stringlengths 501
| package
stringlengths 2
| path
stringlengths 9
| filename
stringlengths 4
import re
from twovyper.ast.names import RESOURCE_PREFIX, DERIVED_RESOURCE_PREFIX
def preprocess(program: str) -> str:
# Make specifications valid python statements. We use assignments instead of variable
# declarations because we could have contract variables called 'ensures'.
# Padding with spaces is used to keep the column numbers correct in the preprocessed program.
def padding(old_length: int, match_length: int) -> str:
return (match_length - old_length) * ' '
def replacement(start: str, end: str):
old_length = len(start) + len(end)
return lambda m: f'{start}{padding(old_length, len(}{end}'
def replace(regex, repl):
nonlocal program
program = re.sub(regex, repl, program, flags=re.MULTILINE)
replace(r'#@\s*config\s*:', replacement('config', '='))
replace(r'#@\s*interface', replacement('internal_interface', '=True'))
replace(r'#@\s*ghost\s*:', replacement('with(g)', ':'))
replace(r'#@\s*resource\s*:\s*', replacement('def ', RESOURCE_PREFIX))
replace(r'#@\s*derived\s*resource\s*:\s*', replacement('def ', DERIVED_RESOURCE_PREFIX))
replace(r'#@\s*ensures\s*:', replacement('ensures', '='))
replace(r'#@\s*requires\s*:', replacement('requires', '='))
replace(r'#@\s*check\s*:', replacement('check', '='))
replace(r'#@\s*performs\s*:', replacement('performs', '='))
replace(r'#@\s*invariant\s*:', replacement('invariant', '='))
replace(r'#@\s*inter\s*contract\s*invariant\s*:', replacement('inter_contract_invariant', '='))
replace(r'#@\s*always\s*ensures\s*:', replacement('always_ensures', '='))
replace(r'#@\s*always\s*check\s*:', replacement('always_check', '='))
replace(r'#@\s*caller\s*private\s*:', replacement('caller_private', '='))
replace(r'#@\s*preserves\s*:', replacement('if False', ':'))
replace(r'#@\s*pure', replacement('@pure', ''))
replace(r'#@\s*interpreted', replacement('@interpreted', ''))
replace(r'#@\s*lemma_def', replacement('def', ''))
replace(r'#@\s*lemma_assert', replacement('assert', ''))
return program | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/parsing/ | |
from functools import reduce
from typing import Any, Dict, List
import re
from lark import Lark
from lark.exceptions import ParseError, UnexpectedInput, VisitError
from lark.indenter import Indenter
from lark.tree import Meta
from lark.visitors import Transformer, v_args
from twovyper.ast import ast_nodes as ast, names
from twovyper.ast.arithmetic import Decimal
from twovyper.ast.visitors import NodeVisitor
from twovyper.exceptions import ParseException, InvalidProgramException
from twovyper.vyper import select_version
class PythonIndenter(Indenter):
NL_type = '_NEWLINE'
tab_len = 8
_kwargs = dict(postlex=PythonIndenter(), parser='lalr', propagate_positions=True, maybe_placeholders=False)
_lark_file = select_version({'^0.2.0': 'vyper_0_2.lark', '>=0.1.0-beta.16 <0.1.0': 'vyper_0_1.lark'})
_vyper_module_parser =, rel_to=__file__, start='file_input', **_kwargs)
_vyper_expr_parser =, rel_to=__file__, start='test', **_kwargs)
def copy_pos(function):
def with_pos(self, children: List[Any], meta: Meta):
node = function(self, children, meta)
node.file = self.file
node.lineno = meta.line
node.col_offset = meta.column
node.end_lineno = meta.end_line
node.end_col_offset = meta.end_column
return node
return with_pos
def copy_pos_from(node: ast.Node, to: ast.Node):
to.file = node.file
to.lineno = node.lineno
to.col_offset = node.col_offset
to.end_lineno = node.end_lineno
to.end_col_offset = node.end_col_offset
def copy_pos_between(node: ast.Node, left: ast.Node, right: ast.Node) -> ast.Node:
assert left.file == right.file
assert left.lineno <= right.lineno
assert left.lineno != right.lineno or left.col_offset < right.col_offset
node.file = left.file
node.lineno = left.lineno
node.col_offset = left.col_offset
node.end_lineno = right.end_lineno
node.end_col_offset = right.end_col_offset
return node
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
class _PythonTransformer(Transformer):
def transform_tree(self, tree, file):
self.file = file
transformed = self.transform(tree)
self.file = None
return transformed
def file_input(self, children, meta):
return ast.Module(children)
def contractdef(self, children, meta):
name = str(children[0])
body = children[1]
return ast.ContractDef(name, body)
def structdef(self, children, meta):
name = str(children[0])
body = children[1]
return ast.StructDef(name, body)
def eventdef(self, children, meta):
name = str(children[0])
body = children[1]
return ast.EventDef(name, body)
def mapdef(self, children, meta):
assert len(children) == 1
return ast.FunctionCall(names.MAP, children[0], [])
def funcdef(self, children, meta):
decorators = children[0]
name = str(children[1])
args = children[2]
if len(children) == 3:
# This is a function stub without a return value
if decorators:
raise InvalidProgramException(decorators[0], 'invalid.function.stub')
return ast.FunctionStub(name, args, None)
elif len(children) == 4:
if isinstance(children[3], list):
# This is a function definition without a return value
body = children[3]
return ast.FunctionDef(name, args, body, decorators, None)
# This is a function stub with a return value
ret = children[3].children
ret = ret[0] if len(ret) == 1 else self._tuple(ret, meta)
return ast.FunctionStub(name, args, ret)
elif len(children) == 5:
# This is a function definition with a return value
ret = children[3].children
ret = ret[0] if len(ret) == 1 else self._tuple(ret, meta)
body = children[4]
return ast.FunctionDef(name, args, body, decorators, ret)
def decorators(self, children, meta):
return children
def decorator(self, children, meta):
name = str(children[0])
if len(children) == 1:
args = []
args, kwargs = children[1]
if kwargs:
raise InvalidProgramException(kwargs[0], 'invalid.decorator')
return ast.Decorator(name, args)
def parameter_list(self, children, meta):
return children
def parameter(self, children, meta):
name = str(children[0])
annotation = children[1]
default = children[2] if len(children) == 3 else None
return ast.Arg(name, annotation, default)
def expr_stmt(self, children, meta):
target = children[0]
if isinstance(target, list):
target = self._tuple(target, meta)
if len(children) == 2:
assign_builder = children[1]
return assign_builder(target)
return ast.ExprStmt(target)
def assign(self, children, meta):
if len(children[0]) > 1:
# Used for config
value = self._tuple(children[0], meta)
value = children[0][0]
return lambda target: ast.Assign(target, value)
def _tuple(self, children, meta):
return ast.Tuple(children)
def annassign(self, children, meta):
annotation = children[0]
value = children[1] if len(children) == 2 else None
return lambda target: ast.AnnAssign(target, annotation, value)
def augassign(self, children, meta):
op = children[0]
value = children[1]
return lambda target: ast.AugAssign(target, op, value)
def aug_op(self, children, meta):
# The actual operation is the first character of augment operator
op = children[0][0]
return ast.ArithmeticOperator(op)
def pass_stmt(self, children, meta):
return ast.Pass()
def break_stmt(self, children, meta):
return ast.Break()
def continue_stmt(self, children, meta):
return ast.Continue()
def return_stmt(self, children, meta):
if not children:
return ast.Return(None)
value = children[0][0] if len(children[0]) == 1 else self._tuple(children[0], meta)
return ast.Return(value)
def raise_stmt(self, children, meta):
exc = children[0] if children else None
return ast.Raise(exc)
def import_name(self, children, meta):
names = children[0]
return ast.Import(names)
def import_from(self, children, meta):
level, module = children[0]
names = children[1]
return ast.ImportFrom(module, names, level)
def relative_name(self, children, meta):
if len(children) == 2:
level = children[0]
name = children[1]
elif isinstance(children[0], str):
level = 0
name = children[0]
level = children[0]
name = None
return level, name
def dots(self, children, meta):
return len(children[0])
def alias_list(self, children, meta):
return children
def alias(self, children, meta):
name = children[0]
asname = children[1] if len(children) == 2 else None
return ast.Alias(name, asname)
def dotted_name_list(self, children, meta):
return children
def dotted_name(self, children, meta):
return '.'.join(children)
def assert_stmt(self, children, meta):
test = children[0]
msg = children[1] if len(children) == 2 else None
return ast.Assert(test, msg)
def if_stmt(self, children, meta):
if len(children) % 2 == 0:
# We have no else branch
orelse = []
orelse = children.pop()
while children:
body = children.pop()
test = children.pop()
orelse = [self._if_stmt([test, body, orelse], meta)]
return orelse[0]
def log_stmt(self, children, meta):
assert len(children) == 1
assert len(children[0]) == 1
assert isinstance(children[0][0], ast.ExprStmt)
return ast.Log(children[0][0].value)
def _if_stmt(self, children, meta):
test = children[0]
body = children[1]
orelse = children[2]
return ast.If(test, body, orelse)
def for_stmt(self, children, meta):
target = children[0]
iter = children[1]
body = children[2]
return ast.For(target, iter, body)
def with_stmt(self, children, meta):
body = children[1]
# We ignore the items, as we don't need them
return ast.Ghost(body)
def suite(self, children, meta):
return children
def test(self, children, meta):
body = children[0]
cond = children[1]
orelse = children[2]
return ast.IfExpr(cond, body, orelse)
def _left_associative_bool_op(self, children, op):
return reduce(lambda l, r: copy_pos_between(ast.BoolOp(l, op, r), l, r), children)
def _right_associative_bool_op(self, children, op):
return reduce(lambda r, l: copy_pos_between(ast.BoolOp(l, op, r), l, r), reversed(children))
def impl_test(self, children, meta):
return self._right_associative_bool_op(children, ast.BoolOperator.IMPLIES)
def or_test(self, children, meta):
return self._left_associative_bool_op(children, ast.BoolOperator.OR)
def and_test(self, children, meta):
return self._left_associative_bool_op(children, ast.BoolOperator.AND)
def unot(self, children, meta):
operand = children[0]
return ast.Not(operand)
def comparison(self, children, meta):
left = children[0]
op = children[1]
right = children[2]
if isinstance(op, ast.ComparisonOperator):
return ast.Comparison(left, op, right)
elif isinstance(op, ast.ContainmentOperator):
return ast.Containment(left, op, right)
elif isinstance(op, ast.EqualityOperator):
return ast.Equality(left, op, right)
assert False
def arith_expr(self, children, meta):
return self._bin_op(children)
def term(self, children, meta):
return self._bin_op(children)
def factor(self, children, meta):
op = children[0]
operand = children[1]
return ast.UnaryArithmeticOp(op, operand)
def _bin_op(self, children):
operand = children.pop()
def bop(right):
if children:
op = children.pop()
left = bop(children.pop())
ret = ast.ArithmeticOp(left, op, right)
copy_pos_between(ret, left, right)
return ret
return right
return bop(operand)
def factor_op(self, children, meta):
return ast.UnaryArithmeticOperator(children[0])
def add_op(self, children, meta):
return ast.ArithmeticOperator(children[0])
def mul_op(self, children, meta):
return ast.ArithmeticOperator(children[0])
def comp_op(self, children, meta):
return ast.ComparisonOperator(children[0])
def cont_op(self, children, meta):
if len(children) == 1:
return ast.ContainmentOperator.IN
return ast.ContainmentOperator.NOT_IN
def eq_op(self, children, meta):
return ast.EqualityOperator(children[0])
def power(self, children, meta):
left = children[0]
right = children[1]
return ast.ArithmeticOp(left, ast.ArithmeticOperator.POW, right)
def funccall(self, children, meta):
func = children[0]
args, kwargs = children[1]
if isinstance(func, ast.Name):
return ast.FunctionCall(, args, kwargs)
elif isinstance(func, ast.Subscript) and isinstance(func.value, ast.Name):
return ast.FunctionCall(, args, kwargs, func.index)
elif isinstance(func, ast.Attribute):
return ast.ReceiverCall(func.attr, func.value, args, kwargs)
elif isinstance(func, ast.Subscript) and isinstance(func.value, ast.Attribute):
return ast.ReceiverCall(func.value.attr, func, args, kwargs)
raise InvalidProgramException(func, 'invalid.receiver')
def getitem(self, children, meta):
if isinstance(children[0], ast.Name):
if children[0].id == names.MAP:
assert len(children) == 3
return ast.FunctionCall(names.MAP, children[1:], [])
if children[0].id in (names.EXCHANGE, names.OFFER, names.OFFERED, names.REVOKE):
if len(children) == 3:
value = children[0]
index = ast.Exchange(children[1], children[2])
copy_pos_from(children[1], index)
return ast.Subscript(value, index)
value = children[0]
index = children[1]
return ast.Subscript(value, index)
def getattr(self, children, meta):
value = children[0]
attr = str(children[1])
return ast.Attribute(value, attr)
def exchange(self, children, meta):
value1 = children[0]
value2 = children[1]
return ast.Exchange(value1, value2)
def list(self, children, meta):
return ast.List(children[0])
def dictset(self, children, meta):
if not children:
return ast.Dict([], [])
elif isinstance(children[0], tuple):
keys, values = children[0]
return ast.Dict(keys, values)
return ast.Set(children[0])
def var(self, children, meta):
return ast.Name(str(children[0]))
def strings(self, children, meta):
if isinstance(children[0], ast.Str):
conc = ''.join(c.s for c in children)
return ast.Str(conc)
conc = b''.join(c.s for c in children)
return ast.Bytes(conc)
def ellipsis(self, children, meta):
return ast.Ellipsis()
def const_true(self, children, meta):
return ast.Bool(True)
def const_false(self, children, meta):
return ast.Bool(False)
def testlist(self, children, meta):
return children
def dictlist(self, children, meta):
keys = []
values = []
it = iter(children)
for c in it:
return keys, values
def arguments(self, children, meta):
args = []
kwargs = []
for c in children:
if isinstance(c, ast.Keyword):
# kwargs cannot come before normal args
if kwargs:
raise InvalidProgramException(kwargs[0], 'invalid.kwargs')
return args, kwargs
def argvalue(self, children, meta):
identifier = str(children[0])
value = children[1]
return ast.Keyword(identifier, value)
def number(self, children, meta):
n = eval(children[0])
return ast.Num(n)
def float(self, children, meta):
assert 'e' not in children[0]
numd = 10
first, second = children[0].split('.')
if len(second) > numd:
node = self.number(children, meta)
raise InvalidProgramException(node, 'invalid.decimal.literal')
int_value = int(first) * 10 ** numd + int(second.ljust(numd, '0'))
return ast.Num(Decimal[numd](scaled_value=int_value))
def string(self, children, meta):
s = eval(children[0])
if isinstance(s, str):
return ast.Str(s)
elif isinstance(s, bytes):
return ast.Bytes(s)
assert False
def parse(parser, text, file):
tree = parser.parse(text)
except (ParseError, UnexpectedInput) as e:
raise ParseException(str(e))
return _PythonTransformer().transform_tree(tree, file)
except VisitError as e:
raise e.orig_exc
class CodeVisitor(NodeVisitor):
def find_lost_code_information(self, text: str, node: ast.Node):
lines = text.splitlines()
ghost = {}
lemmas = {}
pattern = re.compile(r'#@\s*lemma_(def|assert).*')
for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
line_strip = line.strip()
ghost[idx + 1] = line_strip.startswith('#@')
match = pattern.match(line_strip)
lemmas[idx + 1] = match is not None
self.visit(node, ghost, lemmas)
def generic_visit(self, node: ast.Node, *args):
ghost: Dict[int, bool] = args[0]
node.is_ghost_code = ghost[node.lineno]
super().generic_visit(node, *args)
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node: ast.FunctionDef, *args):
lemmas: Dict[int, bool] = args[1]
node.is_lemma = lemmas[node.lineno] or lemmas[node.lineno + len(node.decorators)]
self.generic_visit(node, *args)
def visit_Assert(self, node: ast.Assert, *args):
lemmas: Dict[int, bool] = args[1]
node.is_lemma = lemmas[node.lineno]
self.generic_visit(node, *args)
def parse_module(text, original, file) -> ast.Module:
node = parse(_vyper_module_parser, text + '\n', file)
CodeVisitor().find_lost_code_information(original, node)
return node
def parse_expr(text, file) -> ast.Expr:
return parse(_vyper_expr_parser, text, file) | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/parsing/ | |
from typing import List, Dict, Any, Tuple
from twovyper.ast import ast_nodes as ast, names
from twovyper.ast.arithmetic import div, mod, Decimal
from twovyper.ast.visitors import NodeVisitor, NodeTransformer, descendants
from twovyper.exceptions import UnsupportedException
from twovyper.parsing import lark
from twovyper.utils import switch
def transform(vyper_ast: ast.Module) -> ast.Module:
constants_decls, new_ast = ConstantCollector().collect_constants(vyper_ast)
constant_values, constant_nodes = _interpret_constants(constants_decls)
transformed_ast = ConstantTransformer(constant_values, constant_nodes).visit(new_ast)
return transformed_ast
def _parse_value(val) -> ast.Expr:
Returns a new ast.Node containing the value.
return lark.parse_expr(f'{val}', None)
def _builtin_constants():
values = {name: value for name, value in names.CONSTANT_VALUES.items()}
constants = {name: _parse_value(value) for name, value in names.CONSTANT_VALUES.items()}
return values, constants
def _interpret_constants(nodes: List[ast.AnnAssign]) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, ast.Node]]:
env, constants = _builtin_constants()
interpreter = ConstantInterpreter(env)
for node in nodes:
name =
value = interpreter.visit(node.value)
env[name] = value
constants[name] = _parse_value(value)
return env, constants
class ConstantInterpreter(NodeVisitor):
Determines the value of all constants in the AST.
def __init__(self, constants: Dict[str, Any]):
self.constants = constants
def generic_visit(self, node: ast.Node, *args):
raise UnsupportedException(node)
def visit_BoolOp(self, node: ast.BoolOp):
left = self.visit(node.left)
right = self.visit(node.right)
if node.op == ast.BoolOperator.AND:
return left and right
elif node.op == ast.BoolOperator.OR:
return left or right
assert False
def visit_Not(self, node: ast.Not):
operand = self.visit(node.operand)
return not operand
def visit_ArithmeticOp(self, node: ast.ArithmeticOp):
lhs = self.visit(node.left)
rhs = self.visit(node.right)
op = node.op
if op == ast.ArithmeticOperator.ADD:
return lhs + rhs
elif op == ast.ArithmeticOperator.SUB:
return lhs - rhs
elif op == ast.ArithmeticOperator.MUL:
return lhs * rhs
elif op == ast.ArithmeticOperator.DIV:
return div(lhs, rhs)
elif op == ast.ArithmeticOperator.MOD:
return mod(lhs, rhs)
elif op == ast.ArithmeticOperator.POW:
return lhs ** rhs
assert False
def visit_UnaryArithmeticOp(self, node: ast.UnaryArithmeticOp):
operand = self.visit(node.operand)
if node.op == ast.UnaryArithmeticOperator.ADD:
return operand
elif node.op == ast.UnaryArithmeticOperator.SUB:
return -operand
assert False
def visit_Comparison(self, node: ast.Comparison):
lhs = self.visit(node.left)
rhs = self.visit(node.right)
with switch(node.op) as case:
if case(ast.ComparisonOperator.LT):
return lhs < rhs
elif case(ast.ComparisonOperator.LTE):
return lhs <= rhs
elif case(ast.ComparisonOperator.GT):
return lhs > rhs
elif case(ast.ComparisonOperator.GTE):
return lhs >= rhs
assert False
def visit_Equality(self, node: ast.Equality):
lhs = self.visit(node.left)
rhs = self.visit(node.right)
if node.op == ast.EqualityOperator.EQ:
return lhs == rhs
elif node.op == ast.EqualityOperator.NEQ:
return lhs != rhs
assert False
def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall):
args = [self.visit(arg) for arg in node.args]
if == names.MIN:
return min(args)
elif == names.MAX:
return max(args)
elif == names.CONVERT:
arg = args[0]
second_arg = node.args[1]
assert isinstance(second_arg, ast.Name)
type_name =
if isinstance(arg, int):
with switch(type_name) as case:
if case(names.BOOL):
return bool(arg)
elif case(names.DECIMAL):
return Decimal[10](value=arg)
elif (case(names.INT128)
or case(names.UINT256)
or case(names.BYTES32)):
return arg
elif isinstance(arg, Decimal):
with switch(type_name) as case:
if case(names.BOOL):
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
return bool(arg.scaled_value)
elif case(names.DECIMAL):
return arg
elif (case(names.INT128)
or case(names.UINT256)
or case(names.BYTES32)):
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
return div(arg.scaled_value, arg.scaling_factor)
elif isinstance(arg, bool):
with switch(type_name) as case:
if case(names.BOOL):
return arg
elif (case(names.DECIMAL)
or case(names.INT128)
or case(names.UINT256)
or case(names.BYTES32)):
return int(arg)
raise UnsupportedException(node)
def visit_Num(node: ast.Num):
if isinstance(node.n, int) or isinstance(node.n, Decimal):
return node.n
assert False
def visit_Bool(node: ast.Bool):
return node.value
def visit_Str(self, node: ast.Str):
return '"{}"'.format(node.s)
def visit_Name(self, node: ast.Name):
return self.constants.get(
def visit_List(self, node: ast.List):
return [self.visit(element) for element in node.elements]
class ConstantCollector(NodeTransformer):
Collects constants and deletes their declarations from the AST.
def __init__(self):
self.constants = []
def _is_constant(node: ast.Node):
return isinstance(node, ast.FunctionCall) and == 'constant'
def collect_constants(self, node):
new_node = self.visit(node)
return self.constants, new_node
def visit_AnnAssign(self, node: ast.AnnAssign):
if self._is_constant(node.annotation):
return None
return node
def visit_FunctionDef(node: ast.FunctionDef):
return node
class ConstantTransformer(NodeTransformer):
Replaces all constants in the AST by their value.
def __init__(self, constant_values: Dict[str, Any], constant_nodes: Dict[str, ast.Node]):
self.constants = constant_nodes
self.interpreter = ConstantInterpreter(constant_values)
def _copy_pos(self, to: ast.Node, node: ast.Node) -> ast.Node:
to.file = node.file
to.lineno = node.lineno
to.col_offset = node.col_offset
to.end_lineno = node.end_lineno
to.end_col_offset = node.end_col_offset
to.is_ghost_code = node.is_ghost_code
for child in descendants(to):
self._copy_pos(child, node)
return to
def visit_Name(self, node: ast.Name):
return self._copy_pos(self.constants.get( or node, node)
# noinspection PyBroadException
def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall):
if == names.RANGE:
if len(node.args) == 1:
val = self.interpreter.visit(node.args[0])
new_node = _parse_value(val)
new_node = self._copy_pos(new_node, node.args[0])
assert isinstance(new_node, ast.Expr)
node.args[0] = new_node
except Exception:
elif len(node.args) == 2:
first_arg = node.args[0]
second_arg = node.args[1]
if isinstance(second_arg, ast.ArithmeticOp) \
and second_arg.op == ast.ArithmeticOperator.ADD \
and ast.compare_nodes(first_arg, second_arg.left):
val = self.interpreter.visit(second_arg.right)
new_node = _parse_value(val)
second_arg.right = self._copy_pos(new_node, second_arg.right)
except Exception:
first_val = self.interpreter.visit(first_arg)
first_new_node = _parse_value(first_val)
first_new_node = self._copy_pos(first_new_node, first_arg)
assert isinstance(first_new_node, ast.Expr)
second_val = self.interpreter.visit(second_arg)
second_new_node = _parse_value(second_val)
second_new_node = self._copy_pos(second_new_node, first_arg)
assert isinstance(second_new_node, ast.Expr)
node.args[0] = first_new_node
node.args[1] = second_new_node
except Exception:
return node | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/parsing/ | |
import os
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Optional, Dict, Union, List
from twovyper.parsing.lark import copy_pos_from
from twovyper.utils import switch, first
from twovyper.parsing import lark
from twovyper.parsing.preprocessor import preprocess
from twovyper.parsing.transformer import transform
from twovyper.ast import ast_nodes as ast, interfaces, names
from twovyper.ast.visitors import NodeVisitor, NodeTransformer
from twovyper.ast.nodes import (
VyperProgram, VyperFunction, VyperStruct, VyperContract, VyperEvent, VyperVar,
Config, VyperInterface, GhostFunction, Resource
from twovyper.ast.types import (
TypeBuilder, FunctionType, EventType, SelfType, InterfaceType, ResourceType,
StructType, ContractType, DerivedResourceType
from twovyper.exceptions import InvalidProgramException, UnsupportedException
def parse(path: str, root: Optional[str], as_interface=False, name=None, parse_level=0) -> VyperProgram:
with open(path, 'r') as file:
contract =
preprocessed_contract = preprocess(contract)
contract_ast = lark.parse_module(preprocessed_contract, contract, path)
contract_ast = transform(contract_ast)
program_builder = ProgramBuilder(path, root, as_interface, name, parse_level)
class ProgramBuilder(NodeVisitor):
The program builder creates a Vyper program out of the AST. It collects contract
state variables and functions. It should only be used by calling the build method once.
# Pre and postconditions are only allowed before a function. As we walk through all
# top-level statements we gather pre and postconditions until we reach a function
# definition.
def __init__(self, path: str, root: Optional[str], is_interface: bool, name: str, parse_level: int):
self.path = os.path.abspath(path)
self.root = root
self.is_interface = is_interface = name
self.parse_further_interfaces = parse_level <= 3
self.parse_level = parse_level
self.config = None
self.field_types = {}
self.functions = {}
self.lemmas = {}
self.function_counter = 0
self.interfaces = {}
self.structs = {}
self.contracts = {} = {}
self.resources = {}
self.local_state_invariants = []
self.inter_contract_invariants = []
self.general_postconditions = []
self.transitive_postconditions = []
self.general_checks = []
self.implements = []
self.additional_implements = []
self.ghost_functions = {}
self.ghost_function_implementations = {}
self.postconditions = []
self.preconditions = []
self.checks = []
self.caller_private = []
self.performs = []
self.is_preserves = False
def type_builder(self):
type_map = {}
for name, struct in self.structs.items():
type_map[name] = struct.type
for name, contract in self.contracts.items():
type_map[name] = contract.type
for name, interface in self.interfaces.items():
type_map[name] = interface.type
return TypeBuilder(type_map, not self.parse_further_interfaces)
def build(self, node) -> VyperProgram:
# No trailing local specs allowed
self.config = self.config or Config([])
if self.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_ALLOCATION):
# Add wei underlying resource
underlying_wei_type = ResourceType(names.UNDERLYING_WEI, {})
underlying_wei_resource = Resource(underlying_wei_type, None, None)
self.resources[names.UNDERLYING_WEI] = underlying_wei_resource
# Create a fake node for the underlying wei resource
fake_node = ast.Name(names.UNDERLYING_WEI)
copy_pos_from(node, fake_node)
fake_node.is_ghost_code = True
if not self.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_NO_DERIVED_WEI):
# Add wei derived resource
wei_type = DerivedResourceType(names.WEI, {}, underlying_wei_type)
wei_resource = Resource(wei_type, None, None, fake_node)
self.resources[names.WEI] = wei_resource
if self.is_interface:
interface_type = InterfaceType(
if self.parse_level <= 2:
return VyperInterface(node,
return VyperInterface(node,
self.config, {}, {},
[], [], [], [], [], [],
if self.caller_private:
node = first(self.caller_private)
raise InvalidProgramException(node, 'invalid.caller.private',
'Caller private is only allowed in interfaces')
# Create the self-type
self_type = SelfType(self.field_types)
self_struct = VyperStruct(names.SELF, self_type, None)
return VyperProgram(node,
self.implements + self.additional_implements,
def _check_no_local_spec(self):
Checks that there are no specifications for functions pending, i.e. there
are no local specifications followed by either global specifications or eof.
if self.postconditions:
cond = "Postcondition"
node = self.postconditions[0]
elif self.checks:
cond = "Check"
node = self.checks[0]
elif self.performs:
cond = "Performs"
node = self.performs[0]
raise InvalidProgramException(node, 'local.spec', f"{cond} only allowed before function")
def _check_no_ghost_function(self):
if self.ghost_functions:
cond = "Ghost function declaration"
node = first(self.ghost_functions.values()).node
elif self.ghost_function_implementations:
cond = "Ghost function definition"
node = first(self.ghost_function_implementations.values()).node
raise InvalidProgramException(node, 'invalid.ghost', f'{cond} only allowed after "#@ interface"')
def _check_no_lemmas(self):
if self.lemmas:
raise InvalidProgramException(first(self.lemmas.values()).node, 'invalid.lemma',
'Lemmas are not allowed in interfaces')
def generic_visit(self, node: ast.Node, *args):
raise InvalidProgramException(node, 'invalid.spec')
def visit_Module(self, node: ast.Module):
for stmt in node.stmts:
def visit_ExprStmt(self, node: ast.ExprStmt):
if not isinstance(node.value, ast.Str):
# Long string comment, ignore.
def visit_Import(self, node: ast.Import):
if node.is_ghost_code:
raise InvalidProgramException(node, 'invalid.ghost.code')
if not self.parse_further_interfaces:
files = {}
for alias in node.names:
components ='.')
components[-1] = f'{components[-1]}.vy'
path = os.path.join(self.root or '', *components)
files[path] = alias.asname.value if hasattr(alias.asname, 'value') else alias.asname
for file, name in files.items():
if name in [names.SELF, names.LOG, names.LEMMA, *names.ENV_VARIABLES]:
raise UnsupportedException(node, 'Invalid file name.')
interface = parse(file, self.root, True, name, self.parse_level + 1)
self.interfaces[name] = interface
def visit_ImportFrom(self, node: ast.ImportFrom):
if node.is_ghost_code:
raise InvalidProgramException(node, 'invalid.ghost.code')
module = node.module or ''
components = module.split('.')
if not self.parse_further_interfaces:
if components == interfaces.VYPER_INTERFACES:
for alias in node.names:
name =
if name == interfaces.ERC20:
self.contracts[name] = VyperContract(name, interfaces.ERC20_TYPE, None)
elif name == interfaces.ERC721:
self.contracts[name] = VyperContract(name, interfaces.ERC721_TYPE, None)
assert False
if node.level == 0:
path = os.path.join(self.root or '', *components)
path = self.path
for _ in range(node.level):
path = os.path.dirname(path)
path = os.path.join(path, *components)
files = {}
for alias in node.names:
name =
interface_path = os.path.join(path, f'{name}.vy')
files[interface_path] = name
for file, name in files.items():
if name in [names.SELF, names.LOG, names.LEMMA, *names.ENV_VARIABLES]:
raise UnsupportedException(node, 'Invalid file name.')
interface = parse(file, self.root, True, name, self.parse_level + 1)
self.interfaces[name] = interface
def visit_StructDef(self, node: ast.StructDef):
vyper_type =
assert isinstance(vyper_type, StructType)
struct = VyperStruct(, vyper_type, node)
self.structs[] = struct
def visit_EventDef(self, node: ast.EventDef):
vyper_type =
if isinstance(vyper_type, EventType):
event = VyperEvent(, vyper_type)[] = event
def visit_FunctionStub(self, node: ast.FunctionStub):
# A function stub on the top-level is a resource declaration
name, is_derived = Resource.get_name_and_derived_flag(node)
if name in self.resources or name in names.SPECIAL_RESOURCES:
raise InvalidProgramException(node, 'duplicate.resource')
vyper_type =
if isinstance(vyper_type, ResourceType):
if is_derived:
resource = Resource(vyper_type, node, self.path, node.returns)
resource = Resource(vyper_type, node, self.path)
self.resources[name] = resource
def visit_ContractDef(self, node: ast.ContractDef):
if node.is_ghost_code:
raise InvalidProgramException(node, 'invalid.ghost.code')
vyper_type =
if isinstance(vyper_type, ContractType):
contract = VyperContract(, vyper_type, node)
self.contracts[] = contract
def visit_AnnAssign(self, node: ast.AnnAssign):
if node.is_ghost_code:
raise InvalidProgramException(node, 'invalid.ghost.code')
# No local specs are allowed before contract state variables
variable_name =
if variable_name == names.IMPLEMENTS:
interface_name =
if interface_name not in [interfaces.ERC20, interfaces.ERC721] or interface_name in self.interfaces:
interface_type = InterfaceType(interface_name)
elif interface_name in [interfaces.ERC20, interfaces.ERC721]:
interface_type = InterfaceType(interface_name)
# We ignore the units declarations
elif variable_name != names.UNITS:
variable_type =
if isinstance(variable_type, EventType):
event = VyperEvent(variable_name, variable_type)[variable_name] = event
self.field_types[variable_name] = variable_type
def visit_Assign(self, node: ast.Assign):
# This is for invariants and postconditions which get translated to
# assignments during preprocessing.
name =
if name != names.GENERAL_POSTCONDITION and self.is_preserves:
msg = f"Only general postconditions are allowed in preserves. ({name} is not allowed)"
raise InvalidProgramException(node, 'invalid.preserves', msg)
with switch(name) as case:
if case(names.CONFIG):
if isinstance(node.value, ast.Name):
options = []
elif isinstance(node.value, ast.Tuple):
options = [ for n in node.value.elements]
for option in options:
if option not in names.CONFIG_OPTIONS:
msg = f"Option {option} is invalid."
raise InvalidProgramException(node, 'invalid.config.option', msg)
if self.config is not None:
raise InvalidProgramException(node, 'invalid.config', 'The "config" is specified multiple times.')
self.config = Config(options)
elif case(names.INTERFACE):
self.is_interface = True
elif case(names.INVARIANT):
# No local specifications allowed before invariants
# No local specifications allowed before inter contract invariants
# No local specifications allowed before general postconditions
if self.is_preserves:
elif case(names.GENERAL_CHECK):
# No local specifications allowed before general check
elif case(names.POSTCONDITION):
elif case(names.PRECONDITION):
elif case(names.CHECK):
elif case(names.CALLER_PRIVATE):
# No local specifications allowed before caller private
elif case(names.PERFORMS):
assert False
def visit_If(self, node: ast.If):
# This is a preserves clause, since we replace all preserves clauses with if statements
# when preprocessing
if self.is_preserves:
raise InvalidProgramException(node, '')
self.is_preserves = True
for stmt in node.body:
self.is_preserves = False
def _arg(self, node: ast.Arg) -> VyperVar:
arg_name =
arg_type =
return VyperVar(arg_name, arg_type, node)
def visit_Ghost(self, node: ast.Ghost):
for func in node.body:
def check_ghost(cond):
if not cond:
raise InvalidProgramException(func, 'invalid.ghost')
check_ghost(isinstance(func, ast.FunctionDef))
assert isinstance(func, ast.FunctionDef)
check_ghost(len(func.body) == 1)
func_body = func.body[0]
check_ghost(isinstance(func_body, ast.ExprStmt))
assert isinstance(func_body, ast.ExprStmt)
decorators = [ for dec in func.decorators]
check_ghost(len(decorators) == len(func.decorators))
name =
args = { self._arg(arg) for arg in func.args}
arg_types = [arg.type for arg in args.values()]
return_type = None if func.returns is None else
vyper_type = FunctionType(arg_types, return_type)
if names.IMPLEMENTS in decorators:
check_ghost(not self.is_interface)
check_ghost(len(decorators) == 1)
ghost_functions = self.ghost_function_implementations
check_ghost(not decorators)
check_ghost(isinstance(func_body.value, ast.Ellipsis))
ghost_functions = self.ghost_functions
if name in ghost_functions:
raise InvalidProgramException(func, 'duplicate.ghost')
ghost_functions[name] = GhostFunction(name, args, vyper_type, func, self.path)
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node: ast.FunctionDef):
args = { self._arg(arg) for arg in node.args}
defaults = { arg.default for arg in node.args}
arg_types = [arg.type for arg in args.values()]
return_type = None if node.returns is None else
vyper_type = FunctionType(arg_types, return_type)
decs = node.decorators
loop_invariant_transformer = LoopInvariantTransformer()
function = VyperFunction(, self.function_counter, args, defaults, vyper_type,
self.postconditions, self.preconditions, self.checks,
loop_invariant_transformer.loop_invariants, self.performs, decs, node)
if node.is_lemma:
if node.decorators:
decorator = node.decorators[0]
if len(node.decorators) > 1 or != names.INTERPRETED_DECORATOR:
raise InvalidProgramException(decorator, 'invalid.lemma',
f'A lemma can have only one decorator: {names.INTERPRETED_DECORATOR}')
if not decorator.is_ghost_code:
raise InvalidProgramException(decorator, 'invalid.lemma',
'The decorator of a lemma must be ghost code')
if vyper_type.return_type is not None:
raise InvalidProgramException(node, 'invalid.lemma', 'A lemma cannot have a return type')
if in self.lemmas:
raise InvalidProgramException(node, 'duplicate.lemma')
if self.is_interface:
raise InvalidProgramException(node, 'invalid.lemma', 'Lemmas are not allowed in interfaces')
self.lemmas[] = function
for decorator in node.decorators:
if decorator.is_ghost_code and != names.PURE:
raise InvalidProgramException(decorator, 'invalid.ghost.code')
self.functions[] = function
self.function_counter += 1
# Reset local specs
self.postconditions = []
self.preconditions = []
self.checks = []
self.performs = []
class LoopInvariantTransformer(NodeTransformer):
Replaces all constants in the AST by their value.
def __init__(self):
self._last_loop: Union[ast.For, None] = None
self._possible_loop_invariant_nodes: List[ast.Assign] = []
self.loop_invariants: Dict[ast.For, List[ast.Expr]] = {}
def _in_loop_scope(self, node: ast.For):
possible_loop_invariant_nodes = self._possible_loop_invariant_nodes
last_loop = self._last_loop
self._last_loop = node
self._possible_loop_invariant_nodes = possible_loop_invariant_nodes
self._last_loop = last_loop
def visit_Assign(self, node: ast.Assign):
if node.is_ghost_code:
if isinstance(, ast.Name) and == names.INVARIANT:
if self._last_loop and node in self._possible_loop_invariant_nodes:
self.loop_invariants.setdefault(self._last_loop, []).append(node.value)
raise InvalidProgramException(node, 'invalid.loop.invariant',
'You may only write loop invariants at beginning in loops')
return None
return node
def visit_For(self, node: ast.For):
with self._in_loop_scope(node):
self._possible_loop_invariant_nodes = []
for n in node.body:
if isinstance(n, ast.Assign) and n.is_ghost_code and == names.INVARIANT:
return self.generic_visit(node) | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/parsing/ | |
from typing import Dict, Tuple
"""Conversion rules from Silver level errors to 2vyper errors."""
Rule = Dict[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[str, str]]
def combine(first: Rule, second: Rule) -> Rule:
Combines `first` and `second` to produce a rule as if we first apply
`first` and then apply `second` to its result.
res = first.copy()
for k, v in first.items():
# If the result of the first mapping is an input to the second mapping,
# do the mapping
if v in second:
res[k] = second[v]
# For all keys which are not mentioned in the first mapping, add the second
# mapping
for k, v in second.items():
if k not in res:
res[k] = v
return res
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('invariant.violated', 'assertion.false'),
('assert.failed', ''):
('invariant.not.wellformed', ''),
('assert.failed', 'seq.index.length'):
('invariant.not.wellformed', 'seq.index.length'),
('assert.failed', 'seq.index.negative'):
('invariant.not.wellformed', 'seq.index.negative')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('loop.invariant.not.established', 'assertion.false'),
('exhale.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('loop.invariant.not.established', 'assertion.false'),
('exhale.failed', 'insufficient.permission'):
('loop.invariant.not.established', 'insufficient.permission'),
('assert.failed', ''):
('loop.invariant.not.wellformed', ''),
('assert.failed', 'seq.index.length'):
('loop.invariant.not.wellformed', 'seq.index.length'),
('assert.failed', 'seq.index.negative'):
('loop.invariant.not.wellformed', 'seq.index.negative'),
('exhale.failed', ''):
('loop.invariant.not.wellformed', ''),
('exhale.failed', 'seq.index.length'):
('loop.invariant.not.wellformed', 'seq.index.length'),
('exhale.failed', 'seq.index.negative'):
('loop.invariant.not.wellformed', 'seq.index.negative')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('loop.invariant.not.preserved', 'assertion.false'),
('exhale.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('loop.invariant.not.preserved', 'assertion.false'),
('exhale.failed', 'insufficient.permission'):
('loop.invariant.not.preserved', 'insufficient.permission'),
('assert.failed', ''):
('loop.invariant.not.wellformed', ''),
('assert.failed', 'seq.index.length'):
('loop.invariant.not.wellformed', 'seq.index.length'),
('assert.failed', 'seq.index.negative'):
('loop.invariant.not.wellformed', 'seq.index.negative'),
('exhale.failed', ''):
('loop.invariant.not.wellformed', ''),
('exhale.failed', 'seq.index.length'):
('loop.invariant.not.wellformed', 'seq.index.length'),
('exhale.failed', 'seq.index.negative'):
('loop.invariant.not.wellformed', 'seq.index.negative')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('postcondition.violated', 'assertion.false'),
('exhale.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('postcondition.violated', 'assertion.false'),
('exhale.failed', 'insufficient.permission'):
('postcondition.violated', 'insufficient.permission'),
('assert.failed', ''):
('not.wellformed', ''),
('assert.failed', 'seq.index.length'):
('not.wellformed', 'seq.index.length'),
('assert.failed', 'seq.index.negative'):
('not.wellformed', 'seq.index.negative'),
('exhale.failed', ''):
('not.wellformed', ''),
('exhale.failed', 'seq.index.length'):
('not.wellformed', 'seq.index.length'),
('exhale.failed', 'seq.index.negative'):
('not.wellformed', 'seq.index.negative')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('precondition.violated', 'assertion.false'),
('exhale.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('precondition.violated', 'assertion.false'),
('exhale.failed', 'insufficient.permission'):
('precondition.violated', 'insufficient.permission'),
('assert.failed', ''):
('not.wellformed', ''),
('assert.failed', 'seq.index.length'):
('not.wellformed', 'seq.index.length'),
('assert.failed', 'seq.index.negative'):
('not.wellformed', 'seq.index.negative'),
('exhale.failed', ''):
('not.wellformed', ''),
('exhale.failed', 'seq.index.length'):
('not.wellformed', 'seq.index.length'),
('exhale.failed', 'seq.index.negative'):
('not.wellformed', 'seq.index.negative')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('postcondition.not.implemented', 'assertion.false')
('postcondition.violated', 'assertion.false'):
('lemma.step.invalid', 'assertion.false'),
('application.precondition', 'assertion.false'):
('lemma.application.invalid', 'assertion.false')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('check.violated', 'assertion.false'),
('assert.failed', ''):
('not.wellformed', ''),
('assert.failed', 'seq.index.length'):
('not.wellformed', 'seq.index.length'),
('assert.failed', 'seq.index.negative'):
('not.wellformed', 'seq.index.negative')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('call.invariant', 'assertion.false')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('', 'assertion.false')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('call.check', 'assertion.false')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('caller.private.violated', 'assertion.false')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('', 'assertion.false')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('call.leakcheck', 'allocation.leaked')
('inhale.failed', ''):
('invariant.not.wellformed', ''),
('inhale.failed', 'seq.index.length'):
('invariant.not.wellformed', 'seq.index.length'),
('inhale.failed', 'seq.index.negative'):
('invariant.not.wellformed', 'seq.index.negative')
('inhale.failed', ''):
('caller.private.not.wellformed', ''),
('inhale.failed', 'seq.index.length'):
('caller.private.not.wellformed', 'seq.index.length'),
('inhale.failed', 'seq.index.negative'):
('caller.private.not.wellformed', 'seq.index.negative')
('inhale.failed', ''):
('loop.invariant.not.wellformed', ''),
('inhale.failed', 'seq.index.length'):
('loop.invariant.not.wellformed', 'seq.index.length'),
('inhale.failed', 'seq.index.negative'):
('loop.invariant.not.wellformed', 'seq.index.negative')
('inhale.failed', ''):
('postcondition.not.wellformed', ''),
('inhale.failed', 'seq.index.length'):
('postcondition.not.wellformed', 'seq.index.length'),
('inhale.failed', 'seq.index.negative'):
('postcondition.not.wellformed', 'seq.index.negative')
('inhale.failed', ''):
('precondition.not.wellformed', ''),
('inhale.failed', 'seq.index.length'):
('precondition.not.wellformed', 'seq.index.length'),
('inhale.failed', 'seq.index.negative'):
('precondition.not.wellformed', 'seq.index.negative')
('inhale.failed', ''):
('interface.postcondition.not.wellformed', ''),
('inhale.failed', 'seq.index.length'):
('interface.postcondition.not.wellformed', 'seq.index.length'),
('inhale.failed', 'seq.index.negative'):
('interface.postcondition.not.wellformed', 'seq.index.negative')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('invariant.not.wellformed', 'transitivity.violated')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('invariant.not.wellformed', 'reflexivity.violated')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('postcondition.not.wellformed', 'transitivity.violated')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('postcondition.not.wellformed', 'reflexivity.violated')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('postcondition.not.wellformed', 'constant.balance')
('application.precondition', 'assertion.false'):
('application.precondition', 'not.implements.interface')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('interface.resource', 'resource.address.self')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('reallocate.failed', 'insufficient.funds')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('create.failed', 'not.a.creator')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('destroy.failed', 'insufficient.funds')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('exchange.failed', 'no.offer')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('exchange.failed', 'insufficient.funds')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('$operation.failed', 'offer.not.injective')
('exhale.failed', 'insufficient.permission'):
('$operation.failed', 'no.performs')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('$operation.failed', 'not.trusted')
('$operation.failed', 'no.performs'):
('reallocate.failed', 'no.performs'),
('$operation.failed', 'not.trusted'):
('reallocate.failed', 'not.trusted')
('$operation.failed', 'offer.not.injective'):
('create.failed', 'offer.not.injective'),
('$operation.failed', 'no.performs'):
('create.failed', 'no.performs'),
('$operation.failed', 'not.trusted'):
('create.failed', 'not.trusted')
('$operation.failed', 'offer.not.injective'):
('destroy.failed', 'offer.not.injective'),
('$operation.failed', 'no.performs'):
('destroy.failed', 'no.performs'),
('$operation.failed', 'not.trusted'):
('destroy.failed', 'not.trusted')
('$operation.failed', 'no.performs'):
('exchange.failed', 'no.performs')
('$operation.failed', 'no.performs'):
('payable.failed', 'no.performs'),
('$operation.failed', 'not.trusted'):
('payable.failed', 'not.trusted')
('$operation.failed', 'no.performs'):
('payout.failed', 'no.performs')
('$operation.failed', 'offer.not.injective'):
('offer.failed', 'offer.not.injective'),
('$operation.failed', 'no.performs'):
('offer.failed', 'no.performs'),
('$operation.failed', 'not.trusted'):
('offer.failed', 'not.trusted')
('$operation.failed', 'offer.not.injective'):
('revoke.failed', 'offer.not.injective'),
('$operation.failed', 'no.performs'):
('revoke.failed', 'no.performs'),
('$operation.failed', 'not.trusted'):
('revoke.failed', 'not.trusted')
('$operation.failed', 'offer.not.injective'):
('trust.failed', 'trust.not.injective'),
('$operation.failed', 'no.performs'):
('trust.failed', 'no.performs'),
('$operation.failed', 'not.trusted'):
('trust.failed', 'not.trusted')
('$operation.failed', 'no.performs'):
('allocate.untracked.failed', 'no.performs')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('leakcheck.failed', 'allocation.leaked')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('performs.leakcheck.failed', 'performs.leaked')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('derived.resource.invariant.failed', 'underlying.address.self')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('derived.resource.invariant.failed', 'underlying.address.constant')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('derived.resource.invariant.failed', '')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('derived.resource.invariant.failed', 'underlying.resource.offers')
('assert.failed', 'assertion.false'):
('derived.resource.invariant.failed', 'underlying.resource.eq')
('application.precondition', 'assertion.false'):
('function.failed', 'function.revert')
} | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/verification/ | |
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from twovyper.ast import ast_nodes as ast
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Node, AbstractSourcePosition
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import AbstractVerificationError, AbstractErrorReason
from twovyper.verification.messages import ERRORS, REASONS
from twovyper.verification.model import Model, ModelTransformation
from twovyper.verification.rules import Rule
"""Wrappers for Scala error objects."""
class Position:
"""Wrapper around ``AbstractSourcePosition``."""
def __init__(self, position: AbstractSourcePosition):
self._position = position
if hasattr(position, 'id'):
self.node_id =
self.node_id = None
def file_name(self) -> str:
"""Return ``file``."""
return str(self._position.file())
def line(self) -> int:
"""Return ``start.line``."""
return self._position.line()
def column(self) -> int:
"""Return ``start.column``."""
return self._position.column()
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self._position)
class Via:
def __init__(self, origin: str, position: AbstractSourcePosition):
self.origin = origin
self.position = position
class ErrorInfo:
def __init__(self,
node: ast.Node,
vias: List[Via],
model_transformation: Optional[ModelTransformation],
values: Dict[str, Any]):
self.node = node
self.vias = vias
self.model_transformation = model_transformation
self.values = values
def __getattribute__(self, name: str) -> Any:
return super().__getattribute__(name)
except AttributeError:
return self.values.get(name)
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(f"'ErrorInfo' object has no attribute '{name}'")
class Reason:
"""Wrapper around ``AbstractErrorReason``."""
def __init__(self, reason_id: str, reason: AbstractErrorReason, reason_info: ErrorInfo):
self._reason = reason
self.identifier = reason_id
self._reason_info = reason_info
self.offending_node = reason.offendingNode()
self.position = Position(self.offending_node.pos())
def __str__(self) -> str:
Creates a string representation of this reason including a reference to the Python
AST node that caused it.
return REASONS[self.identifier](self._reason_info)
class Error:
"""Wrapper around ``AbstractVerificationError``."""
def __init__(self, error: AbstractVerificationError, rules: Rule,
reason_item: ErrorInfo, error_item: ErrorInfo, jvm) -> None:
# Translate error id.
viper_reason = error.reason()
error_id =
reason_id =
# This error might come from a precondition fail of the Viper function "$pure$return_get" which has no position.
# if the reason_item could not be found due to this, use the error_item instead.
if error_id == 'application.precondition' and reason_item is None:
reason_item = error_item
key = error_id, reason_id
if key in rules:
error_id, reason_id = rules[key]
# Construct object.
self._error = error
self.identifier = error_id
self._error_info = error_item
self.reason = Reason(reason_id, viper_reason, reason_item)
if error.counterexample().isDefined():
self.model = Model(error, jvm, error_item.model_transformation)
self._model = None
self.position = Position(error.pos())
def pos(self) -> AbstractSourcePosition:
Get position.
return self._error.pos()
def full_id(self) -> str:
Full error identifier.
return f"{self.identifier}:{self.reason.identifier}"
def offending_node(self) -> Node:
AST node where the error occurred.
return self._error.offendingNode()
def readable_message(self) -> str:
Readable error message.
return self._error.readableMessage()
def position_string(self) -> str:
Full error position as a string.
vias = self._error_info.vias or self.reason._reason_info.vias or []
vias_string = "".join(f", via {via.origin} at {via.position}" for via in vias)
return f"{self.position}{vias_string}"
def message(self) -> str:
Human readable error message.
return ERRORS[self.identifier](self._error_info)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.string(False, False)
def string(self, ide_mode: bool, include_model: bool = False) -> str:
Format error.
Creates an appropriate error message (referring to the
responsible Python code) for the given Viper error.
The error format is either optimized for human readability or uses the same format
as IDE-mode Viper error messages, depending on the first parameter.
The second parameter determines if the message may show Viper-level error
explanations if no Python-level explanation is available.
assert not (ide_mode and include_model)
if ide_mode:
file_name = self.position.file_name
line = self.position.line
col = self.position.column
msg = self.message
reason = self.reason
return f"{file_name}:{line}:{col}: error: {msg} {reason}"
msg = self.message
reason = self.reason
pos = self.position_string
error_msg = f"{msg} {reason} ({pos})"
if include_model and self.model:
return f"{error_msg}\nCounterexample:\n{self.model}"
return error_msg | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/verification/ | |
from uuid import uuid1
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from twovyper.utils import unique
from twovyper.viper.jvmaccess import JVM
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Node, AbstractSourcePosition
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import AbstractVerificationError
from twovyper.verification.error import Error, ErrorInfo
from twovyper.verification.rules import Rule
"""Error handling state is stored in singleton ``manager``."""
class ErrorManager:
"""A singleton object that stores the state needed for error handling."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._items: Dict[str, ErrorInfo] = {}
self._conversion_rules: Dict[str, Rule] = {}
def add_error_information(self, error_info: ErrorInfo, conversion_rules: Rule) -> str:
"""Add error information to state."""
item_id = str(uuid1())
assert item_id not in self._items
self._items[item_id] = error_info
if conversion_rules is not None:
self._conversion_rules[item_id] = conversion_rules
return item_id
def clear(self) -> None:
"""Clear all state."""
def convert(
errors: List[AbstractVerificationError],
jvm: Optional[JVM]) -> List[Error]:
"""Convert Viper errors into 2vyper errors.
It does that by wrapping in ``Error`` subclasses.
def eq(e1: Error, e2: Error) -> bool:
ide = e1.string(True, False) == e2.string(True, False)
normal = e1.string(False, False) == e2.string(False, False)
return ide and normal
return unique(eq, [self._convert_error(error, jvm) for error in errors])
def get_vias(self, node_id: str) -> List[Any]:
"""Get via information for the given ``node_id``."""
item = self._items[node_id]
return item.vias
def _get_error_info(self, pos: AbstractSourcePosition) -> Optional[ErrorInfo]:
if hasattr(pos, 'id'):
node_id =
return self._items[node_id]
return None
def _get_conversion_rules(
self, position: AbstractSourcePosition) -> Optional[Rule]:
if hasattr(position, 'id'):
node_id =
return self._conversion_rules.get(node_id)
return None
def _try_get_rules_workaround(
self, node: Node, jvm: Optional[JVM]) -> Optional[Rule]:
"""Try to extract rules out of ``node``.
Due to optimizations, Silicon sometimes returns not the correct
offending node, but an And that contains it. This method tries
to work around this problem.
.. todo::
In the long term we should discuss with Malte how to solve
this problem properly.
rules = self._get_conversion_rules(node.pos())
if rules or not jvm:
return rules
if (isinstance(node, jvm.viper.silver.ast.And) or
isinstance(node, jvm.viper.silver.ast.Implies)):
return (self._get_conversion_rules(node.left().pos()) or
self._get_conversion_rules(node.right().pos()) or
self._try_get_rules_workaround(node.left(), jvm) or
self._try_get_rules_workaround(node.right(), jvm))
def transformError(self, error: AbstractVerificationError) -> AbstractVerificationError:
""" Transform silver error to a fixpoint. """
old_error = None
while old_error != error:
old_error = error
error = error.transformedError()
return error
def _convert_error(
self, error: AbstractVerificationError,
jvm: Optional[JVM]) -> Error:
error = self.transformError(error)
reason_pos = error.reason().offendingNode().pos()
reason_item = self._get_error_info(reason_pos)
position = error.pos()
rules = self._try_get_rules_workaround(
error.offendingNode(), jvm)
if rules is None:
rules = self._try_get_rules_workaround(
error.reason().offendingNode(), jvm)
if rules is None:
rules = {}
error_item = self._get_error_info(position)
return Error(error, rules, reason_item, error_item, jvm)
manager = ErrorManager() | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/verification/ | |
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from twovyper.utils import seq_to_list
from twovyper.ast import types
from twovyper.ast.arithmetic import Decimal
from twovyper.ast.types import ArrayType, DecimalType, MapType, PrimitiveType, StructType, VyperType
from twovyper.viper.jvmaccess import JVM
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import AbstractVerificationError, ModelEntry, Sort, Term
ModelTransformation = Tuple[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, VyperType]]
class Model:
def __init__(self, error: AbstractVerificationError, jvm: JVM, transform: Optional[ModelTransformation]):
ce = error.counterexample().get()
scala_model = ce.model()
self._store = ce.internalStore()
self._names = transform and transform[0]
self._types = transform and transform[1]
self._jvm = jvm
model = OrderedDict()
for entry in ScalaIterableWrapper(scala_model.entries()):
self.extract_model_entry(entry, model)
self._model = model
def extract_model_entry(self, entry: ModelEntry, target: Dict[str, Any]):
name = str(entry._1())
value = entry._2()
if isinstance(value, self._jvm.viper.silver.verifier.SingleEntry):
target[name] = str(value.value())
entry_val = OrderedDict()
for option in ScalaIterableWrapper(value.options()):
option_value = option._2()
option_key = ()
for option_key_entry in ScalaIterableWrapper(option._1()):
option_key += (str(option_key_entry),)
entry_val[option_key] = str(option_value)
entry_val['else'] = str(value.els())
target[name] = entry_val
def values(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
res = {}
if self._model and self._store and self._names:
store_map = self._store.values()
keys = seq_to_list(store_map.keys())
for name_entry in keys:
name = str(name_entry)
term = store_map.get(name_entry).get()
value = evaluate_term(self._jvm, term, self._model)
except NoFittingValueException:
transformation = self.transform_variable(name, value, term.sort())
if transformation:
name, value = transformation
res[name] = value
return res
def transform_variable(self, name: str, value: str, sort: Sort) -> Optional[Tuple[str, str]]:
if name in self._names and name in self._types:
vy_name = self._names[name]
vy_type = self._types[name]
value = str(value)
return vy_name, self.transform_value(value, vy_type, sort)
return None
def parse_int(self, val: str) -> int:
if val.startswith('(-') and val.endswith(')'):
return - int(val[2:-1])
return int(val)
def transform_value(self, value: str, vy_type: VyperType, sort: Sort) -> str:
if isinstance(sort, self._jvm.viper.silicon.state.terms.sorts.UserSort) and str( == '$Int':
value = get_func_value(self._model, '$unwrap<Int>', (value,))
if isinstance(vy_type, PrimitiveType) and == 'bool':
return value.capitalize()
if isinstance(vy_type, DecimalType):
value = self.parse_int(value)
return str(Decimal[vy_type.number_of_digits](scaled_value=value))
elif vy_type == types.VYPER_ADDRESS:
value = self.parse_int(value)
return f'{value:#0{40}x}'
elif isinstance(vy_type, PrimitiveType):
# assume int
value = self.parse_int(value)
return str(value)
elif isinstance(vy_type, ArrayType):
res = OrderedDict()
length = get_func_value(self._model, SEQ_LENGTH, (value,))
parsed_length = self.parse_int(length)
if parsed_length > 0:
index_func_name = SEQ_INDEX + "<{}>".format(translate_sort(self._jvm, sort.elementsSort()))
indices, els_index = get_func_values(self._model, index_func_name, (value,))
int_type = PrimitiveType('int')
for ((index,), val) in indices:
converted_index = self.transform_value(index, int_type, self.translate_type_sort(int_type))
converted_value = self.transform_value(val, vy_type.element_type, sort.elementsSort())
res[str(converted_index)] = converted_value
if els_index is not None:
converted_value = self.transform_value(els_index, vy_type.element_type, sort.elementsSort())
res['_'] = converted_value
return "[ {} ]: {}".format(', '.join(['{} -> {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in res.items()]), parsed_length)
elif isinstance(vy_type, MapType):
res = {}
fname = '$map_get<{}>'.format(self.translate_type_name(vy_type.value_type))
keys, els_val = get_func_values(self._model, fname, (value,))
for ((key,), val) in keys:
converted_key = self.transform_value(key, vy_type.key_type, self.translate_type_sort(vy_type.key_type))
converted_value = self.transform_value(val, vy_type.value_type, self.translate_type_sort(vy_type.value_type))
res[converted_key] = converted_value
if els_val is not None:
converted_value = self.transform_value(els_val, vy_type.value_type,
res['_'] = converted_value
return "{{ {} }}".format(', '.join(['{} -> {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in res.items()]))
return value
def translate_type_name(self, vy_type: VyperType) -> str:
if isinstance(vy_type, MapType):
return '$Map<{}~_{}>'.format(self.translate_type_name(vy_type.key_type), self.translate_type_name(vy_type.value_type))
if isinstance(vy_type, PrimitiveType) and == 'bool':
return 'Bool'
if isinstance(vy_type, PrimitiveType):
return 'Int'
if isinstance(vy_type, StructType):
return '$Struct'
if isinstance(vy_type, ArrayType):
return 'Seq<{}>'.format(self.translate_type_name(vy_type.element_type))
raise Exception(vy_type)
def translate_type_sort(self, vy_type: VyperType) -> Sort:
terms = self._jvm.viper.silicon.state.terms
Identifier = self._jvm.viper.silicon.state.SimpleIdentifier
def get_sort_object(name):
return getattr(getattr(terms, 'sorts$' + name + '$'), "MODULE$")
def get_sort_class(name):
return getattr(terms, 'sorts$' + name)
if isinstance(vy_type, MapType):
name = '$Map<{}~_>'.format(self.translate_type_name(vy_type.key_type), self.translate_type_name(vy_type.value_type))
return get_sort_class('UserSort')(Identifier(name))
if isinstance(vy_type, PrimitiveType) and == 'bool':
return get_sort_object('Bool')
if isinstance(vy_type, PrimitiveType):
return get_sort_object('Int')
if isinstance(vy_type, StructType):
return get_sort_class('UserSort')(Identifier('$Struct'))
if isinstance(vy_type, ArrayType):
return get_sort_class('Seq')(self.translate_type_sort(vy_type.element_type))
raise Exception(vy_type)
def __str__(self):
return "\n".join(f" {name} = {value}" for name, value in sorted(self.values().items()))
# The following code is mostly lifted from Nagini
SNAP_TO = '$SortWrappers.'
SEQ_LENGTH = 'seq_t_length<Int>'
SEQ_INDEX = 'seq_t_index'
class ScalaIteratorWrapper:
def __init__(self, iterator):
self.iterator = iterator
def __next__(self):
if self.iterator.hasNext():
raise StopIteration
class ScalaIterableWrapper:
def __init__(self, iterable):
self.iterable = iterable
def __iter__(self):
return ScalaIteratorWrapper(self.iterable.toIterator())
class NoFittingValueException(Exception):
def get_func_value(model: Dict[str, Any], name: str, args: Tuple[str, ...]) -> str:
args = tuple([' '.join(a.split()) for a in args])
entry = model[name]
if args == () and isinstance(entry, str):
return entry
res = entry.get(args)
if res is not None:
return res
return model[name].get('else')
def get_func_values(model: Dict[str, Any], name: str, args: Tuple[str, ...]) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[List[str], str]], str]:
args = tuple([' '.join(a.split()) for a in args])
options = [(k[len(args):], v) for k, v in model[name].items() if k != 'else' and k[:len(args)] == args]
els= model[name].get('else')
return options, els
def get_parts(jvm: JVM, val: str) -> List[str]:
parser = getattr(getattr(jvm.viper.silver.verifier, 'ModelParser$'), 'MODULE$')
res = []
for part in ScalaIterableWrapper(parser.getApplication(val)):
return res
def translate_sort(jvm: JVM, s: Sort) -> str:
terms = jvm.viper.silicon.state.terms
def get_sort_object(name):
return getattr(terms, 'sorts$' + name + '$')
def get_sort_class(name):
return getattr(terms, 'sorts$' + name)
if isinstance(s, get_sort_class('Set')):
return 'Set<{}>'.format(translate_sort(jvm, s.elementsSort()))
if isinstance(s, get_sort_class('UserSort')):
return '{}'.format(
elif isinstance(s, get_sort_object('Ref')):
return '$Ref'
elif isinstance(s, get_sort_object('Snap')):
return '$Snap'
elif isinstance(s, get_sort_object('Perm')):
return '$Perm'
elif isinstance(s, get_sort_class('Seq')):
return 'Seq<{}>'.format(translate_sort(jvm, s.elementsSort()))
return str(s)
def evaluate_term(jvm: JVM, term: Term, model: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
if isinstance(term, getattr(jvm.viper.silicon.state.terms, 'Unit$')):
return '$Snap.unit'
if isinstance(term, jvm.viper.silicon.state.terms.IntLiteral):
return str(term)
if isinstance(term, jvm.viper.silicon.state.terms.BooleanLiteral):
return str(term)
if isinstance(term, jvm.viper.silicon.state.terms.Null):
return model['$Ref.null']
if isinstance(term, jvm.viper.silicon.state.terms.Var):
key = str(term)
if key not in model:
raise NoFittingValueException
return model[key]
elif isinstance(term, jvm.viper.silicon.state.terms.App):
fname = str(term.applicable().id()) + '%limited'
if fname not in model:
fname = str(term.applicable().id())
if fname not in model:
fname = fname.replace('[', '<').replace(']', '>')
args = []
for arg in ScalaIterableWrapper(term.args()):
args.append(evaluate_term(jvm, arg, model))
res = get_func_value(model, fname, tuple(args))
return res
if isinstance(term, jvm.viper.silicon.state.terms.Combine):
p0_val = evaluate_term(jvm, term.p0(), model)
p1_val = evaluate_term(jvm, term.p1(), model)
return '($Snap.combine ' + p0_val + ' ' + p1_val + ')'
if isinstance(term, jvm.viper.silicon.state.terms.First):
sub = evaluate_term(jvm, term.p(), model)
if sub.startswith('($Snap.combine '):
return get_parts(jvm, sub)[1]
elif isinstance(term, jvm.viper.silicon.state.terms.Second):
sub = evaluate_term(jvm, term.p(), model)
if sub.startswith('($Snap.combine '):
return get_parts(jvm, sub)[2]
elif isinstance(term, jvm.viper.silicon.state.terms.SortWrapper):
sub = evaluate_term(jvm, term.t(), model)
from_sort_name = translate_sort(jvm, term.t().sort())
to_sort_name = translate_sort(jvm,
return get_func_value(model, SNAP_TO + from_sort_name + 'To' + to_sort_name, (sub,))
elif isinstance(term, jvm.viper.silicon.state.terms.PredicateLookup):
lookup_func_name = '$PSF.lookup_' + term.predname()
toSnapTree = getattr(jvm.viper.silicon.state.terms, 'toSnapTree$')
obj = getattr(toSnapTree, 'MODULE$')
snap = obj.apply(term.args())
psf_value = evaluate_term(jvm, term.psf(), model)
snap_value = evaluate_term(jvm, snap, model)
return get_func_value(model, lookup_func_name, (psf_value, snap_value))
raise Exception(str(term)) | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/verification/ | |
import abc
import logging
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional, Any
from jpype import JPackage
from twovyper import config
from twovyper.utils import list_to_seq
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Program
from twovyper.viper.jvmaccess import JVM
from twovyper.verification.result import VerificationResult, Success, Failure
class AbstractVerifier(abc.ABC):
def __init__(self):
self.jvm: Optional[JVM] = None
self.silver: Optional[JPackage] = None
def _initialize(self, jvm: JVM, file: str, get_model: bool = False):
def verify(self, program: Program, jvm: JVM, filename: str, get_model: bool = False) -> VerificationResult:
class Silicon(AbstractVerifier):
Provides access to the Silicon verifier
def __init__(self):
self.silicon: Optional[Any] = None
def _initialize(self, jvm: JVM, filename: str, get_model: bool = False):
self.jvm = jvm
self.silver = jvm.viper.silver
if not jvm.is_known_class(jvm.viper.silicon.Silicon):
raise Exception('Silicon backend not found on classpath.')
self.silicon = jvm.viper.silicon.Silicon()
args = [
'--z3Exe', config.z3_path,
*(['--counterexample=native'] if get_model else []),
self.silicon.parseCommandLine(list_to_seq(args, jvm))
self.silicon.start()"Initialized Silicon.")
def verify(self, program: Program, jvm: JVM, filename: str, get_model: bool = False) -> VerificationResult:
Verifies the given program using Silicon
if self.silicon is None:
self._initialize(jvm, filename, get_model)
assert self.silicon is not None
result = self.silicon.verify(program)
if isinstance(result, self.silver.verifier.Failure):"Silicon returned with: Failure.")
it = result.errors().toIterator()
errors = []
while it.hasNext():
errors += []
return Failure(errors, self.jvm)
else:"Silicon returned with: Success.")
return Success()
def __del__(self):
if self.silicon is not None:
class Carbon(AbstractVerifier):
Provides access to the Carbon verifier
def __init__(self):
self.carbon: Optional[Any] = None
def _initialize(self, jvm: JVM, filename: str, get_model: bool = False):
self.silver = jvm.viper.silver
if not jvm.is_known_class(jvm.viper.carbon.CarbonVerifier):
raise Exception('Carbon backend not found on classpath.')
if config.boogie_path is None:
raise Exception('Boogie not found.')
self.carbon = jvm.viper.carbon.CarbonVerifier()
args = [
'--boogieExe', config.boogie_path,
'--z3Exe', config.z3_path,
*(['--counterexample=variables'] if get_model else []),
self.carbon.parseCommandLine(list_to_seq(args, jvm))
self.jvm = jvm"Initialized Carbon.")
def verify(self, program: Program, jvm: JVM, filename: str, get_model: bool = False) -> VerificationResult:
Verifies the given program using Carbon
if self.carbon is None:
self._initialize(jvm, filename, get_model)
assert self.carbon is not None
result = self.carbon.verify(program)
if isinstance(result, self.silver.verifier.Failure):"Carbon returned with: Failure.")
it = result.errors().toIterator()
errors = []
while it.hasNext():
errors += []
return Failure(errors)
else:"Carbon returned with: Success.")
return Success()
def __del__(self):
if self.carbon is not None:
class ViperVerifier(Enum):
silicon = Silicon()
carbon = Carbon() | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/verification/ | |
from twovyper.ast.text import pprint
lambda i: "Assignment might fail.",
lambda i: "Method call might fail.",
lambda i: f"Function {} might not be well-formed.",
lambda i: f"An invariant might not hold before the call {pprint(i.node)}.",
lambda i: f"An invariant might not hold during the call {pprint(i.node)}.",
lambda i: f"A check might not hold before the call {pprint(i.node)}.",
lambda i: f"A check might not hold in the private function.",
lambda i: f"The precondition of function {pprint(i.node)} might not hold.",
lambda i: f"The leak check for call {pprint(i.node)} might not hold.",
lambda i: f"The precondition of function {pprint(i.node)} might not hold.",
lambda i: "Exhale might fail.",
lambda i: "Inhale might fail.",
lambda i: "Conditional statement might fail.",
lambda i: "While statement might fail.",
lambda i: "Assert might fail.",
lambda i: f"Postcondition of {} might not hold.",
lambda i: f"Function {} might not correctly implement an interface.",
lambda i: f"Precondition of {} might not hold.",
lambda i: f"Invariant not preserved by {}.",
lambda i: f"Loop invariant not established.",
lambda i: f"Loop invariant not preserved.",
lambda i: f"A check might not hold after the body of {}.",
lambda i: f"A caller private expression might got changed for another caller.",
lambda i: f"Caller private {pprint(i.node)} might not be well-formed.",
lambda i: f"Invariant {pprint(i.node)} might not be well-formed.",
lambda i: f"Loop invariant {pprint(i.node)} might not be well-formed.",
lambda i: f"(General) Postcondition {pprint(i.node)} might not be well-formed.",
lambda i: f"Precondition {pprint(i.node)} might not be well-formed.",
lambda i: f"Postcondition of {pprint(i.node)} might not be well-formed.",
lambda i: f"Reallocate might fail.",
lambda i: f"Create might fail.",
lambda i: f"Destroy might fail.",
lambda i: f"The function {} is payable and must be granted to allocate resources.",
lambda i: f"Resource payout might fail.",
lambda i: f"Offer might fail.",
lambda i: f"Revoke might fail.",
lambda i: f"Exchange {pprint(i.node)} might fail.",
lambda i: f"Trust might fail.",
lambda i: f"The allocation of untracked resources might fail.",
lambda i: f"Leak check for resource {} might fail in {}.",
lambda i: f"Leak check for performs clauses might fail.",
lambda i: f"The resource {} comes from an interface "
f"and therefore its address must not be 'self'.",
lambda i: "Fold might fail.",
lambda i: "Unfold might fail.",
lambda i: "Loop invariant might not be preserved.",
lambda i: "Loop invariant might not hold on entry.",
lambda i: "Function might not be well-formed.",
lambda i: "Predicate might not be well-formed.",
lambda i: f"The function call {pprint(i.node)} might not succeed.",
lambda i: f"A step in the lemma {} might not hold.",
lambda i: f"Cannot apply lemma {}.",
lambda i: f"A property of the derived resource {} might not hold.",
lambda i: f"Assertion {pprint(i.node)} might not hold.",
lambda i: f"It might not be transitive.",
lambda i: f"It might not be reflexive.",
lambda i: f"It might assume constant balance.",
lambda i: f"Divisor {pprint(i.node)} might be zero.",
lambda i: f"Index {pprint(i.node)} might exceed array length.",
lambda i: f"Index {pprint(i.node)} might be negative.",
lambda i: f"Receiver might not implement the interface.",
lambda i: f"There might be insufficient allocated funds.",
lambda i: f"There might not be an appropriate creator resource.",
lambda i: f"Message sender might not be trusted.",
lambda i: f"There might not be an appropriate offer.",
lambda i: f"The function might not be allowed to perform this operation.",
lambda i: f"The offer might not be injective.",
lambda i: f"Trust might not be injective.",
lambda i: f"Some allocation might be leaked.",
lambda i: f"The function might not perform all required operations.",
lambda i: f"Receiver of {pprint(i.node)} might not be injective.",
lambda i: f"Receiver of {pprint(i.node)} might be null.",
lambda i: f"Fraction {pprint(i.node)} might be negative.",
lambda i: f"There might be insufficient permission to access {pprint(i.node)}.",
lambda i: f"The function {} might revert.",
lambda i: f"The address of the resource might be equal to 'self'.",
lambda i: f"The address of the underlying resource might be equal to 'self'.",
lambda i: f"The address of the underlying resource might got changed after initially setting it.",
lambda i: f"The contract might trust others in the contract of the underlying resource.",
lambda i: f"The contract might have open offers using the underlying resource.",
lambda i: f"The derived resource {} and {} "
f"might have the same underlying resource.",
} | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/verification/ | |
from jpype import JImplements, JOverride
class ViperAST:
Provides convenient access to the classes which constitute the Viper AST.
All constructors convert Python lists to Scala sequences, Python ints
to Scala BigInts, and wrap Scala Option types where necessary.
def __init__(self, jvm):
self.jvm = jvm =
self.scala = jvm.scala
self.ast = jvm.viper.silver.ast
self.ast_extensions = jvm.viper.silver.sif
def getobject(package, name):
return getattr(getattr(package, name + '$'), 'MODULE$')
def getconst(name):
return getobject(self.ast, name)
self.QPs = getobject(self.ast.utility, 'QuantifiedPermissions')
self.AddOp = getconst('AddOp')
self.AndOp = getconst('AndOp')
self.DivOp = getconst('DivOp')
self.FracOp = getconst('FracOp')
self.GeOp = getconst('GeOp')
self.GtOp = getconst('GtOp')
self.ImpliesOp = getconst('ImpliesOp')
self.IntPermMulOp = getconst('IntPermMulOp')
self.LeOp = getconst('LeOp')
self.LtOp = getconst('LtOp')
self.ModOp = getconst('ModOp')
self.MulOp = getconst('MulOp')
self.NegOp = getconst('NegOp')
self.NotOp = getconst('NotOp')
self.OrOp = getconst('OrOp')
self.PermAddOp = getconst('PermAddOp')
self.PermDivOp = getconst('PermDivOp')
self.SubOp = getconst('SubOp')
self.NoPosition = getconst('NoPosition')
self.NoInfo = getconst('NoInfo')
self.NoTrafos = getconst('NoTrafos')
self.Int = getconst('Int')
self.Bool = getconst('Bool')
self.Ref = getconst('Ref')
self.Perm = getconst('Perm')
self.MethodWithLabelsInScope = getobject(self.ast, 'MethodWithLabelsInScope')
self.BigInt = getobject(self.scala.math, 'BigInt')
self.None_ = getobject(self.scala, 'None')
self.seq_types = set()
def is_available(self) -> bool:
Checks if the Viper AST is available, i.e., silver is on the Java classpath.
return self.jvm.is_known_class(self.ast.Program)
def is_extension_available(self) -> bool:
Checks if the extended AST is available, i.e., the SIF AST extension is on the
Java classpath.
return self.jvm.is_known_class(self.ast_extensions.SIFReturnStmt)
def empty_seq(self):
return self.scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer()
def singleton_seq(self, element):
result = self.scala.collection.mutable.ArraySeq(1)
result.update(0, element)
return result
def append(self, list, to_append):
if to_append is not None:
lsttoappend = self.singleton_seq(to_append)
def to_seq(self, py_iterable):
result = self.scala.collection.mutable.ArraySeq(len(py_iterable))
for index, value in enumerate(py_iterable):
result.update(index, value)
return result.toList()
def to_list(self, seq):
result = []
iterator = seq.toIterator()
while iterator.hasNext():
return result
def to_map(self, dict):
result = self.scala.collection.immutable.HashMap()
for k, v in dict.items():
result = result.updated(k, v)
return result
def to_big_int(self, num: int):
# Python ints might not fit into a C int, therefore we use a String
num_str = str(num)
return self.BigInt.apply(num_str)
def Program(self, domains, fields, functions, predicates, methods, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Program(self.to_seq(domains), self.to_seq(fields),
self.to_seq(functions), self.to_seq(predicates),
self.to_seq(methods), self.to_seq([]),
position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Function(self, name, args, type, pres, posts, body, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
body = self.scala.Some(body) if body is not None else self.None_
return self.ast.Function(name, self.to_seq(args), type,
body, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Method(self, name, args, returns, pres, posts, locals, body, position=None,
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
if body is None:
body_with_locals = self.None_
body_with_locals = self.scala.Some(self.Seqn(body, position, info, locals))
method = self.MethodWithLabelsInScope
return method.apply(name, self.to_seq(args), self.to_seq(returns),
self.to_seq(pres), self.to_seq(posts),
body_with_locals, position, info,
def Field(self, name, type, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Field(name, type, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Predicate(self, name, args, body, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
body = self.scala.Some(body) if body is not None else self.None_
return self.ast.Predicate(name, self.to_seq(args),
body, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def PredicateAccess(self, args, pred_name, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.PredicateAccess(self.to_seq(args), pred_name, position,
info, self.NoTrafos)
def PredicateAccessPredicate(self, loc, perm, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.PredicateAccessPredicate(loc, perm, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Fold(self, predicate, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Fold(predicate, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Unfold(self, predicate, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Unfold(predicate, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Unfolding(self, predicate, expr, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Unfolding(predicate, expr, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def SeqType(self, element_type):
return self.ast.SeqType(element_type)
def SetType(self, element_type):
return self.ast.SetType(element_type)
def MultisetType(self, element_type):
return self.ast.MultisetType(element_type)
def Domain(self, name, functions, axioms, typevars, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Domain(name, self.to_seq(functions),
self.to_seq(axioms), self.to_seq(typevars),
position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def DomainFunc(self, name, args, type, unique, domain_name, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.DomainFunc(name, self.to_seq(args), type, unique,
position, info, domain_name, self.NoTrafos)
def DomainAxiom(self, name, expr, domain_name, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.NamedDomainAxiom(name, expr, position, info, domain_name,
def DomainType(self, name, type_vars_map, type_vars):
map = self.to_map(type_vars_map)
seq = self.to_seq(type_vars)
return self.ast.DomainType(name, map,
def DomainFuncApp(self, func_name, args, type_passed,
position, info, domain_name, type_var_map={}):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
type_passed_func = self.to_function0(type_passed)
result = self.ast.DomainFuncApp(func_name, self.to_seq(args),
self.to_map(type_var_map), position,
info, type_passed_func,
domain_name, self.NoTrafos)
return result
def TypeVar(self, name):
return self.ast.TypeVar(name)
def MethodCall(self, method_name, args, targets, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.MethodCall(method_name, self.to_seq(args),
self.to_seq(targets), position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def NewStmt(self, lhs, fields, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.NewStmt(lhs, self.to_seq(fields), position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Label(self, name, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Label(name, self.to_seq([]), position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Goto(self, name, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Goto(name, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Seqn(self, body, position=None, info=None, locals=[]):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Seqn(self.to_seq(body), self.to_seq(locals), position, info,
def LocalVarAssign(self, lhs, rhs, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.LocalVarAssign(lhs, rhs, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def FieldAssign(self, lhs, rhs, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.FieldAssign(lhs, rhs, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def FieldAccess(self, receiver, field, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.FieldAccess(receiver, field, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def FieldAccessPredicate(self, fieldacc, perm, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.FieldAccessPredicate(fieldacc, perm, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Old(self, expr, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Old(expr, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def LabelledOld(self, expr, label, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.LabelledOld(expr, label, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Inhale(self, expr, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Inhale(expr, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Exhale(self, expr, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Exhale(expr, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def InhaleExhaleExp(self, inhale, exhale, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.InhaleExhaleExp(inhale, exhale, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Assert(self, expr, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Assert(expr, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def FullPerm(self, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.FullPerm(position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def NoPerm(self, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.NoPerm(position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def WildcardPerm(self, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.WildcardPerm(position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def FractionalPerm(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.FractionalPerm(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def CurrentPerm(self, location, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.CurrentPerm(location, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def ForPerm(self, variables, access, body, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.ForPerm(self.to_seq(variables), access, body, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def PermMinus(self, exp, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.PermMinus(exp, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def PermAdd(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.PermAdd(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def PermSub(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.PermSub(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def PermMul(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.PermMul(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def IntPermMul(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.IntPermMul(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def PermDiv(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.PermDiv(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def PermLtCmp(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.PermLtCmp(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def PermLeCmp(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.PermLeCmp(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def PermGtCmp(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.PermGtCmp(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def PermGeCmp(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.PermGeCmp(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Not(self, expr, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Not(expr, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Minus(self, expr, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Minus(expr, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def CondExp(self, cond, then, els, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.CondExp(cond, then, els, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def EqCmp(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.EqCmp(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def NeCmp(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.NeCmp(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def GtCmp(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.GtCmp(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def GeCmp(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.GeCmp(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def LtCmp(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.LtCmp(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def LeCmp(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.LeCmp(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def IntLit(self, num, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.IntLit(self.to_big_int(num), position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Implies(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Implies(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def FuncApp(self, name, args, position=None, info=None, type=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.FuncApp(name, self.to_seq(args), position, info, type, self.NoTrafos)
def ExplicitSeq(self, elems, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.ExplicitSeq(self.to_seq(elems), position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def ExplicitSet(self, elems, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.ExplicitSet(self.to_seq(elems), position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def ExplicitMultiset(self, elems, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.ExplicitMultiset(self.to_seq(elems), position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def EmptySeq(self, type, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.EmptySeq(type, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def EmptySet(self, type, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.EmptySet(type, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def EmptyMultiset(self, type, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.EmptyMultiset(type, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def LocalVarDecl(self, name, type, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.LocalVarDecl(name, type, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def LocalVar(self, name, type, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.LocalVar(name, type, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Result(self, type, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Result(type, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def AnySetContains(self, elem, s, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.AnySetContains(elem, s, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def AnySetUnion(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.AnySetUnion(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def AnySetSubset(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.AnySetSubset(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def SeqAppend(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.SeqAppend(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def SeqContains(self, elem, s, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.SeqContains(elem, s, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def SeqLength(self, s, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.SeqLength(s, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def SeqIndex(self, s, ind, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.SeqIndex(s, ind, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def SeqTake(self, s, end, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.SeqTake(s, end, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def SeqDrop(self, s, end, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.SeqDrop(s, end, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def SeqUpdate(self, s, ind, elem, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.SeqUpdate(s, ind, elem, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Add(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Add(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Sub(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Sub(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Mul(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Mul(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Div(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Div(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Mod(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Mod(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def And(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.And(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Or(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Or(left, right, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def If(self, cond, thn, els, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
thn_seqn = self.Seqn(thn, position)
els_seqn = self.Seqn(els, position)
return self.ast.If(cond, thn_seqn, els_seqn, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def TrueLit(self, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.TrueLit(position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def FalseLit(self, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.FalseLit(position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def NullLit(self, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.NullLit(position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Forall(self, variables, triggers, exp, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
if not variables:
return exp
res = self.ast.Forall(self.to_seq(variables), self.to_seq(triggers), exp, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
if res.isPure():
return res
desugared = self.to_list(self.QPs.desugarSourceQuantifiedPermissionSyntax(res))
result = self.TrueLit(position, info)
for qp in desugared:
result = self.And(result, qp, position, info)
return result
def Exists(self, variables, triggers, exp, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
res = self.ast.Exists(self.to_seq(variables), self.to_seq(triggers), exp, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
return res
def Trigger(self, exps, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Trigger(self.to_seq(exps), position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def While(self, cond, invariants, locals, body, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
body_with_locals = self.Seqn(body, position, info, locals)
return self.ast.While(cond, self.to_seq(invariants),
body_with_locals, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def Let(self, variable, exp, body, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast.Let(variable, exp, body, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def from_option(self, option):
if option == self.None_:
return None
return option.get()
def to_function0(self, value):
class Function0:
def apply(self):
return value
return Function0()
def SimpleInfo(self, comments):
return self.ast.SimpleInfo(self.to_seq(comments))
def ConsInfo(self, head, tail):
return self.ast.ConsInfo(head, tail)
def to_position(self, expr, id: str):
path =, [])
start = self.ast.LineColumnPosition(expr.lineno, expr.col_offset)
end = self.ast.LineColumnPosition(expr.end_lineno, expr.end_col_offset)
end = self.scala.Some(end)
return self.ast.IdentifierPosition(path, start, end, id)
def is_heap_dependent(self, expr) -> bool:
Checks if the given expression contains an access to a heap location.
Does NOT check for calls to heap-dependent functions.
for n in [expr] + self.to_list(expr.subnodes()):
if isinstance(n, self.ast.LocationAccess):
return True
return False
# SIF extension AST nodes
def Low(self, expr, comparator: str = '', type_vars_map={}, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
comp = self.scala.Some(comparator) if comparator else self.None_
type_vars_map = self.to_map(type_vars_map)
return self.ast_extensions.SIFLowExp(expr, comp, type_vars_map, position, info, self.NoTrafos)
def LowEvent(self, position=None, info=None):
position = position or self.NoPosition
info = info or self.NoInfo
return self.ast_extensions.SIFLowEventExp(position, info, self.NoTrafos) | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/viper/ | |
from typing import List
from twovyper.ast import ast_nodes as ast, names, types
from twovyper.ast.types import PrimitiveType, BoundedType
from twovyper.translation import helpers
from twovyper.translation.abstract import CommonTranslator
from twovyper.translation.context import Context
from twovyper.utils import switch
from twovyper.viper.ast import ViperAST
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Expr, Stmt
from twovyper.vyper import is_compatible_version
class ArithmeticTranslator(CommonTranslator):
def __init__(self, viper_ast: ViperAST, no_reverts: bool = False):
self.no_reverts = no_reverts
self._unary_arithmetic_operations = {
ast.UnaryArithmeticOperator.ADD: lambda o, pos: o,
ast.UnaryArithmeticOperator.SUB: self.viper_ast.Minus
self._arithmetic_ops = {
ast.ArithmeticOperator.ADD: self.viper_ast.Add,
ast.ArithmeticOperator.SUB: self.viper_ast.Sub,
ast.ArithmeticOperator.MUL: self.viper_ast.Mul,
# Note that / and % in Vyper means truncating division
ast.ArithmeticOperator.DIV: lambda l, r, pos: helpers.div(viper_ast, l, r, pos),
ast.ArithmeticOperator.MOD: lambda l, r, pos: helpers.mod(viper_ast, l, r, pos),
ast.ArithmeticOperator.POW: lambda l, r, pos: helpers.pow(viper_ast, l, r, pos),
self._wrapped_arithmetic_ops = {
ast.ArithmeticOperator.ADD: self.viper_ast.Add,
ast.ArithmeticOperator.SUB: self.viper_ast.Sub,
ast.ArithmeticOperator.MUL: lambda l, r, pos: helpers.w_mul(viper_ast, l, r, pos),
ast.ArithmeticOperator.DIV: lambda l, r, pos: helpers.w_div(viper_ast, l, r, pos),
ast.ArithmeticOperator.MOD: lambda l, r, pos: helpers.w_mod(viper_ast, l, r, pos),
ast.ArithmeticOperator.POW: lambda l, r, pos: helpers.pow(viper_ast, l, r, pos),
self.non_linear_ops = {
def is_wrapped(self, val):
return hasattr(val, 'isSubtype') and val.isSubtype(helpers.wrapped_int_type(self.viper_ast))
def is_unwrapped(self, val):
return hasattr(val, 'isSubtype') and val.isSubtype(self.viper_ast.Int)
def unary_arithmetic_op(self, op: ast.UnaryArithmeticOperator, arg, otype: PrimitiveType, res: List[Stmt],
ctx: Context, pos=None) -> Expr:
result = self._unary_arithmetic_operations[op](arg, pos)
# Unary negation can only overflow if one negates MIN_INT128
if types.is_bounded(otype):
assert isinstance(otype, BoundedType)
self.check_overflow(result, otype, res, ctx, pos)
return result
# Decimals are scaled integers, i.e. the decimal 2.3 is represented as the integer
# 2.3 * 10^10 = 23000000000. For addition, subtraction, and modulo the same operations
# as with integers can be used. For multiplication we need to divide out one of the
# scaling factors while in division we need to multiply one in.
def _decimal_mul(self, lhs, rhs, pos=None, info=None) -> Expr:
scaling_factor = self.viper_ast.IntLit(types.VYPER_DECIMAL.scaling_factor, pos)
mult = self.viper_ast.Mul(lhs, rhs, pos)
# In decimal multiplication we divide the end result by the scaling factor
return helpers.div(self.viper_ast, mult, scaling_factor, pos, info)
def _wrapped_decimal_mul(self, lhs, rhs, pos=None, info=None) -> Expr:
scaling_factor = self.viper_ast.IntLit(types.VYPER_DECIMAL.scaling_factor, pos)
mult = helpers.w_mul(self.viper_ast, lhs, rhs, pos)
uw_mult = helpers.w_unwrap(self.viper_ast, mult, pos)
rescaled_mult = helpers.div(self.viper_ast, uw_mult, scaling_factor, pos, info)
return helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, rescaled_mult, pos)
def _decimal_div(self, lhs, rhs, pos=None, info=None) -> Expr:
scaling_factor = self.viper_ast.IntLit(types.VYPER_DECIMAL.scaling_factor, pos)
# In decimal division we first multiply the lhs by the scaling factor
mult = self.viper_ast.Mul(lhs, scaling_factor, pos)
return helpers.div(self.viper_ast, mult, rhs, pos, info)
def _wrapped_decimal_div(self, lhs, rhs, pos=None, info=None) -> Expr:
scaling_factor = self.viper_ast.IntLit(types.VYPER_DECIMAL.scaling_factor, pos)
uw_lhs = helpers.w_unwrap(self.viper_ast, lhs, pos)
uw_mult = self.viper_ast.Mul(uw_lhs, scaling_factor, pos)
mult = helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, uw_mult, pos)
return helpers.w_div(self.viper_ast, mult, rhs, pos, info)
def arithmetic_op(self, lhs, op: ast.ArithmeticOperator, rhs, otype: PrimitiveType, res: List[Stmt],
ctx: Context, pos=None) -> Expr:
ast_op = ast.ArithmeticOperator
left_is_wrapped = self.is_wrapped(lhs)
right_is_wrapped = self.is_wrapped(rhs)
if ctx.inside_interpreted:
if left_is_wrapped:
left_is_wrapped = False
lhs = helpers.w_unwrap(self.viper_ast, lhs, pos)
if right_is_wrapped:
right_is_wrapped = False
rhs = helpers.w_unwrap(self.viper_ast, rhs, pos)
elif ctx.inside_lemma:
if not left_is_wrapped:
left_is_wrapped = True
lhs = helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, lhs, pos)
if not right_is_wrapped:
right_is_wrapped = True
rhs = helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, rhs, pos)
with switch(op, otype) as case:
from twovyper.utils import _
if (case(ast_op.DIV, _) or case(ast_op.MOD, _)) and not self.no_reverts:
expr = rhs
if right_is_wrapped:
expr = helpers.w_unwrap(self.viper_ast, rhs, pos)
cond = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(expr, self.viper_ast.IntLit(0, pos), pos)
self.fail_if(cond, [], res, ctx, pos)
if left_is_wrapped and right_is_wrapped:
# Both are wrapped
if case(ast_op.MUL, types.VYPER_DECIMAL):
expr = self._wrapped_decimal_mul(lhs, rhs, pos)
elif case(ast_op.DIV, types.VYPER_DECIMAL):
expr = self._wrapped_decimal_div(lhs, rhs, pos)
expr = self._wrapped_arithmetic_ops[op](lhs, rhs, pos)
if case(ast_op.MUL, types.VYPER_DECIMAL):
expr = self._decimal_mul(lhs, rhs, pos)
elif case(ast_op.DIV, types.VYPER_DECIMAL):
expr = self._decimal_div(lhs, rhs, pos)
expr = self._arithmetic_ops[op](lhs, rhs, pos)
if types.is_bounded(otype):
assert isinstance(otype, BoundedType)
if is_compatible_version('<=0.1.0-beta.17') and op == ast_op.POW:
# In certain versions of Vyper there was no overflow check for POW.
self.check_underflow(expr, otype, res, ctx, pos)
self.check_under_overflow(expr, otype, res, ctx, pos)
return expr
# Overflows and underflow checks can be disabled with the config flag 'no_overflows'.
# If it is not enabled, we revert if an overflow happens. Additionally, we set the overflows
# variable to true, which is used for success(if_not=overflow).
# Note that we only treat 'arbitary' bounds due to limited bit size as overflows,
# getting negative unsigned values results in a normal revert.
def _set_overflow_flag(self, res: List[Stmt], pos=None):
overflow = helpers.overflow_var(self.viper_ast, pos).localVar()
true_lit = self.viper_ast.TrueLit(pos)
res.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(overflow, true_lit, pos))
def check_underflow(self, arg, otype: BoundedType, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
lower = self.viper_ast.IntLit(otype.lower, pos)
lt = self.viper_ast.LtCmp(arg, lower, pos)
if types.is_unsigned(otype) and not self.no_reverts:
self.fail_if(lt, [], res, ctx, pos)
elif not self.no_reverts and not ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_NO_OVERFLOWS):
stmts = []
self._set_overflow_flag(stmts, pos)
self.fail_if(lt, stmts, res, ctx, pos)
def check_overflow(self, arg, otype: BoundedType, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
upper = self.viper_ast.IntLit(otype.upper, pos)
gt = self.viper_ast.GtCmp(arg, upper, pos)
if not self.no_reverts and not ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_NO_OVERFLOWS):
stmts = []
self._set_overflow_flag(stmts, pos)
self.fail_if(gt, stmts, res, ctx, pos)
def check_under_overflow(self, arg, otype: BoundedType, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
# For unsigned types we need to check over and underflow separately as we treat underflows
# as normal reverts
if types.is_unsigned(otype) and not self.no_reverts:
self.check_underflow(arg, otype, res, ctx, pos)
self.check_overflow(arg, otype, res, ctx, pos)
elif not self.no_reverts and not ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_NO_OVERFLOWS):
# Checking for overflow and undeflow in the same if-condition is more efficient than
# introducing two branches
lower = self.viper_ast.IntLit(otype.lower, pos)
upper = self.viper_ast.IntLit(otype.upper, pos)
lt = self.viper_ast.LtCmp(arg, lower, pos)
gt = self.viper_ast.GtCmp(arg, upper, pos)
cond = self.viper_ast.Or(lt, gt, pos)
stmts = []
self._set_overflow_flag(stmts, pos)
self.fail_if(cond, stmts, res, ctx, pos) | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/translation/ | |
from contextlib import contextmanager
from collections import ChainMap, defaultdict
from typing import Dict, TYPE_CHECKING, List, Any, Optional, Tuple, Callable
from twovyper.ast import names
from twovyper.ast.ast_nodes import Expr, Node
from twovyper.ast.nodes import VyperFunction, VyperProgram
from twovyper.translation import mangled
from twovyper.translation.variable import TranslatedVar
from twovyper.translation import LocalVarSnapshot
class Context:
def __init__(self):
self.program: Optional[VyperProgram] = None
# The program whose code is currently being translated, i.e., a VyperProgram
# normally, and a VyperInterface when we translate interface specifications.
self.current_program: Optional[VyperProgram] = None
self.options = None
# The translated types of all fields
self.field_types = {}
# Invariants that are known to be true and therefore don't need to be checked
self.unchecked_invariants: Optional[Callable[[], List[Expr]]] = None
# Transitive postconditions that are known to be true and therefore don't need to be checked
self.unchecked_transitive_postconditions: Optional[Callable[[], List[Expr]]] = None
# Invariants for derived resources
self.derived_resources_invariants: Optional[Callable[[Optional[Node]], List[Expr]]] = None
self.function: Optional[VyperFunction] = None
self.is_pure_function = False
self.inline_function: Optional[VyperFunction] = None
self.args = {}
self.locals: Dict[str, TranslatedVar] = {}
self.old_locals: Dict[str, TranslatedVar] = {}
# The state which is currently regarded as 'present'
self.current_state = {}
# The state which is currently regarded as 'old'
self.current_old_state = {}
self.quantified_vars: Dict[str, TranslatedVar] = {}
# The actual present, old, pre, and issued states
self.present_state = {}
self.old_state = {}
self.pre_state = {}
self.issued_state = {}
self.self_address = None
self._break_label_counter = -1
self._continue_label_counter = -1
self.break_label = None
self.continue_label = None
self.success_var: Optional[TranslatedVar] = None
self.revert_label = None
self.result_var: Optional[TranslatedVar] = None
self.return_label = None
self.inside_trigger = False
self.inside_inline_analysis = False
self.inline_function = None
self.inside_lemma = False
self.inside_interpreted = False
self._local_var_counter = defaultdict(lambda: -1)
self.new_local_vars = []
self.loop_arrays: Dict[str, Expr] = {}
self.loop_indices: Dict[str, TranslatedVar] = {}
self.event_vars: Dict[str, List[Any]] = {}
# And-ed conditions which must be all true when an assignment is made in a pure translator.
self.pure_conds: Optional[Expr] = None
# List of all assignments to the result variable
# The tuple consists of an expression which is the condition under which the assignment happened and
# the index of the variable (since this is SSA like, the result_var has many indices)
self.pure_returns: List[Tuple[Expr, int]] = []
# List of all assignments to the success variable
# The tuple consists of an expression which is the condition under which the assignment happened and
# the index of the variable (since this is SSA like, the success_var has many indices)
self.pure_success: List[Tuple[Expr, int]] = []
# List of all break statements in a loop
# The tuple consists of an expression which is the condition under which the break statement is reached and
# the dict is a snapshot of the local variables at the moment of the break statement
self.pure_continues: List[Tuple[Optional[Expr], LocalVarSnapshot]] = []
# List of all continue statements in a loop
# The tuple consists of an expression which is the condition under which the continue statement is reached and
# the dict is a snapshot of the local variables at the moment of the continue statement
self.pure_breaks: List[Tuple[Optional[Expr], LocalVarSnapshot]] = []
self._pure_var_index_counter = 1 # It has to start at 2
self._quantified_var_counter = -1
self._inline_counter = -1
self._current_inline = -1
self.inline_vias = []
self.inside_interface_call = False
self.inside_derived_resource_performs = False
self.inside_performs_only_interface_call = False
def current_function(self) -> Optional[VyperFunction]:
return self.function if not self.inside_inline_analysis else self.inline_function
def all_vars(self) -> ChainMap:
return ChainMap(self.quantified_vars, self.current_state, self.locals, self.args)
def self_type(self):
return self.program.fields.type
def self_var(self):
The variable declaration to which `self` currently refers.
return self.current_state[names.SELF]
def old_self_var(self):
The variable declaration to which `old(self)` currently refers.
return self.current_old_state[names.SELF]
def pre_self_var(self):
The state of `self` before the function call.
return self.pre_state[names.SELF]
def issued_self_var(self):
The state of `self` when issuing the transaction.
return self.issued_state[names.SELF]
def msg_var(self):
return self.all_vars[names.MSG]
def block_var(self):
return self.all_vars[names.BLOCK]
def chain_var(self):
return self.all_vars[names.CHAIN]
def tx_var(self):
return self.all_vars[names.TX]
def new_local_var_name(self, name: str) -> str:
full_name = mangled.local_var_name(self.inline_prefix, name)
self._local_var_counter[full_name] += 1
new_count = self._local_var_counter[full_name]
if new_count == 0:
return full_name
return f'{full_name}${new_count}'
def new_quantified_var_name(self) -> str:
self._quantified_var_counter += 1
return f'$q{self._quantified_var_counter}'
def inline_prefix(self) -> str:
if self._current_inline == -1:
return ''
return f'i{self._current_inline}$'
def next_pure_var_index(self) -> int:
self._pure_var_index_counter += 1
return self._pure_var_index_counter
def _next_break_label(self) -> str:
self._break_label_counter += 1
return f'break_{self._break_label_counter}'
def _next_continue_label(self) -> str:
self._continue_label_counter += 1
return f'continue_{self._continue_label_counter}'
def function_scope(self):
Should be used in a ``with`` statement.
Saves the current context state of a function, then clears it for the body
of the ``with`` statement and restores the previous one in the end.
function = self.function
is_pure_function = self.is_pure_function
args = self.args
local_variables = self.locals
old_locals = self.old_locals
current_state = self.current_state
current_old_state = self.current_old_state
quantified_vars = self.quantified_vars
present_state = self.present_state
old_state = self.old_state
pre_state = self.pre_state
issued_state = self.issued_state
self_address = self.self_address
_break_label_counter = self._break_label_counter
_continue_label_counter = self._continue_label_counter
break_label = self.break_label
continue_label = self.continue_label
success_var = self.success_var
revert_label = self.revert_label
result_var = self.result_var
return_label = self.return_label
inside_trigger = self.inside_trigger
inside_inline_analysis = self.inside_inline_analysis
inline_function = self.inline_function
local_var_counter = self._local_var_counter
new_local_vars = self.new_local_vars
quantified_var_counter = self._quantified_var_counter
inline_counter = self._inline_counter
current_inline = self._current_inline
inline_vias = self.inline_vias.copy()
loop_arrays = self.loop_arrays
loop_indices = self.loop_indices
event_vars = self.event_vars
pure_conds = self.pure_conds
pure_returns = self.pure_returns
pure_success = self.pure_success
pure_var_index_counter = self._pure_var_index_counter
pure_continues = self.pure_continues
pure_breaks = self.pure_breaks
inside_interface_call = self.inside_interface_call
inside_derived_resource_performs = self.inside_derived_resource_performs
self.function = None
self.is_pure_function = False
self.args = {}
self.locals = {}
self.old_locals = {}
self.current_state = {}
self.current_old_state = {}
self.quantified_vars = {}
self.present_state = {}
self.old_state = {}
self.pre_state = {}
self.issued_state = {}
self._break_label_counter = -1
self._continue_label_counter = -1
self.break_label = None
self.continue_label = None
self.success_var = None
self.revert_label = None
self.result_var = None
self.return_label = None
self.inside_trigger = False
self.inside_inline_analysis = False
self.inline_function = None
self._local_var_counter = defaultdict(lambda: -1)
self.new_local_vars = []
self._quantified_var_counter = -1
self._inline_counter = -1
self._current_inline = -1
self.loop_arrays = {}
self.loop_indices = {}
self.event_vars = {}
self.pure_conds = None
self.pure_returns = []
self.pure_success = []
self._pure_var_index_counter = 1
self.pure_continues = []
self.pure_breaks = []
self.inside_interface_call = False
self.inside_derived_resource_performs = False
self.function = function
self.is_pure_function = is_pure_function
self.args = args
self.locals = local_variables
self.old_locals = old_locals
self.current_state = current_state
self.current_old_state = current_old_state
self.quantified_vars = quantified_vars
self.present_state = present_state
self.old_state = old_state
self.pre_state = pre_state
self.issued_state = issued_state
self.self_address = self_address
self._break_label_counter = _break_label_counter
self._continue_label_counter = _continue_label_counter
self.break_label = break_label
self.continue_label = continue_label
self.success_var = success_var
self.revert_label = revert_label
self.result_var = result_var
self.return_label = return_label
self.inside_trigger = inside_trigger
self.inside_inline_analysis = inside_inline_analysis
self.inline_function = inline_function
self._local_var_counter = local_var_counter
self.new_local_vars = new_local_vars
self._quantified_var_counter = quantified_var_counter
self._inline_counter = inline_counter
self._current_inline = current_inline
self.inline_vias = inline_vias
self.loop_arrays = loop_arrays
self.loop_indices = loop_indices
self.event_vars = event_vars
self.pure_conds = pure_conds
self.pure_returns = pure_returns
self.pure_success = pure_success
self._pure_var_index_counter = pure_var_index_counter
self.pure_continues = pure_continues
self.pure_breaks = pure_breaks
self.inside_interface_call = inside_interface_call
self.inside_derived_resource_performs = inside_derived_resource_performs
def quantified_var_scope(self):
quantified_vars = self.quantified_vars.copy()
quantified_var_counter = self._quantified_var_counter
self._quantified_var_counter = -1
self.quantified_vars = quantified_vars
self._quantified_var_counter = quantified_var_counter
def inside_trigger_scope(self):
inside_trigger = self.inside_trigger
self.inside_trigger = True
self.inside_trigger = inside_trigger
def inline_scope(self, via, function: Optional[VyperFunction] = None):
success_var = self.success_var
result_var = self.result_var
self.result_var = None
return_label = self.return_label
self.return_label = None
local_vars = self.locals.copy()
self.locals = {names.MSG: local_vars[names.MSG], names.BLOCK: local_vars[names.BLOCK],
names.CHAIN: local_vars[names.CHAIN], names.TX: local_vars[names.TX]}
args = self.args.copy()
old_inline = self._current_inline
self._inline_counter += 1
self._current_inline = self._inline_counter
inline_vias = self.inline_vias.copy()
inside_inline_analysis = self.inside_inline_analysis
self.inside_inline_analysis = True
inline_function = self.inline_function
self.inline_function = function
self.success_var = success_var
self.result_var = result_var
self.return_label = return_label
self.locals = local_vars
self.args = args
self._current_inline = old_inline
self.inline_vias = inline_vias
self.inside_inline_analysis = inside_inline_analysis
self.inline_function = inline_function
def interface_call_scope(self):
result_var = self.result_var
self.result_var = None
success_var = self.success_var
self.success_var = None
local_vars = self.locals.copy()
old_inline = self._current_inline
self._inline_counter += 1
self._current_inline = self._inline_counter
inside_interface_call = self.inside_interface_call
self.inside_interface_call = True
self.result_var = result_var
self.success_var = success_var
self.locals = local_vars
self._current_inline = old_inline
self.inside_interface_call = inside_interface_call
def derived_resource_performs_scope(self):
inside_derived_resource_performs = self.inside_derived_resource_performs
self.inside_derived_resource_performs = True
inside_interface_call = self.inside_interface_call
self.inside_interface_call = False
self.inside_derived_resource_performs = inside_derived_resource_performs
self.inside_interface_call = inside_interface_call
def program_scope(self, program: VyperProgram):
old_program: VyperProgram = self.current_program
self.current_program = program
args = None
if self.function and not self.inside_inline_analysis:
interfaces = [name for name, interface in old_program.interfaces.items() if interface.file == program.file]
implemented_interfaces = [ for interface in old_program.implements]
if any(interface in implemented_interfaces for interface in interfaces):
args = self.args
other_func: VyperFunction = program.functions.get(
if other_func:
assert len(other_func.args) == len(args)
self.args = {}
for (name, _), (_, var) in zip(other_func.args.items(), args.items()):
self.args[name] = var
self.current_program = old_program
if args:
self.args = args
def state_scope(self, present_state, old_state):
current_state = self.current_state.copy()
current_old_state = self.current_old_state.copy()
self.current_state = present_state
self.current_old_state = old_state
local_vars = self.locals.copy()
self.current_state = current_state
self.current_old_state = current_old_state
self.locals = local_vars
def allocated_scope(self, allocated):
current_state = self.current_state.copy()
self.current_state[mangled.ALLOCATED] = allocated
self.current_state = current_state
def self_address_scope(self, address):
old_self_address = self.self_address
self.self_address = address
self.self_address = old_self_address
def break_scope(self):
break_label = self.break_label
self.break_label = self._next_break_label()
pure_break = self.pure_breaks
self.pure_breaks = []
self.break_label = break_label
self.pure_breaks = pure_break
def continue_scope(self):
continue_label = self.continue_label
self.continue_label = self._next_continue_label()
pure_continue = self.pure_continues
self.pure_continues = []
self.continue_label = continue_label
self.pure_continues = pure_continue
def old_local_variables_scope(self, old_locals):
prev_old_locals = self.old_locals
self.old_locals = old_locals
self.old_locals = prev_old_locals
def new_local_scope(self):
event_vars = self.event_vars
self.event_vars = event_vars
def lemma_scope(self, is_inside=True):
inside_lemma = self.inside_lemma
self.inside_lemma = is_inside
self.inside_lemma = inside_lemma
def interpreted_scope(self, is_inside=True):
inside_interpreted = self.inside_interpreted
self.inside_interpreted = is_inside
self.inside_interpreted = inside_interpreted | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/translation/ | |
from functools import reduce
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from twovyper.ast import ast_nodes as ast, names, types
from twovyper.ast.nodes import Resource
from twovyper.translation import helpers
from twovyper.translation.abstract import NodeTranslator
from twovyper.translation.context import Context
from twovyper.viper.ast import ViperAST
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Expr, Stmt
class ResourceTranslator(NodeTranslator):
def __init__(self, viper_ast: ViperAST):
def specification_translator(self):
from twovyper.translation.specification import SpecificationTranslator
return SpecificationTranslator(self.viper_ast)
def underlying_wei_resource(self, ctx, pos=None) -> Expr:
_, expr = self._resource(names.UNDERLYING_WEI, [], ctx, pos)
return expr
def resource(self, name: str, args: List[Expr], ctx: Context, pos=None) -> Expr:
self_address = ctx.self_address or helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast)
args = list(args)
_, expr = self._resource(name, args, ctx, pos)
return expr
def _resource(self, name: str, args: List[Expr], ctx: Context, pos=None) -> Tuple[Resource, Expr]:
resources = ctx.program.resources.get(name)
assert resources is not None and len(resources) > 0
resource = ctx.current_program.own_resources.get(name, resources[0])
return resource, helpers.struct_init(self.viper_ast, args, resource.type, pos)
def creator_resource(self, resource: Expr, _: Context, pos=None) -> Expr:
creator_resource_type = helpers.creator_resource().type
return helpers.struct_init(self.viper_ast, [resource], creator_resource_type, pos)
def translate(self, resource: Optional[ast.Node], res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context,
return_resource=False) -> Union[Expr, Tuple[Resource, Expr]]:
if resource:
resource, expr = super().translate(resource, res, ctx)
self_address = ctx.self_address or helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast)
resource, expr = self._resource(names.WEI, [self_address], ctx)
if return_resource:
return resource, expr
return expr
def translate_resources_for_quantified_expr(self, resources: List[Tuple[str, Resource]], ctx: Context, pos=None,
translate_underlying=False, args_idx_start=0):
counter = args_idx_start
translated_resource_with_args_and_type_assumption = []
for name, resource in resources:
type_assumptions = []
args = []
for idx, arg_type in enumerate(resource.type.member_types.values()):
viper_type = self.specification_translator.type_translator.translate(arg_type, ctx)
arg = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(f'$arg{idx}${counter}', viper_type, pos)
counter += 1
arg_var = arg.localVar()
.type_assumptions(arg_var, arg_type, ctx))
type_cond = reduce(lambda l, r: self.viper_ast.And(l, r, pos), type_assumptions, self.viper_ast.TrueLit())
if translate_underlying:
assert isinstance(resource.type, types.DerivedResourceType)
if == names.WEI:
t_resource = self.underlying_wei_resource(ctx)
stmts = []
underlying_address = self.specification_translator.translate(
resource.underlying_address, stmts, ctx)
assert not stmts
t_resource = helpers.struct_init(
self.viper_ast, [arg.localVar() for arg in args] + [underlying_address],
resource.type.underlying_resource, pos)
t_resource = self.resource(name, [arg.localVar() for arg in args], ctx)
translated_resource_with_args_and_type_assumption.append((t_resource, args, type_cond))
return translated_resource_with_args_and_type_assumption
def translate_with_underlying(self, top_node: Optional[ast.FunctionCall], res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context,
return_resource=False) -> Union[Tuple[Expr, Expr], Tuple[Resource, Expr, Expr]]:
if top_node:
resource_node = top_node.resource
underlying_resource_node = top_node.underlying_resource
resource, expr = self.translate(resource_node, res, ctx, True)
underlying_resource_expr = self.translate(underlying_resource_node, res, ctx)
resource, expr = self.translate(None, res, ctx, True)
underlying_resource_expr = self.underlying_wei_resource(ctx)
if return_resource:
return resource, expr, underlying_resource_expr
return expr, underlying_resource_expr
def translate_exchange(self, exchange: Optional[ast.Exchange], res: Stmt, ctx: Context,
return_resource=False) -> Tuple[Union[Expr, Tuple[Resource, Expr]],
Union[Expr, Tuple[Resource, Expr]]]:
if not exchange:
wei_resource = self.translate(None, res, ctx, return_resource)
return wei_resource, wei_resource
left = self.translate(exchange.left, res, ctx, return_resource)
right = self.translate(exchange.right, res, ctx, return_resource)
return left, right
def translate_Name(self, node: ast.Name, _: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
if == names.UNDERLYING_WEI:
return self._resource(, [], ctx, pos)
self_address = ctx.self_address or helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast)
return self._resource(, [self_address], ctx, pos)
def translate_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
if == names.CREATOR:
resource = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
return None, self.creator_resource(resource, ctx, pos)
elif node.resource:
address = self.specification_translator.translate(node.resource, res, ctx)
address = ctx.self_address or helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast)
args = [self.specification_translator.translate(arg, res, ctx) for arg in node.args]
return self._resource(, args, ctx, pos)
def translate_Attribute(self, node: ast.Attribute, _: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
assert isinstance(node.value, ast.Name)
interface = ctx.current_program.interfaces[]
with ctx.program_scope(interface):
self_address = ctx.self_address or helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast)
return self._resource(node.attr, [self_address], ctx, pos)
def translate_ReceiverCall(self, node: ast.ReceiverCall, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
if isinstance(node.receiver, ast.Name):
interface = ctx.current_program.interfaces[]
address = ctx.self_address or helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast)
elif isinstance(node.receiver, ast.Subscript):
assert isinstance(node.receiver.value, ast.Attribute)
assert isinstance(node.receiver.value.value, ast.Name)
interface_name =
interface = ctx.current_program.interfaces[interface_name]
address = self.specification_translator.translate(node.receiver.index, res, ctx)
assert False
with ctx.program_scope(interface):
args = [self.specification_translator.translate(arg, res, ctx) for arg in node.args]
return self._resource(, args, ctx, pos)
def translate_Subscript(self, node: ast.Subscript, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
other_address = self.specification_translator.translate(node.index, res, ctx)
if isinstance(node.value, ast.Attribute):
assert isinstance(node.value.value, ast.Name)
interface = ctx.current_program.interfaces[]
with ctx.program_scope(interface):
return self._resource(node.value.attr, [other_address], ctx, pos)
elif isinstance(node.value, ast.Name):
return self._resource(, [other_address], ctx, pos)
assert False | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/translation/ | |
from functools import reduce
from itertools import chain
from typing import List
from twovyper.ast import ast_nodes as ast, names, types
from twovyper.ast.nodes import VyperFunction, VyperVar
from twovyper.translation import helpers, mangled
from twovyper.translation.context import Context
from twovyper.translation.function import FunctionTranslator
from twovyper.translation.pure_statement import PureStatementTranslator
from twovyper.translation.pure_translators import PureTranslatorMixin, PureTypeTranslator
from twovyper.translation.variable import TranslatedPureIndexedVar, TranslatedVar
from twovyper.viper.ast import ViperAST
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Function, Expr
class PureFunctionTranslator(PureTranslatorMixin, FunctionTranslator):
def __init__(self, viper_ast: ViperAST):
self.statement_translator = PureStatementTranslator(viper_ast)
self.type_translator = PureTypeTranslator(viper_ast)
def translate(self, function: VyperFunction, ctx: Context) -> Function:
with ctx.function_scope():
pos = self.to_position(function.node, ctx)
ctx.function = function
ctx.is_pure_function = True
args = {name: self._translate_pure_non_local_var(var, ctx) for name, var in function.args.items()}
state = {names.SELF: TranslatedVar(names.SELF, mangled.present_state_var_name(names.SELF),
types.AnyStructType(), self.viper_ast, pos)}
ctx.present_state = state
ctx.old_state = ctx.present_state
ctx.pre_state = ctx.present_state
ctx.issued_state = ctx.present_state
ctx.current_state = ctx.present_state
ctx.current_old_state = ctx.present_state
ctx.args = args.copy()
ctx.locals = {}
ctx.success_var = TranslatedPureIndexedVar(names.SUCCESS, mangled.SUCCESS_VAR,
types.VYPER_BOOL, self.viper_ast)
ctx.return_label = None
ctx.revert_label = None
ctx.result_var = TranslatedPureIndexedVar(names.RESULT, mangled.RESULT_VAR,
function.type.return_type, self.viper_ast)
body = []
# State type assumptions
for state_var in ctx.present_state.values():
type_assumptions = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(state_var.local_var(ctx), state_var.type, ctx)
# Assume type assumptions for self address
self_address = helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast)
self_address_ass = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(self_address, types.VYPER_ADDRESS, ctx)
# Assume type assumptions for arguments
for var in function.args.values():
local_var = args[].local_var(ctx)
assumptions = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(local_var, var.type, ctx)
# If we do not encounter an exception we will return success
body.append(self.viper_ast.EqCmp(ctx.success_var.local_var(ctx), self.viper_ast.TrueLit()))
self.statement_translator.translate_stmts(function.node.body, body, ctx)
viper_struct_type = helpers.struct_type(self.viper_ast)
function_result = self.viper_ast.Result(viper_struct_type)
def partial_unfinished_cond_expression(cond_and_idx):
cond, idx = cond_and_idx
def unfinished_cond_expression(expr):
val = helpers.struct_get_idx(self.viper_ast, function_result, idx, viper_type, pos)
return self.viper_ast.CondExp(cond, val, expr)
return unfinished_cond_expression
# Generate success variable
viper_type = self.viper_ast.Bool
unfinished_cond_expressions = list(map(partial_unfinished_cond_expression, ctx.pure_success))
value = reduce(lambda expr, func: func(expr), reversed(unfinished_cond_expressions),
# Set success variable at slot 0
success_var = helpers.struct_pure_get_success(self.viper_ast, function_result, pos)
success_cond_expr = self.viper_ast.CondExp(value,
self.viper_ast.TrueLit(), self.viper_ast.FalseLit())
body.append(self.viper_ast.EqCmp(success_var, success_cond_expr))
# Generate result variable
viper_type = self.viper_ast.Bool
default_value = self.viper_ast.TrueLit()
if function.type.return_type:
viper_type = self.type_translator.translate(function.type.return_type, ctx)
default_value = self.type_translator.default_value(function.node, function.type.return_type, body, ctx)
unfinished_cond_expressions = list(map(partial_unfinished_cond_expression, ctx.pure_returns))
value = reduce(lambda expr, func: func(expr), reversed(unfinished_cond_expressions), default_value)
# Set result variable at slot 1
result_var = helpers.struct_pure_get_result(self.viper_ast, function_result, viper_type, pos)
body.append(self.viper_ast.EqCmp(result_var, value))
# Arguments have to be TranslatedVar. Therefore, transform the non-local TranslatedPureIndexedVar to
# local TranslatedVar.
arg_transform = []
new_args = {}
for arg_name, arg in args.items():
assert isinstance(arg, TranslatedPureIndexedVar)
if not arg.is_local:
lhs = arg.local_var(ctx)
new_arg = TranslatedVar(, arg.mangled_name, arg.type, arg.viper_ast,
arg.pos,, is_local=True)
rhs = new_arg.local_var(ctx)
arg_transform.append(self.viper_ast.EqCmp(lhs, rhs))
new_args[arg_name] = new_arg
body = arg_transform + body
args_list = [arg.var_decl(ctx) for arg in chain(state.values(), new_args.values())]
viper_name = mangled.pure_function_name(
function = self.viper_ast.Function(viper_name, args_list, helpers.struct_type(self.viper_ast),
[], body, None, pos)
return function
def _translate_pure_non_local_var(self, var: VyperVar, ctx: Context):
pos = self.to_position(var.node, ctx)
name = mangled.local_var_name(ctx.inline_prefix,
return TranslatedPureIndexedVar(, name, var.type, self.viper_ast, pos, is_local=False)
def inline(self, call: ast.ReceiverCall, args: List[Expr], res: List[Expr], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
return self._call_pure(call, args, res, ctx) | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/translation/ | |
from twovyper.ast import names
# Constants for names in translated AST
INIT = names.INIT
SELF = names.SELF
CONTRACTS = '$contracts'
ALLOCATED = '$allocated'
OFFERED = '$offered'
TRUSTED = '$trusted'
ALLOCATION = '$allocation'
OFFER = '$offer'
TRUST = '$trust'
CREATOR = '$creator'
CREATOR_RESOURCE = '$resource'
ORIGINAL_MSG = '$original_msg'
PERFORMS = '$performs'
MSG = names.MSG
TX = names.TX
SENT_FIELD = '$sent'
RECEIVED_FIELD = '$received'
SELFDESTRUCT_FIELD = '$selfdestruct'
RESULT_VAR = '$res'
SUCCESS_VAR = '$succ'
OVERFLOW = '$overflow'
OUT_OF_GAS = '$out_of_gas'
FAILED = '$failed'
CALLER = '$caller'
FIRST_PUBLIC_STATE = '$first_public_state'
END_LABEL = 'end'
RETURN_LABEL = 'return'
REVERT_LABEL = 'revert'
BLOCKCHAIN_KECCAK256 = '$keccak256'
BLOCKCHAIN_SHA256 = '$sha256'
SELF_ADDRESS = '$self_address'
IMPLEMENTS = '$implements'
MATH_SIGN = '$sign'
MATH_DIV = '$div'
MATH_MOD = '$mod'
MATH_POW = '$pow'
MATH_SQRT = '$sqrt'
MATH_FLOOR = '$floor'
MATH_CEIL = '$ceil'
MATH_SHIFT = '$shift'
MATH_BITWISE_NOT = '$bitwise_not'
MATH_BITWISE_AND = '$bitwise_and'
MATH_BITWISE_OR = '$bitwise_or'
MATH_BITWISE_XOR = '$bitwise_xor'
WRAPPED_INT_MUL = '$w_mul'
WRAPPED_INT_MOD = '$w_mod'
WRAPPED_INT_DIV = '$w_div'
ARRAY_INIT = '$array_init'
MAP_INIT = '$map_init'
MAP_EQ = '$map_eq'
MAP_GET = '$map_get'
MAP_SET = '$map_set'
MAP_SUM = '$map_sum'
STRUCT_LOC = '$struct_loc'
STRUCT_GET = '$struct_get'
STRUCT_SET = '$struct_set'
RANGE_RANGE = '$range'
RANGE_SUM = '$range_sum'
CONVERT_BYTES32_TO_SIGNED_INT = '$bytes32_to_signed_int'
CONVERT_BYTES32_TO_UNSIGNED_INT = '$bytes32_to_unsigned_int'
CONVERT_SIGNED_INT_TO_BYTES32 = '$signed_int_to_bytes32'
CONVERT_UNSIGNED_INT_TO_BYTES32 = '$unsigned_int_to_bytes32'
CONVERT_PAD32 = '$pad32'
TRANSITIVITY_CHECK = '$transitivity_check'
REFLEXIVITY_CHECK = '$reflexivity_check'
FORCED_ETHER_CHECK = '$forced_ether_check'
PURE_SUCCESS = '$pure$success_get'
PURE_RESULT = '$pure$return_get'
TRUST_NO_ONE = '$trust_no_one'
NO_OFFERS = '$no_offers'
def method_name(vyper_name: str) -> str:
return f'f${vyper_name}'
def struct_name(vyper_struct_name: str, kind: str) -> str:
return f's${kind}${vyper_struct_name}'
def struct_type_tag(vyper_struct_name: str, kind: str) -> int:
name = struct_name(vyper_struct_name, kind)
return int.from_bytes(name.encode('utf-8'), 'big')
def struct_init_name(vyper_struct_name: str, kind: str) -> str:
return f'{struct_name(vyper_struct_name, kind)}$init'
def struct_eq_name(vyper_struct_name: str, kind: str) -> str:
return f'{struct_name(vyper_struct_name, kind)}$eq'
def interface_name(vyper_interface_name: str) -> str:
return f'i${vyper_interface_name}'
def interface_function_name(vyper_iname: str, vyper_fname: str) -> str:
return f'{interface_name(vyper_iname)}${vyper_fname}'
def ghost_function_name(vyper_iname: str, vyper_fname: str) -> str:
return f'g${interface_name(vyper_iname)}${vyper_fname}'
def pure_function_name(vyper_name: str) -> str:
return f'p${vyper_name}'
def lemma_name(vyper_name: str) -> str:
return f'lemma${vyper_name}'
def axiom_name(viper_name: str) -> str:
return f'{viper_name}$ax'
def event_name(vyper_name: str) -> str:
return f'e${vyper_name}'
def accessible_name(vyper_name: str) -> str:
return f'$accessible${vyper_name}'
def lock_name(vyper_name: str) -> str:
return f'n${vyper_name}'
def present_state_var_name(name: str) -> str:
return name
def old_state_var_name(name: str) -> str:
return f'$old_{name}'
def pre_old_state_var_name(name: str) -> str:
return f'$pre_old_{name}'
def pre_state_var_name(name: str) -> str:
return f'$pre_{name}'
def issued_state_var_name(name: str) -> str:
return f'$issued_{name}'
def local_var_name(inline_prefix: str, vyper_name: str) -> str:
if vyper_name in {names.SELF, names.MSG, names.BLOCK}:
prefix = ''
prefix = 'l$'
return f'{prefix}{inline_prefix}{vyper_name}'
def quantifier_var_name(vyper_name: str) -> str:
return f'q${vyper_name}'
def model_var_name(*components: str) -> str:
return f'm${"$".join(components)}'
def performs_predicate_name(vyper_name: str) -> str:
return f'{PERFORMS}${vyper_name}' | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/translation/ | |
from functools import reduce
from typing import Optional, List
from twovyper.ast import ast_nodes as ast, names, types
from twovyper.ast.types import (
VyperType, PrimitiveType, MapType, ArrayType, TupleType, AnyStructType, StructType, ContractType, InterfaceType
from twovyper.viper.ast import ViperAST
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Expr, Stmt, Type
from twovyper.translation.abstract import CommonTranslator
from twovyper.translation.context import Context
from twovyper.translation import helpers, mangled
class TypeTranslator(CommonTranslator):
def __init__(self, viper_ast: ViperAST):
wrapped_int_type = helpers.wrapped_int_type(self.viper_ast)
self.wrapped_type_dict = {
types.VYPER_BOOL: viper_ast.Bool,
types.VYPER_INT128: wrapped_int_type,
types.VYPER_UINT256: wrapped_int_type,
types.VYPER_DECIMAL: wrapped_int_type,
types.VYPER_ADDRESS: viper_ast.Int,
types.VYPER_BYTE: viper_ast.Int,
types.NON_NEGATIVE_INT: viper_ast.Int
self.type_dict = {
types.VYPER_BOOL: viper_ast.Bool,
types.VYPER_INT128: viper_ast.Int,
types.VYPER_UINT256: viper_ast.Int,
types.VYPER_DECIMAL: viper_ast.Int,
types.VYPER_ADDRESS: viper_ast.Int,
types.VYPER_BYTE: viper_ast.Int,
types.NON_NEGATIVE_INT: viper_ast.Int
def translate(self, type: VyperType, ctx: Context, is_local=True) -> Type:
if isinstance(type, PrimitiveType):
if is_local:
return self.type_dict[type]
return self.wrapped_type_dict[type]
elif isinstance(type, MapType):
key_type = self.translate(type.key_type, ctx)
value_type = self.translate(type.value_type, ctx)
return helpers.map_type(self.viper_ast, key_type, value_type)
elif isinstance(type, ArrayType):
element_type = self.translate(type.element_type, ctx)
return helpers.array_type(self.viper_ast, element_type)
elif isinstance(type, (AnyStructType, StructType)):
return helpers.struct_type(self.viper_ast)
elif isinstance(type, (ContractType, InterfaceType)):
return self.translate(types.VYPER_ADDRESS, ctx)
elif isinstance(type, TupleType):
return helpers.struct_type(self.viper_ast)
assert False
def default_value(self, node: Optional[ast.Node], type: VyperType, res: List[Stmt],
ctx: Context, is_local=True) -> Expr:
pos = self.no_position() if node is None else self.to_position(node, ctx)
if type is types.VYPER_BOOL:
return self.viper_ast.FalseLit(pos)
elif isinstance(type, PrimitiveType):
if is_local:
return self.viper_ast.IntLit(0, pos)
return helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, self.viper_ast.IntLit(0, pos), pos)
elif isinstance(type, MapType):
key_type = self.translate(type.key_type, ctx)
value_type = self.translate(type.value_type, ctx)
value_default = self.default_value(node, type.value_type, res, ctx)
return helpers.map_init(self.viper_ast, value_default, key_type, value_type, pos)
elif isinstance(type, ArrayType):
sizes = [type.size]
curr_type = type
while isinstance(curr_type.element_type, ArrayType):
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
curr_type = curr_type.element_type
element_type = self.translate(curr_type.element_type, ctx)
if type.is_strict:
result = self.default_value(node, curr_type.element_type, res, ctx)
result_type = element_type
for size in sizes:
result = helpers.array_init(self.viper_ast, result, size, result_type, pos)
result_type = helpers.array_type(self.viper_ast, result_type)
return result
return helpers.empty_array(self.viper_ast, element_type, pos)
elif isinstance(type, StructType):
init_args = {}
for name, member_type in type.member_types.items():
idx = type.member_indices[name]
val = self.default_value(node, member_type, res, ctx)
init_args[idx] = val
args = [init_args[i] for i in range(len(init_args))]
return helpers.struct_init(self.viper_ast, args, type, pos)
elif isinstance(type, (ContractType, InterfaceType)):
return self.default_value(node, types.VYPER_ADDRESS, res, ctx)
elif isinstance(type, TupleType):
return helpers.havoc_var(self.viper_ast, helpers.struct_type(self.viper_ast), ctx)
assert False
def type_assumptions(self, node, type: VyperType, ctx: Context) -> List[Expr]:
Computes the assumptions for either array length or number bounds of nested
If mode == 0: constructs bounds
If mode == 1: constructs array lengths
def construct(type, node):
ret = []
# If we encounter a bounded primitive type we add the following assumption:
# x >= lower
# x <= upper
# where x is said integer
if types.is_bounded(type):
lower = self.viper_ast.IntLit(type.lower)
upper = self.viper_ast.IntLit(type.upper)
lcmp = self.viper_ast.LeCmp(lower, node)
ucmp = self.viper_ast.LeCmp(node, upper)
# If the no_overflows config option is enabled, we only assume non-negativity for uints
if ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_NO_OVERFLOWS):
if types.is_unsigned(type):
bounds = lcmp
bounds = self.viper_ast.TrueLit()
bounds = self.viper_ast.And(lcmp, ucmp)
elif type == types.NON_NEGATIVE_INT:
lower = self.viper_ast.IntLit(0)
lcmp = self.viper_ast.LeCmp(lower, node)
# If we encounter a map, we add the following assumptions:
# forall k: Key :: construct(map_get(k))
# forall k: Key :: map_get(k) <= map_sum()
# where constuct constructs the assumption for the values contained
# in the map (may be empty)
elif isinstance(type, MapType):
key_type = self.translate(type.key_type, ctx)
value_type = self.translate(type.value_type, ctx)
quant_var_name = ctx.new_quantified_var_name()
quant_decl = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(quant_var_name, key_type)
quant = quant_decl.localVar()
new_node = helpers.map_get(self.viper_ast, node, quant, key_type, value_type)
trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([new_node])
sub_ret = construct(type.value_type, new_node)
for r in sub_ret:
quantifier = self.viper_ast.Forall([quant_decl], [trigger], r)
if types.is_unsigned(type.value_type):
mp_sum = helpers.map_sum(self.viper_ast, node, key_type)
r = self.viper_ast.LeCmp(new_node, mp_sum)
quantifier = self.viper_ast.Forall([quant_decl], [trigger], r)
# If we encounter an array, we add the follwing assumptions:
# |array| == array_size
# forall i: Int :: 0 <= i && i < |array| ==> construct(array[i])
# where construct recursively constructs the assumptions for nested arrays and maps
elif isinstance(type, ArrayType):
array_len = self.viper_ast.SeqLength(node)
size = self.viper_ast.IntLit(type.size)
if type.is_strict:
comp = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(array_len, size)
comp = self.viper_ast.LeCmp(array_len, size)
quant_var_name = ctx.new_quantified_var_name()
quant_decl = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(quant_var_name, self.viper_ast.Int)
quant = quant_decl.localVar()
new_node = helpers.array_get(self.viper_ast, node, quant, type.element_type)
trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([new_node])
leq = self.viper_ast.LeCmp(self.viper_ast.IntLit(0), quant)
le = self.viper_ast.LtCmp(quant, self.viper_ast.SeqLength(node))
bounds = self.viper_ast.And(leq, le)
sub_ret = construct(type.element_type, new_node)
for r in sub_ret:
implies = self.viper_ast.Implies(bounds, r)
quantifier = self.viper_ast.Forall([quant_decl], [trigger], implies)
elif isinstance(type, (ContractType, InterfaceType)):
return construct(types.VYPER_ADDRESS, node)
# If we encounter a struct type we simply add the necessary assumptions for
# all struct members
# Additionally, we add an assumption about the type tag
elif isinstance(type, StructType):
for member_name, member_type in type.member_types.items():
viper_type = self.translate(member_type, ctx)
get = helpers.struct_get(self.viper_ast, node, member_name, viper_type, type)
ret.extend(construct(member_type, get))
type_tag = self.viper_ast.IntLit(mangled.struct_type_tag(, type.kind))
get_tag = helpers.struct_type_tag(self.viper_ast, node)
ret.append(self.viper_ast.EqCmp(get_tag, type_tag))
return ret
with ctx.quantified_var_scope():
return construct(type, node)
def array_bounds_check(self, array, index, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
leq = self.viper_ast.LeCmp(self.viper_ast.IntLit(0), index)
le = self.viper_ast.LtCmp(index, self.viper_ast.SeqLength(array))
cond = self.viper_ast.Not(self.viper_ast.And(leq, le))
self.fail_if(cond, [], res, ctx)
def comparator(self, type: VyperType, ctx: Context):
# For msg, block, chain, tx we don't generate an equality function, as they are immutable anyway
if isinstance(type, StructType) and type not in names.ENV_VARIABLES:
return mangled.struct_eq_name(, type.kind), {}
elif isinstance(type, MapType):
key_type = self.translate(type.key_type, ctx)
value_type = self.translate(type.value_type, ctx)
type_map = helpers._map_type_var_map(self.viper_ast, key_type, value_type)
return mangled.MAP_EQ, type_map
return None
def eq(self, left, right, type: VyperType, ctx: Context, pos=None) -> Expr:
if isinstance(type, StructType):
return helpers.struct_eq(self.viper_ast, left, right, type, pos)
elif isinstance(type, MapType):
key_type = self.translate(type.key_type, ctx)
value_type = self.translate(type.value_type, ctx)
return helpers.map_eq(self.viper_ast, left, right, key_type, value_type, pos)
elif isinstance(type, TupleType):
cond = None
for idx, element_type in enumerate(type.element_types):
viper_type = self.translate(element_type, ctx)
left_element = helpers.struct_get_idx(self.viper_ast, left, idx, viper_type, pos)
right_element = helpers.struct_get_idx(self.viper_ast, right, idx, viper_type, pos)
element_cond = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(left_element, right_element, pos)
cond = self.viper_ast.And(cond, element_cond, pos) if cond else element_cond
return cond
return self.viper_ast.EqCmp(left, right, pos)
def neq(self, left, right, type: VyperType, ctx: Context, pos=None) -> Expr:
if isinstance(type, StructType):
return self.viper_ast.Not(helpers.struct_eq(self.viper_ast, left, right, type, pos), pos)
elif isinstance(type, MapType):
key_type = self.translate(type.key_type, ctx)
value_type = self.translate(type.value_type, ctx)
map_eq = helpers.map_eq(self.viper_ast, left, right, key_type, value_type, pos)
return self.viper_ast.Not(map_eq, pos)
elif isinstance(type, TupleType):
cond = None
for idx, element_type in enumerate(type.element_types):
viper_type = self.translate(element_type, ctx)
left_element = helpers.struct_get_idx(self.viper_ast, left, idx, viper_type, pos)
right_element = helpers.struct_get_idx(self.viper_ast, right, idx, viper_type, pos)
element_cond = self.viper_ast.NeCmp(left_element, right_element, pos)
cond = self.viper_ast.Or(cond, element_cond, pos) if cond else element_cond
return cond
return self.viper_ast.NeCmp(left, right, pos) | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/translation/ | |
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Iterable
from twovyper.ast import ast_nodes as ast
from twovyper.ast.visitors import NodeVisitor
from twovyper.translation.context import Context
from twovyper.verification import error_manager
from twovyper.verification.error import ErrorInfo, ModelTransformation, Via
from twovyper.verification.rules import Rule
from twovyper.viper.ast import ViperAST
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Expr, Stmt
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Position, Info
class CommonTranslator:
def __init__(self, viper_ast: ViperAST):
self.viper_ast = viper_ast
def _register_potential_error(self,
ctx: Context,
rules: Rule = None,
vias: List[Via] = [],
modelt: ModelTransformation = None,
values: Dict[str, Any] = {}) -> str:
# Inline vias are in reverse order, as the outermost is first,
# and successive vias are appended. For the error output, changing
# the order makes more sense.
inline_vias = list(reversed(ctx.inline_vias))
values = {'function': ctx.function, **values}
error_info = ErrorInfo(node, inline_vias + vias, modelt, values)
id = error_manager.add_error_information(error_info, rules)
return id
def to_position(self,
node: ast.Node,
ctx: Context,
rules: Rule = None,
vias: List[Via] = [],
modelt: ModelTransformation = None,
values: Dict[str, Any] = {}) -> Position:
Extracts the position from a node, assigns an ID to the node and stores
the node and the position in the context for it.
id = self._register_potential_error(node, ctx, rules, vias, modelt, values)
return self.viper_ast.to_position(node, id)
def no_position(self) -> Position:
return self.viper_ast.NoPosition
def to_info(self, comments: List[str]) -> Info:
Wraps the given comments into an Info object.
if comments:
return self.viper_ast.SimpleInfo(comments)
return self.viper_ast.NoInfo
def no_info(self) -> Info:
return self.to_info([])
def fail_if(self, cond: Expr, stmts: List[Stmt], res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None, info=None):
body = [*stmts, self.viper_ast.Goto(ctx.revert_label, pos)]
res.append(self.viper_ast.If(cond, body, [], pos, info))
def seqn_with_info(self, stmts: [Stmt], comment: str, res: List[Stmt]):
if stmts:
info = self.to_info([comment])
res.append(self.viper_ast.Seqn(stmts, info=info))
class NodeTranslator(NodeVisitor, CommonTranslator):
def __init__(self, viper_ast: ViperAST):
def method_name(self) -> str:
return 'translate'
def translate(self, node: ast.Node, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
return self.visit(node, res, ctx)
def visit_nodes(self, nodes: Iterable[ast.Node], *args):
ret = []
for node in nodes:
ret += self.visit(node, *args)
return ret
def generic_visit(self, node: ast.Node, *args):
raise AssertionError(f"Node of type {type(node)} not supported.") | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/translation/ | |
from typing import List, Optional
from twovyper.ast import ast_nodes as ast, types
from twovyper.ast.types import StructType, VYPER_BOOL, VYPER_UINT256
from twovyper.exceptions import UnsupportedException
from twovyper.translation import helpers, LocalVarSnapshot
from twovyper.translation.context import Context
from twovyper.translation.pure_translators import PureTranslatorMixin, PureExpressionTranslator, \
PureArithmeticTranslator, PureSpecificationTranslator, PureTypeTranslator
from twovyper.translation.statement import AssignmentTranslator, StatementTranslator
from twovyper.translation.variable import TranslatedPureIndexedVar
from twovyper.viper.ast import ViperAST
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Expr
class PureStatementTranslator(PureTranslatorMixin, StatementTranslator):
def __init__(self, viper_ast: ViperAST):
self.expression_translator = PureExpressionTranslator(viper_ast)
self.assignment_translator = _AssignmentTranslator(viper_ast)
self.arithmetic_translator = PureArithmeticTranslator(viper_ast)
self.specification_translator = PureSpecificationTranslator(viper_ast)
self.type_translator = PureTypeTranslator(viper_ast)
self.viper_struct_type = helpers.struct_type(self.viper_ast)
self.function_result = self.viper_ast.Result(self.viper_struct_type)
def visit(self, node, *args):
if not node.is_ghost_code:
super().visit(node, *args)
def translate_stmts(self, stmts: List[ast.Stmt], res: List[Expr], ctx: Context):
for s in stmts:
self.translate(s, res, ctx)
def translate_AnnAssign(self, node: ast.AnnAssign, res: List[Expr], ctx: Context):
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
self._add_local_var(, ctx)
lhs = ctx.all_vars[]
if node.value is None:
vyper_type =
rhs = self.type_translator.default_value(None, vyper_type, res, ctx)
elif types.is_numeric(node.value.type):
rhs = self.expression_translator.translate_top_level_expression(node.value, res, ctx)
# Ignore the $wrap information, if the node is not numeric
rhs = self.expression_translator.translate(node.value, res, ctx)
if self.arithmetic_translator.is_wrapped(rhs):
if types.is_numeric(node.value.type):
lhs.is_local = False
rhs = helpers.w_unwrap(self.viper_ast, rhs)
assign = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(lhs.local_var(ctx, pos), rhs, pos)
expr = self.viper_ast.Implies(ctx.pure_conds, assign, pos) if ctx.pure_conds else assign
def translate_Log(self, node: ast.Log, res: List[Expr], ctx: Context):
assert False
def translate_Raise(self, node: ast.Raise, res: List[Expr], ctx: Context):
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
self.fail_if(self.viper_ast.TrueLit(pos), [], res, ctx, pos)
ctx.pure_conds = self.viper_ast.FalseLit(pos)
def translate_Assert(self, node: ast.Assert, res: List[Expr], ctx: Context):
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
expr = self.expression_translator.translate(node.test, res, ctx)
cond = self.viper_ast.Not(expr, pos)
self.fail_if(cond, [], res, ctx, pos)
def translate_Return(self, node: ast.Return, res: List[Expr], ctx: Context):
assert node.value
assert isinstance(ctx.result_var, TranslatedPureIndexedVar)
assert isinstance(ctx.success_var, TranslatedPureIndexedVar)
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
expr = self.expression_translator.translate_top_level_expression(node.value, res, ctx)
if (self.arithmetic_translator.is_unwrapped(ctx.result_var.local_var(ctx))
and self.arithmetic_translator.is_wrapped(expr)):
expr = helpers.w_unwrap(self.viper_ast, expr)
assign = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(ctx.result_var.local_var(ctx), expr, pos)
expr = self.viper_ast.Implies(ctx.pure_conds, assign, pos) if ctx.pure_conds else assign
cond = ctx.pure_conds or self.viper_ast.TrueLit(pos)
ctx.pure_returns.append((cond, ctx.result_var.evaluate_idx(ctx)))
ctx.pure_success.append((cond, ctx.success_var.evaluate_idx(ctx)))
def translate_If(self, node: ast.If, res: List[Expr], ctx: Context):
pre_locals = self._local_variable_snapshot(ctx)
pre_conds = ctx.pure_conds
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
cond = self.expression_translator.translate(node.test, res, ctx)
cond_var = TranslatedPureIndexedVar('cond', 'cond', VYPER_BOOL, self.viper_ast, pos)
assign = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(cond_var.local_var(ctx), cond, pos)
expr = self.viper_ast.Implies(ctx.pure_conds, assign, pos) if ctx.pure_conds else assign
cond_local_var = cond_var.local_var(ctx)
# "Then" branch
with ctx.new_local_scope():
# Update condition
ctx.pure_conds = self.viper_ast.And(pre_conds, cond_local_var, pos) if pre_conds else cond_local_var
with self.assignment_translator.assume_everything_has_wrapped_information():
self.translate_stmts(node.body, res, ctx)
# Get current state of local variable state after "then"-branch
then_locals = self._local_variable_snapshot(ctx)
# Reset indices of local variables in context
self._reset_variable_to_snapshot(pre_locals, ctx)
# "Else" branch
with ctx.new_local_scope():
# Update condition
negated_local_var = self.viper_ast.Not(cond_local_var, pos)
ctx.pure_conds = self.viper_ast.And(pre_conds, negated_local_var, pos) if pre_conds else negated_local_var
with self.assignment_translator.assume_everything_has_wrapped_information():
self.translate_stmts(node.orelse, res, ctx)
# Get current state of local variable state after "else"-branch
else_locals = self._local_variable_snapshot(ctx)
# Update condition
ctx.pure_conds = pre_conds
# Merge variable changed in the "then" or "else" branch
self._merge_snapshots(cond_local_var, then_locals, else_locals, res, ctx)
def translate_For(self, node: ast.For, res: List[Expr], ctx: Context):
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
pre_conds = ctx.pure_conds
self._add_local_var(, ctx)
loop_var_name =
loop_var = ctx.locals[loop_var_name]
assert isinstance(loop_var, TranslatedPureIndexedVar)
array = self.expression_translator.translate_top_level_expression(node.iter, res, ctx)
loop_var.is_local = False
array_var = TranslatedPureIndexedVar('array', 'array', node.iter.type, self.viper_ast, pos, is_local=False)
res.append(self.viper_ast.EqCmp(array_var.local_var(ctx), array, pos))
array_local_var = array_var.local_var(ctx)
times = node.iter.type.size
lpos = self.to_position(, ctx)
rpos = self.to_position(node.iter, ctx)
if times > 0:
has_numeric_array = types.is_numeric(
loop_invariants = ctx.function.loop_invariants.get(node)
if loop_invariants:
# loop-array expression
ctx.loop_arrays[loop_var_name] = array_local_var
# New variable loop-idx
loop_idx_var = TranslatedPureIndexedVar('idx', 'idx', VYPER_UINT256, self.viper_ast, pos)
ctx.loop_indices[loop_var_name] = loop_idx_var
loop_idx_local_var = loop_idx_var.local_var(ctx)
# Havoc used variables
loop_used_var = {}
for var_name in ctx.function.analysis.loop_used_names.get(loop_var_name, []):
if var_name == loop_var_name:
var = ctx.locals.get(var_name)
if var and isinstance(var, TranslatedPureIndexedVar):
# Create new variable
mangled_name = ctx.new_local_var_name(
new_var = TranslatedPureIndexedVar(, mangled_name, var.type,
var.viper_ast, var.pos,, var.is_local)
copy_expr = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(new_var.local_var(ctx), var.local_var(ctx), rpos)
loop_used_var[] = new_var
# Havoc old var
var.is_local = False
# Assume loop 0 <= index < |array|
loop_idx_ge_zero = self.viper_ast.GeCmp(loop_idx_local_var, self.viper_ast.IntLit(0), rpos)
times_lit = self.viper_ast.IntLit(times)
loop_idx_lt_array_size = self.viper_ast.LtCmp(loop_idx_local_var, times_lit, rpos)
loop_idx_assumption = self.viper_ast.And(loop_idx_ge_zero, loop_idx_lt_array_size, rpos)
# Set loop variable to array[index]
array_at = self.viper_ast.SeqIndex(array_local_var, loop_idx_local_var, rpos)
if has_numeric_array:
array_at = helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, array_at)
set_loop_var = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(loop_var.local_var(ctx), array_at, lpos)
with ctx.old_local_variables_scope(loop_used_var):
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.current_state, ctx.current_state):
for loop_invariant in loop_invariants:
cond_pos = self.to_position(loop_invariant, ctx)
inv = self.specification_translator.translate_pre_or_postcondition(loop_invariant, res, ctx)
inv_var = TranslatedPureIndexedVar('inv', 'inv', VYPER_BOOL, self.viper_ast, cond_pos)
inv_local_var = inv_var.local_var(ctx)
assign = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(inv_local_var, inv, cond_pos)
expr = self.viper_ast.Implies(pre_conds, assign, cond_pos) if pre_conds else assign
ctx.pure_conds = self.viper_ast.And(ctx.pure_conds, inv_local_var, pos)\
if ctx.pure_conds else inv_local_var
# Store state before loop body
pre_locals = self._local_variable_snapshot(ctx)
pre_loop_iteration_conds = ctx.pure_conds
# Loop Body
with ctx.break_scope():
with ctx.continue_scope():
with self.assignment_translator.assume_everything_has_wrapped_information():
with ctx.new_local_scope():
self.translate_stmts(node.body, res, ctx)
ctx.pure_conds = pre_loop_iteration_conds
# After loop body increase idx
loop_idx_inc = self.viper_ast.Add(loop_idx_local_var, self.viper_ast.IntLit(1), pos)
loop_idx_local_var = loop_idx_var.local_var(ctx)
res.append(self.viper_ast.EqCmp(loop_idx_local_var, loop_idx_inc, pos))
# Break if we reached the end of the array we iterate over
loop_idx_eq_times = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(loop_idx_local_var, times_lit, pos)
cond_var = TranslatedPureIndexedVar('cond', 'cond', VYPER_BOOL, self.viper_ast, pos)
cond_local_var = cond_var.local_var(ctx)
res.append(self.viper_ast.EqCmp(cond_local_var, loop_idx_eq_times, pos))
break_cond = self.viper_ast.And(ctx.pure_conds, cond_local_var, pos)\
if ctx.pure_conds else cond_local_var
ctx.pure_breaks.append((break_cond, self._local_variable_snapshot(ctx)))
# Assume that only one of the breaks happened
only_one_break_cond = self._xor_conds([x for x, _ in ctx.pure_breaks])
assert only_one_break_cond is not None
if pre_conds is None:
res.append(self.viper_ast.Implies(pre_conds, only_one_break_cond))
# Merge snapshots
prev_snapshot = pre_locals
for cond, snapshot in reversed(ctx.pure_breaks):
prev_snapshot = self._merge_snapshots(cond, snapshot, prev_snapshot, res, ctx)
# Unroll loop if we have no loop invariants
pre_loop_locals = self._local_variable_snapshot(ctx)
with ctx.break_scope():
for i in range(times):
pre_loop_iteration_conds = ctx.pure_conds
with ctx.continue_scope():
idx = self.viper_ast.IntLit(i, lpos)
array_at = self.viper_ast.SeqIndex(array_local_var, idx, rpos)
if has_numeric_array:
array_at = helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, array_at)
var_set = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(loop_var.local_var(ctx), array_at, lpos)
pre_it_locals = self._local_variable_snapshot(ctx)
with self.assignment_translator.assume_everything_has_wrapped_information():
with ctx.new_local_scope():
self.translate_stmts(node.body, res, ctx)
post_it_locals = self._local_variable_snapshot(ctx)
ctx.pure_continues.append((ctx.pure_conds, post_it_locals))
prev_snapshot = pre_it_locals
for cond, snapshot in reversed(ctx.pure_continues):
prev_snapshot = self._merge_snapshots(cond, snapshot, prev_snapshot, res, ctx)
ctx.pure_conds = pre_loop_iteration_conds
post_loop_locals = self._local_variable_snapshot(ctx)
ctx.pure_breaks.append((ctx.pure_conds, post_loop_locals))
prev_snapshot = pre_loop_locals
for cond, snapshot in reversed(ctx.pure_breaks):
prev_snapshot = self._merge_snapshots(cond, snapshot, prev_snapshot, res, ctx)
ctx.pure_conds = pre_conds
def translate_Break(self, node: ast.Break, res: List[Expr], ctx: Context):
ctx.pure_breaks.append((ctx.pure_conds, self._local_variable_snapshot(ctx)))
ctx.pure_conds = self.viper_ast.FalseLit()
def translate_Continue(self, node: ast.Continue, res: List[Expr], ctx: Context):
ctx.pure_continues.append((ctx.pure_conds, self._local_variable_snapshot(ctx)))
ctx.pure_conds = self.viper_ast.FalseLit()
def translate_Pass(self, node: ast.Pass, res: List[Expr], ctx: Context):
def _add_local_var(self, node: ast.Name, ctx: Context):
Adds the local variable to the context.
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
variable_name =
mangled_name = ctx.new_local_var_name(variable_name)
var = TranslatedPureIndexedVar(variable_name, mangled_name, node.type, self.viper_ast, pos)
ctx.locals[variable_name] = var
def _xor_conds(self, conds: List[Expr]) -> Optional[Expr]:
xor_cond = None
for i in range(len(conds)):
prev = None
for idx, cond in enumerate(conds):
and_cond = cond if idx == i else self.viper_ast.Not(cond)
prev = self.viper_ast.And(prev, and_cond) if prev else and_cond
xor_cond = self.viper_ast.Or(xor_cond, prev) if xor_cond else prev
return xor_cond
def _local_variable_snapshot(ctx) -> LocalVarSnapshot:
return dict(((name, (var.evaluate_idx(ctx), var.local_var(ctx), var.is_local))
for name, var in ctx.locals.items()
if isinstance(var, TranslatedPureIndexedVar)))
def _reset_variable_to_snapshot(snapshot: LocalVarSnapshot, ctx):
for name in snapshot.keys():
var = ctx.locals[name]
assert isinstance(var, TranslatedPureIndexedVar)
var.idx, _, var.is_local = snapshot[name]
def _merge_snapshots(self, merge_cond: Optional[Expr], first_snapshot: LocalVarSnapshot,
second_snapshot: LocalVarSnapshot, res: List[Expr], ctx: Context) -> LocalVarSnapshot:
res_snapshot = {}
names = set(first_snapshot.keys()) | set(second_snapshot.keys())
for name in names:
first_idx_and_var = first_snapshot.get(name)
second_idx_and_var = second_snapshot.get(name)
if first_idx_and_var and second_idx_and_var:
then_idx, then_var, then_is_local = first_idx_and_var
else_idx, else_var, else_is_local = second_idx_and_var
var = ctx.locals[name]
assert isinstance(var, TranslatedPureIndexedVar)
if else_idx != then_idx:
var.is_local = then_is_local and else_is_local
cond = merge_cond or self.viper_ast.TrueLit()
expr = self.viper_ast.CondExp(cond, then_var, else_var)
assign = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(var.local_var(ctx), expr)
res_snapshot[name] = (var.evaluate_idx(ctx), var.local_var(ctx), var.is_local)
res_snapshot[name] = first_idx_and_var or second_idx_and_var
return res_snapshot
class _AssignmentTranslator(PureTranslatorMixin, AssignmentTranslator):
def __init__(self, viper_ast: ViperAST):
self.expression_translator = PureExpressionTranslator(viper_ast)
self.type_translator = PureTypeTranslator(viper_ast)
def method_name(self) -> str:
return 'assign_to'
def assign_to(self, node: ast.Node, value: Expr, res: List[Expr], ctx: Context):
return self.visit(node, value, res, ctx)
def generic_visit(self, node, *args):
assert False
def assign_to_Name(self, node: ast.Name, value: Expr, res: List[Expr], ctx: Context):
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
var = ctx.locals.get(
w_value = value
if var:
if isinstance(var, TranslatedPureIndexedVar):
if (types.is_numeric(node.type)
and not var.is_local
and self.expression_translator.arithmetic_translator.is_unwrapped(value)):
w_value = helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, value)
elif (types.is_numeric(node.type)
and var.is_local
and self.expression_translator.arithmetic_translator.is_wrapped(value)):
var.is_local = False
elif (types.is_numeric(node.type)
and self._always_wrap
and var.is_local
and self.expression_translator.arithmetic_translator.is_unwrapped(value)):
var.is_local = False
w_value = helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, value)
elif (not types.is_numeric(node.type)
and self.expression_translator.arithmetic_translator.is_wrapped(value)):
w_value = helpers.w_unwrap(self.viper_ast, value)
lhs = self.expression_translator.translate(node, res, ctx)
assign = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(lhs, w_value, pos)
expr = self.viper_ast.Implies(ctx.pure_conds, assign, pos) if ctx.pure_conds else assign
def assign_to_Attribute(self, node: ast.Attribute, value: Expr, res: List[Expr], ctx: Context):
assert isinstance(node.value.type, StructType)
return super().assign_to_Attribute(node, value, res, ctx)
def assign_to_ReceiverCall(self, node: ast.ReceiverCall, value, ctx: Context):
raise UnsupportedException(node, "Assignments to calls are not supported.") | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/translation/ | |
from functools import reduce
from typing import Callable, List, Union
from twovyper.ast import ast_nodes as ast, names, types
from twovyper.ast.nodes import VyperProgram
from twovyper.translation import helpers, mangled
from twovyper.translation.abstract import CommonTranslator
from twovyper.translation.context import Context
from twovyper.translation.model import ModelTranslator
from twovyper.translation.resource import ResourceTranslator
from twovyper.translation.type import TypeTranslator
from twovyper.translation.variable import TranslatedVar
from twovyper.verification import rules
from twovyper.verification.rules import Rule
from twovyper.viper.ast import ViperAST
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Expr, Stmt, Trigger
class AllocationTranslator(CommonTranslator):
def __init__(self, viper_ast: ViperAST):
self.model_translator = ModelTranslator(viper_ast)
self.resource_translator = ResourceTranslator(viper_ast)
self.type_translator = TypeTranslator(viper_ast)
def specification_translator(self):
from twovyper.translation.specification import SpecificationTranslator
return SpecificationTranslator(self.viper_ast)
def _quantifier(self, expr: Expr, _: List[Trigger], ctx: Context, pos=None) -> Expr:
type_assumptions = []
qvars = []
for var in ctx.quantified_vars.values():
type_assumptions.extend(self.type_translator.type_assumptions(var.local_var(ctx, pos), var.type, ctx))
cond = reduce(lambda a, b: self.viper_ast.And(a, b, pos), type_assumptions, self.viper_ast.TrueLit(pos))
# TODO: select good triggers
return self.viper_ast.Forall(qvars, [], self.viper_ast.Implies(cond, expr, pos), pos)
def get_allocated_map(self, allocated: Expr, resource: Expr, ctx: Context, pos=None) -> Expr:
Returns the allocated map for a resource.
allocated_type = helpers.allocated_type()
key_type = self.type_translator.translate(allocated_type.key_type, ctx)
value_type = self.type_translator.translate(allocated_type.value_type, ctx)
map_get = helpers.map_get(self.viper_ast, allocated, resource, key_type, value_type, pos)
return map_get
def set_allocated_map(self, allocated: Expr, resource: Expr, new_value: Expr, ctx: Context, pos=None) -> Expr:
allocated_type = helpers.allocated_type()
key_type = self.type_translator.translate(allocated_type.key_type, ctx)
value_type = self.type_translator.translate(allocated_type.value_type, ctx)
return helpers.map_set(self.viper_ast, allocated, resource, new_value, key_type, value_type, pos)
def get_allocated(self,
allocated: Expr, resource: Expr,
address: Expr,
ctx: Context, pos=None) -> Expr:
allocated_type = helpers.allocated_type()
key_type = self.type_translator.translate(allocated_type.value_type.key_type, ctx)
value_type = self.type_translator.translate(allocated_type.value_type.value_type, ctx)
allocated_map = self.get_allocated_map(allocated, resource, ctx, pos)
map_get = helpers.map_get(self.viper_ast, allocated_map, address, key_type, value_type, pos)
return map_get
def get_offered_map(self,
offered: Expr,
from_resource: Expr, to_resource: Expr,
ctx: Context, pos=None) -> Expr:
Returns the offered map for a pair of resources.
offered_type = helpers.offered_type()
key1_type = self.type_translator.translate(offered_type.key_type, ctx)
value1_type = self.type_translator.translate(offered_type.value_type, ctx)
offered1 = helpers.map_get(self.viper_ast, offered, from_resource, key1_type, value1_type, pos)
key2_type = self.type_translator.translate(offered_type.value_type.key_type, ctx)
value2_type = self.type_translator.translate(offered_type.value_type.value_type, ctx)
map_get = helpers.map_get(self.viper_ast, offered1, to_resource, key2_type, value2_type, pos)
return map_get
def set_offered_map(self,
offered: Expr,
from_resource: Expr, to_resource: Expr,
new_value: Expr,
ctx: Context, pos=None) -> Expr:
offered_type = helpers.offered_type()
outer_key_type = self.type_translator.translate(offered_type.key_type, ctx)
outer_value_type = self.type_translator.translate(offered_type.value_type, ctx)
inner_key_type = self.type_translator.translate(offered_type.value_type.key_type, ctx)
inner_value_type = self.type_translator.translate(offered_type.value_type.value_type, ctx)
inner_map = helpers.map_get(self.viper_ast, offered, from_resource, outer_key_type, outer_value_type, pos)
new_inner = helpers.map_set(self.viper_ast, inner_map, to_resource, new_value,
inner_key_type, inner_value_type, pos)
return helpers.map_set(self.viper_ast, offered, from_resource, new_inner, outer_key_type, outer_value_type, pos)
def get_offered(self,
offered: Expr,
from_resource: Expr, to_resource: Expr,
from_val: Expr, to_val: Expr,
from_addr: Expr, to_addr: Expr,
ctx: Context, pos=None) -> Expr:
offered_type = helpers.offered_type()
offered_map = self.get_offered_map(offered, from_resource, to_resource, ctx, pos)
offer = helpers.offer(self.viper_ast, from_val, to_val, from_addr, to_addr, pos)
key_type = self.type_translator.translate(offered_type.value_type.value_type.key_type, ctx)
value_type = self.type_translator.translate(offered_type.value_type.value_type.value_type, ctx)
map_get = helpers.map_get(self.viper_ast, offered_map, offer, key_type, value_type, pos)
return map_get
def set_offered(self,
offered: Expr,
from_resource: Expr, to_resource: Expr,
from_val: Expr, to_val: Expr,
from_addr: Expr, to_addr: Expr,
new_value: Expr,
ctx: Context, pos=None) -> Expr:
offered_type = helpers.offered_type()
offered_map = self.get_offered_map(offered, from_resource, to_resource, ctx, pos)
key_type = self.type_translator.translate(offered_type.value_type.value_type.key_type, ctx)
value_type = self.type_translator.translate(offered_type.value_type.value_type.value_type, ctx)
offer = helpers.offer(self.viper_ast, from_val, to_val, from_addr, to_addr, pos)
set_offered = helpers.map_set(self.viper_ast, offered_map, offer, new_value, key_type, value_type, pos)
return self.set_offered_map(offered, from_resource, to_resource, set_offered, ctx, pos)
def get_trusted_map(self, trusted: Expr, where: Expr, ctx: Context, pos=None):
trusted_type = helpers.trusted_type()
key_type = self.type_translator.translate(trusted_type.key_type, ctx)
value_type = self.type_translator.translate(trusted_type.value_type, ctx)
return helpers.map_get(self.viper_ast, trusted, where, key_type, value_type, pos)
def get_trusted(self,
trusted: Expr, where: Expr,
address: Expr, by_address: Expr,
ctx: Context, pos=None) -> Expr:
Returns the trusted map for a pair of addresses.
trusted_type = helpers.trusted_type()
key1_type = self.type_translator.translate(trusted_type.key_type, ctx)
value1_type = self.type_translator.translate(trusted_type.value_type, ctx)
trusted1 = helpers.map_get(self.viper_ast, trusted, where, key1_type, value1_type, pos)
key2_type = self.type_translator.translate(trusted_type.value_type.key_type, ctx)
value2_type = self.type_translator.translate(trusted_type.value_type.value_type, ctx)
trusted2 = helpers.map_get(self.viper_ast, trusted1, address, key2_type, value2_type, pos)
key3_type = self.type_translator.translate(trusted_type.value_type.value_type.key_type, ctx)
value3_type = self.type_translator.translate(trusted_type.value_type.value_type.value_type, ctx)
map_get = helpers.map_get(self.viper_ast, trusted2, by_address, key3_type, value3_type, pos)
return map_get
def set_trusted(self,
trusted: Expr, where: Expr,
address: Expr, by_address: Expr,
new_value: Expr,
ctx: Context, pos=None) -> Expr:
trusted_type = helpers.trusted_type()
key1_type = self.type_translator.translate(trusted_type.key_type, ctx)
value1_type = self.type_translator.translate(trusted_type.value_type, ctx)
middle_map = helpers.map_get(self.viper_ast, trusted, where, key1_type, value1_type, pos)
key2_type = self.type_translator.translate(trusted_type.value_type.key_type, ctx)
value2_type = self.type_translator.translate(trusted_type.value_type.value_type, ctx)
inner_map = helpers.map_get(self.viper_ast, middle_map, address, key2_type, value2_type, pos)
key3_type = self.type_translator.translate(trusted_type.value_type.value_type.key_type, ctx)
value3_type = self.type_translator.translate(trusted_type.value_type.value_type.value_type, ctx)
new_inner = helpers.map_set(self.viper_ast, inner_map, by_address, new_value, key3_type, value3_type, pos)
new_middle = helpers.map_set(self.viper_ast, middle_map, address, new_inner, key2_type, value2_type, pos)
return helpers.map_set(self.viper_ast, trusted, where, new_middle, key1_type, value1_type, pos)
def _check_allocation(self, node: ast.Node,
resource: Expr, address: Expr, value: Expr,
rule: Rule, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
Checks that `address` has at least `amount` of `resource` allocated to them.
if ctx.inside_interface_call:
allocated = ctx.current_state[mangled.ALLOCATED].local_var(ctx, pos)
get_alloc = self.get_allocated(allocated, resource, address, ctx, pos)
cond = self.viper_ast.LeCmp(value, get_alloc, pos)
if ctx.quantified_vars:
trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([get_alloc], pos)
cond = self._quantifier(cond, [trigger], ctx, pos)
modelt = self.model_translator.save_variables(res, ctx, pos)
apos = self.to_position(node, ctx, rule, modelt=modelt)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(cond, apos))
def _check_creator(self, node: ast.Node,
creator_resource: Expr,
address: Expr, amount: Expr,
res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
Checks that `address` is allowed to create `amount` resources by checking that the
allocated amount of `creator_resource` is positive if `amount` > 0
zero = self.viper_ast.IntLit(0, pos)
one = self.viper_ast.IntLit(1, pos)
gtz = self.viper_ast.GtCmp(amount, zero, pos)
cond = self.viper_ast.CondExp(gtz, one, zero, pos)
self._check_allocation(node, creator_resource, address, cond, rule, res, ctx, pos)
def _check_from_agrees(self, node: ast.Node,
from_resource: Expr, to_resource: Expr,
from_val: Expr, to_val: Expr,
from_addr: Expr, to_addr: Expr,
amount: Expr,
res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
Checks that `from_addr` offered to exchange `from_val` for `to_val` to `to_addr`.
if ctx.inside_interface_call:
offered = ctx.current_state[mangled.OFFERED].local_var(ctx, pos)
modelt = self.model_translator.save_variables(res, ctx, pos)
get_offered = self.get_offered(offered, from_resource, to_resource, from_val, to_val,
from_addr, to_addr, ctx, pos)
cond = self.viper_ast.LeCmp(amount, get_offered, pos)
apos = self.to_position(node, ctx, rules.EXCHANGE_FAIL_NO_OFFER, modelt=modelt)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(cond, apos))
def _change_allocation(self,
resource: Expr, address: Expr,
value: Expr, increase: bool,
res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
allocated = ctx.current_state[mangled.ALLOCATED].local_var(ctx, pos)
get_alloc = self.get_allocated(allocated, resource, address, ctx, pos)
func = self.viper_ast.Add if increase else self.viper_ast.Sub
new_value = func(get_alloc, value, pos)
key_type = self.type_translator.translate(types.VYPER_ADDRESS, ctx)
value_type = self.type_translator.translate(types.VYPER_WEI_VALUE, ctx)
alloc_map = self.get_allocated_map(allocated, resource, ctx, pos)
set_alloc = helpers.map_set(self.viper_ast, alloc_map, address, new_value, key_type, value_type, pos)
set_alloc_map = self.set_allocated_map(allocated, resource, set_alloc, ctx, pos)
alloc_assign = self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(allocated, set_alloc_map, pos)
def _foreach_change_allocation(self,
resource: Expr, address: Expr, amount: Expr,
op: Callable[[Expr, Expr, Expr], Expr],
res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
allocated = ctx.current_state[mangled.ALLOCATED].local_var(ctx, pos)
self._inhale_allocation(resource, address, amount, res, ctx, pos)
allocated_type = self.type_translator.translate(helpers.allocated_type(), ctx)
fresh_allocated_name = ctx.new_local_var_name(names.ALLOCATED)
fresh_allocated_decl = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(fresh_allocated_name, allocated_type, pos)
fresh_allocated = fresh_allocated_decl.localVar()
# Assume the values of the new map
qaddr = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$a', self.viper_ast.Int, pos)
qaddr_var = qaddr.localVar()
qres = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$r', helpers.struct_type(self.viper_ast), pos)
qres_var = qres.localVar()
fresh_allocated_get = self.get_allocated(fresh_allocated, qres_var, qaddr_var, ctx, pos)
old_allocated_get = self.get_allocated(allocated, qres_var, qaddr_var, ctx, pos)
allocation_pred = helpers.allocation_predicate(self.viper_ast, qres_var, qaddr_var, pos)
perm = self.viper_ast.CurrentPerm(allocation_pred, pos)
expr = op(fresh_allocated_get, old_allocated_get, perm)
trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([fresh_allocated_get], pos)
quant = self.viper_ast.Forall([qaddr, qres], [trigger], expr, pos)
assume = self.viper_ast.Inhale(quant, pos)
# Set the new allocated
allocated_assign = self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(allocated, fresh_allocated, pos)
# Heap clean-up
self._exhale_allocation(res, ctx, pos)
def _inhale_allocation(self,
resource: Expr,
address: Expr, amount: Expr,
res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
allocation = helpers.allocation_predicate(self.viper_ast, resource, address, pos)
perm = self.viper_ast.IntPermMul(amount, self.viper_ast.FullPerm(pos), pos)
acc_allocation = self.viper_ast.PredicateAccessPredicate(allocation, perm, pos)
trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([allocation], pos)
quant = self._quantifier(acc_allocation, [trigger], ctx, pos)
# TODO: rule
res.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(quant, pos))
def _exhale_allocation(self, res: List[Stmt], _: Context, pos=None):
# We use an implication with a '> none' because of a bug in Carbon (TODO: issue #171) where it isn't possible
# to exhale no permissions under a quantifier.
qres = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$r', helpers.struct_type(self.viper_ast), pos)
qaddr = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$a', self.viper_ast.Int, pos)
allocation = helpers.allocation_predicate(self.viper_ast, qres.localVar(), qaddr.localVar(), pos)
perm = self.viper_ast.CurrentPerm(allocation, pos)
cond = self.viper_ast.GtCmp(perm, self.viper_ast.NoPerm(pos), pos)
acc_allocation = self.viper_ast.PredicateAccessPredicate(allocation, perm, pos)
trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([allocation], pos)
quant = self.viper_ast.Forall([qres, qaddr], [trigger], self.viper_ast.Implies(cond, acc_allocation, pos), pos)
# TODO: rule
res.append(self.viper_ast.Exhale(quant, pos))
def _exhale_trust(self, res: List[Stmt], _: Context, pos=None):
# We use an implication with a '> none' because of a bug in Carbon (TODO: issue #171) where it isn't possible
# to exhale no permissions under a quantifier.
qwhere = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$where', self.viper_ast.Int, pos)
qwhom = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$whom', self.viper_ast.Int, pos)
qwho = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$who', self.viper_ast.Int, pos)
trust = helpers.trust_predicate(self.viper_ast, qwhere.localVar(), qwhom.localVar(), qwho.localVar(), pos)
perm = self.viper_ast.CurrentPerm(trust, pos)
cond = self.viper_ast.GtCmp(perm, self.viper_ast.NoPerm(pos), pos)
acc_allocation = self.viper_ast.PredicateAccessPredicate(trust, perm, pos)
trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([trust], pos)
quant = self.viper_ast.Forall([qwhere, qwhom, qwho], [trigger],
self.viper_ast.Implies(cond, acc_allocation, pos), pos)
# TODO: rule
res.append(self.viper_ast.Exhale(quant, pos))
def _set_offered(self,
from_resource: Expr, to_resource: Expr,
from_val: Expr, to_val: Expr,
from_addr: Expr, to_addr: Expr,
new_value: Expr,
res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
offered = ctx.current_state[mangled.OFFERED].local_var(ctx, pos)
set_offered = self.set_offered(offered, from_resource, to_resource, from_val, to_val, from_addr,
to_addr, new_value, ctx, pos)
offered_assign = self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(offered, set_offered, pos)
def _change_offered(self,
from_resource: Expr, to_resource: Expr,
from_val: Expr, to_val: Expr,
from_addr: Expr, to_addr: Expr,
amount: Expr, increase: bool,
res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
offered = ctx.current_state[mangled.OFFERED].local_var(ctx, pos)
get_offered = self.get_offered(offered, from_resource, to_resource, from_val,
to_val, from_addr, to_addr, ctx, pos)
func = self.viper_ast.Add if increase else self.viper_ast.Sub
new_value = func(get_offered, amount, pos)
self._set_offered(from_resource, to_resource, from_val, to_val, from_addr, to_addr, new_value, res, ctx, pos)
def _foreach_change_offered(self,
from_resource: Expr, to_resource: Expr,
from_value: Expr, to_value: Expr,
from_owner: Expr, to_owner: Expr,
times: Expr, op: Callable[[Expr, Expr, Expr], Expr],
res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
offered = ctx.current_state[mangled.OFFERED].local_var(ctx, pos)
self._inhale_offers(from_resource, to_resource, from_value, to_value, from_owner,
to_owner, times, res, ctx, pos)
# Declare the new offered
offered_type = self.type_translator.translate(helpers.offered_type(), ctx)
fresh_offered_name = ctx.new_local_var_name(names.OFFERED)
fresh_offered_decl = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(fresh_offered_name, offered_type, pos)
fresh_offered = fresh_offered_decl.localVar()
# Assume the values of the new map
qvar_types = 2 * [helpers.struct_type(self.viper_ast)] + 4 * [self.viper_ast.Int]
qvars = [self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(f'$arg{i}', t, pos) for i, t in enumerate(qvar_types)]
qlocals = [var.localVar() for var in qvars]
fresh_offered_get = self.get_offered(fresh_offered, *qlocals, ctx, pos)
old_offered_get = self.get_offered(offered, *qlocals, ctx, pos)
offer_pred = helpers.offer_predicate(self.viper_ast, *qlocals, pos)
perm = self.viper_ast.CurrentPerm(offer_pred, pos)
expr = op(fresh_offered_get, old_offered_get, perm)
trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([fresh_offered_get], pos)
quant = self.viper_ast.Forall(qvars, [trigger], expr, pos)
assume = self.viper_ast.Inhale(quant, pos)
# Assume the no_offers stayed the same for all others
qvar_types = 1 * [helpers.struct_type(self.viper_ast)] + 1 * [self.viper_ast.Int]
qvars = [self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(f'$arg{i}', t, pos) for i, t in enumerate(qvar_types)]
qlocals = [var.localVar() for var in qvars]
context_qvars = [qvar.local_var(ctx) for qvar in ctx.quantified_vars.values()]
fresh_no_offers = helpers.no_offers(self.viper_ast, fresh_offered, *qlocals, pos)
old_no_offers = helpers.no_offers(self.viper_ast, offered, *qlocals, pos)
nodes_in_from_resource = self.viper_ast.to_list(from_resource)
if any(qvar in nodes_in_from_resource for qvar in context_qvars):
resource_eq = self.viper_ast.TrueLit()
resource_eq = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(qlocals[0], from_resource, pos)
nodes_in_from_owner = self.viper_ast.to_list(from_owner)
if any(qvar in nodes_in_from_owner for qvar in context_qvars):
address_eq = self.viper_ast.TrueLit()
address_eq = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(qlocals[1], from_owner, pos)
cond = self.viper_ast.Not(self.viper_ast.And(resource_eq, address_eq, pos), pos)
expr = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(fresh_no_offers, old_no_offers, pos)
expr = self.viper_ast.Implies(cond, expr, pos)
trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([fresh_no_offers], pos)
quant = self.viper_ast.Forall(qvars, [trigger], expr, pos)
assume = self.viper_ast.Inhale(quant, pos)
# Set the new offered
offered_assign = self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(offered, fresh_offered, pos)
# Heap clean-up
self._exhale_offers(res, ctx, pos)
def _inhale_offers(self,
from_resource: Expr, to_resource: Expr,
from_val: Expr, to_val: Expr,
from_addr: Expr, to_addr: Expr,
amount: Expr,
res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
offer = helpers.offer_predicate(self.viper_ast, from_resource, to_resource, from_val,
to_val, from_addr, to_addr, pos)
perm = self.viper_ast.IntPermMul(amount, self.viper_ast.FullPerm(pos), pos)
acc_offer = self.viper_ast.PredicateAccessPredicate(offer, perm, pos)
trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([offer], pos)
quant = self._quantifier(acc_offer, [trigger], ctx, pos)
# TODO: rule
res.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(quant, pos))
def _exhale_offers(self, res: List[Stmt], _: Context, pos=None):
# We clean up the heap by exhaling all permissions to offer.
# exhale forall a, b, c, d: Int :: perm(offer(a, b, c, d)) > none ==>
# acc(offer(a, b, c, d), perm(offer(a, b, c, d)))
# We use an implication with a '> none' because of a bug in Carbon (TODO: issue #171) where it isn't possible
# to exhale no permissions under a quantifier.
qvar_types = 2 * [helpers.struct_type(self.viper_ast)] + 4 * [self.viper_ast.Int]
qvars = [self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(f'$arg{i}', t, pos) for i, t in enumerate(qvar_types)]
qvars_locals = [var.localVar() for var in qvars]
offer = helpers.offer_predicate(self.viper_ast, *qvars_locals, pos)
perm = self.viper_ast.CurrentPerm(offer, pos)
cond = self.viper_ast.GtCmp(perm, self.viper_ast.NoPerm(pos), pos)
acc_offer = self.viper_ast.PredicateAccessPredicate(offer, perm, pos)
trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([offer], pos)
quant = self.viper_ast.Forall(qvars, [trigger], self.viper_ast.Implies(cond, acc_offer, pos), pos)
# TODO: rule
res.append(self.viper_ast.Exhale(quant, pos))
def _if_non_zero_values(self, fun: Callable[[List[Stmt]], None], amounts: Union[List[Expr], Expr], res: List[Stmt],
ctx: Context, pos=None):
then = []
zero = self.viper_ast.IntLit(0, pos)
if isinstance(amounts, list):
amount_checks = [self.viper_ast.NeCmp(amount, zero, pos) for amount in amounts]
is_not_zero = reduce(self.viper_ast.And, amount_checks) if amount_checks else self.viper_ast.TrueLit()
is_not_zero = self.viper_ast.NeCmp(amounts, zero, pos)
if ctx.quantified_vars:
quantified_vars = [q_var.var_decl(ctx) for q_var in ctx.quantified_vars.values()]
is_not_zero = self.viper_ast.Forall(quantified_vars, [], is_not_zero)
res.extend(helpers.flattened_conditional(self.viper_ast, is_not_zero, then, [], pos))
def _check_trusted_if_non_zero_amount(self, node: ast.Node, address: Expr, by_address: Expr,
amounts: Union[List[Expr], Expr], rule: rules.Rule, res: List[Stmt],
ctx: Context, pos=None):
Only check trusted if all values are non-zero.
self._if_non_zero_values(lambda l: self._check_trusted(node, address, by_address, rule, l, ctx, pos),
amounts, res, ctx, pos)
def _check_trusted(self, node: ast.Node,
address: Expr, by_address: Expr,
rule: rules.Rule, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
if ctx.inside_interface_call:
where = ctx.self_address or helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast, pos)
trusted = ctx.current_state[mangled.TRUSTED].local_var(ctx, pos)
get_trusted = self.get_trusted(trusted, where, address, by_address, ctx, pos)
eq = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(address, by_address, pos)
cond = self.viper_ast.Or(eq, get_trusted, pos)
if ctx.quantified_vars:
trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([get_trusted], pos)
cond = self._quantifier(cond, [trigger], ctx, pos)
modelt = self.model_translator.save_variables(res, ctx, pos)
combined_rule = rules.combine(rules.NOT_TRUSTED_FAIL, rule)
apos = self.to_position(node, ctx, combined_rule, modelt=modelt)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(cond, apos))
def _change_trusted(self,
address: Expr, by_address: Expr,
new_value: Expr,
res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
where = ctx.self_address or helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast, pos)
trusted = ctx.current_state[mangled.TRUSTED].local_var(ctx, pos)
set_trusted = self.set_trusted(trusted, where, address, by_address, new_value, ctx, pos)
trusted_assign = self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(trusted, set_trusted, pos)
def _foreach_change_trusted(self,
address: Expr, by_address: Expr,
new_value: Expr,
res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
where = ctx.self_address or helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast, pos)
trusted = ctx.current_state[mangled.TRUSTED].local_var(ctx, pos)
self._inhale_trust(where, address, by_address, res, ctx, pos)
trusted_type = self.type_translator.translate(helpers.trusted_type(), ctx)
fresh_trusted_name = ctx.new_local_var_name(names.TRUSTED)
fresh_trusted_decl = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(fresh_trusted_name, trusted_type, pos)
fresh_trusted = fresh_trusted_decl.localVar()
# Assume the values of the new map
qaddr = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$a', self.viper_ast.Int, pos)
qaddr_var = qaddr.localVar()
qby = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$b', self.viper_ast.Int, pos)
qby_var = qby.localVar()
qwhere = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$c', self.viper_ast.Int, pos)
qwhere_var = qwhere.localVar()
fresh_trusted_get = self.get_trusted(fresh_trusted, qwhere_var, qaddr_var, qby_var, ctx, pos)
old_trusted_get = self.get_trusted(trusted, qwhere_var, qaddr_var, qby_var, ctx, pos)
trust_pred = helpers.trust_predicate(self.viper_ast, qwhere_var, qaddr_var, qby_var, pos)
perm = self.viper_ast.CurrentPerm(trust_pred, pos)
gtz = self.viper_ast.PermGtCmp(perm, self.viper_ast.NoPerm(pos), pos)
cond = self.viper_ast.CondExp(gtz, new_value, old_trusted_get, pos)
eq = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(fresh_trusted_get, cond, pos)
trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([fresh_trusted_get], pos)
quant = self.viper_ast.Forall([qaddr, qby, qwhere], [trigger], eq, pos)
assume = self.viper_ast.Inhale(quant, pos)
# Assume the trust_no_one stayed the same for all others
qvar_types = [self.viper_ast.Int, self.viper_ast.Int]
qvars = [self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(f'$arg{i}', t, pos) for i, t in enumerate(qvar_types)]
qlocals = [var.localVar() for var in qvars]
context_qvars = [qvar.local_var(ctx) for qvar in ctx.quantified_vars.values()]
fresh_trust_no_one = helpers.trust_no_one(self.viper_ast, fresh_trusted, *qlocals, pos)
old_trust_no_one = helpers.trust_no_one(self.viper_ast, trusted, *qlocals, pos)
nodes_in_by_address = self.viper_ast.to_list(by_address)
if any(qvar in nodes_in_by_address for qvar in context_qvars):
by_address_eq = self.viper_ast.TrueLit()
by_address_eq = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(qlocals[0], by_address, pos)
nodes_in_where = self.viper_ast.to_list(where)
if any(qvar in nodes_in_where for qvar in context_qvars):
where_eq = self.viper_ast.TrueLit()
where_eq = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(qlocals[1], where, pos)
cond = self.viper_ast.Not(self.viper_ast.And(by_address_eq, where_eq, pos), pos)
expr = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(fresh_trust_no_one, old_trust_no_one, pos)
expr = self.viper_ast.Implies(cond, expr, pos)
trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([fresh_trust_no_one], pos)
quant = self.viper_ast.Forall(qvars, [trigger], expr, pos)
assume = self.viper_ast.Inhale(quant, pos)
# Set the new trusted
trusted_assign = self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(trusted, fresh_trusted, pos)
# Heap clean-up
self._exhale_trust(res, ctx, pos)
def _inhale_trust(self, where: Expr, address: Expr, by_address: Expr, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
trust = helpers.trust_predicate(self.viper_ast, where, address, by_address, pos)
perm = self.viper_ast.FullPerm(pos)
acc_trust = self.viper_ast.PredicateAccessPredicate(trust, perm, pos)
trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([trust], pos)
quant = self._quantifier(acc_trust, [trigger], ctx, pos)
# TODO: rule
res.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(quant, pos))
def _performs_acc_predicate(self, function: str, args: List[Expr], ctx: Context, pos=None) -> Expr:
pred = helpers.performs_predicate(self.viper_ast, function, args, pos)
cond = self.viper_ast.PredicateAccessPredicate(pred, self.viper_ast.FullPerm(pos), pos)
if ctx.quantified_vars:
cond = self._quantifier(cond, [], ctx, pos)
return cond
def _exhale_performs_if_non_zero_amount(self, node: ast.Node, function: str, args: List[Expr],
amounts: Union[List[Expr], Expr], rule: Rule, res: List[Stmt],
ctx: Context, pos=None):
self._if_non_zero_values(lambda l: self._exhale_performs(node, function, args, rule, l, ctx, pos),
amounts, res, ctx, pos)
def _exhale_performs(self, node: ast.Node, function: str, args: List[Expr], rule: Rule, res: List[Stmt],
ctx: Context, pos=None):
if ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_NO_PERFORMS):
if ctx.inside_interface_call:
pred_access_pred = self._performs_acc_predicate(function, args, ctx, pos)
modelt = self.model_translator.save_variables(res, ctx, pos)
combined_rule = rules.combine(rules.NO_PERFORMS_FAIL, rule)
apos = self.to_position(node, ctx, combined_rule, modelt=modelt)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Exhale(pred_access_pred, apos))
def check_performs(self, node: ast.Node, function: str, args: List[Expr], amounts: Union[List[Expr], Expr],
rule: Rule, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
self._exhale_performs_if_non_zero_amount(node, function, args, amounts, rule, res, ctx, pos)
def allocate_derived(self, node: ast.Node,
resource: Expr, address: Expr, actor: Expr, amount: Expr,
res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
with ctx.self_address_scope(helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast)):
self._check_trusted_if_non_zero_amount(node, actor, address, amount, rules.PAYABLE_FAIL, res, ctx, pos)
self.allocate(resource, address, amount, res, ctx, pos)
self.check_performs(node, names.RESOURCE_PAYABLE, [resource, address, amount], [amount],
rules.PAYABLE_FAIL, res, ctx, pos)
def allocate(self,
resource: Expr, address: Expr, amount: Expr,
res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
Adds `amount` allocation to the allocation map entry of `address`.
self._change_allocation(resource, address, amount, True, res, ctx, pos)
def reallocate(self, node: ast.Node,
resource: Expr, frm: Expr, to: Expr, amount: Expr, actor: Expr,
res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
Checks that `from` has sufficient allocation and then moves `amount` allocation from `frm` to `to`.
stmts = []
self._exhale_performs_if_non_zero_amount(node, names.REALLOCATE, [resource, frm, to, amount], amount,
rules.REALLOCATE_FAIL, stmts, ctx, pos)
self._check_trusted_if_non_zero_amount(node, actor, frm, amount, rules.REALLOCATE_FAIL, stmts, ctx, pos)
self._check_allocation(node, resource, frm, amount, rules.REALLOCATE_FAIL_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS, stmts, ctx, pos)
self._change_allocation(resource, frm, amount, False, stmts, ctx, pos)
self._change_allocation(resource, to, amount, True, stmts, ctx, pos)
self.seqn_with_info(stmts, "Reallocate", res)
def deallocate_wei(self, node: ast.Node,
address: Expr, amount: Expr,
res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
no_derived_wei = ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_NO_DERIVED_WEI)
if no_derived_wei:
resource, underlying_resource = None, self.resource_translator.underlying_wei_resource(ctx)
resource, underlying_resource = self.resource_translator.translate_with_underlying(None, res, ctx)
self_address = ctx.self_address or helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast)
self.interface_performed(node, names.REALLOCATE, [underlying_resource, self_address, address, amount],
amount, res, ctx, pos)
if no_derived_wei:
self.deallocate_derived(node, resource, underlying_resource, address, amount, res, ctx, pos)
def deallocate_derived(self, node: ast.Node,
resource: Expr, underlying_resource: Expr, address: Expr, amount: Expr,
res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
Checks that `address` has sufficient allocation and then removes `amount` allocation
from the allocation map entry of `address`.
stmts = []
const_one = self.viper_ast.IntLit(1, pos)
self._exhale_performs_if_non_zero_amount(node, names.RESOURCE_PAYOUT, [resource, address, amount], amount,
rules.PAYOUT_FAIL, stmts, ctx, pos)
offer_check_stmts = []
def check_offer(then):
self._check_from_agrees(node, resource, underlying_resource, const_one, const_one,
address, address, amount, then, ctx, pos)
self._change_offered(resource, underlying_resource, const_one, const_one,
address, address, amount, False, then, ctx, pos)
self._if_non_zero_values(check_offer, amount, offer_check_stmts, ctx, pos)
# Only check that there was an offer, if someone else than a trusted address performs the deallocation
msg_sender = helpers.msg_sender(self.viper_ast, ctx, pos)
where = ctx.self_address or helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast, pos)
trusted = ctx.current_state[mangled.TRUSTED].local_var(ctx, pos)
is_trusted_address = self.get_trusted(trusted, where, msg_sender, address, ctx, pos)
is_itself = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(msg_sender, address, pos)
is_trusted_address = self.viper_ast.Or(is_itself, is_trusted_address, pos)
not_trusted_address = self.viper_ast.Not(is_trusted_address, pos)
stmts.extend(helpers.flattened_conditional(self.viper_ast, not_trusted_address, offer_check_stmts, [], pos))
self._check_allocation(node, resource, address, amount, rules.REALLOCATE_FAIL_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS,
stmts, ctx, pos)
self._change_allocation(resource, address, amount, False, stmts, ctx, pos)
self.seqn_with_info(stmts, "Deallocate", res)
def create(self, node: ast.Node,
resource: Expr, frm: Expr, to: Expr, amount: Expr, actor: Expr,
is_init: bool,
res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
stmts = []
self._exhale_performs_if_non_zero_amount(node, names.CREATE, [resource, frm, to, amount], amount,
rules.CREATE_FAIL, stmts, ctx, pos)
# The initializer is allowed to create all resources unchecked.
if not is_init:
def check(then):
self._check_trusted(node, actor, frm, rules.CREATE_FAIL, then, ctx, pos)
creator_resource = self.resource_translator.creator_resource(resource, ctx, pos)
self._check_creator(node, creator_resource, frm, amount, then, ctx, pos)
self._if_non_zero_values(check, amount, res, ctx, pos)
if ctx.quantified_vars:
def op(fresh: Expr, old: Expr, perm: Expr) -> Expr:
write = self.viper_ast.FullPerm(pos)
fresh_mul = self.viper_ast.IntPermMul(fresh, write, pos)
old_mul = self.viper_ast.IntPermMul(old, write, pos)
perm_add = self.viper_ast.PermAdd(old_mul, perm, pos)
return self.viper_ast.EqCmp(fresh_mul, perm_add, pos)
self._foreach_change_allocation(resource, to, amount, op, stmts, ctx, pos)
self.allocate(resource, to, amount, stmts, ctx, pos)
self.seqn_with_info(stmts, "Create", res)
def destroy(self, node: ast.Node,
resource: Expr, address: Expr, amount: Expr, actor: Expr,
res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
Checks that `address` has sufficient allocation and then removes `amount` allocation
from the allocation map entry of `address`.
stmts = []
self._exhale_performs_if_non_zero_amount(node, names.DESTROY, [resource, address, amount], amount,
rules.DESTROY_FAIL, stmts, ctx, pos)
self._check_trusted_if_non_zero_amount(node, actor, address, amount, rules.DESTROY_FAIL, stmts, ctx, pos)
self._check_allocation(node, resource, address, amount, rules.DESTROY_FAIL_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS, stmts, ctx, pos)
if ctx.quantified_vars:
def op(fresh: Expr, old: Expr, perm: Expr) -> Expr:
write = self.viper_ast.FullPerm(pos)
fresh_mul = self.viper_ast.IntPermMul(fresh, write, pos)
old_mul = self.viper_ast.IntPermMul(old, write, pos)
perm_sub = self.viper_ast.PermSub(old_mul, perm, pos)
return self.viper_ast.EqCmp(fresh_mul, perm_sub, pos)
self._foreach_change_allocation(resource, address, amount, op, stmts, ctx, pos)
self._change_allocation(resource, address, amount, False, stmts, ctx, pos)
return self.seqn_with_info(stmts, "Destroy", res)
def _allocation_leak_check(self, node: ast.Node, rule: Rule, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
Checks that the invariant knows about all ether allocated to the individual addresses, i.e., that
given only the invariant and the state it is known for each address how much of the ether is
allocated to them.
# To do a leak check we create a fresh allocation map, assume the invariants for the current state and
# the fresh map and then check that the fresh map only specified from the invariants is equal to the
# actual map. This ensures that the invariant fully specifies the allocation map.
spec_translator = self.specification_translator
allocated = ctx.current_state[mangled.ALLOCATED]
new_allocated_name = ctx.new_local_var_name(mangled.ALLOCATED)
fresh_allocated = TranslatedVar(mangled.ALLOCATED, new_allocated_name, allocated.type, self.viper_ast, pos)
fresh_allocated_var = fresh_allocated.local_var(ctx, pos)
# Assume type assumptions for fresh_allocated
allocated_ass = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(fresh_allocated_var, fresh_allocated.type, ctx)
allocated_assumptions = [self.viper_ast.Inhale(c) for c in allocated_ass]
allocated_info_msg = "Assume type assumptions for fresh allocated"
self.seqn_with_info(allocated_assumptions, allocated_info_msg, res)
with ctx.allocated_scope(fresh_allocated):
# We assume the invariant with the current state as the old state because the current allocation
# should be known from the current state, not the old state. For example, the invariant
# allocated() == old(allocated())
# should be illegal.
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.current_state, ctx.current_state):
for inv in ctx.unchecked_invariants():
# As an optimization we only assume invariants that mention allocated(), all other invariants
# are already known since we only changed the allocation map to a fresh one
contracts: List[VyperProgram] = [ctx.program.interfaces[] for i in ctx.program.implements]
for contract in contracts:
with ctx.program_scope(contract):
for inv in ctx.current_program.analysis.allocated_invariants:
ppos = self.to_position(inv, ctx, rules.INHALE_INVARIANT_FAIL)
expr = spec_translator.translate_invariant(inv, res, ctx, True)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(expr, ppos))
modelt = self.model_translator.save_variables(res, ctx, pos)
# We create the following check for each resource r:
# forall a: address, arg0, arg1, ... :: <type_assumptions> ==>
# allocated[r(arg0, arg1, ...)](a) == fresh_allocated[r(arg0, arg1, ...)](a)
address = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$a', self.viper_ast.Int, pos)
address_var = address.localVar()
address_assumptions = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(address_var, types.VYPER_ADDRESS, ctx)
interface_names = [ for t in ctx.program.implements]
interfaces = [ctx.program.interfaces[name] for name in interface_names]
own_resources = [(name, resource) for name, resource in ctx.program.own_resources.items()
# Do not make a leak check for the underlying wei resource
if name != names.UNDERLYING_WEI]
for i in interfaces:
interface_resources = [(name, resource) for name, resource in i.own_resources.items()
# Do not make a leak check for the underlying wei resource
if name != names.UNDERLYING_WEI]
for name, resource in own_resources:
type_assumptions = address_assumptions.copy()
args = []
for idx, arg_type in enumerate(resource.type.member_types.values()):
viper_type = self.type_translator.translate(arg_type, ctx)
arg = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(f'$arg{idx}', viper_type, pos)
arg_var = arg.localVar()
type_assumptions.extend(self.type_translator.type_assumptions(arg_var, arg_type, ctx))
cond = reduce(lambda l, r: self.viper_ast.And(l, r, pos), type_assumptions)
t_resource = self.resource_translator.resource(name, [arg.localVar() for arg in args], ctx)
allocated_get = self.get_allocated(allocated.local_var(ctx, pos), t_resource, address_var, ctx, pos)
fresh_allocated_get = self.get_allocated(fresh_allocated_var, t_resource, address_var, ctx, pos)
allocated_eq = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(allocated_get, fresh_allocated_get, pos)
trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([allocated_get, fresh_allocated_get], pos)
assertion = self.viper_ast.Forall([address, *args], [trigger],
self.viper_ast.Implies(cond, allocated_eq, pos), pos)
if == names.INIT:
# Leak check only has to hold if __init__ succeeds
succ = ctx.success_var.local_var(ctx, pos)
assertion = self.viper_ast.Implies(succ, assertion, pos)
apos = self.to_position(node, ctx, rule, modelt=modelt, values={'resource': resource})
res.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(assertion, apos))
def _performs_leak_check(self, node: ast.Node, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
if not ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_NO_PERFORMS):
struct_t = helpers.struct_type(self.viper_ast)
int_t = self.viper_ast.Int
bool_t = self.viper_ast.Bool
predicate_types = {
names.CREATE: [struct_t, int_t, int_t, int_t],
names.DESTROY: [struct_t, int_t, int_t],
names.REALLOCATE: [struct_t, int_t, int_t, int_t],
# ALLOW_TO_DECOMPOSE is modelled as an offer and therefore needs no leak check
names.OFFER: [struct_t, struct_t, int_t, int_t, int_t, int_t, int_t],
names.REVOKE: [struct_t, struct_t, int_t, int_t, int_t, int_t],
names.EXCHANGE: [struct_t, struct_t, int_t, int_t, int_t, int_t, int_t],
names.TRUST: [int_t, int_t, bool_t],
names.ALLOCATE_UNTRACKED: [struct_t, int_t],
names.RESOURCE_PAYABLE: [struct_t, int_t, int_t],
names.RESOURCE_PAYOUT: [struct_t, int_t, int_t],
modelt = self.model_translator.save_variables(res, ctx, pos)
for function, arg_types in predicate_types.items():
# We could use forperm instead, but Carbon doesn't support multiple variables
# in forperm (TODO: issue #243)
quant_decls = [self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(f'$a{idx}', t, pos) for idx, t in enumerate(arg_types)]
quant_vars = [decl.localVar() for decl in quant_decls]
pred = helpers.performs_predicate(self.viper_ast, function, quant_vars, pos)
succ = ctx.success_var.local_var(ctx, pos)
perm = self.viper_ast.CurrentPerm(pred, pos)
cond = self.viper_ast.Implies(succ, self.viper_ast.EqCmp(perm, self.viper_ast.NoPerm(pos), pos), pos)
trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([pred], pos)
quant = self.viper_ast.Forall(quant_decls, [trigger], cond, pos)
apos = self.to_position(node, ctx, rules.PERFORMS_LEAK_CHECK_FAIL, modelt=modelt)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(quant, apos))
def function_leak_check(self, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
self._allocation_leak_check(ctx.function.node or ctx.program.node, rules.ALLOCATION_LEAK_CHECK_FAIL,
res, ctx, pos)
self._performs_leak_check(ctx.function.node or ctx.program.node, res, ctx, pos)
def send_leak_check(self, node: ast.Node, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
self._allocation_leak_check(node, rules.CALL_LEAK_CHECK_FAIL, res, ctx, pos)
def offer(self, node: ast.Node,
from_resource: Expr, to_resource: Expr,
from_value: Expr, to_value: Expr,
from_owner: Expr, to_owner: Expr,
times: Expr, actor: Expr,
res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
stmts = []
self._exhale_performs_if_non_zero_amount(node, names.OFFER, [from_resource, to_resource, from_value,
to_value, from_owner, to_owner, times],
[from_value, times], rules.OFFER_FAIL, stmts, ctx, pos)
self._check_trusted_if_non_zero_amount(node, actor, from_owner, [from_value, times],
rules.OFFER_FAIL, stmts, ctx, pos)
if ctx.quantified_vars:
# We are translating a
# foreach({x1: t1, x2: t2, ...}, offer(e1(x1, x2, ...), e2(x1, x2, ...), to=e3(x1, x2, ...), times=t))
# To do that, we first inhale the offer predicate
# inhale forall x1: t1, x2: t2, ... :: acc(offer(e1(...), e2(...), ..., e3(...)), t * write)
# For all offers we inhaled some permission to we then set the 'times' entries in a new map to the
# sum of the old map entries and the current permissions to the respective offer.
# assume forall $i, $j, $a, $b: Int ::
# fresh_offered[{$i, $j, $a, $b}] * write == old_offered[...] * write + perm(offer($i, $j, $a, $b))
def op(fresh: Expr, old: Expr, perm: Expr) -> Expr:
write = self.viper_ast.FullPerm(pos)
fresh_mul = self.viper_ast.IntPermMul(fresh, write, pos)
old_mul = self.viper_ast.IntPermMul(old, write, pos)
perm_add = self.viper_ast.PermAdd(old_mul, perm, pos)
return self.viper_ast.EqCmp(fresh_mul, perm_add, pos)
self._foreach_change_offered(from_resource, to_resource, from_value, to_value, from_owner, to_owner, times,
op, stmts, ctx, pos)
self._change_offered(from_resource, to_resource, from_value, to_value, from_owner, to_owner, times, True,
stmts, ctx, pos)
self.seqn_with_info(stmts, "Offer", res)
def allow_to_decompose(self, node: ast.Node,
resource: Expr, underlying_resource: Expr,
owner: Expr, amount: Expr, actor: Expr,
res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
stmts = []
const_one = self.viper_ast.IntLit(1, pos)
self._exhale_performs_if_non_zero_amount(node, names.OFFER, [resource, underlying_resource, const_one,
const_one, owner, owner, amount],
amount, rules.OFFER_FAIL, stmts, ctx, pos)
self._check_trusted_if_non_zero_amount(node, actor, owner, amount,
rules.OFFER_FAIL, stmts, ctx, pos)
self._set_offered(resource, underlying_resource, const_one, const_one, owner, owner, amount, stmts, ctx, pos)
self.seqn_with_info(stmts, "Allow to decompose", res)
def revoke(self, node: ast.Node,
from_resource: Expr, to_resource: Expr,
from_value: Expr, to_value: Expr,
from_owner: Expr, to_owner: Expr,
actor: Expr,
res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
stmts = []
self._exhale_performs_if_non_zero_amount(node, names.REVOKE, [from_resource, to_resource, from_value,
to_value, from_owner, to_owner],
from_value, rules.REVOKE_FAIL, stmts, ctx, pos)
self._check_trusted_if_non_zero_amount(node, actor, from_owner, from_value, rules.REVOKE_FAIL, stmts, ctx, pos)
if ctx.quantified_vars:
# We are translating a
# foreach({x1: t1, x2: t2, ...}, revoke(e1(x1, x2, ...), e2(x1, x2, ...), to=e3(x1, x2, ...)))
# To do that, we first inhale the offer predicate
# inhale forall x1: t1, x2: t2, ... :: offer(e1(...), e2(...), ..., e3(...))
# For all offers we inhaled some permission to we then set the 'times' entries to zero in a
# new map, all others stay the same. assume forall $i, $j, $a, $b: Int ::
# fresh_offered[{$i, $j, $a, $b}] == perm(offer($i, $j, $a, $b)) > none ? 0 : old_offered[...]
one = self.viper_ast.IntLit(1, pos)
def op(fresh: Expr, old: Expr, perm: Expr) -> Expr:
gez = self.viper_ast.GtCmp(perm, self.viper_ast.NoPerm(pos), pos)
cond_expr = self.viper_ast.CondExp(gez, self.viper_ast.IntLit(0, pos), old, pos)
return self.viper_ast.EqCmp(fresh, cond_expr, pos)
self._foreach_change_offered(from_resource, to_resource, from_value, to_value, from_owner, to_owner, one,
op, stmts, ctx, pos)
zero = self.viper_ast.IntLit(0, pos)
self._set_offered(from_resource, to_resource, from_value, to_value, from_owner, to_owner, zero,
stmts, ctx, pos)
self.seqn_with_info(stmts, "Revoke", res)
def exchange(self,
node: ast.Node,
resource1: Expr, resource2: Expr,
value1: Expr, value2: Expr,
owner1: Expr, owner2: Expr,
times: Expr,
res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
stmts = []
self._exhale_performs_if_non_zero_amount(node, names.EXCHANGE, [resource1, resource2, value1, value2,
owner1, owner2, times],
[self.viper_ast.Add(value1, value2), times], rules.EXCHANGE_FAIL,
stmts, ctx, pos)
def check_owner_1(then):
# If value1 == 0, owner1 will definitely agree, else we check that they offered the exchange, and
# decreases the offer map by the amount of exchanges we do
self._check_from_agrees(node, resource1, resource2, value1, value2, owner1, owner2, times, then, ctx, pos)
self._change_offered(resource1, resource2, value1, value2, owner1, owner2, times, False, then, ctx, pos)
self._if_non_zero_values(check_owner_1, [value1, times], stmts, ctx, pos)
def check_owner_2(then):
# We do the same for owner2
self._check_from_agrees(node, resource2, resource1, value2, value1, owner2, owner1, times, then, ctx, pos)
self._change_offered(resource2, resource1, value2, value1, owner2, owner1, times, False, then, ctx, pos)
self._if_non_zero_values(check_owner_2, [value2, times], stmts, ctx, pos)
amount1 = self.viper_ast.Mul(times, value1)
self._check_allocation(node, resource1, owner1, amount1, rules.EXCHANGE_FAIL_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS,
stmts, ctx, pos)
amount2 = self.viper_ast.Mul(times, value2)
self._check_allocation(node, resource2, owner2, amount2, rules.EXCHANGE_FAIL_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS,
stmts, ctx, pos)
# owner1 gives up amount1 of resource1
self._change_allocation(resource1, owner1, amount1, False, stmts, ctx, pos)
# owner1 gets amount2 of resource2
self._change_allocation(resource2, owner1, amount2, True, stmts, ctx, pos)
# owner2 gives up amount2 of resource2
self._change_allocation(resource2, owner2, amount2, False, stmts, ctx, pos)
# owner2 gets amount1 of resource1
self._change_allocation(resource1, owner2, amount1, True, stmts, ctx, pos)
self.seqn_with_info(stmts, "Exchange", res)
def trust(self, node: ast.Node,
address: Expr, from_address: Expr,
new_value: Expr, res: List[Stmt],
ctx: Context, pos=None):
stmts = []
self._exhale_performs(node, names.TRUST, [address, from_address, new_value],
rules.TRUST_FAIL, stmts, ctx, pos)
if ctx.quantified_vars:
self._foreach_change_trusted(address, from_address, new_value, stmts, ctx, pos)
self._change_trusted(address, from_address, new_value, stmts, ctx, pos)
self.seqn_with_info(stmts, "Trust", res)
def allocate_untracked(self, node: ast.Node, resource: Expr, address: Expr, balance: Expr,
res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
stmts = []
self._exhale_performs(node, names.ALLOCATE_UNTRACKED, [resource, address],
rules.ALLOCATE_UNTRACKED_FAIL, stmts, ctx, pos)
difference = self.allocation_difference_to_balance(balance, resource, ctx, pos)
self.allocate(resource, address, difference, stmts, ctx, pos)
self.seqn_with_info(stmts, "Allocate untracked wei", res)
def allocation_difference_to_balance(self, balance: Expr, resource: Expr, ctx: Context, pos=None):
allocated = ctx.current_state[mangled.ALLOCATED].local_var(ctx)
allocated_map = self.get_allocated_map(allocated, resource, ctx, pos)
key_type = self.type_translator.translate(helpers.allocated_type().value_type.key_type, ctx)
allocated_sum = helpers.map_sum(self.viper_ast, allocated_map, key_type, pos)
difference = self.viper_ast.Sub(balance, allocated_sum, pos)
return difference
def performs(self, _: ast.Node, resource_function_name: str, args: List[Expr],
amount_args: Union[List[Expr], Expr], res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
pred = self._performs_acc_predicate(resource_function_name, args, ctx, pos)
# TODO: rule
self._if_non_zero_values(lambda l: l.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(pred, pos)), amount_args, res, ctx, pos)
def interface_performed(self, node: ast.Node, resource_function_name: str, args: List[Expr],
amount_args: Union[List[Expr], Expr], res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
pred_access_pred = self._performs_acc_predicate(resource_function_name, args, ctx, pos)
# Only exhale if we have enough "perm" (Redeclaration of performs is optional)
pred = helpers.performs_predicate(self.viper_ast, resource_function_name, args, pos)
perm = self.viper_ast.CurrentPerm(pred, pos)
write = self.viper_ast.FullPerm(pos)
enough_perm = self.viper_ast.GeCmp(perm, write, pos)
# Only exhale if the address is not self and the resource is potentially an "own resource"
address = None
if isinstance(node, ast.FunctionCall) and in names.GHOST_STATEMENTS:
interface_files = [ctx.program.interfaces[].file for impl in ctx.program.implements]
address, resource = self.location_address_of_performs(node, res, ctx, pos, return_resource=True)
if resource is not None and (resource.file is None # It is okay to declare performs for wei
# It is okay to declare performs for own private resources
or resource.file == ctx.program.file
# It is okay to redeclare performs with resources not in interfaces
# this contract implements
or resource.file not in interface_files):
address = None
if address is not None:
self_address = helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast)
address_cond = self.viper_ast.NeCmp(address, self_address, pos)
address_cond = self.viper_ast.TrueLit(pos)
cond = self.viper_ast.And(enough_perm, address_cond)
cond_pred = self.viper_ast.CondExp(cond, pred_access_pred, self.viper_ast.TrueLit(), pos)
# TODO: rule
self._if_non_zero_values(lambda l: l.append(self.viper_ast.Exhale(cond_pred, pos)), amount_args, res, ctx, pos)
def location_address_of_performs(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context,
pos=None, return_resource=False):
if == names.TRUST:
res = ctx.self_address or helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast, pos), None
elif == names.FOREACH:
body = node.args[-1]
assert isinstance(body, ast.FunctionCall)
res = self.location_address_of_performs(body, res, ctx, pos, True)
# All other allocation functions have a resource with the location
if isinstance(node.resource, ast.Exchange):
(resource, t_resource), _ = self.resource_translator.translate_exchange(
node.resource, res, ctx, True)
elif node.resource is not None:
resource, t_resource = self.resource_translator.translate(node.resource, res, ctx, True)
elif ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_NO_DERIVED_WEI):
resource, t_resource = None, self.resource_translator.underlying_wei_resource(ctx)
resource, t_resource = self.resource_translator.translate(None, res, ctx, True)
resource_args = self.viper_ast.to_list(t_resource.getArgs())
if resource_args:
res = resource_args.pop(), resource
res = None, resource
if return_resource:
return res
return res[0] | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/translation/ | |
from typing import List
from twovyper.ast.types import VYPER_BOOL
from twovyper.translation.abstract import CommonTranslator
from twovyper.translation.arithmetic import ArithmeticTranslator
from twovyper.translation.context import Context
from twovyper.translation.expression import ExpressionTranslator
from twovyper.translation.specification import SpecificationTranslator
from twovyper.translation.type import TypeTranslator
from twovyper.translation.variable import TranslatedPureIndexedVar
from twovyper.viper.ast import ViperAST
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Expr, Stmt
class PureTranslatorMixin(CommonTranslator):
def seqn_with_info(self, expressions: [Expr], comment: str, res: List[Expr]):
def fail_if(self, cond: Expr, stmts: List[Stmt], res: List[Expr], ctx: Context, pos=None, info=None):
assert isinstance(ctx.success_var, TranslatedPureIndexedVar)
cond_var = TranslatedPureIndexedVar('cond', 'cond', VYPER_BOOL, self.viper_ast, pos, info)
cond_local_var = cond_var.local_var(ctx)
assign = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(cond_local_var, cond, pos, info)
expr = self.viper_ast.Implies(ctx.pure_conds, assign, pos, info) if ctx.pure_conds else assign
# Fail if the condition is true
fail_cond = self.viper_ast.And(ctx.pure_conds, cond_local_var, pos, info) if ctx.pure_conds else cond_local_var
old_success_idx = ctx.success_var.evaluate_idx(ctx)
assign = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(ctx.success_var.local_var(ctx), self.viper_ast.FalseLit(), pos, info)
expr = self.viper_ast.Implies(ctx.pure_conds, assign, pos, info) if ctx.pure_conds else assign
ctx.pure_success.append((fail_cond, ctx.success_var.evaluate_idx(ctx)))
ctx.success_var.idx = old_success_idx
# If we did not fail, we know that the condition is not true
negated_local_var = self.viper_ast.Not(cond_local_var, pos, info)
ctx.pure_conds = self.viper_ast.And(ctx.pure_conds, negated_local_var, pos, info)\
if ctx.pure_conds else negated_local_var
class PureArithmeticTranslator(PureTranslatorMixin, ArithmeticTranslator):
class PureExpressionTranslator(PureTranslatorMixin, ExpressionTranslator):
def __init__(self, viper_ast: ViperAST):
self.arithmetic_translator = PureArithmeticTranslator(viper_ast, self.no_reverts)
self.type_translator = PureTypeTranslator(viper_ast)
def spec_translator(self):
return PureSpecificationTranslator(self.viper_ast)
def function_translator(self):
from twovyper.translation.pure_function import PureFunctionTranslator
return PureFunctionTranslator(self.viper_ast)
class PureSpecificationTranslator(PureTranslatorMixin, SpecificationTranslator):
class PureTypeTranslator(PureTranslatorMixin, TypeTranslator):
pass | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/translation/ | |
from functools import reduce
from itertools import chain
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Callable
from twovyper.ast import ast_nodes as ast, names, types
from twovyper.ast.arithmetic import Decimal
from twovyper.ast.nodes import VyperFunction, VyperInterface, VyperVar, VyperEvent, VyperProgram
from twovyper.ast.types import MapType, ArrayType, StructType, AddressType, ContractType, InterfaceType
from twovyper.exceptions import UnsupportedException
from twovyper.translation import mangled
from twovyper.translation import helpers
from twovyper.translation.context import Context
from twovyper.translation.abstract import NodeTranslator
from twovyper.translation.allocation import AllocationTranslator
from twovyper.translation.arithmetic import ArithmeticTranslator
from twovyper.translation.balance import BalanceTranslator
from twovyper.translation.model import ModelTranslator
from twovyper.translation.resource import ResourceTranslator
from twovyper.translation.state import StateTranslator
from twovyper.translation.type import TypeTranslator
from twovyper.translation.variable import TranslatedVar
from twovyper.translation.wrapped_viper_ast import WrappedViperAST
from twovyper.utils import switch, first_index
from twovyper.verification import rules
from twovyper.verification.error import Via
from twovyper.verification.model import ModelTransformation
from twovyper.viper.ast import ViperAST
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Expr, Stmt
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
class ExpressionTranslator(NodeTranslator):
def __init__(self, viper_ast: ViperAST):
self.allocation_translator = AllocationTranslator(viper_ast)
self.arithmetic_translator = ArithmeticTranslator(viper_ast, self.no_reverts)
self.balance_translator = BalanceTranslator(viper_ast)
self.model_translator = ModelTranslator(viper_ast)
self.resource_translator = ResourceTranslator(viper_ast)
self.state_translator = StateTranslator(viper_ast)
self.type_translator = TypeTranslator(viper_ast)
self._bool_ops = {
ast.BoolOperator.AND: self.viper_ast.And,
ast.BoolOperator.OR: self.viper_ast.Or,
ast.BoolOperator.IMPLIES: self.viper_ast.Implies
self._comparison_ops = {
ast.ComparisonOperator.LT: self.viper_ast.LtCmp,
ast.ComparisonOperator.LTE: self.viper_ast.LeCmp,
ast.ComparisonOperator.GTE: self.viper_ast.GeCmp,
ast.ComparisonOperator.GT: self.viper_ast.GtCmp
def translate_top_level_expression(self, node: ast.Expr, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
A top level expression is an expression directly used in a statement.
Generally, we do not need to $wrap inside of a top level expression. Therefore, we only keep the information if
some expressions got unwrapped inside this expression and if this expression could get wrapped. If both is true,
only then we wrap this expression again.
Doing this, prevents the $wrap($unwrap($wrap($unwrap(...))) chain during translation.
If we are inside an interpreted scope, we do not wrap the result again.
if isinstance(self.viper_ast, WrappedViperAST) and not ctx.inside_interpreted:
self.viper_ast.unwrapped_some_expressions = False
result = self.translate(node, res, ctx)
if self.viper_ast.unwrapped_some_expressions:
if types.is_numeric(node.type) and self.arithmetic_translator.is_unwrapped(result):
result = helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, result)
return result
return self.translate(node, res, ctx)
def no_reverts(self) -> bool:
return False
def spec_translator(self):
from twovyper.translation.specification import SpecificationTranslator
return SpecificationTranslator(self.viper_ast)
def function_translator(self):
from twovyper.translation.function import FunctionTranslator
return FunctionTranslator(self.viper_ast)
def translate_Num(self, node: ast.Num, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
if isinstance(node.n, int):
if node.type == types.VYPER_BYTES32:
bts = node.n.to_bytes(32, byteorder='big')
elems = [self.viper_ast.IntLit(b, pos) for b in bts]
return self.viper_ast.ExplicitSeq(elems, pos)
return self.viper_ast.IntLit(node.n, pos)
elif isinstance(node.n, Decimal):
return self.viper_ast.IntLit(node.n.scaled_value, pos)
assert False
def translate_Bool(self, node: ast.Bool, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
return self.viper_ast.TrueLit(pos) if node.value else self.viper_ast.FalseLit(pos)
def translate_Name(self, node: ast.Name, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
if == names.SELF and (node.type == types.VYPER_ADDRESS
or isinstance(node.type, (ContractType, InterfaceType))):
return ctx.self_address or helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast, pos)
elif ctx.inside_inline_analysis and not in ctx.all_vars:
# Generate new local variable
variable_name =
mangled_name = ctx.new_local_var_name(variable_name)
var = TranslatedVar(variable_name, mangled_name, node.type, self.viper_ast, pos)
ctx.locals[variable_name] = var
return ctx.all_vars[].local_var(ctx, pos)
def translate_ArithmeticOp(self, node: ast.ArithmeticOp, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
if node.op in self.arithmetic_translator.non_linear_ops:
# Since we need the information if an expression was wrapped, we can treat this expressions as top-level.
left = self.translate_top_level_expression(node.left, res, ctx)
right = self.translate_top_level_expression(node.right, res, ctx)
left = self.translate(node.left, res, ctx)
right = self.translate(node.right, res, ctx)
return self.arithmetic_translator.arithmetic_op(left, node.op, right, node.type, res, ctx, pos)
def translate_BoolOp(self, node: ast.BoolOp, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
left = self.translate(node.left, res, ctx)
op = self._bool_ops[node.op]
right = self.translate(node.right, res, ctx)
return op(left, right, pos)
def translate_Not(self, node: ast.Not, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
operand = self.translate(node.operand, res, ctx)
return self.viper_ast.Not(operand, pos)
def translate_UnaryArithmeticOp(self, node: ast.UnaryArithmeticOp, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
operand = self.translate(node.operand, res, ctx)
return self.arithmetic_translator.unary_arithmetic_op(node.op, operand, node.type, res, ctx, pos)
def translate_IfExpr(self, node: ast.IfExpr, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
test = self.translate(node.test, res, ctx)
body = self.translate(node.body, res, ctx)
orelse = self.translate(node.orelse, res, ctx)
return self.viper_ast.CondExp(test, body, orelse, pos)
def translate_Comparison(self, node: ast.Comparison, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
lhs = self.translate(node.left, res, ctx)
op = self._comparison_ops[node.op]
rhs = self.translate(node.right, res, ctx)
return op(lhs, rhs, pos)
def translate_Containment(self, node: ast.Containment, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
value = self.translate(node.value, res, ctx)
expr_list = self.translate(node.list, res, ctx)
if node.op == ast.ContainmentOperator.IN:
return helpers.array_contains(self.viper_ast, value, expr_list, pos)
elif node.op == ast.ContainmentOperator.NOT_IN:
return helpers.array_not_contains(self.viper_ast, value, expr_list, pos)
assert False
def translate_Equality(self, node: ast.Equality, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
lhs = self.translate(node.left, res, ctx)
rhs = self.translate(node.right, res, ctx)
if node.op == ast.EqualityOperator.EQ:
return self.type_translator.eq(lhs, rhs, node.left.type, ctx, pos)
elif node.op == ast.EqualityOperator.NEQ:
return self.type_translator.neq(lhs, rhs, node.left.type, ctx, pos)
assert False
def translate_Attribute(self, node: ast.Attribute, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
# We don't support precise gas calculations, so we just return an unknown
# non-negative value
if node.attr == names.MSG_GAS and node.value.type == types.MSG_TYPE:
gas_name = ctx.new_local_var_name('gas')
gas_type = self.type_translator.translate(types.VYPER_UINT256, ctx)
gas = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(gas_name, gas_type, pos)
zero = self.viper_ast.IntLit(0, pos)
geq = self.viper_ast.GeCmp(gas.localVar(), zero, pos)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(geq, pos))
return gas.localVar()
expr = self.translate(node.value, res, ctx)
if isinstance(node.value.type, StructType):
# The value is a struct
struct_type = node.value.type
struct = expr
# The value is an address
struct_type = AddressType()
contracts = ctx.current_state[mangled.CONTRACTS].local_var(ctx)
key_type = self.type_translator.translate(types.VYPER_ADDRESS, ctx)
value_type = helpers.struct_type(self.viper_ast)
struct = helpers.map_get(self.viper_ast, contracts, expr, key_type, value_type)
viper_type = self.type_translator.translate(node.type, ctx)
get = helpers.struct_get(self.viper_ast, struct, node.attr, viper_type, struct_type, pos)
return get
def translate_Subscript(self, node: ast.Subscript, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
value = self.translate(node.value, res, ctx)
index = self.translate(node.index, res, ctx)
node_type = node.value.type
if isinstance(node_type, MapType):
key_type = self.type_translator.translate(node_type.key_type, ctx)
value_type = self.type_translator.translate(node_type.value_type, ctx)
call = helpers.map_get(self.viper_ast, value, index, key_type, value_type, pos)
elif isinstance(node_type, ArrayType):
if not self.no_reverts:
self.type_translator.array_bounds_check(value, index, res, ctx)
element_type = self.type_translator.translate(node_type.element_type, ctx)
call = helpers.array_get(self.viper_ast, value, index, element_type, pos)
assert False
return call
def translate_List(self, node: ast.List, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
if not node.elements:
viper_type = self.type_translator.translate(node.type.element_type, ctx)
return self.viper_ast.EmptySeq(viper_type, pos)
elems = [self.translate(e, res, ctx) for e in node.elements]
return self.viper_ast.ExplicitSeq(elems, pos)
def translate_Str(self, node: ast.Str, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
if not node.s:
viper_type = self.type_translator.translate(node.type.element_type, ctx)
return self.viper_ast.EmptySeq(viper_type, pos)
elems = [self.viper_ast.IntLit(e, pos) for e in bytes(node.s, 'utf-8')]
return self.viper_ast.ExplicitSeq(elems, pos)
def translate_Bytes(self, node: ast.Bytes, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
if not node.s:
viper_type = self.type_translator.translate(node.type.element_type, ctx)
return self.viper_ast.EmptySeq(viper_type, pos)
elems = [self.viper_ast.IntLit(e, pos) for e in node.s]
return self.viper_ast.ExplicitSeq(elems, pos)
def translate_Tuple(self, node: ast.Tuple, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
new_ret = helpers.havoc_var(self.viper_ast, helpers.struct_type(self.viper_ast), ctx)
for idx, element in enumerate(node.elements):
viper_type = self.type_translator.translate(element.type, ctx)
value = self.translate(element, res, ctx)
new_ret = helpers.struct_set_idx(self.viper_ast, new_ret, value, idx, viper_type, pos)
return new_ret
def translate_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
name =
is_min = (name == names.MIN)
is_max = (name == names.MAX)
if is_min or is_max:
lhs = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
rhs = self.translate(node.args[1], res, ctx)
op = self.viper_ast.GtCmp if is_max else self.viper_ast.LtCmp
comp = op(lhs, rhs, pos)
return self.viper_ast.CondExp(comp, lhs, rhs, pos)
elif name == names.ADDMOD or name == names.MULMOD:
op1 = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
op2 = self.translate(node.args[1], res, ctx)
mod = self.translate(node.args[2], res, ctx)
cond = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(mod, self.viper_ast.IntLit(0, pos), pos)
self.fail_if(cond, [], res, ctx, pos)
operation = self.viper_ast.Add if name == names.ADDMOD else self.viper_ast.Mul
op_res = operation(op1, op2, pos)
return helpers.mod(self.viper_ast, op_res, mod, pos)
elif name == names.SQRT:
arg = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
zero = self.viper_ast.IntLit(0, pos)
lt = self.viper_ast.LtCmp(arg, zero, pos)
self.fail_if(lt, [], res, ctx, pos)
sqrt = helpers.sqrt(self.viper_ast, arg, pos)
return sqrt
elif name == names.FLOOR or name == names.CEIL:
# Let s be the scaling factor, then
# floor(d) == d < 0 ? (d - (s - 1)) / s : d / s
# ceil(d) == d < 0 ? d / s : (d + s - 1) / s
arg = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
scaling_factor = node.args[0].type.scaling_factor
if name == names.FLOOR:
expr = helpers.floor(self.viper_ast, arg, scaling_factor, pos)
elif name == names.CEIL:
expr = helpers.ceil(self.viper_ast, arg, scaling_factor, pos)
assert False
return expr
elif name == names.SHIFT:
arg = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
shift = self.translate(node.args[1], res, ctx)
return helpers.shift(self.viper_ast, arg, shift, pos)
elif name in [names.BITWISE_AND, names.BITWISE_OR, names.BITWISE_XOR]:
a = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
b = self.translate(node.args[1], res, ctx)
funcs = {
names.BITWISE_AND: helpers.bitwise_and,
names.BITWISE_OR: helpers.bitwise_or,
names.BITWISE_XOR: helpers.bitwise_xor
return funcs[name](self.viper_ast, a, b, pos)
elif name == names.BITWISE_NOT:
arg = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
return helpers.bitwise_not(self.viper_ast, arg, pos)
elif name == names.AS_WEI_VALUE:
arg = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
second_arg = node.args[1]
assert isinstance(second_arg, ast.Str)
unit = second_arg.s
unit_pos = self.to_position(second_arg, ctx)
multiplier = next(v for k, v in names.ETHER_UNITS.items() if unit in k)
multiplier_lit = self.viper_ast.IntLit(multiplier, unit_pos)
num = self.viper_ast.Mul(arg, multiplier_lit, pos)
if types.is_bounded(node.type):
self.arithmetic_translator.check_under_overflow(num, node.type, res, ctx, pos)
return num
elif name == names.AS_UNITLESS_NUMBER:
return self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
elif name == names.LEN:
arr = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
return helpers.array_length(self.viper_ast, arr, pos)
elif name == names.RANGE:
if len(node.args) == 1:
start = self.viper_ast.IntLit(0, pos)
end = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
start = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
end = self.translate(node.args[1], res, ctx)
return helpers.range(self.viper_ast, start, end, pos)
elif name == names.CONCAT:
concats = [self.translate(arg, res, ctx) for arg in node.args]
def concat(arguments):
argument, *tail = arguments
if not tail:
return argument
return self.viper_ast.SeqAppend(argument, concat(tail), pos)
return concat(concats)
elif name == names.EXTRACT32:
b = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
b_len = helpers.array_length(self.viper_ast, b, pos)
zero = self.viper_ast.IntLit(0, pos)
start = self.translate(node.args[1], res, ctx)
lit_32 = self.viper_ast.IntLit(32, pos)
end = self.viper_ast.Add(lit_32, start, pos)
# General revert conditions
start_is_negative = self.viper_ast.LtCmp(start, zero, pos)
seq_too_small = self.viper_ast.LtCmp(b_len, end, pos)
cond = self.viper_ast.Or(start_is_negative, seq_too_small)
self.fail_if(cond, [], res, ctx, pos)
# Convert byte list to desired type
b_sliced = self.viper_ast.SeqTake(b, end, pos)
b_sliced = self.viper_ast.SeqDrop(b_sliced, start, pos)
b_bytes32 = helpers.pad32(self.viper_ast, b_sliced, pos)
with switch(node.type) as case:
if case(types.VYPER_BYTES32):
i = b_bytes32
elif case(types.VYPER_INT128):
i = helpers.convert_bytes32_to_signed_int(self.viper_ast, b_bytes32, pos)
self.arithmetic_translator.check_under_overflow(i, types.VYPER_INT128, res, ctx, pos)
elif case(types.VYPER_ADDRESS):
i = helpers.convert_bytes32_to_unsigned_int(self.viper_ast, b_bytes32, pos)
self.arithmetic_translator.check_under_overflow(i, types.VYPER_ADDRESS, res, ctx, pos)
assert False
return i
elif name == names.EMPTY:
return self.type_translator.default_value(node, node.type, res, ctx)
elif name == names.CONVERT:
from_type = node.args[0].type
to_type = node.type
arg = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
if isinstance(from_type, ArrayType) and from_type.element_type == types.VYPER_BYTE:
if from_type.size > 32:
raise UnsupportedException(node, 'Unsupported type converison.')
# If we convert a byte array to some type, we simply pad it to a bytes32 and
# proceed as if we had been given a bytes32
arg = helpers.pad32(self.viper_ast, arg, pos)
from_type = types.VYPER_BYTES32
zero = self.viper_ast.IntLit(0, pos)
one = self.viper_ast.IntLit(1, pos)
zero_list = [0] * 32
one_list = [0] * 31 + [1]
zero_array = self.viper_ast.ExplicitSeq([self.viper_ast.IntLit(i, pos) for i in zero_list], pos)
one_array = self.viper_ast.ExplicitSeq([self.viper_ast.IntLit(i, pos) for i in one_list], pos)
with switch(from_type, to_type) as case:
from twovyper.utils import _
# If both types are equal (e.g. if we convert a literal) we simply
# return the argument
if case(_, _, where=from_type == to_type):
return arg
# --------------------- bool -> ? ---------------------
# If we convert from a bool we translate True as 1 and False as 0
elif case(types.VYPER_BOOL, types.VYPER_DECIMAL):
d_one = 1 * types.VYPER_DECIMAL.scaling_factor
d_one_lit = self.viper_ast.IntLit(d_one, pos)
return helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, self.viper_ast.CondExp(arg, d_one_lit, zero, pos))
elif case(types.VYPER_BOOL, types.VYPER_BYTES32):
return self.viper_ast.CondExp(arg, one_array, zero_array, pos)
elif case(types.VYPER_BOOL, _, where=types.is_numeric(to_type)):
return helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, self.viper_ast.CondExp(arg, one, zero, pos))
elif case(types.VYPER_BOOL, _):
return self.viper_ast.CondExp(arg, one, zero, pos)
# --------------------- ? -> bool ---------------------
# If we convert to a bool we check for zero
elif case(types.VYPER_BYTES32, types.VYPER_BOOL):
return self.viper_ast.NeCmp(arg, zero_array, pos)
elif case(_, types.VYPER_BOOL):
return self.viper_ast.NeCmp(arg, zero, pos)
# --------------------- decimal -> ? ---------------------
elif case(types.VYPER_DECIMAL, types.VYPER_INT128):
s = self.viper_ast.IntLit(types.VYPER_DECIMAL.scaling_factor, pos)
return helpers.div(self.viper_ast, arg, s, pos)
elif case(types.VYPER_DECIMAL, types.VYPER_UINT256):
s = self.viper_ast.IntLit(types.VYPER_DECIMAL.scaling_factor, pos)
div = helpers.div(self.viper_ast, arg, s, pos)
self.arithmetic_translator.check_underflow(div, to_type, res, ctx, pos)
return div
elif case(types.VYPER_DECIMAL, types.VYPER_BYTES32):
return helpers.convert_signed_int_to_bytes32(self.viper_ast, arg, pos)
# --------------------- int128 -> ? ---------------------
elif case(types.VYPER_INT128, types.VYPER_DECIMAL):
s = self.viper_ast.IntLit(types.VYPER_DECIMAL.scaling_factor, pos)
return self.viper_ast.Mul(arg, s, pos)
# When converting a signed number to an unsigned number we revert if
# the argument is negative
elif case(types.VYPER_INT128, types.VYPER_UINT256):
self.arithmetic_translator.check_underflow(arg, to_type, res, ctx, pos)
return arg
elif case(types.VYPER_INT128, types.VYPER_BYTES32):
return helpers.convert_signed_int_to_bytes32(self.viper_ast, arg, pos)
# --------------------- uint256 -> ? ---------------------
elif case(types.VYPER_UINT256, types.VYPER_DECIMAL):
s = self.viper_ast.IntLit(types.VYPER_DECIMAL.scaling_factor, pos)
mul = self.viper_ast.Mul(arg, s, pos)
self.arithmetic_translator.check_overflow(mul, to_type, res, ctx, pos)
return mul
# If we convert an unsigned to a signed value we simply return
# the argument, given that it fits
elif case(types.VYPER_UINT256, types.VYPER_INT128):
self.arithmetic_translator.check_overflow(arg, to_type, res, ctx, pos)
return arg
elif case(types.VYPER_UINT256, types.VYPER_BYTES32):
return helpers.convert_unsigned_int_to_bytes32(self.viper_ast, arg, pos)
# --------------------- bytes32 -> ? ---------------------
elif case(types.VYPER_BYTES32, types.VYPER_DECIMAL) or case(types.VYPER_BYTES32, types.VYPER_INT128):
i = helpers.convert_bytes32_to_signed_int(self.viper_ast, arg, pos)
self.arithmetic_translator.check_under_overflow(i, to_type, res, ctx, pos)
return i
elif case(types.VYPER_BYTES32, types.VYPER_UINT256):
# uint256 and bytes32 have the same size, so no overflow check is necessary
return helpers.convert_bytes32_to_unsigned_int(self.viper_ast, arg, pos)
raise UnsupportedException(node, 'Unsupported type converison.')
elif name == names.KECCAK256:
arg = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
return helpers.keccak256(self.viper_ast, arg, pos)
elif name == names.SHA256:
arg = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
return helpers.sha256(self.viper_ast, arg, pos)
elif name == names.BLOCKHASH:
arg = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
block = ctx.block_var.local_var(ctx)
number_type = self.type_translator.translate(types.BLOCK_TYPE.member_types[names.BLOCK_NUMBER], ctx)
block_number = helpers.struct_get(self.viper_ast, block, names.BLOCK_NUMBER, number_type,
types.BLOCK_TYPE, pos)
# Only the last 256 blocks (before the current block) are available in blockhash, else we revert
lt = self.viper_ast.LtCmp(arg, block_number, pos)
last_256 = self.viper_ast.Sub(block_number, self.viper_ast.IntLit(256, pos), pos)
ge = self.viper_ast.GeCmp(arg, last_256, pos)
cond = self.viper_ast.Not(self.viper_ast.And(lt, ge, pos), pos)
self.fail_if(cond, [], res, ctx, pos)
return helpers.blockhash(self.viper_ast, arg, ctx, pos)
elif name == names.METHOD_ID:
arg = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
return helpers.method_id(self.viper_ast, arg, node.type.size, pos)
elif name == names.ECRECOVER:
args = [self.translate(arg, res, ctx) for arg in node.args]
return helpers.ecrecover(self.viper_ast, args, pos)
elif name == names.ECADD or name == names.ECMUL:
args = [self.translate(arg, res, ctx) for arg in node.args]
fail_var_name = ctx.new_local_var_name('$fail')
fail_var_decl = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(fail_var_name, self.viper_ast.Bool, pos)
fail_var = fail_var_decl.localVar()
self.fail_if(fail_var, [], res, ctx, pos)
if name == names.ECADD:
return helpers.ecadd(self.viper_ast, args, pos)
return helpers.ecmul(self.viper_ast, args, pos)
elif name == names.SELFDESTRUCT:
to = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
self_var = ctx.self_var.local_var(ctx)
self_type = ctx.self_type
balance = self.balance_translator.get_balance(self_var, ctx, pos)
if ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_ALLOCATION):
self.allocation_translator.deallocate_wei(node, to, balance, res, ctx, pos)
val = self.viper_ast.TrueLit(pos)
member = mangled.SELFDESTRUCT_FIELD
viper_type = self.type_translator.translate(self_type.member_types[member], ctx)
sset = helpers.struct_set(self.viper_ast, self_var, val, member, viper_type, self_type, pos)
res.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(self_var, sset, pos))
self.balance_translator.increase_sent(to, balance, res, ctx, pos)
zero = self.viper_ast.IntLit(0, pos)
bset = self.balance_translator.set_balance(self_var, zero, ctx, pos)
res.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(self_var, bset, pos))
res.append(self.viper_ast.Goto(ctx.return_label, pos))
return None
elif name == names.ASSERT_MODIFIABLE:
cond = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
not_cond = self.viper_ast.Not(cond, pos)
self.fail_if(not_cond, [], res, ctx, pos)
return None
elif name == names.SEND:
to = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
amount = self.translate(node.args[1], res, ctx)
_, expr = self._translate_external_call(node, to, amount, False, res, ctx)
return expr
elif name == names.RAW_CALL:
# Translate the callee address
to = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
# Translate the data expression (bytes)
_ = self.translate(node.args[1], res, ctx)
amount = self.viper_ast.IntLit(0, pos)
is_static = False
for kw in node.keywords:
arg = self.translate(kw.value, res, ctx)
if == names.RAW_CALL_VALUE:
amount = arg
elif == names.RAW_CALL_IS_STATIC_CALL:
assert isinstance(kw.value, ast.Bool)
is_static = kw.value.value
_, call = self._translate_external_call(node, to, amount, is_static, res, ctx)
return call
elif name == names.RAW_LOG:
_ = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
_ = self.translate(node.args[1], res, ctx)
# Since we don't know what raw_log logs, any event could have been emitted.
# Therefore we create a fresh var and do
# if var == 0:
# log.event1(...)
# elif var == 1:
# log.event2(...)
# ...
# for all events to indicate that at most one event has been emitted.
var_name = ctx.new_local_var_name('$a')
var_decl = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(var_name, self.viper_ast.Int, pos)
var = var_decl.localVar()
for idx, event in enumerate(
condition = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(var, self.viper_ast.IntLit(idx, pos), pos)
args = []
for arg_type in event.type.arg_types:
arg_name = ctx.new_local_var_name('$arg')
arg_type = self.type_translator.translate(arg_type, ctx)
arg = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(arg_name, arg_type, pos)
log_event = []
self.log_event(event, args, log_event, ctx, pos)
res.append(self.viper_ast.If(condition, log_event, [], pos))
return None
elif name == names.CREATE_FORWARDER_TO:
at = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
if node.keywords:
amount = self.translate(node.keywords[0].value, res, ctx)
if ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_ALLOCATION):
msg_sender = helpers.msg_sender(self.viper_ast, ctx, pos)
self.allocation_translator.deallocate_wei(node, msg_sender, amount, res, ctx, pos)
self.balance_translator.check_balance(amount, res, ctx, pos)
self.balance_translator.increase_sent(at, amount, res, ctx, pos)
self.balance_translator.decrease_balance(amount, res, ctx, pos)
new_name = ctx.new_local_var_name('$new')
viper_type = self.type_translator.translate(node.type, ctx)
new_var_decl = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(new_name, viper_type, pos)
new_var = new_var_decl.localVar()
eq_zero = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(new_var, self.viper_ast.IntLit(0, pos), pos)
self.fail_if(eq_zero, [], res, ctx, pos)
return new_var
# This is a struct initializer
elif len(node.args) == 1 and isinstance(node.args[0], ast.Dict):
first_arg = node.args[0]
assert isinstance(first_arg, ast.Dict)
exprs = {}
for key, value in zip(first_arg.keys, first_arg.values):
value_expr = self.translate(value, res, ctx)
idx = node.type.member_indices[]
exprs[idx] = value_expr
init_args = [exprs[i] for i in range(len(exprs))]
init = helpers.struct_init(self.viper_ast, init_args, node.type, pos)
return init
# This is a contract / interface initializer
elif name in ctx.current_program.contracts or name in ctx.current_program.interfaces:
return self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
elif name in names.GHOST_STATEMENTS:
return self.spec_translator.translate_ghost_statement(node, res, ctx)
assert False
def translate_ReceiverCall(self, node: ast.ReceiverCall, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
name =
args = [self.translate(arg, res, ctx) for arg in node.args]
rec_type = node.receiver.type
if isinstance(rec_type, types.SelfType):
call_result = self.function_translator.inline(node, args, res, ctx)
return call_result
elif isinstance(rec_type, (ContractType, InterfaceType)):
to = self.translate(node.receiver, res, ctx)
val_idx = first_index(lambda n: == names.RAW_CALL_VALUE, node.keywords)
if val_idx >= 0:
amount = self.translate(node.keywords[val_idx].value, res, ctx)
amount = None
if isinstance(rec_type, ContractType):
const = rec_type.function_modifiers[] == names.CONSTANT
pure = rec_type.function_modifiers[] == names.PURE
_, call_result = self._translate_external_call(node, to, amount, const or pure, res, ctx)
interface = ctx.program.interfaces[]
function = interface.functions[name]
const = function.is_constant()
# If the function is payable, but no ether is sent, revert
# If the function is not payable, but ether is sent, revert
zero = self.viper_ast.IntLit(0, pos)
if function.is_payable():
cond = self.viper_ast.LeCmp(amount, zero, pos) if amount else self.viper_ast.TrueLit(pos)
cond = self.viper_ast.NeCmp(amount, zero, pos) if amount else self.viper_ast.FalseLit(pos)
self.fail_if(cond, [], res, ctx, pos)
known = (interface, function, args)
succ, call_result = self._translate_external_call(node, to, amount, const, res, ctx, known)
return call_result
assert isinstance(node.receiver, ast.Name)
if == names.LOG:
event =[name]
self.log_event(event, args, res, ctx, pos)
return None
elif == names.LEMMA:
lemma = ctx.program.lemmas[]
mangled_name = mangled.lemma_name(
call_pos = self.to_position(lemma.node, ctx)
via = Via('lemma', call_pos)
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx, vias=[via], rules=rules.LEMMA_FAIL, values={'function': lemma})
args = [self.translate_top_level_expression(arg, res, ctx) for arg in node.args]
for idx, arg_var in enumerate(lemma.args.values()):
if types.is_numeric(arg_var.type):
if self.arithmetic_translator.is_unwrapped(args[idx]):
args[idx] = helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, args[idx], pos)
viper_ast = self.viper_ast
if isinstance(viper_ast, WrappedViperAST):
viper_ast = viper_ast.viper_ast
return viper_ast.FuncApp(mangled_name, args, pos, type=self.viper_ast.Bool)
assert False
def assert_caller_private(self, modelt: ModelTransformation, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, vias: List[Via] = None):
for interface_type in ctx.program.implements:
interface = ctx.program.interfaces[]
with ctx.program_scope(interface):
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.current_state, ctx.current_old_state):
for caller_private in interface.caller_private:
pos = self.to_position(caller_private, ctx, rules.CALLER_PRIVATE_FAIL, vias or [], modelt)
# Quantified variable
q_name = mangled.quantifier_var_name(mangled.CALLER)
q_var = TranslatedVar(mangled.CALLER, q_name, types.VYPER_ADDRESS, self.viper_ast, pos)
ctx.locals[mangled.CALLER] = q_var
# $caller != msg.sender ==> Expr == old(Expr)
msg_sender = helpers.msg_sender(self.viper_ast, ctx, pos)
ignore_cond = self.viper_ast.NeCmp(msg_sender, q_var.local_var(ctx, pos), pos)
_, curr_caller_private = self.spec_translator.translate_caller_private(caller_private, ctx)
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.current_old_state, ctx.current_old_state):
cond, old_caller_private = self.spec_translator\
.translate_caller_private(caller_private, ctx)
ignore_cond = self.viper_ast.And(ignore_cond, cond, pos)
caller_private_cond = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(curr_caller_private, old_caller_private, pos)
expr = self.viper_ast.Implies(ignore_cond, caller_private_cond, pos)
# Address type assumption
type_assumptions = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(q_var.local_var(ctx), q_var.type, ctx)
type_assumptions = reduce(self.viper_ast.And, type_assumptions, self.viper_ast.TrueLit())
expr = self.viper_ast.Implies(type_assumptions, expr, pos)
# Assertion
forall = self.viper_ast.Forall([q_var.var_decl(ctx)], [], expr, pos)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(forall, pos))
def assume_own_resources_stayed_constant(self, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
if not ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_ALLOCATION):
interface_names = [ for t in ctx.current_program.implements]
interfaces = [ctx.current_program.interfaces[name] for name in interface_names]
# The underlying wei resource must be translated differently. Therefore, exclude it for the moment.
own_resources = [(name, resource) for name, resource in ctx.current_program.own_resources.items()
if name != names.UNDERLYING_WEI]
for i in interfaces:
interface_resources = [(name, resource) for name, resource in i.own_resources.items()
if name != names.UNDERLYING_WEI]
translated_resources1 = self.resource_translator\
.translate_resources_for_quantified_expr(own_resources, ctx, pos)
translated_resources2 = self.resource_translator\
.translate_resources_for_quantified_expr(own_resources, ctx, pos, args_idx_start=len(translated_resources1))
# Special translation for creator resources
creator_resource = helpers.creator_resource()
arg = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(f'$arg$$1', helpers.struct_type(self.viper_ast), pos)
t_resource = self.resource_translator.creator_resource(arg.localVar(), ctx, pos)
translated_resources1.append((t_resource, [arg], self.viper_ast.TrueLit()))
arg = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(f'$arg$$2', helpers.struct_type(self.viper_ast), pos)
t_resource = self.resource_translator.creator_resource(arg.localVar(), ctx, pos)
translated_resources2.append((t_resource, [arg], self.viper_ast.TrueLit()))
# forall({r: own Resources}, allocated[r]() == old(allocated[r]()))
current_allocated = ctx.current_state[mangled.ALLOCATED].local_var(ctx)
old_allocated = ctx.current_old_state[mangled.ALLOCATED].local_var(ctx)
for t_resource, args, type_cond in translated_resources1:
current_allocated_map = self.allocation_translator.get_allocated_map(current_allocated, t_resource, ctx)
old_allocated_map = self.allocation_translator.get_allocated_map(old_allocated, t_resource, ctx)
allocated_eq = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(current_allocated_map, old_allocated_map, pos)
trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([current_allocated_map, t_resource], pos)
forall_eq = self.viper_ast.Forall([*args], [trigger],
self.viper_ast.Implies(type_cond, allocated_eq, pos), pos)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(forall_eq, pos))
# trusted(self) == old(trusted(self))
current_trusted = ctx.current_state[mangled.TRUSTED].local_var(ctx)
old_trusted = ctx.current_old_state[mangled.TRUSTED].local_var(ctx)
self_addr = ctx.self_address or helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast, pos)
current_trusted_map = self.allocation_translator.get_trusted_map(current_trusted, self_addr, ctx)
old_trusted_map = self.allocation_translator.get_trusted_map(old_trusted, self_addr, ctx)
eq = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(current_trusted_map, old_trusted_map, pos)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(eq, pos))
# Quantified address variable
address = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$a', self.viper_ast.Int)
address_var = address.localVar()
address_type_conds = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(address_var, types.VYPER_ADDRESS, ctx)
address_type_cond = reduce(lambda l, r: self.viper_ast.And(l, r, pos),
address_type_conds, self.viper_ast.TrueLit())
# forall({r1: own Resources, r2: own Resources}, offered[r1 <-> r2]() == old(offered[r1 <-> r2]())
current_offered = ctx.current_state[mangled.OFFERED].local_var(ctx)
old_offered = ctx.current_old_state[mangled.OFFERED].local_var(ctx)
for index, (t_resource1, args1, type_cond1) in enumerate(translated_resources1):
resource1 = own_resources[index][1] if index < len(own_resources) else None
for t_resource2, args2, type_cond2 in translated_resources2:
current_offered_map = self.allocation_translator.get_offered_map(current_offered, t_resource1,
t_resource2, ctx)
old_offered_map = self.allocation_translator.get_offered_map(old_offered, t_resource1, t_resource2, ctx)
offered_eq = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(current_offered_map, old_offered_map, pos)
type_cond = self.viper_ast.And(type_cond1, type_cond2)
forall_eq = self.viper_ast.Forall(
[*args1, *args2], [self.viper_ast.Trigger([current_offered_map], pos),
self.viper_ast.Trigger([old_offered_map], pos)],
self.viper_ast.Implies(type_cond, offered_eq, pos), pos)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(forall_eq, pos))
if resource1 is not None and resource1.underlying_resource is not None:
if == names.WEI:
t_underlying_resource = self.resource_translator.underlying_wei_resource(ctx)
t_underlying_address = self.spec_translator.translate(resource1.underlying_address, res, ctx)
args = self.viper_ast.to_list(t_resource1.getArgs())
assert isinstance(resource1.type, types.DerivedResourceType)
t_underlying_resource = helpers.struct_init(self.viper_ast, args,
current_offered_map = self.allocation_translator.get_offered_map(current_offered, t_resource1,
t_underlying_resource, ctx)
old_offered_map = self.allocation_translator.get_offered_map(old_offered, t_resource1,
t_underlying_resource, ctx)
offered_eq = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(current_offered_map, old_offered_map, pos)
forall_eq = self.viper_ast.Forall(
[*args1], [self.viper_ast.Trigger([current_offered_map], pos),
self.viper_ast.Trigger([old_offered_map], pos)],
self.viper_ast.Implies(type_cond1, offered_eq, pos), pos)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(forall_eq, pos))
no_offers = helpers.no_offers(self.viper_ast, old_offered, t_resource1, address_var)
curr_no_offers = helpers.no_offers(self.viper_ast, current_offered, t_resource1, address_var)
implies = self.viper_ast.Implies(no_offers, curr_no_offers, pos)
trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([curr_no_offers], pos)
type_cond = self.viper_ast.And(type_cond1, address_type_cond)
forall_eq = self.viper_ast.Forall([address, *args1], [trigger],
self.viper_ast.Implies(type_cond, implies))
res.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(forall_eq, pos))
def assume_interface_resources_stayed_constant(self, interface, interface_inst, res, ctx: Context, pos=None):
if isinstance(interface, VyperProgram):
with ctx.program_scope(interface):
with ctx.self_address_scope(interface_inst):
self.assume_own_resources_stayed_constant(res, ctx, pos)
def _implicit_resource_caller_private_expressions(self, interface, self_address, res, ctx, pos=None):
if not ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_ALLOCATION):
body = []
# Quantified self address
q_self_address_from_context = []
q_self_address_name = mangled.quantifier_var_name(names.INTERFACE)
q_self_address = ctx.quantified_vars.get(q_self_address_name)
if q_self_address is not None:
q_self_address_from_context = [q_self_address.var_decl(ctx)]
# Interface Address
interface_addr = ctx.self_address or helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast)
# Quantified address variable
address = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$a', self.viper_ast.Int)
address_var = address.localVar()
type_conds = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(address_var, types.VYPER_ADDRESS, ctx)
type_cond = reduce(lambda l, r: self.viper_ast.And(l, r, pos), type_conds, self.viper_ast.TrueLit())
# forall({a: address}, trusted(a, by=self, where=interface)
# == old(trusted(a, by=self, where=interface)))
current_trusted = ctx.current_state[mangled.TRUSTED].local_var(ctx)
old_trusted = ctx.current_old_state[mangled.TRUSTED].local_var(ctx)
curr_trusted_value = self.allocation_translator.get_trusted(current_trusted, interface_addr,
address_var, self_address, ctx)
old_trusted_value = self.allocation_translator.get_trusted(old_trusted, interface_addr,
address_var, self_address, ctx)
trusted_eq = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(curr_trusted_value, old_trusted_value)
forall_eq = self.viper_ast.Forall([address, *q_self_address_from_context],
[self.viper_ast.Trigger([old_trusted_value], pos),
self.viper_ast.Trigger([curr_trusted_value], pos)],
self.viper_ast.Implies(type_cond, trusted_eq))
body.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(forall_eq, pos))
current_trust_no_one = helpers.trust_no_one(self.viper_ast, current_trusted, self_address, interface_addr)
old_trust_no_one = helpers.trust_no_one(self.viper_ast, old_trusted, self_address, interface_addr)
forall_implies = self.viper_ast.Forall([*q_self_address_from_context],
[self.viper_ast.Trigger([current_trust_no_one], pos),
self.viper_ast.Trigger([old_trust_no_one], pos)],
self.viper_ast.Implies(old_trust_no_one, current_trust_no_one))
body.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(forall_implies, pos))
# Declared resources of interface
resources = interface.declared_resources.items()
translated_resources1 = self.resource_translator.translate_resources_for_quantified_expr(resources, ctx)
translated_resources2 = self.resource_translator\
.translate_resources_for_quantified_expr(resources, ctx, args_idx_start=len(translated_resources1))
# No trust condition
trust_no_one = helpers.trust_no_one(self.viper_ast, old_trusted,
self_address, interface_addr)
# Quantified offer struct variable
offer = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$o', helpers.struct_type(self.viper_ast))
offer_var = offer.localVar()
# Offered map type
offered_type = helpers.offered_type()
k_type = self.type_translator.translate(offered_type.value_type.value_type.key_type, ctx)
v_type = self.type_translator.translate(offered_type.value_type.value_type.value_type, ctx)
# forall({r1: Resource on interface, r2: Resource on interface, o: Offer},
# trust_no_one(self, interface) ==> old(offered[r1 <-> r2][o]) == 0 ==>
# offered[r1 <-> r2][o] == 0)
current_offered = ctx.current_state[mangled.OFFERED].local_var(ctx)
old_offered = ctx.current_old_state[mangled.OFFERED].local_var(ctx)
for t_resource1, args1, type_cond1 in translated_resources1:
for t_resource2, args2, type_cond2 in translated_resources2:
current_offered_map = self.allocation_translator \
.get_offered_map(current_offered, t_resource1, t_resource2, ctx)
old_offered_map = self.allocation_translator \
.get_offered_map(old_offered, t_resource1, t_resource2, ctx)
current_offered_map_get = helpers.map_get(self.viper_ast, current_offered_map,
offer_var, k_type, v_type)
old_offered_map_get = helpers.map_get(self.viper_ast, old_offered_map,
offer_var, k_type, v_type)
offered_eq = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(current_offered_map_get, old_offered_map_get)
type_cond = self.viper_ast.And(type_cond1, type_cond2)
cond = self.viper_ast.And(trust_no_one, type_cond)
forall_eq = self.viper_ast.Forall([offer, *args1, *args2, *q_self_address_from_context],
[self.viper_ast.Trigger([current_offered_map_get], pos),
self.viper_ast.Trigger([old_offered_map_get], pos)],
self.viper_ast.Implies(cond, offered_eq))
body.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(forall_eq, pos))
# forall({r: Resource on interface}, trust_no_one(self, interface)
# and no_offers[r](self) ==> allocated[r](self) >= old(allocated[r](self)))
current_allocated = ctx.current_state[mangled.ALLOCATED].local_var(ctx)
old_allocated = ctx.current_old_state[mangled.ALLOCATED].local_var(ctx)
for t_resource, args, type_cond in translated_resources1:
# No offers condition
no_offers = helpers.no_offers(self.viper_ast, old_offered, t_resource, self_address)
curr_no_offers = helpers.no_offers(self.viper_ast, current_offered, t_resource, self_address)
current_allocated_map = self.allocation_translator \
.get_allocated(current_allocated, t_resource, self_address, ctx)
old_allocated_map = self.allocation_translator \
.get_allocated(old_allocated, t_resource, self_address, ctx)
allocated_geq = self.viper_ast.GeCmp(current_allocated_map, old_allocated_map, pos)
cond = self.viper_ast.And(trust_no_one, no_offers)
allocated_geq = self.viper_ast.Implies(cond, allocated_geq)
forall_implies = self.viper_ast.Forall([*args, *q_self_address_from_context],
[self.viper_ast.Trigger([current_allocated_map], pos),
self.viper_ast.Trigger([old_allocated_map], pos)],
self.viper_ast.Implies(type_cond, allocated_geq, pos), pos)
body.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(forall_implies, pos))
forall_implies = self.viper_ast.Forall([*args, *q_self_address_from_context],
[self.viper_ast.Trigger([no_offers], pos),
self.viper_ast.Trigger([curr_no_offers], pos)],
self.viper_ast.Implies(no_offers, curr_no_offers, pos), pos)
body.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(forall_implies, pos))
self.seqn_with_info(body, f"Implicit caller private expr of resources in interface {}", res)
def implicit_resource_caller_private_expressions(self, interface, interface_inst, self_address,
res, ctx: Context, pos=None):
if isinstance(interface, VyperInterface):
with ctx.program_scope(interface):
with ctx.self_address_scope(interface_inst):
self._implicit_resource_caller_private_expressions(interface, self_address, res, ctx, pos)
def assume_contract_state(self, known_interface_refs: List[Tuple[str, Expr]], res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context,
receiver: Optional[Expr] = None, skip_caller_private=False):
for interface_name, interface_ref in known_interface_refs:
body = []
if not skip_caller_private:
# Assume caller private
interface = ctx.program.interfaces[interface_name]
with ctx.program_scope(interface):
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.current_state, ctx.current_old_state):
# Caller variable
mangled_name = ctx.new_local_var_name(mangled.CALLER)
caller_var = TranslatedVar(mangled.CALLER, mangled_name, types.VYPER_ADDRESS,
ctx.locals[mangled.CALLER] = caller_var
self_address = ctx.self_address or helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast)
if self.arithmetic_translator.is_wrapped(self_address):
self_address = helpers.w_unwrap(self.viper_ast, self_address)
assign = self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(caller_var.local_var(ctx), self_address)
with ctx.self_address_scope(interface_ref):
for caller_private in interface.caller_private:
pos = self.to_position(caller_private, ctx, rules.INHALE_CALLER_PRIVATE_FAIL)
# Caller private assumption
_, curr_caller_private = self.spec_translator\
.translate_caller_private(caller_private, ctx)
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.current_old_state, ctx.current_old_state):
cond, old_caller_private = self.spec_translator\
.translate_caller_private(caller_private, ctx)
caller_private_cond = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(curr_caller_private, old_caller_private, pos)
caller_private_cond = self.viper_ast.Implies(cond, caller_private_cond, pos)
body.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(caller_private_cond, pos))
self._implicit_resource_caller_private_expressions(interface, caller_var.local_var(ctx),
body, ctx)
if receiver and body:
neq_cmp = self.viper_ast.NeCmp(receiver, interface_ref)
body = helpers.flattened_conditional(self.viper_ast, neq_cmp, body, [])
# Assume interface invariants
interface = ctx.program.interfaces[interface_name]
with ctx.program_scope(interface):
with ctx.self_address_scope(interface_ref):
for inv in ctx.current_program.invariants:
cond = self.spec_translator.translate_invariant(inv, res, ctx, True)
i_pos = self.to_position(inv, ctx, rules.INHALE_INVARIANT_FAIL)
body.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(cond, i_pos))
if ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_TRUST_CASTS):
implements = helpers.implements(self.viper_ast, interface_ref, interface_name, ctx)
res.extend(helpers.flattened_conditional(self.viper_ast, implements, body, []))
def log_event(self, event: VyperEvent, args: List[Expr], res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
assert ctx
event_name = mangled.event_name(
pred_acc = self.viper_ast.PredicateAccess(args, event_name, pos)
one = self.viper_ast.FullPerm(pos)
pred_acc_pred = self.viper_ast.PredicateAccessPredicate(pred_acc, one, pos)
log = self.viper_ast.Inhale(pred_acc_pred, pos)
self.seqn_with_info([log], f"Event: {}", res)
def _translate_external_call(self,
node: ast.Expr,
to: Expr,
amount: Optional[Expr],
constant: bool,
res: List[Stmt],
ctx: Context,
known: Tuple[VyperInterface, VyperFunction, List[Expr]] = None) -> Tuple[Expr, Expr]:
# Sends are translated as follows:
# - Evaluate arguments to and amount
# - Check that balance is sufficient (self.balance >= amount) else revert
# - Increment sent by amount
# - Subtract amount from self.balance (self.balance -= amount)
# - If in init, set old_self to self if this is the first public state
# - Assert checks, own 'caller private' and inter contract invariants
# - The next step is only necessary if the function is modifying:
# - Create new old-contract state
# - Havoc contract state
# - Assert local state invariants
# - Fail based on an unknown value (i.e. the call could fail)
# - The next step is only necessary if the function is modifying:
# - Undo havocing of contract state
# - The next steps are only necessary if the function is modifying:
# - Create new old state which old in the invariants after the call refers to
# - Store state before call (To be used to restore old contract state)
# - Havoc state
# - Assume 'caller private' of interface state variables but NOT receiver
# - Assume invariants of interface state variables and receiver
# - Create new old-contract state
# - Havoc contract state
# - Assume type assumptions for self
# - Assume local state invariants (where old refers to the state before send)
# - Assume invariants of interface state variables and receiver
# - Assume transitive postcondition
# - Assume that there were no reentrant calls based on an unknown value
# - If there were no reentrant calls:
# - Restore state from old state
# - Restore old contract state
# - Create new old-contract state
# - Havoc contract state
# - Assume 'caller private' of interface state variables and receiver
# - Assert inter contract invariants (during call)
# - Create new old-contract state
# - Havoc contract state
# - Assume 'caller private' of interface state variables but NOT receiver
# - Assume invariants of interface state variables and receiver
# - Restore old contract state
# - In the case of an interface call:
# - Assume postconditions
# - The next step is only necessary if the function is modifying:
# - Assert inter contract invariants (after call)
# - Create new old state which subsequent old expressions refer to
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
self_var = ctx.self_var.local_var(ctx)
modifying = not constant
if known:
interface, function, args = known
interface = None
function = None
args = None
if amount:
self.balance_translator.check_balance(amount, res, ctx, pos)
self.balance_translator.increase_sent(to, amount, res, ctx, pos)
if ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_ALLOCATION):
self.allocation_translator.deallocate_wei(node, to, amount, res, ctx, pos)
self.balance_translator.decrease_balance(amount, res, ctx, pos)
general_stmts_for_performs = []
performs_as_stmts_generators = []
with ctx.inline_scope(None):
# Create pre_state for function call
def inlined_pre_state(name: str) -> str:
return ctx.inline_prefix + mangled.pre_state_var_name(name)
state_for_performs = self.state_translator.state(inlined_pre_state, ctx)
if modifying:
# Save the values of to, amount, and args, as self could be changed by reentrancy
if known:
def new_var(variable, name='v'):
name += '$'
var_name = ctx.new_local_var_name(name)
var_decl = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(var_name, variable.typ(), pos)
res.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(var_decl.localVar(), variable))
return var_decl.localVar()
to = new_var(to, 'to')
if amount:
amount = new_var(amount, 'amount')
# Force evaluation at this point
args = list(map(new_var, args))
if known and function.performs:
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.current_state, state_for_performs, general_stmts_for_performs, ctx)
performs_as_stmts = {}
performs_decider_variables = {}
sender_is_resource_address_map = {}
with ctx.program_scope(interface):
with ctx.self_address_scope(to):
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.current_state, ctx.current_old_state):
ctx.current_state[mangled.SELF] = state_for_performs[mangled.SELF]
ctx.current_state[mangled.CONTRACTS] = state_for_performs[mangled.CONTRACTS]
with ctx.interface_call_scope():
# Define new msg variable
msg_name = ctx.inline_prefix + mangled.MSG
msg_var = TranslatedVar(names.MSG, msg_name, types.MSG_TYPE, self.viper_ast)
ctx.locals[names.MSG] = msg_var
# Assume msg.sender == self and msg.value == amount
msg = msg_var.local_var(ctx)
svytype = types.MSG_TYPE.member_types[names.MSG_SENDER]
svitype = self.type_translator.translate(svytype, ctx)
msg_sender = helpers.struct_get(self.viper_ast, msg, names.MSG_SENDER,
svitype, types.MSG_TYPE)
self_address = helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast)
self.viper_ast.EqCmp(msg_sender, self_address)))
if amount:
vvytype = types.MSG_TYPE.member_types[names.MSG_VALUE]
vvitype = self.type_translator.translate(vvytype, ctx)
msg_value = helpers.struct_get(self.viper_ast, msg, names.MSG_VALUE,
vvitype, types.MSG_TYPE)
self.viper_ast.EqCmp(msg_value, amount)))
# Arguments as translated variables
args_as_translated_var = [
TranslatedVar(name,, arg.type, self.viper_ast,
is_local=not self.arithmetic_translator.is_wrapped(val))
for (name, arg), val in zip(function.args.items(), args)]
ctx.locals.update((, var) for var in args_as_translated_var)
# Assume performs clauses
with ctx.derived_resource_performs_scope():
for performs in function.performs:
performs, general_stmts_for_performs, ctx, is_performs=True)
zero = self.viper_ast.IntLit(0)
two = self.viper_ast.IntLit(2)
for performs_idx, performs in enumerate(function.performs):
location_address = self.allocation_translator.location_address_of_performs(
performs, res, ctx)
if location_address is not None:
sender_is_resource_address = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(msg_sender, location_address)
sender_is_resource_address = self.viper_ast.FalseLit()
perform_as_stmts = []
self.spec_translator.translate(performs, perform_as_stmts, ctx)
performs_var_name = ctx.new_local_var_name("performs_decider_var")
performs_var = TranslatedVar(performs_var_name, performs_var_name,
types.VYPER_UINT256, self.viper_ast)
ctx.locals[performs_var_name] = performs_var
performs_local_var = performs_var.local_var(ctx)
performs_var_ge_zero = self.viper_ast.GeCmp(performs_local_var, zero)
performs_var_le_two = self.viper_ast.LeCmp(performs_local_var, two)
cond = self.viper_ast.And(performs_var_ge_zero, performs_var_le_two)
performs_as_stmts[performs_idx] = perform_as_stmts
performs_decider_variables[performs_idx] = performs_local_var
sender_is_resource_address_map[performs_idx] = sender_is_resource_address
def conditional_perform_generator(p_idx: int) -> Callable[[int], List[Stmt]]:
def conditional_perform(index: int) -> List[Stmt]:
if index >= 0:
idx = self.viper_ast.IntLit(index)
decider_eq_idx = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(
performs_decider_variables[p_idx], idx)
cond_for_perform = self.viper_ast.And(
decider_eq_idx, self.viper_ast.Not(
return helpers.flattened_conditional(self.viper_ast, cond_for_perform,
performs_as_stmts[p_idx], [])
return helpers.flattened_conditional(
self.viper_ast, sender_is_resource_address_map[performs_idx],
performs_as_stmts[p_idx], [])
return conditional_perform
# In init set the old self state to the current self state, if this is the
# first public state.
if == names.INIT:
self.state_translator.check_first_public_state(res, ctx, True)
modelt = self.model_translator.save_variables(res, ctx, pos)
self.assert_caller_private(modelt, res, ctx, [Via('external function call', pos)])
for check in chain(ctx.function.checks, ctx.program.general_checks):
check_cond = self.spec_translator.translate_check(check, res, ctx)
via = [Via('check', check_cond.pos())]
check_pos = self.to_position(node, ctx, rules.CALL_CHECK_FAIL, via, modelt)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(check_cond, check_pos))
def assert_invariants(inv_getter: Callable[[Context], List[ast.Expr]], rule: rules.Rule) -> List[Stmt]:
res_list = []
# Assert implemented interface invariants
for implemented_interface in ctx.program.implements:
vyper_interface = ctx.program.interfaces[]
with ctx.program_scope(vyper_interface):
for inv in inv_getter(ctx):
translated_inv = self.spec_translator.translate_invariant(inv, res_list, ctx, True)
call_pos = self.to_position(node, ctx, rule, [Via('invariant', translated_inv.pos())], modelt)
res_list.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(translated_inv, call_pos))
# Assert own invariants
for inv in inv_getter(ctx):
# We ignore accessible because it only has to be checked in the end of
# the function
translated_inv = self.spec_translator.translate_invariant(inv, res_list, ctx, True)
call_pos = self.to_position(node, ctx, rule, [Via('invariant', translated_inv.pos())], modelt)
res_list.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(translated_inv, call_pos))
return res_list
def assume_invariants(inv_getter: Callable[[Context], List[ast.Expr]]) -> List[Stmt]:
res_list = []
# Assume implemented interface invariants
for implemented_interface in ctx.program.implements:
vyper_interface = ctx.program.interfaces[]
with ctx.program_scope(vyper_interface):
for inv in inv_getter(ctx):
translated_inv = self.spec_translator.translate_invariant(inv, res_list, ctx, True)
inv_pos = self.to_position(inv, ctx, rules.INHALE_INVARIANT_FAIL)
res_list.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(translated_inv, inv_pos))
# Assume own invariants
for inv in inv_getter(ctx):
translated_inv = self.spec_translator.translate_invariant(inv, res_list, ctx, True)
inv_pos = self.to_position(inv, ctx, rules.INHALE_INVARIANT_FAIL)
res_list.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(translated_inv, inv_pos))
return res_list
assert_inter_contract_invariants = assert_invariants(lambda c: c.current_program.inter_contract_invariants,
self.seqn_with_info(assert_inter_contract_invariants, "Assert inter contract invariants before call", res)
assert_derived_resource_invariants = [self.viper_ast.Assert(expr, expr.pos())
for expr in ctx.derived_resources_invariants(node)]
self.seqn_with_info(assert_derived_resource_invariants, "Assert derived resource invariants before call", res)
self.forget_about_all_events(res, ctx, pos)
if modifying:
# Copy contract state
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.current_state, ctx.current_old_state, res, ctx,
unless=lambda n: n == mangled.SELF)
# Havoc contract state
self.state_translator.havoc_state(ctx.current_state, res, ctx,
unless=lambda n: n == mangled.SELF)
self.assume_own_resources_stayed_constant(res, ctx, pos)
assert_local_state_invariants = assert_invariants(lambda c: c.current_program.local_state_invariants,
self.seqn_with_info(assert_local_state_invariants, "Assert local state invariants before call", res)
# We check that the invariant tracks all allocation by doing a leak check.
if ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_ALLOCATION):
self.allocation_translator.send_leak_check(node, res, ctx, pos)
send_fail_name = ctx.new_local_var_name('send_fail')
send_fail = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(send_fail_name, self.viper_ast.Bool)
fail_cond = send_fail.localVar()
if node.type:
ret_name = ctx.new_local_var_name('raw_ret')
ret_type = self.type_translator.translate(node.type, ctx)
ret_var = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(ret_name, ret_type, pos)
return_value = ret_var.localVar()
type_ass = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(return_value, node.type, ctx)
res.extend(self.viper_ast.Inhale(ass) for ass in type_ass)
return_value = None
call_failed = helpers.call_failed(self.viper_ast, to, pos)
self.fail_if(fail_cond, [call_failed], res, ctx, pos)
if isinstance(node, ast.ReceiverCall):
# If it is a receiver call and the receiver is null the transaction will revert.
self.fail_if(self.viper_ast.EqCmp(to, self.viper_ast.IntLit(0, pos), pos), [call_failed], res, ctx, pos)
with ctx.inline_scope(None):
# Create pre_state for function call
def inlined_pre_state(name: str) -> str:
return ctx.inline_prefix + mangled.pre_state_var_name(name)
old_state_for_postconditions = self.state_translator.state(inlined_pre_state, ctx)
with ctx.inline_scope(None):
# Create needed states to verify inter contract invariants
def inlined_pre_state(name: str) -> str:
return ctx.inline_prefix + mangled.pre_state_var_name(name)
old_state_for_inter_contract_invariant_during = self.state_translator.state(inlined_pre_state, ctx)
def inlined_old_state(name: str) -> str:
return ctx.inline_prefix + mangled.old_state_var_name(name)
curr_state_for_inter_contract_invariant_during = self.state_translator.state(inlined_old_state, ctx)
with ctx.inline_scope(None):
# Create needed states to verify inter contract invariants
def inlined_pre_state(name: str) -> str:
return ctx.inline_prefix + mangled.pre_state_var_name(name)
old_state_for_inter_contract_invariant_after = self.state_translator.state(inlined_pre_state, ctx)
def inlined_old_state(name: str) -> str:
return ctx.inline_prefix + mangled.old_state_var_name(name)
curr_state_for_inter_contract_invariant_after = self.state_translator.state(inlined_old_state, ctx)
known_interface_ref = []
if modifying:
# Collect known interface references
self_type = ctx.program.fields.type
for member_name, member_type in self_type.member_types.items():
viper_type = self.type_translator.translate(member_type, ctx)
if isinstance(member_type, types.InterfaceType):
get = helpers.struct_get(self.viper_ast, ctx.self_var.local_var(ctx), member_name,
viper_type, self_type)
known_interface_ref.append((, get))
for var in chain(ctx.locals.values(), ctx.args.values()):
assert isinstance(var, TranslatedVar)
if isinstance(var.type, types.InterfaceType):
known_interface_ref.append((, var.local_var(ctx)))
# Undo havocing of contract state
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.current_old_state, ctx.current_state, res, ctx,
unless=lambda n: n == mangled.SELF)
for val in chain(state_for_performs.values(),
ctx.new_local_vars.append(val.var_decl(ctx, pos))
# Copy state
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.current_state, ctx.current_old_state, res, ctx)
if modifying:
# Prepare old state for the postconditions of the external call
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.current_state, old_state_for_postconditions, res, ctx)
# Havoc state
self.state_translator.havoc_state(ctx.current_state, res, ctx,
unless=lambda n: n == mangled.SELF)
self.assume_own_resources_stayed_constant(res, ctx, pos)
# Prepare old state for inter contract invariants
assume_caller_private_without_receiver = []
self.assume_contract_state(known_interface_ref, assume_caller_private_without_receiver, ctx, to)
self.seqn_with_info(assume_caller_private_without_receiver, "Assume caller private for old state", res)
caller_address = ctx.self_address or helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast)
self.implicit_resource_caller_private_expressions(interface, to, caller_address, res, ctx)
res.extend(stmt for performs_as_stmts in performs_as_stmts_generators for stmt in performs_as_stmts(0))
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.current_state, old_state_for_inter_contract_invariant_during, res, ctx)
# Assume caller private and create new contract state
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.current_state, ctx.current_old_state, res, ctx,
unless=lambda n: n == mangled.SELF)
self.state_translator.havoc_state(ctx.current_state, res, ctx,
unless=lambda n: n == mangled.SELF)
self.assume_own_resources_stayed_constant(res, ctx, pos)
self.seqn_with_info(assume_caller_private_without_receiver, "Assume caller private", res)
self.implicit_resource_caller_private_expressions(interface, to, caller_address, res, ctx)
res.extend(stmt for performs_as_stmts in performs_as_stmts_generators for stmt in performs_as_stmts(1))
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.current_state, ctx.current_old_state, res, ctx,
unless=lambda n: n == mangled.SELF)
self.state_translator.havoc_state(ctx.current_state, res, ctx)
# We did not yet make any assumptions about the self state. #
# #
# The contract state (which models all self states of other contracts) is at a point where anything could #
# have happened, but it is before the receiver of the external call has made any re-entrant call to self. #
res.extend(stmt for performs_as_stmts in performs_as_stmts_generators for stmt in performs_as_stmts(-1))
type_ass = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(self_var, ctx.self_type, ctx)
assume_type_ass = [self.viper_ast.Inhale(inv) for inv in type_ass]
self.seqn_with_info(assume_type_ass, "Assume type assumptions", res)
assume_invs = []
for inv in ctx.unchecked_invariants():
assume_invs.extend(assume_invariants(lambda c: c.current_program.local_state_invariants))
self.seqn_with_info(assume_invs, "Assume local state invariants", res)
# Assume transitive postconditions
assume_transitive_posts = []
self.assume_contract_state(known_interface_ref, assume_transitive_posts, ctx, skip_caller_private=True)
for post in ctx.unchecked_transitive_postconditions():
for post in ctx.program.transitive_postconditions:
post_expr = self.spec_translator.translate_pre_or_postcondition(post, assume_transitive_posts, ctx)
ppos = self.to_position(post, ctx, rules.INHALE_POSTCONDITION_FAIL)
assume_transitive_posts.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(post_expr, ppos))
self.seqn_with_info(assume_transitive_posts, "Assume transitive postconditions", res)
no_reentrant_name = ctx.new_local_var_name('no_reentrant_call')
no_reentrant = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(no_reentrant_name, self.viper_ast.Bool)
no_reentrant_cond = no_reentrant.localVar()
# If there were no reentrant calls, reset the contract state.
use_zero_reentrant_call_state = []
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.current_old_state, ctx.current_state,
use_zero_reentrant_call_state, ctx)
res.extend(helpers.flattened_conditional(self.viper_ast, no_reentrant_cond,
use_zero_reentrant_call_state, []))
# At this point, we have a self state with all the assumptions of a self state in a public state. #
# This self state corresponds to the last state of self after any (zero or more) re-entrant calls. #
# #
# The contract state is at this point also at the public state after the last re-entrant call to self. #
# Due to re-entrant calls, any caller private expression might have gotten modified. But we can assume #
# that they are only modified by self and only in such a way as described in the #
# transitive postconditions. #
# Assume caller private in a new contract state
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.current_state, ctx.current_old_state, res, ctx,
unless=lambda n: n == mangled.SELF)
self.state_translator.havoc_state(ctx.current_state, res, ctx,
unless=lambda n: n == mangled.SELF)
self.assume_own_resources_stayed_constant(res, ctx, pos)
assume_caller_private = []
self.assume_contract_state(known_interface_ref, assume_caller_private, ctx)
self.seqn_with_info(assume_caller_private, "Assume caller private", res)
# Since no more re-entrant calls can happen, the self state does not change anymore. #
# #
# The contract state is at a point where the last call, which lead to a re-entrant call to self, returned. #
# We can assume all caller private expressions of self stayed constant, since the contract state above. #
# We can only assume that variables captured with a caller private expression did not change, since #
# any other contract might got called which could change everything except caller private expressions. #
# Store the states to assert the inter contract invariants during the call
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.current_state, curr_state_for_inter_contract_invariant_during,
res, ctx)
# Assume caller private in a new contract state
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.current_state, ctx.current_old_state, res, ctx,
unless=lambda n: n == mangled.SELF)
self.state_translator.havoc_state(ctx.current_state, res, ctx,
unless=lambda n: n == mangled.SELF)
self.assume_own_resources_stayed_constant(res, ctx, pos)
self.seqn_with_info(assume_caller_private_without_receiver, "Assume caller private", res)
self.implicit_resource_caller_private_expressions(interface, to, caller_address, res, ctx)
res.extend(stmt for performs_as_stmts in performs_as_stmts_generators for stmt in performs_as_stmts(2))
# The contract state is at the point where the external call returns. Since the last modeled public state, #
# any non-caller-private expression might have changed but also the caller private #
# expressions of the receiver. Therefore, we can only assume that all but the receiver's caller private #
# expressions stayed constant. #
# Store the states to assert the inter contract invariants after the call
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.current_state, curr_state_for_inter_contract_invariant_after, res, ctx)
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.current_old_state, old_state_for_inter_contract_invariant_after,
res, ctx)
# Assume caller private in a new contract state
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.current_state, ctx.current_old_state, res, ctx,
unless=lambda n: n == mangled.SELF)
self.state_translator.havoc_state(ctx.current_state, res, ctx,
unless=lambda n: n == mangled.SELF)
self.assume_own_resources_stayed_constant(res, ctx, pos)
self.seqn_with_info(assume_caller_private_without_receiver, "Assume caller private", res)
self.implicit_resource_caller_private_expressions(interface, to, caller_address, res, ctx)
# The contract is at the end of the external call, only changes to the caller private expressions of the #
# receiver of the external call could have happened. #
# This state models the same state as the previous. But, we must not assert the inter contract invariants #
# in the state where we assumed the postcondition. #
# Restore old state for postcondition
self.state_translator.copy_state(old_state_for_postconditions, ctx.current_old_state, res,
ctx, unless=lambda n: n == mangled.SELF)
# Assume type assumptions for allocation maps
{name: state for name, state in ctx.current_state.items() if StateTranslator.is_allocation(name)},
"State after call", res, ctx)
success = self.viper_ast.Not(fail_cond, pos)
amount = amount or self.viper_ast.IntLit(0)
# Assume postcondition of the external call
if known:
self._assume_interface_specifications(node, interface, function, args, to, amount, success,
return_value, res, ctx)
if modifying:
# Assert inter contract invariants during call
with ctx.state_scope(curr_state_for_inter_contract_invariant_during,
assert_invs = assert_invariants(lambda c: c.current_program.inter_contract_invariants,
self.seqn_with_info(assert_invs, "Assert inter contract invariants during call", res)
# Assert inter contract invariants after call
with ctx.state_scope(curr_state_for_inter_contract_invariant_after,
assert_invs = assert_invariants(lambda c: c.current_program.inter_contract_invariants,
self.seqn_with_info(assert_invs, "Assert inter contract invariants after call", res)
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.current_state, ctx.current_old_state, res, ctx)
return success, return_value
def forget_about_all_events(self, res, ctx, pos):
# We forget about events by exhaling all permissions to the event predicates, i.e.
# for all event predicates e we do
# exhale forall arg0, arg1, ... :: perm(e(arg0, arg1, ...)) > none ==> acc(e(...), perm(e(...)))
# We use an implication with a '> none' because of a bug in Carbon (TODO: issue #171) where it isn't possible
# to exhale no permissions under a quantifier.
for event in
event_name = mangled.event_name(
viper_types = [self.type_translator.translate(arg, ctx) for arg in event.type.arg_types]
event_args = [self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(f'$arg{idx}', viper_type, pos)
for idx, viper_type in enumerate(viper_types)]
local_args = [arg.localVar() for arg in event_args]
pa = self.viper_ast.PredicateAccess(local_args, event_name, pos)
perm = self.viper_ast.CurrentPerm(pa, pos)
pap = self.viper_ast.PredicateAccessPredicate(pa, perm, pos)
none = self.viper_ast.NoPerm(pos)
impl = self.viper_ast.Implies(self.viper_ast.GtCmp(perm, none, pos), pap)
trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([pa], pos)
forall = self.viper_ast.Forall(event_args, [trigger], impl, pos)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Exhale(forall, pos))
def log_all_events_zero_or_more_times(self, res, ctx, pos):
for event in
event_name = mangled.event_name(
viper_types = [self.type_translator.translate(arg, ctx) for arg in event.type.arg_types]
event_args = [self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(ctx.new_local_var_name('$arg'), arg_type, pos)
for arg_type in viper_types]
local_args = [arg.localVar() for arg in event_args]
ctx.event_vars[event_name] = local_args
# Inhale zero or more times write permission
# PermMul variable for unknown permission amount
var_name = ctx.new_local_var_name('$a')
var_decl = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(var_name, self.viper_ast.Int, pos)
var_perm_mul = var_decl.localVar()
ge_zero_cond = self.viper_ast.GeCmp(var_perm_mul, self.viper_ast.IntLit(0, pos), pos)
assume_ge_zero = self.viper_ast.Inhale(ge_zero_cond, pos)
# PredicateAccessPredicate
pred_acc = self.viper_ast.PredicateAccess(local_args, event_name, pos)
perm_mul = self.viper_ast.IntPermMul(var_perm_mul, self.viper_ast.FullPerm(pos), pos)
pred_acc_pred = self.viper_ast.PredicateAccessPredicate(pred_acc, perm_mul, pos)
log_event = self.viper_ast.Inhale(pred_acc_pred, pos)
# Append both Inhales
res.extend([assume_ge_zero, log_event])
def _assume_interface_specifications(self,
node: ast.Node,
interface: VyperInterface,
function: VyperFunction,
args: List[Expr],
to: Expr,
amount: Expr,
succ: Expr,
return_value: Optional[Expr],
res: List[Stmt],
ctx: Context):
with ctx.interface_call_scope():
body = []
# Define new msg variable
msg_name = ctx.inline_prefix + mangled.MSG
msg_var = TranslatedVar(names.MSG, msg_name, types.MSG_TYPE, self.viper_ast)
ctx.locals[names.MSG] = msg_var
# Assume msg.sender == self and msg.value == amount
msg = msg_var.local_var(ctx)
svytype = types.MSG_TYPE.member_types[names.MSG_SENDER]
svitype = self.type_translator.translate(svytype, ctx)
msg_sender = helpers.struct_get(self.viper_ast, msg, names.MSG_SENDER, svitype, types.MSG_TYPE)
self_address = helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast)
body.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(self.viper_ast.EqCmp(msg_sender, self_address)))
vvytype = types.MSG_TYPE.member_types[names.MSG_VALUE]
vvitype = self.type_translator.translate(vvytype, ctx)
msg_value = helpers.struct_get(self.viper_ast, msg, names.MSG_VALUE, vvitype, types.MSG_TYPE)
body.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(self.viper_ast.EqCmp(msg_value, amount)))
# Add arguments to local vars, assign passed args
for (name, var), arg in zip(function.args.items(), args):
apos = arg.pos()
arg_var = self._translate_var(var, ctx)
ctx.locals[name] = arg_var
lhs = arg_var.local_var(ctx)
if (types.is_numeric(arg_var.type)
and self.arithmetic_translator.is_wrapped(arg)
and self.arithmetic_translator.is_unwrapped(lhs)):
arg_var.is_local = False
lhs = arg_var.local_var(ctx)
elif (types.is_numeric(arg_var.type)
and self.arithmetic_translator.is_unwrapped(arg)
and self.arithmetic_translator.is_wrapped(lhs)):
arg = helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, arg)
elif (not types.is_numeric(arg_var.type)
and self.arithmetic_translator.is_wrapped(arg)):
arg = helpers.w_unwrap(self.viper_ast, arg)
body.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(arg_var.local_var(ctx), arg, apos))
# Add result variable
if function.type.return_type:
ret_name = ctx.inline_prefix + mangled.RESULT_VAR
ret_pos = return_value.pos()
ctx.result_var = TranslatedVar(names.RESULT, ret_name, function.type.return_type,
self.viper_ast, ret_pos, is_local=False)
ctx.new_local_vars.append(ctx.result_var.var_decl(ctx, ret_pos))
if (types.is_numeric(function.type.return_type)
and self.arithmetic_translator.is_unwrapped(return_value)):
return_value = helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, return_value)
body.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(ctx.result_var.local_var(ret_pos), return_value, ret_pos))
# Add success variable
succ_name = ctx.inline_prefix + mangled.SUCCESS_VAR
succ_var = TranslatedVar(names.SUCCESS, succ_name, types.VYPER_BOOL, self.viper_ast, succ.pos())
ctx.success_var = succ_var
body.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(succ_var.local_var(ctx), succ, succ.pos()))
translate = self.spec_translator.translate_pre_or_postcondition
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx, rules.INHALE_INTERFACE_FAIL)
with ctx.program_scope(interface):
with ctx.self_address_scope(to):
postconditions = chain(function.postconditions, interface.general_postconditions)
exprs = [translate(post, body, ctx) for post in postconditions]
body.extend(self.viper_ast.Inhale(expr, pos) for expr in exprs)
if ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_TRUST_CASTS):
implements = helpers.implements(self.viper_ast, to,, ctx, pos)
res.append(self.viper_ast.If(implements, body, [], pos))
def _translate_var(self, var: VyperVar, ctx: Context) -> TranslatedVar:
pos = self.to_position(var.node, ctx)
name = mangled.local_var_name(ctx.inline_prefix,
return TranslatedVar(, name, var.type, self.viper_ast, pos) | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/translation/ | |
from typing import List
from twovyper.ast import names
from twovyper.viper.ast import ViperAST
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Expr, Stmt
from twovyper.translation.context import Context
from twovyper.translation.abstract import CommonTranslator
from twovyper.translation.type import TypeTranslator
from twovyper.translation import helpers
from twovyper.translation import mangled
class BalanceTranslator(CommonTranslator):
def __init__(self, viper_ast: ViperAST):
self.viper_ast = viper_ast
self.type_translator = TypeTranslator(viper_ast)
def get_balance(self, self_var: Expr, ctx: Context, pos=None, info=None) -> Expr:
balance_type = ctx.field_types[names.ADDRESS_BALANCE]
return helpers.struct_get(self.viper_ast, self_var, names.ADDRESS_BALANCE, balance_type, ctx.self_type, pos, info)
def set_balance(self, self_var: Expr, value: Expr, ctx: Context, pos=None, info=None) -> Expr:
balance_type = ctx.field_types[names.ADDRESS_BALANCE]
return helpers.struct_set(self.viper_ast, self_var, value, names.ADDRESS_BALANCE, balance_type, ctx.self_type, pos, info)
def check_balance(self, amount: Expr, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None, info=None):
self_var = ctx.self_var.local_var(ctx)
get_balance = self.get_balance(self_var, ctx, pos)
self.fail_if(self.viper_ast.LtCmp(get_balance, amount), [], res, ctx, pos, info)
def increase_balance(self, amount: Expr, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None, info=None):
self_var = ctx.self_var.local_var(ctx)
get_balance = self.get_balance(self_var, ctx, pos)
inc_sum = self.viper_ast.Add(get_balance, amount, pos)
inc = self.set_balance(self_var, inc_sum, ctx, pos)
res.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(self_var, inc, pos, info))
def decrease_balance(self, amount: Expr, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None, info=None):
self_var = ctx.self_var.local_var(ctx)
get_balance = self.get_balance(self_var, ctx, pos)
diff = self.viper_ast.Sub(get_balance, amount)
sub = self.set_balance(self_var, diff, ctx, pos)
res.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(self_var, sub, pos, info))
def received(self, self_var: Expr, ctx: Context, pos=None, info=None) -> Expr:
received_type = ctx.field_types[mangled.RECEIVED_FIELD]
return helpers.struct_get(self.viper_ast, self_var, mangled.RECEIVED_FIELD, received_type, ctx.self_type, pos, info)
def sent(self, self_var: Expr, ctx: Context, pos=None, info=None) -> Expr:
sent_type = ctx.field_types[mangled.SENT_FIELD]
return helpers.struct_get(self.viper_ast, self_var, mangled.SENT_FIELD, sent_type, ctx.self_type, pos, info)
def get_received(self, self_var: Expr, address: Expr, ctx: Context, pos=None, info=None) -> Expr:
received = self.received(self_var, ctx, pos)
return helpers.map_get(self.viper_ast, received, address, self.viper_ast.Int, self.viper_ast.Int, pos)
def get_sent(self, self_var: Expr, address: Expr, ctx: Context, pos=None, info=None) -> Expr:
sent = self.sent(self_var, ctx, pos)
return helpers.map_get(self.viper_ast, sent, address, self.viper_ast.Int, self.viper_ast.Int, pos)
def increase_received(self, amount: Expr, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None, info=None):
self_var = ctx.self_var.local_var(ctx)
# TODO: pass this as an argument
msg_sender = helpers.msg_sender(self.viper_ast, ctx, pos)
rec_type = ctx.field_types[mangled.RECEIVED_FIELD]
rec = helpers.struct_get(self.viper_ast, self_var, mangled.RECEIVED_FIELD, rec_type, ctx.self_type, pos)
rec_sender = helpers.map_get(self.viper_ast, rec, msg_sender, self.viper_ast.Int, self.viper_ast.Int, pos)
rec_inc_sum = self.viper_ast.Add(rec_sender, amount, pos)
rec_set = helpers.map_set(self.viper_ast, rec, msg_sender, rec_inc_sum, self.viper_ast.Int, self.viper_ast.Int, pos)
self_set = helpers.struct_set(self.viper_ast, self_var, rec_set, mangled.RECEIVED_FIELD, rec_type, ctx.self_type, pos)
res.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(self_var, self_set, pos, info))
def increase_sent(self, to: Expr, amount: Expr, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None, info=None):
self_var = ctx.self_var.local_var(ctx)
sent_type = ctx.field_types[mangled.SENT_FIELD]
sent = helpers.struct_get(self.viper_ast, self_var, mangled.SENT_FIELD, sent_type, ctx.self_type, pos)
sent_to = helpers.map_get(self.viper_ast, sent, to, self.viper_ast.Int, self.viper_ast.Int, pos)
sent_inc = self.viper_ast.Add(sent_to, amount, pos)
sent_set = helpers.map_set(self.viper_ast, sent, to, sent_inc, self.viper_ast.Int, self.viper_ast.Int, pos)
self_set = helpers.struct_set(self.viper_ast, self_var, sent_set, mangled.SENT_FIELD, sent_type, ctx.self_type, pos)
res.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(self_var, self_set, pos, info)) | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/translation/ | |
from typing import Union
from twovyper.ast import ast_nodes as ast, names, types
from twovyper.ast.types import FunctionType, MapType, StructType, AnyStructType, ResourceType
from twovyper.ast.nodes import VyperFunction, Resource
from twovyper.analysis.analyzer import FunctionAnalysis
from twovyper.viper.ast import ViperAST
from twovyper.translation import mangled
from twovyper.translation.context import Context
from twovyper.translation.wrapped_viper_ast import WrappedViperAST, wrapped_integer_decorator
from twovyper.utils import first_index
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Expr
# Helper functions
def init_function() -> VyperFunction:
type = FunctionType([], None)
function = VyperFunction(mangled.INIT, -1, {}, {}, type, [], [], [], {}, [],
[ast.Decorator(names.PUBLIC, [])], None)
function.analysis = FunctionAnalysis()
return function
def msg_var(viper_ast: ViperAST, pos=None, info=None):
return viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(mangled.MSG, viper_ast.Ref, pos, info)
def msg_sender(viper_ast: ViperAST, ctx: Context, pos=None, info=None):
msg_var = ctx.msg_var.local_var(ctx)
type = types.MSG_TYPE
return struct_get(viper_ast, msg_var, names.MSG_SENDER, viper_ast.Int, type, pos, info)
def msg_value(viper_ast: ViperAST, ctx: Context, pos=None, info=None):
msg_var = ctx.msg_var.local_var(ctx)
type = types.MSG_TYPE
return struct_get(viper_ast, msg_var, names.MSG_VALUE, viper_ast.Int, type, pos, info)
def overflow_var(viper_ast: ViperAST, pos=None, info=None):
return viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(mangled.OVERFLOW, viper_ast.Bool, pos, info)
def out_of_gas_var(viper_ast: ViperAST, pos=None, info=None):
return viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(mangled.OUT_OF_GAS, viper_ast.Bool, pos, info)
def call_failed(viper_ast: ViperAST, address, pos=None, info=None):
write = viper_ast.FullPerm(pos)
predicate = viper_ast.PredicateAccess([address], mangled.FAILED, pos)
predicate_acc = viper_ast.PredicateAccessPredicate(predicate, write, pos)
return viper_ast.Inhale(predicate_acc, pos, info)
def check_call_failed(viper_ast: ViperAST, address, pos=None, info=None):
none = viper_ast.NoPerm(pos)
predicate = viper_ast.PredicateAccess([address], mangled.FAILED, pos)
return viper_ast.GtCmp(viper_ast.CurrentPerm(predicate, pos), none, pos, info)
def first_public_state_var(viper_ast: ViperAST, pos=None, info=None):
return viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(mangled.FIRST_PUBLIC_STATE, viper_ast.Bool, pos, info)
def contracts_type():
return MapType(types.VYPER_ADDRESS, AnyStructType())
def allocated_type():
return MapType(AnyStructType(), MapType(types.VYPER_ADDRESS, types.NON_NEGATIVE_INT))
def offer_type():
members = {
'0': types.VYPER_WEI_VALUE,
'1': types.VYPER_WEI_VALUE,
'2': types.VYPER_ADDRESS,
'3': types.VYPER_ADDRESS
return StructType(mangled.OFFER, members)
def offered_type():
return MapType(AnyStructType(), MapType(AnyStructType(), MapType(offer_type(), types.NON_NEGATIVE_INT)))
def trusted_type():
return MapType(types.VYPER_ADDRESS, MapType(types.VYPER_ADDRESS, MapType(types.VYPER_ADDRESS, types.VYPER_BOOL)))
def allocation_predicate(viper_ast: ViperAST, resource, address, pos=None):
return viper_ast.PredicateAccess([resource, address], mangled.ALLOCATION, pos)
def offer(viper_ast: ViperAST, from_val, to_val, from_addr, to_addr, pos=None):
return struct_init(viper_ast, [from_val, to_val, from_addr, to_addr], offer_type(), pos)
def offer_predicate(viper_ast: ViperAST, from_resource, to_resource, from_val, to_val, from_addr, to_addr, pos=None):
return viper_ast.PredicateAccess([from_resource, to_resource, from_val, to_val, from_addr, to_addr], mangled.OFFER, pos)
def no_offers(viper_ast: ViperAST, offered, resource, address, pos=None):
return viper_ast.FuncApp(mangled.NO_OFFERS, [offered, resource, address], pos, type=viper_ast.Bool)
def trust_predicate(viper_ast: ViperAST, where, address, by_address, pos=None):
return viper_ast.PredicateAccess([where, address, by_address], mangled.TRUST, pos)
def trust_no_one(viper_ast: ViperAST, trusted, who, where, pos=None):
return viper_ast.FuncApp(mangled.TRUST_NO_ONE, [trusted, who, where], pos, type=viper_ast.Bool)
def performs_predicate(viper_ast: ViperAST, function: str, args, pos=None):
name = mangled.performs_predicate_name(function)
return viper_ast.PredicateAccess(args, name, pos)
def creator_resource() -> Resource:
creator_name = mangled.CREATOR
creator_type = ResourceType(creator_name, {mangled.CREATOR_RESOURCE: AnyStructType()})
return Resource(creator_type, None, None)
def blockhash(viper_ast: ViperAST, no, ctx: Context, pos=None, info=None):
domain = mangled.BLOCKCHAIN_DOMAIN
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(bhash, [no], viper_ast.SeqType(viper_ast.Int), pos, info, domain)
def method_id(viper_ast: ViperAST, method, len: int, pos=None, info=None):
domain = mangled.BLOCKCHAIN_DOMAIN
rl = viper_ast.IntLit(len, pos)
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(mid, [method, rl], viper_ast.SeqType(viper_ast.Int), pos, info, domain)
def keccak256(viper_ast: ViperAST, arg, pos=None, info=None):
int_array_type = viper_ast.SeqType(viper_ast.Int)
keccak = mangled.BLOCKCHAIN_KECCAK256
domain = mangled.BLOCKCHAIN_DOMAIN
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(keccak, [arg], int_array_type, pos, info, domain)
def sha256(viper_ast: ViperAST, arg, pos=None, info=None):
int_array_type = viper_ast.SeqType(viper_ast.Int)
sha = mangled.BLOCKCHAIN_SHA256
domain = mangled.BLOCKCHAIN_DOMAIN
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(sha, [arg], int_array_type, pos, info, domain)
def ecrecover(viper_ast: ViperAST, args, pos=None, info=None):
domain = mangled.BLOCKCHAIN_DOMAIN
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(ec, args, viper_ast.Int, pos, info, domain)
def ecadd(viper_ast: ViperAST, args, pos=None, info=None):
int_array_type = viper_ast.SeqType(viper_ast.Int)
domain = mangled.BLOCKCHAIN_DOMAIN
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(ea, args, int_array_type, pos, info, domain)
def ecmul(viper_ast: ViperAST, args, pos=None, info=None):
int_array_type = viper_ast.SeqType(viper_ast.Int)
domain = mangled.BLOCKCHAIN_DOMAIN
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(em, args, int_array_type, pos, info, domain)
def self_address(viper_ast: ViperAST, pos=None, info=None):
address = mangled.SELF_ADDRESS
domain = mangled.CONTRACT_DOMAIN
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(address, [], viper_ast.Int, pos, info, domain)
def implements(viper_ast: ViperAST, address, interface: str, ctx: Context, pos=None, info=None):
impl = mangled.IMPLEMENTS
domain = mangled.CONTRACT_DOMAIN
intf = viper_ast.IntLit(first_index(lambda i: i == interface, ctx.program.interfaces), pos)
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(impl, [address, intf], viper_ast.Bool, pos, info, domain)
def wrapped_int_type(viper_ast: ViperAST):
return viper_ast.DomainType(mangled.WRAPPED_INT_DOMAIN, {}, [])
def w_mul(viper_ast: ViperAST, first, second, pos=None, info=None):
if isinstance(viper_ast, WrappedViperAST):
viper_ast = viper_ast.viper_ast
wi_mul = mangled.WRAPPED_INT_MUL
domain = mangled.WRAPPED_INT_DOMAIN
args = [first, second]
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(wi_mul, args, wrapped_int_type(viper_ast), pos, info, domain)
def w_div(viper_ast: ViperAST, first, second, pos=None, info=None):
if isinstance(viper_ast, WrappedViperAST):
viper_ast = viper_ast.viper_ast
wi_div = mangled.WRAPPED_INT_DIV
domain = mangled.WRAPPED_INT_DOMAIN
args = [first, second]
func_app = viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(wi_div, args, wrapped_int_type(viper_ast), pos, info, domain)
is_div_zero = viper_ast.EqCmp(viper_ast.IntLit(0), w_unwrap(viper_ast, second, pos, info), pos, info)
artificial_div_zero = w_wrap(viper_ast, viper_ast.Div(w_unwrap(viper_ast, first, pos, info),
w_unwrap(viper_ast, second, pos, info),
pos, info), pos, info)
return viper_ast.CondExp(is_div_zero, artificial_div_zero, func_app, pos, info)
def w_mod(viper_ast: ViperAST, first, second, pos=None, info=None):
if isinstance(viper_ast, WrappedViperAST):
viper_ast = viper_ast.viper_ast
wi_mod = mangled.WRAPPED_INT_MOD
domain = mangled.WRAPPED_INT_DOMAIN
args = [first, second]
func_app = viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(wi_mod, args, wrapped_int_type(viper_ast), pos, info, domain)
is_div_zero = viper_ast.EqCmp(viper_ast.IntLit(0), w_unwrap(viper_ast, second, pos, info), pos, info)
artificial_div_zero = w_wrap(viper_ast, viper_ast.Mod(w_unwrap(viper_ast, first, pos, info),
w_unwrap(viper_ast, second, pos, info),
pos, info), pos, info)
return viper_ast.CondExp(is_div_zero, artificial_div_zero, func_app, pos, info)
def w_wrap(viper_ast: ViperAST, value, pos=None, info=None):
if isinstance(viper_ast, WrappedViperAST):
viper_ast = viper_ast.viper_ast
wi_wrap = mangled.WRAPPED_INT_WRAP
domain = mangled.WRAPPED_INT_DOMAIN
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(wi_wrap, [value], wrapped_int_type(viper_ast), pos, info, domain)
def w_unwrap(viper_ast: ViperAST, value, pos=None, info=None):
if isinstance(viper_ast, WrappedViperAST):
viper_ast = viper_ast.viper_ast
wi_unwrap = mangled.WRAPPED_INT_UNWRAP
domain = mangled.WRAPPED_INT_DOMAIN
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(wi_unwrap, [value], viper_ast.Int, pos, info, domain)
def div(viper_ast: ViperAST, dividend, divisor, pos=None, info=None):
# We need a special division function because Vyper uses truncating division
# instead of Viper's floor division
mdiv = mangled.MATH_DIV
domain = mangled.MATH_DOMAIN
# We pass the Viper floor division as a third argument to trigger a correct
# division by 0 error instead of an assertion failure if divisor == 0
args = [dividend, divisor, viper_ast.Div(dividend, divisor, pos)]
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(mdiv, args, viper_ast.Int, pos, info, domain)
def mod(viper_ast: ViperAST, dividend, divisor, pos=None, info=None):
# We need a special mod function because Vyper uses truncating division
# instead of Viper's floor division
mmod = mangled.MATH_MOD
domain = mangled.MATH_DOMAIN
# We pass the Viper floor division as a third argument to trigger a correct
# division by 0 error instead of an assertion failure if divisor == 0
args = [dividend, divisor, viper_ast.Mod(dividend, divisor, pos)]
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(mmod, args, viper_ast.Int, pos, info, domain)
def pow(viper_ast: ViperAST, base, exp, pos=None, info=None):
mpow = mangled.MATH_POW
domain = mangled.MATH_DOMAIN
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(mpow, [base, exp], viper_ast.Int, pos, info, domain)
def sqrt(viper_ast: ViperAST, dec, pos=None, info=None):
msqrt = mangled.MATH_SQRT
domain = mangled.MATH_DOMAIN
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(msqrt, [dec], viper_ast.Int, pos, info, domain)
def floor(viper_ast: ViperAST, dec, scaling_factor: int, pos=None, info=None):
mfloor = mangled.MATH_FLOOR
domain = mangled.MATH_DOMAIN
scaling_factor_lit = viper_ast.IntLit(scaling_factor, pos)
args = [dec, scaling_factor_lit]
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(mfloor, args, viper_ast.Int, pos, info, domain)
def ceil(viper_ast: ViperAST, dec, scaling_factor: int, pos=None, info=None):
mceil = mangled.MATH_CEIL
domain = mangled.MATH_DOMAIN
scaling_factor_lit = viper_ast.IntLit(scaling_factor, pos)
args = [dec, scaling_factor_lit]
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(mceil, args, viper_ast.Int, pos, info, domain)
def shift(viper_ast: ViperAST, arg, shift, pos=None, info=None):
b_shift = mangled.MATH_SHIFT
domain = mangled.MATH_DOMAIN
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(b_shift, [arg, shift], viper_ast.Int, pos, info, domain)
def bitwise_not(viper_ast: ViperAST, arg, pos=None, info=None):
b_not = mangled.MATH_BITWISE_NOT
domain = mangled.MATH_DOMAIN
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(b_not, [arg], viper_ast.Int, pos, info, domain)
def bitwise_and(viper_ast: ViperAST, a, b, pos=None, info=None):
b_and = mangled.MATH_BITWISE_AND
domain = mangled.MATH_DOMAIN
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(b_and, [a, b], viper_ast.Int, pos, info, domain)
def bitwise_or(viper_ast: ViperAST, a, b, pos=None, info=None):
b_or = mangled.MATH_BITWISE_OR
domain = mangled.MATH_DOMAIN
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(b_or, [a, b], viper_ast.Int, pos, info, domain)
def bitwise_xor(viper_ast: ViperAST, a, b, pos=None, info=None):
b_xor = mangled.MATH_BITWISE_XOR
domain = mangled.MATH_DOMAIN
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(b_xor, [a, b], viper_ast.Int, pos, info, domain)
def array_type(viper_ast: ViperAST, element_type):
return viper_ast.SeqType(element_type)
def empty_array(viper_ast: ViperAST, element_type, pos=None, info=None):
return viper_ast.EmptySeq(element_type, pos, info)
def array_init(viper_ast: ViperAST, arg, size: int, element_type, pos=None, info=None):
arr_type = array_type(viper_ast, element_type)
type_vars = {viper_ast.TypeVar(mangled.ARRAY_ELEMENT_VAR): element_type}
size = viper_ast.IntLit(size, pos, info)
init = mangled.ARRAY_INIT
domain = mangled.ARRAY_DOMAIN
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(init, [arg, size], arr_type, pos, info, domain, type_vars)
def array_length(viper_ast: ViperAST, ref, pos=None, info=None):
return viper_ast.SeqLength(ref, pos, info)
def array_get(viper_ast: ViperAST, ref, idx, element_type, pos=None, info=None):
return viper_ast.SeqIndex(ref, idx, pos, info)
def array_set(viper_ast: ViperAST, ref, idx, value, element_type, pos=None, info=None):
return viper_ast.SeqUpdate(ref, idx, value, pos, info)
def array_contains(viper_ast: ViperAST, value, ref, pos=None, info=None):
return viper_ast.SeqContains(value, ref, pos, info)
def array_not_contains(viper_ast: ViperAST, value, ref, pos=None, info=None):
return viper_ast.Not(array_contains(viper_ast, value, ref, pos, info), pos, info)
def _map_type_var_map(viper_ast: ViperAST, key_type, value_type):
key = viper_ast.TypeVar(mangled.MAP_KEY_VAR)
value = viper_ast.TypeVar(mangled.MAP_VALUE_VAR)
return {key: key_type, value: value_type}
def map_type(viper_ast: ViperAST, key_type, value_type):
type_vars = _map_type_var_map(viper_ast, key_type, value_type)
return viper_ast.DomainType(mangled.MAP_DOMAIN, type_vars, type_vars.keys())
def map_init(viper_ast: ViperAST, arg, key_type, value_type, pos=None, info=None):
mp_type = map_type(viper_ast, key_type, value_type)
type_vars = _map_type_var_map(viper_ast, key_type, value_type)
init = mangled.MAP_INIT
domain = mangled.MAP_DOMAIN
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(init, [arg], mp_type, pos, info, domain, type_vars)
def map_eq(viper_ast: ViperAST, left, right, key_type, value_type, pos=None, info=None):
type_vars = _map_type_var_map(viper_ast, key_type, value_type)
eq = mangled.MAP_EQ
domain = mangled.MAP_DOMAIN
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(eq, [left, right], viper_ast.Bool, pos, info, domain, type_vars)
def map_get(viper_ast: ViperAST, ref, idx, key_type, value_type, pos=None, info=None):
type_vars = _map_type_var_map(viper_ast, key_type, value_type)
get = mangled.MAP_GET
domain = mangled.MAP_DOMAIN
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(get, [ref, idx], value_type, pos, info, domain, type_vars)
def map_set(viper_ast: ViperAST, ref, idx, value, key_type, value_type, pos=None, info=None):
type_vars = _map_type_var_map(viper_ast, key_type, value_type)
mtype = map_type(viper_ast, key_type, value_type)
mset = mangled.MAP_SET
domain = mangled.MAP_DOMAIN
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(mset, [ref, idx, value], mtype, pos, info, domain, type_vars)
def map_sum(viper_ast: ViperAST, ref, key_type, pos=None, info=None):
type_vars = {viper_ast.TypeVar(mangled.MAP_KEY_VAR): key_type}
type = viper_ast.Int
msum = mangled.MAP_SUM
domain = mangled.MAP_INT_DOMAIN
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(msum, [ref], type, pos, info, domain, type_vars)
def struct_type(viper_ast: ViperAST):
return viper_ast.DomainType(mangled.STRUCT_DOMAIN, {}, [])
def struct_loc(viper_ast: ViperAST, ref, idx, pos=None, info=None):
domain = mangled.STRUCT_DOMAIN
loc = mangled.STRUCT_LOC
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(loc, [ref, idx], viper_ast.Int, pos, info, domain)
def struct_init(viper_ast: ViperAST, args, struct: StructType, pos=None, info=None):
domain = mangled.struct_name(, struct.kind)
init_name = mangled.struct_init_name(, struct.kind)
type = struct_type(viper_ast)
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(init_name, args, type, pos, info, domain)
def struct_eq(viper_ast: ViperAST, left, right, struct: StructType, pos=None, info=None):
domain = mangled.struct_name(, struct.kind)
eq = mangled.struct_eq_name(, struct.kind)
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(eq, [left, right], viper_ast.Bool, pos, info, domain)
def struct_type_tag(viper_ast: ViperAST, ref, pos=None, info=None):
Returns the type tag of a struct which we store at index -1 of a struct
domain = mangled.STRUCT_OPS_DOMAIN
idx = viper_ast.IntLit(mangled.STRUCT_TYPE_LOC)
field = struct_loc(viper_ast, ref, idx, pos)
getter = mangled.STRUCT_GET
type_type = viper_ast.Int
type_map = _struct_type_var_map(viper_ast, type_type)
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(getter, [field], type_type, pos, info, domain, type_map)
def _struct_type_var_map(viper_ast: ViperAST, member_type):
member = viper_ast.TypeVar(mangled.STRUCT_OPS_VALUE_VAR)
return {member: member_type}
def struct_get(viper_ast: ViperAST, ref, member: str, member_type, struct_type: StructType, pos=None, info=None):
domain = mangled.STRUCT_OPS_DOMAIN
idx = viper_ast.IntLit(struct_type.member_indices[member])
field = struct_loc(viper_ast, ref, idx, pos, info)
getter = mangled.STRUCT_GET
type_map = _struct_type_var_map(viper_ast, member_type)
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(getter, [field], member_type, pos, info, domain, type_map)
def struct_pure_get_success(viper_ast: ViperAST, ref, pos=None):
return struct_get_idx(viper_ast, ref, 0, viper_ast.Bool, pos)
def struct_pure_get_result(viper_ast: ViperAST, ref, viper_type, pos=None):
return struct_get_idx(viper_ast, ref, 1, viper_type, pos)
def struct_get_idx(viper_ast: ViperAST, ref, idx: Union[int, Expr], viper_type, pos=None, info=None):
domain = mangled.STRUCT_OPS_DOMAIN
idx_lit = viper_ast.IntLit(idx) if isinstance(idx, int) else idx
field = struct_loc(viper_ast, ref, idx_lit, pos, info)
getter = mangled.STRUCT_GET
type_map = _struct_type_var_map(viper_ast, viper_type)
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(getter, [field], viper_type, pos, info, domain, type_map)
def struct_set(viper_ast: ViperAST, ref, val, member: str, member_type, type: StructType, pos=None, info=None):
setter = mangled.STRUCT_SET
s_type = struct_type(viper_ast)
domain = mangled.STRUCT_OPS_DOMAIN
idx = viper_ast.IntLit(type.member_indices[member])
type_map = _struct_type_var_map(viper_ast, member_type)
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(setter, [ref, idx, val], s_type, pos, info, domain, type_map)
def struct_set_idx(viper_ast: ViperAST, ref, val, idx: int, member_type, pos=None, info=None):
setter = mangled.STRUCT_SET
s_type = struct_type(viper_ast)
domain = mangled.STRUCT_OPS_DOMAIN
idx = viper_ast.IntLit(idx)
type_map = _struct_type_var_map(viper_ast, member_type)
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(setter, [ref, idx, val], s_type, pos, info, domain, type_map)
def get_lock(viper_ast: ViperAST, name: str, ctx: Context, pos=None, info=None):
lock_name = mangled.lock_name(name)
self_var = ctx.self_var.local_var(ctx)
return struct_get(viper_ast, self_var, lock_name, viper_ast.Bool, ctx.self_type, pos, info)
def set_lock(viper_ast: ViperAST, name: str, val: bool, ctx: Context, pos=None, info=None):
lock_name = mangled.lock_name(name)
value = viper_ast.TrueLit(pos) if val else viper_ast.FalseLit(pos)
self_var = ctx.self_var.local_var(ctx)
return struct_set(viper_ast, self_var, value, lock_name, viper_ast.Bool, ctx.self_type, pos, info)
def convert_bytes32_to_signed_int(viper_ast: ViperAST, bytes, pos=None, info=None):
domain = mangled.CONVERT_DOMAIN
function = mangled.CONVERT_BYTES32_TO_SIGNED_INT
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(function, [bytes], viper_ast.Int, pos, info, domain)
def convert_bytes32_to_unsigned_int(viper_ast: ViperAST, bytes, pos=None, info=None):
domain = mangled.CONVERT_DOMAIN
function = mangled.CONVERT_BYTES32_TO_UNSIGNED_INT
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(function, [bytes], viper_ast.Int, pos, info, domain)
def convert_signed_int_to_bytes32(viper_ast: ViperAST, i, pos=None, info=None):
domain = mangled.CONVERT_DOMAIN
function = mangled.CONVERT_SIGNED_INT_TO_BYTES32
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(function, [i], viper_ast.SeqType(viper_ast.Int), pos, info, domain)
def convert_unsigned_int_to_bytes32(viper_ast: ViperAST, i, pos=None, info=None):
domain = mangled.CONVERT_DOMAIN
function = mangled.CONVERT_UNSIGNED_INT_TO_BYTES32
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(function, [i], viper_ast.SeqType(viper_ast.Int), pos, info, domain)
def pad32(viper_ast: ViperAST, bytes, pos=None, info=None):
Left-pads a byte array shorter than 32 bytes with 0s so that its resulting length is 32.
Left-crops a byte array longer than 32 bytes so that its resulting length is 32.
domain = mangled.CONVERT_DOMAIN
function = mangled.CONVERT_PAD32
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(function, [bytes], viper_ast.SeqType(viper_ast.Int), pos, info, domain)
def range(viper_ast: ViperAST, start, end, pos=None, info=None):
range_func = mangled.RANGE_RANGE
range_type = viper_ast.SeqType(viper_ast.Int)
domain = mangled.RANGE_DOMAIN
return viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(range_func, [start, end], range_type, pos, info, domain)
def ghost_function(viper_ast: ViperAST, function, address, struct, args, return_type, pos=None, info=None):
ghost_func = mangled.ghost_function_name(function.interface,
return viper_ast.FuncApp(ghost_func, [address, struct, *args], pos, info, return_type)
def havoc_var(viper_ast: ViperAST, viper_type, ctx: Context):
if ctx.is_pure_function:
pure_idx = ctx.next_pure_var_index()
function_result = viper_ast.Result(struct_type(viper_ast))
return struct_get_idx(viper_ast, function_result, pure_idx, viper_type)
havoc_name = ctx.new_local_var_name('havoc')
havoc = viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(havoc_name, viper_type)
return havoc.localVar()
def flattened_conditional(viper_ast: ViperAST, cond, thn, els, pos=None):
res = []
if_class = viper_ast.ast.If
seqn_class = viper_ast.ast.Seqn
assign_class = viper_ast.ast.LocalVarAssign
assume_or_check_stmts = [viper_ast.ast.Inhale, viper_ast.ast.Assert, viper_ast.ast.Exhale]
supported_classes = [*assume_or_check_stmts, if_class, seqn_class, assign_class]
if all(stmt.__class__ in supported_classes for stmt in thn + els):
not_cond = viper_ast.Not(cond, pos)
thn = [(stmt, cond) for stmt in thn]
els = [(stmt, not_cond) for stmt in els]
for stmt, cond in thn + els:
stmt_class = stmt.__class__
if stmt_class in assume_or_check_stmts:
implies = viper_ast.Implies(cond, stmt.exp(), stmt.pos())
res.append(stmt_class(implies, stmt.pos(),, stmt.errT()))
elif stmt_class == assign_class:
cond_expr = viper_ast.CondExp(cond, stmt.rhs(), stmt.lhs(), stmt.pos())
res.append(viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(stmt.lhs(), cond_expr, stmt.pos()))
elif stmt_class == if_class:
new_cond = viper_ast.And(stmt.cond(), cond, stmt.pos())
stmts = viper_ast.to_list(stmt.thn().ss())
res.extend(flattened_conditional(viper_ast, new_cond, stmts, [], stmt.pos()))
new_cond = viper_ast.And(viper_ast.Not(stmt.cond(), stmt.pos()), cond, stmt.pos())
stmts = viper_ast.to_list(stmt.els().ss())
res.extend(flattened_conditional(viper_ast, new_cond, stmts, [], stmt.pos()))
elif stmt_class == seqn_class:
seqn_as_list = viper_ast.to_list(
transformed_stmts = flattened_conditional(viper_ast, cond, seqn_as_list, [], stmt.pos())
res.append(viper_ast.Seqn(transformed_stmts, stmt.pos(),
assert False
res.append(viper_ast.If(cond, thn, [], pos))
return res | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/translation/ | |
from typing import Callable, List
from twovyper.ast import names
from twovyper.translation import helpers, mangled, State
from twovyper.translation.abstract import CommonTranslator
from twovyper.translation.context import Context
from twovyper.translation.variable import TranslatedVar
from twovyper.translation.type import TypeTranslator
from twovyper.verification import rules
from twovyper.viper.ast import ViperAST
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Stmt
class StateTranslator(CommonTranslator):
def __init__(self, viper_ast: ViperAST):
self.type_translator = TypeTranslator(self.viper_ast)
def expression_translator(self):
from twovyper.translation.specification import ExpressionTranslator
return ExpressionTranslator(self.viper_ast)
def state(self, name_transformation: Callable[[str], str], ctx: Context):
def self_var(name):
return TranslatedVar(names.SELF, name, ctx.self_type, self.viper_ast)
def contract_var(name):
contracts_type = helpers.contracts_type()
return TranslatedVar(mangled.CONTRACTS, name, contracts_type, self.viper_ast)
def allocated_var(name):
allocated_type = helpers.allocated_type()
return TranslatedVar(mangled.ALLOCATED, name, allocated_type, self.viper_ast)
def offered_var(name):
offered_type = helpers.offered_type()
return TranslatedVar(mangled.OFFERED, name, offered_type, self.viper_ast)
def trusted_var(name):
trusted_type = helpers.trusted_type()
return TranslatedVar(mangled.TRUSTED, name, trusted_type, self.viper_ast)
s = {
names.SELF: self_var(name_transformation(mangled.SELF)),
mangled.CONTRACTS: contract_var(name_transformation(mangled.CONTRACTS))
if ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_ALLOCATION):
s[mangled.ALLOCATED] = allocated_var(name_transformation(mangled.ALLOCATED))
s[mangled.OFFERED] = offered_var(name_transformation(mangled.OFFERED))
s[mangled.TRUSTED] = trusted_var(name_transformation(mangled.TRUSTED))
return s
def _is_self(state_var: str) -> bool:
return state_var == mangled.SELF
def _is_non_contracts(state_var: str) -> bool:
return state_var != mangled.CONTRACTS
def is_allocation(state_var: str) -> bool:
return (state_var == mangled.ALLOCATED
or state_var == mangled.TRUSTED
or state_var == mangled.OFFERED)
def initialize_state(self, state: State, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
Initializes the state belonging to the current contract, namely self and allocated,
to its default value.
for var in state.values():
if self._is_non_contracts(
default = self.type_translator.default_value(None, var.type, res, ctx)
assign = self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(var.local_var(ctx), default)
def copy_state(self, from_state: State, to_state: State, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None, unless=None):
copies = []
for name in set(from_state) & set(to_state):
if unless and unless(name):
to_var = to_state[name].local_var(ctx)
from_var = from_state[name].local_var(ctx)
copies.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(to_var, from_var, pos))
self.seqn_with_info(copies, "Copy state", res)
def assume_type_assumptions_for_state(self, state_dict: State, name: str, res, ctx):
stmts = []
for state_var in state_dict.values():
type_assumptions = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(state_var.local_var(ctx),
state_var.type, ctx)
stmts.extend(self.viper_ast.Inhale(type_assumption) for type_assumption in type_assumptions)
return self.seqn_with_info(stmts, f"{name} state assumptions", res)
def havoc_state_except_self(self, state: State, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None):
Havocs all contract state except self and self-allocated.
with ctx.inline_scope(None):
def inlined_pre_state(name: str) -> str:
return ctx.inline_prefix + mangled.pre_state_var_name(name)
old_state_for_performs = self.state(inlined_pre_state, ctx)
for val in old_state_for_performs.values():
ctx.new_local_vars.append(val.var_decl(ctx, pos))
self.copy_state(ctx.current_state, old_state_for_performs, res, ctx,
unless=lambda n: not self.is_allocation(n))
self.copy_state(ctx.current_old_state, old_state_for_performs, res, ctx,
self.havoc_state(state, res, ctx, pos, unless=self._is_self)
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.current_state, old_state_for_performs):
self.expression_translator.assume_own_resources_stayed_constant(res, ctx, pos)
def havoc_state(self, state: State, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None, unless=None):
havocs = []
for var in state.values():
if unless and unless(
havoc_name = ctx.new_local_var_name('havoc')
havoc_var = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(havoc_name, var.var_decl(ctx).typ(), pos)
havocs.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(var.local_var(ctx), havoc_var.localVar(), pos))
self.seqn_with_info(havocs, "Havoc state", res)
def havoc_old_and_current_state(self, specification_translator, res, ctx, pos=None):
# Havoc states
self.havoc_state(ctx.current_state, res, ctx, pos)
self.havoc_state(ctx.current_old_state, res, ctx, pos)
self.assume_type_assumptions_for_state(ctx.current_state, "Present", res, ctx)
self.assume_type_assumptions_for_state(ctx.current_old_state, "Old", res, ctx)
assume_invs = []
# Assume Invariants for old state
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.current_old_state, ctx.current_old_state):
for inv in ctx.unchecked_invariants():
# Assume implemented interface invariants
for interface_type in ctx.program.implements:
interface = ctx.program.interfaces[]
with ctx.program_scope(interface):
for inv in ctx.current_program.invariants:
cond = specification_translator.translate_invariant(inv, assume_invs, ctx, True)
inv_pos = self.to_position(inv, ctx, rules.INHALE_INVARIANT_FAIL)
assume_invs.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(cond, inv_pos))
# Assume own invariants
for inv in ctx.current_program.invariants:
cond = specification_translator.translate_invariant(inv, assume_invs, ctx, True)
inv_pos = self.to_position(inv, ctx, rules.INHALE_INVARIANT_FAIL)
assume_invs.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(cond, inv_pos))
# Assume Invariants for current state
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.current_state, ctx.current_state):
for inv in ctx.unchecked_invariants():
self.seqn_with_info(assume_invs, "Assume invariants", res)
def check_first_public_state(self, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, set_false: bool, pos=None, info=None):
stmts = []
for name in ctx.current_state:
if self._is_non_contracts(name):
current_var = ctx.current_state[name].local_var(ctx)
old_var = ctx.current_old_state[name].local_var(ctx)
assign = self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(old_var, current_var)
first_public_state = helpers.first_public_state_var(self.viper_ast, pos).localVar()
if set_false:
false = self.viper_ast.FalseLit(pos)
var_assign = self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(first_public_state, false, pos)
res.extend(helpers.flattened_conditional(self.viper_ast, first_public_state, stmts, [], pos)) | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/translation/ | |
from functools import reduce
from itertools import chain
from typing import List, Optional
from twovyper import resources
from twovyper.translation.lemma import LemmaTranslator
from twovyper.utils import flatten, seq_to_list
from twovyper.ast import names, types, ast_nodes as ast
from twovyper.ast.nodes import VyperProgram, VyperEvent, VyperStruct, VyperFunction, GhostFunction, Resource
from twovyper.ast.types import AnyStructType
from twovyper.exceptions import ConsistencyException
from twovyper.translation import helpers, mangled, State
from twovyper.translation.context import Context
from twovyper.translation.abstract import CommonTranslator
from twovyper.translation.allocation import AllocationTranslator
from twovyper.translation.balance import BalanceTranslator
from twovyper.translation.function import FunctionTranslator
from twovyper.translation.pure_function import PureFunctionTranslator
from twovyper.translation.resource import ResourceTranslator
from twovyper.translation.specification import SpecificationTranslator
from twovyper.translation.state import StateTranslator
from twovyper.translation.type import TypeTranslator
from twovyper.translation.variable import TranslatedVar
from twovyper.translation.wrapped_viper_ast import WrappedViperAST
from twovyper.verification import rules
from twovyper.viper import sif
from twovyper.viper.ast import ViperAST
from twovyper.viper.jvmaccess import JVM
from twovyper.viper.parser import ViperParser
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Program, Stmt
class TranslationOptions:
def __init__(self, create_model: bool, check_ast_inconsistencies: bool):
self.create_model = create_model
self.check_ast_inconsistencies = check_ast_inconsistencies
builtins: Optional[Program] = None
def translate(vyper_program: VyperProgram, options: TranslationOptions, jvm: JVM) -> Program:
viper_ast = ViperAST(jvm)
if not viper_ast.is_available():
raise Exception('Viper not found on classpath.')
if not viper_ast.is_extension_available():
raise Exception('Viper AST SIF extension not found on classpath.')
if vyper_program.is_interface():
return viper_ast.Program([], [], [], [], [])
global builtins
if builtins is None:
viper_parser = ViperParser(jvm)
builtins = viper_parser.parse(*resources.viper_all())
translator = ProgramTranslator(viper_ast, builtins)
viper_program = translator.translate(vyper_program, options)
if options.check_ast_inconsistencies:
consistency_errors = seq_to_list(viper_program.checkTransitively())
if consistency_errors:
raise ConsistencyException(viper_program, "The AST contains inconsistencies.", consistency_errors)
viper_program = sif.transform(jvm, viper_program)
return viper_program
class ProgramTranslator(CommonTranslator):
def __init__(self, viper_ast: ViperAST, twovyper_builtins: Program):
viper_ast = WrappedViperAST(viper_ast)
self.builtins = twovyper_builtins
self.allocation_translator = AllocationTranslator(viper_ast)
self.function_translator = FunctionTranslator(viper_ast)
self.pure_function_translator = PureFunctionTranslator(viper_ast)
self.lemma_translator = LemmaTranslator(viper_ast)
self.type_translator = TypeTranslator(viper_ast)
self.resource_translator = ResourceTranslator(viper_ast)
self.specification_translator = SpecificationTranslator(viper_ast)
self.state_translator = StateTranslator(viper_ast)
self.balance_translator = BalanceTranslator(viper_ast)
def translate(self, vyper_program: VyperProgram, options: TranslationOptions) -> Program:
if names.INIT not in vyper_program.functions:
vyper_program.functions[mangled.INIT] = helpers.init_function()
# Add built-in methods
methods = seq_to_list(self.builtins.methods())
# Add built-in domains
domains = seq_to_list(
# Add built-in functions
functions = seq_to_list(self.builtins.functions())
# Add built-in predicates
predicates = seq_to_list(self.builtins.predicates())
# Add self.$sent field
sent_type = types.MapType(types.VYPER_ADDRESS, types.NON_NEGATIVE_INT)
vyper_program.fields.type.add_member(mangled.SENT_FIELD, sent_type)
# Add self.$received field
received_type = types.MapType(types.VYPER_ADDRESS, types.NON_NEGATIVE_INT)
vyper_program.fields.type.add_member(mangled.RECEIVED_FIELD, received_type)
# Add self.$selfdestruct field
selfdestruct_type = types.VYPER_BOOL
vyper_program.fields.type.add_member(mangled.SELFDESTRUCT_FIELD, selfdestruct_type)
# For each nonreentrant key add a boolean flag whether it is set
for key in vyper_program.nonreentrant_keys():
vyper_program.fields.type.add_member(mangled.lock_name(key), types.VYPER_BOOL)
ctx = Context()
ctx.program = vyper_program
ctx.current_program = vyper_program
ctx.options = options
# Translate self
domains.append(self._translate_struct(vyper_program.fields, ctx))
for field, field_type in vyper_program.fields.type.member_types.items():
ctx.field_types[field] = self.type_translator.translate(field_type, ctx)
# Add the offer struct which we use as the key type of the offered map
if ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_ALLOCATION):
offer_struct = VyperStruct(mangled.OFFER, helpers.offer_type(), None)
domains.append(self._translate_struct(offer_struct, ctx))
def derived_resources_invariants(node: Optional[ast.Node] = None):
if not ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_ALLOCATION):
return []
derived_resources_invs = []
trusted = ctx.current_state[mangled.TRUSTED].local_var(ctx)
offered = ctx.current_state[mangled.OFFERED].local_var(ctx)
self_address = ctx.self_address or helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast)
own_derived_resources = [(name, resource) for name, resource in ctx.program.own_resources.items()
if isinstance(resource.type, types.DerivedResourceType)]
translated_own_derived_resources = self.resource_translator\
.translate_resources_for_quantified_expr(own_derived_resources, ctx)
translated_own_underlying_resources = self.resource_translator\
.translate_resources_for_quantified_expr(own_derived_resources, ctx,
for index, (name, resource) in enumerate(own_derived_resources):
if name == names.WEI:
pos_node = node or resource.node
invariants = []
assert resource.underlying_address is not None
assert resource.underlying_resource is not None
stmts = []
t_underlying_address = self.specification_translator.translate(resource.underlying_address, stmts, ctx)
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.current_old_state, ctx.current_old_state):
t_old_underlying_address = self.specification_translator.translate(resource.underlying_address,
stmts, ctx)
assert not stmts
# resource.underlying_address is not self
pos = self.to_position(resource.node, ctx, rules.UNDERLYING_ADDRESS_SELF_FAIL,
values={'resource': resource})
underlying_address_not_self = self.viper_ast.NeCmp(t_underlying_address, self_address, pos)
# resource.underlying_address is constant once set
pos = self.to_position(pos_node, ctx, rules.UNDERLYING_ADDRESS_CONSTANT_FAIL,
values={'resource': resource})
old_underlying_address_neq_zero = self.viper_ast.NeCmp(t_old_underlying_address,
self.viper_ast.IntLit(0), pos)
underlying_address_eq = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(t_underlying_address, t_old_underlying_address, pos)
underlying_address_const = self.viper_ast.Implies(old_underlying_address_neq_zero,
underlying_address_eq, pos)
# trust_no_one in resource.underlying_address
pos = self.to_position(pos_node, ctx, rules.UNDERLYING_ADDRESS_TRUST_NO_ONE_FAIL,
values={'resource': resource})
trust_no_one = helpers.trust_no_one(self.viper_ast, trusted, self_address, t_underlying_address, pos)
# no_offers for resource.underlying_resource
pos = self.to_position(pos_node, ctx, rules.UNDERLYING_RESOURCE_NO_OFFERS_FAIL,
values={'resource': resource})
t_resource, args, type_cond = translated_own_underlying_resources[index]
no_offers = helpers.no_offers(self.viper_ast, offered, t_resource, self_address, pos)
forall_no_offers = self.viper_ast.Forall([*args], [self.viper_ast.Trigger([no_offers], pos)],
self.viper_ast.Implies(type_cond, no_offers, pos), pos)
# forall derived resource the underlying resource is different
for i in range(index):
pos = self.to_position(pos_node, ctx, rules.UNDERLYING_RESOURCE_NEQ_FAIL,
values={'resource': resource, 'other_resource': own_derived_resources[i][1]})
t_other_resource, other_args, other_type_cond = translated_own_underlying_resources[i]
neq_other_resource = self.viper_ast.NeCmp(t_resource, t_other_resource, pos)
and_type_cond = self.viper_ast.And(type_cond, other_type_cond, pos)
forall_neq_other_resource = self.viper_ast.Forall(
[*args, *other_args], [self.viper_ast.Trigger([t_resource, t_other_resource], pos)],
self.viper_ast.Implies(and_type_cond, neq_other_resource, pos), pos)
return derived_resources_invs
ctx.derived_resources_invariants = derived_resources_invariants
def unchecked_invariants():
res = []
self_var = ctx.self_var.local_var(ctx)
address_type = self.type_translator.translate(types.VYPER_ADDRESS, ctx)
# forall({a: address}, {sent(a)}, sent(a) >= old(sent(a)))
old_self_var = ctx.old_self_var.local_var(ctx)
q_var = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$a', address_type)
q_local = q_var.localVar()
sent = self.balance_translator.get_sent(self_var, q_local, ctx)
old_sent = self.balance_translator.get_sent(old_self_var, q_local, ctx)
expr = self.viper_ast.GeCmp(sent, old_sent)
trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([sent])
sent_inc = self.viper_ast.Forall([q_var], [trigger], expr)
if (ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_ALLOCATION)
and not ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_NO_DERIVED_WEI)):
# self.balance >= sum(allocated())
balance = self.balance_translator.get_balance(self_var, ctx)
allocated = ctx.current_state[mangled.ALLOCATED].local_var(ctx)
stmts = []
wei_resource = self.resource_translator.translate(None, stmts, ctx)
assert len(stmts) == 0
allocated_map = self.allocation_translator.get_allocated_map(allocated, wei_resource, ctx)
allocated_sum = helpers.map_sum(self.viper_ast, allocated_map, address_type)
balance_geq_sum = self.viper_ast.GeCmp(balance, allocated_sum)
return res
def unchecked_transitive_postconditions():
assume_locked = []
for lock in ctx.program.nonreentrant_keys():
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.current_old_state, ctx.current_old_state):
old_lock_val = helpers.get_lock(self.viper_ast, lock, ctx)
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.current_state, ctx.current_state):
new_lock_val = helpers.get_lock(self.viper_ast, lock, ctx)
assume_locked.append(self.viper_ast.EqCmp(old_lock_val, new_lock_val))
return assume_locked
ctx.unchecked_invariants = unchecked_invariants
ctx.unchecked_transitive_postconditions = unchecked_transitive_postconditions
# Structs
structs = vyper_program.structs.values()
domains.extend(self._translate_struct(struct, ctx) for struct in structs)
# Resources
all_resources = flatten(vyper_program.resources.values())
domains.extend(self._translate_struct(resource, ctx) for resource in all_resources)
domains.append(self._translate_struct(helpers.creator_resource(), ctx))
# Ghost functions
functions.extend(self._translate_ghost_function(func, ctx)
for func_list in vyper_program.ghost_functions.values() for func in func_list)
domains.append(self._translate_implements(vyper_program, ctx))
# Pure functions
pure_vyper_functions = filter(VyperFunction.is_pure, vyper_program.functions.values())
functions += [self.pure_function_translator.translate(function, ctx) for function in pure_vyper_functions]
# Lemmas
functions += [function for lemma in vyper_program.lemmas.values()
for function in self.lemma_translator.translate(lemma, ctx)]
# Events
events = [self._translate_event(event, ctx) for event in]
accs = [self._translate_accessible(acc, ctx) for acc in vyper_program.functions.values()]
predicates.extend([*events, *accs])
# Viper methods
def translate_condition_for_vyper_function(func: VyperFunction) -> bool:
has_general_postcondition = (len(vyper_program.general_postconditions) > 0
or len(vyper_program.transitive_postconditions) > 0)
if not has_general_postcondition and func.is_pure():
has_loop_invariants = len(func.loop_invariants) > 0
has_unreachable_assertions = func.analysis.uses_unreachable
return has_loop_invariants or has_unreachable_assertions
if func.is_private():
# We have to generate a Viper method to check the specification
# if the specification of the function could get assumed.
return self.function_translator.can_assume_private_function(func)
return True
vyper_functions = filter(translate_condition_for_vyper_function, vyper_program.functions.values())
methods += [self.function_translator.translate(function, ctx) for function in vyper_functions]
for i, t in enumerate(self.viper_ast.seq_types):
type_vars = { self.viper_ast.TypeVar('$E') : t }
dt = self.viper_ast.DomainType('_array_ce_helper', type_vars, type_vars.keys())
functions.append(self.viper_ast.Function('___dummy' + str(i), [], dt, [], [], None))
# Viper Program
viper_program = self.viper_ast.Program(domains, [], functions, predicates, methods)
return viper_program
def _translate_struct(self, struct: VyperStruct, ctx: Context):
# For structs we need to synthesize an initializer and an equality domain function with
# their corresponding axioms
domain = mangled.struct_name(, struct.type.kind)
struct_type = self.type_translator.translate(struct.type, ctx)
address_type = self.type_translator.translate(types.VYPER_ADDRESS, ctx)
number_of_members = len(struct.type.member_types)
members = [None] * number_of_members
for name, vyper_type in struct.type.member_types.items():
idx = struct.type.member_indices[name]
member_type = self.type_translator.translate(vyper_type, ctx)
var_decl = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(f'$arg_{idx}', member_type)
members[idx] = (name, var_decl)
init_name = mangled.struct_init_name(, struct.type.kind)
init_parms = [var for _, var in members]
resource_address_var = None
if isinstance(struct, Resource) and not ( == mangled.CREATOR or == names.UNDERLYING_WEI):
# First argument has to be an address for resources if it is not the creator resource
resource_address_var = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(f'$address_arg', address_type)
init_f = self.viper_ast.DomainFunc(init_name, init_parms, struct_type, False, domain)
eq_name = mangled.struct_eq_name(, struct.type.kind)
eq_left_decl = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$l', struct_type)
eq_right_decl = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$r', struct_type)
eq_parms = [eq_left_decl, eq_right_decl]
eq_f = self.viper_ast.DomainFunc(eq_name, eq_parms, self.viper_ast.Bool, False, domain)
init_args = [param.localVar() for param in init_parms]
init = helpers.struct_init(self.viper_ast, init_args, struct.type)
# The type tag of the initializer is always the type tag of the struct being initialized
type_tag = self.viper_ast.IntLit(mangled.struct_type_tag(, struct.type.kind))
init_expr = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(helpers.struct_type_tag(self.viper_ast, init), type_tag)
eq_left = eq_left_decl.localVar()
eq_right = eq_right_decl.localVar()
eq = helpers.struct_eq(self.viper_ast, eq_left, eq_right, struct.type)
# For two struct to be equal the type tags have to agree, i.e., they have to be of the same Vyper type
ltag = helpers.struct_type_tag(self.viper_ast, eq_left)
rtag = helpers.struct_type_tag(self.viper_ast, eq_right)
eq_expr = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(ltag, rtag)
for name, var in members:
init_get = helpers.struct_get(self.viper_ast, init, name, var.typ(), struct.type)
init_eq = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(init_get, var.localVar())
init_expr = self.viper_ast.And(init_expr, init_eq)
eq_get_l = helpers.struct_get(self.viper_ast, eq_left, name, var.typ(), struct.type)
eq_get_r = helpers.struct_get(self.viper_ast, eq_right, name, var.typ(), struct.type)
member_type = struct.type.member_types[name]
eq_eq = self.type_translator.eq(eq_get_l, eq_get_r, member_type, ctx)
eq_expr = self.viper_ast.And(eq_expr, eq_eq)
if isinstance(struct, Resource) and not ( == mangled.CREATOR or == names.UNDERLYING_WEI):
init_get = helpers.struct_get_idx(self.viper_ast, init, number_of_members, address_type)
init_eq = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(init_get, resource_address_var.localVar())
init_expr = self.viper_ast.And(init_expr, init_eq)
eq_get_l = helpers.struct_get_idx(self.viper_ast, eq_left, number_of_members, address_type)
eq_get_r = helpers.struct_get_idx(self.viper_ast, eq_right, number_of_members, address_type)
eq_eq = self.type_translator.eq(eq_get_l, eq_get_r, types.VYPER_ADDRESS, ctx)
eq_expr = self.viper_ast.And(eq_expr, eq_eq)
init_trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([init])
init_quant = self.viper_ast.Forall(init_parms, [init_trigger], init_expr)
init_ax_name = mangled.axiom_name(init_name)
init_axiom = self.viper_ast.DomainAxiom(init_ax_name, init_quant, domain)
eq_trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([eq])
eq_lr_eq = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(eq_left, eq_right)
eq_equals = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(eq, eq_lr_eq)
eq_definition = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(eq, eq_expr)
eq_expr = self.viper_ast.And(eq_equals, eq_definition)
eq_quant = self.viper_ast.Forall(eq_parms, [eq_trigger], eq_expr)
eq_axiom_name = mangled.axiom_name(eq_name)
eq_axiom = self.viper_ast.DomainAxiom(eq_axiom_name, eq_quant, domain)
return self.viper_ast.Domain(domain, [init_f, eq_f], [init_axiom, eq_axiom], [])
def _translate_ghost_function(self, function: GhostFunction, ctx: Context):
# We translate a ghost function as a function where the first argument is the
# self struct usually obtained through the contracts map
pos = self.to_position(function.node, ctx)
fname = mangled.ghost_function_name(function.interface,
addr_var = TranslatedVar(names.ADDRESS, '$addr', types.VYPER_ADDRESS, self.viper_ast, pos)
self_var = TranslatedVar(names.SELF, '$self', AnyStructType(), self.viper_ast, pos)
self_address = helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast, pos)
args = [addr_var, self_var]
for idx, var in enumerate(function.args.values()):
args.append(TranslatedVar(, f'$arg_{idx}', var.type, self.viper_ast, pos))
args_var_decls = [arg.var_decl(ctx) for arg in args]
viper_type = self.type_translator.translate(function.type.return_type, ctx)
if ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_TRUST_CASTS):
pres = []
ifs = filter(lambda i: in i.ghost_functions, ctx.program.interfaces.values())
interface = next(ifs)
addr = addr_var.local_var(ctx)
implements = helpers.implements(self.viper_ast, addr,, ctx, pos)
pres = [implements]
result = self.viper_ast.Result(viper_type)
posts = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(result, function.type.return_type, ctx)
# If the ghost function has an implementation we add a postcondition for that
implementation = ctx.program.ghost_function_implementations.get(
if implementation:
with ctx.function_scope():
ctx.args = { arg for arg in args}
ctx.current_state = {mangled.SELF: self_var}
body = implementation.node.body[0]
assert isinstance(body, ast.ExprStmt)
expr = body.value
stmts = []
impl_expr = self.specification_translator.translate(expr, stmts, ctx)
assert not stmts
definition = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(result, impl_expr, pos)
# The implementation is only defined for the self address
is_self = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(addr_var.local_var(ctx), self_address, pos)
posts.append(self.viper_ast.Implies(is_self, definition, pos))
return self.viper_ast.Function(fname, args_var_decls, viper_type, pres, posts, None, pos)
def _translate_implements(self, program: VyperProgram, ctx: Context):
domain = mangled.IMPLEMENTS_DOMAIN
self_address = helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast)
implements = []
for interface in program.implements:
implements.append(helpers.implements(self.viper_ast, self_address,, ctx))
axiom_name = mangled.axiom_name(domain)
axiom_body = reduce(self.viper_ast.And, implements, self.viper_ast.TrueLit())
axiom = self.viper_ast.DomainAxiom(axiom_name, axiom_body, domain)
return self.viper_ast.Domain(domain, [], [axiom], {})
def _translate_event(self, event: VyperEvent, ctx: Context):
name = mangled.event_name(
viper_types = [self.type_translator.translate(arg, ctx) for arg in event.type.arg_types]
args = [self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(f'$arg{idx}', viper_type) for idx, viper_type in enumerate(viper_types)]
return self.viper_ast.Predicate(name, args, None)
def _translate_accessible(self, function: VyperFunction, ctx: Context):
name = mangled.accessible_name(
arg0 = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$tag', self.viper_ast.Int)
address_type = self.type_translator.translate(types.VYPER_ADDRESS, ctx)
arg1 = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$to', address_type)
wei_value_type = self.type_translator.translate(types.VYPER_WEI_VALUE, ctx)
arg2 = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$amount', wei_value_type)
args = [arg0, arg1, arg2]
for idx, arg in enumerate(function.args.values()):
arg_name = f'$arg{idx}'
arg_type = self.type_translator.translate(arg.type, ctx)
args.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(arg_name, arg_type))
return self.viper_ast.Predicate(name, args, None)
def _assume_assertions(self, self_state: State, old_state: State, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
with ctx.state_scope(self_state, old_state):
for inv in ctx.unchecked_invariants():
for interface_type in ctx.program.implements:
interface = ctx.program.interfaces[]
with ctx.program_scope(interface):
for inv in ctx.current_program.invariants:
pos = self.to_position(inv, ctx, rules.INHALE_INVARIANT_FAIL)
inv_expr = self.specification_translator.translate_invariant(inv, res, ctx)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(inv_expr, pos))
for inv in ctx.current_program.invariants:
pos = self.to_position(inv, ctx, rules.INHALE_INVARIANT_FAIL)
inv_expr = self.specification_translator.translate_invariant(inv, res, ctx)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(inv_expr, pos))
is_post_var = self.viper_ast.LocalVar('$post', self.viper_ast.Bool)
for post in ctx.program.transitive_postconditions:
pos = self.to_position(post, ctx, rules.INHALE_POSTCONDITION_FAIL)
post_expr = self.specification_translator.translate_pre_or_postcondition(post, res, ctx)
post_expr = self.viper_ast.Implies(is_post_var, post_expr, pos)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(post_expr, pos))
for post in ctx.unchecked_transitive_postconditions():
post_expr = self.viper_ast.Implies(is_post_var, post)
def _create_transitivity_check(self, ctx: Context):
# Creates a check that all invariants and transitive postconditions are transitive.
# This is needed, because we want to assume them after a call, which could have
# reentered multiple times.
# To check transitivity, we create 3 states, assume the global unchecked invariants
# for all of them, assume the invariants for state no 1 (with state no 1 being the
# old state), for state no 2 (with state no 1 being the old state), and again for
# state no 3 (with state no 2 being the old state).
# In the end we assert the invariants for state no 3 (with state no 1 being the old state)
# The transitive postconditions are checked similarly, but conditioned under an unkown
# boolean variable so we can't assume them for checking the invariants
with ctx.function_scope():
states = [self.state_translator.state(lambda n: f'${n}${i}', ctx) for i in range(3)]
block = TranslatedVar(names.BLOCK, mangled.BLOCK, types.BLOCK_TYPE, self.viper_ast)
ctx.locals[names.BLOCK] = block
is_post = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$post', self.viper_ast.Bool)
local_vars = [*flatten(s.values() for s in states), block]
local_vars = [var.var_decl(ctx) for var in local_vars]
if ctx.program.analysis.uses_issued:
ctx.issued_state = self.state_translator.state(mangled.issued_state_var_name, ctx)
local_vars.extend(var.var_decl(ctx) for var in ctx.issued_state.values())
all_states = chain(states, [ctx.issued_state])
all_states = states
body = []
# Assume type assumptions for all self-states
for state in all_states:
for var in state.values():
local = var.local_var(ctx)
type_assumptions = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(local, var.type, ctx)
body.extend(self.viper_ast.Inhale(a) for a in type_assumptions)
# Assume type assumptions for block
block_var = block.local_var(ctx)
block_assumptions = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(block_var, types.BLOCK_TYPE, ctx)
body.extend(self.viper_ast.Inhale(a) for a in block_assumptions)
def assume_assertions(s1, s2):
self._assume_assertions(s1, s2, body, ctx)
if ctx.program.analysis.uses_issued:
# Assume assertions for issued state and issued state
assume_assertions(ctx.issued_state, ctx.issued_state)
# Assume assertions for current state 0 and issued state
assume_assertions(states[0], ctx.issued_state)
# Assume assertions for current state 0 and old state 0
assume_assertions(states[0], states[0])
# Assume assertions for current state 1 and old state 0
assume_assertions(states[1], states[0])
# Assume assertions for current state 2 and old state 1
assume_assertions(states[2], states[1])
# Check invariants for current state 2 and old state 0
with ctx.state_scope(states[2], states[0]):
for interface_type in ctx.program.implements:
interface = ctx.program.interfaces[]
with ctx.program_scope(interface):
for inv in ctx.current_program.invariants:
apos = self.to_position(inv, ctx, rule)
inv_expr = self.specification_translator.translate_invariant(inv, body, ctx)
body.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(inv_expr, apos))
for inv in ctx.current_program.invariants:
apos = self.to_position(inv, ctx, rule)
inv_expr = self.specification_translator.translate_invariant(inv, body, ctx)
body.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(inv_expr, apos))
for post in ctx.program.transitive_postconditions:
apos = self.to_position(post, ctx, rule)
post_expr = self.specification_translator.translate_invariant(post, body, ctx)
pos = self.to_position(post, ctx)
is_post_var = self.viper_ast.LocalVar('$post', self.viper_ast.Bool, pos)
post_expr = self.viper_ast.Implies(is_post_var, post_expr, pos)
body.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(post_expr, apos))
return self.viper_ast.Method(name, [], [], [], [], local_vars, body)
def _create_reflexivity_check(self, ctx: Context):
# Creates a check that all invariants and transitive postconditions are reflexive.
# This is needed, because we want to assume them after a call, which could have
# reentered zero times.
# To check transitivity, we create 2 states, assume the global unchecked invariants
# for both of them, assume the invariants for state no 2 with state no 1 being the
# old state.
# In the end we assert the invariants for state no 2 with state no 2 being the old state.
# The transitive postconditions are checked similarly, but conditioned under an unknown
# boolean variable so we can't assume them for checking the invariants
with ctx.function_scope():
name = mangled.REFLEXIVITY_CHECK
states = [self.state_translator.state(lambda n: f'${n}${i}', ctx) for i in range(2)]
block = TranslatedVar(names.BLOCK, mangled.BLOCK, types.BLOCK_TYPE, self.viper_ast)
ctx.locals[names.BLOCK] = block
is_post = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$post', self.viper_ast.Bool)
local_vars = [*flatten(s.values() for s in states), block]
local_vars = [var.var_decl(ctx) for var in local_vars]
if ctx.program.analysis.uses_issued:
ctx.issued_state = self.state_translator.state(mangled.issued_state_var_name, ctx)
local_vars.extend(var.var_decl(ctx) for var in ctx.issued_state.values())
all_states = chain(states, [ctx.issued_state])
all_states = states
body = []
# Assume type assumptions for all self-states
for state in all_states:
for var in state.values():
local = var.local_var(ctx)
type_assumptions = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(local, var.type, ctx)
body.extend(self.viper_ast.Inhale(a) for a in type_assumptions)
# Assume type assumptions for block
block_var = block.local_var(ctx)
block_assumptions = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(block_var, types.BLOCK_TYPE, ctx)
body.extend(self.viper_ast.Inhale(a) for a in block_assumptions)
def assume_assertions(s1, s2):
self._assume_assertions(s1, s2, body, ctx)
# Assume assertions for current state 1 and old state 0
assume_assertions(states[1], states[0])
# Check invariants for current state 1 and old state 1
with ctx.state_scope(states[1], states[1]):
for inv in ctx.program.invariants:
apos = self.to_position(inv, ctx, rule)
inv_expr = self.specification_translator.translate_invariant(inv, body, ctx)
body.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(inv_expr, apos))
for post in ctx.program.transitive_postconditions:
apos = self.to_position(post, ctx, rule)
post_expr = self.specification_translator.translate_invariant(post, body, ctx)
pos = self.to_position(post, ctx)
is_post_var = self.viper_ast.LocalVar('$post', self.viper_ast.Bool, pos)
post_expr = self.viper_ast.Implies(is_post_var, post_expr, pos)
body.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(post_expr, apos))
return self.viper_ast.Method(name, [], [], [], [], local_vars, body)
def _create_forced_ether_check(self, ctx: Context):
# Creates a check that all transitive postconditions still hold after
# forcibly receiving ether through selfdestruct or coinbase transactions
with ctx.function_scope():
name = mangled.FORCED_ETHER_CHECK
present_state = self.state_translator.state(mangled.present_state_var_name, ctx)
pre_state = self.state_translator.state(mangled.pre_state_var_name, ctx)
local_vars = [var.var_decl(ctx) for var in chain(present_state.values(), pre_state.values())]
if ctx.program.analysis.uses_issued:
issued_state = self.state_translator.state(mangled.issued_state_var_name, ctx)
ctx.issued_state = issued_state
local_vars.extend(var.var_decl(ctx) for var in issued_state.values())
all_states = [present_state, pre_state, issued_state]
all_states = [present_state, pre_state]
block = TranslatedVar(names.BLOCK, mangled.BLOCK, types.BLOCK_TYPE, self.viper_ast)
ctx.locals[names.BLOCK] = block
is_post = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$post', self.viper_ast.Bool)
havoc = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$havoc', self.viper_ast.Int)
local_vars.extend([is_post, havoc, block.var_decl(ctx)])
body = []
for state in all_states:
for var in state.values():
local = var.local_var(ctx)
type_assumptions = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(local, var.type, ctx)
body.extend(self.viper_ast.Inhale(a) for a in type_assumptions)
# Assume type assumptions for block
block_var = block.local_var(ctx)
block_assumptions = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(block_var, types.BLOCK_TYPE, ctx)
body.extend(self.viper_ast.Inhale(a) for a in block_assumptions)
def assume_assertions(s1, s2):
self._assume_assertions(s1, s2, body, ctx)
# Assume balance increase to be non-negative
zero = self.viper_ast.IntLit(0)
assume_non_negative = self.viper_ast.Inhale(self.viper_ast.GeCmp(havoc.localVar(), zero))
if ctx.program.analysis.uses_issued:
assume_assertions(issued_state, issued_state)
assume_assertions(present_state, issued_state)
assume_assertions(present_state, present_state)
self.state_translator.copy_state(present_state, pre_state, body, ctx)
with ctx.state_scope(present_state, present_state):
self.balance_translator.increase_balance(havoc.localVar(), body, ctx)
with ctx.state_scope(present_state, pre_state):
for post in ctx.program.transitive_postconditions:
apos = self.to_position(post, ctx, rule)
post_expr = self.specification_translator.translate_pre_or_postcondition(post, body, ctx)
pos = self.to_position(post, ctx)
is_post_var = self.viper_ast.LocalVar('$post', self.viper_ast.Bool, pos)
post_expr = self.viper_ast.Implies(is_post_var, post_expr, pos)
body.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(post_expr, apos))
return self.viper_ast.Method(name, [], [], [], [], local_vars, body) | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/translation/ | |
from typing import List
from twovyper.ast import ast_nodes as ast
from twovyper.ast.nodes import VyperFunction, VyperVar
from twovyper.translation import mangled
from twovyper.translation.abstract import CommonTranslator
from twovyper.translation.context import Context
from twovyper.translation.specification import SpecificationTranslator
from twovyper.translation.type import TypeTranslator
from twovyper.translation.variable import TranslatedVar
from twovyper.verification import rules
from twovyper.viper.ast import ViperAST
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Function
class LemmaTranslator(CommonTranslator):
def __init__(self, viper_ast: ViperAST):
self.specification_translator = SpecificationTranslator(viper_ast)
self.type_translator = TypeTranslator(viper_ast)
def translate(self, function: VyperFunction, ctx: Context) -> List[Function]:
with ctx.function_scope():
with ctx.lemma_scope():
pos = self.to_position(function.node, ctx)
ctx.function = function
args = {name: self._translate_non_local_var(var, ctx) for name, var in function.args.items()}
ctx.present_state = {}
ctx.old_state = {}
ctx.pre_state = {}
ctx.issued_state = {}
ctx.current_state = {}
ctx.current_old_state = {}
ctx.args = args.copy()
ctx.locals = {}
ctx.success_var = None
ctx.return_label = None
ctx.revert_label = None
ctx.result_var = None
preconditions = []
# Type assumptions for arguments
for var in function.args.values():
local_var = args[].local_var(ctx)
assumptions = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(local_var, var.type, ctx)
# Explicit preconditions
for precondition in function.preconditions:
stmts = []
.translate_pre_or_postcondition(precondition, stmts, ctx))
assert not stmts
# If we assume uninterpreted function and assert the interpreted ones, the lemma has no body
body = None if function.is_interpreted() else self.viper_ast.TrueLit()
postconditions = []
interpreted_postconditions = []
if function.is_interpreted():
# Without a body, we must ensure that "result == true"
viper_result = self.viper_ast.Result(self.viper_ast.Bool, pos)
postconditions.append(self.viper_ast.EqCmp(viper_result, self.viper_ast.TrueLit(), pos))
for idx, stmt in enumerate(function.node.body):
assert isinstance(stmt, ast.ExprStmt)
expr = stmt.value
stmts = []
post = self.specification_translator.translate(expr, stmts, ctx)
post_pos = self.to_position(stmt, ctx, rules=rules.LEMMA_FAIL)
viper_result = self.viper_ast.Result(self.viper_ast.Bool, post_pos)
postconditions.append(self.viper_ast.EqCmp(viper_result, post, post_pos))
if function.is_interpreted():
# If the function is interpreted, generate also an interpreted version of the lemma step
with ctx.interpreted_scope():
interpreted_post = self.specification_translator.translate(expr, stmts, ctx)
self.viper_ast.EqCmp(viper_result, interpreted_post, post_pos))
assert not stmts
args_list = [arg.var_decl(ctx) for arg in args.values()]
viper_name = mangled.lemma_name(
viper_functions = [self.viper_ast.Function(viper_name, args_list, self.viper_ast.Bool,
preconditions, postconditions, body, pos)]
if function.is_interpreted():
# If we have interpreted postconditions, generate a second function.
# This second function has always a body, the same arguments and the same preconditions, but uses
# interpreted mul, div and mod instead of the uninterpreted $Int-functions in the postconditions.
"interpreted$" + viper_name, args_list, self.viper_ast.Bool, preconditions,
interpreted_postconditions, self.viper_ast.TrueLit(), pos))
return viper_functions
def _translate_non_local_var(self, var: VyperVar, ctx: Context):
pos = self.to_position(var.node, ctx)
name = mangled.local_var_name(ctx.inline_prefix,
return TranslatedVar(, name, var.type, self.viper_ast, pos, is_local=False) | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/translation/ | |
from functools import reduce
from itertools import chain, zip_longest
from typing import List
from twovyper.ast import ast_nodes as ast, names, types
from twovyper.ast.nodes import VyperFunction, VyperVar
from twovyper.translation import helpers, mangled
from twovyper.translation.context import Context
from twovyper.translation.abstract import CommonTranslator
from twovyper.translation.allocation import AllocationTranslator
from twovyper.translation.balance import BalanceTranslator
from twovyper.translation.expression import ExpressionTranslator
from twovyper.translation.model import ModelTranslator
from twovyper.translation.resource import ResourceTranslator
from twovyper.translation.specification import SpecificationTranslator
from twovyper.translation.state import StateTranslator
from twovyper.translation.statement import StatementTranslator
from twovyper.translation.type import TypeTranslator
from twovyper.translation.variable import TranslatedVar
from twovyper.verification import rules
from twovyper.verification.error import Via
from twovyper.viper.ast import ViperAST
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Method, Stmt, Expr
class FunctionTranslator(CommonTranslator):
def __init__(self, viper_ast: ViperAST):
self.allocation_translator = AllocationTranslator(viper_ast)
self.balance_translator = BalanceTranslator(viper_ast)
self.expression_translator = ExpressionTranslator(viper_ast)
self.model_translator = ModelTranslator(viper_ast)
self.resource_translator = ResourceTranslator(viper_ast)
self.specification_translator = SpecificationTranslator(viper_ast)
self.statement_translator = StatementTranslator(viper_ast)
self.state_translator = StateTranslator(viper_ast)
self.type_translator = TypeTranslator(viper_ast)
def translate(self, function: VyperFunction, ctx: Context) -> Method:
with ctx.function_scope():
# A synthesized __init__ does not have a position in the file
if function.node:
pos = self.to_position(function.node, ctx)
pos = self.to_position(ctx.program.node, ctx)
ctx.function = function
is_init = ( == names.INIT)
do_performs = not ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_NO_PERFORMS)
if is_init and do_performs:
args = {name: self._translate_var(var, ctx, False) for name, var in function.args.items()}
# Local variables will be added when translating.
local_vars = {
# The msg variable
names.MSG: TranslatedVar(names.MSG, mangled.MSG, types.MSG_TYPE, self.viper_ast),
# The block variable
names.BLOCK: TranslatedVar(names.BLOCK, mangled.BLOCK, types.BLOCK_TYPE, self.viper_ast),
# The chain variable
names.CHAIN: TranslatedVar(names.CHAIN, mangled.CHAIN, types.CHAIN_TYPE, self.viper_ast),
# The tx variable
names.TX: TranslatedVar(names.TX, mangled.TX, types.TX_TYPE, self.viper_ast)
# We represent self as a struct in each state (present, old, pre, issued).
# For other contracts we use a map from addresses to structs.
ctx.present_state = self.state_translator.state(mangled.present_state_var_name, ctx)
# The last publicly visible state of the blockchain
ctx.old_state = self.state_translator.state(mangled.old_state_var_name, ctx)
if function.is_private():
# The last publicly visible state of the blockchain before the function call
ctx.pre_old_state = self.state_translator.state(mangled.pre_old_state_var_name, ctx)
# The state of the blockchain before the function call
ctx.pre_state = self.state_translator.state(mangled.pre_state_var_name, ctx)
# The state of the blockchain when the transaction was issued
ctx.issued_state = self.state_translator.state(mangled.issued_state_var_name, ctx)
# Usually self refers to the present state and old(self) refers to the old state
ctx.current_state = ctx.present_state
ctx.current_old_state = ctx.old_state
# We create copies of variable maps because ctx is allowed to modify them
ctx.args = args.copy()
ctx.locals = local_vars.copy()
ctx.locals[mangled.ORIGINAL_MSG] = local_vars[names.MSG]
state_dicts = [ctx.present_state, ctx.old_state, ctx.pre_state, ctx.issued_state]
if function.is_private():
state = []
for d in state_dicts:
self_var = ctx.self_var.local_var(ctx)
pre_self_var = ctx.pre_self_var.local_var(ctx)
ctx.success_var = TranslatedVar(names.SUCCESS, mangled.SUCCESS_VAR, types.VYPER_BOOL, self.viper_ast)
return_variables = [ctx.success_var]
success_var = ctx.success_var.local_var(ctx)
end_label = self.viper_ast.Label(mangled.END_LABEL)
return_label = self.viper_ast.Label(mangled.RETURN_LABEL)
revert_label = self.viper_ast.Label(mangled.REVERT_LABEL)
ctx.return_label = mangled.RETURN_LABEL
ctx.revert_label = mangled.REVERT_LABEL
if function.type.return_type:
ctx.result_var = TranslatedVar(names.RESULT, mangled.RESULT_VAR,
function.type.return_type, self.viper_ast)
body = []
# Assume type assumptions for self state
self.state_translator.assume_type_assumptions_for_state(ctx.present_state, "Present", body, ctx)
if function.is_private():
self.state_translator.assume_type_assumptions_for_state(ctx.old_state, "Old", body, ctx)
# Assume type assumptions for issued state
if function.analysis.uses_issued:
self.state_translator.assume_type_assumptions_for_state(ctx.issued_state, "Issued", body, ctx)
# Assume type assumptions for self address
self_address = helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast)
self_address_ass = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(self_address, types.VYPER_ADDRESS, ctx)
self_address_assumptions = [self.viper_ast.Inhale(c) for c in self_address_ass]
self_address_info_msg = "Assume type assumptions for self address"
self.seqn_with_info(self_address_assumptions, self_address_info_msg, body)
# Assume type assumptions for arguments
argument_type_assumptions = []
for var in function.args.values():
local_var = args[].local_var(ctx)
assumptions = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(local_var, var.type, ctx)
argument_cond_assumes = [self.viper_ast.Inhale(c) for c in argument_type_assumptions]
ui_info_msg = "Assume type assumptions for arguments"
self.seqn_with_info(argument_cond_assumes, ui_info_msg, body)
# Assume type assumptions for block
block_var = ctx.block_var.local_var(ctx)
block_type_assumptions = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(block_var, types.BLOCK_TYPE, ctx)
block_assumes = [self.viper_ast.Inhale(c) for c in block_type_assumptions]
block_info_msg = "Assume type assumptions for block"
self.seqn_with_info(block_assumes, block_info_msg, body)
# Assume type assumptions for msg
msg_var = ctx.msg_var.local_var(ctx)
msg_type_assumption = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(msg_var, types.MSG_TYPE, ctx)
# We additionally know that msg.sender != 0
zero = self.viper_ast.IntLit(0)
msg_sender = helpers.msg_sender(self.viper_ast, ctx)
neq0 = self.viper_ast.NeCmp(msg_sender, zero)
msg_assumes = [self.viper_ast.Inhale(c) for c in chain(msg_type_assumption, [neq0])]
msg_info_msg = "Assume type assumptions for msg"
self.seqn_with_info(msg_assumes, msg_info_msg, body)
# Interface references we have knowledge about and therefore can e.g. assume their invariants
known_interface_ref = []
self_type = ctx.program.fields.type
for member_name, member_type in self_type.member_types.items():
viper_type = self.type_translator.translate(member_type, ctx)
if isinstance(member_type, types.InterfaceType):
get = helpers.struct_get(self.viper_ast, ctx.self_var.local_var(ctx), member_name,
viper_type, self_type)
known_interface_ref.append((, get))
# Assume unchecked and user-specified invariants
inv_pres_issued = []
inv_pres_self = []
# Translate the invariants for the issued state. Since we don't know anything about
# the state before then, we use the issued state itself as the old state
if not is_init and function.analysis.uses_issued:
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.issued_state, ctx.issued_state):
for inv in ctx.unchecked_invariants():
# Assume implemented interface invariants
for interface_type in ctx.program.implements:
interface = ctx.program.interfaces[]
with ctx.program_scope(interface):
for inv in ctx.current_program.invariants:
program_pos = self.to_position(inv, ctx, rules.INHALE_INVARIANT_FAIL)
expr = self.specification_translator.translate_invariant(inv, inv_pres_issued,
ctx, True)
inv_pres_issued.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(expr, program_pos))
# Assume own invariants
for inv in ctx.current_program.invariants:
program_pos = self.to_position(inv, ctx, rules.INHALE_INVARIANT_FAIL)
expr = self.specification_translator.translate_invariant(inv, inv_pres_issued, ctx, True)
inv_pres_issued.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(expr, program_pos))
# If we use issued, we translate the invariants for the current state with the
# issued state as the old state, else we just use the self state as the old state
# which results in fewer assumptions passed to the prover
if not is_init:
present_state = ctx.present_state if function.is_public() else ctx.old_state
last_state = ctx.issued_state if function.analysis.uses_issued else present_state
with ctx.state_scope(present_state, last_state):
for inv in ctx.unchecked_invariants():
# Assume implemented interface invariants
for interface_type in ctx.program.implements:
interface = ctx.program.interfaces[]
with ctx.program_scope(interface):
for inv in ctx.current_program.invariants:
program_pos = self.to_position(inv, ctx, rules.INHALE_INVARIANT_FAIL)
expr = self.specification_translator.translate_invariant(inv, inv_pres_self, ctx)
inv_pres_self.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(expr, program_pos))
# Assume own invariants
for inv in ctx.current_program.invariants:
program_pos = self.to_position(inv, ctx, rules.INHALE_INVARIANT_FAIL)
expr = self.specification_translator.translate_invariant(inv, inv_pres_self, ctx)
inv_pres_self.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(expr, program_pos))
# Also assume the unchecked invariants for non-public states
if function.is_private():
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.present_state, last_state):
for inv in ctx.unchecked_invariants():
self.expression_translator.assume_contract_state(known_interface_ref, inv_pres_self, ctx,
iv_info_msg = "Assume invariants for issued self"
self.seqn_with_info(inv_pres_issued, iv_info_msg, body)
iv_info_msg = "Assume invariants for self"
self.seqn_with_info(inv_pres_self, iv_info_msg, body)
if function.is_private():
# Assume an unspecified permission amount to the events if the function is private
event_handling = []
self.expression_translator.log_all_events_zero_or_more_times(event_handling, ctx, pos)
self.seqn_with_info(event_handling, "Assume we know nothing about events", body)
# Assume preconditions
pre_stmts = []
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.present_state, ctx.old_state):
for precondition in function.preconditions:
cond = self.specification_translator.\
translate_pre_or_postcondition(precondition, pre_stmts, ctx, assume_events=True)
pre_pos = self.to_position(precondition, ctx, rules.INHALE_PRECONDITION_FAIL)
pre_stmts.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(cond, pre_pos))
self.seqn_with_info(pre_stmts, "Assume preconditions", body)
# pre_self is the same as self in the beginning
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.present_state, ctx.pre_state, body, ctx)
# If the function is public, old_self is also the same as self in the beginning
if function.is_public():
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.present_state, ctx.old_state, body, ctx)
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.old_state, ctx.pre_old_state, body, ctx)
def return_bool(value: bool) -> Stmt:
lit = self.viper_ast.TrueLit if value else self.viper_ast.FalseLit
return self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(success_var, lit())
# If we do not encounter an exception we will return success
# Add variable for success(if_not=overflow) that tracks whether an overflow happened
overflow_var = helpers.overflow_var(self.viper_ast)
overflow_var_assign = self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(overflow_var.localVar(), self.viper_ast.FalseLit())
# Add variable for whether we need to set old_self to current self
# In the beginning, it is True as the first public state needs to
# be checked against itself
if is_init:
fps = helpers.first_public_state_var(self.viper_ast, pos).localVar()
var_assign = self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(fps, self.viper_ast.TrueLit())
# Translate the performs clauses
performs_clause_conditions = []
interface_files = [ctx.program.interfaces[].file for impl in ctx.program.implements]
for performs in function.performs:
assert isinstance(performs, ast.FunctionCall)
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.pre_state, ctx.pre_state):
address, resource = self.allocation_translator.location_address_of_performs(performs, body, ctx,
if (resource is not None and resource.file is not None
and resource.file != ctx.program.file and resource.file in interface_files):
# All performs clauses with own resources of an implemented interface should be on that interface
apos = self.to_position(performs, ctx, rules.INTERFACE_RESOURCE_PERFORMS,
values={'resource': resource})
cond = self.viper_ast.NeCmp(address, self_address, apos)
performs_clause_conditions.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(cond, apos))
_ = self.specification_translator.translate_ghost_statement(performs, body, ctx, is_performs=True)
for interface_type in ctx.program.implements:
interface = ctx.program.interfaces[]
interface_func = interface.functions.get(
if interface_func:
with ctx.program_scope(interface):
for performs in interface_func.performs:
assert isinstance(performs, ast.FunctionCall)
self.specification_translator.translate_ghost_statement(performs, body, ctx,
# Revert if a @nonreentrant lock is set
self._assert_unlocked(function, body, ctx)
# Set all @nonreentrant locks
self._set_locked(function, True, body, ctx)
# In the initializer initialize all fields to their default values
if is_init:
self.state_translator.initialize_state(ctx.current_state, body, ctx)
# Havoc self.balance, because we are not allowed to assume self.balance == 0
# in the beginning
self._havoc_balance(body, ctx)
if ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_ALLOCATION):
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.current_state, ctx.current_old_state, body, ctx,
unless=lambda n: (n != mangled.ALLOCATED
and n != mangled.TRUSTED
and n != mangled.OFFERED))
self.state_translator.havoc_state(ctx.current_state, body, ctx,
unless=lambda n: (n != mangled.ALLOCATED
and n != mangled.TRUSTED
and n != mangled.OFFERED))
self.expression_translator.assume_own_resources_stayed_constant(body, ctx, pos)
for _, interface in ctx.program.interfaces.items():
with ctx.quantified_var_scope():
var_name = mangled.quantifier_var_name(names.INTERFACE)
qvar = TranslatedVar(var_name, var_name, types.VYPER_ADDRESS, self.viper_ast)
ctx.quantified_vars[var_name] = qvar
interface, qvar.local_var(ctx), self_address, body, ctx)
# For public function we can make further assumptions about msg.value
if function.is_public():
msg_value = helpers.msg_value(self.viper_ast, ctx)
if not function.is_payable():
# If the function is not payable we assume that msg.value == 0
# Technically speaking it is possible to send ether to a non-payable function
# which leads to a revert, however, we implicitly require all function calls
# to adhere to the Vyper function call interface (i.e., that they have the
# correct types and ether).
zero = self.viper_ast.IntLit(0)
is_zero = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(msg_value, zero)
payable_info = self.to_info(["Function is not payable"])
assume = self.viper_ast.Inhale(is_zero, info=payable_info)
# Increase balance by msg.value
payable_info = self.to_info(["Function is payable"])
self.balance_translator.increase_balance(msg_value, body, ctx, info=payable_info)
# Increase received for msg.sender by msg.value
self.balance_translator.increase_received(msg_value, body, ctx)
# Allocate the received ether to the sender
if (ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_ALLOCATION)
and not ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_NO_DERIVED_WEI)):
resource = self.resource_translator.translate(None, body, ctx) # Wei resource
function.node, resource, msg_sender, msg_sender, msg_value, body, ctx, pos)
# If we are in a synthesized init, we don't have a function body
if function.node:
body_stmts = []
self.statement_translator.translate_stmts(function.node.body, body_stmts, ctx)
self.seqn_with_info(body_stmts, "Function body", body)
# If we reach this point we either jumped to it by returning or got there directly
# because we didn't revert (yet)
# Check that we were allowed to inhale the performs clauses
# Unset @nonreentrant locks
self._set_locked(function, False, body, ctx)
# Add variable for success(if_not=out_of_gas) that tracks whether the contract ran out of gas
out_of_gas_var = helpers.out_of_gas_var(self.viper_ast)
# Fail, if we ran out of gas
# If the no_gas option is set, ignore it
if not ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_NO_GAS):
self.fail_if(out_of_gas_var.localVar(), [], body, ctx)
# If we reach this point do not revert the state
# Revert the state label
# Return False
# Havoc the return value
if function.type.return_type:
result_type = self.type_translator.translate(ctx.result_var.type, ctx)
havoc = helpers.havoc_var(self.viper_ast, result_type, ctx)
body.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(ctx.result_var.local_var(ctx), havoc))
# Revert self and old_self to the state before the function
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.pre_state, ctx.present_state, body, ctx)
if function.is_private():
# In private functions the pre_state is not equal the old_state. For this we have the pre_old_state.
# This is the case since for private function the pre_state may not be a public state.
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.pre_old_state, ctx.old_state, body, ctx)
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.pre_state, ctx.old_state, body, ctx)
# The end of a program, label where return statements jump to
# Postconditions hold for single transactions, checks hold before any public state,
# invariants across transactions.
# Therefore, after the function execution the following steps happen:
# - Assert the specified postconditions of the function
# - If the function is public
# - Assert the checks
# - Havoc self.balance
# - Assert invariants
# - Check accessible
# This is necessary because a contract may receive additional money through
# selfdestruct or mining
# In init set old to current self, if this is the first public state
# However, the state has to be set again after havocing the balance, therefore
# we don't update the flag
if is_init:
self.state_translator.check_first_public_state(body, ctx, False)
self.expression_translator.assume_contract_state(known_interface_ref, body, ctx,
post_stmts = []
old_state = ctx.present_state if is_init else ctx.pre_state
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.present_state, old_state):
# Save model vars
model_translator = self.model_translator.save_variables(post_stmts, ctx)
# Assert postconditions
for post in function.postconditions:
post_pos = self.to_position(post, ctx, rules.POSTCONDITION_FAIL, modelt=model_translator)
cond = self.specification_translator.translate_pre_or_postcondition(post, post_stmts, ctx)
post_assert = self.viper_ast.Exhale(cond, post_pos)
for post in chain(ctx.program.general_postconditions, ctx.program.transitive_postconditions):
post_pos = self.to_position(post, ctx)
cond = self.specification_translator.translate_pre_or_postcondition(post, post_stmts, ctx)
if is_init:
init_pos = self.to_position(post, ctx, rules.POSTCONDITION_FAIL, modelt=model_translator)
# General postconditions only have to hold for init if it succeeds
cond = self.viper_ast.Implies(success_var, cond, post_pos)
post_stmts.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(cond, init_pos))
via = [Via('general postcondition', post_pos)]
func_pos = self.to_position(function.node, ctx, rules.POSTCONDITION_FAIL, via, model_translator)
post_stmts.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(cond, func_pos))
# The postconditions of the interface the contract is supposed to implement
for interface_type in ctx.program.implements:
interface = ctx.program.interfaces[]
interface_func = interface.functions.get(
if interface_func:
postconditions = chain(interface_func.postconditions, interface.general_postconditions)
postconditions = interface.general_postconditions
for post in postconditions:
post_pos = self.to_position(function.node or post, ctx)
with ctx.program_scope(interface):
cond = self.specification_translator.translate_pre_or_postcondition(post, post_stmts, ctx)
if is_init:
cond = self.viper_ast.Implies(success_var, cond, post_pos)
apos = self.to_position(function.node or post, ctx,
rules.INTERFACE_POSTCONDITION_FAIL, modelt=model_translator)
post_assert = self.viper_ast.Assert(cond, apos)
self.seqn_with_info(post_stmts, "Assert postconditions", body)
# Checks and Invariants can be checked in the end of public functions
# but not in the end of private functions
if function.is_public():
# Assert checks
# For the checks we need to differentiate between success and failure because we
# on failure the assertion is evaluated in the old heap where events where not
# inhaled yet
checks_succ = []
checks_fail = []
for check in function.checks:
check_pos = self.to_position(check, ctx, rules.CHECK_FAIL, modelt=model_translator)
cond_succ = self.specification_translator.translate_check(check, checks_succ, ctx, False)
checks_succ.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(cond_succ, check_pos))
# Checks do not have to hold if init fails
if not is_init:
cond_fail = self.specification_translator.translate_check(check, checks_fail, ctx, True)
checks_fail.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(cond_fail, check_pos))
self.expression_translator.assert_caller_private(model_translator, checks_succ, ctx,
[Via('end of function body', pos)])
for check in ctx.program.general_checks:
cond_succ = self.specification_translator.translate_check(check, checks_succ, ctx, False)
# If we are in the initializer we might have a synthesized __init__, therefore
# just use always check as position, else use function as position and create
# via to always check
if is_init:
check_pos = self.to_position(check, ctx, rules.CHECK_FAIL, modelt=model_translator)
check_pos = self.to_position(check, ctx)
via = [Via('check', check_pos)]
check_pos = self.to_position(function.node, ctx, rules.CHECK_FAIL, via, model_translator)
checks_succ.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(cond_succ, check_pos))
# Checks do not have to hold if __init__ fails
if not is_init:
cond_fail = self.specification_translator.translate_check(check, checks_fail, ctx, True)
checks_fail.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(cond_fail, check_pos))
body.extend(helpers.flattened_conditional(self.viper_ast, success_var, checks_succ, checks_fail))
# Havoc self.balance
self._havoc_balance(body, ctx)
# In init set old to current self, if this is the first public state
if is_init:
self.state_translator.check_first_public_state(body, ctx, False)
# Havoc other contract state
self.state_translator.havoc_state_except_self(ctx.current_state, body, ctx)
def assert_collected_invariants(collected_invariants) -> List[Expr]:
invariant_assertions = []
# Assert collected invariants
for invariant, invariant_condition in collected_invariants:
invariant_pos = self.to_position(invariant, ctx)
# If we have a synthesized __init__ we only create an
# error message on the invariant
if is_init:
# Invariants do not have to hold if __init__ fails
invariant_condition = self.viper_ast.Implies(success_var, invariant_condition,
assertion_pos = self.to_position(invariant, ctx, rules.INVARIANT_FAIL,
assertion_pos = self.to_position(function.node, ctx, rules.INVARIANT_FAIL,
[Via('invariant', invariant_pos)],
invariant_assertions.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(invariant_condition, assertion_pos))
return invariant_assertions
# Assert the invariants
invariant_stmts = []
invariant_model_translator = self.model_translator.save_variables(invariant_stmts, ctx, pos)
# Collect all local state invariants
invariant_conditions = []
for interface_type in ctx.program.implements:
interface = ctx.program.interfaces[]
with ctx.program_scope(interface):
for inv in ctx.current_program.local_state_invariants:
cond = self.specification_translator.translate_invariant(inv, invariant_stmts, ctx, True)
invariant_conditions.append((inv, cond))
for inv in ctx.current_program.local_state_invariants:
# We ignore accessible here because we use a separate check
cond = self.specification_translator.translate_invariant(inv, invariant_stmts, ctx, True)
invariant_conditions.append((inv, cond))
self.seqn_with_info(invariant_stmts, "Assert Local State Invariants", body)
self.expression_translator.assume_contract_state(known_interface_ref, body, ctx)
# Collect all inter contract invariants
invariant_stmts = []
invariant_conditions = []
for interface_type in ctx.program.implements:
interface = ctx.program.interfaces[]
with ctx.program_scope(interface):
for inv in ctx.current_program.inter_contract_invariants:
cond = self.specification_translator.translate_invariant(inv, invariant_stmts, ctx, True)
invariant_conditions.append((inv, cond))
for inv in ctx.current_program.inter_contract_invariants:
# We ignore accessible here because we use a separate check
cond = self.specification_translator.translate_invariant(inv, invariant_stmts, ctx, True)
invariant_conditions.append((inv, cond))
self.seqn_with_info(invariant_stmts, "Assert Inter Contract Invariants", body)
if is_init:
derived_resources_invariants = [
self.viper_ast.Assert(self.viper_ast.Implies(success_var, expr, expr.pos()), expr.pos())
for expr in ctx.derived_resources_invariants(function.node)]
derived_resources_invariants = [
self.viper_ast.Assert(expr, expr.pos())
for expr in ctx.derived_resources_invariants(function.node)]
self.seqn_with_info(derived_resources_invariants, "Assert derived resource invariants", body)
# We check that the invariant tracks all allocation by doing a leak check.
# We also check that all necessary operations stated in perform clauses were
# performed.
if ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_ALLOCATION):
self.allocation_translator.function_leak_check(body, ctx, pos)
# We check accessibility by inhaling a predicate in the corresponding function
# and checking in the end that if it has been inhaled (i.e. if we want to prove
# that some amount is a accessible) the amount has been sent to msg.sender
# forall a: wei_value :: perm(accessible(tag, msg.sender, a, <args>)) > 0 ==>
# success(if_not=out_of_gas or sender_failed) and
# success() ==> sent(msg.sender) - old(sent(msg.sender)) >= a
# The tag is used to differentiate between the different invariants the accessible
# expressions occur in
accessibles = []
for tag in function.analysis.accessible_tags:
# It shouldn't be possible to write accessible for __init__
assert function.node
tag_inv = ctx.program.analysis.inv_tags[tag]
inv_pos = self.to_position(tag_inv, ctx)
vias = [Via('invariant', inv_pos)]
acc_pos = self.to_position(function.node, ctx, rules.INVARIANT_FAIL,
vias, invariant_model_translator)
wei_value_type = self.type_translator.translate(types.VYPER_WEI_VALUE, ctx)
amount_var = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl('$a', wei_value_type, inv_pos)
acc_name = mangled.accessible_name(
tag_lit = self.viper_ast.IntLit(tag, inv_pos)
msg_sender = helpers.msg_sender(self.viper_ast, ctx, inv_pos)
amount_local = self.viper_ast.LocalVar('$a', wei_value_type, inv_pos)
arg_vars = [arg.local_var(ctx, inv_pos) for arg in args.values()]
acc_args = [tag_lit, msg_sender, amount_local, *arg_vars]
acc_pred = self.viper_ast.PredicateAccess(acc_args, acc_name, inv_pos)
acc_perm = self.viper_ast.CurrentPerm(acc_pred, inv_pos)
pos_perm = self.viper_ast.GtCmp(acc_perm, self.viper_ast.NoPerm(inv_pos), inv_pos)
sender_failed = helpers.check_call_failed(self.viper_ast, msg_sender, inv_pos)
out_of_gas = helpers.out_of_gas_var(self.viper_ast, inv_pos).localVar()
not_sender_failed = self.viper_ast.Not(self.viper_ast.Or(sender_failed, out_of_gas, inv_pos),
succ_if_not = self.viper_ast.Implies(not_sender_failed,
ctx.success_var.local_var(ctx, inv_pos), inv_pos)
sent_to = self.balance_translator.get_sent(self_var, msg_sender, ctx, inv_pos)
pre_sent_to = self.balance_translator.get_sent(pre_self_var, msg_sender, ctx, inv_pos)
diff = self.viper_ast.Sub(sent_to, pre_sent_to, inv_pos)
ge_sent_local = self.viper_ast.GeCmp(diff, amount_local, inv_pos)
succ_impl = self.viper_ast.Implies(ctx.success_var.local_var(ctx, inv_pos), ge_sent_local, inv_pos)
conj = self.viper_ast.And(succ_if_not, succ_impl, inv_pos)
impl = self.viper_ast.Implies(pos_perm, conj, inv_pos)
trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger([acc_pred], inv_pos)
forall = self.viper_ast.Forall([amount_var], [trigger], impl, inv_pos)
accessibles.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(forall, acc_pos))
self.seqn_with_info(accessibles, "Assert accessibles", body)
args_list = [arg.var_decl(ctx) for arg in args.values()]
locals_list = [local.var_decl(ctx) for local in chain(local_vars.values(), state)]
locals_list = [*locals_list, *ctx.new_local_vars]
ret_list = [ret.var_decl(ctx) for ret in return_variables]
viper_name = mangled.method_name(
method = self.viper_ast.Method(viper_name, args_list, ret_list, [], [], locals_list, body, pos)
if is_init and do_performs:
ctx.program.config.options = [option for option in ctx.program.config.options
if option != names.CONFIG_NO_PERFORMS]
return method
def can_assume_private_function(function: VyperFunction) -> bool:
if function.postconditions or function.preconditions or function.checks:
return True
return False
def inline(self, call: ast.ReceiverCall, args: List[Expr], res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
function = ctx.program.functions[]
if function.is_pure():
return self._call_pure(call, args, res, ctx)
elif self.can_assume_private_function(function):
return self._assume_private_function(call, args, res, ctx)
return self._inline(call, args, res, ctx)
def _inline(self, call: ast.ReceiverCall, args: List[Expr], res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
function = ctx.program.functions[]
call_pos = self.to_position(call, ctx)
via = Via('inline', call_pos)
with ctx.inline_scope(via, function):
assert function.node
# Only private self-calls are allowed in Vyper
assert function.is_private()
pos = self.to_position(function.node, ctx)
body = []
# We keep the msg variable the same, as only msg.gas is allowed in the body of a private function.
# In specifications we assume inline semantics, i.e., msg.sender and msg.value in the inlined function
# correspond to msg.sender and msg.value in the caller function.
self._generate_arguments_as_local_vars(function, args, body, pos, ctx)
# Define return var
if function.type.return_type:
ret_name = ctx.inline_prefix + mangled.RESULT_VAR
ctx.result_var = TranslatedVar(names.RESULT, ret_name, function.type.return_type, self.viper_ast, pos)
ctx.new_local_vars.append(ctx.result_var.var_decl(ctx, pos))
ret_var = ctx.result_var.local_var(ctx, pos)
ret_var = None
# Define return label for inlined return statements
return_label_name = ctx.inline_prefix + mangled.RETURN_LABEL
return_label = self.viper_ast.Label(return_label_name)
ctx.return_label = return_label_name
old_state_for_postconditions = ctx.current_state
if not function.is_constant():
# Create pre_state for private function
def inlined_pre_state(name: str) -> str:
return ctx.inline_prefix + mangled.pre_state_var_name(name)
old_state_for_postconditions = self.state_translator.state(inlined_pre_state, ctx)
for val in old_state_for_postconditions.values():
ctx.new_local_vars.append(val.var_decl(ctx, pos))
# Copy present state to this created pre_state
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.current_state, old_state_for_postconditions, res, ctx)
# Revert if a @nonreentrant lock is set
self._assert_unlocked(function, body, ctx)
# Set @nonreentrant locks
self._set_locked(function, True, body, ctx)
# Translate body
self.statement_translator.translate_stmts(function.node.body, body, ctx)
# Unset @nonreentrant locks
self._set_locked(function, False, body, ctx)
post_stmts = []
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.current_state, old_state_for_postconditions):
for post in chain(ctx.program.general_postconditions, ctx.program.transitive_postconditions):
cond = self.specification_translator.translate_pre_or_postcondition(post, post_stmts, ctx)
post_pos = self.to_position(post, ctx, rules.POSTCONDITION_FAIL, values={'function': function})
post_stmts.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(cond, post_pos))
for interface_type in ctx.program.implements:
interface = ctx.program.interfaces[]
postconditions = interface.general_postconditions
for post in postconditions:
with ctx.program_scope(interface):
cond = self.specification_translator.translate_pre_or_postcondition(post, post_stmts, ctx)
post_pos = self.to_position(post, ctx, rules.POSTCONDITION_FAIL, values={'function': function})
post_stmts.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(cond, post_pos))
self.seqn_with_info(post_stmts, f"Assert general postconditions", body)
self.seqn_with_info(body, f"Inlined call of {}", res)
return ret_var
def _call_pure(self, call: ast.ReceiverCall, args: List[Expr], res: List[Expr], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
function = ctx.program.functions[]
function_args = args.copy()
for (name, _), arg in zip_longest(function.args.items(), args):
if not arg:
function_args.append(self.expression_translator.translate(function.defaults[name], res, ctx))
function = ctx.program.functions[]
return_type = self.viper_ast.Bool
if function.type.return_type:
return_type = self.type_translator.translate(function.type.return_type, ctx)
mangled_name = mangled.pure_function_name(
call_pos = self.to_position(call, ctx)
via = Via('pure function call', call_pos)
pos = self.to_position(function.node, ctx, vias=[via])
func_app = self.viper_ast.FuncApp(mangled_name, [ctx.self_var.local_var(ctx), *function_args], pos,
called_success_var = helpers.struct_pure_get_success(self.viper_ast, func_app, pos)
called_result_var = helpers.struct_pure_get_result(self.viper_ast, func_app, return_type, pos)
self.fail_if(self.viper_ast.Not(called_success_var), [], res, ctx, pos)
return called_result_var
def _assume_private_function(self, call: ast.ReceiverCall, args: List[Expr], res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
# Assume private functions are translated as follows:
# - Evaluate arguments
# - Define return variable
# - Define new_success variable
# - Check precondition
# - Forget about all events
# - The next steps are only necessary if the function is not constant:
# - Create new state which corresponds to the pre_state of the private function call
# - Havoc self and contracts
# - Havoc old_self and old_contracts
# - Assume type assumptions for self and old_self
# - Assume invariants (where old and present refers to the havoced old state)
# - Check that private function has stronger "check"s
# - Assume postconditions (where old refers to present state, if the function is constant or
# else to the newly create pre_state)
# - Fail if not new_success
# - Wrap integers to $Int if the function has a numeric return type
function = ctx.program.functions[]
call_pos = self.to_position(call, ctx)
via = Via('private function call', call_pos)
with ctx.inline_scope(via):
assert function.node
# Only private self-calls are allowed in Vyper
assert function.is_private()
pos = self.to_position(function.node, ctx)
args_as_local_vars = []
self._generate_arguments_as_local_vars(function, args, args_as_local_vars, pos, ctx)
self.seqn_with_info(args_as_local_vars, "Arguments of private function call", res)
# Define success var
succ_name = ctx.inline_prefix + mangled.SUCCESS_VAR
ctx.success_var = TranslatedVar(names.SUCCESS, succ_name, types.VYPER_BOOL, self.viper_ast, pos)
ctx.new_local_vars.append(ctx.success_var.var_decl(ctx, pos))
success_var = ctx.success_var.local_var(ctx, pos)
# Define return var
if function.type.return_type:
ret_name = ctx.inline_prefix + mangled.RESULT_VAR
ctx.result_var = TranslatedVar(names.RESULT, ret_name, function.type.return_type, self.viper_ast, pos)
ctx.new_local_vars.append(ctx.result_var.var_decl(ctx, pos))
ret_var = ctx.result_var.local_var(ctx, pos)
ret_var = None
# Check preconditions
pre_stmts = []
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.current_state, ctx.current_old_state):
for precondition in function.preconditions:
cond = self.specification_translator.translate_pre_or_postcondition(precondition, pre_stmts, ctx)
pre_pos = self.to_position(precondition, ctx, rules.PRECONDITION_FAIL,
values={'function': function})
pre_stmts.append(self.viper_ast.Exhale(cond, pre_pos))
self.seqn_with_info(pre_stmts, "Check preconditions", res)
# We forget about events by exhaling all permissions to the event predicates
# and then inhale an unspecified permission amount.
event_handling = []
self.expression_translator.forget_about_all_events(event_handling, ctx, pos)
self.expression_translator.log_all_events_zero_or_more_times(event_handling, ctx, pos)
self.seqn_with_info(event_handling, "Assume we know nothing about events", res)
old_state_for_postconditions = ctx.current_state
if not function.is_constant():
# Create pre_state for private function
def inlined_pre_state(name: str) -> str:
return ctx.inline_prefix + mangled.pre_state_var_name(name)
old_state_for_postconditions = self.state_translator.state(inlined_pre_state, ctx)
for val in old_state_for_postconditions.values():
ctx.new_local_vars.append(val.var_decl(ctx, pos))
# Copy present state to this created pre_state
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.current_state, old_state_for_postconditions, res, ctx)
self.state_translator.havoc_old_and_current_state(self.specification_translator, res, ctx, pos)
private_function_checks_conjunction = self.viper_ast.TrueLit(pos)
for check in function.checks:
cond = self.specification_translator.translate_check(check, res, ctx)
private_function_checks_conjunction = self.viper_ast.And(private_function_checks_conjunction, cond, pos)
check_stmts = []
for check in ctx.function.checks:
check_cond = self.specification_translator.translate_check(check, res, ctx)
check_pos = self.to_position(check, ctx, rules.PRIVATE_CALL_CHECK_FAIL)
cond = self.viper_ast.Implies(private_function_checks_conjunction, check_cond, check_pos)
check_stmts.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(cond, check_pos))
self.seqn_with_info(check_stmts, "Check strength of checks of private function", res)
post_stmts = []
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.current_state, old_state_for_postconditions):
# Assume postconditions
for post in function.postconditions:
cond = self.specification_translator.\
translate_pre_or_postcondition(post, post_stmts, ctx, assume_events=True)
post_pos = self.to_position(post, ctx, rules.INHALE_POSTCONDITION_FAIL)
post_stmts.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(cond, post_pos))
for post in chain(ctx.program.general_postconditions, ctx.program.transitive_postconditions):
cond = self.specification_translator.translate_pre_or_postcondition(post, post_stmts, ctx)
post_pos = self.to_position(post, ctx, rules.INHALE_POSTCONDITION_FAIL)
post_stmts.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(cond, post_pos))
for interface_type in ctx.program.implements:
interface = ctx.program.interfaces[]
postconditions = interface.general_postconditions
for post in postconditions:
with ctx.program_scope(interface):
cond = self.specification_translator.translate_pre_or_postcondition(post, post_stmts, ctx)
post_pos = self.to_position(post, ctx, rules.INHALE_POSTCONDITION_FAIL)
post_stmts.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(cond, post_pos))
self.seqn_with_info(post_stmts, "Assume postconditions", res)
self.fail_if(self.viper_ast.Not(success_var), [], res, ctx, call_pos)
if (types.is_numeric(function.type.return_type)
and self.expression_translator.arithmetic_translator.is_unwrapped(ret_var)):
ret_var = helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, ret_var)
return ret_var
def _generate_arguments_as_local_vars(self, function, args, res, pos, ctx):
# Add arguments to local vars, assign passed args or default argument
for (name, var), arg in zip_longest(function.args.items(), args):
apos = self.to_position(var.node, ctx)
translated_arg = self._translate_var(var, ctx, True)
ctx.args[name] = translated_arg
if not arg:
arg = self.expression_translator.translate(function.defaults[name], res, ctx)
lhs = translated_arg.local_var(ctx)
if (types.is_numeric(translated_arg.type)
and self.expression_translator.arithmetic_translator.is_wrapped(arg)
and self.expression_translator.arithmetic_translator.is_unwrapped(lhs)):
translated_arg.is_local = False
lhs = translated_arg.local_var(ctx)
elif (types.is_numeric(translated_arg.type)
and self.expression_translator.arithmetic_translator.is_unwrapped(arg)
and self.expression_translator.arithmetic_translator.is_wrapped(lhs)):
arg = helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, arg)
elif (not types.is_numeric(translated_arg.type)
and self.expression_translator.arithmetic_translator.is_wrapped(arg)):
arg = helpers.w_unwrap(self.viper_ast, arg)
ctx.new_local_vars.append(translated_arg.var_decl(ctx, pos))
res.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(lhs, arg, apos))
def _translate_var(self, var: VyperVar, ctx: Context, is_local: bool):
pos = self.to_position(var.node, ctx)
name = mangled.local_var_name(ctx.inline_prefix,
return TranslatedVar(, name, var.type, self.viper_ast, pos, is_local=is_local)
def _assume_non_negative(self, var, res: List[Stmt]):
zero = self.viper_ast.IntLit(0)
gez = self.viper_ast.GeCmp(var, zero)
def _havoc_balance(self, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
balance_type = ctx.field_types[names.ADDRESS_BALANCE]
havoc = helpers.havoc_var(self.viper_ast, balance_type, ctx)
self._assume_non_negative(havoc, res)
self.balance_translator.increase_balance(havoc, res, ctx)
def _assert_unlocked(self, function: VyperFunction, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
keys = function.nonreentrant_keys()
locked = [helpers.get_lock(self.viper_ast, key, ctx) for key in keys]
if locked:
cond = reduce(self.viper_ast.Or, locked)
self.fail_if(cond, [], res, ctx)
def _set_locked(self, function: VyperFunction, value: bool, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
keys = function.nonreentrant_keys()
self_var = ctx.self_var.local_var(ctx)
def set_lock(key):
return helpers.set_lock(self.viper_ast, key, value, ctx)
res.extend(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(self_var, set_lock(key)) for key in keys) | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/translation/ | |
import functools
import inspect
from typing import Optional, Union
from import Iterable
from twovyper.translation import helpers
from twovyper.viper.ast import ViperAST
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Expr
def wrapped_integer_decorator(*possible_wrapped_integer_inputs: str, wrap_output=False, store_unwrap_info=True):
This decorator can be used to automatically unwrap $Int to Int. All functions, predicates, axioms and operators
on Int are only available to Int and not $Int. With this decorator, all these functions, predicates, axioms and
operators on Int can also be used for $Int.
This decorator also stores the information if it unwrapped an expression
or it wraps a resulting Int again to a $Int.
:param possible_wrapped_integer_inputs: The names of arguments that may contain $Int typed expressions
:param wrap_output: A flag if the output should always be considered to be a $Int (Not only if an input was a $Int)
:param store_unwrap_info: A boolean Flag, if false then the output gets wrapped if the output is considered as
a $Int. If true then only the :attr:`WrappedViperAST.unwrapped_some_expressions` flag
gets set.
def _decorator(func):
(arg_names, _, _, _, _, _, _) = inspect.getfullargspec(func)
pos_names = {"position", "pos"}
info_names = {"info"}
assert pos_names.isdisjoint(possible_wrapped_integer_inputs),\
'The "position" argument cannot contain wrapped integers.'
assert info_names.isdisjoint(possible_wrapped_integer_inputs),\
'The "info" argument cannot contain wrapped integers.'
assert wrap_output or len(possible_wrapped_integer_inputs) > 0,\
'The decorator is not necessary here.'
pos_index = -1
info_index = -1
possible_wrapped_integer_inputs_indices = []
for idx, arg_n in enumerate(arg_names):
if arg_n in pos_names:
assert pos_index == -1
pos_index = idx
elif arg_n in info_names:
assert info_index == -1
info_index = idx
elif arg_n in possible_wrapped_integer_inputs:
assert pos_index != -1, 'Could not find the "position" argument.'
assert info_index != -1, 'Could not find the "info" argument.'
assert len(possible_wrapped_integer_inputs_indices) == len(possible_wrapped_integer_inputs),\
'Some of the argument names of the decorator could not be found.'
possible_wrapped_integers = list(zip(possible_wrapped_integer_inputs_indices, possible_wrapped_integer_inputs))
wrapped_int_type = None
def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
new_args = list(args)
new_kwargs = dict(kwargs)
_self = args[0]
assert isinstance(_self, WrappedViperAST)
nonlocal wrapped_int_type
if wrapped_int_type is None:
wrapped_int_type = helpers.wrapped_int_type(_self.viper_ast)
had_wrapped_integers = wrap_output
provided_arg_length = len(args)
kwarg_names = set(kwargs.keys())
pos = None
info = None
# Search for position and info arguments
if pos_index < provided_arg_length:
pos = args[pos_index]
elif not kwarg_names.isdisjoint(pos_names):
pos = next((kwargs[arg_name] for arg_name in pos_names if arg_name in kwargs))
if info_index < provided_arg_length:
info = args[info_index]
elif not kwarg_names.isdisjoint(info_names):
info = next((kwargs[arg_name] for arg_name in info_names if arg_name in kwargs))
def unwrap(a: Expr) -> Expr:
if hasattr(a, 'isSubtype') and a.isSubtype(wrapped_int_type):
nonlocal had_wrapped_integers
had_wrapped_integers = True
return helpers.w_unwrap(_self.viper_ast, a, pos, info)
return a
def wrap(a: Expr) -> Expr:
if hasattr(a, 'isSubtype') and a.isSubtype(_self.viper_ast.Int):
return helpers.w_wrap(_self.viper_ast, a, pos, info)
return a
# Unwrap wrapped integers
for index, arg_name in possible_wrapped_integers:
arg: Optional[Union[Expr, Iterable]] = None
if index < provided_arg_length:
arg = args[index]
elif arg_name in kwarg_names:
arg = kwargs[arg_name]
if arg is not None:
new_arg = [unwrap(a) for a in arg] if isinstance(arg, Iterable) else unwrap(arg)
if index < provided_arg_length:
new_args[index] = new_arg
else: # There are only two ways to get "arg" and the first one was not it.
new_kwargs[arg_name] = new_arg
# Call ast function
value = func(*new_args, **new_kwargs)
# Wrap output if one or more inputs were wrapped
if had_wrapped_integers:
if store_unwrap_info:
_self.unwrapped_some_expressions = True
value = wrap(value)
return value
return _wrapper
return _decorator
class WrappedViperAST(ViperAST):
def __init__(self, viper_ast: ViperAST):
self.viper_ast = viper_ast
self.unwrapped_some_expressions = False
def PredicateAccess(self, args, pred_name, position=None, info=None):
return super().PredicateAccess(args, pred_name, position, info)
def DomainFuncApp(self, func_name, args, type_passed, position, info, domain_name, type_var_map=None):
if type_var_map is None:
type_var_map = {}
return super().DomainFuncApp(func_name, args, type_passed, position, info, domain_name, type_var_map)
def Minus(self, expr, position=None, info=None):
return super().Minus(expr, position, info)
@wrapped_integer_decorator("then", "els")
def CondExp(self, cond, then, els, position=None, info=None):
return super().CondExp(cond, then, els, position, info)
@wrapped_integer_decorator("left", "right")
def EqCmp(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
return super().EqCmp(left, right, position, info)
@wrapped_integer_decorator("left", "right")
def NeCmp(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
return super().NeCmp(left, right, position, info)
@wrapped_integer_decorator("left", "right")
def GtCmp(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
return super().GtCmp(left, right, position, info)
@wrapped_integer_decorator("left", "right")
def GeCmp(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
return super().GeCmp(left, right, position, info)
@wrapped_integer_decorator("left", "right")
def LtCmp(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
return super().LtCmp(left, right, position, info)
@wrapped_integer_decorator("left", "right")
def LeCmp(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
return super().LeCmp(left, right, position, info)
@wrapped_integer_decorator("args", wrap_output=True)
def FuncApp(self, name, args, position=None, info=None, type=None):
return super().FuncApp(name, args, position, info, type)
def ExplicitSeq(self, elems, position=None, info=None):
return super().ExplicitSeq(elems, position, info)
def ExplicitSet(self, elems, position=None, info=None):
return super().ExplicitSet(elems, position, info)
def ExplicitMultiset(self, elems, position=None, info=None):
return super().ExplicitMultiset(elems, position, info)
def SeqAppend(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
return super().SeqAppend(left, right, position, info)
def SeqContains(self, elem, s, position=None, info=None):
return super().SeqContains(elem, s, position, info)
def SeqIndex(self, s, ind, position=None, info=None):
return super().SeqIndex(s, ind, position, info)
def SeqTake(self, s, end, position=None, info=None):
return super().SeqTake(s, end, position, info)
def SeqDrop(self, s, end, position=None, info=None):
return super().SeqDrop(s, end, position, info)
@wrapped_integer_decorator("ind", "elem")
def SeqUpdate(self, s, ind, elem, position=None, info=None):
return super().SeqUpdate(s, ind, elem, position, info)
@wrapped_integer_decorator("left", "right")
def Add(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
return super().Add(left, right, position, info)
@wrapped_integer_decorator("left", "right")
def Sub(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
return super().Sub(left, right, position, info)
@wrapped_integer_decorator("left", "right")
def Mul(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
return super().Mul(left, right, position, info)
@wrapped_integer_decorator("left", "right")
def Div(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
return super().Div(left, right, position, info)
@wrapped_integer_decorator("left", "right")
def Mod(self, left, right, position=None, info=None):
return super().Mod(left, right, position, info) | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/translation/ | |
from collections import ChainMap
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import reduce
from itertools import chain, starmap, zip_longest
from typing import List, Optional, Iterable
from twovyper.ast import ast_nodes as ast, names, types
from twovyper.ast.nodes import VyperInterface
from twovyper.ast.types import VyperType
from twovyper.ast.visitors import NodeVisitor
from twovyper.translation import helpers, mangled
from twovyper.translation.context import Context
from twovyper.translation.allocation import AllocationTranslator
from twovyper.translation.expression import ExpressionTranslator
from twovyper.translation.resource import ResourceTranslator
from twovyper.translation.variable import TranslatedVar
from twovyper.utils import switch, first
from twovyper.verification import rules
from twovyper.viper.ast import ViperAST
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Expr, Stmt
class SpecificationTranslator(ExpressionTranslator):
def __init__(self, viper_ast: ViperAST):
self.allocation_translator = AllocationTranslator(viper_ast)
self.resource_translator = ResourceTranslator(viper_ast)
self._assume_events = False
self._translating_check = False
self._caller_private_condition = None
def no_reverts(self):
return True
def _ignore_accessible_scope(self, ignore: bool):
self._ignore_accessible = ignore
del self._ignore_accessible
def _event_translation_scope(self, assume_events: bool):
assume = self._assume_events
self._assume_events = assume_events
self._assume_events = assume
def _check_translation_scope(self):
translating_check = self._translating_check
self._translating_check = True
self._translating_check = translating_check
def translate_pre_or_postcondition(self, cond: ast.Node, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context,
assume_events=False) -> Expr:
with self._event_translation_scope(assume_events):
expr = self.translate(cond, res, ctx)
return expr
def translate_check(self, check: ast.Node, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, is_fail=False) -> Expr:
with self._check_translation_scope():
expr = self.translate(check, res, ctx)
if is_fail:
# We evaluate the check on failure in the old heap because events didn't
# happen there
pos = self.to_position(check, ctx)
return self.viper_ast.Old(expr, pos)
return expr
def translate_invariant(self, inv: ast.Node, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, ignore_accessible=False) -> Expr:
with self._ignore_accessible_scope(ignore_accessible):
return self.translate(inv, res, ctx)
def translate_caller_private(self, expr: ast.Expr, ctx: Context) -> (Expr, Expr):
self._caller_private_condition = self.viper_ast.TrueLit()
caller_private_expr = self._translate_spec(expr, ctx)
return self._caller_private_condition, caller_private_expr
def _translate_spec(self, node: ast.Node, ctx: Context) -> Expr:
stmts = []
expr = self.translate(node, stmts, ctx)
assert not stmts
return expr
def _translate_quantified_vars(self, node: ast.Dict, ctx: Context) -> (List[TranslatedVar], List[Expr]):
quants = []
type_assumptions = []
# The first argument to forall is the variable declaration dict
for var_name in node.keys:
name_pos = self.to_position(var_name, ctx)
qname = mangled.quantifier_var_name(
qvar = TranslatedVar(, qname, var_name.type, self.viper_ast, name_pos)
tassps = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(qvar.local_var(ctx), qvar.type, ctx)
return quants, type_assumptions
def translate_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
name =
if name == names.IMPLIES:
lhs = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
rhs = self.translate(node.args[1], res, ctx)
return self.viper_ast.Implies(lhs, rhs, pos)
elif name == names.FORALL:
with ctx.quantified_var_scope():
num_args = len(node.args)
assert len(node.args) > 0
dict_arg = node.args[0]
assert isinstance(dict_arg, ast.Dict)
# The first argument to forall is the variable declaration dict
quants, type_assumptions = self._translate_quantified_vars(dict_arg, ctx)
# Add the quantified variables to the context
for var in quants:
ctx.quantified_vars[] = var
# The last argument to forall is the quantified expression
expr = self._translate_spec(node.args[num_args - 1], ctx)
# We need to assume the type assumptions for the quantified variables
def chain(assumptions):
assumption, *rest = assumptions
if rest:
return self.viper_ast.And(assumption, chain(rest), pos)
return assumption
if type_assumptions:
assumption_exprs = chain(type_assumptions)
expr = self.viper_ast.Implies(assumption_exprs, expr, pos)
# The arguments in the middle are the triggers
triggers = []
with ctx.inside_trigger_scope():
for arg in node.args[1: num_args - 1]:
trigger_pos = self.to_position(arg, ctx)
trigger_exprs = [self._translate_spec(t, ctx) for t in arg.elements]
trigger = self.viper_ast.Trigger(trigger_exprs, trigger_pos)
quant_var_decls = [var.var_decl(ctx) for var in quants]
return self.viper_ast.Forall(quant_var_decls, triggers, expr, pos)
elif name == names.RESULT:
if node.args:
call = node.args[0]
assert isinstance(call, ast.ReceiverCall)
func = ctx.program.functions[]
viper_result_type = self.type_translator.translate(func.type.return_type, ctx)
mangled_name = mangled.pure_function_name(
pos = self.to_position(call, ctx, rules=rules.PURE_FUNCTION_FAIL, values={'function': func})
function_args = call.args.copy()
for (name, _), arg in zip_longest(func.args.items(), call.args):
if not arg:
args = [self.translate(arg, res, ctx) for arg in [call.receiver] + function_args]
func_app = self.viper_ast.FuncApp(mangled_name, args, pos,
result_func_app = self.viper_ast.FuncApp(mangled.PURE_RESULT, [func_app], pos, type=self.viper_ast.Int)
domain = mangled.STRUCT_OPS_DOMAIN
getter = mangled.STRUCT_GET
type_map = {self.viper_ast.TypeVar(mangled.STRUCT_OPS_VALUE_VAR): viper_result_type}
result = self.viper_ast.DomainFuncApp(getter, [result_func_app], viper_result_type, pos, None,
domain_name=domain, type_var_map=type_map)
if node.keywords:
success = self._translate_pure_success(node, res, ctx, pos)
default = self.translate(node.keywords[0].value, res, ctx)
return self.viper_ast.CondExp(success, result, default, pos)
return result
return ctx.result_var.local_var(ctx, pos)
elif name == names.SUCCESS:
# The syntax for success is one of the following
# - success()
# - success(if_not=expr)
# - success(pure_function_call)
# where expr can be a disjunction of conditions
success = None if node.args else ctx.success_var.local_var(ctx, pos)
if node.keywords:
conds = set()
def collect_conds(n: ast.Node):
if isinstance(n, ast.Name):
elif isinstance(n, ast.BoolOp):
args = node.keywords[0].value
# noinspection PyShadowingNames
def translate_condition(success_condition):
with switch(success_condition) as case:
if case(names.SUCCESS_OVERFLOW):
var = helpers.overflow_var(self.viper_ast, pos)
elif case(names.SUCCESS_OUT_OF_GAS):
var = helpers.out_of_gas_var(self.viper_ast, pos)
elif case(names.SUCCESS_SENDER_FAILED):
msg_sender = helpers.msg_sender(self.viper_ast, ctx, pos)
out_of_gas_expr = helpers.out_of_gas_var(self.viper_ast, pos).localVar()
call_failed_expr = helpers.check_call_failed(self.viper_ast, msg_sender, pos)
return self.viper_ast.Or(out_of_gas_expr, call_failed_expr, pos)
assert False
return var.localVar()
or_conds = [translate_condition(c) for c in conds]
or_op = reduce(lambda l, r: self.viper_ast.Or(l, r, pos), or_conds)
not_or_op = self.viper_ast.Not(or_op, pos)
return self.viper_ast.Implies(not_or_op, success, pos)
elif node.args:
return self._translate_pure_success(node, res, ctx, pos)
return success
elif name == names.REVERT:
if node.args:
call = node.args[0]
assert isinstance(call, ast.ReceiverCall)
func = ctx.program.functions[]
mangled_name = mangled.pure_function_name(
function_args = call.args.copy()
for (name, _), arg in zip_longest(func.args.items(), call.args):
if not arg:
args = [self.translate(arg, res, ctx) for arg in [call.receiver] + function_args]
func_app = self.viper_ast.FuncApp(mangled_name, args, pos,
success = self.viper_ast.FuncApp(mangled.PURE_SUCCESS, [func_app], pos, type=self.viper_ast.Bool)
success = ctx.success_var.local_var(ctx, pos)
return self.viper_ast.Not(success, pos)
elif name == names.PREVIOUS:
arg = node.args[0]
assert isinstance(arg, ast.Name)
assert ctx.loop_arrays.get(
assert ctx.loop_indices.get(
array = ctx.loop_arrays[]
end = ctx.loop_indices[].local_var(ctx)
return self.viper_ast.SeqTake(array, end, pos)
elif name == names.LOOP_ARRAY:
arg = node.args[0]
assert isinstance(arg, ast.Name)
assert ctx.loop_arrays.get(
return ctx.loop_arrays[]
elif name == names.LOOP_ITERATION:
arg = node.args[0]
assert isinstance(arg, ast.Name)
assert ctx.loop_indices.get(
return ctx.loop_indices[].local_var(ctx)
elif name == names.OLD or name == names.ISSUED or name == names.PUBLIC_OLD:
with switch(name) as case:
if case(names.OLD):
self_state = ctx.current_old_state
elif case(names.PUBLIC_OLD):
self_state = ctx.old_state
elif case(names.ISSUED):
self_state = ctx.issued_state
assert False
with ctx.state_scope(self_state, self_state):
if name == names.OLD:
ctx.locals = ChainMap(ctx.old_locals, ctx.locals)
arg = node.args[0]
return self.translate(arg, res, ctx)
elif name == names.SUM:
arg = node.args[0]
expr = self.translate(arg, res, ctx)
if isinstance(arg.type, types.MapType):
key_type = self.type_translator.translate(arg.type.key_type, ctx)
return helpers.map_sum(self.viper_ast, expr, key_type, pos)
elif isinstance(arg.type, types.ArrayType):
if isinstance(arg, ast.FunctionCall):
if ( == names.RANGE
and hasattr(expr, "getArgs")):
range_args = expr.getArgs()
func_app = self.viper_ast.FuncApp(mangled.RANGE_SUM, [], pos, type=self.viper_ast.Int)
return func_app.withArgs(range_args)
elif == names.PREVIOUS:
loop_var = arg.args[0]
loop_array = ctx.loop_arrays.get(
if (hasattr(loop_array, "funcname")
and hasattr(loop_array, "getArgs")
and loop_array.funcname() == mangled.RANGE_RANGE):
lower_arg = loop_array.getArgs().head()
loop_idx = ctx.loop_indices[].local_var(ctx)
upper_arg = self.viper_ast.SeqIndex(loop_array, loop_idx, pos)
range_args = self.viper_ast.to_seq([lower_arg, upper_arg])
func_app = self.viper_ast.FuncApp(mangled.RANGE_SUM, [], pos, type=self.viper_ast.Int)
return func_app.withArgs(range_args)
int_lit_zero = self.viper_ast.IntLit(0, pos)
sum_value = int_lit_zero
for i in range(arg.type.size):
int_lit_i = self.viper_ast.IntLit(i, pos)
array_at = self.viper_ast.SeqIndex(expr, int_lit_i, pos)
if arg.type.is_strict:
value = array_at
seq_length = self.viper_ast.SeqLength(expr, pos)
cond = self.viper_ast.LtCmp(int_lit_i, seq_length, pos)
value = self.viper_ast.CondExp(cond, array_at, int_lit_zero, pos)
sum_value = self.viper_ast.Add(sum_value, value, pos)
return sum_value
assert False
elif name == names.TUPLE:
tuple_var = helpers.havoc_var(self.viper_ast, helpers.struct_type(self.viper_ast), ctx)
for idx, element in enumerate(node.args):
viper_type = self.type_translator.translate(element.type, ctx)
value = self.translate(element, res, ctx)
tuple_var = helpers.struct_set_idx(self.viper_ast, tuple_var, value, idx, viper_type, pos)
return tuple_var
elif name == names.LOCKED:
lock_name = node.args[0].s
return helpers.get_lock(self.viper_ast, lock_name, ctx, pos)
elif name == names.STORAGE:
args = node.args
# We translate storage(self) just as the self variable, otherwise we look up
# the struct in the contract state map
arg = self.translate(args[0], res, ctx)
contracts = ctx.current_state[mangled.CONTRACTS].local_var(ctx)
key_type = self.type_translator.translate(types.VYPER_ADDRESS, ctx)
value_type = helpers.struct_type(self.viper_ast)
get_storage = helpers.map_get(self.viper_ast, contracts, arg, key_type, value_type)
self_address = helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast, pos)
eq = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(arg, self_address)
self_var = ctx.self_var.local_var(ctx, pos)
if ctx.inside_trigger:
return get_storage
return self.viper_ast.CondExp(eq, self_var, get_storage, pos)
elif name == names.RECEIVED:
self_var = ctx.self_var.local_var(ctx)
if node.args:
arg = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
return self.balance_translator.get_received(self_var, arg, ctx, pos)
return self.balance_translator.received(self_var, ctx, pos)
elif name == names.SENT:
self_var = ctx.self_var.local_var(ctx)
if node.args:
arg = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
return self.balance_translator.get_sent(self_var, arg, ctx, pos)
return self.balance_translator.sent(self_var, ctx, pos)
elif name == names.INTERPRETED:
with ctx.interpreted_scope():
interpreted_arg = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(interpreted_arg, pos))
uninterpreted_arg = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(uninterpreted_arg, pos))
with ctx.lemma_scope(is_inside=False):
with ctx.interpreted_scope(is_inside=False):
uninterpreted_arg = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(uninterpreted_arg, pos))
return self.viper_ast.TrueLit(pos)
elif name == names.CONDITIONAL:
self._caller_private_condition = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
return self.translate(node.args[1], res, ctx)
elif name == names.ALLOCATED:
resource = self.resource_translator.translate(node.resource, res, ctx)
allocated = ctx.current_state[mangled.ALLOCATED].local_var(ctx)
if node.args:
address = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
return self.allocation_translator.get_allocated(allocated, resource, address, ctx)
return self.allocation_translator.get_allocated_map(allocated, resource, ctx, pos)
elif name == names.OFFERED:
from_resource, to_resource = self.resource_translator.translate_exchange(node.resource, res, ctx)
offered = ctx.current_state[mangled.OFFERED].local_var(ctx)
args = [self.translate(arg, res, ctx) for arg in node.args]
return self.allocation_translator.get_offered(offered, from_resource, to_resource, *args, ctx, pos)
elif name == names.NO_OFFERS:
offered = ctx.current_state[mangled.OFFERED].local_var(ctx)
resource = self.resource_translator.translate(node.resource, res, ctx)
address = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
return helpers.no_offers(self.viper_ast, offered, resource, address, pos)
elif name == names.ALLOWED_TO_DECOMPOSE:
resource, underlying_resource = self.resource_translator.translate_with_underlying(node, res, ctx)
offered = ctx.current_state[mangled.OFFERED].local_var(ctx)
const_one = self.viper_ast.IntLit(1, pos)
address = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
return self.allocation_translator.get_offered(offered, resource, underlying_resource, const_one,
const_one, address, address, ctx, pos)
elif name == names.TRUSTED:
address = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
by = None
where = ctx.self_address or helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast, pos)
for kw in node.keywords:
if == names.TRUSTED_BY:
by = self.translate(kw.value, res, ctx)
elif == names.TRUSTED_WHERE:
where = self.translate(kw.value, res, ctx)
assert by is not None
trusted = ctx.current_state[mangled.TRUSTED].local_var(ctx)
return self.allocation_translator.get_trusted(trusted, where, address, by, ctx, pos)
elif name == names.TRUST_NO_ONE:
trusted = ctx.current_state[mangled.TRUSTED].local_var(ctx)
address = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
where = self.translate(node.args[1], res, ctx)
return helpers.trust_no_one(self.viper_ast, trusted, address, where, pos)
elif name == names.ACCESSIBLE:
# The function necessary for accessible is either the one used as the third argument
# or the one the heuristics determined
if len(node.args) == 2:
func_name =
func_name = node.args[2].name
is_wrong_func = ctx.function and func_name !=
# If we ignore accessibles or if we are in a function not mentioned in the accessible
# expression we just use True as the body
# Triggers, however, always need to be translated correctly, because every trigger
# has to mention all quantified variables
if (self._ignore_accessible or is_wrong_func) and not ctx.inside_trigger:
return self.viper_ast.TrueLit(pos)
stmts = []
tag = self.viper_ast.IntLit(ctx.program.analysis.accessible_tags[node], pos)
to = self.translate(node.args[0], stmts, ctx)
amount = self.translate(node.args[1], stmts, ctx)
if len(node.args) == 2:
func_args = [amount] if ctx.program.analysis.accessible_function.args else []
args = node.args[2].args
func_args = [self.translate(arg, stmts, ctx) for arg in args]
acc_name = mangled.accessible_name(func_name)
acc_args = [tag, to, amount, *func_args]
pred_acc = self.viper_ast.PredicateAccess(acc_args, acc_name, pos)
# Inside triggers we need to use the predicate access, not the permission amount
if ctx.inside_trigger:
assert not stmts
return pred_acc
return self.viper_ast.PredicateAccessPredicate(pred_acc, self.viper_ast.FullPerm(pos), pos)
elif name == names.INDEPENDENT:
res = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
def unless(node):
if isinstance(node, ast.FunctionCall):
# An old expression
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.current_old_state, ctx.current_old_state):
return unless(node.args[0])
elif isinstance(node, ast.Attribute):
struct_type = node.value.type
stmts = []
ref = self.translate(node.value, stmts, ctx)
assert not stmts
tt = lambda t: self.type_translator.translate(t, ctx)
get = lambda m, t: helpers.struct_get(self.viper_ast, ref, m, tt(t), struct_type, pos)
members = struct_type.member_types.items()
gets = [get(member, member_type) for member, member_type in members if member != node.attr]
lows = [self.viper_ast.Low(get, position=pos) for get in gets]
return unless(node.value) + lows
elif isinstance(node, ast.Name):
variables = [ctx.old_self_var, ctx.msg_var, ctx.block_var, ctx.chain_var, ctx.tx_var, *ctx.args.values()]
return [self.viper_ast.Low(var.local_var(ctx, pos), position=pos) for var in variables if !=]
lows = unless(node.args[1])
lhs = reduce(lambda v1, v2: self.viper_ast.And(v1, v2, pos), lows)
rhs = self._low(res, node.args[0].type, ctx, pos)
return self.viper_ast.Implies(lhs, rhs, pos)
elif name == names.REORDER_INDEPENDENT:
arg = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
# Using the current msg_var is ok since we don't use msg.gas, but always return fresh values,
# therefore msg is constant
variables = [ctx.issued_self_var, ctx.chain_var, ctx.tx_var, ctx.msg_var, *ctx.args.values()]
low_variables = [self.viper_ast.Low(var.local_var(ctx), position=pos) for var in variables]
cond = reduce(lambda v1, v2: self.viper_ast.And(v1, v2, pos), low_variables)
implies = self.viper_ast.Implies(cond, self._low(arg, node.args[0].type, ctx, pos), pos)
return implies
elif name == names.EVENT:
event = node.args[0]
assert isinstance(event, ast.FunctionCall)
event_name = mangled.event_name(
args = [self.translate(arg, res, ctx) for arg in event.args]
pred_acc = self.viper_ast.PredicateAccess(args, event_name, pos)
# If this is a trigger, we just return the predicate access without the surrounding perm-expression and
# comparison (which is not valid as a trigger).
if ctx.inside_trigger:
return pred_acc
one = self.viper_ast.IntLit(1, pos)
num = self.translate(node.args[1], res, ctx) if len(node.args) == 2 else one
full_perm = self.viper_ast.FullPerm(pos)
perm_mul = self.viper_ast.IntPermMul(num, full_perm, pos)
current_perm = self.viper_ast.CurrentPerm(pred_acc, pos)
eq_comp = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(current_perm, perm_mul, pos)
if self._translating_check:
return eq_comp
cond = self.viper_ast.GtCmp(num, self.viper_ast.IntLit(0, pos), pos)
pred_acc_pred = self.viper_ast.PredicateAccessPredicate(pred_acc, perm_mul, pos)
if self._assume_events:
local_event_args = ctx.event_vars.get(event_name)
assert local_event_args
assert len(local_event_args) == len(args)
args_cond = self.viper_ast.TrueLit(pos)
for local_event_arg, event_arg in zip(local_event_args, args):
arg_eq = self.viper_ast.NeCmp(local_event_arg, event_arg, pos)
args_cond = self.viper_ast.And(args_cond, arg_eq, pos)
pred_acc_pred = self.viper_ast.And(args_cond, pred_acc_pred, pos)
cond_pred_acc_pred = self.viper_ast.CondExp(cond, pred_acc_pred, args_cond, pos)
return cond_pred_acc_pred
implies = self.viper_ast.Implies(cond, pred_acc_pred, pos)
return self.viper_ast.And(eq_comp, implies, pos)
elif name == names.SELFDESTRUCT:
self_var = ctx.self_var.local_var(ctx)
self_type = ctx.self_type
member = mangled.SELFDESTRUCT_FIELD
type = self.type_translator.translate(self_type.member_types[member], ctx)
sget = helpers.struct_get(self.viper_ast, self_var, member, type, self_type, pos)
return sget
elif name == names.OVERFLOW:
return helpers.overflow_var(self.viper_ast, pos).localVar()
elif name == names.OUT_OF_GAS:
return helpers.out_of_gas_var(self.viper_ast, pos).localVar()
elif name == names.FAILED:
addr = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
return helpers.check_call_failed(self.viper_ast, addr, pos)
elif name == names.IMPLEMENTS:
if ctx.program.config.has_option(names.CONFIG_TRUST_CASTS):
return self.viper_ast.TrueLit(pos)
address = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
interface = node.args[1].id
return helpers.implements(self.viper_ast, address, interface, ctx, pos)
elif name in ctx.program.ghost_functions:
return self._ghost_function(node, name, None, res, ctx)
elif name == names.CALLER:
return ctx.all_vars[mangled.CALLER].local_var(ctx)
elif name not in names.NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SPEC:
return super().translate_FunctionCall(node, res, ctx)
assert False
def _translate_pure_success(self, node, res, ctx, pos=None):
call = node.args[0]
assert isinstance(call, ast.ReceiverCall)
func = ctx.program.functions[]
mangled_name = mangled.pure_function_name(
function_args = call.args.copy()
for (name, _), arg in zip_longest(func.args.items(), call.args):
if not arg:
args = [self.translate(arg, res, ctx) for arg in [call.receiver] + function_args]
func_app = self.viper_ast.FuncApp(mangled_name, args, pos,
return self.viper_ast.FuncApp(mangled.PURE_SUCCESS, [func_app], pos, type=self.viper_ast.Bool)
def translate_ReceiverCall(self, node: ast.ReceiverCall, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context) -> Expr:
receiver = node.receiver
if isinstance(receiver, ast.Name):
if == names.LEMMA:
return super().translate_ReceiverCall(node, res, ctx)
elif in ctx.current_program.interfaces:
interface_file = ctx.current_program.interfaces[].file
return self._ghost_function(node,, interface_file, res, ctx)
assert False
def _ghost_function(self, node, ghost_function: str, interface_file: Optional[str], res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
functions = ctx.program.ghost_functions[ghost_function]
if interface_file:
function = first(func for func in functions if func.file == interface_file)
elif (isinstance(ctx.current_program, VyperInterface)
and ctx.current_program.own_ghost_functions.get(ghost_function) is not None):
function = ctx.current_program.own_ghost_functions[ghost_function]
elif len(functions) == 1:
function = functions[0]
functions = ctx.current_program.ghost_functions[ghost_function]
assert len(functions) == 1
function = functions[0]
args = [self.translate(arg, res, ctx) for arg in node.args]
address = args[0]
contracts = ctx.current_state[mangled.CONTRACTS].local_var(ctx)
key_type = self.type_translator.translate(types.VYPER_ADDRESS, ctx)
value_type = helpers.struct_type(self.viper_ast)
struct = helpers.map_get(self.viper_ast, contracts, address, key_type, value_type)
# If we are not inside a trigger and the ghost function in question has an
# implementation, we pass the self struct to it if the argument is the self address,
# as the verifier does not know that $contracts[self] is equal to the self struct.
if not ctx.inside_trigger and ghost_function in ctx.program.ghost_function_implementations:
self_address = helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast, pos)
eq = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(args[0], self_address)
self_var = ctx.self_var.local_var(ctx, pos)
struct = self.viper_ast.CondExp(eq, self_var, struct, pos)
return_type = self.type_translator.translate(function.type.return_type, ctx)
rpos = self.to_position(node, ctx, rules.PRECONDITION_IMPLEMENTS_INTERFACE)
return helpers.ghost_function(self.viper_ast, function, address, struct, args[1:], return_type, rpos)
def _low(self, expr, type: VyperType, ctx: Context, pos=None) -> Expr:
comp = self.type_translator.comparator(type, ctx)
if comp:
return self.viper_ast.Low(expr, *comp, pos)
return self.viper_ast.Low(expr, position=pos)
def _injectivity_check(self, node: ast.Node,
qvars: Iterable[TranslatedVar],
resource: Optional[ast.Expr],
args: List[ast.Expr],
amount: Optional[ast.Expr],
rule: rules.Rule, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
# To check injectivity we do the following:
# forall q1_1, q1_2, q2_1, q2_2, ... :: q1_1 != q1_2 or q2_1 != q2_2 or ... ==>
# arg1(q1_1, q2_1, ...) != arg1(q1_2, q2_2, ...) or arg2(q1_1, q2_1, ...) != arg2(q1_2, q2_2, ...) or ...
# or amount(q1_1, q2_1, ...) == 0 or amount(q1_2, q2_2) == 0 or ...
# i.e. that if any two quantified variables are different, at least one pair of arguments is also different if
# the amount offered is non-zero.
assert qvars
all_args = ([] if resource is None else _ResourceArgumentExtractor().extract_args(resource)) + args
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
true = self.viper_ast.TrueLit(pos)
false = self.viper_ast.FalseLit(pos)
qtvars = [[], []]
qtlocals = [[], []]
type_assumptions = [[], []]
for i in range(2):
for idx, var in enumerate(qvars):
new_var = TranslatedVar(, f'$arg{idx}{i}', var.type, self.viper_ast, pos)
local = new_var.local_var(ctx)
type_assumptions[i].extend(self.type_translator.type_assumptions(local, var.type, ctx))
tas = reduce(lambda a, b: self.viper_ast.And(a, b, pos), chain(*type_assumptions), true)
or_op = lambda a, b: self.viper_ast.Or(a, b, pos)
ne_op = lambda a, b: self.viper_ast.NeCmp(a, b, pos)
cond = reduce(or_op, starmap(ne_op, zip(*qtlocals)))
zero = self.viper_ast.IntLit(0, pos)
targs = [[], []]
is_zero = []
for i in range(2):
with ctx.quantified_var_scope():
ctx.quantified_vars.update((, var) for var in qtvars[i])
for arg in all_args:
targ = self.translate(arg, res, ctx)
if amount:
tamount = self.translate(amount, res, ctx)
is_zero.append(self.viper_ast.EqCmp(tamount, zero, pos))
arg_neq = reduce(or_op, starmap(ne_op, zip(*targs)), false)
if is_zero:
arg_neq = self.viper_ast.Or(arg_neq, reduce(or_op, is_zero), pos)
expr = self.viper_ast.Implies(tas, self.viper_ast.Implies(cond, arg_neq, pos), pos)
quant = self.viper_ast.Forall([var.var_decl(ctx) for var in chain(*qtvars)], [], expr, pos)
modelt = self.model_translator.save_variables(res, ctx, pos)
combined_rule = rules.combine(rules.INJECTIVITY_CHECK_FAIL, rule)
apos = self.to_position(node, ctx, combined_rule, modelt=modelt)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(quant, apos))
def translate_ghost_statement(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, res: List[Stmt],
ctx: Context, is_performs: bool = False) -> Expr:
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
name =
if name == names.REALLOCATE:
resource, resource_expr = self.resource_translator.translate(node.resource, res, ctx, return_resource=True)
amount = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
msg_sender = helpers.msg_sender(self.viper_ast, ctx, pos)
to = None
frm = msg_sender
for kw in node.keywords:
kw_val = self.translate(kw.value, res, ctx)
if == names.REALLOCATE_TO:
to = kw_val
elif == names.REALLOCATE_ACTOR:
frm = kw_val
assert False
performs_args = node, name, [resource_expr, frm, to, amount], [amount], res, ctx, pos
if ctx.inside_derived_resource_performs:
# If there is a derived resource for resource
# If helper.self_address is frm -> deallocate amount derived resource from msg.sender
# If helper.self_address is to -> allocate amount derived resource to msg.sender
for derived_resource in resource.derived_resources:
node, derived_resource, resource_expr, frm, to, amount, res, ctx)
if is_performs:
return None
if is_performs:
self.allocation_translator.reallocate(node, resource_expr, frm, to, amount, msg_sender, res, ctx, pos)
return None
elif name == names.OFFER:
from_resource_expr, to_resource_expr = self.resource_translator.translate_exchange(node.resource, res, ctx)
left = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
right = self.translate(node.args[1], res, ctx)
msg_sender = helpers.msg_sender(self.viper_ast, ctx, pos)
all_args = node.args.copy()
frm = msg_sender
to = None
times = None
times_arg = None
for kw in node.keywords:
kw_val = self.translate(kw.value, res, ctx)
if == names.OFFER_TO:
to = kw_val
elif == names.OFFER_ACTOR:
frm = kw_val
elif == names.OFFER_TIMES:
times = kw_val
times_arg = kw.value
assert False
assert to is not None
assert times is not None
assert times_arg is not None
performs_args = (node, name, [from_resource_expr, to_resource_expr, left, right, frm, to, times],
[left, times], res, ctx, pos)
if ctx.inside_derived_resource_performs:
if is_performs:
return None
if ctx.quantified_vars:
self._injectivity_check(node, ctx.quantified_vars.values(), node.resource, all_args, times_arg,
rules.OFFER_FAIL, res, ctx)
if is_performs:
self.allocation_translator.offer(node, from_resource_expr, to_resource_expr, left, right, frm, to,
times, msg_sender, res, ctx, pos)
return None
elif name == names.ALLOW_TO_DECOMPOSE:
if ctx.inside_derived_resource_performs:
return None
resource_expr, underlying_resource_expr = self.resource_translator.translate_with_underlying(node, res, ctx)
amount = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
address = self.translate(node.args[1], res, ctx)
msg_sender = helpers.msg_sender(self.viper_ast, ctx, pos)
const_one = self.viper_ast.IntLit(1, pos)
performs_args = (node, names.OFFER, [resource_expr, underlying_resource_expr, const_one, const_one,
address, address, amount],
amount, res, ctx, pos)
if ctx.inside_derived_resource_performs:
if is_performs:
return None
if is_performs:
self.allocation_translator.allow_to_decompose(node, resource_expr, underlying_resource_expr, address,
amount, msg_sender, res, ctx, pos)
elif name == names.REVOKE:
from_resource_expr, to_resource_expr = self.resource_translator.translate_exchange(node.resource, res, ctx)
left = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
right = self.translate(node.args[1], res, ctx)
to = self.translate(node.keywords[0].value, res, ctx)
msg_sender = helpers.msg_sender(self.viper_ast, ctx, pos)
all_args = node.args.copy()
frm = msg_sender
for kw in node.keywords:
kw_val = self.translate(kw.value, res, ctx)
if == names.REVOKE_TO:
to = kw_val
elif == names.REVOKE_ACTOR:
frm = kw_val
assert False
performs_args = (node, name, [from_resource_expr, to_resource_expr, left, right, frm, to], [left],
res, ctx, pos)
if ctx.inside_derived_resource_performs:
if is_performs:
return None
if ctx.quantified_vars:
self._injectivity_check(node, ctx.quantified_vars.values(), node.resource, all_args, None,
rules.REVOKE_FAIL, res, ctx)
if is_performs:
self.allocation_translator.revoke(node, from_resource_expr, to_resource_expr, left, right, frm, to,
msg_sender, res, ctx, pos)
return None
elif name == names.EXCHANGE:
(resource1, resource1_expr), (resource2, resource2_expr) = self.resource_translator.translate_exchange(
node.resource, res, ctx, return_resource=True)
left = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
right = self.translate(node.args[1], res, ctx)
left_owner = self.translate(node.args[2], res, ctx)
right_owner = self.translate(node.args[3], res, ctx)
times = self.translate(node.keywords[0].value, res, ctx)
performs_args = (node, name, [resource1_expr, resource2_expr, left, right, left_owner, right_owner, times],
[self.viper_ast.Add(left, right), times], res, ctx, pos)
if ctx.inside_derived_resource_performs:
# If there is a derived resource for resource1
# If helper.self_address is left_owner -> deallocate amount derived resource from msg.sender
# If helper.self_address is right_owner -> allocate amount derived resource to msg.sender
amount1 = self.viper_ast.Mul(times, left)
for derived_resource in resource1.derived_resources:
node, derived_resource, resource1_expr, left_owner, right_owner, amount1, res, ctx)
# If there is a derived resource for resource2
# If helper.self_address is right_owner -> deallocate amount derived resource from msg.sender
# If helper.self_address is left_owner -> allocate amount derived resource to msg.sender
amount2 = self.viper_ast.Mul(times, right)
for derived_resource in resource2.derived_resources:
node, derived_resource, resource2_expr, right_owner, left_owner, amount2, res, ctx)
if is_performs:
return None
if is_performs:
else:, resource1_expr, resource2_expr, left, right,
left_owner, right_owner, times, res, ctx, pos)
return None
elif name == names.CREATE:
resource, resource_expr = self.resource_translator.translate(node.resource, res, ctx, return_resource=True)
amount = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
msg_sender = helpers.msg_sender(self.viper_ast, ctx, pos)
to = msg_sender
frm = msg_sender
args = []
for kw in node.keywords:
if == names.CREATE_TO:
to = self.translate(kw.value, res, ctx)
elif == names.CREATE_ACTOR:
frm = self.translate(kw.value, res, ctx)
# The 'by' parameter is not part of the injectivity check as
# it does not make a difference as to which resource is created
assert False
performs_args = node, name, [resource_expr, frm, to, amount], [amount], res, ctx, pos
if ctx.inside_derived_resource_performs:
# If there is a derived resource for resource
# If helper.self_address is to -> allocate amount derived resource from msg.sender
for derived_resource in resource.derived_resources:
node, derived_resource, resource_expr, None, to, amount, res, ctx)
if is_performs:
return None
if ctx.quantified_vars:
self._injectivity_check(node, ctx.quantified_vars.values(), node.resource, args, node.args[0],
rules.CREATE_FAIL, res, ctx)
if is_performs:
is_init = == names.INIT
self.allocation_translator.create(node, resource_expr, frm, to, amount,
msg_sender, is_init, res, ctx, pos)
return None
elif name == names.DESTROY:
resource, resource_expr = self.resource_translator.translate(node.resource, res, ctx, return_resource=True)
amount = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
msg_sender = helpers.msg_sender(self.viper_ast, ctx, pos)
frm = msg_sender
for kw in node.keywords:
kw_val = self.translate(kw.value, res, ctx)
if == names.DESTROY_ACTOR:
frm = kw_val
performs_args = node, name, [resource_expr, frm, amount], [amount], res, ctx, pos
if ctx.inside_derived_resource_performs:
# If there is a derived resource for resource
# If helper.self_address is frm -> deallocate amount derived resource from msg.sender
for derived_resource in resource.derived_resources:
node, derived_resource, resource_expr, frm, None, amount, res, ctx)
if is_performs:
return None
if ctx.quantified_vars:
self._injectivity_check(node, ctx.quantified_vars.values(), node.resource, [], node.args[0],
rules.DESTROY_FAIL, res, ctx)
if is_performs:
self.allocation_translator.destroy(node, resource_expr, frm, amount, msg_sender, res, ctx, pos)
return None
elif name == names.RESOURCE_PAYABLE:
resource, resource_expr = self.resource_translator.translate(node.resource, res, ctx, return_resource=True)
amount = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
to = helpers.msg_sender(self.viper_ast, ctx, pos)
for kw in node.keywords:
kw_val = self.translate(kw.value, res, ctx)
to = kw_val
performs_args = node, name, [resource_expr, to, amount], [amount], res, ctx, pos
if ctx.inside_derived_resource_performs:
# If there is a derived resource for resource
# If helper.self_address is msg.sender -> deallocate amount derived resource from msg.sender
for derived_resource in resource.derived_resources:
node, derived_resource, resource_expr, None, to, amount, res, ctx)
if is_performs:
return None
assert is_performs
elif name == names.RESOURCE_PAYOUT:
resource, resource_expr = self.resource_translator.translate(node.resource, res, ctx, return_resource=True)
amount = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
msg_sender = helpers.msg_sender(self.viper_ast, ctx, pos)
frm = msg_sender
for kw in node.keywords:
kw_val = self.translate(kw.value, res, ctx)
frm = kw_val
performs_args = node, name, [resource_expr, frm, amount], [amount], res, ctx, pos
if ctx.inside_derived_resource_performs:
# If there is a derived resource for resource
# If helper.self_address is frm -> deallocate amount derived resource from msg.sender
for derived_resource in resource.derived_resources:
node, derived_resource, resource_expr, frm, None, amount, res, ctx)
if is_performs:
return None
assert is_performs
elif name == names.TRUST:
address = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
val = self.translate(node.args[1], res, ctx)
msg_sender = helpers.msg_sender(self.viper_ast, ctx, pos)
actor = msg_sender
keyword_args = []
for kw in node.keywords:
kw_val = self.translate(kw.value, res, ctx)
if == names.TRUST_ACTOR:
actor = kw_val
performs_args = node, name, [address, actor, val], [], res, ctx, pos
if ctx.inside_derived_resource_performs:
if is_performs:
return None
if ctx.quantified_vars:
rule = rules.TRUST_FAIL
self._injectivity_check(node, ctx.quantified_vars.values(), None, [node.args[0], *keyword_args], None,
rule, res, ctx)
if is_performs:
else:, address, actor, val, res, ctx, pos)
return None
elif name == names.ALLOCATE_UNTRACKED:
resource, resource_expr, underlying_resource_expr = self.resource_translator.translate_with_underlying(
node, res, ctx, return_resource=True)
address = self.translate(node.args[0], res, ctx)
if == names.WEI:
balance = self.balance_translator.get_balance(ctx.self_var.local_var(ctx), ctx, pos)
allocated = ctx.current_state[mangled.ALLOCATED].local_var(ctx)
self_address = helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast)
balance = self.allocation_translator.get_allocated(allocated, underlying_resource_expr,
self_address, ctx)
performs_args = node, name, [resource_expr, address], [], res, ctx, pos
if ctx.inside_derived_resource_performs:
msg_sender = helpers.msg_sender(self.viper_ast, ctx, pos)
amount = self.allocation_translator.allocation_difference_to_balance(balance, resource, ctx)
# If there is a derived resource for resource
# If helper.self_address is to -> allocate amount derived resource from msg.sender
for derived_resource in resource.derived_resources:
node, derived_resource, resource_expr, None, msg_sender, amount, res, ctx)
if is_performs:
return None
if is_performs:
self.allocation_translator.allocate_untracked(node, resource_expr, address, balance, res, ctx, pos)
return None
elif name == names.FOREACH:
assert len(node.args) > 0
dict_arg = node.args[0]
assert isinstance(dict_arg, ast.Dict)
with ctx.quantified_var_scope():
quants, _ = self._translate_quantified_vars(dict_arg, ctx)
for var in quants:
ctx.quantified_vars[] = var
body = node.args[-1]
assert isinstance(body, ast.FunctionCall)
return self.translate_ghost_statement(body, res, ctx, is_performs)
assert False
def update_allocation_for_derived_resource(self, node: ast.Node, derived_resource,
underlying_resource_expr: Expr, frm: Optional[Expr], to: Optional[Expr],
amount: Expr, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
self_address = helpers.self_address(self.viper_ast)
args = self.viper_ast.to_list(underlying_resource_expr.getArgs())
derived_resource_expr = helpers.struct_init(self.viper_ast, args, derived_resource.type)
msg_var = ctx.all_vars[mangled.ORIGINAL_MSG].local_var(ctx)
original_msg_sender = helpers.struct_get(self.viper_ast, msg_var, names.MSG_SENDER,
self.viper_ast.Int, types.MSG_TYPE)
stmts = []
if to is not None:
to_eq_self = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(self_address, to)
allocate_stmts = []
self.allocation_translator.allocate_derived(node, derived_resource_expr, frm or original_msg_sender,
original_msg_sender, amount, allocate_stmts, ctx, pos)
stmts.append(self.viper_ast.If(to_eq_self, allocate_stmts, []))
if frm is not None:
frm_eq_self = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(self_address, frm)
deallocate_stmts = []
self.allocation_translator.deallocate_derived(node, derived_resource_expr, underlying_resource_expr,
to or original_msg_sender, amount, deallocate_stmts, ctx, pos)
stmts.append(self.viper_ast.If(frm_eq_self, deallocate_stmts, []))
if to is not None and frm is not None:
frm_neq_to = self.viper_ast.NeCmp(frm, to)
res.extend(helpers.flattened_conditional(self.viper_ast, frm_neq_to, stmts, [], pos))
res.extend(helpers.flattened_conditional(self.viper_ast, self.viper_ast.TrueLit(), stmts, [], pos))
class _ResourceArgumentExtractor(NodeVisitor):
def extract_args(self, node: ast.Expr) -> List[ast.Expr]:
return self.visit(node)
def visit_Name(_: ast.Name) -> List[ast.Expr]:
return []
def visit_Exchange(self, node: ast.Exchange) -> List[ast.Expr]:
return self.visit(node.left) + self.visit(node.right)
def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall) -> List[ast.Expr]:
if == names.CREATOR:
return self.visit(node.args[0])
return node.args
def generic_visit(self, node, *args):
assert False | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/translation/ | |
from itertools import chain
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
from twovyper.ast import names, types
from twovyper.ast.arithmetic import Decimal
from twovyper.ast.types import StructType, DecimalType
from twovyper.translation import helpers, mangled
from twovyper.translation.context import Context
from twovyper.translation.abstract import CommonTranslator
from twovyper.translation.type import TypeTranslator
from twovyper.verification.model import ModelTransformation
from twovyper.viper.ast import ViperAST
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Stmt
class ModelTranslator(CommonTranslator):
def __init__(self, viper_ast: ViperAST):
self.viper_ast = viper_ast
self.type_translator = TypeTranslator(viper_ast)
def save_variables(self, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context, pos=None) -> Optional[ModelTransformation]:
# Viper only gives a model for variables, therefore we save all important expressions
# in variables and provide a mapping back to the Vyper expression. Also, we give a value
# transformation to change, e.g., 12 to 0.0000000012 for decimals.
if not ctx.options.create_model:
return [], None
self_var = ctx.self_var.local_var(ctx)
old_self_var = ctx.old_self_var.local_var(ctx)
transform = {}
type_map = {}
def add_model_var(name, var_type, rhs, components):
new_var_name = ctx.new_local_var_name(mangled.model_var_name(*components))
vtype = self.type_translator.translate(var_type, ctx)
new_var = self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(new_var_name, vtype, pos)
transform[new_var_name] = name
type_map[new_var_name] = var_type
if hasattr(rhs, 'isSubtype') and rhs.isSubtype(helpers.wrapped_int_type(self.viper_ast)):
rhs = helpers.w_unwrap(self.viper_ast, rhs)
res.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(new_var.localVar(), rhs, pos))
def add_struct_members(struct, struct_type, components, wrapped=None):
for member, member_type in struct_type.member_types.items():
new_components = components + [member]
mtype = self.type_translator.translate(member_type, ctx)
get = helpers.struct_get(self.viper_ast, struct, member, mtype, struct_type, pos)
if isinstance(member_type, StructType):
add_struct_members(get, member_type, new_components, wrapped)
if member == mangled.SELFDESTRUCT_FIELD:
name = f'{names.SELFDESTRUCT}()'
elif member == mangled.SENT_FIELD:
name = f'{names.SENT}()'
elif member == mangled.RECEIVED_FIELD:
name = f'{names.RECEIVED}()'
name = '.'.join(new_components)
if wrapped:
name = wrapped(name)
add_model_var(name, member_type, get, new_components)
add_struct_members(self_var, ctx.program.type, [names.SELF])
add_struct_members(old_self_var, ctx.program.type, [names.SELF], lambda n: f'{names.OLD}({n})')
if ctx.function.analysis.uses_issued:
issued_self_var = ctx.pre_self_var.local_var(ctx)
add_struct_members(issued_self_var, ctx.program.type, [names.SELF], lambda n: f'{names.ISSUED}({n})')
for var in chain(ctx.args.values(), ctx.locals.values()):
if isinstance(var.type, StructType):
add_struct_members(var.local_var(ctx), var.type, [])
transform[var.mangled_name] =
type_map[var.mangled_name] = var.type
if ctx.success_var is not None:
transform[ctx.success_var.mangled_name] = f'{names.SUCCESS}()'
type_map[ctx.success_var.mangled_name] = ctx.success_var.type
if ctx.result_var is not None:
transform[ctx.result_var.mangled_name] = f'{names.RESULT}()'
type_map[ctx.result_var.mangled_name] = ctx.result_var.type
transform[mangled.OUT_OF_GAS] = f'{names.OUT_OF_GAS}()'
type_map[mangled.OUT_OF_GAS] = types.VYPER_BOOL
transform[mangled.OVERFLOW] = f'{names.OVERFLOW}()'
type_map[mangled.OVERFLOW] = types.VYPER_BOOL
return (transform, type_map) | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/translation/ | |
from typing import Optional
from twovyper.translation import helpers
from twovyper.ast.types import VyperType
from twovyper.translation.context import Context
from twovyper.translation.type import TypeTranslator
from twovyper.viper.ast import ViperAST
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Expr, Var, VarDecl
class TranslatedVar:
def __init__(self, vyper_name: str, viper_name: str, vyper_type: VyperType, viper_ast: ViperAST,
pos=None, info=None, is_local=True): = vyper_name
self.mangled_name = viper_name
self.type = vyper_type
self.viper_ast = viper_ast
self.pos = pos = info
self.is_local = is_local
self._type_translator = TypeTranslator(viper_ast)
def var_decl(self, ctx: Context, pos=None, info=None) -> VarDecl:
pos = pos or self.pos
info = info or
vtype = self._type_translator.translate(self.type, ctx, is_local=self.is_local)
return self.viper_ast.LocalVarDecl(self.mangled_name, vtype, pos, info)
def local_var(self, ctx: Context, pos=None, info=None) -> Var:
pos = pos or self.pos
info = info or
vtype = self._type_translator.translate(self.type, ctx, is_local=self.is_local)
return self.viper_ast.LocalVar(self.mangled_name, vtype, pos, info)
class TranslatedPureIndexedVar(TranslatedVar):
def __init__(self, vyper_name: str, viper_name: str, vyper_type: VyperType, viper_ast: ViperAST,
pos=None, info=None, is_local=True):
super().__init__(vyper_name, viper_name, vyper_type, viper_ast, pos, info, is_local)
self.idx: Optional[int] = None
self.viper_struct_type = helpers.struct_type(self.viper_ast)
self.function_result = self.viper_ast.Result(self.viper_struct_type)
def var_decl(self, ctx: Context, pos=None, info=None) -> VarDecl:
pos = pos or self.pos
info = info or
return self.viper_ast.TrueLit(pos, info)
def local_var(self, ctx: Context, pos=None, info=None) -> Expr:
pos = pos or self.pos
info = info or
viper_type = self._type_translator.translate(self.type, ctx, is_local=self.is_local)
return helpers.struct_get_idx(self.viper_ast, self.function_result, self.idx, viper_type, pos, info)
def evaluate_idx(self, ctx: Context) -> int:
if not self.idx:
self.idx = ctx.next_pure_var_index()
return self.idx
def new_idx(self):
self.idx = None | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/translation/ | |
from contextlib import contextmanager, ExitStack
from typing import List
from twovyper.ast import ast_nodes as ast, names, types
from twovyper.ast.types import MapType, ArrayType, StructType, VYPER_UINT256
from twovyper.ast.visitors import NodeVisitor
from twovyper.exceptions import UnsupportedException
from twovyper.translation import helpers, mangled
from twovyper.translation.context import Context
from twovyper.translation.abstract import NodeTranslator, CommonTranslator
from twovyper.translation.arithmetic import ArithmeticTranslator
from twovyper.translation.expression import ExpressionTranslator
from twovyper.translation.model import ModelTranslator
from twovyper.translation.specification import SpecificationTranslator
from twovyper.translation.state import StateTranslator
from twovyper.translation.type import TypeTranslator
from twovyper.translation.variable import TranslatedVar
from twovyper.verification import rules
from twovyper.verification.error import Via
from twovyper.viper.ast import ViperAST
from twovyper.viper.typedefs import Expr, Stmt
def add_new_var(self: CommonTranslator, node: ast.Name, ctx: Context, is_local: bool):
Adds the local variable to the context.
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
variable_name =
mangled_name = ctx.new_local_var_name(variable_name)
var = TranslatedVar(variable_name, mangled_name, node.type, self.viper_ast, pos, is_local=is_local)
ctx.locals[variable_name] = var
class StatementTranslator(NodeTranslator):
def __init__(self, viper_ast: ViperAST):
self.expression_translator = ExpressionTranslator(viper_ast)
self.assignment_translator = AssignmentTranslator(viper_ast)
self.arithmetic_translator = ArithmeticTranslator(viper_ast)
self.model_translator = ModelTranslator(viper_ast)
self.specification_translator = SpecificationTranslator(viper_ast)
self.state_translator = StateTranslator(viper_ast)
self.type_translator = TypeTranslator(viper_ast)
def translate_stmts(self, stmts: List[ast.Stmt], res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
for s in stmts:
self.translate(s, res, ctx)
def translate_AnnAssign(self, node: ast.AnnAssign, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
if node.value is None:
vyper_type =
rhs = self.type_translator.default_value(None, vyper_type, res, ctx)
elif types.is_numeric(node.value.type):
rhs = self.expression_translator.translate_top_level_expression(node.value, res, ctx)
# Ignore the $wrap information, if the node is not numeric
rhs = self.expression_translator.translate(node.value, res, ctx)
is_wrapped = False
if self.expression_translator.arithmetic_translator.is_wrapped(rhs):
if types.is_numeric(node.value.type):
is_wrapped = True
rhs = helpers.w_unwrap(self.viper_ast, rhs)
add_new_var(self,, ctx, not is_wrapped)
# An annotated assignment can only have a local variable on the lhs,
# therefore we can simply use the expression translator
lhs = self.expression_translator.translate(, res, ctx)
res.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(lhs, rhs, pos))
def translate_Assign(self, node: ast.Assign, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
target =
rhs = self.expression_translator.translate_top_level_expression(node.value, res, ctx)
if isinstance(target, ast.Tuple):
for idx, element in enumerate(target.elements):
element_type = self.type_translator.translate(element.type, ctx)
rhs_element = helpers.struct_get_idx(self.viper_ast, rhs, idx, element_type, pos)
self.assignment_translator.assign_to(element, rhs_element, res, ctx)
self.assignment_translator.assign_to(target, rhs, res, ctx)
def translate_AugAssign(self, node: ast.AugAssign, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
lhs = self.expression_translator.translate_top_level_expression(, res, ctx)
rhs = self.expression_translator.translate_top_level_expression(node.value, res, ctx)
value = self.arithmetic_translator.arithmetic_op(lhs, node.op, rhs, node.value.type, res, ctx, pos)
self.assignment_translator.assign_to(, value, res, ctx)
def translate_Log(self, node: ast.Log, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
event_function = node.body
assert isinstance(event_function, ast.FunctionCall)
event =[]
args = [self.expression_translator.translate(arg, res, ctx) for arg in event_function.args]
self.expression_translator.log_event(event, args, res, ctx, pos)
def translate_ExprStmt(self, node: ast.ExprStmt, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
# Check if we are translating a call to clear
# We handle clear in the StatementTranslator because it is essentially an assignment
if isinstance(node.value, ast.FunctionCall) and == names.CLEAR:
arg = node.value.args[0]
value = self.type_translator.default_value(node, arg.type, res, ctx)
self.assignment_translator.assign_to(arg, value, res, ctx)
# Ignore the expression, return the stmts
_ = self.expression_translator.translate(node.value, res, ctx)
def translate_Raise(self, node: ast.Raise, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
# If UNREACHABLE is used, we assert that the exception is unreachable,
# i.e., that it never happens; else, we revert
if isinstance(node.msg, ast.Name) and == names.UNREACHABLE:
modelt = self.model_translator.save_variables(res, ctx, pos)
mpos = self.to_position(node, ctx, modelt=modelt)
false = self.viper_ast.FalseLit(pos)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(false, mpos))
res.append(self.viper_ast.Goto(ctx.revert_label, pos))
def translate_Assert(self, node: ast.Assert, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
translator = self.specification_translator if node.is_ghost_code else self.expression_translator
with ctx.lemma_scope() if node.is_lemma else ExitStack():
expr = translator.translate(node.test, res, ctx)
# If UNREACHABLE is used, we try to prove that the assertion holds by
# translating it directly as an assert; else, revert if the condition
# is false.
if node.is_lemma or (isinstance(node.msg, ast.Name) and == names.UNREACHABLE):
modelt = self.model_translator.save_variables(res, ctx, pos)
mpos = self.to_position(node, ctx, modelt=modelt)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Assert(expr, mpos))
cond = self.viper_ast.Not(expr, pos)
self.fail_if(cond, [], res, ctx, pos)
def translate_Return(self, node: ast.Return, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
if node.value:
lhs = ctx.result_var.local_var(ctx, pos)
expr = self.expression_translator.translate_top_level_expression(node.value, res, ctx)
if (self.expression_translator.arithmetic_translator.is_unwrapped(lhs)
and self.expression_translator.arithmetic_translator.is_wrapped(expr)):
expr = helpers.w_unwrap(self.viper_ast, expr)
assign = self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(lhs, expr, pos)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Goto(ctx.return_label, pos))
def translate_If(self, node: ast.If, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
translator = self.specification_translator if node.is_ghost_code else self.expression_translator
cond = translator.translate(node.test, res, ctx)
old_locals = dict(ctx.locals)
with self.assignment_translator.assume_everything_has_wrapped_information():
then_body = []
with ctx.new_local_scope():
self.translate_stmts(node.body, then_body, ctx)
else_body = []
with ctx.new_local_scope():
self.translate_stmts(node.orelse, else_body, ctx)
if_stmt = self.viper_ast.If(cond, then_body, else_body, pos)
for overwritten_var_name in self.assignment_translator.overwritten_vars:
if old_locals.get(overwritten_var_name):
lhs = ctx.locals[overwritten_var_name].local_var(ctx)
rhs = old_locals[overwritten_var_name].local_var(ctx)
if self.arithmetic_translator.is_unwrapped(rhs):
rhs = helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, rhs)
res.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(lhs, rhs))
def translate_For(self, node: ast.For, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
stmts = []
times = node.iter.type.size
lpos = self.to_position(, ctx)
rpos = self.to_position(node.iter, ctx)
if times > 0:
old_locals = dict(ctx.locals)
overwritten_vars = set()
has_numeric_array = types.is_numeric(
array = self.expression_translator.translate_top_level_expression(node.iter, stmts, ctx)
add_new_var(self,, ctx, False)
loop_var_name =
loop_invariants = ctx.current_function.loop_invariants.get(node)
if loop_invariants:
ctx.loop_arrays[loop_var_name] = array
# New variable loop-idx
idx_var_name = '$idx'
mangled_name = ctx.new_local_var_name(idx_var_name)
via = [Via('index of array', rpos)]
idx_pos = self.to_position(, ctx, vias=via)
var = TranslatedVar(idx_var_name, mangled_name, VYPER_UINT256, self.viper_ast, idx_pos)
ctx.loop_indices[loop_var_name] = var
loop_idx_var = var.local_var(ctx)
# New variable loop-var
loop_var = ctx.all_vars[loop_var_name].local_var(ctx)
# Base case
loop_idx_eq_zero = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(loop_idx_var, self.viper_ast.IntLit(0), rpos)
assume_base_case = self.viper_ast.Inhale(loop_idx_eq_zero, rpos)
array_at = self.viper_ast.SeqIndex(array, loop_idx_var, rpos)
if has_numeric_array:
array_at = helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, array_at, rpos)
set_loop_var = self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(loop_var, array_at, lpos)
self.seqn_with_info([assume_base_case, set_loop_var],
"Base case: Known property about loop variable", stmts)
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.current_state, ctx.current_state):
# Loop Invariants are translated the same as pre- or postconditions
translated_loop_invariant_asserts = \
self.specification_translator.translate_pre_or_postcondition(loop_invariant, stmts, ctx))
for loop_invariant in loop_invariants]
loop_invariant_stmts = []
for loop_invariant, cond in translated_loop_invariant_asserts:
cond_pos = self.to_position(loop_invariant, ctx, rules.LOOP_INVARIANT_BASE_FAIL)
loop_invariant_stmts.append(self.viper_ast.Exhale(cond, cond_pos))
self.seqn_with_info(loop_invariant_stmts, "Check loop invariants before iteration 0", stmts)
# Step case
# Havoc state
havoc_stmts = []
# Create pre states of loop
def loop_pre_state(name: str) -> str:
return ctx.all_vars[loop_var_name].mangled_name + mangled.pre_state_var_name(name)
pre_state_of_loop = self.state_translator.state(loop_pre_state, ctx)
for val in pre_state_of_loop.values():
ctx.new_local_vars.append(val.var_decl(ctx, pos))
# Copy present state to this created pre_state
self.state_translator.copy_state(ctx.current_state, pre_state_of_loop, havoc_stmts, ctx)
# Havoc loop variables
havoc_var = helpers.havoc_var(self.viper_ast, self.viper_ast.Int, ctx)
havoc_loop_idx = self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(loop_idx_var, havoc_var)
havoc_loop_var_type = self.type_translator.translate(, ctx)
havoc_var = helpers.havoc_var(self.viper_ast, havoc_loop_var_type, ctx)
if has_numeric_array:
havoc_var = helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, havoc_var)
havoc_loop_var = self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(loop_var, havoc_var)
# Havoc old and current state
self.state_translator.havoc_old_and_current_state(self.specification_translator, havoc_stmts, ctx, pos)
# Havoc used variables
loop_used_var = {}
for var_name in ctx.current_function.analysis.loop_used_names.get(loop_var_name, []):
if var_name == loop_var_name:
var = ctx.locals.get(var_name)
if var:
# Create new variable
mangled_name = ctx.new_local_var_name(
# Since these variables changed in the loop may not be constant, we have to assume, that
# they are not local anymore.
new_var = TranslatedVar(, mangled_name, var.type, var.viper_ast,
var.pos,, is_local=False)
ctx.locals[var_name] = new_var
loop_used_var[var_name] = var
new_var_local = new_var.local_var(ctx)
havoc_var = helpers.havoc_var(self.viper_ast, new_var_local.typ(), ctx)
havoc_stmts.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(new_var_local, havoc_var))
var_type_assumption = self.type_translator.type_assumptions(new_var_local, new_var.type, ctx)
var_type_assumption = [self.viper_ast.Inhale(expr) for expr in var_type_assumption]
self.seqn_with_info(var_type_assumption, f"Type assumption for {var_name}", havoc_stmts)
# Mark that this variable got overwritten
self.seqn_with_info(havoc_stmts, "Havoc state", stmts)
# Havoc events
event_handling = []
self.expression_translator.forget_about_all_events(event_handling, ctx, pos)
self.expression_translator.log_all_events_zero_or_more_times(event_handling, ctx, pos)
self.seqn_with_info(event_handling, "Assume we know nothing about events", stmts)
# Loop invariants
loop_idx_ge_zero = self.viper_ast.GeCmp(loop_idx_var, self.viper_ast.IntLit(0), rpos)
times_lit = self.viper_ast.IntLit(times)
loop_idx_lt_array_size = self.viper_ast.LtCmp(loop_idx_var, times_lit, rpos)
loop_idx_assumption = self.viper_ast.And(loop_idx_ge_zero, loop_idx_lt_array_size, rpos)
assume_step_case = self.viper_ast.Inhale(loop_idx_assumption, rpos)
array_at = self.viper_ast.SeqIndex(array, loop_idx_var, rpos)
if has_numeric_array:
array_at = helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, array_at, rpos)
set_loop_var = self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(loop_var, array_at, lpos)
self.seqn_with_info([assume_step_case, set_loop_var],
"Step case: Known property about loop variable", stmts)
with ctx.old_local_variables_scope(loop_used_var):
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.current_state, pre_state_of_loop):
# Translate the loop invariants with assume-events-flag
translated_loop_invariant_assumes = \
.translate_pre_or_postcondition(loop_invariant, stmts, ctx, assume_events=True))
for loop_invariant in loop_invariants]
loop_invariant_stmts = []
for loop_invariant, cond_inhale in translated_loop_invariant_assumes:
cond_pos = self.to_position(loop_invariant, ctx, rules.INHALE_LOOP_INVARIANT_FAIL)
loop_invariant_stmts.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(cond_inhale, cond_pos))
self.seqn_with_info(loop_invariant_stmts, "Assume loop invariants", stmts)
with ctx.break_scope():
with ctx.continue_scope():
with self.assignment_translator.assume_everything_has_wrapped_information():
# Loop Body
with ctx.new_local_scope():
loop_body_stmts = []
self.translate_stmts(node.body, loop_body_stmts, ctx)
self.seqn_with_info(loop_body_stmts, "Loop body", stmts)
continue_info = self.to_info(["End of loop body"])
stmts.append(self.viper_ast.Label(ctx.continue_label, pos, continue_info))
# After loop body
loop_idx_inc = self.viper_ast.Add(loop_idx_var, self.viper_ast.IntLit(1), pos)
stmts.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(loop_idx_var, loop_idx_inc, pos))
loop_idx_eq_times = self.viper_ast.EqCmp(loop_idx_var, times_lit, pos)
goto_break = self.viper_ast.Goto(ctx.break_label, pos)
stmts.append(self.viper_ast.If(loop_idx_eq_times, [goto_break], [], pos))
array_at = self.viper_ast.SeqIndex(array, loop_idx_var, rpos)
if has_numeric_array:
array_at = helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, array_at, rpos)
stmts.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(loop_var, array_at, lpos))
# Check loop invariants
with ctx.old_local_variables_scope(loop_used_var):
with ctx.state_scope(ctx.current_state, pre_state_of_loop):
# Re-translate the loop invariants since the context might have changed
translated_loop_invariant_asserts = \
stmts, ctx))
for loop_invariant in loop_invariants]
loop_invariant_stmts = []
for loop_invariant, cond in translated_loop_invariant_asserts:
cond_pos = self.to_position(loop_invariant, ctx,
loop_invariant_stmts.append(self.viper_ast.Exhale(cond, cond_pos))
self.seqn_with_info(loop_invariant_stmts, "Check loop invariants for iteration idx + 1", stmts)
# Kill this branch
stmts.append(self.viper_ast.Inhale(self.viper_ast.FalseLit(), pos))
break_info = self.to_info(["After loop"])
stmts.append(self.viper_ast.Label(ctx.break_label, pos, break_info))
with ctx.break_scope():
loop_var = ctx.all_vars[loop_var_name].local_var(ctx)
for i in range(times):
with ctx.continue_scope():
loop_info = self.to_info(["Start of loop iteration."])
idx = self.viper_ast.IntLit(i, lpos)
array_at = self.viper_ast.SeqIndex(array, idx, rpos)
if has_numeric_array:
array_at = helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, array_at)
var_set = self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(loop_var, array_at, lpos, loop_info)
with self.assignment_translator.assume_everything_has_wrapped_information():
with ctx.new_local_scope():
self.translate_stmts(node.body, stmts, ctx)
continue_info = self.to_info(["End of loop iteration."])
stmts.append(self.viper_ast.Label(ctx.continue_label, pos, continue_info))
break_info = self.to_info(["End of loop."])
stmts.append(self.viper_ast.Label(ctx.break_label, pos, break_info))
for overwritten_var_name in overwritten_vars:
if old_locals.get(overwritten_var_name):
lhs = ctx.locals[overwritten_var_name].local_var(ctx)
rhs = old_locals[overwritten_var_name].local_var(ctx)
if self.arithmetic_translator.is_unwrapped(rhs):
rhs = helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, rhs)
res.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(lhs, rhs))
def translate_Break(self, node: ast.Break, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Goto(ctx.break_label, pos))
def translate_Continue(self, node: ast.Continue, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
res.append(self.viper_ast.Goto(ctx.continue_label, pos))
def translate_Pass(self, node: ast.Pass, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
class AssignmentTranslator(NodeVisitor, CommonTranslator):
def __init__(self, viper_ast: ViperAST):
self.expression_translator = ExpressionTranslator(viper_ast)
self.type_translator = TypeTranslator(viper_ast)
self._always_wrap = False
self.overwritten_vars: List[str] = []
def assume_everything_has_wrapped_information(self):
overwritten_vars = self.overwritten_vars
self.overwritten_vars = []
always_wrap = self._always_wrap
self._always_wrap = True
self._always_wrap = always_wrap
if always_wrap:
# If we are inside another "assume_everything_has_wrapped_information" context,
# keep the overwritten_vars information.
self.overwritten_vars = overwritten_vars
def method_name(self) -> str:
return 'assign_to'
def assign_to(self, node: ast.Node, value: Expr, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
return self.visit(node, value, res, ctx)
def generic_visit(self, node, *args):
assert False
def assign_to_Name(self, node: ast.Name, value: Expr, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
lhs = self.expression_translator.translate(node, res, ctx)
w_value = value
if (types.is_numeric(node.type)
and self.expression_translator.arithmetic_translator.is_wrapped(lhs)
and self.expression_translator.arithmetic_translator.is_unwrapped(value)):
w_value = helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, value)
elif (types.is_numeric(node.type)
and self.expression_translator.arithmetic_translator.is_unwrapped(lhs)
and self.expression_translator.arithmetic_translator.is_wrapped(value)):
add_new_var(self, node, ctx, False)
lhs = self.expression_translator.translate(node, res, ctx)
elif (types.is_numeric(node.type)
and self._always_wrap
and self.expression_translator.arithmetic_translator.is_unwrapped(lhs)
and self.expression_translator.arithmetic_translator.is_unwrapped(value)):
add_new_var(self, node, ctx, False)
lhs = self.expression_translator.translate(node, res, ctx)
w_value = helpers.w_wrap(self.viper_ast, value)
elif (not types.is_numeric(node.type)
and self.expression_translator.arithmetic_translator.is_wrapped(value)):
w_value = helpers.w_unwrap(self.viper_ast, value)
res.append(self.viper_ast.LocalVarAssign(lhs, w_value, pos))
def assign_to_Attribute(self, node: ast.Attribute, value: Expr, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
if isinstance(node.value.type, StructType):
rec = self.expression_translator.translate(node.value, res, ctx)
vyper_type = self.type_translator.translate(node.type, ctx)
new_value = helpers.struct_set(self.viper_ast, rec, value, node.attr, vyper_type, node.value.type, pos)
self.assign_to(node.value, new_value, res, ctx)
lhs = self.expression_translator.translate(node, res, ctx)
res.append(self.viper_ast.FieldAssign(lhs, value, pos))
def assign_to_Subscript(self, node: ast.Subscript, value: Expr, res: List[Stmt], ctx: Context):
pos = self.to_position(node, ctx)
receiver = self.expression_translator.translate(node.value, res, ctx)
index = self.expression_translator.translate(node.index, res, ctx)
vyper_type = node.value.type
if isinstance(vyper_type, MapType):
key_type = self.type_translator.translate(vyper_type.key_type, ctx)
value_type = self.type_translator.translate(vyper_type.value_type, ctx)
new_value = helpers.map_set(self.viper_ast, receiver, index, value, key_type, value_type, pos)
elif isinstance(vyper_type, ArrayType):
self.type_translator.array_bounds_check(receiver, index, res, ctx)
new_value = helpers.array_set(self.viper_ast, receiver, index, value, vyper_type.element_type, pos)
assert False
# We simply evaluate the receiver and index statements here, even though they
# might get evaluated again in the recursive call. This is ok as long as the lhs of the
# assignment is pure.
self.assign_to(node.value, new_value, res, ctx)
def assign_to_ReceiverCall(self, node: ast.ReceiverCall, value, ctx: Context):
raise UnsupportedException(node, "Assignments to calls are not supported.") | 2vyper | /2vyper-0.3.0.tar.gz/2vyper-0.3.0/src/twovyper/translation/ | |
def addition(inputX, positiveX, inputY, positiveY, b, countAdd = 0, countMult = 0):
lenX = len(inputX)
lenY = len(inputY)
inputXY = inputX, inputY
maxLen = max(map(len, inputXY))
# add digits
for digits in inputXY:
while len(digits) <= maxLen:
digits.insert(0, 0)
if (positiveX == False) and (positiveY == False):
# set positive indicator
positiveOutput = False
# run addition
[output, countAdd, countMult] = addition(inputX, True, inputY, True, b, countAdd, countMult)[1:4]
elif (positiveX == True) and (positiveY == False):
# run subtraction
[positiveOutput, output, countAdd, countMult] = subtraction(inputX, True, inputY, True, b, countAdd, countMult)
elif (positiveX == False) and (positiveY == True):
# run subtraction
[positiveOutput, output, countAdd, countMult] = subtraction(inputY, True, inputX, True, b, countAdd, countMult)
elif (positiveX == True) and (positiveY == True):
# set positive indicator
positiveOutput = True
# sum the digits from listX with listY according to index in each list
sumXY = [sum(x) for x in zip(*inputXY)]
output = sumXY.copy()
for i in range(1, len(output)):
rem, carry = 0, 0
if output[-i] >= b:
carry = output[-i] // b
output[-i] = output[-i] % b
output[-(i+1)] += carry
countAdd += 1
i = 0
while i < (len(output) - 1):
if (output[i] == 0):
return [positiveOutput, output, countAdd, countMult]
def subtraction(inputX, positiveX, inputY, positiveY, b, countAdd = 0, countMult = 0):
lenX = len(inputX)
lenY = len(inputY)
inputXY = inputX, inputY
maxLen = max(map(len, inputXY))
# add digits
for digits in inputXY:
while len(digits) < maxLen:
digits.insert(0, 0)
if (positiveX == False) and (positiveY == False):
# run addition
[positiveOutput, output, countAdd, countMult] = subtraction(inputY, True, inputX, True, b, countAdd, countMult)
elif (positiveX == True) and (positiveY == False):
# run subtraction
[positiveOutput, output, countAdd, countMult] = addition(inputX, True, inputY, True, b, countAdd, countMult)
elif (positiveX == False) and (positiveY == True):
# run subtraction
[positiveOutput, output, countAdd, countMult] = addition(inputX, False, inputY, False, b, countAdd, countMult)
elif (positiveX == True) and (positiveY == True):
# check which number is bigger
for i in range(maxLen):
if (inputX[i] > inputY[i]):
positiveOutput = True
elif (inputX[i] < inputY[i]):
inputTemp= inputX.copy()
inputX = inputY.copy()
inputY = inputTemp.copy()
inputXY = inputX, inputY
positiveOutput = False
elif (inputX[i] == inputY[i]):
if (i == maxLen - 1):
return [True, [0], countAdd, countMult]
# sum the digits from listX with listY according to index in each list
diffXY = [0] * maxLen
for i in range(maxLen):
diffXY[i] = inputX[i] - inputY[i]
countAdd += 1
output = diffXY.copy()
for i in range(1, len(output)):
rem = 0
if output[-i] < 0:
output[-(i+1)] -= 1
rem = output[-i] + b
output[-i] = rem
countAdd += 2
i = 0
while i < (len(output) - 1):
if (output[i] == 0):
return [positiveOutput, output, countAdd, countMult]
def multiplication(inputX, positiveX, inputY, positiveY, b, countAdd = 0, countMult = 0):
inputXY = inputX, inputY
maxLen = max(map(len, inputXY))
minLen = min(map(len, inputXY))
positiveOutput = not(positiveX ^ positiveY)
for digits in inputXY:
while len(digits) < maxLen:
digits.insert(0, 0)
n = len(inputX)
output = [0]*2*n
for i in range(0, n):
digit2 = inputY[-(i+1)]
for j in range(0, n):
digit1 = inputX[-(j+1)]
outputNumber = digit1 * digit2
output[-(1+i+j)] += outputNumber
countAdd += 1
countMult += 1
for i in range(1, len(output)+1):
if output[-i] >= b:
carry = output[-i] // b
output[-i] = output[-i] % b
output[-(i+1)] += carry
countAdd += 1
i = 0
while i < (len(output) - 1):
if (output[i] == 0):
return [positiveOutput, output, countAdd, countMult]
def karatsuba(inputX, positiveX, inputY, positiveY, b, countAdd = 0, countMult = 0):
positiveOutput = not (positiveX ^ positiveY)
i = 0;
while i < (len(inputX)-1):
if (inputX[i] == 0):
i = 0;
while i < (len(inputY)-1):
if (inputY[i] == 0):
if (len(inputX) <= 1 or len(inputY) <= 1):
[positive, output, countAdd, countMult] = multiplication(inputX, positiveX, inputY, positiveY, b, countAdd, countMult)
return [positive, output, countAdd, countMult]
inputXY = inputX, inputY
maxLen = max(len(inputX), len(inputY))
for digits in inputXY:
while len(digits) < maxLen:
digits.insert(0, 0)
if (len(inputX) % 2 == 1):
inputX.insert(0, 0)
if (len(inputY) % 2 == 1):
inputY.insert(0, 0)
n = max(len(inputX), len(inputY)) // 2
# define x_hi, x_lo, y_hi and y_lo
x_hi = inputX[:n]
x_lo = inputX[n:]
y_hi = inputY[:n]
y_lo = inputY[n:]
# calculate all multiplications with recursion
[xy_hi, countAdd, countMult] = karatsuba(x_hi, True, y_hi, True, b, countAdd, countMult)[1:4]
[xy_lo, countAdd, countMult] = karatsuba(x_lo, True, y_lo, True, b, countAdd, countMult)[1:4]
[sumX, countAdd, countMult] = addition(x_hi, True, x_lo, True, b, countAdd, countMult)[1:4]
[sumY, countAdd, countMult] = addition(y_hi, True, y_lo, True, b, countAdd, countMult)[1:4]
[sumXY, countAdd, countMult] = karatsuba(sumX, True, sumY, True, b, countAdd, countMult)[1:4]
[xy_positive, xy_temp, countAdd, countMult] = subtraction(sumXY, True, xy_hi, True, b, countAdd, countMult)
[positiveMix, xy_mix, countAdd, countMult] = subtraction(xy_temp, xy_positive, xy_lo, True, b, countAdd, countMult)
output = [0] * n * 10
for i in range(1, len(xy_lo) + 1):
output[-i] += xy_lo[-i]
countAdd += 1
for i in range(1, len(xy_mix) + 1):
if positiveMix:
output[-(i + n)] += xy_mix[-i]
output[-(i + n)] -= xy_mix[-i]
countAdd += 1
for i in range(1, len(xy_hi) + 1):
output[-(i + 2 * n)] += xy_hi[-i]
countAdd += 1
for i in range(1, len(output) + 1):
rem = 0
if (output[-i] >= b):
carry = output[-i] // b
output[-i] = output[-i] % b
output[-(i + 1)] += carry
countAdd += 1
elif (output[-i] < 0):
output[-(i + 1)] -= 1
rem = output[-i] + b
output[-i] = rem
countAdd += 2
i = 0
while i < (len(output) - 1):
if (output[i] == 0):
return [positiveOutput, output, countAdd, countMult]
def euclidean(inputX, positiveX, inputY, positiveY, b):
x1, x2, y1, y2 = [True, [1]], [True, [0]], [True, [0]], [True, [1]]
eqZero = False
numberX, numberY = inputX.copy(), inputY.copy()
while not eqZero:
[r, q] = modular_reduction(numberX, True, numberY, b)[1:3]
numberX, numberY = numberY, r
qx2 = karatsuba(q, True, x2[1], x2[0], b)[0:2]
qy2 = karatsuba(q, True, y2[1], y2[0], b)[0:2]
x3 = subtraction(x1[1], x1[0], qx2[1], qx2[0], b)[0:2]
y3 = subtraction(y1[1], y1[0], qy2[1], qy2[0], b)[0:2]
x1, y1 = x2, y2
x2, y2 = x3, y3
i = 0;
while i < (len(numberY)-1):
if (numberY[i] == 0):
if (numberY[0] == 0):
eqZero = True
gcd = numberX
if positiveX:
x = x1
x = [not x1[0], x1[1]]
if positiveY:
y = y1
y = [not y1[0], y1[1]]
return [gcd, x, y]
def modular_reduction(inputX, positiveX, m, b):
# len of input X and len of mod
lenX = len(inputX)
lenM = len(m)
difLen = lenX - lenM
coefficient = [0]*lenX
positive = True
eqZero = False
output = inputX.copy()
# step 2
for i in range(0, difLen + 1):
positive = True
coeffCounter = -1
n = difLen-i
tempX = output.copy()
modBase = m.copy()
for j in range(n):
while positive:
coeffCounter += 1
output = tempX.copy()
[positive, tempX] = subtraction(output, True, modBase, True, b)[0:2] #pak de positive output ding
coefficient[-(n+1)] = coeffCounter
i = 0;
while i < (len(output)-1):
if (output[i] == 0):
if (output[0] == 0):
eqZero = True
if (positiveX or eqZero):
return [True, output, coefficient]
return [True, subtraction(m, True, output, True, b)[1], coefficient]
def modular_addition(inputX, positiveX, inputY, positiveY, m, b):
[positive, sumXY] = addition(inputX, positiveX, inputY, positiveY, b)[0:2]
output = modular_reduction(sumXY, positive, m, b)[0:2]
return output
def modular_subtraction(inputX, positiveX, inputY, positiveY, m, b):
[positive, diffXY] = subtraction(inputX, positiveX, inputY, positiveY, b)[0:2]
output = modular_reduction(diffXY, positive, m, b)[0:2]
return output
def modular_multiplication(inputX, positiveX, inputY, positiveY, m, b):
[positive, prodXY] = multiplication(inputX, positiveX, inputY, positiveY, b)[0:2]
output = modular_reduction(prodXY, positive, m, b)[0:2]
return output
def modular_inversion(inputX, positiveX, m , b):
a = modular_reduction(inputX, positiveX, m, b)[1]
[gcd, x] = euclidean(a, True, m, True, b)[0:2]
if (gcd == [1]):
return modular_reduction(x[1], x[0], m, b)[0:2]
return "inverse does not exist" | 2wf90-assignment | /2wf90-assignment-1.0.8.tar.gz/2wf90-assignment-1.0.8/src/2wf90_assignment/ | |
class Integer:
Class used to store large integers. Detailed documentation is given below,
so here are some common use cases:
from Integer import *
i = Integer('6A', 16, False)
i.digits -> [6, 10]
i.radix -> 16
i.positive -> False
i.digits[0] = 1
print(i) -> '-1A'
repr(i) -> '-[1, 10] (radix 16)'
i = -i
print(i) -> '1A'
len(i) -> 2
i = i.pad(6)
repr(i) -> +[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 10] (radix 16)
len(i) -> 6
j = Integer([1, 10, 2, 13], 16)
print(j) -> '1A2D'
def __init__(self, digits, radix = 10, positive = True):
A list of numbers - they should all be lower than the radix.
The most significant numbers are at the beginning of this list.
A string can be used as well, e.g. '13AF'.
radix of the number. Decimal by default.
True if the number has a positive sign, False if negative.
Positive by default.
Integer([1, 0, 14, 2], 16, False) -> -10E2 (radix 16)
Integer('-100101', 2) -> -100101 (radix 2)
Integer([1, 2, 3]) -> +123 (radix 10)
if radix > 16:
raise ValueError(f'radix is {radix}. radixs beyond 16 are not supported.')
if radix < 1:
raise ValueError(f'radix is {radix}. radix must be positive.')
if len(digits) == 0:
raise ValueError('Digit list cannot be empty.')
# Sanity checks when digits are given as a list.
if type(digits) is list:
for digit in digits:
if digit >= radix:
raise ValueError(f'Digit {digit} is not allowed in radix {radix}.')
if (digit < 0):
raise ValueError(f'Digit {digit} may not be negative.')
# Sanity checks when digits are given as a string.
# Also transforms string into its list representation.
if type(digits) is str:
if digits[0] == '-':
positive = False
digits = digits[1:]
new_digits = []
for digit in digits:
num = char_to_number(digit)
if num >= radix:
raise ValueError(f'Digit {digit} is not allowed in radix {radix}.')
digits = new_digits
self.digits = digits
self.radix = radix
self.positive = positive
# We could remove leading zeroes here using self.strip(), but for
# assignment 1 that shouldn't be neccesary.
def __len__(self):
Useful shortcut. Example:
i = new Integer([1, 2, 3], 8)
len(i) -> 3
len(i) == len(i.digits) -> True
return len(self.digits)
def __neg__(self):
Negation operator. Example:
i = new Integer('ABC', 16)
i -> +[10, 11, 12] (radix 16)
-i -> -[10, 11, 12] (radix 16)
new_int = self.copy()
new_int.positive = not new_int.positive
return new_int
def __str__(self):
Represent integer as a string. The radix is not given, and a minus sign
is added if negative. This is the same as notation found in input.
str(Integer('6A', 16, False)) -> -6A
return ('' if self.positive else '-') + f'{self.get_digit_string()}'
def __repr__(self):
Represent as string, but with more information. Useful for debugging.
The digit list is always printed, along with the sign and radix.
repr(Integer('6A', 16, False)) -> -[6, 10] (radix 16)
return ('+' if self.positive else '-') + f'{self.digits} (radix {self.radix})'
def __abs__(self):
if self.positive:
return self.copy()
return -self
def pad(self, size):
Add leading zeroes to the digit list to ensure it becomes a certain size.
Returns a new copy of the Integer, so that the original one isn't modified.
i = Integer([1])
i = i.pad(4)
i.digits -> [0, 0, 0, 1]
original_size = len(self.digits)
if size < original_size:
raise ValueError(f'New size {size} is below original size {original_size}')
new_int = self.copy()
new_int.digits = [0] * (size - original_size) + new_int.digits
return new_int
def strip(self):
Remove trailing zeroes from the digit list. Undoes Integer.pad().
Also called in the constructor.
new_int = self.copy()
while new_int.digits[0] == 0 and len(new_int.digits) > 1:
new_int.digits = new_int.digits[1:]
return new_int
def get_digit_string(self):
Returns the integer's digits as a string, not a list. It converts digits
above 9 to the hexadecimal counterparts.
Used by the class internally. Don't call it directly, but use print(i)
s = ''
for digit in self.digits:
s = s + number_to_char(digit)
return s
def copy(self):
Returns a distinct copy of itself.
digits_copy = self.digits.copy()
return Integer(digits_copy, self.radix, self.positive)
def char_to_number(character):
character = character.upper()
index = '0123456789ABCDEF'.find(character)
if index == -1:
raise ValueError('Character must be hexadecimal notation.')
return index
def number_to_char(number):
return '0123456789abcdef'[number] # ;) | 2wf90-assignment | /2wf90-assignment-1.0.8.tar.gz/2wf90-assignment-1.0.8/src/2wf90_assignment/ | |
import re
from Integer import *
from algorithmsCombined import *
class Context():
def __init__(self):
def reset(self):
self.x = None
self.y = None
self.radix = None
self.op = None
self.m = None
def read_line(self, line):
original_line = line
line = re.sub('\s', '', line) # Remove all whitespace
if len(line) == 0:
if not self.op:
return '\n'
if self.op in (addition, subtraction):
computed = self.op(self.x.digits, self.x.positive, self.y.digits, self.y.positive, self.x.radix)
answer = Integer(computed[1], self.radix, computed[0])
return f'[answer] {answer}\n\n'
elif self.op in (multiplication, karatsuba):
computed = self.op(self.x.digits, self.x.positive, self.y.digits, self.y.positive, self.x.radix)
answer = Integer(computed[1], self.radix, computed[0])
add = computed[2]
mul = computed[3]
return f'[answer] {answer}\n[count-add] {add}\n[count-mul] {mul}\n\n'
elif self.op in (modular_reduction, modular_inversion):
computed = self.op(self.x.digits, self.x.positive, self.m.digits, self.x.radix)
if isinstance(computed, str):
return '[answer] inverse does not exist\n\n'
answer = Integer(computed[1], self.radix, computed[0])
return f'[answer] {answer}\n\n'
elif self.op in (modular_addition, modular_subtraction, modular_multiplication):
computed = self.op(self.x.digits, self.x.positive, self.y.digits, self.y.positive, self.m.digits, self.x.radix)
answer = Integer(computed[1], self.radix, computed[0])
return f'[answer] {answer}\n\n'
elif self.op == euclidean:
computed = self.op(self.x.digits, self.x.positive, self.y.digits, self.y.positive, self.x.radix)
d = Integer(computed[0], self.x.radix)
a = Integer(computed[1][1], self.x.radix, computed[1][0])
b = Integer(computed[2][1], self.x.radix, computed[2][0])
return f'[answ-d] {d}\n[answ-a] {a}\n[answ-b] {b}\n\n'
if line[0] == '#':
# Line is a comment, just return it
return original_line
bracket_index = line.find(']')
command = line[1:bracket_index] # Extract text between brackets
argument = line[bracket_index + 1:] # Extract argument after command
if command == 'radix':
self.radix = int(argument)
elif command == 'x':
self.x = Integer(argument, self.radix)
elif command == 'y':
self.y = Integer(argument, self.radix)
elif command == 'm':
self.m = Integer(argument, self.radix)
if self.op == addition:
self.op = modular_addition
elif self.op == subtraction:
self.op = modular_subtraction
elif self.op == multiplication:
self.op = modular_multiplication
elif command == 'add':
if self.m:
self.op = modular_addition
self.op = addition
elif command == 'subtract':
if self.m:
self.op = modular_subtraction
self.op = subtraction
elif command == 'multiply':
if self.m:
self.op = modular_multiplication
self.op = multiplication
elif command == 'karatsuba':
self.op = karatsuba
elif command == 'reduce':
self.op = modular_reduction
elif command == 'inverse':
self.op = modular_inversion
elif command == 'euclid':
self.op = euclidean
elif command in ('answer', 'count-add', 'count-mul', 'answ-d', 'answ-a', 'answ-b'):
# Ignore and don't write to output
return ''
return original_line | 2wf90-assignment | /2wf90-assignment-1.0.8.tar.gz/2wf90-assignment-1.0.8/src/2wf90_assignment/ | |
def subtract_function(x, y, b, m=None):
base = {'0':0,'1':1,'2':2,'3':3,
X = str(x)
Y = str(y)
carry = 0
dig = 0
maxL = max(len(X), len(Y))
X = X.zfill(maxL)
Y = Y.zfill(maxL)
X2 = list(X)
Y2 = list(Y)
# maka sure the modulo has the same length as x and y
if m is not None:
m = m.zfill(maxL)
result = []
if x == 0 and m is None:
return -int(y)
if y == 0 and m is None:
return x
if b == 10:
if m is None:
return str(int(x) - int(y))
return (int(x) - int(y)) % int(m)
if x == y:
return '0'
# deal with negative numbers
if X[0] == '-' and Y[0] == '-':
Y = Y.replace('-','')
return add_function(Y,X,b,m)
if X[0] == '-':
Y = '-' + Y
return add_function(X,Y,b,m)
if Y[0] == '-':
Y = Y.replace('-','')
return add_function(X,Y,b,m)
if x > y:
# convert abcdef into integers
for i in range(maxL):
X2[i] = base.get(X2[i])
Y2[i] = base.get(Y2[i])
for i in range(1,maxL+1):
if X2[-i] >= Y2[-i]:
dig = X2[-i] - Y2[-i]
if X2[-i] < Y2[-i]: #take a borrow
X2[-i-1] -= 1
X2[-i] += b
dig = X2[-i] - Y2[-i]
for i in range(maxL):
invMap = {v: k for k, v in base.items()}
# remap the dictionary such that integers >= 10
# are converted to alphabet
result[i] = invMap.get(result[i])
if X2 > Y2:
answer = ''.join(result[::-1])
if m is not None:
answer = simple_division(answer, m, b)
if answer[0] is "0": answer = answer[1:]
return answer
result = subtract_function(y,x,b,m)
if x < y:
return '-' + subtract_function(y,x,b,m) | 2wf90-assignment | /2wf90-assignment-1.0.8.tar.gz/2wf90-assignment-1.0.8/src/2wf90_assignment/unused/ | |
def add_function(x, y, b, m=None):
base = {'0':0,'1':1,'2':2,'3':3,
X = str(x)
Y = str(y)
carry = 0
result = ''
if x == '0' and m is None:
return y
if y == '0' and m is None:
return x
if y == '0' and x == '0':
return '0'
if b == 10:
if m is None:
return str(int(x)+int(y))
return (int(x) + int(y)) % int(m)
if X[0] == '-' and Y[0] == '-': #both inputs are minus, take -sign out and do normal addition
count = 1
X = X.replace('-','')
Y = Y.replace('-','')
return add_function(X,Y,b)
if X[0] == '-':
X = X.replace('-','')
return subtract_function(Y,X,b)
if Y[0] == '-':
Y = Y.replace('-','')
return subtract_function(X,Y,b)
if b >= 2 and b <= 16:
result = []
maxL = max(len(X), len(Y))
X = X.zfill(maxL)
Y = Y.zfill(maxL)
X2 = list(X)
Y2 = list(Y)
# maka sure the modulo has the same length as x and y
if m is not None:
m = m.zfill(maxL)
# convert abcdef into integers
for i in range(maxL):
X2[i] = base.get(X2[i])
Y2[i] = base.get(Y2[i])
# primary school method of addition
for i in range(1,maxL+1):
dig = X2[-i] + Y2[-i] + carry
if dig >= b:
carry = 1
dig %= b
carry = 0
if carry == 1:
# remap the dictionary such that integers >= 10
# are converted to alphabet
for i in range(maxL):
invMap = {v: k for k, v in base.items()}
result[i] = invMap.get(result[i])
answer = ''.join(result[::-1])
# if m, divide by m and keep remainder as answer
if m is not None:
answer = simple_division(answer, m, b)[1]
if answer[0] is "0": answer = answer[1:]
return answer | 2wf90-assignment | /2wf90-assignment-1.0.8.tar.gz/2wf90-assignment-1.0.8/src/2wf90_assignment/unused/ | |
import builtins
import logging
import progressbar
from PIL import ImageColor
from sty import fg
from .imgcat import imgcat
# TODO: Implement word wrapping
# Set to True to have the module name column dynamically resize as it grows
# TODO: Set option via different import
# Colors taken from
colors = [
for c in
"#909EDD", "#C1D9F2", "#FFCCD0", "#F29FAA", "#E54286", "#FF6EAF",
"#FFA5D5", "#8CFF9B", "#42BC7F", "#3E83D1", "#50B9EB", "#8CDAFF",
"#B483EF", "#854CBF", "#FFE091", "#FFAA6E", "#78FAE6", "#27D3CB",
log = logging.getLogger("Rack")
current_width = 10 if DYNAMIC_WIDTH else 30
max_width = 30
first_log = True
class LoggingFilter(logging.Filter):
def filter(self, record):
global current_width, first_log
name = "%s.%s" % (record.module, record.funcName)
lineno = len(str(record.lineno))
lines = record.msg.split("\n")
new_lines = [lines[0]]
if len(name) + 1 + lineno > current_width and current_width < max_width:
gap = current_width
current_width = min(len(name) + 1 + lineno, max_width)
gap = current_width - gap
if not first_log:
" " * 8 + " │ "
+ " " * 7 + " │ "
+ " " * (current_width - gap)
+ f" └{'─' * (gap - 1)}┐ "
first_log = False
max_len = current_width - 1 - lineno
if len(name) > max_len:
name = name[:max_len - 1] + "…"
quick_checksum = sum(bytearray(name.encode("utf-8")))
color = colors[quick_checksum % len(colors)]
just = current_width - len(name + ":" + str(record.lineno))
record.fullname = f"{color}{name}:{record.lineno}{}" + " " * just
indent = " " * 8 + " │ " + " " * 7 + " │ " + " " * current_width + " │ "
for line in lines[1:]:
new_lines.append(indent + line)
if hasattr(record, "img"):
height_chars = 5
if hasattr(record, "img_height"):
height_chars = record.img_height
img = imgcat(record.img, height_chars=height_chars)
if img:
go_up = f"\033[{height_chars}A"
new_lines.append(indent + img + go_up)
new_lines.extend([indent] * height_chars)
record.msg = "\n".join(new_lines)
return True
formatter = logging.Formatter(
"{asctime:8} │ {levelname} │ {fullname} │ {message}",
# datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
logging.addLevelName(logging.DEBUG, " debug " ) # noqa
logging.addLevelName(logging.INFO, " inf " ) # noqa
logging.addLevelName(logging.WARNING, fg(208) + "warning" +
logging.addLevelName(logging.ERROR, fg(196) + " error " +
logging.addLevelName(logging.CRITICAL, fg(196) + " fatal " +
builtins.log = log # type: ignore
class log_progress(object):
def progressBar(log_level, iterable):
if log_level < log.getEffectiveLevel():
return iterable
progress = progressbar.ProgressBar(
" │ % │ │"
" ", progressbar.SimpleProgress(),
" ", progressbar.Percentage(format="(%(percentage)d%%)"),
" ", progressbar.Bar(left=" ", right=" ", marker="▓", fill="░"),
" ", progressbar.Timer(),
" ", progressbar.AdaptiveETA(),
return progress(iterable)
def debug(iterable): return log_progress.progressBar(logging.DEBUG, iterable)
def info(iterable): return log_progress.progressBar(logging.INFO, iterable)
def warning(iterable): return log_progress.progressBar(logging.WARNING, iterable)
def error(iterable): return log_progress.progressBar(logging.ERROR, iterable)
def critical(iterable): return log_progress.progressBar(logging.CRITICAL, iterable) | 2xh-leet | /2xh_leet-1.0.1-py3-none-any.whl/leet/ | |
Copyright (c) 2022 Vladimir Chebotarev
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
| 3-py | /3-py-1.1.6.tar.gz/3-py-1.1.6/ | |
# 31
31 is a simple tool you can use to run code in the background on a server.
For example
31 c 'sleep 100; echo 2'
runs the command `sleep 100; echo 2` in a screen session then sends you an email with the output of the command once it is complete.
## Setup
Install 31 by running
pip install 31
Then set up your email address by running
31 config email
### Quick dependency setup
On ubuntu you can run
sudo apt install screen mailutils
to quickly set up the dependencies needed.
### Detailed dependency setup
#### Mail program
By default, `31` searches for a mail program to use from the following list. You
can also force it to use one of the programs by using the command
31 config mail_program <mail program name>
- `gnu_mail`. To install on ubuntu you can run
sudo apt install mailutils
- `mutt`. To install on ubuntu you can run
sudo apt install mutt
#### Screen Manager
Currently 31 only supports `screen`. To install screen on ubuntu run
sudo apt install screen
## Options
See `31 -h` for a full list of options. This section covers only some of the more complicated ones
### Foreach
This option allows you to run multiple commands with text substitution. As a basic usage example, the code
31 c -f %x 1,2,3 'touch %x.txt'
Creates each of the files `1.txt`, `2.txt`, and `3.txt`. The variable substitution is managed via direct text-substitution,
and thus your variables do not need to begin with %, this works equally well (though is far less readable)
31 c -f 2 1,2,3 'touch 2.txt'
You can also modify two variables in tandem like this:
31 c -f2 %x %ext 1,2,3 txt,png,py 'touch %x.%ext'
This creates the files `1.txt`, `2.png`, ``. If you instead want to create all combinations, you can run:
31 c -f %x 1,2,3 -f %ext txt,png,py 'touch %x.%ext'
This creates the files `1.txt`, `1.png`, ``, `2.txt`, `2.png`, ``, `3.txt`, `3.png`, ``.
The values field is in comma-separated-value form, which means you can use `"` as a CSV escape, as such:
31 -c -f %x '",",2' `touch %x.txt`
which creates the files `,.txt` and `2.txt`.
| 31 | /31-2.2.tar.gz/31-2.2/ | |
import argparse
import sys
import os
import json
from .config import Config, update_config
from .notify import notify
from .command import Command
from .foreach import MAX_FOREACHES, parse_foreach_args, parse_values
from .interruptable_runner import InterruptableRunner
from .process_manager import list_procesess, stop_process
from .utils import format_assignments, sanitize, set_key
from .workers import dispatch_workers
def main():
def config_argument(p):
help="The location of the configuration file",
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("31")
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="cmd")
subparsers.required = True
command_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
"command", help="Run a command", aliases=["c"]
help="Run the command synchronously, that is, not in a screen session",
"-n", "--screen-name", help="The name of the screen session to create"
"-l", "--location", help="The location to run the script"
help="Do not send an email when the command is done running",
help="Print out the commands to be run rather than running them",
metavar=("%var", "vals"),
help="Replaces each occurence of the variable with the corresponding value. "
"Variables can be any sequence of characters. "
"After the variables, values can be provided, each list of values should be a single argument in CSV format. "
"See the documentation for details and examples.",
metavar=("%var", "vals"),
help="Similar to -f but associates each substitution with a particular variable. "
"Notably, this does not lead to a combinatoric explosion if multiple are used, they are "
"implicitly zipped together by the worker index",
for k in range(2, 1 + MAX_FOREACHES):
meta = tuple("%var{}".format(i) for i in range(1, k + 1))
meta += tuple("vals{}".format(i) for i in range(1, k + 1))
"-f" + str(k),
"--foreach-" + str(k),
nargs=k * 2,
help="See -f for details, -f2 through -f{0} allow you to zip the values for 2-{0} variables together.".format(
if k == 2
else argparse.SUPPRESS,
# internal use only, specifies which foreach args to use, in json format [(name, value)]
"--foreach-specified-args", type=json.loads, help=argparse.SUPPRESS
help="Limit the number of threads that are to be launched at any point. "
"This forces the creation of a monitoring thread, for which --sync is applied to",
help="Names the screen for the worker thread. By default is 'worker-monitor'",
# internal use only, specifies that when the process is done, it should set the given key of the given file.
"--when-done-set", nargs=2, metavar=("file", "key"), help=argparse.SUPPRESS
command_parser.add_argument("command", help="Command to run")
config_parser = subparsers.add_parser("config", help="Modify configuration")
config_parser.add_argument("key", help="The configuration key to modify")
config_parser.add_argument("value", help="The value to assign the given key to")
list_parser = subparsers.add_parser("list", help="List all commands", aliases=["l"])
help="Only list commands whose names start with the given prefix",
help="The ordering to use",
choices=["timestamp", "name"],
stop_parser = subparsers.add_parser("stop", help="Stop a command", aliases=["s"])
stop_parser.add_argument("name", help="The name of the command to stop")
help="Stop all commands with the given prefix, even if there are multiple or it isn't the full name",
args = parser.parse_args()
except RuntimeError as e:
print(e, file=sys.stderr)
def command_action(args):
return do_command_action(args)
if args.when_done_set is not None:
def do_command_action(args):
config = Config(args.config_file)
assignments = (
if args.foreach_specified_args is not None
else parse_foreach_args(args)
worker_assignments = []
# Validation
if args.foreach_worker is not None:
for variable, vals in args.foreach_worker:
if args.max_workers is None:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot provide -fw without -w")
vals = parse_values(vals)
if len(vals) != args.max_workers:
raise RuntimeError(
"Mismatch between number of workers and number of provided values"
worker_assignments.append((variable, vals))
commands = []
for assignment in assignments:
screen_name = sanitize(
format_assignments(args.screen_name or args.command, assignment)
cmd = Command(cmd_line=args.command, location=args.location)
cmd_to_use = cmd.replace(assignment)
commands.append((screen_name, cmd_to_use, assignment))
if args.dry_run:
for screen_name, cmd_to_use, _ in commands:
if not args.sync:
print("# on screen {}".format(screen_name))
if not args.sync:
if args.max_workers is not None:
config.launch_screen(sys.argv + ["--sync"], args.worker_monitor_name)
for screen_name, _, assignment in commands:
+ ["--sync", "--foreach-specified-args", json.dumps(assignment)],
if args.max_workers is not None and args.foreach_specified_args is None:
# if foreach-specified-args is set, this is a dispatch thread
def launch_worker(worker_idx, assignment, output_file, token):
assignment = assignment + [
(var, vals[worker_idx]) for var, vals in worker_assignments
screen_name = sanitize(
format_assignments(args.screen_name or args.command, assignment)
print("Launching {}".format(screen_name))
# don't need the --sync since at this point it is guaranteed
+ [
dispatch_workers(args.max_workers, launch_worker, assignments)
for screen_name, cmd_to_use, _ in commands:
runner = InterruptableRunner(screen_name, os.getpid(), cmd_to_use)
if args.no_email:
notify(config, cmd_to_use, runner)
def config_action(args):
update_config(args.config_file, {args.key: args.value})
def list_action(args):
list_procesess(args.prefix, args.ordering)
def stop_action(args):
stop_process( | 31 | /31-2.2.tar.gz/31-2.2/s31/ | |
import time
import uuid
import threading
import random
from .active_process_table import active_process_table
class InterruptableRunner:
def __init__(self, name, pid, cmd_to_use): = name = pid
self.cmd_to_use = cmd_to_use
self.guid = str(uuid.uuid4())
self.timestamp = time.time()
self.alive = False
def pre(self):
with active_process_table() as t:
t[self.guid] = dict(,,
self.alive = True
while_alive_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.while_alive)
def post(self):
self.alive = False
with active_process_table() as t:
del t[self.guid]
def while_alive(self):
while self.alive:
with active_process_table() as t:
if self.guid in t:
val = t[self.guid]
val["last_update"] = time.time()
t[self.guid] = val
time.sleep(random.uniform(0.5 * POLL_INTERVAL, 1.5 * POLL_INTERVAL))
def run_checking_interrupt(self, fn, interrupted_banner_path=None):
exitcode = fn()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
exitcode = "interrupted"
if interrupted_banner_path is not None:
with open(interrupted_banner_path, "ab") as f:
return exitcode
def clean_table(apt):
now = time.time()
for guid, val in apt.items():
if now - val["last_update"] > 2 * POLL_INTERVAL:
del apt[guid] | 31 | /31-2.2.tar.gz/31-2.2/s31/ | |
"use strict";
(self["webpackChunk_310_notebook"] = self["webpackChunk_310_notebook"] || []).push([["lib_index_js"],{
/***/ "./lib/index.js":
!*** ./lib/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ "default": () => (__WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _jupyterlab_mainmenu__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @jupyterlab/mainmenu */ "webpack/sharing/consume/default/@jupyterlab/mainmenu");
/* harmony import */ var _jupyterlab_mainmenu__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_jupyterlab_mainmenu__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
/* harmony import */ var _lumino_widgets__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @lumino/widgets */ "webpack/sharing/consume/default/@lumino/widgets");
/* harmony import */ var _lumino_widgets__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_lumino_widgets__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__);
const extension = {
id: '310_notebook',
autoStart: true,
requires: [_jupyterlab_mainmenu__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.IMainMenu],
optional: [],
activate: (app, mainMenu) => {
// Add an application command
const { commands } = app;
const command = '310notebook:logout';
commands.addCommand(command, {
label: 'Logout notebook panel',
execute: () => {
location.href = '';
// Create a new menu
const menu = new _lumino_widgets__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Menu({ commands });
menu.title.label = '';
// Open Zethus
// menu.addItem({ type: 'separator' });
menu.addItem({ command: '310notebook:logout', args: {} });
mainMenu.addMenu(menu, { rank: 100 });
// // Open Logger
// menu.addItem({ command: 'jupyterlab-ros/logConsole:open' });
// menu.addItem({ type: 'separator' });
// // Open Settings
// menu.addItem({ command: 'jupyterlab-ros/settings:open' });
/* harmony default export */ const __WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__ = (extension);
/***/ })
//# | 310-notebook | /310_notebook-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl/ | lib_index_js.13f87d19a930eafd5230.js |
"use strict";
(self["webpackChunk_310_notebook"] = self["webpackChunk_310_notebook"] || []).push([["style_index_js"],{
/***/ "./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./style/base.css":
!*** ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./style/base.css ***!
/***/ ((module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ "default": () => (__WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_cssWithMappingToString_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/cssWithMappingToString.js */ "./node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/cssWithMappingToString.js");
/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_cssWithMappingToString_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_cssWithMappingToString_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_api_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js */ "./node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js");
/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_api_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_api_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__);
// Imports
var ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___ = _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_api_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default()((_node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_cssWithMappingToString_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default()));
// Module
___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___.push([, "/*\n See the JupyterLab Developer Guide for useful CSS Patterns:\n\n\n*/\n\ {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n align-items: center;\n overflow: auto;\n }", "",{"version":3,"sources":["webpack://./style/base.css"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA;;;;CAIC;;AAED;IACI,aAAa;IACb,sBAAsB;IACtB,mBAAmB;IACnB,cAAc;EAChB","sourcesContent":["/*\n See the JupyterLab Developer Guide for useful CSS Patterns:\n\n\n*/\n\ {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n align-items: center;\n overflow: auto;\n }"],"sourceRoot":""}]);
// Exports
/* harmony default export */ const __WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__ = (___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___);
/***/ }),
/***/ "./style/base.css":
!*** ./style/base.css ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ "default": () => (__WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_style_loader_dist_runtime_injectStylesIntoStyleTag_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! !../node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js */ "./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js");
/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_style_loader_dist_runtime_injectStylesIntoStyleTag_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_node_modules_style_loader_dist_runtime_injectStylesIntoStyleTag_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_css_loader_dist_cjs_js_base_css__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! !!../node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./base.css */ "./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./style/base.css");
var options = {};
options.insert = "head";
options.singleton = false;
var update = _node_modules_style_loader_dist_runtime_injectStylesIntoStyleTag_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default()(_node_modules_css_loader_dist_cjs_js_base_css__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], options);
/* harmony default export */ const __WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__ = (_node_modules_css_loader_dist_cjs_js_base_css__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].locals || {});
/***/ }),
/***/ "./style/index.js":
!*** ./style/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
/* harmony import */ var _base_css__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./base.css */ "./style/base.css");
/***/ })
//# | 310-notebook | /310_notebook-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl/ | style_index_js.547b86f938c46e9f74f6.js |
"use strict";
(self["webpackChunk_310_notebook"] = self["webpackChunk_310_notebook"] || []).push([["vendors-node_modules_css-loader_dist_runtime_api_js-node_modules_css-loader_dist_runtime_cssW-72eba1"],{
/***/ "./node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js":
!*** ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js ***!
/***/ ((module) => {
MIT License
Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
// css base code, injected by the css-loader
// eslint-disable-next-line func-names
module.exports = function (cssWithMappingToString) {
var list = []; // return the list of modules as css string
list.toString = function toString() {
return (item) {
var content = cssWithMappingToString(item);
if (item[2]) {
return "@media ".concat(item[2], " {").concat(content, "}");
return content;
}; // import a list of modules into the list
// eslint-disable-next-line func-names
list.i = function (modules, mediaQuery, dedupe) {
if (typeof modules === "string") {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
modules = [[null, modules, ""]];
var alreadyImportedModules = {};
if (dedupe) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
var id = this[i][0];
if (id != null) {
alreadyImportedModules[id] = true;
for (var _i = 0; _i < modules.length; _i++) {
var item = [].concat(modules[_i]);
if (dedupe && alreadyImportedModules[item[0]]) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-continue
if (mediaQuery) {
if (!item[2]) {
item[2] = mediaQuery;
} else {
item[2] = "".concat(mediaQuery, " and ").concat(item[2]);
return list;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/cssWithMappingToString.js":
!*** ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/cssWithMappingToString.js ***!
/***/ ((module) => {
function _slicedToArray(arr, i) { return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest(); }
function _nonIterableRest() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); }
function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n =, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n =; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); }
function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; }
function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) { var _i = arr && (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && arr[Symbol.iterator] || arr["@@iterator"]); if (_i == null) return; var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _s, _e; try { for (_i =; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; }
function _arrayWithHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr; }
module.exports = function cssWithMappingToString(item) {
var _item = _slicedToArray(item, 4),
content = _item[1],
cssMapping = _item[3];
if (!cssMapping) {
return content;
if (typeof btoa === "function") {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
var base64 = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(cssMapping))));
var data = "sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,".concat(base64);
var sourceMapping = "/*# ".concat(data, " */");
var sourceURLs = (source) {
return "/*# sourceURL=".concat(cssMapping.sourceRoot || "").concat(source, " */");
return [content].concat(sourceURLs).concat([sourceMapping]).join("\n");
return [content].join("\n");
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js":
!*** ./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js ***!
/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => {
var isOldIE = function isOldIE() {
var memo;
return function memorize() {
if (typeof memo === 'undefined') {
// Test for IE <= 9 as proposed by Browserhacks
// @see
// Tests for existence of standard globals is to allow style-loader
// to operate correctly into non-standard environments
// @see
memo = Boolean(window && document && document.all && !window.atob);
return memo;
var getTarget = function getTarget() {
var memo = {};
return function memorize(target) {
if (typeof memo[target] === 'undefined') {
var styleTarget = document.querySelector(target); // Special case to return head of iframe instead of iframe itself
if (window.HTMLIFrameElement && styleTarget instanceof window.HTMLIFrameElement) {
try {
// This will throw an exception if access to iframe is blocked
// due to cross-origin restrictions
styleTarget = styleTarget.contentDocument.head;
} catch (e) {
// istanbul ignore next
styleTarget = null;
memo[target] = styleTarget;
return memo[target];
var stylesInDom = [];
function getIndexByIdentifier(identifier) {
var result = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < stylesInDom.length; i++) {
if (stylesInDom[i].identifier === identifier) {
result = i;
return result;
function modulesToDom(list, options) {
var idCountMap = {};
var identifiers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
var item = list[i];
var id = options.base ? item[0] + options.base : item[0];
var count = idCountMap[id] || 0;
var identifier = "".concat(id, " ").concat(count);
idCountMap[id] = count + 1;
var index = getIndexByIdentifier(identifier);
var obj = {
css: item[1],
media: item[2],
sourceMap: item[3]
if (index !== -1) {
} else {
identifier: identifier,
updater: addStyle(obj, options),
references: 1
return identifiers;
function insertStyleElement(options) {
var style = document.createElement('style');
var attributes = options.attributes || {};
if (typeof attributes.nonce === 'undefined') {
var nonce = true ? : 0;
if (nonce) {
attributes.nonce = nonce;
Object.keys(attributes).forEach(function (key) {
style.setAttribute(key, attributes[key]);
if (typeof options.insert === 'function') {
} else {
var target = getTarget(options.insert || 'head');
if (!target) {
throw new Error("Couldn't find a style target. This probably means that the value for the 'insert' parameter is invalid.");
return style;
function removeStyleElement(style) {
// istanbul ignore if
if (style.parentNode === null) {
return false;
/* istanbul ignore next */
var replaceText = function replaceText() {
var textStore = [];
return function replace(index, replacement) {
textStore[index] = replacement;
return textStore.filter(Boolean).join('\n');
function applyToSingletonTag(style, index, remove, obj) {
var css = remove ? '' : ? "@media ".concat(, " {").concat(obj.css, "}") : obj.css; // For old IE
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (style.styleSheet) {
style.styleSheet.cssText = replaceText(index, css);
} else {
var cssNode = document.createTextNode(css);
var childNodes = style.childNodes;
if (childNodes[index]) {
if (childNodes.length) {
style.insertBefore(cssNode, childNodes[index]);
} else {
function applyToTag(style, options, obj) {
var css = obj.css;
var media =;
var sourceMap = obj.sourceMap;
if (media) {
style.setAttribute('media', media);
} else {
if (sourceMap && typeof btoa !== 'undefined') {
css += "\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,".concat(btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(sourceMap)))), " */");
} // For old IE
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (style.styleSheet) {
style.styleSheet.cssText = css;
} else {
while (style.firstChild) {
var singleton = null;
var singletonCounter = 0;
function addStyle(obj, options) {
var style;
var update;
var remove;
if (options.singleton) {
var styleIndex = singletonCounter++;
style = singleton || (singleton = insertStyleElement(options));
update = applyToSingletonTag.bind(null, style, styleIndex, false);
remove = applyToSingletonTag.bind(null, style, styleIndex, true);
} else {
style = insertStyleElement(options);
update = applyToTag.bind(null, style, options);
remove = function remove() {
return function updateStyle(newObj) {
if (newObj) {
if (newObj.css === obj.css && === && newObj.sourceMap === obj.sourceMap) {
update(obj = newObj);
} else {
module.exports = function (list, options) {
options = options || {}; // Force single-tag solution on IE6-9, which has a hard limit on the # of <style>
// tags it will allow on a page
if (!options.singleton && typeof options.singleton !== 'boolean') {
options.singleton = isOldIE();
list = list || [];
var lastIdentifiers = modulesToDom(list, options);
return function update(newList) {
newList = newList || [];
if ( !== '[object Array]') {
for (var i = 0; i < lastIdentifiers.length; i++) {
var identifier = lastIdentifiers[i];
var index = getIndexByIdentifier(identifier);
var newLastIdentifiers = modulesToDom(newList, options);
for (var _i = 0; _i < lastIdentifiers.length; _i++) {
var _identifier = lastIdentifiers[_i];
var _index = getIndexByIdentifier(_identifier);
if (stylesInDom[_index].references === 0) {
stylesInDom.splice(_index, 1);
lastIdentifiers = newLastIdentifiers;
/***/ })
//# | 310-notebook | /310_notebook-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl/ | vendors-node_modules_css-loader_dist_runtime_api_js-node_modules_css-loader_dist_runtime_cssW-72eba1.a3ba3318a5d7528b56d6.js |
/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ "use strict";
/******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({
/***/ "webpack/container/entry/310_notebook":
!*** container entry ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
var moduleMap = {
"./index": () => {
return __webpack_require__.e("lib_index_js").then(() => (() => ((__webpack_require__(/*! ./lib/index.js */ "./lib/index.js")))));
"./extension": () => {
return __webpack_require__.e("lib_index_js").then(() => (() => ((__webpack_require__(/*! ./lib/index.js */ "./lib/index.js")))));
"./style": () => {
return Promise.all([__webpack_require__.e("vendors-node_modules_css-loader_dist_runtime_api_js-node_modules_css-loader_dist_runtime_cssW-72eba1"), __webpack_require__.e("style_index_js")]).then(() => (() => ((__webpack_require__(/*! ./style/index.js */ "./style/index.js")))));
var get = (module, getScope) => {
__webpack_require__.R = getScope;
getScope = (
__webpack_require__.o(moduleMap, module)
? moduleMap[module]()
: Promise.resolve().then(() => {
throw new Error('Module "' + module + '" does not exist in container.');
__webpack_require__.R = undefined;
return getScope;
var init = (shareScope, initScope) => {
if (!__webpack_require__.S) return;
var name = "default"
var oldScope = __webpack_require__.S[name];
if(oldScope && oldScope !== shareScope) throw new Error("Container initialization failed as it has already been initialized with a different share scope");
__webpack_require__.S[name] = shareScope;
return __webpack_require__.I(name, initScope);
// This exports getters to disallow modifications
__webpack_require__.d(exports, {
get: () => (get),
init: () => (init)
/***/ })
/******/ });
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {};
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];
/******/ if (cachedModule !== undefined) {
/******/ return cachedModule.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {
/******/ id: moduleId,
/******/ // no module.loaded needed
/******/ exports: {}
/******/ };
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ __webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ __webpack_require__.m = __webpack_modules__;
/******/ // expose the module cache
/******/ __webpack_require__.c = __webpack_module_cache__;
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/compat get default export */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
/******/ __webpack_require__.n = (module) => {
/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
/******/ () => (module['default']) :
/******/ () => (module);
/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter });
/******/ return getter;
/******/ };
/******/ })();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => {
/******/ for(var key in definition) {
/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ })();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/ensure chunk */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ __webpack_require__.f = {};
/******/ // This file contains only the entry chunk.
/******/ // The chunk loading function for additional chunks
/******/ __webpack_require__.e = (chunkId) => {
/******/ return Promise.all(Object.keys(__webpack_require__.f).reduce((promises, key) => {
/******/ __webpack_require__.f[key](chunkId, promises);
/******/ return promises;
/******/ }, []));
/******/ };
/******/ })();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/get javascript chunk filename */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ // This function allow to reference async chunks
/******/ __webpack_require__.u = (chunkId) => {
/******/ // return url for filenames based on template
/******/ return "" + chunkId + "." + {"lib_index_js":"13f87d19a930eafd5230","vendors-node_modules_css-loader_dist_runtime_api_js-node_modules_css-loader_dist_runtime_cssW-72eba1":"a3ba3318a5d7528b56d6","style_index_js":"547b86f938c46e9f74f6"}[chunkId] + ".js";
/******/ };
/******/ })();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/global */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ __webpack_require__.g = (function() {
/******/ if (typeof globalThis === 'object') return globalThis;
/******/ try {
/******/ return this || new Function('return this')();
/******/ } catch (e) {
/******/ if (typeof window === 'object') return window;
/******/ }
/******/ })();
/******/ })();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (, prop))
/******/ })();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/load script */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ var inProgress = {};
/******/ var dataWebpackPrefix = "310_notebook:";
/******/ // loadScript function to load a script via script tag
/******/ __webpack_require__.l = (url, done, key, chunkId) => {
/******/ if(inProgress[url]) { inProgress[url].push(done); return; }
/******/ var script, needAttach;
/******/ if(key !== undefined) {
/******/ var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
/******/ var s = scripts[i];
/******/ if(s.getAttribute("src") == url || s.getAttribute("data-webpack") == dataWebpackPrefix + key) { script = s; break; }
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ if(!script) {
/******/ needAttach = true;
/******/ script = document.createElement('script');
/******/ script.charset = 'utf-8';
/******/ script.timeout = 120;
/******/ if ( {
/******/ script.setAttribute("nonce",;
/******/ }
/******/ script.setAttribute("data-webpack", dataWebpackPrefix + key);
/******/ script.src = url;
/******/ }
/******/ inProgress[url] = [done];
/******/ var onScriptComplete = (prev, event) => {
/******/ // avoid mem leaks in IE.
/******/ script.onerror = script.onload = null;
/******/ clearTimeout(timeout);
/******/ var doneFns = inProgress[url];
/******/ delete inProgress[url];
/******/ script.parentNode && script.parentNode.removeChild(script);
/******/ doneFns && doneFns.forEach((fn) => (fn(event)));
/******/ if(prev) return prev(event);
/******/ }
/******/ ;
/******/ var timeout = setTimeout(onScriptComplete.bind(null, undefined, { type: 'timeout', target: script }), 120000);
/******/ script.onerror = onScriptComplete.bind(null, script.onerror);
/******/ script.onload = onScriptComplete.bind(null, script.onload);
/******/ needAttach && document.head.appendChild(script);
/******/ };
/******/ })();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ // define __esModule on exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.r = (exports) => {
/******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });
/******/ }
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
/******/ };
/******/ })();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/sharing */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ __webpack_require__.S = {};
/******/ var initPromises = {};
/******/ var initTokens = {};
/******/ __webpack_require__.I = (name, initScope) => {
/******/ if(!initScope) initScope = [];
/******/ // handling circular init calls
/******/ var initToken = initTokens[name];
/******/ if(!initToken) initToken = initTokens[name] = {};
/******/ if(initScope.indexOf(initToken) >= 0) return;
/******/ initScope.push(initToken);
/******/ // only runs once
/******/ if(initPromises[name]) return initPromises[name];
/******/ // creates a new share scope if needed
/******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(__webpack_require__.S, name)) __webpack_require__.S[name] = {};
/******/ // runs all init snippets from all modules reachable
/******/ var scope = __webpack_require__.S[name];
/******/ var warn = (msg) => (typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn && console.warn(msg));
/******/ var uniqueName = "310_notebook";
/******/ var register = (name, version, factory, eager) => {
/******/ var versions = scope[name] = scope[name] || {};
/******/ var activeVersion = versions[version];
/******/ if(!activeVersion || (!activeVersion.loaded && (!eager != !activeVersion.eager ? eager : uniqueName > activeVersion.from))) versions[version] = { get: factory, from: uniqueName, eager: !!eager };
/******/ };
/******/ var initExternal = (id) => {
/******/ var handleError = (err) => (warn("Initialization of sharing external failed: " + err));
/******/ try {
/******/ var module = __webpack_require__(id);
/******/ if(!module) return;
/******/ var initFn = (module) => (module && module.init && module.init(__webpack_require__.S[name], initScope))
/******/ if(module.then) return promises.push(module.then(initFn, handleError));
/******/ var initResult = initFn(module);
/******/ if(initResult && initResult.then) return promises.push(initResult['catch'](handleError));
/******/ } catch(err) { handleError(err); }
/******/ }
/******/ var promises = [];
/******/ switch(name) {
/******/ case "default": {
/******/ register("310_notebook", "0.1.0", () => (__webpack_require__.e("lib_index_js").then(() => (() => (__webpack_require__(/*! ./lib/index.js */ "./lib/index.js"))))));
/******/ }
/******/ break;
/******/ }
/******/ if(!promises.length) return initPromises[name] = 1;
/******/ return initPromises[name] = Promise.all(promises).then(() => (initPromises[name] = 1));
/******/ };
/******/ })();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/publicPath */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ var scriptUrl;
/******/ if (__webpack_require__.g.importScripts) scriptUrl = __webpack_require__.g.location + "";
/******/ var document = __webpack_require__.g.document;
/******/ if (!scriptUrl && document) {
/******/ if (document.currentScript)
/******/ scriptUrl = document.currentScript.src
/******/ if (!scriptUrl) {
/******/ var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
/******/ if(scripts.length) scriptUrl = scripts[scripts.length - 1].src
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ // When supporting browsers where an automatic publicPath is not supported you must specify an output.publicPath manually via configuration
/******/ // or pass an empty string ("") and set the __webpack_public_path__ variable from your code to use your own logic.
/******/ if (!scriptUrl) throw new Error("Automatic publicPath is not supported in this browser");
/******/ scriptUrl = scriptUrl.replace(/#.*$/, "").replace(/\?.*$/, "").replace(/\/[^\/]+$/, "/");
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = scriptUrl;
/******/ })();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/consumes */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ var parseVersion = (str) => {
/******/ // see webpack/lib/util/semver.js for original code
/******/ var p=p=>{return p.split(".").map((p=>{return+p==p?+p:p}))},n=/^([^-+]+)?(?:-([^+]+))?(?:\+(.+))?$/.exec(str),r=n[1]?p(n[1]):[];return n[2]&&(r.length++,r.push.apply(r,p(n[2]))),n[3]&&(r.push([]),r.push.apply(r,p(n[3]))),r;
/******/ }
/******/ var versionLt = (a, b) => {
/******/ // see webpack/lib/util/semver.js for original code
/******/ a=parseVersion(a),b=parseVersion(b);for(var r=0;;){if(r>=a.length)return r<b.length&&"u"!=(typeof b[r])[0];var e=a[r],n=(typeof e)[0];if(r>=b.length)return"u"==n;var t=b[r],f=(typeof t)[0];if(n!=f)return"o"==n&&"n"==f||("s"==f||"u"==n);if("o"!=n&&"u"!=n&&e!=t)return e<t;r++}
/******/ }
/******/ var rangeToString = (range) => {
/******/ // see webpack/lib/util/semver.js for original code
/******/ var r=range[0],n="";if(1===range.length)return"*";if(r+.5){n+=0==r?">=":-1==r?"<":1==r?"^":2==r?"~":r>0?"=":"!=";for(var e=1,a=1;a<range.length;a++){e--,n+="u"==(typeof(t=range[a]))[0]?"-":(e>0?".":"")+(e=2,t)}return n}var g=[];for(a=1;a<range.length;a++){var t=range[a];g.push(0===t?"not("+o()+")":1===t?"("+o()+" || "+o()+")":2===t?g.pop()+" "+g.pop():rangeToString(t))}return o();function o(){return g.pop().replace(/^\((.+)\)$/,"$1")}
/******/ }
/******/ var satisfy = (range, version) => {
/******/ // see webpack/lib/util/semver.js for original code
/******/ if(0 in range){version=parseVersion(version);var e=range[0],r=e<0;r&&(e=-e-1);for(var n=0,i=1,a=!0;;i++,n++){var f,s,g=i<range.length?(typeof range[i])[0]:"";if(n>=version.length||"o"==(s=(typeof(f=version[n]))[0]))return!a||("u"==g?i>e&&!r:""==g!=r);if("u"==s){if(!a||"u"!=g)return!1}else if(a)if(g==s)if(i<=e){if(f!=range[i])return!1}else{if(r?f>range[i]:f<range[i])return!1;f!=range[i]&&(a=!1)}else if("s"!=g&&"n"!=g){if(r||i<=e)return!1;a=!1,i--}else{if(i<=e||s<g!=r)return!1;a=!1}else"s"!=g&&"n"!=g&&(a=!1,i--)}}var t=[],o=t.pop.bind(t);for(n=1;n<range.length;n++){var u=range[n];t.push(1==u?o()|o():2==u?o()&o():u?satisfy(u,version):!o())}return!!o();
/******/ }
/******/ var ensureExistence = (scopeName, key) => {
/******/ var scope = __webpack_require__.S[scopeName];
/******/ if(!scope || !__webpack_require__.o(scope, key)) throw new Error("Shared module " + key + " doesn't exist in shared scope " + scopeName);
/******/ return scope;
/******/ };
/******/ var findVersion = (scope, key) => {
/******/ var versions = scope[key];
/******/ var key = Object.keys(versions).reduce((a, b) => {
/******/ return !a || versionLt(a, b) ? b : a;
/******/ }, 0);
/******/ return key && versions[key]
/******/ };
/******/ var findSingletonVersionKey = (scope, key) => {
/******/ var versions = scope[key];
/******/ return Object.keys(versions).reduce((a, b) => {
/******/ return !a || (!versions[a].loaded && versionLt(a, b)) ? b : a;
/******/ }, 0);
/******/ };
/******/ var getInvalidSingletonVersionMessage = (scope, key, version, requiredVersion) => {
/******/ return "Unsatisfied version " + version + " from " + (version && scope[key][version].from) + " of shared singleton module " + key + " (required " + rangeToString(requiredVersion) + ")"
/******/ };
/******/ var getSingleton = (scope, scopeName, key, requiredVersion) => {
/******/ var version = findSingletonVersionKey(scope, key);
/******/ return get(scope[key][version]);
/******/ };
/******/ var getSingletonVersion = (scope, scopeName, key, requiredVersion) => {
/******/ var version = findSingletonVersionKey(scope, key);
/******/ if (!satisfy(requiredVersion, version)) typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn && console.warn(getInvalidSingletonVersionMessage(scope, key, version, requiredVersion));
/******/ return get(scope[key][version]);
/******/ };
/******/ var getStrictSingletonVersion = (scope, scopeName, key, requiredVersion) => {
/******/ var version = findSingletonVersionKey(scope, key);
/******/ if (!satisfy(requiredVersion, version)) throw new Error(getInvalidSingletonVersionMessage(scope, key, version, requiredVersion));
/******/ return get(scope[key][version]);
/******/ };
/******/ var findValidVersion = (scope, key, requiredVersion) => {
/******/ var versions = scope[key];
/******/ var key = Object.keys(versions).reduce((a, b) => {
/******/ if (!satisfy(requiredVersion, b)) return a;
/******/ return !a || versionLt(a, b) ? b : a;
/******/ }, 0);
/******/ return key && versions[key]
/******/ };
/******/ var getInvalidVersionMessage = (scope, scopeName, key, requiredVersion) => {
/******/ var versions = scope[key];
/******/ return "No satisfying version (" + rangeToString(requiredVersion) + ") of shared module " + key + " found in shared scope " + scopeName + ".\n" +
/******/ "Available versions: " + Object.keys(versions).map((key) => {
/******/ return key + " from " + versions[key].from;
/******/ }).join(", ");
/******/ };
/******/ var getValidVersion = (scope, scopeName, key, requiredVersion) => {
/******/ var entry = findValidVersion(scope, key, requiredVersion);
/******/ if(entry) return get(entry);
/******/ throw new Error(getInvalidVersionMessage(scope, scopeName, key, requiredVersion));
/******/ };
/******/ var warnInvalidVersion = (scope, scopeName, key, requiredVersion) => {
/******/ typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn && console.warn(getInvalidVersionMessage(scope, scopeName, key, requiredVersion));
/******/ };
/******/ var get = (entry) => {
/******/ entry.loaded = 1;
/******/ return entry.get()
/******/ };
/******/ var init = (fn) => (function(scopeName, a, b, c) {
/******/ var promise = __webpack_require__.I(scopeName);
/******/ if (promise && promise.then) return promise.then(fn.bind(fn, scopeName, __webpack_require__.S[scopeName], a, b, c));
/******/ return fn(scopeName, __webpack_require__.S[scopeName], a, b, c);
/******/ });
/******/ var load = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key) => {
/******/ ensureExistence(scopeName, key);
/******/ return get(findVersion(scope, key));
/******/ });
/******/ var loadFallback = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key, fallback) => {
/******/ return scope && __webpack_require__.o(scope, key) ? get(findVersion(scope, key)) : fallback();
/******/ });
/******/ var loadVersionCheck = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key, version) => {
/******/ ensureExistence(scopeName, key);
/******/ return get(findValidVersion(scope, key, version) || warnInvalidVersion(scope, scopeName, key, version) || findVersion(scope, key));
/******/ });
/******/ var loadSingleton = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key) => {
/******/ ensureExistence(scopeName, key);
/******/ return getSingleton(scope, scopeName, key);
/******/ });
/******/ var loadSingletonVersionCheck = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key, version) => {
/******/ ensureExistence(scopeName, key);
/******/ return getSingletonVersion(scope, scopeName, key, version);
/******/ });
/******/ var loadStrictVersionCheck = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key, version) => {
/******/ ensureExistence(scopeName, key);
/******/ return getValidVersion(scope, scopeName, key, version);
/******/ });
/******/ var loadStrictSingletonVersionCheck = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key, version) => {
/******/ ensureExistence(scopeName, key);
/******/ return getStrictSingletonVersion(scope, scopeName, key, version);
/******/ });
/******/ var loadVersionCheckFallback = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key, version, fallback) => {
/******/ if(!scope || !__webpack_require__.o(scope, key)) return fallback();
/******/ return get(findValidVersion(scope, key, version) || warnInvalidVersion(scope, scopeName, key, version) || findVersion(scope, key));
/******/ });
/******/ var loadSingletonFallback = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key, fallback) => {
/******/ if(!scope || !__webpack_require__.o(scope, key)) return fallback();
/******/ return getSingleton(scope, scopeName, key);
/******/ });
/******/ var loadSingletonVersionCheckFallback = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key, version, fallback) => {
/******/ if(!scope || !__webpack_require__.o(scope, key)) return fallback();
/******/ return getSingletonVersion(scope, scopeName, key, version);
/******/ });
/******/ var loadStrictVersionCheckFallback = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key, version, fallback) => {
/******/ var entry = scope && __webpack_require__.o(scope, key) && findValidVersion(scope, key, version);
/******/ return entry ? get(entry) : fallback();
/******/ });
/******/ var loadStrictSingletonVersionCheckFallback = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key, version, fallback) => {
/******/ if(!scope || !__webpack_require__.o(scope, key)) return fallback();
/******/ return getStrictSingletonVersion(scope, scopeName, key, version);
/******/ });
/******/ var installedModules = {};
/******/ var moduleToHandlerMapping = {
/******/ "webpack/sharing/consume/default/@jupyterlab/mainmenu": () => (loadSingletonVersionCheck("default", "@jupyterlab/mainmenu", [1,3,4,3])),
/******/ "webpack/sharing/consume/default/@lumino/widgets": () => (loadSingletonVersionCheck("default", "@lumino/widgets", [1,1,30,0]))
/******/ };
/******/ // no consumes in initial chunks
/******/ var chunkMapping = {
/******/ "lib_index_js": [
/******/ "webpack/sharing/consume/default/@jupyterlab/mainmenu",
/******/ "webpack/sharing/consume/default/@lumino/widgets"
/******/ ]
/******/ };
/******/ __webpack_require__.f.consumes = (chunkId, promises) => {
/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(chunkMapping, chunkId)) {
/******/ chunkMapping[chunkId].forEach((id) => {
/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(installedModules, id)) return promises.push(installedModules[id]);
/******/ var onFactory = (factory) => {
/******/ installedModules[id] = 0;
/******/ __webpack_require__.m[id] = (module) => {
/******/ delete __webpack_require__.c[id];
/******/ module.exports = factory();
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ var onError = (error) => {
/******/ delete installedModules[id];
/******/ __webpack_require__.m[id] = (module) => {
/******/ delete __webpack_require__.c[id];
/******/ throw error;
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ try {
/******/ var promise = moduleToHandlerMapping[id]();
/******/ if(promise.then) {
/******/ promises.push(installedModules[id] = promise.then(onFactory)['catch'](onError));
/******/ } else onFactory(promise);
/******/ } catch(e) { onError(e); }
/******/ });
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ })();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/jsonp chunk loading */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ // no baseURI
/******/ // object to store loaded and loading chunks
/******/ // undefined = chunk not loaded, null = chunk preloaded/prefetched
/******/ // [resolve, reject, Promise] = chunk loading, 0 = chunk loaded
/******/ var installedChunks = {
/******/ "310_notebook": 0
/******/ };
/******/ __webpack_require__.f.j = (chunkId, promises) => {
/******/ // JSONP chunk loading for javascript
/******/ var installedChunkData = __webpack_require__.o(installedChunks, chunkId) ? installedChunks[chunkId] : undefined;
/******/ if(installedChunkData !== 0) { // 0 means "already installed".
/******/ // a Promise means "currently loading".
/******/ if(installedChunkData) {
/******/ promises.push(installedChunkData[2]);
/******/ } else {
/******/ if(true) { // all chunks have JS
/******/ // setup Promise in chunk cache
/******/ var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => (installedChunkData = installedChunks[chunkId] = [resolve, reject]));
/******/ promises.push(installedChunkData[2] = promise);
/******/ // start chunk loading
/******/ var url = __webpack_require__.p + __webpack_require__.u(chunkId);
/******/ // create error before stack unwound to get useful stacktrace later
/******/ var error = new Error();
/******/ var loadingEnded = (event) => {
/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(installedChunks, chunkId)) {
/******/ installedChunkData = installedChunks[chunkId];
/******/ if(installedChunkData !== 0) installedChunks[chunkId] = undefined;
/******/ if(installedChunkData) {
/******/ var errorType = event && (event.type === 'load' ? 'missing' : event.type);
/******/ var realSrc = event && &&;
/******/ error.message = 'Loading chunk ' + chunkId + ' failed.\n(' + errorType + ': ' + realSrc + ')';
/******/ = 'ChunkLoadError';
/******/ error.type = errorType;
/******/ error.request = realSrc;
/******/ installedChunkData[1](error);
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ __webpack_require__.l(url, loadingEnded, "chunk-" + chunkId, chunkId);
/******/ } else installedChunks[chunkId] = 0;
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ // no prefetching
/******/ // no preloaded
/******/ // no HMR
/******/ // no HMR manifest
/******/ // no on chunks loaded
/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ var webpackJsonpCallback = (parentChunkLoadingFunction, data) => {
/******/ var [chunkIds, moreModules, runtime] = data;
/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0;
/******/ if(chunkIds.some((id) => (installedChunks[id] !== 0))) {
/******/ for(moduleId in moreModules) {
/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(moreModules, moduleId)) {
/******/ __webpack_require__.m[moduleId] = moreModules[moduleId];
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ if(runtime) var result = runtime(__webpack_require__);
/******/ }
/******/ if(parentChunkLoadingFunction) parentChunkLoadingFunction(data);
/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(installedChunks, chunkId) && installedChunks[chunkId]) {
/******/ installedChunks[chunkId][0]();
/******/ }
/******/ installedChunks[chunkId] = 0;
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ var chunkLoadingGlobal = self["webpackChunk_310_notebook"] = self["webpackChunk_310_notebook"] || [];
/******/ chunkLoadingGlobal.forEach(webpackJsonpCallback.bind(null, 0));
/******/ chunkLoadingGlobal.push = webpackJsonpCallback.bind(null, chunkLoadingGlobal.push.bind(chunkLoadingGlobal));
/******/ })();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/nonce */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ = undefined;
/******/ })();
/******/ // module cache are used so entry inlining is disabled
/******/ // startup
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ var __webpack_exports__ = __webpack_require__("webpack/container/entry/310_notebook");
/******/ (_JUPYTERLAB = typeof _JUPYTERLAB === "undefined" ? {} : _JUPYTERLAB)["310_notebook"] = __webpack_exports__;
/******/ })()
//# | 310-notebook | /310_notebook-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl/ | remoteEntry.cc8f33c82a29a8d64c2d.js |
"use strict";
(self["webpackChunk_310_notebook"] = self["webpackChunk_310_notebook"] || []).push([["lib_index_js"],{
/***/ "./lib/index.js":
!*** ./lib/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ "default": () => (__WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _jupyterlab_mainmenu__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @jupyterlab/mainmenu */ "webpack/sharing/consume/default/@jupyterlab/mainmenu");
/* harmony import */ var _jupyterlab_mainmenu__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_jupyterlab_mainmenu__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
/* harmony import */ var _lumino_widgets__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @lumino/widgets */ "webpack/sharing/consume/default/@lumino/widgets");
/* harmony import */ var _lumino_widgets__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_lumino_widgets__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__);
const extension = {
id: '310_notebook',
autoStart: true,
requires: [_jupyterlab_mainmenu__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.IMainMenu],
optional: [],
activate: (app, mainMenu) => {
// Add an application command
const { commands } = app;
const command = '310notebook:logout';
commands.addCommand(command, {
label: 'Logout notebook panel',
execute: () => {
location.href = '';
// Create a new menu
const menu = new _lumino_widgets__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Menu({ commands });
menu.title.label = '';
// Open Zethus
// menu.addItem({ type: 'separator' });
menu.addItem({ command: '310notebook:logout', args: {} });
mainMenu.addMenu(menu, { rank: 100 });
// // Open Logger
// menu.addItem({ command: 'jupyterlab-ros/logConsole:open' });
// menu.addItem({ type: 'separator' });
// // Open Settings
// menu.addItem({ command: 'jupyterlab-ros/settings:open' });
/* harmony default export */ const __WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__ = (extension);
/***/ })
//# | 310-notebook | /310_notebook-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl/310_notebook/labextension/static/lib_index_js.13f87d19a930eafd5230.js | lib_index_js.13f87d19a930eafd5230.js |
"use strict";
(self["webpackChunk_310_notebook"] = self["webpackChunk_310_notebook"] || []).push([["style_index_js"],{
/***/ "./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./style/base.css":
!*** ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./style/base.css ***!
/***/ ((module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ "default": () => (__WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_cssWithMappingToString_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/cssWithMappingToString.js */ "./node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/cssWithMappingToString.js");
/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_cssWithMappingToString_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_cssWithMappingToString_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_api_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js */ "./node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js");
/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_api_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_api_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__);
// Imports
var ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___ = _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_api_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default()((_node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_cssWithMappingToString_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default()));
// Module
___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___.push([, "/*\n See the JupyterLab Developer Guide for useful CSS Patterns:\n\n\n*/\n\ {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n align-items: center;\n overflow: auto;\n }", "",{"version":3,"sources":["webpack://./style/base.css"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA;;;;CAIC;;AAED;IACI,aAAa;IACb,sBAAsB;IACtB,mBAAmB;IACnB,cAAc;EAChB","sourcesContent":["/*\n See the JupyterLab Developer Guide for useful CSS Patterns:\n\n\n*/\n\ {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n align-items: center;\n overflow: auto;\n }"],"sourceRoot":""}]);
// Exports
/* harmony default export */ const __WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__ = (___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___);
/***/ }),
/***/ "./style/base.css":
!*** ./style/base.css ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ "default": () => (__WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_style_loader_dist_runtime_injectStylesIntoStyleTag_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! !../node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js */ "./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js");
/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_style_loader_dist_runtime_injectStylesIntoStyleTag_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_node_modules_style_loader_dist_runtime_injectStylesIntoStyleTag_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_css_loader_dist_cjs_js_base_css__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! !!../node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./base.css */ "./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./style/base.css");
var options = {};
options.insert = "head";
options.singleton = false;
var update = _node_modules_style_loader_dist_runtime_injectStylesIntoStyleTag_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default()(_node_modules_css_loader_dist_cjs_js_base_css__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], options);
/* harmony default export */ const __WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__ = (_node_modules_css_loader_dist_cjs_js_base_css__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].locals || {});
/***/ }),
/***/ "./style/index.js":
!*** ./style/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
/* harmony import */ var _base_css__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./base.css */ "./style/base.css");
/***/ })
//# | 310-notebook | /310_notebook-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl/310_notebook/labextension/static/style_index_js.547b86f938c46e9f74f6.js | style_index_js.547b86f938c46e9f74f6.js |
"use strict";
(self["webpackChunk_310_notebook"] = self["webpackChunk_310_notebook"] || []).push([["vendors-node_modules_css-loader_dist_runtime_api_js-node_modules_css-loader_dist_runtime_cssW-72eba1"],{
/***/ "./node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js":
!*** ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js ***!
/***/ ((module) => {
MIT License
Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
// css base code, injected by the css-loader
// eslint-disable-next-line func-names
module.exports = function (cssWithMappingToString) {
var list = []; // return the list of modules as css string
list.toString = function toString() {
return (item) {
var content = cssWithMappingToString(item);
if (item[2]) {
return "@media ".concat(item[2], " {").concat(content, "}");
return content;
}; // import a list of modules into the list
// eslint-disable-next-line func-names
list.i = function (modules, mediaQuery, dedupe) {
if (typeof modules === "string") {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
modules = [[null, modules, ""]];
var alreadyImportedModules = {};
if (dedupe) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
var id = this[i][0];
if (id != null) {
alreadyImportedModules[id] = true;
for (var _i = 0; _i < modules.length; _i++) {
var item = [].concat(modules[_i]);
if (dedupe && alreadyImportedModules[item[0]]) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-continue
if (mediaQuery) {
if (!item[2]) {
item[2] = mediaQuery;
} else {
item[2] = "".concat(mediaQuery, " and ").concat(item[2]);
return list;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/cssWithMappingToString.js":
!*** ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/cssWithMappingToString.js ***!
/***/ ((module) => {
function _slicedToArray(arr, i) { return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest(); }
function _nonIterableRest() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); }
function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n =, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n =; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); }
function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; }
function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) { var _i = arr && (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && arr[Symbol.iterator] || arr["@@iterator"]); if (_i == null) return; var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _s, _e; try { for (_i =; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; }
function _arrayWithHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr; }
module.exports = function cssWithMappingToString(item) {
var _item = _slicedToArray(item, 4),
content = _item[1],
cssMapping = _item[3];
if (!cssMapping) {
return content;
if (typeof btoa === "function") {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
var base64 = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(cssMapping))));
var data = "sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,".concat(base64);
var sourceMapping = "/*# ".concat(data, " */");
var sourceURLs = (source) {
return "/*# sourceURL=".concat(cssMapping.sourceRoot || "").concat(source, " */");
return [content].concat(sourceURLs).concat([sourceMapping]).join("\n");
return [content].join("\n");
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js":
!*** ./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js ***!
/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => {
var isOldIE = function isOldIE() {
var memo;
return function memorize() {
if (typeof memo === 'undefined') {
// Test for IE <= 9 as proposed by Browserhacks
// @see
// Tests for existence of standard globals is to allow style-loader
// to operate correctly into non-standard environments
// @see
memo = Boolean(window && document && document.all && !window.atob);
return memo;
var getTarget = function getTarget() {
var memo = {};
return function memorize(target) {
if (typeof memo[target] === 'undefined') {
var styleTarget = document.querySelector(target); // Special case to return head of iframe instead of iframe itself
if (window.HTMLIFrameElement && styleTarget instanceof window.HTMLIFrameElement) {
try {
// This will throw an exception if access to iframe is blocked
// due to cross-origin restrictions
styleTarget = styleTarget.contentDocument.head;
} catch (e) {
// istanbul ignore next
styleTarget = null;
memo[target] = styleTarget;
return memo[target];
var stylesInDom = [];
function getIndexByIdentifier(identifier) {
var result = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < stylesInDom.length; i++) {
if (stylesInDom[i].identifier === identifier) {
result = i;
return result;
function modulesToDom(list, options) {
var idCountMap = {};
var identifiers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
var item = list[i];
var id = options.base ? item[0] + options.base : item[0];
var count = idCountMap[id] || 0;
var identifier = "".concat(id, " ").concat(count);
idCountMap[id] = count + 1;
var index = getIndexByIdentifier(identifier);
var obj = {
css: item[1],
media: item[2],
sourceMap: item[3]
if (index !== -1) {
} else {
identifier: identifier,
updater: addStyle(obj, options),
references: 1
return identifiers;
function insertStyleElement(options) {
var style = document.createElement('style');
var attributes = options.attributes || {};
if (typeof attributes.nonce === 'undefined') {
var nonce = true ? : 0;
if (nonce) {
attributes.nonce = nonce;
Object.keys(attributes).forEach(function (key) {
style.setAttribute(key, attributes[key]);
if (typeof options.insert === 'function') {
} else {
var target = getTarget(options.insert || 'head');
if (!target) {
throw new Error("Couldn't find a style target. This probably means that the value for the 'insert' parameter is invalid.");
return style;
function removeStyleElement(style) {
// istanbul ignore if
if (style.parentNode === null) {
return false;
/* istanbul ignore next */
var replaceText = function replaceText() {
var textStore = [];
return function replace(index, replacement) {
textStore[index] = replacement;
return textStore.filter(Boolean).join('\n');
function applyToSingletonTag(style, index, remove, obj) {
var css = remove ? '' : ? "@media ".concat(, " {").concat(obj.css, "}") : obj.css; // For old IE
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (style.styleSheet) {
style.styleSheet.cssText = replaceText(index, css);
} else {
var cssNode = document.createTextNode(css);
var childNodes = style.childNodes;
if (childNodes[index]) {
if (childNodes.length) {
style.insertBefore(cssNode, childNodes[index]);
} else {
function applyToTag(style, options, obj) {
var css = obj.css;
var media =;
var sourceMap = obj.sourceMap;
if (media) {
style.setAttribute('media', media);
} else {
if (sourceMap && typeof btoa !== 'undefined') {
css += "\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,".concat(btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(sourceMap)))), " */");
} // For old IE
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (style.styleSheet) {
style.styleSheet.cssText = css;
} else {
while (style.firstChild) {
var singleton = null;
var singletonCounter = 0;
function addStyle(obj, options) {
var style;
var update;
var remove;
if (options.singleton) {
var styleIndex = singletonCounter++;
style = singleton || (singleton = insertStyleElement(options));
update = applyToSingletonTag.bind(null, style, styleIndex, false);
remove = applyToSingletonTag.bind(null, style, styleIndex, true);
} else {
style = insertStyleElement(options);
update = applyToTag.bind(null, style, options);
remove = function remove() {
return function updateStyle(newObj) {
if (newObj) {
if (newObj.css === obj.css && === && newObj.sourceMap === obj.sourceMap) {
update(obj = newObj);
} else {
module.exports = function (list, options) {
options = options || {}; // Force single-tag solution on IE6-9, which has a hard limit on the # of <style>
// tags it will allow on a page
if (!options.singleton && typeof options.singleton !== 'boolean') {
options.singleton = isOldIE();
list = list || [];
var lastIdentifiers = modulesToDom(list, options);
return function update(newList) {
newList = newList || [];
if ( !== '[object Array]') {
for (var i = 0; i < lastIdentifiers.length; i++) {
var identifier = lastIdentifiers[i];
var index = getIndexByIdentifier(identifier);
var newLastIdentifiers = modulesToDom(newList, options);
for (var _i = 0; _i < lastIdentifiers.length; _i++) {
var _identifier = lastIdentifiers[_i];
var _index = getIndexByIdentifier(_identifier);
if (stylesInDom[_index].references === 0) {
stylesInDom.splice(_index, 1);
lastIdentifiers = newLastIdentifiers;
/***/ })
//# | 310-notebook | /310_notebook-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl/310_notebook/labextension/static/vendors-node_modules_css-loader_dist_runtime_api_js-node_modules_css-loader_dist_runtime_cssW-72eba1.a3ba3318a5d7528b56d6.js | vendors-node_modules_css-loader_dist_runtime_api_js-node_modules_css-loader_dist_runtime_cssW-72eba1.a3ba3318a5d7528b56d6.js |
/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ "use strict";
/******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({
/***/ "webpack/container/entry/310_notebook":
!*** container entry ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
var moduleMap = {
"./index": () => {
return __webpack_require__.e("lib_index_js").then(() => (() => ((__webpack_require__(/*! ./lib/index.js */ "./lib/index.js")))));
"./extension": () => {
return __webpack_require__.e("lib_index_js").then(() => (() => ((__webpack_require__(/*! ./lib/index.js */ "./lib/index.js")))));
"./style": () => {
return Promise.all([__webpack_require__.e("vendors-node_modules_css-loader_dist_runtime_api_js-node_modules_css-loader_dist_runtime_cssW-72eba1"), __webpack_require__.e("style_index_js")]).then(() => (() => ((__webpack_require__(/*! ./style/index.js */ "./style/index.js")))));
var get = (module, getScope) => {
__webpack_require__.R = getScope;
getScope = (
__webpack_require__.o(moduleMap, module)
? moduleMap[module]()
: Promise.resolve().then(() => {
throw new Error('Module "' + module + '" does not exist in container.');
__webpack_require__.R = undefined;
return getScope;
var init = (shareScope, initScope) => {
if (!__webpack_require__.S) return;
var name = "default"
var oldScope = __webpack_require__.S[name];
if(oldScope && oldScope !== shareScope) throw new Error("Container initialization failed as it has already been initialized with a different share scope");
__webpack_require__.S[name] = shareScope;
return __webpack_require__.I(name, initScope);
// This exports getters to disallow modifications
__webpack_require__.d(exports, {
get: () => (get),
init: () => (init)
/***/ })
/******/ });
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {};
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];
/******/ if (cachedModule !== undefined) {
/******/ return cachedModule.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {
/******/ id: moduleId,
/******/ // no module.loaded needed
/******/ exports: {}
/******/ };
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ __webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ __webpack_require__.m = __webpack_modules__;
/******/ // expose the module cache
/******/ __webpack_require__.c = __webpack_module_cache__;
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/compat get default export */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
/******/ __webpack_require__.n = (module) => {
/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
/******/ () => (module['default']) :
/******/ () => (module);
/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter });
/******/ return getter;
/******/ };
/******/ })();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => {
/******/ for(var key in definition) {
/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ })();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/ensure chunk */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ __webpack_require__.f = {};
/******/ // This file contains only the entry chunk.
/******/ // The chunk loading function for additional chunks
/******/ __webpack_require__.e = (chunkId) => {
/******/ return Promise.all(Object.keys(__webpack_require__.f).reduce((promises, key) => {
/******/ __webpack_require__.f[key](chunkId, promises);
/******/ return promises;
/******/ }, []));
/******/ };
/******/ })();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/get javascript chunk filename */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ // This function allow to reference async chunks
/******/ __webpack_require__.u = (chunkId) => {
/******/ // return url for filenames based on template
/******/ return "" + chunkId + "." + {"lib_index_js":"13f87d19a930eafd5230","vendors-node_modules_css-loader_dist_runtime_api_js-node_modules_css-loader_dist_runtime_cssW-72eba1":"a3ba3318a5d7528b56d6","style_index_js":"547b86f938c46e9f74f6"}[chunkId] + ".js";
/******/ };
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/******/ /* webpack/runtime/global */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ __webpack_require__.g = (function() {
/******/ if (typeof globalThis === 'object') return globalThis;
/******/ try {
/******/ return this || new Function('return this')();
/******/ } catch (e) {
/******/ if (typeof window === 'object') return window;
/******/ }
/******/ })();
/******/ })();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (, prop))
/******/ })();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/load script */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ var inProgress = {};
/******/ var dataWebpackPrefix = "310_notebook:";
/******/ // loadScript function to load a script via script tag
/******/ __webpack_require__.l = (url, done, key, chunkId) => {
/******/ if(inProgress[url]) { inProgress[url].push(done); return; }
/******/ var script, needAttach;
/******/ if(key !== undefined) {
/******/ var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
/******/ var s = scripts[i];
/******/ if(s.getAttribute("src") == url || s.getAttribute("data-webpack") == dataWebpackPrefix + key) { script = s; break; }
/******/ }
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/******/ if(!script) {
/******/ needAttach = true;
/******/ script = document.createElement('script');
/******/ script.charset = 'utf-8';
/******/ script.timeout = 120;
/******/ if ( {
/******/ script.setAttribute("nonce",;
/******/ }
/******/ script.setAttribute("data-webpack", dataWebpackPrefix + key);
/******/ script.src = url;
/******/ }
/******/ inProgress[url] = [done];
/******/ var onScriptComplete = (prev, event) => {
/******/ // avoid mem leaks in IE.
/******/ script.onerror = script.onload = null;
/******/ clearTimeout(timeout);
/******/ var doneFns = inProgress[url];
/******/ delete inProgress[url];
/******/ script.parentNode && script.parentNode.removeChild(script);
/******/ doneFns && doneFns.forEach((fn) => (fn(event)));
/******/ if(prev) return prev(event);
/******/ }
/******/ ;
/******/ var timeout = setTimeout(onScriptComplete.bind(null, undefined, { type: 'timeout', target: script }), 120000);
/******/ script.onerror = onScriptComplete.bind(null, script.onerror);
/******/ script.onload = onScriptComplete.bind(null, script.onload);
/******/ needAttach && document.head.appendChild(script);
/******/ };
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/******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ // define __esModule on exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.r = (exports) => {
/******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });
/******/ }
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
/******/ };
/******/ })();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/sharing */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ __webpack_require__.S = {};
/******/ var initPromises = {};
/******/ var initTokens = {};
/******/ __webpack_require__.I = (name, initScope) => {
/******/ if(!initScope) initScope = [];
/******/ // handling circular init calls
/******/ var initToken = initTokens[name];
/******/ if(!initToken) initToken = initTokens[name] = {};
/******/ if(initScope.indexOf(initToken) >= 0) return;
/******/ initScope.push(initToken);
/******/ // only runs once
/******/ if(initPromises[name]) return initPromises[name];
/******/ // creates a new share scope if needed
/******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(__webpack_require__.S, name)) __webpack_require__.S[name] = {};
/******/ // runs all init snippets from all modules reachable
/******/ var scope = __webpack_require__.S[name];
/******/ var warn = (msg) => (typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn && console.warn(msg));
/******/ var uniqueName = "310_notebook";
/******/ var register = (name, version, factory, eager) => {
/******/ var versions = scope[name] = scope[name] || {};
/******/ var activeVersion = versions[version];
/******/ if(!activeVersion || (!activeVersion.loaded && (!eager != !activeVersion.eager ? eager : uniqueName > activeVersion.from))) versions[version] = { get: factory, from: uniqueName, eager: !!eager };
/******/ };
/******/ var initExternal = (id) => {
/******/ var handleError = (err) => (warn("Initialization of sharing external failed: " + err));
/******/ try {
/******/ var module = __webpack_require__(id);
/******/ if(!module) return;
/******/ var initFn = (module) => (module && module.init && module.init(__webpack_require__.S[name], initScope))
/******/ if(module.then) return promises.push(module.then(initFn, handleError));
/******/ var initResult = initFn(module);
/******/ if(initResult && initResult.then) return promises.push(initResult['catch'](handleError));
/******/ } catch(err) { handleError(err); }
/******/ }
/******/ var promises = [];
/******/ switch(name) {
/******/ case "default": {
/******/ register("310_notebook", "0.1.0", () => (__webpack_require__.e("lib_index_js").then(() => (() => (__webpack_require__(/*! ./lib/index.js */ "./lib/index.js"))))));
/******/ }
/******/ break;
/******/ }
/******/ if(!promises.length) return initPromises[name] = 1;
/******/ return initPromises[name] = Promise.all(promises).then(() => (initPromises[name] = 1));
/******/ };
/******/ })();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/publicPath */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ var scriptUrl;
/******/ if (__webpack_require__.g.importScripts) scriptUrl = __webpack_require__.g.location + "";
/******/ var document = __webpack_require__.g.document;
/******/ if (!scriptUrl && document) {
/******/ if (document.currentScript)
/******/ scriptUrl = document.currentScript.src
/******/ if (!scriptUrl) {
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/******/ if(scripts.length) scriptUrl = scripts[scripts.length - 1].src
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ // When supporting browsers where an automatic publicPath is not supported you must specify an output.publicPath manually via configuration
/******/ // or pass an empty string ("") and set the __webpack_public_path__ variable from your code to use your own logic.
/******/ if (!scriptUrl) throw new Error("Automatic publicPath is not supported in this browser");
/******/ scriptUrl = scriptUrl.replace(/#.*$/, "").replace(/\?.*$/, "").replace(/\/[^\/]+$/, "/");
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = scriptUrl;
/******/ })();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/consumes */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ var parseVersion = (str) => {
/******/ // see webpack/lib/util/semver.js for original code
/******/ var p=p=>{return p.split(".").map((p=>{return+p==p?+p:p}))},n=/^([^-+]+)?(?:-([^+]+))?(?:\+(.+))?$/.exec(str),r=n[1]?p(n[1]):[];return n[2]&&(r.length++,r.push.apply(r,p(n[2]))),n[3]&&(r.push([]),r.push.apply(r,p(n[3]))),r;
/******/ }
/******/ var versionLt = (a, b) => {
/******/ // see webpack/lib/util/semver.js for original code
/******/ a=parseVersion(a),b=parseVersion(b);for(var r=0;;){if(r>=a.length)return r<b.length&&"u"!=(typeof b[r])[0];var e=a[r],n=(typeof e)[0];if(r>=b.length)return"u"==n;var t=b[r],f=(typeof t)[0];if(n!=f)return"o"==n&&"n"==f||("s"==f||"u"==n);if("o"!=n&&"u"!=n&&e!=t)return e<t;r++}
/******/ }
/******/ var rangeToString = (range) => {
/******/ // see webpack/lib/util/semver.js for original code
/******/ var r=range[0],n="";if(1===range.length)return"*";if(r+.5){n+=0==r?">=":-1==r?"<":1==r?"^":2==r?"~":r>0?"=":"!=";for(var e=1,a=1;a<range.length;a++){e--,n+="u"==(typeof(t=range[a]))[0]?"-":(e>0?".":"")+(e=2,t)}return n}var g=[];for(a=1;a<range.length;a++){var t=range[a];g.push(0===t?"not("+o()+")":1===t?"("+o()+" || "+o()+")":2===t?g.pop()+" "+g.pop():rangeToString(t))}return o();function o(){return g.pop().replace(/^\((.+)\)$/,"$1")}
/******/ }
/******/ var satisfy = (range, version) => {
/******/ // see webpack/lib/util/semver.js for original code
/******/ if(0 in range){version=parseVersion(version);var e=range[0],r=e<0;r&&(e=-e-1);for(var n=0,i=1,a=!0;;i++,n++){var f,s,g=i<range.length?(typeof range[i])[0]:"";if(n>=version.length||"o"==(s=(typeof(f=version[n]))[0]))return!a||("u"==g?i>e&&!r:""==g!=r);if("u"==s){if(!a||"u"!=g)return!1}else if(a)if(g==s)if(i<=e){if(f!=range[i])return!1}else{if(r?f>range[i]:f<range[i])return!1;f!=range[i]&&(a=!1)}else if("s"!=g&&"n"!=g){if(r||i<=e)return!1;a=!1,i--}else{if(i<=e||s<g!=r)return!1;a=!1}else"s"!=g&&"n"!=g&&(a=!1,i--)}}var t=[],o=t.pop.bind(t);for(n=1;n<range.length;n++){var u=range[n];t.push(1==u?o()|o():2==u?o()&o():u?satisfy(u,version):!o())}return!!o();
/******/ }
/******/ var ensureExistence = (scopeName, key) => {
/******/ var scope = __webpack_require__.S[scopeName];
/******/ if(!scope || !__webpack_require__.o(scope, key)) throw new Error("Shared module " + key + " doesn't exist in shared scope " + scopeName);
/******/ return scope;
/******/ };
/******/ var findVersion = (scope, key) => {
/******/ var versions = scope[key];
/******/ var key = Object.keys(versions).reduce((a, b) => {
/******/ return !a || versionLt(a, b) ? b : a;
/******/ }, 0);
/******/ return key && versions[key]
/******/ };
/******/ var findSingletonVersionKey = (scope, key) => {
/******/ var versions = scope[key];
/******/ return Object.keys(versions).reduce((a, b) => {
/******/ return !a || (!versions[a].loaded && versionLt(a, b)) ? b : a;
/******/ }, 0);
/******/ };
/******/ var getInvalidSingletonVersionMessage = (scope, key, version, requiredVersion) => {
/******/ return "Unsatisfied version " + version + " from " + (version && scope[key][version].from) + " of shared singleton module " + key + " (required " + rangeToString(requiredVersion) + ")"
/******/ };
/******/ var getSingleton = (scope, scopeName, key, requiredVersion) => {
/******/ var version = findSingletonVersionKey(scope, key);
/******/ return get(scope[key][version]);
/******/ };
/******/ var getSingletonVersion = (scope, scopeName, key, requiredVersion) => {
/******/ var version = findSingletonVersionKey(scope, key);
/******/ if (!satisfy(requiredVersion, version)) typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn && console.warn(getInvalidSingletonVersionMessage(scope, key, version, requiredVersion));
/******/ return get(scope[key][version]);
/******/ };
/******/ var getStrictSingletonVersion = (scope, scopeName, key, requiredVersion) => {
/******/ var version = findSingletonVersionKey(scope, key);
/******/ if (!satisfy(requiredVersion, version)) throw new Error(getInvalidSingletonVersionMessage(scope, key, version, requiredVersion));
/******/ return get(scope[key][version]);
/******/ };
/******/ var findValidVersion = (scope, key, requiredVersion) => {
/******/ var versions = scope[key];
/******/ var key = Object.keys(versions).reduce((a, b) => {
/******/ if (!satisfy(requiredVersion, b)) return a;
/******/ return !a || versionLt(a, b) ? b : a;
/******/ }, 0);
/******/ return key && versions[key]
/******/ };
/******/ var getInvalidVersionMessage = (scope, scopeName, key, requiredVersion) => {
/******/ var versions = scope[key];
/******/ return "No satisfying version (" + rangeToString(requiredVersion) + ") of shared module " + key + " found in shared scope " + scopeName + ".\n" +
/******/ "Available versions: " + Object.keys(versions).map((key) => {
/******/ return key + " from " + versions[key].from;
/******/ }).join(", ");
/******/ };
/******/ var getValidVersion = (scope, scopeName, key, requiredVersion) => {
/******/ var entry = findValidVersion(scope, key, requiredVersion);
/******/ if(entry) return get(entry);
/******/ throw new Error(getInvalidVersionMessage(scope, scopeName, key, requiredVersion));
/******/ };
/******/ var warnInvalidVersion = (scope, scopeName, key, requiredVersion) => {
/******/ typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn && console.warn(getInvalidVersionMessage(scope, scopeName, key, requiredVersion));
/******/ };
/******/ var get = (entry) => {
/******/ entry.loaded = 1;
/******/ return entry.get()
/******/ };
/******/ var init = (fn) => (function(scopeName, a, b, c) {
/******/ var promise = __webpack_require__.I(scopeName);
/******/ if (promise && promise.then) return promise.then(fn.bind(fn, scopeName, __webpack_require__.S[scopeName], a, b, c));
/******/ return fn(scopeName, __webpack_require__.S[scopeName], a, b, c);
/******/ });
/******/ var load = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key) => {
/******/ ensureExistence(scopeName, key);
/******/ return get(findVersion(scope, key));
/******/ });
/******/ var loadFallback = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key, fallback) => {
/******/ return scope && __webpack_require__.o(scope, key) ? get(findVersion(scope, key)) : fallback();
/******/ });
/******/ var loadVersionCheck = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key, version) => {
/******/ ensureExistence(scopeName, key);
/******/ return get(findValidVersion(scope, key, version) || warnInvalidVersion(scope, scopeName, key, version) || findVersion(scope, key));
/******/ });
/******/ var loadSingleton = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key) => {
/******/ ensureExistence(scopeName, key);
/******/ return getSingleton(scope, scopeName, key);
/******/ });
/******/ var loadSingletonVersionCheck = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key, version) => {
/******/ ensureExistence(scopeName, key);
/******/ return getSingletonVersion(scope, scopeName, key, version);
/******/ });
/******/ var loadStrictVersionCheck = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key, version) => {
/******/ ensureExistence(scopeName, key);
/******/ return getValidVersion(scope, scopeName, key, version);
/******/ });
/******/ var loadStrictSingletonVersionCheck = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key, version) => {
/******/ ensureExistence(scopeName, key);
/******/ return getStrictSingletonVersion(scope, scopeName, key, version);
/******/ });
/******/ var loadVersionCheckFallback = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key, version, fallback) => {
/******/ if(!scope || !__webpack_require__.o(scope, key)) return fallback();
/******/ return get(findValidVersion(scope, key, version) || warnInvalidVersion(scope, scopeName, key, version) || findVersion(scope, key));
/******/ });
/******/ var loadSingletonFallback = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key, fallback) => {
/******/ if(!scope || !__webpack_require__.o(scope, key)) return fallback();
/******/ return getSingleton(scope, scopeName, key);
/******/ });
/******/ var loadSingletonVersionCheckFallback = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key, version, fallback) => {
/******/ if(!scope || !__webpack_require__.o(scope, key)) return fallback();
/******/ return getSingletonVersion(scope, scopeName, key, version);
/******/ });
/******/ var loadStrictVersionCheckFallback = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key, version, fallback) => {
/******/ var entry = scope && __webpack_require__.o(scope, key) && findValidVersion(scope, key, version);
/******/ return entry ? get(entry) : fallback();
/******/ });
/******/ var loadStrictSingletonVersionCheckFallback = /*#__PURE__*/ init((scopeName, scope, key, version, fallback) => {
/******/ if(!scope || !__webpack_require__.o(scope, key)) return fallback();
/******/ return getStrictSingletonVersion(scope, scopeName, key, version);
/******/ });
/******/ var installedModules = {};
/******/ var moduleToHandlerMapping = {
/******/ "webpack/sharing/consume/default/@jupyterlab/mainmenu": () => (loadSingletonVersionCheck("default", "@jupyterlab/mainmenu", [1,3,4,3])),
/******/ "webpack/sharing/consume/default/@lumino/widgets": () => (loadSingletonVersionCheck("default", "@lumino/widgets", [1,1,30,0]))
/******/ };
/******/ // no consumes in initial chunks
/******/ var chunkMapping = {
/******/ "lib_index_js": [
/******/ "webpack/sharing/consume/default/@jupyterlab/mainmenu",
/******/ "webpack/sharing/consume/default/@lumino/widgets"
/******/ ]
/******/ };
/******/ __webpack_require__.f.consumes = (chunkId, promises) => {
/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(chunkMapping, chunkId)) {
/******/ chunkMapping[chunkId].forEach((id) => {
/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(installedModules, id)) return promises.push(installedModules[id]);
/******/ var onFactory = (factory) => {
/******/ installedModules[id] = 0;
/******/ __webpack_require__.m[id] = (module) => {
/******/ delete __webpack_require__.c[id];
/******/ module.exports = factory();
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ var onError = (error) => {
/******/ delete installedModules[id];
/******/ __webpack_require__.m[id] = (module) => {
/******/ delete __webpack_require__.c[id];
/******/ throw error;
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ try {
/******/ var promise = moduleToHandlerMapping[id]();
/******/ if(promise.then) {
/******/ promises.push(installedModules[id] = promise.then(onFactory)['catch'](onError));
/******/ } else onFactory(promise);
/******/ } catch(e) { onError(e); }
/******/ });
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ })();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/jsonp chunk loading */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ // no baseURI
/******/ // object to store loaded and loading chunks
/******/ // undefined = chunk not loaded, null = chunk preloaded/prefetched
/******/ // [resolve, reject, Promise] = chunk loading, 0 = chunk loaded
/******/ var installedChunks = {
/******/ "310_notebook": 0
/******/ };
/******/ __webpack_require__.f.j = (chunkId, promises) => {
/******/ // JSONP chunk loading for javascript
/******/ var installedChunkData = __webpack_require__.o(installedChunks, chunkId) ? installedChunks[chunkId] : undefined;
/******/ if(installedChunkData !== 0) { // 0 means "already installed".
/******/ // a Promise means "currently loading".
/******/ if(installedChunkData) {
/******/ promises.push(installedChunkData[2]);
/******/ } else {
/******/ if(true) { // all chunks have JS
/******/ // setup Promise in chunk cache
/******/ var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => (installedChunkData = installedChunks[chunkId] = [resolve, reject]));
/******/ promises.push(installedChunkData[2] = promise);
/******/ // start chunk loading
/******/ var url = __webpack_require__.p + __webpack_require__.u(chunkId);
/******/ // create error before stack unwound to get useful stacktrace later
/******/ var error = new Error();
/******/ var loadingEnded = (event) => {
/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(installedChunks, chunkId)) {
/******/ installedChunkData = installedChunks[chunkId];
/******/ if(installedChunkData !== 0) installedChunks[chunkId] = undefined;
/******/ if(installedChunkData) {
/******/ var errorType = event && (event.type === 'load' ? 'missing' : event.type);
/******/ var realSrc = event && &&;
/******/ error.message = 'Loading chunk ' + chunkId + ' failed.\n(' + errorType + ': ' + realSrc + ')';
/******/ = 'ChunkLoadError';
/******/ error.type = errorType;
/******/ error.request = realSrc;
/******/ installedChunkData[1](error);
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ __webpack_require__.l(url, loadingEnded, "chunk-" + chunkId, chunkId);
/******/ } else installedChunks[chunkId] = 0;
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ // no prefetching
/******/ // no preloaded
/******/ // no HMR
/******/ // no HMR manifest
/******/ // no on chunks loaded
/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ var webpackJsonpCallback = (parentChunkLoadingFunction, data) => {
/******/ var [chunkIds, moreModules, runtime] = data;
/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0;
/******/ if(chunkIds.some((id) => (installedChunks[id] !== 0))) {
/******/ for(moduleId in moreModules) {
/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(moreModules, moduleId)) {
/******/ __webpack_require__.m[moduleId] = moreModules[moduleId];
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ if(runtime) var result = runtime(__webpack_require__);
/******/ }
/******/ if(parentChunkLoadingFunction) parentChunkLoadingFunction(data);
/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(installedChunks, chunkId) && installedChunks[chunkId]) {
/******/ installedChunks[chunkId][0]();
/******/ }
/******/ installedChunks[chunkId] = 0;
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ var chunkLoadingGlobal = self["webpackChunk_310_notebook"] = self["webpackChunk_310_notebook"] || [];
/******/ chunkLoadingGlobal.forEach(webpackJsonpCallback.bind(null, 0));
/******/ chunkLoadingGlobal.push = webpackJsonpCallback.bind(null, chunkLoadingGlobal.push.bind(chunkLoadingGlobal));
/******/ })();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/nonce */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ = undefined;
/******/ })();
/******/ // module cache are used so entry inlining is disabled
/******/ // startup
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ var __webpack_exports__ = __webpack_require__("webpack/container/entry/310_notebook");
/******/ (_JUPYTERLAB = typeof _JUPYTERLAB === "undefined" ? {} : _JUPYTERLAB)["310_notebook"] = __webpack_exports__;
/******/ })()
//# | 310-notebook | /310_notebook-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl/310_notebook/labextension/static/remoteEntry.cc8f33c82a29a8d64c2d.js | remoteEntry.cc8f33c82a29a8d64c2d.js |
import importlib
import pkgutil
from . import formatters
class AssetFormatter():
_by_name = {}
_by_extension = {}
def __init__(self, components=None, extensions=None):
self.components = components if components else (None, )
self.extensions = extensions
def __call__(self, fragment_func):
"""Decorator method to create a formatter instance from a fragment function.""" = fragment_func.__name__
self.fragments = fragment_func
return self
def joiner(self, join_func):
"""Decorator method to attach a join function to a formatter and register it."""
self.join = join_func
# Now we have all we need to register.
self._by_name[] = self
for ext in self.extensions:
self._by_extension[ext] = self
return self
def __repr__(self):
def fragments(symbol, data):
raise NotImplementedError
def join(ext, filename, data):
raise NotImplementedError
def names(cls):
return cls._by_name.keys()
def parse(cls, value):
"""Fetch a formatter by name."""
if isinstance(value, cls):
return value
return cls._by_name[value]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid format {value}, choices {cls.names()}.')
def guess(cls, path):
"""Fetch a formatter which can generate the requested filename."""
return cls._by_extension[path.suffix]
except KeyError:
raise TypeError(f"Unable to identify format for {path}.")
# Load all the implementations dynamically.
for loader, module_name, is_pkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(formatters.__path__, formatters.__name__ + '.'):
# We don't need to import anything from the modules. We just need to load them.
# This will cause the decorators to run, which registers the formatters.
importlib.import_module(module_name, formatters.__name__) | 32blit | /32blit-0.7.3-py3-none-any.whl/ttblit/asset/ | |
import logging
from .formatter import AssetFormatter
class AssetWriter:
def __init__(self):
self._assets = {}
def add_asset(self, symbol, data):
if symbol in self._assets:
raise NameError(f'Symbol {symbol} has already been added.')
self._assets[symbol] = data
def _sorted(self, sort):
if sort is None:
return self._assets.items()
elif sort == 'symbol':
return sorted(self._assets.items())
elif sort == 'size':
return sorted(self._assets.items(), key=lambda i: len(i[1]))
raise ValueError(f"Don't know how to sort by {sort}.")
def _get_format(self, value, path, default='c_header'):
if value is None:
if path is None:
logging.warning(f"No output filename, writing to stdout assuming {default}")
return AssetFormatter.parse(default)
fmt = AssetFormatter.guess(path)"Guessed output format {fmt} for {path}")
return fmt
return AssetFormatter.parse(value)
def write(self, fmt=None, path=None, force=False, report=True, sort=None):
fmt = self._get_format(fmt, path)
assets = self._sorted(sort)
fragments = [fmt.fragments(symbol, data) for symbol, data in assets]
components = {key: [f[key] for f in fragments] for key in fragments[0]}
outpaths = []
for component, data in fmt.join(path, components).items():
if path is None:
outpath = path if component is None else path.with_suffix(f'.{component}')
if outpath.exists() and not force:
raise FileExistsError(f'Refusing to overwrite {path} (use force)')
else:'Writing {outpath}')
if type(data) is str:
outpath.write_text(data, encoding='utf8')
if path and report:
lines = [
f'Formatter: {}',
'Files:', *(f' {path}' for path in outpaths),
'Assets:', *(' {}: {}'.format(symbol, len(data)) for symbol, data in assets),
'Total size: {}'.format(sum(len(data) for symbol, data in assets)),
path.with_name(path.stem + '_report.txt').write_text('\n'.join(lines)) | 32blit | /32blit-0.7.3-py3-none-any.whl/ttblit/asset/ | |
import functools
import importlib
import pathlib
import pkgutil
import re
import click
from . import builders
from .formatter import AssetFormatter
from .writer import AssetWriter
def make_symbol_name(base=None, working_path=None, input_file=None, input_type=None, input_subtype=None, prefix=None):
if base is None:
if input_file is None:
raise NameError("No base name or input file provided.")
if working_path is None:
name = '_'.join(
name = '_'.join(input_file.relative_to(working_path).parts)
name = base.format(
name = name.replace('.', '_')
name = re.sub('[^0-9A-Za-z_]', '_', name)
name = name.lower()
if type(prefix) is str:
name = prefix + name
return name
class AssetBuilder:
_by_name = {}
_by_extension = {}
def __init__(self, typemap):
self.typemap = typemap
def __call__(self, build_func): = build_func.__name__ = build_func
self._by_name[] = self
for subtype, extensions in self.typemap.items():
for ext, auto in extensions.items():
if auto:
if ext in self._by_extension:
raise KeyError(f'An automatic handler for {ext} has already been registered ({self._by_extension[ext]}).')
self._by_extension[ext] = f'{}/{subtype}'
return self
def __repr__(self):
def build(self, data, subtype, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
def from_file(self, path, subtype, **kwargs):
if subtype is None:
subtype = self.guess_subtype(path)
elif subtype not in self.typemap.keys():
raise ValueError(f'Invalid subtype {subtype}, choices {self.typemap.keys()}')
return, subtype, **kwargs)
def guess_subtype(self, path):
for input_type, extensions in self.typemap.items():
if path.suffix in extensions:
return input_type
raise TypeError(f"Unable to identify type of input file {}.")
def guess_builder(cls, path):
return cls._by_extension[path.suffix]
except KeyError:
raise TypeError('Could not find a builder for {path}.')
class AssetTool:
_commands = {}
def __init__(self, builder, help):
self.builder = builder = = help
def __call__(self, f):
@click.option('--input_file', type=pathlib.Path, required=True, help='Input file')
@click.option('--input_type', type=click.Choice(self.builder.typemap.keys(), case_sensitive=False), default=None, help='Input file type')
@click.option('--output_file', type=pathlib.Path, default=None, help='Output file')
@click.option('--output_format', type=click.Choice(AssetFormatter.names(), case_sensitive=False), default=None, help='Output file format')
@click.option('--symbol_name', type=str, default=None, help='Output symbol name')
@click.option('--force/--keep', default=False, help='Force file overwriting')
def cmd(input_file, input_type, output_file, output_format, symbol_name, force, **kwargs):
aw = AssetWriter()
aw.add_asset(symbol_name, f(input_file, input_type, **kwargs))
aw.write(output_format, output_file, force, report=False)
self._commands[] = cmd
# Load all the implementations dynamically.
for loader, module_name, is_pkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(builders.__path__, builders.__name__ + '.'):
# We don't need to import anything from the modules. We just need to load them.
# This will cause the decorators to run, which registers the builders.
importlib.import_module(module_name, builders.__name__) | 32blit | /32blit-0.7.3-py3-none-any.whl/ttblit/asset/ | |
import logging
import struct
import click
from ..builder import AssetBuilder, AssetTool
from .raw import csv_to_list
map_typemap = {
'tiled': {
'.tmx': True,
'.raw': False,
def tiled_to_binary(data, empty_tile, output_struct):
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
root = ET.fromstring(data)
layers = root.findall('layer')
layer_data = []
transform_data = []
# Sort layers by ID (since .tmx files can have them in arbitrary orders)
layers.sort(key=lambda l: int(l.get('id')))
use_16bits = False
for layer_csv in layers:
raw_layer = csv_to_list(layer_csv.find('data').text, 10)
# Shift 1-indexed tiles to 0-indexed, and remap empty tile (0) to specified index
# The highest three bits store the transform
layer = [empty_tile if i == 0 else (i & 0x1FFFFFFF) - 1 for i in raw_layer]
# This matches the flags used by the TileMap class, but doesn't match SpriteTransform...
layer_transforms = [i >> 29 for i in raw_layer]
if max(layer) > 255 and not use_16bits:
# Let's assume it's got 2-byte tile indices'Found a tile index > 255, using 16bit tile sizes!')
use_16bits = True
# Always build up a 1d array of layer data
layer_data += layer
transform_data += layer_transforms
if use_16bits:
layer_data = struct.pack(f'<{len(layer_data)}H', *layer_data)
layer_data = struct.pack(f'<{len(layer_data)}B', *layer_data)
if output_struct: # Fancy struct
layer_count = len(layers)
width = int(root.get("width"))
height = int(root.get("height"))
flags = 0
have_transforms = any(v != 0 for v in transform_data)
if use_16bits:
flags |= (1 << 0)
if have_transforms:
flags |= (1 << 1)
transform_data = []
return struct.pack(
bytes('MTMX', encoding='utf-8'),
) + layer_data + bytes(transform_data)
# Just return the raw layer data
return layer_data + bytes(transform_data)
def map(data, subtype, empty_tile=0, output_struct=False):
if subtype == 'tiled':
return tiled_to_binary(data, empty_tile, output_struct)
@AssetTool(map, 'Convert popular tilemap formats for 32Blit')
@click.option('--empty-tile', type=int, default=0, help='Remap .tmx empty tiles')
@click.option('--output-struct', type=bool, default=False, help='Output .tmx as struct with level width/height, etc')
def map_cli(input_file, input_type, **kwargs):
return map.from_file(input_file, input_type, **kwargs) | 32blit | /32blit-0.7.3-py3-none-any.whl/ttblit/asset/builders/ | |
import io
import logging
import pathlib
import click
from PIL import Image
from ...core.palette import Colour, Palette
from ...core.struct import struct_blit_image
from ..builder import AssetBuilder, AssetTool
image_typemap = {
'image': {
'.png': True,
'.gif': True,
def image(data, subtype, palette=None, transparent=None, strict=False, packed=True):
if palette is None:
palette = Palette()
palette = Palette(palette)
if transparent is not None:
transparent = Colour(transparent)
p = palette.set_transparent_colour(*transparent)
if p is not None:'Found transparent {transparent} in palette')
logging.warning(f'Could not find transparent {transparent} in palette')
# Since we already have bytes, we need to pass PIL an io.BytesIO object
image ='RGBA')
image = palette.quantize_image(image, transparent=transparent, strict=strict)
'type': None if packed else 'RW', # None means let the compressor decide
'data': {
'width': image.size[0],
'height': image.size[1],
'palette': palette.tostruct(),
'pixels': image.tobytes(),
@AssetTool(image, 'Convert images/sprites for 32Blit')
@click.option('--palette', type=pathlib.Path, help='Image or palette file of colours to use')
@click.option('--transparent', type=Colour, default=None, help='Transparent colour')
@click.option('--packed', type=click.Choice(['yes', 'no'], case_sensitive=False), default='yes', help='Pack into bits depending on palette colour count')
@click.option('--strict/--no-strict', default=False, help='Reject colours not in the palette')
def image_cli(input_file, input_type, packed, **kwargs):
packed = (packed.lower() == 'yes')
return image.from_file(input_file, input_type, packed=packed, **kwargs) | 32blit | /32blit-0.7.3-py3-none-any.whl/ttblit/asset/builders/ | |
import io
import struct
import click
from PIL import Image
from ..builder import AssetBuilder, AssetTool
font_typemap = {
'image': {
'.png': False,
'.gif': False,
'font': {
# possibly other freetype supported formats...
'.ttf': True,
def process_image_font(data, num_chars, height, horizontal_spacing, space_width):
# Since we already have bytes, we need to pass PIL an io.BytesIO object
image ='1')
w, h = image.size
rows = 1
cols = num_chars
# if height is specified calculate rows/cols, otherwise assume a single row with the image height as the character height
if height != 0 and height != h:
rows = h // height
cols = num_chars // rows
char_width = w // cols
char_height = h // rows
font_data = []
font_w = [] # per character width for variable-width mode
for c in range(0, num_chars):
char_w = 0
char_col = c % cols
char_row = c // cols
for x in range(0, char_width):
byte = 0
for y in range(0, char_height):
bit = y % 8
# next byte
if bit == 0 and y > 0:
byte = 0
if image.getpixel((x + char_col * char_width, y + char_row * char_height)) != 0:
byte |= 1 << bit
if x + 1 > char_w:
char_w = x + 1
if c == 0: # space
font_w.append(char_w + horizontal_spacing)
return font_data, font_w, char_width, char_height
def process_ft_font(data, num_chars, base_char, height):
import freetype
if height == 0:
raise TypeError("Height must be specified for font files")
face = freetype.Face(io.BytesIO(data))
# request height
face.set_pixel_sizes(0, height)
char_width = 0
char_height = 0
min_y = height
font_w = []
# measure the actual size of the characters (may not match requested)
for c in range(0, num_chars):
face.load_char(c + base_char, freetype.FT_LOAD_RENDER | freetype.FT_LOAD_TARGET_MONO)
font_w.append(face.glyph.advance.x >> 6)
if face.glyph.bitmap.width + face.glyph.bitmap_left > char_width:
char_width = face.glyph.bitmap.width + face.glyph.bitmap_left
if (height - face.glyph.bitmap_top) + face.glyph.bitmap.rows > char_height:
char_height = height - face.glyph.bitmap_top + face.glyph.bitmap.rows
if height - face.glyph.bitmap_top < min_y:
min_y = height - face.glyph.bitmap_top
char_height -= min_y # trim empty space at the top
font_data = []
# now do the conversion
for c in range(0, num_chars):
face.load_char(c + base_char, freetype.FT_LOAD_RENDER | freetype.FT_LOAD_TARGET_MONO)
x_off = face.glyph.bitmap_left
y_off = height - face.glyph.bitmap_top - min_y
for x in range(0, char_width):
byte = 0
for y in range(0, char_height):
bit = y % 8
# next byte
if bit == 0 and y > 0:
byte = 0
if x < x_off or x - x_off >= face.glyph.bitmap.width or y < y_off or y - y_off >= face.glyph.bitmap.rows:
# freetype monochrome bitmaps are the other way around
if face.glyph.bitmap.buffer[(x - x_off) // 8 + (y - y_off) * face.glyph.bitmap.pitch] & (
0x80 >> ((x - x_off) & 7)):
byte |= 1 << bit
return font_data, font_w, char_width, char_height
def font(data, subtype, num_chars=96, base_char=ord(' '), height=0, horizontal_spacing=1, vertical_spacing=1, space_width=3):
if subtype == 'image':
font_data, font_w_data, char_width, char_height = process_image_font(
data, num_chars, height, horizontal_spacing, space_width
elif subtype == 'font':
font_data, font_w_data, char_width, char_height = process_ft_font(
data, num_chars, base_char, height
raise TypeError(f'Unknown subtype {subtype} for font.')
head_data = struct.pack('<BBBB', num_chars, char_width, char_height, vertical_spacing)
data = bytes('FONT', encoding='utf-8')
data += head_data
data += bytes(font_w_data)
data += bytes(font_data)
return data
@AssetTool(font, 'Convert fonts for 32Blit')
@click.option('--height', type=int, default=0, help='Font height (calculated from image if not specified)')
@click.option('--horizontal-spacing', type=int, default=1, help='Additional space between characters for variable-width mode')
@click.option('--vertical-spacing', type=int, default=1, help='Space between lines')
@click.option('--space-width', type=int, default=3, help='Width of the space character')
def font_cli(input_file, input_type, **kwargs):
return font.from_file(input_file, input_type, **kwargs) | 32blit | /32blit-0.7.3-py3-none-any.whl/ttblit/asset/builders/ | |
import logging
import pathlib
import textwrap
import click
from ..asset.formatter import AssetFormatter
from ..core.yamlloader import YamlLoader
class CMake(YamlLoader):
def run(self, config, cmake, output):
self.setup_for_config(config, output)
if 'title' in self.config and 'description' in self.config:'Detected metadata config')
else:'Detected asset config')
def run_for_metadata_config(self, cmake):
all_inputs = []
if 'splash' in self.config:
file = pathlib.Path(self.config['splash']['file'])
if file.is_absolute():
all_inputs += [file]
all_inputs += list(self.working_path.glob(str(file)))
if 'icon' in self.config:
file = pathlib.Path(self.config['icon']['file'])
if file.is_absolute():
all_inputs += [file]
all_inputs += list(self.working_path.glob(str(file)))
all_inputs = '\n '.join(f'"{x}"'.replace('\\', '/') for x in all_inputs)
title = self.config['title'].replace('"', r'\"')
author = self.config['author'].replace('"', r'\"')
description = self.config['description'].replace('"', r'\"')
url = self.config.get('url', '')
category = self.config.get('category', 'none')
result = textwrap.dedent(
# Auto Generated File - DO NOT EDIT!
set(METADATA_TITLE "{title}")
set(METADATA_AUTHOR "{author}")
set(METADATA_DESCRIPTION "{description}")
set(METADATA_VERSION "{config[version]}")
set(METADATA_URL "{url}")
set(METADATA_CATEGORY "{category}")
def run_for_asset_config(self, cmake):
all_inputs = []
all_outputs = []
# Top level of our config is filegroups and general settings
for target, options in self.config.items():
target = pathlib.Path(target)
output_formatter = AssetFormatter.guess(target)
except TypeError:
logging.warning(f'Unable to guess type of {target}, assuming raw/binary')
output_formatter = AssetFormatter.parse('raw_binary')
for suffix in output_formatter.components:
if suffix is None:
all_outputs.append(self.destination_path /
all_outputs.append(self.destination_path / target.with_suffix(f'.{suffix}').name)
# Strip high-level options from the dict
# Leaving just file source globs
for key in ('prefix', 'type'):
options.pop(key, None)
for file_glob, file_options in options.items():
# Rewrite a single string option to `name: option`
# This handles: `inputfile.bin: filename` entries
if type(file_options) is str:
file_options = {'name': file_options}
# Handle both an array of options dicts or a single dict
if type(file_options) is not list:
file_options = [file_options]
input_files = []
# Parse the options for any references to input files
for file_opts in file_options:
for key, value in file_opts.items():
if key in ('palette') and type(value) is str:
input_files += list(self.working_path.glob(value))
# Treat the input string as a glob, and get an input filelist
if type(file_glob) is str:
input_files += list(self.working_path.glob(file_glob))
input_files += [file_glob]
if len(input_files) == 0:
logging.warning(f'Input file(s) not found {self.working_path / file_glob}')
all_inputs += input_files
all_inputs = '\n '.join(f'"{x}"'.replace('\\', '/') for x in all_inputs)
all_outputs = '\n '.join(f'"{x}"'.replace('\\', '/') for x in all_outputs)
result = textwrap.dedent(
# Auto Generated File - DO NOT EDIT!
@click.command('cmake', help='Generate CMake configuration for the asset packer')
@click.option('--config', type=pathlib.Path, help='Asset config file')
@click.option('--cmake', type=pathlib.Path, help='Output CMake file', required=True)
@click.option('--output', type=pathlib.Path, help='Name for output file(s) or root path when using --config')
def cmake_cli(config, cmake, output):
CMake().run(config, cmake, output) | 32blit | /32blit-0.7.3-py3-none-any.whl/ttblit/tool/ | |
import functools
import logging
import pathlib
import textwrap
import click
from ..core.blitserial import BlitSerial
block_size = 64 * 1024'flash', help='Flash a binary or save games/files to 32Blit')
@click.option('ports', '--port', multiple=True, help='Serial port')
def flash_cli(ctx, ports):
ctx.obj = ports
def serial_command(fn):
"""Set up and tear down serial connections."""
@click.option('ports', '--port', multiple=True, help='Serial port')
def _decorated(ctx, ports, **kwargs):
if ctx.obj:
ports = ctx.obj + ports
if not ports or ports[0].lower() == 'auto':
ports = BlitSerial.find_comport()
for port in ports:
with BlitSerial(port) as sp:
fn(sp, **kwargs)
return _decorated
@flash_cli.command(help="Deprecated: use '32blit install' instead. Copy a file to SD card")
@click.option('--file', type=pathlib.Path, required=True, help='File to save')
@click.option('--directory', type=str, default='/', help='Target directory')
def save(blitserial, file, directory):
blitserial.send_file(file, 'sd', directory=directory)
@flash_cli.command(help="Deprecated: use '32blit install' instead. Install a .blit to flash")
@click.option('--file', type=pathlib.Path, required=True, help='File to save')
def flash(blitserial, file):
blitserial.send_file(file, 'flash')
# TODO: options should be mutually exclusive
@flash_cli.command(help="Delete a .blit from flash by block index or offset")
@click.option('--offset', type=int, help='Flash offset of game to delete')
@click.option('--block', type=int, help='Flash block of game to delete')
def delete(blitserial, offset, block):
if offset is None:
offset = block * block_size
@flash_cli.command(help="List .blits installed in flash memory")
def list(blitserial):
for meta, offset, size in blitserial.list():
offset_blocks = offset // block_size
size_blocks = (size - 1) // block_size + 1
print(f"Game at block {offset_blocks}")
print(f"Size: {size_blocks:3d} blocks ({size / 1024:.1f}kB)")
if meta is not None:
Title: {}
Description: {}
Version: {}
Author: {}
@flash_cli.command(help="Not implemented")
def debug(blitserial):
@flash_cli.command(help="Reset 32Blit")
def reset(blitserial):'Resetting your 32Blit...')
@flash_cli.command(help="Get current runtime status of 32Blit")
def info(blitserial):'Getting 32Blit run status...')
print(f'Running: {blitserial.status}')
@click.command('install', help="Install files to 32Blit")
@click.argument("source", type=pathlib.Path, required=True)
@click.argument("destination", type=pathlib.PurePosixPath, default=None, required=False)
@click.option("--launch/--no-launch", default=False)
def install_cli(blitserial, source, destination, launch):
if destination is None and source.suffix.lower() == '.blit':
drive = 'flash'
drive = 'sd'
if destination is None:
destination = pathlib.PurePosixPath('/')
elif not destination.is_absolute():
destination = pathlib.PurePosixPath('/') / destination
blitserial.send_file(source, drive, destination, launch)
@click.command('launch', help="Launch a game/file on 32Blit")
@click.argument("filename", type=str, required=True)
def launch_cli(blitserial, filename):
blitserial.launch(filename) | 32blit | /32blit-0.7.3-py3-none-any.whl/ttblit/tool/ | |
import io
import logging
import pathlib
import textwrap
from datetime import datetime
import click
from construct.core import StreamError
from PIL import Image
from ..asset.builder import AssetBuilder
from ..asset.formatters.c import c_initializer
from ..core.struct import (blit_game, blit_game_with_meta,
blit_game_with_meta_and_relo, blit_icns,
struct_blit_image, struct_blit_image_bi,
struct_blit_meta_standalone, struct_blit_pixel)
from ..core.yamlloader import YamlLoader
class Metadata(YamlLoader):
def prepare_image_asset(self, name, config, working_path):
image_file = pathlib.Path(config.get('file', ''))
if not image_file.is_file():
image_file = working_path / image_file
if not image_file.is_file():
raise ValueError(f'{name} "{image_file}" does not exist!')
return AssetBuilder._by_name['image'].from_file(image_file, None)
def blit_image_to_pil(self, image):
data = b''.join([i]) for i in
return Image.frombytes("RGBA", (,, data)
def build_icns(self, config, working_path):
image_file = pathlib.Path(config.get('file', ''))
if not image_file.is_file():
image_file = working_path / image_file
if not image_file.is_file():
raise ValueError(f'splash "{image_file}" does not exist!')
blit_icon = Image.frombytes("P", (22, 22), b'\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x02\x02\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x02\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x02\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x02\x02\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x02\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x02\x02\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x02\x02\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01\x01\x01\x02\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x02\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x02\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x02\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x02\x02\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x01\x01\x02\x02\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x01\x01')
blit_icon.putpalette([0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 0])
blit_icon = blit_icon.convert("RGBA")
source ="RGBA")
image ="RGB", (128, 128), (0, 0, 0))
image.paste(source, (0, 0))
image.paste(blit_icon, (101, 101), blit_icon)
image_bytes = io.BytesIO()
image.convert("RGB").save(image_bytes, format="PNG")
del image
def dump_game_metadata(self, file, game, dump_images):
print(f'\nParsed: {} ({game.bin.length:,} bytes)')
if game.relo is not None:
print(f'Relocations: Yes ({len(game.relo.relocs)})')
print('Relocations: No')
if game.meta is not None:
print('Metadata: Yes')
for field in ['title', 'description', 'version', 'author', 'category', 'url']:
print(f'{field.title()+":":13s}{getattr(, field)}')
if len( > 0:
print(' Filetypes: ')
for filetype in
print(' ', filetype)
if is not None:
game_icon =
print(f' Icon: {}x{} ({len(} colours) ({game_icon.type})')
if dump_images:
image_icon = self.blit_image_to_pil(game_icon)
image_icon_filename = file.with_suffix(".icon.png")
print(f' Dumped to: {image_icon_filename}')
if is not None:
game_splash =
print(f' Splash: {}x{} ({len(} colours) ({game_splash.type})')
if dump_images:
image_splash = self.blit_image_to_pil(game_splash)
image_splash_filename = file.with_suffix('.splash.png')
print(f' Dumped to: {image_splash_filename}')
print('Metadata: No')
def write_pico_bi_source(self, pico_bi_file, metadata):
title = metadata['title'].replace('"', r'\"')
author = metadata['author'].replace('"', r'\"')
description = metadata['description'].replace('"', r'\"')
icon ={'data': metadata['icon']})
splash ={'data': metadata['splash']})
open(pico_bi_file, "w").write(textwrap.dedent(
#include "pico/binary_info.h"
#include "binary_info.hpp"
bi_decl(bi_string(BINARY_INFO_TAG_32BLIT, BINARY_INFO_ID_32BLIT_AUTHOR, "{author}"))
bi_decl(bi_string(BINARY_INFO_TAG_32BLIT, BINARY_INFO_ID_32BLIT_CATEGORY, "{category}"))
static const uint8_t metadata_icon[]{icon};
static const uint8_t metadata_splash[]{splash};
__bi_decl(bi_metadata_icon, &((binary_info_raw_data_t *)metadata_icon)->core, ".binary_info.keep.", __used);
__bi_decl(bi_metadata_splash, &((binary_info_raw_data_t *)metadata_splash)->core, ".binary_info.keep.", __used);
''').format(title=title, description=description, version=metadata['version'], url=metadata['url'],
author=author, category=metadata['category'], icon=c_initializer(icon), splash=c_initializer(splash)))'Wrote pico-sdk binary info to {pico_bi_file}')
def run(self, config, icns, pico_bi, file, metadata_file, force, dump_images):
if file is None and config is None:
raise click.UsageError('the following arguments are required: --config and/or --file')
if file and not file.is_file():
raise ValueError(f'Unable to find bin file at {file}')
icon = None
splash = None
game = None
if file:
bin = open(file, 'rb').read()
game = blit_game.parse(bin)
except StreamError:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid 32blit binary file {file}')
# No config supplied, so dump the game info
if config is None:
self.dump_game_metadata(file, game, dump_images)
self.setup_for_config(config, None)
if 'icon' in self.config:
icon = struct_blit_image.parse(self.prepare_image_asset('icon', self.config['icon'], self.working_path))
if != 8 or != 8:
icon = None
if icon is None:
raise ValueError('An 8x8 pixel icon is required!"')
if 'splash' in self.config:
splash = struct_blit_image.parse(self.prepare_image_asset('splash', self.config['splash'], self.working_path))
if != 128 or != 96:
splash = None
if icns is not None:
if not icns.is_file() or force:
open(icns, 'wb').write(self.build_icns(self.config['splash'], self.working_path))'Saved macOS icon to {icns}')
if splash is None:
raise ValueError('A 128x96 pixel splash is required!"')
title = self.config.get('title', None)
description = self.config.get('description', '')
version = self.config.get('version', None)
author = self.config.get('author', None)
url = self.config.get('url', '')
category = self.config.get('category', 'none')
filetypes = self.config.get('filetypes', [])
if type(filetypes) is str:
filetypes = filetypes.split(' ')
if title is None:
raise ValueError('Title is required!')
if version is None:
raise ValueError('Version is required!')
if author is None:
raise ValueError('Author is required!')
if len(title) > 24:
raise ValueError('Title should be a maximum of 24 characters!"')
if len(description) > 128:
raise ValueError('Description should be a maximum of 128 characters!')
if len(version) > 16:
raise ValueError('Version should be a maximum of 16 characters! eg: "v1.0.2"')
if len(author) > 16:
raise ValueError('Author should be a maximum of 16 characters!')
if len(category) > 16:
raise ValueError('Category should be a maximum of 16 characters!')
if len(url) > 128:
raise ValueError('URL should be a maximum of 128 characters!')
if len(filetypes) > 0:
for filetype in filetypes:
if len(filetype) > 4:
raise ValueError('Filetype should be a maximum of 4 characters! (Hint, don\'t include the .)')
metadata = {
'checksum': 0xFFFFFFFF,
'title': title,
'description': description,
'version': version,
'author': author,
'category': category,
'filetypes': filetypes,
'url': url,
'icon': icon,
'splash': splash
if pico_bi is not None:
if not pico_bi.is_file() or force:
self.write_pico_bi_source(pico_bi, metadata)
# Standalone metadata
if metadata_file:
if metadata_file.exists() and not force:
logging.critical(f'Refusing to overwrite metadata in {metadata_file}')
open(metadata_file, 'wb').write({'data': metadata}))
# Add to the game file
if not game:
if game.meta is not None:
if not force:
logging.critical(f'Refusing to overwrite metadata in {file}')
return 1
game.meta = {
'data': metadata
# Force through a non-optional builder if relo symbols exist
# since we might have modified them and want to hit parser errors
# if something has messed up
if game.relo is not None:
bin =
bin ='Adding metadata to {file}')
open(file, 'wb').write(bin)
return 0
@click.command('metadata', help='Tag a 32Blit .blit file with metadata')
@click.option('--config', type=pathlib.Path, help='Metadata config file')
@click.option('--icns', type=pathlib.Path, help='macOS icon output file')
@click.option('--pico-bi', type=pathlib.Path, help='pico-sdk binary info source file output')
@click.option('--file', type=pathlib.Path, help='Input file')
@click.option('--metadata-file', type=pathlib.Path, help='Output standalone metadata file')
@click.option('--force', is_flag=True, help='Force file overwrite')
@click.option('--dump-images', is_flag=True, help='Dump images from metadata')
def metadata_cli(config, icns, pico_bi, file, metadata_file, force, dump_images):
Metadata().run(config, icns, pico_bi, file, metadata_file, force, dump_images) | 32blit | /32blit-0.7.3-py3-none-any.whl/ttblit/tool/ | |
import pathlib
import struct
import click
from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile
from elftools.elf.enums import ENUM_RELOC_TYPE_ARM
@click.command('relocs', help='Prepend relocations to a game binary')
@click.option('--bin-file', type=pathlib.Path, help='Input .bin', required=True)
@click.option('--elf-file', type=pathlib.Path, help='Input .elf', required=True)
@click.option('--output', type=pathlib.Path, help='Output file', required=True)
def relocs_cli(bin_file, elf_file, output):
with open(elf_file, 'rb') as f:
elffile = ELFFile(f)
# get addresses of GOT values that need patched
got_offsets = get_flash_addr_offsets(elffile.get_section_by_name('.got'))
# and the init/fini arrays
init_offsets = get_flash_addr_offsets(elffile.get_section_by_name('.init_array'))
fini_offsets = get_flash_addr_offsets(elffile.get_section_by_name('.fini_array'))
reloc_offsets = []
# find sidata/sdata
sidata = 0
sdata = 0
itcm_data = 0
itcm_text_start = 0
relocs = elffile.get_section_by_name('.rel.text')
symtable = elffile.get_section(relocs['sh_link'])
for reloc in relocs.iter_relocations():
symbol = symtable.get_symbol(reloc['r_info_sym'])
if == '_sidata':
sidata = symbol['st_value']
elif == '_sdata':
sdata = symbol['st_value']
elif == 'itcm_data':
itcm_data = symbol['st_value']
elif == 'itcm_text_start':
itcm_text_start = symbol['st_value']
if sidata and sdata and itcm_data and itcm_text_start:
assert(sidata != 0 and sdata != 0)
# get all .data relocations
relocs = elffile.get_section_by_name('')
symtable = elffile.get_section(relocs['sh_link'])
for reloc in relocs.iter_relocations():
symbol = symtable.get_symbol(reloc['r_info_sym'])
if reloc['r_info_type'] != ENUM_RELOC_TYPE_ARM['R_ARM_ABS32']:
# doesn't point to flash
if symbol['st_value'] < 0x90000000:
# map RAM address back to flash
flash_offset = (reloc['r_offset'] - sdata) + sidata
assert((flash_offset & 3) == 0)
# references to the GOT from ITCM code
relocs = elffile.get_section_by_name('.rel.itcm')
if relocs:
symtable = elffile.get_section(relocs['sh_link'])
for reloc in relocs.iter_relocations():
symbol = symtable.get_symbol(reloc['r_info_sym'])
# doesn't point to flash
if symbol['st_value'] < 0x90000000:
flash_offset = (reloc['r_offset'] - itcm_text_start) + itcm_data
# fixup ITCM veneers for long calls back to flash
itcm_section = elffile.get_section_by_name('.itcm')
if itcm_section:
itcm_section_data =
for i in range(symtable.num_symbols()):
sym = symtable.get_symbol(i)
if'_veneer') and sym['st_value'] < 0xF800:
# find where the target function is (strip leading __ and trailing _veneer from name)
orig_sym = symtable.get_symbol_by_name([2:-7])[0]
target_addr = orig_sym['st_value']
# make sure it's in flash
if target_addr < 0x90000000:
# find the function in flash
itcm_offset = (sym['st_value'] - itcm_text_start) & ~1 # clear thumb bit
flash_offset = itcm_offset + itcm_data
# check for the address where we expect it
# (ldr.w pc, [pc] followed by the address)
ex_addr, = struct.unpack('<I', itcm_section_data[itcm_offset + 4:itcm_offset + 8])
assert ex_addr == target_addr
reloc_offsets.append(flash_offset + 4)
with open(output, 'wb') as out_f:
all_offsets = got_offsets + init_offsets + fini_offsets + reloc_offsets
out_f.write(struct.pack("<L", len(all_offsets)))
for off in all_offsets:
out_f.write(struct.pack("<L", off))
out_f.write(open(bin_file, 'rb').read())
def get_flash_addr_offsets(section):
section_data =
section_addrs = struct.unpack(f'<{len(section_data) // 4}I', section_data)
section_offsets = []
for i, addr in enumerate(section_addrs):
# filter out non-flash
if addr < 0x90000000:
# offset to this address in the section
section_offsets.append(section['sh_addr'] + i * 4)
return section_offsets | 32blit | /32blit-0.7.3-py3-none-any.whl/ttblit/tool/ | |
import logging
import pathlib
import click
from ..asset.builder import AssetBuilder, make_symbol_name
from ..asset.writer import AssetWriter
from ..core.yamlloader import YamlLoader
class Packer(YamlLoader):
def run(self, config, output, files, force):
if config is None and not files:
raise click.UsageError('You must supply a config or list of input files.')
self.targets = []
self.setup_for_config(config, output, files)
# Top level of our config is filegroups and general settings
for target, options in self.config.items():
output_file = self.working_path / target'Preparing output target {output_file}')
asset_sources = []
target_options = {}
for key, value in options.items():
if key in ('prefix', 'type'):
target_options[key] = value
# Strip high-level options from the dict
# Leaving just file source globs
for key in target_options:
for file_glob, file_options in options.items():
# Treat the input string as a glob, and get an input filelist
if type(file_glob) is str:
input_files = list(self.working_path.glob(file_glob))
input_files = [file_glob]
input_files = [f for f in input_files if f.exists()]
if len(input_files) == 0:
raise RuntimeError(f'Input file(s) {self.working_path / file_glob} not found for output {output_file}.')
# Rewrite a single string option to `name: option`
# This handles: `inputfile.bin: filename` entries
if type(file_options) is str:
file_options = {'name': file_options}
elif file_options is None:
file_options = {}
# Handle both an array of options dicts or a single dict
if type(file_options) is not list:
file_options = [file_options]
for file_opts in file_options:
asset_sources.append((input_files, file_opts))
if len(asset_sources) == 0:
raise RuntimeError(f'No valid input files found for output {output_file}.')
self.destination_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
for path, sources, options in self.targets:
aw = AssetWriter()
for input_files, file_opts in sources:
for asset in self.build_assets(input_files, self.working_path, prefix=options.get('prefix'), **file_opts):
aw.write(options.get('type'), self.destination_path /, force=force)
def build_assets(self, input_files, working_path, name=None, type=None, prefix=None, **builder_options):
if type is None:
# Glob files all have the same suffix, so we only care about the first one
typestr = AssetBuilder.guess_builder(input_files[0])
except TypeError:
logging.warning(f'Unable to guess type, assuming raw/binary {input_files[0]}.')
typestr = 'raw/binary'
typestr = type
input_type, input_subtype = typestr.split('/')
builder = AssetBuilder._by_name[input_type]
# Now we know our target builder, one last iteration through the options
# allows some pre-processing stages to remap paths or other idiosyncrasies
# of the yml config format.
# Currently the only option we need to do this on is 'palette' for images.
for option in ['palette']:
if not pathlib.Path(builder_options[option]).is_absolute():
builder_options[option] = working_path / builder_options[option]
except KeyError:
for file in input_files:
symbol_name = make_symbol_name(
base=name, working_path=working_path, input_file=file,
input_type=input_type, input_subtype=input_subtype, prefix=prefix
yield symbol_name, builder.from_file(file, input_subtype, **builder_options)' - {typestr} {file} -> {symbol_name}')
@click.command('pack', help='Pack a collection of assets for 32Blit')
@click.option('--config', type=pathlib.Path, help='Asset config file')
@click.option('--output', type=pathlib.Path, help='Name for output file(s) or root path when using --config')
@click.option('--files', multiple=True, type=pathlib.Path, help='Input files')
@click.option('--force', is_flag='store_true', help='Force file overwrite')
def pack_cli(config, output, files, force):
Packer().run(config, output, files, force) | 32blit | /32blit-0.7.3-py3-none-any.whl/ttblit/tool/ | |
import pathlib
import zlib
import construct
from construct import (Checksum, Const, CString, Flag, GreedyBytes,
GreedyRange, Hex, Int8ul, Int16ul, Int32ul, Padded,
Padding, Prefixed, RawCopy, Rebuild, Struct, len_, this)
DFU_size = Rebuild(Int32ul, 0)
def DFU_file_length(ctx):
'''Compute the entire file size + 4 bytes for CRC
The total DFU file length is ostensibly the actual
length in bytes of the resulting file.
However DFU File Manager does not seem to agree,
since it's output size is 16 bytes short.
Since this is suspiciously the same as the suffix
length in bytes, we omit that number to match
DFU File Manager's output.
size = 11 # DFU Header Length
# size += 16 # DFU Suffix Length
for target in ctx.targets:
# Each target has a 274 byte header consisting
# of the following fields:
size += Const(DFU_SIGNATURE).sizeof() # szSignature ('Target' in bytes)
size += Int8ul.sizeof() # bAlternateSetting
size += Int8ul.sizeof() # bTargetNamed
size += Padding(3).sizeof() # Padding
size += Padded(255, CString('utf8')).sizeof() # szTargetName
size += Int32ul.sizeof() # dwTargetSize
size += Int32ul.sizeof() # dwNbElements
size += DFU_target_size(target)
return size
def DFU_target_size(ctx):
'''Returns the size of the target binary data, plus the
dwElementAddress header, and dwElementSize byte count.
size = 0
images = ctx.images
except AttributeError:
images = ctx['images']
size += sum([DFU_image_size(image) for image in images])
return size
def DFU_image_size(image):
return len(image['data']) + Int32ul.sizeof() + Int32ul.sizeof()
DFU_image = Struct(
'dwElementAddress' / Hex(Int32ul), # Data offset address for image
'data' / Prefixed(Int32ul, GreedyBytes)
DFU_target = Struct(
'szSignature' / Const(b'Target'), # DFU target identifier
'bAlternateSetting' / Int8ul, # Gives device alternate setting for which this image can be used
'bTargetNamed' / Flag, # Boolean determining if the target is named
Padding(3), # Mystery bytes!
'szTargetName' / Padded(255, CString('utf8')), # Target name
# DFU File Manager does not initialise this
# memory, so our file will not exactly match
# its output.
'dwTargetSize' / Rebuild(Int32ul, DFU_target_size), # Total size of target images
'dwNbElements' / Rebuild(Int32ul, len_(this.images)), # Count the number of target images
'images' / GreedyRange(DFU_image)
DFU_body = Struct(
'szSignature' / Const(DFU_SIGNATURE), # DFU format identifier (changes on major revisions)
'bVersion' / Const(1, Int8ul), # DFU format revision (changes on minor revisions)
'DFUImageSize' / Rebuild(Int32ul, DFU_file_length), # Total DFU file length in bytes
'bTargets' / Rebuild(Int8ul, len_(this.targets)), # Number of targets in the file
'targets' / GreedyRange(DFU_target),
'bcdDevice' / Int16ul, # Firmware version, or 0xffff if ignored
'idProduct' / Hex(Int16ul), # USB product ID or 0xffff to ignore
'idVendor' / Hex(Int16ul), # USB vendor ID or 0xffff to ignore
'bcdDFU' / Const(0x011A, Int16ul), # DFU specification number
'ucDfuSignature' / Const(b'UFD'), # 0x44, 0x46 and 0x55 ie 'DFU' but reversed
'bLength' / Const(16, Int8ul) # Length of the DFU suffix in bytes
DFU = Struct(
'fields' / RawCopy(DFU_body),
'dwCRC' / Checksum(Int32ul, # CRC calculated over the whole file, except for itself
lambda data: 0xffffffff ^ zlib.crc32(data),
def display_dfu_info(parsed):
Device: {parsed.fields.value.bcdDevice}
Target: {parsed.fields.value.idProduct:04x}:{parsed.fields.value.idVendor:04x}
Size: {parsed.fields.value.DFUImageSize:,} bytes
Targets: {parsed.fields.value.bTargets}''')
for target in parsed.fields.value.targets:
Name: {target.szTargetName}
Alternate Setting: {target.bAlternateSetting}
Size: {target.dwTargetSize:,} bytes
Images: {target.dwNbElements}''')
for image in target.images:
Offset: {image.dwElementAddress}
Size: {len(,} bytes
def build(input_file, output_file, address, force=False, id_product=0x0000, id_vendor=0x0483):
if not output_file.parent.is_dir():
raise RuntimeError(f'Output directory "{output_file.parent}" does not exist!')
elif output_file.is_file() and not force:
raise RuntimeError(f'Existing output file "{output_file}", use --force to overwrite!')
if not input_file.suffix == ".bin":
raise RuntimeError(f'Input file "{input_file}", is not a .bin file?')
output ={'fields': {'value': {
'targets': [{
'bAlternateSetting': 0,
'bTargetNamed': True,
'szTargetName': 'ST...',
'images': [{
'dwElementAddress': address,
'data': open(input_file, 'rb').read()
'bcdDevice': 0,
'idProduct': id_product,
'idVendor': id_vendor
open(output_file, 'wb').write(output)
def read(input_file):
return DFU.parse(open(input_file, 'rb').read())
except construct.core.ConstructError as error:
RuntimeError(f'Invalid dfu file {input_file} ({error})')
def dump(input_file, force=False):
parsed = read(input_file)
for target in parsed.fields.value.targets:
target_id = target.bAlternateSetting
for image in target.images:
address = image.dwElementAddress
data =
dest = str(input_file).replace('.dfu', '')
filename = f"{dest}-{target_id}-{address}.bin"
if pathlib.Path(filename).is_file() and not force:
raise RuntimeError(f'Existing output file "{filename}", use --force to overwrite!')
print(f"Dumping image at {address} to {filename} ({len(data)} bytes)")
open(filename, 'wb').write(data) | 32blit | /32blit-0.7.3-py3-none-any.whl/ttblit/core/ | |
from math import ceil
from bitstring import BitArray, Bits, ConstBitStream
from construct import Adapter
class RL:
def repetitions(seq):
"""Input: sequence of values, Output: sequence of (value, repeat count)."""
i = iter(seq)
prev = next(i)
count = 1
for v in i:
if v == prev:
count += 1
yield prev, count
prev = v
count = 1
yield prev, count
def compress(data, bit_length):
"""Input: data bytes, bit length, Output: RLE'd bytes"""
# TODO: This could be made more efficient by encoding the run-length
# as count-n, ie 0 means a run of n, where n = break_even. Then we
# can encode longer runs up to 255+n. But this needs changes in the
# blit engine.
break_even = ceil(8 / (bit_length + 1))
bits = BitArray()
for value, count in RL.repetitions(data):
while count > break_even:
chunk = min(count, 0x100)
bits.append(bytes([chunk - 1]))
count -= chunk
bits.append(BitArray(uint=value, length=bit_length))
for x in range(count):
bits.append(BitArray(uint=value, length=bit_length))
return bits.tobytes()
def decompress(data, bit_length, output_length):
stream = ConstBitStream(bytes=data)
result = []
while len(result) < output_length:
t =
if t:
count = + 1
count = 1
result.extend([] * count)
return bytes(result)
class PK:
def compress(data, bit_length):
return BitArray().join(BitArray(uint=x, length=bit_length) for x in data).tobytes()
def decompress(data, bit_length, num_pixels):
return bytes(i.uint for i in Bits(bytes=data).cut(bit_length))
packers = {cls.__name__: cls for cls in (PK, RL)}
class ImageCompressor(Adapter):
def bit_length(self, obj):
"""Compute the required bit length for image data.
Uses the count of items in the palette to determine how
densely we can pack the image data.
if obj.get('type', None) == "RW":
return 8
return max(1, (len(obj['data']['palette']) - 1).bit_length())
def num_pixels(self, obj):
return obj['data']['width'] * obj['data']['height']
def _decode(self, obj, context, path):
if obj['type'] != 'RW':
obj['data']['pixels'] = packers[obj['type']].decompress(
obj['data']['pixels'], self.bit_length(obj), self.num_pixels(obj)
return obj
def _encode(self, obj, context, path):
obj = obj.copy() # we are going to mutate this, so make a deep copy
obj['data'] = obj['data'].copy()
bl = self.bit_length(obj)
if obj.get('type', None) is None:
all_comp = [(k, v.compress(obj['data']['pixels'], bl)) for k, v in packers.items()]
best = min(all_comp, key=lambda x: len(x[1]))
# Put the best type back into the object.
obj['type'] = best[0]
obj['data']['pixels'] = best[1]
elif obj['type'] != 'RW':
obj['data']['pixels'] = packers[obj['type']].compress(obj['data']['pixels'], bl)
return obj | 32blit | /32blit-0.7.3-py3-none-any.whl/ttblit/core/ | |
import logging
import pathlib
import struct
import time
from construct.core import ConstructError
from tqdm import tqdm
from ..core.struct import struct_blit_meta_standalone
class BlitSerialException(Exception):
class BlitSerial(serial.Serial):
def __init__(self, port):
super().__init__(port, timeout=5)
def find_comport(cls):
ret = []
for comport in
if comport.vid == 0x0483 and == 0x5740:'Found 32Blit on {comport.device}')
if ret:
return ret
raise RuntimeError('Unable to find 32Blit')
def validate_comport(cls, device):
if device.lower() == 'auto':
return cls.find_comport()[:1]
if device.lower() == 'all':
return cls.find_comport()
for comport in
if comport.device == device:
if comport.vid == 0x0483 and == 0x5740:'Found 32Blit on {comport.device}')
return [device]
# if the user asked for a port with no vid/pid assume they know what they're doing
elif comport.vid is None and is None:'Using unidentified port {comport.device}')
return [device]
raise RuntimeError(f'Unable to find 32Blit on {device}')
def status(self):
response =
if response == b'':
raise RuntimeError('Timeout waiting for 32Blit status.')
return 'game' if response == b'32BL_EXT' else 'firmware'
def reset(self, timeout=5.0):
t_start = time.time()
while time.time() - t_start < timeout:
except BlitSerialException:
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to connect to 32Blit on {serial.port} after reset")
def send_file(self, file, drive, directory=pathlib.PurePosixPath('/'), auto_launch=False):
sent_byte_count = 0
chunk_size = 64
file_name =
file_size = file.stat().st_size
if drive == 'sd':'Saving {file} ({file_size} bytes) as {file_name} in {directory}')
command = f'32BLSAVE{directory}/{file_name}\x00{file_size}\x00'
elif drive == 'flash':'Flashing {file} ({file_size} bytes)')
command = f'32BLPROG{file_name}\x00{file_size}\x00'
raise TypeError(f'Unknown destination {drive}.')
with open(file, 'rb') as input_file:
progress = tqdm(total=file_size, desc=f"Flashing {}", unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024, unit="B", ncols=70, dynamic_ncols=True)
while sent_byte_count < file_size:
# if we received something, there was an error
if self.in_waiting:
data =
sent_byte_count += chunk_size
response =
if response == b'32BL__OK':
# get block for flash
if drive == 'flash':
block, = struct.unpack('<H',
# do launch if requested
if auto_launch:
elif auto_launch:
self.launch(f'{directory}/{file_name}')'Wrote {file_name} successfully')
response +=
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to save/flash {file_name}: {response.decode()}")
def erase(self, offset):
self.write(struct.pack("<I", offset))
def list(self):
offset_str =
while offset_str != '' and offset_str != b'\xff\xff\xff\xff':
offset, = struct.unpack('<I', offset_str)
size, = struct.unpack('<I',
meta_head =
meta_size, = struct.unpack('<H', meta_head[8:])
meta = None
if meta_size:
size += meta_size + 10
meta = struct_blit_meta_standalone.parse(meta_head +
except ConstructError:
yield (meta, offset, size)
offset_str =
def launch(self, filename):
self.write(f'32BLLNCH{filename}\x00'.encode('ascii')) | 32blit | /32blit-0.7.3-py3-none-any.whl/ttblit/core/ | |
import binascii
from construct import (Adapter, Bytes, Checksum, Const, GreedyBytes, Int8ul,
Int16ul, Int32ub, Int32ul, Optional, PaddedString,
Prefixed, PrefixedArray, RawCopy, Rebuild, Struct, len_,
from .compression import ImageCompressor
class PaletteCountAdapter(Adapter):
def _decode(self, obj, context, path):
if obj == 0:
obj = 256
return obj
def _encode(self, obj, context, path):
if obj == 256:
obj = 0
return obj
class ImageSizeAdapter(Adapter):
Adds the header and type size to the size field.
The size field itself is already counted.
def _decode(self, obj, context, path):
return obj - 8
def _encode(self, obj, context, path):
return obj + 8
struct_blit_pixel = Struct(
'r' / Int8ul,
'g' / Int8ul,
'b' / Int8ul,
'a' / Int8ul
struct_blit_image_compressed = Struct(
'header' / Const(b'SPRITE'),
'type' / PaddedString(2, 'ASCII'),
'data' / Prefixed(ImageSizeAdapter(Int32ul), Struct(
'width' / Int16ul,
'height' / Int16ul,
'format' / Const(0x02, Int8ul),
'palette' / PrefixedArray(PaletteCountAdapter(Int8ul), struct_blit_pixel),
'pixels' / GreedyBytes,
), includelength=True)
struct_blit_image = ImageCompressor(struct_blit_image_compressed)
struct_blit_meta = Struct(
'header' / Const(b'BLITMETA'),
'data' / Prefixed(Int16ul, Struct(
'checksum' / Checksum(
lambda data: binascii.crc32(data),
'date' / PaddedString(16, 'ascii'),
'title' / PaddedString(25, 'ascii'),
'description' / PaddedString(129, 'ascii'),
'version' / PaddedString(17, 'ascii'),
'author' / PaddedString(17, 'ascii'),
'category' / PaddedString(17, 'ascii'),
'url' / PaddedString(129, 'ascii'),
'filetypes' / PrefixedArray(Int8ul, PaddedString(5, 'ascii')),
'icon' / struct_blit_image,
'splash' / struct_blit_image
struct_blit_meta_standalone = Struct(
'header' / Const(b'BLITMETA'),
'data' / Prefixed(Int16ul, Struct(
'checksum' / Int32ul,
'date' / PaddedString(16, 'ascii'),
'title' / PaddedString(25, 'ascii'),
'description' / PaddedString(129, 'ascii'),
'version' / PaddedString(17, 'ascii'),
'author' / PaddedString(17, 'ascii'),
'category' / PaddedString(17, 'ascii'),
'url' / PaddedString(129, 'ascii'),
'filetypes' / PrefixedArray(Int8ul, PaddedString(5, 'ascii')),
'icon' / struct_blit_image,
'splash' / struct_blit_image
struct_blit_bin = Struct(
'header' / Const(b'BLIT'),
'render' / Int32ul,
'update' / Int32ul,
'init' / Int32ul,
'length' / Int32ul,
# The length above is actually the _flash_end symbol from startup_user.s
# it includes the offset into 0x90000000 (external flash)
# we mask out the highest nibble to correct this into the actual bin length
# plus subtract 20 bytes for header, symbol and length dwords
'bin' / Bytes((this.length & 0x0FFFFFFF) - 20)
struct_blit_relo = Struct(
'header' / Const(b'RELO'),
'relocs' / PrefixedArray(Int32ul, Struct(
'reloc' / Int32ul
blit_game = Struct(
'relo' / Optional(struct_blit_relo),
'bin' / RawCopy(struct_blit_bin),
'meta' / Optional(struct_blit_meta)
blit_game_with_meta = Struct(
'relo' / Optional(struct_blit_relo),
'bin' / RawCopy(struct_blit_bin),
'meta' / struct_blit_meta
blit_game_with_meta_and_relo = Struct(
'relo' / struct_blit_relo,
'bin' / RawCopy(struct_blit_bin),
'meta' / struct_blit_meta
blit_icns = Struct(
'header' / Const(b'icns'),
'size' / Rebuild(Int32ub, len_( + 16),
'type' / Const(b'ic07'), # 128×128 icon in PNG format
'data_length' / Rebuild(Int32ub, len_( + 8),
'data' / Bytes(this.data_length - 8)
struct_blit_image_bi = Struct(
'type' / Const(1, Int16ul), # raw data
'tag' / Const(b'3B'), # 32blit tag
'data' / struct_blit_image
) | 32blit | /32blit-0.7.3-py3-none-any.whl/ttblit/core/ | |
import argparse
import logging
import pathlib
import re
import struct
from PIL import Image
class Colour():
def __init__(self, colour):
if type(colour) is Colour:
self.r, self.g, self.b = colour
elif len(colour) == 6:
self.r, self.g, self.b = tuple(bytes.fromhex(colour))
elif ',' in colour:
self.r, self.g, self.b = [int(c, 10) for c in colour.split(',')]
def __getitem__(self, index):
return [self.r, self.g, self.b][index]
def __repr__(self):
return f'Colour{self.r, self.g, self.b}'
class Palette():
def __init__(self, palette_file=None):
self.transparent = None
self.entries = []
if isinstance(palette_file, Palette):
self.transparent = palette_file.transparent
self.entries = palette_file.entries
if palette_file is not None:
palette_file = pathlib.Path(palette_file)
palette_type = palette_file.suffix[1:]
palette_loader = f'load_{palette_type}'
fn = getattr(self, palette_loader, None)
if fn is None:
fn(palette_file, open(palette_file, 'rb').read())
def extract_palette(self):
self.entries = []
for y in range(self.height):
for x in range(self.width):
self.entries.append(self.image.getpixel((x, y)))
def set_transparent_colour(self, r, g, b):
if (r, g, b, 0xff) in self.entries:
self.transparent = self.entries.index((r, g, b, 0xff))
self.entries[self.transparent] = (r, g, b, 0x00)
return self.transparent
return None
def load_act(self, palette_file, data):
# Adobe Colour Table .act
palette = data
if len(palette) < 772:
raise ValueError(f'palette {palette_file} is not a valid Adobe .act (length {len(palette)} != 772')
size, _ = struct.unpack('>HH', palette[-4:])
self.width = 1
self.height = size
self.image = Image.frombytes('RGB', (self.width, self.height), palette).convert('RGBA')
def load_pal(self, palette_file, data):
# Pro Motion NG .pal - MS Palette files and raw palette files share .pal suffix
# Raw files are just 768 bytes
palette = data
if len(palette) < 768:
raise ValueError(f'palette {palette_file} is not a valid Pro Motion NG .pal')
# There's no length in .pal files, so we just create a 16x16 256 colour palette
self.width = 16
self.height = 16
self.image = Image.frombytes('RGB', (self.width, self.height), palette).convert('RGBA')
def load_gpl(self, palette_file, data):
palette = data
palette = palette.decode('utf-8').strip().replace('\r\n', '\n')
if not palette.startswith('GIMP Palette'):
raise ValueError(f'palette {palette_file} is not a valid GIMP .gpl')
# Split the whole file into palette entries
palette = palette.split('\n')
# drop 'GIMP Palette' from the first entry
# drop metadata/comments
while palette[0].startswith(('Name:', 'Columns:', '#')):
# calculate our image width/height here because len(palette)
# equals the number of palette entries
self.width = 1
self.height = len(palette)
# Split out the palette entries into R, G, B and drop the hex colour
# This convoluted list comprehension does this while also flatenning to a 1d array
palette = [int(c) for entry in palette for c in re.split(r'\s+', entry.strip())[0:3]]
self.image = Image.frombytes('RGB', (self.width, self.height), bytes(palette)).convert('RGBA')
def load_image(self, palette_file):
palette =
self.width, self.height = palette.size
if self.width * self.height > 256:
raise argparse.ArgumentError(None, f'palette {palette_file} has too many pixels {self.width}x{self.height}={self.width*self.height} (max 256)')'Using palette {palette_file} {self.width}x{self.height}')
self.image = palette.convert('RGBA')
def quantize_image(self, image, transparent=None, strict=False):
if strict and len(self) == 0:
raise TypeError("Attempting to enforce strict colours with an empty palette, did you really want to do this?")
w, h = image.size
output_image ='P', (w, h))
for y in range(h):
for x in range(w):
r, g, b, a = image.getpixel((x, y))
if transparent is not None and (r, g, b) == tuple(transparent):
a = 0x00
index = self.get_entry(r, g, b, a, strict=strict)
output_image.putpixel((x, y), index)
return output_image
def get_entry(self, r, g, b, a, remap_transparent=True, strict=False):
if (r, g, b, a) in self.entries:
index = self.entries.index((r, g, b, a))
return index
# Noisy print
#'Re-mapping ({r}, {g}, {b}, {a}) at ({x}x{y}) to ({index})')
# Anything with 0 alpha that's not in the palette might as well be the transparent colour
elif a == 0 and self.transparent is not None:
return self.transparent
elif not strict:
if len(self.entries) < 256:
self.entries.append((r, g, b, a))
if a == 0:
# Set this as the transparent colour - if we had one we'd have returned it already.
self.transparent = len(self.entries) - 1
return len(self.entries) - 1
raise TypeError('Out of palette entries')
raise TypeError(f'Colour {r}, {g}, {b}, {a} does not exist in palette!')
def tostruct(self):
return [dict(zip('rgba', c)) for c in self.entries]
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.entries)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.entries)
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.entries[index] | 32blit | /32blit-0.7.3-py3-none-any.whl/ttblit/core/ | |
36-chambers is a Python Library which adds common reversing methods and
functions for Binary Ninja. The library is designed to be used within Binary
Ninja in the Python console.
Use pip to install or upgrade 36-chambers::
$ pip install 36-chambers [--upgrade]
Quick Example
Find and print all blocks with a "push" instruction:
.. code-block :: python
from chambers import Chamber
c = Chamber(bv=bv)
For more information you can find documentation on readthedocs_.
.. _readthedocs:
| 36-chambers | /36-chambers-0.0.1.tar.gz/36-chambers-0.0.1/README.rst | README.rst |
# 360 Monitoring CLI
This repository contains a CLI script for 360 Monitoring that allows you to connect to your 360 Monitoring ( account and list monitoring data, add, update or remove server or website monitors.
## Documentation
You can find the full documentation including the feature complete REST API at []( and [](
## Preconditions
* Make sure to have an account at or
* 360 Monitoring CLI requires a Python version of 3.* or above
## Install 360 Monitoring CLI as ready-to-use package
$ pip install 360monitoringcli
## Configure your account
First you need to connect your CLI to your existing 360 Monitoring account via your API KEY. If you don't have a 360 Monitoring account yet, please register for free at To create an API KEY you'll need to upgrade at least to a Pro plan to be able to create your API KEY.
$ 360monitoring config save --api-key KEY configure API KEY to connect to 360 Monitoring account
## Test 360 Monitoring CLI locally
### Test 360 Monitoring CLI with pre-configured Docker image
You can easily test and run 360 Monitoring CLI for production by running the pre-configured docker image
$ docker build -t 360monitoringcli .
$ docker run -it --rm 360monitoringcli /bin/bash
### Test 360 Monitoring CLI for specific staging version
To test a package from staging you can simply deploy a docker container:
$ docker run -it --rm ubuntu /bin/bash
$ apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3 && apt-get install -y pip
$ pip install -i --force-reinstall -v "360monitoringcli==1.0.19"
### For developement, install required Python modules
To test the code locally, install the Python modules "requests", "configparser", "argparse" and "prettytable".
Use "pip install -e ." to use "360monitoring" command with latest dev build locally based on local code.
$ pip install requests
$ pip install configparser
$ pip install argparse
$ pip install prettytable
$ pip install -e .
#### Run tests to check each function works
Test the code:
$ ./
## Usage
$ 360monitoring --help display general help
$ 360monitoring signup open the sign up page to get your 360 Monitoring account
$ 360monitoring config save --api-key KEY configure API KEY to connect to 360 Monitoring account (only for paid plans)
$ 360monitoring statistics display all assets of your account
$ 360monitoring servers list display all monitored servers
$ 360monitoring servers list --issues display monitored servers with issues only
$ 360monitoring servers list --tag cpanel display only servers with tag "cpanel"
$ 360monitoring sites list display all monitored sites
$ 360monitoring sites list --issues display monitored sites with issues only
$ 360monitoring sites list --sort 6 --limit 5 display worst 5 monitored sites by uptime
$ 360monitoring contacts list display all contacts
$ 360monitoring usertokens list display user tokens
$ 360monitoring config print display your current settings and where those are stored
$ 360monitoring recommendations display upgrade recommendations for servers that exceed their limits
$ 360monitoring magiclinks create and open a readonly dashboard for a single server only via magic link
$ 360monitoring wptoolkit display statistics of WP Toolkit if installed
$ 360monitoring sites add --url domain.tld start monitoring a new website
$ 360monitoring servers update --name --tag production tag a specific server
$ 360monitoring contacts --help display specific help for a sub command
$ 360monitoring dashboard open 360 Monitoring in your Web Browser
## Updating 360 Monitoring CLI package
You can update the 360monitoringcli package to the latest version using the following command:
$ pip install 360monitoringcli --upgrade
| 360monitoringcli | /360monitoringcli-1.0.19-py3-none-any.whl/ | |
import os
import argparse
import json
import subprocess
import sys
import webbrowser
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# suprisingly this works in PyPi, but not locally. For local usage replace ".lib." with "lib."
# use "pip install -e ." to use "360monitoring" command with latest dev build locally based on local code.
from .lib.config import Config
from .lib.contacts import Contacts
from .lib.incidents import Incidents
from .lib.magiclinks import MagicLinks
from .lib.nodes import Nodes
from .lib.recommendations import Recommendations
from .lib.servers import Servers
from .lib.servercharts import ServerCharts
from .lib.servernotifications import ServerNotifications
from .lib.sites import Sites
from .lib.sitecharts import SiteCharts
from .lib.sitenotifications import SiteNotifications
from .lib.statistics import Statistics
from .lib.usertokens import UserTokens
from .lib.wptoolkit import WPToolkit
__version__ = '1.0.19'
# only runs on Python 3.x; throw exception on 2.x
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
raise Exception("360 Monitoring CLI requires Python 3.x")
cfg = Config(__version__)
cli = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='360monitoring', description='CLI for 360 Monitoring')
cli_subcommands = dict()
def check_version():
"""Check PyPi if there is a newer version of the application, but only once every 24 hours"""
# some code parts have been introduced in Python 3.7 and are not supported on older versions
if sys.version_info >= (3, 7):
# skip version check if the last one was within 24 hours already
if cfg.last_version_check and datetime.fromisoformat(cfg.last_version_check) > ( - timedelta(hours=24)):
latest_version = str([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', '360monitoringcli==random'], capture_output=True, text=True))
latest_version = latest_version[latest_version.find('(from versions:')+15:]
latest_version = latest_version[:latest_version.find(')')]
latest_version = latest_version.replace(' ','').split(',')[-1]
cfg.last_version_check =
if latest_version > __version__:
print('Update available: Please upgrade from', __version__, 'to', latest_version, 'with: pip install 360monitoringcli --upgrade')
def check_columns(columns):
"""Show or hide columns in ASCII table view"""
for column in columns:
if '0id' == column.lower():
cfg.hide_ids = True
elif 'id' == column.lower():
cfg.hide_ids = False
# --- config functions ---
def config_print(args):
"""Sub command for config print"""
def config_save(args):
"""Sub command for config save"""
if args.api_key:
cfg.api_key = args.api_key
if args.usertoken:
cfg.usertoken = args.usertoken
if args.debug:
cfg.debug = args.debug == 'on'
def config(args):
"""Sub command for config"""
# --- contacts functions ---
def contacts_add(args):
"""Sub command for contacts add"""
contacts = Contacts(cfg)
if args.file:
if os.path.isfile(args.file):
with open(args.file) as file:
lines = file.readlines()
for line in lines:
print('ERROR: File', args.file, 'to import not found')
contacts.add(,, sms=args.sms)
print('You need to specify at least a name with --name [name]')
def contacts_list(args):
"""Sub command for contacts list"""
contacts = Contacts(cfg, format=args.output)
contacts.list(,,,, sort=args.sort, reverse=args.reverse, limit=args.limit)
def contacts_remove(args):
"""Sub command for contacts remove"""
contacts = Contacts(cfg)
def contacts(args):
"""Sub command for contacts"""
# --- dashboard functions ---
def dashboard(args):
"""Sub command for dashboard"""'')
# --- incidents functions ---
def incidents_add(args):
"""Sub command for incidents add"""
incidents = Incidents(cfg)
incidents.add(page_id=args.page_id,, body=args.body)
def incidents_list(args):
"""Sub command for incidents list"""
incidents = Incidents(cfg, format=args.output)
def incidents_remove(args):
"""Sub command for incidents remove"""
incidents = Incidents(cfg)
def incidents(args):
"""Sub command for incidents"""
# --- magiclink functions ---
def magiclinks_create(args):
"""Sub command for magiclink create"""
serverId = ''
usertoken = args.usertoken if args.usertoken else cfg.usertoken
serverId =
# find correct server id for the server with the specified name
servers = Servers(cfg)
serverId = servers.getServerId(
if usertoken and serverId:
magiclinks = MagicLinks(cfg)
magiclink = magiclinks.create(usertoken, serverId, 'Dashboard')
if magiclink and
# if usertoken is not yet stored in config, do it now
if not cfg.usertoken:
cfg.usertoken = usertoken
print('Please specify an existing server either by "--id id" or "--name hostname" and specifiy your user token "--usertoken token"')
def magiclinks(args):
"""Sub command for magiclink"""
# --- nodes functions ---
def nodes(args):
"""Sub command for nodes"""
nodes = Nodes(cfg, format=args.output)
nodes.list(,, sort=args.sort, reverse=args.reverse, limit=args.limit)
# --- recommendations functions ---
def recommendations(args):
"""Sub command for recommendations"""
recommendations = Recommendations(cfg)
# --- servers functions ---
def servers_add(args):
"""Sub command for servers add"""
usertokens = UserTokens(cfg)
token = usertokens.token()
if not token:
print('First create a user token by executing:')
print('360monitoring usertokens create')
print('360monitoring usertokens list')
token = '[YOUR_USER_TOKEN]'
print('Please login via SSH to each of the servers you would like to add and execute the following command:')
print('wget -q -N && bash', token)
def servers_charts(args):
"""Sub command for servers charts"""
def servers_charts_create(args):
"""Sub command for servers charts"""
serverId = ''
startDate = datetime.strptime(args.start.strip('\"'), '%Y-%m-%d').timestamp() if args.start else 0
endDate = datetime.strptime(args.end.strip('\"'), '%Y-%m-%d').timestamp() if args.end else 0
serverId =
# find correct server id for the server with the specified name
servers = Servers(cfg)
serverId = servers.getServerId(
if serverId:
charts = ServerCharts(cfg)
chart_url = charts.create(serverId, args.metric, startDate, endDate)
if chart_url and
print('Please specify an existing server either by "--id id" or "--name hostname"')
def servers_events(args):
"""Sub command for servers events"""
serverId = ''
startDate = datetime.strptime(args.start.strip('\"'), '%Y-%m-%d') if args.start else ( - timedelta(days=365))
endDate = datetime.strptime(args.end.strip('\"'), '%Y-%m-%d') if args.end else
serverId =
servers = Servers(cfg)
serverId = servers.getServerId(
if serverId:
notifications = ServerNotifications(cfg, format=args.output)
notifications.list(serverId, startDate.timestamp(), endDate.timestamp(), args.sort, args.reverse, args.limit)
def servers_list(args):
"""Sub command for servers list"""
servers = Servers(cfg, format=args.output)
servers.list(args.issues, args.sort, args.reverse, args.limit, args.tag)
def servers_remove(args):
"""Sub command for servers remove"""
print("Please login via SSH to each of the servers you would like to remove.")
print("First stop the monitoring agent by running \"service agent360 stop\" then run \"pip3 uninstall agent360\". After 15 minutes you are able to remove the server.")
def servers_update(args):
"""Sub command for servers update"""
servers = Servers(cfg)
pattern = ''
pattern =
pattern =
servers.setTags(pattern, args.tag)
def servers(args):
"""Sub command for servers"""
# --- signup functions ---
def signup(args):
"""Sub command for signup"""'')
# --- sites functions ---
def sites_add(args):
"""Sub command for sites add"""
sites = Sites(cfg)
nodeId = ''
if args.node_id:
nodeId = args.node_id
elif args.node_name:
nodes = Nodes(cfg)
nodeId = nodes.getNodeId(args.node_name)
if args.file:
if os.path.isfile(args.file):
with open(args.file) as file:
lines = file.readlines()
for line in lines:
sites.add(line.strip(), protocol=args.protocol,, port=args.port, keyword=args.keyword, matchType=args.match_type, nodeId=nodeId, force=args.force)
print('ERROR: File', args.file, 'to import not found')
elif args.url:
sites.add(args.url, protocol=args.protocol,, port=args.port, keyword=args.keyword, matchType=args.match_type, nodeId=nodeId, force=args.force)
print('You need to specify at least a name with --name [name]')
def sites_charts(args):
"""Sub command for sites charts"""
def sites_charts_create(args):
"""Sub command for sites charts"""
siteId = ''
startDate = datetime.strptime(args.start.strip('\"'), '%Y-%m-%d').timestamp() if args.start else 0
endDate = datetime.strptime(args.end.strip('\"'), '%Y-%m-%d').timestamp() if args.end else 0
siteId =
elif args.url:
# find correct server id for the server with the specified name
sites = Sites(cfg)
siteId = sites.getSiteId(args.url)
if siteId:
charts = SiteCharts(cfg)
chart_url = charts.create(siteId, startDate, endDate)
if chart_url and
print('Please specify an existing site either by "--id id" or "--url url"')
def sites_events(args):
"""Sub command for sites events"""
siteId = ''
startDate = datetime.strptime(args.start.strip('\"'), '%Y-%m-%d') if args.start else ( - timedelta(days=365))
endDate = datetime.strptime(args.end.strip('\"'), '%Y-%m-%d') if args.end else
siteId =
elif args.url:
sites = Sites(cfg)
siteId = sites.getSiteId(args.url)
if siteId:
notifications = SiteNotifications(cfg, format=args.output)
notifications.list(siteId, startDate.timestamp(), endDate.timestamp(), args.sort, args.reverse, args.limit)
def sites_list(args):
"""Sub command for sites list"""
sites = Sites(cfg, format=args.output)
sites.list(, url=args.url,, location=args.location, pattern=args.pattern, issuesOnly=args.issues, sort=args.sort, reverse=args.reverse, limit=args.limit)
def sites_remove(args):
"""Sub command for sites remove"""
sites = Sites(cfg)
sites.remove(, url=args.url,, location=args.location, pattern=args.pattern)
def sites_uptime(args):
"""Sub command for sites uptime"""
siteId = ''
startDate = datetime.strptime(args.start.strip('\"'), '%Y-%m-%d') if args.start else ( - timedelta(days=365))
endDate = datetime.strptime(args.end.strip('\"'), '%Y-%m-%d') if args.end else
sites = Sites(cfg)
siteId =
elif args.url:
siteId = sites.getSiteId(args.url)
siteId = sites.getSiteId(
if siteId:
if args.daily:
periods = []
firstDate = startDate
while endDate > firstDate:
startDate = datetime(endDate.year, endDate.month,, 0, 0, 0)
endDate = datetime(endDate.year, endDate.month,, 23, 59, 59)
periods.append([startDate.timestamp(), endDate.timestamp()])
endDate = startDate - timedelta(days=1)
sites.listUptimes(siteId, periods)
elif args.monthly:
periods = []
firstDate = startDate
while endDate > firstDate:
startDate = datetime(endDate.year, endDate.month, 1, 0, 0, 0)
endDate = datetime(endDate.year, endDate.month,, 23, 59, 59)
periods.append([startDate.timestamp(), endDate.timestamp()])
endDate = startDate - timedelta(days=1)
sites.listUptimes(siteId, periods, '%Y-%m')
elif args.start or args.end:
sites.listUptimes(siteId, [[startDate.timestamp(), endDate.timestamp()]])
periods = []
periods.append([( - timedelta(days=1)).timestamp(),])
periods.append([( - timedelta(days=7)).timestamp(),])
periods.append([( - timedelta(days=30)).timestamp(),])
periods.append([( - timedelta(days=90)).timestamp(),])
periods.append([( - timedelta(days=365)).timestamp(),])
sites.listUptimes(siteId, periods)
def sites(args):
"""Sub command for sites"""
# --- statistics functions ---
def statistics(args):
"""Sub command for statistics"""
statistics = Statistics(cfg)
# --- usertokens functions ---
def usertokens_create(args):
"""Sub command for usertokens create"""
usertokens = UserTokens(cfg)
usertokens.create(, tags=args.tag)
def usertokens_list(args):
"""Sub command for usertokens list"""
usertokens = UserTokens(cfg)
def usertokens(args):
"""Sub command for usertokens"""
# --- wptoolkit functions ---
def wptoolkit(args):
"""Sub command for wptoolkit"""
wptoolkit = WPToolkit(cfg)
wptoolkit.print(format=args.output, issuesOnly=args.issues, sort=args.sort, reverse=args.reverse, limit=args.limit)
# --- configure & parse CLI ---
def performCLI():
"""Parse the command line parameters and call the related functions"""
subparsers = cli.add_subparsers(title='commands', dest='subparser')
cli.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='store_true', help='print CLI version')
# config
cli_config = subparsers.add_parser('config', help='configure connection to 360 Monitoring account')
cli_config_subparsers = cli_config.add_subparsers(title='commands', dest='subparser')
cli_config_print = cli_config_subparsers.add_parser('print', help='print current settings for 360 Monitoring')
cli_config_save = cli_config_subparsers.add_parser('save', help='save current settings for 360 Monitoring to ' + cfg.filename)
cli_config_save.add_argument('--api-key', metavar='key', help='specify your API KEY for 360 Monitoring')
cli_config_save.add_argument('--usertoken', metavar='token', help='specify your USERTOKEN for 360 Monitoring')
cli_config_save.add_argument('--debug', choices=['on', 'off'], type=str, help='switch debug mode to print all API calls on or off')
# contacts
cli_contacts = subparsers.add_parser('contacts', help='list and manage contacts')
cli_contacts_subparsers = cli_contacts.add_subparsers(title='commands', dest='subparser')
cli_contacts_add = cli_contacts_subparsers.add_parser('add', help='add a new contact')
cli_contacts_add.add_argument('--name', nargs='?', metavar='name', help='name of the new contact')
cli_contacts_add.add_argument('--email', nargs='?', default='', metavar='email', help='email address of the new contact')
cli_contacts_add.add_argument('--sms', nargs='?', default='', metavar='phone', help='mobile phone number of the new contact (optional)')
cli_contacts_add.add_argument('--file', nargs='?', default='', metavar='file', help='file containing one contact per line to add')
cli_contacts_list = cli_contacts_subparsers.add_parser('list', help='list contacts')
cli_contacts_list.add_argument('--id', nargs='?', default='', metavar='id', help='list contact with given ID')
cli_contacts_list.add_argument('--name', nargs='?', default='', metavar='name', help='list contact with given name')
cli_contacts_list.add_argument('--email', nargs='?', default='', metavar='email', help='list contact with given email address')
cli_contacts_list.add_argument('--phone', nargs='?', default='', metavar='phone', help='list contact with given phone number')
cli_contacts_list.add_argument('--columns', nargs='*', default='', metavar='col', help='specify columns to print in table view or remove columns with 0 as prefix e.g. "0id"')
cli_contacts_list.add_argument('--sort', nargs='?', default='', metavar='col', help='sort by specified column. Reverse sort by adding --reverse')
cli_contacts_list.add_argument('--reverse', action='store_true', help='show in descending order. Works only together with --sort')
cli_contacts_list.add_argument('--limit', nargs='?', default=0, type=int, metavar='n', help='limit the number of printed items')
cli_contacts_list.add_argument('--output', choices=['json', 'csv', 'table'], default='table', help='output format for the data')
cli_contacts_list.add_argument('--json', action='store_const', const='json', dest='output', help='print data in JSON format')
cli_contacts_list.add_argument('--csv', action='store_const', const='csv', dest='output', help='print data in CSV format')
cli_contacts_list.add_argument('--table', action='store_const', const='table', dest='output', help='print data as ASCII table')
cli_contacts_remove = cli_contacts_subparsers.add_parser('remove', help='remove a contact')
cli_contacts_remove.add_argument('--id', nargs='?', default='', metavar='id', help='remove contact with given ID')
cli_contacts_remove.add_argument('--name', nargs='?', default='', metavar='name', help='remove contact with given name')
cli_contacts_remove.add_argument('--email', nargs='?', default='', metavar='email', help='remove contact with given email address')
cli_contacts_remove.add_argument('--phone', nargs='?', default='', metavar='phone', help='remove contact with given phone number')
# dashboard
cli_dashboard = subparsers.add_parser('dashboard', help='open 360 Monitoring Dashboard in your Web Browser')
# incidents
cli_incidents = subparsers.add_parser('incidents', help='list and manage incidents')
cli_incidents_subparsers = cli_incidents.add_subparsers(title='commands', dest='subparser')
cli_incidents_add = cli_incidents_subparsers.add_parser('add', help='add a new incident')
cli_incidents_add.add_argument('--page-id', required=True, metavar='id', help='list incidents from status page with given ID')
cli_incidents_add.add_argument('--name', required=True, metavar='name', help='name of the new incident')
cli_incidents_add.add_argument('--body', metavar='body', help='text of the new incident')
cli_incidents_list = cli_incidents_subparsers.add_parser('list', help='list incidents')
cli_incidents_list.add_argument('--page-id', required=True, metavar='id', help='list incidents from status page with given ID')
cli_incidents_list.add_argument('--name', nargs='?', default='', metavar='name', help='list incidents with given name')
cli_incidents_list.add_argument('--output', choices=['json', 'csv', 'table'], default='table', help='output format for the data')
cli_incidents_list.add_argument('--json', action='store_const', const='json', dest='output', help='print data in JSON format')
cli_incidents_list.add_argument('--csv', action='store_const', const='csv', dest='output', help='print data in CSV format')
cli_incidents_list.add_argument('--table', action='store_const', const='table', dest='output', help='print data as ASCII table')
cli_incidents_remove = cli_incidents_subparsers.add_parser('remove', help='remove an incident')
cli_incidents_remove.add_argument('--page-id', required=True, metavar='id', help='remove incidents from status page with given ID')
cli_incidents_remove.add_argument('--id', nargs='?', default='', metavar='id', help='remove incident with given ID')
cli_incidents_remove.add_argument('--name', nargs='?', default='', metavar='name', help='remove incident with given name')
# magiclinks
cli_magiclinks = subparsers.add_parser('magiclinks', help='create a magic link for the dasboard of a specific server')
cli_magiclinks_subparsers = cli_magiclinks.add_subparsers(title='commands', dest='subparser')
cli_magiclinks_create = cli_magiclinks_subparsers.add_parser('create', help='create new magic link to access the (readonly) dashboard for a specific server only')
cli_magiclinks_create.add_argument('--id', nargs='?', default='', metavar='id', help='create magic link for server with given ID')
cli_magiclinks_create.add_argument('--name', nargs='?', default='', metavar='name', help='create magic link for server with given name')
cli_magiclinks_create.add_argument('--usertoken', nargs='?', default='', metavar='token', help='use this usertoken for authentication')
cli_magiclinks_create.add_argument('--open', action='store_true', help='open the server dashboard directly in the default web browser (optional)')
# nodes
cli_nodes = subparsers.add_parser('nodes', help='show monitoring locations')
cli_nodes.add_argument('--id', nargs='?', default='', metavar='id', help='show node with given ID')
cli_nodes.add_argument('--name', nargs='?', default='', metavar='name', help='show node with given name')
cli_nodes.add_argument('--columns', nargs='*', default='', metavar='col', help='specify columns to print in table view or remove columns with 0 as prefix e.g. "0id"')
cli_nodes.add_argument('--sort', nargs='?', default='', metavar='col', help='sort by specified column. Reverse sort by adding --reverse')
cli_nodes.add_argument('--reverse', action='store_true', help='show in descending order. Works only together with --sort')
cli_nodes.add_argument('--limit', nargs='?', default=0, type=int, metavar='n', help='limit the number of printed items')
cli_nodes.add_argument('--output', choices=['json', 'csv', 'table'], default='table', help='output format for the data')
cli_nodes.add_argument('--json', action='store_const', const='json', dest='output', help='print data in JSON format')
cli_nodes.add_argument('--csv', action='store_const', const='csv', dest='output', help='print data in CSV format')
cli_nodes.add_argument('--table', action='store_const', const='table', dest='output', help='print data as ASCII table')
# recommendations
cli_recommendations = subparsers.add_parser('recommendations', help='show upgrade recommendations for servers that exceed their limits')
cli_recommendations.add_argument('--output', choices=['csv', 'table'], default='table', help='output format for the data')
cli_recommendations.add_argument('--csv', action='store_const', const='csv', dest='output', help='print data in CSV format')
cli_recommendations.add_argument('--table', action='store_const', const='table', dest='output', help='print data as ASCII table')
# servers
cli_servers = subparsers.add_parser('servers', help='list and manage monitored servers')
cli_servers_subparsers = cli_servers.add_subparsers(title='commands', dest='subparser')
cli_servers_add = cli_servers_subparsers.add_parser('add', help='activate monitoring for a server')
cli_servers_charts = cli_servers_subparsers.add_parser('charts', help='create a metrics chart as PNG file and print its url or open it in your browser')
cli_servers_charts_subparsers = cli_servers_charts.add_subparsers(title='commands', dest='subparser')
cli_servers_charts_create = cli_servers_charts_subparsers.add_parser('create', help='create a metrics chart as PNG file and print its url or open it in your browser')
cli_servers_charts_create.add_argument('--id', nargs='?', default='', metavar='id', help='show metrics for server with given ID')
cli_servers_charts_create.add_argument('--name', nargs='?', default='', metavar='name', help='show metrics for server with given name')
cli_servers_charts_create.add_argument('--metric', nargs='?', default='cpu', metavar='metric', help='select the metric to chart, e.g. \"cpu\", \"mem\", \"nginx\", \"bitninja\", \"httpd\", \"network\", \"ping\", \"process\", \"swap\", \"uptime\", \"wp-toolkit\" (optional)')
cli_servers_charts_create.add_argument('--start', nargs='?', default='', metavar='start', help='select start date of chart period in form of \"yyyy-mm-dd\" (optional)')
cli_servers_charts_create.add_argument('--end', nargs='?', default='', metavar='end', help='select end date of chart period in form of \"yyyy-mm-dd\" (optional)')
cli_servers_charts_create.add_argument('--open', action='store_true', help='open the metrics chart directly in the default web browser (optional)')
cli_servers_events = cli_servers_subparsers.add_parser('events', help='list event notifications of a specified server')
cli_servers_events.add_argument('--id', nargs='?', default='', metavar='id', help='show event notifications for server with given ID')
cli_servers_events.add_argument('--name', nargs='?', default='', metavar='name', help='show event notifications for server with given name')
cli_servers_events.add_argument('--start', nargs='?', default='', metavar='start', help='select start date of notification period in form of yyyy-mm-dd')
cli_servers_events.add_argument('--end', nargs='?', default='', metavar='end', help='select end date of notification period in form of yyyy-mm-dd')
cli_servers_events.add_argument('--columns', nargs='*', default='', metavar='col', help='specify columns to print in table view or remove columns with 0 as prefix e.g. "0id"')
cli_servers_events.add_argument('--sort', nargs='?', default='', metavar='col', help='sort by specified column. Reverse sort by adding --reverse')
cli_servers_events.add_argument('--reverse', action='store_true', help='show in descending order. Works only together with --sort')
cli_servers_events.add_argument('--limit', nargs='?', default=0, type=int, metavar='n', help='limit the number of printed items')
cli_servers_events.add_argument('--output', choices=['json', 'csv', 'table'], default='table', help='output format for the data')
cli_servers_events.add_argument('--json', action='store_const', const='json', dest='output', help='print data in JSON format')
cli_servers_events.add_argument('--csv', action='store_const', const='csv', dest='output', help='print data in CSV format')
cli_servers_events.add_argument('--table', action='store_const', const='table', dest='output', help='print data as ASCII table')
cli_servers_list = cli_servers_subparsers.add_parser('list', help='list monitored servers')
cli_servers_list.add_argument('--id', nargs='?', default='', metavar='id', help='update server with given ID')
cli_servers_list.add_argument('--name', nargs='?', default='', metavar='name', help='update server with given name')
cli_servers_list.add_argument('--tag', nargs='*', default='', metavar='tag', help='only list servers matching these tags')
cli_servers_list.add_argument('--issues', action='store_true', help='show only servers with issues')
cli_servers_list.add_argument('--columns', nargs='*', default='', metavar='col', help='specify columns to print in table view or remove columns with 0 as prefix e.g. "0id"')
cli_servers_list.add_argument('--sort', nargs='?', default='', metavar='col', help='sort by specified column. Reverse sort by adding --reverse')
cli_servers_list.add_argument('--reverse', action='store_true', help='show in descending order. Works only together with --sort')
cli_servers_list.add_argument('--limit', nargs='?', default=0, type=int, metavar='n', help='limit the number of printed items')
cli_servers_list.add_argument('--output', choices=['json', 'csv', 'table'], default='table', help='output format for the data')
cli_servers_list.add_argument('--json', action='store_const', const='json', dest='output', help='print data in JSON format')
cli_servers_list.add_argument('--csv', action='store_const', const='csv', dest='output', help='print data in CSV format')
cli_servers_list.add_argument('--table', action='store_const', const='table', dest='output', help='print data as ASCII table')
cli_servers_remove = cli_servers_subparsers.add_parser('remove', help='remove monitoring for a server')
cli_servers_update = cli_servers_subparsers.add_parser('update', help='set tags for a server')
cli_servers_update.add_argument('--id', nargs='?', default='', metavar='id', help='update server with given ID')
cli_servers_update.add_argument('--name', nargs='?', default='', metavar='name', help='update server with given name')
cli_servers_update.add_argument('--tag', nargs='*', default='', metavar='tag', help='set these tags for one or more servers specified')
# signup
cli_signup = subparsers.add_parser('signup', help='sign up for 360 Monitoring')
# sites
cli_sites = subparsers.add_parser('sites', help='list and manage monitored websites')
cli_sites_subparsers = cli_sites.add_subparsers(title='commands', dest='subparser')
cli_sites_add = cli_sites_subparsers.add_parser('add', help='activate monitoring for a site')
cli_sites_add.add_argument('--url', nargs='?', metavar='url', help='url of site that should be monitored')
cli_sites_add.add_argument('--name', nargs='?', metavar='name', help='name of site that should be monitored (optional)')
cli_sites_add.add_argument('--protocol', choices=['http', 'https', 'icmp', 'tcp'], default='https', metavar='protocol', help='specify a different protocol than https')
cli_sites_add.add_argument('--port', nargs='?', default=443, type=int, metavar='port', help='specify a different port than 443')
cli_sites_add.add_argument('--keyword', nargs='?', metavar='keyword', help='alert when the specified keyword is found/not found in the page HTML (optional)')
cli_sites_add.add_argument('--match-type', choices=['', 'yes', 'no'], default='', metavar='type', help='if set to \"yes\" it will alert when keyword is found on page, if \"no\" alert when keyword not found')
cli_sites_add.add_argument('--node-id', nargs='?', metavar='id', help='id of the monitoring node location that should monitor the url (optional)')
cli_sites_add.add_argument('--node-name', nargs='?', metavar='id', help='name of the monitoring node location that should monitor the url. In doubt, take the first match. (optional)')
cli_sites_add.add_argument('--force', action='store_true', help='add new monitor even if already exists')
cli_sites_add.add_argument('--file', nargs='?', default='', metavar='file', help='file containing one URL per line to monitor')
cli_sites_charts = cli_sites_subparsers.add_parser('charts', help='create a metrics chart as PNG file and print its url or open it in your browser')
cli_sites_charts_subparsers = cli_sites_charts.add_subparsers(title='commands', dest='subparser')
cli_sites_charts_create = cli_sites_charts_subparsers.add_parser('create', help='create a metrics chart as PNG file and print its url or open it in your browser')
cli_sites_charts_create.add_argument('--id', nargs='?', default='', metavar='id', help='show metrics for server with given ID')
cli_sites_charts_create.add_argument('--url', nargs='?', default='', metavar='url', help='show metrics for server with given url')
cli_sites_charts_create.add_argument('--start', nargs='?', default='', metavar='start', help='select start date of chart period in form of \"yyyy-mm-dd\" (optional)')
cli_sites_charts_create.add_argument('--end', nargs='?', default='', metavar='end', help='select end date of chart period in form of \"yyyy-mm-dd\" (optional)')
cli_sites_charts_create.add_argument('--open', action='store_true', help='open the metrics chart directly in the default web browser (optional)')
cli_sites_events = cli_sites_subparsers.add_parser('events', help='list event notifications of a specified site')
cli_sites_events.add_argument('--id', nargs='?', default='', metavar='id', help='show event notifications for site with given ID')
cli_sites_events.add_argument('--url', nargs='?', default='', metavar='url', help='show event notifications for site with given url')
cli_sites_events.add_argument('--start', nargs='?', default='', metavar='start', help='select start date of notification period in form of yyyy-mm-dd')
cli_sites_events.add_argument('--end', nargs='?', default='', metavar='end', help='select end date of notification period in form of yyyy-mm-dd')
cli_sites_events.add_argument('--columns', nargs='*', default='', metavar='col', help='specify columns to print in table view or remove columns with 0 as prefix e.g. "0id"')
cli_sites_events.add_argument('--sort', nargs='?', default='', metavar='col', help='sort by specified column. Reverse sort by adding --reverse')
cli_sites_events.add_argument('--reverse', action='store_true', help='show in descending order. Works only together with --sort')
cli_sites_events.add_argument('--limit', nargs='?', default=0, type=int, metavar='n', help='limit the number of printed items')
cli_sites_events.add_argument('--output', choices=['json', 'csv', 'table'], default='table', help='output format for the data')
cli_sites_events.add_argument('--json', action='store_const', const='json', dest='output', help='print data in JSON format')
cli_sites_events.add_argument('--csv', action='store_const', const='csv', dest='output', help='print data in CSV format')
cli_sites_events.add_argument('--table', action='store_const', const='table', dest='output', help='print data as ASCII table')
cli_sites_list = cli_sites_subparsers.add_parser('list', help='list sites')
cli_sites_list.add_argument('--id', nargs='?', default='', metavar='id', help='list site with given ID')
cli_sites_list.add_argument('--url', nargs='?', default='', metavar='url', help='list site with given url')
cli_sites_list.add_argument('--name', nargs='?', default='', metavar='name', help='list site with given name')
cli_sites_list.add_argument('--location', nargs='?', default='', metavar='location', help='list sites monitored from given location')
cli_sites_list.add_argument('--pattern', nargs='?', default='', metavar='pattern', help='list sites with pattern included in URL')
cli_sites_list.add_argument('--issues', action='store_true', help='show only sites with issues')
cli_sites_list.add_argument('--columns', nargs='*', default='', metavar='col', help='specify columns to print in table view or remove columns with 0 as prefix e.g. "0id"')
cli_sites_list.add_argument('--sort', nargs='?', default='', metavar='col', help='sort by specified column. Reverse sort by adding --reverse')
cli_sites_list.add_argument('--reverse', action='store_true', help='show in descending order. Works only together with --sort')
cli_sites_list.add_argument('--limit', nargs='?', default=0, type=int, metavar='n', help='limit the number of printed items')
cli_sites_list.add_argument('--output', choices=['json', 'csv', 'table'], default='table', help='output format for the data')
cli_sites_list.add_argument('--json', action='store_const', const='json', dest='output', help='print data in JSON format')
cli_sites_list.add_argument('--csv', action='store_const', const='csv', dest='output', help='print data in CSV format')
cli_sites_list.add_argument('--table', action='store_const', const='table', dest='output', help='print data as ASCII table')
cli_sites_remove = cli_sites_subparsers.add_parser('remove', help='remove a contact')
cli_sites_remove.add_argument('--id', nargs='?', default='', metavar='id', help='remove site with given ID')
cli_sites_remove.add_argument('--url', nargs='?', default='', metavar='url', help='remove site with given url')
cli_sites_remove.add_argument('--name', nargs='?', default='', metavar='name', help='remove site with given name')
cli_sites_remove.add_argument('--location', nargs='?', default='', metavar='location', help='remove sites monitored from given location')
cli_sites_remove.add_argument('--pattern', nargs='?', default='', metavar='pattern', help='remove sites with pattern included in URL')
cli_sites_uptime = cli_sites_subparsers.add_parser('uptime', help='show uptime')
cli_sites_uptime.add_argument('--id', nargs='?', default='', metavar='id', help='show uptime for site with given ID')
cli_sites_uptime.add_argument('--url', nargs='?', default='', metavar='url', help='show uptime for site with given url')
cli_sites_uptime.add_argument('--name', nargs='?', default='', metavar='name', help='show uptime for site with given name')
cli_sites_uptime.add_argument('--start', nargs='?', default='', metavar='start', help='select start date of uptime period in form of yyyy-mm-dd')
cli_sites_uptime.add_argument('--end', nargs='?', default='', metavar='end', help='select end date of uptime period in form of yyyy-mm-dd')
cli_sites_uptime.add_argument('--daily', action='store_true', help='show uptime per day')
cli_sites_uptime.add_argument('--monthly', action='store_true', help='show uptime per month')
# statistics
cli_statistics = subparsers.add_parser('statistics', help='print statistics')
cli_statistics.add_argument('--output', choices=['csv', 'table'], default='table', help='output format for the data')
cli_statistics.add_argument('--csv', action='store_const', const='csv', dest='output', help='print data in CSV format')
cli_statistics.add_argument('--table', action='store_const', const='table', dest='output', help='print data as ASCII table')
# user tokens
cli_usertokens = subparsers.add_parser('usertokens', help='list or create usertokens')
cli_usertokens_subparsers = cli_usertokens.add_subparsers(title='commands', dest='subparser')
cli_usertokens_create = cli_usertokens_subparsers.add_parser('create', help='create new user token')
cli_usertokens_create.add_argument('--name', nargs='?', default='', metavar='name', help='name of the new token (optional)')
cli_usertokens_create.add_argument('--tag', nargs='?', default='', metavar='tag', help='set a tag for the new token (optional)')
cli_usertokens_list = cli_usertokens_subparsers.add_parser('list', help='list usertokens')
cli_usertokens_list.add_argument('--output', choices=['json', 'csv', 'table'], default='table', help='output format for the data')
cli_usertokens_list.add_argument('--json', action='store_const', const='json', dest='output', help='print data in JSON format')
cli_usertokens_list.add_argument('--csv', action='store_const', const='csv', dest='output', help='print data in CSV format')
cli_usertokens_list.add_argument('--table', action='store_const', const='table', dest='output', help='print data as ASCII table')
# wptoolkit
cli_wptoolkit = subparsers.add_parser('wptoolkit', help='list statistics of WP Toolkit if installed')
cli_wptoolkit.add_argument('--issues', action='store_true', help='show only servers with WordPress issues')
cli_wptoolkit.add_argument('--columns', nargs='*', default='', metavar='col', help='specify columns to print in table view or remove columns with 0 as prefix e.g. "0id"')
cli_wptoolkit.add_argument('--sort', nargs='?', default='', metavar='col', help='sort by specified column. Reverse sort by adding --reverse')
cli_wptoolkit.add_argument('--reverse', action='store_true', help='show in descending order. Works only together with --sort')
cli_wptoolkit.add_argument('--limit', nargs='?', default=0, type=int, metavar='n', help='limit the number of printed items')
cli_wptoolkit.add_argument('--output', choices=['csv', 'table'], default='table', help='output format for the data')
cli_wptoolkit.add_argument('--csv', action='store_const', const='csv', dest='output', help='print data in CSV format')
cli_wptoolkit.add_argument('--table', action='store_const', const='table', dest='output', help='print data as ASCII table')
# Parse
cli_subcommands['config'] = cli_config
cli_subcommands['contacts'] = cli_contacts
cli_subcommands['dashboard'] = cli_dashboard
cli_subcommands['incidents'] = cli_incidents
cli_subcommands['magiclinks'] = cli_magiclinks
cli_subcommands['nodes'] = cli_nodes
cli_subcommands['recommendations'] = cli_recommendations
cli_subcommands['servers'] = cli_servers
cli_subcommands['signup'] = cli_signup
cli_subcommands['sites'] = cli_sites
cli_subcommands['statistics'] = cli_statistics
cli_subcommands['usertokens'] = cli_usertokens
cli_subcommands['wptoolkit'] = cli_wptoolkit
args = cli.parse_args()
if args.subparser == None:
if args.version:
print('360 Monitoring CLI Version:', __version__)
elif 'func' in args:
# nodes, recommendations, statistics, signup, wptoolkit and dashboard is shown directly without subparser
if args.func == config:
elif args.func == contacts:
elif args.func == incidents:
elif args.func == magiclinks:
elif args.func == servers:
elif args.func == servers_charts:
elif args.func == sites:
elif args.func == usertokens:
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
main() | 360monitoringcli | /360monitoringcli-1.0.19-py3-none-any.whl/cli360monitoring/ | |
import json
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from datetime import datetime
from .api import apiGet, apiPost, apiDelete
from .config import Config
from .functions import printError, printWarn, formatDowntime, formatTimespan
from .bcolors import bcolors
class Sites(object):
def __init__(self, config: Config, format: str = 'table'):
self.config = config
self.format = format
self.monitors = None
self.table = PrettyTable(field_names=['ID', 'URL', 'Status', 'Uptime %', 'Time to first Byte', 'Location'])
self.table.align['ID'] = 'l'
self.table.align['URL'] = 'l'
self.table.min_width['URL'] = 25
self.table.align['Status'] = 'l'
self.table.align['Uptime %'] = 'r'
self.table.align['Time to first Byte'] = 'c'
self.table.align['Location'] = 'c'
self.sum_uptime = 0
self.sum_ttfb = 0
self.num_monitors = 0
def fetchData(self):
"""Retrieve the list of all website monitors"""
# if data is already downloaded, use cached data
if self.monitors != None:
return True
response_json = apiGet('monitors', 200, self.config)
if response_json:
if 'monitors' in response_json:
self.monitors = response_json['monitors']
return True
printWarn('No monitors found')
self.monitors = None
return False
self.monitors = None
return False
def getSiteId(self, url: str):
"""Return Site Id for the monitor with the specified url or name. Only the first matching entry (exact match) is returned or empty string if not found"""
if url and self.fetchData():
# Iterate through list of monitors and find the specified one
for monitor in self.monitors:
if monitor['url'] == url or (monitor['name'] and monitor['name'] == url):
return monitor['id']
return ''
def getSiteUrl(self, id: str):
"""Return Site Url for the monitor with the specified id"""
if id and self.fetchData():
# Iterate through list of monitors and find the specified one
for monitor in self.monitors:
if monitor['id'] == id:
return monitor['url']
return ''
def list(self, id: str = '', url: str = '', name: str = '', location: str = '', pattern: str = '', issuesOnly: bool = False, sort: str = '', reverse: bool = False, limit: int = 0):
"""Iterate through list of web monitors and print details"""
if self.fetchData():
# if JSON was requested and no filters, then just print it without iterating through
if (self.format == 'json' and not (id or url or name or location or pattern or issuesOnly or limit > 0)):
print(json.dumps(self.monitors, indent=4))
self.sum_uptime = 0
self.sum_ttfb = 0
self.num_monitors = 0
for monitor in self.monitors:
if (id or url or name or location or pattern):
if (id and monitor['id'] == id) \
or (url and monitor['url'] == url) \
or (name and 'name' in monitor and monitor['name'] == name) \
or (location and location in monitor['monitor']['name']) \
or (pattern and pattern in monitor['url']):
if (not issuesOnly) or self.hasIssue(monitor):
if (not issuesOnly) or self.hasIssue(monitor):
self.printFooter(sort=sort, reverse=reverse, limit=limit)
def add(self, url: str, protocol: str = 'https', name: str = '', port: int = 443, keyword: str = '', matchType:str = '', nodeId: str = '', force: bool = False):
"""Add a monitor for the given URL"""
if url and self.fetchData():
# urls do not include the protocol
url = url.replace('https://', '').replace('http://', '')
# use the url as name if not specified otherwise
if not name:
name = url
# use https as protocol if not specified otherwise
if not protocol:
protocol = 'https'
# check if monitored url already exists unless --force is specified
if not force:
for monitor in self.monitors:
if monitor['url'] == url:
print(url, 'already exists and will not be added')
# other parameters:
# port: int (e.g. 443, 80)
# redirects: int (e.g. 3 max redirects; 0 for no redirects)
# timeout: int (e.g. 30 seconds)
# interval: int # How often to perform the check in seconds
# keyword: str # Alert when error on my page is found in the page HTML
# match_type: str 'yes' or 'no' # If set to yes it will alert when keyword is found on page, if no alert when keyword not found
# monitor: str
# protocol: str [http, https, icmp, tcp]
# Make request to API endpoint
data = {
'url': url,
'name': name,
'port': port,
'protocol': protocol,
'keyword': keyword,
'match_type': matchType,
'monitor': nodeId,
apiPost('monitors', self.config, data=data, expectedStatusCode=200, successMessage='Added site monitor: ' + url, errorMessage='Failed to add site monitor ' + url + '')
def remove(self, id: str = '', url: str = '', name: str = '', location: str = '', pattern: str = ''):
"""Remove the monitor for the given URL"""
removed = 0
if (id or url or name or location or pattern) and self.fetchData():
for monitor in self.monitors:
curr_id = monitor['id']
curr_url = monitor['url']
curr_name = monitor['name'] if 'name' in monitor else ''
curr_location = monitor['monitor']['name']
if (id == curr_id) \
or (url and url == curr_url) \
or (name and name == curr_name) \
or (location and location in curr_location) \
or (pattern and pattern in curr_url):
removed += 1
apiDelete('monitor/' + curr_id, self.config, expectedStatusCode=204, successMessage='Removed site monitor: ' + curr_url + ' [' + curr_id + ']', errorMessage='Failed to remove site monitor ' + curr_url + ' [' + curr_id + ']')
if removed == 0:
printWarn('No monitors with given pattern found: id=' + id, 'url=', url, 'name=' + name, 'location=' + location, 'pattern=' + pattern)
def hasIssue(self, monitor):
"""Return True if the specified monitor has some issue by having a value outside of the expected threshold specified in config file"""
if float(monitor['uptime_percentage']) <= float(self.config.threshold_uptime):
return True
if 'last_check' in monitor and 'ttfb' in monitor['last_check']:
if float(monitor['last_check']['ttfb']) >= float(self.config.threshold_ttfb):
return True
return False
def getUptime(self, siteId: str, startTimestamp: float, endTimestamp: float):
"""Retrieve uptime for the specified site within the specified uptime period"""
# make sure all parameters are defined
if not (siteId and startTimestamp > 0 and endTimestamp > 0):
return None
params = self.config.params()
params['start'] = int(startTimestamp)
params['end'] = int(endTimestamp)
response_json = apiGet('monitor/' + siteId + '/uptime', 200, self.config, params=params)
if response_json:
if 'uptime_percentage' in response_json:
return response_json
printWarn('No uptime information available for site', siteId)
return None
return None
def listUptimes(self, siteId: str, periods, dateTimeFormat: str = '%Y-%m-%d'):
"""Retrieve uptime for the specified site within the specified uptime periods"""
table = PrettyTable(field_names=['Uptime in %', 'Period', 'Downtime', 'Events'])
table.align['Uptime in %'] = 'r'
table.align['Period'] = 'l'
table.align['Downtime'] = 'l'
table.align['Events'] = 'r'
for period in periods:
uptime_json = self.getUptime(siteId, period[0], period[1])
if uptime_json:
startDate = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(uptime_json['start']))
endDate = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(uptime_json['end']))
uptime_percentage = float(uptime_json['uptime_percentage'])
downtime_seconds = uptime_json['downtime_seconds']
events = uptime_json['events']
table.add_row(["{:.4f}%".format(uptime_percentage), formatTimespan(startDate, endDate, dateTimeFormat), formatDowntime(downtime_seconds), events])
def printHeader(self):
"""Print CSV header if CSV format requested"""
if (self.format == 'csv'):
print(self.config.delimiter.join(['ID', 'URL', 'Name', 'Code', 'Status', 'Status Message', 'Uptime %', 'Time to first Byte', 'Location']))
def printFooter(self, sort: str = '', reverse: bool = False, limit: int = 0):
"""Print table if table format requested"""
if (self.format == 'table'):
avg_uptime = self.sum_uptime / self.num_monitors if self.sum_uptime > 0 and self.num_monitors > 0 else 0
avg_ttfb = self.sum_ttfb / self.num_monitors if self.sum_ttfb > 0 and self.num_monitors > 0 else 0
if avg_uptime <= float(self.config.threshold_uptime):
uptime_percentage_text = f"{bcolors.FAIL}" + "{:.4f}".format(avg_uptime) + f"{bcolors.ENDC}"
uptime_percentage_text = "{:.4f}".format(avg_uptime)
if avg_ttfb >= float(self.config.threshold_ttfb):
ttfb_text = f"{bcolors.FAIL}" + "{:.2f}".format(avg_ttfb) + f"{bcolors.ENDC}"
ttfb_text = "{:.2f}".format(avg_ttfb)
# add average row as table footer
self.table.add_row(['', 'Average of ' + str(self.num_monitors) + ' monitors', '', uptime_percentage_text, ttfb_text, ''])
# remove columns that should be excluded
if self.config.hide_ids:
# Get string to be printed and create list of elements separated by \n
list_of_table_lines = self.table.get_string().split('\n')
# remember summary row
summary_line = list_of_table_lines[-2]
# remove summary row again to allow sorting and limiting
if sort:
# if sort contains the column index instead of the column name, get the column name instead
if sort.isdecimal():
sort = self.table.get_csv_string().split(',')[int(sort) - 1]
sort = None
if limit > 0:
list_of_table_lines = self.table.get_string(sortby=sort, reversesort=reverse, start=0, end=limit).split('\n')
list_of_table_lines = self.table.get_string(sortby=sort, reversesort=reverse).split('\n')
# Sorting by multiple columns could be done like this
# list_of_table_lines = self.table.get_string(sortby=("Col Name 1", "Col Name 2")), reversesort=reverse).split('\n')
# Print the table
# elif (self.format == 'csv'):
# print(self.table.get_csv_string(delimiter=self.config.delimiter))
def print(self, monitor):
"""Print the data of the specified web monitor"""
if (self.format == 'json'):
print(json.dumps(monitor, indent=4))
id = monitor['id']
url = monitor['url']
name = monitor['name'] if 'name' in monitor else ''
code = monitor['code'] if 'code' in monitor else ''
status = monitor['status'] if 'status' in monitor else ''
status_message = monitor['status_message'] if 'status_message' in monitor else ''
location = monitor['monitor']['name']
uptime_percentage = float(monitor['uptime_percentage'])
if 'last_check' in monitor and 'ttfb' in monitor['last_check']:
ttfb = float(monitor['last_check']['ttfb'])
self.sum_uptime = self.sum_uptime + uptime_percentage
self.sum_ttfb = self.sum_ttfb + ttfb
self.num_monitors = self.num_monitors + 1
ttfb = -1
if (self.format == 'csv'):
print(self.config.delimiter.join([id, url, name, str(code), status, status_message, str(uptime_percentage) + '%', str(ttfb), location]))
if uptime_percentage <= float(self.config.threshold_uptime):
uptime_percentage_text = f"{bcolors.FAIL}" + "{:.4f}".format(uptime_percentage) + f"{bcolors.ENDC}"
uptime_percentage_text = "{:.4f}".format(uptime_percentage)
if ttfb >= float(self.config.threshold_ttfb):
ttfb_text = f"{bcolors.FAIL}" + "{:.2f}".format(ttfb) + f"{bcolors.ENDC}"
elif ttfb != -1:
ttfb_text = "{:.2f}".format(ttfb)
ttfb_text = f"{bcolors.FAIL}n/a{bcolors.ENDC}"
self.table.add_row([id, url, status_message, uptime_percentage_text, ttfb_text, location]) | 360monitoringcli | /360monitoringcli-1.0.19-py3-none-any.whl/cli360monitoring/lib/ | |
import os
import configparser
from .functions import printError
from .bcolors import bcolors
class Config(object):
def __init__(self, version: str):
self.version = version
self.filename = '360monitoring.ini'
self.endpoint = ''
self.api_key = ''
self.usertoken = ''
self.max_items = 5000
self.debug = False
self.readonly = False
self.hide_ids = False
self.delimiter = ','
self.last_version_check = ''
self.threshold_uptime = 99.0
self.threshold_ttfb = 1.0
self.threshold_free_diskspace = 20.0
self.threshold_cpu_usage = 80.0
self.threshold_mem_usage = 80.0
self.threshold_disk_usage = 80.0
def headers(self):
"""Set headers for http requests"""
if self.api_key:
return {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + self.api_key,
'User-Agent': '360 Monitoring CLI ' + self.version,
printError('ERROR: No API key specified in ' + self.filename + ". Please run \"360monitoring config save --api-key YOUR_API_KEY\" to connect to your 360 Monitoring account.")
return {}
def params(self, tags:str = ''):
"""Set params for http requests"""
params = {
'perpage': self.max_items,
'api_mode': 'cli_' + self.version
if tags:
params['tags'] = tags
return params
def loadFromFile(self):
"""Read API endpoint and API key from config file"""
if os.path.isfile(self.filename):
parser = configparser.ConfigParser()
if 'General' in parser.sections():
if 'last-version-check' in parser['General']:
self.last_version_check = parser['General']['last-version-check']
if 'Connection' in parser.sections():
if 'endpoint' in parser['Connection']:
self.endpoint = parser['Connection']['endpoint']
if 'api-key' in parser['Connection']:
self.api_key = parser['Connection']['api-key']
if 'usertoken' in parser['Connection']:
self.usertoken = parser['Connection']['usertoken']
if 'max-items' in parser['Connection']:
self.max_items = parser['Connection']['max-items']
if 'hide-ids' in parser['Connection']:
self.hide_ids = (parser['Connection']['hide-ids'] == 'True')
if 'debug' in parser['Connection']:
self.debug = (parser['Connection']['debug'] == 'True')
if 'readonly' in parser['Connection']:
self.readonly = (parser['Connection']['readonly'] == 'True')
if 'Thresholds' in parser.sections():
if 'min-uptime-percent' in parser['Thresholds']:
self.threshold_uptime = parser['Thresholds']['min-uptime-percent']
if 'max-time-to-first-byte' in parser['Thresholds']:
self.threshold_ttfb = parser['Thresholds']['max-time-to-first-byte']
if 'min-free-diskspace-percent' in parser['Thresholds']:
self.threshold_free_diskspace = parser['Thresholds']['min-free-diskspace-percent']
if 'max-cpu-usage-percent' in parser['Thresholds']:
self.threshold_cpu_usage = parser['Thresholds']['max-cpu-usage-percent']
if 'max-mem-usage-percent' in parser['Thresholds']:
self.threshold_mem_usage = parser['Thresholds']['max-mem-usage-percent']
if 'max-disk-usage-percent' in parser['Thresholds']:
self.threshold_disk_usage = parser['Thresholds']['max-disk-usage-percent']
def saveToFile(self, printInfo : bool = True):
"""Save settings to config file"""
parser = configparser.ConfigParser()
parser['General'] = {
'last-version-check': self.last_version_check,
parser['Connection'] = {
'api-key': self.api_key,
'usertoken': self.usertoken,
'endpoint': self.endpoint,
'max-items': self.max_items,
'hide-ids': self.hide_ids,
'debug': self.debug,
'readonly': self.readonly,
parser['Thresholds'] = {
'min-uptime-percent': self.threshold_uptime,
'max-time-to-first-byte': self.threshold_ttfb,
'min-free-diskspace-percent': self.threshold_free_diskspace,
'max-cpu-usage-percent': self.threshold_cpu_usage,
'max-mem-usage-percent': self.threshold_mem_usage,
'max-disk-usage-percent': self.threshold_disk_usage,
with open(self.filename, 'w') as config_file:
if printInfo:
print('Saved settings to', self.filename)
def print(self):
"""Print current settings"""
if os.path.isfile(self.filename):
print('config file:'.ljust(30), self.filename)
print('config file:'.ljust(30) + f"{bcolors.WARNING}" + self.filename + f" does not exist. Please run \"360monitoring config save --api-key YOUR_API_KEY\" to configure.{bcolors.ENDC}")
print('CLI version:'.ljust(30), self.version)
print('endpoint:'.ljust(30), self.endpoint)
if self.api_key:
print('api-key:'.ljust(30), self.api_key)
print('api-key:'.ljust(30) + f"{bcolors.FAIL}No API key specified in " + self.filename + f". Please run \"360monitoring config save --api-key YOUR_API_KEY\" to connect to your 360 Monitoring account.{bcolors.ENDC}")
if self.usertoken:
print('usertoken:'.ljust(30), self.usertoken)
print('usertoken:'.ljust(30) + f"{bcolors.FAIL}No usertoken specified in " + self.filename + f". Please run \"360monitoring config save --usertoken YOUR_TOKEN\" to use it for creating magic links.{bcolors.ENDC}")
print('max items:'.ljust(30), self.max_items)
print('hide ids:'.ljust(30), self.hide_ids)
print('debug:'.ljust(30), self.debug)
print('readonly:'.ljust(30), self.readonly)
print('min-uptime-percent:'.ljust(30), self.threshold_uptime)
print('max-time-to-first-byte:'.ljust(30), self.threshold_ttfb)
print('min-free-diskspace-percent:'.ljust(30), self.threshold_free_diskspace)
print('max-cpu-usage-percent:'.ljust(30), self.threshold_cpu_usage)
print('max-mem-usage-percent:'.ljust(30), self.threshold_mem_usage)
print('max-disk-usage-percent:'.ljust(30), self.threshold_disk_usage) | 360monitoringcli | /360monitoringcli-1.0.19-py3-none-any.whl/cli360monitoring/lib/ | |
import json
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from datetime import datetime
from .api import apiGet
from .config import Config
from .functions import printError, printWarn
class ServerNotifications(object):
def __init__(self, config: Config, format: str = 'table'):
self.config = config
self.format = format
self.notifications = None
self.table = PrettyTable(field_names=['Start', 'End', 'Status', 'Summary'])
self.table.align['Start'] = 'c'
self.table.align['End'] = 'c'
self.table.align['Status'] = 'c'
self.table.align['Summary'] = 'l'
def fetchData(self, serverId: str, startTimestamp: float, endTimestamp: float):
"""Retrieve a list of all alerts of a specified server in the specified time period"""
# if data is already downloaded, use cached data
if self.notifications != None:
return True
params = self.config.params()
params['start'] = int(startTimestamp)
params['end'] = int(endTimestamp)
response_json = apiGet('server/' + serverId + '/notifications', 200, self.config, params)
if response_json:
if 'data' in response_json:
self.notifications = response_json['data']
return True
printWarn('No notifications found for server', serverId)
self.notifications = None
return False
self.notifications = None
return False
def list(self, serverId: str, startTimestamp: float, endTimestamp: float, sort: str = '', reverse: bool = False, limit: int = 0):
"""Iterate through list of server notifications and print details"""
if self.fetchData(serverId, startTimestamp, endTimestamp):
# if JSON was requested and no filters, then just print it without iterating through
if self.format == 'json':
print(json.dumps(self.notifications, indent=4))
# Iterate through list of servers and print data, etc.
for notification in self.notifications:
self.printFooter(sort=sort, reverse=reverse, limit=limit)
def printFooter(self, sort: str = '', reverse: bool = False, limit: int = 0):
"""Print table if table format requested"""
if (self.format == 'table'):
# if self.config.hide_ids:
# self.table.del_column('ID')
if sort:
# if sort contains the column index instead of the column name, get the column name instead
if sort.isdecimal():
sort = self.table.get_csv_string().split(',')[int(sort) - 1]
sort = None
if limit > 0:
print(self.table.get_string(sortby=sort, reversesort=reverse, start=0, end=limit))
print(self.table.get_string(sortby=sort, reversesort=reverse))
elif (self.format == 'csv'):
def print(self, notification):
"""Print the data of the specified contact"""
if (self.format == 'json'):
print(json.dumps(notification, indent=4))
startTimestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(notification['start']))
endTimestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(notification['end']))
status = notification['status']
summary = notification['summary']
self.table.add_row([startTimestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), endTimestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), status, summary]) | 360monitoringcli | /360monitoringcli-1.0.19-py3-none-any.whl/cli360monitoring/lib/ | |
import json
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from .api import apiGet, apiPost
from .config import Config
from .functions import printError, printWarn
class UserTokens(object):
def __init__(self, config: Config):
self.config = config
self.usertokens = None
self.table = PrettyTable(field_names=['Token', 'Name', 'Tags'])
self.table.align['Token'] = 'l'
self.table.align['Name'] = 'l'
self.table.align['Tags'] = 'l'
def fetchData(self):
"""Retrieve the list of all usertokens"""
# if data is already downloaded, use cached data
if self.usertokens != None:
return True
response_json = apiGet('usertoken', 200, self.config)
if response_json:
if 'tokens' in response_json:
self.usertokens = response_json['tokens']
return True
printWarn('No usertokens found')
self.usertokens = None
return False
self.usertokens = None
return False
def list(self, token: str = '', format: str = 'table'):
"""Iterate through list of usertokens and print details"""
if self.fetchData():
if self.usertokens != None:
# if JSON was requested and no filters, then just print it without iterating through
if (format == 'json' and not token):
print(json.dumps(self.usertokens, indent=4))
for usertoken in self.usertokens:
if token:
if usertoken['token'] == token:
if (format == 'table'):
elif (format == 'csv'):
def token(self):
"""Print the data of first usertoken"""
if self.fetchData() and len(self.usertokens) > 0:
return self.usertokens[0]['token']
def create(self, name: str = '', tags: str = ''):
"""Create a new usertoken"""
data = {
'name': name,
'tags': tags
return apiPost('usertoken', self.config, data=data, expectedStatusCode=200, successMessage='Created usertoken', errorMessage='Failed to create usertoken')
def print(self, usertoken, format: str = 'table'):
"""Print the data of the specified usertoken"""
if (format == 'json'):
print(json.dumps(usertoken, indent=4))
token = usertoken['token']
name = usertoken['name'] if 'name' in usertoken and usertoken['name'] else ''
tags = ''
if 'tags' in usertoken and usertoken['tags']:
for tag in usertoken['tags']:
tags += ', ' + tag
self.table.add_row([token, name, tags.lstrip(', ')]) | 360monitoringcli | /360monitoringcli-1.0.19-py3-none-any.whl/cli360monitoring/lib/ | |
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from .config import Config
from .servers import Servers
class WPToolkit(object):
def __init__(self, config: Config):
self.config = config
self.table = PrettyTable(field_names=['ID', 'Server name', 'WP sites', 'Alive', 'Outdated', 'Outdated PHP', 'Broken'])
self.table.align['ID'] = 'l'
self.table.align['Server name'] = 'l'
self.table.min_width['Server name'] = 24
self.table.align['WP sites'] = 'r'
self.table.align['Alive'] = 'r'
self.table.align['Outdated'] = 'r'
self.table.align['Outdated PHP'] = 'r'
self.table.align['Broken'] = 'r'
self.num_servers_with_wpt = 0
self.sum_wp_sites_total = 0
self.sum_wp_sites_alive = 0
self.sum_wp_sites_outdated = 0
self.sum_wp_sites_outdated_php = 0
self.sum_wp_sites_broken = 0
def printFooter(self, sort: str = '', reverse: bool = False, limit: int = 0):
"""Print table if table format requested"""
# add summary row as table footer
self.table.add_row(['', 'Sum of ' + str(self.num_servers_with_wpt) + ' servers', self.sum_wp_sites_total, self.sum_wp_sites_alive, self.sum_wp_sites_outdated, self.sum_wp_sites_outdated_php, self.sum_wp_sites_broken])
if self.config.hide_ids:
# Get string to be printed and create list of elements separated by \n
list_of_table_lines = self.table.get_string().split('\n')
# remember summary row
summary_line = list_of_table_lines[-2]
# remove summary row again to allow sorting and limiting
if sort:
# if sort contains the column index instead of the column name, get the column name instead
if sort.isdecimal():
sort = self.table.get_csv_string().split(',')[int(sort) - 1]
sort = None
if limit > 0:
list_of_table_lines = self.table.get_string(sortby=sort, reversesort=reverse, start=0, end=limit).split('\n')
list_of_table_lines = self.table.get_string(sortby=sort, reversesort=reverse).split('\n')
# Sorting by multiple columns could be done like this
# list_of_table_lines = self.table.get_string(sortby=("Col Name 1", "Col Name 2")), reversesort=reverse).split('\n')
# Print the table
def print(self, format: str = 'table', issuesOnly: bool = False, sort: str = '', reverse: bool = False, limit: int = 0):
"""Iterate through all servers and aggregate metrics for those that have WP Toolkit installed"""
servers = Servers(self.config)
if servers.fetchData():
for server in servers.servers:
id = server['id']
name = server['name']
last_data = server['last_data']
if last_data and 'wp-toolkit' in last_data:
wpt_data = last_data['wp-toolkit']
if wpt_data:
wp_sites_total = wpt_data['WordPress Websites']
wp_sites_alive = wpt_data['WordPress Websites - Alive']
wp_sites_outdated = wpt_data['WordPress Websites - Outdated']
wp_sites_outdated_php = wpt_data['WordPress Websites - Outdated PHP']
wp_sites_broken = wpt_data['WordPress Websites - Broken']
self.num_servers_with_wpt += 1
self.sum_wp_sites_total += wp_sites_total
self.sum_wp_sites_alive += wp_sites_alive
self.sum_wp_sites_outdated += wp_sites_outdated
self.sum_wp_sites_outdated_php += wp_sites_outdated_php
self.sum_wp_sites_broken += wp_sites_broken
if wp_sites_outdated > 0 or wp_sites_outdated_php > 0 or wp_sites_broken > 0 or not issuesOnly:
self.table.add_row([id, name, wp_sites_total, wp_sites_alive, wp_sites_outdated, wp_sites_outdated_php, wp_sites_broken])
if (format == 'table'):
self.printFooter(sort=sort, reverse=reverse, limit=limit)
elif (format == 'csv'):
print(self.table.get_csv_string(delimiter=self.config.delimiter)) | 360monitoringcli | /360monitoringcli-1.0.19-py3-none-any.whl/cli360monitoring/lib/ | |
import json
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from .api import apiGet
from .config import Config
from .functions import printError, printWarn
class Nodes(object):
def __init__(self, config: Config, format: str = 'table'):
self.config = config
self.format = format
self.nodes = None
self.table = PrettyTable(field_names=['ID', 'Name'])
self.table.align['ID'] = 'l'
self.table.align['Name'] = 'l'
def fetchData(self):
"""Retrieve the list of all nodes"""
# if data is already downloaded, use cached data
if self.nodes != None:
return True
response_json = apiGet('nodes', 200, self.config)
if response_json:
if 'nodes' in response_json:
self.nodes = response_json['nodes']
return True
printWarn('No nodes found')
self.nodes = None
return False
self.nodes = None
return False
def list(self, id: str = '', name: str = '', sort: str = 'Name', reverse: bool = False, limit: int = 0):
"""Iterate through list of nodes and print details"""
if self.fetchData():
# if JSON was requested and no filters, then just print it without iterating through
if (self.format == 'json' and not (id or name or limit > 0)):
print(json.dumps(self.nodes, indent=4))
for node in self.nodes:
if (id or name):
if (id and 'id' in node and node['id'] == id) \
or (name and 'pretty_name' in node and name in node['pretty_name']):
self.printFooter(sort=sort, reverse=reverse, limit=limit)
def getNodeId(self, name: str):
"""Return Node Id for the location with the specified name. Only the first matching entry (exact match) is returned or empty string if not found"""
if name and self.fetchData():
# Iterate through list of nodes and find the specified one
for node in self.nodes:
if name in node['pretty_name']:
return node['id']
return ''
def printFooter(self, sort: str = '', reverse: bool = False, limit: int = 0):
"""Print table if table format requested"""
if (self.format == 'table'):
if self.config.hide_ids:
if sort:
# if sort contains the column index instead of the column name, get the column name instead
if sort.isdecimal():
sort = self.table.get_csv_string().split(',')[int(sort) - 1]
sort = None
if limit > 0:
print(self.table.get_string(sortby=sort, reversesort=reverse, start=0, end=limit))
print(self.table.get_string(sortby=sort, reversesort=reverse))
elif (self.format == 'csv'):
def print(self, node):
"""Print the data of the specified node"""
if (self.format == 'json'):
print(json.dumps(node, indent=4))
id = node['id']
name = node['pretty_name']
"pretty_name": "Nuremberg, DE",
"ip": "",
"ipv6": "2a01:4f8:c0c:c52d::1",
"lastactive": 1682624703,
"password": "***********",
"username": "***********",
"geodata": {
"latitude": 49.460983,
"longitude": 11.061859
"id": "60e81944f401963e610a0623"
self.table.add_row([id, name]) | 360monitoringcli | /360monitoringcli-1.0.19-py3-none-any.whl/cli360monitoring/lib/ | |
import json
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from datetime import datetime
from .api import apiGet
from .config import Config
from .functions import printError, printWarn
class SiteNotifications(object):
def __init__(self, config: Config, format: str = 'table'):
self.config = config
self.format = format
self.notifications = None
self.table = PrettyTable(field_names=['Start', 'End', 'Status', 'Summary'])
self.table.align['Start'] = 'c'
self.table.align['End'] = 'c'
self.table.align['Status'] = 'c'
self.table.align['Summary'] = 'l'
def fetchData(self, siteId: str, startTimestamp: float, endTimestamp: float):
"""Retrieve a list of all alerts of a specified site in the specified time period"""
# if data is already downloaded, use cached data
if self.notifications != None:
return True
params = self.config.params()
params['start'] = int(startTimestamp)
params['end'] = int(endTimestamp)
response_json = apiGet('monitor/' + siteId + '/notifications', 200, self.config, params)
if response_json:
if 'data' in response_json:
self.notifications = response_json['data']
return True
printWarn('No notifications found for site', siteId)
self.notifications = None
return False
self.notifications = None
return False
def list(self, siteId: str, startTimestamp: float, endTimestamp: float, sort: str = '', reverse: bool = False, limit: int = 0):
"""Iterate through list of site notifications and print details"""
if self.fetchData(siteId, startTimestamp, endTimestamp):
# if JSON was requested and no filters, then just print it without iterating through
if self.format == 'json':
print(json.dumps(self.notifications, indent=4))
# Iterate through list of sites and print data, etc.
for notification in self.notifications:
self.printFooter(sort=sort, reverse=reverse, limit=limit)
def printFooter(self, sort: str = '', reverse: bool = False, limit: int = 0):
"""Print table if table format requested"""
if (self.format == 'table'):
# if self.config.hide_ids:
# self.table.del_column('ID')
if sort:
# if sort contains the column index instead of the column name, get the column name instead
if sort.isdecimal():
sort = self.table.get_csv_string().split(',')[int(sort) - 1]
sort = None
if limit > 0:
print(self.table.get_string(sortby=sort, reversesort=reverse, start=0, end=limit))
print(self.table.get_string(sortby=sort, reversesort=reverse))
elif (self.format == 'csv'):
def print(self, notification):
"""Print the data of the specified contact"""
if (self.format == 'json'):
print(json.dumps(notification, indent=4))
startTimestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(notification['start']))
endTimestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(notification['end']))
status = notification['status']
summary = notification['summary']
self.table.add_row([startTimestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), endTimestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), status, summary]) | 360monitoringcli | /360monitoringcli-1.0.19-py3-none-any.whl/cli360monitoring/lib/ | |
import json
from datetime import datetime
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from .api import apiGet, apiPost, apiDelete
from .config import Config
from .functions import printError, printWarn
class Incidents(object):
def __init__(self, config: Config, format: str = 'table'):
self.config = config
self.format = format
self.incidents = None
self.table = PrettyTable(field_names=['ID', 'Name', 'Body', 'Status', 'Timestamp'])
self.table.align['ID'] = 'l'
self.table.align['Name'] = 'l'
self.table.align['Body'] = 'l'
self.table.align['Status'] = 'c'
self.table.align['Timestamp'] = 'c'
def fetchData(self, page_id: str):
"""Retrieve the list of all incidents"""
# if data is already downloaded, use cached data
if self.incidents != None:
return True
response_json = apiGet('page/' + page_id + '/incidents', 200, self.config)
if response_json:
if 'incidents' in response_json:
self.incidents = response_json['incidents']
return True
printWarn('No incidents found for page', page_id)
self.incidents = None
return False
self.incidents = None
return False
def list(self, page_id: str, id: str = '', name: str = ''):
"""Iterate through list of incidents and print details"""
if self.fetchData(page_id):
# if JSON was requested and no filters, then just print it without iterating through
if (self.format == 'json'):
print(json.dumps(self.incidents, indent=4))
for incident in self.incidents:
if id or name:
if (id and 'id' in incident and incident['id'] == id) \
or (name and 'name' in incident and incident['name'] == name):
def add(self, page_id: str, name: str, body: str = ''):
"""Add a incident for the given name"""
if page_id and name:
if self.fetchData(page_id) and self.incidents:
for incident in self.incidents:
if incident['name'] == name and incident['body'] == body:
print('Incident \'' + name + '\' already exists with this text and will not be added')
return False
# Make request to API endpoint
data = {
'name': name,
'body': body
apiPost('page/' + page_id + '/incidents', self.config, data=data, expectedStatusCode=204, successMessage='Added incident: ' + name, errorMessage='Failed to add incident \"' + name + '\" to page \"' + page_id + '\"')
def remove(self, page_id: str, id: str = '', name: str = ''):
"""Remove the incident for the given name"""
if (id or name) and self.fetchData(page_id):
for incident in self.incidents:
curr_id = incident['id']
curr_name = incident['name']
curr_update_id = ''
if (id and id == curr_id) \
or (name and name == curr_name):
apiDelete('page/' + page_id + '/incident/' + curr_id + '/' + curr_update_id, self.config, expectedStatusCode=204, successMessage='Removed incident: ' + curr_name + ' [' + curr_id + ']', errorMessage='Failed to remove incident \"' + curr_name + '\" [' + curr_id + '] from page \"' + page_id + '\"')
printWarn('No incident with given pattern found on page \"' + page_id + '\": id=' + id, 'name=' + name)
def printFooter(self, sort: str = '', reverse: bool = False, limit: int = 0):
"""Print table if table format requested"""
if (self.format == 'table'):
if self.config.hide_ids:
if sort:
# if sort contains the column index instead of the column name, get the column name instead
if sort.isdecimal():
sort = self.table.get_csv_string().split(',')[int(sort) - 1]
sort = None
if limit > 0:
print(self.table.get_string(sortby=sort, reversesort=reverse, start=0, end=limit))
print(self.table.get_string(sortby=sort, reversesort=reverse))
elif (self.format == 'csv'):
def print(self, incident):
"""Print the data of the specified incident"""
if (self.format == 'json'):
print(json.dumps(incident, indent=4))
id = incident['id']
name = incident['name'] if 'name' in incident else ''
body = incident['body'] if 'body' in incident else ''
status = incident['status'] if 'status' in incident else ''
timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(incident['timestamp']) if 'timestamp' in incident else ''
self.table.add_row([id, name, body, status, timestamp]) | 360monitoringcli | /360monitoringcli-1.0.19-py3-none-any.whl/cli360monitoring/lib/ | |
import json
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from .api import apiGet, apiPut
from .config import Config
from .functions import printError, printWarn
from .bcolors import bcolors
class Servers(object):
def __init__(self, config: Config, format: str = 'table'):
self.config = config
self.format = format
self.servers = None
self.table = PrettyTable(field_names=['ID', 'Server name', 'IP Address', 'Status', 'OS', 'CPU Usage %', 'Mem Usage %', 'Disk Usage %', 'Disk Info', 'Tags'])
self.table.align['ID'] = 'l'
self.table.align['Server name'] = 'l'
self.table.min_width['Server name'] = 24
self.table.align['Tags'] = 'l'
self.sum_cpu_usage = 0
self.sum_mem_usage = 0
self.sum_disk_usage = 0
self.num_servers = 0
def fetchData(self, tags: str = ''):
"""Retrieve a list of all monitored servers"""
# if data is already downloaded, use cached data
if self.servers != None:
return True
response_json = apiGet('servers', 200, self.config, self.config.params(tags))
if response_json:
if 'servers' in response_json:
self.servers = response_json['servers']
return True
printWarn('No servers found for tags', tags)
self.servers = None
return False
self.servers = None
return False
def update(self, serverId: str, tags):
"""Update a specific server and add specified tags to it"""
data = {
"tags": tags
apiPut('server/' + serverId, self.config, data=data, expectedStatusCode=200, successMessage='Updated tags of server ' + serverId + ' to ' + tags, errorMessage='Failed to update server ' + serverId)
def list(self, issuesOnly: bool, sort: str, reverse: bool, limit: int, tags):
"""Iterate through list of server monitors and print details"""
if self.fetchData(','.join(tags)):
# if JSON was requested and no filters, then just print it without iterating through
if (self.format == 'json' and not (issuesOnly or len(tags) > 0 or limit > 0)):
print(json.dumps(self.servers, indent=4))
self.sum_cpu_usage = 0
self.sum_mem_usage = 0
self.sum_disk_usage = 0
self.num_servers = 0
# Iterate through list of servers and print data, etc.
for server in self.servers:
if len(tags) == 0:
if (not issuesOnly) or self.hasIssue(server):
elif 'tags' in server:
match = True
for tag in tags:
if not tag in server['tags']:
match = False
if match:
if (not issuesOnly) or self.hasIssue(server):
self.printFooter(sort=sort, reverse=reverse, limit=limit)
def setTags(self, pattern: str, tags):
"""Set the tags for the server specified with pattern. Pattern can be either the server ID or its name"""
if pattern and len(tags) > 0 and self.fetchData():
for server in self.servers:
if pattern == server['id'] or pattern in server['name']:
return self.update(server['id'], tags)
printWarn('No server with given pattern found: ' + pattern)
def getServerId(self, name: str):
"""Return Server Id for the server with the specified name. Only the first matching entry (exact match) is returned or empty string if not found"""
if name and self.fetchData():
# Iterate through list of servers and find the specified one
for server in self.servers:
if server['name'] == name:
return server['id']
return ''
def getRecommendation(self, server):
"""Return recommendation text if the specified server has some issue by having a value outside of the expected threshold specified in config file"""
last_data = server['last_data']
mem_usage_percent = server['summary']['mem_usage_percent'] if 'summary' in server else 0
memory_total = last_data['memory']['total'] if 'memory' in last_data else 0
if memory_total > 0 and mem_usage_percent >= float(self.config.threshold_mem_usage):
memory_total_gb = memory_total / 1024 / 1024
memory_total_gb_recommended = round(memory_total_gb * 2)
if (memory_total_gb_recommended % 2) != 0:
memory_total_gb_recommended += 1
return 'Memory is too small for your workload. Please consider upgrading to a larger server with at least ' + str(memory_total_gb_recommended) + ' GB memory.'
cpu_usage_percent = server['summary']['cpu_usage_percent'] if 'summary' in server else 0
cores = last_data['cores'] if 'cores' in last_data else 0
if cores > 0 and cpu_usage_percent >= float(self.config.threshold_cpu_usage):
cores_recommended = round(cores * 2)
if (cores % 2) != 0:
cores += 1
return 'CPU is too small for your workload. Please consider upgrading to a larger server with at least ' + str(cores_recommended) + ' CPU cores.'
disk_usage_percent = server['summary']['disk_usage_percent'] if 'summary' in server else 0
last_data = server['last_data']
if 'df' in last_data: # disk_usage_percent >= float(self.config.threshold_disk_usage)
for disk in last_data['df']:
mount = disk['mount']
free_disk_space = disk['free_bytes']
used_disk_space = disk['used_bytes']
total_disk_space = free_disk_space + used_disk_space
free_disk_space_percent = free_disk_space / total_disk_space * 100
total_disk_space_gb = total_disk_space / 1024 / 1024
total_disk_space_gb_recommended = round(total_disk_space_gb * 2)
if (total_disk_space_gb_recommended % 2) != 0:
total_disk_space_gb_recommended += 1
if free_disk_space_percent <= float(self.config.threshold_free_diskspace):
return 'Disk volume "' + mount + '" is almost exhausted. Please consider extending your storage volume or upgrading to a larger server with at least ' + str(total_disk_space_gb_recommended) + ' GB disk space for this volume.'
return ''
def hasIssue(self, server):
"""Return True if the specified server has some issue by having a value outside of the expected threshold specified in config file"""
if self.getRecommendation(server):
return True
return False
def printHeader(self):
"""Print CSV if CSV format requested"""
if (self.format == 'csv'):
def printFooter(self, sort: str = '', reverse: bool = False, limit: int = 0):
"""Print table if table format requested"""
if (self.format == 'table'):
avg_cpu_usage = self.sum_cpu_usage / self.num_servers if self.sum_cpu_usage > 0 and self.num_servers > 0 else 0
avg_mem_usage = self.sum_mem_usage / self.num_servers if self.sum_mem_usage > 0 and self.num_servers > 0 else 0
avg_disk_usage = self.sum_disk_usage / self.num_servers if self.sum_disk_usage > 0 and self.num_servers > 0 else 0
if avg_cpu_usage >= float(self.config.threshold_cpu_usage):
avg_cpu_usage_text = f"{bcolors.FAIL}" + "{:.1f}".format(avg_cpu_usage) + '%' + f"{bcolors.ENDC}"
avg_cpu_usage_text = "{:.1f}".format(avg_cpu_usage) + '%'
if avg_mem_usage >= float(self.config.threshold_mem_usage):
avg_mem_usage_text = f"{bcolors.FAIL}" + "{:.1f}".format(avg_mem_usage) + '%' + f"{bcolors.ENDC}"
avg_mem_usage_text = "{:.1f}".format(avg_mem_usage) + '%'
if avg_disk_usage >= float(self.config.threshold_disk_usage):
avg_disk_usage_text = f"{bcolors.FAIL}" + "{:.1f}".format(avg_disk_usage) + '%' + f"{bcolors.ENDC}"
avg_disk_usage_text = "{:.1f}".format(avg_disk_usage) + '%'
# add average row as table footer
self.table.add_row(['', 'Average of ' + str(self.num_servers) + ' servers', '', '', '', avg_cpu_usage_text, avg_mem_usage_text, avg_disk_usage_text, '', ''])
if self.config.hide_ids:
# Get string to be printed and create list of elements separated by \n
list_of_table_lines = self.table.get_string().split('\n')
# remember summary row
summary_line = list_of_table_lines[-2]
# remove summary row again to allow sorting and limiting
if sort:
# if sort contains the column index instead of the column name, get the column name instead
if sort.isdecimal():
sort = self.table.get_csv_string().split(',')[int(sort) - 1]
sort = None
if limit > 0:
list_of_table_lines = self.table.get_string(sortby=sort, reversesort=reverse, start=0, end=limit).split('\n')
list_of_table_lines = self.table.get_string(sortby=sort, reversesort=reverse).split('\n')
# Sorting by multiple columns could be done like this
# list_of_table_lines = self.table.get_string(sortby=("Col Name 1", "Col Name 2")), reversesort=reverse).split('\n')
# Print the table
def print(self, server):
"""Print the data of the specified server monitor"""
if (self.format == 'json'):
print(json.dumps(server, indent=4))
id = server['id']
name = server['name']
os = server['os'] if 'os' in server else ''
agent_version = server['agent_version'] if 'agent_version' in server else ''
status = server['status'] if 'status' in server else ''
last_data = server['last_data']
uptime_seconds = last_data['uptime']['seconds'] if 'uptime' in last_data else 0
cores = last_data['cores'] if 'cores' in last_data else 0
memory_used = last_data['memory']['used'] if 'memory' in last_data else 0
memory_free = last_data['memory']['free'] if 'memory' in last_data else 0
memory_available = last_data['memory']['available'] if 'memory' in last_data else 0
memory_total = last_data['memory']['total'] if 'memory' in last_data else 0
connecting_ip = server['connecting_ip'] if 'connecting_ip' in server else ''
if 'ip_whois' in server and server['ip_whois']:
ip_whois = server['ip_whois']
ip_address = ip_whois['ip'] if 'ip' in ip_whois else ''
ip_country = ip_whois['country'] if 'country' in ip_whois else ''
ip_hoster = ip_whois['org'] if 'org' in ip_whois else ''
ip_address = ''
ip_country = ''
ip_hoster = ''
cpu_usage_percent = server['summary']['cpu_usage_percent'] if 'summary' in server else 0
mem_usage_percent = server['summary']['mem_usage_percent'] if 'summary' in server else 0
disk_usage_percent = server['summary']['disk_usage_percent'] if 'summary' in server else 0
self.sum_cpu_usage = self.sum_cpu_usage + cpu_usage_percent
self.sum_mem_usage = self.sum_mem_usage + mem_usage_percent
self.sum_disk_usage = self.sum_disk_usage + disk_usage_percent
self.num_servers = self.num_servers + 1
if cpu_usage_percent >= float(self.config.threshold_cpu_usage):
cpu_usage_percent_text = f"{bcolors.FAIL}" + "{:.1f}".format(cpu_usage_percent) + '%' + f"{bcolors.ENDC}"
cpu_usage_percent_text = "{:.1f}".format(cpu_usage_percent) + '%'
if mem_usage_percent >= float(self.config.threshold_mem_usage):
mem_usage_percent_text = f"{bcolors.FAIL}" + "{:.1f}".format(mem_usage_percent) + '%' + f"{bcolors.ENDC}"
mem_usage_percent_text = "{:.1f}".format(mem_usage_percent) + '%'
if disk_usage_percent >= float(self.config.threshold_disk_usage):
disk_usage_percent_text = f"{bcolors.FAIL}" + "{:.1f}".format(disk_usage_percent) + '%' + f"{bcolors.ENDC}"
disk_usage_percent_text = "{:.1f}".format(disk_usage_percent) + '%'
tags = ''
if 'tags' in server and server['tags']:
for tag in server['tags']:
if tags:
tags += ', ' + tag
tags = tag
disk_info = ''
if 'df' in last_data:
for disk in last_data['df']:
free_disk_space = disk['free_bytes']
used_disk_space = disk['used_bytes']
total_disk_space = free_disk_space + used_disk_space
free_disk_space_percent = free_disk_space / total_disk_space * 100
mount = disk['mount']
# add separator
if disk_info:
disk_info += ', '
if free_disk_space_percent <= float(self.config.threshold_free_diskspace):
disk_info += f"{bcolors.FAIL}" + "{:.0f}".format(free_disk_space_percent) + "% free on " + mount + f"{bcolors.ENDC}"
disk_info += "{:.0f}".format(free_disk_space_percent) + "% free on " + mount
if (self.format == 'csv'):
print(self.config.delimiter.join([id, name, ip_address, status, os, str(cpu_usage_percent) + '%', str(mem_usage_percent) + '%', str(disk_usage_percent) + '%', disk_info, tags]))
self.table.add_row([id, name, ip_address, status, os, cpu_usage_percent_text, mem_usage_percent_text, disk_usage_percent_text, disk_info, tags]) | 360monitoringcli | /360monitoringcli-1.0.19-py3-none-any.whl/cli360monitoring/lib/ | |
import requests
import json
from .config import Config
from .functions import printError
def toParamString(params):
s = '?'
for k, v in params.items():
s += k + '=' + str(v) + '&'
return s.rstrip('&')
def apiGet(path: str, expectedStatusCode: int, config: Config, params: dict = None):
"""Do a GET request and return JSON from response if expected status code was returned"""
# check if headers are correctly set for authorization
if not config.headers():
return None
if not params:
params = config.params()
if config.debug:
print('GET', config.endpoint + path + toParamString(params))
# Make request to API endpoint
response = requests.get(config.endpoint + path, params=params, headers=config.headers())
# Check status code of response
if response.status_code == expectedStatusCode:
# Return json from response
return response.json()
printError('An error occurred:', response.status_code)
return None
def apiPost(path: str, config: Config, params: dict = None, data: dict = None, expectedStatusCode: int = 200, successMessage: str = '', errorMessage: str = ''):
"""Do a POST request"""
# check if headers are correctly set for authorization
if not config.headers():
return False
if not params:
params = config.params()
dataStr = json.dumps(data) if data else ''
if config.debug:
print('POST', config.endpoint + path + toParamString(params), dataStr)
if config.readonly:
return False
# Make request to API endpoint
response = + path, data=dataStr, headers=config.headers())
# Check status code of response
if response.status_code == expectedStatusCode:
if successMessage:
return True
if errorMessage:
print(errorMessage, '(status ' + str(response.status_code) + ')')
return False
def apiPostJSON(path: str, config: Config, params: dict = None, data: dict = None):
"""Do a POST request"""
# check if headers are correctly set for authorization
if not config.headers():
return None
if not params:
params = config.params()
dataStr = json.dumps(data) if data else ''
if config.debug:
print('POST', config.endpoint + path + toParamString(params), dataStr)
if config.readonly:
return None
# Make request to API endpoint
response = + path, data=dataStr, headers=config.headers())
return response.json()
def apiPut(path: str, config: Config, params: dict = None, data: dict = None, expectedStatusCode: int = 200, successMessage: str = '', errorMessage: str = ''):
"""Do a PUT request"""
# check if headers are correctly set for authorization
if not config.headers():
return False
if not params:
params = config.params()
dataStr = json.dumps(data) if data else ''
if config.debug:
print('PUT', config.endpoint + path + toParamString(params), dataStr)
if config.readonly:
return False
# Make request to API endpoint
response = requests.put(config.endpoint + path, data=dataStr, headers=config.headers())
# Check status code of response
if response.status_code == expectedStatusCode:
if successMessage:
return True
if errorMessage:
print(errorMessage, '(status ' + str(response.status_code) + ')')
return False
def apiDelete(path: str, config: Config, params: dict = None, expectedStatusCode: int = 204, successMessage: str = '', errorMessage: str = ''):
"""Do a DELETE request"""
# check if headers are correctly set for authorization
if not config.headers():
return False
if not params:
params = config.params()
if config.debug:
print('DELETE', config.endpoint + path + toParamString(params))
if config.readonly:
return False
# Make request to API endpoint
response = requests.delete(config.endpoint + path, headers=config.headers())
# Check status code of response
if response.status_code == expectedStatusCode:
if successMessage:
return True
if errorMessage:
print(errorMessage, '(status ' + str(response.status_code) + ')')
return False | 360monitoringcli | /360monitoringcli-1.0.19-py3-none-any.whl/cli360monitoring/lib/ | |
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from .config import Config
from .servers import Servers
from .sites import Sites
from .contacts import Contacts
from .usertokens import UserTokens
from .bcolors import bcolors
class Statistics(object):
def __init__(self, config: Config):
self.config = config
self.table = PrettyTable(field_names=['Value', 'Metric'])
self.table.align['Value'] = 'r'
self.table.align['Metric'] = 'l'
def print(self, format: str = 'table'):
"""Iterate through all assets and print statistics"""
servers = Servers(self.config)
if servers.fetchData():
sum_cpu_usage = 0
sum_mem_usage = 0
sum_disk_usage = 0
num_servers = len(servers.servers)
self.table.add_row([len(servers.servers), 'Servers'])
for server in servers.servers:
sum_cpu_usage = sum_cpu_usage + server['summary']['cpu_usage_percent'] if 'summary' in server else 0
sum_mem_usage = sum_mem_usage + server['summary']['mem_usage_percent'] if 'summary' in server else 0
sum_disk_usage = sum_disk_usage + server['summary']['disk_usage_percent'] if 'summary' in server else 0
avg_cpu_usage = sum_cpu_usage / num_servers if sum_cpu_usage > 0 and num_servers > 0 else 0
avg_mem_usage = sum_mem_usage / num_servers if sum_mem_usage > 0 and num_servers > 0 else 0
avg_disk_usage = sum_disk_usage / num_servers if sum_disk_usage > 0 and num_servers > 0 else 0
if avg_cpu_usage >= float(self.config.threshold_cpu_usage):
avg_cpu_usage_text = f"{bcolors.FAIL}" + "{:.1f}".format(avg_cpu_usage) + f"{bcolors.ENDC}"
avg_cpu_usage_text = "{:.1f}".format(avg_cpu_usage)
if avg_mem_usage >= float(self.config.threshold_mem_usage):
avg_mem_usage_text = f"{bcolors.FAIL}" + "{:.1f}".format(avg_mem_usage) + f"{bcolors.ENDC}"
avg_mem_usage_text = "{:.1f}".format(avg_mem_usage)
if avg_disk_usage >= float(self.config.threshold_disk_usage):
avg_disk_usage_text = f"{bcolors.FAIL}" + "{:.1f}".format(avg_disk_usage) + f"{bcolors.ENDC}"
avg_disk_usage_text = "{:.1f}".format(avg_disk_usage)
self.table.add_row([avg_cpu_usage_text, '% avg cpu usage of all ' + str(num_servers) + ' servers'])
self.table.add_row([avg_mem_usage_text, '% avg mem usage of all ' + str(num_servers) + ' servers'])
self.table.add_row([avg_disk_usage_text, '% avg disk usage of all ' + str(num_servers) + ' servers'])
sites = Sites(self.config)
if sites.fetchData():
sum_uptime = 0
sum_ttfb = 0
num_monitors = len(sites.monitors)
self.table.add_row([len(sites.monitors), 'Sites'])
for monitor in sites.monitors:
uptime_percentage = float(monitor['uptime_percentage'])
if 'last_check' in monitor and 'ttfb' in monitor['last_check']:
ttfb = float(monitor['last_check']['ttfb'])
sum_uptime = sum_uptime + uptime_percentage
sum_ttfb = sum_ttfb + ttfb
avg_uptime = sum_uptime / num_monitors if sum_uptime > 0 and num_monitors > 0 else 0
avg_ttfb = sum_ttfb / num_monitors if sum_ttfb > 0 and num_monitors > 0 else 0
if avg_uptime <= float(self.config.threshold_uptime):
uptime_percentage_text = f"{bcolors.FAIL}" + "{:.4f}".format(avg_uptime) + f"{bcolors.ENDC}"
uptime_percentage_text = "{:.4f}".format(avg_uptime)
if avg_ttfb >= float(self.config.threshold_ttfb):
ttfb_text = f"{bcolors.FAIL}" + "{:.2f}".format(avg_ttfb) + f"{bcolors.ENDC}"
ttfb_text = "{:.2f}".format(avg_ttfb)
self.table.add_row([uptime_percentage_text, '% avg uptime of all ' + str(num_monitors) + ' sites'])
self.table.add_row([ttfb_text, 'sec avg ttfb of all ' + str(num_monitors) + ' sites'])
contacts = Contacts(self.config)
if contacts.fetchData():
self.table.add_row([len(contacts.contacts), 'Contacts'])
usertokens = UserTokens(self.config)
if usertokens.fetchData():
self.table.add_row([len(usertokens.usertokens), 'User Tokens'])
if (format == 'table'):
elif (format == 'csv'):
print(self.table.get_csv_string(delimiter=self.config.delimiter)) | 360monitoringcli | /360monitoringcli-1.0.19-py3-none-any.whl/cli360monitoring/lib/ | |
import json
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from .api import apiGet, apiPost, apiDelete
from .config import Config
from .functions import printError, printWarn
class Contacts(object):
def __init__(self, config: Config, format: str = 'table'):
self.config = config
self.format = format
self.contacts = None
self.table = PrettyTable(field_names=['ID', 'Name', 'Email', 'Phone', 'Method'])
self.table.align['ID'] = 'l'
self.table.align['Name'] = 'l'
self.table.align['Email'] = 'l'
self.table.align['Phone'] = 'l'
self.table.align['Method'] = 'c'
def fetchData(self):
"""Retrieve the list of all contacts"""
# if data is already downloaded, use cached data
if self.contacts != None:
return True
response_json = apiGet('contacts', 200, self.config)
if response_json:
if 'contacts' in response_json:
self.contacts = response_json['contacts']
return True
printWarn('No contacts found')
self.contacts = None
return False
self.contacts = None
return False
def list(self, id: str = '', name: str = '', email: str = '', phone: str = '', sort: str = '', reverse: bool = False, limit: int = 0):
"""Iterate through list of contacts and print details"""
if self.fetchData():
# if JSON was requested and no filters, then just print it without iterating through
if (self.format == 'json' and not (id or name or email or phone or limit > 0)):
print(json.dumps(self.contacts, indent=4))
for contact in self.contacts:
if (id or name or email or phone):
if (id and 'id' in contact and contact['id'] == id) \
or (name and 'name' in contact and contact['name'] == name) \
or (email and 'email' in contact and contact['email'] == email) \
or (phone and 'phonenumber' in contact and contact['phonenumber'] == phone):
self.printFooter(sort=sort, reverse=reverse, limit=limit)
def add(self, name: str, email: str = '', sms: str = ''):
"""Add a contact for the given name"""
if name and self.fetchData():
for contact in self.contacts:
if contact['name'] == name:
print(name, 'already exists and will not be added')
# Make request to API endpoint
data = {
'name': name,
'channels': {
'email': email,
'sms': sms
apiPost('contacts', self.config, data=data, expectedStatusCode=200, successMessage='Added contact \"' + name + '\"', errorMessage='Failed to add contact \"' + name + '\"')
def remove(self, id: str = '', name: str = '', email: str = '', phone: str = ''):
"""Remove the contact for the given name"""
if (id or name or email or phone) and self.fetchData():
for contact in self.contacts:
curr_id = contact['id']
curr_name = contact['name']
curr_email = contact['email'] if 'email' in contact else ''
curr_phone = contact['phonenumber'] if 'phonenumber' in contact else ''
if (id == curr_id) \
or (name and name == curr_name) \
or (email and email == curr_email) \
or (phone and phone == curr_phone):
apiDelete('contact/' + curr_id, self.config, expectedStatusCode=204, successMessage='Removed contact \"' + curr_name + '\" [' + curr_id + ']', errorMessage='Failed to remove contact \"' + curr_name + '\" [' + curr_id + ']')
printWarn('No contact with given pattern found: id=' + id, 'name=' + name, 'email=' + email, 'phone=' + phone)
def printFooter(self, sort: str = '', reverse: bool = False, limit: int = 0):
"""Print table if table format requested"""
if (self.format == 'table'):
if self.config.hide_ids:
if sort:
# if sort contains the column index instead of the column name, get the column name instead
if sort.isdecimal():
sort = self.table.get_csv_string().split(',')[int(sort) - 1]
sort = None
if limit > 0:
print(self.table.get_string(sortby=sort, reversesort=reverse, start=0, end=limit))
print(self.table.get_string(sortby=sort, reversesort=reverse))
elif (self.format == 'csv'):
def print(self, contact):
"""Print the data of the specified contact"""
if (self.format == 'json'):
print(json.dumps(contact, indent=4))
id = contact['id']
name = contact['name']
email = contact['email'] if 'email' in contact else ''
phone = contact['phonenumber'] if 'phonenumber' in contact else ''
method = contact['method'] if 'method' in contact else ''
self.table.add_row([id, name, email, phone, method]) | 360monitoringcli | /360monitoringcli-1.0.19-py3-none-any.whl/cli360monitoring/lib/ | |
import requests
import json
import pandas as pd
import datetime
from IPython.display import clear_output
import time
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
import pymysql
import random
import math
from sendgrid.helpers.mail import Mail
from sendgrid import SendGridAPIClient
"""# Tata Tele API"""
class tata:
def call_records(tata_auth_token,from_date="",to_date="",page="",limit=100,agents="",department="",call_type="",callerid="",destination="",direction="",duration="",operator="",services=""):
url = ""
params = {
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Authorization': tata_auth_token
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload, params=params)
res = json.loads(response.text)
return res
def db_connection(cypher_key,database="main"):
key = bytes(cypher_key,'utf-8')
cipher_suite = Fernet(key)
if database=="main":
host_enc = b'gAAAAABgU5NFdPLwUewW-ljzzPKpURLo9mMKzOkClVvpWYotYRT6DsmgNlHYUKP8X3m_c12kAUqSrLw4KTlujTPly2F-R-CFrw=='
user_enc = b'gAAAAABf-DB2YcOMC7JvsL-GihLJcImh6DvJpt1hNZFetiCzxMacK4agYHkyl3W1mnRkHNmEnecp4mMPZRfqO6bsLP1qgrpWbA=='
pass_enc = b'gAAAAABf-DCFqT2kj-ExcdPn2IW0m0-M_3piK2-w1xNpUvH21XDsz3iqixvrT-NxKnpf1wirp0NcYoQEGt4TKpYHJzXcrXy6TA=='
database_enc = b'gAAAAABfQPr48Sej-V7GarivuF4bsfBgP9rldzD500gl174HK4LZy70VfEob-kbaOBFa8rhuio_PbCFj4Nt3nJzVjKqC83d1NA=='
elif database=="vista":
host_enc = b'gAAAAABfQPr4eF5i5aU4vfC4RieOdLr9GjwQPWWmvTWT728cK-qUoPesPZmLKwE4vTkhh3oxCmREfrHN1omRwmxJJuo_CS4cMmRKG8_mLFIBQG1mg2Kx102PixJAdf1l74dhO6VI8ZCR'
user_enc = b'gAAAAABfQPr4PssChqSwFRHAGwKGCrKRLvnjRqfBkrazUydFvX3RBNAr5zAvKxdGJtaemdjq3uRwk1kgY4tLpIO9CxXj_JdC0w=='
pass_enc = b'gAAAAABfQPr4iwH0c5pxjI4XfV-uT-pBt9tKfQgFJEfjTcTIjwipeN4tI_bG-TtHoamosKEuFOldevYPi-3usIj1ZDSrb-zsXg=='
database_enc = b'gAAAAABgU5oarKoMuMj5EYPHf59SSfalqJ1_vtsGjbk4Gepefkr5dhTnZg1KVSmt6Rln02B5SOJf-N9dzbA6Q47uJbZ-xNrJdQ=='
elif database=="dev":
host_enc = b'gAAAAABgU5RRIJqGSTQhaupb_rwblmtCTjl6Id6fa1JMsZQac6i9eaUtoBoglK92yuSCGiTaIadtjrwxmK5VMS2cM6Po-SWMpQ=='
user_enc = b'gAAAAABgU5QmKmvNsS7TC2tz66e3S40CSiNF8418N6ANGFn6D_RhP8fd4iQRML3uk9WnDlDAtYHpGjstwgpKH8YJ347xZHQawA=='
pass_enc = b'gAAAAABgU5Rf1piAvyT_p5LRd0YJheFT2Z9W75R4b2MUA1o1-O4Vn2Xw7R-1bWLx4EhYUrRZ6_ajI8DCgLVULZZdVSWxG6OvCw=='
database_enc = b'gAAAAABgU5SLKYwupyp_nrcSzGYcwDkkKKxGjmvEpULZV2MmKGDgXCefa2WvINUBrCCmBeyt9GcpzBQQSE9QN8azsDSItdTa5Q=='
raise ValueError("Invalid Database, pick either of the 3 - ('main','dev','vista')")
myServer = cipher_suite.decrypt(host_enc).decode("utf-8")
myUser = cipher_suite.decrypt(user_enc).decode("utf-8")
myPwd = cipher_suite.decrypt(pass_enc).decode("utf-8")
db = cipher_suite.decrypt(database_enc).decode("utf-8")
myConnection = pymysql.connect(host=myServer,user=myUser,password=myPwd,db=db)
return myConnection
# SQL query on the SS database (ONLY SELECT) - returns a dataframe
def sql_query(query,cypher_key):
myConnection = db_connection(cypher_key,database="main")
if query.split(' ')[0] != 'SELECT':
print("Error. Please only use non destructive (SELECT) queries.")
return "Please only use non destructive (SELECT) queries."
response_df =, con=myConnection)
return response_df
# to execute destructive queries
def sql_query_destructive(query,cypher_key):
con = db_connection(cypher_key,database="main")
with con.cursor() as cur:
class dev:
def sql_query(query,cypher_key):
myConnection = db_connection(cypher_key,database="dev")
response_df =, con=myConnection)
return response_df
def sql_query_destructive(query,cypher_key):
con = db_connection(cypher_key,database="dev")
with con.cursor() as cur:
class aws:
def sql_query(query,cypher_key):
myConnection = db_connection(cypher_key,database="main")
if query.split(' ')[0] != 'SELECT':
print("Error. Please only use non destructive (SELECT) queries.")
return "Please only use non destructive (SELECT) queries."
response_df =, con=myConnection)
return response_df
# to execute destructive queries
def sql_query_destructive(query,cypher_key):
con = db_connection(cypher_key,database="main")
with con.cursor() as cur:
# Get the status for all the dates for a list of homes
def ss_calendar(listing_ids,check_in,check_out):
parsed_listing_ids = str(listing_ids)[1:-1]
parsed_listing_ids = parsed_listing_ids.replace("'","").replace(" ","")
url = ""
"listingList": parsed_listing_ids,
payload = {}
headers= {}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, data = payload,params=params)
response = json.loads(response.text.encode('utf8'))
return response
# SS Facebook catalogue (a list of currently live listings)
def ss_fb_catalogue():
url = ""
response = requests.get(url)
response_data = response.text.encode('utf8')
csv_endpoint = str(response_data).split('`')[1]
csv_download_url = ""+csv_endpoint
ss_data = pd.read_csv(csv_download_url)
return ss_data
# list of emails and preheader names, update with yours
def sendgrid_email(TEMPLATE_ID,EMAILS,api_key,PAYLOAD={}):
""" Send a dynamic email to a list of email addresses
:returns API response code
:raises Exception e: raises an exception """
# create Mail object and populate
message = Mail(
# pass custom values for our HTML placeholders
message.dynamic_template_data = PAYLOAD
message.template_id = TEMPLATE_ID
# create our sendgrid client object, pass it our key, then send and return our response objects
sg = SendGridAPIClient(api_key)
response = sg.send(message)
code, body, headers = response.status_code, response.body, response.headers
print(f"Response code: {code}")
print(f"Response headers: {headers}")
print(f"Response body: {body}")
print("Dynamic Messages Sent!")
return str(response.status_code)
except Exception as e:
print("Error: {0}".format(e))
return "Error: {0}".format(e)
"""# Vista
# Vista API Wrappers
# Refining the APIs
# Dataframes
# Return list of all locations
def vista_locations():
locations = ["lonavala, maharashtra",
"goa, goa",
"alibaug, maharashtra",
"nainital, uttarakhand",
"dehradun", "uttarakhand",
"chail, himanchal-pradesh",
"manali, himachal-pradesh",
"shimla, himanchal%20pradesh",
"ooty, tamil%20nadu",
"coorg, karnataka",
"dehradun, uttarakhand",
"jaipur, rajasthan",
"udaipur, rajasthan",
"mahabaleshwar, maharashtra",
"nashik, maharashtra",
"gangtok, sikkim",
"gurgaon, haryana",
"vadodara, gujarat",
"kashmir, jammu",
return locations
# Wrapper on the search API
def vista_search_api(search_type='city',location="lonavala,%20maharashtra",checkin="",checkout="",guests=2,adults=2,childs=0,page_no=1):
url = ""
payload = {
"city": location,
"search_type": "city",
"checkin": checkin,
"checkout": checkout,
"total_guests": guests,
"adults": adults,
"childs": childs,
"page": page_no,
"min_bedrooms": 1,
"max_bedrooms": 30,
"amenity": [],
"facilities": [],
"price_start": 1000,
"price_end": 5000000,
"sort_by_price": ""
headers = {}
response =, params=param, headers=headers, data=payload)
search_data = json.loads(response.text.encode('utf8'))
return search_data
# Wrapper on the listing API
def vista_listing_api(slug='the-boulevard-villa',guests=2,,,
url = ""
'slug': slug,
'checkin': checkin,
'checkout': checkout,
'guest': guest,
'adult': adult,
'child': child
payload = {}
headers = {
response = requests.get(url, params=param, headers=headers, data = payload)
property_deets = json.loads(response.text.encode('utf8'))
return property_deets
# Wrapper on the listing extra details API
def vista_listing_other_details_api(id=107):
url = ""
'id': id,
payload = {}
headers = {
response = requests.get(url, params=param, headers=headers, data = payload)
property_other_deets = json.loads(response.text.encode('utf8'))
return property_other_deets
# Wrapper on the price calculator
def vista_price_calculator_api(property_id='710',, checkout =, guest = 2, adult = 2, child = 0):
if type(checkin)==str:
checkin = datetime.datetime.strptime(checkin,'%Y-%m-%d')
checkout = datetime.datetime.strptime(checkout,'%Y-%m-%d')
url = ""
'property_id': property_id,
'checkin': checkin,
'checkout': checkout,
'guest': guest,
'adult': adult,
'child': child,
payload = {}
headers = {
response = requests.get(url, params=param, headers=headers, data = payload)
pricing_deets = json.loads(response.text.encode('utf8'))
return pricing_deets
# Wrapper on the avalability (Blocked dates)
def vista_availability_api(property_id=119):
url = ""
payload = {}
headers = {
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, data = payload, params=params)
calendar = json.loads(response.text.encode('utf8'))
return calendar
# Gives a json response for basic listing data for the list of locations
def vista_search_locations_json(locations=["lonavala,%20maharashtra"],guests=2,get_all=False,wait_time=10):
# Empty list to append (extend) all the data
properties = []
if get_all:
locations = vista_locations()
# Outer loop - for each location
for location in locations:
page_no = 1
# Inner Loop - for each page in location ( acc to the Vista Search API )
while True:
print(f"Page {page_no} for {location.split('%20')[0]} ")
# Vista API call (search)
search_data = vista_search_api(location=location,guests=guests,page_no=page_no)
# Break when you reach the last page for a location
if not 'data' in search_data.keys():
if not search_data['data']['properties']:
page_no += 1
return properties
# Retruns a DATAFRAME for the above functions & **DROPS DUPLICATES (always use this for analysis)
def vista_search_locations(locations=["lonavala,%20maharashtra"],guests=2,get_all=False,wait_time=10):
villas = vista_search_locations_json(locations=locations, guests=guests,get_all=get_all,wait_time=wait_time)
villas = pd.DataFrame(villas)
villas = villas.drop_duplicates('id')
return villas
# Returns a JSON with the listing details
def vista_listing(slug='the-boulevard-villa',guests=2,,
print("Fetching ",slug)
# Vista API call (listing)
property_deets = vista_listing_api(slug=slug,guests=guests,checkin=checkin, checkout=checkout)
# Get lat and long (diff API call)
lat_long = vista_listing_other_details_api(property_deets['data']['property_detail']['id'])['data']['location']
# Get pricing for various durations
weekday_pricing = vista_price_calculator(property_deets['data']['property_detail']['id'],checkin=next_weekday(),checkout=next_weekday()+datetime.timedelta(1))
weekend_pricing = vista_price_calculator(property_deets['data']['property_detail']['id'],checkin=next_weekday(5),checkout=next_weekday(5)+datetime.timedelta(1))
entire_week_pricing = vista_price_calculator(property_deets['data']['property_detail']['id'],checkin=next_weekday(),checkout=next_weekday()+datetime.timedelta(7))
entire_month_pricing = vista_price_calculator(property_deets['data']['property_detail']['id'],checkin=next_weekday(),checkout=next_weekday()+datetime.timedelta(30))
# Add the extra fields in response (JSON)
property_deets['data']['slug'] = slug
property_deets['data']['lat'] = lat_long['latitude']
property_deets['data']['lon'] = lat_long['longitude']
property_deets['data']['checkin_date'] = checkin
property_deets['data']['checkout_date'] = checkout
property_deets['data']['weekday_pricing'] = weekday_pricing
property_deets['data']['weekend_pricing'] = weekend_pricing
property_deets['data']['entire_week_pricing'] = entire_week_pricing
property_deets['data']['entire_month_pricing'] = entire_month_pricing
property_deets['data']['price_per_room'] = property_deets['data']['price']['amount_to_be_paid']/property_deets['data']['property_detail']['number_of_rooms']
return property_deets['data']
# Calculates the price for a duration (if unavailable, will automatically look for the next available dates) % Recursive function
def vista_price_calculator(property_id,, checkout =, guest = 2, adult = 2, child = 0, depth=0):
date_diff = (checkout-checkin).days
# Set the exit condition for the recursion depth ( to avoid an endless recursion -> slowing down the scripts )
if date_diff < 7:
depth_lim = 15
next_hop = 7
elif date_diff >= 7 and date_diff < 29:
depth_lim = 7
next_hop = 7
depth_lim = 5
next_hop = date_diff
if depth==depth_lim:
return f"Villa Probably Inactive, checked till {checkin}"
if type(checkin)==str:
checkin = datetime.datetime.strptime(checkin,'%Y-%m-%d')
checkout = datetime.datetime.strptime(checkout,'%Y-%m-%d')
# Vista API call (Calculation)
pricing = vista_price_calculator_api(property_id=property_id, checkin=checkin, checkout=checkout, guest=guest, adult=adult, child=child)
if 'error' in pricing.keys():
# Recursion condition (Call self with next dates in case the dates are not available)
if pricing['error'] == 'Booking Not Available for these dates':
next_checkin = checkin + datetime.timedelta(next_hop)
next_chekout = checkout + datetime.timedelta(next_hop)
next_pricing = vista_price_calculator(property_id,checkin=next_checkin ,checkout=next_chekout,depth=depth+1)
return next_pricing
# For other errors (Like invalid listing ID)
return pricing['error']
return next_pricing
return pricing['data']['price']
# Uses a list of slugs to generate a master DATAFRAME , this contains literally everything, ideal for any analysis on Vista
def vista_master_dataframe(slugs=(['vista-greenwoods-five-villa','maison-calme-villa','vista-greenwoods-four-villa','mehta-mansion','villa-maira'])):
total_slugs = len(slugs)
temp_progress_counter = 0
villas_deets = []
for slug in slugs:
villa_deets = vista_listing(slug=slug)
villas_df = pd.DataFrame(villas_deets)
temp_progress_counter += 1
print("Done ",int((temp_progress_counter/total_slugs)*100),"%")
prop_detail_df = pd.DataFrame(list(villas_df['property_detail']))
agent_details_df = pd.DataFrame(list(villas_df['agent_details']))
price_df = pd.DataFrame(list(villas_df['price']))
literally_all_deets = pd.concat([prop_detail_df,villas_df,price_df,agent_details_df], axis=1)
literally_all_deets = literally_all_deets.drop(['property_detail','mini_gallery', 'base_url',
'agent_details', 'house_rule_pdf', 'mini_gallery_text',
'seo','number_extra_guest', 'additionalcost',
'days', 'min_occupancy', 'max_occupancy', 'amount_to_be_paid','total_guest',
'extra_adult', 'extra_child', 'extra_adult_cost', 'extra_child_cost',
'per_person','price','checkin_date','checkout_date','total_price','agent_short_words'], axis = 1)
literally_all_deets['amenities'] = [[amenity['name'] for amenity in amenities] for amenities in literally_all_deets['amenities']]
literally_all_deets['weekday_pricing_value'] = [wkdpr if type(wkdpr)==str else wkdpr['amount_to_be_paid'] for wkdpr in literally_all_deets['weekday_pricing']]
literally_all_deets['weekend_pricing_value'] = [wkdpr if type(wkdpr)==str else wkdpr['amount_to_be_paid'] for wkdpr in literally_all_deets['weekend_pricing']]
literally_all_deets['entire_week_pricing_value'] = [wkdpr if type(wkdpr)==str else wkdpr['amount_to_be_paid'] for wkdpr in literally_all_deets['entire_week_pricing']]
literally_all_deets['entire_month_pricing_value'] = [wkdpr if type(wkdpr)==str else wkdpr['amount_to_be_paid'] for wkdpr in literally_all_deets['entire_month_pricing']]
return literally_all_deets
# Takes 2 lists of listings (Old and New) and only responds with the Dataframe of the newly added listings
def added_villas_dataframe(old_slugs,new_slugs):
added_slugs = list(set(new_slugs).difference(set(old_slugs)))
added_villas = []
if added_slugs:
added_villas = vista_master_dataframe(added_slugs)
return added_villas
def vista_sql_query(query,cypher_key):
# Returns a daframe object of the query response
myConnection = db_connection(cypher_key,database="vista")
response_df =, con=myConnection)
return response_df
# DESTRCUTIVE sql query
def vista_sql_destructive(query,cypher_key):
con = db_connection(cypher_key,database="vista")
with con.cursor() as cur:
def vista_weekly_update_script(cypher_key,search_api_wait=10):
# Get the list of all the current villas lited
vista_search_data = vista_search_locations(get_all=True,wait_time=search_api_wait)
new_slugs = vista_search_data['slug'].values
old_slugs = vista_sql_query(query,cypher_key)
old_slugs = old_slugs['slug'].values
# Get the list of recently added and removed slugs
added_slugs = list(set(new_slugs).difference(set(old_slugs)))
removed_slugs = list(set(old_slugs).difference(set(new_slugs)))
# Add the new listings to the Database
vista_newly_added_df = added_villas_dataframe(old_slugs,new_slugs)
vista_current_columns = vista_sql_query("SELECT * FROM VISTA_MASTER LIMIT 2",cypher_key).columns
dropcols = set(vista_newly_added_df).difference(set(vista_current_columns))
if len(vista_newly_added_df) > 0:
vista_newly_added_df['listing_status'] = "LISTED"
vista_newly_added_df['status_on'] =
vista_newly_added_df['created_on'] =
# changind all the "Object" data types to str (to avoid some weird error in SQL)
all_object_types = pd.DataFrame(vista_newly_added_df.dtypes)
all_object_types = all_object_types[all_object_types[0]=='object'].index
for column in all_object_types:
vista_newly_added_df[column] = vista_newly_added_df[column].astype('str')
#return vista_newly_added_df
engine = db_connection(cypher_key,database="vista")
for i in range(len(vista_newly_added_df)):
vista_newly_added_df.iloc[i:i+1].to_sql(name='VISTA_MASTER',if_exists='append',con = engine,index=False)
except IntegrityError:
# Update listing Statuses
# A Summary of the updates
final_success_response = {
"No of Added Villas" : len(added_slugs),
"No of Removed Villas" : len(removed_slugs),
"Added Villas" : added_slugs,
"Removed Villas" : removed_slugs
return final_success_response
# Update listing status
def vista_update_listing_status(cypher_key):
get_ids_query ="SELECT id,listing_status FROM VISTA_MASTER"
vista_data = vista_sql_query(get_ids_query,cypher_key)
for id in vista_data[vista_data['listing_status']=='DELISTED']['id']:
stat = vista_check_if_listed(id)
if stat:
print("Updating database...")
query = "UPDATE VISTA_MASTER SET listing_status='LISTED',status_on='"+str("'WHERE id='"+str(id)+"'"
for id in vista_data[vista_data['listing_status']=='LISTED']['id']:
stat = vista_check_if_listed(id)
if not stat:
print("Updating database...")
query = "UPDATE VISTA_MASTER SET listing_status='DELISTED',status_on='"+str("'WHERE id='"+str(id)+"'"
# Breadth first seach algorithm to get the blocked dates
def vista_blocked_dates(property_id,ci,co):
# check if the listing is active
lt_status = vista_check_status(property_id)
if lt_status in ["INACTIVE","DELISTED"]:
return {
"id" : property_id,
"blocked_dates" : lt_status
# rg = Range => checkout - checkin (in days)
rg = (datetime.datetime.strptime(co, "%Y-%m-%d") - datetime.datetime.strptime(ci, "%Y-%m-%d")).days
api_calls = 0
# This list contains all the date ranges to be checked - there will be additions and subtractions to this list
DTE = [(ci,co,rg)]
# we will add the blocekd dates here
blocked = {}
explored = []
while len(DTE) != 0:
# To see how many API calls happened (fewer the better)
api_calls += 1
# Pick one item (date range) from the DTE list -> to see if it is available
dates = DTE.pop()
print(f"Checking : {dates[0]} for {dates[2]} days")
checkin = dates[0]
checkout = dates[1]
range = dates[2]
# Call the vista API to see of this is available
api_response = vista_price_calculator_api(property_id=property_id,checkin=checkin,checkout=checkout)
# If no error -> it is available, start the next iteration of the loop
if "error" not in api_response.keys():
print("Not Blocked")
# if the range is unavailable do this
# if the range is 1, mark the date as blocked
if range == 1:
blocked[checkin] = api_response['data']['price']['amount_to_be_paid']
# if the range is not 1, split the range in half and add both these ranges to the DTE list
checkin_t = datetime.datetime.strptime(checkin, "%Y-%m-%d")
checkout_t = datetime.datetime.strptime(checkout, "%Y-%m-%d")
middle_date = checkin_t + datetime.timedelta(math.ceil(range/2))
first_half = ( str(checkin_t)[:10] , str(middle_date)[:10] , (middle_date - checkin_t).days )
second_half = ( str(middle_date)[:10] , str(checkout_t)[:10] , (checkout_t - middle_date).days)
response_obj = {
"id" : property_id,
"blocked_dates" : blocked,
"meta_data": {
"total_blocked_dates" : len(blocked),
"checked from": ci,
"checked till":co
return response_obj
# To check if the villa is inactive (Listed but blocked for all dates)
def vista_check_status(property_id="",slug=""):
if vista_check_if_listed(property_id,slug):
status = "LISTED"
status = "DELISTED"
return status
if status == "LISTED":
min_nights = 1
for i in [8,16,32,64,128]:
price = vista_price_calculator_api(property_id ,, checkout = + min_nights))
if "error" not in price.keys():
return "LISTED"
if i == 128:
return "INACTIVE"
elif price['error'] == 'Booking Not Available for these dates':
elif isinstance(price['error'].split(" ")[4],int):
min_nights = price['error'].split(" ")[4]
def vista_check_if_listed(property_id="",slug=""):
if len(slug)>0:
listing = vista_listing_api(slug)
property_id = listing['data']['property_detail']['id']
return False
price = vista_price_calculator_api(property_id ,, checkout =
if "error" not in price.keys():
return True
elif isinstance(price['error'],str):
return True
elif 'property_id' in dict(price['error']).keys():
return False
return False
# Update listing status
def vista_update_listing_status_old(cypher_key):
get_ids_query ="SELECT id,listing_status FROM VISTA_MASTER"
vista_data = vista_sql_query(get_ids_query,cypher_key)
for id in vista_data[vista_data['listing_status']=='DELISTED']['id']:
stat = vista_check_status(id)
if stat in ["LISTED","INACTIVE"]:
print("Updating database...")
query = "UPDATE VISTA_MASTER SET listing_status='"+stat+"',status_on='"+str("'WHERE id='"+str(id)+"'"
for id in vista_data[vista_data['listing_status']=='LISTED']['id']:
stat = vista_check_status(id)
if stat in ["DELISTED","INACTIVE"]:
print("Updating database...")
query = "UPDATE VISTA_MASTER SET listing_status='"+stat+"',status_on='"+str("'WHERE id='"+str(id)+"'"
for id in vista_data[vista_data['listing_status']=='INACTIVE']['id']:
stat = vista_check_status(id)
if stat in ["DELISTED","LISTED"]:
print("Updating database...")
query = "UPDATE VISTA_MASTER SET listing_status='"+stat+"',status_on='"+str("'WHERE id='"+str(id)+"'"
def vista_update_listing_status(cypher_key):
get_ids_query ="SELECT id,listing_status FROM VISTA_MASTER"
vista_data = vista_sql_query(get_ids_query,cypher_key)
for i,r in vista_data.iterrows():
old_status = r['listing_status']
cal = vista_availability_api(r['id'])
if "error" in cal.keys():
current_status = "DELISTED"
cal = pd.DataFrame(cal['data'])
cal['date'] = cal['date'].astype('datetime64')
if len(cal[cal['date']< + datetime.timedelta(90)])/88 > 1:
current_status = "INACTIVE"
current_status = "LISTED"
if old_status != current_status:
print(f"Updating database for {r['id']} - {current_status}...")
query = f"UPDATE VISTA_MASTER SET listing_status='{current_status}',status_on='{str(}' WHERE id='{r['id']}'"
print(r['id'], "Unchanged")
"""# Lohono
# Lohono API wrappers
# Refining the APIs
# Master DataFrame
# List of all lohono locations
def lohono_locations():
locations = ['india-alibaug','india-goa','india-lonavala','india-karjat']
return locations
# lohono Search API wrapper
def lohono_search_api(location_slug="india-goa",page=1):
url = ""
params = {
'location_slug': location_slug,
'page': page
payload = {}
headers = {
'authority': '',
'pragma': 'no-cache',
'cache-control': 'no-cache',
'accept': 'application/json',
'user-agent': mock_user_agent(),
'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin',
'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors',
'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty',
'referer': f'{ location_slug.split("-")[-1] }',
'accept-language': 'en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8'
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, data = payload, params=params)
search_data = json.loads(response.text.encode('utf8'))
return search_data
# lohono listing API wrapper
def lohono_listing_api(slug='prop-villa-magnolia-p5sp'):
url = f"{slug}"
payload = {}
headers = {
'authority': '',
'pragma': 'no-cache',
'cache-control': 'no-cache',
'accept': 'application/json',
'user-agent': mock_user_agent(),
'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin',
'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors',
'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty',
'referer': '',
'accept-language': 'en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8'
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, data = payload)
listing_data = json.loads(response.text.encode('utf8'))
return listing_data['response']
# lohono Pricing API wrapper
def lohono_pricing_api(slug,checkin,checkout,adult=2,child=0):
url = f"{slug}/price"
payload = "{\"property_slug\":\""+slug+"\",\"checkin_date\":\""+str(checkin)+"\",\"checkout_date\":\""+str(checkout)+"\",\"adult_count\":"+str(adult)+",\"child_count\":"+str(child)+",\"coupon_code\":\"\",\"price_package\":\"\",\"isEH\":false}"
headers = {
'authority': '',
'pragma': 'no-cache',
'cache-control': 'no-cache',
'accept': 'application/json',
'user-agent': mock_user_agent(),
'content-type': 'application/json',
'origin': '',
'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin',
'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors',
'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty',
'referer': f'{slug}?checkout_date={checkout}&adult_count={adult}&checkin_date={checkin}',
'accept-language': 'en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8',
response =, headers=headers, data = payload)
pricing_data = json.loads(response.text.encode('utf8'))
return pricing_data
# Basic details from the search API
def lohono_search(location_slugs=lohono_locations()):
page = 1
all_properties = []
for location_slug in location_slugs:
while True:
print(f"page{ page } for {location_slug}")
search_response = lohono_search_api(location_slug,page)
if search_response['paginate']['total_pages'] == page:
page += 1
return pd.DataFrame(all_properties)
# All details for all the listings
def lohono_master_dataframe():
search_data = lohono_search()
slugs = search_data['property_slug'].values
all_properties = []
for slug in slugs:
print(f"getting {slug}")
listing_raw = lohono_listing_api(slug)
all_properties = pd.DataFrame(all_properties)
all_properties['amenities'] = [[amenity['name'] for amenity in amenities] for amenities in all_properties['amenities']]
all_properties['price'] = search_data['rate']
all_properties['search_name'] = search_data['name']
return all_properties
"""# AirBnb"""
airbnb_home_types = ['Entire home apt','Hotel room','Private room', 'Shared room']
airbnb_imp_amenities = [5,4,16,7,9,12]
# AC, Wifi , Breakfast, Parking, Pool, Pets (Not in order)
# Airbnb Search API
def airbnb_search_api(place_id = "ChIJRYHfiwkB6DsRWIbipWBKa2k", city = "", state = "", min_price = 4000, max_price=50000, min_bedrooms=1, home_type=airbnb_home_types, items_per_grid = 50, amenities = [], items_offset = 0):
home_type = [item.replace(" ","%20") for item in home_type]
home_type = ["Entire%20home%2Fapt" if x=="Entire%20home%20apt" else x for x in home_type]
home_type_filter = "%22%2C%22".join(home_type)
amenities = [str(item) for item in amenities]
amenities_filter = "%2C".join(amenities)
url = f"¤cy=INR&variables=%7B%22request%22%3A%7B%22metadataOnly%22%3Afalse%2C%22version%22%3A%221.7.8%22%2C%22itemsPerGrid%22%3A{items_per_grid}%2C%22tabId%22%3A%22home_tab%22%2C%22refinementPaths%22%3A%5B%22%2Fhomes%22%5D%2C%22source%22%3A%22structured_search_input_header%22%2C%22searchType%22%3A%22filter_change%22%2C%22mapToggle%22%3Afalse%2C%22roomTypes%22%3A%5B%22{home_type_filter}%22%5D%2C%22priceMin%22%3A{min_price}%2C%22priceMax%22%3A{max_price}%2C%22placeId%22%3A%22{place_id}%22%2C%22itemsOffset%22%3A{items_offset}%2C%22minBedrooms%22%3A{min_bedrooms}%2C%22amenities%22%3A%5B{amenities_filter}%5D%2C%22query%22%3A%22{city}%2C%20{state}%22%2C%22cdnCacheSafe%22%3Afalse%2C%22simpleSearchTreatment%22%3A%22simple_search_only%22%2C%22treatmentFlags%22%3A%5B%22simple_search_1_1%22%2C%22oe_big_search%22%5D%2C%22screenSize%22%3A%22large%22%7D%7D&extensions=%7B%22persistedQuery%22%3A%7B%22version%22%3A1%2C%22sha256Hash%22%3A%22274161d4ce0dbf360c201612651d5d8f080d23820ce74da388aed7f9e3b00c7f%22%7D%7D"
#url = f"¤cy=INR&variables=%7B%22request%22%3A%7B%22metadataOnly%22%3Afalse%2C%22version%22%3A%221.7.8%22%2C%22itemsPerGrid%22%3A20%2C%22roomTypes%22%3A%5B%22Entire%20home%2Fapt%22%5D%2C%22minBedrooms%22%3A0%2C%22source%22%3A%22structured_search_input_header%22%2C%22searchType%22%3A%22pagination%22%2C%22tabId%22%3A%22home_tab%22%2C%22mapToggle%22%3Afalse%2C%22refinementPaths%22%3A%5B%22%2Fhomes%22%5D%2C%22ib%22%3Atrue%2C%22amenities%22%3A%5B4%2C5%2C7%2C9%2C12%2C16%5D%2C%22federatedSearchSessionId%22%3A%22e597713a-7e46-4d10-88e7-3a2a9f15dc8d%22%2C%22placeId%22%3A%22ChIJM6uk0Jz75zsRT1nlkg6PwiQ%22%2C%22itemsOffset%22%3A20%2C%22sectionOffset%22%3A2%2C%22query%22%3A%22Karjat%2C%20Maharashtra%22%2C%22cdnCacheSafe%22%3Afalse%2C%22simpleSearchTreatment%22%3A%22simple_search_only%22%2C%22treatmentFlags%22%3A%5B%22simple_search_1_1%22%2C%22oe_big_search%22%5D%2C%22screenSize%22%3A%22large%22%7D%7D&extensions=%7B%22persistedQuery%22%3A%7B%22version%22%3A1%2C%22sha256Hash%22%3A%22274161d4ce0dbf360c201612651d5d8f080d23820ce74da388aed7f9e3b00c7f%22%7D%7D"
payload = {}
headers = {
'authority': '',
'pragma': 'no-cache',
'cache-control': 'no-cache',
'device-memory': '4',
'x-airbnb-graphql-platform-client': 'apollo-niobe',
#'x-csrf-token': 'V4$$lHdA3kStJv0$yEvcPM_C6eeUUHkQuYEdGFWrZreA5ui1e4A-pMzDFI=',
'x-airbnb-api-key': 'd306zoyjsyarp7ifhu67rjxn52tv0t20',
'x-csrf-without-token': '4',
'user-agent': mock_user_agent(),
'viewport-width': '1600',
'content-type': 'application/json',
'accept': '*/*',
'dpr': '1',
'ect': '4g',
'x-airbnb-graphql-platform': 'web',
'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin',
'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors',
'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty',
# 'referer': f'{city}--{state}/homes?tab_id=home_tab&refinement_paths%5B%5D=%2Fhomes&adults=2&source=structured_search_input_header&search_type=filter_change&map_toggle=false&room_types%5B%5D=Entire%20home%2Fapt&price_min=4221&place_id={place_id}',
'accept-language': 'en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8',
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, data = payload)
#response = json.loads(response.text.encode('utf8'))
return response
# Airbnb Calendar API
def airbnb_calendar_api(listing_id,start_month=9,start_year=2020,bev='1600684519_NDg5ZGY1ZDQ4YjNk',month_count=4):
url = f"¤cy=INR&variables=%7B%22request%22%3A%7B%22count%22%3A{month_count}%2C%22listingId%22%3A%22{listing_id}%22%2C%22month%22%3A{start_month}%2C%22year%22%3A{start_year}%7D%7D&extensions=%7B%22persistedQuery%22%3A%7B%22version%22%3A1%2C%22sha256Hash%22%3A%22b94ab2c7e743e30b3d0bc92981a55fff22a05b20bcc9bcc25ca075cc95b42aac%22%7D%7D"
payload = {}
headers = {
'authority': '',
#'pragma': 'no-cache',
#'cache-control': 'no-cache',
#'device-memory': '8',
'x-airbnb-graphql-platform-client': 'minimalist-niobe',
#'x-csrf-token': 'V4$$lHdA3kStJv0$yEvcPMB_C6eeUUHkQuYEdGFWrZreA5ui1e4A-pMzDFI=',
'x-airbnb-api-key': 'd306zoyjsyarp7ifhu67rjxn52tv0t20',
#'x-csrf-without-token': '1',
'user-agent': mock_user_agent(),
'viewport-width': '1600',
'content-type': 'application/json',
'accept': '*/*',
'dpr': '1',
'ect': '4g',
'x-airbnb-graphql-platform': 'web',
'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin',
'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors',
'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty',
'referer': f'{listing_id}?adults=2&source_impression_id=p3_1598719581_vge1qn5YJ%2FXWgUKg&check_in=2020-10-01&guests=1',
'accept-language': 'en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8',
'cookie': f'bev={bev};'
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data = payload)
response = json.loads(response.text.encode('utf8'))
return response
#Airbnb search DataFrame
def airbnb_search(place_ids = ["ChIJRYHfiwkB6DsRWIbipWBKa2k"], max_iters = 5, min_price=4000,max_price=200000, home_type=[],amenities=[], min_bedrooms=1 ):
all_items = []
for place_id in place_ids:
counter = 1
offset = 0
while counter<=max_iters:
print(f"Round {counter} for {place_id}")
response = airbnb_search_api(place_id = place_id, min_price = min_price ,max_price=max_price, min_bedrooms=min_bedrooms,home_type=home_type,amenities=amenities, items_offset = offset)
offset += 50
if not response['data']['dora']['exploreV3']['sections']:
for sections in response['data']['dora']['exploreV3']['sections']:
if 'listing' in sections['items'][0].keys():
items_df = pd.DataFrame([item['listing'] for item in all_items])
prices_df = pd.DataFrame([item['pricingQuote'] for item in all_items])
items_df[['canInstantBook','weeklyPriceFactor','monthlyPriceFactor','priceDropDisclaimer','priceString','rateType']] = prices_df[['canInstantBook','weeklyPriceFactor','monthlyPriceFactor','priceDropDisclaimer','priceString','rateType']]
return_obj = items_df[['id','name','roomAndPropertyType','reviews','avgRating','starRating','reviewsCount','amenityIds','previewAmenityNames','bathrooms','bedrooms','city','lat','lng','personCapacity','publicAddress','pictureUrl','pictureUrls','isHostHighlyRated','isNewListing','isSuperhost','canInstantBook','weeklyPriceFactor','monthlyPriceFactor','priceDropDisclaimer','priceString','rateType']]
return_obj = return_obj.drop_duplicates('id')
return return_obj
# Airbnb Calendar DataFrame
def airbnb_calendar(listing_id,,
api_response = airbnb_calendar_api(listing_id,start_month,start_year)
all_months = [month['days'] for month in api_response['data']['merlin']['pdpAvailabilityCalendar']['calendarMonths']]
for month in all_months:
all_days = pd.DataFrame(all_days)
all_days['price'] = [item['localPriceFormatted'][1:].replace(",","") for item in all_days['price'].values]
all_days['calendarDate'] = pd.to_datetime(all_days['calendarDate'])
all_days['listing_id'] = listing_id
all_days = all_days.astype({'price':'int32'})
return all_days
# Get Occupancy data for a listing id
def airbnb_occupancy(listing_id):
clndr = airbnb_calendar(listing_id=listing_id,,
clndr = clndr.set_index('calendarDate')
clndr_monthly = clndr.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='M')).mean()
clndr_monthly['month-year'] = [str(item.month_name())+" "+str(item.year) for item in clndr_monthly.index]
clndr_monthly = clndr_monthly.set_index('month-year')
clndr_monthly['occupancy'] = 1-clndr_monthly['available']
occupancy = clndr_monthly['occupancy'].to_json()
available = clndr[clndr['available']==True].index
blocked = clndr[clndr['available']==False].index
available = [str( for item in available]
blocked = [str( for item in blocked]
return_obj = {
"listing_id": listing_id,
"monthly_occupancy" : occupancy,
"blocked_dates" : blocked,
"available_dates": available
return return_obj
"""# Helper Functions
# Get the next weekday ( 0=monday , 1 = tuesday ... )
def next_weekday(weekday=0,
days_ahead = weekday - d.weekday()
if days_ahead <= 0: # Target day already happened this week
days_ahead += 7
return d + datetime.timedelta(days_ahead)
# default - next monday
# gives a random user-agent to use in the API call
def mock_user_agent():
users = ["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X x.y; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/42.0",
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.106 Safari/537.36 OPR/38.0.2220.41",
"Opera/9.80 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X; U; en) Presto/2.2.15 Version/10.00",
"Opera/9.60 (Windows NT 6.0; U; en) Presto/2.1.1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_5_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.1.1 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows Phone OS 7.5; Trident/5.0; IEMobile/9.0)"]
return users[random.randint(0,7)]
# Gives a 'proxies' object for a 'requests' call
def mock_proxy():
proxies_list = ["",
proxy = proxies_list[random.randint(0,9)]
proxies = {
"http": proxy,
"https": proxy
return proxies
# Arial distance between 2 pairs of coordinates
def earth_distance(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2):
# Radius of the earth
R = 6373.0
lat1 = math.radians(lat1)
lon1 = math.radians(lon1)
lat2 = math.radians(lat2)
lon2 = math.radians(lon2)
dlon = lon2 - lon1
dlat = lat2 - lat1
#Haversine formula
a = math.sin(dlat / 2)**2 + math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * math.sin(dlon / 2)**2
c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a))
distance = R * c
return distance
def to_fancy_date(date):
tmstmp = pd.to_datetime(date)
day =
if 4 <= day <= 20 or 24 <= day <= 30:
suffix = "th"
suffix = ["st", "nd", "rd"][day % 10 - 1]
return f"{}{suffix} {tmstmp.month_name()} {tmstmp.year}"
"""# TEST"""
def final_test():
vista_search_locations_json(locations=["nainital, uttarakhand"],guests=2,get_all=False)
vista_search_locations(locations=["nainital, uttarakhand"],guests=2,get_all=False)
vista_price_calculator(property_id='310',, checkout =, guest = 2, adult = 2, child = 0)
return "All Good :)" | 3636c788d0392f7e84453434eea18c59 | /3636c788d0392f7e84453434eea18c59-4.3.1.tar.gz/3636c788d0392f7e84453434eea18c59-4.3.1/sstools/ | |
# System
from typing import Optional, List, Union, Tuple
from datetime import datetime
import json, os, shutil
# Pip
from ksimpleapi import Api
from simple_multiprocessing import MultiProcess, Task
# Local
from .models import Sport, Game, GameAssets
from ._cache_utils import _CacheUtils
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ----------------------------------------------------------- class: 365Scores ----------------------------------------------------------- #
class Scores(Api):
# -------------------------------------------------------- Public methods -------------------------------------------------------- #
def get_games(
sports: Optional[Union[List[Union[Sport, int]], Union[Sport, int]]] = None,
competition_ids: Optional[Union[List[int], int]] = None,
start_date: Optional[Union[int, datetime, str]] = None, # 03/01/2021
end_date: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, # 03/01/2021
only_major_games: bool = False,
only_live_games: bool = False,
included_status_groups: List[int] = [1, 2, 3, 4],
include_cancelled: bool = False,
include_postponed: bool = False
) -> Optional[List[Game]]:
if sports and type(sports) != list:
sports = [sports]
res = self._get(
'appTypeId': 5,
'langId': 1,
'startDate': self.__normalized_date(start_date),
'endDate': self.__normalized_date(end_date),
'onlyMajorGames': 'true' if only_major_games else None,
'onlyLiveGames': 'true' if only_live_games else None,
'sports': ','.join([sport.value if type(sport) == Sport else sport for sport in sports]) if sports else None,
'competitionIds': ','.join(competition_ids) if competition_ids else None
games = []
for game_json in res['games']:
sport_id = game_json['sportId']
competition_id = game_json['competitionId']
competition_dict = [competition_dict for competition_dict in res['competitions'] if competition_dict['id'] == competition_id][0]
home_competitor_country_id = game_json['homeCompetitor']['countryId']
away_competitor_country_id = game_json['awayCompetitor']['countryId']
game = Game(
sport_dict=[sport_dict for sport_dict in res['sports'] if sport_dict['id'] == sport_id][0],
competition_country_dict=[country_dict for country_dict in res['countries'] if country_dict['id'] == competition_dict['countryId']][0],
home_competitor_country_dict=[country_dict for country_dict in res['countries'] if country_dict['id'] == home_competitor_country_id][0],
away_competitor_country_dict=[country_dict for country_dict in res['countries'] if country_dict['id'] == away_competitor_country_id][0]
if (
(not included_status_groups or game.status_group in included_status_groups)
(include_cancelled or not game.cancelled)
(include_postponed or not game.postponed)
(not only_live_games or
except Exception as e:
if self.debug:
print(e, json.dumps(game_json, indent=4))
return games
except Exception as e:
if self.debug:
return None
def download_assets(
game: Game,
competition_image_path: Optional[str] = None,
home_competitor_image_path: Optional[str] = None,
away_competitor_image_path: Optional[str] = None,
image_folder_path: Optional[str] = None,
round_images: bool = True,
request_timeout: float = 5,
use_cache: bool = True
) -> GameAssets:
if image_folder_path:
os.makedirs(image_folder_path, exist_ok=True)
def get_image(
image_url: str,
image_path: Optional[str] = None,
image_folder_path: Optional[str] = None,
round_image: bool = True,
request_timeout: float = 5,
use_cache: bool = True
) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
downloaded_image_path = _CacheUtils.temp_download_image_path_for_url(image_url, image_path, image_folder_path, use_cache)
final_download_image_path = _CacheUtils.final_download_image_path_for_url(image_url, image_path, image_folder_path)
if not os.path.exists(downloaded_image_path) and not self._download(image_url, downloaded_image_path, timeout=request_timeout):
return final_download_image_path, False
if not downloaded_image_path == final_download_image_path:
shutil.copy2(downloaded_image_path, final_download_image_path)
return final_download_image_path, True
_kwargs = {
'image_folder_path': image_folder_path,
'round_image': round_images,
'request_timeout': request_timeout,
'use_cache': use_cache
competition_image_url = game.competition.get_image_url(round=round_images)
home_competitor_image_url = game.home_competitor.get_image_url(round=round_images)
away_competitor_image_url = game.away_competitor.get_image_url(round=round_images)
(competition_image_path, _), (home_competitor_image_path, _), (away_competitor_image_path, _) = MultiProcess([
Task(get_image, competition_image_url, competition_image_path, **_kwargs),
Task(get_image, home_competitor_image_url, home_competitor_image_path, **_kwargs),
Task(get_image, away_competitor_image_url, away_competitor_image_path, **_kwargs)
return GameAssets(
competition_image_url, competition_image_path,
home_competitor_image_url, home_competitor_image_path,
away_competitor_image_url, away_competitor_image_path
# ------------------------------------------------------- Private methods -------------------------------------------------------- #
def __normalized_date(
date: Optional[Union[int, datetime, str]]
) -> Optional[str]:
if not date:
return None
if type(date) == int:
date = datetime.fromtimestamp(date)
if type(date) == datetime:
date = '{}/{}/{}'.format(str(, str(date.month).zfill(2), date.year())
return date
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # | 365scores | /365scores-1.0.7-py3-none-any.whl/scores/ | |
# System
from typing import Optional
import os
# Pip
from kcu import kpath
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ---------------------------------------------------------- class: _CacheUtils ---------------------------------------------------------- #
class _CacheUtils:
# -------------------------------------------------------- Public methods -------------------------------------------------------- #
def images_cache_path(cls) -> str:
return kpath.new_tempdir(
def cache_path() -> str:
return kpath.new_tempdir(
def final_download_image_path_for_url(
image_url: str,
image_path: Optional[str] = None,
image_folder_path: Optional[str] = None
) -> str:
if image_path:
return image_path
return os.path.join(image_folder_path or cls.images_cache_path(), cls.image_name_for_url(image_url))
def temp_download_image_path_for_url(
image_url: str,
image_path: Optional[str] = None,
image_folder_path: Optional[str] = None,
use_cache: bool = True
) -> str:
if image_path:
return image_path
return os.path.join(
image_folder_path if not use_cache and image_folder_path else cls.images_cache_path(),
def image_name_for_url(
image_url: str
) -> str:
return '{}.png'.format(cls.image_id_for_url(image_url))
def image_id_for_url(image_url: str) -> str:
base = image_url.split('d_Countries:')[-1].replace('.png', '').lower()
# round:153/competitors/67096
# 153/competitors/67096
is_round = 'round' in base
if is_round:
base = base.replace('round:', '')
# 153/competitors/67096
country_id, type, id = base.split('/')
return '{}-country_id_{}-id_{}{}'.format(type, country_id, id, '-round' if is_round else '')
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # | 365scores | /365scores-1.0.7-py3-none-any.whl/scores/ | |
# System
import datetime
# Local
from .base import Sport, Country, BaseIdable
from .game_competitor import GameCompetitor
from .competition import Competition
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ------------------------------------------------------------- class: Game -------------------------------------------------------------- #
class Game(BaseIdable):
# ------------------------------------------------------------- Init ------------------------------------------------------------- #
def __init__(
d: dict,
sport_dict: dict,
competition_dict: dict,
competition_country_dict: dict,
home_competitor_country_dict: dict,
away_competitor_country_dict: dict
sport = Sport(sport_dict)
self.competition = Competition(competition_dict, sport_or_sport_dict=sport, country_or_country_dict=competition_country_dict)
self.home_competitor = GameCompetitor(d['homeCompetitor'], sport_or_sport_dict=sport, country_or_country_dict=home_competitor_country_dict)
self.away_competitor = GameCompetitor(d['awayCompetitor'], sport_or_sport_dict=sport, country_or_country_dict=away_competitor_country_dict)
self.season_num = self._d_val(d, 'seasonNum')
self.stage_num = self._d_val(d, 'stageNum')
self.group_num = self._d_val(d, 'groupNum')
self.round_num = self._d_val(d, 'roundNum')
self.competition_display_name = self._d_val(d, 'competitionDisplayName')
self.status_group = d['statusGroup']
self.status_text = d['statusText']
self.short_status_text = d['shortStatusText']
self.start_time_str = d['startTime']
self.start_time_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.start_time_str.split('+')[0], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
self.start_time_ts = self.start_time_date.timestamp()
self.just_ended = d['justEnded'] = self.status_group == 3
self.postponed = self.status_group == 4 and self.status_text.lower() == 'postponed'
self.cancelled = self.status_group == 4 and not self.postponed and self.status_text.lower() == 'cancelled'
self.scheduled = self.status_group == 2 and not self.postponed and not self.cancelled and self.status_text.lower() == 'scheduled'
self.game_time = d['gameTime']
self.game_time_display = self._d_val(d, 'gameTimeDisplay', '')
self.game_time_and_status_display_type = d['gameTimeAndStatusDisplayType']
self.has_tv_networks = d['hasTVNetworks']
self.has_lineups = self._d_val(d, 'hasLineups', False)
self.has_field_positions = self._d_val(d, 'hasFieldPositions', False)
self.has_missing_players = self._d_val(d, 'hasMissingPlayers', False)
self.score = (self.home_competitor.score, self.away_competitor.score)
self.aggregated_score = (self.home_competitor.aggregated_score, self.away_competitor.aggregated_score)
self.has_score = self.score != (-1, -1)
self.has_aggregated_score = self.aggregated_score != (-1, -1)
# ------------------------------------------------------- Public properties ------------------------------------------------------ #
def sport(self) -> Sport:
def country(self) -> Country:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # | 365scores | /365scores-1.0.7-py3-none-any.whl/scores/models/ | |
# System
from typing import Union
from abc import abstractmethod
# Local
from .core import BaseObject, SportType
from .sport import Sport
from .country import Country
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ------------------------------------------------------ class: BaseCompetingObject ------------------------------------------------------ #
class BaseCompetingObject(BaseObject):
# ------------------------------------------------------------- Init ------------------------------------------------------------- #
def __init__(
d: dict,
sport_or_sport_dict: Union[Sport, dict],
country_or_country_dict: Union[Country, dict]
super().__init__(d) = sport_or_sport_dict if isinstance(sport_or_sport_dict, Sport) else Sport(sport_or_sport_dict) = country_or_country_dict if isinstance(country_or_country_dict, Country) else Country(country_or_country_dict)
self.popularity_rank = d['popularityRank']
self.image_url = self.get_image_url(round=False)
self.image_url_round = self.get_image_url(round=True)
self.long_name = self._d_val(d, 'longName')
self.short_name = self._d_val(d, 'shortName')
# ------------------------------------------------------- Abstract methods ------------------------------------------------------- #
def _image_url_key(self) -> str:
# ------------------------------------------------------- Public properties ------------------------------------------------------ #
def sport_id(self) -> int:
def sport_type(self) -> SportType:
return SportType(self.sport_id)
def country_id(self) -> int:
# -------------------------------------------------------- Public methods -------------------------------------------------------- #
def get_name(self) -> str:
return self.long_name or
def get_image_url(
round: bool = False
) -> str:
return '{}:{}.png/{}/{}'.format(
':Round' if round else '',
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # | 365scores | /365scores-1.0.7-py3-none-any.whl/scores/models/base/ | |
import os
import sys
import inflection
from app.commons.generate.generate_code_service import GenerateFileService
args = sys.argv
if __name__ == "__main__":
""" 数据库注释格式约定:第一行:名称+特殊字符(空格等)+其他注释信息
编辑类型关键字:("input", "text", "radio", "checkbox", "select", "date", "datetime")
条件查询关键字:("==", "!=", "llike", "rlike", "like", "between")
条件查询排序关键字:("asc", "desc")
字段查询关键字:("get_by", "gets_by")
# table_name = "tests"
table_name = args[1]
table_name = table_name[table_name.find("=") + 1:]
gen_file = args[2]
gen_file = gen_file[gen_file.find("=") + 1:]
gfs = GenerateFileService(table_name=table_name)
dao_str = gfs.get_dao_string()
service_str = gfs.get_service_string()
handler_str = gfs.get_handler_string()
list_page_str = gfs.get_list_page_string()
add_edit_page_str = gfs.get_add_edit_page_string()
detail_page_str = gfs.get_detail_page_string()
dao_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), u"templates")
current_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
app_path = current_path[:current_path.find("commons/")]
sing_table_name = inflection.singularize(table_name)
if gen_file == "dao" or not gen_file or gen_file == "all":
dao_file_name = sing_table_name + ""
dao_file_path = os.path.join(app_path, u"daos/" + dao_file_name)
f = open(dao_file_path, 'w')
print dao_file_path
if gen_file == "service" or not gen_file or gen_file == "all":
service_file_name = sing_table_name + ""
service_file_path = os.path.join(app_path, u"services/" + service_file_name)
f = open(service_file_path, 'w')
print service_file_path
if gen_file == "handler" or not gen_file or gen_file == "all":
handler_file_name = sing_table_name + ".py"
handler_file_path = os.path.join(app_path, u"handlers/" + handler_file_name)
f = open(handler_file_path, 'w')
print handler_file_path
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(app_path, u"views/" + sing_table_name)):
os.mkdir(os.path.join(app_path, u"views/" + sing_table_name))
if gen_file == "list" or not gen_file or gen_file == "all":
list_page_file_name = table_name + ".html"
list_page_file_path = os.path.join(app_path, u"views/" + sing_table_name + "/" + list_page_file_name)
f = open(list_page_file_path, 'w')
print list_page_file_path
if gen_file == "add" or not gen_file or gen_file == "all":
add_edit_page_file_name = sing_table_name + ".html"
add_edit_page_file_path = os.path.join(app_path, u"views/" + sing_table_name + "/" + add_edit_page_file_name)
f = open(add_edit_page_file_path, 'w')
print add_edit_page_file_path
if gen_file == "detail" or not gen_file or gen_file == "all":
detail_page_file_name = sing_table_name + "_detail.html"
detail_page_file_path = os.path.join(app_path, u"views/" + sing_table_name + "/" + detail_page_file_name)
f = open(detail_page_file_path, 'w')
print detail_page_file_path
print gfs.get_route_string() | 36ban_commons | /36ban_commons-0.0.1.tar.gz/36ban_commons-0.0.1/generate/ | |
import MySQLdb
import getpass
import os
import platform
import re
import time
import inflection
from tornado.template import Template, Loader
import yaml
from configs.settings import Settings
__author__ = 'wangshubin'
class MyLoader(Loader):
def _create_template(self, name):
path = os.path.join(self.root, name)
with open(path, "rb") as f:
my_template = Template(, name=name, loader=self, compress_whitespace=False)
return my_template
class MyTemplate(object):
def get_template_string(template_path, template_file_name, namespace):
loader = MyLoader(template_path)
t = loader.load(template_file_name)
return t.generate(**namespace)
class DBMessage(object):
runmod = "development"
database_config = None
def __init__(self, config_name=None):
self.conn = self.get_conn(config_name)
def get_conn(self, config_name=None):
:param config_name:
if config_name is None:
config_name = "default"
if not self.database_config:
file_stream = file(os.path.join(Settings.SITE_ROOT_PATH, 'configs/databases.yaml'), 'r')
yml = yaml.load(file_stream)
databases_config = yml.get(self.runmod)
config = databases_config[config_name]
url = config["url"] # sqlA的连接字符串,要截取mysqlDB所要的信息
self.database_config = dict()
self.database_config["user"] = url[16:url.rindex(":")]
self.database_config["passwd"] = url[url.rindex(":") + 1:url.rindex("@")]
self.database_config["host"] = url[url.rindex("@") + 1:url.rindex("/")]
self.database_config["database"] = url[url.rindex("/") + 1:url.rindex("?")]
self.database_config["charset"] = url[url.rindex("charset=") + 8:]
# 建立和数据库系统的连接
conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=self.database_config["host"], user=self.database_config["user"], passwd=self.database_config["passwd"], charset=self.database_config["charset"])
return conn
def get_schema_names(self):
"""获取所有数据库名 获取数据库连接,当前使用的是MySql数据库,如果更换数据库,新建子类,重写该方法即可
cursor = self.conn.cursor()
# 执行SQL 获取所有字段信息
cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT table_schema FROM columns ")
row = cursor.fetchall()
schema_names = list()
ignore_names = ("information_schema", "mysql")
for (table_schema,) in row:
if table_schema not in ignore_names:
return tuple(schema_names)
def get_table_names(self, table_schema):
"""获取数据库中所有表名 获取数据库连接,当前使用的是MySql数据库,如果更换数据库,新建子类,重写该方法即可
:param table_schema:
cursor = self.conn.cursor()
# 执行SQL 获取所有字段信息
cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT table_name FROM columns WHERE table_schema='" + table_schema + "'")
row = cursor.fetchall()
table_names = list()
for (table_name,) in row:
return tuple(table_names)
def get_columns(self, table_name):
"""根据表名,获取数据库字段信息 获取数据库连接,当前使用的是MySql数据库,如果更换数据库,新建子类,重写该方法即可
:return: 所有的字段信息
cursor = self.conn.cursor()
# 执行SQL 获取所有字段信息
cursor.execute(""" SELECT column_name,
FROM columns
WHERE table_schema='""" + self.database_config["database"] + """' AND table_name = '""" + table_name + """' """)
row = cursor.fetchall()
method_keys = self.get_where_types()
order_by_keys = ("asc", "desc")
edit_keys = self.get_edit_types()
columns = list()
for (column_name, column_default, is_nullable, data_type, column_type, column_comment) in row:
column_length = self.get_column_length(column_type)
sql_a_type = self.get_sql_a_type(data_type)
column_title = self.get_first_word(column_comment)
col_msg = dict()
col_msg["column_name"] = column_name # 字段
col_msg["column_title"] = column_title # 字段对应的中文 默认为column_comment中截取;用于生成页面
col_msg["column_comment"] = "" # 数据库中的备注,用于生成title .py文件中的注释等
col_msg["data_type"] = data_type # sql类型
col_msg["column_default"] = column_default # 默认值
col_msg["is_nullable"] = is_nullable # 是否为空
col_msg["column_length"] = column_length # 字段长度
col_msg["sql_a_type"] = sql_a_type # 对应的sqlA类型
col_msg["condition_search"] = False # 是否参与条件查询 及 参与条件查询类型 where条件
col_msg["order_by"] = False # 是否参与排序 及 排序方式
col_msg["edit_type"] = self.get_sql_edit_type(data_type) # 编辑类型 默认数据库类型 或 input
col_msg["option_type"] = None # 下拉类型 大写字符串
col_msg["gets_by"] = False # 按字段查询所有
col_msg["get_by"] = False # 按字段查询第一个
# file_path="" # service handler view 子文件夹 这个应该在表注释中 好像没有表注释 通过命令参数形式给出吧
if column_comment:
comments = column_comment.split("\n")
col_msg["column_comment"] = comments[0] # 数据库中的备注,用于生成title .py文件中的注释等
if len(comments) > 1:
# 存在第二行的配置
config_str = comments[1]
configs = config_str.split(" ")
for conf in configs:
if conf in method_keys:
col_msg["condition_search"] = conf
if conf in order_by_keys:
col_msg["order_by"] = conf
if conf in edit_keys:
col_msg["edit_type"] = conf
if conf.isupper():
col_msg["option_type"] = conf
if conf == "get_by":
col_msg["get_by"] = True
if conf == "gets_by":
col_msg["gets_by"] = True
return columns
def get_namespace(self, table_name, ext_namespace=None):
columns = self.get_columns(table_name)
singular_table_name = inflection.singularize(table_name)
model_name = self.get_model_name(table_name)
sys_user_name = self.get_sys_user_name()
created_at = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
sql_a_types = self.get_all_sql_a_type(columns)
mixins = self.get_all_mixin(columns)
condition_search_columns = list()
get_by_columns = list()
gets_by_columns = list()
order_by_columns = list()
for col in columns:
if col["condition_search"]:
if col["get_by"]:
if col["gets_by"]:
if col["order_by"]:
namespace = dict(model_name=model_name, # sqlA 映射对象名, 用于生成类名等
table_name=table_name, # 表名(复数形式) 可以用户列表的变量命名
singular_table_name=singular_table_name, # 表名的单数形式 可用于单数实例的命名
sys_user_name=sys_user_name, # 系统用户名,一般用于生成文件头部的注释
created_at=created_at, # 当前系统时间,一般用于文件头部的注释
sql_a_types=sql_a_types, # 对应的sqlA类型(不仅限于sqlA,如果以后使用其他框架,修改get_all_sql_a_type方法即可)
mixins=mixins, # 相关mixin IdMixin等。。。
columns=columns, # 数据库字段信息,自定义编辑信息等一些关于字段的信息
condition_search_columns=condition_search_columns, # 存产于条件查询的列信息 便于模版处理
order_by_columns=order_by_columns, # 存产于条件查询的排序信息 便于模版处理
gets_by_columns=gets_by_columns, # 存产于字段查询的列信息 便于模版处理
get_by_columns=get_by_columns # 存产于字段查询的列信息 便于模版处理
# 定制参数
if ext_namespace:
return namespace
def get_dirs(dir_type):
dirs = dict(
dao=os.path.join(Settings.SITE_ROOT_PATH, 'app/daos'),
service=os.path.join(Settings.SITE_ROOT_PATH, 'app/services'),
handler=os.path.join(Settings.SITE_ROOT_PATH, 'app/handlers'),
view=os.path.join(Settings.SITE_ROOT_PATH, 'app/views')
dir_str_long = dirs[dir_type]
dir_str_shot = ""
return dir_str_long
def get_config_schema_name(self):
return self.database_config["database"]
def get_edit_types():
return ("input", "text", "radio", "checkbox", "select", "date", "datetime", "time")
def get_sql_edit_type(data_type):
types_map = dict(
if data_type in types_map:
return types_map[data_type]
return "input"
def get_where_types():
return ("==", "!=", "llike", "rlike", "like", "between")
def get_first_word(word_str):
"""获取第一个特殊符号(非数字 字母 中文)前所有字符,待匹配字符为unicode
:param word_str:
r = re.compile(ur'[\w]*[\u4E00-\u9FA5]*[\w]*') # 这个要加上ur
s_match = r.findall(word_str)
if s_match and len(s_match) > 0:
return s_match[0]
return ""
def get_column_length(column_type):
:param column_type: 数据库字段类型(长度)
:return: 字段长度
pattern = re.compile("\w*\((\d*)\)w*")
res =
if res is None:
return None
return res.groups()[0]
def get_sql_a_type(sql_type):
:param sql_type:数据库字段类型
types_map = dict(
if sql_type in types_map:
return types_map[sql_type]
return None
def get_model_name(table_name):
"""将‘user_categories’ 转换成‘UserCategory’,用作数据库表名转换成对应的实体名
:param table_name: 需要传入的表名
model_name = inflection.singularize(inflection.camelize(table_name))
return model_name
def get_all_sql_a_type(columns):
:param columns:
sql_a_types = set()
for col in columns:
# 过滤掉不存在类型,以及默认字段类型
if col["sql_a_type"] and col["column_name"] not in ("id", "created_at", "updated_at", "is_deleted"):
return sql_a_types
def get_all_mixin(columns):
"""获取指定columns中所有的 mixin
:param columns:
mixins = dict()
for col in columns:
col_name = col["column_name"]
if col_name == "id":
mixins.setdefault("id", "IdMixin")
if col_name == "created_at":
mixins.setdefault("created_at", "CreatedAtMixin")
if col_name == "updated_at":
mixins.setdefault("updated_at", "UpdatedAtMixin")
if col_name == "is_deleted":
mixins.setdefault("is_deleted", "IsDeletedMixin")
return mixins
def get_sys_user_name():
return getpass.getuser()
class GenerateFileService(object):
生成文件通用服务 准备模版参数,调用模版生成字符串,读写文件等功能
def __init__(self, table_name, columns=None):
self.table_name = table_name
self.dbm = DBMessage()
self.namespace = self.dbm.get_namespace(self.table_name)
if columns is not None:
self.template_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), u"templates")
self.templates = dict(dao="dao_template.txt",
def get_dao_string(self):
template_file_name = self.templates["dao"]
return MyTemplate.get_template_string(self.template_path, template_file_name, self.namespace)
def get_service_string(self):
template_file_name = self.templates["service"]
return MyTemplate.get_template_string(self.template_path, template_file_name, self.namespace)
def get_handler_string(self):
template_file_name = self.templates["handler"]
return MyTemplate.get_template_string(self.template_path, template_file_name, self.namespace)
def get_route_string(self):
template_file_name = self.templates["route"]
return MyTemplate.get_template_string(self.template_path, template_file_name, self.namespace)
def get_list_page_string(self):
template_file_name = self.templates["list_page"]
list_page_str = MyTemplate.get_template_string(self.template_path, template_file_name, self.namespace)
list_page_str = list_page_str.replace("}&}", "}}")
return list_page_str
def get_add_edit_page_string(self):
template_file_name = self.templates["add_edit_page"]
add_edit_page_str = MyTemplate.get_template_string(self.template_path, template_file_name, self.namespace)
add_edit_page_str = add_edit_page_str.replace("}&}", "}}")
return add_edit_page_str
def get_detail_page_string(self):
template_file_name = self.templates["detail_page"]
detail_page_str = MyTemplate.get_template_string(self.template_path, template_file_name, self.namespace)
detail_page_str = detail_page_str.replace("}&}", "}}")
return detail_page_str
if __name__ == "__main__":
gfs = GenerateFileService(table_name="tests")
print gfs.get_dao_string()
# print gfs.get_service_string()
# print gfs.get_handler_string()
# print gfs.get_route_string()
# print gfs.get_list_page_string()
# print gfs.get_add_edit_page_string()
# print gfs.get_detail_page_string() | 36ban_commons | /36ban_commons-0.0.1.tar.gz/36ban_commons-0.0.1/generate/ | |
# Registration tools
__Before everything else, the current status of the whole thing here is that it only works on UNIX systems (eg Linux & MacOs) that have reasonnable chips (eg not M1 chips for example).__
## Purpose and "history"
This repository is about two scripts to do spatial and temporal registration of 3D microscopy images.
It was initially developed to help friends with their ever moving embryos living under a microscope.
I found that actually quite a few people were interested so I made a version of it that is somewhat easier to use.
In theory, the main difficulty to make the whole thing work is to install the different libraries.
## Credits
The whole thing is just a wrapping of the amazing blockmatching algorithm developed by [S. Ourselin et al.] and currently maintained Grégoire Malandin et al.@[Team Morphem - inria] (if I am not mistaking).
## Installation
[conda] and [pip] are required to install `registration-tools`
We recommand to install the registration tools in a specific environement (like [conda]). For example the following way:
conda create -n registration python=3.10
You can then activate the environement the following way:
conda activate registration
For here onward we assume that you are running the commands from the `registration` [conda] environement.
Then, to install the whole thing, it is necessary to first install blockmatching. To do so you can run the following command:
conda install vt -c morpheme -c trcabel
Then, you can install the 3D-registration library either directly via pip:
pip install 3D-registration
Or, if you want the latest version, by specifying the git repository:
pip install git+
### Troubleshooting
- Windows:
If you are trying to run the script on Windows you might need to install `pthreadvse2.dll`.
It can be found there: . Make sure to download the version that matches your operating system (32 or 64 bits, most likely 64).
- MacOs:
As there are no M1 binaries available yet, please use rosetta or install an intel version of conda.
## Usage
Most of the description on how to use the two scripts is described in the [manual] (Note that the installation part is quite outdated, the remaining is ok).
That being said, once installed, one can run either of the scripts from anywhere in a terminal by typing:
The location of the json files or folder containing the json files will be prompted and when provided the registration will start.
It is also possible to run the registration from a script/notebook the following way:
from registrationtools import TimeRegistration
tr = TimeRegistration('path/to/param.json')
from registrationtools import TimeRegistration
tr = TimeRegistration('path/to/folder/with/jsonfiles/')
from registrationtools import TimeRegistration
tr = TimeRegistration()
and a path will be asked to be inputed.
### Example json files
Few example json files are provided to help the potential users. You can find informations about what they do in the [manual].
[S. Ourselin et al.]:
[Team Morphem - inria]:
[manual]: | 3D-registration | /3D-registration-0.4.3.tar.gz/3D-registration-0.4.3/ | |
from os.path import (
split as psplit,
expanduser as expusr,
import os, fnmatch
import warnings
from struct import pack, unpack, calcsize
from pickle import dumps, loads
import numpy as np
from .spatial_image import SpatialImage
from .inrimage import read_inrimage, write_inrimage
from .tif import read_tif, write_tif
except Exception as e:
warnings.warn("pylibtiff library is not installed")
from .h5 import read_h5, write_h5
except Exception as e:
warnings.warn("h5py library is not installed")
from .klb import read_klb, write_klb
except Exception as e:
warnings.warn("KLB library is not installed")
from .folder import read_folder
def imread(filename, parallel=True, SP_im=True):
"""Reads an image file completely into memory.
It uses the file extension to determine how to read the file. It first tries
some specific readers for volume images (Inrimages, TIFFs, LSMs, NPY) or falls
back on PIL readers for common formats if installed.
In all cases the returned image is 3D (2D is upgraded to single slice 3D).
If it has colour or is a vector field it is even 4D.
- `filename` (str)
:Returns Type:
filename = expusr(filename)
if not exists(filename):
raise IOError("The requested file do not exist: %s" % filename)
root, ext = splitext(filename)
ext = ext.lower()
if ext == ".gz":
root, ext = splitext(root)
ext = ext.lower()
if ext == ".inr":
return read_inrimage(filename)
elif ext in [".tif", ".tiff"]:
return read_tif(filename)
elif ext in [".h5", ".hdf5"]:
return read_h5(filename)
elif ext == ".klb":
return read_klb(filename, SP_im)
elif isdir(filename):
return read_folder(filename, parallel)
def imsave(filename, img):
"""Save a |SpatialImage| to filename.
.. note: `img` **must** be a |SpatialImage|.
The filewriter is choosen according to the file extension. However all file extensions
will not match the data held by img, in dimensionnality or encoding, and might raise `IOError`s.
For real volume data, Inrimage and NPY are currently supported.
For |SpatialImage|s that are actually 2D, PNG, BMP, JPG among others are supported if PIL is installed.
- `filename` (str)
- `img` (|SpatialImage|)
filename = expusr(filename)
root, ext = splitext(filename)
# assert isinstance(img, SpatialImage) or ext == '.klb'
# -- images are always at least 3D! If the size of dimension 3 (indexed 2) is 1, then it is actually
# a 2D image. If it is 4D it has vectorial or RGB[A] data. --
head, tail = psplit(filename)
head = head or "."
if not exists(head):
raise IOError("The directory do not exist: %s" % head)
# is2D = img.shape[2] == 1
ext = ext.lower()
if ext == ".gz":
root, ext = splitext(root)
ext = ext.lower()
if ext == ".inr":
write_inrimage(filename, img)
elif ext in [".tiff", ".tif"]:
write_tif(filename, img)
elif ext == ".klb":
write_klb(filename, img)
elif ext in [".h5", ".hdf5"]:
write_h5(filename, img) | 3D-registration | /3D-registration-0.4.3.tar.gz/3D-registration-0.4.3/src/IO/ | |
__license__ = "Cecill-C"
__revision__ = " $Id$ "
import numpy as np
from .spatial_image import SpatialImage
__all__ = []
import decimal
import numpy as np
from tifffile import TiffFile, imread, imwrite
import os, os.path, sys, time
__all__ += ["read_tif", "write_tif", "mantissa"]
def read_tif(filename, channel=0):
"""Read a tif image
- `filename` (str) - name of the file to read
def format_digit(v):
v = eval(v)
except Exception as e:
return v
with TiffFile(filename) as tif:
if "ImageDescription" in tif.pages[0].tags:
description = (
separator = set.intersection(*[set(k) for k in description]).pop()
info_dict = {
v.split(separator)[0]: format_digit(v.split(separator)[1])
for v in description
info_dict = {}
if "XResolution" in tif.pages[0].tags:
vx = tif.pages[0].tags["XResolution"].value
if vx[0] != 0:
vx = vx[1] / vx[0]
if isinstance(vx, list):
vx = vx[1] / vx[0]
vx = 1.0
vx = 1.0
if "YResolution" in tif.pages[0].tags:
vy = tif.pages[0].tags["YResolution"].value
if vy[0] != 0:
vy = vy[1] / vy[0]
if isinstance(vy, list):
vy = vy[1] / vy[0]
vy = 1.0
vy = 1.0
if "ZResolution" in tif.pages[0].tags:
vz = tif.pages[0].tags["ZResolution"].value
if vz[0] != 0:
if isinstance(vz, list):
vz = vz[1] / vz[0]
vz = 1.0
elif "spacing" in info_dict:
vz = info_dict["spacing"]
vz = 1.0
im = tif.asarray()
if len(im.shape) == 3:
im = np.transpose(im, (2, 1, 0))
elif len(im.shape) == 2:
im = np.transpose(im, (1, 0))
if 3 <= len(im.shape):
im = SpatialImage(im, (vx, vy, vz))
print(im.shape, vx, vy)
im = SpatialImage(im, (vx, vy))
im.resolution = (vx, vy, vz)
return im
def mantissa(value):
"""Convert value to [number, divisor] where divisor is power of 10"""
# -- surely not the nicest thing around --
d = decimal.Decimal(str(value)) # -- lovely...
sign, digits, exp = d.as_tuple()
n_digits = len(digits)
dividend = int(
sum(v * (10 ** (n_digits - 1 - i)) for i, v in enumerate(digits))
* (1 if sign == 0 else -1)
divisor = int(10**-exp)
return dividend, divisor
def write_tif(filename, obj):
if len(obj.shape) > 3:
raise IOError(
"Vectorial images are currently unsupported by tif writer"
is3D = len(obj.shape) == 3
if hasattr(obj, "resolution"):
res = obj.resolution
elif hasattr(obj, "voxelsize"):
res = obj.resolution
res = (1, 1, 1) if is3D else (1, 1)
vx = 1.0 / res[0]
vy = 1.0 / res[1]
if is3D:
spacing = res[2]
metadata = {"spacing": spacing, "axes": "ZYX"}
metadata = {}
extra_info = {
"XResolution": res[0],
"YResolution": res[1],
"spacing": spacing
if is3D
else None, # : no way to save the spacing (no specific tag)
if obj.dtype.char in "BHhf":
return imwrite(
resolution=(vx, vy),
return imwrite(filename, obj.T) | 3D-registration | /3D-registration-0.4.3.tar.gz/3D-registration-0.4.3/src/IO/ | |
__license__ = "Cecill-C"
__revision__ = " $Id: $ "
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
import copy as cp
# -- deprecation messages --
# import warnings, exceptions
# msg = "SpatialImage.resolution is deprecated, use SpatialImage.voxelsize"
# rezexc = exceptions.PendingDeprecationWarning(msg)
class SpatialImage(np.ndarray):
Associate meta data to np.ndarray
def __new__(
"""Instantiate a new |SpatialImage|
if voxelsize is None, vdim will be used to infer space size and affect
a voxelsize of 1 in each direction of space
.. warning :: `resolution` keyword is deprecated. Use `voxelsize` instead.
- `cls` - internal python
- `input_array` (array) - data to put in the image
- `voxelsize` (tuple of float) - spatial extension in each direction
of space
- `vdim` (int) - size of data if vector data are used
- `info` (dict of str|any) - metainfo
# if the input_array is 2D we can reshape it to 3D.
# ~ if input_array.ndim == 2: # Jonathan
# ~ input_array = input_array.reshape( input_array.shape+(1,) ) # Jonathan
# initialize datas. For some obscure reason, we want the data
# to be F-Contiguous in the NUMPY sense. I mean, if this is not
# respected, we will have problems when communicating with
# C-Code... yeah, that makes so much sense (fortran-contiguous
# to be c-readable...).
dtype = dtype if dtype is not None else input_array.dtype
if input_array.flags.f_contiguous:
obj = np.asarray(input_array, dtype=dtype).view(cls)
obj = np.asarray(input_array, dtype=dtype, order="F").view(cls)
voxelsize = kwargs.get("resolution", voxelsize) # to manage transition
if voxelsize is None:
# ~ voxelsize = (1.,) * 3
voxelsize = (1.0,) * input_array.ndim # Jonathan
# ~ if len(voxelsize) != 3 :
if (input_array.ndim != 4) and (
len(voxelsize) != input_array.ndim
): # Jonathan _ Compatibility with "champs_*.inr.gz" generated by Baloo & SuperBaloo
raise ValueError("data dimension and voxelsize mismatch")
obj.voxelsize = tuple(voxelsize)
obj.vdim = vdim if vdim else 1
# set metadata
if info is None: = {}
else: = dict(info)
# return
return obj
def _get_resolution(self):
# warnings.warn(rezexc)
return self.voxelsize
def _set_resolution(self, val):
# warnings.warn(rezexc)
self.voxelsize = val
resolution = property(_get_resolution, _set_resolution)
def real_shape(self):
# ~ return np.multiply(self.shape[:3], self.voxelsize)
return np.multiply(self.shape, self.voxelsize) # Jonathan
def invert_z_axis(self):
invert allong 'Z' axis
self = self[:, :, ::-1]
def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
if obj is None:
# assert resolution
res = getattr(obj, "voxelsize", None)
if res is None: # assert vdim == 1
res = (1.0,) * len(obj.shape)
self.voxelsize = tuple(res)
# metadata = dict(getattr(obj, "info", {}))
def clone(self, data):
"""Clone the current image metadata
on the given data.
.. warning:: vdim is defined according to self.voxelsize and data.shape
- `data` - (array)
:Returns Type: |SpatialImage|
if len(data.shape) == len(self.voxelsize):
vdim = 1
elif len(data.shape) - len(self.voxelsize) == 1:
vdim = data.shape[-1]
raise UserWarning("unable to handle such data dimension")
return SpatialImage(data, self.voxelsize, vdim,
def valid_array(cls, array_like):
return (
isinstance(array_like, (np.ndarray, cls))
and array_like.flags.f_contiguous
def empty_image_like(spatial_image):
array = np.zeros(spatial_image.shape, dtype=spatial_image.dtype)
return SpatialImage(array, spatial_image.voxelsize, vdim=1)
def null_vector_field_like(spatial_image):
array = np.zeros(list(spatial_image.shape) + [3], dtype=np.float32)
return SpatialImage(array, spatial_image.voxelsize, vdim=3)
def random_vector_field_like(spatial_image, smooth=0, max_=1):
# ~ if spatial_image.vdim == 1:
# ~ shape = spatial_image.shape+(3,)
# ~ else:
# ~ shape = spatial_image.shape
shape = spatial_image.shape # Jonathan
array = np.random.uniform(-max_, max_, shape)
if smooth:
array = ndimage.gaussian_filter(array, smooth)
return SpatialImage(array, spatial_image.voxelsize, dtype=np.float32)
def checkerboard(
nx=9, ny=8, nz=5, size=10, vs=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), dtype=np.uint8
"""Creates a 3D checkerboard image with `nx` squares in width,
`ny` squares in height and `nz` squares in depth. The length of the edge in real units
of each square is `size`."""
sxv, syv, szv = np.array([size] * 3) / np.array(vs)
array = np.zeros((sxv * nx, syv * ny, szv * nz), dtype=dtype, order="F")
typeinfo = np.iinfo(dtype)
# -- wooo surely not the most beautiful implementation out here --
for k in range(nz):
kval = typeinfo.max if (k % 2 == 0) else typeinfo.min
jval = kval
for j in range(ny):
ival = jval
for i in range(nx):
i * sxv : i * sxv + sxv,
j * syv : j * syv + syv,
k * szv : k * szv + szv,
] = ival
ival = typeinfo.max if (ival == typeinfo.min) else typeinfo.min
jval = typeinfo.max if (jval == typeinfo.min) else typeinfo.min
kval = typeinfo.max if (kval == typeinfo.min) else typeinfo.min
return SpatialImage(array, vs, dtype=dtype)
def is2D(image):
Test if the `image` (array) is in 2D or 3D.
Return True if 2D, False if not.
if len(image.shape) == 2 or image.shape[2] == 1:
return True
return False | 3D-registration | /3D-registration-0.4.3.tar.gz/3D-registration-0.4.3/src/IO/ | |
__license__ = "Cecill-C"
__revision__ = " $Id$ "
import os
from os import path
import numpy as np
from struct import calcsize, pack, unpack
import gzip
from io import BytesIO
from .spatial_image import SpatialImage
__all__ = ["read_inriheader", "read_inrimage", "write_inrimage"]
specific_header_keys = (
def open_inrifile(filename):
"""Open an inrimage file
Manage the gz attribute
if path.splitext(filename)[1] in (".gz", ".zip"):
with, "rb") as fzip:
f = BytesIO(
f = open(filename, "rb")
return f
def _read_header(f):
"""Extract header from a stream and return it
as a python dict
# read header string
header = ""
while header[-4:] != "##}\n":
header +="latin-1")
# read infos in header
prop = {}
hstart = header.find("{\n") + 1
hend = header.find("##}")
infos = [gr for gr in header[hstart:hend].split("\n") if len(gr) > 0]
# format infos
for prop_def in infos:
key, val = prop_def.split("=")
prop[key] = val
# return
return prop
def read_inriheader(filename):
"""Read only the header of an inrimage
- `filename` (str) - name of the file to read
f = open_inrifile(filename)
prop = _read_header(f)
return prop
def read_inrimage(filename):
"""Read an inrimage, either zipped or not according to extension
- `filename` (str) - name of the file to read
f = open_inrifile(filename)
# read header
prop = _read_header(f)
prop["filename"] = filename # Jonathan : 14.05.2012
# extract usefull infos to read image
zdim = int(prop.pop("ZDIM"))
ydim = int(prop.pop("YDIM"))
xdim = int(prop.pop("XDIM"))
vdim = int(prop.pop("VDIM", 1))
# if vdim != 1 :
# msg = "don't know how to handle vectorial pixel values"
# raise NotImplementedError(msg)
# find data type
pixsize = int(prop.pop("PIXSIZE", "0").split(" ")[0])
dtype = prop.pop("TYPE")
if dtype == "unsigned fixed":
if pixsize == 0:
ntyp = np.dtype(
ntyp = eval("np.dtype(np.uint%d)" % pixsize)
except AttributeError:
raise UserWarning("undefined pix size: %d" % pixsize)
elif dtype == "float":
if pixsize == 0:
ntyp = np.dtype(np.float)
ntyp = eval("np.dtype(np.float%d)" % pixsize)
except AttributeError:
raise UserWarning("undefined pix size: %d" % pixsize)
msg = "unable to read that type of datas : %s" % dtype
raise UserWarning(msg)
# read datas
size = ntyp.itemsize * xdim * ydim * zdim * vdim
mat = np.frombuffer(, ntyp)
if vdim != 1:
mat = mat.reshape((vdim, xdim, ydim, zdim), order="F")
mat = mat.transpose(1, 2, 3, 0)
mat = mat.reshape((xdim, ydim, zdim), order="F")
# mat = mat.transpose(2,1,0)
# create SpatialImage
res = tuple(float(prop.pop(k)) for k in ("VX", "VY", "VZ"))
for k in ("TX", "TY", "TZ"):
prop.pop(k, None)
img = SpatialImage(mat, res, vdim, prop)
# return
return img
def write_inrimage_to_stream(stream, img):
assert img.ndim in (3, 4)
# metadata
info = dict(getattr(img, "info", {}))
if "filename" in info:
info["filename"] = path.basename(info["filename"])
info["filename"] = path.basename("img.inr")
# image dimensions
if img.ndim < 4:
info["XDIM"], info["YDIM"], info["ZDIM"] = (
"%d" % val for val in img.shape
info["VDIM"] = "1"
info["XDIM"], info["YDIM"], info["ZDIM"], info["VDIM"] = (
"%d" % val for val in img.shape
# image resolution
res = getattr(img, "resolution", (1, 1, 1))
info["VX"], info["VY"], info["VZ"] = ("%f" % val for val in res)
# data type
if img.dtype == np.uint8:
info["TYPE"] = "unsigned fixed"
info["PIXSIZE"] = "8 bits"
elif img.dtype == np.uint16:
info["TYPE"] = "unsigned fixed"
info["PIXSIZE"] = "16 bits"
elif img.dtype == np.uint32:
info["TYPE"] = "unsigned fixed"
info["PIXSIZE"] = "32 bits"
elif img.dtype == np.uint64:
info["TYPE"] = "unsigned fixed"
info["PIXSIZE"] = "64 bits"
elif img.dtype == np.float32:
info["TYPE"] = "float"
info["PIXSIZE"] = "32 bits"
elif img.dtype == np.float64:
info["TYPE"] = "float"
info["PIXSIZE"] = "64 bits"
# elif img.dtype == np.float128 :
# info["TYPE"] = "float"
# info["PIXSIZE"] = "128 bits"
msg = "unable to write that type of datas : %s" % str(img.dtype)
raise UserWarning(msg)
# mandatory else an error occurs when reading image
info["CPU"] = "decm"
# write header
header = "#INRIMAGE-4#{\n"
for (
) in (
): # HACK pas bo to ensure order of specific headers
header += "%s=%s\n" % (k, info[k])
except KeyError:
for k in set(info) - set(specific_header_keys):
header += "%s=%s\n" % (k, info[k])
# fill header to be a multiple of 256
header_size = len(header) + 4
if (header_size % 256) > 0:
header += "\n" * (256 - header_size % 256)
header += "##}\n"
contiguous_rule = "C" if img.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"] else "F"
if img.ndim == 3:
elif img.ndim == 4:
mat = img.transpose(3, 0, 1, 2)
raise Exception("Unhandled image dimension %d." % img.ndim)
def write_inrimage(filename, img):
"""Write an inrimage zipped or not according to the extension
.. warning:: if img is not a |SpatialImage|, default values will be used
for the resolution of the image
- `img` (|SpatialImage|) - image to write
- `filename` (str) - name of the file to read
# open stream
zipped = path.splitext(filename)[1] in (".gz", ".zip")
if zipped:
f = gzip.GzipFile(filename, "wb")
# f = StringIO()
f = open(filename, "wb")
write_inrimage_to_stream(f, img)
# -- remove probably corrupt file--
if path.exists(filename) and path.isfile(filename):
f.close() | 3D-registration | /3D-registration-0.4.3.tar.gz/3D-registration-0.4.3/src/IO/ | |
from pathlib import Path
from time import time
import os
from subprocess import call
import scipy as sp
from scipy import interpolate
import json
import numpy as np
from IO import imread, imsave, SpatialImage
from typing import List, Tuple
from statsmodels.nonparametric.smoothers_lowess import lowess
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.dom import minidom
from transforms3d.affines import decompose
from transforms3d.euler import mat2euler
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
from future.builtins import input
from pyklb import readheader
pyklb_found = True
except Exception as e:
pyklb_found = False
print("pyklb library not found, klb files will not be generated")
class trsf_parameters(object):
Read parameters for the registration function from a preformated json file
def check_parameters_consistancy(self) -> bool:
Function that should check parameter consistancy
correct = True
if not "path_to_data" in self.__dict__:
print('\n\t"path_to_data" is required')
correct = False
if not "file_name" in self.__dict__:
print('\n\t"file_name" is required')
correct = False
if not "trsf_folder" in self.__dict__:
print('\n\t"trsf_folder" is required')
correct = False
if not "voxel_size" in self.__dict__:
print('\n\t"voxel_size" is required')
correct = False
if not "ref_TP" in self.__dict__:
print('\n\t"ref_TP" is required')
correct = False
if not "projection_path" in self.__dict__:
print('\n\t"projection_path" is required')
correct = False
if self.apply_trsf and not "output_format" in self.__dict__:
print('\n\t"output_format" is required')
correct = False
if self.trsf_type != "translation" and (
self.lowess or self.trsf_interpolation
print("\n\tLowess or transformation interplolation")
print("\tonly work with translation")
correct = False
if self.lowess and not "window_size" in self.param_dict:
print('\n\tLowess smoothing "window_size" is missing')
print("\tdefault value of 5 will be used\n")
if self.trsf_interpolation and not "step_size" in self.param_dict:
print('\n\tTransformation interpolation "step_size" is missing')
print("\tdefault value of 100 will be used\n")
if self.trsf_type == "vectorfield" and self.ref_path is None:
print("\tNon-linear transformation asked with propagation.")
print("\tWhile working it is highly not recommended")
"\tPlease consider not doing a registration from propagation"
if (
not isinstance(self.spline, int)
or self.spline < 1
or 5 < self.spline
out = ("{:d}" if isinstance(self.spline, int) else "{:s}").format(
print("The degree of smoothing for the spline interpolation")
print("Should be an Integer between 1 and 5, you gave " + out)
return correct
def __str__(self) -> str:
max_key = (
max([len(k) for k in self.__dict__.keys() if k != "param_dict"])
+ 1
max_tot = (
for k, v in self.__dict__.items()
if k != "param_dict"
+ 2
+ max_key
output = "The registration will run with the following arguments:\n"
output += "\n" + " File format ".center(max_tot, "-") + "\n"
output += "path_to_data".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": {}\n".format(
output += "file_name".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": {}\n".format(
output += "trsf_folder".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": {}\n".format(
output += "output_format".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": {}\n".format(
output += "check_TP".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": {:d}\n".format(
output += "\n" + " Time series properties ".center(max_tot, "-") + "\n"
output += "voxel_size".ljust(
max_key, " "
) + ": {:f}x{:f}x{:f}\n".format(*self.voxel_size)
output += "first".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": {:d}\n".format(self.first)
output += "last".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": {:d}\n".format(self.last)
output += "\n" + " Registration ".center(max_tot, "-") + "\n"
output += "compute_trsf".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": {:d}\n".format(
if self.compute_trsf:
output += "ref_TP".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": {:d}\n".format(
if self.ref_path is not None:
output += "ref_path".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": {}\n".format(
output += "trsf_type".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": {}\n".format(
if self.trsf_type == "vectorfield":
output += "sigma".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": {:.2f}\n".format(
output += "padding".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": {:d}\n".format(
output += "lowess".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": {:d}\n".format(
if self.lowess:
output += "window_size".ljust(
max_key, " "
) + ": {:d}\n".format(self.window_size)
output += "trsf_interpolation".ljust(
max_key, " "
) + ": {:d}\n".format(self.trsf_interpolation)
if self.trsf_interpolation:
output += "step_size".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": {:d}\n".format(
output += "recompute".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": {:d}\n".format(
output += "apply_trsf".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": {:d}\n".format(
if self.apply_trsf:
if self.projection_path is not None:
output += "projection_path".ljust(
max_key, " "
) + ": {}\n".format(self.projection_path)
output += "image_interpolation".ljust(
max_key, " "
) + ": {}\n".format(self.image_interpolation)
return output
def add_path_prefix(self, prefix: str):
Add a prefix to all the relevant paths (this is mainly for the unitary tests)
prefix (str): The prefix to add in front of the path
self.projection_path = (
os.path.join(prefix, self.projection_path) + os.path.sep
self.path_to_data = (
os.path.join(prefix, self.path_to_data) + os.path.sep
self.trsf_folder = os.path.join(prefix, self.trsf_folder) + os.path.sep
self.output_format = (
os.path.join(prefix, self.output_format) + os.path.sep
def __init__(self, file_name: str):
if not isinstance(file_name, dict):
with open(file_name) as f:
param_dict = json.load(f)
param_dict = {}
for k, v in file_name.items():
if isinstance(v, Path):
param_dict[k] = str(v)
param_dict[k] = v
# Default parameters
self.check_TP = None
self.not_to_do = []
self.compute_trsf = True
self.ref_path = None
self.padding = 1
self.lowess = False
self.window_size = 5
self.step_size = 100
self.recompute = True
self.apply_trsf = True
self.sigma = 2.0
self.keep_vectorfield = False
self.trsf_type = "rigid"
self.image_interpolation = "linear"
self.path_to_bin = ""
self.spline = 1
self.trsf_interpolation = False
self.sequential = True
self.time_tag = "TM"
self.do_bdv = 0
self.bdv_voxel_size = None
self.bdv_unit = "microns"
self.projection_path = None
self.pre_2D = False
self.low_th = None
self.plot_trsf = False
self.param_dict = param_dict
if "registration_depth" in param_dict:
self.__dict__["registration_depth_start"] = 6
self.__dict__["registration_depth_end"] = param_dict[
elif not "registration_depth_start" in param_dict:
self.__dict__["registration_depth_start"] = 6
self.__dict__["registration_depth_end"] = 3
self.voxel_size = tuple(self.voxel_size)
if not hasattr(self, "voxel_size_out"):
self.voxel_size_out = self.voxel_size
self.voxel_size_out = tuple(self.voxel_size_out)
self.origin_file_name = file_name
if (
0 < len(self.projection_path)
and self.projection_path[-1] != os.path.sep
self.projection_path = self.projection_path + os.path.sep
self.path_to_data = os.path.join(self.path_to_data, "")
self.trsf_folder = os.path.join(self.trsf_folder, "")
self.path_to_bin = os.path.join(self.path_to_bin, "")
if 0 < len(self.path_to_bin) and not os.path.exists(self.path_to_bin):
print("Binary path could not be found, will try with global call")
self.path_to_bin = ""
class TimeRegistration:
def read_trsf(path: str) -> np.ndarray:
Read a transformation from a text file
path (str): path to a transformation
(np.ndarray): 4x4 ndarray matrix
f = open(path)
if[0] == "(":
f = open(path)
lines = f.readlines()[2:-1]
return np.array([[float(v) for v in l.split()] for l in lines])
return np.loadtxt(path)
def __produce_trsf(self, params: Tuple[trsf_parameters, int, int, bool]):
Given a parameter object a reference time and two time points
compute the transformation that registers together two consecutive in time images.
params (tuple): a tuple with the parameter object, two consecutive time points
to register and a boolean to detemine wether to apply the trsf or not
(p, t1, t2, make) = params
if not p.sequential:
p_im_flo = p.A0.format(t=t2)
p_im_ref = p.ref_path
t_ref = p.ref_TP
t_flo = t2
if t1 == p.to_register[0]:
self.__produce_trsf((p, t2, t1, make))
if t1 < p.ref_TP:
t_ref = t2
t_flo = t1
t_ref = t1
t_flo = t2
p_im_ref = p.A0.format(t=t_ref)
p_im_flo = p.A0.format(t=t_flo)
if not make:
print("trsf tp %d-%d not done" % (t1, t2))
os.path.join(p.trsf_folder, "t%06d-%06d.txt" % (t_flo, t_ref)),
elif t_flo != t_ref and (
or not os.path.exists(
os.path.join(p.trsf_folder, "t%06d-%06d.txt" % (t_flo, t_ref))
if p.low_th is not None and 0 < p.low_th:
th = " -ref-lt {lt:f} -flo-lt {lt:f} -no-norma ".format(
th = ""
if p.trsf_type != "vectorfield":
if p.pre_2D == 1:
+ "blockmatching -ref "
+ p_im_ref
+ " -flo "
+ p_im_flo
+ " -reference-voxel %f %f %f" % p.voxel_size
+ " -floating-voxel %f %f %f" % p.voxel_size
+ " -trsf-type rigid2D -py-hl %d -py-ll %d"
% (
+ " -res-trsf "
+ os.path.join(
"t%06d-%06d-tmp.txt" % (t_flo, t_ref),
+ th,
pre_trsf = (
" -init-trsf "
+ os.path.join(
"t%06d-%06d-tmp.txt" % (t_flo, t_ref),
+ " -composition-with-initial "
pre_trsf = ""
+ "blockmatching -ref "
+ p_im_ref
+ " -flo "
+ p_im_flo
+ pre_trsf
+ " -reference-voxel %f %f %f" % p.voxel_size
+ " -floating-voxel %f %f %f" % p.voxel_size
+ " -trsf-type %s -py-hl %d -py-ll %d"
% (
+ " -res-trsf "
+ os.path.join(
p.trsf_folder, "t%06d-%06d.txt" % (t_flo, t_ref)
+ th,
if p.apply_trsf:
res = " -res " + p.A0_out.format(t=t_flo)
res = ""
if p.keep_vectorfield and pyklb_found:
res_trsf = (
" -composition-with-initial -res-trsf "
+ os.path.join(
p.trsf_folder, "t%06d-%06d.klb" % (t_flo, t_ref)
res_trsf = ""
if p.keep_vectorfield:
"The vectorfield cannot be stored without pyklb being installed"
+ "blockmatching -ref "
+ p_im_ref
+ " -flo "
+ p_im_flo
+ " -reference-voxel %f %f %f" % p.voxel_size
+ " -floating-voxel %f %f %f" % p.voxel_size
+ " -trsf-type affine -py-hl %d -py-ll %d"
% (p.registration_depth_start, p.registration_depth_end)
+ " -res-trsf "
+ os.path.join(
p.trsf_folder, "t%06d-%06d.txt" % (t_flo, t_ref)
+ th,
+ "blockmatching -ref "
+ p_im_ref
+ " -flo "
+ p_im_flo
+ " -init-trsf "
+ os.path.join(
p.trsf_folder, "t%06d-%06d.txt" % (t_flo, t_ref)
+ res
+ " -reference-voxel %f %f %f" % p.voxel_size
+ " -floating-voxel %f %f %f" % p.voxel_size
+ " -trsf-type %s -py-hl %d -py-ll %d"
% (
+ res_trsf
+ (
" -elastic-sigma {s:.1f} {s:.1f} {s:.1f} "
+ " -fluid-sigma {s:.1f} {s:.1f} {s:.1f}"
+ th,
def run_produce_trsf(self, p: trsf_parameters):
Parallel processing of the transformations from t to t-1/t+1 to t (depending on t<r)
The transformation is computed using blockmatching algorithm
p (trsf_paraneters): a trsf_parameter object
mapping = [
(p, t1, t2, not (t1 in p.not_to_do or t2 in p.not_to_do))
for t1, t2 in zip(p.to_register[:-1], p.to_register[1:])
tic = time()
tmp = []
for mi in mapping:
tmp += [self.__produce_trsf(mi)]
tac = time()
whole_time = tac - tic
secs = whole_time % 60
whole_time = whole_time // 60
mins = whole_time % 60
hours = whole_time // 60
print("%dh:%dmin:%ds" % (hours, mins, secs))
def compose_trsf(
self, flo_t: int, ref_t: int, trsf_p: str, tp_list: List[int]
) -> str:
Recusrively build the transformation that allows
to register time `flo_t` onto the frame of time `ref_t`
assuming that it exists the necessary intermediary transformations
flo_t (int): time of the floating image
ref_t (int): time of the reference image
trsf_p (str): path to folder containing the transformations
tp_list (list): list of time points that have been processed
out_trsf (str): path to the result composed transformation
out_trsf = trsf_p + "t%06d-%06d.txt" % (flo_t, ref_t)
if not os.path.exists(out_trsf):
flo_int = tp_list[tp_list.index(flo_t) + np.sign(ref_t - flo_t)]
# the call is recursive, to build `T_{flo\leftarrow ref}`
# we need `T_{flo+1\leftarrow ref}` and `T_{flo\leftarrow ref-1}`
trsf_1 = self.compose_trsf(flo_int, ref_t, trsf_p, tp_list)
trsf_2 = self.compose_trsf(flo_t, flo_int, trsf_p, tp_list)
+ "composeTrsf "
+ out_trsf
+ " -trsfs "
+ trsf_2
+ " "
+ trsf_1,
return out_trsf
def __lowess_smooth(
X: np.ndarray, T: np.ndarray, frac: float
) -> np.ndarray:
Smooth a curve using the lowess algorithm.
Cleveland, W.S. (1979)
“Robust Locally Weighted Regression and Smoothing Scatterplots”.
Journal of the American Statistical Association 74 (368): 829-836.
X (np.ndarray): 1D array for the point positions
T (np.ndarray): 1D array for the times corresponding to the `X` positions
frac (float): Between 0 and 1. The fraction of the data used when estimating each value within X
(np.ndarray): the smoothed X values
return lowess(X, T, frac=frac, is_sorted=True, return_sorted=False)
def interpolation(
p: trsf_parameters, X: np.ndarray, T: np.ndarray
) -> np.ndarray:
Interpolate positional values between missing timepoints using spline interplolation
p (trsf_parameters): parameters for the function
X (np.ndarray): 1D array for the point positions
T (np.ndarray): 1D array for the times corresponding to the `X` position
(np.ndarray): The interoplated function
return sp.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(T, X, k=p.spline)
def read_param_file(clf, p_param: str = None) -> List[trsf_parameters]:
Asks for, reads and formats the parameter file
p_params (str | None): path to the json parameter files.
It can either be a json or a folder containing json files.
If it is None (default), a path is asked to the user.
(list): list of `trsf_parameters` objects
if not isinstance(p_param, dict):
if p_param is None:
if len(sys.argv) < 2 or sys.argv[1] == "-f":
p_param = input(
"\nPlease inform the path to the json config file:\n"
p_param = sys.argv[1]
stable = False or isinstance(p_param, Path)
while not stable:
tmp = p_param.strip('"').strip("'").strip(" ")
stable = tmp == p_param
p_param = tmp
if os.path.isdir(p_param):
f_names = [
os.path.join(p_param, f)
for f in os.listdir(p_param)
if ".json" in f and not "~" in f
f_names = [p_param]
f_names = [p_param]
params = []
for file_name in f_names:
if isinstance(file_name, str):
print("Extraction of the parameters from file %s" % file_name)
p = trsf_parameters(file_name)
if not p.check_parameters_consistancy():
print("\n%s Failed the consistancy check, it will be skipped")
params += [p]
return params
def prepare_paths(p: trsf_parameters):
Prepare the paths in a format that is usable by the algorithm
p (trsf_parameters): parameter object
image_formats = [
### Check the file names and folders:
p.im_ext = p.file_name.split(".")[-1] # Image type
p.A0 = os.path.join(p.path_to_data, p.file_name) # Image path
# Output format
if p.output_format is not None:
# If the output format is a file alone
if os.path.split(p.output_format)[0] == "":
p.A0_out = os.path.join(p.path_to_data, p.output_format)
# If the output format is a folder alone
elif not os.path.splitext(p.output_format)[-1] in image_formats:
p.A0_out = os.path.join(p.output_format, p.file_name)
p.A0_out = p.output_format
p.A0_out = os.path.join(
p.file_name.replace(p.im_ext, p.suffix + "." + p.im_ext),
# Time points to work with
p.time_points = np.array(
[i for i in np.arange(p.first, p.last + 1) if not i in p.not_to_do]
if p.check_TP:
missing_time_points = []
for t in p.time_points:
if not os.path.exists(p.A0.format(t=t)):
missing_time_points += [t]
if len(missing_time_points) != 0:
print("The following time points are missing:")
print("\t" + missing_time_points)
print("Aborting the process")
if not p.sequential:
p.ref_path = p.A0.format(t=p.ref_TP)
if p.apply_trsf:
for t in sorted(p.time_points):
folder_tmp = os.path.split(p.A0_out.format(t=t))[0]
if not os.path.exists(folder_tmp):
max_t = max(p.time_points)
if p.trsf_interpolation:
p.to_register = sorted(p.time_points)[:: p.step_size]
if not max_t in p.to_register:
p.to_register += [max_t]
p.to_register = p.time_points
if not hasattr(p, "bdv_im") or p.bdv_im is None:
p.bdv_im = p.A0
if not hasattr(p, "out_bdv") or p.out_bdv is None:
p.out_bdv = os.path.join(p.trsf_folder, "bdv.xml")
if p.bdv_voxel_size is None:
p.bdv_voxel_size = p.voxel_size
def lowess_filter(self, p: trsf_parameters, trsf_fmt: str) -> str:
Apply a lowess filter on a set of ordered transformations (only works for translations).
It does it from already computed transformations and write new transformations on disk.
p (trsf_parameters): parameter object
trsf_fmt (srt): the string format for the initial transformations
(str): output transformation string
X_T = []
Y_T = []
Z_T = []
T = []
for t in p.to_register:
trsf_p = p.trsf_folder + trsf_fmt.format(flo=t, ref=p.ref_TP)
trsf = self.read_trsf(trsf_p)
T += [t]
X_T += [trsf[0, -1]]
Y_T += [trsf[1, -1]]
Z_T += [trsf[2, -1]]
frac = float(p.window_size) / len(T)
X_smoothed = self.__lowess_smooth(p, X_T, T, frac=frac)
Y_smoothed = self.__lowess_smooth(p, Y_T, T, frac=frac)
Z_smoothed = self.__lowess_smooth(p, Z_T, T, frac=frac)
new_trsf_fmt = "t{flo:06d}-{ref:06d}-filtered.txt"
for i, t in enumerate(T):
mat = np.identity(4)
mat[0, -1] = X_smoothed[i]
mat[1, -1] = Y_smoothed[i]
mat[2, -1] = Z_smoothed[i]
p.trsf_folder + new_trsf_fmt.format(flo=t, ref=p.ref_TP), mat
return new_trsf_fmt
def interpolate(
self, p: trsf_parameters, trsf_fmt: str, new_trsf_fmt: str = None
) -> str:
Interpolate a set of ordered transformations (only works for translations).
It does it from already computed transformations and write new transformations on disk.
p (trsf_parameters): parameter object
trsf_fmt (srt): the string format for the initial transformations
new_trsf_fmt (str | None): path to the interpolated transformations. If None,
the format will be "t{flo:06d}-{ref:06d}-interpolated.txt"
(str): output transformation format
if new_trsf_fmt is None:
new_trsf_fmt = "t{flo:06d}-{ref:06d}-interpolated.txt"
X_T = []
Y_T = []
Z_T = []
T = []
for t in p.to_register:
trsf_p = os.path.join(
p.trsf_folder, trsf_fmt.format(flo=t, ref=p.ref_TP)
trsf = self.read_trsf(trsf_p)
T += [t]
X_T += [trsf[0, -1]]
Y_T += [trsf[1, -1]]
Z_T += [trsf[2, -1]]
X_interp = self.interpolation(p, X_T, T)
Y_interp = self.interpolation(p, Y_T, T)
Z_interp = self.interpolation(p, Z_T, T)
for t in p.time_points:
mat = np.identity(4)
mat[0, -1] = X_interp(t)
mat[1, -1] = Y_interp(t)
mat[2, -1] = Z_interp(t)
new_trsf_fmt.format(flo=t, ref=p.ref_TP),
trsf_fmt = new_trsf_fmt
return trsf_fmt
def pad_trsfs(p: trsf_parameters, trsf_fmt: str):
Pad transformations
p (trsf_parameters): parameter object
trsf_fmt (srt): the string format for the initial transformations
if not p.sequential and p.ref_path.split(".")[-1] == "klb":
im_shape = readheader(p.ref_path)["imagesize_tczyx"][-1:-4:-1]
elif not p.sequential:
im_shape = imread(p.ref_path).shape
elif p.A0.split(".")[-1] == "klb":
im_shape = readheader(p.A0.format(t=p.ref_TP))["imagesize_tczyx"][
im_shape = imread(p.A0.format(t=p.ref_TP)).shape
im = SpatialImage(np.ones(im_shape), dtype=np.uint8)
im.voxelsize = p.voxel_size
if pyklb_found:
template = os.path.join(p.trsf_folder, "tmp.klb")
res_t = "template.klb"
template = os.path.join(p.trsf_folder, "tmp.tif")
res_t = "template.tif"
imsave(template, im)
identity = np.identity(4)
trsf_fmt_no_flo = trsf_fmt.replace("{flo:06d}", "%06d")
new_trsf_fmt = "t{flo:06d}-{ref:06d}-padded.txt"
new_trsf_fmt_no_flo = new_trsf_fmt.replace("{flo:06d}", "%06d")
for t in p.not_to_do:
trsf_fmt.format(flo=t, ref=p.ref_TP),
+ "changeMultipleTrsfs -trsf-format "
+ os.path.join(p.trsf_folder, trsf_fmt_no_flo.format(ref=p.ref_TP))
+ " -index-reference %d -first %d -last %d "
% (p.ref_TP, min(p.time_points), max(p.time_points))
+ " -template "
+ template
+ " -res "
+ os.path.join(
p.trsf_folder, new_trsf_fmt_no_flo.format(ref=p.ref_TP)
+ " -res-t "
+ os.path.join(p.trsf_folder, res_t)
+ " -trsf-type %s -vs %f %f %f" % ((p.trsf_type,) + p.voxel_size),
def compute_trsfs(self, p: trsf_parameters):
Compute all the transformations from a given set of parameters
p (trsf_parameters): Parameter object
# Create the output folder for the transfomrations
if not os.path.exists(p.trsf_folder):
trsf_fmt = "t{flo:06d}-{ref:06d}.txt"
if p.sequential:
if min(p.to_register) != p.ref_TP:
if max(p.to_register) != p.ref_TP:
os.path.join("{:s}", trsf_fmt).format(
p.trsf_folder, flo=p.ref_TP, ref=p.ref_TP
except Exception as e:
if p.lowess:
trsf_fmt = self.lowess_filter(p, trsf_fmt)
if p.trsf_interpolation:
trsf_fmt = interpolate(p, trsf_fmt)
if p.padding:
self.pad_trsfs(p, trsf_fmt)
def apply_trsf(p: trsf_parameters):
Apply transformations to a movie from a set of computed transformations
p (trsf_parameters): Parameter object
trsf_fmt = "t{flo:06d}-{ref:06d}.txt"
if p.lowess:
trsf_fmt = "t{flo:06d}-{ref:06d}-filtered.txt"
if p.trsf_interpolation:
trsf_fmt = "t{flo:06d}-{ref:06d}-interpolated.txt"
if p.padding:
trsf_fmt = "t{flo:06d}-{ref:06d}-padded.txt"
if pyklb_found:
template = os.path.join(p.trsf_folder, "template.klb")
X, Y, Z = readheader(template)["imagesize_tczyx"][-1:-4:-1]
template = os.path.join(p.trsf_folder, "template.tif")
X, Y, Z = imread(template).shape
elif p.A0.split(".")[-1] == "klb":
X, Y, Z = readheader(p.A0.format(t=p.ref_TP))["imagesize_tczyx"][
template = p.A0.format(t=p.ref_TP)
X, Y, Z = imread(p.A0.format(t=p.ref_TP)).shape
template = p.A0.format(t=p.ref_TP)
if p.voxel_size != p.voxel_size_out:
before, after = os.path.splitext(template)
old_template = template
template = "".join((before, ".final_template", after))
+ f"applyTrsf {old_template} {template} "
+ "-vs %f %f %f" % p.voxel_size_out,
X, Y, Z = imread(template).shape
xy_proj = np.zeros((X, Y, len(p.time_points)), dtype=np.uint16)
xz_proj = np.zeros((X, Z, len(p.time_points)), dtype=np.uint16)
yz_proj = np.zeros((Y, Z, len(p.time_points)), dtype=np.uint16)
for i, t in enumerate(sorted(p.time_points)):
folder_tmp = os.path.split(p.A0_out.format(t=t))[0]
if not os.path.exists(folder_tmp):
+ "applyTrsf %s %s -trsf "
% (p.A0.format(t=t), p.A0_out.format(t=t))
+ os.path.join(
p.trsf_folder, trsf_fmt.format(flo=t, ref=p.ref_TP)
+ " -template "
+ template
+ " -floating-voxel %f %f %f " % p.voxel_size
+ " -reference-voxel %f %f %f " % p.voxel_size_out
+ " -interpolation %s" % p.image_interpolation,
im = imread(p.A0_out.format(t=t))
except Exception as e:
# print("applyTrsf failed at t=",str(t),", retrying now")
+ "applyTrsf %s %s -trsf "
% (p.A0.format(t=t), p.A0_out.format(t=t))
+ os.path.join(
p.trsf_folder, trsf_fmt.format(flo=t, ref=p.ref_TP)
+ " -template "
+ template
+ " -floating-voxel %f %f %f " % p.voxel_size
+ " -reference-voxel %f %f %f " % p.voxel_size_out
+ " -interpolation %s" % p.image_interpolation,
im = imread(p.A0_out.format(t=t))
if p.projection_path is not None:
xy_proj[..., i] = SpatialImage(np.max(im, axis=2))
xz_proj[..., i] = SpatialImage(np.max(im, axis=1))
yz_proj[..., i] = SpatialImage(np.max(im, axis=0))
if p.projection_path is not None:
if not os.path.exists(p.projection_path):
p_to_data = p.projection_path
num_s = p.file_name.find("{")
num_e = p.file_name.find("}") + 1
f_name = p.file_name.replace(p.file_name[num_s:num_e], "")
if not os.path.exists(p_to_data.format(t=-1)):
p_to_data, f_name.replace(p.im_ext, "xyProjection.tif")
p_to_data, f_name.replace(p.im_ext, "xzProjection.tif")
p_to_data, f_name.replace(p.im_ext, "yzProjection.tif")
def inv_trsf(trsf: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Inverse a transformation
trsf (np.ndarray): 4x4 transformation matrix
(np.ndarray): the inverse of the input transformation
return np.linalg.lstsq(trsf, np.identity(4))[0]
def prettify(elem: ET.Element) -> str:
Return a pretty-printed XML string for the Element.
elem (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): xml element
(str): a nice version of our xml file
rough_string = ET.tostring(elem, "utf-8")
reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string)
return reparsed.toprettyxml(indent=" ")
def do_viewSetup(
ViewSetup: ET.SubElement,
p: trsf_parameters,
im_size: Tuple[int, int, int],
i: int,
Setup xml elements for BigDataViewer
ViewSetup (ET.SubElement): ...
p (trsf_parameters): Parameter object
im_size (tuple): tuple of 3 integers with the dimension of the image
i (int): angle id
id_ = ET.SubElement(ViewSetup, "id")
id_.text = "%d" % i
name = ET.SubElement(ViewSetup, "name")
name.text = "%d" % i
size = ET.SubElement(ViewSetup, "size")
size.text = "%d %d %d" % tuple(im_size)
voxelSize = ET.SubElement(ViewSetup, "voxelSize")
unit = ET.SubElement(voxelSize, "unit")
unit.text = p.bdv_unit
size = ET.SubElement(voxelSize, "size")
size.text = "%f %f %f" % tuple(p.bdv_voxel_size)
attributes = ET.SubElement(ViewSetup, "attributes")
illumination = ET.SubElement(attributes, "illumination")
illumination.text = "0"
channel = ET.SubElement(attributes, "channel")
channel.text = "0"
tile = ET.SubElement(attributes, "tile")
tile.text = "0"
angle = ET.SubElement(attributes, "angle")
angle.text = "%d" % i
def do_ViewRegistration(
ViewRegistrations: ET.SubElement,
p: trsf_parameters,
t: int,
a: int,
Write the view registration for BigDataViewer
ViewSetup (ET.SubElement): ...
p (trsf_parameters): Parameter object
t (int): time point to treat
a (int): angle to treat (useless for time regisrtation)
ViewRegistration = ET.SubElement(ViewRegistrations, "ViewRegistration")
ViewRegistration.set("timepoint", "%d" % t)
ViewRegistration.set("setup", "0")
ViewTransform = ET.SubElement(ViewRegistration, "ViewTransform")
ViewTransform.set("type", "affine")
affine = ET.SubElement(ViewTransform, "affine")
f = os.path.join(p.trsf_folder, "t%06d-%06d.txt" % (t, p.ref_TP))
trsf = self.read_trsf(f)
trsf = self.inv_trsf(trsf)
formated_trsf = tuple(trsf[:-1, :].flatten())
affine.text = ("%f " * 12) % formated_trsf
ViewTransform = ET.SubElement(ViewRegistration, "ViewTransform")
ViewTransform.set("type", "affine")
affine = ET.SubElement(ViewTransform, "affine")
affine.text = (
"%f 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %f 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %f 0.0" % p.voxel_size
def build_bdv(self, p: trsf_parameters):
Build the BigDataViewer xml
p (trsf_parameters): Parameter object
if not p.im_ext in ["klb"]: # ['tif', 'klb', 'tiff']:
print("Image format not adapted for BigDataViewer")
SpimData = ET.Element("SpimData")
SpimData.set("version", "0.2")
SpimData.set("encoding", "UTF-8")
base_path = ET.SubElement(SpimData, "BasePath")
base_path.set("type", "relative")
base_path.text = "."
SequenceDescription = ET.SubElement(SpimData, "SequenceDescription")
ImageLoader = ET.SubElement(SequenceDescription, "ImageLoader")
ImageLoader.set("format", p.im_ext)
Resolver = ET.SubElement(ImageLoader, "Resolver")
"type", "org.janelia.simview.klb.bdv.KlbPartitionResolver"
ViewSetupTemplate = ET.SubElement(Resolver, "ViewSetupTemplate")
template = ET.SubElement(ViewSetupTemplate, "template")
template.text = p.bdv_im.format(t=p.to_register[0])
timeTag = ET.SubElement(ViewSetupTemplate, "timeTag")
timeTag.text = p.time_tag
ViewSetups = ET.SubElement(SequenceDescription, "ViewSetups")
ViewSetup = ET.SubElement(ViewSetups, "ViewSetup")
if p.im_ext == "klb":
im_size = tuple(
im_size = tuple(imread(p.A0.format(t=p.ref_TP)).shape)
self.do_viewSetup(ViewSetup, p, im_size, 0)
Attributes = ET.SubElement(ViewSetups, "Attributes")
Attributes.set("name", "illumination")
Illumination = ET.SubElement(Attributes, "Illumination")
id_ = ET.SubElement(Illumination, "id")
id_.text = "0"
name = ET.SubElement(Illumination, "name")
name.text = "0"
Attributes = ET.SubElement(ViewSetups, "Attributes")
Attributes.set("name", "channel")
Channel = ET.SubElement(Attributes, "Channel")
id_ = ET.SubElement(Channel, "id")
id_.text = "0"
name = ET.SubElement(Channel, "name")
name.text = "0"
Attributes = ET.SubElement(ViewSetups, "Attributes")
Attributes.set("name", "tile")
Tile = ET.SubElement(Attributes, "Tile")
id_ = ET.SubElement(Tile, "id")
id_.text = "0"
name = ET.SubElement(Tile, "name")
name.text = "0"
Attributes = ET.SubElement(ViewSetups, "Attributes")
Attributes.set("name", "angle")
Angle = ET.SubElement(Attributes, "Angle")
id_ = ET.SubElement(Angle, "id")
id_.text = "0"
name = ET.SubElement(Angle, "name")
name.text = "0"
TimePoints = ET.SubElement(SequenceDescription, "Timepoints")
TimePoints.set("type", "range")
first = ET.SubElement(TimePoints, "first")
first.text = "%d" % min(p.to_register)
last = ET.SubElement(TimePoints, "last")
last.text = "%d" % max(p.to_register)
ViewRegistrations = ET.SubElement(SpimData, "ViewRegistrations")
b = min(p.to_register)
e = max(p.to_register)
for t in range(b, e + 1):
self.do_ViewRegistration(ViewRegistrations, p, t)
with open(p.out_bdv, "w") as f:
def plot_transformations(self, p: trsf_parameters):
trsf_fmt = "t{flo:06d}-{ref:06d}.txt"
if p.lowess:
trsf_fmt = "t{flo:06d}-{ref:06d}-filtered.txt"
if p.trsf_interpolation:
trsf_fmt = "t{flo:06d}-{ref:06d}-interpolated.txt"
if p.padding:
trsf_fmt = "t{flo:06d}-{ref:06d}-padded.txt"
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
tX, tY, tZ = [], [], []
rX, rY, rZ = [], [], []
for t in sorted(p.time_points):
trsf = self.read_trsf(
p.trsf_folder, trsf_fmt.format(flo=t, ref=p.ref_TP)
(tx, ty, tz), M, *_ = decompose(trsf)
rx, ry, rz = mat2euler(M)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(8, 5), sharex=True, sharey=True)
ax[0].plot(p.time_points, tX, "o-")
ax[1].plot(p.time_points, tY, "o-")
ax[2].plot(p.time_points, tZ, "o-")
for axis, axi in zip(["X", "Y", "Z"], ax):
axi.set_ylabel(f"{axis} Translation [µm]")
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(8, 5), sharex=True, sharey=True)
ax[0].plot(p.time_points, rX, "o-")
ax[1].plot(p.time_points, rY, "o-")
ax[2].plot(p.time_points, rZ, "o-")
for axis, axi in zip(["X", "Y", "Z"], ax):
axi.set_ylabel(f"{axis} Rotation\nin degree")
def run_trsf(self):
Start the Spatial registration after having informed the parameter files
for p in self.params:
print("Starting experiment")
if p.compute_trsf:
if p.plot_trsf:
if p.apply_trsf and p.trsf_type != "vectorfield":
if p.do_bdv:
except Exception as e:
print("Failure of %s" % p.origin_file_name)
def __init__(self, params=None):
if params is None:
self.params = self.read_param_file()
elif (
isinstance(params, str)
or isinstance(params, Path)
or isinstance(params, dict)
self.params = TimeRegistration.read_param_file(params)
self.params = params
if self.params is not None and 0 < len(self.params):
self.path_to_bin = self.params[0].path_to_bin
def time_registration():
reg = TimeRegistration()
reg.run_trsf() | 3D-registration | /3D-registration-0.4.3.tar.gz/3D-registration-0.4.3/src/registrationtools/ | |
import tifffile
import os
import registrationtools
import json
import numpy as np
from glob import glob
from ensure import check ##need to pip install !
from pathlib import Path
def get_paths() :
#Ask the user for the folder containing his data, find the movies is they are in tiff format and put them in a list after confirmation
while path_correct==False :
path_folder = input('Path to the folder of the movie(s) (in tiff format only) : \n ')
paths_movies = sorted(glob(rf'{path_folder}/*.tif'))
if len(paths_movies) > 0 :
print('You have',len(paths_movies),'movie(s), which is (are) : ')
for path_movie in paths_movies :
print('',Path(path_movie).stem) #the empty str at the begining is to align the answers one space after the questions, for readability
path_correct = int(input('Correct ? (1 for yes, 0 for no) \n '))
else :
print('There is no tiff file in the folder. \n')
return (paths_movies)
def dimensions(list_paths:list) :
# Take the path to the data and returns its size in the dimensions CTZXY. Raise error if the other movies do not have the same C ot T dimensions.
movie = tifffile.imread(list_paths[0])
name_movie = Path(list_paths[0]).stem
dim_correct = False
while dim_correct == False :
print('\nThe dimensions of ',name_movie, 'are ',movie.shape,'. \n')
dimensions=input('What is the order of the dimensions (for example TZCYX or XYZT) ? T stands for Time, C for channels if your image has multiple channels, Z for depth (or number or plans) and XY is your field of view. \n ')
sorted_axes = sorted(dimensions)
if ''.join(sorted_axes) == "CTXYZ":
number_channels = movie.shape[dimensions.find('C')]
elif ''.join(sorted_axes) == "TXYZ":
number_channels = 1
elif len(sorted_axes) != len(movie.shape) :
print('Error : Number of dimensions is incorrect. \n')
dim_correct = False
print(' \n The letters you choose has to be among these letters : X,Y,Z,C,T, with XYZT mandatory, and no other letters are allowed. \nEvery letter can be included only once. \n')
number_timepoints = movie.shape[dimensions.find('T')]
if 'C' in dimensions :
number_channels = movie.shape[dimensions.find('C')]
else :
number_channels = 1
if dim_correct == True :
depth = movie.shape[dimensions.find('Z')]
size_X = movie.shape[dimensions.find('X')]
size_Y = movie.shape[dimensions.find('Y')]
print('\nSo',name_movie, 'has',number_channels,'channels, ',number_timepoints,'timepoints, the depth in z is',depth,'pixels and the XY plane measures ',size_X,'x',size_Y,'pixels.')
dim_correct = int(input('Correct ? (1 for yes, 0 for no) \n '))
#checking if the movies have the same dimensions in C and T, otherwise the registration cannot be computed.
if 'C' in dimensions : #have to check beforehand if multichannels, otherwise, dimensions.find('C') will return -1 and mov.shape[dimensions.find('C')] will probably return the dimension of the X axis
for path in list_paths :
mov = tifffile.imread(path)
check(mov.shape[dimensions.find('T')]).equals(number_timepoints).or_raise(Exception, 'These movies do not all have the same number of timepoints. \n')
check(mov.shape[dimensions.find('C')]).equals(number_channels).or_raise(Exception, 'These movies do not all have the same number of channels. \n')
#if XYZ are not the same thats ok ?
def get_channels_name(number_channels:int) :
#Ask for the name of the channels, return a list of str containing all the channels
if number_channels == 1:
ch = str(input('Name of the channel : \n '))
else : #if multichannels
for n in range(number_channels) :
ch = str(input('Name of channel n°'+str(n+1) +' : \n '))
def reference_channel(channels:list) :
#Ask for the reference channel among the channels given (with safety check)
if len(channels) == 1 :
else :
print('\nAmong the channels'+ str(channels)+', you need a reference channel to compute the registration. A good option is generally a marker that is expressed ubiquitously\n')
while channel_correct==False :
ch_ref = input('Name of the reference channel : \n ')
if ch_ref not in channels :
print('The reference channel is not in', channels,'(do not put any other character than the name itself)')
else :
def sort_by_channels_and_timepoints(list_paths:str,channels:str,number_timepoints:int):
#Take a list of movies and cut them into a timesequence of 3D stacks, one timesequence per channel. Works for one channel or multiple channels.
for path in list_paths :
for n in range(len(channels)) :
name_movie = Path(path).stem
directory = name_movie+'_'+channels[n]
cut_timesequence(path_to_movie = path,
number_timepoints = number_timepoints,
number_channels = len(channels))
def cut_timesequence (path_to_movie:str, directory:str, ind_current_channel:int, number_timepoints:int,number_channels:int):
#take a movie and cut it into a timesequence in the given directory. Creates the folder structure for the registration.
movie = tifffile.imread(path_to_movie)
position_t = np.argwhere(np.array(movie.shape)==number_timepoints)[0][0]
movie=np.moveaxis(movie,source=position_t,destination=0) #i did not test this
path_dir = rf'{path_to_data}\{directory}'
check(os.path.isdir(path_dir)).is_(False).or_raise(Exception,"Please delete the folder "+directory+" and run again.")
if number_channels >1 :
position_c = np.argwhere(np.array(movie.shape)==number_channels)[0][0]
movie=np.moveaxis(movie,source=position_c,destination=2) #we artificially change to the format TZCXY (reference in Fiji). Its just to cut into timesequence. does not modify the data
for t in range(number_timepoints) :
stack = movie[t,:,ind_current_channel,:,:]
else :
for t in range(number_timepoints) :
stack = movie[t,:,:,:]
def get_voxel_sizes() :
#ask the user for the voxel size of his input and what voxel size does he want in output. Returns 2 tuples for this values.
print('\nTo register properly, you need to specify the voxel size of your input image. This can be found in Fiji, Image>Show Info. ')
print('Voxel size of your original image (XYZ successively) :\n ')
x= float(input('X :'))
y= float(input('Y :'))
z= float(input('Z :'))
voxel_size_input = [x,y,z]
print('Initial voxel size =',voxel_size_input)
change_voxel_size = int(input(' \nYou can choose to have another voxel size on the registered image , for example to have an isotropic output image (voxel size [1,1,1]), Or you can also choose to keep the same voxel size. \nDo you want to change the voxel size of your movies ? (1 for yes, 0 for no) : \n '))
if change_voxel_size==1 :
print('\nVoxel size of your image after transformation (XYZ): \n ')
x= float(input('X :'))
y= float(input('Y :'))
z= float(input('Z :'))
voxel_size_output = [x,y,z]
elif change_voxel_size==0 :
voxel_size_output = voxel_size_input
print('\nVoxel size after transformation =',voxel_size_output)
def get_trsf_type() :
#Ask for what transformation the user want and return a string
list_trsf_types = ['rigid2D','rigid3D','translation2D','translation3D'] #needs to be completed
print('\nYou can choose to apply different transformation types depending on your data : ',list_trsf_types)
trsf_correct = False
while trsf_correct == False :
trsf_type = str(input('\nWhich one do you want to use ? (please enter the name of the transformation only, no other character) \n '))
if trsf_type in list_trsf_types :
trsf_correct = True
else :
print(('You can only choose a transformation that is in this list :',list_trsf_types))
def data_preparation() :
#Gather all the functions asking the user for the parameters. Returns the useful ones for registration (not XYZ size and channels list)
list_paths = get_paths()
number_channels,number_timepoints,depth,size_X,size_Y = dimensions(list_paths)
channels_float,ch_ref = reference_channel(channels)
sort_by_channels_and_timepoints(list_paths = list_paths,
channels = channels,
number_timepoints = number_timepoints)
voxel_size_input, voxel_size_output = get_voxel_sizes()
trsf_type = get_trsf_type()
voxel_size_input, voxel_size_output,
def run_registration (list_paths:list,channels_float:list, ch_ref:str, voxel_size_input:tuple, voxel_size_output:tuple, trsf_type:str) :
#Does the actual registration : Take the reference channel first to compute and apply the trsf, then loop on the float channels and only apply it
for path in list_paths :
name_movie = Path(path).stem
movie = tifffile.imread(path)
directory = name_movie+'_'+ch_ref
data_ref = {
"path_to_data": rf'{folder}/{directory}/stackseq/',
"file_name": "movie_t{t:03d}.tif",
"trsf_folder": rf'{folder}/{directory}/trsf/',
"output_format": rf'{folder}/{directory}/output/',
"check_TP": 0,
"voxel_size": voxel_size_input,
"voxel_size_out" : voxel_size_output,
"first": 0,
"last": movie.shape[0]-1,
"not_to_do": [],
"compute_trsf": 1,
"ref_TP": int(movie.shape[0]/2),
"trsf_type": trsf_type,
"padding": 1,
"recompute": 1,
"out_bdv": "",
tr = registrationtools.TimeRegistration(data_ref)
#registration rest of the channels
for c in channels_float :
directory = name_movie+'_'+c
data_float = {
"path_to_data": rf'{folder}/{directory}/stackseq/',
"file_name": "movie_t{t:03d}.tif",
"trsf_folder": rf'{folder}/{name_movie}_{ch_ref}/trsf/',
"output_format": rf'{folder}/{directory}/output/',
"check_TP": 0,
"voxel_size": voxel_size_input,
"voxel_size_out" : voxel_size_output,
"first": 0,
"last": movie.shape[0]-1,
"not_to_do": [],
"compute_trsf": 0,
"ref_TP": int(movie.shape[0]/2),
"trsf_type": trsf_type,
"padding": 1,
"recompute": 1,
"out_bdv": "",
tr = registrationtools.TimeRegistration(data_float)
def save_sequences_as_stacks(list_paths:list,channels:list,number_timepoints:int) :
#save the timesequence as a hyperstack
for path in list_paths :
name_movie = Path(path).stem
movie = tifffile.imread(path)
stack0 =tifffile.imread(rf"{path_to_data}/{name_movie}_{channels[0]}/output/movie_t000.tif") #we use the first image (3D) to know the dimensions
registered_movie = np.zeros((number_timepoints,stack0.shape[0],len(channels),stack0.shape[1],stack0.shape[2]),dtype=np.float32) #one movie per channel, of format (t,z,y,x).Datatype uint16 or float32 is necessary to export as hyperstack
for ind_c,c in enumerate(channels) :
directory = name_movie+'_'+c
for t in range(movie.shape[0]) :
stack =tifffile.imread(rf"{path_to_data}/{directory}/output/movie_t{format(t,'03d')}.tif")
#we take each stack in a given timepoint
registered_movie[t,:,ind_c,:,:]=stack #and put it in a new hyperstack
tifffile.imwrite(path_to_data+rf"/{name_movie}_registered.tif",registered_movie.astype(np.float32),imagej=True) #write a hyperstack in the main folder
print('saved registered', name_movie, 'of size', registered_movie.shape)
def save_jsonfile(list_paths,json_string):
path_to_data = os.dirname(list_paths[0])
keep_same_dir = int(input(str('Do you want to save your json files in the same master directory, in '+path_to_data+'\jsonfiles ? (1 for yes, 0 for no)')))
if keep_same_dir ==1 :
path_to_json = rf'{path_to_data}\jsonfiles'
else :
path_to_json = input('In which folder do you want to write your jsonfile ?').replace("\\", "/") #if single backslashes, fine. If double backslashes (when copy/paste the Windows path), compatibility problems, thats why we replace by single slashes.')
print('saving',len(json_string),'json files :')
for ind_json,json in enumerate(json_string) :
with open(path_to_json+'\param'+str(ind_json)+'.json','w') as outfile : #maybe not the best name
print('Done saving') | 3D-registration | /3D-registration-0.4.3.tar.gz/3D-registration-0.4.3/src/registrationtools/ | |
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import json
from subprocess import call
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.dom import minidom
from shutil import copyfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union, List, Tuple
from IO import imread, imsave, SpatialImage
class trsf_parameters(object):
Read parameters for the registration function from a preformated json file
def check_parameters_consistancy(self) -> bool:
Function that should check parameter consistancy
write something that actually do check
correct = True
if not (
hasattr(self, "out_pattern") or hasattr(self, "output_format")
print("The output pattern cannot be an empty string")
correct = False
return correct
def __str__(self) -> str:
max_key = (
max([len(k) for k in self.__dict__.keys() if k != "param_dict"])
+ 1
output = "The registration will run with the following arguments:\n"
output += "\n" + " File format \n"
output += "path_to_data".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": {:s}\n".format(
output += "ref_im".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": {:s}\n".format(self.ref_im)
output += "flo_ims".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": "
tmp_just_len = len("flo_ims".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": ")
already = tmp_just_len + 1
for flo in self.flo_ims:
output += (" " * (tmp_just_len - already)) + "{:s}\n".format(flo)
already = 0
output += "init_trsfs".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": "
tmp_just_len = len("init_trsfs".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": ")
already = tmp_just_len + 1
for init_trsfs in self.init_trsfs:
if init_trsfs is not None and 0 < len(init_trsfs):
output += (" " * (tmp_just_len - already)) + "{}\n".format(
already = 0
output += "trsf_types".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": "
tmp_just_len = len("trsf_types".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": ")
already = tmp_just_len + 1
for trsf_type in self.trsf_types:
output += (" " * (tmp_just_len - already)) + "{:s}\n".format(
already = 0
output += "ref_voxel".ljust(
max_key, " "
) + ": {:f} x {:f} x {:f}\n".format(*self.ref_voxel)
output += "flo_voxels".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": "
tmp_just_len = len("flo_voxels".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": ")
already = tmp_just_len + 1
for flo_voxel in self.flo_voxels:
output += (
" " * (tmp_just_len - already)
) + "{:f} x {:f} x {:f}\n".format(*flo_voxel)
already = 0
output += "out_voxel".ljust(
max_key, " "
) + ": {:f} x {:f} x {:f}\n".format(*self.out_voxel)
output += "out_pattern".ljust(max_key, " ") + ": {:s}\n".format(
return output
def add_path_prefix(self, prefix: str):
Add a prefix to all the relevant paths (this is mainly for the unitary tests)
prefix (str): The prefix to add in front of the path
self.path_to_data = str(Path(prefix) / self.path_to_data)
self.trsf_paths = [
str(Path(prefix) / trsf) for trsf in self.trsf_paths
def __init__(self, file_name: str):
if not isinstance(file_name, dict):
with open(file_name) as f:
param_dict = json.load(f)
param_dict = {}
for k, v in file_name.items():
if isinstance(v, Path):
param_dict[k] = str(v)
param_dict[k] = v
# Default parameters
self.param_dict = param_dict
self.init_trsfs = [[], [], []]
self.path_to_bin = ""
self.registration_depth_start = 6
self.registration_depth_end = 3
self.init_trsf_real_unit = True
self.image_interpolation = "linear"
self.apply_trsf = True
self.compute_trsf = True
self.test_init = False
self.begin = None
self.end = None
self.trsf_types = []
self.time_tag = None
self.bdv_unit = "microns"
self.bdv_voxel_size = None
self.do_bdv = 0
self.flo_im_sizes = None
self.copy_ref = False
self.bbox_out = False
if "registration_depth" in param_dict:
self.__dict__["registration_depth_start"] = 6
self.__dict__["registration_depth_end"] = param_dict[
elif not "registration_depth_start" in param_dict:
self.__dict__["registration_depth_start"] = 6
self.__dict__["registration_depth_end"] = 3
self.ref_voxel = tuple(self.ref_voxel)
self.flo_voxels = [tuple(vox) for vox in self.flo_voxels]
self.out_voxel = tuple(self.out_voxel)
self.origin_file_name = file_name
self.path_to_bin = os.path.join(self.path_to_bin, "")
if 0 < len(self.path_to_bin) and not os.path.exists(self.path_to_bin):
print("Binary path could not be found, will try with global call")
self.path_to_bin = ""
class SpatialRegistration:
def axis_rotation_matrix(
axis: str,
angle: float,
min_space: Tuple[int, int, int] = None,
max_space: Tuple[int, int, int] = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return the transformation matrix from the axis and angle necessary
axis (str): axis of rotation ("X", "Y" or "Z")
angle (float) : angle of rotation (in degree)
min_space (tuple(int, int, int)): coordinates of the bottom point (usually (0, 0, 0))
max_space (tuple(int, int, int)): coordinates of the top point (usually im shape)
(ndarray): 4x4 rotation matrix
import math
I = np.linalg.inv
D =
if axis not in ["X", "Y", "Z"]:
raise Exception(f"Unknown axis: {axis}")
rads = math.radians(angle)
s = math.sin(rads)
c = math.cos(rads)
centering = np.identity(4)
if min_space is None and max_space is not None:
min_space = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
if max_space is not None:
space_center = (max_space - min_space) / 2.0
offset = -1.0 * space_center
centering[:3, 3] = offset
rot = np.identity(4)
if axis == "X":
rot = np.array(
[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, c, -s, 0.0],
[0.0, s, c, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
elif axis == "Y":
rot = np.array(
[c, 0.0, s, 0.0],
[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[-s, 0.0, c, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
elif axis == "Z":
rot = np.array(
[c, -s, 0.0, 0.0],
[s, c, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
return D(I(centering), D(rot, centering))
def flip_matrix(axis: str, im_size: tuple) -> np.ndarray:
Build a matrix to flip an image according to a given axis
axis (str): axis along the flip is done ("X", "Y" or "Z")
im_size (tuple(int, int, int)): coordinates of the top point (usually im shape)
(ndarray): 4x4 flipping matrix
out = np.identity(4)
if axis == "X":
out[0, 0] = -1
out[0, -1] = im_size[0]
if axis == "Y":
out[1, 1] = -1
out[1, -1] = im_size[1]
if axis == "Z":
out[2, 2] = -1
out[2, -1] = im_size[2]
return out
def translation_matrix(axis: str, tr: float) -> np.ndarray:
Build a matrix to flip an image according to a given axis
axis (str): axis along the flip is done ("X", "Y" or "Z")
tr (float): translation value
(ndarray): 4x4 flipping matrix
out = np.identity(4)
if axis == "X":
out[0, -1] = tr
if axis == "Y":
out[1, -1] = tr
if axis == "Z":
out[2, -1] = tr
return out
def read_param_file(
clf, p_param: trsf_parameters = None
) -> trsf_parameters:
Asks for, reads and formats the parameter file
if not isinstance(p_param, dict):
if p_param is None:
if len(sys.argv) < 2 or sys.argv[1] == "-f":
p_param = input(
"\nPlease inform the path to the json config file:\n"
p_param = sys.argv[1]
stable = False or isinstance(p_param, Path)
while not stable:
tmp = p_param.strip('"').strip("'").strip(" ")
stable = tmp == p_param
p_param = tmp
if os.path.isdir(p_param):
f_names = [
os.path.join(p_param, f)
for f in os.listdir(p_param)
if ".json" in f and not "~" in f
f_names = [p_param]
f_names = [p_param]
params = []
for file_name in f_names:
if isinstance(file_name, str):
print("Extraction of the parameters from file %s" % file_name)
p = trsf_parameters(file_name)
if not p.check_parameters_consistancy():
print("\n%s Failed the consistancy check, it will be skipped")
params += [p]
return params
def read_trsf(path: Union[str, Path]) -> np.ndarray:
Read a transformation from a text file
path (str | Path): path to a transformation
(ndarray): 4x4 transformation matrix
f = open(path)
if[0] == "(":
f = open(path)
lines = f.readlines()[2:-1]
return np.array([[float(v) for v in l.split()] for l in lines])
return np.loadtxt(path)
def prepare_paths(p: trsf_parameters):
Prepare the paths in a format that is usable by the algorithm
p (trsf_parameters): path to a transformation
p.ref_A = os.path.join(p.path_to_data, p.ref_im)
p.flo_As = []
for flo_im in p.flo_ims:
p.flo_As += [os.path.join(p.path_to_data, flo_im)]
if os.path.split(p.out_pattern)[0] == "":
ext = p.ref_im.split(".")[-1]
p.ref_out = p.ref_A.replace(ext, p.out_pattern + "." + ext)
p.flo_outs = []
for flo in p.flo_As:
p.flo_outs += [flo.replace(ext, p.out_pattern + "." + ext)]
if not os.path.exists(p.out_pattern):
p.ref_out = os.path.join(p.out_pattern, p.ref_im)
p.flo_outs = []
for flo in p.flo_ims:
p.flo_outs += [os.path.join(p.out_pattern, flo)]
if not hasattr(p, "trsf_paths"):
p.trsf_paths = [os.path.split(pi)[0] for pi in p.flo_outs]
p.trsf_names = ["A{a:d}-{trsf:s}.trsf" for _ in p.flo_outs]
formated_paths = []
p.trsf_names = []
for pi in p.trsf_paths:
path, n = os.path.split(pi)
if os.path.splitext(n)[-1] == "":
n = ""
path = pi
if not os.path.exists(path):
if n == "":
n = "A{a:d}-{trsf:s}.trsf"
elif not "{a:" in n:
if not "{trsf:" in n:
n += "{a:d}-{trsf:s}.trsf"
n += "{a:d}.trsf"
elif not "{trsf:" in n:
n += "{trsf:s}.trsf"
formated_paths += [path]
p.trsf_names += [n]
p.trsf_paths = formated_paths
if p.time_tag is not None:
s = p.ref_A.find(p.time_tag) + len(p.time_tag)
e = s
while p.ref_A[e].isdigit() and e < len(p.ref_A):
e += 1
p.begin = p.end = int(p.ref_A[s:e])
p.begin = p.end = None
if p.flo_im_sizes is None:
p.flo_im_sizes = []
for im_p in p.flo_As:
if (
not hasattr(p, "ref_im_size") or p.ref_im_size is None
) and p.flo_im_sizes is not None:
p.ref_im_size = p.flo_im_sizes[0]
p.ref_im_size = imread(p.ref_A).shape
if not hasattr(p, "bdv_im") or p.bdv_im is None:
p.bdv_im = [p.ref_A] + p.flo_As
if not hasattr(p, "out_bdv") or p.out_bdv is None:
p.out_bdv = os.path.join(p.trsf_paths[0], "bdv.xml")
if p.bdv_voxel_size is None:
p.bdv_voxel_size = p.ref_voxel
def inv_trsf(trsf: Union[np.ndarray, List[List]]) -> np.ndarray:
Inverse a given transformation
trsf (np.ndarray): 4x4 ndarray
(np.ndarray): the 4x4 inverted matrix
return np.linalg.lstsq(trsf, np.identity(4))[0]
def vox_to_real(
trsf: Union[np.ndarray, List[List]],
ref_vs: List[float],
) -> np.ndarray:
Transform a transformation for voxel units to physical units
trsf (ndarray): 4x4 matrix
ref_vs (list(float, float, float)): initial voxel size in each dimension
(np.ndarray): new matrix in metric size
H_ref = [
[ref_vs[0], 0, 0, 0],
[0, ref_vs[1], 0, 0],
[0, 0, ref_vs[2], 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1],
H_ref_inv = self.inv_trsf(H_ref)
return, H_ref_inv)
def compute_trsfs(self, p: trsf_parameters):
Here is where the magic happens, give as an input the trsf_parameters object, get your transformations computed
p (trsf_parameters): parameters to compute the transformation
for A_num, flo_A in enumerate(p.flo_As):
flo_voxel = p.flo_voxels[A_num]
init_trsf = p.init_trsfs[A_num]
trsf_path = p.trsf_paths[A_num]
trsf_name = p.trsf_names[A_num]
if isinstance(init_trsf, list):
i = 0
trsfs = []
im_size = (
np.array(p.flo_im_sizes[A_num], dtype=float) * flo_voxel
while i < len(init_trsf):
t_type = init_trsf[i]
i += 1
axis = init_trsf[i]
i += 1
if "rot" in t_type:
angle = init_trsf[i]
i += 1
trsfs += [
axis.upper(), angle, np.zeros(3), im_size
elif "flip" in t_type:
trsfs += [self.flip_matrix(axis.upper(), im_size)]
elif "trans" in t_type:
tr = init_trsf[i]
i += 1
trsfs += [self.translation_matrix(axis, tr)]
res = np.identity(4)
for trsf in trsfs:
res =, trsf)
if not os.path.exists(trsf_path):
init_trsf = os.path.join(
trsf_path, "A{:d}-init.trsf".format(A_num + 1)
np.savetxt(init_trsf, res)
elif not p.init_trsf_real_unit and init_trsf is not None:
tmp = self.vox_to_real(
init_ext = init_trsf.split(".")[-1]
init_trsf = init_trsf.replace(init_ext, "real.txt")
np.savetxt(init_trsf, self.inv_trsf(tmp))
if init_trsf is not None:
init_trsf_command = " -init-trsf {:s}".format(init_trsf)
init_trsf_command = ""
i = 0
if not p.test_init:
for i, trsf_type in enumerate(p.trsf_types[:-1]):
if i != 0:
init_trsf_command = " -init-trsf {:s}".format(
os.path.join(trsf_path, res_trsf)
res_trsf = os.path.join(
trsf_name.format(a=A_num + 1, trsf=trsf_type),
+ "blockmatching -ref "
+ p.ref_A.format(t=p.begin)
+ " -flo "
+ flo_A.format(t=p.begin)
+ " -reference-voxel %f %f %f" % p.ref_voxel
+ " -floating-voxel %f %f %f" % flo_voxel
+ " -trsf-type %s -py-hl %d -py-ll %d"
% (
+ init_trsf_command
+ " -res-trsf "
+ res_trsf
+ " -composition-with-initial",
trsf_type = p.trsf_types[-1]
i = len(p.trsf_types) - 1
if i != 0:
init_trsf_command = " -init-trsf {:s}".format(
os.path.join(trsf_path, res_trsf)
res_trsf = os.path.join(
trsf_path, trsf_name.format(a=A_num + 1, trsf=trsf_type)
res_inv_trsf = os.path.join(
("inv-" + trsf_name).format(a=A_num + 1, trsf=trsf_type),
+ "blockmatching -ref "
+ p.ref_A.format(t=p.begin)
+ " -flo "
+ flo_A.format(t=p.begin)
+ " -reference-voxel %f %f %f" % p.ref_voxel
+ " -floating-voxel %f %f %f" % flo_voxel
+ " -trsf-type %s -py-hl %d -py-ll %d"
% (
+ init_trsf_command
+ " -res-trsf "
+ res_trsf
+ # ' -res-voxel-trsf ' + res_voxel_trsf + \
# ' -res ' + flo_out +\
" -composition-with-initial",
p.path_to_bin + "invTrsf %s %s" % (res_trsf, res_inv_trsf),
def pad_trsfs(p: trsf_parameters, t: int = None):
Pad transformations
p (trsf_parameters): parameter object
trsf_fmt (srt): the string format for the initial transformations
out_voxel = p.out_voxel
trsf_path = p.trsf_paths[0]
trsf_name = p.trsf_names[0]
trsf_type = p.trsf_types[-1]
im_shape = imread(p.ref_A.format(t=t)).shape
im = SpatialImage(np.ones(im_shape, dtype=np.uint8))
im.voxelsize = p.ref_voxel
template = os.path.join(trsf_path, "tmp.tif")
res_t = "template.tif"
imsave(template, im)
identity = np.identity(4)
if p.test_init:
trsf_name_only_a = "A{a:d}-init.trsf"
where_a = trsf_name.find("{a:d}")
no_a = (trsf_name[:where_a] + trsf_name[where_a + 5 :]).format(
trsf_name_only_a = no_a[:where_a] + "{a:d}" + no_a[where_a:]
trsf_fmt = os.path.join(trsf_path, trsf_name_only_a)
trsf_fmt_no_flo = trsf_fmt.replace("{a:d}", "%d")
new_trsf_fmt = ".".join(trsf_fmt.split(".")[:-1]) + "-padded.txt"
new_trsf_fmt_no_flo = new_trsf_fmt.replace("{a:d}", "%d")
np.savetxt(trsf_fmt.format(a=0, trsf=trsf_type), identity)
+ "changeMultipleTrsfs -trsf-format "
+ trsf_fmt_no_flo
+ " -index-reference %d -first %d -last %d "
% (0, 0, len(p.trsf_paths))
+ " -template "
+ template
+ " -res "
+ new_trsf_fmt_no_flo
+ " -res-t "
+ os.path.join(trsf_path, res_t)
+ " "
+ " -trsf-type %s" % (trsf_type),
template = os.path.join(trsf_path, res_t)
return new_trsf_fmt, template
def apply_trsf(self, p, t=None):
Apply the transformation according to `trsf_parameters`
p (trsf_parameters): parameters for the transformation
if p.bbox_out:
trsf_fmt, template = self.pad_trsfs(p, t)
if p.out_voxel != p.ref_voxel:
before, after = os.path.splitext(template)
old_template = template
template = "".join((before, ".final_template", after))
+ f"applyTrsf {old_template} {template} "
+ "-vs %f %f %f" % p.out_voxel,
A0_trsf = (
" -trsf " + trsf_fmt.format(a=0) + " -template " + template
A0_trsf = ""
if p.out_voxel != p.ref_voxel or p.bbox_out:
+ "applyTrsf"
+ " -flo "
+ p.ref_A.format(t=t)
+ " -res "
+ p.ref_out.format(t=t)
+ " -floating-voxel %f %f %f" % p.ref_voxel
+ " -vs %f %f %f" % p.out_voxel
+ A0_trsf,
elif p.copy_ref:
copyfile(p.ref_A.format(t=t), p.ref_out.format(t=t))
p.ref_out = p.ref_A
for A_num, flo_A in enumerate(p.flo_As):
flo_voxel = p.flo_voxels[A_num]
trsf_path = p.trsf_paths[A_num]
trsf_name = p.trsf_names[A_num]
init_trsf = p.init_trsfs[A_num]
if p.test_init:
if isinstance(init_trsf, list):
trsf = " -trsf " + os.path.join(
trsf_path, "A{:d}-init.trsf".format(A_num + 1)
trsf = " -trsf " + init_trsf
elif not p.bbox_out:
t_type = "" if len(p.trsf_types) < 1 else p.trsf_types[-1]
trsf = " -trsf " + os.path.join(
trsf_path, trsf_name.format(a=A_num + 1, trsf=t_type)
trsf = (
" -trsf "
+ trsf_fmt.format(a=A_num + 1)
+ " -template "
+ template
flo_out = p.flo_outs[A_num]
+ "applyTrsf"
+ " -flo "
+ flo_A.format(t=t)
+ " -floating-voxel %f %f %f" % flo_voxel
+ " -res "
+ flo_out.format(t=t)
+ " -ref "
+ p.ref_out.format(t=t)
+ " -reference-voxel %f %f %f" % p.out_voxel
+ trsf
+ " -interpolation %s" % p.image_interpolation,
def prettify(elem: ET.Element) -> str:
Return a pretty-printed XML string for the Element.
elem (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): xml element
(str): a nice version of our xml file
rough_string = ET.tostring(elem, "utf-8")
reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string)
return reparsed.toprettyxml(indent=" ")
def do_viewSetup(
ViewSetup: ET.SubElement,
p: trsf_parameters,
im_size: Tuple[int, int, int],
i: int,
Setup xml elements for BigDataViewer
ViewSetup (ET.SubElement): ...
p (trsf_parameters): Parameter object
im_size (tuple): tuple of 3 integers with the dimension of the image
i (int): angle id
id_ = ET.SubElement(ViewSetup, "id")
id_.text = "%d" % i
name = ET.SubElement(ViewSetup, "name")
name.text = "%d" % i
size = ET.SubElement(ViewSetup, "size")
size.text = "%d %d %d" % tuple(im_size)
voxelSize = ET.SubElement(ViewSetup, "voxelSize")
unit = ET.SubElement(voxelSize, "unit")
unit.text = p.bdv_unit
size = ET.SubElement(voxelSize, "size")
size.text = "%f %f %f" % tuple(p.bdv_voxel_size)
attributes = ET.SubElement(ViewSetup, "attributes")
illumination = ET.SubElement(attributes, "illumination")
illumination.text = "0"
channel = ET.SubElement(attributes, "channel")
channel.text = "0"
tile = ET.SubElement(attributes, "tile")
tile.text = "0"
angle = ET.SubElement(attributes, "angle")
angle.text = "%d" % i
def do_ViewRegistration(
ViewRegistrations: ET.SubElement,
p: trsf_parameters,
t: int,
a: int,
Write the view registration for BigDataViewer
ViewSetup (ET.SubElement): ...
p (trsf_parameters): Parameter object
t (int): time point to treat
a (int): angle to treat
ViewRegistration = ET.SubElement(ViewRegistrations, "ViewRegistration")
ViewRegistration.set("timepoint", "%d" % t)
ViewRegistration.set("setup", "%d" % a)
ViewTransform = ET.SubElement(ViewRegistration, "ViewTransform")
ViewTransform.set("type", "affine")
if a != 0:
affine = ET.SubElement(ViewTransform, "affine")
trsf_path = p.trsf_paths[a - 1]
trsf_name = p.trsf_names[a - 1]
trsf_type = p.trsf_types[-1]
f = os.path.join(
trsf_path, ("inv-" + trsf_name).format(a=a, trsf=trsf_type)
trsf = self.read_trsf(f)
formated_trsf = tuple(trsf[:-1, :].flatten())
affine.text = ("%f " * 12) % formated_trsf
ViewTransform = ET.SubElement(ViewRegistration, "ViewTransform")
ViewTransform.set("type", "affine")
affine = ET.SubElement(ViewTransform, "affine")
affine.text = (
"%f 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %f 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %f 0.0"
% p.flo_voxels[a - 1]
affine = ET.SubElement(ViewTransform, "affine")
affine.text = (
"%f 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %f 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %f 0.0" % p.ref_voxel
def build_bdv(self, p: trsf_parameters):
Build the BigDataViewer xml
p (trsf_parameters): Parameter object
SpimData = ET.Element("SpimData")
SpimData.set("version", "0.2")
base_path = ET.SubElement(SpimData, "BasePath")
base_path.set("type", "relative")
base_path.text = "."
SequenceDescription = ET.SubElement(SpimData, "SequenceDescription")
ImageLoader = ET.SubElement(SequenceDescription, "ImageLoader")
ImageLoader.set("format", "klb")
Resolver = ET.SubElement(ImageLoader, "Resolver")
"type", "org.janelia.simview.klb.bdv.KlbPartitionResolver"
for im_p in p.bdv_im:
ViewSetupTemplate = ET.SubElement(Resolver, "ViewSetupTemplate")
template = ET.SubElement(ViewSetupTemplate, "template")
template.text = im_p
timeTag = ET.SubElement(ViewSetupTemplate, "timeTag")
timeTag.text = p.time_tag
ViewSetups = ET.SubElement(SequenceDescription, "ViewSetups")
ViewSetup = ET.SubElement(ViewSetups, "ViewSetup")
i = 0
self.do_viewSetup(ViewSetup, p, p.ref_im_size, i)
for i, pi in enumerate(p.flo_voxels):
ViewSetup = ET.SubElement(ViewSetups, "ViewSetup")
self.do_viewSetup(ViewSetup, p, p.flo_im_sizes[i], i + 1)
Attributes = ET.SubElement(ViewSetups, "Attributes")
Attributes.set("name", "illumination")
Illumination = ET.SubElement(Attributes, "Illumination")
id_ = ET.SubElement(Illumination, "id")
id_.text = "0"
name = ET.SubElement(Illumination, "name")
name.text = "0"
Attributes = ET.SubElement(ViewSetups, "Attributes")
Attributes.set("name", "channel")
Channel = ET.SubElement(Attributes, "Channel")
id_ = ET.SubElement(Channel, "id")
id_.text = "0"
name = ET.SubElement(Channel, "name")
name.text = "0"
Attributes = ET.SubElement(ViewSetups, "Attributes")
Attributes.set("name", "tile")
Tile = ET.SubElement(Attributes, "Tile")
id_ = ET.SubElement(Tile, "id")
id_.text = "0"
name = ET.SubElement(Tile, "name")
name.text = "0"
Attributes = ET.SubElement(ViewSetups, "Attributes")
Attributes.set("name", "angle")
for i in range(len(p.flo_voxels) + 1):
Angle = ET.SubElement(Attributes, "Angle")
id_ = ET.SubElement(Angle, "id")
id_.text = "%d" % i
name = ET.SubElement(Angle, "name")
name.text = "%d" % i
TimePoints = ET.SubElement(SequenceDescription, "Timepoints")
TimePoints.set("type", "range")
first = ET.SubElement(TimePoints, "first")
first.text = "%d" % p.begin
last = ET.SubElement(TimePoints, "last")
last.text = "%d" % p.end
ViewRegistrations = ET.SubElement(SpimData, "ViewRegistrations")
for t in range(p.begin, p.end + 1):
self.do_ViewRegistration(ViewRegistrations, p, t, 0)
for a in range(len(p.flo_voxels)):
self.do_ViewRegistration(ViewRegistrations, p, t, a + 1)
with open(p.out_bdv, "w") as f:
def run_trsf(self):
Start the Spatial registration after having informed the parameter files
for p in self.params:
print("Starting experiment")
if p.compute_trsf or p.test_init:
if p.apply_trsf or p.test_init:
if not (p.begin is None and p.end is None):
for t in range(p.begin, p.end + 1):
self.apply_trsf(p, t)
if p.do_bdv:
except Exception as e:
print("Failure of %s" % p.origin_file_name)
def __init__(self, params=None):
if params is None:
self.params = self.read_param_file()
elif (
isinstance(params, str)
or isinstance(params, Path)
or isinstance(params, dict)
self.params = SpatialRegistration.read_param_file(params)
self.params = params
if self.params is not None and 0 < len(self.params):
self.path_to_bin = self.params[0].path_to_bin
def spatial_registration():
reg = SpatialRegistration()
reg.run_trsf() | 3D-registration | /3D-registration-0.4.3.tar.gz/3D-registration-0.4.3/src/registrationtools/ | |
import logging
import numba.cuda as cuda
import numpy as np
from functtools import lru_cache
def get_threads_blocks(length, max_thread_size=9):
"""Calculate thread/block sizes for launching CUDA kernels.
length : int
Number of threads.
max_thread_size : int
Maximum thread size in 2^N.
(int, int)
Number of threads and thread blocks.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
counter = 0
_length = length
while True:
if _length % 2 == 1:
logger.warning("get_threads_blocks could not fully factorize the number of threads")
_length //= 2
counter += 1
if counter >= max_thread_size:
return 2**counter, _length
def initialize_array(shape, value, dtype=np.float32):
"""Create and initialize cuda device array.
shape : tuple
Array shape.
value: np.float32
Value to fill array with.
dtype: type, optional
Array data type, by default np.float32.
Initialized cuda device array.
arr = cuda.device_array(shape, dtype=dtype).ravel()
threads, blocks = get_threads_blocks(len(arr))
_cuda_initialize_array[blocks, threads](arr, value)
return arr.reshape(shape)
def _cuda_initialize_array(array, value):
i = cuda.threadIdx.x + cuda.blockIdx.x * cuda.blockDim.x
array[i] = value
def extract_array_column(array, column):
"""Exctract column from array .
array : numba.cuda.cudadrv.devicearray.DeviceNDArray
Cuda Array
column: int, optional
Column to be extracted
Extracted column as cuda device array.
_array = cuda.device_array((len(array),), dtype=array.dtype)
threads, blocks = get_threads_blocks(len(_array))
_cuda_extract_column[blocks, threads](array, column, _array)
return _array
def _cuda_extract_column(array, column, out):
i = cuda.threadIdx.x + cuda.blockIdx.x * cuda.blockDim.x
out[i] = array[i, column] | 3DCORE | /3DCORE-1.1.4.tar.gz/3DCORE-1.1.4/py3dcore/ | |
import logging
import numba
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.stats
class Base3DCOREParameters(object):
"""Base 3DCORE parameters class.
params_dict = None
dtype = None
qindices = None
def __init__(self, params_dict, **kwargs):
"""Initialize Base3DCOREParameters class.
params_dict : dict
Parameter dictionary.
Other Parameters
dtype: type
Numpy data type, by default np.float32.
qindices: np.ndarray
Quaternion array columns, by default [1, 2, 3].
self.params_dict = params_dict
self.dtype = kwargs.get("dtype", np.float32)
self.qindices = np.array(
kwargs.get("qindices", np.array([1, 2, 3]))
# update arrays
def __getitem__(self, key):
for dk in self.params_dict:
if self.params_dict[dk]["index"] == key or self.params_dict[dk]["name"] == key:
return self.params_dict[dk]
if isinstance(key, int):
raise KeyError("key %i is out of range", key)
raise KeyError("key \"%s\" does not exist", key)
def __iter__(self):
self.iter_n = 0
return self
def __len__(self):
return len(self.params_dict.keys())
def __next__(self):
if self.iter_n < len(self):
result = self[self.iter_n]
self.iter_n += 1
return result
raise StopIteration
def generate(self, iparams_arr, **kwargs):
"""Generate initial parameters
iparams : Union[np.ndarray, List[numba.cuda.cudadrv.devicearray.DeviceNDArray]]
Initial parameters array.
Other Parameters
rng_states : List[numba.cuda.cudadrv.devicearray.DeviceNDArray]
CUDA rng state array.
use_cuda : bool
CUDA flag, by default False.
size = len(iparams_arr)
if kwargs.get("use_cuda", False):
raise NotImplementedError("CUDA functionality is not available yet")
for param in self:
index = param["index"]
if param["distribution"] == "fixed":
iparams_arr[:, index] = param["fixed_value"]
elif param["distribution"] == "uniform":
maxv = param["maximum"]
minv = param["minimum"]
iparams_arr[:, index] = np.random.rand(size) * (maxv - minv) + minv
elif param["distribution"] == "gaussian":
maxv = param["maximum"]
minv = param["minimum"]
kwargs = {
"loc": param["mean"],
"scale": param["std"]
iparams_arr[:, index] = draw_iparams(np.random.normal, maxv, minv, size,
elif param["distribution"] == "gamma":
maxv = param["maximum"]
minv = param["minimum"]
kwargs = {
"loc": param["shape"],
"scale": param["scale"]
iparams_arr[:, index] = draw_iparams(np.random.gamma, maxv, minv, size,
elif param["distribution"] == "log-uniform":
maxv = param["maximum"]
minv = param["minimum"]
kwargs = {
"a": minv,
"b": maxv
iparams_arr[:, index] = draw_iparams(scipy.stats.loguniform.rvs, maxv, minv,
size, **kwargs)
elif param["distribution"] == "exponential":
maxv = param["maximum"]
minv = param["minimum"]
kwargs = {
"scale": param["scale"]
iparams_arr[:, index] = draw_iparams(custom_exponential, maxv, minv,
size, **kwargs)
raise NotImplementedError("%s distribution is not implemented",
def perturb(self, iparams_arr, particles, weights, kernels_lower, **kwargs):
"""Perburb parameters.
iparams : Union[np.ndarray, List[numba.cuda.cudadrv.devicearray.DeviceNDArray]]
Initial parameters array.
particles : Union[np.ndarray, List[numba.cuda.cudadrv.devicearray.DeviceNDArray]]
weights : Union[np.ndarray, List[numba.cuda.cudadrv.devicearray.DeviceNDArray]]
Weight array.
kernels_lower : Union[np.ndarray, List[numba.cuda.cudadrv.devicearray.DeviceNDArray]]
Transition kernels in the form of a lower triangular matrix.
Number of dimensions determines the type of method used.
Other Parameters
rng_states : List[numba.cuda.cudadrv.devicearray.DeviceNDArray]
CUDA rng state array.
use_cuda : bool
CUDA flag, by default False.
if kwargs.get("use_cuda", False):
raise NotImplementedError("CUDA functionality is not available yet")
if kernels_lower.ndim == 1:
raise DeprecationWarning("1D transition kernels are no longer supported")
elif kernels_lower.ndim == 2:
# perturbation with one covariance matrix
_numba_perturb_with_kernel(iparams_arr, particles, weights, kernels_lower,
self.type_arr, self.bound_arr, self.maxv_arr,
elif kernels_lower.ndim == 3:
# perturbation with local covariance matrices
_numba_perturb_with_kernels(iparams_arr, particles, weights, kernels_lower,
self.type_arr, self.bound_arr, self.maxv_arr,
raise ValueError("kernel array must be 3-dimensional or lower")
def weight(self, particles, particles_old, weights, weights_old, kernels, **kwargs):
"""Update particle weights.
particles : Union[np.ndarray,
Particle array.
particles_old : Union[np.ndarray,
Old particle array.
weights : Union[np.ndarray,
Paritcle weights array.
weights_old : Union[np.ndarray,
Old particle weights array.
kernels : Union[np.ndarray,
Transition kernels. Number of dimensions determines the type of method used.
Other Parameters
exclude_priors: bool
Exclude prior distributions from weighting, by default False.
use_cuda : bool
CUDA flag, by default False.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if kwargs.get("use_cuda", False):
raise NotImplementedError("CUDA functionality is not available yet")
if kernels.ndim == 1:
raise DeprecationWarning("1D transition kernels are no longer supported")
elif kernels.ndim == 2:
_numba_weights_with_kernel(particles, particles_old,
weights, weights_old, kernels)
elif kernels.ndim == 3:
_numba_weights_with_kernels(particles, particles_old,
weights, weights_old, kernels)
raise ValueError("kernel array must be 3-dimensional or lower")
# include priors into weighting scheme
if not kwargs.get("exclude_priors", False):
particles, weights, self.type_arr, self.dp1_arr, self.dp2_arr)
# a hack for abnormally big weights
quant = np.quantile(weights, 0.99)
for i in range(0, len(weights)):
if weights[i] > quant:
weights[i] = 0
# find and remove bad weights (NaN)
nanc = np.sum(np.isnan(weights))
infc = np.sum(weights == np.inf)
if nanc + infc > 0:
logger.warning("detected %i NaN/inf weights, setting to 0", nanc + infc)
weights[np.isnan(weights)] = 0
weights[weights == np.inf] = 0
# renormalize
wsum = np.sum(weights)
for i in range(0, len(weights)):
weights[i] /= wsum
def _update_arr(self):
"""Translate params_dict to arrays.
Following distributions are supported:
- 0 fixed value (delta)
- 1 uniform
- 2 gaussian, sigma
- 3 gamma, shape+scale
- 4 log-uniform
- 5 exponential, scale
""" = np.zeros((len(self), ), dtype=self.dtype)
self.bound_arr = np.zeros((len(self), ), dtype=self.dtype)
self.maxv_arr = np.zeros((len(self), ), dtype=self.dtype)
self.dp1_arr = np.zeros((len(self), ), dtype=self.dtype)
self.dp2_arr = np.zeros((len(self), ), dtype=self.dtype)
self.minv_arr = np.zeros((len(self), ), dtype=self.dtype)
self.type_arr = np.zeros((len(self), ), dtype=self.dtype)
for param in self:
index = param["index"][index] = param.get("active", 1)
if param["distribution"] == "fixed":
self.type_arr[index] = 0
self.maxv_arr[index] = param["fixed_value"]
elif param["distribution"] == "uniform":
self.type_arr[index] = 1
self.maxv_arr[index] = param["maximum"]
self.minv_arr[index] = param["minimum"]
elif param["distribution"] == "gaussian":
self.type_arr[index] = 2
self.maxv_arr[index] = param["maximum"]
self.minv_arr[index] = param["minimum"]
self.dp1_arr[index] = param.get("mean", 0)
self.dp2_arr[index] = param.get("std", 0)
elif param["distribution"] == "gamma":
self.type_arr[index] = 3
self.maxv_arr[index] = param["maximum"]
self.minv_arr[index] = param["minimum"]
self.dp1_arr[index] = param.get("shape", 0)
self.dp2_arr[index] = param.get("scale", 0)
elif param["distribution"] == "log-uniform":
self.type_arr[index] = 4
self.maxv_arr[index] = param["maximum"]
self.minv_arr[index] = param["minimum"]
elif param["distribution"] == "exponential":
self.type_arr[index] = 5
self.maxv_arr[index] = param["maximum"]
self.minv_arr[index] = param["minimum"]
self.dp1_arr[index] = param.get("scale", 0)
raise NotImplementedError("%s distribution is not implemented",
if param["boundary"] == "continuous":
self.bound_arr[index] = 0
elif param["boundary"] == "periodic":
self.bound_arr[index] = 1
raise NotImplementedError("%s boundary condition is not implemented",
def draw_iparams(func, maxv, minv, size, **kwargs):
"""Draw random numbers from func, within the interval [minv, maxv].
i = 0
numbers = func(size=size, **kwargs)
while True:
filter = ((numbers > maxv) | (numbers < minv))
if np.sum(filter) == 0:
numbers[filter] = func(size=len(filter), **kwargs)[filter]
i += 1
if i > 1000:
raise RuntimeError("drawing numbers inefficiently (%i/%i after 1000 iterations)",
len(filter), size)
return numbers
def custom_exponential(**kwargs):
numbers = np.random.exponential(**kwargs)
signs = np.random.randint(2, size=len(numbers))
return numbers * (1 - 2 * signs)
def _numba_perturb_with_kernel(iparams_arr, particles, weights, kernel_lower, type_arr,
bound_arr, maxv_arr, minv_arr):
for i in range(len(iparams_arr)):
# particle selector si
r = np.random.rand(1)[0]
for j in range(len(weights)):
r -= weights[j]
if r <= 0:
si = j
# draw candidates until a candidite is within the valid range
c = 0
Nc = 25
perturbations =, np.random.randn(len(particles[si]), Nc))
while True:
candidate = particles[si] + perturbations[:, c]
accepted = True
for k in range(len(candidate)):
if candidate[k] > maxv_arr[k]:
if bound_arr[k] == 0:
accepted = False
elif bound_arr[k] == 1:
candidate[k] = minv_arr[k] + candidate[k] - maxv_arr[k]
raise NotImplementedError
if candidate[k] < minv_arr[k]:
if bound_arr[k] == 0:
accepted = False
elif bound_arr[k] == 1:
candidate[k] = maxv_arr[k] + candidate[k] - minv_arr[k]
raise NotImplementedError
if accepted:
c += 1
if c >= Nc - 1:
c = 0
perturbations =, np.random.randn(len(particles[si]), Nc))
iparams_arr[i] = candidate
def _numba_perturb_with_kernels(iparams_arr, particles, weights, kernels_lower, type_arr,
bound_arr, maxv_arr, minv_arr):
for i in range(len(iparams_arr)):
# particle selector si
r = np.random.rand(1)[0]
for j in range(len(weights)):
r -= weights[j]
if r <= 0:
si = j
#print("selected candidate ", si)
# draw candidates until a candidate is within the valid range
c = 0
Nc = 25
perturbations =[si], np.random.randn(len(particles[si]), Nc))
while True:
#print("iter ", c)
candidate = particles[si] + perturbations[:, c]
accepted = True
for k in range(len(candidate)):
#print("cand k ", k)
if candidate[k] > maxv_arr[k]:
if bound_arr[k] == 0:
accepted = False
#print("out of bounds")
elif bound_arr[k] == 1:
while candidate[k] > maxv_arr[k]:
candidate[k] = minv_arr[k] + candidate[k] - maxv_arr[k]
#print("error raise?")
raise NotImplementedError
if candidate[k] < minv_arr[k]:
if bound_arr[k] == 0:
accepted = False
elif bound_arr[k] == 1:
while candidate[k] < minv_arr[k]:
candidate[k] = maxv_arr[k] + candidate[k] - minv_arr[k]
#print("error raise?")
raise NotImplementedError
if accepted:
c += 1
if c >= Nc - 1:
c = 0
perturbations =[si], np.random.randn(len(particles[si]), Nc))
#print("bad drawing")
#print("saving candidate")
iparams_arr[i] = candidate
def _numba_weights_with_kernel(particles, particles_prev, weights, weights_prev, kernel):
inv_kernel = np.linalg.pinv(kernel).astype(particles.dtype)
for i in numba.prange(len(particles)):
nw = 0
for j in range(len(particles_prev)):
v = _numba_calculate_weights_reduce(particles[i], particles_prev[j], inv_kernel)
nw += weights_prev[j] * np.exp(-v)
weights[i] = 1 / nw
def _numba_weights_with_kernels(particles, particles_prev, weights, weights_prev, kernels):
inv_kernels = np.zeros_like(kernels).astype(particles.dtype)
# compute kernel inverses
for i in numba.prange(len(kernels)):
inv_kernels[i] = np.linalg.pinv(kernels[i])
for i in numba.prange(len(particles)):
nw = 0
for j in range(len(particles_prev)):
v = _numba_calculate_weights_reduce(particles[i], particles_prev[j], inv_kernels[j])
nw += weights_prev[j] * np.exp(-v)
weights[i] = 1 / nw
def _numba_calculate_weights_reduce(x1, x2, A):
dx = (x1 - x2).astype(A.dtype)
return,, dx))
# numba does not support scipy functions
# @numba.njit(parallel=True)
def _numba_calculate_weights_priors(particles, weights, type_arr, dp1_arr, dp2_arr):
for i in range(len(weights)):
for j in range(len(type_arr)):
if type_arr[j] <= 1:
# fixed or uniform, no weighting
elif type_arr[j] == 2:
# gaussian distribution
weights[i] *= np.exp(-0.5 * (particles[i, j] -
dp1_arr[j])**2/dp2_arr[j]**2) / dp2_arr[j]
elif type_arr[j] == 3:
# gamma distribution
weights[i] *= np.exp(-particles[i, j]/dp2_arr[j]) * particles[i, j] ** (
dp1_arr[j] - 1) / scipy.special.gamma(dp1_arr[j]) / dp2_arr[j]**dp1_arr[j]
elif type_arr[j] == 4:
# log-uniform distribution
weights[i] *= 1 / particles[i, j]
elif type_arr[j] == 5:
# exponential distribution
value = np.abs(particles[i, j])
weights[i] *= np.exp(-value / dp1_arr[j])
raise NotImplementedError("distribution #%i is not implemented",
type_arr[j]) | 3DCORE | /3DCORE-1.1.4.tar.gz/3DCORE-1.1.4/py3dcore/ | |
import numba
import numpy as np
from numba import guvectorize
def generate_quaternions(iparams_arr, qs_sx, qs_xs, use_cuda=False, indices=None):
"""Wrapper function for generating rotational quaternions from iparams array.
iparams_arr : Union[np.ndarray, numba.cuda.cudadrv.devicearray.DeviceNDArray]
Initial parameters array.
qs_sx : Union[np.ndarray, numba.cuda.cudadrv.devicearray.DeviceNDArray]
Array for (s) -> (x) rotational quaternions.
qs_xs : Union[np.ndarray, numba.cuda.cudadrv.devicearray.DeviceNDArray]
Array for (x) -> (s) rotational quaternions.
use_cuda : bool
CUDA flag, by default False.
indices : np.ndarray, optional
Lon/Lat/Inc indices in params, by default None.
if indices is None:
indices = np.array([1, 2, 3])
indices = np.array(indices)
if use_cuda:
raise NotImplementedError("CUDA functionality is not available yet")
(i1, i2, i3) = (indices[0], indices[1], indices[2])
(lon, lat, inc) = (iparams_arr[:, i1], iparams_arr[:, i2], iparams_arr[:, i3])
ux = np.array([0, 1.0, 0, 0])
uy = np.array([0, 0, 1.0, 0])
uz = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1.0])
rlon = _numba_quaternion_create(lon, uz)
rlat = _numba_quaternion_create(-lat, quaternion_rotate(uy, rlon))
rinc = _numba_quaternion_create(
inc, quaternion_rotate(ux, _numba_quaternion_multiply(rlat, rlon)))
_numba_quaternion_multiply(rinc, _numba_quaternion_multiply(rlat, rlon), qs_xs)
_numba_quaternion_conjugate(qs_xs, qs_sx)
def quaternion_rotate(vec, q, use_cuda=False):
if use_cuda:
raise NotImplementedError("CUDA functionality is not available yet")
return _numba_quaternion_multiply(
q, _numba_quaternion_multiply(vec, _numba_quaternion_conjugate(q)))
def _numba_quaternion_rotate(vec, q):
qh = (q[0], -q[1], -q[2], -q[3])
# mul 1
ma = - vec[1] * qh[1] - vec[2] * qh[2] - vec[3] * qh[3]
mb = + vec[1] * qh[0] + vec[2] * qh[3] - vec[3] * qh[2]
mc = - vec[1] * qh[3] + vec[2] * qh[0] + vec[3] * qh[1]
md = + vec[1] * qh[2] - vec[2] * qh[1] + vec[3] * qh[0]
# mul 2
rb = q[0] * mb + q[1] * ma + q[2] * md - q[3] * mc
rc = q[0] * mc - q[1] * md + q[2] * ma + q[3] * mb
rd = q[0] * md + q[1] * mc - q[2] * mb + q[3] * ma
return np.array([rb, rc, rd])
"void(float32, float32[:], float32[:])",
"void(float64, float64[:], float64[:])"],
'(), (n) -> (n)')
def _numba_quaternion_create(rot, vec, res):
argument = np.radians(rot / 2)
res[0] = np.cos(argument)
# due to ufunc broadcasting rules vec must be of length 4, first entry is not used
res[1] = vec[1] * np.sin(argument)
res[2] = vec[2] * np.sin(argument)
res[3] = vec[3] * np.sin(argument)
"void(float32[:], float32[:])",
"void(float64[:], float64[:])"],
'(n) -> (n)')
def _numba_quaternion_conjugate(q, res):
res[0] = q[0]
res[1:] = -q[1:]
"void(float32[:], float32[:], float32[:])",
"void(float64[:], float64[:], float64[:])"],
'(n), (n) -> (n)')
def _numba_quaternion_multiply(q1, q2, res):
(q1a, q1b, q1c, q1d) = (q1[0], q1[1], q1[2], q1[3])
(q2a, q2b, q2c, q2d) = (q2[0], q2[1], q2[2], q2[3])
res[0] = q1a * q2a - q1b * q2b - q1c * q2c - q1d * q2d
res[1] = q1a * q2b + q1b * q2a + q1c * q2d - q1d * q2c
res[2] = q1a * q2c - q1b * q2d + q1c * q2a + q1d * q2b
res[3] = q1a * q2d + q1b * q2c - q1c * q2b + q1d * q2a | 3DCORE | /3DCORE-1.1.4.tar.gz/3DCORE-1.1.4/py3dcore/ | |