class label
25 classes
my television and computer seem out of focus even though i have new glasses.
18blurry vision
when i brush my hair i notice big clumps of hair coming out in the brush.
1hair falling out
i'm having a hard time hearing.
23ear ache
i can't ride my car at night because i have blurry vision.
18blurry vision
sometimes i feel like a claw on my chest that leaves me breathless.
11hard to breath
i can't really jump on my left foot because my triple fracture of the ankle left me with neverending pains.
4foot ache
i feel dizzy whenever i stand up.
14feeling dizzy
when i think of my parents i feel pain
0emotional pain
i feel heart pain when i walk a lot
2heart hurts
is there a cure for acne?
i feel a bone-on-bone pain in my knees when i climb stairs.
10joint pain
i have a foot ache although i don't walk a lot.
4foot ache
my foot had been aching since last tuesday.
4foot ache
i love to garden but i get a terrible twinge in my lower back when i lean over.
15back pain
i have a pain internal
17internal pain
i read a book for along time and when i finished reading i feel head ache
12head ache
i'm having a hard time reading because the letters are all fuzzy
18blurry vision
when i'm doing sport i have pain under my skin
20muscle pain
when i get out of bed in the morning my body feels very weak.
13body feels weak
i cant breathe
my nose is congested all the time and there's this gluey secretion in my throat that makes it impossible for me to sleep. i often have to nap sitting down.
11hard to breath
i feel like the room is spinning
14feeling dizzy
i have a problem in my back i cannot extend it
15back pain
it's hard to stand up, and i'm moving very slowly
13body feels weak
i cant breathe
i have an open wound in my arm
16open wound
when i stand i feel dizzy i do not know why
14feeling dizzy
there is an injured person
3infected wound
my hair isn't well
1hair falling out
when i bend over i get a shooting pain down my back
15back pain
my head hurts and i lose the sensation in my face, then lose sight in my eye
12head ache
i have eruptions on my face that come and go .
i had a cold the last time i travelled by plane and i still have a discomfort in my ears.
23ear ache
i can`t stop coughing.
i feel pain in my knee when i climb the stairs.
10joint pain
i was injured during football match, i was diagnosed with cruciate ligament
6injury from sports
i've tried reading books, but nothing can cheer me up.
0emotional pain
my television and computer seem out of focus even though i have new glasses.
18blurry vision
my neck is annoying me i can't sleep bacause of it
21neck pain
my heart is pumping fast and i'm having a hard time to breath.
11hard to breath
i hardly have enough stength to get up,
13body feels weak
i feel a great amount of pressure of my head.
12head ache
i feel very hard to breathe
11hard to breath
it feels like someone stuck a knife into my shoulder
5shoulder pain
when i raise my hand i feel pain in my shoulder.
5shoulder pain
i have a dry skin
7skin issue
i feel hurts in my heart
2heart hurts
i feel muscle pain every time i make an extra effort.
20muscle pain
my shoulder aches when i try to lift five pounds.
5shoulder pain
i cannot bear this squeezing sensation i have in my chest.
2heart hurts
i get a knee pain when i walk a lot
9knee pain
i fell through a window while i was cleaning it and i have a shard of glass stuck in my left eye, i think it is pretty serious, please help!
16open wound
i have a feeling like my whole body is complaining
10joint pain
i have a blurry vision since i woke up this morning, what could be the reason?
18blurry vision
i feel great pain in my feet after playing one of the sports games
6injury from sports
i have a break in the skin inside one of my nostrils that has become infected and is now filled with pus.
3infected wound
i was very active in sports but now my body is feeling pain.
6injury from sports
my head hurts when i'm doing this.
12head ache
my back hurts me and i can't bend it or walk
15back pain
it feels like i can't take a deep breath
11hard to breath
my head hurts when i'm doing this.
12head ache
i feel pain inside and i can not identify it
17internal pain
i have a throbbing in my joints
10joint pain
using hair tonic
1hair falling out
my stomach has been sore since yesterday.
8stomach ache
even if the temperature is high in the house, my body is always cold
24feeling cold
there's swelling in my neck and it hurts.
21neck pain
i hit myself and the would doesn't want to heal
16open wound
my hair is coming out in chunks, especially when i wash it
1hair falling out
i have a blurry vision and i can't see in the darkness , what is the reason doctor ?
18blurry vision
i feel a great pain in my shoulder when i try to lift something heavy
5shoulder pain
i complain alot with skin allergy
7skin issue
i have severe dry cough
there is pain in the muscles i do not know caused
20muscle pain
my knee feels weak and it gave way the other day at the top of the stairs. luckily there was a rail to hold on to.
9knee pain
i have a blurry vision and i can't see in the darkness , what is the reason doctor ?
18blurry vision
i need a kind of cream wich make my muscles more relaxed
20muscle pain
my back hurts so much i can't bend down to tie my shoelaces.
15back pain
i've had this cough for two weeks.
my ear hurts and it's worse when i swallow. my ear is very painful and tylenol hasn't helped.
23ear ache
when i stand up too quickly i start to feel dizzy and light-headed
14feeling dizzy
when i tried to take care if my hair i found that it is falling out
1hair falling out
my son had his lip pierced and it is swollen and the skin inside on his lip is grey and looks infected.
3infected wound
it feels like someone stuck a knife into my shoulder
5shoulder pain
sometimes my body feels week without reason
13body feels weak
my body feels weak although i eat a lot, why?
13body feels weak
i was diagnosed with pneumonia, i can't breath easily.
11hard to breath
my ear ache when i'm listening to music.
23ear ache
chronic bowel pain
17internal pain
there must be something wrong with my blood circulation, i have to wear socks even on the hottest days, my toes are frozen!
24feeling cold
i have muscle pain at my left leg.
20muscle pain
i feel dizzy when i set in-front of my laptop for an hour or two, what possibly could be the reason?
14feeling dizzy
i have a pain in my trapes
20muscle pain
there is an injured person
3infected wound
i get breakouts on my chest with red patches that get more intense when i get hot.
it is hard to breath when i am in the underground metro station, why?
11hard to breath
when i move on my shoulder, pain shoots down my arm
5shoulder pain
i have a hard pain in my stomach
8stomach ache
i feel pain in my shoulders when i write on the keyboard.
5shoulder pain
can't keep focus
12head ache