daughter, who open up their home to her until the roads clear. \"The Road to Christmas\" first aired on December 17, 2006 on Lifetime. It was released on", "psg_id": "16166344" }, { "title": "The Christmas Toy", "text": "Mew is caught, and frozen. Only then does Rugby realize what a good friend Mew has been to him, and how selfishly he has been acting. Rugby sings, telling Mew how much he cares for him. This brings Mew back to life, and then the other toys also know how to revive their other frozen friends. On the morning of Christmas Day, Jamie and Jessie enjoy their new toys alongside their current toys. While the kids are away, the toys sing \"Together at Christmas.\" Kermit joins in at the end of the special. The Christmas Toy The Christmas Toy is", "psg_id": "6882088" }, { "title": "Christmas in Australia and New Zealand", "text": "in Melbourne in 1938 and has since spread around Australia and the world. At the event people gather on Christmas Eve, usually outdoors, to sing carols by candlelight in a large-scale concert style event. The Vision Australia's Carols by Candlelight which takes place at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl in Melbourne on Christmas Eve, is televised nationwide and it has become a tradition for many Australians to watch the performance. Carols in the Domain has traditionally taken place in Sydney the Saturday before Christmas Eve exclusive. However, since 2016 it has been held on the Sunday next before Christmas Eve", "psg_id": "18475926" }, { "title": "Bloody Christmas Eve in Ochotnica Dolna", "text": "Bloody Christmas Eve in Ochotnica Dolna Bloody Christmas Eve in Ochotnica Dolna – symbolic name given to pacification of the Ochotnica Dolna village (currently Lesser Poland voivodeship, Nowy Targ County), made by German Occupiers in the last months of World War II. 23 of December 1944 members of SS murdered 56 residents of Ochotnica Dolna and partially burnt the village. The name \"Bloody Christmas Eve\" refers to Eve of the Christmas, that previously was celebrated on 23rd of December. On December 22, 1944, Germans arrived in Ochotnica Dolna, who within the so-called the food campaign robbed the village. Despite the", "psg_id": "20648932" }, { "title": "The Dog Who Saved Christmas", "text": "that Sunday, and became the season's number one cable film of the season. Overall, it was a 14% increase in viewers from the same timeslot in the previous year. Critics compared it to another Christmas dog themed TV movie of 2009, \"A Dog Named Christmas\" and cited influences from \"Home Alone\" and \"Look Who's Talking\". \"A Dog Named Christmas\" was broadcast on the same night as \"The Dog Who Saved Christmas\" with the original timings overlapping by an hour. Overall, critics rated \"A Dog Named Christmas\" as the superior film over \"The Dog Who Saved Christmas,\" but praised the performances", "psg_id": "14046834" }, { "title": "The Night Before Christmas (1941 film)", "text": "The Night Before Christmas (1941 film) The Night Before Christmas is a 1941 American one-reel animated cartoon and is the 3rd \"Tom and Jerry\" short directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, produced by Fred Quimby and animated by Jack Zander, George Gordon, Irven Spence and Bill Littlejohn. It was nominated for the 1941 Academy Award for Best Short Subject: Cartoons. It's Christmas eve and nothing is stirring. But Jerry emerges from his hole avoiding a Christmas-themed mousetrap placed by his hole. Jerry nears the Christmas presents, jumping merrily around the tree, licking candy canes and jumping onto a plush", "psg_id": "8664452" }, { "title": "Christmas Eve", "text": "Christmas Eve Christmas Eve is the evening or entire day before Christmas Day, the festival commemorating the birth of Jesus. Christmas Day is observed around the world, and Christmas Eve is widely observed as a full or partial holiday in anticipation of Christmas Day. Together, both days are considered one of the most culturally significant celebrations in Christendom and Western society. Christmas celebrations in the denominations of Western Christianity have long begun on the night of the 24th, due in part to the Christian liturgical day starting at sunset, a practice inherited from Jewish tradition and based on the story", "psg_id": "1378832" }, { "title": "The Road to Christmas", "text": "DVD on October 26, 2010 by A&E Home Video. The Road to Christmas The Road to Christmas is a 2006 American made-for-television romantic comedy film directed by Mark Jean and starring Jennifer Grey, Megan Park, and Clark Gregg. Written by Judd Parkin, the film is about a successful fashion photographer whose planned Christmas wedding in Aspen is interrupted by a snow storm. With no flights or rental cars available, she accepts a ride from a widowed school teacher and his thirteen-year-old daughter, who open up their home to her until the roads clear. \"The Road to Christmas\" first aired on", "psg_id": "16166345" }, { "title": "Christmas traditions", "text": "be accompanied by Krampus who steals away the presents of bad children. This \"anti-Santa\" is said to have one cloven hoof, a handful of heavy chains, and a sack on his back to collect naughty children. In Croatia on St. Lucy's, families will plant wheat seeds in a bowl of shallow water, which will grow several inches by Christmas and are then tied together with a red, blue and white ribbon called \"trobojnica'. On Christmas Eve (Croatian: \"Badnjak\", Slovene: \"Sveti večer\" (holy eve)), three candles representing the Trinity are lit and placed in the middle of the wheat, the glow", "psg_id": "4325276" }, { "title": "Nilus the Sandman: The Boy Who Dreamed Christmas", "text": "the beginning and ending scenes (the awake scenes) are in live action. On Christmas Eve, a computer-savvy boy named Peter Fletcher has several items on his Christmas list and wonders if Santa Claus will be able to give him all the things he wants. Peter falls asleep and while he is dreaming he meets Nilus the Sandman who takes him on a magical flight in Peter's shoe to the North Pole to visit Santa at his workshop. When they arrive, they find that the workshop is dark and without activity, and that Santa and a few of his elves are", "psg_id": "18556553" }, { "title": "The Spirit of Christmas (short film)", "text": "hat with a hurl of his halo. One of the boys says another recurring line from the \"South Park\" series: \"You know, I learned something today\", and he and his friend realize the purported \"true\" meaning of Christmas: that is, presents. As a deer nibbles on Kenny's corpse they go to their homes to find presents hidden by their parents. In 1992, Parker and Stone made \"The Spirit of Christmas\" (aka \"Jesus vs. Frosty\") while they were students at the University of Colorado under the \"Avenging Conscience Films\" moniker. They animated the film using only construction paper, glue and a", "psg_id": "13602984" }, { "title": "The Lost Christmas Eve", "text": "something about Christmas Eve that allows humans to correct mistakes we have made in our lives. In this symphonic tale, God's youngest angel is once again sent on a mission to bring his Lord the name of the person who best continued his Son's work on Earth. However, unlike his other journeys, the angel could only use his wings twice, once when he descended to Earth and once more when he left. Looking for a likely place to search, the angel decided to land in New York City. As soon as he touched the ground, he notices a street performer", "psg_id": "9150401" }, { "title": "Christmas Eve", "text": "young Jews have sprung up, and become popular, on Christmas Eve. These include the Matzo Ball, The Ball, and a number of local events organized by Jewish communities and local Jewish Federations in North America. A number of historical events have been influenced by the occurrence of Christmas Eve. During World War I in 1914 and 1915 there was an unofficial Christmas truce, particularly between British and German troops. The truce began on Christmas Eve, 24 December 1914, when German troops began decorating the area around their trenches in the region of Ypres, Belgium, for Christmas. They began by placing", "psg_id": "1378860" }, { "title": "Christmas Who?", "text": "the Narrator says \"Goodnight, and Happy Holidays.\" \"Christmas Who?\" was originally broadcast Wednesday, December 6, 2000. As of 2017, it is still rebroadcast on Nickelodeon during the Christmas season. On December 6, 2012, exactly 12 years after \"Christmas Who?\", another \"SpongeBob\" Christmas episode was released on Nickelodeon called \"It's a SpongeBob Christmas!\". \"Christmas Who?\" was released on the DVD compilation called \"Christmas\" on September 30, 2003. The episode was also included in \"SpongeBob SquarePants: The Complete 2nd Season\" DVD released on October 19, 2004. On September 22, 2009, \"Christmas Who?\" was released on the \"SpongeBob SquarePants: The First 100 Episodes\"", "psg_id": "13565031" }, { "title": "Christmas Eve and Other Stories", "text": "Christmas Eve and Other Stories Christmas Eve and Other Stories is the debut studio album by the American rock band Trans-Siberian Orchestra. It was released on October 15, 1996 through Lava Records and Atlantic Records. It is the first album in their \"Christmas trilogy\", with \"The Christmas Attic\" (1998) and \"The Lost Christmas Eve\" (2004) coming afterward. All three albums, as well as their \"The Ghosts of Christmas Eve\" DVD, were featured in the box set of \"The Christmas Trilogy\". The album's cover art was created by Edgar Jerins. The album became one of the best-selling Christmas albums of all-time", "psg_id": "4604672" }, { "title": "Yule and Christmas in Denmark", "text": "det jul igen\" (Now it is Yule again) and \"Et barn er født i Bethlehem\" (A child has been born in Bethlehem). When the singing is complete, presents from under the tree are handed out by the children or in turn. After they have been opened, there are more snacks, candy, chips, and sometimes the traditional \"Gløgg\". In Denmark there is a tradition to go to Church on the afternoon of Christmas Eve, on the 24th. The text is Luke 2, but since the 24th is not an official Christmas holiday, there was no official ritual for that day until", "psg_id": "10608212" }, { "title": "Christmas Eve (2015 film)", "text": "iconic role as Ebeneezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol and will be happy to know that Stewart brings plenty of that regal Scrooge-ness to his role in Christmas Eve.\" He further noted that all the characters \"have the kind of amazing cathartic experiences that can only happen in movies when you’re trapped in elevator with strangers.\" The film was nominated for an AML Award. Christmas Eve (2015 film) Christmas Eve is a 2015 American Christmas comedy film, directed by Mitch Davis, written by Davis and Tyler McKellar, and produced by Davis and Larry King. The film features a large ensemble", "psg_id": "19041084" }, { "title": "Christmas in Ireland", "text": "Ireland in 2009, with \"Happy Xmas\" topping a similar poll cast in Northern Ireland. The Christmas music of British singer Cliff Richard is most popular with those over the age of 55. The Irish number one single for Christmas is announced on Christmas Eve every year. Santa Claus, \"Daidí na Nollag\" (lit. Daddy of Christmas) in Irish and traditionally \"Father of Christmas\" in Irish English, is known in Ireland as \"Santy\" or \"Santa\". He brings presents to children in Ireland, which are opened on Christmas morning. It is traditional to leave a mince pie and a bottle or a glass", "psg_id": "10233669" }, { "title": "Christmas Who?", "text": "no avail. Nonetheless, the anticipated Bikini Bottomites enthusiastically prepare for the upcoming holiday; however, their faith is shattered after Santa fails to arrive on Christmas Eve (This is mostly because all the townspeople stay up all night waiting for him.) Furious with SpongeBob, they reject him, and when Santa Claus still fails to deliver presents to the people of town even SpongeBob's excitement is soiled. Seeing the error of his ways after being presented with an exquisite homemade gift from SpongeBob, Squidward tries to compensate for his rudeness by masquerading as Santa Claus to uplift his neighbor's spirits; however, he", "psg_id": "13565029" }, { "title": "Christmas Eve and Other Stories", "text": "Recording Industry Association of America for shipment of three million copies in the United States. All new lyrics by Paul O'Neill Christmas Eve and Other Stories Christmas Eve and Other Stories is the debut studio album by the American rock band Trans-Siberian Orchestra. It was released on October 15, 1996 through Lava Records and Atlantic Records. It is the first album in their \"Christmas trilogy\", with \"The Christmas Attic\" (1998) and \"The Lost Christmas Eve\" (2004) coming afterward. All three albums, as well as their \"The Ghosts of Christmas Eve\" DVD, were featured in the box set of \"The Christmas", "psg_id": "4604674" }, { "title": "Christmas", "text": "Greek children get their presents from Saint Basil on New Year's Eve, the eve of that saint's liturgical feast. The German St. Nikolaus is not identical with the Weihnachtsmann (who is the German version of Santa Claus / Father Christmas). St. Nikolaus wears a bishop's dress and still brings small gifts (usually candies, nuts, and fruits) on December 6 and is accompanied by Knecht Ruprecht. Although many parents around the world routinely teach their children about Santa Claus and other gift bringers, some have come to reject this practice, considering it deceptive. Multiple gift-giver figures exist in Poland, varying between", "psg_id": "77686" }, { "title": "The Lost Christmas Eve", "text": "In late October 2013, TSO released a narrated version of \"The Lost Christmas Eve\" much like they did in 2012 with \"Beethoven's Last Night\". \"The Lost Christmas Eve\" was certified Gold by the Recording Industry Association of America in five weeks. On March 27, 2013, the album was certified Double Platinum for shipment of two million copies in the United States since its 2004 release. As of November 2014, \"The Lost Christmas Eve\" is the twentieth best-selling Christmas/holiday album in the United States during the SoundScan era of music sales tracking (March 1991 – present), having sold 2,380,000 copies according", "psg_id": "9150399" }, { "title": "The Ghosts of Christmas Eve", "text": "on to perform with TSO during their 2003 tour. This story was performed live for the 2015, 2016, and 2017 tours, and is currently being performed again for the 2018 tour. \"The New York Times\" reviewer said, \"the Trans-Siberian Orchestra has carried out a mission to create powerful artistry in music through the webbing of songs together by means of storytelling...artists like Jewel and Michael Crawford bring their own unique twists to a musical exploration of art and the Christmas spirit.\" The Ghosts of Christmas Eve The Ghosts of Christmas Eve is a 1999 made-for-television film showcasing a Christmas music", "psg_id": "14013409" }, { "title": "Christmas Eve Procession", "text": "and blown into, it produced a pleasant warbling note. In recent years, some volunteers form a small band and accompany the singing hymns as Dun Ġorġ had made it clear that no formal band was to take part. The procession used to make a stop, usually at the village square (pjazza) where one of the boys would deliver a short sermon on the Nativity. In 1945, two boys, representing two Bethlehem Christmas Eve Procession Christmas Eve Procession is one of the main characteristic manifestations of the Maltese Christmas celebrations. It origins is from over 86 years ago by St. George", "psg_id": "11287100" }, { "title": "Christmas Eve and Other Stories", "text": "in the U.S. and has been certified 3× platinum by the RIAA for selling 3 million copies in the US. As of November 2016, the album track \"Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24\" has sold 1.3 million downloads, becoming one of the best-selling Christmas songs of all-time in the US as well. , \"Christmas Eve and Other Stories\" was the ninth best-selling Christmas/holiday album in the United States during the Nielsen SoundScan era of music sales tracking (1991 – present), with sales of 3,430,000 copies according to SoundScan. On November 28, 2011, \"Christmas Eve and Other Stories\" was certified 3× platinum by the", "psg_id": "4604673" }, { "title": "The Man Who Invented Christmas (film)", "text": "The Man Who Invented Christmas (film) The Man Who Invented Christmas is a 2017 biographical drama film directed by Bharat Nalluri and written by Susan Coyne based on the book of the same name by Les Standiford. It stars Dan Stevens, Christopher Plummer, and Jonathan Pryce. The plot follows Charles Dickens (Stevens) at the time when he wrote \"A Christmas Carol\", and how Dickens' fictional character Ebenezer Scrooge (Plummer) was influenced by his real-life father, John Dickens (Pryce). It was released by Bleecker Street in the United States on 22 November 2017 and in the United Kingdom on 1 December", "psg_id": "19835327" }, { "title": "Christmas traditions", "text": "playing with their new presents, and fireworks fill the skies. Families gather around meals, music, and singing. Because Christmas Eve is the most important day, little occurs on December 25. Families join Christmas Day mass although it is not nearly as festive as Christmas Eve. The \"Dia de los Santos Inocentes\", or the Day of the Innocents, falls in the Christmas season, on December 28. The day commemorates the innocent infants (called the innocent ones) who were said to have been killed by King Herod in fear of the power of the newborn baby, Jesus. January 6, the day of", "psg_id": "4325191" }, { "title": "Christmas Eve on Sesame Street", "text": "Christmas Eve on Sesame Street Christmas Eve on Sesame Street is a \"Sesame Street\" Christmas special first broadcast on PBS on Sunday, December 3, 1978. The opening features the inhabitants of Sesame Street enjoying an ice skating party. Big Bird has trouble skating, but a child gives him a hand, and he ends up skating very well. Bert falls victim to the antics of Ernie, Cookie Monster and Count von Count as they play ice hockey with one of his shoes, clown around while barrel jumping (the Count \"counts\" the barrels, Ernie cheats by lifting his left foot over them,", "psg_id": "2684523" }, { "title": "The Beach Boys' Christmas Album", "text": "The Beach Boys' Christmas Album The Beach Boys' Christmas Album is the seventh studio album by the Beach Boys, released in November 1964. it contains five original songs and seven standards on a Christmas theme. The album proved to be a long-running success during subsequent Christmas seasons, initially reaching number six in the US \"Billboard\" 200 chart in its year of release and eventually going gold. James E Perone in \"The 100 Greatest Bands of All Time: A Guide to the Legends Who Rocked the World\" wrote that it is \"regarded as one of the finest holiday albums of the", "psg_id": "3247324" }, { "title": "Christmas Eve (opera)", "text": "announces that he will relate his story to the beekeeper Panko the Gingerhead (i.e., Gogol), who will write a story of Christmas Eve. There is general rejoicing. Act 1<br> Act 2<br> Act 3<br> Act 4 An orchestral suite from the opera of 1904 consists of the introduction to the opera ('Holy Night'), Flight of Vakula, moon and stars, Polonaise, and return flight of Vakula and Christmas morning bells. \"Christmas Eve\", \"Vakula the Smith\", and \"The Slippers\", are all based on the same story by Gogol. Audio Recordings (\"Mainly studio recordings\") Source: Notes Sources Christmas Eve (opera) Christmas Eve (,", "psg_id": "10380807" }, { "title": "The Spirit of Christmas (short film)", "text": "Stan hesitates: \"What would Brian Boitano do?\" (this joke is referenced in the 1999 feature film \"\" via the song \"What Would Brian Boitano Do?\"). The figure skater miraculously appears and delivers a speech about how Christmas should be about being good to one another. The boys, enlightened, transmit the message to the fighters, who apologize to each other in shame. They thank the boys for helping and decide to bury the hatchet over an orange smoothie. The boys then marvel that they got to meet Brian Boitano (as opposed to either Jesus or Santa) As in \"Jesus vs. Frosty\",", "psg_id": "13602988" }, { "title": "Nilus the Sandman: The Boy Who Dreamed Christmas", "text": "Nilus the Sandman: The Boy Who Dreamed Christmas Nilus the Sandman: The Boy Who Dreamed Christmas (also known simply as The Boy Who Dreamed Christmas) is a Canadian part-animated and part-live-action Christmas television special which was originally broadcast on December 1, 1991 on CTV. In the United States, it was first broadcast on The Disney Channel on December 10, 1991. It was followed by two more \"Nilus the Sandman\" TV specials which premiered in 1994 and 1995, and then a \"Nilus the Sandman\" TV series airing from 1996 to 1998. Most of the film is animated (the dream scenes), but", "psg_id": "18556552" }, { "title": "Christmas traditions", "text": "their doors. A common feature of the Christmas season is the Nativity play which is practiced in most primary and some secondary schools across the UK. This practice is becoming less common, and Christmas pantomimes may be performed instead. Midnight Mass is also celebrated by Anglicans, Catholics, and other denominations, and services take place in nearly all Church of England parishes on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve, presents are supposedly delivered in stockings and under the Christmas tree by Father Christmas, who previously had been something like The Ghost of Christmas Present in Charles Dickens' \"A Christmas Carol\" (1843), but", "psg_id": "4325315" }, { "title": "The Man Who Saved Christmas", "text": "the war in time to celebrate Christmas. The erector sets used in the film were the later, smaller versions not made until 1924 and not the original, larger pieces made from 1913 - 1923. The Gilbert family home was shot in Spadina House, located next to Casa Loma in Toronto with the Distillery District used for external locations. The Man Who Saved Christmas The Man Who Saved Christmas is a film based on the true story about the efforts of toymaker Alfred Carlton Gilbert (portrayed by Jason Alexander) of the A. C. Gilbert Company to continue making toys during World", "psg_id": "9432967" }, { "title": "The Grimm Who Stole Christmas", "text": "another baby storyline, but it's a way to keep Juliette in the show I suppose, without having to write in her veterinary skills to aid the plot.\" The Grimm Who Stole Christmas \"The Grimm Who Stole Christmas\" is the 7th episode of season 4 of the supernatural drama television series \"Grimm\" and the 73rd episode overall, which premiered on December 5, 2014, on the cable network NBC. The episode was written by Dan E. Fesman and was directed by John Gray. Opening quote: \"I have but to swallow this, and be for the rest of my days persecuted by a", "psg_id": "19915857" }, { "title": "The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation", "text": "The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation is a 2010 sequel to the ABC Family 2009 movie \"The Dog Who Saved Christmas\". The movie stars Paris Hilton (in her first voice role) and Mario Lopez. It premiered on ABC Family on November 28, 2010 during the Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas programming block and was written by Michael Ciminera and Richard Gnolfo. The Bannister family and their dog Zeus, go to a ski lodge in Colorado for their Christmas vacation. When they get to their condo, they find Belinda's brother and his son staying", "psg_id": "14959774" }, { "title": "Christmas-Eve and Easter-Day", "text": "on the Christian myth, and back to the Nonconformist church. In \"Easter-Day\" a Christian and a sceptic debate the nature of faith. \"Christmas-Eve and Easter-Day\" gives valuable clues to the religious opinions of Browning himself, as opposed to those of his characters, but, as his wife warned a correspondent, \"Certainly the poem does not represent his own permanent state of mind, which was what I meant when I told you it was dramatic.\" \"Christmas-Eve and Easter-Day\" was first published by Chapman & Hall in 1850. In recent years it has been edited by Ian Jack, Rowena Fowler and Margaret Smith", "psg_id": "14029840" }, { "title": "Christmas traditions", "text": "outbreaks of religious conflict. The Islamic sect Boko Haram has attacked Christian churches with bombings on Christmas 2011. Christmas in South Africa is a public holiday celebrated on December 25. Many European traditions are maintained despite the distance from Europe. Christmas trees are set up in homes and the children are given presents in their stockings. Traditional 'fir' Christmas trees are popular and children leave a stocking or milk and cookies out for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. The gift bearer is Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. Towns and cities have Carols by Candlelight in the beginning of the festive", "psg_id": "4325133" }, { "title": "Nilus the Sandman: The Boy Who Dreamed Christmas", "text": "a total of 26 episodes over two seasons. \"The Boy Who Dreamed Christmas\" was nominated for a Gemini Award in the category of \"Best Animated Program or Series\" in 1993. Nilus the Sandman: The Boy Who Dreamed Christmas Nilus the Sandman: The Boy Who Dreamed Christmas (also known simply as The Boy Who Dreamed Christmas) is a Canadian part-animated and part-live-action Christmas television special which was originally broadcast on December 1, 1991 on CTV. In the United States, it was first broadcast on The Disney Channel on December 10, 1991. It was followed by two more \"Nilus the Sandman\" TV", "psg_id": "18556561" }, { "title": "Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo", "text": "the episode, \"It's gross. It's yucky. It's probably offensive. It's also possibly the funniest holiday episode anybody's airing this year.\" Werts particularly praised the song \"A Lonely Jew on Christmas\". Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock, author of \"Taking South Park Seriously\", said, \"This episode arguably pushes the boundaries of what is acceptable, both for Christmas specials and television in general, farther than any previous one.\" Weinstock said this was particularly true of the episode's fake live-action commercial. Before the episode was released, Debbie Liebling, then-Comedy Central vice president of development and production, herself described the episode as \"adorably offensive\". Alan Sepinwall of", "psg_id": "5937162" }, { "title": "Christmas in Australia and New Zealand", "text": "this period. On Christmas Eve, the children are told, Santa Claus visits houses placing presents for children under the Christmas tree or in stockings or sacks which are usually hung by a fireplace. In recent decades many new apartments and homes have been built without traditional combustion fireplaces, however with some innovation the tradition persists. Snacks and beverages (including liquor) may be left out for Santa to consume during his visit. The gifts are opened the next morning, on Christmas Day. Families traditionally gather for a Christmas Day lunch traditions that include decorated hams, roast turkey, roast chicken, salads and", "psg_id": "18475919" }, { "title": "Christmas in Sweden", "text": "last purchases of Christmas gifts. Many preschools and schools start their Christmas vacation between December 17 to 22. Many workplaces start the vacation later, between December 20 and 23. The start of the vacation depends on what day of the week Christmas Eve is on. The last days before Christmas Eve, between December 20 and 23, the greatest preparations are made like, preparing most of the food, buying and decorating the Christmas tree and wrapping presents. During the last days there are usually a lot of people in stores and shopping malls to buy things for the Christmas celebrations. After", "psg_id": "16988763" }, { "title": "Father Christmas", "text": "Claus leaving presents on New Year's Eve 1852, with children \"hanging their stockings up on each side of the fire-place, in their sleeping apartments, at night, and waiting patiently till morning, to see what Santa Claus puts into them during their slumbers\". In Ireland in 1853, on the other hand, presents were being left on Christmas Eve according to a character in a newspaper short story who says \"... tomorrow will be Christmas. What will Santa Claus bring us?\" A poem published in Belfast in 1858 includes the lines \"The children sleep; they dream of him, the fairy, / Kind", "psg_id": "148082" }, { "title": "Merry Christmas from the Beach Boys", "text": "Some of its recordings were later released on the 1998 compilation \"Ultimate Christmas\". After Warners rejected the Beach Boys' 1977 album \"Adult/Child\", the group submitted \"Merry Christmas from the Beach Boys\" in late 1977, but they were once again rejected, and the label demanded the band submit a regular studio album instead. New lyrics were overdubbed on to some of the original Christmas tracks the following spring, which, together with quickly penned new material, formed the basis of a new album entitled \"California Feeling\", named after an original song recorded in 1975 which Brian refused to include on the album.", "psg_id": "19039489" }, { "title": "Christmas Eve (1947 film)", "text": "Christmas Eve reunion, as any of them is the one she could trust, but not Philip. Later on it is revealed that Philip did some very illegal things with her money, but she doesn't claim anything. Separate stories reveal with the help of Private Detective Gimlet (Joe Sawyer) that Finally the gathering at the Christmas Eve happened and the couple Johnatan-Claire bring the three girl orphans from the orphanage. Aunt Matilda feels like the day she got the three little boys for adoption. The film was produced by Benedict Bogeaus who had previously made an episodic film \"On Our Merry", "psg_id": "11821719" }, { "title": "The Bear Who Slept Through Christmas", "text": "The Bear Who Slept Through Christmas The Bear Who Slept Through Christmas is an animated Christmas TV special. It premiered on NBC on December 17, 1973, in the United States. It was produced by DePatie-Freleng Enterprises, executive producer Norman Sedawie, and starred the voices of Tommy Smothers, Arte Johnson and Barbara Feldon, with narration by Casey Kasem. The story focuses on Theodore Edward Bear (Ted E. Bear for short) who is curious about Christmas and decides to go searching for it while the other bears hibernate for winter. In the early 1980s a plush Ted E. Bear was sold in", "psg_id": "8755849" }, { "title": "Christmas Eve on Sesame Street", "text": "Monster ate most of their Christmas tree was cut. On video releases since the mid-1990s, the 1978 Children's Television Workshop logo with Christmas music was cut. The 1996 VHS replaces it with the 1983 logo, and DVD releases of the special start without any logos. When Big Bird and Patty check on Oscar following his ice skating accident, Oscar's original line was \"Sure. I've been thrown out of better places than that.\" It was later re-dubbed in post-production (to \"Let's go back and do it, again!\"), because Jon Stone considered the original joke too adult-focused. \"Christmas Eve on Sesame Street\"", "psg_id": "2684534" }, { "title": "Christmas Eve on Sesame Street", "text": "funding credits are displayed on a black screen with Cookie Monster's numerous belches heard on the soundtrack. A variety of Christmas songs help interweave these three plot lines and make the production much more touching, including: One of \"Christmas Eve on Sesame Street's\" competitors that year was a lesser-known, critically panned \"Sesame Street\" special on CBS -- \"A Special Sesame Street Christmas\". When the special aired on Muppet Matinee's Christmas Special Marathon on Nickelodeon in December 1994, \"I Hate Christmas\" was cut. In various re-airings on PBS in the late-1980s, the closing scene with Susan and Gordon finding that Cookie", "psg_id": "2684533" }, { "title": "Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys", "text": "positive change from other similar reality programs. \"The New York Daily News\"'s Richard Huff, also comparing \"Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys\" to the \"groundbreaking\" \"Will & Grace\", labels \"Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys\" \"mind-breaking\". It has moments, sure, but never enough to make it memorable or a winner.\" The lack of \"reality-show trappings\" like \"table flipping\" and \"hair-extension pulling\", he writes, means that the series needs \"some humor, drama and good storytelling\" and \"Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys\" lacks these qualities. Hank Stuever of \"The Washington Post\" cites a \"curiously sad tone\" that pervades", "psg_id": "15122005" }, { "title": "The Beach Boys' Christmas Album", "text": "Saint Nick\", sessions for the album spanned from June 18–30, 1964, one month after the \"All Summer Long\" album was completed. \"Christmas Day\" is the first Beach Boys song to feature a lead vocal from Al Jardine. The album was released in mono and stereo; the stereo mix, prepared by engineer Chuck Britz, would be the last true stereo mix for a Beach Boys album until 1968's \"Friends\". In addition to orchestral renditions of \"Jingle Bells\" and the original Wilson composition \"Christmas Eve\" which never received vocal overdubs, outtakes of the \"All Summer Long\" track \"Little Honda\" and \"The Beach", "psg_id": "3247327" } ]
[ "ned gerblansky", "priest maxi", "chef's parents", "terrance henry stoot", "dr. alphonse mephesto and kevin", "list of recurring characters in south park", "minor characters in south park", "list of other south park residents", "big gay al", "terrence and phillip", "towlie", "jesus and pals", "shitty wok", "phillip niles argyle", "lu kim", "chef's parents", "stephen mctowelie", "terrence and philip", "terrance and phillip", "terrence and philip", "terence and philip", "mr hankey", "terrance & philip", "towlie (south park episode)", "recurring south park characters", "mr. kitty", "terrance & phillip", "dr. alphonse mephisto", "terrance and philip", "mayor mcdaniels", "sergeant yates", "mayor mcdaniels (south park)", "rg-400 smart towel", "mr. hankey", "rg-400", "tarrance and phillip", "chris (south park)", "skeeter (south park)", "towelie (character)", "dr. mephisto", "dr. mephesto", "mr.hanky", "list of supporting characters in south park", "al (south park)", "daryl weathers", "tuong lu kim", "terrance and philip", "jc and pals", "don't forget to bring a towel", "santa claus (south park)", "darryl weathers", "dr. doctor", "scott (south park)", "saddam hussein (south park)", "sparky the dog", "jesus (south park)", "ugly bob", "towelyey", "mr hanky", "barbrady", "tarrance and phhilp", "god (south park)", "satan (south park)", "mr kitty", "terrence and phillip", "list of recurring south park characters", "officer barbrady", "dr mephisto", "terrance and phillip", "list of recurring characters in south park", "scott the dick", "alphonse mephisto", "mr. hanky", "list of minor characters on south park", "towely", "list of supporting characters on south park", "father maxi" ]
what is the name of the king of halloween town who tries to take over christmas in the disney movie the nightmare before christmas?
[ { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Pumpkin King", "text": "'zing' that the unique license could have afforded.\" The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Pumpkin King , is a game for the Game Boy Advance released in 2005. The events of the game take place before those of the movie, \"The Nightmare Before Christmas\". The story tells of Jack's first encounter with his , Oogie Boogie, and how he claimed the title of \"The Pumpkin King\". This game was released at the same time in North America as \"\". The game starts with Jack Skellington preparing for Halloween, approximately one year before the events of \"The Nightmare Before Christmas\". Unfortunately, Oogie", "psg_id": "5358961" } ]
[ { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "red lobster-like king who flies at night named \"Sandy Claws\". Jack sequesters himself in his tower to study Christmas and find a way to rationally explain it, but cannot. He ultimately decides that it's unfair for Christmas Town alone to enjoy the holiday and announces that he and the citizens of Halloween Town will take over Christmas this year. Jack assigns the citizens of Halloween Town Christmas-themed jobs, including singing carols, making presents, and building a sleigh to be pulled by skeletal reindeer. Sally, a beautiful rag doll woman that is secretly in love with Jack, feels that their efforts", "psg_id": "2418779" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas (soundtrack)", "text": "album cover and in the album booklet.\" Credits and personnel adapted from the 2006 edition of the soundtrack's liner notes. 1. \"This Is Halloween\" 2. \"Sally's Song\" 3. \"What's This?\" 4. \"Kidnap the Sandy Claws\" 5. \"This Is Halloween\" 6-11. Demos There are several foreign-language versions of the soundtrack, each features tracks sung by vocalists in their native language as well as original score tracks by Danny Elfman. The Nightmare Before Christmas (soundtrack) The Nightmare Before Christmas is the fifteenth soundtrack album by American composer Danny Elfman. It was released on October 12, 1993, by Walt Disney Records to promote", "psg_id": "11075346" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Pumpkin King", "text": "for the first time when he rescued her and Halloween went ahead as planned. Oogie Boogie vowed to get his revenge after biding his time. In the movie however it seems like Jack has forgiven the three minions. The game so far has a score of 69.43% from GameRankings and 71 out of 100 from Metacritic. IGN gave it a score of 6.5 out of 10, saying, \"\"Nightmare Before Christmas\" might not be all that amazing visually, and audio-wise it's the absolute pits. But it does give kids a solid \"Nightmare Before Christmas\"-based adventure, even if it lacks that special", "psg_id": "5358960" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "is available for the \"Disney Infinity\" video game, allowing the character to be playable in the game's \"Toy Box Mode\". Jack is also the titular character in the short story \"\"Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas\": Jack's Story\", and also appeared in HalloWishes and Halloween Screams fireworks at Magic Kingdom (where the host is Ghost Host) and Disneyland (where the host is Jack himself). \"Nightmare\" has inspired video game spin-offs, including \"\" and \"\", and is among the many Disney-owned franchises that contribute to the mythology of the \"Kingdom Hearts\" series. A trading card game is also available. Around the", "psg_id": "2418800" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "Nightmare Before Christmas\" originated in a poem written by Burton in 1982 while he was working as an animator at Walt Disney Feature Animation. With the success of \"Vincent\" in the same year, Burton began to consider developing \"The Nightmare Before Christmas\" as either a short film or 30-minute television special to no avail. Over the years, Burton's thoughts regularly returned to the project, and in 1990, he made a development deal with Walt Disney Studios. Production started in July 1991 in San Francisco; Disney released the film through Touchstone Pictures because the studio believed the film would be \"too", "psg_id": "2418776" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas (soundtrack)", "text": "The Nightmare Before Christmas (soundtrack) The Nightmare Before Christmas is the fifteenth soundtrack album by American composer Danny Elfman. It was released on October 12, 1993, by Walt Disney Records to promote the 1993 American stop-motion animated musical dark fantasy film \"The Nightmare Before Christmas\". Composed by Danny Elfman, the soundtrack was nominated for the 1993 Golden Globe for Best Original Score. The album peaked at #64 on the US \"Billboard\" 200. For the film's 2006 re-release in Disney Digital 3-D, a special edition of the soundtrack was released, a bonus disc which contained covers of five of the film's", "psg_id": "11075344" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "believed the film's visual effects were as revolutionary as \"Star Wars\", taking into account that \"Nightmare\" was \"filled with imagination that carries us into a new world\". Peter Travers of \"Rolling Stone\" called it a restoration of \"originality and daring to the Halloween genre. This dazzling mix of fun and fright also explodes the notion that animation is kid stuff. … It's 74 minutes of timeless movie magic.\" James Berardinelli stated \"\"The Nightmare Before Christmas\" has something to offer just about everyone. For the kids, it's a fantasy celebrating two holidays. For the adults, it's an opportunity to experience some", "psg_id": "2418803" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "Nightmare Before Christmas\", drawing inspiration from television specials of \"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer\", \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\" and the poem \"A Visit from St. Nicholas\". Burton intended to adapt the poem into a television special with the narration spoken by his favorite actor, Vincent Price, but also considered other options such as a children's book. He created concept art and storyboards for the project in collaboration with Rick Heinrichs, who also sculpted character models; Burton later showed his and Heinrichs' works-in-progress to Henry Selick, also a Disney animator at the time. After the success of \"Vincent\" in 1982, Disney", "psg_id": "2418784" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "stop Jack, but Oogie captures her as well. Jack departs to deliver presents to the world, but the Halloween-styled gifts terrify and attack the populace. As concerns over \"Santa's\" behavior grows, the military takes action and shoots down Jack, causing him to crash in a cemetery. As Jack bemoans the disaster he has made of Christmas, he finds he enjoyed the experience nonetheless, reigniting his love of Halloween. Jack returns to Halloween Town and finds Oogie's lair. Oogie tries to kill Jack, but Jack pulls apart the thread holding his cloth form together, revealing a massive pile of bugs that", "psg_id": "2418781" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "leader of the town, leads them in organizing the annual Halloween celebrations. However, privately Jack has grown weary of the same routine year after year and wants something new. Wandering in the woods the morning after Halloween, he stumbles across seven trees containing doors leading to towns representing various holidays, and opens a portal to Christmas Town. Awed by the unfamiliar holiday, Jack returns to Halloween Town to show the residents his findings, but they fail to grasp the idea of Christmas and compare everything to their ideas of Halloween, although they do relate to one Christmas Town character; a", "psg_id": "2418778" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "list, however, is the soundtrack for the Disneyland Haunted Mansion Holiday ride. Disney decided to release the film under its adult film label Touchstone Pictures because they thought the film would be \"too dark and scary for kids\", Selick remembered. \"Their biggest fear, and why it was kind of a stepchild project, [was] they were afraid of their core audience hating the film and not coming.\" To convey Burton's involvement and attract a wider audience, Disney marketed the film as \"Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas.\" Burton explained that,\"…it turned more into more of a brand-name thing, it turned into", "psg_id": "2418795" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "own success in live-action films piqued the interest of Walt Disney Studios chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg, who saw the film as an opportunity of continuing the studio's streak of recent success in feature animation. Disney was looking forward to \"Nightmare\" \"to show capabilities of technical and storytelling achievements that were present in \"Who Framed Roger Rabbit\".\" Walt Disney Pictures president David Hoberman, believed the film would prove to be a creative achievement for Disney's image, elaborating \"we can think outside the envelope. We can do different and unusual things.\" \"Nightmare\" marked Burton's third film in a row to have a Christmas", "psg_id": "2418786" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "\"Top 25 Best Christmas Movies\" list. In 2001, Disney began to consider producing a sequel, but rather than using stop motion, Disney wanted to use computer animation. Burton convinced Disney to drop the idea. \"I was always very protective of \"Nightmare\" not to do sequels or things of that kind,\" Burton explained. \"You know, 'Jack visits Thanksgiving world' or other kinds of things just because I felt the movie had a purity to it and the people that like it… Because it's a mass-market kind of thing, it was important to kind of keep that purity of it.\" The 2004", "psg_id": "2418808" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge", "text": "to look for new frights. After Jack leaves, Lock, Shock, and Barrel bring Oogie Boogie back to life by sewing him together again. He seizes control of Halloween Town, tricking its citizens into making traps, brainwashes Dr. Finkelstein, imprisons Sally in a crypt, and captures five of the seven Holiday World leaders. Oogie plans to become the \"Seven-Holidays King\" once he takes control of Christmas Town. But on December 23, Sally manages to send a magical paper airplane to find Jack to warn him of what has happened. Jack returns to Halloween Town on Christmas Eve, just to find Oogie's", "psg_id": "5249911" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "release of the film, Disney executive David Hoberman was quoted, \"I hope \"Nightmare\" goes out and makes a fortune. If it does, great. If it doesn't, that doesn't negate the validity of the process. The budget was less than any Disney blockbuster so it doesn't have to earn \"Aladdin\"-sized grosses to satisfy us.\" The film earned $50 million in the United States on its first theatrical run and was regarded as a moderate \"sleeper hit\". \"The Nightmare Before Christmas\" made a further $8.7 million in box office gross in its 2006 reissue. The 2007 and 2008 reissues earned $14.5 million", "psg_id": "2418801" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "started to consider developing \"The Nightmare Before Christmas\" as either a short film or 30-minute holiday television special. However, the project's development eventually stalled, as its tone seemed \"too weird\" to the company. As Disney was unable to \"offer his nocturnal loners enough scope\", Burton was fired from the studio in 1984, and went on to direct the commercially successful films, \"Beetlejuice\" and \"Batman\". Over the years, Burton regularly thought about the project. In 1990, Burton found out that Disney still owned the film rights. He and Selick committed to produce a full-length film with the latter as director. Burton's", "psg_id": "2418785" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "something else, which I'm not quite sure about.\" The film premiered at the New York Film Festival on October 9, and was given a limited release on October 15, 1993, before its wide theatrical release on October 22. \"The Nightmare Before Christmas\" was reissued under the Walt Disney Pictures label and re-released on October 20, 2006, with conversion to Disney Digital 3-D. Industrial Light & Magic assisted in the process. The film subsequently received re-releases in October 2007 and 2008. The El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, California has been showing the film in 4-D screenings annually in October, ending on", "psg_id": "2418796" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "a prologue and epilogue. While not used in the final scene of the film, the narration is included on the soundtrack album. As writer Tim Burton's upbringing in Burbank, California was associated with the feeling of solitude, the filmmaker was largely fascinated by holidays during his childhood. \"Anytime there was Christmas or Halloween, […] it was great. It gave you some sort of texture all of a sudden that wasn't there before\", Burton would later recall. After completing his short film \"Vincent\" in 1982, Burton, who was then employed at Walt Disney Feature Animation, wrote a three-page poem titled \"The", "psg_id": "2418783" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "deleted scenes. Burton's \"Vincent\" and \"Frankenweenie\" were also included. Both DVDs were non-anamorphic widescreen releases. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment released the film on DVD again (this time with an anamorphic transfer) and on Blu-ray Disc (for the first time) on August 26, 2008 as a two-disc digitally remastered \"collector's edition\", but still containing the same special features. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment released \"The Nightmare Before Christmas\" on Blu-ray 3D on August 30, 2011. The release included a Blu-ray 3D disc, Blu-ray Disc and a DVD that includes both a DVD and digital copy of the film. Disney has", "psg_id": "2418798" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "light entertainment while marveling at how adept Hollywood has become at these techniques. There are songs, laughs, and a little romance. In short, \"The Nightmare Before Christmas\" does what it intends to: entertain.\" Desson Thomson of \"The Washington Post\" enjoyed stylistic features in common with Oscar Wilde, German Expressionism, the Brothers Grimm and \"The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari\". Michael A. Morrison discusses the influence of Dr. Seuss' \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\" on the film, writing that Jack parallels the Grinch and Zero parallels Max, the Grinch's dog. Philip Nel writes that the film \"challenges the wisdom of adults through", "psg_id": "2418804" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "fall into Oogie's cauldron and are killed. Jack apologizes to Santa for his actions, and Santa assures Jack that he can fix things and returns to Christmas Town. As Santa replaces the Halloween-style presents with genuine ones, the townspeople of Halloween Town celebrate Jack's return. Santa then visits Halloween Town and brings them a snowfall for the residents to play with. In the graveyard, Jack and Sally declare their love for each other. The cast also features Kerry Katz, Carmen Twillie, Randy Crenshaw, Debi Durst, Glenn Walters, Sherwood Ball, and Greg Proops voicing various characters. Patrick Stewart recorded narration for", "psg_id": "2418782" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "and $1.1 million, respectively, increasing the film's total box office gross to $75 million. The film initially received positive reviews from critics; it has since gone on to receive widespread critical acclaim. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds a rating of 95%, based on 88 reviews, with an average rating of 8.2/10. The site's consensus reads, \"\"The Nightmare Before Christmas\" is a stunningly original and visually delightful work of stop-motion animation.\" On Metacritic the film has a score of 82 out of 100, based on 30 critics, indicating \"universal acclaim\". Roger Ebert gave a highly positive review for \"Nightmare\". Ebert", "psg_id": "2418802" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "of \"Sally's Song\" which was released on her album \"Will you hate the rest of the world or will you renew your life?\" in 2010. Pentatonix released a cover of \"Making Christmas\" for their 2018 Christmas album \"Christmas Is Here!\". Another soundtrack released in 2003 was the Disneyland \"Haunted Mansion Holiday\" CD. Although most were not original songs from the movie, one song provided on the CD is a medley of \"Making Christmas\", \"What's This?\", and \"Kidnap the Sandy Claws\". Other songs included are original holiday songs changed to incorporate the theme of the movie. The last song on the", "psg_id": "2418794" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "will end in disaster, but Jack dismisses this and assigns her the task of sewing him a red coat to wear. He also tasks Lock, Shock and Barrel, a trio of mischievous trick-or-treating children, to abduct Santa Claus and bring him back to Halloween Town. Jack tells Santa he will be bringing Christmas to the world in his place this year. Jack orders the trio to keep Santa safe, but the children instead deliver Santa to Oogie Boogie, a gambling-addicted bogeyman, who plots to play a game with Santa's life at stake. Sally attempts to rescue Santa so he can", "psg_id": "2418780" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "20 individual stages were simultaneously being used for filming. In total, there were 109,440 frames taken for the film. The work of Ray Harryhausen, Ladislas Starevich, Edward Gorey, Étienne Delessert, Gahan Wilson, Charles Addams, Jan Lenica, Francis Bacon, and Wassily Kandinsky influenced the filmmakers. Selick described the production design as akin to a pop-up book. In addition, Selick stated, \"When we reach Halloween Town, it's entirely German Expressionism. When Jack enters Christmas Town, it's an outrageous Dr. Seuss-esque setpiece. Finally, when Jack is delivering presents in the 'Real World', everything is plain, simple and perfectly aligned.\" Vincent Price, Don Ameche,", "psg_id": "2418789" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge", "text": "Jack (which is obtained once Doctor Finklestein is defeated) can throw out presents to stun enemies or freeze enemies in ice, and the Pumpkin King (which you get after saving Sally from a large spider) can burn enemies, open doors by burning them etc. Additionally, there are several unlockable costumes, however, they do not grant any additional abilities. Reception to the game was mostly mixed. GameRankings gave \"The Nightmare Before Christmas: Boogie's Revenge\" a score of 66.46% for Xbox and 64.95% for PlayStation 2, while Metacritic gave it a score of 65 out of 100 for both console versions. IGN", "psg_id": "5249918" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "video game \"\" did serve as a sequel of the film, with Capcom's crew of developers going after Burton for advice, and having the collaboration of the film's art director, Deane Taylor. In 2009, Selick said he would do a film sequel if he and Burton could create a good story for it. A collectible card game based on the film called \"The Nightmare Before Christmas TCG\" was released in 2005 by NECA. The game was designed by Quixotic Games founder Andrew Parks and Kez Shlasnger. It consists of a Premiere set and 4 Starter Decks based on four characters,", "psg_id": "2418809" }, { "title": "The Bear Who Slept Through Christmas", "text": "stores. A Halloween sequel, The Great Bear Scare, was released in October 1983. It later aired on the Disney Channel until the late 1990s. Rights to the special are now owned by Lionsgate. It is available through the Lionsgate channel on YouTube and on the Netflix instant stream service. The Bear Who Slept Through Christmas The Bear Who Slept Through Christmas is an animated Christmas TV special. It premiered on NBC on December 17, 1973, in the United States. It was produced by DePatie-Freleng Enterprises, executive producer Norman Sedawie, and starred the voices of Tommy Smothers, Arte Johnson and Barbara", "psg_id": "8755850" }, { "title": "The Night Before the Night Before Christmas", "text": "The Night Before the Night Before Christmas The Night Before the Night Before Christmas is a 2010 Hallmark Channel Original Movie about Angela and Wayne Fox (Jennifer Beals and Rick Roberts) who are workaholic parents. It premiered on the Hallmark Channel on November 20, 2010. Santa sets off on his Christmas duties a day early and crashes into the Fox family's house. He ends up with amnesia and loses his magic sack of presents. The Fox family are a modern and broken family. The parents are preoccupied with work and the kids are not very festive. Forced to set their", "psg_id": "16657402" }, { "title": "The Night Before the Night Before Christmas", "text": "own problems aside and work together, they help Santa find his magical bag of toys. The Night Before the Night Before Christmas The Night Before the Night Before Christmas is a 2010 Hallmark Channel Original Movie about Angela and Wayne Fox (Jennifer Beals and Rick Roberts) who are workaholic parents. It premiered on the Hallmark Channel on November 20, 2010. Santa sets off on his Christmas duties a day early and crashes into the Fox family's house. He ends up with amnesia and loses his magic sack of presents. The Fox family are a modern and broken family. The parents", "psg_id": "16657403" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Pumpkin King", "text": "that he lived under the treehouse on the edge of town. When he faced Oogie Jack learned that he was behind the whole mess and that he wanted to turn Halloween into Crawloween. Jack and Oogie had a battle to decide who ruled the town. Oogie was certain he would win saying that the town would be reborn as Bug Town. Lock, Shock and Barrel helped him saying that when Oogie took over the town would be theirs to play with. When Jack defeated him he ordered Oogie to fear him and not to leave the lair. Jack met Sally", "psg_id": "5358959" }, { "title": "This Is Halloween", "text": "in the video game \"Just Dance 3\". Differently from the vast majority of Disney movies, in several countries \"The Nightmare Before Christmas\" was released only with subtitles, since the movie was originally thought to be \"too dark and scary for kids\", and was thus released as a product for adults. However, some countries did rerecord the song anyway, along with the whole movie, in their own languages. \"This Is Halloween\" was covered by the band Marilyn Manson in 2006 for the special edition release of the film's soundtrack and subsequently included on the 2008 cover album, \"Nightmare Revisited\". The song", "psg_id": "7832722" }, { "title": "The Fight Before Christmas", "text": "the children's book \"The Polar Express\" and its film adaptation. In Santa's office building at the North Pole, the characters Schroeder (from \"Peanuts\") and Bumble (from \"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer\") are seen. The second segment references the plot of the film \"Inglourious Basterds\" in that Marge blows up a movie theater with Adolf Hitler and other Nazis in it. In addition, the propaganda film that is playing in the theater features an evil version of the Disney character Dumbo flying over London and dropping bombs. American media personality Martha Stewart guest starred in \"The Fight Before Christmas\" as an animated", "psg_id": "14457786" }, { "title": "This Is Halloween", "text": "was also covered by Panic! at the Disco for the 2006 soundtrack reissue. On the 2011 album \"V-Rock Disney\", which features visual kei artists covering Disney songs, Sadie covered this song. In 2014, Jonathan Young and Travis Carte covered this song for the album Young Does Disney 1. The official video, as of August 24, has just over 2 million views and 40k likes. This Is Halloween \"This Is Halloween\" is a song from the 1993 film, \"The Nightmare Before Christmas\", with music and lyrics written by Danny Elfman. In the film it is performed by the residents of the", "psg_id": "7832723" }, { "title": "Christmas Carol: The Movie", "text": "Christmas Carol: The Movie Christmas Carol: The Movie is a 2001 British live action/animated film based on Charles Dickens's classic novella. Directed by Jimmy T. Murakami, the film features the voices of numerous actors including Simon Callow, Kate Winslet (who also sang the film's theme \"What If\"), Kate's sister Beth Winslet, and Nicolas Cage. This version differs from others, in that Scrooge is given another chance with the love of his life, Belle, who ended their engagement in their youth after he was corrupted by greed; they later meet again after the three spirits have reformed Scrooge and he is", "psg_id": "5843165" }, { "title": "The Night Before Christmas (1933 film)", "text": "children. The toys come alive, and they dance around and have fun. The kids awake to find a beautiful Christmas tree with lots of toys. The Night Before Christmas (1933 film) The Night Before Christmas, also known as Santa's Toys, is a 1933 American Pre-Code animated short film produced by Walt Disney Productions and released by United Artists. Part of the \"Silly Symphony\" series, the film is an adaptation of Clement Clarke Moore's poem \"A Visit from St. Nicholas\", popularly called \"The Night Before Christmas\". The film was directed by Disney animator Wilfred Jackson. In a loose adaptation of Clement", "psg_id": "18079800" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "Halloween, since 2010. The reissues have led to a reemergence of 3-D films and advances in RealD Cinema. With years of successful home video sales, \"Nightmare\" later achieved the ranks of a cult film. Touchstone Home Video first released the film on VHS on September 30, 1994, and on DVD on December 2, 1997. The DVD release contained no special features. \"Nightmare\" was released a second time on October 3, 2000 as a special edition. The release included an audio commentary by Selick and cinematographer Pete Kozachik, a 28-minute making-of documentary, a gallery of concept art, storyboards, test footage and", "psg_id": "2418797" }, { "title": "Nilus the Sandman: The Boy Who Dreamed Christmas", "text": "a total of 26 episodes over two seasons. \"The Boy Who Dreamed Christmas\" was nominated for a Gemini Award in the category of \"Best Animated Program or Series\" in 1993. Nilus the Sandman: The Boy Who Dreamed Christmas Nilus the Sandman: The Boy Who Dreamed Christmas (also known simply as The Boy Who Dreamed Christmas) is a Canadian part-animated and part-live-action Christmas television special which was originally broadcast on December 1, 1991 on CTV. In the United States, it was first broadcast on The Disney Channel on December 10, 1991. It was followed by two more \"Nilus the Sandman\" TV", "psg_id": "18556561" }, { "title": "Nightmare Revisited", "text": "Halloween\" 4. \"Jack's Lament\" 5. \"Doctor Finkelstein/In the Forest\" 6. \"What's This?\" 7. \"Town Meeting Song\" 8. \"Jack and Sally Montage\" 9. \"Jack's Obsession\" 10. \"Kidnap the Sandy Claws\" 11. \"Making Christmas\" 12. \"Nabbed\" 13. \"Oogie Boogie's Song\" 14. \"Sally's Song\" 15. \"Christmas Eve Montage\" 16. \"Poor Jack\" 17. \"To the Rescue\" 18. \"Finale/Reprise\" 19. \"Closing\" 20. \"End Title\" \"Nightmare Revisited\" was released on October 27, 2008 in the UK and failed to chart. Nightmare Revisited Nightmare Revisited is a cover album of songs and score from the 1993 Disney animated film \"The Nightmare Before Christmas\". It was released on", "psg_id": "12312110" }, { "title": "The Fight Before Christmas", "text": "The Fight Before Christmas \"The Fight Before Christmas\" is the eighth episode of the twenty-second season of \"The Simpsons\". It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on December 5, 2010, and consists of four short dream segments that all take place during Christmas. In the first segment, Bart travels to the North Pole and sets out to get Santa into giving him the dirt bike he has wished for every year. In the second one, set during World War II, Lisa has to cope with the absence of her mother who has been deployed as a", "psg_id": "14457776" }, { "title": "The Night Before Christmas (1933 film)", "text": "The Night Before Christmas (1933 film) The Night Before Christmas, also known as Santa's Toys, is a 1933 American Pre-Code animated short film produced by Walt Disney Productions and released by United Artists. Part of the \"Silly Symphony\" series, the film is an adaptation of Clement Clarke Moore's poem \"A Visit from St. Nicholas\", popularly called \"The Night Before Christmas\". The film was directed by Disney animator Wilfred Jackson. In a loose adaptation of Clement C. Moore's famous poem, St. Nick is seen delivering the toys that he made in Disney's \"Santa's Workshop\" (1932) to a house full of sleeping", "psg_id": "18079799" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Pumpkin King", "text": "that Jack was scarier than him and sent the henchmen to kidnap Jack. They however bring Sally, a rag doll-like creature who was Dr. Finkelstein's new assistant with a crush on Jack, back instead. Jack found the Town deserted on Halloween of all days and heard from the mayor that everyone was hiding from a bug infestation. Lock, Shock and Barrel wreaked havoc around the town while Jack was determined to get to the bottom of it. Along the way Jack helped the townspeople and in return collected weapons, upgrades and information. Jack heard from them about Oogie Boogie and", "psg_id": "5358958" }, { "title": "The Dog Who Saved Christmas", "text": "that Sunday, and became the season's number one cable film of the season. Overall, it was a 14% increase in viewers from the same timeslot in the previous year. Critics compared it to another Christmas dog themed TV movie of 2009, \"A Dog Named Christmas\" and cited influences from \"Home Alone\" and \"Look Who's Talking\". \"A Dog Named Christmas\" was broadcast on the same night as \"The Dog Who Saved Christmas\" with the original timings overlapping by an hour. Overall, critics rated \"A Dog Named Christmas\" as the superior film over \"The Dog Who Saved Christmas,\" but praised the performances", "psg_id": "14046834" }, { "title": "The First Christmas: The Story of the First Christmas Snow", "text": "The First Christmas: The Story of the First Christmas Snow The First Christmas: The Story of the First Christmas Snow is a 1975 Christmas stop motion animated television special produced by Rankin/Bass Productions which originally premiered on NBC on December 19, 1975. It is narrated by Angela Lansbury and co-stars Cyril Ritchard. A young shepherd, Lucas, is blinded by lightning, and some nuns at a nearby abbey take him to a stable. Sister Theresa describes snow to Lucas, who has never seen it. Lucas gets chosen to play an angel in the stable's Christmas pageant, and the Christmas snow that", "psg_id": "9392581" }, { "title": "The Night Before Christmas (Dai)", "text": "(2016), and Judy Gold (2017). Moore's poem was selected partly due to the nominal connection between the author's home and the orchestra that would debut the musical work. \"'Twas the Night Before Christmas\" was penned in 1822 on Moore's country estate—named \"Chelsea\"—which eventually became the Manhattan district Chelsea, which, in turn, provided the name for The Chelsea Symphony. Dai's \"The Night Before Christmas\" premiered less than two blocks from the site of the original poem's writing. \"The Night Before Christmas\" is scored for a narrator and an orchestra, including: The Night Before Christmas (Dai) The Night Before Christmas is an", "psg_id": "14135229" }, { "title": "Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie", "text": "Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie is a 2005 American animated direct-to-video film produced by DisneyToon Studios, featuring the characters from Winnie the Pooh franchise and the sequel to \"Pooh's Heffalump Movie\". This is voice actor John Fiedler's final appearance as Piglet, as he died three months before release. Travis Oates (who would eventually become Piglet's current voice actor) replaces Fiedler in some scenes. It was followed by a television film produced by Walt Disney Television Animation, \"Pooh's Super Sleuth Christmas Movie\", released on November 20, 2007, an animated feature served as the episodes of the television series", "psg_id": "7137363" }, { "title": "Disney Gifts of Christmas", "text": "heartwarming world of Christmas. Mickey and friends show up one by one bearing gifts, each with an accompanying scene. These scenes have its own theme that ties back to the holiday season and features Disney and Pixar animated characters. This is the third Christmas Projection Spectacular that featured Toy Story Nutcracker, followed by Disney Dreams! of Christmas at Disneyland Paris and World of Color: Winter Dreams at Disney California Adventure. Disney Gifts of Christmas Disney Gifts of Christmas is a Christmas nighttime spectacular at Tokyo Disneyland, that premiered on November 8, 2017 as part of Christmas Fantasy event. Similar to", "psg_id": "20804833" }, { "title": "Nilus the Sandman: The Boy Who Dreamed Christmas", "text": "Nilus the Sandman: The Boy Who Dreamed Christmas Nilus the Sandman: The Boy Who Dreamed Christmas (also known simply as The Boy Who Dreamed Christmas) is a Canadian part-animated and part-live-action Christmas television special which was originally broadcast on December 1, 1991 on CTV. In the United States, it was first broadcast on The Disney Channel on December 10, 1991. It was followed by two more \"Nilus the Sandman\" TV specials which premiered in 1994 and 1995, and then a \"Nilus the Sandman\" TV series airing from 1996 to 1998. Most of the film is animated (the dream scenes), but", "psg_id": "18556552" }, { "title": "Disney Gifts of Christmas", "text": "Disney Gifts of Christmas Disney Gifts of Christmas is a Christmas nighttime spectacular at Tokyo Disneyland, that premiered on November 8, 2017 as part of Christmas Fantasy event. Similar to Once Upon a Time, \"Disney Gifts of Christmas\" uses projection mapping, lasers, fire and searchlights as well as fireworks to celebrates the holiday season with several holiday-themed segments. This nighttime entertainment is themed to gifts that Mickey Mouse and other Disney Characters bring for Christmas. Enchanting holiday scenes of the Disney Friends are projected with a colorful, illumination-like effect onto Cinderella Castle. Familiar music of the season helps create a", "psg_id": "20804832" }, { "title": "The Ultimate Christmas Present", "text": "Performance in a TV Movie (Comedy or Drama) Young Actor Age 10 or Under. The Ultimate Christmas Present The Ultimate Christmas Present is a 2000 Disney Channel Original Movie starring Brenda Song and Hallee Hirsh. It premiered December 1, 2000 on Disney Channel as part of their Christmas season. Two teen girls, Samantha Elizabeth \"Sam\" Kwan (age 13) (Brenda Song) and Allison Rachel \"Allie\" Thompson (age 13) (Hallee Hirsh) find a weather machine at a shack in the woods. After learning of its controls, they use it to make it snow in Los Angeles. It turns out that the weather", "psg_id": "6302242" }, { "title": "The Lights Before Christmas", "text": "Lights Before Christmas is displayed nightly from November 20 - December 31, 2009 except on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve. and Christmas Day. The Lights Before Christmas The Lights Before Christmas is an annual event that happens once a year at the Toledo Zoo in Toledo, Ohio. Every year between the middle of November until New Years Day, anyone can visit the lights and enjoy a nice Christmas treat. It is a very well known event throughout Toledo. People from the ages of newborn to 90 years of age all come and enjoy the lights. The animals will still be able to", "psg_id": "13985451" }, { "title": "This Is Halloween", "text": "This Is Halloween \"This Is Halloween\" is a song from the 1993 film, \"The Nightmare Before Christmas\", with music and lyrics written by Danny Elfman. In the film it is performed by the residents of the fictional \"Halloween Town\", which is the film's main setting, and introduces the town's Halloween-centered lifestyle. The song is featured in both \"HalloWishes\" at the Magic Kingdom and at Disneyland's \"Halloween Screams\". In Calaway Park, it is featured in the haunted mansion. It is also used as the background music for the Halloween Town world in the video game \"Kingdom Hearts\". The song is featured", "psg_id": "7832721" }, { "title": "The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation", "text": "The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation is a 2010 sequel to the ABC Family 2009 movie \"The Dog Who Saved Christmas\". The movie stars Paris Hilton (in her first voice role) and Mario Lopez. It premiered on ABC Family on November 28, 2010 during the Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas programming block and was written by Michael Ciminera and Richard Gnolfo. The Bannister family and their dog Zeus, go to a ski lodge in Colorado for their Christmas vacation. When they get to their condo, they find Belinda's brother and his son staying", "psg_id": "14959774" }, { "title": "The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation", "text": "knocking down a tower of Christmas presents. The family finds the dogs at the village. London James gets her necklace back, Ted and Stewey are arrested, and Zeus and Bella become a couple. The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation is a 2010 sequel to the ABC Family 2009 movie \"The Dog Who Saved Christmas\". The movie stars Paris Hilton (in her first voice role) and Mario Lopez. It premiered on ABC Family on November 28, 2010 during the Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas programming block and was written by Michael Ciminera and Richard", "psg_id": "14959777" }, { "title": "White Christmas (Warner Bros. Movie World)", "text": "Christmas 4-D. White Christmas (Warner Bros. Movie World) Warner's Christmas Celebration is an annual night-time Christmas event which is held at Warner Bros. Movie World across selected nights in December. Following the success of their first Halloween Family Fun Night in 2006, Warner Bros. Movie World ran a one-off Looney Tunes Christmas event on 23 December 2006. The event featured a Christmas parade and Looney Tunes shows. In 2007, an extended Halloween Family Fun line-up returned but the Christmas event was discontinued. On 30 December 2009, the Gold Coast Bulletin reported a variety of new attractions for the Gold Coast", "psg_id": "15115973" }, { "title": "The Night Before Christmas (1913 film)", "text": "with distinctively Gogolian humour and play over the incessant laughter of the public... The film is made excellently, including the minute details which create the reality of the Ukrainian life. The Night Before Christmas (1913 film) The Night Before Christmas (, \"Noch pered Rozhdestvom\") is a 1913 silent film made in the Russian Empire by Ladislas Starevich, based on the tale of the same name by Nikolai Gogol. Unlike most of Starevich's films, it is mainly live-action. The plot is, on the whole, close to Gogol's classic tale. The action is set in a Cossack \"stanitsa\". On Christmas Eve, a", "psg_id": "9370624" }, { "title": "White Christmas (Warner Bros. Movie World)", "text": "White Christmas (Warner Bros. Movie World) Warner's Christmas Celebration is an annual night-time Christmas event which is held at Warner Bros. Movie World across selected nights in December. Following the success of their first Halloween Family Fun Night in 2006, Warner Bros. Movie World ran a one-off Looney Tunes Christmas event on 23 December 2006. The event featured a Christmas parade and Looney Tunes shows. In 2007, an extended Halloween Family Fun line-up returned but the Christmas event was discontinued. On 30 December 2009, the Gold Coast Bulletin reported a variety of new attractions for the Gold Coast theme parks", "psg_id": "15115969" }, { "title": "The Christmas Channel", "text": "The Christmas Channel The Christmas Channel is an American radio network that primarily airs traditional and popular Christmas music to 35 affiliate radio stations across the United States. The Christmas Channel is a property of Cumulus Media Networks (through Cumulus Media) and is active from the day before Thanksgiving Day through Christmas Day. \"The Christmas Channel\" started out as seasonal programming on ABC Radio's \"Memories/Unforgettable Favorites\" satellite format in 1998 under The Walt Disney Company's control. On Thanksgiving Day, ABC Radio would switch programming to Christmas music and the day after Christmas Day, it would switch back to regular programming.", "psg_id": "12202223" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "a special edition of the soundtrack was released, featuring a bonus disc which contained covers of five of the film's songs by Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, Marilyn Manson, Fiona Apple, and She Wants Revenge. Four original demo tracks by Elfman were also included. On September 30, 2008, Disney released the cover album \"Nightmare Revisited\", featuring artists such as Amy Lee, Flyleaf, Korn, Rise Against, Plain White T's, The All-American Rejects, and many more. American gothic rock band London After Midnight featured a cover of \"Sally's Song\" on their 1998 album \"Oddities\". LiLi Roquelin did a French cover", "psg_id": "2418793" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "text": "Before Christmas\"\". Danny Elfman was worried the characterization of Oogie Boogie would be considered racist by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Elfman's predictions came true; however, director Henry Selick stated the character was inspired by the Betty Boop cartoon \"The Old Man of the Mountain\". \"Cab Calloway would dance his inimitable jazz dance and sing 'Minnie the Moocher' or 'Old Man of the Mountain', and they would rotoscope him, trace him, turn him into a cartoon character, often transforming him into an animal, like a walrus,\" Selick continued. \"I think those are some of the", "psg_id": "2418806" }, { "title": "The Night Before Christmas (album)", "text": "The Night Before Christmas (album) The Night Before Christmas is a Christmas album by American actor David Hasselhoff. It was released in November 2004. The album received generally negative reviews. Idolator said: \"Who wouldn’t want to be serenaded by The Hoff at Christmas? No? David dusts off all the classics like \"Deck The Halls\" and \"Silent Night,\" and crosses cultural borders by assaulting eardrums in languages other than English, via German and Spanish contributions to the Yuletide soundtrack from Hell.\" In 2013, New York Post ranked the album as number 1 worst celebrity Christmas album, saying the album spread \"Christmas", "psg_id": "20208140" }, { "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge", "text": "to Christmas Town. Jack rescues Santa from a train-contraption, but Oogie, having become enraged by Jack constantly foiling his plans, leaves in Santa's sleigh full of Christmas presents. Luckily, Sally brings Jack's sleigh to help, and Jack and Santa chase after Oogie. Oogie falls out of the sleigh into a world of garbage after being frightened by one of Jack's jack-in-the-boxes that was dropped in the sleigh by an elf. There, he absorbs the waste and insects in the environment in a fit of rage and becomes a giant version of himself to beat Jack. Jack faces Oogie one-on-one. Everyone", "psg_id": "5249914" }, { "title": "The Dog Who Saved Christmas", "text": "Adrienne Barbeau and Mindy Sterling. \"The Dog Who Saved Christmas\" won several \"Yulies\" from the Popwatch column on Entertainment Weekly's website. The categories it won included \"MVP: Most Valuable Pooch\" and \"Best Use of Dean Cain\". It was given the \"Family Approved\" seal by The Dove Foundation. Commonsense Media graded it as appropriate for ages 6 and up. A sequel, \"The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation\", aired on ABC Family in 2010. A second sequel, \"The Dog Who Saved Halloween\", was released directly to DVD in September 2011. A third sequel, \"The Dog Who Saved the Holidays\", was released directly", "psg_id": "14046835" }, { "title": "The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding", "text": "\"murder\" through an open window and used this opportunity to take Lee-Wortley in. The \"ruby\" that Bridget held in the snow was a paste copy that Poirot brought with him to the house and Lee-Wortley has taken this with him. Poirot supposes that he will go abroad where he will be surprised when he tries to sell the false jewel. The real ruby was hidden by the two thieves in what they were told was the New Year pudding and they were unaware of the accident that befell the pudding intended for Christmas Day. Lee-Wortley's \"sister\" overhears this and is", "psg_id": "5055840" }, { "title": "The Ultimate Christmas Present", "text": "The Ultimate Christmas Present The Ultimate Christmas Present is a 2000 Disney Channel Original Movie starring Brenda Song and Hallee Hirsh. It premiered December 1, 2000 on Disney Channel as part of their Christmas season. Two teen girls, Samantha Elizabeth \"Sam\" Kwan (age 13) (Brenda Song) and Allison Rachel \"Allie\" Thompson (age 13) (Hallee Hirsh) find a weather machine at a shack in the woods. After learning of its controls, they use it to make it snow in Los Angeles. It turns out that the weather machine belongs to Santa Claus (John B. Lowe) and he informs Mrs. Claus about", "psg_id": "6302236" }, { "title": "The Christmas Ornament", "text": "each other Christmas ornaments as gifts that represented their love for each other. Now she keeps those ornaments locked away in order to avoid memories of her tragic loss. The only holiday tradition she observes now is baking Christmas cookies for her friends, which she's been doing since childhood. Shortly before Christmas, Kathy meets a handsome Christmas tree shop owner, Tim (Cameron Mathison), who tries to sell her a tree, but is initially unsuccessful. The two are attracted to each other, and soon she accepts a tree from him as a gift, as well as an ornament that symbolizes hope", "psg_id": "18456601" }, { "title": "Christmas in the Trenches", "text": "of several stories about it. One is about how he first heard the story of the Christmas Truce from a janitor he swapped stories with before a concert. He also tells of performing the song at a small festival in Denmark, in a town close to its border with Germany, and seeing a group of old men gathered at each concert, who turned out to be German veterans who had experienced the Christmas Truce. Most recently he tells of being taken to meet Frank Buckles, the last surviving American World War I veteran. Christmas in the Trenches \"Christmas in the", "psg_id": "11498995" }, { "title": "In the Swing of Christmas", "text": "In the Swing of Christmas In the Swing of Christmas is Barry Manilow's third Christmas-themed album, released in 2007. It was only available at Hallmark Cards stores. You could also go to one of Barry's web sites to download the bonus track \"It Came Upon the Midnight Clear\". In 2009, the album was re-released on Arista Records with two added tracks, the first one was \"Christmas Is Just Around The Corner\", from the animated movie \"A Cranberry Christmas\", and the other one was \"Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer\". In 2008, the album was nominated for a Grammy Award in the", "psg_id": "12693342" }, { "title": "Disney Parks Christmas Day Parade", "text": "Day Parade. From 2009 through 2013, the program was referred to as the Disney Parks Christmas Day Parade. For a few years after that, the program's name would change on a yearly basis, being known as Disney Parks Frozen Christmas Celebration in 2014, Disney Parks Unforgettable Christmas Celebration in 2015, Disney Parks Magical Christmas Celebration in 2016 and 2017, and finally Disney Parks Magical Christmas Day Parade in 2018. Before Philbin and Ripa, the long-time hosts were Joan Lunden and Alan Thicke, with Philbin on the street interviewing guests. Philbin had been involved with the program continuously from 1991 to", "psg_id": "6361717" }, { "title": "The Heart of Christmas", "text": "The Heart of Christmas The Heart of Christmas is a 2011 American Christian drama feature film directed by Gary Wheeler. It stars Candace Cameron Bure, Erin Bethea, Jeanne Neilson, Eric Jay Beck, George Newbern, and Matthew West. Based on a true story, the film involves a woman’s encounter with a family caring for a child with acute leukemia and how it transforms her faith and her attitude about her own family. Megan Walsh is a successful businesswoman who does not seem to have enough time for her husband and two children. While taking her children trick-or-treating during Halloween, she encounters", "psg_id": "16948857" }, { "title": "The Night Before Christmas (1951 film)", "text": "and orthodox Christmas. The Night Before Christmas (1951 film) The Night Before Christmas (, Noch pered Rozhdestvom) is a 1951 Russian feature animated film directed by the \"grandmothers of the Russian animation\", Brumberg sisters, and produced by the Soyuzmultfilm studio in Moscow. The film is based on Nikolai Gogol's story \"The Night Before Christmas\". In big degree it was succeeded to present in this screen version of the story of the same name on the screen national color of the Ukrainian village. The animation features heavy use of rotoscoping, known as \"Éclair\" in the Soviet Union, and is an example", "psg_id": "9365251" }, { "title": "The Fight Before Christmas", "text": "Domination\" lineup that night, beating \"The Cleveland Show\" and \"American Dad!\". In addition, \"The Fight Before Christmas\" became the fifth highest-rated program among adults aged 18–49 the week it aired, and the twentieth highest-rated among all ages. The episode as a whole has received mixed to positive reviews from critics. AOL TV's Brad Trechak wrote that it \"showed a level of imagination that the recent Halloween episodes have been lacking\" and that it \"started good and got progressively better [...]\". Todd VanDerWerff of \"The A.V. Club\", on the other hand, commented that the segments \"got weaker as they went along\".", "psg_id": "14457794" }, { "title": "The Night Before Christmas (album)", "text": "fear instead of cheer\". In 2015 CBC Music listed the album as one of the 15 worst Christmas albums of all time. In 2015, Clint Davis from NBC listed the album as one of the 8 most bizarre Christmas albums. In 2016, Matthew Dunn from said \"nothing says scraping the bottom of the barrel quite like David Hasselhoff’s \"The Night Before Christmas\"\" in an explanation of why he dislikes Christmas. The Night Before Christmas (album) The Night Before Christmas is a Christmas album by American actor David Hasselhoff. It was released in November 2004. The album received generally negative", "psg_id": "20208141" }, { "title": "Super Sleuth Christmas Movie", "text": "and tumble under the trees. Santa takes them back to the Hundred Acre Wood and returns to the North Pole. The gang go to celebrate Christmas in Pooh's house, where Kanga was waiting for them. Super Sleuth Christmas Movie Super Sleuth Christmas Movie is a 2007 film directed by Don MacKinnon and David Hartman and based on the Playhouse Disney television series \"My Friends Tigger & Pooh\". It was released direct-to-video. It premiered on Playhouse Disney on December 6, 2008. It's almost Christmas, and Darby, Buster, Pooh, Tigger and their friends from the Hundred Acre Wood are waiting that night.", "psg_id": "12270185" }, { "title": "A Disney Christmas Gift", "text": "A Disney Christmas Gift A Disney Christmas Gift is an animated Christmas television special produced by Walt Disney Productions which was originally broadcast on CBS on December 4, 1982 as part of \"Walt Disney\" anthology series. The special is a Christmas-themed compilation of classic short cartoons featuring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck combined with excerpts from Disney feature films such as \"Melody Time\", \"Bambi\", \"Peter Pan\", \"The Sword in the Stone\" and \"Cinderella\", as well as the 1933 classic \"Silly Symphony\" short \"The Night Before Christmas\". The opening and closing numbers, featuring the song \"On Christmas Morning\" and its reprise,", "psg_id": "11149398" }, { "title": "Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse", "text": "Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse is a 2001 American direct-to-video animated film produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Walt Disney Television Animation. It is the first of two direct-to-video films spin off from the Disney Channel animated television series \"Disney's House of Mouse\". The events of the film take place during the \"second season\" of Disney's House of Mouse. After a successful Christmas Eve show, Mickey wishes the guests a safe trip home. However, Goofy points out that they and the guests cannot leave the", "psg_id": "6657308" }, { "title": "The Dog Who Saved Christmas", "text": "The Dog Who Saved Christmas The Dog Who Saved Christmas is a TV movie starring Dean Cain, Gary Valentine and the voice of Mario López. It was written by childhood friends Michael Ciminera and Richard Gnolfo. It premiered on ABC Family on November 29, 2009 during their Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas programming block. It was ranked as the number one cable program during its timeslot, and the number one cable film of the 2009 winter season with 4.0 million viewers. Zeus, a Labrador Retriever and a former police dog, has lost his bark after his barking ended up", "psg_id": "14046830" }, { "title": "The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding", "text": "like something of that nature to take place on Christmas Day itself. That night, the Christmas tree is decorated and the party retire to their rooms for the night. On his pillow, Poirot finds a scrawled note which reads, \"DON'T EAT NONE OF THE PLUM PUDDING. ONE WHO WISHES YOU WELL.\" He is most puzzled. The next day, the party eats a huge Christmas dinner and then the elderly and partly retired butler brings in the Christmas pudding with great ceremony. The diners find the usual tokens in their portions but the Colonel is annoyed and amazed when he almost", "psg_id": "5055836" }, { "title": "Christmas Carol: The Movie", "text": "the United States, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer released it straight to video on VHS and on Region 1 DVD on 7 October 2003 in full screen. Reviewers across Britain, the Republic of Ireland and the US were generally dismissive towards the film. After viewing it at the Toronto International Film Festival, \"Variety\"'s Todd McCarthy wrote, \"[The] character animation is dully inexpressive, and two obnoxious mute mice do more scampering and gesticulating than Harpo Marx did in his entire career.\" Christmas Carol: The Movie Christmas Carol: The Movie is a 2001 British live action/animated film based on Charles Dickens's classic novella. Directed by Jimmy", "psg_id": "5843175" }, { "title": "The 12 Disasters of Christmas", "text": "of Christmas\" does not. It stays true to the path on which it embarked, seemingly never troubled for a second by concern for trivial matters like, oh, dialogue or plot.\" \"The A.V. Club\" gave the film a D rating stating \"...comes closer to so-bad-it's-good territory than any SyFy Original Movie in recent memory.\" The 12 Disasters of Christmas The 12 Disasters of Christmas (alternatively written as 12 Disasters of Christmas; released on DVD as 12 Disasters) is a Canadian-American science fiction action television film produced for Syfy in 2012 and directed by Steven R. Monroe. In a small town called", "psg_id": "16992823" }, { "title": "'Twas the Night Before Christmas (1977 TV special)", "text": "'Twas the Night Before Christmas (1977 TV special) Twas the Night Before Christmas is a Christmas television special loosely inspired by the 1823 poem \"A Visit from St. Nicholas\" by Clement Clarke Moore. It first aired December 7, 1977 on ABC. Directed by Tim Kiley, it stars Paul Lynde, Anne Meara, Martha Raye, and Alice Ghostley. The story is set on Christmas Eve in a New England town in the late 1890s. The Cosgrove family's home is in an uproar over the holidays. The patriarch, Clark Cosgrove (Paul Lynde) is frazzled by the gift demands of his loud children. His", "psg_id": "12775813" }, { "title": "Christmas Do-Over", "text": "Christmas Do-Over Christmas Do-Over is a TV movie starring Jay Mohr and Daphne Zuniga. It premiered on ABC Family in 2006 on their 25 Days of Christmas programming block. It is a remake of a previous ABC Family Christmas TV movie, \"Christmas Every Day\", but with an adult as the protagonist. Kevin (Jay Mohr), a lazy and selfish music composer, is a father divorced from his wife, Jill (Daphne Zuniga), but still obliged to celebrate Christmas with his former in-laws, especially Jill's father who never liked him to begin with. Shopping for a gift for his son at the last", "psg_id": "9347173" }, { "title": "Economics of Christmas", "text": "Christmas creep is a merchandising phenomenon in which merchants and retailers exploit the commercialized status of Christmas by moving up the start of the holiday shopping season. The term was first used in the mid-1980s. It is associated with a desire of merchants to take advantage of particularly heavy Christmas-related shopping well before Black Friday in the United States and before Halloween in Canada. The term is not used in the UK and Ireland, where retailers call Christmas the \"golden quarter\", that is, the three months of October through December is the quarter of the year in which the retail", "psg_id": "17970814" }, { "title": "The Lights Before Christmas", "text": "The Lights Before Christmas The Lights Before Christmas is an annual event that happens once a year at the Toledo Zoo in Toledo, Ohio. Every year between the middle of November until New Years Day, anyone can visit the lights and enjoy a nice Christmas treat. It is a very well known event throughout Toledo. People from the ages of newborn to 90 years of age all come and enjoy the lights. The animals will still be able to be seen, but some may be inside and not in the natural habitat because of the cold and the snow. The", "psg_id": "13985450" }, { "title": "The Man Who Saved Christmas", "text": "(Jake Brockman), Gilbert initially agrees to this, but comes to regret his decision. Things get the better of Gilbert as he learns that his brother Frank(Ari Cohen) has been declared missing in action in the war. This and other factors cause Gilbert to confront the government over plans to encourage people not to celebrate Christmas in order to save resources for the war effort. Gilbert successfully lobbies the government to allow him (and other toy manufacturers) to resume the production of toys for Christmas, thus earning Gilbert the name \"The man who saved Christmas.\" Ultimately, Gilbert's brother Frank returns from", "psg_id": "9432966" }, { "title": "The Night Before Christmas (1951 film)", "text": "The Night Before Christmas (1951 film) The Night Before Christmas (, Noch pered Rozhdestvom) is a 1951 Russian feature animated film directed by the \"grandmothers of the Russian animation\", Brumberg sisters, and produced by the Soyuzmultfilm studio in Moscow. The film is based on Nikolai Gogol's story \"The Night Before Christmas\". In big degree it was succeeded to present in this screen version of the story of the same name on the screen national color of the Ukrainian village. The animation features heavy use of rotoscoping, known as \"Éclair\" in the Soviet Union, and is an example of the Socialist-Realist", "psg_id": "9365244" }, { "title": "The Magic of Christmas (Nat King Cole album)", "text": "The Magic of Christmas (Nat King Cole album) The Magic of Christmas is a 1960 album by Nat King Cole, arranged and conducted by Ralph Carmichael. This was Cole's only full album of Christmas songs, although he had recorded several holiday singles earlier in his career. One of these, \"The Christmas Song\", originally recorded in 1946, was re-recorded for the 1961 album \"The Nat King Cole Story\". In 1963 \"The Magic of Christmas\" was reissued under the title The Christmas Song, with that recording added to the track list in place of \"God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen\", and with new", "psg_id": "14225344" }, { "title": "The Christmas Sessions", "text": "The Christmas Sessions The Christmas Sessions is the first Christmas album by American Christian rock band MercyMe. The album, produced by Brown Bannister, was released on September 27, 2005. The band, who greatly enjoy Christmas, had previously recorded Christmas songs and enjoyed the process so much that they wanted to produce a full-length album. After releasing a studio album in early 2004, they decided to take time off; they realized they could record a Christmas album over that period and began work in December 2004. The band, aiming to produce a rock-oriented album, recruited Bannister, a noted rock producer, to", "psg_id": "11550060" } ]
[ "jack skellington", "jack skeleton", "jack skelington", "jack skellington" ]
immortalized in an 1851 painting by emmanuel gottlieb leutze, which river did george washington cross on christmas night in 1776 before attacking the hessian forces during the battle of trenton?
[ { "title": "Washington Crossing the Delaware", "text": "Washington Crossing the Delaware Washington Crossing the Delaware is an 1851 oil-on-canvas painting by the German-American artist Emanuel Leutze. It commemorates General George Washington during his famous crossing of the Delaware River with the Continental Army on the night of December 25–26, 1776, during the American Revolutionary War. That action was the first move in a surprise attack against the German Hessian allied mercenary forces at Trenton, New Jersey, in the Battle of Trenton on the morning of December 26. The original was part of the collection at the Kunsthalle in Bremen, Germany, and was destroyed in a bombing raid", "psg_id": "4048527" } ]
[ { "title": "The Capture of the Hessians at Trenton, December 26, 1776", "text": "The Capture of the Hessians at Trenton, December 26, 1776 The Capture of the Hessians at Trenton, December 26, 1776 is the title of an oil painting by the American artist John Trumbull depicting the capture of the Hessian soldiers at the Battle of Trenton on the morning of December 26, 1776 during the American Revolutionary War. The focus is on General George Washington aiding the mortally wounded Hessian Colonel Johann Gottlieb Rall. Nearly 900 Hessians were captured at the battle. It is one of Trumbull's series of historical paintings on the war, which also includes the \"Declaration of Independence\"", "psg_id": "19920044" }, { "title": "Order of battle of the Battle of Trenton", "text": "was unable to cross any of his troops (militia companies that had been assigned to the reserve force known as the Flying Camp earlier in the year) due to difficult icy conditions at the Trenton Ferry. Ewing's artillery did fire across the river during the battle. Order of battle of the Battle of Trenton The Battle of Trenton was fought on December 26, 1776, during the American Revolutionary War campaign for New Jersey. In a surprise attack, the Continental Army led by George Washington attacked the winter quarters of a brigade composed primarily of German troops from Hesse-Kassel in Trenton,", "psg_id": "12329796" }, { "title": "Order of battle of the Battle of Trenton", "text": "Order of battle of the Battle of Trenton The Battle of Trenton was fought on December 26, 1776, during the American Revolutionary War campaign for New Jersey. In a surprise attack, the Continental Army led by George Washington attacked the winter quarters of a brigade composed primarily of German troops from Hesse-Kassel in Trenton, New Jersey. The Hessian brigade was under the command of Colonel Johann Rall; he died of wounds sustained in the battle, and about two thirds of his men were taken prisoner. It was the first major victory after a long string of defeats that had resulted", "psg_id": "12329786" }, { "title": "General George Washington at Trenton", "text": "General George Washington at Trenton General George Washington at Trenton is a large full-length portrait in oil painted in 1792 by the American artist John Trumbull of General George Washington at Trenton, New Jersey, on the night of January 2, 1777, during the American Revolutionary War. This is the night after the Battle of the Assunpink Creek, also known as the Second Battle of Trenton, and before the decisive victory at the Battle of Princeton the next day. The artist considered this portrait \"the best certainly of those which I painted.\" The portrait is on view at the Yale University", "psg_id": "19921763" }, { "title": "Battle of Trenton", "text": "the week before the battle, American advance parties began to ambush enemy cavalry patrols, capturing dispatch riders and attacking Hessian pickets. The Hessian commander, to emphasize the danger to his men, sent 100 infantry and an artillery detachment to deliver a letter to the British commander at Princeton. Washington ordered Ewing and his Pennsylvania militia to try to gain information on Hessian movements and technology. Ewing instead made three successful raids across the river. On December 17 and 18, 1776, they attacked an outpost of jägers and on the 21st, they set fire to several houses. Washington put constant watches", "psg_id": "1759134" }, { "title": "Order of battle of the Battle of Trenton", "text": "troops crossed. The divisions marched together for several miles before taking different roads into Trenton. Stephen's men led Major General Nathanael Greene's division southward along an inland road (which was accompanied by Washington and his entourage), while Major General John Sullivan's division followed a road along the river, intending to prevent the Hessians from retreating across the Assunpink Creek. Most of the figures in this listing are derived from a return prepared by George Washington on December 22, 1776, four days before the battle. Historian David Hackett Fischer includes estimates made by either himself or other historians for strength counts", "psg_id": "12329792" }, { "title": "Christmas", "text": "settlers of Bethlehem, Nazareth and Lititz in Pennsylvania and the Wachovia Settlements in North Carolina, were enthusiastic celebrators of Christmas. The Moravians in Bethlehem had the first Christmas trees in America as well as the first Nativity Scenes. Christmas fell out of favor in the United States after the American Revolution, when it was considered an English custom. George Washington attacked Hessian (German) mercenaries on the day after Christmas during the Battle of Trenton on December 26, 1776, Christmas being much more popular in Germany than in America at this time. With the atheistic Cult of Reason in power during", "psg_id": "77639" }, { "title": "The Capture of the Hessians at Trenton, December 26, 1776", "text": "the left to order that Rall, upheld by two officers, be cared for respectfully. Trumbull returned to New York on November 26, 1789, to continue work on the painting by making portraits of Washington. He continued making changes on the painting until its completion in 1828. In the center of the painting, American General George Washington is focusing his attention on the needs of the mortally wounded Hessian Colonel Johann Gottlieb Rall. Rall is being helped by American Major William Stephens Smith, aide-de-camp to General John Sullivan. Washington orders Smith to \"call our best surgeons to his assistance, and let", "psg_id": "19920046" }, { "title": "General George Washington at Trenton", "text": "included a stamp with one-cent value in 1936. On February 21, 1915, \"The New York Times\" published a full-page image of the painting with the caption \"\"General Washington\", painted from life by his staff officer and friend, Col. John Trumbull\", in the Picture section, the first time in Rotogravure. General George Washington at Trenton General George Washington at Trenton is a large full-length portrait in oil painted in 1792 by the American artist John Trumbull of General George Washington at Trenton, New Jersey, on the night of January 2, 1777, during the American Revolutionary War. This is the night after", "psg_id": "19921770" }, { "title": "Emanuel Leutze", "text": "The second painting, a replica of the first, only larger, was ordered 1850 by the Parisian art trader Adolphe Goupil for his New York branch and placed on exhibition on Broadway in October 1851. It is owned by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. In 1854, Leutze finished his depiction of the Battle of Monmouth, \"Washington rallying the troops at Monmouth,\" commissioned by an important Leutze patron, banker David Leavitt of New York City and Great Barrington, Massachusetts. In 1859, Leutze returned to the United States and opened a studio in New York City. He divided his time", "psg_id": "121934" }, { "title": "General George Washington at Trenton", "text": "the City of Charleston\". It was now set at Charleston, with the city in the background, the Cooper River and boats in the middle ground, and local plants in the foreground. Washington is shown as Smith wanted, \"calm, tranquil, peaceful.\" He wears gloves on both hands, holds a hat in his left hand which is shown resting on his sword, while holding a walking stick with his right hand. The painting is now on view in the Charleston City Hall. Trumbull painted a much smaller version ( x ), entitled \"George Washington before the Battle of Trenton\", –94, likely for", "psg_id": "19921766" }, { "title": "The Capture of the Hessians at Trenton, December 26, 1776", "text": "alone holds a sword in the painting. Next to him are Colonels Edward Wigglesworth and William Shepard. American Major General Nathanael Greene is shown on the right on a light-colored horse, facing Washington. Behind Greene are American Generals John Sullivan, Henry Knox, Philemon Dickinson, John Glover, and George Weedon. Standing to the right of Greene is Captain William Washington, who was wounded in his hand during the battle. In the foreground, a fallen Hessian flag is shown. Washington was later presented one as a war trophy. A large scale version ( × ), finished in 1831, is owned by the", "psg_id": "19920048" }, { "title": "Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption (Trenton, New Jersey)", "text": "the location as the place where Hessian Commander Col. Johann Gottlieb Rall died on December 27, 1776. St. Mary's was the second Catholic parish established in Trenton after St. John's, which was located on the present site of Sacred Heart Church on South Broad Street. Ground was broken for the parish church on April 23, 1866, and it was dedicated on January 1, 1871 by Bishop James Roosevelt Bayley of Newark. The spire was completed by Joseph Trier, a Trenton contractor, in 1879. It was said to be the tallest church spire in the state at that time. The clock", "psg_id": "15952579" }, { "title": "Battle of the Assunpink Creek", "text": "Battle of the Assunpink Creek The Battle of the Assunpink Creek, also known as the Second Battle of Trenton, was a battle between American and British troops that took place in and around Trenton, New Jersey, on January 2, 1777, during the American Revolutionary War, and resulted in an American victory. Following the victory at the Battle of Trenton early in the morning of December 26, 1776, General George Washington of the Continental Army and his council of war expected a strong British counter-attack. Washington and the council decided to meet this attack in Trenton, and established a defensive position", "psg_id": "5834856" }, { "title": "Battle of the Assunpink Creek", "text": "army to Morristown for winter quarters. Battle of the Assunpink Creek The Battle of the Assunpink Creek, also known as the Second Battle of Trenton, was a battle between American and British troops that took place in and around Trenton, New Jersey, on January 2, 1777, during the American Revolutionary War, and resulted in an American victory. Following the victory at the Battle of Trenton early in the morning of December 26, 1776, General George Washington of the Continental Army and his council of war expected a strong British counter-attack. Washington and the council decided to meet this attack in", "psg_id": "5834874" }, { "title": "Fort Lee Historic Park", "text": "on November 20, 1776 marked the successful invasion of New Jersey by British and Hessian forces and the subsequent general retreat of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Peter Bourdette's sixteen-year-old son, also named Peter, provided assistance by direct use of the landing. During the week leading up to the evacuation of Fort Lee he rowed back and forth across the river gathering information for General Washington on the anticipated movements of the British forces. Well after dark on the night before the battle for New York at Fort Washington, George Washington was rowed from Burdett's Landing to", "psg_id": "6575570" }, { "title": "William D. Washington", "text": "He studied painting with Emmanuel Leutze during his time in Washington, working with the elder painter between 1851 and 1852. He also pursued further study in Düsseldorf, also with Leutze; his recommendation to travel there was supported by both of Virginia's senators, James Murray Mason and Robert Mercer Taliaferro Hunter, who urged Secretary of State Edward Everett to appoint him a dispatch bearer in Europe to provide him with funds for the journey. The Secretary agreed, and Washington began his duties at Calais upon landing there on May 16, 1853. He continued to Germany and began studies under Friedrich Wilhelm", "psg_id": "12135259" }, { "title": "Battle of Trenton", "text": "December 22, 1776, a spy reported to Grant that Washington had called a council of war; Grant told Rall to \"be on your guard\". The main Hessian force of 1,500 men was divided into three regiments: Knyphausen, Lossberg and Rall. That night, they did not send out any patrols because of the severe weather. Before Washington and his troops left, Benjamin Rush came to cheer up the General. While he was there, he saw a note Washington had written, saying, \"Victory or Death\". Those words would be the password for the surprise attack. Each soldier carried 60 rounds of ammunition,", "psg_id": "1759140" }, { "title": "Trenton Battle Monument", "text": "Trenton Battle Monument The Trenton Battle Monument is a massive column-type structure in the Battle Monument section of Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey, United States. It commemorates the December 26, 1776, Battle of Trenton, a pivotal victory for the Continental forces during the American Revolutionary War. Designed by John H. Duncan, the architect of Grant's Tomb, the monument is an early example of Beaux-Arts architecture in America. The design is based on \"The Monument\", a 1671 structure built to commemorate the Great Fire of London, on the London street where the 1666 fire started. The height of the Trenton monument", "psg_id": "12144041" }, { "title": "Trenton Battle Monument", "text": "on the National Register of Historic Places in 1977. An inoperable elevator makes visiting the vantage point impossible. Trenton Battle Monument The Trenton Battle Monument is a massive column-type structure in the Battle Monument section of Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey, United States. It commemorates the December 26, 1776, Battle of Trenton, a pivotal victory for the Continental forces during the American Revolutionary War. Designed by John H. Duncan, the architect of Grant's Tomb, the monument is an early example of Beaux-Arts architecture in America. The design is based on \"The Monument\", a 1671 structure built to commemorate the Great", "psg_id": "12144048" }, { "title": "The Crossing (2000 film)", "text": "weather, Washington manages to lift his weary soldiers' spirits, allowing the army to cross the river on the night of December 25–26, 1776. The crossing is done in one night, allowing the troops to attack Trenton at eight o' clock in the morning on December 26, 1776, and achieve a stunning victory, capturing almost all the Hessian garrison. The film claims that none of Washington's men were killed or even wounded. However, the Army's standard military history textbook, ROTCM 145-20, \"American Military History 1607-1958,\" states on page 61 that in fact two were killed in action, two were wounded, and", "psg_id": "5059161" }, { "title": "Order of battle of the Battle of Trenton", "text": "more than 12,000 arriving in North America in 1776, came from the Landgraviate of Hessen-Kassel. The garrison that was quartered at Trenton was a brigade of about 1,400 men, almost all from Hesse-Kassel, under the command of Colonel Johann Rall. The brigade was composed of three regiments, each of which had an artillery company attached. Also included in the brigade were a company of Hessian Jäger (basically light infantry) and a small company from the British 16th (Queen's) Light Dragoons. The Hessian regiments were named for their formal commanding officers. Since many general officers were also commissioned as colonels of", "psg_id": "12329789" }, { "title": "Battle of Fort Washington", "text": "Hessian garrison under the command of Rall at Trenton. Washington went on to defeat the British next at Princeton, which revived the morale of the American army and the colonies affected by the fall of Fort Washington. After seven years, on November 25, 1783, with the peace treaty signed, General Washington and Governor George Clinton triumphantly reclaimed Fort Washington as they marched toward lower Manhattan after the last British forces had left New York. The site of Fort Washington is now in Bennett Park in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, just north of the George Washington Bridge. The location", "psg_id": "7003626" }, { "title": "Order of battle of the Battle of Trenton", "text": "in the loss of New York City, and was a significant boost to American morale. It was followed by two more American victories, first in a second battle at Trenton on January 2, 1777, and then on January 3 at Princeton. Most of the German brigade comprised three Hessian regiments: those of Rall, von Lossberg, and von Knyphausen. The remainder of the brigade consisted of artillery corps attached to each regiment, a detachment of Jäger, and a small company of British dragoons. The attacking American army consisted of units from the Continental Army, including companies of its artillery, and a", "psg_id": "12329787" }, { "title": "Prisoners of war in the American Revolutionary War", "text": "did not. The Americans believed that all captives should be taken prisoner. On September 14, 1775, Washington, commander of the Northern Expeditionary Force, while at camp in Cambridge, Massachusetts, wrote to Colonel Benedict Arnold that: \"Should any American soldier be so base and infamous as to injure any [prisoner]. . . I do most earnestly enjoin you to bring him to such severe and exemplary punishment as the enormity of the crime may require.\" After winning the Battle of Trenton on the morning of December 26, 1776, Washington found himself left with hundreds of Hessian troops who had surrendered to", "psg_id": "2559896" }, { "title": "Intelligence in the Battle of Princeton", "text": "Intelligence in the Battle of Princeton Two missions of military intelligence collection, both of which came to a climax on 30 December 1776, contributed to the Continental Army's victory in the Battle of Princeton. The \"obscure and doubtful\" intelligence on which General Washington had to base his next action frustrated him after a decisive victory in the Battle of Trenton. Washington observed to Adjutant-General Joseph Reed that the strength of the British in the area had greatly discouraged spies for the revolution; Reed had the same opinion, having himself encountered the \"poor\" and \"terrified\" inhabitants of Bordentown only days before.", "psg_id": "15321596" }, { "title": "Battle of Princeton", "text": "back road, where he pushed back a smaller British force but had to retreat before Cornwallis arrived with reinforcements. The battles of Trenton and Princeton were a boost to the morale of the Continental troops, leading many recruits to join the Continental Army in the spring. After defeating the Hessians at the Battle of Trenton on the morning of December 26, 1776, Washington withdrew back to Pennsylvania. He subsequently decided to attack the British forces before going into winter quarters. On December 29, he led his army back into Trenton. On the night of January 2, 1777, Washington repulsed a", "psg_id": "1714481" }, { "title": "The Night Before Christmas (Dai)", "text": "(2016), and Judy Gold (2017). Moore's poem was selected partly due to the nominal connection between the author's home and the orchestra that would debut the musical work. \"'Twas the Night Before Christmas\" was penned in 1822 on Moore's country estate—named \"Chelsea\"—which eventually became the Manhattan district Chelsea, which, in turn, provided the name for The Chelsea Symphony. Dai's \"The Night Before Christmas\" premiered less than two blocks from the site of the original poem's writing. \"The Night Before Christmas\" is scored for a narrator and an orchestra, including: The Night Before Christmas (Dai) The Night Before Christmas is an", "psg_id": "14135229" }, { "title": "The Night Before the Night Before Christmas", "text": "own problems aside and work together, they help Santa find his magical bag of toys. The Night Before the Night Before Christmas The Night Before the Night Before Christmas is a 2010 Hallmark Channel Original Movie about Angela and Wayne Fox (Jennifer Beals and Rick Roberts) who are workaholic parents. It premiered on the Hallmark Channel on November 20, 2010. Santa sets off on his Christmas duties a day early and crashes into the Fox family's house. He ends up with amnesia and loses his magic sack of presents. The Fox family are a modern and broken family. The parents", "psg_id": "16657403" }, { "title": "The Night Before the Night Before Christmas", "text": "The Night Before the Night Before Christmas The Night Before the Night Before Christmas is a 2010 Hallmark Channel Original Movie about Angela and Wayne Fox (Jennifer Beals and Rick Roberts) who are workaholic parents. It premiered on the Hallmark Channel on November 20, 2010. Santa sets off on his Christmas duties a day early and crashes into the Fox family's house. He ends up with amnesia and loses his magic sack of presents. The Fox family are a modern and broken family. The parents are preoccupied with work and the kids are not very festive. Forced to set their", "psg_id": "16657402" }, { "title": "John Cadwalader (general)", "text": "and Burlington, New Jersey. Cadwalader had received orders to send his column across the river on the night of December 25–26 and march to Trenton from the south. Meanwhile, George Washington's column would cross the river to the north of Trenton and attack the city from that direction. After successfully crossing his light forces, Cadwalader discovered that river ice prevented crossing his artillery. He then returned his column to the Pennsylvania side, leaving Washington's forces unsupported in New Jersey. It was fortunate for Washington that a Hessian column, having marched from their garrison at Bordentown to Mount Holly where they", "psg_id": "3165175" }, { "title": "George Washington in the American Revolution", "text": "on plans of attack they saw as rash. Washington only really adopted a Fabian strategy between late 1776 and the middle of 1777, after losing New York City and seeing much of his army melt away. Trenton and Princeton were Fabian examples. By August 1777, however, Washington had rebuilt his strength and his confidence and stopped using raids and went for large-scale confrontations, as at Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth and Yorktown. Washington is often characterized as complaining about undisciplined militia forces, but he understood that they were a vital part of the nation's defenses, since regular army troops could not be", "psg_id": "9436160" }, { "title": "The Night Before Christmas (Dai)", "text": "The Night Before Christmas (Dai) The Night Before Christmas is an orchestral work written by the American composer Aaron Dai in 2006. The work is performed by a full orchestra and a narrator reading Clement Clarke Moore's poem \"'Twas the Night Before Christmas.\" \"The Night Before Christmas\" premiered in New York City on December 2, 2006 with The Chelsea Symphony and actor Richard Kind. It has since been narrated by Ana Gasteyer (2007), David Hyde Pierce (2008), Charles Busch (2009), Andrea Martin (2010), Rachel Dratch (2011), Mo Rocca (2012), Victor Garber (2013), BD Wong (2014), Seth Rudetsky (2015), Caroline Rhea", "psg_id": "14135228" }, { "title": "George Washington in the American Revolution", "text": "then losing New York City and almost losing New Jersey before winning surprising and decisive victories at Trenton and Princeton at the end of the 1776 campaign season. At the end of the year in both 1775 and 1776, he had to deal with expiring enlistments, since the Congress had only authorized the army's existence for single years. With the 1777 establishment of a more permanent army structure and the introduction of three-year enlistments, Washington built a reliable stable of experienced troops, although hard currency and supplies of all types were difficult to come by. In 1777 Washington was again", "psg_id": "9436080" }, { "title": "Christmas in Washington", "text": "Christmas in Washington Christmas in Washington was an annual Christmas television special that aired for many years on the U.S. TNT network. It ended in 2015 after a 33-year run. One of two annual holiday specials produced by George Stevens Jr. (the other being the \"Kennedy Center Honors\"), the variety show first aired in 1982 on NBC before moving to its most recent home on TNT in 1998. Recorded in Washington, D.C. at the National Building Museum, on the second Sunday of each December before being re-edited for later broadcast, \"Christmas in Washington\" is a one-hour concert featuring artists from", "psg_id": "14053794" }, { "title": "Battle of Bound Brook", "text": "one detachment reached positions surrounding the outpost before the battle began near daybreak the next morning. During the battle, most of the 500-man garrison escaped by the unblocked route. American reinforcements arrived in the afternoon, but not before the British plundered the outpost and began the return march to New Brunswick. Following the Battles of Trenton and Princeton in December 1776 and January 1777, the Continental Army of Major General George Washington entered winter quarters in Morristown, New Jersey, while the British and German forces of Lieutenant General William Howe settled into winter quarters in New York City and northeastern", "psg_id": "5984713" }, { "title": "The Night Before Christmas (1941 film)", "text": "The Night Before Christmas (1941 film) The Night Before Christmas is a 1941 American one-reel animated cartoon and is the 3rd \"Tom and Jerry\" short directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, produced by Fred Quimby and animated by Jack Zander, George Gordon, Irven Spence and Bill Littlejohn. It was nominated for the 1941 Academy Award for Best Short Subject: Cartoons. It's Christmas eve and nothing is stirring. But Jerry emerges from his hole avoiding a Christmas-themed mousetrap placed by his hole. Jerry nears the Christmas presents, jumping merrily around the tree, licking candy canes and jumping onto a plush", "psg_id": "8664452" }, { "title": "George Washington in the American Revolution", "text": "position, masking his army's movements by instructing the camp guards to maintain the appearance of a much larger force. Washington then circled around Cornwallis's position with the intention of attacking the Princeton garrison. Hugh Mercer, leading the American advance guard, encountered British soldiers from Princeton under the command of Charles Mawhood. The British troops engaged Mercer and in the ensuing battle, Mercer was mortally wounded. Washington sent reinforcements under General John Cadwalader, which were successful in driving Mawhood and the British from Princeton, with many of them fleeing to Cornwallis in Trenton. The British lost more than one quarter of", "psg_id": "9436116" }, { "title": "The Night Before Christmas (album)", "text": "fear instead of cheer\". In 2015 CBC Music listed the album as one of the 15 worst Christmas albums of all time. In 2015, Clint Davis from NBC listed the album as one of the 8 most bizarre Christmas albums. In 2016, Matthew Dunn from said \"nothing says scraping the bottom of the barrel quite like David Hasselhoff’s \"The Night Before Christmas\"\" in an explanation of why he dislikes Christmas. The Night Before Christmas (album) The Night Before Christmas is a Christmas album by American actor David Hasselhoff. It was released in November 2004. The album received generally negative", "psg_id": "20208141" }, { "title": "George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River", "text": "that they would be unable to come to the assistance of the Trenton garrison.) The intelligence gathered by Reed and others led Washington to abandon the idea of attacking at Mount Holly, preferring instead to target the Trenton garrison. He announced this decision to his staff on December 23, saying the attack would take place just before daybreak on December 26. Washington's final plan was for three crossings, with his troops, the largest contingent, to lead the attack on Trenton. A second column under Lieutenant Colonel John Cadwalader was to cross at Dunk's Ferry, near Bristol, Pennsylvania, and create a", "psg_id": "5062196" }, { "title": "Battle of Trenton", "text": "would have been put on guard, and shouted at Stephen, \"You sir! You Sir, may have ruined all my plans by having them put on their guard.\" Despite this, Washington ordered the advance continue to Trenton. In the event, Rall thought the first raid was the attack which Grant had warned him about, and that there would be no further action that day. At 8 am, the outpost was set up by the Hessians at a cooper shop on Pennington Road about one mile north-west of Trenton. Washington led the assault, riding in front of his soldiers. As the Hessian", "psg_id": "1759146" }, { "title": "Battle of Trenton", "text": "four Hessian colonels in Trenton were killed in the battle. The Lossberg regiment was effectively removed from the British forces. Parts of the Knyphausen regiment escaped to the south, but Sullivan captured some 200 additional men, along with the regiment's cannon and supplies. They also captured approximately 1,000 arms and much-needed ammunition. Last, but not least, was the capture from the Hessians of their entire store of provisions—tons of flour, dried and salted meats, ale and other liquors, but also shoes, boots, clothing and bedding—things that were as much needed by the ragtag Continental forces as weapons and horses. An", "psg_id": "1759159" }, { "title": "Washington Crossing the Delaware", "text": "American tourists and art students as models and assistants, among them Worthington Whittredge and Andreas Achenbach, Leutze finished the first painting in 1850. Just after it was completed, the first version was damaged by fire in his studio, subsequently restored, and acquired by the Kunsthalle Bremen. On September 5, 1942, during World War II, it was destroyed in a bombing raid by the Allied forces. The second painting, a full-sized replica of the first, was begun in 1850 and placed on exhibition in New York in October 1851. More than 50,000 people viewed it. The painting was originally bought by", "psg_id": "4048529" }, { "title": "William Trent (Trenton)", "text": "New Jersey. He platted a town or settlement around his house, which came to be known as Trent's Town, and later Trenton. It became the state capital. After his move, he became active in New Jersey politics, being elected to its Assembly and appointed as chief justice. During the American Revolutionary War, his house was used by Hessian officers fighting for the British. In the Battle of Trenton, it was attacked by Continental Army troops. After Trenton was designated as the state capital, the Trent House was used as the governor's mansion for many years. William Trent died on Christmas", "psg_id": "7905390" }, { "title": "The Night Before Christmas (1951 film)", "text": "and orthodox Christmas. The Night Before Christmas (1951 film) The Night Before Christmas (, Noch pered Rozhdestvom) is a 1951 Russian feature animated film directed by the \"grandmothers of the Russian animation\", Brumberg sisters, and produced by the Soyuzmultfilm studio in Moscow. The film is based on Nikolai Gogol's story \"The Night Before Christmas\". In big degree it was succeeded to present in this screen version of the story of the same name on the screen national color of the Ukrainian village. The animation features heavy use of rotoscoping, known as \"Éclair\" in the Soviet Union, and is an example", "psg_id": "9365251" }, { "title": "The Night Before Christmas (1913 film)", "text": "The Night Before Christmas (1913 film) The Night Before Christmas (, \"Noch pered Rozhdestvom\") is a 1913 silent film made in the Russian Empire by Ladislas Starevich, based on the tale of the same name by Nikolai Gogol. Unlike most of Starevich's films, it is mainly live-action. The plot is, on the whole, close to Gogol's classic tale. The action is set in a Cossack \"stanitsa\". On Christmas Eve, a minor demon arrives to a local witch called Solokha. They both ride on the witch's broom, after which the demon steals the Moon and hides in an old rag. In", "psg_id": "9370619" }, { "title": "Order of battle of the Battle of Long Island", "text": "Order of battle of the Battle of Long Island The Battle of Long Island was a decisive British victory early in the American Revolutionary War over American forces under the command of Major General George Washington, and the opening battle in a successful British campaign to gain control of New York City in 1776. The Americans had lined New York's harbor with various levels of entrenchment and fortification, which were defended by an array of Continental Army forces and militia companies from New York and nearby states. After the British made an unopposed landing on Long Island in mid-August, Washington", "psg_id": "8106996" }, { "title": "Battle of Trenton", "text": "the head of King and Queen streets. Leading the southern American column, General Sullivan entered Trenton by the abandoned river road and blocked the only crossing over the Assunpink Creek to cut off the Hessian escape. Sullivan briefly held up his advance to make sure Greene's division had time to drive the Hessians from their outposts in the north. Soon after, they continued their advance, attacking the Hermitage, home of Philemon Dickinson, where 50 Jägers under the command of Lieutenant von Grothausen were stationed. Lieutenant von Grothausen brought 12 of his Jägers into action against the advanced guard, but had", "psg_id": "1759149" }, { "title": "Battle of Trenton", "text": "on the trip. As they marched, Washington rode up and down the line, encouraging the men to continue. General Sullivan sent a courier to tell Washington that the weather was wetting his men's gunpowder. Washington responded, \"Tell General Sullivan to use the bayonet. I am resolved to take Trenton.\" About outside the town, the main columns reunited with the advance parties. They were startled by the sudden appearance of 50 armed men, but they were American. Led by Adam Stephen, they had not known about the plan to attack Trenton, and had attacked a Hessian outpost. Washington feared the Hessians", "psg_id": "1759145" }, { "title": "The Night Before Christmas (1961 film)", "text": "The Night Before Christmas (1961 film) The Night Before Christmas, also known as Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka (), is a 1961 Soviet fantasy film directed by Aleksandr Rou, based on a collection of short stories, \"Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka\", by Nikolai Gogol. This eccentric and fantastical fairy tale takes place near the village of Dikanka on the night before Christmas. Amid carol singing, drunken revelry, and amorous hijinks, the blacksmith Vakula persuades the Devil to fly him to Sankt-Petersburg, where he hopes to obtain a pair of the Empress's slippers which might win him Oksana's love.", "psg_id": "14723598" }, { "title": "The Night Before Christmas (1961 film)", "text": "The Night Before Christmas (1961 film) The Night Before Christmas, also known as Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka (), is a 1961 Soviet fantasy film directed by Aleksandr Rou, based on a collection of short stories, \"Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka\", by Nikolai Gogol. This eccentric and fantastical fairy tale takes place near the village of Dikanka on the night before Christmas. Amid carol singing, drunken revelry, and amorous hijinks, the blacksmith Vakula persuades the Devil to fly him to Sankt-Petersburg, where he hopes to obtain a pair of the Empress's slippers which might win him Oksana's love.", "psg_id": "14723597" }, { "title": "George Washington in the American Revolution", "text": "worry about an invasion of their home islands and other colonial territories across the globe. The British, now under the command of General Sir Henry Clinton, evacuated Philadelphia in 1778 and returned to New York City, with Washington attacking them along the way at the Battle of Monmouth; this was the last major battle in the north. Prior to the battle Washington gave command of the advance forces to Charles Lee, who had been exchanged earlier in the year. Lee, despite firm instructions from Washington, refused Lafayette's suggestion to launch an organized attack on the British rear, and then retreated", "psg_id": "9436132" }, { "title": "Marble Hill, Manhattan", "text": "the area. By November 1776, the fort had been taken over by Hessian forces and renamed Fort Prince Charles in honor of Charles, Duke of Brunswick, brother-in-law to George III. Despite contrary beliefs, the King's Bridge and the Dyckman Free Bridge served as escape routes for the retreating American forces after the Battle of Fort Washington on November 16, 1776. The latter of these bridges was destroyed during the war. In January 1777, an American attack was made in the Marble Hill area against the Hessian occupiers. This particular raid was under the command of General William Heath, which, when", "psg_id": "1863792" }, { "title": "The Night Before Christmas (album)", "text": "The Night Before Christmas (album) The Night Before Christmas is a Christmas album by American actor David Hasselhoff. It was released in November 2004. The album received generally negative reviews. Idolator said: \"Who wouldn’t want to be serenaded by The Hoff at Christmas? No? David dusts off all the classics like \"Deck The Halls\" and \"Silent Night,\" and crosses cultural borders by assaulting eardrums in languages other than English, via German and Spanish contributions to the Yuletide soundtrack from Hell.\" In 2013, New York Post ranked the album as number 1 worst celebrity Christmas album, saying the album spread \"Christmas", "psg_id": "20208140" }, { "title": "The Night Before Christmas (1951 film)", "text": "The Night Before Christmas (1951 film) The Night Before Christmas (, Noch pered Rozhdestvom) is a 1951 Russian feature animated film directed by the \"grandmothers of the Russian animation\", Brumberg sisters, and produced by the Soyuzmultfilm studio in Moscow. The film is based on Nikolai Gogol's story \"The Night Before Christmas\". In big degree it was succeeded to present in this screen version of the story of the same name on the screen national color of the Ukrainian village. The animation features heavy use of rotoscoping, known as \"Éclair\" in the Soviet Union, and is an example of the Socialist-Realist", "psg_id": "9365244" } ]
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what product is advertised with the slogan "when you care enough to send the very best?"
[ { "title": "Hallmark Cards", "text": "– their first international business venture. In 1944, it adopted its current slogan, \"When you care enough to send the very best.\" It was created by C. E. Goodman, a Hallmark marketing and sales executive, and written on a 3x5 card. The card is on display at the company headquarters. In 1951, Hall sponsored a television program for NBC that gave rise to the \"Hallmark Hall of Fame\", which has won 80 Emmy Awards. Hallmark now has its own cable television channel, the Hallmark Channel which was established in 2001. For a period of about 15 years, Hallmark owned a", "psg_id": "12355593" } ]
[ { "title": "When You Got Dry/How Much Is Enough", "text": "When You Got Dry/How Much Is Enough \"When You Got Dry/How Much Is Enough\" was a double A-Side single only released on 7 inch vinyl in November 1994 by Australian rock band You Am I. Due to a pressing fault, only 449 copies were ever produced out of what was to be a run of 1000, making this one of the rarest You Am I releases. Side One Side Two All songs by Tim Rogers \"Ken (The Mother Nature's Son)\" and \"How Much is Enough\" also appear on Hi Fi Way. \"When You Got Dry\" was later released as a", "psg_id": "13006994" }, { "title": "When You Got Dry/How Much Is Enough", "text": "b-side on the \"Tuesday\" single. \"Bitter Young Man Of The Fanzine Press\" was later released on a Ra Records sampler called Rare Cords. When You Got Dry/How Much Is Enough \"When You Got Dry/How Much Is Enough\" was a double A-Side single only released on 7 inch vinyl in November 1994 by Australian rock band You Am I. Due to a pressing fault, only 449 copies were ever produced out of what was to be a run of 1000, making this one of the rarest You Am I releases. Side One Side Two All songs by Tim Rogers \"Ken (The", "psg_id": "13006995" }, { "title": "The Very Best of Rufus with Chaka Khan", "text": "The Very Best of Rufus with Chaka Khan The Very Best of Rufus with Chaka Khan is a greatest hits album by funk band Rufus and singer Chaka Khan, originally released on the MCA Records label in 1982. The collection comprises ten of the group's biggest hits on the ABC/MCA labels, including \"You Got the Love\", \"Sweet Thing\", \"At Midnight (My Love Will Lift You Up)\", \"Do You Love What You Feel\", \"Tell Me Something Good\", \"Stay\", \"Hollywood\" and \"Dance Wit Me\". \"The Very Best of...\" was released in late 1982, prior to the recording of the band's two final", "psg_id": "12164104" }, { "title": "The Very Best of Rufus with Chaka Khan", "text": "no misses\", he wrote. \"A great comp\". The Very Best of Rufus with Chaka Khan The Very Best of Rufus with Chaka Khan is a greatest hits album by funk band Rufus and singer Chaka Khan, originally released on the MCA Records label in 1982. The collection comprises ten of the group's biggest hits on the ABC/MCA labels, including \"You Got the Love\", \"Sweet Thing\", \"At Midnight (My Love Will Lift You Up)\", \"Do You Love What You Feel\", \"Tell Me Something Good\", \"Stay\", \"Hollywood\" and \"Dance Wit Me\". \"The Very Best of...\" was released in late 1982, prior to", "psg_id": "12164107" }, { "title": "Slogan", "text": "goal is to sell the product or service to as many consumers through the message and information a slogan provides. A slogan's message can include information about the quality of the product. Examples of words that can be used to direct the consumer preference towards a current product and its qualities are: good, beautiful, real, better, great, perfect, best, and pure. Slogans can influence that way consumers behave when choosing what product to buy. Slogans offer information to consumers in an appealing and creative way. A slogan can be used for a powerful cause where the impact of the message", "psg_id": "1489977" }, { "title": "Slogan", "text": "what to purchase. The slogan is used by companies to affect the way consumers view their product compared to others. Slogans can also provide information about the product, service or cause its advertising. The language used in the slogans is essential to the message it wants to convey. Current words used can trigger different emotions that consumers will associate that product with. The use of good adjectives makes for an effective slogan; when adjectives are paired with describing nouns, they help bring the meaning of the message out through the words. When a slogan is used for advertising purposes its", "psg_id": "1489976" }, { "title": "What Do You Care What Other People Think?", "text": "Of note is the story of his first wife, Arline, who was diagnosed with tuberculosis. She died while Feynman was working on the Manhattan Project; the book's title is taken from a question she often put to him when he seemed preoccupied with his colleagues' opinions about his work, which echoed his earlier words to her. The book concludes with \"The Value of Science,\" an address he gave at the 1955 autumn meeting of the National Academy of Sciences. What Do You Care What Other People Think? \"What Do You Care What Other People Think?\": Further Adventures of a Curious", "psg_id": "3745500" }, { "title": "What to Do When You Are Dead", "text": "What to Do When You Are Dead What to Do When You Are Dead is the second studio album by American rock band Armor for Sleep. Following the completion of two songs written from the perspective of being dead, vocalist/guitarist Ben Jorgensen created a whole story from this viewpoint. \"What to Do When You Are Dead\" is a concept album, with each song telling the story of the protagonist's suicide as well as his journey through the afterlife. Recording took place between August and October 2004 with producer Machine. A rough mix of \"Car Underwater\" was made available in November,", "psg_id": "4480203" }, { "title": "The Very Best of The Jacksons", "text": "1969 \"I Want You Back\" as well as popular hits such as \"ABC\", \"This Place Hotel\" and \"Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground)\". The compilation also includes songs Michael Jackson released during his solo career at Motown as well as a live recording of his first smash hit at Epic, \"Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough\". The cover art is similar to \"Number Ones\", a similar album consisting of lead singer Michael Jackson's solo career from 1979 to 2001. On January 6, 2009, a different version was released in America under Sony Legacy's Playlist: line. The Very Best of", "psg_id": "6998948" }, { "title": "The Very Very Best of Crowded House", "text": "purchase, whilst admitting that the album, \"will do enough business to warrant their record company's shameless opportunism.\" \"Classic Rock\" reviewer remarks how the band has progressed since the time when the material of the collection was recorded, but she says that \"it's hard not to be wowed by this back catalogue of golden pop genius.\" The album peaked at number 11 in Australia, 12 in New Zealand and 49 in the UK, making it less successful than \"Recurring Dream\". The Very Very Best of Crowded House The Very Very Best of Crowded House is a compilation album featuring 19 singles", "psg_id": "14982745" }, { "title": "What Did You Think Was Going to Happen?", "text": "What Did You Think Was Going to Happen? What Did You Think Was Going to Happen? is the debut studio album from Los Angeles band 2AM Club. It was released September 14, 2010 by RCA Records. On May 31, the band released a song named \"Baseline\" that was a bonus track on \"What Did You Think Was Going to Happen?\" (sold on iTunes). It was advertised by them via Twitter, and was available for free download through a file sharing website, Hulk Share. Matt Collar of Allmusic stated that with this album \"2AM Club reveal themselves as the best and", "psg_id": "14910962" }, { "title": "When the World Is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around", "text": "When the World Is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around \"When the World Is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around\" is a song written by Sting that was first released by The Police on their 1980 album \"Zenyatta Mondatta\". A medley of \"When the World Is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around\" with another song from \"Zenyatta Mondatta\", \"Voices Inside My Head\", reached No. 3 on the \"Billboard\" Dance Music/Club Play Singles chart in 1981. In 2000, a remix version credited to Different Gear versus the Police reached", "psg_id": "13868566" }, { "title": "The Very Best of Supertramp", "text": "The Very Best of Supertramp The Very Best of Supertramp is a best of album by the English rock band Supertramp, originally released by A&M Records in June 1990. It was not issued in the U.S. The compilation features 15 studio recordings from 1974's \"Crime of the Century\" to 1985's \"Brother Where You Bound\". The cover depicts the grate from the cover of \"Crime of the Century\", the hand carrying the glass from the cover of \"Breakfast in America\" and the orange umbrella from \"Crisis? What Crisis?\". In their retrospective review, AllMusic noted that effectively compiling Supertramp's work is impossible", "psg_id": "10792828" }, { "title": "When the World Is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around", "text": "\"Bring on the Night\" version is a medley with the Police song \"Bring on the Night\" from the 1979 album \"Reggatta de Blanc\" and features contributions from Branford Marsalis and keyboardist Kenny Kirkland. The song was also covered by Tatsuya Nishiwaki on his 2004 album \"Atmosphere/Sound of Gravity\". The Police version of \"When the World Is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around\" was included in the box set \"\". When the World Is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around \"When the World Is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still", "psg_id": "13868573" }, { "title": "What Do You Care What Other People Think?", "text": "What Do You Care What Other People Think? \"What Do You Care What Other People Think?\": Further Adventures of a Curious Character (1988) is the second of two books consisting of transcribed and edited, oral reminiscences from American physicist Richard Feynman. It follows \"Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!\". Richard Feynman received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965 for his contributions to the development of quantum electrodynamics. He is a theoretical physicist known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory of quantum electrodynamics, and the physics of the superfluidity of supercooled liquid helium, as", "psg_id": "3745497" }, { "title": "What You Get Is What You See", "text": "where in 1989 it was used in a campaign for the New South Wales Rugby League. They later used the Tina Turner song \"The Best\" in another campaign. The song has been covered many times including by Canadian country music group Straight Clean & Simple and a single for the band taken from their 1992 album \"Iron Lady\". It was also covered by Scottish / Irish country artist Lisa McHugh. Her cover appears in her 2014 album \"A Life That's Good\". What You Get Is What You See \"What You Get Is What You See\" is a song by recording", "psg_id": "9771748" }, { "title": "What You Don't Do", "text": "positive slogan talking about games that the vocalist is not \"forced to endure\". What You Don't Do \"What You Don't Do\" is a single by British recording artist Lianne La Havas. Released on 7 August 2015, the song peaked at No.69 on the Ultratip Belgium Flanders charts. Following the touring La Havas embarked on in order to promote her debut album \"Your Love Big Enough?\", she traveled to Jamaica along with her mother in order to regain connections with her roots. During her time in Jamaica La Havas played music for her family alongside dancehall and reggae producer Stephen McGregor", "psg_id": "18870137" }, { "title": "What to Do When You Are Dead", "text": "In early February 2005, Armor for Sleep went on tour with Something Corporate, Straylight Run, and The Academy Is... Later in the month, the group toured with Recover, Say Anything, and Case Pagan. \"What to Do When You Are Dead\" was released through Equal Vision Records on February 22. Some copies of the album included a bonus DVD that contained live footage, a documentary on the creation of the album, as well as music videos for \"Dream to Make Believe\" songs \"My Town\" and \"Dream to Make Believe\". The iTunes edition of the album included \"Very Invisible\" as a bonus", "psg_id": "4480215" }, { "title": "When the World Is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around", "text": "Blanc\". Sting has said of the two songs \"such vanity as to imagine one's self as the sole survivor of a holocaust with all one's favorite things still intact\". \"When the World Is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around\" and \"Bring on the Night\" also share their chord progression. \"Rolling Stone\" critic David Fricke notes a structural similarity between \"When the World Is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around\" and two different songs from \"Reggatta de Blanc\", \"Walking on the Moon\" and \"The Bed's Too Big without You\". Like those two \"Reggatta", "psg_id": "13868568" }, { "title": "Zygon: When Being You Just Isn't Enough", "text": "Zygon: When Being You Just Isn't Enough Zygon: When Being You Just Isn't Enough (or Zygon) is a direct-to-DVD spin-off of the long-running British science fiction television series \"Doctor Who\". It was released direct-to-DVD and produced by the independent production company BBV. It featured the Zygons. Zygon is an officially licensed \"Doctor Who\" spin-off made by an independent company called BBV. It is more an adult than a family film and features a lot of nude and sex scenes. In the UK the film is rated as \"18\". \"Zygon: When Being You Just Isn’t Enough\" is directed by Bill Baggs.", "psg_id": "19422523" }, { "title": "What to Do When You Are Dead", "text": "Aberback of noted that the album placed the band on the \"indie-rock map and continues to resonate heavily with fans 10 years later\". Jorgensen later called the album a \"diary entry. Without that, I think a lot of people when [their] lives go on they forget what they went through at a certain point in time so for me that’s the biggest markers for me to remember where I was at the point in my life.\" Personnel per booklet. Armor for Sleep Production Citations Sources What to Do When You Are Dead What to Do When You Are Dead", "psg_id": "4480224" }, { "title": "Power to the people (slogan)", "text": "call and response format, with the speaker shouting \"Amandla\" and the crowd replying \"Awethu\". Power to the people (slogan) \"Power to the people\" is a cultural expression and political slogan that has been used in a wide variety of contexts. During the 1960s in the United States, young people began speaking and writing this phrase as a form of rebellion against what they perceived as the oppression by the older generation, especially The Establishment. The Black Panthers used the slogan \"All Power to the People\" to protest the rich, ruling class domination of society. Pro-democracy students used it to protest", "psg_id": "1620264" }, { "title": "Pay what you want", "text": "Thus, price discrimination could result in higher revenues for the seller if costs are sufficiently low. PWYW is also an effective tool for penetrating a new market, perhaps to introduce a new brand, as even consumers with a very low valuation can pay small amounts for the same product. Other names include \"pay what you wish\", \"pay what you like\", \"pay as you want\", \"pay what you feel\", \"pay as you wish\", \"pay as you like\", \"pay what you will\", and \"pay as you will\". \"Pay what you can\" is sometimes used synonymously, but is often more oriented to charity", "psg_id": "14582778" }, { "title": "This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get", "text": "This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get is a 1984 album by Public Image Ltd. It is the band's fourth official studio album and includes the single \"Bad Life\" and a re-recorded version of a \"This Is Not a Love Song\", which had been a No. 5 UK and international hit when released as a single in 1983. An early version of the album was released in 1983 by founding PiL guitarist Keith Levene as \"Commercial Zone\". The album was then re-recorded after Levene's departure from the", "psg_id": "8966216" }, { "title": "Slogan", "text": "receiver interprets them. Therefore, the slogan has a large job in portraying the brand (Dass, Kumar, Kohli, & Thomas, 2014). Therefore, the slogan should create a sense of likability in order for the brand name to be likable and the slogan message very clear and concise. Dass, Kumar, Kohli, & Thomas' (2014) research suggests that there are certain factors that make up the likability of a slogan. The clarity of the message the brand is trying to encode within the slogan. The slogan emphasizes the benefit of the product or service it is portraying. The creativity of a slogan is", "psg_id": "1489972" }, { "title": "You Send the Rain Away", "text": "You Send the Rain Away \"You Send the Rain Away\" is a song by the American singer Rebbie Jackson with Cheap Trick lead vocalist Robin Zander, released in 1986 as the second single from her second studio album \"Reaction\". It was written by Preston Glass, Gloria Sklerov and Lenny Macaluso, and produced by Reggie Lucas. The song reached No. 50 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Black Singles Chart. \"You Send the Rain Away\" was released by Columbia in America only on 7\" and 12\" vinyl. For its release as a single, the song was edited and cut by almost a minute", "psg_id": "10304781" }, { "title": "What to Do When You Are Dead", "text": "performed a series of shows in September, October and December 2015, during which they performed the album in its entirety. In 2015, Maria Sherman of wrote that the album set the blueprint for \"future pop-punk bands to explore concept records in very real ways\". Calling it \"impressive at the time, this band from the suburbs [wrote] a power pop-punk record with a linear, intricate narrative\". AXS contributor Tarynn Law wrote that \"the instantly relateable tracks that filled \"What To Do When You Are Dead\" soundtracked the teenage angst of kids all around the country for years to come\". Brian", "psg_id": "4480223" }, { "title": "The Very Best of the Carpenters", "text": "\"Those Good Old Dreams\". \"Beechwood 4-5789\" was only a hit in New Zealand, reaching number 10 on the singles chart there in early 1982. On the cover of the album, \"It's Going to Take Some Time\" is titled \"It's Going to Take Some Time This Time\" and \"(They Long to Be) Close to You\" is simply rendered \"Close to You\". Side one Side two The Very Best of the Carpenters The Very Best of the Carpenters is a compilation album by Carpenters released in 1983 by Festival Records in Australia and New Zealand (cat no. RML 52017). The album spent", "psg_id": "10254277" }, { "title": "What You Get Is What You See", "text": "What You Get Is What You See \"What You Get Is What You See\" is a song by recording artist Tina Turner from her album \"Break Every Rule\" (1986). The song was written by the Terry Britten and Graham Lyle team and was notably different from the three previous singles that they had written for Turner, \"What's Love Got to Do with It\", \"We Don't Need Another Hero\" and \"Two People\", as it was an up-tempo country-tinged rock track featuring Eric Clapton on guitars. Tina Turner said in an interview that \"What You Get Is What You See\" is her", "psg_id": "9771746" }, { "title": "Power to the people (slogan)", "text": "Power to the people (slogan) \"Power to the people\" is a cultural expression and political slogan that has been used in a wide variety of contexts. During the 1960s in the United States, young people began speaking and writing this phrase as a form of rebellion against what they perceived as the oppression by the older generation, especially The Establishment. The Black Panthers used the slogan \"All Power to the People\" to protest the rich, ruling class domination of society. Pro-democracy students used it to protest America's military campaign in Vietnam. In his 1974 book \"Computer Lib\", Ted Nelson connected", "psg_id": "1620258" }, { "title": "The Very Best of Dexys Midnight Runners", "text": "The Very Best of Dexys Midnight Runners The Very Best of Dexys Midnight Runners is a best of compilation album by Dexys Midnight Runners. The album contained seven Dexys singles that had also been album tracks (\"Geno, \"There, There My Dear\", \"The Celtic Soul Brothers\", \"Come On Eileen\", \"Jackie Wilson Said\", \"Old\", and \"This Is What She's Like\") but was more notable as the first album to contain ten of Dexys' non-album singles, including \"Let's Get This Straight (From the Start)\", \"Because Of You\", \"Show Me\", \"One Way Love\", \"Breaking Down the Walls of Heartache\", \"Dance Stance\", \"Keep It Part", "psg_id": "13560656" }, { "title": "The Very Best of Slade", "text": "Thompson of AllMusic commented: \"\"The Very Best of... Slade\" effectively renders every past Slade hits collection redundant, as remastered sound and a sharp eye for all the band's U.K. chart entries serve up a peerless examination of what remains one of British rock's most flawless careers. No matter that the hits went so badly off the boil around 1975-1976 - still, three-quarters of disc one is nonstop solid gold and the remainder of the set isn't far behind, as Slade's mid-'80s renaissance delivers further smashes \"My Oh My\" and \"Run Run Away.\" Which would be hits enough for anybody, but", "psg_id": "8711998" }, { "title": "And I don't care what it is", "text": "joining his church the president exploded to his press secretary, \"You go and tell that goddam minister that if he gives out one more story about my religious faith I will not join his goddam church!\" And I don't care what it is \"And I don't care what it is\" is a phrase attributed to U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower, and often misquoted. For example, one encyclopedia says: \"Eisenhower once remarked that 'America makes no sense without a deeply held faith in God—and I don't care what it is. Some commentators, such as Will Herberg, argued that Eisenhower favored a generic,", "psg_id": "16186498" }, { "title": "What Will You Do When You Catch Me?", "text": "What Will You Do When You Catch Me? What Will You Do When You Catch Me? is the English title of \"Co mi zrobisz, jak mnie złapiesz?\" a Polish comedy film released in 1978, directed by Stanisław Bareja. Tadeusz Krzakoski (Krzysztof Kowalewski), the director of a failing state-owned company, is married with problems. His mistress, the daughter of a Communist party bigwig, says she's pregnant and Tadeusz knows he'll have to marry her to save his reputation and his job. But divorce is never simple and Bareja's screwball comedies are never boring. \"What Will You Do\" shares many themes in", "psg_id": "9039756" }, { "title": "The Very Best of The Lightning Seeds", "text": "The Very Best of The Lightning Seeds The Very Best of The Lightning Seeds is the second official greatest hits album by British alternative rock band The Lightning Seeds. It was released on 12 June 2006 peaking at number thirty-three on the UK Album Chart. The compilation is essentially an update of the group's first greatest hits album 1997's \"Like You Do... Best of The Lightning Seeds\". The compilations share twelve tracks between them. \"The Very Best\" drops the group's third single \"All I Want\" and replaces the original recording of \"Three Lions\" with the 1998 re-recording. The compilation includes", "psg_id": "7980305" }, { "title": "What to Do When You Are Dead", "text": "Decicco to play the part on electric guitar as well. Decicco said this was so that Machine could treat it as a bass. AXS writer Terrance Pryor considers \"What to Do When You Are Dead\" a concept album centered around the protagonist's death and his subsequent journey in the afterlife. Some observers have noted the character going through the Kübler-Ross 5-stage model of grief management. Jorgensen grew up in a \"very scientific environment.\" He was influenced by British writer Craig Hamilton-Parker. The album's title comes from a Hamilton-Parker book. Jorgensen explained that since he was in the process of writing", "psg_id": "4480212" }, { "title": "The Very Best of Supertramp", "text": "America\" (1979) Track 14 from \"...Famous Last Words...\" (1982) Track 15 from \"Brother Where You Bound\" (1985) Original release: The Very Best of Supertramp The Very Best of Supertramp is a best of album by the English rock band Supertramp, originally released by A&M Records in June 1990. It was not issued in the U.S. The compilation features 15 studio recordings from 1974's \"Crime of the Century\" to 1985's \"Brother Where You Bound\". The cover depicts the grate from the cover of \"Crime of the Century\", the hand carrying the glass from the cover of \"Breakfast in America\" and the", "psg_id": "10792831" }, { "title": "This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get", "text": "He then flew over to London and presented them to Richard Branson as the finished new PiL album for Virgin Records: \"Commercial Zone\". For his part, John Lydon decided to completely abandon the tapes and re-record the whole album from scratch with session musicians. This new version of \"Commercial Zone\" became \"This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get\" in 1984. \"The Order of Death\" is a reference to the film \"Copkiller\", also known as \"The Order of Death\". The line \"This is what you want... This is what you get\", which gives title to the album, appears", "psg_id": "8966221" }, { "title": "You Send the Rain Away", "text": "listed the single as one of their \"feature picks\" during December 1986. They commented: \"The unlikely pairing of Jackson with Zander has produced a startingly fresh pop/R&B single. A lush melody and production form a perfect foundation for these two gifted voices.\" \"Drum Publications\" (East Africa) highlighted the song as a \"stand-out\" from \"Reaction\". Justin Kantor of AllMusic described \"Reaction\" as \"the strongest of her '80s output\", with the \"sunny duet with Robin Zander one of the fine moments.\" You Send the Rain Away \"You Send the Rain Away\" is a song by the American singer Rebbie Jackson with Cheap", "psg_id": "10304783" }, { "title": "The Very Best of the Bee Gees", "text": "\"You Win Again\" and \"Ordinary Lives\" from the track listing. The Very Best of the Bee Gees The Very Best of the Bee Gees is a greatest hits album by British/Australian pop group the Bee Gees. It was originally released in November 1990 by Polydor Records, around the time as the \"Tales from the Brothers Gibb\" box set. The album was primarily aimed at the European market, as shown by the exclusion of the US hits \"Holiday\", \"I Started a Joke\", \"Lonely Days\", \"How Can You Mend a Broken Heart\" and \"Fanny (Be Tender with My Love)\". The album has", "psg_id": "4189515" }, { "title": "What to Do When You Are Dead", "text": "surprise but will certainly entertain\". According to \"Now\" writer Jered Stuffco, Equal Vision was \"banking heavily\" on the band to accumulate strong sales, and based on the group's \"poster-boy image, melodramatic harmonies and tight emo riffage,\" he felt they might succeed. \"What to Do When You Are Dead\" peaked at number 101 on the \"Billboard\" 200, as well as charting at number 1 on the Heatseekers Albums chart and number 8 on the Independent Albums chart. By July 2007 the album had sold 200,000 copies. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of \"What to Do When You Are Dead\", the band", "psg_id": "4480222" }, { "title": "The Best Thing About Me Is You", "text": "Joss Stone for the very first time on \"The Oprah Winfrey Show\" on November 2, 2010. He also performed it during the 2011 Música + Alma + Sexo World Tour. Digital singles European digital remixes German digital single Mexican promotional single US Target edition album bonus tracks The Best Thing About Me Is You \"The Best Thing About Me Is You\" is a song by the Puerto Rican recording artist Ricky Martin, taken from his ninth studio album, \"Música + Alma + Sexo\" (2011). It was digitally released as the lead single from the album on November 2, 2010. The", "psg_id": "15041820" }, { "title": "Zygon: When Being You Just Isn't Enough", "text": "the murder. She kills Torlakhl who still looks like her. The police find the body of Torlakhl and thinks it is Lauren. Lauren watches the scene and leaves. Other creator-authorised \"Doctor Who\" spin-offs include: Zygon: When Being You Just Isn't Enough Zygon: When Being You Just Isn't Enough (or Zygon) is a direct-to-DVD spin-off of the long-running British science fiction television series \"Doctor Who\". It was released direct-to-DVD and produced by the independent production company BBV. It featured the Zygons. Zygon is an officially licensed \"Doctor Who\" spin-off made by an independent company called BBV. It is more an adult", "psg_id": "19422527" }, { "title": "What Did You Think Was Going to Happen?", "text": "brightest of the nu-eyed-soul set\". What Did You Think Was Going to Happen? What Did You Think Was Going to Happen? is the debut studio album from Los Angeles band 2AM Club. It was released September 14, 2010 by RCA Records. On May 31, the band released a song named \"Baseline\" that was a bonus track on \"What Did You Think Was Going to Happen?\" (sold on iTunes). It was advertised by them via Twitter, and was available for free download through a file sharing website, Hulk Share. Matt Collar of Allmusic stated that with this album \"2AM Club reveal", "psg_id": "14910963" }, { "title": "What Will You Do When You Catch Me?", "text": "common with Bareja's other comedies, especially \"Teddy Bear\", with an emphasis on the sheer absurdity of life under Communism. The plot is too convoluted to be believed, but the director makes screamingly funny scenes from watching hapless citizens of Warsaw using a glass in a cafeteria that's been chained to the table so it won't be stolen or waiting in line for days to buy furniture. What Will You Do When You Catch Me? What Will You Do When You Catch Me? is the English title of \"Co mi zrobisz, jak mnie złapiesz?\" a Polish comedy film released in 1978,", "psg_id": "9039757" }, { "title": "You Are What You Is", "text": "The title track \"You Are What You Is\" is an up-tempo pop rock style song that was released as a music video in 1984. The album was first issued on LP by Barking Pumpkin Records (distributed by CBS) in 1981. In 1981, it also received a very brief (and now very rare) issue on 8-track tape, catalog number WAX-37537 (Barking Pumpkin label, distributed by CBS). It received a worldwide release on both Ryko and Zappa Records CD in 1990, and was standardized under the Ryko banner in 1995. The digital master prepared for both the original Ryko/Zappa Records release and", "psg_id": "12945394" }, { "title": "The Very Best of Baccara", "text": "Why Don't You Reach Out/Light My Fire\", \"Somewhere In Paradise\" and \"By 1999\", most of which were included on the 18 track UK edition \"The Best of Baccara\" issued the year before. The international version replaces many of these with selections from their final album \"Bad Boys\" and only contains two tracks from their best-selling debut \"Baccara\". The Very Best of Baccara The Very Best of Baccara is a compilation album by Spanish duo Baccara released by Sony BMG in June 2006. This 14 track compilation was issued by Sony-BMG (formerly BMG-Ariola) and while it includes recordings by the original", "psg_id": "10433529" }, { "title": "Send It to Me", "text": "Send It to Me \"Send It to Me\" is a song by rock and roll band The Rolling Stones featured on the 1980 album \"Emotional Rescue\". Credited to Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, \"Send It to Me\" is largely the work of Jagger, with him saying at the time of its release, \"I did it with Charlie [Watts] very early on... That was a good example of one, you know, we tried in all kinds of different ways, different times.\" The song is heavily influenced by reggae music, the Stones being very big fans ever since their introduction to it", "psg_id": "10704279" }, { "title": "Send It to Me", "text": "percussion parts. Send It to Me \"Send It to Me\" is a song by rock and roll band The Rolling Stones featured on the 1980 album \"Emotional Rescue\". Credited to Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, \"Send It to Me\" is largely the work of Jagger, with him saying at the time of its release, \"I did it with Charlie [Watts] very early on... That was a good example of one, you know, we tried in all kinds of different ways, different times.\" The song is heavily influenced by reggae music, the Stones being very big fans ever since their introduction", "psg_id": "10704284" }, { "title": "The Very Thought of You (novel)", "text": "Fiction. The Very Thought of You (novel) The Very Thought of You is a 2009 novel by film producer Rosie Alison. Set on the brink of World War II, the novel centres on eight-year-old Anna Sands, a child relocated to a Yorkshire estate. She is quickly drawn into the lives of the couple who have set up their estate as a school. \"The Guardian\" found \"The Very Thought of You\" \"enjoyable enough\" although\" its presence on the (Orange) longlist is perplexing.\" \"The Telegraph\" called it \"elegantly constructed\" and \"a pleasant, competent book\" It was nominated for the 2010 Orange Prize", "psg_id": "13790996" }, { "title": "The Very Thought of You (novel)", "text": "The Very Thought of You (novel) The Very Thought of You is a 2009 novel by film producer Rosie Alison. Set on the brink of World War II, the novel centres on eight-year-old Anna Sands, a child relocated to a Yorkshire estate. She is quickly drawn into the lives of the couple who have set up their estate as a school. \"The Guardian\" found \"The Very Thought of You\" \"enjoyable enough\" although\" its presence on the (Orange) longlist is perplexing.\" \"The Telegraph\" called it \"elegantly constructed\" and \"a pleasant, competent book\" It was nominated for the 2010 Orange Prize for", "psg_id": "13790995" }, { "title": "You Wanted the Best, You Got the Best!!", "text": "You Wanted the Best, You Got the Best!! You Wanted the Best, You Got the Best!! is a live hits album released by American hard rock band Kiss. The album was issued to coincide with the group's 1996–97 Alive/Worldwide Tour. All of the songs on the album are live versions. Most were taken from \"Alive!\" or \"Alive II\" but four recordings had been previously unreleased. The liner notes report the tracks are outtakes from \"Alive!\" and \"Alive II\"-era recordings, although there is some speculation to whether this is actually the case (mainly because Paul & Gene's voices sound like they", "psg_id": "8355015" }, { "title": "A Little Is Enough", "text": "A Little Is Enough \"A Little Is Enough\" is a single written and performed by Pete Townshend, also known for being the guitarist for The Who. The track appeared on his album, \"Empty Glass\". Pete Townshend pledged that \"A Little Is Enough\" was meant to make the best of Pete Townshend and Karen Townshend's fitful marriage. \"I was able to very easily put into words something that had actually happened to me when I was a thirty-four-year-old,\" he said. \"It's very emotional, but it's also very straightforward and clear.\" Townshend has also said that the song was inspired by an", "psg_id": "17490907" }, { "title": "Slogan", "text": "slogan with the product it is representing. A slogan is part of the production aspect that helps create an image for the product, service or cause it's representing. A slogan can be a few simple words used to form a phrase that can be used in a repetitive manner. In commercial advertising, corporations will use a slogan as part of promotional activity. Slogans can become a global way of identifying good or service, for example Nike's slogan 'Just Do It' helped establish Nike as an identifiable brand worldwide. Slogans should catch the audience's attention and influence the consumer's thoughts on", "psg_id": "1489975" }, { "title": "This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get", "text": "were not re-recorded for \"This Is What You Want...This Is What You Get\" (although a remixed version of \"Blue Water\" was included as the B-side on the \"This Is Not a Love Song\" 12\" single). Songs on \"This Is What You Want...This Is What You Get\" which did not appear in any form on \"Commercial Zone\" are \"Tie Me to the Length of That\", \"The Pardon\" and \"1981\", and are the only songs on the album which do not credit Keith Levene as a co-writer. PiL was supposed to score the soundtrack for the 1983 suspense film \"Copkiller\", starring Harvey", "psg_id": "8966219" }, { "title": "Reflections (Care Enough)", "text": "with Carey. It is a piano-driven song which lyrically, the song's protagonist \"laments the end of a relationship\", while confronting her mother regarding her early abandonment. Additionally, during its bridge, Carey \"eerily\" refers to abortion, \"You could have had the decency / To give me up / Before you gave me life\", as an option over abandoning the child. \"Bowling Green Daily News\" editor Chuck Campbell wrote that Mariah dishes out the \"anonymous and unobjectionable ballad\". David Browne of \"Entertainment Weekly\" wrote a mixed review: \"She laments the end of a relationship several times, most believably on \"Reflections (Care Enough)\"", "psg_id": "5655846" }, { "title": "Pay what you can", "text": "or socially oriented uses, based more on \"ability\" to pay, while \"pay what you want\" is often more broadly oriented to perceived value in combination with willingness and ability to pay. Giving buyers the ability and freedom to decide what they are willing to pay for can be very successful, this eliminates the issues of conservative pricing. Buyers are attracted to the fact they are not obligated to pay a certain price for a product, this eliminates all issues of an item becoming overpriced in the consumer's eyes, the customer can then make their own judgment on what the product", "psg_id": "13148264" }, { "title": "The Very Best of Slade", "text": "the fun doesn't end there. A bonus second disc then digs into the darker recesses of the Top 75 to pull out the band's lesser successes. It's not a complete guide to Slade on 45, but it comes close enough.\" The Very Best of Slade The Very Best of Slade is a compilation album by the British rock band Slade. It was released in 2005 and reached No. 39 in the UK charts, remaining in the charts for four weeks. The album has sold 139,390 copies as of November 2015. A DVD of the same name was also released at", "psg_id": "8711999" }, { "title": "The Very Best of The Velvet Underground", "text": "The Very Best of The Velvet Underground The Very Best of The Velvet Underground is a compilation album by The Velvet Underground. It was released in Europe on March 31, 2003, by Polydor, the record label that oversees the band's Universal Music Group back catalog. The album was released following a Hyundai television commercial, which featured the band's 1970 recording \"I'm Sticking with You\" from the \"Fully Loaded\" edition of \"Loaded\". The version included in this compilation is from the 1969 \"VU\" album, despite a sticker's claim to the contrary on the front cover. All tracks performed by The Velvet", "psg_id": "5188230" }, { "title": "The Very Best of 10cc", "text": "American release the songs \"Une Nuit A Paris\", \"Wedding Bells\" and \"Neanderthal Man\" were omitted, \"Dreadlock Holiday\" and \"People in Love\" switched places and \"For You and I\" added. Also, where applicable, the longer album versions of the 10cc songs were used; some single mixes were used on the UK edition. The full length version of \"Dreadlock Holiday\" is also used. The Very Best of 10cc The Very Best of 10cc is a 1997 compilation album by the band 10cc. The album comes with an exclusive essay written by Chris White especially for release. The album features all of the", "psg_id": "12042296" }, { "title": "One Night with You: The Best of Love, Volume 2", "text": "One Night with You: The Best of Love, Volume 2 One Night with You: The Best of Love, Volume 2 is the third compilation album released by American singer Luther Vandross, released on September 15, 1997 by Epic Records. It is his second compilation album to be released stateside, and is a continuation of his triple-platinum selling first compilation \"The Best of Luther Vandross... The Best of Love\" (1989). \"One Night with You\" contains four newly recorded songs including the R. Kelly-penned and Grammy-nominated \"When You Call on Me/Baby That's When I Come Runnin'\" and selections compiled from his later", "psg_id": "10486241" }, { "title": "This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get", "text": "in the film. The album was seen as a step down from the band's efforts. Pitchfork Media named the album \"maligned but salvageable\". Allmusic said the album as \"the most tentative and least powerful of PiL's recordings.\" This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get is a 1984 album by Public Image Ltd. It is the band's fourth official studio album and includes the single \"Bad Life\" and a re-recorded version of a \"This Is Not a Love Song\", which had been a No. 5 UK and international", "psg_id": "8966222" }, { "title": "This Is What the Truth Feels Like", "text": "few weeks before its release. The seventh track, \"Send Me a Picture\", has dancehall elements, and was described as a sexting ode by several publications; furthermore, Mapes stated the song has a \"Bieber-hits-the-islands vibe\", while Annie Zaleski of \"The A.V. Club\" summarized its meaning as \"captur[ing] the delicious anticipation of a crush potentially texting a snap\". \"Red Flag\" begins with \"an intro that sounds like a melting violin\", followed by Stefani scorning her ex: \"This is what happens when you don't listen to what your mother say.\" Amanda Dykan of AltWire found it reminiscent of 2000's \"Ex-Girlfriend\" and compared Stefani's", "psg_id": "19322919" }, { "title": "This Is It: The Very Best Of", "text": "This Is It: The Very Best Of This Is It: The Very Best Of is a compilation album by dance-pop singer Dannii Minogue released in 2013. Besides including singles from her five studio albums, the album boasts a cover of \"The Winner Takes It All\", recorded as a duet with Kylie Minogue in 2008 for the British sitcom \"Beautiful People\" soundtrack and \"'Cos You're Beautiful\", a new track Dannii recorded in 2010 with her \"X Factor\" protegee Ruth Lorenzo. The album was released to celebrate Minogue's debut on the Australian version of \"X Factor\". The Australian CD release features 21", "psg_id": "17451248" }, { "title": "The Very Best of Baccara", "text": "The Very Best of Baccara The Very Best of Baccara is a compilation album by Spanish duo Baccara released by Sony BMG in June 2006. This 14 track compilation was issued by Sony-BMG (formerly BMG-Ariola) and while it includes recordings by the original formation of the duo, Mayte Mateos and Maria Mendiola, is digitally remastered and offers one rarity in the form of the Spanish-language version of \"The Devil Sent You Lorado\" it omits many of the duo's hits and best known songs such as \"Darling\", \"Number One\", \"Granada\", \"Cara Mia\", \"Koochie-Koo\", \"Can't Help Falling In Love\", \"Feel Me\", \"Baby", "psg_id": "10433528" }, { "title": "The Very Best of the Bee Gees", "text": "The Very Best of the Bee Gees The Very Best of the Bee Gees is a greatest hits album by British/Australian pop group the Bee Gees. It was originally released in November 1990 by Polydor Records, around the time as the \"Tales from the Brothers Gibb\" box set. The album was primarily aimed at the European market, as shown by the exclusion of the US hits \"Holiday\", \"I Started a Joke\", \"Lonely Days\", \"How Can You Mend a Broken Heart\" and \"Fanny (Be Tender with My Love)\". The album has been re-issued several times, including a 1996 version which dropped", "psg_id": "4189514" }, { "title": "The Very Best of Bananarama", "text": "The Very Best of Bananarama The Very Best of Bananarama is one of several greatest hits collections by English girl group Bananarama. Released by Warner Music Group, parent company of Bananarama's label London Records, this set is the \"official\" hits package released to celebrate the group's twentieth anniversary. Hits included here span their history from 1981 to 1993. It reached #43 on the UK Albums Chart. This compilation features the \"single\" versions of the songs. Various tracks had been edited or remixed from their original album versions for their releases as singles and in the case of \"I Want You", "psg_id": "8381428" }, { "title": "The Very Best", "text": "released digitally in August 2009 and released physically in October 2009 by GREEN OWL and Moshi Moshi. The album features collaborations with Ezra Koenig and M.I.A.. The title track from the album, \"Warm Heart of Africa,\" won the World Beat Song award at the 9th Annual Independent Music Awards; the track includes a sample of the famous 1966 song by Victor Uwaifo, Guitar Boy. The Very Best is also featured on a track on Crookers' debut album, \"Tons of Friends\". The Very Best The Very Best is a collaboration between London-based DJ/production duo Radioclit and Esau Mwamwaya, a singer from", "psg_id": "12589759" }, { "title": "You Send Me", "text": "released \"You Send Me\" as part of a medley with \"Bring It on Home to Me\" and charted it on the UK Singles Chart at #7 as a double A-side with \"Farewell\". Stewart later recorded the song with Chaka Khan for his 2005 album \"\". You Send Me \"You Send Me\" is a song written and originally recorded by American singer Sam Cooke, released as a single in 1957 by Keen Records. Produced by Bumps Blackwell and arranged and conducted by René Hall. The song, Cooke's debut single, was a massive commercial success, becoming a number one hit on both", "psg_id": "7731448" }, { "title": "What You See Is What You Get (book)", "text": "What You See Is What You Get (book) What You See Is What You Get is the autobiography of British businessman and TV personality Lord Alan Sugar. The 640-page book, which was published in May 2011, tells the story of Alan Sugar's birth and childhood in a deprived part of London, how he founded the company Amstrad aged just 21 years old, and how he eventually became a successful multi-millionaire tycoon, received a knighthood, and was appointed to the House of Lords. Sir Alan also reveals his main method of business and entrepreneurial activity: (a) observing what market leaders are", "psg_id": "14962369" }, { "title": "The Very Best of Alan Jackson", "text": "stayed for one week. The Very Best of Alan Jackson The release includes 18 greatest hits from Alan Jackson's studio albums: Here in the Real World (1990) Don't Rock the Jukebox (1991) A Lot About Livin' (And a Little 'bout Love) (1992) Who I Am (1994) Everything I Love (1996) High Mileage (1998) Under the Influence (1999) When Somebody Loves You (2000) Drive (2002) and two hits from his compilation albums: The Greatest Hits Collection (1995) Greatest Hits Volume II... and Some Other Stuff (2003) \"The Very Best of Alan Jackson\" debuted at #47 on the UK Albums Chart on", "psg_id": "16357295" }, { "title": "The Very Best of Alan Jackson", "text": "The Very Best of Alan Jackson The release includes 18 greatest hits from Alan Jackson's studio albums: Here in the Real World (1990) Don't Rock the Jukebox (1991) A Lot About Livin' (And a Little 'bout Love) (1992) Who I Am (1994) Everything I Love (1996) High Mileage (1998) Under the Influence (1999) When Somebody Loves You (2000) Drive (2002) and two hits from his compilation albums: The Greatest Hits Collection (1995) Greatest Hits Volume II... and Some Other Stuff (2003) \"The Very Best of Alan Jackson\" debuted at #47 on the UK Albums Chart on week 27/2004, where it", "psg_id": "16357294" }, { "title": "And I don't care what it is", "text": "And I don't care what it is \"And I don't care what it is\" is a phrase attributed to U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower, and often misquoted. For example, one encyclopedia says: \"Eisenhower once remarked that 'America makes no sense without a deeply held faith in God—and I don't care what it is. Some commentators, such as Will Herberg, argued that Eisenhower favored a generic, watered-down religion, or ridiculed Eisenhower's banality. What Eisenhower actually said, when he was President-elect, was that the American form of government since 1776 was based on Judeo-Christian moral values. Speaking extemporaneously on December 22, 1952, a", "psg_id": "16186496" }, { "title": "You Are What You Is (song)", "text": "\"Zoot Allures,\" \"Lonesome Cowboy Burt\" from \"\"200 Motels\"\"', and the song \"Harder Than Your Husband\", which is the 2nd song on the album with the lyric \"Where's my waitress?\" Another reference is \"Robbie, take me to Greek Town\", more prominent in \"Jumbo Go Away\", and \"I'm goin' down 'n work the wall 'n work the floor\" from \"Mudd Club.\" The a cappella group The Persuasions covered \"You Are What You Is\" on their album Frankly a Cappella. 7\" 12\" You Are What You Is (song) \"You Are What You Is\" is a single which Frank Zappa released from his 1981", "psg_id": "16777573" }, { "title": "The Very Best of Brother Beyond", "text": "The Very Best of Brother Beyond The Very Best of Brother Beyond is a compilation from British boy band / pop group Brother Beyond, released in 2005, by EMI label, for its «Gold Series», containing all the quartet's greatest hits, as well as minor successes, including their very last single, that is the United States success called \"The Girl I Used to Know\" (never before included on any of their albums). The record also contains five very hard to find 12\" versions: \"The Harder I Try\", \"Drive On\", \"Be My Twin\", \"Can You Keep a Secret?\" and \"He Ain't No", "psg_id": "10927516" }, { "title": "When the World Is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around", "text": "de Blanc\" songs, \"When the World Is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around\" repeats its three-chord progression over its nearly four-minute length. Fricke regards the chord progression as \"hypnotic\". The Police Author Chris Welch praises the rhythm section of Sting and Stewart Copeland on the song, particularly the way they go with the flow and groove with ease. \"Sounds\" critic Phil Sutcliffe commented on its \"expression of melancholy\", noting that it maintains a restrained, dry tone that is able to project sadness without being overly demonstrative. \"RAM magazine\" critic Greg Taylor criticises the lyrics for not", "psg_id": "13868569" }, { "title": "It's Not Enough to be Loud, You Have to Suck to.", "text": "be one of the best rock 'n roll records I have heard in quite a while.\"\" -- \"Chemical Castration\" \"\"Real moments of musical entropy here...\"\" -- \"XXX Fanzine\" \"\"As much as I hate doing this to someone as good and original, if you like KILLDOZER and THE BUTTHOLE SURFERS, check these guys out.\"\" -- \"Maximum Rocknroll\" \"\"This stuff sucks just fine, thanks.\"\" -- \"Option Magazine\" \"\"Chow time, dickweed.\"\" -- \"Forced Exposure\" It's Not Enough to be Loud, You Have to Suck to. It's Not Enough to be Loud, You Have to Suck to. is the debut recording of Hullabaloo, released", "psg_id": "18249714" }, { "title": "What You See Is What You Get (book)", "text": "doing, (b) making better and cheaper products than the market leaders, and (c) not focusing on the exclusive or more expensive parts of the market, rather selling to the mass market. What You See Is What You Get (book) What You See Is What You Get is the autobiography of British businessman and TV personality Lord Alan Sugar. The 640-page book, which was published in May 2011, tells the story of Alan Sugar's birth and childhood in a deprived part of London, how he founded the company Amstrad aged just 21 years old, and how he eventually became a successful", "psg_id": "14962370" }, { "title": "The Best Thing About Me Is You", "text": "The Best Thing About Me Is You \"The Best Thing About Me Is You\" is a song by the Puerto Rican recording artist Ricky Martin, taken from his ninth studio album, \"Música + Alma + Sexo\" (2011). It was digitally released as the lead single from the album on November 2, 2010. The song had earlier premiered on radio's Ryan Seacrest show. The original English version of the song features singer Joss Stone, while its Spanish version, \"Lo Mejor de Mi Vida Eres Tú,\" replaces Stone's vocals with Natalia Jiménez. \"The Best Thing About Me Is You\" was later featured", "psg_id": "15041815" }, { "title": "This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get", "text": "band, with no contributions from either Levene or bassist Pete Jones (who contributed to several tracks on \"Commercial Zone\"). The song \"The Order of Death\" appears in the 1990 science fiction-horror film \"Hardware\" and on the soundtrack to the 1999 horror film \"The Blair Witch Project\". It was also featured in the \"Miami Vice\" episode \"Little Miss Dangerous\" and the \"Mr. Robot\" episode \"eps2.7_init_5.fve\". \"This is Not a Love Song\" appears in the film \"Waltz With Bashir\". The line \"This is what you want... This is what you get\" appears in both \"Bad Life\" and \"The Order of Death\". All", "psg_id": "8966217" }, { "title": "When the Heart Emerges Glistening", "text": "this but also producing the recording (and playing Rhodes, subtly and beautifully, on a couple of tracks). \"When the Heart Emerges Glistening\" is a gem. It’s a jazz record to rave about and to push on your friends. It’s the product of a talent that should send shivers up every jazz fan’s spine. Ambrose Akinmusire has been holding back, finding his voice, developing his band, and now he is here in full bloom. Spring has arrived. You can feel it in your bones, and now you can hear it with your ears.\" When the Heart Emerges Glistening When the Heart", "psg_id": "19942602" }, { "title": "Reflections (Care Enough)", "text": "Reflections (Care Enough) \"Reflections (Care Enough)\" is a song written and produced by American singer Mariah Carey and Philippe Pierre for Carey's first soundtrack album, \"Glitter\". It was released on December 15, 2001, as the fourth and final single from the soundtrack and her second record label Virgin Records America. The ballad has Carey, in character as Billie Frank in the film \"Glitter\", reflecting on how her mother did not \"care enough\" for her. The song is also featured on Carey's 2009 compilation album, \"The Ballads\". \"Reflections (Care Enough)\" was released as the album's fourth single in late 2001, but", "psg_id": "5655844" }, { "title": "Trip Advizer – The Very Best of Julian Cope 1999–2014", "text": "collection of anti-monotheist agit-pop and neolithic history lessons set to music,\" and said: \"There’s a didactic tone to \"Trip Advizer\", with lyrics railing against capitalist “greedheads” and the bloodshed, oppression, and cultural erasures legitimated by the “desert gods” of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Cope’s strident, which-side-are-you-on sentiments deserve your attention but clearly aren’t for everyone. Ultimately what redeems them is his humor, his remarkable skill as a songwriter and bandleader.\" Credits adapted from the album's liner notes. Trip Advizer – The Very Best of Julian Cope 1999–2014 Trip Advizer – The Very Best of Julian Cope 1999–2014 is a compilation", "psg_id": "20705083" }, { "title": "The Very Best of Oleta Adams", "text": "neither of which had been included on her albums. This first edition of the compilation was never released in the USA. Instead, Mercury Records released a compilation with the same title two years later, in 1998, with a slightly different track listing. It included two rare 1994 non-album songs: the cover of \"Embraceable You\" recorded for a George Gershwin tribute album, and the cover of the song \"Many Rivers to Cross\", recorded for the soundtrack of the film \"Jason's Lyric\". European 1996 CD USA 1998 CD The Very Best of Oleta Adams The Very Best of Oleta Adams is a", "psg_id": "14174199" }, { "title": "The Very Best of Rod Stewart", "text": "The Very Best of Rod Stewart The Story So Far: The Very Best of Rod Stewart is a 2001 Rod Stewart career-retrospective compilation album, which summarizes his solo work beginning with material from his 1971 breakthrough album \"Every Picture Tells a Story\" until his 2001 album \"Human\". For contractual reasons, only two songs from his Mercury Records tenure (\"Maggie May\" and \"You Wear It Well\") were included (a third song from the Mercury era, \"Reason to Believe\", was included in a live acoustic version from the Warner Bros. album \"Unplugged...and Seated\"). The rest of the material is from different albums", "psg_id": "5378456" }, { "title": "The Very Best of The Lightning Seeds", "text": "a pair of b-side covers (\"Be My Baby\", \"Lucifer Sam\"), two songs from 1998's commercial failure \"Tilt\", \"Song for No One\" - a remix of a song from Broudie's solo-album - and the new recording \"Tables Have Turned\". The Very Best of The Lightning Seeds The Very Best of The Lightning Seeds is the second official greatest hits album by British alternative rock band The Lightning Seeds. It was released on 12 June 2006 peaking at number thirty-three on the UK Album Chart. The compilation is essentially an update of the group's first greatest hits album 1997's \"Like You Do...", "psg_id": "7980306" }, { "title": "The Very Best of Me", "text": "of her life and career that was written by Jeff Hannusch. The Very Best of Me The Very Best of Me is a collection of material that Jean Knight recorded for Aim Records in 1994, which includes rerecordings of her biggest hits \"Mr. Big Stuff\" and \"My Toot Toot\" and covers of \"Make Me Yours\" and \"Trapped by Love.\" It was produced by Knight and her long-time collaborators Isaac Bolden and Carl Marshall. This album also includes the original version of her 1981 hit \"You Got the Papers but I Got the Man.\" The inside album cover includes a personal", "psg_id": "13927273" }, { "title": "The Very Best of Me", "text": "The Very Best of Me The Very Best of Me is a collection of material that Jean Knight recorded for Aim Records in 1994, which includes rerecordings of her biggest hits \"Mr. Big Stuff\" and \"My Toot Toot\" and covers of \"Make Me Yours\" and \"Trapped by Love.\" It was produced by Knight and her long-time collaborators Isaac Bolden and Carl Marshall. This album also includes the original version of her 1981 hit \"You Got the Papers but I Got the Man.\" The inside album cover includes a personal message from Knight that includes her thanks and a short biography", "psg_id": "13927272" }, { "title": "This Is It: The Very Best Of", "text": "tracks while the digital release features three extra singles, adding up to a total of 24 songs. In the UK, the album was issued by All Around the World and features a previously unreleased mix of \"Love's on Every Corner\" as a further additional song, adding up to the total of 25 tracks. This Is It: The Very Best Of This Is It: The Very Best Of is a compilation album by dance-pop singer Dannii Minogue released in 2013. Besides including singles from her five studio albums, the album boasts a cover of \"The Winner Takes It All\", recorded as", "psg_id": "17451249" }, { "title": "Send Away the Tigers", "text": "five, describing \"Send Away the Tigers\" as a \"back-to-basics\" rock record and calling it \"overdue\": \"\"Send Away the Tigers\" refocuses the trio, allowing them to relocate their original plot and make a big rock classic.\" The publication cited the single \"Autumnsong\" as its highlight, while \"Your Love Alone Is Not Enough\" won Best Track at the 2007 Q Awards. \"NME\" gave the album eight out of ten, calling it the band's best release since 1996's \"Everything Must Go\", and the \"cathartic regeneration that the band really needed in order to become relevant again.\" Talia Kraines, writing for BBC Online, agreed", "psg_id": "9656029" }, { "title": "Do You Love What You Feel", "text": "Do You Love What You Feel \"Do You Love What You Feel\" is a well-known soul/disco song by Rufus and Chaka. Released in late 1979 from the Quincy Jones produced album, \"Masterjam\", it spent three weeks at the top of the Hot Soul Singles chart, becoming the fourth of five songs that they would send to the top of that chart. It also peaked at number thirty on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 singles chart. Along with the track, \"Any Love\", \"Do You Love What You Feel\" peaked at number five on the disco/dance charts. It would be one of the", "psg_id": "13390308" }, { "title": "Do You Love What You Feel", "text": "last albums featuring lead vocalist Chaka Khan before fully going solo. Do You Love What You Feel \"Do You Love What You Feel\" is a well-known soul/disco song by Rufus and Chaka. Released in late 1979 from the Quincy Jones produced album, \"Masterjam\", it spent three weeks at the top of the Hot Soul Singles chart, becoming the fourth of five songs that they would send to the top of that chart. It also peaked at number thirty on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 singles chart. Along with the track, \"Any Love\", \"Do You Love What You Feel\" peaked at number", "psg_id": "13390309" }, { "title": "Playlist: The Very Best of Basia", "text": "Playlist: The Very Best of Basia Playlist: The Very Best of Basia is a greatest hits compilation album by Polish-born singer Basia. It was released by Epic Records on 15 October 2013 as part of Sony's environmentally friendly \"Playlist\" compilation series. The CD compiles all of her chart hits from the 1980s and 1990s. Of the 14 tracks offered, the first comes from her days with the band Matt Bianco and the album \"Whose Side Are You On?\" (1984). This is followed by five songs from her debut album, \"Time and Tide\" (1987), four from her second album, \"London Warsaw", "psg_id": "19705800" }, { "title": "The Very Best of Macy Gray", "text": "The Very Best of Macy Gray The Very Best of Macy Gray is the first greatest hits album by American singer and songwriter Macy Gray. It was released on August 30, 2004, by Epic Records. It contains all singles from Gray's first three studio albums, as well as two previously unreleased tracks (the single \"Love Is Gonna Get You\" and a cover of Aerosmith's 1975 song \"Walk This Way\"), three album tracks, three remixes, and the 2000 single \"Demons\", a collaboration with Fatboy Slim. The album peaked at number 36 on the UK Albums Chart and charted moderately in other", "psg_id": "6012189" }, { "title": "When the World Is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around", "text": "\"De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da\" and \"Don't Stand So Close to Me\". Police drummer Stewart Copeland has described the song (not necessarily entirely seriously) as \"pre Rossinus Mantuanus (via Karl Orff) with metre altered to fit the characteristic Police beat\". In early 2000, a 12\" bootleg remix version of \"When the World Is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around\" began circulating in prominent nightclubs, played by such disc jockeys as Pete Tong, David Morales and Terry Farley. At first it was unknown who was responsible for the remix, but it turned out to", "psg_id": "13868571" }, { "title": "When the World Is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around", "text": "doing \"anything with its potentially political message\" but praises the music, particularly Andy Summers' \"long ringing\" guitar chords. \"Mojo\" critic John Harris regards it as one of several formless jams on the album, complaining that it \"randomly fades out as if simple boredom finally won out\". Police guitarist Andy Summers considers \"When the World Is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around\" to be one of the promising songs Sting had written in advance of the \"Zenyatta Mondatta\" sessions and which form the \"meat\" of the album, the others being \"Driven to Tears\" and the hit singles", "psg_id": "13868570" }, { "title": "When the World Is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around", "text": "No. 28 on the UK Singles Chart, No. 7 on the \"Billboard\" Dance chart, and No. 94 in the Netherlands. \"When the World Is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around\" was one of Sting's earliest attempts at a song whose lyrics deal with concerns of the outside world rather than just his own issues. Ellie O'Day of \"Vancouver Free Press\" describes the lyrics as being mostly a \"repetitive chant\". Sting regards the song as having a post-apocalyptic vision, something it shares with an earlier Police song, \"Bring on the Night\", from the 1979 album \"Reggatta de", "psg_id": "13868567" }, { "title": "What to Do When You Are Dead", "text": "the Warped Tour. A music video for \"Remember to Feel Real\" was posted on YouTube on June 6. A remix of the track was included on the \"Snakes on a Plane\" soundtrack, released in August. AllMusic reviewer John D. Luerssen wrote that \"What to Do When You Are Dead\" \"ups the punk/emo ante\" with \"fabulously\" composed songs, as well as a yearning to tackle the \"norms of a movement that has grown increasingly stale\". He described Jorgensen as going \"dark\" and toying with \"his inner Aaron Lewis\", frontman for Staind. Luerssen described the band's choice of working with Machine as", "psg_id": "4480218" } ]
[ "hall-mark", "hall-mark", "hallmark", "hallmarks", "hall mark" ]
the american ad writer robert l. may introduced what popular christmas character when he designed a new coloring book for montgomery ward in 1939?
[ { "title": "Montgomery Ward", "text": "1930s, Montgomery Ward had become the country's largest retailer and Sewell Avery became the company's chief executive officer. In 1939, as part of a Christmas promotional campaign, staff copywriter Robert L. May created the character and illustrated poem of \"Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer.\" The store distributed six-million copies of the storybook in 1946 and actor and singer Gene Autry popularized the song nationally. In 1946, the Grolier Club, a society of bibliophiles in New York City, exhibited the Wards catalog alongside \"Webster's Dictionary\" as one of 100 American books chosen for their influence on life and culture of the people.", "psg_id": "3307574" } ]
[ { "title": "Robert L. May", "text": "the 1930s, May moved to Chicago and took a job as a low-paid in-house advertising copywriter for Montgomery Ward. In early 1939, May’s boss at Montgomery Ward asked him to write a “cheery” Christmas book for shoppers and suggested that an animal be the star of the book. Montgomery Ward had been buying and giving away coloring books for Christmas every year and it was decided that creating their own book would save money and be a nice good-will gesture. May’s wife, Evelyn, had contracted cancer in 1937 and was quite ill as he started on the book in early", "psg_id": "9309905" }, { "title": "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer", "text": "owned by The Rudolph Company, LP and has been adapted in numerous forms including a popular song, the iconic 1964 television special and sequels, and and sequel. Character Arts, LLC manages the licensing for the Rudolph Company, LP. In many countries, Rudolph has become a figure of Christmas folklore. 2014 marked the 75th anniversary of the character and the 50th anniversary of the television special. A series of postage stamps featuring Rudolph was issued by the United States Postal Service on November 6, 2014. Robert L. May created Rudolph in 1939 as an assignment for Chicago-based Montgomery Ward. The retailer", "psg_id": "1375432" }, { "title": "Robert L. May", "text": "assignment in light of his wife’s death. May refused and completed the poem in August 1939. The Rudolph poem booklet was first distributed during the 1939 holiday season. Shoppers loved the poem and 2.4 million copies were distributed. War time restrictions on paper use prevented a re-issue until 1946. In that year, another 3.6 million copies were distributed to Montgomery Ward shoppers. In 1946, May received an offer from a company that wanted to do a spoken-word record of the poem. May could not give his approval (and be compensated) because Montgomery Ward held the rights to the poem. In", "psg_id": "9309907" }, { "title": "Coloring book", "text": "American publisher Really Big Coloring Books released \"We Shall Never Forget: The Kids Book of Freedom\" detailing specific drawings in the accounting of SEAL Team 6 shooting Osama bin Laden in his home. The book was criticized by some for portraying Muslims in a negative manner. The company has also published \"The Tea Party Coloring Book for Kids\", \"Ted Cruz To The Future\" (2013) and a book about President Barack Obama's inauguration (2008). Photographer Jno Cook produced line drawings based on Robert Frank's \"The Americans\", and in 1983 published them in a limited edition as \"The Robert Frank Coloring Book\".", "psg_id": "4754853" }, { "title": "Robert Ward (travel writer)", "text": "pilgrims. Ward's second book, \"All the Good Pilgrims\" (2007), deals with his several walking journeys along Spain's Camino de Santiago. Highly anecdotal, it retells the author's adventures as a sceptical modern pilgrim on a venerable Catholic road of faith. Robert Ward (travel writer) Robert Ward is a Canadian author and travel writer with a special interest in pilgrimages. Though a self-professed atheist, he specialized in religious studies and English literature at the University of Toronto before doing an M.A. in English at the University of Western Ontario. His first book, \"Virgin Trails\" (2002), is a memoir of Ward's visits to", "psg_id": "8045038" }, { "title": "Coloring book", "text": "Coloring book A coloring book (or colouring book, or colouring page) is a type of book containing line art to which people are intended to add color using crayons, colored pencils, marker pens, paint or other artistic media. Traditional coloring books and coloring pages are printed on paper or card. Some coloring books have perforated edges so their pages can be removed from the books and used as individual sheets. Others may include a story line and so are intended to be left intact. Today many children's coloring books feature popular cartoon characters. They are often used as promotional materials", "psg_id": "4754844" }, { "title": "Coloring book", "text": "and improving skills that would be useful in finding a profession, as well as for the children's spiritual edification. The McLoughlin Brothers are credited as the inventors of the coloring book, when, in the 1880s, they produced \"The Little Folks' Painting Book\", in collaboration with Kate Greenaway. They continued to publish coloring books until the 1920s, when the McLoughlin Brothers became part of the Milton Bradley Company. Another pioneer in the genre was Richard F. Outcault. He authored \"Buster's Paint Book\" in 1907, featuring the character of Buster Brown, which he had invented in 1902. It was published by the", "psg_id": "4754846" }, { "title": "Artemas Ward (writer)", "text": "introduced the use of transit ads for Sapolio in almost all public transit vehicles in the country. He later obtained an exclusive franchise for the advertising facilities on New York City’s elevated railway and subway systems. He was inducted into the Advertising Hall of Fame in 1975. Artemas Ward (writer) Artemas Ward (May 28, 1848 – March 14, 1925) was an American author and advertising executive. He is known for authoring several biographies as well as \"The Grocer's Encyclopedia\". Ward, born May 28, 1848, was the great-grandson and namesake of Artemas Ward, a Major General during the American Revolutionary War.", "psg_id": "8295700" }, { "title": "Robert Ward (travel writer)", "text": "Robert Ward (travel writer) Robert Ward is a Canadian author and travel writer with a special interest in pilgrimages. Though a self-professed atheist, he specialized in religious studies and English literature at the University of Toronto before doing an M.A. in English at the University of Western Ontario. His first book, \"Virgin Trails\" (2002), is a memoir of Ward's visits to various pilgrimage sites of Western Europe dedicated to the Virgin Mary (including Lourdes, Chartres, Fatima, Rome and Loreto, as well as the Camino de Santiago). It is a mix of history, legend and tales of encounters with contemporary Catholic", "psg_id": "8045037" }, { "title": "Coloring book", "text": "Stokes Company. This launched a trend to use coloring books to advertise a wide variety of products, including coffee and pianos. Until the 1930s, books were designed with the intent for them to be painted instead of colored. Even when crayons came into wide use in the 1930s, books were still designed so that they could be painted or colored. Coloring books are widely used in schooling for young children for various reasons. For example, children are often more interested in coloring books rather than using other learning methods; pictures may also be more memorable than simply words. Coloring may", "psg_id": "4754847" }, { "title": "Scott L. Montgomery", "text": "Scott L. Montgomery Scott L. Montgomery (born May 30, 1951) is an American author, geoscientist, public lecturer, and affiliate faculty member at the University of Washington in Seattle. He is widely known for his writings on energy matters, intellectual history, language and translation, and history of science. His book, \"The Shape of the New\": \"Four Big Ideas and How They Built the Modern World\" (2015), with co-author Daniel Chirot, was selected by \"The New York Times\" and Bloomberg Businessweek as one of the most notable books of 2015. His articles have appeared in many journals, including \"Forbes\", \"Newsweek\", \"History Today,\"", "psg_id": "7323297" }, { "title": "Scott L. Montgomery", "text": "power, environmental damage, and western society's self-destructive aspects. Scott L. Montgomery Scott L. Montgomery (born May 30, 1951) is an American author, geoscientist, public lecturer, and affiliate faculty member at the University of Washington in Seattle. He is widely known for his writings on energy matters, intellectual history, language and translation, and history of science. His book, \"The Shape of the New\": \"Four Big Ideas and How They Built the Modern World\" (2015), with co-author Daniel Chirot, was selected by \"The New York Times\" and Bloomberg Businessweek as one of the most notable books of 2015. His articles have appeared", "psg_id": "7323315" }, { "title": "Robert L. May", "text": "1939. May \"drew on memories of his own painfully shy childhood when creating his Rudolph stories.\" He decided on making a reindeer the central character of the book because his then 4-year-old daughter, Barbara, loved the deer in the Chicago zoo. He ran verses and chapters of the Rudolph poem by Barbara to make sure they entertained children. The final version of the poem was first read to Barbara and his wife’s parents. Evelyn May died in July 1939. She is interred at Saint Joseph Cemetery, River Grove, Cook County, IL. His boss offered to take him off the book", "psg_id": "9309906" }, { "title": "William L. Brann", "text": "racing including Escadru, Pictor, Vincentive, and Legendra. Trainers who conditioned his horses included Don Cameron, Edward Christmas, and Louis Schaefer. Willam and Mabel Brann maintained a winter home in Boynton Beach, Florida where he died in 1951 at the age of seventy-three. William L. Brann William Leavitt Brann (c.1877 – April 11, 1951) was an American businessman and Thoroughbred racehorse owner and breeder. Born in Washington, Indiana, William Brann graduated from Indiana University and moved to New York City where he founded the W. L. Brann Advertising Agency, serving national clients such as Montgomery Ward. In partnership with Robert Stanley", "psg_id": "14195910" }, { "title": "Morton L. Montgomery", "text": "Artillery during the American Civil War and wed Mary Renninger; Mary Elizabeth, Sarah and John, Morton L. Montgomery experienced tragedy early in life when his two youngest siblings died sometime before 1850. That year, a federal census taker noted that the family resided in Reading’s Northeast Ward, and was composed only of Leonard and Catharine Montgomery and their children: Jonas, Morton and Mary. Educated in his community's common elementary school from childhood through 1860, and then at a high school in Reading until 1863, he showed an aptitude for drafting and mathematics. Following graduation, he apprenticed for eight months with", "psg_id": "20833890" }, { "title": "William L. Brann", "text": "William L. Brann William Leavitt Brann (c.1877 – April 11, 1951) was an American businessman and Thoroughbred racehorse owner and breeder. Born in Washington, Indiana, William Brann graduated from Indiana University and moved to New York City where he founded the W. L. Brann Advertising Agency, serving national clients such as Montgomery Ward. In partnership with Robert Stanley Castle, William Brann owned Branncastle Farm in Walkersville in Frederick County, Maryland. Among the successful horses they bred was Challedon, the 1939 and 1940 American Horse of the Year and a U.S. Racing Hall of Fame inductee. Challedon became the first Maryland-bred", "psg_id": "14195908" }, { "title": "What a Night! A Christmas Album", "text": "What a Night! A Christmas Album What a Night! A Christmas Album, by American singer, pianist and bandleader Harry Connick Jr., was released on November 4, 2008., being his third Christmas album, since 1993's \"When My Heart Finds Christmas\" and 2003's \"Harry for the Holidays\". The album consists of new recordings of Christmas classics, and new songs written by Connick. The first public mentioning of recording the album, came in an interview in The Times-Picayune in June 2008. The album was first called \"Christmas Day\", but the title was changed in September 2008, to \"What a Night! A Christmas Album\".", "psg_id": "12429875" }, { "title": "Coloring Book (mixtape)", "text": "Coloring Book (mixtape) Coloring Book is the third mixtape by American rapper Chance the Rapper. It was produced by his group The Social Experiment, Lido, and Kaytranada, among others. For the mixtape, Chance also collaborated with musicians such as Kanye West, Young Thug, Francis and the Lights, Justin Bieber, 2 Chainz, Kirk Franklin, and the Chicago Children's Choir. \"Coloring Book\" was released on May 13, 2016, exclusively on Apple Music, before being made available to other streaming services on May 27. It was the first album to chart on the US \"Billboard\" 200 solely on streams, peaking at number eight,", "psg_id": "19492971" }, { "title": "John Montgomery Ward", "text": "John Montgomery Ward John Montgomery Ward (March 3, 1860 – March 4, 1925), known as Monte Ward, was an American Major League Baseball pitcher, shortstop, second baseman and manager. Ward was born in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, and grew up in Renovo, Pennsylvania. He led the formation of the first professional sports players union and a new baseball league, the Players' League. Ward attended the Bellefonte Academy in the early 1870s, and at 13 years of age, he was sent to Pennsylvania State University. In his short time there, he helped jumpstart a baseball program and is often credited for developing the", "psg_id": "15351525" }, { "title": "Robert Hiester Montgomery", "text": "Robert Hiester Montgomery Robert Hiester Montgomery (September 21, 1872 – May 2, 1953) was an American accountant and educator, and co-founders of what is today the world's largest accounting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers. Montgomery was a two-term president of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Montgomery was the author of numerous books on auditing and taxation including \"Auditing Theory and Practice\", a bestseller originally published in 1912 which is still in print. He was successful in three professions despite his lack of formal education, having not even completed high school. Montgomery quit school at the age of 14 and went", "psg_id": "11362611" }, { "title": "Aaron Montgomery Ward", "text": "Aaron Montgomery Ward as the 16th-most influential businessman of all time. Despite the collapse of its catalog business and bricks-and-mortar department stores in 2001, Montgomery Ward & Co. as an online retailer still adheres to the once unheard philosophy of \"satisfaction guaranteed\". Aaron Montgomery Ward Aaron Montgomery Ward (February 17, 1843 – December 7, 1913) was an American entrepreneur based in Chicago who made his fortune through the use of mail order for retail sales of general merchandise to rural customers. In 1872 he founded Montgomery Ward & Company, which became nationally known. Ward, a young traveling salesman of dry", "psg_id": "3307565" }, { "title": "Montgomery Ward", "text": "Montgomery Ward Montgomery Ward Inc. is the name of two historically distinct American retail enterprises. It can refer either to the defunct mail order and department store retailer, which operated between 1872 and 2001, or to the current catalog and online retailer also known as Wards. Montgomery Ward was founded by Aaron Montgomery Ward in 1872. Ward had conceived of the idea of a dry goods mail-order business in Chicago, Illinois, after several years of working as a traveling salesman among rural customers. He observed that rural customers often wanted \"city\" goods, but their only access to them was through", "psg_id": "3307566" }, { "title": "John Montgomery Ward", "text": "in Augusta, Georgia, the day following his 65th birthday on March 4, 1925 after a bout of pneumonia, and is interred in Greenfield Cemetery in Hempstead, Long Island, New York. He was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame by the Veterans Committee in 1964. John Montgomery Ward John Montgomery Ward (March 3, 1860 – March 4, 1925), known as Monte Ward, was an American Major League Baseball pitcher, shortstop, second baseman and manager. Ward was born in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, and grew up in Renovo, Pennsylvania. He led the formation of the first professional sports players union and a new", "psg_id": "15351539" }, { "title": "Robert Hiester Montgomery", "text": "cycads. Located on 120 acres in Coral Gables it includes the largest and finest private collections of palms and cycads in the world. Robert Hiester Montgomery Robert Hiester Montgomery (September 21, 1872 – May 2, 1953) was an American accountant and educator, and co-founders of what is today the world's largest accounting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers. Montgomery was a two-term president of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Montgomery was the author of numerous books on auditing and taxation including \"Auditing Theory and Practice\", a bestseller originally published in 1912 which is still in print. He was successful in three", "psg_id": "11362619" }, { "title": "CPK coloring", "text": "visualizer Jmol. Column R is the scheme used by Rasmol; when two colors are shown, the second one is valid for versions 2.7.3 and later. All colors are approximate and may depend on the display hardware and viewing conditions. CPK coloring In chemistry, the CPK coloring is a popular color convention for distinguishing atoms of different chemical elements in molecular models. The scheme is named after the CPK molecular models designed by chemists Robert Corey and Linus Pauling, and improved by Walter Koltun. In 1952, Corey and Pauling published a description of space-filling models of proteins and other biomolecules that", "psg_id": "6556325" }, { "title": "Aaron Montgomery Ward", "text": "that came about in 1906. The early 20th century was the heyday of mail orders and Ward's had become an American tradition, along with its rival Sears Roebuck. Ward continues to be honored as the protector of Grant Park in Chicago, Illinois. Aaron Montgomery Ward was born on February 17, 1843, in Chatham, New Jersey. When he was about nine years old, his father Sylvester Ward moved the family to Niles, Michigan, where Aaron attended public schools. He was one of a large family with a modest income. When Aaron was fourteen, he was apprenticed to a trade to help", "psg_id": "3307554" }, { "title": "Robert Montgomery (actor)", "text": "His two surviving children, Elizabeth and Robert Montgomery Jr., both died of cancer, as well. Robert Montgomery (actor) Robert Montgomery (; born Henry Montgomery Jr.; May 21, 1904 – September 27, 1981) was an American film and television actor, director, and producer. He was also the father of actress Elizabeth Montgomery. Henry Montgomery Jr. was born in Fishkill Landing, New York (now Beacon, New York), to Henry Montgomery Sr. and his wife, Mary Weed Montgomery (née Barney). His early childhood was one of privilege, as his father was president of the New York Rubber Company. His father committed suicide in", "psg_id": "3236644" }, { "title": "Artemas Ward (writer)", "text": "Artemas Ward (writer) Artemas Ward (May 28, 1848 – March 14, 1925) was an American author and advertising executive. He is known for authoring several biographies as well as \"The Grocer's Encyclopedia\". Ward, born May 28, 1848, was the great-grandson and namesake of Artemas Ward, a Major General during the American Revolutionary War. Ward's first position was in 1863 with the New York State Soldiers’ Depot. Later, Ward moved to Philadelphia, entering the Cuban export and import business, and next founded and published the \"Philadelphia Grocer\". This led to an offer to manage advertising for household cleaner Sapolio Soap. He", "psg_id": "8295699" }, { "title": "Coloring book", "text": "The books are also a way to get away from technology, which some regard as beneficial to people's health. They can be used by people who are uncomfortable with more creatively expressive forms of art. While coloring books for adults were popular in the early 1960s, those were satirical works rather than the therapeutic works that define the adult coloring book form today. The first commercially successful adult coloring books were published in 2012 and 2013, and began increasing in popularity in 2015. In April of that year two such coloring books became the top sellers at Amazon. By November", "psg_id": "4754855" }, { "title": "Aaron Montgomery Ward", "text": "Aaron Montgomery Ward Aaron Montgomery Ward (February 17, 1843 – December 7, 1913) was an American entrepreneur based in Chicago who made his fortune through the use of mail order for retail sales of general merchandise to rural customers. In 1872 he founded Montgomery Ward & Company, which became nationally known. Ward, a young traveling salesman of dry goods, was concerned over the plight of many rural Midwest Americans who were, he thought, being overcharged and under-served by many of the small town retailers on whom they had to rely for their general merchandise. He opened his first mail-order house", "psg_id": "3307552" }, { "title": "Coloring book", "text": "Some publishers have specialized in coloring books with an explicit educational purpose, both for children and for adults. The books often have extensive text accompanying each image. These publishers include Dover Books, Really Big Coloring Books, Running Press, and Troubador Press. Coloring books have seen wide application in the health professions as educational tools. One nurse, trying to limit the trauma of surgery, described in an academic publication how the use of a coloring book \"might help [the child] to understand what was going to happen to him.\" They are also used in rehabilitation of accident victims to aid recovery", "psg_id": "4754850" }, { "title": "Robert Kanigher", "text": "Robert Kanigher Robert Kanigher (; June 18, 1915 – May 7, 2002) was an American comic book writer and editor whose career spanned five decades. He was involved with the Wonder Woman franchise for over twenty years, taking over the scripting from creator William Moulton Marston. In addition, Kanigher spent many years in charge of DC Comics' war titles, as well as creating the character Sgt. Rock. Kanigher scripted what is considered the first Silver Age comic book story, \"Mystery of the Human Thunderbolt!\" which introduced the Barry Allen version of the Flash in \"Showcase\" #4 (Oct. 1956). Kanigher was", "psg_id": "5980515" }, { "title": "Robert Montgomery (actor)", "text": "Robert Montgomery (actor) Robert Montgomery (; born Henry Montgomery Jr.; May 21, 1904 – September 27, 1981) was an American film and television actor, director, and producer. He was also the father of actress Elizabeth Montgomery. Henry Montgomery Jr. was born in Fishkill Landing, New York (now Beacon, New York), to Henry Montgomery Sr. and his wife, Mary Weed Montgomery (née Barney). His early childhood was one of privilege, as his father was president of the New York Rubber Company. His father committed suicide in 1922 by jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge, and the family's fortune was gone. Montgomery settled", "psg_id": "3236634" }, { "title": "Coloring Book (mixtape)", "text": "the modern music industry era. In the opinion of \"Slate\" journalist Jack Hamilton, \"Coloring Book\" was \"the first true gospel-rap masterpiece\". At the end of 2016, \"Coloring Book\" appeared on a number of critics' lists ranking the year's top albums. According to Metacritic, it was the seventh most prominently ranked record of 2016. Christgau ranked it as the ninth best album of the year in his ballot for \"The Village Voice\"s annual Pazz & Jop critics poll. Songwriting credits adapted from American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP). Notes Sample credits Coloring Book (mixtape) Coloring Book is the third", "psg_id": "19492982" }, { "title": "Santa Claus's reindeer", "text": "version of the poem, including the German spelling of \"Donder and Blitzen,\" rather than the original 1823 version using the Dutch spelling, \"Dunder and Blixem\". Both phrases translate as \"Thunder and Lightning\" in English, though German for \"thunder\" is now spelled \"Donner\", and the Dutch words would now be spelled \"Donder\" and \"Bliksem\". Rudolph's story was originally written in verse by Robert L. May for the Montgomery Ward chain of department stores in 1939, and published as a book to be given to children in the store at Christmas time. According to this story, Rudolph's glowing red nose made him", "psg_id": "8124081" }, { "title": "Coloring book", "text": "thing, noting that adults are increasingly buying books they want to buy, rather than books they are supposed to buy. Coloring books can also be found digitally in the form of coloring book websites and applications. Coloring book software often has features such as color mixing, flood filling, and paintbrush tools that allow for more accurate and detailed drawings than regular coloring books. Coloring book A coloring book (or colouring book, or colouring page) is a type of book containing line art to which people are intended to add color using crayons, colored pencils, marker pens, paint or other artistic", "psg_id": "4754859" }, { "title": "American Character Doll Company", "text": "American Character Doll Company The American Character Doll Company was an American toy company specializing in dolls. Their most popular dolls included \"Tiny Tears,\" \"Tressy,\" \"Butterball Doll\", \"Sweet Sue,\" and \"Toodles.\" Founded in 1919, the company's fortunes peaked in the mid-20th century, as they sold millions of dolls exclusively to retailers and mail order houses such as Sears and Montgomery Ward. American Character Dolls went bankrupt in 1968, with their assets acquired by the Ideal Toy Company. The American Doll and Toy Corporation was established in 1919 by Russian Jewish immigrant brothers Jacob and Max Brock, and their partner Ed", "psg_id": "19636392" }, { "title": "Coloring Book (mixtape)", "text": "first week, the mixtape debuted at number eight on the US \"Billboard\" 200 based on 57.3 million streams of its songs, which \"Billboard\" equated to 38,000 album units. It was the first release to chart on the \"Billboard\" 200 solely on streams. The mixtape was available only on Apple Music through May 27, when it was released to other streaming services. \"Coloring Book\" became the first to surpass 500,000 with only streaming album equivalents. Since its debut in May, the album has stayed on the \"Billboard\" 200 chart for 33 consecutive weeks, peaking at number eight. \"Coloring Book\" received widespread", "psg_id": "19492979" }, { "title": "Montgomery Ward", "text": "on its website, including Devonshire Collection, Apothecarie Collection and Elysian Forest Collection furniture, Chef Tested kitchen products, Comfort Creek towels and sheets, Freshica shoes, Sleep Connection bedding, and Color Connection window treatments. Notes Montgomery Ward Montgomery Ward Inc. is the name of two historically distinct American retail enterprises. It can refer either to the defunct mail order and department store retailer, which operated between 1872 and 2001, or to the current catalog and online retailer also known as Wards. Montgomery Ward was founded by Aaron Montgomery Ward in 1872. Ward had conceived of the idea of a dry goods mail-order", "psg_id": "3307597" }, { "title": "Joan Brady (American-British writer)", "text": "Joan Brady (American-British writer) Joan Brady (born 4 December 1939 in San Francisco) is an American-British writer. She is the first woman and American to win the Whitbread Book of the Year Award for her novel \"Theory of War\". Born Joan Brady on 4 December 1939 in San Francisco to Mildred Edie Brady and Robert A. Brady. She has one sister, Judy. Before becoming an author, she was a dancer with the San Francisco Ballet and the New York City Ballet then went on to study philosophy at Columbia University in New York City. In 1963, she married author Dexter", "psg_id": "8606995" }, { "title": "Robert Levin (writer)", "text": "there and I wish I could rewrite every last one of them—especially the notes for [Coltrane’s] \"Blue Train\".\" Robert Levin (writer) Robert Levin (born January 20, 1939, New York, New York) is an American writer of fiction and essays. The author of \"When Pacino’s Hot, I’m Hot: A Miscellany of Stories & Commentary\", he is also the co-author and coeditor, respectively, of two collections of essays about jazz and rock in the 1960s: \"Music & Politics\" (with John Sinclair) and \"Giants of Black Music\" (with Pauline Rivelli). In addition, his fiction and essays have appeared in a number of collections,", "psg_id": "11846799" }, { "title": "Montgomery Ward", "text": "The brand name of the store became embedded in the popular American consciousness and was often called by the nickname Monkey Ward (a corruption of Mont'gy Ward), both affectionately and derisively. In April 1944, four months into a nationwide strike by the company's 12,000 workers, U.S. Army troops seized the Chicago offices of Montgomery Ward & Company. The seizure was ordered because Avery refused to settle the strike as requested by the Roosevelt administration because of its adverse effect on the delivery of needed goods in wartime. Avery had refused to comply with a War Labor Board order to recognize", "psg_id": "3307575" }, { "title": "Paul L. Montgomery", "text": "for \"The Wall Street Journal\". Paul L. Montgomery Paul Lauren Montgomery (May 25, 1936 – October 16, 2008) was a longtime reporter for \"The New York Times\" who wrote about local and international affairs for the newspaper. Montgomery was an only child, born on May 25, 1936, in Brooklyn and raised in Spring Valley, New York. He attended Columbia University, graduating from the school in 1958. He spent two years as a textbook editor before being hired by \"The New York Times\" in 1959. His first position with the newspaper was as a copy boy. In the early 1960s, Montgomery", "psg_id": "12596111" }, { "title": "Paul L. Montgomery", "text": "Paul L. Montgomery Paul Lauren Montgomery (May 25, 1936 – October 16, 2008) was a longtime reporter for \"The New York Times\" who wrote about local and international affairs for the newspaper. Montgomery was an only child, born on May 25, 1936, in Brooklyn and raised in Spring Valley, New York. He attended Columbia University, graduating from the school in 1958. He spent two years as a textbook editor before being hired by \"The New York Times\" in 1959. His first position with the newspaper was as a copy boy. In the early 1960s, Montgomery covered the rioting in Harlem", "psg_id": "12596108" }, { "title": "Montgomery Ward", "text": "total sales of $8.7 million, compared to $10 million for Sears, and both companies would struggle for dominance during much of the 20th century. By 1904, the company had expanded such that it mailed three million catalogs, weighing each, to customers. In 1908, the company opened a building stretching along nearly one-quarter mile of the Chicago River, north of downtown Chicago. The building, known as the Montgomery Ward & Co. Catalog House, served as the company headquarters until 1974, when the offices moved across the street to a new tower designed by Minoru Yamasaki. The catalog house was declared a", "psg_id": "3307570" }, { "title": "Aaron Montgomery Ward", "text": "In 1906 he campaigned to preserve Grant Park as a public park. Grant Park has been protected since 1836 by \"forever open, clear and free\" legislation that has been affirmed by four Illinois Supreme Court rulings. Ward twice sued the city of Chicago to force it to remove buildings and structures from Grant Park and to keep it from building new ones. Ward is known by some as the \"watch dog of the lake front\" for his preservationist efforts. As a result, the city has what are termed the Montgomery Ward height restrictions on buildings and structures in Grant Park.", "psg_id": "3307562" }, { "title": "Robert Hiester Montgomery", "text": "stayed there until 1939. Montgomery saw the need for a book on auditing. In 1912 he wrote \"Auditing: Theory and Practice\". This was the first American book on auditing. For the seventh editions two other authors joined him and the book was retitled \"Montgomery's Auditing\". After Montgomery's death the eighth edition was published in 1957 by two other authors. It is still in print and is now in its 12th edition. Commissioned as a Lieutenant Colonel (1918) during World War I, he was generally referred to thereafter as Colonel Montgomery. He received the AICPA's Gold Medal Award in 1949. In", "psg_id": "11362614" }, { "title": "Robert Levin (writer)", "text": "Robert Levin (writer) Robert Levin (born January 20, 1939, New York, New York) is an American writer of fiction and essays. The author of \"When Pacino’s Hot, I’m Hot: A Miscellany of Stories & Commentary\", he is also the co-author and coeditor, respectively, of two collections of essays about jazz and rock in the 1960s: \"Music & Politics\" (with John Sinclair) and \"Giants of Black Music\" (with Pauline Rivelli). In addition, his fiction and essays have appeared in a number of collections, including: \"Twenty-Minute Fandangoes and Forever Changes\", \"Best of Nuvein Fiction,\" the \"Word Riot 2003 Anthology,\" \"Unlikely Stories of", "psg_id": "11846796" }, { "title": "Morton L. Montgomery", "text": "and middle states. By 1870, he was a 23-year-old law student at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.” When not on campus, according to the federal census that year, he resided at the home of his father, Leonard, in Reading’s 8th Ward. Also living there was his 21-year-old sister, Mary Montgomery. After completing two years of study at Harvard in 1871, he returned home to Reading, where he finished his required third year of study in practicum with attorney Samuel L. Young, Esq. Admitted to the State Bar of Pennsylvania on August 28, 1871, Montgomery then practiced law professionally. It was", "psg_id": "20833892" }, { "title": "Matthew Ward (writer)", "text": "his dog with him\" to \"He was with his dog\". Once again Ward felt this better reflected Meursault's character. Indeed, later in the novel Meursault notes Salamano's dog is worth no more or less than his wife. Other authors he has translated include Roland Barthes, Colette, Pablo Picasso and Jean-Paul Sartre. He also wrote literary criticism and poetry. Ward died of AIDS in 1990 at the age of 39. He received the PEN Translation Prize in 1989. Matthew Ward (writer) Matthew Ward (1950/1951 – June 23, 1990) was an American English/French translator noted for his 1989 rendition of Albert Camus'", "psg_id": "8772221" }, { "title": "Coloring book", "text": "of hand–eye coordination, and they are used with autistic children both for entertainment and for their soothing effect. Coloring books have been used to explain complicated medical conditions to children. One of the appeals of adult coloring books is that they help users relax and de-stress. In 1962, cartoonist Mort Drucker teamed with humorist Paul Laikin in creating the \"John F. Kennedy Coloring Book\", a satirical introduction to Kennedy, his family and administration, told from the point of view of his daughter Caroline. The book sold 2,500,000 copies. In 1968 the \"Black Panther Coloring Book\" began circulating in the United", "psg_id": "4754851" }, { "title": "What a Night! A Christmas Album", "text": "Tchaikovsky's \"Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy\". Arrangement by Harry Connick Jr. A Holiday Celebration Tour 2008, is a concert tour with his big band to support the album. The tour was confirmed by the official Harry Connick, Jr. website in September 2008. One of their stops included the annual lighting of the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree. What a Night! A Christmas Album What a Night! A Christmas Album, by American singer, pianist and bandleader Harry Connick Jr., was released on November 4, 2008., being his third Christmas album, since 1993's \"When My Heart Finds Christmas\" and 2003's \"Harry for", "psg_id": "12429877" }, { "title": "Christmas in the post-war United States", "text": "animated Christmas special created specifically for television, \"Mister Magoo's Christmas Carol\". Based on Dickens' novelette, \"A Christmas Carol\", the animated special featured a score by Broadway duo Jule Styne and Bob Merrill. On December 6, 1964, NBC aired \"Rudolph the Red–Nosed Reindeer\", a stop motion animated special produced by Rankin/Bass. The special was based on a 1949 song by Johnny Marks, which was based in turn on a 1939 poem by Robert L. May. The program has aired every year since 1964, making it the longest-running Christmas television special. On December 9, 1965, CBS aired \"A Charlie Brown Christmas\" then", "psg_id": "12909019" }, { "title": "Aaron Montgomery Ward", "text": "hundred books with the most influence on life and culture of the American people. A bronze bust honoring Ward and seven other industry magnates stand between the Chicago River and the Merchandise Mart in downtown Chicago, Illinois. A smaller version of that bust is located in Grant Park. The Chicago Park District Board of Commissioners recently named a new park in honor of A. Montgomery Ward. It is located at 630 N. Kingsbury Street, a few blocks away from the old Montgomery Ward & Co. Catalog House Building at 600 W. Chicago Avenue, Chicago. \"Forbes magazine\" readers and editors ranked", "psg_id": "3307564" }, { "title": "Robert Ward (novelist)", "text": "a job to write for \"Hill Street Blues\". After \"Hill Street\" concluded, Ward become the co-Executive Producer of \"Miami Vice\", and spent five years writing scripts and producing TV movies at Universal Studios. He continues to write and produce television shows and movies as well publish novels. Robert Ward (novelist) Robert Ward is an American writer. He is a native of Baltimore currently living in Los Angeles. Ward has numerous credits as novelist, teacher, journalist, screenwriter, producer, and actor. \"Shedding Skin\" was published in 1972 after taking five years to complete. Ward worked on it for two years while living", "psg_id": "12475929" }, { "title": "Robert Montgomery Bird", "text": "Robert Montgomery Bird Robert Montgomery Bird (February 5, 1806 – January 23, 1854) was an American novelist, playwright, and physician. Bird was born in New Castle, Delaware on February 5, 1806. He was born to a pioneer family. His father was a prosperous partner in the firm of Bird and Riddle, government navy agents. When his family was forced to disband (as written in one of his earliest writings \"My Father- who died when I was 4 years old\"), his mother and brothers moved to Philadelphia and he was taken in by a rich uncle in New Castle. His uncle's", "psg_id": "3657773" }, { "title": "Coloring Book (Glassjaw EP)", "text": "Coloring Book (Glassjaw EP) Coloring Book is an extended play by the American post-hardcore band Glassjaw. The release was initially exclusively given away for free during the group's February–March 2011 tour, and was said to serve as a preview for Glassjaw's upcoming third studio album. The EP was later made available from Glassjaw's webstore on October 1, 2012 and was packaged in a red gatefold sleeve along with a pink-colored DVD, \"Coloring Book: Live at the Forum\". A limited edition 12\" vinyl pressing of the EP was released on August 13, 2013. Each disc is unique in that they were", "psg_id": "15470177" }, { "title": "Robert Ward (novelist)", "text": "Robert Ward (novelist) Robert Ward is an American writer. He is a native of Baltimore currently living in Los Angeles. Ward has numerous credits as novelist, teacher, journalist, screenwriter, producer, and actor. \"Shedding Skin\" was published in 1972 after taking five years to complete. Ward worked on it for two years while living in a hippie commune in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco. He destroyed the first draft of the manuscript before moving back to Baltimore where he began working on it once again. In 1968, in the aftermath of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., he", "psg_id": "12475924" }, { "title": "Montgomery Ward", "text": "sale scheduled for the following month. Catalog retailer Swiss Colony purchased DMSI August 5, 2008. Swiss Colony—which changed its name to Colony Brands Inc. on June 1, 2010—announced it would keep the Montgomery Ward catalog division open. The website launched September 10, 2008, with new catalogs mailing in February 2009. A month before the catalog's launch, Swiss Colony President John Baumann told United Press International the retailer might also resurrect Montgomery Ward's Signature and Powr-Kraft store brands. To augment its vast selection, Montgomery Ward started promoting several exclusive new brands in July 2012 in its Early Fall 2012 catalog and", "psg_id": "3307596" }, { "title": "Robert Lowry (writer)", "text": "was adorned with a minimalist brush-and-ink illustration by the author. While employed at New Directions, Lowry designed book jackets for titles by Tennessee Williams, James T. Farrell, Christopher Isherwood, Thomas Merton, Dylan Thomas, Pablo Neruda, Henry Miller, and others. According to Lowry researcher Robert Nedelkoff, \"James Laughlin said he'd always loved the Little Man books and said he thought that Lowry may have had greater promise as a book designer than as a writer. He thought Lowry had peaked with \"Casualty\" and the other books were downhill.\" Lowry had dark impulses, which were exacerbated by liquor. \"In Cincinnati,\" recalled Flora,", "psg_id": "12040022" }, { "title": "Robert L. Carroll", "text": "of evolution. He currently lives in Montreal. He is married to Anna DiTuri, a retired business school teacher, and they have one child, David. Robert L. Carroll Robert Lynn Carroll (born May 5, 1938) is a vertebrate paleontologist who specialises in Paleozoic and Mesozoic amphibians and reptiles. Carroll was an only child and grew up on a farm near Lansing, Michigan. He was introduced to paleontology by his father shortly after his fifth birthday, and by the time he was eight he had decided he wanted to be a vertebrate paleontologist. In that same year he received as a Christmas", "psg_id": "5570764" }, { "title": "Montgomery Ward", "text": "plan and allocated space in three Sacramento stores to create the SOHO (Small Office Home Office) department. Since many of the brands, like Hewlett Packard and Panasonic would not disrupt their dealer channel and sell direct to Montgomery Ward, Hamilton had to create relationships with many distributors to pull together the branded department. When the Sacramento stores opened the shelves included items like Hewlett Packard printers, OkiData printers and other brands that had never been in a national retailer. The test was a major success and the SOHO department was rolled out to all Montgomery Ward locations. Montgomery Ward was", "psg_id": "3307587" }, { "title": "Robert L. Carroll", "text": "Robert L. Carroll Robert Lynn Carroll (born May 5, 1938) is a vertebrate paleontologist who specialises in Paleozoic and Mesozoic amphibians and reptiles. Carroll was an only child and grew up on a farm near Lansing, Michigan. He was introduced to paleontology by his father shortly after his fifth birthday, and by the time he was eight he had decided he wanted to be a vertebrate paleontologist. In that same year he received as a Christmas present the left femur of an \"Allosaurus\", courtesy of Edwin H. Colbert, whom his father had told about his interest. In his teen years", "psg_id": "5570760" }, { "title": "Montgomery Ward Company Complex", "text": "Montgomery Ward Company Complex The Montgomery Ward Company Complex is the former national headquarters of Montgomery Ward, the United States' oldest mail order firm. The property is located along the North Branch of the Chicago River at 618 W. Chicago Avenue in Near North Side, Chicago, Illinois. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places and as a National Historic Landmark on June 2, 1978. The two earliest buildings in the complex, the old Administration Building and the Mail Order House, are constructed of reinforced concrete and were designed by Richard E. Schmidt and Hugh Garden, members of", "psg_id": "14498294" }, { "title": "Robert L. Spencer", "text": "Robert L. Spencer Robert L. Spencer (1920–2014) was an American fashion designer, best known as longtime partner of Richard Blackwell for nearly 60 years. Spencer was born in 1920 in Indianapolis. During the 1950s, Spencer took up professional hairdressing and became a hairdresser in Beverley Hills. He was a dear friend of actors Cary Grant and Randolph Scott, and even finalized their hair in certain movies. While visiting Spencer, Grant and Scott introduced Richard Blackwell to Spencer. Soon after, the pair established the first Blackwell fashion company in 1958. As Spencer and Blackwell became more popular throughout Los Angeles, Spencer", "psg_id": "17923269" }, { "title": "Robert Montgomery Presents", "text": "\"Somerset Maugham TV Theatre\" until December 1951 when it became a weekly series. Initially offering hour-long dramas adapted from successful Hollywood films, the series was hosted and produced by Robert Montgomery. His presence lent a degree of respectability to the new medium of television, and he was able to persuade many of his Hollywood associates to appear. Montgomery introduced each episode and also acted in many episodes. The program was noted for the high level of production values and the consistent attempt to present quality entertainment within the constraints of a live presentation. A drama built around the Hindenburg disaster,", "psg_id": "4410667" }, { "title": "Ed Ward (writer)", "text": "Ed Ward (writer) Edmund \"Ed\" Ward (born 1948) is an American writer and radio commenter known since 1986 as the \"rock-and-roll historian\" for NPR's program \"Fresh Air\" and one of the original founders of Austin's South by Southwest music festival. Ward grew up in Eastchester, New York. He attended Antioch College and began his music-writing career in 1965. He has been on the staff of \"Crawdaddy!\" (1967), \"Rolling Stone\" (1970), and \"Creem\" (1971–1977) magazines and of the \"Austin American-Statesman\" and \"The Austin Chronicle\" (where he has been honored as part of their annual \"Restaurant Poll\", lending his name to their", "psg_id": "8883361" }, { "title": "Robert L. Pollock", "text": "his editorials on the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and its delaying of cancer drug approval. Pollock makes frequent appearances on television shows such as that on CNBC as well as radio appearances on WABC and NPR. He is currently an MD candidate at Sidney Kimmel Medical College in Philadelphia. Robert L. Pollock Robert L. Pollock is an editorial writer and Wall Street Journal editorial board member. Robert Pollock was born in Buffalo, New York. He studied at Yale. Pollock joined the \"Wall Street Journal Europe\" in Brussels as an editorial page writer in 1995. He moved to \"The", "psg_id": "7700784" }, { "title": "Robert Ward (composer)", "text": "Robert Ward (composer) Robert Eugene Ward (September 13, 1917 – April 3, 2013) was an American composer. Ward was born in Cleveland, Ohio, one of five children of the owner of a moving and storage company. He sang in church choirs and local opera theaters when he was a boy. His earliest extant compositions date to 1934, at a time he was attending John Adams High School, from which he graduated in 1935. After that, Ward attended the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York, where his composition teachers were Bernard Rogers, Howard Hanson and Edward Royce. Ward received", "psg_id": "2191203" }, { "title": "Robert Montgomery (poet)", "text": "church of St. Jude, Glasgow. In 1843 he removed to the parish of St. Pancras, London, when he was minister of Percy Chapel. He died at Brighton in 1855. Robert Montgomery (poet) Robert Montgomery (1807–1855) was an English poet, the son of Robert Gomery. He was educated at a private school in Bath, Somerset, and founded an unsuccessful weekly paper in that city. In 1828 he published \"The Omni-presence of the Deity\", which hit popular religious sentiment so exactly that it ran through eight editions in as many months. In 1830 he followed it with \"The Puffiad\" (a satire), and", "psg_id": "3236780" }, { "title": "Ed Ward (writer)", "text": "his rock-and-roll history lessons on \"Fresh Air\" he contributes to \"The New York Times\", \"The Wall Street Journal\", and various music magazines. Ed Ward (writer) Edmund \"Ed\" Ward (born 1948) is an American writer and radio commenter known since 1986 as the \"rock-and-roll historian\" for NPR's program \"Fresh Air\" and one of the original founders of Austin's South by Southwest music festival. Ward grew up in Eastchester, New York. He attended Antioch College and began his music-writing career in 1965. He has been on the staff of \"Crawdaddy!\" (1967), \"Rolling Stone\" (1970), and \"Creem\" (1971–1977) magazines and of the \"Austin", "psg_id": "8883363" }, { "title": "Montgomery Ward Company Complex", "text": "added several warehouses and parking structures, followed by a 26-story office building in 1972, designed by architect Minoru Yamasaki, who also designed the former World Trade Center towers in New York City. After the bankruptcy of Montgomery Ward in 2001, the earliest buildings were converted into upscale condominiums. The project met the Secretary of the Interior's Standards with the exception of the balconies. In 2004, the office tower also was converted to condominiums, now called The Montgomery. The Mail Order House building is now home to restaurants, the Big Ten Network, Wrigley, David Barton Gym, Allyu Spa, Groupon, Kingsbury Yacht", "psg_id": "14498298" }, { "title": "Montgomery Ward", "text": "National Historic Landmark in 1978 and a Chicago historic landmark in May 2000. In the decades before 1930, Montgomery Ward built a network of large distribution centers across the country in Baltimore, Fort Worth, Kansas City, St. Paul, Portland, and Oakland. In most cases, these reinforced concrete structures were the largest industrial structures in their respective locations. The Baltimore Montgomery Ward Warehouse and Retail Store was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2000. Ward died in 1913, after 41 years running the catalog business. The company president, William C. Thorne (the eldest son of the co-founder), died", "psg_id": "3307571" }, { "title": "Montgomery Johnson", "text": "Yakima Nation, and Democratic governor Dixie Lee Ray, whose 1976 and 1980 campaigns he managed. A heavy cigar smoker, Johnson was known as an opinionated character with sometimes profane mannerisms. Johnson drafted an unpublished book, \"What Shall I Tell My People About Politics?\" which he described as a \"real-life handbook for precinct committeemen.\" Montgomery Johnson Charles Montgomery \"Gummie\" Johnson (June 6, 1923 – May 21, 2005) was an American publicist and political consultant who was active in Republican party politics in Washington state for nearly 30 years. Johnson was born in Seattle to a family of outdoor enthusiasts. He received", "psg_id": "17693503" }, { "title": "Coloring book", "text": "a broader cultural shift. And that cultural shift is a bad thing.” She believes the Great Recession has contributed to this shift, as adults unable to find employment have moved home to live with their parents. New York City futurist and blogger Dominic Bulsuto describes adult coloring book fans as \"stuck in The Shallows, mindfully coloring books to counter the existential angst of living in a digital society.\" He goes on to say that \"...the endless Internet parade of silly cat photos, infantile comments and adolescent memes has dumbed us down.\" However, Bulsuto ultimately sees the trend as a good", "psg_id": "4754858" }, { "title": "Zack Ward", "text": "Zack Ward Zack Ward (born August 31, 1970) is a Canadian character actor. Ward was born August 31, 1970, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, the son of actress Pam Hyatt. He is known for his character Dave Scovil (Titus's stoner half-brother) on the FOX show \"Titus\" and as the bully Scut Farkus in the 1983 perennial Christmas movie \"A Christmas Story\". He also has guest roles on popular television series such as \"NCIS\", \"Lost\", and \"Crossing Jordan\". Ward has had roles in films such as \"Almost Famous,\" \"Transformers\" and \"Anne of Green Gables\". He has appeared in the horror films \"\"", "psg_id": "7581170" }, { "title": "Robert L. Pollock", "text": "Robert L. Pollock Robert L. Pollock is an editorial writer and Wall Street Journal editorial board member. Robert Pollock was born in Buffalo, New York. He studied at Yale. Pollock joined the \"Wall Street Journal Europe\" in Brussels as an editorial page writer in 1995. He moved to \"The Wall Street Journal\"'s headquarters in New York City in 2000 as an assistant features editor. In 2002 Pollock became an editorial writer and in 2005 he joined the Editorial Board. From 2007-2012 he was the Journal's editorial features (op-ed) editor. Pollock was a finalist for the Pulitzer prize in 2003 for", "psg_id": "7700783" }, { "title": "Coloring Book (mixtape)", "text": "\"faith in music and faith in God go hand-in-hand a lot of times\". \"Coloring Book\"s release date was revealed by \"Tonight Show\" host Jimmy Fallon after Chance's May 6 performance of \"Blessings\" on the show. The mixtape was released exclusively to the Apple Music streaming service at 11 p.m. EST on May 12, the same day its second single \"No Problem\" was released; the lead single \"Angels\" had been released on October 27, 2015. \"Coloring Book\" was leaked to DatPiff, a mixtape distribution website, one hour after its release; it was removed from the site the following day. In its", "psg_id": "19492978" }, { "title": "Coloring book", "text": "would otherwise be uninterested in. They have been used as teaching aids for developing creativity and knowledge of geometry, such as in Roger Burrows' \"Altair Designs\". Since the 1980s, several publishers have produced educational coloring books intended for studying graduate-level topics such as anatomy and physiology, where color-coding of many detailed diagrams are used as a learning aid. Examples include \"The Anatomy Coloring Book\" and subsequent book series, by Wynn Kapit and Lawrence Elson, published by HarperCollins (1990s) and Benjamin Cummings (2000s). There are some examples of educators using coloring books to better explain complicated topics, like math and programming.", "psg_id": "4754849" }, { "title": "What Dreams May Come (1983 novel)", "text": "What Dreams May Come (1983 novel) What Dreams May Come is a novel by American author Manly Wade Wellman. It is the second of three books featuring supernatural investigator John Thunstone. The book derives its title from a line in Hamlet's famous \"To be, or not to be...\" soliloquy. The character of John Thunstone had previously appeared in a series of short stories by Wellman. Originally published in popular pulp magazines of the day, several of them were collected and reprinted in an anthology, \"Lonely Vigils\". Wellman decided to follow the anthology with the character's first book-length adventure. In his", "psg_id": "13707217" }, { "title": "Montgomery Ward", "text": "the wide selection of items that were unavailable to them locally. Customers were also inspired by the innovative company policy of \"satisfaction guaranteed or your money back\", which Ward began in 1875. Ward turned the copy writing over to department heads, but he continued poring over every detail in the catalog for accuracy. In 1883, the company's catalog, which became popularly known as the \"Wish Book\", had grown to 240 pages and 10,000 items. In 1896, Wards encountered its first serious competition in the mail order business, when Richard Warren Sears introduced his first general catalog. In 1900, Wards had", "psg_id": "3307569" }, { "title": "Robert L. Peters", "text": "designed at Circle; the book showcases over 300 identities from 40 Icograda member countries around the globe. In 2008, Peters edited and published the book \"Gray Matter Graffiti: remnants of collections lost… an early gallery from some alleyways & other by-ways\" () by Vancouver poet Sam W. Reimer. A podcast interview with Peters by 'Out of the Studio' (OOTS) was released in May, 2016. Robert L. Peters Robert L. Peters is a Canadian graphic designer and educator. Peters was born on May 26, 1954, in Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada to Mennonite missionary parents. His father John Jacob Peters, was born in", "psg_id": "12244731" }, { "title": "Robert Mortimer Montgomery", "text": "in 1932 he married Zilla Mary Stevenson. They had two sons. Robert Mortimer Montgomery Robert Mortimer Montgomery KC (October 1869 – 31 December 1948), was a British lawyer, school administrator, legal writer, and Liberal Party politician. Montgomery was born the son of Rev. John Knowles Montgomery, Unitarian Minister, Chester, and Mary M’Alister of Holywood, near Belfast. He was educated at King's School, Chester, from 1880 to 1888, and St Catherine’s Society, Oxford, where he \"distinguished himself as a university Soccer player\". Montgomery was Called to Bar, Inner Temple, 1893. He authored \"several volumes on matters of Law\", particularly relating to", "psg_id": "20287124" }, { "title": "Aaron Montgomery Ward", "text": "However, \"Crown Fountain\" and the Jay Pritzker Pavilion were exempt from the height restriction because they were classified as works of art and not buildings or structures. Daniel Burnham's famous 1909 Burnham Plan eventually preserved Grant Park and the entire Chicago lakefront. Montgomery Ward died in 1913, at the age of 70. His wife Elizabeth bequeathed a large portion of the estate to Northwestern University and other educational institutions. The Montgomery Ward catalog's place in history was assured when the Grolier Club, a society of bibliophiles in New York, exhibited it in 1946 alongside Webster's dictionary as one of the", "psg_id": "3307563" }, { "title": "Robert Montgomery Presents", "text": "Robert Montgomery Presents Robert Montgomery Presents is an American dramatic television series which was produced by NBC from January 30, 1950, until June 24, 1957. The live show had several sponsors during its seven-year run, and the title was altered to feature the sponsor, usually Lucky Strike cigarettes, for example, Robert Montgomery Presents Your Lucky Strike Theater, ...The Johnson's Wax Program, and so on. In 1949, to develop the series for NBC, Montgomery relocated his family from the West Coast to New York City. \"Robert Montgomery Presents\" originally was telecast on a semi-weekly basis, alternating with \"Musical Comedy Time\" and", "psg_id": "4410666" }, { "title": "Robert Blakey (writer)", "text": "Gérando, Jacob Brucker and August Heinrich Ritter. With a chronological method, he succeeded in writing a popular work combining biography and short summaries of philosophical positions. Related books were: Other works were: Books on angling and shooting, his recreations: Robert Blakey (writer) Robert Blakey (1795–1878) was an English writer and academic, a Chartist radical and journalist. He is known also for works on fishing. The son of a mechanic, Robert Blakey, he was born at Morpeth 18 May 1795. He lost his father when just nine months old, and was taken charge of by his grandmother Elizabeth Laws at age", "psg_id": "20021363" }, { "title": "Montgomery Ward", "text": "aggressive with store opening, but it was too late: competition had already taken the best locations. As the existing stores looked worn and disheveled, malls would often not allow Wards to build there. Its catalog business had also begun to slip by the 1960s. In 1961 then president John Barr hired Robert Elton Brooker to lead Montgomery Ward as president in its turnaround. Brooker brought with him a number of key new management people, including Edward Donnell, former manager of Sears' Los Angeles stores. Wards new management team achieved the turnaround reducing the number of suppliers from 15,000 to 7,000", "psg_id": "3307580" }, { "title": "Robert Mortimer Montgomery", "text": "Robert Mortimer Montgomery Robert Mortimer Montgomery KC (October 1869 – 31 December 1948), was a British lawyer, school administrator, legal writer, and Liberal Party politician. Montgomery was born the son of Rev. John Knowles Montgomery, Unitarian Minister, Chester, and Mary M’Alister of Holywood, near Belfast. He was educated at King's School, Chester, from 1880 to 1888, and St Catherine’s Society, Oxford, where he \"distinguished himself as a university Soccer player\". Montgomery was Called to Bar, Inner Temple, 1893. He authored \"several volumes on matters of Law\", particularly relating to local government, including numerous editions of \"The Licensing Laws\", or \"Montgomery's", "psg_id": "20287120" }, { "title": "Montgomery Ward Building (Lewistown, Pennsylvania)", "text": "offices in the 1980s and currently houses a variety of businesses including In Home Services of Central PA, United Cerebral Palsy, Snowflake's On The Square Christmas Shop, and the Mifflin-Juniata Arts Council. Montgomery Ward Building (Lewistown, Pennsylvania) The Montgomery Ward Building is a historic department store building located at Lewistown, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania. The east facade faces the Mifflin County Courthouse on Monument Square. It was built in 1929 in the Art Deco style, and consists of the store building and attached office building. The store is two-stories, with a mezzanine level and measures approximately 40 feet by 150 feet.", "psg_id": "12386931" }, { "title": "Montgomery Ward", "text": "hundreds of thousands in yearly pension premiums to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. Employees and retirees vested in the pension plan were given a choice of receiving an annuity from an insurance company or a lump sum payment. Four of the six massive catalog distribution centers Montgomery Ward built between 1921 and 1929 remain. Three have been subject to renovations for adaptive reuse and the buildings are perhaps the most tangible legacy of Montgomery Ward. Two others have been demolished for various types of redevelopment. At its height, the original Montgomery Ward was one of the largest retailers in the", "psg_id": "3307593" }, { "title": "Montgomery Ward Building (Pueblo, Colorado)", "text": "it is the only example of the Montgomery Ward Georgian Revival style in the state. Montgomery Ward Building (Pueblo, Colorado) The Montgomery Ward Building is a historic department store building in downtown Pueblo, Colorado. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1996. Currently used as an office building, it houses the American Bank of Commerce, the Colorado Lottery, and the Pueblo Work Force Center. Previously it was occupied by QualMed as its headquarters. It was built in 1936. It is a two-story building. The building was deemed notable \"as an intact example of the Montgomery Ward", "psg_id": "12386502" } ]
[ "rudolph the red-nosed reindeer", "rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer", "rudolph the red nose reindeer", "rudolph the red-nosed reindeer", "rudolf the red nosed reindeer", "rudulph the red-nosed reindeer", "rudolf the red nose reindeer", "rudolf the reindeer", "rudolf the red-nosed reindeer", "rudolph the red-nosed reindeer", "rudolph the red nosed reindeer", "rudolph the red nose reindeer", "rudolph the red nosed reindeer", "rudolph the red-nose reindeer", "rudolph, the red nosed reindeer", "christmas rudolf", "rudolph the red-nosed reindeer" ]
in tchaikovskys ballet the nutcracker, who is the nutcrackers main enemy?
[ { "title": "Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum", "text": "a fun town.\" Arlene Wagner is regarded as a \"national authority\" on the subject of nutcrackers. Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum is a museum dedicated to nutcrackers, located in Leavenworth, Washington. Founded by Arlene Wagner and her husband George in 1995, the museum housed over 6,000 nutcrackers in 2010. Wagner studied ballet under Alexandra Danilova, and subsequently became a ballet instructor. She taught multiple productions of \"The Nutcracker\", and became enamored of nutcrackers. She began collecting them during the 1960s. The museum's building is of a Bavarian style and is of an area of 3,000 square feet; it is", "psg_id": "15058806" } ]
[ { "title": "Nutcracker doll", "text": "Nutcracker doll Nutcracker dolls, also known as Christmas nutcrackers, are decorative nutcracker figurines most commonly made to resemble a toy soldier. In German tradition, the dolls are symbols of good luck, frightening away malevolent spirits. While nearly all nutcrackers from before the first half of the 20th century are functional, a significant proportion of modern nutcrackers are primarily decorative, and not able to crack nuts. Nutcrackers are also a part of German folklore. Serving as protectors or soldiers of the house which they are home to. Nutcracker dolls originate from late-17th century Germany, particularly the Ore Mountains (German: \"Erzgebirge\") region.", "psg_id": "19637841" }, { "title": "Spotted nutcracker", "text": "of between 800,000-1,700,000 individuals in Europe. Spotted nutcrackers are not migratory, but will erupt out of range when a cone crop failure leaves them short of a food supply, the thin-billed eastern race \"macrorhynchos\" being the more likely to do this. Britain records very sporadic vagrants, but in 1968 over 300 nutcrackers visited Britain as part of a larger irruption into western Europe, probably due to a spell of early cold weather in Siberia. Spotted nutcracker The spotted nutcracker, Eurasian nutcracker, or just nutcracker, (\"Nucifraga caryocatactes\") is a passerine bird slightly larger than the Eurasian jay. It has a much", "psg_id": "2658861" }, { "title": "Nutcracker doll", "text": "dolls traditionally resemble toy soldiers, and are often painted in bright colors. Different designs proliferated early; by the early 19th century there were ones dressed as miners, policemen, royalty or soldiers from different armies. More recent variations have been made to resemble various pop-culture or historical figurines, from Benjamin Franklin to Operation Desert Storm-uniform American soldiers. Nutcracker doll Nutcracker dolls, also known as Christmas nutcrackers, are decorative nutcracker figurines most commonly made to resemble a toy soldier. In German tradition, the dolls are symbols of good luck, frightening away malevolent spirits. While nearly all nutcrackers from before the first half", "psg_id": "19637844" }, { "title": "Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum", "text": "in the book \"You Know You're in Washington When...\", where the authors recommended it as the best location to learn about the art and engineering of nutcrackers. Wagner's book \"The Art and Character of Nutcrackers\" was also given positive mention in the book. Wagner was consulted as a resource for the book \"Nutcracker Nation\". Authors Ken and Dahlynn McKowen recommended the museum in their book \"Best of Oregon & Washington's Mansions Museums & More\". The curator of the museum is Arlene Wagner. Wagner (born 1925) founded the Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum with her husband George in 1995, as a non-profit organization.", "psg_id": "15058797" }, { "title": "Nutcracker", "text": "pre-shelled nuts, the need for functionality was also lessened. After the 1980s, Chinese and Taiwanese imports that copied the traditional German designs took over. The recreated \"Bavarian village\" of Leavenworth, Washington, features a nutcracker museum. Many other materials also serve to make decorated nutcrackers, such as porcelain, silver, and brass; the museum displays samples. The United States Postal Service (USPS) issued four stamps in October 2008 with custom-made nutcrackers made by Richmond, Virginia artist Glenn Crider. Some artists, among them the multi-instrumentalist Mike Oldfield, have used the sound nutcrackers make in music. Many animals shell nuts to eat them, including", "psg_id": "294371" }, { "title": "Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum", "text": "and asked questions – everything from the nutting stones that are supposedly from 4,000 to 8000 years old, clear up to the modern ones.\" She noted of the CBS crew, \"They were very interested in the old ones, and how the 'Nutcracker' ballet influenced the collecting of nutcrackers in America.\" Wagner appeared as the first guest on the premiere of Conan O'Brien's TBS program \"Conan\", on November 8, 2010. On his website, O'Brien had arranged an online survey of potential first guests with Wagner being listed on the website among candidates including Jack Nicholson, Pope Benedict XVI, Justin Bieber, Lady", "psg_id": "15058803" }, { "title": "The Nutcracker", "text": "Vedernikov, Ondrej Lenard, Mikhail Pletnev, and most recently, Simon Rattle. A CD of excerpts from the Tilson Thomas version had as its album cover art a painting of Mikhail Baryshnikov in his Nutcracker costume; perhaps this was due to the fact that the Tilson Thomas recording was released by CBS Masterworks, and CBS had first telecast the Baryshnikov \"Nutcracker\". There have been two major theatrical film versions of the ballet, made within seven years of each other, and both were given soundtrack albums. Neither Ormandy, Reiner, nor Fiedler ever recorded a complete version of the ballet; however, Kunzel's album of", "psg_id": "1972254" }, { "title": "Nutcracker", "text": "the popularity of wooden ones began to spread. The late 19th century saw two shifts in nutcracker production: the rise in figurative and decorative designs, particularly from the Alps where they were sold as souvenirs, and a switch to industrial manufacture, including availability in mail-order catalogues, rather than artisan production. After the 1960s, the availability of pre-shelled nuts led to a decline in ownership of nutcrackers and a fall in the tradition of nuts being put in children's Christmas stockings. In the 17th century, screw nutcrackers were introduced that applied more gradual pressure to the shell, some like a vise.", "psg_id": "294366" }, { "title": "Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum", "text": "You're in Washington When...\", Sharon Wootton and Maggie Savage characterize the Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum as, \"The best place in America to admire nutcracker mechanics, art, and creativity\". The authors write of Wagner's book \"The Art and Character of Nutcrackers\", \"It shows the breadth of construction styles and materials, often capturing the cultural milieu behind each nutcracker's form.\" Wagner's work is used as a reference in the book \"Nutcracker Nation\" by Jennifer Fisher. The museum is recommended in the book \"Best of Oregon & Washington's Mansions Museums & More\". Authors Ken and Dahlynn McKowen note, \"This is a fun museum in", "psg_id": "15058805" }, { "title": "Nutcracker: The Motion Picture", "text": "KVC Home Video, GoodTimes Home Video, and PolyGram Video respectfully. MGM Home Entertainment through 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment released it on DVD in Widescreen for the first time as a Spotlight Collection title in 2007 with film's theatrical trailer as the only bonus material. In December of 2017, the picture was released in the BluRay format by Olive Films (under license from MGM). Nutcracker: The Motion Picture Nutcracker: The Motion Picture, also known as Pacific Northwest Ballet's Nutcracker or simply Nutcracker, is a 1986 American Christmas performing arts film produced by Pacific Northwest Ballet in association with Hyperion Pictures", "psg_id": "14423900" }, { "title": "Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum", "text": "Nutcracker Lady\". The Museum was featured on the NBC program \"Today\" in 2000. Arlene and George Wagner ceded their collection in 2001 to the National Heritage Foundation so that the museum would be maintained in the event of their deaths; however Arlene Wagner retained her position within the museum. David Evangelista favorably reviewed the museum in a piece for an A&E Network special in 2003. In 2003 the museum had a collection of 3,028 artifacts. By 2007 the collection had grown to over 5,000 pieces. In 2010 it contained over 6,000 nutcrackers, including pieces from the 16th century. Nutcrackers are", "psg_id": "15058799" }, { "title": "The Nutcracker (Balanchine)", "text": "version whether she does or not.) Years later, movie critic Stephen Holden, in reviewing the 1993 film version of the Balanchine \"Nutcracker\", referred to Marie as the Prince's sweetheart. And oddly enough, throughout Act II of the 1993 film of Balanchine's version, Marie does wear a veil that resembles a bridal veil. The Balanchine version uses perhaps more real children than any other version. (In other versions, the children are sometimes played by adult women.) The rôles of Clara and the Nutcracker/ Prince are performed by adults in many other versions, and in these productions of the ballet, there is", "psg_id": "15041471" }, { "title": "Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum", "text": "Nutcracker Lady\". The Museum was featured on the NBC program \"Today\" in 2000. In 2001, the museum became a part of the National Heritage Foundation. David Evangelista favorably reviewed the museum in a piece for an A&E Network special in 2003. Wagner wrote a book, \"The Art and Character of Nutcrackers\", which discusses 1,000 pieces from the museum. In December 2009, the museum was featured on the \"Sunday Morning\" program of \"CBS News\". On November 8, 2010, Wagner became the first guest featured on Conan O'Brien's late-night television program on TBS, \"Conan\". The Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum has received favorable reception", "psg_id": "15058796" }, { "title": "Nutcracker", "text": "The spring-jointed nutcracker was patented by Henry Quackenbush in 1913. A ratchet design, similar to a car jack, that gradually increases pressure on the shell to avoid damaging the kernel inside is used by the Crackerjack, patented in 1947 by Cuthbert Leslie Rimes of Morley, Leeds and exhibited at the Festival of Britain. Unshelled nuts are still popular in China, where a key device is inserted into the crack in walnuts, pecans, and macadamias and twisted to open the shell. Nutcrackers in the form of wood carvings of a soldier, knight, king, or other profession have existed since at least", "psg_id": "294367" }, { "title": "Nutcracker: The Motion Picture", "text": "from scratch.\" They began collaborating in earnest in 1981, developing a \"Nutcracker\" concept different from traditional productions, and closer to the themes in Hoffmann's original story. PNB's Stowell/Sendak \"Nutcracker\" premiered in Seattle on December 13, 1983. It was a critical and popular success. Lincoln Kirstein, director of the New York City Ballet, called Sendak's production design \"absolutely magnificent, and I was filled with a violent greed and envy.\" PNB continued to perform the Stowell/Sendak production annually for 31 years, ending in 2014; its artistic director, Peter Boal, announced that the 2015 production would use George Balanchine's choreography, with new designs", "psg_id": "14423891" }, { "title": "Nutcracker (bird)", "text": "the species are migratory, but they will leave their usual ranges if a cone crop failure causes a food shortage. Nutcracker (bird) The nutcrackers (Nucifraga) are a genus of three species of passerine bird, in the family Corvidae, related to the jays and crows. The genus name is a New Latin translation of German \"Nussbrecher\", \"nut-breaker\". The most important food resources for both these species are the seeds (pine nuts) of various pines (\"Pinus\" sp.), principally the cold-climate (far northern or high altitude) species of white pine (\"Pinus\" subgenus \"Strobus\") with large seeds: \"P. albicaulis, P. armandii, P. cembra, P.", "psg_id": "1723422" }, { "title": "Nutcracker (bird)", "text": "Nutcracker (bird) The nutcrackers (Nucifraga) are a genus of three species of passerine bird, in the family Corvidae, related to the jays and crows. The genus name is a New Latin translation of German \"Nussbrecher\", \"nut-breaker\". The most important food resources for both these species are the seeds (pine nuts) of various pines (\"Pinus\" sp.), principally the cold-climate (far northern or high altitude) species of white pine (\"Pinus\" subgenus \"Strobus\") with large seeds: \"P. albicaulis, P. armandii, P. cembra, P. flexilis, P. koraiensis, P. parviflora, P. peuce, P. pumila, P. sibirica\" and \"P. wallichiana\", and also the pinyon and lacebark", "psg_id": "1723419" }, { "title": "Atlanta Ballet", "text": "artistic director, John McFall’s 15th season. The ballet also welcomed new executive director Arthur Jacobus to the company. For the 2010-2011 season, the Atlanta Ballet performed \"Moulin Rouge: The Ballet\", Atlanta Ballet's \"Nutcracker, Nutty Nutcracker\", \"Sleeping Beauty\", \"Fusion: Lambarena\" as a world premier, and \"Ignition: New Choreographic Voices\". The 2012-13 season included Michael Pink’s \"Dracula\", David Bintley's \"Carmina Burana\", Ohad Naharin’s \"Minus 16\", \"Nutcracker\", \"Cinderella\" and Gina Patterson's \"I Am\". For the 2014-2015 season, the Atlanta Ballet performances include \"Nutcracker\", \"Roméo et Juliette\", \"Snow White\", \"Camino Real\", \"Modern Choreographic Voices\", and \"MAYhem\". MAYhem included THREE, The Exiled, and 1st Flash.", "psg_id": "8349371" }, { "title": "Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum", "text": "represented in the museum from 38 different countries. The museum contains the greatest amount of collected nutcrackers in the United States, including a nutcracker made in Germany that stands six feet tall. It was manufactured for Wagner by Karl Roppl from Oberammergau, Germany, and made from a solid piece of linden wood. A bronze Roman piece c. 200 BC to 200 AD is one of the oldest in the museum – it was discovered in 1960 and is a rare item that was unearthed after over 1,800 years. Wagner bought the item from Rik Gijsen, a Netherlands-based antiquities dealer. The", "psg_id": "15058800" }, { "title": "Nutcracker: The Motion Picture", "text": "by the illustrator Ian Falconer. At the premiere of the stage production, two Walt Disney Studios executives encouraged Stowell and Sendak to turn their \"Nutcracker\" into a film, suggesting Carroll Ballard as director. Stowell and Sendak were interested with the proposal, but discussed at length whether it would be wiser simply to film the ballet on stage or to adapt it into a full-fledged film version. Ballard, who had previously directed \"The Black Stallion\" and the Disney-produced \"Never Cry Wolf\", agreed to do the film after watching a performance in Seattle with his wife and 5-year-old daughter. Ballard described his", "psg_id": "14423892" }, { "title": "Who Is Ireland's Enemy?", "text": "Who Is Ireland's Enemy? Who Is Ireland's Enemy? is an Irish poem authored by Brian O'Higgins as part of the Irish nationalist response to the First World War and became popular during the conscription crisis of 1918. It first featured in \"Irish Freedom\" in September 1914, in an edition entitled \"Germany Is Not Ireland's Enemy\"; that year the journal was suppressed by the British authorities. O'Higgins was a member of Sinn Féin (later a president of the party) and was opposed to Irishmen fighting in the First World War. O'Higgins' poem was one of the more visceral of the anti-recruitment", "psg_id": "19621343" }, { "title": "Who Is Ireland's Enemy?", "text": "glen and bay, And in your name, oh Holy Dead, Our sacred debt to pay! </poem> Who Is Ireland's Enemy? Who Is Ireland's Enemy? is an Irish poem authored by Brian O'Higgins as part of the Irish nationalist response to the First World War and became popular during the conscription crisis of 1918. It first featured in \"Irish Freedom\" in September 1914, in an edition entitled \"Germany Is Not Ireland's Enemy\"; that year the journal was suppressed by the British authorities. O'Higgins was a member of Sinn Féin (later a president of the party) and was opposed to Irishmen fighting", "psg_id": "19621348" } ]
[ "candy cane (ballet)", "casse-noisette", "nutcracker suite", "dance of the sugar plum fairy", "the nutcracker suite", "mouse king (ballet)", "dolls (ballet)", "the nutcracker ballet", "nutcracker (tchaikovsky)", "coffee (ballet)", "shchelkunchik", "der nussknacker", "frau stahlbaum", "herr drosselmeier", "dr. and frau stahlbaum", "mother ginger", "marzipan (ballet)", "sugar plum fairy", "hot chocolate (ballet)", "nutcracker prince", "nutcracker suite", "dance of the sugar plum fairy", "the mouse king", "soldier (ballet)", "the nutcracker ballet", "cavalier (ballet)", "dr. & frau stahlbaum", "waltz of the flowers", "nutcracker (ballet)", "herr drosselmeyer", "flowers (ballet)", "tea (ballet)", "sugarplum (ballet)", "dance of the mirlitons", "mouse king", "dance of the sugarplum fairy", "dewdrop (ballet)", "dr. stahlbaum", "nutcracker ballet", "the nutcracker" ]
in the o. henry story “the gift of the magi”, what did della sell to buy a chain for her husband's prized pocket watch?
[ { "title": "The Gift of the Magi", "text": "in New York City. The story was initially published in \"The New York Sunday World\" under the title \"Gifts of the Magi\" on December 10, 1905. It was first published in book form in the O. Henry Anthology \"The Four Million\" in April 1906. Mr. James Dillingham Young (\"Jim\") and his wife, Della, are a couple living in a modest apartment. On Christmas night, with only $1.87 in hand, and desperate to find a gift for Jim, Della sells her hair for $20 to a nearby hairdresser named Madame Sofronie, and eventually finds a platinum pocket watch fob chain for", "psg_id": "532794" } ]
[ { "title": "The Gift of the Magi", "text": "to which Jim says he sold his watch to get the money to buy her ornamental combs. Although Jim and Della are now left with gifts that neither one can use, they realize how far they are willing to go to show their love for each other, and how priceless their love really is. The story ends with the narrator comparing the sacrificial gifts of love with those of the Biblical Magi. The story has been adapted to films, \"The Sacrifice\" (1909), \" Love's Surprises Are Futile\" (1916), \"The Gift of the Magi\" (1917), a segment of \"O. Henry's Full", "psg_id": "532796" }, { "title": "The Gift of the Magi (Conte opera)", "text": "The Gift of the Magi (Conte opera) The Gift of the Magi is a chamber opera in four scenes with music by David Conte and libretto by Nicholas Giardini. Based on the short story of the same title by O. Henry, the opera focuses on Jim and Della, who are a poor married couple and cannot afford to buy each other presents for Christmas. It premiered on December 7 and 8, 1997 with a workshop production to the accompaniment of two pianos at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. The orchestral version was premiered at the conservatory on December 3,", "psg_id": "10489545" }, { "title": "The Gift of the Magi (Conte opera)", "text": "gift. Jim receives from Della a gold chain bought with Della's hair. Della receives ornate haircombs from Jim bought with his father's watch. They sit in melancholy silence evaluating what they have received. Their mutual sacrifice shines forth in their minds and they sing of their love and renewed fidelity. Both \"Della's Aria\" and \"Jim Soliloquy\" can be found in E. C. Shirmer's Opera Aria Anthology vol. 1 Soprano and vol. 4 Baritone respectively. The Gift of the Magi (Conte opera) The Gift of the Magi is a chamber opera in four scenes with music by David Conte and libretto", "psg_id": "10489548" }, { "title": "The Gift of the Magi", "text": "The Gift of the Magi \"The Gift of the Magi\" is a short story by O. Henry first published in 1905. The story tells of a young husband and wife and how they deal with the challenge of buying secret Christmas gifts for each other with very little money. As a sentimental story with a moral lesson about gift-giving, it has been popular for adaptation, especially for presentation at Christmas time. The plot and its twist ending are well-known, and the ending is generally considered an example of comic irony. It was allegedly written at Pete's Tavern on Irving Place", "psg_id": "532793" }, { "title": "The Gift of the Magi", "text": "(2014) places it in the economical crisis of Greece today. The Mexican film \"Nosotros los pobres\" includes this tale as a small sub-plot. There is also a Bulgarian short film adaptation known as \"Darovete na vlahvite\" (2013) directed by Ivan Abadjiev. The Gift of the Magi \"The Gift of the Magi\" is a short story by O. Henry first published in 1905. The story tells of a young husband and wife and how they deal with the challenge of buying secret Christmas gifts for each other with very little money. As a sentimental story with a moral lesson about gift-giving,", "psg_id": "532798" }, { "title": "The Gift of the Magi", "text": "House\" (1952), \" The Gift of Love\" (1978), \"The Gift of the Magi\" (1958), \"\" (Poland, 1972), \"Christmas Eve on Sesame Street\" (1978), \"I'll not be a gangster, love\" (\"Не буду гангстером, дорогая\"/\"Nebūsiu gangsteriu, brangioji\", USSR, 1978), \"Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas\" (1999), \"The Gift of the Magi\" (2004) and the short film for the Irish band The Script in 2010 called \"For the First Time\". \"Love,\" another French movie, based some of its scenes on this story. \"Raincoat\" (2004), a Hindi film directed by Rituparno Ghosh is an adaptation of the story. The Greek film directed by Ismene Daskarolis", "psg_id": "532797" }, { "title": "The Great Abraham Lincoln Pocket Watch Conspiracy", "text": "which Nellie replies with her much-used phrase \"I hate the Roosevelts\". Della Quercia also offered a limited supply of autographed copies of the novel, which could be ordered from the website The Book House of Stuyvesant Plaza, mailing out pages from the book's original manuscript with the first orders. The Great Abraham Lincoln Pocket Watch Conspiracy The Great Abraham Lincoln Pocket Watch Conspiracy is a historical fiction novel written by Jacopo della Quercia. The plot follows President William Howard Taft, scientist Robert Todd Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln's son), Secret Service Chief John Wilkie, Captain (later Major) Archibald Butt, and others as", "psg_id": "18440854" }, { "title": "The Bickersons", "text": "Blanche a Christmas card (he had—it was buried in a stack of newspapers), they exchanged their gifts to each other... with a twist. Tight in the pocketbook this Christmas season, Blanche swapped a fur coat to buy her bourbon-loving husband a portable bar; John—bourbon lover though he is—swapped his stock to buy Blanche a matching fur muffler, before confessing that for all that they're each other's biggest pain in the rump, there really is a love between them. Jackie Gleason probably knew that Christmas exchange—drawing as did the \"Bickersons\" episode on O. Henry's \"The Gift of the Magi\", a \"classic", "psg_id": "5177854" }, { "title": "Adoration of the Magi (Perugino, Città della Pieve)", "text": "Adoration of the Magi (Perugino, Città della Pieve) Adoration of the Magi is a 1504 fresco by Perugino in the Oratorio di Santa Maria dei Bianchi in Città della Pieve. It shows the Adoration of the Magi, with an idealised view from Città della Pieve towards Lake Trasimene and Val di Chiana in the background. It is often compared to the \"Adoration of the Magi\" in the Sala delle Udienze del Collegio del Cambio in Perugia by Perugino and his studio, which includes areas argued by some art historians to have been painted by a young Raphael. It was commissioned", "psg_id": "20745008" }, { "title": "Adoration of the Magi (Andrea della Robbia)", "text": "Adoration of the Magi (Andrea della Robbia) This depiction of the Adoration of the Magi is an altarpiece by Florentine sculptor Andrea della Robbia (1435–1525). Andrea inherited the family workshop from his famous uncle, Luca della Robbia, who had developed the technique of applying tin glazes, similar to those used by potters, to terracotta (fired clay) to produce sculptures that were colourful, durable and relatively cheap. Larger sculptures, such as this example which dates to about 1500–1510, were made in sections in order to fit into the kiln for firing. The scene is set in a landscape, showing the Three", "psg_id": "12217679" }, { "title": "The Great Abraham Lincoln Pocket Watch Conspiracy", "text": "The Great Abraham Lincoln Pocket Watch Conspiracy The Great Abraham Lincoln Pocket Watch Conspiracy is a historical fiction novel written by Jacopo della Quercia. The plot follows President William Howard Taft, scientist Robert Todd Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln's son), Secret Service Chief John Wilkie, Captain (later Major) Archibald Butt, and others as they slowly unravel a worldwide conspiracy over a decade in the making. The book, which was della Quercia's debut novel, was published in 2014 by St. Martin's Griffin, an imprint of St. Martin's Press. The author described the book as not fitting into a single distinct genre, but as", "psg_id": "18440819" }, { "title": "Pocket watch", "text": "available location for carrying a watch is in a trouser pocket. The more recent advent of mobile phones and other gadgets that are worn on the waist has diminished the appeal of carrying an additional item in the same location, especially as such pocketable gadgets usually have timekeeping functionality themselves. In some countries a gift of a gold-cased pocket watch is traditionally awarded to an employee upon their retirement. The pocketwatch has regained popularity due to steampunk, a subcultural movement embracing the arts and fashions of the Victorian era, where pocketwatches were nearly ubiquitous. Pocket watch A pocket watch (or", "psg_id": "3362318" }, { "title": "O. Henry Pun-Off", "text": "O. Henry had published over 300 short stories including \"The Ransom of Red Chief\" and the Christmas classic \"Gift of the Magi\". His voracious vocabulary and love of language endeared him to a broad audience, but it was his trademark twisted endings that always kept curious readers coming back for more. Reading an O. Henry story is a participatory experience. Today, the Pun-Off keeps his name alive by offering lovers of wordplay and wit a platform for their literary shenanigans in front of an admiring, and sometimes mocking, audience. For the purpose of competition and judging, a two-fold definition of", "psg_id": "13245041" }, { "title": "O. Henry", "text": "stories. A film was made in 1952 featuring five stories, called \"O. Henry's Full House\". The episode garnering the most critical acclaim was \"The Cop and the Anthem\" starring Charles Laughton and Marilyn Monroe. The other stories are \"The Clarion Call\", \"The Last Leaf\", \"The Ransom of Red Chief\" (starring Fred Allen and Oscar Levant), and \"The Gift of the Magi\". The O. Henry House and O. Henry Hall, both in Austin, Texas, are named for him. O. Henry Hall, now owned by the Texas State University System, previously served as the federal courthouse in which O. Henry was convicted", "psg_id": "532820" }, { "title": "The Lyin', the Watch and the Wardrobe", "text": "and admits her hope that he'll pick her, knowing it'll never happen. Having got this off her chest, Amanda pulls herself together, and tells Betty to forget what she just said. She gives the watch to Betty, who in turn passes it back to Daniel. In between the melee, Betty finds herself smitten by Henry from accounting, who has come down to chat to Betty. Earlier in the day, Walter gave Betty a gift of a hollow pumpkin with candy in the middle. He told Betty to eat the candy in the pumpkin until she finds her gift. The gift", "psg_id": "8927877" }, { "title": "Pocket watch", "text": "Pocket watch A pocket watch (or pocketwatch) is a watch that is made to be carried in a pocket, as opposed to a wristwatch, which is strapped to the wrist. They were the most common type of watch from their development in the 16th century until wristwatches became popular after World War I during which a transitional design, trench watches, were used by the military. Pocket watches generally have an attached chain to allow them to be secured to a waistcoat, lapel, or belt loop, and to prevent them from being dropped. Watches were also mounted on a short leather", "psg_id": "3362280" }, { "title": "Adoration of the Magi (Andrea della Robbia)", "text": "Kings with attendants, offering their gifts to the Holy Family. Andrea's sculpture was similar in style to contemporary painting, but certain colours, such as red, could not be produced in tin-glaze. The coat-of-arms of the Albizzi, a prominent Florentine family, can be seen on the frame, and the relief was probably commissioned by them for a church not far from Florence. The shiny surface of the altarpiece would have reflected the candlelight in the chapel, bringing the image to life. Adoration of the Magi (Andrea della Robbia) This depiction of the Adoration of the Magi is an altarpiece by Florentine", "psg_id": "12217680" }, { "title": "Pocket watch", "text": "with the watch key which was a necessity for the operation of any pocket watch up to that point. The first stem-wind and stem-set pocket watches were sold during the Great Exhibition in London in 1851 and the first owners of these new kinds of watches were Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Stem-wind, stem-set movements are the most common type of watch-movement found in both vintage and modern pocket watches. The mainstream transition to the use of stem-wind, stem-set watches occurred at around the same time as the end of the manufacture and use of the fusee watch. Fusee chain-driven", "psg_id": "3362299" }, { "title": "Pocket watch", "text": "watches by 1524. Thereafter, pocket watch manufacture spread throughout the rest of Europe as the 16th century progressed. Early watches only had an hour hand, the minute hand appearing in the late 17th century. The first American pocket watches with machine made parts were manufactured by Henry Pitkin with his brother in the later 1830s. The first timepieces to be worn, made in 16th-century Europe, were transitional in size between clocks and watches. These 'clock-watches' were fastened to clothing or worn on a chain around the neck. They were heavy drum shaped brass cylinders several inches in diameter, engraved and", "psg_id": "3362283" }, { "title": "Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas", "text": "gives him a case for his harmonica. Of course, the irony is that Minnie no longer has her watch—just as Mickey no longer has his harmonica—so the gifts are essentially useless. As in the classic \"Gift of the Magi\" upon which this adaptation—penned by O. Henry—is based, the thought behind each gift is what counts. The film concludes with a medley of various carols featuring the main characters from the three segments. The film was originally released on VHS and DVD on November 9, 1999. It was later re-released on VHS and on DVD (as part of the Walt Disney", "psg_id": "4978620" }, { "title": "The Husband of the Rat's Daughter", "text": "The Husband of the Rat's Daughter The Husband of the Rat's Daughter is a Japanese fairy tale. Andrew Lang included it in \"The Brown Fairy Book\". It is Aarne-Thompson type 2031C, a chain tale or cumulative tale. Another story of this type is \"The Mouse Turned into a Maid\". Two rats had a remarkably beautiful daughter. In some variants, the father would have been happy to marry her to a rat of finer family, but the mother did not want her daughter to marry a mere rat; in others, they both agreed that she must marry the greatest being in", "psg_id": "8224003" }, { "title": "The Last Death of Henry Morgan", "text": "Henry's pocket watch while Abe watches Henry reappear in the river alive. Later, Jo arrives at the antiques shop with Henry's watch and the family photograph that Adam left at the scene. With Abe's encouragement, Henry invites Jo into the shop to hear a long story. In the flashback, Henry and Abigail (MacKenzie Mauzy) notice each other's scars one night in 1945 London. Henry claims that a sniper shot him in the chest earlier in World War II; Abigail is reluctant to discuss the cigarette burn that her ex-boyfriend left on her neck. Henry confronts the ex-boyfriend in a pub.", "psg_id": "18849005" }, { "title": "For the First Time (The Script song)", "text": "Life\" (2012) mixtape. The music video features band members of The Script within a studio and clips of a couple who have emigrated from Ireland to New York City. The characters in the music video are played by Eve Hewson, daughter of U2's Bono, and Luke Treadaway. The video was inspired by O. Henry's short story \"The Gift of the Magi\". \"For the First Time\" debuted on the Irish Singles Chart at number one on 10 September 2010, knocking Katy Perry's \"Teenage Dream\" from the top spot. This marks the band's first number-one single and third top-ten hit in Ireland.", "psg_id": "14874740" }, { "title": "Pocket watch", "text": "the French word for soap (savon) due to its resemblance with a round soap bar. The majority of antique and vintage hunter-case watches have the lid-hinges at the 9 o'clock position and the stem, crown and bow of the watch at the 3 o'clock position. Modern hunter-case pocket watches usually have the hinges for the lid at the 6 o'clock position and the stem, crown and bow at the 12 o'clock position, as with open-face watches. In both styles of watch-cases, the sub-seconds dial was always at the 6 o'clock position. A hunter-case pocket watch with a spring-ring chain is", "psg_id": "3362294" }, { "title": "Adoration of the Magi (Perugino, Città della Pieve)", "text": "from him that year by the 'Sindaco della Compagnia dei Disciplanti' - the date is shown by two letters sculpted along the same wall by the artist and uncovered during works to improve the wall's drainage in 1835. Perugino demanded 200 florins for the work but was willing \"as a fellow citizen\" to be content with 100 in installments. After several interventions by the Sindaco, he reduced the price to 25 florins but in return demanded to be granted the \"dignity of a great Master\". The work was restored in 1984. Adoration of the Magi (Perugino, Città della Pieve) Adoration", "psg_id": "20745009" }, { "title": "What the Rose did to the Cypress", "text": "and drank. A faqir asked him what he did there. He told him his story and asked the faqir's, repeating when the faqir put him off, until the faqir told him he had been a king, and his seven sons had all tried to win a princess whose hand could only be won by answering the riddle, \"What did the rose do to the cypress?\" and died for their failure. His grief sent him into the desert. This inspired the son with a love for the same princess. His attendants found him and brought him back, but he grew ill", "psg_id": "8543550" }, { "title": "Buy–sell agreement", "text": "that there will be money when the buy–sell event is triggered. A buy–sell agreement consists of several legally binding clauses in a business partnership or operating agreement or a separate, freestanding agreement, and controls the following business decisions: Buy–sell agreement can be in the form of a cross-purchase plan or a repurchase (entity or stock-redemption) plan. For greater neutrality and effectiveness of the buy–sell arrangement, the service of a corporate trustee is recommended. Buy–sell agreement A buy–sell agreement, also known as a buyout agreement, is a legally binding agreement between co-owners of a business that governs the situation if a", "psg_id": "6529053" }, { "title": "What the Rose did to the Cypress", "text": "What the Rose did to the Cypress What the Rose did to the Cypress is a Persian fairy tale. Andrew Lang included it in \"The Brown Fairy Book\" (1904), with the note \"Translated from two Persian MSS. in the possession of the British Museum and the India Office, and adapted, with some reservations, by Annette S. Beveridge.\" A king had three sons. The oldest went hunting and chased a deer, giving orders that it should be captured rather than killed. It led him to a sandy waste where his horse died. He found a tree with a spring beneath it", "psg_id": "8543549" }, { "title": "What the Rose did to the Cypress", "text": "lived happily with his four wives. What the Rose did to the Cypress What the Rose did to the Cypress is a Persian fairy tale. Andrew Lang included it in \"The Brown Fairy Book\" (1904), with the note \"Translated from two Persian MSS. in the possession of the British Museum and the India Office, and adapted, with some reservations, by Annette S. Beveridge.\" A king had three sons. The oldest went hunting and chased a deer, giving orders that it should be captured rather than killed. It led him to a sandy waste where his horse died. He found a", "psg_id": "8543560" }, { "title": "The Gift of Love: A Christmas Story", "text": "this a special that merits repeating in seasons to come.\" -Los Angeles Times The Gift of Love: A Christmas Story The Gift of Love: A Christmas Story is a 1983 American made-for-television Christmas drama film, originally broadcast on CBS as an annual tradition for more than five years, premiering December 20, 1983. It starred Lee Remick, Angela Lansbury and Polly Holliday. It was produced by Dick Atkins and Michael Lepiner; directed by Academy Award winner Delbert Mann; and written by Earl Hamner, Jr., creator of \"The Waltons\", based on the short story \"The Silent Stars Go By\" by Bess Streeter", "psg_id": "17848858" }, { "title": "The Gift of Love: A Christmas Story", "text": "The Gift of Love: A Christmas Story The Gift of Love: A Christmas Story is a 1983 American made-for-television Christmas drama film, originally broadcast on CBS as an annual tradition for more than five years, premiering December 20, 1983. It starred Lee Remick, Angela Lansbury and Polly Holliday. It was produced by Dick Atkins and Michael Lepiner; directed by Academy Award winner Delbert Mann; and written by Earl Hamner, Jr., creator of \"The Waltons\", based on the short story \"The Silent Stars Go By\" by Bess Streeter Aldrich. The movie was filmed on location in 1983 in Vermont, mainly in", "psg_id": "17848855" }, { "title": "Short story", "text": "(they wrote nothing else) or by critical regard, which acknowledged the focus and craft required in the short form. An example is Jorge Luis Borges, who won American fame with \"The Garden of Forking Paths\", published in the August 1948 \"Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine\". Another example is O. Henry (author of \"Gift of the Magi\"), for whom the O. Henry Award is named. Other of his most popular, inventive and most often reprinted stories (among over 600) include: \"A Municipal Report\", \"An Unfinished Story\", \"A Blackjack Barginer\", \"A Lickpenny Lover\", \"Mammon and the Archer\", \"Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen\", \"The Last", "psg_id": "380906" }, { "title": "Bert (Sesame Street)", "text": "scenario reminiscent of the O. Henry story \"The Gift of the Magi\" where two close friends each trade away the very item that the other's gift was intended to supplement, Bert offers Mr. Hooper his paper clip collection as a swap; Mr. Hooper accepts Bert's offer, but Bert sadly walks off afterward. Then Ernie decides to trade Rubber Duckie for a cigar box for Bert's paper clips. Mr. Hooper, however, can see by their sorrowful expressions that they do not want to give up their prized possessions, so he gives the items back to them as gifts and lets them", "psg_id": "1491787" }, { "title": "Lombo Pocket Watch", "text": "in Tasmania to contest the Australian Derby at the Launceston circuit a week later. Facing stronger opposition, including Lively Exit, Pocket Watch produced another dominant performance to win with a final quarter of 27.5 seconds. On his return to the Australian mainland, Pocket Watch contested the New South Wales Derby. Although the race organisers had granted Pocket Watch a place in the final, his owner elected to run the horse in the qualifiers. He finished third in the qualifier, being apparently unsuited by the slow early pace. s respectively. This saw him suffer only his fifth defeat in finishing third", "psg_id": "8603257" }, { "title": "What the Rose did to the Cypress", "text": "when the princess sent her maids for water, they saw his reflection and were terrified. The princess had her nurse bring him to her. He answered her questions at random, convincing her that he was mad, but his beauty made her protect him as her own. Dil-aram, who had seen him first, grew fond of him and begged him to tell her what he was about; finally, he was convinced she was in love with him, told her his story, and promised to marry her and keep her among his favorites. She could not answer the riddle, but knew that", "psg_id": "8543552" }, { "title": "Grift of the Magi", "text": "with corporate backers who use the kids to conduct market research. There are some good gags, but the story doesn't hang together very well.\" Adam Tyner of DVD Talk argued that the episode \"has a couple of good gags (Gary Coleman chatting on the phone being my favorite) but is quickly forgettable\". Brian James of PopMatters described Coleman's cameo as \"hysterical\" in 2004, and Meghan Lewit of the same website listed \"Grift of the Magi\" at number eight on her 2009 list of the \"10 best holiday themed TV episodes.\" Grift of the Magi \"Grift of the Magi\" is the", "psg_id": "5120478" }, { "title": "The Great Abraham Lincoln Pocket Watch Conspiracy", "text": "Zaharoff suddenly begins to go into convulsions as his maid, who is actually Miss Knox, poisons Zaharoff and steals from him the designs for the pocket watch and his silver duplicate of the watch. Miss Knox poisons Zaharoff and delivers the watch to Nellie. Nellie mails the watch to Lyman James Briggs, chairman of the Uranium Committee along with a letter from President Franklin D. Roosevelt detailing the use of uranium as a weapon. As Nellie, who has always had a negative opinion of the Roosevelt family, ponders working with the new President Roosevelt, she reverses her anti-Roosevelt stand by", "psg_id": "18440841" }, { "title": "Adoration of the Magi (Bosch, Madrid)", "text": "the right panel is St. Agnes and the eponymous donor, Agnes Bosshuysse, also accompanied by her coat of arms. In the background, a bear and a wolf attack some people. The central panel shows the Adoration of the Magi, depicted in accordance with traditional iconography. A monumental Mary sits outside a precarious hut, with the Child held at her womb. Balthazar, the eldest of the Magi, is kneeling at her feet, with his gift before him: a golden sculpture with the Sacrifice of Isaac, a forecast of Jesus' Passion. Below the object are several toads, symbols of heresy. Balthazar's crown", "psg_id": "8933552" }, { "title": "The Perfect Husband: The Laci Peterson Story", "text": "The Perfect Husband: The Laci Peterson Story The Perfect Husband: The Laci Peterson Story is a 2004 TV movie based on the life of Laci Peterson that stars Dean Cain, Sarah Brown, Tracy Middendorf and Tom O'Brien. The film is told through the perspectives of Scott and Laci Peterson's friends, who trusted and supported Scott until they could not believe him anymore. Laci Peterson was a pregnant mother-to-be. On Christmas Eve, 2002, she disappeared. Her husband Scott Peterson (Dean Cain), and her family go out to search for Laci, but there are no signs of her anywhere. Months go by,", "psg_id": "5756457" }, { "title": "The Marquise of O", "text": "Rohmer. It stars Edith Clever, Bruno Ganz, Peter Lühr, and Edda Seipel. The Italian film \"Il seme della discordia\" is a modern adaptation of the novella. The Marquise of O The Marquise of O () is a novella by Heinrich von Kleist on the subject of forced seduction. It was first published in 1808. The story begins with a one-sentence paragraph, in which the widowed Marquise von O. places an announcement in the newspapers in a prominent north Italian town, saying that she is pregnant and wishes the father of her child to make himself known to her so that", "psg_id": "7102396" }, { "title": "Buy–sell agreement", "text": "Buy–sell agreement A buy–sell agreement, also known as a buyout agreement, is a legally binding agreement between co-owners of a business that governs the situation if a co-owner dies or is otherwise forced to leave the business, or chooses to leave the business. It may be thought of as a sort of premarital agreement between business partners/shareholders or is sometimes called a \"business will\". An insured buy–sell agreement (triggered buyout is funded with life insurance on the participating owners' lives) is often recommended by business-succession specialists and financial planners to ensure that the buy–sell arrangement is well-funded and to guarantee", "psg_id": "6529052" }, { "title": "What They Did to Princess Paragon", "text": "of the fan base. One deranged fanboy in particular, Jerome T. Kornacker, is so outraged that his favorite superheroine is being \"perverted,\" that he takes radical steps to stop the change. \"What They Did to Princess Paragon\" is a tongue-in-cheek look at the comic book industry, the artists who create comics, the corporations that publish and sell them, and the fans who support and consume the books. The story is also an exploration of 1990s lesbian feminist thought. What They Did to Princess Paragon What They Did to Princess Paragon is a humor novel by Robert Rodi, which tells the", "psg_id": "13675535" }, { "title": "What Did the Lady Forget?", "text": "What Did the Lady Forget? Komiya (Tatsuo Saitō) is an affluent, respected and good-natured professor of medicine at a Tokyo university. He has a wife, Tokiko (Sumiko Kurishima), though they are without children. His niece from Osaka, Setsuko (Michiko Kuwano) comes for a visit. A liberated young lady who smokes and drinks, Setsuko finds Tokiko's attempts to interfere with and control her behaviour annoying. Tokiko asks her husband to go for his usual weekend golfing trip, though Komiya is not keen. So as not to vex his wife, Komiya leaves anyway, and writes a postcard telling his wife the weather", "psg_id": "13930846" }, { "title": "Journey of the Magi", "text": "Journey of the Magi Journey of the Magi is a 43-line poem written in 1927 by T. S. Eliot (1888–1965). It is one of five poems that Eliot contributed for a series of 38 pamphlets by several authors collectively titled \"Ariel poems\" and released by British publishing house Faber and Gwyer (later, Faber and Faber). Published in August 1927, \"Journey of the Magi\" was the eighth in the series and was accompanied by illustrations drawn by American-born avant garde artist Edward McKnight Kauffer (1890–1954). The poems, including \"Journey of the Magi\", were later published in both editions of Eliot's collected", "psg_id": "3272419" }, { "title": "Xmas Story", "text": "Many of the maths and science jokes in the series found their way into \"Futurama\" in this way. Another small visual joke that was added was that the clock tower is shown at the end of the episode and the time on the clock is the same as the actual time that scene would have been shown in its original airing. Bongo, from \"Life in Hell\", is one of the animals being sold at the pet shop that Fry goes to. The gift exchange of combs references the short story \"The Gift of the Magi\" by O. Henry. The children", "psg_id": "6706084" }, { "title": "Lombo Pocket Watch", "text": "half head. Lombo Pocket Watch next contested the Kevin Seymour Nursery. In another heat and final series Lombo Pocket Watch won his heat in 1.59.5 and the final in 1.59.2. Pocket Watch then contested the Vicbred Super Series. He won his heat at Shepparton and his semi-final at Moonee Valley on 7 July 2006 in 2.03.3 despite a slow early pace. On 14 July 2006 Lombo Pocket Watch competed in the Group One, $100,000 final. Starting in barrier 2 outside stablemate Lombo Mandingo, Pocket Watch began well and Fitzpatrick pushed for the lead which was surrendered by Lombo Mandingo and", "psg_id": "8603252" }, { "title": "Pocket watch", "text": "pocket. A watch of transitional design, combining features of pocket watches and modern wristwatches, was called trench watch or \"wristlet\". However, pocket watches continued to be widely used in railroading even as their popularity declined elsewhere. The use of pocket watches in a professional environment came to an ultimate end in approximately 1943. The Royal Navy of the British military distributed to their sailors Waltham pocket watches, which were 9 jewel movements, with black dials, and numbers coated with radium for visibility in the dark, in anticipation of the eventual D-Day invasion. The same Walthams were ordered by the Canadian", "psg_id": "3362316" }, { "title": "Chabiwali Pocket Watch", "text": "Chabiwali Pocket Watch Chabiwali Pocket Watch is a 2006 short film written and directed by Vibhu Puri and produced by the Film and Television Institute of India. The film set in Old Delhi and deals with story of a romantic Urdu poet now dying anomously, and the struggle between his daughter and an opportunist publisher. The film was the official entry from India to the Student Academy Awards. It was also a chosen to be a part of Indian Panorama, '06 At the 53rd National Film Awards director Vibhu Puri received Special Jury Award. In 2013, it was amongst many", "psg_id": "15372930" }, { "title": "The drowned woman and her husband", "text": "The drowned woman and her husband The drowned woman and her husband is a story found in Mediaeval jest-books that entered the fable tradition in the 16th century. It was occasionally included in collections of Aesop's Fables but never became established as such and has no number in the Perry Index. Folk variants in which a contrary wife is sought upstream by her husband after she drowns are catalogued under the Aarne-Thompson classification system as type 1365A. One of the earliest appearances of the story is in the 12th century, when it was included in Marie de France's rhymed fables,", "psg_id": "15441963" }, { "title": "Chabiwali Pocket Watch", "text": "but essentially soft-hearted daughter and an opportunist but naive publisher. Amidst all this, Babba, Minni and Pappan struggle to keep their culture alive, their ethos alive, their language alive, their love alive ... in vain ... Chabiwali Pocket Watch Chabiwali Pocket Watch is a 2006 short film written and directed by Vibhu Puri and produced by the Film and Television Institute of India. The film set in Old Delhi and deals with story of a romantic Urdu poet now dying anomously, and the struggle between his daughter and an opportunist publisher. The film was the official entry from India to", "psg_id": "15372932" }, { "title": "Pocket watch", "text": "1891 occurred because one of the engineers' watches had stopped for four minutes. The railroad officials commissioned Webb C. Ball as their Chief Time Inspector, in order to establish precision standards and a reliable timepiece inspection system for Railroad chronometers. This led to the adoption in 1893 of stringent standards for pocket watches used in railroading. These railroad-grade pocket watches, as they became colloquially known, had to meet the General Railroad Timepiece Standards adopted in 1893 by almost all railroads. These standards read, in part: There are two main styles of pocket watch, the hunter-case pocket watch and the open-face", "psg_id": "3362291" }, { "title": "Adoration of the Magi (Dürer)", "text": "Adoration of the Magi (Dürer) The Adoration of the Magi is a 1504 oil-on-wood painting by Albrecht Dürer. It was commissioned by Frederick the Wise for the altar of the Schlosskirche in Wittenberg, and is considered one of Dürer's best and most important works from the period between his first and second trips to Italy (1494-5 and 1505). The second king is a selfportrait of Dürer .¨This painting was very influential for other Renaissance painters like Pieter Coecke van Aelst. In 1603 Christian II of Saxony presented the painting as a gift to the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II. It", "psg_id": "16276389" }, { "title": "The Gift (audio drama)", "text": "The Gift (audio drama) The Gift is the 19th story in the Big Finish anthology , written by Robert Dick and based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who which features the First Doctor and Susan. General (Brigadier) Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart has retired and convinced his wife, Doris, to buy him a boat for Christmas. On Christmas Eve, whilst Doris is doing some late-night shopping, Alistair takes the boat out for a pre-Christmas test drive (unbeknownst to his wife). During his trip, Alistair spots a young girl in the water. Taking her back to his house, an argument", "psg_id": "13250831" }, { "title": "What Hetty Did", "text": "early 20s. The story was adapted by Ellen Dryden for BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour Drama in 2004. What Hetty Did What Hetty Did is the seventh novel by J.L. Carr, published in 1988 when he was 76 years old. The novel describes the experiences of an 18-year-old girl. Hetty Birtwisle has been brought up by adoptive parents in the Fens; after a beating by her father, discovering that she was adopted, she flees to Birmingham where she has learnt she was born and alters her surname to Beauchamp. Hetty Beauchamp comes across several characters from Carr's other novels in", "psg_id": "11856928" }, { "title": "Lombo Pocket Watch", "text": "barrier and therefore the youngest ever Australasian millionaire standardbred horse. Pocket Watch won the Newcastle Guineas and then attempted his fourth Derby victory in the Queensland Derby. In an even run race at Albion Park Pocket Watch was beaten by Queenslander Arkamigo after being caught three wide early. In the Australasian Breeders Crown series for three-year-old colts and geldings Pocket Watch won his heat at Harold Park and the semi final, at Ballarat Victoria. On 19 August, Pocket Watch again clashed with Changeover in the much anticipated final, but finished fourth, after being unable to recover from a poor barrier", "psg_id": "8603259" }, { "title": "Lombo Pocket Watch", "text": "in the final and freelance driver Greg Bennett picked up the drive on Lombo Pocket Watch. Lombo Pocket Watch won in a photo finish by a neck, giving him his first Group One race. With Fitzpatrick back in the sulky, Lombo Pocket Watch won a $20,000 heat of the Australian Pacing Gold Series for two-year-old colts and geldings at Harold Park. The $285,000 Group One final was conducted at Albion Park, the home of Queensland harness racing on 13 May 2006. Lombo Pocket Watch collected the $150,000 winners cheque in a mile rate of 1.56.9, beating Twelve Paces by a", "psg_id": "8603251" }, { "title": "The drowned woman and her husband", "text": "included it in his \"Fables sans morales\" for mixed choir or four soloists (Op. 130). It is also among the four pieces in Isabelle Aboulker's \"Femmes en fables\" (1999). The drowned woman and her husband The drowned woman and her husband is a story found in Mediaeval jest-books that entered the fable tradition in the 16th century. It was occasionally included in collections of Aesop's Fables but never became established as such and has no number in the Perry Index. Folk variants in which a contrary wife is sought upstream by her husband after she drowns are catalogued under the", "psg_id": "15441968" }, { "title": "Lombo Pocket Watch", "text": "his 3yo season Pocket Watch broke the all-time stakes winners for 3yo pacers. Lombo Pocket Watch currently sits at 19th on the all-time stakes winners list, and Australasia's youngest millionaire pacer. Lombo Pocket Watch was retired to stud after winning a 12 Group One races including the time honoured, prestigious Victoria Derby, as well as the $285,000 two-year-old colts and geldings Australian Pacing Gold and the $284,000 two-year-old Pacing Colts & Geldings Australasian Breeders Crown. Lombo Pocket Watch was sired by the United States horse Jet Laag who was sired by Laag, out of the Windshield Wiper Australian bred mare", "psg_id": "8603247" }, { "title": "The Gift of Gab", "text": "acid, but the biologist rescues it just in time as the nautilus signals \"H-O-T-W-A-T-E-R\" and then names the prospector. The Gift of Gab \"The Gift of Gab\" is an early science fiction short story by American author Jack Vance, first published in 1955. It is a mystery story, and the main theme is the nature of intelligence. Mineral prospectors on another planet examine their environment more closely when crew members start to disappear. There seems to be no intelligent life on the planet, which is predominantly covered by shallow seas, teeming with marine life. But one of the scientists who", "psg_id": "8437720" }, { "title": "Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas", "text": "Henry. Mickey wants to get Minnie a gold chain for her one heirloom, her watch, so he works at Crazy Pete's Tree Lot. Minnie wants to give Mickey something special for Christmas as well, so she works hard at her job in a department store to get a special bonus. When Mickey gives a short tree to a poor family who are unable to buy a Pete-10-Footer tree, his uptight and greedy boss Pete steals all of Mickey's money and dismisses him from the store. Pete then puts his cigar and money into his pocket, setting it on fire and", "psg_id": "4978618" }, { "title": "Lombo Pocket Watch", "text": "failing to complete the course at his second start when driver Chris Lewis pulled him out of a race at Perth's Gloucester Park, Lombo Pocket Watch was transferred to New South Wales for some major races. Driven in his first start at Harold Park Racetrack by Gavin Fitzpatrick, Lombo Pocket Watch was sent out at long odds of $27.80 on local totes in the NSW Sapling Stakes. He won a 5 m victory in a mile rate of 2.01.1. Lombo Pocket Watch was then transferred to the care of Paul Fitzpatrick at Cawdor to continue his racing. For his first", "psg_id": "8603249" }, { "title": "Lombo Pocket Watch", "text": "and in doing so qualified for the final. The following week Pocket Watch backed up in the McInerney Ford Classic, a lead up to the Golden Nugget, worth $100,000 and carrying Group One status for the first time. He won in a time of 1.57.9. Pocket Watch started favourite for the Group One Golden Nugget at Gloucester Park in Perth on 14 December 2007. Despite being badly paced in the early stages, moved around the field and cleared out by 11 m by the winning post. In late December 2007, speculation was rife that Lombo Pocket Watch may be headed", "psg_id": "8603261" }, { "title": "Adoration of the Magi (Rubens, Cambridge)", "text": "Adoration of the Magi (Rubens, Cambridge) The Adoration of the Magi is a c.1616-17 painting by the Flemish Baroque artist Peter Paul Rubens, now in King's College Chapel, Cambridge. The preparatory oil sketch for this painting is in The Wallace Collection, London. It was bought for a world-record price in 1959 by the property millionaire Alfred Ernest Allnatt and two years later he offered it to King's College Cambridge. The college accepted \"this munificent gift\" with the intention of displaying the painting in the college chapel, possibly as an altarpiece. The painting was initially displayed in the college's antechapel, but", "psg_id": "14380245" }, { "title": "The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was", "text": "their wedding, the boy's continuing complaints annoyed his wife to no end. Reaching her wits' end, she sent for a bucketful of stream water, complete with gudgeons. She tossed the freezing water onto her husband while he was asleep. As he awoke, shuddering, he exclaimed that while he had finally learned to shudder, he still did not know what true fear was. The fairy tale is based on a tale from the German state of Mecklenburg and one from Zwehrn in Hesse, probably from Dorothea Viehmann, as told by Ferdinand Siebert from the area of the Schwalm. In the first", "psg_id": "7159849" }, { "title": "Lombo Pocket Watch", "text": "along with Vicbred Super Series Champion Melpark Major. In the lead up to the contest, he won two country free-for-all's at Menangle and Newcastle, the latter in 1:55.5, complete with a 26.0 second final quarter. In a final lead up race, Lombo Pocket Watch was defeated at Harold Park by Make Me Smile. In the final Pocket Watch was beaten in a photo finish by New Zealand import Ebony Gem, officially the margin was 0.5 m, in a mile rate of 1:57.4 for the 2,160 m race. Lombo Pocket Watch returned to the track with three wins during June, followed", "psg_id": "8603265" }, { "title": "Lombo Pocket Watch", "text": "his defeat, he qualified for the $150,000 Group One Final, which he won in time of 1.59.2 with a last 800 m of the 2575 m event in 57.2. Lombo Pocket Watch was then sent to New Zealand to contest the Great Northern Derby at Alexandra Park in Auckland. He ran poorly in the qualifiers, finishing fourth. In the Group One $200,000NZD final he finished second to Changeover. On his return from New Zealand, Pocket Watch contested the Tasmanian Derby, held at Elwick Racecourse in Hobart on 1 April 2007. He dominated the competition, winning in 1.59.7. Pocket Watch remained", "psg_id": "8603256" }, { "title": "The Great Abraham Lincoln Pocket Watch Conspiracy", "text": "Knox finds clues indicating that Morgan's shipping trust, the International Mercantile Marine Company (specifically the White Star Line) is at the center of a smuggling operation, and she plans to have herself transferred to the Line. Over the next year, Lincoln writes to scientists such as Theodor Wulf and Albert Einstein for information about the pocket watch and the blue light over the Wrangells. He finds out that the power source in the watch is made of lead, a material which can not create the necessary heat to power the watch. Lincoln also finds out that the Wrangell mountains possess", "psg_id": "18440827" }, { "title": "Lombo Pocket Watch", "text": "draw. Lombo Pocket Watch was awarded the 2007 Australian 3yo Colt/Gelding of the Year, as well as the Australian 3yo Pacer of the Year, for a season that included 19 starts in Australia and New Zealand, for 12 Australian wins and a total of $452,478. Pocket Watch also received the 2007 Victorian 3yo Pacing Colt/Gelding of the Year, based only on his Victorian results which included 3 Group One races. Pocket Watch started out his four-year-old season on a winning note, taking out a prelude of the Golden Nugget, a group one race for four-year-olds, at Gloucester Park in Perth", "psg_id": "8603260" }, { "title": "Midnight by the Morphy Watch", "text": "finalist for the 1975 Hugo Award for Best Novelette, and was ranked ninth in the 1975 Locus Award for Best Short Story. Mike Ashley called it \"chilling\". Midnight by the Morphy Watch \"Midnight by the Morphy Watch\" is a horror fiction story about chess, by Fritz Leiber. It was first published in \"If\", in July 1974. The story is one of a series of works by Leiber whose settings are places that he inhabited, and whose protagonists are based on himself. When amateur chessplayer Stirf Ritter-Rebil (a \"quasi-anagrammatic\" version of \"Fritz Reuter Leiber\") purchases the custom-made pocket watch which once", "psg_id": "20816758" }, { "title": "Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic", "text": "for the Nintendo 3DS platform. The game is produced by Bandai Namco Games and was released in Japan on February 21, 2013. This game is getting an update with more playable characters, a new dungeon, and more story content in the future. On January 20, 2014 Anime News Network reported that Bandai Namco Games began streaming the second game called \"Magi: Aratanaru no Sekai\" (マギ 新たなる世界, \"Magi: A Whole New World\") for 3DS. The game was released on February 13 of the same year. \"Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic\" has proven popular upon its debut. In his review of the", "psg_id": "16166213" }, { "title": "The Gift (audio drama)", "text": "story after Frayed and before the first TV episode 100,000 BC The Gift (audio drama) The Gift is the 19th story in the Big Finish anthology , written by Robert Dick and based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who which features the First Doctor and Susan. General (Brigadier) Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart has retired and convinced his wife, Doris, to buy him a boat for Christmas. On Christmas Eve, whilst Doris is doing some late-night shopping, Alistair takes the boat out for a pre-Christmas test drive (unbeknownst to his wife). During his trip, Alistair spots a young girl", "psg_id": "13250835" }, { "title": "Pocket watch", "text": "series of sharp bends (in plane) to place part of the outermost coil out of the way of the rest of the spring. Pocket watches are not common in modern times, having been superseded by wristwatches. Up until the start of the 20th century, though, the pocket watch was predominant and the wristwatch was considered feminine and unmanly. In men's fashions, pocket watches began to be superseded by wristwatches around the time of World War I, when officers in the field began to appreciate that a watch worn on the wrist was more easily accessed than one kept in a", "psg_id": "3362315" }, { "title": "How He Lied to Her Husband", "text": "Jerry Stiller as Teddy, Anne Meara as Aurora and Charles Nelson Reilly as Henry. In 1998, Walt Witcover again directed \"How He Lied to Her Husband\", off-Broadway, with Nick Psaltos as Teddy, Victoria Thompson as Aurora and Michael Stebbins as Henry. The production was staged at Masterworks Laboratory Theater at 40 West 22nd Street, NYC. How He Lied to Her Husband How He Lied to Her Husband is a one-act comedy play by George Bernard Shaw, who wrote it, at the request of actor Arnold Daly, over a period of four days while he was vacationing in Scotland in 1904.", "psg_id": "12562548" }, { "title": "Lombo Pocket Watch", "text": "$1 million when he broke through the barrier in winning the Vicbred Super Series for three-year-old colts and geldings. In his first two full seasons of racing Lombo Pocket Watch has amassed many awards including 2006 Australian Harness Horse of the Year, as well as the 2006 Australian two-year-old (2yo) Pacer of the Year, Lombo Pocket Watch backed up and won the 2007 Australian 3yo Pacer of the Year. In his two-year-old season Lombo Pocket Watch became the highest earning 2yo in Australia and his 18 wins put him 3rd on the all-time most season wins for a 2yo. In", "psg_id": "8603246" }, { "title": "Story of O", "text": "Story of O Story of O (, ) is an erotic novel published in 1954 by French author Anne Desclos under the pen name Pauline Réage, and published in French by Jean-Jacques Pauvert. Desclos did not reveal herself as the author for forty years after the initial publication. Desclos claims she wrote the novel as a series of love letters to her lover Jean Paulhan, who had admired the work of the Marquis de Sade. The novel shares with the latter themes such as love, dominance and submission. \"Story of O\" is a tale of female submission involving a beautiful", "psg_id": "565376" }, { "title": "The Favour, the Watch and the Very Big Fish", "text": "having her birthday party at the restaurant offered Sybil a watch, so that Sybil would make the Pianist smile while he played. They become close, and their passion improves his playing, and by consequence the reputation of the restaurant. A Violinist begins playing at the restaurant, also performing passionately, and is attacked by the Pianist in a jealous rage which landed him in prison for three years, due to be released the next day. Louis, moved by Sybil's story, lends her money to buy a suit for the Pianist, and promises to be there with her at the prison gates.", "psg_id": "9113892" }, { "title": "Journey of the Magi", "text": "of symbolist elements, where an entire philosophical position is summed up by the manifestation of a single image. For example, the narrator says that on the journey they saw \"three trees against a low sky\"; the single image of the three trees implies the historical future (the crucifixion) and the spiritual truth of the future (the skies lowered and heaven opened). Journey of the Magi Journey of the Magi is a 43-line poem written in 1927 by T. S. Eliot (1888–1965). It is one of five poems that Eliot contributed for a series of 38 pamphlets by several authors collectively", "psg_id": "3272432" }, { "title": "Adoration of the Magi (Leonardo)", "text": "Adoration of the Magi (Leonardo) The Adoration of the Magi is an early painting by Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo was given the commission by the Augustinian monks of San Donato a Scopeto in Florence, but he departed for Milan the following year, leaving the painting unfinished. It has been in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence since 1670. The Virgin Mary and Child are depicted in the foreground and form a triangular shape with the Magi kneeling in adoration. Behind them is a semicircle of accompanying figures, including what may be a self-portrait of the young Leonardo (on the far right).", "psg_id": "5056455" }, { "title": "The Snow Goose: A Story of Dunkirk", "text": "interprets this as Rhayader's soul taking farewell of her (and realizes she had come to love him). Afterwards, a German pilot destroys Rhayader's lighthouse and all of his work, except for one portrait Fritha saves after his death: a painting of her as Rhayader first saw her—a child, with the wounded snow goose in her arms. \"The Snow Goose\" was one of the O. Henry Prize Winners in 1941. Critic Robert van Gelder called it \"perhaps the most sentimental story that ever has achieved the dignity of a Borzoi [prestige imprint of publisher Knopf] imprint. It is a timeless legend", "psg_id": "8849666" }, { "title": "Journey of the Magi", "text": "poems in 1936 and 1963. In the previous year, Eliot had converted to Anglo-Catholicism and his poetry, starting with the \"Ariel Poems\" (1927–1931) and \"Ash Wednesday\" (1930), took on a decidedly religious character. In the poem, Eliot retells the story of the Magi who travelled to Palestine to visit the newborn Jesus according to the Gospel of Matthew. It is a narrative, told from the point of view of one of the magi, that expresses themes of alienation and a feeling of powerlessness in a world that has changed. The poem's dramatic monologue incorporates quotations and literary allusions to works", "psg_id": "3272420" }, { "title": "What Did You Do in the War, Daddy?", "text": "shelved when, during the scene where Captain Cash visits Charlie Company at their chow line, he holds out his hand and one of the GI mess orderly's ladles beans into the captain's hand. The score is by Henry Mancini. It includes \"The Swing March\" and \"In the Arms of Love\". What Did You Do in the War, Daddy? What Did You Do in the War, Daddy? is a 1966 comedy DeLuxe Color film written by William Peter Blatty and directed by Blake Edwards for the Mirisch Company in Panavision. It stars James Coburn and Dick Shawn. Filming was at Lake", "psg_id": "8001782" }, { "title": "Lombo Pocket Watch", "text": "2 Group one victories. Pocket Watch's dam, Misty Maiden was awarded the 2006 Winona Award for the Australian Broodmare of the Year. Lombo Pocket Watch opened his three-year-old season at Moonee Valley with a win in a heat of the Australian Pacing Gold series and proceeded to win the Group 1 final comfortably. His next assignment was the Group 2 Victorian Sires Classic in which he held off a fast finishing Lively Exit to extend is unbeaten streak to 19 wins in a row. In his heat of the Victoria Derby Lombo Pocket Watch was beaten by Twelve Paces. Despite", "psg_id": "8603255" }, { "title": "What the Rose did to the Cypress", "text": "woman who had disenchanted him. At the city, he demanded the negro whom the princess hid beneath her throne to confirm the truth of his words. He told the story, and the king having found the negro, he confirmed it. Instead of marrying the princess, he took her captive, had the head decently buried, and sent for Dil-aram. At home, the prince had the negro torn apart between four horses. The princess begged for mercy; those who had died had been fated to die, and it was her fate to be his. He forgave her, married her and Dil-aram, and", "psg_id": "8543559" }, { "title": "Pocket watch", "text": "pocket watch. An open-faced, or Lépine, watch, is one in which the case lacks a metal cover to protect the crystal. It is typical for an open-faced watch to have the pendant located at 12:00 and the sub-second dial located at 6:00. Occasionally, a watch movement intended for a hunting case (with the winding stem at 3:00 and sub second dial at 6:00) will have an open-faced case. Such watch is known as a \"sidewinder.\" Alternatively, such a watch movement may be fitted with a so-called conversion dial, which relocates the winding stem to 12:00 and the sub-second dial to", "psg_id": "3362292" }, { "title": "Lombo Pocket Watch", "text": "Fitzpatrick's brother Blake. Pocket Watch cleared out to win by 13.5 m from Lombo Mandingo in a time of 1.57.9. Lombo Pocket Watch's final series of the season was the Australasian Breeders Crown. He was favorite to take the Group One, $284,000 final even before the series started. After an easy heat win at Harold Park over Lively Exit, Lombo Pocket Watch headed to the semi finals at Ballarat in country Victoria. The semi final turned into a 400 m sprint when the leaders dawdled resulting in a flying 27.9 second final quarter, but a mile rate of 2.02.7. Pocket", "psg_id": "8603253" }, { "title": "Midnight by the Morphy Watch", "text": "Midnight by the Morphy Watch \"Midnight by the Morphy Watch\" is a horror fiction story about chess, by Fritz Leiber. It was first published in \"If\", in July 1974. The story is one of a series of works by Leiber whose settings are places that he inhabited, and whose protagonists are based on himself. When amateur chessplayer Stirf Ritter-Rebil (a \"quasi-anagrammatic\" version of \"Fritz Reuter Leiber\") purchases the custom-made pocket watch which once belonged to Paul Morphy, his own chess skills are supernaturally boosted — but he also begins to experience side effects. \"Midnight by the Morphy Watch\" was a", "psg_id": "20816757" }, { "title": "The Darling (short story)", "text": "great value in the religious faith. Like her first husband, he dies and she connects herself with another man shortly after his death; like all her other male connections she engulfs her thoughts in her husband's profession. Eventually all the male connections she has had are gone and it says \"She had no opinions of any sort. She saw the object about her and understood what she saw, but could not form any opinion about them, and did not know what to talk about.\" The Darling (short story) \"The Darling\" () is a short story by Russian author Anton Chekhov,", "psg_id": "16009883" }, { "title": "Grift of the Magi", "text": "7.76 million American homes tuned in to watch the episode during its original airing. It was first released on DVD in 2003 in a collection of five Christmas-related \"Simpsons\" episodes, titled \"Christmas With the Simpsons\". Critics have given \"Grift of the Magi\" generally mixed to negative reviews, particularly because of its plot. The episode has, however, been praised for some of its gags and Coleman's appearance. Bart and Milhouse have to remain inside The Simpsons house when an ozone hole moves over Springfield. The two dress up as ladies and jump on the bed, singing \"Sisters Are Doin' It for", "psg_id": "5120465" }, { "title": "The Gift of Love: A Christmas Story", "text": "Janet search for that ‘secret place’ where we all may find what really matters, at Christmas and always. \"The epitome of this year's Christmas offerings. Will catch at your heart and loosen your tear ducts. If you loved 'It's a Wonderful Life' or 'The Homecoming' you will spend a four-handkerchief night with 'The Gift of Love.' The entire project is a joy.\" - Newark Star-Ledger \"It's a tale of love, joy, memory and disappointment, put together in a way that will touch your heart.\" -Albany News \"Lovely performances by Lee Remick and Angela Lansbury... luminous presence of Polly Holliday... make", "psg_id": "17848857" }, { "title": "The Great Abraham Lincoln Pocket Watch Conspiracy", "text": "Colossus\" set up by Miss Knox. The Colossus (who turns out to be Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) Reveals that Miss Knox, who has taken on the alias Violet Jessop, has found that the International Mercantile Marine is indeed smuggling materials across the Atlantic. After hearing that the pocket watch's power source is made of lead, Doyle explains that the watch was originally powered by uranium, and the lead is the uranium in its decayed state. The group soon realizes that the uranium, gold, copper in the watch and the gold-bearing quartz in the watch fob were all mined in Alaska,", "psg_id": "18440833" }, { "title": "Della Butcher", "text": "with their traditional handicrafts to sell for money, and to buy tobacco and colored calico. Della saw the opportunity to sell Iban and Kenyah crafts and jewellery by exporting these traditional wares to Singapore. Two and a half years later in 1967, Della came back to Singapore once again. She studied the local art market, and found that there was only the \"Donald Moore Gallery\" in Liat Towers which sold artifacts at that time. She fell seriously ill, and had to be admitted at the Mount Alvernia Hospital. Though in her grave condition, she had not forgotten her conviction for", "psg_id": "11684917" }, { "title": "Pocket watch", "text": "military as well. Hanhart was a brand which was used by the Germans, although the German U-Boat captains (and their allied counterparts) were more likely to use stopwatches for timing torpedo runs. For a few years in the late 1970s and 1980s three-piece suits for men returned to fashion, and this led to small resurgence in pocket watches, as some men actually used the vest pocket for its original purpose. Since then, some watch companies continue to make pocket watches. As vests have long since fallen out of fashion (in the US) as part of formal business wear, the only", "psg_id": "3362317" }, { "title": "A Pocket for Corduroy", "text": "Corduroy\" was made into a short television movie in 1986. An American Sign Language (ASL) version of \"A Pocket for Corduroy\" was released through Scholastic Corporation. This version includes the original story, artwork, voice-over, music and read along captions. The 2000 animated TV series \"Corduroy\" was based on \"A Pocket for Corduroy\" as well as its predecessor. A Pocket for Corduroy A Pocket for Corduroy is a 1978 children's book written and illustrated by Don Freeman. It was a sequel to his 1968 book \"Corduroy\". Lisa accidentally loses Corduroy, her teddy bear, at a laundromat. After a series of adventures,", "psg_id": "8718791" }, { "title": "What the Stuarts Did for Us", "text": "science-fiction. What the Stuarts Did for Us What the Stuarts Did for Us is a 2002 BBC documentary series that examines the impact of the Stuart period on modern society. Hart-Davis travels around Britain to introduce the idea and inventions of the Stuart Period in architecture and life-style. Hart-Davis travels around Britain to introduce the idea and inventions of the Stuart Period in science and engineering. Hart-Davis travels around Britain to introduce the idea and inventions of the Stuart Period in economics and politics. Hart-Davis travels around Britain to introduce the idea and inventions of the Stuart Period in science", "psg_id": "12013116" }, { "title": "What the Stuarts Did for Us", "text": "What the Stuarts Did for Us What the Stuarts Did for Us is a 2002 BBC documentary series that examines the impact of the Stuart period on modern society. Hart-Davis travels around Britain to introduce the idea and inventions of the Stuart Period in architecture and life-style. Hart-Davis travels around Britain to introduce the idea and inventions of the Stuart Period in science and engineering. Hart-Davis travels around Britain to introduce the idea and inventions of the Stuart Period in economics and politics. Hart-Davis travels around Britain to introduce the idea and inventions of the Stuart Period in science and", "psg_id": "12013115" } ]
[ "her hair" ]
december 20, 1860 saw which state secede from the union, the first of 11?
[ { "title": "1860 United States presidential election in South Carolina", "text": "win the election nationally and would cause a major upset in the Southern States. South Carolina would be the first state to secede from the Union, on December 20, 1860, and would join the newly formed Confederate States of America in the February of the following year. South Carolina would not vote in another presidential election until 1868. 1860 United States presidential election in South Carolina The 1860 United States presidential election in South Carolina took place on November 6, 1860, as part of the 1860 United States presidential election. The state legislature chose eight representatives, or electors to the", "psg_id": "20239926" } ]
[ { "title": "1860 State of the Union Address", "text": "1860 State of the Union Address The 1860 State of the Union Address was written by James Buchanan, the 15th President of the United States. It was read on Monday, December 3, 1860, to both houses of the 36th United States Congress, by a clerk. He stated, \"Why is it, then, that discontent now so extensively prevails, and the Union of the States, which is the source of all these blessings, is threatened with destruction?\" He spoke on the eve of the American Civil War. \"The long-continued and intemperate interference of the Northern people with the question of slavery in", "psg_id": "18195011" }, { "title": "1860 State of the Union Address", "text": "the Southern States has at length produced its natural effects. The different sections of the Union are now arrayed against each other, and the time has arrived, so much dreaded by the Father of his Country, when hostile geographical parties have been formed.\" 1860 State of the Union Address The 1860 State of the Union Address was written by James Buchanan, the 15th President of the United States. It was read on Monday, December 3, 1860, to both houses of the 36th United States Congress, by a clerk. He stated, \"Why is it, then, that discontent now so extensively prevails,", "psg_id": "18195012" }, { "title": "Republics of the Soviet Union", "text": "Throughout the unravelling of the restructuring, the Soviet government attempted to find a new structure which would reflect the increased power of the republics. Some autonomous republics, like Tatarstan, Checheno-Ingushetia, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Crimea, Transnistria, Gagauzia sought the union statute in New Union Treaty. Efforts to found a Union of Sovereign States proved unsuccessful and the republics began to secede from the Union. By 6 September 1991, the Soviet Union's State Council recognized the independence of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania bringing the number of union republics down to 12. On 8 December 1991, the remaining leaders of the republics signed", "psg_id": "371684" }, { "title": "State of the Union (film)", "text": "took place between September 20 and December 6, 1947. The \"State of the Union\" was critically reviewed by Bosley Crowther in \"The New York Times\". He noted: \"... regardless of partisan reactions—and there are bound to be plenty of those, in view of the frank and intensely topical nature of the yarn—it cannot be denied that this picture which Frank Capra has made from the popular Lindsay-Crouse stage play, is a slick piece of screen satire.\" Shortly after completion, the \"State of the Union\" was screened exclusively for President Harry Truman and reportedly helped convince him to run for office", "psg_id": "6956828" }, { "title": "2004 State of the Union Address", "text": "2004 State of the Union Address The 2004 State of the Union Address was a speech given by President of the United States George W. Bush on Tuesday, January 20, 2004, to a joint session of the United States Congress. This address was the last of President Bush's first term. Standing behind the President were Vice President Dick Cheney and Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert. The speech was given 28 months after the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center. President Bush begins by saying that the greatest responsibility of the government is to protect all Americans from", "psg_id": "9580372" }, { "title": "1860 Constitutional Union Convention", "text": "a former Whig who had opposed the Kansas–Nebraska Act and the Lecompton Constitution. Edward Everett had been president of Harvard University and Secretary of State in the Fillmore administration. The party platform advocated compromise to save the Union, with the slogan: \"The Union as it is, and the Constitution as it is.\" Everett was nominated by voice vote. 1860 Constitutional Union Convention The 1860 Constitutional Union National Convention met in Baltimore's Eastside District Courthouse, on May 9, 1860, one week before the 1860 Republican National Convention which nominated Abraham Lincoln. The CU convention nominated John Bell of Tennessee for President", "psg_id": "7228480" }, { "title": "Members of the Queensland Legislative Council, 1860–1869", "text": "Members of the Queensland Legislative Council, 1860–1869 This is a list of members of the Queensland Legislative Council from its creation on 1 May 1860 to 31 December 1869. Appointments, made by the Governor of Queensland, were for life, although many members for one reason or another resigned. Prior to 1860, Queensland was part of the colony of New South Wales. Starting with 11 members, by 26 April 1861, the council had increased to 21 members. From then until the end of the decade, the mean membership was slightly over 20, ranging from 16–17 for a period from July 1865", "psg_id": "14157185" }, { "title": "Republics of the Soviet Union", "text": "Rights, the United Nations Human Rights Council and the United States. In contrast, the Russian government and state officials maintain that the Soviet annexation of the Baltic states was legitimate.. Constitutionally, the Soviet Union was a federation. In accordance with provisions present in the Constitution (versions adopted in 1924, 1936 and 1977), each republic retained the right to secede from the USSR. Throughout the Cold War, this right was widely considered to be meaningless; however, the corresponding Article 72 of the 1977 Constitution was used in December 1991 to effectively dissolve the Soviet Union, when Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus seceded", "psg_id": "371677" }, { "title": "2015 State of the Union Address", "text": "2015 State of the Union Address The 2015 State of the Union Address was given by the 44th United States President, Barack Obama, on Tuesday, January 20, 2015, in the chamber of the United States House of Representatives. Following recent tradition, Speaker of the House John Boehner sent a letter on December 19, 2014, formally inviting President Obama to speak (despite a proposal from some conservatives that House Republicans withhold the invitation in retaliation for Obama's executive actions on immigration reform). It was addressed to the 114th United States Congress. The State of the Union Address was broadcast on various", "psg_id": "18376760" }, { "title": "Washington Literary Society and Debating Union", "text": "the political issues now distracting the country\" was lifted in January 1860, and the society subsequently debated the questions of a state's right to secede (answering in the affirmative) and whether Virginia should secede from the union if Lincoln were elected president (also answering in the affirmative). In 1861, after the secession of Virginia from the Union, the Society voted to send its surplus treasury (about $200) to the Governor of the Commonwealth for the defense of the state. All student activities, including the Washington Society, were suspended from 1861 through 1865 for the duration of the Civil War, but", "psg_id": "7024054" }, { "title": "State of Kanawha", "text": "Lincoln on April 20, 1863, effective sixty days thereafter. West Virginia was formally admitted to the Union on June 20, 1863. State of Kanawha Kanawha was a proposed name for the 39 counties which later became the main body of the U.S. state of West Virginia, formed on October 24, 1861. It consisted of most of the far northwestern counties of Virginia, which voted to secede from the state after Virginia joined the Confederate States of America at the beginning of the American Civil War on April 17, 1861. The geopolitical separation from Virginia had been approved by the Second", "psg_id": "3062695" }, { "title": "Politics of Georgia (U.S. state)", "text": "the policy by which secession could be avoided. In the 1850s, most state Whigs joined a reinvented Democratic Party that became inflexible on the issues of supporting the expansion of slavery and a highly devolved federalism. The victory of Abraham Lincoln, who was considered a moderate abolitionist, in the presidential election of 1860 was perceived as a threat to Georgia interests. This large slave society was the fifth state to secede from the Union. A founding member of the Confederate States of America in 1861, the state sent tens of thousands of soldiers to fight in the American Civil War.", "psg_id": "15468968" }, { "title": "First All-Union Census of the Soviet Union", "text": "First All-Union Census of the Soviet Union The First All-Union Census of the Soviet Union took place in December 1926. It was an important tool in the state-building of the USSR, provided the government with important ethnographic information, and helped in the transformation from Imperial Russian society to Soviet society. The decisions made by ethnographers in determining the ethnicity (\"narodnost\") of individuals, whether in the Asiatic or European parts of the former Russian Empire, through the drawing up of the \"List of Ethnicities of the USSR\", and how borders were drawn in mixed areas had a significant influence on Soviet", "psg_id": "10017748" }, { "title": "2015 State of the Union Address", "text": "that Obama's speech indicated plans for world domination and displayed goading behavior. \"The Americans have chosen a path toward confrontation, and do not evaluate their own steps critically at all\", Lavrov added. 2015 State of the Union Address The 2015 State of the Union Address was given by the 44th United States President, Barack Obama, on Tuesday, January 20, 2015, in the chamber of the United States House of Representatives. Following recent tradition, Speaker of the House John Boehner sent a letter on December 19, 2014, formally inviting President Obama to speak (despite a proposal from some conservatives that House", "psg_id": "18376768" }, { "title": "1793 State of the Union Address", "text": "1793 State of the Union Address The 1793 State of the Union Address was given by George Washington, the first President of the United States. It was given in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at Congress Hall. Washington stood before the 3rd United States Congress on Tuesday, December 3, 1793, and said, \"While on the one hand it awakened my gratitude for all those instances of affectionate partiality with which I have been honored by my country, on the other it could not prevent an earnest wish for that retirement from which no private consideration should ever have torn me.\" He ended with,", "psg_id": "18183209" }, { "title": "1802 State of the Union Address", "text": "good affection and harmony with our Indian neighbors; our burthens lightened, yet our income sufficient for the public wants, and the produce of the year great beyond example.\" 1802 State of the Union Address The 1802 State of the Union Address was written by Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, on Wednesday, December 15, 1802. He said, \"When we assemble together, fellow citizens, to consider the state of our beloved country, our just attentions are first drawn to those pleasing circumstances which mark the goodness of that Being from whose favor they flow and the large measure", "psg_id": "18203025" }, { "title": "1802 State of the Union Address", "text": "1802 State of the Union Address The 1802 State of the Union Address was written by Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, on Wednesday, December 15, 1802. He said, \"When we assemble together, fellow citizens, to consider the state of our beloved country, our just attentions are first drawn to those pleasing circumstances which mark the goodness of that Being from whose favor they flow and the large measure of thankfulness we owe for His bounty. Another year has come around, and finds us still blessed with peace and friendship abroad; law, order, and religion at home;", "psg_id": "18203024" }, { "title": "1897 State of the Union Address", "text": "1897 State of the Union Address The 1897 State of the Union Address was written on Monday, December 6, 1897, by President William McKinley, the 25th President of the United States. It was his first State of the Union Address, and was read to both houses of the 55th United States Congress. He began with, \"A matter of genuine satisfaction is the growing feeling of fraternal regard and unification of all sections of our country, the incompleteness of which has too long delayed realization of the highest blessings of the Union. The spirit of patriotism is universal and is ever", "psg_id": "18175925" }, { "title": "State of the Union", "text": "generally accepted name since 1947. Prior to 1934, the annual message was delivered at the end of the calendar year, in December. The ratification of the 20th Amendment on January 23, 1933, changed the opening of Congress from early March to early January, affecting the delivery of the annual message. Since 1934, the message or address has been delivered to Congress in January or February. The Twentieth Amendment also established January 20 as the beginning of the presidential term. In years when a new president is inaugurated, the outgoing president may deliver a final State of the Union message, but", "psg_id": "476436" }, { "title": "2007 State of the Union Address", "text": "and the first time at a State of the Union address. Traditionally, the Speaker of the House and the Vice President (the President of the Senate) are the only individuals on the rostrum with the President. However, in a joint session of Congress on September 20, 2001, following the September 11 attacks nine days earlier, president pro tempore Robert Byrd, a Democrat, took the place of Vice President Cheney, who was at an undisclosed location. As the first female Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi is also the first woman in American history to stand on the podium during a", "psg_id": "9472523" }, { "title": "State of Scott", "text": "State of Scott The State of Scott was a Southern Unionist movement in Scott County, Tennessee, in which the county declared itself a \"Free and Independent State\" following Tennessee's decision to secede from the United States and align the state with the Confederacy on the eve of the American Civil War in 1861. Like much of East Tennessee, Scott became an enclave community of the Union during the war. Although its edict had never been officially recognized, the county did not officially rescind its act of secession until 1986. Tennessee was the last state to secede from the Union. On", "psg_id": "15133202" }, { "title": "Member state of the European Union", "text": "1985 when gaining home rule from a member state (Denmark). The situation of Greenland being outside the EU while still subject to an EU member state had been discussed as a template for the pro-EU regions of the UK remaining within the EU or its single market. Beyond the formal withdrawal of a member state, there are a number of independence movements such as Catalonia or Flanders which could result in a similar situation to Greenland. Were a territory of a member state to secede but wish to remain in the EU, some scholars claim it would need to reapply", "psg_id": "10124918" }, { "title": "2000 State of the Union Address", "text": "Clinton discussed many topics in the address, including education, health care, crime, the global economy, technology, and the environment. It was Clinton's last State of the Union address. He left office on January 20, 2001. It was also the longest State of the Union address in recorded history at 1:29. This State of the Union address is notable for being the first since Reagan's 1986 State of the Union Address that all 9 members of the Supreme Court were absent. It is speculated that their absence was due to Clinton's recent impeachment. 2000 State of the Union Address The 2000", "psg_id": "11517788" }, { "title": "Constitutional Union Party (United States)", "text": "after 1860 as the Southern states began to secede, though the party remained active in Congress until the end of the Civil War. Bell and many other Constitutional Unionists later supported the Confederacy during the Civil War, but backers of the party from north of the Carolinas tended to remain supporters of the Union. Constitutional Unionists were influential in the Wheeling Convention, which led to the creation of the Union loyalist state of West Virginia, as well as in the declaration of the Kentucky General Assembly for the Union and winning Congressional elections in Kentucky and Maryland in June. In", "psg_id": "3114020" }, { "title": "First All-Union Census of the Soviet Union", "text": "and rights, experts and local elites were encouraged to interfere with the information collecting. This list, called \"Programmy i posobiya po razrabotke Vsesoyuznoy perepisi naseleniya 1926 goda\", vol. 7, \"Perechen i slovar narodnostey\", Moscow 1927, was developed by the Central Statistical Administration of the USSR. 191. Foreign subjects For the Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, Georgians were considered the Titular Nationality. First All-Union Census of the Soviet Union The First All-Union Census of the Soviet Union took place in December 1926. It was an important tool in the state-building of the USSR, provided the government with important ethnographic information, and", "psg_id": "10017751" }, { "title": "1860 Constitutional Union Convention", "text": "1860 Constitutional Union Convention The 1860 Constitutional Union National Convention met in Baltimore's Eastside District Courthouse, on May 9, 1860, one week before the 1860 Republican National Convention which nominated Abraham Lincoln. The CU convention nominated John Bell of Tennessee for President on the second ballot, over Governor Sam Houston of Texas. Edward Everett was nominated for Vice President. As the Republican Party strengthened and the Democratic Party fractured, many former Whigs and Know Nothings founded the Constitutional Union Party. They hoped to stave off the danger of secession by avoiding the slavery issue. Constitutional Union candidates: John Bell was", "psg_id": "7228479" }, { "title": "1825 State of the Union Address", "text": "1825 State of the Union Address The 1825 State of the Union Address was given by John Quincy Adams, the sixth president of the United States. It was given to the 19th United States Congress, on Tuesday, December 6, 1825. He said, \"In taking a general survey of the concerns of our beloved country, with reference to subjects interesting to the common welfare, the first sentiment which impresses itself upon the mind is of gratitude to the Omnipotent Disposer of All Good for the continuance of the signal blessings of His providence, and especially for that health which to an", "psg_id": "18182179" }, { "title": "Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union", "text": "the United States\", written by Robert Barnwell Rhett, which called on other slave holding states to secede and join in forming a new nation. The convention resolved to print 15,000 copies of these three documents and distribute them to various parties. The declaration was seen as analogous to the U.S. Declaration of Independence from 1776, however, it omitted the phrases that \"all men are created equal\", \"that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights\", and \"consent of the governed\". Professor and historian Harry V. Jaffa noted this omission as significant in his 2000 book, \"A New Birth", "psg_id": "8013460" }, { "title": "2004 State of the Union Address", "text": "harbors across the country to increase civil liberties, something which President Bush opposed. The tax cuts that the President had made were heavily opposed by Democrats, as well. They also said that the President did not hold up his end of the deal in the No Child Left Behind Act. 2004 State of the Union Address The 2004 State of the Union Address was a speech given by President of the United States George W. Bush on Tuesday, January 20, 2004, to a joint session of the United States Congress. This address was the last of President Bush's first term.", "psg_id": "9580383" }, { "title": "2002 State of the Union Address", "text": "2002 State of the Union Address George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States of America, delivered the 2002 State of the Union Address at the United States Capitol building on January 29, 2002. In front of members of the 107th United States Congress, along with special civilian and military guests, Bush addressed the U.S. as he delivered his first State of the Union address. The speech covered the effects of the September 11 attacks of the previous year and Bush's plans to prevent future terrorist attacks upon the United States. Bush gave a progress report on the", "psg_id": "9847671" }, { "title": "1800 State of the Union Address", "text": "1800 State of the Union Address The 1800 State of the Union Address was given by John Adams, the second President of the United States, on Tuesday, November 11, 1800, to a joint session of the 6th United States Congress. It was the first State of the Union Address delivered at the new United States Capitol in Washington, D.C.. Delivered in the Senate chamber, Adams began his speech by congratulating members on their new seat of government and—pointedly—\"on the prospect of a residence not to be changed.\" He added, optimistically, \"Although there is some cause to apprehend that accommodations are", "psg_id": "18202851" }, { "title": "1800 State of the Union Address", "text": "not now so complete as might be wished, yet there is great reason to believe that this inconvenience will cease with the present session.\" This would be the last annual message any president would personally deliver to Congress for the next 113 years. 1800 State of the Union Address The 1800 State of the Union Address was given by John Adams, the second President of the United States, on Tuesday, November 11, 1800, to a joint session of the 6th United States Congress. It was the first State of the Union Address delivered at the new United States Capitol in", "psg_id": "18202852" }, { "title": "1810 State of the Union Address", "text": "United States Congress, which contains both Houses. 1810 State of the Union Address The 1810 State of the Union Address was given during the first term of President James Madison, the fourth president of the United States. It was given on Wednesday, December 5, 1810 in Washington, D.C. It was \"concerning the commercial intercourse between the United States and Great Britain and France and their dependencies having invited in a new form a termination of their edicts against our neutral commerce.\" It was addressed to the Senate and House of Representatives, it was given right before the War of 1812", "psg_id": "18152591" }, { "title": "1796 State of the Union Address", "text": "1796 State of the Union Address The 1796 State of the Union Address was given by George Washington, the first President of the United States, on Wednesday, December 7, 1796. It was given in Congress Hall, Philadelphia. He gave it directly to Congress. He began with, \"In recurring to the internal situation of our country since I had last the pleasure to address you, I find ample reason for a renewed expression of that gratitude to the Ruler of the Universe which a continued series of prosperity has so often and so justly called forth.\" He ended with, \"God's providential", "psg_id": "18176878" }, { "title": "1796 State of the Union Address", "text": "care may still be extended to the United States, that the virtue and happiness of the people may be preserved, and that the Government which they have instituted for the protection of their liberties may be perpetual.\" 1796 State of the Union Address The 1796 State of the Union Address was given by George Washington, the first President of the United States, on Wednesday, December 7, 1796. It was given in Congress Hall, Philadelphia. He gave it directly to Congress. He began with, \"In recurring to the internal situation of our country since I had last the pleasure to address", "psg_id": "18176879" }, { "title": "1801 State of the Union Address", "text": "be thankful to Him that our own peace has been preserved through so perilous a season, and ourselves permitted quietly to cultivate the earth and to practice and improve those arts which tend to increase our comforts.\" During the address Jefferson proclaimed the Washington Doctrine of Unstable Alliances. 1801 State of the Union Address The 1801 State of the Union Address was written by Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, on Tuesday, December 8, 1801. It was his first annual address, and it was presented in Washington, D.C, by a clerk. He did not speak it to", "psg_id": "18202915" }, { "title": "State of the Union", "text": "none has done so since Jimmy Carter sent a written message in 1981. In 1953 and 1961, Congress received both a written State of the Union message from the outgoing president and a separate State of the Union speech by the incoming president. Since 1989, in recognition that the responsibility of reporting the State of the Union formally belongs to the president who held office during the past year, newly inaugurated Presidents have not officially called their first speech before Congress a \"State of the Union\" message. In 1936, President Roosevelt set a precedent when he delivered the address at", "psg_id": "476437" }, { "title": "Members of the Queensland Legislative Council, 1860–1869", "text": "to February 1866, to 23–24 for a period from July 1863 to April 1864. President of the Legislative Council: Chairman of Committees: The following members served in the Legislative Council between 1860 and 1869: Members of the Queensland Legislative Council, 1860–1869 This is a list of members of the Queensland Legislative Council from its creation on 1 May 1860 to 31 December 1869. Appointments, made by the Governor of Queensland, were for life, although many members for one reason or another resigned. Prior to 1860, Queensland was part of the colony of New South Wales. Starting with 11 members, by", "psg_id": "14157186" }, { "title": "State of the Union", "text": "State of the Union The State of the Union Address is an annual message presented by the President of the United States to a joint session of the United States Congress, except in the first year of a new president's term. The message includes a budget message and an economic report of the nation, and also allows the President to propose a legislative agenda (for which the cooperation of Congress is needed) and national priorities. The address fulfills rules in of the U.S. Constitution, requiring the President to periodically \"give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union,", "psg_id": "476430" }, { "title": "1824 State of the Union Address", "text": "1824 State of the Union Address The 1824 State of the Union Address was written by James Monroe, the fifth President of the United States. Delivered to the 18th United States Congress on Tuesday, December 7, 1824. James Monroe presided over the Era of Good Feelings. He began with, \"The view which I have now to present to you of our affairs, foreign and domestic, realizes the most sanguine anticipations which have been entertained of the public prosperity. If we look to the whole, our growth as a nation continues to be rapid beyond example;\" He ended with, \"From the", "psg_id": "18182085" }, { "title": "1866 State of the Union Address", "text": "as one people\" by restoring the States to the condition which they held prior to the rebellion, we should be cautious, lest, having rescued our nation from perils of threatened disintegration, we resort to consolidation, and in the end absolute despotism, as a remedy for the recurrence of similar troubles.\" The rebellion he is referring to is the American Civil War, which ended in 1865. 1866 State of the Union Address The 1866 State of the Union Address was given by the United States' 17th President, Andrew Johnson, on Monday, December 3, 1866. It was not a spoken address, but", "psg_id": "18208234" }, { "title": "1897 State of the Union Address", "text": "increasing in fervor.\" It took time for the Southern states to feel united with the Northern states, and for the Western states to feel united with the eastern states. 1897 State of the Union Address The 1897 State of the Union Address was written on Monday, December 6, 1897, by President William McKinley, the 25th President of the United States. It was his first State of the Union Address, and was read to both houses of the 55th United States Congress. He began with, \"A matter of genuine satisfaction is the growing feeling of fraternal regard and unification of all", "psg_id": "18175926" }, { "title": "1876 State of the Union Address", "text": "virtually commenced.\" 1876 State of the Union Address The 1876 State of the Union Address was given by the 18th President of the United States, Ulysses S. Grant, on Tuesday, December 5, 1876. In it he said these words, \"Reconstruction Era, as finally agreed upon, means this and only this, except that the late slave was enfranchised, giving an increase, as was supposed, to the Union-loving and Union-supporting votes. If free in the full sense of the word, they would not disappoint this expectation. Hence at the beginning of my first Administration the work of reconstruction, much embarrassed by the", "psg_id": "18164720" }, { "title": "1876 State of the Union Address", "text": "1876 State of the Union Address The 1876 State of the Union Address was given by the 18th President of the United States, Ulysses S. Grant, on Tuesday, December 5, 1876. In it he said these words, \"Reconstruction Era, as finally agreed upon, means this and only this, except that the late slave was enfranchised, giving an increase, as was supposed, to the Union-loving and Union-supporting votes. If free in the full sense of the word, they would not disappoint this expectation. Hence at the beginning of my first Administration the work of reconstruction, much embarrassed by the long delay,", "psg_id": "18164719" }, { "title": "1790 State of the Union Address", "text": "1790 State of the Union Address This State of the Union Address was given on Friday, January 8, 1790, during the term of George Washington. It was the first annual address given by a president. It was given in New York City. The first President felt, “great satisfaction from a cooperation with you in the pleasing though arduous task of insuring to our fellow citizens the blessings which they have a right to expect from a free, efficient, and equal government.” [1] This State of the Union Address was given on Friday, January 8, 1790, by President George Washington. It", "psg_id": "18155990" }, { "title": "1852 State of the Union Address", "text": "1852 State of the Union Address The 1852 State of the Union Address was given by the 13th President of the United States, Millard Fillmore, on Monday, December 6, 1852. It was spoken to the 32nd United States Congress by a clerk, not the President. He said, \"Besides affording to our own citizens a degree of prosperity of which on so large a scale I know of no other instance, our country is annually affording a refuge and a home to multitudes, altogether without example, from the Old World. We owe these blessings, under Heaven, to the happy Constitution and", "psg_id": "18177501" }, { "title": "1859 State of the Union Address", "text": "however bad and cruel in themselves, derive their chief importance from the apprehension that they are but symptoms of an incurable disease in the public mind, which may break out in still more dangerous outrages and terminate at last in an open war by the North to abolish slavery in the South.\" 1859 State of the Union Address The 1859 State of the Union Address was written by James Buchanan, the 15th President of the United States. It was read to both houses of the 36th United States Congress on Monday, December 19, 1859, by a clerk. Predicting the American", "psg_id": "18195043" }, { "title": "1829 State of the Union Address", "text": "1829 State of the Union Address The 1829 State of the Union Address was given by Andrew Jackson, the seventh President of the United States. He did not speak directly to the 21st United States Congress, but it was still important. Presented on Tuesday, December 8, 1829, in the United States House of Representatives chamber, it was his first address. He said, \"In communicating with you for the first time it is to me a source of unfeigned satisfaction, calling for mutual gratulation and devout thanks to a benign Providence, that we are at peace with all man-kind, and that", "psg_id": "18180719" }, { "title": "1913 State of the Union Address", "text": "1913 State of the Union Address The 1913 State of the Union Address was given by Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States, on Tuesday, December 2, 1913. It was given directly to the 63rd United States Congress by the president. Wilson was the first to do so since John Adams in 1800. With a few exceptions all addresses since then have been given directly following Wilson's lead. It was his first. He stated, \"The country, I am thankful to say, is at peace with all the world, and many happy manifestations multiply about us of a growing", "psg_id": "18203348" }, { "title": "HMS Rosario (1860)", "text": "HMS Rosario (1860) HMS \"Rosario\" was an 11-gun \"Rosario\"-class screw sloop of the Royal Navy, launched in 1860 at Deptford Dockyard. She served two commissions, including eight years on the Australia Station during which she fought to reduce illegal kidnappings of South Sea Islanders for the Queensland labour market. She was decommissioned in 1875, finally being sold for breaking nine years later. A team from \"Rosario\" played the first ever New Zealand International Rugby Union match against a Wellington side in 1870. She was the fifth Royal Navy ship to bear the name, which was first used for the galleon", "psg_id": "13809835" }, { "title": "1852 State of the Union Address", "text": "Government which were bequeathed to us by our fathers, and which it is our sacred duty to transmit in all their integrity to our children.\" 1852 State of the Union Address The 1852 State of the Union Address was given by the 13th President of the United States, Millard Fillmore, on Monday, December 6, 1852. It was spoken to the 32nd United States Congress by a clerk, not the President. He said, \"Besides affording to our own citizens a degree of prosperity of which on so large a scale I know of no other instance, our country is annually affording", "psg_id": "18177502" }, { "title": "State of the Union (European Union)", "text": "2014. He also acknowledged the need for \"a serious discussion between the citizens of Europe about the way forward,\" calling in particular on all pro-European forces to be mobilised against the anti-European agenda of \"the populists and the nationalists.\" 9 September 2015 marked the first address held by Jean-Claude Juncker. It was titled \"Time for honesty, unity and solidarity\" and opened with the \"imperative to act as a union\" in order to address the refugee crisis. State of the Union (European Union) The State of the Union address, also known as the State of the European Union, or SOTEU is", "psg_id": "14909394" }, { "title": "1859 State of the Union Address", "text": "1859 State of the Union Address The 1859 State of the Union Address was written by James Buchanan, the 15th President of the United States. It was read to both houses of the 36th United States Congress on Monday, December 19, 1859, by a clerk. Predicting the American Civil War, he stated, \"Whilst it is the duty of the President \"from time to time to give to Congress information of the state of the Union,\" I shall not refer in detail to the recent sad and bloody occurrences at Harpers Ferry. Still, it is proper to observe that these events,", "psg_id": "18195042" }, { "title": "1799 State of the Union Address", "text": "1799 State of the Union Address The 1799 State of the Union Address was given to the United States Congress, on Tuesday, December 3, 1799, by the second president of the United States, John Adams. He said, \"the return of health, industry, and trade to those cities which have lately been afflicted with disease, and the various and inestimable advantages, civil and religious, which, secured under our happy frame of government, are continued to us unimpaired, demand of the whole American people sincere thanks to a benevolent Deity for the merciful dispensations of His providence.\" It was the last address", "psg_id": "18177427" }, { "title": "1799 State of the Union Address", "text": "to be given at Congress Hall, Philadelphia. 1799 State of the Union Address The 1799 State of the Union Address was given to the United States Congress, on Tuesday, December 3, 1799, by the second president of the United States, John Adams. He said, \"the return of health, industry, and trade to those cities which have lately been afflicted with disease, and the various and inestimable advantages, civil and religious, which, secured under our happy frame of government, are continued to us unimpaired, demand of the whole American people sincere thanks to a benevolent Deity for the merciful dispensations of", "psg_id": "18177428" }, { "title": "1824 State of the Union Address", "text": "dominion extends, we have every motive to cling together which can animate a virtuous and enlightened people.\" James Monroe, a founder of his country, predicts that his country will become a world power, and must animate with virtue and enlightenment. 1824 State of the Union Address The 1824 State of the Union Address was written by James Monroe, the fifth President of the United States. Delivered to the 18th United States Congress on Tuesday, December 7, 1824. James Monroe presided over the Era of Good Feelings. He began with, \"The view which I have now to present to you of", "psg_id": "18182087" }, { "title": "1832 State of the Union Address", "text": "1832 State of the Union Address The 1832 State of the Union Address was written by Andrew Jackson, the seventh President of the United States. It was delivered to the 22nd United States Congress by a clerk on Tuesday, December 4, 1832. He said, \"Although the pestilence which had traversed the Old World has entered our limits and extended its ravages over much of our land, it has pleased Almighty God to mitigate its severity and lessen the number of its victims compared with those who have fallen in most other countries over which it has spread its terrors.\" He", "psg_id": "18182618" }, { "title": "1996 State of the Union Address", "text": "deeds are a contradiction. President Clinton claims to embrace the future while clinging to the policies of the past.\" Donna Shalala, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, served as the designated survivor. 1996 State of the Union Address The 1996 State of the Union address was given by President Bill Clinton to a joint session of the 104th United States Congress on Tuesday, January 23, 1996. The speech was the last State of the Union address of President Clinton's first term. This speech occurred shortly after the federal government shutdown of 1995 and 1996 which had resulted from disagreements", "psg_id": "14169050" }, { "title": "1996 State of the Union Address", "text": "1996 State of the Union Address The 1996 State of the Union address was given by President Bill Clinton to a joint session of the 104th United States Congress on Tuesday, January 23, 1996. The speech was the last State of the Union address of President Clinton's first term. This speech occurred shortly after the federal government shutdown of 1995 and 1996 which had resulted from disagreements on the 1996 United States federal budget. President Clinton discussed the economy and declared that \"the era of big government is over,\" and continued, \"but we cannot go back to the time when", "psg_id": "14169048" }, { "title": "State of the Union (2019 TV series)", "text": "by Stephen Frears both of whom will executive produce alongside Jamie Laurenson, Hakan Kousetta, Iain Canning, and Emile Sherman. Amy Jackson is set as a producer. Production companies expected to be involved with the series include See-Saw Films. Alongside the series order announcement, it was confirmed that Rosamund Pike and Chris O'Dowd had been cast in the series' lead roles. Principal photography for the series was expected to begin in the summer of 2018 in London, England. On October 10, 2018, a \"first look\" image from the series was released. State of the Union (2019 TV series) State of the", "psg_id": "20806329" }, { "title": "2002 State of the Union Address", "text": "well as the U.S. and the international community through the televised speech. The 2002 State of the Union address was the first to be delivered by Bush after the September 11 attacks of 2001. The oration addressed the attacks on the U.S. and his plan of action, as well as his goals for the remainder of his term as President. In the address, Bush first introduced the term \"axis of evil\" in referring to the countries of Iran, Iraq, and North Korea, with the oration being primarily centered on foreign policy. Bush spoke about the September 11 attacks of the", "psg_id": "9847675" }, { "title": "1793 State of the Union Address", "text": "\"Permit me to bring to your remembrance the magnitude of your task. Without an unprejudiced coolness the welfare of the Government may be hazarded; without harmony as far as consists with freedom of sentiment its dignity may be lost.\" During the address, Washington spoke of Peace through strength. 1793 State of the Union Address The 1793 State of the Union Address was given by George Washington, the first President of the United States. It was given in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at Congress Hall. Washington stood before the 3rd United States Congress on Tuesday, December 3, 1793, and said, \"While on the", "psg_id": "18183210" }, { "title": "1805 State of the Union Address", "text": "tend to secure the liberty, property, and personal safety of our fellow citizens, and to consolidate the republican forms and principles of our Government.\" 1805 State of the Union Address The 1805 State of the Union Address was given by the third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, on Tuesday, December 3, 1805. He did not directly give it to the 9th United States Congress. He only presented his written address. It was the first of his second term in the White House. He began with, \"At a moment when the nations of Europe are in commotion and arming", "psg_id": "18182956" }, { "title": "1810 State of the Union Address", "text": "1810 State of the Union Address The 1810 State of the Union Address was given during the first term of President James Madison, the fourth president of the United States. It was given on Wednesday, December 5, 1810 in Washington, D.C. It was \"concerning the commercial intercourse between the United States and Great Britain and France and their dependencies having invited in a new form a termination of their edicts against our neutral commerce.\" It was addressed to the Senate and House of Representatives, it was given right before the War of 1812 began. It was given to the 11th", "psg_id": "18152590" }, { "title": "1805 State of the Union Address", "text": "1805 State of the Union Address The 1805 State of the Union Address was given by the third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, on Tuesday, December 3, 1805. He did not directly give it to the 9th United States Congress. He only presented his written address. It was the first of his second term in the White House. He began with, \"At a moment when the nations of Europe are in commotion and arming against each other, and when those with whom we have principal intercourse are engaged in the general contest, and when the countenance of some", "psg_id": "18182954" }, { "title": "1801 State of the Union Address", "text": "1801 State of the Union Address The 1801 State of the Union Address was written by Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, on Tuesday, December 8, 1801. It was his first annual address, and it was presented in Washington, D.C, by a clerk. He did not speak it to the 7th United States Congress, because he thought that would make him seem like a king. He said, \"Whilst we devoutly return thanks to the beneficent Being who has been pleased to breathe into them the spirit of conciliation and forgiveness, we are bound with peculiar gratitude to", "psg_id": "18202914" }, { "title": "State of the Union (European Union)", "text": "foresees that the President of the European Commission sends a letter of intent to the President of the European Parliament and the Presidency of the Council of the European Union that sets out in detail the actions the European Commission intends to take by means of legislation and other initiatives until the end of the following year. The address is then followed by a general debate on political situation of the Union, the so-called State of the Union debate. The first State of the Union speech of the European Union was pronounced on 7 September 2010 by President José Manuel", "psg_id": "14909392" }, { "title": "England national under-20 rugby union team", "text": "England national under-20 rugby union team The England Under 20 rugby team are the newest representative rugby union team from England. They replace the two former age grade teams Under 19s and Under 21s. They compete in the annual Six Nations Under 20s Championship and World Rugby Under 20 Championship. They are coached by the RFU's International performance coach, Steve Bates. Their first tournament was the 2008 IRB Junior World Championship, in which they took second place, being defeated by New Zealand 3–38 in the final. The following year saw England finish runners up to New Zealand again at the", "psg_id": "13484189" }, { "title": "1860 United States presidential election", "text": "percent share in the states of the Mid-Atlantic, Midwest and Trans-Mississippi West, but slipped to 19–39 percent in New England. Outside his regional section, Douglas took 15–17 percent of the popular vote total in the slave states of Kentucky, Alabama and Louisiana, then 10 percent or less in the nine remaining slave states. Douglas, in his \"Norfolk Doctrine\", reiterated in North Carolina, promised to keep the Union together by coercion if states proceeded to secede. The popular vote for Lincoln and Douglas combined was seventy percent of the turnout. The 1860 Republican ticket was the first successful national ticket that", "psg_id": "504285" }, { "title": "2006 State of the Union Address", "text": "indirect reference to the September 11, 2001 attacks with \"national achievement.\" When discussing the American political system, Bush used anaphora, repeating \"two\" at the beginning of each clause, \"two parties, two chambers, and two elected branches.\" Bush shifted his tense from the past to the future while emphasizing the need for civility and bipartisanship among legislators during debate. Echoing his 2005 State of the Union address, he stated \"Tonight the state of our Union is strong – and together we will make it stronger.\" He again used anaphora by repeating \"We will choose,\" paralleling \"pursuing the enemies of freedom,\" applicable", "psg_id": "7050362" }, { "title": "Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union", "text": "Maastricht treaty, which led to the formation of the European Union, saw the EEC Treaty renamed as the Treaty establishing the European Community (TEC) and renumbered. The Maastricht reforms also saw the creation of the European Union's three pillar structure, of which the European Community was the major constituent part. Following the 2005 referenda, which saw the failed attempt at launching a European Constitution, on 13 December 2007 the Lisbon treaty was signed. This saw the 'TEC' renamed as the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and, once again, renumbered. The Lisbon reforms resulted in the merging", "psg_id": "11287329" } ]
[ "eighth state", "hurricanes in south carolina", "south carolina (state)", "transport in south carolina", "the palmetto state", "religion in south carolina", "south carolina", "us-sc", "iodine state", "south carolina (u.s. state)", "state of south carolina", "8th state", "transportation in south carolina", "south carolina", "geography of south carolina", "education in south carolina", "south carolina (usa state)", "s. carolina", "south carolina department of archives and history", "south carolina, united states", "south carolina (state)", "economy of south carolina" ]
what cocktail consists of 1.5 oz gin, .5oz applejack, 4 dashes grenadine, the juice of 1/2 lemon, and 1 egg white?
[ { "title": "Pink Lady (cocktail)", "text": "Pink Lady (cocktail) The Pink Lady is a classic gin-based cocktail with a long history. Its pink color is due to adding grenadine. The exact ingredients for the pink lady vary, but all variations have the use of gin, grenadine and egg white in common. In its most basic form the pink lady consists of just these three ingredients. According to the \"Royal Cafe Cocktail Book\" of 1937, it is made with a glass of gin, a tablespoon of grenadine and the white of one egg, shaken and strained into a glass. Often lemon juice is added to the basic", "psg_id": "10347767" } ]
[ { "title": "Aviation (cocktail)", "text": "Aviation (cocktail) The Aviation is a classic cocktail made with gin, maraschino liqueur, crème de violette, and lemon juice. Some recipes omit the crème de violette. It is served straight up, in a cocktail glass. The Aviation was created by Hugo Ensslin, head bartender at the Hotel Wallick in New York, in the early twentieth century. The first published recipe for the drink appeared in Ensslin's 1916 \"Recipes for Mixed Drinks\". Ensslin's recipe called for 1½ oz. El Bart gin, ¾ oz. lemon juice, 2 dashes maraschino liqueur, and 2 dashes crème de violette, a violet liqueur which gives the", "psg_id": "13384886" }, { "title": "Clover Club Cocktail", "text": "grenadine or red currant syrup. Vocaloid Hatsune Miku has a song named after this cocktail, \"Clover Club\", in which she describes the recipe. Clover Club Cocktail The Clover Club Cocktail is a cocktail consisting of gin, lemon juice, raspberry syrup, and an egg white. The egg white is not added for the purpose of giving the drink flavor, but rather acts as an emulsifier. Thus when the drink is shaken a characteristic foamy head is formed. It was first made by Zlatko Roskos a Slovakian bartender in 1997 in Bratislava. The Clover Club Cocktail is a drink that pre-dates Prohibition", "psg_id": "14034346" }, { "title": "Chimayó Cocktail", "text": "Chimayó Cocktail The Chimayó cocktail was created by Arturo Jaramillo, owner of the Rancho de Chimayó restaurant in Chimayó, New Mexico in 1965, the Chimayó Cocktail is a tequila and apple cider based drink. Legend has it that Jaramillo was looking for use for the apples that are plentiful in the Chimayó valley when he stumbled onto what would soon become the signature drink of his restaurant. The Chimayó Cocktail is created by mixing 1½ oz tequila with 1 oz unfiltered apple cider, 1/4 oz fresh lemon juice and 1/4 oz creme de cassis over ice. According to Eric Felten", "psg_id": "11624337" }, { "title": "Vesper (cocktail)", "text": "after mishearing the name in several instances, resulting in its being alternatively named 'Vespa'. Since Gordon's Gin was reformulated in 1992 and Kina Lillet was reformulated in 1986, substitutes can be made that attempt to recapture the original flavour of the drink: \"Esquire\" printed the following update of the recipe in 2006: Shake (if you must) with plenty of cracked ice. 3 oz Tanqueray gin, 1 oz 100-proof [50%] Stolichnaya vodka, oz Lillet Blanc, teaspoon (or less) quinine powder or, in desperation, 2 dashes of bitters. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and twist a large swatch of thin-cut lemon", "psg_id": "9159305" }, { "title": "Paradise (cocktail)", "text": "the largest \"Gin and Juice\", a 500 litre paradise cocktail. Paradise (cocktail) The Paradise is an IBA official cocktail, and is classified as a \"pre-dinner\" drink, an apéritif. The earliest known in-print recipe for the Paradise Cocktail was written by Harry Craddock in 1930. This cocktail is prepared using gin, apricot brandy (apricot liqueur), and orange juice in a 2:1:1 ratio, with a splash of lemon juice. The Paradise cocktail plays a key part in the 1933 Warner Bros. romantic film \"One Way Passage\" as the drink of the two star-crossed lovers played by Kay Francis and William Powell. On", "psg_id": "9795639" }, { "title": "Cosmopolitan (cocktail)", "text": "at Elite Bars 1903-1933\", published in 1934. <poem> Jigger of Gordon's Gin ( Beefeater) 2 dash Cointreau ( Cointreau) Juice of 1 Lemon ( Lemon Juice) 1 tsp [.5 cl] Raspberry Syrup (homemade) Shake with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. </poem> Made with ingredients that would have been readily available during the period, this identically named cocktail aims for the same effect. If this drink is in fact the source of the modern cosmopolitan, then it would be an adaption of a Daisy rather than a Kamikaze. One version of the creation of this popular drink credits the", "psg_id": "2442856" }, { "title": "Sour (cocktail)", "text": "Sour (cocktail) A sour is a traditional family of mixed drinks. Common examples of sours are the margarita and the sidecar. \"Sours\" belong to one of the old families of original cocktails and are described by Jerry Thomas in his 1862 book \"How to Mix Drinks\". Sours are mixed drinks containing a base liquor, lemon or lime juice, and a sweetener (triple sec, simple syrup, grenadine, or pineapple juice are common). Egg whites are also included in some sours. The gin sour is a traditional mixed cocktail that predates prohibition in the United States. It is a simple combination of", "psg_id": "4364155" }, { "title": "Sour (cocktail)", "text": "generally not included in this variation. Sour (cocktail) A sour is a traditional family of mixed drinks. Common examples of sours are the margarita and the sidecar. \"Sours\" belong to one of the old families of original cocktails and are described by Jerry Thomas in his 1862 book \"How to Mix Drinks\". Sours are mixed drinks containing a base liquor, lemon or lime juice, and a sweetener (triple sec, simple syrup, grenadine, or pineapple juice are common). Egg whites are also included in some sours. The gin sour is a traditional mixed cocktail that predates prohibition in the United States.", "psg_id": "4364161" }, { "title": "Sea Breeze (cocktail)", "text": "juice) and the Salty Dog (which lacks the cranberry juice and is made with a salted rim). The cocktail was born in the late 1920s, but the recipe was different from the one used today, as gin and grenadine were used in the original Sea Breeze. This was near the end of the Prohibition era. In the 1930s, a Sea Breeze had gin, apricot brandy, grenadine, and lemon juice. Later, a Sea Breeze recipe would contain vodka, dry vermouth, Galliano, and blue Curaçao. The cranberry grower's cooperative in the 1930s evolved into Ocean Spray which marketed cranberry juice in the", "psg_id": "11115078" }, { "title": "Fizz (cocktail)", "text": "are A Ramos gin fizz (also known as a \"Ramos fizz\" or \"New Orleans fizz\") contains gin, lemon juice, lime juice, egg white, sugar, cream, orange flower water, and soda water. It is served in a large non-tapered 12 to 14 ounce Collins glass. The orange flower water and egg significantly affect the flavor and texture of a Ramos, compared to a regular gin fizz. The key to making this egg cocktail is dissolving the sugar before adding ice; the sugar acts as an emulsifier, and it and the alcohol \"cook\" the egg white. Henry C. Ramos invented the Ramos", "psg_id": "9675383" }, { "title": "Aviation (cocktail)", "text": "cocktail a pale purple color. Harry Craddock's influential \"Savoy Cocktail Book\" (1930) omitted the crème de violette, calling for a mixture of two-thirds dry gin, one-third lemon juice, and two dashes of maraschino. Many later bartenders have followed Craddock's lead, leaving out the difficult-to-find violet liqueur. Creme Yvette, a violet liqueur made with additional spices, is sometimes substituted for crème de violette. Aviation (cocktail) The Aviation is a classic cocktail made with gin, maraschino liqueur, crème de violette, and lemon juice. Some recipes omit the crème de violette. It is served straight up, in a cocktail glass. The Aviation was", "psg_id": "13384887" }, { "title": "Paradise (cocktail)", "text": "Paradise (cocktail) The Paradise is an IBA official cocktail, and is classified as a \"pre-dinner\" drink, an apéritif. The earliest known in-print recipe for the Paradise Cocktail was written by Harry Craddock in 1930. This cocktail is prepared using gin, apricot brandy (apricot liqueur), and orange juice in a 2:1:1 ratio, with a splash of lemon juice. The Paradise cocktail plays a key part in the 1933 Warner Bros. romantic film \"One Way Passage\" as the drink of the two star-crossed lovers played by Kay Francis and William Powell. On May 27, 2018, Snoop Dogg set the world record for", "psg_id": "9795638" }, { "title": "Tom Collins", "text": "1 large wine-glass of gin. 2 or 3 lumps of ice; Shake up well and strain into a large bar-glass. Fill up the glass with plain soda water and drink while it is lively.</poem> This was distinguished from the Gin Fizz cocktail in that the 3 dashes of lemon juice in the Gin Fizz was \"fizzed\" with carbonated water to essentially form a \"Gin and Sodawater\" whereas the considerably more \"juice of a small lemon\" in the Tom Collins essentially formed a \"Gin and Sparkling Lemonade\" when sweetened with the gum syrup. The type of gin used by Thomas was", "psg_id": "426174" }, { "title": "Gimlet (cocktail)", "text": "A similar lime juice cocktail using rum instead of vodka or gin is the daiquiri. David A. Embury gave a gimlet recipe (called a Gin Sour) in \"The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks\" (3rd Ed., 1958), calling for an 8:2:1 gin/lime (or lemon) juice/simple syrup ratio plus garnish. Eric Felten essentially repeated this in his \"How's Your Drink\" column in \"The Wall Street Journal\" Weekend Edition of August 4, 2006: William L. Hamilton gave this recipe in his \"Shaken and Stirred\" column in \"The New York Times\" on September 15, 2002: A gimlet served at the Fifty Seven Fifty Seven", "psg_id": "6161128" }, { "title": "Fizz (cocktail)", "text": "the egg white. The original recipe is made with grapefruit juice, because of the mixing of recipes you will find many recipes with lemon juice. Notes Fizz (cocktail) A \"fizz\" is a mixed drink variation on the older sours family of cocktail. Its defining features are an acidic juice (such as lemon or lime) and carbonated water. The first printed reference to \"fiz\" is in the 1887 edition of Jerry Thomas's \"Bartender's Guide\", which contains six such recipes. The fizz became widely popular in America between 1900 and the 1940s. Known as a hometown specialty of New Orleans, the gin", "psg_id": "9675386" }, { "title": "Ward 8 (cocktail)", "text": "rye and even single malt scotch. Some recipes call for lemon juice, lime juice, no juice, grenadine, sour mix and gomme syrup. The Santa Clara Company trademark described their product as \"Compounds of Whisky, Grenadine-Syrup, Rock-Candy Syrup, and Lime-Juice.\" Following the end of prohibition, Locke-Ober reopened its bar using this recipe: Shake the rye whiskey, lemon juice, orange juice and grenadine with ice; then strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a maraschino cherry, if desired. Originally the drink was decorated with a small paper Massachusetts flag. Ward 8 (cocktail) The Ward 8 or Ward Eight is a cocktail", "psg_id": "10018082" }, { "title": "French 75 (cocktail)", "text": "the 19th century. In the 19th century, the \"Champagne cup\" was a popular cocktail, consisting of champagne, lemon juice, sugar, and ice. Gin was sometimes added, yielding a drink much like the French 75. The drink was first recorded as the 75 in \"Harry's ABC of Mixing Cocktails\", 1922 edition, by Harry MacElhone, and in the same year in Robert Vermeire's \"Cocktails: How to Mix Them,\" which credits the drink to MacElhone. However, the recipes differed from the current form – MacElhone's version consisted of Calvados, gin, grenadine, and absinthe, while Vermeire added lemon juice. The recipe took its now-classic", "psg_id": "1906321" }, { "title": "Clover Club Cocktail", "text": "Clover Club Cocktail The Clover Club Cocktail is a cocktail consisting of gin, lemon juice, raspberry syrup, and an egg white. The egg white is not added for the purpose of giving the drink flavor, but rather acts as an emulsifier. Thus when the drink is shaken a characteristic foamy head is formed. It was first made by Zlatko Roskos a Slovakian bartender in 1997 in Bratislava. The Clover Club Cocktail is a drink that pre-dates Prohibition in the United States, and is named for the Philadelphia men's club of the same name, which met in the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel on", "psg_id": "14034341" }, { "title": "Jack Rose (cocktail)", "text": "Jack Rose (cocktail) A Jack Rose is a cocktail containing applejack, grenadine, and lemon or lime juice. It was popular in the 1920s and 1930s, notably appearing in Ernest Hemingway's 1926 classic, \"The Sun Also Rises\", in which Jake Barnes, the narrator, drinks a Jack Rose in the Crillon Paris hotel bar while awaiting the arrival of Lady Brett Ashley. It was also a favorite drink of author John Steinbeck. The Jack Rose is one of six basic drinks listed in David A. Embury's \"The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks\". References to the Jack Rose date back to the early", "psg_id": "8807652" }, { "title": "Alabama Slammer", "text": "1971. ALABAMA SLAMMER 1 oz. Southern Comfort, ½ oz. sloe gin, 1 oz. amaretto, ½ oz. lemon juice. Pour into highball glass over rocks. Stir. Alabama Slammer An Alabama Slammer is a cocktail made with amaretto, Southern Comfort, sloe gin, and orange juice. It is served in a Collins glass. It is also sometimes known as a Southern Slammer. It is claimed to have been made famous by quarterback Brett Favre; however, this drink was popular with college crowds as early as the 1980s, when it was served as a shaker shot in many bars and was also available as", "psg_id": "7011732" }, { "title": "Counting 5-4-3-2-1", "text": "Counting 5-4-3-2-1 \"Counting 5-4-3-2-1\" is a song by American post-hardcore band Thursday, the first single from their fourth album, \"A City by the Light Divided\". \"Counting 1-2-3-4-5\" was released to radio on April 11, 2006. The song was originally written during the \"Full Collapse\"-era, but was re-arranged in a new key and was deemed suitable to be recorded. Keyboardist Andrew Everding commented on the song's meaning and corresponding music video: \"[Counting 5-4-3-2-1] specifically comes from not being happy in the town that you grew up in and wanting to get out as quickly as possible. When we do videos, we", "psg_id": "7123399" }, { "title": "Tom Collins", "text": "well; 2 lumps of ice, a bottle of plain soda. Mix well and serve.</poem> One turn of the 20th century recipe subsequently replaced the lemon juice with lime juice. An alternative history places the origin in St. Louis. The 1986 \"The Book of Cocktails\" provides a modern take on Thomas' 1876 recipe for this long drink:John (or Tom) Collins (1986)<br>ice cubes<br>2 oz. [6 cL] dry gin<br>2 oz. [6 cL] lemon juice<br>1 teaspoon sugar (gomme) syrup<br>soda water<br>slice of lemon<br>1 colored cherry<br>Place ample ice in large glass. Add gin, lemon juice and syrup. Top up with soda water and stir well. Serve", "psg_id": "426177" }, { "title": "Between the Sheets (cocktail)", "text": "alternate name for the Between the Sheets, and as a different drink using gin instead of rum and cognac, and adding orange juice to the lemon juice. Between the Sheets (cocktail) The Between the Sheets is a cocktail consisting of white rum, cognac, triple sec, and lemon juice. The origin of the cocktail is usually credited to Harry MacElhone at Harry's New York Bar in Paris in the 1930s as a derivative of the sidecar. However, competing theories exist that claim the cocktail was created at The Berkeley in approximately 1921, or in French brothels as an apéritif for consumption", "psg_id": "18674652" }, { "title": "Counting 5-4-3-2-1", "text": "send out a call and receive treatments and that one was one of the first ones that we got from Artificial Army. We were originally going to do two videos…a low-budget animated video and then we were going to do another video to connect it, but then we started seeing what the animation was about. We usually go back and forth with ideas. But for the most part, we trust the director. It was our first storyline video but there are some performance elements to it.\" Counting 5-4-3-2-1 \"Counting 5-4-3-2-1\" is a song by American post-hardcore band Thursday, the first", "psg_id": "7123400" }, { "title": "Gimlet (cocktail)", "text": "Gimlet (cocktail) The gimlet (pronounced with a hard 'g') is a cocktail typically made of 2 part gin, 1 part lime juice, and soda. A 1928 description of the drink was: \"gin, a spot of lime, and soda\". The description in the 1953 Raymond Chandler novel \"The Long Goodbye\" stated that \"a real gimlet is half gin and half Rose's lime juice and nothing else\". This is in line with the proportions suggested by \"The Savoy Cocktail Book\" (1930), which specifies one half Plymouth Gin and one half Rose's Lime Juice Cordial. However, modern tastes are less sweet, and generally", "psg_id": "6161126" }, { "title": "Gin and Juice", "text": "world record for the largest \"Gin and Juice\", a 500 litre paradise cocktail. Gin and Juice \"Gin and Juice\" is the second single by rapper Snoop Doggy Dogg from his debut album \"Doggystyle\". The lyrics depict a party filled with sex, marijuana, and alcohol continuing into the small hours of the morning. The iconic chorus sung by David Ruffin Jr (D-Ruff) is: One critic describes the chorus as representative of \"the G-funk tableau\" emphasizing cruising culture, consumption of depressants, and materialism. The last line is an example of antimetabole, the figure of speech in which two or more clauses are", "psg_id": "4953020" }, { "title": "4-1-1", "text": "for directory assistance, along with other \"1-1-\" codes (\"Repair\" was 1-1-4)., changes had to be made in the step-by-step areas. Initially, \"1-1-2\" was used temporarily as the prefix in most of these areas. To simplify long-distance calling it was desirable to change this to a \"1\". Some areas converted immediately to 4-1-1 for directory assistance and 6-1-1 for repair. Other areas retained 1-1-3 by installing what was known as \"double-header\" trunks, which actually connected the call to the long distance equipment and then \"snatched it back\" if the second digit was also a \"1\". The conversion proceeded as follows in", "psg_id": "2019865" }, { "title": "1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + ⋯", "text": "1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + ⋯ In mathematics, the infinite series is an elementary example of a geometric series that converges absolutely. There are many different expressions that can be shown to be equivalent to the problem, such as the form: 2 + 2 + 2 + ... The sum of this series can be denoted in summation notation as: As with any infinite series, the infinite sum is defined to mean the limit of the sum of the first terms as approaches infinity. Multiplying by 2 reveals a useful relationship: Subtracting from both sides, As approaches", "psg_id": "9893034" }, { "title": "1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + ⋯", "text": "meters, and so on Zeno argued that the tortoise would always remain ahead of Achilles. The parts of the Eye of Horus were once thought to represent the first six summands of the series. 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + ⋯ In mathematics, the infinite series is an elementary example of a geometric series that converges absolutely. There are many different expressions that can be shown to be equivalent to the problem, such as the form: 2 + 2 + 2 + ... The sum of this series can be denoted in summation notation as: As with any", "psg_id": "9893036" }, { "title": "Martini (cocktail)", "text": "Martini (cocktail) The martini is a cocktail made with gin and vermouth, and garnished with an olive or a lemon twist. Over the years, the martini has become one of the best-known mixed alcoholic beverages. H. L. Mencken called the martini \"the only American invention as perfect as the sonnet\" and E. B. White called it \"the elixir of quietude\". By 1922 the martini reached its most recognizable form in which London dry gin and dry vermouth are combined at a ratio of 2:1, stirred in a mixing glass with ice cubes, with the optional addition of orange or aromatic", "psg_id": "2155303" }, { "title": "Martini (cocktail)", "text": "bitters, then strained into a chilled cocktail glass. Over time the generally expected garnish became the drinker's choice of a green olive or a twist of lemon peel. A dry martini is made with dry, white vermouth. By the Roaring Twenties, it became common to ask for them. Over the course of the century, the amount of vermouth steadily dropped. During the 1930s the ratio was 3:1 (gin to vermouth), and during the 1940s the ratio was 4:1. During the latter part of the 20th century, 6:1, 8:1, 12:1, 15:1 (the \"Montgomery\", after British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery's supposed penchant", "psg_id": "2155304" }, { "title": "Horsefeather (cocktail)", "text": "lemon, replacing the lemon with lime, or creating a frozen version. Horsefeather (cocktail) A Horsefeather is a whiskey cocktail. It was invented in Lawrence, Kansas in the 1990s. It remains a regional drink in the Kansas City region. The drink is an iteration of the classic cocktail Horse's Neck and is similar to a Moscow Mule. A horsefeather is traditionally rye whiskey or blended whiskey, ginger beer, three dashes of Angostura bitters, and a little lemon juice. A highball glass is filled 3/4 with ice. The ingredients are then poured into the glass and stirred. There are many variations such", "psg_id": "20643847" }, { "title": "Turn Around (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)", "text": "Turn Around (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) \"Turn Around (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)\" is a song by American rapper Flo Rida from his third studio album, \"Only One Flo (Part 1)\". It was released as the second single on 8 November 2010 in the United States. The song contains samples of \"Din Daa Daa\" by German dance singer George Kranz, and \"Oh Yeah\" by Swiss electronica band Yello. It debuted at number 98 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 and was featured prominently in the closing credits of \"The Hangover Part II\". It was the second such use of a", "psg_id": "15058556" }, { "title": "Turn Around (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)", "text": "replied in a similar manner, adding: \"MTV Dance is a niche channel and its main audience being 16 – 34 year olds\". In both cases, Ofcom concluded that the music video was in breach of Rule 1.3 of their Broadcasting Code, which says: \"Children must also be protected by appropriate scheduling from material that is unsuitable for them.\" Source: Turn Around (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) \"Turn Around (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)\" is a song by American rapper Flo Rida from his third studio album, \"Only One Flo (Part 1)\". It was released as the second single on 8", "psg_id": "15058562" }, { "title": "Astro pop (cocktail)", "text": "Leaf Brands. An astro pop may be served as a cocktail, mixed drink or shooter. Several recipes exist. Alcoholic beverages used in the drink's preparation can include vodka, raspberry vodka, blueberry vodka, Prosecco (an Italian sparkling white wine), blue curaçao liqueur, Crème de banane and melon liqueur. Drink mixers used in its preparation can include sweet and sour mix, simple syrup and grenadine. Additional ingredients and garnishes can include sugar, raspberries, lemon juice and lemon. A cocktail spoon is sometimes used to aid in layer separation when preparing the drink, in which various beverages are slowly poured over the back", "psg_id": "17977219" }, { "title": "Sour (cocktail)", "text": "weekend) in mid-February, and Chile has Pisco Day in mid-May. The whiskey sour is a mixed drink containing bourbon whiskey, lemon juice, sugar, and optionally a dash of egg white to make it a Boston Sour. It is shaken and served either straight or over ice. The traditional garnish is half an orange slice and a maraschino cherry. A notable variant of the whiskey sour is the Ward 8, which often is based with either bourbon or rye whiskey, both lemon and orange juices, and grenadine syrup as the sweetener. The egg white sometimes employed in other whiskey sours is", "psg_id": "4364160" }, { "title": "1/2 − 1/4 + 1/8 − 1/16 + ⋯", "text": "repeated R: In terms of the Hackenbush game structure, this equation means that the board depicted on the right has a value of 0; whichever player moves second has a winning strategy. 1/2 − 1/4 + 1/8 − 1/16 + ⋯ In mathematics, the infinite series is a simple example of an alternating series that converges absolutely. It is a geometric series whose first term is and whose common ratio is −, so its sum is A slight rearrangement of the series reads The series has the form of a positive integer plus a series containing every negative power of", "psg_id": "9851648" }, { "title": "1/2 − 1/4 + 1/8 − 1/16 + ⋯", "text": "1/2 − 1/4 + 1/8 − 1/16 + ⋯ In mathematics, the infinite series is a simple example of an alternating series that converges absolutely. It is a geometric series whose first term is and whose common ratio is −, so its sum is A slight rearrangement of the series reads The series has the form of a positive integer plus a series containing every negative power of two with either a positive or negative sign, so it can be translated into the infinite blue-red Hackenbush string that represents the surreal number : A slightly simpler Hackenbush string eliminates the", "psg_id": "9851647" }, { "title": "Pink Gin", "text": "Cedric Charles Dickens (great-grandson of Charles Dickens) records in \"Drinking With Dickens\" that a 'Burnt Pink Gin' consists of 1 tsp Angostura burnt by heating over a flame and then poured into \"a large tot dry gin\". Pink Gin Pink Gin or Pink Plymouth is a cocktail made fashionable in England in the mid-19th century, consisting of Plymouth gin and a dash of Angostura bitters, a dark red bitters that makes the whole drink pinkish. Lemon rind is also commonly used as a garnish, with the citrus oils subtly complementing the flavour. Pink gin is widely thought to have been", "psg_id": "2374223" }, { "title": "5-1-1", "text": "established the operational and business rules of the Pound SAFE program were adopted by the FHWA as the initial guidelines of what later become 5-1-1. As of March 2001, at least 300 telephone numbers existed for travel information systems in the United States. To overcome the confusion caused by this array of numbers, the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) petitioned the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for a national assignment of a single three-digit N11 dialing code. On July 21, 2000, the FCC assigned 511 as a nationwide telephone number for intelligent transportation system (ITS) traveler information, along with 2-1-1", "psg_id": "2888841" }, { "title": "5-1-1", "text": "service on February 4, 2013. Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario,Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and the Yukon Territory each have 5-1-1 systems. Most provinces and territories without 5-1-1 systems have other road information hotlines, accessible by dialing various phone numbers. 5-1-1 5-1-1 is a transportation and traffic information telephone hotline in some regions of the United States and Canada. Travelers can dial the three-digit telephone number on landlines and most mobile phones. The number has also extended to be the default name of many state and provincial transportation department road conditions Web sites, such as Wisconsin's site. It is", "psg_id": "2888857" }, { "title": "Jack Rose (cocktail)", "text": "After visiting numerous bars, they were unsuccessful in finding one where the bartender knew the drink and the bar stocked applejack. Ultimately they bought a bottle of applejack for one of the few bartenders they encountered who knew how to make one. With the craft cocktail movement on the rise, the Jack Rose has regained some popularity. Laird & Company, producers of the most widely available brands of applejack in the United States, have said sales are up in part due to renewed interest in the cocktail. Jack Rose (cocktail) A Jack Rose is a cocktail containing applejack, grenadine, and", "psg_id": "8807655" }, { "title": "1, 2, 3, 4 (Plain White T's song)", "text": "1, 2, 3, 4 (Plain White T's song) \"1, 2, 3, 4\" (sometimes subtitled \"I Love You\") is the second single from the Plain White T's second worldwide album, \"Big Bad World\". It reached #34 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in April 2009 and was certified Platinum in June 2011, having sold over 1 million digital copies. The record has since gone 2X Platinum. The song was used in episode 16 of \"90210\" 's first season and a promo for February movies on Hub Network. Since its release in December 2008, the song has been compared to the band's", "psg_id": "12982349" }, { "title": "1, 2, 3, 4 (Plain White T's song)", "text": "added online allowing viewers to personalize the video by incorporating their own pictures. 1, 2, 3, 4 (Plain White T's song) \"1, 2, 3, 4\" (sometimes subtitled \"I Love You\") is the second single from the Plain White T's second worldwide album, \"Big Bad World\". It reached #34 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in April 2009 and was certified Platinum in June 2011, having sold over 1 million digital copies. The record has since gone 2X Platinum. The song was used in episode 16 of \"90210\" 's first season and a promo for February movies on Hub Network. Since", "psg_id": "12982352" }, { "title": "Bramble (cocktail)", "text": "Bramble (cocktail) The Bramble is a cocktail created by Dick Bradsell in 1980s London, England. Best described as a spring cocktail, the Bramble brings together dry gin, lemon juice, sugar syrup, crème de mûre, and crushed ice. Bradsell also suggests finishing off the cocktail with some fresh red fruits (such as blackberries, cranberries) and a slice of lemon. It closely resembles the popular Gin Fix. The Bramble was created in London, in 1984, by Dick Bradsell. At the time, Bradsell worked at a bar in Soho called Fred's Club, and he wanted to create a British cocktail. Memories of going", "psg_id": "18544862" }, { "title": "Gimlet (cocktail)", "text": "fruit have been used by the Royal Navy for the prevention of scurvy since the mid-18th century.) However, neither his obituary notice in the BMJ, \"The Times\" (6 October 1943) nor his entry in \"Who Was Who 1941–1950\" mention this association. Gimlet (cocktail) The gimlet (pronounced with a hard 'g') is a cocktail typically made of 2 part gin, 1 part lime juice, and soda. A 1928 description of the drink was: \"gin, a spot of lime, and soda\". The description in the 1953 Raymond Chandler novel \"The Long Goodbye\" stated that \"a real gimlet is half gin and half", "psg_id": "6161133" }, { "title": "Zombie (cocktail)", "text": "Catering Industry Employee (CIE) journal: \"Juice of 1 lime, unsweetened pineapple juice, bitters, 1 ounce heavily bodied rum, 2 ounces of Gold Label rum, 1 ounce of White Label rum, 1 ounce of apricot-flavored brandy, 1 ounce of papaya juice\" Zombie (cocktail) The Zombie is a cocktail made of fruit juices, liqueurs, and various rums. It first appeared in late 1934, invented by Donn Beach of Hollywood's \"Don the Beachcomber\" restaurant. It was popularized soon afterwards at the 1939 New York World's Fair. Legend has it that Donn Beach originally concocted the Zombie to help a hung-over customer get through", "psg_id": "1491647" }, { "title": "Bramble (cocktail)", "text": "blackberrying in his childhood on the Isle of Wight provided the inspiration for the Bramble. The name of the drink comes from the fact that blackberry bushes are called brambles. Bramble (cocktail) The Bramble is a cocktail created by Dick Bradsell in 1980s London, England. Best described as a spring cocktail, the Bramble brings together dry gin, lemon juice, sugar syrup, crème de mûre, and crushed ice. Bradsell also suggests finishing off the cocktail with some fresh red fruits (such as blackberries, cranberries) and a slice of lemon. It closely resembles the popular Gin Fix. The Bramble was created in", "psg_id": "18544863" }, { "title": "2-1-1", "text": "by dialing 2-1-1 in order to place a long-distance call. The North American Numbering Plan later designated \"00\" for long distance operator access. United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta was the first to introduce a 2-1-1 service in 1997. Many states began implementation plans soon after, aided by the United Way of America in partnership with the Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (AIRS). On July 20, 2000, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved 2-1-1 for nationwide use as a short number in the United States along with 5-1-1. In Texas, particularly in the Coastal Bend area, 2-1-1 is also the", "psg_id": "2020217" }, { "title": "Clover Club Cocktail", "text": "South Broad Street. The Clover Club itself dates to 1896, as seen in the 1897 book, \"The Clover Club of Philadelphia\", page 172 by Mary R. Deacon. Brooklyn's Clover Club restaurant claims that the Philadelphia men's club dates to 1882 and lasted until \"the 1920s.\" Published recipes for the Clover Club drink appear as early as 1917: \"The Ideal Bartender\" (1917) by Thomas Bullock, page 27: \"Fill large Bar glass full Fine Ice. 2 pony Raspberry Syrup. 2 jigger Dry Gin. 1 jigger French Vermouth. White of 1 Egg. Shake well; strain into Cocktail glass and serve.\" \"Mrs. Norton's Cook-book:", "psg_id": "14034342" }, { "title": "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1", "text": "turntables, kicked in. Mark Deming at AllMusic wrote: \"It's remarkably listenable and catchy, offering up one passionate anthem after another. The band's politics are both well considered and unapologetically upfront throughout... \"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1\" was [Midnight Oil's] first undeniably great album and still ranks with their very best.\" Midnight Oil Additional personnel 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 is the fourth studio album by Midnight Oil that was released on vinyl in 1982 under the Columbia Records label. It", "psg_id": "1325883" }, { "title": "1 − 2 + 3 − 4 + ⋯", "text": "1 − 2 + 3 − 4 + ⋯ In mathematics, 1 − 2 + 3 − 4 + ··· is the infinite series whose terms are the successive positive integers, given alternating signs. Using sigma summation notation the sum of the first \"m\" terms of the series can be expressed as The infinite series diverges, meaning that its sequence of partial sums, , does not tend towards any finite limit. Nonetheless, in the mid-18th century, Leonhard Euler wrote what he admitted to be a paradoxical equation: A rigorous explanation of this equation would not arrive until much later. Starting", "psg_id": "9777468" }, { "title": "2010 Winter Paralympics cross-country skiing men's 1 × 4 km and 2 × 5 km Relay", "text": "2010 Winter Paralympics cross-country skiing men's 1 × 4 km and 2 × 5 km Relay The Men's 1 × 4 km + 2 × 5 km relay cross-country skiing competition of the Vancouver 2010 Paralympics was held at Whistler Olympic Park in Whistler, British Columbia. The competition was held on Thursday, March 20. It was the first time a Men's 1 × 4 km + 2 × 5 km Relay was held at the Paralympics, although a men's 1 × 3.75 km + 2 × 5 km relay had been held in Torino 2006, and a men's 1 ×", "psg_id": "14388744" }, { "title": "Cape Codder (cocktail)", "text": "Cape Codder (cocktail) The Cape Cod or Cape Codder is a type of cocktail made with only fruit juice and spirits. The name refers to Cape Cod, Massachusetts, a peninsula and popular tourist destination located in the eastern United States which is famous for growing cranberries. A Cape Cod is made with vodka and cranberry juice, and may be garnished with a lime wedge. Proportions vary, with sources giving a recommended vodka-to-juice ratio of 1/4, 1/3.7, 1/2 and 1/1.5, while other sources do not recommend precise proportions. Some sources recommend lime juice instead of a lime wedge garnish. The Cape", "psg_id": "11893691" }, { "title": "Horsefeather (cocktail)", "text": "Horsefeather (cocktail) A Horsefeather is a whiskey cocktail. It was invented in Lawrence, Kansas in the 1990s. It remains a regional drink in the Kansas City region. The drink is an iteration of the classic cocktail Horse's Neck and is similar to a Moscow Mule. A horsefeather is traditionally rye whiskey or blended whiskey, ginger beer, three dashes of Angostura bitters, and a little lemon juice. A highball glass is filled 3/4 with ice. The ingredients are then poured into the glass and stirred. There are many variations such as substituting ginger beer with ginger ale, adding cherries, muddling the", "psg_id": "20643846" }, { "title": "Bee's Knees (cocktail)", "text": "don't normally like gin. Bee's Knees (cocktail) A Bees Knees (or Bee's Knees) is a Prohibition Era cocktail made with Gin, fresh lemon juice, and honey. It is served shaken and chilled, often with a lemon twist. The name comes from prohibition-era slang meaning \"the best.\" Like many prohibition-era cocktails, the Bee's Knees was invented as a way to hide the scent and flavor of poor quality homemade spirits, in this case bathtub gin. The addition of honey was considered bizarre by some at the time, since sugar is more usual. The honey sweetens the drink, and may make it", "psg_id": "19711930" }, { "title": "Sour (cocktail)", "text": "claims the White Lady (gin, Cointreau, fresh lemon juice). The recipe appears in his \"Savoy Cocktail Book\", published in 1930. Joe Gilmore, former Head Barman at The Savoy, says this was one of Laurel and Hardy's favorite drinks. In John le Carré's 1965 novel \"The Looking Glass War\", British spy and main protagonist Fred Leiser's favorite drink is a White Lady, and he makes several attempts to get other agents to try the cocktail. In Dorothy Sayers' mystery novel \"Have His Carcase\" Lord Peter has a White Lady when he hears about his \"Lady\" Miss Harriet Vane being in trouble", "psg_id": "4364158" }, { "title": "Last Word (cocktail)", "text": "cocktail have sprung up, which usually replace the gin with another base liquor and sometimes switch the limes for lemons. A particularly well-known variation is the \"Final Ward\", created by the New York bartender Phil Ward, who replaced the gin with rye whiskey and the lime juice with lemon juice. The first publication in which the Last Word appeared was Ted Saucier's 1951 cocktail book \"Bottoms Up!\". In it Saucier states that the cocktail was first served around 30 years earlier at the Detroit Athletic Club and later introduced in New York by Frank Fogarty. Since this dates the creation", "psg_id": "13133244" }, { "title": "John Collins (cocktail)", "text": "John Collins (cocktail) A John Collins is a cocktail which was attested to in 1869, but may be older. It is believed to have originated with a headwaiter of that name who worked at Limmer's Old House in Conduit Street in Mayfair, which was a popular London hotel and coffee house around 1790–1817. The John Collins is a Collins cocktail made from Bourbon whiskey or London dry gin, lemon juice, sugar and carbonated water. A recipe for a John Collins is featured in the \"Steward and Barkeeper's Manual\" of 1869: <poem>Teaspoonful of powdered sugar The juice of half a lemon", "psg_id": "18928777" }, { "title": "5-1-1", "text": "to proceed. In May 2008, an article in \"ComputerWorld Canada\" claimed that the 5-1-1 initiative \"appears to have lost momentum\". British Columbia began loose implementation of 5-1-1 service in late 2009/early 2010. This replaced the interim mobile service provided by *4997 (*HWYS) which had been in place on Rogers, Telus Mobility and Bell Mobility. BC 5-1-1 service is available to Telus, Telus Mobility and Telus MiKE clients at this time. Full service NOT utilizing 5-1-1 is available via DriveBC (a government website/phone line) at or by phone across North America at 1-800-550-4997 (HWYS). Alberta unveiled its 5-1-1 road report", "psg_id": "2888856" }, { "title": "Sour (cocktail)", "text": "again. The classic Pisco Sour recipe contains [pisco] brandy (usually an un-aged grape brandy from Perú), fresh lime juice, fresh lemon juice, simple syrup, egg white, and bitters. It is shaken, strained, and served straight in a cocktail glass then garnished with the bitters (cinnamon can be used). The addition of egg white creates a foamy head when shaken before serving. While pisco sour is flavoured with key lime by default, pisco is combined with other fruit to create mango sour, maracuya (passion fruit) sour, lucuma sour and so forth. Peru has a National Pisco Sour Day (which lasts a", "psg_id": "4364159" }, { "title": "WNP-1 and WNP-4", "text": "WNP-1 and WNP-4 Washington Nuclear Project Nos. 1 and 4, abbreviated as WNP-1 and WNP-4 were two of the five nuclear power plants on which construction was started by the Washington Public Power Supply System (WPPSS) in order to meet projected electricity demand in the Pacific Northwest. WNP-1, WNP-2 and WNP-3 were part of the original 1968 plan, with WNP-4 (a twin to WNP-1 and located at the same site) and WNP-5 (a twin to WNP-3, in similar fashion) added in the early 1970s. WNP-1 and -4 are located on , within the boundaries of the Hanford Reservation in the", "psg_id": "13154973" }, { "title": "Aviation American Gin", "text": "partnership in the United States. Over 30 different recipes were tried before settling on the recipe replicated today. The gin was then named after the well-known pre-Prohibition cocktail, The Aviation. The Aviation cocktail was created in the early 1900s by well-known bartender Hugo Ensslin. The classic Aviation cocktail is made with gin, maraschino liqueur, crème de violette, and lemon juice. House Spirits Distillery sold the Aviation American Gin brand to New York-based distributor Davos Brands, LLC, in 2016, but as of early 2018 it continues to be distilled in Portland, by House Spirits. As of late 2016, Aviation Gin accounted", "psg_id": "17744194" }, { "title": "1 − 2 + 3 − 4 + ⋯", "text": "if one counts the empty partial sum—and thereby establishing the countability of the set formula_3 of integers. The sequence of partial sums clearly shows that the series does not converge to a particular number (for any proposed limit \"x\", we can find a point beyond which the subsequent partial sums are all outside the interval [\"x\"−1, \"x\"+1]), so diverges. Since the terms 1, −2, 3, −4, 5, −6, ... follow a simple pattern, the series can be manipulated by shifting and term-by-term addition to yield a numerical value. If it can make sense to write for some ordinary number \"s\",", "psg_id": "9777471" }, { "title": "Grenadine", "text": "blackcurrant juice and other fruit juices with the blackcurrant flavor dominating. To reduce production costs, manufacturers have widely replaced fruit bases with artificial ingredients. The Mott's brand \"Rose's\" is by far the most common brand of grenadine sold in the United States, and is formulated from (in order of concentration): high fructose corn syrup, water, citric acid, sodium citrate, sodium benzoate, FD&C Red #40, natural and artificial flavours and FD&C Blue #1. In Australia Grenadine has been replaced with Raspberry cordial in most bars, clubs and taverns. In Europe, Bols still manufactures grenadine with pomegranate. Grenadine is commonly used to", "psg_id": "799524" }, { "title": "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1", "text": "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 is the fourth studio album by Midnight Oil that was released on vinyl in 1982 under the Columbia Records label. It peaked at No. 3 on the Australian Kent Music Report Albums Chart and remained on the chart for 171 weeks. In October 2010, the album was listed in the top 30 in the book, \"100 Best Australian Albums\" with 1987's \"Diesel and Dust\" at No. 1. In July 2011, the album was listed in Triple J Hottest 100 Australian", "psg_id": "1325881" }, { "title": "5-1-1", "text": "5-1-1 5-1-1 is a transportation and traffic information telephone hotline in some regions of the United States and Canada. Travelers can dial the three-digit telephone number on landlines and most mobile phones. The number has also extended to be the default name of many state and provincial transportation department road conditions Web sites, such as Wisconsin's site. It is an example of an N11 code, part of the North American Numbering Plan. 5-1-1 services in the United States are organized by state or region. Some 5-1-1 services are limited to information for drivers regarding road conditions and traffic. Other services", "psg_id": "2888839" }, { "title": "4-1-1", "text": "4-1-1 4-1-1 is the telephone number for local directory assistance in the United States and Canada. 4-1-1 is also commonly referred to as \"D.A.\", \"Directory Assistance\", or \"Information\". Approximately 6 billion calls are made to 4-1-1 within the United States every year. 4-1-1 has been used since at least 1930 in New York City, San Francisco, and other large cities where panel and crossbar switching equipment installed by the Bell System was prevalent. However, in smaller Bell System cities and almost all areas served by GTE and other companies where step-by-step equipment was the norm such as Los Angeles, 1-1-3", "psg_id": "2019858" }, { "title": "4-1-1", "text": "There was no ambiguity, because the initial assignment of area codes always used either a \"0\" or a \"1\" as the second digit, and the second digit of local numbers was never a \"0\" or a \"1\" because of the use of two-letter plus 5-digit local numbering, with the letters only on digits 2-9 of the dial. Areas with step-by-step equipment processed the call one digit at a time as dialed by the caller, and thus needed a common prefix to distinguish long-distance dialing from local calls. The Bell System design choice was \"1\", but since \"1-1-3\" was in use", "psg_id": "2019864" }, { "title": "1-2-3-4 (Ray Drummond album)", "text": "of \"1-2-3-4\" is unnecessary; it should simply be listened to and enjoyed\". All compositions by Ray Drummond except where noted 1-2-3-4 (Ray Drummond album) 1-2-3-4 is an album by bassist Ray Drummond which was recorded in 1997 and released on the Arabesque label in 1999. The AllMusic review by Michael G. Nastos said \" Drummond's made yet another very fine recording -- what a great treasure jazz has in this bassist, composer, and bandleader. Easily recommended to all lovers of the modern mainstream and jazz in general\". All About Jazz said \"\"1-2-3-4\" was created, performed, and recorded by a singularly", "psg_id": "20712616" }, { "title": "4-1-1", "text": "their information disclosed for print, online directories, lists, or telemarketing firms. The service will allow any landline or wireless phone user to call 4-1-1 and be connected to the wireless listing of a person who has chosen to participate in the service. Carriers who make up the industry LLC creating the service include Alltel (now absorbed by Verizon Wireless), AT&T, Sprint Nextel and T-Mobile. 4-1-1 4-1-1 is the telephone number for local directory assistance in the United States and Canada. 4-1-1 is also commonly referred to as \"D.A.\", \"Directory Assistance\", or \"Information\". Approximately 6 billion calls are made to 4-1-1", "psg_id": "2019869" }, { "title": "Jif (lemon juice)", "text": "the pancakes on Jif Lemon Day\". Jif is prepared from reconstituted lemon concentrate and water as primary ingredients, and is formulated to be the same strength as natural lemons. The concentrate is reconstituted using water. The product contains the food preservative E223 (sodium metabisulphite). Jif has a shelf life of six months. Two tablespoons is the equivalent of the juice of one lemon. A 5 ml serving size of Jif provides 1 kcal (kilocalorie) of energy and 0.1 grams of carbohydrate. Jif is used as an ingredient and flavourant in dishes and foods, and as a condiment, such as on", "psg_id": "3746134" }, { "title": "1-phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase", "text": "1-phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase In enzymology, 1-phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase () is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction Thus, the two substrates of this enzyme are ATP and 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate, whereas its two products are ADP and 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate. This enzyme belongs to the family of transferases, specifically those transferring phosphorus-containing groups (phosphotransferases) with an alcohol group as acceptor. The systematic name of this enzyme class is ATP:1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol-4-phosphate 5-phosphotransferase. Other names in common use include diphosphoinositide kinase, PIP kinase, phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate kinase, phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, and type I PIP kinase. This enzyme participates in 3 metabolic pathways: inositol phosphate metabolism, phosphatidylinositol signaling system, and", "psg_id": "11293458" }, { "title": "4, 3, 2, 1 (k-os song)", "text": "4, 3, 2, 1 (k-os song) \"4, 3, 2, 1\" is the first single by k-os from the album Yes!. The music video premièred in February 2009. The song samples \"Soul Flower (Remix)\" by The Pharcyde. The lyrics of \"4, 3, 2, 1\" question the presence of conflict in the world (\"What we fighting for/I don't know what for\"). In the first verse, k-os states that he thought [the world] would stay real, but that people \"sold their souls for the golden goose\" and changed in order to become successful. However, he states that \"the truth is as long as", "psg_id": "13155240" }, { "title": "Vennela 1 1/2", "text": "the film. Vennela 1 1/2 is one of the worst comedy films of recent times.\" IBN Live stated \"After watching the trailers, most of us did not expect anything more from Vennela 1 1/2 than low brow comedy. What came as a surprise was that the film did not pack a sensible story that might have made us sit through the haranguing second half.\" The Times Of India gave a review stating \"The performances vary from loony to queer. It would be unfair to call it acting. What the characters just indulge in is absolute tom-foolery of degenerated variety. Chaitanya", "psg_id": "16793574" }, { "title": "1 − 2 + 4 − 8 + ⋯", "text": "a convergent geometric series whose sum is by the usual formula. The Borel sum of is also ; when Émile Borel introduced the limit formulation of Borel summation in 1896, this was one of his first examples after 1 − 1 + 1 − 1 + ⋯ 1 − 2 + 4 − 8 + ⋯ In mathematics, is the infinite series whose terms are the successive powers of two with alternating signs. As a geometric series, it is characterized by its first term, 1, and its common ratio, −2. As a series of real numbers it diverges, so in", "psg_id": "9848646" }, { "title": "Greyhound (cocktail)", "text": "Greyhound (cocktail) A greyhound is a cocktail consisting of grapefruit juice and either gin or vodka mixed and served over ice. If the rim of the glass has been salted, the drink is instead called a salty dog. The earliest known mention of a cocktail of this description is in bartender and author Harry Craddock's \"Savoy Cocktail Book\" of 1930. Craddock describes his recipe as \"\"...a variation of the Grapefruit Cocktail...\"\", suggesting that such cocktails were already in common use before his book was written. His recipe consists of nothing but gin, grapefruit juice and ice. A recipe for a", "psg_id": "9689076" }, { "title": "Bee's Knees (cocktail)", "text": "Bee's Knees (cocktail) A Bees Knees (or Bee's Knees) is a Prohibition Era cocktail made with Gin, fresh lemon juice, and honey. It is served shaken and chilled, often with a lemon twist. The name comes from prohibition-era slang meaning \"the best.\" Like many prohibition-era cocktails, the Bee's Knees was invented as a way to hide the scent and flavor of poor quality homemade spirits, in this case bathtub gin. The addition of honey was considered bizarre by some at the time, since sugar is more usual. The honey sweetens the drink, and may make it palatable to people who", "psg_id": "19711929" }, { "title": "4-1-1", "text": "was used until at least the 1960s, and in some cases (the Pacific Northwest, for example) until the mid-1980s. Until the early 1980s, 4-1-1 and 1-1-3 calls were free in most states. In the United States and Canada, Directory Assistance was historically a local function, and most companies updated listings at their directory assistance centers almost daily. Callers would dial 4-1-1 or 1-1-3 for fast, efficient, and accurate service. When long-distance numbers were needed, prior to the full introduction of direct-dialed long-distance service, callers would call either 4-1-1 or \"0\" (Operator) and request a free long-distance connection to the directory", "psg_id": "2019859" }, { "title": "1-phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase", "text": "regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. As of late 2007, two structures have been solved for this class of enzymes, with PDB accession codes and . 1-phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase In enzymology, 1-phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase () is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction Thus, the two substrates of this enzyme are ATP and 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate, whereas its two products are ADP and 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate. This enzyme belongs to the family of transferases, specifically those transferring phosphorus-containing groups (phosphotransferases) with an alcohol group as acceptor. The systematic name of this enzyme class is ATP:1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol-4-phosphate 5-phosphotransferase. Other names in common use include diphosphoinositide kinase, PIP", "psg_id": "11293459" }, { "title": "4-1-1", "text": "carriers where the customer does not have a choice of local toll or long distance carriers, all calls may be handled the same way. In North America, all areas formerly using 1-1-3 have been converted to using 4-1-1, and 1-1- is now reserved for vertical service codes. Outside North America, \"1-1-N\" numbers are still in use, for these and other services. In most European countries, \"1-1-N\" numbers are related to emergency services and 112 is the European Unified Emergency Number. 4-1-1 is commonly used in the United States and Canada as a slang word for \"information\" or \"gossip\". In the", "psg_id": "2019862" }, { "title": "Saint Clement's (cocktail)", "text": "carbonated citrus-flavored soft drink (like Sprite, 7-Up, or Fanta Lemon). Saint Clement's (cocktail) The Saint Clement's is a non-alcoholic cocktail. Though the ingredients may vary, it consists of orange juice mixed with bitter lemon, usually in equal proportions; the name of the drink refers to the English nursery rhyme Oranges and Lemons. The drink is therefore named (indirectly) after either St Clement Eastcheap or St Clement Danes, both churches in London. The traditional recipe calls for equal parts orange juice and lemon juice served over ice in a highball glass. There are many variations, in which the lemon juice is", "psg_id": "3769216" }, { "title": "Bronx (cocktail)", "text": "This was the beginning of his addiction to alcohol. It appears in William \"Cocktail\" Boothby's 1908 book The World's Drinks And How To Mix Them as \"Bronx Cocktail, a la Billy Malloy, Pittsburgh, PA. One-third Plymouth gin, one-third French vermouth and one-third Italian vermouth, flavored with two dashes of Orange bitters, about a barspoonful of orange juice and a squeeze of orange peel. Serve very cold.\" Harry Craddock in The Savoy cocktail book mentions three recipes from the Bronx. The Bronx Cocktail is mentioned in the 1934 film \"The Thin Man\" by Nick Charles (played by William Powell). In the", "psg_id": "8777230" }, { "title": "Painkiller (cocktail)", "text": "Painkiller (cocktail) A Painkiller is a rum cocktail trademarked by Pusser's Rum Ltd, their signature drink. It is often associated with Tiki establishments. The Painkiller is a blend of Pusser's rum with 4 parts pineapple juice, 1 part cream of coconut and 1 part orange juice, well shaken and served over the rocks with a generous amount of fresh nutmeg on top. It may be made with either two, three or four ounces of Pusser's dark rum. The original Painkiller was created in the 1970s by Daphne Henderson at the Soggy Dollar Bar at White Bay on the island of", "psg_id": "10491957" }, { "title": "Astor House Hotel (Shanghai)", "text": "drink that caused him to miss many steamships as \"a certain cognac and absinthe concoction known as The Astor House Special, native to Shanghai\". According to Baker, the ingredients for the Astor House Special are: \"1½ oz cognac, 1 tsp maraschino liqueur, 2 tsp egg white, ¾ oz Pernod, ½ tsp lemon juice, and club soda\", however \"the original recipe calls for Absinthe instead of Pernod.\" The Hotel was damaged during the Battle of Shanghai when the Japanese invaded Shanghai in August 1937 at the outset of the Second Sino-Japanese War. After Japanese machine guns were set up outside the", "psg_id": "6454146" }, { "title": "5-1-1", "text": "the Canada 511 Consortium, to help get 5-1-1 service established in Canada. In January 2005, the consortium filed an application to assign the 5-1-1 access code in Canada. It proposed that in addition to traffic, the number would report weather, which also has a major impact on traffic, particularly in a country with such harsh winters. The application was approved by the CRTC in Canada on July 28, 2006. In March 2007, an article in \"Computing Canada\" said it was up to each individual province whether or not to launch a 5-1-1 system, but that not all provinces were eager", "psg_id": "2888855" }, { "title": "2/1 game forcing", "text": "at least four clubs. 1 – 1NT;<br> 2 – 2<br> Shows a weak hand, 5-9 points, with a long diamond suit. 1 – 1NT;<br> 2 – 2<br> Shows a weak hand, 5-9 points, with a long heart suit. 1 – 1NT;<br> 2 – 3<br> Shows a weak hand, 5-9 points, with a long club suit. 1 – 1NT;<br> 2 – 2NT;<br> Shows 10-11 points without support for spades. 1 – 1NT;<br> 2 – 3<br> Shows 10-11 points with 3-card support for spades. 1 – 3<br> Shows 10-11 points with at least 4-card support for spades. 1 – 1NT;<br> 2 –", "psg_id": "964014" }, { "title": "Vennela 1 1/2", "text": "go in for this movie expecting something similar, you will be sorely disappointed. I was a fan of Vennela Kishore the actor. But I am not going to be a fan of Vennela Kishore the director.\" telugu.way2movies.come gave a review stating \"Except for few comedy parts, Vennela 1 ½ has nothing to offer.\" The movie's audio release function was held on 5 February 2012 at Hyderabad. Monal Gajjar, Madhurima, Chaitanya Krishna, Manoj Manchu, Nara Rohit, and V. V. Vinayak graced the event. Vennela 1 1/2 Vennela 1 1/2 () is a 2012 Telugu film directed by Vennela Kishore and produced", "psg_id": "16793576" }, { "title": "2-1-1", "text": "95% of the U.S. population has access to 2-1-1 services by dialing 2-1-1 on a landline or cell phone. In 2017, the 2-1-1 network answered close to 15 million requests for assistance by phone, text, and chat. In Canada, 2-1-1 is available in the following places (starting dates in parentheses). Note that this list may be out-of-date; 2-1-1 service coverage is generally expanding over time. Nova Scotia — 211 Nova Scotia Quebec — 211 Grand Montréal and 211 Québec régions Ontario — 211 Ontario Saskatchewan — 211 Saskatchewan Alberta — 211 Alberta British Columbia — bc211 The \"Windsor Star\" has", "psg_id": "2020222" }, { "title": "2-1-1", "text": "number to call for elderly and handicapped people needing evacuation assistance in the event of a pending disaster such as a hurricane. As of 2017, close to 95% of the population in the U.S. (including Puerto Rico and Washington, DC) has access to 2-1-1 services. More than 200 agencies, including United Ways, provide 2-1-1 services. The largest population without access to 2-1-1 is the metro-Chicago area. In 2017, the 2-1-1 network in the U.S. answered close to 15 million requests for assistance through phone, text, and web chat. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) approved the use of 2-1-1", "psg_id": "2020218" }, { "title": "2-1-1", "text": "throughout Canada on August 9, 2001. The first Canadian 2-1-1 service opened in Toronto on June 13, 2002. 2-1-1 services are free of charge and multilingual in Canada. It is also available in the Greater Montreal 2-1-1 center hours vary. Many are open 24/7 to refer callers to organizations that provide services in such areas as: Where available, 2-1-1 is operated by a private non-profit community-service organization, local government or local United Ways, which are part of the broader United Way Worldwide network. 2-1-1 provides information and referral to callers on where to obtain assistance from local and national social", "psg_id": "2020219" }, { "title": "Snowball (cocktail)", "text": "Snowball (cocktail) A Snowball is a mixture of Advocaat and lemonade in approximately equal parts. It may have other ingredients, to taste. It typically contains a squeeze of fresh lime juice, which is shaken with the advocaat before pouring into a glass and topping up with lemonade. If not wanting to make fresh advocaat, which typically consists of 1 egg, 30 ml of simple syrup, and 60 ml of brandy, for the cocktail, then it may be substituted by using a commercial version. In the United Kingdom, it is often sold in both pubs and supermarkets in small bottles of", "psg_id": "15432626" }, { "title": "Snowball (cocktail)", "text": "approximately (known in the pub trade as \"splits\") and is usually drunk as a \"winter warmer\". Snowball (cocktail) A Snowball is a mixture of Advocaat and lemonade in approximately equal parts. It may have other ingredients, to taste. It typically contains a squeeze of fresh lime juice, which is shaken with the advocaat before pouring into a glass and topping up with lemonade. If not wanting to make fresh advocaat, which typically consists of 1 egg, 30 ml of simple syrup, and 60 ml of brandy, for the cocktail, then it may be substituted by using a commercial version. In", "psg_id": "15432627" }, { "title": "1-2-3-4 (Ray Drummond album)", "text": "1-2-3-4 (Ray Drummond album) 1-2-3-4 is an album by bassist Ray Drummond which was recorded in 1997 and released on the Arabesque label in 1999. The AllMusic review by Michael G. Nastos said \" Drummond's made yet another very fine recording -- what a great treasure jazz has in this bassist, composer, and bandleader. Easily recommended to all lovers of the modern mainstream and jazz in general\". All About Jazz said \"\"1-2-3-4\" was created, performed, and recorded by a singularly intuitive group of musicians under the guidance of a legitimate mainstay in the modern jazz tradition. An in-depth critical analysis", "psg_id": "20712615" }, { "title": "1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + ⋯", "text": "that and , but the underlying proofs demand careful thinking about the interpretation of endless sums. It is also possible to view this series as convergent in a number system different from the real numbers, namely, the 2-adic numbers. As a series of 2-adic numbers this series converges to the same sum, −1, as was derived above by analytic continuation. 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + ⋯ In mathematics, is the infinite series whose terms are the successive powers of two. As a geometric series, it is characterized by its first term, 1, and its common ratio, 2.", "psg_id": "9733656" }, { "title": "Turn Around (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)", "text": "A sequel to \"Turn Around (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)\" called \"Turn Around, Pt. 2\" with Pitbull's vocals, was released on iTunes on May 17, 2011. It was used in the end credits of \"The Hangover Part II\". In the United Kingdom, broadcasting regulator Ofcom received three viewer complaints after the video was broadcast on British music channel 4Music at approximately 1400 and 1800 UTC during December 2010 - January 2011, long before the 2100 watershed, \"at the time when children are most likely to watch TV\". The complainants claimed the video consisted of \"extreme crudeness and filth\" in a", "psg_id": "15058558" }, { "title": "Fizz (cocktail)", "text": "early as 1950, as evidenced by its inclusion in the French cookbook \"L'Art Culinaire Francais\" published that year. A gin fizz is the best-known cocktail in the fizz family. A gin fizz contains gin, lemon juice, and sugar, which are shaken with ice, poured into a tumbler and topped with carbonated water. The drink is similar to a Tom Collins, with a possible distinction being a Tom Collins historically used \"Old Tom Gin\" (a slightly sweeter precursor to London Dry Gin), whereas the kind of gin historically used in a gin fizz is unknown. Simple variations on the gin fizz", "psg_id": "9675382" } ]
[ "pink lady (disambiguation)", "the pink lady", "pink lady", "pink lady" ]
in the classic 1990 movie home alone, where is the mccallister family headed on vacation when 8 year old kevin is mistakenly left behind?
[ { "title": "Home Alone", "text": "Home Alone Home Alone is a 1990 American Christmas comedy film written and produced by John Hughes and directed by Chris Columbus. The film stars Macaulay Culkin as Kevin McCallister, an 8-year-old boy who is mistakenly left behind when his family flies to Paris for their Christmas vacation. Kevin initially relishes being home alone, but soon has to contend with two burglars, played by Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern. The film also features John Heard and Catherine O'Hara as Kevin's parents. Culkin was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Musical or Comedy, and the film was", "psg_id": "1702287" } ]
[ { "title": "Home Alone (video game)", "text": "Home Alone (video game) Home Alone is the title of several tie-in video games based on the film of the same name. Versions were released for the Nintendo Entertainment System, Game Boy, Super NES, Master System, Genesis, Game Gear, Amiga and MS-DOS platforms. There are multiple versions of the game and each features a different style of gameplay, but all share the same plot and roughly the same objective: Kevin McCallister is left home alone when his family goes on vacation. He must prevent Harry and Marv, the \"Wet Bandits\", from burglarizing his home, using various household objects as traps", "psg_id": "9435034" }, { "title": "Kevin McCallister", "text": "Best Young Actor Starring in a Motion Picture for his role as Kevin McCallister. Kevin McCallister appears in one of the series of the online series \"DRYVRS\", and tells about his experience of the child, forgotten at home by his parents. In response to the video of that online series, on the site \" Reddit \", robber Marv, pondered his partner Harry and promises to return to help him defend himself against Kevin’s insidious traps. Kevin McCallister Kevin McCallister is the main protagonist of the films \"Home Alone\", \"\", and \"\" in the \"Home Alone\" franchise. Kevin is played by", "psg_id": "8366035" }, { "title": "Home Alone (franchise)", "text": "Home Alone (franchise) Home Alone (stylized as HOME⌂ALONe) is a series of Christmas family comedy films originally created by John Hughes, and directed by Chris Columbus (1 & 2), Raja Gosnell (3), Rod Daniel (4) and Peter Hewitt (5). The films revolve around the adventures surrounding children who find themselves alone during the holiday season and are faced with the challenge of defending their family's house or themselves from invading burglars and criminals. \"Home Alone\" is primarily a coming-of-age story about an 8-year-old boy named Kevin McCallister. He is the youngest of five children who is frequently tormented by his", "psg_id": "12128745" }, { "title": "Home Alone (franchise)", "text": "with Wolves and Dick Tracy respectively. Macaulay Culkin's performance garnered him a Golden Globe Award nomination for Best Actor – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy, but lost to Gérard Depardieu for his performance in \"Green Card\". Set one year after the first film, Kevin McCallister (Macaulay Culkin) loses track of his family at the airport to which he mistakenly gets on a plane headed for New York City while the rest of the McCallisters fly to Florida. Now alone in one of the largest cities in the world, Kevin cons his way into a room at the Plaza Hotel and", "psg_id": "12128748" }, { "title": "Kevin McCallister", "text": "house, ending the film. The McCallister family prepares to spend Christmas in Miami. Kevin McCallister's main problem is the lack of Christmas trees in Florida. During the school Christmas concert, Kevin's older brother Buzz humiliates him during his solo, causing Kevin to retaliate and ruin the show. Though Buzz apologizes to the family and Kevin himself, Kevin refuses to apologize for his actions, and, still angry with the family's decision to go to Miami, he storms up to the third floor bedroom of the house, wishing that he had his own money so he could go on his own vacation", "psg_id": "8366015" }, { "title": "Home Alone", "text": "ABC Family's 25 Days of Christmas programming event. In December 2015, Culkin reprised his role as an adult Kevin McCallister in the inaugural episode of the Jack Dishel web series, \"DRYVRS\", where a visibly disturbed Kevin recounts his experience of being left home alone by his family. In response to Culkin's video, Daniel Stern appeared in a short video reprising his role as Marv, released in conjunction with Stern's Reddit AMA, where he pleads for Harry to return to help protect him against Kevin's cunning traps. On December 15 of 2018, Culkin made a guest appearance as himself in Episode", "psg_id": "1702313" }, { "title": "Home Alone 4: Taking Back the House", "text": "Home Alone 4: Taking Back the House Home Alone 4: Taking Back the House (also called Home Alone: Taking Back the House or simply known as Home Alone 4) is a 2002 American made-for-television Christmas family comedy film directed by Rod Daniel, which first aired on ABC on November 3, 2002, followed by a DVD release on September 2, 2003. It is the fourth installment in the \"Home Alone\" series. The film brings back several of the main characters from the first two films including Kevin McCallister, but with all of the roles played by different actors. The plot revolves", "psg_id": "17919130" }, { "title": "Home Is Where the Music Is", "text": "Home Is Where the Music Is Home Is Where the Music Is is a 1972 jazz and Afrobeat double LP by Hugh Masekela issued by the joint American label Chisa/Blue Thumb Records. The album was included in the book \"1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die\". Thom Jurek of Allmusic stated \"Home Is Where the Music Is, is a stone spiritual soul-jazz classic, that melds the sound of numerous emerging jazz schools in its pursuit of musical excellence; it succeeds on all counts and is one of the greatest recordings in Hugh Masekela's long career. In a year full", "psg_id": "17507917" }, { "title": "Home Alone (video game)", "text": "fear of the basement furnace). The game also alludes to there being more members to the Wet Bandits than just Marv and Harry. Home Alone (video game) Home Alone is the title of several tie-in video games based on the film of the same name. Versions were released for the Nintendo Entertainment System, Game Boy, Super NES, Master System, Genesis, Game Gear, Amiga and MS-DOS platforms. There are multiple versions of the game and each features a different style of gameplay, but all share the same plot and roughly the same objective: Kevin McCallister is left home alone when his", "psg_id": "9435047" }, { "title": "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York", "text": "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Home Alone 2: Lost in New York is a 1992 American Christmas comedy film written and produced by John Hughes and directed by Chris Columbus. It is the second film in the \"Home Alone\" series and the sequel to \"Home Alone\". Macaulay Culkin reprises his role as Kevin McCallister, while Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern reprise their roles as the Wet Bandits, now known as the Sticky Bandits. Catherine O'Hara, John Heard, Rob Schneider, Tim Curry, and Brenda Fricker are also featured. Kevin and his family decide to take a trip to Florida,", "psg_id": "2014128" }, { "title": "Home Alone 3", "text": "Home Alone 3 Home Alone 3 (stylized as HOME⌂ALONe3) is a 1997 American family comedy film written and produced by John Hughes. It is the third film in the \"Home Alone\" series and the first not to feature actor Macaulay Culkin and the cast from the previous films (1990, 1992), director Chris Columbus, and composer John Williams. The film is directed by Raja Gosnell (in his directorial debut), who served as the editor of both original films and stars Alex D. Linz as Alex Pruitt, an 8-year-old resourceful boy who is left home alone and has to defend his home", "psg_id": "3217601" }, { "title": "Home Alone: The Holiday Heist", "text": "Home Alone: The Holiday Heist Home Alone: The Holiday Heist (also known as Home Alone 5) is a 2012 American comedy television film and the fifth and final installment in the \"Home Alone\" franchise. It stars Christian Martyn, Jodelle Ferland, Malcolm McDowell, Debi Mazar, Eddie Steeples. The film premiered on ABC Family on November 25, 2012, during the network's annual \"Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas\" programming block. It is the second film, after \"Home Alone 3\", not to focus on the McCallister family. There are numerous homages to the previous movies throughout the film. The Baxter family move from", "psg_id": "17919202" }, { "title": "Home Is Where the Van Is", "text": "Home Is Where the Van Is Home Is Where the Van Is, an album by The Battlefield Band, was released in 1980 on the Temple Records label. The album, the band's U.S. debut, \"continued the Scottish group's affinity for blending modern instrumentation into the country's folk tradition.\" Several songs from the album notably featured band member Ged Foley on the Northumbrian smallpipes. Also appearing on some songs are : The band played the album in its entirety at the 2009 Celtic Connections, as part of the festival's Classic Albums series. The performance featured the line-up who recorded the album in", "psg_id": "8417729" }, { "title": "Home Is Where the Hart Is", "text": "Home Is Where the Hart Is Home Is Where the Hart Is is a 1987 Canadian film, written and directed by Rex Bromfield. It stars Leslie Nielsen, Eric Christmas, and Martin Mull. A cunning nurse and con artist Belle Haimes (Valri Bromfield) lives with her simpleton of a husband Rex Haimes (Stephen E. Miller) in the Hart Mansion in British Columbia. There she takes care of the invalid, 103-year-old Slim Hart, called \"Pappy\", (Joe Austin) and his wife, Minnie (Enid Saunders) who has been in a coma for some time. Waking up one day, nurse Belle doesn't feel very prone", "psg_id": "15119641" }, { "title": "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York", "text": "film is also notable for featuring a cameo from future U.S. President Donald Trump, who had owned the Plaza Hotel at the time of the film's production. A sequel, \"Home Alone 3\", followed five years later in 1997. The McCallister family is preparing to spend Christmas in Miami, gathering at Peter and Kate's home outside of Chicago. Peter and Kate's youngest son, Kevin, sees Florida as contradictory to Christmas, due to the lack of Christmas trees in Florida. Later, at a school Christmas pageant, Kevin's older brother Buzz humiliates him, causing Kevin to retaliate and ruin the pageant. Back home,", "psg_id": "2014130" }, { "title": "Home Is Where the Hart Is", "text": "to go back to her dead end job nursing the old couple. She accidentally overhears the night nurse working at the same mansion (Leslie Jones) reading a postcard from the old couple's two twin boys, Martin Hart (Eric Christmas) and Art Hart (Ted Stidder). The postcard tells that the boys will be returning home to their Pappy soon. With that information in mind, Belle starts planning the demise of the old comatosed Mrs. Hart and the kidnapping of Old Pappy but things don't go quite according to plan. Home Is Where the Hart Is Home Is Where the Hart Is", "psg_id": "15119642" }, { "title": "Left Behind: The Movie", "text": "biblical storyline -- and that was diluted in the first attempt. But Lord willing, we are going to see this thing made into the movie that it should be, and that all the world sees it before the real Rapture comes. As of October 1, 2010, the rights to the \"Left Behind\" film series have officially been reclaimed by Cloud Ten Pictures. The series was rebooted with a 2014 film, which has also been poorly received. Left Behind: The Movie Left Behind is a 2000 Canadian-American religious science fiction film directed by Vic Sarin and starring Kirk Cameron, Brad Johnson,", "psg_id": "6909753" }, { "title": "Home Alone", "text": "164 of \"The Angry Video Game Nerd\" to review multiple video game adaptations of the first two \"Home Alone\" films, as well as a gameplay session of \"The Pagemaster\" with James Rolfe and Mike Matei in the days following that episode's release. On December 19 of 2018, Culkin would once again reprise his role as an adult Kevin McCallister in a 60 second advertisement for Google Assistant, titled \"Home Alone Again\"; the commercial contains shot for shot remakes of plentiful scenes from the film, and Google Assistant helps Kevin set up the house to look active by remotely turning on", "psg_id": "1702314" }, { "title": "Home Alone", "text": "lights, devices such as an electronic toy train set, and setting up cutouts of people, including basketball player Kevin Durant, in order to have thieves parked in a van outside (presumably Harry and Marv) steer clear of the house. \"Home Alone\" () was novelized by Todd Strasser and published by Scholastic in 1990 to coincide with the film. On October 6, 2015, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the movie, an illustrated book by Kim Smith and Quirk Books was released. Home Alone Home Alone is a 1990 American Christmas comedy film written and produced by John Hughes and directed", "psg_id": "1702315" }, { "title": "Where the Heart Is (1990 film)", "text": "Where the Heart Is (1990 film) Where the Heart Is is a 1990 American romantic comedy film directed by John Boorman, and starring Dabney Coleman, Uma Thurman, Joanna Cassidy, Crispin Glover, Suzy Amis, and Christopher Plummer. Stewart McBain is a successful self-made demolitions expert who blows up buildings for a living. In the midst of one such project, a group of protesters stops the last building on a lot, the Dutch House, from being demolished. When McBain appears on TV to dismiss the protests, he is made to look foolish. Returning home, his three college-aged children–Daphne, Chloe, and Jimmy–ridicule him", "psg_id": "6186163" }, { "title": "Left Behind: The Movie", "text": "her younger brother. Buck takes a plane to New York with pilot Ken Ritz. Rayford finds Chloe in an elementary school. He suggests they search the church because that is where his wife and son were most happy. Chloe refuses to go to church, saying that her mother was happiest when Ray was home. After Chloe returns home, Rayford goes to New Hope Village Church and finds Pastor Bruce Barnes (Clarence Gilyard). Bruce has also been left behind because he never truly believed in God. A believer at last, he begs for forgiveness and asks God for a second chance", "psg_id": "6909742" }, { "title": "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York", "text": "on Kevin. Kevin bolts into the garage with Marv and Harry in hot pursuit. Harry and Marv end up triggering extra traps that Kevin had set up in the garage. Kevin watches as Marv ends up triggering a trap where a running lawnmower falls on his head (This was a trap featured in \"Home Alone 3\"). A second sequel, \"Home Alone 3\", followed in 1997. Two additional television movie sequels, \"\" and \"\", would follow in 2002 and 2012, respectively. Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Home Alone 2: Lost in New York is a 1992 American Christmas comedy", "psg_id": "2014146" }, { "title": "Home Alone 4: Taking Back the House", "text": "the McCallisters, and it is a good Christmas for everyone except for Natalie, Marv, Vera, and Molly. The film was released to home video in the USA on 2 September 2003. On March 15, 2012, ABC Family announced that \"\" was in production, which premiered on that network during the 2012 Christmas season. The film stars Christian Martyn as 10-year-old main character Finn Baxter. The story centers on the family's relocation from California to Maine, where Finn becomes convinced that his new house is haunted. When his parents become stranded across town and Finn is left home alone with his", "psg_id": "17919141" }, { "title": "Left Behind: The Movie", "text": "Left Behind: The Movie Left Behind is a 2000 Canadian-American religious science fiction film directed by Vic Sarin and starring Kirk Cameron, Brad Johnson, Gordon Currie, and Clarence Gilyard. The film was based on the best-selling Christian eschatological end-times novel of the same name written by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, adapted for the screen by Alan B. McElroy. The film was released first direct-to-video, followed by a limited theatrical release. At the time of its release, the film was promoted by its creators as the \"biggest and most ambitious Christian film ever made.\" The film received generally negative", "psg_id": "6909736" }, { "title": "Home Alone 4: Taking Back the House", "text": "around Kevin McCallister (Mike Weinberg) trying to defend his future stepmother's house from his old nemesis Marv (French Stewart) and his sidekick/wife Vera (Missi Pyle). At the McCallisters' house, Peter (Jason Beghe) is about to get divorced from Kate (Clare Carey) and announces that he's living with his new and rich girlfriend Natalie (Joanna Going) at her mansion. He tells his three children Buzz (Gideon Jacobs), Megan (Chelsea Russo), and Kevin (Mike Weinberg) that they are hosting the visit of a royal family and invites everyone to spend Christmas with him and Natalie. After initially refusing, Kevin takes his father", "psg_id": "17919131" }, { "title": "Left Behind: The Movie", "text": "2001, Reunion released the second CD, titled \"Left Behind: The Original Motion Picture Score\". The CD featured the orchestral score composed by James Covell, and performed by the London Symphony Orchestra and the Lake Avenue Choir. The CD includes these seventeen tracks: The film received a 16% rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 45 reviews with an average rating of 3.2/10 and a critical consensus of \"Poor production values, slow pacing, and an implausible story makes Left Behind a movie only for the faithful\". The \"Washington Post\" Desson Howe described it as \"a blundering cringefest, thanks to unintentionally laughable dialogue,", "psg_id": "6909750" }, { "title": "Blaine McCallister", "text": "entered his forties, McCallister began to split his playing time between the PGA Tour and the Nationwide Tour. He established the tournament record of 265 at the Northeast Pennsylvania Classic, which is his sole win on the Nationwide Tour. After turning 50 in October 2008, McCallister began playing on the Champions Tour. McCallister is naturally left-handed but plays the game mix-handed; he writes left-handed, strikes the ball right-handed and putts left-handed. He lives in Jacksonville, Florida. PGA Tour playoff record (1–2) CUT = missed the half-way cut<br> \"T\" = tied Blaine McCallister Blaine McCallister (born October 17, 1958) is an", "psg_id": "8235088" }, { "title": "Hari Puttar: A Comedy of Terrors", "text": "Hari Puttar: A Comedy of Terrors Hari Puttar is a 2008 Indian family drama film directed by Lucky Kohli and Rajesh Bajaj. The film features Sarika, Zain Khan, Swini Khara, Saurabh Shukla, Vijay Raaz, Jackie Shroff and Lilette Dubey in lead roles. It released on 26 September 2008. The film is a loose remake of the 1990 classic, \"Home Alone\". The film revolves around a ten-year-old boy, Hari Prasad Dhoonda (nicknamed Hari Puttar), who has recently moved from India to the United Kingdom. Left home alone with his cousin Tuk Tuk (Swini Khara) when his parents go on vacation, Hari", "psg_id": "12090783" }, { "title": "Home Is Where the Van Is", "text": "1980 (Alan Reid, Brian McNeill, Duncan MacGillivray & Ged Foley), playing together with the line-up of 2009 (Alan Reid, Mike Katz, Alasdair White & Sean O'Donnell). Home Is Where the Van Is Home Is Where the Van Is, an album by The Battlefield Band, was released in 1980 on the Temple Records label. The album, the band's U.S. debut, \"continued the Scottish group's affinity for blending modern instrumentation into the country's folk tradition.\" Several songs from the album notably featured band member Ged Foley on the Northumbrian smallpipes. Also appearing on some songs are : The band played the album", "psg_id": "8417730" }, { "title": "Where the Heart Is (1990 film)", "text": "using some of them to model for his show. A stockmarket crash brings McBain to ruin. He desperately attempts to stave off a hostile takeover of his demolition company and fails. He loses his home and becomes destitute. Ultimately, his children take him in and he starts to see the world in a new light. Where the Heart Is (1990 film) Where the Heart Is is a 1990 American romantic comedy film directed by John Boorman, and starring Dabney Coleman, Uma Thurman, Joanna Cassidy, Crispin Glover, Suzy Amis, and Christopher Plummer. Stewart McBain is a successful self-made demolitions expert who", "psg_id": "6186165" }, { "title": "Home Alone", "text": "getting sent to the attic of the house for punishment where he berates Kate and wishes that his family would disappear. During the night, heavy winds cause damage to the power lines, which causes a power outage and resets the alarm clocks, causing the family to oversleep. In the confusion and rush to get to the airport, Kevin is accidentally left behind. Kevin wakes to find the house empty and, thinking his wish has come true, is overjoyed with his newfound freedom. However, he soon becomes frightened by his next door neighbor, Old Man Marley, who is rumored to be", "psg_id": "1702290" }, { "title": "Left Behind: The Movie", "text": "Hagee was also very instrumental in the film's promotion) and T. D. Jakes (who appears in the video that the group watches, telling them what to expect in the post-Rapture world). Notable Christian musicians were also used as extras; Bob Carlisle and Rebecca St. James appeared as news anchors, and the Christian group Jake appeared as police guards towards the end of the movie. Two CDs of music from the film have been released. On October 3, 2000, Reunion Records released \"Left Behind: The Movie Soundtrack\", featuring a collection of songs from and inspired by the film. On February 6,", "psg_id": "6909749" }, { "title": "Home Is Where the Music Is", "text": "of amazing titles, this is still a standout.\" Miles Keylock of Channel 24 wrote \"Recorded at London's Island Studios a matter of months before his own departure to Guinea these 10 tracks (originally a double LP) find Masekela digging deep into his African jazz heritage. Gone are the patented pop jazz covers, replaced by inquisitive Afro-American conversations that range from rhythm 'n bluesy soaked soul jazz extrapolations on fellow exiled composer Caiphus Semenya's \"The Big Apple\" to freewheeling Cape to Cuba township bop original groovers like \"Maseru\"and the lilting ballad \"Nomali\". Home Is Where the Music Is Home Is Where", "psg_id": "17507918" }, { "title": "Kevin McCallister", "text": "now knowing how it feels to not have his family for Christmas, advises Marley to reconcile with his son. As Kevin leaves, he hears the church bells ringing, and, remembering the plot to break into his house, he hurries home and sets up various booby traps inside the house. Harry and Marv, who were initially fooled by Kevin's illusions that the house is occupied, now realize that he is home alone and attempt to break in, running into the various traps. After the two spring almost every trap in the house, Kevin flees in his parents room on second floor", "psg_id": "8366011" }, { "title": "Where Is the Friend's Home?", "text": "goes looking for his classmate. When he is unable to find his friend's home, Ahmed ends up doing the homework for his friend; the homework is deemed excellent by the teacher. It won the Bronze Leopard at the 1989 Locarno Film Festival. It also won the Golden Plate at the Fajr Film Festival. \"Where Is The Friend's Home?\" was Kiarostami's first film to gain major international attention. The film's title has sometimes been translated as \"Where Is My Friend's House?\" Iranian filmmaker Bahman Ghobadi said that \"I always have this film in mind because of the director's profound perspective on", "psg_id": "8672656" }, { "title": "Home Alone", "text": "the budget grew from $14 to $17 million. Columbus' work with \"Home Alone\" began several years earlier when Hughes helped him secure the directing job for \"National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation\". That project ended poorly when a personality clash between Columbus and Chevy Chase led to Columbus leaving the movie. Hughes then gave him the script to \"Home Alone\", which he accepted. Hughes had originally asked Patrick Read Johnson to direct but declined due to his commitment on \"Spaced Invaders\". Johnson would go onto direct \"Baby's Day Out\", another film written and produced by Hughes. Hughes suggested to Columbus that they", "psg_id": "1702296" }, { "title": "Homer Is Where the Art Isn't", "text": "Fox's second highest rated show of the night, behind \"Family Guy\". Retired \"Akron Beacon Journal\" writer Rich Heldenfels called the episode \"a dead-on parody of Banacek.\" Homer Is Where the Art Isn't \"Homer Is Where the Art Isn't\" is the twelfth episode of the twenty-ninth season of the animated television series \"The Simpsons\", and the 630th episode of the series overall. It aired in the United States on Fox on March 18, 2018. It is the final episode written by long time writer Kevin Curran, who died in 2016. The episode is dedicated to Stephen Hawking, who died four days", "psg_id": "20629886" }, { "title": "Kevin", "text": "pop culture, and was notorious for being extremely popular among lower class parents during the end of 1980s to 2000s. The name peaked markedly in the early 1990s, reaching first rank in France during 1989–1994, during 1991–1992 in Switzerland and in 1991 in Germany. The 1991 peak in German-speaking Europe is due to the Christmas comedy film \"Home Alone\", marketed as \"Kevin – Allein zu Haus\" in German (named for protagonist \"Kevin McCallister\", played by 10-year-old Macaulay Culkin). Especially in Germany, the name became associated with low social status, an attitude popularised in German journalism based on a 2009 master", "psg_id": "12760414" }, { "title": "The Year My Parents Went on Vacation", "text": "The film is semi-autobiographical: The director's parents, physicists and professors of the University of São Paulo, were briefly arrested by the military in the same year of 1970, accused of lending support to \"subversives\". The couple's five children — including Cao Hamburger, the director, who was 8 years old — came under the care of their grandmothers, one Jewish and one Italian Catholic. The film has received mostly positive reviews. Based on 52 reviews collected by the film review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, 83% of critics gave \"The Year My Parents Went on Vacation\" a positive review (43 \"Fresh\"; 9 \"Rotten\"),", "psg_id": "9168636" }, { "title": "Home Alone 3", "text": "revived in the mid-1990s; early drafts called for Macaulay Culkin to return as a teenage Kevin McCallister, along with Daniel Stern and Joe Pesci reprising their roles as the two burglars. By 1994, however, Culkin had dropped out of acting. As a result, the idea was reworked as an entirely new film centering on a new cast of characters. It was filmed in Chicago and Evanston, Illinois, with the airport scenes in the beginning of the film being shot in two different concourses at O'Hare International Airport. The film grossed $79,082,515 worldwide. \"Home Alone 3\" holds an approval rating of", "psg_id": "3217608" }, { "title": "Home Is Where the Heart Is (Bliss n Eso song)", "text": "Home Is Where the Heart Is (Bliss n Eso song) 'Home Is Where The Heart Is' is a song by Australian hip hop trio Bliss n Eso, released through Illusive Sounds as the second single from their fifth studio album \"Circus in the Sky\" on 10 May 2013. The song describes the formation of the trio when they were in high school, and the things in life they enjoy. The song debuted and peaked at No. 31 on the ARIA Singles Chart and spent 4 weeks on the chart. \"Home Is Where The Heart Is\" finished at No. 135 on", "psg_id": "17866059" }, { "title": "Home Is Where the Heart Is (David Cassidy album)", "text": "from this album are compiled in the 1996 collection, \"When I'm a Rock 'n' Roll Star\". Home Is Where the Heart Is (David Cassidy album) Home Is Where the Heart Is is the second album released on RCA Records by David Cassidy. It was released in 1976 and was produced by Cassidy and Bruce Johnston. Although critically well received, the album did not chart in any country. The album is noted in particular for Cassidy's recording of Paul McCartney's song \"Tomorrow\" which McCartney rated as taking the song to its ultimate potential. The album includes a composing contribution from Gerry", "psg_id": "3670223" }, { "title": "Home Is Where the Heart Is (Bliss n Eso song)", "text": "Reservoir Dogs and 'I Am Somebody'. Home Is Where the Heart Is (Bliss n Eso song) 'Home Is Where The Heart Is' is a song by Australian hip hop trio Bliss n Eso, released through Illusive Sounds as the second single from their fifth studio album \"Circus in the Sky\" on 10 May 2013. The song describes the formation of the trio when they were in high school, and the things in life they enjoy. The song debuted and peaked at No. 31 on the ARIA Singles Chart and spent 4 weeks on the chart. \"Home Is Where The Heart", "psg_id": "17866062" }, { "title": "Left Behind: The Movie", "text": "to help people. Rayford enters the church and kneels next to Bruce, telling him that God already has used him. They then watch a videotape left by another Reverend Billings dealing with the Rapture, in which all true believers are taken to Heaven, while the rest are left behind to endure the Tribulation—seven years of war and suffering. When Buck gets to New York City, he finds that his friend Dirk Burton has been killed. While he is there, he takes a computer disc and is almost shot by a sniper. Buck decodes the computer disc and finds out that", "psg_id": "6909743" }, { "title": "God Is Alone", "text": "rare material. As a side note, \"God Is Alone\" is also the title to an underground movie written and directed by Jason Torrey in 2004. The movie was never officially published due to the copyright infringements for using music by My Dying Bride, Opeth, Morbid Angel, God Dethroned, Slayer, and Shadows Fall. Aaron Stainthorpe, the singer of My Dying Bride, owns his own copy of the movie; it was given to him by the director of the film when it was discovered by Stainthorpe from information on the internet. God Is Alone God Is Alone is the first EP by", "psg_id": "8030171" }, { "title": "Home Alone", "text": "nominated for two Academy Awards: Best Original Score, which was written by John Williams, and Best Original Song for \"Somewhere in My Memory\". After its release, \"Home Alone\" became the highest-grossing live action comedy film of all time in the United States, and also held the record worldwide until it was overtaken by \"The Hangover Part II\" in 2011. It is the highest grossing Christmas movie of all time at the North American box office (when adjusted for inflation). Despite the mixed critical reception upon its initial release, \"Home Alone\" has been hailed as a holiday classic among audiences, and", "psg_id": "1702288" }, { "title": "Beirut: The Last Home Movie", "text": "Beirut: The Last Home Movie Beirut: The Last Home Movie is a 1987 documentary film directed by Jennifer Fox. It follows the life of Gaby Bustros and her family, who live in a 200-year-old mansion in Beirut during the Lebanese Civil War. The Bustros family, one of the noble families of Beirut, remain in their ancestral home despite the endless war that surrounds them. The film was screened at the Berlin Film Festival, the London Film Festival, and at INPUT, the International Television Conference. It was broadcast on US television as a Frontline special on PBS in 1991. The film", "psg_id": "9766852" }, { "title": "Left Behind: The Movie", "text": "to be Christians) are mysteriously disappearing worldwide and some planes are down from missing flight crews. He is forced to turn the plane back and land in Chicago. Shortly after landing, Buck locates Rayford and asks him to fly him to New York City. Rayford refuses, saying that he has to be with his family, but says he will find Buck a private pilot, and they both drive to Rayford's home. Meanwhile, Chloe is driving home from her college exams when she encounters a large traffic accident. She goes to check on a crashed semi, whose driver vanished. People are", "psg_id": "6909740" }, { "title": "Kevin McCallister", "text": "and knocks them out with his snow shovel and takes Kevin home. Shortly after Kevin is safely returned home, Harry and Marv are arrested. As the car drives away, Harry turns his head and gives Kevin a stern look while Kevin replies with a mocking smile and waves at him. Kevin wakes up the next morning and is disappointed to see that his family is still gone. While upstairs looking at a family portrait, Kevin hears Kate come into the house, calling for him. He goes downstairs and the two of them meet across the hall. Kate tells Kevin she", "psg_id": "8366013" }, { "title": "Vacation with Derek", "text": "Institute West High School were having their annual visit to Camp Arowhon. The marsh scenes were filmed at a bog on Hidden Lake, which is located behind the camp. On February 27, 2010, the trailer for \"Vacation with Derek\" premiered on the Shaftesbury website. The trailer premiered on March 15, 2010, on the Family Channel during Super Star Spring Week, and it was then announced that the movie would premiere on June 25, 2010, at 8:00pm. A commercial on Nickelodeon Australia announced the movie premiere on June 19, 2010, at 7:00pm. Vacation with Derek Vacation with Derek is a 2010", "psg_id": "14273891" }, { "title": "Where Is the Friend's Home?", "text": "Where Is the Friend's Home? Where Is the Friend's Home? (, \"Khane-ye doust kodjast\") is a 1987 Iranian drama film directed and written by Abbas Kiarostami. The title derived from a poem by Sohrab Sepehri, it is considered the first installment in Kiarostami's \"Koker\" trilogy, followed by \"Life, and Nothing More...\" and \"Through the Olive Trees\", all of which take place in Koker, Iran. The film tells a deceptively simple account of a conscientious schoolboy's quest to return his friend's notebook in a neighboring village, since, should his friend fail to hand it in the next day, it is likely", "psg_id": "8672654" }, { "title": "The Garden Left Behind", "text": "The Garden Left Behind The Garden Left Behind is a drama film directed by Flavio Alves and starring Michael Madsen, Ed Asner, and Carlie Guevara. The story centers around the character and life of Tina Carrera (Carlie Guevara), a Mexican trans woman, struggling to make a life for herself as an undocumented immigrant in New York City. \"The Garden Left Behind\" became the first independent film to be funded substantially through donations and sales via eBay. The film is in post-production. Tina (Carlie Guevara), a 30 year-old transgender woman and her grandmother, Eliana (Miriam Cruz), have been struggling to make", "psg_id": "20062631" }, { "title": "Where Is My Friend's Home", "text": "nights in October 2015, ratings suffered, and a third scheduling change to Sundays in February 2016, furthered the ratings drop. The thirteenth trip to the U.S. on April 8, 2016, changed the airing day to Fridays. Where Is My Friend's Home Where Is My Friend's Home () is a television show on JTBC in South Korea which features the cast members of another JTBC show, \"Non-Summit\", as they visit the home countries of the \"Non-Summit\" non-Korean members and their friends. The show is in a reality television-travel show format, in the Korean language, and first aired on February 7, 2015.", "psg_id": "18567655" }, { "title": "Where Is the Friend's Home?", "text": "view the film as part of the schooling. Where Is the Friend's Home? Where Is the Friend's Home? (, \"Khane-ye doust kodjast\") is a 1987 Iranian drama film directed and written by Abbas Kiarostami. The title derived from a poem by Sohrab Sepehri, it is considered the first installment in Kiarostami's \"Koker\" trilogy, followed by \"Life, and Nothing More...\" and \"Through the Olive Trees\", all of which take place in Koker, Iran. The film tells a deceptively simple account of a conscientious schoolboy's quest to return his friend's notebook in a neighboring village, since, should his friend fail to hand", "psg_id": "8672658" }, { "title": "Home Alone (franchise)", "text": "begins his usual antics, but when he discovers that the burglars he previously encountered are on the loose again he stops them from robbing an elderly man's toy store before Christmas. \"Home Alone 3\" does not center on Kevin, but instead on Alex Pruitt, a young boy who is left home alone with chickenpox but soon recovers. At the same time, four burglars working for a North Korean terrorist group are sent by their boss to retrieve a top-secret microchip that can act as a cloaking device for a missile. They succeed in retrieving it and hide it in a", "psg_id": "12128749" }, { "title": "Beirut: The Last Home Movie", "text": "was awarded the Excellence In Cinematography Award and won the Grand Jury Prize Documentary at the 1988 Sundance Film Festival. Beirut: The Last Home Movie Beirut: The Last Home Movie is a 1987 documentary film directed by Jennifer Fox. It follows the life of Gaby Bustros and her family, who live in a 200-year-old mansion in Beirut during the Lebanese Civil War. The Bustros family, one of the noble families of Beirut, remain in their ancestral home despite the endless war that surrounds them. The film was screened at the Berlin Film Festival, the London Film Festival, and at INPUT,", "psg_id": "9766853" }, { "title": "Home Is Where the Heart Is (David Cassidy album)", "text": "Home Is Where the Heart Is (David Cassidy album) Home Is Where the Heart Is is the second album released on RCA Records by David Cassidy. It was released in 1976 and was produced by Cassidy and Bruce Johnston. Although critically well received, the album did not chart in any country. The album is noted in particular for Cassidy's recording of Paul McCartney's song \"Tomorrow\" which McCartney rated as taking the song to its ultimate potential. The album includes a composing contribution from Gerry Beckley of the band America. Beckley also takes a few lines of lead vocals. Some tracks", "psg_id": "3670222" }, { "title": "Left Behind: The Movie", "text": "him The Way. God shows him that UN Secretary-General Nicolae Carpathia (Gordon Currie) is the Antichrist when he reveals his plan for world domination, of which his plan to rebuild the temple of Israel is a logical first step. Carpathia shoots Jonathan Stonagal and Joshua Todd-Cothran, who were behind the plot to bankrupt the UN, and then brainwashes the new \"kings and queens\" (the 10 UN delegates) into thinking that Stonagal shot Cothran and himself. Everyone, even the press, believes Carpathia, except Buck, who leaves and returns to the church, where he resolves to fight Carpathia with the help of", "psg_id": "6909746" }, { "title": "Kevin McCallister", "text": "of the house, and calls the Chicago Police Department from a land-line telephone. Harry and Marv manage to chase Kevin out of the house; he then flees to the Murphy home, which was unoccupied and broken in earlier. The Wet Bandits catch Kevin when he runs to the top of the stairs connecting the basement and the first floor and hang him from a coat hook on the door. They decide to do the same things that Kevin did to them and Harry decides to bite Kevin's fingers one at a time first, but Marley has sneaked up behind them", "psg_id": "8366012" }, { "title": "Where the Rose Is Sown", "text": "music\" everywhere - give me artful pretence any day.\" Sunie of \"Number One\" said: \"\"It's the lovin' things you do...\" Anyone remember the old '60s hit? It lurks just behind this song, artfully obscured by guitar solos, \"heeyahs\" and the Lillywhite wall of sound. I rather like it.\" \"Cash Box\" commented: \"Big Country delivers a pounding slice of tragic political rock which is given its edge in Adamson's biting delivery. Trademark guitar riffs and a no-nonsense beat should help [it] become another anthemic classic from the band.\" \"Billboard\" stated: \"Group's stirring strength is sadly buried in muddy sound.\" In a", "psg_id": "19591034" }, { "title": "Bob McCallister", "text": "one and only incarnation of the Sunset-Camellia Open Invitational in 1964. His best finish in a major was T-8 at the 1965 PGA Championship. McCallister played on the Senior Tour after reaching the age of 50. He also held the position of head pro at Charbonneau Golf Club in Wilsonville, Oregon. Bob McCallister Robert McCallister (born May 3, 1934) is an American professional golfer who played on the PGA Tour and the Senior PGA Tour. McCallister was born in Toledo, Ohio. He later moved to Corona, California and attended the University of Southern California, where he earned All-American honors three", "psg_id": "13328423" }, { "title": "Home Alone (video game)", "text": "the version for the NES, the player must avoid being caught by Harry and Marv for 20 minutes. During this time, Kevin can set various traps using items scattered around the house, each with a different corresponding strength and allowing the person tripping them to be knocked unconscious longer. Kevin can also hide behind certain parts of the house, but only for two consecutive turns; any other concurrent passings will result in a game over. Some copies of the NES version have two different \"game over\" screens; one having Kevin McCallister performing his trademark screaming face with a speech balloon", "psg_id": "9435038" }, { "title": "Mommy Is at the Hairdresser's", "text": "Mommy Is at the Hairdresser's Mommy Is at the Hairdresser's () is a 2008 drama directed by Léa Pool. The film takes place in the summer of 1966, in Beloeil, Québec, where a young girl named Élise is enjoying summer vacation. Suddenly her mother leaves her family to pursue her journalism career in London. Her urge to leave is triggered when she coincidentally listens in on a conversation between her husband and his male lover. In a society still entrenched by taboos on sexual orientation, the mother fleas the situation, abandoning Élise and her two younger brothers behind, in their", "psg_id": "13019596" }, { "title": "I'm Gonna Pin My Medal on the Girl I Left Behind", "text": "lines And when I get back Yes, when I get back I'm gonna pin my medal on the girl I left behind When the boys come home From across the foam To the girls they love the best There'll be more than one Little Yankee son With a medal on his chest When the drive is over this Spring A lot of soldier boys will sing: REPEAT CHORUS</poem> I'm Gonna Pin My Medal on the Girl I Left Behind I'm Gonna Pin My Medal on the Girl I Left Behind is a World War I era song about a soldier", "psg_id": "18916777" }, { "title": "Octomom Home Alone", "text": "damn good.\" According to \"The Huffington Post\", the film cast doubt among the public on Suleman's parenting abilities. In October 2012, TMZ reported one of Suleman's nannies spoke with the Orange County Department of Children and Family Services about Suleman's 11-year-old son watching \"Octomom Home Alone\" on the Internet. Suleman was upset by the incident and said she would talk to her son about not accessing pornography. Octomom Home Alone Octomom Home Alone is a pornographic film featuring prominent American mother Nadya Suleman, also known as \"Octomom\", masturbating. The DVD was released on 16 July 2012 by Wicked Pictures and", "psg_id": "17062418" }, { "title": "Home Alone 2 (video game)", "text": "version was released a year later in 1993. In June 2016, video game developer Frank Cifaldi found the NES version's source code on an old hard drive and released it to the public. He has stated the game's code was based on The Simpsons-licensed titles on the NES, also by Imagineering. \"Home Alone 2: Lost in New York\" was awarded Worst Sequel of 1992 by \"Electronic Gaming Monthly\". They also awarded it Worst Movie-to-Game of 1996. Home Alone 2 (video game) Home Alone 2: Lost in New York is a video game based loosely on the ; it was released", "psg_id": "6137106" }, { "title": "The Last Day in the Old Home", "text": "The Last Day in the Old Home The Last Day in the Old Home is an oil-on-canvas painting made in 1862 by English painter Robert Braithwaite Martineau. It depicts a moralising scene at the home of a spendthrift country squire. The old furniture and paintings indicate that the fictional Pulleyne family has occupied Hardham Court for centuries, but the equine print in the lower left corner indicates the reason for the family's reduced circumstances: the father has gambled away the family fortune. The paintings and other contents are labelled ready for an auction sale on 22 October 1850, with a", "psg_id": "17095903" }, { "title": "Joffa: The Movie", "text": "of tens of thousands is just how it is for the man who guides the Collingwood Cheer Squad. Joffa said that the ordinary people who inhabit his real world \"give the movie its heart.\" People such as Fr. Bob McGuire, Kevin Bartlett and 93-year-old Mavis, who used to attend dances with Ron Barassi's father. One of the highlights for Australian audiences is hearing Good Old Collingwood Forever sung in Mandarin. Another is hearing the classic Australian food, the Chiko Roll, being explained to a Londoner. The Australian Council on Children and the Media said that the main messages from this", "psg_id": "14836700" }, { "title": "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree", "text": "later appear in Rankin/Bass's 1979 sequel \"Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July\". The song was also used in the 1990 film \"Home Alone\" during a scene when Kevin McCallister pretends that there is a holiday party taking place in his house, and discourages the burglars from robbing it. Although Decca released the single in both 1958 and again in 1959, it did not sell well until Lee became a popular star in 1960. That Christmas holiday season, Lee's \"Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree\" peaked at No. 14 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 pop singles chart. It continued to sell well", "psg_id": "9246344" }, { "title": "Macaulay Culkin", "text": "Macaulay Culkin Macaulay Carson Culkin (born August 26, 1980) is an American actor and musician. He started his acting career as a child actor. He is best known for portraying the role of Kevin McCallister in the Christmas film \"Home Alone\" (1990), for which he was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy. Along with \"Home Alone,\" Culkin also starred in the films \"My Girl\" (1991), \"\" (1992), \"The Good Son\" (1993), \"The Nutcracker\" (1993), \"The Pagemaster\" (1994) and \"Richie Rich\" (1994). He has been nominated for Kids' Choice Awards, MTV Movie", "psg_id": "1685492" }, { "title": "Left Alone", "text": "splits, and EPs, Left Alone released their first full-length, \"Streets of Wilmington\", in 2002. A year later, the band compiled their earlier, out-of-print recordings on the anthology \"Left Alone: 1996-2000\". In 2003, Cortez went on the Warped Tour as a roadie for the band Destruction Made Simple. After a few weeks of doing nothing as a roadie other than promoting his own band, Elvis was forced to return to LA because his dogs needed surgery. After Warped Tour founder Kevin Lyman heard Left Alone's music, he chose the band to be the Warped Tour BBQ band for the 2004 tour.", "psg_id": "7964159" }, { "title": "The Garden Left Behind", "text": "a life for themselves in New York since emigrating from Mexico when Tina was only six years old. Tina’s father abandoned them before she was born and her mother died in prison shortly after they arrived in America. Eliana was left alone to raise her grandchild, both as undocumented immigrants, whose dreams of home are markedly different – Eliana longs to return to Mexico, while Tina desires acceptance in America. The ineffable bond formed between the two formidable women has made them not only each other’s stalwart support in a hostile world but a potential millstone as well. Working as", "psg_id": "20062632" }, { "title": "Left Behind: The Movie", "text": "The sun disappears even though it is still mid-day. The Israeli military is unable to counterattack, but the attacking jets start spontaneously exploding and crashing down. Buck runs outside with the news camera and records the drama as some GNN executives and reporters watch back in Chicago. The entire attacking force is destroyed. The story shifts to pilot Rayford Steele (Brad Johnson), who has been asked to fly from New York City to London at short notice, causing him to miss his son Raymie's birthday party. Despite his wife's and his daughter's protests, he agrees and leaves his family behind.", "psg_id": "6909738" }, { "title": "Home Alone", "text": "film to Rube Goldberg machines, writing \"they're the kinds of traps that any 8-year-old could devise, if he had a budget of tens of thousands of dollars and the assistance of a crew of movie special effects people\" and criticized the plot as \"so implausible that it makes it hard for [him] to really care about the plight of the kid [Kevin]\". However, he praised Culkin's performance. Owen Gleiberman of \"Entertainment Weekly\" magazine gave the film a \"D\" grade, criticizing the film for its \"sadistic festival of adult-bashing\". Gleiberman said that \"[John] Hughes is pulling our strings as though he'd", "psg_id": "1702309" }, { "title": "Where God Left His Shoes", "text": "Where God Left His Shoes Where God Left His Shoes is a 2007 drama film written and directed by Salvatore Stabile and starring John Leguizamo, Leonor Varela, Samantha Rose, Jerry Ferrara, and Adriane Lenox. It was first distributed through a limited release by IFC Films on 12 December 2008. The title of the movie is an old Italian saying that Stabile's father used to say about good places. Frank Diaz (John Leguizamo), an unemployed boxer, and his family have been living in a homeless shelter for months when, finally, on Christmas Eve, comes word that an apartment may be available.", "psg_id": "12798739" }, { "title": "Left Behind: The Movie", "text": "reporting abandoned cars and children missing from their seats. While Chloe is inspecting the carnage, her car is stolen by a hurt man and she is stranded on the wrecked highway. She eventually starts walking down the highway. Rayford discovers that his wife and son are missing. He and Buck are forced to stay in the house because of a military-enforced curfew. Rayford starts to read his wife's Bible. Chloe returns home, reunites with her father and discovers Buck sleeping on the couch. After conversing about her missing family, Chloe drives Buck to the airport and goes to look for", "psg_id": "6909741" }, { "title": "Left Behind: The Movie", "text": "his friends. Narrating, Buck says the \"seven years of peace\" declared by Nicolae will be the seven worst years mankind has ever seen, and that faith is all they need. Cloud Ten Pictures licensed the rights to the first two \"Left Behind\" novels from Namesake Entertainment, which had licensed them from the books' authors. Filming commenced in early May 2000 and continued for a total of 31 days. An Ontario quarry was used for the scenes of Israel. Bowmanville Zoo's Mike Hackenberger commented, \"Camels sell the look. ... As a prop, camels are great. You can move 'em around, you", "psg_id": "6909747" }, { "title": "Left Behind: The Movie", "text": "went on to gross a total of $4,224,065, barely surpassing its budget. Owing to dissatisfaction with the quality of the film and its sequels, LaHaye filed suit against Namesake Entertainment and Cloud Ten Pictures in July 1999, claiming breach of contract. On July 3, 2008, Tim LaHaye and Cloud Ten settled legal disputes on the film adaptations of the book series. Part of the agreement grants LaHaye an opportunity to remake the series. He asserts:<br> My dream has always been to enter the movie theater with a first-class, high-quality movie that is grippingly interesting, but also is true to the", "psg_id": "6909752" }, { "title": "Home Alone: The Holiday Heist", "text": "2015, the film was released on DVD in the United Kingdom as part of a box set of all five Home Alone films exclusively on Home Alone: The Holiday Heist Home Alone: The Holiday Heist (also known as Home Alone 5) is a 2012 American comedy television film and the fifth and final installment in the \"Home Alone\" franchise. It stars Christian Martyn, Jodelle Ferland, Malcolm McDowell, Debi Mazar, Eddie Steeples. The film premiered on ABC Family on November 25, 2012, during the network's annual \"Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas\" programming block. It is the second film, after", "psg_id": "17919212" }, { "title": "Where in the Universe Is Carmen Sandiego?", "text": "as that by animators: Salt Lake’s Aaron McEuen, Houston’s Tony Butterfield, Dickson’s Weiherng Lee and Kevin Scott, and Vancouver’s Erik Koelemeyer. The character and black hole animation was produced by a team of California animators. Steve Savage provided the Sky-Skan’s animation material, while The Renaissance Center produced the video post production time and facilities. Again, a poster and an extensive Teacher’s Guide were provided with the show. The second show was highly successful program which \"cost each consortium participant, and subsequent purchaser, only $6200\", in a situation where the animation alone would have cost over $200,000. “Carmen I” and “Carmen", "psg_id": "17459270" }, { "title": "No One Is Alone (Desperate Housewives)", "text": "No One Is Alone (Desperate Housewives) \"No One is Alone\" is the 45th episode of the ABC television series, \"Desperate Housewives\". It was the 22nd episode of the show's second season. The episode was written by Kevin Murphy and Chris Black and directed by David Grossman. It originally aired on May 14, 2006. After the fire at Susan's home, her friends try to help her to the best of their ability by clearing the remains of her home. Most of the neighborhood helps clear debris including Susan's new dentist friend Orson. The wives then recommend Susan stay with Bree since", "psg_id": "7510645" }, { "title": "Where the Heart Is (novel)", "text": "is Sister Husband. Since the Walmart and Sister's trailer was also destroyed, Novalee decides to move to the next town where the Walmart is being rebuilt. To her great surprise, Novalee learns that Sister left all of her possessions and life insurance in Novalee's name. She is able to build a house right where Sister's trailer use to be and where her buckeye tree is miraculously still standing. Willy Jack has since become cocky and tries to go behind Ruth Meyers' back to get a better agent. She learns of this and makes sure that he no longer is able", "psg_id": "6822327" }, { "title": "Those She Left Behind", "text": "on. Those She Left Behind Those She Left Behind is a 1989 television film directed by Waris Hussein and starring Gary Cole, Joanna Kerns, and Mary Page Keller. Its plot concerns a father forced to raise his newborn daughter alone after the unexpected death of his wife of an extremely rare condition during childbirth. It was inspired by the sitcom \"Full House\" and enjoyed some of the sitcom's success due to some shared themes as well as similar casting. Co-star Colleen Dewhurst won a 1989 Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress - Miniseries or a Movie. Gary Cole stars", "psg_id": "9965116" }, { "title": "The Year My Parents Went on Vacation", "text": "The Year My Parents Went on Vacation The Year My Parents Went on Vacation () is a 2006 Brazilian drama film directed by Cao Hamburger. The screenplay, which took four years to be completed, was written by Hamburger, Adriana Falcão, Claudio Galperin, Anna Muylaert and Bráulio Mantovani. It was submitted by the Ministry of Culture for the 2007 Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. This choice was unexpected, since it was thought that José Padilha's \"Elite Squad\" would be submitted. The story takes place entirely during a few months in 1970, in the city of São Paulo. Mauro, a", "psg_id": "9168631" }, { "title": "Where the Action Is Tour", "text": "(8/27). Played in Strömstad (7/27), Linköping (7/28), Örebro (7/30), Malmö (8/3), Gothenburg (8/5), Söderbärke(8/8) and Stockholm (8/9). Asta Kask only played in Stockholm, C.AARMÉ only played in Gothenburg, The Hives only played in Stockholm and Söderbärke and The Soundtrack of Our Lives played Strömstad, Huskvarna, Linköping and Örebro. Returned as a one-day festival in Stockholm (7/14) after a one year hiatus. Scheduled for 7/12 - 7/13, WTAI will again be at Stora Skuggan Where the Action Is Tour Where the Action Is (WTAI) was a tour featuring Swedish rock bands that toured throughout Sweden between 2004 and 2006 with several", "psg_id": "12602206" }, { "title": "Home Alone: The Holiday Heist", "text": "portrait. Originally titled \"Home Alone: Alone in the Dark\", development for the film began in March 2012 as a co-production between ABC Family and Fox TV Studios. Both production companies previously co-produced \"\" in 2002. The movie was filmed in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The film was released on DVD on October 29, 2013, in the United States and Canada. It was released in Region 4 on November 12, 2014. In Region 2, the film was released in 2013 but was initially only available on downloads and online streaming and its distribution there remains mainly focused on those formats. On November 2,", "psg_id": "17919211" }, { "title": "Classic Fame", "text": "the Irish contingent but came home fifth behind the British challengers Shaadi, Great Commotion, Distant Relative and Danehill. On 7 June he was sent to England and started a 33/1 outsider in the 210th running of the Epsom Derby over one and a half miles at Epsom Racecourse and finished seventh of the twelve runners, more than seventeen lengths behind the winner Nashwan. Classic Fame missed the rest of his three-year-old season after suffering a bout of colic. For the 1990 season, Classic Fame was transferred to the United States where he entered training with Gary F. Jones. He began", "psg_id": "20500673" }, { "title": "Alone in the Dark", "text": "2008 continuation. The movie contains plot elements that directly contradict those in \"The New Nightmare\", thus it is not considered canonical by either timeline. Guinness World Records named the film the \"Lowest-Grossing Game Based Movie\" in Guinness World Records: Gamer's Edition 2008 edition. Production on a fifth installment of \"Alone in the Dark\" was confirmed when screenwriters of the movie stated that the director, Uwe Boll, looked over preliminary monster art from the new game to get inspiration for the film's creatures. However, the game was delayed and Darkworks, the development team behind \"\", eventually worked on another Survival horror", "psg_id": "3245573" }, { "title": "Left Behind (The Simpsons)", "text": "Left Behind (The Simpsons) \"Left Behind\" is the nineteenth episode of the twenty-ninth season of the animated television series \"The Simpsons\", and the 637th episode of the series overall. It aired in the United States on Fox on May 6, 2018. While the Simpsons family is eating pork chops during pork chop night, a solar eclipse occurs. Marge, Lisa, Bart, and Maggie go outside to watch the solar eclipse, but Homer refuses to leave the dining room table. Irritated with Homer for not watching the solar eclipse, Marge wants him to go on a date night the next day. Homer", "psg_id": "20694288" }, { "title": "Global Mall at the Crossings", "text": "32 Councilwoman Jacobia Dowell, who represents the district in which the Global Mall is located, addressed the negative perception of Antioch crime. She explained that crime incidents occurring in the general Southeast Nashville vicinity are often mistakenly associated with Antioch. At 1:15 p.m. on August 5, 2015, 29-year old Vincente David Montano entered the Carmike Hickory 8 movie theater (now the AMC CLASSIC Antioch 8) just outside the east wing of the mall carrying two backpacks and armed with a hatchet and a pellet gun. He unleashed copious amounts of pepper spray inside a theater where eight people were viewing", "psg_id": "10890507" }, { "title": "Home Alone (franchise)", "text": "older brothers and sisters. After events transpire between him and his family, he wishes he had no family when his mother is punishing him for what he feels are unjustified reasons. She warns him to be careful what he wishes for and he ignores it. He wakes up the next day to discover he is the only one left in the house. He thinks his wish came true and that he is finally alone without his obnoxious family. In reality, he was left home by mistake. His family is en route to France for a holiday trip. While his parents", "psg_id": "12128746" }, { "title": "The Scream", "text": "of Arthur Janov's book \"The Primal Scream\". In 1983–1984, pop artist Andy Warhol made a series of silkscreen prints copying works by Munch, including \"The Scream\". His stated intention was to desacralize the painting by making it into a mass-reproducible object. Munch had already begun that process, however, by making a lithograph of the work for reproduction. Erró's ironic and irreverent treatment of Munch's masterpiece in his acrylic paintings \"The Second Scream\" (1967) and \"Ding Dong\" (1979) is considered a characteristic of post-modern art. The expression of Kevin McCallister (Macaulay Culkin) in the poster for the movie \"Home Alone\" was", "psg_id": "1688874" }, { "title": "The Girl I Left Behind", "text": "\"The Girl \"You\" Left Behind\". \"The Girl I Left Behind\" has been recorded many times, by The Skillet Lickers, Jay Ungar, The Avett Brothers, The Albion Band, Jules Allen and Molly Mason among others. Bing Crosby included the song in a medley on his album \"101 Gang Songs\" (1961). The Girl I Left Behind \"The Girl I left Behind\", also known as \"The Girl I Left Behind Me\", is an English folk song dating back to Elizabethan era. It is said to have been played when soldiers left for war or a naval vessel set sail. According to other sources", "psg_id": "5754707" }, { "title": "Macaulay Culkin", "text": "starred as Miles Russell alongside actor John Candy in the comedy film \"Uncle Buck\" (1989). Culkin rose to fame with his lead role of Kevin McCallister in the blockbuster Christmas film \"Home Alone\" (1990), where he was reunited with \"Uncle Buck\" writer and director John Hughes and \"Uncle Buck\" co-star John Candy, who played the role of Polka band member Gus Polinski. He was nominated for a Golden Globe Award, and won an American Comedy Award and a Young Artist Award for his role as Kevin McCallister. In 1991, Culkin starred in an animated Saturday morning cartoon television series, \"Wish", "psg_id": "1685497" } ]
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what is the concern with ralphie getting his "official red ryder carbine-action 200-shot range model air rifle with a compass in the stock and this thing which tells time in that classic 1983 movie a christmas story?
[ { "title": "A Christmas Story", "text": "the film on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day each year. The film was released on November 18, 1983. It earned two Canadian Genie Awards in 1984 and in 2012 was selected for preservation in the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress for being \"culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant\". The film is presented in a series of vignettes, with narration provided by the adult Ralphie Parker reminiscing on one particular Christmas when he was nine years old. Ralphie wanted only one thing for that Christmas: a Red Ryder Carbine Action 200-shot Range Model air rifle. Ralphie's desire is", "psg_id": "3654543" }, { "title": "BB gun", "text": "American toy, and is still in production today. It was prominently featured in \"A Christmas Story\", in which Ralphie Parker requests one for Christmas, but is repeatedly rebuffed with the warning \"You'll shoot your eye out\". The movie's fictional BB gun, described as the \"Red Ryder carbine-action, two hundred shot Range Model air rifle with a compass in the stock and this thing which tells time\", was not a real gun. The Red Ryder featured in the movie was specially made to match author Jean Shepherd's story (which may be artistic license, but was the configuration Shepherd claimed to remember).", "psg_id": "1677517" }, { "title": "Red Ryder", "text": "the author's childhood memories and a boy trying to get a \"Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle BB gun with a compass in the stock and a thing which tells time\" for Christmas. The film was adapted from the autobiographical fiction of Jean Shepherd, by permission of Red Ryder Enterprises, Inc., which owns the Red Ryder trademarks and copyrights. \"Buckaroo Bugs\" (1944) features Bugs Bunny in the Wild West with \"Red Hot Ryder\" as his nemesis. Red Ryder Red Ryder was a Western comic strip created by Stephen Slesinger and artist Fred Harman which served as the basis", "psg_id": "1900687" }, { "title": "A Christmas Story", "text": "rejected by his mother, his teacher Miss Shields, and even a Santa Claus at Higbee's department store, all giving him the same warning: \"You'll shoot your eye out.\" Christmas morning arrives and Ralphie dives into his presents. Although he does receive some presents he enjoys, Ralphie ultimately is disappointed that he did not receive the one thing he wanted more than anything. After it appears all of the presents have been opened, Ralphie's father, \"The Old Man,\" directs Ralphie to look at one last present that he had hidden. Ralphie opens it to reveal the Red Ryder gun he wanted.", "psg_id": "3654544" }, { "title": "A Christmas Story: The Musical", "text": "A Christmas Story: The Musical A Christmas Story: The Musical is a musical version of the film \"A Christmas Story\". The musical has music and lyrics written by Pasek & Paul and the book by Joseph Robinette. The musical takes place in the 1940s in Indiana and focuses on a child named Ralphie, who wants a Red Ryder BB Gun for Christmas. After numerous regional productions, out of town tryouts and national tours, this version of the musical originally officially opened on Broadway in November 2012 at the Lunt Fontanne Theatre for a limited engagement that ran through December 2012.", "psg_id": "17268423" }, { "title": "A Christmas Story: The Musical", "text": "Miss Shields, Chris Diamantopoulos as Ralphie's father, and Ana Gasteyer as Mrs. Schwartz, the mother of one of Ralphie's friends. A Christmas Story: The Musical A Christmas Story: The Musical is a musical version of the film \"A Christmas Story\". The musical has music and lyrics written by Pasek & Paul and the book by Joseph Robinette. The musical takes place in the 1940s in Indiana and focuses on a child named Ralphie, who wants a Red Ryder BB Gun for Christmas. After numerous regional productions, out of town tryouts and national tours, this version of the musical originally officially", "psg_id": "17268432" }, { "title": "Buck Jones", "text": "Jones was also a consultant for Daisy, which issued a Daisy \"Buck Jones\" model pump-action air rifle. Incorporating a compass and a \"sundial\" into the stock, it was one of Daisy's top-end air rifles, and sold well for several years. This led to some confusion decades later with the release of the well-known holiday film \"A Christmas Story\", based on author Jean Shepherd's erroneous recollection that the Daisy Red Ryder BB Gun had a compass and sundial in the stock. The latter gun never did have these at any time during its production, save the two specially made examples for", "psg_id": "5706475" }, { "title": "Red Ryder", "text": "created \"Red Ryder\" \"outposts for dependable American quality and value.\" These stores within the store were called \"Red Ryder Corrals.\" In addition to educational and sportsmanship contests, special events and personal appearances, they supplied Red Ryder brand rugged clothing for men and boys. In addition to \"Red Ryder\" and \"Little Beaver\" outdoor products, licensing included school supplies, lunch kits, and other \"Red Ryder\" character hardware and sporting goods. The outposts also included the legendary Daisy Red Ryder Carbine, which became a father-to-son Christmas gift tradition as memorialized in the 1983 Jean Shepherd film \"A Christmas Story\". The story revolves around", "psg_id": "1900686" }, { "title": "A Christmas Story House", "text": "from the movie, including Randy's snow suit, the Higbee's window toys, and hundreds of behind-the-scenes photos. In addition, the house to the left of the museum features a gift shop with movie memorabilia. The house and museum opened to the public on November 25, 2006, with original cast members attending the grand opening, and the site drew 4,300 visitors during its opening weekend. A Christmas Story House A Christmas Story House is a museum in Cleveland, Ohio's Tremont neighborhood. The 19th-century Victorian, which was used in the exterior scenes of Ralphie Parker's house in the 1983 film \"A Christmas Story\",", "psg_id": "9391592" }, { "title": "A Christmas Story", "text": "Victoria School was gutted for renovation, discovering the antique fire truck that saved Flick, locating all the original costumes from the film, and tracking down the real-life location of the film's Chop Suey Palace in Toronto. The Red Ryder BB gun was available beginning in 1938 and remains available today, but never in the exact configuration mentioned in the film. The Daisy \"Buck Jones\" model did have a compass and a sundial in the stock, but these features were not included in the Red Ryder model. The compass and sundial were placed on Ralphie's BB gun, but on the opposite", "psg_id": "3654556" }, { "title": "A Christmas Story", "text": "Ralphie takes the gun outside and fires it at a target perched on a metal sign in the backyard. However, the BB ricochets back at Ralphie and knocks his glasses off. While searching for them, thinking he has indeed shot his eye out, Ralphie accidentally steps on his glasses and breaks them. He lies to his mother that a falling icicle broke his glasses, and she believes him. Ralphie is in bed on Christmas night with his gun by his side. The adult Ralphie narrates that this was the best present he had ever received or would ever receive. The", "psg_id": "3654545" }, { "title": "A Christmas Story: The Musical", "text": "Best Book of a Musical, and Best Original Score (Music and/or Lyrics) Written for the Theatre) for the 67th Tony Awards, however it did not win any. In May 2017, the Fox Broadcasting Company announced that it would air a live television event based on the Broadway musical version titled \"A Christmas Story Live!\", with Pasek and Paul composing several new songs for the live television musical. The live musical was televised on December 17, 2017, with the cast that starred Maya Rudolph as Ralphie's mother, Matthew Broderick as The Narrator/Older Ralphie, 11-year-old Andy Walken as Ralphie, Jane Krakowski as", "psg_id": "17268431" }, { "title": "A Christmas Story House", "text": "A Christmas Story House A Christmas Story House is a museum in Cleveland, Ohio's Tremont neighborhood. The 19th-century Victorian, which was used in the exterior scenes of Ralphie Parker's house in the 1983 film \"A Christmas Story\", was purchased by a private developer in 2004 and has been restored and renovated to appear as it did both inside and outside in the film. The museum is part of a complex of three buildings devoted to the film, and is open to the public year-round. The screenplay for \"A Christmas Story\" is based on material from author Jean Shepherd's collection of", "psg_id": "9391588" }, { "title": "A Christmas Story Live!", "text": "A Christmas Story Live! A Christmas Story Live! is a television special that was originally broadcast by Fox on December 17, 2017. It was a live, televised musical remake of the 1983 film \"A Christmas Story\", and incorporated the 2012 stage musical version \"\". The live musical was executive produced by Marc Platt and Adam Siegel, directed by Scott Ellis and Alex Rudzinski, and starred Matthew Broderick, Andy Walken, Maya Rudolph, Chris Diamantopoulos, and Jane Krakowski. \"A Christmas Story Live!\" is based on \"the short stories of humorist Jean Shepherd and is set in 1940s Indiana. It follows 9-year-old Ralphie", "psg_id": "20415376" }, { "title": "A Christmas Story 2", "text": "it before Christmas so that the car dealer won't have Ralph arrested and presumably thrown in jail. He and his friends get a job and after going through several departments at the Higbee's store and in the end getting into a fight with the store Santa and then each other they all get fired. Ralphie does get his job back after some begging and pleading, but by Christmas Eve he finds he is still $1 short, so he and Flick rob Schwartz of his \"lucky buck\". While on the way to the dealer, Ralphie decides to donate a chunk for", "psg_id": "16771136" }, { "title": "What Is This Thing Called Love? (short story)", "text": "What Is This Thing Called Love? (short story) \"What Is This Thing Called Love?\" is a science fiction short story by Isaac Asimov. The story was requested by Cele Goldsmith Lalli, editor of \"Amazing Stories\", as a satire of an article in \"Playboy\" called \"Girls of the Slime God\" which had suggested that pulp science fiction stories were concerned with aliens and sex. The story appeared in the March 1961 issue of \"Amazing\" as \"Playboy and the Slime God\", but Asimov later retitled it \"What Is This Thing Called Love?\" According to Asimov, in \"1938-39 ... for some half a", "psg_id": "9229786" }, { "title": "What Is This Thing Called Love? (short story)", "text": "other, and wind up engaging in reproductive activities after all. What Is This Thing Called Love? (short story) \"What Is This Thing Called Love?\" is a science fiction short story by Isaac Asimov. The story was requested by Cele Goldsmith Lalli, editor of \"Amazing Stories\", as a satire of an article in \"Playboy\" called \"Girls of the Slime God\" which had suggested that pulp science fiction stories were concerned with aliens and sex. The story appeared in the March 1961 issue of \"Amazing\" as \"Playboy and the Slime God\", but Asimov later retitled it \"What Is This Thing Called Love?\"", "psg_id": "9229790" }, { "title": "Stephen Slesinger", "text": "popular comic strip \"Red Ryder\". The strip's artistic style evolved from Harman's 1937 comic strip, \"Bronc Peeler\". The two worked on the project for a year before \"Red Ryder\" was launched in 1938. Between 1938 and 1967, the long-run \"Red Ryder\" comic strip was also a long-run comic book, the subject of 12 chapter films, 26 motion pictures and numerous merchandising and promotional tie-ins, including the Red Ryder Daisy Carbine Air Rifle, which holds the longest continuing license in the history of the licensing industry and was depicted in the film \"A Christmas Story\" (1983). In 1937 Slesinger licensed Zane", "psg_id": "8785938" }, { "title": "Christmas Time Is in the Air Again", "text": "the song, \"Entertainment Focus\" writer Pip Ellwood awarded \"Christmas Time Is in the Air Again\" four out of a possible five stars. She praised the composition for its \"classy, soulful and sumptuous\" feel and labelled it as \"yet another festive classic from the Queen of Christmas\". Ellwood concluded her review by writing that the release of the song two years after that of \"Merry Christmas II You\" should \"get it some more well-deserved attention\". It was confirmed on November 15, 2012, that Carey would be performing at the NBC event \"Christmas in Rockefeller Centre\" later that month. The singer performed", "psg_id": "16988575" }, { "title": "Colt Model 1839 Carbine", "text": "Colt Model 1839 Carbine The Colt Model 1839 Carbine is an early percussion revolving smoothbore carbine manufactured by the Patent Arms Manufacturing Company between 1838 and 1841. Produced alongside the Colt Second Model Ring Lever rifle (preceded by the First Model Ring Lever rifle, Samuel Colt's first manufactured firearm), the Model 1839 was the most popular longarm of the Patent Arms period. The Model 1839 Carbine is differentiated from Colt's Ring Lever rifles by the lack of a cocking ring lever and the presence of an external hammer, which, when manually cocked, would rotate the six-shot cylinder to the next", "psg_id": "18107753" }, { "title": "Christmas Time Is in the Air Again", "text": "Christmas Time Is in the Air Again \"Christmas Time is in the Air Again\" is a song by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey from her second Christmas album and thirteenth studio album, \"Merry Christmas II You\" (2010). It was written and produced by Carey in collaboration with Broadway composer Marc Shaiman. Lyrically, it is about finding love during the Christmas season. The track garnered positive reviews from critics, with one describing it as an outstanding performance and the only song on the album that could compare to one of Carey's previous Christmas singles, \"All I Want for Christmas Is", "psg_id": "16988569" }, { "title": "Christmas Time Is in the Air Again", "text": "As Carey's vocals play, the lyrics of the song are intercut with Christmas-themed images. Christmas Time Is in the Air Again \"Christmas Time is in the Air Again\" is a song by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey from her second Christmas album and thirteenth studio album, \"Merry Christmas II You\" (2010). It was written and produced by Carey in collaboration with Broadway composer Marc Shaiman. Lyrically, it is about finding love during the Christmas season. The track garnered positive reviews from critics, with one describing it as an outstanding performance and the only song on the album that could", "psg_id": "16988577" }, { "title": "Christmas Carol: The Movie", "text": "Christmas Carol: The Movie Christmas Carol: The Movie is a 2001 British live action/animated film based on Charles Dickens's classic novella. Directed by Jimmy T. Murakami, the film features the voices of numerous actors including Simon Callow, Kate Winslet (who also sang the film's theme \"What If\"), Kate's sister Beth Winslet, and Nicolas Cage. This version differs from others, in that Scrooge is given another chance with the love of his life, Belle, who ended their engagement in their youth after he was corrupted by greed; they later meet again after the three spirits have reformed Scrooge and he is", "psg_id": "5843165" }, { "title": "A Christmas Story", "text": "reviews. A Christmas Story A Christmas Story is a 1983 American Christmas comedy film directed by Bob Clark and based on Jean Shepherd's semi-fictional anecdotes in his 1966 book \"\", with some elements from his 1971 book \"Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories\". It stars Melinda Dillon, Darren McGavin, and Peter Billingsley. A seasonal classic in North America, it is shown numerous times on television, usually on the networks owned by the Turner Broadcasting System. Since 1997, a marathon of the film titled \"24 Hours of \"A Christmas Story\"\" has aired annually on TNT or TBS, comprising twelve consecutive airings", "psg_id": "3654570" }, { "title": "A Christmas Story", "text": "A Christmas Story A Christmas Story is a 1983 American Christmas comedy film directed by Bob Clark and based on Jean Shepherd's semi-fictional anecdotes in his 1966 book \"\", with some elements from his 1971 book \"Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories\". It stars Melinda Dillon, Darren McGavin, and Peter Billingsley. A seasonal classic in North America, it is shown numerous times on television, usually on the networks owned by the Turner Broadcasting System. Since 1997, a marathon of the film titled \"24 Hours of \"A Christmas Story\"\" has aired annually on TNT or TBS, comprising twelve consecutive airings of", "psg_id": "3654542" }, { "title": "Mannlicher M1890 Carbine", "text": "Mannlicher M1890 Carbine \"Not to be confused with Mannlicher M1890 Rifle.\" The Repeating Carbine Model 1890 a.k.a. Mannlicher Model 1890 Carbine is a bolt-action rifle, designed by Ferdinand Mannlicher that used a new version of his straight-pull action bolt. It was introduced as an alternative to the Mannlicher M1888 as it was shorter and easier to maneuver with. Three main versions were introduced: Cavalry Carbine, Gendarmerie Carbine and Navy Short Rifle. This variant was used by the Austro-Hungarian cavalry. A stacking rod, handguard and bayonet lug are absent. This variant features sling swivels on the underside, a stacking rod and", "psg_id": "18105039" }, { "title": "A Christmas Story", "text": "the leg lamp) of the house and neighborhood, were filmed in the Tremont section of Cleveland's West Side. The house used as the Parker home in these scenes has been restored, reconfigured inside to match the soundstage interiors, and opened to the public as \"A Christmas Story House\". Appropriately, the fictional boyhood home of Ralphie Parker is on Cleveland Street, the name of the actual street where Shepherd grew up. However, Cleveland was only one of several locations used. The school scenes were shot at the Victoria School in St. Catharines, Ontario. The Christmas tree-purchasing scene was filmed in Toronto,", "psg_id": "3654554" }, { "title": "Christmas Time Is in the Air Again", "text": "\"All I Want for Christmas Is You\" and \"Christmas Time Is in the Air Again\". Idolator writer Sam Lanksy wrote that she performed with \"maestro vocals\", but felt that her vocals on the latter rendition \"eclipsed\" that of the former. The song was included on the set-list of her Beacon Theatre residency called All I Want For Christmas Is You, A Night of Joy & Festivity in December 2014. \"The New York Times\" critic Jon Caramanica felt as though Carey was \"completely undersinging\". Carey released a lyric video for \"Christmas Time Is in the Air Again\" on December 17, 2012.", "psg_id": "16988576" }, { "title": "Christmas Time Is in the Air Again", "text": "was a cover from some Judy Garland movie you didn't pay that much attention to once. Not even Santa himself has the power to conjure the spontaneous nostalgia found here.\" BBC critic Mike Diver was complimentary of the track, writing that, although the effect is \"less instant\" compared to the first single, \"Oh Santa!\", it fits in well with the rest of the album and is \"perfectly formed\". Caryn Ganz of \"Rolling Stone\" simply described the orchestration of the original compositions \"One Child\" and \"Christmas Time Is in the Air Again\" as overwhelmingly Christmasy. In her 2012 single review of", "psg_id": "16988574" }, { "title": "Christmas Time Is in the Air Again", "text": "You\". It was released as a promotional single in December 2012. An accompanying lyric video was released, and Carey has performed \"Christmas Time Is in the Air Again\" live on NBC's \"Christmas in Rockefeller Centre\" event and during her December 2014 Beacon Theatre residency called All I Want For Christmas Is You, A Night of Joy & Festivity. \"Christmas Time is in the Air Again\" is an original composition written and produced by Carey with Broadway composer Marc Shaiman for Carey's second Christmas album/thirteenth studio album \"Merry Christmas II You\" (2010). It was recorded by Brian Garten at multiple recording", "psg_id": "16988570" }, { "title": "Christmas Time Is in the Air Again", "text": "tempo of 50 beats per minute; Carey's voice spans just short of two octaves from F♯ to E. On November 26, 2012, Carey announced via her Twitter account that \"Christmas Time Is in the Air Again\" would be released as a promotional single. \"The Village Voice\" writer Rich Juzwiak felt that \"Christmas Time Is in the Air Again\" was the only song on \"Merry Christmas II You\" that matched \"the magic\" of her 1994 single \"All I Want for Christmas Is You\", describing it as \"exquisite\". He continued to write that it is \"a sweeping big-band ballad that you'd swear", "psg_id": "16988573" }, { "title": "A Christmas Story 2", "text": "movie in place of the late Shepherd. The film takes place in 1946. Ralphie is now fifteen years old, and all he wants is a used 1939 Mercury Eight convertible for Christmas. He tries testing the car out when he sees it on a display ramp, but he accidentally causes the car to roll back out of the used car lot and gently tap a light pole, causing a plastic reindeer on the pole to loosen and fall through the convertible top. Ralphie bands together with Flick and Schwartz to raise enough money to pay the dealer back for fixing", "psg_id": "16771135" }, { "title": "Berthier rifle", "text": "of the Mle 1886/M93 Lebel. Prior experiments with several carbine versions of the Lebel action proved unacceptably heavy and slow to load while on horseback. While retaining most of the action's strong points, the Berthier carbine improved on the earlier Mle 1886 rifle by using a one-piece stock and a Mannlicher-style, charger-loaded \"en bloc\" 3 shot clip. These Berthier carbines were progressively allocated to all cavalry, artillery and gendarmerie troops during the 1890s. After the adoption of the new Lebel Model 1886 rifle, French military authorities attempted to develop a carbine version of the rifle for mounted troops. A prototype", "psg_id": "10760378" }, { "title": "A Christmas Story 2", "text": "the original picture again.\" A Christmas Story 2 A Christmas Story 2 (also known in the trailer as A Christmas Story 2: Official Sequel) is a 2012 film directed by Brian Levant and starring Daniel Stern and Braeden Lemasters. The film is a direct sequel to the 1983 film \"A Christmas Story\", which ignores the events of the 1994 film \"My Summer Story\". It was released straight to DVD on October 30, 2012. Although billed as an \"official sequel\" in the trailer, the film is not based on Jean Shepherd's writings, instead relying on an original script by Nat Mauldin,", "psg_id": "16771138" }, { "title": "A Christmas Story 2", "text": "A Christmas Story 2 A Christmas Story 2 (also known in the trailer as A Christmas Story 2: Official Sequel) is a 2012 film directed by Brian Levant and starring Daniel Stern and Braeden Lemasters. The film is a direct sequel to the 1983 film \"A Christmas Story\", which ignores the events of the 1994 film \"My Summer Story\". It was released straight to DVD on October 30, 2012. Although billed as an \"official sequel\" in the trailer, the film is not based on Jean Shepherd's writings, instead relying on an original script by Nat Mauldin, who also narrates the", "psg_id": "16771134" }, { "title": "Christmas with the Dead (short story)", "text": "lightning storm turned his wife and daughter and everyone else in town into zombies some two years ago. So he decides to celebrate Christmas and ventures out to gather decorations. That's when things turn ugly. The short story was adapted into a film in 2012. It was shot in the East Texas area in the summer of 2011. The film starring Brad Maule, Damian Maffei, and Kasey Lansdale is currently showing on the film festival circuit and at private screenings. It has just been released on DVD and is available online. Christmas with the Dead (short story) Christmas with the", "psg_id": "16759916" }, { "title": "The Gift of Love: A Christmas Story", "text": "The Gift of Love: A Christmas Story The Gift of Love: A Christmas Story is a 1983 American made-for-television Christmas drama film, originally broadcast on CBS as an annual tradition for more than five years, premiering December 20, 1983. It starred Lee Remick, Angela Lansbury and Polly Holliday. It was produced by Dick Atkins and Michael Lepiner; directed by Academy Award winner Delbert Mann; and written by Earl Hamner, Jr., creator of \"The Waltons\", based on the short story \"The Silent Stars Go By\" by Bess Streeter Aldrich. The movie was filmed on location in 1983 in Vermont, mainly in", "psg_id": "17848855" }, { "title": "A Christmas Story: The Musical", "text": "The musical premiered at the Kansas City Repertory Theatre, Missouri in December 2009. The music and lyrics for that version were written by Scott Davenport Richards; the musical was directed by Eric Rosen with the book by Joseph Robinette, and featured John Bolton as \"The Old Man\" and Anne L. Nathan as Mother. Zachary Sayle appeared as Ralphie Parker and Jake Siegfried as younger brother, Randy Parker. Benj Pasek and Justin Paul were hired to re-do the score after the Kansas City engagement. \"A Christmas Story: The Musical\" opened at the 5th Avenue Theatre, Seattle, Washington, on December 9, 2010", "psg_id": "17268424" }, { "title": "Palmer carbine", "text": "rim of the cartridge, and the small space on the bolt where the two parts meet with the bullet rim when the trigger is pulled. Ultimately the actions of rifles like the Spencer rifle and the Sharps rifle were preferred over the Palmer. Its unique significant design is a predecessor of all modern bolt action type rifles. Palmer carbine The Palmer model 1865 carbine is a single-shot bolt action rifle patented in 1863 by E. G. Lamson and Company of Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts. 1000 Palmer carbines were delivered to Union forces in the American Civil War one month after the", "psg_id": "19775185" }, { "title": "Rifles in the American Civil War", "text": "and musketoons. The only breech-loading rifle (not built as a carbine like the Burnside) firing a primed-metallic cartridge (a .50 cal. rimfire) made by the Federal Government (at Springfield Armory) and actually designed for issue to infantrymen was the Model 1865 Springfield Joslyn Rifle, of which only 3,007 were made. In fact, this rifle was the first breechloader ever made in any national armory that fired a primed metallic cartridge. It was basically a Joslyn Carbine action mated to a heavily modified 1863 Springfield barrel and stock. It was issued to disabled soldiers of the Veteran Reserve Corps very late", "psg_id": "12209864" }, { "title": "A Christmas Story Live!", "text": "in a Hanukkah theme...\" but noted that \"...the virtues that have made the movie a seasonal perennial were somewhat swallowed by the narrative digressions and showstopping gestures of the musical.\" The overnight Nielsen ratings were a 2.8 rating/5 share with 4.52 million viewers, as compared to the Fox network live telecast of \"Grease: Live\" in January 2016, which earned a 7.4 overnight and 12 million viewers. A Christmas Story Live! A Christmas Story Live! is a television special that was originally broadcast by Fox on December 17, 2017. It was a live, televised musical remake of the 1983 film \"A", "psg_id": "20415384" }, { "title": "Merrill carbine", "text": "inch round barrel and two barrel bands. Approximately 300 were modified for the U.S. Navy to use the action from the Merrill carbine. The Merrill rifle was produced from 1862-65 with a total quantity estimated at over 800. The rifle was a .54 caliber, single -shot, percussion, breechloader with an action identical to the Merrill Carbine, but with a 33-inch barrel, two barrel bands, and a lug for attaching a bayonet. It also had a brass patchbox similar to the First Type carbine. Serial numbers are in the \"5000 - 14000\" range. Of the rifles produced, 770 were purchased by", "psg_id": "14023405" }, { "title": "Remington Model 788", "text": "calibers. The Carbine version with an barrel was produced in .308 Winchester, 7mm-08, and .243. The stock was revised in 1980 being the only significant change throughout the production history. The following table presents a breakdown of this rifle's 15 year production run by caliber, year, and configuration. Remington Model 788 The Remington 788 is a bolt-action, centerfire rifle that was made by Remington Arms from 1967 to 1983. It was marketed as an inexpensive yet accurate hunting rifle to compete with other gun companies' less expensive rifles alongside their more expensive Model 700 line. The 788 utilizes a single-column", "psg_id": "5520735" }, { "title": "Palmer carbine", "text": "Palmer carbine The Palmer model 1865 carbine is a single-shot bolt action rifle patented in 1863 by E. G. Lamson and Company of Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts. 1000 Palmer carbines were delivered to Union forces in the American Civil War one month after the war ended. All rifles (designed to be carbines for cavalry soldiers) were subsequently sold to civilians after the war. The rifle was the first bolt action rifle to be accepted for use by the US Army Ordnance Department. Unlike traditional bolt actions which contain the firing pin centered in the bolt, the Palmer's bolt was machined from", "psg_id": "19775182" }, { "title": "Winchester Model 70", "text": "accuracy is brought to peak level. Winchester Model 70s equipped with the BOSS provide a significant improvement in accuracy for a production rifle. Currently, only Browning rifles are available with the BOSS. Later, Winchester expanded the Classic line, putting the Classic action on all their modern stocks, giving a wide range of choice in rifle types. This basically lets the buyer choose an action, then choose a stock to one's liking. Both pre- and post-1964 versions of the Model 70 actions have their strengths and weaknesses. At the same time as the CRF feature was re-introduced, a recent innovation allowed", "psg_id": "4778249" }, { "title": "Classic Army M15 series", "text": "Rifle, but with Carbine barrel and hand guard assembly As standard Carbine, but equipped with a replica Rail Integration System for mounting extra accessories, such as flashlights, grenade launchers, etc. Comes with an external battery box which accepts larger batteries than usual. Special Purpose Carbine; this rifle is essentially the RIS model with a full stock for accepting large batteries. Special Purpose Rifle; this rifle is essentially an M15A4 rifle with a full-length RIS, forward pistol grip and Lewis Machine & Tool rearsight. Accepts large batteries. This model also features a 7 mm gearbox, giving higher out-the-box performance in terms", "psg_id": "9424701" }, { "title": "The Christmas Angel: A Family Story", "text": "The Christmas Angel: A Family Story The Christmas Angel: A Family Story is a 1998 Christmas album by the band Mannheim Steamroller, their fifth Christmas album. The soundtrack, accompanied by the narration of Chip Davis and Olivia Newton-John, tells the story of a decorative angel that is stolen from the top of a Christmas tree by a villain called the Gargon. The toys under the tree will not become presents until the angel is found. With the toys' help, a young mother defeats the Gargon and Christmas is saved. The script was written by Mark Valenti. The story was then", "psg_id": "8509168" }, { "title": "Thorneycroft carbine", "text": "Thorneycroft carbine The Thorneycroft carbine was one of the earliest bullpup rifles, developed by an English gunsmith in 1901 as patent No. 14,622 of July 18, 1901. This bolt-action rifle featured a bullpup action in which the retracted bolt slid back through the stock nearly to the shooter's shoulder, maximising the space available in the body of the firearm. The rifle was chambered in the contemporary .303 British service cartridge, and held five rounds in an internal magazine. The Thorneycroft was shorter and 10% lighter than the standard Lee–Enfield rifle used by the British military at the time. However, when", "psg_id": "13633979" }, { "title": "A Ghost Story for Christmas", "text": "A Ghost Story for Christmas A Ghost Story for Christmas is a strand of annual British short television films originally broadcast on BBC One between 1971 and 1978, and revived in 2005 on BBC Four. With one exception, the original instalments were directed by Lawrence Gordon Clark and the films were all shot on 16 mm colour film. The remit behind the series was to provide a television adaptation of a classic ghost story, in line with the oral tradition of telling supernatural tales at Christmas. Each instalment is a separate adaptation of a short story, ranges between 30 and", "psg_id": "13008304" }, { "title": "Christmas with the Fizz", "text": "Concluding that it was \"the seasonal album you didn't know you needed\". \"Classic Pop magazine\" awarded the album a three-star review. Christmas with the Fizz Christmas with the Fizz is a 2018 album by British pop group The Fizz. It is a festive-themed album, the group's first and was released in November 2018. The album features the line-up of Cheryl Baker, Mike Nolan and Jay Aston, fourth member Bobby McVay having parted with the band earlier in the year. \"Christmas with the Fizz\" is produced by experienced hit producer Mike Stock. \"Christmas with the Fizz\" was in the planning stages", "psg_id": "21006194" }, { "title": "What Is This Thing Called Love? (short story)", "text": "with aliens and sex. According to Asimov the article was mostly based on \"Marvel\" since its contents had been the raciest. Cele Goldsmith Lalli, editor of \"Amazing Stories\", requested a satire of the \"Playboy\" article. Asimov set out to write a story telling how a sex-interested alien and humans might \"really\" interact. The story appeared in the March 1961 issue of \"Amazing\" as \"Playboy and the Slime God\", but when Asimov included it in his 1969 collection \"Nightfall and Other Stories\" he retitled it \"What Is This Thing Called Love?\" Goldsmith Lalli rewrote the story's last three paragraphs, a change", "psg_id": "9229788" }, { "title": "Ruger Deerfield Carbine", "text": "Carbine, which is stronger and easier to make. The Deerfield also uses a rotary magazine similar to that used on Ruger's .22 LR 10/22 rifle. Whereas, the Model 44 was fed via a fixed 4-shot tubular magazine. Ruger Deerfield Carbine The Deerfield Carbine or Model 99/44 is a .44 Magnum semi-automatic rifle produced by Sturm, Ruger & Co. It uses a rotating-bolt short-stroke gas-piston. It was introduced in 2000 and discontinued in 2006. The Deerfield Carbine replaced the earlier Ruger Model 44 Deerstalker rifle first produced in 1961 and dropped from the Ruger lineup in 1985 due to high production", "psg_id": "17233888" }, { "title": "Starr carbine", "text": "Starr carbine The Starr carbine was a breechloading single-shot rifle used by the United States Army. Designed in 1858, the Starr was primarily used by cavalry soldiers in the American Civil War. In January 1858, Ebenzer Starr submitted his design for a single-shot, breech-loading rifle to the Washington Armory for evaluation. During testing, the rifle was noted to have no misfires, and its accuracy was considered better than average. Testers commented that if the gas seal could be improved, the weapon would be better than its rival, the Sharps carbine. The rifle was adopted as the Model 1858 carbine. Between", "psg_id": "14164020" }, { "title": "Colt Model 1839 Carbine", "text": "and continuing inland towards Mexico City. Colt Model 1839 Carbine The Colt Model 1839 Carbine is an early percussion revolving smoothbore carbine manufactured by the Patent Arms Manufacturing Company between 1838 and 1841. Produced alongside the Colt Second Model Ring Lever rifle (preceded by the First Model Ring Lever rifle, Samuel Colt's first manufactured firearm), the Model 1839 was the most popular longarm of the Patent Arms period. The Model 1839 Carbine is differentiated from Colt's Ring Lever rifles by the lack of a cocking ring lever and the presence of an external hammer, which, when manually cocked, would rotate", "psg_id": "18107762" }, { "title": "Christmas with the Dead (short story)", "text": "Christmas with the Dead (short story) Christmas with the Dead is a zombie apocalypse short story by author Joe R. Lansdale. It's a story about a man named Calvin who's bound and determined to celebrate Christmas despite being the only human left in a town inhabited by Zombies. This short story is published as a limited edition chapbook and has been adapted to film. Calvin(no last name given) is the lone survivor of a zombie apocalypse in the East Texas town of Mud Creek. He has converted his home into a fortress and is lonely and bored since a freak", "psg_id": "16759915" }, { "title": "The Story of Frozen: Making a Disney Animated Classic", "text": "The Story of Frozen: Making a Disney Animated Classic The Story of Frozen: Making a Disney Animated Classic is a television special that aired September 2, 2014, on ABC. The program tells the story of how Walt Disney Animation Studios' 2013 3D computer-animated film \"Frozen\" was created, and the unique impact it had on worldwide culture. On August 13, 2014, it was announced that the one-hour television special, titled \"The Story of Frozen: Making a Disney Animated Classic\", would air September 2, 2014, on ABC. It features interviews with some of the cast and the creative team of the film;", "psg_id": "18552093" }, { "title": "Armies in the American Civil War", "text": "and carbine models. The rifle was 47‑ inches long and weighed 10 pounds, while the carbine was 39‑inches long and weighed 8¼ pounds. The Spencer was also the first weapon adopted by the US Army that fired a metallic rim‑fire, self‑contained cartridge. Soldiers loaded rounds through an opening in the butt of the stock, which fed into the chamber through a tubular magazine by the action of the trigger guard. The hammer still had to be cocked manually before each shot. The Henry rifle was, in some ways, even better than either the Sharps or the Spencer. Although never adopted", "psg_id": "19506935" }, { "title": "M1 carbine", "text": "if any T23 flash-hider attachments saw service during the war, though unit armorers occasionally hand-built improvised compensator/flash-hiders of their own design. The M1 carbine was used with the M8 grenade launcher, which was developed in early 1944. It was fired with the .30 Carbine M6 Grenade Blank cartridge to launch 22 mm rifle grenades. Stress from firing rifle grenades would eventually crack the carbine's stock. It also could not use the M8 launcher with an M7 auxiliary \"booster\" charge (to extend its range) without breaking the stock. This made it a type of emergency-issue weapon. A total of over 6.1", "psg_id": "1482508" }, { "title": "This Is The Time: The Christmas Album", "text": "a discography, and a preview of a Bolton CD-ROM which was never released. The album was released during Christmas time, narrowly missing the top 10 hitting #11. Total sales of the album have reached one million copies in the US (Platinum status). The album also proved to be a worldwide hit, selling almost 2.5 million units. This Is The Time: The Christmas Album This Is the Time: The Christmas Album is an album by Michael Bolton, released on October 1, 1996. Bolton's first Christmas release, it contains two new songs: \"This Is the Time\" (performed with Wynonna Judd), and \"Love", "psg_id": "7156757" }, { "title": "The Christmas Angel: A Family Story", "text": "turned into a figure skating production titled \"The Christmas Angel: A Story on Ice\", starring Dorothy Hamill as the mother, Elvis Stojko as the Gargon, and Tonia Kwiatkowski as the Angel. The Christmas Angel: A Family Story The Christmas Angel: A Family Story is a 1998 Christmas album by the band Mannheim Steamroller, their fifth Christmas album. The soundtrack, accompanied by the narration of Chip Davis and Olivia Newton-John, tells the story of a decorative angel that is stolen from the top of a Christmas tree by a villain called the Gargon. The toys under the tree will not become", "psg_id": "8509169" }, { "title": "This Is What Love In Action Looks Like", "text": "Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. Fox, and Love In Action's director John Smid appeared on the CNN to promote the film the morning of its release on DVD and Digital platforms. On April 13, 2012 a follow up based on the events in the documentary was featured in a story on \"This American Life\" titled Own Worst Enemy. In the podcast the film's director, Morgan Jon Fox and Love In Action's now former director, John Smid talk about meeting as enemies, and becoming friends over time. This Is What Love In Action Looks Like This Is What Love In Action", "psg_id": "18444962" }, { "title": "The Story of Frozen: Making a Disney Animated Classic", "text": "footage from Norway that inspired the look of \"Frozen\"; announcements of what is planned for the \"Frozen\" franchise; a preview of Anna, Elsa, and Kristoff's appearances in the TV series \"Once Upon a Time\"; and a sneak peek of Walt Disney Animation Studios' film \"Big Hero 6\". The special also announced \"Frozen Fever\", an animated short film serving as a sequel to \"Frozen\", which was released alongside the live-action Walt Disney Pictures film \"Cinderella\" on March 13, 2015. The Story of Frozen: Making a Disney Animated Classic The Story of Frozen: Making a Disney Animated Classic is a television special", "psg_id": "18552094" }, { "title": "Christmas with The Puppini Sisters", "text": "be the year in which they would make an album of their favourite Christmas songs. While Mullins added that making the album was \"a no brainer\" and \"the next logical step\" for the group. O'Brien believed that the album would be perfect for getting the listener into the festive spirit, while the \"many fun and happy songs\" would be good for getting someone through the shopping, entertaining and family get-togethers. Puppini branded the album \"the swingiest, most festive collection of Holiday songs you'll ever hear.\" \"Christmas with The Puppini Sisters\" contains ten tracks, which range from contemporary Christmas songs like", "psg_id": "17558545" }, { "title": "Marlin Model 336", "text": "the lever pivot screw with a flathead screwdriver, allows field stripping of the lever arm, bolt, and ejector for maintenance. Unlike many lever action designs, the Model 336 can be cleaned from the breech, much like a bolt-action rifle. This in turn avoids damage to the muzzle caused by cleaning rods and tools. As of 1983, the Model 336 was ranked the #2 all-time leader in U.S. high-powered sporting rifle sales, after the Winchester Model 1894, with over 3.5 million sold. Marauder, Trapper, Model 336Y Marlin has made short carbine versions of the Model 336 over the years, including the", "psg_id": "7852057" }, { "title": "The Gift of Love: A Christmas Story", "text": "this a special that merits repeating in seasons to come.\" -Los Angeles Times The Gift of Love: A Christmas Story The Gift of Love: A Christmas Story is a 1983 American made-for-television Christmas drama film, originally broadcast on CBS as an annual tradition for more than five years, premiering December 20, 1983. It starred Lee Remick, Angela Lansbury and Polly Holliday. It was produced by Dick Atkins and Michael Lepiner; directed by Academy Award winner Delbert Mann; and written by Earl Hamner, Jr., creator of \"The Waltons\", based on the short story \"The Silent Stars Go By\" by Bess Streeter", "psg_id": "17848858" }, { "title": "Christmas with the Kranks", "text": "including \"Jingle Bell Rock\" by Brenda Lee; \"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer\" by Billy May & His Orchestra with vocal by Alvin Stoller; \"I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus\" by Eddie Dunstedter; \"White Christmas\" by Dean Martin; \"Frosty the Snowman\" by Steve Van Zandt; \"Blue Christmas\" by Elvis Presley; and \"The Christmas Song\" by Ella Fitzgerald. Unlike the movie, the soundtrack received generally favorable reviews, with many critics appreciating the use of garage rock as a \"fresh take\" on Christmas music. \"Houston Press\" featured it on their list of top 10 Christmas movie soundtracks. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an", "psg_id": "4207433" }, { "title": "The Thing in the Moonlight", "text": "blood-red-tentacle...\" Phillips is aware that it is a dream, but is unable to wake up. During the day, he travels the strange land, and each night, is brought back to the place with the train car. He always alerts the howling beast to his presence, and always flees from it. The narrator closes the story by saying that he would visit Phillips' house in Providence, but fears what he might find. The Thing in the Moonlight \"The Thing in the Moonlight\" is a short story by J. Chapman Miske. The story is based on a letter dated November 24, 1927", "psg_id": "8481667" }, { "title": "This Is The Time: The Christmas Album", "text": "This Is The Time: The Christmas Album This Is the Time: The Christmas Album is an album by Michael Bolton, released on October 1, 1996. Bolton's first Christmas release, it contains two new songs: \"This Is the Time\" (performed with Wynonna Judd), and \"Love Is the Power\", while the others were covers of traditional Christmas songs. \"Ave Maria\" was performed with Spanish tenor Plácido Domingo. \"White Christmas\" was a single off the album \"\", but was also included on this album. The CD was an \"enhanced\" CD containing additional material viewable on a computer, including a video of \"White Christmas\",", "psg_id": "7156756" }, { "title": "A Christmas Story", "text": "walked in, and he had us from the beginning,\" Clark later recalled of Peter Billingsley who was already a successful actor in commercials and from co-hosting the TV series \"Real People\". Clark initially wanted him for the role of Ralphie, but decided he was \"too obvious\" a choice and auditioned many other young actors before realizing that Billingsley was the right choice after all. Ian Petrella was cast immediately before filming began. Tedde Moore had previously appeared in Clark's film \"Murder by Decree\" and was the only onscreen character from \"A Christmas Story\" who was played by the same actor", "psg_id": "3654548" }, { "title": "The Boy with a Thorn in His Side", "text": "The Boy with a Thorn in His Side The Boy with a Thorn in His Side is a 2005 comedy film, produced and directed by Mark Jeavonsa as his feature film debut, and starring Alec Sedgley as Billy Heinlickburger. Its title is almost the same as a song by The Smiths. \"Boy With A Thorn\" was shot in Birmingham and Wolverhampton in the West Midlands, England over a period of 17 days, because that was the length of time director Mark Jeavonsa was allowed to use the equipment. The director relates that he devoted most of 2004 in preparing to", "psg_id": "8751873" }, { "title": "M4 carbine", "text": "M4 carbine The M4 carbine is a shorter and lighter variant of the M16A2 assault rifle. The M4 is a 5.56×45mm NATO, air-cooled, direct impingement gas-operated, magazine-fed carbine. It has a barrel and a telescoping stock. The M4 carbine is extensively used by the United States Armed Forces and is largely replacing the M16 rifle in United States Army and United States Marine Corps combat units as the primary infantry weapon and service rifle. The M4 is also capable of mounting the M203 and M320 grenade launchers. The distinctive step in its barrel is for mounting the M203 with the", "psg_id": "2131551" }, { "title": "A Christmas Held Captive", "text": "forcing Scrooge to spit up the key. The Elves, Sugar Plum, Mrs. Santa and the Drummer Boy succeed in getting the key back and Christmas is saved. A defeated Scrooge confesses that he never gets presents at Christmas. Santa gives Scrooge a present and his spirits are lifted. The story roughly follows the structure and style of classic British pantomime. Source: \"A Christmas Held Captive\" Score Note: this is the original song list from the original 1986–87 production. A Christmas Held Captive A Christmas Held Captive is an original musical with lyrics and music by Robert J. Sherman and Christopher", "psg_id": "19207327" }, { "title": "A King and His Movie", "text": "A King and His Movie A King and His Movie () is a 1986 Argentine comedy drama film, directed by Carlos Sorín, and written by Sorín and Jorge Goldenberg. The movie features Ulises Dumont and Julio Chávez, among others. The film tells the story of David Vass (Julio Chávez), an obsessed filmmaker who attempts to make an epic account of the French adventurer Orelie-Antoine de Tounens, who in the 19th century assumed the title of King of Patagonia and Araucania. Vass meets major obstacles at every turn. Word leaks out to the Argentine media that Vass is finally making his", "psg_id": "9856908" }, { "title": "Crosman 2100 Classic", "text": "Crosman 2100 Classic The Crosman 2100B (Crosman 2100 Classic) is an American-made pneumatic air gun that is manufactured for small game hunting, large and small pest control, and target shooting. The 2100 Classic is manufactured with adjustable iron sights, but the 2100 Classic also has a dovetail rail for fitting a scope onto the gun. The materials are very basic: \"Barrel\": Rifled Steel \"Stock\": Synthetic \"Forearm\": Synthetic \"Muzzle velocity\": pellet:725 fps bb:755 fps A good rifle for the price at only $59. Also, for loading the magazine, there is a 17-shot magazine and a 200-round-capacity reservoir in the stock for", "psg_id": "12611587" }, { "title": "Destroyer carbine", "text": "a 5-shot single stack magazine. The longer rifle barrel resulted in greater muzzle velocity, accuracy, and range. The Destroyer was initially manufactured in Eibar, Spain by Gaztanaga y Compania, then by Ayra Duria S.A. and possibly others, with some minor improvements made over time. The carbine is more accurate than a self-loading service pistol, not because of its barrel length, but mainly due to the lack of moving parts and the stable firing platform offered by a weapon with a sturdy shoulder stock. Most pistol calibers do not generate enough gas volume to take advantage of the extra 12-16 inches", "psg_id": "7098392" }, { "title": "What Is the Fastest Thing in the World?", "text": "of which was good and some bad. The king set riddles to them: whoever guessed the riddles would get good land. The first riddle was what was the fastest thing in the world. The stupid brother's daughter told him what to say; his brother guessed a bird or a horse, and the stupid brother said the mind. The second riddle was what was the heaviest thing in the world; the clever brother guessed stone or iron, and the stupid brother repeated his daughter's answer: fire because no one could lift it. The third was what was the most important thing", "psg_id": "9686492" }, { "title": "A Christmas Story Live!", "text": "Parker and his unrelenting desire to get his hands on a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas.\" The Parker Family School characters Other Two songs were created exclusively for the live broadcast that were not originally present in the original Broadway production including \"Count on Christmas,\" and \"In the Market for a Miracle.\" In addition, three songs from the Broadway production were cut or reworked. \"Overture\" and \"Parker Family Singalong\" were both cut, while \"Act One Finale\" was reworked as \"Ralphie's Nightmare.\" The song \"Up on Santa's Lap\" was included in the television broadcast, but not included on the Christmas", "psg_id": "20415377" }, { "title": "A Christmas Story", "text": "networks were running 24 hour marathons in 2017, as well. A sequel involving Ralphie and his family, titled \"My Summer Story\" (originally released as \"It Runs in the Family\"), was made in 1994. With the exceptions of Tedde Moore as Ralphie's teacher (Miss Shields) and Jean Shepherd as the narrator (the voice of the adult Ralphie), it features an entirely different cast. A series of television films involving the Parker family, also from Shepherd stories, were made by PBS, including \"Ollie Hopnoodle's Haven of Bliss\" (1988), \"The Star-Crossed Romance of Josephine Cosnowski\" (1985), \"The Great American Fourth of July and", "psg_id": "3654567" }, { "title": "Carbine", "text": "rifle, originally with an barrel, later shortened to in 1930, and to in 1938, the German Mauser Gewehr 98 rifles went from in 1898 to in 1935 as the \"Karabiner 98k\" (K98k or Kar98k), or \"short carbine\". The barrel lengths in rifles used by the United States did not change between the bolt-action M1903 rifle of World War I and the World War II M1 Garand rifle, because the barrel on the M1903 was still shorter than even the shortened versions of the Model 1891 and Gewehr 98. The US M1 carbine was more of a traditional carbine in that", "psg_id": "79386" }, { "title": "The \"What Time Is Love?\" Story", "text": "The \"What Time Is Love?\" Story The \"What Time Is Love?\" Story is a compilation album by British electronic music duo The KLF, comprising six versions of their techno track \"What Time Is Love?\". By 1989 (see 1989 in music), the popularity of the \"Pure Trance Original\" of \"What Time Is Love?\" in European clubs had reportedly spawned eighteen unauthorised cover versions and sound-alikes. In a novel move, some of these were collated by The Orb's Alex Paterson at The KLF's behest, and released as a compilation album entitled \"The \"What Time Is Love?\" Story\", which was sold commercially for", "psg_id": "7526859" }, { "title": "Ryder Jackson", "text": "and her best friend Raffy. Ryder spends time with both Coco and Raffy during a movie night. Raffy confesses that she likes Ryder causing Coco to hide her own feelings for him. Writers played Ryder and Coco nearly getting into a relationship multiple times but Coco is always hesitant. Each time Ryder shows Coco how much he likes her, Coco's anxiety takes over and they remain friends. Ryder later tries to impress Coco but she is preoccupied with her cancer stricken mother Maggie Astoni (Kestie Morassi). Raffy tells Coco that Ryder may lose interest in her so she decides to", "psg_id": "20892326" }, { "title": "Time is the Simplest Thing", "text": "Time is the Simplest Thing Time is the Simplest Thing is a science fiction novel by Clifford D. Simak, first published in 1961. The story combines paranormal abilities with themes of space and time travel. The underlying theme is intolerance of ordinary people towards those with unusual abilities. The novel is notable for long passages meditating on power, fear, and prejudice in people. The protagonist finds himself caught between people pursuing commercial power, some exploiting fear and anger for personal reasons, and others attempting to overthrow what they regard as evil institutions in the name of a greater good, but", "psg_id": "19133372" }, { "title": "What a Night! A Christmas Album", "text": "Tchaikovsky's \"Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy\". Arrangement by Harry Connick Jr. A Holiday Celebration Tour 2008, is a concert tour with his big band to support the album. The tour was confirmed by the official Harry Connick, Jr. website in September 2008. One of their stops included the annual lighting of the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree. What a Night! A Christmas Album What a Night! A Christmas Album, by American singer, pianist and bandleader Harry Connick Jr., was released on November 4, 2008., being his third Christmas album, since 1993's \"When My Heart Finds Christmas\" and 2003's \"Harry for", "psg_id": "12429877" }, { "title": "The House Without a Christmas Tree", "text": "but returns every year for Christmas with her father, who always has a Christmas tree ready for her to hang her star. Originally shown on CBS on December 3, 1972, this movie was actually a very low-budget film produced on videotape. John J. O'Connor, the television critic for The New York Times, highly praised the program. In his review, O'Connor observed that \"what could have been cloyingly sticky was kept, in an unusually sensitive script by Eleanor Perry, gently perceptive. For one thing, the characterization of Addie did not fall into the Sunnybrook Farm mold typical of most little girls", "psg_id": "10983454" }, { "title": "Every Picture Tells a Story (song)", "text": "in the dark \"Rod Stewart, scratchy and loud, combed his hair in a thousand different ways and came out looking just the same.\" Greil Marcus uses the reference to the song in \"What It Takes to Keep a Young Girl Alive\" to muse on what makes a good record and why \"Every Picture Tells a Story\" is a good record, i.e., a good record is one that \"entering a person's life, can enable that person to live more intensely—as, whatever else it does, 'Every Picture Tells a Story' does for Jayne Anne Phillips' Sue.\" Every Picture Tells a Story (song)", "psg_id": "15829758" }, { "title": "A Christmas Story", "text": "side of the stock due to Peter Billingsley being left-handed. Director Bob Clark stated in the film's DVD commentary that both he and author Shepherd wished for the film to be seen as \"amorphously late-'30s, early-'40s\". A specific year is never mentioned in the film; however, numerous sources including \"The New York Times\" and CBS News have dated the film variously at 1940 to the early 1940s. Initially overlooked as a sleeper film, \"A Christmas Story\" was released a week before Thanksgiving 1983 to moderate success, earning about $2 million in its first weekend. Vincent Canby's mostly negative \"The New", "psg_id": "3654557" }, { "title": "What Is the Fastest Thing in the World?", "text": "What Is the Fastest Thing in the World? What Is the Fastest Thing in the World? is a Greek fairy tale collected by Georgios A. Megas in \"Folktales of Greece\". It is Aarne-Thompson type 875 and has many Greek and Slavic variants, generally revolving about the exchange of clever answers. This type of tale is the commonest European tale dealing with witty exchanges. In ballad form, the clever answers to the riddles, and the winning of a husband by them, are found in Child ballad 1, \"Riddles Wisely Expounded\". A brother argue over how they should split their land, some", "psg_id": "9686491" }, { "title": "Thorneycroft carbine", "text": "tested at Hythe the firearm exhibited excessive recoil and poor ergonomics, and was not adopted for military service. Thorneycroft carbine The Thorneycroft carbine was one of the earliest bullpup rifles, developed by an English gunsmith in 1901 as patent No. 14,622 of July 18, 1901. This bolt-action rifle featured a bullpup action in which the retracted bolt slid back through the stock nearly to the shooter's shoulder, maximising the space available in the body of the firearm. The rifle was chambered in the contemporary .303 British service cartridge, and held five rounds in an internal magazine. The Thorneycroft was shorter", "psg_id": "13633980" }, { "title": "M4 carbine", "text": "a patrol carbine. M4 carbine The M4 carbine is a shorter and lighter variant of the M16A2 assault rifle. The M4 is a 5.56×45mm NATO, air-cooled, direct impingement gas-operated, magazine-fed carbine. It has a barrel and a telescoping stock. The M4 carbine is extensively used by the United States Armed Forces and is largely replacing the M16 rifle in United States Army and United States Marine Corps combat units as the primary infantry weapon and service rifle. The M4 is also capable of mounting the M203 and M320 grenade launchers. The distinctive step in its barrel is for mounting the", "psg_id": "2131604" }, { "title": "A Wonderful Christmas with Ashanti", "text": "interview with \"Arise Entertainment 360\", Ashanti revealed that her parents, sister and cousin provided backing vocals for her rendition of \"White Christmas\", which was recorded for the expanded 2014 re-issue of the album. A Wonderful Christmas with Ashanti A Wonderful Christmas with Ashanti is the a holiday EP by American R&B recording artist Ashanti. Originally released to iTunes on December 3, 2013 as a five-song EP, the collection featured recordings from the Lifetime original movie \"Christmas In The City\". On October 27, 2014, it was re-issued as a full-length album in the form of a Deluxe Edition to digital retailers", "psg_id": "18415511" }, { "title": "Wrapped in Red", "text": "Christmas album would finally pave a way for her to explore other different genres. She remarked, \"I always get asked what genre I'm in: 'Is this country or pop or rock? What are you?' And what's cool about making the Christmas album was, 'Oh, there are no limitations! We can do whatever we want!'\". She further added, \"The thing about Christmas is that it almost doesn't matter what mood you're in or what kind of a year you've had—it's a fresh start. I'm going to clear the air and take stock of the good that's happened.\" Discussions about making her", "psg_id": "17503095" }, { "title": "Colt Model 1839 Carbine", "text": "Damascus barrel. The six-shot cylinder is long and features a roll scene which includes depictions of \"the American eagle, a deer-hunting sequence, and an Indian with bird hunters.\" The shotgun is chambered in 16 gauge, (.62 caliber) and lacks an attached loading lever. These models, which were original Model 1839 Carbines reacquired and refurbished by Colt in 1848, feature unadorned polished cylinders and case hardened furniture. In other aspects, these refurbished models are similarly finished to the original production run Model 1839 Carbine. Forty carbines were refurbished by Colt in this way. In 1838, production of the Model 1839 Carbine", "psg_id": "18107757" }, { "title": "Christmas with a Capital C", "text": "year with enthusiasm to all the events, friends and family that fill this special season. Together with his brother Greg (Brad Stine), they dedicate time away from their adventure tour company to drape the town is Christmas cheer. When Dan's old high school rival Mitch Bright (Daniel Baldwin), a mean-spirited and embittered militant atheist returns home after 20 years, Dan is immediately suspicious. Mitch is a highly successful big city lawyer who has never wanted anything to do with Trapper Falls. The rivalry re-ignites when the frustrated Mitch takes offense to what he sees as the town's violation of his", "psg_id": "15097498" }, { "title": "Merrill carbine", "text": "were produced in two versions: First Type and Second Type. The First Type included a brass patchbox in the stock and had the breech lever secured by a flat, knurled latch. The Second Type was produced without the patchbox and had the breech lever secured with a rounded, button type latch. James H. Merrill produced or altered several other firearms which include: the Jenks-Merrill carbine; the Merrill rifle; and the Merrill, Latrobe, & Thomas Carbine. The Jenks-Merrill carbine was an altered firearm by James H Merrill. The carbine was a .54 caliber, single -shot, percussion, breechloader with a 24 1/4", "psg_id": "14023404" }, { "title": ".30 Carbine", "text": "Therefore, the M1 carbine is significantly less powerful than the M1 Garand. Another comparison is a .357 Magnum cartridge fired from an 18\" rifle barrel, which has a muzzle velocity range from about with energies at for a bullet at the low end and a bullet on the high end. As a hunting arm, the M1 carbine is approximately the equivalent to a .357 Magnum lever-action rifle. .30 Carbine sporting ammunition is factory recommended for hunting and control of large varmints like fox, javelina, and coyote. However, the game laws of several states do not allow hunting big game (deer,", "psg_id": "3877422" }, { "title": "CETME Model L", "text": "made for general use. Standard equipment supplied with the rifle includes a cleaning kit, sling, bayonet, lightweight bipod, blank-firing adaptor, rifle grenade launcher guide and magazine loader tool. A variant of the Model L is the Model LC carbine that has a short barrel and a collapsible metal shoulder stock, making it particularly suitable for officers, special forces and riot police. These features also allow a high degree of movement in closed spaces or moving vehicles. This carbine version however cannot be used with a bayonet or rifle grenades. Another variant of the Model L is found in the United", "psg_id": "9722612" }, { "title": "A Curious Thing (Once Upon a Time)", "text": "episode a B+, noting that \"As we slog through \"Once Upon A Time\" every week, occasionally we are rewarded with episodes like this one. What with \"OUAT’s\" frequent off-pacing, it seemed like enough events happened in “A Curious Thing” to fill a few episodes, but so many annoying questions this Oz half-season were cleared up. It was just so satisfying.\" A Curious Thing (Once Upon a Time) \"A Curious Thing\" is the nineteenth episode of the third season of the American fantasy drama series \"Once Upon a Time\", and the show's 63rd episode overall, which aired on April 27, 2014.", "psg_id": "18017335" }, { "title": "This Is What Love In Action Looks Like", "text": "This Is What Love In Action Looks Like This Is What Love In Action Looks Like is an American documentary film directed by Morgan Jon Fox about a Memphis teenager who was sent to a controversial Christian program after telling his parents that he was gay. The film was released in 2012, and is distributed by TLA Releasing. In June 2005, a 16-year-old Tennessee boy, Zach Stark, posted a blog entry on his MySpace page, part of which included the following: Somewhat recently, as many of you know, I told my parents I was gay... Well today, my mother, father,", "psg_id": "18444958" }, { "title": "Remorse, a Story of the Red Plague", "text": "The film was shot in Adelaide, using pupils from Mathews' acting school. There was some doubt over whether the movie would be released. But the South Australian censor passed it because they regarded it as having a moral message, although children under sixteen were not admitted. Public response was very strong. The film was originally banned in New South Wales by the censor but this was overturned on appeal. Remorse, a Story of the Red Plague Remorse, a Story of the Red Plague is a 1917 Australian silent film about a naive country boy who visits the big city and", "psg_id": "15921426" }, { "title": "Every Picture Tells a Story (song)", "text": "describes the song as \"just plain visceral -- so much so that [it is] better heard than described\" and that it represents six minutes of \"defining rock & roll.\" \"Every Picture Tells a Story\" was used in the Cameron Crowe movie \"Almost Famous\" in a scene where main characters William and Penny walk through the halls of a hotel. It was also included on the soundtrack of the video game \"\". The song was also referenced in Jayne Anne Phillips' short story \"What It Takes to Keep a Young Girl Alive.\" While the story's character Sue is lying in bed", "psg_id": "15829757" } ]
[ "he'll shoot his eye out" ]
whose ghost was the first to appear to ebenezer scrooge?
[ { "title": "Ebenezer Scrooge", "text": "\"Scrooge\" is used in English as a word for a person who is miserly and tight-fisted, in spite of the fact that Ebenezer Scrooge later reformed. The character is most often noted for exclaiming \"Bah! Humbug!\" despite uttering this phrase only twice in the entire story. He uses the word \"Humbug\" on its own on seven occasions, although on the seventh we are told he \"stopped at the first syllable\" after realizing Marley's ghost is real. The word is never used again after that in the book. A species of snail is named \"Ba humbugi\" after Scrooge's catchphrase. Ebenezer Scrooge", "psg_id": "1371270" } ]
[ { "title": "Ebenezer Scrooge", "text": "Ebenezer Scrooge Ebenezer Scrooge () is the protagonist of Charles Dickens' 1843 novella, \"A Christmas Carol\". At the beginning of the novella, Scrooge is a cold-hearted miser who despises Christmas. Dickens describes him thus: \"The cold within him froze his old features, nipped his pointed nose, shrivelled his cheek, stiffened his gait; made his eyes red, his thin lips blue; and spoke out shrewdly in his grating voice.\" His last name has come into the English language as a byword for miserliness and misanthropy. The tale of his redemption by the three Ghosts of Christmas (Ghost of Christmas Past, Ghost", "psg_id": "1371257" }, { "title": "Ebenezer Scrooge", "text": "of Christmas Present, and Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come) has become a defining tale of the Christmas holiday in the English-speaking world. Ebenezer Scrooge is arguably both one of the most famous characters created by Dickens and one of the most famous in English literature. Scrooge's catchphrase, \"Bah! Humbug!\" is often used to express disgust with many modern Christmas traditions. Several theories have been put forward as to where Dickens got inspiration for the character. Kelly writes that Scrooge may have been influenced by Dickens's conflicting feelings for his father, whom he both loved and demonised. This psychological conflict", "psg_id": "1371258" }, { "title": "Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come", "text": "Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come The Ghost of Christmas Yet-to-Come, also known as The Ghost of Christmas Future, sometimes The Spirit of Christmas Future or The Spirit of Christmas Yet-to-Come or The Ghost of Christmas Yet-to-Be, is a fictional character in English novelist Charles Dickens's \"A Christmas Carol\". It is the third and final spirit to visit the miser Ebenezer Scrooge on Christmas Eve. The spirit closely resembles the Grim Reaper. Scrooge finds the Ghost of Christmas Future the most fearsome of the Spirits; it appears to Scrooge as a figure entirely muffled in a black hooded cloak, except", "psg_id": "6682184" }, { "title": "Ebenezer Scrooge", "text": "and, as a result, is damned to walk the Earth for eternity bound in the chains of his own greed. Marley warns Scrooge that he risks meeting the same fate and that as a final chance at redemption he will be visited by three spirits of Christmas: Past, Present and Yet-to-Come. The Ghost of Christmas Past takes Scrooge to see his time as a schoolboy and young man, during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. These visions reveal that Scrooge was a lonely child whose unloving father sent him away to a boarding school. His one solace was his", "psg_id": "1371263" }, { "title": "Scrooge (musical)", "text": "the ghost replies that these are shadows of the things that have been. Scrooge is then taken forward to his teenage years, to a party held by his then boss, Mr. Fezziwig (\"December the 25th\"). Scrooge reminisces of his relationship with Fezziwig's daughter, Isabel (\"Happiness\"), but we learn that she eventually leaves Scrooge as she feels their love has been negated by his desire for wealth. Scrooge and Young Ebenezer reflect on the situation (\"You...You\"). The Ghost of Christmas Past reveals to Scrooge that she is the ghost of his sister Jenny, who died young. She tells a heartbroken Scrooge", "psg_id": "12871196" }, { "title": "Scrooge (musical)", "text": "at the thought that he is in the wrong for hating Christmas (\"It's Not My Fault\"). He is visited by the first spirit - the Ghost of Christmas Past - who takes Scrooge back to when he was a small boy who preferred not to take part in Christmas activities and carols (\"Sing a Christmas Carol (Reprise)\"). The child Ebenezer is visited by his sister Jenny, who takes Ebenezer, who is reluctant to go home to his father due to a troubled relationship, back home. Scrooge is confused as to why the visions are not communicating with him, to which", "psg_id": "12871195" }, { "title": "Ebenezer Scrooge", "text": "her. Finally, the spirit shows him a Christmas Eve several years later, in which Belle is happily married to another man. Scrooge is then visited by the Ghost of Christmas Present, who shows him the whole of London celebrating Christmas, including Fred and the impoverished Cratchit family. Scrooge is both bewildered and touched by the loving and pure-hearted nature of Cratchit's youngest son, Tiny Tim. When Scrooge shows concern for the sickly boy's health, the spirit informs him that the boy will die unless something changes, a revelation that deeply disturbs Scrooge. The spirit then uses Scrooge's earlier words about", "psg_id": "1371265" }, { "title": "Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come", "text": "finds that he is back in the present on Christmas morning. Along with the visions supplied by the other spirits, the ghost's warnings about Scrooge's future transform him into a better man. Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come The Ghost of Christmas Yet-to-Come, also known as The Ghost of Christmas Future, sometimes The Spirit of Christmas Future or The Spirit of Christmas Yet-to-Come or The Ghost of Christmas Yet-to-Be, is a fictional character in English novelist Charles Dickens's \"A Christmas Carol\". It is the third and final spirit to visit the miser Ebenezer Scrooge on Christmas Eve. The spirit closely", "psg_id": "6682188" }, { "title": "Ebenezer Scrooge", "text": "\"decreasing the surplus population\" against him. The spirit takes him to a spooky graveyard. There, the spirit produces two misshapen, sickly children he names Ignorance and Want. When Scrooge asks if they have anyone to care for them, the spirit throws more of Scrooge's own words back in his face: \"Are there no prisons, no workhouses?\" Finally, the Ghost of Christmas Yet-to-Come/Future shows Scrooge Christmas Day one year later (1844). Just as the previous spirit predicted, Tiny Tim has died; his father could not afford to give him proper care on his small salary and there was no social health", "psg_id": "1371266" }, { "title": "Mrs. Bob Cratchit's Wild Christmas Binge", "text": "harsh London 1840s life?\" The main character in \"Binge\" is the hard-drinking, suicidal Gladys Cratchit, whose harshness to her family surpasses Mommie Dearest by a mile. The other two leads are The Ghost and Ebenezer Scrooge. The Ghost, whose character is written to be an African-American woman, plays the narrator role as she escorts Ebenezer Scrooge through the past, present and future of his life. But, as she says, everything keeps going \"kaplooey\" because she can't get her magic to work properly. In their first journey, the Ghost tries to take Scrooge to his past at the Fezziwig Christmas party,", "psg_id": "9369137" }, { "title": "Scrooge McDuck", "text": "Scrooge McDuck Scrooge McDuck is a fictional character created in 1947 by Carl Barks as a work-for-hire for The Walt Disney Company. Scrooge is an elderly Scottish anthropomorphic Pekin duck with a yellow-orange bill, legs, and feet. He typically wears a red or blue frock coat, top hat, pince-nez glasses, and spats. He is portrayed in animations as speaking with a Scottish accent. Named after Ebenezer Scrooge from the 1843 novel \"A Christmas Carol\", Scrooge is an incredibly wealthy business magnate and self-proclaimed \"adventure-capitalist\" whose dominant character trait is his thrift. He is brother to Matilda McDuck and Hortense McDuck,", "psg_id": "398348" }, { "title": "Scrooge (1935 film)", "text": "Scrooge (1935 film) Scrooge is a 1935 British fantasy film directed by Henry Edwards and starring Seymour Hicks, Donald Calthrop and Robert Cochran. Hicks appears as Ebenezer Scrooge, the miser who hates Christmas. It was the first sound version of the Charles Dickens classic \"A Christmas Carol\", not counting a 1928 short subject that now appears to be lost. Hicks had previously played the role of Scrooge on the stage many times beginning in 1901, and again in a 1913 British silent film version. On Christmas Eve in 1843 Ebenezer Scrooge (Sir Seymour Hicks) a cold-hearted and greedy elderly money-lender", "psg_id": "12617029" }, { "title": "Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come", "text": "dead, giving them more time to pay off their debt. After Scrooge asks to see some tenderness connected with death, the ghost shows him Bob Cratchit and his family mourning the passing of Tiny Tim. The spirit then takes Scrooge to a rundown churchyard and shows the repentant miser his own grave; Scrooge then realizes that the dead man of whom the others spoke ill was himself. Horrified, Scrooge begs the ghost for another chance to redeem his life and \"sponge away the writing on this stone\". Scrooge then watches as the Spirit's robe shrinks to become his bedpost and", "psg_id": "6682187" }, { "title": "Scrooge (1913 film)", "text": "Scrooge (1913 film) Scrooge is a 1913 British black and white silent film based on the 1843 novel \"A Christmas Carol\" by Charles Dickens. It starred Seymour Hicks as Ebenezer Scrooge. In the United States it was released in 1926 as \"Old Scrooge\". The film's cast included Seymour Hicks as Scrooge, William Lugg, Leedham Bantock, J. C. Buckstone, Dorothy Buckstone, Leonard Calvert, Osborne Adair, Adela Measor and Ellaline Terriss. Hicks had played the role of Scrooge regularly onstage since 1901 before this, his first appearance in the role in film. He reprise the role of Scrooge again, in the 1935", "psg_id": "14082507" }, { "title": "Ebenezer (film)", "text": "Ebenezer (film) Ebenezer is a 1998 Canadian made-for-television re-telling of Charles Dickens' classic \"A Christmas Carol\" with Jack Palance giving a performance as Ebenezer Scrooge, á la Western genre. A TV film with high production value, it debuted in the United States on Turner Network Television. It is an obscure and rarely seen title. Ebenezer Scrooge is the most greedy, corrupt and mean-spirited crook in the old West and he sees no value in \"Holiday Humbug.\" But when the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come open his eyes, Scrooge discovers that love and friendships are the greatest", "psg_id": "8203630" }, { "title": "Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come", "text": "be a cheap funeral, if anyone comes at all. One businessman said he would go – but only if lunch is provided. Next, Scrooge is shown the same dead person's belongings being stolen by Scrooge's charwoman Mrs. Dilber, Scrooge's laundress, and the local undertaker and sold to a fence called Old Joe. He also sees a shrouded corpse, which he implores the Ghost not to unmask. Scrooge asks the ghost to show anyone who feels any emotion over the man's death. The ghost can only show him a poor couple indebted to the man momentarily rejoicing that the man is", "psg_id": "6682186" }, { "title": "Scrooge (1951 film)", "text": "was issued again on Blu-ray in 2011 with a remastered transfer, and many bonus features that did not appear in the first Blu-ray version. Richard Addinsell wrote several pieces for the film's underscore, ranging from dark and moody to light and joyous. One of the more notable tunes is a polka, used in the two different versions of Fred's dinner party: the one Scrooge observes while with the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the other with Scrooge attending the party after atoning for his past coldness to Fred and his wife. The tune is similar to a traditional Slovenian polka", "psg_id": "4092544" }, { "title": "Scrooge (1935 film)", "text": "omits the very last scenes. For years it was kept out of circulation, due to the extremely poor quality of most of the surviving prints. Scrooge (1935 film) Scrooge is a 1935 British fantasy film directed by Henry Edwards and starring Seymour Hicks, Donald Calthrop and Robert Cochran. Hicks appears as Ebenezer Scrooge, the miser who hates Christmas. It was the first sound version of the Charles Dickens classic \"A Christmas Carol\", not counting a 1928 short subject that now appears to be lost. Hicks had previously played the role of Scrooge on the stage many times beginning in 1901,", "psg_id": "12617037" }, { "title": "Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come", "text": "for a single spectral hand with which it points. Although the character never speaks in the story, communicating entirely by pointing, Scrooge understands it, usually through assumptions from his previous experiences and rhetorical questions. It is notable that, even in satires and parodies of the tale, this spirit retains its original look. It looks the way it does because it represents what the future holds for Scrooge if he does not change his ways. When the Ghost makes its appearance, the first thing it shows Scrooge is three wealthy gentlemen making light of a recent death, remarking that it will", "psg_id": "6682185" }, { "title": "Ebenezer Scrooge", "text": "care. The spirit then shows Scrooge scenes related to the death of a \"wretched man\": His business associates snicker about how it's likely to be a cheap funeral and one associate will go only if lunch is provided; his possessions are stolen and sold by his housekeeper, undertaker, and laundress, and a young couple who owed the man money are relieved he is dead, as they have more time to pay off their debt. The spirit then shows Scrooge the man's unkempt tombstone, which bears Scrooge's name. Scrooge weeps over his own grave, begging the spirit for a chance to", "psg_id": "1371267" }, { "title": "Mickey's Christmas Carol", "text": "the weasels leave, Scrooge asks whose grave this belongs to. The ghost lights a cigar, revealing his face (he was actually Pete) and darkly remarks \"Why yours, Ebenezer Scrooge; the richest man in the cemetery\". The ghost shoves him into his empty coffin which opens to reveal the fires of Hell, laughing uproariously while Scrooge vows to repent. Awakening in his bedroom on Christmas Day, Scrooge decides to surprise Bob’s family with a turkey dinner and ventures out to spread happiness and joy around London. He accepts Fred's invitation, then donates a sizable amount of money to the gentlemen he", "psg_id": "1761477" }, { "title": "Scrooge (musical)", "text": "to (\"Love While You Can\") before leaving him in a state of anguish (\"It's Not My Fault (Reprise)\"). As the bell tolls 2, Scrooge is visited by the next ghost, the Ghost of Christmas Present. He tells Scrooge that he is part of a group of brothers who, each year, send one down to Earth to spread the joy of Christmas - and this year is his turn. He is appalled by Scrooge and teaches him to find the joy in living (\"I Like Life\"). Scrooge is taken by the Ghost of Christmas Present to Bob Cratchit and his family,", "psg_id": "12871197" }, { "title": "Scrooge (musical)", "text": "(\"A Better Life\") to live. Finally, Scrooge is visited by the mute Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come, who silently communicates via pointing in the direction he wants Scrooge to travel. First, they visit Tom Jenkins and a chorus of people who owed Scrooge money, who are all singing about an unusually generous thing that Scrooge has done that has made them all thankful to him. Unbeknown to Scrooge, they are actually celebrating his death, yet Scrooge is oblivious (\"Thank You Very Much\"). The uplifted Scrooge is now taken to the Cratchit household, which is sitting in silence, with the", "psg_id": "12871199" }, { "title": "Scrooge McDuck", "text": "version of Ebenezer Scrooge—a very unsympathetic character. In the end they shelved the idea because a duck who gets all excited about money just was not funny enough. In an interview, Barks summed up his beliefs about Scrooge and capitalism: Scrooge is very misunderstood. In his early years, he was very friendly and generous. But the 'slaps' of society from cruel people, as well as the ungratefulness of those who he had helped to overcome their problems, made Scrooge bitter, grumpy, and arrogant. Feeling that he had been taken advantage of, he didn't want to believe that others had real", "psg_id": "398388" }, { "title": "Scrooge (1913 film)", "text": "children and sends a boy for a large turkey for Cratchit and then goes to visit them for lunch. Scrooge (1913 film) Scrooge is a 1913 British black and white silent film based on the 1843 novel \"A Christmas Carol\" by Charles Dickens. It starred Seymour Hicks as Ebenezer Scrooge. In the United States it was released in 1926 as \"Old Scrooge\". The film's cast included Seymour Hicks as Scrooge, William Lugg, Leedham Bantock, J. C. Buckstone, Dorothy Buckstone, Leonard Calvert, Osborne Adair, Adela Measor and Ellaline Terriss. Hicks had played the role of Scrooge regularly onstage since 1901 before", "psg_id": "14082511" }, { "title": "Ebenezer Scrooge", "text": "and the elder Martin Chuzzlewit character, although the miser is \"a more fantastic image\" than the Chuzzlewit patriarch; Ackroyd observes that Chuzzlewit's transformation to a charitable figure is a parallel to that of the miser. Douglas-Fairhurst sees that the minor character Gabriel Grub from \"The Pickwick Papers\" was also an influence when creating Scrooge. The story of \"A Christmas Carol\" starts on Christmas Eve 1843 with Scrooge at his money-lending business. He hates Christmas as a \"humbug\" and subjects his clerk, Bob Cratchit, to grueling hours and low pay of only 15 shillings on a normal week (giving him Christmas", "psg_id": "1371261" }, { "title": "Ebenezer Scrooge", "text": "who was also known as \"The Gloucester Miser\". According to the sociologist Frank W. Elwell, Scrooge's views on the poor are a reflection of those of the demographer and political economist Thomas Malthus, while the miser's questions \"Are there no prisons? ... And the Union workhouses? ... The treadmill and the Poor Law are in full vigour, then?\" are a reflection of a sarcastic question raised by the Chartist philosopher Thomas Carlyle, \"Are there not treadmills, gibbets; even hospitals, poor-rates, New Poor-Law?\" There are literary precursors for Scrooge in Dickens's own works. Peter Ackroyd, Dickens's biographer, sees similarities between Scrooge", "psg_id": "1371260" }, { "title": "Scrooge (1913 film)", "text": "film \"Scrooge\". \"Scrooge\" was a Zenith Film Company production, by whom it was also distributed on its release date in September 1913. Some scenes in the black and white 35mm film were colour toned. The opening credits are followed by a scene in which Charles Dickens is seen pacing his library seeking inspiration for a new story. It comes to him and he settles down to write \"A Christmas Carol\". A short introductory synopsis describing miserly London businessman Ebenezer Scrooge leads into a shot of his nephew Fred Wyland giving money to poor children on Christmas Eve. Scrooge, upon leaving", "psg_id": "14082508" }, { "title": "Scrooge (1951 film)", "text": "in the beginning of the 2015 film \"Krampus\". Scrooge (1951 film) Scrooge is a 1951 British fantasy drama film and an adaptation of Charles Dickens' \"A Christmas Carol\" (1843). It stars Alastair Sim as Ebenezer Scrooge, and was produced and directed by Brian Desmond Hurst, with a screenplay by Noel Langley. It was released as A Christmas Carol in the United States. The film also features Kathleen Harrison as Mrs. Dilber, Scrooge's charwoman. George Cole stars as the younger version of Scrooge, Hermione Baddeley as Mrs. Cratchit, Mervyn Johns as Bob Cratchit, Clifford Mollison as Samuel Wilkins, a debtor; Jack", "psg_id": "4092547" }, { "title": "Scrooge (1951 film)", "text": "Scrooge (1951 film) Scrooge is a 1951 British fantasy drama film and an adaptation of Charles Dickens' \"A Christmas Carol\" (1843). It stars Alastair Sim as Ebenezer Scrooge, and was produced and directed by Brian Desmond Hurst, with a screenplay by Noel Langley. It was released as A Christmas Carol in the United States. The film also features Kathleen Harrison as Mrs. Dilber, Scrooge's charwoman. George Cole stars as the younger version of Scrooge, Hermione Baddeley as Mrs. Cratchit, Mervyn Johns as Bob Cratchit, Clifford Mollison as Samuel Wilkins, a debtor; Jack Warner as Mr. Jorkin, a role created for", "psg_id": "4092523" }, { "title": "Scrooge (1935 film)", "text": "Marley warned Scrooge is haunted by the Ghost of Christmas Past (Marie Ney) who shows Scrooge when he lost his fiancée due to his greedy nature towards others including a debt-ridden couple. Scrooge then sees that his ex-fiancée is now married and has many children. The next sprit the Ghost of Christmas Present (Oscar Asche) shows Scrooge just how poor Bob and his family are as they have a meager Christmas dinner of goose and pudding. The spirit threatens that unless the future changes Tiny Tim (Philip Frost) the youngest son who is ill will die. Scrooge then sees how", "psg_id": "12617032" }, { "title": "Scrooge McDuck", "text": "\"Watt an Occasion\" (\"Uncle Scrooge\" #12), Scrooge is 75 years of age. According to Don Rosa, Scrooge was born in Scotland in 1867, and earned his Number One Dime (or First Coin) exactly ten years later. The \"DuckTales\" episodes (and many European comics) show a Scrooge who hailed from Scotland in the 19th century, yet was clearly familiar with all the technology and amenities of the 1980s. Despite this extremely advanced age, Scrooge does not appear to be on the verge of dotage, and is vigorous enough to keep up with his nephews in adventures; with rare exception, there appears", "psg_id": "398396" }, { "title": "Scrooge (musical)", "text": "who are preparing for Christmas (\"Good Times\") and listening to Tiny Tim sing (\"The Beautiful Day\"), while Scrooge wonders if the ill Tiny Tim will survive. Scrooge is then taken to his son Harry's Christmas party, where he learns that a tradition at the party has become to drink to the health of Scrooge, as well as playing a singing game called (\"The Minister's Cat\"). Because the song was often sung at Fezziwig's parties, Scrooge is again reminded of his failed relationship with Isabel (\"Happiness (Reprise)\"). As the Ghost of Christmas Present leaves, Scrooge wonders if he can truly find", "psg_id": "12871198" }, { "title": "Scrooge McDuck", "text": "which Alan Young was hired to voice Scrooge McDuck playing the character who inspired his name, Ebenezer Scrooge (Thompson had died in 1971). Young, who himself was born in Great Britain, was best known for playing Wilbur Post on the hit television series \"Mister Ed\" from 1961 to 1965. Eight years later, the Walt Disney Animation Studios decided to make a featurette of this same story, this time dubbed \"Mickey's Christmas Carol\" (1983), and once again hired Young to voice the role. He also appeared as himself in the television special \"Sport Goofy in Soccermania\" (1987) (the only time when", "psg_id": "398405" }, { "title": "Scrooge (1970 film)", "text": "Scrooge (1970 film) Scrooge is a 1970 British musical film adaptation in Panavision of Charles Dickens' 1843 story \"A Christmas Carol\". It was filmed in London between January and May 1970 and directed by Ronald Neame, and starred Albert Finney as Ebenezer Scrooge. The film's score was composed by Leslie Bricusse and arranged and conducted by Ian Fraser. With eleven musical arrangements interspersed throughout, the award-winning motion picture is a faithful musical retelling of the original. Albert Finney won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in a Musical/Comedy in 1971. The film received four Academy Award nominations, including for", "psg_id": "3944889" }, { "title": "Scrooge (1951 film)", "text": "delights Fred by attending his dinner party and dancing with the other guests. The next day, December 26, Scrooge plays a practical joke on Cratchit, pretending he is about to sack him for being late, but instead offers him a raise and a hand in helping his family. The narrator recounts that Ebenezer Scrooge became \"as good a man as the old city ever knew\", and a second father to Tiny Tim, who recovered from his illness and learned to walk on his right leg without a crutch. Scrooge carries Tiny Tim on his shoulder off into the distance as", "psg_id": "4092535" }, { "title": "Scrooge McDuck", "text": "bin; in this story, Scrooge's central office building is said to contain \"three cubic acres of money\". Two nameless burglars who briefly appear during the story are considered to be the precursors of the Beagle Boys. \"The Magic Hourglass\", first published in September 1950, was arguably the first story to change the focus of the Duck stories from Donald to Scrooge. During the story, several themes were introduced for Scrooge. Donald first mentions in this story that his uncle practically owns Duckburg, a statement that Scrooge's rival John D. Rockerduck would later put in dispute. Scrooge first hints that he", "psg_id": "398358" }, { "title": "Scrooge & Marley (2012 film)", "text": "about Tiny Tim's fate. She replies, \"We all will die. Nothing can be done without assistance.\" Then the Ghost of Christmas Future (JoJo Baby) covered in a black robe transports him to a bleak future Christmas, where everyone becomes happy about his death, a gay center whose donation offer Scrooge refused earlier is financially struggling and close to shutting down, and his possessions are stolen and then sold to pawn shops. Then the spirit transports Scrooge to the Cratchit home, where the family mourn Tiny Tim's death, and then to the scene of Scrooge's death and his tombstone inscribed: \"E.", "psg_id": "20996196" }, { "title": "Scrooge & Marley (2012 film)", "text": "Family Stone\" for an idea of creating a gay-themed holiday film, which later evolved into adapting Dicken's \"A Christmas Carol\" and retelling it in a modern gay perspective. Knight noted that, while the LGBT community historically not having \"fair representation in films and television\" made some filmmakers reluctant to include a \"gay villain\", the film crew decided to have a gay portrayal of \"blackhearted\" Ebenezer Scrooge, who Knight said \"actually redeems himself in this film [and is] a good guy in our story\" whose background and history are explained in the film. The film had a limited theatrical release. It", "psg_id": "20996200" }, { "title": "Uncle Scrooge", "text": "final (to date) was published over six issues by Boom Kids! in 2011. Several \"DuckTales\" comics starring Scrooge would also appear in the pages of \"Disney Adventures\" in the early 1990s. Finally, \"The Adventurous Uncle Scrooge McDuck\", published by Gladstone, ran for two issues in 1998. A third issue was planned but cancelled along with the rest of Gladstone's output other than \"Uncle Scrooge\" and \"Walt Disney's Comics and Stories\" following a collapse in comics sales. Uncle Scrooge Uncle Scrooge (stylized as Uncle $crooge) is a comic book starring Scrooge McDuck (\"the richest duck in the world\"), his nephew Donald", "psg_id": "907074" }, { "title": "Ebenezer (film)", "text": "wealth of all. There were at least 2 DVD pressings produced. One was by Platinum Disc Corporation and the most recent by Lionsgate Home Entertainment in 2005, but not believed to be in general release at this time. The original VHS version is long out of print. Ebenezer (film) Ebenezer is a 1998 Canadian made-for-television re-telling of Charles Dickens' classic \"A Christmas Carol\" with Jack Palance giving a performance as Ebenezer Scrooge, á la Western genre. A TV film with high production value, it debuted in the United States on Turner Network Television. It is an obscure and rarely seen", "psg_id": "8203631" }, { "title": "Ebenezer, Georgia", "text": "its researchers are available online at the institute's website. One of the more notable people from Ebenezer was John Adam Treutlen, the first state governor of Georgia. Ebenezer, Georgia Ebenezer, also known as New Ebenezer, is a ghost town in Effingham County, Georgia, United States, along the banks of Ebenezer Creek. It was listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places as Ebenezer Townsite and Jerusalem Lutheran Church in 1974. The town was established in 1734 by about 150 Salzburger emigrants, Protestant refugees who had been expelled from the Catholic Archbishopric of Salzburg (in present-day Austria) by a 1731", "psg_id": "8860439" }, { "title": "Ebenezer Scrooge", "text": "he was wise enough to know that nothing ever happened on this globe, for good, at which some people did not have their fill of laughter in the outset; and knowing that such as these would be blind anyway, he thought it quite as well that they should wrinkle up their eyes in grins, as have the malady in less attractive forms. His own heart laughed: and that was quite enough for was always said of him that he knew how to keep Christmas well if any man alive possessed the knowledge.\" Scrooge has been portrayed by: The name", "psg_id": "1371269" }, { "title": "Scrooge (1935 film)", "text": "others keep Christmas before seeing Fred celebrate with his wife and friends. The Ghost of Christmas of yet to Come (C.V. France) shows Scrooge what lies in store the following year. Scrooge discovers Tim is dead and that the man that was robbed and spoken of by some businessmen was himself after seeing his grave. Scrooge returns home a changed man and becomes a generous person. He orders a turkey for Bob and his family, gives a healthy donation to the two men from the day before and dines with Fred. The film then ends with Scrooge raising Bob's wages", "psg_id": "12617033" }, { "title": "Scrooge (1951 film)", "text": "giving birth to his nephew, Fred, thus engendering Scrooge's estrangement from him. We are also told that Ebenezer's mother died while giving birth to him, causing his father to resent him just as Ebenezer resents his nephew. In the book, Fan is much younger than Ebenezer, and the cause of her death is not mentioned. The film was released in Great Britain under its original title, \"Scrooge\". United Artists handled the U.S. release under the title \"A Christmas Carol\". The film was originally slated to be shown at New York City's Radio City Music Hall as part of their Christmas", "psg_id": "4092538" }, { "title": "Scrooge (1970 film)", "text": "comments that Tiny Tim might not survive until next Christmas unless the course of events changes. Before the spirit vanishes, Scrooge is warned that life is too short and to do as much as he can in what little time he has. Left alone in the street, Scrooge is visited by the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, a silent, cloaked figure who takes him into the future. Scrooge and the spirit witness Tom and the other citizens rejoicing at the death of Scrooge. The spirit transports Scrooge to Bob's house, where he discovers that Tiny Tim had died. The", "psg_id": "3944893" }, { "title": "Scrooge (1970 film)", "text": "under Mr. Fezziwig. Attending a Christmas party held by Fezziwig, Scrooge falls in love with his daughter, Isabel (\"Happiness\"). However, the spirit shows Scrooge how Isabel left him when he chose money over her (\"You...\"). He dismisses the spirit as he returns to the present. Scrooge is visited by the merry Ghost of Christmas Present, a jolly giant, who shows him the joys and wonder of Christmas Day (\"I Like Life\"). Scrooge and the spirit visit Bob's house, learning his family is surprisingly content with their small dinner, while Scrooge takes pity on Bob's ill son Tiny Tim. The spirit", "psg_id": "3944892" }, { "title": "Ebenezer Scrooge", "text": "beloved sister, Fan, who repeatedly begged their father to allow Scrooge to return home, and he at last relented. Fan later died after having given birth to one child, a son named Fred, Scrooge's nephew. The spirit then takes him to see another Christmas a few years later in which he enjoyed a Christmas party held by his kind-hearted and festive boss, Mr. Fezziwig. It is there that he meets his love and later fiancée, Belle. Then the spirit shows him a Christmas in which Belle leaves him, as she realizes his love for money has replaced his love for", "psg_id": "1371264" }, { "title": "Scrooge (1970 film)", "text": "Best Original Song for \"Thank You Very Much\". On Christmas Eve, in 19th-century London, Ebenezer Scrooge, a surly money-lender, does not share the merriment of Christmas. He declines his nephew Fred's invitation for Christmas dinner and reluctantly gives his loyal employee Bob Cratchit Christmas Day off. Cratchit and his children go shopping and prepare for the holiday (\"Christmas Children\"). As Scrooge leaves for home, he visits some of his clients including Tom Jenkins and declines two gentlemen's offer to collect money for charity (\"I Hate People\"). As he makes his way home, he is accosted and mocked by street urchins", "psg_id": "3944890" }, { "title": "Scrooge (1951 film)", "text": "Coverley\" is played and danced during the scene where Scrooge visits the office of Old Fezziwig with The Ghost of Christmas Past. The tragic folk song \"Barbara Allen\" is played as an instrumental when young Scrooge is talking with his sister Fan, and sung by a duet at Fred's Christmas party. Scrooge turns up just as they are about to sing the line \"Young man, I think you're dying.\" Alastair Sim and Michael Hordern reprised their roles two decades later, lending their voices to Richard Williams's 1971 animated version of the tale. \"Scrooge\" can be seen playing on a television", "psg_id": "4092546" }, { "title": "Ebenezer Scrooge", "text": "may be responsible for the two radically different Scrooges in the tale—one a cold, stingy and greedy semi-recluse, the other a benevolent, sociable man. Robert Douglas-Fairhurst, the professor of English literature, considers that in the opening part of the book covering young Scrooge's lonely and unhappy childhood, and his aspiration for money to avoid poverty \"is something of a self-parody of Dickens's fears about himself\"; the post-transformation parts of the book are how Dickens optimistically sees himself. Scrooge could also be based on two misers: the eccentric John Elwes, MP, or Jemmy Wood, the owner of the Gloucester Old Bank", "psg_id": "1371259" }, { "title": "The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck", "text": "appear in the series: The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck (Lo) is a serial of 12 comic book stories written and drawn by Don Rosa, first published by the Danish publisher Egmont in the magazine \"Anders And & Co.\" from 1992–94 and later in English in \"Uncle Scrooge\" #285 through #296 (1994–96). The stories chronicle the in-universe biography of Scrooge McDuck before his introduction in 1947. The stories were later collected and published together in a single volume. Rosa later published additional stories which expanded on Scrooge's biography. These were released as", "psg_id": "424206" }, { "title": "Ebenezer, Georgia", "text": "Ebenezer, Georgia Ebenezer, also known as New Ebenezer, is a ghost town in Effingham County, Georgia, United States, along the banks of Ebenezer Creek. It was listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places as Ebenezer Townsite and Jerusalem Lutheran Church in 1974. The town was established in 1734 by about 150 Salzburger emigrants, Protestant refugees who had been expelled from the Catholic Archbishopric of Salzburg (in present-day Austria) by a 1731 edict of Prince-archbishop Count Leopold Anton von Firmian. With the consent of governor James Oglethorpe, New Ebenezer was moved closer to the Savannah River in 1736, and", "psg_id": "8860436" }, { "title": "Back to the Klondike", "text": "worth a fortune. After more than fifty years she succeeded. Scrooge leaves seemingly defeated and pretending that because he hadn't taken his pills he had forgotten where the gold was. But behind his back Donald reveals to his nephews that Scrooge had indeed taken the pills and practically offered this gold to Goldie. By the end his nephews realise that Scrooge is more emotional than he would like to appear. Barks had an interest in Klondike and scenes of this story were inspired by old Klondike tales, but this story can be seen as most important for its contribution to", "psg_id": "1620247" }, { "title": "Ghost to the Post", "text": "Ghost to the Post Ghost to the Post is a significant play in NFL history. It refers specifically to a 42-yard pass from Ken Stabler to Dave Casper, nicknamed \"The Ghost\" after Casper the Friendly Ghost, that set up a game-tying field goal in the final seconds of regulation in a double-overtime played between Casper's Oakland Raiders and the then-Baltimore Colts on December 24, 1977. Casper also caught the last pass of the game, a 10-yard touchdown pass. The game is currently the fifth-longest in NFL history, and has become synonymous with the play that made it famous. The first", "psg_id": "7049643" }, { "title": "Scrooge (1935 film)", "text": "Come is just an outstretched pointing finger. Seymour Hicks plays both the old and young Scrooge. Albert Finney (in the 1970 film \"Scrooge\") and Jim Carrey (in the 2009 film \"A Christmas Carol\") are the only other actors to play both young and old Scrooge on film. The story is also severely truncated. Much time is spent at the beginning of the film – before any of the ghosts appear – setting up the atmosphere of rich and poor London. Scrooge's sister Fan and Fezziwig are completely omitted from this version. This is the first of only two sound versions", "psg_id": "12617035" }, { "title": "Failure to appear", "text": "Failure to appear Failure to appear is the legal term for the failure of a defendant or respondent to appear at (or within) the stated time before a tribunal as directed in a summons. Where the conduct alleged in the summons or complaint is an infraction or summary offence, failure to appear is a crime for which a bench-warrant can be issued if the defendant promised to appear. If the conduct alleged is a tort or other cause for civil action, failure to appear generally results in a default judgment by the court in favor of the plaintiff/petitioner. Failure to", "psg_id": "4300282" }, { "title": "Failure to appear", "text": "appear in U.S. federal law is an offense punishable by a prison term, depending on the seriousness of the offense the person is being sentenced for: Failure to appear Failure to appear is the legal term for the failure of a defendant or respondent to appear at (or within) the stated time before a tribunal as directed in a summons. Where the conduct alleged in the summons or complaint is an infraction or summary offence, failure to appear is a crime for which a bench-warrant can be issued if the defendant promised to appear. If the conduct alleged is a", "psg_id": "4300283" }, { "title": "Uncle Scrooge", "text": "licenses under Marvel Comics. In January 2015, IDW Publishing announced that they would be publishing the title, starting in April 2015. Over the years, Scrooge McDuck has proven popular enough to appear as the main character in a number of other comic book series. Many of these series include republications of stories originally written for the \"main\" \"Uncle Scrooge\" title in the United States or various European countries. Scrooge often appeared in \"The Beagle Boys\" alongside his frequent adversaries, published irregularly by Gold Key from 1963 to 1979. When that title ended, it was relaunched as \"The Beagle Boys Versus", "psg_id": "907072" }, { "title": "Ghost of Christmas Past", "text": "cold-hearted miser. According to Dickens' novel, the Ghost of Christmas Past appears to Scrooge as a white-robed, androgynous figure of indeterminate age. It has on its head a blinding light, reminiscent of a candle flame, and carries a metal cap, made in the shape of a candle extinguisher. The ghost is often portrayed as a woman in dramatic adaptations of the story: After showing up in Scrooge's house, the Ghost of Christmas Past takes his hand and flies with him over London. It first shows Scrooge his old boarding school, where he stayed alone, but for his books, while his", "psg_id": "6681259" }, { "title": "Tiny Tim (A Christmas Carol)", "text": "Tiny Tim (A Christmas Carol) Timothy Cratchit, called \"Tiny Tim\", is a fictional character from the 1843 novella \"A Christmas Carol\" by Charles Dickens. He is a minor character, the youngest son of Bob Cratchit, and is seen only briefly, but serves as an important symbol of the consequences of the protagonist's choices. When Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by the Ghost of Christmas Present he is shown just how ill the boy really is (the family cannot afford to properly treat him on the salary Scrooge pays Cratchit). When visited by the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, Scrooge sees", "psg_id": "8450100" }, { "title": "Donald Duck in comics", "text": "Scrooge McDuck made his first appearance in \"Christmas on Bear Mountain\", first published in December 1947. The first member of The Clan McDuck to appear, his name was based on Ebenezer Scrooge, a fictional character from Charles Dickens's \"A Christmas Carol\". The story's title was based on \"A Night on Bald Mountain\" by Modest Mussorgsky, a scene of \"Fantasia\". Scrooge's first appearance was almost immediately followed by that of Donald's first cousin Gladstone Gander in \"Wintertime Wager\", first published in January, 1948. Both characters did not yet have their now-recognizable characteristics. Scrooge was a bearded, bespectacled, reasonably wealthy old duck", "psg_id": "5896183" }, { "title": "Ebenezer Denny", "text": "One of the first resolutions of the Pittsburgh City Council was that of honoring the patriotic and public service of Ebenezer Denny on learning of his early retirement due to health concerns in 1817. Denny Street, in the city's Lawrenceville neighborhood, was named in his honor. Ebenezer Denny Ebenezer Denny (March 11, 1761July 21, 1822) was a soldier during the American Revolutionary War whose journal is one of the most frequently quoted accounts of the surrender of the British at the siege of Yorktown. Denny later served as the first Mayor of Pittsburgh, from 1816 to 1817. Denny was born", "psg_id": "6202273" }, { "title": "Ebenezer Baldwin", "text": "Ebenezer Baldwin Chaplain Ebenezer Baldwin (July 3, 1745 – October 1, 1776) was a noted religious leader in Connecticut in the years preceding the American Revolution. He was the eldest son of Captain Ebenezer Baldwin of Norwich, Connecticut; and grandson of Thomas and Abigail (Lay) Baldwin, of that part of Norwich which is now Bozrah. His mother was Bethiah, sister of the Rev. Nehemiah Barker (Yale 1742), under whose direction he was prepared for Yale College. The records of the first Church of Christ in Danbury were \"begun September 19, 1770, kept by Ebenezer. Baldwin Pastor of said church.\" \"Sept.", "psg_id": "9946625" }, { "title": "Scrooge (musical)", "text": "Begin Again (Reprise)\") before a reprise of Thank You Very Much is sung during the bows (\"Curtain Call\"/\"Thank You Very Much (Reprise)\"). Leslie Bricusse spent several months with the director Bob Tomson adapting the screenplay for the stage. Tomson recommended appointing designer, Paul Farnsworth, to the team and established a Victorian theatre style for all the locations, illusions and characters. Initially the ghost illusions were entrusted to Paul Daniels, but he was replaced after the first production with Paul Kieve. The original production starred Anthony Newley as Scrooge and opened on 9 November 1992 at the Alexandra Theatre in Birmingham.", "psg_id": "12871202" }, { "title": "Ebenezer Huntington", "text": "Ebenezer Huntington Ebenezer Huntington (December 26, 1754 – June 17, 1834) was an officer in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, and afterwards United States Representative from Connecticut. Ebenezer was born on December 26, 1754 in Norwich, Connecticut to Jabez and Hannah (Williams) Huntington. His brothers were Joshua (who also served during the Revolution) and Zachariah. His half brothers were Jedediah and Andrew, whose mother Elizabeth (Backus) Huntington died in 1746. The Backus's were a prominent family from the area whose heirs would found Backus Hospital. Ebenezer attended Yale College, leaving without permission on April 21, 1775. After", "psg_id": "8312632" }, { "title": "Scrooge (1951 film)", "text": "called \"Stoparjeva\" (\"hitchhiker\") or just \"Stopar\". The film also contains excerpts from some traditional Christmas carols and other tunes. \"Hark! The Herald Angels Sing\" is sung over part of the opening credits, and by the miners when Scrooge is with the Ghost of Christmas Present. An instrumental version of \"I Saw Three Ships\" is played when Scrooge gives a coin to Mrs. Dilber, and again just before the end of the film. \"Silent Night\" is played and sung at various times, including over the last part of the final scene and \"The End\". The English country dance \"Sir Roger de", "psg_id": "4092545" }, { "title": "Ghost to the Post", "text": "in NFL History and is a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame, and this catch is cited as the most memorable in his career. Ghost to the Post Ghost to the Post is a significant play in NFL history. It refers specifically to a 42-yard pass from Ken Stabler to Dave Casper, nicknamed \"The Ghost\" after Casper the Friendly Ghost, that set up a game-tying field goal in the final seconds of regulation in a double-overtime played between Casper's Oakland Raiders and the then-Baltimore Colts on December 24, 1977. Casper also caught the last pass of the game,", "psg_id": "7049650" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (2009 film)", "text": "following 1983's \"Mickey's Christmas Carol\" and 1992's \"The Muppet Christmas Carol\". In 1843, on Christmas Eve, Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly old moneylender at a London counting house, does not share the merriment of Christmas. He declines his cheerful nephew Fred's invitation to a Christmas dinner party, and rejects two gentlemen's offer to collect money for charity. His loyal employee Bob Cratchit asks Scrooge to allow him to have a day off on Christmas Day to spend time with his family, to which Scrooge reluctantly agrees before leaving. In his house, Scrooge is visited by the ghost of his deceased business", "psg_id": "10526138" }, { "title": "Vijay Ebenezer", "text": "Vijay Ebenezer Vijay Ebenezer is an Indian music composer, who mainly produces film scores and soundtracks in the Tamil film industry. He rose to fame with \"Kandaen\", whose audio rights were bought by Gautham Menon's Photon Kathaas. In 2005, he tried composing a song for the first time and subsequently went on to make a gospel album called \"Nesipaya\". From then, every year, he has produced gospel albums. In 2008, singer Krish sang a song for \"Nesipaya\" and he was impressed with it and that marked the beginning of a new friendship. Krish put Vijay Ebenezer on to Mugil, the", "psg_id": "16455820" }, { "title": "Ghost Rider: Road to Damnation", "text": "Ghost Rider: Road to Damnation Ghost Rider: Road to Damnation is a six issue comics miniseries starring the supernatural biker superhero Ghost Rider. It is written by Garth Ennis, illustrated by Clayton Crain, and was first published under the Marvel Knights imprint of Marvel Comics from 2005 to 2006. Although \"Road to Damnation\" was the title of the story, the title of the book was simply \"Ghost Rider\" when it was first published. When the miniseries was collected into a single edition in 2006, it was published under the name: \"Ghost Rider: Road to Damnation\". A demon by the name", "psg_id": "9467804" }, { "title": "Whose Was the Hand?", "text": "Whose Was the Hand? Whose Was the Hand? is a 1912 Australian silent film directed by Alfred Rolfe.It is considered a lost film. A young man is heavily in debt and decides to get out of it by robbing his uncle. He does this with a criminal accomplice. During the course of the robbery, the uncle enters and fights with the nephew. The nephew kills his uncle and wipes his blood stained hands on the panel of the door. The uncle's secretary is first on the scene and is arrested. However fingerprints of the blood stained hands do not match.", "psg_id": "15891269" } ]
[ "marley's ghost", "jacob marley" ]
what was the name of scrooge's long suffering clerk in a christmas carol?
[ { "title": "A Christmas Carol (1938 film)", "text": "A Christmas Carol (1938 film) A Christmas Carol is a 1938 American film adaptation of Charles Dickens's 1843 novella of the same name, starring Reginald Owen as Ebenezer Scrooge, an elderly miser who learns the error of his ways on Christmas Eve after visitations by three spirits. On Christmas Eve in 19th-century London, Fred is sliding on ice on a sidewalk. He meets Peter and Tim Cratchit, sons of his uncle Ebenezer's clerk, Bob Cratchit. When Fred reveals who he is, the boys take off in terror. Fred soon arrives at the counting-house of his miserly maternal uncle, Ebenezer Scrooge.", "psg_id": "4298581" } ]
[ { "title": "A Christmas Carol (1984 film)", "text": "A Christmas Carol (1984 film) A Christmas Carol is a 1984 British-American made-for-television film adaptation of Charles Dickens' famous 1843 novella of the same name. The film is directed by Clive Donner, who had been an editor of the 1951 film \"Scrooge\", and stars George C. Scott as Ebenezer Scrooge. It was filmed in the historic medieval county town of Shrewsbury in Shropshire. On Christmas Eve in 1843 London, Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly money-lender at a local counting house, does not share the merriment of Christmas. Scrooge declines his nephew Fred Hollywell's invitation for Christmas dinner and reluctantly accepts his", "psg_id": "6060289" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol", "text": "A Christmas Carol A Christmas Carol. In Prose. Being a Ghost Story of Christmas, commonly known as A Christmas Carol, is a novella by Charles Dickens, first published in London by Chapman & Hall in 1843 and illustrated by John Leech. \"A Christmas Carol\" recounts the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, an elderly miser who is visited by the ghost of his former business partner Jacob Marley and the spirits of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come. After their visits, Scrooge is transformed into a kinder, gentler man. Dickens wrote \"A Christmas Carol\" during a period when the British were", "psg_id": "811425" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol", "text": "films showed a traditional telling of the story, while US-made works showed Cratchet in a more central role, escaping the depression caused by European bankers and celebrating what Davis calls \"the Christmas of the common man\". In the 1960s, Scrooge was sometimes portrayed as a Freudian figure wrestling with his past. By the 1980s he was again set in a world of depression and economic uncertainty. A Christmas Carol A Christmas Carol. In Prose. Being a Ghost Story of Christmas, commonly known as A Christmas Carol, is a novella by Charles Dickens, first published in London by Chapman & Hall", "psg_id": "811474" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (1908 film)", "text": "A Christmas Carol (1908 film) A Christmas Carol is a 1908 silent film produced by Essanay Studios in Chicago, and the first American film adaptation of Charles Dickens' famous 1843 novella of the same name. Tom Ricketts stars as Ebenezer Scrooge in the film, which is considered lost. No prints of the first American film adaptation of \"A Christmas Carol\" are known to exist, but \"The Moving Picture World\" magazine provided a scene-by-scene description before the film's release. Scrooge goes into his office and begins working. His nephew, along with three women who wish for Scrooge to donate enter. However,", "psg_id": "10495601" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (1908 film)", "text": "quite likely that the public will patronize it sufficiently to make good the extraordinary outlay.\" A Christmas Carol (1908 film) A Christmas Carol is a 1908 silent film produced by Essanay Studios in Chicago, and the first American film adaptation of Charles Dickens' famous 1843 novella of the same name. Tom Ricketts stars as Ebenezer Scrooge in the film, which is considered lost. No prints of the first American film adaptation of \"A Christmas Carol\" are known to exist, but \"The Moving Picture World\" magazine provided a scene-by-scene description before the film's release. Scrooge goes into his office and begins", "psg_id": "10495604" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (1908 film)", "text": "Scrooge dismisses them. On the night of Christmas Eve, his long-dead partner Jacob Marley comes as a ghost, warning him of a horrible fate if he does not change his ways. Scrooge meets three spirits that show Scrooge the real meaning of Christmas, along with his grave, the result of his parsimonious ways. The next morning, he wakes and realizes the error of his ways. Scrooge was then euphoric and generous for the rest of his life. \"A Christmas Carol\" was produced by the Essanay Film Manufacturing Company and released December 9, 1908. \"It is impossible to praise this film", "psg_id": "10495602" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (2009 film)", "text": "A Christmas Carol (2009 film) A Christmas Carol is a 2009 American 3D computer animated motion-capture dark fantasy film written, co-produced, and directed by Robert Zemeckis. It is an adaptation of Charles Dickens's 1843 story of the same name and stars Jim Carrey in a multitude of roles, including Ebenezer Scrooge as a young, middle-aged, and old man, and the three ghosts who haunt Scrooge. The film also features supporting roles voiced by Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, Bob Hoskins, Robin Wright, and Cary Elwes. The film was released in Disney Digital 3D and IMAX 3D on November 3, 2009, by", "psg_id": "10526136" }, { "title": "Christmas Carol: The Movie", "text": "Christmas Carol: The Movie Christmas Carol: The Movie is a 2001 British live action/animated film based on Charles Dickens's classic novella. Directed by Jimmy T. Murakami, the film features the voices of numerous actors including Simon Callow, Kate Winslet (who also sang the film's theme \"What If\"), Kate's sister Beth Winslet, and Nicolas Cage. This version differs from others, in that Scrooge is given another chance with the love of his life, Belle, who ended their engagement in their youth after he was corrupted by greed; they later meet again after the three spirits have reformed Scrooge and he is", "psg_id": "5843165" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (1984 film)", "text": "on Blu-ray in December 2010. Although the film was very close to the book, there were a few changes: Novelist and essayist Louis Bayard, writing for, described this adaptation as \"the definitive version of a beloved literary classic\", praising its fidelity to Dickens' original story, the strength of the supporting cast, and especially Scott's performance as Scrooge. A Christmas Carol (1984 film) A Christmas Carol is a 1984 British-American made-for-television film adaptation of Charles Dickens' famous 1843 novella of the same name. The film is directed by Clive Donner, who had been an editor of the 1951 film \"Scrooge\",", "psg_id": "6060299" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (Shower of Stars)", "text": "not only his own grave, but that of Tiny Tim. The script added an unusual twist to the story in having the Ghost of Christmas Past (Sally Fraser) and the Ghost of Christmas Present (Ray Middleton) be portrayed by the same actors who played Scrooge's sweetheart Belle and his nephew Fred, respectively, and Scrooge not only notices the resemblance, but mistakes the Ghost of Christmas Present for his nephew. A Christmas Carol (Shower of Stars) A Christmas Carol is the December 23, 1954 episode of the hour-long American television anthology variety series, \"Shower of Stars\", which had a four-season run", "psg_id": "16674856" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (1971 film)", "text": "A Christmas Carol (1971 film) A Christmas Carol is Richard Williams's animated adaptation of Charles Dickens's 1843 novella. The film was broadcast on U.S. television by ABC on December 21, 1971, and released theatrically soon after. In 1972, it won the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film. \"A Christmas Carol\" was directed by Richard Williams and its visual style is also largely due to Ken Harris, credited as \"Master Animator\". It starred Alastair Sim as the voice of Ebenezer Scrooge — a role Sim had previously performed in the 1951 live-action film \"Scrooge\". Michael Hordern likewise reprised his 1951", "psg_id": "6047063" }, { "title": "Mickey's Christmas Carol", "text": "Mickey's Christmas Carol Mickey's Christmas Carol is a 1983 American animated featurette produced by Walt Disney Productions and released by Buena Vista Distribution. It was directed and produced by Burny Mattinson. The cartoon is an adaptation of Charles Dickens' \"A Christmas Carol\", starring Scrooge McDuck as Ebenezer Scrooge. Many other Disney characters, primarily from the Mickey Mouse universe, \"Robin Hood\", and \"The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad\", were cast throughout the film. \"Mickey's Christmas Carol\" was largely an animated adaptation of a Disneyland Records 1974 audio musical entitled \"An Adaptation of Dickens' Christmas Carol\". The musical featured similar dialogue", "psg_id": "1761469" }, { "title": "Adaptations of A Christmas Carol", "text": "They include: The basic plot of \"A Christmas Carol\" has been put to a variety of different literary and dramatic uses since Dickens' death, alongside sequels, prequels, and stories focusing on minor characters. Adaptations of A Christmas Carol \"A Christmas Carol\", the popular 1843 novella by Charles Dickens (1812–1870), is one of the British author's best-known works. It is the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a greedy miser who hates Christmas, but is transformed into a caring, kindly person through the visitations of four ghosts. The classic work has been dramatised and adapted countless times for virtually every medium and performance", "psg_id": "10534596" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol", "text": "around for many years – the earliest known written use was in a letter in 1534 – but Dickens's use of the phrase in \"A Christmas Carol\" popularised it among the Victorian public. The exclamation \"Bah! Humbug!\" entered popular use in the English language as a retort to anything sentimental or overly festive; the name \"Scrooge\" became used as a designation for a miser, and was added to the \"Oxford English Dictionary\" as such in 1982. In the early 19th century the celebration of Christmas was associated in Britain with the countryside and peasant revels, disconnected to the increasing urbanisation", "psg_id": "811468" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (musical)", "text": "with choreography by Susan Stroman, sets by Tony Walton, costumes by William Ivey Long, lighting by Jules Fisher and Peggy Eisenhauer, sound by Tony Meola, projections by Wendall K. Harrington, and musical direction by Paul Gemignani. Walter Charles played Ebenezer Scrooge. Terrence Mann, Tony Randall, Hal Linden, Roddy McDowall (in his final role), F. Murray Abraham, Frank Langella, Tim Curry, Tony Roberts, Roger Daltrey and Jim Dale have all played the role of Ebenezer Scrooge in subsequent productions of \"A Christmas Carol\". In 2004, the production was adapted for television and produced by Hallmark Entertainment for NBC. It was directed", "psg_id": "13542172" }, { "title": "Mickey's Christmas Carol", "text": "Starring Mickey Mouse\". The shot of Mickey holding Tiny Tim's crutch is also seen in the opening of \"Epic Mickey\". Mickey's Christmas Carol Mickey's Christmas Carol is a 1983 American animated featurette produced by Walt Disney Productions and released by Buena Vista Distribution. It was directed and produced by Burny Mattinson. The cartoon is an adaptation of Charles Dickens' \"A Christmas Carol\", starring Scrooge McDuck as Ebenezer Scrooge. Many other Disney characters, primarily from the Mickey Mouse universe, \"Robin Hood\", and \"The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad\", were cast throughout the film. \"Mickey's Christmas Carol\" was largely an animated", "psg_id": "1761486" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol", "text": "where he saw—and was affected by seeing—fettered prisoners. For the character Tiny Tim, Dickens used his nephew Henry, a disabled boy who was five at the time \"A Christmas Carol\" was written. The two figures of Want and Ignorance, sheltering in the robes of the Ghost of Christmas Present, were inspired by the children Dickens had seen on his visit to a ragged school in the East End of London. The transformation of Scrooge is central to the story. Davis considers Scrooge to be \"a protean figure always in process of reformation\"; Kelly writes that the transformation is reflected in", "psg_id": "811450" }, { "title": "A Diva's Christmas Carol", "text": "A Diva's Christmas Carol A Diva's Christmas Carol is a 2000 VH1-original Christmas television film starring Vanessa L. Williams, Rozonda Thomas, Brian McNamara and Kathy Griffin. The film is based on the Charles Dickens classic, \"A Christmas Carol\", featuring an ego-driven pop singer who gets a reality check by three Christmas spirits. The film premiered on December 13, 2000. Ebony Scrooge (Williams) is one of the world's most successful pop singers. However, with her cold-hearted soul and nasty attitude, she lacks a great deal of holiday cheer and makes her manager Bob along with her bandmates anything but happy. While", "psg_id": "17721420" }, { "title": "Adaptations of A Christmas Carol", "text": "Adaptations of A Christmas Carol \"A Christmas Carol\", the popular 1843 novella by Charles Dickens (1812–1870), is one of the British author's best-known works. It is the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a greedy miser who hates Christmas, but is transformed into a caring, kindly person through the visitations of four ghosts. The classic work has been dramatised and adapted countless times for virtually every medium and performance genre, and new versions appear regularly. The novel was the subject of Dickens' first public reading, given in Birmingham Town Hall to the Industrial and Literary Institute on 27 December 1852. This was", "psg_id": "10534594" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (2000 film)", "text": "A Christmas Carol (2000 film) A Christmas Carol is a British television crime fantasy drama film, written by Peter Bowker, that first broadcast on ITV on 20 December, 2000. The film is a modern adaptation of Charles Dickens' \"A Christmas Carol\", and stars Ross Kemp in the role of Eddie Scrooge. Warren Mitchell stars as Eddie's Dad, the Ghost of Christmas Past; Ray Fearon stars as Jacob Marley, the Ghost of Christmas Present; and Ben Inigo-Jones stars as Eddie's son, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. The film was one of a number of projects offered to Kemp as", "psg_id": "9367803" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (1938 film)", "text": "night when the last stroke of 12:00 has ceased to vibrate. This change was also used in other versions such as \"Scrooge\" (1970), \"Mickey's Christmas Carol\" (1983), and \"A Christmas Carol\" (1984). Originally intended as a 1939 release, \"A Christmas Carol\" was rushed into production in October 1938 and was finished in a matter of weeks. It opened in December 1938 at New York City's Radio City Music Hall where it did moderately well. One of many adaptations of the work, it was frequently revived in theaters by MGM. The film was shown on local television stations in the United", "psg_id": "4298591" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (1971 film)", "text": "disqualifying any future works initially shown on television. A Christmas Carol (1971 film) A Christmas Carol is Richard Williams's animated adaptation of Charles Dickens's 1843 novella. The film was broadcast on U.S. television by ABC on December 21, 1971, and released theatrically soon after. In 1972, it won the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film. \"A Christmas Carol\" was directed by Richard Williams and its visual style is also largely due to Ken Harris, credited as \"Master Animator\". It starred Alastair Sim as the voice of Ebenezer Scrooge — a role Sim had previously performed in the 1951 live-action", "psg_id": "6047066" }, { "title": "Rich Little's Christmas Carol", "text": "Rich Little's Christmas Carol Rich Little's Christmas Carol is a TV special that premiered on Home Box Office (HBO) on December 16, 1979, produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in 1978. It starred Rich Little in a one-man performance with impersonations of his characters playing the parts in Charles Dickens famous holiday story. Little played the following celebrities: The show was shot on videotape and included a laugh track. In 1963, Little release the LP Scrooge and the Stars, which seems to have been the inspiration for this version of A Christmas Carol. In Little's LP version, Scrooge was portrayed", "psg_id": "10445429" }, { "title": "Scrooge (1951 film)", "text": "visited by three spirits; the first will arrive when the bell tolls one. Marley leaves to join other ghosts suffering the same torment. Frightened by the sight of the damned, Scrooge takes refuge in his bed. At one in the morning, the Spirit of Christmas Past (Michael Dolan) arrives to show Scrooge scenes from his past. A young Scrooge (George Cole) is alone at school, unwanted by his father ever since his mother died in childbirth. His sister Fan (Carol Marsh) arrives to take him home, claiming their father has changed. Next, the Spirit shows Scrooge the annual Christmas party", "psg_id": "4092527" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol", "text": "this was added later, during the printing process. The central character of \"A Christmas Carol\" is Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly London-based moneylender, described in the story as \"a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner!\" Kelly writes that Scrooge may have been influenced by Dickens's conflicting feelings for his father, whom he both loved and demonised. This psychological conflict may be responsible for the two radically different Scrooges in the tale—one a cold, stingy and greedy semi-recluse, the other a benevolent, sociable man. Robert Douglas-Fairhurst, the professor of English literature, considers that in the opening part of the book", "psg_id": "811446" }, { "title": "The Muppet Christmas Carol", "text": "The Muppet Christmas Carol The Muppet Christmas Carol is a 1992 American musical fantasy comedy-drama film produced by Jim Henson Productions and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. Adapted from Charles Dickens's 1843 novella \"A Christmas Carol\", it is the fourth theatrical film to feature the Muppets, and the first to be produced following the death of Muppets creator Jim Henson in 1990. The film was directed by Brian Henson in his directorial debut from a screenplay by Jerry Juhl, and stars Michael Caine as Ebenezer Scrooge, alongside Muppet performers Dave Goelz, Steve Whitmire, Jerry Nelson, and Frank Oz portraying various", "psg_id": "4022769" }, { "title": "Christmas Carol: The Movie", "text": "showns a kindness towards a mouse that appears throughout the film. In 1867, Charles Dickens arrives at a theatre in Boston one snowy night to tell the story of \"A Christmas Carol\". In Victorian London on one Christmas Eve the merriment is not shared by a money lender named Ebenezer Scrooge. Scrooge on his way back to work from the Exchange orders a criminal named Old Joe to arrest his debt ridden clients including Dr Lambert who along with several other clients is locked up in a debtors' prison. Belle a middle aged nurse and an old flame of Scrooge", "psg_id": "5843167" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol", "text": "the description of Scrooge, who begins as a two-dimensional character, but who then grows into one who \"possess[es] an emotional depth [and] a regret for lost opportunities\". Some writers, including Grace Moore, the Dickens scholar, consider that there is a Christian theme running through \"A Christmas Carol\", and that the novella should be seen as an allegory of the Christian concept of redemption. Dickens's biographer, Claire Tomalin sees the conversion of Scrooge as carrying the Christian message that \"even the worst of sinners may repent and become a good man\". Dickens's attitudes towards organised religion were complex; he based his", "psg_id": "811451" }, { "title": "Christmas Carol: The Movie", "text": "Dr Lambert worked at has the children evicted due to his previous wicked deeds causing him to fire Old Joe. Scrooge is confronted by Belle and Scrooge promises Belle he will make up for his sins and the pair reunite as a couple. The next day Scrooge promotes Bob as his new partner replacing Marley and promises to help his family as well as giving him a raise and becomes a stepfather to a now well Tiny Tim and everything returns to normal thanks to Scrooge changing his ways. \"A Christmas Carol\" was directed by Jimmy Murakami, who helmed \"The", "psg_id": "5843173" }, { "title": "Bugs Bunny's Christmas Carol", "text": "going by the name of Sam) still hates kissing, though. This story is the first part of Bugs Bunny's Looney Christmas Tales. As the second one featuring Wile E. Coyote and Roadrunner (\"Freeze Frame\") begins, Bugs congratulates Sam for making Scrooge a charitable character, but Sam tells Bugs that it was all a play, and asked him, Porky, and the gang to give all his money back to him. Bugs Bunny's Christmas Carol Bugs Bunny's Christmas Carol is an eight-minute animated short film produced by Warner Bros. Television and DePatie-Freleng Enterprises and released in 1979 by Warner Bros. as part", "psg_id": "6552160" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol", "text": "and Fireside\". From a secular viewpoint, the cultural historian Penne Restad suggests that Scrooge's redemption underscores \"the conservative, individualistic and patriarchal aspects\" of Dickens's \"\"Carol\" philosophy\" of charity and altruism. Dickens wrote \"A Christmas Carol\" in response to British social attitudes towards poverty, particularly child poverty, and wished to use the novella as a means to put forward his arguments against it. The story shows Scrooge as a paradigm for self-interest, and the possible repercussions of ignoring the poor, especially children in poverty—personified by the allegorical figures of Want and Ignorance. The two figures were created to arouse sympathy with", "psg_id": "811453" }, { "title": "Ebenezer Scrooge", "text": "Ebenezer Scrooge Ebenezer Scrooge () is the protagonist of Charles Dickens' 1843 novella, \"A Christmas Carol\". At the beginning of the novella, Scrooge is a cold-hearted miser who despises Christmas. Dickens describes him thus: \"The cold within him froze his old features, nipped his pointed nose, shrivelled his cheek, stiffened his gait; made his eyes red, his thin lips blue; and spoke out shrewdly in his grating voice.\" His last name has come into the English language as a byword for miserliness and misanthropy. The tale of his redemption by the three Ghosts of Christmas (Ghost of Christmas Past, Ghost", "psg_id": "1371257" }, { "title": "Blackadder's Christmas Carol", "text": "Blackadder's Christmas Carol Blackadder's Christmas Carol is a one-off episode of \"Blackadder\", a parody of Charles Dickens' \"A Christmas Carol\". It is set between \"Blackadder the Third\" (1987) and \"Blackadder Goes Forth\" (1989), and is narrated by Hugh Laurie. Produced by the BBC, it was first broadcast on BBC1 on 23 December 1988. Ebenezer Blackadder (Rowan Atkinson), the Victorian proprietor of a \"moustache shop\", is the nicest man in England. He is everything that Ebenezer Scrooge was by the end of the original story: generous and kind to everybody, and sensitive to the misery of others. As a result, people", "psg_id": "2570206" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (1982 film)", "text": "visits of three spirits. After Jacob departs, Scrooge heads for his bed with no intention of having his sleep be interrupted by anyone. Still, precisely as Jacob Marley had predicted, the first spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Past arrives at one o'clock. He and Scrooge depart together for the Christmases that have already been, and from the experience, Scrooge gains a painful memory of the person he was, and how he became what he is today. The second spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Present, shares with Scrooge the Christmases being celebrated on that same year, especially the merriment being had", "psg_id": "11728361" }, { "title": "Scrooge (musical)", "text": "Scrooge (musical) Scrooge: The Musical is a 1992 stage musical with book, music and lyrics by Leslie Bricusse. Its score and book are closely adapted from the music and screenplay of the 1970 musical film \"Scrooge\" starring Albert Finney and \"A Christmas Carol\" by Charles Dickens. Bricusse was nominated for an Academy Award for the song score he wrote for the film, and most of those songs were carried over to the musical. The musical opens with the company singing a Christmas carol medley as the city of London begins to reminisce over the coming of Christmas (\"Sing A Christmas", "psg_id": "12871192" }, { "title": "A Carol Christmas", "text": "house, where Carol decided to go after all for the holidays, and comment on their work at transforming Carol Cartman, a twist not seen in any adaptation of \"A Christmas Carol\" up to then, and which would be repeated three years later, at the end of \"Bah, Humduck! A Looney Tunes Christmas\". A Carol Christmas A Carol Christmas is a TV movie starring Tori Spelling, Dinah Manoff, William Shatner and Gary Coleman. It premiered on the Hallmark Channel in 2003. The film is an adaptation of the Charles Dickens story of a similar name. Spelling plays Carol Cartman, a conceited", "psg_id": "9301136" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol", "text": "be corrected. The novella was adapted for the stage almost immediately. Three productions opened on 5 February 1844, one by Edward Stirling being sanctioned by Dickens and running for more than 40 nights. By the close of February 1844 eight rival \"A Christmas Carol\" theatrical productions were playing in London. The story has been adapted for film and television more than any of Dickens's other works. In 1901 it was produced as \"Scrooge, or, Marley's Ghost\", a silent black-and-white British film; it was one of the first known adaptations of a Dickens work on film, but it is now largely", "psg_id": "811466" }, { "title": "Mister Magoo's Christmas Carol", "text": "Carol\" in \"The Simpsons\" episode \"'Tis the Fifteenth Season\" . Mister Magoo's Christmas Carol Mister Magoo's Christmas Carol is a 1962 animated musical holiday television special produced by UPA. It is an adaptation of \"A Christmas Carol\" by Charles Dickens, featuring UPA's character Mr. Magoo as Ebenezer Scrooge. The special first aired on December 18, 1962 on NBC. Jim Backus provides the voice of Magoo, with additional voices provided by Paul Frees, Morey Amsterdam, Joan Gardner, and Jack Cassidy. The special is directed by Abe Levitow and features songs composed by Jule Styne, with lyrics by Bob Merrill. It is", "psg_id": "1063978" }, { "title": "Rich Little's Christmas Carol", "text": "by Jack Benny. Rich Little's Christmas Carol Rich Little's Christmas Carol is a TV special that premiered on Home Box Office (HBO) on December 16, 1979, produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in 1978. It starred Rich Little in a one-man performance with impersonations of his characters playing the parts in Charles Dickens famous holiday story. Little played the following celebrities: The show was shot on videotape and included a laugh track. In 1963, Little release the LP Scrooge and the Stars, which seems to have been the inspiration for this version of A Christmas Carol. In Little's LP version,", "psg_id": "10445430" }, { "title": "Ghost of Christmas Present", "text": "Ghost of Christmas Present The Ghost of Christmas Present or The Spirit of Christmas Present is a fictional character in the work \"A Christmas Carol\" by novelist Charles Dickens. The Spirit closely resembles Father Christmas from local folklore. The Ghost of Christmas Present is the second of the three spirits (after the visitations by Jacob Marley and the Ghost of Christmas Past) that haunt the miser Ebenezer Scrooge, in order to prompt him to repent. He shows Scrooge how other people, especially those he knows, celebrate Christmas in order to show the reader what people think of Scrooge behind his", "psg_id": "6682090" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (2004 film)", "text": "over the course of the day, shows Scrooge the two monstrous children Ignorance and Want that cling to his legs, warning Scrooge that they will doom both Scrooge and mankind altogether if they are not cared for. The spirit and children vanish, returning Scrooge to his bedroom. At the stroke of Three, the blind beggar woman appears in Scrooge's bedroom; she removes her tattered robes and becomes a tall, beautiful woman dressed all in white: the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. The silent spirit shows Scrooge what lies in store in the future if he doesn't change (\"Dancing on", "psg_id": "6560005" }, { "title": "Scrooge (musical)", "text": "occasionally rebroadcast on BBC Radio 4 Extra. Scrooge (musical) Scrooge: The Musical is a 1992 stage musical with book, music and lyrics by Leslie Bricusse. Its score and book are closely adapted from the music and screenplay of the 1970 musical film \"Scrooge\" starring Albert Finney and \"A Christmas Carol\" by Charles Dickens. Bricusse was nominated for an Academy Award for the song score he wrote for the film, and most of those songs were carried over to the musical. The musical opens with the company singing a Christmas carol medley as the city of London begins to reminisce over", "psg_id": "12871208" }, { "title": "Mister Magoo's Christmas Carol", "text": "Mister Magoo's Christmas Carol Mister Magoo's Christmas Carol is a 1962 animated musical holiday television special produced by UPA. It is an adaptation of \"A Christmas Carol\" by Charles Dickens, featuring UPA's character Mr. Magoo as Ebenezer Scrooge. The special first aired on December 18, 1962 on NBC. Jim Backus provides the voice of Magoo, with additional voices provided by Paul Frees, Morey Amsterdam, Joan Gardner, and Jack Cassidy. The special is directed by Abe Levitow and features songs composed by Jule Styne, with lyrics by Bob Merrill. It is the first animated holiday program ever produced specifically for television,", "psg_id": "1063970" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (1999 film)", "text": "Scrooge is visited by the childlike Ghost of Christmas Past who takes him back in time to his childhood and early adult life. They visit his lonely school days, and then his time as an employee under Albert Fezziwig. Fezziwig throws a Christmas party, Scrooge attends and meets a young woman named Belle, whom he falls in love with. However, the Ghost shows Scrooge how Belle left him when he chose money over her. A tearful Scrooge extinguishes the Ghost as he returns to the present. At two o'clock, Scrooge meets the merry Ghost of Christmas Present, which shows Scrooge", "psg_id": "6763253" }, { "title": "Scrooge (1935 film)", "text": "Scrooge (1935 film) Scrooge is a 1935 British fantasy film directed by Henry Edwards and starring Seymour Hicks, Donald Calthrop and Robert Cochran. Hicks appears as Ebenezer Scrooge, the miser who hates Christmas. It was the first sound version of the Charles Dickens classic \"A Christmas Carol\", not counting a 1928 short subject that now appears to be lost. Hicks had previously played the role of Scrooge on the stage many times beginning in 1901, and again in a 1913 British silent film version. On Christmas Eve in 1843 Ebenezer Scrooge (Sir Seymour Hicks) a cold-hearted and greedy elderly money-lender", "psg_id": "12617029" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (1984 film)", "text": "Belle left him when he chose his wealth over her. A distraught Scrooge puts out the spirit with its cap as he returns to the present. At two o'clock, Scrooge meets the Ghost of Christmas Present, who shows him the joys and wonder of Christmas Day. Scrooge and the Ghost visit Bob's house, learning his family is surprisingly content with their small dinner, Scrooge taking pity on Tim. Scrooge and the spirit go to a desolate street, where the latter disappears, warning Scrooge about the evils of \"Ignorance\" and \"Want\". The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come arrives, appearing as", "psg_id": "6060293" }, { "title": "A Carol Christmas", "text": "A Carol Christmas A Carol Christmas is a TV movie starring Tori Spelling, Dinah Manoff, William Shatner and Gary Coleman. It premiered on the Hallmark Channel in 2003. The film is an adaptation of the Charles Dickens story of a similar name. Spelling plays Carol Cartman, a conceited sensationalist talk show host. She is cynical, selfish, and generally treats her employees with cold contempt. She has been molded this way by her late Aunt Marla (Dinah Manoff). On Christmas Eve, she is haunted by her Aunt (who is wrapped in golden chains) who warns her of the mistake she made", "psg_id": "9301134" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol", "text": "Fezziwig, who treated him like a son. Scrooge's neglected fiancée Belle is shown ending their relationship, as she realises that he will never love her as much as he loves money. Finally, they visit a now-married Belle with her large, happy family on the Christmas Eve that Marley died. Scrooge, upset by hearing Belle's description of the man that he has become, demands that the ghost remove him from the house. The second spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Present, takes Scrooge to a joyous market with people buying the makings of Christmas dinner and to celebrations of Christmas in a", "psg_id": "811431" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol", "text": "heavy chains and money boxes forged during a lifetime of greed and selfishness. Marley tells Scrooge that he has a single chance to avoid the same fate: he will be visited by three spirits and must listen or be cursed to carry much heavier chains of his own. The first spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Past, takes Scrooge to Christmas scenes of Scrooge's boyhood, reminding him of a time when he was more innocent. The scenes reveal Scrooge's lonely childhood at boarding school, his relationship with his beloved sister Fan, and a Christmas party hosted by his first employer, Mr", "psg_id": "811430" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (musical)", "text": "A Christmas Carol (musical) A Christmas Carol is a musical with music by Alan Menken, lyrics by Lynn Ahrens, and book by Mike Ockrent and Lynn Ahrens. The musical is based on Charles Dickens' 1843 novella of the same name. The show was presented annually at New York City's Paramount Theatre in Madison Square Garden from 1 December 1994 to 27 December 2003. \"A Christmas Carol\" premiered on 1 December 1994. It was performed annually in December at the Paramount Theatre in Madison Square Garden from December 1994 until December 2003. The original 1994 production was directed by Mike Ockrent", "psg_id": "13542171" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (musical)", "text": "had a heart\". The Ghost of Christmas Past reinforces the character's signature theme of illuminating Scrooge's worldview (\"The Lights of Long Ago\"). One notable departure from Dickens' novella in this portion of the film is its depiction of Ebenezer Scrooge's father, identified as John William Scrooge, being sentenced to debtors' prison while his horrified family looks on; this scene was inspired by an actual occurrence from Dickens' own childhood. The Ghost of Christmas Present (\"Abundance and Charity\" and \"Christmas Together\"), makes his point that Christmas is a time for celebration, generosity, and fellowship. The former takes place at a fantastical", "psg_id": "13542176" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (1938 film)", "text": "home. Despite wearing a cheery manner for his family's sake, Bob is deeply troubled by the loss of his job, though he confides in no one except his daughter Martha. The spirit hints that Bob's youngest son, Tim, will die of a crippling illness by the same time next year if things do not change. At three o'clock, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come arrives, appearing as a silent, cloaked figure. The spirit shows Scrooge what will happen if he does not change. Scrooge discovers Tiny Tim is dead and his family mourns for him. Scrooge also discovers that", "psg_id": "4298585" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (1938 film)", "text": "the ghost of his deceased business partner, Jacob Marley, who warns Scrooge to repent his wicked ways or he will be condemned in the afterlife as Marley was. He tells Scrooge he will be haunted by three spirits. At one o'clock, Scrooge is visited by the youthful Ghost of Christmas Past, who takes him back in time to his early life. Scrooge is shown his unhappiness when he was left to spend the holidays alone at school, and his joy when his sister, Fran, came to take him home for Christmas. The spirit reminds Scrooge that Fran, dead for some", "psg_id": "4298583" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (2009 film)", "text": "an employee under Fezziwig, and he becomes engaged to a woman named Belle. However, the Ghost shows Scrooge how Belle left him when he became obsessed with wealth. A devastated Scrooge extinguishes the spirit with its candle snuffer cap but Scrooge is rocketed thousands of feet into the air while clinging onto the snuffer, only to have it disappear, resulting in Scrooge falling down to earth, back into his bedroom for the next visitation. Next, Scrooge meets the merry Ghost of Christmas Present, who shows him the joys and wonder of Christmas Day. Scrooge and the Ghost visit Bob's house,", "psg_id": "10526140" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (2004 film)", "text": "The entire Christmas Future sequence plays out in song (\"Dancing On Your Grave\", \"You Mean More to Me (Reprise)\", and \"Yesterday, Tomorrow, and Today\"), culminating in Scrooge's awakening in his bedroom on Christmas morning. \"What a Day, What a Sky\" serves as a musical bookend to \"Nothing to Do With Me\", dramatizing Scrooge's new outlook as he races through the streets of London making amends. The film concludes with a reprise of \"Christmas Together\" featuring the entire cast. A Christmas Carol (2004 film) A Christmas Carol: The Musical is a 2004 American made-for-television film adaptation of the 1994 stage musical", "psg_id": "6560014" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (2004 film)", "text": "chains that he forged with his own greed and obsession with money (\"Link by Link\"). He tells Scrooge that his own chain will be twice as long and heavy, but that there is a chance for him to redeem himself by heeding the warnings of three spirits who will appear to him that night. Other ghosts who also wear chains also haunt Scrooge, implying they were all selfish and cold-hearted when they were alive. The first of the three spirits, the Ghost of Christmas Past, arrives after the bell chimes One; Scrooge recognizes her as the lamplighter he met the", "psg_id": "6560000" }, { "title": "The Muppet Christmas Carol", "text": "is content with their small dinner, Scrooge taking pity on Bob's ill son Tiny Tim (played by Robin the Frog). The Ghost of Christmas Present abruptly ages, commenting that Tiny Tim will likely not survive until next Christmas. Scrooge and the Ghost go to a cemetery, where the latter fades away. The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come then approaches Scrooge, appearing as a tall, silent cloaked figure. While Dickens and Rizzo abandon the audience to avoid being frightened, the Ghost takes Scrooge into the future. Scrooge and the Ghost witness a group of businessmen discussing the death of an", "psg_id": "4022774" }, { "title": "Scrooge (1913 film)", "text": "film \"Scrooge\". \"Scrooge\" was a Zenith Film Company production, by whom it was also distributed on its release date in September 1913. Some scenes in the black and white 35mm film were colour toned. The opening credits are followed by a scene in which Charles Dickens is seen pacing his library seeking inspiration for a new story. It comes to him and he settles down to write \"A Christmas Carol\". A short introductory synopsis describing miserly London businessman Ebenezer Scrooge leads into a shot of his nephew Fred Wyland giving money to poor children on Christmas Eve. Scrooge, upon leaving", "psg_id": "14082508" }, { "title": "Christmas Carol (The X-Files)", "text": "Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) who work on cases linked to the paranormal, called X-Files. Mulder is a believer in the paranormal, while the skeptical Scully has been assigned to debunk his work. In this episode, Scully, on Christmas vacation with her family, receives a mysterious phone call that leads her to a case involving a little girl that she believes to be the daughter of her dead sister, Melissa. \"Christmas Carol\" is the first of a two-part story that concludes with episode seven, \"Emily\". The episode was inspired by the 1951 British film \"Scrooge\", starring Alastair", "psg_id": "9686506" }, { "title": "Scrooge (1935 film)", "text": "omits the very last scenes. For years it was kept out of circulation, due to the extremely poor quality of most of the surviving prints. Scrooge (1935 film) Scrooge is a 1935 British fantasy film directed by Henry Edwards and starring Seymour Hicks, Donald Calthrop and Robert Cochran. Hicks appears as Ebenezer Scrooge, the miser who hates Christmas. It was the first sound version of the Charles Dickens classic \"A Christmas Carol\", not counting a 1928 short subject that now appears to be lost. Hicks had previously played the role of Scrooge on the stage many times beginning in 1901,", "psg_id": "12617037" }, { "title": "Scrooge McDuck", "text": "which Alan Young was hired to voice Scrooge McDuck playing the character who inspired his name, Ebenezer Scrooge (Thompson had died in 1971). Young, who himself was born in Great Britain, was best known for playing Wilbur Post on the hit television series \"Mister Ed\" from 1961 to 1965. Eight years later, the Walt Disney Animation Studios decided to make a featurette of this same story, this time dubbed \"Mickey's Christmas Carol\" (1983), and once again hired Young to voice the role. He also appeared as himself in the television special \"Sport Goofy in Soccermania\" (1987) (the only time when", "psg_id": "398405" }, { "title": "A Christmas Carol (musical)", "text": "of Christmas Past, Hugh Maynard as the Ghost of Christmas Present, Norman Bowman as Jacob Marley, Peter Polycarpou as Mr Fezziwig, and John Addison as Fred Anderson. The concert production was again at the Lyceum on 11 and 18 December 2017, with Lindsay returning to the role of Scrooge. The opening numbers are \"The Years Are Passing By\" and \"Jolly, Rich, and Fat\". In later productions the two numbers are combined as \"Jolly Good Time.\" Scrooge first encounters the three ghosts of Christmas in their real-world guises as a lamplighter (Past), a charity show barker (Present), and a blind beggar", "psg_id": "13542174" }, { "title": "Scrooge (musical)", "text": "at the thought that he is in the wrong for hating Christmas (\"It's Not My Fault\"). He is visited by the first spirit - the Ghost of Christmas Past - who takes Scrooge back to when he was a small boy who preferred not to take part in Christmas activities and carols (\"Sing a Christmas Carol (Reprise)\"). The child Ebenezer is visited by his sister Jenny, who takes Ebenezer, who is reluctant to go home to his father due to a troubled relationship, back home. Scrooge is confused as to why the visions are not communicating with him, to which", "psg_id": "12871195" } ]
[ "bob cratchit", "bob cratchitt", "bob cratchet", "cratchit" ]
olive the other what is a christmas book by vivian walsh and j otto seibold?
[ { "title": "Olive, the Other Reindeer", "text": "seen in 2015. The story was based on the 1997 children's book by Vivian Walsh and illustrated by J. Otto Seibold. In the song, \"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer\", the lyric \"All of the other reindeer\" can be misheard in dialects with the cot–caught merger as the mondegreen \"Olive, the other reindeer\". Drew Barrymore voices the title character. The special was nominated for the Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program. The story follows an anthropomorphic Jack Russell Terrier named Olive, who does not act like a dog. While in town, she meets Martini, a con artist penguin, from whom she buys", "psg_id": "3826687" } ]
[ { "title": "Vivian Walsh (author)", "text": "he was a professional.\" Mr. Lunch is a hard working dog who runs a bird-chasing office. \"Monkey Business\" is about the first monkey in space. This picture book catches-up with the monkey when he is a middle-aged industrial mogul. When Vivian Walsh moved to San Francisco her books took on the theme of a diverse community; of everyone getting along despite their differences. In the book \"Gluey\" a bunny and a snail (the fastest and slowest animals in the meadow) become housemates. Walsh has collaborated with the illustrator J.otto Seibold. The two have teamed up on books such as \"Penguin", "psg_id": "9430218" }, { "title": "Vivian Walsh (aviator)", "text": "in 1924 he sold the New Zealand Flying School assets to the New Zealand Government, and gave up all involvement in aviation. Vivian died in 1950, and Leo in 1951. The Auckland Branch of the Royal Aeronautical Society, concerned to preserve the memory of the brothers' contribution, formed the Walsh Memorial Air Pageant Organisation. Several events raised significant monies for educational purposes - now administered via the New Zealand Aeronautical Trusts Ltd. Other memorials include: Vivian Walsh (aviator) Vivian Claude Walsh (1888–1950) was an English-born New Zealand engineer. Vivian and his elder brother Leo Austin Walsh (1881–1951) were pioneers of", "psg_id": "9549204" }, { "title": "Vivian Walsh (aviator)", "text": "Vivian Walsh (aviator) Vivian Claude Walsh (1888–1950) was an English-born New Zealand engineer. Vivian and his elder brother Leo Austin Walsh (1881–1951) were pioneers of New Zealand aviation. Vivian and Leo built a British Howard Wright biplane, which Vivian first flew on 5 February 1911. This was the first recognised powered flight made in New Zealand. They established the New Zealand Flying School in 1915 to train pilots for the Royal Flying Corps, building their own series of flying boat trainers. He made pioneering airmail, air passenger, and air survey flights, but was unable to make these commercially viable, and", "psg_id": "9549203" }, { "title": "Rick Seibold", "text": "Rick Seibold Rick Seibold ( ; born April 16, 1983) is an American singer-songwriter from Wilmington, North Carolina, now based in Los Angeles. Seibold has received considerable recognition as an independent recording artist from his debut record \"That's the Day\". He has worked with artists such as Lee DeWyze, David Archuleta, Katelyn Tarver, Kat DeLuna, and Alex Lambert. Rick Seibold grew up on the East Coast in Wilmington, North Carolina. His music career began around age 10 when he appeared in the film The Road to Wellville as John Harvey Kellogg's son, played by Anthony Hopkins, singing the Christmas classic", "psg_id": "12442332" }, { "title": "Siobhan Vivian", "text": "Friendly Advice, was released and was shortly followed by a picture book she cowrote with J. Otto Seibold titled Vunce Upon A Time. Vivian's next book, Same Difference, which was published in 2009, garnered Kirkus Reviews Best Book of the Year as well as 2012 ALA Best Fiction for Young Adults. Both of these awards were also awarded to her next book, Not That Kind of Girl, along with a Caroline W. Field Award Nomination. Her most recent solo book, The List, inspired by true events at a high school in New Jersey, was published in 2012 and earned the", "psg_id": "18895182" }, { "title": "Olive, the Other Reindeer", "text": "team. On the way to the bus station, Olive runs into a grouchy Postman who is fed up with the stress of having to deliver the heavy loads of mail during the Christmas rush, and tells her that \"By next year, people will have forgotten about Christmas.\" He learns Olive is trying to help save Santa's flight. He is vengeful towards Santa for being repeatedly put on his Naughty list and is determined to stop Olive from saving Christmas. Olive goes to the \"Mauvehound\" bus station to buy a ticket to Arctic Junction. Martini shows up, and Olive buys him", "psg_id": "3826689" }, { "title": "Olive, the Other Reindeer", "text": "baked. As a present, Olive is given a pair of antlers on a headband to wear. Comet gives her a ride home and Olive makes amends with Tim, who is glad that he does not care if she is different from other dogs. Meanwhile, bound with packing tape and cardboard wings, the Postman is put in the penguin exhibit in the zoo in place of Martini, and Martini is put in charge of the mail, while everyone enjoys Christmas Day. Music by Christopher Tyng, lyrics by Steve Young Originally seen on the FOX and (presumably) Nickelodeon airings, some scenes in", "psg_id": "3826697" }, { "title": "J. Vivian Jr. and Company Building", "text": "J. Vivian Jr. and Company Building The J. Vivian Jr. and Company Building is a commercial building located at 342 Hecla Street in Laurium, Michigan. in the Italian Renaissance Revival, and Italianate architectural styles, it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2003. Captain Johnson Vivian Sr. was born in Cornwall, England. He worked in the mining industry in his home country, then emigrated to Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula to work as a mining captain, first in Eagle Harbor, then moving to mines located in Copper Harbor, Phoenix, Hancock, and Ontonogan, among other places. Captain Vivian had four", "psg_id": "13737199" }, { "title": "Olive, the Other Reindeer", "text": "a heartfelt speech about the meaning of Christmas and how devoted she is to her cause. The patrons apologize for their behavior and Round John Virgin offers Martini and Olive a ride to the North Pole in his vehicle, named The Polar Express. At the North Pole, Olive is denied entry to see Santa, but Martini gives the guard a watch as if it was a gift from Santa. When the guard asks Martini to fix it, he says he needs to kill the alarm, because the electromagnetic waves will interfere with the signal from a satellite. Olive digs under", "psg_id": "3826694" }, { "title": "Anthony Seibold", "text": "coach. Anthony Seibold Anthony Seibold (born 3 October 1974) is the head coach of the Brisbane Broncos in the NRL. He was previously the head coach of the South Sydney Rabbitohs in 2018. Seibold was born in Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia, and is of German descent from his grandfather. As a player, Seibold had stints at the Brisbane Broncos (1992–1995) and Canberra Raiders (1997–1998) throughout the 1990s, where he played in the National Rugby League. In 1999 Seibold signed for the where he played two seasons in the English Super League. Seibold played for the Ipswich Jets in the 2002 Queensland", "psg_id": "12057644" }, { "title": "Anthony Seibold", "text": "Anthony Seibold Anthony Seibold (born 3 October 1974) is the head coach of the Brisbane Broncos in the NRL. He was previously the head coach of the South Sydney Rabbitohs in 2018. Seibold was born in Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia, and is of German descent from his grandfather. As a player, Seibold had stints at the Brisbane Broncos (1992–1995) and Canberra Raiders (1997–1998) throughout the 1990s, where he played in the National Rugby League. In 1999 Seibold signed for the where he played two seasons in the English Super League. Seibold played for the Ipswich Jets in the 2002 Queensland Cup", "psg_id": "12057640" }, { "title": "Olive, the Other Reindeer", "text": "Martini. After the sleigh lands at the first house and Olive realizes what has happened, Olive uses the Postman's scent to track him and scares the Postman out of his wits as he sees Olive in the side window. After a struggle with the Postman, Olive gets pushed out, but Martini uses a jack-in-the-box to scare the Postman, who hits the window and is knocked unconscious. They retrieve the presents and rescue Martini, and then deliver the presents to the world. Lost in a fog, Olive guides them back to the North Pole by smelling the gingerbread cookies Ms. Claus", "psg_id": "3826696" }, { "title": "J. Vivian Jr. and Company Building", "text": "window. A cornice features alternating marble medallions and attic windows. Brick and sandstone piers divide the plate glass windows on the first floor. J. Vivian Jr. and Company Building The J. Vivian Jr. and Company Building is a commercial building located at 342 Hecla Street in Laurium, Michigan. in the Italian Renaissance Revival, and Italianate architectural styles, it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2003. Captain Johnson Vivian Sr. was born in Cornwall, England. He worked in the mining industry in his home country, then emigrated to Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula to work as a mining captain,", "psg_id": "13737203" }, { "title": "Thomas J. Walsh", "text": "won his second term. When Walsh ran for re-election in 1924, he defeated Frank Bird Linderman by a solid margin. In 1930, Walsh ran for re-election to what would be his fourth and final term in the Senate, and defeated Albert J. Galen in a landslide. During his tenure in the Senate, Walsh gained fame for his legal ability in the Judiciary Committee and on the floor. In the 1920s, Walsh headed the Senate investigation into the Teapot Dome scandal that involved top officials of the administration of President Warren G. Harding. He was chairman of the Democratic National Convention", "psg_id": "4325102" }, { "title": "What a Night! A Christmas Album", "text": "What a Night! A Christmas Album What a Night! A Christmas Album, by American singer, pianist and bandleader Harry Connick Jr., was released on November 4, 2008., being his third Christmas album, since 1993's \"When My Heart Finds Christmas\" and 2003's \"Harry for the Holidays\". The album consists of new recordings of Christmas classics, and new songs written by Connick. The first public mentioning of recording the album, came in an interview in The Times-Picayune in June 2008. The album was first called \"Christmas Day\", but the title was changed in September 2008, to \"What a Night! A Christmas Album\".", "psg_id": "12429875" }, { "title": "Rick Seibold", "text": "Cooley (Derek Webb, Katie Herzig) to help finish the record. \"New York\" is his most polished album to date, and marks a significant step from the acoustic simplicity of \"That's the Day\". When asked about the marked difference between the two discs, Seibold replied \"I wanted to make a record that captured my experience of living in the bustling city of New York\". Seibold released an album of acoustic b-sides and demos on August 28, 2009 appropriately entitled \"Acoustic New York\". Shortly after its release Seibold made the move to Los Angeles, California. On November 24, 2009, Seibold released a", "psg_id": "12442338" }, { "title": "Louis Seibold", "text": "Wilson, which was later proved to be fabricated. Siebold, working together with Edith Wilson and Joseph Patrick Tumulty, created an interview narrative that presented a false picture to the American people about the state of the president's health. Louis Seibold Louis Seibold (October 10, 1863 - May 10, 1945) was a journalist who won the 1921 Pulitzer Prize for an interview with President Woodrow Wilson. Afterwards, it was learned that the interview was fabricated. Seibold was born in Washington, D.C. on October 10, 1863, to Louis Philip Seibold and Josephine Burrows (Dawson). Seibold spent most of his career with the", "psg_id": "19734337" }, { "title": "J. Vivian Jr. and Company Building", "text": "by 1895 employed 50 people. Other merchants followed Vivian's example, and the block on Hecla soon became the commercial center of the area. In 1903, the store was the largest in the area. Johnson Vivian Jr. took over his father's business when the latter died in 1909. He continued as a leading citizen in Laurium. He was the president of the State Savings Bank and the Palestra (the Laurium ice rink), a director of the Laurium Park Association, and on the Board of Directors of the Calumet Public Hospital. The J. Vivian Jr. and Company was in business until 1936.", "psg_id": "13737201" }, { "title": "Louis Seibold", "text": "Louis Seibold Louis Seibold (October 10, 1863 - May 10, 1945) was a journalist who won the 1921 Pulitzer Prize for an interview with President Woodrow Wilson. Afterwards, it was learned that the interview was fabricated. Seibold was born in Washington, D.C. on October 10, 1863, to Louis Philip Seibold and Josephine Burrows (Dawson). Seibold spent most of his career with the New York World, during that time he covered many important stories, such as the eruption of Mount Pelée, coverage of the Spanish–American War, but most notably, he won the 1921 Pulitzer Prize for his 1920 interview with Woodrow", "psg_id": "19734336" }, { "title": "What a Night! A Christmas Album", "text": "Tchaikovsky's \"Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy\". Arrangement by Harry Connick Jr. A Holiday Celebration Tour 2008, is a concert tour with his big band to support the album. The tour was confirmed by the official Harry Connick, Jr. website in September 2008. One of their stops included the annual lighting of the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree. What a Night! A Christmas Album What a Night! A Christmas Album, by American singer, pianist and bandleader Harry Connick Jr., was released on November 4, 2008., being his third Christmas album, since 1993's \"When My Heart Finds Christmas\" and 2003's \"Harry for", "psg_id": "12429877" }, { "title": "Rick Seibold", "text": "which was featured in The CW's \"Reign\" and \"Frequency\", USA's \"Eyewitness\", NBC's \"The Night Shift\", and MTV's \"Finding Carter\". Rick Seibold Rick Seibold ( ; born April 16, 1983) is an American singer-songwriter from Wilmington, North Carolina, now based in Los Angeles. Seibold has received considerable recognition as an independent recording artist from his debut record \"That's the Day\". He has worked with artists such as Lee DeWyze, David Archuleta, Katelyn Tarver, Kat DeLuna, and Alex Lambert. Rick Seibold grew up on the East Coast in Wilmington, North Carolina. His music career began around age 10 when he appeared in", "psg_id": "12442342" }, { "title": "Kevin J. Walsh", "text": "for Steven Spielberg on films including \"Munich\". Walsh also was cast as an actor in \"The Master\". Kevin J. Walsh Kevin J. Walsh is an American film producer. He is best known for producing the critically acclaimed film \"Manchester by the Sea\" (2016) through his production company, B Story, in which he earned an Academy Award for Best Picture nomination with Matt Damon, Kimberly Steward, Chris Moore, and Lauren Beck. Walsh is the president of Scott Free Productions, a film and television production company established by Ridley Scott and Tony Scott in 1995. Walsh got his start in the film", "psg_id": "20028589" }, { "title": "J. W. Walsh", "text": "J. W. Walsh J. W. Walsh is an American football coach and former player. He played quarterback for the Oklahoma State Cowboys football team from 2011 to 2015. He is currently the Running Backs coach at Abilene Christian University. Walsh played at Guyer High School in Denton, Texas, where he was coached by his father John and reached the University Interscholastic League state finals his senior year. Walsh was redshirted as a true freshman in 2011. In 2012, Walsh battled Clint Chelf and true freshman Wes Lunt for the starting quarterback job. Lunt won the quarterback derby and Walsh was", "psg_id": "18245630" }, { "title": "J. Vivian Jr. and Company Building", "text": "sons, one of whom was Johnson Vivian Jr. The younger Vivian was born in the United States and attended high school in the area. Captain Vivian had a number of commercial interests, and in 1886, the younger Vivian, with assistance from his father, established J. Vivian Jr. and Company, a mercantile business, in Osceola. In 1894 the father and son established a branch of their mercantile business in Laurium, constructing a building on Hecla Street. At the time, the firm was taking a risk as the store's location was viewed as remote. However, the store was an immediate success, and", "psg_id": "13737200" }, { "title": "Mary Walsh: Open Book", "text": "away her guests. Mary Walsh: Open Book Mary Walsh: Open Book was a weekly book club series on CBC Television, which aired from 2002 to 2005. Similar to Oprah's Book Club, the series was hosted by actress and comedian Mary Walsh, who moderated a discussion about books and literature with a panel of celebrities and other guests. Each episode of the series was structured around discussion of a single book. The series aired at 11 p.m. on Sunday nights, attracting relatively strong ratings for a late time slot. Participants included actors Megan Follows, Greg Malone, Paul Gross and Mark McKinney,", "psg_id": "2373089" }, { "title": "Mary Walsh: Open Book", "text": "Mary Walsh: Open Book Mary Walsh: Open Book was a weekly book club series on CBC Television, which aired from 2002 to 2005. Similar to Oprah's Book Club, the series was hosted by actress and comedian Mary Walsh, who moderated a discussion about books and literature with a panel of celebrities and other guests. Each episode of the series was structured around discussion of a single book. The series aired at 11 p.m. on Sunday nights, attracting relatively strong ratings for a late time slot. Participants included actors Megan Follows, Greg Malone, Paul Gross and Mark McKinney, political scientist Janice", "psg_id": "2373087" }, { "title": "Kevin J. Walsh", "text": "Kevin J. Walsh Kevin J. Walsh is an American film producer. He is best known for producing the critically acclaimed film \"Manchester by the Sea\" (2016) through his production company, B Story, in which he earned an Academy Award for Best Picture nomination with Matt Damon, Kimberly Steward, Chris Moore, and Lauren Beck. Walsh is the president of Scott Free Productions, a film and television production company established by Ridley Scott and Tony Scott in 1995. Walsh got his start in the film business working as an assistant to Scott Rudin on seven films including \"The Royal Tenenbaums\", and later", "psg_id": "20028588" }, { "title": "Socks Seibold", "text": "Socks Seibold Harry \"Socks\" Seibold (May 31, 1896 – September 21, 1965) was an American professional baseball pitcher. He played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Philadelphia Athletics and Boston Braves. Seibold debuted in 1915 with the Athletics as a shortstop, but was converted to pitcher in 1916. He played parts of 1916, 1917, and 1919 for the Athletics, and then spent the next nine years out of the major leagues. Seibold resurfaced in 1929 with the Boston Braves. For four seasons, he was a regular in the Braves' rotation, and in 1930 set his career high in innings", "psg_id": "12028758" }, { "title": "Socks Seibold", "text": "pitched with 250, wins with 15 and strikeouts with 70. His last season came with the Braves in 1933. A corporal with the United States Army during World War I, Seibold was buried at the Beverly National Cemetery in Beverly, New Jersey. Socks Seibold Harry \"Socks\" Seibold (May 31, 1896 – September 21, 1965) was an American professional baseball pitcher. He played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Philadelphia Athletics and Boston Braves. Seibold debuted in 1915 with the Athletics as a shortstop, but was converted to pitcher in 1916. He played parts of 1916, 1917, and 1919 for", "psg_id": "12028759" }, { "title": "J. W. Walsh", "text": "19, 2016, it was reported that Walsh would be joining the TCU coaching staff as an offensive graduate assistant. On December 21, 2016, it was reported that Walsh would be joining the staff at Abilene Christian University for the 2017 season as the Running Backs coach. J. W. Walsh J. W. Walsh is an American football coach and former player. He played quarterback for the Oklahoma State Cowboys football team from 2011 to 2015. He is currently the Running Backs coach at Abilene Christian University. Walsh played at Guyer High School in Denton, Texas, where he was coached by his", "psg_id": "18245636" }, { "title": "Anthony Seibold", "text": "of Origin team. On 6 October 2017, Seibold was announced as the new South Sydney Rabbitohs coach. In his first year as Souths coach, Seibold guided the club to a third-placed finish at the end of the regular season. Souths went on to reach the preliminary final but fell short of a grand final appearance losing 12-4 to Sydney Roosters. On 27 September 2018, Seibold was named Dally M coach of the year. On 2 December 2018, Seibold was announced as the new Brisbane Broncos coach from 2019 onwards a year earlier than expected after Wayne Bennett was sacked as", "psg_id": "12057643" }, { "title": "Connor Walsh (character)", "text": "later, Walsh shows up unannounced to Hampton's place, after burning Sam Keating's body, freaking out and telling him that he \"screwed up\". Hampton is initially bewildered and unsure of what to do, but eventually comforts Walsh and invites him in. The following morning, Walsh lies to Hampton by saying that his behavior was a result of intoxication and that he has a drug problem. Walsh is eager to start fresh with Hampton in \"Hello Raskolnikov\"; however, this is not reciprocated by Hampton, who still resents Walsh's conduct. By \"Best Christmas Ever\", Walsh surprises Hampton with a Christmas gift – a", "psg_id": "19666836" }, { "title": "Thomas J. Walsh", "text": "in New York in 1924 and in Chicago in 1932. Walsh opposed child labor and supported women's suffrage and, unlike most other Catholics, Prohibition. In 1933, Walsh was nominated for the post of Attorney General by incoming President Franklin Roosevelt. In late February, he secretly married Mina Nieves Perez Chaumont de Truffin, but less than a week later, he died of a heart attack on the train to Washington for Roosevelt's inauguration. His funeral service was held in the Chamber of the United States Senate, and he was interned in Resurrection Cemetery, Helena. Thomas J. Walsh Thomas James Walsh (June", "psg_id": "4325103" }, { "title": "Otto J. Hager House", "text": "Otto J. Hager House Otto J. Hager House is a historic building located in Waukon, Iowa, United States. Built from 1907 to 1908, the Hager house is the only known Iowa commission for Chicago architect Robert Clossen Spencer, Jr. Spencer played a leading role in the development of the Prairie School movement in the Midwest. His work was strongly influenced by the English Arts and Crafts movement, but with this house he moved away from that influence. It was designed in what was thought to be the most innovative period of his career. The two-story, brick residence with a rubble", "psg_id": "19683956" }, { "title": "Thomas J. Walsh (Alberta politician)", "text": "Thomas J. Walsh (Alberta politician) Thomas James Walsh (August 10, 1875 – July 11, 1915) was a politician in Alberta, Canada. He served as alderman on the Edmonton City Council from 1912 until 1913. A native of what would later become Ontario, Walsh was an educator upon his arrival in the Edmonton/Strathcona area around 1898. Later serving as a customs officer and real estate man, Walsh would become a prominent voice in advocating for the amalgamation of Edmonton and Strathcona (then two separate cities) in the early 1910s. When the amalgamation was later passed, Walsh ran for city council and", "psg_id": "11574252" }, { "title": "J. D. Walsh (coach)", "text": "J. D. Walsh (coach) John David \"J. D.\" Walsh (born October 25, 1972), is an American basketball coach. Walsh is a native of West Islip, NY and currently resides in New York City and New Delhi, India. Walsh graduated from University of Maryland, College Park in 1996. Walsh was a former High School McDonald's All-American (Honorable Mention) his senior year at St. Thomas More School in Oakdale, CT in 1991. He was a full scholarship team member of University of Maryland's men’s basketball team from 1991 to 1993. His teammates included NBA players Walt Williams, Evers Burns, Keith Booth, and", "psg_id": "13523538" }, { "title": "J. Otto Seibold", "text": "Portland, MOCA LA, The Yerba Buena Center for the Arts SF, Gallery Paule Anglim SF, Oakland Museum CA, Juxtapoz Gallery Detroit, and Galerie Impare in Paris. He has done freelance illustration for clients such as Nike, Time Warner, Girl Skateboards, Pixar, Comcast, Giant Robot, Target, TiVo, 826 Detroit, Quaker Oats, Fox Entertainment, Gnu Skateboards, Swatch, and Nordstrom. His book \"Penguin Dreams\" was named by \"The New York Times\" one of the 10 best illustrated books of 1999. \"Mr. Lunch Takes a Plane Ride\" won a Cuffie Award from Publisher's Weekly; Mr. Lunch won for most memorable character in a lead", "psg_id": "6278022" }, { "title": "Matthew J. Walsh", "text": "members increased from 90 to 175 during Walsh's presidency. He also completed South Dining Hall by 1927. On the academic side, credit hours were reduced to encourage in-depth study and Latin and Greek were no longer required for a degree. Walsh also expanded the College of Commerce, which had been organized in 1920. In 1928 three years of college were made a prerequisite for the study of law. He also enlarged the stadium, and built the memorial and entrance transept of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. Matthew J. Walsh The Rev. Matthew J. Walsh, C.S.C. (May 14, 1882 –", "psg_id": "19864077" }, { "title": "Olive, the Other Reindeer", "text": "a bus ticket out of pity. Before they can leave the station, Olive is captured by the evil Postman, who tells people that Olive is wanted on several counts of mail fraud, such as \"licking self-adhesive stamps and not mailing early for the holidays\". After pleading to Martini to help her, Martini rolls several pens along the ground, tripping up the Postman. Martini and Olive then catch the bus right before it leaves, with the Postman watching them drive away. On the bus, Olive and Martini talk to an Inuit couple and driver Richard Stans. They all believe Olive misheard", "psg_id": "3826690" }, { "title": "Olive, the Other Reindeer", "text": "going to give her a flying test, and throws her in his truck. While he is driving away, Olive finds a package addressed to her from \"Deus Ex Machina.\" The package is a metal file Olive uses to escape. Olive then hears and sees a bus coming and tries to stop it, but fails. Olive then walks sadly to the Junction. Back at the Junction, Martini then sees Olive and tells her that they found the waitress clothes and asks how Olive got away. Olive then asks Martini if he has heard of Deus Ex Machina. Then she tells Martini", "psg_id": "3826692" }, { "title": "Vivian Girls", "text": "Vivian Girls Vivian Girls were an American band from Brooklyn, New York. The only consistent members were Cassie Ramone and Katy Goodman, on guitar and bass respectively, whereas the group had several drummers throughout its history. They took their name from a book by Henry Darger. Vivian Girls, named after the magnum opus of outsider author artist Henry Darger (titled \"The Story of the Vivian Girls, in What is Known as the Realms of the Unreal, of the Glandeco-Angelinian War Storm, Caused by the Child Slave Rebellion\"), started in Brooklyn, NY in March 2007 as the trio of Cassie Ramone", "psg_id": "12282271" }, { "title": "Christmas Eve and Other Stories", "text": "Christmas Eve and Other Stories Christmas Eve and Other Stories is the debut studio album by the American rock band Trans-Siberian Orchestra. It was released on October 15, 1996 through Lava Records and Atlantic Records. It is the first album in their \"Christmas trilogy\", with \"The Christmas Attic\" (1998) and \"The Lost Christmas Eve\" (2004) coming afterward. All three albums, as well as their \"The Ghosts of Christmas Eve\" DVD, were featured in the box set of \"The Christmas Trilogy\". The album's cover art was created by Edgar Jerins. The album became one of the best-selling Christmas albums of all-time", "psg_id": "4604672" }, { "title": "Rick Seibold", "text": "sound and lyrics inspired by his upbringing on the beaches of Wilmington, North Carolina. \"It really comes down to people loving the music and then passing it on to their friends,\" Seibold says. \"That's how this whole thing grew so fast.\" \"Rick Seibold presents songs about love, learning and coming of age with a knack for smart and often catchy melodies... it's sure to make any young female listener swoon,\" says Alyssa Rashbaum (MTV, Spin, Vibe). In June 2008, Rick appeared in Southwest Airline's Spirit Magazine as part of a feature on Nashville based songwriters. Later that year he interviewed", "psg_id": "12442335" }, { "title": "Joe Walsh", "text": "the charts and sold 7 million copies. In addition, it included three Top 10 singles—\"Heartache Tonight\", the title track and \"I Can't Tell You Why\". \"In The City\" by Walsh also received considerable airplay. The band also recorded two Christmas songs during these sessions, \"Funky New Year\" and \"Please Come Home For Christmas,\" which was released as a single in 1978 and reached No. 18 on the charts. In 1980, the band broke up. Walsh has released twelve solo studio albums. In December 1974, Walsh released his first solo album that was not considered a Barnstorm project, \"So What\", which", "psg_id": "2058691" }, { "title": "Jim Flora", "text": "going on inside. He would have exhibitions, and the galleries would set out a basket of magnifying glasses. You would see all these old ladies clustered around the paintings trying to see what was going on in the portholes.\" His early illustration style has influenced many contemporary artists, including, Derek Yaniger, Shag (Josh Agle), Tim Biskup, children's book author Lane Smith (\"I was always inspired by the spontaneity and animation in Flora's work\"), and Pixar animator Pete Docter, along with such illustrators as J.D. King, Michael Bartalos, J. Otto Seibold, Phillip Anderson, and Terry Allen. Despite his reputation for humorous", "psg_id": "6067285" }, { "title": "The Lexus and the Olive Tree", "text": "said that he framed this theory in terms of McDonald's Golden Arches \"with tongue slightly in cheek\". In his 2005 book \"The World is Flat\" he offered an updated theory he labelled the Dell Theory of Conflict Prevention. Books: The Lexus and the Olive Tree The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization is a 1999 book by Thomas L. Friedman that posits that the world is currently undergoing two struggles: the drive for prosperity and development, symbolized by the Lexus LS, and the desire to retain identity and traditions, symbolized by the olive tree. He says he came to", "psg_id": "5140646" }, { "title": "Christmas Eve and Other Stories", "text": "Recording Industry Association of America for shipment of three million copies in the United States. All new lyrics by Paul O'Neill Christmas Eve and Other Stories Christmas Eve and Other Stories is the debut studio album by the American rock band Trans-Siberian Orchestra. It was released on October 15, 1996 through Lava Records and Atlantic Records. It is the first album in their \"Christmas trilogy\", with \"The Christmas Attic\" (1998) and \"The Lost Christmas Eve\" (2004) coming afterward. All three albums, as well as their \"The Ghosts of Christmas Eve\" DVD, were featured in the box set of \"The Christmas", "psg_id": "4604674" }, { "title": "Edward J. Walsh", "text": "Walsh battled cancer, which spread from his lungs to his brain. In February 2014, at the age of 71, he died at his Portland home. He was survived by his wife of 49 years, Michelle Walsh ( Heisler), and their two children. Edward J. Walsh Edward Joseph Walsh (March 5, 1942 – February 14, 2014) was an American political journalist and foreign correspondent for \"The Washington Post\" and \"The Oregonian\". Born in Chicago, Illinois, Walsh graduated from the College of St. Thomas, now the University of St. Thomas, in Saint Paul, Minnesota, in 1963. He did graduate work in journalism", "psg_id": "17874781" }, { "title": "Anthony Seibold", "text": "of Education and lectured in the Faculty of Education at the University of Southern Queensland after his retirement from rugby league. Following his spell at Crusaders, he took on his first head coach role, at South Wales Scorpions where he led the club to the play-offs in the club's first ever season. He then moved back to Australia to coach in the Queensland Cup. After working as an Assistant Coach at the Melbourne Storm under Craig Bellamy, Seibold was recruited to join the Manly Sea Eagles before joining the Rabbitohs. Seibold is also Assistant Coach of the Queensland Maroons State", "psg_id": "12057642" }, { "title": "J. D. Walsh (actor)", "text": "J. D. Walsh (actor) John Douglas Walsh (born December 24, 1974) is an American actor, writer, producer, and improv comedy leader. He is best known for his role as Gordon on \"Two and a Half Men\". He wrote, produced and directed the show \"Battleground\" whose pilot episode was funded by FOX. Walsh was born and raised as an only child in Madison, Wisconsin. His mother worked as a professor at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and he didn't speak to his father. Walsh briefly attended University of Minnesota before transferring to University of California, Santa Barbara. There he got involved with", "psg_id": "8071382" }, { "title": "What is Living and What is Dead in Indian Philosophy", "text": "What is Living and What is Dead in Indian Philosophy What is Living and What is Dead in Indian Philosophy is a 1976 book by Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya. Explaining the relationship between the soul and consciousness in the Nyaya-Vaisesika philosophy, Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya makes three points. First, consciousness in this view is knowledge (jnana) in an empirical sense. Second, consciousness is one of the multiple qualities of the soul. Third, consciousness is a transient quality, not a permanent quality. By itself, the soul is without consciousness; consciousness is produced in the soul only when it is conjoined with certain other entities. Hiriyanna,", "psg_id": "18948031" }, { "title": "J. D. Walsh (actor)", "text": "the 2014 film, \"The Amazing Spider-Man 2\" as an online instructor demonstrating how batteries work. His latest project, \"Battleground\" started airing on Internet streaming site Hulu in February 2012. Walsh lives in Van Nuys, California, with his wife, Deirdre and their three children. J. D. Walsh (actor) John Douglas Walsh (born December 24, 1974) is an American actor, writer, producer, and improv comedy leader. He is best known for his role as Gordon on \"Two and a Half Men\". He wrote, produced and directed the show \"Battleground\" whose pilot episode was funded by FOX. Walsh was born and raised as", "psg_id": "8071384" }, { "title": "Edward J. Walsh", "text": "Edward J. Walsh Edward Joseph Walsh (March 5, 1942 – February 14, 2014) was an American political journalist and foreign correspondent for \"The Washington Post\" and \"The Oregonian\". Born in Chicago, Illinois, Walsh graduated from the College of St. Thomas, now the University of St. Thomas, in Saint Paul, Minnesota, in 1963. He did graduate work in journalism and political science at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He began his reporting career with the \"Catholic Messenger\" in Davenport, Iowa followed by reporting for the \"Houston Chronicle\". In 1971, Walsh began a 33-year career with \"The Washington Post\", during which he", "psg_id": "17874779" }, { "title": "A Mary Christmas", "text": "A Mary Christmas A Mary Christmas is the eleventh studio album and first Christmas album by American R&B recording artist Mary J. Blige. Produced by David Foster, it was released on October 15, 2013 via Matriarch, Interscope and Foster's Verve Records, compromising soulful interpretations of classic holiday tunes such as \"Little Drummer Boy\", \"Do You Hear What I Hear?\" and \"Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas\". Upon its release, the album received generally mixed reviews amongst critics. Commercially, it opened at number 23 on the US \"Billboard\" 200 and at number 5 on the Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums with 12,000 copies.", "psg_id": "17451700" }, { "title": "Thomas J. Walsh", "text": "Thomas J. Walsh Thomas James Walsh (June 12, 1859March 2, 1933) was an American lawyer and Democratic Party politician from Helena, Montana who represented Montana, in the US Senate from 1913 to 1933. He had a national reputation as a liberal but died before he could serve President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt, who chose him as Attorney General. Walsh was born in Two Rivers, Wisconsin, the son of Irish Catholic immigrants, Bridget (Comer) and Felix Walsh, an active Democrat and a member of the local school board. He spent some time teaching in the public schools in Wisconsin. Walsh then went", "psg_id": "4325099" }, { "title": "Peter J. Walsh", "text": "for a seat in the Newfoundland assembly in 1971. Walsh was elected to the provincial assembly in 1979 and was reelected in 1982. He resigned his seat in 1984 to run for the Labrador seat in the Canadian House of Commons, but lost to Bill Rompkey. He was then named to the Canadian Pension Commission. Walsh died in hospital in 1995. Peter J. Walsh Peter John Walsh (1931 – February 1995) was a business owner and politician in Newfoundland. He represented Menihek in the Newfoundland House of Assembly from 1979 to 1984. The son of Basil and Judith Walsh, he", "psg_id": "19005683" }, { "title": "Rick Seibold", "text": "Silent Night. He started playing the guitar at age 15 and began writing songs soon after. Seibold states, \"I began surfing earlier that summer, so naturally, images of life at the ocean seeped their way into my songs. Not long after I started playing, me and some friends started writing and recording together.\" He was also an accomplished wrestler. His career eventually garnered him an invitation to the United States Olympic Training Center before attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as a varsity wrestler. In the winter of 2004 Seibold began recording his first EP, \"That's the", "psg_id": "12442333" }, { "title": "Olive, the Other Reindeer", "text": "that she missed the bus and she should've gone without him. Richard calls the postal service to complain about the Postman, but gets their voicemail. Richard says he is unable to continue taking Olive and Martini any further, because he is needed at the depot and does not want to lose his job, but still offers his support for Olive anyway before leaving. The two go inside the Top of the World Bar, and are initially harassed by the bar's patrons, including bar owner Round John Virgin and Schnitzel, Blitzen's flightless cousin, but Olive stands up to them before giving", "psg_id": "3826693" }, { "title": "Rick Seibold", "text": "Chart, #38 on the Rock Chart and #12 on the iTunes Alternative Albums Chart. \"Summertime Tonight\" become Rick's third album to date to break into the iTunes charts, peaking at #113 in its week of release. In 2014 Seibold began a side project with Ricky Jackson of The Daylights called The Rix. Their first single, \"Beautiful Disaster\", was featured in Season 5 of Pretty Little Liars and featured singer Jessi Collins. On October 7, 2014 The Rix released the song \"Dizzy\" also featuring Jessi Collins. Seibold also collaborated with indie artist RIVVRS (Brandon Zahursky) on the song \"Save My Soul\",", "psg_id": "12442341" }, { "title": "Otto J. Maenchen-Helfen", "text": "was the first non-Russian to travel and report on Tannu Tuva. He obtained permission to travel there and study its inhabitants in 1929. He later published his experiences in a book, \"Reise ins asiatische Tuwa\" (Travels in Asiatic Tuva). Otto J. Maenchen-Helfen Otto John Maenchen-Helfen (in German: Otto Mänchen-Helfen) (July 26, 1894 in Vienna, Austria – January 29, 1969 in Berkeley, California) was an Austrian academic, sinologist, historian, author, and traveler. From 1927 to 1930 he worked at the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow, and from 1930 to 1933 in Berlin. When the Nazis came to power in Germany, he returned", "psg_id": "9685643" }, { "title": "The Christmas Candle (book)", "text": "The Christmas Candle (book) The Christmas Candle is a Christmas novel written by Max Lucado about a couple who own a candle shop, and every generation they are visited by an angel who, by touching a candle, can give miracles to whoever they give it to. It was adapted into a film made by Pinewood and Koch Media released in 2013. The story starts before Christmas in the Village of Gladstone 1664 where the first Haddington couple are approached by the angel who by touching a candle in their shop can create miracles who anyone who they give it to", "psg_id": "19031827" }, { "title": "Michael J Walsh", "text": "2010, Excellence 2012, Excellence 2013, Excellence 2014), GRAPHIS (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015), and the Red Dot International Design Awards. Michael J Walsh Michael J. Walsh (fl. since 2003) is an American designer and creative director who has worked or consulted at the School of Visual Arts, Harry N. Abrams, the Walt Disney Company, Time Inc, Turner Broadcasting, Time Warner and \"The Washington Post Magazine\", among others. He has won over 300 awards for design and art direction in American and international awards competitions for digital, video, exhibition design, multimedia projects and print projects. Work Represented in the Following", "psg_id": "19016218" }, { "title": "J. T. Walsh", "text": "Good as It Gets\" to Walsh's memory. The two had acted together in two films, \"A Few Good Men\" and \"Hoffa\". J. T. Walsh James Thomas Patrick \"J.T.\" Walsh (September 28, 1943 – February 27, 1998) was an American actor. He appeared in many films, most notably \"Good Morning, Vietnam\" (1987), \"Backdraft\" (1991), \"A Few Good Men\" (1992), \"Hoffa\" (1992), \"Nixon\" (1995), \"Sling Blade\" (1996), \"Breakdown\" (1997), \"Pleasantville\" (1998), and \"The Negotiator\" (1998). According to Leonard Maltin, he was known for portraying \"quietly sinister white-collar sleazeballs\" in numerous films, and was described as \"everybody's favorite scumbag\" by \"Playboy\" magazine. Walsh", "psg_id": "3245836" }, { "title": "What You See Is What You Get (book)", "text": "What You See Is What You Get (book) What You See Is What You Get is the autobiography of British businessman and TV personality Lord Alan Sugar. The 640-page book, which was published in May 2011, tells the story of Alan Sugar's birth and childhood in a deprived part of London, how he founded the company Amstrad aged just 21 years old, and how he eventually became a successful multi-millionaire tycoon, received a knighthood, and was appointed to the House of Lords. Sir Alan also reveals his main method of business and entrepreneurial activity: (a) observing what market leaders are", "psg_id": "14962369" }, { "title": "Michael J Walsh", "text": "Michael J Walsh Michael J. Walsh (fl. since 2003) is an American designer and creative director who has worked or consulted at the School of Visual Arts, Harry N. Abrams, the Walt Disney Company, Time Inc, Turner Broadcasting, Time Warner and \"The Washington Post Magazine\", among others. He has won over 300 awards for design and art direction in American and international awards competitions for digital, video, exhibition design, multimedia projects and print projects. Work Represented in the Following Collections AIGA Archives at the Denver Art Museum—Permanent Collection Columbia University—Permanent Collection at Butler Library Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum—Permanent Collection International", "psg_id": "19016214" }, { "title": "J. T. Walsh", "text": "J. T. Walsh James Thomas Patrick \"J.T.\" Walsh (September 28, 1943 – February 27, 1998) was an American actor. He appeared in many films, most notably \"Good Morning, Vietnam\" (1987), \"Backdraft\" (1991), \"A Few Good Men\" (1992), \"Hoffa\" (1992), \"Nixon\" (1995), \"Sling Blade\" (1996), \"Breakdown\" (1997), \"Pleasantville\" (1998), and \"The Negotiator\" (1998). According to Leonard Maltin, he was known for portraying \"quietly sinister white-collar sleazeballs\" in numerous films, and was described as \"everybody's favorite scumbag\" by \"Playboy\" magazine. Walsh was born in San Francisco, California. He had three siblings: Christopher, Patricia, and Mary. From 1948-62, the family lived in West", "psg_id": "3245832" }, { "title": "Howard L. and Vivian W. Lott House", "text": "Howard L. and Vivian W. Lott House The Howard L. and Vivian W. Lott House located at 311 East Kilpatrick Street in Mineola, Wood County, Texas, is a house designed in the Prairie School style with classical details. It is a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The house was designed by architect J. J. McLeon for Angus and Lena Beaird. Construction began in 1918 and was completed in the early 1920s. The Beaird family sold the home to Howard and Vivian Lott in 1928. The house was named a Recorded Texas", "psg_id": "19862869" }, { "title": "Peter J. Walsh", "text": "Peter J. Walsh Peter John Walsh (1931 – February 1995) was a business owner and politician in Newfoundland. He represented Menihek in the Newfoundland House of Assembly from 1979 to 1984. The son of Basil and Judith Walsh, he was born in Lamaline and was educated there and in Halifax. Walsh served in the Canadian Armed Forces from 1952 to 1959. He worked as a supervisor for the Iron Ore Company of Canada and then started his own construction and transportation company in 1967. He founded the Progressive Conservative association in Menihek and served as its president. He ran unsuccessfully", "psg_id": "19005682" }, { "title": "The Lexus and the Olive Tree", "text": "The Lexus and the Olive Tree The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization is a 1999 book by Thomas L. Friedman that posits that the world is currently undergoing two struggles: the drive for prosperity and development, symbolized by the Lexus LS, and the desire to retain identity and traditions, symbolized by the olive tree. He says he came to this realization while eating a sushi box lunch on a Japanese bullet train after visiting a Lexus factory and reading an article about conflict in the Middle East. Friedman explains \"globalization\" by recounting stories of his actual experiences in", "psg_id": "5140640" }, { "title": "Herbert Vivian", "text": "wife, Maud Mary Bumpas. This marriage ended in divorce in 1896. In October 1897, Vivian married Olive Walton, the daughter of Frederick Walton. He was an enthusiast of cock fighting. He was made a Knight of the Royal Serbian Order of Takovo in 1902, and a Commander of the Royal Montenegrin Order of Danilo in 1910. Vivian died on 18 April 1940, at Gunwalloe. The following books are commonly attributed to Vivian, but at least one source gives Wilfrid Keppel Honnywill as the author. Herbert Vivian Herbert Vivian (3 April 1865 – 18 April 1940) was a British journalist, writer", "psg_id": "20979439" }, { "title": "So What (Joe Walsh album)", "text": "So What (Joe Walsh album) So What is the third solo studio album by the American singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Joe Walsh. It was released in late 1974 on ABC-Dunhill Records. It contains hard rock songs such as \"Welcome To The Club\" and a remake of the Barnstorm track, \"Turn To Stone\". It also contains more introspective material such as \"Help Me Through the Night\" and \"Song For Emma\", a tribute to Walsh's daughter who had been killed in a car crash the previous year. On a few tracks, Don Henley, Glenn Frey, and Randy Meisner of Eagles contributed backing vocals.", "psg_id": "4052675" }, { "title": "So What (Joe Walsh album)", "text": "a miniature replica of the original album artwork. The album was remastered using Direct Stream Digital (DSD) to transfer the digital files. The release was a limited edition in the SHM-CD format. The reissue included a picture of the original vinyl label. Audio Fidelity remastered the album going back to the master tapes and decoding the tapes correctly for an SACD release. Album – \"Billboard\" (United States) Singles – \"Billboard\" (United States) So What (Joe Walsh album) So What is the third solo studio album by the American singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Joe Walsh. It was released in late 1974 on", "psg_id": "4052680" }, { "title": "What You See Is What You Get (book)", "text": "doing, (b) making better and cheaper products than the market leaders, and (c) not focusing on the exclusive or more expensive parts of the market, rather selling to the mass market. What You See Is What You Get (book) What You See Is What You Get is the autobiography of British businessman and TV personality Lord Alan Sugar. The 640-page book, which was published in May 2011, tells the story of Alan Sugar's birth and childhood in a deprived part of London, how he founded the company Amstrad aged just 21 years old, and how he eventually became a successful", "psg_id": "14962370" }, { "title": "Otto J. M. Smith", "text": "Otto J. M. Smith Otto J. M. Smith was an educator, inventor and author in the fields of engineering and electronics. He spent most of his career as a professor at University of California Berkeley. Dr. Smith is probably best known for the invention of the Smith predictor, a method of handling deadtime in feedback control systems: \"A somewhat more complicated solution to the deadtime problem was proposed in 1957 by Otto Smith (see 'The Smith Predictor: A Process Engineer's Crystal Ball,' Control Engineering, May 1996). Mr. Smith demonstrated how a mathematical model of the process could be used to", "psg_id": "9681170" }, { "title": "Conville and Walsh", "text": "Conville and Walsh Conville & Walsh Ltd ( Now C+W) is a literary agency founded by Patrick Walsh and Clare Conville in 2000, and based in Soho, London. The agency numbers seven book agents in a staff of thirteen. The Managing Director is Jake Smith-Bosanquet. In 2015 Curtis Brown bought a 100% stake in the company. Subsequently, Patrick walsh left Conville and Walsh to found a new agengy. Conville and Walsh is a full member of the Association of Authors' Agents. Conville and Walsh continues to accept unsolicited submissions, and to take on debut authors. They receive between 80 and", "psg_id": "13515856" }, { "title": "Conville and Walsh", "text": "100 manuscripts per week. Conville and Walsh Conville & Walsh Ltd ( Now C+W) is a literary agency founded by Patrick Walsh and Clare Conville in 2000, and based in Soho, London. The agency numbers seven book agents in a staff of thirteen. The Managing Director is Jake Smith-Bosanquet. In 2015 Curtis Brown bought a 100% stake in the company. Subsequently, Patrick walsh left Conville and Walsh to found a new agengy. Conville and Walsh is a full member of the Association of Authors' Agents. Conville and Walsh continues to accept unsolicited submissions, and to take on debut authors. They", "psg_id": "13515857" }, { "title": "A Dennis the Menace Christmas", "text": "an end to it. Finally, the Angel takes him to the future, where it's bleak and the atmosphere requires SPF 800 sunscreen because of global warming since 2019. His house is abandoned, and Dennis is shown to be old, lonely, childless and having a dislike of Christmas (and, in the process, repeating what Mr. Wilson said to him — and other kids — about Christmas). Mr. Wilson realizes that what he had said was not true. It is the final epiphany that convinces Mr. Wilson to change his outlook on Christmas and makes him vow to celebrate Christmas with others.", "psg_id": "13983909" }, { "title": "What Is the What", "text": "What Is the What What Is the What: The Autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng is a 2006 novel written by Dave Eggers. It is based on the life of Valentino Achak Deng, a Sudanese child refugee who immigrated to the United States under the Lost Boys of Sudan program. It was a finalist for the National Book Award. As a boy, Achak is separated from his family during the Second Sudanese Civil War when the Arab militia, referred to as \"murahaleen\" (which is Arabic for the deported), wipes out his Dinka village, Marial Bai. During the assault, he loses sight", "psg_id": "9406939" }, { "title": "What Is the What", "text": "That Happens Will Happen Today\". Tom Tykwer plans to adapt the novel into a film. In 2009, the novel received the Prix Médicis étranger in France. What Is the What What Is the What: The Autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng is a 2006 novel written by Dave Eggers. It is based on the life of Valentino Achak Deng, a Sudanese child refugee who immigrated to the United States under the Lost Boys of Sudan program. It was a finalist for the National Book Award. As a boy, Achak is separated from his family during the Second Sudanese Civil War when", "psg_id": "9406947" }, { "title": "The Christmas Boot", "text": "Magazine\" wrote \"the storytelling is a little too loose to be completely satisfying, but the air of Christmas mystery and coziness is successfully maintained thanks to Pinkney's snowy pencil and watercolor illustrations of a country Christmas and a heroine who is satisfied with what she has and happy with what she gets: a puppy.\" \"The Christmas Boot\" has also been reviewed by \"Publishers Weekly\", \"BookList\", \"Kirkus Reviews\", and \"The New York Times\". The Christmas Boot The Christmas Boot is a 2016 picture book by Lisa Wheeler and illustrator Jerry Pinkney. It is about a woman, Hannah Greyweather, who finds a", "psg_id": "20039855" }, { "title": "Matthew J. Walsh", "text": "Matthew J. Walsh The Rev. Matthew J. Walsh, C.S.C. (May 14, 1882 – January 19, 1963) was an American priest and President of the University of Notre Dame from 1922 to 1928, after having served has Vice President 1912–22. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame and obtained a Ph.D. from the Catholic University of America, and attended courses at Columbia University, Johns Hopkins University . He served as military chaplain in World War I in 1918–19. He was professor of history at Notre Dame from 1908 to 1922 and then from 1935 to 1951. As president, he addressed", "psg_id": "19864075" }, { "title": "Christmas Eve and Other Stories", "text": "in the U.S. and has been certified 3× platinum by the RIAA for selling 3 million copies in the US. As of November 2016, the album track \"Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24\" has sold 1.3 million downloads, becoming one of the best-selling Christmas songs of all-time in the US as well. , \"Christmas Eve and Other Stories\" was the ninth best-selling Christmas/holiday album in the United States during the Nielsen SoundScan era of music sales tracking (1991 – present), with sales of 3,430,000 copies according to SoundScan. On November 28, 2011, \"Christmas Eve and Other Stories\" was certified 3× platinum by the", "psg_id": "4604673" }, { "title": "What Is a Rumpletilskin?", "text": "What Is a Rumpletilskin? What Is a Rumpletilskin? is the first and only album by hip hop group Rumpletilskinz, released on July 13, 1993, on RCA Records and produced by the group's producer, R.P.M. The album failed to make it to any of the \"Billboard\" charts, but two singles did, \"Attitudes\" and \"Is It All Right?\" Both made it to #24 on the Hot Rap Singles. This release received extensive national independent retail promotion through Poindexter International Marketing & Promotions, which was employed by RCA Records. It was also one of the first projects managed by James \"DJ Ras J\"", "psg_id": "13289644" }, { "title": "What Is the What", "text": "writes: \"Over the course of many years, Dave and I have collaborated to tell my story... I told [him] what I knew and what I could remember, and from that material he created this work of art.\" The book is typical of Eggers' style: blending non-fictional and fictional elements into a non-fiction novel or memoir. By classifying the book a novel, Eggers says, he freed himself to re-create conversations, streamline complex relationships, add relevant detail and manipulate time and space in helpful ways—all while maintaining the essential truthfulness of the storytelling. However, not all critics were impressed. Lee Siegel sees", "psg_id": "9406942" }, { "title": "Siobhan Vivian", "text": "19, 2016 edition of the New York Times Book Review, Vivian placed at number 2 in the Young Adult E-book category for The List. Vivian currently resides in the Highland Park neighborhood of Pittsburgh with her husband, designer Nick Caruso, and their daughters, Vivian (born 2013) and Marie (born 2015). Additionally, Vivian is a professor of creative writing at the University of Pittsburgh. Siobhan Vivian Siobhan Vivian (born January 12, 1979) is a bestselling American novelist, editor, and screenwriter. Siobhan Vivian was born in New York City on January 12, 1979. At a young age, Vivian moved to Rutherford, New", "psg_id": "18895184" }, { "title": "J. Vivian Jr. and Company Building", "text": "The J. Vivian Jr. and Company building was constructed in multiple stages. The original building, dating from 1894, was two stories tall and three bays wide, measuring 58 feet across. This soon proved too small, and in 1898 a third story was added to the structure. In 1906, a fourth bay was added on the north side, bringing the total building width to 90 feet. A one-story addition to the rear was completed in 1974. The building is constructed in an Italian Renaissance Revival design from brick with sandstone trim. The structure has four bays, each with a two-story round-arched", "psg_id": "13737202" }, { "title": "All I Want for Christmas Is You: A Night of Joy and Festivity", "text": "with my fans during the Christmas season, my most treasured time of the year, I can't wait!\" Jim Farber of the \"New York Daily News\" stated that while Carey \"seemed nervous and out-of-breath,\" the show had \"a strange allure.\" Steven J. Horowitz from \"Billboard\" praised the singer's first performance at the venue, writing: \"Carey accomplished what she came to do: spread Christmas cheer.\" Jon Caramanica from \"The New York Times\" who also reviewed the first show wrote the singer felt \"utterly at ease\" and commended her engagement with the audience. Following the announcement of the residency in October 2014, tickets", "psg_id": "18390528" }, { "title": "What Is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense", "text": "In \"Prospect\", Alex Worsnip, a Teaching Fellow of Philosophy at Yale University concluded that 'the arguments of What Is Marriage [were] no less flimsy than those of other anti-gay marriage crusaders.' He concluded that the 'bad arguments' in the book amounted to 'nonsense.' In 2013, Zachary Young of \"The Yale Politic\" called it, 'the touchstone for the defense of marriage as the conjugal union of husband and wife' in \"National Review\". The book was cited by Justice Samuel Alito in his decision over United States v. Windsor, which led to a repeal of a section of the Defense of Marriage", "psg_id": "18359920" }, { "title": "Christmas Song Book (Mina album)", "text": "Christmas Song Book (Mina album) Christmas Song Book is an album by Italian singer Mina, released in 2013. In the album, Mina covers twelve Christmas songs, written between 1818 (\"Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht\", original version of \"Silent Night\") and 1973 (\"Old Fashion Christmas\"). Among the others, she sings four Bing Crosby hits (\"The Secret of Christmas\", \"I'll Be Home for Christmas\", \"How Lovely Is Christmas\" and \"White Christmas\"). Two songs were previously released: \"Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas\" (for the 2012 album, \"12 (American Song Book)\") and \"Silent Night\" (for the 2010 movie, \"La banda dei Babbi Natale\" by", "psg_id": "17694472" }, { "title": "What Is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense", "text": "What Is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense What Is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense is a 2012 book about marriage by Sherif Girgis, Ryan T. Anderson, and the philosopher Robert P. George, in which the authors argue against same-sex marriage. The book is based on an academic article published in the \"Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy\", a student-edited conservative journal, in 2010. One month before its publication, in November 2012, the co-authors published another article in \"The Wall Street Journal\" presenting the book. George, Girgis and Anderson argue against gay marriage. They suggest that marriage should", "psg_id": "18359917" } ]
[ "raindeers", "cervus tarandus", "cratering", "rein deer", "arctic caribou", "caribou (zoology)", "reindeer herder", "reindeer", "reindeer husbandry", "rangifer (genus)", "rangerine", "reindeer herding", "reindeers", "raindeer", "reindeer habitat", "woodland reindeer", "qalipu", "caribous", "rangiferine" ]
named for the day of its discovery by captain william mynors, christmas island, a land mass in the indian ocean, is a territory of what nation?
[ { "title": "Supreme Court of Christmas Island", "text": "Western Australia were given concurrent authority to deal with cases on the island, and those courts became the main venue in which litigation was conducted. Since the court’s abolition, its functions have been replaced by the Supreme Court of Western Australia, which now has sole jurisdiction on the island. Europeans first discovered the island of Christmas Island on Christmas Day, 25 December 1643. Captain William Mynors gave the island its name because of the day it was found. The British Crown annexed the uninhabited island on 6 June 1888 following the discovery of phosphate on the island. The island was", "psg_id": "12346126" } ]
[ { "title": "Geography of the British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "Geography of the British Indian Ocean Territory The British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) is an archipelago of 55 islands in the Indian Ocean South of India, it is situated approximately halfway between Africa and Indonesia. The islands form a semicircular group with an open sea towards the east. The largest, Diego Garcia, is located at the southern extreme end. It measures and accounts for almost three-quarters of the total land area of the territory. Diego Garcia is the only inhabited island and is home to the joint UK-US naval support facility. Other islands within the archipelago include Danger Island, Three", "psg_id": "3403219" }, { "title": "Flag of the British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "American Flag. Both are lowered at the end of the duty day. It appears that the flag is also used by the Commissioner of the British Indian Ocean Territory. The Commissioner is based at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London. Flag of the British Indian Ocean Territory The flag of the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) is similar to the flags of other British dependencies and colonies as it has the Union Flag in the upper hoist-side corner. The palm tree and crown are symbols of the Indian Ocean Territory. The flag contains the Union Jack in its canton", "psg_id": "2479462" }, { "title": "Christmas Island", "text": "a Chinese ancestry in 2016), with significant numbers of Malays and European Australians as well as smaller numbers of Malaysian Indians and Eurasians. Several languages are in use, including English, Malay, and various Chinese dialects. Islam and Buddhism are major religions on the island, though a vast majority of the population does not declare a formal religious affiliation and may be involved in ethnic Chinese religion. The first European to sight the island was Richard Rowe of the \"Thomas\" in 1615. The island was later named on Christmas Day (25 December) 1643 by Captain William Mynors, but only settled in", "psg_id": "65127" }, { "title": "Christmas Island", "text": "the late 19th century. Its geographic isolation and history of minimal human disturbance has led to a high level of endemism among its flora and fauna, which is of interest to scientists and naturalists. The majority (63 percent) of the island is included in the Christmas Island National Park, which features several areas of primary monsoonal forest. Phosphate, deposited originally as guano, has been mined on the island since 1899. The first European to sight the island was Richard Rowe of the \"Thomas\" in 1615. Captain William Mynors of the \"Royal Mary\", an English East India Company vessel, named the", "psg_id": "65128" }, { "title": "Commissioner for the British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "British Antarctic Territory. Unlike the other governors and commissioners of other British overseas territories, there is no separate flag for the Commissioner of the British Indian Ocean Territory. This is mainly because he is never resident in the territory, and he would be unable to fly any flag from his offices in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London. Commissioner for the British Indian Ocean Territory The Commissioner for the British Indian Ocean Territory is the head of government in the United Kingdom's overseas territory of the British Indian Ocean Territory. The Commissioner is appointed by the British monarch on", "psg_id": "6841425" }, { "title": "Christmas Island red crab", "text": "Christmas Island red crab The Christmas Island red crab (\"Gecarcoidea natalis\") is a species of land crab that is endemic to Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands in the Indian Ocean. Although restricted to a relatively small area, an estimated 43.7 million adult red crabs once lived on Christmas Island alone, but the accidental introduction of the yellow crazy ant is believed to have killed about 10–15 million of these in recent years. Christmas Island red crabs are well known for their annual mass migration to the sea to lay their eggs in the ocean. Although its population is being", "psg_id": "4670707" }, { "title": "British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "British Indian Ocean Territory The British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) is an overseas territory of the United Kingdom situated in the Indian Ocean halfway between Tanzania and Indonesia. The territory comprises the seven atolls of the Chagos Archipelago with over 1,000 individual islandsmany very smallamounting to a total land area of . The largest and most southerly island is Diego Garcia, , the site of a joint military facility of the United Kingdom and the United States. The only inhabitants of the territory are US and British military personnel and associated contractors, who collectively number around 2,500 (2012 figures). The", "psg_id": "12361674" }, { "title": "Flag of the British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "Flag of the British Indian Ocean Territory The flag of the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) is similar to the flags of other British dependencies and colonies as it has the Union Flag in the upper hoist-side corner. The palm tree and crown are symbols of the Indian Ocean Territory. The flag contains the Union Jack in its canton (upper hoist quarter). It depicts the waters of the Indian Ocean, where the islands are located, in the form of white and blue wavy lines. The flag also depicts a palm tree rising above the St Edward's Crown. It is understood", "psg_id": "2479460" }, { "title": "Terrorism in the British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "Terrorism in the British Indian Ocean Territory The British Indian Ocean Territory, sometimes known as the Chagos Archipelago has had many threats of occupation by various groups, especially the since the Depopulation of Chagossians from the Chagos Archipelago, as well as being a joint UK-US facility that is used in countering terrorism. The UK maintains there is a low risk of terrorism in this territory. In 2008 it was exposed in TIME magazine by Lawrence Wilkerson that a secret War on Terror prison had existed on the island of Diego Garcia from 2002–2006. He claimed that Diego Garcia was used", "psg_id": "20299974" }, { "title": "Government of the British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "Ocean Territory, although in practice United States military law (which does provide for capital punishment) applies for most BIOT residents. Chief Justices: Government of the British Indian Ocean Territory The British Indian Ocean Territory, or in abbreviated form BIOT, is an overseas territory of the United Kingdom. It is administered by a Commissioner, resident in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London. In terms of law, the territory is governed by the laws of the UK, where applicable; and in the case of persons subject to United States military law a special agreement applies. The laws of the territory are", "psg_id": "3403267" }, { "title": "Commissioner for the British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "Commissioner for the British Indian Ocean Territory The Commissioner for the British Indian Ocean Territory is the head of government in the United Kingdom's overseas territory of the British Indian Ocean Territory. The Commissioner is appointed by the British monarch on the advice of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The Commissioner does not reside in the territory, as it has had no native population since the forced depopulation of the Chagosian people in the 1970s, and the only population is the military of the United States and the United Kingdom at the joint base at Diego Garcia. The Commissioner's role", "psg_id": "6841423" }, { "title": "Government of the British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "Government of the British Indian Ocean Territory The British Indian Ocean Territory, or in abbreviated form BIOT, is an overseas territory of the United Kingdom. It is administered by a Commissioner, resident in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London. In terms of law, the territory is governed by the laws of the UK, where applicable; and in the case of persons subject to United States military law a special agreement applies. The laws of the territory are based on the constitution, set out in the British Indian Ocean Territory (Constitution) Order 2004, which gives the Commissioner full powers to", "psg_id": "3403265" }, { "title": "British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "was sponsored by the US Navy for use by operators both licensed in their home country and possessing a VQ9 callsign issued by the local British Indian Ocean Territory representative. However, the US Navy closed the station in early 2013, hence any future licensed amateurs wishing to operate from the island will have to provide their own antenna and radio equipment. British Indian Ocean Territory The British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) is an overseas territory of the United Kingdom situated in the Indian Ocean halfway between Tanzania and Indonesia. The territory comprises the seven atolls of the Chagos Archipelago with", "psg_id": "12361701" }, { "title": "Terrorism in the British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "David Jones, writing in the \"Daily Mail\", expressed surprise that Diego Garcia went entirely unmentioned on every page of the unclassified summary, and speculated that pressure from UK security agencies caused the portions of the report that covered CIA prisoner facilities on the island to remain classified. Terrorism in the British Indian Ocean Territory The British Indian Ocean Territory, sometimes known as the Chagos Archipelago has had many threats of occupation by various groups, especially the since the Depopulation of Chagossians from the Chagos Archipelago, as well as being a joint UK-US facility that is used in countering terrorism. The", "psg_id": "20299979" }, { "title": "Geology of the British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "carbonates, which are present in the Seychelles for reasons that are not clear—hypothesized to include local storm erosion. The offshore waters around the archipelago contain deep-sea ferromanganese nodules, with globular, dendritic and laminated microstructures formed from iron-manganese oxide. Due to the US military presence on the island the US Geological Survey has conducted water resource analysis since 1984. Geology of the British Indian Ocean Territory The geology of the British Indian Ocean Territory comprises the Chagos Archipelago—the above water portion of the Chagos Bank. Formed from hotspot volcanism, the Chagos Bank was separated from the Nazareth Bank 36 million years", "psg_id": "20955119" }, { "title": "Coat of arms of the British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "through which rises a red tower bearing the territory’s flag; there is no helm or mantling. The motto is \"In tutela nostra Limuria\", Latin for “Limuria is in our charge/trust”. This refers to the non-existent continent of Limuria, once thought to occupy the Indian Ocean. The palm tree and royal crown also feature in the flag of the British Indian Ocean Territory. Coat of arms of the British Indian Ocean Territory The coat of arms of the British Indian Ocean Territory was granted in 1990 on the 25th anniversary of the territory’s establishment. The centrepiece of the arms, the shield,", "psg_id": "7049266" }, { "title": "Geography of the British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "the mid 19th century until 1935. Besides the six named islands, the atoll also includes a seventh unnamed island. The atoll, in the form of “U”, is a small strip of land with width varying from to a maximum of at its northern extremity. The total land area of the atoll is . A fringing reef circumscribes the atoll. There are two openings into the ocean. It almost encompasses a large lagoon. The lagoon itself is in length and is more than in width. Rounded pumic stones found on the eastern beach of the island by one of the explorers", "psg_id": "3403228" }, { "title": "Discovery Island (British Columbia)", "text": "Discovery Island (British Columbia) Discovery Island is located off the eastern side of Vancouver Island and is viewable from Ten Mile Point, near Cadboro Bay, and Oak Bay. Discovery Island Marine Provincial Park occupies the southern portion of Discovery Island, east of Oak Bay. The northern portion of the island is part of Discovery Island Indian Reserve 3, under the control of the Songhees First Nation. Discovery island was named in 1846 by surveyors in honour of HMS \"Discovery\", the ship used by 18th-century British Explorer Captain George Vancouver to chart the coastline of British Columbia between 1792 and 1794", "psg_id": "8211680" }, { "title": "Geology of the British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "Geology of the British Indian Ocean Territory The geology of the British Indian Ocean Territory comprises the Chagos Archipelago—the above water portion of the Chagos Bank. Formed from hotspot volcanism, the Chagos Bank was separated from the Nazareth Bank 36 million years ago by activity on the Central Indian Ridge. Aside from plate boundaries, the region is one of the most seismically active and earthquakes have caused subsidence of some islands. Described by Charles Darwin as \"a ledge of brecciated coral rocks projecting seawards from the outer shore,\" the Chagos Archipelago has unusual conglomerate platforms. The islands lack Eemian age", "psg_id": "20955118" }, { "title": "What Is a Nation?", "text": "What Is a Nation? \"What is a Nation?\" (\"Qu'est-ce qu'une nation?\") is an 1882 lecture by French historian Ernest Renan (1823–1892), known for the statements that a nation is \"a daily referendum\", and that nations are based as much on what the people jointly forget, as what they remember. It is frequently quoted or anthologized in works of history or political science pertaining to nationalism and national identity. Renan wrote \"What is a Nation\" in order to symbolize the nationalism which was born in France as a result of the French Revolution of 1789. Renan begins his essay by noting", "psg_id": "15237572" }, { "title": "Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division of Seventh-day Adventists", "text": "Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division of Seventh-day Adventists The Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division of Seventh-day Adventists is a sub-entity of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, which coordinates the Church's activities in the southern portion of Africa, which include the nations of Angola, Ascension Island, Botswana, Comoro Islands, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Réunion, São Tomé and Príncipe, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe; as well as St. Helena and Tristan da Cunha, territories of the United Kingdom, and the Kerguelen Islands, territory of France. Its headquarters is in Johannesburg, South Africa. The Division membership as of June 30, 2017", "psg_id": "3606772" }, { "title": "Capital punishment in the British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "Capital punishment in the British Indian Ocean Territory Capital punishment in the British Indian Ocean Territory is not permitted under the domestic law of the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT), in line with the position of all other British overseas territories. However, under the terms of a 1966 international agreement, most residents of the BIOT are members of the United States military and are correspondingly subject to United States military law for criminal acts, for which capital punishment can be applied under the legal jurisdiction of the United States. For those people who are subject to BIOT criminal law, which", "psg_id": "18602057" }, { "title": "What Is a Nation?", "text": "to the reasons based on race, geography, history and so on. They argue that Renan maintains his intellectual background but subtly, i.e. the arguments he explicitly used in \"What is a Nation?\" are not consistent with his thinking. The concept of \"daily plebiscite\" would be ambiguous. They argue that the definition is an opportunist idealization and it should be interpreted within the Franco-Prussian War and in the midst of the dispute concerning the Alsace-Lorraine region. What Is a Nation? \"What is a Nation?\" (\"Qu'est-ce qu'une nation?\") is an 1882 lecture by French historian Ernest Renan (1823–1892), known for the statements", "psg_id": "15237586" }, { "title": "Commissioner for the British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "is to administer the territory on behalf of the British government. This involves the passing of any necessary legislation for the territory, usually Orders in Council or Statutory Instruments. The Commissioner is also responsible for liaising with the military of the United States in matters concerning the territory. An Administrator of the British Indian Ocean Territory acts as the Commissioner's assistant. The Commissioner also appoints a representative on the territory, who is the senior British military officer at Diego Garcia. The current Commissioner is Ben Merrick. Since 1998, the Commissioner of the BIOT has also served as Commissioner of the", "psg_id": "6841424" }, { "title": "What Is a Nation?", "text": "and continues to be invoked. Political historian Karl Deutsch, in a quote sometimes mistakenly attributed to Renan, said that a nation is \"a group of people united by a mistaken view about the past and a hatred of their neighbours\". Benedict Anderson's 1983 work Imagined Communities, which states that a nation is an \"imagined political community\", argues that Renan contradicts himself when he says French people must have forgotten the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre, yet does not explain what it is. In other words, Renan assumes that all his readers will remember the very massacre he says they have forgotten.", "psg_id": "15237584" }, { "title": "Coat of arms of the British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "Coat of arms of the British Indian Ocean Territory The coat of arms of the British Indian Ocean Territory was granted in 1990 on the 25th anniversary of the territory’s establishment. The centrepiece of the arms, the shield, bears a palm tree and St. Edward's Crown on a base of three white wavy lines representing the ocean, a sun in splendour in the upper-left corner, and the Union Flag in a chief at the top. Two sea turtles are used as supporters (a hawksbill turtle and a green turtle), representing the local native wildlife. The crest comprises a naval crown", "psg_id": "7049265" }, { "title": "Mayhew, Indian Territory", "text": "Mayhew, Indian Territory Mayhew, Indian Territory, located two miles north of present-day Boswell, Oklahoma, was the seat of government of the Pushmataha District of the Choctaw Nation, in the Indian Territory. It was located in Jackson County, Choctaw Nation, the county seat of which was Pigeon Roost, south of present-day Boswell. It ceased its functions upon preparation for Oklahoma’s statehood in 1907, when the Choctaw Nation’s government and political subdivisions were dissolved. Mayhew was founded in 1836 by Presbyterian missionaries to the Choctaw Indians. They named it for Mayhew Presbyterian Mission in Mississippi. From here they ministered to the Choctaws,", "psg_id": "13958395" }, { "title": "William Day (sea captain)", "text": "William Day (sea captain) William Day (October 23, 1715 in Springfield, Massachusetts – March 22, 1797 in Sheffield) was a Springfield, Massachusetts (United States), sea captain who acted against America's enemies in both the French and Indian War and the American Revolutionary War. In 1777 he received the first gun salute to an American fighting vessel in a European port. Little is known of the life of Revolutionary War sea captain William Day, beyond what was learned by those he captured in 1777. The birth and death dates assigned to him for this article are based on a claim he", "psg_id": "11272550" }, { "title": "Battle of Christmas Island", "text": "Battle of Christmas Island The Battle of Christmas Island was a small engagement which began on 31 March 1942, during World War II. Because of a mutiny by Indian soldiers against their British officers, Japanese troops were able to occupy Christmas Island without any resistance. The United States Navy submarine caused severe damage to the Japanese cruiser . At the time, Christmas Island was a British possession under administrative control of the Straits Settlement, situated south of Java. It was important for two reasons: it was a perfect control post for the east Indian Ocean and it was an important", "psg_id": "5262010" }, { "title": "East Point, British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "Royal Navy base and Royal Air Force station located on the island from Japanese attack. They were later manned by Mauritian and Indian Coastal Artillery troops. Following the conclusion of hostilities, the station was closed on 30 April 1946. Originally, the British Representative resided in East Point, however later moved to the US Base. Today, the settlement lies in the eastern restricted zone of the island. East Point, British Indian Ocean Territory East Point is an abandoned settlement on the east of the atoll of Diego Garcia in the British Indian Ocean Territory. It was the largest civilian settlement in", "psg_id": "19514380" }, { "title": "In the Ocean of Night", "text": "mass far less than predicted. NASA insists that the demolition has to go forward, claiming Icarus would skip off the atmosphere and land in the Indian Ocean, causing widespread damage from the resultant tsunami. Nigel realizes this is a lie, and convinces his partner of that. They hide the nuke and spend the next week retrieving artifacts and materials before detonating the bomb. 15 years after their discovery the Icarus artifacts have yielded little, and Nigel's delayed detonation of Icarus has alienated him from NASA and other people. Nigel's partner, Alexandria, dies from systemic lupus erythematosus, a disease caused by", "psg_id": "8548219" }, { "title": "Government of the British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "make laws for the territory. The chief of state from 6 February 1952 has been Queen Elizabeth II. The commissioner for the territory has been Tony Crombie since January 2004, and the administrator has been Charles A Hamilton since 2002. The commissioner and administrator are both resident in the UK. The representative of the British government on the island is Cdr D. Howard RN. There are no elections on the territory; the position of the monarch is hereditary and the commissioner and administrator are appointed by the monarch. Capital punishment is prohibited under the domestic law of the British Indian", "psg_id": "3403266" }, { "title": "Football at the 2011 Indian Ocean Island Games – Team squads", "text": "Football at the 2011 Indian Ocean Island Games – Team squads The following is a list of squads for each nation that competed in the football tournament at the 2011 Indian Ocean Island Games in Seychelles from 4 August to 14 August 2011. Each squad consists of at the most 20 players. \"Caps, goals, club teams and ages as of 4 August 2011, before the 2011 Indian Ocean Island Games.\" Head coach: Mohamed Abdéramane Chamité ! colspan=\"9\" bgcolor=\"#B0D3FB\" align=\"left\" | ! colspan=\"9\" bgcolor=\"#B0D3FB\" align=\"left\" | ! colspan=\"9\" bgcolor=\"#B0D3FB\" align=\"left\" | Head coach: Andrés Cruciani ! colspan=\"9\" bgcolor=\"#B0D3FB\" align=\"left\" | !", "psg_id": "15811979" }, { "title": "The Second Corps of Discovery: 1811 Journal of the Jackson and Clark Expeditionary Force", "text": "the basis for the story. By 1811 the First Corps of Discovery under Captain Lewis and Lieutenant Clark has been considered lost for 5 years. Any country that attempted to map the Pacific Coast by land or sea routes has completely failed. The United States of America has yet to press its claims for the Louisiana Purchase. President James Madison fears a British invasion, with the support of a unified Indian nation under Tecumseh, that would claim the Northwest Territories and cause a dissolution of the Union. Under these dire threats, a second Corps of Discovery is formed as a", "psg_id": "15637028" }, { "title": "Football at the 2011 Indian Ocean Island Games – Team squads", "text": "bgcolor=\"#B0D3FB\" align=\"left\" | Football at the 2011 Indian Ocean Island Games – Team squads The following is a list of squads for each nation that competed in the football tournament at the 2011 Indian Ocean Island Games in Seychelles from 4 August to 14 August 2011. Each squad consists of at the most 20 players. \"Caps, goals, club teams and ages as of 4 August 2011, before the 2011 Indian Ocean Island Games.\" Head coach: Mohamed Abdéramane Chamité ! colspan=\"9\" bgcolor=\"#B0D3FB\" align=\"left\" | ! colspan=\"9\" bgcolor=\"#B0D3FB\" align=\"left\" | ! colspan=\"9\" bgcolor=\"#B0D3FB\" align=\"left\" | Head coach: Andrés Cruciani ! colspan=\"9\" bgcolor=\"#B0D3FB\"", "psg_id": "15811981" }, { "title": "Christmas Day in the Morning", "text": "Christmas Day in the Morning Christmas Day in the Morning (Decca DL 5428, 1952) is the first of several Christmas albums by the folk singer Burl Ives. Subtitled \"Yuletide Folk Songs\", this album includes seven traditional Christmas carols, from the well-known \"What Child Is This?\" to the little-known \"Down in Yon Forest\" and \"The Seven Joys of Mary.\" \"Jesous Ahatonia\" is better known as the \"Huron Carol.\" Ives released it as a single under the title \"Indian Christmas Carol\" (Decca 25585, 7 inch, 45 rpm). An unidentified reviewer for \"The New York Times\" wrote that \"'The Friendly Beasts' and 'The", "psg_id": "9423536" }, { "title": "What a Night! A Christmas Album", "text": "What a Night! A Christmas Album What a Night! A Christmas Album, by American singer, pianist and bandleader Harry Connick Jr., was released on November 4, 2008., being his third Christmas album, since 1993's \"When My Heart Finds Christmas\" and 2003's \"Harry for the Holidays\". The album consists of new recordings of Christmas classics, and new songs written by Connick. The first public mentioning of recording the album, came in an interview in The Times-Picayune in June 2008. The album was first called \"Christmas Day\", but the title was changed in September 2008, to \"What a Night! A Christmas Album\".", "psg_id": "12429875" }, { "title": "Flag of the British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "that the flag, which was granted by Queen Elizabeth II on the 25th anniversary of the BIOT in 1990, is that of the Commissioner and has only semi-official status. Given that it is impossible for civilians to visit the British Indian Ocean Territory, it is not clear how widely this flag is used. However, a video was released by the Naval Support Facility on Diego Garcia. It shows a scene where the flag is being flown. The only settlements on the Islands are the Anglo-American naval and air facilities. The flag does indeed fly at Diego Garcia, along with the", "psg_id": "2479461" }, { "title": "Arctic Ocean Hydrographic Expedition", "text": "on currents, ice conditions, climate, and magnetic phenomena. In 1913 the hydrographic expedition of the Arctic Ocean discovered the large Emperor Nicholas II Land —now Severnaya Zemlya (Northern Land), the last significant geographical discovery on the globe. On 3 September 1913 (22 August 1913 in the Julian calendar used by Russia at the time), members of the expedition landed on what is now known as Cape Berg on present day October Revolution Island. They raised the Russian flag on the shore and named the new territory \"Emperor Nicholas II Land\", (Russian: \"Zemlya Imperatora Nikolaya II\"), after Emperor Nicholas II of", "psg_id": "19255215" }, { "title": "Oscar A. Mitscher", "text": "Wisconsin from Germany, named Andreas Mischer and Constantina Mohn. apparently moved to Oklahoma City in 1889, located in what was then known as Indian Territory. In 1900, President William McKinley appointed Mitscher as the U.S. Agent for the Osage Nation, which had already been moved to a reservation within the new territory. His new post would be located at the present-day community of Pawhuska, Oklahoma. Oscar married Myrta Viola Shear and would have three children. Their son, Marc Mitscher, would become an Admiral in the United States Navy. The Shear family also lived in Hillsboro, Wisconsin, and made the Land", "psg_id": "18788745" }, { "title": "Piscataway Indian Nation and Tayac Territory", "text": "quantum to claim their ancestry. Today, the Piscataway Indian Nation is an emergent sovereign indigenous presence in its Chesapeake homeland. The Piscataway Indian tribal nation is enjoying a renaissance. The Piscataway Indian Nation members are among the 25,000 self-identified Native Americans in Maryland. Piscataway Indian Nation and Tayac Territory The Piscataway Indian Nation , also called Piscatawa , is a state-recognized tribe in Maryland that claims descent from the historic Piscataway tribe. At the time of European encounter, the Piscataway was one of the most populous and powerful Native polities of the Chesapeake Bay region, with a territory on the", "psg_id": "7332613" }, { "title": "Same-sex marriage in the British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "whether in a military or civilian capacity. Therefore, one member of the couple would be immediately reassigned. Same-sex marriage in the British Indian Ocean Territory Same-sex marriage has been legal in the British Indian Ocean Territory, one of the 14 British Overseas Territories ,since 3 June 2014. An ordinance to legalise such marriages was approved by the Privy Council of the United Kingdom on 28 April 2014. All residents of the British Overseas Territory are either members of the British or American armed forces or associated contractors assigned to the Naval Support Facility Diego Garcia. American soldiers are permitted to", "psg_id": "20046770" }, { "title": "Geography of the British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "Brothers Islands, Nelson Island, and Peros Banhos, as well as the island groups of the Egmont Islands, Eagle Islands, and the Salomon Islands. BIOT is an archipelago of 55 islands. They were annexed by the UK in 1965 under the Treaty of Paris from a much larger archipelago which in 1804 consisted of 2,300 independent islands. BIOT is situated in the Indian Ocean near the Equator. It is roughly halfway between Africa and Indonesia, about southwest of India. It is situated approximately from South India and to the south of the Maldives With a coastline stretching , it is the", "psg_id": "3403220" }, { "title": "Football at the Indian Ocean Island Games", "text": "Football at the Indian Ocean Island Games The association football tournament at the Indian Ocean Island Games (French: Jeux des îles de l'océan Indien) which is organised every 4 years for the Islands in the Indian Ocean. (The Maldives have occasionally been invited) From 1947 until 1963 a precursor called \"Triangulaire\" was organized between Madagascar, Mauritius and Réunion Island. The first official edition of Indian Ocean Island Games was held in 1979. The match was scratched and Comoros were awarded third place as Mauritius were unable to travel to Réunion for the match. In 2015 a women's tournament was held.", "psg_id": "8487860" }, { "title": "Football at the Indian Ocean Island Games", "text": "Football at the Indian Ocean Island Games The association football tournament at the Indian Ocean Island Games (French: Jeux des îles de l'océan Indien) which is organised every 4 years for the Islands in the Indian Ocean. (The Maldives have occasionally been invited) From 1947 until 1963 a precursor called \"Triangulaire\" was organized between Madagascar, Mauritius and Réunion Island. The first official edition of Indian Ocean Island Games was held in 1979. The match was scratched and Comoros were awarded third place as Mauritius were unable to travel to Réunion for the match. In 2015 a women's tournament was held.", "psg_id": "8487859" }, { "title": "Battle of Perryville (Indian Territory)", "text": "named McAlester. Businesses that had stayed in Perryville moved to the area of the station. This marked the end of Perryville. The site is now the location of Chambers, Oklahoma. Battle of Perryville (Indian Territory) The Battle of Perryville was a battle of the American Civil War on August 23, 1863 in what is now Pittsburg County, Oklahoma. Perryville was an important town in the Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory, about half way between Skullyville and Boggy Depot. during the mid 19th Century. It was established as a trading post by James Perry, member of a Choctaw family, about 1838, and", "psg_id": "18518124" }, { "title": "Chahta Tamaha, Indian Territory", "text": "Chahta Tamaha, Indian Territory Chahta Tamaha (Choctaw Town) was an important town in the Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory that served as the Choctaw capital from 1863 to 1883. The town grew up around the Armstrong Academy. The townsite is located in present-day Bryan County, Oklahoma. Today nothing is left of the town or the Academy. However, the Armstrong Academy Site is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Armstrong Academy was founded as a school for Choctaw boys in 1844. It was named after William Armstrong, a popular agent of the Choctaws. The site was selected because there was", "psg_id": "9670306" }, { "title": "Same-sex marriage in the British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "Same-sex marriage in the British Indian Ocean Territory Same-sex marriage has been legal in the British Indian Ocean Territory, one of the 14 British Overseas Territories ,since 3 June 2014. An ordinance to legalise such marriages was approved by the Privy Council of the United Kingdom on 28 April 2014. All residents of the British Overseas Territory are either members of the British or American armed forces or associated contractors assigned to the Naval Support Facility Diego Garcia. American soldiers are permitted to marry; however, United States Navy regulations prohibit any married couple from being stationed together on Diego Garcia,", "psg_id": "20046769" }, { "title": "2007 Indian Ocean Island Games", "text": "Island Games. 2007 Indian Ocean Island Games The 2007 Indian Ocean Island Games commonly known as Les septieme Jeux des iles de L'Ocean Indien in French was the 7th edition of the competition, held in Antananarivo, Madagascar. The last edition was held in 2003 in Mauritius. The next edition took place in Seychelles in 2011. It was the second time Madagascar organized these games after the 1990 Indian Ocean Islands Games. The mascot of the games was a ravenala plant (which is a symbol of Madagascar) named Ravi 7 islands, all located in the Indian Ocean, participated in the 2007", "psg_id": "15743227" }, { "title": "2007 Indian Ocean Island Games", "text": "2007 Indian Ocean Island Games The 2007 Indian Ocean Island Games commonly known as Les septieme Jeux des iles de L'Ocean Indien in French was the 7th edition of the competition, held in Antananarivo, Madagascar. The last edition was held in 2003 in Mauritius. The next edition took place in Seychelles in 2011. It was the second time Madagascar organized these games after the 1990 Indian Ocean Islands Games. The mascot of the games was a ravenala plant (which is a symbol of Madagascar) named Ravi 7 islands, all located in the Indian Ocean, participated in the 2007 Indian Ocean", "psg_id": "15743226" }, { "title": "East Point, British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "East Point, British Indian Ocean Territory East Point is an abandoned settlement on the east of the atoll of Diego Garcia in the British Indian Ocean Territory. It was the largest civilian settlement in the archipelago, and served as the administrative capital until the depopulation of the territory. The settlement contained a church, cemetery, school, sanatorium in addition to senior management housing. The settlement also contained a post office, which became the plantation warden's office. The settlement was one of four founded during the French rule. Originally named \"Pointe le Est\", it originally served as a coconut plantation. Diego Garcia", "psg_id": "19514378" }, { "title": "British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "Mauritius before construction of these facilities; in 1995, there were approximately 1,700 UK and US military personnel and 1,500 civilian contractors living on the island. Construction projects and various services needed to support the military installations are carried out by military and contract employees from Britain, Mauritius, the Philippines, and the US. There are no industrial or agricultural activities on the islands. Until the creation of the marine sanctuary, the licensing of commercial fishing provided an annual income of about $1 million for the territory. Postage stamps have been issued for British Indian Ocean Territory since 17 January 1968. As", "psg_id": "12361697" }, { "title": "William Day (sea captain)", "text": "made then: that during the French and Indian War (the long American conflict which spread to Europe as the Seven Years' War) he served as a privateer on behalf of the British and their American colonists against French shipping. The family of William Day (1715-97) still possesses a portrait of him celebrating his triumph against a French convoy in that conflict, strongly implying that he is indeed the 1777 William Day. In August 1756, Day was hired by George Campbell, a merchant of Liverpool, England, to command a 14-gun privateer brigantine named \"Brave Blakeney\". Sailing into the Atlantic Ocean, he", "psg_id": "11272551" }, { "title": "Christmas Island red crab", "text": "tolerant and respectful of the crabs during their annual migration and are now more cautious while driving, which helps to minimise crab casualties. Further, \"a five-metre-high bridge has also been constructed at one point along the road to help the crabs move across the island and continue their migration.\" Christmas Island red crab The Christmas Island red crab (\"Gecarcoidea natalis\") is a species of land crab that is endemic to Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands in the Indian Ocean. Although restricted to a relatively small area, an estimated 43.7 million adult red crabs once lived on Christmas Island alone,", "psg_id": "4670718" }, { "title": "Indian Ocean Whale Sanctuary", "text": "Indian Ocean Whale Sanctuary The Indian Ocean Whale Sanctuary is an area in the Indian Ocean where the International Whaling Commission (IWC) has banned all types of commercial whaling. The IWC has at present designated two such sanctuaries, the other being the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. Repeated proposals at the IWC for a South Atlantic Sanctuary and a South Pacific Sanctuary have never reached the 75% majority needed to pass. The Indian Ocean Sanctuary was established by the IWC in 1979 after being proposed by the tiny island nation of the Seychelles, in its first meeting as an IWC member,", "psg_id": "9801379" }, { "title": "Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division of Seventh-day Adventists", "text": "is 3,779,368. The Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division is divided into nine Union Conferences, three Union Missions, and one Mission. These are divided into Local Conferences, Missions, and Fields. Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division of Seventh-day Adventists The Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division of Seventh-day Adventists is a sub-entity of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, which coordinates the Church's activities in the southern portion of Africa, which include the nations of Angola, Ascension Island, Botswana, Comoro Islands, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Réunion, São Tomé and Príncipe, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe; as well as St. Helena and Tristan da", "psg_id": "3606773" }, { "title": "Northern Cherokee Nation of the Old Louisiana Territory", "text": "became the \"Sac River and White River Bands of the Chickamauga Cherokee Indian Nation of Arkansas and Missouri\", which had its own split producing the \"Chickamauga Cherokee Nation White River Band\". Today, the Northern Cherokee Nation of the Old Louisiana Territory, continues as the only group that has claims state recognition in Missouri and Arkansas by way of two Governor's Proclamations and Resolutions. However, the Northern Cherokee Nation's claim of Missouri state recognition is sometimes called \"misleading,\" because, according \"to a master list maintained by the National Conference of State Legislatures, Missouri recognizes no Indian tribes except those recognized by", "psg_id": "12735431" }, { "title": "Oneida Indian Nation", "text": "the OIN and the state believed that the OIN's purchase of the land restored the property to its status as Indian Territory under Oneida possession. State law prohibits Class III gaming facilities. The OIN developed its resort and casino on what was understood to be its federal reservation, where that action was authorized under tribal sovereignty. The city of Sherrill challenged the OIN by trying to collect property taxes on the land the tribe bought in that jurisdiction, where it developed its casino. In \"City of Sherrill v. Oneida Indian Nation\" (2005), which went to the US Supreme Court, Justice", "psg_id": "6151250" }, { "title": "Indian Territory", "text": "Creek were treaties with New York Indians, such as the Seneca, Mohawk, Cayuga, and Oneida Indian Nation, which covered land sales of tribal reservations under the US Indian removal program, by which they planned to move most eastern tribes to Indian Territory. Initially, the tribes were moved to the present state of Kansas, and later to Oklahoma on to land administered by the Quapaw Indian Agency. Western Indian Territory is part of the Southern Plains and is the ancestral home of the Wichita people, a Plains tribe. Additional indigenous peoples of the Plains entered Indian Territory during the horse culture", "psg_id": "676900" }, { "title": "Indian Ocean Island Games", "text": "Indian Ocean Island Games The Indian Ocean Island Games () is a multi-sport event held every four years among athletes from Indian Ocean island nations. The Games was created by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1977 and currently gather the island nations and territories of Mauritius, Seychelles, Comoros, Madagascar, Mayotte, Réunion and the Maldives. The number of athletes who participate has increased over the years, it went from 1000 athletes in 1979 to over 1500 participants in 2003 and 2007. From 1947 until 1963, a precursor called Indian Ocean Games Triangulaire was organized between Madagascar, Mauritius and Réunion. In", "psg_id": "6028134" }, { "title": "A land without a people for a people without a land", "text": "country\". Variant phrasings in use in the pre-Zionist and pre-state eras include \"a country without a people for a people without a country\", \"a land without a nation for a nation without a land\". According to Edward Said, the phrasing was \"a land without people for a people without a land\". William Eugene Blackstone (born 1841) became an evangelist at the age of 37. A trip to the Holy Land in 1881 made him into a passionate restorationist. Like most people in the 1880s and 90s, he was appalled by the government-instigated pogroms being carried out against Russian Jews. Blackstone's", "psg_id": "11268110" }, { "title": "Boundaries between the continents of Earth", "text": "mainland, both bordering Morocco solely. Two of the French territories are the inhabited overseas departments and regions of Réunion and Mayotte. Réunion is an island territory located near the island nation of Mauritius and to the east of island nation of Madagascar (both nominally considered a part of the African continent). Mayotte is an island territory located west of Madagascar within the Mozambique channel. The final territory is the Scattered Islands in the Indian Ocean, administratively a part of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands. This French territory consists of a range of minor uninhabited island atolls in the Indian", "psg_id": "11095599" }, { "title": "Postage stamps and postal history of Christmas Island", "text": "low rate for letters to Malaysia and Singapore. A third definitive issue was released on 6 May 1968 too, depicting Indian Ocean fish. This zoological topic was proposed as early as 1966 by the Christmas Island representatives for the second series, who approved artist George Hamori's designs. But the twelve stamps were not issued until 1968 to coincide with the monetary change. The designation \"CHRISTMAS ISLAND / INDIAN OCEAN\" appeared for the first time on these 1968 stamps and remained in use until 1993. On 1 February 1969, postal responsibility on the island was transmitted by the Phosphate Commission to", "psg_id": "12602964" }, { "title": "The Adventures of Captain Hatteras", "text": "may actually have been inspired by his reading of Verne. The land is named by Captain Altamont, an American explorer, who is first to set foot on the land. In the novel as published, it is unclear whether New America is meant to be a territorial claim for the United States. As William Butcher points out, this would not be surprising, since Verne wrote about the US acquisition of Alaska in \"The Fur Country\", and Lincoln Island is proposed as a US possession in \"The Mysterious Island\". In fact, a deleted chapter, \"John Bull and Jonathan,\" had Hatteras and Altamont", "psg_id": "8739878" }, { "title": "Capital punishment in the British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "mostly applies to administrators and visitors within BIOT territorial waters, the Courts Ordinance 1983 provides that, in most circumstances and in the absence of specific local laws on the same topic, BIOT law is to be the same as \"the law of England as from time to time in force in England\". Capital punishment in the United Kingdom was abolished for murder in 1965 and for all offences in 1998. Therefore, capital punishment was abolished under the domestic law of the BIOT at the same time. Capital punishment in the British Indian Ocean Territory Capital punishment in the British Indian", "psg_id": "18602058" }, { "title": "Fort Wayne (Indian Territory)", "text": "Fort Wayne (Indian Territory) Fort Wayne was the name of two forts near the present-day border of northeastern Oklahoma and northwestern Arkansas. Indian Territory by Lt. Col. R.B. Mason of the 1st Dragoons. Originally, Captain John Stuart of the 7th Infantry was ordered to build the fort (then designated as Camp Illinois) on the south bank of the Illinois River headwaters. Before its completion, new orders changed the location to Spavinaw Creek, nearer the Arkansas – Indian Territory border. Lt. Colonel Richard B. Mason and the First Dragoons were tasked to perform the relocation in 1840. Named for Gen. \"Mad\"", "psg_id": "9335595" }, { "title": "Effect of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake on the Maldives", "text": "and supplies. Rescue efforts were hampered by loss of communication capability with the over one thousand islands that compose the nation, as well as by the lack of disaster planning. Effect of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake on the Maldives In the Maldives, 82 people were killed and 24 reported missing and presumed dead after it was hit by a tsunami caused by the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake on 26 December 2004. Two-thirds of the capital city Malé was flooded during the first hours of the day. Outlying low-level atolls were badly affected, and some low-lying islands, including some of", "psg_id": "4378013" }, { "title": "A Dog Named Christmas", "text": "A Dog Named Christmas A Dog Named Christmas is a 2009 American/Canadian television film that debuted on CBS as a \"Hallmark Hall of Fame\" movie on November 29, 2009. The film was produced by Brent Shields, directed by Peter Werner and written by Jenny Wingfield, who based the script from a novel of the same name by Greg Kincaid. A tale of a young man with a learning disability, named Todd McCray (Noel Fisher) living with his parents in the rural midwest. The story takes place over a two-week period over the Christmas holidays when the local animal shelter launches", "psg_id": "14044425" }, { "title": "Christmas in a Day", "text": "film was executive produced by Ridley Scott and Kevin Macdonald. Christmas in a Day Christmas In A Day is a crowdsourced documentary film that consists of a series clips of footage shot by members of the public in Britain on Christmas Day (25 December 2012). Scott Free Films and Sainsbury's produced the film. The film is 90 minutes long and includes shots from hundreds of perspectives, each submitted directly to production rather than through YouTube as Macdonald's previous 'In A Day' film had been. The film was premiered at the British Academy of Film & Television Arts (BAFTA) in London", "psg_id": "19663657" }, { "title": "Indian Ocean Island Games", "text": "Seychelles, Mauritius, Comoros and Reunion. They drafted the Charter of the Games. Originally, the Games were to take place every four years, however this frequency was not observed from 1979 to 2003. Indian Ocean Island Games The Indian Ocean Island Games () is a multi-sport event held every four years among athletes from Indian Ocean island nations. The Games was created by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1977 and currently gather the island nations and territories of Mauritius, Seychelles, Comoros, Madagascar, Mayotte, Réunion and the Maldives. The number of athletes who participate has increased over the years, it went", "psg_id": "6028137" }, { "title": "What Is a Nation?", "text": "that a nation is Thus the idea of nation is based upon common glories in the past,common will in the present to live together,having performed great deeds together and wish to perform still more for the nation,having future program to put into effect and having suffered, enjoyed and hoped together. A very important element of nationhood, says Renan, is the desire to continue forming part of the nation. Renan's second frequently quoted statement is: The existence of a nation (you will pardon me this metaphor) is a daily referendum, just as the continuing existence of an individual is a perpetual", "psg_id": "15237581" }, { "title": "Compendium of postage stamp issuers (Ce–Ch)", "text": "(1870), Tientsin (1870), Urga (Mongolia, 1870), Shanghai (1897), Chefoo (1897), Hankow (1897), Port Arthur (1899–1904) and Dairen (1899–1904). All were closed in 1920. Russian stamps without overprint were used from 1870. From 1899, Russian stamps were overprinted with Cyrillic KHTAH (i.e., China). All stamps were inscribed in Russian currency but the offices accepted Chinese payment for them at the rate of 1 Chinese cent to 1 Russian kopeck. Stamps are inscribed REPUBLIC OF CHINA. General issues were concurrent with regional issues 1949 – 1951 and then superseded them. Christmas Island was discovered by Captain William Mynors on Christmas Day 1643", "psg_id": "5789518" }, { "title": "Indian Territory in the American Civil War", "text": "into Indian Territory. The expedition encouraged the organization of three Indian Home Guard regiments in support of the Union. Two military engagements were fought at the Cabin Creek Battlefield in the Cherokee Nation within Indian Territory. The location was where the Texas Road crossed Cabin Creek, near the present-day town of Big Cabin, Oklahoma. Both the First and Second Battles of Cabin Creek were launched by the Confederate Army to disrupt Union Army supply trains bound from Fort Scott to Fort Gibson. In the First Battle of Cabin Creek, which occurred July 1–2, 1863, the Union escort was led by", "psg_id": "12132543" }, { "title": "British Indian Ocean Territory", "text": "African slaves and Indian contractors brought by Franco-Mauritians to found coconut plantations. In 1810, Mauritius was captured by the United Kingdom, and France ceded the territory in the Treaty of Paris. In 1965, the United Kingdom split the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius and the islands of Aldabra, Farquhar and Desroches (Des Roches) from the Seychelles to form the British Indian Ocean Territory. The purpose was to allow the construction of military facilities for the mutual benefit of the United Kingdom and the United States. The islands were formally established as an overseas territory of the United Kingdom on 8 November", "psg_id": "12361678" }, { "title": "Christmas in a Day", "text": "Christmas in a Day Christmas In A Day is a crowdsourced documentary film that consists of a series clips of footage shot by members of the public in Britain on Christmas Day (25 December 2012). Scott Free Films and Sainsbury's produced the film. The film is 90 minutes long and includes shots from hundreds of perspectives, each submitted directly to production rather than through YouTube as Macdonald's previous 'In A Day' film had been. The film was premiered at the British Academy of Film & Television Arts (BAFTA) in London on 29 November 2013 before the release on YouTube. The", "psg_id": "19663656" } ]
[ "australia (commonwealth realm)", "australia", "continental australia", "australias", "peace of australia", "australian city life", "city life in australia", "australocentrist", "mainland australia", "australiia", "straya", "australia (commonwealth)", "austraila", "ausrtalia", "australia (nation)", "australien", "new australian", "australia (dominion)", "australia (federation)", "australia (country)", "aussieland", "federal australia", "country life in australia", "orstraya", "australia (nation state)", "australia (commonwealth realm)", "australia", "australocentrism", "austraya", "australie", "australia", "geopolitics of australia", "australia (nation-state)", "australia's", "australian mainland", "australian country life", "australian woman's day", "imperial australia", "united states of australia", "australia (realm)", "australia (constitutional monarchy)", "austalia", "etymology of australia", "philosophy in australia", "commonwealth of australia", "australija", "australia (monarchy)", "dominion of australia", "empire of australia", "ostralia", "modern australia", "commonwealth of australia", "australia (empire)", "australo", "the commonwealth of australia", "australia.", "austrlia", "australlia", "australian", "australia (state)", "iso 3166-1:au", "austrailia", "commonwealth australia", "pax australiana", "australian commonwealth", "australocentric", "austrlaia", "technology in australia", "australia (commonwealth)", "australai", "australian geopolitics", "asutralia", "australo-", "australian's", "science in australia" ]
december 22, 1864 saw general sherman's march to the sea end when he and his troops captured what port city?
[ { "title": "Sherman's March to the Sea", "text": "Sherman's March to the Sea Sherman's March to the Sea (also known as the Savannah Campaign) was a military campaign of the American Civil War conducted through Georgia from November 15 until December 21, 1864, by Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman of the Union Army. The campaign began with Sherman's troops leaving the captured city of Atlanta on November 15 and ended with the capture of the port of Savannah on December 21. His forces followed a \"scorched earth\" policy, destroying military targets as well as industry, infrastructure, and civilian property and disrupting the Confederacy's economy and its transportation networks.", "psg_id": "2297094" }, { "title": "William Tecumseh Sherman", "text": "army in the battles of Franklin (November 30) and Nashville (December 15–16). Meanwhile, after the November elections, Sherman began a march with 62,000 men to the port of Savannah, Georgia, living off the land and causing, by his own estimate, more than $100 million in property damage. Sherman called this harsh tactic of material war \"hard war,\" often seen as a species of total war. At the end of this campaign, known as Sherman's March to the Sea, his troops captured Savannah on December 21, 1864. Sherman then dispatched a famous message to Lincoln, offering him the city as a", "psg_id": "571969" }, { "title": "USS General Sherman (1864)", "text": "at Decatur, 27 December, shelling Confederate emplacements as Union Army troops crossed the river. She again patrolled the river, attempting to cut off the withdrawal of Hood's army from Tennessee and convoying Union supply ships, until the war ended. \"General Sherman\" was returned to the Army Quartermaster Department at Chattanooga, Tennessee, 3 June 1865. DANFS USS General Sherman (1864) USS \"General Sherman\" (1864) was acquired from the U.S. War Department by the Union Navy during the American Civil War as a gunboat in waterways of the Confederate South. She was named after Gen. William T. Sherman. \"General Sherman\", a 187-ton", "psg_id": "10804878" }, { "title": "USS General Sherman (1864)", "text": "USS General Sherman (1864) USS \"General Sherman\" (1864) was acquired from the U.S. War Department by the Union Navy during the American Civil War as a gunboat in waterways of the Confederate South. She was named after Gen. William T. Sherman. \"General Sherman\", a 187-ton side-wheel \"tinclad\" river gunboat, was one of four light wooden gunboats built at Chattanooga, Tennessee, for the War Department in 1864. She commissioned at Bridgeport, Alabama, 27 July 1864, Acting Master Joseph W. Morehead in command. Turned over to the Navy and commissioned in July 1864, \"General Sherman\" spent most of her service on the", "psg_id": "10804876" }, { "title": "Sherman's March to the Sea", "text": "full bloom during World War II when both Axis and Allied powers deliberately and indiscriminately bombed enemy and enemy-controlled cities to create terror or disrupt war production in order to win the war by any means at their disposal — including extensive incendiary raids and the dropping of two atomic bombs. Sherman's March to the Sea Sherman's March to the Sea (also known as the Savannah Campaign) was a military campaign of the American Civil War conducted through Georgia from November 15 until December 21, 1864, by Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman of the Union Army. The campaign began with", "psg_id": "2297119" }, { "title": "USS General Sherman (1864)", "text": "Upper Tennessee River. \"General Sherman\" was assigned to the 11th District, Mississippi Squadron, and became part of Lt. Moreau Forrest's gunboat fleet on the upper Tennessee River. Leaving Bridgeport, Alabama, 22 August, she patrolled with other gunboats between Decatur, Alabama, and Muscle Shoals, Alabama, controlling guerrilla attacks and working to prevent major elements of Confederate General John Bell Hood's army from crossing the river into Tennessee. \"General Sherman\" continued to patrol until she returned to Bridgeport for repairs 17 December. Returning to the upper Tennessee River, \"General Sherman\" lent vital artillery support to the forces of Gen. James B. Steedman", "psg_id": "10804877" }, { "title": "Sherman's March to the Sea", "text": "The march was made easier by able assistants such as Orlando Metcalfe Poe, chief of the bridge building and demolition team. Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman selected Poe as his chief engineer in 1864. Poe oversaw the burning of Atlanta, for which action he was honored by Sherman. Poe directly supervised the dismantling of all buildings and structures in Atlanta that could have provided any military value to the Rebels once Sherman abandoned the city; rail depots, roundhouses, arsenals and storage areas were manually disassembled and the combustible materials then destroyed by controlled fires (however, Poe was incensed at the", "psg_id": "2297099" }, { "title": "Hazen S. Pingree", "text": "men were captured by a detachment of John S. Mosby’s command. Pingree was confined in Confederate prisons at Gordonsville and Lynchburg, Virginia, and at Salisbury, North Carolina. He was then taken to Andersonville prison and, while General Sherman was on his march to the sea, he was taken to Millen, Georgia, where he later escaped by pretending to be someone else during a roll call for a prisoner exchange in November 1864. Pingree rejoined his regiment, fought in many more battles, and was present at Appomattox Court House when Robert E. Lee surrendered on April 9, 1865. A few months", "psg_id": "5803989" }, { "title": "Sherman's March to the Sea", "text": "The operation broke the back of the Confederacy and helped lead to its eventual surrender. Sherman's bold move of operating deep within enemy territory and without supply lines is considered to be one of the major achievements of the war and is also considered to be the early example of modern total war. Sherman's \"March to the Sea\" followed his successful Atlanta Campaign of May to September 1864. He and the Union Army's commander, Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, believed that the Civil War would come to an end only if the Confederacy's strategic, economic, and psychological capacity for warfare", "psg_id": "2297095" }, { "title": "Sherman's March to the Sea", "text": "wing stormed the fort in the Battle of Fort McAllister and captured it within 15 minutes. Some of the 134 Union casualties were caused by torpedoes, a name for crude land mines that were used only rarely in the war. Now that Sherman had contact with the Navy fleet under Rear Admiral John A. Dahlgren, he was able to obtain the supplies and siege artillery he required to invest Savannah. On December 17, he sent a message to Hardee in the city: Hardee decided not to surrender but to escape. On December 20, he led his men across the Savannah", "psg_id": "2297111" }, { "title": "Henry Warner Slocum", "text": "left wing (northern column; Army of Georgia) marched following the Georgia railroad, feinting toward Augusta. Sherman's plan was to confuse the Confederate Army as to his objectives. The city he was heading for was Milledgeville, the Georgia state capital, which was captured on November 22, 1864. The ultimate objective of the March was the port city of Savannah, which was captured and occupied on December 21, 1864. Sherman later placed Slocum in command of the newly created Army of Georgia, composed of the XIV Corps and the XX Corps from the Army of the Cumberland, which served as the left", "psg_id": "3049335" }, { "title": "Georgia in the American Civil War", "text": "of damaging frontal assaults. Hood's army was eventually besieged in Atlanta and the city fell on September 2, setting the stage for Sherman's March to the Sea and hastening the end of the war. In November 1864, Sherman stripped his army of non-essentials, burned the city of Atlanta, and left it to the Confederates. He began his famous Sherman's March to the Sea, living off the land then burning plantations, wrecking railroads, killing livestock, and freeing slaves. Thousands of escaped slaves followed him as he entered Savannah on December 22. After the loss of Atlanta, the governor withdrew the state's", "psg_id": "8610064" }, { "title": "Sherman's March to the Sea", "text": "infrastructure of Georgia. In planning for the march, Sherman used livestock and crop production data from the 1860 census to lead his troops through areas where he believed they would be able to forage most effectively. The twisted and broken railroad rails that the troops heated over fires and wrapped around tree trunks and left behind became known as \"Sherman's neckties\". As the army would be out of touch with the North throughout the campaign, Sherman gave explicit orders, Sherman's Special Field Orders, No. 120, regarding the conduct of the campaign. The following is an excerpt from the general's orders:", "psg_id": "2297098" }, { "title": "History of Savannah, Georgia", "text": "march south to Savannah. They lived off the land and, by Sherman's own estimate, caused more than $100 million in property damage in Georgia alone. Sherman called this harsh tactic of material war \"hard war\" (in modern times this is known as total war). Sherman and his troops captured Savannah on December 22, 1864. Sherman then telegraphed his commander-in-chief, President Abraham Lincoln, offering him the city as a Christmas present. As the 19th century progressed, Savannah's population increased slightly and its wealth exponentially, but its ranking among the largest U.S. cities steadily dropped. The city went from 41st most populous", "psg_id": "11282192" }, { "title": "Sherman's March to the Sea", "text": "he sent Sherman a telegram stating simply, \"Go as you propose.\" The march began on November 15. Sherman recounted in his memoirs the scene when he left at 7 a.m. the following day: Sherman's personal escort on the march was the 1st Alabama Cavalry Regiment, a unit made up entirely of Southerners who remained loyal to the Union. The two wings of the army attempted to confuse and deceive the enemy about their destinations; the Confederates could not tell from the initial movements whether Sherman would march on Macon, Augusta, or Savannah. Howard's wing, led by Kilpatrick's cavalry, marched south", "psg_id": "2297104" }, { "title": "Sherman's March to the Sea", "text": "Lincoln, \"I beg to present you as a Christmas gift the City of Savannah, with one hundred and fifty guns and plenty of ammunition, also about twenty-five thousand bales of cotton.\" On December 26, the president replied in a letter: The March attracted a huge number of refugees, to whom Sherman assigned land with his Special Field Orders No. 15. These orders have been depicted in popular culture as the origin of the supposed \"40 acres and a mule\" promise. From Savannah, after a month-long delay for rest, Sherman marched north in the spring through the Carolinas, intending to complete", "psg_id": "2297113" }, { "title": "Sherman's March to the Sea", "text": "disdain. They often felt betrayed, as they \"suffered along with their owners, complicating their decision of whether to flee with or from Union troops.\" A Confederate officer estimated that 10,000 liberated slaves followed Sherman's army, and hundreds died of \"hunger, disease, or exposure\" along the way. The March to the Sea was devastating to Georgia and the Confederacy. Sherman himself estimated that the campaign had inflicted $100 million (about $1.4 billion in 2010 dollars) in destruction, about one fifth of which \"inured to our advantage\" while the \"remainder is simple waste and destruction.\" The Army wrecked of railroad and numerous", "psg_id": "2297115" }, { "title": "Geoffrey Sherman", "text": "Geoffrey Sherman Lieutenant Colonel Geoffrey Collingwood Sherman (6 April 1915 – 22 March 2009) was a Royal Marines officer, who as Chief of Staff to Lieutenant-General Boy Browning, organised the ceremony of the Japanese surrender of Singapore on 12 September 1945. He later worked in West Africa and with British Aerospace. Sherman joined the Royal Marines on 1 September 1933 when he was commissioned as a probationary second lieutenant, and would serve in a variety of roles during his career, both on land and sea. He was promoted to acting lieutenant on 18 June 1936, probationary lieutenant on 1 September", "psg_id": "13278376" }, { "title": "Geoffrey Sherman", "text": "Geoffrey Sherman Lieutenant Colonel Geoffrey Collingwood Sherman (6 April 1915 – 22 March 2009) was a Royal Marines officer, who as Chief of Staff to Lieutenant-General Boy Browning, organised the ceremony of the Japanese surrender of Singapore on 12 September 1945. He later worked in West Africa and with British Aerospace. Sherman joined the Royal Marines on 1 September 1933 when he was commissioned as a probationary second lieutenant, and would serve in a variety of roles during his career, both on land and sea. He was promoted to acting lieutenant on 18 June 1936, probationary lieutenant on 1 September", "psg_id": "13278370" }, { "title": "Edward Clifford Anderson, SR", "text": "in December 1864. The loss of Fort McAllister opened the way to the sea for General Sherman, allowing him to link up with the Union Navy, resupply his forces, and bring the City of Savannah to its knees. Supervising the forts under his command, he was constantly sought out for his artillery expertise. During General Sherman's March to the Sea Anderson was placed in charge of the City of Charleston in December 1864. He was involved in the planning and execution of the city's evacuation before his transfer to Augusta, Georgia before returning to Savannah to lead refugees out of", "psg_id": "19612627" }, { "title": "USS Bat (1864)", "text": "dispatch vessel. On the day of the steamer's arrival, she began a cruise south through the Confederacy's inland waters as far down the coast as Georgetown, South Carolina. Her mission was to attempt to communicate with General William Tecumseh Sherman who—after completing his march from Atlanta, Georgia, through Georgia to the sea—had swung north to move his army toward Richmond, Virginia, in support of General Ulysses S. Grant's operations against the Confederate capital. This assignment kept the side wheeler busy through the end of January when Porter called her back to the Cape Fear River. For more than a month", "psg_id": "11143266" }, { "title": "Sherman's March (2007 film)", "text": "of destruction during the Civil War. The opening sequence poses the question that reflects the film's theme: The documentary chronicles General William Tecumseh Sherman's historic \"March to the Sea\" through Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina during the fall of 1864. It shows Sherman marching 62,000 Union troops over 650 miles in less than 100 days, and losing only 600 men along the way. The march introduces a new concept to the already brutal Civil War: total war, where the distinctions between combatants and civilians is blurred. While hated by white Southerners as a destroyer, Sherman is hailed by black", "psg_id": "10117285" }, { "title": "John W. Fuller", "text": "on January 5, 1864. In March 1864, Fuller led his command across the Tennessee River and captured the city of Decatur, Alabama. He participated in the Atlanta Campaign that summer, and temporarily lead a division during the Battle of Atlanta on July 22. He again led his brigade during the March to the Sea in late 1864, and in the Carolinas Campaign of 1865. Fuller was brevetted to the rank of major general in the Union Army on March 13, and after the end of the war he resigned that fall. Fuller was one of the few generals in the", "psg_id": "12777229" }, { "title": "Battle of Fort McAllister (1864)", "text": "as a division commander at Shiloh and a corps commander at Vicksburg. With his supply line now open, Sherman could now prepare for the siege and capture of Savannah, a goal he would achieve by Christmas. Military Division of the Mississippi - MG William T. Sherman<br> Army of the Tennessee - MG Oliver O. Howard XV Corps - MG Peter J. Osterhaus Fort McAllister garrison - Maj George Wayne Anderson Battle of Fort McAllister (1864) The Second Battle of Fort McAllister took place December 13, 1864, during the final stages of Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman's March to the Sea", "psg_id": "7268958" }, { "title": "Ulysses S. Grant", "text": "soon captured Mobile Bay and Atlanta and now controlled the Shenandoah Valley, ensuring Lincoln's reelection in November. Sherman convinced Grant and Lincoln to send his army to march on Savannah and devastate the Confederate heartland. Sherman cut a 60-mile path of destruction of Southern infrastructure unopposed, reached the Atlantic Ocean, and captured Savannah on December 22. On December 16, after much prodding by Grant, the Union Army under Thomas smashed Hood's Confederate Army at Nashville. It was the beginning of the end for the Confederacy, with Lee's forces at Petersburg being the only significant obstacle remaining. By March 1865, Grant", "psg_id": "434032" }, { "title": "Godfrey Weitzel", "text": "29. On November 7, 1864, Weitzel became a major general of volunteers and on December 3 was assigned command of the XXV Corps, consisting of U.S. Colored Troops under white officers. As the year ended, he participated in the unsuccessful First Battle of Fort Fisher, guarding Wilmington, North Carolina, the last major Confederate port. He and his corps were reassigned to Virginia two weeks later, when General Butler was relieved of duty in favor of General Alfred H. Terry, who captured the port on January 15. During the war's final months, Ulysses S. Grant named Weitzel to command all Union", "psg_id": "8414685" }, { "title": "The March (novel)", "text": "The March (novel) The March is a 2005 historical fiction novel by E. L. Doctorow. It won the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction (2006) and the National Book Critics Circle Award/Fiction (2005). Published in 2005 by E.L. Doctorow, \"The March\" is a historical fiction novel set in late 1864 and early 1865 near the conclusion of the American Civil War. Central to the novel is the character of General William Tecumseh Sherman as he marches his 60,000 troops through the heart of the South, carving a 60-mile-wide scar of destruction in their wake. As a result of Sherman's order to live", "psg_id": "6025454" }, { "title": "John Schofield", "text": "the regular army on November 30, 1864, and the brevet rank of major general on March 13, 1865. Ordered to operate with Sherman in North Carolina, Schofield moved his corps by rail and sea to Fort Fisher, North Carolina, in 17 days, occupied Wilmington on February 22, 1865, fought the action at Kinston on March 10, and on March 23, joined Sherman at Goldsboro. After the war, President Andrew Johnson sent Schofield on a special diplomatic mission to France, urging withdrawal of French troops in Mexico. General Schofield also joined the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United", "psg_id": "3215558" }, { "title": "Howell Cobb", "text": "Sherman's armies entered Georgia during the 1864 Atlanta Campaign and subsequent March to the Sea, Cobb commanded the Georgia Reserve Corps as a general. In the spring of 1865, with the Confederacy clearly waning, he and his troops were sent to Columbus, Georgia to help oppose Wilson's Raid. He led the hopeless Confederate resistance in the Battle of Columbus, Georgia on Easter Sunday, April 16, 1865. During Sherman's March to the Sea, the army camped one night near Cobb's plantation. When Sherman discovered that the house he planned to stay in for the night belonged to Cobb, whom Sherman described", "psg_id": "3398367" }, { "title": "Georgia in the American Civil War", "text": "not much fighting in Georgia until September 1863, when Confederates under Braxton Bragg defeated William S. Rosecrans at Chickamauga Creek. In May 1864, William T. Sherman started pursuing the Confederates towards Atlanta, which he captured in September, in advance of his March to the Sea. This six-week campaign destroyed much of the civilian infrastructure of Georgia, decisively shortening the war. When news of the march reached Robert E. Lee's army in Virginia, whole Georgian regiments deserted, feeling they were needed at home. The Battle of Columbus, fought on the Georgia-Alabama border on April 16, 1865, is reckoned by some criteria", "psg_id": "8610048" }, { "title": "William Tecumseh Sherman", "text": "the presence of spies in the region and providing what seemed to be alarmingly high estimates of the number of troops needed to pacify Kentucky. He was granted leave, and fell into depression. Sherman returned to serve under General Ulysses S. Grant in the winter of 1862 during the battles of forts Henry and Donelson. Before the Battle of Shiloh, Sherman commanded a division. Failing to make proper preparations for a Confederate offensive, his men were surprised and overrun. He later rallied his division and helped drive the Confederates back. Sherman later served in the Siege of Corinth and commanded", "psg_id": "571928" }, { "title": "Battle of Fort McAllister (1864)", "text": "confined there at Lebanon, in his childhood home. During this meeting, General Sherman expressed great frustration at Major Anderson having planting land mines along the land route into the fort, finding it a less-than gentlemanly tactic. General Sherman personally ordered Major Anderson to join the details of captured Confederates tasked with clearing these mines following the battle. The day after the battle, Sherman rowed out to Dahlgren's flagship to greet the admiral. Sherman also had reason to be proud of the troops that had taken part in the victory at Fort McAllister. These were the same troops he personally led", "psg_id": "7268957" }, { "title": "Sherman's March to the Sea", "text": "and Hatch withdrew after suffering about 650 casualties, versus Smith's 50. Sherman's armies reached the outskirts of Savannah on December 10 but found that Hardee had entrenched 10,000 men in favorable fighting positions, and his soldiers had flooded the surrounding rice fields, leaving only narrow causeways available to approach the city. Sherman was blocked from linking up with the U.S. Navy as he had planned, so he dispatched cavalry to Fort McAllister, guarding the Ogeechee River, in hopes of unblocking his route and obtaining supplies awaiting him on the Navy ships. On December 13, William B. Hazen's division of Howard's", "psg_id": "2297110" }, { "title": "Baldwin County, Georgia", "text": "as the main campus of Georgia College and State University. In 1837 the General Assembly provided for the establishment of the state's first mental asylum, today known as Central State Hospital. When the state of Georgia seceded from the Union in January 1861 during a legislative session held in Milledgeville, Baldwin County became a target for Union forces. When Union general William T. Sherman's made his devastating March to the Sea through Georgia, his troops occupied the capital city in November 1864. Sherman and his Union armies burned the state penitentiary, vandalized the city, and held a mock session of", "psg_id": "951545" }, { "title": "Tell it to the Marines", "text": "\"... Is that a story to tell to such a man as me! You may tell it to the marines!\". In 1864 William T. Sherman used the phrase, \"Talk thus to the marines, but not to me.\" in his 10 September 1864 letter to General Hood, CSA, commanding the Army of Tennessee, in response to Gen Hood's complaints regarding Sherman's behavior to the people of Atlanta after Sherman had captured the city and ordered all residents of the city to evacuate. In 1904 William Price Drury, a novelist and retired Lieutenant Colonel of the Royal Marine Light Infantry, wrote in", "psg_id": "16474978" }, { "title": "Sherman's March to the Sea", "text": "River on a makeshift pontoon bridge. The next morning, Savannah Mayor Richard Dennis Arnold, with a delegation of aldermen and ladies of the city, rode out (until they were unhorsed by fleeing Confederate cavalrymen) to offer a proposition: The city would surrender and offer no resistance, in exchange for General Geary's promise to protect the city's citizens and their property. Geary telegraphed Sherman, who advised him to accept the offer. Arnold presented him with the key to the city, and Sherman's men, led by Geary's division of the XX Corps, occupied the city the same day. Sherman telegraphed to President", "psg_id": "2297112" }, { "title": "Charleston and Savannah Railway", "text": "1853 until 1856. During the Civil War, control of the railroad was vital to the protection of Savannah and keeping nearby Confederate troops supplied with food and materiel. In December 1864, during his March to the Sea, Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman sent part of his Union forces forward to cut the line, which would force Confederate general William Hardee to retreat and abandon Savannah. The mission failed, but sections of the railroad would be severely damaged during Sherman's subsequent 1865 Carolinas Campaign. Following the war, the railroad was reorganized in 1866 as the \"Savannah and Charleston Railroad\" but did", "psg_id": "6936200" }, { "title": "Thomas W. Sherman", "text": "Civil War, Sherman was serving as a major in the 3rd Artillery when President Abraham Lincoln appointed him to the grade of brigadier general of volunteers on August 6, 1861, to rank from May 17, 1861. Sherman's nomination to the grade of brigadier general of volunteers was sent by President Abraham Lincoln to the United States Senate on July 31, 1861 and the Senate confirmed the appointment on August 3, 1861. He assumed command of the ground forces in the Port Royal Expedition. Sherman and the naval force under Flag Officer Samuel F. du Pont captured Port Royal in a", "psg_id": "9540178" }, { "title": "Campaign of the Carolinas", "text": "War. After Sherman captured Savannah, the culmination of his march to the sea, he was ordered by Union Army general-in-chief Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to embark his army on ships to reinforce the Army of the Potomac and the Army of the James in Virginia, where Grant was bogged down in the Siege of Petersburg against Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Sherman had bigger things in mind. He predicted on January 5, 1865: \"I do think that in the several grand epochs of this war, my name will have a prominent part.\" He persuaded Grant that he should march", "psg_id": "6544134" }, { "title": "Western Theater of the American Civil War", "text": "the destruction was significant and spawned hatred for generations. Most of the resistance to Sherman's armies was from Georgia militia and home guards, although Joseph Wheeler's cavalry corps from the Army of Tennessee and some troops from the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida were also present but scattered. At Savannah on December 17, Sherman encountered about 10,000 defending troops under Maj. Gen. William J. Hardee. Following lengthy artillery bombardments, Hardee abandoned the city and Sherman entered on December 22, 1864. He telegraphed to President Lincoln, \"I beg to present you as a Christmas gift the City of Savannah", "psg_id": "6973183" }, { "title": "William Tecumseh Sherman", "text": "1864 to take command of all the Union armies, Grant appointed Sherman (by then known to his soldiers as \"Uncle Billy\") to succeed him as head of the Military Division of the Mississippi, which entailed command of Union troops in the Western Theater of the war. As Grant took overall command of the armies of the United States, Sherman wrote to him outlining his strategy to bring the war to an end concluding that \"if you can whip Lee and I can march to the Atlantic I think ol' Uncle Abe will give us twenty days leave to see the", "psg_id": "571964" }, { "title": "Atlanta City Hall", "text": "imposing structure served as city hall for nearly twenty years. It was so solidly built that the first company hired to raze it actually went out of business before completing the job. The current city hall, designed by G. Lloyd Preacher, was completed in February 1930. Located in South Downtown at 68 Mitchell Street SW, the building occupies the site of the house that General William Tecumseh Sherman took as the headquarters of his occupation after his Atlanta Campaign and before his March to the Sea (Sept.–Nov., 1864). The house was one of the few buildings in Atlanta that Sherman", "psg_id": "6167969" }, { "title": "USS Wando (1864)", "text": "1864, after her first blockade-running trip into Wilmington, North Carolina, she was renamed SS \"Wando\". \"Wando\" was captured at sea off Cape Romain, South Carolina, by the Union side-wheel steamer USS \"Fort Jackson\" on 21 October 1864 as she attempted to slip away from the Confederate coast laden with cotton. The U.S. Navy purchased the ship from the Boston, Massachusetts, prize court on 5 November 1864, converted her into a gunboat, and commissioned her as USS \"Wando\" at the Boston Navy Yard on 22 December 1864, Acting Master Frederick T. King in command. Late in December 1864, \"Wando\" proceeded south", "psg_id": "11204759" }, { "title": "William W. Mackall", "text": "declined to serve with the Army of Tennessee when General John Bell Hood replaced General Johnston. After the end of his service with the Army of Tennessee on August 24, 1864, Mackall was inactive at Macon, Georgia. He was in command of Confederate forces in south Georgia between March 23, 1865 and April 20, 1865, when he was captured by Union troops at Macon, but he saw no active service during this time. No record of his parole has been found. Mackall speculated in real estate and owned several farms in Fairfax County, Virginia after the war. William W. Mackall", "psg_id": "16103862" }, { "title": "Sherman's March to the Sea", "text": "along the railroad to Lovejoy's Station, which caused the defenders there to conduct a fighting retreat to Macon. The cavalry captured two Confederate guns at Lovejoy's Station, and then two more and 50 prisoners at Bear Creek Station. Howard's infantry marched through Jonesboro to Gordon, southwest of the state capital, Milledgeville. Slocum's wing, accompanied by Sherman, moved to the east, in the direction of Augusta. They destroyed the bridge across the Oconee River and then turned south. The first real resistance was felt by Howard's right wing at the Battle of Griswoldville on November 22. Confederate Maj. Gen. Wheeler's cavalry", "psg_id": "2297105" }, { "title": "Battle of Bentonville", "text": "the heavy casualties his army suffered in the battle, Johnston surrendered to Sherman little more than a month later at Bennett Place, near Durham Station. Coupled with Gen. Robert E. Lee's surrender on April 9, Johnston's surrender represented the effective end of the war. Following his March to the Sea, Major General William T. Sherman, commanding the Military Division of the Mississippi, moved his army northward through the Carolinas. The Union general in chief, Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant had ordered Sherman to bring his troops north to Virginia in order to battle the Army of Northern Virginia. However, Sherman", "psg_id": "14272512" }, { "title": "Ulysses S. Grant and the American Civil War", "text": "and chaotic, with troops milling around inside the Crater. This allowed Lee to repulse the breakthrough. Despite the setback with the Crater incident and a Congressional investigation that followed, Grant was able to lock in Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia at Petersburg. Grant's Union siege at Petersburg allowed the Union war effort on other fronts to finally bear fruit. Sherman took Atlanta on September 2, 1864 and began his March to the Sea in November. With victories at Atlanta and Mobile Bay, Lincoln was re-elected President and the war effort continued. On October 19, after three battles, Philip", "psg_id": "15162050" }, { "title": "Capture of Columbia", "text": "Capture of Columbia The capture of Columbia occurred February 17–18, 1865, during the Carolinas Campaign of the American Civil War. The state capital of Columbia, South Carolina, was captured by Union forces under Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman. Much of the city was burned although it is not clear which side caused the fires. Following the fall of Savannah, Georgia, at the end of his \"March to the Sea\", Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman turned his combined armies northward to unite with Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant in Virginia and to cut General Robert E. Lee's supply lines to the", "psg_id": "14424548" }, { "title": "Sherman's March to the Sea", "text": "he attended. It was widely popular among US soldiers of 20th-century wars. Hundreds of African Americans drowned trying to cross in Ebenezer Creek north of Savannah while trying to follow Sherman's Army in its March to the Sea. In 2011 a historical marker was erected there by the Georgia Historical Society to commemorate the African Americans who had risked so much for freedom. By employing the scorched earth policy that ripped through Georgia, Sherman demonstrated for the first time in the modern era the power of total war in breaking an enemy’s will to resist. This concept would come into", "psg_id": "2297118" }, { "title": "March to the Sea (novel)", "text": "March to the Sea (novel) March to the Sea is the second novel in the science fiction series of the Empire of Man by David Weber and John Ringo. It tells the story of Prince Roger MacClintock and his remaining bodyguards of the Empress' Own Regiment who get marooned on the alien planet of Marduk due to an act of sabotage on their ship, and must continue fighting their way towards the planetary space port in order to get back home to Earth. The book appeared on the \"New York Times\" best seller list. Rastar Komas Ta'Norton is the last", "psg_id": "13535994" }, { "title": "USS General Thomas (1864)", "text": "active again. On 26 February 1865 she joined the other gunboats of the 11th district and, taking advantage of unusually high water, crossed Elk River Shoals. The ships destroyed the camp of Southern General Philip D. Roddey, captured a quantity of supplies and destroyed communications at Lamb's Ferry before returning to Bridgeport 4 March. \"General Thomas\" continued to patrol between Bridgeport and Decatur, Alabama, until she was turned over to the War Department at Bridgeport 3 June 1865. USS General Thomas (1864) USS \"General Thomas\" (1864) was a Steamship chartered from the U.S. War Department by the Union Navy during", "psg_id": "11225063" }, { "title": "Philip S. Post", "text": "Confederates toward the north. On December 16, 1864, in a charge on Overton Hill, during the Battle of Nashville, a grapeshot crushed through his hip, making what was for some days thought to be a mortal wound. On March 11, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln nominated, and the U.S. Senate confirmed, Post for appointment to the brevet grade of brigadier general of volunteers, to rank from December 16, 1864. After the surrender at Appomattox Court House, he was appointed to the command of the western district of Texas, where there was then a concentration of troops on the Mexican border. He", "psg_id": "10351357" }, { "title": "Military Division of the Mississippi", "text": "added on March 26, 1866. The Military Division of the Mississippi was discontinued on August 6, 1866. The Division of the Mississippi was victorious at the Battle of Chattanooga in November 1863, effectively routing the Confederate armies in Tennessee. When General Grant was called East by Lincoln to command all the Union armies, he was succeeded as head of the Division by Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman. Under Sherman, the Division invaded the state of Georgia, capturing Atlanta in September 1864 and then marching to the port of Savannah. As commander of the Division, General Sherman issued his Special Field", "psg_id": "7416672" }, { "title": "USS General Thomas (1864)", "text": "district of the Mississippi Squadron, commanded by Lt. Mordeau Forrest, \"General Thomas\" served as a patrol vessel on the Tennessee River, above Muscle Shoals, Alabama. During this period Confederate General John Bell Hood was mounting his campaign into Tennessee to divert General William Tecumseh Sherman's march on Atlanta, Georgia, and \"General Thomas\" patrolled the river unceasingly to prevent the Southern troops from crossing. At Decatur, Alabama, 28 October 1864, the gunboat engaged strong batteries from General John Bell Hood's army. After passing the batteries downstream and sustaining several hits, \"General Thomas\" rounded to and, with Union Army gunboat \"Stone River\",", "psg_id": "11225061" }, { "title": "George Sigourney Acker", "text": "Ohio. He participated in the Battle of Buffington Island in Ohio. After the capture of Morgan, Acker was posted with his regiment in the forces of General Ambrose Burnside in eastern Tennessee. Acker was injured November 14, 1863 at Bean's Station. Recovered from his injuries, he returned to the ranks as a colonel in the spring of 1864. He participated again in an operation against the troops of General Morgan and fight in Kentucky and Tennessee until October 1864. After this campaign, he was assigned to General William Tecumseh Sherman and participated in the march to the sea and the", "psg_id": "19011009" }, { "title": "Sherman S. Rogers", "text": "Sherman S. Rogers Sherman Skinner Rogers (April 16, 1830 Bath, Steuben County, New York – March 23, 1900 Santa Barbara, California) was an American lawyer and politician from New York. He was the son of Gustavus Adolphus Rogers and Susan Ann (Campbell) Rogers; and a descendant of Thomas Rogers, a passenger on the \"Mayflower\" in 1620. Sherman S. Rogers studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1851, and practiced in Bath. In 1854, he removed to Buffalo. On January 6, 1858, he married Christina Cameron Davenport, and they had several children. He was a member of the Constitutional Commission", "psg_id": "16870668" }, { "title": "Charles E. Winegar", "text": "October, Colonel Daniel Dustin took much of third division XX Corps plus artillery and cavalry foraging east of Decatur, Georgia. Winegar commanded the two batteries involved in Dustin's raid, which garnered 400 wagon loads of supplies. When Sherman left Atlanta on November 15, XX Corps was part of the column Major General Slocum led in the March to the Sea, what later was called the Army of Georgia. Winegar's guns were little used apparently until Sherman reached Savannah, Georgia and XX Corps was positioned of the left of Sherman's forces. On December 12, 1864, when Sherman's army was investing Savannah,", "psg_id": "15869562" }, { "title": "Francis Trowbridge Sherman", "text": "commanders that made the charge up Missionary Ridge during the battle of Chattanooga. He continued leading his brigade during the early part of the Atlanta Campaign at Rocky Face Ridge and Resaca before he was appointed as the chief of staff to the IV Corps. He served in that capacity during the rest of the campaign until he was captured outside Atlanta on July 7, 1864. He was officially exchanged on October 7, 1864 and was assigned to the Army of the Potomac as the assistant inspector general of the Cavalry Corps during the Appomattox Campaign. Sherman was brevetted to", "psg_id": "13481441" }, { "title": "Monument du 22 Novembre 1970, Conakry", "text": "GUINEE! Monument du 22 Novembre 1970, Conakry The Monument du 22 Novembre 1970 is a monument in Conakry, Guinea that celebrates the defeat of the attempted coup led by Portuguese troops in 1970, named Operation Green Sea. On 21 November 1970 a group of Portuguese troops assisted by Guinean fighters invaded Conakry from the sea in an attempt to overthrow the Touré regime. They captured Camp Boiro and liberated the prisoners. The camp commandant Siaka Touré managed to hide, but General Lansana Diané, minister of Defense, was captured. He later escaped and took refuge with the ambassador of Algeria. The", "psg_id": "15444171" }, { "title": "Monument du 22 Novembre 1970, Conakry", "text": "Monument du 22 Novembre 1970, Conakry The Monument du 22 Novembre 1970 is a monument in Conakry, Guinea that celebrates the defeat of the attempted coup led by Portuguese troops in 1970, named Operation Green Sea. On 21 November 1970 a group of Portuguese troops assisted by Guinean fighters invaded Conakry from the sea in an attempt to overthrow the Touré regime. They captured Camp Boiro and liberated the prisoners. The camp commandant Siaka Touré managed to hide, but General Lansana Diané, minister of Defense, was captured. He later escaped and took refuge with the ambassador of Algeria. The coup", "psg_id": "15444169" }, { "title": "General Sherman incident", "text": "in captivity), was formerly moored at what is believed to be the spot where the incident took place. In late 2012, however, the ship was relocated to the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum. General Sherman incident The \"General Sherman\" incident (Korean: 제너럴셔먼호 사건) was the destruction of an American armed merchant marine side-wheel steamer that visited Korea in 1866. It was an important catalyst to the end of Korean isolationism in the 19th century. After passing the Keupsa Gate without permission from the Koreans, the United States merchant ship was attacked and fought over for several days before finally being", "psg_id": "3603096" }, { "title": "Sherman's March (2007 film)", "text": "March. Many had never seen a black person and were surprised to learn that blacks were ordinary people.) The documentary also mentions that Sherman killed far fewer Confederate soldiers and civilians than did Ulysses S. Grant, his friend and fellow general, yet Sherman was the one vilified. The scholars interviewed postulate that the South had need for a scapegoat in the wake of the Civil War and that Sherman was the easiest target. For his part, Sherman is stated to have seen himself as only doing his duty and that he did not care what people said about him one", "psg_id": "10117288" }, { "title": "Baji Rao I", "text": "in his \"History of Warfare\" likened Bajirao's approach to that subsequently made famous by U.S. Civil War General William Tecumseh Sherman during his 1864 March to the Sea: the use of rapid movements where his troops lived off the land, with minimal concern for their own supply and communication lines and employing \"total warfare\" on the enemy civilian population. He is often called a cavalry general. Two examples are the Battle of Palkhed in 1728 when he outmaneuvered the Mughal Governor of Deccan province and again in the battle against the Mughal Emperor, Muhammad Shah at Delhi during 1739. British", "psg_id": "1801945" }, { "title": "USS General Grant (1863)", "text": "from the region. In October 1864 she destroyed 22 small boats off Port Deposit and Crow Island. On 25 November she assisted in taking up pontoon bridges under guns of Confederate sharpshooters at Decatur, Alabama. She hurled 52 shells into that town 12 December 1864 and joined 15 January 1865 in the destructive bombardment of Guntersville, Alabama. She decommissioned and was returned to the War Department 2 June 1865. She was lost when stranded in ice 18 March 1866 at Plattsmouth, Nebraska. USS General Grant (1863) USS \"General Grant\" (1863) was a Steamship chartered from the U.S. War Department by", "psg_id": "11224805" }, { "title": "William Day (sea captain)", "text": "William Day (sea captain) William Day (October 23, 1715 in Springfield, Massachusetts – March 22, 1797 in Sheffield) was a Springfield, Massachusetts (United States), sea captain who acted against America's enemies in both the French and Indian War and the American Revolutionary War. In 1777 he received the first gun salute to an American fighting vessel in a European port. Little is known of the life of Revolutionary War sea captain William Day, beyond what was learned by those he captured in 1777. The birth and death dates assigned to him for this article are based on a claim he", "psg_id": "11272550" }, { "title": "Sherman's March to the Sea", "text": "his turning movement and combine his armies with Grant's against Robert E. Lee. After a successful two-month campaign, Sherman accepted the surrender of General Joseph E. Johnston and his forces in North Carolina on April 26, 1865. Sherman's scorched earth policies have always been highly controversial, and Sherman's memory has long been reviled by many Southerners. Slaves' opinions varied concerning the actions of Sherman and his army. Some who welcomed him as a liberator chose to follow his armies. Jacqueline Campbell has written, on the other hand, that some slaves looked upon the Union army's ransacking and invasive actions with", "psg_id": "2297114" }, { "title": "Battle of Fort McAllister (1864)", "text": "Battle of Fort McAllister (1864) The Second Battle of Fort McAllister took place December 13, 1864, during the final stages of Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman's March to the Sea during the American Civil War. Union forces overwhelmed a small Confederate force defending the strategically important Fort McAllister near Savannah, Georgia, a major Federal objective. As Sherman's armies neared Savannah on December 10, following their lengthy march from Atlanta, his troops were in need of supplies. Just off the coast was Admiral John A. Dahlgren's fleet waiting with the needed supplies, as well as mail that had not been delivered", "psg_id": "7268953" }, { "title": "John Sherman", "text": "the United States Constitution, abolishing slavery. After some effort, it passed Congress and was ratified by the states the next year. When the session ended, Sherman campaigned in Indiana and Ohio for Lincoln's reelection. In 1865, he attended Lincoln's second inauguration, then traveled to Savannah, Georgia to meet with his brother William, who had arrived there after his army's march to the sea. Sherman returned home to Mansfield in April, where he learned of Lincoln's assassination just days after the Confederate surrender. He was again in Washington for the Grand Review of the Armies and then returned home until December,", "psg_id": "17503989" }, { "title": "Marietta, Georgia", "text": "All were tried as spies, convicted, and hanged. General William Tecumseh Sherman invaded the town during the Atlanta Campaign in the summer of 1864. In November 1864, General Hugh Kilpatrick set the town ablaze, the first strike in Sherman's March to the Sea. Sherman's troops crossed the Chattahoochee River at a shallow section known as the Palisades, after burning the Marietta Paper Mills near the mouth of Sope Creek. The Marietta Confederate Cemetery, with the graves of over 3,000 Confederate soldiers killed during the Battle of Atlanta, is located in the city. In 1892, the city established a public school", "psg_id": "1038200" }, { "title": "Meridian Campaign", "text": "to retreat more rapidly after a defeat in the Battle of Okolona on February 22, 1864, which ultimately resulted in General Sherman's entire left flank being eliminated during the campaign. Sherman's army reached Meridian on February 14, 1864. Still unaware of Smith's defeat at West Point and the one to come at Okolona, Sherman decided to continue waiting for Smith in Meridian until the morning of February 20, when he gave up and returned to Vicksburg. While he and his army were waiting, Sherman ordered his troops \"to wipe the appointed meeting place off the map\" by destroying the railroads", "psg_id": "6634082" }, { "title": "General Sherman incident", "text": "in China, it was believed that the royal coffins in the tombs of Pyongyang, where more than one dynasty of Korea lay buried, were of solid gold, and after the departure of \"General Sherman\" to Korea, it was rumored among Westerners in China that \"General Sherman\"'s expedition had something to do with these treasures. The Koreans believed the use of an armed metal-hull gunboat was suspicious in a mission simply for trade. Even among Westerners residing in China, there were concerns regarding \"General Sherman\" being heavily armed. It was well known that two months prior to the \"General Sherman\" incident,", "psg_id": "3603093" }, { "title": "USS Alpha (1864)", "text": "November 1864. She served on the James River for the last months of the Civil War protecting the Union shipping which supported General Ulysses S. Grant's troops operating against Richmond, Virginia. However, when she and her sister tugs joined their squadron at Hampton Roads, Virginia, there were already six other smaller vessels on its rolls designated \"Picket Launch No. 1\" through \"Picket Launch No. 6\". Great confusion resulted and prompted the Navy—sometime between 1 November and 5 December 1864—to rename the former \"Fred Wheeler\" and her five sisters for the first six letters of the Greek alphabet – \"Alpha\" through", "psg_id": "11184699" }, { "title": "Troop engagements of the American Civil War, 1864", "text": "Troop engagements of the American Civil War, 1864 The following engagements took place in the year 1864 during the American Civil War. The Union armies, under the command of U.S. Grant, launched multiple offenses in all theaters of the war, in an attempt to prevent Confederate forces from transferring troops from one army to another. In March, Ulysses S. Grant was promoted to lieutenant general and appointed general-in-chief of the Union Army. He decided on a strategy of simultaneous offenses in the Eastern, Western, and Trans-Mississippi Theaters in order to grind down and ultimately defeat the Confederate armies. Grant himself", "psg_id": "12434906" }, { "title": "Presidency of Abraham Lincoln", "text": "of the farms in Georgia in his \"March to the Sea\". He reached the Atlantic Ocean at Savannah, Georgia in December 1864. Following the March to the Sea, Sherman turned North through South Carolina and North Carolina to approach the Lee's army from the south. During the Valley Campaigns of 1864, Confederate general Jubal Early crossed the Potomac River, and advanced into Maryland. On July 11, two days after defeating Union forces under General Lew Wallace in the Battle of Monocacy, Early attacked Fort Stevens, an outpost on the defensive perimeter of Washington. Lincoln watched the combat from an exposed", "psg_id": "10125043" }, { "title": "Geoffrey Sherman", "text": "Cape Spartivento. Sherman was wounded while commanding his marines in one of \"Berwick\"s turrets, while seven others were killed. Sherman continued to serve on the \"Berwick\" during its battle with a German commerce raider in December, and while it escorted convoys to Russia up until 1942, whereupon Sherman left the ship. He was promoted acting major on 13 November 1942. Sherman was sent to the General Bernard Montgomery's Eighth Army in Egypt, taking part in Operation Baytown in September 1943 before being sent to Italy in 1944 to serve under Lieutenant-General Browning and Lord Louis Mountbatten, who was planning his", "psg_id": "13278372" }, { "title": "Elijah B. Sherman", "text": "Vermont Infantry. This regiment was captured at the September 1862 Battle of Harpers Ferry, a part of the Maryland Campaign. Following the capture of his regiment, the Union Army sent Sherman to Camp Douglas. Annoyed by this forced idleness, Sherman resigned his commission in January 1863 (he had attained the rank of lieutenant). Sherman now enrolled at the University of Chicago to study law. He graduated in 1864 and set up a law practice. In 1876, he was elected to the Illinois House of Representatives. The next year, Shelby Moore Cullom, Governor of Illinois, appointed Sherman as judge advocate of", "psg_id": "14005611" }, { "title": "Henry F. Frizzell", "text": "of General William Tecumseh Sherman and fought in the Battle of Lookout Mountain near Chattanooga. After re-enlisting in January 1864, Frizzell and the 6th Missouri infantry joined General Sherman on his march through Georgia. Frizzell was shot in the left knee on May 14, 1864, at the Battle of Resaca, Georgia. He continued fighting until Lynch Creek, North Carolina, where the Confederates again captured him on March 1, 1865. After escaping, he heard the war was over and, in his own words, \"he started working his way back to Madison County as best he could.\" Frizzell made it back to", "psg_id": "10327634" }, { "title": "William Tecumseh Sherman", "text": "on July 23 and promoted him to brigadier general of volunteers (effective May 17, 1861, with seniority in rank to Ulysses S. Grant, his future commander). He was assigned to serve under Robert Anderson in the Department of the Cumberland in Louisville, Kentucky, and in October Sherman succeeded Anderson in command of the department. Sherman considered that his new assignment broke a promise from Lincoln that he would not be given such a prominent position. Having succeeded Anderson at Louisville, Sherman now had principal military responsibility for Kentucky, a border state in which Confederate troops held Columbus and Bowling Green", "psg_id": "571950" }, { "title": "General Sherman incident", "text": "Daewongun, in the name of his minor son King Gojong. Father Ridel, a French priest who guided the French invasion party into Korea on 10 September 1866 after the \"General Sherman\" incident, reported to the Westerners in China that Daewongun, the regent himself, had sent orders that the ship must leave immediately or all aboard would be killed. There is dispute over what happened next. Apparently, the ship's crew seized Adjutant-General Yi and his two deputies, who were attempting to pursue a small boat launched from \"General Sherman\" with six men attempting to reach shore. According to Governor Park's report,", "psg_id": "3603087" }, { "title": "Edisto Island during the American Civil War", "text": "Charleston in the wake of the First Battle of Charleston Harbor on April 7. Guided by the former slave, three boatloads of sailors landed surrounded the house where the Confederates were staying and captured all but one of them. In May, 1863, a force of 12 riflemen was sent by Dutch to the island on a raid of corn stored on several of the island's estates to help support the contrabands of nearby camps. In December 1864, William T. Sherman had successfully captured Savannah in his March to the Sea. During his campaign, a large number of slaves had fled", "psg_id": "20103725" }, { "title": "Ulysses S. Grant", "text": "Memphis, and placed him and his troops under Grant's authority. After Grant's army captured Holly Springs, Grant planned to attack Vicksburg's front overland while Sherman would attack the fortress from the rear on the Mississippi River. However, Confederate cavalry raids on December 11 and 20 broke Union communications and recaptured Holly Springs, preventing the armies of Grant and Sherman from connecting. On December 29, a Confederate army led by Lieutenant General John C. Pemberton repulsed Sherman's direct approach ascending the bluffs to Vicksburg at Chickasaw Bayou. McClernand reached Sherman's army, assumed command, and independently of Grant led a campaign that", "psg_id": "434016" }, { "title": "William Tecumseh Sherman", "text": "the XV Corps during the Vicksburg Campaign, which led to the fall of the critical Confederate stronghold of Vicksburg on the Mississippi River. After Grant was promoted to command of all Western armies, Sherman took over the Army of the Tennessee and led it during the Chattanooga Campaign, which culminated with the routing of the Confederate armies in the state of Tennessee. In 1864, Sherman succeeded Grant as the Union commander in the western theater of the war. He proceeded to lead his troops to the capture of the city of Atlanta, a military success that contributed to the re-election", "psg_id": "571929" }, { "title": "USS Bat (1864)", "text": "the evening of the 27th, General William Tecumseh Sherman arrived at City Point for conferences with General Grant and the President. Sherman's absence from his army during this critical phase of the war caused Lincoln great uneasiness and brought orders for Barnes to return the general in \"Bat\" to his troops in North Carolina with the greatest possible despatch. After filling her coal bunkers and taking on provisions, \"Bat\"—with Sherman; the General's brother, Senator John Sherman; the son and confidential clerk of the Secretary of War, Edwin Lamson Stanton; and a number of prominent Army officers embarked—got underway on the", "psg_id": "11143273" }, { "title": "Sherman S. Rogers", "text": "of 1872–1873. He was a member of the New York State Senate (31st D.) in 1876. At the New York state election, 1876, he ran on the Republican ticket for Lieutenant Governor of New York, but was defeated by the Democratic incumbent William Dorsheimer. Rogers died of \"cerebral meningitis\" at the home of his son Robert Cameron Rogers (1862–1912) in Santa Barbara, California. Sherman S. Rogers Sherman Skinner Rogers (April 16, 1830 Bath, Steuben County, New York – March 23, 1900 Santa Barbara, California) was an American lawyer and politician from New York. He was the son of Gustavus Adolphus", "psg_id": "16870669" }, { "title": "What the Butler Saw (play)", "text": "What the Butler Saw (play) What the Butler Saw is a farce written by the English playwright Joe Orton. It was premièred at the Queen's Theatre in London on 5 March 1969. It was Orton's final play and the second to be performed after his death, following \"Funeral Games\" in 1968. The play consists of two acts—though the action is continuous—and revolves around a Dr. Prentice, a psychiatrist attempting to seduce his attractive prospective secretary, Geraldine Barclay. The play opens with the doctor examining Geraldine Barclay in a job interview. As part of the interview, he persuades her to undress.", "psg_id": "5038791" }, { "title": "David S. Stanley", "text": "the Union cavalry in the Tullahoma Campaign. He fell ill late in 1863 and missed the Battle of Chickamauga. In 1864, he fought under William Tecumseh Sherman as a division commander in the IV Corps of the Army of the Cumberland during the Atlanta Campaign, and he was promoted to command of the corps when Maj. Gen. Oliver O. Howard was named commander of the Army of the Tennessee. After the capture of the city, instead of employing him marching to the sea, Sherman dispatched Stanley and his IV Corps to Tennessee to help protect the state from invasion by", "psg_id": "4595606" }, { "title": "CSS Isondiga", "text": "the Union. CSS Isondiga CSS Isondiga was a small wooden gunboat without masts that served in the Confederate States Navy during the American Civil War. \"Isondiga\" operated in waters around Savannah, Georgia, and in Saint Augustine Creek, Florida, from April 1863 to December 1864, Lieutenant Joel S. Kennard commanding. She accompanied ironclad ram CSS \"Atlanta\" in the engagement in which \"Atlanta\" was captured on June 17, 1863. She escaped from Savannah on December 21, 1864 before the city fell to the forces of U.S. General William T. Sherman. She was later burned by her commanding officer and crew to prevent", "psg_id": "5427296" }, { "title": "CSS Isondiga", "text": "CSS Isondiga CSS Isondiga was a small wooden gunboat without masts that served in the Confederate States Navy during the American Civil War. \"Isondiga\" operated in waters around Savannah, Georgia, and in Saint Augustine Creek, Florida, from April 1863 to December 1864, Lieutenant Joel S. Kennard commanding. She accompanied ironclad ram CSS \"Atlanta\" in the engagement in which \"Atlanta\" was captured on June 17, 1863. She escaped from Savannah on December 21, 1864 before the city fell to the forces of U.S. General William T. Sherman. She was later burned by her commanding officer and crew to prevent seizure by", "psg_id": "5427295" }, { "title": "Sherman's March to the Sea", "text": "level of uncontrolled arson by marauding soldiers not of his unit which resulted in heavy damage to civilian homes.) He served in this capacity past the fall of Atlanta to the end of the war. Dozens of river crossings, poor or non-existent roads and the extensive swamps of southern Georgia would have fatally slowed Sherman's force had not Poe's skills as leader of the bridge, road and pontoon building units kept the army moving. He also continued to supervise destruction of Confederate infrastructure. Promoted by Sherman by two steps in rank to colonel after the fall of Savannah, he continued", "psg_id": "2297100" }, { "title": "James S. Sherman", "text": "receive the electoral votes that Sherman would have received. Taft and Butler came in third place in the election, carrying only eight electoral votes from Utah and Vermont. Democratic candidate Woodrow Wilson and his running mate Thomas R. Marshall won the election while Progressive candidate Theodore Roosevelt and his running mate Hiram Johnson came in second place. The office of Vice-President remained vacant until Marshall's inauguration, on March 4, 1913. James S. Sherman James Schoolcraft Sherman (October 24, 1855 – October 30, 1912) was an American politician who was a United States Representative from New York from 1887 to 1891", "psg_id": "918434" }, { "title": "March to the Sea (novel)", "text": "- A city located along the shores of the ocean the marines need to pass and the region's greatest sea port and naval power. The city is run by a democratically elected council that requires its citizen to pay a fairly small tax in order to vote, with the seats on the Council divided among the various professional groups or guilds of the city. Prior to the Boman Invasion, K'Vaern's Cove was the wealthiest and most powerful of the region's city-states, being the industrial center for the processing of raw materials into goods and selling them to the other city-states.", "psg_id": "13536076" }, { "title": "Sherman's March to the Sea", "text": "5,000 cavalry, and 2,000 artillerymen manning 64 guns) was divided into two columns for the march: The Confederate opposition from Lt. Gen. William J. Hardee's Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida was meager. Hood had taken the bulk of forces in Georgia on his campaign to Tennessee in hopes of diverting Sherman to pursue him. Considering Sherman's military priorities however, this tactical maneuver by his enemy to get out of his force's path was welcomed to the point of remarking, \"If he will go to the Ohio River, I'll give him rations.\" There were about 13,000 men remaining at", "psg_id": "2297102" }, { "title": "E. A. Sherman", "text": "and Sioux Falls Railway. He also was admitted to the bar as a lawyer in November 1886. Sherman helped his friend, Helen McKennan, prepare her will to donate the land to the city that would become McKennan Park. She died in September 1906. On March 10, 1910, he and his wife donated 52 acres to the city to create what became Sherman Park. In 1915 and 1916 he negotiated the sale of the land that would become Terrace Park to the city at a discounted price. E. A. Sherman Edwin Alonzo Sherman (June 19, 1844 - June 15, 1916), also", "psg_id": "15208264" }, { "title": "George Washington in the American Revolution", "text": "a new strategy based on the assumption that most Southerners were Loyalists at heart. General Clinton withdrew the British garrison from Newport, and marshalled a force of more than 10,000 men that in the first half of 1780 successfully besieged Charleston, South Carolina. In June 1780 he captured over 5,000 Continental soldiers and militia in the single worst defeat of the war for the Americans. Washington had at the end of March pessimistically dispatched several regiments troops southward from his army, hoping they might have some effect in what he saw as a looming disaster. He also ordered troops stationed", "psg_id": "9436139" }, { "title": "USS Gamage (1864)", "text": "USS Gamage (1864) USS \"Gamage\" (1864) was a large steamer acquired by the Union Navy during the last months of the American Civil War. She was used as a gunboat to collect naval assets of the defeated Confederacy. \"Gamage\" was built as merchant steamer \"Willie Gamage\" in 1864 at Cincinnati, Ohio; purchased there 22 December 1864; and converted into a gunboat by Joseph Brown of Cincinnati. She was commissioned at Mound City, Illinois, 23 March 1865, Acting Master William Neil in command. Assigned to the 5th Division of the Mississippi Squadron, \"Gamage\" departed Mound City 30 March 1865 and arrived", "psg_id": "11214173" }, { "title": "Sidney Sherman", "text": "and his friend David G. Burnet. The Sidney Sherman Chapter of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas dedicated a joint monument to their memories on March 2, 1894. Sherman County and the city of Sherman in Grayson County, Texas, are named in his honor. Sidney Sherman Bridge in Houston, Texas crossing the Houston Ship Channel is named in his honor. It was this Texian General Sidney Sherman (and not Union Army Major General William Tecumseh Sherman) who was the namesake of the Buffalo Bayou, Brazos, & Colorado engine the \"General Sherman\", the first railroad locomotive in Texas Sidney Sherman", "psg_id": "8881472" }, { "title": "Sidney Sherman", "text": "formed with Sherman as its colonel, though his old company remained in the First Regiment. Sherman led his troops at the Battle of San Jacinto, and they are we’re generally credited as first uttering the famous warcry, \"Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad!\" In August, Sherman became colonel of the cavalry of the new Republic of Texas and returned home to Kentucky to recruit more men for the Texan army. For his services in the revolution, he was granted large tracts of land as a token of gratitude by the legislature. When he returned to Texas in December, he brought his", "psg_id": "8881468" }, { "title": "Patrick T. Moore", "text": "of Richmond. From May 18, 1864 to December 1864, he was a brigade commander of the Reserve Forces of Virginia, which he helped organize under the direction of Brigadier General James L. Kemper. On September 20, 1864, Moore was promoted to brigadier general. Between December 1864 and April 1865, he was in command of Brigade 1 of the Virginia Reserve Forces (local defense troops) in the Department of Richmond. Moore apparently did not evacuate Richmond with the brigade because he was not captured with Lieutenant General Richard S. Ewell's local defense forces at the Battle of Sayler's Creek on April", "psg_id": "16121635" }, { "title": "William Tecumseh Sherman", "text": "attack the main spine at Tunnel Hill, his troops were repeatedly repulsed by Patrick Cleburne's heavy division, the best unit in Bragg's army. Sherman's efforts were assisted by George Henry Thomas's army's successful assault on the center of the Confederate line, a movement originally intended as a diversion. Subsequently, Sherman led a column to relieve Union forces under Ambrose Burnside thought to be in peril at Knoxville. In February 1864, he led an expedition to Meridian, Mississippi, to disrupt Confederate infrastructure. Despite this mixed record, Sherman enjoyed Grant's confidence and friendship. When Lincoln called Grant east in the spring of", "psg_id": "571963" }, { "title": "USS Oriole (1864)", "text": "USS Oriole (1864) The first USS \"Oriole\" was a sternwheel river steamship in the Union Navy. She was named after the bird, the oriole. \"Oriole\" was acquired as the \"Florence Miller\" from John Swassey & Co. at Cincinnati, Ohio on 7 December 1864; converted to a sternwheel gunboat by Mr. Joseph Brown at Mound City, Illinois; and commissioned as \"Oriole\" on 22 March 1865, Acting Master Edward Alford in command. Assigned to the Mississippi River Squadron on 3 February 1865 while still named \"Florence Miller\", \"Oriole\" departed Mound City on 22 March for service in the 5th Naval District under", "psg_id": "10307638" } ]
[ "savanah, ga" ]
since a misprinted telephone number in 1958, norad, the joint us/canadian organization that provides aerospace intrusion warning, among other actions, has spent no public money tracking what?
[ { "title": "NORAD Tracks Santa", "text": "an emergency landing on the ice of Hudson Bay, where Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) interceptor aircraft sent to investigate discovered Santa Claus bandaging his reindeer Dancer's front foot, after which the RCAF planes escorted him when he resumed his journey. Eventually, NORAD, which was renamed the North American Aerospace Defense Command in 1981, openly published a hotline number for the general public to call to get updates on Santa Claus's progress. Today, NORAD relies on volunteers to make the program possible. Each volunteer handles about forty telephone calls per hour, and the team typically handles more than 12,000 e-mails", "psg_id": "9114070" } ]
[ { "title": "North American Aerospace Defense Command", "text": "North American Aerospace Defense Command North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD ), known until March 1981 as the North American Air Defense Command, is a combined organization of the United States and Canada that provides aerospace warning, air sovereignty, and protection for Northern America. Headquarters for NORAD and the NORAD/United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) center are located at Peterson Air Force Base in El Paso County, near Colorado Springs, Colorado. The nearby Cheyenne Mountain Complex has the Alternate Command Center. The NORAD commander and deputy commander (CINCNORAD) are, respectively, a United States four-star general or equivalent and a Canadian three-star", "psg_id": "536272" }, { "title": "21 Aerospace Control and Warning Squadron", "text": "the unit was disbanded and reformed in CFB North Bay where it remains today. 21 Aerospace Control and Warning Squadron 21 Aerospace Control & Warning Squadron is a Royal Canadian Air Force unit based at 22 Wing/CFB North Bay. It is the operational air defence unit for the Canadian NORAD Region. With its complement of 185 personnel, \"21 Aerospace Control & Warning Squadron\" maintains air sovereignty over Canadian airspace, monitors Canada's surveillance assets and controls assigned military aircraft, such as CF-18 interceptors. It coordinates with outside agencies to identify air traffic (over 200,000 flights a year), provides control of special", "psg_id": "8982686" }, { "title": "21 Aerospace Control and Warning Squadron", "text": "21 Aerospace Control and Warning Squadron 21 Aerospace Control & Warning Squadron is a Royal Canadian Air Force unit based at 22 Wing/CFB North Bay. It is the operational air defence unit for the Canadian NORAD Region. With its complement of 185 personnel, \"21 Aerospace Control & Warning Squadron\" maintains air sovereignty over Canadian airspace, monitors Canada's surveillance assets and controls assigned military aircraft, such as CF-18 interceptors. It coordinates with outside agencies to identify air traffic (over 200,000 flights a year), provides control of special air sovereignty incidents, assist law enforcement agencies with cases of suspected smuggling of illegal", "psg_id": "8982684" }, { "title": "Continental NORAD Region", "text": "ground-based sensors, air-to-air refuelling tankers and fighter aircraft, controlled by a sophisticated command and control network to deter, detect and defend against aerial threats that originate outside or within North American airspace. The two other Regions consist of the Canadian NORAD Region (CANR) and the Alaskan NORAD Region (ANR). Continental NORAD Region The Continental U.S. NORAD Region (CONR) is a component of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) that provides airspace surveillance and control and directs air sovereignty activities for the continental United States (CONUS). Since September 11, 2001, CONR has been the lead agency for Operation Noble Eagle,", "psg_id": "8898317" }, { "title": "North Warning System", "text": "North Warning System The North Warning System (NWS) is a joint United States and Canadian early-warning radar system for the atmospheric air defense of North America. It provides surveillance of airspace from potential incursions or attacks from across North America's polar region. It replaced the Distant Early Warning Line system in the late 1980s. The NWS consists of both long range AN/FPS-117 and short range AN/FPS-124 surveillance radars, operated and maintained by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). The Alaska Regional Operations Control Center (ROCC) at Elmendorf AFB, Alaska controls the stations in Alaska; the Canada East and Canada", "psg_id": "3342789" }, { "title": "Distant Early Warning Line", "text": "NORAD organization of joint continental air defense. USAF personnel were limited to the main stations for each sector and they performed annual inspections of auxiliary and intermediate stations as part of the contract administration. Most operations were performed by Canadian and US civilian personnel, and the operations were automated as much as was possible at the time. All of the installations flew both the Canadian and US flags until they were deactivated as DEW sites and sole jurisdiction was given to the Canadian Government as part of the North Warning System in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The Point", "psg_id": "3020591" }, { "title": "Continental NORAD Region", "text": "Continental NORAD Region The Continental U.S. NORAD Region (CONR) is a component of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) that provides airspace surveillance and control and directs air sovereignty activities for the continental United States (CONUS). Since September 11, 2001, CONR has been the lead agency for Operation Noble Eagle, an ongoing mission to protect the continental United States from further terrorist aggression from inside and outside U.S. borders. CONR is located at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida,and has responsibility over two air defense sectors: the Western Air Defense Sector at McChord Air Force Base, Washington state and the", "psg_id": "8898315" }, { "title": "51 Aerospace Control and Warning Operational Training Squadron", "text": "51 Aerospace Control and Warning Operational Training Squadron 51 Aerospace Control and Warning Operational Training Squadron is a Royal Canadian Air Force unit based at 22 Wing/CFB North Bay. It is responsible for all operational and general training at 22 Wing. Operational and conversion training for RCAF personnel destined to work in the Canadian Sector Air Operations Centre (SAOC) is provided by the squadron. 51 Aerospace Control and Warning (AC&W) Squadron was originally formed in Comox, BC, in November 1954 and disbanded in June 1958. The squadron was then re-formed at North Bay in 1989 as one of 22 Wing's", "psg_id": "18847714" }, { "title": "213th Space Warning Squadron", "text": "213th Space Warning Squadron The 213th Space Warning Squadron of the Alaska Air National Guard provides early warning of Intercontinental ballistic missiles and Submarine-launched ballistic missiles to the Missile Correlation Center of North American Aerospace Defense Command. The squadron is a geographically separated unit assigned to the 168th Wing at Eielson Air Force Base. The primary mission of the 213th Space Warning Squadron is to provide early warning of intercontinental ballistic missile and submarine-launched ballistic missile launches to the Missile Warning Center at North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). The secondary mission of the squadron is to provide space surveillance", "psg_id": "16254077" }, { "title": "North American Aerospace Defense Command", "text": "late 1956, approved by the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff in February 1957, and announced on 1 August 1957. NORAD's command headquarters was established on 12 September 1957 at Ent Air Force Base's 1954 blockhouse. In 1958, Canada and the United States agreed that the NORAD commander would always be a United States officer, with a Canadian vice commander, and Canada \"agreed the command's primary purpose would be…early warning and defense for SAC's retaliatory forces.\" In late 1958, Canada and the United States started the Continental Air Defense Integration North (CADIN) for the Semi-Automatic Ground Environment air defense network. The", "psg_id": "536282" }, { "title": "NORAD Control Center", "text": "NORAD Control Center NORAD Control Centers (NCCs) were Cold War \"joint direction centers\" for command, control, and coordination of ground-controlled interception by both USAF Air Defense Command (ADC) and Army Air Defense Command (ARADCOM). The Joint Manual Steering Group was \"formed by the Army and Air Force in July 1957 to support…collocation\" of USAF Air Defense Direction Centers and Army Air Defense Command Posts, which began after a January 28, 1958, ADC/ARADCOM meeting with NORAD to \"collocate the Fairchild-Geiger facilities\" (operations began on May 15, 1958.) Army contracts for 5 NCCs had been let by August 17, 1958, after 1956", "psg_id": "17331863" }, { "title": "Public Safety Joint Communications Center", "text": "Public Safety Joint Communications Center The Columbia/Boone County Public Safety Joint Communications Center has been in existence since 1977. From a modest beginning, in which communications assets of four agencies were donated to begin operation as a joint communications center, the organization has undergone many changes. In 1983, work was begun on a majo upgrade to the original center. Renovations included replacing the outdated radio consoles in the pre-existing center with new consoles and radios, duplicating each console for future expansion. A radar system was installed to better assist in tracking weather and a separate console was installed for ham", "psg_id": "13448445" }, { "title": "Western Air Defense Sector", "text": "is a bi-national United States and Canadian organization charged with the missions of aerospace warning and aerospace control for North America. Other NORAD air defense organizations include the Eastern Air Defense Sector (EADS), the Hawaii Region Air Operations Center (HIRAOC), the Alaska Region Air Operations Center (AKRAOC) and the Canada Air Defense Sector (CADS). The Sector's primary mission is Guarding America's Skies. This 24/7 guardian role involves the use of radar and communications systems to monitor air traffic from the Mississippi River west to the Pacific Ocean, and from the Canada–US border south to the Mexico–US border. The WADS works", "psg_id": "9368452" }, { "title": "Organization–public relationships", "text": "Organization–public relationships Organization–public relationships is a key concept in public relations. The emergence of [relationship management theory] as a new paradigm for public relations. [SUPPORTS] scholars’ argument about the essence of public relations—what it is and what [ITS VALUE IS TO ORGANIZATIONS AND FOR THE GREATER] society. The relationship paradigm provides a framework to explore the linkage between public relations efforts and its outcomes. The notion that relationships ought to be at the core of public relations research was first advocated by [Mary Ann Ferguson] in 1984. Since then, the relational perspective has emerged as a major area for theory", "psg_id": "10140454" }, { "title": "Organization–public relationships", "text": "benefits to the other only because the other has provided benefits in the past or is expected to do so in the future. Organization–public relationships Organization–public relationships is a key concept in public relations. The emergence of [relationship management theory] as a new paradigm for public relations. [SUPPORTS] scholars’ argument about the essence of public relations—what it is and what [ITS VALUE IS TO ORGANIZATIONS AND FOR THE GREATER] society. The relationship paradigm provides a framework to explore the linkage between public relations efforts and its outcomes. The notion that relationships ought to be at the core of public relations", "psg_id": "10140462" }, { "title": "12th Space Warning Squadron", "text": "against North America. Additionally, BMEWS keeps track of polar orbiting satellites. The operational crews report through the Missile Warning Center to the NORAD/USNORTHCOM Center. The Operation Support Flight (DOO) provides direct operational support to the missile warning crews. The flight's Operations Training Section (DOT) provides all crew force initial, recurring, and supplemental training. Other flight responsibilities include hardware, software and maintenance support (MA), operational test and evaluation (DOV), and crew force management (DOU). The 12th SWS was formed in January 1967 as a successor organization to the Air Defense Command 931st Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron, which was inactivated at", "psg_id": "13245990" }, { "title": "Telephone number", "text": "Telephone number A telephone number is a sequence of digits assigned to a fixed-line telephone subscriber station connected to a telephone line or to a wireless electronic telephony device, such as a radio telephone or a mobile telephone, or to other devices for data transmission via the public switched telephone network (PSTN) or other public and private networks. A telephone number serves as an address for switching telephone calls using a system of destination code routing. Telephone numbers are entered or dialed by a calling party on the originating telephone set, which transmits the sequence of digits in the process", "psg_id": "12306339" }, { "title": "51 Aerospace Control and Warning Operational Training Squadron", "text": "three units. In July 1994, the role of the squadron changed to an Operational Training (OT) squadron and it is now responsible for all operational and general training at 22 Wing. 51 Aerospace Control and Warning Operational Training Squadron 51 Aerospace Control and Warning Operational Training Squadron is a Royal Canadian Air Force unit based at 22 Wing/CFB North Bay. It is responsible for all operational and general training at 22 Wing. Operational and conversion training for RCAF personnel destined to work in the Canadian Sector Air Operations Centre (SAOC) is provided by the squadron. 51 Aerospace Control and Warning", "psg_id": "18847715" }, { "title": "NORAD Tracks Santa", "text": "and more than 70,000 telephone calls from more than two hundred countries and territories. Most of these contacts happen during the twenty-five hours from 2 a.m. on December 24 until 3 a.m. MST on December 25. A website called was established to allow project access for Internet users. Google Analytics has been in use since December 2007 to analyze website traffic. As a result of this analysis information, the program can project and scale volunteer staffing, telephone equipment, and computer equipment needs for Christmas Eve. Volunteers include NORAD military and civilian personnel. In 2014, NORAD answered more than 100,000", "psg_id": "9114071" }, { "title": "The Canadian Caver", "text": "cave surveys and histories of cave explorations, \"The Canadian Caver\" now provides a semiannual synopsis of the more significant cave explorations by Canadians at home and abroad. \"The Canadian Caver\" is possibly unique within the world in providing a national voice for cavers in a country that has no national caving organization. \"The Canadian Caver\" itself has no formal organization, no public funding, no fixed format, no long-range planning and no permanent editors. The Canadian Caver The Canadian Caver is a semiannual publication that documents the activities of Canadian cavers exploring caves within Canada and overseas. \"The Canadian Caver\" was", "psg_id": "10287723" }, { "title": "Chidlaw Building", "text": "presence of Premiere Global Services (PGi) as its main tenant. Since PGi moved out in 2011, the building has been at 45% occupancy and its main tenant has been Time Warner Cable's customer service center. The building went into foreclosure in 2012. By April 1958, North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) informed the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the need for a Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS) to be located in a new, underground Combat Operations Center in the Colorado Springs, Colorado area. Building the Combat Operations Center within a granite mountain in the Colorado Springs area was shown", "psg_id": "16659185" }, { "title": "Canada–United States relations", "text": "cooperated since 1958 on continental air defense within the framework of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). Canadian forces have provided indirect support for the American invasion of Iraq that began in 2003. Moreover, interoperability with the American armed forces has been a guiding principle of Canadian military force structuring and doctrine since the end of the Cold War. Canadian navy frigates, for instance, integrate seamlessly into American carrier battle groups. In commemoration of the 200th Anniversary of the War of 1812 ambassadors from Canada and the US, and naval officers from both countries gathered at the Pritzker Military", "psg_id": "61710" }, { "title": "9th Space Division", "text": "to take over its responsibilities. The third incarnation of the organization began in 1961 with its reactivation as the 9th Aerospace Defense Division was associated with the North American Aerospace Defense Command by ADC, assuming responsibility for the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System, the Missile Defense Alarm System, the Space Detection and Tracking System (SPADATS), the NORAD combat operations Center, the Bomb Alarm System, and the Nuclear Detonation System. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the 9th implemented an improvised missile warning system directed toward the Cuban missile threat called Falling Leaves. In October 1962, the SPADATS AN/FPS-49 radar at Moorestown", "psg_id": "9306940" }, { "title": "The Cases That Haunt Us", "text": "have decided the solution based on statistics. I know of no other case in which the public substantially believes what has been reported in the tabloids. I know of no other case in which the mainline media have let the tabloids take the lead and then reported on their reporting. And I know of no other case in which largely respectable television programs have so tried to outdo each other in sensationalism.\" The Cases That Haunt Us The Cases That Haunt Us is a non-fiction book written by John E. Douglas, a former Federal Bureau of Investigation profiler and investigative", "psg_id": "15926417" }, { "title": "Bristol Aerospace", "text": "sold Bristol for $62,500,000 to Magellan Aerospace, a corporation formed by the merger of a number of Canadian and US aerospace firms. Since then Magellan has accelerated its consolidation of the various divisions located in Canada, the United States and Britain under the Magellan 'brand' logo reducing the visibility and independence of Bristol Aerospace. Staffing at the Winnipeg plant is now under 600 people while the Rockwood facility in Stony Mountain is approximately 50 personnel. In 1999 Bristol won the contract for SCISAT-1, the first purely Canadian science satellite since 1971. With its successful launch on 12 August 2003, the", "psg_id": "2809606" }, { "title": "Emergency telephone number", "text": "Emergency telephone number In many countries the public switched telephone network has a single emergency telephone number (sometimes known as the universal emergency telephone number or the emergency services number) that allows a caller to contact local emergency services for assistance. The emergency number differs from country to country; it is typically a three-digit number so that it can be easily remembered and dialed quickly. Some countries have a different emergency number for each of the different emergency services; these often differ only by the last digit. \"See List of emergency telephone numbers.\" The emergency telephone number is a special", "psg_id": "1303042" }, { "title": "12th Space Warning Squadron", "text": "12th Space Warning Squadron The 12th Space Warning Squadron is a United States Air Force ground-based radar used for missile warning, missile defense and space situation awareness, stationed at Thule Air Base, Greenland. The primary mission of the 12th SWS is to provide critical, real-time missile warning, defense and space surveillance to the President of the United States, Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, NORAD, and unified commands by operating a phased-array radar—which continuously provides warning of Submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) and Intercontinental ballistic missile attacks against North America—and detect, track, and identify earth-orbiting objects in support of", "psg_id": "13245988" }, { "title": "106 (emergency telephone number)", "text": "service and relay the call. An able caller can also just say \"police\", \"fire\" or \"ambulance\" to the relay officer. 106 (emergency telephone number) 106 is the Australian national textphone/TTY emergency number. It is operated by the Australian Communications Exchange, a non-profit organization that provides the relay services component for the National Relay Service. 106 can only be used by people with a TTY/textphone or a computer with terminal software (TTY imitation software) and a modem. 106 calls are given priority over other calls handled by the National Relay Service. 106 is a toll-free number. Callers to 106 are asked", "psg_id": "6035762" }, { "title": "106 (emergency telephone number)", "text": "106 (emergency telephone number) 106 is the Australian national textphone/TTY emergency number. It is operated by the Australian Communications Exchange, a non-profit organization that provides the relay services component for the National Relay Service. 106 can only be used by people with a TTY/textphone or a computer with terminal software (TTY imitation software) and a modem. 106 calls are given priority over other calls handled by the National Relay Service. 106 is a toll-free number. Callers to 106 are asked to type PPP for police, FFF for fire or AAA for ambulance. The relay officer will then call the emergency", "psg_id": "6035761" }, { "title": "Telephone number (mathematics)", "text": "Involution numbers were first studied in 1800 by Heinrich August Rothe, who gave a recurrence equation by which they may be calculated, giving the values (starting from ) John Riordan provides the following explanation for these numbers: suppose that a telephone service has subscribers, any two of whom may be connected to each other by a telephone call. How many different patterns of connection are possible? For instance, with three subscribers, there are three ways of forming a single telephone call, and one additional pattern in which no calls are being made, for a total of four patterns. For this", "psg_id": "16400002" }, { "title": "Telephone number", "text": "U.S.-based Bell System), regulation is mainly through the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. Local number portability (LNP) allows a subscriber to request moving an existing telephone number to another telephone service provider. Number portability usually has geographic limitations, such as an existing local phone company only being able to port to a competitor within the same rate centre. Mobile carriers may have much larger market areas, and can assign or accept numbers from any area within the region. In many telephone administrations, cell phone telephone numbers are in organized in prefix ranges distinct from land line service, which simplifies mobile", "psg_id": "12306348" }, { "title": "Emergency population warning", "text": "digital displays. Prior to the adoption of the Emergency Alert System, the US used CONELRAD from 1951-1963 and the Emergency Broadcast System from 1963-1997. Emergency population warning An emergency population warning is a method whereby local, regional, or national authorities can contact members of the public en masse to warn them of an impending emergency. These warnings may be necessary for a number of reasons, including: Many local areas use emergency population warnings to advise of prison escapes, abducted children, emergency telephone number outages, and other events. In order to develop an effective emergency warning system, certain things are required:", "psg_id": "4490189" }, { "title": "12th Space Warning Squadron", "text": "the end of 1965. The 931st AC&WS operated a series of Ground-Control Intercept (GCI) radar sites in Greenland to detect intrusion of unknown aircraft. The squadron relayed information to the 64th NORAD Region Semi Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) system DC-31 Direction Center, and interceptor squadrons stationed at Thule Air Base. With the development of ICBM and SLBM technologies, the mission to monitor aircraft coming over the horizon from the Soviet Union was transferred to other units, and the 931st AC&WS at Thule AB was inactivated. Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS) 12th Space Warning Squadron The 12th Space Warning Squadron", "psg_id": "13245991" }, { "title": "Premium-rate telephone number", "text": "also withdrew from passing on the charges. Various attempts have been made by vendors to circumvent these protections by using Caribbean or other international numbers outside Federal Communications Commission jurisdiction to bill US telephone subscribers; the former +1-809 countries were popular as their North American Numbering Plan format numbers look domestic but are not. The 101XXXX dial-around prefixes were also briefly the target of abuse by premium number providers posing as inter-exchange carriers, a practice which has now been stopped. A loophole which allowed US (but not Canadian) providers in toll-free area code 800 to bill for calls by claiming", "psg_id": "1861559" }, { "title": "Telephone number mapping", "text": "Telephone number mapping Telephone number mapping is a system of unifying the international telephone number system of the public switched telephone network with the Internet addressing and identification name spaces. Internationally, telephone numbers are systematically organized by the E.164 standard, while the Internet uses the Domain Name System (DNS) for linking domain names to IP addresses and other resource information. Telephone number mapping systems provide facilities to determine applicable Internet communications servers responsible for servicing a given telephone number using DNS queries. The most prominent facility for telephone number mapping is the E.164 Number to URI Mapping (ENUM) standard. It", "psg_id": "2018354" }, { "title": "North American Aerospace Defense Command", "text": "warning and space surveillance facilities\" on 1 December 1979 from ADCOM. The Aerospace Defense Command major command ended 31 March 1980. and its organizations in Cheyenne Mountain became the \"ADCOM\" \"specified\" command under the same commander as NORAD, e.g., HQ NORAD/ADCOM J31 manned the Space Surveillance Center. By 1982, a NORAD Off-site Test Facility was located at Peterson AFB. The DEW Line was to be replaced with the North Warning System (NWS); the Over-the-Horizon Backscatter (OTH-B) radar was to be deployed; more advanced fighters were deployed, and E-3 Sentry AWACS aircraft were planned for greater use. These recommendations were accepted", "psg_id": "536289" }, { "title": "Canadian NORAD Region Forward Operating Locations", "text": "Canadian NORAD Region Forward Operating Locations Canadian NORAD Region (CANR) Forward Operating Locations (FOLs) were created under the North American Air Defence Modernization (NAADM) program authorized at the Shamrock Summit held in Quebec City on March 18, 1985. The locations are maintained by the Canadian Department of National Defence. The NAADM program was authorized by the Canada-United States Memorandum of Understanding signed by Prime Minister Mulroney and Ronald Reagan at the summit. The purpose of these upgraded facilities was to ensure adequate facilities existed for NORAD to defend the Northern Canadian frontier. Accommodations for up to six fighters in hangars", "psg_id": "17532012" }, { "title": "Aerospace Defense Command", "text": "taken off alert in 1972, and the Federal Aviation Administration took over many of ADCOM's SAGE radar stations. On 1 October 1979 ADCOM interceptors/bases and remaining air warning radar stations transferred to Tactical Air Command (TAC), with these \"atmospheric\" units assigned to Air Defense, Tactical Air Command (ADTAC). ADCOM's missile warning and space surveillance installations transferred in 1979 to the Strategic Air Command's Directorate of Space and Missile Warning Systems (SAC/SX),) and the North American Aerospace Defense Command's Air Force Element, NORAD/ADCOM (AFENA), which was redesignated the Aerospace Defense Center. The command was inactivated on 31 March 1980. With the", "psg_id": "7201644" }, { "title": "Telephone number", "text": "number of the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City. The number is now written as 1-212-736-5000. According to the hotel's website, PEnnsylvania 6-5000 is New York's oldest continually assigned telephone number and possibly the oldest continuously-assigned number in the world. Tommy Tutone's hit song \"867-5309/Jenny\" (1981) led to many unwanted calls by the public to telephone subscribers who actually were assigned that number. Telephone number A telephone number is a sequence of digits assigned to a fixed-line telephone subscriber station connected to a telephone line or to a wireless electronic telephony device, such as a radio telephone or a mobile", "psg_id": "12306365" }, { "title": "No Warning (band)", "text": "No Warning interview, I like to throw in a few lies here and there. That’s what the internet is for, right?\". Considering, the band has played some shows in 2014 and 2015 in the US and Europe, it seems that the band still enjoys being on stage. The first No Warning show in Europe was at Ieper Hardcore Fest in Belgium on August 8, 2014. They came over again in October 2015 to play 2 Shows in United Kingdom (London & Manchester) and 1 mainland show in The Netherlands (Dordrecht). Their first North American reunion show was a sold out", "psg_id": "10650134" }, { "title": "What About Us (The Saturdays song)", "text": "Auto-Tuned chorus was not need; \"The Auto-Tune seems extraneous, because the Saturdays can actually sing well without it.\" She end the review by labeling their latest effort as \"generic\" and \"not the best the Saturdays have to offer\", also rating it two and a half stars out of five. \"What About Us\" debuted at number 44 on the US \"Billboard\" Hot Dance Club Songs chart for the week dated 8 December 2012. This marks their first ever chart entry in the United States and it has since peaked at number twenty-seven. The song debuted at number 79 on the Canadian", "psg_id": "16873811" }, { "title": "US Fleet Tracking", "text": "an enhanced GPS tracking system that enables real-time monitoring of mobile agricultural equipment. In 2016 US Fleet Tracking established a partnership with Gorilla Safety, a Houston-based company specializing in software for the transportation sector, to create a fully integrated system that combines live GPS tracking with electronic logging features compliant with the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) mandate of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). US Fleet Tracking’s live GPS services have been used by organizers and logistics managers for a number of high-profile events, including the Super Bowl (XLI through LI), the 2010 Winter Olympics, the 2010 Pro Bowl,", "psg_id": "20242219" }, { "title": "Cheyenne Mountain Complex", "text": "2011, Missile Warning Center renovation funded by USSTRATCOM. Over the years, the installation came to house elements of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), U.S. Strategic Command, U.S. Air Force Space Command and U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM). Under what became known as the Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center (CMOC), several centers supported the NORAD missions of aerospace warning and aerospace control and provided warning of ballistic missile or air attacks against North America. On July 28, 2006, the Cheyenne Mountain Directorate was re-designated as the Cheyenne Mountain Division, with the mission to assist in establishing an integrated NORAD and USNORTHCOM", "psg_id": "1762573" }, { "title": "National Military Command Center", "text": "1957 NORAD collocated command center operations in the 1954 ADC blockhouse (later into the 1963 Chidlaw Building and in 1966, Cheyenne Mountain Complex). On July 1, 1958, the AFCP was connected to NORAD's Alert Network Number 1, as 1 of 29 transmit/receive stations (a differing \"worldwide telephone system\" was complete \"from national authorities to unified commanders\" by December 1958.) Starting in August 1959 \"with USAF assistance [the] JCS set up its own Joint War Room (JWR)\" at the Pentagon. In September 1960 at the Offutt AFB nuclear bunkers the \"installation of a SAC display warning system\" included 3 consoles in", "psg_id": "6496985" }, { "title": "Continental NORAD Region", "text": "Eastern Air Defense Sector at Rome, New York. The CONR Air Operations Center perform the NORAD air sovereignty mission for the continental United States. CONR plans, conducts, controls, coordinates and ensures air sovereignty and provides for the air defense of the nation. The best of America's fighter inventory, the F-15 Eagle and the F-16 Fighting Falcon, are CONR's primary weapons systems. CONR consists of 10 Air National Guard fighter wings and made up primarily of citizen airmen. CONR is one of three NORAD regions. NORAD is the bi-national Canadian and American command that employs a network of space-based, aerial and", "psg_id": "8898316" }, { "title": "CFS Moisie", "text": "Station Bagotville, as well as the USAF's Ernest Harmon AFB in Stephenville were the nearest bases for interceptor aircraft that would respond to anything detected by the Moisie main radar. Following the 1958 partnership between the USAF and RCAF to form the North American Aerospace Defence Command or NORAD, many Pinetree Line radar stations were upgraded for automation and consolidation of intercept data. No. 211 Aircraft Warning Squadron became No. 211 Aircraft Control & Warning Squadron in November 1956. In July 1958 RCAF Station Moisie was placed on increased alert due to the 1958 Lebanon crisis. In May 1959, RCAF", "psg_id": "20406406" }, { "title": "History of warning labels in the US", "text": "labels were put on music products that contained potentially offensive lyrics; this was done with the agreement of the recording companies. In 1989, alcohol was required to have their surgeon general’s warning. Several federal agencies are involved in the business of warning-labels, including the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. FBI warning labels have been appeared since 1975 in rented movies warning people about video piracy. There are three levels of warning, CAUTION, WARNING and DANGER: History of warning labels in the US The history of warning labels in the United", "psg_id": "11624301" }, { "title": "Premium-rate telephone number", "text": "numbers. Telephone companies typically offer blocking services to allow telephone customers to prevent access to these number ranges from their telephones. In some jurisdictions, telephone companies are required by law to offer such blocking. Adult chat lines (phone sex) and tech support are a very common use of premium-rate numbers. Other services include directory enquiries, weather forecasts, competitions and voting (especially relating to television shows). Diplomatic services, such as the US Embassy in London or the UK Embassy in Washington, have also charged premium rates for calls from the general public. In many European countries, for example France, Germany and", "psg_id": "1861548" }, { "title": "US Fleet Tracking", "text": "In 2013, US Fleet Tracking sponsored the FLS Microjet for its appearance at the EAA AirVenture Oshkosh airshow in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. The company demonstrated its live tracking technology at the event by installing its proprietary GPS equipment on the FLS Microjet and allowing the public to follow the course of the aircraft via a website in real time during the exhibition. In 2013 US Fleet Tracking announced the formation of a strategic partnership with AgTrax Technologies, developers of accounting software programs for agri-businesses. The partnership resulted in the integration of AgTrax’s software with US Fleet Tracking’s TotalView system to create", "psg_id": "20242218" }, { "title": "555 (telephone number)", "text": "been reluctant to cooperate. In May 2016, the Industry Numbering Committee (INC) determined that the purpose for which this resource was intended had been accommodated by other information/communication technologies. As of September 2016, all 555 numbers have been returned to the NANPA inventory except 555-1212 (national use directory assistance) and 555-4334 (national use assigned.) In 1996, Canadian telephone companies began promoting 555-1313 as \"name that number\", a pay-per-use reverse lookup which would give a subscriber name if the user entered an area code and a listed telephone number. The fifty-cent information number was initially heavily advertised in area codes +1-604", "psg_id": "2679724" }, { "title": "What Has Government Done to Our Money?", "text": "What Has Government Done to Our Money? What Has Government Done to Our Money? is a 1963 book by Murray N. Rothbard that details the history of money, from early barter systems, to the gold standard, to present day systems of paper money. Rothbard explains how money was originally developed, and why gold was chosen as the preferred commodity to use as money. The essay, \"What Has Government Done to Our Money?\" was written by Rothbard as an objective historical account with a provocative title. In contrast, \"The Case for a 100 Percent Gold Dollar\" was an essay with an", "psg_id": "10550772" }, { "title": "Canadian Paper Money Society", "text": "Canadian Paper Money Society The Canadian Paper Money Society (CPMS) is a non-profit numismatic organization for collectors of Canadian paper money, including government and private bank issues, municipal scrip, stocks, bonds, and other forms of payment. It has members throughout Canada, the United States and in other countries. The CPMS has its annual executive and general meetings at the RCNA convention each year. The CPMS journal is published quarterly and contains current information such as the particulars of its affairs, registers of various banknotes, papers and studies on banknotes and other subjects, etc. As needed for lengthy article submission, the", "psg_id": "10585666" }, { "title": "KF Aerospace", "text": "Aerospace also undertakes maintenance and upgrades on the Convair CV-240 family, for which it owns the type certificate. KF Aerospace converts existing Convair CV-580s to the updated CV5800 configuration and provides conversions of the former Canadian Forces CC-109 Cosmopolitan transport fleet into freighters and \"fire-fighting\" water/chemical bombers. KF Aerospace KF Aerospace (formerly Kelowna Flightcraft) is an Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO) which operates two Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) facilities in Canada, one in Kelowna, British Columbia, and the other in Hamilton, Ontario. KF Aerospace also owns KF Cargo for Cargo Charters and Aircraft Leasing services and also, KF Defence Programs,", "psg_id": "11563968" }, { "title": "Canadian Paper Money Society", "text": "CPMS publishes an occasional papers journal containing papers on banknotes and related studies by members and others and articles on various subjects in which the Society has an interest. Canadian Paper Money Society The Canadian Paper Money Society (CPMS) is a non-profit numismatic organization for collectors of Canadian paper money, including government and private bank issues, municipal scrip, stocks, bonds, and other forms of payment. It has members throughout Canada, the United States and in other countries. The CPMS has its annual executive and general meetings at the RCNA convention each year. The CPMS journal is published quarterly and contains", "psg_id": "10585667" }, { "title": "Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization", "text": "Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization The Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization (JIDO) is a combat support organization of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) organization under the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) that deals with improvised threats such as the improvised explosive device (IEDs). JIDO was born from the Joint IED Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) established in 2006, which focused on IEDs. JIDO's mission is to \"enable Department of Defense actions to counter improvised threats with tactical responsiveness and anticipatory acquisition in support of combatant commanders' efforts to prepare for, and adapt to, battlefield surprise.\" This mission supports counter-terrorism, counter-insurgency and other related", "psg_id": "11262798" }, { "title": "Organization–public relationships", "text": "from the identities, attributes, and perceptions of the individuals and social collectivities in the relationships. Though dynamic in nature, organization–public relationships can be described at a single point in time and tracked over time. An organization–public relationship is the state which exists between an organization and its key publics in which the actions of either entity impact the economic, social, political, and/or cultural well-being of the other entity. An organization–public relationship is the degree that the organization and its publics trust one another, agree on one has rightful power to influence, experience satisfaction with each other, and commit oneself to", "psg_id": "10140458" }, { "title": "North American Aerospace Defense Command", "text": "by the governments in 1985. The United States Space Command was formed in September 1985 as an adjunct, but not a component of NORAD. NORAD was renamed North American Aero\"space\" Defense Command in March 1981. In 1989 NORAD operations expanded to cover counter-drug operations, for example, tracking of small aircraft entering and operating within the United States and Canada. DEW line sites were replaced between 1986 and 1995 by the North Warning System. The Cheyenne Mountain site was also upgraded, but none of the proposed OTH-B radars are currently in operation. After the September 11, 2001 attacks, the NORAD Air", "psg_id": "536290" }, { "title": "Joint employment (US Law)", "text": "pay. Joint employment (US Law) Joint employment, or co-employment, is the sharing of control and supervision of an employee's activity among two or more business entities. Joint employment may occur by design, as when one firm engages a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) to handle payroll and benefits administration while retaining overall direction of the employee's work. If the employees of its client hardly handle these administrations, a PEO will not sign a joint employment contract with them. A PEO would only become a joint employer with the client employer when a PEO has direct control of the client’s staff. They", "psg_id": "17333785" }, { "title": "Joint employment (US Law)", "text": "Joint employment (US Law) Joint employment, or co-employment, is the sharing of control and supervision of an employee's activity among two or more business entities. Joint employment may occur by design, as when one firm engages a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) to handle payroll and benefits administration while retaining overall direction of the employee's work. If the employees of its client hardly handle these administrations, a PEO will not sign a joint employment contract with them. A PEO would only become a joint employer with the client employer when a PEO has direct control of the client’s staff. They can", "psg_id": "17333772" }, { "title": "What It Feels Like for a Girl", "text": "and aired the video several times throughout the day and night. Norm Schoenfield, US VP of programming for MuchMusic, released a statement saying \"[the video] is no more or less violent than what kids see on TV everyday. We weren't offended by it, and treating it just like any other Madonna video. Just because MTV isn't playing it, doesn't mean we can't\". Schoenfield also criticized the decision of releasing an advisory warning alongside the video because \"it's the artist's responsibility to do that\". Nonetheless, other Canadian networks aired it only after 9 pm accompanied by a warning. There were also", "psg_id": "5555001" }, { "title": "FDA warning letter", "text": "a written promise to take prompt corrective action, in the right context, can result in them deciding not to issue one. Potentially influencing factors include: Also, the agency usually doesn't issue a Warning Letter if they find the organization has implemented actions that corrected the violations that would have supported the Warning Letter. District offices do not recommend a Warning Letter as a follow-up to a preapproval inspection (PAI) for pending drug or device applications (ANDAs, NDAs, BLAs) if the firm markets no other FDA-regulated products. However, if the firm does market other FDA-regulated products and the issue(s) affect marketed", "psg_id": "14713355" }, { "title": "Emergency population warning", "text": "Emergency population warning An emergency population warning is a method whereby local, regional, or national authorities can contact members of the public en masse to warn them of an impending emergency. These warnings may be necessary for a number of reasons, including: Many local areas use emergency population warnings to advise of prison escapes, abducted children, emergency telephone number outages, and other events. In order to develop an effective emergency warning system, certain things are required: Early warning system is the term that the International Early Warning Programme coordinated by the United Nations uses for all systems that are used", "psg_id": "4490178" }, { "title": "Saltwater intrusion in California", "text": "partners with Water Replenishment District of Southern California and Los Angeles County Department of Public Works to conduct a geological survey through using reflection seismology. This means that seismic profiles is essential to understand how sedimentation influence saltwater intrusion. The Alamitos Barrier Project is one of the three hydraulic barriers in Los Angeles County. It was created mainly to protect groundwater supplies from seawater intrusion. It is currently operated under Los Angeles County Flood Control District and the Orange County Water District. Other joint committees include the Water Replenishment District of Southern California who is responsible for supplying water to", "psg_id": "20708987" }, { "title": "North American Aerospace Defense Command", "text": "System (496L System with Philco 2000 Model 212 computer) \"under the operational control of CINCNORAD on December 1, 1960\"; during Cheyenne Mountain nuclear bunker excavation, and the joint SAC-NORAD exercise \"Sky Shield II\"—and on 2 September 1962—\"Sky Shield III\" were conducted for mock penetration of NORAD sectors. NORAD command center operations moved from Ent Air Force Base to the 1963 partially underground \"Combined Operations Center\" for Aerospace Defense Command and NORAD at the Chidlaw Building. President John F. Kennedy visited \"NORAD headquarters\" after the 5 June 1963 United States Air Force Academy graduation. and on 30 October 1964, \"NORAD began", "psg_id": "536285" }, { "title": "Public Safety Joint Communications Center", "text": "in CPR and obtaining certification as Emergency Medical Dispatchers. Each trainee also receives certification from the Missouri Highway Patrol-Missouri Uniform Law Enforcement System (MULES), and several other dispatch programs. Upon completion of classroom training, they are assigned to a field training officer to complete their training. Public Safety Joint Communications Center The Columbia/Boone County Public Safety Joint Communications Center has been in existence since 1977. From a modest beginning, in which communications assets of four agencies were donated to begin operation as a joint communications center, the organization has undergone many changes. In 1983, work was begun on a majo", "psg_id": "13448449" }, { "title": "601st Air Operations Center", "text": "601st Air Operations Center The 601 Air Operations Center (AOC) (previously designated as the Air and Space Operations Center) plans, directs, and assesses air operations for the North American Aerospace Defense (NORAD) Command, and the United States Northern Command (NORTHCOM). The AOC provides aerospace warning and control for NORAD Defensive Counter Air (DCA) activities. As well as it directs Air Force air capabilities in support of NORTHCOM homeland security and civil support missions. The 601 AOC directs all air sovereignty activities for the continental United States. \"The 601st Air and Space Operations Center provides strategic air defense/sovereignty, tactical warning/assessment to", "psg_id": "18398649" }, { "title": "Missile Warning Center", "text": "Until First Impact\" (cf. later large screen displays such as the Iconorama.) In July 1961 separate from the CC&DF, the surveillance center in New Hampshire \"was discontinued as the new SPADATS Center became operational at Ent AFB\" with the 496L Space Detection and Tracking System (i.e., NORAD began aerospace operations). In 1962 the Army's LIM-49 Nike Zeus program was assigned the \"satellite\" intercept mission (Program 505's \"Operation Mudflap\" conducted a test), and the 1962 SECDEF assigned the USAF to develop the Satellite Intercept System which would use orbit data from a Space Defense Center. By December 15, 1964, NORAD had", "psg_id": "18123371" }, { "title": "No. 428 Squadron RCAF", "text": "Squadron at RCAF Station Foymount ON, No. 33 AC&W Sqn at RCAF Station Falconbridge ON, No. 34 AC&W Sqn at RCAF Station Senneterre QC, and 912 Squadron (USAF) at RCAF Station Ramore ON. Responsive to the Sector Commander, the Fighter Control Operators at No.3 ADCC provided the squadron's 'Ground-Controlled Interception' direction, through the signing of the NORAD Agreement in 1958. Given the serious nature of the Cold War, everything that flew into the Canadian Northern Air Defence Region had to be detected and identified within two minutes by RCAF or USAF Aircraft Control & Warning Squadron personnel. If an aircraft", "psg_id": "11442178" }, { "title": "North American Aerospace Defense Command", "text": "their planes (loaded with nuclear bombs) in the air; Strategic Air Command (SAC) did not and took criticism, because they did not follow procedure, even though the SAC command knew these were almost certainly false alarms, as did PACAF. Both command posts had recently begun receiving and processing direct reports from the various radar, satellite, and other missile attack detection systems, and those direct reports simply did not match anything about the erroneous data received from NORAD. Following the 1979 Joint US-Canada Air Defense Study, the command structure for aerospace defense was changed, e.g., \"SAC assumed control of ballistic missile", "psg_id": "536288" }, { "title": "Space Detection and Tracking System", "text": "Space Detection and Tracking System Space Detection and Tracking System, or SPADATS, was built in 1960 to integrate defense systems built by different branches of the United States Armed Forces and was placed under North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). The Air Force had a program called Spacetrack, which was a network of space-probing cameras and radar. The Navy had a system called SPASUR, a space surveillance system that was \"an electronic fence\" the protected the southern United States. SPADATS was developed by the SpaceTrack Research and Development Facility, also called the 496L System Program Office, at Hanscom Field in", "psg_id": "16817644" }, { "title": "Joint Surveillance System", "text": "System network in Canada feed data to two Canadian SOCCs located at CFB North Bay, Ontario. Command and control can be transitioned to the E-3A Airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) for survivability as the tactical situation warrants. In peacetime, six of these aircraft are assigned to co-operate with the JSS. ROCC information is also passed to the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) Combat Operations Centre (COC) in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Joint Surveillance System The Joint Surveillance System (JSS) is a joint United States Air Force and Federal Aviation Administration system for the atmospheric air defense of North America.", "psg_id": "15186389" }, { "title": "US Fleet Tracking", "text": "the 2011 NHL All-Star Game, the 2012 Summer Olympics, the 2012 Republican National Convention, and the 2011 & 2012 Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. US Fleet Tracking has received the following honors: • Silver, 2007 M2M Value Chain Awards, Enabler – M2M Magazine<br> • Bronze, 2008 M2M Value Chain Awards, Enabler – M2M Magazine<br> • 2010 Innovator of the Year – The Journal Record<br> • 2012 Rock Solid Award, Mobile Office – ProPickup<br> • Named one of the “10 Best GPS Tracking Apps for Fleet Management in 2017” – Connecteam US Fleet Tracking US Fleet Tracking is a privately owned company", "psg_id": "20242220" }, { "title": "What Has Government Done to Our Money?", "text": "readjustment called recessions. Rothbard states that many European governments went bankrupt due to World War I, and how they left the gold standard in order to try to solve their financial issues. He also argues that this strategy was partially responsible for World War II, and led to economic problems throughout the world. What Has Government Done to Our Money? What Has Government Done to Our Money? is a 1963 book by Murray N. Rothbard that details the history of money, from early barter systems, to the gold standard, to present day systems of paper money. Rothbard explains how money", "psg_id": "10550781" }, { "title": "Canada in the Cold War", "text": "very closely together in the 1950s. The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) created a joint air-defense system. In northern Canada, the Distant Early Warning Line (Dew Line) was established to give warning of Soviet bombers heading over the north pole. Great debate broke out while John Diefenbaker was Prime Minister as to whether Canada should accept U.S. nuclear weapons on its territory. Diefenbaker had already agreed to buy the BOMARC missile system from the Americans, which would be not as effective without nuclear warheads, but balked at permitting the weapons into Canada. Canada also maintained diplomatic and economic ties", "psg_id": "2985885" }, { "title": "Canadian Executive Service Organization", "text": "Canadian Executive Service Organization The Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO) is a registered national and international development charity that has operated since 1967. The organization uses Canadian volunteers to work with private and public sectors to accomplish goals within these service areas: strategic planning, business development, accounting and finance, organizational development, community development, governance and production and operations. CESO's primary funding currently derives from the financial contributions of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC), funders from corporations, foundations and individual donors. CESO currently has a partnership with the Assembly of First Nations (AFN),", "psg_id": "15099617" }, { "title": "Eleventh Air Force", "text": "(ANR) is one of three NORAD regions responsible for the execution of the aerospace warning and aerospace control missions. ANR conducts these missions 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Eleventh Air Force is the United States Air Force component of ANR. Coordinating with the Canadian Forces Air Command, Both 11th AF and the Canadian Forces provide active duty forces to the 611th Air and Space Operations Center. The 176th Air Control Squadron, an Alaska Air National Guard unit, provides manning for the Alaskan Air Defense Sector to maintain continuous surveillance of Alaskan airspace with Alaskan Radar System long", "psg_id": "5534286" }, { "title": "Canadian NORAD Region Forward Operating Locations", "text": "were built, space for up to 200 support personnel, and storage facilities. Five locations were originally investigated, but only four locations were built. Canadian NORAD Region Forward Operating Locations Canadian NORAD Region (CANR) Forward Operating Locations (FOLs) were created under the North American Air Defence Modernization (NAADM) program authorized at the Shamrock Summit held in Quebec City on March 18, 1985. The locations are maintained by the Canadian Department of National Defence. The NAADM program was authorized by the Canada-United States Memorandum of Understanding signed by Prime Minister Mulroney and Ronald Reagan at the summit. The purpose of these upgraded", "psg_id": "17532013" }, { "title": "Communist Party of Canada (Marxist–Leninist) candidates, 2008 Canadian federal election", "text": "In this time, she called for Canada to withdraw from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD). She worked on the \"New Hamilton Weekly\" journal in the early 1990s with fellow party member Rolf Gerstenberger, and has been a receptionist and sales manager. She has also written for \"TML Daily\", the online newspaper of the Marxist-Leninist Party. In 2008, she described herself as self-employed. Couto is a perennial candidate. She first sought election to public office in the 1993 federal election as a candidate of the Canadian Party for Renewal, an unregistered party", "psg_id": "14867209" }, { "title": "No Warning (band)", "text": "was a part Linkin Park's 2004 \"Projekt Revolution Tour\" on which bands from Korn to Snoop Dogg, Ghostface Killah and Less Than Jake played. The band also played at the Summer Sonic Festival in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan. After a lot of time spent on tour and different directions the band wanted to take, No Warning broke up in late 2005. Members went on to form bands such as Surplus Sons, Marvelous Darlings, and Millennial Reign, among other projects. Ben Cook now plays in Fucked Up. Jordan Posner plays in Terror. On June 5, 2013, Ben Cook told \"Exclaim!\" that", "psg_id": "10650132" }, { "title": "Ballistic Missile Early Warning System", "text": "list.\" By July 1958 after NORAD manning began, ADC's 1954 blockhouse for the Ent AFB command center had inadequate floor space; and Ent's \"requirement for a ballistic missile defense system display facility...brought renewed action...for a new command post\" (the JCS approved the nuclear bunker on February 11, 1959.). On January 14, 1958, the US announced its \"decision to establish a Ballistic Missile Early Warning System\" with Thule to be operational in 1959—total Thule/Clear costs in a May 1958 estimate were ~$800 million (an October 13, 1958, plan for both estimated completion in September 1960.) The Lincoln Laboratory's radar at Millstone", "psg_id": "3290901" }, { "title": "Tile tracking", "text": "has seen the introduction of a dedicated tile-tracking app exclusively for games played on mobile app devices that automates the process of tracking tiles and requires no manual input. The benefits of tracking and counting tiles are widely known among competitive Scrabble players and tile tracking is considered a standard part of By tracking played tiles, players can learn more about what tiles remain unseen (either in the bag or on their opponent’s rack), and can use that information to make strategic decisions about what tiles to hold, which squares to block, and which tiles to play to create advantages.", "psg_id": "9213744" }, { "title": "Mobile Telephone Switching Office", "text": "telephone exchange by a trunk group. This provides an interface to the (Public Switched Telephone Network) (PSTN). It also provides connectivity to the PSTN. The region to be served by a Cellular Geographic Serving Area(CGSA) is split into geographic cells. These cells are ideally hexagonal in shape and they are initially laid out with their centers about 4 to 8 miles apart from each other. Other MTSO equipment, the cell site controllers provide control functions for a group of cell sites and actions of mobile phones through command and control data channels. To achieve this, there has to be a", "psg_id": "13255614" }, { "title": "Distant Early Warning Line", "text": "Ground Environment) computer system and was ultimately centered at the Cheyenne Mountain Complex, Colorado, command hub of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). The construction of the DEW Line was made possible by a bilateral agreement between the Canadian and US governments, and by collaboration between the US Department of Defense and the Bell System of communication companies. The DEW Line grew out of a detailed study made by a group of the nation's foremost scientists in 1952, the Summer Study Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The subject of the study was the vulnerability of the US", "psg_id": "3020579" }, { "title": "What Has Government Done to Our Money?", "text": "tomorrow, the effect would be chaotic because no-one would know how to calculate prices with all the new Moneez flying around relative to the number of Moneez going around the day before. A money would become very useless if its supply rate expanded to such a degree. But, once the expansion of the supply is complete, prices settle back into position and things become accurately calculable again. For example, if you increase the supply of pears (a commodity like wheat or corn), all other things being equal, this helps society by making more pears available at a cheaper price. Since", "psg_id": "10550775" }, { "title": "Wireless intrusion prevention system", "text": "Wireless intrusion prevention system In computing, a wireless intrusion prevention system (WIPS) is a network device that monitors the radio spectrum for the presence of unauthorized access points \"(intrusion detection)\", and can automatically take countermeasures \"(intrusion prevention)\". The primary purpose of a WIPS is to prevent unauthorized network access to local area networks and other information assets by wireless devices. These systems are typically implemented as an overlay to an existing Wireless LAN infrastructure, although they may be deployed standalone to enforce no-wireless policies within an organization. Some advanced wireless infrastructure has integrated WIPS capabilities. Large organizations with many employees", "psg_id": "8494908" }, { "title": "Tropical cyclone tracking chart", "text": "tracking. Historically, tropical cyclone tracking charts were used to include the past track and prepare future forecasts at Regional Specialized Meteorological Centers and Tropical Cyclone Warning Centers. The need for a more modernized method for forecasting tropical cyclones had become apparent to operational weather forecasters by the mid-1980s. At that time the United States Department of Defense was using paper maps, acetate, grease pencils, and disparate computer programs to forecast tropical cyclones. The Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecasting System (ATCF) software was developed by the Naval Research Laboratory for the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) beginning in 1986, and used since", "psg_id": "20186154" }, { "title": "111 (emergency telephone number)", "text": "the local White Pages telephone directory. 111 (emergency telephone number) 111 (usually pronounced \"one-one-one\") is the emergency telephone number in New Zealand. It was first implemented in Masterton and Carterton on 29 September 1958, and was progressively rolled out nationwide with the last exchanges converting in 1988. Before the introduction of 111, access to emergency services was complicated. For the quarter of New Zealand’s then 414,000 telephone subscribers that were still on manual exchanges, one would simply pick up the telephone and ask the answering operator for the police, ambulance, or fire service by name. However, the problem on manual", "psg_id": "2806814" }, { "title": "Telephone number verification", "text": "offer to check telephone numbers alongside other personal details, gained from various public sources e.g. the Electoral roll and from the imprints left on by their activities, for examples from transactions made using credit cards. The advantage of a database check is that the lookup can be very quick (sub 1s), however no databases exist to cover all telephone subscriber lines internationally, with mobile telephones being particularly problematic to trace - especially Pay as you go (phone) (non contract) arrangements which often have no registered owner. Some databases are very detailed and can correlate telephone numbers with physical addresses, e-mail", "psg_id": "14576637" }, { "title": "111 (emergency telephone number)", "text": "111 (emergency telephone number) 111 (usually pronounced \"one-one-one\") is the emergency telephone number in New Zealand. It was first implemented in Masterton and Carterton on 29 September 1958, and was progressively rolled out nationwide with the last exchanges converting in 1988. Before the introduction of 111, access to emergency services was complicated. For the quarter of New Zealand’s then 414,000 telephone subscribers that were still on manual exchanges, one would simply pick up the telephone and ask the answering operator for the police, ambulance, or fire service by name. However, the problem on manual exchanges was that calls were answered", "psg_id": "2806800" }, { "title": "US Fleet Tracking", "text": "US Fleet Tracking US Fleet Tracking is a privately owned company that specializes in manufacturing and distributing GPS solutions and accessories designed to enable businesses and individuals to monitor their mobile assets, such as vehicle fleets. The company manufactures a variety of GPS (Global Positioning System) trackers intended for use in vehicles and other mobile assets. It also offers an Internet-based subscription service that gives clients access to 5- or 10-second updates around the clock from each installed GPS tracker. The system collects and stores data from each unit on a 24/7 basis, and can generate reports showing the activity", "psg_id": "20242216" }, { "title": "Telephone number mapping", "text": "E.164 telephone numbers, protocols and infrastructure to indirectly access different services available under a single personal identifier. ENUM also permits connecting the IP world to the telephone system in a seamless manner. For an ENUM subscriber to be able to activate and use the ENUM service, it needs to obtain three elements from a Registrar: This works as follows: (1) the Registrar provides the Subscriber (or Registrant) with a domain name, the URI, that will be used for accessing a DNS server to fetch a NAPTR record, (2) a personal E.164 telephone number (the ENUM number). The URI domain name", "psg_id": "2018356" }, { "title": "No Free Lunch (organization)", "text": "No Free Lunch (organization) No Free Lunch was a US-based advocacy organization holding that marketing methods employed by drug companies influence the way doctors and other healthcare providers prescribe medications. The group did outreach to convince physicians to refuse to accept gifts, money, or hospitality from pharmaceutical companies because it claims that these gifts create a conflict of interest for providers. The group also advocated for less involvement of drug companies in medical education and practice in a variety of other ways. The organization was founded in 2000 by Bob Goodman, an internist from New York City. Most of the", "psg_id": "10992092" } ]
[ "🎅", "santa claus rituals", "origins of santa claus", "santy claus", "santa claus in north american culture", "święty mikołaj", "santa klause", "santa claus in north america", "santa letters", "baba nuwail", "santa claus rituals", "santa claus on a fire truck", "santa klaus", "santa claus", "sanat claus", "santa", "swiety mikolaj", "santa claus in northern american culture", "santa claus office", "christmas grotto", "american santa claus", "santa claus", "santa hat", "santa-san", "kerstman", "santa claus in northern american culture", "weihnachtsmann", "mall santa", "letters to santa", "the santa", "بابا نويل" ]
for a point each, name the 5 countries surrounding the place where santa klaus is both rumored to live and is known as father frost, kazakhstan.
[ { "title": "The Frost Place", "text": "by a porch. The facade affords fine views of the Franconia Range and Mount Lafayette. Frost and his family lived in the house until 1920, and spent their summers there for nearly twenty years. The Frost Place was founded in 1976 when the farm was purchased by the town of Franconia, restored, and given its name, opening as a museum in 1977. Since 1977, the Frost Place has awarded a resident poet award to an emerging American poet, which includes a stipend and the opportunity to live and write in the house during the summer. The Frost Place sponsors a", "psg_id": "14270411" }, { "title": "Bam Margera Presents: Where the ♯$&% Is Santa?", "text": "Bam Margera Presents: Where the ♯$&% Is Santa? Bam Margera Presents: Where the #$&% Is Santa? (A.K.A. Bam Margera Presents: Where the Fuck Is Santa?) is a film released in 2008 by Warner Bros.. The film stars Bam Margera, Brandon Novak, Mark The Bagger, and other members both of Margera's family and friends. It follows the daredevil and comedic themes of Margera's MTV shows \"Viva La Bam\" and \"Jackass\", while retaining a holiday-themed goal for the film; namely celebrating Christmas and finding Santa Claus. Bam Margera also mentioned a sequel to this movie on \"Radio Bam\". In West Chester, Pennsylvania,", "psg_id": "13139481" }, { "title": "A Place Where the Sun Is Silent", "text": "A Place Where the Sun Is Silent A Place Where the Sun Is Silent is the fourth studio album by Alesana. It was released through Epitaph Records on October 18, 2011. The album was produced by Kris Crummett, who also worked on \"The Emptiness\". Being the second concept album released by Alesana, \"A Place Where the Sun Is Silent\" was inspired by the epic poem \"The Inferno\" by Dante Alighieri. On August 24, 2011 \"Alternative Press\" premiered the first song off the album, \"A Gilded Masquerade\" and on September 21, 2011 the magazine premiered the second song off the album,", "psg_id": "15782659" }, { "title": "A Place Where the Sun Is Silent", "text": "song of 2011 by readers of \"Revolver\". iTunes labeled the tracks 18, 19 & 20 incorrectly. Track 18 (Vestige) is supposed to be Circle VII: Sins Of The Lion; Track 19 (Lullaby of the Crucified) should be Vestige; and Track 20 is supposed to be Lullaby of the Crucified instead of Before Him All Shall Scatter. A Place Where the Sun Is Silent A Place Where the Sun Is Silent is the fourth studio album by Alesana. It was released through Epitaph Records on October 18, 2011. The album was produced by Kris Crummett, who also worked on \"The Emptiness\".", "psg_id": "15782661" }, { "title": "To Live for the Masses", "text": "Board (MTRCB). \"To Live for the Masses\" is divided into four parts, each narrating Joseph Estrada's childhood, acting career and life as a politician, with the fourth part dedicated to events leading to and surrounding the 2001 EDSA Revolution as narrated from his point of view. On August 28, 2006, the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board gave \"To Live for the Masses\" an \"X\" rating—reduced from the original \"XXX\" rating given on August 22—claiming that film was libelous and served to undermine people's faith in government, which at the time was led by Estrada's successor and former Vice", "psg_id": "18494429" }, { "title": "Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town", "text": "each year from 2002 to 2009 due to seasonal air play. Live performances of the song often saw the band encouraging the audience to sing some of the lyrics with—or in place of—the band's vocalists (usually the line \"you'd better be good for goodness sake\", and occasionally the key line \"Santa Claus is Comin' to Town\" as well). Sometimes, concert crowds would sing along with the entire song, and the band would do nothing to dissuade those audiences from doing so. This version remains a Springsteen concert favorite during the months of November and December, and the band is among", "psg_id": "4689124" }, { "title": "The Frost Place", "text": "Place. In April 2011, Maudelle Driskell was named executive director. The Frost Place The Frost Place is a museum and nonprofit educational center for poetry located at Robert Frost's former home on Ridge Road in Franconia, New Hampshire, United States. The property was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1976. According to local family lore, poet Robert Frost spotted this property on the west side of Franconia's Ridge Road in 1915 while looking for a home in the area. He purchased it from farmer Willis Herbert, for whom he supposedly procured an adjacent property. The house is", "psg_id": "14270413" }, { "title": "Space Is the Place", "text": "the film \"Space Is the Place\" starring Sun Ra and his Arkestra, and based, in part, on Sun Ra's Berkeley lectures. Sun Ra, who has been reported lost since his European tour in June 1969, lands on a new planet in outer space with his crew, known as \"the Arkestra\", and decides to settle African Americans on this planet. The medium of transportation he chooses for this resettlement is music. He travels back in time and returns to the Chicago strip club where he used to play piano with the name \"Sonny Ray\" in 1943, where he confronts the Overseer", "psg_id": "1737230" }, { "title": "Where the Streets Had a Name", "text": "Where the Streets Had a Name Where the Streets Had a Name is a young adult novel by Randa Abdel-Fattah. It was published in April 2008, shortly after the death of the author's grandmother. It is the only book of Abdel-Fattah's to contain a dedication. It is as follows: To my Grandmother Sitti Jamilah, who passed away on 24th April, 2008, aged 98. I had hoped that you would live to see this book and that you would be allowed to touch the soil of your homeland again. It is my consolation that you died surrounded by my father and", "psg_id": "13223778" }, { "title": "The Frost Place", "text": "The Frost Place The Frost Place is a museum and nonprofit educational center for poetry located at Robert Frost's former home on Ridge Road in Franconia, New Hampshire, United States. The property was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1976. According to local family lore, poet Robert Frost spotted this property on the west side of Franconia's Ridge Road in 1915 while looking for a home in the area. He purchased it from farmer Willis Herbert, for whom he supposedly procured an adjacent property. The house is 1½ stories in height, with a long front facade covered", "psg_id": "14270410" }, { "title": "This Is Where I Live", "text": "Similarly, streaming of Bell's music on Pandora increased by 12,085%. This Is Where I Live This Is Where I Live is an album by William Bell released on June 3, 2016 in the US and July 8, 2016 elsewhere. It won Bell a Grammy Award for Best Americana Album. PopMatters gave the album 8 out of 10 stars, calling it \"an imperative listen for anyone claiming to be a fan of rhythm and blues, both old and new.\" Following his Grammy win, streaming of \"Born Under A Bad Sign\" (which Bell performed at the ceremony with Gary Clark Jr.) on", "psg_id": "19883484" }, { "title": "This Is Where I Live", "text": "This Is Where I Live This Is Where I Live is an album by William Bell released on June 3, 2016 in the US and July 8, 2016 elsewhere. It won Bell a Grammy Award for Best Americana Album. PopMatters gave the album 8 out of 10 stars, calling it \"an imperative listen for anyone claiming to be a fan of rhythm and blues, both old and new.\" Following his Grammy win, streaming of \"Born Under A Bad Sign\" (which Bell performed at the ceremony with Gary Clark Jr.) on Spotify increased by 4,950%, with overall streams increasing by 680%.", "psg_id": "19883483" }, { "title": "Name of the Father", "text": "of the paternal figure are to be observed with particular frequency in cases where the father really has the function of a legislator...with too many opportunities of being in a position of undeserving, inadequacy, even of fraud, and, in short, of excluding the Name-of-the-Father from its position in the signifier\". Psychosis for Lacanians is the exact opposite of the Name of the Father – the absence of that identification with the symbolic order which ensures our place in the shared intersubjective world of common sense. The Name-of-the-Father is thus the fundamental signifier which permits signification to proceed normally. It not", "psg_id": "15333149" }, { "title": "Utah, This Is the Place", "text": "there's none that compare.<br> This is the place!<br> <br> It was Brigham Young who led the pioneers across the plains.<br> They suffered with the trials they had to face.<br> With faith they kept on going till they reached the Great Salt Lake<br> Here they heard the words, \"This is the place!\"<br> <br> Utah! With its focus on family,<br> Utah! Helps each child to succeed.<br> People care how they live.<br> Each has so much to give.<br> This is the place!<br> <br> Utah! Getting bigger and better.<br> Utah! Always leading the way.<br> New technology's here...<br> Growing faster each year.<br> This is the", "psg_id": "4359907" }, { "title": "The Corps Is Mother, the Corps Is Father", "text": "The Corps Is Mother, the Corps Is Father \"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father\" is an episode from the fifth season of the science fiction television series \"Babylon 5\". Unlike other episodes, it follows the actions of the Psi Corps from the Corps' internal view. The title is reference to the Psi Corps slogan. The Psi Corps was created to segregate telepathic humans from the rest of humanity (largely out of normal humans' fear of the telepaths, but arguably also to protect the telepaths from mob violence). Telepathic children are removed from their families as soon as their", "psg_id": "2883237" }, { "title": "Frost", "text": "frost without visible ice at low temperatures and very low humidity, and rime under supercooled wet conditions. Plants that have evolved in warmer climates suffer damage when the temperature falls low enough to freeze the water in the cells that make up the plant tissue. The tissue damage resulting from this process is known as \"frost damage\". Farmers in those regions where frost damage is known to affect their crops often invest in substantial means to protect their crops from such damage. If a solid surface is chilled below the dew point of the surrounding humid air and the surface", "psg_id": "148884" }, { "title": "A Place Where the Sun Is Silent", "text": "\"A Forbidden Dance\" before later showcasing the entire album off the website. On October 4, 2011, the band released a music video for \"Circle VII: Sins of The Lion\", with live performance clips. On December 6, 2011 Alesana released the music video for \"Lullaby of the Crucified\". The album is currently the longest release by the band, running at 1 hour and 2 minutes total (excluding the deluxe edition's bonus tracks). iTunes mistakenly labeled the titles some of the track (scores) in the deluxe version of the record. The song \"Circle VII: Sins of the Lion\" was voted the best", "psg_id": "15782660" }, { "title": "London Is the Place for Me", "text": "Paddington. London Is the Place for Me \"London Is the Place for Me\" is a 1948 calypso song by Aldwyn Roberts. Roberts, under his calypso stage name Lord Kitchener, sang the first two stanzas of \"London is the Place for Me\" on camera for reporters upon arrival at Tilbury Docks on the HMT Empire Windrush, and was recorded by Pathe newsreel cameras. Roberts, as Lord Kitchener, did not record the song until 1951. The song was also popularised during the 1950s (1954) by bandleader Edmundo Ros. The song was covered by D Lime - featuring Tobago Crusoe for the 2014", "psg_id": "20313628" }, { "title": "London Is the Place for Me", "text": "London Is the Place for Me \"London Is the Place for Me\" is a 1948 calypso song by Aldwyn Roberts. Roberts, under his calypso stage name Lord Kitchener, sang the first two stanzas of \"London is the Place for Me\" on camera for reporters upon arrival at Tilbury Docks on the HMT Empire Windrush, and was recorded by Pathe newsreel cameras. Roberts, as Lord Kitchener, did not record the song until 1951. The song was also popularised during the 1950s (1954) by bandleader Edmundo Ros. The song was covered by D Lime - featuring Tobago Crusoe for the 2014 film", "psg_id": "20313627" }, { "title": "Quik Is the Name", "text": "\"If you do the math: a $1000 a-day studio…if we get Quik is the Name done in less than a month, that’s more money in my pocket. So we got it done in 17 days. We dumped everything out of the SP-1200, brought the turntables into the studio, scratched all the hooks, did all the overdubs and brought in a bass guitar player to fatten up the sound because we would lose a lot of the bass from sampling. We recorded some of the album at Westlake Recording Studios in Santa Monica, which is where Michael Jackson did \"Thriller\". It", "psg_id": "7123587" }, { "title": "The Corps Is Mother, the Corps Is Father", "text": "pursues a murderous telepath, using the pursuit to train two rookie Psi Cops in the finer points of their new jobs. The Corps Is Mother, the Corps Is Father \"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father\" is an episode from the fifth season of the science fiction television series \"Babylon 5\". Unlike other episodes, it follows the actions of the Psi Corps from the Corps' internal view. The title is reference to the Psi Corps slogan. The Psi Corps was created to segregate telepathic humans from the rest of humanity (largely out of normal humans' fear of the telepaths,", "psg_id": "2883239" }, { "title": "In the Name of My Father – The Zepset – Live from Electric Ladyland", "text": "In the Name of My Father – The Zepset – Live from Electric Ladyland In the Name of My Father – The Zepset – Live from Electric Ladyland is a recorded album by Jason Bonham, released in 1997 under the name The Jason Bonham Band. The album consists entirely of cover versions of various songs by English rock group Led Zeppelin, as a tribute to the band's drummer, and Bonham's late father, John Bonham. The album evolved after Bonham's band began performing Led Zeppelin songs at their live shows. Bonham would occasionally tape a show to listen to, and impressed", "psg_id": "10154991" }, { "title": "Bam Margera Presents: Where the ♯$&% Is Santa?", "text": "bet. Before traveling back, Bam and the group meet back up with Andy McCoy, Jonne Aaron Liimatainen of Negative and Jussi 69 of The 69 Eyes at Corona bar in Helsinki, where they find a stranger who looks similar to Santa to agree to come back with Bam to America and pose as the real Santa. Novak also wins his part of the bet with two women. Upon arriving back in Pennsylvania, Bam presents \"Santa\" to Missy and she gives him a tour bus and invites pro skateboarders such as Kerry Getz and others to attend the Christmas party. Missy", "psg_id": "13139486" }, { "title": "Bam Margera Presents: Where the ♯$&% Is Santa?", "text": "Bam Margera, his wife Missy Margera, and friends get ready to celebrate Christmas. After destroying friend Brandon Novak's new car (the first car that he ever owned), Bam realizes that he has to get Missy a special present: Santa Claus. When discussing how to find Santa, Bam states that he lives in Lapland, Finland and that the common misconception is that he lives in the North Pole. Disagreeing, he makes a bet with Mark The Bagger that he will find Santa and bring him back to West Chester as a present for Missy; if he cannot find Santa, Mark gets", "psg_id": "13139482" }, { "title": "My Name Is (TV series)", "text": "My Name Is (TV series) Biến Hoá Hoàn Hảo (which translates into English as My Name Is...) is a Vietnamese reality competition talent show television series. The international version is provided by the Endemol-owned Shine Group. \"My Name Is...\" aired in several countries including the United States, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Chile. Twenty-one contestants were selected after passing local preliminary competitions. The contestants must select one idol whose style is to inspire their performances throughout competition. One contestant is eliminated each week until the live finale. Contestants perform with the coaching of three judges: Tran Thanh, Hari Won, Tai Chi.", "psg_id": "19659204" }, { "title": "The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause", "text": "Lucy discovers this, Frost freezes her parents and locks her in a closet. He then orchestrates situations that make Scott think he must resign to make things better. Frost tricks Scott into invoking the Escape Clause and both are sent to Scott's front yard in 1994, when Scott caused the original Santa to fall off of his roof and had to replace him. Frost causes the original Santa to fall off the roof and grabs Santa's coat before Scott can, making Frost the new Santa. Scott is sent back to the present day, where he has been CEO of his", "psg_id": "6553755" }, { "title": "Bam Margera Presents: Where the ♯$&% Is Santa?", "text": "to close for Bam. Before leaving, Bam decides to get the map drawn by Ville Valo tattooed on the Mark's chest so it doesn't get lost. With complete directions, they all leave on a train north to Tampere where they run into The Dudesons, Jarppi and Jukka. The next morning, before heading towards Santa, Novak persuades the group to go to a Hanoi Rocks concert where friend Andy McCoy tells them they must hike about nine hours to reach Santa once they've reached Rovaniemi. During a night in the Finland wilderness, Bam cuts off Joe Frantz's long hair while Frantz", "psg_id": "13139484" }, { "title": "Where the Hell is Matt?", "text": "the Ignite conference in Seattle where he described how dancing by himself had become “boring” whereas dancing with others was far more interesting. For his newest video Harding had developed a listserv for every country from which he received an email, created a digital sign-up sheet for visit requests, and notified people when he would come to their country. Released on June 20, 2008, the third video is the product of 14 months of traveling in 42 countries. The background music/song of this video is known as \"Praan\" composed by Garry Schyman and sung by Palbasha Siddique, with lyrics adapted", "psg_id": "8148244" }, { "title": "Dark Is the Way, Light Is a Place", "text": "duration, but the music comes \"dangerously close to at least matching it as both a mature step forward and a reminder to fans why they fell for this band in the first place.\" At New Release Tuesday, Jonathan Francesco rated the album a perfect five stars, highlighting how \"It's a stunningly amazing album from start to finish, with not a drop of filler to be found anywhere.\" At Melodic, Tom Spinelli rated the album three-and-a-half stars out of five, stating how the band \"were really [into] their element on this record\", which is why \"It definitely has a mix of", "psg_id": "14658453" }, { "title": "Where Is Danny?", "text": "ultimately winding up—much like his previous three studio albums—on the shortlist for the following year's Grammy Awards nominees. Following a strong interest from Jay-Z in Danny! (and Questlove's inclusion of a modified version of the title track in his 2012 ad campaign for Sonos), the album enjoyed a surge of attention in late 2012 a year after its release (see 2011 in music); Danny! subsequently offered \"Where Is Danny?\" as a free download temporarily despite presence in retail. According to the Village Voice, the title \"Where Is Danny?\" is intended to serve as an allusion to the mystique surrounding both", "psg_id": "13684359" }, { "title": "Santa Cruz Point", "text": "Santa Cruz Point Santa Cruz Point, also \"Spencer Bluff\", is a rocky point forming the east extremity of Greenwich Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica and the southwest side of the entrance to English Strait. Surmounted by Bogdan Ridge on the west. The name appears on a 1949 Argentine chart, probably for the Argentine vessel \"Santa Cruz\" that visited the South Shetlands in 1948. The point is located at which is 4.9 km north by east of Fort Point, 6.35 km southeast of Ash Point, 6.53 km south of Beron Point, Robert Island and 5 km southwest of Edwards", "psg_id": "14785039" }, { "title": "The 5 Point Cafe", "text": "The 5 Point Cafe The 5 Point Cafe is a bar and 24-hour cafe and bar in the Belltown neighborhood of Seattle, Washington. It is located by Tilikum Place near a five-way intersection. Open since 1929, it is considered the oldest drinking establishment in the neighborhood. It has received accolades from local media for being one of the best dive bars in the city. The building was originally constructed by the Webb Investment Company in 1922 for use as a dairy warehouse. It was built in what was known as the Denny Regrade, named after a project to flatten Denny", "psg_id": "14482198" }, { "title": "Where the Action Is Tour", "text": "Where the Action Is Tour Where the Action Is (WTAI) was a tour featuring Swedish rock bands that toured throughout Sweden between 2004 and 2006 with several high profiled Swedish bands and artists such as \"The Hellacopters\", \"The Hives\", \"The Ark\", \"Moneybrother\" and many others. In 2007 the tour took a hiatus and then came back in 2008 as a one-day festival in Stora Skuggan, Stockholm. The name is taken from a song from \"The Hellacopters\" second album \"Payin' the Dues\". Played in Gothenburg (8/21) and Stockholm (8/25). Played in Gothenburg (8/3), Malmö (8/5), Linköping (8/12), Karlskrona (8/13) and Stockholm", "psg_id": "12602205" }, { "title": "Where Is the Love?", "text": "release, the song re-entered the official UK singles charts at 40, eventually peaking at 35. The music video for \"Where Is the Love?\" was shot in East Los Angeles and features The Black Eyed Peas and various other people, including various young children, asking the world where the love really is. In the video, and Taboo act as a soul music road duo who use music to tell people what is wrong with the world, Fergie appears as a peacemaker who places stickers with question marks on them all over the place to ask people where the love is", "psg_id": "11893667" }, { "title": "Bam Margera Presents: Where the ♯$&% Is Santa?", "text": "also arranges for a local band called The Moxy to play in the skate barn. The party ensues, and afterwards, the Finnish Santa disappears and Bam attempts to give Novak a poorly refurbished car to amend for destroying it before, although he does not accept it. Before the credits roll, Chad I. Ginsburg informs Seth Meisterman that it was merely a stranger they found in a bar rather than the real Santa. During the credits, while everybody is opening their Christmas presents, Novak reveals that he stole Bam's passport as payback for the damage to his car. Bam Margera Presents:", "psg_id": "13139487" }, { "title": "In the Name of My Father – The Zepset – Live from Electric Ladyland", "text": "with the results, he decided to record a set live in-studio at Electric Lady Studios in New York City. All proceeds of the album were donated to the John Bonham Memorial Motorcycle Camp and the Big Sisters of Los Angeles. In the Name of My Father – The Zepset – Live from Electric Ladyland In the Name of My Father – The Zepset – Live from Electric Ladyland is a recorded album by Jason Bonham, released in 1997 under the name The Jason Bonham Band. The album consists entirely of cover versions of various songs by English rock group Led", "psg_id": "10154992" }, { "title": "Space Is the Place", "text": "\"Space Is the Place\" can be interpreted as Sun Ra's response to the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, with whom Ra was engaged in a performative struggle for the imagery of the future of the black race. Daniel Kreiss writes:While he does not condemn the party by name, Sun Ra ultimately finds limited value in terrestrial community programs, an allusion to the Panthers, and posits that only the band's use of technology and music will liberate the people by changing consciousness. Space Is the Place Space Is the Place is an 85-minute Afrofuturist science fiction film made in 1972 and", "psg_id": "1737238" }, { "title": "East Kazakhstan Region", "text": "East Kazakhstan Region East Kazakhstan Region (; , \"Vostochno-Kazakhstanskaya oblast\") is a region of Kazakhstan. It occupies the easternmost part of Kazakhstan, along both sides of the Irtysh River and Lake Zaysan. Its administrative center is Oskemen (also known as Ust-Kamenogorsk). The region borders Russia in the north and northeast and the People's Republic of China in the south and southeast. The easternmost point of the Oblast is within about 50 kilometres of the westernmost tip of Mongolia; however, Kazakhstan and Mongolia do not share a common border, the two countries being separated by a small part of Russia and", "psg_id": "6844138" }, { "title": "The 5 Point Cafe", "text": "room urinal to provide views of the Space Needle. The 5 Point Cafe made headlines in August 2004 when radio personality Tom Leykis was ejected and then assaulted outside. Leykis said his assailant kicked him in the head and knocked him to the ground. He was cut above the eye and needed 17 stitches. In September 2009, it was rumored that The 5 Point would be closing. In November 2009, it was purchased by David Meinert. He has changed little but the menu was expanded slightly with vegetarian options. The 5 Point again made headlines when it became Seattle's first", "psg_id": "14482200" }, { "title": "Child Is Father to the Man", "text": "Child Is Father to the Man Child Is Father to the Man is the debut album by Blood, Sweat & Tears, released in February 1968. It reached number 47 on Billboard's Pop Albums chart in the United States. A teenaged Al Kooper went to a concert for jazz trumpeter Maynard Ferguson in 1960. Ferguson's performance served as the catalyst to start a rock band with a horn section. Originally in a band called The Blues Project, Kooper left after the band leader rejected his idea of bringing in a horn section. He then left for the West Coast and found", "psg_id": "1624378" }, { "title": "Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? Treasures of Knowledge", "text": "if she is simply a bad person. Whatever were Carmen's true motivations remain a mystery. The game is divided into seven missions. The goal of each missions is to recover one item of the stolen artefacts, which Carmen has hidden in a puzzle somewhere in the world. The user can only unlock this puzzle by collecting items or clues from other countries, often having to solve other puzzles first. A database can be used to find out where a place is and where an item can be found. At the end of each case, the item is found and it", "psg_id": "10034344" }, { "title": "For a Just Kazakhstan", "text": "For a Just Kazakhstan For a Just Kazakhstan (also known as For a Fair Kazakhstan) (\"Ediletti Qazaqstan Ushin\") is a political movement that was founded by the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, the Naghyz Ak Zhol Party and the Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan Party as an opposition coalition to nominate a single candidate in the 2005 presidential elections. The movement is led by Zharmakhan Tuyakbay, the former speaker of the Majlis of Kazakhstan and the resigned deputy chairman of OTAN party. Tuyakbay resigned from his parliamentary post after 2004 parliamentary elections citing widespread irregularities and election fraud. He joined the loose", "psg_id": "8810174" }, { "title": "Brave 6: Kazakhstan", "text": "Brave 6: Kazakhstan Brave 6: Kazakhstan (also known as Brave 6 or 'Brave Kazakhstan') was a mixed martial arts event held live by Brave Combat Federation on Saturday April 28, 2017 at the Almaty Arena in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The event was broadcast live online and locally through Bahrain TV, ABS-CBN Sports and Action, Combate, Kazakh TV Claro Sports and OSN Sports. Brave 6: Kazakhstan was Brave Combat Federation's sixth card, the fourth to take place outside Bahrain, where the company headquarters is located, and the first one in Central Asia. In addition, Brave 6 was the first co-promotion in the", "psg_id": "20157179" }, { "title": "The Name of this Book is Secret", "text": "couldn't decide whether to name him Max or Ernest. Despite this, they still live in the same house, which they have divided into two sections. Each parent cut their house in two, literally, and combined the two by lifting his father's side of the house and putting it next to Max-Ernest's mother's side, saying that while they dislike each other, they don't want to rob their child of a childhood shared with both his parents. They don't cross into each other's side of the house or talk to each other, rather act like the other isn't there. Max-Ernest has a", "psg_id": "11053272" }, { "title": "Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (1985 video game)", "text": "went next, leading to a chase around the world to find the thief before time runs out. Each case begins with the user being alerted that a spectacular theft has been committed. Starting by first traveling to the scene of the crime, the player is given several opportunities to collect clues about the suspect's next location, which come in the form of pun-filled word play about the target place. There are thirty countries that can be visited in the game and each is identified by the name of a prominent city, though this city is not always consistent with the", "psg_id": "16884324" }, { "title": "Canada–Kazakhstan relations", "text": "Canada–Kazakhstan relations Canada–Kazakhstan relations are foreign relations between Canada and Kazakhstan. The countries established diplomatic relations with each other in 1992. Canada has an embassy in Almaty. Kazakhstan has an embassy in Ottawa and a consulate in Toronto. Both countries are full members of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. The President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, made an official visit to Canada in May 2003. Canada and Kazakhstan established diplomatic relations with each other in 1992. Canada maintains an embassy in Almaty which it is currently in the process of moving to a new location in Astana. Kazakhstan", "psg_id": "13095029" }, { "title": "Point Place", "text": "to drive to Chicago, attend a party, and drive back in the course of a few hours; in another episode, Kelso explicitly states that Chicago is a two-hour drive from Point Place, consistent with the theory of a Kenosha-area location. Over the course of the series, many other local businesses and events were identified as being in or taking place in Kenosha (which is actually from Green Bay). The name Point Place was chosen for the town because co-creator Bonnie Turner is from Toledo, Ohio where there is a section of town called Point Place. Point Place Point Place is", "psg_id": "5278710" }, { "title": "Bam Margera Presents: Where the ♯$&% Is Santa?", "text": "sleeps by the campfire. Frantz wakes up, finds that part of his hair is gone, and in a rage, trips into the fire pit. Meanwhile, back in Pennsylvania, Bagger and Jimmy Pop attempt to pick up women, unsuccessfully, and also assist Missy and April preparing for a Christmas party. Upon leaving southern Finland, Bam and the rest of the group hike through the snow for several days until they finally reach Santa Claus Village above the Arctic Circle in Finland. Searching the workshop, they find that Santa has gone on vacation to the Bahamas and so Bam has lost his", "psg_id": "13139485" }, { "title": "Klaus Derendorf", "text": "March 2011. On October 1, 2011 Klaus's record \"One Thousand Voices\", the new theme song of the hit TV show \"The Voice\", debuted at Number 1 in The Netherlands. The song was recorded and performed by the judges of \"The Voice of Holland\" for the 2nd season of the show, with Klaus co-writing and co-producing the record. Rumored to be a perfectionist, Klaus often hires top mixers such as Chris Lord-Alge, Manny Marroquin and Dave Pensado for his records. Klaus Derendorf Klaus Derendorf, also known as \"\"Klaus D,\"\" is a Los Angeles–based record producer and songwriter with millions of worldwide", "psg_id": "10041217" }, { "title": "The Road Is No Place for a Lady", "text": "masters would have to be completely re-mixed and remastered for a reissue to be possible. In 2005, the album's two singles were released on the CD \"Dream a Little Dream: The Music of 'Mama' Cass Elliot\". The album was finally re-released in full in August 2009 in a Collector's Choice Music two on one CD with \"Cass Elliot\". In 2002, Rolling Stone magazine reviewed \"The Road Is No Place for a Lady\". The Road Is No Place for a Lady The Road Is No Place for a Lady is the fifth and final album released by Cass Elliot. It was", "psg_id": "11716993" }, { "title": "This Is a Fix", "text": "an guitar, along with \"normal\" vocals - and would not be imitating Alex Pennie's vocal style. Paul's addition lead to their being no set frontman, with Paul, Rob and Frost splitting vocals as well as splitting synthesizer parts between the three. On This Is A Fix, similarly to the band's debut, the band use a variety of synthesizers and keyboards - Roland Juno and Alesis Andromeda's were used purely in the studio, whilst the James Frost operated Alesis Micron and Paul Mullen operated MicroKORG appear both live and studio recordings. The recording of the drums was influenced by that of", "psg_id": "11851926" }, { "title": "Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town", "text": "Phil Spector included a version of the song on his rock album \"A Christmas Gift for You from Phil Spector\" performed by The Crystals. In 1970, Rankin-Bass produced \"Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town\", an hour-long animated TV film based on the song, with Fred Astaire narrating the origin of Santa Claus. In 1970, The Jackson 5 included the song on their best-selling album \"Jackson 5 Christmas Album\". In 1971, The Partridge Family included the song on \"A Partridge Family Christmas Card\". The Carpenters released the song as a single in 1974. A rock version by Bruce Springsteen & The", "psg_id": "4689122" }, { "title": "Heaven Is a Place on Earth", "text": "Heaven Is a Place on Earth \"Heaven Is a Place on Earth\" is a song recorded by American singer Belinda Carlisle for her second studio album \"Heaven on Earth\" (1987). Written by Rick Nowels and Ellen Shipley, the power ballad was released as the album's lead single in September 1987, and it hit number one on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100 on December 5, 1987, becoming Carlisle's only US chart-topper. A month later it hit number one in the United Kingdom, where it held the top spot of the UK Singles Chart for two weeks. \"Heaven is a Place on", "psg_id": "7997145" }, { "title": "Name of the Father", "text": "only confers identity and position on the subject within the symbolic order, but also signifies the Oedipal prohibition (the \"no\" of the incest taboo). If this signifier is foreclosed, in the sense of being excluded from the Symbolic Order, the result is psychosis. Psychotics have not been properly separated from their mother[er] by the fixed name-of-the-father, and hence relate to speech and language differently from neurotics. In \"On a Question Preliminary to Any Possible Treatment of Psychosis\" (1957), Lacan represents the Oedipus complex as \"the metaphor of the Name-of-the-Father, that is, the metaphor that substitutes this Name in the place", "psg_id": "15333150" }, { "title": "Space Is the Place", "text": "of the film. The first, sometimes referred to as \"Sun Ra's edit\", is abridged to 64 minutes; for decades following its limited initial release, \"Space is the Place\" could only be found on VHS in this form. The second, uncut version runs 82 minutes, and was made available for the first time in 2003, when the film was re-released by Plexifilm. Following another lapse out of print, both cuts of \"Space is the Place\" were released together for the first time by Harte Recordings in 2015. Some of the dialogue is sampled in C-Mos' \"2 Million Ways\" (Axwell Remix) (2006).", "psg_id": "1737236" }, { "title": "Where the Action Is", "text": "Where the Action Is Where the Action Is is a music-based television variety show that aired in the United States from 1965 to 1967. It was carried by the ABC network and aired each weekday afternoon. Created by Dick Clark as a spin-off of \"American Bandstand\", \"Where the Action Is\" premiered on June 27, 1965. The show was another step in the then-current trend of entertainment programs that targeted the teenage audience by focusing on pop music, following in the footsteps set by \"Shindig!\" (premiered in the fall of 1964, also on ABC) and \"Hullabaloo\" (premiered January 1965 on NBC).", "psg_id": "5352172" }, { "title": "Where the Action Is", "text": "program was cancelled on March 31, 1967, with the network giving its local affiliates the time slot. However, members of the program's mainstay band Paul Revere and the Raiders (with lead vocalist Mark Lindsay) hosted very similar follow-up shows; both Revere and Lindsay hosted \"Happening '68\", a Saturday afternoon follow-up to \"American Bandstand\", and a weekday version of the same show, \"It's Happening\", from 1968 to 1969. Both shows were produced by Dick Clark's production company for ABC. </div> Where the Action Is Where the Action Is is a music-based television variety show that aired in the United States from", "psg_id": "5352177" }, { "title": "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? 3 - New Carmen Adventure", "text": "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? 3 - New Carmen Adventure Mais où se Cache Carmen Sandiego? Mystère au Bout du Monde (\"Mystery at the End of the World\") also known as Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? 3 - New Carmen Adventure in English is a French Carmen Sandiego game released on February 18, 2009. It was published by Mindscape and developed by French studio Strass Productions. It is a point-and-click adventure aimed at ages 8 to 12. It follows ACME detectives Julia and Adam in a worldwide hunt across 10 countries for stolen world treasures. It", "psg_id": "17721677" }, { "title": "The king is dead, long live the king!", "text": "The king is dead, long live the king! \"The King is dead, long live the King!\", or simply \"Long live the King!\", is a traditional proclamation made following the accession of a new monarch in various countries. The seemingly contradictory phrase is used to simultaneously announce the death of the previous monarch and assure the public of continuity by saluting the new monarch. In modern times, this phrase has become a popular phrasal template. Given the memorable nature of the phrase (owing to epanalepsis), as well as its historic significance, the phrase crops up regularly as a headline for articles,", "psg_id": "6946448" }, { "title": "The Price Is Right Live!", "text": "The Price Is Right Live! The Price Is Right LIVE! is a staged production show based on the television game show \"The Price Is Right\". The live stage shows are held at Caesars Entertainment casinos, as well as the Foxwoods Resort & Casino in Connecticut and the Seminole Casino Coconut Creek in Coconut Creek, Florida. The show also briefly ran at two Atlantic City casinos in 2005, 2006, 2011 and 2012. The show ran at the Welk Resort in Branson, Missouri in 2012. They are produced in association with FremantleMedia. In some cases, audience members for each show are asked", "psg_id": "5241696" }, { "title": "For a Just Kazakhstan", "text": "opposition bloc and became the coalition's candidate for the presidential elections. After the elections, he founded the Nationwide Social Democratic Party in September 2006. For a Just Kazakhstan advocates democratization of the political system, election of regional governors, investigation of corruption cases involving the family of the president Nazarbayev and the fair redistribution of national wealth. For a Just Kazakhstan For a Just Kazakhstan (also known as For a Fair Kazakhstan) (\"Ediletti Qazaqstan Ushin\") is a political movement that was founded by the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, the Naghyz Ak Zhol Party and the Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan Party as", "psg_id": "8810175" }, { "title": "My Name Is Legion (novel)", "text": "lives—why it exists (leading to the theological question of theodicy) and what believers can actively do to make the world a better place to live in. In the novel, a mentally disturbed teenager who might be suffering from schizophrenia (or rather dissociative identity disorder, as the illness is never diagnosed) behaves as if he were possessed by demons. Also, the fictional tabloid whose proprietor and staff are described in the book is called \"The Daily Legion\". \"My name is Legion\" is a quotation from the Gospel according to Mark. In Chapter 5, we are told that Jesus and his disciples", "psg_id": "4649845" }, { "title": "Where Is Everybody?", "text": "on a society in which people were executed when they turned 60, due to their inability to contribute to society—was considered too depressing by network executives. William Self is the network executive who rejected \"The Happy Place\". At first, Serling tried to get him fired, but the next day realized that Mr. Self was right, and came in with \"Where is Everybody?\". From that point on, Serling and Self became fast friends. The basic premise of \"The Happy Place\" was presented in Anthony Trollope's 1882 novel \"The Fixed Period\", which envisaged a college where men retired at 67 and, after", "psg_id": "987877" }, { "title": "Where The Action Is (Australia)", "text": "station meant the show was unsuccessful and was cancelled within the same year it commenced. It was the last television series to be hosted by O'Keefe. Only two episodes are known to still exist. Where The Action Is (Australia) Where The Action Is was an Australian television show that aired from January to November 1966. It starred Johnny O'Keefe and was produced by the newly launched TEN Network. The concept revolved around O'Keefe traveling to locations around Sydney, and later in the show's run, around Australia. Each episode would feature guest stars that would sing many of their current hits.", "psg_id": "19882187" }, { "title": "Live as Hippie-Punks", "text": "Pohl) and his first with Wienstroer and Flader (who accompanied him on his 1996 Japanese tour). \"Live as Hippie-Punks\" was the first Dinger album not to be released in LP format. All tracks written by Klaus Dinger except where indicated. Die Engel des Herrn others Live as Hippie-Punks Live as Hippie-Punks (styled as LIVE! AS HIPPIE-PUNKS) is a 1995 live album by the band Die Engel des Herrn. It was recorded at a 1993 concert in Düsseldorf which was the band's final performance, as they split up immediately following the concert. When Klaus Dinger signed to the Japanese record label", "psg_id": "17230738" }, { "title": "The Price Is Right Live!", "text": "who debuted the television high-stakes pricing game \"Pay the Rent\". Andy Taylor, formerly of radio station KTTS in Springfield, MO is the announcer for the Branson show. Chinese-Canadian television presenter Benny Yau was co-announcer with Howard Blank for the show's Canadian debut at Vancouver, Canada in May 2011, where the show was done in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin. The Price Is Right Live! The Price Is Right LIVE! is a staged production show based on the television game show \"The Price Is Right\". The live stage shows are held at Caesars Entertainment casinos, as well as the Foxwoods Resort &", "psg_id": "5241703" }, { "title": "Terrorism and counter-terrorism in Kazakhstan", "text": "Terrorism and counter-terrorism in Kazakhstan The threat of terrorism in Kazakhstan plays an increasingly important role in relations with the United States which in 2006 were at an all-time high. Kazakhstan has taken Uzbekistan's place as the favored partner in Central Asia for both Russia and the United States. Kazakhstan's counter-terrorism efforts resulted in country's 94th ranking among 130 countries in the 2016 Global Terrorism Index published by the Institute of Economics and Peace. The higher the position on the ranking is, the bigger the impact of terrorism in the country. Kazakhstan's 94th place puts it in a group of", "psg_id": "9907168" }, { "title": "Where Is the Feeling?", "text": "an extended version of the trip hop influcenced single, called 'Where Is The Feeling (BIR Soundtrack). The lyrics were an early experiment to help Minogue in finding courage to write personal material, which she wanted to explore on her next album Impossible Princess. It was considered Minogue's least successful single at the time. The single only managed to chart in two countries, these being Australia and the United Kingdom. The song debuted at number thirty-one on the Australian Singles Chart, but slipped to number thirty-eight, staying in the charts for a total of three weeks. To date, this remained Minogue's", "psg_id": "5621682" }, { "title": "Czech Republic–Kazakhstan relations", "text": "Czech Republic–Kazakhstan relations Czech Republic–Kazakhstan relations are bilateral relations between the Czech Republic and Kazakhstan. The diplomatic relations between the Kazakhstan and the Czech Republic were established on January 1, 1993. In 2012, Kazakh president Nursultan Nazarbayev met Czech president Václav Klaus during an official visit to the Czech Republic and Austria, and discussed deepening of economic cooperation. In 2014, Nazarbayev met president Miloš Zeman, discussing further economic cooperation of the countries and Czech assistance to diversifying of Kazakhstan's economy. Economic cooperation between the Czech Republic and Kazakhstan is based on several bilateral agreements between the countries from 1996, 1998", "psg_id": "13352458" }, { "title": "Where the Light Is (John Mayer album)", "text": "Where the Light Is (John Mayer album) Where the Light Is: John Mayer Live in Los Angeles, commonly referred to as Where the Light Is, is a live album and concert film by American blues-rock musician John Mayer. Released on July 1, 2008, the album documents Mayer's performance at the Nokia Theatre at L.A. Live in Los Angeles, California on December 8, 2007, during the promotional tour for his 2006 third studio album \"Continuum\". The concert in question, which was for the Annual John Mayer Holiday Charity Revue, featured three separate performances: the first an acoustic set by Mayer alone,", "psg_id": "11874568" }, { "title": "Dark Is the Way, Light Is a Place", "text": "because it \"is a classic Anberlin album with all the fixins to whet your appetite\". Dark Is the Way, Light Is a Place Dark Is the Way, Light Is a Place is the fifth studio album by American alternative rock band Anberlin, their second album released through major label Universal Republic, on September 7, 2010. The band recorded the album in Nashville, at Blackbird Studios with Grammy Award-winning producer Brendan O'Brien. The band entered Blackbird Studios, Nashville, to begin recording the album in March 2010. It was announced on March 3 that the band would be working with Grammy Award-", "psg_id": "14658455" }, { "title": "Klaus (The Vampire Diaries)", "text": "leaves Elijah to go to Jenna. In a flashback, we see that Elijah was in love with Katherine back in 1492. Elena tries to calm Jenna down and tells her the whole truth. Then, she goes back to Elijah, asking him to tell her about the curse. Elijah tells her that his mother was unfaithful to his father and Klaus is a brother from another father, a werewolf, something that makes Klaus both a vampire and a werewolf. Klaus wants to break the curse that is upon him so he can reawaken his werewolf side and create an army of", "psg_id": "18332424" }, { "title": "Where the Light Is (EP)", "text": "to fulfill the promise of 2 Corinthians 5:17\". Where the Light Is (EP) Where the Light Is is the second extended play (EP) from Dan Bremnes. Sparrow Records alongside Capitol Christian Music Group released the EP on April 15, 2015. Awarding the EP four stars from New Release Tuesday, Mary Nikkel states, \"Dan Bremnes proves his ability to craft melodies and lyrics that are as musically strong as they are spiritually and emotionally engaging.\" Christopher Smith, giving the EP two and a half stars for Jesus Freak Hideout, writes, \"anyone looking for an engaging or artistic album won't find it", "psg_id": "18822348" }, { "title": "Fairy Tale about Father Frost, Ivan and Nastya", "text": "Fairy Tale about Father Frost, Ivan and Nastya Fairy Tale about Father Frost, Ivan and Nastya (Czech: Pohádka o Mrazíkovi, Ivanovi a Nastěnce) is a 2000 Czech adventure game developed by Bohemia Interactive and Centauri Production. It was published by Bohemia Interactive. The game is heavily inspired by the 1964 Soviet Union fairy-tale movie \"Jack Frost\" (\"Морозко\"). \"Fairy Tale about Father Frost, Ivan and Nastya\" was included free with the January 2009 issue of \"Počítač pro každého.\" felt the game would appeal to children because it was simple, clear, nice, and interesting. Just Adventure felt the title would appeal", "psg_id": "20633008" }, { "title": "Organization of the Scout Movement of Kazakhstan", "text": "Germany or Kazakhstan, helping and learning from each other. In 2006 8 Guides and Scouts from the BdP travelled to Kazakhstan for the National Camp. In 1999, Kazakhstan held the First International Scout Camp \"Kakharman-99\", and in 2003 held WINGS2003, a subcamp for 10 to 14-year-olds. On October 5, 2004, the Internet Access and Training Program (IATP) brought together 20 Scouts from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan for a two-hour online discussion of their activities from the IATP access sites in five cities in Kazakhstan and three in Uzbekistan, aimed to bring together representatives of the Scouting movements from these countries to", "psg_id": "6303173" }, { "title": "The Tide Is High", "text": "flashing rainbow can be seen in the background. Whenever the chorus of the song is heard, a dance accompanies it. Hamilton, Liz McClarnon and Jenny Frost do a simplistic dance that they would also perform during live shows. Four men are seen dancing alongside the women with slightly different moves. A sign that reads \"Atomic\" can be seen flashing throughout the video (and on clips on the \"behind the scenes\" version showing one girl dancing and three girls dancing). Each group member has a different set for their solo. McClarnon is next to a silver tree, with a purple background", "psg_id": "5680917" }, { "title": "Child Is Father of the Man", "text": "sang newly written lyrics by Parks (\"Easy, my child / It's just enough to believe / Out of the wild / into what you can conceive / You'll achieve\"). The song's chorus was later rewritten and rerecorded as the chorus for \"Little Bird\", a song on the band's 1968 \"Friends\" album released as a single. It was then quoted within the closing section of \"Surf's Up\", which ended up appearing on their 1971 album of the same name. Child Is Father of the Man \"Child Is Father of the Man\" is a song written by Brian Wilson and Van Dyke", "psg_id": "15884369" }, { "title": "Dark Is the Way, Light Is a Place", "text": "Dark Is the Way, Light Is a Place Dark Is the Way, Light Is a Place is the fifth studio album by American alternative rock band Anberlin, their second album released through major label Universal Republic, on September 7, 2010. The band recorded the album in Nashville, at Blackbird Studios with Grammy Award-winning producer Brendan O'Brien. The band entered Blackbird Studios, Nashville, to begin recording the album in March 2010. It was announced on March 3 that the band would be working with Grammy Award- winning producer Brendan O'Brien, who has worked with the likes of Pearl Jam and Rage", "psg_id": "14658444" }, { "title": "My Father Is a Hero", "text": "fact, it’s the thrills and character interaction that makes The Enforcer much more than a stereotypical trip through the Asian underworld.\" Earl Cressey of DVD Talk rated it 4/5 stars and wrote that it \"combines some fantastic martial arts action and a decent story with great results\". David Johnson of DVD Verdict called it a \"disappointing action movie\" and wrote that he could not accept a child who fights against adult henchmen. My Father Is a Hero My Father Is a Hero (, released in the United States as The Enforcer and Jet Li's The Enforcer) is a 1995 Hong", "psg_id": "8996051" }, { "title": "Where Is the Line", "text": "if other people will detect the humour, but I think they're both really funny songs. There's something impressive and ridiculous about them\". \"Where Is the Line\" is a dark song in which Björk attacks her younger brother for being greedy and unreliable. In its lyrics, the singer displays some irritation: \"I'm elastic for you, but enough is enough\". \"Today\" website was positive towards \"Where Is the Line\", and said that it was no coincidence\" that one of \"the most exciting tracks\" on the album contained more percussion and instrumentation than the others. Theon Weber from \"Spin\" magazine said the song", "psg_id": "5576599" }, { "title": "My Name Is My Name", "text": "Pusha T spoke on the inspiration behind the album title. \"Basically, I tried to pick a title that embodied who I am as an artist. I wanted people to understand like Pusha is everything that I really, really am. Actually, there is a line in 'Pain' where I say \"My name is my name,\" that line comes from Marlo Stanfield from the series \"The Wire\". It was one of the more prominent catch phrases that he said at the end of that series. He was basically saying, I am who I am, I stand on my name I live this.", "psg_id": "16953063" }, { "title": "Live Oak, Santa Cruz County, California", "text": "Live Oak is in . Live Oak, Santa Cruz County, California Live Oak is a census-designated place (CDP) in Santa Cruz County, California between the cities of Santa Cruz and Capitola. Live Oak sits at an elevation of . The population was 17,158 at the 2010 census. Live Oak is located at (36.981363, -121.980476). According to the United States Census Bureau, the CDP has a total area of 3.2 square miles (8.4 km²), all of it land. For several thousand years, the Awaswas-speaking Ohlone people inhabited the area from Half Moon Bay to Aptos, including the area now known as", "psg_id": "1022533" }, { "title": "Heaven Is a Place on Earth", "text": "partially filmed at Six Flags Magic Mountain theme park in Valencia, California (now Santa Clarita, California), on the now-defunct Spin Out ride. Carlisle's backup vocalists on the track include songwriters Nowels and Shipley as well as Michelle Phillips of The Mamas & the Papas and songwriter Diane Warren. It also features Thomas Dolby on keyboards. Heaven Is a Place on Earth \"Heaven Is a Place on Earth\" is a song recorded by American singer Belinda Carlisle for her second studio album \"Heaven on Earth\" (1987). Written by Rick Nowels and Ellen Shipley, the power ballad was released as the album's", "psg_id": "7997148" }, { "title": "Chinese people in Kazakhstan", "text": "to Central Asian areas like Besh Baliq, Almaliq, and Samarqand by the Mongols where they worked as artisans and farmers. The Daoist Chinese master Qiu Chuji travelled through Kazakhstan to meet Genghis Khan in Afghanistan. China and Kazakhstan agreed on visa-free travel in early 1992, which led to 150 to 200 Chinese citizens entering Kazakhstan each day and not returning to China. Most are believed to have simply used Kazakhstan as a transit point to Europe. Visa-free travel was terminated in 1993. The border between the two countries remained strictly controlled and highly militarised until the 1995 China–Kazakhstan Joint Declaration,", "psg_id": "13270022" }, { "title": "The Road Is No Place for a Lady", "text": "The Road Is No Place for a Lady The Road Is No Place for a Lady is the fifth and final album released by Cass Elliot. It was the second album she recorded after signing with RCA Records. The album was recorded over a period of two months during the summer of 1972 at London's Trident Studios, produced by Lewis Merenstein and arranged and conducted by Larry Fallon and Del Newman. The album was essentially pop music but with several different styles woven in. It contained touches of swing music and even gospel. Two singles were released; the first, \"(If", "psg_id": "11716990" }, { "title": "Sun Is Shining (Bob Marley and the Wailers song)", "text": "of the most popular Marley songs, \"Sun Is Shining\" used to be a fairly unknown and seldomly-performed number during Marley's lifetime. Up to date, only two live performances are documented, however both took place under special circumstances. On June 16, 1978, Marley performed at The Music Inn in Lenox, Massachusetts, a concert having been rescheduled twice since 1976, and played an over 2-hour set. \"Sun Is Shining\" was the opening song, reportedly included spontaneously as it stopped to rain. On July 23, 1978, Marley performed an outdoor concert at the Santa Barbara Bowl that included \"Sun Is Shining\" as opening", "psg_id": "5961212" }, { "title": "A Is for Allah", "text": "a large colourful book, with each page displaying a letter of the Arabic alphabet, by Mountain of Light, Yusuf Islam's own record imprint. A Is for Allah A is for Allah is the name of a double album created for Muslim children by Yusuf Islam (formerly known as Cat Stevens). The album was released on 11 July 2000 by Resurgence UK Records. The title song was written in 1980 upon the birth of Yusufs first child, a daughter named Hasanah. Yusuf wanted his daughter to learn the Arabic language as well as read and understand the Qu'ran (in Arabic). He", "psg_id": "7810346" }, { "title": "Klaus Heissler", "text": "Shia LaBeouf's father. Klaus and Stan have a complex relationship, which can best be defined as a rocky friendship. Stan's refusal to help Klaus find a human body, as well as his tendency to treat him with marked disrespect, is often a source of tension in the two's relationship. Despite this, the two seem to care for one another, despite both being guilty of treating each other poorly. When given an opportunity, Klaus has been shown to delight in tormenting Stan on several occasions, or betraying him if he feels he has been sufficiently wronged. In other episodes, Klaus has", "psg_id": "16164575" }, { "title": "Live Oak, Santa Cruz County, California", "text": "Live Oak, Santa Cruz County, California Live Oak is a census-designated place (CDP) in Santa Cruz County, California between the cities of Santa Cruz and Capitola. Live Oak sits at an elevation of . The population was 17,158 at the 2010 census. Live Oak is located at (36.981363, -121.980476). According to the United States Census Bureau, the CDP has a total area of 3.2 square miles (8.4 km²), all of it land. For several thousand years, the Awaswas-speaking Ohlone people inhabited the area from Half Moon Bay to Aptos, including the area now known as Live Oak. When missionaries established", "psg_id": "1022518" }, { "title": "The World Is Not Enough", "text": "as innocent as she seems. An alarm sounds while he is handing M the locator card as proof of the theft, which reveals that the stolen bomb from Kazakhstan is attached to an inspection rig heading towards the oil terminal. Bond and Jones enter the pipeline to deactivate the bomb, and Jones discovers that half of the plutonium is missing. They both jump clear of the rig, a large section of pipeline is destroyed, and they are presumed killed. Back at the command centre, Elektra reveals she and Renard are conspirators and that she killed her father as revenge for", "psg_id": "1434457" }, { "title": "My Name Is Legion (novel)", "text": "his mother's place, but his grandmother, Lily d'Abo, in whose flat he is supposed to live for the time being, does not see him regularly either. From time to time Peter visits Father Vivyan and on such occasions even serves as an altar boy. When, on the social worker's advice, his mother tells him that Lennox Mark is his natural father, Peter decides to get some money out of him his way. One night while Lennox Mark is not at home he poses as a delivery boy and gains entrance into the Marks' private home. However, he is overwhelmed by", "psg_id": "4649847" }, { "title": "A Is for Accident", "text": "as of 2012). Most of the tracks were recorded at live shows around the Boston area: T.T. The Bear's Place, the Lizard Lounge, and Sanders Theater in Cambridge, MA; WMBR 88.1 FM at MIT in Cambridge; WBRS 100.1 FM at Brandeis University in Waltham, MA; and the Milky Way in Boston's Jamaica Plain neighborhood. Several of them have local references: Christopher Lydon is a well-known radio interviewer at WBUR in Boston; \"Bank of Boston Beauty Queen\" takes place in Lexington, MA; \"Truce\" mentions a number of streets and places in Boston. Amanda Palmer stated at their 31 October 2010 reunion", "psg_id": "4680715" }, { "title": "Where the Heart Is (novel)", "text": "Where the Heart Is (novel) Where the Heart Is is a 1995 novel by Billie Letts. It was chosen as an Oprah's Book Club selection in December 1998. A 2000 film of the same name was directed by Matt Williams, starring Natalie Portman, Ashley Judd and Stockard Channing. \"Where the Heart Is\" follows the lives of Novalee Nation, Willy Jack Picken, and their daughter Americus Nation for a period of seven years in the 1980s and early 1990s. Above all, the book dramatizes in detail the tribulations of lower-income and foster children in the United States. This novel opens with", "psg_id": "6822318" }, { "title": "As/Is", "text": "As/Is As/Is is a live album by John Mayer, released October 19, 2004, available for download from iTunes and also available as a double-CD release. The albums were released from live concert performances across the United States from the tour following the release of Mayer's second album, \"Heavier Things\". The recordings include five albums-worth of material as sold on iTunes. As of July 2009, the four concert-specific albums were still available on iTunes in the United States, though Volume One is no longer available; Each album has its own artwork. A two-disc compilation was released physically and digitally which features", "psg_id": "4280136" }, { "title": "My Name Is Khan", "text": "release in India coupled with a regular Diaspora release in UK, US, Gulf, Australia and various other countries. \"After that in the months of April and May, we would be looking at a mainstream theatrical release in countries like Germany, Poland and other parts of North America,\" detailed Johar. \"My Name Is Khan\" was screened as part of 60th Berlin International Film Festival's Official Selection in February 2010, out of competition. The website eBay auctioned the tickets for the film's screening at the Berlin Film Festival for a record price of £1.000 (INR60.000) each. All the tickets were sold out", "psg_id": "12866659" }, { "title": "A Touch of Frost", "text": "A Touch of Frost A Touch of Frost is a television detective series produced by Yorkshire Television (later ITV Studios) for ITV from 6 December 1992 until 5 April 2010, initially based on the Frost novels by R. D. Wingfield. Writing credit for the three episodes in the first 1992 series went to Richard Harris. The series stars David Jason as Detective Inspector William Edward \"Jack\" Frost, an experienced and dedicated detective who frequently clashes with his superiors. In his cases, Frost is usually assisted by a variety of different detective sergeants or constables, with each bringing a different slant", "psg_id": "3123455" }, { "title": "Where the Light Is (John Mayer album)", "text": "The album also debuted in Australia on the ARIA Albums Chart at number 30. It also debuted at number-two on the Top 40 DVD chart. In its second week, the album was certified gold by ARIA for DVD shipments of 7,500 copies. It has since received a double-platinum certification for DVD shipments of 30,000 copies Where the Light Is (John Mayer album) Where the Light Is: John Mayer Live in Los Angeles, commonly referred to as Where the Light Is, is a live album and concert film by American blues-rock musician John Mayer. Released on July 1, 2008, the album", "psg_id": "11874571" }, { "title": "Father Is a Prince", "text": "to marry but aren't sure how to break the news, so she invites Gary and his parents to dinner. John ruins the evening for everyone with his temper. Susan says she wants a divorce, finally bringing her husband to his senses. Father Is a Prince Father Is a Prince is a 1940 comedy film directed by Noel M. Smith, starring Grant Mitchell and Nana Bryant. \"Father is a Prince\" is a remake of the 1934 comedy-drama \"Big Hearted Herbert\", itself based on a play by Sophie Kerr. John Bower is a demanding father, tight with a dollar and rigid in", "psg_id": "17777457" }, { "title": "Dark Is the Way, Light Is a Place", "text": "\"dabble with a more interesting, darker edge that borders on Circa Survive.\" At \"Alternative Press\", Evan Lucy rated the album four stars out of five, observing how the band \"\"allow Stephen Christian's strong lyricism and impassioned vocals to take center stage to deliver some of his finest performances yet.\" In addition, Lacy writes that \"Dark Is The Way, Light Is A Place is largely proof that what Anberlin might now lack in immediate catchiness, they more than make up for in composure.\" At \"Q\", they rated the album four stars out of five, stating how \"The grandstanding result sounds like", "psg_id": "14658449" }, { "title": "Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town (film)", "text": "letters to Santa. The story begins in the gloomy city of Sombertown, ruled by the ill-tempered Burgermeister Meisterburger (voiced by Paul Frees). A baby arrives on his doorstep with a name tag reading \"Claus\" and note requesting that Burgermeister raise the child. He instead orders his lawkeeper Grimsley (also voiced by Paul Frees) to take the baby to the \"Orphan Asylum\". On the way there, a gust of wind blows both sled and baby to the Mountain of the Whispering Winds, where the animals hide him from the evil Winter Warlock (voiced by Keenan Wynn) and convey him to an", "psg_id": "9264750" } ]
[ "russia, china, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan, and turkmenistan" ]
name the artist and title of this 1971 song that hit #3: "so this is christmas and what have you done another year over and a new one just begun and so this is christmas i hope you have fun the near and the dear one the old and the young"
[ { "title": "This Is It and I Am It and You Are It and So Is That and He Is It and She Is It and It Is It and That Is That", "text": "was in turn a quotation from James Broughton's \"The Bard and the Harper\" (1965). Broughton also used the quote in his art film \"This Is It\" (1971). Pitchfork named \"This Is It...\" the 44th greatest album of 2008. This Is It and I Am It and You Are It and So Is That and He Is It and She Is It and It Is It and That Is That This Is It and I Am It and You Are It and So Is That and He Is It and She Is It and It Is It and That Is That", "psg_id": "12234213" }, { "title": "This Is It and I Am It and You Are It and So Is That and He Is It and She Is It and It Is It and That Is That", "text": "This Is It and I Am It and You Are It and So Is That and He Is It and She Is It and It Is It and That Is That This Is It and I Am It and You Are It and So Is That and He Is It and She Is It and It Is It and That Is That is the second album by Marnie Stern, released on October 7, 2008 on Kill Rock Stars. The album's title comes from an Alan Watts quote in his work \"On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are\" (1966), which", "psg_id": "12234212" }, { "title": "River Rose and the Magical Christmas", "text": "meet the man in red. River Rose and her dog, Joplin, have fallen asleep and been swept off on another magical adventure. This time, they're off to the North Pole to let Santa know what she really wants for Christmas. \"The Magical Christmas\" was inspired by Clarkson's daughter's love for the holiday season. She explained, \"She's at such a fun age... It’s a fun time for kids and Christmas. And she just gets so excited about it and I thought it would be a fun book for her to get to read.\" She also added the a year after announcing", "psg_id": "20235924" }, { "title": "Maybe This Place Is the Same and We're Just Changing", "text": "May 1, Real Friends announced their debut album, \"Maybe This Place Is the Same and We're Just Changing\". The title is about change that is experienced when one leaves and returns home. Fasel said the group were \"beyond excited\" to unveil the album to their fans. Lambton said it's down to the listener \"what this album means to you. [...] we took a lot of time putting together an album that we believe is a solid and progressive effort, and i hope that shines through\". Following this, the band went on a tour of the UK and Europe in May", "psg_id": "18148504" }, { "title": "This Is The Time: The Christmas Album", "text": "a discography, and a preview of a Bolton CD-ROM which was never released. The album was released during Christmas time, narrowly missing the top 10 hitting #11. Total sales of the album have reached one million copies in the US (Platinum status). The album also proved to be a worldwide hit, selling almost 2.5 million units. This Is The Time: The Christmas Album This Is the Time: The Christmas Album is an album by Michael Bolton, released on October 1, 1996. Bolton's first Christmas release, it contains two new songs: \"This Is the Time\" (performed with Wynonna Judd), and \"Love", "psg_id": "7156757" }, { "title": "And I Love You So (Shirley Bassey album)", "text": "And I Love You So (Shirley Bassey album) And I Love You So is a 1972 album by Shirley Bassey. Released late in 1972 to positive reviews, this was Bassey's fourth album of the decade and was one of the albums which comprised her 'comeback' period of the 1970s. Unlike the earlier albums, this didn't feature any hit singles and consequently didn't fare as well as the previous three. It made No. 24, and remained on the chart for 9 weeks, reaching its peak on Christmas week, resulting in higher than average sales. Singles released were \"And I Love You", "psg_id": "12592042" }, { "title": "This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get", "text": "He then flew over to London and presented them to Richard Branson as the finished new PiL album for Virgin Records: \"Commercial Zone\". For his part, John Lydon decided to completely abandon the tapes and re-record the whole album from scratch with session musicians. This new version of \"Commercial Zone\" became \"This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get\" in 1984. \"The Order of Death\" is a reference to the film \"Copkiller\", also known as \"The Order of Death\". The line \"This is what you want... This is what you get\", which gives title to the album, appears", "psg_id": "8966221" }, { "title": "This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get", "text": "This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get is a 1984 album by Public Image Ltd. It is the band's fourth official studio album and includes the single \"Bad Life\" and a re-recorded version of a \"This Is Not a Love Song\", which had been a No. 5 UK and international hit when released as a single in 1983. An early version of the album was released in 1983 by founding PiL guitarist Keith Levene as \"Commercial Zone\". The album was then re-recorded after Levene's departure from the", "psg_id": "8966216" }, { "title": "This Is the Day...This Is the Hour...This Is This!", "text": "than I liked what was on them, so it was about why you'd buy into one brand over another.\" The \"Watchmen\"-themed \"Def. Con. One\" was released by the band's early label Chapter 22 on 1 July 1988, reaching number 63 on the UK Singles Chart. Later in the year, the band were signed to major label RCA Records, who released \"This Is the Day...This is the Hour...This Is This!\" in the United Kingdom on 1 May 1989 and in the United States and Japan on 18 July 1989. Not all the samples on the album were licensed, as the band", "psg_id": "8898498" }, { "title": "Christmas Is the Time to Say 'I Love You'", "text": "Christmas album, \"Christmas is the Time to Say I Love You\", which was released on October 12, 2010. Christmas Is the Time to Say 'I Love You' \"Christmas Is the Time to Say 'I Love You'\" is a holiday rock song by Billy Squier, released in 1981 as the B-side of his hit \"My Kinda Lover\" (Capitol 5037). In 1981, a video of the song was recorded with MTV VJs and staff members singing along with a live performance by Squier. VJ Martha Quinn remembers it as her number one moment when working for MTV. The song has been covered", "psg_id": "14028029" }, { "title": "What Have You Done", "text": "Adel sings Caputo's parts as well. On the live album \"An Acoustic Night at the Theatre\", \"What Have You Done\" appears as a duet with Caputo once again, although Caputo's vocals were not recorded live. This song is available as a downloadable song in the games \"Guitar Hero World Tour\", \"Guitar Hero 5\", and \"\". In 2008, Dutch TV program \"Koefnoen\" made a parody on this song titled \"What Am I Doing Here\". These are the formats and track listings of major single releases of \"What Have You Done\". What Have You Done \"What Have You Done\" is the first", "psg_id": "9615483" }, { "title": "Maybe This Place Is the Same and We're Just Changing", "text": "\"I Don't Love You Anymore\" was made available for streaming on June 30 via The A.V. Club and released as a single on July 1. A music video was released for the song on July 16, it was directed by Eric Teti. \"Maybe This Place Is the Same and We're Just Changing\" was planned to be released prior to Warped Tour so that band could play the newer songs. Instead, the album was released on July 22 through Fearless. The album artwork and layout was done by Gary Weissmann at Creation Factory, while Mitchell Wojcik contributed art direction and photography.", "psg_id": "18148506" }, { "title": "And I Love You So (song)", "text": "And I Love You So (song) \"And I Love You So\" is a popular song written by folk singer and guitarist Don McLean and released on his 1970 debut album, \"Tapestry\". The song has been recorded by many artists in the years since McLean's original version, and it was a 1973 hit for singer Perry Como on his RCA Victor album of the same name, \"And I Love You So\". Como's version of the song reached No. 29 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart, the last of his many popular recordings, dating back to 1943, to reach the Top 40.", "psg_id": "11960992" }, { "title": "This Christmas (John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John album)", "text": "This Christmas (John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John album) This Christmas is a Christmas album by John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John, released on November 9, 2012 by Universal Music Enterprises. The first time that Travolta and Newton-John worked together was on the musical film \"Grease\" (1978), which they performed the songs \"You're the One That I Want\" and \"Summer Nights\". Both the film and the songs were a commercial phenomenon. This album is the first new artistic work they have done together since the 1983 film \"Two of a Kind\" (which features the song \"Take a Chance\", performed by them). \"This", "psg_id": "16822772" }, { "title": "This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get", "text": "songs by John Lydon, Keith Levene, and Martin Atkins except * by John Lydon and Martin Atkins Five songs on \"This Is What You Want...This Is What You Get\" are re-recordings of tracks which originally appeared on \"Commercial Zone\": \"Bad Life\" (originally titled \"Mad Max\"), \"This Is Not a Love Song\" (originally titled \"Love Song\"), \"Solitaire\" (entitled \"Young Brits\" on the second pressing of \"Commercial Zone\"), \"The Order of Death\" (originally titled \"The Slab\"), and \"Where Are You?\" (originally titled \"Lou Reed Part 2\"). Four songs from \"Commercial Zone\", \"Bad Night\", \"Lou Reed Part 1\", \"Blue Water\" and \"Miller Hi-Life\",", "psg_id": "8966218" }, { "title": "All I Want for Christmas Is You (film)", "text": "take care of Jack, then she can have a dog of her very own. A soundtrack for this album was released alongside the release of the movie, featuring old christmas classics by Carey as well as a brand new song called \"Lil Snowman\". All I Want for Christmas Is You (film) All I Want For Christmas Is You (also known as Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas Is You) is a 2017 direct-to-video computer-animated Christmas film based on the song by Mariah Carey and the book by Carey herself and Colleen Madden. The film stars the voices of Mariah", "psg_id": "20504862" }, { "title": "What Have I Done to Deserve This? (song)", "text": "performed the song with American singer Lady Gaga. What Have I Done to Deserve This? (song) \"What Have I Done to Deserve This?\" is a song by English synthpop duo Pet Shop Boys, featuring singer Dusty Springfield. When it was released as a single in late 1987, it peaked at number 2 in the UK and also at number 2 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, becoming the fourth top ten hit for Pet Shop Boys as well as the biggest hit of Springfield's career in the US. It was kept from the top spot by \"Seasons Change\" by Exposé and", "psg_id": "9353642" }, { "title": "Christmas This Year", "text": "2010. It was later included in TobyMac's first Christmas album, \"Christmas In Diverse City\". TobyMac said while talking about making the song, \"Christmas is the most celebrated time of the year for my family. While we were recording the song, we had a week-long Christmas party at my house…in July!!! I wanted to write a song that captured that pure delight without missing the spirit of the season… when love came down to let us live.\" Christmas This Year \"Christmas This Year\" is a Christmas song by American Christian hip hop recording artist TobyMac from his 2011 Christmas album \"Christmas", "psg_id": "20735909" }, { "title": "Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas", "text": "put the spell on him and the castle. Belle enters the boiler room and meets Axe, head of the boiler room. She tells him she needs a Yule Log and he tells her to help herself. Beast finds her and demands to know what is going on. She explains that it is a great tradition: \"one log is chosen, then everyone in the house touches it, and makes a Christmas wish\". The Beast, however, claims that wishes are stupid, and bellows at Belle, \"You made a Christmas wish last year! Is this what you wished for?!\" He shouts that she", "psg_id": "2679605" }, { "title": "What Have I Done to Deserve This? (song)", "text": "What Have I Done to Deserve This? (song) \"What Have I Done to Deserve This?\" is a song by English synthpop duo Pet Shop Boys, featuring singer Dusty Springfield. When it was released as a single in late 1987, it peaked at number 2 in the UK and also at number 2 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, becoming the fourth top ten hit for Pet Shop Boys as well as the biggest hit of Springfield's career in the US. It was kept from the top spot by \"Seasons Change\" by Exposé and \"Father Figure\" by their fellow British singer George", "psg_id": "9353639" }, { "title": "This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get", "text": "were not re-recorded for \"This Is What You Want...This Is What You Get\" (although a remixed version of \"Blue Water\" was included as the B-side on the \"This Is Not a Love Song\" 12\" single). Songs on \"This Is What You Want...This Is What You Get\" which did not appear in any form on \"Commercial Zone\" are \"Tie Me to the Length of That\", \"The Pardon\" and \"1981\", and are the only songs on the album which do not credit Keith Levene as a co-writer. PiL was supposed to score the soundtrack for the 1983 suspense film \"Copkiller\", starring Harvey", "psg_id": "8966219" }, { "title": "This Is What the Truth Feels Like", "text": "a \"GQ\" interview: \"Did you think this project was going to be a heartbreak album? It seems like a falling-in-love album. Was that a surprise?\" Stefani responded: You are right. I did not think anything. I wasn't thinking. I was feeling and I was dying. And then I was just like, You can't go down like this! You have to turn this into music. You have to try, at least. I was so embarrassed by just everything. I just didn't want to be that person that just went down after all of that. A lot of the time in the", "psg_id": "19322910" }, { "title": "And I Love You So (film)", "text": "The song was covered by Gary Valenciano for the film. A version by Sam Milby was also used in the film. And I Love You So (film) And I Love You So is a 2009 Philippine romantic drama film produced by Star Cinema, starring Bea Alonzo, Sam Milby and Derek Ramsay. This film reunites Alonzo and Milby; the previous being \"Close to You\" (2006). The film is directed by Laurenti Dyogi, and celebrates the 16th year of Star Cinema films. The film describes the feeling of forbidden love for another person when that love may not be forbidden at all.", "psg_id": "14154298" }, { "title": "This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get", "text": "in the film. The album was seen as a step down from the band's efforts. Pitchfork Media named the album \"maligned but salvageable\". Allmusic said the album as \"the most tentative and least powerful of PiL's recordings.\" This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get is a 1984 album by Public Image Ltd. It is the band's fourth official studio album and includes the single \"Bad Life\" and a re-recorded version of a \"This Is Not a Love Song\", which had been a No. 5 UK and international", "psg_id": "8966222" }, { "title": "Christmas Is the Time to Say 'I Love You'", "text": "Christmas Is the Time to Say 'I Love You' \"Christmas Is the Time to Say 'I Love You'\" is a holiday rock song by Billy Squier, released in 1981 as the B-side of his hit \"My Kinda Lover\" (Capitol 5037). In 1981, a video of the song was recorded with MTV VJs and staff members singing along with a live performance by Squier. VJ Martha Quinn remembers it as her number one moment when working for MTV. The song has been covered by Darlene Love, Alexa Vega, and by SR-71. Katharine McPhee recorded a cover of the song on her", "psg_id": "14028028" }, { "title": "Rose Red Violent Blue (This Song Is Dumb & So Am I)", "text": "a decent chorus but the verses have that \"annoying earworm\" quality that remind you of 90's one hit wonders like Marcy Playground and [Harvey Danger's] \"Flagpole Sitta\". Band Rose Red Violent Blue (This Song Is Dumb & So Am I) \"Rose Red Violent Blue (This Song Is Dumb & So Am I)\" is a song by American rock band Stone Sour. It was a single off of their album \"Hydrograd\". As of February 2018, it had peaked at number 10 on the \"Billboard\" US Mainstream Rock Songs chart. The song was debuted on June 25, 2017, BBC Radio 1's \"Rock", "psg_id": "20376202" }, { "title": "This Is the New Shit", "text": "absurdity of saying 'This Is the New Shit'--it's the most bitter, sardonic stab at fucking anyone who would listen to the song unless you get that, and therein lies the beauty.\" Manson also said that the track was inspired by Dadaism and is about \"when you get to a point in history or in art or in your own creativity where you throw your hands up and you say 'I've done everything. Where do I go from here?'\" Jim Louvau of the \"Phoeix New Times\" called \"This Is the New Shit\" a \"great track\" and one of his favorite Marilyn", "psg_id": "8361135" }, { "title": "Is This What I Get For Loving You?", "text": "1995 album \"Portfolio\". Is This What I Get For Loving You? \"Is This What I Get For Loving You?\" is a pop song written by Phil Spector, Carole King and Gerry Goffin and recorded by 1960s girl group The Ronettes. The song featured Ronettes lead singer Ronnie Spector on lead vocals (credited as Veronica), and Ronettes Nedra Talley and Estelle Bennett on backing vocals. Released on Philles Records, reaching No. 75 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in 1965. By 1965, the popularity of The Ronettes had seriously begun to decline. 1964 had proven to be the group's most successful year,", "psg_id": "14583441" }, { "title": "Is This What I Get For Loving You?", "text": "Is This What I Get For Loving You? \"Is This What I Get For Loving You?\" is a pop song written by Phil Spector, Carole King and Gerry Goffin and recorded by 1960s girl group The Ronettes. The song featured Ronettes lead singer Ronnie Spector on lead vocals (credited as Veronica), and Ronettes Nedra Talley and Estelle Bennett on backing vocals. Released on Philles Records, reaching No. 75 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in 1965. By 1965, the popularity of The Ronettes had seriously begun to decline. 1964 had proven to be the group's most successful year, as they placed", "psg_id": "14583437" }, { "title": "All I Want for Christmas Is You (film)", "text": "All I Want for Christmas Is You (film) All I Want For Christmas Is You (also known as Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas Is You) is a 2017 direct-to-video computer-animated Christmas film based on the song by Mariah Carey and the book by Carey herself and Colleen Madden. The film stars the voices of Mariah Carey, Breanna Yde, and Henry Winkler. Young Mariah (Breanna Yde) desperately wants a puppy for Christmas, but her parents are not convinced that she should have one. They agree to let Mariah dog-sit the puppy Jack (Dee Bradley Baker) and if she can", "psg_id": "20504861" }, { "title": "And I Love You So (Perry Como album)", "text": "And I Love You So (Perry Como album) And I Love You So was Perry Como's 21st 12\" long-play album released by RCA Records. As with \"It's Impossible\", this album was issued to feature a surprise hit single, Don McLean's \"And I Love You So\". Como brought the song to the national top 40 (Number One Easy Listening). Previous versions of the song by Elvis Presley, Bobby Goldsboro and Bobby Vinton had met with mild or no success. Como's version was so successful, RCA asked him to record the song in Spanish. When Como said he didn't speak the language,", "psg_id": "15157182" }, { "title": "You Would Have Loved This", "text": "You Would Have Loved This You Would Have Loved This is Tarja's second solo single which is a dedication to her mother and predates the release of her Christmas album, \"Henkäys Ikuisuudesta\". Five fans watched the single being made after winning the promotion, \"Win a Day With Tarja Turunen\", made in the official web forum. The single was released with only 1,000 copies, that were sold out in the first selling week, taking the 5th place in the official Finnish parades, the highest position for a new music in the first week. \"You Would Have Loved This\" was recorded originally", "psg_id": "11834505" }, { "title": "This Is the Warning", "text": "Iraq to Africa. You kill many people so you can run an oil pipeline through their country. 9/11 — that whole time was so surreal. It really shaped our world.\" The album's artwork was done by artist Cameron Gray, whose pieces were also used for the singles, as well as poster and merchandise designs. Gray was discovered by Benzie who was looking for an artist that captured the visual feel of the band; \"I really liked him when I found him online. I’d actually been searching all these artists, and I was looking at this surrealist stuff, I think it", "psg_id": "14414871" }, { "title": "All I Want for Christmas Is You (Vince Vance & The Valiants song)", "text": "100 Airplay charts), and has re-appeared on the Hot Country Recurrents chart every Christmas since late 2000-early 2001. Sammy Kershaw covered the song on his 1994 album \"Christmas Time's A-Comin\". Santa's Doo Wop Helpers (Joel Katz, Johnny Maestro, Bobby Jay and Larry Chance) recorded the song in 1996 for various compilation Christmas CDs. LeAnn Rimes covered the song for her 2004 Christmas album \"What a Wonderful World\". All I Want for Christmas Is You (Vince Vance & The Valiants song) \"All I Want for Christmas Is You\" is a Christmas song recorded by American novelty act Vince Vance & the", "psg_id": "12829365" }, { "title": "If the Stars Are Eternal So Are You and I", "text": "Machines\". All tracks written and performed by BT. If the Stars Are Eternal So Are You and I If the Stars are Eternal So are You and I is the seventh studio album by composer and electronica artist BT, and was released on June 19, 2012, in tandem with \"Morceau Subrosa\", BT's eighth studio album. First announced in March 2012, BT described \"If The Stars Are Eternal So Are You And I\" as a \"follow-up\" to his critically acclaimed fifth studio album, \"This Binary Universe\". While \"If The Stars Are Eternal So Are You And I\" was supposed to be", "psg_id": "16608008" }, { "title": "If the Stars Are Eternal So Are You and I", "text": "If the Stars Are Eternal So Are You and I If the Stars are Eternal So are You and I is the seventh studio album by composer and electronica artist BT, and was released on June 19, 2012, in tandem with \"Morceau Subrosa\", BT's eighth studio album. First announced in March 2012, BT described \"If The Stars Are Eternal So Are You And I\" as a \"follow-up\" to his critically acclaimed fifth studio album, \"This Binary Universe\". While \"If The Stars Are Eternal So Are You And I\" was supposed to be released in mid-May 2012 after \"Morceau Subrosa\" (which", "psg_id": "16608006" }, { "title": "And I Love You So (Perry Como album)", "text": "he received personal Spanish lessons from the head of RCA International to get the record made. As in recent Como LP's, this collection features selections from then contemporary recording artists such as Roberta Flack, The Carpenters, Ray Price, Tony Orlando and Dawn, Bread and Mac Davis. Side One Side Two And I Love You So (Perry Como album) And I Love You So was Perry Como's 21st 12\" long-play album released by RCA Records. As with \"It's Impossible\", this album was issued to feature a surprise hit single, Don McLean's \"And I Love You So\". Como brought the song to", "psg_id": "15157183" }, { "title": "This Is The Time: The Christmas Album", "text": "This Is The Time: The Christmas Album This Is the Time: The Christmas Album is an album by Michael Bolton, released on October 1, 1996. Bolton's first Christmas release, it contains two new songs: \"This Is the Time\" (performed with Wynonna Judd), and \"Love Is the Power\", while the others were covers of traditional Christmas songs. \"Ave Maria\" was performed with Spanish tenor Plácido Domingo. \"White Christmas\" was a single off the album \"\", but was also included on this album. The CD was an \"enhanced\" CD containing additional material viewable on a computer, including a video of \"White Christmas\",", "psg_id": "7156756" }, { "title": "Carl and the Passions – \"So Tough\"", "text": "John penned liner notes for the 2000 CD reissue, writing: 'This is an album which I have loved for a long time... \"Carl and the Passions: So Tough\" has moments of breathtaking genius and experimentation. When this record was released, I remember how different and fresh it sounded. It still does'. English Britpop band Saint Etienne used the title \"So Tough\" for their 1993 album as an homage to the Beach Boys. Likewise, they also named their compilation of the same year, \"You Need a Mess of Help to Stand Alone\", after the Beach Boys song. Track notes per 2000", "psg_id": "3419432" }, { "title": "This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get", "text": "band, with no contributions from either Levene or bassist Pete Jones (who contributed to several tracks on \"Commercial Zone\"). The song \"The Order of Death\" appears in the 1990 science fiction-horror film \"Hardware\" and on the soundtrack to the 1999 horror film \"The Blair Witch Project\". It was also featured in the \"Miami Vice\" episode \"Little Miss Dangerous\" and the \"Mr. Robot\" episode \"eps2.7_init_5.fve\". \"This is Not a Love Song\" appears in the film \"Waltz With Bashir\". The line \"This is what you want... This is what you get\" appears in both \"Bad Life\" and \"The Order of Death\". All", "psg_id": "8966217" }, { "title": "Christmas This Year", "text": "Christmas This Year \"Christmas This Year\" is a Christmas song by American Christian hip hop recording artist TobyMac from his 2011 Christmas album \"Christmas in Diverse City\". The song was released as a single on November 30, 2010. It features guest vocals from American singer and songwriter Leigh Nash. The song became Toby's fourth Hot Christian Songs No. 1 and Nash's first, staying there for two weeks. It lasted 5 weeks on the overall chart. The song is played in a B major key, and 95 beats per minute. \"Christmas This Year\" was released as a single on November 30,", "psg_id": "20735908" }, { "title": "All I Want for Christmas Is You", "text": "the original song to pieces—we blast it while decorating our Christmas tree and lighting our Menorah.\" Shona Craven of Scotland's \"The Herald\", said, \"[it's] a song of optimism and joy that maybe, just maybe, hints at the real meaning of Christmas.\" Additionally, she felt the main reason it was so successful is the subject \"you\" in the lyrics, explaining, \"Perhaps what makes the song such a huge hit is the fact that it's for absolutely everyone.\" Craven opened her review with a bold statement: \"Bing Crosby may well be turning in his grave, but no child of the 1980s will", "psg_id": "5027106" }, { "title": "All I Want for Christmas Is You", "text": "song for her second holiday album, \"Merry Christmas II You\", titled \"All I Want for Christmas Is You (Extra Festive)\". Carey also re-recorded the song as a duet with Canadian singer Justin Bieber for his 2011 album \"Under the Mistletoe\", titled \"All I Want for Christmas for You (SuperFestive!)\". The song has also been covered by many artists over the years. In the years since its original release, \"All I Want for Christmas Is You\" has been critically acclaimed; it was once called \"one of the few worthy modern additions to the holiday canon\" in \"The New Yorker\". It has", "psg_id": "5027087" }, { "title": "And I Love You So (song)", "text": "also covered the song. In 1999, Glen Campbell recorded the song on his album \"My Hits and Love Songs\". In 2015, Filipino drama series starring Julia Barretto, Miles Ocampo, Angel Aquino, Dimples Romana, and Tonton Gutierrez with the same name of the song on its official theme song. Roch Voisine covered the song on his album \"Americana\", in 2008. Claude François performed a French version, \"Et je t'aime tellement\" in 1977. And I Love You So (song) \"And I Love You So\" is a popular song written by folk singer and guitarist Don McLean and released on his 1970 debut", "psg_id": "11960995" }, { "title": "The Name of this Book is Secret", "text": "third book was released on September 1, 2009, with the title \"This Book Is Not Good for You\". A fourth book, \"This Isn't What It Looks Like\", was released on August 22, 2010. A fifth book was released on September 20, 2011 and is titled \"You Have to Stop This\". Cassandra – is the 11-year-old female protagonist of the story. She is prepared for any disasters that may occur, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods, and always carries with her a backpack filled with survival gear. Thus, the narrator frequently refers to her as a survivalist. Although she prefers to", "psg_id": "11053270" }, { "title": "Maybe This Place Is the Same and We're Just Changing", "text": "A day later, the album was made available for streaming. Prior to release, the album was included on \"Alternative Press\"s \"Most Anticipated Albums in 2014\" list and Fuse's \"25 Most Anticipated 2014 Summer Albums\" list. \"Maybe This Place Is the Same and We're Just Changing\" was a critical and commercial success. The album sold over 10,300 copies in its first week, charting at number 24 on the Billboard 200. The album was nominated for \"Album of the Year\" at the Alternative Press Music Awards, as well as \"I Don't Love You Anymore\" for \"Best Song\" and Fasel for \"Best Bassist\".", "psg_id": "18148507" }, { "title": "All I Want for Christmas Is You (Vince Vance & The Valiants song)", "text": "All I Want for Christmas Is You (Vince Vance & The Valiants song) \"All I Want for Christmas Is You\" is a Christmas song recorded by American novelty act Vince Vance & the Valiants. Initially released as a single in 1989, Vince Vance's version of the song has charted several times on the \"Billboard\" country singles charts. It is Vince Vance & the Valiants' only chart entry. \"All I Want for Christmas Is You\" is a mid-tempo in triple meter, featuring lead vocals from Lisa Burgess Stewart, who now records under the name Lisa Layne. In it, the female narrator", "psg_id": "12829361" }, { "title": "This Christmas (John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John album)", "text": "is great, but it bobs along tastefully, even when Cliff Richard turns up\". About the vocal performances, she found that \"Travolta and Newton-John themselves sound unfeasibly young and earnest, except when they steer 'Baby It's Cold Outside' in a toe-curlingly 'sexy' direction.\" Josh Nicholson of \"The Courier\" stated that \"It all seems very lovey-dovey which is what you want from a Christmas album. It’s a bit of a stocking filler for the over-40s though. It’s a good album I admit that, but it’s no \"Christmas with Dean Martin\".\" The album debuted at number eighty-one on the \"Billboard\" 200, making the", "psg_id": "16822779" }, { "title": "And I Love You So (film)", "text": "And I Love You So (film) And I Love You So is a 2009 Philippine romantic drama film produced by Star Cinema, starring Bea Alonzo, Sam Milby and Derek Ramsay. This film reunites Alonzo and Milby; the previous being \"Close to You\" (2006). The film is directed by Laurenti Dyogi, and celebrates the 16th year of Star Cinema films. The film describes the feeling of forbidden love for another person when that love may not be forbidden at all. The film also had critical applause from critics and also nominations from different film and entertainment awards. Lara (Bea Alonzo) meets", "psg_id": "14154294" }, { "title": "All I Want for Christmas Is You", "text": "to the album, we had to have a nice balance between standard Christian hymns and fun songs. It was definitely a priority for me to write at least a few new songs, but for the most part people really want to hear the standards at Christmas time, no matter how good a new song is.\" \"All I Want for Christmas Is You\" is an uptempo song, composed with pop, soul, R&B, gospel, dance-pop and rhythmic adult contemporary influences and stylings. By early August, Carey already had two original songs written alongside Afanasieff: the \"sad and ballad-y\" \"Miss You Most (At", "psg_id": "5027097" }, { "title": "Is This What You Want?", "text": "and distinctive voices which have the potential of turning its owner into a superstar\". Leng attributes the album's underachievement to the Beatles' inexperience as label owners. He says that they relied too heavily on establishing their artists with a hit single and that, after \"Sour Milk Sea\" had failed to become a hit, this formula left \"Is This What You Want?\" without an adequate marketing strategy. The album was issued on CD for the first time in November 1991, with the inclusion of bonus tracks such as \"New Day\", \"Thumbin' a Ride\", \"How the Web Was Woven\" and \"Won't You", "psg_id": "16876409" }, { "title": "And What Have You Done with My Body, God?", "text": "Dudley, Trevor Horn, J. J. Jeczalik, Gary Langan, Paul Morley CD 1 - \"THE VERY START OF NOISE\" CD 2 - \"FOUND SOUNDS & FIELD TRIPS\" CD 3 - \"WHO'S AFRAID OF...GOODBYE\" CD 4 - \"EXTENDED PLAY\" \"INTO BATTLE WITH THE ART OF NOISE\" And What Have You Done with My Body, God? And What Have You Done with My Body, God? is a 4 CD collection of over 40 unreleased tracks, demos and scrapped masters by Art of Noise. It also features the complete vinyl version of \"Into Battle with the Art of Noise\" – sourced from the original", "psg_id": "17376254" }, { "title": "You and the Mona Lisa", "text": "over again on the radio. If you have yet to investigate the artist's fine current album, \"A Few Small Repairs\", use this single as an excuse to finally do so.\" You and the Mona Lisa \"You and The Mona Lisa\" is a folk-rock song by American musician Shawn Colvin. The song was released in September 1997 as the second single from her album, \"A Few Small Repairs\". \"You and The Mona Lisa\" was the follow-up to her 1997 hit, \"Sunny Came Home\". The music video for \"You and The Mona Lisa\" was directed by Nancy Bardawil. The video was posted", "psg_id": "19405640" }, { "title": "The Trolls and the Christmas Express", "text": "reindeer are so tired that they cannot find the energy to pull Santa's sleigh. Although it is likely that Christmas is ruined, the elves quickly devise a plan to link the train from Santa's village with tracks that travel all over the world so that Santa can deliver the toys by using the Christmas Express. Determined to stop this contingency plan, the trolls are forced to become ever more blatant in their sabotage until they are noticed. When Santa asks what their grievance is, the trolls complain they can't stand the gaiety that seems to shut them out. At that,", "psg_id": "18937611" }, { "title": "What Child Is This?", "text": "years later in 1871, when it featured in \"Christmas Carols Old and New\", a \"prestigious\" and \"influential\" collection of carols that was published in the United Kingdom. The hymnal was edited by Henry Ramsden Bramley and John Stainer; even though it is not known with certainty who paired the three stanzas from \"The Manger Throne\" with the music from \"Greensleeves\", the third edition of \"The Christmas Encyclopedia\" by William D. Crump and \"Stories of the Great Christmas Carols\" both suggest that Stainer – who was also responsible for \"harmoniz[ing] the musical setting\" – may have done so. What Child Is", "psg_id": "5307563" }, { "title": "What Have I Done to Deserve This? (film)", "text": "What Have I Done to Deserve This? (film) What Have I Done to Deserve This? () is a 1984 Spanish black comedy written and directed by Pedro Almodóvar. The title is sometimes given with an exclamation mark at the end rather than a question mark. Starring Carmen Maura, Ángel de Andrés López, Chus Lampreave and Verónica Forqué, the films follows the misadventures of an overworked housewife and her dysfunctional family. \"What Have I Done\", Almodovar's fourth film, became the first of his works to be released theatrically in the U.S. premiering to sold-out crowds as part of New Directors/New Films", "psg_id": "6985447" }, { "title": "This Old Heart of Mine (Is Weak for You)", "text": "a Dance cover version of \"This Old Heart of Mine (Is Weak for You)\" (originally performed by The Isley Brothers). Luv's rendition of this Motown hit failed to top the charts. This attempt to successfully remake a song from the Holland-Dozier-Holland repertoire is not the first one for Scheide, one of Luv's members. In 1983, she recorded as a solo artist a Supremes medley that was aired on Black American radio stations despite its disappointing record sales. Soon after promoting \"This Old Heart of Mine\", the group disbanded. One year later, the original formation (José Hoebee, Patty Brard and Marga", "psg_id": "5251405" }, { "title": "All I Want for Christmas Is You", "text": "nucleus of the song, the melody primary music, and then some of the words were there as we finished writing it. I started playing some rock 'n' roll piano and started boogie woogie-ing my left hand, and that inspired Mariah to come up with the melodic [Sings.] 'I don't want a lot for Christmas.' And then we started singing and playing around with this rock 'n' roll boogie song, which immediately came out to be the nucleus of what would end up being 'All I Want For Christmas Is You.' That one went very quickly: It was an easier song", "psg_id": "5027093" }, { "title": "This Is What You Came For", "text": "spin and there is an earworm quality to this one that will stick with you for a while. It may not have the lasting power of 'We Found Love,' but it will dominate the radio all summer.\" He praised the song for creating a catchy hit, however he criticized Harris for failing to create anything new. \"NPR\" listed it at 89 on its \"Top 100 Songs of 2016\" list, while \"Fuse\" considered it the 10th best song of the year. The song was listed as #9 in \"The Ten Worst Songs of 2016\" video published by YouTuber Adam Buckley on", "psg_id": "19479115" }, { "title": "I Have Loved You Girl (But Not Like This Before)", "text": "I Have Loved You Girl (But Not Like This Before) \"I Have Loved You Girl (But Not Like This Before)\" is a song written and recorded by American country music artist Earl Thomas Conley. He first released the song in 1975 on the GRT label as Earl Conley, reaching number 87 on the Hot Country Songs chart. In January 1983, Conley re-released the song as the third from his album \"Somewhere Between Right and Wrong\". The re-recording went to number two on the same chart that year. Kip Kirby of \"Billboard\" magazine reviewed the song favorably, calling it one of", "psg_id": "14953996" }, { "title": "Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas", "text": "there is always hope, even for breaking the spell, and there will \"always be a time when the world is filled with peace and love\". Eventually, Angelique reluctantly agrees. However, Fife has been overhearing all this and rushes off to tell Forte. When the Beast finds out, he is far from pleased, and wants Christmas to be depleted. Forte plays along, saying that \"the girl doesn't care how you feel about Christmas\", separating the two even more. The Beast reflects on his past: Christmas was the day he was most selfish, and it was on that day that the Enchantress", "psg_id": "2679604" }, { "title": "Maybe This Place Is the Same and We're Just Changing", "text": "Kid Alive. Shortly afterwards, Schuck was replaced by Brian Blake. Blake had emailed the band after he found out they needed a drummer. Real Friends didn't have a permanent second guitarist, often having their friends to substitute. Eric Haines soon joined as an additional guitarist. Until Haines joined Fasel and Knox would typically write the songs and they didn't have \"another guitar[ist's] opinion\", according to Fasel. With this new line-up the group released a few EPs. One of these was \"Everyone That Dragged You Here\" (2012). Shortly after the release of the EP, the band's popularity increased and the audience", "psg_id": "18148499" }, { "title": "All I Want for Christmas Is You (Vince Vance & The Valiants song)", "text": "(Layne), explains that she does not want Christmas decorations or gifts from Santa Claus. Instead, all she wants for Christmas is her lover. The melody used in the song is based on Bobby Vinton's number 9 pop hit single from early 1964, \"My Heart Belongs to Only You,\" with a few minor alterations. In his review of the album \"All I Want for Christmas Is You\", Allmusic reviewer Jason Birchmeier referred to the song as a \"holiday favorite within the country community during the '90s\" but noted that the rest of the album was not \"remotely worth bothering with.\" Having", "psg_id": "12829362" }, { "title": "Christmas Is the Time to Say I Love You (album)", "text": "has so far peaked at number sixteen on the chart. The music video for \"It's Not Christmas Without You\" (co-starring actor Joel David Moore as McPhee's love interest) premiered on the music video website Vevo on December 10, 2010. Allmusic stated: \"Arriving nine months after Katharine McPhee’s 2010 bleached-blonde AAA makeover Unbroken, Christmas Is the Time to Say I Love You finds McPhee going back to her roots, returning to her brunette locks and reviving the show-stopping theatrics that made her a star on American Idol. Christmas Is the Time is an old-fashioned holiday record through and through, from the", "psg_id": "14922172" }, { "title": "So You Like What You See", "text": "So You Like What You See \"So You Like What You See\" is new jack swing song by Samuelle from his album \"Living in Black Paradise\". The hit song spent two weeks at number-one on the US R&B chart, but did not place on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The music video is notable for featuring a young Tyra Banks. In October 2004 \"So You Like What You See\" appeared in popular videogame , playing on New jack swing radio station . It also appears as one of the music tracks heard while in the various strip clubs in the game.", "psg_id": "9101083" }, { "title": "So You Like What You See", "text": "So You Like What You See \"So You Like What You See\" is new jack swing song by Samuelle from his album \"Living in Black Paradise\". The hit song spent two weeks at number-one on the US R&B chart, but did not place on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The music video is notable for featuring a young Tyra Banks. In October 2004 \"So You Like What You See\" appeared in popular videogame , playing on New jack swing radio station . It also appears as one of the music tracks heard while in the various strip clubs in the game.", "psg_id": "9101082" }, { "title": "All I Want for Christmas Is You", "text": "locked in a Brill Building safe.\" In a piece on the song in \"Vogue\", a writer felt the song's lyrics helped solidify its status over two decades later: \"those lyrics could have been sung by Frank Sinatra—well, maybe not Frank, but another singer back then. I think that's what gives it that timeless, classic quality.\" \"All I Want for Christmas Is You\" received critical acclaim from music critics. Parisien called the song \"a year-long banger\", complimenting its instrumentation and melody. Steve Morse, editor of \"The Boston Globe\", wrote that Carey sang with a lot of soul. According to Barry Schwartz", "psg_id": "5027104" }, { "title": "Lord, I Hope This Day Is Good", "text": "to the 1982 single \"One Fine Morning.\" Lord, I Hope This Day Is Good \"Lord, I Hope This Day is Good\" is a song written by Dave Hanner, and recorded by American country music artist Don Williams. It was released in November 1981 as the third single from the album \"Especially for You\". \"Lord, I Hope This Day is Good\" was Don Williams' twelfth number one on the country chart. The single stayed at number one for one week and spent a total of twenty weeks on the country music charts. Hanner also recorded the song as a member of", "psg_id": "14167434" }, { "title": "This Is the Night (Clay Aiken song)", "text": "100 Single Sales Chart (the eleventh song in the former's history to do so), it was the fastest-selling single since Elton John's \"Candle in the Wind 1997\" and the best-selling single of 2003, with 948,000 copies sold. It was the first CD single to go platinum since 2002, when Lee Ann Womack's \"I Hope You Dance\" sold a million copies after being released for over a year. The single also topped the charts in New Zealand where it was certified platinum, and went six times platinum in Canada. \"This Is the Night\" was included as a bonus track on Aiken's", "psg_id": "5051070" }, { "title": "Lord, I Hope This Day Is Good", "text": "Lord, I Hope This Day Is Good \"Lord, I Hope This Day is Good\" is a song written by Dave Hanner, and recorded by American country music artist Don Williams. It was released in November 1981 as the third single from the album \"Especially for You\". \"Lord, I Hope This Day is Good\" was Don Williams' twelfth number one on the country chart. The single stayed at number one for one week and spent a total of twenty weeks on the country music charts. Hanner also recorded the song as a member of Corbin/Hanner, who released it as the b-side", "psg_id": "14167433" }, { "title": "And What Have You Done with My Body, God?", "text": "And What Have You Done with My Body, God? And What Have You Done with My Body, God? is a 4 CD collection of over 40 unreleased tracks, demos and scrapped masters by Art of Noise. It also features the complete vinyl version of \"Into Battle with the Art of Noise\" – sourced from the original masters – for the first time on CD. The project was conceived, researched and compiled by music journalist Ian Peel, who also wrote the box set's accompanying 36-page book, which featured new interviews with all of the original members. All songs written by Anne", "psg_id": "17376253" }, { "title": "I Want A Girl (Just Like The Girl That Married Dear Old Dad)", "text": "the girl that married dear old Dad<br> She was a pearl and the only girl that Daddy ever had,<br> A good old fashioned girl with heart so true,<br> One who loves nobody else but you,<br> I want a girl, just like the girl that married dear old Dad.<br> <br> \"Verse 2\"<br> By the old mill stream there sit a couple old and gray,<br> Though years have rolled away, their hearts are young today.<br> Mother dear looks up at Dad with love light in her eye,<br> He steals a kiss, a fond embrace, while ev'ning breezes sigh,<br> They're as happy as", "psg_id": "16169270" }, { "title": "This Is What You Came For", "text": "a climax, he pulls it right back, eschewing the EDM drop in favour of voguish and mellow tropical house. It will definitely be a hit, however by manipulating her voice so much he's stripped away the personality that made 'We Found Love' such a standout, and her latest album 'Anti' so compelling. The result is surprisingly soulless.\" Robbie Daw from the Idolator gave the song a positive review, stating, \"The song is pretty decent Euro-centric dance floor fodder. It's just a bit subdued-which might have been the correct decision; why attempt to top a pop classic and fail when you", "psg_id": "19479113" }, { "title": "God Is Saying This to You...", "text": "honest. It was a sketch, but it just had a lot of vibe to it. This was before I had anything out yet, so it didn't matter what was where. I would switch lines out to see where they worked. I loved that stuff in The Fall; Mark E. Smith had all these recurring characters, like the Hip Priest, in his lyrics. He would come up different narrative concepts and recurring themes. You definitely hear bootlegs of Bob Dylan or Springsteen where, you know, you hear a variation of a lyric that ended up in another song. [...] \"Beach On", "psg_id": "16672363" }, { "title": "Christmas Is the Time to Say I Love You (album)", "text": "Christmas Is the Time to Say I Love You (album) Christmas Is the Time to Say I Love You is the third studio album, and the first holiday-themed album, from \"American Idol\" season five runner-up Katharine McPhee. The album was released on October 12, 2010. The album features mostly covers, and one original song, \"It’s Not Christmas Without You\". The album debuted at number 11 on the Billboard Top Holiday Albums chart and sold 1,000 copies in its first week. As of January 2011, the album has sold 23,000 copies. In July 2010 McPhee began recording the album in Los", "psg_id": "14922170" }, { "title": "Christmas Is the Time to Say I Love You (album)", "text": "simply sing like she did when she was on Idol.\" Christmas Is the Time to Say I Love You (album) Christmas Is the Time to Say I Love You is the third studio album, and the first holiday-themed album, from \"American Idol\" season five runner-up Katharine McPhee. The album was released on October 12, 2010. The album features mostly covers, and one original song, \"It’s Not Christmas Without You\". The album debuted at number 11 on the Billboard Top Holiday Albums chart and sold 1,000 copies in its first week. As of January 2011, the album has sold 23,000 copies.", "psg_id": "14922174" }, { "title": "This Christmas (John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John album)", "text": "about the album creation and the \"Grease\" phenomenon. Although no singles were released from the album, a music video for the song \"I Think You Might Like It\" was released on December 4, 2012. The video was directed by Rav Holly and Corey Molina and received generally negative reviews among music critics and the general public, which criticized the video low-budget production and bad acting. \"Rolling Stone\" magazine commented that \"the holidays have rarely seemed so sterile.\" Courtney Hazlett of \"Today Entertainment\" called the video \"bizarre.\" Katie Kilkenny of \"Slate\" magazine found the video \"a new Christmas camp.\" \"The Huffington", "psg_id": "16822781" }, { "title": "John Denver and the Muppets: A Christmas Together", "text": "Twelve Days of Christmas\" than that featured in the TV special, along with their rendition of \"Christmas Is Coming\". \"Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas\", \"We Wish You a Merry Christmas\", and \"A Baby Just Like You\" was released as a red vinyl 45 rpm single (RCA PB-11767), while \"The Peace Carol\", \"We Wish You a Merry Christmas\", and \"Deck the Halls\" were issued on a radio-only promo single (RCA PB-9463). A sheet music edition was also released containing most of the songs and musical scores from the special. Notes The following credits are sourced from liner notes included with", "psg_id": "6628683" }, { "title": "This Is Christmas (Anthony Callea album)", "text": "This Is Christmas (Anthony Callea album) This Is Christmas is the fourth studio and first Christmas album by Australian recording artist Anthony Callea. It was released on 8 November 2013 by ABC Music. The album mostly consists of Christmas classics such as \"Silent Night\" and \"O Holy Night\", but also includes cover versions of recent Christmas pop songs by such as \"Don't Save It All for Christmas Day\" by Céline Dion and \"Note to God\" by JoJo. Ben Ryan of \"Renowned for Sound\" gave the album 4 of out 5, saying; \"If you pick this album up, expect vocal gymnastics,", "psg_id": "17674672" }, { "title": "This Is What You Came For", "text": "among artists to 73). \"This Is What You Came For\" became Rihanna's 25th and Harris's fourth number one on the Hot Dance Club Songs Chart, where it became the first song since 2013's \"Wake Me Up\" to stay at number one for two weeks. As of October 2016, the single has sold 1.2 million copies in the United States. \"This Is What You Came For\" debuted at number one on the Scottish Singles Chart, and peaked at number one in Australia, Canada and Ireland. The song also reached the top 10 in Germany, Ireland, New Zealand, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark, Finland,", "psg_id": "19479117" }, { "title": "You Would Have Loved This", "text": "by Cori Connors to the album \"Sleepy Little Town\". The music was written for Connors' mother-in-law, Helen Roy Connors, who died in 1994. Tarja saw similarities with the lyrics, and decided to put on the album: You Would Have Loved This You Would Have Loved This is Tarja's second solo single which is a dedication to her mother and predates the release of her Christmas album, \"Henkäys Ikuisuudesta\". Five fans watched the single being made after winning the promotion, \"Win a Day With Tarja Turunen\", made in the official web forum. The single was released with only 1,000 copies, that", "psg_id": "11834506" }, { "title": "The Ghosts of Christmas", "text": "read our reviews, joined our website or given us awards Thank You for a special year. The song is old school Christmas, the anti X Factor, for us it's actual fun. Hope you enjoy the song and the tour. Merry Christmas Nicky Wire, James and Sean. 'Nobody knows anything and nobody tells you anything' - Robert Capa\" Having been made available free, the single is non-chart eligible. No artwork accompanies the single, except for an animated picture on the band's official website of snow falling in front of an icy window on which is written \"A Merry Christmas gift to", "psg_id": "11244540" }, { "title": "This Is the Moment (album)", "text": "Santos has acquired, since \"Star in a Million\" just kept on coming. His number one hit single \"Pagbigyang Muli\" rose above over the airwaves and music video channels since it was released. It seemed to have followed the footsteps of his previous number one singles \"I Believe I Can Fly\", \"It Might Be You\" and \"This Is the Moment\". Santos shed off his clothes and wholesome poster boy image in the music video for his second single \"Di Ko Kaya\". Directed by famous director Connie Macatuno, who also directed his number one music video \"Pagbigyang Muli\", the video was shot", "psg_id": "15525043" }, { "title": "Christmas with Freda and Friends", "text": "Christmas with Freda and Friends Christmas With Freda and Friends is an album of Christmas songs recorded by Freda Payne; it is her only Christmas album. While the album contains mostly cover songs of old Christmas standards, there are also four original songs (\"What Is Christmas to You?\" \"Let's Have Christmas Everyday of the Year,\" \"The Perfect Time of Year,\" and \"What Christmas Means to Me\"). The \"friends\" (including Payne's younger sister, Scherrie) in the album's title are the artists who are given chances to make some of the selections duets with Payne. Inside the album cover is a biographical", "psg_id": "13602768" }, { "title": "Is This What You Want?", "text": "John Barham would be credited for orchestration on \"Is This What You Want?\", Beatles producer George Martin can be heard on \"Get Back\" audio tapes from 10 January wondering whether Harrison, who had just walked out on the band, would be attending a strings overdubbing session Martin had arranged that evening for one of Lomax's tracks. Harrison originally considered giving his most successful composition, \"Something\", to Lomax to record,<ref name=\"Lewisohn/Mojo\">Mark Lewisohn, \"Something Else\", in \"Mojo Special Limited Edition\", p. 118.</ref> after Lennon and McCartney had shown little interest in it during the \"Get Back\" sessions. Harrison instead offered the song", "psg_id": "16876402" }, { "title": "This Is What You Came For", "text": "This Is What You Came For \"This Is What You Came For\" is a song by Scottish DJ and record producer Calvin Harris, featuring Barbadian singer Rihanna. It was released on 29 April 2016, through Columbia Records and Westbury Road. The song was written by Taylor Swift, who was initially credited with the pseudonym Nils Sjöberg. Rihanna and Harris had previously collaborated on her sixth studio album, \"Talk That Talk\", which included the international chart-topper \"We Found Love\" and US top five single \"Where Have You Been\", the former of which was written and produced by Harris. He played the", "psg_id": "19479104" }, { "title": "What Have I Done to Deserve This? (film)", "text": "mind when her son Miguel returns unexpectedly and says he wants to take care of her. What Have I Done to Deserve This? (film) What Have I Done to Deserve This? () is a 1984 Spanish black comedy written and directed by Pedro Almodóvar. The title is sometimes given with an exclamation mark at the end rather than a question mark. Starring Carmen Maura, Ángel de Andrés López, Chus Lampreave and Verónica Forqué, the films follows the misadventures of an overworked housewife and her dysfunctional family. \"What Have I Done\", Almodovar's fourth film, became the first of his works to", "psg_id": "6985455" }, { "title": "The One That You Love", "text": "for five weeks on the Adult Contemporary chart, behind \"I Don't Need You\" by Kenny Rogers. It became an RIAA gold record. The One That You Love \"The One That You Love\" is a popular song written by Graham Russell and sung by Australian soft rock duo Air Supply from their sixth studio album of the same name. This song reached number one in the United States in 1981. It topped the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart on 25 July 1981 and remained there for one week, becoming the band's only number one hit. In Canada, it knocked the Stars on", "psg_id": "11789944" }, { "title": "Christmas Is the Time to Say I Love You (album)", "text": "reliance on standards to the soft, roomy arrangements that allow plenty of space for McPhee to hit her high notes, all without drawing too much attention to herself. It’s a setting well suited for McPhee’s strengths, and song for song, this may be her strongest album: she does well by the standards, and the pop songs -- including \"It’s Not Christmas Without You\" and the title track originally sung by Billy Squier—are good adult contemporary numbers. The album is simple and lean, not intent on making McPhee into a chart star, benefiting from a seasonal formula that allows her to", "psg_id": "14922173" }, { "title": "Christmas with Freda and Friends", "text": "essay on Payne's life and career by Charles Tolbert and her thank-you's. Musicians Christmas with Freda and Friends Christmas With Freda and Friends is an album of Christmas songs recorded by Freda Payne; it is her only Christmas album. While the album contains mostly cover songs of old Christmas standards, there are also four original songs (\"What Is Christmas to You?\" \"Let's Have Christmas Everyday of the Year,\" \"The Perfect Time of Year,\" and \"What Christmas Means to Me\"). The \"friends\" (including Payne's younger sister, Scherrie) in the album's title are the artists who are given chances to make some", "psg_id": "13602769" }, { "title": "Is This What You Want?", "text": "the Walrus\",<ref name=\"Staunton/RM 04\">Terry Staunton, \"Jackie Lomax: \"Is This What You Want?\"\", \"Record Collector\", July 2004; available at Rock's Backpages (subscription required; retrieved 31 October 2012).</ref> and, conversely, pre-empting the similar-sounding \"Come Together\" by a full year.<ref name=\"Unterberger/AM\">Richie Unterberger, \"Jackie Lomax \"Is This What You Want?\"\", AllMusic (retrieved 31 October 2012).</ref> Recording for \"Is This What You Want?\" began at EMI Studios in London in June 1968 and continued through the summer in between Harrison's work on the Beatles' White Album. While working alone at Trident Studios, down the hall from where the band were recording, Lomax was invited to", "psg_id": "16876395" }, { "title": "One Finger and a Fist", "text": "all sitting around reading it and I was like \"I don't know if it goes with the song, chicks beating each other up, how are people going to view that?” Nobody wanted to be the guy that said “You know what? I don't want to spend my day watching a bunch of half naked chicks rip each other's clothes off. That just doesn't sound like fun.\" (Laughs) So, we just stuck with it. One Finger and a Fist \"One Finger and a Fist\" is a song by American rock band Drowning Pool and is the second single from \"Resilience\". Being", "psg_id": "17978759" }, { "title": "This Christmas (John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John album)", "text": "posted on Facebook a photo with Travolta and Newton-John, and stated that the company was making the album photoshoot. An official statement came on October 2, with a post on Olivia's official website and Facebook page. According to statement, \"This Christmas\" is \"the audio equivalent of those classic network TV specials hosted from the stars’ homes, an intimate, warm set of traditional holiday songs [...]\". The album producer was the Grammy Award-winner composer Randy Waldman. All tracks are covers of classic Christmas songs, except \"I Think You Might Like It\", which was targeted as the \"You're the One That I", "psg_id": "16822774" }, { "title": "Is This Christmas?", "text": "Is This Christmas? \"Is This Christmas?\" is a single by English indie pop band The Wombats. \"Is This Christmas?\" was the first single released since the singles from the album \"\". It is released under 14th Floor Records, and was available on Vinyl, CD and through iTunes. It originally appeared on the second edition of compilation The Best Kids Christmas Album in the World Ever Ever!!!, released 10 December 2007 on KIDS Records. All proceeds of the single were put towards the charity MENCAP. The single features comedian Les Dennis in the introduction of the song. A music video was", "psg_id": "12760090" }, { "title": "All I Want for Christmas Is You: A Night of Joy and Festivity", "text": "All I Want for Christmas Is You: A Night of Joy and Festivity All I Want for Christmas Is You, a Night of Joy and Festivity is the first concert residency by American singer Mariah Carey. Performed annually at the Beacon Theatre in Manhattan, New York, the residency began on December 15, 2014, and concluded on December 17, 2018, after completing six legs and thirty-four shows. \"Billboard\" revealed that the six dates had sold out with a total of 16,196 tickets while grossing $1.5 million during the first leg of the residency. The main set list for the show encompassed", "psg_id": "18390525" }, { "title": "You Have to Stop This", "text": "to Cass or Yo Yoji, or anyone else. He says that the Secret itself is a secret that opens up more secrets and warns the reader not to let anyone give away the ending. You Have to Stop This You Have To Stop This is a book by the author Pseudonymous Bosch. It is the fifth book in \"The Secret Series\", and it is a sequel to \"This Isn't What It Looks Like, This Book Is Not Good for You, If You're Reading This, It's Too Late\", and \"The Name of this Book is Secret\". This book is based on", "psg_id": "16018309" }, { "title": "All I Want for Christmas Is You: A Night of Joy and Festivity", "text": "Chanteuse Show in October and November later that year, whereby she performed concerts throughout East Asia, South East Asia and Australasia. During the Australasian leg, Carey announced that she would take up residency at the Beacon Theatre in the New York City borough of Manhattan to be performed annually in December, as a twentieth anniversary celebration of the release of her first Christmas album, \"Merry Christmas\", in 1994, as well as her second Christmas album, \"Merry Christmas II You\" (2010). Carey said in an announcement \"I can't imagine being anywhere more special than live on stage, in my hometown, celebrating", "psg_id": "18390527" }, { "title": "You Have to Stop This", "text": "You Have to Stop This You Have To Stop This is a book by the author Pseudonymous Bosch. It is the fifth book in \"The Secret Series\", and it is a sequel to \"This Isn't What It Looks Like, This Book Is Not Good for You, If You're Reading This, It's Too Late\", and \"The Name of this Book is Secret\". This book is based on the sense of touch. The story begins with a picture of The Oath of Terces. There is a quick preface concerning an ibis bird that stands for a moment, but then crosses the River", "psg_id": "16018296" }, { "title": "What is this Feeling?", "text": "and new?/I felt the moment I laid eyes on you/My pulse is rushing/My head is reeling/My face is flushing/What is this feeling?/Fervid as a flame/Does it have a name?\"). The irony comes in when phrases traditionally used for love songs are revealed to be expressing hate. When Galinda and Elphaba describe each other, Galinda complains about Elphaba being \"utterly impossible to describe\", while Elphaba simply calls Galinda \"blonde\". At the end of the song, Elphaba scares Galinda, by saying \"Boo\", with Galinda letting out a high-pitched squeal. What is this Feeling? \"What is this Feeling?\" is a song from the", "psg_id": "14382819" }, { "title": "All I Want for Christmas Is You", "text": "towards the end of a musician's waning career. Afanasieff recalled his sentiments during initial discussions for a holiday record: \"Back then, you didn't have a lot of artists with Christmas albums. It wasn't a known science at all back then, and there was nobody who did new, big Christmas songs. So we were going to release it as kind of an everyday, 'Hey, you know, we're putting out a Christmas album. No big deal.'\" Ultimately, with Mottola's persistence, Carey and Afanasieff began writing songs for its parent album \"Merry Christmas\" during the summer of 1994. \"All I Want for Christmas", "psg_id": "5027090" } ]
[ "john lennon - happy xmas" ]
according to the song the twelve days of christmas, what is given on the seventh day and what are they doing?
[ { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song) \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" (Roud 68) is an English Christmas carol that enumerates in the manner of a cumulative song a series of increasingly grand gifts given on each of the twelve days of Christmas (the twelve days that make up the Christmas season, starting with Christmas Day). The song, published in England in 1780 without music as a chant or rhyme, is thought to be French in origin. \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 68. The tunes of collected versions vary. The standard tune now", "psg_id": "9457961" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "Christmas\". Its final verse, as published in de Coussemaker, \"Chants Populaires des Flamands de France\" (1856), runs as follows: According to de Coussemaker, the song was recorded \"in the part of [French] Flanders that borders on the Pas de Calais\". The exact origins and the meaning of the song are unknown, but it is highly probable that it originated from a children's memory and forfeit game. The twelve days in the song are the twelve days starting with Christmas Day, or in some traditions, the day after Christmas (26 December) (Boxing Day or St. Stephen's Day, as being the feast", "psg_id": "9457966" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "the song are hired, not purchased. The total costs of all goods and services for the 2015 Christmas Price Index is US$34,130.99, or $155,407.18 for all 364 items. The original 1984 cost was $12,623.10. The index has been criticised for not accurately reflecting the true cost of the gifts featured in the Christmas carol. The Twelve Days of Christmas (song) \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" (Roud 68) is an English Christmas carol that enumerates in the manner of a cumulative song a series of increasingly grand gifts given on each of the twelve days of Christmas (the twelve days that", "psg_id": "9457981" }, { "title": "What Are They Doing in Heaven?", "text": "What Are They Doing in Heaven? \"What Are They Doing in Heaven?\" is a Christian hymn written in 1901 by American Methodist minister Charles Albert Tindley. , it has become popular enough to have been included in 16 hymnals. The song has sometimes been recorded under the titles \"What Are They Doing?\" and \"What Are They Doing in Heaven Today?\". The question mark is often omitted. The song may also be known by its first line, \"I am thinking of friends whom I used to know\". The song consists of four verses and a refrain, each four lines long. In", "psg_id": "18988033" }, { "title": "What Are They Doing in Heaven?", "text": "in a wide variety of styles, including gospel and bluegrass; sometimes attributed to Phillips or to \"anonymous\" or to \"traditional\". What Are They Doing in Heaven? \"What Are They Doing in Heaven?\" is a Christian hymn written in 1901 by American Methodist minister Charles Albert Tindley. , it has become popular enough to have been included in 16 hymnals. The song has sometimes been recorded under the titles \"What Are They Doing?\" and \"What Are They Doing in Heaven Today?\". The question mark is often omitted. The song may also be known by its first line, \"I am thinking of", "psg_id": "18988035" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "in each round of the song, then a total of 364 items are delivered by the twelfth day. This custom began with and is maintained by PNC Bank. Two pricing charts are created, referred to as the Christmas Price Index and The True Cost of Christmas. The former is an index of the current costs of one set of each of the gifts given by the True Love to the singer of the song \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\". The latter is the cumulative cost of all the gifts with the repetitions listed in the song. The people mentioned in", "psg_id": "9457980" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "associated with it is derived from a 1909 arrangement of a traditional folk melody by English composer Frederic Austin, who first introduced the familiar prolongation of the verse \"five gold rings\" (now often \"five golden rings\"). \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" is a cumulative song, meaning that each verse is built on top of the previous verses. There are twelve verses, each describing a gift given by \"my true love\" on one of the twelve days of Christmas. There are many variations in the lyrics. The lyrics given here are from Frederic Austin's 1909 publication that first established the current", "psg_id": "9457962" }, { "title": "What Are They Doing in Heaven?", "text": "both the verses and the refrain, the first three lines rhyme, and the fourth is \"What are they doing now?\" or some small variant of that. The author reflects on friends who were burdened in life by care, or by disease, or by poverty; and wonders what they might now be doing in Heaven, without giving his answer. The first known recording of the song is the 1928 one by Washington Phillips (18801954; vocals and zither), in gospel blues style. Phillips' recording was used in the soundtrack of the 2005 film \"Elizabethtown\". The song has since been recorded many times", "psg_id": "18988034" }, { "title": "Twelve Days of Christmas", "text": "on the same day, they do not have a series of twelve days between a feast of Christmas and a feast of Epiphany. The Oriental Orthodox, other than the Armenians, the Eastern Orthodox, and the Eastern Catholics who follow the same traditions do have the interval of twelve days between the two feasts. If they use the Julian Calendar, they celebrate Christmas on what is for them 25 December, but is 7 January of the Gregorian Calendar, and they celebrate Epiphany on what is for them 6 January, but is 19 January of the Gregorian Calendar. For the Eastern Orthodox,", "psg_id": "2373301" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "According to \"The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes\", \"Suggestions have been made that the gifts have significance, as representing the food or sport for each month of the year. Importance [certainly has] long been attached to the Twelve Days, when, for instance, the weather on each day was carefully observed to see what it would be in the corresponding month of the coming year. Nevertheless, whatever the ultimate origin of the chant, it seems probable [that] the lines that survive today both in England and France are merely an irreligious travesty.\" (It is also worth noting that exactly 364 gifts", "psg_id": "9457971" }, { "title": "8 Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "based on \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\", but the \"8 Days\" in the title is a reference to Hanukkah, but the holiday is never mentioned in the song. Knowles stated during the \"8 Days of Christmas\" video premiere at 106 & Park in Fall 2001: \"Actually we wrote the song two years ago, when we went in the studio to do some Christmas something. That's what started the idea of doing a Christmas album.\" A video was filmed for \"8 Days of Christmas\" and was released in the winter of 2001. It was directed by Sanaa Hamri. All 3 members", "psg_id": "11608061" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "1780 publication includes an illustration that clearly depicts the \"five gold rings\" as being jewellery. In 1979, a Canadian hymnologist, Hugh D. McKellar, published an article, \"How to Decode the Twelve Days of Christmas\" in which he suggested that \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" lyrics were intended as a catechism song to help young Catholics learn their faith, at a time when practising Catholicism was criminalised in England (1558 until 1829). McKellar offered no evidence for his claim. Three years later, in 1982, Fr. Hal Stockert wrote an article (subsequently posted on-line in 1995) in which he suggested a similar", "psg_id": "9457974" }, { "title": "What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?", "text": "the 1944 film \"Hollywood Canteen\", performed by Jack Carson and Jane Wyman with the Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra. What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life? \"What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?\" is a song with lyrics written by Alan Bergman and Marilyn Bergman and original music written by Michel Legrand for the 1969 film \"The Happy Ending\", in which Michael Dees sings it. The song was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Song but lost out to \"Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head\". Legrand won the 1973 Grammy Award for Best Instrumental Arrangement Accompanying", "psg_id": "9877380" }, { "title": "What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?", "text": "What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life? \"What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?\" is a song with lyrics written by Alan Bergman and Marilyn Bergman and original music written by Michel Legrand for the 1969 film \"The Happy Ending\", in which Michael Dees sings it. The song was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Song but lost out to \"Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head\". Legrand won the 1973 Grammy Award for Best Instrumental Arrangement Accompanying a Vocalist for a version performed by Sarah Vaughan. More than thirty years later, Billy Childs, Gil", "psg_id": "9877378" }, { "title": "The Twelve Gifts of Christmas", "text": "day: A pair of Teakwood shower clogs. Tenth day: A chromium combination manicure, scissors, and cigarette lighter. Eleventh day: An automatic vegetable slicer that works when you see it on television, but not when you get it home. Twelfth day: \"Although it may seem strange, I'm going to exchange\" all the gifts, which he then lists off. Sherman ends the song by saying \"MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY\". The Twelve Gifts of Christmas \"The Twelve Gifts of Christmas\" is a song parody written and performed by Allan Sherman based on the classic Christmas song \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\". The song reached", "psg_id": "17271131" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "the Faroe Islands, there is a comparable counting Christmas song. The gifts include: one feather, two geese, three sides of meat, four sheep, five cows, six oxen, seven dishes, eight ponies, nine banners, ten barrels, eleven goats, twelve men, thirteen hides, fourteen rounds of cheese and fifteen deer. These were illustrated in 1994 by local cartoonist Óli Petersen (born 1936) on a series of two stamps issued by the Faroese Philatelic Office. \"Les Douze Mois\" (\"The Twelve Months\") (also known as \"La Perdriole\"—\"The Partridge\") is another similar cumulative verse from France that has been likened to \"The Twelve Days of", "psg_id": "9457965" }, { "title": "Twelve Days of Christmas", "text": "Twelve Days of Christmas The Twelve Days of Christmas, also known as Twelvetide, is a festive Christian season celebrating the Nativity of Jesus. In most Western ecclesiastical traditions, \"Christmas Day\" is considered the \"First Day of Christmas\" and the Twelve Days are 25 December – 5 January, inclusive. For many Christian denominations; for example, the Anglican Communion and Lutheran Church, the Twelve Days are identical to Christmastide, but for others, e.g., the Roman Catholic Church, \"Christmastide\" lasts longer than the Twelve Days of Christmas. Because the Armenian Apostolic Church and Armenian Catholic Church celebrate the Birth and Baptism of Christ", "psg_id": "2373300" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "players repeated the verse, the leader added another verse, and so on until one of the players made a mistake, with the player who erred having to pay a penalty, such as offering up a kiss or a sweet. In the northern counties of England, the song was often called the \"Ten Days of Christmas\", as there were only ten gifts. It was also known in Somerset, Dorsetshire, and elsewhere in England. The kinds of gifts vary in a number of the versions, some of them becoming alliterative tongue-twisters. \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" was also widely popular in the", "psg_id": "9457968" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "indicated in \"italics\";<br> (b) items that do not appear at all in Austin's version are indicated in bold italics. A similar cumulative verse from Scotland, \"The Yule Days\", has been likened to \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\" in the scholarly literature. It has thirteen days rather than twelve, and the number of gifts does not increase in the manner of \"The Twelve Days\". Its final verse, as published in Chambers, \"Popular Rhymes, Fireside Stories, and Amusements of Scotland\" (1842), runs as follows: \"Pippin go aye\" (also spelled \"papingo-aye\" in later editions) is a Scots word for peacock or parrot. In", "psg_id": "9457964" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "form of the carol. The first three verses run, in full, as follows: Subsequent verses follow the same pattern, each adding one new gift and repeating all the earlier gifts so that each verse is one line longer than its predecessor: The earliest known version of the lyrics was published in London under the title \"The Twelve Days of Christmas sung at King Pepin's Ball\", as part of a 1780 children's book, \"Mirth without Mischief\". Subsequent versions have shown considerable variation: For ease of comparison with Austin's 1909 version given above:<br> (a) differences in wording, ignoring capitalisation and punctuation, are", "psg_id": "9457963" }, { "title": "Twelve Days of Christmas", "text": "steps that Jesus took into the Jordan River were the first steps on the way to the Cross. That night the All-Night Vigil is served for the Feast of the Theophany. Within the Twelve Days of Christmas, there are celebrations both secular and religious. Christmas Day, if it is considered to be part of the Twelve Days of Christmas and not as the day preceding the Twelve Days, is celebrated by Christians as the liturgical feast of the Nativity of the Lord. It is a public holiday in many nations, including some where the majority of the population is not", "psg_id": "2373306" }, { "title": "What You're Doing", "text": "Car\" and \"The Word\", on the band's 2006 remix album \"Love\". \"What You're Doing\" shares a number of characteristics with (the also predominantly McCartney-written) \"Drive My Car\", particularly the home key (D major), meter (4/4), and chord progression (alternating between B minor and G major). According to Ian MacDonald: What You're Doing \"What You're Doing\" is a song by the English rock band the Beatles from their album \"Beatles for Sale\", released in December 1964. It was written by Paul McCartney, although credited to Lennon–McCartney. The song was one of eight original compositions on \"Beatles for Sale\". In North America,", "psg_id": "5579843" }, { "title": "Give the People What They Want (The Kinks song)", "text": "Give the People What They Want (The Kinks song) \"Give the People What They Want\" is a song by the British rock band, The Kinks. Released on their 1981 album \"Give the People What They Want\", the song was written by the band's main singer and core songwriter, Ray Davies. The origins of \"Give the People What They Want\" are found during the sessions from \"Low Budget\", where it was included in early running orders of the album. \"Give the People What They Want\", however, would be held from the final line-up of \"Low Budget\". \"Give the People What They", "psg_id": "18129067" }, { "title": "What Am I Doing in the Middle of a Revolution?", "text": "money. They comply immediately when they are hired by a certain Peppino Garibaldi, who seems to be a relative of famous Giuseppe Garibaldi. On tour throughout Mexico they get by accident entangled in revolutionary activities and experience the fog of war. What Am I Doing in the Middle of a Revolution? What Am I Doing in the Middle of a Revolution? (, also known as \"¡Qué nos importa la revolución!\") is a 1972 Spaghetti Western comedy film. The title should be understood, according to the director Sergio Corbucci, as \"What Am I Doing in the Middle of the Western Cinema?\".", "psg_id": "16089788" }, { "title": "Twelve Days of Christmas", "text": "Eve parties. Presently, the commercial practice treats the Solemnity of Christmas, 25 December, the first day of Christmas, as the last day of the \"Christmas\" marketing season, as the numerous \"after-Christmas sales\" that commence on 26 December demonstrate. The commercial calendar has encouraged an erroneous assumption that the Twelve Days \"end\" on Christmas Day and must therefore begin on 14 December. Many American Christians still celebrate the traditional liturgical seasons of Advent and Christmas, especially Amish, Anglo-Catholics, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Mennonites, Methodists, Moravians, Orthodox Christians, Presbyterians, and Roman Catholics. In Anglicanism, the designation of the \"Twelve Days of Christmas\" is used", "psg_id": "2373317" }, { "title": "The Twelve Gifts of Christmas", "text": "The Twelve Gifts of Christmas \"The Twelve Gifts of Christmas\" is a song parody written and performed by Allan Sherman based on the classic Christmas song \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\". The song reached #5 on the Billboard Christmas Chart in 1963. A noted jukebox record supplier stated that if the record was released earlier, it \"might have been a hot number.\" The song subsequently appeared on Sherman's 1964 album, \"For Swingin' Livers Only!\" The song was arranged by Lou Busch. He lists off the gifts in successive verses, and after some of them he adds more details about the", "psg_id": "17271128" }, { "title": "What You're Doing", "text": "What You're Doing \"What You're Doing\" is a song by the English rock band the Beatles from their album \"Beatles for Sale\", released in December 1964. It was written by Paul McCartney, although credited to Lennon–McCartney. The song was one of eight original compositions on \"Beatles for Sale\". In North America, where Capitol Records typically altered the content of the band's albums, \"What You're Doing\" instead appeared on the 1965 US release \"Beatles VI\". Throughout the song, McCartney adds to the rhyme scheme by combining a single, two-syllable word with two one-syllable words (i.e. \"Look what you're \"doing\", I'm feeling", "psg_id": "5579841" }, { "title": "Give the People What They Want (The Kinks song)", "text": "\"there's a certain charm in ... his pure cynicism on ['Give the People What They Want']\" and went on to cite the track as a highlight from the \"Give the People What They Want\" album. Music critic Robert Christgau called \"Give the People What They Want\" misanthropic. Give the People What They Want (The Kinks song) \"Give the People What They Want\" is a song by the British rock band, The Kinks. Released on their 1981 album \"Give the People What They Want\", the song was written by the band's main singer and core songwriter, Ray Davies. The origins of", "psg_id": "18129069" }, { "title": "Twelve Days of Christmas", "text": "on Christmas Eve and letting it burn some more on each of the twelve nights. For some, the Twelfth Night remains the night of the most festive parties and exchanges of gifts. Some households exchange gifts on the first (25 December) and last (5 January) days of the Twelve Days. As in former times, the Twelfth Night to the morning of Epiphany is the traditional time during which Christmas trees and decorations are deposed. Twelve Days of Christmas The Twelve Days of Christmas, also known as Twelvetide, is a festive Christian season celebrating the Nativity of Jesus. In most Western", "psg_id": "2373319" }, { "title": "What She's Doing Now", "text": "What She's Doing Now \"What She's Doing Now\" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music singer Garth Brooks. It was released in December 1991 as the third single from his album \"Ropin' the Wind\". It spent four weeks at the top of the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart. It was co-written by Pat Alger. The song is about a man who wonders what his former lover is currently doing and what her whereabouts are (\"last I heard she had moved to Boulder\"). While the singer has no idea what she is doing now, he proclaims", "psg_id": "11705334" }, { "title": "Twelve Days of Christmas", "text": "still celebrate some aspects of the Twelve Days of Christmas. Boxing Day, 26 December, is a national holiday in many Commonwealth nations. Victorian era stories by Charles Dickens, and others, particularly \"A Christmas Carol\", hold key elements of the celebrations such as the consumption of plum pudding, roasted goose and wassail. These foods are consumed more at the beginning of the Twelve Days in the UK. Twelfth Night is the last day for decorations to be taken down, and it is held to be bad luck to leave decorations up after this. This is in contrast to the custom in", "psg_id": "2373315" }, { "title": "I Wonder What She's Doing Tonight", "text": "I Wonder What She's Doing Tonight \"I Wonder What She's Doing Tonight\" is a song written, produced, and sung by Boyce and Hart. The song was arranged by Artie Butler. Entering the Billboard Hot 100 at #87 just before Christmas 1967, it became a true hit in 1968, reaching #7 on the \"Cash Box\" chart and #8 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart. The song features a trumpet solo by Marvin Stamm. The song also features the voice of Tommy Boyce, quickly saying to Bobby Hart, before the third verse, \"All right, Bobby, let's go.\" A different song with the", "psg_id": "10675329" }, { "title": "Twelve Days of Christmas", "text": "liturgically in the Episcopal Church in the US, having its own invitatory antiphon in the \"Book of Common Prayer\" for Matins. Christians who celebrate the Twelve Days may give gifts on each of them, with each of the Twelve Days representing a wish for a corresponding month of the new year. They may feast on traditional foods and otherwise celebrate the entire time through the morning of the Solemnity of Epiphany. Contemporary traditions include lighting a candle for each day, singing the verse of the corresponding day from the famous \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\", and lighting a yule log", "psg_id": "2373318" }, { "title": "Ghetto Supastar (That Is What You Are)", "text": "album \"Running with Scissors\". In August 2011, Taylor Swift covered \"Ghetto Supastar\" during the North American leg of her Speak Now World Tour. In each city, she chose to pay tribute to a homegrown artist. In Washington, D.C., she performed an acoustic version of \"Ghetto Supastar\", given that Mýa is from Washington, D.C. Swift referred to the song as her \"seventh grade anthem\". In 2017, singer/actress Vanessa Hudgens posted a video of herself singing \"Ghetto Supastar\" a capella on Instagram. Ghetto Supastar (That Is What You Are) \"Ghetto Superstar (That Is What You Are)\" is a song by American rapper", "psg_id": "5411208" }, { "title": "I Wonder What She's Doing Tonight", "text": "same title was recorded and released in 1963 by the doo wop group Barry & the Tamerlanes. Still another song with the same title was recorded by Russell Smith in 1989. I Wonder What She's Doing Tonight \"I Wonder What She's Doing Tonight\" is a song written, produced, and sung by Boyce and Hart. The song was arranged by Artie Butler. Entering the Billboard Hot 100 at #87 just before Christmas 1967, it became a true hit in 1968, reaching #7 on the \"Cash Box\" chart and #8 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart. The song features a trumpet solo", "psg_id": "10675330" }, { "title": "(What Is) Love?", "text": "(What Is) Love? \"(What Is) Love?\" is a song recorded by American entertainer Jennifer Lopez. Originally entitled \"What Is Love?\", the song appeared on the soundtrack to \"The Back-up Plan\" (2010), a film in which Lopez stars. The song was later included on Lopez's seventh studio album \"Love?\" (2011), as the album's title track. \"(What Is) Love?\" is a midtempo electropop song written by Diana \"Wynter\" Gordon, with the song's producer Emile \"D'Mile\" Dernst II. The song is about \"not knowing what love is,\" according to Gordon. A remix of \"(What Is) Love?\", entitled \"What Is Love? Part II\", was", "psg_id": "15509488" }, { "title": "Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do", "text": "2002 DVD \"Pull Over\", Taylor explains that a story about a woman in a shoe manufacturing plant in Massachusetts, described in the book, inspired the song. In the television series \"The Facts of Life\", \"Working\" is one of the books parents wanted to ban in the episode \"Read No Evil\". Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do is a 1974 nonfiction book by the noted oral historian and radio broadcaster Studs Terkel. \"Working\"", "psg_id": "7657281" }, { "title": "Twelve Days of Christmas", "text": "both Christmas and Epiphany are among the Twelve Great Feasts that are only second to Easter in importance. The period between Christmas and Epiphany is fast-free. During this period one celebration leads into another. The Nativity of Christ is a three-day celebration: the formal title of the first day (i. e. Christmas Eve) is \"The Nativity According to the Flesh of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ\", and celebrates not only the Nativity of Jesus, but also the Adoration of the Shepherds of Bethlehem and the arrival of the Magi; the second day is referred to as the \"Synaxis", "psg_id": "2373302" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "\"[e]ach child in succession repeats the gifts of the day, and forfeits for each mistake.\" Salmon, writing from Newcastle, claimed in 1855 that the song \"[had] been, up to within twenty years, extremely popular as a schoolboy's Christmas chant\". Husk, writing in 1864, stated: Thomas Hughes, in a short story published in 1864, described a fictional game of Forfeits involving the song: Barnes (1882), stated that the last verse \"is to be said in one breath\". Scott (1892), reminiscing about Christmas and New Year's celebrations in Newcastle around the year 1844, described a performance thus: Lady Gomme wrote in 1898:", "psg_id": "9457970" }, { "title": "Twelve Days of Christmas", "text": "Roman Calendar that occur within the Octave of Christmas and therefore also within the Twelve Days of Christmas are the Feast of St. Stephen, Proto-Martyr on 26 December; Feast of St. John, Apostle and Evangelist on 27 December; the Feast of the Holy Innocents on 28 December; Memorial of St. Thomas Becket, Bishop and Martyr on 29 December; and the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph on the Sunday within the Octave of Christmas or, if there is no such Sunday, on 30 December. Outside the Octave, but within the Twelve Days of Christmas, there are", "psg_id": "2373310" }, { "title": "What She's Doing Now", "text": "Garth Brooks penned the song, he was not the first person to release it. On the 1990 release \"Ain't Gonna Worry\", Crystal Gayle recorded the song as \"What He's Doing Now\"; her version was not released as a single. What She's Doing Now \"What She's Doing Now\" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music singer Garth Brooks. It was released in December 1991 as the third single from his album \"Ropin' the Wind\". It spent four weeks at the top of the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart. It was co-written by Pat Alger. The song", "psg_id": "11705337" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "and so would hardly need to be secretly encoded. The now-standard melody for the carol was published in 1909 by Novello & Co.. English composer Frederic Austin fitted the words to a traditional melody, to which he added his own two-bar motif for \"Five gold rings\". Many of the decisions Austin made with regard to the lyrics subsequently became widespread: The time signature of this song is not constant, unlike most popular music. This irregular meter perhaps reflects the song's folk origin. The introductory lines, such as \"On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me\", are", "psg_id": "9457976" }, { "title": "You Are What You Is (song)", "text": "\"Zoot Allures,\" \"Lonesome Cowboy Burt\" from \"\"200 Motels\"\"', and the song \"Harder Than Your Husband\", which is the 2nd song on the album with the lyric \"Where's my waitress?\" Another reference is \"Robbie, take me to Greek Town\", more prominent in \"Jumbo Go Away\", and \"I'm goin' down 'n work the wall 'n work the floor\" from \"Mudd Club.\" The a cappella group The Persuasions covered \"You Are What You Is\" on their album Frankly a Cappella. 7\" 12\" You Are What You Is (song) \"You Are What You Is\" is a single which Frank Zappa released from his 1981", "psg_id": "16777573" }, { "title": "What Am I Doing in the Middle of a Revolution?", "text": "What Am I Doing in the Middle of a Revolution? What Am I Doing in the Middle of a Revolution? (, also known as \"¡Qué nos importa la revolución!\") is a 1972 Spaghetti Western comedy film. The title should be understood, according to the director Sergio Corbucci, as \"What Am I Doing in the Middle of the Western Cinema?\". It is the final chapter of the Corbucci's trilogy about the Mexican revolution, after \"The Mercenary\" and \"Compañeros\". The film mixes comedy and political apologue. Theatre director Don Albino Moncalieri and his only employee Guido Guidi are in desperate need of", "psg_id": "16089787" }, { "title": "What Have They Done to My Song Ma", "text": "to my oatmeal\"). In October 2012, Miley Cyrus released a video of her own acoustic version of the song as part of her Backyard Sessions series. In 2015, Melanie joined her to duet on the song in addition to \"Peace Will Come (According to Plan)\". What Have They Done to My Song Ma \"What Have They Done to My Song Ma\" is a song by Melanie. It was released in 1970 as the B-side of her \"Ruby Tuesday\" single and included on the album \"Candles in the Rain\". The single reached the number nine on the UK singles charts for", "psg_id": "20594674" }, { "title": "What Have They Done to the Rain", "text": "Seekers, Marianne Faithfull,Joan Baez (1962), and Melanie. The song was also recorded by the composer and issued by Columbia on the 1967 album Malvina Reynolds Sings the Truth (reissued on CD by Omni in 2008). It was also covered by actress Lili Taylor in Nancy Savoca's film \"Dogfight\". Tout est étrange sous la pluie What Have They Done to the Rain \"What Have They Done to the Rain\" is a song by Malvina Reynolds. Composed in 1962 and first entitled \"Rain Song\", it was written as part of a campaign to stop nuclear testing in the atmosphere, which was producing", "psg_id": "11502048" }, { "title": "What She's Doing Now", "text": "\"what she's doing now is tearing [him] apart\". Brooks provided the following background information on the song in the CD booklet liner notes from \"The Hits\": \"What She's Doing Now\" was an idea I had a long, long time about a man wondering what a woman was doing. And it was very simple. What is she doing now? Is she hanging out the clothes? Is she running a business? Is she a mother? Is she married? Who is she with? When I told the idea to Pat Alger, he looked at me with a smile and said, 'I wonder if", "psg_id": "11705335" }, { "title": "What Have They Done to the Rain", "text": "What Have They Done to the Rain \"What Have They Done to the Rain\" is a song by Malvina Reynolds. Composed in 1962 and first entitled \"Rain Song\", it was written as part of a campaign to stop nuclear testing in the atmosphere, which was producing fall-out. The song was recorded by The Searchers, reaching number 29 on the U.S. charts and number 13 in the UK in 1965. It has been recorded by many other artists including Esther & Abi Ofarim (1965), who also recorded a version in French 'Tout est étrange sous la pluie' the same year. The", "psg_id": "11502047" }, { "title": "Give the People What They Want (The O'Jays song)", "text": "Give the People What They Want (The O'Jays song) \"Give the People What They Want\" is a song by R&B vocal group The O'Jays. Released from their album \"Survival\", it spent one week at number one on the R&B singles chart in the summer of 1975. It peaked at number 45 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100. It was used as part of the regular playlist at campaign events for Barack Obama's 2008 presidential candidacy. The song is currently being used by NBC's WCAU-TV-10 to promote the station's news and other programming. The chorus plays with no other voice-over, along with", "psg_id": "11984897" }, { "title": "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?", "text": "under the sea, as well as on the earth. In the United States, the speech is widely taught in history and English classes in high school and college. American studies professor Andrew S. Bibby argues that because many of the editions produced for educational use are abridged, they often misrepresent Douglass's original through omission or editorial focus. The speech has been notably performed or read by important figures, including the following actors: What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July? \"What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?\" is the title now given to a speech by Frederick", "psg_id": "18963066" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "are given, one for each day of the year besides Christmas.) An anonymous \"antiquarian\", writing in 1867, speculated that \"pear-tree\" is a corruption of French \"perdrix\" (partridge), and \"colley\" a corruption of French \"collet\" (ruff, hence \"we at once have a bird with a ruff, \"i.e.\", the ruff-pigeon\"). Cecil Sharp, writing in 1916, observed that \"from the constancy in English, French, and Languedoc versions of the 'merry little partridge,' I suspect that 'pear-tree' is really \"perdrix\" (Old French \"pertriz\") carried into England\"; and \"juniper tree\" in some English versions may have been \"joli perdrix,\" [pretty partridge]. Sharp also suggests the", "psg_id": "9457972" }, { "title": "Twelve Days of Christmas", "text": "Birth, inclusively counting the first day and last day. This day, or some day proximate to it, is also celebrated by the Pope and Roman Catholics as World Day of Peace. In many nations, e. g., the United States, the Solemnity of Epiphany is transferred to the first Sunday after 1 January, which can occur as early as 2 January. That solemnity, then, together with customary observances associated with it, usually occur within the Twelve Days of Christmas, even if these are considered to end on 5 January rather than 6 January. Other Roman Catholic liturgical feasts on the General", "psg_id": "2373309" }, { "title": "Give the People What They Want (The O'Jays song)", "text": "clips of action in the streets, and station on-air staff with slogans promoting programming. The campaign debuted on 12 February 2010, including a clip of Jay Leno at 11:35, after \"The Tonight Show\" with Conan O'Brien was off the air. This song is heavily sampled in EPMD's song \"Give the People\" from their 1990 album \"Business as Usual\". The song is used as the intro theme music for former NBA player Jalen Rose's podcast, \"The Jalen Rose Report\", for Grantland. The phrase has become Rose's unofficial catchphrase. Give the People What They Want (The O'Jays song) \"Give the People What", "psg_id": "11984898" }, { "title": "What Are Words", "text": "What Are Words \"What Are Words\" is a hit song written by Rodney Jerkins, Andre Lindal and Lauren Christy, and performed by American singer Chris Medina. It was released on February 25, 2011, the day after his surprising elimination on the reality TV show American Idol. The song is a tribute to his fiancée who suffered a brain injury as the result of a car wreck and is about promises, commitment and keeping your word. The music video was shot at Atlantis studios in Hollywood and was released days after the single. The video depicts Medina in the actual recording", "psg_id": "15395224" }, { "title": "8 Days of Christmas", "text": "recorded in Japan during Destiny's Child's overseas promo tour. In the same interview, Beyoncé Knowles revealed, \"Actually we wrote the song two years ago, when we went in the studio to do some Christmas something. That's what started the idea of doing a Christmas album.\" The song \"8 Days of Christmas\" first appeared on the double-disc reissue of \"The Writing's on the Wall\" in November 2000. \"8 Days of Christmas\" received generally mixed to positive reviews from critics. Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic, gave the album 2.5 out 5 stars. In his review, he felt that it did not offer", "psg_id": "8552343" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "a flourish on the words \"Five Gold Rings\". This has not been copied by later versions, which simply repeat the melody from the earlier verses. In the 19th century, most sources for the lyrics do not include music, and those that do often include music different from what has become the standard melody. Cecil Sharp's \"Folk Songs from Somerset\" (1905) contains two different melodies for the song, both distinct from the now-standard melody. Since 1984, the cumulative costs of the items mentioned in the song have been used as a tongue-in-cheek economic indicator. Assuming the gifts are repeated in full", "psg_id": "9457979" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "possible use of the twelve gifts as part of a catechism. The possibility that the twelve gifts were used as a catechism during English and Irish Catholic penal times was also hypothesized in this same time period (1987 and 1992) by Fr. James Gilhooley, chaplain of Mount Saint Mary College of Newburgh, New York., a website reviewing urban legends, Internet rumours, e-mail forwards, and other stories of unknown or questionable origin, also concludes that the hypothesis of the twelve gifts of Christmas being a surreptitious Catholic catechism is incorrect. None of the enumerated items would distinguish Catholics from Protestants,", "psg_id": "9457975" }, { "title": "What What (In the Butt)", "text": "did not owe damages. The decision was unusual in a copyright lawsuit because it was made on a motion to dismiss, before summary judgment. The appeal was dismissed by the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals on June 7, 2012. Additionally, the district court awarded attorneys' fees to the defendants because the lawsuit was \"objectively unreasonable\". In January 2013, a behind-the-scenes video was released which showed footage from the original 2006 green screen shoot. What What (In the Butt) \"What What (In the Butt)\" is a viral video created by Andrew Swant and Bobby Ciraldo for the song of the same", "psg_id": "10157830" }, { "title": "What They Want (Russ song)", "text": "for the money they can make off of his hard work. \"What They Want\" peaked at number 83 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100. It is Russ' first song to appear on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The single eventually was certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for sales of over a million digital copies in the United States. Russ debuted the music video to \"What They Want\" through his Vevo account on May 3, 2016. As of August 2017, the song has over 100 million views on YouTube. What They Want (Russ song) \"What They Want\" is", "psg_id": "20147514" }, { "title": "That's What Friends Are For (The Swarbriggs song)", "text": "That's What Friends Are For (The Swarbriggs song) That's What Friends Are For was the Irish entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1975, performed in English by The Swarbriggs. The song is in a moderate tempo, with the singers calling on their listeners to help each other in times of need, because \"That's what friends are for\". The call is made to everyone in the world, rather than just those who know the needy person at the time. The performance is notable for the fact that the singers wore identical electric blue suits, taking full advantage of the increasing trend", "psg_id": "8606255" }, { "title": "You Are What You Is (song)", "text": "You Are What You Is (song) \"You Are What You Is\" is a single which Frank Zappa released from his 1981 album of the same title. The song is known for going out of its way to use improper English, basically mocking the rest of its context. It was the B-side for 1982 single \"Valley Girl\". This song was also remixed for the 1984 album \"Thing-Fish\". The lyrics, which essentially tell the listener to be themselves and embrace their culture, tell the stories of two young men, both of whom Zappa describes as \"foolish\". The first man is from a", "psg_id": "16777568" }, { "title": "Where the Hell Are We and What Day Is It... This Is Static-X", "text": "roughly only 500 copies are in existence. Where the Hell Are We and What Day Is It... This Is Static-X Where The Hell Are We And What Day Is It... This Is Static-X is a rockumentary DVD that was set to be released in 2001 by industrial metal band Static-X. It features behind-the-scenes and live footage, along with all of Static-X's music videos (at the time) and an audio-only concert. Due to the live footage being recorded at \"Ozzfest\", Sharon Osbourne threatened to sue the band if the DVD was released. Therefore, it was prevented from ever hitting store shelves.", "psg_id": "8355195" }, { "title": "Keep Doing What You're Doing", "text": "What You're Doing\" has received positive reviews from music critics. Keep Doing What You're Doing Keep Doing What You're Doing is the second studio album by Floridian emo band, You Blew It! The album was released through Topshelf Records on January 14, 2014. It was the band's first album to chart, charting on the \"Billboard\" 200, Independent Albums and Top Heatseekers. In April and May, the group supported The Early November on their tour of the UK and Europe. In September and October, the band supported Citizen on their headlining US tour. In October and November 2015, the group supported", "psg_id": "18421607" }, { "title": "Where the Hell Are We and What Day Is It... This Is Static-X", "text": "Where the Hell Are We and What Day Is It... This Is Static-X Where The Hell Are We And What Day Is It... This Is Static-X is a rockumentary DVD that was set to be released in 2001 by industrial metal band Static-X. It features behind-the-scenes and live footage, along with all of Static-X's music videos (at the time) and an audio-only concert. Due to the live footage being recorded at \"Ozzfest\", Sharon Osbourne threatened to sue the band if the DVD was released. Therefore, it was prevented from ever hitting store shelves. It is very hard to find and", "psg_id": "8355194" }, { "title": "What They Want (Russ song)", "text": "What They Want (Russ song) \"What They Want\" is a song by American rapper Russ. It was released on his SoundCloud page on August 19, 2015. Russ included this song on his debut studio album \"There's Really a Wolf\". The song was mixed, mastered, engineered, produced, written, and performed by Russ. The song is a response to labels and women who now want to approach him due to his success as a rapper. In the songs hook, Russ states \"Dollar signs, yeah, I know it's what they want\", as women now want him for his money, and labels want him", "psg_id": "20147513" }, { "title": "What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?", "text": "Goldstein, and Heitor Pereira won the 2006 Grammy Award for the same category for a version performed by Chris Botti and Sting. Apart from the award winning versions, the song has been covered by many artists, notably a version by Barbra Streisand issued by Columbia Records in 1973 as the B-side of her hit \"The Way We Were\". This song made a comeback in 2006 with a version by British songstress Dusty Springfield when it was featured in commercials for the Journey Diamond collection. There is also a song called \"What Are You Doin' the Rest of Your Life?\" in", "psg_id": "9877379" }, { "title": "Twelve Days of Christmas", "text": "Misrule was chosen to lead the Christmas revels. Some of these traditions were adapted from the older pagan customs, including the Roman Saturnalia and the Germanic Yuletide. Some also have an echo in modern-day pantomime where traditionally authority is mocked and the principal male lead is played by a woman, while the leading older female character, or 'Dame', is played by a man. The early North American colonists brought their version of the Twelve Days over from England, and adapted them to their new country, adding their own variations over the years. For example, the modern-day Christmas wreath may have", "psg_id": "2373313" }, { "title": "What Have They Done to My Song Ma", "text": "What Have They Done to My Song Ma \"What Have They Done to My Song Ma\" is a song by Melanie. It was released in 1970 as the B-side of her \"Ruby Tuesday\" single and included on the album \"Candles in the Rain\". The single reached the number nine on the UK singles charts for three weeks. Daliah Lavi recorded a successful German version of the song in 1971 and Ray Charles released a cover (as \"Look What They've Done to My Song, Ma\") in 1972. The song has also been covered by many other artists, including Nina Simone, the", "psg_id": "20594672" }, { "title": "What What (In the Butt)", "text": "What What (In the Butt) \"What What (In the Butt)\" is a viral video created by Andrew Swant and Bobby Ciraldo for the song of the same name by Samwell. It is known for its numerous camp references to homosexuality and anal sex. The lyrics of the song, a production of Mike Stasny, mostly revolve around the title. The video was made in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and uploaded on Valentine's Day 2007 to YouTube. As of March 2016, the video had over 60 million views. On 5 March 2007, with regard to the Christian imagery in the video, Samwell said, in", "psg_id": "10157826" }, { "title": "You Are What You Is (song)", "text": "it from being featured on \"Canoe\", a 1993 episode of the American television show \"Beavis and Butt-Head\", also aired on MTV (though the show abruptly switches to \"The Animal Song\" by The Europeans early on, then returns to Zappa for the tail end of \"You Are What You Is\", to which Butt-Head replies, \"This is still on? That pisses me off!\"). \"You Are What You Is\" contains references to other songs throughout his career and on the album itself, commonly referred as Zappa's \"Conceptual Continuity\". References include \"Gimme a five dollar bill and an overcoat too\" from \"Wonderful Wino\" on", "psg_id": "16777572" }, { "title": "What Are You Going to Do to Help the Boys?", "text": "song was written for both piano and voice. The song is a call to action. It encourages listeners to buy liberty bonds, especially if they are staying home while soldiers fight overseas. The voice states that it doesn't matter one's age, where he is from, or who he is. Uncle Sam expects everyone to help in the war effort. The chorus is as follows: The sheet music can be found at Pritzker Military Museum & Library. What Are You Going to Do to Help the Boys? \"What Are You Going to Do to Help the Boys?\" is a World War", "psg_id": "19355998" }, { "title": "Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do", "text": "Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do is a 1974 nonfiction book by the noted oral historian and radio broadcaster Studs Terkel. \"Working\" is a book which investigates the meaning of work for different people under different circumstances, showing it can vary in importance. The book also reflects Terkel's general idea that work can be difficult but still provides meaning for workers. It is an exploration of what makes work meaningful for people", "psg_id": "7657272" }, { "title": "What Is the What", "text": "What Is the What What Is the What: The Autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng is a 2006 novel written by Dave Eggers. It is based on the life of Valentino Achak Deng, a Sudanese child refugee who immigrated to the United States under the Lost Boys of Sudan program. It was a finalist for the National Book Award. As a boy, Achak is separated from his family during the Second Sudanese Civil War when the Arab militia, referred to as \"murahaleen\" (which is Arabic for the deported), wipes out his Dinka village, Marial Bai. During the assault, he loses sight", "psg_id": "9406939" }, { "title": "What Is the What", "text": "That Happens Will Happen Today\". Tom Tykwer plans to adapt the novel into a film. In 2009, the novel received the Prix Médicis étranger in France. What Is the What What Is the What: The Autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng is a 2006 novel written by Dave Eggers. It is based on the life of Valentino Achak Deng, a Sudanese child refugee who immigrated to the United States under the Lost Boys of Sudan program. It was a finalist for the National Book Award. As a boy, Achak is separated from his family during the Second Sudanese Civil War when", "psg_id": "9406947" }, { "title": "What Kind of Man (Florence and the Machine song)", "text": "Big, How Blue, How Beautiful\". What Kind of Man (Florence and the Machine song) \"What Kind of Man\" is a song by English indie rock band Florence and the Machine from their third studio album, \"How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful\" (2015). It was written by Florence Welch, Kid Harpoon and John Hill, produced by Markus Dravs and co-produced by Hill. The song was released on 12 February 2015 as the album's lead single. \"What Kind of Man\" received Grammy Award nominations for Best Rock Performance and Best Rock Song. According to lead vocalist Florence Welch, the song represents a", "psg_id": "18587919" }, { "title": "What Kind of Man (Florence and the Machine song)", "text": "What Kind of Man (Florence and the Machine song) \"What Kind of Man\" is a song by English indie rock band Florence and the Machine from their third studio album, \"How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful\" (2015). It was written by Florence Welch, Kid Harpoon and John Hill, produced by Markus Dravs and co-produced by Hill. The song was released on 12 February 2015 as the album's lead single. \"What Kind of Man\" received Grammy Award nominations for Best Rock Performance and Best Rock Song. According to lead vocalist Florence Welch, the song represents a new guitar-driven sonic direction for", "psg_id": "18587914" }, { "title": "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?", "text": "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July? \"What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?\" is the title now given to a speech by Frederick Douglass delivered on July 5, 1852, in Corinthian Hall, Rochester, New York, addressing the Rochester Ladies' Anti-Slavery Society. The speech is perhaps the most widely known of all of Frederick Douglass' writings save his autobiographies. Many copies of one section of it, beginning in para. 32, have been circulated online. Due to this and the variant titles given to it in various places, and the fact that it is called a July", "psg_id": "18963055" }, { "title": "Twelve Days of Christmas", "text": "Elizabethan England, when decorations were left up until Candlemas; this is still done in some other Western European countries such as Germany. In the United States, Christmas Day is a federal holiday which holds additional religious significance for Christians. The traditions of the Twelve Days of Christmas have been nearly forgotten in the United States. Contributing factors include the popularity of the stories of Charles Dickens in nineteenth-century America, with their emphasis on generous giving; introduction of secular traditions in the 19th and 20th centuries, e. g., the American Santa Claus; and increase in the popularity of secular New Year's", "psg_id": "2373316" }, { "title": "1987 (What the Fuck Is Going On?)", "text": "out of our mouths... Not a pleasant sound but it's the noise we had. We pressed it up and stuck it out. A celebration of sorts.\" Jimmy Cauty defended sampling as an artistic practice: \"It's not as if we're taking anything away, just borrowing and making things bigger. If you're creative you aren't going to stop working just because there is a law against what you are doing.\" In 1991, Drummond admitted: \"We didn't listen to \"1987 What The Fuck's Going On\" for a long time, and when we did we were embarrassed by it because it was so badly", "psg_id": "7291008" }, { "title": "Keep Doing What You're Doing", "text": "Keep Doing What You're Doing Keep Doing What You're Doing is the second studio album by Floridian emo band, You Blew It! The album was released through Topshelf Records on January 14, 2014. It was the band's first album to chart, charting on the \"Billboard\" 200, Independent Albums and Top Heatseekers. In April and May, the group supported The Early November on their tour of the UK and Europe. In September and October, the band supported Citizen on their headlining US tour. In October and November 2015, the group supported The Wonder Years on their headlining US tour. \"Keep Doing", "psg_id": "18421606" }, { "title": "What Is the What", "text": "\"we really hadn’t decided whether I was just helping Valentino write his own book, or if I was writing a book about him.\" Valentino points out that, \"I thought I might want to write my own book, but I learned that I was not ready to do this. I was still taking classes in basic writing at Georgia Perimeter College.\" Dave Eggers discusses the difficulties in writing a book of this nature: \"For a long while there, we continued doing interviews, and I gathered the material. But all along, I really didn’t know exactly what form it would finally take—whether", "psg_id": "9406944" }, { "title": "What Is Love? (Twice song)", "text": "What Is Love? (Twice song) \"What Is Love?\" (stylized as \"What is Love?\") is a song recorded by South Korean girl group Twice, the lead single of their fifth extended play of the same name. The song was released on April 9, 2018 by JYP Entertainment and distributed by Iriver. \"What Is Love?\" was written and composed by Park Jin-young, who previously produced \"Signal\", and it was arranged by Lee Woo-min \"collapsedone\", who co-produced \"Knock Knock\" and \"Candy Pop\". According to JYP Entertainment, the song is about \"the love girls would dream about or imagine after learning about it through", "psg_id": "20652317" }, { "title": "What Kind of Man (Florence and the Machine song)", "text": "an uncommitted significant other\". \"What Kind of Man\" debuted at number 57 on the UK Singles Chart, peaking at number 37 the following week. In the United States, the song reached number eight on the \"Billboard\" Alternative Songs chart, tying with the band's 2010 single \"Dog Days Are Over\" and subsequent single \"Ship to Wreck\" as their highest-peaking single on that chart. As of July 2018 in United Kingdom song has reached 177,000 sold copies and 11,2 million streams. The music video for \"What Kind of Man\" was directed by Vincent Haycock and choreographed by Ryan Heffington. It premiered on", "psg_id": "18587917" }, { "title": "The 2 Live Crew Is What We Are", "text": "The 2 Live Crew Is What We Are The 2 Live Crew Is What We Are is the debut studio album by hip-hop group the 2 Live Crew. It was released in 1986 on Luke Records to a great deal of controversy and promptly was certified gold by the RIAA. It includes the hits \"We Want Some Pussy\", \"Throw the 'D'\", and \"Cuttin' It Up\". Bob Rosenberg, a south Florida DJ who would later form the dance-pop group Will to Power, remixed and edited the song \"Beat Box\". In Florida, it was deemed obscene, and one store clerk was charged", "psg_id": "2397574" }, { "title": "That's What Friends Are For (The Vulture Song)", "text": "That's What Friends Are For (The Vulture Song) \"That's What Friends Are For (The Vulture Song)\" is a song in the Walt Disney film \"The Jungle Book\" from 1967. It was sung by a quartet of \"mop top\" vultures who are making friends with Mowgli, the main character of the film. The song was written by Disney staff songwriters, Robert and Richard Sherman, and sung primarily by J. Pat O'Malley, Lord Tim Hudson, Digby Wolfe, and Chad Stuart. Bruce Reitherman and George Sanders both made cameo appearances in the song singing as Mowgli and Shere Khan the tiger, respectively, in", "psg_id": "9346818" }, { "title": "What Are The Theosophists?", "text": "What Are The Theosophists? \"What Are The Theosophists?\" is an editorial published in October 1879 in the theosophical magazine \"The Theosophist.\" It was compiled by Helena Blavatsky and it was included the 2nd volume of the \"Blavatsky Collected Writings.\" Arnold Kalnitsky wrote in his thesis that in this article \"we find a rather expansive statement of... [Blavatsky's] thoughts at that moment about the status of the movement, the Theosophical Society, its objectives, and the issues it was confronting.\" He wrote that the article begins with a question whether the Theosophists \"are they what they claim to be\": researchers of the", "psg_id": "20792631" }, { "title": "What Are You Waiting For? (The Saturdays song)", "text": "What Are You Waiting For? (The Saturdays song) What Are You Waiting For? is a song by English-Irish girl group The Saturdays. It was co-written by MNEK (credited as Uzoechi Emenike), Carla Marie Williams, Annie Rose Yuill (credited as Annie Yuill), Tim Deal, Brian Higgins, Miranda Cooper, Tove Lo (credited as Tove Nilsson), Luke Fritton, Matt Gray, Gavin Harris, Nick Hill and Toby Scott, and produced by Xenomania and Higgins. It was released on 10 August 2014, as the lead and only single from the group's first compilation album, \"\" (2014). The song charted at number 38 in the UK,", "psg_id": "18167700" }, { "title": "What It Is to Burn (song)", "text": "What It Is to Burn (song) \"What It Is to Burn\" is the title track off the album \"What It Is to Burn\" by the U.S. post-hardcore band Finch. It was released as a single in 2003 and was featured in the pilot episode of \"One Tree Hill\". A demo version of the song was released on the Drive-Thru Records compilation CD \"Welcome to the Family\" in 2001. In an interview with AOL, lead singer Nate Barcalow said he wrote this song from the viewpoint of a man in hell sending a letter to his loved one. \"What It Is", "psg_id": "7328938" }, { "title": "That's What Friends Are For (The Swarbriggs song)", "text": "towards bright and eye-catching costumes. The song was performed second on the night (following the Netherlands' Teach-In with \"Ding-A-Dong\" and preceding France's Nicole Rieu with \"Et bonjour à toi l'artiste\"). At the close of voting, it had received 68 points, placing 9th in a field of 19. It was succeeded as the Irish representative at the 1976 Contest by Red Hurley with When. The song and its accompanying music video were parodied in the \"Father Ted\" episode \"Song for Europe\" with the song \"My Lovely Horse\". That's What Friends Are For (The Swarbriggs song) That's What Friends Are For was", "psg_id": "8606256" }, { "title": "Christmas gift", "text": "With the Christmas season lasting twelve days according to the kalendar of many Christian Churches, a gift is given for each of the twelve days of Christmastide in some cultures, while in other Christian households, gifts are only given on Christmas Day or Twelfth Night, the first and last days of the Christmas season, respectively. The tradition was also embraced by retailers, for whom the weeks and, eventually, the entire month before Christmas became a very profitable period. Around the turn of the 20th century retailers started directing marketing efforts at children in the hopes that they would entice the", "psg_id": "19516195" }, { "title": "What They Want (Schoolboy Q song)", "text": "What They Want (Schoolboy Q song) \"What They Want\" is a song by American hip hop recording artist Schoolboy Q, taken from his third studio album \"Oxymoron\" (2014). The song, produced by Mike Will Made It, features a guest appearance by rapper 2 Chainz. \"What They Want\" was met with generally positive reviews from music critics. The song has since peaked on the US \"Billboard\" Bubbling Under R&B/Hip-Hop Singles at number four. \"What They Want\" production features \"plodding rhythm section and eerie, reverb-drenched string/bell loops\" created by Mike Will Made It and Marz. Schoolboy Q raps about his prospective purchases", "psg_id": "17925124" }, { "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)", "text": "day of St. Stephen Protomartyr), to the day before Epiphany, or the Feast of the Epiphany (6 January, or the Twelfth Day). Twelfth Night is defined by the \"Oxford English Dictionary\" as \"the evening of the fifth of January, preceding Twelfth Day, the eve of the Epiphany, formerly the last day of the Christmas festivities and observed as a time of merrymaking.\" The best known English version was first printed in English in 1780 in a little book intended for children, \"Mirth without Mischief\", as a Twelfth Night \"memories-and-forfeits\" game, in which a leader recited a verse, each of the", "psg_id": "9457967" }, { "title": "No Matter What They Say", "text": "of the songs that leaked prior to the album's release, as her first single. The record label didn't agree with Kim and insisted on releasing \"No Matter What They Say\". With time running out and not wanting her first week album sales to suffer, Kim agreed with her label to release the song. \"The Queen\" never made it on the album's final track listing. This song sampled many other songs, including: The song also samples the line 'I'm just tryna be me, doing what I gotta do' from \"Top of the World\" by Brandy as well as \"This is how", "psg_id": "8265516" }, { "title": "Give the People What They Want (The Kinks song)", "text": "Want\" was released as the second track on The Kinks' 1981 album \"Give the People What They Want\". It wasn't released as a single in any countries. The song appeared in live form on two of the band's live albums, \"\" in 1988 (this rendition of the song appeared on the compilation album \"Lost & Found (1986-1989)\" and the American release of \"To the Bone\" in 1996. It has since appeared on multiple compilation albums, including \"You Really Got Me: The Very Best of the Kinks\" and the box set \"The Arista Years\". \"AllMusic\" critic Stephen Thomas Erlewine said that", "psg_id": "18129068" }, { "title": "What It Is to Burn (song)", "text": "Century Hard Rock Songs. What It Is to Burn (song) \"What It Is to Burn\" is the title track off the album \"What It Is to Burn\" by the U.S. post-hardcore band Finch. It was released as a single in 2003 and was featured in the pilot episode of \"One Tree Hill\". A demo version of the song was released on the Drive-Thru Records compilation CD \"Welcome to the Family\" in 2001. In an interview with AOL, lead singer Nate Barcalow said he wrote this song from the viewpoint of a man in hell sending a letter to his loved", "psg_id": "7328940" }, { "title": "What About Us (The Saturdays song)", "text": "to their roots and the genre they enjoyed to perform. King spoke: \"We've always made a point that we don't want to change to go to America. We wanted to go over as we are and if they like us, they like us and if they don't, they don't!\" King said that the track is reggae pop music, a little different from what band usually record, but the track is still really \"dancey\" and \"upbeat\", as well a good song to dance to on either stage or at a club. When Una Healy was asked what the song was about", "psg_id": "16873799" }, { "title": "What the Hell", "text": "Hell\" CD single liner notes. What the Hell \"What the Hell\" is a song by Canadian singer-songwriter Avril Lavigne from her fourth studio album, \"Goodbye Lullaby\" (2011). It was released on 10 January 2011 by RCA Records as the lead single from the album. The song was produced by Max Martin and Shellback, who co-wrote the song with Lavigne. According to Lavigne, she wrote the song as her \"personal message for freedom\". Upon its release, \"What the Hell\" received positive reviews from music critics with many complimenting its catchiness and comparing it to her 2007 single \"Girlfriend\". The song was", "psg_id": "15215420" }, { "title": "What the Hell", "text": "What the Hell \"What the Hell\" is a song by Canadian singer-songwriter Avril Lavigne from her fourth studio album, \"Goodbye Lullaby\" (2011). It was released on 10 January 2011 by RCA Records as the lead single from the album. The song was produced by Max Martin and Shellback, who co-wrote the song with Lavigne. According to Lavigne, she wrote the song as her \"personal message for freedom\". Upon its release, \"What the Hell\" received positive reviews from music critics with many complimenting its catchiness and comparing it to her 2007 single \"Girlfriend\". The song was successful, reaching number one in", "psg_id": "15215402" }, { "title": "What Are The Theosophists?", "text": "often attracted all sorts of neurotics, hysterics and even madmen: \"All organisations which depend on enthusiasm and opposition to conventional opinion suffer from this problem to some degree; Theosophy appears to have been especially prone to it. The permanent residents at Adyar during the 1880s and '90s were typical. A quarrelsome collection of minor English aristocrats, rich American widows, German professors, Indian mystics and hangerson of every description, they were all eager to have their say, especially during Olcott's prolonged absences, and all ready to quarrel with one another.\" What Are The Theosophists? \"What Are The Theosophists?\" is an editorial", "psg_id": "20792648" }, { "title": "Christmas in the Sand (song)", "text": "Christmas in the Sand (song) \"Christmas in the Sand\" is a Christmas song recorded by American singer-songwriter Colbie Caillat. It was written by Caillat, Jason Reeves and Kara DioGuardi and produced by Colbie's father, Ken Caillat. The song was released as the first single from her first Christmas album \"Christmas in the Sand\". The song was released to SoundCloud on October 15, 2012 through Universal Republic. Colbie told Billboard she wrote this song \"thinking, what do they listen to over here Hawaii at Christmas time? I bet they don't always want to hear songs about white Christmases and bundling up", "psg_id": "16853120" } ]
[ "seven swans a-swimming" ]
on january 16, 2001, president bill clinton awarded what former president a posthumous medal of honor, the only president to have received one?
[ { "title": "Andrew Jackson Smith (Medal of Honor)", "text": "the Army denied the nomination, citing a lack of official records documenting his case. Smith's commander at Honey Hill had not included an account of Smith's actions in the official battle report. It was not until January 16, 2001, 137 years after the Battle of Honey Hill, that Smith was recognized; President Bill Clinton presented the Medal of Honor to several of Smith's descendants during a ceremony at the White House on that day. Former President Theodore Roosevelt was also posthumously awarded the medal at the same ceremony, for his actions during the Spanish–American War. Smith's official Medal of Honor", "psg_id": "9516092" } ]
[ { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "of medals. At the time, no Medals of Honor had been awarded to American soldiers of African descent who served in World War II. After an exhaustive review, the study recommended that ten Distinguished Service Cross recipients be awarded the Medal of Honor. On January 13, 1997, President Bill Clinton presented the Medal of Honor to seven of these World War II veterans, six of them posthumously and one to former Second Lieutenant Vernon Baker. In 1998, a similar study of Asian Americans resulted in President Bill Clinton presenting 22 Medals of Honor in 2000. Twenty of these medals went", "psg_id": "17503653" }, { "title": "The Hunting of the President", "text": "The Hunting of the President The Hunting of the President is a 2004 English language documentary film about Bill Clinton. Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton appear in archived footage. The film is based on the book The Hunting of the President: The Ten Year Campaign to Destroy Bill and Hillary Clinton, written by investigative journalists Joe Conason and Gene Lyons, and published by Thomas Dunne Books in 2000. Narrated by Morgan Freeman, the film premiered at the 2004 Sundance Film Festival. The book and movie explore Clinton friends Jim and Susan McDougal, former Associate Attorney General Webster Hubbell, and", "psg_id": "3325455" }, { "title": "George Clinton (vice president)", "text": "Bridge in honor of Clinton. George Clinton (vice president) George Clinton (July 26, 1739April 20, 1812) was an American soldier and statesman, considered one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. A prominent Democratic-Republican, Clinton served as the fourth Vice President of the United States from 1805 until his death in 1812. He also served as Governor of New York from 1777 to 1795 and from 1801 to 1804. Along with John C. Calhoun, he is one of two vice presidents to hold office under two presidents. Clinton served in the French and Indian War, rising to the rank", "psg_id": "1311121" }, { "title": "George Clinton (vice president)", "text": "Bill of Rights. In the early 1790s, he emerged as a leader of the incipient Democratic-Republican Party, and Clinton served as the party's vice presidential candidate in the 1792 presidential election. Clinton received the third most electoral votes in the election, as President George Washington and Vice President John Adams both won re-election. Clinton did not seek re-election in 1795, but served as governor again from 1801 to 1805. He was the longest-serving governor in U.S. history until Terry Branstad surpassed his record in 2015. Clinton was again tapped as the Democratic-Republican vice presidential nominee in the 1804 election, as", "psg_id": "1311098" }, { "title": "George Clinton (vice president)", "text": "their candidate for vice president. While the Republicans joined in the general acclamation of Washington for a second term as president, they objected to the allegedly \"monarchical\" attitude of Vice President Adams. Clinton was nominated rather than Thomas Jefferson because the Virginia electors could not vote for Washington, and for a second Virginian. Clinton received 50 electoral votes to 77 for Adams. His candidacy was damaged by his anti-Federalist record and by his narrow and disputed re-election as governor in 1792. (He won by only 108 votes, and the substantial anti-Clinton vote of Otsego County was excluded on a technicality.)", "psg_id": "1311109" }, { "title": "Gala Hollywood Farewell Salute to President Clinton", "text": "Gala Hollywood Farewell Salute to President Clinton The Hollywood Gala Salute to President William Jefferson Clinton took place on August 12, 2000 (two days before the start of the 2000 DNC) at the private Brentwood, California estate of businessman Ken Roberts. It was produced and hosted by Peter F. Paul and was the largest Hollywood tribute ever produced for a sitting President of the United States. Besides honoring President Bill Clinton, it also served as a fund raising event for the 2000 U.S. Senate election campaign of First Lady Hillary Clinton, and was the largest such event of her campaign.", "psg_id": "8412582" }, { "title": "Gala Hollywood Farewell Salute to President Clinton", "text": "minority contracting fraud scheme involving the Chicago Public Schools. Gala Hollywood Farewell Salute to President Clinton The Hollywood Gala Salute to President William Jefferson Clinton took place on August 12, 2000 (two days before the start of the 2000 DNC) at the private Brentwood, California estate of businessman Ken Roberts. It was produced and hosted by Peter F. Paul and was the largest Hollywood tribute ever produced for a sitting President of the United States. Besides honoring President Bill Clinton, it also served as a fund raising event for the 2000 U.S. Senate election campaign of First Lady Hillary Clinton,", "psg_id": "8412585" }, { "title": "George Watson (Medal of Honor)", "text": "World War II. The award was upgraded to the Medal of Honor in 1997. During a ceremony conducted on January 13 of that year, President Bill Clinton bestowed the Medal of Honor on seven African-American veterans of World War II. Only one of the recipients, Vernon J. Baker, was still alive to receive his award in person. Watson's military awards include the Medal of Honor, Purple Heart, Army Good Conduct Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, and World War II Victory Medal. Watson had no known next of kin, so his medals are displayed in the U.S. Army Quartermaster Museum in Fort", "psg_id": "7707068" }, { "title": "George Clinton (vice president)", "text": "and its admission to the Union. The committee's recommended bill was opposed by New York's delegates and did not pass. Six years later the New York legislature decided to give up New York's claims to Vermont on condition that Congress would admit Vermont to the Union, and the new state was admitted on March 4, 1791. Clinton was selected as President Jefferson's running mate in the 1804 presidential election, replacing Aaron Burr. Vice President Burr had fallen out with the Jefferson administration early in his tenure, and President Jefferson often consulted with Clinton rather than Burr regarding New York appointments.", "psg_id": "1311114" }, { "title": "Bill Clinton", "text": "Haiti and especially his high contribution to the reconstruction of the country after the earthquake of January 12, 2010\". Clinton declared at the ceremony that \"in the United States of America, I really don't believe former American presidents need awards anymore, but I am very honored by this one, I love Haiti, and I believe in its promise\". U.S. President Barack Obama awarded Clinton the Presidential Medal of Freedom on November 20, 2013. Bill Clinton is one of the narrators on a 2003 recording of Sergei Prokofiev's \"Peter and the Wolf\", on Pentatone, together with Mikhail Gorbachev and Sophia Loren.", "psg_id": "34330" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "continuously issued combat decoration of the United States armed forces. The President normally presents the Medal of Honor in Washington, D.C. at a formal ceremony that is intended to represent the gratitude of the U.S. people, with posthumous presentations made to the primary next of kin. According to the Medal of Honor Historical Society of the United States, there have been 3522 Medals of Honor awarded to the nation's soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen since the decoration's creation, with just less than half of them awarded for actions during the four years of the American Civil War. In", "psg_id": "17503613" }, { "title": "Congressional Space Medal of Honor", "text": "of tremendous benefit to mankind. The decoration may also be awarded for extreme bravery during a space emergency or in preventing a major space disaster. The Congressional Space Medal of Honor may also be presented posthumously to those astronauts who die while performing a US space mission; and as of 2017, all 17 astronauts killed on US missions have been awarded the medal. President George W. Bush presented the most awards of the CSMOH, with 16 (of which 14 were posthumous for the two destroyed space shuttle flights, thus setting the standard for all astronauts killed in the line of", "psg_id": "2737483" }, { "title": "President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home National Historic Site", "text": "National Register of Historic Places (as \"Bill Clinton Birthplace\"). Tours were offered by the Clinton Birthplace Foundation. In accordance with the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 (§7002), the Secretary of the Interior accepted the property on December 14, 2010, establishing it as a national historic site and a unit of the National Park System. This change in status was originally proposed by Senator Mark Pryor of Arkansas. Bill Clinton and Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar formally dedicated the site on April 16, 2011. President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home National Historic Site The President William Jefferson Clinton", "psg_id": "7334023" }, { "title": "Town Hall with President Clinton", "text": "Town Hall with President Clinton On November 8, 1999, U.S. President Bill Clinton participated in the first ever presidential webcast produced by Excite@Home Network in partnership with the Democratic Leadership Council. The forum was held at George Washington University in Washington DC, moderated by DLC chairman, Al From and directed by Marc Scarpa. The webcast made use of the most cutting edge, IP-enabled technology of the time including streaming video remote feeds that connected the President to New Democrat leaders, including Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, then Lt. Governor of Maryland; Donald T. Cunningham, Jr., then mayor of Bethlehem, PA; Wisconsin State", "psg_id": "16657173" }, { "title": "Town Hall with President Clinton", "text": "Town Hall with President Clinton On November 8, 1999, U.S. President Bill Clinton participated in the first ever presidential webcast produced by Excite@Home Network in partnership with the Democratic Leadership Council. The forum was held at George Washington University in Washington DC, moderated by DLC chairman, Al From and directed by Marc Scarpa. The webcast made use of the most cutting edge, IP-enabled technology of the time including streaming video remote feeds that connected the President to New Democrat leaders, including Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, then Lt. Governor of Maryland; Donald T. Cunningham, Jr., then mayor of Bethlehem, PA; Wisconsin State", "psg_id": "16657169" }, { "title": "Vice President of the United States", "text": "President George W. Bush's closest confidants. Al Gore was an important adviser to President Bill Clinton on matters of foreign policy and the environment. Under the American system of government the president is both head of state and head of government, and the ceremonial duties of the former position are often delegated to the vice president. The vice president will on occasion represent the president and the U.S. government at state funerals abroad, or at various events in the United States. This often is the most visible role of the vice president. The vice president may also meet with other", "psg_id": "449682" }, { "title": "Counselor to the President", "text": "the first term of President Ronald Reagan, and was highly influential inside the White House. Meese, White House Chief of Staff James Baker and Deputy White House Chief of Staff Michael Deaver were nicknamed \"The Troika\" and considered the most influential advisors to the president. Meese became Attorney General during Reagan's second term as president and the position was left vacant. The position was left vacant in the first three years of President George H.W. Bush's term. In 1992 it was filled by Clayton Yeutter after he resigned as chairman of the Republican National Committee. During the Bill Clinton administration,", "psg_id": "7655373" }, { "title": "George Clinton (vice president)", "text": "just six electoral votes for president as Madison consolidated support within the party. Although Clinton had effectively run against Madison, he received the vice presidential votes of most Democratic-Republican electors, who did not want to set a precedent of defying the choice of the congressional nominating caucus. After the 1808 election, Clinton and his supporters opposed the Madison administration, and Clinton helped block the appointment of Albert Gallatin as Secretary of State. He also cast an important tie-breaking vote that prevented the recharter of the First Bank of the United States. Clinton was the first vice president to die in", "psg_id": "1311117" }, { "title": "Powers of the President of the United States", "text": "Bill Clinton a line-item veto over parts of a bill that required spending federal funds. The Supreme Court, in \"Clinton v. New York City\", found Clinton's veto of pork-barrel appropriations for New York City to be unconstitutional because only a constitutional amendment could give the president line-item veto power. When a bill is presented for signature, the president may also issue a signing statement with expressions of their opinion on the constitutionality of a bill's provisions. The president may even declare them unenforceable but the Supreme Court has yet to address this issue. Congress may override vetoes with a two-thirds", "psg_id": "5282097" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "of Honor recipients—or in the case of posthumous awards, the next of kin—have been personally decorated by the Commander-in-Chief. Since 1941, more than half of the Medals of Honor have been awarded posthumously. Congress drew the three permutations of combat from President Kennedy's executive order of April 25, 1962, which previously added the same criteria to the Purple Heart. On August 24, Kennedy added similar criteria for the Bronze Star Medal. The amendment was necessary because Cold War armed conflicts did not qualify for consideration under previous statutes such as the 1918 Army Medal of Honor Statute that required valor", "psg_id": "17503642" }, { "title": "My Life (Bill Clinton autobiography)", "text": "My Life (Bill Clinton autobiography) My Life is a 2004 autobiography written by former President of the United States Bill Clinton, who left office on January 20, 2001. It was released on June 22, 2004. The book was published by the Knopf Publishing Group and became a bestseller; the book sold in excess of 2,250,000 copies. Clinton had received what was at the time the world's highest book advance fee, $15 million (equivalent to $ million in ). In \"My Life\", Clinton covered his life chronologically, beginning with his early years in Hope, Arkansas, and his family's move to Hot", "psg_id": "7262032" }, { "title": "Hotel President Wilson", "text": "hotel, and has hosted heads of state from Bill Clinton to Mikhail Gorbachev. Guests can view the Swiss Alps from the suite. In July 2017, the Hotel President Wilson ranked first in the list of most expensive suites of the world by the magazine \"Business Insider\" with its $80,000/night. Hotel President Wilson The Hotel President Wilson is located in Geneva, Switzerland, near the United Nations building on Lake Geneva. The hotel is named for the 28th president of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, in honor of his dedication to the creation of the League of Nations. The hotel opened its", "psg_id": "18836634" }, { "title": "My Life (Bill Clinton autobiography)", "text": "They were narrators for the Russian National Orchestra's album \"Peter and the Wolf/Wolf Tracks\". My Life (Bill Clinton autobiography) My Life is a 2004 autobiography written by former President of the United States Bill Clinton, who left office on January 20, 2001. It was released on June 22, 2004. The book was published by the Knopf Publishing Group and became a bestseller; the book sold in excess of 2,250,000 copies. Clinton had received what was at the time the world's highest book advance fee, $15 million (equivalent to $ million in ). In \"My Life\", Clinton covered his life chronologically,", "psg_id": "7262039" }, { "title": "President of the United States", "text": "vote to convict. Two presidents have been impeached by the House of Representatives: Andrew Johnson in 1868, and Bill Clinton in 1998. Both were acquitted by the senate: Johnson by one vote, and Clinton by 17 votes. Additionally, the House Judiciary Committee commenced impeachment proceedings against Richard Nixon in 1974; however, he resigned from office before the full House voted on the articles of impeachment. Succession to or vacancies in the office of president may arise under several possible circumstances: death, resignation, and removal from office. Deaths have occurred a number of times, resignation has occurred only once, and removal", "psg_id": "322371" }, { "title": "President of Russia", "text": "pension based on the salary of the government. All former presidents, their spouses, and their children until age 16 are protected by the Federal Protective Service until the president's death. A spouse who remarries or divorced from president is no longer eligible for Federal Protective Service protection. As of , there is only one living former president (if Vladimir Putin, who was president from 2000 to 2008 and became president again in 2012, is excluded). The most recent death of a former president was that of Boris Yeltsin (1991–1999) on April 23, 2007, aged 76. In May 2008, the Federal", "psg_id": "1803634" }, { "title": "Female president of the United States in popular culture", "text": "season 8 she resigns and goes to prison. She is the first female president of the United States, and though a Republican is said to be based on Hillary Clinton. In the 2001 American-Argentinian science-fiction film \"Perfect Lover\", set in 2030, the world is run by women and Sally Champlin plays the female president of the United States. The film begins with her saying, \"I did not have sexual relations with that young man\", similar to a real-life quote by president Bill Clinton. In CBS's 2004 TV series \"Century City\"'s fictional timeline, Oprah Winfrey is the president of the United", "psg_id": "19850484" }, { "title": "Presidency of Bill Clinton", "text": "and the loss by his would-be successor, Vice President Al Gore, in the 2000 presidential election. Thus, Clinton's partisan legacy remains complex and uncertain. Presidency of Bill Clinton The presidency of Bill Clinton began at noon EST on January 20, 1993, when Bill Clinton was inaugurated as the 42nd President of the United States, and ended on January 20, 2001. Clinton, a Democrat, took office following a decisive victory over Republican incumbent President George H. W. Bush and Independent businessman Ross Perot in the 1992 presidential election. Four years later, in the 1996 election, he defeated Perot and Republican Bob", "psg_id": "2281138" }, { "title": "George Clinton (vice president)", "text": "George Clinton (vice president) George Clinton (July 26, 1739April 20, 1812) was an American soldier and statesman, considered one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. A prominent Democratic-Republican, Clinton served as the fourth Vice President of the United States from 1805 until his death in 1812. He also served as Governor of New York from 1777 to 1795 and from 1801 to 1804. Along with John C. Calhoun, he is one of two vice presidents to hold office under two presidents. Clinton served in the French and Indian War, rising to the rank of lieutenant in the colonial", "psg_id": "1311096" }, { "title": "George Clinton (vice president)", "text": "President Thomas Jefferson dumped Aaron Burr from the ticket. Clinton sought his party's presidential nomination in the 1808 election, but the party's congressional nominating caucus instead nominated James Madison. Despite his opposition to Madison, Clinton was re-elected as vice president. Clinton died in 1812, leaving the office of vice president vacant for the first time in U.S history. Clinton's nephew, DeWitt Clinton, continued the Clinton New York political dynasty after his uncle's death. Clinton was born in 1729 in Little Britain, New York. His parents were Colonel Charles Clinton and Elizabeth Denniston Clinton, Presbyterian immigrants who had left County Longford,", "psg_id": "1311099" }, { "title": "The President Is Missing (novel)", "text": "The President Is Missing (novel) The President Is Missing is a political thriller novel by former US President Bill Clinton and novelist James Patterson published in June 2018. It is Clinton's first novel. A television adaptation is being developed by Showtime. The disappearance of the U.S. President, Jonathan Lincoln Duncan, a former Army Ranger and a Gulf War veteran, comes as a cybercrime attack jeopardizing Secret Service protection. The book begins with the president rehearsing his appearance before Congress over impending impeachment proceedings. It has been discovered that the president made a phone call to Suliman Cindoruk, a cyber terrorist", "psg_id": "20408306" }, { "title": "Timeline of the presidency of Bill Clinton", "text": "Timeline of the presidency of Bill Clinton The presidency of Bill Clinton began on January 20, 1993, at noon Eastern Standard Time, when Bill Clinton was inaugurated as President of the United States, and ended on January 20, 2001. Clinton, a Democrat, took office after defeating Republican incumbent President George H. W. Bush and Independent businessman Ross Perot in the 1992 presidential election. Four years later, he defeated Republican Bob Dole and Ross Perot (this time running on the Reform Party ticket) to win a second term of office. During both elections, Clinton ran as a New Democrat, and many", "psg_id": "19977453" }, { "title": "John R. Fox", "text": "was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. His widow, the former Arlene Marrow, received his medal from President Bill Clinton in a White House ceremony on January 13, 1997. On that day, Clinton also awarded the medal to six other previously neglected African-American World War II veterans, including Vernon Baker, who was the only one living when awarded. Citation: For extraordinary heroism against an armed enemy in the vicinity of Sommocolonia, Italy, on December 26, 1944, while serving as a member of Cannon Company, 366th Infantry Regiment, 92nd Infantry Division. During the preceding few weeks, Lieutenant Fox served with the", "psg_id": "7242134" }, { "title": "George Clinton (vice president)", "text": "Anti-Federalist essays which appeared in New York newspapers during the ratification debates. However, the authorship of the essays is disputed. In the first U.S. presidential election, held from 1788 to 1789, many Anti-Federalists supported Clinton for the position of vice president. Federalists rallied around the candidacy of John Adams, and Adams finished second in the electoral vote behind George Washington, making Adams vice president. Clinton received just three electoral votes, partly because the New York legislature deadlocked and was unable to appoint a slate of electors. In the 1792 presidential election, he was chosen by the nascent Democratic-Republican Party as", "psg_id": "1311108" }, { "title": "The President Is Missing (novel)", "text": "that the book sold nearly 384,000 copies by the end of June and was the top selling new novel for the entire first half of 2018. The book would also top the Best Seller list for the July 22 edition. It then topped the Best Seller list for the July 29 edition. On August 8, Knopf announced that the book sold one million copies in North America alone. The President Is Missing (novel) The President Is Missing is a political thriller novel by former US President Bill Clinton and novelist James Patterson published in June 2018. It is Clinton's first", "psg_id": "20408318" }, { "title": "The Hunting of the President", "text": "Arkansas Governor Jim Guy Tucker. Interviewed for the book and movie, Susan McDougal discusses legal threats from the independent counsel to pressure her to implicate the Clintons in something illegal. She told the independent counsel the Clintons did nothing wrong, and the independent counsel said they had statements prepared and she simply had to agree with the pre-written claims. The Hunting of the President The Hunting of the President is a 2004 English language documentary film about Bill Clinton. Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton appear in archived footage. The film is based on the book The Hunting of the", "psg_id": "3325456" }, { "title": "Bill Clinton pardon controversy", "text": "Bill Clinton pardon controversy Former U.S. President Bill Clinton was criticized for some of his pardons and acts of executive clemency. Pardoning or commuting sentences is a power granted by the U.S. Constitution to all sitting U.S. Presidents. While most presidents grant pardons throughout their terms, Clinton chose to make nearly a third of them on January 20, 2001, his last day in office. This came to be known as Pardongate. While Clinton pardoned a large number (450) of people compared with his immediate one-term predecessor Republican George H. W. Bush, who pardoned only 75, the number of people pardoned", "psg_id": "3817753" }, { "title": "Bill Clinton pardon controversy", "text": "column defending the 140 pardons. Bill Clinton pardon controversy Former U.S. President Bill Clinton was criticized for some of his pardons and acts of executive clemency. Pardoning or commuting sentences is a power granted by the U.S. Constitution to all sitting U.S. Presidents. While most presidents grant pardons throughout their terms, Clinton chose to make nearly a third of them on January 20, 2001, his last day in office. This came to be known as Pardongate. While Clinton pardoned a large number (450) of people compared with his immediate one-term predecessor Republican George H. W. Bush, who pardoned only 75,", "psg_id": "3817759" }, { "title": "Presidency of Bill Clinton", "text": "Presidency of Bill Clinton The presidency of Bill Clinton began at noon EST on January 20, 1993, when Bill Clinton was inaugurated as the 42nd President of the United States, and ended on January 20, 2001. Clinton, a Democrat, took office following a decisive victory over Republican incumbent President George H. W. Bush and Independent businessman Ross Perot in the 1992 presidential election. Four years later, in the 1996 election, he defeated Perot and Republican Bob Dole to win re-election. He was succeeded by Republican George W. Bush, who won the 2000 presidential election. The nation experienced an extended period", "psg_id": "2281062" }, { "title": "Economic policy of the Bill Clinton administration", "text": "Economic policy of the Bill Clinton administration The economic policies of Bill Clinton, referred to by some as Clintonomics (a portmanteau of \"Clinton\" and \"economics\"), encapsulates the economic policies of United States President Bill Clinton that were implemented during his presidency, which lasted from January 1993–January 2001. President Clinton oversaw a very robust economy during his tenure. The U.S. had strong economic growth (around 4% annually) and record job creation (22.7 million). He raised taxes on higher income taxpayers early in his first term and cut defense spending, which contributed to a rise in revenue and decline in spending relative", "psg_id": "4894681" }, { "title": "Vice President of Liberia", "text": "Smith, Alfred Francis Russell, William D. Coleman, William Tolbert, and Moses Blah. There have been twelve vacancies in the office, the first of which occurred between October 26, 1871 and January 1, 1872; after the ascension of James Skivring Smith to the office of President. The most recent vacancy was between August 11, 2003 and January 16, 2006; after the ascension of Moses Blah to the office of President and prior to the election of Joseph Boakai. Vice President of Liberia The Vice President of the Republic of Liberia is the second-highest executive official in Liberia, and one of only", "psg_id": "7020907" }, { "title": "Economic policy of the Bill Clinton administration", "text": "in interest rates, which fueled a booming stock market and job growth in a booming technology sector. Economic policy of the Bill Clinton administration The economic policies of Bill Clinton, referred to by some as Clintonomics (a portmanteau of \"Clinton\" and \"economics\"), encapsulates the economic policies of United States President Bill Clinton that were implemented during his presidency, which lasted from January 1993–January 2001. President Clinton oversaw a very robust economy during his tenure. The U.S. had strong economic growth (around 4% annually) and record job creation (22.7 million). He raised taxes on higher income taxpayers early in his first", "psg_id": "4894714" }, { "title": "President of the International Olympic Committee", "text": "August, and one at Fürstenfeldbruck Air Base on the 40th anniversary of the attack, 5 September. Thomas Bach was elected President of the IOC on 10 September 2013, as the successor to Jacques Rogge, at the 125th IOC Session in Buenos Aires. Bach is the first Olympic medallist to have risen to the position of IOC President – he won a gold medal in men's team foil fencing at the 1976 Summer Olympics. He is the third IOC President to have been an Olympian (Brundage and Rogge were also former Olympic athletes). President of the International Olympic Committee The President", "psg_id": "14307293" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor of ARKBK", "text": "Medal of Honor of ARKBK The Medal of Honor of the Association of the Representatives of Bunyoro-Kitara (\"ARKBK\") is the highest award of the organization, and can only be awarded by the President of the ARKBK. It is bestowed upon members of the ARKBK or to individuals who have distinguished themselves with \"\"extraordinary merits, outstanding achievements and very special contributions to the Kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara and the ARKBK\"\". The Medal of Honor is the only neck order of the ARKBK. Nominations are sent to the President of the ARKBK, who then decides whether or not to continue to process the", "psg_id": "14924570" }, { "title": "Congressional Space Medal of Honor", "text": "duty receiving the award). The 11-year 8-month period from 1981 to 1993 was the longest gap between awards since its inception in 1978 until the current 12-year hiatus ongoing since April 2006. U.S. President Jimmy Carter – 6 presentations U.S. President Ronald Reagan – 1 presentation U.S. President George H. W. Bush – 1 presentation U.S. President Bill Clinton – 4 presentations U.S. President George W. Bush – 16 presentations U.S. President Barack Obama – 0 presentations U.S. President Donald Trump – 0 presentations Currently, 28 astronauts have been honored with the award; 17 of which were awarded posthumously for", "psg_id": "2737484" }, { "title": "President of Crimea", "text": "President of Crimea The President of the Republic of Crimea (; ) was the head of the state of the Republic of Crimea, Ukraine from February 16, 1994 to the time of its liquidation on March 17, 1995. The post was liquidated as it disagrees with the Constitution of Ukraine. The first round of voting in the Crimean presidential elections was held on January 16, 1994, and on January 30, the second round was held. With 72.9% of the vote, the pro-Russian politician Yuriy Meshkov was declared the winner. He was the only person to hold the post of President", "psg_id": "10719731" }, { "title": "Death of a President (2006 film)", "text": "thinking person should see \"Death of a President\".\" In \"Film Journal International\", Frank Lovece mused that the film's condemnation \"by politicians and pundits from James Pinkerton to Hillary Clinton is understandable and completely predictable: They can't \"not\" comment, so when they do, they have to play to their audiences. None of them seriously believes that this work of fiction will really make someone take a potshot at the president, and anyway, the attempt on President Ronald Reagan's life came out of a crazy guy's fascination with Jodie Foster, so you may as well decry movies starring blonde former child actresses.\"", "psg_id": "3598851" }, { "title": "President of the United States", "text": "the president has three options: In 1996, Congress attempted to enhance the president's veto power with the Line Item Veto Act. The legislation empowered the president to sign any spending bill into law while simultaneously striking certain spending items within the bill, particularly any new spending, any amount of discretionary spending, or any new limited tax benefit. Congress could then repass that particular item. If the president then vetoed the new legislation, Congress could override the veto by its ordinary means, a two-thirds vote in both houses. In \"Clinton v. City of New York\", , the U.S. Supreme Court ruled", "psg_id": "322334" }, { "title": "Our Cartoon President", "text": "elections themed television special from the series titled \"Our Cartoon President: Election Special 2018\". The episode was scheduled to air on November 4, 2018 and expected to feature appearances from the cartoon versions of Vladimir Putin, Rudy Giuliani, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama. On December 18, 2017, Showtime released the first teaser trailer for the series. On May 30, 2018, a trailer for the additional seven episodes of season one was released. On October 31, 2018, a trailer for the \"Our Cartoon President: Election Special 2018\" television special was released. On April 28, 2018, a special three-minute video", "psg_id": "20495569" }, { "title": "George Clinton (vice president)", "text": "He did not run for re-election as governor in 1795. Some Democratic-Republican party leaders attempted to recruit him to run for vice president in 1796 election, but Clinton refused to run and party leaders instead turned to another New Yorker, Aaron Burr. Clinton nonetheless received 7 electoral votes. He held no political office after 1795 until he was elected to the New York State Assembly in April 1800, and was a member of the 24th New York State Legislature. He entered the 1801 gubernatorial race at Burr's urging, and defeated the Federalist Party nominee, Stephen Van Rensselaer. Clinton served as", "psg_id": "1311110" }, { "title": "George Clinton (vice president)", "text": "stature, Jefferson largely ignored Vice President Clinton. He was unfamiliar with the rules of the United States Senate, and many Senators viewed him as an ineffective presiding officer. Clinton attempted to challenge Madison for the presidency in the 1808 election, but was outmaneuvered by Madison's supporters when the congressional nominating caucus chose him as the vice presidential nominee. Clinton's supporters nonetheless put him forward as a presidential candidate, attacking the foreign policy of the Jefferson administration. The Federalist Party considered endorsing Clinton's candidacy, but ultimately chose to re-nominate their 1804 ticket of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney and Rufus King. Clinton received", "psg_id": "1311116" }, { "title": "The President Is Missing (novel)", "text": "the impeachment process is stopped and the president can continue his daily tasks. Clinton and Patterson went on a 16-meeting tour to select the right outlet for a theatrical film. However, Showtime is turning the book into an ongoing drama series. Showtime president and CEO David Nevins said that \"the pairing of President Clinton with fiction’s most gripping storyteller promises a kinetic experience, one that the book world has salivated over for months and that now will dovetail perfectly into a politically relevant, character-based action series for our network.\" Reviewing the novel in \"The New Yorker\", Anthony Lane is generally", "psg_id": "20408315" }, { "title": "President of Bangladesh", "text": "verdict given by any Court in Bangladesh. By Article 80, the President can refuse to assent to any bill passed by the parliament, sending it back for review. A bill is enacted only after the President assents to it. But when the bill is passed again by the parliament, if the president further fail or refuse to assent a bill, after a certain period of days, the bill will be automatically transformed into law and will be considered as assented by the president. Chancellor is a titular position at Universities in Bangladesh, always held by the incumbent President of Bangladesh", "psg_id": "2426018" }, { "title": "Vice President of the United States", "text": "don't know how somebody who's in second place is offering vice presidency to the person who's in first place\". Obama stated that the nomination process would have to be a choice between himself and Clinton, saying \"I don't want anybody here thinking that 'Somehow, maybe I can get both'\", by nominating Clinton as president and assuming he would be her running mate\". Some suggested that it was a ploy by the Clinton campaign to denigrate Obama as less qualified for the presidency. Later, when Obama became the presumptive Democratic nominee, former President Jimmy Carter cautioned against Clinton being picked for", "psg_id": "449697" }, { "title": "President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home National Historic Site", "text": "President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home National Historic Site The President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home National Historic Site is located in Hope, Arkansas. Built in 1917 by Dr. H. S. Garrett, in this house the 42nd President of the United States Bill Clinton spent the first four years of his life, having been born on August 19, 1946. The house was owned by his grandparents, Edith Grisham and James Eldridge Cassidy, and they cared for him when his mother, Virginia, was away working as an anesthetist in New Orleans. On May 19, 1994, the site was added to the", "psg_id": "7334022" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "involved black recipients. The following decorations, in one degree or another, bear similar names to the Medal of Honor, but are entirely separate awards with different criteria for issuance: Footnotes Citations Works cited Medal of Honor The Medal of Honor is the United States of America's highest and most prestigious personal military decoration that may be awarded to recognize U.S. military service members who have distinguished themselves by acts of valor. The medal is normally awarded by the President of the United States in the name of the U.S. Congress. Because the medal is presented \"in the name of Congress\",", "psg_id": "17503660" }, { "title": "George Clinton (vice president)", "text": "office as well as the first vice president to die overall. Clinton was the first of two vice presidents to serve in the position under two different presidents (John C. Calhoun was the other). Clinton's nephew, DeWitt Clinton, challenged Madison in 1812 after George Clinton's death. DeWitt Clinton won the backing of most Federalists, but was nonetheless defeated by Madison. On February 7, 1770, Clinton married Sarah Cornelia Tappen (died 1800); they had five daughters and one son: His original burial was in Washington, D.C. He was re-interred at the Old Dutch Churchyard in Kingston, New York in 1908. Historian", "psg_id": "1311118" }, { "title": "African-American candidates for President of the United States", "text": "candidates have increased their support from Chisholm winning 430,000 primary votes to Obama being elected president with more than 69 million. Various commentators have suggested a president could be recognized as the \"first black president of the United States\" for their contributions to the well-being of African Americans. Toni Morrison labeled Democrat Bill Clinton the first black president of the United States. Morrison suggested that Clinton was \"blacker than any actual black person who could ever be elected in our children's lifetime.\" Author and professor Angela Dillard stated such claims constituted a \"silly and defeatist notion\" that separated the black", "psg_id": "12963582" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor of ARKBK", "text": "application of nomination. If the application is approved, the nomination will be discussed by the President of ARKBK and the King Omukama of Bunyoro, before the award is given. Medal of Honor of ARKBK The Medal of Honor of the Association of the Representatives of Bunyoro-Kitara (\"ARKBK\") is the highest award of the organization, and can only be awarded by the President of the ARKBK. It is bestowed upon members of the ARKBK or to individuals who have distinguished themselves with \"\"extraordinary merits, outstanding achievements and very special contributions to the Kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara and the ARKBK\"\". The Medal of", "psg_id": "14924571" }, { "title": "President of Liberia", "text": "Chairman of the National Transitional Government of Liberia. The presidency was resumed on January 16, 2006 following the 2005 election of Ellen Johnson Sirleaf as the first female president. George Weah was elected in 2017 as the 23rd President of Liberia. Incumbent President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf signed Executive Order No. 91, thus establishing a Joint Presidential Transition Team, due to the fact that Liberia had \"not experienced the transfer of power from one democratically elected President to another democratically elected President for over 70 years [...]\". The presidency of Liberia is largely modeled on the presidency of the United States.", "psg_id": "1963747" }, { "title": "Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor", "text": "Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor The Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor is the highest decoration for bravery exhibited by public safety officers in the United States, comparable to the military's Medal of Honor. The original Medal of Valor was established on June 29, 2000 by President Bill Clinton with his issuance of and was originally called the Presidential Medal of Valor for Public Safety Officers. This award was later superseded to its current form with the enactment of the \"Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor Act of 2001\" (, , , May 30, 2001). It is still awarded", "psg_id": "5203176" }, { "title": "George Clinton (vice president)", "text": "Clinton was selected to replace Burr in 1804 due to his long public service and his popularity in the electorally important state of New York. He was also favored by Jefferson because, at age 69 in 1808, Jefferson anticipated that Clinton would be too old to launch a presidential bid against Jefferson's preferred successor, Secretary of State James Madison. He served as the fourth Vice President of the United States, first under Jefferson, from 1805 to 1809, and then under President Madison from 1809 until his death from a heart attack in 1812. Seeking to avoid enhancing his vice president's", "psg_id": "1311115" }, { "title": "President of Germany", "text": "regarding the appointment of a chancellor who was elected by a relative majority only, or the dissolution of the Bundestag under certain circumstances. It is also theoretically possible, albeit a drastic step which has not happened since 1949, that the president refuses to sign legislation merely because he disagrees with its content, thus vetoing it, or refuse to approve a cabinet appointment. In all cases in which a bill was not signed by the federal president, all presidents have claimed that the bill in question was manifestly unconstitutional. For example, in the autumn of 2006, President Köhler did so twice", "psg_id": "711604" }, { "title": "President of Crimea", "text": "of the Republic of Crimea. President of Crimea The President of the Republic of Crimea (; ) was the head of the state of the Republic of Crimea, Ukraine from February 16, 1994 to the time of its liquidation on March 17, 1995. The post was liquidated as it disagrees with the Constitution of Ukraine. The first round of voting in the Crimean presidential elections was held on January 16, 1994, and on January 30, the second round was held. With 72.9% of the vote, the pro-Russian politician Yuriy Meshkov was declared the winner. He was the only person to", "psg_id": "10719732" }, { "title": "Foreign policy of the Bill Clinton administration", "text": "Foreign policy of the Bill Clinton administration The foreign policy of the Bill Clinton administration was the foreign policy of the United States from 1993 to 2001 while Bill Clinton was president. Clinton's main foreign policy advisors were Secretaries of State Warren M. Christopher and Madeleine Albright and National Security Advisors Anthony Lake and Sandy Berger. Clinton assumed office shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union and end of the Cold War, which had left the United States as the world's only remaining superpower. As such and soon after taking office, President Clinton had to decide whether and how", "psg_id": "9053576" }, { "title": "President of Indonesia", "text": "free healthcare for their families and a car with chauffeur. , there are three living former presidents. The most recent death of a former president is that of Abdurrahman Wahid (1999–2001) on 30 December 2009. President of Indonesia The President of the Republic of Indonesia () is the head of state and also head of government of the Republic of Indonesia. The president leads the executive branch of the Indonesian government and is the commander-in-chief of the Indonesian National Armed Forces. On 20 October 2014, Joko Widodo became the seventh and current president of Indonesia. The Indonesian presidency was established", "psg_id": "9874880" }, { "title": "President of Liberia", "text": "again for two years following the conclusion of the Second Liberian Civil War in 2003. Under the 1986 Constitution, the president is directly elected by eligible voters to a six-year term, which may be renewed once. Overall, 22 individuals have served as president. On January 16, 2006, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf was sworn in as the twenty-fourth president, making her the first elected female head of state in Africa. , the president is George Weah. Following the establishment of the Commonwealth of Liberia in 1838, executive power was vested in the Governor of Liberia, who was appointed and served at the", "psg_id": "1963744" }, { "title": "Vice President of the United States", "text": "became moot. In the 2008 Democratic presidential primaries which pitted Hillary Clinton against Barack Obama, Clinton suggested a Clinton-Obama ticket with Obama in the vice president slot as it would be \"unstoppable\" against the presumptive Republican nominee. Obama rejected the offer outright saying \"I want everybody to be absolutely clear. I'm not running for vice president. I'm running for president of the United States of America\" while noting \"With all due respect. I won twice as many states as Sen. Clinton. I've won more of the popular vote than Sen. Clinton. I have more delegates than Sen. Clinton. So, I", "psg_id": "449696" }, { "title": "President of Chile", "text": "1994 (a week before Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle took office) the presidential period was reduced to a six-year term, without an immediate reelection. Under the 2005 constitutional reform, the President serves for four years without the possibility of immediate reelection for one more term. A former president may run for office once again after serving their initial term, but only in an election following their successor, as it is not allowed to run for consecutive terms. There is no limit to how many times a person can run for candidacy if they have not previously served as President. The incumbent president,", "psg_id": "10447592" }, { "title": "President of India", "text": "various decisions he took while exercising his discretionary powers; this has led to openness and transparency in the functioning of the president. The constitution gives the president the power to return a bill unsigned but it circumscribes the power to send it back only once for reconsideration. If the parliament sends back the bill with or without changes, the president is obliged to sign it. In mid-2006, President A. P. J. Abdul Kalam sent back a controversial bill regarding the exclusion of certain offices from the scope of 'offices of profit', the holding of which would disqualify a person from", "psg_id": "1268015" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "Medal of Honor The Medal of Honor is the United States of America's highest and most prestigious personal military decoration that may be awarded to recognize U.S. military service members who have distinguished themselves by acts of valor. The medal is normally awarded by the President of the United States in the name of the U.S. Congress. Because the medal is presented \"in the name of Congress\", it is often referred to informally as the \"Congressional Medal of Honor\". However, the official name of the current award is \"Medal of Honor.\" Within the United States Code the medal is referred", "psg_id": "17503611" }, { "title": "President-elect of the United States", "text": "the former Vice Presidential nominee for President. The party's National Committee, in consultation with the new President-elect, would then select a replacement to receive the erstwhile Vice Presidential nominee's electoral votes for Vice President. If the apparent winner dies between the College's December vote and its counting in Congress in January, the Twelfth Amendment stipulates that all electoral ballots cast shall be counted, presumably even those for a dead candidate. The U.S. House committee reporting on the proposed Twentieth Amendment said the \"Congress would have 'no discretion' [and] 'would declare that the deceased candidate had received a majority of the", "psg_id": "12658556" }, { "title": "President of Zimbabwe", "text": "G40. The Zimbabwe Republic Police and the Central Intelligence Organisation, both deemed loyal to the president, were neutralised by the army, which arrested some of their top leaders. On 21 November 2017, facing all-but certain impeachment from a combined session of the House of Assembly and Senate, Mugabe resigned as president. Former Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa was sworn in as his replacement on 24 November 2017. Phelekezela Mphoko was the Second (and only sitting) Vice-President at the time of Mugabe's resignation on 21 November 2017. Mphoko may have been acting President of Zimbabwe for three days until Mnangagwa's accession to", "psg_id": "17305175" }, { "title": "President of the Philippines", "text": "Among other honors, former Presidents and their immediate families are entitled to three soldiers as security detail. , there are four living former Presidents: President of the Philippines The President of the Philippines (, informally referred to as \"Presidente ng Pilipinas;\" or in ) is the head of state and head of government of the Philippines. The President leads the executive branch of the Philippine government and is the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. The President is directly elected by the people, and is one of only two nationally elected executive officials, the other being the Vice", "psg_id": "1940827" }, { "title": "Counselor to the President", "text": "assisting the President and White House Chief of Staff with the day-to-day management of White House Staff operations. John Podesta was the last person to hold the position before he left to join the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign of 2016 as chairman. Soon after the 2016 election, President-elect Donald Trump announced his intention to name his campaign manager during the general election, Kellyanne Conway, as counselor to the president and his campaign CEO Steve Bannon as a senior counselor and chief strategist. After the Bannon's departure from the White House in August 2017, Johnny DeStefano was given the title of", "psg_id": "7655375" }, { "title": "President of Indonesia", "text": "Suharto's presidency. Megawati is the first and, so far, only female ever to become President of Indonesia. During the 2001 MPR Annual Session, it was finally decided that from 2004 onwards, the president will directly be elected by the people. In 2004 Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono became Indonesia's first directly elected president, beating incumbent Megawati Sukarnoputri in the runoff election. In 2014, Yudhoyono finished his second presidential term and was barred from seeking re-election. The 3rd Indonesian presidential election was held on 9 July 2014 and matched former general and Suharto's ex-son in law Prabowo Subianto against the governor of Jakarta,", "psg_id": "9874866" }, { "title": "Timeline of the presidency of Bill Clinton", "text": "of his administration's policy proposals reflected his centrist, Third Way thinking. The 42nd United States president, he was the first president elected after the end of the Cold War, the first Baby Boomer to become president, and also the first Democrat since Franklin D. Roosevelt to serve two full terms. ‌* September 5 – President Clinton delivers a speech on the education policies of his administration while on the campus of Hillsborough High School in Tampa, Florida during the morning. Timeline of the presidency of Bill Clinton The presidency of Bill Clinton began on January 20, 1993, at noon Eastern", "psg_id": "19977454" }, { "title": "Powers of the President of Singapore", "text": "total number of votes cast, the President is deemed to have assented to the bill on the day immediately following the day when the results of the referendum have been published in the \"Government Gazette\". The issue of whether the President has power to speak up publicly on issues that he may have with the Government without Cabinet approval surfaced during the 2011 presidential election. One candidate, Tan Kin Lian, sparked off the debate by saying that the President should be entitled to do so as the President \"represents the views of the people\". Similarly, another candidate, Tan Jee Say,", "psg_id": "14178199" }, { "title": "President of Finland", "text": "it can be extended for a maximum of one year at a time. A state of defence may also be declared in a region of the country. The decree must be submitted to parliament for approval. The President, as Grand Master, awards decorations and medals belonging to the Order of the White Rose of Finland, the Order of the Lion of Finland and the Order of the Cross of Liberty to Finnish and foreign citizens. Likewise, titles of honor are awarded by the president; these include, for example, Professor and different Counsellor titles. These titles are symbolic, carry no responsibilities", "psg_id": "1613981" }, { "title": "A Planet for the President", "text": "in the vaccine being inefficient. (\"The free market made America and the free market destroyed America.\") In the end, Fletcher J. Fletcher is the only human survivor, as his vaccine was the only one produced outside the United States. He continues living in the White House for several years until his death. A Planet for the President A Planet for the President (2004) is a novel by Alistair Beaton. Set in the not-too-distant future, it satirically ponders the question of what action the President of the United States might take if he finally realized that global climate change is converting", "psg_id": "6402341" }, { "title": "President pro tempore of the United States Senate", "text": "former vice president Walter Mondale, who sought his former Senate seat in Minnesota in 2002, is the only one to have tried. Andrew Johnson is the only former president (1865–1869) to have subsequently served in the Senate (1875). George J. Mitchell was elected deputy president pro tempore in 1987, because of the illness of president pro tempore John C. Stennis, similar to Metcalf's earlier designation as permanent acting president pro tempore. The office has remained vacant since 1989 and no senator other than Humphrey and Mitchell has held it since its creation. Mitchell is the only person to have served", "psg_id": "600740" }, { "title": "President of Germany", "text": "come into effect. Upon signing, the president has to check if the law was passed according to the order mandated by the Constitution and/or if the content of the law is constitutional. If not, they have the right to refuse to sign the law, thus effectively vetoing it. Some scholars also consider it possible that the president has the full veto authority on any bill, this, however, is not how past presidents handled their power. As yet (2017), this has happened only eight times and no president has done it more often than two times during his term: Karl Carstens,", "psg_id": "711596" }, { "title": "President of Slovakia", "text": "passes the same bill again with a two-thirds majority of all members of the Council, similar to the US system of presidential veto. The president also acts as the commander-in-chief of the Slovak armed forces. Among his other constitutional duties are signing bills into the law, appointing ministers on the recommendation of the prime minister and appointing various other state officials: generals, professors, judges, rectors, procurators and such. The president can grant pardon, amnesty, commutations, and parole on the recommendation of the minister of justice. There are two living former Slovak Presidents: President of Slovakia The President of the Slovak", "psg_id": "3208594" }, { "title": "Cabinet of President Goodluck Jonathan", "text": "Cabinet of President Goodluck Jonathan The Cabinet of President Goodluck Jonathan was appointed by Acting President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria a few weeks after he took office during the terminal illness of President Umaru Yar'Adua. On 13 January 2010, a federal court empowered Jonathan to manage state affairs while Yar'Adua received medical treatment in Saudi Arabia, and on 9 February 2010 the Nigerian Senate confirmed him as Acting President. On 10 February 2010, Jonathan demoted Minister of Justice Michael Aondoakaa to Special Duties, replacing him by Prince Adetokunbo Kayode. Jonathan retained the remainder Yar'Adua's cabinet until 16 March 2010, when", "psg_id": "15197466" }, { "title": "President of Tunisia", "text": "Abidine Ben Ali's ousting in January 2011, prime minister Mohamed Ghannouchi invoked article 56 of the Constitution regarding temporary absence of the President to assume the role of acting President. This move was deemed unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court hours later and President of the Chamber of Deputies Fouad Mebazaa was appointed as acting President based on article 57 of the Constitution regarding permanent absence of the President. On December 12, 2011, Moncef Marzouki was elected by the newly formed Constituent Assembly as interim President of the Republic. There are three living former Tunisian Presidents: President of Tunisia The President", "psg_id": "2782399" }, { "title": "First inauguration of Bill Clinton", "text": "First inauguration of Bill Clinton The first inauguration of Bill Clinton as the 42nd President of the United States was held on Wednesday, January 20, 1993 on the West Front of the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.. The inauguration marked the commencement of the first four-year term of Bill Clinton as President and Al Gore as Vice President. At of age time of his first inauguration, Clinton was the third-youngest person to become president, and the first from the Baby Boomer generation. America's Reunion on the Mall was a two-day multi-stage festival as part of the 1993 Presidential", "psg_id": "12941950" }, { "title": "President of India", "text": "being a member of parliament. The combined opposition, the NDA, hailed the move. The UPA chose to send the bill back to the president without any changes and, after 17 days, Kalam gave his assent on 18 August 2006. Arunachal Pradesh governor who was earlier appointed by the ruling party at the centre, has been sacked by the president after the supreme court has quashed his unconstitutional acts. There are two living former Indian presidents: President of India The President of the Republic of India is the ceremonial head of state of India and the commander-in-chief of the Indian Armed", "psg_id": "1268016" }, { "title": "Post-presidency of Bill Clinton", "text": "United Arab Emirates, and the governments of Kuwait and Qatar. In 2008 newspapers reported that \"Mr Clinton had travelled to Kazakhstan with a Canadian mining magnate, Frank Giustra, to meet its dictator president. Mr Giustra later won three lucrative uranium mining contracts from the government and then donated $US31 million to Mr Clinton's charity.\" In the aftermath of the Asian tsunami and Hurricane Katrina, Clinton established, with fellow former President George H. W. Bush, the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund and Bush-Clinton Tsunami Fund, for which they were awarded the 2006 Philadelphia Liberty Medal on October 5, 2006. They spoke together at", "psg_id": "13914500" }, { "title": "Medal of Honor", "text": "for each succeeding act that justified award.\" As of 2014, no attachments are authorized for the Medal of Honor. On October 23, 2002, was enacted, modifying , authorizing a Medal of Honor flag to be presented to each person whom a Medal of Honor is awarded. In the case of a posthumous award, the flag will be presented to whomever the Medal of Honor is presented to, which in most cases will be the primary next of kin of the deceased awardee. The flag was based on a concept by retired U.S. Army Special Forces First Sergeant Bill Kendall of", "psg_id": "17503638" }, { "title": "First inauguration of Bill Clinton", "text": "parade, the president, vice president and their families attended the 11 official inaugural balls held in their honour. Sites for these balls included the Air and Space Museum and the S. Dillon Ripley Center. First inauguration of Bill Clinton The first inauguration of Bill Clinton as the 42nd President of the United States was held on Wednesday, January 20, 1993 on the West Front of the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.. The inauguration marked the commencement of the first four-year term of Bill Clinton as President and Al Gore as Vice President. At of age time of his", "psg_id": "12941965" }, { "title": "President of France", "text": "receive a car with chauffeur, and the personnel in their living space were cut as well. Additionally, the number of assistants available for their use has been reduced, but a state flat or house remains available for former Presidents. Train tickets are also available if the trip is justified by the office of the former President. The security personnel around former Presidents remained unchanged. The most recent president to die was François Mitterrand (served 1981–1995) on 8 January 1996, aged 79. President of France The President of the French Republic (, ) is the executive head of state of France", "psg_id": "335691" }, { "title": "President of the Czech Republic", "text": "upon the former President's death. The official residence of the president of the Czech Republic is Prague Castle. However, the living quarters are small and not particularly comfortable, so recent presidents (Václav Havel and Václav Klaus) have chosen to live elsewhere. The last president to reside more or less full-time in the residence in the Prague Castle was Gustáv Husák. The president also maintains a summer residence at the castle in the village of Lány, 35 km west of Prague. There is one living former Czech President: President of the Czech Republic The President of the Czech Republic is the", "psg_id": "2445780" }, { "title": "Happy Birthday, Mr. President", "text": "over $1.26 million (equivalent to $ in ). Canadian Billionaire Jim Pattison subsequently purchased the dress on November 17, 2016, at a Los Angeles auction for $4.8 million. Madonna made a famous parody of the song on \"Saturday Night Live\" during the 1990s, singing \"Happy Inauguration, Mr. President\" (season 18, episode 11), singing to President Bill Clinton (played by Phil Hartman), who had recently been elected, his wife Hillary Clinton (played by Jan Hooks), and their daughter Chelsea Clinton (performed by Julia Sweeney). In the 1992 film \"Wayne's World\", Mike Myers imitates the song as his character, Wayne, while Wayne's", "psg_id": "7114307" }, { "title": "President of India", "text": "the People and 'The Council of States') of the parliament and prorogues them. He can dissolve the Lok Sabha. The president inaugurates parliament by addressing it after the general elections and also at the beginning of the first session every year per Article 87(1). The Presidential address on these occasions is generally meant to outline the new policies of the government. All bills passed by the parliament can become laws only after receiving the assent of the president per . After a bill is presented to him, the president shall declare either that he assents to the Bill, or that", "psg_id": "1267970" }, { "title": "Powers of the President of Singapore", "text": "depending on whether the Government seeks to do so by way of an ordinary bill or a bill seeking to amend the Constitution. Article 22H deals with attempts to alter the President's powers by introducing an ordinary bill. If this occurs, the President may exercise personal discretion to withhold assent to the bill. The Cabinet may, if it wishes, advise the President to refer to the Constitution Tribunal the question whether the bill in fact has the effect of circumventing or curtailing his discretionary powers. If the Tribunal determines that the bill does not have that effect, the President is", "psg_id": "14178196" }, { "title": "Weekly Radio Address of the President of the United States", "text": "record a weekly radio address; he recorded only a total of 18 addresses during his term in office, most toward the latter part. Bill Clinton regularly record a weekly radio address, often going over ten minutes with some speeches early in his term. George W. Bush was the first president to deliver the weekly radio address in English and Spanish, which he continued to throughout his presidency. Later, George W. Bush began to have his addresses posted as an audio podcast once that technology became popular. Barack Obama used YouTube for regular video addresses as President-elect and since his inauguration", "psg_id": "12744724" }, { "title": "President of Portugal", "text": "second round held two weeks later. However, the second round has only been needed once, during the 1986 presidential election. To date, all of the elected presidents since the Carnation Revolution have served for two consecutive terms, and presidents consistently rank as the most popular political figure in the country. Recently, however, the popularity of former President Cavaco Silva plummeted, making him the second-least popular political figure in the country, just above the Prime Minister, and the first Portuguese President after 1974 to have a negative popularity. If the president dies or becomes incapacitated while in office, the President of", "psg_id": "2782370" } ]
[ "t ros", "feddy roosevelt", "26th president of the united states", "trust buster", "the cowboy president", "teddy roosevelt", "theodore roosavelt", "president theodore roosevelt", "theodor roosevelt", "teddy rose", "teddy roosevelt", "theodore roosevelt", "t. roosevelt", "teodoro roosevelt", "t. roosevelt administration", "teddy roosvelt", "teddy rosevelt", "roosevelt, theodore", "teddy roosevelt foreign policy", "t roosevelt", "cowboy of the dakotas", "teddy roose", "theodore roosevelt" ]
july 27, 1940 saw the introduction of what beloved cartoon character in the 8:15 short a wild hare?
[ { "title": "A Wild Hare", "text": "A Wild Hare A Wild Hare, reissued as The Wild Hare, is a 1940 \"Merrie Melodies\" cartoon supervised by Tex Avery (credited as Fred Avery on the original issue). The short subject features Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny, the latter making what is considered his first official appearance. The title is a play on \"wild hair\", the first of many puns between \"hare\" and \"hair\" that would appear in Bugs Bunny titles. The pun is carried further by a bar of \"I'm Just Wild About Harry\" playing in the underscore of the opening credits. Various directors at the Warner Bros.", "psg_id": "4785760" } ]
[ { "title": "What a Cartoon!", "text": "summer of 1996 when it started bearing the name of the original project: \"The What a Cartoon! Show\". The show's initial premieres for each short preceded Cartoon Network's Sunday night movie block, \"Mr. Spim's Cartoon Theatre\". The shorts continued to air on Sundays until 1997, when the network moved the shorts to Wednesdays at 9pm. Following the premiere of \"Johnny Bravo\", \"Cow and Chicken\" and \"I Am Weasel\" as full series in July 1997, the series shifted to Thursday nights, where it remained. \"The What a Cartoon! Show\" continued airing new episodes on Thursdays until November 28, 1997, when the", "psg_id": "3871890" }, { "title": "What a Cartoon!", "text": "characters and stories\", and also create new possible Cartoon Network series. However, the project was eventually scrapped as a result of the late 2000s recession and only 14 of the 39 planned were completed. Nevertheless, J. G. Quintel's \"Regular Show\" short and Peter Browngardt's \"Secret Mountain Fort Awesome\" were greenlit to become full series. A recurring character on the show, Uncle Grandpa, would get his own series two years later. The Big Cartoon DataBase cites \"What a Cartoon!\" as a \"venture combining classic 1940s production methods with the originality, enthusiasm and comedy of the 1990s\". The following is a list", "psg_id": "3871901" }, { "title": "What a Cartoon!", "text": "ended on June 1, 2008. In 2007, reruns of \"What a Cartoon!\" played briefly on Cartoon Network's retro animation sister channel, Boomerang. \"What A Cartoon!\" is the 1st short cartoon incubator created by Fred Seibert. Starting with WAC! and continuing throughout his cartoon career, his Frederator Studios has persisted in the tradition of surfacing new talent, characters, and series with several cartoon shorts \"incubators,\" including (as of 2016): \"What A Cartoon!\" (Cartoon Network, 1995), Nickelodeon/Nicktoons' own \"Oh Yeah! Cartoons\" (1998), \"Nicktoons Film Festival\" (2004), \"Random! Cartoons\" (2008), \"The Meth Minute 39\" (Channel Frederator, 2008), \"The Cartoonstitute\" (Cartoon Network, 2009/unfinished), \"Too", "psg_id": "3871894" }, { "title": "What a Cartoon!", "text": "What a Cartoon! What a Cartoon! (later known as The What a Cartoon! Show and The Cartoon Cartoon Show) is an American animation showcase series created by Fred Seibert for Cartoon Network. The shorts were produced by Hanna-Barbera; by the end of the run, a Cartoon Network Studios production tag was added to some shorts to signal they were original to the network. The project consisted of 48 short cartoons, intended to return creative power to animators and artists, by recreating the atmospheres that spawned the iconic cartoon characters of the mid-20th century. Each of the shorts mirrored the structure", "psg_id": "3871877" }, { "title": "What a Cartoon!", "text": "became the first spin-off of \"What a Cartoon!\" in 1996. Two more series based on shorts, \"Johnny Bravo\" and \"Cow and Chicken\", premiered in 1997, and \"The Powerpuff Girls\" became a weekly half-hour show in 1998. \"Courage the Cowardly Dog\" (spun off from the Oscar-nominated short \"The Chicken from Outer Space\") followed as the final spin-off in 1999. In addition, the \"Cow and Chicken\" short \"I Am Weasel\" eventually was also spun off into a separate series: in all, six cartoon series were ultimately launched by the \"What a Cartoon!\" project, any one of which earned enough money for the", "psg_id": "3871896" }, { "title": "What a Cartoon!", "text": "company to pay for the whole program. In addition to the eventual spin-offs, the \"What a Cartoon!\" short \"Larry and Steve\" by Seth MacFarlane featured prototypes of characters that would later go on to become MacFarlane's massively successful \"Family Guy\". The \"What a Cartoon!\" project and its assorted spin-offs brought Cartoon Network more commercial and critical success, and the network became an animation industry leader as the 1990s drew to a close. In 2001, coinciding with the death of William Hanna, Hanna-Barbera Productions merged with Warner Bros. Animation and Cartoon Network opened its own production arm, Cartoon Network Studios, in", "psg_id": "3871897" }, { "title": "What a Cartoon!", "text": "intervention: for example, even the music would be an individually crafted score. Each \"\"Looney Tunes\" length\" (7 minutes) short would debut, by itself, as a stand-alone cartoon on Cartoon Network. Seibert explained the project's goal in a 2007 blog post: \"We didn’t care what the sitcom trends were, what Nickelodeon was doing, what the sales departments wanted. [...] We wanted cartoons.\" The \"What a Cartoon!\" staff had creators from Europe (Bruno Bozzetto), Asia (Achiu So), and the United States (Jerry Reynolds and colleague Seth MacFarlane). The crew also contained young series first timers (like Genndy Tartakovsky, Craig McCracken, Rob Renzetti,", "psg_id": "3871884" }, { "title": "Wild Wild World", "text": "lead time in producing an animated cartoon, the TV program which inspired this cartoon had already been canceled when this cartoon was released. This cartoon is available on DVD as a bonus short on disc four of \"\". The documentary was filmed in the \"Geo-Goshical Year 75,000,000 B.C.\" (satirizing the International Geophysical Year 1957-'58), in breathtaking Cromagnonscope. Cromagnonscope last appeared in the cartoon \"Pre-Hysterical Hare.\" Wild Wild World Wild Wild World is a Warner Bros. cartoon released in the Merrie Melodies series in 1960 and directed by Robert McKimson. It's a parody of the television series \"Wide Wide World\" hosted", "psg_id": "11897833" }, { "title": "What a Cartoon!", "text": "\"Oh Yeah! Cartoons\" (Nickelodeon, 1998), \"Nicktoons Film Festival\" (Nickelodeon, 2004), \"The Meth Minute 39\" (Channel Frederator, 2008), \"Random! Cartoons\" (Nickelodeon/Nicktoons, 2008), \"Too Cool! Cartoons\" (Cartoon Hangover, 2012), and \"GO! Cartoons\" (Cartoon Hangover, 2016). \"Oh Yeah! Cartoons\" showcased \"What a Cartoon!\" alumni (Butch Hartman, Rob Renzetti) and launched several successful Nickelodeon series, including \"The Fairly OddParents\", \"ChalkZone\" and \"My Life as a Teenage Robot\". Frederator Studios also launched an animation film festival, \"Nicktoons Film Festival\" from 2004 to 2009; only to have \"The Mighty B!\" greenlit as a series based off the \"Super Scout\" short; though one short from Alex Hirsch", "psg_id": "3871899" }, { "title": "The Wild Wild West", "text": "instead of other actors. I thought that's what the role demanded. That role had no dimension other than what it was—a caricature of a performance. It was a comic strip character.\" In the summer of 1970, CBS reran several episodes of \"The Wild Wild West\" on Mondays at 10 p.m. as a summer replacement for the Carol Burnett Show. These episodes were \"The Night of the Bleak Island\" (aired July 6); \"The Night of the Big Blackmail\" (July 13); \"The Night of the Kraken\" (July 20); \"The Night of the Diva\" (July 27); \"The Night of the Simian Terror\" (August", "psg_id": "2303948" }, { "title": "What a Cartoon!", "text": "was given its own series called \"Megas XLR\". From 2000 to 2003, \"The Cartoon Cartoon Show\" featured new episodes and reruns of the full-series Cartoon Cartoons, interspersed with premieres and reruns of the Cartoon Cartoon pilot shorts (some of which were retconned \"WAC!\" shorts). From 2005 to 2008, the block was revived, this time dropping the pilot shorts. Episodes from each show were anthologized into 7 or 11-minute segments. This is a list of shows that were presented on the block: What a Cartoon! What a Cartoon! (later known as The What a Cartoon! Show and The Cartoon Cartoon Show)", "psg_id": "3871904" }, { "title": "What a Cartoon!", "text": "of the original shorts produced under Fred Seibert's management for \"What a Cartoon!\" by Hanna-Barbera. The shorts are listed in the order that they originally aired. After \"What a Cartoon!\" ends its run in 1997, Fred Seibert left Hanna-Barbera in 1997 to launch Frederator Studios. In 1998, Sam Register, who was Cartoon Network's vice president at the time, took over What a Cartoon!, and two years later, turned them into \"The Cartoon Cartoon Show\". Register would later create \"Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi\" for Cartoon Network in 2004. Two Cartoon Cartoon shorts were produced in 1998 and one in 1999. All", "psg_id": "3871902" }, { "title": "What a Cartoon!", "text": "exclusive poolside screenings on 9' x 12' movie screens. Beginning February 26, 1995, each \"What a Cartoon!\" short began to premiere on Sunday nights, promoted as \"World Premiere Toons\". Every week after the premiere, Cartoon Network showcased a different World Premiere Toons made by a different artist. After an acclimation of cartoons, the network packaged the shorts as a half-hour show titled \"World Premiere Toons: The Next Generation\", featuring reruns of the original shorts but also new premieres. Eventually, all of the cartoons were compiled into one program which was used the name \"World Premiere Toons: The Show\" until the", "psg_id": "3871889" }, { "title": "The Wild Chase", "text": "The Wild Chase The Wild Chase is a Warner Bros. Merrie Melodies short produced by DePatie–Freleng Enterprises featuring Speedy Gonzales and Sylvester the Cat, with Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner along for the race. It was directed by Friz Freleng and Hawley Pratt, and was released February 27, 1965. This cartoon was the only Wile E. Coyote/Road Runner cartoon to be directed by either Freleng or Pratt, who specialized in Speedy and Sylvester cartoons. This is the only Speedy Gonzales short to feature Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner, and the final time Speedy appears with Sylvester", "psg_id": "8804042" }, { "title": "What a Cartoon!", "text": "directing several \"Dexter\" episodes. Ralph Bakshi's two shorts (\"Malcom and Melvin\" and \"Babe! He... Calls Me\") were considered too risqué to be shown. It has been rumored that John Kricfalusi was slated to direct several new \"What a Cartoon!\" shorts of his own (produced by his production company, Spümcø). However, both \"Yogi Bear\"-influenced cartoons were commissioned separately by Seibert, and instead premiered as their own: \"Boo Boo Runs Wild\" and \"A Day in the Life of Ranger Smith\" both premiered in 1999. Inspired by Seibert's interest in the modern rock posters of Frank Kozik, each of the shows' creators worked", "psg_id": "3871886" }, { "title": "The Tortoise and the Hare (film)", "text": "rushes to congratulate the winner: Toby Tortoise. Toby Tortoise and Max Hare reappear in the cartoon short \"Toby Tortoise Returns\". The girl bunnies and the animal pedestrians make cameos in Toontown, while Toby Tortoise is on a poster in the Toontown alleyway and appears during the final scene of \"Who Framed Roger Rabbit\". Toby and Max also appear as guests in \"Disney's House of Mouse\". Disney's \"The Tortoise and the Hare\" was released on \"Disney Treasures Collection of Silly Symphonies Vol. 1\". The Tortoise and the Hare (film) The Tortoise and the Hare is a 1935 American animated short film", "psg_id": "12846663" }, { "title": "What a Cartoon!", "text": "final short of the 48 contracted during Seibert's era aired. In 1998, Cartoon Network debuted two new short pilots and advertised them as \"World Premiere Toons\": \"Mike, Lu & Og\" and \"Kenny and the Chimp\", both of which were produced by outside studios. The two pilots were later compiled into \"The Cartoon Cartoon Show\", while both shorts eventually garnered their own series, \"Mike, Lu & Og\" in 1999 and \"\" in 2002. Two pilots entitled \"King Crab: Space Crustacean\" and \"Thrillseeker\", respectively dated 1999 and 2000, was also retconned into \"The Cartoon Cartoon Show\" anthology. On June 9, 2000, \"The", "psg_id": "3871891" }, { "title": "What a Cartoon!", "text": "Burbank, as the rightful Hanna-Barbera successor to produce original programming for the network and future projects. Two \"What a Cartoon!\" shorts, \"Wind-Up Wolf\" and \"Hard Luck Duck\", were the last cartoon shorts directed and produced by co-founder and co-chairman William Hanna. In addition, \"What a Cartoon!\" and spin-offs were the final original productions released by Hanna-Barbera. Creator of \"The What a Cartoon! Show\", Fred Seibert, left Hanna-Barbera in late 1996 to open up his own studio, Frederator Studios, and has persistently continued in the tradition of surfacing new talent, characters, and series with similar shorts \"incubators\", including (as of 2015)", "psg_id": "3871898" }, { "title": "What a Cartoon!", "text": "Cartoon Cartoon shorts produced between 2000 and 2001 were entered in \"The Big Pick\", a contest to choose the newest Cartoon Cartoon. The shorts premiered on Cartoon Cartoon Fridays in the weeks leading up to \"The Big Pick\" and the winner was revealed during the actual event. The winners were \"The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy\", in 2000, and \"\", in 2001. In 2002, eight new shorts premiered during the Cartoon Cartoon Weekend Summerfest, only this time, they weren't competing against one another. These were the final Cartoon Cartoon shorts before the brand name was dropped. One short, \"LowBrow\",", "psg_id": "3871903" }, { "title": "What the Swedish Butler Saw", "text": "shot in Stereoscopic 3-D at studios in Stockholm with exteriors in Denmark. Set in Victorian London, a young aristocrat, Jack Armstrong, is desperate to win the love of his beloved, the greedy Lady Alice Faversham. Jack buys an insane asylum to turn into a \"love nest\", unaware that Jack the Ripper still lives there. What the Swedish Butler Saw What the Swedish Butler Saw is a 1975 Swedish-American erotic sex comedy film directed by Vernon P. Becker and starring Ole Søltoft, Sue Longhurst, Malou Cartwright and Diana Dors. It is known by several alternative titles including A Man with a", "psg_id": "15760645" }, { "title": "PRince (cartoon character)", "text": "creation of a cartoon character, on the lines of R K Laxman’s ‘Common Man’, to convey the message. After deliberations, it was decided to create a young male character representing the new generation Indian youth. This character was named as 'PRince'. The first cartoon, created by Triambak Sharma, was launched by Dr Abdul Kalam himself with his autograph, on 24 July 2008 at Rajbhavan, Chennai. Every edition of PR-e-Sense from July 2008 onwards contains the PRince cartoon. In every issue, PRince conveys a powerful message with a sense of humour. On 23 April 2010, The Wall Street Journal, carried one", "psg_id": "17434646" }, { "title": "Falling Hare", "text": "United Kingdom, the interruption ended shortly before the start of this episode. Elements from the short have been used in other Warner Bros works. This cartoon had a scene where a 2-engine USAAF bomber was flown directly at a skyscraper in what looked to be a certain impact. Two years after its release, a USAAF B-25 Mitchell bomber was inadvertently flown into the Empire State Building on a foggy day. The climactic scene in \"Falling Hare\" is described in detail in the novel \"The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul\". Falling Hare Falling Hare is a 1943 Warner Bros. cartoon", "psg_id": "4393391" }, { "title": "What a Cartoon!", "text": "What a Cartoon! Show\" was relaunched as \"The Cartoon Cartoon Show\". In this new format, it aired reruns and new episodes of the full-series Cartoon Cartoons, as well as new Cartoon Cartoon shorts and old \"WAC!\" shorts. From 2000 to 2001, the pilot shorts appearing on the network's viewer's poll that lost to \"The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy\" and \"\" (except for \"Whatever Happened to... Robot Jones?\") were added to the anthology. The show continued to air until October 9, 2003, when it was temporarily dropped from the network's schedule. On September 12, 2005, \"The Cartoon Cartoon Show\"", "psg_id": "3871892" }, { "title": "The Wild Chase", "text": "win the race, however, nobody gets the trophy. They then fly into the air and the rocket car explodes as the end card fades in. The Wild Chase The Wild Chase is a Warner Bros. Merrie Melodies short produced by DePatie–Freleng Enterprises featuring Speedy Gonzales and Sylvester the Cat, with Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner along for the race. It was directed by Friz Freleng and Hawley Pratt, and was released February 27, 1965. This cartoon was the only Wile E. Coyote/Road Runner cartoon to be directed by either Freleng or Pratt, who specialized in Speedy and Sylvester", "psg_id": "8804046" }, { "title": "What a Cartoon!", "text": "of a theatrical cartoon, with each film being based on an original storyboard drawn and written by its artist or creator. The series first aired on February 20, 1995, and the shorts were promoted as World Premiere Toons. During the original run of the shorts, the series was retitled to \"The What a Cartoon! Show\" and later to \"The Cartoon Cartoon Show\" until the final shorts aired on August 23, 2002. The project served as the launching point for multiple Cartoon Network animated television series, including \"The Powerpuff Girls\" (1998–2005), \"Dexter's Laboratory\", \"Johnny Bravo\", \"Cow and Chicken\", \"Courage the Cowardly", "psg_id": "3871878" }, { "title": "What a Cartoon!", "text": "would later go on to make \"Gravity Falls\" for Disney Channel/Disney XD. The studio launched another animation showcase in 2006, titled \"Random! Cartoons\", which in turn produced Nickelodeon's \"Fanboy & Chum Chum\" in 2009, Cartoon Network's \"Adventure Time\" in 2010, and Cartoon Hangover's \"Bravest Warriors\" in 2012. A sequel-of-sorts to the \"What a Cartoon!\" project, a Cartoon Network project titled \"The Cartoonstitute\", was announced in April 2008. Created by the channel executive Rob Sorcher and headed by \"The Powerpuff Girls\" creator Craig McCracken, the project was to \"establish a think tank and create an environment in which animators can create", "psg_id": "3871900" }, { "title": "The Old Grey Hare", "text": "The Old Grey Hare The Old Grey Hare is a 1944 \"Merrie Melodies\" cartoon directed by Bob Clampett. The title is a double play on words. One is the typical pun between \"hare\" and \"hair\", with the bunny (who was already grey-haired) rendered \"old and grey\" for this cartoon. The title also refers to the old song, \"The Old Gray Mare\". Some of the lobby cards for this cartoon gave the alternate spelling, \"The Old Gray Hare\". The cartoon starts with Elmer Fudd sitting under a tree, crying over his failure to catch Bugs. The \"voice of God\" (also the", "psg_id": "6784435" }, { "title": "What the Dog Saw", "text": "2: \"Theories, Predictions, and Diagnoses\" Part 3: \"Personality, Character, and Intelligence\" What the Dog Saw What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures is the fourth book released by author Malcolm Gladwell, on October 20, 2009. The book is a compilation of the journalist's articles published in \"The New Yorker\". Gladwell initially covered business and science in \"The Washington Post\" before joining the staff at \"The New Yorker\" in 1997. Each of the articles first appeared in \"The New Yorker\" and was handpicked by Gladwell. The stories share a common theme, namely that Gladwell tries to show us the world through", "psg_id": "13945107" }, { "title": "What a Cartoon!", "text": "Butch Hartman, and John R. Dilworth), but veterans as well (like Don Jurwich, Jerry Eisenberg, and Ralph Bakshi). In addition to the veterans, William Hanna and Joseph Barbera each produced two shorts each for \"What a Cartoon!\". Many of the key crew members from previous Hanna-Barbera series \"2 Stupid Dogs\" joined the team of \"What a Cartoon!\" as well. Many of its crew members later went on to write and direct for \"Dexter's Laboratory\", \"Johnny Bravo\", \"Cow and Chicken\", \"I Am Weasel\", and \"The Powerpuff Girls\", including those named above. \"The Kitchen Casanova\" director John McIntyre is particularly known for", "psg_id": "3871885" }, { "title": "The Old Grey Hare", "text": "immediately fades out and Robert Clampett's famous vocalized \"Bay-woop!\" is heard with the firecracker still hissing. The ending \"That's all, Folks!\" card appears with it having been already pre-written, and the firecracker blows up in a tremendous explosion off-screen, rumbling and shaking the on-screen end title card, regardless of what happened to Elmer after the explosion. The Old Grey Hare The Old Grey Hare is a 1944 \"Merrie Melodies\" cartoon directed by Bob Clampett. The title is a double play on words. One is the typical pun between \"hare\" and \"hair\", with the bunny (who was already grey-haired) rendered \"old", "psg_id": "6784440" }, { "title": "What a Cartoon!", "text": "Cool! Cartoons\" (Cartoon Hangover, 2012), and \"GO! Cartoons\" (Cartoon Hangover, 2016). These laboratories have spun off notable series like: \"Dexter's Laboratory\", \"The Powerpuff Girls\", \"Johnny Bravo\", \"Cow & Chicken\", \"Family Guy\", \"Courage the Cowardly Dog\", \"Samurai Jack\", \"The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy\", \"\", \"The Fairly OddParents\", \"My Life as a Teenage Robot\", \"Nite Fite\", \"The Mighty B!\", \"Fanboy & Chum Chum\", \"Adventure Time\", \"Regular Show\", \"Bravest Warriors\", \"Secret Mountain Fort Awesome\", \"Gravity Falls\", \"Rocket Dog\", \"Bee and PuppyCat\", and \"Uncle Grandpa\". \"Dexter's Laboratory\" was the most popular short series according to a vote held in 1995 and eventually", "psg_id": "3871895" }, { "title": "Porky's Hare Hunt", "text": "Shein\", a popular song which was a hit for The Andrews Sisters around this time, and \"Hooray for Hollywood,\" from the contemporary motion picture \"Hollywood Hotel\". Porky's Hare Hunt Porky's Hare Hunt is a 1938 animated short movie directed by Ben \"Bugs\" Hardaway and an uncredited Cal Dalton, which stars Porky Pig as a hunter whose prey is an unnamed rabbit. The rabbit's hyperactive personality and laughing voice provided by Mel Blanc predated the 1940 Walter Lantz/Universal Pictures release \"Knock Knock\" which starred Andy Panda and introduced cartoon audiences to Woody Woodpecker which was created for the Lantz studio by", "psg_id": "4372501" }, { "title": "What a Cartoon!", "text": "with the internal Hanna-Barbera Creative Corps Creative Director Bill Burnett, and Senior Art Director Jesse Stagg to craft a series of high quality, limited edition, fluorescent art posters. The Corps launched a prolonged Guerrilla mailing campaign, targeting animation heavyweights and critics leading up to the launch of \"World Premiere Toons\". The first poster campaign of its kind introduced the world to the groundbreaking new stable of characters. The first cartoon from the \"What a Cartoon!\" project broadcast in its entirety was \"The Powerpuff Girls in \"Meat Fuzzy Lumkins\"\", which made its world premiere on Monday, February 20, 1995, during a", "psg_id": "3871887" }, { "title": "The Grey Hounded Hare", "text": "free to pursue \"Dreamboat\" unhindered, Bugs gives the lure a kiss, getting a large shock, just before the lure goes back into its starting box. He goes for another kiss and gets electrocuted again. This cartoon is available, uncensored and uncut, on Disc 1 of the DVD set. The Grey Hounded Hare The Grey Hounded Hare is a 1949 \"Looney Tunes\" short film made by Warner Bros. Pictures and starring the voice talent of Mel Blanc. It was directed by Robert McKimson, and animated by John Carey, Phil DeLara, Manny Gould and Charles McKimson, with music scored by Carl Stalling.", "psg_id": "11259203" }, { "title": "What the Dog Saw", "text": "a dog, hence the title. \"What the Dog Saw\" is a compilation of 19 articles by Malcolm Gladwell that were originally published in \"The New Yorker\" which are categorized into three parts. The first part, \"Obsessives, Pioneers, and other varieties of Minor Genius\", describes people who are very good at what they do, but are not necessarily well-known. Part two, \"Theories, Predictions, and Diagnoses\", describes the problems of prediction. This section covers problems such as intelligence failure, and the fall of Enron. The third section, \"Personality, Character, and Intelligence\", discusses a wide variety of psychological and sociological topics ranging from", "psg_id": "13945104" }, { "title": "Boo Boo Runs Wild", "text": "Boo Boo Runs Wild Boo Boo Runs Wild is a stand-alone special parody of the Hanna-Barbera cartoon series, \"The Yogi Bear Show\". It was made by \"The Ren & Stimpy Show\" creator John Kricfalusi and his company Spümcø. \"Boo Boo Runs Wild\" originally aired on Cartoon Network on September 24, 1999, along with \"A Day in the Life of Ranger Smith\", a similar Yogi Bear-themed stand alone special. Despite Boo Boo being the arguable star of this short, it is title carded as \"A Ranger Smith Cartoon\". The short is dedicated to Ed Benedict, the original character designer for \"The", "psg_id": "6528657" }, { "title": "The Wild Wild West", "text": "before 8:30 p.m. This list included \"The Wild Wild West,\" The Avengers, Batman, Man from UNCLE, Roy Rogers, , and The Lone Ranger. In Los Angeles, such shows opened with a cautionary announcement: \"Parents — we wish to advise that because of violence or other possible harmful elements, certain portions of the following program may not be suitable for young children.\" The NABB hoped to use the cartoon ban and warning announcement as a model for similar agreements with other local stations. By then \"The Wild Wild West\" was running on 99 local stations. Its ongoing popularity throughout the 1970s", "psg_id": "2303954" }, { "title": "A Year in the Wild", "text": "A Year in the Wild A Year in the Wild is a 2012 British nature documentary series about the country's national parks. Produced by the BBC, the series is narrated by actress Hermione Norris. It consists of three episodes, each an hour long. The first episode, \"Snowdonia\", premiered on 27 July 2012 and features Snowdonia National Park. Snowdonia is located in Wales, and is known for its hills and extinct volcanoes. The second episode, \"The New Forest\", premiered on 3 August 2012. The episode explores the fauna of the New Forest National Park. The Park, located in southern England, was", "psg_id": "16731080" }, { "title": "Beloved Antichrist", "text": "The album consists of 46 songs and is based on \"A Short Tale of the Antichrist\" by Vladímir Soloviov. Johnsson expanded the story to include 27 characters played by 15 vocalists. \"Beloved Antichrist\" has received generally favorable reviews. AllMusic said of the album: \"taken as intended, as a whole, it is an exhausting, enthralling monolithic marvel.\" Another reviewer described that the album would be a challenge for new Therion fans, but also described it as \"Christofer Johnsson’s masterpiece\" which \"takes everything that Therion has done to this point to a completely different level.\" Beloved Antichrist Beloved Antichrist is the sixteenth", "psg_id": "20358849" }, { "title": "Herr Meets Hare", "text": "on Turner Classic Movies’ \"Cartoon Alley\" as recently as January 20, 2007. Herr Meets Hare Herr Meets Hare is a 1945 \"Merrie Melodies\" cartoon directed by Friz Freleng. This short, not long before the collapse of the Third Reich, was the penultimate wartime themed cartoon from Warner Bros. (\"Draftee Daffy\" was the last) being released just under 4 months before Victory in Europe Day. The cartoon opens with a faux Walter Winchell-like voice discussing the end of the Third Reich, saying that \"Germany has been battered into a fare-thee-well\", and musing about where the high leadership, and \"Fatso\" Göring in", "psg_id": "6949725" }, { "title": "What a Cartoon!", "text": "Dog\", \"Mike, Lu & Og\", \"Sheep in the Big City\", \"Whatever Happened to... Robot Jones?\", \"\", \"Grim & Evil\" and \"Megas XLR\" as well as Fox's \"Family Guy\". The series is influential for birthing a slew of original Cartoon Network hits and helping to revive television animation in the 1990s. Once it had several original shorts, those became the first Cartoon Cartoons (a collective term for retro Cartoon Network original series). From 2005 to 2008, \"The Cartoon Cartoon Show\" was revived as a block for reruns of older Cartoon Cartoons that had been phased out by the network. Fred Seibert", "psg_id": "3871879" }, { "title": "From Hare to Heir", "text": "as the cartoon fades in (though it is never revealed if there actually was any money in the first place). This cartoon was included in the 1983 compilation film \"Daffy Duck's Movie: Fantastic Island\" as Sam's wish and possibly the final classic sketch in the movie. On April 21, 2016, VH1 Classic aired this episode following the movie \"Purple Rain\", starring Prince. \"\"From Hare to Heir\"\" is available, uncensored and uncut, on the \"Looney Tunes Superstars\" DVD. However, it was cropped to widescreen. From Hare to Heir From Hare to Heir is a Warner Bros. Merrie Melodies theatrical cartoon short", "psg_id": "9314986" }, { "title": "Lotte in Weimar: The Beloved Returns", "text": "Lotte in Weimar: The Beloved Returns Lotte in Weimar: The Beloved Returns, otherwise known as Lotte in Weimar or The Beloved Returns, is a 1939 novel by Thomas Mann. It is a story written in the shadow of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; Mann developed the narrative almost as a response to Goethe's novel \"The Sorrows of Young Werther\", which is more than 150 years older than \"Lotte in Weimar\". \"Lotte in Weimar\" was first published in English in 1940. \"The Beloved Returns\" is the story of one of Goethe's old romantic interests, a real historical figure by the name of", "psg_id": "5827077" }, { "title": "The Wild Goose Chase (1932 film)", "text": "remaining lines. The Wild Goose Chase (1932 film) The Wild Goose Chase is an animated short film made by the Van Beuren Studios, and distributed by RKO Radio Pictures. The cartoon starts with a trio of frogs with banjos, singing the song \"Let a Smile Be Your Umbrella.\" Other creatures in the wild are shown what they do during the rainy weather. The scene, moments later, turns to a boy cat and a girl cat. The boy cat tries to cheer up his glum girlfriend using quotes from the song. In no time, the rains stops and they are elated.", "psg_id": "17206296" }, { "title": "The Wild Goose Chase (1932 film)", "text": "The Wild Goose Chase (1932 film) The Wild Goose Chase is an animated short film made by the Van Beuren Studios, and distributed by RKO Radio Pictures. The cartoon starts with a trio of frogs with banjos, singing the song \"Let a Smile Be Your Umbrella.\" Other creatures in the wild are shown what they do during the rainy weather. The scene, moments later, turns to a boy cat and a girl cat. The boy cat tries to cheer up his glum girlfriend using quotes from the song. In no time, the rains stops and they are elated. Just then,", "psg_id": "17206293" }, { "title": "Josh Hare", "text": "Josh Hare Joshua Darren Hare (born 12 August 1994) is an English professional footballer who plays as a defender for Eastleigh. Hare signed his first professional contract with Gillingham in November 2012. He signed a one-year contract with the \"Gills\" in May 2014, but found first-team football hard to come by and was sent on an initial one-month loan to Conference South side Eastbourne Borough. His loan was extended to 10 January but on 5 January the loan was cut short. On 8 July 2016, having left Gillingham, Hare signed for Eastbourne Borough. Hare is the son of Darren Hare,", "psg_id": "18265911" }, { "title": "The Hare Mail", "text": "When Oswald jumps to return to the ground, troubles are not over for him as his parachute refuses to deploy. he doll and the lynx spot Oswald in the sky. They then use the lynx's long beard to cushion his fall. Oswald and the doll give each other a smooch. The Hare Mail The Hare Mail is a short animated film by Walter Lantz Productions, and among the many featuring Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. The film is also one of the few where Mickey Rooney voiced the title character. Oswald is on the streets selling newspapers. Suddenly he hears a", "psg_id": "18198232" }, { "title": "Bugs Bunny", "text": "in the 1940 short \"A Wild Hare\" until Blanc's death in 1989. Blanc described the voice as a combination of Bronx and Brooklyn accents; however, Tex Avery claimed that he asked Blanc to give the character not a New York accent \"per se\", but a voice like that of actor Frank McHugh, who frequently appeared in supporting roles in the 1930s and whose voice might be described as New York Irish. In Bugs' second cartoon \"Elmer's Pet Rabbit\", Blanc created a completely new voice for Bugs, which sounded like a Jimmy Stewart impression, but the directors decided the previous voice", "psg_id": "605477" }, { "title": "The Hare Mail", "text": "The Hare Mail The Hare Mail is a short animated film by Walter Lantz Productions, and among the many featuring Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. The film is also one of the few where Mickey Rooney voiced the title character. Oswald is on the streets selling newspapers. Suddenly he hears a distress call coming from a nearby house. Oswald comes to the house, and peeps through a window. Inside he sees a large turbulent dog interrogating a small living doll about the money's location. When the doll refuses to tell, the dog turns to an old lynx who is the doll's", "psg_id": "18198229" }, { "title": "What a Cartoon!", "text": "became president of Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Inc. in 1992 and helped guide the struggling animation studio into its greatest output in years with shows like \"2 Stupid Dogs\" and \"\". Seibert wanted the studio to produce short cartoons, in the vein of the Golden age of American animation. Although a project consisting of 48 shorts would cost twice as much as a normal series, Seibert's pitch to Cartoon Network involved promising 48 chances to \"succeed or fail\", opened up possibilities for new original programming, and offered several new shorts to the thousands already present in the Turner Entertainment library. According to", "psg_id": "3871880" } ]
[ "wascally wabbit", "bugs rabbit", "väiski vemmelsääri", "bugs bunny", "bugs the bunny", "vaiski vemmelsaari", "what's up, doc%3f (catchphrase)", "buggs bunny", "bugs bunny", "bugs bunny", "%22ain't i a stinker%22", "bugs bunny's prototype", "happy rabbit (character)", "vaiski", "bug bunny", "bugs bunny prototype", "left turn at albuquerque", "hare jordan", "pesky wabbit" ]
according to the nursery rhyme, who couldnt put humpty back together again?
[ { "title": "Humpty Dumpty", "text": "to put him together again is representative of this principle, as it would be highly unlikely (though not impossible) to return him to his earlier state of lower entropy, as the entropy of an isolated system never decreases. Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty is a character in an English nursery rhyme, probably originally a riddle and one of the best known in the English-speaking world. He is typically portrayed as a personified egg, though he is not explicitly described as such. The first recorded versions of the rhyme date from late eighteenth-century England and the tune from 1870 in James William", "psg_id": "570360" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty", "text": "As a character and literary allusion, he has appeared or been referred to in a large number of works of literature and popular culture, particularly English author Lewis Carroll's \"Through the Looking-Glass\" (1872), in which he was described as an egg. The rhyme is listed in the Roud Folk Song Index as No. 13026. The rhyme is one of the best known in the English language. The common text from 1954 is: <poem>Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again.</poem> It is", "psg_id": "570339" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty", "text": "Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty is a character in an English nursery rhyme, probably originally a riddle and one of the best known in the English-speaking world. He is typically portrayed as a personified egg, though he is not explicitly described as such. The first recorded versions of the rhyme date from late eighteenth-century England and the tune from 1870 in James William Elliott's \"National Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Songs\". Its origins are obscure and several theories have been advanced to suggest original meanings. The character of Humpty Dumpty was popularised in the United States by actor George L. Fox (1825–77).", "psg_id": "570338" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty", "text": "a single quatrain with external rhymes that follow the pattern of AABB and with a trochaic metre, which is common in nursery rhymes. The melody commonly associated with the rhyme was first recorded by composer and nursery rhyme collector James William Elliott in his \"National Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Songs\" (London, 1870), as outlined below: <score vorbis=\"1\"> \\new Staff « \\clef treble \\key bes \\major { %\\new Lyrics \\lyricmode { » </score> The earliest known version was published in Samuel Arnold's \"Juvenile Amusements\" in 1797 with the lyrics: <poem>Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.", "psg_id": "570340" }, { "title": "One for Sorrow (nursery rhyme)", "text": "One for Sorrow (nursery rhyme) \"One for Sorrow\" is a traditional children's nursery rhyme about magpies. According to an old superstition, the number of magpies one sees determines if one will have bad luck. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 20096. There is considerable variation in the lyrics used. A common modern version follows: The rhyme has its origins in superstitions connected with magpies, considered a bird of ill omen in some cultures, and in Britain, at least as far back as the early sixteenth century. The rhyme was first recorded around 1780 in a note in", "psg_id": "12454009" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty", "text": "Humpty Dumpty, was strategically placed on the wall. A shot from a Parliamentary cannon succeeded in damaging the wall beneath Humpty Dumpty which caused the cannon to tumble to the ground. The Royalists (or Cavaliers, \"all the King's men\") attempted to raise Humpty Dumpty on to another part of the wall, but the cannon was so heavy that \"All the King's horses and all the King's men couldn't put Humpty together again\". Author Albert Jack claimed in his 2008 book \"Pop Goes the Weasel: The Secret Meanings of Nursery Rhymes\" that there were two other verses supporting this claim. Elsewhere,", "psg_id": "570347" }, { "title": "Nursery rhyme", "text": "private nursery, as an exercise for the children. It has been argued that nursery rhymes set to music aid in a child's development. Research also supports the assertion that music and rhyme increase a child's ability in spatial reasoning, which aid mathematics skills. Citations Nursery rhyme A nursery rhyme is a traditional poem or song for children in Britain and many other countries, but usage of the term only dates from the late 18th/early 19th century. The term Mother Goose rhymes is interchangeable with nursery rhymes. From the mid-16th century nursery rhymes begin to be recorded in English plays, and", "psg_id": "286984" }, { "title": "Nursery Rhyme (visual novel)", "text": "third and final track focuses on Krile and her pet, Azrael. A second drama CD, titled \"Nursery Rhyme Drama CD \"Life is sweet\"\", was released by Rio on June 30, 2006. According to a national ranking of how well bishōjo games sold nationally in Japan, \"Nursery Rhyme\" was the No. 2 best-selling bishōjo game at the time of its release. \"\", released on the same day, took the No. 1 spot. \"Nursery Rhyme\" was the 18th most widely sold game of 2005 on The opening theme, \"true my heart\", has become an internet meme. This is due to the", "psg_id": "17997769" }, { "title": "Nursery rhyme", "text": "been argued to have hidden meanings and origins. John Bellenden Ker (1765?–1842), for example, wrote four volumes arguing that English nursery rhymes were actually written in 'Low Saxon', a hypothetical early form of Dutch. He then 'translated' them back into English, revealing in particular a strong tendency to anti-clericalism. Many of the ideas about the links between rhymes and historical persons, or events, can be traced back to Katherine Elwes's book \"The Real Personages of Mother Goose\" (1930), in which she linked famous nursery-rhyme characters with real people, on little or no evidence. She assumed that children's songs were a", "psg_id": "286980" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty", "text": "album inspired by Lewis Carroll called \"The Mad Hatter\", 1978). In the Dolly Parton song \"Starting Over Again\", it's all the king's horses and all the king's men who can't put the divorced couple back together again. In an extra verse in one version of ABBA's \"On and On and On\", Humpty Dumpty is mentioned as being afraid of falling off the wall. The Australian children’s television programme Play School, in the song \"Oomba Baroomba\", says: <poem>Humpty Dumpty sat up in bed, Eating yellow bananas. Where do you think he put the skins? Down his striped pyjamas!</poem> TurboTax, a U.S.", "psg_id": "570358" }, { "title": "Nursery rhyme", "text": "Nursery rhyme A nursery rhyme is a traditional poem or song for children in Britain and many other countries, but usage of the term only dates from the late 18th/early 19th century. The term Mother Goose rhymes is interchangeable with nursery rhymes. From the mid-16th century nursery rhymes begin to be recorded in English plays, and most popular rhymes date from the 17th and 18th centuries. The first English collections, \"Tommy Thumb's Song Book\" and a sequel, \"Tommy Thumb's Pretty Song Book\", were published before 1744. Publisher John Newbery's stepson, Thomas Carnan, was the first to use the term Mother", "psg_id": "286972" }, { "title": "Jack and Jill (nursery rhyme)", "text": "Jack and Jill (nursery rhyme) \"Jack and Jill\" (sometimes \"Jack and Gill\", particularly in earlier versions) is a traditional English nursery rhyme. The Roud Folk Song Index classifies this tune and its variations as number 10266. The rhyme dates back at least to the 18th century and exists with different numbers of verses each with a number of variations. Only a few more verses have been added to the rhyme, including a version with a total of 15 stanzas in a chapbook of the 19th century. The dab verse, probably added as part of these extensions, has become a standard", "psg_id": "2529439" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty (pinball)", "text": "Humpty Dumpty (pinball) Humpty Dumpty is a historically important pinball machine released by Gottlieb on October 25, 1947. Named after Humpty Dumpty, the nursery rhyme character, it is the first pinball machine to include flippers — invented by Harry Mabs — distinguishing it from earlier bagatelle game machines. \"Humpty Dumpty\" had six of these flippers, referred to as \"flipper bumpers\" by the company. However, unlike modern pinball tables, they faced outward instead of inward and were not placed at the bottom of the table near the main outhole. Like all early pinball tables, \"Humpty Dumpty\" was constructed with wood and", "psg_id": "6953378" }, { "title": "Nursery Rhyme (visual novel)", "text": "Nursery Rhyme (visual novel) The gameplay in \"Nursery Rhyme\" follows a branching plot line which offers pre-determined scenarios with courses of interaction, and focuses on the appeal of the five female main characters by the player character. The game ranked at No. 2 in the national top 50 for best-selling PC games sold in Japan. \"Nursery Rhyme\" has made transitions into other media, such as a light novel and audio dramas. \"Nursery Rhyme\" is a romance visual novel in which the player assumes the role of Shizuma Hasekura. Much of its gameplay is spent reading the text that appears on", "psg_id": "17997761" }, { "title": "Nursery Rhyme (visual novel)", "text": "misheard lyric , which spawned a series of remix parodies on Nico Nico Douga. \"true my heart\"'s melody has also appeared in the Kumikyoku Nico Nico Douga videos, as has \"kiss my lips\". Some of the \"Nursery Rhyme\" characters feature in \"Megami Engage!\". Nursery Rhyme (visual novel) The gameplay in \"Nursery Rhyme\" follows a branching plot line which offers pre-determined scenarios with courses of interaction, and focuses on the appeal of the five female main characters by the player character. The game ranked at No. 2 in the national top 50 for best-selling PC games sold in Japan. \"Nursery Rhyme\"", "psg_id": "17997770" }, { "title": "One for Sorrow (nursery rhyme)", "text": "characters. The title of a spooky young adult book by Mary Downing Hahn is \"One for sorrow\". One For Sorrow, Written By Mary Downing Hahn One for Sorrow (nursery rhyme) \"One for Sorrow\" is a traditional children's nursery rhyme about magpies. According to an old superstition, the number of magpies one sees determines if one will have bad luck. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 20096. There is considerable variation in the lyrics used. A common modern version follows: The rhyme has its origins in superstitions connected with magpies, considered a bird of ill omen in some", "psg_id": "12454017" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty (magazine)", "text": "edits \"Humpty Dumpty\" under the direction of Steven Slon. \"Humpty Dumpty\" is one of two children's publications in the U.S. Kids family of magazines, which are published by the Children’s Better Health Institute, a division of the nonprofit Saturday Evening Post Society. Its sister publication under the U.S. Kids banner is \"Jack and Jill\" (for children ages 6 to 12). Humpty Dumpty (magazine) Humpty Dumpty is a bimonthly American magazine for children 2 to 6 years old that takes its title from the nursery rhyme of the same name. The magazine features short stories, poems, nonfiction articles, games, comics, recipes,", "psg_id": "14589713" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty (pinball)", "text": "had backlit scoring in preset units of scoring rather than mechanical reel or electronic LED scoring. The table was virtually recreated in pinball simulation video game, \"Microsoft Pinball Arcade\". Humpty Dumpty (pinball) Humpty Dumpty is a historically important pinball machine released by Gottlieb on October 25, 1947. Named after Humpty Dumpty, the nursery rhyme character, it is the first pinball machine to include flippers — invented by Harry Mabs — distinguishing it from earlier bagatelle game machines. \"Humpty Dumpty\" had six of these flippers, referred to as \"flipper bumpers\" by the company. However, unlike modern pinball tables, they faced outward", "psg_id": "6953379" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty", "text": "used Humpty Dumpty as one victim of a serial fairy-tale character murderer in \"The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse\" (2002). Jasper Fforde included Humpty Dumpty in his novels \"The Well of Lost Plots\" (2003) and \"The Big Over Easy\" (2005), which use him respectively as a ringleader of dissatisfied nursery rhyme characters threatening to strike and as the victim of a murder. Humpty Dumpty appears as a lead villain in the DreamWorks animation \"Puss in Boots\" (2011). The 1925 song \"I'm Sitting on Top of the World\", most notably sung by Dean Martin, Doris Day and Bobby Darin, mentions", "psg_id": "570354" }, { "title": "Nursery rhyme", "text": "antiquities (historical), fireside stories, game-rhymes, alphabet-rhymes, riddles, nature-rhymes, places and families, proverbs, superstitions, customs, and nursery songs (lullabies). By the time of Sabine Baring-Gould's \"A Book of Nursery Songs\" (1895), folklore was an academic study, full of comments and footnotes. A professional anthropologist, Andrew Lang (1844–1912) produced \"The Nursery Rhyme Book\" in 1897. The early years of the 20th century are notable for the illustrations to children's books including Caldecott's \"Hey Diddle Diddle Picture Book\" (1909) and Arthur Rackham's \"Mother Goose\" (1913). The definitive study of English rhymes remains the work of Iona and Peter Opie. Many nursery rhymes have", "psg_id": "286979" }, { "title": "Nursery Rhyme (visual novel)", "text": "and , a shy and clumsy elf who is aiming to become a teacher. \"Nursery Rhyme\" is the first title developed by Lump of Sugar. The visual novel's scenario was written by Seimei Shibusawa, Daisangen, Eiji Takashima and Fuminori Aki. The character designs and illustrations for the visual novel were drawn by Fumitake Moekibara. The game's music was composed and arranged by a.k.a.dRESS (ave;new). The opening movie was animated by Radiant Impression Prelude. Self-described as a , \"Nursery Rhyme\" was released on November 25, 2005 as a DVD-ROM for Windows PCs. A version playable on FOMA mobile phones was released", "psg_id": "17997766" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty Snack Foods", "text": "Humpty Dumpty Snack Foods Humpty Dumpty Snack Foods is an American food company, operating as a subsidiary of Old Dutch Foods, that packages and sells snack foods. The company is named after the nursery rhyme character and features the character as the company logo. Humpty Dumpty Potato Chip Company, Inc. was founded in 1947 in Scarborough, Maine, USA by George Robinson and Norman Cole, producing ketchup-flavoured and sour-cream-and-clam-flavoured chips, among others. The company was acquired by Borden, Inc. in February 1989. In January 2000, it was then sold to the Canadian firm Small Fry, formally adopting the name Humpty Dumpty", "psg_id": "5653692" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty (magazine)", "text": "Humpty Dumpty (magazine) Humpty Dumpty is a bimonthly American magazine for children 2 to 6 years old that takes its title from the nursery rhyme of the same name. The magazine features short stories, poems, nonfiction articles, games, comics, recipes, crafts, and more. Having been continuously produced for more than 65 years, it is one of the oldest American magazines for kids. As part of the Children’s Better Health Institute—a division of the Saturday Evening Post Society Inc., a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization—\"Humpty Dumpty\"’s mission is to promote the healthy physical, educational, creative, social, and emotional growth of children", "psg_id": "14589711" }, { "title": "Nursery Rhyme (visual novel)", "text": "by Moepli on September 8, 2006. A desk accessory package called was released on August 17, 2007. A 111-page book titled \"Nursery Rhyme Visual Guide Book\" was published by Jive on April 24, 2006. The book included content such as computer graphics, story and character explanations, and rough sketches. A 234-page light novel titled , written by Sasa Miyachiruda and published by Softgarage, was released on September 25, 2006 under the Sofgare Novels imprint. The cover art was drawn by Fumitake Moekibara, and the internal illustrations were drawn by Maru-chan. \"Nursery Rhyme\" features music by Saori Sakura, who performs the", "psg_id": "17997767" }, { "title": "Nursery rhyme", "text": "the early and mid-20th centuries this was a form of bowdlerisation, concerned with some of the more violent elements of nursery rhymes and led to the formation of organisations like the British 'Society for Nursery Rhyme Reform'. Psychoanalysts such as Bruno Bettelheim strongly criticized this revisionism, on the grounds that it weakened their usefulness to both children and adults as ways of symbolically resolving issues and it has been argued that revised versions may not perform the functions of catharsis for children, or allow them to imaginatively deal with violence and danger. In the late 20th century revisionism of nursery", "psg_id": "286982" }, { "title": "Jack and Jill (nursery rhyme)", "text": "these stanzas were viewed as quatrains with internal rhymes, this would be an example of ballad form, a common form for nursery rhymes. The melody commonly associated with the rhyme was first recorded by the composer and nursery rhyme collector James William Elliott in his \"National Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Songs\" (1870). The Roud Folk Song Index, which catalogues folk songs and their variations by number, classifies the song as 10266. The phrase \"Jack and Jill\" was in use in England as early as the 16th century to indicate a boy and a girl. A comedy with the title \"Jack", "psg_id": "2529441" }, { "title": "Nursery rhyme", "text": "rhymes became associated with the idea of political correctness. Most attempts to reform nursery rhymes on this basis appear to be either very small scale, light-hearted updating, like Felix Dennis's \"When Jack Sued Jill – Nursery Rhymes for Modern Times\" (2006), or satires written as if from the point of view of political correctness in order to condemn reform. The controversy in Britain in 1986 over changing the language of \"Baa Baa Black Sheep\" because, it was alleged in the popular press, it was seen as racially dubious, was apparently based only on a rewriting of the rhyme in one", "psg_id": "286983" }, { "title": "Nursery rhyme", "text": "poem, similar to \"Thirty days hath September\", numbering the days of the month, was recorded in the 13th century. From the later Middle Ages there are records of short children's rhyming songs, often as marginalia. From the mid-16th century they begin to be recorded in English plays. \"Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man\" is one of the oldest surviving English nursery rhymes. The earliest recorded version of the rhyme appears in Thomas d'Urfey's play \"The Campaigners\" from 1698. Most nursery rhymes were not written down until the 18th century, when the publishing of children's books began to move from polemic and education", "psg_id": "286975" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty", "text": "their places in the air with his thumb) \"nose in the middle, mouth under. It's always the same. Now if you had the two eyes on the same side of the nose, for instance—or the mouth at the top—that would be \"some\" help.\" Humpty Dumpty has become a highly popular nursery rhyme character. American actor George L. Fox (1825–77) helped to popularise the character in nineteenth-century stage productions of pantomime versions, music, and rhyme. The character is also a common literary allusion, particularly to refer to a person in an insecure position, something that would be difficult to reconstruct once", "psg_id": "570352" }, { "title": "Jack and Jill (nursery rhyme)", "text": "part of the nursery rhyme. Early versions took the form: By the early 20th century this had been modified in some collections, such as L. E. Walter's, \"Mother Goose's Nursery Rhymes\" (London, 1919) to: A third verse, sometimes added to the rhyme, was first recorded in a 19th-century chapbook and took Twentieth-century versions of this verse include: As presented above and as presented in the accompanying published images, the rhyme is made up of six-line stanzas with a rhyming scheme of \"aabccb\" and a trochaic rhythm (with the stress falling on the first of a pair of syllables). Alternatively, if", "psg_id": "2529440" }, { "title": "Through the Looking-Glass", "text": "\"crabs\" and \"feathers\". Chapter Six – Humpty Dumpty: After crossing yet another brook into the sixth rank, Alice immediately encounters Humpty Dumpty, who, besides celebrating his unbirthday, provides his own translation of the strange terms in \"Jabberwocky\". In the process, he introduces Alice to the concept of portmanteau words, before his inevitable fall. Chapter Seven – The Lion and the Unicorn: \"\"All the king's horses and all the king's men\"\" come to Humpty Dumpty's assistance, and are accompanied by the White King, along with the Lion and the Unicorn, who again proceed to act out a nursery rhyme by fighting", "psg_id": "430794" }, { "title": "One for Sorrow (nursery rhyme)", "text": "versions that had previously existed. In Neil Gaiman's epic comic book series The Sandman one of the characters recites a variant of this rhyme in which every number is for sorrow (i.e. One for sorrow/ Two for sorrow...) The song by the British pop group Steps is entitled \"One for Sorrow\", taking its title probably from the old English nursery rhyme. In the Counting Crows song \"A Murder of One\", the lyrics contain a modified version of the rhyme. The rhyme is also the origin of the group's name. Also mentioned in book four of \"The Mortal Instruments\", \"City of", "psg_id": "12454011" }, { "title": "Back Together Again (album)", "text": "pushes at the other too aggressively, preferring instead to move in tandem.\" In another review for \"JazzTimes\", Chris Kelsey claims \"This is a very solid, occasionally superlative session-proof positive that the best jazz coming from Chicago still has its roots in the AACM.\" The \"PopMatters\" review by Patrick Sisson states \"\"Back Together Again\" finally documents an amazing working relationship between two friends and musicians. With such stellar results, it’s almost more unbelievable that nobody has ever had these two record as a duet before.\" Back Together Again (album) Back Together Again is an album by American jazz saxophonist Fred Anderson", "psg_id": "18420757" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty", "text": "shell. Professor David Daube suggested in \"The Oxford Magazine\" of 16 February 1956 that Humpty Dumpty was a \"tortoise\" siege engine, an armoured frame, used unsuccessfully to approach the walls of the Parliamentary held city of Gloucester in 1643 during the Siege of Gloucester in the English Civil War. This was on the basis of a contemporary account of the attack, but without evidence that the rhyme was connected. The theory was part of an anonymous series of articles on the origin of nursery rhymes and was widely acclaimed in academia, but it was derided by others as \"ingenuity for", "psg_id": "570345" }, { "title": "Jack and Jill (nursery rhyme)", "text": "theories. Complicated metaphors are often said to exist within the lyrics, as is common with nursery rhyme exegesis. Most explanations post-date the first publication of the rhyme and have no corroborating evidence. These include the suggestion by S. Baring-Gould in the 19th century that the rhyme is related to a narrative in the 13th-century \"Prose Edda\" section \"Gylfaginning\" composed by Icelander Snorri Sturluson. In \"Gylfaginning\", Hjúki and Bil, brother and sister respectively in Norse mythology, were taken up from the earth by the moon (personified as the god Máni) as they were fetching water from the well called Byrgir, bearing", "psg_id": "2529445" }, { "title": "Nursery Rhyme (visual novel)", "text": "the screen, which represents the story's narrative and dialogue. The text is accompanied by character sprites, which represent who Shizuma is talking to, over background art. Throughout the game, the player encounters CG artwork at certain points in the story, which take the place of the background art and character sprites. \"Nursery Rhyme\" follows a branching plot line with multiple endings, and depending on the decisions that the player makes during the game, the plot will progress in a specific direction. There are five main plot lines that the player will have the chance to experience, one for each of", "psg_id": "17997762" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty", "text": "it may have been originally posed as a riddle. There are also various theories of an original \"Humpty Dumpty\". One, advanced by Katherine Elwes Thomas in 1930 and adopted by Robert Ripley, posits that Humpty Dumpty is King Richard III of England, depicted as humpbacked in Tudor histories and particularly in Shakespeare's play, and who was defeated, despite his armies, at Bosworth Field in 1485. \"Punch\" in 1842 suggested jocularly that the rhyme was a metaphor for the downfall of Cardinal Wolsey; just as Wolsey was not buried in his intended tomb, so Humpty Dumpty was not buried in his", "psg_id": "570344" }, { "title": "Back Together Again (album)", "text": "Back Together Again (album) Back Together Again is an album by American jazz saxophonist Fred Anderson with drummer Hamid Drake, which was recorded in 2003 and released on the Thrill Jockey label. They played together for more than 30 years, but this was their first duo recording. A bonus CD-ROM includes footage of three of the tunes along with interviews in which Anderson and Drake dissect the process of how the songs evolve and the different styles and approaches the two use. In his review for AllMusic, Sean Westergaard states \"Anderson can spin endlessly creative melodic improvisations on tenor, and", "psg_id": "18420755" }, { "title": "Polly Put the Kettle On", "text": "Polly Put the Kettle On \"Polly Put the Kettle On\" is a popular English language nursery rhyme. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 7899. Common modern versions include: A song with the title: \"Molly Put the Kettle On or Jenny's Baubie\" was published by Joseph Dale in London in 1803. It was also printed, with \"Polly\" instead of \"Molly\" in Dublin about 1790–1810 and in New York around 1803–07. The nursery rhyme is mentioned in Charles Dickens' \"Barnaby Rudge\" (1841), which is the first record of the lyrics in their modern form. In middle-class families in the", "psg_id": "6226832" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty", "text": "wall, Humpti Dumpti had a great fall; Threescore men and threescore more, Cannot place Humpty dumpty as he was before. </poem> In 1842, James Orchard Halliwell published a collected version as: <poem> Humpty Dumpty lay in a beck. With all his sinews around his neck; Forty Doctors and forty wrights Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty to rights! </poem> According to the \"Oxford English Dictionary\", in the 17th century the term \"humpty dumpty\" referred to a drink of brandy boiled with ale. The riddle probably exploited, for misdirection, the fact that \"humpty dumpty\" was also eighteenth-century reduplicative slang for a short and", "psg_id": "570342" }, { "title": "Jack and Jill (nursery rhyme)", "text": "and brown paper were a home cure used as a method to draw out bruises on the body. Jack is the most common name used in English-language nursery rhymes and represented an archetypal Everyman hero by the 18th century, while Jill or Gill had come to mean a young girl or a sweetheart by the end of the Middle Ages. However, the woodcut that accompanied the first recorded version of the rhyme showed two boys (not a boy and a girl) and used the spelling Gill not Jill. The true origin of the rhyme is unknown, but there are several", "psg_id": "2529444" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty (comics)", "text": "Humpty Dumpty (comics) Humpty Dumpty is a fictional character from DC Comics. Unlike many of Batman's enemies, he is not deliberately malevolent. Humpty Dumpty first appeared in the 2003 graphic novel \"\" and was created by Dan Slott and Ryan Sook. Humphry Dumpler is a hulking man with an egg-shaped head who speaks in rhyme and has a compulsive desire to \"repair\" that which he considers to be broken. He is shown in flashback to have been the victim of inexplicable, almost supernaturally bad luck almost since birth, illustrated by countless tragedies through his life. Eventually, he became determined to", "psg_id": "6004822" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty", "text": "Rooten's 1967 book \"Mots d'Heures\", a collection of homophonically translated poetry, includes a version of the rhyme in nonsensical French text, beginning \"\"Un petit d'un petit, S'étonne aux Halles...\"\". It has also been used as a common motif in popular music, including Hank Thompson's \"Humpty Dumpty Heart\" (1948), The Monkees' \"All the King's Horses\" (1966), Aretha Franklin's \"All the King's Horses\" (1972), Tori Amos's \"Humpty Dumpty\" (1992), and Travis's \"The Humpty Dumpty Love Song\" (2001). In jazz, Ornette Coleman and Chick Corea wrote different compositions, both titled \"Humpty Dumpty\". (In Corea's case, however, it is a part of a concept", "psg_id": "570357" }, { "title": "The News at Bedtime", "text": "of topicality about it).\" Newman also said: \"It's such a mad word, nursery rhymes, when you think about it logically. There's actually quite an interesting story behind some of them. Like Humpty Dumpty - we all think it's about an egg falling off a wall. But really, Humpty Dumpty was a cannon in the English Civil War that one of the sides managed to blow up, and it fell down. So all the King's horses and all the King's men couldn't put Humpty together again - that's the origins of it. Some of these stories are true, and real news", "psg_id": "14141068" }, { "title": "Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes", "text": "book would be raided again in 1922 to compile a collection of nursery rhymes called \"Cecily Parsley's Nursery Rhymes\" as a companion to \"Appley Dapply\". The book opens with a three-stanza rhyme about Appley Dapply, a mouse who raids cupboards for treats, and is accompanied with three illustrations, one which depicts a little mouse running away from a cupboard with a tray of pies: The following rhyme tells of Peter Rabbit's sister, Cotton-tail, and her implied courtship by a little black rabbit who leaves a gift of carrots at her door. In \"The Tale of Mr. Tod\", Cotton-tail is married", "psg_id": "9673585" }, { "title": "Nursery Rhyme (visual novel)", "text": "set in a fictional Japan where the existence of magic has been recognized by society, and thus has been the subject of much research. Magic is also applied to everyday life; for example, stuffed toys are able to talk. Users of magic must wear a special ring which controls their powers, and are urged to blend in with society. Despite \"Nursery Rhyme\" being set in the future, Japan's culture is depicted as unchanged for the most part. Many of the characters attend , a prestigious all-girls school which provides its students with magic classes, as well as academic courses. Shōsei", "psg_id": "17997764" }, { "title": "Nursery Rhyme (visual novel)", "text": "opening theme, \"true my heart\", and ending theme, \"Dearness\". The original soundtrack was released with the visual novel as a reservation bonus, titled \"Nursery Rhyme Memories original sound track\". A maxi single by Saori Sakura was released on September 3, 2007 containing remixes of the opening theme and another song called \"kiss my lips\". A character song single was released on December 29, 2007 at Comic Market 73. A drama CD was released with the visual novel as a reservation bonus. The first track focuses on the twins Makina and Yukina; the second track focuses on Tita and Rin; the", "psg_id": "17997768" }, { "title": "Polly Put the Kettle On", "text": "mid-eighteenth century \"Sukey\" was equivalent to \"Susan\" and Polly was a pet-form of Mary. The tune associated with this rhyme \"Jenny's Baubie\" is known to have existed since the 1770s. The melody is vaguely similar to \"Oh du lieber Augustin\", which was published in Mainz in 1788–89. Polly Put the Kettle On \"Polly Put the Kettle On\" is a popular English language nursery rhyme. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 7899. Common modern versions include: A song with the title: \"Molly Put the Kettle On or Jenny's Baubie\" was published by Joseph Dale in London in 1803.", "psg_id": "6226833" }, { "title": "Colchester", "text": "(\"all the king's horses and all the king's men / couldn't put Humpty together again.\") Another version says that Humpty Dumpty was a cannon on the top of the church. The church of St Mary-at-the-Walls still retains its Norman tower until the top few feet, which are a Georgian repair. The third rhyme said to have come from Colchester is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, which was written by Jane Taylor who lived in the town's Dutch Quarter, and published in 1806 with the title \"The Star\". Colchester has also been suggested as one of the potential sites of Camelot, on", "psg_id": "1913198" }, { "title": "One for Sorrow (nursery rhyme)", "text": "all have titles derived from the nursery rime, the first one (published in 1999) being named \"One for Sorrow\". The belief that the number of magpies one sees give an indication of one's future is attributed to a knight of King Arthur's Round Table visiting Constantinople in the first volume - which might be an anachronism. British folk group the Unthanks include the song \"Magpie\" on their 2015 album \"Mount the Air\", with lyrics containing portions of this rhyme. The song is featured in the final scene of the first episode of the third season of \"Detectorists\", backing a time-warp", "psg_id": "12454013" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty", "text": "Humpty Dumpty twice in its lyrics, saying \"just like Humpty Dumpty, I'm gonna fall\". The rhyme has also been used as a reference in more serious literary works, including as a recurring motif of the Fall of Man in James Joyce's 1939 novel \"Finnegans Wake\". Robert Penn Warren's 1946 American novel \"All the King's Men\" is the story of populist politician Willie Stark's rise to the position of governor and eventual fall, based on the career of the corrupt Louisiana Senator Huey Long. It won the 1947 Pulitzer Prize and was twice made into a film in 1949 and 2006,", "psg_id": "570355" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty", "text": "broken, or a short and fat person. Humpty Dumpty has been used in a large range of literary works in addition to his appearance as a character in \"Through the Looking-Glass\", including L. Frank Baum's \"Mother Goose in Prose\" (1901), where the rhyming riddle is devised by the daughter of the king, having witnessed Humpty's \"death\" and her father's soldiers' efforts to save him. In Neil Gaiman's early short story \"The Case of the Four and Twenty Blackbirds\", the Humpty Dumpty story is turned into a film noir-style hardboiled crime story, involving other characters from popular nursery rhymes. Robert Rankin", "psg_id": "570353" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty", "text": "he claimed to have found them in an \"old dusty library, [in] an even older book\", but did not state what the book was or where it was found. It has been pointed out that the two additional verses are not in the style of the seventeenth century or of the existing rhyme, and that they do not fit with the earliest printed versions of the rhyme, which do not mention horses and men. Humpty Dumpty appears in Lewis Carroll's \"Through the Looking-Glass\" (1872). Alice's remark that he is \"exactly like an egg\" he finds \"very provoking\"; Alice clarifies that", "psg_id": "570348" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty (comics)", "text": "her arms. Humpty promptly slips her arms back into their sockets and surrenders to her. Revealing that she had tracked him by his overdue library books, her sole question was why he had borrowed a book on human anatomy. Humpty takes her to his home to reveal he had dissected his abusive grandmother and sewn her back together with bootlace in an ill-thought attempt to \"fix\" her. He is a model prisoner at Arkham Asylum and is given various small projects to pass the time, such as repairing a broken mirror or fixing Ventriloquist's Scarface dummy. He befriends the financial", "psg_id": "6004824" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty", "text": "clumsy person. The riddle may depend upon the assumption that a clumsy person falling off a wall might not be irreparably damaged, whereas an egg would be. The rhyme is no longer posed as a riddle, since the answer is now so well known. Similar riddles have been recorded by folklorists in other languages, such as \"Boule Boule\" in French, \"Lille Trille\" in Swedish and Norwegian, and \"Runtzelken-Puntzelken\" or \"Humpelken-Pumpelken\" in different parts of Germany—although none is as widely known as Humpty Dumpty is in English. The rhyme does not explicitly state that the subject is an egg, possibly because", "psg_id": "570343" }, { "title": "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons", "text": "weapon as an engagement band, but he rejects her again. She leaves after returning his nursery rhyme book, which she had pieced back together, although at random as she is illiterate. Monkey King tricks Sanzang into removing the seal on his prison and bursts out of the cave. Sanzang begins to pray to Buddha, and an enraged Monkey King rips the hair from his head. The three demon hunters appear to catch Monkey King but he effortlessly kills them. Duan returns and defends Sanzang, but the Monkey King mortally injures her. Sanzang admits he loves her, and Monkey King proceeds", "psg_id": "16791901" }, { "title": "Rhyme", "text": "Rhyme A rhyme is a repetition of similar sounds (usually, the exact same sound) in the final stressed syllables (and any following syllables) of two or more words. Most often, this kind of \"perfect\" rhyming is consciously used for effect in the final positions of lines of poems and songs. Less strictly speaking, a rhyme may also variously refer to other types of similar sounds near the ends of two or more words. Furthermore, the word \"rhyme\" has come to be sometimes used as a shorthand term for any brief poem, such as a rhyming couplet or nursery rhyme. The", "psg_id": "355235" }, { "title": "One for Sorrow (nursery rhyme)", "text": "Fallen Angels\", by Cassandra Clare. The character Simon reflects on his mother teaching him the rhyme as a child. Ashe Corven recites a version of the rhyme in the 1996 film \"\", with crows in place of magpies. The rhyme is in part 5 of Monday, January 12 in the mystery \"Through the Evil Days\" by Julia Spencer-Fleming when a crow caws once in a tense winter scene, leaving a character who is visualizing a grim outcome to hope for a second caw. The novels in the John, the Lord Chamberlain series of historical mysteries, taking place in Justinian's Constantinople,", "psg_id": "12454012" }, { "title": "Nuts in May (rhyme)", "text": "Nuts in May (rhyme) \"Nuts in May\" is a nursery rhyme often sung as a game with the aim of pairing a boy and girl from within the singers. It has a Roud index number of 6308. Replace \"[name]\" by a boy's and a girl's name from within the group singing and select between him/her according to the gender of the first selected person. Some versions replace the phrase \"On a cold and frosty morning,\" with \"so early in the morning\" The rhyme is first recorded by Alice Gomme in \"The Traditional Games of England, Scotland and Ireland\" (1894-8). It", "psg_id": "7397494" }, { "title": "Nuts in May (rhyme)", "text": "Nuts in May (rhyme) \"Nuts in May\" is a nursery rhyme often sung as a game with the aim of pairing a boy and girl from within the singers. It has a Roud index number of 6308. Replace \"[name]\" by a boy's and a girl's name from within the group singing and select between him/her according to the gender of the first selected person. Some versions replace the phrase \"On a cold and frosty morning,\" with \"so early in the morning\" The rhyme is first recorded by Alice Gomme in \"The Traditional Games of England, Scotland and Ireland\" (1894-8). It", "psg_id": "7397492" }, { "title": "Nursery rhyme", "text": "Little Star\" which combines the melody of an 18th-century French tune \"Ah vous dirai-je, Maman\" with a 19th-century English poem by Jane Taylor entitled \"The Star\" used as lyrics. Early folk song collectors also often collected (what are now known as) nursery rhymes, including in Scotland Sir Walter Scott and in Germany Clemens Brentano and Achim von Arnim in \"Des Knaben Wunderhorn\" (1806–1808). The first, and possibly the most important academic collection to focus in this area was James Orchard Halliwell's \"The Nursery Rhymes of England\" (1842) and \"Popular Rhymes and Tales\" in 1849, in which he divided rhymes into", "psg_id": "286978" }, { "title": "The Humpty Dance", "text": "humorously devoted the song \"The Humpty Dance Awards\" from their album \"The Body-Hat Syndrome\" to the many recording artists who sampled the track. Since then, dozens more artists have sampled the Humpty Dance song, from Ice Cube to Public Enemy. Printed References: Posted References: Audio References: The Humpty Dance \"The Humpty Dance\" is a song by the rap group Digital Underground that was featured on their debut album \"Sex Packets\". The single climbed to #11 on the pop charts, #7 on the R&B charts, and #1 on the Billboard Rap Singles chart. The single is sung by Shock G's alter", "psg_id": "5258208" }, { "title": "Mixed-Up Mother Goose", "text": "or her help. All the nursery rhymes in the land have gotten mixed up, with none of the inhabitants possessing the items necessary for their rhyme to exist. And so, the child will find themselves helping Humpty Dumpty find a ladder to scramble onto a wall, bringing the little lamb back to Mary and seeking out a pail for Jack and Jill, among others. Gameplay is again rather simple. The AGI system, similar to the one used extensively in previous Sierra games (e.g. the Quest series: \"King's Quest\", \"Police Quest\", etc.), is utilized in the 1987 version. The player controls", "psg_id": "6036642" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty", "text": "Four-score Men and Four-score more, Could not make Humpty Dumpty where he was before.</poem> William Carey Richards (1818–1892) quoted the poem in 1843, commenting, \"when we were five years old ... the following parallel lines... were propounded as a riddle ... Humpty-dumpty, reader, is the Dutch or something else for an egg\". A manuscript addition to a copy of \"Mother Goose's Melody\" published in 1803 has the modern version with a different last line: \"Could not set Humpty Dumpty up again\". It was published in 1810 in a version of \"Gammer Gurton's Garland\" as: <poem> Humpty Dumpty sate on a", "psg_id": "570341" }, { "title": "Traditional rhyme", "text": "Traditional rhyme A traditional rhyme is generally a saying, sometimes a proverb or an idiom, couched in the form of a rhyme and often passed down from generation to generation with no record of its original authorship. Many nursery rhymes may be counted as traditional rhymes. Examples of a traditional rhyme include the historically significant \"Ring Around the Rosie\", the doggerel love poem \"Roses Are Red\", and the wedding rhyme \"Something old, something new\". However, traditional rhymes are not necessarily ancient. As an example, the schoolchildren's rhyme commonly noting the end of a school year, \"no more pencils, no more", "psg_id": "17588590" }, { "title": "Siege of Colchester", "text": "in the grounds of Colchester Castle there stands a monument marking the site of the execution. The siege is commonly believed to have inspired the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty, which is said to have been the nickname of a large Royalist cannon strategically placed on the wall next to St Mary's Church. The Parliamentary bombardment of 14 July damaged the wall, causing \"Humpty Dumpty\" to be destroyed. Other stories attribute the name Humpty Dumpty not to a cannon but to a Royalist sniper, \"One-Eyed Thompson\", who occupied the belfry of St Mary's Church and was shot down by Parliament forces.", "psg_id": "8995668" }, { "title": "Ultra Modern Nursery Rhymes", "text": "Ultra Modern Nursery Rhymes Ultra Modern Nursery Rhymes is the only album released by the short lived group Terry, Blair & Anouchka. Terry, Blair & Anouchka were formed shortly after the dissolution of Terry's previous musical project The Colourfield. All three members shared a love for '60s pop, as well as kitschy mainstream pop, as evidenced on the trio's cover of Captain & Tennille's \"Love Will Keep Us Together.\" \"Missing\" was released as a single in November 1989, followed by \"Ultra Modern Nursery Rhyme\" in February 1990. Both singles reached the lower end of the UK Singles Chart. \"Ultra Modern", "psg_id": "13138714" }, { "title": "The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse", "text": "the royalties they receive for their poems, like Humpty Dumpty, Little Miss Muffet, Mary Mary Quite Contrary and Old King Cole. While on their quest to find the murderer, several PPPs are killed. Humpty Dumpty is boiled with a lens above his pool, Bill Winkie – cheated out of the rights to his nursery rhyme by the writer, but a natural detective – simply vanishes while investigating the case, Little Boy Blue is pierced with his crook – the crook impaling him in the rear and exiting through his mouth, Jack Spratt is fried in his ex-wife's diner, Little Tommy", "psg_id": "6690995" }, { "title": "The Humpty Dance", "text": "... Anyone can play this game.\" The contrast is with the precision dancing in MC Hammer's videos. The song ends with an invitation for people of all races to join in the dance. \"The Humpty Dance\" is Shock G's second song to feature his alter-ego \"Humpty Hump,\" who debuted on \"Doowutchyalike\" which was Digital Underground's first video release in 1989. The character, which sports a buffoon persona, colorful clothes, and Groucho glasses, is sung by Shock G. A fictional biography was constructed for Humpty, the story being that Edward Ellington Humphrey III, former lead singer of \"Smooth Eddie and the", "psg_id": "5258205" }, { "title": "Jack and Jill (nursery rhyme)", "text": "Marie Antoinette (who came tumbling after), a theory made difficult by the fact that the earliest printing of the rhyme pre-dates those events. However, as the previous paragraph refers to King Charles I being in conflict with Parliament, the phrase \"broke his crown\" could also refer to that King's beheading in 1649. There is also a local belief that the rhyme records events in the village of Kilmersdon in Somerset in 1697 when a local spinster became pregnant; the putative father is said to have died from a rock fall and the woman died in childbirth soon after. Jack and", "psg_id": "2529448" }, { "title": "Traditional rhyme", "text": "books, no more teacher's dirty looks,\" seems to be found in literature no earlier than the 1930s—though the first reference to it in that decade, in a 1932 magazine article, deems it, \"the old glad song that we hear every spring.\" Traditional rhyme A traditional rhyme is generally a saying, sometimes a proverb or an idiom, couched in the form of a rhyme and often passed down from generation to generation with no record of its original authorship. Many nursery rhymes may be counted as traditional rhymes. Examples of a traditional rhyme include the historically significant \"Ring Around the Rosie\",", "psg_id": "17588591" }, { "title": "The Humpty Dance", "text": "assembled into the now-familiar pattern that forms the Humpty Dance drum track. The vocal sample that happens in the song's chorus sections is from Parliament's \"Let's Play House\" from their 1980 album, \"Trombipulation\". \"The Humpty Dance\" is a tribute to Humpty's sexual prowess despite his ridiculous appearance. Humpty introduces the appearance theme with the opening line, \"I'm about to ruin the image and the style that you're used to,\" a protest against the uniformity among successful rappers of the time. In the final verse, Humpty describes the Humpty Dance itself as a loose, easy dance, \"like MC Hammer on crack", "psg_id": "5258204" }, { "title": "Breath Rhyme", "text": "Breath Rhyme Breath Rhyme is an album by American jazz saxophonist Rob Brown recorded in 1989 and released on the Swedish Silkheart label. After his debut album co-led with pianist Matthew Shipp, \"Sonic Explorations\", which was privately recorded and then sold, this was his first real studio date. It features a trio with bassist William Parker and drummer Denis Charles playing all original Brown compositions. Parker and Charles had worked together a lot before, with Jemeel Moondoc and some other bands. Brown first played with Parker in a trio with drummer Frank Bambara in 1987. He put together the trio", "psg_id": "17897950" }, { "title": "One for Sorrow (nursery rhyme)", "text": "scene with multiple visual clues to the lyrics. The group Death by Chocolate (band) included the song \"Magpie\" on their 2001 Album \"Death By Chocolate\", with lyrics containing the rhyme. Finnish melodic death metal band Insomnium's 2011 album \"One for Sorrow\" is named for the rhyme. The album's liner notes contain a variation of the rhyme: \"One for sorrow / two for luck / three for a wedding / four for death / five for silver / six for gold / seven for a secret / not to be told / eight for heaven / nine for hell / ten", "psg_id": "12454014" }, { "title": "The Humpty Dumpty Circus", "text": "The Humpty Dumpty Circus The Humpty Dumpty Circus was an animated short film made by director and producer J. Stuart Blackton and Albert E. Smith, the Anglo-American founders of Vitagraph Studios. The short has been thought to have been the first film to use the stop-motion technique, based on an estimated release date of 1897 or 1898. The film featured a circus with acrobats and animals in motion. According to Smith, they used his daughter's set of small circus dolls, which had jointed limbs so they could be balanced in place. This toy set was most likely the popular \"Humty", "psg_id": "17712575" }, { "title": "Rhyme Skool with Katrina Kaif", "text": "Rhyme Skool with Katrina Kaif Rhyme Skool is a two-part audio CD album of common nursery rhymes narrated by Bollywood actor Katrina Kaif. The album was produced by KM Music Conservatory and the Saregama Production Company. A.R.Rahman supervised the music, which was composed and orchestrated by his students at the KM Music Conservatory. \"Rhyme Skool\" was the first audio CD released by KM Music Conservatory after its launch in 2008. All the scores were recorded, mixed, and mastered at the Audio Media studio in Chennai, where Rahman's main orchestrations were conducted. The album was based on well-known nursery rhymes. The", "psg_id": "18122625" }, { "title": "Nursery rhyme", "text": "towards entertainment, but there is evidence for many rhymes existing before this, including \"To market, to market\" and \"Cock a doodle doo\", which date from at least the late 16th century. The first English collections, \"Tommy Thumb's Song Book\" and a sequel, \"Tommy Thumb's Pretty Song Book\", are both thought to have been published by Mary Cooper in London before 1744, with such songs becoming known as 'Tommy Thumb's songs'. John Newbery's stepson, Thomas Carnan, was the first to use the term Mother Goose for nursery rhymes when he published a compilation of English rhymes, \"Mother Goose's Melody, or, Sonnets", "psg_id": "286976" }, { "title": "Nursery rhyme", "text": "peculiar form of coded historical narrative, propaganda or covert protest, and rarely considered that they could have been written simply for entertainment. There have been several attempts, across the world, to revise nursery rhymes (along with fairy tales and popular songs). Even in the late 18th century we can sometimes see how rhymes like \"Little Robin Redbreast\" were cleaned up for a young audience. In the late 19th century the major concern seems to have been violence and crime, which led leading children's publishers in the United States like Jacob Abbot and Samuel Goodrich to 'improve' Mother Goose rhymes. In", "psg_id": "286981" }, { "title": "Nursery rhyme", "text": "Goose for nursery rhymes when he published a compilation of English rhymes, \"Mother Goose's Melody, or, Sonnets for the Cradle\" (London, 1780). The oldest children's songs of which we have records are lullabies, intended to help a child sleep. Lullabies can be found in every human culture. The English term lullaby is thought to come from \"lu, lu\" or \"la la\" sounds made by mothers or nurses to calm children, and \"\" or \"bye bye\", either another lulling sound or a term for good night. Until the modern era lullabies were usually only recorded incidentally in written sources. The Roman", "psg_id": "286973" }, { "title": "Together Again (The Temptations album)", "text": "Together Again (The Temptations album) Together Again is an album by the American R&B vocal group the Temptations, released on Motown Records in 1987. It is the group's thirty-fourth studio album, and the first released under the Motown imprint. All of Motown Records' previous Temptations releases were made on the Gordy label, which was discontinued and whose artist roster and back catalog was consolidated into the main Motown label in 1987. The album's title was inspired by the return of Dennis Edwards to the group, following an absence of nearly four years. Edwards rejoined the Temptations prior to the recording", "psg_id": "9357235" }, { "title": "Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania", "text": "for local dresses. He gets the idea that her relationship would be fuller with Humpty, the local boy and not Angad, the American doctor. He brings everyone to Delhi where he approaches Humpty and gives his consent to marry his daughter. In August 2013, Dharma Productions confirmed that Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt would be portraying the main leads. This was the second time the pair will be seen together in a movie after Student of the Year. And it was also their second time working with the producer Karan Johar, who directed Student of the Year. Karan Johar in", "psg_id": "17652609" }, { "title": "Gregor and the Marks of Secret", "text": "the \"Prophecy of Time\" and finally claim Sandwich's sword. Ripred also helps Gregor realize his new romantic feelings for Luxa, which have kept him moody and confused during their entire journey. The novel ends with Gregor accepting his role as Sandwich's \"warrior\" by claiming the man's sword. The prophecy in this book is carved into the walls of an old nursery in the Regalian Palace. The Underlanders take it for a popular nursery rhyme of sorts, like Hey Diddle Diddle or Humpty Dumpty. Underland children sing and dance to it at parties, as Gregor discovers in the early chapters of", "psg_id": "8042881" }, { "title": "Together Again, Again", "text": "Together Again, Again Together Again, Again is an album by saxophonist Willis Jackson with organist Brother Jack McDuff which was recorded in 1959, 1960 and 1961 and released on the Prestige label in 1966. AllMusic awarded the album 4½ stars stating \"Tenor saxophonist Jackson and organist McDuff might be the spotlighted performers in the marketing, but actually it's a pretty integrated full-band, small-group sound. There's not much original material from Jackson, though (and no original tunes from McDuff), with a New Orleans-tinged version of Hank Williams' \"Jambalaya\" the most unexpected cover choice\". All compositions by Willis Jackson except where noted.", "psg_id": "17104236" }, { "title": "Together Again, Again", "text": "Together Again, Again Together Again, Again is an album by saxophonist Willis Jackson with organist Brother Jack McDuff which was recorded in 1959, 1960 and 1961 and released on the Prestige label in 1966. AllMusic awarded the album 4½ stars stating \"Tenor saxophonist Jackson and organist McDuff might be the spotlighted performers in the marketing, but actually it's a pretty integrated full-band, small-group sound. There's not much original material from Jackson, though (and no original tunes from McDuff), with a New Orleans-tinged version of Hank Williams' \"Jambalaya\" the most unexpected cover choice\". All compositions by Willis Jackson except where noted.", "psg_id": "17104235" }, { "title": "The Big Over Easy", "text": "a lot of others were the victim of her powerful, and short wrath. Reviewing the book for UK Sunday newspaper \"The Observer\", Peter Guttridge began by writing, \"I'm not sure what it says about the mystery genre that pretty much the only unflawed, untroubled, morally unambiguous policeman around is a nursery rhyme character\". He added, \"Now humour is notoriously subjective […]. And, indeed, when Fforde wrote the first version of this novel in 1994 - he called it \"Who Killed Humpty Dumpty?\" - it was rejected by every publisher he sent it to. But I love it. \"The Big Over", "psg_id": "5460894" }, { "title": "Mixed-Up Mother Goose", "text": "outdoors. In the case of living objects, the person or animal will follow behind the player so that they can be led back to the person or place they need to be to complete the rhyme. Human objects, such as Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater's wife, will also explain where they want to go in words and a \"thought bubble\". Some characters (namely Old King Cole) require several items brought to them in order to put their rhyme back together. All but one of the items are placed randomly throughout the land. There are 18 nursery rhymes to choose from, 20", "psg_id": "6036644" }, { "title": "All the King's Horses (play)", "text": "All the King's Horses (play) All the King's Horses is a play written by Irish-born journalist and playwright John McDonnell in 1961. The play takes its title from the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty. The plot concerns an elderly Irish woman, Kate Houlihan, who dies and leaves her fortune equally between her two nephews Michael and William. Michael is a Southern Irish Republican and William is a Northern Irish Orangeman. To inherit the fortune Michael and William must spend a month in peace in Kate's cottage. The two men find they are unable to live in peace so Kate's solicitor, Mr", "psg_id": "16255140" }, { "title": "Rhyme", "text": "acceptable but quite common. Rhymes are sometimes classified into the categories \"rime pauvre\" (\"poor rhyme\"), \"rime suffisante\" (\"sufficient rhyme\"), \"rime riche\" (\"rich rhyme\") and \"rime richissime\" (\"very rich rhyme\"), according to the number of rhyming sounds in the two words or in the parts of the two verses. For example, to rhyme \"tu\" with \"vu\" would be a poor rhyme (the words have only the vowel in common), to rhyme \"pas\" with \"bras\" a sufficient rhyme (with the vowel and the silent consonant in common), and \"tante\" with \"attente\" a rich rhyme (with the vowel, the onset consonant, and the", "psg_id": "355252" }, { "title": "Humpty Doo", "text": "\"Humpty Doo Fighters\" while stationed in the area in 1942. The squadron was accommodated in a camp referred to by Lucien Hubbard as Humpty Doo after the cattle station with the same name while acting as a publicity correspondent. The actual campsite location was further south than the township of Humpty Doo, to the east of Noonamah. A vertebrate rhabdovirus isolated from the midge Lasiohelea spp. at Humpty Doo is referred to as the \"Humpty Doo virus\". No cases of human infection by Humpty Doo virus are known. In the literature of virology, it is only referenced as infecting kangaroos.", "psg_id": "1464399" }, { "title": "One for Sorrow (nursery rhyme)", "text": "John Brand's \"Observations on Popular Antiquities\" on Lincolnshire with the lyric: One of the earliest versions to extend this was published, with variations, in Michael Aislabie Denham's \"Proverbs and Popular Saying of the Seasons\" (London, 1846) On occasion, jackdaws, crows and other Corvidae are associated with the rhyme, particularly in America where magpies are less common. A version of the rhyme became familiar to many UK children when it became the theme tune of an ITV children's TV show called \"Magpie\", which ran from 1968 to 1980. The popularity of this version is thought to have displaced the many regional", "psg_id": "12454010" }, { "title": "The Humpty Dance", "text": "The Humpty Dance \"The Humpty Dance\" is a song by the rap group Digital Underground that was featured on their debut album \"Sex Packets\". The single climbed to #11 on the pop charts, #7 on the R&B charts, and #1 on the Billboard Rap Singles chart. The single is sung by Shock G's alter ego, \"Humpty Hump\", marking the character's second musical appearance; the first was Digital Underground's \"Doowutchyalike,\" a pre-album video-single released in the spring of 1989. The song has been sampled by many different artists and producers. In the song's video, a young Tupac Shakur is visible in", "psg_id": "5258201" }, { "title": "One for Sorrow (nursery rhyme)", "text": "for devil's own sell.\" The opening two-part episode of the 2015 season of \"Lewis\" was titled \"One for Sorrow\", and involved a stuffed magpie. Two versions of the rhyme play an important part in Terry Pratchett's novel \"Carpe Jugulum\" (1998), where magpies are considered the eyes of the cunning vampire Count Magpyr. The lyrics to this poem can be found in the artwork, A Flock of Words in Morecambe, amongst other poems about birds. Lyrics from the rhyme are mentioned in Corinne Bailey Rae's song \"Choux Pastry Heart\", from her self-titled debut album, released in 2006. The anthology \"Charmed Destinies\"", "psg_id": "12454015" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty (comics)", "text": "at the Rainbow House Shelter. He is approached by a man named Abuse who asks if he knows about any missing children. Worried that he will be found out, Humpty Dumpty knocks Abuse unconscious and flees to the shelter. Once there, Humpty Dumpty begins placing repaired toys in the children's beds until Batman and Robin show up. As Batman questions Humpty, Robin notices that, even with the lights on and all three talking, none of the children have woken up or made a sound. Looking under the covers, Robin discovers that the children are all dead. Enraged, Robin asks Humpty", "psg_id": "6004826" }, { "title": "Humpty Dumpty", "text": "Alice, \"whether you \"can\" make words mean so many different things.\" \"The question is,\" said Humpty Dumpty, \"which is to be master—that's all.\" Alice was too much puzzled to say anything, so after a minute Humpty Dumpty began again. \"They've a temper, some of them—particularly verbs, they're the proudest—adjectives you can do anything with, but not verbs—however, \"I\" can manage the whole lot! Impenetrability! That's what \"I\" say!\" This passage was used in Britain by Lord Atkin in his dissenting judgement in the seminal case \"Liversidge v. Anderson\" (1942), where he protested about the distortion of a statute by the", "psg_id": "570350" }, { "title": "Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania", "text": "Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania Kavya Singh (Alia Bhatt), who is set to be engage to an NRI American doctor, Angad (Siddharth Shukla), decides to go to Delhi to buy an expensive designer bridal dress for her wedding, after her father, Kamaljeet (Ashutosh Rana) refuses to get her the pricey dress. She meets Rakesh \"Humpty\" Sharma (Varun Dhawan) in Delhi, who falls in love with her. Humpty, with the help of his friends, Shonty (Gaurav Pandey) and Poplu (Sahil Vaid), chases and harasses Kavya, but she’s not interested. She, however, befriends him. Kavya confides in Humpty, that her friend in Delhi,", "psg_id": "17652604" }, { "title": "Rhyme Stew", "text": "that it is unsuitable for \"small people\". Rhyme Stew Rhyme Stew is a collection of poems for children by Roald Dahl, illustrated by Quentin Blake. In a sense it's a more adult version of \"Revolting Rhymes\". The poems either parody well known fairy tales (\"Dick Whittington and His Cat, The Tortoise and the Hare, The Emperor's New Clothes, Ali Baba, Hansel and Gretel, Aladdin\") nursery rhymes (As I was going to St Ives, Hey Diddle Diddle, Mary, Mary Quite Contrary) or are little stories thought up by Dahl himself. Most of the stories contain slight sexual references. Due to slightly", "psg_id": "8964511" }, { "title": "Rhyme Stew", "text": "Rhyme Stew Rhyme Stew is a collection of poems for children by Roald Dahl, illustrated by Quentin Blake. In a sense it's a more adult version of \"Revolting Rhymes\". The poems either parody well known fairy tales (\"Dick Whittington and His Cat, The Tortoise and the Hare, The Emperor's New Clothes, Ali Baba, Hansel and Gretel, Aladdin\") nursery rhymes (As I was going to St Ives, Hey Diddle Diddle, Mary, Mary Quite Contrary) or are little stories thought up by Dahl himself. Most of the stories contain slight sexual references. Due to slightly risqué material this book carries a warning", "psg_id": "8964510" }, { "title": "Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania", "text": "Humpty to join her on a train to leave the town. Kamaljeet and the rest of the family reach the train station, where Kamaljeet is extremely angry and hits Humpty. Humpty gives an emotional explanation saying that he may not be as rich, successful or good-looking as Angad, but he loves Kavya from the core of his heart. He leaves Ambala and heads back to Delhi after that incident. When Kavya is dressed up as a bride, Kamaljeet asks her if she still fancies that expensive wedding dress. She replies she’s not fit for expensive classy dress, but is suitable", "psg_id": "17652608" }, { "title": "Girls and Boys Come Out To Play", "text": "Girls and Boys Come Out To Play 'Girls and Boys Come Out to Play' or 'Boys and Girls Come Out to Play' is a nursery rhyme that has existed since at least 1708. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 5452. The most common versions of the rhyme are very similar to that collected by James Orchard Halliwell in the mid-nineteenth century: Other versions often put boys before girls in the opening line. Here are the melody for the first two lines. <score lang=\"lilypond\" vorbis=\"1\">« »</score> The verse may date back to the time when children were expected", "psg_id": "11069187" }, { "title": "Humpty Doo", "text": "by sunny days with clear skies. The town is known for agriculture experiments that have occurred, including the failed rice crops of the 1950s. A more successful agricultural experiment was the growing of mangos. Top-quality fruit from Humpty Doo is picked earlier than Queensland mangos and fetches a top price in southern markets. There is a honey farm located in outer Humpty Doo, Humpty Doo Apiaries. There are several schools in Humpty Doo catering for students in Transition through to Year 12. Humpty Doo Primary School, located on Freds Pass Rd, is a public school for Transition - Year 6", "psg_id": "1464388" } ]
[ "all the kings horses and all the kings men" ]
with a name that translates as that which snatches, what figure from greek mythology is a food-stealing monster with a womans head and body and the wings and claws of a bird?
[ { "title": "Is that a Monster, Alfie Atkins?", "text": "blamed the ball boy for stealing the boy and hit him. Alfons now thinks there's a monster under his bed. The upcoming week, Alfons tries to find the ball boy and ask him for forgiveness. The first days, he can't find it and Alfons continues to imagine there's a monster. Finally one day, as he watches the other friends playing soccer, he discovers the missing ball boy. The upcoming Saturday, they meet in the candy store and Alfons ask for forgiveness. They become friends again, and Alfons' imaginary monster under the bed is gone. Is that a Monster, Alfie Atkins?", "psg_id": "18529883" }, { "title": "What Bird is That?", "text": "Edition What Bird is That?\" was published by Australia's Heritage Publishing in 2011, the latest release of Cayley’s “big bird book” complete with Lindsey’s revisions. It is 832 pages, features 769 birds and includes all 460 of Cayley’s full-colour paintings, many showing groups of related birds. New to this edition was an accompanying e-book \"What Bird Call is That?\", which identifies and illustrates 101 birds from \"What Bird is That?\", as well as providing sound files of each featured bird’s distinctive call. The sound files were provided by David Stewart. \"What Bird is That?\" plays a central role in Australian", "psg_id": "13914367" }, { "title": "Claws and Wings", "text": "with a surreal, cinematic air\". All compositions by Erik Friedlander. Claws and Wings Claws and Wings is an album by cellist Erik Friedlander which was released in 2013 on the Skipstone label. The album was composed by Friedlander in tribute to his late wife and while recovering from an injury which left him unable to play cello. In JazzTimes Lloyd Sachs wrote \" a soulful inner strength resonates through this delicately textured, lyrically assertive work, which teams Friedlander with a pair of familiar collaborators in pianist Sylvie Courvoisier and electronics artist Ikue Mori. \"Claws and Wings\" is both a loving", "psg_id": "19492230" }, { "title": "Is that a Monster, Alfie Atkins?", "text": "Is that a Monster, Alfie Atkins? Is that a Monster, Alfie Atkins? () is a 1978 children's book by Gunilla Bergström. Translated by Robert Swindells, it was published in English in 1988. As an episode of the animated TV series it originally aired over SVT on 5 January 1980 as \"Odjuret och Alfons Åberg\". It's Saturday evening and Alfons has problems falling asleep. The recently passed day, Alfons and his friends were playing soccer with Alfons' new soccer ball. Alfons kicked the ball, which flew very far away. When a little guy acting as ball boy couldn't find it, Alfons", "psg_id": "18529882" }, { "title": "Claws and Wings", "text": "Claws and Wings Claws and Wings is an album by cellist Erik Friedlander which was released in 2013 on the Skipstone label. The album was composed by Friedlander in tribute to his late wife and while recovering from an injury which left him unable to play cello. In JazzTimes Lloyd Sachs wrote \" a soulful inner strength resonates through this delicately textured, lyrically assertive work, which teams Friedlander with a pair of familiar collaborators in pianist Sylvie Courvoisier and electronics artist Ikue Mori. \"Claws and Wings\" is both a loving portrait of Lynn Shapiro, a choreographer and poet who sometimes", "psg_id": "19492228" }, { "title": "What Bird is That?", "text": "of \"What Bird is That?\" It was published in 1984 and incorporated all of Cayley’s paintings created over many years for his vision of releasing a “big bird book” and included a revised taxonomy. In the 53 years since its first edition, more than a hundred new bird species had been identified in Australia. Scientific names had been changed and groups of birds had been reordered. Lindsey brought \"What Bird is That?\" up-to-date with the latest birding conventions of the time, as well as contributing a valuable supplementary list of birds and a scholarly catalogue of Cayley’s paintings. The \"Signature", "psg_id": "13914366" }, { "title": "What Bird is That?", "text": "What Bird is That? What Bird is That? A Guide to the Birds of Australia is a book first published in 1931 by Angus & Robertson in Sydney. Authored and illustrated by Neville William Cayley, it was Australia’s first fully illustrated national field guide to birds, a function it served alone for nearly 40 years. In 1960 it was rated the all-time best seller in Australian natural history. \"What Bird Is That?\" was originally published in octavo format (239 x 158 mm), containing 340 pages bound in green buckram, with a dust jacket illustrated with a painting of a laughing", "psg_id": "13914360" }, { "title": "Boy with a Glass and a Lute", "text": "hand a glass full of wine, at which he looks with a smile. His dark costume is trimmed with blue ; his cap hangs on the back of his head, to the left. With his left hand he holds up one end of a mandoline, the other end of which rests on a table. Signed on the right with the monogram ; panel, 36 inches by 30 inches. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1891, No. 72.\" Hals' positioning of a figure looking upwards was common to many of his genre paintings of the 1620s: This painting is", "psg_id": "18229902" }, { "title": "A Boy and a Girl with a Cat and an Eel", "text": "have it. This moralistic interpretation is supported, Cynthia Kortenhorst-Von Bogendorff Rupprath says, by the eye contact with the viewer made by the little girl in the painting as she wags her finger. Other interpretations include allusions to other Dutch proverbs as well as the popular pastime in seventeenth-century Dutch festivals or \"kermis\" of \"katknuppelen\", the bludgeoning of cats. The depiction of children torturing or being scratched by cats was a popular one at this time in the Netherlands, and may allude to the Dutch proverbs \"\"Hij doet kattekwaad\"\", which translates literally to \"he does the mischief of the cat\", or", "psg_id": "20026971" }, { "title": "A Monster with a Thousand Heads", "text": "nominate it for seven categories at the Ariel Awards of 2016, including Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Actress and Best Picture. A Monster with a Thousand Heads A Monster with a Thousand Heads () is a 2015 Mexican thriller film, directed and produced by Rodrigo Plá and written by Laura Santullo. The film stars Jana Raluy, as a wife desperate to beat the bureaucracy, when her insurance company refuses to approve the care her husband needs to survive. \"A Monster with a Thousand Heads\" premiered at the 72nd Venice Film Festival as the opening film of the Orizzonti section. The", "psg_id": "19452577" }, { "title": "A Monster with a Thousand Heads", "text": "A Monster with a Thousand Heads A Monster with a Thousand Heads () is a 2015 Mexican thriller film, directed and produced by Rodrigo Plá and written by Laura Santullo. The film stars Jana Raluy, as a wife desperate to beat the bureaucracy, when her insurance company refuses to approve the care her husband needs to survive. \"A Monster with a Thousand Heads\" premiered at the 72nd Venice Film Festival as the opening film of the Orizzonti section. The film also received seven nominations for the Ariel Awards in Mexico, including Best Picture, Best Direction and Best Actress, winning one", "psg_id": "19452572" }, { "title": "What Bird is That?", "text": "author Nick Earls' 1999 young adult novel \"48 Shades of Brown\". The 48 shades refers to the number of distinct browns used by Cayley to describe bird plumage colours. What Bird is That? What Bird is That? A Guide to the Birds of Australia is a book first published in 1931 by Angus & Robertson in Sydney. Authored and illustrated by Neville William Cayley, it was Australia’s first fully illustrated national field guide to birds, a function it served alone for nearly 40 years. In 1960 it was rated the all-time best seller in Australian natural history. \"What Bird Is", "psg_id": "13914368" }, { "title": "What Bird is That?", "text": "according to their usual habitat. The accompanying text included brief notes on distribution, breeding and behaviour. While initial sales were poor, history tells us that Cayley had accurately discerned a market need and successfully responded to it. During WWII sales accelerated and Cayley’s first collection, reprinted time and time again, eventually became a household name among birdwatchers and the book was recognised as an Australian classic. The original sponsorship of \"What Bird is That?\" proved a great investment for the Gould League, who benefited from the sale of its numerous reprints and revised editions. By 1960, it was rated the", "psg_id": "13914364" }, { "title": "A Donkey, 3 Rocks, and a Bird.", "text": "facing one another. The donkey has a rock balanced on its back, while the bird is both standing on a rock and balancing one on its head. The donkey has surfaces decorations, including glyphs and figures, and is coated in polychrome bronze. The bird is coated in blue, green, orange, red and yellow. The sculpture measures approximately x x . Its base is made of exposed aggregate concrete and measures approximately x x . One plaque on the base reads, . Another reads, . Inscriptions near the donkey's crotch displays the artist's last name, a copyright symbol, and the year", "psg_id": "19029953" }, { "title": "A Boy and a Girl with a Cat and an Eel", "text": "worth eating. In this case it would be the boy who had enticed the cat into his grasp and he would be getting what was coming to him. There are other examples of Dutch paintings as well as poems, such as Jacob Cats in his introductory section of his book \"Kinderspel\" or Children's Games, which use children as a motif both to mock and to preach morals to adults, and Frima Fox Hofrichter says this painting falls into that category. A Boy and a Girl with a Cat and an Eel A Boy and a Girl with a Cat and", "psg_id": "20026974" }, { "title": "A Boy and a Girl with a Cat and an Eel", "text": "shaking finger leave it perhaps up to the viewer to interpret what result her actions will have. However Kortenhorst-Von Bogendorff Rupprath says it would be wrong to interpret this painting as moralizing only on the girl's behalf. The fact that the boy holds an eel and is cackling suggest another Dutch proverb, \"\"Hij is zo glad as een aal\"\" (literally, \"he is as glad as an eel\"), and means that one (often a child) is uncontrollable. Some scholars have also interpreted the eel being held as a \"kat aal\" or cat-eel, which were fed to cats as they were not", "psg_id": "20026973" }, { "title": "The Bird with the Coppery, Keen Claws", "text": "reference to the divine as a \"spirit of spirits\", adopting the metaphor as a diminution of form and importance. The Bird with the Coppery, Keen Claws The Bird With The Coppery, Keen Claws is a poem from Wallace Stevens's first book of poetry, Harmonium. It was originally published in 1921, so it is in the public domain. Librivox has made the poem available in voice recording in its \"The Complete Public Domain Poems of Wallace Stevens\". Leiter deems this poem one of Stevens's \"most impenetrable\" poems, containing \"oxymoronic images\" whose conflicting meanings must be held in abeyance. (This may not", "psg_id": "11201092" }, { "title": "What a Beautiful Name", "text": "A video for the song was recorded at the Hillsong Conference in Sydney and was released on 30 September 2016. Music critic Matt Collar praised Hillsong Worship for their \"passionate, faith-based sound\" and wrote that fans of the group \"will surely appreciate this emotive, uplifting Christian pop.\" Jake Gosselin attributes the popularity of the song in the Christian community to a number of factors. He writes that \"What a Beautiful Name\" is \"singable.\" In practice this refers to the \"small vocal range\" of the song which is \"one note over an octave.\" This translates to a song that is easy", "psg_id": "19789529" }, { "title": "Portrait of a Lady with a Squirrel and a Starling", "text": "Portrait of a Lady with a Squirrel and a Starling Portrait of a Lady with a Squirrel and a Starling is a 1526–1528 oil and tempera on oak portrait by Hans Holbein the Younger. The subject of this portrait was identified in 2004 as Anne Lovell, wife of Sir Francis Lovell (d. 1551), an esquire of the body to Henry VIII. David J. King, in his article \"Who was Holbein's lady with a squirrel and a starling?\", proposed that the starling in the painting encodes a pun on the Lovell family's seat at East Harling, Norfolk. The starling and the", "psg_id": "19279301" }, { "title": "I'm in Love with a Monster", "text": "later on August 18. \"I'm in Love with a Monster\" was written by Harmony Samuels, Carmen Reece, Sarah Mancuso, Edgar Etienne and Ericka Coulter. Samuels also produced the track, as well as being responsible for trombones, drums, percussion, bass and vocal production. When speaking on working with group, Samuels, who previously worked on the \"Reflection\" track \"Body Rock\" stated that the girls knew how to \"work among themselves\" and made the production process \"very easy\". In other interviews, he called the group \"mature\" and that after several years recording music, they are \"starting to explore their individualities\", which was a", "psg_id": "18964907" }, { "title": "Venus and Cupid with a Satyr", "text": "married Isabel, daughter of Cardinal Ercole Gonzaga today last representative and head of the House, Maffei-Gonzaga is Prince Luke Maffei-Gonzaga It depicts Venus sleeping with her son Eros. Behind them, a satyr is caught while discovering the goddess. The picture is often also seen as portraying Jupiter and Antiope as, according to mythology and Ovid, Jupiter had turned himself into a satyr to rape the nymph. The painting was probably connected to the \"Venus with Mercury and Cupid ('The School of Love')\", now in the National Gallery of London. It, or a copy of it, can be seen in the", "psg_id": "7421335" }, { "title": "The Man Without a Body", "text": "head. Merritt decides to attach Nostradamus' head to Lew's body in an attempt to save them both. Brussard returns again and discovers that Lew has become a monster, with Nostradamus' head encased in what appears to be a shoulder-width box covered with surgical tape. Brussard runs away; Nostradamus wanders off. Merritt calls Dr Alexander (Norman Shelley) and tells him that Nostradamus 'seems demented' and has 'lost the power of speech'. But then the police spot Nostradamus. Merritt and Jean run to a building with a bell tower and find Brussard chasing Nostradamus up a staircase. Brussard becomes dizzy and falls", "psg_id": "14957416" }, { "title": "What a queer bird", "text": "What a queer bird \"What a queer bird\" is a poem of unclear origin. It first can be found in print in 1922, rapidly disseminating across dozens of publications in the United States that year. \"What a queer bird\" is a poem, folk song, or essay that may be sung as a round. It first can be found in print in 1922, rapidly disseminating across dozens of publications in the United States that year, but its precise origin is unclear. The words are as follows: In 1922, multiple United States publications attributed the poem or essay to \"a young Norwegian", "psg_id": "11656192" }, { "title": "Benoit: Wrestling with the Horror that Destroyed a Family and Crippled a Sport", "text": "8/10 and expressed that the book told the story of the Benoit tragedy as straight-forward as it had ever been told. Patrick Hickey Jr. of \"Reviewfix\" felt that the book was a satisfying read by featuring \"a near perfect blend of commentary, journalism and nostalgia\" and that it is a quick read that any serious wrestling fan should take a look at. Benoit: Wrestling with the Horror that Destroyed a Family and Crippled a Sport Benoit: Wrestling with the Horror that Destroyed a Family and Crippled a Sport or just Benoit is a 2007 non-fiction book co-written by sports journalists", "psg_id": "20648161" }, { "title": "I'm in Love with a Monster", "text": "around a person who is in love with a mischievous person, using \"monster\" as a hyperbole to describe its personality. Carolyn Menyes from website \"Music Times\" commented that the song \"takes on loving an unconventional type of guy, who is, well, a monster. He's the type who will buy you thorns and leather before roses and lace.\" \"I'm in Love with a Monster\" received mostly positive responses, with several critics noting a similarity between the musical style of 1960's all-female group The Supremes. Robbie Daw, from Idolator pointed out the resemblance to 1960s girl groups, such as the Supremes, and", "psg_id": "18964909" }, { "title": "Benoit: Wrestling with the Horror that Destroyed a Family and Crippled a Sport", "text": "book was released by the Canadian publisher ECW Press in October 2007, only a few months after the events. The book was released in October 2007 and include an introduction which is followed by four essays that each discuss the subject from a distinct perspective. To advertise the book Oliver went on \"Entertainment Tonight Canada\" and McCoy went on \"Live Audio Wrestling\" to be interviewed. Pre-orders of the book establish it as one of the 400 top-ranked sellers at Amazon Canada by September 26. Interest was mainly fueled by the two-part interview with co-author Greg Oliver the same week on", "psg_id": "20648159" }, { "title": "The Bird with the Coppery, Keen Claws", "text": "The Bird with the Coppery, Keen Claws The Bird With The Coppery, Keen Claws is a poem from Wallace Stevens's first book of poetry, Harmonium. It was originally published in 1921, so it is in the public domain. Librivox has made the poem available in voice recording in its \"The Complete Public Domain Poems of Wallace Stevens\". Leiter deems this poem one of Stevens's \"most impenetrable\" poems, containing \"oxymoronic images\" whose conflicting meanings must be held in abeyance. (This may not be far from the `Wilson effect' mentioned in the main \"Harmonium\" essay.) Bates compares the poem to \"Infanta Marina\"", "psg_id": "11201090" }, { "title": "A Ghost and the Boy with a Box on His Head", "text": "A Ghost and the Boy with a Box on His Head A Ghost and the Boy [with a Box on His Head] is a 2017 independent drama film written and directed by Philip Blue. The film received 35 awards in film festivals. The film was released in partnership with The Orchard. For \"A Ghost and the Boy [with a Box on His Head]\", Philip Blue won Talented New Director 2015 at the International Film Fest Filmmaker Awards in St. Tropez. At the International Movie Awards in 2015, the film won Gold Awards for Feature Film, Directing, Cinematography, Editing, and Sound.", "psg_id": "20160461" }, { "title": "Woke Up with a Monster", "text": "studio records that nobody actually heard [Woke up with a Monster and Cheap Trick (1997)]. It's like getting hit with a stick twice - or a baseball bat. You wanna go for a third one?\"\" In 2000 Nielsen was interviewed for KAOS2000 magazine, where the interviewer Philip Anderson called the album \"great\" and asked what happened to it. Nielsen responded \"\"Yeah, there was some fun stuff on there. The president and Mo Ostin got fired right when the record came out. That didn't help.\"\" In March 2002, Nielsen was interviewed for Salt Lake City Weekly, where he revealed why the", "psg_id": "7458534" }, { "title": "A Bird in the Head", "text": "shot at directing, but was horrified when he realized that Curly was in such bad shape (something Columbia short subject head/director Jules White failed to alert Bernds of). Years later, Bernds discussed his trying experience during the filming of \"A Bird in the Head\": Realizing that Curly was no longer able to perform in the same capacity as before, Bernds devised ways to cover his illness; Curly could still be the star, but the action was shifted away from the ailing Stooge. In \"A Bird in the Head\", the action focuses more on crazy Professor Panzer and Igor. This allowed", "psg_id": "11256161" }, { "title": "Portrait of a Lady with a Squirrel and a Starling", "text": "he set his portrait subjects against plain backgrounds in a more iconic style. Art historian John Rowlands judges this painting \"the most charming of the portraits from Holbein's first stay in England\". Portrait of a Lady with a Squirrel and a Starling Portrait of a Lady with a Squirrel and a Starling is a 1526–1528 oil and tempera on oak portrait by Hans Holbein the Younger. The subject of this portrait was identified in 2004 as Anne Lovell, wife of Sir Francis Lovell (d. 1551), an esquire of the body to Henry VIII. David J. King, in his article \"Who", "psg_id": "19279303" }, { "title": "Woke Up with a Monster (song)", "text": "song by labelling it an AMG Pick Track and felt that the \"elaborate production\" complimented the melody. In the 2003 book \"The Encyclöpedia öf Heavy Metal\", author Daniel Bukszpan described the song as \"unbelievably irritating\". Woke Up with a Monster (song) \"Woke Up with a Monster\" is a song by American rock band Cheap Trick, released in 1994 as the lead single from their twelfth studio album \"Woke up with a Monster\". It was written by Rick Nielsen, Robin Zander and Tom Petersson, and produced by Ted Templeman. The song was released by Warner Bros. Records as a promotional-only single", "psg_id": "16351645" }, { "title": "I'm in Love with a Monster", "text": "When making the announcement at the press release, Vollack commented that there were \"few groups out there\" that could match the \"incredibly fun feel\" and the \"animated vision\" that Genndy Tartakovsky brought to the movie and stated that Fifth Harmony \"knocked it out of the park.\" According to Vollack, the track was exactly what \"we were hoping for.\" A preview of \"I'm in Love with a Monster\" was featured in a trailer for the movie which was released on June 17, 2015. The song was released for digital download on August 14. and serviced to contemporary hit radio four days", "psg_id": "18964906" }, { "title": "What Bird is That?", "text": "to the League for £300. The book was extolled fulsomely by S.R. Thomas, of the NSW Department of Education, as follows; \"\"What Bird is That?\" is the most comprehensive and informative bird book published in the Commonwealth – if not in the world. The coloured plates are a triumph not only of the genius and imagination of the artist – our own Neville Cayley on whom has fallen so fittingly the mantle of his famous father – but also of the block-maker’s and printer’s art. The publishers have done nothing finer of its kind. The life-like portrayals of our feathered", "psg_id": "13914362" }, { "title": "A Monster with a Thousand Heads", "text": "for Best Adapted Screenplay. The film was named on the shortlist for Mexico's entry for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the 89th Academy Awards, but it was not selected. Sonia Bonet (Jana Raluy) tries to take justice into her own hands after a health-insurance company named Alta Salud refuses to approve the care of her dying spouse. She and her son Dario (Sebastián Aguirre) attempt to fight the system, forcing the company employees to perform the corresponding procedure. \"A Monster with a Thousand Heads\" is the fourth feature film from Uruguayan-Mexican director Rodrigo Plá, following \"La", "psg_id": "19452573" }, { "title": "Boy with a Glass and a Lute", "text": "probably related to \"The Fingernail Test\": Boy with a Glass and a Lute Boy with a Glass and a Lute is a painting by the Dutch Golden Age painter Frans Hals, painted in 1626 and now in the Guildhall Art Gallery, London. The painting shows a boy with a lute who is holding a glass above his head with his right hand; with his left hand, he balances a lute which rests on a table. In his 1910 catalog of Frans Hals works Hofstede de Groot wrote: \"82. THE LAUGHING MANDOLINE-PLAYER. M. 214. A young man with long dishevelled hair", "psg_id": "18229903" }, { "title": "Boy with a Glass and a Lute", "text": "Boy with a Glass and a Lute Boy with a Glass and a Lute is a painting by the Dutch Golden Age painter Frans Hals, painted in 1626 and now in the Guildhall Art Gallery, London. The painting shows a boy with a lute who is holding a glass above his head with his right hand; with his left hand, he balances a lute which rests on a table. In his 1910 catalog of Frans Hals works Hofstede de Groot wrote: \"82. THE LAUGHING MANDOLINE-PLAYER. M. 214. A young man with long dishevelled hair sits holding up in his right", "psg_id": "18229901" }, { "title": "Prompt Payment and Stealing a Ride", "text": "Prompt Payment and Stealing a Ride Prompt Payment and Stealing a Ride are two 1911 American silent short comedy films produced by the Thanhouser Company. \"Prompt Payment\" focuses on a lawyer who evades his creditors, dons a disguise and plays against them in a game of poker. After winning a large sum of money from them, he excuses himself and returns to pay them with their own money. \"Stealing a Ride\" is listed as a comedy, but has a clear dramatic element. Susie and Johnnie are out sledding when Susie's parents are about to go out for a sleigh drive.", "psg_id": "18918602" }, { "title": "A Bird in the Head", "text": "the insane Professor Panzer (Vernon Dent) and his assistant Nikko (Frank Lackteen). Panzer is searching for a human brain puny enough to place in the head of his gorilla Igor (Art Miles). Curly becomes the prime candidate, and Panzer locks the boys in his lab in order to secure Curly's \"contribution.\" Then Igor gets loose, but takes a liking to Curly, which the feeble-minded Stooge reciprocates. Eventually, the boys destroy Panzer's lab and quickly depart, taking Igor with them. The title \"A Bird in the Head\" is a pun on the phrase \"a bird in the hand is worth two", "psg_id": "11256159" }, { "title": "A Wish for Wings That Work", "text": "A Wish for Wings That Work A Wish for Wings That Work: An Opus Christmas Story is a children's book by Berkeley Breathed that was published in 1991. It was made into an animated television special that same year. The book and special feature characters from Breathed's comic strips \"Bloom County\" and \"Outland\". The story centers on Opus the Penguin (a main character of all three of Breathed's comic strips, and at the time appearing in \"Outland\".) Opus is downhearted because, as a penguin, he cannot fly. He orders a machine and assembles it; when it comes time to test", "psg_id": "4859096" }, { "title": "A Ghost and the Boy with a Box on His Head", "text": "Blue received the Best Risk Taker Award at the 2015 Columbia Gorge International Film Festival. \"A Ghost and the Boy\" also won Best Narrative Feature at the 2015 Frozen Film Festival in Minnesota. The film appeared on Netflix in May 2017, and iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, Vudu, and other VOD platforms on May 9, 2017. A Ghost and the Boy with a Box on His Head A Ghost and the Boy [with a Box on His Head] is a 2017 independent drama film written and directed by Philip Blue. The film received 35 awards in film festivals. The film was", "psg_id": "20160462" }, { "title": "A Bird in the Head", "text": "in the bush.\" \"A Bird in the Head\" was filmed over a period of five days (April 9-13, 1945), which was longer than usual. Due to the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt on April 12, filming ended early out of respect for the deceased Commander-in-chief. 41-year-old Curly Howard had suffered a series of minor strokes prior to filming \"A Bird in the Head\". As a result, his performance was marred by slurred speech, and slower timing. This film was the first directing effort for former Columbia sound man Edward Bernds. Bernds was thrilled that he was being given a", "psg_id": "11256160" }, { "title": "Woke Up with a Monster", "text": "cool. It really keeps it interesting. We have some fans who think \"Woke Up with a Monster\" is our first album, and we have to go out on the road with that attitude.\"\" In the April 9, 1994, issue of \"Billboard\", a review of the album stated \"\"This veteran band has always worked best when it's worked without a net - turning out slightly loose and loopy songs cut through with a frenetic rock edge. \"Monster,\" with the expected mix of pleasantly rocking power ballads (\"Never Run Out of Love,\" \"You're All I Wanna Do,\" and catchy \"Tell Me Everything\")", "psg_id": "7458538" }, { "title": "A Man with a Quilted Sleeve", "text": "\"broad spiral motion in depth of the head and arm\" suggests that Titian had some awareness of contemporary developments in painting in Florence. The sleeve is brilliantly painted, and the \"merging of the shadowed portions of the figure with the grey atmospheric background ... is one of the most innovative and influential aspects of the painting\". The painting comes from a crucial period in the development of the Italian Renaissance portrait, which was then being led by Venice. According to John Steer, Titian retains the \"mood of generalized inner mystery\" that Giorgione had brought to his portraits (which may not", "psg_id": "15828693" }, { "title": "The Body Has a Head", "text": "The Body Has a Head The Body Has a Head is an album by King Missile frontman John S. Hall, released exclusively in Germany in 1996. Though billed as a Hall \"solo album,\" the collection features considerable input from multi-instrumentalists Sasha Forte, Bradford Reed, and Jane Scarpantoni, all of whom would become members of the next incarnation of King Missile (\"King Missile III\") and contribute to that group's \"debut\" album, 1998's \"Failure.\" King Missile's compilation \"The Green Album,\" sold exclusively at live shows, contains all the tracks from \"The Body Has a Head\" plus fourteen live King Missile tracks and", "psg_id": "11975942" }, { "title": "Woke Up with a Monster", "text": "Woke Up with a Monster Woke up with a Monster is the twelfth studio album by Cheap Trick released on Warner Bros. Records in 1994 and produced by Ted Templeman. It was their first and only album for Warners and peaked at US number 123 on the Billboard chart. Shortly after the album's release Cheap Trick was dropped from the Warner Brothers label. The album contains songs co-written with Jim Peterik, Julian Raymond, Todd Cerney, Mark Spiro and Terry Reid. There were two videos shot for this LP; \"Woke up with a Monster\" and \"You're All I Wanna Do.\" The", "psg_id": "7458525" }, { "title": "Fearsome Creatures of the Lumberwoods, With a Few Desert and Mountain Beasts", "text": "legs that prevents it from lying down. \"Page 11 – The Gumberoo:\" A nearly hairless, bear-like brute of the Pacific coast. The creature is purported to have a rubbery hide that bounces back anything thrown on it. Bullets will rebound in the direction they were fired. They can be killed when forest fires cause them to explode, leaving behind a rubbery smell. \"Page 13 – The Roperite:\" A flightless bird of the Sierra Nevadas, that ropes in its prey with a lasso-like beak. \"Page 15 – The Snoligoster:\" An enormous crocodilian monster of the southern cypress swamps. Being absent of", "psg_id": "7651507" }, { "title": "A Boy and a Girl with a Cat and an Eel", "text": "A Boy and a Girl with a Cat and an Eel A Boy and a Girl with a Cat and an Eel is a 1635 oil painting by Judith Leyster that is currently housed in London's National Gallery. There have been various interpretations of Judith Leyster's \"A Boy and a Girl with a Cat and an Eel\" by different scholars. Some, such as Neil McLaren, have argued that it represents the Dutch proverb \"\"Een aal bij de staart hebben\"\" (or \"to hold an eel by the tail\") meaning that you do not get to hold onto something just because you", "psg_id": "20026970" }, { "title": "Strix (mythology)", "text": "Strix (mythology) The strix (plural striges or strixes), in the mythology of classical antiquity, was a bird of ill omen, the product of metamorphosis, that fed on human flesh and blood. It also referred to witches and related malevolent folkloric beings. The \"strix\" is described as a large-headed bird with transfixed eyes, rapacious beak, greyish white wings, and hooked claws in Ovid's \"Fasti\". This is the only thorough description of the strix in Classical literature. Elsewhere, it is described as being dark-colored. The \"strīx\" () was a nocturnally crying creature which positioned its feet upwards and head below, according to", "psg_id": "4776694" }, { "title": "Benoit: Wrestling with the Horror that Destroyed a Family and Crippled a Sport", "text": "Benoit: Wrestling with the Horror that Destroyed a Family and Crippled a Sport Benoit: Wrestling with the Horror that Destroyed a Family and Crippled a Sport or just Benoit is a 2007 non-fiction book co-written by sports journalists Heath McCoy, Greg Oliver, Steven Johnson and Irvin Muchnick about the Canadian professional wrestler Chris Benoit and him and his family's death by his own hands. It was the first book about the event and consisted of four essays about Benoit, his wife Nancy and their young son Daniel, their deaths and the aftermath of the murders; one by each author. The", "psg_id": "20648158" }, { "title": "What Bird is That?", "text": "friends, together with the succinct but compendious descriptive information, will place within easy reach of the bird lover, a most valuable \"vade mecum\" of bird and bush lore for out of doors as well as a thing of beauty for the library.\" Cayley’s aim in creating this work was to make available a book that would encourage and help people to learn about and appreciate Australia’s remarkable and unique bird life. He saw and responded to a need for a simple book that was accessible to the non-specialist birdwatcher. Each species was illustrated in colour and the birds were organised", "psg_id": "13914363" }, { "title": "I'm in Love with a Monster", "text": "of the monsters snaps his finger, putting Ally to sleep. The girls begin to act more aggressive, laughing maniacally, with the video zooming out to the show the initial static screen. Zach Dionne of Fuse described the styling of Fifth Harmony's costumes as \"\"Stepford Wives\"-gone-\"Addams Family\"\" and also commented that the video was reminiscent of the TRL era when many music videos often included scenes from movies. I'm in Love with a Monster \"I'm in Love with a Monster\" is a song recorded by American girl group Fifth Harmony for the computer animated fantasy-comedy film, \"Hotel Transylvania 2\". It was", "psg_id": "18964915" }, { "title": "Prompt Payment and Stealing a Ride", "text": "27, 1911. The first film, \"Prompt Payment\", is approximately 500 feet in length. The second film, \"Stealing a Ride\" is listed at 400 feet in length. Both films would receive positive reviews from reviewers. \"Prompt Payment\" was praised by \"The Billboard\" as an ingenious comedy film that had good photography. A review in \"The Moving Picture World\" and a review by Walton of \"The Moving Picture News\" both agreed that the subject's comedy of the film was in seeing the lawyer ultimately pay the creditors back with their own money. \"The New York Dramatic Mirror\" praised the film, calling it", "psg_id": "18918608" }, { "title": "The Heart Is a Monster", "text": "is a Monster\" is a reckoning force that achieves success as a comeback and a glorious landmark in the evolution in alternative and space rock.\" Pitchfork noted that the album had \"that charge of intellectual stimulation—spiked with an ever-so-subtle creep factor—that makes The Heart Is a Monster such a thrilling ride.\" They also commented on the segue (instrumental) tracks, stating that \"a whole separate album in that style would've been nice, but even in truncated form the interludes cast Philip Glass-ian shades onto the other songs and suggest that Failure's creativity is far from exhausted.\" Consequence of Sound offered praise", "psg_id": "18752896" }, { "title": "I'm in Love with a Monster", "text": "I'm in Love with a Monster \"I'm in Love with a Monster\" is a song recorded by American girl group Fifth Harmony for the computer animated fantasy-comedy film, \"Hotel Transylvania 2\". It was written by Harmony Samuels, Carmen Reece, Sarah Mancuso, Edgar Etienne and Ericka Coulter with production handled by Samuels. It was released to digital retailers on August 14, 2015 through Epic Records and Syco Music and serviced to contemporary hit radio in the United States four days later on August 18. \"I'm in Love with a Monster\" is a pop song that blends elements of R&B, soul, rock", "psg_id": "18964903" }, { "title": "Portrait of a Man with a Blue Chaperon", "text": "a fur lined brown jacket over a black undervest. His headdress, a chaperon, contains two wings which hang down over the man's shoulders and extend to his chest. The edges of the cloth are given a shredded look at the edges of their trains. The hood is brightly and dramatically coloured using pigment extracted from the expensive lapis lazuli gemstone to give it its bright, intense hue. The headdress is of a similar but less extravagant type to that seen in van Eyck's c. 1433 \"Portrait of a Man\", and worn by a figure in the distance in his c.", "psg_id": "16923937" }, { "title": "Prompt Payment and Stealing a Ride", "text": "contemporary sources related to the \"Prompt Payment\" work lists a newspaper reporting that a \"Miss Lenore\" was in the leading role. This citation comes from \"The Daily Deadwood Pioneer-Times\" from Deadwood, South Dakota. This is a clear error and Bowers does not list a \"Miss Lenore\" in the comprehensive biography listing. Prompt Payment and Stealing a Ride Prompt Payment and Stealing a Ride are two 1911 American silent short comedy films produced by the Thanhouser Company. \"Prompt Payment\" focuses on a lawyer who evades his creditors, dons a disguise and plays against them in a game of poker. After winning", "psg_id": "18918610" }, { "title": "Benoit: Wrestling with the Horror that Destroyed a Family and Crippled a Sport", "text": "the Canadian edition of Entertainment Tonight. By May 2008 it was the number one book on's wrestling category. Shaun Smith of \"Quill & Quire\" stated that Muchnick finished the book with a \"gem\", feeling that his segment assembled the facts but let the reader connect the dots. Mike Jenkinson of \"SLAM! Wrestling\" expressed that he was leery when approaching the book, worrying that it would be a \"rush job\" but that it was far better than he expected it to be even with many faults. Bryan Dykens of the Online World of Wrestling gave the book a score of", "psg_id": "20648160" }, { "title": "Woke Up with a Monster", "text": "an interview with Petersson. Dated September 1, 1994, Lotring wrote \"\"Woke Up with a Monster is an obvious, if unintentional return to the melodic heaviness that characterized their first several albums. From the eccentric harmonies of the title track, to the simple, yet powerful guitar chords on songs like \"You're All I Wanna Do\" and \"Girlfriends,\" Cheap Trick’s latest studio album ignores the distillation of style that plagued recent records like \"Busted\" and \"Lap of Luxury\". If a renaissance of the classic Cheap Trick sound has to be narrowed to a single reason, one possibility would surely be the enlistment", "psg_id": "7458540" }, { "title": "A Donkey, 3 Rocks, and a Bird.", "text": "A Donkey, 3 Rocks, and a Bird. A Donkey, 3 Rocks, and a Bird., also known as Donkey, Bird and Rocks and Donkey, Three Rocks, and a Bird, is an outdoor 1992 sculpture by Brad Rude, installed at Catlin Gabel School in West Haven-Sylvan, a census-designated place in Washington County and the Portland metropolitan area, in the U.S. state of Oregon. Brad Rude's \"A Donkey, 3 Rocks, and a Bird.\" (1992), installed at Catlin Gabel School between the Lower School's science room and the Art Barn, is a cast bronze and stone sculpture depicting a life-size donkey and a bird", "psg_id": "19029952" }, { "title": "Woke Up with a Monster (song)", "text": "Woke Up with a Monster (song) \"Woke Up with a Monster\" is a song by American rock band Cheap Trick, released in 1994 as the lead single from their twelfth studio album \"Woke up with a Monster\". It was written by Rick Nielsen, Robin Zander and Tom Petersson, and produced by Ted Templeman. The song was released by Warner Bros. Records as a promotional-only single in the United States, aimed at generating radio play. It reached No. 16 on the \"Billboard\" Album Rock Tracks and remained on the chart for six weeks. A music video was released to promote the", "psg_id": "16351642" }, { "title": "The Body Has a Head", "text": "an alternate version of the song \"Gay/Not Gay\" from \"Failure.\" All lyrics by Hall. The Body Has a Head The Body Has a Head is an album by King Missile frontman John S. Hall, released exclusively in Germany in 1996. Though billed as a Hall \"solo album,\" the collection features considerable input from multi-instrumentalists Sasha Forte, Bradford Reed, and Jane Scarpantoni, all of whom would become members of the next incarnation of King Missile (\"King Missile III\") and contribute to that group's \"debut\" album, 1998's \"Failure.\" King Missile's compilation \"The Green Album,\" sold exclusively at live shows, contains all the", "psg_id": "11975943" }, { "title": "A Place with No Name", "text": "reported that Jackson and America shared a manager—believed to be Jim Morey—in the late 1980s and late 1990s. Jackson's version of \"A Place with No Name\" is not the first song by a member of the musical Jackson family to sample the work of America. Janet Jackson's hit \"Someone to Call My Lover\" — from the 2001 album \"All for You\" — samples \"Ventura Highway\", a song from America's 1972 \"Homecoming\" album. According to Dr. Freeze, the version of \"A Place with No Name\" that leaked is the final version Michael heard and approved in 2008, which is credited as", "psg_id": "13591173" }, { "title": "A Bird in the Head", "text": "A Bird in the Head A Bird in the Head is the 89th short film released by Columbia Pictures in 1946 starring American slapstick comedy team The Three Stooges (Moe Howard, Larry Fine and Curly Howard). The comedians released 190 short films for the studio between 1934 and 1959. The Stooges are mediocre paperhangers. Their client Mr. Beedle (Robert Williams) advises the boys to do a good job, but the end result looks like it was quickly cluttered with paper towels. Beedle is fuming, and threatens the boys, who make a quick escape across the hallway into the laboratory of", "psg_id": "11256158" }, { "title": "A Bird in the Head", "text": "effects. A Bird in the Head A Bird in the Head is the 89th short film released by Columbia Pictures in 1946 starring American slapstick comedy team The Three Stooges (Moe Howard, Larry Fine and Curly Howard). The comedians released 190 short films for the studio between 1934 and 1959. The Stooges are mediocre paperhangers. Their client Mr. Beedle (Robert Williams) advises the boys to do a good job, but the end result looks like it was quickly cluttered with paper towels. Beedle is fuming, and threatens the boys, who make a quick escape across the hallway into the laboratory", "psg_id": "11256163" }, { "title": "Build-A-Bird", "text": "real life birds that fit your selections. What happened next in the game involved educational material about your bird's range and habitat. The visual representations of the birds, their body parts and the bird habitats were in colour and vivid for the time but lacked animation. Build-A-Bird Build-A-Bird (1986 or earlier) was educational software for the Unisys ICON II public school computer. It may have appeared on the ICON I or Unisys ICON III. Build-A-Bird was designed and developed by Ergonomics Lab, University of Toronto. Gameplay revolved around creating a bird by choosing from a selection of different body parts", "psg_id": "14192378" }, { "title": "A priori and a posteriori", "text": "is metaphysical. The phrases \"\"a priori\"\" and \"\"a posteriori\"\" are Latin for \"from what comes before\" and \"from what comes later\" (or, less literally, \"from first principles, before experience\" and \"after experience\"). They appear in Latin translations of Euclid's \"Elements\", of about 300 , a work widely considered during the early European modern period as the model for precise thinking. An early philosophical use of what might be considered a notion of \"a priori\" knowledge (though not called by that name) is Plato's theory of recollection, related in the dialogue \"Meno\" (380 ), according to which something like \"a priori\"", "psg_id": "8596173" }, { "title": "Prompt Payment and Stealing a Ride", "text": "a \"capital farce, and it is most effectively presented.\" \"Stealing a Ride\" was met with positive reviews for the clear photography and the realism of the subject which makes for a cautionary tale. In advertisements for the films, \"Prompt Payment\" received attention as a good comedy, but the likelihood of a \"canned review\" having been drawn from a source is hinted at by identical wording by theaters in different states and different chains. Thanhouser films typically had a longer circulation period than other producers, one such late advertisement shows both halves being shown in October 1912. A thorough search of", "psg_id": "18918609" }, { "title": "A Bird in the Head", "text": "Curly to maintain a healthy amount of screen time without being required to contribute a great deal. Bernds often commented that he and Jules White never really got along. Bernds feared that his directing days would be over as soon as they began if he released \"A Bird in the Head\" with a weak Curly as his first entry. Producer Hugh McCollum reshuffled the release order, and the superior \"Micro-Phonies\" was released first, securing Bernds directing position. The Screen Gems television print deleted a scene where Curly and the gorilla drink some alcohol in the laboratory and suffer hilarious after", "psg_id": "11256162" }, { "title": "I'm in Love with a Monster", "text": "goal producing this track. \"I'm in Love with a Monster\" is a funk-influenced pop song performed in a moderately fast tempo. According to the sheet music published at by Sony Music Publishing, \"I'm in Love with a Monster\" written in the key of C# minor and is set in a time signature. The song has been viewed as reminiscent of 1960s music, with Jeff Benjamin of Fuse describing the tune as a \"throwback-inspired funk jam-thumper\". The song utilizes \"deep heavy beats, trombones and drums over an almost creepy base.\" The lyrics of \"I'm in Love with a Monster\" revolve", "psg_id": "18964908" }, { "title": "A Donkey, 3 Rocks, and a Bird.", "text": "of completion, plus the founder's mark for Will Willie. The Smithsonian Institution describes the work as abstract. Its condition was deemed \"well maintained\" by Smithsonian's \"Save Outdoor Sculpture!\" program in November 1993. A Donkey, 3 Rocks, and a Bird. A Donkey, 3 Rocks, and a Bird., also known as Donkey, Bird and Rocks and Donkey, Three Rocks, and a Bird, is an outdoor 1992 sculpture by Brad Rude, installed at Catlin Gabel School in West Haven-Sylvan, a census-designated place in Washington County and the Portland metropolitan area, in the U.S. state of Oregon. Brad Rude's \"A Donkey, 3 Rocks, and", "psg_id": "19029954" }, { "title": "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings", "text": "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings \"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings\" () and subtitled \"A Tale for Children\" is a short story by Colombian writer and author Gabriel García Márquez. The tale was first published in 1955 in Spanish and was then published in English in the 1972 book, \"Leaf Storm and Other Stories\". The short story involves a very old man with enormous wings who appears in a family's backyard on a stormy night. What follows are the reactions of the family, a town, and outside visitors. This story falls within the genre of magic realism.", "psg_id": "8916507" }, { "title": "The Lady in the Car with Glasses and a Gun (2015 film)", "text": "the car's current location. After stealing it back, Dany finds a rifle and corpse in the rear. Georges confronts her, and both accuse each other of murder. The two eventually resolve to dump the body and leave together, but Georges finds a note on the corpse that implicates Dany. As he grows hostile, she holds him at gunpoint, only to be knocked unconscious when he wrests the rifle from her. When Dany wakes, she calls Anita for help, confessing to stealing her car. Anita directs her to a friend's house, where Anita says she will be safe. There, Dany finds", "psg_id": "18944024" }, { "title": "Free as a Bird", "text": "in the second verse. \"Free as a Bird\" marked the first time a single containing new material had been released under the Beatles' name since \"The Long and Winding Road\" in the United States in 1970. The promotional video was broadcast during episode one of \"The Beatles Anthology\" that aired on ITV in the UK and ABC in the US. \"Free as a Bird\" was greeted with mixed reviews. Its release was criticised by Caroline Sullivan in \"The Guardian\" as a publicity gimmick, exploiting the Beatles brand, and owing less to the Beatles than to Lynne. Andy Gill in \"The", "psg_id": "7566842" }, { "title": "A House and Its Head", "text": "A House and Its Head A House and Its Head is a 1935 novel by Ivy Compton-Burnett. The main theme of the book is the family unit, and through this gender struggles are portrayed. Duncan Edgeworth's relationship with his wife Ellen can be seen as problematic from very early on, and it is even assumed that when you read the title of the book you think that the 'head' is male based on the patriarchal stereotype. This book casually pokes fun at the art of idle gossip. Whenever she was asked which of her novels were her favorites, Compton-Burnett always", "psg_id": "8120060" }, { "title": "With a Smile and a Song (song)", "text": "Doris Day with a children's choir for her 1964 album of the same name, \"With a Smile and a Song\". A spoof of the song was used in \"Shrek the Third\". Snow White (played by Ginnifer Goodwin) hums the song while sweeping the dwarfs' house in the \"Heart of Darkness\" episode of \"Once Upon a Time\". With a Smile and a Song (song) \"With a Smile and a Song\" is a popular song. The music was written by Frank Churchill, the lyrics by Larry Morey. The song was published in 1937. Credit is also sometimes (e. g.) given to Leigh", "psg_id": "10494356" }, { "title": "The USA Is a Monster", "text": "The USA Is a Monster The USA Is a Monster (or USAISAMONSTER) was an experimental rock band from Brooklyn, New York City. For most of their existence, the USA Is a Monster was a duo composed of Colin Langenus and Thom Hohman, both of whom play multiple instruments. While living in Boston, Thom and Colin had been members of the noise rock band Bull Roarer and the theatrical rock group Elvish Presley, which later became Black Elf Speaks. The initial incarnations of the USA Is a Monster emerged from these projects, and included other musicians as documented on the band's", "psg_id": "16933660" }, { "title": "Mother with a Child and a Chambermaid", "text": "with her left hand. She wears a blue jacket trimmed with fur and a red skirt ; at her right is a wicker cradle. Farther back, to the right of the fireplace, a chambermaid is sweeping the tiled floor. Bright sunlight falls from the window high up on the left, and illumines the back wall, on which hangs a picture. Another picture hangs over the fireplace ; below is a chair. In the left foreground is a table with a cloth, upon which is a basket. The open door at the back shows a view of a canal with a", "psg_id": "18790958" }, { "title": "Free as a Bird", "text": "Independent\" called the song \"disappointingly low-key. ... George's guitar weeps gently enough when required, but the overall effect is of a dirge.\" Ian MacDonald, writer of \"Revolution in the Head\", declared it to be a \"dreary song\" that stood no comparison with the Beatles' sixties music. Chris Carter, now the host of \"Breakfast with the Beatles\", commented: \"I would value any song (especially if it was great) performed by John, Paul, George and Ringo, no matter how (or when) it was recorded.\" \"Free as a Bird\" later won the 1997 Grammy Award for Best Pop Performance by a Duo or", "psg_id": "7566843" }, { "title": "A language is a dialect with an army and navy", "text": "A language is a dialect with an army and navy \"A language is a dialect with an army and navy\" is a quip or humorous adage about the arbitrariness of the distinction between a dialect and a language. It points out the influence that social and political conditions can have over a community's perception of the status of a language or dialect. The adage was popularized by the sociolinguist and Yiddish scholar Max Weinreich, who heard it from a member of the audience at one of his lectures. This statement is usually attributed to Max Weinreich, a specialist in Yiddish", "psg_id": "5951940" }, { "title": "Woke Up with a Monster", "text": "band decided to later create their own independent record label: \"\"When we did \"Woke Up With A Monster\" on Warner Bros., we were signed by Lenny Waronker and Mo Ostin, two of the biggest guys in the business. They got fired right as our record came out, so that was the kiss of death for us. Then our next record came out on Red Ant Records and they went bankrupt as soon as it came out. So, we had two records with virtually no one hearing about it, unless you were a real die-hard Cheap Trick fan. There was no", "psg_id": "7458535" }, { "title": "A Place with No Name", "text": "track is an unreleased Jackson song that has a melody and lyrics which resembles America's \"A Horse with No Name\", a single that became a number one hit upon its release in 1972 and helped the group's debut album \"America\" achieve multi-platinum status. The \"St. Louis Post-Dispatch\" stated that the two songs were \"just about identical\". Despite the similarities between \"A Horse with No Name\" and \"A Place with No Name\", it was revealed that Jackson had been given permission to record the latter composition. To date, it is not known when the track was recorded, although it has been", "psg_id": "13591172" }, { "title": "Woke Up with a Monster", "text": "of veteran hard rock producer Ted Templeman. Templeman’s appreciation of the outrageous makes the album worthy of the band's legacy.\"\" The band also recorded a cover of John Lennon's \"Cold Turkey\" during these sessions. It went to the \"\" album while an alternate version was released on one of the \"Bun E.'s Basement Bootleg\" albums. All singles were promotional singles only. Woke Up with a Monster Woke up with a Monster is the twelfth studio album by Cheap Trick released on Warner Bros. Records in 1994 and produced by Ted Templeman. It was their first and only album for Warners", "psg_id": "7458541" }, { "title": "Ain't That a Kick in the Head?", "text": "of the song in Ocean's Eleven, which is considered the \"quintessential\" Rat Pack film. Ain't That a Kick in the Head? \"Ain't That a Kick in the Head?\" is a pop song written in 1960 with music by Jimmy Van Heusen and lyrics by Sammy Cahn. It was first recorded on May 10, 1960, by Dean Martin in a swinging big band jazz arrangement conducted by Nelson Riddle. Martin performed the song in the 1960 heist film \"Ocean's 11\" in an alternate arrangement featuring vibraphonist Red Norvo and his quartet. Van Heusen and Cahn wrote the song specifically for the", "psg_id": "17469530" }, { "title": "A Hawk and a Hacksaw", "text": "others. They have also toured with Wilco, Calexico, Andrew Bird, of Montreal, Beirut and Portishead. They were chosen by Jeff Mangum of Neutral Milk Hotel to perform at the All Tomorrow's Parties festival that he curated in March 2012 in Minehead, England. They performed a new and original soundtrack to Sergei Parajanov's 1964 classic; \"Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors\". In 2013 they released the soundtrack as \"You Have Already Gone To The Other World\". The name \"A Hawk and A Hacksaw\" is a reference to the book \"Don Quixote\" by Miguel De Cervantes. \"Don Quixote\" was written in 1605. This quotation", "psg_id": "7533773" }, { "title": "What Is a Man Without a Moustache?", "text": "What Is a Man Without a Moustache? What Is a Man Without a Moustache? () is a 2005 Croatian romantic comedy-drama film. Hrvoje Hribar directed the film and wrote the screenplay as an adaptation of Ante Tomić's 2000 novel of the same name. Starring Leon Lučev and Zrinka Cvitešić and set against a background of a country still recovering from the Croatian War of Independence, the film tells the story of a young widow who falls in love with a local priest and a difficult choice that the priest faces when being forced to choose between the woman and his", "psg_id": "14363563" }, { "title": "Woke Up with a Monster", "text": "and pounding stompers (\"My Gang\"), isn't the band at its best, but there are flashes of that earlier edge in \"Woke Up with a Monster\" and the sexy little romp \"Ride the Pony.\"\" In the December 24, 1994, issue of \"Billboard\", the song was mentioned in \"The Critics' Choice\" section, where the magazine's editors and writers chose their top 10 records, videos and live concerts of 1994. Ed Christman, the magazine's senior retail editor, listed the album as one of his top ten albums for that year. For the Prime Choice magazine, writer Roger Lotring spoke of the album in", "psg_id": "7458539" }, { "title": "Landscape with a Carriage and a Train", "text": "Landscape with a Carriage and a Train Landscape with a Carriage and a Train is an oil painting by Vincent van Gogh that he painted in June 1890 when he lived in Auvers-sur-Oise, France. Van Gogh spent the last few months of his life in Auvers-sur-Oise, a small town just north of Paris, after he left an asylum at Saint-Rémy in May 1890. He made the painting in the week following his portraits of Dr. Gachet. The viewpoint from above was a favourite perspective of his since his days sketching in the dunes of Scheveningen at The Hague with the", "psg_id": "16349810" }, { "title": "What Up with That", "text": "as himself. When Andre (Leon G. Thomas III) reveals that he will be hosting a party at Thompson's house, Rex the puppet sings part of the \"What Up with That\" theme song. In addition to these sketches, Diondre Cole, the backup dancer, and the saxophonist appeared in the monologue of the April 17, 2010 episode hosted by Ryan Phillippe, where he questions why MacGruber has a movie while he does not. What Up with That \"What Up with That?\" is a recurring sketch on the NBC television series \"Saturday Night Live\" which first aired in 2009. It stars Kenan Thompson", "psg_id": "14214547" }, { "title": "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man", "text": "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is the first novel of Irish writer James Joyce. A Künstlerroman in a modernist style, it traces the religious and intellectual awakening of young Stephen Dedalus, a fictional alter ego of Joyce and an allusion to Daedalus, the consummate craftsman of Greek mythology. Stephen questions and rebels against the Catholic and Irish conventions under which he has grown, culminating in his self-exile from Ireland to Europe. The work uses techniques that Joyce developed more fully in \"Ulysses\" (1922) and \"Finnegans Wake\" (1939).", "psg_id": "2130030" }, { "title": "Three Men, a Woman and a Baby", "text": "another hangover, and Albert tells him that Raquel is in the late stages of pregnancy, and Del Boy will soon become a father. As Rodney and Albert talk about the baby being either a boy or a girl, Raquel enters, soon followed by Del, who is carrying a large cardboard box with its printing on the side reading \"Crowning Glory, wigs of distinction\", which he acquired from Mustapha from the Bangladeshi butcher's shop. Del then reminds Rodney that he's taking Cassandra to Hampton Court that afternoon. Later that day, at the Nag's Head, there is a contest to guess what", "psg_id": "9536139" }, { "title": "Stealing a Nation", "text": "Stealing a Nation Stealing a Nation is a 2004 Granada Television documentary about the British–American clandestine operation that saw the expulsion of the native Chagossian population of Diego Garcia and neighbouring islands. More than 2,000 people were exiled to Mauritius between 1967 and 1973, so that Diego Garcia could become a United States airbase \"(see depopulation of Chagossians from the Chagos Archipelago)\". The film contains a series of interviews with native Chagossians, who have been deprived of their right of return and forced to live in abject poverty. \"Stealing a Nation\" was written and directed by John Pilger, and produced", "psg_id": "5590166" }, { "title": "Free as a Bird", "text": "Beatles songs, such as \"Penny Lane\", \"Paperback Writer\", \"A Day in the Life\", \"Eleanor Rigby\", \"Helter Skelter\", \"Piggies\", \"The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill\", \"Strawberry Fields Forever\", \"Doctor Robert\", and \"The Fool on The Hill\". Between 80 and 100 allusions to the Beatles' story, music and lyrics in the video have been estimated. Although the bird can be heard at the beginning of the video, it is never seen. Neil Aspinall (Apple Records executive at the time) said that this was because no-one could agree on what kind of bird it should be. Pytka had to send his ideas to", "psg_id": "7566835" }, { "title": "A House and Its Head", "text": "referred to \"A House and Its Head\" and \"Manservant and Maidservant. Susan Sontag listed the novels of Compton-Burnett as examples of \"camp\" in her essay, Notes on \"Camp\" in 1964. A House and Its Head A House and Its Head is a 1935 novel by Ivy Compton-Burnett. The main theme of the book is the family unit, and through this gender struggles are portrayed. Duncan Edgeworth's relationship with his wife Ellen can be seen as problematic from very early on, and it is even assumed that when you read the title of the book you think that the 'head' is", "psg_id": "8120061" }, { "title": "A language is a dialect with an army and navy", "text": "with an army, but there is no contemporary documentation of this. Jean Laponce suggested in 2004 that Hubert Lyautey (1854–1934) may have originated the phrase at a meeting of the Académie française, and proposed to call it the \"Loi de Lyautey\" 'Lyautey's law'. But again there is no good evidence for this. Randolph Quirk adapted the definition to \"A language is a dialect with an army and a flag\" (adding a defense policy and a national airline). A language is a dialect with an army and navy \"A language is a dialect with an army and navy\" is a quip", "psg_id": "5951943" }, { "title": "Free as a Bird", "text": "Ono for unreleased material by Lennon to which the three remaining ex-Beatles could contribute. \"Free as a Bird\" was one of two such songs (along with \"Real Love\") for which McCartney, Harrison, and Starr contributed additional instrumentation, vocals, and arrangements. Jeff Lynne of Electric Light Orchestra, who had worked with Harrison on Harrison's album \"Cloud Nine\" and as part of the Traveling Wilburys, was asked to co-produce the record. The music video for \"Free as a Bird\" was produced by Vincent Joliet and directed by Joe Pytka; shot from the point of view of a bird in flight, it features", "psg_id": "7566824" }, { "title": "Strawberry Shortcake and the Baby Without a Name", "text": "Strawberry Shortcake and the Baby Without a Name Strawberry Shortcake and the Baby Without a Name is an animated television special from 1984, produced by Nelvana. This is the fifth to feature American Greetings character Strawberry Shortcake. \"Strawberry Shortcake and the Baby Without a Name\" chronicles Strawberry Shortcake's annual summer camping trip, where she and her friends encounter a monster in the woods. The Peculiar Purple Pie Man and Sour Grapes attempt to capture it to become rich and famous. As with \"Housewarming Surprise\", Bernard Loomis and Carole MacGillvray served as executive producers on \"Baby Without a Name\". The special", "psg_id": "9960850" }, { "title": "A Man Was Going Down the Road", "text": "father’s warning, and flies too close to the sun. The heat melts the waxed wings, and he falls into the sea and drowns. What follows Parnaoz’s disillusionment with his wife, and his constant pining for Ino, is the tragedy that comes from not heeding any warning, and from idealistic and obsessive love. Aeëtes - he was a King of Colchis in Greek mythology, son of the sun-god Helios and the Oceanid Perseis (a daughter of Oceanus), brother of Circe and Pasiphaë, and father of Medea, Chalciope and Absyrtus. The name means \"eagle\" (aietos). His consorts were Idyia and either Asterodia", "psg_id": "17779990" }, { "title": "Bullet with a Name", "text": "Bullet with a Name \"Bullet with a Name\" is a song by American alternative metal band Nonpoint. The song is the opening track on the band's fourth studio album \"To the Pain\" and was released as the album's first single. The song is one of Nonpoint's most popular tracks and is usually played as the band's closing song when performed live. \"Bullet with a Name\" peaked at #22 on the \"Billboard\" Mainstream Rock chart on March 11, 2006. The song's music video was directed by Darren Doane. \"Bullet with a Name\" was included on the soundtrack for the 2006 video", "psg_id": "20827734" }, { "title": "Ain't That a Kick in the Head?", "text": "Ain't That a Kick in the Head? \"Ain't That a Kick in the Head?\" is a pop song written in 1960 with music by Jimmy Van Heusen and lyrics by Sammy Cahn. It was first recorded on May 10, 1960, by Dean Martin in a swinging big band jazz arrangement conducted by Nelson Riddle. Martin performed the song in the 1960 heist film \"Ocean's 11\" in an alternate arrangement featuring vibraphonist Red Norvo and his quartet. Van Heusen and Cahn wrote the song specifically for the 1960 film \"Ocean's 11\", though it was initially referred to press as \"Ain't That", "psg_id": "17469528" } ]
[ "okypete", "snatchers", "harpie", "harpies in popular culture", "άρπυιαι", "harpuia", "harpuiai", "harpy (greek mythology)", "harpy", "άρπυια", "harpys", "acholoe", "okypode", "harpies", "bird monster", "harpyiai", "baby stealer", "bird monster", "harpyia" ]
according to the bart simpsons tv ad, nobody better lay a finger on my what??
[ { "title": "Butterfinger", "text": "press release. When the joke was revealed, the website redirected visitors to the fictitious \"Butterfinger Comedy Network\". In 2009, a new advertisement for Butterfinger was produced that appeared to be a homage to the earlier \"The Simpsons\" commercials. In 2010, Butterfinger revived its \"Nobody better lay a finger...\" slogan as \"Nobody's gonna lay a finger on my Butterfinger.\" In 2011, a comedy horror film entitled \"Butterfinger The 13th\", was made to promote the product. In April 2013, an official announcement via the Twitter account of \"The Simpsons\" stated that the \"Nobody better lay a finger\" advertising campaign featuring Bart Simpson", "psg_id": "3747982" } ]
[ { "title": "Bart to the Future", "text": "so good, although better than many of the real stinkers yet to come at that point. Still, it utterly failed to rise to the challenge of 'Lisa’s Wedding.'\" In a 2003 article, writers of \"Entertainment Weekly\" listed \"Bart to the Future\" as the worst \"Simpsons\" episode of all time. They elaborated that \"Choosing the lamest \"Simpsons\" episode is like picking the crowning installment of \"Shasta McNasty\" — it's all relative. So while 'Bart to the Future' was likely better than anything else on TV the week it first aired, even Mojo the monkey could've banged out a more inventive script", "psg_id": "3742978" }, { "title": "The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World", "text": "the irrepressibly subversive TV show.\" The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World is a side-scrolling platform game based on the \"Simpsons\" franchise and features many aspects from the television series. It was released in 1991 for the Nintendo Entertainment System, and in 1993 for Amiga, Atari ST, Game Gear and Sega Master System. In the game, the player controls Bart as he travels around the world on a scavenger hunt while facing against Mr. Burns' family and agents. The game has received mixed reviews from critics. The game is based on the animated television series", "psg_id": "4669071" }, { "title": "The Simpsons: Bart vs. The Juggernauts", "text": "The Simpsons: Bart vs. The Juggernauts The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Juggernauts is an action video game released in 1992 for the Game Boy. It was developed by Imagineering and published by Acclaim. The plot stars Bart from \"The Simpsons\" in a game show based on \"American Gladiators\", in which he has to compete in challenges to earn money. Critics gave \"The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Juggernauts\" average reviews. In \"The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Juggernauts\", the player controls cartoon character Bart Simpson from the animated television series \"The Simpsons\". He is participating in a weekly game show called \"Juggernauts", "psg_id": "5268959" }, { "title": "The Simpsons: Bart vs. The Juggernauts", "text": "with laughter, but I actually got a few chuckles out of Monroe's psychobabble overanalysis of Bart's performance.\" The Simpsons: Bart vs. The Juggernauts The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Juggernauts is an action video game released in 1992 for the Game Boy. It was developed by Imagineering and published by Acclaim. The plot stars Bart from \"The Simpsons\" in a game show based on \"American Gladiators\", in which he has to compete in challenges to earn money. Critics gave \"The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Juggernauts\" average reviews. In \"The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Juggernauts\", the player controls cartoon character Bart Simpson", "psg_id": "5268964" }, { "title": "The Simpsons: Bart & the Beanstalk", "text": "The Simpsons: Bart & the Beanstalk The Simpsons: Bart & the Beanstalk is a platform game released in 1994 for the hand-held console Game Boy. It was developed by Software Creations and published by Acclaim Entertainment, and is based on the animated television series \"The Simpsons\". The game is a parody of the fairy tale \"Jack and the Beanstalk\"; a large beanstalk grows far up into the sky outside the home of Bart Simpson, whom the player controls. Bart climbs the beanstalk all the way to the top and adventure ensues. \"Bart & the Beanstalk\" has received mixed to negative", "psg_id": "5304368" }, { "title": "The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World", "text": "The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World is a side-scrolling platform game based on the \"Simpsons\" franchise and features many aspects from the television series. It was released in 1991 for the Nintendo Entertainment System, and in 1993 for Amiga, Atari ST, Game Gear and Sega Master System. In the game, the player controls Bart as he travels around the world on a scavenger hunt while facing against Mr. Burns' family and agents. The game has received mixed reviews from critics. The game is based on the animated television series \"The Simpsons\". On the \"Krusty", "psg_id": "4669061" }, { "title": "The Bart Wants What It Wants", "text": "The Bart Wants What It Wants \"The Bart Wants What it Wants\" is the eleventh episode of \"The Simpsons\"<nowiki>'</nowiki> thirteenth season. It first aired on the Fox network in the United States on February 17, 2002. In the episode, Bart befriends Rainier Wolfcastle's daughter, Greta. While Greta falls in love with him, Bart only accompanies her because she owns a lot of entertaining things. \"The Bart Wants What it Wants\" was written by John Frink and Don Payne while Michael Polcino served as director. Although the episode's first draft was written by Frink and Payne, the idea for the episode", "psg_id": "4953486" }, { "title": "The Bart Wants What It Wants", "text": "joke we've ever been told by Americans that lose their punch after the millionth time.\" The Bart Wants What It Wants \"The Bart Wants What it Wants\" is the eleventh episode of \"The Simpsons\"<nowiki>'</nowiki> thirteenth season. It first aired on the Fox network in the United States on February 17, 2002. In the episode, Bart befriends Rainier Wolfcastle's daughter, Greta. While Greta falls in love with him, Bart only accompanies her because she owns a lot of entertaining things. \"The Bart Wants What it Wants\" was written by John Frink and Don Payne while Michael Polcino served as director. Although", "psg_id": "4953502" }, { "title": "The Simpsons: Bart & the Beanstalk", "text": "Simpsons\" on these adventures. \"The Simpsons: Bart & the Beanstalk\" is a side-scrolling platform game. It is single-player only. The player of the game controls Bart in a total of seven levels. They are: \"Up the Beanstalk\", \"Outside the Castle\", \"The Giant's Cupboard\", \"Soup Du Jour\", \"The Giant's Room\", \"Escape from the Castle\", and \"Down the Beanstalk\". In order to complete a level, the player must collect a certain amount of gold coins. Bart is faced with a number of enemies on every level, and he can use his slingshot to fend them off. He can also pick up dynamite,", "psg_id": "5304370" }, { "title": "The Simpsons: Bart & the Beanstalk", "text": "the screen of Beanstalk is awfully cramped, so the problem of enemies appearing out of nowhere to kill you has only gotten worse.\" Mackey added that he would have liked to see a more powerful weapon because the range of the slingshot is only a few feet. The Simpsons: Bart & the Beanstalk The Simpsons: Bart & the Beanstalk is a platform game released in 1994 for the hand-held console Game Boy. It was developed by Software Creations and published by Acclaim Entertainment, and is based on the animated television series \"The Simpsons\". The game is a parody of the", "psg_id": "5304375" }, { "title": "The Bart Wants What It Wants", "text": "Day\" and award the Simpson family a key to the city. However, the request was turned down because the city does not allow for-profit companies to receive a key. According to executive producer and current showrunner Al Jean, Fox's request \"upset\" Canada, and a \"sternly worded\" editorial in \"The Toronto Star\" criticized the network's ways of promoting the episode. The newspaper also credited Canadian \"The Simpsons\" staff writers Joel H. Cohen and Tim Long for pitching the episode, but this was refuted in the episode's DVD commentary. While \"The Bart Wants What It Wants\" features the Simpsons' first travel to", "psg_id": "4953492" }, { "title": "The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World", "text": "the Clown Show\", Bart Simpson wins the opportunity to participate in a Round-the-World scavenger hunt. However, the contest has been rigged by Mr. Burns' assistant, Smithers, in order for Burns to rid himself of the Simpson family for all the trouble they have caused him over the years. Burns sends his agents and fellow family members to take care of the Simpsons during the scavenger hunt. Bart travels through various real-world locations collecting items, with occasional cameos from the other Simpsons family members. \"The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World\" is a 2D side-scrolling platform game. Single-player is the only mode", "psg_id": "4669062" }, { "title": "Beware My Cheating Bart", "text": "Beware My Cheating Bart \"Beware My Cheating Bart\" is the eighteenth episode of the twenty-third season of the American animated sitcom \"The Simpsons\". It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on April 15, 2012. It makes reference to the song \"Be Still My Beating Heart\" by Sting. During a day out in the mall, Homer decides to dump Milhouse and Bart at a children's movie so he can eat at the food court. The boys run into the bullies (who are there to see an R-rated remake of a Hong Kong horror film called \"Crawlspace\") and", "psg_id": "15842445" }, { "title": "The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants", "text": "The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants is a platform video game, the first based on the animated television series \"The Simpsons\". It was released in 1991 for the Nintendo Entertainment System, Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Sega Master System, and ZX Spectrum and in 1992 for Sega Genesis, and Sega Game Gear. It was published by Acclaim Entertainment and Ocean Software, and developed by Imagineering and Arc Developments. In the game, the player controls Bart Simpson through five levels as he tries to ruin the aliens' plan to take over", "psg_id": "5268847" }, { "title": "The Simpsons: Bart vs. The Juggernauts", "text": "exclusively for the hand-held console Game Boy. \"The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Juggernauts\" received average reviews from critics. UGO Networks commented that the game is \"actually a pretty original idea with some decent gameplay and mix of genres — easily one of the better \"Simpsons\" Game Boy adventures,\" concluding that \"it was all right; nothing stellar, but good enough.\" \"Nintendo Power\" gave the game a 3.35/5 rating, while Matt Williamson of \"Rocky Mountain News\" gave it a B- grade, commenting: \"a hysterical sendup of the \"American Gladiators\". Nice action sequences.\" In 2009, editor Bob Mackey reviewed the game in", "psg_id": "5268962" }, { "title": "The Simpsons: Bart & the Beanstalk", "text": "which kills all enemies currently on the screen. The enemies featured in the game include beetles, hornets, flies, ducks, rats, and fire flies. On some levels, Bart also has to defeat a boss. The game was developed by Software Creations and published by Acclaim. Richard Kay and Michael Webb served as executive producers, and Joe Smith composed the music. It was released in North America in February 1994 for the hand-held console Game Boy, and in Japan on September 30, 1994. \"The Simpsons: Bart & the Beanstalk\" is one of several \"The Simpsons\" Game Boy games published by Acclaim in", "psg_id": "5304371" }, { "title": "The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants", "text": "the beginning of the game somewhat authentic.\" Mackey described the game's controls as \"terrible\". The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants is a platform video game, the first based on the animated television series \"The Simpsons\". It was released in 1991 for the Nintendo Entertainment System, Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Sega Master System, and ZX Spectrum and in 1992 for Sega Genesis, and Sega Game Gear. It was published by Acclaim Entertainment and Ocean Software, and developed by Imagineering and Arc Developments. In the game, the player controls Bart Simpson", "psg_id": "5268858" }, { "title": "The Simpsons", "text": "\"The Simpsons\", which its creator Shalva Ramishvili has acknowledged. \"The Simpsons\" was the Fox network's first television series to rank among a season's top 30 highest-rated shows. In 1990, Bart quickly became one of the most popular characters on television in what was termed \"Bartmania\". He became the most prevalent \"Simpsons\" character on memorabilia, such as T-shirts. In the early 1990s, millions of T-shirts featuring Bart were sold; as many as one million were sold on some days. Believing Bart to be a bad role model, several American public schools banned T-shirts featuring Bart next to captions such as \"I'm", "psg_id": "408076" }, { "title": "The Simpsons: Bart & the Beanstalk", "text": "that the game is similar to the early side-scrolling Mario games. A review in the \"St. Petersburg Times\" called \"The Simpsons: Bart & the Beanstalk\" \"fun and funny\". In 2009, editor Bob Mackey reviewed the game in 1UP's official Retro Gaming Blog. He described the game as annoying, but thought the graphics were good. Mackey wrote that \"outside of a funky walk cycle from Bart, the game actually looks pretty nice—for some reason the Game Boy \"Simpsons\" games were always graphically superior to the NES ones—but that's about all the praise it deserves. Even more so than \"Camp Deadly\",", "psg_id": "5304374" }, { "title": "The Simpsons: Bart vs. The Juggernauts", "text": "USA\", based on the television program \"American Gladiators\", in which he has to run through obstacle courses, battle huge muscle-bound \"juggernauts\", and do various other challenges. There are a total of seven challenges that change from week to week. To make it onto the next week's episode of \"Juggernauts USA\" and avoid being eliminated, Bart must collect a certain amount of money from the challenges. Each of the four levels of \"The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Juggernauts\" are made up of an episode of the game show \"Juggernauts USA\". Every challenge is based on a character from \"The Simpsons\". For", "psg_id": "5268960" }, { "title": "The Simpsons: Bart & the Beanstalk", "text": "reviews from critics. The game merges the existing universe of \"The Simpsons\" television series with the fairy tale of \"Jack and the Beanstalk\". In the story, Bart Simpson goes to market to sell the family cow, but is swindled by a clever miser (played in the game by the character Mr. Burns) who trades it for magical beans and a slingshot. When Bart takes the magic beans home his father Homer Simpson accidentally eats them and spits them outside. A beanstalk grows, Bart climbs to the top, and adventures in a giant castle ensue. Bart meets several characters from \"The", "psg_id": "5304369" }, { "title": "Bart to the Future", "text": "Maude was a sin compounded by the Bart to the Future episode [...]\". In his 2006 book \"Watching with The Simpsons: Television, Parody, and Intertextuality\", Jonathan Gray analyzed the many advertisement parodies featured in \"The Simpsons\". He commented on \"Bart to the Future\", writing: \"As if ads in children's toys or in churches are not enough, in 'Bart to the Future,' an episode in which an Indian shaman at a casino treats Bart to a vision of his future, even his vision is interrupted when future-Bart says, 'I guess I am an embarrassment,' and a ghost responds, 'You sure are.", "psg_id": "3742980" }, { "title": "The Simpsons", "text": "Awards, 30 Annie Awards and a Peabody Award. In a 1999 issue celebrating the 20th century's greatest achievements in arts and entertainment, \"Time\" magazine named \"The Simpsons\" the century's best television series. In that same issue, \"Time\" included Bart Simpson in the \"\", the publication's list of the century's 100 most influential people. Bart was the only fictional character on the list. On January 14, 2000, the Simpsons were awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Also in 2000, \"Entertainment Weekly\" magazine TV critic Ken Tucker named \"The Simpsons\" the greatest television show of the 1990s. Furthermore, viewers", "psg_id": "408084" }, { "title": "The Bart Wants What It Wants", "text": "was pitched by staff writer Matt Selman. Because the Simpsons visit Toronto in the episode, the Fox network wanted to promote it by having the city of Toronto declare February 17 \"The Simpsons day\", and award the Simpsons family a key to the city. Because the city does not allow for-profit companies to receive a key, the request was turned down. \"The Bart Wants What it Wants\" also features guest stars Reese Witherspoon as Greta and Wolfgang Puck as himself. It also features references to Scrabble, \"Seinfeld\" and \"Whassup?\", an advertisement campaign for Budweiser beer. In its original broadcast, the", "psg_id": "4953487" }, { "title": "Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts", "text": "\"Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts\" has been well received by television critics. Hayden Childs of \"The A.V. Club\" gave this episode a \"B\" rating and commented that \"\"The Simpsons\" episodes that strive to have a little heart without going overboard are generally going to work better than the random-gag episodes, at least at this point in the storied history of \"The Simpsons\", and 'Bart Stops To Smell The Roosevelts' has enough wee little heart to see this episode through\", but further wrote that \"there were a number of jokes that didn't work, Milhouse's final scene in particular, but the", "psg_id": "15420815" }, { "title": "Bart to the Future", "text": "Bart to the Future \"Bart to the Future\" is the seventeenth episode of the eleventh season of the American animated television sitcom \"The Simpsons\". It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on March 19, 2000. In the episode, after their picnic in the park is cut short due to a mosquito infestation, the Simpsons stop by at an Indian casino. There, Bart is prevented from entering because of his age. He manages to sneak in but is caught by the guards and sent to the casino manager's office. The Native American manager shows Bart a vision", "psg_id": "3742962" }, { "title": "The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World", "text": "the first place. The sequel is a straight-up, cookie-cutter platformer without any real \"Simpson\"-y touches to satisfy fans of the show; Bart finds himself wandering through generic side-scrolling levels, with a \"Simpsons\" character showing up every now and then to remind you that this is an actual licensed product and not just a ROM hack.\" \"Entertainment Weekly\" gave the game a B and wrote that \"A nice multicultural touch — at one point in this travel-action game, Bart skateboards down China's Great Wall — puts this a notch above Acclaim's other Simpsons games, if not up to the standards of", "psg_id": "4669070" }, { "title": "Bart the Lover", "text": "Bart the Lover \"Bart the Lover\" is the sixteenth episode of \"The Simpsons\"<nowiki>'</nowiki> third season. It first aired on the Fox network in the United States on February 13, 1992. In the episode, Edna Krabappel, Bart's teacher, feels increasingly isolated and, looking for a companion, places a personal ad in the newspaper. Bart, who was given a month's detention for breaking the class fish tank with his yo-yo, decides to get revenge by responding to the ad. He creates a new adult male alter ego named Woodrow, inspired by a picture of former President Woodrow Wilson, and Mrs. Krabappel becomes", "psg_id": "5272799" }, { "title": "The Simpsons shorts", "text": "The Simpsons shorts The Simpsons shorts are an American animated TV series of 48 one-minute shorts that ran on the variety television program \"The Tracey Ullman Show\" for three seasons, before the characters spun off into \"The Simpsons\", their own half-hour prime-time show. It features Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. The series was created by Matt Groening, who designed the Simpson family and wrote many of the shorts. The shorts first aired on April 19, 1987 starting with \"Good Night\". The final short to air was \"TV Simpsons\", originally airing on May 14, 1989. \"The Simpsons\" later debuted on", "psg_id": "4540208" }, { "title": "Bart to the Future", "text": "45th President of the United States. Four days later, in the opening credits of the episode \"Havana Wild Weekend\", aired on November 13, 2016, Bart writes \"Being right sucks\" as the chalkboard gag in reference to Trump's victory in the election. Bart to the Future \"Bart to the Future\" is the seventeenth episode of the eleventh season of the American animated television sitcom \"The Simpsons\". It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on March 19, 2000. In the episode, after their picnic in the park is cut short due to a mosquito infestation, the Simpsons stop", "psg_id": "3742983" }, { "title": "Bart to the Future", "text": "Simpsons\" showrunner Mike Scully also noted that future Bart is the kind of person who is \"always waiting for some big sort of cash payoff that he feels he's owed whether it be an insurance settlement, an inheritance, or something that's gonna come sooner or later.\" Greaney said that everyone in the writing room recognized these traits from people they knew and therefore everyone contributed to the episode by suggesting lines for Bart to say and things for him to do. According to Greaney, the animators originally designed future Bart as \"cool and fun\" and made several designs where he", "psg_id": "3742972" }, { "title": "The Simpsons Movie", "text": "also a notion similar to that of \"The Truman Show\" where the characters discovered their lives were a TV show. Groening rejected this, as he felt that the Simpsons should \"never become aware of themselves as celebrities\", but the idea was later used in the video game \"The Simpsons Game\". Groening read about a town that had to get rid of pig feces in their water supply, which inspired the plot of the film. The decision for Flanders to have an important role also came early on, as Jean wished to see Bart wonder what his life would be like", "psg_id": "4481724" }, { "title": "The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World", "text": "from \"The Simpsons\". Reviews of \"Bart vs. the World\" have been mixed. \"GamePro\" gave the NES version an 80/100 rating, commenting that \"after running him through the rigors of a zany-but-strenuous Nintendo workout, the conclusion of this review became obvious: if ya loved Bart in \"Bart vs. the Space Mutants\", you're gonna like him in \"Bart vs. the World\". Despite a few shortcomings here and there, Bart's new cart is a world-beater!\" Tribune Media Services also gave it a positive review, writing that \"the storyline is great, the graphics, as Bart would say, are 'cool, man', and the action and", "psg_id": "4669066" }, { "title": "Nobody Does It Better", "text": "greatest hits compilation, \"\". Among the most successful Bond theme songs, \"Nobody Does It Better\" received an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Song where it lost to \"You Light Up My Life\", as well as a Golden Globe Award nomination. At the 20th Annual Grammy Awards held in 1978, \"Nobody Does It Better\" received a nomination for Song of the Year and Simon was nominated for Best Pop Vocal Performance, Female. In 2004, the song was also honored by the American Film Institute as the 67th greatest song as part of their 100 Years Series. Lyrically, \"Nobody Does It", "psg_id": "6502228" }, { "title": "Bart the Lover", "text": "romantically poetic and diplomatic breakup letter from Woodrow saying that he must leave, but he will never forget her, which gives Edna closure and makes her feel better. She and Bart then spend the latter's last day of detention outside the classroom. The script for \"Bart the Lover\" was written by Jon Vitti, who wanted an episode centered on Mrs. Krabappel that examined what it was like to have Bart as a student. Executive producer Mike Reiss pitched the idea of having Bart answer Mrs. Krabappel's personal ad. It was the first episode of the show to feature Mrs. Krabappel", "psg_id": "5272806" }, { "title": "The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants", "text": "equipment such as rockets and cherry bombs, which are bought with coins that can be collected by getting rid of aliens. Bart is controlled on foot and on a skateboard. To get rid of aliens, which are disguised as real humans, he needs to jump on their heads, although some are just regular humans. The game increases in difficulty with each level, and Bart meets up with a boss at the end of the first four. The levels uses elements of \"The Simpsons\" and some of the television humor appears in the game: for example, in the first level Bart", "psg_id": "5268850" }, { "title": "The Simpsons opening sequence", "text": "Beatle\", the \"Invader Zim\" pilot with Dib, and meta-references such as \"I am not a 32-year-old woman\" (in reference to Bart's voice actress Nancy Cartwright) and \"Nobody reads these anymore\". When possible, Bart is shown deliberately disobeying the line that he is writing on the chalkboard (e.g. squeaking chalk when asked to write \"I will not squeak chalk\", putting in ditto marks for \"I will not cut corners\", showing dis-coordination with \"coffee is not for kids\", or putting \"I will finish what I sta\" for a single line). In \"The Simpsons Movie\", the gag, \"I will not illegally download this", "psg_id": "7980163" }, { "title": "Bart to the Future", "text": "of his future as a washed-up, wannabe rock musician living with Ralph Wiggum, while Lisa has become the President of the United States and tries to get the country out of financial trouble. \"Bart to the Future\" was the second episode of \"The Simpsons\" to be set in the future, following \"Lisa's Wedding.\" The episode was directed by Michael Marcantel and written by Dan Greaney, who wanted to explore what Bart's life would end up like. Several designs were made by the animators for future Bart, but Greaney did not think they matched the personality of the character and had", "psg_id": "3742963" }, { "title": "The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World", "text": "a cape, Bart can become his superheroic alter-ego, Bartman, and fly for limited periods. The most important items in each stage are Krusty-brand souvenirs. There is one in every stage, and Bart must find them all in order to get the best ending (as well as unlocking a bonus Hollywood level). The other Simpsons also appear to give hints on where the souvenirs are. There are also several mini-games in each area, with puzzles such as a matching-card game and a trivia game based on events in actual episodes (from the first two seasons only). The game was first developed", "psg_id": "4669064" }, { "title": "One Finger and a Fist", "text": "all sitting around reading it and I was like \"I don't know if it goes with the song, chicks beating each other up, how are people going to view that?” Nobody wanted to be the guy that said “You know what? I don't want to spend my day watching a bunch of half naked chicks rip each other's clothes off. That just doesn't sound like fun.\" (Laughs) So, we just stuck with it. One Finger and a Fist \"One Finger and a Fist\" is a song by American rock band Drowning Pool and is the second single from \"Resilience\". Being", "psg_id": "17978759" }, { "title": "Bart on the Road", "text": "memorable.\" Bart on the Road \"Bart on the Road\" is the twentieth episode of \"The Simpsons\"<nowiki>'</nowiki> seventh season. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on March 31, 1996. In the episode, Bart makes his own fake driver's license. He rents a car with it and takes Milhouse, Martin, and Nelson on a road trip to Knoxville, Tennessee. In Knoxville, however, the car is destroyed, and they are stranded without any money or transportation. To get Bart home, Homer orders equipment for the power plant and ships it via courier from Knoxville, with the boys stowed", "psg_id": "4362443" }, { "title": "Bart on the Road", "text": "Bart on the Road \"Bart on the Road\" is the twentieth episode of \"The Simpsons\"<nowiki>'</nowiki> seventh season. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on March 31, 1996. In the episode, Bart makes his own fake driver's license. He rents a car with it and takes Milhouse, Martin, and Nelson on a road trip to Knoxville, Tennessee. In Knoxville, however, the car is destroyed, and they are stranded without any money or transportation. To get Bart home, Homer orders equipment for the power plant and ships it via courier from Knoxville, with the boys stowed away", "psg_id": "4362430" }, { "title": "Radio Bart", "text": "news in times of crisis, rival network TV Azteca's decided to air that same day the \"Simpsons\" episode \"Radio Bart\" (informally known in Mexico as \"the Timmy O'Toole episode\"). This choice was praised by their viewers and international news media alike, leading to Timmy O'Toole to become a trending topic in social media, with the Mexican people explaining their support through internet memes. Radio Bart \"Radio Bart\" is the thirteenth episode of \"The Simpsons\" third season. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on January 9, 1992. In the episode, Bart receives a microphone that transmits", "psg_id": "4777540" }, { "title": "Bart the Mother", "text": "favorite \"The Simpsons\" episodes, along with \"Bart Sells His Soul\" and \"Lisa's Substitute\". The \"Toronto Sun\"s Bruce Kirkland wrote that \"Bart the Mother\" was one of the \"classic episodes\" of the series' tenth season. The authors of the book \"I Can't Believe It's a Bigger and Better Updated Unofficial Simpsons Guide\", Warren Martyn and Adrian Wood wrote, \"We particularly like the moral dilemma at the end, as underlined by Lisa, regarding the eventual culling of the lizards that will need to take place. A good romp, this one, with some nice laughs at Homer's expense.\" Colin Jacobson of DVD Movie", "psg_id": "4982850" }, { "title": "The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World", "text": "\"Game Players\" review gave the Game Gear version a 62/100 rating. The magazine wrote that \"the twisted humor of other Simpsons games isn't there and the action segments could be from any game. Ignore it for home, but pack it for the beach.\" In 2009, editor Bob Mackey reviewed the NES game in's official Retro Gaming Blog. He wrote that it had the same problems that \"Bart vs. the Space Mutants\" had, such as \"lousy jumping physics\", and that it \"also manages to strip away the novelty that made the original \"Simpsons\" NES game worth checking out in", "psg_id": "4669069" }, { "title": "The Bart Wants What It Wants", "text": "million viewers. The episode finished in 27th place in the ratings for the week of February 11-17, 2002, making it the third most watched program on the network. Later that year, the episode was nominated for a Writers Guild of America Award in the Animation category, but it ultimately lost to the \"Futurama\" episode \"Godfellas\". On August 24, 2010, \"The Bart Wants What It Wants\" was released as part of \"The Simpsons: The Complete Thirteenth Season\" DVD and Blu-ray set. Al Jean, Matt Selman, Tim Long, John Frink, Don Payne, Tom Gammill, Max Pross, Joel H. Cohen, Pamela Hayden, Michael", "psg_id": "4953498" }, { "title": "So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show", "text": "So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show \"So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show\" is the eighteenth episode of \"The Simpsons\"<nowiki>'</nowiki> fourth season. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on April Fools' Day, 1993. In the episode, Homer plays a series of practical jokes on Bart, and to get even, Bart shakes up a can of Homer's beer with a paint shaker. Homer opens the can, resulting in a huge explosion that lands him in the hospital, where he goes into a coma. At Homer's bedside, the Simpson family reminisce, mainly", "psg_id": "5400047" }, { "title": "So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show", "text": "that Homer is still in a coma and all episodes since this one have been imaginary, hence a perceived surrealism and frequent guest appearances. He said that the hypothesis belongs in the \"intriguing but false file\". So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show \"So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show\" is the eighteenth episode of \"The Simpsons\"<nowiki>'</nowiki> fourth season. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on April Fools' Day, 1993. In the episode, Homer plays a series of practical jokes on Bart, and to get even, Bart shakes up a can", "psg_id": "5400058" }, { "title": "Bart Gets an \"F\"", "text": "sometimes has smuggled in an occasional message, as it does again.\" In his book \"The Gospel According to the Simpsons\", Mark I. Pinsky writes that \"Bart Gets an \"F\"\" offers the most detailed portrayal of the dynamic of prayer on \"The Simpsons\".\" Steve L. Case later included the episode in his book \"Toons That Teach\", a list of 75 cartoons that help teach biblical lessons. The episode was ranked 31st on \"Entertainment Weekly\"<nowiki>'</nowiki>s list of \"The 100 Greatest Moments in Television\", writing that it \"stands as classic irreverent family TV\". In 2007, Larina Adamson, a supervising producer on \"The Simpsons\",", "psg_id": "4645114" }, { "title": "The Bart Wants What It Wants", "text": "Polcino, Steven Dean Moore and Bill Freiberger participated in the audio commentary of the episode. Following its broadcast, \"The Bart Wants What It Wants\" received mixed reviews from critics. Giving the episode a positive review, Ben Rayner of the \"Toronto Star\" wrote, \"Fortunately, the episode is on par with this season's best, boasting a reasonably unscattered plotline and, where the main romantic storyline is concerned, a touch of the childlike sweetness Simpsons writers have brought to previous 'crush' episodes.\" Casey Broadwater of gave a positive review as well, describing it as a \"strong character-centric episode.\" Although he enjoyed most", "psg_id": "4953499" }, { "title": "The Simpsons (franchise)", "text": "1, 1991. In the early 1990s, millions of T-shirts featuring Bart were sold; as many as one million were sold on some days. Believing Bart to be a bad role model, several American public schools banned T-shirts featuring Bart next to captions such as \"I'm Bart Simpson. Who the hell are you?\" and \"Underachiever ('And proud of it, man!')\". McFarlane Toys released a line of action figures based on the film. In 2014 and 2015, Lego sets based on \"The Simpsons\" were produced, including The Simpsons House and a set of Collectible Lego Minifigures. \"The Simpsons\" has inspired special editions", "psg_id": "13264950" }, { "title": "Bart the Fink", "text": "Bart the Fink \"Bart the Fink\" is the fifteenth episode of \"The Simpsons\"<nowiki>'</nowiki> seventh season. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on February 11, 1996. In this episode, Bart inadvertently ruins Krusty the Clown's career by accidentally exposing Krusty as one of the biggest tax cheats in American history. Driven to despair, Krusty fakes a suicide in order to start life anew as a sailor; feeling guilty for what he did, Bart convinces Krusty to become a television clown again. The episode was written by John Swartzwelder and Bob Kushell, and directed by Jim Reardon.", "psg_id": "6172181" }, { "title": "The Bart Wants What It Wants", "text": "in bad taste, they decided to change it. When Lisa scolds Bart for being oblivious to Greta's feelings, he replies \"Hey, I didn't lead her on. I always played it light and breezy.\" The line was written by Frink and, according to Selman, it became very popular with the staff writers, having \"stayed with [them] for years\". The song that plays while the Simpsons visit the Skydome in Toronto is \"Take Off\" by the fictional comedy duo Bob and Doug McKenzie, the chorus of which was sung by Geddy Lee, the lead vocalist and bassist of the Canadian rock band", "psg_id": "4953495" }, { "title": "Springfield (The Simpsons)", "text": "The earliest known appearance was in \"Moaning Lisa\" where Bart challenges Homer to a boxing game on their home TV game system. As Bart is continuously undefeated, Homer decides to fight back by going to the video arcade to learn from the young children how to win in the same boxing game. Homer almost beats Bart but Marge switches off the game at the crucial moment. It was seen destroyed briefly in \"The Simpsons Movie\". Sprawl-Mart is a big department store in Springfield and a parody of Wal-Mart. It is first seen in \"The Fat and the Furriest\". While the", "psg_id": "894685" }, { "title": "Bart Simpson's Guide to Life", "text": "Simpson's Guide to Life\" was included on a list of \"30-plus actual books written by fictional TV characters\" by authors of \"The A.V. Club\". They wrote that because \"characters have developed and the show’s voice has changed, \"Bart’s Guide To Life\" is understandably a bit dated 17 years later (see the reference to \"Simpsons\" bootleg shirts), but like a lot of the books on this list, it’s a souvenir from a different pop-cultural age.\" Bart Simpson's Guide to Life Bart Simpson's Guide to Life is a humorous book published in the United States in 1993 by HarperCollins (imprint HarperPerennial). It", "psg_id": "5553785" }, { "title": "Bart Gets Hit by a Car", "text": "by Bart and Mr. Burns. 'Car' worked well and was consistently amusing and lively.\" Dawn Taylor of The DVD Journal thought that the best line was Bart's testimony, \"It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon. I was playing in my wholesome childlike way, little realizing that I was about to be struck down by the Luxury Car of Death\". Bart Gets Hit by a Car \"Bart Gets Hit by a Car\" is the tenth episode of \"The Simpsons\"<nowiki>'</nowiki> second season. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on January 10, 1991. At the start of the episode,", "psg_id": "4840673" }, { "title": "Bart Gets an Elephant", "text": "the week it aired. During cleaning day at the Simpsons' house, Bart wins a KBBL radio contest after the station's DJs, Bill and Marty, call him up. They give Bart the choice of two prizes: $10,000 in cash or a full-grown African elephant. Bart chooses the elephant. This surprises Bill and Marty, who believed that nobody would ever choose an elephant, and thus have no elephant to give away. They offer Bart a variety of other prizes, all of which he refuses. Word spreads throughout town about Bill and Marty's refusal to give Bart an elephant, prompting their boss to", "psg_id": "5404462" }, { "title": "Simpsons Already Did It", "text": "Kyle and Cartman drawn in \"Simpsons\" style, with Marge disapproving of Bart and Milhouse's apparent enjoyment of \"cartoon violence\", and the latter two contemplating about adults voicing children's characters. The 2009 \"Simpsons\" episode \"O Brother, Where Bart Thou?\" has Bart, Milhouse, Nelson and Ralph dressed up as, standing at the bus stop – similarly to the iconic bus stop scenes of \"South Park\" –, and Otto using the catchphrase \"Oh my God! I killed Kenny!\" when he hits Ralph (dressed as Kenny) driving the school bus. Simpsons Already Did It \"Simpsons Already Did It\" is the seventh episode of the", "psg_id": "4915957" }, { "title": "Bart to the Future", "text": "episodes have been released since \"Bart to the Future\", the first being Future-Drama (season 16, 2005), second being \"Holidays of Future Passed\" (season 23, 2011) and third being \"Days of Future Future\" (season 25, 2014). Greaney's inspiration for \"Bart to the Future\" came from \"Lisa's Wedding\". He and \"The Simpsons\" writer Matt Selman were sitting in Greaney's office one day, trying to come up with new episode stories, when they received the idea of making a companion piece to that episode. Greaney wanted to write an episode set in the future that focused on Bart instead of Lisa. He thought", "psg_id": "3742970" }, { "title": "The Bart Wants What It Wants", "text": "episodes of the thirteenth season, Colin Jacobson of DVD Movie Guide wrote that \"Half-Decent Proposal\" and \"The Bart Wants What It Wants\" \"forces [him] to rethink that opinion.\" He continued, \"Like 'Proposal', 'Wants' isn’t a bad program, but it feels stale and rehashed.\" He particularly disliked a joke about poor mileage, which he stated was \"identical\" to a gag from an earlier episode. He concluded his review by writing that the episode is \"mediocre [...] at best.\" Nate Boss of Project-Blu wrote that, while it featured Rainier Wolfcastle, which he considered to be \"one of the funniest characters in \"Simpsons\"", "psg_id": "4953500" }, { "title": "Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts", "text": "back seat.\" Similarly, Television Blend's Katey Rich wrote that she appreciates \"\"The Simpsons\" always being willing to push the envelope in different ways\", but admitted that it would take her \"some time to get the gangly-legged Marge Simpson and the leering Homer Simpson out of [her] brain.\" Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts \"Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts\" is the second episode of the twenty-third season of the American animated sitcom \"The Simpsons\". It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on October 2, 2011. The episode was the first to feature Superintendent Chalmers as the", "psg_id": "15420818" }, { "title": "The Bart Wants What It Wants", "text": "episode, Jean stated that the scene was written at a time when celebrity look-alikes were making \"excellent livings\". At one point in the episode, Bart and Greta are seen playing Scrabble, a word game manufactured by Hasbro. The music cue that plays before and after Skinner's comedy routine is based on the intro music from the American television sitcom \"Seinfeld\". The episode title is a reference to the common phrase \"the heart wants what it wants\". In its original American broadcast, \"The Bart Wants What It Wants\" received a 6.1 rating, according to Nielsen Media Research, translating to approximately 6.4", "psg_id": "4953497" }, { "title": "History of The Simpsons", "text": "wanted to respond by adding a response to the next broadcast of \"The Simpsons\", which was a rerun of \"Stark Raving Dad\" on January 30. The broadcast included a new tongue-in-cheek opening where they watch Bush's speech. Bart replies, \"Hey, we're just like the Waltons. We're praying for an end to the Depression, too\". The criticism eventually led to the idea for the episode \"Two Bad Neighbors\", which has George and Barbara move into the house across the street from the Simpsons. \"The Simpsons\" first season was the Fox network's first TV series to rank among a season's top 30", "psg_id": "9646950" }, { "title": "The Simpsons", "text": "Cindy Vance created the publishing company Bongo Comics. Issues of \"Simpsons Comics\", \"Bart Simpson's Treehouse of Horror\" and \"Bart Simpson\" have been collected and reprinted in trade paperbacks in the United States by HarperCollins. 20th Century Fox, Gracie Films, and Film Roman produced \"The Simpsons Movie\", an animated film that was released on July 27, 2007. The film was directed by long-time \"Simpsons\" producer David Silverman and written by a team of \"Simpsons\" writers comprising Matt Groening, James L. Brooks, Al Jean, George Meyer, Mike Reiss, John Swartzwelder, Jon Vitti, David Mirkin, Mike Scully, Matt Selman, and Ian Maxtone-Graham. Production", "psg_id": "408106" }, { "title": "Bart to the Future", "text": "it would be interesting to explore how the future works out for \"a guy like Bart, who doesn't pay attention to school work and is all about being cool.\" Selman commented in an audio commentary for \"Bart to the Future\" that \"the thing that really got the [\"Simpsons\"] writers excited about the episode was this very specific version of future Bart.\" Greaney identified this version as \"the guy who blames everyone else and tells everyone else that they used to be cool, that it's everyone else's fault that his life hasn't gone the way he wants it to go.\" \"The", "psg_id": "3742971" }, { "title": "The Simpsons (franchise)", "text": "most of the first three seasons. In 1990, Bart quickly became one of the most popular characters on television in what was termed \"Bartmania\". On February 9, 1997, \"The Simpsons\" surpassed \"The Flintstones\" with the episode \"The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show\" as the longest-running prime-time animated series in the United States. In 2004, \"The Simpsons\" replaced \"The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet\" (1952 to 1966) as the longest-running sitcom (animated or live action) in the United States. In May 2007, \"The Simpsons\" reached their 400th episode at the end of the eighteenth season. Hallmarks of the show include", "psg_id": "13264926" }, { "title": "A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Will Never Do Again", "text": "people). For the week of \"A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Will Never Do Again\" placed 17th in the ratings among all prime-time broadcasts in the 18–49 demographic, and sixth among all Fox prime-time broadcasts. Reception of the episode by television critics has been generally positive. Rowan Kaiser of \"The A.V. Club\" praised the episode, gave a A- and commented that it is \"good to see \"The Simpsons\" try an ambitious episode, and great to see those ambitions largely fulfilled.\" He added that episodes that \"give Bart extra depth ('Bart Sells His Soul' especially) are among my favorite \"Simpsons\" half-hours,\"", "psg_id": "15947290" }, { "title": "Pull my finger", "text": "corpse has its timer started by pulling on the corpse's finger. In 2008, an iPhone app from Air-O-Matic called Pull My Finger was one of the most popular apps in Apple's App Store, purchased over 50,000 times in less than one week. It allowed users to pull a virtual finger, activating the sound. The phrase is now the focus of a legal battle between Pull My Finger and InfoMedia's iFart Mobile app over the use of the phrase. In 2015, an MRI study of how knuckles trigger popping sounds was jokingly called the \"pull my finger study.\" Pull my finger", "psg_id": "3787333" }, { "title": "Bart the Genius", "text": "Martyn and Adrian Wood, the authors of the book \"I Can't Believe It's a Bigger and Better Updated Unofficial Simpsons Guide\", strongly praised the episode calling it \"superbly written and directed, often a literal child's-eye view of education, the first \"Simpsons\" episode proper is a classic.\" They went on to say, \"these twenty minutes cemented Bart's position as a cultural icon and a hero to all underachievers, and managed a good few kicks at hothouse schools along the way. Especially worthy of note is the sequence where Bart visualises his maths problem, the viewing of which should be a required", "psg_id": "1449254" }, { "title": "Bart to the Future", "text": "that week, following an episode of \"Malcolm in the Middle\" (which received a 10.0 rating and was watched in 10.1 million homes). On October 7, 2008, \"Bart to the Future\" was released on DVD as part of the box set \"The Simpsons – The Complete Eleventh Season\". Staff members Mike Scully, Dan Greaney, Matt Selman, and George Meyer participated in the DVD audio commentary for the episode. Deleted scenes from the episode were also included on the box set. \"Bart to the Future\" has received mixed to negative reviews from critics compared to \"Lisa's Wedding\" which met with positive response.", "psg_id": "3742976" }, { "title": "Anywhere I Lay My Head", "text": "liner notes of \"Anywhere I Lay My Head\". Anywhere I Lay My Head Anywhere I Lay My Head is the debut studio album by American actress Scarlett Johansson, released on May 16, 2008 by Atco Records. Johansson recorded the album over five weeks in spring 2007 at Dockside Studios in Maurice, Louisiana. It was produced by Dave Sitek of TV on the Radio and includes collaborations with David Bowie and members of Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Celebration. \"Anywhere I Lay My Head\" contains four songs written by Tom Waits, six songs written by Waits and his wife Kathleen Brennan, and", "psg_id": "11565102" }, { "title": "Nobody Does It Better", "text": "\"Casino Royale\", commercials used the song's title, \"Nobody Does It Better\", as a catch phrase. Included in the March 2007 DVD release of \"Casino Royale\" was the documentary featurette \"Bond Girls Are Forever\"; a version of \"Nobody Does it Better\" performed by Faith Rivera is heard over the closing credits. Teaser posters for the 1983 Bond film, \"Octopussy\", featured the tagline: \"Nobody does it better... thirteen times\" (this was the 13th official James Bond film). The song was featured over a montage of James Bond film clips featuring the character Q; this was included on the VHS release (as well", "psg_id": "6502234" }, { "title": "Fat Tony (The Simpsons)", "text": "\"A Fish Called Selma\". IGN ranked Fat Tony at No. 18 on their 2006 list of the \"Top 25 \"Simpsons\" Peripheral Characters\". Star News Online listed Joe Mantegna as one of the 400 reasons why they love \"The Simpsons\". In 2007, Adam Finley of TV Squad called Mantegna one of the five best \"The Simpsons\" guest stars and \"Vanity Fair\" called \"Bart the Murderer\" the eighth best episode of the show, saying, \"This episode makes the cut because of the inspired Mafia satire\". Playmates Toys made Fat Tony into an action figure as part of the World of Springfield toy", "psg_id": "742101" }, { "title": "Bart the Mother", "text": "Bart the Mother \"Bart the Mother\" is the third episode of \"The Simpsons\" tenth season. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on September 27, 1998. In the episode, Bart accidentally kills a mother bird with a BB gun, and decides to hatch and take care of the two eggs he found in the bird's nest. \"Bart the Mother\" was written by David X. Cohen and directed by Steven Dean Moore; it was the last full-length episode Cohen wrote for \"The Simpsons\" before leaving to work on \"Futurama\". The original idea for the episode was intended", "psg_id": "4982837" }, { "title": "Religion in The Simpsons", "text": "praying. William Romanowski, author of the book \"Pop Culture Wars: Religion and the Role of Entertainment in American Life\", noted that \"\"The Simpsons\" is not dismissive of faith, but treats religion as an integral part of American life. Episodes that I’ve seen are not so much irreverent toward religion, but poke fun at American attitudes and practices.\" One episode that heavily features religion is \"Bart Sells His Soul\" (1995). While discussing \"The Simpsons\" treatment of religion in his \"Drawn to Television\" book, M. Keith Booker cites a scene from the episode where Milhouse asks Bart what religions have to gain", "psg_id": "6085261" }, { "title": "Bart the Daredevil", "text": "Bart the Daredevil \"Bart the Daredevil\" is the eighth episode of \"The Simpsons\" second season. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on December 6, 1990. It was written by Jay Kogen and Wallace Wolodarsky and directed by Wes Archer. In the episode, the Simpsons go to a monster truck rally that features famous daredevil Lance Murdock. Bart immediately becomes enamored and decides that he wants to become a daredevil as well. Bart's first stunt ends in injury, and despite the family and Dr. Hibbert's best efforts, he continues to attempt stunts. Bart decides to jump", "psg_id": "4763172" }, { "title": "My Better Half (TV series)", "text": "he can. One day, Sum is caught red-handed in Shenzhen by Lai Sum, who proposes to divorce him! Yee always claims he has never lost in the game of love, until he meets Miu Ling Chi, a newly recruited management staff of the company. Yee loses bitterly this time, and almost loses his job, too. My Better Half (TV series) My Better Half (Traditional Chinese: ) is a 2010 TVB modern comedy series. Pharmaceutical company employee Ching Sum (Michael Miu) has an overbearing wife, Ko Lai Sum (Maggie Cheung). In order not to fight head-on with her, he has been", "psg_id": "14254184" }, { "title": "My Better Half (TV series)", "text": "My Better Half (TV series) My Better Half (Traditional Chinese: ) is a 2010 TVB modern comedy series. Pharmaceutical company employee Ching Sum (Michael Miu) has an overbearing wife, Ko Lai Sum (Maggie Cheung). In order not to fight head-on with her, he has been playing ostrich in their seven years of marriage. Lai Sum, however, has never stopped watching his every move, as she always believes he is fooling around behind her back. Sum’s younger brother, Ching Yee (Michael Tse), laughs at Sum a lot, but he also feels sorry for his plight, and gives him practical advice whenever", "psg_id": "14254183" }, { "title": "My Sister, My Sitter", "text": "My Sister, My Sitter \"My Sister, My Sitter\" is the seventeenth episode of \"The Simpsons\"<nowiki>'</nowiki> eighth season. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on March 2, 1997. In the episode, Marge and Homer go to a gala and leave Lisa to babysit Bart. Being unhappy with this, Bart does everything he can to annoy Lisa. Eventually, Bart becomes injured and Lisa must find him medical attention without losing her reputation as a good babysitter. The episode was written by Dan Greaney and directed by Jim Reardon. The script was written to focus on the relationship", "psg_id": "5625722" }, { "title": "Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts", "text": "Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts \"Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts\" is the second episode of the twenty-third season of the American animated sitcom \"The Simpsons\". It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on October 2, 2011. The episode was the first to feature Superintendent Chalmers as the central character and Chalmers' flashbacks references the films \"The Breakfast Club\" and \"Fight Club\". In the episode, Principal Skinner challenges Superintendent Chalmers to take over Bart's education after one of his pranks. Chalmers accepts and starts teaching Bart about Theodore Roosevelt and manliness. After he takes Bart", "psg_id": "15420799" }, { "title": "To Be a Better Man", "text": "To Be a Better Man To Be a Better Man (Chinese: 好先生) is a 2016 Chinese television series produced by LeEco and directed by Zhang Xiaobo. It stars Sun Honglei, Jiang Shuying, Wao Yaoqing, Che Xiao, Lay Zhang and Guan Xiaotong. The series was aired on Jiangsu TV and Zhejiang TV from 31 May to 22 June 2016. Lu Yuan worked hard in America to become a Michelin 3-star chef. To many, he is the Devil incarnate, reckless and wanton. But when it comes to the person he loves, he is an entirely different \"good man\" who is loyal, kind,", "psg_id": "19677167" }, { "title": "Heartbreak Hotel (The Simpsons)", "text": "Heartbreak Hotel (The Simpsons) Heartbreak Hotel is the 641st episode of \"The Simpsons\" and the second episode of season 30. The episode was written by Matt Selman and Renee Ridgeley. In the episode, Marge Simpson and Homer Simpson take part in a reality TV show. The Simpson family are watching a reality TV show called \"The Amazing Place\". Bart and Lisa encourage Homer and Marge to audition, but Marge shows them their past tryouts for the show, which were rejected every single time. Lisa edits a video of Marge and Homer's rejection letter openings and sends it to the show's", "psg_id": "20880938" }, { "title": "Bart the Daredevil", "text": "concluded by noting that the episode helps \"The Simpsons\" stand apart from other animated and live action sitcoms by focusing more on the relationships between the characters than \"just a humorous weekly plotline\". Writing for the book \"I Can't Believe It's a Bigger and Better Updated Unofficial Simpsons Guide\", Jay Kogen and Wallace Wolodarsky noted that \"Bart the Daredevil\"'s sequence in which Homer falls down the gorge is the one that \"everyone remembers\", noting that \"he's getting much stupider by this point.\" In his book \"Doug Pratt's DVD\", DVD reviewer and \"Rolling Stone\" contributor Doug Pratt chooses the episode as", "psg_id": "4763186" }, { "title": "Heartbreak Hotel (The Simpsons)", "text": "Woolf?\" with George Segal reprising his role from the film. Heartbreak Hotel (The Simpsons) Heartbreak Hotel is the 641st episode of \"The Simpsons\" and the second episode of season 30. The episode was written by Matt Selman and Renee Ridgeley. In the episode, Marge Simpson and Homer Simpson take part in a reality TV show. The Simpson family are watching a reality TV show called \"The Amazing Place\". Bart and Lisa encourage Homer and Marge to audition, but Marge shows them their past tryouts for the show, which were rejected every single time. Lisa edits a video of Marge and", "psg_id": "20880944" }, { "title": "Bart of Darkness", "text": "cultural references and noting the \"biting commentary\" of Maude Flanders' line, \"I was at Bible camp learning to be more judgmental\". Later reviews shared these sentiments. Warren Martyn and Adrian Wood, authors of the book \"I Can't Believe It's a Bigger and Better Updated Unofficial Simpsons Guide\", found that the \"eventual explanation for [Flanders'] murderous behavior is hilarious\". Tim Knight called it \"a terrific opener to the season\". Bart of Darkness \"Bart of Darkness\" is the first episode of \"The Simpsons\"<nowiki>'</nowiki> sixth season. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on September 4, 1994. It was", "psg_id": "2937897" }, { "title": "I Can't Put My Finger on It", "text": "I Can't Put My Finger on It I Can't Put My Finger on It is the second and last album by Miniature, drummer Joey Baron, saxophonist Tim Berne and cellist Hank Roberts, which was recorded in 1991 and released on the JMT label. The AllMusic review by Stephen Cook said \"The result here is a corralled mix of bop, free jazz, soundtrack ambience, and funk, all wrapped in Berne's cerebrally swinging sound. And while not a substitute for one of Berne's or Baron's solo outings of the '90s, \"I Can't Put My Finger on It\" will still please fans of", "psg_id": "18334923" }, { "title": "Nobody Does It Better", "text": "B&Q chain of DIY shops around the same time. An adaption of the melody during the lines 'nobody does it half as good as you, baby you're the best' was used as an advertising motif for a commercial airing during the mid to late 90s, commissioned by Australian real estate company LJ Hooker. Instead of the original lyrics it was sung 'Nobody does it better, L.J Hooker you're the best'. The company's tagline has remained 'Nobody Does It Better' to the present day. In 1997, during the final telecast of the \"Pro Bowlers Tour\" on ABC, the song was played", "psg_id": "6502237" }, { "title": "Bart Gets an \"F\"", "text": "Bart Gets an \"F\" \"Bart Gets an \"F\"\" is the first episode of \"The Simpsons\"<nowiki>'</nowiki> second season. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on October 11, 1990. In the episode, Bart fails four consecutive history exams and the school psychiatrist recommends that Bart repeat the fourth grade. Bart vows that he will start to do better and attempts to get the resident class genius Martin Prince to help him, but after that backfires, Bart prays for help. That night, Springfield is hit with a massive blizzard and the school is closed, giving Bart another day", "psg_id": "4645090" }, { "title": "Nobody Does It Better", "text": "Nobody Does It Better \"Nobody Does It Better\" is a song composed by Marvin Hamlisch with lyrics by Carole Bayer Sager. It was recorded by Carly Simon as the theme song for the 1977 James Bond film \"The Spy Who Loved Me\". It was the first Bond theme song to be titled differently from the name of the film since \"Dr. No\", although the phrase \"the spy who loved me\" is included in the lyrics. The song was released as a single from the film's soundtrack album. \"Nobody Does It Better\" became a major worldwide hit, spending three weeks at", "psg_id": "6502226" }, { "title": "The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants", "text": "five levels, in which Bart must collect or destroy a certain number of these items (purple objects in the first level, hats in the second, balloons in the third, exit signs in the fourth, and nuclear rods in the fifth). If Bart loses a life he says \"Eat my shorts!\" Another objective of \"Bart vs. the Space Mutants\" is to help Bart convince the other members of the Simpson family about the aliens' existence so that they will help him during the levels. In order to get to some of the items and progress through the game, Bart must use", "psg_id": "5268849" }, { "title": "Radio Bart", "text": "terrific show. From Bart's crappy birthday to his pranks to the public reaction to Timmy's trapping, the humor flies fast and furious in this excellent episode. It's one of the better ones.\" \"The Daily Telegraph\" characterized the episode as one of ten best episodes of \"The Simpsons\". DVD Times's Chris Kaye said \"Radio Bart\" is \"another demonstration of the series' knack for cultural references, parodying the Billy Wilder movie \"Ace in the Hole\".\" \"Entertainment Weekly\" ranked \"Radio Bart\" as the twentieth best episode of \"The Simpsons\" and commented that \"it's a media parody so sharp, we're still stinging a bit.\"", "psg_id": "4777537" }, { "title": "The Town (The Simpsons)", "text": "The Town (The Simpsons) \"The Town\" is the third episode of the twenty-eighth season of the animated television series \"The Simpsons\", and the 599th episode of the series overall. It aired in the United States on Fox on October 9, 2016. In the episode, Bart enrages Homer by becoming a fan of the Boston Americans (a parody of the New England Patriots). Homer takes the family on a \"hate-cation\" to Boston to show Bart how bad the city is, but the family fall in love with the city and move there. However, Bart soon discovers that Boston is not how", "psg_id": "19779917" }, { "title": "The Bart Wants What It Wants", "text": "Although the episode was written by Frink and Payne, the idea for the episode was conceived by staff writer Matt Selman, who pitched an episode in which Bart likes a girl because she has \"awesome things\", while the girl likes him for his personality. Because the Simpsons visit Toronto in the episode, the Fox network decided to promote it as the episode's main focus, even though Canada is not mentioned before the third act. To help promote the episode, Fox requested that the city of Toronto declare February 17, 2002, the day the episode first aired, to be \"The Simpsons", "psg_id": "4953491" }, { "title": "The Simpsons (franchise)", "text": "Morrison, Mike Rote, Steve Vance and Cindy Vance created the publishing company Bongo Comics. Issues of \"Simpsons Comics\", \"Bart Simpson's Treehouse of Horror\" and \"Bart Simpson\" have been collected and reprinted in trade paperbacks in the United States by HarperCollins. Dozens of books featuring or about the Simpsons have been released by Fox. \"The Simpsons Library of Wisdom\" series each relate to a character from the show and two per year are released. \"Simpsons Illustrated\" was a companion magazine to \"The Simpsons\". It was produced by Matt Groening, Bill Morrison, Cindy and Steve Vance, and Katy Dobbs was editorial director.", "psg_id": "13264941" }, { "title": "The Front (The Simpsons)", "text": "only \"Simpsons\" episode written by Lapidus. After being disappointed by a new episode of \"Itchy & Scratchy\", Bart and Lisa decide that they can write a better one themselves. Inspired by the sight of Homer accidentally slicing Marge's hair off with hedge shears, they write a script titled \"Little Barbershop of Horrors\", but their episode is rejected by Roger Meyers Jr., head of Itchy & Scratchy International. Correctly guessing that Meyers did not take them seriously because they were children, they resubmit the manuscript under Grampa's name, leading Meyers to hire Grampa as a staff writer. Bart and Lisa inform", "psg_id": "5674041" } ]
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