class label
25 classes
when i stand up too quickly i start to feel dizzy and light-headed
14feeling dizzy
my lower back hurts but it improves if i stretch it
20muscle pain
i've had this cough for two weeks.
after walking i have some pain under my foot
4foot ache
it's hard to see things
18blurry vision
i chopped off the tip of my finger while i was cutting some cardboard and i cannot stop the bleeding.
16open wound
i feel discomfort throughout the body in general
13body feels weak
i'm in need for a treatment for my hair fall
1hair falling out
sometimes i cough because i'm a smoker
i had an accident and my wound was open when i arrived to hospital
16open wound
i have acne all over my face
i have cloudy eyes
18blurry vision
my head hurts and i lose the sensation in my face, then lose sight in my eye
12head ache
i usually have a bad cough when i get flu.
when i'm tired i feel my head heavy
12head ache
i feel pain in my back
15back pain
my heart feels like it's going to explode.
2heart hurts
my neck hurts me and i can't stand with this pain
21neck pain
when i remember her i feel down
0emotional pain
my cough is very heavy and i have mucus.
i feel deep tingling when i touch acne followed by bad sensation
the area around my heart doesn't feel good.
2heart hurts
i feel a sharp pain in my stomach
17internal pain
my body feels like it's in a refrigerator.
24feeling cold
i have a hair shortage
1hair falling out
my son had a root canal and the dentist accidentally cut the inside of his cheek and now it will not heal.
3infected wound
when i eat too much sugar my body gets weak and dizzy.
13body feels weak
even if the temperature is high in the house, my body is always cold
24feeling cold
my hair is coming out in chunks, especially when i wash it
1hair falling out
my stomach aches after i drink any soda drink, why?
8stomach ache
i have a dull ache in my stomach. it gets worse after i eat.
17internal pain
my son had his lip pierced and it is swollen and the skin inside on his lip is grey and looks infected.
3infected wound
there is an injured person
3infected wound
i have a cold and it makes me cough alot
my knees swell right below the knee cap and hurt when i put weight on them.
9knee pain
i feel a pain in my neck
21neck pain
even though i'm an adult my face keeps breaking out in pimples.
there feels like a swollen knot at my shoulderblade with pain shooting from that
5shoulder pain
my son has a lot of acne.
when i was young i had an injury from sports in my knee.
6injury from sports
it feels like someone is hitting my head with a hammer. i feel pain on the top of my head and it throbs.
12head ache
i have a scab on the back of my hand that just won't go away.
7skin issue
i don't have full range of motion with my arms
5shoulder pain
i cut my hand a couple of weeks ago and even though i keep using an antibiotic cream it's not getting better.
3infected wound
my head hurts and i lose the sensation in my face, then lose sight in my eye
12head ache
i wake up with a stiff neck every morning. massage helps but then a couple of days later it's back again.
21neck pain
i can't stand up, i feel my brain is moving inside my skull.
12head ache
i have a dull ache in my lower back which makes it difficult to move
15back pain
my hair is falling without a reason, i can see a lot of hair on my working desk.
1hair falling out
i am having problems seeing things feel like a cloud on my eyes everything is blurry
18blurry vision
chronic bone disease at the level of the doubles of the lower estremidades
9knee pain
my hand open wound got infected
3infected wound
i feel suicidal.
0emotional pain
when i brush my hair i notice big clumps of hair coming out in the brush.
1hair falling out
i have a sharp pain in my abdomen.
17internal pain
i have a pain in my head
12head ache
i feel a burning sensation in my guts about 2 hours after each meal.
8stomach ache
my left side aches much
17internal pain
the pain in my ear is unbearable.
23ear ache
i feel pain in my neck while i'm working.
21neck pain
my shoulder hurts me so much
5shoulder pain
when i stand up too quickly i start to feel dizzy and light-headed
14feeling dizzy
i have a lot of mucus when i cough.
i have pain but i can't specify place
17internal pain
i m feeling cold though the temperature is high
24feeling cold
i can't walk, my knee hurts me
9knee pain
when i stand up too quickly i feel as though i'm going to faint.
14feeling dizzy
when i stand up too quickly i start to feel dizzy and light-headed
14feeling dizzy
i have a rash on my skin
7skin issue
my head hurts in the back and the pain lasts all day.
12head ache
i had internal pain and gases when i ate indian spicy food yesterday
17internal pain
i feel very weak in my body
13body feels weak
i feel hurts in my heart
2heart hurts
i feel like i've always got something in my throat
you won't believe me, but this infected wound on my hand is from a paper cut i didn't take seriously.
3infected wound
my child has cough all night, she can't sleep
my knee hurts when i play squash
9knee pain
i do not know why i feel cold
24feeling cold
my daughter had her eyebrows threaded and it pulled an opening of skin in one of her brows that is now puffy and oozing.
3infected wound
chronic disease of hair follicles and sebaceous glands
surgical wound infections
3infected wound
after playing football, i have muscle pain with my both legs.
20muscle pain
i was playing basketball yesterday, i have sprained ankle
6injury from sports
i felt my heart hurts when i ran for along distance
2heart hurts
my hair falling out
1hair falling out
i have throbing in my shoulder
5shoulder pain
every time i look to left i feel a sharp pain in my neck.
21neck pain
my head hurts and i lose the sensation in my face, then lose sight in my eye
12head ache
my shower drain is full of hair every time.
1hair falling out
my heart is pumping fast and i'm having a hard time to breath.
11hard to breath
my neck is annoying me i can't sleep bacause of it
21neck pain
oh my heart hurts me i tried to be calm and i can't
2heart hurts
i read a book for along time and when i finished reading i feel head ache
12head ache
my neck is annoying me i can't sleep bacause of it
21neck pain
i have a problem in seeing objects it is too difficult to see
18blurry vision
i feel suicidal.
0emotional pain
when i stand i feel dizzy i do not know why
14feeling dizzy
i feel lightheaded when i stand up
14feeling dizzy
i feel sad
0emotional pain
i feel emotionally crushed
0emotional pain