class label
25 classes
i have a cut that has become red and oozes puss.
3infected wound
my hair is coming out in chunks, especially when i wash it
1hair falling out
i have a skin rash after eating an ice-cream.
7skin issue
i cannot breathe because of this dull ache below my left shoulder.
2heart hurts
there is a tingling sensation in my neck.
21neck pain
i got acne when i ate chili
my left ear is ok, but the right one feels like it's being stabbed with a nail.
23ear ache
when i tried to be warm and wear more clothes i found that i was still cold
24feeling cold
i tried alot of cream but i still feel the same skin problem
7skin issue
i have a very bad cough
i feel a burning sensation in my shoulder muscle.
20muscle pain
i can hardly move my neck. it hurts.
21neck pain
my biceps started aching after i went to the gym
20muscle pain
when i go to stand, my head starts swirling
14feeling dizzy
my skin is itchy and inflamed
7skin issue
i used alot of pain killer to get better but i still feel the same back pain
15back pain
my arm hurts when i stretch
20muscle pain
i had a sharp pain in my stomach
8stomach ache
my knee hurts when i play squash
9knee pain
i hit my head at the basketball game. could i have a concussion?
6injury from sports
a terrible fall in hair
1hair falling out
it's hard to see things
18blurry vision
my hair is falling out after i take a shower.
1hair falling out
i get terrible headaches every few months and when i get them my vision is affected.
12head ache
i hit my head at the basketball game. could i have a concussion?
6injury from sports
my chest break out with red pimples and whiteheads.
i'm not feeling good i get infection wound
3infected wound
my hair is falling out in huge amount
1hair falling out
chronic disease of hair follicles and sebaceous glands
i have acne all over my face
i fell through a window while i was cleaning it and i have a shard of glass stuck in my left eye, i think it is pretty serious, please help!
16open wound
i have a hard pain in my stomach
8stomach ache
i break out on my face very frequently
when i wake up in the morning i feel a soreness in my body
20muscle pain
when i was washing my hair it was falling out heavily
1hair falling out
my body feels weak although i eat a lot, why?
13body feels weak
when i tried to answer the phine call i found that i can't hear the voice of the speaker
23ear ache
i have throbing in my shoulder
5shoulder pain
i can't see well
18blurry vision
i get chills and aches all over.
24feeling cold
he was discovered to have an open wound.
16open wound
i never had any acne problem until my last pregnancy, when all of a sudden my back got covered in zits.
i can't walk, my knee hurts me
9knee pain
when i stand i feel dizzy i do not know why
14feeling dizzy
there feels like a swollen knot at my shoulderblade with pain shooting from that
5shoulder pain
it hurts when i raise my arm up
5shoulder pain
when i get up, i feel dizzy and fall down.
14feeling dizzy
my body aches on the inside between my hips and shoulders.
17internal pain
my acne is really embarassing. it's so read.
there is an injured person
3infected wound
i complain alot with skin allergy
7skin issue
i got injured exercising
6injury from sports
i walk every day but now i get short of breath after going only a short way.
11hard to breath
i have shoulder pain after doing any home work.
5shoulder pain
my entire body is freezing.
24feeling cold
there is acne on my face
when i'm doing sport i have pain under my skin
20muscle pain
i have a foot ache after running 500m with my running shoes.
4foot ache
i can't carry anything i have a pain in my shoulder
5shoulder pain
i have a throbbing in my joints
10joint pain
my kneecap feels like it is grating bone on bone when i walk.
9knee pain
i feel dizzy when i set in-front of my laptop for an hour or two, what possibly could be the reason?
14feeling dizzy
i have a blurry vision after my head was hit yesterday.
18blurry vision
i have a pain in my trapes
20muscle pain
i have a back pain since i turned 70 years old.
15back pain
i cannot get warm no matter how much i wrap up or how high i put the heating on
24feeling cold
i feel dizzy and out of sight
14feeling dizzy
i have a powerful pain inside my neck
21neck pain
i feel cold
24feeling cold
i feel like i went to an acupuncture's practice and had 100 needles in my shoulder
5shoulder pain
i feel dizzy after severe diarrhea
14feeling dizzy
when i tried to be warm and wear more clothes i found that i was still cold
24feeling cold
when i stand up too quickly i start to feel dizzy and light-headed
14feeling dizzy
when i force my eyes to view i have blurry vision.
18blurry vision
my stomach aches when i eat hot food, why?
8stomach ache
i get i joint pain when i try to bend my leg or my arm
10joint pain
my lungs feel heavy like they are filled with mucus
i feel pain in my legs muscles after i ran yesterday, i took some pain killers but it doesn't help.
20muscle pain
i feel that is great pain in my left shoulder
5shoulder pain
i feel pain in my ears with tinnitus
23ear ache
my son nicked his neck with an old razor and that spot has become inflamed and looks like it is infected.
3infected wound
i have a pain in my stomach
17internal pain
i feel emotionally crushed
0emotional pain
i cut myself and i'm bleeding.
16open wound
i lose a lot of my hair
1hair falling out
i feel shoulder pain at intervals of time.
5shoulder pain
my son has a lot of acne.
i'm in need for a treatment for my hair fall
1hair falling out
it itches inside my ears.
23ear ache
i feel a sharp pain in my ankle joint when i stand.
10joint pain
i've got a hard time to breath- am i having a heart attack?
11hard to breath
my knees hurt so bad to walk that i stay sitting more than i should.
9knee pain
my back hurts me and i can't bend it or walk
15back pain
i have blurred vision.
18blurry vision
the nerves were so damaged during the operation on my ankle that i cannot stand being touched on the scar.
4foot ache
my knee hurts when i walk
9knee pain
hearing any loud sounds makes my ear aches
23ear ache
i have a dry throat
i feel suicidal.
0emotional pain
i'm having a hard time hearing.
23ear ache