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2016-05-20 22:58:27
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Second Grade Smarties Need Ink and Cardstock to Publish
I teach an awesome group of second graders! My students are motivated and eager to learn.\r\n\r\nEven though we come from a diverse backgrounds, we have bonded with one another to create a strong classroom community.\r\nWe have developed a strong work ethic and consider our classmates as teammates and our classroom family. Our school is a warm, nurturing place where students love to come each day to work together and learn from one another. \r\n\r\nWe look forward to printing up stories to share with our friends.\r\n
The class loves to be creative! Our printer is running extremely low on ink and we would love to continue to be able to publish stories and have games printed up for center time on card stock. Being able to print projects in color truly has an amazing impact on their motivation to continue working and learning. They get to collaborate with their classmates all while immersed in learning new concepts.\r\n\r\nOur fun is coming to a standstill and we need your help! Your support will allow us to continue laying the foundation for learning that we need to be the future leaders and problem solvers of tomorrow! Please help us get back on track with some much needed ink!
My students need black and colored ink cartridges for our classroom printer to create games and Writers Workshop books.
2016-09-01 21:04:49
Grades 3-5
Music & The Arts
Music, Performing Arts
The Music of My Heart
Talented, hard working, vivacious, and future stars. These are all words that I can use to describe my students. I have had the privilege to teach music in the same school for over 20 years. A school Title one school in the heart of south Florida. In those years, I have watched student after student overcome obstacles that would make a grown man weary. Obstacles do not hinder my students, it fuels them to try harder, and become better. Through music, I have been able to open a whole new world to these students. \r\n I have been able to share my love for music to every child that walks through my classroom, in hopes of inspiring the next Mozart, Michael Jackson, or Taylor Swift.
As a music teacher, I have had the amazing opportunity to teach students who have become actors, singers, and composers. Each one of those students worked with me every year during their elementary years on the Christmas and End of the Year Show, showcasing their talent for all to hear. Being a public school in a very poor area of town, our we never had the best sound equipment in order to allow these students talents to really be heard. This project would allow me to give that voice to my students that they have never heard before. I will be able to put on the Christmas show and have Jingle Bells echoing through the hallways, and my students voices blaring right alongside it. \r\n These students make my heart sing, I want to return the favor and allow their voice to be heard!
My students need a sound system with microphones,and speakers to be able to showcase their beautiful voices and talents to the world around them!
2016-10-25 16:39:06
Grades 6-8
History & Civics
Civics & Government, History & Geography
Current Events: What in the World Is Happening?
I teach history in a Title I middle school where every student receives a free lunch. My students are faced with several challenges both in and out of the classroom and most have never been outside their own neighborhood. Despite the many challenges they face, I strive to make the larger world and its events relevant in order to light the spark inside them as amateur historians and well rounded citizens. Current event assignments are key in helping to do just that!\r\n\r\nMy students are creative, talkers and love to ask questions about why something is the way it is! Unfortunately, not all of them have access to the tools many of us take for granted which allows them to read or see what else is happening in the world. This includes not only internet but also books and magazines which gives so many of us a glimpse into another place and time. \r\n\r\nI do not have the advantage of a department budget to bring resources into my classroom and so everything is paid for out of pocket. Obviously on a teacher's salary that limits many of the resources I have available for my students.
I am requesting a class set of 26 Junior Scholastic magazines and 3 iPad minis to facilitate and extend our classroom discussions on current events. My students will explore and understand current events both in the United States and globally. Junior Scholastic is a current and reliable source which can be trusted. Because of the low socioeconomic population, so many of my students are without access to reading materials outside of the school environment. This lack limits their grasp of the happenings in the world around them and impacts their ability to master comprehension and summarizing skills; both of which are necessary to demonstrate understanding in all content areas. \r\nCurrent Event assignments are an incredibly vital way to study the world and donations to this project would benefit my students not only in their understanding of what is happening today but also help them in the content area of ELA. \r\nWe will use Junior Scholastic as the first step in exploring current events and making them relevant. The final step will lead to student-led debates about current event content. \r\nOnce students read and write about their current event, they will work in groups with the iPad minis to further research their topic and prepare for classroom debate. This gives them more hands-on experience with a 21st Century learning that many do not have at home.
My students need a classroom set of Junior Scholastic magazines and 3 iPad minis to explore and discuss current news stories.
2016-07-31 23:17:21
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Health & Life Science
Inner City Meets Mother Nature's Global Family
I teach Pre-K to 18 wonderful children in the Bronx. We are a large, urban school in New York City and many of the children come from families who are struggling financially. In our school, 100% of the students received free lunch and most are from a low socioeconomic background. Our families value education and are excited when they see their children learning and being exposed to new things. I have noticed that many students who are coming to school for the first time, do not have a lot of prior knowledge when it comes to nature. My goal is to reveal to them the basic laws of nature and the risks to our planet posed by mankind. Children should be taught early the medical and intellectual breakthroughs in science. The children have limited outdoor play areas, and often come to school with limited knowledge of the natural world. \r\n
My main goal in Pre-K is to keep the children engaged and interested in learning. If I can keep the children engaged, I believe I will keep their interest which will lead to a strong foundation in early childhood science. I am requesting science materials that will make a big difference. Through the use of these educational tools, the children will have a magical year. Children learn best through experiences that are integrated and multi-sensory. The materials I am requesting are filters for aquarium, motion discovery tubes, and bugs are are encased in acrylic cubes. The motion discovery tubes will give the children experience with friction, flow and speed. The children simply flip tubes and watch as the angle of a track determines the speed of the balls, the size of a funnel controls flow and the smootness of the track controls how fast or slow the balls move. The real bugs discovery kit will allow the children to closely observe 12 amazing bugs such a leaf beetle and a lantern fly. I am also requesting live hermit crabs, live aquatic snails and a snail kit with live snails. They will learn so much from these animal habitats and about caring for living things. These materials will help enrich our Pre-K program. Please help us to explore science right here in our room. The seeds of scientific intrigue must be planted early so that students can encounter the laws of nature.These materials would enrich my teaching and give the students experiences that go considerably beyond the picture, pencil and paper activities. I try to make my classroom a constructionist one with emphasis on understanding by doing things hands-on. A strong science program in the early grades can lay the foundation for a lifetime of learning in exploration and discovery.
My students need snails, hermit crabs, motion discovery tubs, bugs specimens, aquarium filters, and an aquatic frog kit.
2017-01-23 19:08:00
Grades PreK-2
Applied Learning, Health & Sports
Early Development, Health & Wellness
Red Wobble Work
My students are ready to learn this year! I have a very culturally diverse classroom which makes it fun to watch all the different learning styles in the classroom! I have many students that are so eager to learn new things! They love to explore new things and use their whole bodies to figure out situations. As their minds are developing and growing, their little minds need to be able to explore with different things. Our school is a School's For Healthy Lifestyles school. We are always on the move, especially in Pre-K!
The students will use these KORE wobble chairs while they are sitting at their tables working on their work. They are able to \"wobble\" around while they focus on their small group work. The students will be able to continue to grow in physical ability as well as educational ability with their KORE wobble chairs. \r\nAs a child grows into a young adult, they need to keep their bodies moving to help their brains develop correctly. The chairs would help their cores get stronger. They can focus on growing academically in their letters and numbers while keeping their bodies moving.
My students need wobble chairs to help focus on their work at the tables.
2016-05-25 20:59:24
Grades 9-12
Math & Science
Health & Life Science, Mathematics
Lakota Music to improve educational achievment
My Students are members of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe. My students often do not understand the links between things such as writing and reading, or writing and math. It is difficult to have students who are wanting to learn, and yet some of the resources are not there. Music is in the blood of my students. We use music to find ourselves back to reality and pursue our educational dreams.\r\n\r\nI have the usual eclectic bunch of students, however the problem is that many of them do not think that they will ever leave the reservation.\r\nOne of the side perks of this job is that I get to teach them to dream. Their writing shows that they have dreams and can make connections to other subject areas. Some of them will be able to reach these dreams with a good education and a little bit of hard work.
I am asking for four Chromebooks. My students will use the requested Chromebooks and program apps to allow them to read and write in my class. This will also help them with their other classes. Students will be able to create power points, write essays and stories, and do research on the projects that we work on, and integrate math in various areas. My students also need a CD stereo to play Lakota music while they work. With Lakota music, they are able to learn about their rich culture.\r\n\r\nOur kids often do not have access to the kinds of technology that are prevalent in more affluent areas.\r\nThey get to my classes not knowing how to use some of the basic computer programming that they will need in the future. This project will allow them to practice using programs such as powerpoint, typing papers, and various technology apps. They will also be able to integrate the Lakota Language into these applications.
My students need 3 Chromebooks, 1 Kindle, and a stereo in order to help them learn computer skills and help with their reading and writing.
2016-09-01 21:02:50
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Moving Online with our Math Curriculum
As technology develops and changes in our society, so much our teaching methods! To help keep math relevant in the eyes of middle-schoolers (no easy task), I am trying to incorporate interesting, technology based resources that are available for math teachers. In order to best support my students and keep them engaged, I need my class to adapt to technology just as quickly as my students do. \r\n\r\nMy students are amazing, young mathematical minds beginning a new math adventure! My Seventh and Eighth grade mathematicians are eager to learn and explore this next level of mathematics. They are a diverse group of creative minds and endless energy, and I can't wait to guide them through the many avenues math has to offer them.
As our school districts pushes for more relevant curriculum and more efficient curriculum delivery, we find our resources are mostly delivered via online textbooks. This is the direction most educational institutes are moving and we are proud to join this movement. \r\n\r\nChrome books in the classroom will enable students to interact with the text in a way they never have before! It will give them access to endless resources and allow each individual student to challenge themselves with the mathematics. With the chrome books, students can not only access their book digitally (take online notes, annotate the text, etc.), but they can take quick formative assessments that will give me immediate feedback on the level of student understanding. This will allow me to move forward or re-teach as necessary.
My students need seven Chromebooks with management software to access our online math curriculum.
2016-09-13 22:47:27
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literature & Writing
The ABC's of Learning
My students are amazing students who have a desire and determination to learn, but sometimes it is more difficult for them to grasp the concepts to grow in their learning. I use a variety of materials to help my students learn literacy concepts, the alphabet, and increase their spelling vocabulary. \r\nHaving a variety of materials to create literacy stations allows my students to recognize letters and words quickly which increases their reading fluency and writing skills. Today, students have computers, iPads, and other technology which is fast paced and keeps their attention. In the classroom, children need hands on materials that allows them to create, build, use their hands and keep them moving.\r\n
All children want to learn to read, and these materials will make a difference in my students' lives because it will give them a variety of ways to see the alphabet letters and meet their visual and kinesthetic methods of learning. Knowing the alphabet letters and sounds is important as children learn to read. First graders are active learners and need different activities to keep them busy and meet their different needs. children need a variety of ways to learn and grow in our fast paced society and these materials will make our centers more fun and educational at the same time.
My students need alphabet materials for centers in our classroom to keep them motivated to work hard to learn their alphabet letters and sounds so they can begin reading.
2016-07-13 17:02:50
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
Moving as we Learn
My students are a diverse group of learners. They have different ethnicities, socio-economic statuses, and family backgrounds, but they all come together each day and are ready to learn! These 5th graders are fun, active, and a little crazy at times. They have many traits, such as, being responsible, respectful, trustworthy, kind, and helpful. I want my students to become the best version of themselves. I want them to have a wonderful experience in my classroom. That is why I'm here, asking for your help!
I am requesting exercise balls to be used as an option for alternative seating. My students are very active and like to be in constant motion. Each year I have several restless, high-energy students who have trouble sitting in a traditional chair with their knees tucked under a desk . I believe that students should be allowed to stand, bounce, twist, and wiggle while they learn. I am a believer that alternative seating options help keep students' minds on task and engaged. Another benefit to students is that they will be burning more calories while they learn and work in the classroom.
My students need alternative seating to help keep their minds and bodies in motion.
2017-03-16 03:12:56
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
I is for I-Pads
Our day begins with a greeting at the door and a smile. We then have time to get to know each other and become a classroom family. At our morning meeting, my students are often given the opportunity to discuss things that are going on in and outside of the classroom. This leads into our day and we follow a routine that students are familiar with.\r\n\r\nThe students in my classroom are such hard workers. Our school is a high poverty school where resources at home and school are sometimes limited. One hundred percent of our students receive free lunch. Although they have diverse backgrounds, my students work so hard and accomplish great things each day.
We also have a project for osmo kits and we need an I-pad to go with the kits. The students will go crazy over having this in our class because any new technology is always exciting for them. I-pads are so engaging and when placed with the osmo kits, reading and math scores will improve. Students will be able to concentrate on specific skills. This I-Pad will be used in intervention groups to teach students in a small group or one-on-one instruction. The case will help keep the I-Pad safe from damage so students will be able to handle it on their own.
My students need an I-Pad to use with osmo kits and intervention.
2016-06-29 15:10:16
Grades PreK-2
Applied Learning
Early Development
Creating an Environment to Enhance My Students Learning
My students are 4 and 5 year from many social economic backgrounds and cultures. The early childhood years are critical. What happens during these years will impact them for the rest of their lives. \r\nFor many of these students having ownership to a designated space on the carpet in the classroom is very meaningful. They have not had those opportunities before.\r\nThey are all curious this age. They enjoy learning during discussions and exploring. The classroom discussion allow them those opportunities to ask and discuss. \r\n\r\nThe learning environment should be conducive for them to reach their learning potential. Our classroom is in need of a classroom rug for large group activities.
I am requesting a classroom rug that is large enough to accomodate my students.\r\n\r\nThis rug will provide an area for the students to sit during large group time. It has numbered places for the students to sit which will also help with classroom management. They can all have a designated place to sit and make it their own. This stability will help enhance their learning potentials. It has been proven that the appearance and the organization of the classroom impacts the students' learning. I would great appreciate having this rug in my classroom.\r\n\r\nThe students will spend a great deal of time in this area. This is where they will have morning discussions, story music, music time, and other learning experiences.\r\n\r\n
My students need an area for large group time. This rug will be used for story time, music time, and morning discussion.
2016-08-16 16:51:12
Grades 9-12
Health & Sports
Gym & Fitness
Pioneering Physical Fitness at El Colegio
El Colegio Charter School is a small public high school in Minneapolis that has been serving students in English and Spanish since 2000. This upcoming school year we are offering, for the first time a physical education class. This is an opportunity to for El Colegio to engage students in challenging, profound learning experiences that integrate research-based teaching strategies with Latino culture and traditions outside of the classroom and in a physical setting. \r\n\r\nPhysical activity is key for the health and happiness of students as many times our students do not get opportunities to be active throughout the day. \r\n Our students are very engaged within our community through after school extra curricular activities, but students do not always have opportunities to participate in physical activity. This is something will help them health wise, but is integral to their personal happiness in and out of school. Our students are young and have the desire and energy to be active on a daily basis, providing physical education will give them that opportunity to be active throughout the day meeting the physical and emotional needs they have.
All the equipment will help our students be physically active and work towards their personal fitness. Your donation is very important as this is the first P.E. class at El Colegio. Soccer and basketballs will help our students continue practicing sports they are familiar with but with other materials like volleyballs, frisbees and yoga mats students will be able to experience new forms of fitness. \r\nPhysical fitness is key for health, but is a form of introducing skills students can use in and out of the classroom. \r\nThis class will help student connect skill from the field to the classroom. The equipment provided will help students also work on teamwork, communication and social skill all which are translatable to the classroom.
My students need sports and fitness equipment including soccer balls, yoga mats, stopwatches and more in order to be able to participate and experience a physical education class.
2017-03-06 13:31:11
Grades PreK-2
Special Needs
Special Needs
Busy Preschoolers Seek Stimulating Seating!!!
My students are 3-5 year olds who all have special needs and are attending my Developmental Preschool program in an urban school. My preschoolers are a diverse group, with challenges ranging from language impairment, to issues with motor movement and autism. They are a great group of kids, working hard to learn to speak, walk and all of the basic things that preschoolers learn in general. They love to sing, dance, build with blocks and paint. \r\n\r\nMost of my students have sensory challenges as well, and need lots of support in the areas of oral-motor, vestibular and proprioceptive stimulation. Finding ways to address their sensory needs is one of our most elemental projects in preschool. When we have helped the child recognize his sensory needs and given him ways to deal with it in the classroom, we have opened the door for him to be able to take in new information. This improvement in participation and focus improves outcomes not just in preschool, but throughout their elementary school career.
The wobble seats will assist all of my students in building their core strength and help the many who have ADHD being able to sit and concentrate for our circle and large group instruction time. We use lots of music and visuals to help teach them their letters, numbers, color and shapes. When they are seated correctly they are more comfortable and can focus on what we are learning.\r\n\r\nThe sensory bins are a great way to calm a sensory seeking child down when the room or the activities become too overwhelming for them. As they learn to use the bins to calm themselves, the concept of self-regulation is taught.
My students need seating that helps develop their core muscles as well as provide them with the movement they need to stay focused. They also need sensory bins and balls to help them calm themselves.
2016-09-26 12:19:00
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
The Magic of Books
Have you ever stopped to wonder why reading is important? Books are used to entertain us but they also expand our vocabulary. Reading improves our vocabulary and leads to more highly-developed language skills. Through reading we learn about people, places, and events outside our own experiences.\r\n\r\nI have incredible students who are eager to learn every day despite the struggles they face outside of school. They come from hard-working families in a high poverty part of the city. All students receive free breakfast and lunch everyday. English is spoken as a second language in most families. My students have unlimited enthusiasm and strive to give their best each and every day.
By donating to my project my students will be able to experience reading a variety of chapter books. My students are in need of interesting chapter books. Exposing my students to different books will increase their vocabulary and comprehension skills, skills that many of my students struggle with. These books will also be used during guided reading. During guided reading students work in small groups to develop skills that later they can apply independently. Students will also have the opportunity to work collaboratively with classmates to think deeply about the text. This will also help increase literacy skills and teaches students how to work together in a community.\r\n\r\nReading is a vital skill that every child needs to develop and grow. My students need high interest chapter books to develop good reading skills and your donation could make this possible. I want to foster a love of reading to my students. With these resources my students could start the path of becoming life long readers.
My students need several copies of different leveled chapter books, such as The Family Under the Bridge and Because of Winn-Dixie in order to enrich their reading experience.
2016-05-28 02:36:39
Grades 9-12
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Environmental Science
Chemical Miracle
My stutnds are amazing and great hardworkers. My students are at school because of not someone forced them to be here rather they themselves preferred to be here. My most of the students are adults and they have gone through a lot of things in their life and trying to survive themselves after a struggling.\r\n\r\nMy students they work in the morning time and come to night school instead of enjoying their rest of time. My students they know the value of education in their life and its role in modifying their future. My students need little motivation and care to push themselves to be on the track of success.
Dealing with chemicals and chemical reaction gives color to every ones life.My students are hard workers and have intention to do some thing great in their life even though they struggled a lot. Chemistry activities fills the colors to their life, they can learn about lot of things which is happening around the world.\r\n\r\nIn chemistry class students learn about chemicals, compounds, elements, periodic table,mixtures, your donation gives easily access to these laboratory kits,chemicals in their labs while conducting practicals. Students will follow the procedure,use the dependent and independent variables,conduct the experiment,observe the changes,get the result,analyze the result and gives conclusion. Students will get through all the scientific investigation steps in their research. \r\n\r\nStudents get to know the use of chemicals in their day to day life much better than ever before.It brings general awareness in students and also meets the common core standards of the science.Chemistry is great area of science deals with quest for facts.\r\n\r\n
My students need laboratory kit for observing how chemical reaction is taking place,they want to know the difference between element,compound and mixture which they come across in their day to day life.
2016-12-05 17:33:41
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
Please Help CCCS Students Start the New Year Off Prepared!
The students at our school come from various backgrounds full of rich culture, loving families, and strong community bonds, but many of them are in need of additional resources to enhance their education. Living in an urban area, the students in this school deal with the constant struggles that accompany life near a city. Violence, poverty, and a lack of resources are among some of the issues that many of our students either experience personally or know of in their community. School is a welcoming place that offers all of our scholars a safe environment to learn and grow, staff that care for them, and opportunities to explore education. \r\nAt our school we try our best to not let limitations or outside issues affect our scholars. We work hard to give them the very best. With the help of Donorschoose.org we want to expand the resources available to teachers to support students' reading and writing skills, specifically in our library.
Each year after Winter Break we return to school with a fresh start to the remaining months of our school year. It is at this time that we recognize the needs of our classrooms. Many teachers spend their holidays preparing for the months to come, which include purchasing needed supplies to replace the ones that have already been used during the first few months of school. One supply that we seem to always be in need of is pencils. My goal is to raise enough money to start each teacher off with a fresh supply of pencils ready to go for the first day back from break. Thank you to our generous donors who are always going above and beyond!!
My students need pencils to help replenish those that they have used so far this school year!
2016-08-06 12:00:26
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports, Special Needs
Gym & Fitness, Special Needs
Movement In and Out of the Classroom
I teach kindergarten at a very low socio--economic school. The majority of our students are second language learners. More than 3/4 of our our on free or reduced priced lunch. Our school also serves many many students with special needs \r\n\r\nEveryday my students come to school excited to see what they will be learning. My students love school, they love to learn and are eager to learn. \r\n\r\nI rely solely on donations and grants for classroom supplies and materials. Asking our families to help with fundraisers is out of the question.
My project provides movement for students in and out of the classroom for students who are constantly on the go seeking sensory input. Outside the classroom they will have access to the balls, hula hoops, bean bags, and jump rope starters during recess. Teachers would also use them again during P.E. time. All of these items require them to move their entire body which is so important.\r\n\r\nOnce we are inside the classroom it is often difficult for some students who are constantly seeking sensory input to feel comfortable. Using specific alternative sensory seating for students who have sensory needs will provide endless opportunities and help to develop and improve concentration. These materials will give students an opportunity to partake in a variety of learning experiences that will meet many of the Kindergarten Common Core State Standards in Language Arts and Math as well as all other curricular areas.\r\n\r\nFor example, the pillow disks allows a child to sit on the carpet but allows them to wiggle without disrupting. The wobble stools and ball chair provide subtitle input to the vestibular system, making it an amazing sensory strategy to promote engagement and attention in the classroom. \r\n\r\nYour support of this project will help bring some much needed resources to our classroom.
My students need equipment that allows their bodies to move and while they learn in and out of the classroom.
2016-09-28 17:26:22
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Write and Wipe: Tools for Reading Success
My first grade students are full of energy! I teach in a Title One School where over 80% of the students receive free lunch. The students in my classroom come from a variety of backgrounds and cultures. Many are new to the USA and are just learning to read and write English. \r\n \r\nMy students are very diverse in their learning styles as well as their cultures. In order to be an effective teacher, I need to be able to address all of their needs during the day. That includes hands on learning.
My first grade students come from a variety of cultures and different home life experiences. With this diversity comes a difference in learning styles. My job as a teacher is to assess these differences and provide opportunities for all students to be successful in the classroom. \r\n\r\nMy students each learn in unique ways and as a teacher, it is my job to determine how best to ensure my students can understand and be successful with a concept. With these whiteboards my students will be able to practice new skills together without wasting paper. They will also be able to receive immediate feedback from me. We can also quickly correct mistakes and move on with our learning as a class.
My students need whiteboards and erasers to help them learn to read and write.
2016-12-21 16:29:44
Grades PreK-2
Special Needs
Special Needs
Adapted Hi-Write Journals for Special Learners!
\"Why fit in when you were born to stand out?\"- Dr. Seuss \r\n\r\nI believe that all students can learn! Our school is located in a high poverty area with ninety-nine percent of our students qualifying for free or reduced price lunch. I teach what is called a Self Contained Cross Categorical Academic class of typically about fifteen students, kindergarten to third grade. \r\n\r\nMy classroom is made up of students with a wide range of disabilities. My students work towards not only achieving their academic goals, but their emotional goals as well. \r\n\r\nEveryday in my classroom is an adventure. My students face difficult moments everyday due to their disabilities. However, with the support inside my classroom and on campus, we work to make everyday a great day. We are a classroom community and strive to make sure all members of our community are appreciated and valued. \r\n \r\n
My students need Hi-Write Journal paper to use during journal writing assignments because these journals are perfectly designed with my special little learners in mind.\r\n\r\nMy students with handwriting difficulties often produce written work with poor orientation on and within the writing lines and decreased size differentiation between uppercase and lowercase letters.\r\n\r\nThis can take away the overall quality of their written work output. Often difficulties with handwriting legibility are due, in part, to visual-motor delays or learning difficulties. \r\n\r\nMy students respond well to assistance in the form of visual cues to guide their written work placement. We use highlighter to help guide our students to write on the line. These special adapted journals come with a highlighted lower-line space is extremely helpful when desiring visual cues to guide orientation of written work. The highlighted lower-line space offers a clear visual cue for lowercase letter placement and helps with size differentiation between uppercase and lowercase letters.
My students need Hi-Write Journals so that they can independently write in journals during writing time.
2017-02-08 10:41:50
Grades 6-8
Special Needs
Special Needs
Chromebooks For Students With Disabilities
The classes I serve in my middle school include students with a range of disabilities, including intellectual disabilities, emotional disturbance, autism spectrum disorder and specific learning disabilities.\r\n \r\nTypically, students in my class read below their grade level, and many struggle with basic phonics and number sense. These struggles lead to my students not keeping up with their core subjects. These very special students require special teaching and special tools to enhance their unique learning styles. \r\n\r\nThese students also come from various backgrounds and socioeconomic statuses. Some students cannot afford items that would enhance their learning environment.
Chromebooks in my classroom will give students access to technology that most of them do not have access to at home. Our middle school is a Google school and our teachers use Google classroom to create exciting lessons. This technology will enhance the learning environment and give students a boost in confidence despite their disabilities.\r\n\r\nThe laptops can be set up as a mini computer lab in our very own classroom.\r\nThese computers will provide my students the means to work together in small groups. They will also be able to practice reading, writing and math skills. For example, students who are working on equivalent fractions will access a web site that offers math practice in that area. The kids will work on creating equivalent fractions until they have become proficient in or have mastered the skill. Many websites offer kids immediate feedback and give kids more examples on which to work.\r\n\r\nYour gift will help my kids in all areas of study and will help them gain greater command of technology. Your gift will help my kids now and in their futures as they move to ever more challenging and complex work. Many thanks for your generous gift.
My students need Chrome books to be successful in the classroom.
2016-09-01 08:10:07
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
Clipboards + Partner work= Successful Learning
I have been teaching third grade for over 8 years now. Every year I try to keep students interested and engage in the lessons through using different strategies, activities and games to help review and learn the information. Through this project, I know it will increase student knowledge by working together. My students are at the age where they are so curious about the world around them and are eager to learn more by helping others. My school currently does not receive any Title I funding and relies heavily on our PTO or using the money out of our own pockets to fund different projects that we want to do.
Every year, I encourage my students to increase their knowledge by not only learning the skills and strategies but to also help learn from each other through partner work. One of the struggles that we come across is that with quality conversations requires students to spread out. My students do not have clipboards so many times they are limited in where they are able to meet in the classroom. If students have the ability to use clipboards, they are able to find a more suitable place to meet and learn from each other. My plan is to hopefully have pencils attached to each clipboard, so students don't have to waste time looking and sharpening their pencils to and can start working with their partner right away.
My students need individualized clipboards so that way students are able to space out around the room and work with partners without always having to be at their desks.
2017-01-25 19:37:32
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Environmental Science, Health & Life Science
Outdoor Classroom Extravaganza
My students are diverse mountain children! We live in a small mountain community which has its advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that we are surrounded by the beauty of nature and we are fortunate enough to go outside everyday and play in the sun and snow.\r\n\r\nHowever, we have a high level of special needs children, English language learners and children living below the poverty line in our class. This may be a result of the seasonal nature of work in our town and the severe lack of affordable housing. Our school is the only preschool in town with services for special education and our needs are high. \r\n\r\n We are fortunate to have a wonderful classroom full of love and laughter. We love to sing songs, dance and play. But we currently have a playground with no nature, nowhere to run or jump or climb and our children need a better outdoor environment to aid in the their development. \r\n\r\n
We have a view of Rocky Mountain National Park so we want our students to spend time outside enjoying the beautiful landscape. Our students will use these materials to paint views of the mountains, build natural structures, play in their sand box and appreciate nature.\r\n\r\nNature is healing and as we have a high population of special needs and at risk students in our class, it is especially important for them to spend time outdoors. Creating a strong relationship with nature at an early age is essential and can be a resource for these students throughout their lives. \r\n\r\nWe are so fortunate to live in the mountains and currently we spend little time outdoors due to out lack of appropriate outdoor materials. We have a small preschool playground and I hope to make every inch count with our new supplies! \r\n
My students need materials to expand their outdoor classroom. As the weather warms we plan on using our outdoor classroom everyday to paint, build, grow and learn in the mountains!
2017-02-10 13:33:15
Grades 6-8
Literacy & Language
Foreign Languages, Literacy
Classroom Library
My school is in an impoverished area of Utah. I teach Spanish and would like to have a classroom library of books from very basic for my beginning classes to more difficult for my advanced classes. Although I teach middle school, in my school district foreign language classes are all high school level, so most of the students that I have are hard-working kids who want to get a head start on their high school requirements to attend college. Thank you.
I'm looking for books for my classroom library. I teach all levels of Spanish from beginning to advanced. I already have many simple picture books for my beginning classes, but would also like some more difficult books for my advanced classes. Most of my students are very motivated because although they are middle school students, they get high school credit for my classes.\r\n\r\nReading is a fundamental skill that all students need. Learning a foreign language also helps with English reading and writing skills. We need more bilingual people in our workforce and my classes are preparing my students for that eventuality.\r\n\r\n
My students need books to help them practice and read Spanish.
2016-12-19 16:02:37
Grades 9-12
Literacy & Language
ESL, Literature & Writing
Literature for Literacy
Walking through the halls of our school, one will find a diverse population of students who all have their own unique struggles, strengths and dreams. As an inner city school, many of these students are limited by financial constraints, social, emotional, and socioeconomic challenges, as well as language barriers. However, they have a determination in themselves and passion that is many times failed to be seen on the surface.\r\nWhen these students are motivated and inspired they are unstoppable in both their academic and personal growth.\r\nAlthough, finding that motivation can be difficult at times, my 12th grade ELL students strive to do that everyday. They struggle with reading English and their desire to read both silently and aloud is minimal due to a fear of making a mistake. While many are quite advanced in their first language, they are facing challenges as they work to transfer their knowledge to English. As they work towards college and/or a career, my students want to improve their literacy and enhance their communication skills through reading, writing and speaking. It is also important that they are provided opportunities to connect with literature, collaborate with each other, and encouraged to be lifelong learners.\r\n
Increasing the amount of time students spend reading and writing is imperative to the growth of their overall literacy and communication skills. However, motivating students to want to read, especially when the text is written in a second language, can be very challenging. \r\n\r\nMy ELL students are intelligent and dedicated, but many are rather apprehensive when it comes to practicing their English skills. These books will help to keep my students engaged and motivated. My students have voiced their enthusiasm and desire to read The Freedom Writer's Diary, as well as their own independent novels, and I want to use this enthusiasm and these books to engage and support their journey in improving their English reading, writing, and speaking skills. \r\n\r\nStudents will read and write responses and book reflections on the The Freedom Writer's Diary. They will also connect themes and elements presented in the book to elements of their own lives. This will help students to connect and relate to their reading and make it more meaningful. In addition, students will be following up The Freedom Writer's Diary unit, with a unit called Reader's Workshop. This is a student-centered unit where students will read their independent novel and write daily reflections and notes utilizing different comprehension strategies. By practicing reading and writing daily, my students will be emerged in the written English language and their literacy will improve.
My students need copies of the Freedoms Writer's Diary and independent novels so they can be motivated, driven, and ultimately, more confident to practice and enhance their English reading, writing, and speaking skills.
2016-09-25 15:02:50
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness
We Need to Move!
We like to move! My class of 30 second graders sure love to move. They LOVE to be active AND move around as much as possible. It is tough for them to sit still all day... even just for a short amount of time.\r\n\r\nI teach an AMAZING group of second graders that are risk takers and ready to take on any challenge you put in front of them.\r\n\r\nThey are only 7 and 8 years old and sitting still in a chair, for most of the day, is tough. I want to give my AMAZING students a tool that will allow them the movement that is needed for them to stay focused and on task. Being able to subtly move in their seats will help many of my students maintain their attention, and this subtle movement will not disrupt the other students.\r\n
Hokki stools and bouncy chair bands are the new thing! We have a classroom down the hall who has a few of the stools and bands in their classroom and after rotating between classrooms (for science and social studies) my inquisitive students couldn't stop talking about how great they were. I borrowed a few to use in our classroom and they instantly fell in love with them. They asked and asked, begged and pleaded. They wanted those Hokki stools for our room. They asked \"can we please have our own for our classroom\" ... I could not let them down. After all, it was their idea and their idea was pretty great! I knew at that point, I needed to get Hokki stools for our classroom!\r\n\r\nFlexible seating with Hokki Stools and bouncy bands is a great way to bring healthy lifestyles into our classroom all day.\r\n\r\nImplementing this new flexible seating arrangement will allow my students to stay active for most of the school day each day, easily working towards being active 60 minutes a day. Hokki stools and bouncy bands are a no-brainer and the perfect solution! Exercise isn't just for recess anymore!\r\n\r\nThis kid-inspired project proposes comfortable options for seating while promoting healthy lifestyles.\r\n\r\nWe really do LOVE Hokki stools because students have the opportunity to focus better WHILE they learn. While sitting, students will be engaging their core on one of the Hokki stools OR engaging those leg muscles while using them against the bouncy bands. These stools and bouncy bands provide students the opportunity to be exercise and stretch during our lessons each day. This small amount of movement helps students concentrate and maintain their focus.\r\n
My students need 7 Hokki stools and 5 bouncy chair bands so they can be active while completing independent work. Flexible seating is what we need!
2017-03-30 11:45:56
Grades 3-5
Applied Learning
Character Education, Extracurricular
Supplies for our Class Pet, Elphaba!
I have the privilege of teaching 40 incredible 4th grade students. I teach in a diverse area of Central Florida where my hard-working fourth graders come to school everyday ready to learn!\r\n\r\nMy classroom is a place where we are constantly learning. The students enjoy sharing about themselves and their families. There is a diverse mix of students coming from different socioeconomic backgrounds. Unfortunately, most of my students do not come to school with the supplies that they need. Their families cannot afford school supplies and nearly all the students receive a free or reduced lunch. Help me give my students the best education possible!\r\n\r\n\r\n
My students are full of energy and love to come to school to learn. Many of my students come from low-income families and live in apartments that do not allow animals or pets. We were very lucky to have a beautiful Ball Python, who needed a loving home. We now need a cage, bedding, and other vital supplies for it to have a happy and healthy place to live.\r\n\r\nThis pet has fostered a love of animals, and a sense of ownership and responsibility for my students. \r\nI am very excited to be able to use this special animal to teach my students that we all deserve to be happy, taken care of and loved. My students will learn skills such as taking care of an animal, showing it compassion, and responsibility.
My students need class pet supplies to keep Elphaba healthy and happy!
2016-08-21 05:56:39
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness
Clean Kids, Healthy Kids!
I teach at a Title I school where 100% students receive free breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack. Our school has a high poverty rate, and consists of many school of choice students that live in neighboring communities. Most of my students come from single-parent homes. While our school does offer busing, getting students to school on time is a struggle. My students are creative, active, and energetic. They are hard workers and are wonderful helpers. They are always willing to help me and each other with any task. They are a true delight!
My kindergarten students eat breakfast in our classroom every morning, as well as have healthy snacks near the end of the day. Kids share many things--especially when they are eating. Gerns and viruses are often among the things that kids share most. My students eat breakfast and snack at a counter in our classroom. However, the counter is also the place where many other activities are held throughout the day. It's important for students to have a clean eating and working area. Likewise, students spend much time learning and creating at their tables. It is important for students to have a clean, sanitized work space!
My students need facial tissues, hand sanitizer, disenfectant wipes, and paper towels to help fight against germs, keep eating areas sanitized and free from spills.
2016-08-16 17:17:51
Grades 9-12
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
It's Time To Stand Up For Learning!
There are times when it is important to challenge tradition and conventional wisdom. When it comes to students and learning, tradition and conventional wisdom have, for too long, dictated that students in school should sit in desks, which are only a few feet off the ground.\r\n\r\nI teach college-prep English courses for 11th and 12th grade students at a public charter high school. As part of my my students' English education, I have taught them to question everything in my courses from an author's bias and perspective to text organization to what the most effective ways to learn are. This questioning has led my students to research that indicates that actively standing while engaging in classroom activities is more effective and productive for learning than passively sitting at the typical student desk.
If (4) Techni Mobili Mobile Laptop MDF Carts are funded for my students (to be used as student desks), my students will be able to actively stand while learning in my courses, completing activities ranging from annotating and charting texts to drafting, revising, and editing formal essays to taking in-class essays. And, according to substantial research discovered by my students, these desks will improve their effectiveness and productivity while engaging in my courses' college-prep English activities.\r\n\r\nIt's time to stand up for learning by funding a project that will allow students to stand while learning. This challenge to tradition and conventional wisdom will have a major impact of how students learn in my classroom. Please take a stand today!
My students need 4 Techni Mobili Mobile Laptop MDF Carts with Storage.
2016-12-23 14:26:26
Grades PreK-2
Applied Learning, Special Needs
Early Development, Special Needs
Tech for Tots
My students are young learners (3 to 4 years old) who are on the autism spectrum. My students exhibit a wide range of skills and they are all unique. Some of my students are atypical learners who require a lot of support, while others are more independent and working on advanced skills such as reading books and demonstrating comprehension.\r\n\r\nMy students are very active and inquisitive. Many are in a school environment for the first time and they are learning to use language and play more productively with same age peers. My students have varying abilities, for example some are reading sight words and speaking in sentences while others have no expressive language and limited understanding of receptive language. All of my students are awesome and they have all acquired new skills since entering our classroom.
Help! My student just broke one of our iPads! The iPad that I am requesting will help my students increase skills in several developmental domains. Skills that will increase include: academic (cognitive), speech & language, self-help and social skills. There are many different apps that can be downloaded to address the developmental level and needs of each student. For example, students who are working on toileting skills can use the app 'Pepi Bath' to help them feel more comfortable with the toileting process.\r\nOne of the primary purposes of the iPad will be to increase academic skills. Again, there are many excellent apps that can be downloaded to address the specific needs of each student. Some of my students will benefit from literacy and emergent math skills apps, while others will benefit from apps that teach skills like animal identification and animal sounds.\r\nSome of my students are working on more basic skills such as attending for longer periods and using toys functionally. The iPad serves this purpose beautifully as my population of students is able to navigate an iPad independently and since it is highly motivating, they are able to focus for several minutes at a time. I've only touched upon a few of the benefits an iPad will offer as all the benefits are to numerous to list.
My students need and iPad mini to increase skills in all developmental domains.
2016-09-02 06:39:49
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Environmental Science, Mathematics
Math and Science Hands-on Learning Centers for Small-Groups
My second grade class is comprised of 24 vibrant young individuals from local lower-income families. Our school is a Title One school where all of our students receive free breakfast and lunch. Many of these students come from single-parent homes or homes where both parents work outside the home and have limited income. Student learning levels range from special education, gifted and talented, English Language Learners and all other learning levels along the scale. \r\nOur school is publicly funded, with significant portions of the instructional materials and school equipment dating to a bygone era; offset and incrementally modernized through a combination of personal efforts by teachers and administrators alike. These daily learning tools requested will be available to all 2nd grade classes at our school - resulted in a meaningful, positive impact for approximately 75 students' daily instruction.\r\nMy students lack the opportunities and resources at home for building the higher level thinking skills required by CCSS. These materials would allow them to master those skills. Our students absolutely love learning and look forward to coming to school and deserve only the best!\r\n
These materials will provide students an opportunity to ' develop critical and creative thinking skills, especially in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math. Students will meet in small groups weekly to explore different themes and topics under the umbrella of STEM. Some weeks will have students all addressing one \"challenge\", while others will allow them to work on activities of their own choosing. Students will use the math manipulatives and games on a almost daily basis. \r\nThese materials will provide an excellent platform for my students to explore concepts that aren't addressed thoroughly in their classroom curriculum. Since funds are limited, learning resources are scarce unless teachers are able and willing to use their own money to purchase the extras. The supplies will peak students interest, and give them an opportunity to learn using hands-on methods instead of reading boring material from the books.
My students need hands-on math manipulatives, math small group centers, and science small-group learning centers.
2016-10-04 18:27:06
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Good Readers Need Tablets
My students are vibrant college bound children who come from Caribbean and African American backgrounds. My students come from working class families in the southern part of Brooklyn who try their best to provide food, clothing and shelter for them and their other children. I along with the families of my school work hard to help these scholars grow in their learning so they can achieve their career and lifelong dreams. \r\n\r\nSome of my scholars are reading above grade level, while the majority have just met the reading requirements for upcoming first graders. They struggle to problem solve new and tricky words while reading due to a lack in their foundational understanding of letters and the different sounds they make when combined. \r\n
These tablets will function as a part of the literacy block, a time in which scholars will work at this center and apply the skills given to them in Guided Reading Instruction. Scholars will be given access to reading applications like Reading A-Z, Articulation Station, ABC Mouse, BOBS Books, Monster Words and more. As a bonus, scholars have the option to use these tablets and educational applications to further practice their reading skills during enrichment and recess. \r\nSince my scholars do not have access to computers at school, and for some at home, access to tablets during literacy instruction will help strengthen their abilities as readers.
My students need tablets that will be equipped with a variety of reading and phonics programs that will help improve their literacy skills in the classroom and beyond.
2016-12-21 18:33:02
Grades PreK-2
Special Needs
Special Needs
Reading Is Fundamental
My students are in a Title I preschool, many of them have a parent in the military. The children must meet at-risk criteria to attend this program. The criteria include family income, identified disabilities, parent employment, and English proficiency. I provide a creative classroom environment, with materials in the learning centers that are empowering students through art. I also provide science, technology, engineering, and math activities. I believe this will prepare all my students to be successful in kindergarten and beyond.
My students with special needs must have literature to help them conceptualize math concepts. My students are rapidly expanding on their ability to understand. I believe using books with a mathematical story will help them to better understand math concepts such as counting, exploring shapes, and patterns in a more sophisticated way. They also need a shelf for their math center. A defined learning centers help students with learning disabilities focus. Lastly, they need a need a big book storage as an accommodation to have a place where the book will not get bent up and help them to clean-up independently. These materials will help encourage them to see math and order in the world around them.\r\n\r\nMy students are ready to practice counting objects, forwards and backwards.\r\nWith these material they can start to apply counting to their everyday life. Using math picture books is a fun and interesting way to pull the students into a story and make them more receptive to learning math. This is a different approach I want to try, rather than teaching traditional math direct instruction. I want to have a place for all their math materials too. The goal is to have less frustrated students by the end of the year.
My students need a big book storage, a new shelf, and math concept books.
2016-12-13 09:23:44
Grades 6-8
Special Needs
Special Needs
Supplies, Supplies, Supplies, Oh My!
My students all have a moderate to severe intellectual disability. Their future isn't career or college based. Their future is life skills and independent living skills based. We work daily on academics, career skills, and independent living/life skills. The most important topic is their independence and ability to care for themselves. We will learn academic skills, like measurement, when working with measuring out laundry detergent and while cooking/baking. The students will also work on life skills and real-life problem-solving as we venture into cleaning, cooking, baking, and self-care. \r\n\r\nTheir families do not always have the resources needed to meet their child's unique learning or functional needs. Many of my students do not generalize a skill very well and may learn it in one environment but be unable to do it anywhere else.They need the extra support from the school and teachers while working on skills like money, time, hygiene, etc. so that their child actually obtains the skill. M My students need collaboration between school and home to foster the skills needed for independent living! \r\n\r\n
The materials requested in the project will provide supplies that we need in the classroom. These supplies will allow us to create picture communication cards and classroom labels for our students. Some of my students are non-verbal and require pictures to communicate with staff and peers. My students also require a visual picture label to go with items and locations within the classroom to aid in transitioning and independence around the classroom.\r\n\r\nWith the new picture communication cards and labels, my students will be more independent in navigating the classroom and completing the tasks asked of them. They will benefit greatly from the supplies requested in this project!
My students need post it notes, ink, card stock, laminating pouches, and velcro to create picture communication systems and classroom labels.
2017-03-21 15:11:40
Grades PreK-2
Applied Learning, Special Needs
Early Development, Special Needs
Flexible Seating for Kinder Kiddos
I work in a fantastic school just south of Lansing, MI. Unlike Lansing, the school is located in a more rural area. My school is extremely community based and I serve incredible children and their families.\r\n\r\nWorking with kindergarten students, I've realized the importance of giving them both choices and the opportunity to move their bodies during a learning experience. This is why I would love to implement flexible seating in my classroom. Flexible seating would give them the chance to explore where they are the best learner and allow for movement during various activities.
These flexible seating materials will help provide my students with more seating options and the opportunity to choose which learning environment is best for them. Students will have stability cushions on their chairs or on the floor. The futon will be used as a more comfortable option for students who need soft spaces to work. The stability balls will provide bounce for students who need small bits of movement, but also want the comfort of sitting. The clipboards will benefit students who choose to sit on the carpet or lay as they complete their work. \r\n\r\nStudents should have the opportunity to make choices about seating that best fit their needs and learning styles. Flexible seating will allow my students to be more aware of their learning preference while providing them with choice in the classroom.
My students need flexible seating options to increase engagement and provide choice for a more positive learning environment.
2016-05-02 22:29:13
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Reading Skill Improvement
Most of my students do not have a love of reading because it is a huge challenge for them. I want to provide them with a year full of opportunity to gain a love of reading. The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go. -Dr. Seuss
The school that I teach at does leveled classes. Next year I will be teaching the students that need a little extra help with all things literacy. I want to provide my students with as many opportunities as I can to help improve their reading and writing abilities.
Students will be using all of these different items on a weekly basis during independent and small group work. Some activities will be done during our center time while I am working with small groups and one on one. These activities will help them with writing, fluency, and comprehension skills.
This donation will provide my class and students with many supplies to excel student development and learning. It will be an engaging way of gaining the skills that are necessary for students to become successful in their school careers.
My students need reading and writing materials to help improve their literacy skills.
2017-03-10 01:11:12
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Gym & Fitness
It's a Slam Dunk!
My students are incredible! I have 24 motivated English Language Learners who are eager to learn. My students come from low socioeconomic backgrounds with limited resources available to them. We are a Title I Performance Improvement school with a 100% free lunch program. Many parents work two jobs and are struggling to support their families.\r\n\r\nThough their environment may not be conducive to learning, my students have an insatiable love of learning. I know that if we provide them with the right support, resources, and opportunities, they can experience success.
My students were inspired and came up with a great idea to get fit on the playground. They wanted new balls to learn the game of basketball. The balls will be used to keep them active and running. They will keep their heart rate pumping by dribbling, kicking, and making baskets with these balls. We don't have any grass so they will need the knee pads for protection. The pinnies are needed so the children can see who their teammates are easily.\r\nLearning basketball at a young age not only helps encourage exercise, but serves as a foundation for staying active later in life. The children will learn to play as a team in addition to learning basic fundamental skills. It's a slam dunk when it comes to basketball!
My students need basketballs, pinnies, and knee pad for outdoor activities.
2016-09-28 16:33:52
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Music & The Arts
Literature & Writing, Visual Arts
Making an Imprint
My students represent a diverse selection of ethnic backgrounds, and abilities. Each child is unique and talented in so many different ways. Our students range in ability from those with a variety of special needs to those gifted and talented in academics or other areas. We teach artists, singers, dancers, gymnasts, athletes, writers, and mathematicians.\r\nI'm lucky to be able to work with a team of likewise dedicated educators. Together we integrate all disciplines to develop a well rounded program of common core standards. Students are engaged throughout the day as reading and math are taught through the arts. affectionately call our school a START school, for science, technology and the arts.
Students are using technology in the classroom but we still have no budget for ink to print our projects! I have purchased a large printer that should be capable of the work load put forth by all the students in the class, but the cost of ink can break my bank!!\r\n\r\nThis project will allow us to occasionally print our work for display purposes. All students have access to chrome books and are learning to type journal assignments and other written work, as well as to use on line graphics to illustrate all writings.\r\n\r\nYour donations support us being able to print out our work!
My students need ink to be able to print out our computer generated projects
2016-06-17 09:30:35
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science, Literacy & Language
Applied Sciences, Literacy
The Land of Fairy Tales: STEM
My incoming students are a mix of transitional kindergarten and kindergarten students. When they start the school year they are just four to five-years-old. They attend school in a huge urban school district. The school qualifies as Title 1 due to poverty.\r\n\r\nMy young scholars face many challenges due to poverty, special needs and language acquisition. Students are learning mainstreamed English or English as a second language. Some will have speech delays or other special needs. All will come ready to learn.
In my class I teach core literature thematic units. How wonderful would it be if the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) lessons in my classroom fit into the units? With the requested STEM Bundle for Kindergarten I can do just that. \r\n\r\nAs my students study classic fairy tales they can participate in STEM activities that explore topics in the stories. The STEM reproducible book includes 30 more activities that they can participate in during STEM, outdoor and center times.\r\n\r\nWhat fun they will have as they design, experiment and record their results. They won't even realize they are learning the engineering design and scientific processes.
My students need a fairy tale based STEM kit that teaches chain reactions and a STEM reproducible book that includes 30 STEM projects.
2016-12-17 19:43:26
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Special Needs
Literature & Writing, Special Needs
Fun Reading Activites
I teach in a high poverty school. My students deserve and need a comfortable cozy place to call home. They are eager to learn. All of our students receive free breakfast and lunch Daily. We even provide snacks for many of them to take home so they have something to eat over the weekend!\r\nDespite their many challenges, their love of reading and writing never wains! I teach a diverse population. A warm colorful cozy classroom always makes a parent or student feel welcome and comfortable. Developing trust is always difficult, but warm inviting classrooms will always pave the way.
Highest Poverty\r\n\r\nMy students need new fun interactive reading games with colorful boards to make learning fun!\r\n\r\nI teach in a high poverty school. My students deserve and need a fun learning environment. They are eager to learn. All of our students receive free breakfast and lunch daily. We even provide snacks for many of them to take home, so they have something to eat over the weekend!\r\n\r\nDespite their many challenges, their love of reading and writing never wanes!\r\n\r\nWe have a large population of Hispanic students as well. At times it can be difficult to communicate with parents or students. But, fun interactive reading centers will make a positive impact on student learning. Developing trust is always difficult, but a fun inviting classrooms always paves the way!
My students need fun interactive reading centers. I find that interactive engaging games that reinforce and help children learn always make children want to come to school.
2016-08-09 20:34:09
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Gym & Fitness
Movin' and Groovin' With Technology!
My students are full of energy and eager to learn first graders. They come in moving first thing in the morning. I love harnessing and encourage that movement. we also have brain breaks which encourage more movement. \r\n Movement in the classroom helps students with focus and motivation. My students enjoyed brainstorming ways to help our class stay fit and focused. They love music and dancing so we decided to incorporate this into a daily centers and indoor recess. This way we are actively learning and moving.\r\n \r\n
My students wanted to create a center where they move , dance to music and have brain breaks. The student expressed the best best thing about school was our brain breaks. We use Go Noodle for them. We use them all the time except for center time which more academic time and indoor recess. We have indoor recess due to weather restrictions. This limits the physical movement .\r\nThey wanted to incorporate these into center time and indoor recess. Our stations are independent and with small groups. In order for the students to move independently and without bothering other students, they need their own iPad to access Go Noodle, and Just Dance to keep fit. \r\n The students also wanted this kid-inspired project to include some way to make indoor recess \"FUN\". In our area we have a lot of indoor recess due to weather. The students could independently set up these center during indoor recess. This would give them 20 minutes of movement back.\r\nThey also want to keep track of their progress and will earn Brag Tags to show their improvement. Students will track their movement daily and be able to see their progress. This motivation will help students feel good about fitness and notice the positive impact staying fit can have. The students also wanted this kid-inspired project to include some \r\n
My students need 3 ipad minis. These will support our movement/brain break center and indoor recess.
2016-09-02 20:25:02
Grades 3-5
Math & Science
Math For All!
I have a wonderful group of students in 3rd grade this year! I recently switched from teaching reading and social studies to science and math. My students are eager to learn, and love to do hands-on projects. Our area has been hit by the oilfield recession, and so there are a lot of families who are struggling. We have a high number of socio-economically disadvantaged students this year, many of whom are from single-parent households. Several of my students have lost a parent in the last two years. They have so much potential and I am excited to see their success in the future!
We are so excited to have this opportunity! My classroom is in need of various math activities for guided math. We are doing a workshop this year, and there will be different centers around the room. I will be working with small groups using hands-on materials, and other students will be practicing math facts or playing math games. I need these items to engage my students, to help them to learn, and to get them excited about math! The carpet is math-themed, and will help those students who need a large visual in terms of a hundreds chart. Some of my students really struggle with math. I think that these materials will help spark their excitement again, and give them hope.
My students need math manipulatives for center work and for hands-on learning. They really struggle with the pencil paper tasks, and the manipulatives will help them make sense of their math work using concrete items!
2017-02-17 11:41:44
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Classroom Carpet for First Graders!
My classroom of first graders is a unique group of caring, talented and smart children. These students attend our public school in order to build positive relationships, gain knowledge and skills, and learn how to become a successful citizen in our community. There are currently 25 first graders in my classroom that have been working, learning and growing together since September. We have become each other's biggest supporters and encouragers. All of the children at our school come from various backgrounds and bring their own personal stories and experiences to our classroom family! \r\n\r\nAs a classroom teacher, it is my job to advocate for the needs of our children. I have seen how challenging it can be for some children to learn when they are not able to release some of their extra amounts of energy by moving their body. I would love to have the opportunity to better accommodate their diverse and various needs of every student in my classroom.
Our classroom is in need of a new carpet that will be a designated space for students to use for various learning opportunities. This carpet will give students a space to sit together comfortably for whole group learning as well as an area for students to use for independent and partner work. Students will enjoy this comfy carpet as a space to work on their stations and reading tasks. This carpet also has a 120 number grid on it that will be useful for math instruction when we use our bodies to work with numbers. A classroom carpet would be a wonderful improvement to our classroom environment!
My students need a space where they can move around and stretch out after sitting at their tables. We would love to have a carpet in our classroom to be that designated learning space!
2017-04-26 16:38:53
Grades 9-12
Applied Learning
College & Career Prep, Other
College Decision Day. What's Your Plan?
The students that attend Allen Park High School seem like your typical small town, middle class students but our demographics are changing dramatically. We have a large range of students that come from various socioeconomic backgrounds and academic abilities.\r\nI want all of my students to have a vision for their future.\r\nI have been trying to use my recent training through the state to create a college-going culture in our high school and focus on students creating a plan for their life after high school. Too many or our students sell themselves short of what they are capable of and I hope to change that with my Decision Day event. This event will be held in front of the entire student body so there will be an opportunity for ALL students to see their future.
This is items will be used toward helping low-income students transition to college. I am planning for College Decision Day. I want every student to have a plan when they leave high school. I would like to use these Chromebooks as a raffle among my high achieving seniors who are the first in their families heading to attend college. This will be a good way to demonstrate to my underclassmen’s that regardless your background, when you study very hard to become a college bound nice things will come along such as having a chance to win important college materials.\r\n I believe these items will make a difference to the lucky winners’ college life during the next four years. A Chromebook has many values and importance for a college freshman who is fighting for social mobility. This project is a great project to boost and increase college going culture and college access among my students. If we can have these items for our college decision day; my students will see the importance of having a good grade in high school mean success in
My students need this portable technology as they create and shape their futures in college.
2016-10-04 11:10:19
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
Persevering For Proficiency in Phonemic Awareness and Phonics
My school serves students in grades Pre-K through 4th grade. Our school has been identified as a low socio-economic Title 1 school. I teach at a school where ALL of the students receive free breakfast and lunch each day. Many of my students receive food backpacks to take home with them over the weekends. Despite the students hardships, they are eager to be at school and excited to learn new things. My classroom is a fun, warm environment where students are comfortable taking chances as they learn.
During small group time, there are many phonics skills and phonemic awareness skills we work on. Although there are only 26 letters in the alphabet, these 26 letters make 44 sounds. And trust me, some letter combinations make sounds that are tricky when first learning them. The English language is one of the hardest languages to learn and to be able to manipulate and I want my students to be able to have fun while learning it.\r\nA major deficit in literacy at my school seems to fall in the phonics and phonemic awareness area. Receiving these games would make our learning even more engaging and hands on.\r\nWe also need extra bookshelves in our room for my students to learn life skills about being organized. Each child has a binder and book basket with their individual books. I would like all of my students to be able to have their own spot to place their items instead of having to share with 4 other students. This will save time and help keep them organized. \r\n
My students need engaging, fun, and exciting ways to practice their phonics and phonemic awareness skills. We also need a few bookshelves to improve our organization in the classroom.
2017-02-24 13:08:56
Grades 3-5
History & Civics, Literacy & Language
History & Geography, Literacy
We Need More Diverse Books for Reading Without Walls Challenge!
My students are a great group of 4th graders from a rural Maine town. Our school is the largest of three local, public elementary schools in our town. Most of my students love to read and have piles of books on their desks. Sometimes I have to ask them to stop hoarding books, so other students can read the great books they are not currently reading! As a teacher, it is a very nice problem to have! \r\nUnfortunately, most of the books they are reading are all of a similar type. Admittedly there is not much diversity in our classroom library. If we had more diverse books in our classroom library, then my students understanding and perception of the world would grow! I wold love to be able to widen their understanding of the world through all of the great, diverse books that are out there!
I need more diverse books in my classroom library so that my students can learn about things that are new and/or unfamiliar to them. Along with this, I would like to have my students take part in the Reading Without Walls Challenge, created by the National Ambassador for Young People's Literature, Gene Luen Yang. \r\nThis challenge will ask them to read books that they normally wouldn't pick up. Maybe it is a book with a main character that looks differently then they do, or is a book about a topic they are unfamiliar with, or it could even be a book that is written in an unfamiliar format. I am hoping that this challenge will open my students up to a bunch of new books that will hopefully become some of their favorites!
My students need What Elephants Know and Trombone Shorty in order to learn more about people and places that they are unfamiliar with!
2017-04-25 21:11:53
Grades 3-5
Applied Learning
Flex Your Brain With Flexible Seating!
I have the opportunity to work with 18 amazing, talented, and unique third graders. Teaching at a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) school, students are challenged to be problem solvers in school activities, as well as everyday life. \r\n\r\n Their creativity astonishes me everyday. The passion and drive that I see in each one of these students only pushes myself to plan highly engaging and interactive activities. Each one of my students brings their own personality into our classroom to make a cohesive unit.
I am a firm believer in allowing student choice throughout the school day and believe that it intrinsically motivates students. By allowing students to choose where they sit, they are able to take their learning into their own hands. With this element of choice, students are able to have a sense of power in their learning. Flexible seating is a research-based technique which has had remarkable outcomes. \r\n\r\nEach student is unique and learns differently. By incorporating flexible seating into my classroom, students have the opportunity to work in a position or seat that is best suited for them. The element of movement in many of these flexible seating options also allows students to focus on their work without becoming restless as they could in a traditional seat.
My students need alternative seating options to support their best learning outcomes.
2017-01-27 21:07:32
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Mathematics
Coding with Osmo
“We need to embrace technology to make learning more engaging. Because when students are engaged and they are interested, that's where learning takes place.” The author of the quote is unknown, but I bet any educator in today's schools could say that... I know I have!\r\n\r\nMy students are curious, engaged, and excited learners that crave new learning! I want to keep that sense of motivation and excitement alive! My school is a new STEAM school; the first and only elementary STEAM school in our district. Part of STEAM includes Technology and being a new school, we are slowly building up our technological resources. \r\n\r\n
Coding teaches logic skills and problem solving, and it helps kids succeed in an increasingly digital world. I'm excited to introduce Oslo Coding to my Kindergarteners.Tangrams help challenge minds and the Osmo version uses classic wood puzzle pieces that interact with the iPad to give students real-time feedback. This game develops visual spatial abilities, nonverbal reasoning, and fine motor skills. This game promotes instant visual and auditory feedback promote self-correction and a sense of mastery, helping students build spatial relational skills which is a necessary skill in my gifted classroom. The coding app will \r\n\r\nDonations for this project will give students an opportunity to use the iPad in a meaningful way.\r\n\r\nIn my classroom I am constantly looking for ways to promote life-long learning. The funding of this project will help teach my students to solve challenges and learn skills that will support their 21st century learning. This technology will put a seed in their mind about a possible future career choice in STEM.
My students need Osmo Kits in my classroom to foster student learning in areas of social-emotional, creative thinking, and STEM.
2017-01-28 09:52:36
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
A typical day in my classroom means working with 23 very diverse learners from differing backgrounds, abilities, and walks of life. All of these different backgrounds result in various reading abilities and levels. However, for each of them, literacy is the building block to becoming successful lifelong learners. It is my hope that I can provide what they need to be successful and meet each of their needs. \r\n\r\nWe have the most diverse elementary school in our district and are a Title 1 school with 61% of students on free/reduced price lunch. Socio-economic levels are drastically different from one student to another. Several of my students struggle to read on-grade level text. However, they all come to school eager to learn and grow. There are no sweeter, loveable second graders than the ones our room! My classroom is filled with students who range in various reading abilities. It is my number one goal to equip my students with the things they need to be successful readers and writers and hopefully to fall in love with a good book.
Selecting the right book to read may not be big deal for you and me but for a seven year old it can be BIG deal. Especially if they are ready to transition their reading into longer more complicated texts. \r\nA display shelf filled with quality early chapter books will help my growing readers take the plunge to becoming chapter book readers and will maximize my instructional time. Students will be able to select a book with ease and can get started reading right away. Being able to select the right book to read helps to build reading stamina and confidence. And that my friends, builds better readers!
My students need a book display of quality books to help transition them into reading chapter books.
2016-09-01 00:40:53
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
Smooth Sailing Into Second Grade
My second graders are curious, spunky and eager to learn. They march through the door with huge smiles on their faces. Most of my students speak a language other than English at home. This means that they are learning to read and write in another language while also mastering grade level standards.\r\n\r\nOur school is located in Portland, Oregon. We are a Title I school, where 100% of our students receive free or reduced-price lunch. The majority of my students are economically disadvantaged, but do not lack in enthusiasm for learning. Our school has 30 different languages! We have students from all over the world. Many of our families are coming to the US as refugees. Our school is a special place because of its diversity and sense of community.
I am very fortunate to have the opportunity of looping with my class this year. That means that I have the privilege of teaching this wonderful group of students for another year. My students need a bookshelf to organize their folders, morning work and other writing materials. Second graders are more mature and ready to handle more responsibility. These materials will help them do that easily.\r\n\r\nAnother critical resource my students need is books! That's right, everyone learned how to read last year and they need more challenging books to foster their love of reading and help them solidify the skills they worked so hard to learn last year. The geared clocks will help my students master the skill of telling time on an analog clock. Reading a clock is very abstract and being able to practice is crucial for learning this difficult skill. \r\n\r\nWith these materials we will be ready to tackle new standards and achieve more growth. Thank you for reading and considering our project.
My students need second grade books, clocks, and organizational materials to provide engagement and hands-on practice with new skills.
2016-11-06 14:31:45
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
Investing in 4th Graders' Bright Futures!
My students are my heroes!! I teach a total of 81 9 and 10 year-olds in a Title I schools that is 94% free and reduced lunch. My students and their families live below the poverty level, however, they strive to do their best. Due to the overwhelming financial stress that each of my students' families face, most of my students do not come prepared with the supplies they need for school. When my students come to school I want all of the stress from their home lives to simply melt away. I want to make school an amazing place of learning, success, and a refuge for my sweet students. School should be a place of excitement where students have one job alone: learning. In my classroom, above all, we are a family and a team. We love to work and play together.
Students will use the mechanical pencils to practice math fluency in our classroom and to take weekly mixed practice tests. Student centers will be brought to life and made more engaging for students by being printed in color with the color printer. Having a pencil sharpener handy to always keep my student's wood pencils sharpened can also help to turn the wheels of each student's education. My children need these resources to make their school day more successful.\r\n\r\nMaking the classroom an inviting place and taking away the \"I don't have a pencil\" excuse will help promote student learning for my kids.\r\nBecause most of my students start school with no supplies, we need your help to get supplies in the hands of each of my fourth graders.\r\n\r\nStudent success is something worth investing in!
My students need a plethora of school supplies like paper, pencils, a sharpener, a printer and ink for projects.
2016-08-06 12:40:00
Grades 6-8
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Not Your Momma's Classroom
This year I will be teaching advanced and gifted 8th grade students. \r\n\r\nThese students are naturally driven by their intellectual curiosity. \r\n\r\nThe combination of their high cognitive abilities and our preparations for high school, require opportunities for rigor and real-world application. \r\n\r\nOur curriculum does a wonderful job of presenting engaging themes, but is limited in current events and additional research. Our primary focus is on the reading-writing connection. However, once these students master the skills, I need a way to challenge their thinking in new situations.
Students will use this iPad mini to research new concepts, confirm their assumptions on specific topics, and share their learning with the world through our class vlog (video blog). \r\n\r\nStudents will utilize the iPad mini not only to creatively meet the requirements of the course, but to extend their understanding of their thoughts and of the world.\r\n\r\nIt is my philosophy that if my students didn't learn anything about themselves after reading a new text, then they didn't get what they were supposed to from the text. The iPad mini will help students access supplemental materials and create innovative products to expressing their understanding.
My students need an iPad mini to research new concepts, confirm their assumptions, and to take ownership of their learning.
2016-09-03 15:51:42
Grades 3-5
Math & Science
Learning Foundation of Math Through Tactile Engagement and Movement
The scholars in my class are dedicated, bright, caring individuals hailing from a historically marginalized community in a city. They love learning, music and movement.\r\nThe scholars in my class love learning math, especially through movement, use of manipulative tools and games. Please help them learn the foundations of math in a way that goes beyond the curriculum that the school district provides. These materials will provide them with the opportunity to utilize their natural strengths as math learners in my classroom.
These materials will make a difference in my students' learning by providing them with materials that engage tactile senses in learning math. My students are strong in math and respond more to manipulatives, movement and music then doing math work provided by the district curriculum.\r\nThese materials will improve my students' school lives by allowing them to utilize their natural strengths during math learning time. Having the magnetic work station and base ten blocks will allow me to create stations where students can learn place value and increase their understanding of base ten. Having the giant number lines will allow me to increase their spatial understanding and foundations of math.
My students need math manipulatives. The magnetic base ten blocks and magnetic learning station will provide tactile engagement for adding and identifying place value. The giant number lines will provide tactile engagement for rounding and adding.
2016-10-10 19:29:41
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
Bringing Technology into the Classroom
Every student at my school is challenged to reach their greatest potential. All students get excited about using technology to further their understanding and academic experiences. My students are mostly English second language learner. My students love to learn and a MacBook will help them learn throughout the entire day.\r\n\r\nThere are approximately 900+ students currently enrolled and 98% of them qualify for free or reduced-price lunch. My school is committed to helping students achieve greatness, and literacy is a top priority. My school takes pride in building the foundational blocks of reading for our students.
My students would benefit from the use of the MacBook because most students don't have computers at home. Students would be able to use the MacBook to read (or listen to) e-books. Students would also receive instant feedback through interactive literacy activities, applications, and games. In addition, students would use the MacBook to access the Internet and collect research on topics related to their curriculum. \r\n\r\nIt is important that I reach my students at their point of need by providing opportunities for 21st-century learning. Technology is engaging for my students, and the use of MacBook will change their lives for the better. Technology is drastically changing and improving. I want my students to be apart of the change!
My students need a MacBook to help engage in their learning. I believe the technology products, if funded, will improve my classroom by allowing my students to practice reading and math skills.
2016-08-23 14:41:46
Grades 6-8
Math & Science, Special Needs
Mathematics, Special Needs
IPads for Differentiation!
My students are from an extremely small rural area. The community is extremely poor. My students are in a special education classroom due to a variety of learning disabilities. I also have students from a variety of grade levels at the same time. Due to this, I consistently have students in my room at the same time that are on a large range of varying academic levels. \r\n My students are all hard working kids that simply have a much harder time learning with conventional methods. \r\n
These IPads will allow all of my student's education to be constantly differentiated to meet their individual needs. \r\n I utilize MobyMax which is a program that assesses and then places each student exactly where they need to be academically. I can then move around the room and help each student as they need it. I utelized this program when I taught elementary students and it was not uncommon to see students increase more than 2 grade levels in a single school year!\r\n Without the IPads, I am limited to the amount of time my students have access to IPads to utilize this crucial program that has been proven extremely effective!
My students need these IPads in order to have access to programs that differentiate for the unique educational needs.
2016-12-05 14:39:24
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
Technology! Making Learning Fun!
Our classroom is a community of inquisitive learners. We listen and get to know each other. We learn from each other and we learn together. The students in our program learn in both Spanish and English every day. They are very well behaved and do very well in such a rigorous environment. The atmosphere of our dual language program is very warm and welcoming like a family. The families know each other well and work together to make our school a great place to be.
A projector for our classroom will allow me to plan more fun and interactive lessons for my students. Being able to project images, lessons and the occasional video will keep my class more engaged in their learning. It will keep me from having my back to the students while writing on the white board while allowing me to bring things to life in the classroom.\r\n\r\nA projector in the classroom would open up endless possibilities for my students. It would be a great resource and make it easier for my students to see lessons projected from my laptop and our Elmo.
My students need a projector for our classroom to help make learning fun.
2017-02-03 19:42:57
Grades 3-5
Special Needs
Special Needs
Wobble While We Work
My 3rd-grade students have a variety of abilities and talents. They all love to learn and have lots of energy they need to release throughout the day! My students come to school from different types of homes, but at school, we are a classroom family on a mission to be ready, be respectful, and safe as we grow and learn! Our school serves grades 1-5 and is a Title l school where many of our students receive free/reduced-price lunch. Our classroom is a very happy and positive place to be!
Kids at any age need to move throughout the day! Some students need special tools to help them stay focused so they can do their best and learn during the day! These Wobble Chairs will help those students who need to wiggle or move to focus on what's really important! They will use these daily to get extra energy out that way they aren't disrupting their own learning or the learning of other students around them. We already use some flexible seating in our room and they have improved our classroom for the better. My 27 students and classroom need more flexible seating options. Having these wobble chairs for the students in my class that need them the most helps increase the learning of all students.
My students need 5 more Wobble Chairs in our classroom to help more students release energy to stay focused and work throughout the day!
2017-04-05 12:18:28
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science, Literacy & Language
Applied Sciences, Literacy
Preschoolers Need Literacy Center Materials, Please!!!
I teach in a preschool classroom in a Chicago Public School. It is comprised of two half-day blended classrooms. Each classroom has a mix of both three and four-year-olds. There are 20 students in each class that includes both regular and special education students. My students are eager to learn and play. Our school is limited in funding for materials. We are considered low-income with 93% of our students receiving free lunches. Ten percent of our students are considered English Language Learners.
Preschooler learn by feeling and touching objects. If they have the opportunity to touch an object that begins with a particular letter, I believe they will be more likely to remember that sound! The Alphabet Tubs contain numerous objects that begin with letter sound. The storage for the tubs will help the preschoolers to put them back in alphabetical order. The Magic Boards will have the children wanting to practice their printing over and over again. The magnetic pen makes writing fun and simple. The easy -to-use eraser bar lets the students clear the board in seconds and start printing again!
My students need some material for our Literacy Centers. Alphabet Tubs and Magic Writing Boards will provide opportunities to learn the letters and sounds with a hands-on approach.
2016-11-05 13:18:06
Grades 3-5
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Health & Life Science
Calling All Scientists!
\"Wow, there is so much to see and learn. This is cool!\" These were the words a student exclaimed last year when she viewed a specimen under a microscope, while attending a field trip. Witnessing the joy that a 5th grade student experiences from using a science tool for the first time is thrilling for the teacher and the student. Our school serves students in grades K-5 and provides many after school academic and sport activities to keep students excited to learn and attend school.\r\nScience tools are limited, however. With more science tools available to reach the hands of my students, future scientists can be grown, starting with the elementary years.
My project will help students learn how to become skilled scientists today and in the future. To continue to cure and decrease illnesses, we need trained, curious and educated scientists. That is why I am requesting microscopes to make the \"unseen\" seen, and open a whole new world of learning to my 4th and 5th graders.\r\n\"This is cool,how can I learn more about this?\" This was often asked after my former class attended a field trip, that included viewing specimen under a microscope. Students became excited to learn, and with microscopes in the classroom, I could excite learning in students for many years to come.
My students need microscopes to learn about the unseen world. By having microscopes available in the classroom, students today and in the future will learn how to plan, analyze, and present science learning as a team.
2016-07-27 21:47:41
Grades PreK-2
Applied Learning
Character Education, Early Development
Ready for a new rug!
When you walk into our bucket filling classroom one word crosses your mind- JOY. Children are working together, singing, and solving problems. Children are working with their hands and their hearts. This is what makes my students and our classroom special. I treat my students with love, care, and fairness and in turn they treat their classmates in the same manner. \r\n\r\nMy students are particularly special because they are invested in learning about everything around them. My young students are a socioeconomically diverse group, with some overcoming great challenges. Despite these challenges they greet every day with an open heart and an open mind.
Young preschool students are just beginning to learn the norms of school. We spend a lot of time learning how to sit, how to raise your hand, and how to behave in the classroom. A big part of preschool behavior is keeping hands and feet to themselves. This is a rule and a behavior that we are constantly working on. The rug that we are asking for is sectioned off into separate squares that each student would sit in. This will help the students learn how to sit and listen appropriately as well as learning a valuable lesson about personal space.
My students need a classroom rug. When students are young they are still learning how to manage personal space. With this new rug they will learn how to stay in their own space while listening.
2016-08-02 23:02:32
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
Ignite a \"Fire\" for Learning!
My class is full of curious, creative and energetic learners. They love singing, exploring and working together at math and reading stations. This school year, I am lucky to be looping with my class as they move from Pre-Kindergarten to Kindergarten. I have the privilege of continuing to foster an engaging early childhood experience for these students and working hard to help them achieve success. \r\n\r\nI aim to provide a positive and encouraging classroom environment for my students. \r\n\r\nOur school has a diverse population with over 26 languages represented and many students from refugee camps. We are a large Title 1 school, with open space classrooms, located in an inner city, low-income district. My students face many challenges outside of the classroom, but never fail to show their excitement of learning.
Having these tablets in our classroom, will provide the students with opportunities to reinforce math and reading skills with engaging apps and interactive books. I plan to use these tablets as a form of differentiation during small groups, where students will be practicing skills which are essential to their academic growth. \r\n\r\nThese 4 Kindle Fire tablets will provide an exciting and engaging center in our classroom, which will support daily instruction. \r\n\r\nIn our classroom, we have 4 student desktop computers. However, the desktop computers are outdated, and are often not functional. These tablets will ensure students receive experiences enhanced by technology daily.
My students need 4 Amazon Fire Tablets, with protective cases and screen protectors to improve math and reading skills through engaging technology.
2016-06-16 13:05:40
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Hands-On Learning Experiences to Build Reading and Writing Skills
I teach at a Title I school in Phoenix, where 100 percent of our students receive free breakfast and lunch. Our school is one of the most ethnically diverse schools in Phoenix. Our students speak a multitude of languages and come to us with diverse academic abilities. As an educator, I strive to meet the needs of all of my students by nurturing their individual talents and skills.\r\n\r\nOne of my most important responsibilities as an educator is to create a classroom culture in which my students feel valued, capable, and successful. Nurturing occurs when true passion for another person’s well-being is acknowledged and appreciated. I am hopeful that my little scholars will develop a love of learning that will last a lifetime! \r\n
My students need multiple opportunities with word and sentence building. Research shows that kinesthetic experiences with literacy manipulatives help set the stage for reading and writing success. These activities help children develop reading fluency and an understanding of word relationships as they build words/ sentences and practice reading. Interactive lessons with magnetic letter tiles help children focus on understanding letters and sounds and how these make words. These activities build emergent reading success with lessons and centers designed to develop and practice early phonics skills. \r\nThe donations to this project would help create an environment with conditions that foster strong reading development. Any contribution amount would be greatly appreciated, and would directly impact my students. I look forward to seeing my students engaged in meaningful, hands-on learning!
My students need hands-on materials, such as sentence tiles, for building words as they learn to recognize letter-sound relationships, identify word patterns, and increase vocabulary.
2016-11-22 16:03:20
Grades 3-5
Applied Learning
Character Education, Other
Classroom Stars!
55 amazing students make up our 4th grade class. They are hard working, fun, friends with EVERYONE and totally deserve the best they can get! \r\n\r\nThey want to do the best they possibly can! Our school serves students from the metro Detroit area. Our Our K-12 school provides rigorous academics, fantastic teachers and a safe learning environment for everyone. Our goal is to prepare our students for success in high school and college and beyond. Our \"college bound\" mind set prepares them to strive for more from the first day they walk into the building.
The materials that will be used with this project will help create the classroom atmosphere that my students deserve. Many of these items will be used for behavior management and procedural systems that will help transitioning from one subject to the next.\r\n\r\n\r\nStudents deserve to have a fun, fresh classroom to learn in! With the materials used in this project we will be able to transition from one subject to another. We will use pocket holders to hold work for absent students so that absent work won't be lost. We will use sticks and magnets for our bathroom procedures. All of the items will be helpful for keeping tight transitions so students know exactly what is expected of them. Many items are general classroom materials that will help finish \"loose end\" projects. \r\n\r\n
My students need materials to help create a fun classroom environment. These items will help keep my students committed to learning by reducing transition times!
2016-08-15 19:26:55
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness
Future Dental Hygienist
I am excited to start a new school year with an awesome group of Kindergarteners. They look forward to our unit of study on relationships and community helpers. \r\nOur school has a growing population with positive learning occurring throughout our school. Students are looking for opportunities and the parents are enthusiastic about their learning. My student come from a low socioeconomic background and have limited resource. They are eager to move forward and I am excited about taking the knowledge to provide with the opportunities they need to feel and be successful in life!
My students want to learn about taking care of themselves with the help our community helper, our local dentist. They asked me if we can learn about their health and wellness through the eyes of a dental hygienist.\r\n\r\n Each student will receive their own toothbrush along with a tote bag to carry some things they may need as the Future Dental Hygienist. They would like to know what it is like to be a dentist and will be given a personalized badge. My students are thrilled about the opportunity of meeting a dental hygienist and possibly becoming a hygienist themselves.
My students need own toothbrushes, tote bags, things to make their dentist badges, books about dentist and instructional material.
2017-04-27 18:19:33
Grades 3-5
Health & Sports, Special Needs
Health & Wellness, Special Needs
Keep Calm and Wobble On!
Every day, my students walk into my classroom wondering what kind of activity will help them to be successful in the classroom. I have the privilege of working with a wide range of students ranging from kindergarten up to eighth grade. \r\n\r\nEach group of students that I work with is unique, everyone needing something a little different. We are a small school, growing at a rapid pace, serving kids pre-K to 12, many of which are from low income families.
It's the little things that can make a big difference in any classroom. When students know you care about them, they respond better. Essential oils are known to enhance learning by helping student focus and providing a calming atmosphere. Wobble cushions turn sitting into an active chore. These little movements keep the mind and body engaged and the undesirable behaviors at bay. \r\nDiffusing essential oils, such as Thieves, Peace and Calming, and Stress Free, in the classroom promotes a healthy learning environment, while the wobble cushions provide an outlet for extra energy thus helping children to attend to the task at hand.
My students need a couple of wobble seats to take turns using during interventions and diffusers to promote a healthy learning environment.
2016-06-27 12:03:53
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, History & Civics
Literacy, Social Sciences
Scholastic News for a Global View
Smiling faces. That is the first thing I notice when I collect my students in the morning. The next thing I notice are the dirty faces, too small of pants, or shoes,or shirt. Sometimes a student is inappropriately dressed for the season. School breakfast and lunch are free for all students due to the 97% poverty rate in the district yet I have kids who are still hungry due to no dinner the night before. \r\nYet, when they walk into the classroom the smiling faces and eagerness to learn is what fuel me to teach these amazing young students from such an adverse area. \r\nCreating an area that can inspire these young minds to reach past their meager beginnings and strive for something more is something that is close to my heart. I may not have grown up in their situation, but without teachers who inspired and provoked me I would not have succeeded; I hope to do the same.
My Students\r\n\r\nImagine living in a world you know nothing or very little about. My students need materials that will expose them to events happening in the world around them.\r\n\r\nI am a first grade teacher at a Title I school in a rural community in Southern Oregon.\r\n Our district is providing the school with the essentials to give our students the best education possible. However, because of budget cuts, it is difficult to provide extras such as magazines in order to stimulate students' interest in current events. The majority of the students were born here and have not traveled much or know much about the world around them.
My students need a classroom subscription to Scholastic News Magazine to understand the world beyond their social circle.
2016-09-08 23:36:12
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, History & Civics
Literacy, Social Sciences
Chromebooks in the Classroom: Connecting to Our World
I have a wonderful class of third graders in an urban school district. My students are eager to learn, but need the support and materials to help them achieve their goals. They come from various cultural backgrounds, and are an eager group of diverse learners. \r\n\r\nMany of my students come from struggling families, and are not able to come with all the materials they need for the classroom. I want to provide my class with as many resources as I can, to help them achieve the best possible learning experience.\r\n\r\n
These Chromebooks will help my students research themes that we are studying in Reading and Social Studies. I have 3 working desktop computers. However, with 30 students in the classroom, access to the computers are limited during workshop activities.\r\n\r\nThe extra technology in the classroom will help provide more access to information on the internet, and provide more online learning activities. The Chromebooks would be a wonderful addition to our computer station! I am looking forward to starting my research projects, and being able to provide more opportunities of online research for my students. With your help, we will be able to achieve connecting to the world with increased technology.
My students need 2 Chromebooks to research, and explore the world beyond our classroom.
2017-02-14 11:16:49
Grades 3-5
Health & Sports, Special Needs
Health & Wellness, Special Needs
Speech & OT teach Mindfulness Me!
Located in an inner-city area of Boston, the majority of our students at the C.T. Elementary School are from low income/poverty level socioeconomic backgrounds. All of our students qualify for free school lunch and many receive support from other community programs. We also have a high rate of students who come from various cultures, including Haitian Creole, Spanish, Vietnamese speaking households, and present at school as English language learners. Majority of the students who will benefit from our Speech & OT project are enrolled in substantially separate special education classrooms. Many of these students are non-verbal, have under-developed fine motor and visual motor skills and immature social skills. They carry various diagnoses such as developmental delay, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome, cognitive impairments, language based difficulties and stuttering disorders. \r\nFor students with moderate to significant special needs, learning to communicate and produce written work to succeed in school can feel impossible without the right tools! Our SPOT (Speech & OT) students benefit greatly from routines, practice and repetition and a multi-sensory approach to learning (especially visual!). They are full of personality and energy that is waiting to be channeled in just the right
We have requested the iPad minis, along with age appropriate technology aids (cases with keyboards, headphones, etc) to be used by our students as mindfulness/meditation tools while in school. Working in small groups of 4-6 students, they will be able to access some amazing mindfulness applications to help them become more independent with self-regulation and calming methods. The goal of these methods will be to help them be more available to learn and successful in school. We have also requested books to aid in the teaching of such tools, as well as hands on manipulatives (i.e. the Hoberman sphere and the calming timers) to be coupled with the technology so that they will have various methods of learning. Mindfulness may be our primary focus of this project, but the iPads will also be used by our special needs students for much needed language and fine motor skill development. \r\n\r\nAlong with carrying significant diagnoses such as Autism, Down Syndrome, learning disabilities, and cognitive impairments that make it hard for our students to focus and self-regulate, many of them also come from extremely unstable and stressful environments and homelessness. This makes it nearly impossible for our students to \"leave the baggage at the door\" when entering their classroom and starting each day. We are hoping that as their Speech & Language and Occupational Therapists that we can help them learn and use these tools to become successful members of the school community.
My students need iPad minis equipped with apps and keyboards, to improve their delayed language and motor skills.
2017-03-30 12:19:54
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Tech Savy
I teach at a school in Buena Park, CA where 95% of our achievers qualify for free or reduced lunch. Despite their economic disadvantages and tough circumstances, my achievers are full of curiosities and eagerness to learn. It is inspiring for me to see how they enter the classroom doors each morning with such desire, excitement, and readiness to absorb the knowledge that fills our classroom. \r\n\r\nThese students deserve the chance and opportunity to have the best possible educational experience with access to learning tools that will prepare them for the 21st century so that they can go on to share and use their talents to lead productive, self-fulfilled lives.\r\n
Bringing the class access of technology to one-to-one would allow each learner the opportunity to access the learning without having to wait or share. When teaching children in lower socioeconomic communities, they need, I feel, more opportunities to excellent school experiences and direct access to the best tools in order to get their skills and experiences to be competitive to all the opportunities available. With that said, I'm asking for another chromebook to add to our classroom collection. \r\n\r\nThrough generous donations in the past, we have been blessed with half of our wishlist, though we are still short and children are missing out everyday. \r\n\r\nThere are so many rich internet based teaching and learning programs that are designed to bring learning to life in ways that are best done through technology. Sometimes textbooks and teacher lecture simply aren't enough to take learning to the next level. For this very reason, my students yearn for and deserve to have a 21th century classroom learning experience if they are to be prepared for a future moving towards computer intelligence and being tech savy.
My students need one-to-one Chromebooks in the classroom to be able to take our learning to the next level.
2016-08-19 08:52:59
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literature & Writing
Learning About Problem Solving Through Legos
Children spend their first-grade year transitioning to more independent individuals who are beginning the foundations of all learning disciplines. Often times in our rural setting they are exposed to trauma that has far-reaching impacts beyond the walls of the classroom.\r\n\r\nMy first graders are students in a rural Maine school who have limited access to enriching, play materials at home.\r\n\r\nOur school serves students in grades K-3 and provides an active learning environment. Our goal is to prepare students for multiple pathways for accomplishing rigorous learning goals. Problem-solving, through hands-on application, offers a rich pathway to transfer skills from play into learning.
My students need materials to elicit cooperative learning through play. My students will access the materials independently and will create play-based structures to enhance language and writing as well as increase their emotional and social skills.\r\nYour donation will support stronger, emotionally balanced children who become lifelong learners. They will love coming into a classroom and becoming the best learners. We know students who are excited to come to school each day are less likely to be at risk students. Attendance even at this young age continues to be a concern. Students with access to play based materials will come to school because of materials offered.
My students need hands-on learning materials to support problem-solving in and out of the classroom. They also need support to independently access materials.
2016-08-17 16:23:02
Grades 6-8
Literacy & Language, Special Needs
Literacy, Special Needs
Chromebooks for reading and writing!
Our students come from diverse backgrounds, with 97% receiving free or reduced lunch, 90% coming from a family that speaks a language other than English, and 17% students with disabilities. Students with the most significant academic disabilities are served in my multi-grade classroom, working on objectives at varying grade levels. \r\n\r\nDespite the challenges my students face, they come to school every single day ready to work and embrace any obstacle thrown their way. They are resilient, positive, happy, and absolutely love to learn. I am inspired to work with them.
Many of my students benefit from technology in order to produce written work. With technology, students can express themselves via visuals and do not have to worry about their handwriting or their spelling abilities. Using a computer is often less intimidating to a student whose language skills are below that of his or her peers. \r\n\r\nIn today's classroom, students automatically engage in a genuine fashion when presented with technology. These students also benefit from numerous reading programs via the internet that build both their phonics and comprehension. They can work at their own pace and are able to access more individualized curriculum.
My students need a class set of 10 chromebooks and headphones to be able to fully access the curriculum.
2016-07-27 21:51:08
Grades PreK-2
Applied Learning, Health & Sports
Character Education, Health & Wellness
Mindfulness In First-Grade: Yoga Mats Needed Please!
This school year, I have a class of 25 amazing first graders who are excited to explore and expand their knowledge and understanding of the world around them. My school is a Title I facility with almost 90% of students living in poverty. Socioeconomic factors can lead to inequities in students' access to resources. I'm making every attempt to get them the supplies that they need to make great learning gains, be connected to the content, and stay highly engaged! With your help, together we can create an optimal learning environment and provide these wonderful students with what they need to succeed!
Yoga has the ability to help students connect with their bodies and regain control over their emotions when they are struggling to navigate the effects of stress and anxiety. I recently completed a yoga training specifically focused on bringing yoga into the elementary classroom. I hope to bring awareness of the power of connecting with the breath and body and what that can do for the growing mind of a young child. \r\n\r\nYoga mats will allow my first graders to safely participate in our brain break activities, yoga or otherwise, and prepare them to be able to access the education they deserve. The world we live in today requires students to come to school ready to learn. When many students are exposed to trauma and crisis in their homes, it is challenging for them to come with a clear head. Students cannot learn if they are unable to attend to and connect with their education with a mind free from stress.\r\n\r\nThe mats will allow the incorporation of yoga, stretching, and mindfulness activities into the classroom to help my remarkable and promising students reach their full potential.
My students need yoga mats for our community building and brain break activities!
2016-07-10 12:23:21
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Tablets for World Literacy Explorers!
Majority of my students have grown alongside each other since Pre-K. This tight knit school community is one of the reasons I decided to become a teacher. The school is a Title I school in Baltimore City where 100 percent of our students receive free breakfast and lunch.\r\n\r\nTogether may we give our children the roots to grow and the wings to fly. \r\n\r\nUsing text, my student travel to various places in the world. We've taken trips across the country to California, to learn about the golden eagle, Africa to learn about the daily life of a student their own age, as well as China to learn about the Chinese New Year
This project will effectively allow for technology integration through Literacy. My student has grown leaps and bounds, but with the help of technology my students will be able to hear fluent readers, read text that are not within our reach currently. Students will also be able to access popular reading websites such as www.teachyourmonstertoread.com. \r\n\r\nThe greatest gift is a passion for reading.\r\n\r\n According to the 2012 Maryland School Assessment, 34.5% of 3rd graders are reading below grade level. This gap has already been halfway crossed with 70% of my 1st grade class from the previous year. This upcoming school year I have the chance to further impact my students from the 1st grade class, as their 2nd grade literacy teacher.\r\n\r\n
My students need 5 Samsung- Galaxy tablets in order to read, write, and explore through Literacy.
2017-03-29 09:54:47
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Mathematics
Engineering and Geometry is Alive!
My students come from a city where violence and substance abuse runs rampant. Due to these facts, education is not a priority for many of the students, but for the vast majority, education is a way out of a negative situation. Also, with many of these social and economic disadvantages, many of the students are the first generation to our country and are learning English for the first time. Even though they are facing these struggles, these students have a work ethic that is unbelievable. They rarely miss a day of school and many days they will even stay late for extra help in other subjects. The value of education is extremely high with these students.
A 3D printing pen and the extra filament is a tool completely controlled by hand and a student's imagination. As they doodle freely, students are creating their perfect object. This new tool that has been made available to use will bring hands-on learning to a whole new and insane level. Instead of traditionally drawing something like a plant cell on a piece of tradition paper as we all have done in our schooling a student can create their very own 3D model. This miraculous new tool will allow for a deeper understanding of how things are structured in nature and how they work.
My students need a 3D pen and Filament to make Engineering and Geometry come alive.
2016-08-28 17:29:38
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
We can all read and write!
I teach in a small neighborhood school in Indianapolis. Most students qualify for free lunch and textbooks. My students come from a diverse background. I have several students this year with special needs. This year is unique because many of them have attended high quality preschool through our district and neighborhood co-op. I actually have readers!\r\nI tell my students that their job in kindergarten is to read and write. They have had a great head start thanks to preschool programs. However, they still have a long way to go to being proficient readers who can answer questions about the text.\r\n
Having Scholastic News available to my students adds variety to the science and social studies curriculum. Students are fully engaged with the addition of the online resources. Students love having a rebus book that builds confidence as a reader. \r\nScholastic News pulls in families as well. Students take the magazine home and share it with their families. It brings back fond memories for my families from their childhood. As a teacher I love the very detailed teacher pages that allows me to have access to a resource that adheres to the common core standards that is exciting as well as engaging. An engaged student is an involved student!
My students need a year subscription to Scholastic News to have access to high quality non-fiction reading material.
2016-07-26 18:20:57
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Help Us, We Are Ravenous Readers!
My students are innovative, silly, smart, and excited about learning. Their first grade minds are eager to explore the world around them. \r\n\r\nMy students have the special opportunity to spend half the day with me, learning how to become better readers, writers, and mathematicians and the other half of the day learning how to do all of these things in Japanese. To accomplish all of these thing during each school day, my students are learning to becoming efficient, organized, and self directed learners.
First grade is where students really begin their reading journey. To encourage a love of reading, increase students' exposure to text, and to promote reading as an avenue to nearly anything, our class takes part in the Daily 5. During Daily 5, students choose Read to Someone, Read to Self, Work on Writing, Word Work, or Listen to Reading. \r\nThe Kindles can be used for three out of the five activities. Mainly, the Kindles have the ability to download books that students can read, read to others, and even have read to them. Rather than accessing books via books on tape or CD, they can access those books directly on the kindle. These eager little Alaskans are always ready to take on the world, especially if they can do so through a story. The Kindles will not only help them access the world through literature, it will also help them become fluent readers, close the achievement gap, and develop a love of learning.
My students need Kindles to access an assortment of books that they can both read themselves and have read to them. One of the best ways to improve reading is to listen to fluent readers reading.
2016-11-07 12:45:09
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Between the Pages of a Book is a Lovely Place2B
Let me start by saying that my students are absolutely amazing! Although many face socio-economic challenges, they come to school every day willing to learn. I get the most satisfaction as a teacher when I see their faces light up when they finally understand something I'm teaching or when I read a book that they are interested in. For this reason I have decided to start this project.\r\n\r\nOur school is a Title I/Renaissance School.\r\n\r\nOur student demographics are comprised of 87.83% Hispanic, 1.50% Asian, 2.67% Black, 6.17% White, and 1.83% Multi. Most of our students are from low income families which is reflected by our 91.1% free or reduced lunch status.\r\n
These materials will be used to create a well stocked, high-quality classroom library that can generate interest and motivation for reading, support differentiated instruction through better matching of students with texts, and provide the means to the practice necessary to develop expert reading skills.\r\n\r\nResearch shows that students in classrooms with high-quality classroom libraries read 50 percent more than students who do not have access to a library in the classroom (Booksource, 2003; Hunter, 1999).\r\n\r\nIncluding texts with characters similar in age to students in the classroom who share experiences they have had can be critical for generating interest and fostering self-to-text connections. In order to attract and hold children’s interests, classroom libraries must be stocked with many good books. According to the American Library Association (Hack, Hepler, & Hickman, 1993), classroom libraries should include about 300 titles, single and multiple copies, as part of a permanent collection, with supplements from a well-stocked school library.\r\n\r\nFor these reasons, I have selected the books in this project to better match my students with texts that are high in interest and appropriate for their reading needs. The Step Into Reading program is \"designed to give every child a successful reading experience. The grade levels are only guides, children can progress through the levels at their own speed, developing confidence and pride in their reading no matter what their grade.\" I have had experience with these books through purchasing them on my own. My students love them and can't wait for me to purchase new ones for them. Please help me create a library that fosters motivation for reading and provides the means to practice the reading skills they have learned in order to become life long readers.
My students need high interest books that capture their attention and meet their needs as learners.
2017-01-12 21:14:56
Grades 3-5
Music & The Arts
Visual Arts
\"We Are All Different Fish But We All Swim Together
My schools have 500 students, 80.1% are minority, 15.6% are in our Special Education program, 84.7% receive a free or reduced lunch, and 26.6% of our students are enrolled in our English Language Services. Bowen Elementary is a Kentwood Public School, which is the most diversified school district in the state. \r\n\r\nArt is a visual language which allows my English Learners students to succeed in a brand new environment. this success of creating a piece of art that their new art teacher holds up as an great example is one very positive way for the new student to make a connection with their new school mates. \r\n
This piece is made up of fish created by Kentwood Public school students. Each student will construct a fish from a variety of materials such as; gluing laser wood scraps together to create a detailed fish, creating a fish in 3D on a computer and printing it out in 3D, creating 2D designs on a computer to be laser cut, and or creating a ceramic fish with beautiful glazes.\r\n\r\nThe goal is to have at least 500 fish created by 500 students. Each fish will be mounted on a pole and placed in the river, and or coming out of the river, to create a school of fish emerging from the river. Another way to display the fish would be hanging from a structure to show movement as they swim through the air. From above the school of fish will create a fish shape. The more funds I can raise the more students will be engaged in this project. For ArtPrize 2015 all my Kentwood students helped to create \"The Conversation. What would they talk about?\" This 37' long mural portrait of Dr. Martin Luther King, President Lincoln and President Obama, was created with the hand and fingerprints of my students and myself. Over 600 students took part in its creation. \r\n\r\nArtPrize is a major art exhibit in Grand Rapids MI\r\nThis project is building on what I did then and the 5 previous ArtPrize events I have participated in. Go to \r\nhttps://www.artprize.org/jerry-berta \r\n
My students need these supplies to create a major entry in an international art show in Grand Rapids. ArtPrize 2017 \"We are all different fish but we all swim together\"
2016-05-18 07:59:32
Grades 3-5
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness
Cleanliness to promote a healthy environment
My students are lively, confident children. They are mostly ESE and ELL students. The community the school is located in is a very needy area. Although not far from an affluent area, it lacks all the benefits from it. The students qualify for free or reduced lunch. The school is a title 1 school. Students attend this school from nursery through high school. The students are constantly in need of supplies and the financial needs of their families are so great that at times, it is impossible for them to bring them to school.
This project will impact my class in a very hygienic way. My students are sick very frequent and have difficulties supplying the class with the necessary cleaning supplies to sanitize the desks. How better to improve my class' learning possibility than providing them with the necessary hygienic supplies to sanitize and maintain our class germ free! My students currently have issues with supplying our class with the supplies they need so providing the class with these additional supplies are a financial burden to them I do not have the heart to ask for. Good hygiene is important in our schools for a successful year.
My students need these cleaning supplies to maintain our class hygenic.
2016-09-03 16:09:42
Grades 9-12
Math & Science
Environmental Science
The Small Stuff Matters
I am a Science teacher in a small high school in coastal North Carolina Our school is a high-performing, academically successful, rural school that is filled to the brim with 920 wonderful students. I teach a cross section of those students in my Marine Science course and Earth and Environmental course. \r\n\r\nIn the state's ranking system, our high-performing school has been ranked as a top ten high school of NC for nine consecutive years. We are on a roll. However, there are many areas in which we still need to improve. We have made great strides in our Sciences, but we are still eager to improve. \r\n\r\n
In our high school, our Science supplies are well taken care of and put to hard use. That is especially true with our microscopes. It is time to get some new ones. In our current collection of 20 working scopes that serve our entire Science student population, NONE of them have a high focus objective that works. \r\nIn Science class, the small stuff matters! We will use these scopes in a variety of ways. My Marine Science students use them for looking at sand samples, at oyster gills, and the tube fish of a starfish. In Earth Science, my students use them to look at the differences in the grain sizes of sediments, or the suspended debris in a water sample. In Biology, the list of uses of the scope is practically endless. Won't you help us see the small stuff? It matters!
My students need 5 educational microscopes to see that the small stuff matters!
2016-05-13 21:41:05
Grades 3-5
Health & Sports, Music & The Arts
Health & Wellness, Performing Arts
Flexible Seating-Flexible Minds
My classroom is full of resources for my students to be successful. In order for this to happen, I must differentiate my seating as well.
My students are full of energy and wiggles. In order to focus, my students must be moving most of the time. However, my students truly wish to succeed in everything they do. They strive for perfection, and learn form the past. My students love learning, and using different resources in order to be successful.
My students will be able to use these stools in order to help them focus. Students will be able to have the option to sit in a \"normal\" chair, or in a stool. Students who have trouble sitting still, will be able to move around without being a distraction to others.
Your donation will help my students learn each and every day in the classroom. By adding 5 more stools, we are 5 stools closer to being able to have an entire classroom full of flexible seating! My students need a lot of differentiation, and your help will be able to make that happen!
My students need 5 Hooki stools in order to help them focus in the classroom.
2016-12-16 13:05:29
Grades 3-5
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Mathematics
STEM Building Supplies
My students live in an urban environment and are mostly on free and reduced lunches. The students come from a variety of cultures and backgrounds and are mainly English Language Learners. They are sweet and considerate children that never ask for anything. These students do not have a lot of opportunities outside of school.\r\n\r\nMy students deserve to have the opportunity to be successful. They need to have the resources at school to teach them the things that they do not have the opportunity to learn else where. Since they have so little doors open, it is the teachers and school that must provide these resources and opportunities for the students.
These materials will supply the students in my class with hands-on building materials. These materials will be used to complete STEM based problems or challenging tasks for students. This will help students build problem solving skills and grow their knowledge of how the world works and science.\r\n\r\nThe ability to use materials hands-on will allow for deeper understanding of the topic we are working on. For example my students will use the different materials to build towers. They will then test to see which tower can hold the most weight and stay upright. They may build a bridge that needs to again hold so much weight (cars). Building will be the main idea of all the materials.\r\n
My students need building supplies such as legos, k'nex, popsicle sticks, and locking cubes to build.
2017-03-24 17:47:53
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
The vast majority of our students are currently living at or below the poverty level. Many of our students lack the fundamental skills needed to become proficient readers, writers, and mathematicians. It is often difficult for our students to put aside the conditions and hardships they face at home in order to concentrate on their school work. Many of our students have parents who have not acquired a high school and/or college education. Many students struggle with social and emotional issues.
This project is all about developing a love for reading! I remember hating to read when I was young. It wasn't until I became much older and learned that I actually had a choice to read what I wanted to, that I developed a love for reading. I am still working on improving my class library, so this project is strictly about introducing the students to the classics and age-appropriate books. However, it also includes chapter books. At this point, some of my students have picked up and are flying away with their reading skills and there are not enough books available that they would be interested in. My students read for at least 10 minutes 3x per day and listen to soothing music. They absolutely love love love the quiet time!
My students need books for our classroom library! We need to get these students motivated about reading! That means providing them with a wide variety of books to read!
2016-12-01 09:50:49
Grades 3-5
Health & Sports, Math & Science
Health & Wellness, Mathematics
Flexible Seating Options (Part II) MoveIt, MoveIt!
My class includes thirty-four students from diverse backgrounds. About one-third of the students speak English as a second language and many of the students come from low, socio-economic backgrounds. Despite these differences, all of my students come to school each day ready to learn. \r\nI teach my students about their brain, how it learns best, and the need for movement in order to focus to anchor their learning.\r\n\r\nMy students asked me to purchase some additional “alternative seating” to help them better learn and focus. My students know that not everyone learns their best by sitting the same way. I want to surprise them some additional wobble chairs. A child is best able to focus and do their work when they are comfortable and able to move. Help me enable my students to “Move It, Move It!”\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
Research supports kinesthetic activity in classrooms as a proven strategy for stimulating and enhancing cognitive development. These helpful self-regulation seating devices will increase my students’ ability to pay attention, extend their concentration spans, improve their short and long-term memories, form positive moods, and supply their brains with energy and nutrients enabling them to grow! \r\n\r\nBy having a variety of seating options in the classroom such as the Kids Kore Wobble Chairs, my students will be able to come in and choose a seat that better facilitates cognition, maximizes brain function, and anchors learning! Help me enable my students to “Move It, Move It!”\r\n
My students need three Kids Kore Wobble Chairs. Research proves they will best able to focus and do their work when they are comfortable and able to move!
2016-12-18 09:36:28
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
Endless Learning Possibilities With an Ipad
Kindergartners are curious and want to make sense of the world. They are constantly asking questions, looking at things in new ways, and wanting to know more. They are also learning how to be internationally-minded, confident, and caring community members. I engage my students and highlight their interests through powerful inquiry-based projects.\r\n\r\nMy school has a diverse population of students spanning all economic levels. A large percentage receive free and reduced-price lunch. They live in rural Colorado and want to make a difference in the world. \r\n\r\nWe can create magic in this room with your help!\r\n\r\n
An Ipad will provide endless learning opportunities in our kindergarten classroom. This device will make technology accessible to all students regardless of their fine motor skills and experience. It will make all types of learning possible and exciting.\r\n\r\nIn our classroom we will use this Ipad for math games, letter formation practice, spelling, research, documenting learning, videotaping, and writing stories. It will be used everyday in math and literacy centers. Students can practice a variety of skills and get instant feedback on whether or not their answers are correct.\r\n\r\nWe have a few desk tops and mini android tablets in our room, but students haven't yet acquired the skills to use this more complicated equipment. With more than twenty students in the room I can't teach a small group, watch the rest of the class, and attend to technical computer issues. The Ipad has proven to be the most intuitive piece of technology I have experimented with, and it has the best educational apps, hands on games, and research possibilities.\r\n\r\nUsing a full size Ipad is also key. Students can easily manipulate use the touch screen, safely hold the device, and do research with large pictures and text. This technology will make a huge difference in our classroom and open the door to possibilities I haven't thought of yet.
My students need a classroom Ipad and protective case in order to make 21st century learning developmentally appropriate.
2017-03-04 02:10:41
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science, Music & The Arts
Environmental Science, Visual Arts
Art Supplies Need a Home
My students are incredible! I have 24 motivated English Language Learners who are eager to learn. My students come from a low socioeconomic background with limited resources available to them. We are a Title I Performance Improvement school with a 100% free lunch program. Many parents work two jobs and are struggling to support their families.\r\n\r\nThough their environment may not be conducive to learning, my students have an insatiable love of learning. I know that if we provide them with the right support, resources, and opportunities, they can experience success.
Thanks to donorschoose.org, we have many art and science supplies. My closet looks like a tornado hit it so I would like to put art and science materials in the storage bins I am requesting. We are working on STEAM activities, and many of the items can be used for art as well as science. I need to put them in bins with labels so I can just pull out the science bin I need for the lesson. \r\nBeing well-organized and having well-prepared lessons are important to having a well-managed class! The smaller containers will be used for the various paintbrushes and paints. We will also use the canvases and paint palettes to paint artwork that pertains to nature.
My students need various paint brushes, storage containers, canvases, and palettes.
2016-07-28 14:46:04
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Mathematics
Equip Budding Scientists to Explore and Investigate STEM Concepts
Looking at the world through the lens of a scientist begins when children are very young. Too often in the classroom setting, little ones aren't afforded the opportunities to investigate in a hands-on manner. This project is all about changing that! \r\nThe 26 children I teach are a great bunch of kids who absolutely love learning and ask amazing questions. Our classroom is a warm and supportive place where kindness, curiosity, teamwork, initiative, problem-solving, and perseverance are encouraged. \r\nMy students come from a wide variety of cultures and socio-economic backgrounds. Many live below the poverty line with parents working multiple jobs.
This project includes carefully chosen materials that are ideal for children to explore Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math concepts and put students in the lead role as investigator. For example, the Block Play STEM kit includes challenge cards, blocks, and other materials, for students to investigate key engineering concepts. The STEM bundle is chock full of different materials that tell a story and then pose STEM challenges for students to investigate. One of the challenges in this STEM bundle begins with the background of the fairy tale, Billy Goats Gruff. After listening to this story, students don the cap of an engineer, to try and build the strongest bridge to help them escape a troll. With the Mirror Discovery Kit, students gets to have fun exploring principles of light, such as how light moves, reflection, and more. The liquid discovery tubes fascinate children and encourage them to observe ways in which liquids can move. Based on this engagement and careful observations, we can spark scientific discussions.\r\n\r\n
My students need a Mirror Discovery Cubes Science set, the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) bundle, 6 geared student clocks, 2 sets of math puzzles, 8 headphones, and a Block STEM kit.
2016-09-22 18:50:34
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
Literature & Writing
STEM + Literacy
Students here are considered high poverty (Horizon). Many are raised by grandparents and live in extended stay hotels. The school is in dire need of technology resources to engage in STEM learning. I plan to use a variety of educational apps that will enhance students' learning in literacy. The notebook will be used primarily for instructional purposes and the iPads for student engagment as they create performance tasks related to CCSS (Georgia Standards of Excellence - GSE). They REALLY like learning. However, they need access to technology so that they are able to compete with students in surrounding counties and more affluent schools.\r\n\r\nPlease help me provide quality teaching and learning for students by funding 3 iPad Air2s and a MacBook Pro for our classrooms. \r\n\r\nToday's students are required to use technology as they take state-mandated assessments. For this reason, alone with other reasons mentioned, students need access to technology to enhance their learning in literacy. They need exposure to the type of assessments they will be required to use during the Georgia Milestones.\r\n\r\nThank you in advance for funding this project for such a deserving group of students.
Today's students are required to take assessments via technology. This project will begin the process of giving students access to technology while interacting with texts as required via Georgia Milestones. Many of my students do not currently have access to technology outside the classroom. They also need to have access to technology in the classroom. \r\n\r\nUsing the internet to compare and contrast two texts of the same subject or genre, creating projects to show evidence of their learning using technology, and using their presentation skills with their integration of STEM are also desired outcomes for this project.\r\n\r\nI know that the first project will only afford me an opportunity to request funding for a minimum dollar amount. \r\n\r\n\r\nTherefore, I am eternally grateful for any and all donors! Thank you kindly.
My students need i iPads to engage in literacy via technology that will allow them to experience literacy of all cultures and genres.
2016-09-09 13:52:38
Grades 3-5
Health & Sports
Gym & Fitness, Health & Wellness
Norton Elementary Kids Run!
Hi everyone I teach at a public school in San Bernardino CA, 98% of my students are socioeconomically disadvantaged, many live in apartments and tough situations. I grew up in San Bernardino and have a deep connection, last year I started a running program and over 120 students participated over the course of 4 months we ran over 1500 miles. They consistently ask if there is going to be more running programs. As their PE teacher i know it is tough for them to be physically active when it is not safe to go outside so I offer as many chances as I can to get them moving. This year we have over 260 students signed up and tracking their miles is chaotic and with your help we will streamline the process. \r\n
Our goal with the running program is to create a safe environment where students from 1st-6th grade at Norton elementary school can play/run. Our program is twice a week with over 260 runners, they run on average a mile per session but they can run up to 2 mile per session. This is a great opportunity where the students can push themselves, feel accomplish, improve and get physically active. \r\nWe strive for greatness and with your support we will be able to improve our program. As the Physical Education teacher I want every student to have a safe place to play and to be able to try their best while running. We hope to inspire, motivate and with these tablets I will be able to create a live Google document where all grade will be able to see their current milage and they can reach different accolades. I will ensure that these will also be used in the Physical Education class with many different applications to improve fitness.
My students need the six tablets to check in and out of the running program. Every Tablet will be assigned one grades and it will streamline the checking out of all 260 runners. As
2017-02-23 16:25:50
Grades 6-8
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness, Team Sports
Let's Get Our Game On!
I am blessed with students who love to compete and be active. If we could build in a recess time every day, it would be beneficial to my 7th grade students. These students love time to just hang out and pass a volleyball around, shoot a basket, or pass a football around. They also enjoy dodge ball on the tennis courts.\r\n\r\nI would love to be able to help our coaches out by providing time periodically for students to continue practicing their athletic skills. I am a very competitive person and it would be fun to be able to do some of these activities with my students. It would also be a time to get to know students on more of an informal level- by watching them compete and have fun.
It is my hope that giving students time to pass a ball around, shoot a couple baskets, or play some football, will improve their skills for when they are in their regular seasons.\r\n\r\nIt seems like the big thing these days is volleyball. Of the 160 students I see each day, almost 30% of the girls are playing volleyball for either their school team or a club.\r\n\r\nI am hoping by having a few extra balls around, that my students will continue to improve their skills plus increase their social skills because it does truly take a team effort to improve in sports. I am also asking for one football and a basketball to try and include those students who may not want to play volleyball.
My students need sports equipment to practice their skills during free reward times.
2016-12-14 12:25:33
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
Headphones for My Smarties
My students LOVE school, everything about it, learning, centers, their friends, recess....School is their safe place! My 4-5 year olds look forward to coming to school everyday! \r\nChicora is title 1 school located in North Charleston, SC. My students all receive free breakfast, lunch, and fresh fruit or vegetable. \r\nI have 19 sweet babies that work so hard everyday! \r\nChicora is now a one-to-one school with Ipads for every scholar. The CD (4 year old) classes have 7 ipads per class. \r\n
My students will use the headphones daily during their individualized learning on their Ipad. The headphones will allow the students to hear instructions, the letters sounds, and much more without disrupting other students learning. \r\nWith 19 students in the class it can get loud and can be hard for the little ones to concentrate on their own work. It is important to provide the scholars with opportunities to increase their academic abilities. \r\nMy students are working hard to improve using the app SmartyAnts. This app increases their literacy skills by concentrating on aspects they struggle in. They also use other apps to help with other subjects such as math. \r\nThank you for supporting my CD scholars at Chicora\r\n
My students need head phones for their ipads! The students can better concentrate on their learning apps when they can quietly \"play\".
2017-03-14 22:11:33
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Mathematics
Fairy STEMy but Handy
We, second graders, are pretty spectacular. We are part of a community that interacts next to a University. Many of our classmates' parents attend school there. In fact, most of our friends are English language learners; meaning English is not their first language. We are a great community that tries to help each other to do their very best each and every day. For some that is taking advantage of meals offered at school because we have about 40% of our school population is on free and reduce lunch.
STEM or STEAM is the latest craze in education, right? Ever wonder why people are making such a big fuss? STEM is the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. STEM provides the hands-on application to various skills, concepts, and exploration. \r\n\r\nWould you want to ride in an airplane, where the pilot learned how to fly with worksheets? Of course, not! This STEM station provides real application to various questions through out our curriculum. One of our big units is our Fairy Tale Unit. This STEM station has over four fairy tale stories to explore. How long was Rapunzel's hair? Could the Wolf really blow down the Pigs' houses? Just how fast was the Gingerbread Man? These are just a few questions students can answer using these materials. In addition to the fairy tale lessons, seven other popular STEM lessons are included; such as vehicle building, quake simulation, motion exploration, and create-a-reaction. Each of these concepts are perfect for inspiring and cultivating a love for curiosity.\r\n\r\nAs educators, we know STEM jobs will make up a majority of jobs in the next decades to come. I want to prepare my students to aspire into STEM careers. That aspiration should start young and early. I would like to improve our current curriculum with STEM application and this STEM station would align perfectly.
My students need hands-on, integrated, standard-based materials to learn through STEM!
2016-08-13 01:49:19
Grades 3-5
Health & Sports
Gym & Fitness, Health & Wellness
Stepping Into Fitness
My classroom is filled with a wide range of grade levels, Kindergarten through fifth grade, and kiddos who enjoy being active and challenged. As a physical educator, I make sure my classroom is inviting to students of all ability levels and all interests.\r\n\r\nMy students live in a variety of homes - apartments, rentals, mobile homes, and single family homes. We are a Title I school with a large percentage of free/reduced-price lunch and breakfast. My students are hard working and want to learn. This makes them fun to teach.
Pedometers, Fitbits, and other step tracking devices are all the rage in adults and children.\r\n\r\nMy students have asked if they can use pedometers to track how many steps they take during PE class. Unfortunately, we don't have pedometers for them to use.\r\n\r\nAs requested by my students, I would like to track the number of steps each student takes and keep a class total. The pocket chart will make it easy for the students to get their pedometer that they enter the classroom. Most of my classes have twenty-four to twenty-seven students. This set of thirty pedometers will allow each student to have a pedometer during their PE class. This will be great for the students to see how many steps they take. It will give them the instant information that they want. I truly believe this will increase their activity level by setting goals for the number of steps to earn in each class.
My students need need pedometers, storage, and hooks for their running club.
2016-08-23 11:24:19
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Bilingual Learners
At my school and in my library we teach students from all different backgrounds. My student population is currently 68 percent Hispanic/Latino and at 94 percent free and reduced lunch. Many of my students come from homes where the parents do not speak any English. This leads to many students coming to school speaking limited or no English. \r\nIn my library, I want to ensure that ALL students have a chance to learn and the ability to succeed in reading. Our students come to school each day ready and eager to learn. It is my job to be sure they have the materials they need to feel success!
Because my school has so many ESL students I want to create a separate ESL section in our school library. In order to provide students with equal access to the materials they need I am requesting Spanish books to add to the collection at my school. \r\nIt is often hard enough for students in poverty to come to school, it is even harder when you cannot speak English. The Spanish books I am requesting in this project will give my ESL students a chance to feel success in reading and develop language skills they need to read. These books would be a starting point for many readers as they grow into English fluency.
My students need Spanish books as a part of our library collection. Our student population is currently 68 percent Hispanic. The books requested will help our students learn English and grow as readers.
2017-01-31 20:33:18
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
It's the Little Things!
Walking into our room is like walking into the truest sense of the word diversity. Our school is an urban art magnet school that draws students from all over the city. My classroom spans an entire spectrum of backgrounds, races, religions, languages, you name it! Additionally, we are a certified International Baccalaureate school focused on shaping our students to be globally minded learners. \r\n\r\nWhat I love best about my scholars is that our diversity brings us together. We have the best classroom discussions due to our many different experiences! They are always hearing different perspectives and are always eager to share and learn about new ideas. You'd be surprised with how passionate and up-to-date these third graders are on current events! \r\n\r\nWhen they have free time they love to research and make PowerPoint presentations on topics that have been piquing their interest. We have had presentations about India, the Big Bang Theory, Alexander Hamilton, french desserts, among countless others.
Oftentimes it's the little things that can make the biggest impact! \r\n\r\nWe use clipboard when we're working outside of the classroom or away from our desks. Cheerios are our go-to for snack time (and we go through A LOT of Cheerios)! Expo markers are used in math and language arts when we're working on our white board. LEGOS are not only a great toy during recess, but also make great manipulatives in math, especially when it comes to multiplication. Clorox wipes are a must to avoid germs spreading in our classroom! \r\n\r\nFunding of this project will help bring many of our small, but definitely needed, items to our classroom.
My students need dry erase markers, clipboards, clorox wipes, Cheerios, and LEGOs to help out classroom run smoothly.
2016-07-03 00:39:40
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Applied Sciences
Coding in First Grade!
My students are the most talented, interesting, and motivated group of first graders that I've ever met. However, they are faced with many barriers that prevent them from working to their full potential. Those barriers include low income, single parent homes, military families, and a lack of technology. Although my students are very diverse, they each share a strong desire to learn to read, write, and solve problems. That's why having the latest technology gadgets and using the best practices is so important to me.
First graders can do some amazing things. They are very creative and they love a challenge. Last year my students were interested in learning to code but I had little access to materials to teach them on a first grade level. I feel that the Osmo Coding kit will be a perfect addition to our Osmo gaming system that we already use with our iPads. The Osmo Coding system, along with coding books, will also make it easier for me to introduce my first grade students to coding. We also need replacement chargers for our iPads that we've received through generous donors like yourself.
My students need an Osmo Coding kit, coding book and replacement chargers for our iPads.
2016-09-26 08:06:25
Grades 6-8
Literacy & Language
Another Romeo and Juliet Story
My 8th grade students are extremely curious individuals. Coming from a low-income area, they have learned to make-do with very little.\r\nMy students are tenacious and truly work to make their voices heard. These students push every day to lead their school, love one another, and lift up their communities. I see such progress everyday and hope their strive for knowledge never quits.\r\nAt school, we push to be the constant in their lives, and I make sure to give whatever I can to help them grow each day.
I have the pleasure of teaching a guided reading course this year. One of the novels we will read is Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion. We will first read Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare. Then, we will read Warm Bodies while comparing it to Romeo and Juliet.\r\nBeing able to show the juxtaposition of both Romeo and Juliet stories, one being adapted to a newer audience, models that some stories last the test of time. These students will be able to compare and contrast the two stories and see the differences in culture and language. Having access to their own copy will allow them to read at their own pace and have the words right in front of them.
My students need Warm Bodies, a Romeo and Juliet-esque novel by Isaac Marion.
2016-08-25 17:22:38
Grades 6-8
Literacy & Language, Applied Learning
Literature & Writing, Other
Tweens growing through Tech
As a school, we primarily focus on the health and wellness of our students and we strive to help them develop as a whole child. The students here come from a wide variety of backgrounds and learn to work together as they help to create an environment where everyone is welcomed and celebrated.\r\n\r\nOur desire is for the students to grow in a supportive and inclusive community where they can learn about all aspects of themselves without the fear of failure, rejection, or exclusion. \r\n\r\n
Our school is a small charter school that is rapidly growing year by year. Being a charter school, we do not always have the funds to cover everything we need to really increase our students' learning capabilities as our school grows. As we have just entered into the middle school grades, we are working hard to build a school that has a strong set of elective classes that our students will find fun, engaging, and will really help to set them up for success as they grow. One of our top priorities is technology, as we have so many students who are interested in learning how to video edit, program, develop their own websites, learn graphic design, and the list goes on. Currently, we do not have the technology we need to help our students reach those goals. \r\n\r\nMy hope is that we can enrich our students' lives through the purchase of this technology and really begin equipping them with skills they will need to take on the world when they get older.
My students need Chromebooks as we begin to build our technology classes.
2016-05-05 12:36:01
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
Learning through Gaming
At typical day in my classroom consists of an enormous amount of student collaboration and small group work. Throughout the day students work together in groups to practice skills that are taught through guided small group instruction. They need this type of setting to help them to focus and learn.
My students are growing up in a world that I did not. They are completely surrounded by and immersed in technology. They are constantly moving and instantly gratified because things are more readily available to them. As I teacher it is my job to adapt and to teach them the way they can best learn.\r\nMy school is small but amazing! Students are truly cared for and their basic needs are met here before anything else. We work hard to teach them to have a growth mindset and put their best effort into everything they do.
I began teaching using the workshop model to meet the needs of my students. This involves them being taught everything in a small group setting. \r\nDuring the time that I am working with a group I have found that the students need something to keep their attention focused. I have two iPads in my room and those who are on them are GLUED! The best part is that they are learning at the same time.\r\nWith the iPads students will be using websites and apps such as ReflexMath, StudyLadder, and Sushi Monster to help them practice their math and reading skills. This time will give them a break from the paper and pencil centers that they do throughout the day.\r\nThe iPads will also be used as a reward. I have many students that use a point sheet throughout the day to keep track of their behavior periodically they get rewards based on their points, getting to use the iPad during free time will be an incentive for them to self assess and keep their focus on task.
The donation of the iPads will improve my classroom through both behavior and academics. The use of the iPads will help the students to keep themselves focused and will give them a fun way to practice their skills.
My students need a set of 6 iPad minis.
2016-08-01 22:32:23
Grades 3-5
Health & Sports, Literacy & Language
Health & Wellness, Literacy
Hopscotch our Way to Fitness!
Our school is in a high-poverty, rural area in Hawaii. For the many that lack reliable transport, it can be difficult to get the school supplies that are needed.\r\nMy children and their families face daily challenges. These kids need our support and care. Please join me in caring for kids that need a step up! Together we can strengthen their community and make a real difference. Education is for everyone! Everyone is deserving no matter what their socio-economic status.
This kid-inspired project will provide beanbags, balls and hopscotch rugs that the children can use to 'wake up' their bodies and minds, between lessons. They will love the refillable bottles of water to clear their heads after recess.\r\n\r\nBrain breaks are a great way to break up the full schedule. \r\nThe children will love to hop an obstacle course of hopscotch rugs and do balance activities with beanbags. They will pass balls to each other and work on co-ordination. These activities will get oxygen flowing to their brains and improve their mood. They were so excited discussing their ideas about brain break tasks.
My students need hopscotch rugs, beanbags, balls and water to make brain break time active and exciting!
2017-01-10 19:50:09
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Wiggle While You Work
19 little bodies, 19 little minds all in one classroom. Our first grade class is full of eager learners who are always asking questions and trying to find more information to grow their brains. These kids amaze me every day at the amount of information they retain and what they are interested in. They spend a lot of time in the classroom library and love to share with each other new things they find out. We are working hard on researching answers to questions they have and working together as a community.
If you donate to our class you are allowing the 6-7 year olds a chance to wiggle while they work. We will use the wiggle stools in all areas of our classroom: desks, center groups, in the class library, and even during carpet time.\r\n\r\nThese seats will allow those students who need to get some energy out the correct outlet to do so. I can see these seats being a great addition to our class and help those students who need them.\r\n\r\nThe stools will also be another seating option for students and we may even find out that we will need more in our future!
My students need 4 wiggle stools to help them get their wiggles out while reading and working.