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2016-08-08 13:40:40
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness
Air Needed To Keep Cool
I am a second grade teacher in Pennsylvania. My classroom is made up of 30 eager second graders. I also have a wide range of reading and math abilities in my classroom. My reading levels range from pre-kindergarten to fifth grade. It's important that I read with these children every day in order to get them on grade level by the end of the year. Many of my students get free or reduced price lunch and all these children love coming to school.Staying healthy and exercise are very important for both the mind, soul and body. This project will ensure that my students stay active, even on the hottest days! I want to encourage my second graders to live a healthy life where exercise is always important.\r\n\r\n
I always have a great group of second graders. We participate in the Daily 5 exercise routines as a school outside daily. When we come to our classroom, we sit and actively listen when we can. On the hot days, it is really bad. Our classroom temperatures rise close to 95 without air conditioners. It is hard to concentrate and exercise.\r\n\r\nThere is so much research that shows that when a classroom is too hot, it can affect students' abilities to learn.\r\nOur brains are constantly reminding the body to do something about that condition due to the constant interruption and the temperature chugging our bodies. It is very hard for the student to stay focused on any tasks. Physical activity is very hard to include on extremely hot days. Please help our second graders stay active in super hot weather so we can keep our little brains running !
My students need some cool air in the classroom so they can excersise and be able to stay healthy.
2016-11-13 02:47:47
Grades PreK-2
Applied Learning, Literacy & Language
Character Education, Literature & Writing
Through online story writing,\r\nI will teach myself kindness.
WHAT?!?!?!?! I didn't do it! It wasn't me! That is my spot in line! You are not invited to my birthday party! You are not my best friend! This sounds like a bunch of 5 year old kids on a bad day. On those bad days, we need extra resources to help our kids learn the ways of the world beyond all the \"talks.\"\r\nIt is true that you learn all you need to know in life, in Kindergarten!\r\nOur kids are so lucky to have a school that pays attention to the whole child. The child that needs to be taught how to deal with peers when things are not going well. The child that really needs a hug although they are acting insensitively. Our students get a lot of practice solving their own problems as the teachers model effectively how to interact with others when you have a problem. Our kids are absolutely lovable and our mission is to invest in their success.
Our primary duty in Kindergarten at AEA is to help the kids problem solve! How many kids can effectively take matters into their own hands and make good choices? We hope that our students will be able to. In our class we do a lot of whole group problem solving and want to take it to the next level.\r\n\r\nKids love technology so let's use it to make them better writers! By using our new i pads the students will be able to first listen to a story that relates to the problem that they are trying to solve. When they are finished they will be challenged to write their story, telling what happened and what their good idea is for next time, using pictures or words. The finished story will be presented as the student chooses, either the student with whom they had a problem or they might choose to share it with the whole class.
My students need ipads to visit social stories dealing with their current struggles. Once they have read or listened to a story online, the students will then use an app to create their own story!
2016-08-02 22:16:51
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports, History & Civics
Gym & Fitness, History & Geography
Having Fun and Staying Fit On Our Virtual World Trip!
My students are first graders and attend a PreK-1 school in rural Minnesota. Our school is awesome because education is geared towards the 3-7 age group. Children this age are so excited to learn. \r\n\r\nMy students love to learn, especially when the activities keep their bodies and brains busy. In first grade, a great amount of active learning happens when academics are combined with physical movement. This kind of learning not only makes learning fun, but more meaningful as well, helping to cement crucial math, reading, science and social studies concepts.
My students love learning and being on-the-move. They are very interested in discovering and learning about places around the world. They are also very active first graders and need to be moving often!\r\n\r\nOne of my students had a great idea to take a virtual walking tour around the world. We mapped out an imaginary trip and learned about some important places in the world. We joked about how many miles we would have to walk to cross the United States, let alone the entire world. I gave our line leader an old pedometer of mine to wear all day, and at the end of the day we would total the miles he/she walked for the day. It was fun, and the students would always try to beat the previous day's steps. \r\n\r\nEventually, the inexpensive pedometer didn't work anymore so our experiment ended. I would like to continue this project with my new students this year. I have downloaded a virtual walking app on our class iPad. We would use the two Fitbit Zips to measure and sync miles with our class iPad. We would use the big map to document our trip. The app provides real photographs of the places we will stop and a few interesting facts about the locations. The \"resting\" place for the night depends on how many steps the two students have walked during the day. \r\n\r\nThis activity incorporates physical fitness into our daily routine and allows students to use math, geography and mapping skills.
My students need 2 Fitbit Zip Activity Trackers, 2 adjustable wristbands, and a large United States/World Map to track our steps on a virtual trip around the world.
2016-08-13 12:48:06
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness
Getting the Wiggles Out!
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.-Nelson Mandela\r\n\r\nI teach 24 second grade students in the inner city of Indianapolis. Every one of these students are special and unique in their own way. Most speak fluent Spanish and are learning the English language. Some come from homes where a grandparent is their primary caretaker. A couple of students belong to our nutrition club, a program where they are sent home with a backpack of food to help feed their families over the weekend. But while they have their own challenges, every single family sends their child to school prepared to learn every day. I take my job very serious and want nothing but the best for them. While I may have high expectations of behavior and student work, they all know I care about each one of them.\r\n
My students love being active while they are learning and wiggling while they are working. I am lucky enough to have three Hokki stools in my classroom from DonorsChoose.org. Sadly, three is not enough to reach all my students. My students love to u.e the Hokki stools while they learn and want more! One of my students suggested that I write a new project since I \"already got some once.\" These stools help my amazing kiddos get focused while engaging their core to keep them happy and healthy.\r\nMy students love to wiggle so they can not only focus on their work, but engage in a healthy lifestyle.\r\nThe Hokki stools would allow my students to continue to be active throughout the day whether they are in small groups or working at their own seat.\r\n
My students need eight Hokki stools to promote interactive learning for a healthy lifestyle.
2017-01-22 17:24:46
Grades 3-5
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Mathematics
Math Mania!
My students are an amazing group of individuals that have the will to thrive in an adverse environment. Once motivated about something, my student then become determined to do their best to make it work, while keep a positive mind. Even with limited supplies, my students are able to provide me with alternative on making a situation work for us all. They are determined to do their best and to show that it's not where you are from but who you are as a individual.
This will allow students to follow along, while being able to provide answers at short notice and display them when needed. Having the individual white boards, markers, and erasers will give students the comfort or not having to be concerned about alternative supplies needed, such as pencil and paper. These items will be kept at each student's desk and will be used daily as many math problems are displayed for students to solve and provide answers for. Having these items handy will ensure that we will limit our use of time in sharpening pencils, but would be able to begin working immediately.
My students need dry erase markers, whiteboards, and erasers to assist them in being able to do multiple math problems without the need for paper, which is costlier.
2016-09-25 22:24:50
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Nonfiction Reading Through Scholastic News
My school is a large elementary school that houses kindergarten through 5th grade. This year we have over 1,000 students of varying abilities and exceptionalities.\r\n\r\nMy students are a wonderful group of second graders. In my classroom, abilities range as does interest. One thing they all have in common is a love of reading and learning. Just like all children, they need to be exposed to knowledge in the most engaging of ways. I strive to create students who love learning just as much as I do.
My students need access to quality nonfiction reading material that is written specifically for second graders in our classroom to help expose them to our wonderful world. With this subscription to Scholastic News, my students will be exposed weekly to current and relevant topics on their level written specifically for kids their age.\r\n\r\nThey will be able to learn about the world around them without stepping foot outside the classroom. We will be able to learn about and discuss current events and science topics after reading the engaging articles that Scholastic News is known for. \r\n\r\nSo many doors will be opened to my students as they are consistently exposed to nonfiction real-life topics on a weekly basis. 50% of the texts that my students read each year should be nonfiction and this subscription will get us one step closer to that mark.
My students need 20 copies of Scholastic News to help them learn about the world outside our classroom walls.
2017-03-22 21:43:32
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Mathematics
Laptops Move Robots In An Amazing Way
.My students are energetic, apathetic, funny, grade students! They run around in a thousand different directions! I work in a Title I school with about 90% of the student population receiving free and reduced, lunch. The school is always at capacity and classes e are overfull. The school has a lot of needed family strengthening programs. \r\n \r\nThe school is a high achieving school with a lot of great ambitions. There is a motivation problem with middle school students. Once students are actively engaged in anything, we see a rise in motivation. Students generally do well here. But the students' individual efforts are lacking without the push from the teachers. They have a low sense of drive. There is a great mix of ethnicity's and great diversity within the school. Although we face these challenges, some students are hard working and know what it means to work for what you want.It would be nice that they get some of the things they deserve for their efforts.
I have 5 LEGO® MINDSTORMS sets to make robots and start teaching STEM and computer science. The students created the robots, but in order to make a full STEM and computer science experience, they need the laptops. With it, the students can create the different codes in order to make the robot perform autonomous tasks and user direct tasks. Working as a group, I observed they collaborate and work more as a teammates. With the integration of the laptops, the kids can have the hand on application of what computer science is about. The students can integrate the computer sciences, math and programming with just the addition of the laptops to the robotics project. \r\n\r\nAt the same time, we are preparing the kids to be proficient in computer skills, research, and adding the STEM component to the curriculum.
My students need 5 laptops to begin commands/code to make the robot to perform autonomous tasks and user-direct tasks. Also, to complete their researches, and integrate the computer science in their daily lives.
2016-08-01 23:30:22
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
High Quality Books of Kindness and Learning!
I teach first grade in the inner city. My class consists of English Language Learners that come from all different countries such as Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic. They live in a low-income area where all students receive free breakfast and lunch. \r\n\r\nFirst graders are motivated, high energy kids that are always ready to learn. Our school motto is \" we are kind, we work hard, we work together.\" That is exactly what each student aims to do everyday they come to school. In order to teach our school motto, I believe that students need to be taught routines, social-emotional skills, and manners in the classroom. This is the foundation for student success in school. Books are a great way to teach students these skills. These books will help students learn how to \"be kind, work hard, and work together\" in the classroom while fostering a love for books and reading. \r\n
My class is in need of high quality books that will help set us up for success in peer relations and readers workshop. These books will teach students manners and social-emotional skills in the classroom such as being proud of yourself and others, being kind, respecting learning time, and putting yourself in someone else's shoes. Many of these books will help students learn skills needed in order to launch readers workshop for the year. Some examples of these skills are picking just right books, ways to read a book, and reading strategies. \r\nThese books will be used as interactive read-alouds where students and teacher discuss the book in depth. They will be put out for students to use during work stations and independent reading. Students will be able to read books with their partners and respond/ make connections to stories through writing.
My students need high quality books that will set us up for a successful school year.
2016-10-23 00:46:27
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literature & Writing
Giggles and Wiggles on Alphabet Squares
I work for Toledo Public Schools in a preschool class. My students range from 3-5 years of age. We have a morning and an afternoon class with 6 typical and 6 special needs children in each class. Most of our enthusiastic children wiggle and giggle. \r\n\r\n During circle time, we gather on a carpet. We currently have rug remenants that each child sits on but they are falling apart. The children are pulling on the strings. I would like to have a rug that would have individual squares with a learning theme such as the alphabet. It would be nicer for the children and reinforce letter recognition also.
Circle time is our sharing time, story time, and where social interactions are nurtured. A fresh blue carpet with alphabet squares would be more inviting to our students. The alphabet would be reinforced daily as the children find a place to sit. The squares are part of the carpet and will be stationery. It will be safer than carpet squares that move. \r\nThe children will be able to sit without wiggling the carpet squares around. They will have better focus during carpet activities. Circle time is the place to happily giggle and wiggle. We do action songs on the carpet, science projects, and play musical instruments. Learning takes place when children are comfortable and feel safe.
My students need a new carpet to replace the old carpet squares that are deteriorating with the alphabet rug they will love.
2016-10-24 12:49:35
Grades 3-5
History & Civics
History & Geography
Journaling Our Way Through Science and Social Studies!
I teach in a small school in Southeast Georgia of about 450 students. We are located in the country, miles from town. We are a Title I school in which all of our students receive free breakfast and lunch. Many of my students even receive supplemental food bags to take home with them on Friday. \r\nMy students walk into my classroom every day full of life, ready to learn, and excited for what I have planned for them that day. Many of my students come from families who have suffered generations of poverty. This pattern of poverty is a driving force for them. They want to learn all they can in order to become the best they can be and break this vicious cycle.
My students will be using the colored pencils, pencils, and glue to actively interact with their journals in Science and Social Studies. We use these journals on a daily basis. They will color code notes, maps, and diagrams. My students love to create unique foldables for vocabulary words and often draws pictures to create a frame of reference for the word. The glue will be used to secure important documents, including the foldables that I just spoke of, inside their journals. The journals make a great reference source for the students all year long. They can review any topic already presented at any time to refresh their minds about the topic. These supplies will also be used for art projects that directly correlate to the content being taught.
My students need colored pencils, pencils, and glue to work in their interactive journals.
2016-07-14 21:18:37
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literature & Writing
Let's Book It To First Grade!
The students in my 1st grade class come from a variety of backgrounds. I teach in a small farming community in South Louisiana. We don't even have a stop light in the whole town. While my students don't have a big town, they have huge ambition. By supporting my class, you are bringing the world to them. The reason I teach is because my students make me laugh, they make me a better teacher, they make me think, and I truly enjoy working with them every day.
What good is a book if you cannot read it? What if you wanted to read something and someone handed you a book written in Latin? Wouldn't you feel frustrated? That is how my students feel when they select books from my classroom's book nook. They do not have a lot to choose from because most of my books are on 2-3rd grade level. Imagine how disappointing that must be to a student that is just leaving Kindergarten! \r\nStudents want to feel successful, and they can accomplish that by reading books on their reading level. This project is for several collections that will appeal to all of my young readers. Not only are they fun and exciting characters (Batman, Superman, Pete the Cat), but they will actually be able to read these books because they are on a first grade reading level. Help my students feel successful and make a small donation to this project. Thank you!
My students need books on grade level for our classroom library.
2016-08-05 21:41:09
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Gym & Fitness, Team Sports
We Like To Move It, Move It!
Our school specializes in integrating science and technology into all subjects. We are preparing our students for the jobs that are created in the future by encouraging creativity and teamwork. Our kindergarten family consists of 4 classrooms with 18 five and six year olds. We are categorized as a \"school of choice\" meaning our kiddo's come from all over our school district. Not only do they come from all over our district, but from all over the world! We have 14 different home languages spoken in kindergarten alone!
Kindergarteners definitely like to move it... A lot!!! Unfortunately, the materials we used in previous years have decayed, disappeared, or have broken. The games that were invented with these materials are no longer available to them. Let's give them some materials to help build those gross motor skills that are necessary to be successful in life! These materials will help all 4 kindergarten classes create and participate in physical activities during our two 30 minute extended PE sessions. This project is kid-inspired in that we (the kindergarten teachers) asked our Kinderkiddos what type of materials they would like to play with outside during extended PE. Leave it to kinderKiddos to request \"throwing things!\"
My students need physical education equipment with a cart to transport it out to the field.
2016-08-31 15:36:17
Grades 3-5
Music & The Arts
Music, Performing Arts
Creating a Global Community of Drummers
I work at a Title I school where all of the students receive free breakfast and free or reduced lunch. Most of our students are from very low-income families and therefore face many challenges and hardships of getting their needs met. \r\nMy students get excited about learning new things.\r\n97% of the school population is Hispanic. Most of the students are enrolled in a dual language program. We also have an arts initiative program that gives our students live experiences and opportunities associated with the arts.
All children should have the opportunity to explore music through drumming. Unfortunately, right now we have no drums in the classroom for our students. Drums are a good way to teach beat and rhythm in music class. All students from Pre-K through 5th grade will use these drums. \r\nDrumming is a great way for children to connect with other cultures from around the world. These different types of drums: steel drum, hand drums, cajons, bongos, and congas will help the students to experience and better understand the differences within our Global society. \r\nOur goal this school year is to have an International program in support of the Arts. These drums will help to achieve that dream for our students.
My students need a variety of drums for the music classroom. Such drums include djembes, hand drums (different sizes), steel drum, cajons, bongos, congas.
2017-01-14 12:57:42
Grades PreK-2
Special Needs, Music & The Arts
Special Needs, Visual Arts
Drawing with Family
I work with the entire student body and see varying degrees of emotional, physical, and academic achievements. Each student is unique, beautiful, and bold in their own way. I serve LGBTQ students who are learning to love themselves. We are located in a rural area, with farmland and trees as far as the eyes can see. \r\n\r\nMy students are creative in ways that are soul-defying, especially when considering some of their poverty level realities in our Title I school. Sixty percent of my students receive free and reduced-price lunches. Every day, I see magnificent progress that can't be measured by a standardized test or determined by a letter grade.
Families will be invited to share with their child in a private lunch and learn session of emotions. Students will share their coping skills learned for self calming techniques by using the Crayola Digitool with the Ipad. This will allow parents to see how students are being required to take responsibility for themselves and use calming, drawing techniques after explosive episodes. Drawing tends to calm students. Verbal communication is often NOT the proper form of communication when a student is in emotional crisis. Students will use the requested Ipad protector to insure technology remains safe and secure. The emotions stickers will be used to reward students during the small group process for displaying or helping others with proper emotional choices. Some of my students are low achieving academically due to explosive behaviors interfering with their learning process. Feeling successful and supported by parents in this emotional area could boost self esteem for failing students, thereby improving the possibility of academic success.
My students need Crayola Digitools Creativity Packs, emotion stickers and an Ipad protective case.
2016-12-23 04:33:49
Grades 3-5
Applied Learning, Health & Sports
Character Education, Health & Wellness
Wobble chairs to help my students wiggle while learning.
Third grade is such a fun age and the students are so curious about the world around them. My third grade students come from very diverse backgrounds and unfortunately most of them are impacted by extreme poverty. My students see their classroom as a safe haven of sort, or an escape from the reality of their home life, and I want them to feel safe and comfortable in their classroom. \r\n\r\nBecause my students have the choice to learn in a 'just right spot,' they need a little help in making flexible seating a reality. Currently students can work at their seat, which is a hard chair, on the floor, on beanbags, on special chairs or one of the two wobble chairs I currently have. I want to provide them a choice. I want my students to be responsible for finding what feels best for them and what kind of seating will make them the best learner that they can be.
In my classroom, you'll see the start of flexible seating. I am slowly trying to convert my classroom to best improve student focus and let them choose how they learn best. For some students this may be a traditional chair at a desk. For other students it's sitting on a mat or on a bean bag.\r\n Many of my third graders like to move around while they work. Traditional seating doesn't allow for movement. I currently have two wobble chairs that I introduced as an experiment and my students love them. They rotate them around so everyone who wants a chance to use one, gets to! For the students that need to wiggle, these chairs satisfy that need. \r\n Another benefit of wobble chairs is that they can strengthen core muscles and the rocking back and forth can help students pay attention. This is especially helpful for students who have trouble with focus and concentration. These wobble chairs give students a choice about where they want to sit. Some prefer regular chairs but for those who need movement, this is it!
My students need 4 wobble chairs for flexible seating and movement in third grade.
2017-03-10 18:51:13
Grades 9-12
Math & Science, Literacy & Language
Health & Life Science, Literacy
Back to the Basics
I currently teach at PEC, an alternative school in Lexington SC. The students I teach are here for a variety of reasons, but the most important one is to get an education. \r\n\r\nToday's students are very talented when it comes to technology, but when they are asked to use or read a book they go into shock. I am a true believer that we must assist our students in being prepared for the \"real\" world and technology is a large piece of that puzzle. The problem is that most of my students are reading at least one grade level behind, so I want to get back to the basics and help them enjoy reading.\r\n\r\nI would like to set up a \"reading center\" in my classroom that will allow students to sit, relax and enjoy reading. This center would be used by students after their work is complete, or when they feel they just need a break. The key is that when they enter the center, they are required to read from a selection of books and magazines that will help further their knowledge and increase their reading levels.
The students at Pair Education Center do not have a school library. It is an alternative school that houses 1st through 12th grade students. Due to the fact that it is an alternative school, the media center is now used as a classroom. \r\nMy goal is to set up a reading center in my classroom that will have books that relate to science, but also books that are appropriate for high school students. In order to help encourage the students, my goal is to have a comfortable rug and bean bag chairs for them to use while they are reading.
My students need to have a safe, relaxing space to enjoy reading. By setting up a reading center with a rug and bean bag chairs, they will have a comfortable place to relax and read.
2016-09-01 00:02:55
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Environmental Science
I Only Come to School For Science
My students have many challenges. I teach Kindergarten at a high poverty title I school. Over 50%. of our students come to school without any preschool and start out with real absentee problems. We have many ELL students. These children come to school with so few learning opportunities. The number one interest these children have is science. These kids are smart, but just haven’t had the life experiences other children have had. They are so starved for these kinds of experiences and hands on opportunities. They are like little sponges absorbing any and everything you say and do with science.
I need these science materials for my science center for all my students to explore and learn. Science is where it starts in Kindergarten to spark an interest about something. They then will want to read, write and do math with science. They are motivated to get their work done just so they can do science things. They can learn and be successful in life if given a chance to blossom in Kindergarten. They just haven't had the life experiences other children have had. I need help purchasing these materials so I can continue motivating these children with science. \r\nWhen I hear, \"I only come to school because we do science stuff\", I know we are reaching out to help them learn to love learning. If science gets them to school and motivates them to learn, it’s all worth it. I hear the kids say all the time, “I love Science”. My parents tell me how much their children love to come to school because they learn cool stuff. Exploring with these science materials will help my students in all areas of the curriculum. All of my materials have worn out and I need funding to purchase new ones. \r\n
My students need a Geosafari Jr. Talking Microscope, Prepared Slides, a Science Viewer, Mold & Play Sand, Speedy Snow and Feel & Find Sensory Tubs for our science center.
2016-09-10 20:49:38
Grades PreK-2
Applied Learning, Health & Sports
Early Development, Health & Wellness
Help Keep Our Snacks and Drinks Cold!
I have a wonderful group of students.\r\n\r\nThis is probably the most enthusiastic group I have had. My students are such eager learners! They remind me every day why I chose to become a teacher! There is no doubt in my mind that I have the best job, at the best school, in a wonderful community. Our school is located in a very large city in a very socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhood. We are in such a large district that many of the smaller schools miss out on a lot of the funding opportunities.
My scholars are in desperate need of a new Compact Refrigerator/Freezer to keep our milk, juice and snacks cold. \r\n\r\nWe have a small refrigerator currently in our classroom that is falling part. This new Compact Refrigerator/Freezer would help keep our snacks, juice and milk cold. We serve breakfast, 2 lunches and 2 snack times in my classroom and need a space to keep the food cold so it doesn't spoil. A new Compact Refrigerator/Freezer would be the solution to keeping our food and drinks cold so that they don't spoil and so the scholars don't get sick. \r\n\r\nPlease help me get a new Compact Refrigerator/Freezer for my scholars'!
My students need a Compact Refrigerator/Freezer to keep our classroom snacks, milk and juice cold.
2016-05-04 20:12:38
Grades 9-12
Special Needs
Special Needs
21st Century Technology for Special Needs Students
In my class of Multiply Disabled students in Camden, New Jersey we are learning to overcome obstacles and break down barriers. Many have little experience with the world outside their tiny socioeconomically depressed neighborhoods. With the proper technological resources there is no stopping us
Camden is the poorest and one of the most dangerous cities in America. Many of my students lack stable home environments and school provides the only safe-haven they know. My students have little experience with the world outside their tiny socioeconomically depressed neighborhoods. With proper technological resources, we can expand the classroom experience outside the walls of our classroom. My students work on lessons that are integrated across content and differentiated to meet their specific needs, interests, and learning styles.
Technological literacy is essential if our students are to be competitive in a 21st Century global economy. As a result of this, integrating technology into classroom instruction should be one of the top priorities of any good educator. Access to technology would allow students to work independently and cooperatively as active participants in the learning process rather than passive recipients of information which would ensure they develop a better depth of knowledge of the concepts they are learning. It also allows for differentiation not only on the basis of academic levels but for interests as well. My students need a ipad to help them gain the skills that will enable them to compete in a 21st Century global economy.
Using the ipad in a collaborative learning environment for researching, writing and mathematical application skills rather than just simple drills and practice helps foster student creativity, collaboration, and communication. Technology allows instruction to be highly customizable; students can work independently as active participants in the learning process rather than passive recipients of information
My students need an ipad and cover to help them gain the technological skills that are necessary to compete in a 21st century workforce.
2017-04-20 00:26:14
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
A Place For Everything!
I am very fortunate to teach 25 amazing 2nd grade students from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and home languages. When they come to my classroom, I want them to find it to be a very nurturing, positive, and comfortable place where every child can not only learn, but thrive. \r\n\r\nPart of feeling comfortable and secure in a setting is predictability: knowing where to find needed items and where things belong at clean up. All of these items will provide structure and comfort in the classroom for years to come. \r\n
Students will learn how to better organize themselves for success by having a place for everything and everything in its place. My students have a small desk space to keep all of their things. For many students, keeping this small, open space neat and organized is a challenge. These chair pockets, along with the library bins, will help young students to easily define where everything goes and help them save time when retrieving items for years to come. Our class bean bag is a cherished reading space, but it is worn from years of use and in need of replacement.
My students need Chairback Buddy pockets, along with classroom library supplies to maximize our space and enhance our organization and efficiency.
2016-06-15 10:49:21
Grades 9-12
Math & Science, Special Needs
Health & Life Science, Special Needs
Real Life Biology In Your Hand
We are the proud students in a state that is made up of mainly low income families with graduation rates in the high 60%'s. Science is best learned with hands on techniques and with equipment that will help bring the material to our view. In biology, we love to experience the pictures and readings in real life. Unfortunately, with barely having enough money to have food, we cannot afford to have the equipment that would help us find new hands on experiences. \r\n\r\nWe are a class made up of mainly Hispanic and Caucasian backgrounds and all have some sort of learning disabilities, some more severe than others. We help each other as much as we can and enjoy everything we do.
Microscopes and the study of cells are essential in a biology class. Students with learning disabilities need more support so they know exactly what is asked of them. Currently, it is hard to show the students what to look for in the microscopes because it has to be individually done. With the use of the teaching microscope, I can show the class what they are supposed to be looking for and explain other details that they might see through the microscopes. \r\n\r\nThe items I am asking for will support their learning by giving them many different examples to look at. The items will help them understand the differences in the cells and what to look for when they are studying.
My students need to see what they are learning with hands-on activities. They will know exactly what to look for with the use of the digital teaching microscope.
2016-08-17 16:35:13
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
First Grade Back to School Fun!
We are a student centered classroom that is excited to take large leaps this school year! A typical day in my classroom revolves around hands-on activities and exploration for students to engage and grow independently!\r\n\r\nA large majority of my students are ESL and come from a Title I community (77% of our students are free or reduced lunch.)\r\n\r\nOur students are very motivated and hard working, which makes coming to work every day an exciting adventure. As a very ethnically diverse school, our students have a variety of cultural and economic backgrounds. Our students have a thirst for learning, and I aim to provide each child with the tools they need to be successful!
My students need these organizational materials to allow them to become highly involved in all subjects daily. Notebooks, paper, pencils, ink, and markers are a necessity for teachers to create engaging lessons for students to enjoy. My students will benefit greatly by incorporating hands-on materials with white boards and crafts for science, social studies, math and literacy. \r\n\r\nI would like rich and rigorous materials that will challenge my students on a daily basis. By providing materials like timers, erasers and labels, it will allow transition time to diminish and students to take their understanding to a whole new level! \r\n\r\nMath and literacy stations are a part of our schedule daily, where students are able to access online interactive resources for remediation or enrichment. Headphones are essential to allow centers to run smoothly, and time to be used to its highest potential!
My students need these materials daily to access our curriculum. Whether headphones for online interactive programs or crafting fun, these materials will engage students for hands on learning!
2016-07-26 12:20:28
Grades 3-5
Math & Science
Applied Sciences
Young Scientists will soar with Scholastic Magazine
I love to see the expression on my students faces when I enter their classrooms and hear my students say \"Yay it's time for science intervention\". My goal is to continue to spark this curiosity and love of science with ALL my students as science plays a critical role in their lives. \r\n\r\n\r\nMy students attend a high poverty elementary school in Cleveland, Ohio. All of the children receive free breakfast and lunch. My students have a love of learning despite their socioeconomic backgrounds. \r\n\r\nI constantly focus on my students growth and potential as I'm always encouraging my students that they can do anything they set their mind to accomplish. \r\n
My students will use the Scholastic magazines once a week. \"Super Science\" allows my students to improve not only their science skills but it reinforces many important reading skills such as reading comprehension, finding the main idea and cause and effect. This magazine also teaches students math skills by using different types of graphs. \r\n\r\n This will help my students develop a deeper understanding for science and how it applies to the real world. This science magazine will make them more excited about learning and expose them to relevant current events. \r\n\r\n Students will also get to take the magazines home to share with their families and continue to read outside of school. \r\n
My students need Super science magazine from Scholastic in order to increase their comprehension skills through current events.
2016-09-01 00:39:55
Grades 3-5
Math & Science, History & Civics
Environmental Science, Social Sciences
Information for Motivation
My creative students are yearning to learn more and more about the world around them. They come from all walks of life and face an assortment of challenges daily. My students and I are part of a tight knit Title 1 school with varying levels of support, but we come to school ready to create.\r\n\r\nOur school is a community of educators passionate about teaching our vast diversity of students.\r\nBeing a Title 1 school means to us, that we have many students who come to school and specifically my classroom, under prepared but very eager to learn. My students are creative and kind, connected and bright. They care about one another and they care about their learning. I care deeply about them and want to provide them with all they need to maximize their learning. Being a new teacher with a minimal budget, I am currently unable to purchase the things I need to teach the lessons I want to teach.
My creative students are yearning to learn more and more about the world around them. They come from all walks of life and face an assortment of challenges daily. My students and I are part of a tight knit Title 1 school with varying levels of support, but we come to school ready to create.\r\nOur school is a community of educators passionate about teaching our vast diversity of students.\r\nBeing a Title 1 school means to us, that we have many students who come to school and specifically my classroom, under prepared but very eager to learn. My students are creative and kind, connected and bright. They care about one another and they care about their learning. I care deeply about them and want to provide them with all they need to maximize their learning. Being a new teacher with a minimal budget, I am currently unable to purchase the things I need to teach the lessons I want to teach. I am requesting a subscription for the entire 3rd grade, to a scientific Scholastic's weekly publication, as well as a color printer and other supplies needed to create student work that will be of a presentable quality. My hope for my students is that they will be able to complete a bi-weekly presentation on current events as well as report on other information they find interesting. They will use the magazines and informational texts to conduct their research and spark their interest in researching further beyond the books we have in the classroom. The students will create visuals and type written reports to fulfill the 3rd Grade Common Core Standards. Students will create work they are proud of and will feel confident in their research due to the fact that they will have up to date information.
My students need Scholastic's subscriptions of informational text specific to science, and a color printer to aid in a clearer picture of diagrams and other information they produce for evidence of mastery in class presentations.
2016-09-09 14:46:08
Grades 3-5
Applied Learning
Making a Makerspace LEGO Wall
The amazing students at Crippen Elementary mostly come to us from a low socio-economic loving homes. Our school is the calm and comfort in many of their lives. \r\n\r\nOur students love to learn and are always striving to do their best with what they have. They are energetic and creative when given the tools to succeed.\r\n\r\nI love the opportunity to work with these children on a daily basis and my personal goal is to bring them experiences that they may not have the chance to experience anywhere else in their lives.
Our library is in the process of undergoing a transformation. We are creating makerspaces for our students to learn from creative play and exploration. We want this LEGO wall to be the central focus of our makerspace. We have already received the LEGOs from a local donor, but are in need of the baseplates to bring this LEGO wall to reality. \r\n\r\nThis LEGO wall will give our students the opportunity to effectively create their own masterpieces over and over again for the whole school to see. I look forward to our students having this opportunity to express themselves in a creative way.
My students need 52 lego baseplates to create a LEGO wall in out library makerspace
2016-09-19 21:36:56
Grades PreK-2
Applied Learning
Early Development
Cooking Up a New Classroom!
My students are just beginning school and their educational paths. Their young minds are so fun to work with and they seem so excited to come to school and learn.\r\nBut due to the flood some of my students have not only lost their classroom and been displaced to a temporary school, but they have also lost their homes. They are not understand the reality of what is going on, so they are scared of the new place they are in. Anything that can make them feel like home and a some normalcy would be so helpful.
My students lost everything in our classroom, including all of our supplies, and learning materials. As a teacher it is not only my job to teach my students how to read, write and do math; it is also my job to teach them right from wrong, how to communicate and socialize and be good people in this world.\r\n\r\nDramatic play is an extremely valuable part of the daily curriculum and is one way to teach students social skills. It also helps release tension, learn the difference between reality and fantasy, they feel powerful and have the ability to make choices and learn how to distinguish between right and wrong. \r\n\r\nHelp my students get back to normal and feel at home with their dramatic play kitchen.
My students need a kitchen set to help complete our centers, where students learn social skills.
2016-09-29 10:21:30
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
Gathering to Learn!
My students attend fourth grade. Most of the population is of Hispanic or African American descent and come from low-income households. All of the students at my school receive free breakfast and lunch every day. Many of my students have English as a second language, with Spanish being their native language. For most of my students, Spanish is the primary language spoken at home and by their parents and family members. Many of my students try their best to complete work and understand it, but they struggle due to parents having to work to support families or the need to help with other siblings. My students take the time spent in school to learn as much as they can and to achieve great goals. However, they do not always have all of the tools or resources needed at home. With all of this said, my students come to school everyday with a willingness and strive to learn.
This table will bring another spot for students to gather with peers or with a teacher to learn. The table will offer extra seating as well due to limited space in the classroom. At this table valuable learning moments will occur. Students will also benefit from the shape of this table as it allows the teacher to be in the middle and work with all students throughout their time together. This table will also benefit learning by allowing students to write directly on the table which will enhance engagement in the lesson and will show students that learning can be fun!
My students need a table to sit at for small group instruction and guided reading.
2016-08-03 22:37:49
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
Sharpened and Ready Fourth Grade Learners.
My students are inquisitive, unique, and curious little learners. They like to read and learn and are very expressive. Many of them are from single parent homes with one or no working parents. While my students have not control over their family's financial status, it should not ever be something that hinders them from being all that they can be. My young scholars are looking for motivation in everything that they do, see, and are exposed to. Some of the things and situations they have been exposed to are completely out of their control but I believe, that with motivated teachers, data-based instruction, and the proper tools and motivation, the sky is the limit for each and every one of my students!
This project will make a big difference for my students and their learning. It might be surprising but it is a daily struggle to provide students with sharpened pencils and an adequate space for guided reading and small group instruction. \r\n\r\nProviding germ-free learning, with sanitized hands would greatly improve student attendance, giving students the opportunity to learn more and practice essential skills for learning. My students struggle most with reading and mathematics. For that reason, their learning would improve substantially with the help of a guided reading organization center and a math problem solving center.\r\n\r\nMy students deserve to learn, without having to worry about where they will sit or if they will have pencils to do homework with. I think that these supplies will help them to feel empowered and motivated. I know that many of my students are working on building the confidence to be the learners they want to be but I'm confident that, with these basic tools for success, my students will stimulate their young minds.
My students need a guided reading table, pencils, a pencil sharpener, math aids, and some other essentials to help them be successful and prepared learners this school year.
2017-03-03 12:58:02
Grades 6-8
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Markers and Glue Sticks and Highlighters Oh My!
Our school is located in a large, urban city with a diverse population. Many of my students come from homes in which English is not the only language spoken, and some have come to us from other countries. The majority of my students receive a free lunch. I am lucky enough to teach an awesome group of middle school students who are creative, eager, and enthusiastic! They are always interested in learning more about a topic and constantly challenge me to be on my toes! I teach students in the bottom 20% of their grade level, and those who are in the top 20% of their grade level for reading and are in need of materials to challenge and inspire them.
My students are a hard working group and are always interested in the challenge of a new project. Having all of the necessary supplies makes it much easier to complete activities and it allows students to have a larger variety of learning experiences. The supplies we are requesting would not only help them complete the projects, but they would help them keep their work together and organized.\r\n\r\nHighlighters, folders, paper, and baskets aren't very exciting, but they are necessary for my students to keep themselves organized and be successful. My students need new supplies as we head into the second half of the school year. They need markers and post-its to annotate text that they read. They need glue sticks and poster paper to complete projects such as timelines and biography boards. Markers and pens will help us make sure we write down all important information that we learn. The baskets will be used to hold our library books and the stickers will help us keep those books organized. Having new supplies will help keep them organized and on the road to success. I know that tape, markers, folders, and paper don't sound very glamorous, but we really need them.
My students need a variety of supplies such as tape, glue sticks and markers to help us complete projects and classwork!
2016-09-27 20:13:43
Grades 3-5
Music & The Arts
Making Music Technical - Adding iPads To The Music Classroom!
This year, I am opening a brand new school as one of the two music teachers. \r\n\r\nMy students are going to be the driving force of the culture and environment of our new school as its population will be comprised of students from two neighboring elementary schools. We will be a melting pot of cultures, races, economic levels, and personalities! My students need technology and engaging activities to make music relevant for them and I am looking forward to the challenge!
My students need to be able to practice their fundamental music skills through apps on the iPad. It is important that my students can apply these stills in composition and arranging with the iPad. Also, our music curriculum has many technology links and the students will be able to complete tasks on a small scale. This will help the students solidify their skills while creating their own music! My students will be using apps on the iPad to compose, arrange, and record music for project-based learning which makes the learning life-long! Our music class will become a very exciting time when we can integrate this technology!
My students need two iPad Minis to increase our use of technology in the classroom.
2016-10-11 18:46:28
Grades 9-12
Literacy & Language
ESL, Literacy
Getting Crafty to Share Our Stories
English is more than just reading stories and writing essays. Just ask any student about the songs they wrote advocating for one aspect of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, or about the menus they created to open a discussion about foods from their home countries. English for these students is a pathway to connection and to exploring a new community of people from all over the world.\r\n\r\nMy students are all recently arrived newcomers.\r\n\r\nThey have been in the United States for less than four years. They come from a wide variety of countries such as Yemen, Haiti, Tibet and Senegal. In my classroom, there are over 15 languages spoken including Urdu, Arabic and Haitian Creole. We see this diversity as an incredible opportunity, but one that needs different types of support to be successful. This success is supported through the project-based approach of my school and classroom. We love to create and build things to help us understand concepts and to help us show what we know about what we have learned. Such hands-on support builds opportunities to learn a language while celebrating diversity.
I am requesting a Silhouette Cameo craft cutting machine. With the Silhouette craft cutter, students will be introduced to the world of digital fabrication as a way to share their stories with the world. They will learn how to use digital files and their own drawings to cut, draw and/or etch designs into a variety of materials such as paper and vinyl. Having a craft cutter in our English classroom will provide opportunities for students to develop traditional language literacy alongside the ever-growing need for technological literacy. Students can use the Silhouette craft cutter in innovative, new ways. For example, students will be challenged to develop a short memoir about their lives, develop and design a book cover, and then use the craft cutter with vinyl or paper to cut the shapes needed to create the book to share their stories.\r\n\r\nHaving a Silhouette Craft Cutter in our classroom will change my students' lives for the better by helping them explore their creativity using new and exciting materials and processes while developing language and technological literacy.\r\n\r\nAs technology continues to have a larger and larger role in the job market, providing students with the opportunity to practice their English while also expressing their ideas freely through multiple modalities in high school will help my students become more college and career ready.
My students need a Silhouette Cameo machine to assist them in creating books to tell their personal immigration stories.
2016-08-17 12:51:51
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science, Literacy & Language
Applied Sciences, Literacy
AmaZON Technology Can Set Our Learning on FIRE!
Teaching in the poorest big city in the United States as stated by the U.S. Census Bureau, my students are faced with many challenges that many adults won't experience in their life time. \r\n\r\nIt is my goal to create a classroom environment that excites students the moment they walk into the door, so much that they are motivated to learn and want to come to school each day. \r\n\r\nAs an African American woman, who grew up in a low-income community, serving African American students from a low-income community, I see a reflection of myself. I know how having better tools and resources for a classroom can have positive academic outcomes for scholars as well as create a classroom culture that fosters differentiated learning among students. \r\n\r\nKindergarten is always an exciting time for both teachers and parents. It's my scholars first real experience in the public school system. My bunch of kindergarten students are bold, creative, and energetic! These projects will give them a strong academic foundation, resulting in their positive outlook on education.
Every scholar is different and has individual learning styles that contribute to their unique educational skill sets. The Amazon Fire Kids tablet will allow my students to have access to technology, which can serve as a research tool, intervention resource, or extension activity. As an Expeditionary Learning School, students conduct their research from books, field work, and online sources. \r\n\r\nWhen you donate to our project, you allow me to offer my scholars differentiated approaches to their learning, enabling them to connect, relate to and understand academic concepts.\r\n\r\nAs kindergarten students', comprehension and literacy skills serve as their foundation for learning and are key to their success in their learning expeditions. The Amazon Fire Kids Tablet will allow my students to have access to audio books, literacy games, and educational videos. \r\n\r\nHelp my kindergarten scholars research the world around them in a way that relates to their technological world!
My students need Five Amazon Fire Kids edition tablets for small group interventions, extension activities, and as a technological method to conduct research for their learning expeditions.
2016-08-23 20:55:16
Grades 6-8
Math & Science, Literacy & Language
Environmental Science, Literacy
STEM-tastic Inquiry Across the Curriculum
My 120 6th grader earth science scholars are curious about the natural world and excited to learn new science concepts. The scholars love doing science investigations and inquiry research. Scholars come to class motivated to learn more about their topic and eager to share their new learning with their classmates. The classroom often buzzes with exclamations like “do we get to work on our projects today?” or “can we present our project first?”\r\n\r\nMy scholars have few outside resources to help prepare them to be college and career ready. 95% of my scholars come from low income households where access to technology is often limited. With 40% of my scholars English Learners (EL) and 18% diverse learners, I would like to be able provide them with resources that allow them to express their learning using aural and visual modalities. Students who struggle to express meaning through words will be given options that allow them to be successful communicators.
My scholars need access to technology to explore STEM learning through a multimodal approach. Chromebooks would allow my scholars to collaborate and participate in cross-curricular inquiry-based learning. Access to chromebooks will provide our scholars with an engaging, interactive component that is presently lacking in the classroom. Our 6th grade departmental model will be enhanced by utilizing chromebooks to allow for more collaboration across content areas and an increase in digital literacy. As the science teacher, I am looking forward to collaborating with Mr. Hock, the math teacher, and Ms. Seedhouse, the literacy teacher, on cross-disciplinary inquiry work bringing STEM learning and literacy alive!\r\n\r\nScholars will be engaged in inquiry work in each content area: science, math, literacy, social science and computer science. Multimodal composition projects such as videos, podcasts, blogs, collages, audio essays, comic strips, and storyboards will be designed, produced and shared by scholars to showcase their new understandings. \r\n\r\nParticularly in Science, scholars will use the chromebooks to find and take photos that represent various stages in the nutrient cycle and assemble their images into a digital collage. Groups of scholars will create videos using everyday materials to represent the different types of rocks and how they change through the process of the rock cycle. Storyboards can be created using video clips and images to show scholar understanding of fossil formation. Clay and other materials can be used to create stop motion videos to illustrate the processes of mountain building, volcanic formation and earthquakes. Groups will create podcasts demonstrating their understanding of the processes involved in severe weather phenomena. With chromebooks and collaboration, the possibilities of creating multimodal composition projects and sharing learning are endless.\r\n
My students need 9 Samsung Chromebooks to create multimodal STEM projects.
2016-11-02 13:23:56
Grades 9-12
Literacy & Language
ESL, Literacy
Shelves and Storage for Saints' Stories
The students at PMC are working towards getting an associate's degree by the time they graduate high school! They are highly motivated, but since there are no testing requirements to gain admittance to Pathways, many of them face a much steeper uphill battle to perform the required tasks. We have many ESL and ELL students, and one hundred percent of our student population is on free or reduced price lunch plans. We need your help to give them an equitable chance to be successful in their academic careers!\r\nStudents at PMC gain admittance based on a lottery system. We don't pick favorites and we don't sift through the applications to find students that would be \"easier\" to graduate. We are here to help and our students need us very much. A large percentage of our students are not native English speakers, and their reading levels struggle as a result. Our school is about equity. No student is going to be taught ways to take shortcuts. These kids need your help!
Books are important. In order to have life-long learners, we must create an environment that doesn't just encourage a love of reading but cultivates it. To help nurture their passion for reading, we must provide our students with as many different titles as possible as well as having multiple copies to encourage group readings.\r\nWe need shelves to make our books accessible to our students. We have run out of shelving for new titles because of our limited library, but we cannot let us believe that we have done what is necessary to develop our students' literacy. We need your help!
My students need access to as many titles as possible, and as our library grows, we are limited by our ability to store these books properly and have them accessible for students.
2016-05-01 19:08:38
Grades 9-12
Literacy & Language
Organizing Against the School to Prison Pipeline
I work to engage students by presenting information that is relevant to their everyday lives. I offer them choice in what they learn. We read. We talk. We uncover and learn.
I work at a school that is made up of a population that is almost 100% free and reduced lunch. Many of my students come into my class disengaged and disaffected. Last year my school suspended 38% of our students. I want to empower my students to effect change in their lives and in their community through the texts we read.
My students will use these texts to uncover the truth about the systems within which we all live. I work to only talk/teach for 1/3 of class time. I believe that students need 2/3 of class to work and uncover, and that students will be more engaged if they have choice.
These materials will make a difference because students must be central in the movement to stop the school to prison pipeline. I believe that the voice of youth must be heard. These texts will give them the knowledge to speak out on issues that directly impact their lives -- both present and future.
My students need books (both informational and literary/fictional) in order to uncover what is causing the school to prison pipeline.
2017-03-19 21:03:30
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
The Language of Mathematics
What makes my students special? Simply stated, their unadulterated love of life, their resilience, and their genuine delight in the littlest things. My Kindergarteners are phenomenal students. They have come together from all walks of life and have formed a close knit, solid community of learners and doers. They are an active and inquisitive bunch of boys and girls who love to play, and who do not hesitate to get wholly involved in whatever is going on in our classroom.
How do we define math? According to the state standards, math for kindergarteners encompasses counting and cardinality, an understanding and facility with simple addition and subtraction, a sense of space and structure as revealed through their knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes, and a facility with measurement, data collection and interpretation. Every bit of this language of math is attainable when taught the right way. My kindergarteners learn best by being actively involved. There is a time for active listening in small and large groups as subject matter is taught, and there is a time for paper and pencil tasks. We also need to play so that we can build on what we are seeing and hearing.
My students need interactive math games and toys to use during choice time.
2016-12-20 19:18:05
Grades 6-8
Applied Learning, Special Needs
College & Career Prep, Special Needs
Chromebooks for the Innovative Classroom
My students are young, excited learners with diverse backgrounds. They are always eager to take on new challenges and explore. My students are high achievers and are from various different economic backgrounds. Our school is considered to be a school of need according to the number of students that qualify financially for free lunch programs. \r\n\r\nMy students are sixth, seventh, and eighth graders who love doing things hands-on, moving, and being creative.\r\n\r\nThey love working together and creating ideas. The school that they attend is half Arts Magnet and half regular school. My students are a part of the regular school. Therefore, they don't have access to resources that the Arts Magnet school does.
My technology lab is outdated. We still have large computer screens, CPUs, long computer tables, and chords galore that take up so much space in the classroom. As the technology teacher, I am currently turning a regular looking technology classroom into a modern day technology lab that is more modern and functional, contians comfy stations and unique working desks fit for groups to work together at.\r\nThe chromebooks requested will replace the old computer systems and will allow my students to have more space on their new desks. The chromebooks will also allow my students to be able to move with them. We do a lot of group projects, so being able to move around with them is necessary. Most importantly, for my special needs students who are in a wheel chair, a chromebook is easier for them to work on because they can place them in their lap instead of having to deal with trying to reach the computer on a computer table that is not high enough for them to fit their wheelchair under.
My students need chromebooks for our new and innovative technology lab.
2017-03-26 19:52:54
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Environmental Science
Encouraging Pollinators With Our Bee & Butterfly Garden!
My students are a wonderful group of amazing kids who have goals and aspirations just like many children. However, many struggle with the barriers of poverty, language acquisition, special needs and both parents working very long hours. Some of our children have emotional needs and are living in homeless shelter motels that have recently opened in our area. \r\n\r\nMy high-poverty students strive to succeed, but are limited by the lack of resources available in our small public school environment. We're trying hard to change that dynamic! Many of my students dream of becoming science and technology leaders. I endeavor to support their dreams to the best of my abilities. My kids are the hardest working group of individuals I've been given the joy of educating!
My weekend warriors will meet me Saturday mornings to design, plan, build and maintain an organic habitat to encourage the population growth of butterflies and bees in our area. We will begin by researching current media sources to learn about the serious decline of our pollinators. Our next steps will be to gather ideas and strategies that we can implement in our future garden for butterflies, and especially bees, to make it successful.\r\nDoing our part to build a garden sanctuary for these helpful pollinators will be our most important environmental endeavor! We will use the books for research, the paper and markers for planting schematics, seeds for planting, and butterfly growing kits to educate ourselves about their habitat and needs. \r\nThank you in advance for your consideration of our children's education in stewardship for the plight of bees, butterflies and other pollinators!
My students need butterfly garden growing kits for hands-on, up close learning, seeds and books to learn more about bees and butterflies.
2016-08-01 10:03:56
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Music & The Arts
Literacy, Visual Arts
Incorporating Literacy in the Art Room!
Every day I greet my students at the door with a warm smile and a joyful hello as we are about to embark on an exciting art journey together. I can feel their positive energy and excitement as they enter my room, which makes me a very happy art teacher!\r\n\r\nMy students are the best!\r\nThey follow my 3 simple rules of the art room...A is for \"Attentive\"....R is for \"Respectful\" and T is for \"Try your best.\" They show their respect for their art teacher and their classmates by being attentive during demonstrations and sharing of ideas. They treat each other with kindness and love to be a \"helper\" when another child is struggling. Lastly, they always try their hardest to express themselves through their art. They are truly amazing children. They excitedly raise their hands to share what they know and always show such enthusiasm to learn about a new artist or subject we are studying. My school is full of a wonderful staff that works together to try and teach interdisciplinary lessons whenever possible, to further enrich the child's learning experience. Art is a wonderful way to connect the learning across math, science, literacy and math!
There's no doubt that most children LOVE to be read to. I also love reading to them and am so happy when I can begin a lesson sharing a book with them that reflects on a short personal story about an artist or about a theme that reflects on the art lesson I am about to teach. \r\nI am hoping to get some child-friendly books and plush characters for the Art Room that will make the learning memorable for children so they truly understand what the Art lesson is all about. Through the incorporation of literature in the Art Room, I feel that the children will have a stronger understanding of content and enjoy their hands-on experience even more. Art should never be taught in isolation, but understood and experienced in all subjects across the board. I'd love to build an Art Library so that a love of literacy can be experienced in my room too!
My students need books and visuals that connect to our Art lessons to endure a deeper understanding of content!
2016-09-09 09:27:42
Grades 3-5
Math & Science, History & Civics
Applied Sciences, History & Geography
Reading Our Way Through Science And Social Studies
My students are an amazing group of fifth graders who have a love for reading. They are hard working, kind, considerate, and usually think of others before themselves. \r\n\r\n My students are a diverse group of students that include bilingual, English language learners, and special education at a Title 1 school. Many of my students are from low income/one income families where funds are limited and usually only used for necessities. My students would love to have access to wonderful non-fiction Science and Social Studies Graphic Novels and readers at their finger tips! \r\n
The books I am requesting will provide a fun and exciting way to learn about certain topics in Science and Social Studies. We really want our students to fully learn and understand Science and Social Studies. These books will help build background knowledge, explain a topic in depth, and build Science and Social Studies skills students might already know. \r\n\r\nDonations for this project will help build and foster the love for reading while incorporating Science and Social Studies. \r\n\r\nI want to help my students fully understand Science and Social Studies and this project will help build their love for reading with fun topics.
My students need fun and exciting non-fiction Science and Social Studies readers.
2016-06-02 11:08:09
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Escape Into Small Group World
\"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction YOU CHOOSE!\" - Dr. Seuss \r\n\r\nMy students are wiggling children who love to learn. They range from five to six years of age. In the case of most of my students they need to wiggle to listen. These students come from home lives where they sit in a boring chair or lay on the floor and play video games all day.
This comfy rug will be used to replace a much older/worn rug in my classroom. The new rug will be used for my small group reading centers and working with the students individually. The students will be able to sit on the rug during small group to learn in a comfy environment. The students will sit on eight of the twelve pillows during small group to make it more of a welcoming area. The extra four pillows will be used on the small group bench. The students will use these pillows when they come to work with me one-on-one of test and class work.
My students need this rug, throw pillows and covers.
2016-08-12 12:18:52
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
iPad for Ms. Sampson's 2nd Graders
My students come from very diverse backgrounds. Many come from homes where English is not the primary language. Many others live in poverty. Our school is 70% free or reduced lunch. Being a smaller school we tend to miss out on some of the technology opportunities provided for larger schools. Many of my students do not have a home computer or technology at home. I desire to provide them with access to these learning opportunities inside our classroom and am asking for your help!\r\n\r\n Despite many students coming from hardships they show up to school every day with a desire to learn and succeed. My wish is provide them with the tools to accomplish this!
My students would love to use the latest technology in our classroom. An iPad would enhance their learning and prepare them for the future. There are many apps for the iPad that will give my students independent practice in reading, writing, and math. Additionally, the iPad would be used to provide intervention for struggling students. I plan to make the iPad part of our behavior management plan and use it as a reward for extra hard work and commitment to success in our classroom. \r\n\r\nThis iPad will keep my students excited and engaged in their learning!\r\nIt will prepare them for a future of using technology. I will be able to use this iPad each year with my students to enhance their learning.
My students need an iPad to use a behavior incentive and educational tool in the classroom. Apps will be used for enrichment as well as intervention in small group and peer to peer learning settings.
2016-08-12 22:47:01
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
Technology is key!
My students come from rural areas in a small community. They range in income from middle class to poor and homeless. Our school is made of predominately low income families. The majority of our students will qualify for free or reduced lunches. Many children come to school with minimal environmental exposure. \r\n\r\nWe have a huge responsibility to close that gap so that each and every child has an equal opportunity for the very best public education possible. This project will advance my students in all academic areas. It will also increase their overall self awareness and confidence.
In my classroom, students are expected to use technology in all areas of learning. We will be taking a computerized test within the first month of school! These students are 5 and 6 year olds. Some have never even touched the keyboard of a computer. It is crucial for public schools to become updated with better technology. \r\nThese computers will be a valuable asset to each and every child in my classroom for many years to come! This technology is extremely important so that they can be successful throughout elementary school, high school and college. This is our ultimate goal!
My students need updated technology in the classroom. We have 21 students this year and only 3 working computers! Students are spending more and more time using and learning through the use of technology.
2016-08-23 21:24:06
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
A Place For Everything, Everything In Its Place
Have you ever seen what a group of Kindergarten students can do to a classroom? It can become a disorganized disaster in no time at all! Along with teaching children academics, teachers also need to teach children organizational skills. Having a place for everything is crucial in order for children to learn these vital life skills.\r\n\r\nMy classroom ranges from 14-20 students, aged four to six.\r\nThey are an energetic and enthusiastic bunch! One of my favorite things to hear is, \"I read this all by myself!\" I know I am doing my job when I hear that. The school is in a rural community with a significant number of students that qualify for free or reduced lunch. It's a strong community that works closely with the school to assure the success of our students. Unfortunately, school budgets have been reduced, so there are no funds to purchase things like this organizer for our classrooms.
Books, books, books. If students are going to learn to read, they must be able to put their hands on books every single day! We use the Daily 5 program in class. With this program, students need to be able to access books that they can read. We like to call these \"good fit\" books. Each student has their own set of books that she or he can read successfully. Having a place to store these so they are readily accessible and organized will help make this happen.\r\n\r\nStudents will see the classroom as an organized place.\r\nIt is my hope that by modeling a clean and organized classroom, students will see the value and benefit of being organized themselves. This 16-tray organizer with four extra tray bins to accommodate a class of 20 students, helps accomplish this. What could be more important than learning to read as well as learning to be organized?
My students need an organized place to store their books so they are readily available to them.
2016-08-27 17:01:07
Grades 9-12
Literacy & Language, Special Needs
ESL, Special Needs
Getting Fired Up to Read!
My students are all from Worcester, MA. 90% of the students in my classroom are minorities. Each student has an Individulaized Education Plan(IEP) and many are English language learners. The majority of my students are eligible for free or reduced lunch. Some of these students are on track to be the first person in their family to receive a high school diploma. \r\n\r\nThe classroom provides them with a safe learning environment with predictable structure, expectations, rules, and consequences. The students spend their education time working to overcome their learning difficulties. Many are working to attend a 2 or 4 year college or trade school after graduation. \r\n
While the classroom and school libraries have a good selection of books, there are rarely more than one or two copies of each. The Kindle reader will enable students to read one book together or many books individually. The vast library of available books will enable any student to discover a book that interests him.\r\n\r\nBest of all, the ability to utilize text-to-speech as well as being able to have the books translated will ensure each student, in my classroom, will be able to access the material.\r\n\r\nThe increased exposure to a wide variety of books in an easily transportable format will improve vocabulary, expand comprehension and engage all learners.
My students need 11 Kindle Fire tablets to access a variety of reading materials with the benefit of text to speech as well as being able to have the reading material translated.
2017-04-20 17:43:56
Grades 6-8
Applied Learning, Music & The Arts
Character Education, Visual Arts
Dapper Displays for Artistic Aviators!
How can we promote creativity, build confidence, encourage expression, and instill a love for the visual arts, all in one step? By showcasing and displaying student work to their communities and beyond. Showcasing student work demonstrates that you, as their teacher, care about what they're making or trying to say visually. It also makes your students feel important, successful, and proud of their creations. \r\n\r\nThe students in my classroom are brilliant, young minds who use art as a form of positive expression. It helps them deal with the (sometimes extreme) trails and tribulations they experience daily. For many of my students, art has become an outlet for decompression, therapy, and normality. They pour their heart and soul into what they make, as it resonates that deeply with them. \r\n\r\nI always want my students to know how much I care about them and the art they make. I also want them to know how important it is that they are making this art. For these reasons, I take every opportunity to showcase their work - whether it be digitally on our Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram pages, or displayed in the many area art shows.
Having a new set of mobile display boards to showcase student artwork will promote student engagement in the arts, build student moral and creative confidence, invite community involvement, and improve the visual climate of our school.\r\n\r\nStudents get excited when they see their work on display.\r\nIt gives them a sense of pride and accomplishment. It also promotes discussion about art among students, allows for self-reflection, and makes their learning environment a more colorful, fun, and energizing place to be.\r\n\r\nAs of now, the display boards we currently use were purchased in 2001, making them 15 years old. The fabrics that cover the boards are ripped and torn. The boards themselves are dented and warped from extensive use over the years. (Not to mention we have multiple colors of boards, which doesn't necessarily look visually appealing. The boards are also not very mobile. They are heavy, have no wheels, and require a dolly to move them one at a time. When it comes to setting up a large art show, this task in itself is very daunting. Also, because of their mass and immobility, we use them ONLY for the 2 art shows a year that take place in our building. They take up a lot of space in storage.\r\n\r\nIf we had a set of light-weight, mobile Screenflex display boards, art could be displayed throughout the building year-round, and in different locations! My students would be so excited to see more of their work displayed throughout their school. The set-up and take-down of art shows would become much more painless and time efficient, and the space taken up in storage would be much more minimal. Please consider helping us out!
My students need 3 Screenflex display boards to showcase their work.
2016-11-30 10:19:47
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Applied Learning
Literacy, Parent Involvement
I Can Read and Retell Stories at Home
Ours is an urban elementary school in St Paul. We are a neighborhood school serving mainstream students as well as many bilingual students who are learning English. Some of our students have recently arrived in the United States and did not have an opportunity to attend school before. About 86% of our students receive free and reduces lunches.\r\n \r\nMy students come to first grade eager for learning, and their parents are equally eager to support their children in learning, especially in learning to read. They are are happy to have their children in school, and they are happy to work with me to help their children become readers and thinkers. \r\n
This year I am engaging the families of my first graders through home visits and academic parent teacher teams. The families of my students are excited about helping their beginning readers by reading books at home and helping them develop a deeper understanding of the book by talking about the books they read at home.\r\n\r\n In my class I have students who are new to the United States and are learning to speak English as well as learning to read in English.\r\n\r\nThey need interesting books at a beginning reading level to take home to read with their families. The books in the Red Rocket Reader series provides beginning readers just what they need to be successful: a simple, repetitive text with beautiful pictures that match the words. The books they are asking for are about funny animals, children playing, children working together, families, going fishing, and other familiar topics. This supports the comprehension of beginning readers.\r\n\r\nWhile learning to read even the most beginning books, my students need to be able to talk about the story and retell it. Students will learn to think about what the story is about (characters, setting, and events) and about what happens in the story and why. When students take the books home parents will be empowered to help students retell the story. Parents will know how to talk purposefully with their child about the books.\r\n\r\nYour support of this project will help our first graders to become readers and thinkers, and help our families to become involved in and support their students' learning to read.
My students need sets of beginning reader books to take home to read with their parents. They are learning to talk about the characters and events in the story with their families.
2016-10-16 22:38:32
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Hands On Learning!!
As a teacher of students with disabilities in a low-income/high poverty school district, my students are faced with several challenges both in and out of the classroom. Despite the many challenges they face, I am looking to keep things simple and provide my students with meaningful learning experiences.\r\n\r\nMy students are currently in a self contained 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade class and have a range of disabilities such as autism, speech and language impaired and social and emotional disabilities.
These materials will help my students use manipulatives to solve math problems. Currently when we are using manipulatives, they are falling on the floor which interrupts the lesson. With magnetic manipulatives my students will be able to keep their manipulatives on their desk. With magnetic counters we can also work in groups on the rug which the students love. The ten frames will allow my students to see what two numbers make ten clearly. This concept is a difficult concept for students with disabilities. This concept is extremely important for students to learn and know as they move on to come difficult math problems.
My students need magnetic counters and ten frames to keep their manipulatives organized.
2017-01-27 09:54:44
Grades 3-5
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness
Ball Chair Movement
How can we keep our students focused and provide them with a chance to move and stretch at the same time? Research demonstrates a need for students to move in order to better be focused and motivated in their learning. \r\n\r\nIn my class I have 21 energetic 5th graders in my classroom. They love to move and We do movement activities, meditation, and brain breaks often to keep them engaged and focus on their work. Movement is key for my learners!
Movement in the classroom is essential to keeping students focused and having their brains open for learning. It can be challenging for people- of any age- to sit for long periods of time. Yet we expect our students to do just that. In my classroom we try to insert movement into all aspects of our day- moving to different locations, switching to groups, movement activities etc. Using the ball chairs in the classroom will be just one more way that I can provide those movement opportunities for students in my class. \r\n\r\n\"Like \"Miracle-Gro for the Brain\"\r\nExercise may have both a physiological and developmental impact on children's brains. Physical mechanisms include:\r\nIncreased oxygen to the brain that may enhance its ability to learn\r\nAlterations to neurotransmitters\r\nStructural changes in the central nervous system\" -Edutopia.com\r\n\r\nIn class I will be utilizing these materials by having them available to students who need extra movement in their day to focus. 6 chairs will give me the opportunity to have some at a pack table where they can go to work as well as a few left over that students can use at their seats. The extra movement opportunity, I anticipate, can help students relieve stress, get out excess energy, and keep them excited in the classroom! Please consider donating to help me provide my students with this great kinesthetic opportunity!
My students need ball chairs available in the classroom to provide them with extra movement opportunities throughout the day.
2016-11-02 07:14:43
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Warmth, Care & Hunger
Literature & Writing, Warmth, Care & Hunger
Comfy and Cultural...A Perfect Combination!
I have 22 Kindergarten students, 13 girls and 9 boys. My class is a mix of race and socioeconomic status. My children have a passion for learning and love coming to school. School is their safe haven where they are loved and respected. \r\n\r\nI call my students, \"my kids\", because they have a big piece of my heart. I wouldn't be the teacher I am today without them! They teach me and remind me of things that I may take for granted. Their smiles light up my classroom and the joy they have each day is so refreshing, especially in a world filled with so much hate and injustice.
The new cushions would help my students make their \"reading spot\" personalized and comfortable. My students love to sit and lay down while they are reading and these new cushions would allow them to be comfortable so they aren't on the hard concrete floors. The new literature would bring cultural awareness to my students so that they can understand how people around the world are alike and different from them. I want them to experience literature that has their culture represented so they can connect with the characters in their books. \r\n\r\nThis would allow my students to be comfortable while reading and gain cultural awareness. These new items would help my students to get excited about reading!
My students need comfortable reading spots and multicultural books that they can relate to.
2016-05-02 19:29:35
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
ESL, Literacy
Hot to Dot for Reading!
My students are motivated, hardworking and enthusiastic. They strive to be challenged; nonetheless, they have their struggles to overcome. Their parents struggle to make ends meet and many are further challenged with the additional difficulty of learning English.
My students are enthusiastic English language learners and will go the extra mile to do well in their studies. These children are always playing a game of catch up with their peers academically. Any extra resources we can provide for them, will go far in helping them catch up academically.
My students need Hot Dots to improve their reading fluency and comprehension. The Hot Dots will be a hands-on approach to improving my students' learning. Implementation of Hot Dots will help increase my students' comprehension in a fun and exciting way. \r\n\r\nAdditionally, I can envision my students becoming completely immersed in all the centers these Hot Dots cards will be used in. My struggling English Language Learners will be able to use these interactive cards to increase their comprehension. Moreover, each child will be getting the individualized practice they need. These will be fun, exciting, hands-on centers I know everyone in my class will be excited to use.
These materials will make our class hum, buzz, and run smoothly all year long. I can't wait to see their faces light up when they realize that other people value their education as much as I do. Thank you!
My students need Hot Dots reading cards, Hot Dots pens as well as rechargeable batteries for the pens to function so that we can enhance learning in the classroom.
2016-09-04 08:38:10
Grades 3-5
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness
Stabilizing Our Future
My incoming students are from very diverse backgrounds, and for many of them, my room is a safer atmosphere than at home. My students are extremely loving and caring, and are loyal to a fault. \r\n\r\nThese kiddos are anxious for new learning opportunities, and are true sponges when it comes to what they can absorb. With opportunities to learn and grow at their own levels and in their own comfort zones, my students will thrive. \r\n\r\nThrough your donations, I know my students will continue to thrive to be life long learners! Thank you for helping us!
Have you ever sat all day long on a hard back chair, asked to complete your tasks to the best of your ability? Have you ever had back pain because of your chair? With this project, I am trying to eliminate this for my students.\r\n\r\nMy students need to feel comfortable while learning, while also promoting good posture and spine health. Research proves that sitting down on a hard surface for a long period of time has a negative impact on your body. This is why I want my students to have a set of stability balls! Hopefully, through this, my students will be more energized and ready to learn in the classroom.
My students need stability balls in the classroom to be engaged in their learning while sitting in a comfortable position.
2017-04-23 23:57:49
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness
Flexible Seating for Focused Learner
My second grade class is an awesome group of students who have been working extremely hard this year. They love learning and are motivated to grow. They have been putting in so much effort that I want to provide them with options and flexibility on how and where they sit within the classroom. Every student learns in different ways and with flexible seating our classroom environment will improve and reflect the unique students in our classroom. I have started flexible seating within my classroom with some items that I have and they are thriving. They love the independence, yet continue to be responsible and motivated to learn.
Students do their best when they are comfortable. By using flexible seating choices in the classroom student engagement will increase. Flexible seating is a choice given to students to work around the classroom comfortably. Having different types of seating students will be able to choose what is the best space for their individual learning. This environment will increase student focus and engagement. These Wobble Chairs will provide students with another option to meet their learning needs.\r\n\r\nI introduced flexible seating about 2 months ago and during that time student engagement and independence has increased. Currently in our classroom we have balance balls, bounce bands, stools, floor seating, and lap desks. Students have had input on what flexible seating looks like in our classroom. I originally took the legs off a small table for floor seating. Students highly enjoyed this type of seating and asked for more, so I removed the legs from another group of desks. Behavior with in the classroom has improved. When introducing flexible seating, rules and guidelines were put in place. Students understand that in order to participate in flexible seating they must be on task and engaged. The comfortability of flexible seating has motivated them to stay on task. \r\n\r\nFlexible seating has allowed me to step back as a teacher and provide students with more opportunities to learn and earn responsibility. If you are able to donate to our classroom project you will be helping provide more of these opportunities for my student in the future. I am excited to start next year with flexible seating in place and see the impact of a full year of flexible seating with my 2nd grade students.
My students need flexible seating options to meet their learning needs.
2016-11-01 17:45:52
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Special Needs
Literature & Writing, Special Needs
Wiggle Worms Can Still Work!
My students come from a variety of backgrounds. I have students of many different races as well as different socio-economic backgrounds. My students strive to find commonalities in each other and celebrate differences. In first grade, students are curious and eager to be in class and their school experience is setting the basis for their educational career.\r\n\r\nOur first grade is comprised of 72 wonderful students and families trying their best to succeed whether they are bilingual or English only speakers.\r\n\r\nOur school strives to provide a safe learning environment for our TK-6th grade students. The teachers work hard at helping students reach their potential and perform well both on state benchmarks and more importantly, in life.
Expectations in classrooms keep rising throughout the nation and students are rising to meet the challenges. However, with rising expectations there is often a lot of work to do that goes along with it. First grade students have a lot to learn over the course of a school year. They must learn to read fluently and write paragraphs. This means that they are often at their desks, busy practicing new skills. However, young students need the chance to move around. This means taking breaks, exercising, and allowing their brains a chance to get a breath.\r\n\r\nStability discs allow students to build up their core body strength while continuing to work and build up stamina in reading and writing. If they need to move, they can still wiggle. Stability discs also are a much safer way to move in their chairs than to rock back and forth, lifting the legs of the chairs. \r\n\r\nStudents with sensory issues and with attention issues will also benefit as they will have a way to maintain their focus while using the stability discs. More and more children are being main-streamed, as they should, and what can be used to help them succeed, can benefit other students as well.
My students need a class set (24) of stability discs to use while working at their desks.
2016-09-27 18:22:01
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Relax and Read!
My school services two section 8 public housing communities. My students come from limited backgrounds and experiences that most people would take for granted. Over 90% of the students that attend my school receive free or reduced price lunch.\r\nEven though their family situation is not ideal, they come to school every day excited about learning. They are hungry for knowledge, and ready to learn. I know that it is my job to provide them the resources to make learning fun and exciting.
My students are always trying to find the most comfortable and relaxing spot to read and listen to stories. They are also digging through bins and tubs looking for the perfect book. These materials will definitely help get our books organized and help my students find the most relaxing spot to read. The book racks will make books more easily accessible and orderly. The bags for the books will help to keep the wear and tear on our books down. Finally, the rug and pillows will make the perfect spot to curl up and read their favorite books. We all know the more comfortable and relaxed you are the more likely you are to enjoy what you are doing.
My students need three book racks with lots of book bags to organize their books. They also need a rug and pillows to get comfy and get reading!
2016-08-11 23:35:32
Grades 3-5
Math & Science, Special Needs
Applied Sciences, Special Needs
Focus on Science
My special education students have no experience with Science and Technology. They come from low economic backgrounds where family members often work 2-3 jobs just to provide a home for their children. These families have no or limited access to the wonders of Science and Technology. 98% of my students qualify to receive free or reducEd lunches. more than 75% of my students fall well below the poverty line. If we are to grow as a society we must provide equal access to all areas of Science and Technology for students.
My students will use the Lakeshore STEM bundle to discover the joy of Science and Technology. They will work with this resource all year to expand their understandings and learn to appreciate how STEM can further their goals and career dreams. This project will provide them with desperately needed exposure to STEM so that they may have meaningful experiential learning experiences. Experiences that are offered at better funded schools should not be denied to a student due to their low socioeconomic status. All students will have equal opportunities to learn, create, collaborate, and experience the joy of a STEM education.
My students need STEM education with wobble chairs to help them focus.
2016-06-30 15:39:50
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
Literature & Writing
Accessing the Common Core
Our students are in second grade. This is the year for them to refine their previously learned skills and apply them in new and different contexts. Our philosophy in teaching is pretty basic- we want our students to achieve their goals and to strive for excellence. We have high expectations for our students and believe that they are capable of fulfilling their full potential. Our school serves a diverse population and we integrate character education within our academic curriculum. Specifically, we emphasize values such as integrity, respect, cooperation, compassion, positive mental attitude, perseverance, and initiative. This year, our focus in on initiative. With this value, our students will learn to try new challenges without prompting and become more independent.\r\n
Time for Kids Magazine will be used in our classroom as a way to teach literacy through current events. Each week, our class will choose a current event from our Time for Kids Magazine. The event will be read, researched, discussed, and then students will provide a written response that is both analytical and opinionated. The Common Core Standards state that high-quality informational text will serve as models for students' writing. Students are also required to read informational texts and use a variety of analysis and comprehension strategies to understand facts they read. Using Time for Kids will allow our students to succeed in our grade level expectations encourage them to expand their worldview throughout the rest of their academic career.\r\n\r\nHaving the Time for Kids subscription will excite students to learn and research current events and other non-fiction topics.\r\nTime For Kids will help promote our student's reading and writing skills and can be easily integrated into our curriculum across all subject areas. The Daily Comprehension book is a great way to apply and review concepts being taught in Language Arts. Each student will receive a weekly magazine and Daily Comprehension Common Core Practice Journals.
My students need Time For Kids and the comprehension journals to promote our student's reading and writing skills.
2016-08-18 10:32:35
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Mathematics
Newburg Breakout Games
Newburg Middle School is located in a predominantly low income/high poverty area of Louisville. Over 60% of our student qualify for free or reduced lunch, and many face daily challenges outside of the classroom that make it difficult to focus on learning in school. However, despite these challenges, these students have a strong desire to learn and strive for success. \r\nMy students love to learn, but struggle with problem based activities and problem solving skills. I'm hoping to get activities that will help them grow in this area and provide multiple lessons that focus on Problem Based and Project Based Learning.
My students struggle desperately when it comes to problem solving skills. These materials will be used to create Breakout boxes that will be used for our Newburg Breakout Games. Although the word \"games\" is in the title, that does not mean that they are not educational. These activities are extremely engaging and include many educational activities in multiple subjects.\r\nThese activities will help build and improve skills in teamwork, problem solving, critical thinking, and troubleshooting by presenting participants with challenges that ignite their natural drive to problem-solve. The activities are made up of clues that the students must solve in order to get the codes to open up lock boxes for additional clues and to solve the final puzzle. It is a competition, so the students will have extra motivation to be the best, while they don't even realize they are learning essential skills.
My students need to develop problem based learning skills and these items will used to create Breakout boxes for the Science classes in my building.
2017-03-23 17:33:13
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literature & Writing
Stack 'Em Up In First Grade
I work at a Title One elementary school where all children receive free breakfast and lunch. On weekends, we provide backpacks of food to get them through the weekend. They are curious, challenging, sweet and smart and I want to give them every opportunity to be successful.\r\nThese children need differentiation in learning styles. Each student has their own way of learning and flexible seating will allow these children to learn comfortably. \r\nThank-you very much for considering helping my students.
My students are wonderful and very diverse. They all learn their own way. Having flexible seating for them, will help in the learning process. These colorful, sets of ten stack stools will brighten our first grade classroom and give students a fun way to learn rather than always sitting in a desk and chair. They can move more freely and they will love that they have a choice as to what they sit on. \r\nFlexible seating has been used in many classrooms already, and the results are better attention spans and more time on task.\r\nThank-you for considering my project and helping me to give my high needs students a choice in their learning style.
My students need flexible seating options with ten colorful stack stools.
2016-07-06 19:20:38
Grades 3-5
History & Civics, Literacy & Language
History & Geography, Literacy
Getting Off on the \"Wright\" Foot
The fifth grade students come to the middle school eager and ready to learn! They make the transition from elementary student to middle school student right before my eyes! It is amazing watching them grow and mature as the year goes on.\r\n\r\nI work in a school with a high English Language Learner population. The school serves students grades 5-8 from very diverse backgrounds. Our school works to educate the whole child with a number of services in place. We have intervention periods to meet the needs of all learners, focus time for clubs and reward days, a school social worker, and counseling services.
The materials and supplies I am requesting already have a place in the classroom. Part of the things I want to teach my students next year is organization and time management. Each student will have their own book bin. In this book bin they will keep their bell work notebook (one of the composition books), writer/reader notebook (another composition book), 3 books on their level, 2 other books of their choosing from any level, and any other materials they may need for class. \r\nThe donations in this project will help my students to learn and practice important organizational skills that they can use all throughout their life.\r\nI know how important it is to be organized. If students' misplace papers, they won't have anything to turn in for their grades. If they can't find the book they were reading, they won't be able to finish their project. By using these materials, the students learn to organize and to be responsible for their own materials.
My students need book bins to keep their notebooks and independent reading books organized and composition books for their writing work that will take place in class.
2016-07-29 14:27:17
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
One Book, Two Book, Red Book, Blue Book
It is my first year as a teacher, and my school is a low-income, high poverty district. All the students come from diverse backgrounds. These students have many challenges, in and out of the classroom. I hope to provide them with all the materials they need to be successful in the classroom.\r\n\r\nProviding students with quality, interesting, and engaging literature boosts their learning in all areas. I hope to provide them with a large library at their fingertips - inside my classroom. I want to give them the best resources, the best spaces, and the best classroom where they spend so much of their year. \r\n
Any donation will make a big impact on these students. A small donation can bring one book into the classroom. One more book at the fingertips of these first graders than there was previously. Building early literacy skills positively impacts learning in all cognitive areas. One donation, one more book, a large impact.\r\n\r\nStudents need a wide variety of book choices, otherwise they may not seek out reading. Students will build confidence in their reading skills when they enjoy the content of a book, and work hard to fluently read it themselves. The purpose of this project is to keep students interested in literature, and give them opportunities to simply enjoy a book.
My students need quality books they will love to read again and again.
2016-10-18 18:44:40
Grades PreK-2
Music & The Arts
Music, Performing Arts
iPad Mini for High-Needs Primary Music Movement, Assessment, and More!!
My students love to move! The music classroom is where Pre-K through 2nd grade students have the opportunity to get out of their chairs and have some fun! My students are always looking for ways we can keep class interesting and get moving! We dance, sing, play instruments, and creatively move to music.\r\n\r\nI serve an extremely high-needs community that is over 75% free and reduced price lunch and full of English Language Learners. They love to learn, and I love to help them become great citizens, as well as excellent musicians. Please consider helping us gain all the resources necessary for an excellent music classroom!
My music class is incredibly fast-paced and chock-full of music that we dance to, listen to, and move creatively to. However, it's really hard to not lose the class's focus by walking back and forth to my computer for each song. An iPad mini would free me from the computer and give me access to millions of songs online and in my library to play immediately from my palm. (I'm also requesting a case that has a hand strap.)\r\n\r\nThis Mini would be used daily as one of the main parts of each of my 5 daily classes, as we dance, move creatively, and listen to all kinds of folk and classical music. I would also be able to use it to assess kids on the fly through audio and video on the iPad. Finally, i could also use the program iDoceo to keep all student info and grading right in the palm of my hand. Thank you for your consideration.
My students need an iPad mini and case for high-needs primary music movement, assessment, and more!!
2017-02-01 23:54:58
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Mrs. Fortenberry's Literacy Centers
My students come to first grade eager to learn about the world around them. They are diverse, unique, and energetic about learning. My 25 students have multiple abilities and socioeconomic backgrounds. \r\nI want to give my students the tools and all of the opportunities they need to achieve their academic goals. First grade is one of the most important years in terms of literacy growth.\r\nMy children learn best when they can participate in the lessons and practice what they learn independently or in a small group at their own pace. \r\n\r\n
With the materials I have requested through Donors Choose, out literacy centers will be significantly updated and enhanced. Each day my students get to practice lots of reading and language arts standards through fun literacy centers. These updated centers will enhance their reading skills. \r\nDeveloping a love and passion for reading is one of the most important experiences that I can provide for my students. \r\nLiteracy center activities give students the opportunity to learn independently and at their own pace. Students need activities that include all learning styles with participating in a small group. Literacy centers provide an opportunity for children to gain confidence in reading.
My students need fun and exciting literacy centers to help reinforce and practice reading skills.
2016-10-31 22:11:47
Grades PreK-2
Applied Learning, Health & Sports
Early Development, Health & Wellness
Take Me Out to the Playground!
We are living in a fast paced, high energy, world! Unfortunately, our schools are still very much paper and pencil, sit still, and pay attention! I'm hoping to take a step away from that with this project! I want to keep my kids motivated, excited, and ready to learn!\r\n\r\nBright, energetic, and talented learners, like mine, need materials that challenge and engage! It is important to me, as their teacher, that they understand how to function properly and conduct themselves professionally, but they are still kids.\r\n\r\nBasic playground equipment will help them apply cooperative learning skills and problem solve with creative solutions. We are a high poverty school, with 97% free and reduced priced lunch. My students face challenges above and beyond the norm just to get to school everyday. I want to help equalize their learning experience as much as I can, so that when they're with me, they have every possible advantage!\r\n
While my students have imagination and creativity, we are sorely lacking in play/active materials! The skills learned through play and exploration are so important for my students, who rarely receive these kinds of hands-on, challenging, activities outside of my walls. These materials that I selected are durable, interesting, and high quality. These materials will make our basic playground vibrant, engaging, and most of all, successful!\r\n\r\nDonations to this project will have a huge impact on my students.\r\nMy students will be able to engage in hands on activities with high interest materials. They will improve cooperation, curiosity, and concentration!\r\n\r\nBy funding this project, you are helping to show my students the importance of education. You are also helping my students to see that they are important, their learning is important, and that many people- some they've never even met- believe in them and their potential!
My students need playground equipment, such as hula hoops, jump ropes, platform stilts, and a clock parachute, as well as games, such as bowling, ring toss, bean bags, and bubble machines to keep them active!
2016-08-30 18:16:44
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Applied Sciences
Forensic Science Supplies For Ms. Bensinger's Class
Working with students who are considered gifted does not always necessarily mean they don't come with their own set of challenges. I teach 6th and 7th grade science in a Title 1 school in Tempe, AZ. Many of my students are very bright with the ambition to achieve every goal they set for themselves with the right amount of support along the way.\r\n\r\nBright. Capable. Ever growing and ever learning. I am very excited to see my students succeed. Thanks
This project will supply my students with much needed kits in order to effectively study the topic of forensic science. After taking this course I hope to ignite the flame of some future CSI's! \r\n\r\nThese supplies are necessary to the process of teaching and learning the basics of fingerprinting, blood and DNA analysis, and many more of the exciting forensics topics. With the kits that are listed below I will be able to give my students the most in depth and hands on forensic experience they have ever had. Thank you so much for your support and I look forward to completing this project.
My students need forensics science kits to complete a Showcase Project
2016-10-06 22:12:25
Grades 3-5
Math & Science, Literacy & Language
Environmental Science, Literacy
Science and Literature: Discovering our Natural World!
I am teacher in a low income school where 100 percent of our student body qualifies for free breakfast and lunch daily. My students face many challenges in and outside the classroom, and it is my utmost desire to lessen these challenges while they are in my care by creating positive, fun, enriching learning experiences. I love to see the excitement on my students' faces when they have reached a goal that they set for themselves. While their home-life is beyond my control, I can certainly impact their school day and help evolve a love of learning in my students.
Following a unit on Interdependence and Ecosystems, this informational text will provide my students an opportunity to delve deep into reading informational standards about a subject area the are genuinely interested in. Using this text, my students journey through ideas related to scientists communicating subject matter that they have learned from the natural world and the unique characteristics of living things in the rainforest. We will be working closely with the text to see how authors organize informational text in order to convey scientific ideas and concepts. \r\nThis text will also afford the opportunity to compare and contrast different informational accounts of rainforest scientists. \r\n\r\nUsing material and subject matter that my students are highly motivated by and interested in makes a profound difference in their desire to learn and read new material. They are excited about each day's lessons and readings which in turn creates a most positive learning environment.
My students need 50 copies of this text in order to build new reading skills and learn about the process scientists use to conduct research in the natural world through a close read.
2016-07-02 20:20:38
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
Flexible Classroom Seating
I am looking forward to making this next year a year to remember for my upcoming students. The students upcoming are from a mix of low-income, and middle-class communities. The majority of my students this next year struggle to meet the standards of our district and state-mandated assessments, and are considered learning disabled. Usually my class consists of students who are kinesthetic learners with the need to move, so I strive every year to help them learn in a way that is conducive to their learning style.\r\n Our school is an IB magnet school that uses a hands-on, inquiry-based approach to teaching. The school has a lot to offer with character building programs, student inquiry, and global units driving our curriculum. Our school consists of about 426 students. We are a little over 50% free-reduced lunch, meaning that students receive a lunch due to financial difficulty. Our school is 36.15% African American, 23% Hispanic, 23.71% White, 13.62% Asian, and 3.52% Multi-racial. We have high expectations of success for our students.\r\n Our school is a family, and our students and parents feel a part of our family.
This year I am looking to provide flexible seating options through the method of 7 Learning Zones. By providing the flexible seating, students will be able to move fluidly, throughout the day, into the different zones to stimulate creativity and meet their learning needs. \r\nAmong seven different learning zones, two that remain unfurnished are the community and quiet zones. The community zone, which houses a breakfast nook, will allow students to collaborate on projects, correct misconceptions through in-depth conversations, and empower students to lead through discussion leader roles. Along with the community zone, students have the opportunity to move to the quiet zone, which contains study carrels, to allow intense focus on subject-based computer games, or study programs. This is particularly important for the learning needs of students with ADD or ADHD.
My students need study carrels to facilitate a quiet zone for students with different learning styles. The breakfast nook is used to empower students to lead in-depth discussions in all subject areas.
2016-11-30 12:17:07
Grades 6-8
Literacy & Language, Special Needs
Literature & Writing, Special Needs
Let's get this Smart Board started!
My students are physically active and inquisitive children, however, school has not met their learning needs. They score the lowest in ELA at their school; they tend to be low performing in all subject areas. Most of them come from single parent households. All of my students are Hispanic or of Mexican decent and qualify for free or reduced lunch. \r\n For ELA instruction, they get pulled out of their general ed classroom to receive a modified curriculum that is many grades below their grade level. They miss out on opportunities that their peers have, such as working on Chrome Books, because our classroom doesn't have technological resources. These students already dislike school, but being sent to a Tier 3 English class makes them feel worse.\r\n Because of this, I want to provide them with the best instruction available. I want our classroom to have more technological opportunities than the other classrooms on campus. I want to make the curriculum more engaging and provide my students with technological literacy. I know that if they are to have any chance of catching up or meeting grade level standards, the curriculum has to be more rigorous and hands on than it currently is.
My school has a Smart Board that isn't utilized because there is no technology in my classroom (computer with appropriate software) to hook it up to. That is why I am requesting a laptop for this project. Furthermore, there are instructional DVD's and CD's that accompany the student's modified curriculum, but without a computer, these resources can't be used. \r\n The Smart Board is a great instructional resource that will enhance the curriculum, my teaching strategies, and increase student participation. It amplifies images from the laptop to a large screen for the whole class to see, so students can research questions as a class and see the answers on the Smart Board. The teacher can post images or definitions of concepts from the textbook on the Smart Board to make the content more relatable and understandable. Students can fill out a magnified version of their assignments on the Smart Board to learn as a class. \r\n On a traditional white board, the image has to be erased to make room for the next image. But on a Smart Board, every image can be saved and referred back to. Plus, the image can be emailed to students and parents as a review of what was taught in class, reinforcing learning and support at home. \r\n My students love interacting with Smart Boards because it gets them out of their seat and turns dry book work into a more engaging classroom activity. This will give my students a boost in school interest and offer tools they need to succeed in a 21st century global world. \r\n I would like to get the Smart Board up and running starting the new year, when my students get back from holiday break. Your assistance can change their lives! =)
My students need a laptop that can be connected to a Smartboard and play the instructional DVD's that are part of their curriculum to make the information come to life, while giving them technological literacy.
2016-09-02 17:25:17
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Learning Math Through Games
Our classroom is full of 6th graders that are curious about the world. Learning math from textbooks does not feed their hunger for knowledge. Using games in math will put the skills they learn to use, deepen their knoweledge and also aid in their different learning styles and abilities.\r\nOur class is made up of eager 6th graders, ages 11 and 12.\r\nThe students come from many different backgrounds and cultures. They each bring their own views and voices to the classroom. They also come from different socioeconomic statuses. Because of their diversity they come with many levels of background knowledge and skills. Learning through games will make math fun and provide them with individual differentiation. \r\n
Being excited about math is difficult for a middle school student, as a teacher, it is my job to ignite that enthusiasm. When I began teaching I asked myself, how can I make learning math fun? I then brought games in to the classroom. I have found that through math games I can not only engage students in math but I can see their excitement as they learn and play. We will use cards to play games using the order of operations, dice to learn about place value. We will use the laminator to keep our instructions and materials nice for future use and a table whiteboard easel for score keeping and working through thinking. These games will hopefully take the anxiety and fear out of doing math.
My students need cards, dice, foam pieces, a group whiteboard and a laminator to learn math through games.
2016-08-03 23:55:25
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness
Help My Kindergarteners Get Active Outdoors
Soon my classroom will be filled with 20 eager 5 year olds ready to start their educational journey. These children live in an urban environment and almost all of them qualify for free or reduced lunch. \r\n\r\nDespite these disadvantages they come to school eager to learn and excited for all that they will do in kindergarten. It is so important to capture this excitement and create meaningful learning experiences that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives.
All children need to be active. It is essential to their development and essential to their ability to focus on academic tasks. It can be difficult to give children opportunities to be active outside when you teach in an urban school without a playground. My students have a grassy area to use for recess, but no equipment to play with. They are always saying that they wished they had balls and jump ropes to use during recess time. They have inspired me to create this project for that reason. With these supplies recess will be a whole lot more exciting. The children will be inspired to run and play more. They will be more active and help improve their focus in the classroom.
My students need a variety of supplies to use during outdoor play. These supplies include balls, jump ropes, hula hoops, and bubbles.
2016-08-04 13:11:59
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
Prints for Primaries!
My class is comprised of very diverse students. I have some students who have attended preschool/preparatory programs for several years and I have others who have never been away from their mom or a nanny until this year. I have some students who have parents that also teach in the county and others who do not have a single book at their house, let alone someone to read with at night. However, I believe that all of my students have the potential to succeed. I would describe my school as holding very high standards for all students and I have the same expectation in my classroom. I am hoping to be able to provide each of my students with the materials and instruction that they need in order to receive a good foundation in Kindergarten.
With a decrease in resources and funding my students are in need of basic supplies to learn. Being a kindergarten teacher are county supplied resources are very limited but our expectations are just a high. Each year I teach 22-24 students how to read, write, add, and subtract. However, I am challenged to do this without any textbooks or printed materials. \r\n\r\nIn my two years of teaching I have adapted to this and formed my own creative ways of teaching. I tried to provide as many hands on experiences for the kids as I can. However, sometime I need to use paper and pencil. Particularly when teaching young students how to write. This requires a lot of written practice and repetition.\r\n\r\nMy school system can longer afford to provide teachers with ink for our printers and copier. Ink is very costly and goes quickly when printing all materials needed for a class of 22-24 students. Your donations to this project will allow me to provide my students with the materials they need to receive a strong foundation in kindergarten.
My students need printed materials to aid in reading and writing instruction.
2016-05-03 13:33:00
Grades 9-12
Music & The Arts
Band Needs a New Tenor Saxophone!
The Band classes at Clayton High are spirited and very energetic! With a hearty, \"Let's make some music!\" our warm-ups begin, and the musical magic begins. \r\n\r\nWe love to make music, we love what we do, and we love each other!
Clayton High Band students are energetic, positive, and very hard-working. Students like to excel at everything they do, and love to compete with one another as to who is the better player. Skills tests, marching competitions, and concert competitions are where you see our students perform their best. We have developed something of a following with our community, faculty and staff following what we do as a band , and making sure that they don't miss a note of our work. We love performance, and it shows!
The resources we are requesting are essential to our classroom since they add to the voicing in the band. Without this essential voice, our band is very challenged to make appropriate sounds and learn properly the concepts of balance and blend. Without these resources, our band can not perform at its best, nor will it make a characteristic sound.
This donation will make possible:\r\n\r\na needy student will always have appropriate equipment to perform in the band.\r\n\r\nOther band students will be able to respond appropriately to a balanced soprano, alto, tenor, and bass voicing that is part of a characteristic band sound. \r\n\r\nOur older equipment can be refurbished without losing those particular sounds in rehearsal and performance.
My students need a tenor saxophone in order to continue their music education in our schools. As the band grows, the single tenor sax we own can't be shared.
2016-09-14 12:32:49
Grades PreK-2
Music & The Arts
Reading Makes Our Hearts Sing!
I am incredibly lucky to work with the students that I do! My students have a wonderful passion for music and incorporate it into their lives in and out of school. We are a Title I inner-city school, located in Southern Connecticut and this is my seventh year teaching! Our school administration and staff are very supportive of our music program and roughly 20% our entire student body is enrolled in the band! Every student receives music instruction from PreK through 8th grade and I work specifically with grades PreK, Kindergarten, and 8th grade.\r\n\r\nEvery year our program grows, but unfortunately, our budget does not. As our program grows, we are able to tackle more challenging pieces and perform throughout our community. Our budget covers essential supplies, but as a result, we are not able to grow our inventory as much as is needed. My goal is to provide the best music education to my students!
My big aim this year is to improve my students' vocabulary and incorporate more reading literature in my PreK and Kindergarten music classes. Every one of these books ties into a lesson or unit that I have done in the past and plan to use this year. \r\n\r\nWe have many English language learners in our school and incorporating this kind of literature into their daily music routine will prove to show improvements in their reading comprehension. It is so important that our students are exposed to this kind of information, and when you can link it to a song or music, it has such a deeper meaning to that child!
My students need books to connect music to literature in the classroom.
2016-07-21 14:20:26
Grades 3-5
Math & Science, Literacy & Language
Health & Life Science, Literature & Writing
Providing the Optimal Learning Environment
Imagine going into a classroom that is warm, inviting and comfortable with pillows, beanbags and different places to sit. Does that sound like a place where you'd want to be? Today's students thrive in environments like this. When students feel comfortable in a safe and cozy environment we see their best work. We provide a place where they want to be.\r\n\r\n \"Space-whether physical or virtual-can have an impact on learning. It can bring people together; it can encourage exploration, collaboration & discussion\" Kelly Walsh at Emergingedtec.com\r\n\r\nThis is how I want to see my classroom. After all, we are preparing our next generation of leaders, innovators, inventors, creators, artists, etc.
In talking with students regarding how they learn best, some stated, \"in a comfy environment with pillows.\" Others wanted to be able to stand or sit on a couch.\r\n\r\nMy current classroom needs stand up desks and comfy pillows to allow them the option to have an environment that meets those needs. I want to provide the flexible environment the will allow students the opportunity to collaborate, create, explore, encourage, and innovate.\r\n\r\nMy project will provide students flexible seating where they may choose to curl up on a pillow with a book or technology or stand by themselves or with other students to collaborate.\r\n
My students need stand up desks and bean bag pillows which will provide an environment suited to their needs.
2016-06-15 16:17:22
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Lego Landmarks Ratio and Proportion
My students did not pass their 7th grade math class and probably have always had great challenges in learning mathematics. They need ways to truly understand numerical and quantitative relationships. Many students will ask \"Why are we learning this?\". Using actual landmark buildings will allow students to have real points of reference. It is so important that students have an opportunity to like, even love mathematics and recognize it's importance. I working with Legos which are already loved by children we have a better chance of capturing their imagination and encouraging students to make learning a priority.
Students have a difficult time understanding the ratio and proportion concepts when it is limited to sketches, word problems and simple comparisons. By building and creating actual models of the White House, the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty and others.\r\n\r\n As the students build, they can develop a deeper understanding of the actual ratios and proportion, surface area, mass and other critical mathematical concepts of historical landmarks they will study in Social Studies. Common Core requires us to keep it real. Therefore, the use of actual buildings that are referenced in their social studies classes, the knowledge becomes relevant and important.
My students need Legos famous building construction sets to build and analyze ratios and proportion.
2016-09-20 21:08:38
Grades 6-8
History & Civics, Special Needs
History & Geography, Special Needs
Google Chromebooks to Explore the Globe!
My students are a total of 10 males with emotional impairments in grades 4-8 in my one self-contained special educational classroom. We cover all subjects in my room at each of their grade levels simultaneously. \r\n\r\nMy students are primarily living in poverty stricken urban areas & love to learn things through hands on & technology-based projects. They are curious & enjoy science & learning how things are made or work, & about geographical locations and other cultures around the world.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
My 10 students have varying special needs and are scattered among grades 4 through 8, all in one classroom. I teach all subjects to them as it is a self-contained classroom. Each grade level and student has different needs that must be met in order to fully access the curriculum. \r\n\r\nBy being able to provide each student with a Chromebook, my students will be able to utilize an infinite number of resources in an individualized manner. Students can type notes and assignments rather than hand-write, and can complete research projects more effectively as the Chromebooks help provide a global classroom.
My students need 10 Chromebooks to take them beyond the four walls of our classroom to explore other countries, cultures, experiments, and other resources needed to be successful in our global economy.
2016-06-02 11:08:22
Grades 9-12
Literacy & Language, Music & The Arts
Literature & Writing, Visual Arts
iPad Pro for Film Production
My students are 9th-12th graders in a public charter school (middle college) in upstate South Carolina.\r\n\r\nOur major method of learning is through the project-based concept, where students learn by creating and designing projects centered around topics they're interested in. \r\n\r\nStudents engage in learning through hands-on experiences with authentic resources. In our last film class, students created music videos, short films adapted from literary sources, and original short films. They each assumed a role (i.e. director, production designer, actor, editor, videographer) and worked together to publish the videos to YouTube.\r\n
We have been so fortunate to have an iMac donated to our classroom for video editing purposes. This iPad Pro will extend our ability as a class to create high-quality student-produced short films because students will now have access to two different resources with editing capabilities, and they can film the footage directly on the iPad!\r\n\r\nStudents will use the iPad in small groups to film scenes for various projects throughout the year. Then, they will edit the footage into a cohesive video before publishing it to YouTube--all by way of the iPad!\r\n\r\nOur literature and film class was a huge success this past year, and we have a high demand for the class this coming year. Please help us make this course even more productive and engaging!
My students need an iPad Pro 256 GB for filming and editing videos using iMovie software.
2016-07-05 14:12:55
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Math Can be FUN!
The students I teach come from an extremely impoverished and violent neighborhood in a large city. These kids witness violent acts that no child should witness. Many of my students come from single parent homes, with parents who are struggling to make ends meet. There is little, if any, money available to buy their children \"extras\" such as books to read, and even basic school supplies. My students are eager to learn and I want to provide them with a more hands on way of doing math. I also want to show them how math concepts that are taught in school can be applied to real world situations. However, we were hit hard by budget cuts and as a result, teachers are paying out of pocket for many supplies that were previously provided to us. Unfortunately, these budget cuts are directly effecting the children in my school and the resources that they are given this year.
I am requesting several different materials. The most important materials I am requesting are hands on manipulative math kits, and two books that will help me come up with lessons for my students to do hands on math lessons. I believe students learn best when they perform hands on activities. Students tend to recall these lessons later on down the road and are able to better understand concepts. Students are more engaged in class and more eager to learn. \r\n\r\nI have also requested some basic materials that I am lacking for my class. These include scissors, colored pencils, and a pencil sharpener. Students will be creating visual projects to put on display in the classroom, and these tools will be necessary.
My students need basic supplies such as a pencil sharpener, color pencils, and scissors. We also need material to do hands on math with math manipulative.
2016-07-19 15:15:26
Grades 3-5
History & Civics, Literacy & Language
History & Geography, Literacy
Wiz Kids
We are thinkers, dreamers, jokers, artists and scholars. Our backgrounds vary but we are a family for six hours a day, five days a week. Our classroom family is sometimes more stable than our home family, and so at school we thrive and learn. We have lots of enthusiasm and are excited about learning through hands on experiences and technology. \r\n\r\nWe come from foreign countries and learn English on top of our academics. Although our cultures are different from each other, we discover many common bonds and attributes within our new community. Every day we face new challenges, opportunities and situations that help us develop into thriving and motivated young people who will some day be the future of America.
WE are a technology based society and my students need to be computer literate and tech savvy. They will have the opportunity to do research and create technology projects on the i-pad and then share it with the class via the projector. This will take their digital learning to a whole new level. For example, my students will be able to research important information related to California History and relay it to the class via digital media. Imagination is really the only limit. There are also so many math and reading tutorials that the students will be able to take advantage of with the use of the i-pad.
My students need an i-pad for technology related projects that weave their way through language arts, history, math and science. Cords and case for sharing and protection.
2016-09-30 07:59:09
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
Getting Prepared With Supplies!
We are well into a brand new school year, and my students amaze me every day with their energy and capacity to learn. I am so excited about the possibilities my new students are showing me.\r\n\r\nI teach at a Title I school in an urban district, with a 100% free lunch rate. My students are often economically disadvantaged and their families struggle a lot. We also have a large number of students that are English Language Learners, putting them at yet another disadvantage. Despite their struggles, these smiling faces show up on day one ready to learn. They know first grade is an important year. They know they're going to learn how to read, they're going to learn how to add and subtract and count money and tell time, and a ton of other skills they don't even know about yet. And better yet, they're going to HAVE FUN while doing it!\r\n\r\n
In first grade, students often need lots of hands on practice to help with academic and gross motor skills. We need a lot of copy paper to complete many classroom activities and tests, as well as practice to send home with struggling students. Unfortunately, each classroom is only allocated a small amount of paper each year, leaving the teacher to find ways to make up the difference. This paper would be shared among our entire first grade level.\r\n\r\nWe also use lots and lots of glue sticks throughout the year, and we have already nearly gone through my small supply I had on hand at the beginning of the year. Ask any classroom teacher and they will tell you that glue sticks are one of the most coveted classroom supplies, as they are used a LOT and are only provided in small amounts. While these are on our school supply lists at the beginning of the year, many students aren't able to bring in any, or as many as needed, again leaving the teacher to find ways to make up the difference.\r\n\r\nFinally, we do a lot of our whole group learning sitting on our soft, comfortable rug, including our morning meeting every day. Students often struggle to remember what spot they are supposed to be sitting on, leading to lots of moving around and disruption on the rug. I do think the star sit spots will help improve this activity, leading to more meaningful learning.
My students need copy paper and glue sticks for classroom assignments, and star sit spots to help activities conducted while sitting on the rug flow more smoothly.
2017-03-29 23:13:18
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
The Busy Little Bumblebees!
My diverse group of students enjoy working in workstations every day. I have 41 students and overall, more than half of my students are language minority students and non-English proficiency from homes where English is not generally spoken. Our school Scarborough Elementary is a title 1 school where the majority of the students are in free lunch. Moreover, I need to help my students to improve their literacy and reading skills to successfully move from Kindergarten to first grade. \r\nMy students need a variety of manipulative and activities to reach their academic goals in Kindergarten. With these hands-on manipulatives, my student's engagement in instruction will increase.
My kindergarten student's excitement for learning and working everyday is incomparable. They come full of energy and ready to learn something new. I need a lot of hands on activities to meet their diverse learning style.\r\nYour generous donation will help my students achieve their academic goals in Kindergarten. I need magnetic letters for them to practice building complete sentences. I need books for them to take home and read. Since they love and enjoy working in pairs in workstations, they need magnetic numbers to practice counting, adding, and subtraction. The dry and erase number lines will help my students to practice math during small group instruction, individual practice and also during workstation. The Geometric figures will allow my students to learn, classify and describe each geometric figure attribute. My students need these materials. Thank you for giving us this great opportunity.
My students need hands-on manipulatives to improve their academic achievement .
2017-01-28 23:01:29
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Technology Based Classroom
My students are resilient in all of it's splendor. I teach in a Title 1 school district and statically my students should drop out before high school, however, as their teacher I love on them and show them learning is fun! My students are great responders to praise and love. They allow me to get into their minds and stretch their imagination beyond their wildest thoughts. \r\n\r\nThere isn't a grade level budget, therefore any manipulatives or classroom needs are purchased out of my pocket. \r\n\r\nAny student that walks through my door understands that they will be greeted with nothing but love and open arms.
Having the set of tablets will allow for a different level of structure in my classroom. As a teacher in a title 1 school, I can give my students access to modern technology which will invest in their future. I attended TCCA 2016 Conference in which I was exposed to a great deal of programs that could be used in class, but I need the technology for implementing the ideas. For example: Nearpod, Plickers and a list of other great programs. \r\n\r\nOur classrooms are not yet at the level technologically to meet their needs as learners. This grant will help to close that gap just a little bit more.
My students need the tablets for class to operate fully in the world of technology.
2017-02-23 14:59:26
Grades 3-5
Music & The Arts
Printing Projects for the Pupils!
I see about 500 kids each week from grades PreK through 8 for about 45 minutes. Most of our students qualify for free/reduced lunch and come from very poor homes. Just the past year our school underwent tremendous budget cuts. These cuts eliminated some adults in our building and many many supplies and resources for our students. In fact, my budget was cut down to zero dollars. My students need your help as they are eager to learn and are super excited about music. I am also teaching chorus to about 50 students and just starting a band program too.
We need new ink for our classroom and a laminating machine to protect our work. We have a nice laser printer (a previous donorschoose project!) but it has run out of ink. Our school, does not have the funds to purchase more. Laser printer ink is very expense, so we need your help!\r\nWe also need a laminating machine to protect our pages! The machine will be used to laminate classroom manipulatives, help preserve student work and keep our posters lasting longer. The project also includes extra laminating sheets.\r\nThese items will really help to keep our classroom looking sharp!
My students need printer ink for a laser printer, a laminating machine and laminating pouches.
2017-02-01 09:51:43
Grades PreK-2
Special Needs
Special Needs
Special Education Sensory Needs
I am a special education teacher in a very busy city. I teach in a resource room setting and work with small groups of students. My students are eager, motivated children who are excited to learn and want to take in as much knowledge as possible! They are a passionate, kind, and diverse population made up of many English Language Learners from across multiple countries. All of the students I work with have a disability. \r\n\r\nMy students are driven and constantly utilize resources around them to help themselves grow. They come from unique backgrounds, yet appreciate and respect one another. My students are special because they are our future.
The students that I work with are motivated, intelligent, driven children who are all labeled as having a disability. Their disabilities are widespread, yet many have sensory needs. Sensory needs consist of the students having a hard time staying seated and being in control of their bodies. \r\n\r\nAs one can imagination, it is very challenging to focus on your academics when it's difficult to sit still. My students will be positively impacted by having sensory cushions to help them control their bodies. Once they're able to sit still, they will have a much easier time being attentive and focusing on their learning!
My students need sensory cushions to meet their physical needs, allowing them to focus on academics.
2016-10-02 23:59:20
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Supplies For a Successful Year!
My classroom is made up a diverse group of first graders. My students come from various ethnic and racial backgrounds. As a new first grade teacher, I aim to provide all the necessary materials for my students to grow and succeed! \r\n\r\nMy students come from all different walks of life, yet they are all excited and eager to learn at school. They love education and love learning, and I want to ensure they have all the necessary materials to be successful!
These materials will benefit our classroom in many ways. First and foremost, the storage bins will be used daily to help organize our math and literacy centers. These bins will make the materials accessible for all students. \r\n\r\nMy students are visual learners and with the sight word flash cards and magnets, they will get many opportunities to view the words they are learning. I will be able to use them in fluency practice, in sentences o the board, as a check in when they come into the room and as an exit ticket to make sure they know the words they are learning.
My students need sight word magnets and flash cards, storage bins in 2 different colors for math and literacy centers, and name plates!
2016-10-23 01:00:39
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
Literature & Writing
Writing Beyond the Classroom
My students attend a Title I (low-income) school in Atlanta, Georgia. They live in homes with limited finances and access to technology. Our school is comprised of 98% (inner-city) African-American students. They are very hard-working students who strive to make themselves and their families proud, many of whom who have been caught up in inter-generational poverty. In the world today, STEM is the at the center of everything we do. Between interacting with others, learning new information, and completing hands-on tasks in the classroom.
My students lack confidence within themselves, I want to encourage and strengthen their inter creative. Writing is one of the students weakest area, but with new HP Chromebooks I know they will create a love to write. \r\n I believe the Chromebooks will creating a learning environment where students will love coming to school to learn. also, students will no longer have to wait on a computer to complete their classroom assignments. They will be worry free, no longer to worry about what resources they don't have. By providing students with the tools needed, will boost their confidence and allow them to be the best authors.
My students need HP Chromebook, to create a passion for writing .
2016-09-21 00:18:50
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Special Needs
Literature & Writing, Special Needs
Please Help Us Get Our Work Done!
My students are amazing! Each child in my class is unique and special. Some students are reading above grade level, while some are still learning how to read. Some are amazing mathematicians, and some are still getting there. We all work together to help each other learn and grow. \r\n\r\n3rd graders are some of the kindest, smartest, most caring people I have ever met! Many adults could learn a lot by watching them work hard, problem solve with their peers, and care for each other daily. They value each other and respect that we are all unique and different, and that is what makes us special.
3rd graders are enthusiastic, energetic, inquisitive learners! They love to work together, share ideas, and move around the room. My classroom is a very dynamic place. I have a variety of \"focus furniture\" to help students feel comfortable while working. I meet often with small groups or one-on-one with students. There are many times throughout the day when students are expected to work independently. This can be quite a challenge for students who have attention issues.\r\n\r\nReVibe is a silent way to help my students manage their own behavior and complete tasks independently - without calling attention to the fact that they are off task. I like to allow my students to choose the learning tools that will help them be most successful. Each year (especially this year), I always have a few students who can't seem to find just the right tool. I am excited for them to try these reminder wristbands - I have been looking for something like this for many years! My students are looking forward to having another tool for success in the classroom. Please help us fund this project. Thank you!
My students need ReVibe Reminder Wristbands to help them stay on task! I love that this is a silent way to help redirect kids without distracting the others.
2016-08-16 21:26:02
Grades PreK-2
Applied Learning, Math & Science
Character Education, Mathematics
Games and Dramatic Play Supplies
The community that my students come from is very much based around the school community. This helps keep everyone involved in the learning process. Since many of my students receive bagged food on the weekends and above 98% of students receive free lunch, we try to hold breakfasts and lunches at the school to get that table time feeling that a lot may not get. Despite so many hardships, my students are eager to learn and do their best. The students in my classroom are always ready to learn. As we start off the new year I want to make sure that the supports that are needed for them are in place right away so that we are able to move all students to benchmark and start off running. \r\nThese students are the future of America and each of them deserve the best opportunities to learn. Most students are non-English speaking and come from many different countries. This diversity is what makes our classroom so special and gives new learning experiences to each other. These students really do deserve to achieve their highest goals next year and I believe we can go above and beyond!
These materials will make a big difference in the classroom by helping the students take the learning in the classroom and apply it to group work at stations. These are table top games and different types building block activities to engage students in learning and be able to also build communication skills with each other.\r\nThese activities will help the students build relationships with peers in the classroom in a fun and friendly manner. The sense of community is very big in my classroom and these activities help students learn to work together and share what is available in the classroom.
My students need games and dramatic play to help generalize the learning that is made in the classroom.
2017-02-17 11:24:14
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Technology for Leaders!
My students attend a K-5 elementary school in Michigan. They are a wonderful group of young learners, but technology is very limited in our building. My students are growing up in a world full of technological advances, yet we are currently unable to provide a learning environment that matches. In 1st grade we are trying to start a new literacy intervention program. Many of my students are still very emergent readers. They struggle in the area of phonemic awareness, sight word recognition, early reading, & comprehension skills, but they continue to try and master these necessary skills each and every day. We immerse them in literacy each and every day with direct guided instruction at their level. This new intervention program is online based and can be done both at school and home! We just need the technology to help! We know it takes a village - please help our project!
My young learners need access to technology to make the most of their daily learning. They are excited each day, but sadly access to technology is limited in our school.\r\n\r\nOur learners will use these computers each day to access literacy intervention opportunities to grow phonemic awareness, sight word vocabulary, and reading comprehension skills.\r\n\r\nOur new Chromebooks will be used in addition to direct guided instruction and will also include an at home link for additional practice.\r\n\r\nOur goal is to create confident, passionate, and engaged reading leaders with our first grade learners. With your help, all this will be possible!
My students need Google Chromebooks to help us incorporate technology into our first grade classroom.
2016-11-29 01:27:25
Grades 3-5
Math & Science, Health & Sports
Health & Life Science, Health & Wellness
Germs Are Everywhere!
My students are sweet fifth graders who are motivated to have fun while learning. We create a safe place for students to learn and be themselves. \r\n\r\nOne of our school's focuses is on health. \r\n\r\n\r\nBackground picture:\r\nOur school's population is ~95% minorities, mostly Hispanic/Latino students. Also, our students are considered to be at a high level of poverty compared to the state average as ~80 % of our students qualify for free or reduced lunch. According to tests we are considered to be a low performing school despite all the efforts made by staff, parents, and students. It is hard to fill the inequity gaps as many of our students are English learners with various hardships. We do our best with what we have, but we could do more with your help to improve students' educational experiences.
These science type supplies will help me teach young students the importance of good hygiene and manners. Students are always sharing germs and its disgusting. These supplies help students visualize the spread of germs.\r\n\r\nWhile a little germ sharing builds immunity, it is important that students learn just how quickly harmful germs are spread. \r\n\r\nLearning this would help them live cleaner lives at school, at home, and at their future workplaces. They will no doubt go home and ensure all their family is fully convinced of the dangers of not washing hands properly, not covering a sneeze, and not staying home when sick.
My students need to see how quickly germs spread. These supplies will help students build life long hygiene habits to promote healthy living and citizenship.
2016-08-16 23:12:25
Grades 3-5
Math & Science
Students Love Manipulatives!
Our Language Arts and Social Justice Magnet School emphasizes the respect of self and others. This encompasses discipline and high expectations as well as activism and compassion. The kids know they will be Agents of Change and follow our school motto \"Be the change you want to see in the world.\"\r\n\r\nWe are classified as a \"highest poverty\" school and the kids at our school are brilliant and they deserve excellent educational resources.\r\nAlthough my kids may lack financial resources, they have an incredible work ethic and desire to learn. We are a full Title I school, a vast majority of our students qualify for free or reduced lunches.\r\n\r\nOur students may lack the material privileges that other American children are fortunate to have, but they certainly make up for it with talent, fortitude, and sheer intelligence. We live in a world where our youth are simply not provided with enough quality resources to shine; your donation will make the dream of a bright future come true.
These Ten frames magnetic answer boards would really help my students with adding and regrouping. This visual and Tactile aid is a tremendous help to children. They have the visual aid to put the tens place together with the other tens. Then the ones are a different color for greater emphasis.\r\n\r\nThis is really beneficial for second graders who are just learning to regroup. Kids also love holding these boards and working with partners. When adding two digit numbers, children can look at the ones and decide if they can regroup the numbers for a ten. They will understand the concept much easier.
My students need ten frames magnetic boards to help with regrouping.
2017-01-04 11:51:17
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
Digital Dynamos
As a teacher in a low-income/high poverty school district, my students are faced with several challenges both in and out of the classroom. Despite the many challenges they face, I am looking to keep things exciting and provide my students with creative and meaningful learning experiences. \r\n\r\nMany of them are being raised in single parent households and receive a free lunch based on their socioeconomic status. My class serves students with a range of disabilities, including intellectual disabilities, emotional disturbance, autism spectrum disorder and specific learning disabilities. The typical student in my class reads at a third grade level and many struggle with basic phonics and number sense.\r\n\r\nDespite so many hardships, my students are eager to learn and do their best. They want to be in school because they want to learn all they can so they can be successful one day.\r\n
Technology is everywhere, entwined in almost every part of our lives. These computers will help students solve complex problems and provide additional support for reading, writing and math skills. For example, students who are working on equivalent fractions will access a web site that offers math practice in that area. The kids will work on creating equivalent fractions until they have become proficient in or have mastered the skill. Many websites offer kids immediate feedback and give kids more examples on which to work.\r\n\r\nMy class has 5 working computers in our class that they have to share. At times it is very difficult to get assignments completed due to the number of students that need to use the computer. These computers will help my kids in all areas of study - and will help them gain greater command of technology. In addition, they will help my kids now and in their futures as they move to ever more challenging and complex work.
My students need 25 Chromebooks to help us SOAR to the next level.
2016-09-20 16:21:09
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Music & The Arts
Literacy, Visual Arts
Let's Get Creative!
I teach an amazing, eager group of 4 and 5 year olds. They are excited to learn and explore the world around them and come to school with joy in their hearts. \r\nWe are a low income, rural school that works hard to provide for our students not only their educational needs but basic life needs. With budget cuts, we are in need of help so that we can make sure each student in given the chance to be successful daily.
We are in need of printer ink to help create newsletters, permission slips, and other important papers to help increase our parent communication. It is very important that our parents are informed about not only their child's learning but up coming school events. \r\nSchool finances are at an all time lower and one area that is suffering is art. We are in need of construction paper so that we are able to have art projects. Art is so key to students mental health and creativity. They can express them selves freely through art. We would also like water colors to allow students to paint and learn their colors. \r\nA drying rack would help in our small classroom to provide a space for art to dry without damage so that it can be displayed properly. We would like tote bag for students to be able to decorate and create amazing art work for their parents during the holidays. The set of mini stampers and wiggly eyes will be used during art projects to add to our art.
My students need art and classroom supplies to use through out the school year.
2017-03-30 23:48:02
Grades 6-8
Special Needs, Music & The Arts
Special Needs, Visual Arts
Art Makes Children Powerful
Creative, clever, silly, compassionate, sweet, intelligent, and kind-hearted. These are only some of the many many traits, characteristic of thirteen fifth and sixth graders with mild/moderate special needs in my class. \r\n\r\nLocated in a high-needs area of Salinas, California, many of these resilient students come from family histories filled with trauma and challenges. Sometimes school and peers/teachers are one of the few places they have to go and people to turn to. They deserve a chance to feel safe, a chance to learn, and a chance to grow.
My students need a chance to express themselves creatively, whether it's their imagination, something they've learned, or pure emotion. Hands-on projects are very engaging for my kids, as they are immediately motivated and inspired to create. \r\n\r\nTrue artist materials would allow my students the opportunity to express what some of them cannot express in words. Whether relating to a book they've read, history they have learned about, or something personal, art allows them the ability to use something other than their oral or written ability, something they often struggle with. This would build their self-confidence by giving them a voice, something that is so powerful. Paint, pastels, paper, and canvas would give these kids a chance to combine academics and creativity to truly make a work of art!
My students need art supplies to express themselves creatively, emotionally, and academically.
2016-05-26 17:49:03
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Gym & Fitness, Team Sports
Our scholars are phenomenal! They come from urban backgrounds and diverse economic situations. Our school is a free public charter school and we have a 100% college acceptance rate!\r\n\r\nOur scholars have the best academic data in the state and are well-rounded global learners. We will be going into the process of the International Baccalaureate program very soon. This is exciting news for our network because it puts our students in the position of earning college credit, while they are still in school.\r\n\r\nOur mission is to give families school choice. We provide a rigorous curriculum and a socially balanced school environment.\r\n\r\n
These items will take our scholars to a different level of learning. Most of our learning has been done with the use of little to no equipment.\r\n\r\nWith our growing school, I am excited to teach and bring new things into the classroom. A lot of our scholars do not have the opportunity to play freely. I would like to expand their thinking about the use of a small space and how equipment can help them express themselves.\r\n\r\nI serve 485 scholars and am the only PE teacher. Our big goal is to be balanced by eating right, exercising and eating right. We would be well on our way to be Fit N' Free!
My students need the scooters in order to do team building activities. Next year, they will also learn balance and the balance kit would be amazing to have in our classroom.
2016-09-01 05:00:32
Grades 3-5
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Mathematics
Full STEAM Ahead!
I teach amazing students in grades Kindergarten all the way through 5th grade. This is the first year offering STEM as a special at my school and I feel honored to be able to teach STEM to such energetic and excited young learners. My students come from various backgrounds with a lot of diversity. Thus, my students have a wide variety of experiences and access to materials and technologies outside of the school setting which is why providing them with rich opportunities at school is so imperative. It is amazing to watch these wonderful kiddos interact and collaborate with one another in class each day. \r\n\r\nStudent ideas and creativity are fostered through STEM which truly allows students of all ability levels the opportunity to learn and collaborate with one another through relevant experiences. I am excited to be embarking on this journey with these students who are so eager to learn and explore all that this world has to offer!
STEM/STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) is all about the real world application of thoughts, ideas, and creativity! I'm thrilled to see the excitement in my student's eyes when they get to create and innovate in new and creative ways. Through the use of iPad minis, my students will be able to create videos (using a \"green screen\"), collaborate and share ideas, and discover a world of building and creating through coding. My students will also be able to investigate and create using dash robots and a makey makey which brings coding to life in a whole new way. \r\n\r\nEngaging students in activities that they are excited about and naturally foster creativity and collaboration are essential not only for a STEM classroom but for preparing them for the world beyond the classroom! Having tools to build and foster creativity, excite students about the possibilities of the future, and that teach them that coding skills aren't impossible to learn and are actually a lot of fun are so important. As a teacher, I strive to create a classroom environment where my students come to grow, engage, and learn not only from me but from each other. Having these tools to help my students collaborate and help each other learn is essential to their growth and to their future!
My students need iPad minis and laptops to code and collaborate in our STEM/STEAM classroom.
2017-03-27 15:13:42
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Environmental Science, Health & Life Science
Plants and Parents Make a Perfect Pair
I am honored to spend my 20th year in education at this beautiful community school in the spectacular mountains of western North Carolina. My drive to work is full of beautiful landscapes. My school is a small, kindergarten through fifth grade, with fewer than 150 students. \r\n\r\nWe may be small, but our dreams are big. The community is deeply invested in the education and nurturing of each student. Economic status does not provide a barrier to learning, instead, it provides a challenge this school accepts on a daily basis. With your help, we can give these deserving students everything they need!
We recently installed a greenhouse at our school. We are requesting pots, tools, aprons, gloves and planting materials to bring our greenhouse to life! We will start after school gardening clubs in April and we want to encourage our families to bring their gardening, planting and growing skills to our school to teach our students about native plants. I want our students to learn how to use plants to heal, survive, repel insects or other pesky animals. Tapping into the skills of our community members and families will help carry on important mountain traditions. Our students will appreciate their cultural heritage and enjoy working with their family members to use our new greenhouse. We will integrate reading, writing and mathematics into our learning as we read planting instructions, measure out what is needed and write about what is happening in our greenhouse each week.
My students need a variety of gardening materials such as gloves, aprons, tools, plants and hanging baskets to use in our new greenhouse.
2016-06-11 14:36:24
Grades PreK-2
Applied Learning
Give a Student Their Own Spot
I have a diverse group of students with a large range of needs. Some of my students are struggling to find food and shelter, making the most basic lessons difficult to manage for them. Others are well supported at home and require more opportunities for advanced thinking.\r\n\r\nThis wide range of needs create many challenges for both the students and for myself as their teacher. Thankfully our school is full of amazing staff members that support each other and care very much about all of our students and all of their needs. The community is also supportive and those that can help our school pull together and do amazing things. \r\n\r\nIn our classroom, we focus on building independence, being responsible and respectful, and caring for one another.
A Classroom Carpet is where we gather as a class to talk. We use this as a gathering place to allow discussions about what we appreciate and what we are concerned about, at each morning meeting. \r\n\r\nThe classroom carpet is the primary spot that all class conversations and lessons occur. A comfortable place where students know they have their own spot is one key to keeping students focused and feeling safe. \r\n\r\nThe carpet I am requesting has boxes and colors that will help me quickly pair up students for quick idea sharing, group them for activities and give them guidance for what space belongs to them.
My students need a place to sit during carpet time that will give them the security of having their own space. This helps alleviate conflict and keeps them focused on the lessons.
2017-01-13 16:04:45
Grades 6-8
Literacy & Language
Literature & Writing
Tablets for Technology
My students come from a variety of backgrounds, from Russia to South America. The diversity is outstanding and they speak several languages. My students are special because they are \"my\" students. Each one of them has a special place in my heart and I treat each and every one of them as if they are my own. They want to learn but we need access to more technology in order to properly address all of their needs. \r\n\r\nI instill in my students to never make excuses for anything. The only thing that we need is effort. Unfortunately, in order to take advantage of an ever changing technological environment, we need access to technology. The school is unable to provide enough tablets at this time, which is extremely unfortunate. However, today's kids are \"Technology Natives\" and have been exposed to technology since birth. This is how they learn and it is my job to meet those needs.
It will make a difference by exposing them to differentiated learning using modern technological resources. In addition, it will keep them engaged and interested. For example, using the Kindle Fire, students will be exposed to more written materials and ebooks that are not available at the school. Not only that, but exposure to various types of blogs, online tutorials, and educational tools will undoubtedly increase their depth of knowledge and expose students whom have otherwise never even left city limits.\r\nTablets not only bring the world to our student's fingertips, but also allows them to level the technological playing field. Usage of technology reaps rewards such as improved test scores and attendance. In essence, kids are far more motivated to learn. \r\n
My students need tablets to enhance their learning experience with more educational opportunities.
2017-04-04 09:12:04
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Dollhouse Story Telling and Literacy in Kindergarten
My students are eager to learn. The spectrum of development in kindergarten is vast and to meet the needs of every student, I need to make sure that my materials meet those needs. I am fortunate to have an amazing PTA, an excellent administration, and incredibly supportive families. However, as a public school, budgets can only go so far.\r\n\r\nI work with a wonderfully diverse, incredibly intelligent, immensely kind group of energetic kindergarten students. Every day, we explore this wonderful world together through exploration, play, and learning.
We have a very small dollhouse that we were so fortunate to receive through Donor's Choose. We are thrilled by the response of the children to the dollhouse so far, but need a larger dollhouse to accommodate the advanced story telling. This dollhouse will allow more children to interact with the story telling center. Additionally, we have students who are learning English and this center helps them build vocabulary of common words in a house. When playing with the dollhouse with peers who are native English speakers, these students are able to use and practice the language in an unstructured and safe manner.
My students need a dollhouse and dollhouse furniture to help improve literacy and story telling skills.