r/AskReddit TITLE: (Canadian) Lawyers of Reddit! I got hit by a car riding my bike and need legal advice. POST: So this is the gist of the story. I was biking to work at 6:00 am, on the side of the road (as I think it's illegal to bike on sidewalks in Toronto), about a meter off the curb when I was rear ended by a taxi van. I flew forward and fell off my bike and landed awkwardly on my elbow. I was shouting and yelling at him as I was getting up, and noticed he was on his phone when I approached the drivers side window. He eventually rolled down his window after trying to ignore me but then just apologized and asked if I was ok. Still mad, I shouted at him, pointed to my destroyed bike, and said no I'm not ok. I took out my phone to call the police, and take his insurance info down, when he rolled up his window and drove away. I filed a police report, and they said they would charge him once they find out who was driving the van (I wrote down his license plate #). I went to the hospital and turns out I have a broken radial cuff and will likely be in a sling for the next month. I probably will be unable to work for the time being as well. What are my legal rights, can I sue him on top of the charges being laid on him (assuming they find him)? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My girlfriend (20F) wanted to throw me (20M) a 21st birthday party. POST: My girlfriend and I have been together for nearly 2.5 years. I'm turning 21 soon. She knows I don't like parties. I don't like going to parties and really never ever want one for myself. If I'm stuck going to a family gathering, I'm lively and engaging but it's just not my thing. She knows this. I've repeatedly asked her not to throw me a party. I found out she was going to rent out a cool room and throw me a party. She was planning on inviting 6 or 7 of my friends who I haven't talked to in 3 years. Only 1 of them is still in contact with me. She did not want to invite my parents or siblings or my cousin (because she literally hates him). She was however, going to invite 5 of her cousins as well as a few of their SOs. And she wanted to invite her close friend who I do not like as well as a few of her friends who I like but don't really want to hang out with. I asked her to cancel it. She lied about making a deposit (so she ended up losing nothing). She did cancel but she got extremely angry and still gets mad when I bring up the venue (our favorite restaurant). My concerns are: * Was this party just for her since she didn't have one for her 20th? * Am I in the wrong? (I have asked her not to do this many times). * How do I make sure she doesn't try this again? A few notes: I'm totally okay with throwing her a party for her 21st. And yes, I love parentheses; I should just improve my writing. If you have questions I normally respond pretty quickly. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: No idea what to think here, but I am worried I [M22] screwed it up with this girl [F21] POST: A few weeks ago I saw this girl and couldn't get her out of my head, so the next time I saw her I asked out, out of the blue. She seemed excited to go and we ended up having a really good date (at least for me). The conversation never stopped for a few hours and I actually had a headache from smiling so much. When I was saying bye to her, I told her we should do it again sometime, and she said "Definitely!" and gave me her number I haven't dated anyone in awhile and life hasn't been so great recently, so I got really excited about this. I talked to her the next day and after a short text conversation, I asked her out again for another casual date a few days later. She said nicely that she was busy (which I knew was true, because we are both students and have tests this week, so I shouldn't have done it in the first place) and we haven't talked since. I'm not planning on talking to her again any time soon, but I'm just really worried that I screwed it up because we had such a good time and I really liked her. I realize that I got too excited and too forward (huge problem of mine) but I really did just want to see her again soon and I don't really see anything wrong with that TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Advice needed, Reddit: boyfriend with Asperger's POST: We met almost 5 months ago now, and it was pretty much holycrapiwanttospendeverysinglewakingmomentwithyou at first sight. We've both been extremely busy this summer, so we haven't seen each other much the past 2-3 months, but I'd say everything is still pretty dandy. Neither of us are very clingy or attention-seeking, and we're quite happy to go a week or more at a time without talking - it just means we have more things to talk about when we next speak. It's very comfortable, and I wouldn't want it any other way. He was diagnosed with Asperger's (wikipedia for the unaware) when he was quite young, but it's apparently a very mild form and most people don't even realise he has it. I didn't notice anything was wrong until he told me about it. He is genuinely the sweetest, most caring guy you will ever meet - he is loyal, trustworthy, funny and incredibly smart. However, he does have a lot of problems with things like expressing himself, asking questions, anxiety attacks and focusing in a conversation. They're small problems, but I know that he worries a lot about little things and he won't tell anyone about it because he doesn't really know how to - and it's breaking my heart. All I want to do is help him and make him feel better, but ninety percent of the time, I don't know what's going on in his head, and I want to see things from his perspective so that I am able to empathise with him and help. I don't know if the things I am doing or saying are helping him or just making things worse. I've never known anyone with either Asperger's or any kind of autism, and I want to learn how to be the best girlfriend that I can be. I want to learn how to make him happy, I want to learn how to help. Hello, Reddit. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Girlfriend thinks she's fat [m27, f28] POST: Basics are: me(27) and girl(28) have been together for a little more than a year and a half. Ups and downs and the like, but she's the one I want to marry. She was super-skinny when we started hooking up, but since started medication for depression and gained some weight from it, around 15 pounds but since she started so skinny it barely shows. Problem is, she notices. And fuck, does she ever notice. We cannot have a conversation where she does not eventualy mention how fat she is. I am not talking about once or twice a day, I'm talking about 5,6, 20 times a day where she will bring up how fat she is. She is not fat. She just hates herself for gaining weight, even though she looks fantastic. I tell her constantly how amazing she looks, but it doesn't matter. I still have to hear every 20 minutes about how fat she is. I am a good boyfriend, I think. I am one of the most patient people I have ever encountered. But this has gone on for about EIGHT MONTHS. 5-20 times a day. I sometimes don't even want to talk to her because I know it will eventually be about how fat she thinks she is. I am about to crack. I have reassured her in every way possible, and talked to her about how it's just meds, but holy fuckshit, I am about to break. She won't see a therapist about it, although I have gently suggested that she's becoming obsessed with her weight and it might help to talk to someone about it. I love her with all my heart, but fuck, if I brought up my problems CONSTANTLY I realize that no one would want to be near me. I don't want to break up with her, but talking to her about it always ends badly. What do I do? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [26F] with my friend [31M] of two years, he is currently in a relationship, do I tell him I like him? POST: My friend, who we'll call Ben, is going out with another of my friends, who we'll call Jen [27F]. I've known them both for around two years and met them through my boyfriend at the time (now ex). Ben and Jen have a sort of on/off relationship and often speak badly about each other to me. They have been going out on and off for around three years. Jen and I have always got along really well and spend a lot of time together, often with Ben. Ben and I don't really hang out together on our own, but when we're in group settings we tend to talk to each other a lot one on one. I find myself becoming really attracted to Ben, despite him dating a good friend of mine, which makes me feel like a really terrible person. This is really distracting when we're all spending time together and it hurts when I see them doing anything even vaguely intimate like holding hands (this also makes me feel like a bad person...). I was thinking about approaching Ben about it when I thought that they were broken up, but it's very hard to tell if they were so I didn't say anything. Ben's only indication that he might like me is that when he gets drunk he gets a little flirtatious with me and we get along really well. I'm not sure what kind of answer I'm hoping to get here, just writing it out makes me feel a bit better. Just some advice from people who have been in a similar situation I suppose. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Recent ex [18f] wants another chance. Says she wants to make it up to me [20m] but I just met another girl [19f]. Just really confused. POST: Well I just end things last Monday with the ex. She played me good. Was trying to figure out who she wanted to be with. Me or another guy. I found out, confronted her about it, she'd lied about it, ended things on the spot. Then I get over it and met another girl who's super awesome. Things just clicked. Then ex hits me up and says she feels horrible and that she ended things with the other guy and wants me back. Says she'll do whatever it takes to get me back. Don't know what I should do. Just need some advice. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Revenge Prank. Need help from Reddit POST: So my roommate (I'm in college), thought it was hilarious (which i agree it is) to go on my facebook on my laptop and add as many black and indian people as he could find on facebook to be friends with me. I understand requesting is one thing, but majority (atleast half) of the people decided to actually accepted me as a friend (WTF?). Now I have the trouble of going through my entire friend's list to remove every single one of these "friends." Not only this, but majority of them decided to message me to ask if we met at parties etc. I was wondering if reddit could help me find a keylogger (free or non-free, as long as it works well), so that i can either a) find his facebook password as well and return the favor b) i understand that there are keylogging programs that can take screen captures, so I can have screen shots of him going to various porn sites (he's a single guy, ofcourse hes on porn sites). c) any other suggestions reddit has to returning him the favor. I tried searching for keyloggers, but i'm not sure which one is safe. It's just a harmless prank that I want to return to my roommate and I was wondering if anyone can help. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Dear Reddit. Have you ever been overwhelmed by the amount of bad news you receive? And if so, how did you deal with it? POST: Hello, longtime lurker first time poster here. I've lurked mainly because I've been afraid of a massive hail of downvotes, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Earlier this week, I received a substantial amount of bad news. In one week I've been dumped, fired, expelled, yelled at. To top all of that off my father has split town and my mother told me shes dying with cancer. Receiving all of this news almost at once has left me with little idea of what to do with myself. I was wondering how other people go about dealing with this kind of news. My first reaction was to simply numb the pain by means of drugs. Nothing too serious, just enough to take the edge off of things. However, I'm aware of the fact that using drugs as a crutch could further ruin me. So I'm looking for advice reddit... How do I cope with all of this? TL;DR:
r/loseit TITLE: Virtually starved myself for about 2 months and lost about 30lbs, how can recover a normal metabolism and transition back into a normal diet? POST: M/20/6'1 SW: 202 CW: 175 GW:165 - Sedentary lifestyle Around the beginning of July I was 203lbs, and became obsessed with losing weight so began doing IF and eating around 200-500 calories a day (estimated in hindsight) for around a month with no cheat days. I was virtually starving myself and lost around 25lbs in the month of July. I was tired of feeling like shit on my twisted version of IF (24 hr fast daily then have a small meal) so I started doing Keto for this past month of August and used the online Keto calculator which told me to eat 1600 calories a day. I never reached 1600 a day and on a good day reached about 1000. Yesterday I hit 175lbs and decided I would stop all this dieting stuff and after reading up online found out how fucked up my metabolism probably is because of the last 2 months of eating far far below my TDEE which is about 2000-2200 (different calculators). I realize how much of an idiot I was being thinking I could starve myself with no consequences. I am worried about the transition back into a normal diet for maintaining weight. My metabolism is very likely super super slow right now and I was looking for some help or tips into how I should transition back into eating carbs/generally eating like a normal person. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: What is the best way to tell my SO he needs to get help for his alcohol problem? POST: Having come from a family of alcoholics, I have started to recognize signs that my SO has a serious drinking problem. Whereas before he used to be able to have a couple drinks a week, mostly in social situations- he now can't sleep at night without having at least 2 drinks. This has moved from a couple brews to shots of rum/ along with those few brews. Over the weekend I saw him taking a couple shots mid afternoon while we were getting ready for a holiday party with my family. I know it helps him in social situations to be 'fun' and the center of attention but its really starting to scare me. Now he just turns into a different person when he drinks. His rages are out of control, he says mean things and embarrasses me in public. When we are out, he does not know when to stop and keeps ordering drinks, sometimes spending over $150 at the bar (this was recently on a weekday evening at his work happy hour). We have been talking about saving money for our future, so this really gets to me even more. Not to mention, this means i'm ALWAYS the DD and never get to actually let my hair down when we're out because I'm busy watching how much I DRINK to make sure we both get home safe. A little over a year, I had mentioned this to him when I first started to notice his behavior. He was offended immediately and told me how his father was an alcoholic and spent all their family's money on alcohol and he knew he wasn't anything like his dad. He would get angry everytime I would try to tell him to slow down on his drinking and so I've stopped saying anything at all. But I'm really starting to wonder if I can do anything because its starting to affect his health in a major way. I think his depression is being exacerbate by the drinking and its making him unmotivated to deal with anything including relationship and job issues. HELP! TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My (24/M) friend (23/F) won't leave her abusive boyfriend (41/M). What should I do? POST: Shes been on and off with him for a year and a half. In the beginning things were fine but quickly went downhill for various reasons. Anyway, he began hitting her regularly and mentally trying to control her, she tried leaving him but keeps going back. A few weeks ago it all blew up and the police were called, the police told my friend that he's a classic abuser and she should stay away from him, which she told me she had. She told me if she ever goes back to him, for me to cut her out of my life because she would leave him if she thought she'd lose me. However today she admitted that she has been seeing him and working for him too, and now I don't know what to do. This has gone on and on for months. Do I cut her out like she asked, in order to force her to leave him? I've tried telling her family but she flipped out when I did a few months back and downplayed the whole thing, so her family didn't really do anything. I'm really at a loss of what to do. I've been her best friend since we were kids. I need advice Reddit. I'm genuinely scared he's going to really hurt her one day. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: What was an innocent question you asked with disastrous consequences? Asked about a thumbnail and got a heartwrenching story about a traumatic childhood event POST: A few years ago I was on a tour of Italy with a tour group. Over dinner, I noticed that one of other people on the tour group had a shortened thumb with no nail. This was a very friendly gentleman in maybe his mid fifties. I don't know why, but I asked about it. He got embarrased, and explained that he tries to hide it, but it shows. Immediately I regret my question. He goes into a story about how he grew up in Poland. His parents were gone a lot and he was watched by a nanny. His nanny was grinding meat one day, and being a curious two year old, he wanted to help. However, his thumb got caught in the meat grinder, down to the bone. The nanny panicked. She tried to turn the meat grinder backwards but it didn't free his thumb. Evenetually, she gave up and simply pulled his hand out. She then wrapped him in a blanket and left him in his crib until his mom cam home hours later and took him to the hospital. Then, the doctors had to remove the shards of bone, which was so painful that it resulted in a lifeling fear of anyone in a doctor's coat. TL;DR:
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU Old lady walks in my vomit. POST: So today I began my first job, it was in a fish and chip shop. I am 16 and only the induction day. I was just folding boxes for the food and it was going great. Then they began to cook the food. The smell got worse and worse and I become very close to vomiting. I kept it in luckily. Happy that I didn't throw up, I kept on folding. The manager then left to go get some stuff from the shop and would be back soon so I just carried on working, the only other guy there was in the back cooking. The suddenly distracted by the smell and the almost puking, I realised I forgot to put the napkins in the boxes. Which meant having to go through them all again and restarting. The nerves of failing my first day kicked in and then the smell combined with them triggered it. A fountain suddenly erupted from my mouth and vomit went all over the freshly cleaned floor. What know, what was I supposed to do? The manager was gone and the old man in the back seemed quite douchey. I panicked and then he bolted over to see what happened. I told him I had been sick (clearly he could see that) and then he looked at me with the utmost disappointment. He then made me clean it up which is fair. then this lady walked through the door, she was quite old and didn't notice the puke, even though I was obviously cleaning it up. She proceeded to walk straight into it and I could see it all over her shoe but somehow she still didn't notice and neither did the other guy. I carried on cleaning and she left with it on her shoe. I was too embarrassed to say anything. After I cleaned it up the manager came back and I had to explain to them what happened, they told me that I couldn't be there since I might be ill and sent me home for the day. As it is only the induction and they didn't say too come back another day, I am staying as far away from that place as possible. Most embarrassing thing that has happened to me. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I [22/M] just got dumped for the second time in one month. Having dark thoughts. POST: A little backstory: I am a 22 year old university student who lives a lone in TX. Last summer I visited my highschool crush [22F] in Boston and we hit it off ~ started a LDR, flew out to see eachother 5 or 6 times over the span of 4 months, fell deeply and mind-blowingly in mutual love. About 3 months into the relationship she started distancing herself away from me and eventually she called me about 1 month ago to say she doesn't have the time to keep it going (breaking the shit out of my heart in the process). She was my home and my first real love. 1 week after this I started dating my friend [20F] to distract myself. She was really supportive and nice to me at first, relating her own similar experiences with a LDR. However, she was kind of harsh and critical of me at times. Kind of a bitch actually. Despite this I started to really like her. This morning she sent me a text saying she "just isn't feeling this relationship anymore." I feel like such a fucking loser right now I can't even begin to describe it. It's like my heart is an abandoned puppy that a stranger just walked up to and kicked in the stomach. On top of all this, my brother (who is my only other real friend down here) is moving away in two weeks. So that's it. I'm going to be completely and utterly a lone with this black hole in my chest. I'm having really dark thoughts and could use some support and advice. TL;DR:
r/relationship_advice TITLE: (41F) Having issues about drinking with husband (43M). POST: I am 41 and been married 13 years. My husband is 43 and a very social person that likes to drink socially. (On weekends if we get together with friends) Two years ago my doctor found that my liver enzymes were high. I am bipolar and was on a med that was affecting my liver. I was taken off that med. Plus I found that I have a fatty liver. My dad had cirrohsis of the liver and had to have a liver transplant when he was 60. He never drank alcohol. When we found all of this out my husband went to my doctor appointment with me when I asked if I could drink alcohol. The doctor said I could drink a few times a week (in moderation) if I wanted to. My husband took this information as I could get drunk sometimes and it would be fine. I have only gotten drunk once since this (40th birthday). The problem is this. We were driving in town to go out for a date and something was said about drinking. I said I don't think I should drink because of my liver. He blew up and yelled at me saying the doctor said I could drink and that he is sick of hearing me say I can't drink because of my liver. Then he said that I drink when we go out with my best friend but I won't drink on date night. (Last time I drank we double dated with my friend on my birthday a year and a half ago). I think he just misses that I don't cut loose with him and get drunk. We have been having other issues lately but this one is really upsetting me. I explained to him that I just want to take extra good care of my liver and he just focuses on the fact the doctor said I could drink. I just quit smoking a month and a half ago too. Just trying to get healthy. I just can't believe how he is treating me about this. Am I in the wrong at all here? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [17 M] with my Ex Girlfriend [17F]. She wants to remain friends, but I still have feelings. POST: We broke up 3 months ago, it was a mutual decision as we both knew the relationship could not work due to various reasons. Even so, we're really close so we decided we'd still be friends as that's what our relationship was based on in the first place, the fact we got on with each other so well. She is now seeing someone although it's "not a relationship" (Her words) Since then we text pretty much everyday, I was able to put my feelings to the side and now she's one of my best friends, everything was going smoothly until a few nights ago. We happen to go to the same place on holiday at the same time of year, and I tried to kiss her when we were drunk. She pulled away and said she couldn't as she "Didn't want to bring anything home with her", I have no idea what that means. She then kissed some random stranger later in the night. I left, and in my drunken state texted her and told her I still love her, and basically poured my heart out. She said she doesn't feel the same way anymore, and although she's still attracted to me she can't, but that she couldn't stand to lose me as a friend. So what do I do Reddit? I feel like I'm trapped, I don't want to stop being friends with her and hurt her, as I'm still really important to her but I don't think it's healthy for me to keep being friends. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Moving states to live with him [m28], just found out I[f 28] may have to also live with his best friend [m28]. POST: What do I do? I[f 28] have been dating my boyfriend[also 28] for 1.5 years, we've spoken many times about moving in. He took a job a state away and had to move quickly. I had to stay to tie up loose ends. Made plans for me to stay 3 months, then move down. When he left (2 months ago) he took his best friend [m 28] with him. Oh, his best friend is an ex, of sorts. Well, they signed the lease together on a condo. Lots of promises of security from my boyfriend. Today, I find out the best friend won't be moving out when I move there. Not sure on duration of how long. It's awkward between us(the best friend and I), and he thinks I hate him, which I don't. I just don't want to live with him. What do I do? TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: How can I keep my brother from looking through my computer? POST: Long story short, in 2004 I bought a laptop computer. It served me valiantly for years until last year when the power adapter decided to die. I went to the store to get a replacement and it was over 100 dollars. I said fuck it and ended up buying a new MacBook since my Toshiba was so old. I left the Toshiba at my parents' house before I ended up moving a few states away. My brother is recently back from overseas and is staying with my parents. He asked if the Toshiba still worked and I (for better or worse) told him the truth: it does but it needs a new adapter. So here is the problem: I have photos and files on there that are very personal that I don't want him to see. They're in a relatively obvious spot so he'll almost certainly see them if he logs on. I never made an attempt to hide them better because I didn't anticipate what happened, I have been too cheap to buy a new adapter and I didn't think he'd ever ask to use it when I wasn't home. Is there anything I can say to get him to not use my computer without it becoming ugly? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My[21F] girlfriend wants to move in with me[23M]. We met online and haven't met in person yet, and live across the country from each other. POST: About a month ago I unexpectedly met a girl online (through chat roulette) who I click well with. Amazingly well. I've never met someone who I'm so interested in, who is as interested as me, and where we share a lot of the same goals, hobbies, and lifestyle choices. I'm a recent college graduate and work in a job where I have to be gone for a month or two at a time. She has her life together and is taking a year off from school to figure out what she wants to major in (smart choice IMO). I've friended her on Facebook, facetimed/skyped, and talked to/texted her nearly every single day since I've known her. Personality-wise, physically, and sexually she's my ideal type (and I'm hers). She's quite extraordinary and I know she is the right girl for me long-term wise. I'm just really nervous about taking such a big step so soon. I know it could make me really happy, but then again I've been doing a lot of reading and living with someone is a major step (I want to be serious with this girl though so there's that). What do you think Reddit? TL;DR:
r/loseit TITLE: Lifting/Eating a calorie deficit...but not losing weight. POST: So I've been working out for about a month now, going to lift every MWF and finishing it off with HIIT. I started at 202, and after about a week and a half of dieting hit 195. I've been hovering at 195 for the past two or three weeks now, even with eating a caloric deficit of 1.5 pounds a week. I should mention, my BF% stuff comes out to around 25%(and it tends to show). My pants are looser, but I haven't seen any change in the scale. Also, I've been eating a good deal more protein (over 100g a day), and under 100g of carbs a day, but find myself full well under my calories for the day, when about a week ago I was starving by the end of the day. What's up? TL;DR:
r/Pets TITLE: Massive downpour leads to finding a kitten... POST: We live in the woods about 8 miles from town and about 3 mikes from the nearest neighbor. This morning, we had a huge storm blow through that dumped about 2" of rain in 4-5 hours. In that storm, I kept hearing a very loud "mew" coming from our attached barn. I threw on my mud boots and grabbed a flashlight and headed out to the building. In the middle of the floor, I found a sopping wet, muddy, and skinny kitten. No mama cat around. We have a feral cat colony nearby so I assumed this one somehow found its way into the open barn to find warmth. This is not the first time this sort of situation has happened. Last year, a mama cat birthed 3 kittens (including a 3 legged kitten) on our doorstep and was then promptly run over by the mailman on our dirt road. I raised those kittens and found them homes. Anyhoo, I brought this kitten in, dried it off, and warmed it up. My husband was at work and I gave it a bottle (thank goodness I saved that) of warm milk with a raw egg mixed in since that was all I had. She drank 1/2 the bottle. Then I massaged her genitals with a warm wipe to stimulate urine and feces. She peed but no stool. I figured I'd try later since she was so scrawny. I sent hubby to get kitten formula on the way home. It's been over 12 hours and she's had a half a bottle of formula but still no stool. Her eyes are open but she's really wobbly so I'm assuming she's between 2-3 weeks old. I'm doing genital massaging every hour but how long before I should worry and call a vet? TL;DR:
r/dating_advice TITLE: Reddit, what am I doing wrong? POST: Hey reddit. I am currently in a bit of a depressing stage in my life. I am 20 (M), and currently going into my third year of college. I am a nice person, an Eagle Scout, smart, studying architecture, minoring in German, and enjoy helping others and making sure others are happy before myself. I would say I'm a very modest and pretty humble person. But lately I have noticed that girls don't seem to be interested or attracted to me in anyway. I have never really been a super social person. But, for the past two years I have been trying to correct this. I have been meeting more people, and being involved in activities where I will make new friends. All of the girls I have met, show absolutely no interest in me whatsoever. About two years ago I realized that I do not flirt with girls that I wouldn't consider dating. So if I am not attracted to or interested in being more than friends with a girl, I wont flirt with her. I love women, and I know I am not attracted to men. On the contrary, when I am dating a woman, I am the most flirtatious person ever. Why can't I find anyone that is interested in me? What am I doing wrong? Is it because I don't flirt with every single girl I meet? If it helps understand my situation more, I dated a girl back in high school for nearly two years. Our relationship was very strong until she cheated on me when she went to college. She told me she had never had a boyfriend that would please her as well as I did. So I am almost certain I am not a terrible partner. But I haven't dated anyone since. So it has been three years since I have done anything more than hangout with a girl. If it's not too much, I would appreciate any advice. I hope everyone has a cheerful day! TL;DR:
r/pettyrevenge TITLE: I said I wanted *extra* onion! POST: This is about the first difficult customer I ever dealt with when I was working as an insider in a pizza shop in high school. He was this rich asshole who ordered a large pizza with extra onion. His complaint, and the reason we had to redo his order 3 times, was "I ORDERED EXTRA ONION! WHY DIDN'T YOU ADD EXTRA ONION?!" Being the guy who's entire job was answering the phone, I had to deal with his shit. Since I had only been working a few days, I wasn't really sure how to handle difficult customers, so after his 5 minute screaming, insulting tirades which started every one of his phone calls that night, I was on the verge of tears. Every time I handed the phone off to the shift manager, the customer would get a free pizza remade with more onions and sent out. After 2 pizzas were supposedly screwed up ("WHAT PART OF EXTRA ONION DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?!"), I offered to top the third. This guy wanted extra onions, so I was going to give him extra onions! That pizza got 3 or 4 heaping handfuls of onions. There was a layer of onion 1/2-3/4" thick, covering the entire pizza. I then took a can of anchovies and dribbled a bit of the fish juice around the onions. There was so much onion, the cheese couldn't completely cover it, so after cooking, there were little spots of browned onions splattered across the top of the pie. After it was delivered, we never heard from him again. Hope that was enough onions, asshole TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [23F] with my exclusive bf [26M] for 5months, how soon is too soon for 'the talk' POST: Hey all! Thanks for reading! I've been with my boyfriend for five months, both in love. He is slightly emotionally damaged and sometimes has issues expressing himself unless I bring up the emotional topics (this is due to several bad past relationships with being cheated on, he also was with a girl for seven years, they were engaged and it ended cause she cheated multiple times). I have also been in long term relationships although not as long as his seven year one (I have had two relationships of about two and a half years each, but never been engaged) Not sure how much of this matters just thought I would give you some context as it may change your advice. Just wondering, is it too soon to ask him where he sees the relationship going and if he sees or wants a future with us? He's very damaged emotionally like I said but this hasn't been a huge issue in our relationship, we are working through any challenge he says he loves me, always wants to be with me, ect although can be distant at times). But I am just nervous about bringing it up, do not want to freak him out with getting too serious too fast, even though obviously stuff like moving in and marriage if we both wanted it wouldn't be for a long while still, I'm scared even talking about it may scare him or push him away? The fact that he has been engaged kind of relates to why I'm a little nervous with asking, as not sure if he would like still like to get married one day. But need to know if this is going anywhere so I don't end up wasting my time. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Some lady rolled down her window, yelled obscenities at me, flipped me off, then crashed into a pole going 40mph. What instant karma in driving have you guys had? POST: So a bit ago I was driving down the road and I needed to get into the left turn lane two lanes over - mind you, I still had around a mile, so I didn't feel that worried about merging. I put on my blinker, and waited for an opportunity. Unfortunately, a woman in an SUV decided that she didn't want me to get in her lane. When I sped up, she stuck in my blind spot. When I slowed down, she did as well. Eventually, approaching the light, I cut her off to get in the turn lane. She proceeded to roll down her window, turn to me, start yelling what I imagine were obscenities, and flip me off. She then went through the red light and, to avoid a car, turned into a poll, totaling her car. I felt awful of course, so I turned on my hazard lights and hopped out to make sure she was alright. Amazingly, she was alright.... and proceeded to tell the police 15 minutes later I forced her off the road. Considering she ran a red light however, I had a couple witnesses who had also stopped to help on my side (my state does not allow cameras on traffic lights). They all confirmed my assertion. When I was talking to the first responding officer, he said she could charged with filing a false report, reckless driving, destruction of property etc. TL;DR:
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU - FINISHED MY WORKLOAD SOONER THEN I SHOULD HAVE POST: I've just becomes a freelancer and I was contacted to go work in an design agency for 3 days. It was my first day when I got there they were very impressed by the turn around and the quality of work, they'd asked me to maybe stay an extra day for more work. So going with trying to impress them especially since they're my first client I finished the workload and the extra work in 3 days. Automatically assuming they would still want me in the next day, I got called to the side and told 'We're very happy with the work you've done and we will definitely call you back for more work, speak to you soon bye.' Which at the time I felt an arse because If i had just done the work at the pace they wanted and not tried to impress them I would have got another days pay out of it. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Our [M&F, mid-30's] neighbors [M&F, mid-20's] have crazy late-night fights; complaining would be complicated. POST: My wife and I live in an apartment building with thin walls. Our neighbors are a frequently-fighting couple. Their fights range from loud to very, very loud. Their favorite time to fight is from 2-4 am. Here's the problem: my wife teaches music out of our apartment, making us, technically, the noisiest neighbors in the whole building. There's no way around it. We're loud a.f. Typically my wife teaches a few lessons per day between 11 am - 8 pm. We nicely introduce ourselves to new neighbors when they move in, explain the noise, and invite them to talk to us about it if it's a bother. So far in 5 years no one has complained, presumably because we try to be nice, we keep it within reasonable hours, and because most people are at work during most of those hours anyway. My neighbor is a freelancer with weird hours though, and she certainly gets an earful of squaking novice vocal students. We haven't complained to our neighbors because we don't want to start a pot-kettle fight. They've got more leverage over us than we've got over them: they could actually disrupt my wife's business if they decided to counter-complain. That's why I haven't banged on the walls at 3 am and screamed, "oh god, SHUT UP!!! GO TO SLEEP!!!" like I want to. This is becoming an unignorable problem though. I can actually hear what they're fighting about. I'm leaning toward leaving a very politely worded note to the tune of, "your late-night arguments are very audible to us; I know couples have to fight sometimes, but please be aware of the hour." Any advice, /r/relationships? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [19F] with the guy I'm seeing [21M], don't have the 'lust/can't stop thinking about you' feelings.? POST: I met this great guy about 2 weeks ago and the first date we went on went amazingly well, almost too good to be true type amazing. We just got on so well and clicked, there was instant feelings there and i just really liked him. The second time we saw each other (less than a week later), suddenly i didn't feel as physically attracted to him, i know its so shallow but i just started noticing these flaws like his nose or his hairline, or his chin and it started to bother me. I was questioning if i was actually attracted to him physically, even though he has an amazing personality. i know we've only been out twice, maybe I'm overthinking things, but i feel like at this stage should i not have that kind of 'cant stop thinking about them' thing going on? usually when i like a guy i get like that and feel on top of the world for weeks but i haven't got that yet, which is weird cause i feel such a connection with him Im so confused. TL;DR:
r/Advice TITLE: how can i....find the confidence to start dating? (23/f) POST: im a 23 year old girl. i've never dated, never done "anything". every year that passes by makes me feel MORE anxious about it, but then it gets worse because im getting older and still inexperienced, which i think might be embarrassing? (is it even??? probably not, but anyway) i am EXTREMELY shy, i have really bad social anxiety. so this doesnt help either. i find it difficult to even talk to my own friends i've had for years, much less a cute stranger. but i am, um, veeery desperate for a physical relationship. not necessarily looking for a bf, thought it would be nice.. but i really just want to get with dudes and learn how to make them happy...but i cannot for the life of me talk to someone! whenever someone does give me attention, i stutter or am too awkward to keep the convo going, or stifle it myself so i can get away lol. if it helps, i think i have a very cute face, i have an hour glass figure but im a lil chubby (im workin on that though, but i think i will forever remain somewhat chubby no matter what i do) so this is also a factor i have to consider! its not like i can attract just anyone i guess. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My boyfriend [21M] always has a negative reaction to things I [21F] recommend doing POST: My boyfriend and I have been dating for a little over two years, but his negativity is really starting to bother me. I find that I constantly recommend new things to do. For example, we should go see this new exhibit at such and such. He turns it down or belittle my suggestion 'it won't be worth seeing, its gonna be fun for like 15 minutes.' I always find I have hurt feelings after these conversations. I feel my interests aren't being taken into account, rather just his. When he recommends something new, regardless if it seems to the most exciting thing or not to me. I go in with a positive approach, because I know it's something he wants and interest him. For example, he wants to watch a certain movie and even though I may never have a interest in watching it, I go in for it and try to enjoy it. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [20F] and my boyfriend [23M] duration 6mos, he's "normal" and I don't think he can understand my struggles as some who's reality is ptsd and bpd POST: My boyfriend is kind, strong willed, and compassionate. But I believe his compassion is cut off at a certain point... he tries clarify what I'm saying to him in discussion but it sounds more like layman's terms. His heart is so big but his up bringing in suburban iowa with a television-perfect like family is so much different from mine. I most definitely do not think his upbringing but was any easier/harder, but I'm wondering if maybe this is why he doesn't understand the complexities but my trouble sleeping, mood swings, episodes, flash backs, etc.. How great is he for putting up with me but how long will we last if the things in my head can't be shared? TL;DR:
r/relationship_advice TITLE: I (25m) have a potential job opportunity across the country, I keep changing my mind whether or not to bring my gf [23F] POST: Long story short! I have been dating my current girlfriend for a little over a year now and things for the most part have been going really well. We have had our arguments like everyone else and are constantly working on communicating better. Things are currently going well, we live together, got a cat together, and talk about our futures together. My problem is this, I feel like every other day my opinion changes whether or not I want to go across country alone or bring her with me. It's not that I don't love my girlfriend, or I don't see myself being happy with her for the rest of my life. I just have never had the chance to truly live on my own, by myself (I have a dog so I'm never REALLY alone,) in a completely new area. We have talked about how we would move together, and how things would work but I haven't really brought up the option of me going alone. I know she would be completely devastated to hear me say I wanted to try my own thing and we have always said long distance wouldn't be the best for us. I do have friends in the area I would be moving to so I would have social outlets to make new friends and meet new people where she wouldn't. She would be completely reliant on me to pay the bills until she found a job, and reliant on me for any kind of social activities. To me, that's a lot of added stress that I'm not sure I would want to / could handle in a new environment with a brand new job. I need advice how to even start processing this situation, has anyone dealt with this!? TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: So r/CreepShots was banned b/c of a couple assholes. This is all stuff you could see in public anyway, so why? POST: Look if you wanna spew a bunch of hate it's not gonna bother me anyways, so don't waste your time. I think it was necessary they ban /r/jailbait because it was explicitly made for illegal pictures of underage girls, however, /r/creepshots seemed to violate no "rules" other than being distasteful which, hypocritically enough, this article: claims doesn't happen on Reddit. I'll admit when I see a beautiful/sexy person in public I look at them but I hardly went on /r/creepshots anyway, this is more a matter of principle that bothers me. Why, if I could have had equal chance to take every last one of those pictures in public myself, are they banned from Reddit. TL;DR:
r/legaladvice TITLE: Did I choose the wrong option? POST: First with the backstory: Back in April, my ex (who I had broke up with last year in July) got me to come over to his apt because he told me he had paperwork he found that I needed. Stupidly I went alone, at night, and ended up getting raped and strangled by him. I went to the police and reported it, they looked into the guy for stuff, and it turned out he had a past against a little girl so I took my kids all in to see a therapist that specializes in that sort of thing. Found out my oldest was molested by him. So they were working on my rape case. I had gotten a recording of him admitting to raping me, and stalking me, and gave the detective all the messages he had sent me in just two weeks- which was A LOT (facebook, Skype, phone messages, email) and they were going to pursue the molestation case separate once my daughter had time to tell a therapist what exactly happened. Now for my question: I got a call from the district attorneys office saying he had agreed to 100 months in jail for rape if we drop the case with my daughter and they were asking if I was ok with that. I was confused and asked questions, and eventually agreed to it as long as he had to register as a sex offender and be put on searches so other mothers will be able to find him if they look (he didn't pop up on searches when I first started seeing him). My question is should I have pushed to get the case against my daughter tried? For my rape case I have the audio evidence of him admitting to everything, the calls to 911 when he would randomly show up at my work harassing/threatening me after the rape, and 100s of messages from him that he would spam me. So I would think they'd be able to get him no problem for the rape. I just don't know how legal things work and want my daughter, and all other kids that could come in contact with him to be safe. I guess I'm just worried about what he could do to others if I don't do what I can to stand up against what he did. TL;DR:
r/AskDocs TITLE: Centralised chest pains. Is it just reflux? POST: * Age: 28 * Sex: Male * Height: 6' 3 * Weight: 250lbs+ * Race: White caucasian * Duration of complaint: 4 days * Location: Center of chest only A few days ago I started getting quite severe chest pains. It started one evening after work, but wasn't to bad and it subsided before I went to bed. The next evening it started at 8pm and lasted for 4 hours (before i managed to fall asleep), and was so bad I was contemplating calling a medical professional. The next day I visited the doctors who tested my blood pressure (was fine) and listened to my heart (also fine). I was prescribed Omeprazole (40mg/28days) for acid reflux. Had no repeat of the pain that day. Last night the pain woke me up at 4am and was agonizing so I took an Omeprazole and 2 paracetemol and it took a half hour to get back to sleep (can't remember if I was still in pain). My concern is that the Omeprazole isn't helping and regardless of if it does, that I'm suffering from something else. Also I don't have the acidic feeling in my throat or a funny taste in my mouth, which everyone keeps telling me I should have. I have been putting on weight for the last 3 months (10lbs), even though I have been more active and eating healthy. I also feel tired all the time, although that as a symptom has been part of me for a few years now, as has my anxiety. Secondary symptoms: Hip pain when sleeping, knee and back pain after exercise. Mood swings (particularly anger). Decreased libido. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: What is something you have done and spectacularly failed at in the process in a quite funny way POST: When i was about 11 i was on a all day biking trip with school about (at least a few tens of kilometres on a bike trail) and on the way back i decided i was going to try and stand on the frame of the bike up straight as a stunt surprisingly IT WORKED! it was amazing but when i tried again i lacked the proper momentum and ran off the trail down a steep hill ~20m i did several flips and finally landed on my back near the bank of a river and quickly recovered the bike and ran up the hill jumped into the trail with my hands in the air an yelled I'M OKAY! with only some mud and a maybe a scratch or two and continued biking, then after wining a race against someone i tried to brake only to find the brake cable on the bike had broken during my fall down the hill and i was unable to stop whilst going very fast down a bike trail (fast enough to crash into traffic or not make a sharp turn) i guess the fall caught up with me as i skidded on a patch of gravel and cut my knee up pretty bad and still have a scar. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [27 M] with my old roommate [30s M] arguing over stuff he left at my house. Do I owe him an apology? POST: My former roommate and I did not have a good relationship. He moved out April 1 and left behind a large pile of wood in the backyard. He has been by a couple times since to pick up other large things and I stressed to him that he really needs to grab the woodpile as well. He hasn't and I've asked a couple times since and he keeps saying it will be gone soon... it's two months later now. Yesterday, the new roommate suggested a solution to the problem and said he could sell and use the wood, offering to buy the wood from roommate 1.0. Roommate 2.0 asked me for roommate 1.0's phone number so he could propose this solution. Several hours later I get an angry text from roommate 1.0 saying "Sorry about the wood. It's not like we ever used the area it is in...I think it's lame you gave my number to your new roommate to text me about it. Basically a pussy move!" The texts went back and forth, me saying he can't keep stuff here after moving out, but he focused on the fact that I had given out his phone number. I honestly hadn't thought that was an issue, especially because these two guys had met a couple times before and roommate 2.0 was suggesting the solution. This was my mistake and I could own up to it, but I can't help think that he is really mad that I didn't deal with this issue myself (he had called my a pussy many times before when we lived together). Another current roommate caught in the middle of this is saying I owe roommate 1.0 an apology for giving away his number. Do I? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [ 24M] with my ex [22F], have continued living together for 2 months after we broke up. She's moving out in a week. How do I deal with the misconceptions? POST: My exgf (of nearly 2 years) and I broke up a couple months ago. We're on a lease together, but she is moving back to our home state in a week. I'm glad she's leaving, as I think its best and neither of us think we could ever reconnect. I'm also looking forward to living on my own. However, over the last week we have been working out the logistics of everything. Since she is on the lease, she can't just bail on rent and she is pissed. We reached an agreement about that, but in the meantime I've come to find that she pretty much hates my guts and seems to regret the two years we spent together. That fucking hurts. I get that we didn't work out, and even that I could have been a better bf at times, but ultimately by my account we just weren't right for each other and we lasted longer than we should have. I've never experiences what might be called a "messy" break up like this before and I feel I'm letting it get to me more than it should, especially after two months of being broken up. Can anyone give me any advice as to how to internalize all of this? I feel like I haven't been able to think straight for awhile now... I don't necessarily want to keep her in my life or anything, but it bothers me that her perceptions of what we had together seem so skewed. On the other hand, I worry that my perception could be wrong and that I led her through an unhappy two years... TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Confused about a girl. POST: So I'm 21 (guy) and this girl is 28 I'm crazy about her right now she lit me up. The other night we were hanging out and she played the song "will you be there" by MJ anyways a few days later I tell her that the song helped me understand what it means to be her friend and she responded with "this makes my heart melt" .. I'm not sure if I just friend zoned myself but i asked her if she wanted to hang out today and she said she was busy but if the freetime appears shell hit me up! Shes all-round an amazing person and I wouldn't mind being her friend but I have such strong feelings for her. We hit it off really well I think , that same night we just looked at each other for like 20 mins without saying anything.. I feel like that's a sign she digs me right? Shoot.. I'm so confused . TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, the guy I've been dating claims to have gotten over this girl he was in love with, yet he still makes it obvious that he gets extremely pissed at even the sight of her. He'll even practically go running in the opposite direction. What should I do? POST: So, I've become good friends with my boyfriend over the past year, and we've been dating for about 5 months. He mentioned this girl he practically fell in love with, but never dated, maybe once or twice casually long before we were dating, so I never thought it to be that big of a deal. Basically, from what he's told me, he really liked her, "began to fall in love," and went through hell and high water to get him to like her. However, she rejected him and was a complete bitch to him afterward. He said she also told a bunch of people that he was a total creeper. This was about a year to a year and a half ago. But really, he talked maybe 5 minutes on that subject total. I figured he was okay now. However, after we started dating, he began to make it clear that he was extremely angry with her. He referred to her as subhuman, and would always act extremely pissed off whenever he'd see her. He's friends with this guy who used to date her, and when she showed up one night when we were all hanging out, he said that just her presence killed the night. Whenever he'd her, he'd literally run away. He'd even talk about how he dreaded going to school or other events because of her being there. Really, she doesn't do anything now. She's pretty much forgotten his existence, but he still acts as though she's trying to ruin his life. I've told him I think he REALLY needs to get over her, and that I don't want to hear him complaining about her because nobody wants to hear about their significant other bitch about a relatively harmless ex-crush, right? Anyways, he always will be like "okay, alright, alright," yet he STILL continues to do it. Is it even worth bothering about? Am I being selfish/unempathetic, or is this an actual problem? Reddit, what should I do about this? TL;DR:
r/relationship_advice TITLE: [19/F] Love my boyfriend [21/m] with no doubt or exception, but need advice on how to handle outside politics. POST: Let me start by saying this question is more about prevention than an issue that's currently affecting us in a big way. So, my boyfriend and I have been together since the end of October (2012). He makes me deliriously happy. :3 The only issue is this: We're in the same fraternity, where he's the president and I hold a chair. A LOT of brothers don't like that we're dating. It's beginning to make for some complicated politics. Now, we haven't broken any rules (although technically we don't even have rules about dating internally); he doesn't vote on things I'm involved in, and vise versa, unless they're major things that need everyone's vote. I'll also note that I was not appointed to my chair while we were together, it was beforehand, and no one ran against me anyway. People just seem to like causing drama over this. I get that people will do that, people are people, but I hate it. This fraternity is everything to us, and we're supposed to be able to count on our brothers without judgement. So that's a bit jumbled, but I guess my question is, how do we handle this situation without letting it drive a wedge between us? We're doing well so far, but my best friend (also in the fraternity) is starting to make a power grab for his position and it's starting to ruin my relationship with her, which I'm worried will have repercussions on my relationship with him. I have learned a lot about who she truly is and have little respect for her anymore - she is in the wrong in this situation, and I blame him for nothing. Do you see what I'm getting at, though? The politics and stress are wearing on us individually, and I don't want that to cause a disconnect between us. Can you give me some help, Reddit? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Not sure what to make of this POST: Me 17M, her same age. Dating for a year and a half. Yesterday, she and I were hanging out at my house, and she came upon some comics that I made in fourth grade, that while they were not important, I begged her not to give them back and to leave them alone because I was very embarrassed of them. She grabbed one and ran, and read it, then called me a baby because I didn't want her to see them. I tried to talk to her about it, because I was upset about it. She just started laughing at me, because it was "stupid" and I shouldn't be upset about it. She could not see why I was so pissed off about this. It's not really even about the comics at all, it's just the way that she treated the situation that I'm really upset. I told her that it was important to me, but to no avail. Reddit, am I in the wrong here? TL;DR:
r/books TITLE: I inherited two old magic books from my dad. r/books, does anyone know anything about these? or if they are worth anything? POST: Hi Guys. Like the title says, I got these two old books from my dad. *More Magic*, and *Later Magic* by Professor Hoffman. They are the 2nd and 3rd copies of a 3 book series. I know my dad used to have the 1st one (Modern Magic), but we couldn't find it anywhere in the house :( it's either missing or destroyed. Some quick Googling reveals that these two were originally released in 1889, and 1904 respectively. My edition of Later Magic has markings on the interior that say "New York. E.P. Dutton & Company. Copyright 1904. Published, February 1904." Which makes me think it may be a first edition. The copy of More Magic does not have any mention of the year it was published anywhere inside or out, but appears to be of similar age. One interesting detail is that both copies have stickers on the inside that say "Private Library of Alfred Lee Loomis" (this guy: ). He's not exactly "famous" imo, but does seem to be a known historical figure/scientist/inventor. Does something like this add to the value of the books? Some pics here ( ) They are kinda beat up. The binding on 1 is practically falling off. But they do have all the pages and are completely legible. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: URGENT: Is it right to kick an 11 year old out of a amazing privet school for weed? Or keep him there and help monitor them so they succeed? POST: When I was in middle school, I was kicked out of a very prestigious privet school for smoking weed. I was on track to be accepted to another prestigious high school, which probably would have lead to an amazing college and better future. I am now a 26 year old enlisted military guy trying to get his life back on the civilian track. My sister was just talking about how some students at her kids school (privet, prestigious) were immediately expelled for weed use and she is stoked. I don't want the same thing to happen to them that happened to me. So my question to you... is it better to kick out the "bad apples" or...what I would of done... Drug testing, monitoring, etc, to make sure these kids succeed in life. When I got kicked out I went back hard into (harder) drugs and it almost killed me. When somebody you care about fucks up, to you cast them into the cold? Or try to help them? If they keep fucking up I understand. But a child making his first mistake? Isn't it our responsibility as the older generation to see them succeed? Isn't it called parenting for a reason? TL;DR:
r/self TITLE: Should I break up with this guy? POST: **Apology for wall of text** I've known this guy for a year now, and we started dating just three month ago. He messaged me one day and that's how it sort of started because the conversation went really well. We started talking a lot irl and started sharing more personal things, like secrets and shit. Things progressed in that manner and eventually he asked me to be his girlfriend over text. The thing was that we really meshed while we were texting but we were so awkward in real life. I said yes cause I thought things would get better. They sort of did, and he's very sweet and I feel like he cares about me and overall he's a great guy but I feel like I'm not into the relationship as much as he is. My best friend also said that she got the feeling that I don't actually like him all that much as a boyfriend. But I also have reservations about breaking up with him. I don't want to lose his friends that are now my friends, I don't want to stop being friends with him, and when he touches me I get tingly all over and I get sort of turned on. My friends have also said that I'm way out of his league. Do I actually like him or is it just teenage hormones? Should I break up with him? I don't know how I feel. TL;DR:
r/relationship_advice TITLE: I [23m] keep talking, she [19f] keeps silent. POST: I've always been a blabbermouth, I have an opinion about everything and I've made voicing my opinions my job. I want to analyze everything and talk about my feelings, thoughts and experiences a lot. I've always thought, that good relationship is build through communication and sharing our emotions with each other by words or by gestures. My girlfriend isn't the same way at all. I can get anyone to talk and open up after a while, but she doesn't want to really talk about our problems. She talks about some of it, but when it comes to voicing her opinion she goes all silent and I can't get her to talk whatever I do. This has been a growing issue since I moved away after a job, she's moving in with me in few months. We've been together for 7 months now. I can read her face and gestures and know just what she's thinking when we're face to face. But when we're just skyping for months it's really hard to develop our relationship. She doesn't think anything is wrong with me and everything is her fault. She mocks herself to me and tells me every day how horrible person she is, when I ask her to stop because it's pointless she get's mad and hates herself even more because now she thinks I'm mad or something. I tell he she isn't a horrible person she ignores it and starts crying, then I tell that I'm sorry about the thing that I said and we make up. The next day the it's starts from the beginning. This has been going on for few weeks now and it's really tearing me apart slowly. She has really low self esteem, she thinks she's worthless and really ugly, but really when you get down to it, she's really hot and intelligent, but doesn't see it at all. I don't know how can I get her to voice her opinions and admit that I'm not perfect either and everything that's wrong in our lives isn't her fault. Please, where do I start when I try to improve her self esteem? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My [20s] sister[10F] was caught chatting with strangers online; how can I have a productive conversation about the dangers of online predators? POST: I just received a text message from my mother asking me to talk to my younger sister about the dangers of the internet. She asked me to talk to my sister because she looks up to me and views me as a role model. My younger sister was in her room, playing with her iPod touch. When my mother came in the room she was very clearly making an effort to keep the screen hidden from my mother, which naturally caused suspicion. When my mother asked her what she was doing, she pushed her phone under the bed. As my mother reached for the phone my sister started crying and kept apologizing. It turns out my sister was in a chat room called "Sexy Bitches" and was chatting with three people. My mother didn't mention what the conversation was, but I do not believe it was sexual in nature. She also mentioned that my sister had posted videos of herself on the internet. Again, I don't believe they were sexual in nature, however I'm still awaiting confirmation. I believe the reason my sister is behaving like this is because she does not feel loved or wanted. Our mother is emotionally, and frequently physically abusive. She has gotten better with age, with less physical abuse, but I know the damages that emotional abuse can cause. How can I talk about this with my sister and encourage her to be a mentally healthy young person so that she doesn't seek love and affection from potentially predatory individuals on the internet? Is it worth confronting my mother about the changes she needs to make to be a better parent? Additionally, how can I help my divorced mother and father protect my sister from this? Are there parental controls my parents should consider? Inevitably she's going to have to use the internet again. I live thousands of miles away from my family and will be calling my sister tonight after work. I want to make sure it's a productive conversation that doesn't shame my sister. I greatly appreciate any advice you can offer. TL;DR:
r/loseit TITLE: r/loseit newb POST: Alright, after reading the FAQ, I didn't really see anything that answers my question. I'm an 18 year old, 4'11"-5'0", female that's pretty unhappy about the way I look. Unlimited college food and my horrible portion control did me in. I went into college at 122 lbs. Still a little overweight for my size (according to BMI), but not by much (I think it was recommended that I be between 115-117 lbs). I didn't do much for activity aside from walking to my friend's house (1 mile round trip) and 100 crunches every morning. It helps that my mom never had food in the house, so I really didn't eat a ton. Now, I'm at 148 lbs, and just miserable. I decided that I want to get down to my weight before college and stay there, or possibly lose more weight, but I'd be happy at 122 lbs again. I'm trying the Dukan Diet and wanted to get another opinion on it. I planned on kicking most carbs, juice, soda, and processed foods to begin with. Also exercise, walking, yoga, and light weight training (getting a gym membership while I'm home, hopefully). TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Hey Reddit, do you ever feel like the black sheep of the family? Why? POST: I have a super rich grandpa. He's got a mansion on the beach, trophy wife in her 30's (which is gross cuz he's in his 60's), tons of luxury cars, the works. He has 10 grandkids and he seems to love all of them but me. I'm the only one who isn't super attractive (I'm very average looking, my cousins are all hot) and hasn't done something "worthy" with my life. My cousins have all been football stars or cheerleaders or models or things like that. Btw, all my cousins are in high school or college, I'm the only one who has graduated college. My grandpa gives all my cousins lots of money for Xmas, has bought them all sports cars, has paid for the college of those who are in school and helps support them with spending money. He's never given me a dime. Even though I went to an Ivy League school he said "sociology isn't a real major" so he wouldn't help me pay. I have a decent job that pays my rent but he berates me for not making six figures, then praises my cousins by saying the girls are so beautiful they will marry rich and the boys have the good looks and charm to do anything with their lives. Three weeks ago he took all my cousins on a cruise to the Caribbean for getting good grades (even though a lot of them got Cs and Ds). I wasn't even invited and only found out when my cousins posted pics to FB. I don't even care about the fact that he doesn't give me money or buy me a car, I just wish he didn't hate me and that he treated me fairly and liked me as much as my cousins. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I [25/M] was diagnosed with HPV and it brought my dating life to a screeching halt. POST: So, I got the kind of HPV that gives you warts, and my dating life came to a screeching halt because I don't want to tell anybody about it. I know it is unlikely but I don't want to risk it getting out there that I have an STD and I know that if I date somebody I have to tell them eventually. I got my first wart more than a year ago, and it looked nothing like the pictures on the internet. Mine were all microscopic, and when I went to the doctor I didn't get a 100% "Yepp that's it." I got a "I can try to scrap it off and send it to the lab, hm. no there wasn't enough to scrap off, but yeah, it can be a wart." And then I googled myself silly, some saying that it goes away, some saying that it will always be there, that you will always be contagious, that you have to (for moral reasons) tell people from here on out. Some say that if you are symptomfree for 6 months then you are in the clear, some say not. It just makes me insane. I don't have any warts now... as far as I can tell (again, the ones I got needed a magnifying glass to find). But yeah, I'm a bit paranoid at the moment, thinking that everything down there could potienally be a wart, even the hair foilices are sometimes suspicious looking to me. this killed my dating life because eventually sex is going to be introduced, and I don't trust anybody with this information. So I don't know what to do, I'm writing this post (obvious throwaway) to see what other people think about this entire ordeal. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I [26M] can't get my wife [25F] of 3 years, to stop looking for the easy way out of things... POST: Hello everyone. Someone in [/r/marriage] suggested I bring this here. I am not going to beat around with this, so here it goes. I have known my wife for 10 years. We have been together since high school and married for 3 years now. We love each other. But when it comes to life, she looks for the easy way out and it drives me nuts. We both come from hard working families, but her and her siblings have a grandmother that does everything for them. It has made them very lazy. My wife hasn't had a job for longer than a year. Every time something happens, she says it is "too hard" and looks for a new one. Now all she wants to do is find something that would let her sit around or work from home. She has an office job now, but is complaining that it "too hard". I can't stand it anymore. We are also expecting our first child and I don't know if she really grasps the fact that life is going to get harder and handouts just aren't going to happen. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do/say to her to make her realize that life isn't suppose to be easy? Has anyone had a similar situation? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I feel like a crap boyfriend (22) to my (23) girlfriend and am incredibly insecure at the moment POST: Over the past few weeks I've been getting into arguments with my girlfriend of three months over silly a things just snapping at each other. Today it happened we sat down and spoke about it. I told her I feel like I'm walking on egg shells as she's coming off anti depressants and could snap at any time. She told me that she didn't even snap and I took it the wrong way. We cleared it up but it was a kinda 'is this working chat' I then left to go to work and had way too much time to think about things. I'm now starting to feel that this is my fault as this happened in a previous relationship. Both women telling me that small things shouldn't set me off or upset me for example her snapping at me. I'm now starting to question why I get upset from these things and honestly feel that I'm over emotional and don't know where this all comes from. I'm defensive over the smallest things (will always snap or try and win an argument). What got to me the most is her saying if things like this get to me maybe I should see someone about it. That kinda messed with me mentally and all I can think is I'm just over emotional for a guy and take things personally way too much. The only things I know how to do well is look after myself and work (I feel comfortable at work/college) as they are all factors I can control for example working hard on an assignment. I'm not sure what to do or how to over come my own demons. TL;DR:
r/relationship_advice TITLE: I'm a [23/M] and recently met an incredible [21/F]. The problem? She lives far away. POST: Over this weekend I was able to meet a remarkable girl. Pretty much from the get go it was obvious that at least I was interested (I drunkenly gave her a flower at a cocktail party to start off our first conversation), but she also ended up hanging out with me the next night as well at my house, albeit with her friend. She knows I have a crush on her. I know she is interested in me at the least as a friend, but I am not fully confident if she is interested as anything more (we've only met a couple days, I'm about 60-70% sure she's interested in me beyond friendship - I thought I heard her asking her friend if it was okay to sleep over at my place but I'm not sure). I don't have a problem with LDRs provided they are serious but to be honest, I have my own life and school to focus on now anyway. I don't think I want a relationship as of the current moment. I'm more interested in down the road - this is the first girl that I met that is astoundingly pretty, captivating, and is part of my exact same culture (families are pretty much the exact same which I value a lot). Practically speaking, it's perfect material for a serious relationship save for the fact that she lives far away. Which pretty much renders the whole thing impractical as of the moment. I want to continue talking to her but I'm not sure where or how to gear the relationship. I'd like to get to know her better but also be in a place in the future where she knows I'm (likely) seriously interested and I can figure out if she is seriously interested in a relationship. I have her number and we've been texting the past couple days. I'm also Snapchat and Facebook friends with her so sometimes we communicate over those as well. I know I've only met her a couple days ago, but I've just got a feeling on this one... TL;DR:
r/legaladvice TITLE: Question about stairwell safety and locked doors POST: Washington State. The post the other day about the guy who had to break a door to get out of a locked stairwell reminded me of my college days. I lived in a 12 story door building. Two corners catty-corner from each other had stairwells. However, when you went into the stairwell, each door would lock behind you. The door can be opened with your building key, but if you forgot it, there would be no way to get back in without going all the way down to the first floor and trying to get someone to let you ride up the elevator with them. I lived on the 12th floor. Instead of having two stairwell doors, to get to one door you would have to exit onto a balcony, then exit into the 2nd stairwell. However, soon after we moved in they locked all the doors and windows to the balcony because people kept smoking there (not us who lived on the floor). This freaked me out because it meant if the fire alarm went off, if I didn't have my keys I would only have one stairwell to run down, I could easily be trapped in the one stairwell with no way to escape if there was a fire below me. TL;DR:
r/personalfinance TITLE: Extra saving $$ - what to do with it when hoping for early retirement? POST: I know there have been some posts on this recently, and I don't need uber personal advice but wanted some perspective oriented around hoping for earlier than normal retirement. I'm in my mid-20s, stable job, and do not yet (and who knows, maaaybe never will, although unlikely) have a car, house, or kids. I have extra money (about $1000/month if I'm good about spending) that I'm not sure what to do with. I've already maxed out my Roth IRA for 2012 and 2013. I contribute 4% of my salary per year to 401K ($2400 - enough to maximize my company's match). I've capped off my emergency fund to be 6 months living expenses. My question is, now what? The obvious thing is I could put more into my 401K since I'm nowhere near maxed out on that. I'm slightly concerned that since a) I want to retire early and b) I haven't done any of the "big expenses" (house, car, kids) in life yet that I may regret locking my money away in a fashion that I can't access it until a certain age. Right now based on my savings, I'm on track to be at a point I could retire at around 50. Any advice on where/how to utilize the money to protect it against inflation? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Do you think it is appropriate for a boyfriend [25] to post flirty comments on girls' pictures on Facebook? POST: My boyfriend [25; I am 20] seems to think it's amusing to post your typical flirty kinds of comments on pictures that girls post on Facebook. That's fine, but I just don't think it's appropriate since he's in a relationship now [we have been dating for the past month or so]. I told him that it showed a lack of respect and he says it doesn't and that I am being jealous, and that he doesn't even really know the girl who's picture he commented on. examples of the comments: More gorgeous every day! Wow you look gorgeous babe it's too bad you're so far away from me. Am I overreacting or is he crossing the line? He doesn't think there's anything wrong with it and that most people would agree I'm overreacting, hence this post because I want to show him what other people think about it. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My mom [F 50s] is mad at me [M 25] and thinks I'm being childish, is she right? POST: So the other day, I found out lego has an entire Simpsons set. Basically it's the entire Simpsons house in lego format. I just thought that this was so cool. Then I kinda got the idea, that I would buy the set, and then I would modify it a bit into two parts so that you can see the front of the house and then the inside of the house. Then my idea was to display it in some way by mounting it on my wall. I don't know, I just think it would look really cool. Rather than having a painting or a poster, I would have these sweet lego Simpsons set mounted on my wall as a sort of obscure 3D kind of poster? Does that make sense? Anyways, I was talking to my mom and she basically just told me to grow up. That lego are for kids and that I shouldn't waste my time on stuff like that. I mean, it's not like I'm going to buy the set to sit down and start playing with it. I just thought it'd look cool as a display if I modified it slightly. Does this really give a childish vibe? Am I being really weird here? TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: What are some crazy stories your parents have told you about their younger days that just blew your mind? POST: My mom was an English teacher, so growing up I thought she was your average, dull parent who never did anything exciting in her life. I don't think I have ever been more wrong about anything in my life.. When my mom turned 18 she was sick of her hometown and wanted to see the country.. The best thing her 18 your old mind could come up with was to become a truck driver, so with out telling her parents she disappeared to see beauty of the country! Six months later she was back home to a relieved family. But that's not the best part, a year later her and some friends decided to move up to Minneapolis. After a few months things went sour between them and she was stuck there with no money and no where to go. But no, she still has the whole east coast yet to experience so what does she do? She joins a fucking religious cult that was bound for New York, uses them for a ride up there and then blows them off once they get there. She proceeds to live up there by herself for 2 years. Then she moves back home, enrolls in college and drops out because she smoked too much pot with her professors. So Reddit, what stories about your parents mind fucked you when you first heard them? TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, there is always a catch when you make a wish with a Genie; is there any way to circumvent it? POST: This thread inspired the question: I always think about this, but never really brought the idea into the real world. I thought about telling the Genie that my first wish is "I don't want you to misconstrue what I'm saying/add a "catch" onto my wish". But of course, he would find some way to fuck me over with a stupid pun. The problem is that language can always be manipulated to say something else. So, basically I came to the conclusion that you would have to tell him to "cut the crap" or "read my intentions". But of course he'd literally cut crap and literally pop out a book with my intentions and begin reading them. Any ideas? TL;DR:
r/relationship_advice TITLE: My fiancee (24/f) has some body issues that have come into a paradox because of me (22/m) POST: Recently its come to my attention that my fiancee has been hiding some body issues. She has a little bit of belly fat and her natural shape gives her a big butt and thicker thighs. All of which I love and think are sexy, she knows this. has even seen the porn i used to watch which were women with similar qualities. so she knows I like how she looks. the issue is that she hates it. hates having the fat on her stomach and the jiggle in her legs. she thinks its gross and it makes her not like the way she looks. I told her she could just lose the weight and I'd be fine with it but she's worried I won't want her as much if she does. What can I do? like what can I physically do to make it better? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: [M](21) Pretty crappy scenario with an ex[F](20) unsure how to proceed POST: So part of this is to get this off my chest but mostly because I'm at a standstill and unsure how to move on. In august of 2011 (lets go with M) M and I started dating. I fell in love with her, we lost our virginity to each other, and we were together up until July of this year. She broke up with me (not completely out of the blue we did have some difficulties but not anything to immediately give up on the relationship). The next time I saw her was around Thanksgiving, by then she had already found a new boyfriend(how about D), actually less than a week after we broke up. When I saw her we talked about what happened in our relationship and she told me how she was unhappy with her new one. Eventually she told me how she was going to break up with him the next time she saw him. She swore she never had sex with him and stupidly I believed her. Things got intimate. She broke up with him some time in the first couple of weeks of December. On the 16th she started dating yet another guy unknowingly to myself. I met with her this last Thursday and we saw the hobbit together. She told me about this other guy(lets go with G) and how she had feelings for him but she had much stronger feelings for me and has always had feelings for me. For some damn reason I believed her. Couple of hours ago I went through her facebook messages because she was still logged in and I noticed a message from one of her exes. What happened was while dating (D) she had sex with me during thanksgiving, then while dating (G) she had sex with me again and before that I believe she had sex with either (G or an ex). I'm done with her I kinda knew that since she broke up with me, but I feel conflicted as to what to do now. Should I tell (G) or just leave the entire situation? TL;DR:
r/BreakUps TITLE: 18m. In all likelihood my ex (19f) who I still have feelings for is sleeping with someone else right now. POST: Was with my ex for about a year and a half, and we fought a lot but mostly it was pretty good because we like each other as people and have a lot of common interests and had really good sex. But one of the biggest things we fought about frequently was this guy she met on skype and would spend A LOT of time talking to, for most of our relationship. Recently found out that she got with him about a week after our breakup 2.5 months ago, and he is visiting from Texas today. Feeling angry and shitty and a few other things. TL;DR:
r/running TITLE: Already done first 5k Charity run, starting to look further ahead and would love help. POST: **Back story** I' ve just started running for a short while (< 5 months and on/off for first three). Given up smoking during this, and have no been getting into running more and the possibilities it is opening up to me. I have just about gotten down to a 25 minute 5km, and yesterday managed to get under 60 minutes for my 10km (first run of that distance). Performed my first 5km charity run, and managed it in 25/26 minutes and was so proud to do so, along with the giving up smoking. **Current issues** Currently i'm a student and am lacking a large budget for food (£12 a week, ~ $19) and am able to eat meat/vegetables every day and have a fairly good diet. However, i am looking to progress onto trail running, adventure racing and the like. With my main goal doing all three spartan races during a season for NSPCC charity. Doing so will require me to have a strong core, and have now just started a core workout guide [(14 Day core)] to try and start getting prepared for harder challenges. However, right now i'm very worried about lossing weight, with 400-800 calories burnt during every running event, i have spoken to people and have been recommended everything from protein shakes, creatine all the way to milk and lentils. But i am looking to both tone, become a better runner. Losing weight isn't an option for me. So any suggestions are more than welcome. If i have any misconceptions, or am asking an idiotic question please feel free to poke fun and help me improve. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Boyfriend (23) doesn't have time for me (24) POST: Together 2.5 years. I've already graduated and I'm working he is nowhere near done with school and only works Monday morning and Friday/Saturday. Although I am pretty busy with my schedule I am always willing to see him after I'm done with work at 9pm and during the weekend after 6pm. I don't work until 9 every night only 2-3 times a week. All other days I get done at 5 or 6. But he is in school then (save the weekends). And his mom now doesn't really want us hanging out because he needs to be studying...but when we are not hanging out he's not studying anyways. His parents can't do anything without him so he is always at home doing things like repairing the toilet..that's been the latest project these last 2 weeks. How can we make time for each other? It's getting frustrating and I'm sad. He's a great boyfriend but our schedules aren't working and when they DO work his mom doesn't want him seeing me. I know it sounds silly that "mom says he can't do this/that" but because he's still in school and living at home and the economy is so bad he has to live at home. I want to be with him more than anything and I'm hoping this is just going to be like this for a little while but he told me a few weeks ago when he starts his new semester his mom says he can only see me one a week or something....and these once a week visits (which have been happening more and more) are only for 4-5 hours. We are barely having sex and I don't know what to do. We want to be together but if you can't make time for a relationship is there one? I'm more than happy to help him study and I want to help hi but he never takes me up on the offer... TL;DR:
r/relationship_advice TITLE: My ex keeps sending me mixed signals, and I'm probably overreacting. POST: Background: My ex [22M] and I [23F] broke up about a month ago. We were friends with benefits for four months and dated for three, and have known each other for about 10 years. After our break up, neither of us contacted the other - him because he's not really a talker (i.e., people call him, he doesn't call people, somewhat introverted, I guess) and I needed some space to get my head together. Since then we've decided to be friends, and it's working out just fine. My head is 100% in agreement that our break up was a good idea, but my heart is still pining a little. In my experience, limited interaction, not total cut off, is the best choice - I see my ex often enough to not be jolted if I see him out in public, but we don't see each other often enough to make it hard on me. The crux: we had lunch together a few days ago, and he was semi-flirty with me during. Winking, being very forward, which was how he treated me while we were dating. When we were just friends, that behavior was not present, AT ALL. He's also sent me that awfully cheesy picture that says, "Texting bitches at 11:12, making their wishes come true." He's done it twice in the past few days. When we broke up, he told me it was because he believed that our romantic relationship had run its course. *That's fine, and I'm not trying to get back together with him*, but what is he doing? Is this behavior just old habits dying hard or is he flirting with me to make himself feel better because he knows I still like him and wants to boost his own ego? TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Women (and men) of Reddit! Secret Santa Advice? POST: Hello Redditors, I need to buy a Secret Santa gift for a music group I'm part of. Normally I'd sit down for a little while think about the person for a while and spend ten dollars at some local shops. However my Secret Santa recipient is a girl whom I have a small crush on. Normally I wouldn't let this effect me and I would just get as thoughtful as I gift as a possibly could and hope for the best--BUT she's graduating early, so it's sort of my last chance to make a good impression. (we guess who gave the gift after everyone is done). And I know that if I've waited this long it's probably too late, but (this is the reason I'm actually making a pseudo big deal about this) I hadn't originally drawn "Erika" I had drawn a different girl, but the website that assigned our recipients screwed up and we had to reassign partners. So I don't really believe in fate but I also don't really believe in coincidence either--basically I really want to do a good job with gift buying. Unfortunately, my shopping skills are rather limited since I usually only buy jewelry and flowers (because I am uncreative when it comes to gifts) which generally cost more than ten dollars. I am really competitive and I also like this girl, so I want to buy the most epic gift that one can buy for ten dollars. I know that gifts are very person specific, however, I don't know this girl super well so I could use some generic advice on what to purchase. Thanks Fellow Redditors! TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [30 F] with my __husband_ [30 M]of 10+years, I think he might be interested in his coworker POST: I've never had a reason to think he would cheat. He has however been dishonest with me before. He was addicted to porn/masturbation for years that resulted in a dead bedroom situation. Things have slightly improved in that department. The only reason I bring it up is to demonstrate that he's capable of deception. He travels a lot and when he came home recently he started gushing about a new girl at work. He said she's the coolest person he's ever met and went on and on about how awesome she is. So of course I asked him if she was attractive and then he went really overboard about how ugly she was and that he wasn't interested in her like that. I wanted to see for myself if she really was as bad looking as he claimed so I checked her out on FB and guess what? She's actually pretty cute. Not hot but definitely not the dog he was claiming she was. I kind of think maybe I'm being overly paranoid and maybe she might actually seem very physically unappealing to my husband but I've just got this nagging feeling that won't go away. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I don't intend on introducing my [23F] bf [28M] boyfriend of 1.5 years to my parents any time soon, would it be rude and random for me to clear the air on this? POST: I have a few family events coming up such as nephews birthday party, cousins wedding, and family dinner. And basically I am no where near ready to introduce my bf to my family. I have never introduced any boyfriends or guys that I'm dating to my family so it would be a pretty big deal. The main reason why I don't want to introduce my bf to my parents is because of past huge fights we've had and the way that he has treated me during those fights. In the beginning of our relationship, I would have wanted him to meet my family eventually but with every bad fight, it's like it chipped away more and more of the idea of that happening. For example, literally just a few weeks ago he got wasted drunk and was in my face yelling terrible things to me like "I'm better than you" and "You don't do anything around here". All these bad fights always start from him drinking, but **i'm not saying the alcohol is at fault, he still holds all the responsibility of his actions**. I'm just acknowledging that he only acts like this when he's drinking. There have been countless fights similar to this... so hopefully you guys get the idea. As you can see, this is why I am not enthusiastic of the idea of bringing my bf to these family events especially when alcohol is around. So I don't want to lead my bf on to the idea that this family introduction is going to happen anytime soon, would it be rude and random of me to randomly this to him? Maybe something like "So I know I have a few family events coming up. I wanted to clear the elephant in the room and let you know I'm not comfortable with bringing you to meet my family simply because of the way you've treated me when you've been drinking and the countless fights we've had just don't make me feel comfortable introducing my parents to you." Maybe you guys can help me think of a better way to word this... TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [mid-30s F] with my husband [mid-30s M] together for 13 years. Both lost our jobs, wondering how to keep him together. POST: My husband and I both work at the same place which is now closing. We weren't making much, but with the help of my family we were able to get by. Now we've both lost our jobs and it's already a struggle to keep my husband motivated. He's been down for a long time since he was never able to break into his field and felt like a huge failure for settling with this job. I had the same problem (couldn't break into my field and had to settle). Now we're both feeling even worse that we couldn't even hold on to these shitty jobs and have to start again. My husband is taking it very badly and I practically had to force him to eat today. I just want to shut down too, but I know that will only make things worse. I believe that if I keep him motivated and get him to apply to places that he'll start feeling better and more in control, but it's difficult. I am concerned that if we don't find something for him within a reasonable amount of time, that I may come back home to find him dead. I haven't talked with him about that because I don't want to give him ideas. I'm also struggling with trying to remain cheerful and positive for him while all I want to do is cry. We both have friends and family who are trying to help us but they're in the same boat financially. I guess I want to know what other people who have been in this situation have done. How did you keep your family from falling apart? How did you manage to deal with this level of failure and start again? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [27 M] with my ___ [25 F] girlfriend of almost 2 years are at different points in life in regards to clubbing and festivals. POST: My girlfriend is pretty brilliant and swears by reddit, so though I've never used it myself for this sort of thing I figured that I'd give it a chance. My girlfriend and I have a wonderful relationship, but over the years we keep hitting a wall when it comes to clubs. She loves to dance and so do I but the problem arrises here: she prefers to dance by herself and always has, I need a partner in order to feel comfortable dancing. Additionally, I get extremely uncomfortable in crowds so if she brings me, not only do I not dance but I feel uncomfortable... i've gone with her a few times and tried very hard to hide this fact but she knows me well enough to read the small hints that i give off unintentionally and being as sweet as she is she says that she's done and ready to go. Dancing is something that she loves and I want her to have the opportunity to do it. She hasn't lived in this state for very long and therefore she doesn't have any girlfriends to go out to the clubs with. another problem that i seem to be having with this is that alot of the crowd who goes to some of these events or clubsis not a crowd that I mingle with very easily. I love EDM but I'm definitely not to keen on being around a bunch of drug users who I don't know and feel that I can't trust. I live a very different lifestyle, though I was once in there shoes. I don't know what advice could really be given on this topic, but I definitely don't want her to become bored or unhappy because of this issue. Any advice on either what I could do differently (ways to change my lack of comfort in crowds or how to learn to dance by myself, or to just be okay looking like a goof dancing alone) would be very much appreciated. I hope that this wasnt too choppy, I had too keep picking up where I left off. She means the world to me and I'll do whatever it takes. TL;DR:
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU By giving myself a concussion POST: T'was the night before college orientation, and not a creature was stirring except for little old me. I stirred and stirred and sleep eluded me for hours and hours. I became impatient with the untimeliness of slumber so I decided it would be wise to know myself out. I quickly learned that I am very much not wise. *DO NOT DO THIS IT WORKS TRUST ME* If you lay down for a few minutes and then stand up and then stick your thumb in your mouth and blow, but without letting any air out you lose consciousness. But I thought I were smarter than I am and that I would lean forward so that I would fall onto my bed. I quickly learned that I am also not smarter than I am, as I forgot to lean forward. I collapsed and slammed the back corner of my head against a hard back of a chair. The next day at Orientation was uneventful until I would periodically lose feeling in my arm and lose control of my mouth which started biting my lips. But despite my enlarged head, both proverbially and literally, I am in college. So my fellow savages, remember if you cannot fall asleep, do not knock yourself out, it also does not work because I woke up thirty seconds later. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My girlfriend(24F) of 5 years is planning a trip with her best friend(F) without me(25M) to a location I always wanted to go to which she is aware of. We both got upset today over it, she thinks I'm making a big deal of it. POST: I am fully ready to be convinced that I am making too big a deal of this and that I just became too emotional. We didn't have a heated fight, but tears were shed. We have a very strong relationship, but she does like to have her own space which I totally understand. I don't expect her to invite me to dinner/events with her coworkers or friends all the time etc. We don't live together either. However, this is a bigger vacation to an international location of which I've always wanted to visit and we've discussed on multiple occasions. Her friend is her bff who she doesn't get to see much so I understand her wanting to hang out with her for an extended time. My gf brought up the point that I would probably feel the same way for any location, not just this destination and I agree with her. I just think it's kind of strange for someone to not want to travel with their SO of 5 years. I know we're both young, but I can't imagine this happening to anyone else in relationships that we both know. I suggested that we could plan something so I join them halfway into the trip as a compromise. My gf was not receptive and repeated that she doesn't want to do everything with me all the time. Again, I totally understand but I still think it's strange for something of this relative magnitude. I feel bad because I soured the mood of what was supposed to be a relaxing Sunday together. We semi-made up in the sense we both calmed down, repeated I Love Yous, but the issue isn't resolved. I told her I would respect whatever she wanted to do, but I know it would still be difficult for me if I was left out on this occasion... Any help would be appreciated! TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Defective Macbook Pro - Not under warranty - What are my options? POST: A while back I bought a Unibody Macbook Pro. It comes with the option to run on either an integrated graphics card (slower but longer battery), or a dedicated card. I ran it exclusively on the dedicated card right up until my battery died. Brought it in to the Apple store and they said that the battery was rated for lasting 300 power cycles and mine lasted 240, but since it wasn't under warranty any more I had to pay $130 for a new battery. I bought the battery and switched to the integrated graphics card hoping to slow the new battery's degradation. That's when I found that my Macbook Pro, like many others, has a defect with the integrated graphics card where the screen black's out in strips every few seconds, making the energy saver mode completely non-viable for use (programming with this going on is horribly distracting). This is [what the flickering looks like] And here's a [thread with 1224 replies] of people talking about the issue. I took it back in to the Apple store to show them the problem, and they said that since it's not under warranty it would cost $310 to have the problem fixed. I'm trying not to be an over-entitled American and accept that.. but $310 to fix a known defect seems kind of ridiculous. Especially when this is Apple we're talking about. TL;DR:
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by wanting to have clone babies POST: This actually happened to me just now. I live in a town a few hours away from my wife for work reasons, so I don't get to come home on weekdays. Normally I drive down to see her on Saturday, then leave again very early Monday morning to get to work on time. That's been our routine for half a year now. So I get home a bit after noon, we have a late lunch, we have dinner, we're relaxing and having fun, everything is going well. We sat down on the couch to watch some Netflix, cuddled up with each other, I start touching her in the hopes of getting some sexy times this evening. Suddenly she remembers an article she read earlier that week, and tells me that some new research has been able to make sperm cells and egg cells out of skin cells. She seems really excited about this, so naturally I try to figure out why it's so exciting. After thinking for a bit, I exclaim "You mean I could have clone babies?" Wife gets extremely upset and pushes me away from her. I still haven't figured out why she's so upset (it had slipped my mind that she's not able to have babies.) She huffs upstairs and slams the bedroom door. After a minute of wondering "wtf?" I follow her upstairs and try to open the door, but it's locked. I knock, no response. After a few more knocks, I yell "Can't you at least tell me why you're so upset?" This finally gets a response of "I thought you'd be happy that you and I could maybe have children someday." At this point I realize why she didn't want to answer me before: her voice sounds like she's choking back tears. I've clearly made her very upset. I try to explain to her that it's a misunderstanding, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt her feelings (I don't actually want kids, so I'm being careful not to agree to that. I didn't think she wanted kids either...) but she just tells me to go away and give her some time alone. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [22/F] with my boyfriend [24/M] together 3 years broke up and got back together and now I don't know how to get over it POST: So my boyfriend and I have had what felt to me like a perfect relationship, and I had no problems at all. When yesterday he suddenly out of the blue broke up with me, saying he loves me he's just not in love with me, I'm amazing but need someone better, it's not me it's him, etc. I was so heartbroken. It was a mess. We didn't argue I was just so shocked, we were sitting there for ages holding each other and crying. Long story short I ended up at a friend's and gave him some space, and he messaged me this morning asking to talk so I came round and he said he wants to get back together, I said I did too and we spoke about how he was feeling and what we could do to make the relationship better and agreed. He would communicate more and I would be more supportive about our up and coming long distance thing. We've been so happy and great all day and he took me out to dinner to apologise, but I just feel sad now. I think I just feel betrayed, as I always felt we had a perfect relationship but he broke up with me out of the blue without any warning that something was wrong. We've always said before how we want to spend the rest of our lives together. I don't think he would do this again but maybe subconsciously I do? What can I say to him or ask him to make myself feel better? Is our relationship doomed now because we broke up/went on a break just for a day? Is it just a hiccough we will eventually forget about? I've already said I don't want us to ever mention this again even as a light joke in the future. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Quick question, is it normal for my [m23] gf [f22] to keep messages and pictures of his/her ex when in a new relationship? POST: I [m23] and my gf [f22] have been together for 2 years. She doesnt have any contact with her ex anymore, at least what I know of, but she still keeps all his messages, be it on facebook, cell phone, or letters. She also checks his profile every week-couple of weeks even though I told her to de-friend him after we got together - which she did. She also keeps his pictures on her computer, she doesnt have many but it bothers me that every time she opens her phone picture folder theres a picture of her ex popping up - she says everytime she deletes it it pop up again when she reopens it-. Her previous relationship was 5 years and the only reason she broke up with him was because she met me - I was her affair for a couple of months while she was still together with her ex. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [29/F] married to [35 M] have developed feelings for a M friend, and want it to stop. POST: Ok so It's not that complicated really, i love my husband, our marriage is great, we never fight. But Ive met a man that makes my heart beat harder and with whom I've been able to talk about things that i never had before. Im so annoyed that I have developed feelings for this person, since i would so much want to have him in my life (our lives!), but i know this wont work even though the emotional part of my tries to say it will. The question is how the hell to i break this contact in a good way. I dont have a problem telling this man my feelings, I have a feeling they are mutual, and he is also in a serious relationship. But I have already talked with my husband about us visiting him and others In the state where he, among other new friends live, and it'll be strange if i just all of a sudden don't want to go, or dont want to meet this particular person while there. Im considering just coming clean (since i also dont like the feeling that i hide something), but Im afraid it would hurt him to much, just knowing that i feel something for someone else (i don't have to rub it in his face that this person gives something that we'll never have, but still). We have early in the relationship agreed that our thoughs are free, so developing feelings or eve fantasizing about someone else is not considered cheating for us. Any advice appreciated.. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Advice on getting revenge on an internet (ex)friend? POST: So basically I'm friends with this guy on steam and we talk quite a bit and being the super-safe-internet user I am I let him add me on facebook etc. So we would talk about anything really and we would talk about girls we like and so on quite frequently. So today he adds the girl I have a crush on on facebook and tells her this, and then unfriends her. In a nutshell i'm a kind of awkward guy and shes a popular girl so this will no doubt create super awkwardness/shitstorm, etc at school tomorrow. So reddit, I've never met this guy in real life, he lives 800km+ away from me and I wanted to know if you had any tips on getting revenge in this situation. (also, telling the girl he likes etc won't work as he doesn't really have any crushes/any he has told me about for that matter.) TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Psychologist/Psychiatrist please answer. POST: Hey Doctors of reddit. I am pretty drunk right now, which I am sure is part of my fucked-up-ness. I had a pretty deep conversation with my roommate today about myself. I feel like I am over analytic about a lot of things, and I really can't let things go. I can't let something hang in the air without it being completely clarified/explained or the joke is just over. Another part of my psyche is afraid of success and what it might mean to succeed. If I do "this" then I will have to do "that" which is slightly more difficult. Also I have a real problem with girls. I can't say that I am as bad with them as some here on reddit, because I have read some stories where I have been dumbfounded...but I really can't get over not being good enough. I really don't care right now so I'll tell you about where I live...I live in Ithaca, NY. Cornell University and Ithaca College girls...that is all I should have to say. I have visited Seddit, and frankly I can't find something that works. I just don't have the connections or money Cornell/IC girls expect. I don't come from new or old money, like these Ivy League or Private college kids are used to so I always feel inferior, and I really can't get past that because how am I supposed to show them a good time on a date if I can't buy things that "Fraternity John" hasn't already done/bought...I know I sound like a real AFC right now, but it's reality. Last night we went to a strip club. It was enjoyable but I couldn't help but think about why I wasn't drinking...I think I might need some help in that department. I like drinking more than actual socializing. It scares me because alcoholism runs in my family, but I don't feel like I've reached alcoholic status yet. I'm 21 and I go out to drink once maybe twice a month. When I do I usually am pretty drunk, then I get home and drink whatever is left and sit and think/brood/wallow in whatever I'm feeling at the time... TL;DR:
r/personalfinance TITLE: Received an audit notice for my 2013 taxes that I owe $2,400 for an incorrect credit POST: Hello, first time posting. I'm 24 years old and received a letter in the mail yesterday questioning my education credits for 2013. The American opportunity credit is listed on here. It's requesting for me to sent a form 1098t or to pay $2,400. I did my taxes myself using turbo tax. Bad I know. I remember I looked over the requirements for that credit and saw that I met the basic requirements. So I put down what I had spent on school. But I have no receipts or basically any proof to show. I do not have expenses on a 1098t. I received financial aid. I understand it's wrong now but what concerns me is that I was so easily able to do this on turbo tax. If I didn't have that 1098 form, why should I have even been able to receive the credit? Since I put down I receive financial aid, shouldn't that have disqualified me automatically? Is there anything I could do to lessen the amount or reason with the IRS? Should I get represented? I don't make a lot of money. I just started working again and paying off my credit card debt. Didn't even touch my school loan. I have no immediate family that could help me with this so I feel really screwed right now. Any advice is appreciated. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My girlfriend is slowly destroying my dreams of having children. POST: I am currently in a relationship that has been going on for about four years now. In order to avoid fights with her and to keep her happy i usually do whatever she needs me to do without much questioning because i do not like arguments. I give her everything she could ever need or want. But lately we have been fighting whenever we talk about children. We both agree on we only want one child, but that is where it ends. I told her if we have a girl then she could raise the child how ever she wants as long as I get to name her Haile. And if we have a boy that she could name him and raise him in her liking as long as he plays football like me. She refuses both of these situations and completely avoids the topic whenever I ask about it. This is literally the only thing O want from my girlfriend but she wouldn't even give me the dignity of naming or raising my first child. Should I leave her before this gets out of hand or should i stay with her and hope it works out. Please note that i will not compromise any further with the football/ daughters name because I am giving her everything else. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: [DATING] I, [24 M] was told "Can I let you know?" When asking out crush [22F] POST: Hi Everyone, I (24M) met this woman (22F) at a clinic I work at about 3 months ago - We've seen each other about twice a month, for a few hours at a time, and have talked quite a lot too. In between these visits, we talk via email, and on Facebook after she added me. She and I talk quite often on there, and she replies to messages with enough enthusiasm to suggest that she at least doesn't mind talking to me. Yesterday was her last visit to the clinic, and before she left, I asked her if I could take her out sometime to coffee. She smiled and replied with "Can I let you know? A friend of mine may be setting me up with a guy friend of hers, but I've never met him before, so it might be awkward." I said it was okay, and that I thought we could catch up for coffee sometime, and see where it takes us. She replied by saying that she would like that. I also said that I wanted to make it clear that it was meant to be a date, since she dislikes it when a guy asks her to "hang out" when he means it as a date. She also repeated multiple times that she was flattered by me asking her. My question to all you lovely people is: realistically speaking, do you think I'll ever hear back from her about it? It seemed like she was trying to let me down easy, but she also repeated "can I let you know?" a few times during the conversation. Should I wait, or should I just move on? I feel as though she'd only see me as a friend, but she didn't say anything like that. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: NEED ADVICE. Cleaning service van rams our car and gets away with not paying damages in court. Now they're threatening to sue US for ramming THEIR van. POST: So a cleaning service van and our car were stopped side-by-side in a single-lane intersection, with him sitting directly left of us. We both turned right at the same time, trapping our car between his van and the curb, and our vehicles collided, resulting in deep scratches on his car and a trashed bumper on our car. We got the police to cite that driver, but later his company got his citation revoked in a small claims court. He claimed to have used his turn signals (he didn't) and that we should have been aware of them. So he was given the benefit of the doubt and found not guilty of anything, and we ended up paying the full $1,500 for repairs on our car. This all happened a month ago. Now, his company is threatening to sue us for $7,200 in lost revenue! (They said they make $800 a day, and having their van out for 9 days means $7,200 in damages) **Now they're trying to make us pay for what was *their* error!** Can anyone advise us on what to do? Our police report was no good. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Just out of curiosity, fellow redditors, are there any somewhat decent paying jobs out there that actually take relatively little qualifications or effort to acquire? POST: I ask this as i'm in the position of having finished education up to college level (UK) and have absolutely no idea what i want to do with my life. However, in the mean time i was just wondering if there was a sort of niche of jobs that may not be the most desirable but pay enough to live off (as in move out, afford food and bills etc) whilst i can figure out what i actually would like to pursue as a career. I'm not expecting huge salary jobs obviously, i'm just talking jobs that aren't as low as minimum wage where you have to work 40/50 hours a week and still leave you needing to completely scrape the barrel every month just to get by. I currently work at a supermarket and have been looking to move out but looking at my income and as there is bugger all overtime going i don't think i can afford it. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: My friend has a teacher who has a very harsh ego problem, so to get back at him he recruited me to help him put this guy into his place by simply posing as a student and asking questions pertaining to the class. What is something you've done to put someone in their place non-violently? POST: Okay so a little back story my friend(he'll be Miguel for the remainder of the story) has recently started classes. He had an assignment due and when he tried to hand it in the professor immediately handed it back and said he didn't want it. so Miguel goes home and revises the essay and when he tries to hand it in again the professor doesn't even look at it and says he wont take it. a few weeks go by and he messages his professor turning in a new assignment. his professor immediately messages him back calling him basically a piece of shit student whose work blows big time. so taking the initiative he asks what he can do to fix it, to which he literally responds "Nothing your essay is complete shit and you are a disgrace to my class" so Miguel being the evil mastermind he is starts to messages his professor(whose class he has already switched out of for having the same issues in class) every night at like 3 a.m asking questions about assignments, and asking to hang out with him in and out of class. now is where i come in, Miguel was talking to me about it one night over Skype and he recruited me. so i assumed my persona and for the past two nights I've been posing as a sick student trying to get help with an assignment. to which i haven't gotten a single reply trying to help me, but instead have been called a degenerate, slacker, and had my (non-exsistant) records threatened to be destroyed. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Trivia Night Gaffe: I (28F) handled a silly situation with friends (20sM) poorly - how to avoid in the future? POST: As a disclaimer, I tend to beat myself up when I act in a way I deem embarrassing to myself or others. I know I need to let things go, and am working on it. I (28F) went out with my roommate (25F) for trivia night at the local grill. We ended up seeing some of her friends (mid20sM) there, who joined us. Very quickly, however, it became apparent that they would look up any answer they didn't know. I let it slide the first few times, but it made me very uncomfortable. I know it's just a game, but I would rather lose having fun than cheat my way to the top. Further, at a certain point, the table next to us caught on and started to call us (them) out. Eventually, when one of the guys gave an answer he had looked up, I became flustered and finally told them I wouldn't continue writing down the answers they were giving me. There were a few of us genuinely wracking our brains while they Googled the previous name for Tokyo. I was embarrassed with myself for how I handled it, and they (the guys), assure me that it was fine, but I felt like SUCH a stick in the mud. During the course of it, my roommate tried to remind me it was just a game but didn't remark on the subject much. After they left, I was really beating myself up over my reaction of just refusing to play anymore. She told me how she would have handled it, which was to let her friends do their thing and if the table next to us was still being grumpy, give them the prize if we won. It sounds so logical and level headed, And I can't believe I was so ridiculous. Moving forward, how can I learn to identify simple answers to those kinds of non-problems? We were all having fun, it was just a game. The guys won't hold it against me, but I will. I just want to handle situations with grace and poise and I don't know how to obtain that. Thanks in advance! TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Should I tell my fiance I can't stand where he lives? POST: My lease is up in a few months and I'm moving in with my fiance. He's put a lot of work into fixing up the foreclosed townhome he bought a few years ago. The work he's done is good but it doesn't change the fact that the layout is just done and has no logical flow. It also has a very small kitchen where there only redeeming quality is that there's a pantry. For financial reasons it doesn't make sense for us to sell it anytime soon, so we'll be living there for at least another few years. I get irritated just being in the house sometimes. So, should I tell my fiance that I don't like his house or just suck it up and move on with it. I mostly don't want to tell him because I don't want him to constantly feel guilty that I really don't like our home- and neither of us can really do anything to change that quickly (other than me sucking it up, I guess). TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [20 F] and my boyfriend [21 M] (8 months) are taking a break and I don't know if I should give up hope POST: We have had an amazing relationship, but not without problems. I have been clingy and pushy in the past. Sometimes I would ask him about our long-term future because I was afraid of losing him. Of course, I lost him by doing this. We are living in different countries this summer. He told me he was unsure about our future over the phone after I asked him about our future once again. He said he didn't want to see other people, and he wants to revisit the subject (our relationship) when we are in the same state again. I have taken this time to myself and learned to cope with the uncertainty of the future without putting my fears on anyone else. I believe if we got back together it would be even better. I miss him like crazy. I tried not contacting him but I have. He responds but takes a while to do so. Sometimes several days. I am now going to try to wait for him to contact me. The last time we spoke on the phone he said he loves me very much, but is not sure if he is ready for a relationship, but is willing to talk about it. Note: he is very busy with his new job. TL;DR:
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by embarassing the shit out of my GF in front of her new friends. POST: Background- My girlfriend and I had been dating for about 5 years when this fuck up occurred. We were both virgins when we started dating and were each others first time. My girlfriend has always been a bit socially awkward and has trouble making friends. Over a few weeks at the start of semester at Uni she'd gotten pretty close with these 2 other girls in her class. All good so far. She invited them out to a nice dinner with us and said to bring their boyfriends along. At the time I hated dressing up so I threw on a pair of jeans and polo shirt and met her and the other couples at the restaurant. Everyone else is dressed to the nine, nice dresses, suits etc. I looked like a hobo. We go to a bar near the restaurant before dinner and get a drink. I have an extra one because I'm a bit socially awkward too and a drink allows me to converse and connect with people so much better because I'm relaxed. We go to dinner at this pretty classy place. I have another drink. We're having a great time talking and everything is generally going well. They're all well educated and really nice people. Order dessert and my girlfriend pulls the cherry off her plate and says to me "Do you want my cherry?" I say. "No thanks" pause for a sec and a witty remark comes to mind "I've already taken your cherry, baby." One of the boyfriends chuckles a bit but everyone else is dead silent and shocked. As soon as I'd said it I knew I was in the doghouse. Needless to say I kept my mouth shut for the next excruciating hour. We said our goodbyes and I sat through a half hour ear-murdering from my girlfriend and loads of the cold shoulder. After that we never saw the couples again. Pretty sure my girlfriend still holds that against me. Can't really blame her TBH. TL;DR:
r/relationship_advice TITLE: 17[f] soon to be 18, wants to be with me 27[m] POST: Okay, for starters I'm not sure if I need to be here with this, but here goes. I have a friend who has a daughter that is 17 and will be 18 in February. She's constantly sending me Facebook messages and "poking" me on Facebook. I want to think its weird, but to be honest she is conetely beautiful. I find myself in a unique predicament. She is a really sweet girl and everything, but is it bad that I actually want to consider this? I don't want to lose my friend or come off as a pervert. I'm not too sure what to do here. I see it in my eyes as, when she's 18, I shouldn't have to worry about it. But her mom, my friend, is a a few years older than myself and I don't know what to do. What should I do? Should I let it go? I don't want the impression that I'm cradle robbing or anything. I don't ever message her back. Just periodically and it's usually a sentence or two. Help me, please. TL;DR:
r/relationship_advice TITLE: M21, unrealistic to think I can win my ex (F18) back? POST: So, I was with my girlfriend for about 2 months. Happiest i've been for ages - didn't get to see her as much as i'd like, but I was really keen on her. Was a bit annoyed that she was going away for the weekend last friday, stupidly got really drunk, went out and kissed a girl in a club. And like, 2 of her mates saw. Didn't realise at the time. Figured i'd let her know about it before they did, texted her saying what happened the morning after. She blanked me all weekend, then met me in a bar on monday, where she was sitting with some of her mates (Clearly been gossiping about it - women, huh). She broke it off, I hadn't really prepared anything to say. Guess it was naive of me to think she'd forgive me. I was her first proper boyfriend, and I realise in retrospect how much I betrayed her trust. At the time I had an essay to write pretty urgently, so I tried to push it out of my mind. Would have got an extension but I don't think 'heartbreak' is a valid excuse. I've seen the new girl a few times this week - she's also really nice, but I don't think she's up for a relationship. Anyway she's probably a bit wary because i'm clearly rebounding. Had a bit of time to reflect on it today now that i've finished all my work, realised how upset I am about it. Seeing this other girl has helped, but I can't brush away my feelings for the ex that easily. Meant to be going for a drink with my ex tomorrow. Not really sure what to do. Is it unrealistic of me to think I can win her back? Another thing - she's chinese, so i'm guessing loyalty is a big thing for her. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [29 F] with my boyfriend [30 M] have a relationship of 8 years, our marriage got postponed for the 3rd time POST: So our marriage had been postponing since the last 2 years. And this postponing was from my boyfriend's parents side. First time they came up with some astrology bullshit, second time his father died and now 3rd time back to astrology bullshit. There's no satisfying his mother. And everytime he talks to his mother regarding marriage, she cries and creates drama. It becomes very difficult to deal with it. Me and my boyfriend wanted a traditional marriage but guess that's out of the window. His mother calls up my parents and cries saying she is thinking of everyone's good and blah blah. So how do you deal with a crying adult. Please help. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: So I[17 M] am stuck between two different crushes [17F&16F] any advice? POST: Well I'll try to keep this short. I have a crush on two girls, N and M. I want to ask M out. Now M I've technically known for 3-4 years. She's a girl I find quite attractive and very interesting. We've only recently started talking but M and I have a lot in common. We're both in a Writer's Craft class, we both listen to a lot of music, we both like the same type of books, we both watch anime/read manga, and we're both doing NaNoWriMo. The thing is I only ever get a chance to talk to her during the writer's craft class. Now unlike N, M has shown signs of what I think is light flirting, there's been a few times where M and I have locked eyes for a good 2 minutes or so. There was also a point about 2-3 weeks ago where M's friends were playfully and vaguely teasing her about a crush, quieting down about it as soon as they saw me, and I saw M give me a quick look and blush lightly right after. Perhaps some of you may be able to give me advice on how to ask M out? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Is my roommate 19[f] being cheated on by her boyfriend 21[m]? POST: Background: They have been dating for over 2 years. They spend everyday together, nearly codependent, and don't have friends outside each other. They talk about marriage and family and moving away to New York in the future. They are moving in together in a few months. Story: I was on Instagram and came across the boyfriend's profile (Note: Roommate does not have an Instagram). I clicked on a girl's profile that had liked a bunch of his pictures, and I knew I had mutual friends with her. Well I look at her pictures and there are several screenshots of messages he has sent her. 1st message I see: "I've been thinking of you and I wanted to let you know that I love and miss you and you are one of the coolest people I know." Woah there, that doesn't seem very appropriate to me. I dig deeper, and I see another screenshot of a text sent 4 days after their 2 year anniversary in the summer. It says pretty much the same thing. A few days later, this girl posts a screenshot of their "skype date," and a caption of how much she loves and misses him. Girlfriend does not know about this skype date, because he suspiciously decided to not stay over with her that night. And it turns out, my roommate had complained to me last year about her boyfriend driving six hours away to go visit this girl. My other roommates took it upon themselves to tell her, but she is now mad at everyone, believes his lies, and refuses to look at the pictures. Is this considered emotional cheating? And if it is, should I do something about it? TL;DR:
r/pettyrevenge TITLE: The highlight of my night. POST: I work in law enforcement and my current post is in a jail. We print out rosters of inmates in housing units from the computer to keep track easily while moving about. Sometimes we have to highlight them for different reasons. This could be who we're moving from one place to another, who we need to talk to, or people that are in another location than listed. The revenge here is simple. I printed out a roster for a co-worker, and handed him a bundle of highlighters. He started to pull out a yellow one before stopping, and grabbing a pink one. He commented that he was highlighting them pink because they were annoying him that night. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [22 M] like my friend [21 F].but I don't want to risk breaking our group of friends. POST: she's the best friend of my best friend and I've known her for 2 years now, we've been seeing each other outside the group for a while now because because of some long story and after dealing with her personally I've started to develope a lot of feelings towards her. I'm not sure she feels the same because I'm really bad at reading signals, and I don't know how to break it for her because she's kinda awkward and if it didn't work out we're gonna break our group of friends abart. how can I tell if she has the same feelings for me and how do I break it for her in a none awkward way ? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My [18f] mum's [46f] married boyfriend is leaving her and she is going into a self destructive spiral POST: My dad died 9 years ago, and my mum was left ccompletely alone and stuff. So, somehow, she wound up in an extramarital affair with this married guy, and has been in it for the past 4 years. I know that you all will scream about the morality, etc etc but she and I went over it already, that led to a very big rift in our family and basically nothing could deter her because both, she and the guy were equally invested and he did genuinely love her. Mum wasn't very demanding, she didn't ask him to leave his wife because if their affair came to light, he would lose his job. Basically what happened here is that his wife is now suspicious, and out of fear of that, he has cut off all contact with mum. For my mum, its like losing my dad again. My question is not about the morality of it all, neither am I looking for criticism about my mum. She was really lonely and while what she did was wrong, he did emerge as a companion for her and now that he's pulling away, mum is lonely, depressed and confused again. How do I help her cut loose from him, and how do I help her move on? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My [16 F] gf is extremely jealous of my [16 F] best friend. I'm [16 M] and I don't want to lose either of them! POST: My girlfriend is very upset because I sat with my female friend last night at a restaurant instead of with my guy friends who were also there. I hadn't seen her in a while and missed her. My girlfriend says I would never have done that for her, and is now very pissed. I'm upset because my girlfriend has a male best friend (also 16)who has already confessed his love for her, and she thinks that I'm the one who's friendship is too close. I've been friends with this girl for 4 years and I've been dating my girlfriend for over a year. I want to keep both of them in my life, but if the worst comes to worst and we break up, how can I stop it from being messy? I see my girlfriend in class every day. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Please Help :( POST: I have a long distance relationship with an amazing girl. We planned to get married after she comes to Ireland to live with me. She has a friend who put slutty pictures up on DeviantArt (no I wont link, sorry). My Fiancé told me about them and I checked them out to see how bad they were. Just this morning I woke up to a message from my fiancé, she had seen that I visited her friends DeviantArt page and thought I had got off looking at her friend. I was stupid and lied, I said I looked there before she mentioned the slutty pictures ( I guess I thought it would upset her less) however, she could see the time and date I was on the page from DeviantArt. I told her the truth, but Im not sure how much she believes, and she REALLY hates liars. This is the second time in our year and a half relationship that I'v lied to her, and she wants to go on a break because I broke a promise of never lying again. We both love each other, but I did something really bad. I cant live without her, shes my everything. Can someone please advise me on what I can do to fix this? TL;DR: