class label
25 classes
i have a cut on my foot that became infected from using the showers at the gym.
3infected wound
i feel a tightness in my chest
11hard to breath
after an hard working day i have foot ache
4foot ache
i feel severe itching in the skin with redness
7skin issue
i've got a hard time to breath- am i having a heart attack?
11hard to breath
there is a red stain in my skin
7skin issue
sharp pain and heavy breathing
17internal pain
when i think of my parents i feel pain
0emotional pain
annoyance starts suddenly, often after an injury or exercise.
9knee pain
i have some terrible problems when i'm breathing during the night.
my shoulder muscle hurts when i try to reach up.
20muscle pain
my cut yellow or greenish-colored pus
3infected wound
i feel hurts in my heart
2heart hurts
i read a book for along time and when i finished reading i feel head ache
12head ache
i have a foot ache after running 500m with my running shoes.
4foot ache
i have tried to make massage on my foot but they still pain me
4foot ache
when i move on my shoulder, pain shoots down my arm
5shoulder pain
i have throbing in my shoulder
5shoulder pain
my arm hurts when i stretch
20muscle pain
every morning when i wake up my neck feels like i slept on in wrong.
20muscle pain
when i think of my parents i feel pain
0emotional pain
i'm suffering from sharp cough accompanied by phlegm
i feel that is great pain in my left shoulder
5shoulder pain
what's the symptoms of appendicitis?
17internal pain
i have the impression of having no strength in my body
13body feels weak
when i stand up too quickly i start to feel dizzy and light-headed
14feeling dizzy
i get big patches of irritated pimples on my back and they hurt.
i have a break in the skin between my thumb and index finger and it will not close.
16open wound
i am worried how cold intolerant i am, i am always shivering, even out in the sun.
24feeling cold
i feel a pain in my back
15back pain
my hair isn't well
1hair falling out
my television and computer seem out of focus even though i have new glasses.
18blurry vision
surgical wounds red, firing pus, painful and hot to the touch
3infected wound
i have a foot ache after running 500m with my running shoes.
4foot ache
my back hurts a lot when i bend
15back pain
my cbc report indicate 10 hb, i feel tired of little work.
13body feels weak
i feel joint pain every time i move
10joint pain
i feel weak all over.
13body feels weak
i have constant stomach pain and bloating.
17internal pain
at first it feels really numb, but then a thousand needles start to prick through my foot.
4foot ache
my son got a tattoo several weeks ago and the skin around it is raised and hot and it looks infected.
3infected wound
i break out on my face very frequently
i cannot get warm no matter how much i wrap up or how high i put the heating on
24feeling cold
i get tired too fast, i can barely put on my clothes in the morning.
13body feels weak
when i do hard exercises i feel great pain in my muscles.
20muscle pain
i have an indigestion
8stomach ache
my throught is so sore.
21neck pain
i feel pain in my shoulders when i write on the keyboard.
5shoulder pain
my son squeezed a pimple and it broke open only to scab over and now looks like it is infected.
3infected wound
i hit myself and the would doesn't want to heal
16open wound
i feel cold and chills even though my clothes are heavy
24feeling cold
heart aches so much
2heart hurts
i cut my hand a couple of weeks ago and even though i keep using an antibiotic cream it's not getting better.
3infected wound
how do you know if you have a torn meniscus in your knee?
9knee pain
my head ache since i woke up this morning.
12head ache
severe pain in the ear
23ear ache
my television and computer seem out of focus even though i have new glasses.
18blurry vision
my head ache since i woke up this morning.
12head ache
heavy breath with fatigue
0emotional pain
i'm injured i can't play sports
6injury from sports
i can't turn my neck to the left without feeling a stabbing pain
21neck pain
i have a throbbing in my joints
10joint pain
i get an ear ache when it is cold
23ear ache
i walk every day but now i get short of breath after going only a short way.
11hard to breath
i feel pain in my throat
i have a dull ache in my stomach. it gets worse after i eat.
17internal pain
when i stand up too quickly i start to feel dizzy and light-headed
14feeling dizzy
when i lift my arms up i have a soreness in my shoulders
5shoulder pain
i can't hear out of my ear properly, i feel like there is something in it causing irritation.
23ear ache
i have a sharp pain in my neck
21neck pain
i feel heart pain when i walk a lot
2heart hurts
stiffness inability to look right or left except by moving the whole body
21neck pain
it itches inside my ears.
23ear ache
i can't move my leg, there is pain in the joint
10joint pain
can't do any exercise, i feel weak
13body feels weak
i feel cold and chills even though my clothes are heavy
24feeling cold
something dark is there on my arm
7skin issue
my hair is falling out in bunches.
1hair falling out
when i extend my leg there is pain in knee joint
10joint pain
my sore looks like its not healing well.
3infected wound
i have a blurry vision during my swimming training in the pool, why?
18blurry vision
i can't get a girlfriend because of my acne.
my knee feels weak and it gave way the other day at the top of the stairs. luckily there was a rail to hold on to.
9knee pain
i can't ride my car at night because i have blurry vision.
18blurry vision
it's hard to see things
18blurry vision
i feel shoulder pain at intervals of time.
5shoulder pain
i feel pain in my right shoulder after the tennis match.
6injury from sports
i have a headache every time i eat ice cream
12head ache
i have a head pain every single day.
17internal pain
my cbc report indicate 10 hb, i feel tired of little work.
13body feels weak
there is a sharp pain in my calve.
20muscle pain
my heart is pumping fast and i'm having a hard time to breath.
11hard to breath
i've had this cough for two weeks.
when i tried to answer the phine call i found that i can't hear the voice of the speaker
23ear ache
severe pain in the ear
23ear ache
my neck is annoying me i can't sleep bacause of it
21neck pain
i can't breath because of cough
i have pain like needles in my joints.
10joint pain
i feel like i just can't cope anymore, i feel overwhelmed and like i just can't get a break.
0emotional pain
i feel pain in my neck after waking up
21neck pain