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  1. videocon_human.csv +1 -1
videocon_human.csv CHANGED
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- video_url,caption,neg_caption,feedback,hard
  https://activitynet-annotations-video-text.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/anno_videos/1303.mp4," A slow replay of the blue team goal, replays the last goal, in slow motion.","A replay of the blue team goal, replays the first goal, in regular speed.","The replay is in slow motion, not at regular speed, and the replay is also of the last goal, not the first.",True
  https://activitynet-annotations-video-text.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/anno_videos/1570.mp4,The man dressed in black briefly reenters the frame.,The man dressed in purple briefly reenters the frame.,"The man is dressed in black, not purple.",True
  https://activitynet-annotations-video-text.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/anno_videos/694.mp4,The man then walks towards a young female tennis player and starts to give her instructions.,The man walks towards a young female tennis player and she gives him instructions.,"The man gives her instructions, she doesn't give him instructions.",False
+ video_url,caption,neg_caption,nle,hard
  https://activitynet-annotations-video-text.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/anno_videos/1303.mp4," A slow replay of the blue team goal, replays the last goal, in slow motion.","A replay of the blue team goal, replays the first goal, in regular speed.","The replay is in slow motion, not at regular speed, and the replay is also of the last goal, not the first.",True
  https://activitynet-annotations-video-text.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/anno_videos/1570.mp4,The man dressed in black briefly reenters the frame.,The man dressed in purple briefly reenters the frame.,"The man is dressed in black, not purple.",True
  https://activitynet-annotations-video-text.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/anno_videos/694.mp4,The man then walks towards a young female tennis player and starts to give her instructions.,The man walks towards a young female tennis player and she gives him instructions.,"The man gives her instructions, she doesn't give him instructions.",False